Whole· Number 67:38
. ..RED ARROW SALE Illftt.~:-~~.m.
:!!~c~:~~~~ I!£V;~fm
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:::~~£~. ~~c~a=;r;,d I~bris. ma~~~~~~~~,~~·~j;;-::'d~ PRIZES OFfERED FOR PLUS COMPLETED e T:A!m
The third Red Anow auctlol\ was beld .l ut Thursday afternoon tt the . Cole Warehouse. !fit~ a Ial'lfl crowd Prepare by . present. The bidding was more . aplrlted 'than ever before;' showing Columbu • . el)( rter . more active interest in these Bales •. When Dr. ~al1 came to the ware- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . houae with tt,e baby. drelllled up ribbons and furbelowsj the crowd was , convulsed "ith laughter. for , COLUMBUS, OHIO....A,~mobU" lO,IIIe pe~on. expected to see a live Ists of the State :are unalterable ophuman flaby. The secret was divalg- posed to apy furthe/: Increelle in P!'" ed several daYB a~o, after much dis· oline taxing. lI.nd will oppose such a etl'8si~n about sellIng a human baby measure to the limit, according to that It would be. a baby pig, dor; or Charles C. Janes secretary of the Iamb. and tlJey were expecting, ex- State Automobil~ asSociation. Mr. actly what they got. Janes has received telegram. from V~ry few articles were Bold at each of the 88 counties' of the State. open auction. W. N. Sears conauct- and nevef were automobile clubB .. ed the auction. well as individual owners more unlFoUowinr; are the Items 80ld, and ted ori an Issue than they are at the the respective bUJerl: present time In opposition to any 100 Clean .... ........................ '100.00 increase ia tbe gasoline tox• Edr;ar Smith 5Q-lb. ..ck Albino Flour...... 182.00 Carrie Dakin One cent gallon increase in PII- • .D bl 60.00 oline taXes means $6.000,000 more O~erC~!~ ..........: .. :....... annually from the pockets 01 the 6 lb b C k 60 00 automobile owners of Ohio. lIr. - . ox DC era.................. . Janel, said. addibg. "At the pI:eaent B Wm. CAlpenon 5000 time auto' ownenl'. ml!llt pay 'tllree ox FIUIC!, Chocol.tea.......... . different taxes. First that for the ' tb en th e per25Nellle '--- Michael 80 • 8 '9 license tagll eacb year. . ........ ap ............ ............. . ~ . tax •. and the gasoline tax 01' lira. Roach : . ' . t ts gall" Why 11 the" 5·lbs. wo ·een on. tax it will • , , Otb Coft'ee Arth ... ,...................... 7900 ; .. add to thoper gasoline coat B x B ~ Rurih 61.8" 1I\any autolsts ,one c~nt per mile tax 0 . , u ...................... " for every mile tbe, drive. Ev. Lippincott Arvin CIa I t H te 200 00 --.vro e e. r ... ,.... • ,,!..~ Fumu . Approximately $19.000.000 II beA.CVIlJ Ford Heater ......... ,.... collected anhuaUy tor JUollDe Ch.rlea '7lmmerman ' . Th Bf'... l' 00 00 tax. whil e ' ·t he Tevenue I rom th• armoa o.we .................... • side of . the automobUOI 'Ucenae P.ul Savage . . tags reacbed $9.826.000. • That fa Bucket ............ ............ 92.00 almost U9,OOO.000 collected IUInu-
State . (jaoital
Tbunct.y 01 Jut week, the mem. ben. 01 the Home Nunl';' club, which Is und.r the luperVlalon of Mia Watts, iWarren county home demonstretlon arent. met In the GJ1JI 'and held a a11-<1IY meetinc. At ·tllla ineetlng problema of the, vamembers were dllc~d and suitable exp.ana~lons liven. In the afternoon Mlaa watta rave a demon.tratlon on the medlc:.lne chelt," ita occupantl, tile medlelne ...hlch Ihould be in It, and the labellne of madlelD... Tbla w" liven before the club, and the r;lrla at the HI School
Thl.... WUI Boren would ,II . written on the trAin travelin. from On Frid.y nia'ht the Bleh School Bo,. basketbaU team played the ForW..hi~~n to New York. Killions of Ammcana will be .Ia~ um Literary team of Steele to hear that the Pnaident. '"" two achool. of DaytOn. IOOd boun qo, seemed In p.rfectlutalth, pme from begbmlq .to end. At ' full of enern .nd, .1I\id all ~h. Nlc- tS~.lUIeudhOeftbl. calme. hbowever. W·vtH. roy. mem ersl ware c· • racu.-Mexico excitement, c:atm .. a . Vermont ellll. .• torioua with • acdr. 01 22 to 12. Th. " • I rooten' enthUII..m II IOmewhat deWhat .Pl'ean to tnterut the Preal- cllnbir .nd we- are lowerlnr; our lordent juat noW Is intern.1 improve- JIl. pep ~dard. However, with a m.nt, ' projects for C!1UIa1a from tha IIttl. more ambition th. ean apin farma and ladllti.. to· th..... aud be 1'II118d. 'if all will pull toptb.r. developm.Dt of unaae4 Here'. bopinr; lor Improvem.nt. . . . " power and Irrigation .in -elopment of tbe river. 'r.wo Gr.a de team.·.abo ...nla.,ed .-~ ...~ d .... . . .' , i "." 'llight. tile Horaeftles and. P~den' Coolidge ' lpukl Just 10 in which' the 'latter were vtc'n'd no fft-ter. Be Imows ' torl.o .... ~ _ _ f ..t, a ery word tbat ,he II cob., to say ,, \ '. ...:.-___ fore 'Ila ")'I.- It. WOrdl do not ' Friday night the Hl,h Scbool out .nd lu-rlae him. .. II ~r te.m w I Joumey to.. ~ ...:erP• . where wlt~ other.: the, will pl.y East High. ' B0Ja. we You can't burry him, or wiIh. vou th.......test luceeu. aubJect for him~ And U _for # aL"'- b" h h t olin ac. w .en ~B ° fO ..,.;... t I . oUU. wee~ he 'S.n on h.v. b.e~ • certain direction, wby. to "draw up the Leviatha" with a 'bollk'" would Inlpec:tl.q commeJ?ccment announce b. child'. play compareli with ·it. . menUi ' and have .bqut detll~.ed
i; :: :,: ::::: :.lr~Oeo:ot~o;mO~oooP;:m::o;~:;:~dcho:es;e.ua~o!
.d, just by the . ............ v .... 80.50 u, the 10.. tem.p_ af~ the Boxer ----,._W, I hi h oat automobUe the The loUowitll buainelB men have The Farmers' Inatl[tute. to be beld Warren County Pomona Kef.'::' 61.90 w c m Bu,t tba.t 'WAI are onl! ..t.b.nL. . -e ha-. po---~ It .In- I_~ fall contri'u~ PrizetoB fbo r theldbFoYllb' cow at tbe local 1rJIII. Friday .Dd No. lil5 met at the Gran.. Blanket .................. .... ~'2.86 Chula ~pUn. ~r 10 v.rY" ;'e ,,:;,a.t ,rlth ~i:Arro'; i~~ dco1~~ e he e ruary day; February 11 IUIcl 12. orel.y, J.nuary 29. for an lIeUoh Automobiling has been the lOurC. I~t .8 pouncla sluce Ida mon • .,. It baa jOlt been broqltt to aD • meetin... During the buain. . hour Spread .. ,..............,...... .... 207.85 pleaaure .. well AI busineaa for lateat oniu beean. Tbe worst the aebaol buildinc.• AIIo, all of th.e Ralph Smlth ...... ,..~ ... $1.00 in trade Bachman, come well ·Tetlommended. the !ollowi~g ~r1IODI ~~ the ~oma: Mn. M.rie C.mpbell millions of Ohio realden.ts. If the 1I1n. . I ~ nl.rita! IIln... Chaplin. eq.I~.nt with which to ran it Is Cole's 1Iatdware,.. .......Fountaln Pen Ii It Is to be f' th b t na .gree. . r • •n n.. Doll ....... ............. .................. G.nerel AlBembly adds ·to the galwho bU made millions hapP7 .nd here, It II thoupt that It will he White'a Groc:ery ............ _.. .... Wltcb an prom 81 , one 0 e 81 Moomaw. P.ul Stokea .nd lin. 1.. Goldie Baln... i oline tax It Ie r;oinr; to prove a pronev.r m.de .nybody unhappy. would proPerly lnitall.d ready for DIe b, Thomj)lOD'1 BUerY ......... 1.50 e&ke evet .ttemptecl here, and· is .. B. H.n. At noon • m* Umbrella . ......... ,...... .............. UO.OO h1bltlve meuure for many who now ..em to ha_e a Juat C!omplaint the .nd of ~ week. A. K. .... :........ ,.... 1.00 lD trade 10"1: • , and d.llc1ous dinner waa to Jeunie ~llllen. . operate machines goinr; to and Irom araI- ~ Auto IrIachtn. Fri_,. -III» a. •• .holll '16 memben. Eleetrlc Lamp ........... .'.......... .. 95.00 w~k cannot afford the, expense. , _ ._ _ Some of the llew c:ouNea have ......,fi·.· .. ···~ Flub ............... Bev. Wubbum t~:: ~!!r at~mG:.~O"d~:l!:. f B MI. . N. , F. A. B~ock A uttlehm ' .ntbwitb a l>i1fVOic&-OR·ne The Senat....J'" th. I d ... _~_~ I ul-b __to l }lotor <;0 .... 1 gat. "-hool " e . - e .. ............... ..... ,.......... , .. 1.. . Teac ed e ears 0 every e. . . . . , .... n.u n.n... ..,..00 McClure .......... '1.00 In ................... I)~ voud the meetin, with .everel num- . Berbert lrIorr;an State Senator-eame down =-1~: :1a!o:lntance laOlloQm __ clua.w.hU.k. beeT!...~~~_n: - ' I t K.dd.n " CcL '.. , ......$l in Cub la R.sponslbl~1 ~.. ben which were very wall rendered. Thermos Lunch Kit ........... ,.... Clevel.nd tbe other clay; and .. .... .. .. _ ..n _ ..... Overland Sales ' Co. ·F·"·.. ·r..t 1d :·· .. ·E.. ·d.. · " 't' rsi • A pla,l.t, entitled. "Six Cups of 'CIao .lta-·rd Rich •. protested • ....lnl··t an v of the B ........ 'l'urke)o aDd that en.~ dictator, atart thla' week .l;Id lOUd ou 0 uca Ion ,.-J --J Eema1 Paahaa. • The "-.t)' Is reJecithe lut of thlI or Spare Lock .nd C,haln com· .. ,....... :........................... Zlna ~elatelo,~_.IiGv~"~ey ~x.. mve.!!.beennt.orf 'EletlMtriCE'dcuCrt¥ Iron............ J..·I.D~vl8 apttaPOinh~edl8 tbo tPOlitions withd ad ....aae U .do~:t 1Ulenaxt. ,Beea_ of the bJDatlOD. Frida,.-I p. . . ... I:aI ......' " -, n. 00.. sa anes a c e , e ng rl!move. qua... protection for ih... AbJ.ct. to the Biall A. Zimm.rman 'Auto S~·p or "Some Good Rotatiolljl .. W. D. Zinn teta~~. f Jhohn SallhuJh~ lD a ,~harae- $2I5.00 In yiG old·•.... ............ ·.... ·3960.00 And before he bad left the city word l w l II l th GllJette Ruor an, I\lIuUon cil tM~ eternal l'~ .,,_ --hedu.le ,, __ L_. D' I (Jha I n . .,,:; as on IB' own. cave. . .)'Ile. e 0 era Club was given out ollleiaU)' that ·the Sen._ q---o.a:...... • • ......... ...... n • S" , _. 18CUSSII on ............ I rei , ..cling, entitled. "Farmer StebbiDI •_ • 1d t 11R "~I - Tb';";-jectlon of tIatr 1ftaty c:oDlid.rabI7. althouP .... .. ..BOOk .. .. :::ce on Boilers!' . larpl, A• F • 1(e Uoh-li pi.Gu' $600 on . Delinquents•..... ....... ,.. ... ,.... ,..... . wFarm ._ hey. Tben Inthethe1I'0vemor,· whorigbt ala10nart • . &IiaJNh .for ~ ,. .... heslubpfJUetlltatoWaeu!'e. dleeUlled "bleb, . walTs fitrhts open. came ... • Radio; 5-lb. CaD Cup Gre..e. . Discuuion ........................ M.n. On the wbol. the Granr;en 01 back and said something like thla: r Tw.D'" wU ace B~~;y......··i .. d·~.... P~~.... u Friday-7 p. Oid F 'ddl W.rren County Pomou bad • VI'tJ "All ri~ht. then. , Keep the men, on _ di-~ 'iD ..... , __ '6"0. .t tbe Normal achoo! IfII' _uaic ..... , ......, ......... r' 1 era enjoyable day toll'ether. : "'ho are there." While th .. publi" which 111. . . . . . WI _ _ ~ .. coil.., taqht • feW a Jordan..... ........II ....... 60 c "Rurel Problema." ........... W. D. . • _. ..._ _ _ .,. .... 1860"tIIi.. a ..rac- ... w.. lortr, .tJo.t!nce ot MID 'Laura ............ r .. 3 Jlono ................ Beatrice . lookers-on. were of th. 18'16 it WAI t t . .tI DOW Miall KcKlnsey II D1 ad N.t'1on.t B~nk' .... ,nd th,e Pe.c. Movemellt" opinion that when they elected Gov· 11 ,Mt7..lcht. the achool extencll Ita heartiest wIah .... ........ $1.00 SaVlnp Ac:c:ount Sa&......,.......10 .. . . Another very ple...nt, .. 'Yell .. ernor Vic for a, third term. they Tb• .able ~. IIQ-o .PpU. B Omdorf $1 00 In 0 h IDeating of the ' New they ,poke 10l1d enough for tauru. . Wltli thel'lPt kiud ~ for a lptedy.~o.Very. W."';eavt.lle Se~~~·'~·ta.~ .. 5 · ~~; ~h~;;id"W~" Gl'ro;.. ~~:tara The Waidtatln. Camper. Glrla tory was beld at ~e ~ome . of to hear. But it I.em. lnal ten Jean can 'be ~dad to IrlJaml Gu.tte ....6 mo. .nd What to Groi.......W. 1)'. ZbiD m.t at the home of th.ir ~ardlaD. Mra. C. ,M. ~obltzer. on FrIda, .nd unleu IOmethinlr unent .".,...., ,nd ~e bertn DlaeUIIIIlon ....... ,.. :......... L8e Kn. Moomaw, Monda,. 'at 11:10, the tenoon, January 28th, with fourteen oeeU1'll ,a tew more ,ppolntInc .• t the ~ ript .... 1'11. L: OF~ . "m.t. Does Rural LIfe' time beln, chanced to '."«old codlcU active and -two honorary to POBldoRl wltb 'a ~ atLu'l li COrD,ro. bowever, "Vln to You" ...........:...... M.ra. with the new achool acbadule. The hen .nsw.ri~ 1'011 ~I, . tached-tret that, ~ary .attaebed"':" dl. aftq Jived Talk ............ ....... Count}' Acent hand sign, l.w 'a d Credo ware ..,,- .d by the re.dmr of tbe minutell will be confirmed by tbe pres.nt IIUHCl 100. , Th tl Co h7 I held Appointmeut of Committeea .n, after which the ~a ,.... th. Jut meatiq. IUId relf)llar buaiNot a lincle Harry pavia e IeCOn mmull..... a Sat__ ~~l p. •• pori and roll call , aeuion••fter which we l1atened ' . baa ,et bectn diaturbed. During ,the bUlln... ...mOD t1i. two v.rr, pl~~!n• .. and it don't lIeem tb., wil1 be AI lonc on JtDu.1'7. 27th, WAI more than MuatC! ....,....... Fred Rchards and ......»rW1Q' . .tiilfll"b~ry to the man.r;.ment, 'IF.rm M.anal.ment" W D main diac:ulllli9'l centered around the papers .on Ohio s Stale as the 1Itt11! man with a 'Ie" volee many i conaitrDO~ . DbM!IJuion ........... ' ..':. ~! N. . coming Mother and Daqhtel' by Mrs'. Frank' ,E)I~?~, anet from C1evelQJid -hal his say•. And cro~,d ~f bUY1!rtI pr..eD,~ T.lk..".... ,............ , Nellie qUat,. whicb "nl be .i'leu Febru.ry t~e Wlute)louaes, by Mn. , ~iien .wb~n i~o , sOlllon i,I over, It to IbOw they appreciated the challce R '30 22 .nd the ceremonial which will ,be C.ro~. •.ldl.. E~ther Bj!nde~on would~'t be 8.urprisipg to .aee them to buy .t their own price aDd . not '!Who" D~~" Y~~ ";11.r in the month. Committee. Ilia ' BeatrlclI Robitzer favored agall). The Senate hu beeli ".u. ~eiiii1~u1lhav. the. UIIUal .Idn~e- . of 'l'eIIerve K appointed and other with beautiful piano selections. nuuus se811ion now for -incire " bid. an4 l!J-biddlnC m.thode used. ID~·~·~'i~~~·:: :::: ~ m.nts 'taken ~re of. ,. ·· DUrin. ~be !loclal hour a delieloull . four years and It m~y b,e two ., Is not ~l1owed and no propert, Talk County AceDt " The Jlterature part 01 th.' w;o-c:oune lunch was served. the morc betoro tho)' adjourn.-II, In fact. wh:ateller Will. be .ccepted for wa .......... ........ . con.1Ited of "My Torch Bearer hoste.. being allllisted by Mrs. M.r.they ever do. The~ 80me wond'e r . -prlce. . . WDJard," Beaqiee Jlobitze~•. • nd latt, Mn. IllUer, Mrs. · Edwar~8, Mrs. Ohio keeps on ~Iectl~g VI~ Do~.. Karl Louis. Zimm.rman cav. the Zimmerm.n and M.1s1I BeatQce governor. One :of the ~ep~i"" u_... t;f two great mUllelans which . leaders. not in the "ring." said kno'lrlqe helps her in W1n~lDl' all The g'dellts of the aftemoon the action wall' taken. "that .' honor. , . . Meadams Washburn, Day, . a f(jll~tb term .for D,o nahey." A. .nd Sarah Zimmerman. And the governor. ,along, with 1\. sub· 'Adjoul11 d ' to maet F.bruary 14. . meetinp are "eI'J lDterutin, Marlatt, Miller and lIilllles stantlal majority of Ohio voter.: you are. i!tvtted ~ . ~e for ' • Benderson and Beatrice ·R~bltzer. ,t hink he is clltitled t? co~~illloJl . .' Doria H.wk.. A. F, W. . appointll\ents the sa~e aa~ve~y oth ., •- • er governor In the' lilsory of the S.lMcrih. to the Mlaal Gaet... State;
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Community Sale
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Oblo 'mtni8~n at .U , denomln.. nations want · the . present General Auembly ' to pllBl. • whicb will prohibit the sale 0 . >JD(i ' of the "true . love aud eo lon" aiap. zlnes .tOpped In ' Ohio. 'Fbr lOme • time tbere baa. ~;e.n a graduAt IWeep Ing aside. of the bjltter claM of mq• . aline~ . f9r lome of tho.-e which should be danled the llIe of the man. A,i:tlon of',til.e P'ainllters hAl met ~ a readJ re.pol)lIecJInd the .,~ of • law wh,ich will do awa, with. lOme of thla 'trasb ,,"uld not be ~ Inc. '. . "'AIIIII!_ Jeb, ",Ilea I 10011: back to "tar cWldhood ' da,., , . . ADd nmembV the ItnII1e 01 10111' Jlf. for a bolll" . I . . draw • ptctan ~f ,.... Sa "
10 1UQ..,.
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tbat D. . . wUl fOUl. 1Ife, _ .11W . . .
A PAJR OF BLU~ EYES Ia tile Mtlmate of the .......... w. ..... makillC a ....... of twenty mtlea an . . . . tIM createat country on ..nil. 'b . It ..... Jla,t ciountrJ of far 01'110Il10 ud for vut stretches peopled IUiDlr .. .one milbt Judge from • .mdows. ~y antelope and cI"''\ -Yd d.;;iie the n.ovelty of sacb jl lid. hhbid IDe lurfel~ With &1IMIlJt 1ft drp.\ steady travel, .,.... eIIleIt oblervine a auav Iftlle 811d ~altiDl f4r the tima to time. of a pair .of blue e to IDJI8lf tn fe~ lailll blaa:b'L however 1 need not _.. 1IIUl~D th.' and fatla'ae of joUJQ"'" .. • Hacfaon oat eM ~ IIde of ~...... bT tile
..av t.2
nDr8II4.....t , .. .... .
(lnllu!!lo M0'1;01\ ' ,vaS ~allted a from Dnyid 1\IIoson Jr. Ilnd was I "NI:~t~.t-e'lf' to her liln iden nome of Oon1'10 BnllingUL-__ Julia · ~Il)' Holland 'wus. llTu,n".m alvorce,I'rom Gcclrgc A. ,",AI"ft~..1 uLeo 'exclusive custody Dbr<il:hv l(~I Holland. a 'tnin\lr. Flbrence L. Grnhal!'l was granted II divorce froll) Bnro'ld C, Graham, who "'lIS ordered, to pay ,20 llimony and $4 Pflr-weck to support a minor. Benj,llrtin Plcak was ordered to in West lyThe natural ensemble 'was cnbut the remo t e ,n d ClI'l'! e bal\ced lIy ber costume, .ll ot 'lllt ck, pay Violet Plealc; the Bum of $8 per inlfr~ey~n~ tht.1::C°':n'nouncemont!\ !tom tbQ dosely fitting bodice to ~. weck. o S alim\lny" The, c:aae of- Ru{h Gephlltt va. Ho-•• t thi summer ot',1868 I'Ustling crinoline. beneatb _ whlcb as:-- m~ a Id s the Black there. peeped out tIn), eho08. ,I had oner GephIJrt '!1'J1 dismissed, W~is r:{1s :i'n~ of c;~ming to lin· oppottunity also to 1I0~0 the Jet pen- Tile ClaISe of ,E-. " B, Thlrkleld and oun f th R city Mountai1l. dant in tho shelly ear toward mo, S()~ Co., vs. EiL1lkine RoJllnson was ~&';.~~~:do that\/the end of ' the and the ftlUlhlng rings u),lon the fln- dlamined. • $ylveater ,Schllink Was to .~. , . M 1ide comfortabl.. go~ of ber hand8. , Yial' ~nLI~~ko Oltyl Andlonu! Could aho by any chanee live In pay $'1,60 .per ~ eelt for fJf Lotis Schlink and hel' c oar . e 01 brand Benton- a woman 4re8lled as Tho Banner If'aclt,lng Co. won Its wbero 10 the expa~tlI lalns was, as mue a la mode as if \!&lIe aplost thle National Accou.nt\y08te~ c~a~~id find :t leut walketl Broodway in New Y moun ns, , Omaha itself had astonished me Ing Service Ce•. , of Indianapolis, , brOBt~ of life: d i 0 ah tb tlcJt.- the display ~pon the streetsj and w.all {or monoy only, Court ol'de~od that tbll plaintiff In ' When I arnve n m a e n.ow if 'Benton far out In the wllet ,agent w.. enabled to .,ell mo derne88 eIIoul prove another Bur- the ease of the . People'll Building & transportation away to the present pri_ \ - Loan and. Savinl!;s Co., VI!. Alfred Swi gert, recover thel amount of the Wetltern te~nu.e, ~ntohD, dW.::'IDi~ Indeed, the Western world was Territory Itself, 1Iu. un I' an so rlVo', 'lifter all. Riven and i,n.tolrest acculllulated to ' lUI! of my seat at the lltart nilloty miles weat .of. the Miasourl. aate from ,the dlefendant . The case of ~Bl'y Wakefield va. Of eoton 1 had never beard. been elfectually filled by a !aree But in round ~re8, seven hun~ed stout, red-faced woman who formed Stilwell Waken !Id was dismissed. Court fixed t he bond required of mUosl - Practically the diedtal!,_c~f d: the buo of a pytamld of box.. Ind FYl!.d Davia at UOOO and upon enAlblnf to Cin~innati, In...... parcell!. " . tant from Albany over twl» thousand She wu goine to North Platte, teriiTg said suol, Willi l!eleased from the WalTell cou1nty jail. mileat · All by niL ' three hundre4 milel westward, lady of. the blue e~ea was told her I was goiq to Benton. Court fixed tile, bond of Grant New bound for the lime point. Ye COda, Sbe lltarecl-l'ound-eyed. at $2000 sind he was remanded tho oustody ~>~ the shorlff. "I reckon y.ou're a gambler I" llbe Samuel TrovUlo entere~ a plea of ICcUled. . "1 am seeking health In the Weat," guilty and was lIentoncea to a year I IIlld, ''where the climate it 1)lgil of hard labor lit the Mansfield Reformatory. and dry," A bond of $2500 wos fixed against "Ky Gawd I" eIIe blur:ted "HiJ:h and dryl You're goln' to the rllht Oscar.... Sebneide,r for appearance in . place. For all 1 hear tell, Benton court 011 Janual!7 29. II hfl'h enough and cJu enoagh. But laW. IIltee, you don't need to 10 that NEW SUITS ' fur. YOIl ~D . . well stop off at Nottli' Platter: or Sydney, or CheyHarold Trut vas. ' The Baltimore N.",. ,.,•• eel" SIt. , ••,."".011 enne. They' I lCuJp you lure at and Ohio R. Ri. Co., a corporation, Benton-'leu you 'watch out might.y fOJi money' on!,' as damag~.. m.rrl~. , ..... "'., • .," •
i dth
Tho first onll flnal ' account of Em- , ; .....---------------~--.;..~----..;;.~~--•. ma , Mollenkamp, administratrix of the estate of Fredellica MollencalllP, was appro ed, allowea and oon/itm". ed. • 1 Second account of .Flora Lehr , , -.J - - guardian of Viola Lohr, was approved allowed and confirmed. ~~~ 10, lDBY: I ..It,,, PROBATE PROCEEDINGS _ .. eA_.... First and final account ' of J. Mer"You're certainIY .peefl," she apprbed. "Bsnton'a roarin'-and I Letters of adlministration were is- rnt Bone, guardian of Mabel Morris Early 'for Your Sale Date•• 'We Cuarant.. approved, allowed and confirmImow what that means. Didn't North sued to C. H. Youngt,.upon the estate ed. • +Satiafa!,.jo~ or Cherre Nothinr. Plat~..marl . seeb It at ita b..,in- of George Pre~lton .KOBe, a non-reIFirst and final acCount of H. B. nln'l, -"lIj old man and me, .".-e were jdent of this II lte. there from the when it ltarted /0,. Elizabetb \6.dams . . . appointed Stokes, administrator of tho '-estate hi .. tho railroad terminaL MJ uk.. administratrix of tho estate of .\1- of Virginia P. Lncas, was appro"ud, C ~ o . e·,vil,e, f' .., -. . but them were times I Gllmblin', bert P. Adams and made application o.Ilowed and confirmed. First, final and diatrtbutl""II:COll'lt ""'one No. 2 ' Phone No. 321' abo.o"n'~ drll)kin' and hlab-c:ocltalo- for ,the app.oinltment of appraisers. rum. n IIiId da,I'Tw..n't no Proof of pu~.ucation of the notice of Anna M. Nutt, admlniltratrix of 01' 1Qb0cancei Easy come, of appointmen~ of Walter Cadwaila- the estato of Lois A. Nutt. w.. applace " ""1 10, that was tile wor~:l. I don't dar as executor of tho estate of Hi- proved, . allowed and confirmed. ' :-_~:::sz:::; - -- ~ au Dut wbat tImes wore good. tho'. ram B. C8dwal1t!der, was 1\Jed. ) First. final and distributive My old man contracted Proof of put~licatiQn of the notice co~nt of Alb'ert H. Driever, admin,1:RUTH AND POETRY NEAR SIGHTED of ap)lolntmenti 'Of H. B. Thompson, ilt~atQr of the estate of ",niam C. frefl'htl and 1 run an She wa. fearfullY near-alrbted ud the raUroaden, 10 .money u administrator of the estate of Fin Barak. was approved, allowed and BrooltlvnShe's an an.. ..el In t truth COU14 0 't reCOIfDll'e . ·th·mra more th an confirmed. J " ' . Then when ' he moved ier- ley Thompson, was .ilIad Ellubeth , executrix of the a lIemOD , il'\ fiction. A w?man 1 t~e a yard away. Her lover dldll't att mln,*,-the mt crowd moved, ~ Frod Addis, administrator of tbe littl ' beI ty. a p rfect too. IOU 1It()l North Platte, estate of Maryl Ann Addie, Aled his estate of Wm. R. Lefever, filed her greateet of. all eontradlctl~nll., She. know of it yet, lind she _1ft &,0111&' Iir!It and fl'na1 occount. · afraid of a co cit roach, aile 11 scream to matee eure he didn't find Qut Be... . lilt. the IJuUaD COllllU7. but ahe ~ I1d iuDy ~orm- No~~Ity. It s and it'll mo- 8BCond .nd finlll account. :Aetna ,LaYl!'lon was, apl/ointed ad- at a mouse, but she'll taekle a hu tore hI! called that eveniq, ahe ·plle. . . . haJldeome WOml1l blollde, .0 • P In f 1 n1I. C. S. Mounte, administrator of the .... til tIM Butj ad of 8CICUI, ~L type, ~~ nPltar t n~ Bat Alice 1 had C!l'osled the Mil- estate of En. , B. Davlar r'filed final mlnlltrator of the estate or ' 'James band 1ft big 18 a bOllse. She'll take ed a pin in a tree about Alty teet ..... • lOath and fa1Illb' of c~leCl- .to ...... c eaa-cu bo 'd IIOUri lOme thing had entered into my account. . .' , . E. Luodford anl! mado oppU:catlon him for better, abe'll take him for from a beneh ;where ehe w.. -certalo ~t, 'Plquant mouth ae1lc1outlr, " e d blood which rendereq me ob.tinate Court orderel' that. a QrtUled copy tor the appointment of appral~ers. worse, she'll. aplit hit head .open and they would alL Bat hIN I ..... ad'ffHcl by the two ')'''I_~''~ nddeepeat:... b f ve Ie apfolh euch ~uren1,Clnts.. Fot;', her of tl\.e entry dl~termiml\g the mheriVe1m Sure ~nough ' thev strolled for . a L1 tBhru.n~~towas1appolDteIrd then be hi. nume. And when he Is W-." meaning .bY lonr _ .... a I m . ijorth platte • sttlctll' inciral," Iliad tance"\BX to be paid from t}le estatjl gnardIan ()r e as.... 0 Clara '''It 80m.e ' time ill ',. , , we l, iand,r' e" e PI" the prden and then ... ou~... 0 f bed , I h'U -' • 1M onMhlie weat: In, ~I~i~ von, rich , ardent feeling. 1 was' set U~OIl of Martin V. Marshal, be certified Win HuH.ord. M. Fitts. administrator a te~po. t to throw at hie. h~. be suggcsted sittlnc On the .bencb. Charles 011», .... oa., or even",.J.owa... ~v .... n r . e onn . . , to the ,'adltor'J ' estate ,of Allce B. Hilla filed 'b~ faIthful, ; deeeitfulj ke~B..htea "Ob, 10,01t, at the pin iii ·tbat tIM a1.ll-400n to ar!!!! ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' !!' ! !!!!!! "!!!;!i!!! ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!! ' i! ' !! ' ~ And In a few 4 Proof. of pul)lication of the final and distributivo accoynt. ; she. cratty, sbe s s.mple, over there I" Ihe ~claimed. . • ~ ilve-.-I bitterly J'eJn'ettea 'that r had of appoirit~enlb of Helen L. "UIIIUI'-1 • ctuIl, Ihe', kille!. - She'll Jlft a "Don't be foollah I You eoulcfD', ' , ' ..._ _ _ _ _ _~-. .II!I!III!I!III!I!III!I!I!!i!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!i!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!i!~!!i!!!!~~~)\ not yielded' to ber counsel. Ion iii admi/lIBltratrlx f the estate fI Ne.Yel'ijaelw this was true" at CaIHe Robfnsolil was filed. . M-\JtRIAGE LICENSES ' up, shelll c..t a min do:wn, .,he'll poasibly aee a pin in that tree. W.h" p,~nt: Tho will of M. It. Hill was , , make him her clow.v YOIl fancy it's over flfW fee' away." ~ f But .1 have alr~adYJ!\lrchased lPy ted to probate•. , Alva Hili was , otter Flotchor, fac:tqry worker of she's thil, but you tlnd IIhe is that, "You come with me, and ru ;;;-: ticket to Benton, r .0bJected. ,If pointe Ii executor of tlio estate Middletown, and Eva llclntolb. of for /lbe'll plav lilte a kitten and bite t h . ." pro South Lebll),on. ' . ere a a PIn. , I don't like it I can move elaewhere. f\lecl application for ap,PointJilent Hiram N. A1exander, ,t ruck driv- !Ike a cat. In the mo,!,lne ahe ~II, She ....bbed him bJ tIM band ad POt1,~IY to Salt £alte City, o.r Den- flPpraisera. . nr. . , , , The first anld final aecount .of W. er of FranltJl~ and Ethel Marie DI- In the evenlne she won t, and you re thoy lltarted for the tree. . alwa,s expecthllr aha does, but IIhe On the wa, ahe .tumbled oYer 8 _ H. Seigftied, administrator of Ithe via, houaekeeper, of Fra~Un. ' Sbe Ino$4. ___ don't, J. W. D" cow• Miller.,. WA approv• amODe thent Mo~onsT My estate of . ~ounr man I Where they Jive ed, ,\lowed conJ\rtn.ed. and dlstributivo ~cconldblnage--eeveral women to The firat, TAKING NO CHAffCE! man like a "bufilOr hord or other count of T. Deardoft', ·admmof the fieldf ' Denver-well, Istrator of Jessie Evelt, U"'~D.'''· ' bll bad bu» ain't on was and collftnrlIi you want ed. "'.JDe!viUe. Ohio ."Suree~ what do ;ou"want It forl" IP'OW up with I .uict- b::==:::::;==!;::=====~=::. '''I want it ~ bu:y' a railroad." community, )'ou thrown 111 • "I~m s<m7, but 'l Itft DI, Nonh Platte.'" ' Hbok at home." tJlank' ,.Oll," I II replied. Iince 1've ~d (Qr Benton I'll go on. And i1 1 don't 'You milT lee me .in North Platte ter all.' < , She ' Ir1'1lnted;~! , ' "Yoll can me at the Bon Ton reItauranti If you get ill broke, . I'U take care ot you;" >"'( 1 I Clearereek I c1i\ Nmarkably Ibon order she ,w.. Farmeta of Warren and .dJoInlne , ~ asleep .. r" ~ , eo~n'l.. m~7 obtain mon., on 1~1If The hr.ltell1an came HI later ~ 10lnll, at , P'H cent tr.te~ m·•..the lloal-9U lalllPI. O.lde. eo" ~f ..curine th.' Am. la ~I'J ..... twilicllt lJ~ doepened into dUlK, IOnllbl••throq~ T~ Federal.... r . Numer01J,l! paUengers mak'1DCJ. ready (or *'~; the by re~ank. "'01' further .tnfol'll\aUoIi . . and moVlnr -their boota on or .dd.... II. Q. DIAD, "'"coata ,nt .alllU08 nrel', phon. all-x! Le1Nln~f' 0Id0. ~he women by JOCJ!8~~inlr wl,th lignUl~t laying th.eir WAN"I'ED ahoUl.lera. or ends. ~ 'Bil'l>les
tI... N.'It ...... ....,It"."._.f .,It ....,'"...
"urance Ai8nq
General Insurance '
!r'O K OVER .
aGO .. 'Y.... BARS
New Burlington.O ,
:.. THE,..' MIAM i
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R_r9U... ..,.-"Ida
to lelL Plbty of bUyera atwaya' 011 EVidently Judge ~ndis the base· hanll. aot al- ball czat< lot tired of havingl the 10..... Terml cuh. ' Senate do all' tile investigating. ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDA'V • COJOlUNITY SALES CO. '(aU if ~n. ~. E. Smith spent Monday In Mra. J. O. a,;;-;-;n th" shik liat. W. N. Seara. Auilt. Entered a' th., POltoftlce a~ Waynesville. 0 .• al' Seeond Cl... 1. a~r the Gem City. '\. Little Eleanor Broob remailll • Mr. H. M. Clark wu a Dayton vi.. quite III. [ wIll oll'~ .t publle auctl~n ' my DR. C. W. HENDERSON I). L. CRANE, Eilltor aDIi - PllbU.... r. Wa;D ••YiIl., 0 ... 'e FUNERAL DIRECTORS itor. Saturday. Oharlea U.mmer' Ia very UI at ruldtnce on the Ridp Road. one Mn. Clara Tliom~6d. hom. on tb'Oook farm. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO of Harve)'lbul'l', OD the , 'Offlct-Amen BId,. mile no/.'tb Sub(lcri"~ion Prie., $1.60 per year. neaday in Dayton. Cbarl •• )foor, a bUllneu via- Nathan Gray farm. knoWn U thl Mr. Clarence , Smith, of Dayton. Itor In Norwood ttlis week. ' old Wilson farm. on O""C. HOUR. ,'o " ·. n ~ n"~' I~I"¥ R.I"" h,"~I'" visited hie mother here, Saturday. GIIO~II D,,,ny Ipent the latter Fully E(luipped for Good \ 0111 "'.,,<11 ;o,"l PIl E.S5A . '"':-1 ' ' ' Mra. Malvina Stacy, of Pllrt IIf thl w ek Jill Indiana, 9 to 11 8 . m. 8 to (i p m. n.Draclap; F ...""art' 10, lel7. Servic&.-7 to II p m. ...:...._~=~· -:--=~=============::c::==""?~4 i, vi8itin&" relatives and frltllld, Mr. Nr. and J'II. '. W. Gordon are Beginnlll&' .t 11 o'clock. the follo'lfLarge Display Room • WEDNESDA Y. fEQRUA, RY 2. 1927 thll ,week, trlllvl~ Into Mra. Ida Howe'. prop- Inc: 8 honea, 2 eOWB. 1\0 Iheep, TelePhonea. Am,bulanc;e Service , \ ':"Mr. and Mra; Leonard Gray. ' of eny, com; farmine ImplemtDtI. hat'p.... Office • 80 , Realdenc;e • 88F2 nAY Oft NIGHT c ":'~~~:="':::;;"4=:::':'''::::==-;-=-;,':;; - ::'''-::-:::-:':-=-=-:'-=-=-'':==~=~~ ClD~nnatl, are villitin&, Mr. lind Mra. M.... Evalyn Shlu maker and Mn. and miaeeilaneoul. ', -- m ' • , Geclrp Gray. • Ethel Smith l'ere Ihopplnc in DayE. W. ROSS. W.ynn"me, Ohio • DOWN WrrH THE TWO.THIRD force people to be wiae. Treasury -llr. and Mn, Eli Rugell and Mra. ton, Moriday. MartJa 6: StaDley. Auete.. R\lLIE • arente w~teb and prolecute Bellen lI,8 J7 ' Marshan were lAban on VialtOur buketbaU 1team was defeat• of tradulent /leeurltl... But In eplte on, WednNday. ed 12 to 10 In tbe pme they played • RAvlnc decided to quit 1ahnIiqr, =~~~~~~~=-=~=-== Tlfe ,trong d;;;;dhom the ,n no of aU etror~ Mr. Mellon BhoWI tl1at M'rI. William Loll&' ill Ipedding at Otter~ein, SatUl'day evening. will QIW at public OD tHE !ARM of t~e Democratic party for tbe ab- live hundred mlUione a year *!e few daya uu. week with ,her brothMr. al1d Mn. Everett Villan and [known u the Frank IIle Elbon farm. at 80n, of Dayton, 'pent Sunday with the IOllth edae of Wilyneeville. rQl\'atlon of the two·thlrds rule may ta1r;tm dlBhoneetly from the '\)ublJe ~ra, In Oinc:innati. NOTARY puauc DentUt lead .ome to wohder j)Jlt how tbe llviDli. _~• Mrs. Lottie C~G¥ received word their mother, Mrs. Laura Shidaker. loe.al1y Imown u 1be old CrullllerT, t~oulile.m.klng two·thlrd rule came laet week of the death 01 her lilIMr. and Mra. C,harlel ' E. Gordon Na.lo••1 Baak Mo ....,.. F ...",ary 14. le27 "'a~...Yille H.tI.... ISaak ...... into exilte'nee arid jUit how the partel' at Muncie, Ind. and 101), Robert, and Mr. and Mn. Bellnninc at 10 o'clock. the fol- Will. Drawlt " ........ E.tat.. S.ttle4 ty c n proeeed to ret riltof It. MiBs Helen Duke, of Miami Val- Robert Stump apeillt Wednesda)? in lo"Iu.: 20 horael aDd mul.., 110 CDntrary to the beUef of many, ley hospital. ,pent a ,few houn' with CI~cin,nati. ' , r Ohio . the two-tht~, rule wal Dot wiabed . . home folka, Saturday. Mr. and -Mrs. ~~e'rbert Fite and cattie, 60 h~ farroin&' implem,nU. on ~e 'partY tiy the National ComThere will be an operetta given by Mr. Keeler Graham and wife Jane ElIen, of Walhincton C. H .• bameu, feed and hay, 60 W. Wyan- ~=;============== mittee. It was adopted . by major· the High school next Thundsy, Feb- Sunday In Dayto[l. the cuesta were recent cue~ ot Mr. and Mrs. do'" punetl. etc. D~ B.. SALISBURY. Ity action In tlle Nn~lonal convention ruary Srd. and Mre. 4. E.. White. Frank WIlBon. of ~8S2. It can Ile abrogated by Mr. and Mn. Ruh Lackey, of Bel Mra. · Emma Laey, of Dayton, is Howard Cook, who hu been Ull- , Seara 6: Stallier. Aucta. n. E~a SI."t S....lalJ.t majClrity aetlon now, and In no other mont, were cuesta of Mn. Mary Vet now earing for M.rI. Huldah Burnett dercalnc treatment for an Injurr to Diacontinulng farrolnc. I wJll wa),. ten, Sunday. who haa Ileen quite m. bis hlp in Cincinnati for ..veral B/tIt whUa the conventIon baa full Mn. Ruaell Hiatt entertained, Mr. and Mn. Edcar P.ttQn "pent month.. made a vialt home, Wed- a clolinc-out ..Ie of aU my c:luaUllJa, located 1 ~ milel north of ...,..,-.~ .. autl\ority Oftr the twb-thlrds rule, Thunday, Mra. WiUiam Hiatt. 01 part ot l ..t week with the former'l neaday. LebaDOn, .O hio there Is crave doubt whether the na- New Burllncton. parenta, near Centerville. Th~ Sunshine crl~Up of the M. 1:. ville, 6 mil" lIOuth ot BenbJ~ok, tiol)Jl content{on could abrocate the Mr. and Mra. Fred Moore. of D.yMr. and Mre. J. B. Jones Aid entertained the Cloud group the Wayneevllle and Bellbrool Wilt' rule. ton, were Sunday ruesta of Mr. and Saturday at an' aU-day meetinc of very cleverly Thu,nday afternoon. On the Ceo. HartsOck f.rm. on WE GET THJtIl QUICKLY AND the Grange at Wll)'neaville. A Ihort progTllm WII riven and a FREE OF CHARGE However, ther.e ,II now under eon· Mrs. .J N•. Moore. T. . . .,.. F.lor••ry II. i.17. ..00 ..... to 4 Po .~ CALL US ANY TIME A1' OUR Iideration a propolitlon that will Miu Erma Wuwick. ot Colum~us Mr. and M.rll. Ben Hawke enter- delieiou, lunch Wal served. Berinnln, at 10 o'clock the EXPENSE Charles Collier r In into a Bitch on 10wiJlC • honel, 2 cow.. 8 brood virtoally do away with the unit rule. waB a guest of Rev. and Mrs. W. E. talned to Sunday dinner. Mr. and Thil ean be brought about by an Bogan a part of lut ~eek. . Mn. J. Boop, from Dayton. ' the WayneSVille pike Saturday even. 10Wl, sI taU pip. 8 ewea. farmlne ,greement that after ten ballots Mn. J. J. Jenkins pve a splendid Mra. Bertha He.. and Mn. Blanche lng, when the lJghtll on his ear went Impltments, ·feed . anel 'poultry. have been taken without result the talk at the Union meetin~ held in Graham attended meeting at Middle out. The car sull'erjld a bro~en front EDWARD COOX. ...... • HARVEYSBURG, O. loW man Iball bll, dropped on each the Methodillt church. S.bbath morn- Run church, SUllday morning. Wheel, but Charles was not Injured. Martin 6: Stanley. Au. Subscribe for the Miami ~. Mra. Emma Cline. Mr. and Mn. luceeedin&' ballot. Inc: . Mr. and Mn. Amo. Cook and ---- - • Mn. Allce Johneon and dau,hter family were Sunday dinner cuuta of M~tt Clin!! and baby, Earl and James We will aall at public auction on OVER 17,000 NEW LAWS entertained at dinner, Sunday. Mr. Mr. and Mn. Charlee E. Johns. Chne. of Dayton, 1II1r. and ~. Fred the W. A. B.lnee farm, 2 mil.. north . , ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• and Mrs. W. H. Meddenball, Ill". and ifrs. Mae Banta ipent Harlan and Mis8~ Marjorie and MI- of Harve,..burc, on the New BurSenator Bonh 881'1 we make too lin. E. J. Mendenhan. and dalJ&'h- and Friday in Dayton, vialting rIam Stump were Sunday dinner Ilnct~n and Harve)'lburc pik.. on .r., _ . r of Mra. Cla~a Merritt.. •' many law.. Thll country will h4! ter, and Mrs. Elmer Compton, of slater, and alBo Mn; Ida Brown. . F .... lnl· Sklmmllk, cOrn ,..,d the farm's by. 1'1laracla,.. F.Io .... r,. 17 1t17, Mr. and Mn. Ruuell Burnett and Miss Rosetta M.~MlI!an, our pri.... republic In natrle, and a beura- New Burllngton. ","ucts Into hOp Ii Good Economy. . Beglnninc at 10 o'clock the follow uaq In .ract .. it we don't cbeek the The Farmera' institute will children were Thursday dinner mary ,eacher, Is 1111 at the home of ~holnale la~ ma}dng m.chlne. Not held in the Town' Ball, Wednesday cuesta of Mr. and MrS. S, B. her parenta " ~ear Plort WiU!am. ,MIas in&': ' 8 horees. 18 ' l1'ade cattle. 121 Marketlnl 'Your Own Cream Direct to TrZ• 11 the lawl are maae in Waehin,ton. and Thuraday. February 9 and 10. Mn. Louella Boyce, of DaYton, Conltant tau&,ht he:r room, and C~"B. hoge. f.rmina implellllellte, .....n• ANDY JACKSON. FortJ-e~b Lelialat;urel are bUiY. The oftIeere ot the Inatltute .re: spent leveral daya Jut week with too~ Miss Constant', place In etc. ' . Sta~ I. Good Marketlnl. . W. A. HAmES. 'rhe ne" laW. .uneated here Prealdent, H: O. CoJUnl: aeeretary. her parenta, IMr. and Mrs. J. E. th.. Intetmediate room. thia. wefk ~ ~S~n~y,Au~ and th~r, number about 177.000, a Lawnnee Sow..... ; lady correepOlld- Smith. , The M. E. cl!~b, ,,!i11 have. 10fantastic llrure. Bowever, eivillu· ent, ~ertha Hartaock. "edneiday Mr. J_ H.rrie "'U ' called clal at the Town HaO, Thl!n4ay, A. I have' rented my farm. locattlon iteelf to ..y II,bthl~ of this momlq Mra. , Dora Sanden Bach- Bethel, Saturday, on account of eve. February 8; Supper .wilI , be cloriou. repubUc, 11 an expe.rlment. m.n will bve for her lubject, "What: II1nllll of hiB fathe,. Mr. Jno••o~e~ hom 6:30 'Oll durin&' the av- ed 2 ~ mil_ lOuth of Wll1DenIlle, in lte inf.ncy. Children trY many Price Education." Mr. W. D. Zlnll Harri.. elllll&'. Procram at 8 o'clock. Ev- 011 the Wayn_viUe and LebanoD thiDA b7ina ia ueeful. Even will talk on wh7 we "Should .?row )(1'. and Jlra. Walter Cut, of ery one js cordlalily i,nvited to be pike, known -.. the old Emle, place, [ wfllo offer at publle ..Ie OD 11 tbQ'...hum..thebl AD.-.. that'..... Lqumea. and What to Grow, In WayneavUle. lpent Tueaday mmlJlI&'lprlMlelnt. F.... Trial Cans Iladly ~'.'~ on.nquest lui. It teachee them to avoid lire. the afternoon lira. Bachm.n'l IUb- of lut week wlt4 Mr. and Mrs. W....,.. F...rauy U. 1tl1. Each I.w ill ~iltt, an ef- ].ct wIll be, ''What cloee raral Ufe ter Kenriek. Berinn1nc at 10 o'eloek, the folfort to remed, IOmethlnc Wl'On, or mean to you." IIIr. Zinn lpeat. on Mill Bernice Graham lowtq: 2 ho...... 1 cow. bull. eateblilh something caod. Onee "SOllIe Good Rotatlona... Th. lIIullc week-end In Daytoft. a~e~d1nC --rmen were 'haDpd, by law. not by for theM .....001 win be .fumlahed tJ in honor of Dean Prltrle MiDiater Streaell)an' ..ya Ialand Red ehiekelll. farmin. impl.. etc. Iynchin" for Malin, a hone. Now I), the B~h School orehestra. lD fifth birthday. that if the Lequ.B of NatioDa had ~entl, I. B. THOIISON. Mr. and lllra. 1. B. Jon... Mr. been in eXlatencel In. 181. there they steal .utomobiles. and hangi... the lin. Ba~1l tIillIa Oil "Law lIartlD '6 StaDle" Aueta. ror hone thlefttl automatically dis- enrorcemenie, lor law o~nce," WlIIlam"' Crelghton and Mr. and 'lira. wou~d liave been nc. World War This Graham we,. in 'Dayton. Fri- la' another one of tbole atate~ente appeal'l. Not &he 10011ab t.a¥np we aDd Mr. Zinn Oil "RuNi, PrOblema." pIAn but what we actuall)' do IOUti the ,male quane' win etq. Th1l1'lOil bUllneu. which It will be II little dlftlcult to U one of the 11,000 new lawa could da, momma Mr. Zilln wtU lP8u on Mr, Ralph John lnetalled hll ra- prove or dilprove. dlacourace crillle .~u' 4'eruel ad "The bJ-producti "of tbe r.ng ~d clio In the ]{ome of 1IIr. and lira. It 11 IBid that ui elaetlonl iii ScotunUlual punllbment" that, would be bow to UIe them. Mr. B.. J. KI~' Frank Rocers for lira. Roce,.' pi.. land theT vef7 ]ael(lom - haTe anJ a b l e a . l n , . b e ! ' wtll talk Oil Illdene,." uri durin, her' eonvaleeeenc.. _dala about rrcat eampaip . • - '! . B.. L, Horan wU1 Thurada, atDr. J. O. Roberti, dJatrict penclituree. temoon "The l ...t rIP~ of the wo- Int4!ndent will pre~ch at I4\te "AI • crammatlcal autborlb'.l' MELON AND MO~EY triaD who worb at. hom•• lin. nen Snnday afternoon at a o·clock. the' Bolton TranlC!lr lpt. "We ' one invited to thla HmCe. like to have·heard lOb,le of the Idqr. . Mr. lIenon II paJiq off the eOUD- mal). , "Forace erope for ~I heavy war debt u part of the D: Zinn. Thllnda, eve..,ln. there )Jl'. and" lira. 'WilHam Ooleman Engllah "!lIen hel heard that the job he undertook when he became WlU be "a home talent pia,. riY~. en- entertained to ~ul!dllY Mr. Prince of W.tes '!lad been drawinc Secretar}' of die TreuIll7, '. Ba 'u- .titled.' The Road, to the Cltr. SrI- pad lira. S, E. South an~ I~ b.r In • Aloon.•1. And maybe the ~ ftnaaee. and uneler ' hiI ,ral pril8ll have bftll otrerecl ten POI.- tera, 'Viqinia and Huel ,Karie, Prlnce'i En,Uah. 'while he wu' admanapment U.e bh1IonI of public tel' exhibit., an~I~_ of Int bart.nde, "ouldD't have been . ~ bad either! debt melt .wa,. If 111'. Mellon con- Ique and IDtera_ ~ . tinuee at the preHnt rate Uncle Sa.. dlspla;r ,In the bUI",_ noulM. Val Late.t Ityles fl'om parfl Indicate _on't owe a dollar twenty-ftvey~ uable pria.. are a180 offered ~or the of Cln~nnati, wera that the ladl.s are c9~ to wear allk NJlee. . COl'll allow. . cueste of their coualn. Mr. Itockinp of variOI!' colorlJ--One red Jk lIellon triea a180 to proWct - - ---R Emrick and famD,. and eme blue one lit 'a time and one &\t ;.ople In t.Ileir earnin... wido... Accord1nc to • new treaty the eMra. William Coleman. lira. Forand one pink one .tc. .. if chlYrP and tile old ~, bu' public of PaJlama to eoaae to eat Grajlam and daqhtera" not been. enouih '1e Itnla ..., II ~er wOlir. You tIPIlot oar aid In ClUe of war.,_WeD. .nd Catherine. lUul l11li Thelma already 'by the cUejlla, of 110co-. eYtr7 little bit be_ _ _ COleman made a bualll_ . trip to C:::=I_ _==~=====:=I==~=~========:====-== Lebanon. Saturday. , anythlnC ever conVIIleee 11& that )(1'. and 1I'ra. Roy Oberer and IOn. theo1'7 ot evolution ill correct It Mn. Joeepll Graal and ,~~, and he ~dlne OD'D 'of, Tom HeStft'l lin. EYe Bain.., 0(, D.rton, , Ipeechea III the Senate. Thuraday eveaine l'Ueste at the home Tbia inY~tllon buaiDeu baa of Mr. and Ml'I. W.lter Kenrick. 10 far that- ~,ery "nato}'. to be Ihould WI' equipped wtth a Those from bere who attended the meetin&' of' the "Home care of, the detective ,. . well .. • prlSle~" at Wayneeville. Thursday, vate Heretary. " were; Meadamee Nettie Emrlek, Now that',,"tJiey' are tel.pboDlnc OU8LEU AIlE THE DOUBLED Margaret Johns, Elizabeth · JonOl. acl'Olll the ocean. GeMrude 'Ederle . : Ethel Watkin.. Bertha H_. Ellie ought to be able 'to ,ood Job , T~E TR . A Benten~e "ortb PMUn, ill the Iivel In conataD' torment hlmsel~. Hawke anll Letitia Xennek. u a troUble shooter. ", ~cI,t luBpicCTyde Cox wu If the farmer e'7er geta AnaU, reproverbial hat and ~.mherlnc IL The troublftS art aIJO 'lie ~ubhete. there are lI ' lot of pO~1lI led. ' be wondleriq what' to ,do 'l'h0fl8 1m worda exptaln • ,10* In next. " .. life. They help rive penpective to Kaneaa croPI In 1926:trere valued &he lirItation. ot the , da7. In tile Mho!)1 t'oom the chUdran hard to ~ who caUIe moat ,of the tro~ble are t~ ones who are IfteP9',nei~l.. ~dvantage troubled tbemaelv_b~ are iJl lOme IIOrt ot Ul healt"-,,,ho ~h"ve poor hom. eavirDn~enlo who are u~
Walter M.c Clure J. E. -McClure
L' M.H · E"NDERSON Dr. John W·. Miller, .
At Cary'S Jewelry Shep
BaneysitDJ'1 Fertilizer. Co.
The Tr.IState Prjce, . January '31, 192,1
for ··Ford. and Che~o.j~ .
,et •
Ever- since Balloon Tires road but they retain their were it Itroduced, GOod- usefulness longer' than any year 'has bee,n. eX1?erillJent- ' non-skid ,tread ever tried itlg with tread designs to before.' " develop b:ead which would' match the Good- The second big year'Balloon Carca'ss made ' is long, slow, even tread as opposed to t~e of Supertwist Cord. , " wear "cupping!' '"1i-;n d' Uneven ',~" ,rin~lIy ,out 'of ,all, ~h~se wear so noticeable in many ,teets has co~e the p~,'Y' ~lt~ other Balloon .Tires:, :~~t:t~i?~~ed abov~.:' ::. " " .; " . AnCl with these virtues . of '.' -It is the (~~ous' GQ9ay'<~~r ':'. tract~on,non-skid and long~l~..\ye~~~~~,.Tre~~~~len- ~~a-r~ ',~hi~,new tr~ad is pert~fi~al~rea~S,lgl}:~aJ~~ B~':, .,' fect'y; ·,~n~t an~ do~s , ~ot , Ip'o~: ~~~~ u :,~~ ,' :"T~~" ~~st ",,:' p~.o,duce, Jh;~,. ~lbra~lon of ; \l~,: aay~ntag~~" 9~ tij~s~;new ~, many n9~-skld de$lg!lS. · ~t~~d ,are t~'~lo'!l ' ,:~na ,re- ';. ,* , ' slstance to skidding Let us show you thIS .n~w " - , ' tire itt the29x4AO. The sharp-edged, sizeiorFo~ds and" diamon~~ . Chev.'tQiets. -~{~~I ar!, ' 'what. a. wOln " _~~:rJ, 1[( a· J
bapp,. . . " ,. ,'. lD large faJl!~!I81
1,1I""'I<IJI',hjllt'l.·" b .. l~jnd
./'. '.
Moth ers' Club '
W. 0, R j'lcr is Iln the sick list.
Auto s
l . W. H. Alletl wa in Cincinnati, to- ' The r ea'u)'ar meeting of the Mllth· . .A htll~ excltem6l\~ wn~ day. r's dub will be helt! Fri day nfter. Februar y 4, a t 2 o'clock at th lB mornmg on MajlR street in I;layton, to- noo~ Adal)1 M lIoh building. Don old DUn. t wo machine s eolllde</ a t Main and Grade tho . dny on busine . the apeak. North JltreHs, were dlllmng Ii to Borne ~ush, of Lebanol\" wll1 were "Lincol n." lIom9 exenJi but bh~ IbCCup~tsa Wes~ be will I\ubject lila and er M1'II. Ella Babb, of SprinJ ValnQt burt. OncJ machl"" carried extf.\nt bllt t he . pctuJmnts _wore In Leba non, I l', is the gllcst nt Mi$S Clarn Lile. ~ ElbQn Mr. and' Mrs. Oharles Shutts a rc Moad.q. tag. n~ to their new home in Wa'lmovi. slck very .. Fum BOllen UWe . ne'V1l1e wlUa rheumld am. . , Mr . and M.rs. Adam lIelloh -and u y HamilJrn. Walter JIIcOlurtl WAIl a Day· <!hildren vi iwd Telative s in nnday. t Oil , ton vllU.or, Monday. Tho' pou: d hog had II chance ' to Scbool, child!t!n inspection of fi re bill shadow, providing he Wtls Ul) sea Kan· ~Ylnl,(: with c.re~lted II lIfl'!!. Fred M, Oole, Mrs, hll u .-d. ~li:w~a;!!~re.. n, penttbc Mr. Rnd enough t his mornillg ,J lor the early eedless n lB L. A. Wu hbllrn and W. N. Seara 1181\ City a mllhon dollars years. The aun r ose br ight and clear. 1tI all five pa~~ th~ wltJUn 1II'ea,. . Monday JD.... Loulae Crane ' and Bernlee ' In Dayton, lty he was loath t o len've c)i\dren are tralned In the ~ool!l til probubU · did there bed so eaTly but if aDd j lSks r II)'IIWl apellt Sunda)' In Cuic:il1na tl. · fire te elimina t~ and note and C. . J Mr . and !tItS. e to 'm ake his eh'adow sunshin enough their ~a~e to ged encoura are they Sun. weeks more KcOlure W8l\ hostess J. P. Fromm and famil), l pent lin. clty .a afe from fire by pomting out which would mean I!ix winter to 1Ii, Clover Leaf cillb; Wedne day day with relativel\ in D&)'ton. o~ . hazards proven theae or abaj;1na :.......,:._ _ • _ .'_ _ _ afterDooa. Ever), tleedlellli fir e Is that much Charles Moore, of Wllllhiritrton D. w01!.k life the of ion d_truct r, want.on Mr. and )Ira.. N. P. Clyburn of 0., Forrest Orane and daughte guesta of of thOIM! who build the Wuhlna toll C. H., apent $u~day of Cincinnu ti, were Sunda)' whateve r it is. Fronl tbls "bJ. l\d ~,nint l Mrs. Maud Crane. wWI 11111 C1ara Lile. every fire' Ia a public calamity, even ' _ crime. To teach the children to ,a E. W. Cornell, A. H. Melloh, Adam R~gulpr communication of ' W nyJ()u Ilath Newlan d, of Miami un. fires fa to teach them the I4nc- nes\'Jllc J.,odge No. 183 F. & A. M., abate John and t IteUlty, . pent tbe week-en d wit h Stroud, J. O. Oar~h tit,y of Ufe. Pence attended Masonic 10. Tuesday evcnhig , F ebruary 8. SoW. B. Aneu and family. • _ • . Springfi eld IllSt Friday nigbt. , jomlng brethren · and v~8itors are cor, laW blade lind makes dially invited to be lpresent tbe pita RUM Jrr. and Mra.. Harve), Burnett , of . Harry Putnll~ and tbe Millea Ma· It run hard. Rub it with OD oily rag eRAS. BRAI)BlJRY, W. M. Centerville, IIpent Sunday with Dr. ry Cl'ane, and slSter, Annl' Lee, Mae after uae. F. 13. HENDI~RSo.N, Sec'y IUId lin. H. E. Hathaw&),. Treadway and slater, Alana Gq, lin. W. p, Salisb'UrJ of Cleveland, spent Sllnda, afterno on hs Xeala. ==~:;-. IPIDt a part of laat week with her of WU· t:=-====================::== Mr. and Mn. It.. A. Lintoa, avPter, dalllbter, lin. Bane)' R)'e. cundcl their and , mington Olevela nd, lin. SUlan WUlreraon ill apondin a Doro~hy Jane Llntlln, of and fam orth ButterW Samuel vwted Mrs. r daughte her with · .tlte week dllY. TueB i1y, ' lton. WilmJa ill Fife, Btl Clair , 1Ir. and lin. Georp Denny. of A cud from Mra.. W., S." GnlhllllD Have you tried our at Grabam ¥r. with wbo, were ..... Oakland, Clinton county, enjQ7' are thl)' I ' ) " Tuu, ..... of IOu LaUe Vandllrvoort, Worth, Intr wannth and l1HI8h1ne and· .... 1Iu4a7 . feeling Ane. Elk Lick Sliced Silver "a~e Halves . and Ilr. and lin. Wllaon lIl. II. the of The Frienda blp clllb faiDIly, Kr. and lin. Jam. lIcOlur e Tree ripene d, ' canne d when at their beat; t!hick meat; . with lin. .HoW'. d peach were Sunda,. dinner ruest,a of lIr. cburch will .meet .maU -~d apace, heavy .yrup. The be.t Oa"ore aM Archdea con . WedDelCla, after. · many 10 }n and lira. Ro,ald Bawke. _ned be Can . money the for you can buy noon, FebruU' )t 9, at 1:80. AU memo . • the .qual y and re compa and them . Try \ PIWUIt waye. be u. t.o urpd delicio are bera with meet st. Marra Guild will d.ee , flavor with other brand . you have been uaing. IItI. Jamea McClure an Frida)" Feb. RonMra.. ..nth a,., BanI)' you. Mra.. pay the differe nce. It will,. nU')' 4t11, at . 11 o'cloci. Note the AId Hawlte, lin. rr.d • • Cole and cIIaqe from TbUl'l\day to Friday. lin. L. A. ZbiaiI l-.a l1li 'her guelta Tu-ta) ,.. cUned ..,.. 8IId lin. J. J. ScbaefFer, motored to DaJtoa ,attende . d the the.. l(1li LuC)' Emle, and Iliaa M&)' at Rlka', aDd later Wrlrht were in Xenia Sunda), .after. a~. ~ '- . We Dellv erlin. Anna CadWal1a. noon t.o en. e McClUl' Jalll.. loin.. and Mr. . ' der. Wayn..."lIIe, Ohio ' Phone U3 t.ertalnecl Friday eveablc, four-ta, .
t~~ini~~~:::~i~~e'C:~h~:.n~ lEACH CHILDREN --_.'_...- -SANCTITY Of LIFE Six Week u More
oats, Heavy of our entire stock of Men's" Young Men's and Boys' Suits and Overc tcb to·iDa collar· ; Work Clothes, Qnd Men's Fjne Dress Shirts, in collar-attached, maket . and oeckhand styles -Man hattan , Eagle, Yorke and Fruit of the Loom . .. Colors iuara~teed._
. ' • GnJDe ery C 0 rw lD
$2.00 Mt'!o's Shirts,
Reduced to " , ...... ,
~J~d~~n~st~~~r.t~: .•.... '..... , ..' . ... . , .. . .. .. .. . .. ~ . . . . .. . . : . $1 .95
$3~d~::d\~~~r.t~,...... ...... . . .. ..' . . ... ,". . , .. . . . : . ..... .. , . $2 .45 $3.50 Men's Shirts, ' Reduced to ...... ... , . . . . . .. ..... . ... .. . _. $4,50 and 15.00 Men's Shirts , Reduced to ...... ...... ..... . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .. . , . .
18~~d!~~~'~~~ .~~~~~~ ~i~~~, . ,. :'...... .' ...... "
.....• ... : ..•
$4 .95
10% Off on All Men' . HellVY Work Cloth ing.
Speci al Price . on our Fine Pure Silk Neckw ear. Some Real Barga in. in 'Mat. -valu e. up to $8.00 Broke n Lota apd Siz~.. Sale frice
22 S. Detroit St•
I' ai!~ ~E~2 S~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~E~ ~~~~ ~~~i ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ;~~~ ~~~; ~~~~ ~~~~ ~;;~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~a~~~~~
ThOM preaent "ere Ilr. and Mn . C. II. Robitae r, Mr. and Kra. ·Wll. aoa Bthfarda, Mr. and lin. Ronald Hawke, Ilr. and loin.. J. B. ChapIlIaD, Ilr, and Kn. Bert Hartaoe k, ~ E. V. Barn. . . Deu IlIcIa. of tile DQtoIl lin. Ilalj)b lOlIer, Cartwr lpt and Klu POftl' 8II~ Lfa1at. ..... ea1eet.cl .. IIut, lin. J. 0,oort. one of the del. . . . to attaDd the LuUe Vanderv Nationa l Blectrte al eollftDtl OD which wu ODe of put .... held· at the IIJaml ..... DaJtoa. 'Friclay 'nlUq clolM! relative s of few a for ure ... pl y. Thanda Hartaoc k, who A. F. Mrs. aIId IIr. . d,-.1ol. . JIr. and 1In. Joe TiD.., mater- entertained with FiveleBllDclre lunch. The taJaecI~ SlIDcIaJ'. 1Ir. aDd lin. Law· lowed b), a delectab '01 Mrs. Hart rue. Hanlin, of IliamJablll'lrj Mr. birtbda , anruven ariea ]I. Senden on IIDd KrL Tolllan LaWlOIl, 1Ir. and lOek and lIrIIe Fred choaen for Kri. Leonard TinaI)' and family, 1Ir. belq near, thit date Willi Were pretent Those ion. celebrat the . Wernta Robert aDd lin. Ilr. and Mn. W. E. Comen, Mr. and and lira. It. few~enda • .r,at the home of lin, K, A. ComeD. Ilr. r Doria, daaaine and Harve)' liarl Fri· lut lIr. and lin. ChuleI and Mra. Erneat B~ cIa7 evenIq . '1'11. . wbo " . . JINa- Mr. William Lukeiaa and dalllhte r' ent'Wer t Mr. aDd lin. Kohut · Pur· ~. · aDd JIn. R~ au and famD,. 1Ir. aDd lin. Joe liar)' -Carolyn , )fr. Ilra.. F. B, Beli. and lIr.· k, Haitaoc lira. aDet Mr. and faml17 8IId TinaI)' ({ole. Kate !Ira. and deTIOD _ . ~' ~ Tinae, ~ ADa left Monda , momm . for De........ .. ilia Ad" Mlchea er • AbIIitatfatr for.. . Allen, III u.. XeaIa IIIrb 8ChooL
Mr. and lin. Eneat JIaNoet en. terIaiIl... a few of thelr fri.... at tbIIr home lut 8a~ ~. -Five tab_ of I'lYe Buadn ti were . . . . . lip. After the ...... . lfcbt IlIIlCh ... - .... . , tM ~ 'I'M . . . . were 1Ir. ~ ..... .Joel Mr. aDd lin. BraeR BlltterwOltla, Mr. . .d lin. . . A. Cornell , 1Ir. ud lin. D. R. SaIJIb1lr¥. Mr. .... 1In.Ba1'i7 8Diftb, Mr~ IIiId lira. S. S. ~ Mr. aDd lin. ~aIe Thom liz- aDd lin. .JohD t.e.a0 ll, lira. CJuaee Dunham,- The_ ~ B~ Surface aDd Pu1 &ton..
.. FRIENDLY ' b...~! c,:"ent -"Doc, wbat', tbIa bill for! Doetor -''Fcn,· two do~or tv for twent.)' calli at two do11ara a call ~d two doUan for medicine. PatilUi t-"AU right, Doe; Jallre'l two for the medlcIDe. I'D pat the
viafla ba_c'k_!_':...-.___---.:=--_ • ,- • .
' . Trr aM ........ a...u. ~ J.. W.....
Bre a;d C~=~i~~~. ~~.~~~~~~'.;. 9c,.0 , I-lb. loaf . , ... . . •.--: .. : .70 Who" Wheat, I-1b. 1.., . .... .• 1e Vienna . R'.f 1 -lb. I.., . ... .. . .. . .. ... 10e ·· Count,. ,. Club, 1- b. loal ... ..
...1I":.Oc Cakes G~er.!:~'... ;........ ~ Sod", C,.oker.-B~tter or
'Marahmallow~nd""eh, lb. _.110
. ..... 1 Sc .r~~,:d.... !!:!d~~~.~.e ~:; eac... . _. , _.. ,,1.110 , Pall. IO·poun ~ ~ch
. . - " ..•. , ...
54 .c·
,Coun try Club"Cream erY, ' . ~r pou~d . . ...... . _.. .... . ., l , . .•.. ;tlc
a.-Ea tm_.8 rand, lb . . ... 11e
Chuinl old, per poun.d
Sales. $350 ,000 wortII of ..... ' *,,-te st of .. F.ia. . . . . . . be sold ...... .... CIreId . .. . . . . . . F ad RIp , '. .1I'Ide ·CIotIIIiIi. Stoves TIle ..... ..... . II ...... .. . No .....at., ~ 'IOf'IIIIIutioli Of 1tIOIM . .. . . IHIIt .iII tills P'8It store . . JMIIII .' . byat t... tIIII ........Do . '....y for best ..___ for ,-=I11~";Ii . ~y 'IEI.~.8rowIt'• •o~ first ,.,... ... ....... ... It " . . . ~ to .. ~, to ...... ...... ...... .... ,.~
MIt..... ....... •
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6-Plece Uvial Roo.. Suite
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.................... ..... I (. . Iteil'l~ I Whole Nu t'l.1ber , 6739 I
EEKlyitEPORT . , .'
"'"VAl-etm.,. DAY . V>MD4 S\<IMPWP AMP SAVID
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'llbe new radio baa been completed and ia workinr fine. Kualc· wu heard In the halls of W. H. ,So from both Oincinnatl and Dayton. The pOllterll for the Farmer!!' Itltute have been completed and on, display around town. Prises be awarded to 'tbe on,s havllll' best po ~ter8 . '
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U North ar\~ Soutb Am~rica can· not Nt before the rest of the world all example of lIelce and celllmon Mn .., lomethinlr II 'I'tOq ~th North or 'South America. Thll "e~ the Latin' republic will Ipend $100" 000,000 developln, raltroade, and mOlt, of the mon." will be bo~wed In the "United State~ Chile I. 1\0lI0tlatlq 1 f.O,OOO,OOO Iqan it'l N.Jw York -Ito .Iectrlfy the Chilean State rallwa,... Apparently thOle Soutb - American republics have public of· ftcl... lulBclenUy honeat and COlllpe· tent to man..e State railwaya. The ftnancln&, OJ desirable Industrial enterpriH' In South Amerlcu . by United Slates bankl Ia a useful inv.tmat for Amman money.
As yet there has not hllon any pmes eeheduled for Friday night of tbll weeIC. ' -The Itudenta of th~ Waynetvine acboola have been attendl~ the ' Hr· mona at the ~l llleeUM held at the II. E. church, very ~larl)', and in !rOod numben. Wedneada" nlrht Februll7 9, II Scbool n~bt. There will b••pecl~1 llluak and a speciAl .ermon for the benellt of the cbll. dren. A large crowd II urred to ~ there.. • _.
WIleD Anctrew Camerie 401d bia milia to ·Unlted Statea.Steel be would accept onl" 'Peelal bonds, wouldn't take preferred Itock u a &'ift and laaPed at the common atock ~villl' " It wunlt even water, It W&I "alr." Recent IlI'ures would .urpriae and proMbly annoy . Mr. , Cam.... '.
U f
bu.m~ ~tl~h~:~"L~~!i.:H~:'~W=
time protparitJ_tn the lWei billion dollan will be apent on _MW lIolf counes and . clubhoWlu tbil "ur, ilIcludin. the Iloat of 1,000 new !rOlf clulia •• tartina ,and malntenance of old cluhl. If the nat.lon could ~uUd ' I; thousand new 811nll machln. ODe, for eacb new «011 club to protect the lina and pl"cl~ I'ell' Uemen playina on tbem, It would be a pod thine.
Dr,. Id
.ets ,2501)0' rib f ::chln:",., ~18d ~ Jl\a~ ufactare-benedictlne, cWtnUll8, and othel' lIqueura. Tile "bTendllll''' b.. • been ....illl' _I\!lt. full blast, for four months. lIanf an Amerian bAa ,:IamaCed hla mucoul melllb"'ne" abIOrbiq 'tbe product at that macbln.. . .,.,..
tJal n9mlnatlon, ..,.. GovemoJt Smltb
OYSIER BUCKEl -FILES OF. GA1~mE . TIle bod)' of a "hlte girl [ORlY [lYE YEARS about Hven and a half r -r '-AGO found coDcealed in a
Iy. Amonr othen' mentioned b" Hqhee wu "Little WilUe," W. T. Kemp, of thiI place. He ae sa,..: dA letter from lIr. and Mrs. 10rdan tella ua that "Little WiWe" .ufrered with "bebee jebe.." aU ter, and has been unable to "o~k b'lt two days thia year. They further coinment that his appetite Temaina normal, upon ",hieb they base their hope for his recovery. A few ago they wanted to get him ~o ascertain If he"was losinc In&,. No Itl'ocera .Icale, In the town would r~gi8ter. bili 10 .carted him to the ml11 ed that he DillY 'weighed . "111, yesl We bope bis atUl illlprov\l-'~ • _ •
a creek tbicket by Rhodes and Ech,ard (The foUowln, Ittlllli were on ,. R.. Murdock farm, off en from the Mlallli (iiuette of Colu..bWl pike, late Saturday after- mary 8, 1882.) , noon. tlear Xenia. ThJ ftndhlr of the bod)' WIll report Peny Kenrick talks of moving to ed b, the boy• . to SberHr Greenvine. Tate, Special Deputy ' Bair &ll.d Coroner F. K. 141111 Emma Fetter has been very Deatll had b~en caused by sick from ~cclnation.. . ad akull, ~uled w:en t~"' Kendall Taylor "anlli family intend Fcll In e fore ead a movin&, to Dayton tbiis week. : n.trum::id had b d d h een .. t re. , ' lted lut Sunday. n. d of whieh , at .the .K. 1:r\1II' it. _ The. protracted lIIe~tinl' E. cbqrcb continuea with unabated j
Ravinr nne out of baaiD...
~'!i: r:.::-~.~: ~::lE~_ --0mwrftt
·Columbus , epe rter
0 S8S 0 HOME
Next year's automobile license tags will be white letter!! and figures Of! a dark blue background. Deci. aion to this effect has just been made by State authorities' having tbe mat- ter in charge. As usu/ll they ,wlll be manufactured at th!! penitentiary, and the COlt to the state win be between, 10 cents and 15 eents a pair, but to ,tbe auto owner it will be from ,4 to $15 a pair. Manufacturing of tho tags within the prison walls means work for seve~a:1 montha for a I~rge number of 1I1'180nen.
mlttee qf The Spanllh and World War Hean Calvin CooUdge be theInRepubveterans. t;equeat wu transnominee for will President 1928, to the Asselllbly lIy G.o vemor and he will be re·elected accordinr Donahey wbo concurred in the com· to .Col. Thad H. Brown, w'h0 .. ~- J;n_t
ATTEND CONFERENCE ml~~:'~o=~ee wblcb was appoint- :t:~~~~ro:ai~:~~n~~'Pr!fd::~ by the Governor to make a survey "but we didn't talk politics," CoL
Mn. Edith Ba~,JIn. of need!! of ,tbe home at ,Xenia a~d Brown said, adding that "All WashKn Fred HendenoD the dSoldler!! alld Sailon "ome at IlI&"ton thinks the Prelident will uk . and Mn. D' San UlIkr' , reported , facilities at the another term, but the President himu reprMOntatives of the· Orphans Home are not only inade· lelf Ia absolutely silent on the que.. AaxlllafJ' of st. Mary's DOW to take care of the chll· tion:" The former atate secretary tended a conference at Cbrlat b t ~",~re~ for b~ thb' ill8tituti~m, baa opened a law olBee In the HuntDaytoD, lut Thunday. : _ t ~rease t ~ popu~tion In&"ton Bank building, and ·wIll devote lIiII Jobnaton of G1! ndale edu- 0 the lnat ution which Ia Imlnent, his time to hie- practice. While I~ catlonal lecretan. preiided ~, tbe due to theh W:ldj ~u:., It~:i Washington he ",as admitted to praemorning IC!IIIlon a~d pve an inatrueim ted ttl ond elae,-n b tlce before the U. S. Treasury detive talk on "Rural Work" the prove. twas ec re to e .P8rtlllent. • ject to be atudled durllll' the In ~state of ::::lect. d d Luncheon waa aerved In total ebu~:t for eth:~~:~ho:e It Is more than p~obabl~ ,t)lat a lah houae. In tbe aftemoon Rev. Mr. .,848,996' for the 18 mont\i.~ aopro- number of change. Will be made In Foreman, of New' York, !'latlonel Ru. priatlon period be&'innlng next July the Ohio eleceic:m laws by tbe pr.... . Secretary, and an Intenael" 1 ShoUld the ,78 000' be approprl- en legislature. A special committee , speaker, addr....d the aied now, -tbat amo~t would be de- which has been investbtating tbe qu.. on rural church work ' and ducted frolll the bud-to Finance tlon has made. ita report showing its .~ Director Wilbur E. Bak_r had'TecolII' wbeth or ousand a 0f d0llara may, be a total budget of ,760 896. saved ~nnuallY by making certain
SHOW iD~:: Annie Sweetgladbaato saybeensbe LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS OLD GHAN·O·STANO ' andr:E!:~~~e ~1~r~:~~e~O:~Ee~" lick, but we as a result a bill which AND SALE were ':'~ ...... WILL HAVE ·lfmNG . SOLO AT XENIA ~di~e~:!:~::fn;~~~i:~~~:!m~ trUes.ta of Mr. Thoma. J. Browne there has been a l'eneraJ demand for quJte is
COLUMBUS-Rural residents of Ohio took over Colum bus last week .' thousands of · them being in attenl1.~ ance at the Farm ers' Week prog.,am at Ohio State 'University. Attend;l/l ance was not as lal'ge Il~ it has been in previous years, but the .program was one of the best ever presented. Those in attendance had II splendid and profitable week, and In addition to attending the programs at the university, visited points of Interest. Among ·theae points the Ohio pcniteqq.ry always takes the lend. Some how or other every rural visitor that comes to ' Columbus wsn\s to visit within the cold pl'ison walle, 'and take a look at the tbou8llnds of unfortunate fellw! ' therehi co~ed.
. •• •• , . Immediate appropriation by the Lerislature of ,78 POO for remOdelInl' cottal'el at the Ohio Soldier!!' and Sailon' Orphans' home at Xenia,and an Increase of $90,900 in the }fomell' budget lUi recommended by, the Fi· nance Director, hu been ' requested of the State Lel'lllature by a com-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 .~ . . . . . .
•- • 573 000 fOR
SCotch The . . .1 compail" In 1918 thrift. earned ,199,004,741 . enougb to ,17.118 a ahare on . the com. A letter from Stat: mOD Itock, a new record of peace· E W H "" b 1_
Laat Friday night the two bOJl' basketban teams of Waynesville Hlgb IICbool, Journeyed to Xenia, where lhe)' were en..-red In a deadly basketball battle, only to be defeated by a larre acore.
; ,
State' • Caoital i Prep'are by I
The meetinp now In progrellS 'at the 14.. E_ church are well attended and full of interest_ Rev. and Mrs. Stillings, of Springboro, are assist. ing In the services, Mr_ Stillings lead· ing the ainging and Mrs. Stillings presiding at tbe piano. A choir of Mteen. augmented by from 12 to 35 children'li voices, aSllist In the alnring· , t Sunday was Decision Day and ob~ 20'0 wer-e in attendance a_t the n~y School and church services. Th en perl!9ns united , with the church at the close qf Sunday gcliool and four at the closc of the morning service. Dr. Roberta, of Hillsboro, District Superintendent, preached on Saturday evening, Sunday morning and evenln&,. On SUtlday at the noon bour a baacUnner was enjoyed by a large number in the basement of the church. The meetings will continue each evening except Saturday. 'Speclal services. for ·the High school thla, Wednesday eveninr.
Don't forfet the institute Friday and SatU..dllY',February 11 and 12, 1927, in tbe Gymnuium.
1,000;000,000 _FOR' COLF"
toH ~S ~ ~ AAIIII SOMI'MI.... Lid 1M' ......... ' OF
AND ,,-\D
terestillg from the
ftd ...... of ClIo.
of uw,............. u __ _ We Iulve !lolel out our III the , , . " ....~.... __ 4~ v... ..,_ Ltve nock, p:fOdueen and general i I b WIUIalil O. IlcAclOQ .. til, eoJllJ' maa maraaine b\J8ln... to ' Dr.. Hall. and The Il~tlon of cattle feeden and family, on Sundj'Y. farmers of Warren c,o unty ere some rev s on t at would not only for Democrata to nominate., Mr. requ;t fol' WarNlI county is directed to a sho" Mias Hatle 01 ted to attend a Uveatock . The Old' Itl'anelltand at the Greene , MUton sa,. , QOlf~or ~lIIlth caDDot r. an ., aale ~ be held in_ Dayton June II ~ted relativell anci ft:lllnds he~ meeting in 'Oincinnatl1huraday, County fair Itl'0unda wu IIOld at pub- ot ·tbe unneceuary COlt•• It, nom\laated beeauae 'the country 18. $1600 In pn... .11 beln&,.of· Sunday and Kondaf. roar,. 17.. Mr. C. P. Denman, of IIcauctlon last Saturday, -"the mate, .......ty per cent dry, and no wet by the Dayton Stock. Yerds Co. ~ , Farmington, Mo., -'prC!lllclent of the rial brlngtn, '410. 'llhe atruc~ . can be elected to th. ~d."ay." tbroUl'h .the po.tolBce and ~t aett1.. dlltributed amonl' the best Ella MllIIllCllne is very mpeb india- National Livestock Producer!! .... IIOld in four .ctiona. TbHG Maybe Ohio will get a new State. Gover.no~ Smith'l frlellell say, ''walt,.it. You are divorced, from each count ~ We hope tho little lRlft'erer cilation, havlnJ about 200,000 farm· aectiOIll were purchased by ' RUlBeU o.lBce · }lulldin&, after aU. The plan . , ,be ber lively ~II apln. en tbrouchout the com belt, will Adama a farmer Deer Bowenville II now to bonow the money, l .rom tbe and .... • • In China the thine Ia more leriNo. c~iiaIitiI of single en, the princ!p'!e aci~ lleettq "bUe the fourth wu bOlll'ht for 'H.ite~cberar retirement fund, lnateait of bellt fat.teer or fat heif- ae:~~s ~:::o:b~~\::~nad.chS!C~u: wIll.start promptly";i 10 .. m., Cen- by F • .S. Gram, fUmer of the BeU- usmg the money__from the WorkJohn D. 'Rdck.ef,uer· a~iI1 biB the ou.. The. nettvea hate Itnnren AI try of NI1\' York: Stock eschantre Hat that ata hate dop. ney ere tired of or from each county, wltb three d I aka will b In ka ttal Standard time, at the Grand hOo brook pike. , men's Compensation fund, and the watch....-fo~.. lpend mlUlII1 for each an co e llI&8on wee tel...Jih. and . Central .\ve., Cincinnati; Tbe. structure will be tom down orirlnal objection has been. eliminat.. he boulht hi 1883, forty-four qo. Re 'never u. . itt 11:-.,. it ,.,.. havlq court&' and tenllory'lIf . ' IIr. P. O. Wilson, manarer, -to &'ive way to the new ed. ,There is a strong 1ee1inr that baplf tic ..e",incl hUn of old daY' "beD own and ire clad wben the Unie of s\..n or flve heifers . Mr. ~mo. Ke1ae~1 baa IOld hla othe, oftlcer!! of the Producen to erected Ilt a coat of be- the money in the ;Wormen'. GOIIIbe w.. ' maRine mon.y for' ¥JDIIOlf Clom~ to murder a few. The lila.. each county -with 'five premium~ farm near Middle Run to Mr. Joho operative Co~lnlaaion $12,000 aDd ,15,OOi)," , pensatlon ~~nd Is sacred, and should before"e bepn spendlna' hlllllUlionl derlne ..em. to be 01018 at !:aDcL ran&'inll from U5 to ,10. Group Sackett for ' $'7,000 .and bu rented In direct c,h alJe of the improvement wn~ belp he be 1!8~d onl~ ~or ' ,thEh p.urpose tor Ill. Rockefeller FQ.ulldationa, inlti. _, No.8 con.iata of the beat lot , 1& Mr. Wm. Ropr!!' farlll. . which -time ,t he .full report of the teh fab.: board aDd wUl be the lIIean. which it ,la paid In. There ia,no qu. tI,btlnr ~.....,!lor othel' Ul . S bali f b1s Ihlpe steen or beifers. with flve' . . Farman' Co-o~ratve Marketin&' II- of brin&'ing lIIany more patrOWl tc; tion bu~ what the. Stat~ needs moro nc e am IOlIIe 0 ., extendln, from ,&0 to '80_ The WaY"ellvl1te ottheetra aoclatlon on the' Chlclnnitl yards wDI the XeDla fair. ' _ office room for its rapidly develop. peo Ie, t Hat, whieh prObablY coat ltr. ~d ma.!: Accordlnr tQ above "Premium ded Mr. Wm.am Rlnkl' and wife be &'iven and plana discussed for fu· " ' ' . - • ' . In&' departments. Now they ere seat. • th ,e it oxer re theexblbltora of eacb county will Corwin Jut Wednesday nlrht. and ture worle.· A large p~rtion of the . _ .. ' . . tere~ in aU pam of the city all,d Itoekereller . 1811&' thaD ,110,000 h. could DOW I8l1 for ,180,000. It be :dn..thbe~the 0 : : na ODlru~':. In compete amonc ' themselves '0!l~Y' In "ere moat elerantly treated b" thla live stock of Warren county is mar· YOUDI ,Meeting it would be prae~ically i~pou~ble bolell It a little longer, it wiD be d e : ti P&J the the .Inrle animal c181111Qj _110 if' !;II bapp" couple. keted through the 'Fermera' Co-ope. . f~r a visitor to get to them all With· na on entri.. are ftlled, at least .aix priue r rattve Comptl81!ion Bllllociation, 110 ' " •. in a fcw days. There are plenty_of worth ,.00,000. _ r ' m~, back. ... h 1_ -ul will C!I to .eacb county. ' )0,_Mr. ber;t Sh~r and faplil,., of memben of:. tbis organisation and Tbe reguler meeting of the Y. F. good ~ites ,available for such a build- . ., ., ' , , DUC t.ht¥ won. e P 9U. ~p ar· Preml\lm lilts and entry . ",,",In. have mov."" , ~~ . Sout1i Chul.. the ,Farm 'Bureau who h.ave aold will ~e held at the home ot .Jean. ing, the plan being to e~ It near R~Il ' bUitianeil .aD~ ~. wUl It,. Wlaen Earo... · . . In trOuble are l;IeI~c distributed throuCbthd of- ton. Rob baa been '~nr pniaI nil'M bora, cattle 'and ,ftheep thro,u&,h thia Sunday eve~lng, F~bru~ the State house that he omcee could be . ~ In their JUI! fro .. DOW Uncle Sam seat aD of lice of the _count, ~nta In tbe 1Ilne ope~tor for IO~ ~!an and we &J:8 Ilrm abould be present at t.he meet;.. 18. Tbe leader!! are _a s 10,lIo",a: . ' be together as clo,sely' as po""lble. The on. 'or a. divorce Foa I;Hnpw notif7, Oon. men, fI!'J ~OWI&D... countt.... ,All cattle leeders who \lorry to lI a.r t ,with , \l;. Ma! Inll, at which time refund ,checks on Devotional Leader... ,:... Amy H~pkm8 bill will probably pass but ~ust ",here the au~~ritlea, t~t 'Jl'u .want it, tIIIen Ian ~d other wchilaJi... dJd nol receive announce- attend him. .. ~. tbe ' commiuion charges will be db- 1.;8IIIon ~ader. : .. ~:vmond -!3.raddock the Dioney· is.. to 'come ,'from is far '" Mnd -word to JO.u r bet~ half since. ments bV mail, should caU Ot write MDt Rorers - of PeDdletoa C!&IIIe tributed: '. . ~ecreatlonal .J.e~der"" __1.. ·Ruth Co~k £rom being determined• . It will ft;" to County Aren~._~lUa, LebaJaC!ft. bollle lUt Satdy. ' Be ~ ~oTine Livestock marketing problem. will AU lIIem~ . be prepar.ed to ' an· quire appr-oxlmlltely. $a.,OOO,OOO to • - ;. " bl. laml1; cdown th~1l'e tocIA". 110£ be ~llICtJllled by Mr. Denman whOle .wer Cluestioqs ' ~n Chap. VIII, "Th~ erect such a bu!l~n~ 811 is , being '1:,. M~,tiD , I ' hU a !rO"Od 'position 'on the t.: K. lL auociaUon . I~t year lold about Problam of Gettmg Ready for Life. considered. " ~; . It:. We.. IIOrrf t., lcae ht.n and 80t OOo. cars ~f 1ivea~ock, valued at , approximately - $126,000,000. Thl! The W. F. M. IOclety -of the 1,1. Parmel'!J' .; Natiqnal , Llv8ltock E. chureh lIIet with KIA Petti*"at the At ' ~.t blaI • fID. lOCIation over 145,000 hOllle of lIer aiateJ:, Ill'll. Slue, ~ . farm • ~n. Iouth 1~ f ..der dlr~ to dler on Wednesday afternoon, Feb· rrliIM bom the savilli' of 1'.U&rJ I. She w.. uelated by ·)f,1. blc Miami, acru. It .. hundredtauDa l>akUi .nd IIIn. J'r,nt h..,.. reDte~ fOf a that he can;n.e attend~ce -wu 1QOd. aod th. not 1II0Y. upon t1da IPriD&' Calv.. followlnc prolf&ll.l, ,~u. 11\'1.· I;. .0. ~, " In-'I'uu, 0r0U piealdlnll. W&I "ven:VletrOla d belt -feedera ..... d.votlonala, ..... Wub WWte other b1llllJer:~ ,bOok on1~ , a,y. L. R&rr1 cODsmi1lted an the Produce... ~~~:j=,1 UAr ....
dh~~y~ ~
, 1'f:t
"M. 'S.
A. lV_burn; 'nacliq, 'Tt>rda In dllmh ~lt-==~:~li ' 1IarJ'. 8UD~ f~r Ule fatun w01 Million .ork," -lin. ~on oc and e &eh re~ . . .t!nr. AD ~ pron.; 'IIIJ'IWrJ ~x, aoDclaeted II a ,nward tor daeen ad feeden are to-the Wu1lbIll'~U neltatiola, Rath eould.,. 1II11t1Q, reprell.. of wIiet6ir .~.
.... btn or haft 81~===I'I ere Uu'OlIIiIt the oo-opera"'"
1 ~ HI( M'~-""·lr...: IN ~ "'t>"VE 'roU flxA .... OCE"'~
EM~C ....~ W-V Ma ()Ee .. ~ AltO OH~ !
PLEAS PROCEEDINGS Mary Lambert was granted a dlvorllC Crom William Lambert and relItored to her maiden name. Mary Ropki!l4larolfce W. HnJl1lilton wall order'ed ro pay thf,' costs Qf the "uit and to pay Margnret Hamilton $20 pcr week for the IIUpport of a minor
. GrAnt' ,Newman pleaded not gull. \ Court set. the case for heluirl21 "Howdy?" h~ uttued, Wedneaddy, Fe'bruary 23 and onth. ",soar-h,e no, 110 fixed the bond! to be given a !sfllil e~" Ta~Q two, obe ~l!JOO • . Wm. ~eDonald was appoint Hlcl" ' And he . tbrulltli a ~d'hi!l :attorney. . meidy ltIdy drew ·back.. I civilly'de- . .OSC8l' .schneider pleaded guilty iqed the "smile.". ' . •, " . and ~a~ntenced. to the lansfield tefonnatory for a period of not lesa :'Tharik you.. . I do' not arlnk." '., "WhaU" His tone stitl'ened., "The than one year. h ~\1 \lOU 114)'. Havo 11 . amUe you pllMorrow Brant 'was appointed to gri",,; fer if you dontt--'· . n$llillt the aherift ifI t he tranportatlon hTraln's 8tar~ ng, Jim," ,he jn, of convict. t!> the Reformatory at terpoaed 8harp'I~. "If you ' wllnt tQ Mansfield. . get laboard you d bette, h1lTrY." · not guil. James Hawthornoe pleaded The »ell waR ringlng, .¢Ile~cn. ty to a charge of breaking and on~u~:-r~s ~b';,1tn'lA~~~:!.~,,"V·the tering. , Court fiJ(od tho time of Without another ""ord the lady hearing of the C8flo as February 24. tripped for the car ateps. 1 trave HI! WIUI placed under a $2000 bond. the ' fellow one fliom 10Qk lInd ller- . James Hawthol'no, Willis Haw· :foroo left him. T;be tr,ain-moved 811 thomlf!:!f:e and Cbarle~ Robbins gave ·' I j\1mped on t~erest and bond r ames ]fIawthorne and he the 'conductor a brakeman Willi eleBacd. the t.ipsy fellow aboard., ~ Lady was en8ooneed, ' • ---', . ",pia th0Y get Jlm1" abo inquired. NEW SUITS . "By . ~e scroff of. the neck. You , The S Fred (Jlo. VB. Thomas M. know hIm!" i . ' "He'a from Benton. 1 auppOle and ,Grace Gynan; for money only. tlizabeth Hllrd~g VS. The Eetna he's been down liere on a little ~a. aear as they ..y!' . ' Pape~ Co., of Da3[ton, the CleV,eland 1 had no mOTe than Ifeated myaeU Cbieago aDd St. ~O'liB R. R. Co.• and WIt. ,.••• <1o, IaBide here when tbe brakebll~n .~, the Vllla~ of F1ranklin. for money r ... e ...•• , . bledl throuab, his face in a , ~ blo.d Ol\ly. n ....' fto 1tl''''v·,.,It t,. -ON' " ' •• , '. '<?.. • Val McCabe VI!. The Aetna Paper Wh. ,..... ft •• ,.,.,..17 '''jIJII'' . pin, " :WeU, we 6,ot Qim conalJ~ III Co .• of Qayton, 1!he Cleveland, Cln· proclaimed. He'll sleep i~, btf· clnnatl Ohicago Bind St. Louis R. R. In' the matter of the estate of Dr. be ready for: night." ." l i d Bot loon there wu .. eomD\otioa Co., and The Vi11!~e of Frank in, for J. M. Wright, the private 118 e or erin.the forward lIart of the cu. : .Jim /I'Ioney only. .. ed by court was approved and con· ' Scott Lille VII. Daley Lille for dl- llrtned. had \ appeared. "Have· a voree. Eleie' aaU, guardian of Arch K. "811 ' George B. Yo WI' va. George , Hall, filed her first and final account H"'l1IoAn·. Luella Heauden and Ohaun which ' was ordered su.pended. , -c;a:~::~:~~IIO~~~ cey Besuden, til money only. ' A. Elizabeth AdamI) admlntStra· tAl l'~l1n,~'IC~ Tbe People'slullding, Loan and of the estate of Albert P. Adama Early for Your S.I. D.tel. We Cuar.nt... her InventoQr and appraisement Savings Co., of Lebanon VB. Caleb S.tiaf.,.~ion or Charee Nothinr. . McClung, Jennie McClung and ihe which was orderell reeordt;d. Bank and Court fixed a price on bonds m Trust 00., for money and judgment. the estate of Finley Thompson and p" ,.\ .~ ~ \ The People's lrlullding Loan and ordered the ac\mll)iltrator of thl! esSavings Co.. VL 'Charlell S. Stayton, ~te to sell them at private we. Phone eJo. 2 Phone No. 32" • ' .' "alth iI all" I Shirley C. Stayton and Fr.d S. Simpwild' What is aD thil .about!·i - e:m1a1ned '.'1 am see ..m&, ~e.. , ' "Yb u CO back t ~ yoW' eeat, Jimt,; son, treaaurer . • W t D . . . . ""FERS a... anen conn y. REAL ESTATE T.~~n;' I'D be damned I" he' rouudl,. Rosa B. Pope to Stanley L. and ~ed. A1ld--''You've been --1~ 'and ' dry' By IOU,., th.n 8be" ~dertld tense y. "~o ·back, If for money and jlldgment. Benton e the ticket. - It'a 1I0re- bich, you ow what', ao!>d fo't you." Helen EIlzabe~;h WllliamBon va. Dorothy AndeNDn, 40 acrell of land and lUTe, 'drY " • , ' -, ' "Wbaah thatT Who- your dog 1118' Carroll Stanton 'Williamson for dl· Dillc:ontinulna farminc. I wUI malee 'Ho~IQhOltl · anlf Kitchen - XiII. lin Clearereek Tp. a cloaln,.out sale of all my chattel., Clermont beatln, atove, Z heatiD' -He leaned over. tbe aide stepll, and ~r' ShadY'1 Yb~ can't come no vorce.. Wed ahead "Sy4ney is in .tirllt." Ighty-tiih~ over me. Wbll your __ Charlell S. ,York to Mollie M. York located 1~ miles DOrtt. of WaJD"" stove., laundrY stove, ranp eupboard ·Aa I I.f~:tbe _tatl0n 4lnl,Jia-room new fri,elVl T Sbayl" II He 1"6eled ,PROBATE I~ROCEEDINGS 1 town lot in Kings Milia. ville, 6 milell a~uth of BeUbrook, on kitchen cabinet. drop-leaf table. 2 I ,1011Dd ij)e ladJ 01 the .blpe eyes and crlpp8d the seat• . By Gawd, .1 Joe\ and Bessie ' Kirby to W. C. the WayneBv1l1e and Benbrook road, bedroom .ultes. bookc.... eouch. & strolli11/!' alone· 'upon the platform. rot the dead·wood on , you, you-I" Charles M. Fltta, administrator of Lew,s, 41 acrell of land in Olearcreek on the GeG. Hartsock ~'OD diniilg-room ehaln. rockers, hanrtnc . ''You are ~ther .1011' in and he had 100llOd, a torrent of epl- the estate of Alh:e B. NiUlI, rued hiB townenlp. ' lamp. Incubator. wu\Uf1e machine, uoaed iiI'" ' sM -:.:~~ a . theta. . . , D -'.. d Ad F to Fr d d . , 1.17 i:"'t have';'6 ute'll tolNtherl" "Fr that I'd Idll you in any otb- first. final ' and dlistributlve account. , By .... an a urn~ e an Ta.....y. F.b"".ry I " • separat'or, and many other tblnra_tn-n( plead ruUtY madam."-ladmlt- ,r plaee, Jim," she ..iel. "You .know 'John Hendrick!!. administrator of Kate R.lchards, 1 town acre in Way- Bee-innine at 10 o'clock ' tho folJ. E. COLLIER. ted. "But tho! ~,ld; '1IIeal ab.all be I'm nbt afraid of you. Now kat the e.tate of Heman Hendricks, tll- neaville. , lowine , bo~ 2 cOWa. 8 brood W.lter Lacy, Auct. m rivllege)'i- · '. . you wo!!I" She had made .udaen ed his firat and llJl~1 account. Jacob Hall .t o Emmett Harris, 8 lOW., 8 faU pigs. 8 ewell, 1armlnt 'I"/or dlnrier, Jea; at .ch1l"eDlle." of hand and I .aw: almost Nannie B. Brico. · guardian of town lots in Franklin. implements, feed and poulm. ~OTICE, OF APPOINTMENT "ADd after that yoU: will be nOle the amallest plltol im Frank Hicks ftle~, her sixth and ~al A. O. and Margaret R. GrUfy to EDWARD COOJ[. home." ' .. 'n account. R. E. Simkins. I town acre in ClearMartin" Stan1ey, Aucta. "Of coune." Sbe . w~~ed. ,u No matter, 1 Gertrude C. Cropper. Tp. Eatate of Florenee E. Brackney, ... e "Benton now · him. it , opened 811 George E. G'ar• ' W ~ 'wIII 18II , at pu bl'~ ~., cti on on dec•• -ed '1IIo.ec1 so is frequnijy The fellow's ml¥ltb ___ ~. • to eaIl almoit no place for fresh .buse--In~d half rilling renew the note now held I;ison ... ..town a~res In Tp. the W. A. Haine. farm, 2·innes noJ1h Notic'S is hereby riven that A. '_ ~TjQdge then 'that you .!'M landed 'upon it witli my fist. Huntington NaH nal Bank, 41bert and Annie Richards to Lon- of Harveysburg, on the New Bur- Dllan lJrackney hu been dul" ap- '., ' . ': neebld. . . may happeD,('Witil a "Go where 'yollvbelong, y.ou drunk- umbua. Is Bishop, 3 town Iota in Franklin. lington and HarveYllbuflr pike, on In"into,,1 and qualified .. adminl~ ..... ( en whelp I" '., Proof of pllb;lication of the ap· Butler and Martha D, Rose to Ed, . ,' of the eetate 0(' Florellce E. ible b.;.in.......' 1 hUarded. ''The1''6 is money in ,foJlowinlr tbe 1 had m~~k and spoken at the poini.ment of Li~ia M. Sawin, ' a. gar Jordan. 1'town lot in Franklin. . Thand.,., F.bra.r,. 17, .1927. Braekn·ey. late of Warren Coun\J. nilrbad l .nd that II , OU~ ]lH8ent .amerlattrae • 'w th a of ecutrix of the 1lstate of SUll4n E. Miami . Cemetery Association of Beginning at 10 o'clock the follow Ohio. deceased. ' life" aDe aid • .b8n1tly. ',A town s~ d erne! anf "~tl reIs surt- Hainea, wu flIed. Waynesville to Oharles E. Shutts. Ing: 8 )1o,..ea. 16 arade cattle, 121 Dated thiB 2nd day Gf F,br1lU'J. t- pnlle up .. ou lmow at eact term me '!nore, or w ..~ e .".as no S I d b J b' l:n. dri ._- 1 t '. I t ' W vIll 6 t 6 in I I ts ....... in 1927 W s , ... I ~th' fre bt lind eonacloua of havinr ellerted a es ma e 'Y 0 n uo:n c..... o~n 0 JD aynes e, own hors. ...arm g nIp emen • .._, . • Z; ROLL, .,Jl~!ua,~~~oo:e:m~. ~t!l0 ~nd ~ of a foree/ he toppled backward administrator , of the e8tat~ of Her- lots JD Foster Park. , _ etc. ANDY JACKSON. Judge of the Probate Court, I~ P ao-a ead 'b'*inea and 1Ult0Sll the aille 1!raihed down In a were approved. Albert Dill to L. M. and ,Mary E. W. A,' HAINES. Warren «;ounty, Ohio, Jmof4ilUl,on,al men pull 1talteII10r bap WIdeI' the' opposite Beat. ," of the ap- Ireton. 63.6 aerea of land In Deer· Martin" Stanley, Aueta. Ildt terminus " · Ioon' " loCated. "'Look out! Look out I!! .be cried. Pope u exec· field Tp. of Cbarles M. Aa 1 have rented my farm, We were interrupted, A drunken Up be ~amMed. wre~ing at . his rowdJ was eareenina over the plat- revolver, lI ut.. th", bQlCell1:J~ and COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES ed 2~ miles Bouth of Waynellvllle, conductor amved, and- In:. a . Iffy he of the on the WaynesviUII and Lebano'n fol'lD a large revolyv daqlin. hia tldsrb " wu hust,led forward • ..1: e _bac~. B. Baily and The Co~umbu.s Blank Book Co:. BUP- pike, known u the old Emley place, . • Ria laneuage was exttemely offen- breathleaa. '. !' .. , \ executorlil of plies,. U, same, .uPJllIesj ,7.76 , Bame I will oft'er at public ..Ie on ~ _.. • •• aive-be, had an u ..~ mOod 00, COhlrTltulationa . eCbo~ ,• 8upphes. $6.26; I18me, luppltea. MONEY LOANED e crowli ' ''The right Ipirit." ,;' -:~ . F. Devittt, $7,' G. Lederman. supplies, $1.70; 'len. nobAA - interfered asld~ the nativell ' lAurl\iDl' "That'll lam him til' Insult ...,.· la, -, >.- ......... Uk ' I f ' win' bi ft"c'dy" . ' , of th~ Eut End. Coal V.rd, coal, $22.'8; ' Bei!nnlne at 10 o'clock, the LOANS .on Chatte....Stoeka, 8eeurl.... ~-. . 141 e myse VIe g m,..... . ;'Sh , - ' lst " ~." J W ~ h ' Harry. SmIth, tax refund, ,5.92; THe lowing: 2 horsell. 1 cow. bu,l, lranc:e, ""d, aeve~ h1dilln, watchin, "F a e, mil 'd 1" " a 'Or ou • lUI Ollice Outflf;ters, suppllell, n."6; f in ties and Second Mor~ag... Notta 01111 i'r8Ve~y. ble o~ra ~o!'s.lfr m' 'Y~J re ~0~81 '0 , ' executor of the estate of J.B es C. same. supplies, 65c; Bell Preu, sup- Island Red chiekena. a~ g , bought. John Harbine' Jr., Xe"", , ThEiY herself 'wall amJ!,zingly ~aWle'lll,!aa fl.J.ed· Oblo. . • , ·pM~'21 t f th plies. $3.60; mllterial and labor at menta, ,organ, e~ S THOMSON cool nde the .IlP[tbets that he had lam ' ...... BllCrs, execu or 0 e O. Mitchell, material and labor at . • • Co ' .... _. ' apgU .' I ildtnired·. her for that as estail! of GeorgEi W. Byers, filed his Structure $89.36' Chaa. Martin" Stanley, Aueta. t ' - -. ._ - - - - - - - - - sbe gil ed at mepteadingJY. · ~ second account. J Schwartz 8upplle~ $12 40' n~ " .... "A drunken man is -not> resPohsiOakley R. UnlrlesbYl administrator _ .' ,. • We will sell at public. auction at Farm.n of WlirrelJ"' and a4.l01n"" . 1~~ ,~, ble for 'Worda or ac!tiobs," 1 Mid c,f ,the estate of' Josephine Web.ter • - • the Sliver fatm. on the WaynesVille eou\1tl. rna, obtalh m9ne; .oll ..k"; ,,., "Pol!libly'f' strould hAve ,nllt struck filed his first' a~d final aecount. ' and FrAnklin pike, 'State .Road No. tlme loana, at 5 per eent. In..,..., • ...:.1.. 1IJIfMI • • him. In the Far West y-ou m!'y be ' Dora Decker, lldministratrix of , U Ie 73, on " I ' , ~...... . , - - mor~ accustomed to the~e episodes estate nf John E!ecker filed " " Th ' cI F b ....... 1827 COlt of.Kurill, ~~fII ..nie;l •••..,:.... , we are ,In thO 'East-" "" • ar••y, • ra ..... .,. • lonable through The Federal LMt , ~...J.. , - .. d on·t ',·final Green accounlt.administrator of the Co mmaa Ity ' Sal.......... l" F" B elfmn . Ing at;O the ..• 01I0'W• Bank. ' " furtlier ' 1nfor:mation.1 " , , .;, ,,, ,~~ ","0 w.' .. -The .' r,e I8" a . ruU)' 10 ~ a.m., For
baVing 1\ quie~ little IlI'\i1o wIth h,~r, eh1" He llntfred 5uslJlcioualy. . A -few 'SI ige of that wi! make a 111.0neer of you Q.ulc'ker'o alknl!. 8h9'8 favoring yollt--(!h1 Nqw If 8~e tells "8 t, you of n system, take my ndVlce and TIlle brAkeman ..en~ on: er p~o- quit while Your hair's tong.". _ . " Lord, that cuts ~II &'teat ftgg ~n in ".My hair is my o'Wn fasblon. I II', pte ',re don't ....nd on cerem bY I reb ked "And the lady is not tlJo.. matters. Eve~ln!ble a for rlYSQuisioO between 'gendem~n, boarcL Ban~n td t quick." part,icu1nrly 88 my aoqualntance W1tll tiIIIe to draw en ra)'\' bl II' her ia only casual." JUs la1ll\1.,. wal a little ~o u . "Tut. tvtl" he grinne,d. "No offo~,.:: h b d is in ~usinesa1" fense intended, Mi~ter P,lgthimfrj' lIder us T~:' He laid a finger and me are good en~ug en 8. al~"b'is ' DOlle, and winked wiBe- Thero·lI. ~ brace. gl!m~i/~t:!':t. ~e:;' 11. "Yuh bet yuh I And good blilai- t ~':.IY :~~ ~ ~ink%d. "You"re oui Are 70~ ..OD '" ted . "O'n~! 'see the elepbant, yoors'e lf." ",Am ' ,( on. , I repea PTER 11 C... AA • ---:N-D- TELL THE "'IDE, SH~U~H" .
'. H~ ' sight~ us.' .
.."7'''cI'' ,.•," ., w",.••• ,,,..,.1
F. T. Martin
Jesse Stanley .' ,kuctioneer s
Ce ervilte,
.New Burlington,O.
For years,
savings provided by great volume have been devoted to the enrich-
ment 'of Buick.
value. And for years, · Buick owners have bad more~
.depeIJdable mo...
. m
tor car ..... one ,whi,h tugh q~. ' . ity lessen~ up'keepexpe~
,Buy a Bu~ck.....:..· for economy and
satiSfaction. ' THE GkL\TEsT BUICK EVER BlJILT
Garage .......... Ohlo , ,
W........-, F.".... __ 2',
" '.
. . ------------..1 - J,4_1t11t.
Farm, ers, ' AttentIon!. \'
,:rl ~ .
, p bl. Sa Iea
,~i:n~cfht~ mlu!!:~"'~, '0':: !~~r~
. 'Ytl I depen d on your . ste . a ODe. are a abort-range weapon. The men generaDy wear 'fUn aome'jV~~re. It' 18 the ' . .Under you,~ am,lIlU'e I '1 ahall do well. cal~ Upon you favor with
face ~n a ~&nnlfr . have" no ,difficulty . me; .1n event",..-and ~Ilj amlled ~chly"y~!I are not afraid of atr~ge 'Wo~en;, . . !, I lill~. b\8~, .~~a:1f to. :wo,?Jd'~{" . ~~me-: to lulve Pleased ,'You .hllve been carefully J'h,·nu ..llt
God, reap.l:t women, and u Ion" .. 1 bnlathe," maxlDl"":to
of Fra~1( D. JGnes, flIed bis E. W. Ro ••.,..:................ F.""..ry 10 "-t d ft I r t D. R. SaI'-bary ............ F.bra.r,. 14 UflI an na aeconn. Ed a cI Cook FbiThe bonl\ of the executor of the ,., r ................ • raar,. v estate of Joseph p. Frene}l wu 1'8- J. E. COIU.r ................. ,.. F."ra.ry 16 duced from ~O,OOO to ,3500. Jacboa a: HaI ......... ,.... '.bra.rr 17 Lewis Burns. guardian of Fotierta J. S. Th~m.o ................. J:.bra.ry Z~ Barns tiled his third account M. W. SUyer................. ,F.brau' 2'& • L . ' I .Rosa McC-utchleon. ex~cutr1X of the ; estate .of RobE!rt A. Th& thlrd CQmmunlty public auefiled her tlrst MC,olult. will be ~eld a the Fred M: 901e, Charles F. , and Leona G. B~nner Warehouse In WaJDeaville,. OhiO, on adopted Robert Eugene Merle, two . I , yeal'l/ of ) Ig.. '"' :; , Tharfd.:r. F.b.......,. 10,' 1'27 The ,will . of ' Frederick " C. . Whittat l o'clock p. 1!l., linger W88 admit;ted...tQjp~~ ~_ : .100 head of stock hop, erick G.. " -'tt~jlge~_ .•n il~am _ 0'(. Fjlnce,-.100 steel poats, Wbittlnge~, wero appqmted ,admmia- 1 ~ewl Bla,.~ !Iawke nulnure .• preadtratora and ftIed : appllcation for ap- e!, ?~ BlIlall articles, dry ~~~ gropraisers, , ,.' - . . . . ceries, etc. Brine anythinc J:ou have Wilbur ~utt.. ,!dmlnistrator of ,the to sel!. Plenty of burers alwaya on estate of Henry Clay Cloyd' rued hand. R...... a .... b.,."I'" aot aihie fir. and fin.1ll account: " ... lo'!>r_cl. Terma cub. GlenD g'uardJan of COMMUNITY S~LIlS CO. h~ first W. N. S8~rs, Au/Jt. will ott ' bit f " appointe~ a~mfn' , er at pu c auet OD at m,. CluIrles J. residence on the- Rldae Road. for aR- mUe north of Harv.7Ibuflr, on Nathan Gra)' farm. knoWll u the old WilaOD' farm, OD n.nda" F••,..,., 10. 1917. You can Berinnina at 11 o'eloCk, tlae Ing: 8 IiOI'letl, 2 eowa, "20 qalD-ed com, fuminc lmp)emtDta yur IaeellaD ' "our ad m '0\11.'
JfuUD.,A Stanle".
)C. W. ~1I_
inr: 3 head hOl'1'e8; ,8 Je~ey \iOWI, on 0.1' add1'8ll M. C. DR.AKE, TrW- ... 11 head of registered DUroc urer.' phone 1UI-X. Lebarion, Obi..' ' 17 bead sheep farming ' , and a lot of hou~ehald . M. W. SILVE~. Martm It Stanlev, Auc~• • FOil SALE ~
.n.avillg Bold my farm, I wUl' 1I011 public sale at my house, '1 miles PLAYER PIANO-About half .... of Wilmington tllree mile east a.f ,for, May be had by pa~ baJ. Harveysburg. B~d nyo mile~ sout~ 'o~ ance due. R" T., ,% Miami GUetta. Kingman on " ·fl. •
, WM_cl.,., F."ra• ..., SALE-4-,1.ar-old mare, lOud, Oommenclng at 10 o'."nr'K;' anywhere. Lee Eamhut. .. following ptoperty: 611ead Waynesville, ~blo. ' II 1. brown mare, 10 years old, wt. 13 EHER)' -WH~aIua. .,... '. brown bone, Ii ;yn. old, wi. laOO; 1a1 price u we • •e ~ Iarp lot. a& aray mare, Wt. 1360; -rray hprae; '1 the BOCKLET.IUNG CO., 4-11 W. yr. old, 'oVt; 1'100; ba, bone, • yr. tf old, wt. H.pO; gray man, ." yr. old, ibID St,;, Xenia, Olaio. ' wt. 1400 ' .' FOR SAu;;.....Bo......:. . . . SIt a. '1 Cattie-2 'Jene, . C. Hunt, , ~,' " .~.f8 calves 1OlC\, rivinr Iocid 'SALII....;,...., . aaed. blac:1l: Jeraey cow. II- _ c:,..., . :.... ~ Ilde; yellow Je,..,. eo';' Qj.do. . ' .,.. frelh and lOod; pu",w.. ..s>r..._ S.u. ....(l...'"~ .~o~rIIiIr"-..:.. .. GuemllO,Y heifer fresh 1Jy da, ...L ... 'UA _ .Jeney and HoJi'~ · lmfer. I". ..pl!e'!rroll.. .Q~"" O. fresb by day ~f Ale. . _ ', HIlp-:..a bloo4 IIOWI, dlle to r~;tJN~::::!~C: row mlddle of M~ ., ' Sheep-lO . . . o'i ....... ~I . ..... ~tIr ...... • 011 aD ported ...... pM ............... r~~'~~ Feecl'-:"1200 l...ullill.... 1OIIl; of I WIll . . . . .
t:. ........... ..rt'JR . . . .
..:.THE M I A. M. 1..
G. A Z E TT E•••• toryWethat now have it Itralaht from hlaa pretty woman perauaded
Gladstnne out of . : war. Maybe Savitlgs there is a Q/i'actleal reaeon for our modern beauty 'ahopB. after all. The Fertilizer com,pany held tibelr Mra. Mary ,Marahall was a Dayton !Dterecl at the POltolllee,at WayneavlUe, 0 .• as Second CIUl Mail Matter '; anhual meeting, Saturday. "\ visitor. Friday_ . Ten billion more. clgareft llB were . ~ consumed by American people in The W. C. T. U. met Thuraday Mr. "urtle Thompson Ie acaln D. L CRANE, Editor ••11 PabU.her. m., Ohio 1926 than In the year belore, ')Vblch afternooll with Mra. H. S. Tucker. working in Dayton. Subseri"l;\on Pric., 11.60 per year.. Ie on overage. of two per day for evThe next preaching servico at the Mr. Everett Early and " dauchtera 20,000 Members .Asset.Over 10~ Million ery man, WOman and child l~ the M. E. church will be Fel>ruary 27, In spent Thursday in Dayton. United States. Have you had the evening. . . RemeJJ\ber, 8 , play at Lytle hall, ~o , today? Gail . Gordon auctioned ' tbe , re- Saturday evening. February 12th. 'Three {Third ~nd Br()ajlway Dayton .Dh.o · .,' ,",¥,~';"'"!'""",,-:--=,,,,,,,,,~=========~==;:;;;;;===:;::::;:E:;=====:=...~':':""::'="::":::~----==-:------lmalnder'Ofnis grqcery /Stock. SaturMra. Sherman Rogera, of Middle Offices: 510 E~t Fifth St. (E~tablish'ed 1887) W'EONESD~ V. (c' EHRU A It , Y 9, , L~27 Thirty-two men and 'women have day evening. Run. called on MI'II. Frank Rogel'll. , 19 East Third St. . ' . b.eo~ Indidell In Pittsburg for elecMr. and Mrs. A. S. C:ollott visited Friday. ," , tlo~ frauds whl~h leads one tl> tbl~k their son .Robert , at Milaml Military A number from here attended .. . mll)1bc Vare's majority th.e re win l)e I ti ~ • G • free thought and fJ'(l~ apecch." cut In the Senatqrial recount. na tu~e. ermantown, Sunday. aale 'of William Allen at his farm. . WHY NOT A KNOOKOOT? Iin't there a world of truth In t)lose Esther Undell'Wood; ",lio e~t of here. • If tennia developa the racquet arm in the 1Iigh school at Kln&,- . Mr. C. B. Klelnhenn and aon. of .~I!II~----IIi III!III!I~-a McAdoq'••peeeh at Toledo, whero- few wQrds ? If any 61asll IIf people In he took up the dry banner agalnllt should ,be ab)~ to lltand ?n thelr own of playero as 'tie ..Id, then we c.ould was home for the week-end. near Frankliri, were at Lytle on bUBIthe Smith Wett. and started a gen- teet, hold ,theU' ltead. hIgh. ,do baclt President CooHda'e I~ Tex RlckCora Sum.n er rl'turned home neaa. Saturday,. ero~ro rh hOUie In Democratic r.onks OWIl .t hlnkl~g on~ have ~1Ie. right to ard's heavywelaht tourney, linee he 'from an extended visit with Mn. Cbarles Mullenix was called could ully be the end t-oword a final e,xpress tb.err ?plntons, It IS the teach- shook hand, with 1200 people in 27 daugbter, Mrll. .~'e Brown and to Franklin. Sunday, by the ·mneu set ent of whe~er we are to H- er. Humliiatlon such aa Borne of minutes the other day. family, In Barnesboro, :Pa. of. hie brother, Harry. rna n' dry or 10 ~k to the refresh- tea~hors throughout the n~tion · Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Cc>Uett and Dr. Mr. Frank Smith returned from mllnt stand. · Senator Walsh, a wet aubJocted to Ie b.d for society, bad Kaneal . did away with bootlelfDra and Mrs. H. E. Hatton. ' were dinne, Oa,vton laat week to tbe 'home of hlB from lI_chu.ettB. m.de very wise for tbo tcachera. bod for tho taught. - cigarette bootieCClln. Sim.,le gueats Sunday evening of Dr and dau·c hter. Mra. Ralph Jobna. comme~t on the McAdoo speech. He We want no 'mOUlding of the minds manner. ' It repealed Ith~ c1,vette Mra. J. B. 14eKenzlo" of Oakla~d. Mr. H. M. Clark spent Sunday w.lth said: ~ It Ie lervin. an ex~el1ent pur o~ youth by sneakl or s)nveB. ~aw. May ' Carrie NatiOft I lOul . D. Larkin, ')Vho t laachea in the his daughter, Mrs. Arthur W.tklns, POH in propannl' the w y 'tor a defIII peace. . achool. with Mrs" Larkin and and family. near Centerville. I ' Inlte d4derllli..-tlob by the Demo.c rat... baby IOn were in 'Gree~lfield mo.t o~ Mr. and MI'II. Frank $nyder. of Ie party At to whether It ~ll lI~e up, the week. owing to the death of Mr. Mil\misbul'l', were Sunday afternoon witlii pro__Ibltlon or ,....In.~ It. It Larkin's slater. Charlel! Moore ve'" f v_ F k DA Ie an irnpN.lble eonftlct that canably' filled biB place ill the h cuesta 0 ~. ran -.-,ers. not'" eecaped. By throwing down .,. se 0 Mrs. C. W. Albrlcht, ot Sprlncthe race of baUI. In behalf of the room. boro. was a Friday lfUest of her dryt, the M.Adoo ,P.ecb servel! a Mr.•nd Mrs. A. S. Collett enter- daughter. Mn. Kealer Graham. The Next Red Arrow Auction will be held on ..' ~ ...~ ..... ~ ~ tained at their 's upr CI,mp Thursday Mr. snd Mrs. Charlea JOhnB were uleful purpoae." Th.n are thiDkin, mon ever¥..j., l' ' !..lQl.~ ..., the following ~r ueati: Mr. Su~day 1fUest.e of Mr. and Mn. Glenn . - ...... Floyd Anderl50n. Mr. and Jollna and children, at Dayton• Wednead~y, wh. . who are of the opinion that Carleton Anderaolil. Hn. Dora ... t he h_lthleet thin, l th.t could now OPINIONS ARE LIKE RIPPLES Hi L 'U L d ..r. Lou Hormell, of Sprinrboro, at 2 p. in the Overland Sales Room. The 8a 'UCI e egg an MIA spent Beveral days last week with happen would be for the Republlc.a n pa"" to brflll th. lime tblng to p... Qpinlons arc like rlpplet!. . In youth the tendency II to ch~ all of Xen! hi., Ilater. Mrs. Charle, MullenlL . \ Red Arrow Auction Block_ will' be cloled against , wltldn Ita ranb. If SOllie one I1ke Huw long they lalt depl!ndl up~ our opinion. too otten. Little, Eleanor BrOI>itl5 died Friday . further bidr'ing at 9 p. m., Tueaclay, Feb. 22. Senator Wadawortb, New York the lurface on which they appeal'. In old ace the tendency il to chance morning at the home oJ[ her parente, Mr. Walter Lonr'B f.tber, Mr. PeRepuhlleaa -or Nicholas The mind of the Individual who them too seldom. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Birooka, follow. ter Long, wu taken to the Dayton Butler. a partJ f.ctor. holds the opinion Ie the Burface Youth Ie a time for rlpplea on weta two months' illnetl8. Funeral bo.pitai lut week for treatmen. the part7 to decide the whuH character determines its lut.- cr. It is a time for alternating. services were held Monday at 10 Mr. and, Mrs. S. H. Bunett nter· preseDtinr a w.t Ing quality. . , chllnginc open-mlndednell8, tor a o'clock from the houae of hla IT.nd- talned their children and erandc:hlllliltlnc upon a wet Think over your friends. SOllie 1I0rt of sparrow~lIke hoppln, from parents, Mr. and Mra. A. L. Ken- dren to a family dinner. Sunday. ernor Smith ia doln. In the change their oplniona continuously, ono Ide. to another. nedy. Hra. Kerr Routzahn. of near Oeneratic ranb, then' we would others with Iftat infrequency. Opiniona are formed. destroyed The locial &iven b;y the M. E. temlle, spent tbe put week with tin, IOIII.where. It Ie YOll have leen many kindl 01 rip- and Fe-formed with little eftort. church at the Hall TUlladay evening ber son. Guy lloutzahn and fainU,. ~ompany plel on sand. ripples on sand, rlpOld ace Ie a time when the rip- wu very luccetlllful. A delicioul . Mr. a.nd Mrs. Samea Johlll ."~.DQ.-I many tbat th.re will cillve referend,m In a plel 011 ice and ripple marka In 101- pte. of opinion eeem marked In It.lne eupper wae served, beeinnlnr at 6 ed the M. E. church at waYtlI!8V1IJe. tlon or con••Dtlon declldon Id IImeltone. They are fixed. They alter. only o·clock. At 8 oJclock a cleve~ lit- Sunday, and also the buket . D.mocra~ alone. • All are duplicated ' In ' the minda aft,lr lone orollon b, eontrar, ev!- tie 'playlet was" &iven hy a number theire. , •- • of men. del\ce. of ladles. The Harvetllburr orch... Mr. and lin. Walter 'W hltakar Botb attitudes are. off balanc~. tra furnlehed pJeaalnir music dur- famU, attended Sunday Sehool On water, ripplu alter with auceeedlnr breath, in ltone One .Ieanl too, far forward, the inc the evening. Abo,ut $SO were church at WaYDeavill. II. E. church, er too far back. BetweeD the two cleared Thle is to Co toward repair Sunday. change only with the orollon Radicall append to the of yeara. extremel Ie the happy meaD, in. the windowa in the ,church. . . acbool teach. . to One type of mlDd Ie Buid' another Of the two attitudel the one that , ___ 1&. Roy Fnermood and and 'free lpeec:h ftCelved a bloody concrete. ' , can be most. controlled II thAt of ._ lut week from tbe non wheD th.y went to llateb to Th. ftnt Is plutlc but 1Inreteb~v. lolidity. ',Little can be done to chaqe HONESTY AT LAST farm to a farm three mD. b.low PresIdent S. S. lI.nken, of tbe Na. the second.. ia retentive but the attitu!le of the mind of youll], .. .' , Frankiln. . • tlODal Security leacue. He said: in, and indurate. and it has ti~e to &teady down .ny- b To~rle/;~ Ll8IeD, oe6cer; I m 'on IIr. ad lin. Stanley MuUeDix and One ehance. ita oplnlonl too fre- way. ' t e ngh side of the ,wbite ~ine-I IO~. of MUto.rd, Ohio. were w..k"No man I. rood enouch to do anJTIt.HCIa,. F.bl'll• .., 10--E; W• .JIo.., t IIIU. N. of Her...e,.b.~. othel' man'l thinkIDg, 'and quently; the other not But open-mindedn. . II a hahit that wu ,olnc 1et18 than j;our mIles an end lUel~ of Mr. and Mn, Charl. , Sa......." Feitnaur Iz-Ho .... S......CoIR.r .trHl, x ..... who are In th. 1IIain enpuch. can be cultivated. ~our--and &till you say ~ am to ~lame lIIullenlx. T.....'. F.Itraa.." 18--EII Ceok, I" .U•• N. of W.,..... I... ..If..acriftdq. 11'O..ly 10 a "DeraJ . . , th~H two ~har. "A n,ew tnith ia a truth and' all or thie accldenr;. HOl' ~ome'l Mrs. P. W. Stroup and Mn, El. F ........, 17-J.cboa Ii: Hal.... bf, ..... N. of Haner.. publle ..nuta, ahould not be aeterletica , of mind represent two old .rror it an error.". la a cood mot- drit~l f ~bP-ieB:"cawle h~eb lie LeealI an~ IOD, of IDpDUll'. wen ro FrWa,. F.It......, 18--Mn. F!lUrarao., Z ..n.. E. of Sprl., lated by heine denied the rlch~ of ute. to for advancln. yean. ' Ie chl.i , ~erll IYdo,r , k ler week-end .uests of 1Ir. and .... o pe ce an l am eep nc CIYd. Cox. Sat.""'y. F.b,..1'J' 18--"on. aall "'.I~ Sal.. o. P.lktll_II.·JWIiI....... ~~~~~~~~~~======~=~===~=~~~==~~========~·Icompany wit~ ~ !!'~~ The Ladlea Aid held an Da'.... Olalo. . 11_"" F.bn.1'J' II-Howard Staal." KI. . . . ., Olaf.. m..ln, aDd covered cliah dbuler. GEE, OF AqE T.....y. F.b......", I2--M.rl H ..... , 3 .tI•• S. of ·. . . . . .k urday, at the home of lin. lAster ,4Wanna buy a ear!'" w ___,. F.br.ary Z3-J. S. Thomao" Z" S. W.,......... Kenrick. Dear Ferrr. 'Not that one. It's smokiD.... TO .....', F."NaI'J' Z~M. W. SO_r. 3 ai. W or W.,.ea.ule, HrIr. A. L. Sidea wu caUed to "WeB, W. old enoUi:b." lar,. eat.. ' Kentucky Jut week by the ..rioue Sa.tiltNa" F.lirllaQ' ZI---Hone ...., X••la. Ulneaa of her llater. She wru retUrn Mo...." F.braan ZS--B. H, eollt.... 1 .U. S. of LnIethe lut of thIa week. J W ........,. Marcil 2--AII •• Good. I" mlIe S. of C..t.nUl•• ¥ra. William <;loloman Th.HCIa" March 3--W.. Cumllli•• , I ~ ~. E. of spil.,1toro to her home Sunday, ar. IJ)etMllq U!U Hveral days at Hamilton Above are some' of our sale datu. Several llet;tr, who ia v.f}" iU, en. If YOU ' are coin. to make a eale of MIl' kind, eee us, we ruarlilt. and lin. Beme lonea 8Jld lira. antee aatillfaction or chal'lre O. After all ,It'a the doJlara and centa Edd ' Lonpere heard Ilra. ~ee Meare looking for on we day. That'!r what we work to get. Aek you Ph~raon at Memorial hall, Dayton, .ni one ",ho baa employed ua--that's ou~ belt advertleement. For Weifneaday aftenoon. 'LebanoD, Ol1lio sales, can o~ write Mr. Roy MeJUrl!y, of DQtQn. wu a ~Deaday evenin. CUBIt of ~ moth er, ~ra. J. M. Fait, who itccomp8llied him bome for a few daya' vialt. ':00 -:-.... to . . . III. ~ lIalvbaa Stacy. of Phone 2, ~entenile, Ohio Phone 320, NewBurlin~on,O who II vleitin, at the hom. IOn~ Albert Stuy, 'peat Monday wUh h~r 1Iilterj Mn. Clt.loe Sid... Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keprick were called to Springboi'o Jut week to ~ the latter'. couI\n, Mra, Ida Chrletopher; who it seriou.1y III with a fl'aetured hip. 'Jihe February thaw baa caUied mueh dam.. to the roada around Lyt}e. The town.hip truateea .are D~ADSTOCK repalring the~ witb cruahed atone from the Centerville quarry. WE GET TH~M QU'ICKLT ~D FREE OF CHIARCE Dr. ' J. C. Roberta, of HUlaboro, CALL US ANT TilliE It..T OUR phfched at LYtle ehurcb Sunday EXPEN!!I,E . '. aI~noon and aleo ,held I=ommunlon e.eriiee. He ualated · by · 1Wr. Wuhbun, of Wayile.viU., ari Bev. PIIo,__ Stllllqa. HARVE:Y~BURG. o. . Mr• .ud lin. Harry Graham en· tertained to Sunday dillDer. )(no 81l~ ean Sa,lor. Mr. Riley Saylor and Mila Martha Ni.chole, of sprWr VaDey, DR. C. HENDERSON Hr. HeDry Saylor and lady frieM, " of Dayton, and Mr. and Kn.. WIUfam ,OIllw-Am.11I .Idl~ C~ton; _.
are Saie"
% ,.nWhere
Pa~..~?. ~~!.?~its
- ----:""'.- .......- -- --.-.:.;--::.......----'---=====::..::.-
~ookWhat'seOming! .
F ank C
February- Picture Show Mar(h-Community Sale April-Kiddies' (arnival and Parade l\1.aY-Auto Day . . June-Red Arrow Picnic
february 23,1927
RED ARROW PLACES L A. Zimmerm In••••Myer Hyman•••• Hall Drui C4?-•••• M'iami Theater····Fred M. Cole •••Waynesville Overland Salea ••• I . . The"Miami Gazette '
Public ,: Sale · :. Dates
DR. E. M. R"rno'LPII
Cary'S JeWlWy Slaep
EV'~ry ,T1Jleld.,.
F. T. Martin
,HAVE YOUR EYES,____ WlIIEI ...:' =-_______
Qhvejsharg Felftlzer to.
9 to 11 •. m, 8 'to 6 p. m. ,~; 7 Ito 9 p 'm.
"."nee. . ' ,. ," ..,
T. . . . . . .
i .W• .J....'III.I~ Ohle •
Ever .inee BallooD Tires were introducecl;Ont4ye.r h~ he~n 'experiD:1eDt•. I.., .,ith 'tre..~ desigrJS"td develop a tread which.. would match Goodyear )lallooD .CarCass mAde of Supertwist Cord. . ." ' . , . '.inaUY otlt of ~ll 'tbese te'. ts has come ·the DeW tire sbown above. It is tHe f,lIt1l)us Goodyear A11-Weatb. ,r' Tread tClentiftc:aUy, re~igaed for Balloon Tire 111 ', 'Tbe ' fint big odvaatace 0 : tbi~ aew tread ... tfac. tiOn and _ . . . . to ,kidding.
'T be ' .bUp-edp ~ ellaDlt)lacWbaped bloUl
pIa•• Is -a IImll·.,,,.
they retain ,their use.fubiess lODger than DOD-skid .tread ever tried before. ~
The HCODd big advantage 'I is long, 810w, even 'tread wear .. op~, to , the "cupping" and uneftn weat So' Doti~ble' in Diany other. BaUOOD.T¥'e1 And with thele Virtues of
DOn-ski4 and .long-wear, this ne_
tread II perr~y quiet UCl dGei_ produee the. . vibration of many DOlI.1ddd..... Let .bOw' th& . _ tire in the •••40
I, "
Ptu.uo ,r
Na... JUI,I ..... ' _. ' ',,, ~,
:. Jesse Stanley ,
Mrs. 'E. L. Th,M,,,'" sick list.
'0. ,.E. S. NOTICE
l'Irs. Rou ~ck iB reeoverl~ from 4 lIevere. attae]IE of tOIlllUltil. , Mrs. 'to I. Way II very III of beart at her bam . in Cincinnati.
.' , -. -, Miami Chapter No. 107. O. E. S.• will' meet ,In regull\l' session, FeIlru· ary 14•. ai '7 o·clock. Work. Vlliting mElmj)ers welcome. ===== = ==:;:;:,====MlNER.YA HOUG~. W. M. . . Mayor Rogera and ,Oonstable Joy SUSAN RA. WKE. See'y. M1'1I. W. 0 Raper Ia quite sick at were in Sprln"fleld on bulineu, Man - - ---.
. day. W. 0 \ :Raper is, but · after . several days 01 il\ncu. " .Mr. and Mrs. !I~e~ Baird spent Sun.d ay wit!) . relativ'cs In Lewlabuq. Karl Dakin, of Lebanon • .wu In Wayneaville,Monday. Mr. I!nd Kra. Ethj~n Crane. of Da,. ton, apent Sunda r with relatlvetl Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'Kimmerle lett here. Monday for Miami, Fla. ' u _ ' Chari G t' T da Mno. es rl~y apen nes y Mr. and Mn. J. W. Edwardl were ~akFranklin, ,the ~ellt of M~. J. B. Lebanon miltora, Tuetlday. er.
iI. A. Cornell attended Farmer'1 Week at Ohio State 'unive~ty.
. . I wish to an"'''nee to the public that I have b1cen the OLDSMOBILE Agency for Wayne Township and ylclnlty. Car will be on display at Melloh'. Garale In the n..r future. Denlondratlon will be given on request.
J. C. Pa teNOn, of Lebanon, wu business visitor in aynelVlne, Tuesday.
R. Traber, of Springfield. )V.. in WaynesviUe on businetlll, Tuesday.
Mr.. J. M~ Keyalniured
SIZED HII4 UP " ,Shoppel'-"l would like ~ reI some dlamllnde for my wife." : 'Clerk-"G1oBSWIU'e-next aille.'"
ST. MARY'S CHURCH February 1S-Septuagesima ' Sun· dlly. Churcb School at 9 :30; Morn· Ing Prayer and termon at' 10:30. All are eordially Invited to these 8er· Vices.
aev. John J. SchAel!er. Rector. 90 acre. clo.. to .w......t .~ prodllclal far. la cOllat, for ' oal, .... ........ " ......................00.00_ Mra. J. ·14. Keye wu palntuU{ CHRISTIAN CHURCH 72 •• rnl ....... far. _ W~ jured laIIt Saturda, when IIhe Sun.dll)'.School at 9 :30 ; as IIbe 11'81 rettln, out of the ';1". . .~. . . . . . ' ' ' - - ' ~ EYer:v~ cordially invited. . tllb. A deep pall waa cut On •••• bara ......... _t~""" All bulldln •••re ....17 .0001-. real head where It Itruek ' ap!nlt , METHODIST C.HURCH b ..,. wall anc\ lIer back ",.. badly WI10Ugu·, ed. . Sabbath School at 9:15 L m. 7·roo .. 110"••, I acre o' ............... ____ preaching at 10 :80 a. m. EPworth 40"'0, cloae tiD c..e-.uIa, .... THAT SALES~N COMPLEX Leaa'Ue 8:15 p. m. Preachl~ a\ oal, . ~OO' 7 :00 p. m. Everybody tnvlted to theBe F.I'1II. Clf all.... c.u IImcea . Raine Ownel'-"Get out of this 1 Rn. L. A. Wallhbum, Putor. yard or I will whlltIe for my dOl." .... Peddlar--"AI' right; ai' rI,ht-but can't I seU you OAe 0' nlee nlckle.plated, triple. pea, whilltles to relieve the wear and on yonI' Ups?" . • - e Fred, son of Mr. and Mn. Cl!arles ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ FAIR ENOUCH Hoyle. of the Spring Valley andl,oI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... Xenia pike, died Sliturday night at l • "We've adopted the new Scotch Stillwater sanatorium. near Dayton. National Golf rule at this club." !Uneral service was held at the "What iaiU' Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Mr: "Membal'l wUl ' refrain from pick. of Bellbrook. in charre. Bu• Ing up lost rolf baU. until they stop In Bellbrook cemetery. rolling;" - - _ . - ...- - BLONDE BESS OPINES 6:30 and 8:30 P. M.
.F. T. Martin '
Ml'II. Ida ·KeIBey, of n~r town. ill the guest of Mr. Imd Mn. Mr. and Mrs. Waltu 1I1eCIure and Walter McOlure. Mn. lda Ke~y were in Xenia. to· day Ml'-. and Mrs. John Frame a.re an· . . nouncing the birth ibf a lon, WednesRoy PIgott h.. returned borne af· day, Fcbruary 9, 1 127. ter an extended viait near Mr. and Mrs. W, E. C()rnell and Ind. . Mn. Ruuen Sall~'hury were shopi I D I'" Mr. ,and ·Mrs. William AUen, of P ng n aJton, M'~nday. ~~~·T:e~~:~ were Waynesville vis· Mrs. CII"rle. BO'ugh Ipent leveral days lut week in Dayton, the pelt Mra. R. S. Mainou. and lIlrs. WH. of Dr. IllId }{n. J. W. Ward. bur FoulkS were cuests of 1Itn. Will J_ , Strou~ o.n M o n d a y . M r a . W. E. CoJ:lIeU Is out araln after being conft ed to the houlle "Dick 1& 8ueh a conslderat.e fellow. The Highest in Quality lin. Frank Stanl\elTJ' and dauah· several day_ with tonallitla. holdll me on hla lop every night Ie , a Sci.ati6c R........, for .U c.· Entrrtalnment . ter. Mary, vial\ed relatives in Day- Mrs M B . I d 'U_ 80 ] won't play the plano and wake ... of Eea.... Po.tpallI, 100. All· ton, Sunday aftemoon. . yer yman VII te .an.r. Hy- the ne~bo1'1l" dre.. . man at the' Jewish boapital, Clncin. • _. F. HAMILTON D.....ld lin. J. ).. Hartsock win epend the nati. Wednesday and Th'unday. ' Newport.' Kr. ' week-end in Dayton with hel' daulh• ED PURDY'S PHILO! '!~!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~=;:.~;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ter. Mrs. Bobert Walton. • Mrs. Julia Donovan and Mra. ·M. D. Baird were in Springboro, today, "Comparin' women to ftowera lIlr, and Mrs. Robert Walton and the gueat; of Mrllo Jane Wright. quite fitting and propel'. When they IOn, of Dayton, Ipent Sunday With fade-they dye." BIr. ,hd Mrs. J. L. Hartsock. Mr. and Mrs. IJarry Turner Iqld • -_.-.......:...son, of Bellbrook spent the week. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Earnhart and end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvey Saek children. of CarmIe, spent Sunday ett, of Ronte 8. afternoon with friends here. ---·-.!~ r
. . . .-----IIJII!IJI!!IIIIIIIIIIiIllllli..----IJI!II-IIII!I--!I!IIIIIII!~.
7 wo Shows Dailv
H... ,ou been l~king for
aut with the Taste \
like Moth..r Uled to make?
You will find it in our ELK L1CK .and A. Co BRANDS.
Solid pack, fine cut, delicioua flavor, and alao a health7 food. a. cabba,e containl three of the health-ciftDI ftlamina. TI")' a can and be convinced. '
T.he Corwin Grocery .:......W.DeII"erPIieIie W
Mile Martha O'Neall iqlent the week-end wltb her j)rother. W. E. O'Neall and family, on Route S.
Friday Evening,
A~ exelted tn boat captain ore-! John Treadway had 81 dlnnllJ'l'JlC'~ts seeing • lot hf lIealll pm boling Tbursday, Mrs. Ed Hopkins, around ~ Long Jilland Sound. Bnt
Waynesville, Ohio
l\;;-a;:;=================;;i;;;;;====...iJ J[n. ... !!~I!!!!!!!!I!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!e!!!i~I.,o lin. Ray
February 18, 1927
E. perhapa it w.. onlly a buueh of New cali'ECI~jo'N !l!~.il&II' ..t!~u York athletes alii ed up to lwim the. channel. I~~~~~'~!~~~;~ 1&. and Mn. Albert WIDdnlOn aud dauptel'l, ot Dayton, were Sun. A New York Ulan who ~nce day guetlte of Mr. and Mrs. Leater died Ice ill now: }lead of a ten Gordon. Han doUar me~!'. _ There is noth· ing more l'roftta~ Ie ~b~n a pair ~~~"'~~I~!'•.'~QC!U Mr. and Mra. Jamel MeClure were Ice eple.. dinner guests of Mr. and lIlrs. Leater A man in New York Cit, the otho ;i::d;::a'!l~!7 Gordon and Mlaa Martba O'Neall, on er day refDHd to pa, tbe barher be. Dro"I4i11C1. TbundaJ. cause the barber failed to live him John StIllIlberry and family, Fred a hot towel. Me It of the men we GulUday and two daughtera, of MId- know would rather pay not to dletown, lpent SUJ1day with Wayne.. one. ville relatives. If we were apl~olnted to ihe . ate ad the Senate refused to seat Bam-To Mr, and llra. Oheatllr us we wouldn't 'Worry any, tiecause eoncrt!'L. r<.ad··"ls Cutler, nee Ruth Earnhart, Satur. wa h ....e been tb:roWD out of better I"D.U:tnl~nt day, February 6. at BIair'I hoapltal, plaeee \lias that. anyhow. Lebanon, a IOn. The Mexican ' lr0vemment reports ~rd'~~~~'nr:~~~ and lin. W. I. Baker that all revolnltionary movements 1I:I1IIDQlly in Xenia, ~e gueete of have been Pllt do,WD. which indicates I!ro.ec,~tI!ln. -.-,~.~.::-,._"" and dalqfhtar, that the rovemment Itlll hal can. Mrs. Clyde Egbert. ' trol of the pieu, ~nreaua. Stroud.
MainoUi and 'MPL . - 1"
wn~ar Stanaberry Ia ot! duty at Of course getting into trouble In Smith. groeery for a few _days on the comedy ft11{l8. is funny but Char. account of a alla'ht ,lpjury luatained lie Chaplin i8 ne, ftndln. that get""hUe unloading roods. tlng Into dUBcultietl in real Ute is
and IOmethinl' elle IlIraill'.
and lira. 'Kenneth
Gordon, MillS Martha O'Neall. Mrs. Laura Zell and'Hugh O'Neall . H~. ' and ~1'11. iI. Clyde Ooleman, M.r . ,and Mn. Francis Colel1lan , of Norwood, and Mn. La1p'a Falter, of Mt. Healthy, were guests at H,rs. Kate Coleman l'lundllY afternoon an.d evening.
Fiench Brand. ' per pound package. , ~ .. " .
B read
~. ~
S.nto., per paund . . ...... , .. . 33c
Counby' Club, i ~-)KJund Split- ' top 01' T'!in loaf ...'" . : r ••. '. " • • • ·~hol.
Wh.at, I-lb. Io'af.'. .. . . .8e R, •• hs-l~. loaf. _ . .•..,,' ,' ;' .. .. . IOe
love. G~ qual~ty, tteavy ~~~va'J '1 0c G , ,pel: pair. _...... ,..... , ... ','" Ca"... .'Soap ~& ~, Kirk'~ o~ ~ry.t.1.. , ' 2Sc \V,lIte, 7 ban for ....... ; .. .. . . ". 01..... do,. •.paira .. . $1.11
Brown J.ney, p.r ..-Ir • . .. ... . ISg
~=:.ra l' 'M ilk' "29C Lettu~e' . WII.on.. Crl8pSolldH .. ct., z ,r:r.. . C Tall au. :s for .; . . . .... , . tall can., 310r .. 11e rt Iery· Jumbo Florid. ' 1 0'C. ",e .
Staluj w.en 'bl.acb.a • . .
. 1';'.I.. D
COuntr, Club .
QIlIII't Jar ........ . .. ,' ...:
25 .'
Potatoes , u:~.
42·C' 1'4C' I
No.1 . ·Whlt.l, 15-lb. peck . . '.. . S~••~, 5, pound. for. .. .. ... "lIc
Lard Open·K.ttl. p~;'. . per lb. . .. . . . • R.nd.~d,
No more inatructive entertainment could .,. offered you. You know what automohU. an. what they' do, and how to drive them. but do ,ou know the .
Don't" This 0pf0rtuQ! It COllI Ya NoIWqL . At Th. .
~"',ed February .!!J? 'l'. E. ' ... nuuJDR8, JlAror. At-X, Zl1OlE'RlIAN. Clerk.
'Miami Theater, WIy.D~sVll~, Ohio
· g It is said that- tbere are st11l forty. nine farms In Brooklyn, but even this' is hardly ,E,nough to cause AI Smith to joip t~e f~rm bloc. AU of these I'Umon of scandal have settled dIll!' thing definitely. Judee Landis is Btill the X:uuollnl ot the sporting world. '. ,
One . thing that doetln't Mr. 8ild ~. Earn~ E'a!"hart and son, J.~f Dayton, Mn. Ebubeth in the least is What' effect the Mr. and MI'II. H. B. E~. ble in China m~IY have .on the hart were .Sunday guests of M~. and suey market. ' ' , Mrs. Burton Earllhart and Mr. and Mia. Madiso~ E~hart, at Dayton. A! Canadian 'barber drank elgbty. '. t . , lIix cups of coft'ee at one lIittlng. We .ll'he Woman a . "'uxil~ WIn meet, don~t believe we want ,-to risk. haVing With M1'S; J. E. M!!C1ure and ~" blm shave UI fo,r lIeveral days after Bert Hartsock on Thursday after- that'. • • " .' . noon. Fep.1'U1\1'Y 1/), at the ho~e cit , ,, . l' Mn. McClnre. Note the change ftom Remember the, good old days to Thunday on accoant , of. cotton stockingl were used for lome ' .. A·r m" ..·• Instltut~. · thing elae ' than hangijJg by. the . tire') f~{:' • Oil 91ui.etnilal e.ve .: In II 'reeent leije~ to '" friend, Tqnena Edwards I&Y' that . M~ret'B state Of health IlI ' no ter, 'J'be Milles Edwarla are ' Coronado ' I!each, 1F1a." where ' they went, hoping the ellmate would be of bl'!ne6t to .Mias Ma~ret. · ".' they se~1 ilowad~YI. 17,000,00'0, in ~IPII 'P~d " to P,uUman porter handl lut- ye8J'-'-6nd it lOundl big. StUI, the wUlln. George8 JlBy. ' it is Jlot enough for Sf living wIIg_because it conllt~tutea tm.eequarten Q~ th,fr Inco,ne.· av_are of '78.~1 per month eam ' It would eeem •. 8eml.:c~ty jo" are dIItaateo ful to the ...-ver u well ' u to the served. "
. ,
Mr. and 11,.. WUbar Foulb, of J . •• Route 5, entertained the foUowlng Nice a~d nelJhbora and ~da Tuaday av· 'JHn; 3-lb. enlil. ' of last week: lIr. and lin. P1_ or mON, IIf. ...•... ~'UIU··I B. SI!litb. Mr. alld lin. • .,.,. _ .. - aJld chIIdnD, Mr. and lin. JlU!OU ' Ifr.
' : a ard 'Archdeacon, IMr. last FrIday. Mr.and and Mrs.Leater ~ow with ..phaela. j;ii·riiiii~~~~~~~~~i~~§;iiiiii~· guests
Br Ing Your E. ggs t 0"
. Coubb, Club, I-lb. loaf •. .. ... k Va.n"a, I-lb. loaf ... ', "~ ...... .'~c
At a coat of ....rat thouaand dollan, the old••t automobile factory in the world h .. produced a five-reel .tory of the manufacture of
Mia. 1. C. Hawke 'Were in The French If vemment hal jut -==='=!:=======~~~~~~~~~==~~~~=~====::!:=~~~=== tv Jut WedDeaciay to attend the perfected planl for mobWsfn. the _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~""'!'!'--!""""~.....;,.;.;..""!"~~~--~~~------.,..--~--School of lnatructlon, O. E. S. tire nation In CIU e of war. .Iy tbe French, eVeD though they )In. Anlla Cadwallader, who IIae claim to have their faith In the beel! in the McClelland hoapltal, Xen- Leagae of Natlc nl, intend to, keep la, for treatment, returned home on their powder d1'l7. ~_" Saturday very much Improved in ' health. ' Maybe theae Irovenunentl In which have 10 far failed to pay O ~er ! MIss Belle 0 Neall had .... dlnn!!r rop~ UII what they 01.e us are Inft'erin
'P "-------------------'._____ K ,
J __ I. per paund . . . .. . . ... . ... ak
It" II .aid thft QUeen Marie la dis-
,pl~ at the <'1Lmerlc:an. tendency to,
exagreration. 1Well, maybe we did lipread it On a lItUe while. lbrIe bere.
~' YOllNG }OLt<f) LII"E:-'
,', ,~ Jist ~I!!'
l'LEA~URE - T:>A'< IN. ANI NI«tHi
our,l .
- of our ~n.tite stocko~ Men's, .Youn,g Men's and Boys· Sults :,nd Overcoats. Heavy '; Work 'Clo~hes,~nd Men's Fme Dre~s Shirts, in cOllar-attached,· coUar-to-match !Wd n'eckba~d 'styles-MapbaUa'O, Eagle, Yorke and Pruit of the Loom mUQ. 'CoiorS lUara~teed. ,', : '. , .. ,. .. ~.'
Whole Numb~t 6740
INTEREST TAKfN ·~··;::::;:;·::e·;7·"· , IN COHN SHOW from
The Farmen Inlltitute; held at the High School Gym, l/lBt FrIday and Saturday.... wall a Ilo~ed lIuccelll, JDa· ny good points being brought to view Many excelle.nt postera were also d raint moandneeeftolO'l\rthweitl'Jj'°tBbte•r ICn~lteatutet.helFi C ... '-'rId aecodd prlsea bowever, went to the followln.: Hleb Sehool-let, Carl Bay; 2nd, Georee Oook. Elrhth Grade-l.t. Eleanor Bellt; 2nd, Lola Blair. ~venth GnI'd!t--11t, P.ul S.v~; 2nd, May)< Jo IUller. . Slxtb , Grade-lat, Miriam Ellis; 2nd. Ellie GlblOn~ Fifth Grade-lit. Ruth Fralier; 2nd, Marearet. Roeen. Prbea for the Oom .how went to: Pint.-Wblte corn. Horace Shaner; mixed eom. Charles Day;. yellow COl'll. Cb.rlea Day. Second - White com, Everett Doan; mixed, J.ck Rich; yenow, Wm.
IState • Caoital th.1 ' I I
The Com s-;:;'-held in connecwjth the Farmers Institute. was of more ~h8n passing interest. While Prepare by the exhibits ot white and niixed corn were not as numerous 0 9 unti cillot· Columbus 1 epcrter there was a good showing of yel- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . corn, there being about forty ten ear samples. In all. The com was of good quality an~ the plocings were very close. Some corn showed signs COIAUMBUS, OHIO-The matter of having be.en frozen before being of caring for Ohio's large populathoroughly dried out. but taking ev: t ion of convicted criminals is becomeTything into eon8ldera~ion, the com jng acutc,' nnd whil e ' man)' sugge".. was of unusual merit. . tions' have been made for salvin", the Mr. 'Kimber, the count~ agent (If problem nODe of them. aeems .to meet I Greene county, acted as Judge. He with aPJI oval. The 'LQndon prison that the corn 'was placed farm is being devclop<:d as ' fnst as strictly on a seed. com basis and that It is possible with the limitec\ appro- • while' ·some saml!lell ahowed a slightly priat lons, and more than 600 men weakened cQndltion the most of It are located there. . Others ere .t was good and there was very little Junction . City, nnd still others at indication .of diseale. This was in Roseville, the two state owned brick contrast to last year's corn, as then !;llonts. Yet in spite of this "farmhere was a great deal of disease in ing out" of the men the old pri~on th!l corn shown. on Spring street has its sid es bulgOne ,"ember of the Institute com- ing out with the overfl ow populllbion. mittee said that a peater improve- Mllny of the small cells ol'f! occument in seed corn had been made in pied by two men, while the h'IlUs and Wayne township during the last tW9 life filled with beds and years than in anything else. The idle house is running over The' boys of the Smith-Bughee deWarden Thomas Is considering partment placed the corn and double shift there. Half the men their~eason8 before the official sleep in the daytime and set up all made his pllleinga. "bout night, and the other half sit up aU lara in prizes offered by the day and aleep at nights. Legialatol'S nUll men of Waynel ville, are to be have .. big problem on their handa lA given to these boys ma)clng most ac· Anding room tor t he prisoners b, IDJr cur~te plaCiD,.. A lilt of the to 0 state penal Inttituners will be published next The boys gave .n exhibit of ~ corn to Iho~~T the difference In. It Is said on good authority .that tality of com pIcked early, com PIck· Myers Y. Cooper, defeated for gov::, ed l.~ and dlsealed com. Ther also ernor last year by the voters ot tbe put on display o! work done 1D the State, Is getting ready to run again . High School farm shop. . next year. Hil friends have heen . . ~11 prizes offered ~ exhlbltora active during the legislature but '0, E. Oomell ,Mrs. J .B .Chapman, Miu whIte corn.• one of nuxed com far, according to .' est reports, have ·· Mary Leah Edwards .nd the little two of yellow com were won by not accompli.hed much. Cooper i, folb, Betty Hartaoek, ' Marjorie Ed. In the d.partm~t. a million.ire, and while the last cam-
AI! L IWG- -
YMIlN . lI4aN.J) Sb<iI<S ~J) ~RW.D AND, ,
~NI!J) _
.,O&P ""..,ovs MIf>
AND 1b~
ANO~.... ~O $0 ON ANI>
be S'o 0tI uN1\!- '1bU 1&.U8'II" p...c. ...." 1\11' ~'L.I( MI!NOINGo,
, . Who II richest .mon, the men that have pUed Ull mlDioni lA thl. coUn· tIT' II It Mr. RockefeUer, "{th biJ,. lion. of harrell of oU under cround --be hu no Idea how many~d the world'. moat wonderflll baUn_ orpnlUUOD .bove 11'0und' II It Fo~ with bie hundred mllllona a feu' proll~ N.ntlc planta aDd braiD full of IndlUtri.l Ideas, 01' T~omu. Is It 10m' tittle m.n, or wbom Dobody Third-White. W.lter Parb; ,yel. haa b..~" ,hatehln!r • thoucht d... Jamea GlbbOlll. 'Ined to b. worth mOft than .11 the Yellow. Chari.. W.tldn. aatomobU.. aad aU the 011' Chari.. Day.
1"'181.1> OF
11> Q6f A~
Bur" R . - - .
AN" 9IK&Q~- .. - '/ -VhF.
,~ -If
_ ', "t', -~ 7C.. J
Tbe latest Idea In burlnlr can II the "twin ear" IIlaD. "One ear to • fAIIIU,." Is old-fwloned. You m.ht .. _0 18f. "One pair of wlnlrl to • nllt full of birds" WlIat would the other blrda do wilU, on. wu
Mond.y, February 14. ".. • red. letter day In W .B. S., not only becaun of St. Valentin. ,but .110 be, caa.. lOme boyil received .weaten 011. yeal They were Perefectly .nd well .ppreclated. too. 17iq' Atbl.tic UIOcl.tion pv. • neater. on the front of which UDlib bonae. •• • •obllal do D~·I_•• an oran,. baIk• .,..I, con\ainiq eat whaD not worklnt. The "twin W, to each m.mber of the ear" Idea wID Iprod. apeelaU,. lA team .nd the treuurer of the nbarbl and cou,u, whue the Mr. Moomaw received 18e problem Ja - , . 0.. on. and Jlr. Bulan a pJaln th.. you~ peoille ...qtMl' on.. Thll proad poll_on Howard IlJuUdlne. player; people, The crop of prodllced by.' population 1lain01ll ~pJ,aJft; Therle 000.000 will _eep ~llne ; Luthv a&rt.ebck. p1ar cara u ,i t reaches the license ,pla7er; GObert
OHIO SOCIETY OF fEBRUARY ME' ETING. Wade Tamer, plaFtl'; C .HICAGO TO BROADCAST WOMAN'S AUXILIARY Taylo~ werds Georee player. Bert 0'· Hawke.
.nd will !ret th.m. Edwards and Frank The prizes Iflven to exhlbiton of p.lgn COlt him oodles of greenba~ka. , Mr. Slnelair Le"II, ~"thor of leV. white corn were donated by C. M. he likes the came and 1\iB entry In f We&te t:nuunJo; Era.. Harlu. •- • the contest Ilext year may show that e~l ~ boob, once rom a . I'll • 11' ...lIoollla., npt. . ___ . ' The following Is a Uat of he has developed into a more 8UC:- • , . SpnOng ~ exhibltiln: ---'" 1 liti I th h did 1ft ... pulpit ehalleneeil God to Itrik. b l m ' dead wltli Iichtning: nlvlne l'.:ron. ,The Ohio Soc:i.ty !)f Chlc:aco wiU ' The Woman'lI Auxiliary met on . WHl"'E OORNc_u po can .n e - ..... ".e erh. h.vln"~more ~t the Sophomore ...ave HI annu.l r&lIlo dinner at the Thursd.y afternoon. Febru.ry 10, ' Fi .. ftrat attempt. Harry L. Davill, for· d",,-~ • p PI, d• th the hIP school .nd t~ S·;' I .hat It F b 23 with Jln J E McOluN and Mra J T Allen 76 died.t hla home rat ........................ Borace meJ:' governor~ III said to be f8.vorable tant"thln,. to atten to e nit,. at • pVtJ In the G)'DI lA bonor "erman, n • ha c !~_ e ~~-'tho Bert H.rt.ock ~t ... t·he home of th~ in Sprin'" Vaney 'Frid.y· Second ................ ...... Everett to Cooper tn'inJ it again, ·U his IIUp.. eb.lIenee. . .{ 'Arraqementa ve UCIOD .......e .... ' . ., Tbird W It thin . Now .Mr. Lewis Wiitllll • novel to 0 St. Valentine. Several pm.. WLS, the Seare-Roebuck & , Co., !ta. former. . . . ~ o'clock. ~e had bien 1lI11x . ..................... ,.. ,a er port means. any,. .. "ml attallk ole1'aJmen were 1I1a:red la the early part of the tion to bro.dcaat a typical Ohio proThe meetina' was opened by Mra. ne 18 aUl'Vlved by hla .widow and two HIXED CORNm:';ou aDf 'tlle little boy wbo,' eve~lAlr .whlIe the latter 'Waa ' of .tate loap, humor .nd brief Crane who conduc~~d .-the devotional children, Miaa>.Bes. All.n, of Coillm- Fint .. ......................... .Charle. It haa been many years llince blHt. Dot IA,. hli prayel'!l last nlaM, ovu entirely to danclnc. from 8 to 9 p. m:, Centra:l seJ:vice. Scriptural quotationll were bus, and George B. Allen, of Can- • Second .. ..........................J.ck nelll men and people in ,eneral ilf COm. to IlAY them toalaht. and then. refnlbmlDta, eolllilltlnlr of Standard time, or 9 to 10 Eute1'll liveD In response to roU call. ton, and two siate1'l, Mn. William YE~OW <?ORNOhio have enjoyed such proaperity . If no\hlq happlU, I'll never I8J ede, . . ad Ie.e cream were time. Brief meuacea hom prOml. At the o1o.e of the buslneu Ie.. Hollingaworth, Sprine VIlley, Firat ............................Charlel Da,. at the present time, accordlnc to &)Iem." • late hour. ~,.nd Mra. aent Ohio .men in pablic Bfe will be aio~ the followlne Il!r0&'J'8m was liv· Mrs. Mary Grifty, Spring Vall.y. Second .., ............. William Thomu Claude Meeker, Columbus financier • • Lewla' novel about the lkv. Dr. of Oneonl. ,.nd Mrs Interapenecl. WLS 11101 • 8'6 me- .n. He was • member of the Sprlnr Third ................ " .. lamea GlbboDl and l or more than a aeon of yean Qa", . . . . . . . . .er G.nb7 _ also attend" the pad;J. w..e lencth. . Realling-"Eplphany In Pa1eltlne V..ll~,. I. O. O. F. lodee. Funeral Fourth ...... , ..........Charle. Watldna dealer In Btow and bonda. "The dnIlk." U Mr .LewD lIn't . . The Cbicago Soci.ty ot Ohio wom " is Picturesque FI!IItival.. ... :".,...... .el'Vlcel were h~d .t the late home, Fifth .... " .................... Charles Day state has been pretty well cleaned by 1IIbtD1nc thla time, he _,. ' Come 18 one .n·d alII en and the Ohio . S~te univ81'Iity .......................... Miu Mame Brown Monday, at 2 0 clock with . Interment • - .. up of wild cat isaues" Mr, Meek.r elade \!Iat Providence Ja ahald of nirht, Fehn.ry 18, wiD .... the A1amnl auoc:iation will Join the fee- Report of the DayLon Conference in Sprilll Valley eeme~ry. said, adding, "there are so many good . .... TIIea., w. . I larpriH wileD baake'tball pme of the 18UOD, with ~Ivltiea. All radio fana will enjoy. ............." ..... ...,1111'0. Edith Harril - • • 11 Investments now .being otTered which Gabrltil'a .018 WeI- and, ....~- the ex~tion of the to1U'Dament to Ine OIIio prolr'faDl b,. t~.ninr ill that Re.ilinlr-"Corpora·te Gift Bringa with perfecha.fety Buch"1l ..nl"""-.,.,---=-....:;~-";:) bodJ p& apr" ...... 0ftW the urth. held fn lI'ranldln lI',bruary Mid .Vlnlna In WLS. Local Interest.t- Newest Challengl! to th.e Women return that . mUlions of dollal'S tachea to the progtam inasmuch as of the Church".... Mi.s Hay Wright now being invested in thelle SPrinJrboro will be our Prof..,.. Baalltbneht ten. Ge1'-lol,poneli1ta thll week..nd. We O. II. Oartwright, aec;retarJ of the Recitation _ "Whe:n the Teacher The i4ra'est farm we In tl\is Investments of farmers, . . . dOlton that forty per cent of pod cro.,d .. thia Ja our Jut rea- Ohio Society of ChIcago · and Ralph. Get', Cro......... .Il1arJorie. Edwards ritory 10 far thl. aeason, w.. that town and villoge business men eolllllUQthee an caiecl eDti~ and ular pme. ' H.pood ~ member of the board of During the delightful aocial hour of D. R. Salisbury, whleb amoullted On Wednesday afte1'll0on, Febru.. in these stocks is yielding a re~rn aaott.er f0ri7 per eeat retarn" dlreeton, who .re 811~ in pre. delicious refreshml'nts were lerved to 16700. S.le was conducted by ary' 9th, ' Mn. Howard Archdeacon of' 8ucli proportioris that' many are • lI'rIday afternoon. lI'.braa17 18, pariq the prolr'faDl. are formu Way- by the hostelllle8, lU;'isted- by Mrs. J. W. N .Seln ~d Je... Stanley. entertained · the memben- of-"able' to live on the dividencls p~jd UHfuI work br IVIIc:aI OD til. 1..... cattf.. out ,11", the Senior cta. ,,{lI put on • PI'Q- n,..nJle meD. W. Edwards, Mary Leah .nd Marjo.• - • .. Friendahip club and several frienda them each \plontb. The .ato~ki In IIlheUd b,. tu~1oeIa. rram for the Rfab school and Orad" • --rie Edwards. .. )( d M 0 R U I b d.t her home on KalA .treet. The greatest demand are th.ose wn :ch p8.y lei...... n~t new. ~ ,.... It the Nnr balldl~. ImmedJatel, W. 1. Baker t.ft Friday for a trip The following g~eata were ' prea- Tho:;.:npierc':·1IIIe~ in ~:::o: house was beautifully decorated with thei~ dividendI! mbnthl~, the money foUowlq thIi there win be • moYiq tllroqh Southern Teus. ; ent: Mrs. A .T. Wright, M:n. W. d aft 4' . , red he.rts and ftaga in with comlni in like r ent, while the inves-thla writer IBW nch .iI p,erf01'Dled by Dr. pleture for tile enUre aehool, mclad. . .y emoon. St. . Vaientine'll and haa no worry over upkeep, InaurPrench 11I1'I'01l, It the llll stud.ntl . of both old .nd lIew _ birthday. anee and ta-xea." .' ~fl the opinio~ .of "1lIItitute, In the preMnce of baUdiq. The meetinr WII called to Mr, Meeker the pre.a ent wave of prolBoeJcefen.... lr. Th' Op....tIoD ' by the p....ld.nt, Hi'll. Goldl. perity ia due ' t!J extend over many
"alley Man
Large Farm Sale
~::::e~~:~N""PUlllP- Th;:~~';I~w~.~
eel lllto the lu'" of the doc to
Proceedings of the Farmers
bllt acla001 wlJ1 " dlamJaeecl OIl ,F.bruary 15 .t D_, beeaaae ' the count)" IIukftWl &oanIaleat
.ent collapae 6f til. Jaq ceUe, be eaaeed phede preaure on openllll' I'nDIdDa. ' • cavlt7. The operation Iy ftoeeufuJ, th• •0&' n..... Imnr Wecbaeeday nlcbt the IBrd Paal .,hat ha»petleeI, felt ao- paba. Dr. Bam.by a ",eJl..knoWD ...bnaln. ean:.J, 10 far .. known. hall Dot .it aDd teehrer.. wID P1lt on an .n. ~_t for the pablic ;aJ the decided to )lerfOl'lll the openUoa buman bel.... It .p,...... to be GJDl. It Ja tile earne entertainment almpl. ,took only, two or tllne lllin~ that " .. pOatponed befoN. becaun del .• • 1. . thaD •• oQnae ·ef btood the h"h 1If&ter. _ ~ .
aatvaJ17 would
EUi., Secretary
h Id I ', . The F.,me'F IDltltute1!'i'2 ~192'7n Hn. Bachman II aubJeet for the the G)'JD on ebruary . " . afternoon. was "The problem of deThe S~te apeake: wer,ed,W;"D. ~nn, p,ndents and dlll~rtquents." She PblUppl, W. Co~' -: o':i ' ora said there au twenty.two , State In· S; Bachm.n, o. f um,us. °d ' l besides county . Th. attendance wu~e1l goo .~. full and . nearlx aU mo.t one thousand .. en Th ' A ~ew' a4d~uonal day morning wu Ict)ool Ie.. on. e were out (In tlUa lubject .. . '••t arat on the procram was. music by ltJra. Elbo~. ". BOltOn ' YOUDJr women tUfnc ...... Th · eldCoun~ Oiatoneal eonleat W1U the .chool orchestra. NeXt was In· The last before .djoumment wu h .... e .t ~"'Oll Ob Much 28th, .ocation by Rev. Washburn. a yiolln solo b,. Hlr Watkins. coa ..... in secretarial dati.. the '1'.... Comm.ndmentl in the The I~I trJout wtlJ be held lllra. B.chman's 1\rat lIubjeet Ttance' th time diariq the fIrI\ of Karch. There "What ri ducation" She Fn...,."'I;:.... ID.' _.,. i of &lielr "Tho1l ~t·~ot 1dIL" ate aev.~ eont~ta In each lrI'Oup • va fnt::ea:illl t¥k'to the The evening BelmOn was opened bo pu~ ~I;J voie t "~onor till and a ...... crowd Ja lilvited~ How••dvia%C' each to know by mUilc by Sid Ellis and Jlorri. The 01 0 .... _ mo~:r.'.,..,.n ~ ever. iliON perdculan later. .bout 80me one subject .nd some- Brown, "America'" .nd tbe Peace f.ther Jut at ~ ---.-- - • thin b t ~rytJ\ing Sbe sa~d Movemept" was dllscuued by ·Mra Dq to that· ehoidd be IlAved 'oth· sa.id p. e..cent h hi h Ja lA kMpiDa with tha f tile sch'ool .,' . the tax money goE,iI to .pay for ~1f' w c . . lIr nZ~~~ subje'c~ f6r 'the ~otn. wara and .prepaririar fo,! future, wars. • ./ . . I' ~u "TIi~ foul'~fola . ed~ea"on," . 818<1 said t~erc! . we,e ~,~p,OOO,OOO . 8tan4aN. 011 "81 boutht: . uld the '\lbj.e.ct. re~erred. to : tlie .' 8,O!l~,OOO' ~Ilall!n" 1D t~.e . metal ",onoplane. with three club work, He said every war, and notjhlng gained . by I~. dolq 100 mll_ an hO\l", .: .ndcirlsllould ·joinlonte aa!d · to · let.- ~11e .CMlitalllts who tw.ly. Tt.. thInI _1111111"" aal. lIeld 4-H ClUlls. : The ~oy. , money' illves~ld 1D foreilfll pU aln1aip wUl be ...JlIlI' Standard here Oil lI'e braaq 10th, ".. attend· bIIIde!'Ithelr regula,. themae,lve:s tf p~tect . 00 dee, with tJpeWrttIq~.. ed b)' a • . , Iup cro." training , a~d th~ girl. and pay , the r expen~s, taIM ...~ cola to be Iued euc,. ",v. eoId to th4i 1.Uowlq ba,.rs: domatic aeience\ He' also of tlill Governmen~ .Ie~dln. atlYa &114 their -lo... f I1ethan It; I( 0. &!rain,t reduclJ;lg money . and ·the. public pal1~&, the . \ lItIJIIa Hal America Le~OD 'Ban; . achoola llAying there She 'lIdviaed ,tbe sqld, o~ .rt" . D. . . .~ 1 d IIIInt for tobaceo 'i,n the"O. S. and' mUllc Instea~ of· war and, __- -....- • ; ar an d ' ti aI, urpolies " ~ W~o to Tea" Will Erwin'. a ao~ ana ., ~~n~:fie ~rogiam' ~~. mu. Iiool" on .. • . ' .. . ~". ::~[!;~ Welter the Jorchestr~ Luncli~ w!lll Beatrie. apteadat ...;.;..1:. t noon in the sellool bOlli' by Sid Clul. _ _er· • D vii. "t .• ' ,
'!:: ailt,.=:!..
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Baeiun~". ~he
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Frida, AI._ _•
.' "'lmlllI'J'l ' Firat ".. m1llla Ity th8 ec)Iool lebeetlra 10Uo"" by Mr. ZiDn. ... "Some pod
UINHII=* P_. ..,... l'enaaaie ~-:.:;~:~.,. at tlae 0,. Iii . . .iDIr.
.. Z. etllta.
lllaala bT ,wllere neet clover po... waU, COI'I\ can be pown eftlT"" if dO 1.... of add phOlPhatt Is epplled. H. d. . not acI.... 10 mach COlD lA loeaIItiei wtwr. wbed or .... otIt·Iw'1Iat . .u pain can be pcnra
a IlIL . . . 110_. I... reel eI....
I~~~~~IOWQ: ' Ill .... Bp_'''ll[lOllI_I~
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t:We years. Paalm. The r.porta of the Federal, state and educational and treasures were liven. agencies wi\} join hands bere Jlerch meetlnJr tbe president and and . 23 24 . 26 , for the second amiual p....id.nt handed in tneir resigna.. veterin~ry "conference sponsefed by . ti~nll; which were accepted and MrS. the Ohio state university. Tbe! pro· ( will die. One ton of c1ov~r Mlldred Sheehan will be prelident, gram of tile conference will be built • . . will take about SO IbtI. of nitro- .nd· Mn .Wash.burn, vice Jlresident, around the latest developments and \., . from the air and Btore ' it In the for the remainder' of tIl.e year. dIscoveries in :veteritlary 'medidine, I &'found for th.e nelrot crop. . The following proa-ram was then particularly with 11 view to controll. ~-In the. dlacuuion Lee enjo,.ed by all prelent: . Ing anlmlll diseases and to protectsaid when a dairy cow was f~d ... ,.... :,Peerl 'Rich ·livestock . . Experts of the d.~ othy hay ·wlth a grain ration, It lelection .... ,........... ;... ......:. . of aninial husboudrv "and sa.a. to produce 100 lba. of milk, R••dln• .:.,·........ :....... Mary Earnhart of the collere with clove.. hay It cOltll 'tI.82 ad Valentbie Ven. Little 'Earl Earnhart will eo.operate with with alfalfa hay .It cost. $1.21 per Th xt . ~ will· b h Id t the . the ' college of yeter-. 100 Ib.. '. • lie mee ng e ea . here in holdln . the "Th' I I . h~- ~ th the' home . of Mra, Bran.trator ,in IDal] S ' aI ' t.a t U eep ria'''' o~ e I woman March. con~erence. peci IlI ·s .. rom ue , ,worke at home" wu ·Mra. D.cl!Durin, the Bocial hour dainty re- ~ "department of . 8gri.c~lture, the man 8 ..ub-j e4· She" beine a r.~- frealUnentll were lerved . by the hOIl- OhIO department ~~ agncw.tur~, and yer, 'xplained some provialonll of law teu and her aaaiatenta', "Mrs. Wash. ·of th.e Un.ive1'8ltl o~ whereb,. a woman, does not hav" the bum lIn.j Leah Strouse Mrs. t he Univel'/llty of MiaIlAbme hl.,a1h ...hts thlaat • man hal • Mrs. . JOllie Whitacre. ' the U. S.-:army. also wilt ut t oug t WIeBe w. would IOOl! Mrs Ina St John; on tbe plIogram. . be' changed lince ·the wpl!'en ,.Qw ';" ELSIE STROUD ~ecl'y.. can vo~e, VI . > !' _ • " " , , Satanla,. .A . f~n_1i : .. S h l b ' M yurd RI h . exO!/ti:e -:o~ti.tiJ commltt:e: :. lit . "l . Roscoe Filma& V:lce'A. Cornell; Mra. L. .I ' '. ' . ' . . ~ounty AeeDt C~ wiahel ~o the at1;.ntiop of all fruit tot
*~I(r. ,Kinder explalned the plac- me'etllll, IIl8IIn the corn· .how. H. laid cora th.t Dot w.n dried ~f" weather wiD not JrlO1f ,.-ell. .
"1I'&1'DI .............r·
thouCbt It,... Drc,f\tllb1e Tn,,"_'" to bar .nd In Gar-IOl.. It,atliD. poealhl.. ihroa,h the Semce Co.. aad to keep
aeei:a~oD E. ·N, Bo_ - '.... 1 ........ alHd the lailPortanee of Mr, Tholllu fum leeenmta. Nat 11ft a lIlon ~ foUo.,ed ...."'111• _opIMna••
FROM COURT HOUSE PROBATE r ROCEEDINCS F l'Onk A ndc(lIon xeclltor 0 [ ' th n(lw, (11ed his estnt of l'.;"IlI'ett ~al bil l. Alv[l 'Hill. e'xcc utor of the es tale 01 111 ,n. 11i1l ,fIl eu his i,\VcnIOry mid " . IIpprlliaement. Prool! , of pUblication of t he appointmen t o f lKU1·I D. Dukin as I1d· ministrntor oj the estate of Hnrmon C. Dakin, Wlla filcd, ter turnod nnd p n.. extended. He leveled thlll query at the trow Effie Mossteller, IIdminlstratrix of EJHAPTER n1 " Quite right. 811'," the cl erk allscn- sy, whiskcred mnn. who lind nwak· e8tnt~ of Hurry C. Mosstellnr, ed. "lind 0 there la. ,A! bath for every ened fil eu.> hcr affidavit in Hell of accollnt. 1'Qom the best bath in. town. "1;\TI too a1kAlied. I Yeck\m/' Bill DESERT DUST What shall 1 say of a youn; man Entirely llrivnto; [rcsh towel sUP\l1l- responded. "VllJ'tnints wUl leave Mary ~. Brant was nppoi ntcd jail lib m~lf. fresh ~rom the green cd. Only one dollar and four bItt!. any t.ime 'when there~1I fresh bait matron. , BaIt of New Yor~ ~nd thll Hudson TWs, with lodging; make four dOlo. handy. That'a why 1 ,likes to i'louble ~roof of publication of the allnftl', landed expectlll\t as just arous- lars and a ha}1;. If you ple.as!!, lIir ." up." pomtment' of Renl'ietta D. Jackson eel from a dream of>ral'll beauty. at' A blttor wave of homeslekness - The Colonel turned to me. "S)lake as adminll!tratrlx of the elsate oC tIdI BeJlton ' City. Wyoming Tern- welled into my t hroat. as. eonsciou8, hands with my friend. Mr. Bill 'B~a- Susan B. Tho\llssen, was filed. tol'l' The dust. all fine as powder 01\ the enveloping dust. the uLter dy." , , ' Proof of pubUcation of toe npud .. white. but Bhot through with shams. the alien unsympathet ic on- T he frowlIY mDn extended his hand , pointmellt of Harry J. Voller U8 adtM crimson of lIunllet, hung like a IQokers, the sense of having been "The bath-room.! Where 'is it. fCC. amid which Iwelled a deafeninc "donc" and through my own fault, gentlemen?" r ventured. ministrator of the estate Q( John W. "It you will atep outside the door, Voller was filed. ' clamor of ftgureII rwshlng hither qd I peeled a greenback f.rom the folded thitMr about the platform like half- packet In my J)urse and' handed it suh , you can hear the splalthing down Court OrderE!d that a certified copy ....d ahad... Two acore handl over. Rather loolishly 1 intended the. hall. I t is the custom. however, of the entry qetermining the amount at 1n7 vallie and shQved me that this dillplay of funds should re.- foh gentlell)en at tub to keep the of inheirtance tax to be paid from u. draInred me. buke this finicky clerk ; but he ao- bat~-room door .closed, ill CBse the estate of James W. Moore be "'The -neatert Hotel. Best in the eepted without comment and lIOught ladles promenadmg. I judgc:, with cortified without delay to the audWilt. Thill way. air." for the chenp from the twenty. five ahead ot you and one ln j the itor "BU1raJo Hump Cprrall Free "And how III old New York, luh!" clerk waa mighty near right when T'h '11 jf tlrIDb at the Buffalo Hltmpl" . A hearty. fiorid beavy-faced mall he IIBld about two houra. That aie WI 0 Samuel M. UmbenA deep voice boomed stunning me. with alngularly protruding ' fiIIh~ lows twenty minu!.es to eaoh gentle- hau~r was all,)wed lind admitted to "The Queen.1 The queen I Bath eyes and a tobacco-atained ye\lowlllh man. which ill the limit!' probate. fo~ every rooml IndiVldual towelel goatee underneath a loolely \drop- "What Is your 1I11e of bulline..... Oharles J. CQDover accepted the TIle Qu"n the Queen. she'. clean. ping lQwer lip. had atepped . forward, Bill Invited. ' , appointment of administrator of the .'1 C1~I"l his pudgy hand hospltab11 oubltretch "I aM out here for my health, at estate of Marl~h(l M .Irwin and filed 'ft~miIe of "individual tow- ed to me; a man in wlde-brlnuned prellent." said 1. "I bave been ad- IIpplication fo:r appointment of ap... m~1'8r. dusty black ~t. ' frayed I'nd dUllty, vised ' by my physician to leek some praisers. . l' station platff)l'm and but, In IIPOts, liilny, black broadcloth J)laell In the Far West that I. hiJrb ' The IIrst aild final settlement f _ _ p10111b liP a IItreet o..er froe'k coat apattered down the lap~ll. and dry."certainly Benton"is- dry. l laulhed mfa- Fred A . Caskey• ad mm18 .. t'ratoI' 0 f thOe erably. And high , estate of Mary daSk,ey was approved, jud...tng bV the rateL" ,rHcalthOy dry, auh. in the matter allowed and ccmfirmed. of water." the . Colohel approved. The firat and final account of ROBa
of New ~ork Statehlfl'8Dd old State Charles M. Po,pe. W811 approved, aI' tbat IIhe lB. .Foh t ole who require lowed and confirmed. repail'll. $6.66; The W. W. WilliamB water, there 18 the Platte only ~hree The IIrst. fillial and 'distributive ac.- Co .• Armleder truck, $300; Dept. of :fil:'a:a~:t.c~~ide~e!r1etil~~~~i:~ count 01 Char lea Emmett 3.elm. ex- Public A~alrs, care of f~eble minded tbe robustnellll of a community." excut.ar of the eatate of Rosa O. $1828.32 •.BUme, clothing. ~10.96; r made a meager toOet. , Hageman .was approved, allowed and same. clothllllr, $481.1\); ' 8ame, cloth "Now I am at your lIervice during con8muid. lng, $13.60; some. care of feeble The first and final account 'at Nan minded. $2264.02; ~ame. care of feea IIhort period. gentlemen." 1 announced. "Later 1 have an engage- nle Stewart, ladminlst1'atirx of the ble ,minded, $1626.11; Geo. L. Lar." .,." • room .,.4 ht,.:, , m~t, an~ I s.hal~ ask to be excuaed." estate of Ella Ford. was approved, rick. salary. $20; Eallt End Coal ..14• •• I A little liqUId, r~reahment Is in allowed and confinned. Yard. coal, ,9.43; Rockhill Sanlto- • .... ,,. I• • ~fI~~I.", Sh •• r II •• :~~f f~.i' r~~1' t~h tlle ~ol- The firIIt and final account of W. rium. care of Inmatea. $226.57; Fred SIo.d"," l"l~pl~'ing ~OOd, :uh? YoJ°!tU F. EIUrot~. adminiaaator of the ell- O. Jam~. meat tor County Bome. ,take a tum or two foh the tate of Ehzahllth D. Woodbury. wall $21.02; H. E. Warwick. groeerieaTor of the Empire State." approved, allowed and confirmed. sa!"e '~28.48; Trulteea of Public:. At· you are referring to card p.mThe second, final and distributive faull. light for same. 186.02; Mary hIlng, air," I answered. "you have account of Elliller Sheehan. adminis- R. Osborne, care, $6; J. K. Spencer, cnolen a poor eomrade. But I do trator of the eatate of Rachel Pirie wood for County Bome. 19.26; The . intend, to be a IIpoilsport, and 1 Campbell. waa, approved, allowed and Lumber Co., lumber for ;lad to have you ahow lIle can finned. same, $5.04; Herschel F. Jamell. la· wt,at,.volr lo0u think t0rth ..,hUe In Mary Ohapman appeared in court bor for s.me. $21.29; Trustee8 of bave tbe lela- and flied application for the appoint- Public Affairs. water for same. ,21., f .., as ur'iThat'8 it; that's it. suh." The ment of a ~Iardian for Stanley R. 66; H. 0 .Reif. labor and lIupplies for Colonel' appeated delighted. "Let Chapman. FE!bruary 10 was the day same•• 5.iO; The Valley Telephone U8 IIbate til the gods of chance. gen- set for hearillig. ' Co.• rent. $5.95; Lewlll and Drake. t!~men; and tben take a 1Itl'ou." Barry La Seur was ordered to coal for Collnty Home. ,4'7.80; Ap:After a , rou~d of ~n1m-:-1 took convey Lloyd La Seur to the Ohio king Bakery, bread .cor ,lame, $47.exceedingly laDed collar and IIhlrt lemonade--'-we ~ued mto tbe IItreet. Hospital for gpilepticlI 11: Chas, J. Schwartz. groceriea for tront and gre..y floe, tie. and b fS urely lIuoh an hotch.potcb neyer Orville J'arkb\1l acc~pted the ap- tame, $62:67; Edward L. Maler Co. t;rotlllrs tucked Into cowhide boote. e are populated an ~merlcan town i polntment of admlnilltl t f th cofl'ee for same '29 40 I graaped the hand wonderirurly. men lIannel-shlrted, high-booted. ano a or 0 e • ., , H enellllled mine with a loft, pUlpy bearded. with formidable revolvers estates of bllth Ann Parkhill and aqueeze;, and linpred. balanced. not infrequently, by big John M. Parkhill and made ap- f NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT "All Ulual. when I I..t ,uw it, ",utcher-kniv.ea--men whom 1 took to for jth eappointment of ad, ~ 1bllny.' resp,0nded. "But 1 am from be teamltera. miners. niilroad - Florence , E. Brackney. , ders and the like. , accepted the Estate · at
"Where, Savings ar,e Safe'"
•.,.t'.m." •• ". '" ••
Ihoetope wltIa the bDpalpable clust. ~n&1},D~ . . frOm a clq t ]Ie___ Rrldat. B1It altboach d....... ItniUned to and fro, the _ Sa .~ of comp1eldou and .......... tJae women, lIO.e af. them feUIoubb dreIIed, with IIIdrta edbbIa ,rulo_: and from " . .ona TOUed hO~ c:antereil ud right anoz J
. . . .
merelwlta oel bawlultera seem.. to be caJltD& their wares. of city ltIe1f I co1llcl ... onlJ the verlftt 111dk. , : : - lDQjoriO of the buDc1lnp . . . . caDvu-faced up for a f ... fed. ah"t iron or tlmIJ bOards; iDterapeneel there a few woOden structures. roucb u tmpalnrecl. I .... 1IIhered 'ln\O a widely-open ~ whoae canV.. 1Iitrt,l dea DUTOW vel'lll1da de"T.Jw Queen Betel Bedl ta. ... ,1 eaCh." No" .. WIIlte17 powdered 8IJ any 'Of tile uti... I etumtiled ael'OlllJ a q1e Jaqe room bordered at ope 11M Q liar ud a number of 1IDal1 taw. ("... patronised). and w" ~~ liP at the coun~ undal' ttle ~ of a derk, eoaU-. aDkCUamOlld,,walttDJr aeaded,with pomaded, u4 ck-halred. re,. . '
Co......... S••I-A•• uaU,
Atleta Over 10~· MillioD
and Broadway
Three Offieee:
19 EMt Third
D~yton. Ohio. (Established 1887)
510 East Fifth
. F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneers ,
Early for Your Sal. Dat... W. Cuarant"'!e 5atisfa,.t:ion, or
C ,t'n h~ rville,
eh .....
New BurliogtoD,0.· Phone No. 32f'
Phone No. 2 - -
- Of the women of the deceased. ' t amazing co.tumea estate of E. Brllelmey and Notlc'e III hereby IPven that A. black like baIlet filed appUcatllGn for the appolntmen.' Doan Braekney hall been duly apehon-Ilkirted. around of appraisers, • pointed and qualifted as ad~lnlltraFIGURE THIS OUT \ OTHER REASONS wai.... anake-Ilkin be Ita The """'aa value of the e"tate' of tor ,of the estate of Flo-nee E. , ha!1dsome little pistole, POlgnafda. Contr.aated. there were Elijah Trovtllo w... found py the Brackney. late of Warren County. An actor famoba for hili krs. Barbel'-"Y011l' hair Ia ,.ttl ve wo,"en In gowns .nd bonnets that court to total '32.699.69. OhiQ. deceued. WasH locked in the eye by hili Mrs. thin on top ,aIr. Have you tri~ o~ would do credit anywhere in New Charles POlPpe. trustee in the ellDated this 2nd day of February; e groaned aloud wonderful hair tonic!" Yori. and IIOme. of course more tate of Gustave Poppe filed his fifth 1927. , W. Z. ROLL, When he faced the crowd , , CUlltomeZ'--"No ' it \an" th U" e commonly attired in calico and glng- account. JudC of the Probate Court, For Instead ' of appla~ he lot bra. , • ~• a · bam 811 'Jlroper to the ~ bumbler staJ G 'S hu e'r t d i . Warren County. Ohio. ~ ~ lon:, of lauudr_lI. cooks. and .0 • - ••- - NOT TIU,.T KIND o~ii'ow are you on the- goose. . di.trilluilve BeC u i oore I' e II hIIEII." . 1I1r?" PhlU , '0 n. . "Say. I hear llAdce went and 'ColoDol Jaeob B. Sunderson. aub. BI* demanded of me, Ip .WhltaCre anll Wm. C. Wal· Ber--"See bere- What tbe devil eloped last week." at your lIervice. Your family name The goolle,?' 1 uttered. kerf admmlBtiratora of the estate of do you mean by ldaalnc me?" :'Oh. It', only a rumor, Bett,." is faml1iar to me. iuh. I hark back ';Yea. Keno." Newton S. Dluftleld. flied their .ecHIm - "I ' Couldn't belp myself, to it and to the grand .old stata witb 'I am a atranger to the gooBe." ond account. , J. S. no_.................F ...n&I'J' 13 'Really. II he hanclsome'" pleasure. Doubtleaa I bave ..en said I. The of Frank ~trickle of M M. W. 5U..r ................"F...na8l'~ 14 m·lov.... Her-"But J0u...didl" ¥,ou befob. lub. Doubtlell in tbe ~Ie I'l'iunted. I ' Ion eounty. m. was allowed a d ~- Comm. .ltr Sain CO,..... F...I1IU7 14 Olty- at Johnny Chamberlaln'a! k t g vos a qu ck turn for a IImall mitted to l'ecClrd n aYea?" eyes beamed Ita e. So do the three-card and Jrlrs. De Ua S nI'd er flIed application me. and Bill hili fishy breath ,meUed rondo." AI 1 have rented my farm, locat- '!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of liquor. "Or the Astf)r? Of pallllageway ~here was n,o t for the appoi~t~ent of a guardian ed 2 ~ mllel lIOutll of WaynesvUle, remember. M,eanwhile 8ub, much oholce betw,een the middle of for Ado,1ph SlI1lder. . on the WayneaviUe and Lebanon ---~~--------e. r. me to do the honors. Firat, the street and the ~orders. pike, known as the old Emley plAce .. MONEY LOANED bave a drink? Thill Seemed to me as we weaved' along NEW' SUrfS r wi,II' off~r a.t pubHo sale on • am partial to. a brand through groups of Idlers and amonl be recommended for busily IItElPplng peopl,e that everY Enoch 'Benlry va. H .0. Putman for W. . . . F.ltnaar, ~3. 1127, TIle E,. S ..!at Speolall·t LOA~S o,n Cbattela.Stoca. Secllrlqamnable du.t from one" I!~OP waa a saloon' WIth door open money only. ,Amount claimed. $1247. Beclnnlnc at 10 o'elock, the fol,1 " ties and Second MoJ1pl.. No_ "Thank you. ,Sir, )jut 1 prefer to Wlbl dely and ball and 'gambling ta- . F1red J . Ba,uel' and Joh P I " JowlJ;IC: 2 hone•• 1 cow. buU, Rhode bought. John Hub'na Jr., Xenia. tldv , my j)erso~, jlrat," I sunested. elL well attended. J FI b n ,au VB. I larld R"''' hi k "Number l1i1c for the gentleman" My guides ' nodded right and left 'I A' ulelr aeh. for money 'On- II 'IN C C en•• fannlnc impl.. Ohio. amao..'I' announced the clerk, retumihg to with "Hello. Frank.'" "How are you y. , mount calmed ,970 for dam- menta. orlan, etc. " Lebanon. Ohio me my change from the bU!. I Dan''',''Evening. Oharley." apd so age Bnd othelr relief. J. , S. ' THOMSON. on. Evelyn Riddell. adminllltratrix of Martin" Stanley" Aueta. stuffed it into my pocke~the nel'. IIlngular eyes followed It • Occasl~ally the Colonel IIwept off t~e estate of P. B. Riddell VI. WIl- . uncomfortable interest. The ' ros hat, WIth elaborate deference to ham and Kat.l Hurley for money onWe will lell at llu blie aactlon at 8.00 L lB. to 4 p .... picked up my bag. and was Inter- aM woman. bJlt I looked In vain tor Iy, amount claimed ,241 'with Inter the Silver firm. on the WaynuviUe l'Uf,ted by my new fl'iends. Y Lady ,of the ~Iue Eyea. I did est." , - and Fraaklln pike State Road N . ''';, , 'The privilege of showing the pn- not see her-nor dId I lee her peer C'I S' l ' 18 ' o. tleman to his quarters shall be mine." delpite the fact ijlat now and the~ eCII ny( Ill' VB. Ethel Ml~lam, • on . "AU right. Colonel,'" the clerk I obseTVed a fllce and fIgur;e of ap- ~ppea T!aunda~. F.bruar, 14, l1Z7 eare1esaly consented. "Number , 6," pllrentJ attraotlveness. ' ' Beginning at 10 Lm lih ' f , (To be continued) . InC: 3 head 8 IIv.e ahee,d' of you. Copyrighted by Edw!n L; S",bin. , ' A:lbet't Liborel' of, 11 head of registered Duroc !lOWS;' I,glmtllem.Ian In now. Your turn .' . -. " ' Mt. Plt!¥ant ,Pa.. alld Edith EUza- 1'1 head 8~eep. 1armlnl imp1e~ents llome 1n two houra:" , beth War~low, waitresl of: l-ebanon. and ~ lot of houae~old goods, ' In No. thete wElre tbref! double So~t; WOMe.N, ~AIIE: 1HE" Joe FJstep: ot ~~klin, and Mar- . " M. W. SILVER. :< b~ds; , one' well ,rumpled as If just va1"//lSO'T DOI.L.PR :ml7) 0 • tha Br,anl,tam. ' bO~Bekeellerj of Ffabk Martin' " Stanley'. Aucts. " , cated; one ~be middle) tenanted by H ~ " I!n. '.' ' ' ,: ' -', . ',' .' - \' ',' ft:OWlJ b' ea~d. whlllk~ed ~~~R..I ~,'~ ~ Edward S\Jlgletonj fact\lry worker !\,ourlh Community sale at Freci ~ 'B Jl~eev:s, ~e~~ Kln~ · Mi\li, . and Hattie Ledford, M. Cole:'11 ,war\lhouse. Wayne.ville. r,ecee~lt1l' e • a wo~ker. of Kings Mi1le.~', Ohto on , • " .. ' I ' D,... n,..e~ ~t'~~r,il.Y\ 'doc:~orof, ,08, ~ ,; ~u~~da" F.bruar, 24. ; 1927 . • o'ful::~~~o!lld, 11'~lma ,Llves,tock . ,t'{ew Black Jiawke . . ' Keliis.' factbry worker nul'e Spr~ade~,bre~ki~g 'plo":,. f~li of, Franklin, 'and ,LuIa R .1'ohnson of, 1!\~cka,"lth toola belon'glDg to fa~U!ry wo):,k'~ri Of. Franklin. '1', , ' .!;: anyl" 'M,~91nnis; . 10~ rods tence, '100 , ' " £' r;:tee ,pos~, large grmdBtobe and the ' uau~ ~oli of .Imall artlcl" Buyers _ ....--:~_~.:...~::.:::._~;;:..;;...,;J ~WANCES will pe here for anythin, ibll lirine , sherifr. board an. In; nothing accepted for .le wltb ou are peifectl,. for priJaonera, ,280.91l; Charln ~y reserve; no by-blddbll' permit..i:::ii.,:"i;;,:.;.._~ here, sah." auured E .Jll'!dley ,_lating luryeyor 'S' 'l.ed. Terml cuh. ' "Yoll DUly' strip to the or The W: :8. Stanage C" .• tax ~ullli: COMMUNITY SALES CO , ____...._ II DUI'y aleep with :Y011l' boota on; HOW ITS' DoNE ...._ DO questions med. Gener'ly ~ W. N. Sears, ,4uct. , ' catee, $116: Alfred C, Brant, BUPlq, ,'pDtiement prefer to ,. - • pUes. $2.45; ,T he W. H. Stanage Co Ohio Jay. of artificial cov8rina--Jl~ you I 'I'm ' • GE,ORCI£ PATCHES IT UP _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - l l ain•t troubled muoh, with tJie bap, having II1Y facie 1H.ted," yell. 1000 orden. ,20; The Bell Prellll, n;' FUNERAL DlUcTou ; The Columbus Blank Book. an you, Bmt" , ,e d the lIapper, 1I0ftly. . . he~ It. man handed her 8Q uppercut." g:.~ 'l1he Columbull 'Book LI~Je Georgie was Invited out to WAYNDVIUE. OHIO , ., John Law " dInner with hIS , father and mother NfW IDENTIPlC.\TJON SYSTEM D'~ care. $ld6.01 and before the latter ..: taB fl9, The pre.,d
~. a~
"Of course. AlbanJ. the caJ»lta1. a city to be proud of. aub. 1 wei. come you. lab, to our Weat. . . a fellow-citisen." 'Iy"u are from Albany?" I exolaimed. "Bohn and raised right Been there many a time. From the grand 'Old like yourself•• uh. and osrle•. Wheneve!' I meet Y'ork State man I cotton to "Have IJyoar name, lIir?" ed. " You know of my family. pe~
Raid on' Deposits
ell~te ~f J:n\e~ ;;n ~strato!1 °l ~e
Public S.lea
- .. :r:fi
At Cary's Jewelry Shep
Every Tue.d4Y Farmers, Attention! HAVE YOUR EYES ,WIllED.
::~~ ~lb:~l'~Jfi:d;'~~'
Uo ~==~;:=;=~~~~~===d
M~~RIAGE_~aVls. L~CEN5ES qharle~
hone~i 'Jel'll~y °co",~:' ~-~~~~~~~~..f'~"';'~.,1
Walter 'McClure J. E. McClure . .
Warn....... -
•~- BbleJI-!.MDo
!~= After
fOil bow that .n.u,Vlltl
J '.
M lA M 1...
G A'. Z,",, E' T T E•• ~.
ISSUED EVERY WEDNES!)A v tln t,ere4 at thl' .P08toftlec at Woyri.osv~lIe, 0., a8 Scco,,!}d' Class Mall Matter ,
L CRAN£, Editor and PubU.her, Wa,n ••YiIl., Ohio
'ul>scrirt.lon P~.:., $1.60 per year. rr"'"u'f !\ r\ttr thl n i{ R tI ~~n,.r", to _....:.~..:...~.~--.::....,,::-'=~ , 1~'=~.~"~.~"~!I~'~~;.;'~.~.:.~{..~I;:;.(;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;,;:;;;;;;:~=
' - - --,----
C _ ,-
WEDNESDAY. 1" Jj:1 RU RY 16. 1927 ..:
::'::":============:;==jFT=:=jfj~~~~iiil.iiii r! . JI' § . F ' d ~ t CO~iidg'i!h~ H COOLlDCE WILL RU.,. oWllevter, resl etn on the BuUer ref use a commen reoson Dr. NIcholas Murray Butler, heod speee h. There isAno ' good f of Columbia university', ill on able why he IIh~uld. yea~ . rom. now, mnn, a vC.ry good speaker alld his or even later, if condlttons In th~ views ahYIlYIJ are interesting- but..- country on~ i~ the party are n~t ex ai' a political prophet he ' Is "not sO nCtl.y to hIS hking: he may himself ClodU- the IIcountry at large' now ~::I~:ri~~~t~~nl,et ~~t ~om~n~ob~:f~~: s e~~ ag~~~l~r'Ii Riverside speech Presi~ent himself ' con deci~e that .wherein . be positively stilted that questlo.n, now or then, If ohveand President Coolidge wo uld not be Ii he decIdes ' to be .renominnted;-then candidate for another .t erm; that on- he will be r~nomlnated and .no one I a wet can be elected; and that the can defea~ hIm for ~he noml.natlon, tor"," factor wos against the and he WIll run ogalnst., S.mlth-or President :brought forth adverse op,ln McAdoo,:-;,r, how about JIm Reed, • Ion I from all over the nation in the of . Mll80un T preSll' and news comment, also open ~~-••--......- - ridicule from RepubUco1J leoders, LISTEN TO THIS particulariy in regard to the third It there ill' anyone thing the Amer· term ISlIue. S6na~or 'Borah's fluick ncceptonce Ican public. should w~tch c!osely at at the Butler challenge on the netes· this time, It III the DIll-WhIte radio IIlty of the Republican party lacing bill in CongreslI. A1tb~ugb fixed up
the guns on prohibition wos only a Ilde' light. [n an ppen letter to Mr. Butler ,be said: "I alfree wltll you perfeetly that we sho,!ld not dodge ~hls wue. I Iball contribute in ev· ery way r can to enforce t he issue to a final conclusion hi the next con· ventlon." If Borah doc8 this, well and ,ood. We ahall then have de· c~ive wet and dry battles in both the Democratic and n epllblic.an con· ventiona--and maybe get somewhere in knowinr the real desites of the people. '
in conference before beIng PDS8ed by the Rouse, there are still jokera g-Blore in it. It has been held up by the Senate because of . Its failure ~o formolly veat ownershIp 01 the atr or ether above ,he United , States in National government. This II well. It shoul'd be held up forever unless that prov:ision is sp~cifieal1y ipcluded, and this too, despIte al.1 arguments to the contrary. Here Is the reason. The flrstb lteP in 0 deliberate att6mpt to ro th e American public of the rights of the
of the air ~ hu teemingly' boen' made ucb. legislation as al. lowed by the original bill would have made pOMlble a corporation ·that would have takon at ' Icast ·five hun· dred milUons of dollors 0 year from the pepple. The original bill allo~. edt or would have allowed, the Ra~IO Trust to impose' a service charge up. on every pe+son. who has .a · ·~adio or 'There :wouldII have bwho listens d . in. ' bl) ee)l , a evice av~ a e . from h stening in, unlcss the charge was' paid. There are estimoted to be 10,000,000 radio sets 'in thc United States. At a charge of $1 weekly, . perd set-the trust wouid hove founde a very profitable business - 'and growing da'ly I .you think the air above is part ' If your&-then write to your Con man and Senator and tell the~ today. • - • A Conn'ecUcut bill' provides that eyery pedestrian sholl tie 0 red Ian. tern to his ~oat tIlil ~s ~ p.rotection from motorIst, That II alrIght, too -:-but we do not desire a personal red ,tail light tor ~in.~az~d. drivers to aIm at. Our faIth stIll 18 'In hedg. es and trees. A man 'in Canada sayss he was the owner of the bull that chased young Georee Young, the swimmer, Into ~ pond and forced him to le~rn to sWIm. Also that maybe he will 8ue for part of the '26,000 prize money. "Efficiency is the Ame.r ican girl's long Buit/ says an Englisb oble'rve,. "Well, aU we Can say, after most careful observation, sbe doesn't wear it often, on the street, at leut." Government prohibition arents are now supplied ~ith came.raa to snap potron8 f ound In raided clubB. Whew -wbat a .bunch of "still''' photo graphs Uncle Sam will 800n have, , - •
-Mr. and Mt'a. Wilbert Swank spent Monday in Cleveland. Mr. anil Mra Charles Johns spent M d ' . the Gem City . on ay In • Mr, Will Henderan,n, east of town, has been 8erl'ou81y 111 the past weex, Mr. Melvin Swank made a ' busl. ness trip to Toledo one doy laat week . Mrs. Adda Burne1:t spent Mqnday WIth ~er daughter, Mrss Oral Sur· face. tirand Mrs Eli Russell and Mrs. Guy Routzahn ~ere Franklin viaitors Monday. . Mr. an.d Mrs. Leonard Gray, ~f OlDcirlDatl, spent thl! week.end wltlh home folks. Mrs. Lelia Wharton, Miss Velma Smith and Mr. Herman Smith spent Friday in Dayton. . ' Rev. R. A. Stilli.ngs delivere~ a fine ' address' on Abrahsm Lincoln Sund~y afternoon. . Seyeral fr~m here attended t he Farmers Institute ot Waynesville, Friday and SaturdolV. Several persons bam here attend. ed the meetings at t he M. E. church at Wayne a~lIe lost week. MIM Mildred Githens, of Dayton, ,wos a week-end guent of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Githens. . Mrs. Rose Pope hlld a sale of chattels Sl\turday, ~nd will soon move to her new home .In ",.e st Carrolton. Mr. a1Tll. Mra. Kesler Graham were Rix o'clock dinner guests of Mr. .and Mrs. C: W ,Albright, ' near boro, ' Mrs. A. E . White and 80nl, Ropert and Paul, of Dayton, spent last ' at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Graham. ,•• HID k f U' • V U ' M..... e en u e, 0 udaml a ey hospital, waa a week·end guest of ~~:;e S!~:~a::~e~l:!~~ded the play Mr, and Mrs. ]~dward Bosman, ndiana, were Wednesday dinner ruests of tbe latter's aliter, · Mrs. Frek Rogers ~lnd family, S '_~_J ed.L HfIIII 1Cleo b "'-Idtacy en..,n.oun ni Th ...e Card c u ".. ay eve nr, ere were about fifty mernben and frielld. wbo enjoyed the ev.eninr. . Hr, and Mrs, Clilford Archdeacoll and 'On, of ~yton, apent, Saturda,. and Sunday WIth the latter s p-ta. IIr, and ~. Frank Mllteaberrer. Mr, and Mrs. J. 11,. Fair and dagah. moved to Alex.ndriaville, 1I0nda,., Mr. Walter Thompson 'and family 'will ~ove to the Fair propem.
A London juclae has 1l8ted what he conalden the Fourteen Great MIstakes of Life, as followa: 1, It', a militate to attempt to Itt your 01m ltandarda of richt and wronl' and expect ev· erybody to conform to them. . 2. It'l a mlata1ce to try to meuure the eajOfll\ent at oth· en by your OWD. $, It'll a mistake to elqleet unl formlt)- of opinion In thla world.. ' 4, IV, a mistake to look for Judrment ud experience In youth, IL It'• .a mistake to endav. or to mould all dllpo.ltions alike, 8. It's a mistake not to yield to unlmprotant trifl.., ,7. It'. a mlltalte to look for perftcdon In our OWD actiODL our .. IV. a mlatUe to W()ITJ. • Hlv.. and ethers about what t. It'.be'a mlatalce not to alle-
• 13. It's a m1etake to live h If the moment ,the time, the day were 80 important that it would live forever. n'. a mlatake to estimate people by 'Orne outside qu~lty, for it is t~t within which maka the man. • '. • Llats have t-een made by all lorta of emillent men, fncludlnl' Washlqton and Franklin, for the conduct of life, and they are an mOl'e or useful for the ordinary roan, The art of Ilfe la steering the mid· die way, avoldlnl" enors on both sid... and it la Intereatinr to have these reefs pointed out upon. wbleh man), a huma1J bark has been .hipwrecked, It ma, repay UII all to elWlliae this list of the London i u . and He wherein been mlsta1cen in the J1Ut we andbave to avoid mlltake. in
.. few Warren cOllnt,.. have cows in OLe L'-h"I WI .ciallll, according to repoi:t by Mr. Walter F. ROl'en, olllcial tater in the Greene-Warren Cow Testing as· aociation which ltarted operatloll tJae first 'Of thfa year. Fourteen farin Warren county' in co.opera. tlon wherein' Mr ,Ro,en Ipenda one day per month at each farm records of the amount of feed abmtd, and mUk .nd butterfat duced by each cow in the herd. tester also Acur.s out the value of tbe m~1k and but:t.o..fat by each cow as weD .. the coat feed, 10 eacb member of the baa an accurate record tbe net profits or lOla from eaCD cow in the herd. These I,. recorda enable the manapr at end of the year to definitel,. pick hla b..t . cow and eliminate tho.. wbich are unprofitable. And by lenow Iw the productio1J for eacb cow, herd Qwner II alao able to feed variou cows more intlw.ently to aive them the amount and teed neceuary for' most returns.
_tl, if we ..... an that needs alleviation, 10. It'. a mlstake not. to make allowanen for the weaJm..... of other&. 11. It', a mlatake to conRider B1lJthiq impoaible which w. olll'Mlv .. cannot perform. 11. Ita' a mlatake to tielle'le on·
the future. Tbel'e it 1I0thinc poaitive about the list. They are an tIlIn.. not to do, and not thin.. to do. But the avoid aMI of tbese mistakel may ,,'Ie 111 much embari-aIIIIment. Life II a periloUi path at best and to maketothe journey "'ely hom the cradle the. cr.ave Involv.. much
The hirhest produclne eow ill the uaoelatfon for the month of January II owned by ,liaf1Dond . Wolfe, qf Greee county ,reriltered Holstein, which produced 1677 IbtI ,of milk, teatlq S.4 per cent butter fat, or a total of 67 lba. of butterfat tor the month. Amou, the Warren count)- farm.
lIowl,. recovertD&'. Mrs. Albert S~y was called to Ple home of her cUi.uchter, Mra. WW Null, near Spr'inrbpro, Saturday, b,. the ..rious mneSll of Mr, Null'. moth er, Mrs, Sarah NuU. Mr and Mrs. l>OITJ Kenrick and dau• bter Bedha, of Wa .. an4 Miaa Mrs .M&tfy Carmon, ~ere
perbapa tbIa lilt en whOle COWl! produclDl 1200 lba. ot mUk. or 40 Ibl. of butterfat, duro In&' January. are )(, S. Miller, Carl )C. Forman, W, E, O'Neall, Wayneeville, and Carl Crane, Lebaaon, Warren Ooqnty tannen In the joint cow-t..tine aasoclatlon, are IL , S. MDter, W, E. O'Neall alld Carl Forman, Wayn_VI1le; /'Walter Ellis, Harve)'lburr; G~e Croll, Franklin; Carl Crane, H~ld Hatfield and S. R. Snowden, Lebanon; I! W· lI{eabett, T .lI. FOlter, Leonard Bunne.U, Jail. F. Shinkle and William NichWltz, .Loveland. • ~.
dillner cu-ta at the home of and Mrs .Walulr Kenrick. ' ' Mr, and Mn. WUI Pine and dalllh. tar, Mr, and lint, ~lnderson ElliI, of Socla] Row, aUenled the 69th ",ed. din, allDivenary (If their parenta, IIr, and Mrs. Benjamia ~il1i, at WaynesVIlle ,aundl,y, A community Rat Hunt was orpnlzed lut week b,. the men of thia community, The campaicn, etutecl at once and will continue nnW the last of February. -Tbe 10liq aide wj)] elve an o)'lter .upper to the win· nera.. Claude Lew!. la captain of the RedteaJD and myd~ Wharton of the Blue. . Rev. Raymond atUUap. of thfe clla rre, wlU' beclll a letl.. of IDeetlOp at Lytle ebu~)!D Sunde,. after... Febru~ 28t.h, and continue a o! weeb, ea,ch ennl!!r except 1I0'nd.I, evenings. Re Will be . .lit. Washbum, of WaynnClordllall,. invite IVWJ comDllinlity to attend th...
, i
I,. wW the bit. ahld can .......
circumlJ)8Ctf~l'.:. and
mq be of b......
Hr. and Mrs. Fr,a nk WoolleJ and D:ytoll.: ct~ w;~ CU0 r. ~ Brown a!ld enjoJeCll the play Saturevellln,. . Mrs ,Melvina S1tacy returned to her home in Dayto'n Saturday; after a two weeu' visit here, ·Mrs. RUsell Burnett accom,panied her home and apent the day. , Mias Ruth Hubble returned home, Saturday from the McClellan bollat 'Xenia wliere Ihe had been a week . . . . •• . .L..__ . treatments. She
8011. ta,Of f
'HARVEYSBURG . The Ladle.' ·Aid .erved dinner at E. W,. ROil' ule,Thureday.. A ·number from 'here attended Quarterly meeting at WaynelvlUe, Saturday. Jake Klejn Ie luJfering with an Injured band. He caurbt It In the corn ~hredder. . Ellis Shldaker broke both bonea , in his lett arm in '8 fall at Ichool, on Wednesday afternoon . Twin daughters were born IIr, and ~rs. Adam Campbell ' Thuntiuy mornin&,. One dIed within a few bours. Mr .and ,Mrs. W .W. Welsh and MH. W. E. Oglesbee attended Qua,meeting at Spring Valley, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M .Mathlas and Misses Mabel and Marl'aret Starr, of Dayton, were Sunday afternoon call. era on relatives here. The M. E. Aid met Friday afternoon In the Aid parlors. At the 'close of the bUliness seMi on a nUDl. ber of contests were used to enter· tain the ladiea. A delicioul ~luneh of chicken sandwicbell and . cherry pie a Ia mode was aerved by the hOIteMes.
... Ford- Chev Star- Overland
., Volt
Fit 80 %
C~'Aper than Mail Order Prices, and
- 'Can Trade In Your Old Battery !) }
"The Yellow Front" Lebanon, Ohio
',Phone 141
Olllce-Amin Bide.
Hrs ,Walter Moore spent the week end wltb relativel in Xenia. The Doreas IOdety was pleasantly entertalntid in the home of Mrs, JIlL' McIntire ,Friday; HfSll Wyama White was ho.teaa to the Feliowshlp cl'" at UJelr monthJlr 80c~l, We~nelday evenin•.+ ; , Union E~llItlc MrVIcu are In progreSll here. ,. This week they are beinl' held in the -M, E, chareh: ' MiM 'Elllnpood, a . ~~IOIIal'f
O••,C. "ou .... a to 6 p. m..
9 to 11 • • m,
omo. •
7 to 9 p m.
one.. :
'.' 89"2 . '
. ,.,n.,I.lle,
Will. DrawD .......... E.t~t .. Sett1e4
Wayne.ville. Ohio
.. . . .
from India, ,ave a very interuUng .ddnu to the. EPworth' 4arue, Sun· . . . . . . . . .iIII....~~.-~-~IIf!Iday evening. Mila Martha Beam, primarJ t.Ucher, very pl. . .&l, entll'talnN ... 11_ Sako .... y - ~ -6temOOD, wtUa pup... 011 ._ a ValentiJle party. • The Brotherhood of the M. IJ. chureh and tIte(r faptJ~~ enjoyed a Lincoln banquet at ~, church lqn We4peeiliy neulni of Iaat; ~. _ . .
PICTURE .SHOW The Show will be h.ld at Miami Theater on
Saturday, February '2 6, 1927
At 2 o'clock, p. IlL Th. Adml..lon will be paid in Reel Arrow Mone,. $10.00 for AcIulta. $5.00 for Chlldr~n (under 15).
' Ray Drummond ad uOl!Pinr In Rarveyab1lll, Baimllai' l. afternoon. Geot'p Binkley who baa been tdcll f lte a whi~ la tboK-I.' to be or qu , _.. conva1elciq, , , liE .Ge9rre BlDkley ,nil ha.. aale In the near future alld will IDOft to Lebanon.. )(.)(. Ten)" E. ThOIDJI8OIl A4 oth~ made a busln_ trip to of last; week. _ Iace aweraI from .... M ... p
The Nat Red Arrow Auction will be held on
Wednesday, February 23, 1927 at Z p. m., in the c>v.rland Sal.. Room. The
RAMI Arrow Auction Bloc:lu will be closed againat further bldrlinr at 9 p. m., Tueada,., Feb. 22.
RED ARRO"'" PLACES yy M H H II L, A. Zimmerm1D---- yer )'DIan.... a Dru" ., Co.---M ••aDU. Tbeate~- ••Fred M.• Cole the fUneral of Fred Royle at Bellviii 0 I d S'- I C bfook, <one da1last week. ' _._ W a)'De. ever an ale. ompany--Morean Jonla and famUy haYe The Miami Gazette moved frOm the Oh.. lIonroe farm 11.i~"••••".__IIIII!~IIIIIii_• • •_.IIi""._.~ to the E. 0 Shawhan farm. ',!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A_ Onpedeofd~~ V:-- &le. h.:= "'top . 'lute wha J~!!!!:!"I!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!====I!!!!!!!==I!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!~"""!!~ a~ work, one day ..mill k. .
1Irs. Anna Ferrla and daqbter, La ene, were In a Farmen IIlItttate pia,. at ClarkavlUe, Thanda, eY8llbw, 'tb tens lAti OI8 con h ~d ne d I Co,fta,thI.1 hair bobbed I a rea a... xl :18 IUI~ Iii I alIo at. Lue vii: 88-44, Romer Rudaoll 'and wife ,of .XeDia, diarence McCray and wife, of Caterville, were 1I0nday petta of' It. 11, Thompson and wife. Our Ladl_ Aid met with IIn. .JIa. "WiJaon last Wedneada"aftenaoon. '1lbe next IDtetinr will be held With Mn. Doran in WeUmaa. R. J, lIua'r~J and wife entertaln~ lait Friday evellinr; Jason BiddleCllm, fit .~a and Ollar... 1Cibler and tamD" of GrMD BrIar. ' Mrs. Ella Ferril, lin. Cary Po~e" 0' OIarbviUe and lin. BoHla: Gordbn, of Harvey.burr. attended a "n... ~_ t the ·.Jordaaa ume be.. q,...--. a , ~t Thunday." .. .Rarold IIcKa, a1Jd. famllYi attendeel Qliarterly meetlnr.~ Sprl,nc ·Val.' lilY SlltUrdai. ·- The May. Qaanerly ~eetln&' will be IaIld . at th, Frfeiadl church in. .Xenla. , J. ",' ~. . . lin, Irvin ' KillDick' bave chUd at tJUa ~tinr. W~ time thll appears In print . little cbild will be much -"d out of ·danger. 'Jorcbui Uad 1
... "'.
u te
".1I'::'b~,di'a~;nd diDnil' ioia,
of .Jordan Rartaock' ,at the home RanaoCt'. panaatI, Walter il01:DIU11 aDd wife, III llarveyabUl'. IMt
Mr. and Mn. Guy and chil- T~ til. MlamJ ,Cluett. ror Jolt Wor!' buy a bad thine you "til drlln, arid MIl!. Euphemia Hough, of arain-Proverbs of Ireland Oa)·lon. \'jtil Lcd r ~tIlivel llere, Sun- ======~====~~~ '!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!'!!!~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!~!!
Late Clas~ilied Ads. - -
duy, !
G'l}H~TE~ .D
_ FO.~LE
Gebl'4' W •.Prott i8 qultc sick,
ST. MARY'S CHURCH ALE-Wood, IIta ndard 'leng th, a cord, delivered. J. T. HerSnbday, Fehruary 20. s cxnlfesima Mrs. W.O. Rllp r is quite sick . . R .n 3. .-fl6 rch SchOol nt: 9 :80 i Morning All ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Frallklin Thoma. Is on the sick f>1"ayer and ser,mon a t 1'0 laO. are , cordially invited' to these /MIrlist. vices. Rev. John J. Schaeifer. Rl!ctol'. Mr. ahd Mrtl. Quincy Gpn.' ent.ol'I. • Scie... ti6c Remedy for all camined with " ctlrd party 108\ Friday ••• of Ecaema. Po •• paid, SOc: ' A"~ evening. . , dre •• ~HRISTIAN CHURC.H F. HAr,tILTON, Drlliliat. Maard W c1Ilz, manager of t be Sunday-Scbool at 0 :30 ; N~wport, Kroger grOcery spent, Sunday in Wi!· Everybody cordially invited. ,mington.
X 'MAI . K,.
Powel Crotley, ¢ , Of Clncln. ' A. O.' MHon, ofWllmlngton. N:O.; b88 made and t!Old more than left home in 1916. A year after. a m'UUon and a hAl! radJo I8t8 in ' th(> war an old f,rietld said he had . . Jan II yet\ftI and now ~th hit! ~ him 'In FranO&-Oll the way to 6thu propertl 'he has t8ken over the tnIneJles, he thought, in the ~ pIoDeer ~orest company and llalnbow divi sion. , The father" W •. W mull production to IUch vol- J. !dixon, Route 4, LumbeTtf.n. N .. Ime. he 1,_~wn 88 '''I'M Fon! of C.... writes thIs newspeper: . I am Radio.... He eetimates the pubUc 010 and almost. helpless and I ~t DIO,a thu $1100,000 000 101- ' my son. An.y W\lnnatidn ,~l b~ ftdIo ~ 1986. .olDfort ~ a lonel)' man. . D8ll
Former ).t.t~. , Ge1).. Barry IlL Daugherty, u he appl'O&ebed ' the New Yor~ Federal .Court buUdINr to face 1'etrtal tor 'alleged tr.liil .
againl' the BOvem~' yJhieli: foroed bIa ~ ~
(;!!!!!!!~===~==:==:=======;:===~=~ ,\
Do you often wonder why you cannot-get acrisp, flaky crac"er? It Is because you hav~ not tried
STRIETMANN'S . ._. . . . . . . QUALITY !, CRAGKERS We carry a full line of the,. delicious crackers and cakes. If YOIl call at· our store this week, we wtllilve you a sample package free. Try them and.Judle for yourself. ,
The Corwin, Grocery' -We' Deliver" , Waynesville, Ohio
Supreme TrIbuna) Gives 1mpottant Decision 'In IndJaDa
Water Case
Upholding all Injunction q&lDlt new water ratal In Indlanapoll., tho Bupremq Court hllll. Jpat emphalllled' the Importance of atat• . ,lviDI conliideration to preeent "Tuues of public uUUUee In II:dna ohargllll for the UIO of watllr, aocordIng to a receG~ ,Aaaoclate4 Prell dlJipat~h :' , PrIces and wag. prenllln, at the time of the InveltlpUon mUlt be cOnsidered, the court Bald. I. an optnton by' JUICfoe ,a uUer, fro. whlah Iuatical ,B rand'" and 8taN dl.ented: "There mUlt be a ho.1IIt and intellIgent foreCI8Bt 8B to ptobeble prioe an4 wap In.la durIDlr • reuoaable period In tile Imm.. dlate tuture," the oplnlo. added In dac1ariq that the In 'att&olla on ratoe 8B conllacatol'7 ' mUlt lift oonalderatlon to the future u well utile PrHeDt. mUlt daelde, thl court 4eel&reIL ''wtaather tile l'lltea eom1'1alnecJ of are 71e141q ad wm , )'tela Ofti' and aboft ttae am01lllta 1'e4111n4 to ,., ..., ad PI'Ol*'
Mn. Harry 'rurner nnd little son SPOI, t Monday with Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson. , ' . N. P . Blatt and famIly ' of Monroe, were guests of O. R. Unglesby and Camily on Sunday.
Mr. ond Mt!,. Clifl'ord Buzick. of Sidn y, are IInnouncing the birth of a son, FebruaI1l' 14. Mrs. Clarence Edwards, wllo has been very sick for eeveral days, is slowly improving.
" ~ETHO~IST CHURCH . 6 Sabbath School at. 9:1 .. m. preaching at 10:30 a. m. Epworth. Lenlue 6:15 p. m. Preachlnr at 7 :00 p. m. Evcrybody Invited to theae services ' Rev. L. A; Wasbbum, Putor.
.....,.- _... - ..... ---
- - ' - ---... ~-~-
'1 wo' Shows Dailv 6:30 and 8:30 P. M. The Higbest in Quality , Entf'rtainment
FOR S A L-E 't White ~ollie Pups These pups' are qne monfh old, are beautiful specimens 0/ the dog world, are, int~lligent, and are loyal companions: Come and look at . ~hem, and you will find them as represented.
Messn. Wm. Kemp ,and N. P. JorThe 'Wayne Townllhlp Mothers dan attended tbe fun eral .of a friend met February 4, with a good atin Dayton, Tue8day. . tondance. The meeting waa called . to order by the presi~ent. Mrs. James Mr. and M~8. Kenneth Elze,.. of Va.n dervoort conducted the devottclD-I Dayton, 8P~nt Sunday with Mr. and 01 exercises, reading fourteen venes Phone 59F3 Mrs. Walter Elzey. of the nineteenth Psalm, followed by . . prayer. The lIrlze for nttendanc:e ,.~---'!"-----------'"'!'~---------" Mrs. Dudley Keever, of ~enter- was WO'd by Mias Turner's room..... ville, . spent th,e week-end wlth Dr. A ' vo'r y interesting Program Will! and Mrs. A. T. Wright. given, consisting of 80ngs and recitations from the IIttiefolka in Miu Mr. and Ml:8. Frank Elban and Turner'. room An nddre.. subMrs. ~ary~Ada'Dl8 attended Quarterly jed, "Lincoln,'; by Donald Dilatush, at Sprmg Valh!y, Saturday. of Lebanon, and a paper "NourishMr. and Mrs. W .B. Cornell, Mn. ment," rend by Mrs. Moomaw. RefreshtUents were served during Russell SalisblU'Y and Mrs. Bert Hart k . the 1I0cial hOUT by Mrs. Robert sOc were ID Dayton, today. Cross, !om. R G Miller and Mrs. S.
_ - -Mr. and Mn. Charles Zimmerman S. Ellis. ---.~. and children .~;tended Friends Quarmeeting at SPling Valley, Saturday. Mrs ,SuIBn Vl'ilkenon haa ~etumed home after a Itwo weeka' visit with ber dau&,bter and family at Wilmi~ton. , •
7:30 P. M.
Mlaa Mame. Ilrown retnmed to the Poultry operators of Warren counFriendl home lut week, atter an ty sbould set aside Tueada,. attel'extended vlaIt lin Bellaire and Colllm noon, March 1, to attend a countyAt a co.t of .everal thou.and dollar., t.he olde.t bua. wide conference on Baby Chick Ralsautomobile factory in the world haa produced a Inar, to be held in Lebanon under the ~ . five-reel .tory of the manufacture of Mr. and ill'lL E. W. Huahes. of direction of Count,. Agent Clall, who Columbus, were week-end lfUesta of wiD a1llo have Mr. R. E. Ora,.. poultry extenaion Bpecialiat from the Uni Mr. and Mrs. !oJ. P. Jordan and venlty with bim. Tbe meetinar will Kemp. be beld in the atore room of the No more in.tructive entertainment could be ofMr .and Mrs. Clarence Mendenhall LinCO Hardware Co., 8B hubeen you. You know ~hat automobile. ar•• fered ~. .,.... a aum aullelat done the 1_ few yean. Interest and aon, Earl, of Da~n, lpent SunIe .,utltllte 8OID1I6D88t1oa day with Mr. and Ilra. Amoa Men- in Warren county Is inereaalnr rapwhat they do. and how to · drive them, but 'do denhall. . . the . . of Propert1 ..,10,.. accordlnr to County ~reDt CIaaa you know the reports that the tarm receipta to IarDIaIl the aenioel that 181_~ NMOG&1Ile rate of MUftI OIl ~ Mr. .nd JrJra .Fred III. Cole and from poultry and ergl! stand second ftIu or the PrGPWt7 at the time Ion are In Columbul, attending a in the c:ount)'. . Accordlnl to the JUt or the lnyMUpUoa 8114 for • c:onvention of Ohio Retell Hardware c:enaua. Clau repone that ¥irytnl dealera. brin,. in over ,800,000 aDnuall,. In ~le tlma In the lmme4Jata Warren coilnt)', while poultry and fIatan." 'I'be maJorlt1 took tile new tUt Mr. and Kr.. PelT)' Kenriek and cas ltanda lecond ~th over $600,pablle .tUlt.. ue entltled to a daughter, MlY Bertha, spent SundaJ 000. TwentJ;thtee ot the leadinl n&u1l or ao~ I. . thaD ., ~, tn LJt.ie, the l:uesta of Mr. and Mil. poultrYmen of Warren c:ountJ, are At The . . . . . YBI .... of ntUltt. t1uC)t1la" Walter Kenrick co-operatinr with COUD~I Annt in , I(eeping all detailed rec:oraa of tbelr ~~~-r-nrw~~~ biliinlie4eeJ1n.. M.... Fred Sjbe",ood, ot Columbul, expenses and recelpta which Ihow WInter II! hard o. the teJepl10u ¥ialtin&, at the bome ot C. E. Ed- that thOle who are takinar ,peelal JOIe, DOt tllat thtl cold parUnlar1J and hellp\ne to care for ber care, of their loeb are IBttinr ~. . . . the pol.. but allppe.., rode Mra. EdlwardL tlcall,' double the averare tann In, c:ome. And thOle who foUow the cdteD oallM autotata to ut4 ... Have JOU ever wffer~ fr(f~ bard water "itch"l Rave . ten Ipecial Points or ruin for raisIe I!Ie ... "boae DIU It IMID8 tIaat foUr banda ~me dry and bard-7our cbappecl--from Meaara. Car. Fr)'e, Ra)'mond Con- Ing bab,.. chico have been able to ID nah .,... the "UJdder" at..,. using hard water? Hennan Conner and Geo~ Zell eliminate a lot ot 'tlle 1000ea lttcaned ~--------------------------. brtDra 1IP apInat a pole Ul4 til. went to Toledo lut week and brourht on the avei'age tarm. Uaa pole .. ruIned. Of eou ..... Then you can appreciate·handa·that an IMIftIt roagheoed back four new can for the Overland At the Chlc:k Raising meeting on •••• ~gs 0 Bleat atorml 8I1d haBY)' lalla of Salea Co. March lat ,It ie planned to point out nor redden~d-baby'8 tender skin that is left crac:¥4 80ft anow do eyen more damaIit ~ ~Ie linea and win&. . aad "itcby'-Bsbave that ia quick and c:IeuI. eaaentlaia inchidMr. and loin. Carl Hawke, Ray ,in detail in thethetenprime pointe neceaaary' tor • - ..-Jilveryiunne -New can have 10ft ~,tlltIIIr ....""dlllIIt. . .'111-' ,Hawke and famll,.., o' t Dayton, loll.. complete lIueceaa of baby chlcka 1;~i5;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;~;;~~~~~;:~:~::;i~ IN OUR HOUSEHOLD, Katherine "FreIiDm B!ld CiJde ie invited to thie . ciateri , ...nd double pIUi)1bln,. , ~ were Sunday ~~eata of Mr. lind ~n. imce. All women and cbUmen Flapper (from upatiilra)-:'''11 C" H.wke. ~ . after a tarre' per cent of the locka water warm JetT'" In Warren count)', they are eapeciaUJ Shi~k broth~r (downataira)-"lt Mr. W. H, A~en lett Mo~da:v mom Invited to be prelerlt. ' • -_.--ought to be-It'll been runnlnr for Ing to join lblB family at Deland, a half hour." Fla., where tliley will Ipend tew MUST HAVE STYLE _~_. _ • daya before golnl to st. Peterabure for a few peeb. Friend of Father-"Why don't NEW IDENTIFICATION, SYSTEM you join the nav:r?" R.,u R__ V~ nMr .and ·Mlrl. Bert Hartsock and Ye 'Modem Shlek-''Not f'r me: II the latest ProclIlCt of the world'a ,Firat Shillk-ilDo you know ' that Beti:,., and J. L. The trousers are tOo tt,ht 8I'IOund ~llfton B-:a~d. , iarpat manuf~er of reaidellee "... . • Sunday in Dayton . the peata t'be anlde." 2J1tt i ! ::.d k • a6 d'" R b W I -...::-. - . ...---.,..' . ~Un MC · •.. . .. • .. •. . . ter, lyateml. It ia almplo-compac:tShiek - "I don' know. _r. an all'll. 0 en a ton. ' Co 01 b 2~H 1 'k ~'.N Co 01 b t. 1 L practical , 101.,.. ~ inatalled in ' either e ma....h any of the powder loin. J .. L. ' Hartsock, who spent leVE. D. PURDY'S. PHILO! unb, u, .. ' • Me : . , unb,. u, 12" b. aac • ..• 11c IIh "" I d last kinD Country Club, ,I-pound 18C for. J. . .. .. " . i •• , : • • , • • •• • .' . . . . . . 13'" old Of aew homN-will sive a life timo m,. coat IIleeves?;' ' era aye " w~e a;pton, reMa)1,.. a le..on In hlltory It..uu,"u Medal, 1)>>4 lb ...ok, ., .. 1:20 ,Gold Medal, 24). lb. . . ... . $1.1. of Iel'YiCe at vet)' IIiDall c:o~ . ... ' • .: • turned, home lWith them. . leamed from a laundry. It I!l!rtaiIl-JI .Tb8 Dvro Softener baa man:r aa. I,.. brinp home .tbina'a never leen vUltqea over older ~.n la DO THAT SETTLES .... !fro anet Mrls. Jobn ' SchUlt; pve a before. pa~ of min~ ted etaln or - " - - -.... (arewen Buppei r . Satur~J evenlne, in iroIl -rult. ' Regencration, II a ""mPJe ·Count.., Olu", I-lb. loaL . .. .. Ie Whole Wheat, I-tit. loaf , .. . . " Ie b?nor o~ Mr. Imd loll'll. Edward Cook ~..;.quickly performed, reqUiring Little Fellow-"P&, Ws raining." and family, v.lrho will move to their Vienna, l~b. loaf .. .. ... . .. .. -" 70 R,.e, J H-Ib. loaf . .... . .. . ... . .. IOc a ,_ mhlutcs as comPared )dth..houra Dad-lOWell, -let it ,rain." new home in a few ~ da,... ~hose ,Ill aome other typeR. Little, Fellow-'.'I was going to, pretlent for the occaaion were pa." and ,Mrs. Edward Cook and fall!ll,., Mr. and Mre. lEloward Drllmmond and •~" ...... Mother'., Im.tI 3 'or .. .. 2Ic BuIll Oatl, per pound ....... ,' .40 NOT THAT ~qND family, Mr.alld Mn. C. p. Ellia Bulk O.ta, ...... H-JtOund bal , , ... .... .. , .... . , . . • . , .. .. .. . .. ... ... P.II • t " Mr .AD ~an,\; " ," dS ay, I h'e ar Madge ;wimt and Cou"try Chlb. . eloped' lnlt week." La..... (:A,n for. . ' .. "Oh, WI on1,.. a rumor, Bett)'." D.lmo~te, lar,o ~n for . : ... . 21q , Clifton, l,r•• ~n 'or .. , ... . . ,70 "Really~ is he bandsomd'"
Don't Miss,This Opportuity!
Miami Theater,Waynts\ille, Ohio
Br Ing Your
St'okes' Pure Jersey Mil
... -
t Kroi er••••
Water Softener
.- .
l;lrea.- ClO~::~~i~d~~.~~ ~I,~~I:~,. .ge
Oats' ~ic~C~k~'2 .;::.I~ ~~~~~~'" ..1 $c p',. J
, '. ~
Whole Number 574i-
iSf t
tests, etc. She also explnined some of the work being done f or the soldiers I1nd sailors of the. lute wur. A Interest)ng.ltems beautiful afghan was exhibited, the from the work ot the MSBlIie W. C. T. U., to MANY PROMIl'{ENT BUSINESS INTERESTS WHO be given to lIome Boldier boy. AID IN ' THE PROSPERITy.: OF THIS There w r . two d monstratlons t:he Warren Co. W. C. T. U., In- by tne two L. T. L. orgoonizotions one They alwiya say that a rood way SE~TION ' to hold your Interest la ~ mike you atitute was ' held Friday 'Febru.ary .18, by th e whit IJhildl' n (mel . the other in the Bapti ~t church Lebanon, Ohio by th e' colored children of Lebanon. Prepare by curiOUI. So here you are. Watch goodly number w e~e present. The The colored L .T. L. is t he Minnie for further particulars about a In this Farm Edition, the fa ~ mer will find many ·inter- Adevotionals of the ' morning service Jameson L. ~ . L. which fav~red U8 Columbu8 .1- ep( rte r sellool entertainment in' the near . . esting articles' written by worJd-known authorities on were very interatlng and efficiently with a reading and very specIal mufuture. conducted by MTB. E. S. Keeler. aic. Contributions were directed to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . sclentific cultivation of the farm, and also many stories Unions were represented from Main- the building fund fo r .the W. C. T. i.a.t Friday afternoon 'the Se~totll " of merchant. and firms doing business in oUJr •.i.tidst and ville, Mason, Harveysburg, Orego- U•.rest room to be bUIlt lit the Mi~ vel')' Intereltinl' and dellehtnia Waynesville and Lebanon. amI Chautauqua grounds, also a conCOLUMBUS, OHIO- With the inp,rt:'Cl'llm, for the rest of the hleh ABOUT THIRD TERM the goods they have to ofter. While these stories are There was roll call of officers and tribution to the William IJennings troduction of many new bew bUIs and, ....,....y. It consiated o~ DECENCY 'HERE AND THERE the followinc: ' advertiaing and ~id for by each firm repr«~sented, no directors of departments with rec- Bryan Memorial temple in Florida. , in both branches of the General AsSHAW'S BABY P,RIC,E W~ were very gratefu l to all who sembly Monday evening during the ommendations as to plan of ~ork for Devotionala ..... ....,...... Ann.. Rowland man has written of himSelf or his business-evecy story local organizations. The institute co.ntrlbuted to ~he succcs~ of the ·ht- brief- session, the lid was clamped SPIRAL, NOT JACCED I Plano Solo .................. Violet Bogan Reaellnp ..., ........... ,.... LucUe Tucker haa been pre~red by a staff of experienced advertis- \ motto was, proclaim prohibtition, stJtute and adJ.ou~ned wIth th~ W. down on the further introduction of prosperity. The plan of work for C. T. U. benedIctIon, thus clOSing a me'lIsures at the present session. The Wllhincton and Lincoln ing · news-writers. Read every story-they are all the year with the slogan, '.'Bold fast m?st interestil'\g nnd profi table In.- balance of the time of the legiala-, . There la no lIuestion of a third Dance ........ ........ .. ...... Martha Nichola tors will be spent 4n threshhlg out , and go forward," was streBlled. . shtute. interesting. . . Interpretation of the Wind term for .. man who haa only been Lillian C. Mills, Director. the issues in c:ommittee. rooll'S, where An Interesting poem was read by SeJectioDl, Instrumental Senior Trio nominated and elected once. _ , IlS uauaul many of the bills will paBS Mrs. Dr. Moss of Maineville, "Why U not ·Prealdent pooll~ WHO One act pl~y, entitled, 'IUncle Dick's slto"ld I subscribe for t?e Un,ion Auletlyeway. Of course it's going to SignaL" Anoth~r beautiful poem be possible to introduce more bills-procram the' Grad:' of In D was· given by the president ~f Harwith con sent of either branch_nd Intereatlne the wi... are Secre,tar3' ,both the old and 1Iew buUdlnp, to." 1.1.1 I. . ,. "'- veysburg W .C. T .U., Mrs. Eva Mcit is probable that occasion wiU deKellon, Secretary Boover. and Frank gether wlth ·the h1ch achool and fac-. mand just thatsort of Il way to get Donald, which conveys a beautiful Lowden, of D1inola. Secretal'J lIeI· ulty, formed the aUdience for a ave--aatlllaltia.I.,--a.. oa. of tile aenitment. "Lea; me dwell in the ' additional bills before tliC members. Ion older than the two othera, II reel. movin, pleture. It Will an in. . ._at 1ow.l. hom.? Mi ••,h, house by the side of the roiui." HarVery little, indeed, has been aCcomyo~q enough ' to mADaare admirably terestine moviq picture I'ecord of .iD't It • t.rribl. .ih•• tioB to ... veyshurg also contributed two lovely . . , pUshed up to date, but this is really after-the-war ftnanc" for tbil na- the OldlJlloblle. The picture Willi put Justin 'w. Bardlq, of ~klln, hili 7 due~ rendered by Mn. Shumaker Concerning the FrUIt Growers In favor of the solons. The tewer tlon and to wor kolne ho~ a day out u an advertillnl' and educa. who was recently ' appointed as the and Mrs. Tucker. meeting to be held in Lebanon, Satthey paBll, and the IOBll number at. hla olBc.. tlon.l feature. The same Ihow waS new district attorney at Juneau, Noontide prayer was . voiced by urday, February 26, at 1 :80 p. m., new laws enacted the better the Hubert Hoover haa worked .Ilke a c1ven later the sallie day at the Mi- Alaska, II to lucceed Arthur G. Mrs. Foster, of Maineville, after County Agent Class again wishes to State will be off, and the more It alave on development of national rt- ami theater, free of charge. Shoup, whose admlnlltratlon baa a delicious tureen dinner was en- invite every farmer in Warren co~n- will aa~e' the taxpayers. Goodnellll .ources, Includin&, the Boulder Dam caused a hail of criticllm and .the joyed. . knows Its expensive enough to run and watenraya 'from the Gr..t Lakel Friday 'evelllq laW probably the president .w ithdrew hill "omination Following a song service Rev. Ruth ty who Is at all IDterested ~n the State machinery without addi: to the oceaD and the . gulf. The last buketball cam.. of W. H. S. for for ' reappointment on tho.. 1T0unda. of Oregonia ,conducted ~he care of his orchard. Mr, Class tlonal boards, commi88lons, commitMprray, thla season with the exception of tlie Shoup WAi appointed by Praldent country appncla~ that • tee", ·etc., devotional. Her usual imprellllive vises that Mr. Frank Beach, one Governor Lowden, a practical' toumamen~ SprlngbcS'ro, the Yialt- Har,ding in 1921, and wu reappointmanner streaaintr the responsibility the orchard extension specialists, of farmer baa mUUonl of farmers wlth.llll' opponent., havlne won from ed by PresIdent CooUdge in 1926, of the llteward,hlp Of. prayer. the univenity, ill on leave of ~blle\lce Retail Shoe dealers of the State him. But th. main question II: moat of the other teama · of the amid bitter proteste from c:ltizena Mrs. Rosa, of MaIneville, accom- at present 110 will not be wtth him are In senion here this week Bnd disDoea President CooDdp want the COUl)ty, counted on it beiq an eaiy and _oetationa In Awn. An inof styles for both men Bnd wopanled by MI'I. Lewill,sang a heau- all ulual this year. But on Satur1l0mlnaUollT rictol')'. But alaa, they weN doom- velatlptlon ~ made which d1scIostlful 1010. A prolperlty tea party day afternoon ,Mr .C. S. Holland, men are being made by mllnuiacturU ha do... It II bia. eel to a creal dlaappolntment. The ed improper political activity,' vice. 1I(1lII held and 23 ladies gave ex- the other univeTBlty specialist, hall There Is very little cbange in !-."' qulclr, pod, tIariIJiq ~ta and pia,.. and undue lelliency, toward violators prellllion from hteir .t ea cups, the agreed to come to Warren county ers. exccpt the heel on womenl • Montana'. Senate I'l£at week vo~ of Turtler, MillUdine and lIartIOck. of the Volatead act, and Coolidge prosperity of prohibition, atatiltics whlcb wiH probably be the ' only opo low cuts are a bit higher. No high III favor of the Oonatitutlonal Amend toptber w1tJa the brUliant playa of withdrew the l'Uppointment nomiproving that much baa been gained portunity to have the alllliltance of shoes are being shown except for menl apInat ChUd Labor. The B81'I'1hID and llatnou, WOD the came nation. in the past Hven ye.... 6f prohibl- on~ of . the orchard speclaliats this children and men. Me~'s Ihoel to amenclJftent' may be loR. child labor (If the ant teams for W. H. S. with a BardInI', the Buckeye who hu Just tlon. We then liatened to a very able Ipnq. The meetintr will beJrln in atyle should be tall Dift'erbeIq unprofttable, and proat. hard 1eI0re o. 16 to UI. nil aecoad team been appointed to euceeed Sboup, II models of shoes are shown but and Instructive aCWreu by MIIII Ella promptly at 1 :30 P', m., Saturday, to ..... up. But It II "IlOmfortinr tu however, waa Dot 10 lucceafnl, the 39 years old ,a craduate of Phillipi Haas ,of Dayton, IUllUring us the at the count,. qent I oftlce, Lebastyle changes have been verY 1M deeellC)' here and th~ 10 honors aoine. to 8pl'lqboro. Wq- Exeter aeademy ,and the UftIYll'llty wom~~hood of America now that we non. . few. Some elabotate colol'1 are dI&the end, of co_, the ameaclmeftt nMVlUe wID pl.y at the tournament of Jllcbican law ec:hool. a1ld ha, prae IlII cltizena s1tould realise the power The censua shoWl! over played for evening wear for the trenlIFould belp every State, jut aa the either Prtda, afterDoon or nlaht.. tieed law In Warren county for MVof the ballot ,Dd wield the weapon peach tree. with a reported tier ' lex. About '700 retail dealera end Qf l!awry helped aD-1nc1udinc Only when t1aQ' am.e there -will tbq eral years. He wu captain In the for good that baa beeD placed In tion of· 01111 about of Ohio, indiana, Kentucky and W. Statea that had iIIe createat eacri1lcn know debital7. W. H. S wanta a war and afm hla honorable dlacbarge our hand~ ela per tree, Indicating qaln that V...... nla are In attendance at the Ia...- crowd of WAJDeevI11e 100tera apent the summer o~ 1919 In AIaa~. to make. . oeed We eoUld feel and realise the re-. peach t r - alIo ' d clonalderable ~~ns. Child labor clatate 110ft men and p.....llt.. Be la quite familiar with conditions Ha-~L-_~I 1.'pobIJlbillty we have .. voters and more atten tion an care n lIFomen of work alld cbeata tbe nat there.. He waS elected to the elchtJmake IlIe of the lame for the good produce fruit. The ml!etllnl' ren.ration of Ita .&lhanc. la 1I1e, to School held aeatoD TuMCla" P.~ third, elchty-fourth and eichty- a Itl, .tra.t••., cI_ ..tour homes and nation. day aftemoon la to .help oVI.rC.omoill Former Llelltenant-Govemer, Chaa• • '1 ·lIOo..r-- of mocidq CIarlat'. I'uarJ' II, but will be dilmilMd at 11th Ohio . .neral _mbUea and he aw• .,. Pop, Old.til••r aad WIll- of Mrs. Foster gave a brief' addrellll thll condition, and fanners with Lewis, in addition to being a flnall--___I d al 1JW.a__ F b IS beta ed chaI f th h mil ~._ ••__ It. 0.11. s.. C. . . wan~, "Their __.. noon ~._ • e nary I , lIN rman 0 e Ollie P.__', - t _.1., to '5- Mattei' on the lubject of Social ..MoraUty. Iy a half dosen tree, may find cier, publlsllez: and a good fellow, boholcl the fue of my father, wbich of th.)Iaabtball tolll1Wllent at ltary dalra committee; , .. -= .... L, FrukiID. Pop," oa tlala ...., aM bow _w lin. Walter Rockhill,.ve a moat In- worth wbUe to give time to attend I" one' of the most ardent sportsmen la Child ID Ueavell-" • - • It', _"' ___• .... ,,_. tile ..no- terestine talk on Setentillc Temper- thla m~ng 10 u to be able to 111'0- of the State, and never findl him· labor HIICla pl_tJOf , Uttle , ance Instruction in , the Schools, {duce enough fruit to .~ leaat too bUllY with other matters to which department she is conducting vide for the needs of the farm of a fish or huntJng trip, eapecanpla te verlb the tat.. Is f: "ery emciently In the way of con- ily. . the former. Be had the unUIIIaae f W B S. Gea '.~ 'S M.ttor Pop" -1YOf)' w... for 'naeN .... tie women in America C l'OOma 0 •• eva TIle Miami c...tte!, experience last· year of catching ---'---=----;::;;-:;:-=--;;:!. two dandy blllll on the same line, A lear IICO lin. IlJrile Huddleston AllIt a lunio~, -in blah achool, baa juat of Callfomla. took QP 'awtmmlnl' "to retumed ~ Khool after a Ioq . . WATCH FOR IT while 'lishlng in Lake Erie, a · little NdQce.. Lut week .... ..".. die .....nce, clue to inJoriea neelv_ I~_______•_____ ' thing that is seldom dupJlcatea Mr. CataHna Channel, ber e1""D-,....- eel flOm • fall !larlnc th. ie)' P,eriod ._ ~ Lewis . takes ' no part in the prllIent ~" Iowa disculllllon· to acpara te the fish and boy out to "Come on, \firectly after Clarlstuaq After correlpondl!nce Mr. division frOJD that of the de1IIIUll.... don t pv. up.' WJaen abe 'Wedneaday afternooD of thla week R. E. ersy, state poultry extension FaIDOU8 flUID Relief P.. in NMioaal ~bt partment of agricnlhtre, but does say blabed die IwllII, the dllriT..,..r. 1[r. Pan) I. Barnaby, a 1I0tecl dram- apeciaUat. who wiH assist with the "harmony ~n departments -.d diold aotIaer . . . dellrlou, panJ, par· a\fat, Ii....... 'apeaker and pueral Warren County Baby OhIc:k Rals\", visions of the State,' as well as in prialraed and bad baeD biu.. lliterCalaer, wID pve a propam No JII_aq to be beld iIJ co-ope~t on. vate business brings about the best tImeI b, eanp. liarraeacla. tON ... wllole IChooL wl4lalldeay with the LIqo Bardwire Co., Lebaresults. Whether 01' not It is beat DiPt III the G,.. be will pft a lone non, County Agent Claae wants to . Too bact that Rcb a WOIllAll to separate, the two di visiQns I alJl waste her manelona "IitalI~ 08 • at erttertaiDJllent for Ute pubUc He ul1ft every poula., keeper, tarmer Another aeries of Sewing Machine not' prepared to say, but ,¥Ul make battle that , ...... the aori!W but a a member of a f~ous lTOiI, ot alld farm women to lie pnaent 'l'uell- Clinics for Warren I!ounty, under don Do aoocI. The UtiOD eoald af· • __ 1 d ' to ell day afternoon, March 1, at 1 :80 p. B rei th tIJe comment that harmony amoQg ford to pa, 1Ier to haft twentr-olle eIi .... _ ners an com_ us w m., if they can l'ollllibly arrange to I the in8truction of ~. D. a en, e State worken will bring about the.' , llIost tangible results at lesa cost to ' ehlldnll of ewbIua~ twn- =m;~nd:t. ~ f.;:on;::~:: do 10. Plan. 10 far developed floint Ohio State .speclali&t, has been Mi: the taxpayers." Mr. Lewis il devot:tl'-oae mllaa ill iey water. lion f 1~and z;c will clJarpd to to the m9't Rcer_fal and practical cured by t~e .Bomle Agent; ing aU hilt time at the Present look~ Sha. IQa aothen aboald 'de~ upenaea. The,. wiU not be meetlq ever attepmted. Cray and Watts, in reaponse to ~e many reing after his extensive busmen inbe paicl for havine cbiIodi'eaa and he naerved ' ta. Co d 01. . 'friD endeavor to outline a lye- quests of the .rural women . tereats, but finda a few hours olf now l1li61. "I wonlcl Dot hay• • ...." fo be rladl me an ,Olf tem of poultry manqement which At these cliniq tine .women take 1_ thaD $10,000," H. all........ _____ • will enatty help to prevent the their own aewlnc mllchlnes ap~rt.and then to deliver addrenes on 11lI': portant pending legislation and oth- -..,----::;--...teI I&. bea", 10_ th~t will 'occur' In a clean and put togethllr agaln .and adnum6er of poultry loeb. just for per~ect &titc\!ling~ The. quoU he "ere • woman with only a CEl2BIlATES ANNIVERSARY er mattel'll. man'. ~oU1'Bl8. and bad had ONE .' Suneationli will be explained con- ta of D:lacll1na allowed each cllnlo Mr. Samuel BUn.. eetebnlted hli cemlq the cleaninc and dialnfectinr hu been liDed, but o~hers would lind baby he wouldn't have another one Enactment of the. emergency for ~ l)liWOD dollaJ'a. S8th blrtbdaF 8uDdaJ at the home of . the brooder hOUH, movlq them to it proatable to vil~it an dwatch and cIBule of .the proposed law to make hla da1ll'hter, lin. Walt.r Kenrick. I'J'IIIY places and clean ground fro- hear the diacullllion. The talk by possible the establishment· of counFraDoe b1illCle donna 01 Ir- ThOll entertained to diuer were: vicllna sufficient litter, proper Mr. Barden at 1 p. II~., I~ each case. ty sanitary districts Is neceasaq If plan... lmaJ1e.t ill the "orld; ewrr ·Dr. apd lin. C. W. 0Ibam and cbB- tiOnl . and prevention against para. will be' especially Intereli.U~R: to evany of the work now held up ill to I'rach lubmanne wDI earry o.a. dreD, lin. Eva 1IafD.. ,lin. JOHph sitea and diseases. Prevention will ery woman who ~Un J5 a sewing maof the wor kn'ow being held :UP is, to On. Ilf the.. lubmarine airplaneli Q.....l alld famU,., of Dayton, 111'. be the outstanding theme for d~ chine. " be started thia yeur. This Is the view roee .from the water n\J:I.e aecona af- Vi.· O. Hain.. and ,.0'1, of Bel· cuulon. Questions concernin&, .pecFollowing is th.e Ic:h~dule .01. meetof Dr. John E. Monger, state d\J:ec-' ter the aubmaribe ~ac:h.!d tbe Iur- mont. ial problems . before the ' Warr.n Ings with ttle n.me 01 chairman. All tor of ' 'health, regllTding the ColUater County Poultry Keepen,.wtu.rec"lve meetlnp will begin lit 9:30 a. m: , faee, weat ap 1,000 feet, deleended Banitary district pill, which has been ' . and W.llt aboard the lubaarbae - - - eareful atten~lon. The feeding of February 2S-~Utlervll1~, Ladles passed by the Sena~~, and now is beapln. Our earth, accompanylnl' the lun the newly d'1vlaed .lI-mB$h rat! n,wIll Aid roolll! ,Mrs. GeIger, chaIrman. fore the rule8 committee of the house March · 1-WayneaviUe, Township A fleet 0 flubmarln .. comlnc up in Ita ,joun,,. throuah apace; trav- be dlaculllled, ' and Its z:elative '1IIerits of representlltivea. Sanitary relief IIU1' a bilf city; dlacbarai~ ita.1\I ahead toward the atar V...., we cOIllpa.fed with the old standard prac House, Mrs. LeMay. . work in ' the State estimated to 'toFebruary 2-SPrlng~oro, School awarm of mo~ulto-like airplaDea; gol.... uounll It, foUo.... it, take tlcea. The use of cod liver oU, the tal ' ,55,000 ,000 is being held 'up , each carryine its· .... for elg)lutrf a lPiral co_. . You are man, bU- advantatre ot sunlight, proper sbe of ~()Ule, Mrs .Duke and )Irs. Eyel'll. awaiting action by the legislature III the brooder houac, the regulation of j:em' February S-~aineville, old Barbomb, COQld milk. the nut war 1.11'- 1I0ni of mil.. ~ the in replacing' provisio ns of State sanani.,.,.. Where 10u WIIre bo~ and pe~ature, ventilation, etc., "IlL also ber Shop, MI'I. Rlcllllrd.. tereatinl'. ' itary laws held to be uncoustitutlon. probably Dever WID ro back. be explained. ~February ,4-LebalJon Grantre ball al. The "Ja...d" ~JahtnJq. JII(l {Inil' . ' . Everybody is cordially Invited to Mrs. B~rrla and Mn. Dill. nc;~'t pealeet eo1cD, bllt dO'n't be 'tbe meetiq. _ _._ " ~ .~--"aparka'! ~n tlle a\cY II not J...... at Sixty-nine of Ohio's 88 counties all, Mr: :Leu, WUtlncbo1ille InIt- pan~cken when told tba:t £Ufo. . . • -t. IT DIDN'T WORK have made application tQ the Ohio ' neer; ,'hllo"'l with pltoto~pbl 1'0 op.'a j~lIuenla epidillmlc may come department of highwaYIl and public SIMPLY RIDICU~US BiR' Boy-UDo you belle~e in wotimes fas ter than nlC)tio'n picture here. A . wi.. docto~ baa said, "the works for bridges, grude croBsing cameras, that' tile iightnlri'g' boit II a belt thin, to do for a bad cold . Is Barkinar-','Did you catch that fox maDly Intult.onT" eliminations during 1927. They have U" Other Fellow-"I did' until the spiral. ,. That i"terestl. th,OM.: who two da,..." which me&lll two' daya provemcnts during 1927. They huve , • know th~t the · .p~ral,. Il~ opposed to of ,compleU rest in bed oat an even onDhorse~~ '\1 I Foxes don't ride other day when my wife tried to use been told that their applieations are • th. cirele jill ·the emblem of prog- temperature. drlnklq much water, ~ow II y it 'in traftic." approved, and the work. will be dOlle . . , . e.ti"" u Uttle ea poulbte. · h,01'lU " .'. ',~ ~ " if funds are available. The highway department is awaiting action Qf the general assembly on highway appropriations. In the meantime 8urveys have been ordered on aU the US NUS;' STiCK propose dlmprovements. The , lilt , , . include!! 176 separate jobs: Mor~ . than 30 . brldlfCB are asked, three crolllllnr eliminations, ·one dam and one viaduct extenaloll. .
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Thank Oftering
a.ulblr that not 'the fI!'IIt e'1l1t manag. mellt 'o f thlll garage to ler:ve ern' mechanlca) device. for: automo· l'r!ce chft ('(' mnke, an au•• hr. pnhlic. in lUIy way il can, be. nn (. Lrll IljJan ,the WAY. Ilil\'jng tlllll n ~u inc s is more sound NtlSVILLE MOTOR "phon(! 10(; ly ~, tuhlishcd !n l,hi" wny, . hue III Warne.vUle, tll ,FORD ' If your car is In n d o,f l'llpmra a«enoy hq pined its popularity be- this F(lrd llrvicc. tatl~n lit W~y~ the s(lrvic cha....c 8 n ' ' ville hove \' ry II tl.\I\ of qUIp. 1' 8 o t 11 0 i kp ·,.. , t 'n"'" tn 'V ui' h ville lind, I l ~'lt m\d t h' fln sl :'(l)ert~ nmong .01 U 0 U\\ ~a • , "Le' workmen to give your nulomoln}e vi I it , the lowest minimum. ,
~. t. ~~tlc
your ear in repaIr and It to be all e1m'Ulll:a1\c:e,'1 i~ the .ioplI o~ thl. modtrn and up·to.1he. miD'Ite prlli'e and Fo~d ' SerVice Sta· tloa,; , Thla Se:rriee Statlon bas a Iree .UliliDatJon department and Special Fa", SerVIce. Your ear is looked 0 .... any time free of chat'II'CI and JOa are told if an,. repair il needed. , TIPI ma, ..ve 'OU much in the long ran. The examination ae.rviee ill Ilm»1J a part of the policy of tbe \dl:,
I,..:----'.-,;.~-~-:;;-• •• -
whate,ver ntfention It n~ed5, ';['hill service Includes eVjlrything from ruak ing the !lmall ~ t .r,llllnir to completely overhauling your car, You need not fear that in,expe~ien lid or ineompeient mechaDlC1l w111 lie I>roken in on your cai'. Mr, Simpson, the ~an8ger, v~lues the repu~bron of hIS garage 11\ the communtty too highly to employ anyone b ut tested and experienced auiomob~e mecbanics. To Insure t hat they may to their best work tbe latest mod·
biles ..hnv beou in ~ta ll ii, They have ~waYli mllde it 1\ point to ren~er I; ,rVIC ,CQul'tesy Rnd nccom!"odlltion 111 1111 th h' w()rk Ilnd bUSlR _8 transnction~, , As regards acce8~orle!'l and f auto I' h' ... d I St" , 8U!'lV I IS r ' r erv ce n"on IS d t 1 ' h ".d "h' prepare 0 urnt. p~r"", an • IS I, S a very Impo~tl}nt pa~ ·of. their bus!ness. In the eleeuJcal" department the r ohargi,ng of batteries an<\ lectric:alwork I~ done by experts, , - With such a ~m in the vicinity lind with men at Its head who tho)'· oughly understand their businoss and rendering high quality wor~ at t he lowest consls~nt .cost, we fee l eure t hat the public WIll respond to such a policy by extending a shan of thei~ patronage to the Waynesville Motor Company.
EUNERAL DIRECfOR AND ·EMBALMER , We f ..1 that we should devote eo-.pic:aoua ..,au in tbie ,farm ed!. ... d . tlOIl to tha v.ry .....".nt an eon· IClatioua work that hal WOII W AI.Tn McCLUU • SOl'{ here at ,W.,....w. II JlI'OtIltn nt piau .. one d the hI_ mod llI\era1 dlrecton ad . . ID this HCtlon of
leSlleB a clientele that extends over Iate and efficient 8ervices in the put many milea 'of te.rritory. ' \has merited the confidenoe of the It ia needleas to say that he has public- a confidence he eineerely bp, h' utmost to prepared bimself in the most appro'V. preclates an d WI'II d Ota ad and modern manner with auto. maintain, driven ,'f uneral equipment and today Through professlona~ work of the is at the bead of olle of the mOlt hiahe.Bt order haa merited the IIUC· modern and reUable undertaldng eB- eeas that he h85 achieved for, all is tabU.hmenta in this seetlon at the generally known, aome of the largellt COUJItry. funerals of this section have !;leen Ohio. To k"p pace with the preaen~ay eonducted most satisfactdrHl( and TIMN, .. no ,"eatlon nqulrine for demanda the McCl~re funeral home conscientiously. •• IAUIC8I8f1I1 pl'OMCation a ITUter baa been ettabliBhed to provide an We wish to give prominent men· ut1Iftl apeiWde than that of the HtabUabment with every modem tion to tbe modern equipment and dlreetor ad embalm. convenience for the eondu~ne of admirable work which, has won for ... ad thIit partieularly .ppllee to f1H\eral services within the oon1lnea .t his well known and time·tried fu· of • real modem home, famished iD neral director, the prominent poRi· ~ ,.,.J1.bOWD reprea.ntative of. manner that 'refteeb the home at· tion whleh he haa merited. and to com , thIa ftbaed prof_on. 'rhr9urh un-moaphere in ita truest lense. Bia pliment him u a profellsional ,and ~ .cI . eommendable efforta he Iympathetlc underatandlq ot the busineas man who is thoroughly ... PI'OII'~'led until today be POI- needa of tll. hour aDd bfa coulder. abrealt of the times '
..... fila'"
about Oil their cars, becallsCl' Here at last hi an autOmobile tlaat of poultl'y and One I almost unique feature /;h h b breast and ahead of will run 30 miles on ., pIlOn ot g.. , hog f. I)d 1rom us skim milk un· the WiIlys-Knigltt thll!; i, sold in lhis ey ave, o~dn a r allt~ lob'I·}!' cin w-'I ove... 1000 milell on a galloll of , , evervone III I ea 0 " • '" U der methOd~ of sourmg and cone n· the WA'yNESVIL~El strlj' Uon thllt the WAYNE VILL1~ 011 ; rith extraordillary m eare on lruLion whieh preY!,!ntJI spoilage or ALl!{ 9,/ h re at OVI£R}..A I) ALE ' conse,ntcd tires; lin d the 8mlllle~t tax ra1ti'" of t he Ilr duct Is 'l\OW carr! d n by ilia· Wa ne ville is that it hus alwllYS to take the agency for t h!! Wll1ys. uny car in America, 5/i mi el an ny concerns, • ~r h~ Improved meth ' ' . 0 d Th hour ' 5 to SO -miles in 13 leconda; ods w're r c uti" d v lope by' the be n a lea!\er in t he automobile field Knight a~d v rl811 cars, flY , 1 b k ' stOPII 61 feet from , d' h' \~Te conVinced thnt lhol'e WII8 a IIl1e 4-wllee r\1 8S, bUrlll\11 of Duiry lndu$tt'y of he de· No .f nture hilS uppcure , 10 t e automobile that could e I)fl'ered 40 milliS nn hour ; , turns In 84· foot purtment, T~c ol'di nllry luetic LIu '- lIutomobile but the Willys-Kn~ght ,WIIS t th I ~f this community wit.h circle; eu81est car in ~merlea to leria i n milk ' do no\; produce 0 e peop : lower ,ra,. cient acidity to prevent oilopt ' it. There are a number of have not been dillUppolnted, ity c~n,ter. : rreater ..fety: EQJ'op*skim milk when I " " In ' t 'th an t ype body; more,inlld. room than ,~rl·.' th the ne," meth- t hese; Tha\ silent e n2me whlc,h J:hey have rece~Uy cO,m e au '."1 anl'nllll "oed'" "' 'T T 7. h' ,n t bl l nny' other light cal'; offered in IU: ad • speCial cult~.re which devolops improves wit h use, tho engjne thut the, very .latest t I~hg tw h~u o:"t 0 bod' v stules . iit both four 'and ab: eyl. , , . , • , :r d whIch Is known as ~ e IPP" , , J a IlIgh, aClIdlty 18 ul~cd , never needs cleonmR' 0'1' valve rrln - Overl~l1d Whippet represents a com. inder: landau four·door leitan, coach b' t ' n f the most advnnol!d coupe, tourinr and roadater. The product usually sells fo r fr01ll , ; the body i1ellig1l which I a pound in' cal' lots at the h tna 10 0 I ' thl aI'Vel In order three cent·- 4 " d' s II diately captures the "eye; t e fea· Rean and American thought, t IS a You must lee II m f IIC t ory t 0 cen",1 a po un In ma t " d ' d and to fully appreciate its many exU'a· k ture which overcomea one ' of the 'complete new ear, eSlgnl' , ~ H A h paC) uges, greatest problems of automobile con- built 85 a unit, not an old.fashloned ordinary features. ' mr. ' restruction, that of eliminuting vibra- reconstruct.ed chUssis . deacon the proprietor, invltea you POTATO NOT PARTICULAR t ion, This you will fl,nd in the WiIrthe distinctive body lines of the to visit their salesroom here in Way. lys.Knight- there .is absolutely no Overland, Whippet frll~lklY rl)llemble nesville at any time and he will be braUon at any engi ne speed, Gone the smartest automobIles of. Amer- glad to eXlllaln the details of tbe For potato -culture gravelly or san· is t hat tiresomeness in drlving a car iCtl and Continental E urope. :;~nd WiUys.Knill'ht or Overla~d cara, In d y loam soils, if, well supplied with organic matter, ~Ire in general the after about the first fift y miles; gone in front of this car nnd you can 1m, th'is annual farm edition we are ,lad most dosirable, The potato, how- tOO, t he weariness of ridinl!j in a ma- agine yourself on the boulevard!! of to recommend Mr. Archd~eon to our ever, \e not so sensitive with respect chine lor ' any distance. It is because France, The rndlator 18 , tY~icallY readera lUI one of our buslne.. men to soil a8 are some other crops, Un· the Willys-Ove~land Corporation have foreign and is the result of palnlltak· on whom you can rely as alwaya riv. Inll' yoU a square deal. ' del' s,-,i~b le conditions a satisfactory ahvays been fore most in making im. ing c raftsmanship' and study.
'crop muy also be grown on a fairly light sandy soil and a medium heavy clay soil, provided the heavy soil is well drained and the light soil has a good moisture supply. l'thick or peat &oils' a.r e also satisfaetory if proper ly dra ined and 'Weli supplied with available plant food, A reasonably good crop may be expected from any soil outside of bllowsand and heavy clay, providcd...J]ne . clim~~ c.OIJ!,!i· tio ns are favorable and tbe soil is well supplied with organic matter and available plant food. •.- • DON'T TURN WET SOIL
~===~==~==========:;:: ,.
In past years every known conve. nlence has been Invented to lighten I tI' f th .t he work of man, nven on~ or e housewife were slower in being perHowever, today; . t,he[! is offered the women of this sectiCUI an invention which really gives her an . extra. day in the week, a Maytag Washer, The Maytag Washer, lIold in this section by the MA YTAG·ALLFREE CO" 14 West Mulberry stJ:eet, Leba· non, phone 76, are without doubt tbe most popular and therefore the best 'washer on tbe market tQday.
Years IIlto the Maytag Co, started to make washers and i t "as only been Sn recent yeats that people fully approciated t he convenience of the ,Ma~'tQg W~sher8' Today the Maytag Co" _ the largest washing machine company in the world, shiplI May tag WUI'Ihers by the ·trainload. Most people think 'tlf the necessrty of electricity wben Maytag Wash era are mentioned, Not 80 for the May· t.ag Gyrafoam Washer i8 equipped with the famous Maytag I8UltI·motor 'wqich operatell on guoline. The Maytag Multi Motor develops %·horse. powe.r, Jt is alr·cooled and 'eqllipped with h~gh tension fly 'tV>
... ' lUagneto; light In weight, compact, thoroughly reliable. H85 large fuel tank new Improved foot , Bturt~r, ellsy to operate, ex. tremely, simple. and over 200,000 in aucceutul o~eration. The standard base makes the multi motor and the electric motez: Inte.l'ebanrill«• • JUllt eall· the MAYTAG-ALLFREE 0 0 ., at. Lebanon, pone h 78, an d • free demonstration in YQur own home will be gladly given, If you 80 desire they are sold on easy tennll with . 62 weeks to pay. Give them a caJ~ and you will thank UII gladly for call· Ing your a.ttention to the Maytal' in t~is Anl1ual Farm ,Edition.
The best itme tu plow or spade t he home garden is, filC"St of ~11, when the soil is not wet, e8lpeciitlly in tbe case of healry or elay,ey lan4. 'The soil should be in such eon'dition that eacb ; spadoful wID breal,.up euily~ milking a mellow mass which requires but additional flnillg before plant.uw. aM be aald a~out the value Lytle, phone Wayneaville 29 and Cen the afrmens will profit by holding little ing. If t he gardE!n is large, making of 'a . . c1aIa .G nbl EI.....tor ~o any tervWe 829, is an outstanding ex· will be admed to do thif. the use of a team or tractor possible, _ 'T1ie ' .El to atanda hla wheat rather than salU", it at Farmen are quiek to appreel. it is even more neceBSllry that the The I '.(,!It e1ertnlng ,nd re l,ovstDuring the t ime J . L ,Brbwn has t)f Ladies' Garments, and no work ia COIIIJIllUl..,... en r the time the wheat III threlllled, he ate such lIervlee. They guat thla bUlltoo difficult be handled in the most inc machiIJery In their plant make. land be dry. been In the laundry, dry cleaning and .. the , ~eetlnc Bilk 'between the ~Ie of a bUl ine.. organisation neu man with a p~tve out8lltis1actory mannel;. • it possible :tor them to handle the dyeing bUllineSll at Lebanon, many COIIIJIl1lllit7 ael oataide 'World. Thla which u.IatB for the good of the look. Such lervlce to the fanner has A speciaity is ma4e at the dyeing, most dclic!lte fabric. a.nd to tuna othan In the same line have co;e cleaning, preasill« and leating of bern ·out so that they lOOK like new. .. partlealarl~ tne ~or the farmina community It aerve.. The tarmora aiv~n thIa ELEV~TOR a reputation of . . eo••nnalt)-. have been indeed quick to appreel· which h.. extended far beyond the and gone, but J .L, BROWN'S SOFT la~iea' garment.. While ey have a Send your clothes to them ,or rive Sepalla 'jand Tog~ Tbe .a.;_ Iaaa"";"" h ate t!Ji4, Rabers of (l'8in in thla limite of this community; farmers WATER LAUNDRY. Which does Dry list of men for whom t ey dl) the them to'Mablon Ridge here in W.,· -' , ~- w en anyone commwait,. know that at tbla enter. are willill« to make long hauls to Cl " D ' I' and Rug Cleaning same cla89 of work whic cludes ev· nellVilI., who II their agent, .a nd the, ..... Ute Japonaaee of a proaper· priainc ELEVATOR they wiU be market their grain with the EVEReamng, yem . ' erY man in Lebanon ·vicinity ,who will receive prompt attention, 0_ famabIc »opuJation In the eom· paid the h.hest marIcet priCetl for ETT EARLY ELEVATOR. at L-ytle, by reason of the general eltcellenee carell an,.thlnr at all about bla per. This il a .. buaineu that reoairea 81IIIItr. Eftr,vu boWl that the their wbeat, eom and other graina, Tbls elevahlr riot 'only Bervea the of their work hlve continued to in· sOllal appearance, fol' the pressing) experience and the manac-ment only fuabIc CD .... Important to the Mr. Early knows the grain mar- farmer by furnishing a market for cr~ase thei.r bUlllneBII, ' of garments at this establilll.tment is employs practical belp Their ...... ...n '--'- f tile __ ket perfectly. He baa made It a life the grain, but it lIupplies him with Thill Btablillllment is 'popular "lth always correctly done. 'tan~ are all able and e1Iicient work· ~ COIIIIIIa...., . . a~ .t1IdJ. the best commercial {cedi avalUlble e The dry cleaning system used bY 'l men who kno~ their bWlln... tbor· other trOQ. 1'01' tIda r.aon, the By lmo~ when to Hll the p-ain for his livestoek. ~eedll, ~oultry all who have trle~ them and that ;T. L. Brown not only ' cleanl your oUIf~y and' thus ,oa are ...ured the - - . of "G'J ~ com· he buys at the rreatelt uvantqe, Feed and GroUlld Qrainl are also tbey put forth thell" ~eat efforte ts clothes ' but tho~oughly renovatell molt sati,factory work.. m1llllt7 combID. to innn th. proI- he fa able to oirer tbe hlcheat poasl· IOld. shown by the general satisf.etion them In the !)"ost sanitary, manner. Mr Brown Ia amonr, Lebanon', PIIft7 '" ~ acr1caIturai lI'Oup bl. price ' to the farmera; further- Tb!l management are among the that Ia rlven 'ln each ease. They alao urn them out in the 1IIoat mOlt promlalnr bUlln... men who ia aIoq ~ tile ~t, of the eom- more he dOH everytblq to aUow the upatand!ne indlviduall in comJDunlty " a rove It e 'bouLtbe. dlaarree· mllltiJllr man, of our dUuna pNUD~ • ~ U • whole. No factor'" more farmer the benefit ()t hls lmowledee circles, and are prominently. iden~. e'ltablta1mren II IIplendldly able odor that aceompanietl the wort an eseel1en\ IIPpearance. Give 111 • s.,o.... III ~ thlll than of the grain market. lled with every movement' lookinr equipped for ail classell of Dry Clean of 10 many drY clew", establlah- trial. SOFT WATER LAUNDRY, tile paIa . . . . . . aDd the elevator Thill often worb to the benelt of to the lietterment of the eommunity 'Ph0ii8279, LeDiDon, -Ohlo.:--inc:, Dyemg, 'itepamng a d1'l-eatiltlr • ... br ~ EARLY .t the farmer. If . the,. believe that .. a whole.
ad Lou Oompaiea are ool,OI"lU_ ~ up &mone p_ pie ~ ~nlMd under 8tUe Y b . th I d -WI, I'IJIl '7 e peop e an for tile 81M PIllpOM of encourqlq ...... aDd bome wbmInp. They CIOIIIItIbate OD. of the m_ impOrtant feataret of ...., C01lllDunity ad L.-'- ... _ th ......... ..cum..-- to e ~ of tile eIQ- ad eoaaq In 'Wlaleh the,
They have careful1,- iurdad the but intereatl at t)iOH wh~ &train they have manarecl, yet they have bean pro.,....lve In a conatraetive man· nlr. It ia indeed • pleaaure to traDaac~ buain... .tth neb people and lu.cb a iDatltutioa. ',rIl. eIldent and ac:co1lllDoda1llq ollelall are , alwaya read, to "v. information, J[ilowin, tall "eU that thiI auoelation III a corporation that enjoy. the rreatNt an located. confidence of the community, no one THB PEOPLB'B BUILDING, LOAN need hesitate to approach tha omcera AND SAVINGS COMPANY, ot Leb- of this' well·lmoWD coneern iD a "bull. aOD, piton. leC, .. ODe of th. leadine ness way. Ita omeara have won foy Iuti~~JUI> of W."n eount,. itronar It an envlabl. record for. !lquue aate, eonaervatlve. ', dealing imd ' hope~ methodll and the From the day that it tnt opened 'proatreas it has made is a testimony Itl doo!? to the P419ple .of thla count, of their lound judgment. , Ita air. have been in the banda of The money of thiI company ill prominent and expert.need people. loaned on' fInt mort&'age ' on blah
Th. thiDa' mOlt 'e ssential In prep~·l een is evidence of their ability" to • Uon ,or a pubUc ..Ie il the :l\u~. /bandle sales of Farm ~ple~enta and tloDeer of 'eourse' you may have ./I..;lve ~toek "fIth courtelly 'and dill, ' patob, "Getting the Hlghes,t Prices ,l ot ,of ~uable Wnp to offer the pu~ Possible," He .t auction, tbere even may be a The many stock raisera tO,r whom ~t demaDd for the particular they have cried salCf! wijl tell Y\llJ poda iou have to offer, but If 10U their knowledge of raising and breed do ,not· .rei &- Firat Claaa Auctlonee.r ing' enabl~ them to talk straight . . . . WlI~ b fail ' from the slioulder when selling atock. ,-our , . r'7 e a ~~. They hl've 'bY the general satidae· Ta ,"'old a ,failure 1,ou mUllt em· tlon' of 'theil' work, their genial and ploy an .ueijOl1~r. that "knOWII hiI whole·souled penoDallty, merited the bua.n_'''AJidtbere ia' no better' than tbey have acquired, '~T1N.: .t CenterviU~, ,phone No'. 2 a~ong t~e forem~~t ,~uctionee~of " d STANLJeY t , tf ·' B Ilhrto thil .8eetion and ~e ones , tbat get ~ " . ew ur n" . price." , pholle NO. 280. If their name ap, • • It is a pleuure' fo the Gazette to pean on yoar ,aa1e billa .. the olBa- direct your 'special attention ~ the .... tl-C ~tariea of the oeeaalon, commendable an~ satisfactory wo~ """ 1fli1 be no que.ati~D about the STANLEY & ' M~RTIN, iIr this vi. aUcee. of the Qllder:taJdnr. clnity, who are a.m ong OUl' most val· " """ ued citizens of tliis community, aida , B, dIQoaitlo.. .nil telllper&Dient, In thci progrell8 and pr08p~lty ' 1LUl'l!nr~ STANLEY Ue tblB .ectlon. ' ....,... I~ th, p~te::r:;. ,i n "'lPeh AiI\l we fu~her lltate that, 'l'e uid wide j)8IIOnaUy ~al:nted , wlth~ aecaalJllwlee.1 TIN cl STANLEY and inOJf tbeql U
u... .........
p-ade real estate in Warrllll county and ls 'proteeted by IItorm, fire and tllmado inBurance on the property holding the ,ftrs~ mortgage. Thia in· stltutlon Iilnables a resident of War. ran county who doel not OWD a home to lIecure one through thla admirable looal home Institution and by.o doing he ill pattonlzinc a home Indnstry .nd keeping hiB money In Warren eount,. W. are fortunate in hlltving Bucb an Institution i~ our midst and IIhould ahow our appre· elation by elttendinr it IIbersl patronBl'e, 'I • Their aiaeta are ,1,809;486 with a capital of ,8,000,000. ' They have. been p1ayiq approximately, 6 per cent on savinp. " ,, We are proud to point to this .In. IItitutlo.n as one of the ~aluable assets of Warren county.
"Plant a "bashel ' of black walnuts next winter, \.I the lIaftestlpn of the forest 8e~ce of the , U, S, Depart.ment of Agrleu~t4.re to ' fa~era in the upland i¥td 'hill sections of the South, the,·Ohlo river basin, or the central Missiailippi Valley regions. There was ' as Iarl1': Frop of' , '!aJ: nute last f~ll, and DY liberal plant. ings farmers in these region8 may obtain go!)d returns both from the 'n uts 'ond the timber, when ready for harv~sting, The logs or stumps of the walnut have a market value of from $160 to '200 a thousand feet. There are about 1600 nuts in a bushel, They ·should , be planted about two inches deep in good soil on wnste strips, idle comer.s and along l ence rows. U hogs. ~r squirrels are running over the Rnd or if Jor other re.8501)1 faU ,plan ting- WIUI not onvenien,t , the nuts IhouJd»e buried in linil pit or ke~t in _ Ii';mp cellar until spring and tben planted. :. . " ......,..-NO 'FOOD. -,-_ _
, d:::u .
With a villion of "Gr~ater Things" Idly in leaps and bounda. to encou~e the be.utiAcation ad always in mind, the LEBANON LUM There il no eatabU.hment In the extension of home and .n~riIe. ' BER CoMPANY ,West 'Main street, community that , baa greater. inBu· The maharement extenda to the ~banon, phone 95, operates one of ence for better doiDg thab the build· flU;'ll1erl of thil lec:tlon a eordlal In· the largest lubiber etltabliahmenta in Ing -indulltrY. Thua contractor. have vttation to call at their Jarda 'and ~ this section of the State and has be- to knoW that whatever they dealre Information will be ' Cladly "ven, no come an important factqr In the 40- In their bUli.n eu can be lIecureii from matter whether yoa ~ to bay.t 1~~,lop'Die'nt of the community. the LEPANON LUMBER CO., with a thla time or not. BIG BUT.rER STATES While it II tlte LEBANON LUM· lmowledee that I~ lrill be of the' Hia' We are pl ....d ill tbfa annual farm ___ BER OO.'S objeet to obtain a fair eat Grade conll. tent with price. . .ditlon to riv. commendable lDen~oll , and honellt profit from their I][ten· LUMBER, LA",H, DOOJlS, SASH, tcJ the LEBANON LUMBER QOJl• Mlnnellota not only makell more sive dealings in LUMBER, BUILD. IN'l'ERIOR FINISH, BUILDING PA PANY, and to Ulure the pabUe tha\ butter but .lso more high quality Q'JG MATERIALS and "EVERY. PER, ROOFING and EVERYTJIlNG they will reulve the beat of ..met butter than any other state in the THING TO BUILD ANYTHING," TO BUILD Al'{YTJlmG" are fum· and any Inform.tio.. tha\ III d ...,... Un ton, Bays Dr. to. W. La~~w~8~0~n~'Jin~a~UJeL..g.ui.CIinJ~n1lueJWL..Qf..Jih1IU:llDlilA41~uL.bi..iJlIia...l2ElIIJD~~UWl:I.-~_+-~..be..-1~41~"'OP:-44Mq_HII~"'- r~cent 'addre" b~ore' . , ny will ~Iways be the determination B, pu~lng to ' adva~~g, '\Vb", oblll'lll, m~l\ne, bJ til.. ftrrn'. ,II.. meetinlf ~f the l~mneso~ Cre~mery to furnisb the Hi,hest Grade of the market ls rlrht and employlnjr lent emplo,.... "'" w, o"t, wtala Operators and ~Iana.gera BlSoclation at Pri.ces ' 10 Reasonable. that 'most experienced help they are that th6re were more'luch arm. wlth~ at S*, Paul, . MinD•. In 1920 the State the extension and beautification of to offer this HlrI\ Class Grade In our nildlt, ... hen "EVERYTHING manufactured tbte enormous total of the community could 'prol1'eas rapG~ods 'it PI' cei 1o:.Reaeonib'fO'v.. TO ,BUILD ANYTHINO" can b. h&II 120,000,000 POUllds ,thereby leading " , -~-''', , all other states. 'Yet in the six, years f rom 1920 to 19~!6, inclusive, according to Dr ,LawSun, Minnesota doubled her output until now it Ia 2~~,000, OO~ pounds, or one-teventh of the creamery butter made In the A daughter of the god'. dll!inely women's new place' in world's ~airti re~ults ,a re, parantee.d. , United States tbe greatest butter· tall snd most divinely fair. n ' So' requlrel that ahe allow II'Ome one 'elle They are speelaUatl In Shampop. producing !lotion in the wo·rld. T . d ' h d th fudnatill« to IIpend the time III cultivating her ~nr, Harcellltlc.. X.nlearlna'. W.tc ennyson , eaerl e e . ' eharmll, which she must devote' to' Wavinc, Facial, &:alp ~menta. and, beautiful Helen of Troy. '~elen business. ' ,' . Permapent ;\Vavina' aDd the Oattlq soy BEAN ."OW BIG CROP who oharmed the young warrior, Pa· The modern girl II realizing as did of Ladi ..' Hair• --ris, and .whose elopement led to the hei :sisters ~f historY, the ,neceBllity , If you. are :modem you, will want The soy beam acreage on this Trojan 'War. But nature alone did of caring for 'and prellerving \:tel' ri~t- . Your Hall' Bobbed. El(pe~ here country increasl!d from less than not ' make Helen 10 "divinely fair." Ul'Ql channs. Today beauty ill ~ot win advise you .. to t"e mo.t tute-, 600,000 ucres in 1917 to about We do not doubt tliat her face was only a factor in channing the male, ful way to itave Ii bobbell 10 that it 2,2 00,000 acres in 1024, The pro· massaged clJlily With fitillllt oils, her I~ is a businesll asset. ~o firm will ,wlil hal'lDonbe with yoar rell.ral.ap. duct of 1,000,000 acres ' was used for hair tenderly eared for by her enslav. fail ~o consider a gil' lwho, is. well pearance aDd penonalitJ.. If jog hay, thllt of , 70,9.000 acres fbr pas· ed maid: The 'Women of history from rroom,:d . and whose,' aPll4iarance 'is are ~ot~ere~ with eomplellion troatiture and enSIlage, and 50~,0?0 acres OJeopatra to . Josephine r,e!-Uze~ the 8pQtless aJYl 'neat, arid who has !la,ed. lell' allow ,em,. of th... ~ert Fan ~s used ~or . seod, ThIS Increase necessity o~ ~rine for their beauty every, "mellns pOll8ible, to capitalize Ma8iJagl Speclau.ta to ....... JOa ~ 11\ acreage III largely due. to the de· if ,t hey WeAA to rem_In the oharmer her , ~ppearan~e. .'. " treatm!,nt. .1hi1 ftJ'DI ' ftlao !la! . ~ velopment oJ blatter.adapted varie. of m,en.,: 'Natu~ is good ~qt ,n"~,,l'1I The:BROWN ~ BROWN;BEAU~y' stock of Ml1Unery, 'tV"e... ~1I. tateq ties, The to~1 v'alue of the, soy bean most ' be, supplemented, ' PARLORS, at I:.eb,anon., hili AU till! crea~ionl of · the JiliIliD~' MIl ' ,crop in 1924" the las,t year for which .~ 'fbls, is the ~unetlon oUlie BROW~ eq~ipmeri~ of the .Metropol.ia'; BMlk be ' founci at- all ..~~~, . data are - ~vatlablle ,was $18,860,000, & BROWN' BEAVTY PARt.ORS .t ty ~hop ~or. ~.~I'Ig t~e "I" '~r Ma., , W~ 40 not hllitatt to ' ~",m"" and of thIS ~alue the ne~ varieties Lebanon" . phone 827. Beayty pill'" tr~n be!l,titi:ttit ,But moye lniportan\ the' BROWl'f A BilOW,. ..IIiAtJ!fV were re8ponslble for a little more lo~ 'o'!V tJtelf increaslllg p'op';!larity than eJ)nl'pment the faot that onl1 l"A~LOR Am> <MIJ.LIMIlIY IJlO. than half, 6rst to the ' improved quality of their the Mo,st Sldlled ()pe,.to~ are elJl" at Lehano. to th. ~.., 01 Utili ... , - -,- - - - • service land,Becondly, to the fact that ployed In thls ap-to-4ate 11\01'1, and dnlt,• MU~O~ SHI-:EP FOR SOUTJt , .! ' . • I, • \
' Leonar:d Seplllla and hla lead dog "Togo" of 'Nome- fame again proved their CIaI!Ii, b~ wlnrunj!' with ea~e the Poland Sprinr;,-:, Mnine, annua&l aled clBlale ~ast week..
_. _ _ _ _ •
The ~n\utton "t.ype of ~heep,' .. a rule fi ~ best illl . outhern farming, uld assistant seclre£ary of agrl\lulture R. W. Dunlap, In '8 recent addrelll, The climate of ,the South is well ad~p ted to 'tbeptoquction' of early lambs that nre ready for market In Bprinl'
SWEET' 'CLOVER , SOWING Where winte.r wheat Is 11'0" 'Way to obtain a ltancl, IIweat dover is to ~"j\' tmaea1'lftect ort8i:IVIIlntlllN evll,D ~huUed aMel o~ the WII_HElll8t about the middle 0 ftPebriurj Sta. De~ of _~ ..._ It is ,IIOtd&able to 1letI,;..ttcl-lI , eIOwr Ida -.~ ........
- '
aDel ..me.. of the Brltlah emCeell Ealdn entertained • number totallne ,S,IIOO,OOO,OOO - tor of his you~ frlendl with a we had paid In .cuh. ,Great Wednel day venlng. The , , ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY IU' ....'.. ~ had requll'edloqda andHrwall Ideal an they InduJ«ed In gamel btered at; the POlltoftice at Waynesville, 0., u Second O~ MaU Matter us to the amount of ,8,'160,C. A. Thomp,lon, of lepnt. on the epa OUI lawn. A deUdeul '1.uI~U,I~Ul'-·wnlcn ' Ihe had borrowed the week-enll with 1111 hore. lunch of 80 dwlches, fruit Bnlad and from '600,000,000 more afcuke wal served. The guest list Inn. 1.. CRANE, Editor au Paltll".r, W.,.......... ow. ter the Armlltice. , Mr. Robert Friend made a busi- : eluded : Kathleen and Nellie In France ,our War Department ness trip to ClnoinD~tl, Thursday. hum, Evulyn und Lucille T ucker, Subsll.rlflt.ion Price; $1.6" per year. h.dreq~ired gpods . ~lId services 'to Mrs. Add aBurnett and Mrs. Mel- Iyn alld BeatTice Penney, Dorthell the value of ,l,7M,OOq,ooo which we vin Swank spent Monday in Dayton. Davis, EIi~.beth Blackford, Rosetta had palq in cash, France requb:ed " McMillan, Grace Constant, goods and services Qf UI to the Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Swank made Paul, Violet Bogan, Ruth Honks, ... f'Announces since completing his amount of $2 000 000 000 _ all of 'a business rip to Clev(!land, Tues- en Barlow and Davts and Fred _ -K)X whic~tIi!d' her' lind $1,000day: " " gall, DQnver Barlow, Waltol' Henry, WEONElSOAY, FEBRUARY ~S, 1927 . Post-Graduate Course, he has o more after the Armistice. Mrs. Clara Thompson and Mr~ . Charlie Osborn, Floyd Lemmons, Carl z.= , In aU, when the war ended( we bad Mary Carmony were Dayton s hop- Anderson, J ohn Syhed, John Tuckor returned to eba~on, 'and noW WALL ST,REEJ' SQUAWKS 1 . J I ~b fll j' t- loaned the ~lIIes $9,500,000,000-- pen, Thursday. Hebor Ellis, WenzeU R erres, Cecil located in his 'n ew .0Rice, Oil .(.y . ;e,:~n~re e~~ad:d an;wwa::ed~veB and Obad paid them, In c8l\h, $4,500,- Mrs. Oluade Lewis s~rvl~d the lunch Freeland, Lawre.nce Jacobs, Wilbur I'n" " iB aU rlgh~that . 0011, 000 OO--a Imall t~tal o~ $ McCarren, ___ W, all Street III' IInuawk , . .'. . "thl'ef" Of course, It the 000 at school Thursday in Mrs; P. B. old Bogiln, Winston Cline and HarEaat Mulberry Street, betweeh at the top of its vQlce and bringing ~ur Ihould eo.a t American eon,um- 'Engl~~d now owel us $«,260,000- Hawke', absence. , Mechanic and Cherry Sheet •. d every inftuenee to bear, fall' and oth- ers '3,000,000,000 per YUl'-tbree 000 and France -3,000,000,0-. erv.'iee, ag'alnst the McNa~augen fourth. of which goea atraieht Into • vv Mrs .Robert Burnett an son, of Farm Relief bill which is now vl""u' The present cash value of all the Dayton, were week-end guests of •• the pockets of protected m.nufac- settle t ' I dl th d M d 'UC S H B tt ally up to the President for his okeh tuna. Alllo that ownen of railroads ' I!"en e, Inc u ng e one pen r. an .lUrs, . . urne. or vet This i8 to be expected and should "Ish-b-blble" _ and get mg With France, Is roughly one-half A great deal of interest' III mani. Is no~ worrying ~he 40,000,000 tar- . least Ii per cen~but. of COUlee, ;~~ a~:~:~~~: d::~~~ Oboo~o~edf feet in thll "rat hunt" here, which mers ",o/ the United . State., beyond m,o re--on their .inveltll'!enta. these loans were m~de ' A ~ER ends next Monday the 218th. the point that they wtJI n\lt stand for Tbe farmere must bave help The. A ' , , 'P' • Mrs L 's r b f C1 I d a defeat ot tills I)luch needed lileisla- McNary~Hau8'en bill at least' oflera rmlstlce w~s ~Igned. ' I eon a III ury, ~I eve an , tion througD crooked and Belfiah tac t t" d t h b h All of thl8 IS in reply to another was called , hue, Sunday, by the HOUTS: tl '~ 0 eM Ing groun aa o. ow est t e sentimental wave of propaganda death of Mles Gladys Emrick. CI. , 1 Government ean asslst··in getting: ag- hi h . . I d f 9 to 11 A. M. 1:39 to 4:30 P. M. The \vhole a,tack on the McNary- riculture on ' an 'e ven keel: Which is w c IS n~w sweepmg , o~r an or Mrs. Frank Carman, 'of Dayton, Haugen bill, ~h.n oleehed by the Sen. something the farmer cannot 'do 8S a cancellation, of Euro~e s war debt spent the first part of this week ate' and returned to the Hou8e for .p- long 8' he II left a prey to the mar- :0 u~ wI.t~on t ~oud thmk w~d havhe with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick. proval of 80me new amendmentll, wu ket ,vultures who have been taking °!ltnheth thonel an - an d ,P8I caa , ' Mrs. Allel) Emrick,in company h If you "th at th e equ ali, Z8 tl on Aee ~ Id b d bl . WI . e 0 er Idong PRone 18. wou e more aniJer proftt, each year- don 't If enoug '11. d M with Mrs. Charles Andernon, of Wuy WI dlfticult to collect." In reply, a cham- and iettlni away with them. G 'tt~u wou I 't I ryea ,r · nesville, vilited the Gem City Thurspion said: "The op,ponentli .hould • _ • arre s comp e e art c e. ?U WI ll wait and see how hard It will be to the!l help, whenevllr nee~ be. In that day. collect Intareat on farm mortc.ge_ STILL IN OUR POCKETS delicate task of .rem,ovmg Seve.r al from here BLttended thle If we get no 'acricultural relief." ~~nd from. Uncle Sam s pocket. play at the Gym at Waynesville, Sat;Which II the whole matter in a nut. . If you don't mind iettt.,g hot un- It 8 hlgJi tIme. urday evening, given by the young DR. W. HENDERSON shell. t der the collar, read tbls . . You - - - - - ••- - p~ople of Lytle. thank Mr. Garet Garrett for UI~'I<U]I< I ROTARY PUBL.IC omce-Amln Bid,. No s hi p per :e v e l' As a f. ct, now .. alwa)'l, Wall up the facta, and UI for paeslne Mrs .Susan Saylor and son8, niley Nallow Baak Street and the inierBllts are foJ16wlng the newl. NewlI it ii--briefty, "truth ___ _ lind Henry, of Spring 'Valley, '1ere B pe nny 8e ll i n ~ c ream OFF.CE HOU ..S the same old policy and w.nt: "Ev- about our war loans ' or our League Saturday afternoon gUlellt& of Mrs. Dire ct Tri-S tate Wille Dr.w.. .. .. ......E.t.t.. S.ttl•• erythlni com In. In and nothing co- of Debtol'l" which' , It is all right to laugh lallt If the Harry Gral)am. 9 to 11 B. m. S to 5 p. m. . Ing outl" , laugh lasts.' . . 7 to 9 p. m. We uk Wha ab t ' til tarift'? plains tully In The Saturclay Evening • • • • Waynesvill •• Obio Mrs .Eva May Pennewit, of near Cream and Cans Telephon,e. What abo~t the ~ove:mente euaran- POlt, luue of Feb~ary 12. In IUbVery few women are good enourh Bellbrook .was a ' Wedn,esday dinner Off~ • 80 Guaranteed teelne to the railro.dli a 6 per clDt ::'uc;,.~e proves, It has CODe to be king. Italy's king doesn't tTy guest at the home of hl!r aunt, Mrs. Realdenee • 68pr2 Frank Rogers and famIly. return on their investmenta1 And When the war eDded w. bad bought to drive from the back seat. A~ei.n&t Loss or DamaAe Or.8eU·sPlne·Tar.Honev \' W.yn"~~II., Ohio ,Friends hero regret to, learn of the • • • • Oousha and Oold&. Well, they talcen perjury from the death of Mrs. Sarah Null, Monday marrilJce ceremony now-tiult prom- evening at the home o~ he.r son, Mr. O."II.mo"1 Will Null, near Springboro. ise of: the br~de's to obey. We ~lVe ....n . hippl"......... . 10 TrloS .. ,. (or o""r 12 Y"" , K. ... Mr. and Mrs, Charles Mullenix • • .....Iv"'! , II pur ah.cl.. Ilrompt!17. wilb. ~ local you~g man tb'li weele asked 8pen~ most of last we,ek with the Out tl .~. c.xceptJon. a father for hi, daughter's hend In former's brother, Harry" near FrankW W. WORKMAN marriace and when the fatber said lin .who Btlll remains qlliltc ~1 .. IIIIII hero. Ohlo "no," the yOllng. man wanted' to know Mrs. J. R .Johll!l entertained . sevwhat was the matter With her, eral little guests .Frida'i aftllmoon in • • • • honor of the Srd birt'bday " of her Wby ilhould you squawk! 'Nebu- granddau,rhter, . little Frances .t:ohns. , chadnelzer was atuc~ for one of . . too. They've just dug 'It up in Eui>t Mr, and 1rIn, WillIam BergdaU vanity cue-which one of hiB and ~aughter, Gladys, ,spent ~atur _ ftappers left--we'.t bet, in a pbone d~y an Dayton, and wl.re 6 0 clock .. dlllDer If\lestl at the hOlrie of Mr. and booth. • • • • Mrs. RUDell Bergdall. Henry Ford is' now ezperimentlnr Miu Eva Wharton elntertolned a In bakinc a crackel" wbleh will suf- number of youni' ladll!'dSaturday affice that day wben Beef. Pork an:~ ternoon in honor of MiJljles Edith and Poultry are no more; which may indi- Pauline Cram, who will 800n move cata that be h .. lome Inside figures from this commODity'. OD jut how fut the automobile Ia Mr. and Mres. Jame,s Hawke, of Idlling 'em 0«. Lima, spent WedneBdall and Thursday with Mr .and Mrs. p . B. Hawke • • • • pays to establish a: high ideal' and family. Mr. and Mrsl Hawke The Show will be held 'a t Miami Theater on work bard and keep ever~ accompanied them to D.ayton, Thursinil, at it. A eood 1Ch001 tea.eher day. geta fa,ooO a year; the iovemo~ of Mn .Lucy Fite and Mrs. Mollie At 2 o'clodr, p. m. . Lebanon, Obio the atate ..ta f7.000 a year; cabInet Davia, ~f ' CincillJlati, l ind Mra. Jelomcen, f10,OOO a year; Ty Cobb, Longacre spent We,dnesday with The Admi..ion will be paid in Red:::..,=~-r=-::..:;; $76,000 a year-aJJd Babe Ruih,- their mother Mrs E:mma Foulks $10.00 for Adult.. $5.00 for Children The occasion 'c:eleb~tiIBg her birthcomplete returnl not in yet, II. Ia. to .. p .... day•. Mia G)adye, daughtElr ot Mr. and Mn. Allen Emrick, died Saturday evenin, after a ehort iUnussa. Funer~ Zimmerm '~n al lIervice W8S conducteld by Rev. B. -, A. Stillinga at the reslldance at 1030 Tuesday. Interment In Miami cemetery. ,Mra. Mary CarmonJ' entertained Oenmt to a birthday dinner Sunday, In honriII. N.dow 81_•• or of Mrs. E. J. CII.rmopy. The guests were Mr. and Mh, E. J. Oarmony and ebUdrlln, Mal~lan and Rob· ellt, of ' Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clark, of Wayneaviille, and Mr, Everett Olark, of Da~n. Mr. Samuel Halnu c:elebrated bill 86th birthday Sunda, alt the home of hiB daughter, Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Tbose ent.ertained to dinner 'Were: Dr. and Mrs. O. W. Osburn and children, Mn. Eva Haines ,Mrs. Joseph Grusl and of Dayton, Mr. ...::.:!....,,-::~;.':-2--lif+-t!\ll~ff---II--B~n-v~--t-tliii'iniG~.-===-==- falrnily, of Bel.
~l1nounce me nt
D'r~ Paul-A. Garner, Chirop'ractor
l ..
the State of Ohio
to ,
. "Of'
Merchants for Red Arrow Money
• •
At CarY's Jewelry She,. Eve." .,00
No. 20 East Mwb~rry Street .Lebanon, Ohio
Dr. John W. Milter w.,.... •
WBY ·X-RAYT The X-raylDg of teeth play. aD
ImJ)l)rtant pa~ In the healtb of the people today. It has land It"ea and much lufferl."g bJ brtnlPDC to lIebt the ,Dldden Iourcee of Infectloo apd PUB DOCketi at the enda of roots of tile t!!etb wbich. without tbe aid of the X-rl,J, could . DOt ba.. beeD determined. ,Dl'.' Boylea' DeO.t llte haYe ODe of th. beat X-raJ 'eqnlpmentl to be found in aD7 dental of· flee In the ltate, and will C0operate with Jour pb)'1l1cle ro~ thl ' betterment of :rour bealth.
NO CHARGE Dr. Bor••' DeDtlsta IDTl- 7011 te hnl ,a t1M»reugh tioa aD. C9DaultatiOD ....r4tn. fOur teeth. There Ia no cllar.. for the 181W$oe:
,Au"~f the abo~e' m&teriai caD be fouacl ID• " '(
our·yard .eve..,. d.a y ill e par at m.....t. pricea .
Proa tile lDo_t ,oa - tb. ofI\cIe 7.0U feel 1 ~n...t th., :rou will be ID the bnda, of a dentl~ wllo wi,! .aka !!!" .,.a. IJJtereit I.D )'Oar "elf.... A allUId aallllllatin 1l'1li be ..... acI J'O'I "'"I 1Ie IICMM4 rnakl, of rOllr troabl.. It ..,. If , aD aatnetioD .. a.-r7. til.... wU1 lie DO aene -rack-' ... paIL
DeIdII ....... .......... sp8.i+1I
ThOle from a dlstan4~e who attended the funeral of Mills Gladys Emrick were: Mr: and HI'S. LeOll Salillbury,. ' of Cleveland; Mr. 'and Mrs. Thomas White ,of St. Mary's; Mr. Harlan White anc! IIllIter, Mies Bertha, of Cil}cinnatii; 141'" Amo$ Hough and family, of Harv.e ysburg; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Davis, Mrs. Frank Carman, Mrs. BlI!lle Coon and daughters, Mrs, C. S. l.amb, of Oa$. toll,
Mrs. Eliza Thomas c:elebrated ber 90th birthday ,Sunday: I. N .MilIer has purchased the E. Gordon property, on Second street. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Gordon and 80n, Robert, spent th(, week-end in Dayton. , . ' . Ill' ,and Mrs. H. S, Tucker and dau&'hters Ipent ,Sunday' witli relatives in Kentucky. : '
Saturday, . February . 26, 1927
RED ARROW PLACES' L A. •••• Myer Hyman····Hall Drug Co.····IVJiami Theater····Fred WCoie •••W ayne.ville Overland Sale. Company··· The Miami Gazette
Pionee'r~'-and .
still the LeadeF .
TWENTY-SEVEN years ago the NEW IDEA was the only widespread 'spreader on the market. It WlIs an i ......DtiO.~ot ... IDlltatioa. The ftnt succeesful Ipreader-the machine that i8 responllbie for the n"tion-~de nse of spreaders .today•. Its coming Inaugura~,d the NEW .IDEA ,policy of strictest quality In manufacture and inerauing e«ort at improvement ,to maintain this leadership" . ' , ~ Rigid adherence to tbat polley dnds' the NEW IDEA Itlll tbe leader. Inventors and Deslgnen --eucceesful tor these many yean, we have never buUt a botter Ipreader than thll present model 8-both in workmanship and materlala al well ils perfonhance I.n the fteld. Asle for 01U' catalog showing 's uperior mechanlca conatrnction and you will see why the NEW IDEiA iii .till the eate spreader for you. lnBIst on the Genuine and don't buy a machine that merIy looks like it or is Aid to be as goo~ Play ufel
New Ide. Tr.mlplante"
".''', . -
" '"
~.~ .,
Pays for Ita.1f on 8 acres of tranaplantabte plants lIat 8 InehBl! ' or' furtber apart on leveljan,d or 'ridaaa. through lower labor col!tll. minimum to. of plants, aud increased crop, ' Full line " ot at:. ,;I tachments includine petato ·.plantlne al)d wire check. It iB a ' NEW IIDEA:""'fuUy covered by pat'41nta (
'The New Id. Hueker .nd' Shredder
HUlka clean-Vert Uttle Ibelline. EU)' fead~', B~ capaci.tJ. All metal Hardeaed Steel aear. ' , iunntng In endoaed dUlt-pioot oU C!8I8Io !ean be operated at COod capacity by 1IIIIa11 tractor. l.t'a. NEW JDEA-tha 'Mnaatlon in 'ha Shreclder field. FuUr covered by patent..
More tlian 250.(}O() _tII",,.,d,rs will be " . . , he tlals In 192'2',) , . NE W IDEA WIth 11$ orlghu;rlllJl a'/!J';ratIge will IJ(I , : ( bulk of the 6Iis ' . . . .'
I1u!rntlllnl was ~I\'~n env lwr 11111"'" r I the ,./ II" ,\ \.
r ,:ll J
TIt t4Utl'\~' vl "~h
iJ' -- .. \....~~
to' iii (' IJ:Vl1l1/1
.,t .• ~ •
days in tho CaUl of Fred leahn ve. Orie J Qrdl\n. ,, Jnnte~ O. r.litchaU \Va' mnde de· fendant ~II the cl\I\e of the People's -,. Building Loan a lld Snvings 0 ., v s. . ., ' d b the' !lIlDlc"rotlt; .ut tlte Bill~e ~Ime, Culcb Me lung! .rennie McOlung and 1nonte, ",nCr n1\Y nlBn l~ pnv~edgc lnd no~ it YQU will recommend me th Lebnnon·Cltizena National Bnnk CHAFTER 1\ to mateh his ey s agamst ng:::-8s~ n and ~nting place, Rnd be my nlld Trust Co. _ N body but (; bUn~" man CIUI gU~8ts at supper. after tl\a~, as t nave .Ddendant WI!S given leaye to file ,(" . at mcmte by ~~g., the le\''ll'' sal!! I must he excused. Ely the an wor ' in th\' ~ale of Mary C. t A crow!I ' had ' athlll'ed hl'fore a.;; A nd ~is s~rto ~n~ " I \'ote WilY: while I think of it," I care~ss- Walkins VI! E: H. Busnne\l, co nata· youth nn lUll I 8011 d sb!rt and~! h~~~ouhi~~ 'ro' 1\ gudgeon. and ly odd d. "enn. you d~f,ect me ow lil(\ 0(' Tu~f\ecJ"eek Tp. b.\1~ pantaloon!, wh~ .ta~d~~g ~lP' get the price of n ml!ll1. OUT fTitmd to fht to f:~er~~Y~iedt- his fisby eyes Dutendant was gh'on leave to file on a box, Wall exhort nar II e op wm join us In the turbo He cllnHIl~e d~edo upon me BI! with righteous answer ond CTOSS petition in the ease of,!W~~!f" pi This way tnis wayl fo~ him elf tha~ he I!al\'~ lose.. e s, i;dignation. , Clf Firman and Robert King \'S. R. P., Rondo coofO-Obl Here's . you eMY gQt sharp yes. e were station. "Suh, 'you are too Innocenti I ~tTaus. money I ,Down with your 80AP I L_t Thel by.stnnd~i~ti~ at, n low trio believe, by gad, su~, that you . are a Court orderlad the sberl~ to ., her ro\ll Rondo eOQlo-o\! I ' , ad b h l> .a a,::~nnl l that he hod was capper f oh eome In'f emal 8kin~lng $134 .44. to Ida Tudor Hopkms In "It's a great gQ!)l , sull" the Col· f~,d ttl ~r·tsble--.l\ plain eheap table game, or that you aIe a df,~oies810n. ce~o of ,Fannie B. Hill v~. Lydia ' wj~h8'i:ldln legs _ and tnree plny- a1. uh, I call your }lan ' . \Voodrutr. · onel l18id. The sherifh/las ordered to employ , We pushed Ch\,wnrd ~() the Il f~~:- lnll CIlJ:ds. iBusinesa as a trifle slack. ~ 'B8 :bo~!h~O' ft~~~~f8:0~1d b~:~ owled ~orol'llely.· an auctioneer tosell real estate de· The center for t e cro~l ~h~re wer: " 'Two jacks, and the ace, gentle- lurin r~{;lIe aC:O::l o~:I!~d ~t:~he e baUs, t~n men. There they are. h ~ ~:~~ ~\~~ ~ "Sh~'8 .waili:: for you. ou can scribed in pl8iintift" s petition in tho :; a dozen, resembling miniature bit· lid them up. ~ow, I g~~ e Observe squure With us later!' . caso of Laura A. GroBS \'S. Jesse S. liard. baUs might roll. IY- YQu can t . mIss n ~~. between ~ he hl ack.cla~ ngure ba , l~ngered Gross' et al. The balls had been banked at tbe closely. j~~r~~~k e~ T~~ ace ne~ beyond, ostcnmbly gad g lnto a \ Same order in the case of The opposite end; nnd just Il1I we arri ved thumb .anthe midd~ • The other jack window. Without ng another People's Building Loan Ilnd S~Yings they were propelled all forward. scat. -4ib C ln t." word to my ruffle ody·gunrda ,I ap· Co vs Alfred Swittel. proachlld her Th' f H W S The crowd was eyeing the ntat. 0 om-mos balls ecl:antiy. A part of the He turned his hand, wHh t~e three "Madam," . uttered, ' foolishly, ,e case 0 !;\ nrr~ . Ilmmer vS. ~ Ihort ~t and deftly dlstributea cards i n a. tier, 60 that eU m~ht see. "good even' ." • Edna M. and 1:. W .Stu\tbs and ~n. "She folia again, Make your bets "Tile ace 18 the winning caTd. You "You have 16f t ~orlr fnends?" n~e and Hattjle Hall was , dismlBSed "Never Yilt een a man whO cou,;! ar6 to locate the ACe.' Obse~~ clolle· liVery wU.li gly.' Without recordl. "And I ha reBcued you?" She ---So we left the crowd--eontaining Iy again: 1t.'11 my hand qgIllDst "your smUed again. "Believe me, sir, you NI!:W SUITS would be pett ~ off alone. I know the gentlemen The Colonel is a Alfred Van ' Doren 'iii!. Maud Van
"~......... " ..... ,...
~ c '"
''1'01.11\ 5'~A' ~ "fAA.I), J~
"Q 0IAlN
Brady \,8 no b tter." · • Wardlow, ' Den vil Wardlow, Mru:y ~~~er~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~:~:~~~~~:;~~~~~~=~~~~~~~=~~~~~~=b~~ "Strange to my, they hove JUst Helen Wardlow, Jolm M. SkinneJ',
accused me of balng a capper," 1 an· l'tmdred Skl,a,net, Hazel Skinner, Joseph and Bettie EJ;tel to Rich~ . sWj{::face brightened. "They were Chlll'les Skin~er and J08ep~ Nichol· and Ertel, 5to-iyn Iota in FOllter Pork . Ella Crowe to William and Ora disappointed in finding "you no dud· ,.on for partiiHon and eqUItable reo hcf. . I Chisholm, 201'.52 acres of land in geon to be hooked by such ods. Promjse me tbat you Milton S ..Keever, Maud Beeman, Washh;gton Tp. George 'C. Bnd Carrie Davidson to up with no more strangers I Mean· Julia May Rudman and Lydia Pearl u,~, .... while let me advise you. 'Outfit' Null VB. Eva B. Keever andMI\ton Marshal C. and Bertie B. Reed, 12 Compo••dad S ... I.".....lI. "p. lIt ,"0 •• ",_'" A. while you wait. and ·become of Ule S. Keever as executors of the last toym' lots In Miami Park. ,.,_._" ,,,. .",... ."...~Ut. country I You .look too much 'the will of Oscar Keever for action to George C. and Corrie 'Olividllon to 20,000 Memben Assets Over 10Yz Million '''cm ft • • ' F.", lace ..0 . . . . pilgrim-there 18 Eaatern dUlt IIhow· set aside deedl and for equitable reo Herman and ;Bertha Bishop, 7 town Ing through your Benton dust. and f I ' • that apells of other 'dust' in your lie. lots in Miami Park. pockets. Get another hat, ftannlll R. A. .CrOIllIl .B.ntl R. G. Cross VII. • JOleph 'jlnd Hettie Ertel to W. K. Tbr. aad ' Broadwa), Dayton, Ohio. shirt, lOme cOllJ'ller trolll'e1'\l, a pair The Lebanon..Cltizena National Bank Ferris, 88 town lQ'" in Foater Park; of boots, don a BUn 'aQd "a swaner, and Trust Oo.~.admlnlstratora of the Lee Conner to William G. Thomp· Oftleee' 510 East Fifth St. (Established 1887) • ' 19 East Third st. ~'1 lltt4e, make few impremptu n~w eatate of R. van ~ for' 1101;1, 1 town lot tn Lebanon. . Joseph snd Hettie' Ertel to Geo. C. frienda, win and lose without a lIDlile amount claimed $8,000 fOr or frownt.i f you play (but upon pla)' ure' of mortglilge and other relief. Smith 4 town lots in Foster Parlr.. iDc Ina Mae Tllylor vL .Charlell Milton Ja~es Pile to John and Maggie I BtobaU advile Yto0u.lahtel't. )S· I ·dh~~l h ope see )'OU mar 0 a 0... T I 10 dl . air, and remember." With no men- ayor r :VOTee. Long, 1 town lot In Franklin. tIon pf the Bla Tent ahe flashed Thomas J. 'H ill VI. Charles Jones A. B. Young to Mcponnell W. alile at me and lDin,led with the for money a:moant e1almed U01.S'f Ha,rrison, 100.79 acres of land in other pedeatrian. eroB8inl the .trel't and for .fore ,Ioaura of ebattel mort- Turtlec1'Oek Tp. 011 diagonal c:ourae. pge and eq : table relief. • Ghville S. Pottorf to llavid , MaWhen I tumeci for a ftIlal word liOn, 1 toWn lot In Oregonia. . .J. ~~:""':=-==i"'I-'-~~H~""7:""'----------:. - tL~my two ",ides, they had van· PROBA11E PROCEEDINGS Owen I/. ;Bannon and JeB8ie .D. - . , b)' • ' ... I am goinlrto throw. Who The eounael to don a prb smack· Fred G Whltt1lner and wm Ba)lon' to L. W. Witham, 164.64 acrMa their bue. will apot the ace. Watch, everybody. Inl leu of the recent Eaat struck .. . acres of land. , Earl, for Your D.t... W. Cuuant... "JtoDdo eoolo. sub," the Colonel Ready I Go." me u sO}ln~ and at "Levi'll Mam. Whltthnger, adll!lnistratore of the Edge'!' Jordan to E. P. K1"rby, .08 uplaJDed .... ~ ..., Ie an improve The baea of tbe carda were up. moth E~lIm: Liquors, Grocer- estate o~ ~edenek C .Whittllnger, to"n acres in Franklin. S.tld.,.tjon or Oh ..... Nothl;..c. 011. tile old l'ODdo, for red With a swift motion be re1eaeed the till and General Mel'CblPldise," 1 pro- filed thea JliVent.4)ry and appraiseMary J. Smith to. Joeeph J4arataIl, 20.~2 acres of land In Clearcreek bloOied ~p1.. BbaD. we take • turn three, spreading Ulem in a n,~t row, cured a hat, • flannel ahlrt. a service· ment. .fac:e dOWII~' upon the table. , Twenty able , ready.made suit. boob ad a Harry J. Voller, adminlltrator of ' , t" ,) . P f til IUeuatle fervor over a ch11diab dOn,ara . your twenty tWt )'~u revolver. the es~te of (John:W. Voller, fIleil in· C. and Esther Dwire to bur 1 upecaDU)'. A part of the can t pi out the aee, ~ tryl 111 With m)' bulky pareel I lOulht • ventory and jlppraieement. n _'No.' 3If' Phorie NG/,12 1Ial1I aatend \be poeketII; the ret- let the. eard. lie. l!.!I0,ll ve watch- afe t ate supper and hutened to the Proof of Pl~blication ot Ule appoint and Elale Dill, 1 town lot in malader __ to HIt. eel the ace fall, fO.ULWlU i --IU hotel for bath and chan,e of cos- ment of 'El,'~eth Adama as admin.... Wl"-hire to H--el W:. "toDdo," uaoUDcK the maD with "Just do that t!1ca. lIP n, WI yo~, tome. ,_-' . ' ....... cIleib ad coins. for the benefit of my friend, hereT I had yet time to array myself u is.....tnx of he e.tat~ ~ Albert ..31 acm of _llmI in th~L~~!'!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ...... IOn. apbl. Make your bel, bade the Colonel. , . an ixperlmelit and a lark' and that Adamll, was ed. '" MnltarJ , Dlatrict between --.~' - and he 1'8IIiIem. The "spleler"_ thin-1i:eped, cad- I did, ~umedly toB:Bing myoId gar. The will o~~ Emm.. Welch waS filed. MllUni and Scioto riVeI'll. ," q I.' BLONDE BESS' O,INES bl the averoa. Individ~lect menta upon bed and flOor" in order Geo. E. F.rybu~er 'Was appointed F. and Dora C. Woqd to ~ , And allo remember, Al'Chl~ld\~ .. ,II ..,. DOt play, Biro" I respond. "HelIo, air. rm .,reeable. to Invest with the new. administrator of the estate of Adami, 1 town lot In Lebbecause a man InA)' be 'of vu, ...... ~ .."Iu., Colo:#' rcs"~ lIe:JiI slr~::; uN~ey J~e,J.:U JuThe ~:e~ ~ 0c:r~led ~~ L. ~)'burger and fIl~d application ,-non, M. W. F ..... caliber, doeen't_uy he'. a blc~n. : : ..J:;'!:tabtbhecL" 018 ' ~'·id4reued Btu. "NoT' Then JOU f..:P;'i:b Dhnriatcfe'.tu!! - aca e s~!:,e<ih' o{ irP~ J .Edpr .Jordan to. J. E. Whlteed, Co._ualt,. S.l•• Ce.,.... F.bRU' 14 ' ' ........ yet ...11 a lIIan who couuld .11"" He appealed to me. • "N~ ated'! hli -~m~l bloodahot eyu; M6.u t ar ell i te~P e an es- 67.78 acrell of land in FrankJin Tp. , Dot dod w -,,, tbcnalrh." be growl· But I'm a mlnd·reader. I can dftsse in En,liah 'blode •• q .w ere, appo n . Tine Roberta to James Pde and . eeL lIut eom;,;;ii, then.'" z by ,our eyes. Theyre u~~ e "Hel of a country, ~in't itt" be ' . P .P_ BenllaJll ..... appointed goar- JiI. W. Frans, 1 to~ lot In ~nklin. , I We will sell at public auction at S. w. Wi the qi'QCi_ntainiq rilbt-end c:ard. Ahal ColTectt Bt observed. ''You a stranger, tooT" dIan of Jam. Elmer, l\I~lntire. ~ne lloberts to . VllIit Lamb, 1 the SU~!T farm, on the Wa'PeeviUe Indeld WomeD u ' well u men-to had turned. up t he eard and abown "What's yolU( Jine'" 'filbur S. Mal'llhaU and Carl J. town lot in Franklin. ' and FrIInklin pike, Sta~ Road No. tIaeb! lnaeuate fenor aver ~ ebUdlllh ttle ace. "You Ihol}Jd have ~ You "Well, you don't bave to tell 'em," ler, e\XecutoJlI Q1 the eatate of WeUingfon B .and Lucy Squires 711, of' . . . . . under the ~mUlation of the would have hlav,e !>ekatenthme, ~r. be eru nted. "ThoulJht you waa a V. )larabaD,411ed theq. ftrI!t ~d fin· 10hJl S Thomson 1 town lot in Tlu.rad.,. F.bru • ..,. 24 1127 I ~IC up e ear s. la1lCOWfo lWeatlnJr bUker. Wa~j:h the 'ace I'm from Saint Louie, al aCc9unt. L .i ' I "" FUNE~"L . DIREC~RS ~ Of pJPbUIli. clevic", In the open Ace ftl'llt--bleSled aee; and the jac!cS Sell (p'oceries and pule'llhe boVie re orl 'Wal Wa)'n~VlI e. I. Be,innlng at 10 /I.m., the ~UI"U''''''I of tile . . . . UIera wu no end. Xy Watch close. T~re JOll ~." Be 1m the alde. Cards are the d) l " 'd p Walter E. MOQre and Nellie C. Inar: 8 head horaei; 8 ' JerleJ co", WAY NESVILLE; OHlu , , "'.: collducton fIiWlJ at~pped at the 1Iin\· brieRy llIxpoaed the facell of the ~ds 1 have lot tlte b!!lt line an 4' conrtrf';. . f th d to Josiah A. Brown, 8 town 11 head of 'registered DUJ'oc 10Wl; ..eat .~_ Of a,U. .. Keep your eyes upon th" ace. Read)" thin, etock-etrippen hump. ." cr. el .e~py 0 e entry e· MOlTow. 11 head sheep farmibl Implements Fully EqUipped for Gbod 'eThe Spiel pule for met.-arentl.. 101' __ ..... _ As . h I'9lU1da, aquares, briefs and marked ~rmlnthngf,~n:rltan!ceE~llj hto -be . Eepy to Carrie Speidel, 1 and a lot of h~ulehold ,ooelL . ' men.1! alII the Colonel '·.Here it He &pread the ..-..... e baclts-" rom e Cfl te 0 a in Franklin ' M W SILVER. " , Service. is. Yea, suh, there'• .,thJng lUte released he )tad tilU!d them 11IgbUy, Be did not finillh. An uproar be certified Ito the auditor. . \ .• Dilplay Room. Large ~nd I clearly aw'tbe ace land. The sounded above tlie other etreet clam· W. ·F ~k,~re, admln1etrator of lb.e CouMISSI' O'NERS' ALLOW .......ES , ~In. SUnley, Auete. Ambulance Serviee Carda fell in the ame order .. Ill'- or; a pistol shot, and anothe_ cho· estate 01 C1iarles J Zlnel$ filed his "'. An" ran,ed. To that I would have sworn rue of hoarae IIhoub and .hrlll invento- atld appra'isem"ent' Co Fourth Communi:iy ule at 'Fred 'l'BLBPHONI" I)-AT Ol\ iiioHT "Five doUarBII no'll that an,. one frigb~'1~ cries, the ICUrrying rnsh Th;.:.... ' d fi I " The 'Ohio Corrupted Culvert ., M. Cole's warehouse, Wa)'ll~vm., card ta not the ace" he e~enged. of filet, alI In th.e etreef; and ' in the e 1Ifll~ ian na account of M.... sewer, $24.76; Intematlonal Harves Ohio, on "I ,ball not touch ih.m." " hall of the botel, and the lobby be- ty E. Trililtlf, admlnll'tntrix_ of the toy; ,Co., repairs, 4.19; L. B. ~i1"I'D 1'0 halyera with )'ou, Colonel, low, the ruah of ltiD more feet, boot. estale of James Trisler, wal approv- llama, llame, $8.80; The J. W. Llnco Th.. F.bta.". 24, le.7 Bill propoae4. , ed and the ,din of excited voices. ed, ~lIowed and conftr!Jled. Hdwe Co., lIupplles, $16.01; The Livestock ,New ;Black Hawke "I'm on," agreed tbe ' Colonel "A Aa'ht, a fI,ht! Shootln' "crapel' The ¥eco~ld and final ! aecount BlUl.\I'ham )fotol.' Co" Ford parts, nure Spreader, breaking plow, full ''T~erea the soap. AIId foh the hon· a flash eompan~on pelting Mary E. ll(l,ers, luardlan of U7,80; S. C. ' Alexander, supplies, set .of blacksmith tools belonging to ~r of the grand old Empire ~tate we tbe man~ha iJ. ~Ientmeyer, Will $.9.90 ...The BanchBI'I\ Motor Co., IIUP. Haanr McGinni8; 100 ro~s .fence, 100 1P1,1, let OUl' friend pick the ac~ foh the zest of the, mo· allowed an~ cci~ed. . plies, l8,.40; J. D. ~damll an~ eo., S ,e~l posts, large grindstone and the ua. . bt.hand card and with sevThe fiTIJt aC5.0un~' of W. H. grader. $875.96; Waltes' G~rale, rew usuaU I,o~ of Imall artlclel. ~,:u~~ U~~~argbe's done ltV' as madly upon exec~~or ' of the e'li&te of Pairll" i6j.96 ; lJerschelF .James. reo w U be here tor anything Be h:' an eye like ~n eagle'st" Pra}sbaying mob tramped through Leti*la . 1Ifc~~YI aa approved, 20.76; Big Dixill Garage, reo in' nothing ~ccepted .ffYr ' ed the dealer with evident chagrIn. the' street, with jangle "lIang hlml ed and, conijJ:l!led. , palra, 18.60, Harry , HIlI, gaa,$91.30, a;(y reserve; no by.blddlng pelnnllt;.,L ANR on Chattela.Stocka, · Securl"1 lose. On~e sPin, now. Every- Hang himl String him upl" Tbe first <l i1na~ aecount of 1'. ,W, P. MeCllt'ren, labor, h.76; ,Har. te4. Terms casb. " ties an'd Second Korta.... Not. body in this time." Be _ther)lld I saw tint a figt!l'a bloody-chestM ~. Shupert, adminlatratoll of the es- old Mo!;'ten, unloading stone, ,a.60,; • COMMUNlTY SALES CO. bouarht. John Harblne lr.,· ~eDi.. the ca;ds. I'll ply' alainllt . you and I!lert lying fiat -in the dust, ":Itb tate lof Jamles W .Moor:e, was approv W. P .MeCarre!), cable, $13.60: The W. N. Sears, Auct. Ohio. " ·m80-'1* aU, thiS gentleman hlcludea. I'm ~too'pmg figures trying to raise b1m; ed, 4Uowed and confirmed. ' Caaparls ,Ohio Quarries stone $.192' • - • afraid he's smarter than 'me, but I'm then beyond, a ' ~n whit~. aaAea~, The ftret and. finaljlCcount ow Ar. Clem B~wyer, ' rTavei, $a.60; H:, game.r' . ..... hustfed to and fro from C!lu_tclil~g th'ur' D .:Blllckhum executor of the Frankenhurk haul.i ng ,6' Geo A!lt. A 'TOUGH BABEl He WBl! too insistent. Somehow, and suddenly forced In firm eata f Till H Blaftlrb I "- r ' "'10 r 'E 'D .t.,,_ 'arme... of Warren anel .~lnID' I di<i not Uke' ,him an~ and I grip, up tbe IItreet, 'lYhife the m~b te 0 omaa., ""'\ urn, was e,r ...ap lUg:. • . 80 ; " • ,p UDon, ' was beglnninll to be IUBPljlOU8 of traded afteI,. whooping CUl'llln, appr~ved, ~lllowe.d and conftrmed. , haullng', '6~ 'The . CaspaI'Js StOlle Co. A wonderful B~immer named Mark countle. pDa, obtain moner ,0 'my' company.'T , ' IIh~iek~g, · Jl,IIn'rlshlng luns , ~cJ' Lo~.a F~ne~ filed apRUcatldn to be ~ton~, ,$ 24.70; Folter Swigart, unload Went swImming one 'day in tbe. dark, time loanl,. 6, per cent 1Iltenat. , "You'il have to , excusa me" cgentle- kmves an~ r!>p~l!. , T~ere ~ere wom- a.ppomted guardia!) of Joh~ haber. mg ~tohe, $8.50 r S. E. Cutle.r , B¥pt, A. , la8h lind a Swiah ' of lIec~rin. tbe Mm. Is "17 na)lion" I , pleaded. "AnotJ!er time, as well as m"n in Jtl ' ~Ida M. SaWin, exec!utrix of the unloading stone, ,6; OIem ;Bowyer, An'd oh the poor. Flllh .thr,oa*h ,The !!'ed.raJ L!uI' hut 'not 'now. I Wish to eat and to All this tumtboo me !lick. From ~he estate of S'UsRn E. Hainee,- f11ed her hal.\linl', $1l.1i0; Web Simpllon, ,amI! 'Cil se M:u.k is Inside of a ~hark For fu,thu Inform.deft 'eaJI b!;'the and 1 have an engog~ment fol· outskirts of e ,throng I tra~peft lillIe bill: ' $~Ii; " Fran,¥: Mount" $6; ' Wald- ~ • _. . on or ad"~- ~. C. DR ......,~ ' '2'1aeaalY m..taalt thatl• •• ,00II fottJIble lowingl ,' .back. to my ro'!m and .the bat~ Tlie CharleB J. Bock- WBl! 'appointed ad. ron Gilmour ' " , -- ........ aae .. IrK rurina: meaL Sm,e ll it. Taite it. , "We can't talk this over while ye ~otel was qU1e~ as ita ' emptied; my min111trator of the eatate of Frank 'Yalqro'n d THE OFFICIAL COUNT urer, .phone st.~I:; lAbUlOIl; 10. Y.,.. can tdl It,.t once 'rom u1t that .... 1U'e dry ,.. the Colonel objected, 8a we oom was v:acant--an more thall, B k. , ' . tA "0'.' ' I beeta mme<i WIth J>Y"ollin-•• id or other moved ~ft ' "Let us llbate aubBl" vacant, for of 'my clothing not a ' vell- .\lC ' . (, same, ,. ..... , I cIImItn>U. ~panlc!alo. '. . We w~~e verging tjge reinainedl; MY haC' 'a!a'o WIllI ' ~Ji~ wd] .~f John H. TuUis w-. ad: Co-operatjve C~., w. ta.vc h. Padr<d lD tal pow>d c!r\am, mucb to my distaste, gone I , ml"ed to probate. . , . ' . , 0 .MJc~ell, repaIrs, '12.80 -.....-~ den who should come , ~orse yet, promp~d,p,Y an Inner The will of 'CiUTle M. Boo~h was ~ubllc Weltare,' c1otbinc. but l'tly Lady of tbe Blue , vOIce t~t "tabbed me ,ll1Ce an. 'icicle filed. '. . ' L_ M Prince CI)" . sw~el~j)r'lI .t h'l very flesh and actlbn lier, I was aml!kened to the knowledge L,ilzie TlIlIh~ wa~, $2.9(; The, Independe\lt Tvn'",OlritA" face ~bielded tram the dust by. a that eV!lry cent I had, poSleped\ wu utrix III tlill estate of Co:, rel'ld.rI!, ' ,2.1i0; ,Tbe tl~ sunshade. , '. 1n ijJose garr\1entl!. H~ Kellampy," Joe , Br~dge Co.; blue prlntB, ' S~e , rec()f"~ed me tn a • (To .be ,continued) Herman \1 oodrey Worl.'" repai... $77 ao. -fashion ..an th," awlft '\ '" " "~ .. .", .~, • IJ my tw~ companionB bowed Copyrighted by Edwin L. Sa:Pln. ~pp,. ~ / , ' I I / A' 71ic; The B90~ gone. , .' . ... _ . , • li II1'liliIl, I!dmlnistr/ltor The Columbult , p~o"e $ ., hGli\d, suhl You knOWI the lady?" the eatate of Ann , Parkbill and ; The the Colonel ,e jaculated. FAMOUS pA;RrNERSHIPS Parkht11 fllcld /nyentoq, and appraiae CQlumbql! Wayne.ville Ohi~ "A blsual acquaintance," I ' ~· meDt.·, ! sW'ere ,tWe welre merely travel!!1'11 Time &: A~in: A copy 'of entries ~ relation to ~~!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!j)!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!'l!!!!!!!!! Lovem & Leavem. the amount, of Inheritance taX to be ) G db d &: Call paiel f,rem the el~te of Albert P. ,, 00 'II ear , mellP· AdlJllllI WAIl ordered , celltifled. to the Letsklas l< Forgetit. , , Ohio. ' . Waypastmldnight &: Where Have ,'". You Been: Hereitlanoon • NodiJ)ner R~dt Young ."'ooUsh. , ,, ' TwinL , '
"Where 'Savings are Stile"
%Paid on Deposi~s
,It_ ,.cl. 0' ,It.
w.,,, •••
ft. _ u,.... ',It_ te"..
F. J . .Marti~ Jesse Stanley Auctioneers Sal.
1Il'" _
q ~.
ville, O.
New Burlington,O.
P bll·C S'. lel
::f" Anl
ar' 14
Mc:CJu"e J E. McClure .
F A .".! .armers. ttentlon
Wanyesville FBi'D:lers'
" ~chaugt tompany . 2,
AREAL SERVICEiTATION . . . .1')' I~lty hal .lilGq Ita peo- price charced He ~ alwaya beeD tIIe,-taft out and the "uoa. pi, who thorougbly IJl}4eratalld tbelr IuInllt and fair ""tb hla customen able prlc.. ·they ch..rre. . bun. . and WaynMville ana vicino Mr• •elloh can teU )'ou 10 an In. Be I. equipped for wrecklq aerIty ia fortunate In haviu&, In It. midst atant what la wron&" how Ion. !t will Vic.. ,, (f YOIll cet. into troubl~ on the a man Who Imowa the auto game. take to finish It and the p..dbable road just can pbone 4'1 and bi 'will We refer to MELLOH' S GARAGE COlt. If It will pay )'OU better to ,et tAke care ot )'ou. AND BATTERY STAl'ION. here In a new part he will pr~mpt1y tell y~~ He la reprelentative for Sparton WayneavlUe, Il hone .47. The Melloll 10. He is able to repair all RadiOS, Miller, Gear!ld.to,the.Roa d
Garage baa become popular with the of .H e handl.. Sunoco Olia anll Gu, automobile ,owller al the fact hu new. While he Ie an expen 011 well u a Une of Automobile Ac· become knOlll'U- for mUll around that ho bu mechanlca of ability. No job bll'l he ia an exp.rt on liatteriel. ceu~riea. , In flct, tbla is a real
whethe~ overhauUn&' an automobile or It mak.a no
difference what ,tbe make of \latter)' he knoWl tbe me· chanleal part of every kno,", batterq and when he baa flniahed with It 'It will produce the pep. The MELLOH .
any ot er machine, Ja too toulh for them to bendie ~d whe~ they have ftnllhed their work the oWller of the machine Ie aatil1led- botb with tbe ,
vice station and we are pl....d thia annual fa~ edition to mention ,thll Garace and recommelld it to Gazette readers as a place ,wber. tbe)' know their buslne/lll SlId will elve you .
WELL KNOWN FUNERAL DIRECfOR Varieti.. of, that are reTo ..elp I_a the pain at the tUne few men are pr.pared to enter. a¥ant to '"el't\llll and cif deatb, to .ae tb&t everythln&, la . It la not jUlt • matter of ' aklU" ,dapted t~ market are be. dOlle that can' be done to makii 'the or jUl t knoWing the technique of em· developed In In stanCil, . I f d d tisfyi 'balmlng. !I'ho successful funorl\l dl. . doing away nec:eulty aerv ce. or our .a .. . ng rector muat have more than just of the usual methodl of to surround the Funeral Rites with the abo';';--'qualities : ho ' mullt have A few outstanding achieve- a munificence that is elorlou-.tble the personality, a certain aptne88 for me~ts ·alone this line a~e indicative Is the work of tbese dlplflell, yet hllJldUng delicate situations and a of w~at may, be expElcted in future up-to.date fun~ral direct~rs THE dignity t\lat is required in but few D' E 'profe5llions. Mr. Oswald measures growers In tbe United OSWAL FUN R~ ~OME, .South up to this blgh standa.r d in every de. i)ave for many years suffered Broadwa), street, ~banon, OhIO. , tall. He leema to P05ll11111 the Inhe. . 10lllel from tille prelence of Froin the time they are caUed in tent ability fo~ hi. work. in addl· on their asPararuB· Breedl,?&' time of death, you may relt as- tlon to hll own .klll. he is eq!1ipped conduct a funeral, large work Inaugurated In ]l916 by tbe U, lured that every deWl of the b!1rid to S. Department of A&'t~leulture In co ••ervic~ wUl be taken off your hande. or am.ll. Complete ml;ltor equipoperation with the " M8II8IIcbusetta Tbey have made a epeclalty of taJtlnlf m.nt, whlcb Include. a Funeral Coach Acricultural experiment 'etatlon, reo over all alTllllPments and carrying and Funeral Cars for ~arrying a suIted in .the producti~ln of. the Wuh them throueh perfeetel)'. Them Is a large number offriendti. . Inrton S~inl af aeparagus known u buslneu wbleb only a comparatively Mr. Oswald ,at Lebanon. Is recogtbe Wuhington, the Martba Wuh·
nlzed throu8'hout thia sectioD of the State as being partle';llarly . ldlled. If 'you do not have facllltle. ~or . having a , funeral con\lucted In your home, and )'ou deal", to have a plio vate cerolllony, this firm hu a bea~. tiful Funeral Home, completely fitted I <lr can:ying Qut the fun eral ccrcmony with the utRIoat f aoilit y. Pe1!SOft8 who have witnessed burial' rites here have expressed appreciatio!'l for glvIng.to the ' community such a home', where private burial .ervicos can be con,ducted. We wish 1;0 call our readers' at-. tention to this hlehly respected ma'n. Mr. M. H .Oawald ,at Le~4non, who ' has gained . a reputation througbout this sletlon as a funeral dJreetor of ability. .
of which are highly rllBiatant to rust and !It the same time of sup~or .market quality. These strllma have been distributed and are now being plantIn a visit throup the entire State makes in the .W estmlnlter chImes .nd erous exhibita shown tbere, she seed largely by the aspa.r agus growers. ' lecta the newest and ~O llt novel gifts especially 1n tbe eGlstBetn United it would ' be dUBclllt to find a mo~ two tone. i.. states. beautiful and novel store than that No store ia better able to show a that can be secured, and can :be de· Other outstanding examples In. d db A L C more div~lft!!d selection ,of rings. Panded upon to maintain the repu· There Is no eBtabllsbm",t mo~ hen.ive knowledge of harmoniouslh~ broug\1t them a laqe p.tron..... worthy of mention in this Farm Edl. cOlJ,lbln.tlons and anaorements has No matter what t~'e occulon ma, clude the development of a variety a~ op.nte , nna:" ary, cuff buttons, watcb chains. pins. neck ta~on of ber store for the most 1 tion than that of CLYDE HUFFORD stamped him u a true artist and has be tbat demand~ flowers, yo~ ~Ul be bean known a8 Well's Red Kidney In Leban~n, OhIo, .and there 1B noth· ornamenta, novelty jewelry and toi- unique gifts. who.. fiQral establisbment ia located won for him no little distinction be. pleased with thl< High Grad. Stock, resulted from work by Cornell irig the average person buYs th:at de- let articles than y,ou will find at the Dr. E. M. Rudolph. the eyesi~ht · university and a New York grow.r, penda 10 largely upon the honor and CARY JEWELRY SHOP. . specialist, is at CARY'S J~WELRY at South East atreet, Lebapon, phone caule of, the ellllnen~y satiafae~ry Satisfactory Service and ReaIIonable end which is highly r'eslstant to the Integritr of the merchant' as jewelry If your requirements turn to eU. SHOP on Tuesday and Saturday of 176.X. He hu provlded.a Itock and and hlgh·grade ftowers they prOVide Prices that .you will receive at the anthracnose diBease. The Rob u l t , • . verware, you will find a genertous each week. Dr. Rudolph has cor. se~ee of the highest charact.e r and for the convenience of the public of hands of Clyde Bufford, at Lebanon. variety of Pea bean, which is immune CARY S JEWELRY SH~P IS one stock of the higbest grade ,silver pIa. rected th'li vision of thousands of War hi b comparea favo),&bly with that ~hie lection.' We are pleased to be able to pre. \0 mosaic was Boveloptld at the ltlich· of the pro~el8ive establishments of ted waro made. Buch aa "Yourex SiI· ren CounW people with properly fit. :he mOlt extenalve and artistic In tbe matter of special deslgnl sent to our readers ' people who igan agricultural c'ollege. Varieties the County Seat that hu long been ve~eal" • nd "Helr~oom" plate of ted gl8;"8e8. Dr. Rudolph tests the . . ' of cabbage resiatant to cabbage yel. known .u whoUy re~lable, and wben wblch this well.apPolnted store also eyes Without the use of drOps, and dealers in tbe lll'l'er CIties. for weddln,., receptions, all kinds of thorou&'hly undentand their bUllneu Iowa, a widespread and , destructive any article of jewe~ is bought there has excluliv'e selling rights In War- grinds the lenses In his private laboIt ia a f.ct t~t Mr. Hulrord olrers .oclal functions and for funera}a and and who are moat courteous and disease of that crop, have been dl'. tne purchaser may reat auured he has ren county. ratory under his own Bupemsion. the peoplll of thla community chole. other oceaaionB, thia eltablishment in their bUllne.. deaUn,. luch u Mr. veloped by the U. S. department of received tbe createst value for the Chin.ware Is another line carried The watch department for the refrom the Moat Artlltic and Attrac. baa become b..dquarters for the peo· Hufford enjop. agrIculture and the Wisconsin Exper. amount expended. The teat of every by CARY'S JEWELRY SHOP in open pair. regulating' artd cleaning of deli· Mr Hulrord enjoya a wide patron. iment station. Variet ies of boma· busineu is ita ability to retain Its .I~oek, mBlring it easy for thoBe de- cately constructed time pieces is In I ·S ck of FloweR that will be pie for many miles around. The moat t, ve to • . toea Clf superior commercial quality cUltomers year after year. and sirin&, to aelec:t a few pieces at a cbarge of Mr. Larry Crouch, wbo, found anywhere in Warren and ad-teareful and aatiafactory ..mce ia .... In this ..c!tlo~ and baa a repute.- and highly resistant to the wil dis. CARY'S JEWELRY SHOP baa stood time. You will also find goblets, through years of experience, hu be. joinlnc counties and the compre- &'iven to maU and pbone orden whlcb tion of ",hieb be may feel proud. eue/ which is ler-louB In the Central that· teat for a quarter of a c:eJttury. aherbets and salad platell to make \he come unusually proficient in this Une ============~==========~===========·======~~~m~_ . ~~~ ~~~in~~a~~~c:e~~~fum~~~~~n~~~ by the U. S. departmlmt of agrieul- of dne Watch.. of wen known and unusual novelties in &,lul and pot- ernizea old jewelry and is an expert ture thia work being supplemented makll, lueh as Hamilton, tery interest and delight vlaitors to engraver. . The success of this e8tabUsbment by the atate experim,ellt atation of EI&'in, DUnoia, ' etc. Mrs. Cary baa this moat b.autiful store. the South. also IIcured the ucltlslve a&'lney in . In the Ime ~f leatber goode for ia a diatlnet tribute to tbo bUllnelll • • - • Warren County for the celebrated Iadi.. and &'Intlemen, you bd a com· abilitr of M1'8. Cary who alwa11l in· that It will be .t aken care of by mell In \hia count,. we and aome II.rma of the hlrheat order. . Gruen GuUd Watch.., aclmowledred pl.te stock of heaqtlful han db...., sists upon uo'iform courtesy from her tha~ are endtled to extended men· No matter wbat trouble you may who know thell' bualn-. NEED MO)U: F'ORESTS to be the most bMutiful and depend. blU folde, mUllc rolia and key-ring ca· salespeople, who are instructed to tion,' not o1}l, becauH of ~ rella- be havtnc, they can remedy it for So com!,'etent and efIlcient ia their . Ev able time plecII In A,m enca. No mat:- HI of many deaicna, aizes and styles aerve. not merely to 1111. blllt, and bon est, of their opera· Y0l! if ac:tenee mak.. thla poQible alld work alon&, the line of repalrln&, au· ery country, foresten believe, ter what your requirements or taste In steer hide and leather laced goode. Viaitors aTe alwaya welcome at thia ilona, but aa well for the ef8cieney If It cannot be repaired aatiafactory tomobilea that many automobile sbould have one-third of its land m.y b. in watches, CARY'S' JEWELTwice eaeh ,ear M1'8. Cary coeato Interestin&, and unusual atore, . and of their ..nice aild the up-to-date they will teU you 10" thus aavina .ra have aeladed tbis p r i l l aa :eabeln forelta in ord·e r to meet Its RY SHOP may'" depended upon CbiCaco to attend the Gift Exhibit ftnd It a lOod place for gift ideu and polley that governs tlielr comm.e rclal much time ,trouble and upeue. lervice station ia thia aection. m r and wood needla. Our coun- to supply your need.. W. alao no- and ~r$te Merc:haDt'l Co'llncll, feel it ia well named, "THE HOME AI recarda ace_riea and IUp'Thia arm are .....ta for Warren try now hu 138,0011,000 acres of tlced a line of elocb of the be.t held 'In that eity. and from the lIum. OF GIFTS.... activity,
~ia~~~~~~~~ro~~6~~_.~~~~ft~~~~n~_~~~~~========~===~==~~========~============~ ... baa a stoclc that Ie blrh ande. tomobU... They will be elad for )'OU 000,000 acres of out-o,ver land, or a -
JQHN LAW. SON..,... at Lebanon. pbone ee. There ia not a more prorr-tve and reliable eatabllahmellt than thll ....... at Leblllon whtc:h renders zeal aervtee. ' We wtah to aa,. 80methine of the ,very capable and iadafaetory 'l&1'I\II work which ueel1te. Employ· In&' only expert meehanlca wllo are thorolllbly conversant with avery f ..ture 9f the busineu, they spec. IalIae IB " prompt and ef8elent work ,
Tbey are prepared to furniah parte and thfa ia a very Important f ..ture of their ..rvlc:e where courteey Ja al. .a,. in evidence. • They aJao handle hlch-crade plioli.ne and oIla .and ah,a,. give YOll the roods the, rep.....nt thet they ' " furniahlq. , If your car ia not mnnin, ricbt take It to ' the LAW GARAGE,' at Lebanon ,.nd you may be ...ured
to atop in at their Ihow rooms IIId He the lateat modele of th_ tar can.. We wiah to compUment LAW 6 SON, the proprietoR, upon the valuable service they are 'renderf!Je the people of this community. It is auch !riD1 aa thia one and luch bua~n_ mell that ~dd to the rrowth and prolP.'ritJ of the modern Amerlcan city. ,
THE FIRM WITH THE "lNnlHOI" of Furnac:ea th.y have had e~ri. enCLdD thla bon_ IIIIt live their customers the benellt that InIUres tbeiJi patrona the beet of Mrvlce. They are ....nta for the Ibjeatlc Fumaces. By "'vlq tint el... work .at .mod· erate prices they have built their bu... ill'" to Ita preeant hich standard. Prompto_ and .ood worlc exeellt ed on time are the watchworda ' of their buain.... · they have a completa line of reo pairs on hand at aU tim" an4 beiq p~ repair ~." tan "moet, muttle In a Ihort ~e. • "''',,'' .. q01D.. ~ al14 Galvan. matal..tlon Iatd a.oan, ",0, lilt Uae Hat 1llAte-
SCIUtADD·S TIN SHOP, at lAbanon, pho•• 18." Elmer E. Schrader . proprietor, Ie ,.llIln. In popularity eacb _y u Ita ~orlt Ie known to be ...Uabla and the ~ thet It baa tile reputation of belli, an espeit. Sbeet Metal Firm contrlblltee In no lmall d to Ita I creaai qree n , nc 'POPu. • The, have inatalled mllny jobl thft comprila, lOme of the ble iobl both ill LebanOIl and lurround", COUlltI')'. TheM IP..le for them..Jvee and by tbeir neord \hey are knoWl\ Q4 thlil bulin_ . ia lllcnuinc froID SO
Wben It oom..
to ttl.
total of only 888,OOO,I~OO acrea that are really valuable fOlr timber productlon. Thfa Ie onllr one-fifth rof our total areL .. [n addition to t~e wood used in bulldln,. alld other construction, thousands of articles, Incluc:Unc even medl~inea and clothullg, are from tre.. or lumber. Furthermore foreata protect trame and &'ive.enjoy;:nt . : hunters and ehi'll ido prbovehnt the _~..hlnc away y ' eavy to h e k esII od b h ll ... ns, and b help c ec 0 I Y 01...... aek the melting . snows and I1lin water and allowing it ~~ ~n oflr alowly.
rial and only put on the kind doea DOt lealc 'or Yuat throup in a f.w da,.. AU kinde 'of Sheet M.tal, II,.. SbllaIP, V.ntilaton, V&11e11li Eavea Spout..., JUdie Bolla and Utn· em Jobbing are .xeeuted bV tbem promptl, and In a worlmwlablip manDer at plic.. moat reuonable. Mr. Schrader at Lebanon, Ie very courteous and aIlable and will be pl_d to aaaiat an7 one with their plan.. The Gantte compliments them qpOn the prominent pOlmon tHey have obtained In the bualllll8 life of thia aeetlon and upon the mod· em and aatlafactory work, which they uecuk.
.oRTAANT TO THE COMMUNITY TIl. town that provi4ee tbe farm- methocla and the auatalnlq of their The Lebanon Farmen' e~ In the' ooan.~ IUJ:!!Oandll)1 wtth 1'IP~tlon for "fair and bonest deal· tive Co. do not co~tlne their actlvi· a IIIar!Eet -tor their Grain &II\! Produce iqa" ~th their cuatom,n, have won tl.. to deaUn&' In (;RAIN, FEEDS, Ii the 'one wbloh "w ha•• attained for them a promln.n~ plac. ,in Ohio, LIME, CHICK PEEDS, .CEMENT, the ireateat mBUurt of Pl'Ollperlt)'. Th, farmer, iD . thIa eomlD1Hlity ijSEEDS, COAL, u tbe)' alIo ~dle Tlie fact tI\It 'tlle LEBANON FAR- have eome. to undentand. that at the Jarc. quantities 'of FLOUR. Tbe ERS OO.OPERA'l'1VE GO., at Leba· eatabUahmant of the Lebanon FAnn· flour IOld bY this concern baa won non, plaol\e 860, .'.,.,. the bIah- an' Co-opentive Co•• to., cea "&1. favor wi~h ~ouaande ot, bouaelWivea brlnp waya ... the hicbeet mark~t , I\~e." In thll aectton and baa proved ita market prices at all many .dollars' worth of buata~ to ~t their dollllil lIere will be c:ar- worth under an ·condltlonl. TbJa thIa town and atd~ in no lIIIall dap" ried on In a bulln... Uke and atralrht popular ftour fa mue of choice wh..t. In 'm aldnc Lebenon a nve and p'rOo lorward -IIUIOIr and that . they will We bow of no firm with a more ,"",v, commercial center: ' rHein "full ft)ue lor their rraJn emtable reputation for "Fair and The Lebanon F~rm.,.' Co-opera~ and other products." Hence they .hQIIllt deallnp" than that enjo,ed t1ve ~ bowa , th~lr buala_ ~m aeek no further mark~ and aa a no by the Lebanon ~era~ Co-c!~ . tb" ..,eIan.d ' up. The appU..tIon OflauJt thia ~..tabllahment fa the _ e tlv. Co., and w,e Insiat that th& pol. the pr6peaaiYe up-to-date bualD_ of continued a.etivtty, Icy menta lIberal .patronap.
THE 8m.IS-NONE TOO GOOD Metropolitan ..n1ee of the Vu7 ord.r ia olr.red the people of thla eetl f Obi b D w: BIBH 1 oa 0 y .• OP, 119 MulberrJ meet, LebanOIl, phone ITS-A, , • The people of tb& aec:tlon no loneI f have to content themaelv.. witb tb. ,lID11tiafac:tory and emde work of
the jack of all trac1811, for a cOll8ul· tation WIth D. W. Biahop at- Leba· nOli, wID brln, the IOlution of all their rooftDa' proJ!lema the advic. and ald1l of wide eKPIrlence and .uce.... D. W .Blahop hal built up an ex· tenll"e pak'onap In thia aection of Ohio. alld baa won for bimaelf a prominent pOI1&lon In the commereiaf
Ufe of thia leetIon. . In hia up.,tcHSate and tborouchl1 modern eatabUthment at Lehanon, 'OU Will lind roofin&, of iall ldndt, tin, .late and calvanised Iron and at tbe correct p'rlce. . . Be carrie. the Iarpat stock of rooaq In Lebanon and ~Cllnity, and - da a eo.. rdl-'i Invitatlon to an to .......... call and look over the different patterns and styles. ,In re&'lrd 'to roofinl', no matter what Idealcn of buildinc you wish to ,roof. D. W; BISHOP is prepared to cover your store, house or barn with ~e beat and most lemceable. D. W. BISHOP by reaeon 'Of th.. ftnt.clau 1'00ftDe he aeUs and the fair treatment and honeet prices be
ch....., baa become !mown far and wide. The many bulldlnp be bu roofed, ltand as exampl.. of hie expert w.orkmanship. D. W. BISHOP Ja authority when it comel to Toollq, and any Larmer who wants hia build. ings to b'e fully protected from the >- b Id see him an d have a • I .men... B au talk wlt~ him. as he is tboroughly conversant with all the phu.. of the bualn ... and can tell you exactly what ,OU need. We wish to call our readers' attention to this progressive and 1'eIJable buainesl concern and to Mr. Bishop who thoroughly understands his bUlln ... and is amonar; our promInent citizens of the connt" '
GREATEST! ,BmCKmR BUILT Truly the n.w Baleb that ant the. platon wel&'4t . 'has been greatly clutch, t\lrque tube drive, Bllick meaold and diatrlbuted In thla · aection reduced, but cast irOn platona are cbanlcally operated fourwheel brake, by the KEELOR GAliGE Lebanon retained 10 that non. of tbe wearing easy operatin&, traJlsmil8ion, Iturdy 48 ba 'b d' I d to' quality for which they have always 8teering gear, aullom.tie beat controll h 1 , pone ve "a .ve ope been noted ia aacriflced. contr~llable be" beadligbts and can the point of aanaatiolll\l ef8elency. Not c'l'ntented with these atepa tilever rear springs are features that Examination of the Dew Bulak will alone, Bulelc encineer, have support- have eatablllhell themaelvu-' ftrmly Ibo'; that the maDufacturen ha•• ed the enctne in rubber mountlnp. with motolis~ In Jaet the 192'r never mad, a clalm that could 1Iot TIlle completely Insulates the engine Buick Is tht! "Greatest ~ulek Ever , from the frame IIId any alight nol.. BuUt." Amort&, tbe 1927 mode}a of be proved and motoriata, will find that that may exiat in the. lower. plant whieb there lire three series and 12 the naw Buick ac:tuany do Introduce caoot be tranlmitted to the body different body strlee. ia a car that a new iaI' In. motorin&'. .tbrourh t1ie frame. wiU pleue anyone In design, worlc. aaOl'IrQ T. SweariJlaer, at Tr.-, The buia of the wonderful perA limple device thet h~ no moY. manshlp 'and .beauty. . ton, SO' C., ' 1a "Cotton KJql' wiDformance ,of thi Bll lck, vlbrationleu. 1118 pan" and requires no attention We luggest tbat you call at the ~be crown and reward fOl' beyond HUef ,II the Bulek valve in from the owner, effective11 remov.es salearoom of the KEELOR GARAGE ' In ':1:~ :~reJ:!~;.::;.;ei: head .naille. Alread, . Illcompara- moisture from the crankcue. Of at Le'banon, and look over these '1110. ~ l&aw. .:Illy amooth In operation ,It baa been u.. 'modern improvements in dels and after a thoroua'h examlna. ===:::;:::===::::::=:~=====- mide.dU more 10 by the addld~n of the Butc:k are tbe .casollne Itra~ner, ' ~ion you ~U join ,with the man~ac:counterielehta and tOnion balancer air cleaner, 011 filter, crank cue ven- turers In saying that the 0127 Buick GOOD POiUc . to the cranbbaft. · At the _ e time Wator. The Buick multiple . disc ia the Greateat Buick Ever BuUt," ,. Bop ",el,bin&, be~,een 180 and 280 pounds wIll ordlnarly produce the beet Del mOlt eco~l0mtcal cuta,of AUT8 OIL FOR H0G5 meat for famnY · ~.. Hams and Ihoulden from aucla b,. will wetcb · 011 dralnacl1ro~ the cran1c cue 12 to U poods. wltII loins and be- of all' automoJ,ne .ffeet{v.l,. .d l.ltro,. , . ItrIPi at .about 0 to 10 poana o. bop ...,. tM U.ttea State. Th ' rt nit' ' ._ t ~ , ext' i d I I GRAIN pll baa been we II f~ttened, not of arrIc~tnre. , It rna,. e oppo u J: .. no ••ven ens ve ea.,. n , will ,he produce , mpre lafel, but Into the ho. wallow wben ftnn to work out, their own , SEEDS, COAL and oth.r aIPie fta'ICIl' pt the m.at ' will be .aathll' Ie JDlld• . ;DurIq cold ~r II:nd at the _ . . be of lied- lines, they have added craatly ImtllO"e"eI. Xf the pla:la elve~ a wNther, bowevft It Ie to aplink- MrY1Ce to ,the people of their bOrne t,o the aatilfaction , and p~ocr~ of betoN alaurl~ter with plen kli til. oU OIl th. bop wlth 'a aprlnt. town and aurrouadlnl-C:Ountry. But the 'communlty and bav. rendered f tar vaIlabl Iiq maldnc a Bumb... of llPt· lucb ia the with tbe W AYNJlS- ~helr elevator almolt Indiapenaabl. to .~ a \hii ~ Ucati~n at Iilterft18 of about. "VILLE FARMns ,:xC~NGE, thli section. a ~~. .""1'q1r-...... and ~~ DoII't Cl»ftr I'M '''op1~ pMne.II~, here at Wa)'lf~le, under ~ey make a apecialty of Grandftw , ourhlY with 00 ae qne time. AlIP.' " lbe "lI~ent , of Mr•. C, ~, Mich· CPfII .nd can Oruah Cpb ,a nd all, or lOme 'Of the bU ' to 'tbelr ears wItb • ear, "hll operates a mod~m and Shell and Grind. They can pIDd ftll'£.ltlt.l....j swab .. th. nee ma ' lay tiP lnaId. ~ elevator. ' . an,. idll~f crain to pi.... 'ou, TilUi the ~ Y • With aIlut. bUallleU judcm'lIt they th. m u.ement of tbia. elevator 'W • _ • ~ that It was bDporta2a. that the always worked in the tDtereet of tlrta people of tbla community have an home commU1lity, whUe aeeurlq for .vator, tJilat would be In lcaepJnao thIa. ..tabUahment the "'~U-merltecl the d...... .f the people of co_ereial auc:c:... , that the 1.,... 'nIe Dumber of faIIlIlen' eo-G..PIftI- pl'WlDt of bualn_ of We elevator acWWolulltlfta ... increue4 To tb r..-n tbe WAYNBSVlLLIl avidencaa. , Hq:~re41C1er ..e~ In 1111 to ~ nOJlANGIl bBl" 111'. Mlehener ia weD aDd 11,100 bi 1918. D1arlIw &hIa. .... ,,~ offen a pod kno1'Jl throughout WlIICitloa . . ta ..... ·tiIe volume of lIa-.... pike Itt.., at their .11')' door ....... In . . . . . . . '~ ........... -'il''JIIrOdIlCta .pd tH7 ,., u • • •, wiD aolltiDue e. to _. '.....,. .........000 to .........00. If IIOt .01'10 "'- -.oalct lie Noalftd ..... ... the .......of·, . . . . 11l..,.o\Ia... CI01lbD1IIIlt1• . TbIIt .... I.. .lll...... ,,"I.VVU,--.. of eo ePea. . . . . . . . . . . . . lOthoda have won ·~tWeaee of ta. JMtP~ aad tlo. te. ~.u. e,i
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1927 Sp'ring Lines o~
er, Linoleum, Carpet
' d Does Make a Goo F'a'r me'r Be'Her
mil ne'ighway, Mm. IClb:: Ib~h Buily. of[r8.. illcjnnnti; 1)'. R. MOI,mnw, 1)lr8 •W . E. Cornell. ~". Julia pOh· ovah, Mrs. A. T .Wright, MI't!. Geo. ~n;. Kate Rich spe'!t lilith, Mrs. Quin y Gona, Mrs. Fred in Dl.lyton. Gonll, l\1n<. J. O. Cart\\trlgll\, Mrs. ' U _ J"nlh" u~Olure W8 "Dayton J. D. hllpmun, ltJ.rlO. Fred Qle. ?lin;. va "' ~ ~ harl , R bilz r, M1 . L. A. Zilllvisitor. Tuesday. mermu n, Mrs. . . D. l:J nkle, M1'II. D. Mrs. Russell Saliebut·y, William Ke~p, of ,:t h ~ fi rm. 0f Komp R. l\1r8.Smith, Jame8 McClure, Mn. Kate Cole and Jordan, 18 verl' 81C\l. man. 1.11;8. D.1.. Crane, Mra. Ralph
Are 'no\v r ady for your inspection. Prices are right.
C'ome 'and see' our .line befor
G00'd EquIpment
lunch. The favon were dainty Ted lind white buk,ts filled ' with candlca and nU\.1I. Tbe Hat of invlt~d gue ts included Mrs, Emma Bnrnclt, l\trs E V. Bal'nhllrt and MI~!I ii!m.
b~ying. elsewhere.
... . . ...
~A'" N
And We are SpecialistsFin Good Equipment for the arm. ' . I . h That you may see and know what rea Iy 15 t e ne..,e ~ ...... d best in farm equipment, we have arranged .. ..... ,W\. .... . to observe
"BETTER FARM , EQIUpur, UT. rr.,,, lftrdl I·w r.r.a.
A nice line of the latest Sprjng Mill r, Mrs. 1". B. Mrs. '11' , t Grace Lincoln Smith·s. J. W. :EdwBr~ s. lIlu. Cynth 18 Evans, I mory a
W aynesville, Ohi~
Mrs. Sid Elh R, Mrs.
Harvey Rye,
F.bmary 28th to March 5,til, inclusive "
Robort Mosher is spending the lIfr" .Will °L'Netall"GMrsd' Bort week with Mrs. li~'dith I&l'1'is and sock. .Mrs. cs er or on. an t" l __~~~_ _ _~_ _ _ _ _.~~_~_ _~~_~~~~~~~==~=====~' hm~ M~~~yWri~~~~~~~ ., voon. ·Martha O'~eall. OJara Lile Bnd Mrs. Lester Gordon ill spending a Mame Brown. dBYS with ber sister and-fAmily - - -......__.-
.... Bring Your Eggs to Kroger•••• ':Stokes' Pure Jersey Milk for Sale
. Country Club, . SSe FIour 12111: -pound aack .. . . _: ... ... . . $3."
Cou~tryClub, 2. K I .... ck . $1.04 Country Club. !l8 lb ••ack . .. Gold Me«jal. 12 lb•• ack .... . 62c Gold M.dal; 24 H lb. ruoek : . .,1.1' Gold Medal, 9S-pound ••ck for , ... .. .... .. .. . , . . ... , . . . '':':':':'':.!...:.!~
Country Club, Twin or Split, 1 J.i-pound loaf ..... _.. ........ .
Country Club, I-lb. lo.f .. ... . 6e Rye, Ui-Ib. ldaf .. .. .. . ... . .... tOc Whole Whe.t, l-Ib, loaf ... ...... . .... .. . .. . / . .... " ... .. .. ..... ... . k
Coffee F;:~~:~~~.~'.· .............. 4Se Golden Santo., per pound .. . . 3Sc
J.w.l, par pound ... . .. , .. . , . .. 35c
Club Tiny, 3 cans for ... . .. 6Sc Pe'as Country Country Club .Sifted, 3 cans for ... - . SOc S can. for .. .. ... .. 40«:
Ib . ..
Clifton. 3 e.n. for .... .. ....... 31e
Jen., Glo... , per. pair . . , . . '. Uc
in Wilmington. ' . Mr. Bnd Ml'S. J. H. Smith attendcd the jStyle Show In Cincinnati, th!l first 01 the week. M1'8. Cynthia EVllns returned home MQl1dllY evening, n,fter spending the wlntet in CincinnaU.
1I1n, KAte Parlette Way, wife of Dr. T. I. Way, died at bel' home in Cincinnati Thurs~ay mO)'lling: February ~ 7, fol1o\Y~ng a short Illness. Before her marTlage P,1 rs . Way )Vas a resident of this community, where The Ladies Aid, of tbe M. E. she was hlghly ' esteemed by a large cit-ele of friends. church will hold 1m Easter market The funeral service was held at on Saturday April 16. the Mack Johnson iunera~ parlo,-a, . ' Saturday morning. after wtuch ~he Bryan Prendergllst, of t he P~. Ry body was brought to Waynesville Service, spent .the first of the and a short aery-ice was helll in the weel( wIth his family here. Chapel. Interment was in Miami cemetery. Mrs. Myer Hymlln and Miss Stella Daugherty were in Oincinnati today, Miss Gladyll, daughter . of Mr. and attending the Style 8how. Mrs. Allen Emrick of Ly"e, died Sat Misaes Margaret, and Mary Ellen urday evening alter a shol't illness. The funeral services )Vas conducted Edwards, of, Dayton, spent several QY Rev. R. A. Stillings at the re8i- days visiting relati.ves here. dence, Tuesday morning. Interment • in Miami cemetery. ' 1tflsa Emma ~eilgbway, of Cincln natl, was the ~est ~f Mr;'. Edith Ha~rlll and famdy, Friday nmgt. Calvin Williamson. woll known in Mrs Chester (Jul~ler and little 8/\1\, this vicinity died suddenly at biB borne near Stalker's Corner, Monday Lo~eland, are spending . a few morning. He had been apparently witb Mr. and Mrs. a.y Mills. In good health, and his sudden death i8 thought to be due to a heart at· Mrs. James M01~8, of Highland, tack. spent the week-end with her , pare,?", Mr .and Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite.
. Named- S~retary
G. H. Townllley ,of the Western StaT, was named executive secretary of the Buckeye Pre.. Ulociation, organwtion ~f Ohio weekly newsp.pel' publiahen, at the annual winter convention recently held at bue. R. B. Howard. publisher of MadiBon County Press. at London, was named president of the aalIociatlon. He /Wfu formerly c«*Jneeted with the News-.Tournul at Will1)ing. ton, and bas many Wanen County friends. .
Smart, new Spriing hats at Grace Lincoln Smith·s.
Fair Ground. Are Sold
Apples Fin. Cooklna or e.tln ... 6:tb••
:Young Friends Meeting T he regul~r 'meeting of the Y. F. M. will be held at the !\'lcMiIlan borne Sunday eveni ng, l~ebru[\ry twenty-seventb. The leaders IIr,e 118 fo llow!'-: Devotional Leader,..... .. ............... . . ,........ ;... _.....Ada Grace Underwood Lesson Leader." ..... Charles Chapman I Recreational l-eader.Ruth Tomlinson The lesson ' will be Chapter ix. IfFo~lowin,~ Jesus in our work, sahool and play. . . • - •
N'O W GET THIS On Thursday night, at the Opera,House, we will show the picture of the man~facture of a tractor" Jl,nd va~ious farm scenes showing the tractor in use. This show is instructive and entertainittg.
at Sale
And Is Free To All There are sUe re!ls showing the manufacture of the tractor and the possibilities of power farming. Showing lpe part the tractor pla\ed in the relief work in southern Indiana, following the cyclone'. We are also pxpectiug to. have the film from the government, showing the ~avages of the corn borer and what is being done to contro~ it. It will be a good ,how, and we are expecting you to come.
X RM A ••ed~ for .1, ca"" of Enem. Po.tpaid, Ad.
I•• ,SclelltiSe dre ••
HAMJLTON, Dna,.I ... Newport. K~••
Poultry Growers' Meetlnc ,lo On March 1st, County Agent C. p, Class Win
have. • the Poultry Growers of Warren County a . our store. Th~ Hen is one of the most important rarm pr()ducts. In 1925 Warren County Poultry brought more 'money than the Hogs. Do .not miss this.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hough ha ..e gone to housekeeping in Miss 'Flora Berryhill's propert on Soutb l\lain street.
.• """"""''¥tAr."",,,,,,,~~ ....,,,,,~~~'IA.'"~'''''''~'''
Myer Hyman returned home Sunday from the hos~lital in Ci~loul'naltt, He is feeling bett,er and glad to at home.
7 wo Shows Dailv
6130 and 8':30 P, M •
The Higbest in Quality Entertainment ..
The Store That Has What'YOI Want thea Yoa WDlIt
_______ ____
LebanoD, Ohio
~~hd~~~~~~ v~mber to get the taxpayers m the
~~~~~~~~~ Jiewport, Ky.. alld Mr. Raymond III _ _~_s_~~ pay William.On and i 'amily. I~ Elyria. the were week-end guests of Mr. Harry Williamson and fllmny. p'ay . Mr. and Mrs. lBenry WeateTman, . who have been living in Dayton, have returned to Wal/ll8sville and are WIng a~lne Ime coal1y located in the Susan PaYDI1 rooms over Burtom's n!staurant. The 8econd sewing 'm achine clinic Sunday dinner guesta of Mr. and In Wayne 10wnship will be held all day, Tuesday ,Marc~ 1, at the Gym. Mrs. RobeTt Crew and Phine.. Cook Fifteen ladles are bringing their were. Mrs .Viola Uarlan, Mr. Everett machines to lie cleaned and acUust- HaTlan, Mr. and ~Irs. H. B. Earnhart ed. All othel's Interested are cor- Mrs .Rachel CTevv aDd Mr. Frank Crew•• dially invited. ' The llUItruction on the use of the tension given at .1 p. m., is Mrs. Warren E jlpy, of Centerville, • :ArTS. Heniy Satterthwaite. helpful. . This is ' given under the R til and Thellma Satterthwaite rection of MiB~ Watts, home depart- 8 ~nt Thunday with Mr., and Mrs. ment agent, With Mr. BareJeo as in- JP . M . f H;ahland Clint4Jn IItructor. . For further mformation Amcs oms, 0 ... , . call Mrs. F. U. LeMay or Mrs. W. county. E. O' Neall. Buy YOUT spring millinery of Grac'e Lincoln $mJtb.
county to approve a tax levy t9 the debt but the vote was in negative and there "u nothing to do but ~eU the grounds to th~ mortgage, • - _L"
.O ne of the largest crowds of the sea80n attended the Jack80n nnd Haines sale, north of Harveysburg. Isst Thursday. . Hogs selling hlghcT than at any Bale this year. Horses were alao aold at very high figures, The we was 8ucceseiully conducted by JeBtle Stanley and F. T, Mar-' tin, auctloneen, who ...·e still /:onduct'lng I18les every day.
1fT. and Mrs. Chades Sherwood spent Tuesday with Mr. and lira. The Clark conn~ fair JrI'Ounda Raymond Connor and family ,and been sold to the Ctty of SJ)t'lncft4l1d heard President t~oolidge'e addreM fOT ,40,000 to be used as a park. on "Washington" The 'fair boaTd di.continued this laat .
Se "
The Jolly MatTon. and their hUll- ~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ bands were dinner guests of Mr. and l\1rs. S. D. Henklla . ,~turday evening.
.- ---
SoaD ICirb Flab Or P II: 'b, 10 ban for. ...
We will have samples of ali machinery on display with competent-repr,e sentatives to explain them, and if you are going, to need anything in the ir~ple~eDt .line, it will be a good time to buy, for we wtll gtve a spedal discount 'for cash. that \)eek only. Come and look at the display. whether you want to buy or not. , Then we will ,have the lunch on 'rhursday, Friday and Saturday, for all You don't need to go home hungry, or go home to eat, we supply the feed.
Succes.fu1 Play
The play. "'The Unfortunate 9ajamHy." given ~by the young peo pIe of the Lytle M. E. eburl!h, at the ~ym 'Saturday night, was very well attended, notwitbstandlng the inclem enli weat her. The cast W88 well balanced ,and each one performed his part well, making it a very enjoyable entertainment.
Mrs. Cll1l'ord ~ril tohard, nee FanWay, of Tullia, Oklahoma. who cam,ohere on, a~:ount of the death of ,her slster-in.la,w; Mra. T. I. spent oihe week-ellid ' With MillS Brown at' the ~iendf! Home. .on evening ,Mrs. Pritchard was s~pper guest of ~[r; and Mrs .Robert Cr08S and on Sunday Mrs. Priteharsl and Miss ~rown 'Were dinner guests of Dr .Mary Cook.
IWIIi' ........ , - . .
", Waynesville Mill-!- ' Coal and Ice 'C ompany
LOVE APPLES In our pandmothera' day, Tomatoea 'were . called
"Love Appl.a." They were raiaed ,or the beauty of
th.ir fruit. Today they are eaten, becau~e' they are o~e of our moat gop'ular and healthiest vesetabJea ,roW!),. The,. cOntain th .... out of the four health vitlinilna, ,and do not 10M aDy of their food v~ue by cookin, • . Our ~
Silver Flake and A. C. Brands of Tomatoes '
AT ·THE CHURCHES ST. MARY'S CHURCH . Quinquigesima Supday, February27. School at 9:30: . Mo~lnt Prayer and selmon at, 10:30. All are cordlal1y' invited to thelle lervices. Rev. John I. Schader. Rector.
.. CHRISTIAN CHURCH 'Sundar·sChool at 9:80; Everybod7 co~ially invited. , , , , II~THODIST CHURCH , Sabbath School at, 9:115 .. m. 10:,80 .. m. Epworth p. m. Preachlnc. at Ev,rybody invited to tuae • , Rev. 'L . A. WlUhbum,; Putor.
'Late ClassIfIed Ads,'
Mattjorie Edwards was a c~l'J1ling little hostess til about twenty of her little friends on 8aturday aft01'l)00n, he' occasion being her seventh biTthday anniversary. Games and dain· l'efresbments ~rere enio:v:ed by tho Marg~\'tet Earnhart. : Rlta VanO:fteri!1 Ruth Oonner, Eileen Ball Surface. l.ouise Zimmerman" MUle!;:, B8J:ty' Hartsock, JlP1e Ro.etnal1Y Bentle,., Dorla Leo, Con:'1er, Howard Ball, Bobby Htman. G,enn Hopkin., Bud· dy 'LeMay, Charh,. Burto" Earnhart, mnk Hawke and ~au1 ZlmmermlUl. Mr. 'and MI'/I; ,Joe TbJ!!1 were very much I delilh~ed Saturday when allout thir1;y-six relatives . eame tq till them' it ,was .thelr 86th -,veddlng ., an~lvel'llliTy. 'r~ey stayed unt\l a late hOUT, when a mce luncb was BerVE,d. . ThOle present were' Mr. and Mrs. Dalld Boger and and ;&11'8. ,Rotier.t Ful'nas ],(rs. Rachel brew and Mr. 'and Ml'a. ToJlian Lawson family, MI'. and Mrs,
POTATOES Flo., Whhe, Z K b ••hel"
A ,b... o"r .......................3.95
. CANNED GOODS .Ao~\ of th. ' followio" Caooe. Coo4a .t 3 CaJI' for ............ 2I1e Camp ' S B.....
Campbell' TOID.to So.p , •,CO.... To.atoe" P... Llpploeott', lISc C.b• .;......... :IOc Ikac:Ia,o ut' ZOc Cabo..... :......... :IIIC
Carll.tlo~ Mi~
$1 91d "'ckol')' S~olr"
Pad~ oli•• So~p, 4 fo,r .. :......... 29c
eo... ,oal~............" ' · R.al , Saat..· Co. . . . . .I'........... SU..r. ,Sea _1)0 ................ Bettie SlaI, oal"............. 01. . .....1.. oal"......... ;..............
35c Viet. Sal..., ooly ................ 2.c , ~u ••d
n S.eded R.I.,o •• ·ool~.lb.lOe
311c W.In, S.bo......, .......1110
.,"- - - _ - . . : .'- _ _ _ _ __ B..t Not ORo, .o..~ ........ ~.,~ ....12c
~. .
Coot!' Rib
Co, ... c:e....
CoocI 1.&...1'1 Seep; 10 ........... ,... II Go ~ 10 .Jh ~ FlUe WIll... 10 ' ........... 3..
Kna.b....... P-,/ Brail .. lk
s••u , ..............................;..... 5c , ..,.- - - - ' - -_ _.....;._ __
.",~ ....................................... 10.. , '
'Kill All Br_, • • t to ................ 20e '
FLOUR , • a b~.e", M.tc••~I· 0.1)o;..... r..... I~ J\ 10. cao ' Bald.,. , Powder .... ' F~Efi with '_cia, IS.lb ...ek. B.1k Maearoai. ~I", ............... I~·
RobeTt ai!d daughter, Leada, Are canned when fully ripened by the aummer aun, Mr. andWerntz MH. Thom.. Bardin and, which at... them • aweet, delicioua Savor not found In famUy. Mr. and ;Mrll. Leonard Tin. and family:, Messn. aD Welior pade. Buy Quality Canned Food Products ..... __ ••- an.d Paul 'Craig, of Daytoft. FOR S~ and pt the moat food value for' your money, as they IU~~~~-'~~~ contalft I... w.t.r~
The ' Corwin Groee1;Y ii~~=~~1~=~~:~at~ -Wi Deliver~,III_. III,
""M:'vllle, Ohio'
, ""
last Friday af· , There were and ·after the half hour "u
~.~. .~~.,.. ._ _~~~~~~III!I......~. .
Whole 'Number 5742
~Ocs} __~_
."'tereating Items from the
State ·. Caoita
February 18. 1~27. Mr. Wilbur D. TinneyDear Mr. Tinney- Let me congrat Prepare by ulate you ~n the completion of your Columbl,18 • .epc.rter high-school coufse. As evidence · of ~ your graduation, your diploma goes At the end of every .Ix weeks to you under sepnrate cover. each student of W. H. S. is required to anllwer a pe~eotly nice lilt of While I realize thnt your course " must have required of you much COLUMBUS, OHIO-It's going to questions In each lubject. They reHORSES WILL GO liard work and many sacrifices, I be- be many weeks before the members ceive graQes accordjnQ'ly with the anBABE RUTH AND MILTON lIeve the eft'ort and self-denial has of the .a-e neral aRsembly finish their 8wen given. Theile grades, togethbrought their own compensation in work. Ne ver were so mnny bills iner with the dally grades are averagFAT GIRLS ,!OT WANTED the satisfaction it gave you to meet troduced as they were Inst week just ed a'ndthe average grades are those and conquer your difficulties. Nev- before th e lid was clumped down. put on the grade CIIl'dli. Those reA KILLER AT ELEVEN ertheless, I wish you to know that They we re all r ef erred to committees ceivin, a grade 01 A or above in all your school is proud of the persever- where Dlany of th em will remain, IItudlell are eligible to the honor roll nnce and indu stry you have shown . but enough are cerLa in to be report;.. Aa JOost of ~he grades for the past William Durland, president of a You are the more to be congratulated ed out to bring nbout some intergreat riding school, retiring, lays the six weeks are on the cards they are for having cultivated these qualities esting debates before the session automobile . will never replace t~e almost ready to be given the pusinc e their application to your prac- ends. It is suid to be reasonably . saddle hone. Ne,:erthele"b:h:n~ ~ pils for ' their parents' inspection. tical work will just as surely con- cerlain at lhis time that when the . y The reason that these grades are ir;.. dIe hone will vanish, and tribute to the professional success work of lhe session is fin ully commemory to children of today" chll- sued every six weeks, is In order for which your studies have prepar- rleted, adjournm ent will be taken, cd you. in stead of a recess which has been dren. in men that the .parenta or guardian can se When the musket c.me 1\ f the kind of work the pupil is doing It may be that you nre alrc·ady con the habit of tho genera l assembly thought it couldn't take the pace 0 The honor Toll for this term has not templating some further work to during t he past four years. With bow and a~row. And, of eoune, it been completed a8 yet. IiIIIT 'Tl4E onEil. 1t£1>T oN SWI/ltMI_ AROIMO AoNP AROUND. AtJ1> lIA~Let> AWAY IN :r. · . . Ll. cover special branches which your confirmation of th e appointees of couldn't replaee the hawk that rode 1llseOuRAlrEMelllTS , UNTII_ FIHA&.I.V,MtF ~1bIe'D IoUMScLF A LlTTUi "AT OF "Bur(c l~ course did not include. We should Governor Vic Donohey nothing out on ttl owner'1 wrist and flew up In spite of the test and other humUPON "'HIC'M HE WAS SOOW be very glad to layou t a special is to be gained by a recess. Should to brin, down the g.me bird. . SITTING 9QETTVcourse for you, either for furth er any future vaconcies occur the govdrum of school life, llupils have been study with us, or for a home reading ernor will be able to make appoint;.. praeticlnll' for the comlne oratorical The horse will linger on farml for contest. The date for the local conc__ ~. course. just as you prefer; now that ments who would assume their duties -~~:e:- ~ YOIl have acquired the study habit, at once. Few bills have so far been • while and then disappear, as f.nn- teet has not been definitely set, but Inll' becom .. really sclentlfto~ The will probably bl! the last of next '--.~ you are in position to benefit 'by passed. Seltlerncnt uf the tax ques" ' .. sources of information that wero be- tion, providing funds for an addiwork th.t requlrell three hundred week_ Watch for, a definite date. day II 'of the fanners' time 110'11', will The county conteBt wlll be held at fore closed to you. On the other tlonal state office building and apbe' done In about forty daYI <lr Ie... Leb.non, Frld.y, March 18. Way~O·~ hand, If at any time I can serve ·you propriations for the. next eighteen And the "hone" will be a machine, nelvllle, 811 usual will lend delegates ~ in other than educational matters, months aro the biggest probl ems facrun by lI'al, electricity or wirele. to Leb.non. Students have also been, ~D I hope you will not hesitate to cull ing the members. upon me. Our regret at losing yOU ---power. practiCing for the school entertalnment whlcll will be held in the near all a student ill tempered by our plea~ More than 3,301,000 fi sh were dis• ure at gaining you as a graduate, tributed to the various streams and Many rood Inve"tmenta In tbJa future. The date of the entertainworld for those that hanr on. When ment, however, will depend upon the and we wish to m~intaln the same other waters of Ohio in '1926, accordEdw.rd Fltz,erald published bill procre.. of tbe entertalnen in con- _ - - -- . :w::: - -- spirit of mutual co-operation with ing to D. O. Thompson, chief of the tranllatlon of the Rubalyat, th.t lint querine their relpectlve parts.· 7 '<lila you as an alumnus. State fish and game division. This It will be a source of pleasure and is an increase of 359,566 over the edition sold for one penny in Enrlar)d. Last week J. F. Drake paid Last, but not least, il the results .0 gratification to us If you will make year 1925. The different species 13.200 for a copy. of the W,",en County b..ketball ,' . . 1T frequent use of the consulting ser- distributed follow, approximately: When John Bunyon's "PiJeriIll'1 tournament .t Franklin, lut FrIday vic~ to which. as a graduate you a~e Bass, 1,147,000; blue gills, $1,949,Procre.... Wal lint published, wilt! nd SaturdlY, February 25 .nd 26. entItled for life. This privilege WIll 460; marble cat, 782,250; crappies, enable you to continue to refer to 72,000. The approximate distribubook people MId, "Only aervants will Waynesville bdya made. eood lihowbur. b90k of that kind /, One of Inr. altholl&'h other team. m.de • us any problems which may arise in tion from each ' hatchery follows: the copies, orlclnally soid for two better one. W.ynesville boy. playWillard Jury Wright, Judge of Judge Wright was the Ion of CapThe Red Arrow sale was held at your daily work, or in connection London 640000" Newtown 714pence. ill worth thousan~ of doll.rs ed Klnp 11111. Frld.y afternoo~atht the' Common Pleas Court of Warren tain Lott ana Louisa Jury Wright. the W/lynesville Overland Sales Co,'. with any post graduate studies which 200; viaverl~, 1'62,100; St. 'Mary'~,. now. 2:80, winnine from tbe latter... . . Hi. father also bad a distinguished ware rooms last Wedne~ay after- you may undertake, and receive a 792,000; Defiance, 89,100; Akron, ..., • Icore of 20 to 6. They played Leb county, who died unexpectedly Tuel- career in politics lIerving ail Probate noon. There ~as a good-Sized crowd free and careful expJ.anatlon ~om 603,000; Chagrin Falls, 141,800; Of 118,000,000 Americans, only anon Saturd.y afte~oon at 1:30, day at Youngstown, Ohio, was a na- J d d U "t d State M h I present, and a good deal of enthu- our expert In that particular s ubJect. Zonr, 165,100. Supervisor Fred 3,000,000 own ltocks or bonda. Thill losine to that fast quintet. Tbe, . . u ge an as III e s ars a Ilasm was shown. It ill our hope that this continuation Harlow in addition reports the disUDall number of .toc1chold81'l, eatl- played FrankUn Saturday nlrht .t tlve of Lebano.n, and had hved there for the Southern District of Ohio. One feature of the .uctlon was of the Inquiry privilege of your stu- trlbuti;n of 37,255 'fish in lhe thirty m.ted by the American Bankera' as- 7 O'clock, the ~onllol.tion game. for all of his life. He w.. widely known Judg.e Wright is survived by his that only a few Itemll were lIold a~ dent days will help you to keep us counties in the northern part of the IOcl.tlon, Is encouracine to broken third place In the to~.ment. throughout Ohio apd was one of tbe widow, Harriet Wright, two children, open auction, proving that the inter- in touch. Please use this service state, most of them being breeden and thoM that have cood ltocb .nd franklin, however, by deleatine Way I d f th Sou1:hem Ohio bar RuSSell who Is aln artist and Libby est ia growing. whenever you desire Infonnation or from Rockwell Lake, in .Summit boncll for ..I.. n"Vllille received third place and ea en 0 e . , , Following is a list of the eoodl advice. Even if you have nothing county W. . . . .n hleb, money ill plUnK Waynesville fourth. This wu a bet;.. ludge Wright was boni . in 1872. Lou, both of wholn are in New York, aold, the purchasen and the .mount in p.articul'ar on which to consult us, . ap In the B8vlnp banks. millionl that ter ahowlne than Franklin predicted He was educated ' In the Lebanon and by a brother', Raymond Wright, paid: we IIhould like to h~ar from you at I t " ' d th t th . I usid neverthelelll becaaaed Frank h ' . tion of 18 sal no ntenown no I1tocks eo uld own th em, If for lin .. that Wa ~avil _ - schooll and then went to P' nnceto n an attorney, OL• S eatt1 e, W as. Clock .. ... ........ , ....... .... ........... S326.00 1ea at once a year, pround. th e. anlllstirringa up ere any was trouble when proper Inducementa .. to return .nd al yn Ie an Hailon anivenlty where he won faine all an Mn. Wright was in Dayton when Louise Smith. venary of your graduatIon. n: re- Representative T. E . Williams of ..,.ty wert offered were topther out of the race. but • Ci 98 00· gard to your pro gross . . .. , • . they were doomed to disappointment athlete, starr]ng in football and base news of her husband's death reached ga~ :... .................... .. ........ • Apin congratulati~e you upon the Mercer: county, !ntroduced a bill in ---beCIIIIH the W.ynuvUle boys re- ball Later he was graduated from Lebanon, and she was notified by telWI\llam Casperson splendid record you have made with the house changl~g the name of the U you 11k mlncl... consider this. celved fourtb place and Muon ...irls C· I I La hId h ' Cooker .......... ......- .................. 116.00 . d h' h t tl I Ia,ke at St.' Mary s to that of Grand Peter Jtl.aUI. sailor on • fre~ht Ihlp third. • the . nnat ~ O?, soon ep one. Mrs. O. B. Marlatt . UII, an opIng t a 80me ~e may Lake. Yet protests have come from In mld-OCl8J1, drove particl.. of Iron entered upon a dlstJngul8bed career Funeral arrangements have not 3 lbs Coffee..... .................... . 85.50 have the pleasure. of meebng you, near and far, and few expect the bill Into bIa r\cbt ey. while uline • drill The honon of the tournament went as .ttornet and ' jurist. ' He lerved been made. D. E. Standiford personally, IVremaJ.ll' I' to pass. This body of water-which - - red _"...... __ I F ar ....y. Dr. to -- • yeara as Common Pleas . The House of Representatives ad- 25 lbs. FI o.ur...... ............ ......... 100 .00 ery Sincere y yOUl'I!, f or years ~as th e-, IBJ'geS.-m •. Ian d- b0 d an d ...... for three R. T. MILLER, JR. Frencill. Ihip'l lIurpon, picked up by . GIRLS BOYS Judlt e belpg elected the last time journed Tuesday out of respect to Sarah LIppincott of water In the world- was first callradio, detalll of the ..lIor'e trouble. Franklin ftJ'.St Lebanon. f i r s t ' . . . 5 Ibs. Chocolates.... ............ •. .. 59 00 ed Grand Reservoir. This name was He ....t wlret... lIlrectiona, orderiq Morro",' lI8Cond Otterbein, l8Cond In 1924. He was a Republican In the memory of .Judge Wright. The Nora Wardlow changed to Lake St. Mary's, although th.m to atop aalne co~ne, tallinr llluon, third Franklin, third politics and held liigh rank in the adjournment resolution was introduc Dishpan ......... -..... .. ... .... .... . 60.CO it Is several miles from tbis hustling them how to m.ke a macnet. The Otterbein, fourthWaynemUe, fourth councils of his party In tbe county ed by Representative Ar.thur HamllRussell Murray city in Western Ohio, and for almost macn et elrtracted the Iran p.rticln ___ • .nd the state. ' ton, Lebanon. 5 lbs. Crackers............... ... ..... . 42.00 a decade thill nanie has given fame Inmntly, pain I1topped. the m.n went T. E. Lacy to the city. Folks in Celina see too During the put week or 10 ~ have millled several f.mlliar faceB around Ole achool hOUle, but we ' have also leen Beveral new oneil. Thi. change ·is due to the annual IIprinlr movingll.
-- ----- ----_.
WitA.. "IN DOF r F ARE \iii'"" U J
p.. m·lnent. Jun·st of Sou' thern REO ARROW AUCTION , Oh,O D,es r .e rv Suddenlv WAS HUGE SUCCESS
back to work. . Mr. Burprt. ballhelor member of • ve..,. "old f.mily" in Ohio, I ..ves money to build. home for sirls "betWeen the acel of Ilxteen .nd twent'''Wht, of Im.ll ltature, bright, ambltloUi and coed to look .t." F.t ·sirll are not to be admitted. Th.t wUl wu made by • foollah b.chelor. Young Irlrill oUKht to .be reaaonably fat, with ti..ue and ene11rf atored \lP for 'their dQty u mothtn. Girt. of the Ikel.ton type bave bar.IY enel'1rJ enoueh for them...... to ..y nothln., of • f.mily. . What counta is not how you atart, bat how you blab. Yeara 8KO, • be n.med Bambu....r took • Job oI.t,., ' a week ~.0 IUD erran.... l.e 1ad to et the job, clad to run, It ~ Now, to hli ,22,OOOlOOO dry llda plant In Newark he '1iullda on ,10,000,000 addition.. And men from blerer cities co to Newark 'to atud, his w.ys of runnine a bUII-
:~~hi~r~~e~~~:r~:~: t::-~~e!h~el~~
25 .. ········ .. ········ 31.30 5 gal, Tractoto Oil, 0 8 .. . .. .. . .. 200.00 Why does ·the church ask us to boring city, and want · the body of Jerry Orsburn ' keop Lent! First of aU, to remind water called Grand Lake. Fine ftshFrederick Clayton, 'son of Mr. and Arvin .Heate.r, Ford.............. .. 66.00 us of the Christslan duty of self- ing lake, and is becoming better . . Mrs Charles Hovle was born in TreErWin Elhs denial. "If any man will come .after known every year. Opposition to · bein~, Obio, Mar'ch' 9, 11195, and de- Arvin Healer, Whippett, 0 a .. 100.00 !'le, let him deny himself," (S~. Luke the ~b~nge has been so strong .that The W.lcitatina Campfire Girls 'L1:8t 'g '<JunJqa.,r alII sun palJlld Jam.es McClure IX. 23). These are our Lord s own predIctIons are made .that the bill met. at the home of . their cuardian, The, Colonial meeting of the New aged 81 years 10 months and 27 Flashlight ..... .. ... .......... ...... 128.00 words. . will pass away quietly in the commit.. Mrs. Moom.w, Monday at 3:80. The Century dull at the' Friends Home, days, at Stlllwa'tllr Sanitorium, of tuPau~ Earnhart We m~y say;. "W~ can denr. our- tee room. . handllm .nd 1.'11' were given. 101- with MrS. Adams as hoste88, Friday berculosis. ElectriC Iron ..... ............ ..... .. 200.00 selves WIthout Its bemg Lent, and lowed. by tlle roll call and secretary's The family moved nea" Bellbrook Edwin Furnas . this is true. But it al.so ~ue that The use of convict labor to build report. All billa were voted to be afternoon, February 25th, was one when he was jUlSt a boy and pram- 2-tube Cro.s ley . RadIO....... ..... '72.60 unle.. we have a speCIal. time ~nd dams on prIvate property with conpaid .nd plana for the Tree Blrth- of unusual Interest. The memberll cally.ll his life was spent there, unMrs. AlVin Hill season ~et apart for apeclBI dubes, Bent of the owners is a measure that day Ceremonial, March 17tb, were attending In "ye old-tyme costumeS" til two years ago he and his family Blanket .... ... ... .... .. .."'.. ........ .. 150'.0 0 the dutlell are very likely not to be has attracted much Ilttention. It was completed. This Tree Ceremonial which contrasted creatly with t\le moved on a flP'ln' near Harveysburg. ~n. Henry Satterthwaite performed at . all. We. know this introduqd in the house, arid ill onti' elvee the croup .n honor, .nd e.ch costumes of the present day. At On ~ebrunry 7, 1916, eleven years SUIt Case ............................ 149.22 very well In worldly aft'atr;', and how of the many biJls which would have sirl mult earn one nature honor. roli call we were reminded 'of Fa- ago he was united in marriage to MIIB Florence Graham muc~ . method, a~ we call It, helps us to do with furnishing more work for Thla proJect .lao provides for the moull Ploneen, wblch were very in- Marie Shaw. To this union were born Bead Purse .............. .............. 192.90 to give a due time to .each kind of the hundreds ·ot idle prisoners in: planUne of aeveral trees. Many of tereatin . After the usual bUlline.. three children Freddie Louise and W. N. Sears work, inltead of devoting an undue the penitentiary. It would be a · o f Uow Ing eJCce 11en t p rDonald th.m wU~ be put l.t the back of the se88lon, . r·the his Glqves to that o - . For the past f' ew "ean # Fr k....... Mill." .. ... .... :... .......... 75.00 attention f Th h which h b we h perhaps I chance to' conserve the water supply New Sehool buUd ng. 11m waa given. ' health had been faJllbg and two an er pre er. e c urc . y er year y in several counties, and the bill After the bUII~e.. ' wal liniahed, !P'In Grandfathen' Time.......... .... . months before his death he went to a Tie, 0 a ..... .. ..... · ~~· .. ··h···· 55.00 season of Lent . remn~ds U8 ?f the meets With approval I tom those inter Evelyn Cartwrleht gave the life of .... ..... .... ........... ........ .:Mrs. McClure sanitorium In hopes 'of regaining his .Mn. Ernest Butt ort great duty of sel~-demal. It IS ~rue ested in· this subject as well as proher torch be.rer, Helen Keller, and "The Old-Fallhioned Garden.. ........ strength.. He Was able to return to Belt . ~ .... V" ~~ .. '................ 15.00 that mOlt of our l!ves are passed In a viding work for prisoners. It has Mary ~~ Zimmermon earned .n ... :... ....... ... ...........Mn. Hathaway his home twlcE~~ but his condition Geo ge . S tt constant 8elf~d~nlal of one. sort or many possibilities, and is expected hObor by IPv/ne • very inteJ:eeting "Grandmother's Story of Bunker . showed no Improvement, and on lIol? Bucket 0 a.................... 60.00 an,?ther, b~t It IS w~ab _~e mlghb call to reach the floor of both th'e house H'U" di Mn Fromm Thursday mornin, biB condition beL. Scott a natural lelf-demal; It is for. our- and scnate. review 01 EvangeIJnen.... Tbe meetinK ' tbe~' .djourned to m I, rIIla t!lgs·.. ·o·n····· the 'Vlctrola came alanning and on Saturday nlftht Thennos Jug ..................... .... , 61.UO selves and our families. And altho' .,--t ". da .. h l~th ·.wo I'e ec Ion • I .. Robert Furnas k thO Ch . f The thoughtlOlll rnay point out that mee alon y....arc: ~. . "Red White and Blue," and "Hail at 11 :50 the Lord came and relieved we may. ma e 19. a ~ery rls I~n Le islative action makes it _ Babe Rutb ,eta, in one year, for hit.- . The Campllre Ceremonl~l W88 held Colu~bla" were very much enjoyed !lIs suft'eringa. . RoMa;:r Ed"B~~~~· ................ 150.00 ~el!-den.lal by oft'erlng It to God, still ably !ertnin that the present o~~as~~_ ti~ that pall about a thou18nd times Saturd• y night, February 12tlt, .t by .U present. A very appetizing He was a devoted husband, a I~v- Percorator 159.10 It IS qUlt\PolISlble not dto/~h 80. An~ itentiory will be enlarged insteaS of III much aa Milton rot for writine the h orne of the cuardlan,. lIIany 'repast wa. served by f;he hosteu Ing father and a true friend 'to all . ....... ." ..... . ........ we may e verr goo a ers an the state attemptin at this time to "Paradlile Lolt," '11Iat is no aqru- honon and ranks were awarded. and her 888istanta during the iocial who knew him. Though his last four M.arle Ca;OPbell mothers, ~n.d children, and. yet ve,y erect a new ris:n The L d ment. For one Americ.n th.t wanta , Febru.ry 22nd celebrated the hour after which we adjourned to weeks we.r e full. of Buffering he bore 6 LIght ~u bs ........ . ... ......... ... 50.00 poor ChrIstians all the while. qod prison farm is Pto b~ ex ande: n :~ to read "Paradile Lo.t...t least '. Campllre Mother-D.uehter banquet. meei with Mn. McQlure, Frl~ay e\,- it· patl,en~y and surrendered himself Mlnnnie Mayo 60.00 certainly demands of us Bometh~ng as fast as ossible b t . p h j_ million want ~ lee Bab~ Ruth ~Ja, ~! moth~n w:,r.e ~de 1.0h feel like eninr, March 28~h .t 7 o'clock, l? God. His ki!,d and loving dlspo- I t?s~r= 3~:::~i~~ ' ~ve;e:i~1 ~~ov:u:a~~v~~at~::Chdus~~i time arra'1~emen~ ~lJ I~et ~ad:ll~t l b..eball. . .nd ::e •w~il :ter:i:..!t e b~"~I~: when we. eX]Id ect to ta.ke .o~ hU8b~da ~!IC:llr~n t:dt~m",=I JriJn~ an: Couter Wagon ........... ........... 7911.00 have some direct relation to Him. the old Spring street institution .to • ..I II' hi h iI' illted f and frlen s to enJoy e even. ne e .-' e. .. Mn. Walter McClure It i8 to this denisl that the cburch take care of at least 500 more prlSprocram"'IV c co I 0 with 'UB, our program being in hono~ member of the' J. O. U. A.M., 1[. of . . oners. There has · been a good deAn ele';en-7ear-old boy. Mic"'l .~r POllbukow, .w.y from home readlnp; pieno iIOlo, C. F. orche.tra of St. Patrick. . , P. and D. of ,~. lodees. .There was a fair-Sized crowd at calls UB to Lent. mAnd for the site of the penitentliQ'y. .fter • beat!nr" Idlled a Ihopkeeper mUilc and other things. , "I've heard whisper of .a country .. He leave. tj) mourn hla 10l1li bUi Miami theater Saturday afternoon. by railroa~ interests and for a tulle in all a~mpted holdup, .n.ct II wonWate.. for Campftre dolnp -'Dd Tllat lie, far beY-ant the say; . . whlow, three chUdren, f.ther, moth- when • I?icture was sbo~ for tba . . there was considerablli talk about derlq wbat wm be don• . with lata booat the ririe .lonr. Where rieh and poor ailand equil er, on-e Bisler and three brothers .nd Red Arrow fans. The admission w~s tlfully deco~ated, together with . a erecting a new Union station on the It ill ..id thAt he cannot be ~re.~d QOR~. ~~WKE, Scribe. In the llrht of freedom'. ~y.'" many other .rellativ" . and' • • hOlt 9f 110.00 for adu~ts and $5.00 for chil- wonderful cluster of roses and whIte site could it have been purchased . . . youthful delinquent, becaliH he . <' . -"Tbe WurlnK of the Qreen," frlenda, one other I ..ter preceding dre", pay.ble In Red Arrow money., ~owers: Tpe cake, made by a 8i8~er from the state. .~~--mUMS -to ..y that be ill 1Oft'7 he A. F_ W. him in «\sath Jl1l1t four montha aco.. The film ' was one of the best In SprlDlI'field, the flowers, the gift com~ltted the'· murder A ."lhU~iIIh H ' .... f hill el IIhown here in many da)'l. and ev- of a brother In Dayton. reuon, 'for ta.k of ~ntaDea; II . . I' '. H~ chl1d~:~ h~O'~e. .ar onel, erbody' aeemed to enjo, it very much. Those present were, Mr.terand Mrs., onl, one !D0re proof of' d. Whom he wUli-ncly tolled for. . . ' . -'-. T. Harner and !1aug9 , Mary. linquency. . I . And ~oved .1 bls Ufe, belle, of Dayton, Mr. lind Mrs. J. About fifty memben of the Y; ~. In .ny c.... the boy wlU not Jle , oli God how ' myaterioUi .nd ho" ~ :arn~ daugh~e~,..?pal, of.;,l· M. nnd friends were entertained at executed, eVen· if l1ut on trfal. for .' s. ., Larkin J. Younce. 101l'''ot Mr.•nel Str.n~ are Thy w.ys, '. . .a ey, . . amer, 0 ~ayton, r. th~ Satterthwaite ~ugar camp to · a murdlr. capital Jiuniabment eur- Dr. McClleaney, prnldant of Cedar- Mrs. G, W. You~ce. Sr.;; ~f Salegl To take from UI .thi. loved one ()n arrival home from church Sun- ~d. ~~.:. C Deem, of dSp:in~~ld, chl.c ken roast 11l8t Thursday eve.nin~, il g vJ.... but IdDlnII chDcInn Ia DO lone- vine collece. will· addr_ t~e Moth- pike, Dayton, is gaining Wide recopl . 1ft the beat ~)i his d.y.. day ·mornlng M~ L. C. MIlII · mil' M • j ' . X a~er ~n d a:r e~, Febru~ry 2.4~h. . The evening .r part of "cl.uiUtIoa." de chab .t ttie G7m FrIda, · even- tlon' in ~nkln, clrclea of California, • ... • with a very pleasant surpriae to tlnll ar orle. 0 ema, . . an rs.. spent m playmg games. Mapl ..· wa. - .......-.~.~in,. Much ttb; .t 1:80. Dr. Jle- where he haa made l:tli h!ll\1e IIlnce " her bou~e fuU of .CUesta .nd a WMp,. F. son't P:UI, Qf ~e.'jla.. d popcorn .nd · ap'ples' .w ere "enjoyed ~Uuq t,a weU wortla h.artq- and It 1911. Mr. ' Y~unce, who Ie w;ld.ly MA~081·C tuoUli ~lDtler IPr.~d from. w.ell-filled t ~.e.r:v P'd!,a~d epar I\Y~:~.n ~h eoye _ throughout the evening. rphe ~hlck~ Ja' fulped • 1&.... c:rcn;d ~ be n at.- Icnown In ' Mon~mery county .nd baskets. The ocC¥ion '11'88 her birth- oge er an , a eVen tasted ~ne. . ... '. ' x _ _ _~. ludanae at·Utia aeetini'. Jlnaie will also In Wa~elVl1Je. rose .f rom bookJ day !Ind her ~rothen ~nd 1~~1'1 h~ eninr . e pre88lng best WIShes for At a late. ~bDl' . ~.. pests 'depa~ . t The M. 8. and IIarr sn"r lilt be ~ b, •• Bich aool or- keepc!r of the Richmond, 00•• ADler. . • . . . come to surprise h~r, .nd .~ ~ ~- tn~ny happy returns of B.uch ple8118!1 e~,:bopmg to have ...,y mo~ .1IUe}ll ~ J"- " ..t of W.JDII'fIlI. Jut week cIaII&rL . ican Trait Co., ~ank, · to Vlce.jI1''' R_81Irar . communication of Way- eb~te the birthday .of he brother; beunIQn:~~~~ as fo~. many mO.r e tunes. .f\ltbougn. te"!{l IQII~ -til• • ttencll..s.ib1.. ~ CrOiJd, wltla · , • .- • ident of 0.. institution. • ~..ville Lodee -No. 168 F. " A. M., C. l'. H~er a~d· br:clther-~~w. A. ap~, .1' • _ . ' way .. and· ·fep· into bruab' pile• •nel . _ at 'l~(I. Mr. and lin. 3. D. MarJa~ Mr. Mr. YounCle, who ' la • lix-other .of. Tue~1: eyenUnc, ~h 8, .t '1 p.m: C. Deem, whoee tilrthdays occar' OD ." ',.' .· I~me . lOt stuck' iii the mud, all sUe10ft :brtn[rlne and lin. 0. II. ~bltur .nel d. . . Q._W. Younce' IJt., oJ ·this .place, 'is .So.jllurnl~r bre,thren, and, ~rI! are the l\8DIe d.t darlq the ••ek. . HaJTf. Hamilton and family ~d ceeded in lettlDl . bo~. he,(o-r. th• . . . . . . . . .Jet- f ' apen' _ _ ID Day(cm, the • lfI\dute o'f tlie:-Americ.,n,.lnllt.ltati cor~li ,1nyl~,q. .' . ' . The tat/Ie. "'~ ·~nc· ~el~ Frank Andrews .a nd ,f~~i11 · of Day-' teta ~ed. who l . . . . Of · lad lin. O. AIuaa- of Ban~ arid Ja. World WU-ftt:o , CBAS~ B:RADBUBY, W. M, ' every eoOd and de1ect&b1~ foo4. ala9 ton, spent Sun,dey with..1li'. and· lin. If . _•..:.: ' ., . der" -. 1'. B. " TJmsO~. ~omed 1t'ith • ~odi cab, .... QeotIe Hamilton. _ . : . ~ -r . . . . ..
Frederick C. Hoyle .
:tart. :0
. . . ........
PIS. .
.A . easant urpnle
C bicken Roast
:'1r i
NO'liCE ' .
'A Re'aI Sale.
fYDe ant
S'MATrER pop 1
, Amb... Should Hav. Bat Oft Him""
HOUSE ·-""-"'<"'Ar'A
COMMON Pl.E.r\5 PROCEEDINCS 'Olll·t orl\cl'e I that the plaintit\' 1'l!CQVCI' 4,ll 225 6 frQIll the defend[(I'll in tht· l'a~(!.I>f t h Virg ini~ Join t to II Lllnd f!nl\~ V~ .. AmhrO~1) H(lfsl ll.'Y nnd thll L th' d f ndllnt III~Q pa y Lhe C 5(; of the' c u~(>, ou'!'t gave fOO custody ~f Hele'n Orr to t he dcfe~ldant in the case of MIII'Y ' rr V1\. '1'homas Orr. 'ttJary • '1 rr was g iven t he c;ustody of Efcncie~. nmdnm. cc rl llinl~ ~ I nvened dine On. find tllc defendant was l'ewith ' p ropel' dignity. . Not· or t hc lic\!ed of Lurtht!r \lllyment to plnin, CHAPTER V world would I huve confessed oth- tiff .. cfwiso. ooth to s OY, 1 had t he senViolet PI nk WIIS granted a divorce IN THE BIC TENT h t ' . ution of boundless weal h I fro m Benja min Plenk and was g iven To the bidding of o~cb e· Ttll mu~~ s I'Thllt is good. Shall we walk a custody of her children. Defendant There "'as no trace of the round women nnd m n (~I " h 9: S ull . '1' tl ft A d her> you plny~ol'(le . t'on their hen d s IInthclg)nr~ d ' in tb'I I Ir It e' We n stenped w ., apor t from the wns ol'd cred to PIlY $8 per week fol' ... conVCl'sn 1 hl'rl \'n' mlJutn COII"- ·herc.;' faced man., ond a Sh 0 "" with tho clerk con\'inned . me f th lind mon toge er w .. "Wh" I follow the suppor t of said children. sllmnesa of the chance t.o 1'I'cover my I • so [hilt . th 600; trembled to lh\) ~~~el~~~' of Jim~n i~li :o~YI~se, a nd Hallie M. nm p. E nid P. Von Mert 0 1 bOlTowed 20 from b Ol heels . h ' 'th But to!' and Mnry E . Probasco were mnde mn trunk a8 security until tt d thiokly over t he int.er1 intend thtlt YO U S an t, el . or. f 't defell"allt- I'll t .... ellse of Gcor"e G. . PI~mP~"lt~ h ,... • ca ere £ YOU must pIny for t il sport 0 I . ,, ~ .. ~ .. I could heAr from hon1l". .. "('ning spuce there wcr.e t.ga:ellsu~'_ Evcrybod¥ s rime , in Benton." Perriile v . Abt' I>robllsco, tl f every e~cn~, 10 ~n or " 0 I Judg , madam ." 1 Ul! ented. Holen E. WilliullI ~O Il "'II" given the When I stepped ublde t\.Ylhght b nee had deepened into dU!'ol< the (Il l' wru; rou~clcd by groul1s looking "U nder your ehapcron uge I um rca· custody of Robert orroli William. 1 k . k th .. mi g table almQet frosty nnd this mllin street plaYing T'h ' h t.he ntmosphere blue witlt (Y. tu lu e any 1'1 8 , ~, ,,a n 80n, 7 year~ of age. h ad been made gariSh by the nightly rout . of t helll I elng among the least. . ·AI>prllisemcllt. was made on !tho smo c.os~ume 'e. womden,as n~fnI . "Pr()ttil y enid, trir," she compli- Abe Prol'asco estate a nd returned at . illumination. :All up and · down the strftot , . coal- the lavishly I ? r a b~l\ , 'nienLed. . U oil torchcs or flambeaus, ,r uddlly 11\- Rtrollcd, rlskmg or respondIng to galF rankily Hl BU Y I atrutted- as a $37,0 00, bossing the heads ?f lhe .pluyel's. !I~d lanlTles. Y li n' man wlit when "fortified" and D f ndnnt huving filed a petition onlookers, flared .lIke voti~'e b~:lol( ~.!c Then as I aUvanced · resolutel:( 'clova1etl {rORI the $Iation of nonde- to r emove the (!lIse of Harold Truitt me above the opcn-llJr gambbn Il · among the gnming t ables, I felt 8 script stranger t othot of favored vs. the Baltimore and Ohio Railrond , The noise of the dar ha rc o~ b- cuff upon t he shoulders and heard a beau. to a higher cour t or dered thllt said My Lady mode no mention ot any case be r emoved to the District led. To the exclamations, the rlot- bluff voice in 'my cur. ous shouts ond whoops, the harangu S "Hello. old. hoss ! How nre tricks husband, whi llh might hu\'e been odd Court of the United lutes fol' t he of the bark rs, lind now nnd t~el~ nII by this lime?" in the Enst but did not imprcss me Western Division of the outhern revo~ve! .!hot, th10re had.b !l Facing about quickly I sow Jim of as cspelliaU}' odd here in the dem,o- District of Ohio. , the tnClt mg . mus c ~f strlD~e inS f!l- !.he railwav coach frocos. crnuc Far West. The wOmen apHe was' Ilrinning nffably, npTl~ar- Ileared to hnve on independence of Court ordered that Vernia Wurdmen ts, cymbals and. IIUlc h-'--llh~\me,lD dllnce melli ures. soml' 600! w I e 1m- 'ntl nono t he worse for WOOl' save a aclio n. ' . low pay $6 alimony pel' week to "ShoJI we risk a play or ~o?" ber Wardlow. . mediately at hand eOUl\dca the shu!- e y The state withdrew prosecutio n she proposed. "Are you acquainted with three·cllrd monte?" against Grant Newmon. "Indifferently, manum," said 1. Id a Hopkins was gr\lnted a di"But I am green at all gambling de- vorce from Rolla V. Hopkins and she 'ices." "You shall learn," she encourag- was r estored to her maiden name of ed lightly. "In Benton as in Rom.e, Ida Skidmore. Plaintiff receives the know! Are you ' d ~po8ed to wIn real estate desc:ribed in her petition. game and fiout th" danger I n the case of Minnie M. Nunlist
1.00\1'1"1'. Z:..oo K'I I ! I 13e.T 't<Pt -A 'N',
I ..,."'" t(" e.
d:· d
cd t
A.N.I~nUrlfu=dthe~==============~============================== am 1" in Benton to win," I val- _~w~ plaintift' entitled to alimony amount := a88erted. .· Ing to $3 per week, John M, Parkhill. H.r _mall •• rm A.,.,I ac'." conducted me to the nearest Elzie Frazier was granted a diEdward C. Meer and Griest E. .0' " unr.6., •• dly min., lor ( ... . monte game, where Throckmorton, executors of the esnot"sp'ieler"--a more than VOl'ce from Lillin Frazier. smooth-faced lad of the mo~.,,'_ Alto." II.r ,,,.,. . . .. I)ineteen-satbehind bia ' three-Jegtate of Celinda Griest, Illed their • fl" . lln . _l_m_n' 01 ged little table. A handsome boy he NEW SUITS' account. Iy • ••• n 01 Intlm.te. was, The Western Re!erve National O. J, Conover, administrator of "How goes it . to-night, Bob?" Ban k , 0 f Warren, Oh'10, VII. Step h en the estate of Martha M.. Irvin, filed I "Slow. There's no nerve or mon- S. Thomas, for Imoncy only, amount- his inventory and appraIsement. oy 1n this camp any more." Harry L. Darmody was appointed E.rIY for Your S.I. W. Cu.r.nt •• "I'I not have Benton slandered." claimed, $1495 .~1 3 with Interest. administrator of the estate of JasMartin Stepp vs. (da Stepp., for di- per Hudson Lamb. My Lady gaily retorted, "We'll S.ti.f.....ion or Ch.rl. Nofhinl. buck your game, Bob. But you must vOrce on grounds of extreme c.r uelty. Mar \' E. Probasco waa appointed be on UI. 'Will you play for a H. Terwillegar. vs. Jas. W. Hoppes, administratrix of the e8~te of Abe ' she challenged. for money only, amount claimed, t. "I'll play for two bits, to-night;. $260 with interest. . Probasco. Edmon Stewart, S. Anything to lltart action." , . Shawhan and George G. PelTine Phpn. No.2 Phon_ No. 321' She fumbled at her reticule, but PROBAT~ PROCEEDINCS were appointed oppralaera. • _ _ _ _- - - - - - ; . . . . - - - - - - - - - I wal! beforehand. . J. W. De.vitt and Elizabeth .Bally Proof of publication of. appolnt- executors of the estate of Angeline IINo, no." And I fiBbed Into my pocket. "Allow me. I will furnish ment of Hetna Laymon, as adminiB- F. Devitt, rued their .first and final the funds if you will do the playing," trator of the e91~te of James E. Led account. township. "Wpeallrtn ,.. e8!.e'l·ctol·nSs.,~nted, "If you say ford, wal filed. Court ordered that property of the Fred G., and Fanny Rickard to 10. -o.__ p ' 01 slilZ:hUy swtlUen lower lip. •• CI..1 Wh" M b M Irw' b Id H St tb k "2 60 f ...... "{'Shake," he profiered, We won. a dollar and moved off. Y'le ItaCre, guardIan of the estate of art a . In e so Frank . ro e'C:, .... aerea 0 at Benton planly had begun his hand .. "No hard f~eUnpth' 1 was conscious that the youth'~ cstate of Woodrow Whitacre, Illed for cash. land in Franklin Tp. with.. guato ,:l 'm no Inlun. You knocked e brown eyes briefiy llicked after .us fourth account. ' Howard W. Ivins, executor ot t he Frank H. and Lena B, Strodtbeck It ~d 'ODeI blood. It called - eye out 0 me.'" • .. ' with a peculiar glint. ' Geo. E .. Fryburger. admJnistrator estate. of Alice Steele, filed h~ firat to Fred G.- and Fanny Rickard, 169.~ It ODed with such a promis<! of I shook hanm with ,hlm., Hardly We found Jim, a winner at anoth- ot the estate of Emma L. Fryberger, nnd final account. · 65 acrcs of land in Franklin Tp. FUNERAL ~IRECTORS ..::::;nof adventure of flo tsam' aDd knowed you jn , that new Tig," be er monte game. IIled his inventory and appraisement. Proof of publication of the apWlY!. Johnson to Perry D. LawWAYNESVILLE. OHIO jebam ailli IIhuttlecock of chance., went on. . I/N~wi l',ou're tillkin~. ~t I'The queen 1& your card," cried The will of Marshall Ward was pointment of Frederick G. and .Wm. son, 1 town lot in Springboro. that 1 a youtb with twenty-one dol- I~ se~~.. T!I'a ll along wiUl !De,. Le~," the spieler. "My hand against ypur filed " Wittlinger, as administrators of the A. J. aughes and Nancy ,Hughes ' d b If t dlaposal a ll hIs hkkerl' eyea. You are set? There you a r e . ' . Fr k lara aD a • a " t "Another tline sir '''' 1 begged olf. Don't be piket'll. Let U 8 have a lItCourt aut horIzed t he sale of !Itock estate of Frederick Wittlinger was to Roy Roach, tract No.9 in a]lFully Equipped for Good doth. on his baok. man'a weap~n. a , , ·thl·. eventIe ' spopt. Stake a' dolla~. Why ' of the estate of John H. Boldin. fllcd. lin Tp. bit belt, and an appointment Wlth .o "I have an engagement h I I ta b I . Service. ladi u well a, his future, fprgettul ing-" you'd tosa a dollar down your thrQat Mnttie B. ShIfflett, guardian of T e sa e of rea es te e onglng Large Display Room. of 'hill put and courageous in pres"0' course l,0u have. Don't I - you'd .lay a donar on a cockroach Helen Shifflett, filed her fourth ac· to the estate of. Les!ie E. Kh;klin was COMMISSIOlolE'RS'- ALL-GWANCE.S Ambulance Service +-nde conflde.ntly ,even reckknow that, tooT' DiJ!n't she tt!ll .race/' .,'. coU'nl. eonfirmed. ill' eDt, II for you • With a mu ttcre d "I'U go you an-Mary R. Osborne. care of W lam 'rE'....... PDHONB 7 II&Y leasly w., down, as eager as o.n e to .L .. ,e to k eep my eyell 8k'nned 1 The will of ;r. M. Hakes was ad_____ .. OR N.na'"' ~ •• to co~ton on to you when you !!omc other turn, Mister," Jim planked MARRI~CE LICENSES Osbpl'ne, $6; W: N. Thompson, pay- ' ...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......: mannera of the country born. roll, $48 0; Penn Morton, wary, $70; There "'U no need for .me to lD- in? We'll find heT after we likker down a dollal' and faced up the mitted to ,~'prob~~te. Ralph E. Hakes aup. " was appointed. e'lCecutor and Illed apJ ames ' H . SI II1pson, saI esman., 0 f J Ames F 9IIen, saI ary, $16 ; Th omall. J quire .:my · r.way to the try,~ng p,.lceo queen 0f h ea.... • ..,. 1 saw a large' canvu slgn- The " She did?" . "The mo'n ey'" YOUt'll, You never plication for ' appraise'rs. Cincinnati, and .Alice E. Shriver, Reese, funeral e XJIenses, $100; Wal"Why no t? Ain't. I a ~leJld . of en.Tned"a dollar quioker, ,I'll wager, Eva Hormell was oppointed ad- comptometer . operator, of, Fosters. dron C. Gilmour, inquest, $28.20; Bi2 Tent"-eUl,1?ended in tbe full abme of a locomotive reflector. Be- hern? You betl '~nes~ hUle WOb ~rlend, t he dealer ' ackhowledged, ministratrix.' of the estate of Selinda E. Edward Ranch, ' merchant, of Cincinnati Cordage and Paper Co., ' :neath it the people were streaming man .1D .Benton. Trail to the troug Imperturbable. M. Thayer. , Dayton, and Ruby Ethel Wilh'elm, . I' -19 Th ' V Uey Telephone into the wide entrance t o a great a10rig with .me, paruner, and name From ~ehlnd tl)e dealer a man The will o£ E:mma Welch Will!' ad"upp lea,... ; e a , , . e-······h··.,··· ....• . .. a·· · . , '. vou· favor-Ite." . touched hIm tbe shoulder. He . of Springboro. . Co., tolls', $27.10; The J. W. Lingo II' • ' d turne~ e!lt:'; w Ie he inclined farther, mitted to .... "rob8Ite. aan:" Ch arI es Sh umar d, pa Inte r, 0f Hd we C0., supp) le8, . -2 '7 ; Me talli c canvas Once.IIac1'08ll ' the threshold. I lialt- J .: "I'd rather not drin~, "1 "essay~. --.J M. Welch •.• " 0 'conDIe you'll drmklhe lIald. they whispered together, and I wit- wa~ appointed executor and' A. C. Franklin, and Lorraine ,lit. Shick, Equipment Co., 1\le cue, $229.60;' :.. _ _ _ _ __ e d taklln all "back by the hub ·bub " a~d the 'keleidoacople spectacle tbat "~ny ~~mt, .,I. ax to dr\J\k . hu got to nessed ~h arm steal swiftly forwar!i Vall, T. E. Barn,hart and W. a. Bcr- maid,' of Franklin. Scofield Grocery, supplies, '6; Mc- LOANS on ChattellJ,Stocka, Seeurl. b t , on my ean and. eye8 drmkl Name your pI zen- make it at my Side, and a 'thumb and finger ger' were ,apPOinted appraisers. Edwa.r d Y. Adams, 'of Maineville, Getchin's Pharmacy, drop, ;,1.60; ~I...lid Second Morteacu. No", ot paneled boards. teem- chainpagM, of that's , y.our brand. slightly liend up t.he extreme corner Howard W . Ivins was appointed and Elsie I. Innis, of G. Lederman. , lIuppliea, ts.30; bought. John Hal'blne Jr. .. ioar with n:en 'Women and c)l.UdretJ. But t he drinks arc on me." . '" of Ute queen. guardian' of Gl,mn A. Herbllt, BerEdwin Sherwood, .oil station man- Presa; envelopes, $20; Walter V"r- Ohio ' Along: 'one liide there wall an orna~e SI! 'willy-nilly I WIIS brought to tlie The hand and arm vanished! when nard V, Herbst, Mary A. Herbst, Bet- ager, of Middleto,:wn, and Ida L. ner, bridge repairs, $4.80; Harla'n' . -m80.'II. bar "littering with cut glass and s.t!- bar", . ou the dealer fronted .U/l agam . the tie J. Herbst an . d Joe M. Herbst, ml- F k f Leba' 0 • Wh'ta b 'd ir -962' Ed ver :nd backed by a' large plate nilI'· Straight Il'ood~ and the. bes~ y queen was apparently Just as before. nors. Ben YQumg Doan Braek"ey uRn, 0 ' d Stn n. fi lib ' f W lore, n ge repa , •. , . have i\'ot" my pIlot · blared. 'None Only we who had seen would have ' ,. aymon alT, n s er, 0 ay- en Terry, pay roll, $28.90; P. B. • • '0' YO\lr agency wb~ky, either. What's marked the bent corner. and Cha~lea Bla·c klord were apPoInt- nesville, ' and Emma Margaret Cum- M.once, same, $4~.30; Harlan Whit- Farmn-a of W ..rren .nel .clJolnln. )'ourn?" he asked of me. " . Tttc act had been 80 'clever and ed apPl'8!sers of the estate. mins, of Springboro. ' acre, IIIlme, $44.76; .D. W. Taylor, h I I "The same as yours, sir, :( brave- 80 audacious that I fairly held my AppraIsement of the el!tate 01 Miley Powell farmer of Oregonia repair work, $4. 6; The Standard Oil countl .. rna,. 0 ta n monl,.. on 011, ly r eplied. . brenth. But t he gambler resumed Catherine M. Hllrbaugh wu .confirm- and Helen Guthrie of Franklin Go ., gal and oil: $24.81; The prego. time loanl; lit 6 per .eel!t Internt. We drank. The . stuff may have his flow of talk; while he fingered ed .ond real estute was ordered 80ld " nia Bridge Co.,' suppliell for grader, C<>8t of .ecurln. the umll. verJ reabeen fiery pure;way . at least stout andd the ns iftampered totally un~ware that praised for cashvalue at not less than the apREAL ESTATE TRANSFERS $4.50; Leb'ailon Garage and eonabl. ,through . The Federal cut downIt was my vnwontc theycnrds had been WIth. "'- Welding M th.roat; the one drought infused me Bis nudie!lce hesitated, as if fearThe 1\rst ~d final account of J . A. Reed to John Hines, 1 tow.n Co., repair work, 76c; ... rank . In- Bank. For fur~her Information- eat-=- _ With a swagger and a Budden rosy f ul of n trIck, for the bent corner S ' 1\ .' "in Morrow. nick, labor, $1.60; Robe'~ Reichel, on 01' .ddrelll M. C. DRAKE, T,.... ' view of life throug temporary ml.et of t he queen, raising t bis end a little, • founts ~admmlst.r.tor of the esMarion and Edna Laraon to Robert gas and 011, '$ 21.10 ; Fred ~tiider, urer. pho)1e 818-X. Lebanon, Ohio. of watering eyes. . , was plnin to us who knew. It was tate of Ella B. DaVIS was approved, .co,al oil, $1.20; Cook and Swene" , We wended a leisurely way among absurdly plain. allowed and confirmed. J. Fitzgerald,. 13 acrell of land in gravel, $106.76; Harry H'all, gravel, J jm, a teamster stllnding by and The second and final account of Clear!lreek Tp. $2.63; The Cuparia Stone Co., atone LOST gam es of if)finit~ variety a nd hod by Charles W .Long to J~8IIie C• .Snl- $15,49; Frank Ma~g, stone, 760; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......-:':"_..... no llIesn~ completed the toqr when I Iltged by the Lady, 'put dQwn $2 Fred Addis, administrator of the eswe met My Laily. • She detac~~d her- each.. . tate of Mary Ann Addis; was ap- del', 10~ acres O,! land iq .OIear orellk Fred, Snider, pay roll, ',418.70; S • , townshIp. . E C 1 $97 86 V W T LOST-Horse Blanli~t, between Joe or CDune: )'011 ..ill sclf, as If cogmzllnt .of our ' ap.- "Glme me a chance, gentlemen," proved allowed and confirmed proach, fro!ll a little group .of four said t~e spiele.l'. I , shall n~t proTh!! ' first and .flnal account ~f El- • Louella Gallaher . .and . Mary E. ki ut er, 8a.e, 6 O· Ifmp Tinney's and th~ Wemb borne. C\1N y our meat thi. eo...,., wltb'Smoktd or jive, and turned ~or.me With hand ceed WIth the play for that pIcayune izabeth Watt;' executor of the estate Stowe to John ~. Wtlson, 112.26 acres ns, sa:::'ao~l E~; T lI. Co Ins,. Finder please leave I't 'Gazette ;Qf6aJt. It wiU u ve outstretched, a gratlfymg flush uP. o n sum before . me. You wouldn't f tIT'll' R L F of land iii ' Franklin Tp . same,.,. . en erty, · same, flee. .",1 oIl1:inaae,labor. flfc risk and worry. I t her spirited foce . . '. . unless you felt cock-sure of winning. 0 , .1 l~m . e ever, was J h d H tt· I t J h $169.70; A. T. Rettig, same, fl61; .. UI III.v e you better "Yo u al'e here, then?" she greet- I'll give you one minute, gentlemen, cd, allowed and confirme.d.. • . oscp an , e Ie ... e 0 0 ~ Joe W. Davia, same, $180.90. ': Ilavor and perfect ed. be~ore calling all bets off unleBS you The first, .,na. and dlstrJUtlve Llchtle, 4 town Iota In " .o ster Park. _ _ _ _ __ CW'e. But be . ure WANTED I mode a leg, with my best bo~, make the pot worth While." ' . count of . Charles M. Fitts, adminillJoseph F. and Clara M. Shinkle to to Itt the orlalna1 8DdICDWaC not omitting to remove hat snd CIThe t hreat had elfect. 'Nobody trator of the estate of Alice B. Nills Wm, .,D. Fortlage, ..05 town acre. in SHE WASN'T, CEOCRAPHIC.u. FOR SALE--Drooder Itov.e : S. D. gnr, while. agreeably conscious of wished to let the marked cnrd get were approved, l~l\owed and eonfirn\~ Hamilton Tp. . Old C 1 d' M "Ah Henkle, phone 69F6, WaynelViUe, O. her app rovllig gaze, away. That was not human nature. ed John Jorgensen to M. J. and FTe-. 0 ore am mywants R. D, 6. , .m9 "I ,~m here. ·madam, In t he Big Bets ra}ned upon the table--ban~ The sixth and final account of da Fonders.m ith, 1 . town lot in SPring ticket fo' Florence." , . ,, Tent! notes, sliver, half dollara, the r01'er N . ' B Ifl k dl f _ nk bol'O . . ' Ticket Agent (after ten minutes WANTED-Wuhings to do. lin. 0 d6~!! Ber smoll w~rm acted is ii dollar ' coins, !lnd the com!11on green- H~nkD1e • c SI, guadr, aalnlowe W~ldro~ ' C. and Clara E. Gilmour of wearilyj thulnbhlg over railroad OhlLawrence S.hepherd, WayneaVllle, for the moment backs. ' . IC s, was app;rove .n d rl ' . u nreservedly mme, hand About her there was a tingling ele· "'this is the last round, gentle- confi~ed. , ~.() 9harles ~. Darghty, 1 town lot guideli)-' Where ill Florence, mado. m. , Tbc ....y meet ..tt thllt II •• ,cod for table ment of the friendly, even of t he men," the spieler reminded. "Are · The second Ilccount of Wm. M. In Lebanon. am1" . . u8e •• for curinl m eat. Smell it. Taite i t. you con t.ell It .t ont:e from .olt that b •• Chester A. C.mpbeU to Clarence Old Colored MammY-"Settin' ill'timate. you all in? You" he said directed Byers executor.of the estate of Geo. FOR SAU ...... m lDd with pyrol'-"eauaocld.,.. Dthu "You got your outllt, I see," sh!l to me "Are you in such ~hort cir. K. B~ers. WQII approved, allowed . and F . .BuergeJ,'meier, 77.26 acres 'Of land over dar on de bench, suhl" . ~CI'OU' ~emica4. . ' sm,i,led. " cumstoncea that you have no .spunk? conllrmed; . in Washington Tp. . . • ~ FOR S~LE-2 . cow., one fruh wt~ w. bAft It. Pacftd hi tcrJ pow><! W\IIIIoI The 'first and final account ' of . Fred and Kate· Richards to Horace . 11 b h ' Id • Id . Yes. Am ( cOlTect? Why, the stokes you. play would not ............teed ICDulne. " You have saved yourself annoy- buy refreshments for the lady." Jo" n Hendrick administra' tor o(the' M. aall 2'7.68 8cretJ o~ lana in"West A FLAPPER I. KNOW ea ~ . ., er I e,· one -Y"1'-0 " ance. ' You'll do," she nodded. "Have Thai was too muchl I .n . ,. v, . ' Wa e 'T Jersey. Clarence RJe. . ·.m9 you played yet? . 'WIn, or lose?" by tweJlty-dollar note, and , deaf estat!! 'Of H~rmaln Hendrlckli, we apyn P· ' . Stockinp . .. ¥ING IS A'f' 'IJAND-,-Wb n ba "I did not come to play, madam," a quickly breathed ' "Wait" from proved, all<!wed and 'confirmed, Geor~e E. and Nellie B. Caml;'han Eyes n D a flew pump: no l said I. "Not at table ,that is," Lndy I planked it doWn before Geotge ;.W. Sine. was appointed ap. . ElVIra Apgar, .32 town acre In Clgaretts t;U\t 1\ 111 Iaqe' or Iilnall, 'ap~ bOM, 0 Whereupon I must bave returned her I3he' shou1d know, me for a man pralse-r of tlfe . estate of. Earl V. Clearcreek Tp. Words . 'n~lli1.... colDplete pump.. Watbe~ gaze 110 glowingly as to embarrass de~i8ion I ijerbat insane in place of Charles Rachel Mitchell to Charles Mitch. D" , .: rqbJ1er JI~eklk\ e~ ean on !J'BJ: , her.. Yet sh,e wns not displeased; '. 'There, lIil-/' .' 'ilid I. "I. am betting' Blac1/f~rd. A~rai8Crs report was ell, town lot in . Loveland. . Sh 1111 ce , ' b t th 1~ Bt>OnET-K CO.,' U~ W. IIala a.nd In th.at costu,!!e and with ·that tw~nty-.two a~ll.ars in ' 41l, which i, proved. Court ordered Coda Fred F'- Jackon to Joseph A. Jack ~ 11 e~b own, .· 11 I' : 'ke ' ~et, ¥.NIA,r HIO. . •. tf , Pho~. ' 2S IUl.Uor Btall courslog through my my Umlt to-nlglit." '. Herbl~ to sell tobe real 'elltate men106.75 acree of land in Wjlllh- name 8 rea y • ~~D :m ro. " 1(; . . ~ d ' t.. velDs I felt. equal to Bny retort. "You, sir,' 'and he addre8lled Jim. tI . d Th . I d d ington ' Tp FOB SA,1o>iE'-Te .ICe oa ."But ,you should play. You' "THey . al'll backing you. Wbi'ch do Il one .... . e sa ;e ~~ ma ,.e an ~on- : JuliUl .Marino to Wm . and hi a ' Subacrtbe for.'the IIlaiiiI G••tta. Ohl· O beeled Wayn~vilh. ?' you say 10 the queenT ' Lay your rmeu. ',..' . , •. e a I "I am prepared for all finger on heI''' WQII fl8llul1cL (or the convey Hodgson, 4.76 town acres In Weh- !!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!\'!!!!!!i!!~!!!!!~ , . JIm, did 110: ,. , " • K.: A:ttleaey, insane, to ington Tp. ' . . J ~!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!! , ."YlIu; afr, then." And he . hospital, . C. L. · Tervell to Clara Leavett "'---~-;;""!!!""---~~"'!'"i cd me. "Yoll are the beaviest Murphy, 0.18 tOwn acres in Frank: ter· SUPP081! 'you turn the ' card Tp. . ' yon-Ellelf and t h 9se other gen,tlemen. . Frank and Anna DlIlon' to Augua. My hand trembled. There lV'ere tUB and Mary Reese 2& acres of land 01' dollars. up~>n , the in Salem ·Tp. ' ",' ., ' ~ 1'.11 <I1e.'. IlI10 contrlbu"OD' .Frank Miller to ·Waiter and Pearl Botti, 1 town lot in' .Lebanon~' . ' John' Linder to OIHro'rif' and ZeIla MOlntsr')mElrY.. 63.60 '. ac:re8 of la,rld In
F. T. Martin Jesse·~tanley Auctioneer s
Centerv."IIe, 0 _ .New Burlington,O.
~ ---i:
'WaJte· McClur e
J E. McClure '
F A . , armers ttentlon
J. .
'Wapyesville Farmers' Exchaoge Co~pany
at_ W. ., W ... • ~ doc. If'" for
~d . .~
ADd taW. . "om----. No, . Ilnter.d at th. po.tomce at WaynelyWe, 0., ~ Second Olua ~ Matt. ". "on't 141 I~ • • .
~. Albert lin. Clint Gray Ia .Io",ly reeov.r. Famed London artist ~y.' EaeU.~ rrippe. . I III&' from an attack of the flu. D. L. CRANE, Ea1tor aDa p.a.ltd.r, Wa,...wm., OllIe girl'. Ia moat ped.ct ankl. W"r~ Beleli and Earl.., are both Mr. end Mrs. HOlllard Graham abpv• . luch . tblll&'l over Ii~. We on the .Iclt lilt. spent 'fu"day with relatives a~ LebSubscrl"t,ioq Pdce, ,1.110 per year. been Judclng kne" tor , two . Mrs. ·Myrtle COx hasn't been quite anon. f ' , .,: 'jll 1 ' (h' cr;rt,,~It,)C R"{JI.~rl1 ftLT\; · r JlOW. • • . • 80 weU the past welek. , Mr, and Mn. Chaliles E. ' Gordon II '~t:'· !/l t A, . Pfl ",C ;"'t\. -(!)1 J\1' lrl, N w v k I' tl to I' Mn Eva Graham and daulhter pl:lrchased tho Creawell proper, I Dayto h i ' ty on West J4,ain street e • or II arrell nl ae n n B _ I ditty plays--tr)ljnc to clean 'up. the enuce. were , n . n s opp n g." . . WEONESO~Y, -'MARCW2,' 1927 lltere, the audiences 1T0willl laraet Friday. • Mr. an4 Mrs, Howard ':-::=====;:.=r====================:=-=~'ha:t:IJ=~tvhle;y· time. If they want'to.",•.n4 )4n. " Bante, went 'flack to het f.amily : have ,moved Into the ~ not arrest the audience . ) . ,In Dayton. o~ llro.perty on the Avenue • primary-and put the men wanted In ' • • • ....-" " " " ,' 1 John lteanedJ•. of' Dayton. .HEAVY THINKINC ----, tbe desired ~lBeea. Ho......."r, Eqlbll 4ea~t aa,.. we abGII14 ... __ i-I... .~...~.- d . i d f t d L_" . the onier Gf 'Gur JlIM~ , _ .....n. _ _ • IOlIIe th. ",e.k.end with hla parente, H t t eavy, businesft wo.rryofeona d· 'rec~nt an e· waa nUno~ ra aa au w...... Inltaad o~" h.tt.... ,erllbll;! IlbQut the men tbo.ugh.ts o.ther , IOld _ 'fCOJr..• ~:~I~ri~l;;ia;f:rolll Qayt:on to 'linner; o.~ an!! '!Ifri', A. L .Kennedy. nlM. They suspect that others are Dloney d.ba\lCb,erle.l . • BI1IMI .~~~.: w~ Mr. ~nd Mn . . B~o.wn ,ent:artaln.'1 thinking alo ng "Bolshevist" 01' "Co.m know there ,Ia. ' ,'110 ....,.. around" ed Mr. and ' Mn., .Qeor,. Varnall Dlnaistic" lines, And, needless to they want tbe conventlen ' IYlltem ' S ' . ' . ,• • , fatIJ.Uy, o.f· payto'n" Sun,d a y. , ' suy a ll the heavy Does feel tbat the again. ~aanne Lenglen,. aalline fo.r other men have no right to do their One fact .the voten everywhere ~wn fTanee, aid ot A~eriean own thinking. sheuld never 10.18 light o.f ia that the they are uniformly' good 'UY~""'&-In the highly prosperDUS Butomo. direct primary system puta the Po.lIt- but seem a bit timId." We b:le industry, te.ns o.f thousands of Ical po.wer and contro.l In their o.wn onlo.n..-"t.hat th~ tennfa ra~~quI't .....orkers in Lansing Mich" are Idle hands-where it rl,htfully belongs, mightier than th" rolllne fifty.five days out of o.ne hundred,. One hundred an,d twenty millions o'f peeially In lI;1cq handa. And as in Lnnslng. sO. in ' Dther cities, peDple won't 10 liD very far ;wrDng- • • :--·.. Uncertai nty in emplo.yment breeds us compared to a handful of political Mn. Frank Rogers was talien . bitter discon~ent. Values in motDr boasea, thinking o.nly o.f pDwer, pelf her fracture bed lllst week. but stili Mr. and Mrs. Everett Villan and .'remains in avery weakened condi· 80.n. of Dayton, were Sunday gueats stocks soar, dividends incre~se, huge Jlod prDft~. Any state which thro.·ws out the tion: of their mo.ther, Mr8. Laqra ~hida. fortu r.es are' made and the men who. provide all the wo.rk__ nd a large primary system and returns to the The Lebanon Patrio.t ,h" a new Menn Therle ' JJones and lIfelvln ker. purt o.f the buying market are idle antiquated convention ·In nDminating correspendent. . Banta attended. th.e c~unty tourna· Mn. J. W. Clark was called to the worried and nngry, ·ftftycfive doy. i~ candidates ill taklnl a 8tep backo.ne hundred. That is what pro.due- wards. It any tinkerinl' Ia ' to be Glenn Davis and famUy ·were ment at Franklm. Friday and bedafde ef her fatber. William Sum'. ea Bolshevism and the "heavy" men do.ne with the primary . ~aw-:-Iet it be plnl' In Lebanon, Friday attemoon. urelay. ner, at Wnmln~on, early 'thls week, should think it Dver. to e;ctend the iib~...ct primary law to Geerge Vall "nd K. E. Thompson .. Mr, and Mn. Hl,rry McGinnis. He passed away Friday ,"omln&,. Wha:t does the heuvy business man the general electiej10 Under such wera In Xenia and Wilmingtor., on Waynesville, were . dinner guesta of The friends of Mr. and I Mn. W, . . Mr. and Mn. C, E. Jo.hns o.n Tuesday W. Coasum, nee Anne Dolter. deman(f , fo r himself'! He demands pla ~ .the party lA1iel i8 @andoned at Tuesday. sure, uninte aflah tbedl candl·t George Va U an d f amUy have mov· of last, y;eek. wl'll be ' •• .....atlfted to learn first of al.l, a steady, db . r· ' dthet top . of ~e d .dlIot t1i. '" . ~upte d t,cturn on h,16 capItal nn ul!· a es Iro.u~e ,un er \Ie , e~ . nrs 0 ed trom near Franklin to the Ed lIfn. M.abel WaIner and they are now Blfely on . mess skIll. If he cannot have these the respectIVe omc.s they seek. The J d f . of Middleto.wn splent several days h havi d rled Sha . las~ .week with 'her parents, I'll'. and Fe~~~ry l1~g epa . , ncthings. he 'wants to change the 10V- party desi&,nation Ia placed after the o.r an arm. ornment, thro.w out one president name of each !»ndldate, New EIII· Mrs. K .E. Thempson hu been Mrs. lIenry' Foulke. " The Co.mmunlty club has 'been and party-and put in anQther. The Il\nd etates, Call/ornla, Or-.on and quite Jloorly the Palt week; with face worker also demands steady, unin· Now Yo.rk have , ~do.pted I~nd find trouble again. . Mr. and Mn. K,ellier Graham and very fortunate In securing Pro.feBBOr tcrrupted return for his mechanical that It wo.rkll well. Th T U f 11 . • t daughter, Bernice, visited lIfr. and an.d 1'11'/1 Pyle o.f Wilmington C:Ol. akill,' strength and time, Stupid in· Instead of l'tti.~g. a rraftinl po- the ~cMilla~ t:~ ~n ~!...,r:::~:eeko !'dn. Herman Albright and baby 189n lege, for' the ;rogram of their nen du"try and short-sighted high tinance Utical bOA wrecking .crew wotk on Cllnt!)D county. ' In ' Dllytpn, Sunday.. 'Peeting. IIarch 9. Proteaeol' Pyle Mias Edith ~I will remain here Wi~ Ipeu o.n '!lapetlam and EJeerefuses the worker 'What it d,emandll the primary-why f10t put a CODlltr~c: .. and geta fQr itself. tion gane on the joti? ~ben it won t The two. little Tolle pIa were tak- until the end' of the ~hool year and trie Phenolllenon,~ aild will ifllJllonWhy wait fo.r the intenaifying ot be man.., yean until th. old-time rot- en into the M. E. church ~ at Olive Ia now mylng at the 'hoqle of 111'. .ate bls lecture. lin• . Pyle .wUJ claas bltternes. to a dan&,eroUi ex· ten boa III u utln.e t ·u t!le~dodo. B1'I!'c:h, ~unday. and Mrs. Clyde ·Wharton. read and line. All men are aqed tent beto.re flndlna' a way of regu]a• - • Harold .day, ",Ite and IOn, .A]. Mias ClarabeJl Hunt and ~l friend to be preaent. tlng Indulltry and empleyment. With Uae, don't make, mlataJteL were , Sunday dinner peate of 0 --III 11 h ' ' ' ' .. Indu.trial wo.rken o.n one hand. feel· eeasful people ret there on reJatlvea. , f~om edanu e CIO, ~re, ~pent t e The','1Iaptlat MlaBlonary Circle m,. inl aa they do the fartner on the oth· people'lI. we.k-el.l:d with the tormer a p.arenta. Wednesday afternoon at the home ot er hand-haVing plenty of :work.....:...but ' ••• • . K. E. , Th9mplOn and II. , II. Tel'. lfIr. and III"I!. R. C. HUnt. . lIfn~ Laura ShlGaker., ,a nd M1'!Io llano Just return (unleas he do.e'. &,et Well, .pria' Ia 'ear. Tile r ... rer ry atttftJded th, Chul.. W. IInla Mr. and Mrs. Ru..lIeU Burnett. MIaB Gra1iam with Mrs. A. S, CoDett farm re~lef)-do.n·t YDU think .it i. robgh fBI hopk, hoplt, ho.pkia' a.lo&" we at RldcYille, ~day. ,and ~It.. Melvina Stae7, Mrs. ,C lint Cleaver ...~nt hOIabout time Mr .Heavy Busineas Man alDI. , K. E. TbolllplOn IJI8tlt a funel ..l of lin, Sarah , The me,ti~. wu ealledol'~ should rea1l1e tha't be can't grab It ,. • • •\ '. daYI JUt week at Franklin, at 8prinCbon:I, Th.u nday. \)y the prelident, who auo all-and aet away with it for alway&. Finding Itran,. hairplnl in hub- boro, 1101)_ and Red Lloa. "a__ c' .......-rlea. ("'ark Frank Ro"'devotlonL d Ad frrtoaat,., d¥! ~f . - - - ,v... Jl. • "as H. ateC. n eGillam, , £ he ..c:. b·.. - - -, - - .. ~ • au to Ien ' t as common th e.. d aya 1. Lee 'Talmare, "tte 'and IOn, and B. )4. Clark attended the u.~,U:NHI. THE SHOE PINCHES -which lI)ay account for ,the oricin ·Lebanon. were Sunda.., of Calvinl WWlamlOD, at whic~ WU ,· . ICCtIPUld; 1 ot Ilr. and Mr.. Ii... J. churcli. Thlll.n day afternoo.n, Doster and pop,!larity o.f the bob. , . . Yo.ur hard·bolled political bOasea' , ••• ·A tamU, by the .nlime 'of Carter, Woodrow i..-ia w.. ~ndered a ~verywhere are dndinl a sho.e on the Here s hopJng the Fed~ral Radio from nod411• have moved 'into the aurpriae l"rlday ,venlil&' by IRllndlilU intertllluid fo.ot :whlch ·..,lnc:1\ea even more than co.mqllaBlon will have at lea¢' To.m CoufDII hoUII OD Flat' Fork. . cluh at, the home of ' ilia they thought it wu "collll to. It Ia loud .s peaker who will tell the ' , ,.. . If., d}ll CIa' d Le,n the Direct Prlman. And now. af. tru.t where ' it pt. on.....nd off. Vft1!.on IllnnleJti and family' ~.e .,r ¥, " ~ u ~ ., IicloUa tel' a "reaso.nllble length ot time," ' . • • moved' from tl1e Shllllk place' W the aad Kn; Hlln., BUI'IIett;· of ealte, cocoa and maple subtle propaga~da-and 'even bmen "Tax" Gulnaft, f.moul New Cliff. ·Vanhorn place near OreroniL in comlllDJ with Mr. and ,by the boat.ML The direct methods are bel,nl adoptejl by n~ht club prop...eto.... and . AH and lila Han~~ Walter Itenriellt', attend.!! the It. ·; oll be Karch ~~rd, ' boasea in many statu to repe.1 the ~mpl~ . IIcPhenon. 1M ' a ~ a~riae ~ banlluetat ~lVayn~vUl~, We~. MrBi Jr.; IL ' Oab.o m. primary Jaw.--and CO back to the old "\'amp In Veatmenta," lieu F • .....,.. Tileadar eV.Dine. ,,' 1,l0BII:~dde" a~d ~con·tro.Ued con· enracemente at 'each *p~ :Mrs. J R Yent,oll Iystem. " in GOtham lut week-4tunt ~UIa. ~e and aon, ot at ~elr tio~~e ~n Tuadlav ::C_.lrlalaILivI!II .P0.1lticalbgaB8I tho.udlt f "a·· way which even the ~famoua old noon .. c:allera a~er~. s~~ of ~ast we,,~:, th~ 1'011111 n . .,. """"'would be 'found" tp . get around tha 'could not fl~d 1.~It. htl.... · were in ~I' r~ent pla.y, and .. ,. o{ their Ir.!el~u. ..' .1;]011;" E. C: lIallno.n .and famil" of near ' and Mr8.- i~ll1le. ~as" o.f ,Willntl\CtOn, 8Ime down and . . . 1" -v4H1ilu'l ' L Sunday" afternQOn with the arrj.ved b.r. Konday ..' p,tdea. mUlle and tbil17 . ' ·l"rs. ~arry Sandwleb", coffee. TuelJday to lIieet'ibelr eandy ' and popcorn ,.rere aervecl. • '. SlIylor. and lIfrs. Henry Om'd ort, Mr. ~ . 'Kra, Carl Dukel m~k,a freqUlllt and Mrs. barr Ollborn and fa1:~ reprdl.. ot the ~Ita to , Harveysbuq ' to help eare Hr. and Mn. 'P. M. Oabom and , .. . _ .'" ,...' , fOA' ber fat,her".N.atl14~. ,who has G]enna. lin; R. H, . ~effe~ and RiY. Ed Bopn.and Wlte, of Spring. brpk,n lilll\».. ~dl, her Kf,rk, ~n•. A. ~ ~enney and dau&'ll'TWO SIDES:-BOTH NEED ATTENTION Yaney, C!fD1e over and .pent 'Monday, \who 'iI quite ill t:1Ua . tIm~. tel', Mn. K~rl Shidaker .n.~ family, .' . • < • Mrs. 1. H. ~opn lind fa~ily, Jrln. ," afternoon with MI'., BOIan~. lIIother : The trouble Ia: . are equaDy dlaaatrouL r~' and brother at WeUinan. ' , . •, b ill'. ~adleon C'ram and famll~ Truman GlUam apd James, Mr. and We don't ' have time. ThOll who do become ahaUowand " ' .' . ' . , '~ '. "",oved neaFr !31~th )!.edbanf_~I~t weel lIfn. Charl" Rudduck and family, .. ~.. ," I " ~Ilbui; . o.u .... ~I. "e' ....... . m.oved Harry ,arid WhIston' ClIne. ·\ Do~hea We donlt.have time to ret ac:q\lalnt cold, ,ed wIth tho.se who live around UII and "l\nd · he wl1ol11 IOu! Ia ftat---the '. ~. D ~roiii soutli. ot WlayneaVilla ' to ' tHe anil Virginia llaVll..-'Oeeh 'and Ray, lJJt , ~rK~all ' f~rm~ ~7aeated by the mond Eakina, J,ohn 'Tueier' and LI~ we "'Dn'~ have time to get acqualn~d r Will eave' ln oD hllll by and. 'w ith oune~ves, , , . . ~e t~l~g we ileeif !Dqat . ",noma; . , : ' Campbell. Ju.~· keeiling the machlnery of lite tim. Jto dutqo,ver QUrielyes, '. 'llfelviflll, Sitacy returned ,to " _ "'!' • going takes all our time. think our own thoueh~, ~e MIaB Uruna Brew •••pent' the' week ~er home in Dayto,n, Monday, after ON, i .. s 'TERMS with MIaB R'\lth ~n.'t; of 'London:, ..vem days' , vial~ , at ~ the hOllle of •__'_ __ . The two. IIldell ot oUf lIvea are ·the befo.re ' we have' to ' ·d~lde;.. material and the·· spiritual. ' . think betore ~ lIr. and Mrs: Ed ~old. of X.nla, her IOn,Alblrt ' S.~ey. IIIIa !C1eo We can , cave in on the Ipi.rltu~ ,time to ~ere Sunda.., &'Uelta Qf 'Mr. and Mnl Stacy aceo.mpanied her tor" an ·ex. IIlde easier than we "can o.n the :ma .. perso.n's IIhoea II C run tended visit. ' ~ terlal Iide. We are prepped 'up lo.n c:ond~n.atlon; time to ,""c 0 , ¥' , ~ , , -,J, ' • 'd ith I ted ' W . I '-'-"- t · :o:.Udh d''':' ) 'Rey. Clyde 0. , Wataon, of Wllmlng . The "J'at hunt;" end,!~ M~.ndaY· 1 .. h thJve at III w . and , ~n proplI: a';'"mafUrity. .....»o ell Time o,! fa, III '. ton, will ap-J.,.venin" . th t " he "'Re. , rI.oua. are lTeat Kent perfo.rmers. .to &, eat, , wa \ bave to ' paye ~f· ,,,ba~~weneed -.. a.•' the 'Frlen'da ch"-h ,"" " . Wi , u " 'v,ieto . for what we eat. THe ' earnest cred- moal'..ot aU. . ' , " next FrIday evenln, and abow slides Claude LewIS. ,capt~ There ",ere • - • of the llluion folb~bs .Afrlea; "~ 12.700 nta and mice ~ed ' ~y, both ito.r atid the imp<o.rtunate landlord • An" more than an.., of the.. ; aides. M.r. Lew alJid force WIll lOon docs our ateps. Life Ia real ,ana "life 'need ,.W vial! our own lOuIs, our , Thoae o.n,, th. licit. Ifat ~fa. I.... sen.d to II aumptuoUIJ aupper by la eaUieat ll ro:und tlie flnt of each of bflire In time. of \rooble. Incillde lin. Ne~' EDIkinon. &'e ' ''Bluea'' . with . Cljde Wharton, month. ' • , ) Sap llatth.~. A1"nold: ' lIi,fterva Blnscott, M.... norenea captain.' ,, ' , If we shirk ou.r relpoDIIlblliti~ on II ' • • • In Ita lonel.., llloonlia'llt, Toner Und.",Jod ~I'IIn. . '" .. tM.t alde o.f lite w,e come 'up .prh.t I ' the IO\¢ , , , . " ,Oxlel. Rev. Youn,: Ralph Ea. , Mr. asia .Mrs. Ilert , Bunnell _a Mn,"I; N. I(oore; :', '.. ". ta~Uy moved lut '"eek ' from bllrd actuality with a' bl\nJr, . Mater- i ~lIoun~ine .urroundd~ ana •• vi~n. afr.,. , , ' '" . I , • • .;... .'< i f1:lark's farm ~to a ' farml i1ear lallam Is no.t a t~eDry i It la an ~e. ,tuallty.. . " ." Cpld pt~hln&' put . It, crystal "aten , , ' ' Ball. 111'. and Mn. RalpJi Th.e con8equ~nce8 0.1 iJhirkin&,' on • roJJlI; " .' .,., • ,'" ,' , . moved to the C!ar}t farm ' thla weele. the ' other side of life;--the spiritual e visit It by momenta,l llh, too ' Smith~ and "famfi''lfrom oi'--':~ *Ot·'10 so~n :.ppal'8rit,l. ~"qh.y rar.... . '7,: bo.m;. will' 'occupy "I~hl!i' plaee' _ted " The 'lfth' 4\ommunlty aiIl' will Sy·.the .lohns''; < ' '. ' . held at. Fred Cole's J,arehllliae WaJl1uv,W., .Ohio, on , .
ht lore Dah1 CoWS to Work fot You ~ ~---..~ c.... ~arltet.d Direc't to Tr.l-S-...te
fttUiona ~-.tM .&ociUt:4I1' over 85% of the Cooaamer aJro~much ~ .haN than meat, tobacco,
other fann
'T h,e Tri-State ,P rice
March 1st·.·. , .' .' ........ Trll.
.,. .~.. ~, t
Se .. ,
Office-Amen .Bld,.
9 to 11 a. m,
Nallo. .' Baak BI•••
to 6 p. m, 7 to 9 p , m.
TelePhone •• Office. Realdence •
Or. Bell'~ Pine..T&r-f-Ioney Por Ooua:ha and Colds. .
Waynesville, Ohio
Come Take 'a Ride on Goodyear Balloon Tires
, 'I
I" il.pI ,*1I1t H
Phone 105:
PUbl'-Ie 5"a'I e. ' ·
,Beglrtnrni ' ,:I'.'.r.~,; '...~.. IJ.,o, 'at~ 1 'p.
Lumber for Every Purpose
Siding .0ak Floorip·g. ;Edge Grain .'
.·Flo.orjng, Fiilisaing ,L~mber , Porch :Mateihd . Front D,06rs' ' " , 'Cotta'ge' Windows Window Frames ' 'f
W,.ynel,ville; Ohio .
Mr.. '
, 1"
Wayn.esVille.\ M9tor CO.
Don't care 'if you .ron't, thinking of .buyin, ballOQnl• . That ian't the idea at:ali. We'd ju.t Ilke to have you for our pe.t on the Imoothut, ftoatin,ut ride you ever took on any tire.. ; Want to .how you. what r.-I balloon tire. arebig plllow. of air, caught in GOoClyear SVPERTWIST·'la.inll that ,Iteer 'nd hold ,~he road and wear lI~e a lolid. ' , ' CfU'" all cranked up and r'arin' to go. Give u. • ring, ..yin, when you'll be in or where we can pick yo~ up. Thank YOU. lir!
Eth In • huillr. :J m no by ,I. ( '. Ihiwkt'. . 1'1, CI. ·(1 (.R N'n en MPION . EVllreH Githl' n. , lUulttain pen, gJv· TIl foI Jowl"~ i8 • Ii t I f h "r~ on by ."1 ',, HIlNiWllt IItOl'C. Tb(' uepartme n f conlmerce In Pni jUltglnlf l'(ll1te~t J:"lv It ~w \\ lllh 'r c lure.. the r cenL trllde Bulleti n N o. 31, wln,,11II In th a lld t he prilea thllY won : WiIIIlI )1\ 'lIk-<:r~tl ll, I III ~Iye, tatislics (I ~how hilt th e Mr.. Mdb" urll • ",'th, Ii 'n f I \':flLLOW 0 1{ . rca c, Iotivon by A. F, Melloh. amnii lIut rlclI oounl·I'Y or Den mark I:!merso n Mason ~U8 in Dnyton . nllrb r~ MaMllllln }Jonl !.)lnr · 10 ' It - _ .. _ - - . , . . x por ted to' Eng lund uild Ger many F'rida'y.... 1\' 'n by 'J'It . alo n . In 1926, c108e to ·t wo hUndl'ed anti haln conlbinuiJun : ,1 ' t III' ds f b,·tt It Wllyn Ivlll Ov rlan d SahoH '~" F. M. Cole wall a buslnell! visItor \Valtl! l>a'rk . wit '0, l'IV 11 by J. un" &1)( y m \()n pOuq a " er. , in :Xen ia, Tue!!da)r.
Local Farm . Relief.
W. WhiW'R gTocery.
The m mb ra of tile 8ewtnc Ie, In c:onnllctlon wltb .4-11 work. Born- To Mr. and lttnI. Jones, Moliday, February ' 28, 1 !I~7 an IIll·day n"ethllf In the Gym, Tue.. , day, lIIurch 1. MIIIII Wattll. hum o a daughter. dom()nsl\'Iltion ag'Cllt or Warren '=:.i::r _ - - -. coun ty; WII at the mcetin p;. Mr. R. Mr. and Mrs. Charlc!! Shu Us were O. Bardell, frC)m the Ag rlcultul'lll .En dln nll r Ifueata of Mr, .and Mra. How· ginller ing achool, hio tut!! uni ver6:30 lmd 8:30 P. M . . sity I{u\'('. \1 d" '1101\~trllti.on on car ard Shuttfl. Sun ~BY. T he Highc~t in ' QlIa lity ,(j l nl1 v"rye : who Is atte ~d inl<' Mi- DlIII adjustment f ~ClWjllg 111aohlne$ E n! , l'tailllue nt ami-Jacoba bueinel!5 ollege, is , at 1 he III mb ~\'5 of t he clin ic bl'ou gh~ hom . ( 0 ' !I -( '" dnys, ill with g~iI,1Ile . their mach in 8 1I :1d undol' the ' suporIRio n of Mr. ., Barde n Look them WE APPRECIATE YOUR P~TRONA6E Mr. and U rs, W. S. Craham arriv- down , ,eleJ,lllc/l them, put them ed hOllle tliis morn ing fr om TexlIs, gethcr a ga in, readj usted and " " ,"'lIlD·' where they epent the Pllst two te~ them. '1.'hls 'organl zatio n is co ns idered by montha. the members to btl the most benefi-Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Hartso ck lind elul one in the community. famUy and IIfr. and Mrs. Carl · Smith 'T h01le present at th.e meeti ng parwer guests of !II,r l!. Alioe Maflitt took of a delightful lunch in the Ia a Sc:icDti6c Rem",. for all ca_ /lchool d ining room a t. the noo n hO\1r. , e' of Ecz;ema Po't9ald. SOc. Adand san, ' Wilbur, Friday evening. ' dr.. , It "was '8 late hour when the F. HAMILTON. Druaai,t, loft. Little UriaDl J ean Fife ·has r u Newpo!,. Ky, -,--. tur ned 'to her home in Wlltningtoll, II t l-1' a two·weeks visit with AN D TIME TO THINK IT OVER grllndmot,her, Mrs. Susan Wilkerson. "That's II good gag," exclailped th o r obber, (IS he stuffed his victim's Mr: Wallor MeCiur and Mr . and mouth. . Subscribe ' for th~ Miami Gllatte. Mrs.' JlInr es McClure nttenued t he dis t rict mecting of t he Ohio ' F unera l ___._.____ _____________________ Directors assoc iation lit Xenia, Mon· dny night..
7 wo Shows Daily
Thoul\'h t htl 1t[CNuTy-IJ aUgen bHI points out f urther that the whole outTy ' of Denmark ~ould be ' placed Jl)hn Fro~m and family visited in hilS be(ln " to e d~ f01,'metl! 0f '" IT arr 'n . Ullt)' will 1.r g iV('/1 all opportunity in one corner of Mther Ohio, Indiana Dayton over the -week· end. ' next w ck, to start a simpl!! 'sut of Dr Ken't\lck!{ UJld its entire populaI\lr. a nd Mr!). W alter Underwood IIc'c,)u n l~ 01,' reco nls of . expeuses o'ld tion is' on ly about threll und one-half 8p ~n t Sunday ;wit.h 'relatives In Barl' (' ill of tlie i~ far m, by \vhi ~h tlley million.. . . may. gJ' aUy increase thei r net. i aT)lI The farms in Denmark are email, veY"$yrg. income&. At ' 7 .:30 ,p. m., 1\fondny averaging cl08e to .30 ae.t:es each and Miss Ellen Smith. of Wilmington, ()'vIlllitlg, Marcl,t 7. 8 mcetinl,t will be thu Dllnes raise very lit tle feed; but helrl in he offi ce of ount y Agent they find it miglity proflt~ble and a visitell Waynesville .. friends . last CI1I8S, "Leban n, arid on Tuelluuy a f- sou rce of evcr-increalllng wealth to Thur sda y: t(.\ ~III1C)n, .Jlfnrch 8, n't 1 :15 p. m., in bring their hay, gra in . etc., f rom W.ill Daug,h ~ rll, of Columbus, vis· t Irtl Wl\y no TO'VllShil1 entrl\1i7,ed A me rica, {ced it to theiT CO'<VS and ~cho I. l.1'r. C. R A1'1Iold, farm ma n s 11 lheir butter suc ellsf ully In . t he ited Mrs. AlInn, Cadwall ader I n5~ ug n)ents lIPociulist, of Ohio Agt·icul· worlel nra.rket.s In competition wit. Th ursda y. ~urlll college, \~iIl is.t in lloth m et t he U. S. Butt .r produced .at the ·See our Now ISpring lin e o r Wall rry on ~, .. Ings. They WIll explnrn' how -to take ver y SOUI:ce of t he f eed. E urtber- Paper a t Mye r Hyman's--Prices are .Hyman. . rJI"'~; inventories nnd keep accounts in a mor~ t he Al)lerican ,f armer. selling reas onable. , 0, N ~imple and' conci.se manner, using his grain and nitrogen bearing haY8 C'uy ]Jock ·tt, $6 O)n a tlldjo nnt! 6 3 2-pag b'ooklct prepnrcd by the ru· off the farm is pu tting notliing back Se our New pring lin e of Wa ll I·al . co nomics deportment, 0 hio In the soil while t he . far·seeing Pupor a t Myer HYman'II-Prlces ure gal, o( gnB, gJ n by . . \ elloh , Mr. nnd Mrs. , Wilbur CII\1'k were Arthur wnrbtel, $1 (1n Savi ngs Agticul tur ul college, which has be~n Ounes ate Imilcling up their f arme r asonllble. In Limn . atu rdny und und ny, where by t hous{lnds of , f armers to ven high or productivity. account, glv n b y t he Wllynesville used lhey we re the g u ests of · their 80n·llINational bank. . throughout t~e state. The cow~ work 'for the Danes. By . MT. and [r~. Thoma:' Hurdin lind law nnd daughter, Mr. a nd Mrs. Frank GIthens. $1 In ca h, g iven • • caro ful breeding al)d. ·selection they Mrs. J oe T i nn el~ woro shOIJ ping in la ud e Riggs. by W. H. Maddan & CfI. get 800 pounds of butterfa t pcr cow Dayton, "fan day. Mr. nnd MI'8. Ben Champion lind ench yea~. You qan do better than Everett Githens, 1 in trade, given t he Dane. You live in the best couh· by A. K. Day. Mr. and Mrs. IF'. B. Henderson and g rllndson, of Dnytori , Mr. und Mrs. George Cook, Miami Ga.zette, givIm-ence Benyhlll WIIS pleasantly tr y in th e world- America, t he land Mrs. Kate Coleman were shopping in Elmer Roto p 'nnd fam ily, of Phone· torr, were Sunda y guests 'of M r. lin d Dayton, Tu esday. en by D. ·Ii. Crane. SUl'prlsed al; his farm sale j ust north of milk and honeyl. Mrs. Charles AndeJ'son an d fllmily. MIXED GORN of WayneS\,lIte la~t week, when Tho Danes in spite of co untless Muster Earl .F lfe, of Wil mi ngton, l'o'celved $800 more t ha n he ~ad an. eicperiments have never develcipec Mi88 'H ele~ Duke spent t he . pust Jel5S8 Mendellhall $1.60 C!llke, g\v- ticipnLcd It would amount til. F. T: t he manufacturing sys~em · to even is visiting his gra ndmother, Mrs. week·end in Columbus, t he guest of Martin and J esse Stanley conducted . pproach ..the efficiency and genoral Susan Wil kerson. en by Thompson's bakery. Prot and Mrs. Warner Merrill, and Elmer Planck, 1 tloz. glov 5, ~iven his sale. success of t he institution which has by Kroa er grocer-y_ . ' '. grown up ri~h with "tbe da iry indusMiss J ones, of South LebanQn, a ttended t he dinner nnd da nce gjven Morrl. Marlatt, In trade at D. try in our own aoctilln. There aro was rile week- '~nu ~ue8t of .Miss by .t he Gumma A IpJta frate rnity. no ten ' creamerloll in Denmark as Katherino F r omm. . . See My Special Diaplay 01 Chic and "Mr. and Mrs, Henry Wa tkins and large 118 the on\! Tri-Stllte Butter Co . Popular Priced Hats on .. in Cincinnati. The Trl.State shipper J . C. Hi8ey is in McClelland's hos- f aniily, Mr. nnd Mrs. has. Watkin" in t he last several yean has avera g- pita l, Xenia, where he is l'ecovering R: 4; Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Baird and Mra. Julia Donovan, of Wayne$ville; ed a direct r etuTn of more than 80'70 f rom an operalic)1i. of the dollar the co nsumer pays for , and Mrs. Ceorge Burton. o r Duytlie bu tter. .Th e Da nish dairymen T"he Ladles Aid of the M. E. ton were entertained a t the home of At My Millinery Parlor, Opposite . is lucky getS 60 'i'o of t he butter price church will hold ' an Easter mJllrket Mr. and Mrs: O. R. Una-leBby at a Miami Theater. for he has to market his butter in on Saturday, Ap,ril16. , sile-o'clock dinner, Sunday. I" honor , of the birthday of their l on-in-law. other countries a nd pay the expenses of many middlemen. , .Mr. and Mrs. W. E. 0 Neall ente! - Mr. Nelson Watki"s. By t he' elimination of all middle. tamed the Jolly, Matrons, and theIr " Mr. and Mrs. . Bert Ha.rtaock en- ~ ..."'---..-......-...... ,-. ----.. ---..... .- -....- - - -..... ,-..... .------.. ---'":,...-.... .- - - -..-.."4-"4mun costs and an ei~bteen y.ear pre.- husbands last Suturday mght.. f . di t to th d t.e rlalned last Friday e.v enlng ' with gram 0 . sllrvlce rec . e pro ucMiss Martha O'Neall spent the "500." FoUowln .. the games a ' 8ub• .-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ; cer, t he Trl· State has given every week-end w.!th her brother W. E .
'rth"T Preenll.lII., ..'" 1 in \1'1 111.', giv· ., en b~ , I t OrndClrf. W11I\R!p I.on ~ ·gal , ~np, gt\'en Il)' Wa)'Jl e~vt11 ('q q . S.bnti?" . hall. ay, 1 gal. OIl, gw n by ~hc " . . Wayb vIII totor Hol'1lc Shs,ner "suto atrop ~l' GI~,lette rlZ,or. gIv en by L. A. Zmlm<um!lll. , " ~rl Hay fin hhghl, giyen by ,W~y "ne!lv~1I ut~ nntf ll1chrn!!!'), Co. Wlllio," ~ l1k~rson, 100. .Ieaf book gh' l)l\ by Mr~. l' lIft. , Ther! J oncs, lH"i l C kiv'II b~f l1al\ . Dr~g stO~h 111 tie, "iv 11 by. Myel' L.\
• XM .A
- . ---
O~~_ · " ~ _-k -------...-' ~
Sale A S,urprise
Spring Hats
Spring Days
SaturdayJ. M~rch 5, 1927
. G'race Lincoln ' Smith
tOTthhe growth of 0hur O'Neall and falIlily, of Route 3. den~our~gdemetrnt air y U8 y. e company as . . . •
MIT X·RAY' ot teeth. pia,. an I.~t part III '&Jae bealtb of til. people today. It .... und , U... and . m_11II nUeriDC br briIIa1DlI 'le UPJ 1he blddell lOa_ of tnfeetlou and PUI poeke" at tile eIIdl of root, of tile teetb ,.hleh, wlthollt tbe or tile X-ra" coald Dol h... lien 4etermined. ~I_' DlmUatl hare olle of tile beet X-ra, equlpmentl tAl be fo..4 Ia an, dea tal ofIkie III tb. ltate, and wUl cpo ClP'ftUl with yonI' phntclu fIDr tile 'INItterment of your Maltll. x~
:Flour ~old Medal oraack ,Pillabury,' $1 IS . . . . . . .. , •
Extra protection
CUfton, 24 ~ -pound eaek .... , . . . .... , . ........ . .... , .. ..... '..... .. ~ CO"unU'yClub, 24 H lb. eaek ,1.04 ~ountryClub. 12U lb ••• ck . ... Sic
Brakes because their . operating parts drop - forge4 steel. Ex t ra safety (and easier steering) &om the jive-hearing-sur&tee~ing ge~.
NO CHARGE • I)eIItlllI lanta ,oa
tAl lane • 'tbol'Clugh uamtn ••
u.. ...
COII.a1t&tlOIl recard,oar teeth. There II no aharlle for the aernco.
OONFIDENCE !!'rom the momeu t Y01l ellter the ofOce you feel confl4el1t . tlalt YOU will be In t he hands of a denU.t who wlU take ,pet'. ~al Illterest tn yon welfere. A .kllled examlllation will be «iTeD ••d 'OU will be ad vised traDklr of yoar trouble, If allY.
a' r Pure Cane, : " . . $1 • 65 S ..n6 ., 25-1 , 'packet for .... : . . .
Dental .SpecialistB
Glady. IC.. Emrick.
DAYTON. ,OHIO .Mdt. For Tallo No. 111
'CLOVER We have a choice .lot of Red and Alslke ~Iover~ Also, Sweet Clover and Alfalfa. Place your order soon, a.s stocks of domestic seeds are.low. . I'
SEED OATS Call us 'for your Seed Oats. l
.' C~nkey~s .Ch,Ck Fee4s.' have a Full Line of Conkey's Buttermilk ,. Startlnl ~n~ GroWlnl F"~ .
Bulk Suaar, 10 pound. for ...... " ......... .. .. . , .. ........ : .. . .. ... l4c
Navy, .Hand pick.,', New . 2Sc .Beans . ' Low price; 5 lba, for. . . . . . . . . , Red Kidney B.an •• per pound . , . : .... . . . . .. , . . .. . . . .... . .. : ., .. " , .. 12e
Cheese;Wiaconain, Freah Cream, 2Sc per pound ... _.......... . .
SUt."t".ouI?-d your famity und yourself with safety. Buy a Buick!
Ir .. eztpetlOD I. Ilee8ll8&rJ. tIIere w1U H •• nen. TaCJtIq paID.
Tn-Head 'Eng"l'nee
aI. :0.:.
FIftJi and
Extra power in the famous BuickValve-
Dr. Bo,
•••• Br.ing V.o ur Eggs to Kroger .... Stokes' Pure Jersey Milk for Sale
:All these factors contribute t9 y~ur. of security as you driv~ a Bliick-
enjo!~~c~hilJw::rysep~:!nt ~t~!~
111 . .,. . ' ~lwuys energetically championed the Misses Clara BerryhUl and Doro- Ing were Mr. snd Mrs. F. ~. HenderIdea, 80 forcef9Uy p~oved by Dan- thy O'rndqrf IIlI~W Thurston at the son, Mr. and Mrs. L. A .. Zlmmerma.n, ish experience. t hat prosperjty fol- Victory theater., Dayton SatulNiay. Mr. and MrS. C. ~. Robluel', Mr. . and lows the dairy cow. • Mra. J. B. Chapman. Mir. and Mrs. The 'rrI-State plant In Cincin.n ati Mr. alld Mt's. Oakley Ungleahy Ronald Hawke. Mr. and MrII. James • handles more cans of cream per day were guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. McClure, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Edf~ling than any other crea~ery in the worlt! Blatt, at Monroe, Mond.y evening. Mr. and Mrs. S'. D. Henkle, In this way the Company 'haa come to ' and Mra. S. S. Elbs. Mr. and able to effect great saVinge OQ Mra. ' May C')ok and MrlI. Ethan D. R. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. F. the COl t -per Can handled, jUlt as, to Orane, of Dayton. were guests of Cole. - - -.. cite a well-known enmple, automo- ·Mr. and Mrs. Ill. L. CTOne last WedbUca can be bought cheaper today tiesday. than eVer before. due to mBIII proI dUction at lower cost;. ' Mill! Edpa ~Iowland. Miaa Lucile . . . . , ' The company. Is equipped however St John and Mju Either Henderaon to handle a grea.t deal more volume of Cedarville college. were in W.y- • ST. MARY'S CHURCH .t very little extr$ co~t. .• That is, if nesville a few bours. Tuesday. March' 2"':"A8h' Wednesday; 8ervlce 1 I~Rrm".... in ~11.ection will ~eep t hoir home and feed it to Mra. Ella Babb, of SpHng Valley, at 7 :30 p. m. March 6-Flrst Sunday in Leht, COWl, the price for and lln. Lile,' of n~.r Xenia, were raised to an gIluta of MI'II. Anna Cadwallader ,Church School at 9 :30 a. m., sermon and Holy Communion at 10 :30. . W-::..t::-A~·Wh ;: -t.~te¥c""-lllgbellT lleVe,I,-b:v-tlile- I~OIt of .nd..M;iaa (:lara IJle. on ';I'huraday. fro ft'!lB, Service every Wednesday eveni ~ ~ eel !1alld~ine each can this great modMr. and' MI'8. St Clair Fife and during Lent at 7 :30. Every one is eto creamery. It'1 hard work~ut children, of Wilmington, Mr. and ,corlllally inv:ited ' to these serviaell. it wil~ pay.. ' ElahtHn years ' ago the cream Mrs. Lester Go:rdon were Sunday dt,,Rev. John J. Schaef!er. Rector. bUlineu wu unkown In ~ Hetion ner guests of lMn. SU8BJI Wilkeraon. are and now, we lire only off to a rood Mr. and Ml'Il. Chll'les E. Ellis, of FERRY CHURCH GF . CHRIST .tart. We have the beat location in the world. ' The best soil. climate. of Lebanon, allnOUDce the arrival of , Come 'to Fe~ church at 9 :30 a. and an il1llt,itutlon which hal always a aon, Charle. EdWin. at their home m. Bible ' School lesson, ACta viii, proved itaeU eminently concerned Saturday mOlrnlng. February' 26. 4-8. "Evangelism." Momina lelmon. with the Jlrobleml and the beat In. 1927. ~'Jesua and John." Evenin~ serterests of the dairy indUlltry and of pice. 7 :30, liThe Parable at AttenHerbert SatiLerthwBtte and family, lIach individual producer. , tion." All .re welcome. of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. N.than Johnson, :tdinlster. Kanoccak. of 'Chicago. spent ....unn'.v' with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sa1;teI~h· waite. CHRISTIAN CHURCH [4CC .Sunday-Scbool at 9l80; rhe Gol(len Gates were opened wide , St Mary's Guild will meet with A gentle voice said, "Come," Mrs. Coleman on Thuraday after- Everybody .cordlally invited. And angels from the other side nllo'lt, Match ~Ird, at 2 o:cloek. Our Welcomed our loved one j)Jome. Lenten sewin.~ ·' will begin at this METHODIST CHURCH , Gladys Katherine, daughter of AJ· meeting. , Sabbath School at. 9:16 L 1ft. Jen and ' Nettie Emrick. was born at . Mrs. Ghal'lE!s Morrison, of Sliuth. preachln&, at 10:80 .. m. ~pworth Lytle, Ohio, June 17. 1909. She ~pent her entire life on the farm gate, Ky., MI'8. Linnle Elmore and Leq'Ue 6 :16 p. m, ' Preachln&, at 7 :00 p. m. Everybody invited to .thele where she was boVl' 'J oe Thompaorl. of Olncinnati. were lOme. • Her last sickneas was Of short du- week-e'nd ' If\lC!sts of Mrs. Kiuie B41y. L. A. Wubhlirn. Pu'tor: ration and ' she peacefully pll8lled Thompson. . .....;.. .. . .' away on the evening of February 19. • , INEFFICIENT 1927, at the age of 17 years, 8 Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Moomaw, Mr. T H E GREATEST SUleK and Mrs. O. M. Robitzer, Mr. and monthlJ and 2 ~ays. EVER BUILT : "Thlll brief life ~as not in vain Mn. 'L. A. Zimm'lrmah were dbmer Upland-.. nc;~8 ~aC!k make " ~ good ~ltb.ough it IlUlPered deat h and pain, guests of Mr. and Mra. F. M. C.ole policeman?" " " " God sant It here, Jill work to. d". ' MOllday evening. Down-"Shucb; ,no. Be- COUldn't arrelt 'your attention"" , ller mission ill ended, lIer task ill Wilbur Staneberry: who f .O:t several even , .~ ... yesrs has beelll a valued employee in through. ~er Ilfe wa. short; ~ut stl.ll<~ Smith's ' grOCE!ry. has l'etriped and NOl MAY .BE. BU'r, IS It was GOd~8 gift Hill }loly will ' -" accepted a' position with the Krocalled· lier thus from earth to gel'l\ at Trenton. Ohio. ..~ou needn't look 80 disJWltedl" dYfeU" 1• ! .' said the Joke to the Ed!tor, "for you Wi. t b Him Wh9 doeth all ,things well. II Lebanon, Ohio !pay be old yout:lleU ,some day." . Funeral lIervices were held at. the residenee' at 10:30 Wednesday, conducted by ·Rev. 'R. "A. gtlllihgs, of In Miami ' • Cerinet'eTy••,VV'all'lletIViIle: Ohio.
Plll'ento Loaf Ch..... per pound .: .... tI-
SPAllh!tU ' In bulk, per pound . . .'. .
'Butter C~untry Club Cre.mery, lb • .. . .. ,
- . . . . . . : • •• .' . , .. .. .
Vei!ow rl~ frllit. 2 lb., .
fle.d,.-to-fry. per c.n . . , .' . . . , .14e
Rendered. per pound . . .
White-fish " '95~ "
V.ry. low'p~lce, kit . ' ,' , , ,
Sabnon " Pink, pound can fOr .. .' ;
S.lmon. Im.1l can for . , .. . ... Ue:
!~~I!!I'na.e.n 1O.C
"Red Kidney B•• na.
~oll!e ~'ri~. 'se¢; •
n liIorid.Jumbo ,. , W.II bl_ched ' St.lu. _eh ... . ...... ..
..... c.n , .. JOe:
·. Out ,.Ne,w :Spr.ing 1~27 Line of·.W ·I(Il . ~aper is ' no~ in stock; ~ .~~, ~ave ove(, 75 different patterns from ~hich to select. Pric¢s .range from 6c up' to 25~.. ' . _,S_ee 9ur '. N~w; ".R~is -;~in.. ·~x~ins~~: ·' f.Fapestry~ ' Bqlss~ls, Velve,t .and , Congol~um~ ' ".. W e ~aVe a \large sel~ction 'of·, Linote~'m.. twp and three·yar ds, w·de.' ..~ ' . ;, : :. ..: e '··., ~. .
1O-c 53c BanalilS Lu~lo", 15'c', 25C' Cele
Codfish Gorton~a Briek, pke., . . . .
:Lar'.d Pur. ' K~ttle
. ,,,
PS Defore,b~Y:mg,. elsewh~te.
,I~,. I .
.j _
1, 4.,
"""':-'!'>:'l" ~
$eventy-Ninth Year
-gr; 1~
-<;2-:s=;= r'DARN -:-
7€ _ ;
Whole Number 574' 3
1927 ---..--,
A pleasant slirprise awailed the
........................... I
I"tereating Itema from the
a at t ho White Brick Meeting House Sunday ,morning, when , Prepare" by three vis itor& from Yell ow Springs almost unherald ed und unamlOllDCColumbus 1 ep<. rter . ed, appeared nt t he meetin ~ hour. They were Emma ThomM, a member •• A · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Monday night Pllst, the Senior of London Yearly Meeting and prom class had a chicken roast at. "Stony. inenUy identified with the Friends Center al Geneva, wltzerland , and Ilrook', sligar camp. All of the SenProf. Oscor Eap, helld of the DepartCOLUMBUS, OHIO - Suffic~ent Iors except three' were presen t to 'join SEE AMERICA. ment of Hyg iene, ·at Antioch, al)d funds with which to carTY o~ hIghIn the , frolic, but n il there ' were a Prof: Putnllm, also of Antioch col· way improvementR may be seel,U'ed Thill Union Pacific "Gold Coast few people, not members of the lege. ' by a 'redilltributlon of present rev· Emma Thomas, from intimate enues received from the gBlloU"e tax Limited" ill crossing from Wyoming Senior Ch1 8ll, prCKent, our number knowledge of the situution at Gene- and license fees without an Increase Into Utah, rQlling over Inow cov- was ~upplied, We had all sorls of va, spoke of the contribution that of 100 per cent in the gasoline tax ered' hills '7 ,000 feet hllr h . ' goodies to eat and played many the League of Nations hos made to ra te according t o Ch~rle s C. , Janes, . Thil is 1'001 American country. gameR. There was much hila rit y a better und ersta nding among the secretary of the State Automobile Colorado, Montana, Idaho, the Da- over pract ical jokes, We had roast nalions represented In it, .and the association. Proving his co,ntentlon significance of' the spiritual influ- Mr. Janes points out that there Is a kotas, Orelron, W&IIhington, Nevada chick~m, um-um-m-m, was it goodence it has exerted toward world balance of $1,000,000 at the presur . neighbors in this part of Nothing better ever, and ob. that are yo maple wax and those eltgsl ' The pellce, even if it were now to be dis- ent time, To this add $8,000,000 the world. buns just lit in with the chIcken, 'ond membered and cease to exist. She gas ttix (the Stato's 6hare under, th~ It loob what it i.-a great and the pickles just fit in wi th the chickalso told of the work of the Friendll redistribution plan) $6,000,000 hCe nter ..... ith which she. has been in- eense tax, making a total of $16,powerful country. Straight walls of en and buns. The ~Ilste d marsht imutely ' connected for some timo i 000,000 for 1027, For 1928 it is stone, capped with pine trees, tower mallows just melted m yo u~ mouth, a nd how it has funct.ioned a8' a com- estimated by Mr, .lanes that tile g&ll hundTeds of 'feet above you. Tele- too, Oh, ~he8e sugar makm~ days mon meeLing ground [or forty-four tax will total $9,600,000 lind 6,260,phone and telegTllph wires cross .In are doys neve\ to be f.orgotten. other local orgBnizations of many 000 for license fees, or a tatol of al\ directions. Good automoblle nationalities whose mutual jealous- $16,850,000. . s tate n~eds for reo roadol run beside th track. The Sophomores and Juniors Illso Ies has heretofore kept them asun- pairs and maintenance during the enjoyed a chicken roast at "Stonydcr. 'fhls Geneva Cent~r \Vll! es- I\ext two yea~ a totJll of $26,000,tablished under the auspices of the 000. Deduct this from the two yean One sto:r' .t S.lt Lake City to get brook" on Tuesday evening. Council for hiternatIonal Service of revenue and there ia a balance of IIcqu.lnte with the Angel Moroni English Friends, a committee corre- $5,860,000. This amount plus an and' all the land that stretches Tuesday, at noon, the local phosponding to the American Friend>:! approximate $4,000,000 or $6,000,around him. Moroni, very big in tographer, Ml'. ' Ridge, came t o the Service committee of 20 South 12th 000 Federal aid would givc, the high br'ight gold, stands above the temple school house and photographed the Street, Philadelphia. Its membelll way department liP proximately $U,built by Brigham Yeung, for "Lat- boy!!' basketball team, together with are enrolled in London Y1larly Moet- 000,000 for construction Plll'l)oses. ter Day Sainte." the coach, MT. Moomaw !lnd the athing. They are but few in numbel', JUat .cross the way Is the Fed- letlc a88ociat ion, treasurer. We ill pointed out that the balance 'Of but growing both in numben and in· $1,000,000 thill year would be greateral Reserve bank, of solid, stone: ,hope that they will be fine. and tho number of non, tluence, and beyond ~owers the! .now coverea , er both in 1027 and , 1928 ,,fOil mal)'Y members who are regular attenderll of the worst roads have been put in Oquron ranle, the weattl! of the - ", . b ' . . . , Utah copper mines hidden In it.' Whtle talking a out hovmg plCupon its meetings for worahip, is good condition, and . no costly. mainMany things are .s Brigham ~ures taken, the me~bers of the Sengreater than the number of those tenance funds will be' neceuan-. The Youn would have them anq ... he !or class, accomf!anled by the ~uper who have' actual membership. AlIlIociation is not opposed to • re.left 3.e.m. The Angel Moroni does Intendant and, high scbo~l. principal, The visitors returned promptly Lo distribution of these fund'i and the - I I not IU8pect that the real .uthorlty will make theIr annual VlSlt, to DayYellow Springs, where Emma Thom- members feel that linch a p an would below II the Federal Reserve bank, ~n for the purpo~e of haVlng their as wall to IIdckeae the co1\elre 'at it!! flitnish ample fUnds for new ro~ ctures the. gigantic copper mine on the , taken, next , Wedne~day,. -------; vesper service of SBbbath eveninr. during the next two yearl. Addlne a bUl'den of 100 per cent to autom\>-, bile ownerS thi8 year ill beld unfair.... and the big Union l::mos t teels that 8chool is not only by memben 'of the ' Ohio about to be cloaeq for this IIChool State Automobile 1IIIf0ciatlon, but more thlln a score of the ieadlnc D. F• . Spencer, ,eneraJ pa'llenger year, a9 th.ere is only a little ovel . agent of the Union Pacific syst em, ten weeks of .cbaol elISion any more newspapen of the. State ha.ve ' OppOIsaye .u Intelligent human beings The Senion more than anyone else ed 8uch' an increue jlditorlaUy, Pre&Ihould lee the famoul "Death Val· are realizing this more because II; Is ident E, A. Mittendorf,:in a letter to H~Nt(. B~,POW fIOGEUD. ley." For $42, covering .11 expen- their last year here. It ja also be' .. I 1 the president of the Ohio Good Road The Woman's Forei..... Thc climax of the. "rat hunt, n II brochure recent y got out at "'" m0tor,. jng brought more and more to their .... yOU can spen d I;11'0 d a,_ ...Missionary . ., HOW TO PO AW"'" W~ Federation layS that "the motorist iSl In&, through the In)'steriouh valley minda on account of the last min- ociet¥ of the Method ist church, which was organized in the Lytle Antioch College, Ohio, reference Is BACK-SEAT DR-NINO. emphatic in hi8 belief tha.t the conon your way eut or · welt, inspect- utes' rulh, as' one would term It. met on March 2nd a't the home of community on the 8th of February, made to the custom of the old-time struction of roada ahould be levied HI! BOUGHT Inr in safety the strRnceat places Mn. Walter Me lure for their reg· was In evidenc!e MondllY evening, ~hakers, who .generally obseyved the on gener.l property aDd !a . latlelled Oil, earth, .topplng over nlaht .t a ular monthly meeting, 'with lIevent!! h h d d and twen'" men laws of Chr11tlan brotherhood, of A COUPE. that \he burden of entire mainteThe commencement annOlUnce- ladie8 present. , . w en one un re OJ iending t heir most unllCrupulous modern in1!t. built on Furn.ce Cree~. n.nce be placed upon him. There In Death vOJle" you .tand on the menta have been ordered and loon The meeting was opened by a VIC- gathered at Lytle hllll and partook members out into the world to do can be no compromise on this prinwarm and, far below the level of there will be a play. trvootllaonSael!ee~~~e i!~e\yWh~:v. t\Va~~: of the bounteo,ulIII supper prepared their trading, Hence originated the ciple." the PacUle, and look up to the west, by, the captain of the Blues, Clyde soylng that the Shakers always sent ~t th. wh~e top of Mount Whitney, , omin" back to closer events, bum. , '&f Wh d b' - f tiiPeat peak in the United Statel. the clHmtical ellminlltlon eon. Two ladiell m om Westwood, "rll, arton, an ... orce. the devil to market. Three Ohio men who recently were Good mUBic was furnished by the The Implication Is that while Chris.The ,trip mutt be made between 'teat will be held FridllY evening, Long Dnd Mr •. Peale added a grent able , to find tint-page Jlolition to their crimes are now amdnit' , the OctQber .nd the micldle of May. In March 11 at the SchoOl Gym. Ev- deal to the afternoon's program. NixQn orchestrll, of Genntown, and tilln living and principles were 81lithousands of othen who are huddled IIImm.r. , Deatll Valley I. the hot- cry one la' invited to be preaellt. No 'Mra. Long told a ,beautiful ston' local talent by ~,{essrs. Sid Ellis, Mol'. ~bl? for ordinary atrairs and In fam. together in the Ohio ,penitentiary. ~t place on e.ith. Dutlng the ,admission will be charged. ' . and Mrs. Peale gave a very interest- ris Brown, WilliBm Thomas and ally lI.fe, they were not 8uitable for the They are Jake Nesbitt, Pat MCDerw Death V.tley H . .~n, you ban your The winners of the local contest Ing talk on missionary work, Gomt d Id Th h d to c!omf01'tl\ble .utomoblles, • will represen.t W. H. SI in the coun~ panng the ,work to the building of violini Rt from Dayton, ou Sl e ·\\,or. . ere you a mott and last week Ben Rt,Jdlier, 11'88 a ... reat road which' begins at our On their delPllrture al) declared fight the devIl with fire and deal un· .. ~ added to the list of those wno ' ha.ve oratorJcal conlest at Leb.nOn, Mare home and reaches out to aU lan.d's , t hl'8 th nlost n,loyallle s ocial event scrupuously \WIth unscrupulus peobeen aentenced to'life impriSonment. k • I De.th Va11ey has everything tha.t 18, 1 ~2'1. W. hope to keep up the Nesbitt Is gettinl{ pretty well ae-. ' st.andards this year that ha.:ve been where our Savior Is. n,o t now,n. for II long t ime. p e. . an,bod, could w.n~ :....'ou Itudy set and kopt for the laat th~ ank Oft'ermg ')~llechon..waa. ----.A very common Idea ill that those qualnted in the big prison, but M'c.briUlailt colo~ of the .pp,oprlat~ly De.r mott seeml!l lIullen and melanchopeople get nlon'g best in this world .med "Funeral Rance' 'on the ea8t, four years. Waynesville hu bad taken and ,amoun~ed to. $86 . ly and doesn't like the 'surroundings The April meebng wlll be held at who do not strictly adhere to the and to the west the tall panamint4!. many firsts lind not a tew seconds. at aU. He has been sboveling )Jome the home of Mrs. 1\I00u~Y' Sec' mOrBI law. You have to be crooked Uncle Sam'. most precipitous moun- It i~ quite a record to be proud of, snow, but most of the time, like hunMRS, !\IcOL , y. ____ enough to get along and yet not tain range ming from the floor of d.reds of others spends hil time in Death Valley, more than " 300 feet • - • crooked enough to fall afoul of the Approxllllately 160 people trom all the , Idle houae. Rudner will probably Newton Bun nell .. of Lebanon, a law. d d below sea level, to • height of former re Ident ,of Waynesville., Th h . Id d . d sections of Wllrren county aUen e follow the same routine, but these 11,0"6 feet ~o the perpetual SDOW of ose w 0 .re 0 an experience the third annulll Baby Ohick Raising two former Canton realdents won~t died last Thursday 11ight at Bllttle Telescope Peak. h B i . d b Y b' in this world's dealing know the tal· CI Picturesque ' and , eo'nvincing are Mr d Mrs G D Mills were Creek, Mic. e s survwe I ~fs lacy of this reasoning. meeting held by County Agent 888 be able to' mingle or talk together, n&mea. of place in that valley, once • an 1" 1>' L' 0 0 F widow and one son, Hersche, 0 d M R E C ay o' Columbuguests of Spr ngor~ . . , Lebano", unq 11 brother, Chauncey The fact I, that it pays to be hon- nn r. • , r , ~ D, R 1 taxp f th Stat the bed of an Inland sea. Gold, lIillodge Saturdar cvenlDg" Mlarbch t~th. Bunnell and a sister 1I11ss Monimla est.-to be honest in little thlnp &II at the Lingo Hardware store, Tues- sho~r.:.. morea~eh~ ~suale Inter:... 1ver, copper, Qnyx ate In those moun, at the anmversary ce e ta lon. , ' I ' • d I . th c f e r e n c e " D, talna. Many ha.ve died .earching. . , There W&II arl elaborate ban'quat and Bu nnell, of thiS p ace. well ',as in b,g, and to be honellt in ay. n openIng e on . , the lIelection of a lIite for the pr~ Three tllliely and practical 1J10tion a ilXC!ellentl Prllll'ram of readings - --the privacy of your chamber as well Mr. Stanley Sellen, manager of the posed new ' State olBce building. It WI. ~ Ii bla k Dr. E. C. T~ompson, of lLeban ..n, B8 in the open torum of the market. Lingo Hardware Co" welcomed the is llttle wonder for tbe IllIviPIr ot oIto picture rums, featllrlnc t\le Imp or· nn d music. A splendid addre8t by ' stre':::: ofnr:v!i':::aA" ouCt InTo th~ tance and a~vantage6 of t~e Increas· Lamy of Lebanon and talks w,ho has be~ 111 for severtea mopt 8, Honesty is not a thing to be put folks and expressed his intereat in several hundred tbouaanda of dolt "'" ed use of al~alfa and other leguf1!es b e188t Ma~ter G. F. Bto~n of Leb- dIed late '''' edme.stlay of moon at d II' d t b d f rlal .. , Jan Ie Been In accepting the lite b&desert, as hey poured down from will be ahown by County ~gen~ Cia.1\11 a~on 'Oharles Crose of Columbus, Bethesda hospitlal. . The fune~al was. on ,an 0 an. 0 e U8~ or ce n the continued development and wel- Ing u~by 'the city' of ColumbllL volcanoea/ <lead agell a~, next 'w.eek. All , meetlrlp .re ached- and ~ Mr Cross of' Springileld; add- held Monday at Lebanon . purposes. It 1S something to be ri- fare of the poultry industry which It la located on the Scioto river 'tou , walk over pia os of ..It a ulcd ' \0 begin at 'I :89 o'clock; In the ed mucli' 'to the' nleasur.II 01 the c- - -'• he red to all th~' time, and a m.n who brln ' in the second la.r gest income front, aWords ample spaee or ani h\lndred feet deep. Life Is ' scarce Itt at the followlnC'_jllaces' If Mrs. Loui .... 1~leyer, aged 77, died Is fllLthful In all his deaUnp both at gs en-'A":"emente which mllY be required there, a fe.w anak. in. IUmmer, 110m eVi.ion~ay! March 14-,-li..rvey~u~ c&llion. at the home of her daughter, M~. home and abroad, has the best chance to the farmera of Warren ~ounty. · in'7~w'e yean, and Ie 110 8it~ted ~ to.d~ the chuck'ralla. Il%aril, eaten 'fown Hal , . Sylveste!; Freeman, Monday evening. of AUC\!eas, ' County Agent Class stated tha~ the tb.t other buildings cannot be ereo~redtb:Ul:r:I~.!~cil:::d·t~;e !~; Tueallayl. MaJch 16-M.sonic banOMIGOSHI The funeral simvice will . ~e hel~ at Ed Bowe, the ..ge of Potato am, ex.tenslon work in poultry Is not ted very near, thus eliminating the the automobUe doe.n't die, u the quet hall, l''l'IInlgin. , the home TllUl'sday mornlnlli atV can hardly be accused of being • limed to greatly increase the num· dancer of fire hasardll. Representadid. ' Wednesd.y, )fareh 16--Sp In \)0o'clock, Rev. S\:artr, of SPl'lnlfll ba - strict reiligonlst and yet in his home ber of chIckens on the fa1'lll nor to tlvea of both branches of tbe . Gepro Grange haU 8 p. m. ley officiating. Interment WI e ' . \ ' eral Assembly are hearing frOm the " .. ,-.....,.-..,..,. Thursday, M.rch 1'7-Wayneeeven wotse In at Blanchester. Iy philosophy and ,expe~ence, he hBl ur~e more farmers to gO Into the ~olks back home who ~re uraiu Briel .nd 8uftloient are the line. ville Gym. dlscovored that, domg richt Ie o~e of poultry business, but rather to BUg- them to ·take su.ch .ction wlll-nol hert 4"4 t)\fN Oil lI'ooden tQ",bFtlda)', M&1.ch l~Mason Gr~nge .L, the 6u,est means of aucce'll., gest the latelt and most sciel1tlftc onlY, brinc a~out .n immediate aa,,If /,Iny boy or girl Is knockIng about th dt f .... baby chicks ear. ing of cost In the purchase of the .Wnll...... e~\l"ed b, th._\e.t, • ll.me han. "J1o -a,n Out of Water." S~turday, March 19--'Lebanon .,.. 'KQII\ting some secret of lIuccess, none ~e 0 0 ramn:" , ' aite, but that judgment &II to future ~"1I'!'1 Qabl'ie1 h. w.tched F.rm 'Bureau. office. . 1\TOW '0' ~ butt'r can. be oll'ered tha'n strict inr I"go for th~ ~owlng flock a~d. f?ed- needs shall 'b e u~ed, and ample apae. ~y Itrup:Je. In' iha.t v.. ley, wben All fal'l1lerB are urgently, request('~ 'J t egrity ing the laying hens 80 as to ehmi- for such enlargement as may be tl1l!.lt"mpl!~tureellWtlnt to 140. iii . to .ttend one or more 'of these .J 1] To b~ j~"t and upricht in .all things nate the 101ls~s and increase the ef- tive":tu~\1y !,equired be ji:ven the ,eoll_ '.l'radl,tio,:)s ' t. of Piute IDdla~.. meetingi. Ih .ddttlon to the pic. . .,.rn_ 01"er .'. may occasionally get you lnto dUB. ficlency 01: net retu,ns from the lSi deration 1t ;Is entitle to. polum I , JtIlndlrllr on thll mountalnsfd,ea,'Watch turell, which wm ~nclude .a ·,trip thr~' . • . II bus as n Unit, where the taxpayeR , II}C ~p, .~"rty 'of white men , f~ll .nd Qne ' of the' largeat ha.y' marKets In cult~, but all a rule an~ In the lallg poultry ftocks. "F?wer ,he~ but realiv:e the odvantag_re. urging . dl. tJlr ••. bIUld~,d ~II from II wa-; the W0r1~1 ihowi~g what ,con.stitu~es run It pays. , more eggs per bird 18 the mam ob- the use of the tiver front ~Ite fpr , ~r 1L~p.le. One aumvo~" Bennett; .Iood and b.il hay, and 'giving I\ugA ,r:: A man who keeps his ha.ndl clean jcct" said Cl&lls. the proposed III; W building. . ri .trun1ftla to a Bp l1g, founC! ,a ledge gelti.o ns for grbwlog .nd parvesting, 'W--'- .~S, and hi~ heart right is alway. prepared R E Cray the atate poultry , pf Jl\lre, lilvor, broke ,otr 1\ piece and number one alfalfa. , 'V f~r any attack, and as it has been .. b' ea~s of _a bl"c)cbollrd ",he" J\.e re.ched civillaatloD' had. It A 'ahort comedy" giving humorous roughly expressed tHe can loolt any 8pec~a IS , Y m . ", Members of both branl:hes of '-tne lJIa~1! i",tp a rifte sighV' Manl have and thought Ilrovoking extractl\ from man square in the eye and tell him outhned the vanoua essentIals for Legislature are beginning to talk lid. , tried ~ 10j:a~ th.~ ''If\In.illeht ledlre" 111rln papera ' and c.urrent agTlcultural to go to blazes.' eliminating losies 0 baby chicks.. journment, alw.ys a good sign. , TIle . ~f Jlln, "liver. You mlJht and Tt- toples, ,o f the ,da~ III' al8004;0 be. sllo'wn ,_. He spow d tha.t , 75 per cent of the early pnrt of A,RF1l is being i!"st.' I " , '" at the .close of the meeting. ' This poul hof • Income II . derived from the ed as II good time", to wind ira. Not tar away Ie a b,autlful d.te newfel\uwr~ ill to be of! an IInter"J , ' but no~ i!at has been derm ned p,hlF r;"CltbJ,I 1'7$ ,feet 1lelow' lea' talnlna aJt\l lIumorous nature. The' , sale of eggs and thllt the prpper upon. Take a few da~s of warm I.vel. AlI~ln. ..-Ul (1'0. if yon above meetinga' a~e . plann e!1\ to. bll proper growth , of pullets is neces- weat her, ",hen members want to re,ive I. ,nougli water; • ' " ' ..com~)Jnity, ,'trail'll In which I!oll farmJoseph Evans and Mrs. Susie Mor- sary in order to ,et high egg produc- turn home ~o look after their per- " h",d acrosa>the ~mal1rosa De~ert,. e~ 1.rm ll\'omen, arid business men gan Were married In Dayton, Sa!.ur- tlon during the winter months when sonal aZlli~. l~ it warms up ' JO~ travel . to _til' , 'JGho.t (!llty of. an others interested . In ' agriculture dllY mornl'.ng, March 6. After the "rl' ces are most ~avorllble. ! SI'X es- early 'p r 'ba °ifut;nme"t may d Rb7oUte.'~ ' Once it had • pop~.. tion are myl~d( .> . .. forthcoming, ut It 8tays ' co ld an Ur pt mOrt! ,'tt!.IU\ 10iOOO ';r.llr!lad 1Ita- P ll\8 tn. l)ext. week, M~~c:h , 22 cereriJon'y, which was performed by sentiais were mentioned, including rainy, folks bacle: home don't ne~d to , tioD,' ator,~! clance halls; JIIU and" . ; to 26, 'a aeries of Illustrated dI8CUSRev. ' ¥r. Osborn, of Rlchm~nd, Ind., the following points. 1.. Buy baby expect their rep.resen~tiv~• . tQ. 1;es.~IirtII. All , ltiin'd ~ the.. fl)ot of I!lo~s on -/I!oybe~ns, a . l.eg4me es~ Mr. and .Mrs. Evans' attended se.rv; e chicks. 2, Clean Brooder house and ~~~t, jh~n ~heV;h:l:' fi~t:~ ib:t1°~~n~ ' .,pvllfror Hill, oliutc h , j~~I, 1ftjill th.t IflClallYl1 ~ui~d for , the heavy, 80 1l r at Middle • Run ch~rch. equipment. 8. Move brooder Bnd es \vlll adJ'ourn rathet than reee.... "io punf\l up ote ,.from, tlie rich ,old ' .ay 'so , ~n ' ~e ~. oq.heB!lter[l part 0 f I ' 1 k- d' , In.? .11, -"an.lona.l ·.no-.. '. , ·the, COUII~, will proba),ly he. held In At a sumptuous s x 0 c oc lOner, bsbv ' ehic\ql to , clean ground. 4. habit of recent .years. , .. , B tI l\1 U I ' 11 Y' M d pi:epared for' them · by the bride- . " • - • 'lble .... ,.,!' .ft, '. te~~nt countnr u erv e, ¥Ala nevI eJ orrow an groom's ,daughter-In-law, Mrs. Earl use clean litter and renew as nee• marve o\1l '(erttt fieldll; 'ftll 'th,' ~n: W~hlngto:t. town8h~lls. ,Full . IInEvans, at their home ,north of town, essary. 5. Use a dlelltn ~nd comIN CIEN m,* fI~' • 'tIte prO~'~ts of the !l0uncemell coilcl!rnlDlr thesll meettile followlng guests.' were. pre8ent: plete .ration. '",6. G~ow \Cb1cks . sep· ( " EFFl l' : , ~ 0 , 111111 Aml!rll1aDI b~ve -'" lOgs wID he. malie next 'If ek. Rov. Mr. Osborn, ,Mr. and Mrs. Chas. arate from old lltock. These pointa , p~I1 ' ~I" ' ~' for ·f o" ., ----.,.. - - • .----:;;-..-' Rye Messu.. Earl, WJlhur .nd G.yle ~ere explained/ by Mr. Cr~y in conI .~~ A~e"~I ' • . , . , Evans ' '. ' slde~ble detail and an, illustrated .' 't _ . e,n , bulletin, is also available! at the . ~ .' ,county agent's office for tllOse who ' .'E.' 'S.I, could :not attend tlie me~ting. :rhll~ ...1'....·1 nh.pter No. 10" 0.. '" l!: ' . ,~' • ", bulletin Is prepared. by ~he agru:u· . \M me,t' wll Ii\ zQg)l1a,1: seulon ~rch ' " • , to E W'" . tural college extension service, and ~~, 1,91'7, ,," 1:80. 'AU ,~mcer8 ' are A car belonging . • ~~rlln, II dilltril>uted f~ee >Ito Obio ' .farm81'll • EP, PUJU)y,s~ · Ptil ...esf.-f+'*,S;~~~~,~~rf~ urged to be present- ,. Villiting mein. Standard' 011 IjBlesri\an of Wllming; to help cut down .tbe 108118s incurred _ . here ""Iqome. ". " ton, WBI stolen from in tront ox iii raising baby ehic\tL . ., • .' , MINER~A I{OUGH. V/. 14: J . ·W. Buryon' resldeJ?ce earl)' ~eeBeslde8' the bulletin, County A~t , The tn?uble 1t:itb m~a1j blimcW at.... . I' l ' Sl:J$j\N' BAW~, Sec'y_ day "¥!rnnlg-. Ma~ ,~d ~w&1'd Clallll can furnish II\lme~grapli. ' u- lIOn ill that ~e7 h&Ye.n t ;ot ~ ceuot on~Ureda)' ",Qmtnc, ...... lt, \ " • _.. . BurlQn went In 'Pursul~ \.tn!l.hrve la~ explainIng ,the" project,'.nd 0, bumor. n ' "I . III' ~ ta · apeclal\Jt ,from ,the,, ~. .. , , Spring) V8lIey, on ·a IIld~ road, t~e,. 'blankll fOJ: tacking, up in t he ,bropd. , , _:. OQI.~ llollQ8, wiU,ber.'t C'-I(: Ro~ \ f?upd the car. :After .~ppl~, ,it of er h\luBe, on which ' ,t he complete l'tI-' -~ ,. , -,...,...:.. , ..ttrM', 'PH4!Jt ~bard at 9 o'c101llc; W' ~ " tlr,el Ilnd l\CCe880l'iea. th"''' t~ef or 'corda tan ' be ' kep~ 'Jlhe 'Planl, alao ;uIU'05Jt.:Ll ~at1IR1rT.~~~~'h~(m~ rJ.~ ~ dllmollliratton , til . prublna ' ,• .• thieyell had set ftre to ~h,_cat and i'fiYolve a brief 'report cq,ncerninc th ~\lJ.: yo\Hw ~ frOnI tWo to four ,eal'l 'l;'he Indiana VeaTi7 ' Mee~ 01 de~!lrtea. • .~~ (, ad'ccess ' witll eae!) b~od ' .fter 'ten old. ~ .t Ii) .olP1pOl aharP.. w, Stulb Y. P. 14., a.~ ibt;te delegatet to . ... ~ ... weeb of age." Evel'.1body interest,Will be-at I , L., M'lId,n1UUI'1, 1!'Ilert Blue Plne Qu.tterl, Meetitltt, h'eJli FAMILY 01\' IIIPEltSO,A10RS cd In HCUriilg 'one of ~e f",e baDJ he , ~U1 4'I,II0P8~te Oll ap,le tr... at B"I 8'011ie, ¥ehl'Ua17 26tn. TheY. . •. ~ ' chick 'blillatioa .nd o~t1lne of the " . ;14 to 18_y~~.aD:d III til. af- will be a report e\ven by the ":YOll keep a dor, doll't JOu'" Jl1'OJeet, Ihoald call oil Count7 ~ ' .....~Il at P. U· . IAJlaTa, • dtmoR-In.vIlle delente of'tbll JD.etilll and , 'INol U we bear a aolle ill lbe ~ or JMIl Uutir 1'tqutttll to Ida atraUoa on f~ matunil tNeI the worlf at Ball BO\lH at mettbl&". ...nJcbt., •• IJarIr. ~" . ' 0'" ,
Why all the sleepy looks around W. R. S.? ,Did you wonder, too? Well t I'll do my best to enlighten I you.
----_ ...---
Attend Celebration
Ln' Smoke ' "
Dreacre-d Co.
;:l '
E'van.- Morgan ·
he'"' ."
Automobile Was Stolen,
"Report "Uill
.wm lie. 81....
IIanb 18 . ,
erman', supplies, ,9.60 I M. ·H. 0 . wald, burial, $1 00; O. S. Riggin .., Ro ldlers burlnl commitLee, ,I i Clift Brant, same, $1.
---- - - ---
COMMON PL.EAS PROCEEDINGS ~il1l\ie M, Ul1 list, plnintit1', WII!! ?1m'. ,01'1\ SumOIcl' is Ilpil IIQL g runted ,I divol'c ' Jrolll Le\vi A. Tho W. G, T. U. mI' unl! t. "lit Lh' d fendant WI\ tlT uft" I'II(IOIl wit h l\lrH, R. H. J If l'ls, c\(,r('d to ',11\" :~3 pel' weok loward the The no.' [ Ilrenching scrvic. nt th . ~Pllo~t of' Uillfoid N linli"t, n minor M. E.' chur h wil l be MILl'ch 13, ill child , thc n\orning. Mr. nnd Mrs. hllr les E. Gord on PROBATE PROCEEDINGS Ulld so n,' Rohort. WCT· Nhopping in The will of Mill'. hull \Vard \Vus ud. Onytol1, SnturdllY .. 't .. worked 11Ioll\r, ' "ct, tn mitted to probate.· Wllsq n Ward, MI'. und Mrs. Shllmbaulth, pm'ents I CH~TER V upon mo, B ha rd unrorgi~ng look IIP~ hadn Y • eKc ' uto.· in t.he will, 'n ccepted his of Jl!r~ . uri !\loore. hU \'(l pu rchnson th 10(ly; with n bow he lUfl')en th "ight I1itch 0' s mtll'Ln S~. M llll. t-rus'l Le 'lcCorm ick, J oseph 1\1e. cd the A. L. Killg fU I·m. ' lIIulli ·hn misto k her! -Woll , AWAKENING ,', f r his hnl. nod stepping swiftly nloyo w whllt IIr you .c:olng to d01" I"nrllln<l Ilnd , IIrren Jncl\ were IlP' )... wcn L back to hi ~ table. Ralph aOlI 'Rnymond Brooks II"d " I d n't. know,' 1 r>pJi d. "1 pO\lted IIppraise rs. I" ' tI h 't 'ow in lhe reaction I fought II ~ J. W. F ellly Ilttcnd .. the ((lncral of "THE FAKE.R" A COME.DY Gertrudc . I'oppcr, gUllt'din n of J \Idgc W l'ight lit Lcotlnon, Fl'idny , My fingers I e1t ~ a loug 1 were ~er'ately again t a trembli ng of. the fi nd nnd oarn cnough to get home • snak.. The eight. of clubs ! \vhe~e with." To wl'ite f or (unrls was 110\ Ul'wi n ropper, fil ed her finn l IIC ' II ft ernoon. I I had a en, in fancy, the queen . ot lees; there weI' (' o nl!'~~tll l nlions , b.art8 there. Iny hre B ehnngeitng II hu bbub of voiccs assathng mc- illlpos~ib l e thro)ll-:'h vcry shalllc. c unto Born- To MI\ alltl 1\11'8. Clul1'les <\c~nn Lavmon, odlllinistrutor of THE. PICAR DV GI'Rlthe eight of clubs, with corn el"! ~ent nnd tho nrm of the tcumslel' th~oul\'h " HOllie's thc (lill y plnc for 1\ person or lI\}' A'1'4'onn ,58.', , L If d iii d h' ElliH. nt their home in Lebllnon , on as !lnll" token of the tTnnSf(lrmlltHln. mine lind hi ~ hlufT invitntion : "Len me muke you 11 propo~itio n," the "slnlc" t·· ,allies oc or , I C IS nLIII·dny. Febl'lI11I'Y 27. ·n 9 po und "We un't both win, gentlemen." •. orne and have u drink.' he said, "1'm 011 Illy WilY to SaIL inv ntory and apprni sement. ~U ll , Ch8rl e~ Edwin. tbe ambler said. "But I a1ll willing "Bll t y u'll I'e~nl'n. ~,o u mu ~tI ltnke wi t h !.l bu ll outfit 1Il1d I'm in Lizzie Tullis, executrix: of the C8l\1iss F lol'1I 111 01H1"n cd rcturll ed Oil IN ·'GE.TTING TRIMMEO" to J,ve you o'ne more' chance, (roln wnn.t to all uk wllh yo u. . of IInoth!)r man. I'll gi"e you lllle of John Tullis, filc;tl hH in vc' n- TuesdllY new 'deck" . It was My 'Lendy, plen(h n~ earn- !.lneed from hicugo. where she . c1 0111l1' lind n hu ll 11 cloy an d found." tOI'Y nnd appraise ment. wus Il delegllte to t he Fl'iends QUllra What th~ response was I did /lot estly. 1 still could sc~rccly utter n "You I~fe t!)lIming west, yo u !'t1nl'Y ' huplIllln wns nppoi nlcd terly meeting nt l.:Iul1 lI ouse. know "nor care. My ears drummed word; my . brain Wnl! In Il smother. m~?n?" I. I\'llked.. . . guurdian of f-tnnlcy R. Chnpmnn. FA MOUS ~APANESE ARTIS-r and ;eeing nothing I pushed through My new frlcnd moved me Ilway from Ye~. ,~~r, Frl'lghtm ncrO~ 5. Mule Harold C. Hatfie ld , administrator In the pCMonnllnce of her house· 1 to the open painfully conscious her. He al.15wcred her. . whncklO. . the estate of Harry 111. Hutficld , hold dnties, Mondny. Mrs. Will Carr FEATURE ~HOTOPLAY that I was flat, penniless, and instead '. "Not until ,,;o've hod a httlc c~m: "But 1 novcr drove spans In my I tnt. l bud t he misfortun e ~o fall down the of havj.ng played the knave I hnd fnb, lad y . . We ve got m~,tters of I!" life; and I'm not in shape to sland WI~S ordered to sell r ca es e U cI' lInr stnirs, sufl'el'inlr a fractute of 1\ ..11\01" plaJed t he fool for tbe-queen of portnnce Jest .at pres~nt. "I'm here prtvnte sa le. bel' left upper arm. II! ' . 1 SlIW her bIte her lips, as she help- hardships," I faltered. for my health. I hnvc-" T he first and final account of D V I h HAL.F STARTING 'THVRSOA¥ .~ . 1061 of 1I0me twenty dollars lessly fiu shed ; her ~lue eyes implored "Stow all thnt, 60n," hI! interrupt- Ralph Green, udministrator of the W:t~h :~~ ~m'i a!~1 a~d' d1larie:'i>o~: mll;bt have been a trivial matt,er to me, bu~ I hnd 110 WIll of my oW!' lind "Forget yo ur lungs, Iil,tht!l lind eslate o.t Fnlnk D. Jones, was np- ter were six o'clock di nn er guests, me one_but here I had lost my all, 1 certalOl ~ owed n measure of cour- ed. atu r dllY, of Misses Helen and Corwh.Ui.r l.rge 01: amall i and not only t~sy to thIS man who had save~ my liver and stnnd up n fu ll,slze man. proved, a llowlad and confirmed. The first and finu l nccouflt of Oak- inne Welch , in Xenill. In my opinion you've had too mu ch had been bilked out of I t -I hnd bilk- hfe. . doc~er i n ·. A month with n bull trai n, Icy R. Ungleslilv. administrator of the eel myaelf out of it by sinking, in pre; We' found a small tnble In 8 , corn01 benns and sow-belly. and estate of Josep'hine Webster wns IIPMrs. Cliff Shanholtz, who is as· . t.nded 8maMeu below the level of er. The affair upo n t he. b.oo! ~ns ayoudIet ' s i s t l lnt matron ill the Girls' lndustri, cnn look unybody In the eyc and • .re artful d;;;t"';r! apparently past, h.lllto 7Y- l t It merit- tell him to go to hell I This roarin' proved, 1I1l0\VI~d and confil'lned. a l School ·at Delaware, 'is spending beard My Lady IIpeaklng bp-aid!! ed ven t hat.,dlstlhctlon. The plACE town life-it'a no life for you, ]t's first al1d fina l account of Do· this w eek nt the home Of her parents had resumed Its program of dancing. a boblail wide open in t he middle." I'll The Decker, nc,ministratrlx of t~e t!~. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Hinkins and lIl~riD 10 .ohy) ' Sbe laid band up. playing an~ dri nking as though af· MASON "Sir," I soid, ~ ratllf uUy, "may 1 tate of J ohn Dcck r, was appl·cvetl. family. on mJ sl eeve. "Yo,u would have ter all a pistol shot was of no great DIRECT FROM DWAV Mr. nnd Mrs. A. _B. Tnlmage, Mr. let you know in the D1orning~ Where allowed and (!onflrmed. been content witb IIman I find . you?" The ftl1lt and final account of Rosa and Mrs. Walter Ellis, Mrs. Charles will IAI1IlS, or followed my · lead. We arranged to meet next .day a,,!d McGutcheon, administratrix .of t he Grny, Mrs. Frllnk Squires 'and Miss Nm time--" "THE. t"\\GH STEPPEr.l..!' .. I returned to the hotel, h.a vlOti paId ostate of Rober t A. McGutcheon was Isadora, Mrs . .Frank Tietmeyer and -_......... "'There wiD be no 'next' In a dvance. Ii d k Ga. z ing neither right nor lef t. I approved,. a!lowed and con r:me . Mrs. Wilbur Haw e were among 5i tiale," I bl\U'ted. "I am stro de resolutely for tlte exit" but at The thIrd 8,coount. of LeWIS Burns those who attended tbe. poul try lecdealtecl Ollt." IN "BL.U-O-LOGY" 1I woe halted by a hand laid gunrdian of nobert~ Burns, was ture at Lingo's, Tuosl;!ay afternoon'. the door "YOII don't mean-T" "I ,... robbed at tbe boupon my arm! and a quick utterance. proved, allow'l d~ a nd confirmed. ' On Wednesday, Marcb 16, at 1 "Not goln',," At least, say goodThe first aDld flnnl account of Wi!- o'clock, the Friends and Baptist t.L N"" h_" \'AN AERIA\.. C\..A5SlC" "NC?.. 110 I" a~e ' opposed. night!' , . bur Hutt, administrator of the sionary societies will meet at the FEA~Re PHOTOP\-.AV 11JC11ed to UL "Tbat wu I barl,lly paused, replYIng to .h t'r, tate of Henry Clay 'Cloyd, waB ap- Friends church to review their study a 1Jaq1e1 Jim." "Good mgbt." . book. " Our Templed H ills." Every Stili 8h~ would have detained mo. proved, allowCld nnd confirmed. one interested is cordially invited Kl'lltebed bls ·'SU'TTE.RFL\'E'S, IN THe . "Oh. no, .no I Not tpls way. The flrs~ and final acco~nt of to attend . Ellch will bring one head. IIA WI'OIIC deer for once, 11'811 a mistnke. 1 swear te you I am Gle~ HollTl'!gIIworth, guard18n of ticle of food. not to blame.. Please let me help Vaughn HollLngsworth, W88 approv· . ' . ~ -- " I nebn, . s,. thunder, I ___ - ..!I you. I don't know what you've ed, allowed al~d confirmed. Mrs. Ethel SmIth, n88lsted by Mra. ".. rftnIe Oil dUa Joint heard-I don't know what has been Th fhi t and final account 'of Elsie Clara Conner ~d Mrll. Romine Shu... '· 1 meall to aet it. So 8IIid Ilbout me--you are angry- " Hall guardia of Arch It. Hall was maker, entertaIned a number do, JOII, dOIl't .J0u, paltDer'" "I tw'tched f With cb b ' , n ' t i e folks Saturday af ternoon in ... QpMled to me. ' ! , ree. IIU 88 I ~. approved, allclwed anll confu!"~ d. . or of Edwin Smitb'lI eightb birthday. . 'Aj"... a mut., licldy dea vampIre, and yet. a woman, ~ man I Catherine IF' W.ger admlnllltra- G k t th ts ' tertal d NOTARY PU."1e , safety lay not in wordll but In uneL..' ames ep e guel en ne DlIIl I turDeCI awaF it MelDquivocal ' action tm of the EtSu". of Ella Ta.nBey, lind a dainty lunch of fruit IlBlad, N.d.... Ba•• ed to 1M that I HDMid • he~ first , and .final .cc.o~nt. • cake, candy and peanuts wall ~rved. Earl Holland Ia driving a new "Gooll-nlght;,,'1 bade thickly . .Bear~ of femu' at the inc with me a satlafying but some Martha E. ' Trovillo, a!\mlnlstratrlx Each guest. reme mbered Edwin with Wltippet coach. Will. Dr.w. .. •.•• Ba ..... Sat.... table(- caqht the . . . , . ''You watch he~ • ~r. and Mrs. D. B. CumminRl how annoying persistent Imprint of of the estnle of Elijah Trovillo. filed an appropriate gift. Wa71l..,,1II.. Ohio _ment,;,:: ad e10ee fonew moist ~lue eyell under Bhimmerlng hJlr first, fin!,l and distributive a_· Moving seems to be the order and 80n .have moved to a farm near Dc, a IIl1Il white band .ull hair, I rougbly atalked on and out, count. the day. Mr. and Mrs. Howard I,,,,,'em... upo,. II, Lady'a tree of her, free of tbe Big' Tent, OrviUe Parkhill, .dminlstrator of Mertz and fam lly have moved from Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Larkin and lIer la i r ! , . the estate of ,Ann Parkhill, 11'88 or- Dr. Randa ll's farm to the Hockett of Harveyabu'1!', were week-end D wbIrled her about, to In the morning as I left the hotel dered to sell bonds at private sale. farm recent~ vac,a teel ~y Percy Reaof relativell here. f a4l. tile aambler. m. t he clerk handed me a note. Martha E. Trov.illo, administratrix 8On;. Mr. an Mra. ChrIs Charlell ...... . 011.. ecnmtelwiee : (To be continued) of t he estate of Elilab Trovillo, W88 ftoamDil y Rabaved 11' f~oMm Flat Mr. and Mrs. 'Cbeater White and ..... dUIi wtth . a ftIlom of 1_ '\ • Sab'' . r. n a II r. an d family have movell 1:0 ' the nee iDcarute tlaat peboned Copyr..btecl oJJ Edwin L. .... o~dered to distribute atock to tbe Cbas. Foster I!.ouae , on Herman Lacey'l f.rm. tM air: tu. Vnabl. crack• - • distributee of the estate. to the W. A. Ad.ama Dickinson, manager of the MaT}' E. Probasco. adminlatratrix vacated by Andy ~Iepbone exchange, who . was Injnr"'1'-oa devill I heard '~II PRIDEFUL REPLY of the estate of Abe Probasco, tiled bas moved to ed by a fall from a telephone pole a FUNERAL DIRECTORS -at the table. You m~. of mJ' ....01 ..... willa. blow I "Dt her inventory and appraisement. the Foster'. couple of weeb ago, Ia 'IlQle to be ' ~AYNESVI~ OHiO WlUt n COme-ollll, 11'111him neli., backwlU'd. ,Toe--"Bill, I won't h ave itt about again. ,..t ADd he !upped ber " . . . the last time, I will ask you, will yo u WIth open ~ ao that the • . _ MARRlAGE LICENSES keep away from my girl 1" The im~ lIIlaekZi "Now, get ou~ 0' moment in the Bag Tent. Bill-"Thank the Loz:d, that'll the the ..... or rn idil-JOu;" . ". HI! the.n p~oceeded to tell me that lut time I 'll ever hear that ques- --IJ'-ly-d':"'e:"';p~~~nil ci:irlts;;;;;- Mills, and l .ilIian Burton, ~.'c~or:y-il~==-" ~ Sbe flamed red, ·an in a single rush t he whole thing wall crooked. tion." worker of Kings Mills. of blood. "You bad n narrow ahayet my even ing, March " Ohr,', abe breathed. Her band friend 'Temarited, as , we Ileated 0,11'.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~= R. B. Wilson, new me. m~ler8 dUtecI .lor the pocket in bel' akirt, selvell." CIOS8, were guests of honor. I REAL ESTATE, TRANSFERS TELEPHONE 7 but I apr~ betweeu the two: ForHe then proceeded to tell me thQt John Perriine to Hewitt Mulford ..u.a 0 my ~volver, Wlth!l b\ow I the" whole ·thinll was crooked. . . "And t he woman is the 'maIO Mui'"him reelina: backward. . 826.10 'acres of land in Union Tp. FACTS OF THE CASE Telephone P~T3onalitlu 'If, recovered. , With lightning steerer," be concluded." That purty Alfred DiU to ~rneali Jonel, land ~ove. ment he thrust bis right hand pioce who damn nigb lost you yonr in Lebanon. Reporter-"Were you '.nd Murp]ly Hato bls 1I'BiItcoat pocket. lire as well as losin' you your .monWalter S. and May M. Werner to cool and collected atter the exploI 'beard a ruab of feet, a clamor ey." , . ' L. and Emma Homan, 116.46 Ohas. sio.'.!l yesterdar,f" . ' ot voieea;, ancJ aU ' the while I was "You mean the lady with the blue acrea ,&1 land in Harlan Tp. t1I«Cing"awkw&rd)y with de",dly per- eYIlII?" .. J'\lahel'tY- ' Well, you ,see, it was - - -......"""l......- - -......- - - _ J. Bean to Loftus lind Samuel ' this Way. 1 . was c, o ol, I>u~ Murpb~ . MONEY LOANED il .t mJ revolver. . "Dl'n't you savvy that your ')ady's' was cQllected." . Nannle O'Donnell, 54.80 acres of ' lils luad whipped free of the .Mqntoyo's wlfe--his 'w oman, anypocket, ,I gllmptled &II with second how!" land i/l Clenl'c reek Tp. (for mYl eyel were b,elil strong" Montoyo? .Who's 'Montoyo?" Matilda Achterman to J. Henry LOANS on ' Chatte",Stocu, 8HUI11 by. hili) the twl~ little black muzo ",The monte thrower I Th!lt same , tin .nd SecolJd MOrtpcu. Not. Kipp, 27.91 acrea of land in near sl. of • detringer concealed In his spieler who trimmed UB," lie rapp.ea bought. John Harbin. Jr., X• • . RossbUl',. . paIJD; • IIPUIII of fear pinched me; iinpatiently. Wm. H. a nd Mory Wellbaum to <?hlo. -m80.'., they .parted with ring:hig-report, but "Sho's bound to Montoyo. ' He'a S. L. and MY'\'t1e A. Simps()n, 1 lust at the instant. flanueled arm !l breed, Bome " ,pan ish, some White, lot. in Springboro, knocked hla arm up, the ball had like ae not some Injun. ' A devil, and Lydill E Keever to ~llen Huffman, .Ped cellinpard and the teamsteJ: of all slick a8 they make 'em. She's a tile. gaming table ~tood against him, power tOil white for him, herself, but 1 town lot III . tebanon. : Farman ot w.ireri and djobIIN ~Iver birrel boring into hill v~ry he uses her an,d some' day, he'll kill Hewitt MUilford to L. A. Bowman, countl.. rna, obtain monaJ .tomach. . her. You're 1I0t the :fuat -gudgeon 326,1.0 acres of land in , Union I-lF'-'--+-+-""::' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~thnffirn~~~rp,~~~~~~~ ~~ "Stand P.~l milter, I call you!" .he's hOQKed, to fee d to him." Tine Robe'l't8 to D. L. and COlt of aecurinlr the uilll. "I'J . . . In a trice jlu' entry of any unplellll" Now I sawall, or enough. 1 bad CALL . US Branden/lurg, I town lot in l''ranlll:-..1 ant emotion vanished from my an- received no more than I deserved. lon.ble ,throu,h The p .......... lin. ' . ,XP-ENSE taaonlet'a handilom" 'face, leaving it "Jest "'Why Monteyo stinitk his 11'0Bank. For farther IhformaUOa . . 1:.. A. BOIWlJlan to Hal"l'lson and olfve tinted, cameo, Inert. He stead. man, 1 dO/l't know," the teamster on or addreaa II. DBA.B. ~ Lydia Bevan, 136.83 acres of land · illda ,lIttle anti'smiled, surveying U!e WlInt on. "Do you?" . , ~r, pbon. 818:-X. lA. . . . 0"" • teainater:'1 villace,' clol e te his. "Yes ! Sha had cautioned me and in Union TJI. , HARVEYSBURG, O. Pho.e' "Yoll have me ·covered,. sir. My }fu must ba"Ve heard her. . And s be E. J. and Minnie A. Gray to Em~o. 1 hand Is in lbe dill~d." He compos- showed Which wns the right car d • . I ma SChneidur. 1.11 acr~8 r:Jt WAf:tTED , tucked the derringCl' into his don't un~crst:and that." Clearcreek Tp. W.I.tcO.t pocket again. "That gen" To sove her ince, and egJl: you William and Effie Cornga'! to C. t.elephone lineman Is a f.~ tlemt,n Itruek me; he was about' to. on, shore! Your twen~y dollars was I WHY X-RAY? DR. C. W•. HENDERSON WANTED-Wuh\qa to do. . . . . H. and Bessie T. Haney, 1 town lot draw · on me, an d by rights I might no thin' I She didn't know you we.re ' The X-rattnc of teetb playa .11 mlJiar eight to practically LawrenCe Sh.pherd, WB)'n...me.. In East Mo~ow. . bave killed him. My apologies for busted. Ne.xt time' ah'e 'd have ' steereveryone. He ' lt III who-cllmba the Olllce-Am.n Ohio. 8 ml1 Im~rtant part In the bealth of J . q. and Ann!' Funk to Daniel C. ' thla little dillturbance." ed you to t he t une of a bupdred or tJola, .trlnga the wire, repalra the thepeoplq today. It hall laved and I Susie A L8ckcma, 1 town lot O .. PICK NOU.. ' . Be beetowed a ' challen.gin&' look two and cleaned you proper. You Uyee and much, jlQtreriDC . liy • breaks. patroll the llnel, far and Franklin. ' 9 to 11 •• m, 3 to 6 p. m. ' brlnc1D' to 'Ugbt the, bidden nenr, workll in ,nnter or lummer, '!' Lonnie and Hattie ;Han to FJ'ank IOUrC8I, of 'nfe~t~on and lIuI day or night; al fie Is 'Deeded. 7 to 9 p. m. C. Anderson and Clinton W. Ratliff, pocl/eta at the ends ot. roota ot The 'telephone Jlnell\an i8 one of' Foa SALIhrOa"ta tfJat wiU do to T"'ptmneal 87 acres in KInion Tp. the ,teeth which, 'Wlthoat tbli the e.sentlalll to eatisfactory tele8OW. J. s. Vandervoo,rt. R. D••, Ott~. ...H aid of the X~ray, .eould ' 1I0t •• aIdence • __ _ Charles W. and Ida Grushon to pJlone · ~rvlce·. and everywhere WayU.aVilI., Ohio. , ' tf h.n been det.erllllnlld. _' Chari!!! E: Gray, 10,41 acrel In there Is a' telephone line, yon can' WANTED-A babt'. bed and a coal W.,n~YIlf., Ohl • . Franklin Tp. Dr. Boylee' Dentlat.ll h.ve ODe know alllo there i8 • ~I.pbolle IIlDeoil beater. 11Iqap-. of' lin. a.. Cathepne F. Wager te Louis of th. beat 'X-raT eqnlpmenta man, • an Paine. · ••, A8IIum. 1 town lot in Morrow. ·to be found In ' .ny dentel ofJohn O. Talllley to Louis M. AsfIce lD the ltate. and ,will c0In ]879 there were In Greater e=.======~~=~~'IFOR SALE-Brooder $~" S. D. operate 'WIth yonr pbyilclan lum, 1 town lot in Morrow. ' £leyeland only 78 ielephon... 'J'o,. a.nldel phOI\~ 511Ft, ~8JIl1!I'fWe.( 0, tor the bettermeDt. of yonr Joseph and Bettie Ertel to ~ day In the lame territory there .re R. 1 >0:health. Beidebrink and Lucy Ratbman, \2 more' than 206,000. FOR one freah . .til town lots In Foster Park. NO CHARGE .! eaIt b, L. L. an~ Nancy Compton to St. Dr. Boyles! Dentl.tll. In .... te y.o u ~. . .,. ~C1I"'lce.: Clair 'F.lfe, .il4 town acres in Turtle'TWON'T BE loOl'fC NOW' to b.ve a thorougb ezamlnacreek Tp:.. .. , : ,, ,\ lioll. ad eODIIIlIt&Uon regardFlorence llean to Loftus lind ""Nalf~ "Do I "ore J.ou.?" uke!J the .",~ Inc JOur teeth. There Ia 110 eharle for the aer~c.. ' !lie O'DonneU, 64.80 ' acres of land quito, p,0l!tely, as he ! a ile4P 111,. Cle,arcreel, Tp. abaift I~to the man '.II leg. . ' OoNFID~CE Edward F. and Jennie Morrill to "Not at aUI" repUe~ tbe 1:30 to 4:30 P. M. 6:30 to 8 P. M. From the iaomea.t yon enter Otto and Maud Warner, 107.76 acrell amasblna th~ mo~ulto ~~U, . .the office YOU feel confident of land in S:alem Tp. head with a ' book. , , An~ tbat YO;ll will be In the balld • L. A. Bowman te Richard ·S. way, how. ao I stri".r'JOU! . ~~o~e 18. of a daUIt"who will take perAnna King, 30.82 acres of land in .. . . II! '; 8On.1 Interest: In yoar Welfare• . Union Tp. A IIkllled uamlnat10n wUl be Ar iUa J. Kelsey to Roy E. and given .nd yon ,..\11 bil .Ii..... cd frutl, of yoar troUble. If aby. ~bel M. Lucas, 71.98 acres of land in Wayne TIl. . " tf u eztral:t1on III lIeCeeaary, til.... wiD IN no lien. TaCk_,ata, ', '.,. .' COMMISSI,OINERS' ALLOWANCES 'i .~ .t
. B. ....full'
L.l\,i~ HEND~~SQN
Wal.ter McCJUJ e
J. E. McClure
.-- .
---_._ ..---
lIaneysburg Fei1iliier CO.
Paul ,A. Garner Chiropractor
».. ••
, 'Ea~t ~ulb,.rry St., Lebanon, Ohio
.Ollice Hour.:,
I '
' . · ... 01
- .
· · .QR~ BOY LE$.'.
. Dental Specialists . w~Ue.
Ohio . ' , .
FIttIa aM Kala Street. DAYTON, .omo " .. _
JI''' . • ,.,
..~~!~..... . ~ay W~~~D'\Y_
......~ •••• ,.,A....."••" CI'.111...••Mel' •, ..M.'1er q ••••m.
~, ,,, the
t~~r;:o~n. ':"lle~.
~ A Rt? H 9. 1\127
--- -
_--_ .-
" t L.. CRANE
1IartiD" Stanl.· AuctL ,,' --_. -
. . . . . . . tl.. PrIM. ' ....0 par
. ...
10 of beet. MI' 11M ·JIatt!~1 Imp18lilllllltl. work -oh.
Rev, J. F., YOJ.lnl, who bas been quite W With lagrlppe, il r~over· :c; I Inl. STILL 'PARM ' PROBLE~ Mr; 'A. C, Me~denha)), who i8 work. IDr In C0 Jurn b uS,lpen t th e week ·end , ' " Thl !,owerlng event in our t hill home here. ' . Al life during Jo'ebrullry waB the . V d d lUI( of Ure gatell on farm relief for Dr. and Mn. ,an eman an auother year at leaat. ' w e r e called to SeaJ!l&,ll last ~eek "' 'rhe veio of the '. tb. d••th of Mn. Vlindemalll fath wal expected. Public . er. expressed In lhe metropo The fUJleral eervlell for · b ,okehed the Jrl'oundll upon S. Bu d lIOn were h eId i n t h e wh Ie which the veto was based-<lould al· dlat cburch Saturday momlnr, so be expected. Tariff protected dueted by his cousin, Rev. Swank. F rom h ere th e bod y waa ca~1'tal na t ura II y wou Id e!, dorse any 0 f D ay ton . actIOn which would deny agriculture taken· to DeGraft', hill old home. anywhere near an even break. · One nationally known financial writer was honeat enougb-and bold e{lourh to adwit "Yet there 18 not lacking in ftnflilcial circles an uneaay feeling that aomething wUl have" to be done more than hili been done to place American agriculture on a healthy basill. - • • The in. disputable fact remains tha't Con • gresa has not hesitated to adopt leg· illation in e.ft'ect subsidizing varloua non-alficultural interests. • • Manufacturen through tbe tariff. - . ' . Coalltwise IIhoDownen by drastic legislation. • • • Labor unlona through reBtrlcted Jmmia'ra· tlon. • • • All of which tended to increue cOllt of (,rmlnf; to Increase the prices ot thlnp arm. erl buy_nd 'leavell hini to compete ... beet he can to dilpolle of a ' large part o{ hili products." Nothinr II ever' settled until It ie settled l'igbt, Even If· the McNary. Haugen bill was Impoulble, as the East says It was, It may yet find tbat agitation for national action wUl not ce.... IlDW the larmer--one-third of of our population - can lbare In America'• . prosperity. ..__ • _ __
. DO NOT ~E ASHAMED OF WORTHY AtlBlTION - -In Abraham Llncoln'l ' lint . lIf. ambition: --~b h e _aid to ' the v0 ten to 'Ake!'" make ' the ical IPI_, raneanpropOie a' "':'-nch Sanpmon county:'/ ",no ... "lIlvery mall ta ,said to have In the two thEt whole life lltory • am)ltlon, Whether each .Ia contailned- tbelr achieve 'Dot, ,I can .y, for m.n~ ' and 'their placell in the mind no ,o tber 'lO Ireat '88 of _palterlty. . ' truly e.teemed by my What layour lambltlon? , by rendering m)'lllf If )'Ou didn't have to tell anyone bUt , j~t . h ave• eateem. " , - .- . I b'1 ..... ....-11IDg a fte r you was Lincoln's early amt'ltlo~1 gone bed could make It come true. and one which what one thing would you like to do d'lea t e he k ep.t moat·' Contrast WIth that Would It be te) make one hund~ed '
It be A_ be el~ted .a ' .., .... .... oIBel , write a "beat liner," or in ttle movlu1 or what? WoaUI It De to have .omethln" to do IIOmething. or to be lIomethlne! Jolt what Is your particular' bitlon'? There are . h\'o tbl~ to renlember about ambition. " Ambition of, the rI,ht IIOrt ia ono of the moat valua"le charllcteriBtic8 of a wortbwhile man. It is nothing to The Ire ~lIhamed , of. W•• put Into ready:\dll
1I'0Wlu~ kaIltIM:7
. not to lJe. ·im'poMcl
amODpt..aD 01
II the .....
Do.'t tret mact---.ver-whlle drlv. ~ an .tltomobile. • Sur. It malt~ .,oa mad-wile. they j!ut In 01l.!D!l/)IUI on the lid.£ f~U to .1JCIl&l for tum, Record. from ten traIBe u manJ cWrerent parte 01 the ed _ _ abow that momentary of *-nl*' .., driven II the caa.. a ruJorlt., of motor _ _ upa. , BeNembel' thfa. It ~ aYe
1"1 tne. ~ .t -hom_ · but it aouldn't .,. too ".-If t.o tray·
, 1927 II 101111' to
perou l .... for
be • ...,. ~
are 58 Baturda,..
aan.n. •
t1DcJe Sam Ie eWlla the oU bulilt_; DohenJ- II o.t ten mDUoa dolJan-od Teapot Doae Jet to lie - heard ' froiD. I. _ •
o ' lIow eoald Babe Ruth upect to
. ., $10,000 for tbe nut thr.. 718ft In baaeball-.when he wua't An a alqle _ahdlil .ult aD winter lolli" Be wUl.· lllmply .tam! $UO,ooo · for three ' ye.....
It now davelops ~ ~
op17 , ..' IIOlion dollar bu. . . theft . . ..-n ill the Ualted Statel. BY.
'" 10, 'l':' caD" fiftd .. farmer'a name Ia thl lilt.
• "obn -p. look8ttUer UtI tbt peaa
JUkU illtin&' clauabtar and ....a. clalJl'hter to . IItti. $8,000,000, .... oat 01 eourt-wblch , 1II0illd lit • ~ I~II, for JIOftOU 1_ able to
JiIre. .....,m. -
tke ;a.e-lI\..an Fed ..... Kqjo 00. . . . aJo.,.....t UIJ,OO'O" ",~. Whl." 1II0Wi how general Ie o.t ' Datlcmal
'GI~ t~welr?g in red or blue checks, 19c yard. White Turlhsh towels, 5 for $1_ Linen dashl hand towels, 19c, .29c.' Remarkabl~ values in new spring coats, $3950. Wonderful in silk dresses, $12.98. Three--pal)~ mirrors of good ~uality plate glass, $6.75. Console,.mlrrors of gooq qUJ'laty plate, $6.15 . . ' Th:reJ&.PI~ glass console set, $'1.25. , 'loo.Piece ~ne Bavarian dinner service, $38.95, Clear cryJt~1 refreshment sell. $1.45. . , Framed pictures 'with polychrome frames,' $1.50. Wired silk'picfure corda~ 48c. Silver or gold burnished swing frames, 89C. Yetoone pillow. in' new shapes and desiiPJs, $1. Porto.Rican Pillow ~s, 9& each or $1.96 pair. Fine metal ~P ba~s, $5.75 to $7.7S. . . Pleated F,Jfgette lamp shades, $3.75 to $5.75. Junior bnage lamp bases, $;.75 to $7.75. , BOUdoir laD)p and shade, $1.75. Better d~ s~iany priced for ~Ie,. $2b. r-nr.n_ sit" With slladowproof hem, $1.9S.
,_ '. _ .
Centerv.-lIe , 0
Thrift House -eompletel)l built shows how inexpenllvely and attrae· . tNely the modern bu.,.alow can be bullt and fuml.~ed. It I, 'a t)'plcal Amel'ican bun· calow, Inftuenced by a toucb of Spanl,h architecture. A boate.a will lie In attendance.
New Burlington,O.
"'!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!~~!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!~!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!~!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!! -
FAST. FAST WORKER , 'A bonnie little lassie named Daiale D rove 0 11 t h d'les p Ium b crazy. e iad But what was her systemWhether she hugged 'em or kissed 'emIt's on thil very point that I'm hazy.
Dr• .John W • Miller ' D.ntilt W ..... ' --'II. ... NatJ••al B.-_L 8''''-. _
J4Ueh la, ONandWednesday, Weaneada,., .March
28, hrO telJu , wfJl be elven. Th. ftnt lalk wiD 'be on the "Livlnr Room" and the 111/:. oild, the "Dlnlnr ~o~l' 'In the StudlOi of Interior ueeoration.
-will be demonltrated In the Oriental Rui' ne,.l'tment.
. Hand Block Printing of ·Cretonnes, An Intereatlng ,and inatruetive uhiblt.,
Model Willdo,vs -Draperies window. will be MODEL shown on our fifth floor,
ahowinr the nlht anil falh· lonable draperlell belt adapt,. ed to eacb type of window. above
~n '~~'bC'1I4
1"1'" Floqr.
Model Tables
~T witl\ linen and silver, {or breakfaat; l1111c1leon, aftemcion tea and . formal did,,,. A lloatelll will ad· ville you on correct tebl. a.t,. ' tinr' If you wlah: On the I(!cond floo...
A Model Home Laundry . In the bu.mant will demon· ' It'rate the e~on!,JRY and e... with which eJltlre famlly ... ~underlnrs 1/19 be" dlllle.
,A uditorium ' . Oi-tho.phonic Vi {'91~ ' I'rolb lIl. 8elqut.' . Oente~ khltit',
-will be .ard. from. ', the roof of JUke-Kumler'l.
''"' 'OI~f:il~t1ion~d
Tea Patro " it .;:~' hllrol! 11mb 18: . Tbrolll'~
'...-*lU 'hi: Seld
t· ot
It we ,.y trib~ to UlOIIr{ older W-bl~tI ~ , who b*ft..watcIIaId Ud IIIlIIjacI
Savings on AllOver the Store! •
O(iental Rug Weaving
01' tllll
Talks by . Interior Decorator
4n t~"1l
• . Phon. No.2 Phone No. 320 • ______ ' _ _ _ _ _-':'_ _ _ .,..- _ _ _;;';'" .~_ '_ _
Sample lot of women's neckwear, 69c. Handtnade filet late, 50c Wd. ~Y2-tnch filet insertion, 95c yard. One·in~h ~and-crocheted lace, 59c yard. One-inch' hand-crocheted insertion, <59c yard. I %-lnch Shamrock wheel and rose tace 'edge, '69c yd. Sheer silk lingerie cloth, $2.59 yard. Short lengths of sheer silk, $1.95 yar<t. IIl1p6rted washable sued gloves, $2. ~5. Women', novelty kid gloves; $2.95. Plain tailored glove silk vests, $1.29. Women's rayon 'undergarmenu,·$1.7 4. Women', Gloria umbreilas, $2.74. Men~. Gloria w:nl)r~ha" $2.95. , Children', taffeta doth umbrellas, $1.29. Le~ther ba~ in poufhy and envelope styles, $2.74. DaintY. necklac~ with flower pendanll, 74c. " 6O-InCh luster pearla, $1.74. ' Rubber house apl'Ol1l, 2 for Wardrobe garment and 8-pocket shoe bag, $2.95. Showers radio sets; complete, $129. Voile bedroom curtains, $2.9~ pair. Choice piano bench pada, $2.50. S~riped damask bed sets, $4.95. " Seamless Axminster rugs, $37.50. large. roomy cedar chests, $2850. Two-piece living I'OQm suite, $177 .50. Stylish adaronial tabl~s $13.50, Quick Mea range, all ..white, $69:50. "Ar-Kay' deaner complet~, $22.50. , Sale of white enamelware, 69c. ' , Pyt~~ pie plate. special (9%.. inch), 59c. leatherette card tables (sreen) , $1.49. Union H.,dware roller skates. $1.69. Fitted overnight q.sea, $9.95. Enarneleclliat boxes (also Cobra), $5.75. 600 Men' Vassar union suits 79c. - .____ ~::.....:.c.~~_ 3,300 Men's shirts; lpecial, $. 1.65~ L.inen lined, Dupo~t suit cases, $4.19. -Reducedl.Men s fme hats, $5.85. Leather ~adston~ bag, $13~9;. ' Men's "straight Eight" shoes, $6.80. Salel Men'sspring Suits $33. Salel Men's spr~ng topcoats, $27.50.
The Little
Porto Rican ha , bridge sets, $1.98. Italian linen bridJ:e sets, hand ..embroidered, $3.69. Fine quality maCleria napkins, '$1.98 half dozen. Mad~jra pillow ta~, $5.98 pair. . .. ' . Madeira tr~ cloths, 29c each. ,r~lj~n lin~t lunc!t cloths, 98c. / Ahbque lace dia1r backs, 39c. line~ crah breakfast cloths, ~9t. . _ ~~llJIlr~k I'n~ ' pal em t8Mecloth~, '$4.98, ,..$5.95. . • Linen dain~~k lids,: doth. SIX napkms, $7.9J . Bors' ,cut,$ilk, rayo and knit ti~, 35(".. 8!»ys' one a,d tW~piece ~amal, $1.59. Boys' all-w901 knickers: 1.79. Bo~s' four-p'j~ wool ' $11.90.
Anniversary Features
)Jon tJIq 1,000 appU",UoIII ,j.... ..... tt 'the Prellde!l! ~I' . pJue ••
SaU.fart:ion or Chari. Nothin,.
Cetdtmtiolt CitvQ(lfolftes"
W anted Merchandise for All Needs
"Whom the I'Odl would deatro,., they lint make mad." Maybe you can't UlOClatli that old pblloeopby with 1927 IIIf,ty. .be J01II are one of 't!iOIl who control.·, bl. tulHr at aU tim... never pt.. tin&, ·lUcI-tba* .. "urthlDa'.ft.bat amoliDta to an)'tbl.,.." AD fair .no~ fw yean ~ ,but not In thll cia,. ad.... The fOa~ boer Ill , bla aupeHix ad UM
See U. Early for Your Sal. Dat... W. Cuarantlle
by one o.t t e true trentlemen, of world, 8n: Pbillp Sidney, w~o, In an afe of h)'JIocrl.y wore the Ideall of c ~yalry In hi' heart. . To be ambitious of true ~onor. of the true glory and pettectlon of oul' natures la the very prlclple and incentive of virtue' but to be ambl. tl f II I ' f OUS 0 t tell, .p. ace, 0 ceremonial vre~pects d and IItt!CIVIl parean.....,. th ttt is as w'b:::ba~e ease IQg1I
ted ","DaqtOJl, . Starts Saturday, March 1'2,. at 9 o'Clock.
T. Martin JeSle Stanl , Auctioneers
.1Uan1e. Q,1iIpall1j
Hike's,I}Qwnstairs Store: Specials , far First pay Sale!·
J. W. Burton is In Detroit tor' rew days. '
The new wall paper. are' ellc;eptionally beautiful. Splendid new livmlr room atyle. in ,jSh.dow" Tap eatriea, Taia, Blue, Gr YI. etc:. Exquisite b,e d room. in cheery all-o.... patterns, str~pes, etc. All our l'aper ia carried
in atock. We can Mve you money~
J.:.et us 'Prove
Mrs. Walter McClur ton vialtor, Tue day.
You get C~dar tnmps at Jew lry. Shop. LebRnon, Ohio.
it to you.
From 6c to 25c
RUGS! We are n~w ahowing beautiful patterns in new Sprin lr Rugs, A:Jimioster, Brussels, Velvet, Tapestry, Crex and Congoleum Rugs. Also a large line of Linoleums in ' 6 feet by 9 feet widths--aU new patterns in Tile. and Floral Figurea. ' , We can save you money-let us prove it. Come and 'aee u. before buyin g elsewhere.
$2.98 to $6.00 OJ:
medium toe,
$2.98 to $7.50 ,
$1.95 to ,$2.95
Ladles' super quality Ra)'on silk bloomen, a value not to be confused ~th the ordinary Rayons o~erecL
iii Rayon-all new shades
Mr. and Mrs, J, W. Baker. of Mr. nnd Mrs, M~' er Rymnn nnd Frankli n. ~lpe l1t nnday , itli Mr, IIp'd Bon werc in i'nc i ~1na ti. Friday. Mrs. Charlla.s Gray. OUf st~re is open '\lnW !l ' p. m. 'ev. Burton! of Detroit, spent ery night. . III'Y'S Jewelry Shop, theRobl'rt week- nd with 'his parents. Ml'. Ll'banon, OhiO: and MrS", ~. W, Burton, Ml!l!srs. Walter McClure I\.nd Lee 'Mrs, Snll'uh Zimmermun. M.rs. L, Rend rs n were business vi Itors In A, . Zimmel'man /lnd da ughter we re Xenl , Tuesday, shopping ill Dayton. Saturday. Mrs, Ethan Crnne and sisters, fr, nnd Mrs, E, Potter nnd Mrs, liss s. II nnd DorotllY Cook, of spent Snturd~.r in Wnynes· aroline Wills culled at Henry at· terthwaite'fI Silturday a!ternoon,
- ---....
METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School at, 9 :15 L m. prenching .at 10 :30 a. ' m. Epworth LealrU8 ' 6 :J6 p. m. ' Preachln&" at 7 ,00 p. m. Everybody Invited to these services , ' , , Rev. L. A. Washburn. Paator.
For Sale To Settle Estate The 'M~Klnsey Property
N. SEARS, E.c1u.ln A,.at Wa,.n•••me, <>h;io .
Mis., Helen nnd Robert Early bo lh ' ~. W. I,incoln nnd Mr. WillIam remain quite ill. Mr. anel Mrs. 1:TII~y Satterthwatte J •• Fnirbee, o'f ' Dayton. were Sun~ny Mrs. Myrtle ox Is 80mewhat nnd 80n8 spent Sunday in Dayton. visitors of Mr, a, lid Mrs, J, B,' Smith, the gu~sts of Mr. and Mrs, Russell proved at this time, 6:30 and 8:30 P. M. attcrthwnite. Mr. and Mrs, C, E. J ohns al'e re· EVlln Reif~nlder, ,clf Rou~,,: 7. is . ~n Miami VaU y hospital. crltlcslly III modeling the interiol' of their h'ouse. . the Highest in Quality 1I1r. and Mrs. Elvin F ires\ IIfr. and of peritonitis. foUowing a recent op11'8, Louis Fires nnd chiluren, and , Mrs, Fl'lInk Rogers is slowly im· En t . rtainment Miss Flossic Fires spent Sunday with erollon. proving since a relapse a week ago: , The Woman's AU!cllisry will meet relatives at Jefiersonvillc: Mr, C, S. Smith. of Dayton. spent APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONASE with Mrs. Harris and Mrs, Mosher tho week-end wi t h his mother. here. lIfr, lind Mrs. Walter McClure and on Friday afternoon, Mnrch 11. at bhs. Ida Kelsey of Beavertown. 'I k Miss Pa uli ~e Gr~en spent part or spent Sunduy in Dayton, the guests 2 0 c oc • this week With IIss GladY3 Berg· Jimmie J efJrl s, Jr" 11 year old dall, . of Mr. li nd Mrs. Carl lIicClure, Mr, and ~lrs. D. E , Standiford and SOil of Rev, J ,rn s, Baptfst pastor Mr, Walter Clark attended the -fu, N, p, Jordvm motored to Lena. SunW. H. Allen and family arc en· of L,u nu11'. Mo .• stutli~s ten ve~tls joying the sunshine and flowers of dllY, Mr$, Standiford remained for neral of Judge W illal'd J, Wright. in of the Bible daily lind the' (Ioctrme Leuanon, Frida~. a few days" St. Petersburg. Fla, Mr. Alien wrote h Olcpouncl s is 50 inllllired he ~o m e· I. • Scleati&c' R•• ed,. for all cethat he was planning to spend the .... of En.ma Poetpaid. so.. Adtim e~ 15 callerl Oil to lll'~u c l , lhre ... MI', James Hawke. of Lima, iii 1\ MiSs Estlher Henderso n. who was uest this week of his brothel'. Bcn , week.end at Mtami. . . dr... , , ~ 1' lll O Il ~ on II S'mlinyy. Ht! blleaiu ill for seve'raI days. WIIS able to r eo gHawke and family . l. Ie" llorantOlUh ... F. HAMILTON. Dra ...... ?tIr, and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. Mr, ofld sume her tiltudies at Cedarvl!le col· 'N 'Wport, lege, Tuesday. JIll's. Viola Cnrey, of ~aynosvil!e. Frank LeMay and children. is spendlnll this week With her 51Sdin ner gu sts on Friday of C. T, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Werntz and tel'. Mrs. James Johns. • Hawke and daughtcr. Miss Helen. in Messrs, Clyde Wharton. Claud~ I~"";;~________________-:--:-:-____ celebration of Ilk Hawke's birthday Wilbur Tinney were week-end guests of 1\1r, and Mrs, Murrel Tinney, at anniversary. Glenwillow, Ohio, n busl .... If your watch needs adjusting. Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Wharton and ' . Mr and 1IIrs, J. C. Hawke were in cleaning or repairing, we have an exclll1ent workman to give you Pleasant Pillin for the week-end, t he daughte1'tl were Sunday guests Of Mr. ' , Stok~s' guests of their son-lit-law and daugh and Mrs. Lee Greathouse in Dayton. vice. We also repair jewelry of cry character. Cary's J ewelry Shop. ter, Dr. and Mra. Rt'lph Vance.. . Friends here a17e jl'lad to learn that Le banon. Ohio, William Sa)'lor is 'mprovlilg feom I-.......~~ Mi~ O1ar,a Keys and Mn. Surface his recent illness, He Is 'still in Dayhad as their dinner guests lasts Fri· t Mr. an.d 'Mrs. B. Meyen and two day, 1I1rs. Ella Meredith, Dr. FaIT, on. chUdre,!~ of Dayton. attended service Mi58 Marne Brown. and Misa May Mt. and Mn. S. H: Burnett were at St. mary's church, Sunday mom· Wright. Sunday dinner g uests of theil' IIGn, ing, Mr. Meyers. who hss Robert Burnett and family, in Dayt t enor voice, assisted the sang a beautUul o1!ertory 8010. We bu)' (lur diamonds direct from on. the diamond cutter. and every dlaMr. , an~ Ml'!!. Fred Hubble and '11 'b mond -we l¥~J1 represents the highest f amily. moved Iu . t week from the da Graduation . ,)'& ~ 800n e value obtainable at the 'orlce. See Rae farm to a farm near Middle Run and nothing WI)) build In your boy UII before buyinlr. Car)" s Jewelry church. ~r [lrl BO BOund an appreciation of Shop Lebanon Ohio. hfe I real values as a . , " . Mn. W. F. Clark and "Mrs. . C. .W. Co~~ry Club Twin We aeU Gruen t Hamilton. To assure eood Ilcbt for your child Younce, of Waynesv;lllet.were Friday' or Single 1 lb. . ,. '. . IInola and Waltham. See our a eareful 4!x.a mlnation ~f the eYIIII dinner lrUe* of Mn. mar)' E. Carbefore you purchase. Cal')"s should be t lhe conslder~tion of ever)' mOllY_ Po.1UI LOaf"."" •. "" .. ".".,:."" "" 4k Vi.ona lb. I. .f " ." .".... " ......... 1. Wh~I. W)l.at lb. loa(,,,.,,,,,,,,,, Bc R,.•• 1 ~ lb. I_f ..... " .... " •." ... lOa elry Shop the Home of Gifts. father and :mother. Consult Dr. RuMr. and Mn, William Brown at. Ralal ••••r,. Wed....a,.. Ib Io&f" ........ "."_... ".;...,,. " ...."."." .. " .... " .. . . dolph, the Eyellght Speclallat..t, at tended the funeral of the former'l Mlu Louise Smith, a teacber Cary's Jewfllry Shop, Lebanon, uhlo. cousin, Kr. Andrew Cox, at South W&JDeaviJle Hlch school, and a TuelClay and Saturda),. Examlna· Lebanon, Monday. Country Club, uate .of Defiance college" and tion free. ' Mr: and .MI;S. Josiah Boitnott. of 24 ~-lb. aack, low price . .... . Doria H.~ke, ~ Seniodr o~ W. Mrs. Walter Whitaker deJJehtful- Tippecanoe City, are. visiting at the 12 ~ .lb ..c"IScl 'S.ab. aack 2Sc Cllftoa. 14~".", ..... "."."." ...He aceompan~ed mr. an rs. 1y .ntertaiiled the ladlllll OIl ber road home of their daughter. Mrs. Guy PiIl.b.ry or , Cold M....I. 14 ~"b • • ack, ."." .... "........ .. ... " .. " ."."" .•1.1. ,. . at luppel' Mon~ evening. while Routsailli and famil,. WatklDi and daulhter, Mlat lastH Mias p Ia their husbands were enjoying an oys. Mr. and Mrs. Kesler find Kettle rendered, No,S pail . ... u I\A andl latas neawft e are cuontem n- ter SUpper at Lytle hall, tolloYfln, ' a da""'hter, Bernice, were Sunday din. UDIr IrO DIr ance co ece ne contellt Juelt over. Those who en.... No. 10 pail .. ", ., ..... ,$1.19 year h I Ii ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oharles • joyedn. Whitaker'. oap ta ty Gultner, In Miamisburg; •. were Mrs. Ruue)) Burnett ,nd chlldron, ¥nt.. WalW Clatk and chUMn. Susan Saylor bad s We at , 'p' Cit Club, . mn, Mn. A. L. Sides and Mrs. F. her fa'nl\ near Spring Valle)" Jalt can "". : < , . ', • • , • B. Miltenb.erger, weele. and moved ·to the Slin Brown . Debao.t. ' I. b.a.,. .,.r.p........ 2k CWt_ Br... •................ ,•.•" ...1'. property bere, Saturday. To settle Estate Mr. Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite Thunday evening with . Mr. and 14rs. Huber Penle)' and The McClure Property Faillowlng the games a two. famil)" of Middletown, were Sunday coune Junc:h was lerved, Tholle who of Mr. and Mn. George Scott s ..... :..: Early and children. d enjoyed this 'v er)' pleallBnt evening S •• brlt•• S caaa ..............., ...... I3c 0. til. COrDer ,of ThUd.. T,.I.r were: Mr. 'ana Mn. Harvey SackMr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swank and at,...ta, eo••I.tln. of two .tory t- ett. Mr. and Mn. Earl Hockett. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Swank were lao..., lar........., Iiotll "'at.r. and Mn. Frank Braddock, Mr. and called to Cincinnati. Sunday, by the ia hoa. . .lectric ai.lata $2400. Fred Braddock. Mr. and Hn. ilIne58 of their mother, Mrs. Swank. ' , , Smith. Mr. and Mrs.. Keller Mr, and Mn. J . ~ Gons. Misses Mr. and Mrs. Emery Charleton SboWll b,. .ppol.tmeat Go nSf Gene H oc e tt an d , R uth moved Tuesda, to.... the Haines prop. W N SEARS, E.cl.••i - , A .... t, d lUI' CIa •• .. Il 0II8n Raymond BrnddocJc erty, vacated 'Y mr. all! Anrs. r. • • or , Wap.aYiU., Ohio Furnas. ence Smith, who are both worklnJr Flab. 10 ban ............ . in Dayton.
1 w~ Shows il-a-U-v
XMA K,..
Bring ~our ~ggs to Kroger..... Pure Jersey Milk for Sale
For- Silt -
::t Detlan~
Lard ~ountry eache~,.rge
£l=~. . . ,. . . . ... 6e ~P!~t~i~
When the cream is 's eparated the hord work is Why should any producer • 'sell his cream to a station buyer and ' ,-.!,.,~... lose $1.00 out of evellY . ¥=!E_r9 $10.00 when he can ' so easily P~t that extra Dairy Dollar intO His Own Pocket by
' . p' T r· t' State rl(~e: T.'.1
:Mrs, Elipbet~ Jonel and Mn. Ad. da ~Burnett attended a se""n" machine clinic at Springboro on Wed. nesday. Took their ' sewlnJr mac.h lnes ' , ansi had them adjuated.
c •••
S •• t oa
Butter Clulf,
~!'~~!.::C,.~.:.::. .33c
!!!tn!eJc.7~~..,. 15e CaIU~
March 8, · ,
Req ••• e,
29c ~.:::z.:"'.,:::.: ::J9.~ f:~!t ~ .....1Dc SoapPKtk~ 38c Oxydol ~W':O \ 25c
< Co•• ~
The T~i~State
(P •••
Leaf, Ib ........ ,. ..........................2c. .
T ••• i. OD the SpeCi.1 Tri 'Stat. Radio Pro~ram Ncb Mood.,. ..... io. at 8:30-from CrOll.,. WIlW. 'Be.t old.tim. orch.. tral. ~. Happ,. Hollp .. Entertainer. from Owio,lville, K,.., Marc~ 14
eLOV~R We have a cholc~ lot of Red and. Alslke Clover. Also" Sweet Clover ~nd Alfalfa. Place your order soon, as ..stocks of domestic seeds are low.
SEED OATS' . Call us for your Seed Oats.
th~ ' ~b.ove
material' ca:n be found in ~ur ,art{ ev:ery da, il! ~e. y~ar at , . 'mPfJe~~e , pnt~.l' '. '.
All of
I" Corwin. conli.ti.. 'of • S·ro'om _-----....:...------:-- , • fra me b!';.••• w.lI. cift.ra, lar•• lot, Price ~ lOOO. , Thrice 00. Sunday. Shown b,. appol.t ••at _I,.,
.' '
Bread' -
to SOc a yd.
IIfr. and Mrs. H. E, Stokes arriv. 7.:,30. , J h J Schacdfcr Rector. cd home 8, turdllY night. from Flor ev. 0 n • , ida. . , CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mr, and Mrs. W. H, Mlldden spent , the week-e.nd with relatives at Nox:th Sunday-School at 9:80; t wlaburg. Everybody cordially Invited.
, Girla' one-,trap Patent Slippera; all ,olid )eatherr rubber hee) made to stand the hard .. t service.
IT. MARY'S CHURCH March 18,LSecond Sunday In Lent, hurch 'choul a~ \1 :30 II. m.; Murn· int PraYllf and serm n It 10 :30 Services eVllry WcdncsQuy evnlng
Shoes or Oxfords for all members of the family: Ladiel' Patent, Tan or Patent Trimmed Slippera, in an h e ilrht heels. All new .tyles, all newest colora. Every pair has aervic:e- aa well as style built in them.
Men'a Oxford a, tan or .b1ack" broad
was a
"You needn't look I() dlqutecl," suid the Joke to the .Editor, "for JOll nlBY be Clld younelt ,Ioille da),."
F...., ••0
It. ,
Yum-yum-m-m.m Cnn't you just tallte thosc iood, fresh, sweet doughnuts I The 1find 'that almost ' l!1elts in YOU1' mou th. ! Oh, boy! They sure are good. Don't yo u want some? If you c10 you clln get slime nLurda y, Murch 19 , at. t he Township house on North Main street. The OUR ,ROSPE RITY'S SPREA D Freshman class o.f W. H. S. ai holdTHE PORTE RS ARRIV E ing n- doughnu t s8le. Be sure and get some. They're just like mother REALL Y TWO ' CHANG ES und grandm other ond great grandRED, AND BRiGH T RED mother used to make. Don't miss the goodies . The salo will start at !l :30 and IlllIt all day. Don'L forget The good thing about American b ccau~e if you do you'll be sony. prosper ity is that it apreads further and further fr om the great control The Farm Bureau will hold a meet , sources of wClilth. In ancient days, Ing nnd give n progl'u m at the Gym II rich nohlemnn in his palace was Tbdrsda y evening. March 17. The surroun ded by ignoran t, miserab le, winnera of t he locnl oratoric al conhalf-starved barele ot pel)aants. La- test will speak aL t his time, in furthter the owner II grellt factory in er prepara l!on fo r the county conNew England had the " satisfac tion" test. .Every one is welcome. of knowing as he lay in bed before The County Orato rical contest will dllybreak that- · the men lind women were air ady on ~he WilY to his mill be held nt the (I pera h o u ~e in Lebllto make money for hinl and earn non, Ohio Friday nfternoo n, March . for themll Ives bllrely enough to 1'8. The contest will start at 1 :00 o'clock. The contesta nts from WllYkeep alive. nesvllle will be : That hOB chunged, and will change 1st g"l'OUP in Grlldcs -Rutli So Hsbury mol'. Millions Qf men go to work 2nd ' grou.p in Grad ~s-Beatrlce RobIn .A\ltQmobllell. And <the Butomoitzer. ' bile widens their sphere of labor. A High School- Elsie Brlldbury. Cllrpent r -or bricklay er can work We sincerely hope that a large comfort nbly anywhe re within flfteen num,ber of Waynesville citizens will twenty miles of his dwelling. attend to see and hellr Wllrren Coun ThAt change 111 al importa nt, almost, ty's promising gro u'p of young oraas t.he inventio n of the locomotive. ton. • .
W ho .e
hr~,FELleQS-IN''t. -
'CAtlin+!4 WAIT !.t-
IIfternoon, Mllrch 11, at lhe home of Ml·s. Harris IInc! M ra. Mosher. The meeting \VIIS (Ipencd by ' the Vice-Pr esident, Mr~ . E. L. Thomllll, who conduct ed he d votion nl service. Scriptu ral qUl)tntiOn!! were given in r esponse to 1'011 call. At the cl ose or the husine ~s session t h fo llowing program was rendered: Vocal Solo-" Buds of Promise ." ., .. . Miss Belly Hl\ rtsock Rending- "Chul'ch Work Among t he Mounta inee rs" ..... ~.:., ... ,...... 1rs, Qcorge H Letter fro m MisM Bll$ont, "At the Shl.'ine of Cl1l'i ~lophel' ol umbu s" .. ,... Mrs. Sarah Zimmer man Vocal Solo-" LitUe 1~ lo we r of the Field" ..... . . 'Miss Betty Rl\l'Laock Read ing-tfW omen Enlist in the Bishop's Cl·usudc " ... " ........ ,. ...... Miss Katheri ne Pl'endel'gl18t DUI'i ng the sPcinl hOllr dllinty rcfreshme nts were s.::rv d. The shumrock' decorlltions nnd he prevlliling' color of Ireland which WIlS much in \1vide nce. suggested the neor IIPproach of St. Patriek' s Dny. The hostesse s werc assisted ir. ,serving by Mrs. J. W. Edwl\rd s, l\{rs. J . E. McClure. Mrs. Bert Hartsoc k lind Mrs. Ronald Hawke. The following visitors ' were present: Mrs. Lillilln Small, Mrs. J, L. Mendenhall, ' Mrs. J . L, Hartsock, Mrs. Mary Adams, and the little folks, Betty Hartsoc k, Marjori o Edwards, George 'Edwords, Paul Zlm· merman and Frank Hnwke.
. L.l'L LONGE~? .\
Orga nize Bool ter Club
Intere sting Items
AUXILIARY f from the The regulnt· me ting of the Wom- Sta te. fCa oita i an's Auxilio r.y was ' held n Fdclny
The' Dives-Lazaru8 dinner party III 101188 TOrner, one of over. Dives . still hSIl ~ore than he Scbool teache" ,. is ill with t he High ' the grip. nee«\s. more than' he should have. but Our sincere regrets are extende d to ~zaru8 has plenty. and travels In her and hope for a speedy recovery. hia .little limoullh e while waiting to We are also sorry to heal' of the travel to Abraha m', bosom. serious illness of Prof. F. R. MooIt WGuld have interest ed you to maw'lI father, which has tailed Mr. · s ace a ou th ern P ae lfi'c tra In gettIng "I ' to 1'"oomllW I ... b edsl'd e at Greenfield, read), to start ~om Oakland , on, e ,ev- Ohlo. , ~ en Ing Iaat wee Ie "Ialf a dozen wellkept good au~omobilea drove up, one • On Friday night. March 25, the atter jlnother . A man, well dreued, Sigh sehool will "';ve a ... ....oup of o. contente(l, ' prolperoulI-looldng, got short plays. These plays are humor out 01· each. Hill wife, who changed ous, serious edutatio'niU. Tlie to the wheel to drive home, was proll- orchestr a will and 1I1~0 play ' sever.al seperous.l ooklng and proud' to take her lections. A IImlill admillllio n Will be hUlband to h\a work. ThollC were charged . both j;o defray' ell:peruseB an colonel portel'll of the . Souther n Pa- help fix up the school grounds . Ceme ciflc Pullman cats and their wive.. and bring a !riend.
r. · 5!i'43
Prep'a re' . by Colum bus I epc. rtel
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 . . . . . .
OLlJMBUS, OHIO- Unlesa automob ile owncl's o:c the State entar ~helr protest with their Senator or R presenta tivc in no uncerta in terms th ''I al·e · liable to find themselvea with . added financia l burdens. The II1'e5el),.t General Assembly is showing eh u 'friend ly di s po~ ition to the utility und other corpora tions that they hesitate about taking an'y mon'I f l'om their large earnings, but to makc up t he deficit which must be nss ased upon some one, to mllet Slnte c)Cpensea, have about decided to pnsa i' on to the auto owner. It they do it means a twofold benefit tQ the buss" t raction and railroad li nes of the State. It means that lhey will n(lt only be able to keep all their Inrge carnings, but these earnings will be in crensed because rural resident s will find it cheap~r to patl·oni7.e them than operate their own a utomobile. The proposed 100 per cent increaae in the gasoline tax, means that it is going to cost thoulIlinda of auto owners one cent tax for every mile they travel. Add to this deprecia tion. and other cost of operatio n it is readily lIeen that tbe excess over railroad fare of three cents per mile is ao lI~tractive that thouaan ds wlll leave their tara in the garage' and pat roni ze the utilities . It has been estimatc d that outside
lhe eig)'lt countie s of 200 t here the State arelarger not more than resimembera and two visitors present. dents In each county financially inAfter the usual business of the terested in utilities. Against this b . day waS transact ed, aU enjoyed the Spring Valley usmess men Th r~ d B Ib ther are alm"st a milllon who 0 f 0 II owmg . cently 1organiz e program a ooster : cu . e m Song-.•'Am, erlta"~u automobiles. ., Added "g··olin e ~-follow ng o.. ,cers baVI! been e Iee ted : By . ~ ....... me"ns favorin g the classea R d ' An Irish mantheandclub. a .... lit ea mg-His " Ola~on ' Sollen, preBldent: J. P. . t ho masses. It 'means adding a"-burFamily' · ... :................ Mrs. McClure H81:Qld Kreltze F . Bing r Beeretal is an outstand 'Y-treas ing urer, den F. to M. a million and a half Ohioans Hiatt, vice-presi dent and F. N. Null Vical Solo ............. Mrs Irene Baird .. . aulstan t vice.pre sldent; G. V. Simi, leader of British yout h today. He Wh \I are noV( t a1(e d on th Ir t au omoReadlnl f;-"The Blnh of St. R PatII Hi tt was d A h C ed with honors from biles to hte limit: At thee same rick - -........-MrII. . Archdeacon Londograduat time usse a an universi I'C t opsey were in 192' and it means increllse d enning s ""ith no The next meeting will be held with taught in the E:gliSh achOoi; ~:~~l;::e.m~mber1! of the ex~cutive 'from increase , in, taxes to ·the i.ltllitielt. The Mrs.Joe l Stokes, A~rll 18th at 2 .p. 1921-25. He is vitally jnter~t A ""clean -up" and beAutification" ed in Ohio. State Automobile club with lts murllte ad of 1 :30 0 clock, as the, da,. all soCial problems of t cat:npaign was planned lor the viIhe day and thousan ds of member s II doing ita w be longer by that time, and the has made definite tonbibtitioT)8 lage, tor April. t~ utmo~~ in the int erest of the auto clocks will be turned up one hour. prison o rm. At present he is owners of the State in general. but • What a change from the da)'s of D~rlng the. lIocl~ tour a ~alnty throwin gref·aU The local oratof lcal e'o~telt of the his ene.rgie s into the the rllarl auto owner must realiz. Uncle TOlJl'lI Oabln, and the cihange echool was helel at the unc eon wal Berve Gym Friday y the 08b;IS youth movement. His persona l that , this 100 per cent increase til The Maroh meeting of the Frlefld- and her 8.IIslstan II .. INat for white worken ¥ it night and was unusual ts, ,' M~!I. ly well 'atship club was held a.t the home of OUS, MI'II. Tom HardlD, Ray Mam· knowled ge of, youth leaders and the gasoline ta1l means to them, and \a fol' c:olored men. SeventY-ftve tended. More interest than usual Mrs. John youth moveme nts in Fl'Unce Belgi- enter their protest The regulsr ' meeting of the Y. F, Ml'lI. . Branstr ator, Wednes day forthwi~h if the · nara &«0 proul New ~nllanden, ell- W8.11 evinced in the event, after- Treadw ay, M;S. Charles Andeno n, um, German y, Holland and th!! M. was held at the home of Ray- noon. March 9tD, and 'Czecko- un,fair measure is decided. I >_.. b t" bolltl " d th with I thirty-n b ine and f MrII. 1 ta c~a AlVIn ~ ~arnhar a t. ~ an Sloviak e~M ia ~oomuoro~~~~~t~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~== equips him to speak on rible lot of poor black lliaves in the operate Elsie St·oud ==~~=====~=~=====~ d with the ett'orts ' of the . ~~~·~~'~~~~~~~~ D ' ti t d ' h- f ~~OO~~.~ South, w~re told by' the late A.lbert teachhig stall" are to be ~~~ ~e ~~ youth commen of the ded. world. l ' a half million doll~rs anp .0 ' Bruban e, "By al lIIea~ free ,the Althoug h only a compara has I~T been done • II J tive few He combine s visIon with 0 to impr\lved highwaya of the ltate black .Iaves In the Sout". But what could win aetual honors. there is no asm, daring with humility and during the past winter because of about wblte al~vU In ')'our own New dou~t that each who particjpat~ with a power which corries t ho most abnorm al weathe~ condi1 ~i EnaJand factorie s? What about ~he ed received lomeonepenona J AT l bene'l\t. a dynamic for ai!ticID. . tions knOWJl' to mudern road ' bulld~WI1S "blte.wo men, -who go 1q wO!:k in you~ The teacher s from .springb ~ The oro followin kindg are Mr. Bing's sub- ing. Etr\lrts are being made by the cotton milia before dayligh t , and get Iy consent ed to act as judgea . jects: [As children we were taqght ·that !n 1799, and who h.ad but fe.w State Highwa y departm home a~. dark1 It is worse than lar from easy task ot decidingi/\ the superjoined the "!'1"Y ' neal' Ft. Jell'erso n win- General Wayne himself had pasaed Ion' In either written 1. "A World F ederation of youths all roads open ' to traffic,ent to keep blllck alavery, becaule the black nera, and their decisions but It haa Dr traditio nal on the 15th of October . 1798, but W\!rtI 811 to1. through and encamp ed near Waynell- history, been one of the hardest jobll that alave owner .keopI him fed ..nd heal- lows:: !f W~yne.'11 army :,/,8.11 at II wfng to the. lateness of the season for Peace" vill". 2. "Eu;oP The followin clln y g ouths article and written World WayneJlville, hi. reply has beeQ ~ckled In a long tlme~ thy that he may ~ontlnue to live and No, not they were discharg ed and ·returne d Peace." by the late George T O'Neall, and Wayne ', army proper, was, Floods, t haws and freezes have cau&::'IIIorle, wbereaa you !ilon't care what Firat Group- but an arm, ho!"e. while W~yne proeeede,d to 5. "The pubUshe World d in the Ohallen rCtaful ge to lld ' serjous wllshouq. and dam,..'. Gazette of of mountlld .K entuclda ns marchin g budd Ft.. GreenVi happeDJ to your whit. IIIl1ves, lince Fint plac~Ruth Salisbul)Y· lle. [McBri de" PI- Movement." Februar y 8, .1905, dlsprllvos that to relnfqre e the army at Ooncret e l'oads have suft'erl!d moat )'011 can c , for nothing , mo~ whlln Greenvi lle. oneer HistOry, Vol. 1', pllge 226.J Second place-B etty Hartsoe ". et ' 4: .IThe point Psychol 01 history and fOf the benefit ~Id paIlS b,y where ~,aynes ogy of War." and many miles of these will bave to . . , th.y di,,-" , vUle now In Second Group-'-'the succeed ing aumme,r , the 5. "The World Challcn ge ' to the be recQnstr ucted. But even with of ,the futllre generat ion 'we have IS, and cam'ped thelre. the Ke/ltuck y vO,l unteers were Ffnt .place---. Beatrlce RohltJIer. call- Youth." been , requeste d to reprint It.-Ed] , . damage grenter than ever before ,to In 1810 an old Kentuck y pioneer ed out. ~nd on the 26th. of agal~ Slavery can be and h8s been at Second place-E velyn Cartwri ght. ·July Gen. 6. "War and Social Progres s.' these improve who had be~n a cOllDpa?lon pf' B!lone Scott, 'YI~ 1100 men, Joined d highway s, it Ia held P11l4 nn a "wage baals" a~ on a buis Third G¥ou" Wayne 7. "Recent . Internnt ionnl Youth ~hat the nlol\CY from the gaaoline . t ~ I I I ki d f hi to h and had fought with him at the bst- at GreenVille, and on the • .. . tax T)tere are two 28th n a 0 the C B ljIl tie of the Blue Llclc in 1782, was o n f " '0 P)l1I ca 8 ave o~ers Ip. ~odwill lie several time , lri'eater . than- army moved against the Miami viI· 11'irst place~ El8ie Bradbur y. ~~ence6. tkadit,lon nnd, wrltltePt' .IWlt..rllltten t blll- visiting a . relative who lived , " . can possibly I.rn ilJdultl')', hlghl.y product ive, be in mainten ance at that Second placc-- Ada S)taner. [Amerit an Pioneer , Vol. I, t(lry I.S usual y on y ~. ,,~an ~e~:sva EH~~y d P e and repaifll, andused ... ~o ' pu on time on the e..t .lIde of the river, lagell. ,ttjstlt :rPnir: ed, immen~ly .profltt here will be conpage 316.J Althoug h the program was long, ~ecord, but there Is ra . . . •• can ml 0 . r an mucn en tra<Ji~lo e. sidetabl n and e. revenue left which can be during the fil'llt " he, I ~ a st;; ~owatddclvlhuti o)1 the audienc e seemed to en~oy On the 20th day of August the ' 1~. To")'ard s .~ World Youth th's va- Ullit Is never rec;orded an when stay :tn convers ation evening 01 hill Con- u cd for building new i'oaile lIIIould . wden t d oWllth~,e ~~t 0 the ""hor~ rlouR number . an~ werl~ with one of the battie of the Fallen Timber was gl'eS8 ~?J1 amply fewrit-ten l'~a~e. Itlst()l'Y and traditio n cont'Jot , aome an pro the present lice for .. cOlluort Assembly make 'n!>anc A,. • comfort • themselvsC8.~ ave paid ~or the.n it. lour dmaln to And Qut young'er membors of the family he fought, and on the 12th of October . ~l. . 1 Olmsttnn Yout h and Wal'." It- "'0881"'le toGeneral ~ the I·. aU liW.. s use tho money for 'oth'rh I d I SCOut . .. said: d vi t lJ" "Sevent een years ~2 ago Yputh, t~e aod Gene:a the Race Problem . marched for Greenwlllch 16 true ~nd t::ec?ncU . .• . hUlb::d.cO ore W:Qmen, r1 ng he . . er ,.t han.,mainten ance PUrp06C B. DamFollowi ng are ~the groups, the 'It is a fact' mu~h to bee tlle two· put IIqmmer I wa., here with Gen. ville to be mustere d out of service. Mr. BIl!C will be In the U . hom regrette d Charlell SCQtt on, our way IN age to brick hirhwllYs b8.II not ' 'V)e' wlU tc;a:,::,k~!nl::I~:h a;:,tomr speaken anel the titles : ii [McBrid e, Vol '2 ,psge 137.) Mar- F~bruary 27 to ~[ay .81 1 27. . He been nearly paved ~ that w.~ have 80. ,l ittle local hlstol)Y· ville alld we camped In this nelgh- ,hall ' in. so extensiv e aa oiher '<:0.,'" m~ wh!t is the wqrld lom-:ng his History of Kentuck y will be at the W~te B~IQk M eti?g- iypu,' FIRST GROUP- GR,\DE S 1.4 .' Tho men who wrested this, of' roadway. c.o untry borhood eeveral daYIi. We' ltayed on [Vol. 2, page It is .gonling to' bettllr Qa')ts: AT)Jla G Treadw 136) places Scott's Hp~se'luc~~~r~1 in~~~ti~~~'~\s 1~~t!~~O "What She Said." trom ' - '--thil greater happlne sl for the crowd alld Ellrl Mot;an "A ay; (the east) IIlde of river one at 1/109 then, but Warnlr\ . weight . ul1 persons interel!ttid,. . . 1 to night and tben moved tQ the other of authorit y: leems A solution to the present gre~ter .. securit, for the fllW ,hat Harold StrQud, "Reflllct~" of '. to fi~ the num· l~ns." , ~u:II~i~:I\~gCp·~ t I~c~~ede~~~g:n.e rec- si!l~ and camped in thehblo\htom al~hgto- berNat rnising ndditional funds to 'meet the ' aldm oft the U\l8m . Marjori e ,Edward 1100 · 5 "When kn the tea~h I d e - - -,.. - ." . ,• h . ' side of a large run w c puts lD ' needs of the State for its operatio n ' er Geb ' 'C . ,: ! ' O'IY all f or as pur ord, and consequ~ntly , w en we gQ ow IJ ge the river from thewea t (Oamp Run) tends . pUl1JOSeS, has sbeen suggest ed by • history Is slIen~ as to the exViol C ' bI'OIlll." ex, . 1.7 to look 8 up the 0 early hls~ory Cha11ies C. Janes, secretar y of . the of, our Waynes ville's BoutIn corpora te line." act' route .C.rtaln qlergymen are allcul,d of R b art P cll'''K~hey I Dldn t Thtnk. pioneers , we find we hav~ but . Our Informa nt hl~ told UII that the his mountepUrsued by Gen. Scott and Ohio Auton10bile club, which has met )leln~ .. rl}~." . Their \l\lQulen ~ant I'Dbothe S' ll bamll' "Oltty Til the Ba8k~,t' very few reeorded that d men We know that facts to re,f er to. followln " mornIng the oid gentile- Wayne th"m nVllstijfatod pY ' . r.onlfl'elllllon- .... with nn unusual ,respons e. s ury, p81111ed ne, Three. al' i >II Iar ' What faots we Itave we should gat~Ham1>'- ~ Billy is no more I He went Bhhl·)e_ M1'.•TuDes says thathearty Barbarla' Gray "The Deadwol'ussy "d ~I Ire to vi It HI litO F t J II'by 'way ofd Fort Cat' , "the matter ot: u ... c Y c!lm!" "-e., d " 0 t G _ man '11 . expreue route B tty H thut a Ulell all good ' . " nninll\ls • go. '. Of er togethe an preserve . .e erson .an . reenvi e 1'1 to be more explicit was the . aI f d f A clergym an is "red' when he e ur r~ , old camp ground 'anel that severalI andn, that faith , addi tion artaoek, Gapltal P.qDlBhment dltions we r should un s or state · govemthiS .w8.ll ' hiS Ime of IIUP-' carefull y compare h ! dO"9't believe that a whal, IIwa,low ' t b f th f mily went With plies Why m.en!; cost should be adjusted - Norman Meredit li, with "When :. .. ,.. h did the SOIlP Kentuck d y and mou '" d correot t luI old and when we ,are lure h~em eTrl 0 .. _ ~ 18 ..., one In belonglD you~ Eye'. g 0 'I J. W. eftuity " to all by placing a . on-·L-' f J t _ .. ona ,an coug", him up on Mab t D kl "j h th e.. LYlttl "'1 ~? White. Billy served his mlisler well; ., h e .... mp on ..,e eas IIId e 0 f e d" 1m. men ,~. go. up L they e aJ,'e ru. ami authent iit ic cold . put . h 'at i them on rec- the river he located! on a ,plateau ~IUUty. the land. . in 1\ h' mill upon every piece of ·llroper e "a ~, .. . 0 nny I ,.o Iston ell- ord and they become history. for the reason that the com- B'll d'l!n ed ' hl nt~ln'l 8 d 9un; me, whelher farm tween the foot of the hl11 and He ,ll "red" If he ' believel that or city, ad'omobile" Ion. general knew that t~e InI.y There e I~e~: is one s matter II; ~ .0 of 1 ·loaal trafir m , corpora tion, Jiublic utility nr II < ~ the advice to gtve ali to the poor 11'81 Esther R\1eder, "T'ite ·Bargain the farm once owned were aU asaed lD his corles 'a n I uncomv BIDing y. 0 gro. ·... dition which lias .beeri hanlled down ~~e ro:ell;n siaten .While . anythin g e/ese 0" value, III order, to reaUy meant lerloull y. the front and that the ro~e SECON was D a GROUP safe ' Billy, I'!.RADE .howeve Q 6-8 r, had 'rom generat ion to generati,on which W8.11 listlellllly s'trollln'" one gr~nt fault. Pllt this tax • ... equal propoJ;'tion. . \.. ....,-y , .,. one, but a more terrible reason per Wllhetn he got. tired, dh~ w~sl' . Ide w'th 'fI1:r tten ., "'III. , 'uAe,le Planck, f "'I'he Partinc Lovefll." "'d"uesn't come ttrc~; atnhd Th ... t b h t W h e coaxing an caJo Ing d .~ k . , h Id h . 'f II ground' the . !lot of ~n~ 0"f t h.e' m ,He II "~ed" if he dO,ubts t)lat JOllh George Edwardll, "That Yaller In 0 e t a ayne ·new. ~ . at. t e world ould no~ move Bill one whit. beld ti ta e 'I so olng wou not be tory, and tbat la, dill the .a~y which IIOme met4llJc lublltance 'IIIhleb, up as a territot y j;o avoid ·in the ua lIIade ,the lIull lltand IItill In its Bu~ord Bernatd , "Foti\v e an~ Gal." on . ' were an undlsclp lJn'ed When he For. ot ' ood andY rend he creation of new ind~stries, and wit Gen~ral Wayne lead IIl&mlt l~he1:98- bein, thrown from be~e"th the ,covtrip around the earth, In spite ot ~li. . ret." of men. enlisted merely for the started oft' ~s < , • diana in northea stern Ohio ' tbere was onl: Olle ,,;ould move in the even tenor oflour er~ng of leavelf pr(lved to be an fact that it; doe.-n't ..go ~oun,q the' Edith Reeder. 'tSmUea," Immedi ate lemce. In which , they , Idea in life that of etti~ home to way. Of ' course; all pBsa UPI the Little valley or Cavalry IIword 'whlch ' haa been lost we.r e ' engaged , eal'th. an adjunct to '.' , Ql!al Ri!mbY, "U W8.IIhington Were notT Ou~ ~r~dl~lon )f~mi equally ready. to , pll- his oats and ' cqr~ g g II:YII It .dld., hlao- by' lome member of the. camping par" l&ga an t his ~etrenllhln!r moyemen t 'lYe !lhould He ill ,"red" 'If he any. tJIe fOUr !lI.re. h . ' . , Indian village, rob a govBilly took tory sick says . lastl~ did week not. alld \lV. not alono be ·ty ~ventA!en lean be,ore,' , He sta~ ernmen t , supplt train or a~gelll coul4, Il~t p,a ve stood Oil the. "Wainle Foul~, "Billie )l111er's Olr- ,. We once deler:t, itl er thin . 08slble was' done' for him lect, b\1 t evencnreful of' what we col· ' heard lo~~ah Morro'll\' bid . that the ,army only remaine d in more careful , of how, tOll1' cornel'll of ~h~ earth because it a bod, ,as ~ua Show.~ " f~cy might take them. b~ to ~op make avail, this and he stateml/ nt: Three .mlli- camp her!! on.e , nlirht . and the ,'. ~aslljt f~lIr comera. . . . [See. St. Clair 'p~pers. VoL :2 page of hili misery' S~turday• . WAS put out we spe1)d what Is co~[ected!' , Jamel Bl1:germil),e", "Thoma s th'e Pre tary ~xpedltlonll pllBlled up the Litt!e m.omlng th!!y And hl/ Is blight ·.'red,·' ,If he thinks the river !lnd 294.] tender." . ' Miami ,VaHey -Col. John Bowman'. camped .on the,croNl8d ".' • _ • While Eastern ruII n~ where the time .anJthln g sh~~'d ' ~e ~9ne ,' to '~et ev~ .Evelyrt Ca~h~) "JJero will be thlf ofSuch. body of men showed lIoun d the HUt Jl,1ly ', 1779; _Gen. ' Geo~ ' Rogerw ]JQ.wer boo", now ficial time in Ohio 90 daya lrom er~~O!IY have ~\\oug~, ~here, where lIP Beatric e Robltze r, '~'ry of. *nda. Bere they mUltary 'JI:1dg!nent in keeping , a8 f~ Cary.'~ , 'Clqr1te , 1780! and Gen, ' JOliah March p:llrrem.llined ·, in cll,lllpa evera] daya and 7, o~ June 7, it III ~c~ many have too mucK. ' l : • ~illli.ne . of lupp!Jea 8.11 pOl;Blbleo' Ethan Lewis, "Little Orphan "Annle" in 1790. . In thil .connec~io'!. he .from thltt- place DloTed cllieetly . that the ' time ' i!hange ,will ' be. ~. ... " . Helen , Beltz "'nie F~lit of Batte Why the delay at WaynesvU~' the !o)lbwlh g atateme , nt: rerGreenv,l.le,'jn~rehln. ~ the ..' effective. I;lbout June 1, ' PaUace o~ ~ ' . . , :'" ., ; Wayne found he would be delayed B.h • ., " ' . ) . The Wakitat ina I')' me, before le~"lnc ~e 'subJ~ 'ner, of Greene eO~lty In e Girls the bill and i~ signing , by: :'Go~ , , f ~'~"lIome 4ays ' longer than lie / bad ex- iDet at the ..home ' bl Campfir ' ~ John 'l"'orner, "Good Old Dlya:~' the of guard~all military exped\tlona, to coiTect townllrlp,' ~d .making . ., . 'j7 " ' . Lucile' Thompson, 'Ii that So," pec~d, ahd did not w~~t the, mUtt~ M~. Moomaw, l!lo~day .a~~,ernoon , Vic D<!nahe}, isnrt goinr ~t,O' eirect an elTOr frequen tly heard that Way- ca~p one mil~ 'north a,.t many secb!ons of · the ~tate, aa ..... . . -:.... of In 1111 camp· any longer than could 3 :80. ~be ,H and 81~ and \ ::. 9ra~ H.-,' " amou. Sayim(ll," , neiville and, Wlly!!e townllbip detiy- in Mo~tgomel')' co,u ntr. , T,ree ~e~ t~m time ball , b~n ~vpgue ~or 110m. l , ' be· ..:! .Lel,loy Mor'lli. "Marl.' s ' )(emol'Y!' , ed their naDlC8 ail he held them at 'lome sire ~er~ followed by t;oll tall and t!me\ .A few coul'ltioJll ~ ~rom fact ~hilt ,trace p.,aed JI~ th,c, ,e pt ..Jij.cIl c-.. Illma sears ' '~The ~etort b\ae.ciurte- Wayne' s ,army marched~e on, the line of mareh ~ereparY II 1,"ep01:t. . ' tbtough and river to Old Townl lour ~ Stahdar d time '\a i Wl'llebiC . . . , OUII.~' '" unW' perhaps .Ute ~2d After the bl!liinesa d\'C~OIl" be.' ~l eampe(!. in ~hil, rejrlon; Gen. Wayne!1II of Xenla;<'Whlire It c!roPed wdl cbange . Geo~ ,MJUer, "'!'he ~.. I'· 26th. tqey, joined plafaa fo~ ~l\~ Tree Blrthda y ~eremo-' that. Wall nevel' nelll'er W'ayneaviUI ~e Itlc. tlt~i ,1I1e&r" by the "here, ~)' ' . Julian Crabbe; ' "Perahtn~ at the and on' the :~8t_ nlal w.ere maqe, and guelltl? when It owa at Fort ~mUto~ no" ta,:. n~ on tective on " r , , :, ~. Front.~' ann~ ' ' ~oved , .f9rw~ ... . , .. ~btiq and th, .Great ,M1~mV' " tre~ given t~ \he girls by ·the I , . Here o\»' traditio .. ebda, anel we tha few CIO'C:Cka~4:~~!::_~: batthi of It~thll:YD OpJdott , "O)d I nalda." Only a,hw III? ". h'eai'\l m~at ,look to ~I_ hlatory to tell ~ug1lfl~ .2O:t\i. the J1al1en Timber Cin dla,\ , to' be folly answere d. ...;; Lavema Thom.. ;' "Anna b: Lee. u • an old gentlemW"D . / " . anlwere d ~nd reported o~ the,e '~t1J~CIi~e an,who se Jamn, hu ,08~bo ' o~.• 81ul~1II detae~ c1r , And now, ...,. altboa, h the faotiI of the group i'eilden u of the lIla.i .,.U.)' trOOpe,. WeN. tree ,knowled ce will be actual hiato17 appear to b. ualnat IIOmewhl\t our THIR~ GROU P-HIGH" /JCROOJ. IncrCjUle .1818. ~"d who t. a , m. of • .,10 d. -.~tbl Oen. ~ we i!ertailib havi .oat uetU'll t DurIng ~e brief p~m Uliltri4:e Ada Shaner, "Libert )'. IIDd ..IntelU"tnteUt nnce :and mformatiCni, ..nee." , Calhoun. . the etateme hl that ~aJ1l". fo,ndat lon lor oar tracUttOD. U.I .Robltae r , won \an honor .by. Kirtha Nichola. "'roua. JIIt L. ~~~;~~~~I;i have tn 1\'hQl, we will ac- the' bloln'8phles qf \bree. treat ' a.)' p,.aed ul' the rIYv V~t lDlieen to part. W. bear the twill of ton, llobe,t Fulton, Samqel. lIcl:rMlc erture." PlllUIPL ' eampe.d at WA)'Jl..,.m. Bel atAlJOCI a-iIa aIaIDIt oaa1w It .... Wapea vllie Ud Wape and TbolllU A. EdlloD. Boyd Hend..... "Selection." Lba- ~ all hi OO18P." coin. t It II •• ., . . mJth After the tree P..-a J!rptlce. . We OIlCB • •d all old ...d...... C1ait1. 8eott bat; It 11. ',-, fa adlo~ed to meet lIaieh _. (ColltiDUed 011 ~ ') WII .. ~tIIa of W.,.tI'fIDI . . ~ ~ . .to 1111 ft._~ .I • D9RlS JU.WKB. ' • . .
mond Braddock, Sunday evening, March 30th. Aft€,r the businellll session a very InterelJting report of the BI ue Pin e Qua...... ... - 'I M t' h Id t H u II H ouse, Ch' r, y ee mil', . e ba ICllgO, . w!l8 given y Fl oramon d R ee... .. . Following this tlbe meeting was ad journed mem'ber a were divided into four.the dlll'eren t grOUplIII . A prize w n • glv' en to the group who lucceed . ed In getting the most worda out of ~:~e:.atr'ck. Rdresh menta were • •• • '
Frien d.hip Club M t _ ___-•• - • ee "1 Y F. d' M t oung nen a ee
he Q'uest • ion I noW ,.,. ayn esv' ue anu hrp · Au ·,., rray ne 1
cq r eU T'h I er·r l'YameS
:h!a~~V:~e~a~::; ::r~(l~::dJ!
~d ~
B"ll" I N More
C,·a mpfi . ore Girl.. Meet
wta.: "
without accouhtibC tor the pn»eeed .. Sh was al.o Riv 11 til right to pay P herllelt '110 per month tor tbe IIUPherB Saflings arB SafB flol>! of herael! bnd children. L(11l11 Franef wa tlPI)olnlel,\ gUllr· clian of John PI' n r . IIr1'ie' Rmlth Wail ,IPI' int cI IlX!'C· S ...I.A •• uall" utv; . of thll I!stnlo of LouiKe L.wlll. RO B 'rE PROCEED INGS ,bllrtc ;R if, A. J. ~ h II r!'I' 1I 11 t! 20,000 M'emben Over io~ Million . Chnl'le~ \V~gol1 ...r \\' 'r Ilppc) ln~Cd PI'OO f flllhltcntion 01 the notice 'uJ'!pra1!Je rs Ill , III'I oillttl1 lit 9( \"I. F. Akers M' • ' administrator of the estate of Ohoa. NEW SUlTS • Three ' {Third and Broadway Dayton, 0,110. J. Zinck, ."its filed. Offices: 5U~ East Fifth St. ' (Established L887) Proof of publicution of the notice Ella Dovan vs. Rurrjson Conw r, , . . 19 East Third St. of IlPP intnl!'11 of . .R'. Young,a for ' u tn.chmcnt. administJ'Otor of t he estate of Goo. James Callalls vs. Gertrude C ~ I. PI'eston RO$(', was filed. lans for dh'orce. extreme cruelty: J. E. YOI'k tiled atfirlavi.t for the lI-dmlll8lon of Milton Moon to \the OBEYING ORDERS REAL , ESTATE TRANSFERS Duyton State hosp itnl. InformatipJ1l"~ A l' ill II A. .KeI 6e~' to . Roy E. and ' Amanda Luce was IIppointed od· "Whith,er with the masle, ErronRuffled tie-back curtains of cream ious?" ministrntrix olf t.he estate of Robert Mabel M. Lucas, 71.98 acres of lond colored voile or marquisette over a Luce . Wilbur Jeffrey, Willis J effrey in Wayne Tp. "To Mebel'lI house, Oalculus." Cynthia A, Carpenter to J. W. and glazed chint,. shade nrc charming for lind J ohn Coleman were uppointed "Then whyfore the .mask1" Denie Lomb, 1 town lot in Franklin. [\ girl's bedroom. Ilppraisers. "~h, her dud requesteil that I nev· Fronk R. Combs to :Myrtle Mark_ _ : _ _ Proof of publication of the ap· er show Illy face again in his houae." A pretty gurnish for salad is modo pOintment o( Chatles J. Conover us well. 2 town acres in Deerfield Tp. -~--.-. Charles E. nnd Bertha M. Gordon {If sharp-flavored club cheese rolled administrator of th e estute of Morto Isaac. N. . Miller, 1 town acre In in the shnpc of 0 cl\l.'rot. with a prig r..,. the Mlyd Ga..tt. 'or J.I» Work t ha M. Irwin, was fil ed. of parsley at the big elld. J . Lee Thon1pson. administrator of Harveysburg. William M. Stllmper to RalpJi E. _ _ :_ _ t lie estote of IIfolisso lIfcEowen was Colors In foods add IIttractiveness ordered t o sell 5 Liberty Bonds at and Bertha O. Thompson, 1 town lot private sale lit not less than $100 in Grand View subdivision in Frank· to a meal: Greim or olher bright each. lin. . fruits and vegetabl 8, egg yalk, yclChester A. Campbell to Charles low cheese, browned meals or breud Emma Cr08sI!Il wa s a)lpointed guar· dian of Edna M. and Edith 1.1. ond R. Bateman, 100 acres of land in or cake cruats, are all examples of Harold O. Crosson. Washington Tp, appeti~ing colorful foods. Inman Munger to Julio D. Mun_ _ :_ _ A. L. Fahnstock, executor of the Very sweet foods have o ' tendenC)T estate of J ohllnna Delfendohl, Illed ger, 6 town lols in Franklin. L. Herdon and Pearl Atkins to to blunt the oppetite for other foods his !lith and final uccount. A. D. Brackney, administrator of Wm. Jr. and Minnie Langhorst, 120 t hat supply materiols the body neells. It is best, therefore, to 80r\1e' sweets the estate of Florence E. Brllckney, acres of land in Deerfield Tp. Wm. H. and Lusetta E. Hutchin- in small quailtit.les, or toword the flied his inventory and appraiseson to Anna V. Kelly, SO.04 acres of end of a meal. ment. _ _ :_ _ Robert J. Shawhan was appointed land in Turtleereek Tp. Corrie W. Seiker and Wm. L. An nppetizing dessert or salod can administrator of the ' cstate of Geo. W. Grim. L. S. Sho "han, Charles ucmning to Charles Fohlen, 1 town be made of cooked prunes with the pita r moved and the cavities stuffed J . Wnggoner and R. W. Gilchrist lot in Lebanon. Eddie G. Snunders to Moddie J. with c.rclIm "hecee or cottage cheese were oppointed appraisers of the e8tate. Fondersmith, 1S9.04 acres of land seasoned with salt and thick cream. Dates and figs cun be used in the Sale o.f property of tl)e estate of Hat'lnn Tp. Carl V. Herbst to Stephan Gil- same WilY. Mox Calvert was approved and conmon, 20.60 acres of land In Clear_ _ :_ _ firmed. Coda D. Herbst WI1! given ' the creek Tp. .' In making boiled icings for a cake, right to operate the Lonesome Pine Codo D, Herbst to Stephan Gil- if it does not seenl to be . eooked Filling Statio,it and Lunch room mun, 20.~0 acres of land in Clear- enough after it has been taKen from cr ek Tp, the tire, it can be reheated in lhe Max Calv~rt to Rachel D. LemQel top of a double boiler, even after No.1 sirup has been poured over the - my friend Jenkll arose, peering, D., and Hilbert .Brooking, 161.63 the egg white. while the 80litlll'Y tlgure, braving our acres of land in Deerfield Tp. stares, came one to the fires. . --:-WIlY X·RAY? "Gawd Almlightyl" Mr. Jenks de- COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWot\NCES, Rich, heavy foods IIhould be lIerv. livered. • ed with lighter, more sueculent Tbe X-rayln. of Leeth pisYI an It was ,My Lady-formerly Illy Valley Phone Co., rent, $48.60i ioods. This evens up, th'e -calories Important part la tile Ilealtll of Lady;--el!\d iln ~mb~oidered . short SlIme, tolls, $26.80; ,Conner-Holt- and avoids too heavy tax on the di. tllo people tOda,.\ It lias sand Spantsh Jacket, tlghtlsh velvet pan- hous T1'9ns Co drayage SSe' J en· ti t F l 'll ht lives and much luUerinlf b,. taloons, booted to the knees, pulled nie S. Irons ag'~nt insur~ce 'prem- ges ve · 8)'8 em. ' or eJCamp e, a g brlnclnl" to U,ht tlle hIdden down upon her yellow ball' a black . It 25' G 'w L I k I lettuc!e llIIlad it relished with a heavy 80u1'eee of Infection aDd pue soft hat, nnd 'hanging from the just \Um, ,.1 01. .' co. . arr c . sa - meat dish. po kete at the endl Q1 rootl of ___ " _____ _ __ revealed belt around her slender 1ll.'Y•.$26.65, The. Of1\ce Outfitters, the teeth whIch. without th. waist, a revolver t rifle. supplies, UO; Samtary Supply 00., alt1' of U),\I X-ra,.. could not MY PET She paused, small and slender, sallie, $4.64; ALfred C, Brant, sherhaye beeD determined. viewing us, hor eyes very hlue, her iff, board anq washing for pnsanLluie's thin, I keep her lean face very whil;e. , ers, $384.32; , Lebanon.Citlzens Na. Dr. Bo,lel' DeQUltl Ilan 0 . .' of th"lt belt X-ray 8CluIDmenta "By feeding her on ,ke.rosene. "Is Mr. Jenlks there?" she bailed tiona I bank and Trust 00., sofety de. to he fouad In Iny ~ental ofcle'~DrlYamu ..... '. I . 't" h bl d posit Tent, $4; Brant Battery ' Stafie. III the Itate, and ",Ill eob' e mum e, t.Ion, suppIi. es, •t1I2 ; ,m"'A b glowering, at IlIle.aln, .. rus...,eJl' 0f P U· operate with ,our ph,..lelan "I wish to 4mgage passa~e to Salt he Alfa.irs, lil;!:ht and gas, $62.63; DR. C. W. HI tor the betlerment of ,.our Lake," she salld. , same, hght, $75.16; Treaaurer of bealUt. Otftc.-A·ma~ ,B id,. '''We haven't no place for a wom- State of Ohio, supplies fo, inmates NO CHARGE an, madam," Jrenks demuTred. of Dayton State hospital, '67~.66; DFFICIl HOU •• "T~,ere are. o.ther Women in the Ivins- Jameson Drug Co., supplies, Dr. Bo,.n.' DenUata laYtte :rou 9 to 11 a . m 3 to 5 p m tr~~n, Ed,na I,n sll!lt~d. 60C I V. W. Tompkins, pay roll, to baTe a thorou,b eumlnl7 tp 9 p m. Where s Pedro. Where's Mbn- $220.30' Fred Snider lame $140' tlOIl lad con.ultatlon recard· toyo?" asked .Jenks. ' ." , , , la. your teeth. Ther. II JiO Her eyes blllzed. F. M. Colhns, same, $66.5~: Eden orne. T~IeP!'0nHI ~ au charle for the ser't'tce. . "Re f That snake? I shot him." Terry, same, $S3.85;. lame, $81.30; Reeeaence • 8e..-:.l "Whatl You! Killed him!" ex- A. To' Rettig, samll, $140: JOB. OONFIDENCE clan\\tions bre,ke from ~he byitand· W. , Davis, same, ,76; Harlan WhitWajnHvllla, • Ohio From the moment you' .Jllt..e'1' " acre, ~me, $40.60: Gritwold Tire the otflce you . feel eOllfld,., iNo, I _~i d,!'t hov,e tol )JJI~~h.en. and_ Battery ·ShOop lupplie.rl+'1-.60;' I.!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!', tha~ you wm Jle In the baDde he tried fO,a uise m~/ I defended' my,; Frank Hoffert, gravel, '9.50; ,T he of .. denUet who ",Ill tall, perlOaal tatereat la your welfare. self. Wasn t that rIght, gentlemen? Van Camp Stone Co stone $228' "Right or 'Wrong, he'll be after , ". ' . ' A ekllled uamlnatioD will be C. W. ,Marx, e~mlning bridBe; you, won't hc?>r clnn alld 7011, ",til be ad~ The questioIl held a note of alarm. $340.40; The O~1I0 Corr: Culvert NOT"RY PUBLIC trult!, of your troubl .. If aD,.. "I am onl~' an employee, here, Co., sewen, $166.70:. Walter Shuff, If aD utraetloa II · aeoeeaa"., N~tlo.al Ba... madam,'" I faltered. IOU 1 bad an gravel, $9: llIIme, hauling, and drag. there ",\II be 110 De"', Tadt· outfit of \ my, ()wn I certainly would ging, · $13.20; The (h-egonla Bridge IlIr paill. . '. . help YOU," . . Qo., repaira, $1.10: same, blue WIlle Dra. . ,. .. ..._.Ealat.. She 1htshed, p!,mfully; .she dId not prints, $3; same, bridge .repair, $54,Waya•••ilJe. Ohi~ g I ance o~ me dIrect agam, but· her 07' Roy Helsel same ,766' P B unspoken thanks enfolded me. ' '" , •• The large f orm of Oaptain Adams Monce, same, $5.20; F. SimI" lame, came striding. \ $4.80; ~.. A. Scott, ,!!Bme, $29.40; "What's this?" he demanded, Ed Maloy, lame, $16.75 ,; Roy .E. MiIharshly. "An ' ungodly woman? Get ler, expenses; $.11; 'Kilpatrick-French you gone, Delilah'" . Motor Co., rpaira, $1.89; J. D. Ad . "I am going, sir," she replied. "l oms &: Co., grader blades, "73:'6 9; Flft.h and' iWn Stneta ask nothing f rom you or these- 63' J. W ' Llngo Bdwe '00 trac. ~r gentlemen." ,. . . ., " , IN, DAYTON, OHIO "Them's the two she's after paw' et~, $4323.05: Waltell Garage, reo FUNERAL DIRECTORS Jenks and that greeni!''' baniei pairs, $27.71., Cook and Sweeney, II'or ~ bawled. "Ain~t she purty, though I stone an.d gr~vel, $144;' ~ndy JackWAYNESVIU.E. OHIO She's dres.s ed m britches!" son, dramages, $5: Frank Burak, to "Get you , gO!ne," Captain Adams repairs, $4; Jo•. W. DaVia, C. O. D. thundere~. "And these - your para- paokage, $1; bnt Battery -Station, ' Fully Equipped for' Gqod' ~<!.UJ'8 ~Ith y()u. No brazen hussy reeharging, $1; H. S. Conover, eup.; m men ~ garm,e!lta shall travel wi.th plies, $0.36; Banlrhilm Motor 'Qo., Large Di8pJay Room. this tram r of tbe way."to ' Zion-no, not a mile su p pIes, ,."14 . 39 ; Th , e Fran k Sher,Ambulance Service , wood Co., samel $2,.03 J R. O. Shurtz HAY NIOHT (To be contl~ued) gravel, $6.70; Harry' . Ran, same, Oopyrighted :,y Edwtll I., Sabin. ' $1.. 68; V, W. Tompkinll, ,8upp]ies,
Paid on Deposits
Com....... Anita
.. I CHAPTER VII 'rhe pork and bMns Dnd the black It could h,l\'C b en ~nt • •,y Ol) ~' llns\\' etoned colf\!e evidently were (ln e person- t he sup 1"SCt'I)ltl~I~ , d!l lll ' Wa,t ,llrd Ho 1 what I n elled. tor t begon to mend ty and feminine, bet.ruycrl It, 11m~ won clcrfnlly ere 1 was half through WOmBn , vas UII)'l\1 uillJ.l: Illt.'. • the Aou r ' . { ,. h ' r ·tutl!1 tllal I w·\ My n!'w boots \\'<,rc burmnlt" my , Id 5 , ' I ")'ou R I' fro m thc Enst, stun ou.. u. sf u0'n"that 1 00"... wrench- th i"'h waa cha fed rnw ·Crom • Ie way n o Iaug'1 r~Al a 0lose '1 - fro l11 ired. h r " II" Iha t I'n ~.. (,It, nnd J\l V. fu el! an d Lh roa t .,........- 1'1" h ~~ innu " b d e 0 IrO uIdw ~' (I til' Ii> 'VI' th .. nl"? u .. I "Y('s. sir. 1 aniv d in Benton 1- \U~~e pnr hed with fh tlu t f wh!.'n h e eou 0 no I I " ",", ,._, on I"~ yc. t rday." . ddt ot to ~ft,\·... nrrl'"nrl at the enctll1lpment 0 J ell"" was nun e 0 >ft .."or 'l v Ie n C . .. ~ "A odom," he growled harshly. menta, unread, 'Iand conte mpt uously train. " t nt ed sepulcller. Aw' it will d h b II lJrftSCl'l t nle doz n whitc:-t opped wu/:ons .. !!len tt er th em. .. a 8 t "110'" Iler ~ . I perlsll. J tell yo u, you do well ta '''ern S" llldillg ~rOUI)Qd in a en'C e 1 sh ou ld h. ave d one ;; 0, 0 ~ '" ~ -'-''' Inuvo it, you (10 well to yoke YOUI' elf 'h n - ~And "'~reK \v ero busily moving wit , h the appointed of !.his enl.th, B ut aroun d a C 0 1'1\ C"~ . 1 tqr" . ~. " "olopo open. Th fo lded puper wit h nnl OIl~ t em ; nnel the thin blu e smoke ru t her t.ha ll stay in that sin.pit of >.. , .... III l' "ank I\ote . ,'If liloir fires was 11 wc\comin'" In con ..... ned a "e u"~, n u " sig- the ctcrll ull y Ilonmcd." That w(u\ enough to puml> the blllod nlll. " 1 IIl(r ( with you, sir" soid I. "I to my face with a rush. It wad a.n I mm'Ked Women nnd child ren. dill' not find Benton to be a plellsant lnault,-.,..a shame. Wit h lilY chc(.'k s The whole Tlrosp ct- they, the brt'nk I n ut J h 0 d no t k'nown, wh en -"'e~k' s twl't-"I' ng 1 nlanllgecl fa reac\ I" I pace. "" " "" fast smok, t Ie g l'IlZlIIg an lll1a sl I started from Omaha." the lincs accompanyi ng ilie dole: t he stont vehicl es, a linc of washell "Possibly not," Adorns assented. Sir:cJ o ~hing--wlIs homey. J anks 1lim- "The devil is a ttentive; he is pres. You would not permlt me to self COlllO I1t to 111 ct me. ont in the tltntlons, and he wUJ ride explain to you t o-niJ;ht, there"Hooray! Here we arc." he said. in lh oso gilded palaces even to the fore 1 must write. The rceent "You fetched a ll your outfi t? " JordlUl, but he shnll not cross. In afl'air WOll a mistake. I had no "Whllt you see ,' 'J conf essed. the nam e of the Lord we sha ll face intention that you shoul d 10 , " 'I'hoy 6tripped 1110 CICIlIl." him. Whot good tbere shull come, and I !<upposcd you were ill more " ' Vull, a ll you nlled 1S a b1allket. shnll libido; but the evil shull with. funda. I insist upon spenki ng You CUll pay for it out of your wag· er. Not," he added, "that we sland with you. You shall flOt 'fo es or turn it in at the end of the against the railroad. It ill needed, away in, this fashion. You Will trip." and we have petitioned without befin'd me' nt the Elite Cafe, lit a He conducted me on . a long lhe ing heard. We arc strong but i sotable, ot ten o'clock in the Inorn- grOUII$ rllld lire and bedding out$lde lated, we have goods to &eJ~ and the the wugon circl e, and halted where word of Brigham Young nas gone ing. And in COlle you ar "littie short I beg ot you to mllke q. henvy man, of face smooth.shaven, forth that /I railroad we must have. UIe _ of the enclosed, witb my except chin, sat upon a wagoll Against tbe horpies, the gamblers beat :wishes and apologies. und all the GenliJe vanities we will You make it (U\ n loan. I swnd upon our own feet by the help am utterly mi8el'able. ,of Almllfhtf God." E. At this Junct ure. a tall double. , Half unco'nsciowily wad· jointed youth of about my age, cordlsIc botb money and paper rying an ox g oad in his hand, stroll. in lilY band lIB if to squeeze ed to WI IllI 11 attracted by the barthe Jut drop ,of rancor from rangue. them I swung on. ".My Bon, Daniel," the Captain inMr. Beeaorn I W a i t I troduced. "Thie stranger travels to Please waitl" Zion with us, Daniel." 1 bad to turn about to The' youth had the grip of a vise, avoid the :(u~tbe'(' degradaand seemed to enjoy emphasizing it taon of acting the cl.lurl to , while cunningly watcbing my tace. her ali inferior. \ "Howdy," he drawled. • .II've been waiting since J left 800n to join Jenks' wagon daylight," ah~ panted, "and and as I Pl188ed Rachael, "she glanced watehing the hotel. I Willi quickly up. I caught her eyes with afraid you wouldn't answer n plush. She was indeed wholeaome my n~e,. 110 .1 slipped around ' is not absolutely pretty. and cut In on you." "Wall, these' Mormons -are good "I know where you're goproviders," Jenks commented. "They inJ. George Jenks has en- . will share with you whatever they gqed you. You don't have have, for no pay, but If yol1, rub 'em to tum ·bull-whacker or mule the wrong way or go to diekerin' Bkinnerl It'. a hnd life; with 'em they're closer'n the hide on yourre not fitted lor it-~ev. a cold 'fI\ule. Yo'u didn't make sheeplI' er, never. Leave B~nton, 11 eyes at. any of. the women?" 70U will. Let us go togeth' "However, I could flOt help but er". see that tbe Captain's daugliter is "Your husband, madam." pleasing to' 'look upon." I nrompted. "How? Bis daughter?" "'Kontoyo! He is no hus"l\Iis8 Racheal1" , bcabd to Wle. 1 co'uld kill ''Whoa, man I She's his wife, and him-I wiD do it yet, to be \ not for Gentiles. They're botb his u" from him." wivea; whether he hOll more in Utah "My good name, theD," r I don't know. But you1d best let taunted,. "I might fear for " . her alone. She's been j'ined to him." mYJd0ct name more than 1 She pau.... ......... I-all a ..d .10..., ...iewi... This took me all aback. He waa tha I'd f ", ., twice her age, apparently. wo d n ear n man. UI h.r blu. e,., yeryblu., h.r flee whit.: "And Daniel, his son-is he marKy lIame has never been ' rlod '." soiled" , J , "B~t ' l'm not asking you to ml\TrY tonl!'Ue, whitUirrg n stick. "Thoi wbelp.? No, he ain't marme" Said. "I'm not IlIIkibg' you .rShuke hallds wlth Cap'n Hyrum ~ed; yet. -But he will be, soon as to 'love me as a yaramour sir. Do Adum ll, Frank. He's the boBS of ·the he takes his pick 'cardin' to law and please underatand Treat me OIl you t~ain.'~ gospel among .them people. Y do will; as a stater a friend, but anyCaptain Adams oft'ered a t,h lck bet you; .1le 'll be married plenty.'" thing human. Ob, I'm so ~red of hllnd , which proved singularly soft Later III the d.ay as I s~t resting myself. 1 can't run ,true; I'tn unde.r and flatulent under t he callouses. ', upon a , conventent wagon·tongue faille colora. And the.re it Montoyo ' ''Glad to meet you, stranger," he Daniel hu.lked to me. ' --bullying me, eajoling me, watcblnK nc:knowle'dglld. "Breakfasted?" "You know me?" be asked. me. But you were differen'tl I fool" Not. yet, SiT. 1 WIIS anxious to "Your name is Daniel, isntt it?" iahly wisb to belJ;l you, but last night reach tho train." "No, tnin't. It's Bonnie Bravo the play went wrong. And Monto"Nobody goes hungry, from the on the trail." yo struck me-me, In publicI Ob, Adams' wllgon, str3nltcr," Captain "AII ' ri~ht, sir," said I. "Which· why eouldn'~ I have killed blm. You Adurns obs rved. 'lie Slight.ly raiSed ever you prefer." will lIiIy I'm in love ",Uh you. Per- his voice, preemptory. "Rochaell '''I 'loaw you lIim to go tbrough haps [ am-quilln IllibeJ ' 1 only as~ Fetch our gues~ some ' brelikflMlt.~' ;~~~" t his train to Salt Lake, do a kind · of partnerablp---:.the cncour- , There 'Yore two women in VIew, "That's the engagement I've made agement of Borne decent man ne~t' husied With dom estic cares. One with Mr. Jenk~.'" ' me. · I ' have money;' plenty' till we~ 'Wa elderly, us fur as mig ht be judg· "It's four hundred milo, an' twenboth get a good footi!).g. But you /!d by .her somewhat slatternly fig- ty mile ot a stretch, withnout water. wouldn' t live on lIIe; no! .1 would ute. ' M " be glad- merely to tide you over, if The other promptly ladled food h;: : t~b~III~"~:~~ti~~s~n. too~ from you'd let me. ~nd I-;-l'd 'be wil~lng -from n kettle to a plotter, poured "1'1\ have to drink what the rest to. 'Wash floors In a restaurant if, I a ti n cupful of coffee from the IJot, drink, I suppose. " " ' "I ' Inew the IDjuns are like to get lDlght be free of ·insult. You, I m and bore them to me ; her eyes down, aure. would at least' protect me. slyly handed them. us. They're 'powerful bad hi that Wouldn't you! You would, wouldn't 1 t hanked her 'but was not pre- ~har desert. Ain'~ afeared 0' In. you? Say something, sir." - She sented To the Capwin's "That will Juns .. be yu?" paused, aquiver. "Shail we g01 Will do Rachel," ahe t urned dutifully "I'll have to take my chancel on you help me?" 1l\;IlY; not so 500n, however, bu t. that thot tool" FQr an ,i nstent her apl,>eali of r had seen a fresh young face within "We don't think much 0' Gentiles . swimming blue eyes/ upturned face, t he bunnet conftnelj-a round, rosy yoqder. We don't want 'em nohaoJ tensed grasp, brellklllg voi\!c;' sway- faco nccol'lling well ,w ith the buxom They'd all better git ao~t The ed Ole: But I resolved flOt to 'be curves 01 her Ill! si?e ogllin bent over Saints aettJed tbat country ~n' It'll snarled .arain. her wash-board. OUl'n." ·, "lmpossi),lej madam." I uttered. "Our fare is tha~ of the tents of "If you are a sample, you're wel"This is final, madam. Good Iilorn- A~r~h~~, Btrang~r, •. ,8pok~ the Cap- corne to live there," I retorted. "I S'MA'ITER ing." , tUID. Such as I,t 15, . you are , wel- think I'd prefer some place elae.' , "Haow?" he bleated. "Thar ain't She staggered and · with magnifi- come to. We are u plaID peoplc, who eent hut futile last Bourish clapped walk. in the WilY ~f the Lord, for no place as good. All the rest of both hends to her face. Gazing back, that IS comma':lded. . the world bas sold Itsell to the devas I hastened, [ saw her still there, "I ask nothing better, sir,' 'I , an- ll." Jeaning against a wall. swered. We remained in silence ment While he Ot',OVl'l'AtiV" ,I '! " af, mister," he Iy, "kill yu shoot?" "I presume I could 11 I had to. Why?" . "13ccuz I'll) the dangest best shot \~ith a Oolt's il\ this hyar train. Any tltn!J yu want to try a little poppin' .yu let me know." And with this he left me, with the uneasy Impres: Licensed sion that he and I were due to measure strength in one way or another. About three o'clocli with whips cracking, the Oaptain Adams wagon in the lead (two pink sunbonnets upon the seat), the valorous Dan. iel's . next<, we toiled creaking and swaYlIIg up the Benton road, amidst the eddies of hot, scalding dust. It was a mixed train; of Gentile mules and the more numerous Mormon oxen i therefore not strictly a HOUTS: .. I "bul\" tra1n, but by pace designated au such. 9 to 11 A. M~ J :30 to 4:30 P. M. 6:30 to 8 P. M. Trudging manfully at the left lore wheel beind Mr. Jenks' four span of Phone·?B. mules, J played the teamster-al_ soothin tothesa?" was road lit;.....;._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' though tie of play Job,tbere on that • lit that t ime of the day. ' At sundown, having eaten our s upp~rs, we were. sitting by our fires 8mok'!lg and .talkmg, when, os a can. Stl'uctlO\1 tral;n oi box cors clanked by 011 the r~llroaq l chaneed to 1Iee n , figure spnng ' out aspraWl, aUght }V1th a whlme of 8and~ and staggering up hosten tor us, Fii-(lt it accosted tlje· hUlk : Daniel. I SIlW ,him from his then he rode like q
Paul A. Garner Chiropractor
East Mulberry St., Lebanon, Ohio ORice
a woman ' to~ 'lao"'8 to come Jenka." In '0 storm of ' rude 'ralllery"'J1hat~ a . hoSl on "You, Georgel" . ~ Wayne.ville, Ohio "DIdn't know you owneij one 0' tllem (!ri~era, George," "Doel she wear • _";'___i\I!i_lIIIII_iiiIiIi_;;;;;;;;=i:;;;;===~=~;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;~ · the bntcbes,. Geoqref" .nd 10 10rth
Sell'' '
~R. BgYLE$'
Dental Specialists . "atdI
A Fan With an ECho '
By C• M ' PAYNE .'
LOANS ' on 'Cbattela.s~clC8, ~ ties and Second Mortpa'a t,lot. bougbt. Jobn Harbia. lr., Xenl.. ,9hlo • ·mIlO.'••
Farmers. Attention! Fann.n of Warren and' adJolnl'" eountlH ma, oiltaln 1I\0ne~ -Oil loq Ume· loanl, 'at ~ per : cent Inte""" Cost of aecurinr the sal1:l8 i ••eri·~ lon.ble .,through' Thl Federal ~,., ·Bank. For 1\1rt~e~ ~nfo,riji.tlo" ~ \ on' or add ..... 'II. C. DllAKE. Treuarer, phone 8IG·X, Lebanoll, Ohio. " ' , .
'WANTED-Washlngs tcr' dei. lin. ' Lawrence Sbeplierd, WaYnenille, Ohio. . . ',.. -m18 Ir
1 ,
GA ZE TT E .•••
Dtered at; the PoltoftlclI at WayneavUle, 0., u 8ecoud Clua Mall MatteI'
Born-T o MI'. and MI's. Cal'l , Mrs. Louella S~vank Ipent ThuraMoore on SatuI:day, March 12, a BOn. day in tho Gem CUiY" CRANE , Editor and Publlehe r, Wa, ••••m., Ohio DI'. W. E. Oglesbe e and Wlllialt Mrs. WIlUum Llmg spent Wednes - ; DOBler hav returne d from a trip day with trienda lin Dayton. ~ubaeri"',lon Pnce, ,1.60 .per year. to Cleveland. M1'8. May Banta, of DllytOn, spent Mrs. John GUroy, of Dayton, is the week-en d at her, ho~ here. the guest , of her lJ -~ents, Mr. and Mrs. .J. B. Jones ,W illi a Ft:iday, dinl\Ir~. J. W. Fealy. -... guest of Mrs. Allen Emrick. WEUN ESDAY ;, MARCH 16, 1927 Mr. andJ4Ia George i..:Smith anlf MUIs Relen Eadt, who has been ily ' were called to Blllnche ster quite sick, :='==:..:_ ==.::-==~:.c========':-..!:"'L-":-:';"::'~-"":":"-==-========- tfam his week by the death of Mrs. to school. is still unable to return ~ " Smith's ·mother,. ENOUGH OF - TltIS bl el'8 , and men thllt pave no serious I Lytle school children nre enjoyin g occupat ion are gambler s nearly 111, The country home of Mr. and Mrs. the new swing!> which Prof. Moomaw in, theCongres Senates at the clos- ways, ingThe of riot tbe 69th WIIS in evAll inllstnlunleddayl_llsscthoForli"'wIYil'l be at 2 o'clock ery way ,equal to former lllibuste.rs. 'gam ble.savages and few philosop hers noon, but the fire was extingu ished It resulted In tho same lose to the _ _ _•• _ ••____ without grellt damage . and the preachi' ng $ervice at 9 TWENT Y-SEVE N years ago tbe NEW rpEA was the only widespr country at IlIrge, a8 haa grown COUl' BABIES was lin inventi on-not an Imitatio n. The firs t succe8llful spreade ead spreade r on the market. It Mrs. Amanda Starr entertai ned o'clock next Sunday . man with thc short session. Imporr- the machine thllt is responsl Sunday bl f dinner, th Mr. and Mrs. W. M. MI;. William ' Say~or and lady fTiend t' Id tant ,appropriati~n bills ~ere not .. t d h NEW IDEA e or e na lon-w e uso 0f tRPrea ders t 0 day. Its coming Bishop James Wisc, of Chicago, Mathius, Misses Mabel lind I' Inaugum e t e Margare t of Dayton, po ICY were Friday dinner passed. 'Ev.erythlng was 6ld~trucked •. tells Episcop alians "unless of strictes t quality in ma.n ufac ure and increasi ng effort lit America tarr, of Dayton, and George Rauff, guests of Mrs. improve ment to maintai n this leadSUflan Saylor. v ' fO.r I.og-rolhn g, back-sc ratchmg and, comes to a hnlt in its ership. mad rush rfor of Covingt on, Ky, Afterno on callHugh Pickerin g', of Centerv ille, mldmgh t rlde!8. Rigid IIdherenco to that policy finds thc NEW IDEA sUll wealth and plensure , nat ionad moral crs were Mrs. Charles the leader. Invento rs lind Designe n Gray and was l\ Sunday dinner guest of Mr. Whe~ will It ~nd1 -succes sful for these many years, we have never built a better destruct is at the end of the fumlly, spreade r than the pre.s ent model It Will end Just 08 soon IIlI the road." ion and Mrs. J. B. Jones and Thllt Bon . has said often in 8- both in workma nship lind materia ls as well as perform ance ' public tak~s the trouble to under- t ho past sometim esbeen in the field. when conditio ns Mrs. Cleo Jefferis, Mrs. Susie GilMr. and Mrs. stand the ISlIue and bear ~own In a were mu'ch worse lhan they Ask for our catalog showing superio,r mechan ical construc tion are now. lam, IIfrs. Elhel Stump, Mrs. Berda son were Sunday 101'111 Surface and "emand for a chan e dinner guests of IDEA is still the safe spreade r for you, Insist on -Hie Genuine and you will see why the NEW }" g 10 Se n ate and Mrs. Fortuna tely, every new baby is a Jordan Eleanor Lat'kin - and don't buy a machlno that merMr. and Mrs. Calvin Longacr e. were hostessc s to the M. E. Aid ~ ly rules. looks like it or is said to be as good. Ploy safe! clean page, not injured by what hap- society Thursda y IIfternoo n. During The Sen~te cun .make itse~f capa- poned betore It WIIS born, Mr. and Mrs. Haycs Leach, of ble of d~)lng .buslness durl~lg the eration is a new volume. every gen- the business session the commit tee Springb oro, visited the latler'" sis. Back of reporled $18 cleared lit the Ross ter, Mrs. Chllrles sbort seSlllon, either by adoPtlD,g the ~he Mullenix., Friday. human race, controll ing its desHo Use r ules a I Proce d ure (h h i ~v IC s tiny, there is a power greater than sale. The social program consiste d Mr. and Mrs. William Long and the ch!lnge advocal ed by Vlce-Pre ~- that of bootlegg ers, dance hulls or a of a Pig conte,t and a Mystery Bag. 80n id en t. Dawes), A r, lh roug h . a ,con.st Sunday guest~ of Mr, and Mrs, Margare t Tucker won the prize .... -8, were I- degener ate stage. Herman 8,,-"101' and son' , a' tltutlona~ amendm ent, abohshm g the ".... I • in the latter, The hostesse ss then Bellbroo k. Bhort session and giving the Senate' served a St. Palrick lunch, consistRev. R. A. 8tilllings left Mo nd ay time to finish all nece8su ry legislaNew Idea Trans plant er EDITOR IAL SHORT S ing of green and white brick ice for BIJlnchester where tlon every yellr instead of every seche will assist Pays cream for itself with on 3 while acres cake and ,coffee. t he pastor of the M. E. church there of trllnspla ntable plants set 6 inches or furtber apart on ond tear. . 'A 90-hole golf eourse 18 level land or ridges, through lower labor costs, minimu m loss of plants, The latter method is the Norris built i~ Ohio. That's scatteri being Each plute olso containe d a sham- in a two weeks' meeting . and in creased c.r op. Full line .of atng your rock. tachmen ts endmen in, e luding ' w . potato hl'ch ' has planting -been and wire ,check. It is a NEW IlDEA -fully covered by patents pos-ed profanl t,Y. am • ~ and Mrs, Horace Wharto n, Mr ) Wednes day being Howara Mac- andMr.Mrs, three times by the Senate -but as ' Eurl Young and children , , . Did' The New I th Idea Husk er and Shred der b'rthd ma ny tun'. el, held 0" I the fioor of the " E Ith er way yo, u I00 k a t I, ny, a num- {)f Dayton, were Sunday dinner t r III'ht ona s e even II i ma t es ga th d'ID guests Husks House- and never permitt ed to b'e Slde up or. UPSIde down, th 69th ber a f h'IS se h clean00 Very little ere shelling , Easy feeding. Big capacity . All metal Hardene d Steel Gears of Mrs, Emmu Lacy, e the evening and tendere d him a surbrought to a vote. running in enclosed dust-pro of oil cllaes. Can be operated at good Congres s--18 the 60th 90ngrellS. prise. Games of various ki nds furc.a pacity by small tractor. Jt's a Mr. and Mrs. Charles John s were The Norris amendm ent would asNEW IDEA- the sensatio n in the Shredde r field. Fully covered by patents. Rather subtle sport wri ter who in- nished enfertai nment. The gifts Dayton shopper s, Saturda y, and semble Congres a each January 4, . c oc k. d'Inner gues t s 0 f t helr ending Presiden tial and Congression- formed his readers that "Babe Ruth brought buJ the boys were displaye d were G-0 'I More than 250,0 00 new spread ers will be needed in this countr a1 terms In January and installin a $tarts $haping $elf {or $Iugging und a temptin g lunch of peaches with son, .."Ir. GI enn J 0 h ns an d f aml'I y. NEW IDEA with its originality and prestige will get y in 1927 .) . whipped cream and cake WIIS serv( Mr. and Mrs, Ben Hawke the entire new adminis tration andD $ellllon." and chiled to ~obert Gordon, Robert Gray, dren, Mrs. Ellen Copsey , the bulk of the business. CongreM two months after election . Robert Smith, Robert 'and Ellis Shi- day guests of the latter'sWllre SunUnder our prHent method, the Con- . It's quit~ true there are nephew , no friends daker, Richard Davis, Richard Frank Mr. Lewis Fox and family, at Micress we elected in Novemb er, 1926, hke old {Tlends --for nO,ot)lers would en, William and Carl Boglln, Oren amisburg . \\'l' U not assembl e until th'- De~em- dare be so noay into one's private H ... ~ ~~airs. ammer, H erb e rt Kenne dy, H IIrry - ber, 1927. Mr, and Mrs. Edd Longacr e enter, and Harold Tucker, Charles, Howard tained to G-o'clocle dinner, Friday, In the Congres s jUlt closed we FootbaU rules makers have, been and Anna MacDonald. were at • Rev. the and mercy Mrs. R. A. Stillings , ' Mr. of fifty-eig bt ' S hI\rten Ing h t' lame ' ducks. Fifteen of them ' Sen- at It aguJn, II it Th e young people had their first an d Mre. Wilbert S'\Cank and Mr. ators and" forty-th ree of them Con- on the huddle system. t e Ime m Doea this ap- meeting on Sunday evening and de- Mrs. Melvin ynes VI Swank. 0 grellllmen who ,failed for re-elect ion ply also to grandst and seats-a nd cided the organiza tion should be IAlt November. Several attended the Mothers club parked autoe! the Epworth league. About ~went~- at the school house Friday ofternoo n ! 'Import ant , lIationa l queatlolls ~ two , were. present, commit tee IS D.n d enjoyed the splendid talk by Rev should be fully and freely debated We are bell'innlng to lose faith In no~ working on the Achoke of peo- Stillings and also the program given In ~he Senate.. Adoptio n 'of the doctors. They muat know that pcfor offic~rs and taking care of by the scbool children " destrian a are killed at the rate of pie other I\Fcessary The next Bouae rulea mia'ht defeat this. The one' every three hours. Still ahey meeting will b. plans. Mr. Mrs. Weiss, who have bee" Sunday evening , Mr. and Mrs, C. S. SmJth return- livinglind second method appeara to be the bet- prescrib e .walking . in the Moore propert y neal' March , 20th, at 7 o'clock at the M. ed to Dayton ter oo.. _'-,-__... _~, _ _ _, , ' : Monday after a few the, railroad , have moved _ _ -. to the prop E. churCh. After the nj!celll\l\ry bua- days' visit here. They were six erty Mr. Coyle lately purchas ed of Jt', now getting along' that time Iness the meeting will be turned ovo'clock dinner WHY-- GAIIBL lflCG-- WHEN gUE'Sts, Saturda y, of rear when nelghbo n take up the self er to Charles .Doster. Mr. Boyd ,o n l>lound 8trc,et. ' The subject M"r. and Mrs. Allel1l Emrick. , appoint ed talk ,of watchin g the hu!- for dlllC\1sslon I~, "What MIssC8 Alice Powers and Flora Is tbe ChrisThe Evangel istic meeting Cbarl.. M. Schwab , able bulinea band wh_ wife is away on tian Religion 1" Let us all be pres- tie church closed Sunday s at Ly- Keiter have purchaa ed the S. V. Hart ' man, leavinr Europe, ")III 'he II nevevening , ,. -, . It a good me\ltlng . sock farm of near Mount Holly, and el' rolng back. AIIO, he knows "he . h Preside nt CoO'lid"'e sug"est s that 'ent and make ' See U. Early for .Your Sale Date.. We' Cuara nt.. Wlti a fine 8ermon by.Rev. Stillings . have traded ~n their propert y on . . . pttlnl' old, "becaus e I am 101- pool' Iarms be ' c:oDv. In thel'r usual hospitab le manner Collecti ons were taken three even- .Main street .. rted into forests • ... ' h'lI f · • bll .. Th t. " to Mr. Hartsge .. k. Sati.fa rtion or Char, e Nothi n,. ' Mr. and .... .... - t rl 0 r~m Mrs. A. S. Collett ' ente~ng. of the ' meetings whleb amount wnich Isn't a bad idea. We noml.. Jlot • lip of ,etting old" onl)'- at 'parto over $60. Mts. 'RuBsell Sti~gley, lin. E. N. a nate Billy Sunday abd Aimee Sem- tained a jolly compllnv Ith , ' ~ , _!aD of "ttln, Wlfll, Tb~ w~nder pie McPh'rBOlI to do the ' Barl,!y, Mrs. Raymon d Eagle, Mrs• converti ng. ty at their sugar camp, 'Monday - The fourth .. that AI abl_ a man .. Scbwab and ' final meeting of E. A. Hartsoc k and M1'8. evening C. V. Simi . 'Five chicken s,. roasted in the Home Care of the Sick ,will be Ihould e r hav. found • thrill In Tbe prizea went to th'e swift in the the ashes, eggs galore and wue in Wilming ton Monday ev.nquantiPhoae No. 2 beld at the p.bUD ,. home of Mrs. PhODe No. 320 .: eprlnt tor diamond minps in of wax were t~e .main features Bergdllil on n"e xt TuesdayWilliam ing at a six 'o'clock; dinner and lodge 'Gamble n jlubltltu te , false excl~ lut week-bu~ we're In AmericAfrica at , 1 inspecti on of the F;ilstem a Star. and of the feast. The IlIVited gues~ o'clock. All ladies are cordiall y Inment for real o-;IIchleVflQlent. ,M en the long, Ilow and hard pull stU! Is eluded: Mr. a~d IIIrs. F,Tank Squlrea, vited t oattend There will be an-all day missionthis meeting . ary Meeting of this cireult at the 1- __1,88O'S" Kathry n and Grah- Method ist church next Sunday . PEOPL E ARE TH~T WAY Rhea and Evalyn, Mr. and C, am were week·en d guests of tbeir Hartma nn, at' Cincinn ati, will beMrs. the E. Gordon and Bon, Rob rt, Mr. and grandpa rents r Mr. and 'Mrs. Sherma n speaker in the morning 'and Rev. and The willows are weeping for Mrs. Joe Davis and children , Dl)r- Dyke, In DaytOn. :rhey John Zeirer, of Centerv ille wlllipe ak , H. Best: thea, Virginill and Richard , and Mr. on Sunday by Mr. a.n d were joined MTS. in the Mrs. afternoo Forest n. Mr. and Mrs. '~e changed tbe labels on his med\. and M.rs. Howard Graham and the Graham ' and accomp anied them ~o Zeirer gave a stereopt icon lectUfe ielne chest. ' Misses Helen, Kathlee n and Nellie their home. ' , here BOme time ago, Which was much ' • - ...- - Graham . Mrs. Elizabe th S'mith, of Dayton, enjoyed . Mrs. Hershey II 'also exUNDER TAKER HUMOR Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Rob- spent a couple of last week pected. J ert Collett and Mr. and ' MrS. Earl with Mr. ' and ' Mrs.. day~ • -. Charlea . ~fHere'B where we roll the bonc~." . Wolfe and two children , of Dayton, On Thursda y MJ:'8. Smith, ' Johns. and Mrs. TOO MUCH BAD MOTHERII';IG offered the undertek erl! as they plac- . enjoyed ' a chicken roast at Collett' s Johns were dinner cueS\l of ,Mr. ed tlie coffin in the w~gon. . sugar camp . . Friday, at noon, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cook Most mothen are rood. But ·m.~ but who yet is t"e apple of and "!amilY', of his mothand Mrs. E. B. '. Dakin, Mrs. W. W. near d Waynes ville. . e,e. , " he ny . moth• ., are too goo , t IIat i., er'. h 14 1:' 0 IbM needs ' i8 to get .Wel c, rs. W'''1' Miss Mildred Robinson spent the . g es ee, they lean backwar d, and they do 80me good What' n . ' Mr. and Mrs. Kf.sler Grllham en- week-en stiff punishm ent for his H. E. Hatton and Miss d with relative s in Dayton. Nan Collett tertaine d to a family 'diimer Sunday more harm than rood tor their chU- sJnll, but he always appeals tQ his ~ere " gue~.ts _,t the. camp. ' The the followin g guesul: ,· ~ren. > Mr. and Mrs: ' , A son, molher lind is saved from paying for menu conSisted of broJied WIIS born to Mr. and steak and John Myers and dELughter of Bel- Mrs, C. ,WMack, For inetance . ·there Is the too-In- his crime. _ .Taylor, Saturda y, March ham I":" " on the cO'als E at the hln fumac!) h , mont A E Wh't d " du ....nt; mother' 1927 d th" veryt g d 0 F 'I er ' Anothe' r kmd .. I e an sons, 0f Day-12 • n .r - ton, , child does II right and Ihe cannot wrong,s h~r Bon 18ofthea mother who eggs un .' every. 109 goo. Mr. and Mrs. c. W. Albrigh t, ,'The Dorcns Sociely held its month one who will ~ay e~e mn g 8 Jol!y party frol)'l Xen- of Springb oro. ever bear to reprove him.. I recall not let him go when he ,Iy meeting at the home of M1'8, W. has reached IR CDJoyed a chicken roast at the an Incident of ih~ wife of a prom.!- '~he age of manhoo~ and chooses a camp. ~~ose who \llljored tile feast },fr. ~nd Mrs. Marcell us Thacka~a, V. Lackey, Thursda nent man who WlUI out walklq Vflth wife. Thll mother tries y, to continu e were: Mill;Ses-Bcil; hidaker , Mary of Springb 'ller child. For lOme otrenae a'he her hold on' ~im with oro, wel~e weck-en d VISMrtI. B. W . Kelch, ot Chicago, was the result of Louise Harvey, CI~o Jones, Gladys itors of their daughte r, Mrs. S. H. the guest ' last week of ber motber, "apped him, and ' ahe linmedl ately 'QI,klng the wife je~oU8, ' Jenks, Lotena Mansfield and Messrs. Burnett and . familly. knelt down Ia till" mow and asked Their other Mrs. Josephi ne Blair. One . Nentl- t e,lement of , good Harry Shidako r, Lewis Weaver , , . . SundllY evening guests .were : lIfr. till pardon and pronUsed never to do motherh ood d is ~' Iet the fledgling try Stutsma n, Clnrence Crawfo rd The ' Fellows hip class af t he Fr'len dI ,m Mrs_ Harry BUr'n ett and lit'r . and ~hurch his o~ wings when he II old enough. Roy Bales. held its !htonthly social at ,It qaln. J>lftlle. u. ' Mrs: Oral Surface lind son. , It is, aU Importa nt to \nl! :1oun, hu- • A . mo~er .bould c~nt~ol the homo', of Mr. and M het'llelf n. E.R . The oratoric al coniest for .man b,lng tIlat h~ Jl!all, learn to rec- and ahoula know the IneYIj:ab Guests of Mrs. Myrtie Cox and St.eddon;J, Wednes day evening le . IlIws ( "' J ' --. \ l I district took ., place at the Hall, o,lllile .AI\d res~ee~ the laws ,o f ~he ~a~ gov!lm .ouls. , Sunday should be day evening . This district includes Mr. and M:rs. , wlere her parents, uni.verse, moral u well as financial. Wp!e a~d aee that Sbe P. W. Shoup, of IngoMr. and Mrs. 0. A. Arment rout ,eamictl ntenlal troublee, atlmuIat evlt.l her son 'Thi. I, 'llO .plnk. tea world. , Sooner th~IIl. ' l~ Is to hill Interest obeys the following schools: Harveys burg mar, and her brother and wife, Mr. and daughte r, oC ELkins, West Vl1·, orpne. Three Ii-. All c1fuatata. IuaIIIi fln\i Wellmlln, Hickoryville, Flat Fork, and ' Mr!!. O. R. Shoup, or later be II ,gOlllg to run up ~aln.t ~h!.m, outl ~oon .and to govern to of German - are guests of ~rs, Arment rout's pa- GIl tile OfIcIDaIICDulDe his 1I.f e Olive Brunch, Oregoni a and Spring town, and Mr. GOLD IthDAI. and Mrs. Earl Bleh- ('enlll, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hiatt. 'tt. , by. them.. Sbe. mu~t -not p,revent him Hill. The first division , includin g op , and children ; of Dayton. Unless .. mother l\'e,c~gnlzt!a. these from dOl,ng thll. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Conard and ' studen ts of first four gl1l des , Ilmlta~onl and te.c~e~ her chlld.~ family spent SundllY with rel~tives ~ery offen ,.the , devote~ mot~er was mllde up the of Amos Ealdn, Wm. MI'. and Mrs. Carl ' Pickerin g and in Dllyton. Mrs. Conard reooiJ1I •• ·them, she \8 doing him sees that ":'her 'son ill p, and ,MIss a~ gently Campbe ll, Dorothy Freelan " harm.' , when he really ne!!dl a ,Wift kick. Roberts , Jack Lee and d, Louise Ca mlly and Airs. Ada ,Cbenow eth, of Dorothy remaine ll ' until Monday atRaymon d Centerv ille, Mr. and Mrs. tred Me- temoon . I ,know, a son wb.o haa I~ed, ltoJell In th~ end the ,~earty kick and done elmost everyth ln, wronl', more good than the. gentle does h!.m Snider, all of Harveys burg, and Es- hall and family, of Five point, were Re". C. O. Wa>-on, of' Wllmln ..pat. ther Sherwood, of Oregoni a. The win Sunday afternoo n guests at the ome. .... .. ., of Mr. and Mrs. Frj~nk Rogers. h M.rs. ton, delivere d an in;tereatingl mUllners were Esther Sherwoo d, first., Rogers, who hllll' bl!en ill for lome trated lecture, In the Frienda She will I-epresen t this district church . county contest. William Campbeat ' b' ct f ll, time, Is slowly Improyi ng, Sunday evening on t b e au r" Je , 0 _____ _--"Mi8slo ns." -' second, and Dorothy Freelan d, third. WE GET THEM'Q UICKLY AND • -" FREE OF CHARG E The second division made up of tlte 5th, CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR Mrs. S. WI Stephen s, of South foreatls. I recomll\ end tio. the eluded6th" 7th and 8th 'grades. inCharles ton, W88 the guest of Mrs. Taey and Louise Sherden , of EXPEN SE .. _"~!:;'~ I Gn'v.. i'nn'".. of the , Be'vetal s.~tea ' " A: ' W'- Tomer a part ' of last week. Hlckoryville, Lucy Collins and ----likewise designa te this week for Mias Opal Turner returne d with her Donna Jordan, of Wellmlltn and Glen 'Mrs .Laur.a 'Steel,e haa been very for the ' week.:end. ' na Oaborn, Elizabet h, Blackfo rd, Au- sick, but Is better Eft this P ...... a writing. 'HARVE YSBUR G, O. Sever~1 member the High drey Penney, Marjori e , Foet er• BelM Ch J' Dill' i th HeCI 1- ,school, member s of stheofGreen county ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . J en ' ,Bennet t, Esther :Rc:>ss,andGeorge r.bospi~!, 8a'nders, nobert Ill\' liS !enia, IS II Gordon' e, treat" e H. S. orchestr "Ellis taking & and chorus;, ,~o k- part ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ex- Shidake r, of Harveys burg. The "winin the educatio nal program held iD r. SClloc.I8 ,.na that, ners were: Donna Jordan, ~ first. the Xenia op,e ra house,.'Sa~u~ay. _1)I~sii~e!'at~ioll~a ',t,ne "' lnlne'ral give will repre~~nt ,this dlstri~~ i~ ';0 ," forest needa of ~ .. - ~ , ,. ' contest. Eliaabo th BluRALSO COUNT , TEN eOllllponwelUthll, to second, and Lucy ,Collinl, allelClUllcV, ~f suCh lelislati ori' as 'judges included ' AIII¢ iO~:'-1 "Where!1I the ftotary! " cried the ltatute bOob; 'alld . ' Runyan of · WilminG~dlri! o~d gent. "Bill, dropped a ~fe on ~U!e 'tio:ulble need lor ~her enT. of my act:l!1el\ta,(q~ ~~"nd f urea that' aU who tOe and I want to ~ear." " Mary • :- • ~ueacla't 9 a,~. 3 p.m Civo conakl\l~tI,oo schools. The, program fe'~b'lllt;y ' ot 'so uamg the", interspe rsecl ,with pleaaln" muitc ' ',I Satu~ay 9 a.m. ' 7 p.m II·C maJ: eontlnp e in the lfarVeysburg. 'orep88t fa. ' , ,~ ,:
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Df Ec..ma
footpald. 50",
The S(,QLtl~h Rite I\r/lRQnB ot War. ren county will hold a l'eunloll and ban(luet at Masonic Temple in Lell· anon Friday Il venlng, March 1 til. to all ons!story tUomI/el"S nrc urg d to tnk PII rt. flrds will be issued vel'.Y' soon, III \vhi.:h you 01'6 XII c cd to rcspond ton Pfi\m ptly, Kon. CharI s D. llcnld, nuti\" 33r.d. Of .. nyto n 'onsiiitory. nnd HOII, G. H. Knttonhorn, activc SSrd, of Oincill'l'llti Consistory, hnve ach ' xpressed tI willing-ncs·s t() be Pfesont. to address t ho usscmlJluge. , 'l'his will b ' an int,ercsting occasion to 1111 members of the Rite nnd their ladios.
----_ --....
hI hlt\· th"l\g , ito the OIl," ni.d Mrs the flllln , I,I S he swnllllCd cignrcLtel! . .Annn Cadwallader III slowly improving. ' ' wi th t,hc l>olio ' 11111 n. Dr. nrtd l\[rs. Hathaway spent Mon doy , in ,Dayton.
F. HAMILTON, Drunil t, Newport. Ky.
Sult....ibe to ... ' ....... Guett~_.
R-eunion And Banquet
M. J . Farr, 01 pringboro, was in Waynesville, Tuesday.
Miss Mame Brown Thursday In Columliu5.
, ,
1 wo,Shows Dailv 6:30 and 8:30 P. M..
The Highest in Quality Entt',r.ta,i pment ----"~
"Do\Y~ but
not Ollt," cried the convict li S he lay on the grounds in· sid~ th-e , prison wlllls.
M. Robitzer was a 'business vis· in Dayton, Monday.
Dr. J, E. Brown, of Xenia. was a 'Vilynesville visitor. Tuesday. Mrs. Llda Sawin, of Dayton, was a business visitor in Waynesville, last wcek.
Last Today $10,000.000 and an Oil King. · is the story of 'Robert F. Garland, 86 years old, native of Ohio" who brought in "Discovery Well," first ,ot the Seminole (Okla.) fleld which ,Is' already producing 10 per cent 1)1' the totnl output of crude 011 in the United States, according to ()Il joumais. '
Mrs. Lester Gordon spent Friday with her sister and family, In WiI· mington. 141', and Mrs. W. E. Cornell motored to Pittsburg last week, returning home Monday. Mrs. Susan Wilkerson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. St Clair Fife and :lamily, in WilmQlgton.
;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~.~~~~~ are
Beginning at 1 o'clock, the following:·
Co~istiag of Mated Mares and . Geldings, Ho~. AlIo, some cheap H<!rses. ~t of Dump Wagons and Harness.
dine. Satterthwaite, Ramby.Hay Bough. Rev. and Mrs. L A. Washburn are St John. Dono!boo, Watkins, and at Gordo~, Darke county, w~ere they Gray.. . allSlsting In revival serytces. Don't fail t.o see theae boys play Friday, March 18, 1927, at the WayW. H. Allen and family returned nesv!\le Gym. Game starts at 8 home thlll mornine after a ple8118nt o'clock; plenty of room tor every aojourn of aeveral weeks in Florida. one. Last Frida!~ evening, March 11, Mra. Amelia Williams returned the Ten Tiselrtl won a victory over Wednesday from Sprlngfield~ Mo •• Ed Burton's.p,ieked ~am from - Monwhere IIhe IIpent the . winter WIth her roe and viciJnitl. Scpre 21 to 26, Billtel'. Waynesvine's Ten Tigers. --------Mr. and M.rs. Ezra Bunnell. of Leb I anon. lnd., were week-end guellts of Ill'. and Mrs. F. H. Fan and Thomes Pierce. I
-- "
_r_U_m __ _,..,_u_
Red Cedar Shingles Mule.Hi~e Shingiea Carey Shingles Asphalt Roll Roofing Brick Portland Cement Plalter Lime Plaster Board Wall Board "
:All, of 'I'
Last Monday evening. March 14, MI811 JJllzabeth Henkle, a enior. of W. H. 5., entert.ained the Senior clallS and faculty with a party at her home. . Mnny game were played. A delightful two.course luncheon ' was 8erved. The young guests left, at II very late hour, each thrined and ting ling with the Itlorious time which they hlId just enjoyed,
~:~~~n~n ~b!~;" ~~~r:d::~~~
Mrs. Rach~l Crew wall a guest .of Mrs. Lindley Mendenhall and Jal1II8 ~am •. Brown at· the Frfenchr Home. one day 1aat week. . , Mr. and 'Mrs. Jalorris 'Rogers have moved from their farm west of town to the Jones property lately purch.asA • Sh ee.h an. e d b y 14 rs. p'nme
Alabama. . , Mr. and· Mra.. Roy Cornell, and son, Rodger, of Kings MUls, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hough and children, and Mr. and Mrs, Forrest- Hougb were Sunday gueist!! of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Comell ~and familY7 ,of Mallo~. ' Mr. 'a nd Mrs. Arche~ , Hartsock. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walton and son of Dayto Mr· d 14 Fr d H ~ k and c:hdre~~nof :'ilfor~ Mr. ~~d 1111'S. Bert Hartsock. and' daughter 'were Sunday guests of Mr: and Mrs. J. L. Hartsock. In ' celebration of the seventb birth day anniversary of her lion. Ch~rle8 Jr., Mrs. Oharles Anderson invited in a number of his little' classmates. The , children enjoyed games from 4 to 'I; :30,' When ' dainty refreshments :were ierved. . Those pres!lnt were Mary ' Adam8 Anna Gay Treadway Rosemary , Be~tJey, Anna Lee Crane: Barbara Gray. ,L ouise Hough, Ruth Conner Leo Conner Earl Conner
~~~bie~~i;:h:~d. D~fI~d X;:J:~' ~:~i
In salads, desserts; pies and cakes. Our Elk l.:.ick Sliced Pineapple is of a golden color showing it wal canned.. when fully ripened' by the tropical sun · of Hawaii, which givel it a 'sweet delicioul f1avo.. not found ~n unrip~n.ed frqit. You want to use' Pi~eapple. Just lay Elk Lick and we guarantee you will be plea!ed. Try a ~an ' the Next Time
The Corwin' Grocery
APPO' I~. TED CHAIRM-L~ ~aftemoon.
The apPoinl;ment of First Lieut. Miron H. Ke,elor, as ch~irman of WaiTen count)7 for the Citizens 1411ltary Air' COlrps ' Reserve Tr~lnlng campa. was a'~nounfed re~~ntly .b~ Mr. Aibert H. MorrIn, CIVIlian J\lde to t he Secretary of War, for Ohio. Lleutenat Keelo~. will ;apPoint. It. g~ouP of local halr.men to ,aBSlst hIm ID the enrollment of young men between the ag~B of 17 and 24, who are of average Intelllgence, good moral character. urtd. ph¥slcally fit. ,Three camps, WIn again be held in tbls. corps arc.a. C~mp Knox and Fort Thomas, Ky., will open July 2, con~!nulng to ~he Blst. ,w~!le Fort BeNal'nin HaTlrIBOl!. Ind.. will , ~per~ ate from June 2~ to J\lly, 19.. The government prOVIdes free railroad fare. to and from ' camp, medical attentlon an~ d~ental attention, food, Bhelter, umfonns and athletic equip-
AT lHI!~ CHURCHES " ,\. ST. M.\Rrs CHURCH , - ... . '.Service everY WecineSday enmg at , 7:30. March 2(h...Tbird S~nd~y lit : Lent. Ohurch Scbo~l . 9.30 a., m., MomlDK. Prayer a!ld 110-:'mon at 10:30. Rev. , ~obn 1. Schaell'er, ,Rector. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday-Seliool at 9:80; Everybody cordiAlly iDvite.d.
ment. - - - - -...- ' " - -
LAST N. , • I:ESSON I Mi89 Martha, Dinwiddie, dau~hter ,1.;.. of Mrs. Doro~l~y Dinwiddie and the " ,late James' Dinwiddie, of Xenia" and HOME P-AH[ 0 Mr. Elton , Wl~tkins, . of Colulilbus, , ., U ,~ . Watkinl-Dinwiddie
were marrle~ I~t Trlmty M. E. pal'sonoge, Xenia. Thu.r sda y morning. th e, R ev. V . ''F . Brown 0.11\ cIating. " Tile couple was ·attended by the briBe's sister. Miss ,Glenna Dlnwid. di e. an d th -"', b:1'0 th er. _ e 'b"n degrooms Mr. George Watkins. A w.e ddlng' luncheon was lSened at the' bride's' home' and the couple left Immediately lor . the' Eas~. , . Mr. and ¥.rs. Watkins wlU reside In COlumbus. " .. '
The Wayne Township 'Mothera _ __ club held theil' March meetins at the Five-year-old Earl Fife. lion of Gymnasium Flriday evening, the 4th. M.r . and Mra. St. Clair Fife was pro.A. ver~asant leature of the ev- . . , . ' th I • b th Hi h n()un~e~ out ,ot danger Thuraday emng was e mUBIC y e g mornms after .having been deUrlous Schoo.l orchel5tra, assisted by Mr. all night l ulferin with 1111 ht _ . 'f h b ~ . g eon WatkinS. ThE!- program was opened with two selec,tiona by the orchestra. CU8ll10n 0 t e ra n ~~talDed wh~ A brief outlline 'of the activities of 'he feU from a moving automobale the Mothera dub was given by the Woedllcsday !loon. " . . d The child was retumll\&' to llls preSIdent, Mrs. L. B. Hall, an a com parents' home if/. Wilmington, after plete report of the wor1k eof the hot a fortnight's villit in Wa.ynesville. lu~ch com~it~ee was g v n by Mrs. with his grandmoth~, Mrs, Susan WilDsonMEdChalds. Id t f C Wilkerson, riding in an Overland en ssed 0 the- coupe with hi s une) e, Lester G0 rd on. d r.ill c·01\ eSlney,th pres ddr arv e c eg'~, en a" e •II The car was proceeding soutb on clu?, His sutlJect was The Preser- Wood street and 88 it tumed eallt .vatlon ,o~ ~he .IIII~~ Standard of Arner Locust street, the right door Ican ClVllizatic)n. ~ open and the ,boy. fell h4!adfirat TWo mections . ~y , the or- the asphalt street. . chestra and. the . club. adl~urned to· He was . talien Into the Iiome meet the first Friday )n April. his grandp~rents, Mr. and lilts. ---- - • . 11am Fife, -a few doors aW!lf. · where he almost immediately laPlled , Into unconsciousnell8 'from whioh he did not rally until after 8 O'clock in the
-We Dellver.. Wa,nesville,
Phone 113
ternoon. ' 14 -ill Th· . d da h ' d ~-~. L °SmJbs~~ anf , Le~! ter an BUa. , OU .~ ...., 0 .... non. were 'Waynesville .vll!itora, - lIIOniliy afte moon.
The anlora were dismi8lled · from school Tuesday evening being told that they need not retu~ t~' school until Thursday morn. That was bl'!cause the membe.ra of the Se I r claas were to have ' their picturesn~_ ken in Dayton. Wednl!sday. .
' .' ' ~',' . " Mrs. 'B. V'. Smith entertaln'e d the Iales,. d' f h er . d\ VI. ' Iqn ' 0f ... w,e' Care of the Sic:k at lI'er 1I0ll'\e lIOuth of town, laat Mllnday' afternoon. SM gave". the 1ast 1eI801\ ' 0f t h e · courae. Then ·mee.tinga have , heen i,ye,' as ' well as entertaining, and 'we feel that' the ladles who failed to, !ittend have mlllSed sometlijng ' worlth
,. ' -,
Alter the "le8/l0n Mra. Smith inVited. her' guests to the ,djD1iIc ' , .~Ci '4jerved' plne~ppll! cake , Cl'l!am, y.ohlcb evei1 one ' Tholle' ' reaent ' were ZllnmUman, Mra. Davil ............ WUlier --Foullaa, Mrs. ' ,O"<V~U. Mri. Pe~ Riuon, lin. FOirSAL~Youns work , hone. a ~ 'land ~ra. ' ~ St,loiQI. 800d , one' aDo one wh..t .binder. • - e R • . ~. SlJnptana, R. D. I, Leb~OD; Jlli...:....That boxer is In the plDI& Ohio. -.10 coadftlon." • FOR SALE--.Terae, ~w with ~ ••QII . . .. '-P" Joka Oil ~Jre.-"Y., he malr.lII me... three weeb oiL I. C. BIIiO. L eaId NelIoa, • be IIPD' _ . ta~~~~~~~~---~~~';"';';'~_J. ~ . .. W~ Olllot • •t . . :--., . .'
Pineapple is one of the most delicious of our fruita, which can be served in 10 many ways, and combined with such a variety of other foods. ~
Mrs. Kate Coleinan, Mrs. Ethan
Hough, Frank LeMay Jr., Harold and Charlea Anderson Jr. The young host :was ~he ~ecipient of a number of very nice gifts. ,Mra. Earl 'Crawford was pleasantiy surprised when Ii tew friends met at her h Tu esi:l Mareh 16 I' to' reml'nodmheeron0f h er barrt'''-da I ,n y ann versary ' I cldc{ t:all,y' WillStrou d,' ~~h da~ . . th •• 'Th ' ~ 18 e samde. II ht-e covere dS d'ISh d'Inner , M I . _ . _ . - _ _ _ _ _ If, was ' d a Ie gfill f U I f eatu e G e t't.. r. ~es an ~UB e d ,ne , ~ternoo~ , hours,. a solo by Ml'8. Malnous betng e~pee18lly eMo),Those , pr!lsent .'!N ere , Mrs. Will . ' Mrs.. .Jo~ Tinney, ~ra. Ray t~e above' .material can be found' in, . m ..,IUU',,,, T. B. Br.annoek, Mrs. 1th,:~ 'WIlbur ' Foul~8, .;' ~ 1, v~ry ~y in the year a,t ' .: ", . W Grac~ ~Fur;~ . . lIl,ode.r ate :p'ricea-, ',; !- I . , Mra. Car" M,ra. ,Sara W;ard_~.2+~;~~as:e~ BIllie Tinney, , ~ugene C;:;~*=5T'==:;:;:::::=:======;:;=====k:===~b=~==~ . ~rnas and James 9~.~ald M.alnoua. " • CE,RISE, ,.OW ~OU~' YOU?
Englllnd." W bllter, Everett Doan, " SlIcrcd Obliga tions." Webster. Kenneth Fromm, "Oettysburg Ad· dress." Lincoln. Elsie Brndbury, "The Ohariot Race," (from Ben Hur) ·... 'Wallace. Myra Pence, " Tile Welcome Man." !lIason. .
F. C.' Hartsock /lnd family, of MIIford, and l;lonald Hawke 'and. family were dinner guests Qf Jalrs. Edith HlUTis and Mra. Laura M08her~ on Sunday. . , " Mr. and Mra. B. S. Howell bave retumed to their home in ,Port WilIJam, a~ter spending the -winter months on their rancb at Hurricane.
School Roport 1)
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Alexander, of . i . Dayton, were guesu of 1111'. and Mrs. The Waynesville Ten TIgers will C. M. Robitzer, on Friday. . close a m?st s\lccegg~ul season on the COUl·t FrIday evenmg, March 18, St. Mary's ' Guild will meet with wl10n they stack up against the fnst MARCH 15th Mrs. D. L. Crane on .Thursday after· five representing ~cllbrook . Both Cincinnati, Ohio noon March 17 at 2 o·clock. teams hnvc been gomg good nil 8ea· . , son and each is anxious to turn in Mr. and M",. E. V. . Barnhart and a win. This should prove to be a Mrs. "Emma Barnett. of Cincinnati, fast game. and .as Bellbrook always T ••• in on tile Sp.. ci~1 Tri Sl'ate Radio Prop.a/ll ea:" Monda~ .Yenb•• spent Sunday in Waynesville. brings a goOd!'8Ized crowd 01 rootat 1:30 fro... Croal.. ~ WLW. Beat old.time orcheotra. will b. pre.ented. ' . ers, we would like tQ see a <large 1111'. and Mrs. James .McClure were crowd from W'aynesvi!le to h.elp root March 21st dinner &'\lests of Mi5!l May Wright, for the team. Those In the Imeqp of Pop Warner'. "Coon 008" orelle.tra from Cur.etown. OIllo. Sunday, at the Friends Home. the locali willi be Malnous. Mi5!lil·
Saturday, March 19, 1927,
BELLBROOK VS TIGERS (Continued from Page CIlOSES SEASON Therle .101les, " First Settlers of Ne~
Mr. and M.rs. J. O. Cartwright and Miss May Wright were shopping in Dayton last Thursday.
We will sell at our ne.w sale bam, located on'the Patterson Road, between the Wilmington and LebaDon Pikes, Dayton, Ohio, OD
years ago cnIled Oliver Hplmes, then 61. to the United States Supreme Court bench. Now at 86 he is still 118 active as any' of the nine justices. "Worli is the sec:.ret." he says. "and I will never (Iltire."
Call III for ,our Seed Oats'.
have a 'ull Line' of ! COnk.,'s au Startln. , and Orowln. Feeds.
~~"~'''''~''''''''''''~''''''''''. . r.''''''''''''''''''''''''~~'~ .
Waynesville Farmers' Exchange. Company' Phone .25
Wayn• .sville, Oh,.
Presiden t. Coolidge will spend his vacation In the West.. in response to many invitatio ns. He should drive In a big automob ile from Kanus City to Seattie down to San Diego, fi shing here and there. He wo~ld see millions of America ns that like him. The bigges~ wars are 800n forgotten. Over a direct cable trom the Unl' ted Sta·~s t~ German y, opened ., e wired laat wee k, "" Preside nt Coolldg. Preside nt Hlndenb urg his hope that ·"h·ls addition al meanll of c.ommuni• cation will promote mutual understanding nn,d good will between tbe two countrie s." And Preside nt Hindenburg most politely . many ridreplied of an expensive fleet,Ger.ex, . pensive stsndin g army and extreme - Iy expensive Kaiser. attendll to bUlline58 and goes ahead more rapidly tban any other country in Europe. Mrs. Henry Fairfield Osborn ent'Artained friends. at the MUHum of ~ f th t Nat ural History, in honor 0 e yr-
NEVER SATISFIED ---- ---- ---- -- - - -- By
I;ast Friday at the county oratory, the contesta nts from W. H. S. lIurely made W. H. S proud ot them. Elsie 'Brndbll ry received first place In the High schtlol group; Ruth Salisbury second, in the primary group and B.e atriee Robitze r third in the interme diate group. Some effort has been expended, and we hope still more will be, for a good dramatIC teacher in the Waynesville schools nex t year. We also .wIsh to see three firsts this coming year.
...... ...... ...... ...... . l ... tere8tin~ Items I from the
Sta te . Caoital
...... ...... ...... .
Just because basketball season is over sport ' has not ended, for W. H. S. In fact the spring sport is coming along fine. Althoug h the weatber has not permitte d many outside athletics as yet, a volley ball net has been put up in the Gym and the Inter-class tournam ent is progress ing fine. The Senior girls have again secured first· place in High school. which they have held ever since entering 'in 1923-24 : Quite a rocord to be proud of.
.- ........S_.ulW HIII." . . . .
0141>.... -W~H \
,. ""r
J" "'.. '1t11'r't .~ toFT 01,....
'_&'T'N' ""T, i'~ $A" • •
~, ..,-\IIlSI IIIIAJ)H lSJo1t1 'l\t,\T ~L IiIAIoI ~"S",c.- KNO\oII~~S
flo a,nPDII.IOtL.ITV .I'I<"1'U "- TIl. INIIUS11b&$ OF ~ (~~V"'IT'" IH A FLOIIIlI s.l~ eO~D''Tlo'' Mo1l\f"I MDOII' ~IN"IICtA
.1_ C'l.tAIM, .'f ""', IT SOFT .'.'
_"_ _ ••. _ _. .
. "', .,,"111 "......_
feet higb at the hips, 21 feet around play II, while the orchestr a will play
~~:c~:nD~~:s.Mis~ke,r.Ia: h:~!~I:!
foa. "1M
that welgb l animal, but comedy .hall for its caat ot cliaracId 't I ' • . cou n ast becauae he didn't have a brain bie In proport ion to the sille ters:. of his body. Uncle Dlck ...................... Carl Conner Clarenc.e ........ ........... Vernon Clvilill8tion has developed a more Mrs. Liv!np't on ...... ElIlIabeth Mainoull Henkle powerfu l creature , which Ia the ·two- Lottie Llvl~gston ....Fa~ legged billionaire, able to control Sammy LIVlngaton ........... TomllnllOn \......... ,.... and command the work of 200,000,., .... . -: ...... ..... .....Howard Missildine 000 men for oae day. Th f h That b illionair e will 1I00n be nue east 0 (! araete. rs of "The meroull and th e ·nterest ing question DI a b0 II caI CI rc I e, ' ' a serlOUII play, is. cern inll' co n . him will be , "What about Be tt y ........... ................. Vashti Beck tt e· h.ls brain? Will it be big enough Daryah Wlggles worth ,,......... .. ...... to k eep h·m I ufeT .......... ...... .............. ..... Bert O'NeaII . : . Charles Mathers .. Wllli/Lm Wilkerson The learned Dr. Sa~k, of Heldel- Carton Mathers ..... ....... Everett Doan berg universi ty, . s~udYlng thouun ds , . ot Egyptia n mum~\Ies, finds that high The . CBll~ of charact ers for "DayIi~g killt;d off ,rlcb Egyptia ns ~ It light: ~a\lUlglI ," anotber humoro ul kill a o~ nch 'Americanll now. . plays, IS! Fo~hsh eating, lack ot . exercise, SIIa8 Green ... ,.......~ .. .... Dorris Blair especially lack of deep brea1thing. Samant ha Green ..,..... Marie Dunham hay,. .threugh the centuri! s been Mazie Green .......... Irma Rich Iklmm~ng...t~ scum of tbe b?llIng pot Harry Green............. ,.............. _W.de TurDler of ciVIlizatIon, Mary Green Lola Sears Mummies of the fifty dynasty Flo Green .. ·.............. ··... Myra Pence IIhow Illgna of tuberculollls, I;at'ect~r Two Littl~···GI~j;;::"::.·:"::.':...... Unknow n the sp ,!e, and gout, aw'l ng • Strlgga Green . .. ........ ..... Jo Keney joints. Myrtle Decker.. .... :.Charlo tt. ~mby The Suprem e court decldea unan- Cyrul Jon.II.........;.. Herman Surface . imously that Tex811 law, forbiddi ng A ama11 adml58lon fee wllJ be neJrToes .to vote at Democr atic. pri- charged . Come and get an evening maries is unconst itutiona l. It ill a most' Im,portant dec;lalon, and not to of . enjoym ent. ~ • the Sout~ only, since It m,y mean Federal control · o\(er IQcal prima., ries. .
UP MIS 'OtSCOUNT PAePI'n _ No ..,0,,1\'( '!IoUT Ofl..... fT'uCKIIII'IIC VSIl) CAIl\, NO &01)y 'I),\(E M" ""hICY 'AWIo.V FfIIIM I..."
Lnst Friday evening, Bert O'Neall a member ot the Senior claM, gave a delightf ul St. Patrick' s party for the pleasure ot the Senior cla58. Many games were played and delightful refreshm ents served. The guests left .a t · a late hour. . T d I Uell ay even nil' I18W ano th er parTh H ty. e onorary LI terary society of W. H. S., namely. the Alethan ae, held an initiatio n party at the home of Doris Hawke. Only four ot tholle. eligible to the society were prysent. to be initiated . There were with both old and new member s, how ever, thirteen preaent.
=~ ~:.!~ ~~l~ ~N' weu. 0fIF _
SAFE R088ERy ··:O·......,:~~~~~:~::...b:: :: .u, H"pt~::~ .
order to me et t he num r ous requests for infprma ti on tlO nc el'ning Fulghum oats, spring barley and th e relative im portunc e of t hese Prepa re, by crops in comp ariso n with spring ColuJT)b~8 } e-:,( rter wheat, County Agent Class some time IIgo sent out a cil'cular letter ~ to the elevators aud seed dealers of the county and also to a number of leading farmers from whic h the f olOJ.. MB US. OHIO- It was an lowing extracts may be of generul in terest. interest ing fil et which deye Iope d As a nine-yoar average test at th e du rin g the legisluli\" heuri'ng s on Hllm ilton County Experim en t farm . l he propose d ne w " "Sll ti ne tax of near Mt. Healthy, oots yielded 1<114 three cents per gn llo Jl. t hu pounds of grain per acr ll ; spring bar- int~rests which u(lp Nl rcd t the only in fa" nr of ley (benred ) 1270 pounds and t he ""n·ng whellt onl y 643 pounds. In the 100 per ce nt i ""I~" ~ ."" we re t hose a five-year Miami county test. at of the utilit ies anu I'al' road corpora• Ollts yielded 1757 pounds per t ions. Not anolher argume nt in faacre ; barley 1260 Ilounds ; a nd vor of .t he proposed increase was spr ing wheat only 902 pounds. made before member s of the comCareful tests at eleven differ ent mittee. This signiflcn nt fact that experim ent farms of Ohio running on ly un selfi sh motives lire asking from four to · four teen years. shows for ihis added burden on mure tha n oats to be the best spring crop. On a ml'llion autom obile owners of Ohio · d f . the basis of poun so graIn per acre is wor thy of the at tention barley yielded 75 per ce nt as much, tax payer in the state. of every and spring wheat only 50 per cent knows the utili ties have Goodness fared well h ts Ad ' d asf muc as oa. n over u peno ts . enough at t he hunds of t he present 0 yellrs, oa afe a more cer t all1 Legislative without them atttemp tcrop h ld t . to s ou er upon th . e au 0 owners As a nurse crop for alfalfa, bar- ing t he burden of State governm ent ley is bests--the beardless pre,ferre d cost. But increase d taxution to the --since it shades the ground less. a uto own.e r means many Sow 40 pecks with 16 pounds al- will be stored for it will mochines falfa per acre, early in well prepare d to ride in busses; t rllctionbe cheaper cars and il B t lf If will n so. u a a a no t thr' 0 the reg ular . trains tho n by the ope· Ive d bt wet or sour ground . All 1I1 OU n of tbeir own cars. Ample who want to soW; alfalfa, can have' ratio publicit was given to the hearing s ~oll ·tested free, by writing or call- of the yLegislat ive c.ommittee s on the mil' on County Agent Claas. L~ba- proposed gasoline i ncrease, and non. Suggest ions as to. fertillze r while represe ntatives of and seedinK will also be glv~n. AI- and auto clubs appeare the people d opposin~ talta hay will. cut cost of milk pro- the m'e asure, only ' the . railroad and ductlon one third as compared to tim utllities favored Buch a bill at the
::;~:{f~'~?i:~-!"i~~~~J."l~ P':::!:Y':;'~.'b:.'::;~"=.'..::: HOLSTEIN COW ::rew:~ ~~ :~ton~~nell He wu a powerfu
W hole N u mb r
yields are necessar y, .,y
IS fRUSTRATE D ;:~fltr~r.ea~five~:~~,gBig II
are true Congressman
Be~:r:i~~ b~:ehf~~~!Il!~t~:
J. T. ami and Fulghum are good. than for governo r of the State next . year. For a t ime it was evident ill the best early variety. No Compro mi .. wi~ Liqaor Two .men, believed to have come hum years old, owned by Raymond Wolte lent for teed. but its reddish color that Begg would be a candida te for ___ from Cincinn ati. were caught by r8ll- is somewh at objectio nal of Green county, leada the lillt of on termina l the Republican nominat ion for govThe liquor busiine58 is like a dead- idents of M8IIOn. Sunday night, u markets Warren -Greene Cou,nty Cow Teat- Iy serpent. ernor next year. Recentl y they were attempt ing to rob the ufe Three· year average tests at Woos- been coming in touch with he has Inc lUIIIociatil)n for Februar y, with a It is about as easy. to regulate or in the Pennsyl vania railroad th, rural lltation ter show product ion ot 1635 poundll .o f milk to make legal as it Js 16 seeding yielded folks who haven't iresponded ,with to tame a fthere. Three cQmpanions, one of 16 bushelsMarch during th~2S days testing 8.5 per byena. more oats than 30 days the enthusia am tbat he would like to . . whom waa in the station, with ~he later. At the Unlvere ity cent butter fat or a total of 5'1.2 see. This is because of his stand It is essentia lly a wUd beast.· two men, escaped in an din automob to ile. farm, t f Columb It 1 us, oats seeded April on the farm relief bill which most for tuna t eIy II per cent, accor g Th e tw0 repor rom s un . u 9, yielded a gne d w Ith men gave th elr " Ia I 0......... __ • resident s of the State thought . · Iity Mr. Wal ter Rogers, t h Many peop S7 bushels per acre, that I e seem to F e 'ollie k H owar, d 36 years Id names con vi VIa . and Roy ran h 0 , er In c arge 0f thl S work . Warr~. I\own 7 da .... later, .nelded 6 bushels was a good thing for them and - tb III ' k tb a t ge tti ng drun k I s a JO . k e P erkl~s,,.'2 years . ' Id J I Cosby o . JW • . , le58, and 16 County fann.ers who bad eowlI to and the consum ption ot days Jdelay in seeding would help them in t heir hour of alcohol I. detectlv.e captain. of the Pennllylva- cut the meld 11 pro d uce 1 200 or more poun d8 0 f amull Inil'. Th ey apea k bushels per acre. need. Begg was a bit worried 'Wh~en con d on ingIy n Ia .ral Iroa d p~lce, I wh" 0 ,.wore to Early Jseeding milk during the 28 days. Included of the use of whiJ,ky by the is possible by disc- the farm fed eration changed itS atyouth. w~rrants ~ha1'lflng t~e two men with Ing instead of plowing L. W. Nisbet, of Loveland and Carl reduces titude, and wired Preside nt Coolidge ~any people, .!llnd especially thoBe g IIlto the. tICket office with cost only. ' Oats llke a , andseed herd near Lytle. ' A engeage d In wet 'p ropagan da, do not breakin bed to the effect thot the bll1 . Should be Intent to rob, I18ld Perklnll alllo Is 80 disclng gives higher firm yields regillter ed Holstein , realize the deadly end of this perno known given a trial. Previous to this he aa ."Richar d Davis." . on very foul ground. Ten-y~ar ave- was of the opinion t hat Ohio by Mr. Forema n, produce d It is an OWfl brother to murder, farmers The qUllltet w~ routed u three rage comparlaons 8144 pounds of milk, ~esting 3.6 per hold-ups, burglary , smuggli ng aud of the m~n were 1I1 the actual task a gain of 2.3 . at Wooste r 8hows were solidly against the bill. Begg cent, making a total of 48.4 pounda thuggism . bushels per acre on is findmg out from t ho farmers them . Of. preparm g to open th~ safe, It III ground disced. butter fat. Besides these, the othselves that his stand aga inst A man engaged! in busll1e~. of 88\d. .They left a quantity of nitro- corn Eight to ten pecks of oats should hllsn't made his guberna torialthe bill er dairyme n in Warren county hav- enforcin g '. the luw the of prohibit ambi~ cows that produce d 40 pou.nds takes hill hfe In his hands, . for ion glycerm e behind them in their at- be seeded per acre for maximu m tions thrive t he way be anticipa ted. those tempt to e~c~pe. . yields. But where one Is especlalor more of butter fat for the month in the liquor busineu do onot healtate A boy IIVlng opposite the statIOn Iy anxioulI8 about the grass of Februar y, include J. F. Shinkle. to kill 'w hen it is necessar seeding "Butche ring time" has arrived in y. It em- I18W an automob ile drive up to t.he (the oata to serve chiefly as II ,nurse Loveland, and Walter L. Ellis, Har- braces not only 1c>W' brow thu11'II. but lltation, and three men alight. ' Two crop) ' rate can be cut to six or even the general assembly, and hundred s veysburg. milliona ires and .E!ocial leaders. of bills which were dumped into the remaine d in the car. .~~riou~: he four pecks per acre. Summa rizing the Februar y repo.rtII, While the ,commo n. hopper during the final days before for the Tbrifty County Cow TestIDg declared for the abolitio npeople have watched the thr~e men Jimmy the • _ •• _ __ the lid was clamped down, will never a58oclatlonll in the state, Mr. Ivan there are many who are of alcohol door to the .statlon and then Informsee dayligh t again. And many more determi ned ed the station agent. Throug h the McKelllp, state supervis or at Co- to go on with their consum that Bre scheduled t o come back into ption of station agent, neighbo rs were notlfilumbua · uys: "Tbe champion dairy liquor. ,. public print will meet with painless ed and several men ere aroused . herds, double and triple the average The efforts ' of the convivially in- Armed with revolver s and executio n at the hands of Govern or 8hotgun s production of the c;ows in the state." eUned and those ,,,ho think Vic Donahey if he follows his,-!:!u~u>!.!a!L_ _ _~ The average cow ~n Ohio produce . persona l liberty has been that their they approac hed the station. custom. At the present time over The men in tbe mllchlne gave the only about 4000 ponunds of milk, with are Infiuene:ed by interfer ed 600 bills are pending . Of this numone ot the alarm, and tbe' other three ran from and 180 poundll of butter fat ' per stronge st paasiolls in ber would ·be safe to throw overthe human the lltation. One ot the three suc4-H club work for Warren county boardit at year. Among t he small herdll, the breaat-- greed. Where' money III, men will dig. Jt ceeded in jumping into the automo - looks vercy promising for t he yellr othl\rs least 500, and if half of the one owned by l\le58rs. Lund and BaIt is diftlc;ult to enforce any law bile before it disappe ared WAa proved in Itllly, betore 'arc~t."ta . never reached a vote ·ther . down the 1927. Club leaders and teachers ker, Ohio. comprill ing efevwhen t he breaklillg ot that law it highway . had learned how to make great The other t\rto mwed are writing In telling of the interest would be no actual Bufferihg of Otuo , . -_ . en holstein s, WO!! the bac)led up by human pa58ion8. The con.nect ionl with domes like ' that on St. Peter'a hold The . MiamI Valley Co-Operative t~e car and were In their neighbo rhoods and sending taxpaye rs. Committees are at work product ion last year With an laws agamst anon, murde.r ,adulter themselves up as they rose, I" tlie Milk Produ~ers ' A58ocla , thnt is us much us legislative com1 tryIng to make their get-awa y when names of prospective members. ijoD, West overage of 12,770 pounds of . milk. and tHeft are thousan ds of yean air. One dome wall built and flll,d Milton IQld 'Waynellville mittees lire supp osed to work-a nd the armed poue warned them. that cream if The 10and 'Made-W 478 pounds butter tat per cow: old, yet they ue constan tly violated ell Clothing olub of their main duty is separati with earth ·to ,8UPPOrt It, al I~ 'rolle, ca)JJ; will broadc ut througil they ng the mn, shooting would begin . . Harlan Station townsbip is reviving under good and bad Of the larger herds the one owned no matter what their evil until the slde8 met at t ile top. Put- WSMK Hotel Gibbon . effects. . bills, a job which in Rather than take chances with the the leadersh ip of 1>Irs. J lit Dayton by H. J. Beardsl . ey, E. McKinEllswor th, Ohio, The law against the use of liquor armed men. hotb' 8urrene dered. itself Is not at all ~nK In the earth wou,ld 'be much 1888 T~etI.daY evenIng, fIlarch 20 fz:om t. Sd far ney. And stood hi~heat. His 36 register ed is aime~ at the gr~ateat 1'Iew ".Club hus been re- the present general difficul expensive than· ~klnlr It. oqt. curlle and . They refused to give any .info~a- quested at a Roaches assembly has a So tc)·'S:80. Jersey cows average ter, under d 760;\· the pounds grelltes t cause of crIme that huinan~ tlon about themsel pretty fair reputati on having passed . they mli:ed the ellrth beneath the' 'l;'hi! Plogram 'cons!lt s ves, but It bell!v. leadersh ip of Mrs. Ruth Murray. dome with small coin II of a total val" accordio n music, vocalof violin and of milk and 442 ~ounds of butter fat ity has ever k·nown. few bills. Strong pressure for t his ed th~y came to Muon from IfOlol CmA new Girls' ____ Room _ • club will bo or- or that meosure is expecte d Those who lIee the vllene58 of its cinnatl. ue. much len tha" tbe COlt of rem,ov- also 1101011 on harmon ica to maganized in Turtlecr eek township, un- terialize and. effects, .the moral de~adatlon of Ing the earth. When ~he dome wei and in order to get others • _ Mrs. . W. " R. Hatfleld der will the leadersh ip of Vivian Van d youtb. t hrough flnl.be the populat lan was told It vioUn" accomp'aril.d by ·M and the damage to busine58 the final day jalll, a few Meter. Rural girls of 16 years of may be reported have ·h ned up solidly for 'p!ohibl tlon, aould boar . away the coln-beari l1g who plaYII ' the aCQordlon. r. out . Governo r Vic u age are eligible Bids to have this been club opened and can tor the new While against the prohibIt ory law Donahey, through his long expericlltt, ~!l great dome stood empty. fields ar6 from West Mt\~on.. learn more about it by getting in ence in Stato grandst and on the Greene Oounty are tholle who are subtly affairs. has proven influenc ed . On Thursda y, March 10, the mem- touch )(188 Pyles• . ot n~ar ld, fairgrou nds by the commltt~e In by the tradition This countz:y last year Impo~d will render vocal sololl. ~prlngb al toleranc e of the bers and visitors of the 'Wayne Town Watts. witb the Home Agent Miss ti me and aguin ·t hat he knows a good Mr, 8, S. charge of the project: The Greene ~um~n race ' bill when he sees it and incident ally mpre than ,SO,OOO,OOO worth of EIUs ot the Wayne~lle ~ habit that III sUp' ship Farmers club spent the day at local wlll County Lumber Co, was awarded the posed to be to Tbe Bacbelo r Girls of Wash in is just as quick to note one without prec!o\l8 aton'II, t6,OOo;OOO mora.. ay lIelectlons on the harmon gemal and pardona ble the pleaun t country home of W. A. ton townshi p under the for the lumber to be used. Th~ trouble witb bootiegglllll' II Swartze l. Af~er the than the year betore. : And: tho. lrllltal',· Mra. H. B. Earnharica and usual good dln- of Mrs. Henry Mmard, have been merits. When he. sees this the ax t, also carpent ry and cement contrac ta that It paye and pays big. .Whoeve is quicky aPlllied and without much purcbas el were made without the as- from WaynellvlUe local r ner, the meeting waa to or- the first to report reorgan ization. will will be awarded separate ly. Will ta.k e the proflt out ~f thll unholy der. Mr. Washbu rn, .called IIrgument. ~lIyb e with t his condi. llatance of the extinct racl! ' of bu- vocal .I el.ctlon i. · the speaker ' . The question The is new frequen gtartdst& tly r!d will cost buslne8B will be doing a great ser- for the afternoo tion prevailing Ohio is fortu nately tend.n, . to 'e"ch of ,,:,hofu • lar" n, gave a very In- aa to what the elub leaders get • - . ' about $14,000. It will Hat 1,600 vice. situated , or rather governed. SureI1lamond WN ~ necel8llt')' u ' a white tereatln g ~Ik "on St. Pa~lclc_ The of It. Tbe and will be located about 80 following letter tells ly is it not to the detrime nt of Ohio apron • - • IIpeclal tOPIC, Do our children have what one leader thinks from the track leavlrig lltandin l' abol.\t her taxpaye rs and voters. . . as good a chance to win In the' bat- club work. room between the stand , and the )I. MIU.t, 'Prench scientis t, would MI58 .Eth.lYl) Bo. . .nd Mr. tie of life 811 our parenta did," 'was fence around the "Dear track for Mias about WattsSOO 'regards to tear down , t~. honey bee'll repu~- Jo~nlon. 'were q)ltetly mllrrled well discuue d .n~ gave food flJr your letter, all . the In Sun- persons. Work Iii to lltart AJ!ril lit girls of the Completion of a new 'building that t'on bunt up by Maet~rllnck, Lub- 'd ay afternoo n, .Mare,h thought . 'Wateh Us 20. club' ·at arc the and the stan~ wID be completed In more eager than t thho~se d600 ~dditi~nal pr~o~ei bock sJld mllnJ others, b~Qk to Ar.- home of the brl~e'i parenU . Adjourn !ld , to Mr. meet in time April for at the ' tair 'Ill August the ever to go on with the 4-H elub work a ittotl e. on ou pr eon arm "? home of J . T. Deardoff. e~ MrI. Ollnt. e. • It lIeems ever s.ince the achievem ent to rehe~e Rev. L. . A • . " • - • ,. • . t~e crowded c?ndltio n a 4 The" bee Is a dull; mechan l.cal' bum', pa"'-r' • of the meeting M. E. In ' Mainevi lle, the girls a. . t . e the . pem tentuiry \ . Ever s~nce he aa.~ ... ~ .cr4! atWe ! uya Mill t; It' doe• .not perform ed· the ceremon . r VIC Donabe y all w rked up over the.ir certifica tes Burned .office Governo y. . a . .. ' •. ' kriow tJiat It polen\le s, flower. and . . . ' qrange H all waa flIled to capaccu club ' 0pins, and' .GQlIlg Til. you.n&, couple have the best . : haa . been " develop mgrapidly the Londan , .Over I bloailo~s; does not even know, Ity lut Sa~rday evening when l4at~e Top. prieo' n farm just as which w1ah,1I of their. many frlnds. as POlland The I affal~ am sure pf theY the Warren WIll work NatloM l IOn Granp put on a program durinc .all the Ibl ' 0 . tlowera I).ve . h~neyi, ~Inkl o~y ~f ' h . I I tl The Wilmin gton coUep - ~ - - -,- ,- meaur , harder and try to bank, hold . Franklin our plsce of ~ e. , Ohio, · are .,ow in the lecture hour, following the reg- whicb' ne of t e . Prob e!1" 8 ndgetting' IIU~. ' .. waa paaled by the HoUH" • of honor. I .don't know the hands 6f a receiver , Me,"~ PI ular bUllln8M lunion ·· of mil' emplo~:~t a~orle t~~o:d~~!O~ ,--~-,,. Farmers Represe ntatlvea a week ago ' Jut proud8ll~ the children who is .n~~reltinl ~ectU, Sprye of Rlvenon , Iowa. arr. ~pt1'e Grange No. 18: ,or tbelr 'You ' can u, ·,the ' ume o~ oUr bQ~ .ctivi~le . . Thursda y livening . , wu recalled from er. · I am' p081tlve that we shall be db ' J h . Y s h~ve been provtd~ .' takl!llr Itepa to liquidat e ~he af- . 'rhe proiTam , '~hJeh . consiste . man honer be8ll ·of ·lndu.~17' They. JiarOld BIIlII' : ~rgaIlizer 'ot ' bl d hi f d of the Senate and victo~ Wal turned reorgan iud by tilln 6f the instituti on. The ·battlt. orchellt ra lI~ectiOIl., vocal o\m,: 'w\fe conbuild Up' clvillut \on, make " ..altll, Is'hPed eraUor lof'You th,gave and ~Iano intO defellt when It ~u recorpeideted four appeara the time you make eult! y 0 \ a ' " II nce ·recel~n and . g we . p"'bbok will' a · and s n&, engi Jer 0,. ::: fetban the dj-lOlo s, a r~ding and a short · p~y, The bill .made pr~viliio leisure ~nd . culture po~lbl., but theY Interelltlng talk 'at th~ Frlendll n for· an all- 'ready for 'blg' b~sines8;' "I oftell rectqrs are hqpeful of pa)'inc;. all de- WAI well .~ndered and ~atl7 c:~I1\i..~o.;' 1'0 don~~ luioW It, .~r don t~. Tbey In« bous. Sunday j(Ul'ftoo n. e posltor;a J.n fu,.1. Th.e y alao feel that e~ by au • . A pl.¥,~ f.a~ enjoy- .pro,prlatlo!l of U20,OOP for ~~ think of' last year's work with tbe are -about litO' . also are "oniJ. JOokjnc for au••r. IJ of ~e ers tral~lIlg lIubje'llt '"'~ 'lII'he Wort. . It was balleved ~t children the , how. 'green' ,1, wu, and 1 Loudon farm ' and .tockho lders will .be paid 40lw .veninK wud the' music bJ But Uk~ the bee, they ~" doing to ~he Youih." He, JI.... Its p-.uge would 8lItabliah a l!re~e- never wo~e dollar. ' ~h~ bank ,. Ia beln/r ,k.pt EllI., an up untll , after I had ·seen i f I ' the work. for ,.hleh, ' the Lcir,d ere- nlllnftO u. 'Probl.m a Brpll~. .,"'lbm enta ~en~ for o~er coUe~ to nek ltate what the .chlldren had done. What u arm nK . for the pa~ent of notes. It were served by th~ e~~ :ated them, anel. that. 4Ul'~t, , In fl58istan ce. , ·p.ople '\oday~ and _ . ' a ,",onderful ezperien ce It haa Men 'U.WI'''''B anticipa ted however, that tile charse. . ' . . '. ferent youth m.oVIIlllenta • are for me I I know tllat our second 1f\1I resume active blllin... . III ere, about 8ft1 There ilu\,erhitien'l:lent. . ow: . CONCERNING . _Ell ballllr eQrled oiat In ....-10118 . Euro~ year ~I mean a JrTe!lt '\leat '!!ore to . . •.• • . pr...nt frOm . KIUIOIl AI . well .. a ,.' " .. n CI\Ufttrf u.ca .,. the ' clUldr-,en and tltfti' )eader.. . ..... ~ . num~er-from ~1»Allon '~ Ie D";:;'~ .' 1'. ' .• I lin, R. N." Lovelan d, OhIO. , & wa a tounc . ~PI1'. - ~ ~urn p~m wU1 be &'iVan at , . Th. Ihort eoune 1flaleb baa icen • _ • -..,n the ~ of April lIIth .., In MIllon on MOftd~ ' ad ' 'WJa:i:x.ked • littl. dlA'_ t fIiIII , SMA~T ALEX. Seftnt; Jean of plowiq Ia. the the Wafll. ..w. ra1Ip. .lne.· JaD1IU1 tlaI net; ABSOLUTELY . . "lHclJa of T_ Clark, plo*!ft - - K., IJII w.... er-d , JIm," . A"'~ ( Phlef-'" Yoll _ fAll ttacb of the to'WDIblp. ally on. , WWIe ·ber te.u. were falM, __ ~ WVI, weD eo.....,.. "Ro, "'hat . CIarIr ItnI oa . B'Dt . . wu ,opu}U ,f~1' ~ <lIIarI~ ..... of tIM Deteeth...-<rv...; . . . . . .nit .I·~==~~ ~,t:~ m I ~I. . ! .... . 01.......~ . ___ 'I
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NEW SUITS D !I.-i ' Black \I • :R0Yl1 D. Bln'k for divorce. exb'em.: cl'uelty. , Ii l'll'n M, P ttll'SCl n V8. Paul F. Petel'son for divorce, gTos nCKlect. Sarnh C, L('i nbnc/l. administl'UtrL~ of the c8tnlc oC Joeeph A , Leinba,eh, vs. John Holweger nnd :Mary I , Holwege r fo money only, nmount claimed $3 J with inte res ~, F~ lbert p, nider vs.' Willinm nnd " ou SEll h l'e," he soi d, " he cnme Minnie Wilson for 1II0ney and forehll<l thl' cnrc of my own household, closur~ of mortgage, amount clnim( 0 1' I tllrn loundy nwuy. 'hc came cd 950 wit h in ter t. TWENTY-SEVEN years ngo the NEW ID EA wns th e only widespread spr eader on the market It tgninst illY will , lInd .she ~ha ll go uf was on in"ontion-not an 'I'mitation. Tho first successf ul sp reader- t he machir;e thu t is ;e~ hel' lI'ill. 1 11111 nol h(· \' kocpe~ '" PROBATE PROCEEDINGS "You 11 or\l1ons have the ndvan. ble fo~ the nati?n-,,:ide use of sprcad ers today. Its coming i nau ~urntcd lhe NEW I DEA policy nles made by fhe execu tors 01 tngc 0[ us whitc Illlln, sir," Monloyo of ~t.rlcte8t quality lD manufacture nnd increasing effort nt imprvvcm ent to main t ain this leadncered. "No one of th e 5 x seems the est,nte of harles H. Wade were ershIp. , ' to be d~nied bed and bonrd in your upproved nnd con fin ned. estnblishlllcnts." ;Rigid adherence to t hat p olicy finds the NEW mEA still the lender. Inventors and Designers "By the help of the Lord ,we of Juliu E. Grcll n filed affidaviVfor -success,f\ll for these .ma ny years, we ha ve nevel' built 1.1 better s[lrc!,dc r thnn the present ~ ede l the eleet cltn mllllUKe oui' establish- t he admission of Catherin e Green ment s ml\ch better than you do Dougills ' to t he Dayton tate hospi8- both 11\ workmnnshlp and llliltc riuls a s well liS performance in the fie ld. YO ut . ," big Hyrum r esponded; lind tal. ' Sho WitS ol'dered take n ~h ere Ask for our cntalog showing superi or mechllniclIl construction and yo u will sec why t he NEW h i. Iucc somb r d. "Who nrc you? a Cter examination. . IDEA is still the sofe sp r ead er [or yo u. Insist on tho Genuine and don 't buy It machine that merA punderer to the devil, n thief with Proof of ,publication of the upIy looks like it or is said to be a s good. rlny 88fc l "Ilinted ca rd. bonl·ds, a despoiler of pointment of Lizzie Tullis ns exeeuthe ignorant, Ilnd a feeder to hell- trix of the estate of John H. Tullis - yen a striker of women aad a trafficke r in fie h!' Who are you to was filed. Proof of publication of t he apsp ak t he nltmc of the Lord's anoint.ed? There she Is, yo ur chattel. Take pointment of Geo. E. Fryburger, as her, or loave her. This tTain starts administrato r of t he estute of Emma on in ten minutes." L. Fryburger, wns fi led. "I'll toke hor or kill her," MontoProof of publication of the apyo snarled. "Y~u call me a feeder pointment of. Harry M. Welch as New Idea Transplanter but she hall n ot be fed to your mill, oxeclltor of the estate of Emmn Adams. "You'll ~et on t hat horse W I h fil Pays tor itself on 3 acres of tl'Onsplantable plants ~et 0 inches 01' fu rthe r apart on level land pronto, madam," he added, stepping e c ,was cd. or ridges, thre!lgh lower labor costs, minimum loss of plnnts, a nd in !'~elt ~ad r OI. F ull linc of atforward (no one could question his . Proof of publiclJ,tioll of the IIPtachments Including potato plant il)1; and wire check. It is a NEW IIDEA- fully covered by pnten ts nerve), "ond we'U discuss our at- pointment of ChnrlE!s J. Bock us ndfairs in private." ministrawr of lhe estate of Frank ~ The New Idea Husker and Sltredder She cast. about with swift. beseech- Bock, was filed. ing look, os if for a friendly face or Peter Oberlin, gua rdian of ,J ohn Husks clean- Very little shelling. Easy feeding. Big capacity. All metal Harden ed Steel Gear! sign of rescue. ' Wit h a s pring I Oberlin filed his thirteenth account. l'unning in enclosed dust-proof oil cases. Can be operated nt good capacity by small tractor. It's" burst in. F rank J. Balon. administrator of NEW IDEA- the sensation in the Shred,d er field. Fully covered by pntents. But Bomebody already had drawn th ·~ t fEB 1 fil d h' frClSh attenti on. Daniel Adama was e es"" e 0 mm~1 a on, e IS standing between her and her hus- first and final account. More tha~ 250,000 new spreaders WIll be nepdfd in this country in band. The will of Elellnor S. Maxwell NEW IDEA with its originality and prestige will get' ( "Say Mister, yill yu fight!" he was filed. drawled. ' , • Anl\a M. Snider was appointed, the bulk of the business. Montoyo -surveyed him. administratrix ' of the estate of Mary "Why?" J. Roat. Lowrence Shawhan, Chas. "For , her 0' course I" J W d Gh D .... The gambler smUed--a slow, con- . aggoner an I arters . • maple were appointed :a ppraisers. temptuou8 smile, while his gray eyes Ernest Hang was appointed adfocused watchf\llly. ,. '''It's a case where I have nothing ministrntor 'of the '~stata of Conrad to gain," aa1d he. "And you've Hang. H. L. Chan.ey, T . E. Bamflothinlr to lose. I never bet in the hart and R. C. Boys were appointed I teeth of a pat' hand. Sabe'l Be- appraisers. sides, my young Monnon cub, where George Waterhouse -was authoris your ante? For the spon of it, ized , to aelt chattel ' property of the now, what do you thln.k of putting IlItate of Jnmes C. Sale. '. up, make it interesting? One of C f your mammies! Tutl tutl" ourt ound it meceuary to sell Daniel's biglit hand stilfened .at real ,' estate of t he estate of M. R. Hester Men ner to Stephen S. Men- Eden Terry, truck ropair, $3.32 ; The REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS his side---extended there flat and Hill to pay debts and cost of adminner, 50.24 acres Of lund In Turtle- Morrow Lumber Co., lum ber, cement tremulous like the vIbrant tail of a istration. • Amos V. Robinette to Hans L. creek Tp. 20.27; The MaHon Lumber Co., rattlClSnake. He l>lurted, harshly: Allie Calvert, adlTllnistratri~ of the Harrison, 100 acres of Io,nd in ClearAlbert Sheets and Iva B. heets, ~ u a l'd rail ma t rbll. $2.5, 8; The L. , "I 'Iaow to kill yu for that! Draw estate of ,Max Calvlert, filed ber first creek Tp. de'llon Err" 0 III..,..be". you- " and final account. hird and J ennie . Kirby to John unmnrried, to avn Hnuonstein, one G. (), n hll ,~ j,,!. i ice Co" reWe caught breath. ,Mont oyo's reAmanda, ,Luce, administratrix of E. and Millie A. Richardson, 21.20 t ow,n lo.t. in Lebanon. Lillie Spurli ng anel Roy Spur ling, 'I· s, ~, .Ii ; Auro. Prn ~ ier, stone V'olver soised half-way out of the the ,estat e of Robert Luce filed her crcs of land nenr Orego nia. r~a~,~:c~u~:!~ ·there ~igidly, frozen inventory and appraisement. . ' James S. McClead to Carl Brown both single, to Mlnn ie Hagedorn, 2 ., 124 ; l!lter.Cilies II 0" gas, $1.98: t own lots in Ploa88nl PhID. ~Ut\'e n o Hll r er, bridge repair, $7.40; For Daniel hiM laugbed loudly Walter Menz ' was appointed ad- and Stnnley . 'Surface, .47 tow." Roy purling to Minnie Hagedorn l~ Leb non L I mbe ~ ('0. , ella rd roil over ' l eveled barrel. ministrator of the estate af Ida E. ncres in Clearcreek Tp. a t own Jots in PJeasnnt Plain. I •. : I I ~ ],funr" e 4.:,- .' r hnst n How he had a chieved so quickly Mentz. The estate which was avl- ' Charles , H. Wade to J ohn . h ts ',Tnmes O. a d Corn M. Parks to 11' , 101" Co • t' I 6~ no man of us knew. Yet there it ued .at $026 is exempt fro mlnher- 106.71 acres of land in Clearcreck C. T. Bish op, '.74 tow n acres in o .; 'v • j(. .. II C<l r. w~his Colt, out, cocked, wicked itance talC. ' , Tp. ;, '. e:-s, ~1A'3.J O . and yearning and rendy. . ' James PUQ and F. W. FI'Iln?: t Wnsh.ington Tp, . "Baow'U y~ tak it, mis~r?" he Wm . H. Null was IlPpointed admin istrator of t he estate of Sarah E. James Q. Funk, 1 town lot in g Ibed. j'I could I'arn nn " old caow N 11 Ch C ..... H Franklin COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES ' IT AL L . N ASKS to beat Y\l on the draw. Aw, u . ester roc:keu, are ChenE \izab~th E. nnd H Cllr" J. Funk I:f you 88W a trainloa~ of plug shucks I I ' Iaow )'U't better go back oweth imd Charles Beck were ap• Karl Dakin, premium, $4. G5 ; J ento yore pasteboards. Naow gitl" pointed appraisers. t o L. L. MsElftesil, two town lots in nie E. Irons, ~me, $8; The J. W. (obucc!> g O by, wou ld you ca ll it a ~hew-c he w train 1 ~carceT' h i 11 of' Eleanor S. ,Maxwell Morrow. " L'mgo Hdwe C0., ,8UPP l'les, $1266 Montoyo, his e res steady. pre"sl·on. Be let h, ' s ' e w I .; , ly changed ex , d 'tt d F OJ'cnce E. Augs purger to Ott o I. Joh La & S I' $41 22 . revolver slip down into its scabbnrd. was a ml e to probate. n w o n , sUPP les, '; Then' he smiled. Arthur Bean and John W ''Bean AUg!!purger, 203.55 acres of land John Law Ib Son, same, $3.7'1 ; Dr. "You have a pretty trick," he com executors of the E!state of 'Samuei In Turtlecreek ,Tp. E dward and Dr . Robert Blnir, medimented, relnxing. "Some day I'd J. Benn, rued their first lind ,final G. Ernest Augsp urger to Ott o .1. cal service, $6.50; same, medtcal serlike to test it out ngain. JUst now account. Augspurger, 203.55 acres of land in for Newton Mace, $100; The S. Fred I Ohas,' J. Waggoner was appoint- Turtlecreek Tp. , Co. , supplies, $60.76 ; L. D. . Wills, I Easll. - Madam, are you coming?" 'You know I'm not," 8\1e uttered ed administrator of the estate of EIWentle H. Conover to Don ' Cul- same, $7:6 0 ; L D. Wills, supplies, eanor S. Maxwell. Robert Sellers, TIum, 63.75 acres 0 land in Harlan $7; Brown , and Bunnell, supplies, clearly. "Your choice of compnny is hardly John Theiss and .R.obert Boys were ' P , $84 0; The ,Johnson and Wntson Co., to your credit," he sneered. Or, I might say, to . your education. appointed appraisel1s. N Cynthl ' , a Carpen t el' t (l Z: T • an d same, $66; The Frnnklin Ohronicle. Saintllneu does not fall well upon K. E. nnd Patience E. · Thompson . elite :thncker, 1 town lot 10 ~rank- prbof 01. publication, $10; The West- ' Tuesday, 9 a.m. 3 p.m you, madam. Of ' your two cham~ filed petition fo1' tho adoption of IIla- lID.. ern Star" froo f , of publication, ~turday 9 7 p.m piop&-" ry Kathleen , Toon,ey. S.C. nnd Susie M. AlexnndCl' to '$14; snni!!, supplies for probate And here I realized that I was Edgar A. Ludlum was appointed Laurn B. Coudon, 2 town lots in tion, '$14; same; supplies for probate standing out, one foot , advanced, my administrator of t.he estate of Al F'runklin. $8; • same. supplies for recorder, fisl!i foolishly doubled, my presence Seamon. Mary B. Donson to Samuel Lack- $13.39 ; Same, 26 legal ads, $1,' same .....''''"............'''''".... factor. ' a useful proof of PUblication, $67.90; .. I d h Elizabe.th Adnms, administratrix ens, 1 town lot in Franklin. ' HAVE YOUR EYES £ro;;;- Nc~c\-n:,':ke n as ,tmeor:e~!I~~~ of the estate of Albert P. Adams, . Jacob Spies to Owen C. Grosl!, 1.11 llebanon Patriot, same, $57.90; taste. But you are going of 'your wns given the right to distribute the t own acres in Franklin Tp. , , is 'und Drake, Inc., 8uppl\es, $7.60; Edward M. Chamberlain to Carl same, sup)llies, $7.60; IIIIme, drayown free will. You will always be assets of the estate: my wife. You can't get away from The }Vi)1 of Newton L. Bunnell waS McGraw, 1 town lot in Franklin. age;' $1.20; The Western Sw, sup~hll t, you devil. I shall expect YOI1 filed. John Sh'e ets to Perry E. and Ma- pliei fot ~oroner, '29.2~; W. C. GilIn Benton, fo r I hnve the h9nch t hat The will. of Newt~ln L. Bunnell Willi ry I: Wade, 106.71 ncres of land In mOllr, "inq est; .'$8'.60; ",Ured O. your little flight wJll f'ltch you back admitte d to probate. Lelia M, Bun- Clearcreek Tp. ' Brat;l~, sheriff, paid labor ' at jail, $8; , James Burton to Anna E. Leight, lnternati(!nnl Harvester l:o., I~ck ':""'."".......~-----.........."""........- - well tamed, to the place ;where nell and Herschel ,'N Bunnell were ~~~:~~,;~d5~ ods are not so · heavily npPllinted executor 'a~d executrix of .12.6 town ' acres In Oloarcreek' Tp; repaii, '$1;78; Arml \!der Motor Co., MONEY LO~NED he , strode straight for the estate. Charles J. Waggoner', Edward , 'Johnson to Sebastian: .8Iime, $3.45; O. M. Hale liepairs, $36; ~ _ ............... climbed aboard ~n trifle Waldron C. Gilmour ~nd ThomaS Buerkle, ' 2 town lots in Soutb Leb- The, J. W. Lingo Ifdwe Co., retlairs, nWk"'Sll',~I" by renson of his one arm Hunter were appointed appraisers. anon. ' ' $8.62; same, guard rail 'cable, $204; LO~NS on Ch~ttela,Stock" Secur~ UJ.,uu,eu) and gnlloped, granting us ' ", tiel and Second Mortgagee. Notel not another glance. -----_- _ __ ___ bought. John Barblne Jr., Xenia, Card 8hnrk and de8perado t hat he S'M.I.'TTER POP By C. 'M. PAYNE Ohio. , ·mSO·'26 was, his consummate aplomb l\l>body ft The ~ti Physicist could deny" except Daniel, now cap~ring nnd swaggering and twirling hIS revolver. Fanners \')f Wa.rren and adjolnln. "r showed him. I made him take "ountles may obtain money on Ion. water. I ' Iaow I'm 'bout the best time lonns, at 6 , per cent Interest mnn, with 'a six-shooter in these hyar Cost ,01 sec;orlng the BUitl. is very rea, . parts." ."Ketch up and ' stretch out," , Capsonable .t~r\lugh The Federa] Land ~Jn ,Adams ordered, diaregardillll. BaTIk. For , further informatIon ,call We ve no more tillie for foolery; ' on or "ddreas M. C. DRAKE, Treaa. My eyes met l\Iy Lady's. She !!miled a~ little ruefully, and I reurer, I)hone aI6-X. Le,banon. 0,,10, sppnded, shamed by the poor role' I had borne. With that jubilating out FOR SALE to · the fore, certainly I cut small figure. , (To be continued) FOR SAL~Best Seed Barley. ' Robert Friend, R. 4, Waynesville, 0., Copyrilrhted :"y Edwin L. SabiD. phone , 66F2 .m80,
D '0
For a WOlftall'. Smilo Jt!IIks stiffened, bristling.
"M.ind your words, Adam. I' m under no ~ormon thumb. As for your 'b rat on horsoback, he'd better hOld his yawp," .I aprang forward. D fend her 1 must. She should not stand thel' -alight, lovely, brove, Itfllll110 with tbe helplessness 01 a wom"n alone and insulted. I'Haltl" Iimplol'ed. "Give her a chance. You hnvon't heard her story. All abe ~ants is protection. I know the cur 8hc's gotting awol' f rom. 1 saw him strike her. You have got wo~en there who'll care for .. her." I felt her instant look. She spoke palDltant. . ', ryou have one man among you all. But I am going. Good-night, gentlcmen." ' Citaln J\dams was frowniag stem ,bis ·heavy fa.· eo unsoftened. " y come you bere?" "lJ,y husband has been abusing me and I Ibot him." "You 'killed him, woman?" "Not yetI Be'a likely fleeing the pubUc at thia moment:"
"Wall." J,mkR uttor~d, in Inst' W01'(l;;, ns h turned over with [t J.!'rulll ' hoo'my!' . Jf it 'illlmers down or )'o~ nnd DlIn'I, I'll b~ there." With that enil,'1l1utic I comment he Wll 5 . ilent f!{t\'c ror si rtorious br nl.h ing. . Vnguely cogitating oval' hIS pl'~ 1ll ise 1 I ll ~', toes lind (occ up, slurm.g at the bright stm's; perlllexcd IMI and 1110r over the; immediate. venl!! of ' the (u ture wutn\ly ' 0118C IOU5 of ncr aston!. hi llg , pro . imi ty in vcry troi n, pric~1 d by :the hop . she would CO lltlllue WIth us, iI·rlro· ted by I he Vlll'ill US Il5SUlllpliollS 0 r Danj eJ, nnd somehow not at all 8~ verse ' to Lhe Tnemory of her III "britches." ' Tlln\, phase of the matter scemed to hnve ntrected Dnlliel and me similnrly. Under his hide he was humnn.
was after sun-up that a horsemall b'Ored in lit a gallop, over t he ' rond from the ast. "1I10ntcyo," J enks pronounced: in a grumble of disgust rnther t nnn , with It no te of . alarm. I saw him give a twitch to his holster and slightly loosen the Colt's' As it chanced, our outfit was t be first upon t he gambler's way.
Pioneer--and still the Leader
0 0
I o
6 o
0 0
The Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105
Waynesville, Ohio 0
For D.alel IIad ....bed loudly ' o~or th.
1.~led b~rrel.
" ' !I"'ii;;'il i · h' • "ADd . thoae prmental" Captain "Bodwl', gentiemen?" . :Adama aecuaed. "You wish to show ''Howdy yourself, sir," answered )'0111' lhape, womall, to tempt men'a Mr. 'Jenks. Montoyo!Was pale as efe with the flub' ' 'death, his lips hard set, his peculiar ~ mdlecL gray eyes and his ' black moustache , "Would f9u have JIIe jump from the only vivifying featurelh in bis a ' traIn III IIrJrta, air? But to ,!IOothe coldly menacing countenance. )'Our mlnC£ I will say that I wore He looked upon me, with a 'trace tbeae ~oth_ under my proper at- of reeognltioll leu to be leon than tire ad cloak, until the last mo felt. His glance leaped t o the wagment." on-traveled swiftly and surely, and A lIew voice lOunded. turned to Mr. Jenks. "Sbe shaD a~~. Biram? For the "I'm looking ' for my wite, gentle· DJtbt, at leaaU I will look after rilen. Have " ou see n her'? ' her," . "Yell. lir. We'll not beat around The C,ptaiDIIl'ounger Wife, Ra- any bush over thllt," r eplied Jenks. e~ had lteppe to , him. Pending . He meditated, frown.i ng a bit, eyerepl,. 1 hastened direotly to My Lady 1011' us narrowly. belsillf and detained her by her jack"I had the \lotion," be said, "If It alBlve. you have staked her t o shelter, I I'Walt," I bade. thank YOU; but now I aim to play the "You would take ber in, RachealT band myself. This is strictly a prithe Captain ruml>led. vate game. Where is sh e ?" "We are commanded to teed the "I calt you, Pedro," my friend bUq17 and shelter the homelCIIII, Hy- answered: "We ain't keepin' cases I'II.ID." on het, or on you. You don't find !'VerltJ}' that is 10. Take her. her in my outfit. tbat's flat. , She But 'In God's ,:name, clothe her fot spent the nigh't with the Adam, ~om 'th. dQlljrht in decency. She shall en. You'll find her waitin' for you not ,dvertiae he~ desh to men's on ahesl;1." He grinned. , "She'll be powerful glad to see you." He "Qwe)tl" I whilipered, with a push '80~ered,"And I' ll lilly t his : I'm klnRaciiael, however, had croued for der 80rry I ain't 'got ' her, 'for she'd be ua. interest!n' company on the road." ''Will you come with me, pleue?" "Tbe road to hell, yes," Montoya abe lllvited.: ' . coolly remarked. "I'll guarantee You "Yea," ,sllhcd My Lady, wearlly, quick pnssage. Good-dny." . "Good-nicht, sir." She fleetingly With sudden steely glare tha!; em· amUed upon me. '''I thank you; and brace a us botb he jumped h: ·moun t Mr. Jenka." . into a gallop and tore pnst the team . , They went, Bacbael'a arm about feir the front. ber. I could hold Qack no longer, and Daniel preued beside Captain ha$teni'n g on up, half running in my Adama, talldnlr ekerly. , ,anxil!~. to face ' tl\fj worst; to . help, "She's powerfuf purty, ain't she, if I !)lIght, for the best , ' paw. Golb, I never sa~n a woman A lit tle · knot of people had fonn. in britches bef9re I Did yu 1 Paw 1 ,ed, (lol1stantly inere~sing ' by oncom:' She ldn ride in my wagon, paw. Be ers like nlyself and friend, Jeriks, you C!lin' to take her on, paw? , It wbo had lumbered behind me. ' YJI be. I got room." , Montovo's horse stood heaving on ' ''Gol . Tend to your stock and the outs kirts ; and ruthlClSsly puslung think of other thinp," boomed the t hrough' I found him inside, with My father. "Remember, that the Scrip- Lndy nt bay before him- her eyes ture. say: 'Beware of the scarlet brilliant, her cheeks hot, ber two woman I' .. bands clenched tightly, and the arm Daniel galloped away, whooping of the bri~ht1y flushed but calm Ralike an idiot. chael resting unrostrainedly around Our 'group " diepersed, each mlln her. to ~ blanket under the w~onll or Captain Adams, at one side apart, in ~. op~ ' was talking to the gambler.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~-~ ~
,Garner 'Licen.ed
Phone'?8. '_""
Carys Je}Velry Shop ,''''''''''''''''''' fUllNU
Far,mers. ,A, ttentl·on'.
Stop the Com Bor~r
EQ~. MuI6~r1y S~., ~ebanon, 1:30 to 1:30 P. M. , 6:30' to 8
Ch.i rooractor ORice Hoars:
6 "
When carried on in a careful manner, plowing under of infested ',c orn stalks and corn 'stubble has given encouraging results In the control P. of ' the .European corn borer.· It sho uld be ,empbasized, however, th~ United States Department of Airic~ltl}re points 'out thllt careleSs plow ing leav~s ' mallY pieces of stalks, I~ti)lle woedll and so on, upon the Sl)i1 lIurface and is not ' effective. !!'his 'd4Jbrl8 shelters ,. manY, bOJ;ers , wbicn cra'w~ t!l ' the liu~ace afte.r being plowed under. They bore into or encase themselves In ~uch debris, ~~-.Jf!I. .... ~ \Iete mBnYTof""th1Snt traufonnmoth.. Wheu such ahelter' "is l!!cking T the vast majority' of ,the borers fln~l1y perish, elt1!el" being eaten by blrda, beatles ,or ants, ' or ldDed by various native ' p'r edators or by aponte to the weather. The use of.. plow ,havin, a wide bottom and "bleb is equipped with II chain or "tre to aid III buninc aU d*brIa . . Important belp hi doiq • clean
LAWN MbWEiRS, HORSE, O'L IPPers, and Plow Shares sharpened THE "BOCKLET-KING 0.0." XEN~ ': lA, OHIO. ' . m28-tt' FOR SALE- Gray ' Perche~on geiil~ I Ing; 7 ' years. old, 'weijrht 1700, -lIi8.~;, sound and a gao\l ~orker F. t 'A. HartsOCk, "'aY1'leavsllle, '.ohio, or A. Z. Harts\')ck, Clarksvl11e, . " m23" FOR SALEf--Ybung .work 'horse: ',. gOod on.e; also o,n e wheat bipder. R. ,.E. Simpkin~, ," R: D. 2, Lel)anon, .0\11,0.. ' ': -inBO
.... THE M I A M 1.. Entered at.
G A Z~ E T T E--•••• presse(l borhood
shreddl'd coconnut, Il h)H>nd nRVOr· ing. B lit th Ci1'1ot whl~e8 tlnd !\utt until sti ff. Add lhe HUIf(lr. fl)((l in tho c 'Coallut /lnr! iOQstccl !.lak\.~, IIrter cru!<hing til Ill, nnd udd the: flllVOl'. ]Jtop lIy tC1I.pooilti I)TI lin oill!lI K. 'E. Thompson nnd wife. Shernlon yellow . . Ua:;c u ~'m ilron O'n t.h,e pnpcr Hnd tn\kc i!" a mntlertltc U\'dll Ferris lind ·wlfe., Cecil Villars and w-!'ong: sld~f the Silk, and protect It f ot' 18 to 20 minulo~, until d,.jicnlely Compounded Sem i-.I\nD ua,lI .. wife1 Hurle" Walker and wife I Mes- With c:tnrI'Secloij. .'* • brownell (inti \ till ~H. . .1 • dames Ka theri ne Jordon, Ella Fer20,000 Members Assets Over 10!h Million w!!h!,!;ic!!h--.!l:l!J,iJ!l!l1l!.!Ul.!U!.lt!.t 1 " ...llJ.£.....iU!.)ll.\::-+------..·A Y I NC FOR FU N Alice Tel'- tito and promote digestion IIh,)u lri ry and the MisBess Hannah JOl'tillll, be served nt the beginni ng of the All Ir i~hllltl;-;-:'I1~ hrI,II't, n jUf!A"" Three . { Third and Ilroadw.ay Dny 't on. Oh io. Lucile Ferl'is, Elizuheth Clark, Hel- meal: . That's the r.cuson ~~n y ~eh- Oil tit" ehlll'!;!! Ilf I'l,'tti i n~ Jlil\ wir" Officcs' 510 East Fift h St. (Estahlis hed 11;$7) en Walker, Mary Kathlc!:" Toomey. pie hlie to start II dinner .\vI ~, u h~ ~ Th,' jutl _,. lookl:<l Ilr,wn II ~ It'illl .. 19 East Third St. Elellnol' Clark, Winnifred . Jacobs we!!-flavorod soup. FrUit IIppctlz- LInd suid : ' ~ Thut will eost. you exMessrs. George W. Davis, Ed Ross, en are IIlso go.od. ucUy $2.20." M. M. Terry, W. H. Terry, H. F. ~e. •. • . . , "Anti, pl,'asc, S UI', ]lIUl l is the 20 __ .__ Kay, Ross Villars, Harold Walker , Whon choosmg chIldren s gar- cents £OI" !" ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • and Air J ordan , ments, consider the dUl'n~ilit~ of the "Federul hi... 011 u1lluSc mt:nl5.' . material, whether or not It Will launder well and easily, and whut pro- ""'!"!~~~~~~~~~~~~ vision is made ,Jor the growth of the t" child. Can the child put it on and take it off himsel£? These ppints • • are just as important a8 attractive NOTARY PUBLIC Mrs. J Ollies Peterson is nursing a design or color. broken al'lIl. which she sustained by N.tion.1 B.nk • See Us Early Cor :Your Sale Dates. We Guarantp.e l\ fall, Monday evening. To clean uphulste red · furniture , Satisiart.ion or Charge Nothing. . ' Will. Drawn .. .. ...... Eat.t ... Settled Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith and either a vacuum cleaner or n brush daughter, of Columbus, were week- mny be used. A soft bru.sh is best Waynellville. Ohio end guests of relntives here. for velvet and velour, II f!tlffcr brush M b E S for tapestry lind other strong, firm =:-::~:-:-=_~_::.::..=-====== em era of the .astern tnr were materinls. When convC"nienl, take Phone No.2 Phone No. 320 guests of Mrs. R. N. Stingley and qpholstered !urnitul'e ou t of doors mother, of pring Valley, on Friday. occasionally and beat wilh II nat car. t b Chicken thieves robbed the roosts pe enter. • of Mrs. M C d H F C pt Dentist S d . Ch[a 1er;in .. ihe~se~:s ~~ Have corn fritters Oll ee in awhilc. un sy n ' g ,.. They go especially \\'cll wilh on ulliII .. NatioD.1 Blink Bill,. Walte~' about sixty fine Rhode Island Reds. vegetab le mea.! in such cobinatiol18 ""'!"!~~~~!!!"!!!"'!!"'!'!"~~~~~ Rellltivcs of Rev J esse Hawkins liS spinach, creamed oniolls al\(l stew- '" helped him celebrat~ his 81st birth- ed tomatoes; or stri ng beans, car- DR. C. W. HENDERSON day at his home, Sunday. Those rots and lettuce slllad; or quick FUNERAL DIRECTORS present were Mr. lind Mrs. A. H. Ter cooked cabbage, b~ets and bu.ticr OHice-Aman Bldg. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO rell and sons, of New Vienna; Mr. mashed rutabagas. Title United OFFICE HOURS WE GET THEM QUICKLY .AND and Mrs. L. M. Hawkins and daughter States Department of Agriculture FREE OF CHARGE near Wilmingto n' Mr and Mrs T will tell you how t o mukc thelll. 9 to J I a. m. 3 to 5 p. m . Fully Equipped for Good CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR . " . . • • • 7 to 9 p . m . C. Haydock and children, of Chester Service. EXPENSE neighborhood; M. T. Hawkl!'B, of Here's a recipe for 24 easily mode Office T~lePhoneal 30 Large Display Room. Wilmington: Mr. und Mrs. J. A. maearbons : 2 egg whi~es, 1 cUI' of Realdertce. 69F2 Ambulance Service Hartman and family, Mr. and Mrs. sugar, 2 cups flak ed toasted breakT~;LEPtiONE 7 DAY Qil N«1HT Pho 8 HARVEYSBURG, O. De
but - , ' them sJcce. s in future homo ISSUED EVEltY WEDNESDAY near Lebanon. Those who were forDon't Iron white silk with a ve.ry tun ate to b present were. R. J . 101 ho t Iron. AU silk scorches. casi!.Y, Postoffice at Waynosv iIIo. 0 .• as Second 'Cla811 Mali Mutter ray lind wife, Ed Clark anti wife, too great bent turnls 'w hlte Bilk
fl. L. CRANE, Editor .nd Publi.her, W.jn •• Yllle, Ohio
·ubscrif\.ion PncB. S1.60' per ·year.
Die·hm·ds are ever wit.h us. The Cllrl' III species is 115 to ugh and hord th ' I h d t . ':I us. nny las seven 0 0 fiext CI'mlna t tl In . e nation tl Ie Iust t yve YUill'S. It is the COITupt political boss 0 1' wurd-heelur, fighting. in lit!! death stl'Ugglc. to 'have us repeal I' . •' 1Ie (Ireet prlmal'Y· ' I year Ioomlllg ' \V'Il II a pl'eHI'd cntlll nhell(l in ' 1928, til I'e nre 'l'eaSOTlI! ·no ugh why it would be advnntugcous to mllny of the old bosses to return to t hc cunvention system. in counlY, in statc, in nation. 01' course this is ' too mueh for them to hope for, still it is l\ fuct ti}at a most determined effo rt to that .e ntl V, is this yell I' boing made. ,oters cverrwhel'c shoultl be warued of the subtle ond indirect methods thut are being used, to take from their hands the right to nllma their respectivc purty cundidate. . · The ut Luck on the direct primary is being Ilresscd by thusc forcee that prefer u goveM1lllent by money-'-to 0110 by popular opinion. Thcse scanduls within the last year have put a nclV dllle. l'lIlinat.lon into tbe (oes of · B hId os~es av,e eu:n,e t h c prlllIllry. th~t money uged. too laVIshly III a prllllury. defeals It-S own ends. Under the cOllvention system money nnd attracts no attention. Right now there ar~ 8On~e 8eem!ngly very learned dl~c~8slons bt; mil' reatured by.the pohtlcal-boss dlrected press whIch attempt to palm off the old corrupt convention syete m' of nom ination as the "'ndirect COll\'ention system." I n II nutsheU, it is 11 joke for advoclltes of the convention system to tal.k about lithe cost". of. the direct primary and compare It III any way with the old convention system. Just remember this. Eve ry real progressive in Congre'ss today comes from direct primllry IItrongholds-and virtually ev' ery one is a . poor man. Also, investlgate and you will find tJla~ the drive against the direct. primary is heftdcd by public utility officials, old ' school Jlolitlcians and /1\\ yers . • - --- -
%Paid' on Deposits
"Where Savings are Sale"
HARVEYSBURG A. plellrisy. L. K 'n nedy has been "uite ill " with Dr. C. G. Rllndull WIlS in Cineinnolj lhis week. Chnrles Madden has "'one to Mar.. tinsvillU,. Ind., for trell tment. Massie Grange put on the progrnm ul Lebanon 'l' hursdIlY cvoning. Mrs. A. T. Moler is tuking treutment ut Minmi Valley h05p itlll. The M. E. l\1issiollul'Y society met with Mrs. II. S. Tucker Thul'sdllY afl'rnoon. r chool WII S ditill1issed Friday a te rnoon fOI' lhe County Ol'utorical contcst. . The funcl'lIl. DC .Mrs. Sophm Moore [)~c~lred ut Miami Chapel, Monday. a p. m. . Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harvey returnet1 home Saturday after wintering in Florida. ' M R IJ J ff ' d" d rs.. ~, . e erls an mr. an Mrs. Karl Sltiduker were Dayton visitors, Wednesduy. Mr. and Mrs. El. M. Villars and uests of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Churles Gordon and (umily have movcd ' fnto their new home on Wost Main street.
F. T. Mat.tl.n
Jesse S~anIey Auctioneers
New Burlington,O.
Dr. .John W. Miller I~~~~~-=---~~~~~~!!!'!!!!!!!'!!~ W.,.......
McClure J. E. McClure
Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.
Miss Ruth Lukens and her father, Chllrles Lukens, were week~nd guests at the home of Wm. Lukens. Mrs. C. H. Gray attended tbe meeting of the Home Committee at Miss Watts' office., Wednesday afternoon. .
6el 74Ch~
Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Tom Welch at their home In Ft. Dodge, lown, on March Srd, a son, Paul Thomfus. ~r; and Mrs. J. C. Gray were Wednesday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles EIlis in Lebanon. C tai d M Ch I G ap n an I'll. ar es arner and son, of Columbus, spent last with Mrs . .Marf Finch and AWFUL BILL BOARDS DISGRACE Garner. .
There Me times when the United tates can ,incerely regret that ahe s n young' nation. . When one is , ,ung. 011 uftlmes does many thinrs nlhinking y. So with the natlond he dny we permitted the start ,n besmearing . (our bellutllul lan.d· CUljeS nlong our national higbways, vith huge, lurid billboards and I!i~ s is one of those things. like the follies of youth whicb we wish we could undo. ' . n a'tempt to disfigure English It II d Gc !l ~~ with billboards lind .signa • , 1l\ American, is meeting with &tiff c l-Jlosition. Our <sympathy is with the challengers and against this vandnllJlm. It is our hope the protest i ll. lIave tbe rural landscapes of .i!:l;)glantl from il uch defaccment. It filw successful protests I>y other l'latlon& in~y some day awaken Amerl~a, cmd public sentiment force .1) wayside billboards a removlIl which def&l~ ' and destr:oy our nation'. natural beauty,
~ ,
The Mannon irirJI of near Wilmlng came dow'o on Friday afternoon \'lslted our s'chool. James ~MeDonald and f"mily have moved froin Green Briar to the Sher wood larm 'b ack of the church.
The Little Thrift-House -which il complet Iy built and located on the fift h noor shows how inexp~n.ively and attrac ti vely the modern bunl!a· low OIl! be built. and fur nilhoo. A typie., I· AmeriCAn {lung.low inn UC nCL..J by H touch "r Spanilh Arcl,ilecture. A ho t~,. will be ill nllendance to show ~'ou about the hou.u, tKpl in il . furni'shinlll
Bud anliwcr your qlU~ t io n •.
Fiflh Floor
Model Windows windows will be on our fifth fleor Ihowi"R ·the right and fash ion· able draperies best adapted to cnet. type windo ..·. Fifth Floor
Model T.ables s ~,.
"'ith linen and silver, for br~l< kfAst. luncheon, afterllllon tco, und rormal dlnner. A hll~ tl :S' will i,ldyisc you on COm!L' table bIltt. inls if you wi. h. . Suolld Floor
Oriental Rug Weaving -will be demonltrated in the Oriental Rug' Depart ment on thr. fifth noor, Saturd" y. This will prove both interesting and in,t ruclive .to lover. of thete beautiful noor coverinSI. Fiflh Floor
, H. M. Settlemyre and family were Sunday '\ftel'l(loon callers at the Robert A~drews oome, ,ncar Iiere. The McKay families w~nt to Waynesville Sunday afternoon to hear Hal;old F. Bing, at the Friends meet ing house. . .
,Edison says every man should marJ'Y-and marry ' young., He tl cOI·rect. · Thnt will inc.r ease our field of Invtmtors. You know-Inventors of alibi.. . . '
'. Rev. JasPIl Blddlecum, of Oregoilia, !lttended cl1urc~ here,. 'Sunday mornmg, jIIng ,too~ dlllner With R. J, Murrlly ~II wif~. George Vail al)d family havtI moved from Ed Jordan'., place to the · Nlne~y-ftve radio , _tationa , are to Bomer Hudson .181'11'\,' fQIVIQrl)' brpadcast government eroP. an~ mar- known as the D,ao Sliannon fi,lrm. kat. reporj:s qally. 18, thiS a' Iittl\! ,'" Fad,ral ""s'op'/ in 'lieu of the Farm . Mrs. . ~nna F,errl8 will enter~Jn Relief m\!asure? t~e Pr18." llIa ~I~l> at·. her . beautitu country home southeast ot ·here, A ;London sci;;-;;t;t says in "Wien- t~e , thirdWedne,aday In ~ ty years we will have telf1vlsloD, no f.l111 a.t tendanj:e la expected.. ' Mr. a~d ' ~rs. E. ,C : Mannon and • drudgery ' 1]1 the bo'me. sex , prea!l~ termlned 'and !;hildren flld , on cpn: daughters, Ruth !l'tJa, Gle'n na, ' entercentrated tood thl'ough tubes;io Here tained at dinner, Sun4ay at their · j~ a tip lor ~mbitious 1~27 sch!lol bome nellt Wilmington, in cel. ebl~a-.1 · and I college rrlldllatl!sto ret into tion ~f ~rs. "Mannon'lI father, Geo. W. :Davla,c' and siller-in-law, Mrs. · t.}le tube businesa. . Edith ' Davis birthday anniversary" '- - _ . Geo. W. Da~. lind Mra. EdiUt Da. ."ll.. t.I ,V . _1a and fhildre n, attended the 'ora: certt¥lt In I:.ebanon on Friday afte~oon, ~1u; · D.oJ\lla fQrd, of the bran~l!.,..i" " ~~iJihlf!olJ. 'Phool, "alt one ' of the .e on: , teS!;ll ~I MIIIII EIeJe BradburY, of Oregonia, won the high ·school med; In, orato~. . F_.U Part)'. , About thirty·flye ' .trlenda lathered a fareweU aurpriH p~ at the •I ~'I hear )'Our iliatel' marrlecl of' 1I'r, 'and lira. Ed WUaon · atru.Unlr .""inc, The evenfna "Y.. ; he cHd'·attunle, bllt he did iri lIocial eon".ruUOIl Dot t ,..w.),." . a IIiDCh .....ed,
.. -
Have You Seen:
The ' poor fI~h who ~'holds II IQul JIlate in hili armli lind t))litka he lIas found happlnjlU ·w -. orily hunlng a dellUlion. . , , ... , -.. • u ' women 8 skirts keep .on getlln.g 'shorter we for one are gOlllg to qUit worrying about this ever becoming a plittlcOQt. · gcvernm'ent. , . , . - . ~ven Man-I,l-'War sons and daughter.!! have bee/) nomjl)ated for the , Kentucky Derby, 1dIlY 14· •• , Roll them Iionee--and com. '!lv,n. .
Day of the Greatest Sale in 74 Years"""" Just 9~ ' Golden Hours Left------Saturday!
M ODEL shown
Geo. Walker and. Pal Kirby have traded team" of borses. The Rutledge lcnnlly have moved from th~ Rose Campbell farm to Cuba; Ohio. Morton V~ndorn and wife, oi Gum Grove, were Tuesday gue~ts of R. J. Murray and )Vi1e. . ,
Delflc.tted ,.".fliIlJtoll. the Citv qf lfelftes·'
C~e------ Here is B~rie.fed YOUR Opportunities for the Last
Mrs. Walte.r Ellis Willi bostess to the ,Priscilla club Wednesday afternoon. The ladies enjoyed a. delighttul social time and a te'TIpting luncb fruit salad, gingerbread, cocoa and candyshamrocks was served. . . . !drll. A. S. Collett presl~ed at the Jomt mee~lng pf the Frle!1ds and .Ba.pUst Missionary societies at the Friends church, Wednesday. Mrs. E. B. Dakin led the devotions. The study b?ok, '''Our . Templed .Hills," was reVIewed, thc .c bapters bemg cal?ably handled by , Mrs. C. H. Gray. l\frs. W. E. Oglesbee. Mrs. W. W. Welch, Mrs. C; G. Randall, Mra. W. l'ot .Gillam, MIs:' May Harlan, Mrs. .obme MllcD~mald, Miss Nellie Cutright, 14rs. H. E.Hatton. Mrs. Geo. Denny, ?tfrs. Walter Gray and ~rs. • W. A. Haines. At nOQn a bountiful dinner wus spread and enjoyed. ' -
Some women who think thl'Y are shining socially find later that It was only their nose. . Looks like Volstead alto ehanged QUX'" 8tand~d mtiaaure scale. A quart of g~n now means a peck of J.' trOUble.
)'0_ .,.,11'."
, The Model Kitchen
In c ot he1PLI::TEL\' . equipped il a model ba ~cment
kitch ' lI. Here every mod~rn con venience i. displa yed to .how how ~1Ii icotly and· inc1(pentivcly a model kit.chen can lie furnimed HttUUVlQrel'-BlUtllllfl'
The Model ~ Laundry. COt~~P~~;;~ ' l~u~~od~'l
laundry. In it there are'the many nec~s~ ry and labor.savine con· veniences you 'may have in yoIIr horn!', Sec .how, inexpeneivdy it clln be furn i.hed. H r1ljfC1lKJ,ej~Bru~
Silk Dresses-crepes, georgettes, prints, • $10.95 Plaiin Jane and Mallinson Rodier Prints, yd. ~ . 33c Wa.shable Crepe de Chine, all wanted colors, yd. $1.69 Silk Chemise ~nd . Step-Ins, each '..1 • • • $1.95 'P ongee Slips, shadow proof hems, . . . ./ ~ $1.95 Apron Dresses in attractive styles, . . ~ ' $1.95 Silk · Crepe and Georgette Dresses~. . $16~ 75 Sports Coats, tweeds and basket weaves, . $29.50 Metal Reading L mp and Shade, . . . . $2.65 32-Pi.e ce Dinner Sets in vivid patterns,. $4.95 Porto Rican Embroidered Towels, . ~ SOc and 78c Colored Glass Flower . Bowl with wax lily, • . $1 Sports Dresses, Wool Jersey and Peach Bud, • $15 Tailored Suits, twills. and tweeds, . . . . $25 Pictures-gard.en scenes ,in handsome frames, . ' $4 ..95 Silk Dresses in Specialized Sizes, . $23 and $26 Women'sWashable Doeskin Gloves, slip-on style, $2.95 Lacy Neckwear, Vestees, Collar and Cuff Sets, . $2.69 Mel);s Hand-Embroidered Initial Kerchiefs, . . SOc Junior Dresses of flat crepe or georgette, . $14.75 Children's Coveralls and Sacques, . . . . 89c Uoys' All-Wool Odd. Knickers, . ~ . . $1.79 Boys'Pre-Shrunk Athletic Union Suits, . . , 69c Women's , Chiffon and Service Weight Hose, ~ $1.29 Women's Semi-Dress Silk Hats, . . . . . $10 Sterling Silver Candlesticks, . ~1 $4.74 .6 0-Inch Length Knotted Pearls, . . . . . $3~74 Black Moire Silk Bags, gilt ox~dized" fi~mes, .$4.74 .ROSline"s , Famous Perfu'mes, 'per oz., . $3.25 and $5.25 36 'M en's Caps;. lined . . . . . • '$1-.50 25'0 M~n's . Pajamas, , pl~in or 'fancy, . . . $f..89 Secretary Desk, mabog~ny ' v~n.eered, ': ~ ' $49.50. 8..;Piec~ Dining Room Suite, ,. . . ; '. $'25.()~ R~~J "C9aster Wagon, .ajI-steel body, r '$5; .9S.: Meli!s,: New Spr.ing Sui(~, . ~., ' . . . $33 Tra¥ellit Fitted 'O~er-Night CaSe,. $9.95 '"';I"
~ "
.ll\' l!niTlK,."~OC~ •
.' hOllle
The Y. ]'. III. will rn ct lit
tll .
'{'<>UIIlIlMon . ·~lOcJ:ly Ml.l'n:h :.!7 h. Tit · ( adlW ~Ire ll$ ST. MARY'S CHURCH ' rvie 0" ry Werine ~ dn~' evoning Coli ,\ ~: Lent aL 7 :ao. F ul'lh uu- Oev,lliollJlI !cader.... }!'!omlnond R cd Lc,,~ \II; 1(';Hlot Puu! TIlmlin30n L nt. l\llll'ch '27; hIli' h ·t·ati u I ader .nrnh . nd l'WO d lit 9 :30; Morning ~. ~rCI' llnq R,>'('hc "ubjc ' l of the lesson is. "T he 11111
FERRY CJiURCH OF CHRI ST ' Morning st'r i~l' 11 :30; Bibl School nnd s(,I'DlOn, ' ":'lll\; ng t hI! . World." Evoning ser ~ice 7 :30, !lcr· mon, "Th Pnrable of VulU ~." A ll weleonle to our services. . Nethall J ohnson, Minist r.
Young Friends'Meeting
.u r.·.·'
Mr. Md )\Ir.. 'P,·t d .Hlnllllcrl Illr oed frum Milllni, Flu .
. , i
!I1\'. lIntl '!r/!. H. B. 'FJarnhrnt W re in Dayton 1111,1 • tmin S(lt,u l'day niternl)on.
EDUCATIONAL " I certninly would say that the po rcupine us an animal, has a great many fine · points." exclaimed' WilIi~, the hunter.
Late Classified Ads. FOR SALE FOR SALFr-Bnled oata straw and clover loose hay. Inquire of the F urnas Brothers, Waynesville, Ohio, -mSO
next Red Arrow Auction will be held on
Mr. and ~rs. 'OrVule Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Milton -Tbompson and Mrs. Oharles Andel'l!on were in Dayton, Monday.
2 p, m., at the Hall Drug ' Store. The Red Arrow Auction Blocks will ,be closed, st further bidding at 6 ~~~~ttr.:-nt~V-ecrnelsday. March 30. '
Mrs. Lura Werntz and daughter, Leada, werl!. . in Dayton Friday, and saw "Butterf\iell 'in the Rain" at Keith's theater.
RED ARROW PLACES L A. Zim~el1Dan"---Myer Hyman----Hall Drug Co.····Miami Theater.-.-Fred M. Cole ••-W ayneaVille Overland Sales Company--The Miami Gazette
~n, Wilferd, .Mr: and Mrs. 'Roy Cor-
MisS Lilla Benham, of Lebanon, and Mia Edith Sides. of Dayton, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Sides. Mr. and Mrs. W. -B. Squires and
nell visited 'relatives at Parkersburg. W. Va., ,over the week-end. '
Mrs. Dallas Boger was plea~ntly surprised by a few of her friends on Thursday evening. The occasion Will! her birthday aI)nive~ry.
.......l1li. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
•••• B...in. Your 'Eggs to Kroger....
Mr. and Mrs. Madison : Earnhart, of. Dayton, are staying at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Babb during Mrs. Bnbb's stay at the hospital. . , Miss Doris Henderson ' was in Springfield over the week-end, the g uest of Miss Frances Henkle, who fa a student ab Wittenberg college. Mrs. Karl Babb, nee ;Eleanor Earn
hart.appendicitis, is recoveringwhich fromwas an operation performi-iiiiiiii~=;;~~~~ii;;:=;;~;;=~iijiiiiiilj'1 for ed at 1I1cClelllind ' bospital, Xenia lnst Saturd~y. · . '. ' Don' t forget sight specialist day night until until 3 p. m. Lebnnon , Ohio.
Apple Butter ~~~:7a~.I~.~ .. ·1·g e Corn Flakes K~~lo~g'8 or Post 25c , . T oastles, 3 pkgs, .
Pr••eno••• COUDI .., Club, all Sayon, j.r ........ ....... ................ .... .. 19c
.. .. 25c
Clu~, . $1 • 04 Flour Countrysack, each, . . . . . , Cakes ~caroon Snaps, .very ~ow, 1 7c . price, Ib _. . .. _.... '.' .. .. ... . 24~-lb.
COUDlIy Cluh, 12 ~ -lb ••cl<. 55c
CIUtOD. 24 ~'.lb aack
...... ·9Sc:
CoCO.Dat Marahmallow., Ib ..... ...........:;w.eh, 5 lb . .......................... 19c ·
!:~ =e.S!~~. . . 35c ~~!l!efo~~~~~ 15c ~!'!~I~~~!:e.~~~. . . 15C ri~!t~~~~:. ~·. ~.~,42·c ' £~!'=d' :45c· ...
46 ·.i••, 3 for .......... , ................. 25c:
Swe.ta, 5 lb. · ...... ,.... ; ............. 19c'
Ib ........
Gold_ S";Dtoa, Ib .............. :......25c J.~" .Lb ....... ............ :.. .:... :........32c
Dr. Rudolph our eyeis here every Satur7 p. m., and Tuesday Cory's Jewelry Shop '
J . Edwards, Wilson Edwards, MIsses Mary Lonh a nd Marjorie and Master Georgc Edwards were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, James Me?Iure on Sunday. Mrs. Eva Jones is in the Epworth
h~8pital . at South Bend. Ind., in a
verY"serlOu9 condition, due to an operat.lonperiormed on' Friday morning of last week. Mr. and 1I1rs. Robert Crew. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sherwood and ' Phineas Cook were gUests last Sunday of Mrs. Rachel Crew and son, Frank ' at sumptuoqs and delicil?us dinne;. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur F. Clark had as dlnner .guests, · Sunday, IIIr. and Mrs. E. J. Carmony and children of Springfield, . Mrs. Mnry Carmony: of Lytle, Miss 'Mildr~d Clark. \If Centerville. MI'. Everett Clark, Dayton, . Mr. and Mrs. C. W. :X0unce,
Susa n Wright Paine and IIIr. Fryer. of Tllxas a nd Arizollil, were married this morning at Lebanon. 25. n discou nt ThurKdllY, FridllY, Snturday. Mnrch 24th, 25U, and 26th at Cary's J t!\I't!h'Y Shop, Ll!banon, Ohio.
Vance and spn' , of wlI\! Pleasant A sum>ptuous .dinner a vc'ryPlain. gmt ifylng feature of the o·c casion.
.....,...~....~~_ _ _ _ _........ K;
Chai. S. SoUJh and .... and B. Earilhut, Hr. lin. and JLMn.
25 per cent on Your Coal Bill
Waynesville Mill~--Coal and Ice Co.
• • • • •_ • • •_ • •_ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _. _ . _ . _ . _ . _• • • • • •_ ,
=~=~~~=~~~~~=~==~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~===~~~===~~~= Attend Lho grand Sprint\' Opening Thu rsday, Friday land Saturday, March 24th, 25th and 26th at Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon. 25% disscQunt during the three days.
Take Your Pick of a Candidate for President
Mr. and Ml'8. Charles Gray spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Baker, of Plain View Manor. Franklin. who also entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Baker and Mr. Geo. Anwer, of Kendallville, Ind.
------_.-. ..------
laol. lbe Io....t.
Mn. .Mary Carmony attended 1\ The X-ra,lnl: of teeth playa an family dinner, Sunda1. at t.he home Important pa,rt In the health of the people today. It ,hlll aaYed of Mr. and Mrs. WUbur Clark, at IIns and much euUerins by ' Waynesville, brInKInc to light the hIdden The tlrst tobacco delivery here for Bourees of ..jlnfection and PUI pocket. at nle ends of rootll some time was' Tuesda)" when Mr. the teeth whleb. w~~~-!i~++~~iri~~~d two carload8...:a~t!,..~L~y~-+l---dIU~~::::j~-"'-_-+~_~t::=-_...L._~~~ aid of tbe ~-ra,. · ba,.e been determined. Misa Edith Sides. of Dayton, end Dr. Bo,leII' Dentists ha,.e one Miss Lilla .. Benh_m. of Lebanon. of the belt X-ra, equlpmenta were week-end g~ests .of. Mr. and to be found ·In an, derit~J ot' A, ,L , .Sides, flce rln the etate, and will CO'opeNUI with your phyalclan MiB~ ' Lucile ·Clnrk, of the Middl~ for t~he betterment of ,our ~own hospital, spent the week-end at healr' . . t he home of her 'parenta, Mr. ' and Mrs. Walter Cla.r k. JiOR SALE BY NO CHARGE Dr. Bo,Ie.' DenUltl lulle you Mrs. Frank Miltenberger has been to ha,." a thorough examination and COIBllultation regard- quite sick the past ~eek', threatened Inc ,our telltb. There I. no with pneumonia. She is. somewhat . charle for the senlce. . b'e tter at this time. Mr. and Mr8. Walter Whitaker and CONFIDENCE Prom th~ IEI0ment ,ou enter children were ' Sunday afternoon the DUlce you feel oonfl!1eat . gue8ts of Mr. and Mrs. HerJlert Merthat you wUl be In the haacla edith, ne.ar Middle Run. 'Of a dentilt who will take perMr. and Ml'8. Wilbe~ Swank were IOnal Interest In ,ollr welfare. Sunday 'dinner guesta 'of Mr. and A skilled examination will be ginn and y<)U will be advised Mn. Edd' Longacre, honoring Mr. frankly of your trouble, If an,. Swank's 21st birthday. If an elttracUon . Is nCCieaBT7, tber.e 'trill be DO 'nene TaCkMesdames Allen Emrick, J, B. InC l'atn. and Edd Longacre spent Friday Dayton and ' ~tt~nded the allniversary t'ea at Memorial hall In the afternoon. . .
W. N.l\tadden &t.CO~ wayne.vllle,
·Mr. Walter .Whitaker ,f ell one ..day last week and injured his !lar, while . helping butch'er ,at the hcfme of ter Clark. The ear was badly bruised and cut; so that a stitch or two had to be .tak!!n. (
Dental Specialisb Fifth and Main Street.. DArJroN, OHIO
G'· · ·R A N.D' . 'LEB .' THEATER ' AN
ON Dtiil~'.
6:30 and 8:~0 P. ·M.
' Th
. e Highest in Qu~lity
'S EED · OA~S· Can us for your 'Seed Oab• .
WII&dl f'vr Talk No. I
~ur~fl'.elihnleii.tlll,~8tt,h~:!~~ t~o
evenmg were: Rachel Crew, Mr. Frank Crew, and lin. Robert Crew, Mr. Phli1eu Cook Mr. and Mrs. E: Ii .BAllaD; Mn. -'~I_ 01& Barlan. Mr, E. P. B.rlaD,Mr.
. ton
Mrs. S. H. Haines hili! been on the s ick list. M,r. Riley Saylor was in Dayton, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= on busi ness, Monday •. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunt are remodelling their home. Miss Helen Early was able to return to school, 1tfonday, Mr. Ben Smith. of Dayton. Bpent the week-end with relatives here. Mrs. William Coleman is out again bein&' III for a couple of we.eks. Mrs. Edd Longacre and Mrs. Melvyn Swank were in Dayton shopping, Monday. Mr. Melvyn Swank now has · employment 'With Mr. Howard Arehdea- - --+If-H-n..-..jn- WayneBville.' -- - - 1 -1-· -- -"""'J.-~-~~~ Meadames Mary C~rmonYi Clara The stronllest fence poat Thompson al\d Mary Marshall spent ever made. Wednesday in Dayton. Iu Anchor Plates insure Mrs. SUMn Saylor is now keeping firm anchoralle in the around. hpuse for Mrs. Morris Miller. who is Easily driven and firmly let quite poorly at this time. with ah ordinary steel sledlle. BO~' Mr. an~ Mrs. Will Null, of SpringWires easily attached' to boro. were SUllday, guests of Mr. and po.t lI,nd firmly 'ocked with Mrs. Albert Stacy and family. patent ciampI, 'N 1 Mr. and Mf/I. Oharles Davis and , o. . Bon, of Cincinnati, were week-enr,! Aft'~rdl proloClloD for • 91t1" ...d .,epa. ' .. g uests of Mrs. Emma Foulks and -family. 1I0it economical bee ... le I,
" who enjoyed . . a ver~ '.p~as.. . "I:hose evening of mUlje;',conv.eraation ' nn".. ". a' ...
Buy ' your Coal NOW and Save
Mr. and IIfrs. Ern('st Hartsock and children were Su nda y dinner g uests of 1\11'. nnd 1111'S. George Hartsock .
" ,C,
. J. Hawke was 'given a pleasant surprise on hie birthday anniversa' Thursday, Mnrch' 17, When he wlla .at his' hOll)e by Jos. Hawke. Mr. and Mrs. · Jesse Sears and family, of Sabina i. George ·Hawke • . of Clarksville i Mr. and Mrs. ' . George Larrick, of Leb~rion; · 'Mrs, Ralph
Our .Genuine Pocahontas Coal in Lump or Egg size for Apra delivery at .. .... .. ... .. .... . Our supply of Coal at this price is limited. Orders MUST BE PLACED AT ONCE.
H. H. Williamson visited his Bon, The only snfe way to buy diamonds Raymond an d fa mily, at Cleveland, is from a jeweler with established last ·week. many satisfied repu,tation. Our patrons will testif'y to the high qual. Jessc Burto n, who is taking med- ity of our diamon ds. Cary's Jewelieal treatment in Detroit, is thought ry Shop, Lcbanon, Ohio. to be im proving. Messrs. L . V. BrunstraLor, F. H . E, J. Burton, of the Monroe Fnn. C. H. Hartsock. F. A. Hartschools was off duty last wcek on sock, C. M. Robitze r. H. A. Cornell . account of illness. G. W. Waterhous, J . O. Cartwright, ,Mr. and l'Ifrs. Ralph Lewis, of J. B. Pence, Wol te r McClure. L. A. Zimmerman and Dr. J. T. Ellis a tDayton, spent Sunday with Mr. and tended the r eunion and banquet of Mrs. W. S. Graham. the Scottish Rite Masons or WarMiss Lucile Clark, of Middletown, ren County at Lebanon, Friday evspent the week-end with her parents ening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark. Mr. . and Mrs. Joel Stokes entel'St. Mary's Guild will meet' with tained a company of f riends with Mrs. W. S. Graham Thursday after- "500" at Mrs. Hathaway's tea room noon, March 24, at 2 o'clock. last Wednesday evening. After the pmos a dainty lunch was servcd. Mr, and Mrs. Allen Haines, of The guests were Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Xenia, visited their parents, Mr. and Ha~haway, Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wnght, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith. Mrs. Jonathan Haines, Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Cornen, Mr. and 26 % discount Thursdaf' Friday, Mrs. Harry Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. Saturday, March 24th, 26th ilnd 26th Ernest ButterwOlrth, Mr. and Mrs. at Cary'a .fewelry Shop, Lebanon, M, A. Cornell" Mr. and Mrs. Ohio, . Hartsock and Mr'. Paul S~kea. Mrs. Wilson Edwards was in Cincinnatl several days last' week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. )Jarnbart.
We have :bought · a limited supply of Genuine Poca-. hontas Coal at a very low price and believe this price ' is the lowest you will get on I the Best Grade Pocahontas Coal this year.
Master lII ilton Cl'uh",n. of Dayton. Mp nt the week-end with his grandpaTent.s.· 11'. and Mrs. W. S. Gl'Uha J1l
~onday .
Lar•• packa ... 2 for .... ............ .... ,................... ............... :.....
Soft Coal Miners, Quit Work April. 1st
Lyciia a ll d ,lIl/ny W right , oi Paul Kahn. of Lebanon, WllS in Wayncsvillc loday. "pl'ingbol'o j g lll'llt Sunll" y wilh Dr. and lI1 .. ~ . A . 'r. Wl'ighl. . Mrs. GeQrge "milh IS 'in Cincinnati lor u fe,y ~·o,' k.s. l\Irs. Lillinn Smu ll, who spent the willt('r Itt th(' F!'icnds Home. hllfl h arle~ Wdch, "c 1tlill lll i8burg. rc lllrllcd to her home in Morl'ow .. was in Woyn cs,' illc. Friday. Mrs. fdn Laws )l\ . Mr. und Mrs. Mr. lind Mrs. . H. herwood wer!! r.r in Lnwso n were we k-end guests Dayto n visitor s lust Wedncs,\uy. of Mr. lIud !\lrs. L onllrd Tinney.
. .
THEN Kol56 THE B.'\5V
npen inJr. M tll'c h :14, !!6, 26. J welry hop. Lel1nnpn. O.
Re\,. ". P. McKi nsey, aged DO, slruck and killed by a train last Dolloons ior the kiddies at Cllry's , eduesdny, l'tlarch 10. ' Rev. Me- durin g pring opening, Lebanon. O. Kin~o!l W!lS nn old fri end of Mrs. F. CHRISTIAN CHURCH H . Parr lind Thomns Pierco, of th ia Eurl lark ntt('nd cd lhe Scottish Sunday-School nt 9 :30 i p ll1~e, und vi~ i ted th III lust Jun e. Rite banquet lit Lebllnon last }' ridny Everybody cordially invl ~d. He was challluin of t he Natio nal G. night. A. R. Mrs. lI1 1\~gie Burnet. or Dayton, METHODIST CHURCH is visllln!!, rclu Uves nnd friends in YE SNAKE DANCE Sabbath School at· 9 :16 a. m. Wnynesv ille.· preachinlt at 10:30 a. m. Epworth Learue 6:16 p. m. Preaching at Spring opening March 24, 25, a nd '1 :OD p. m. Everybody Invited to these Tlicre WII S a yo ung fluppel' named Muy, 26. Cary'S Jewe lry Shop, Lebanon. nmce. Who shook n mean bllle of hay, Ohio. Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor. T hough .oot a Hiwaiion, • Mr. and Mrs. Den Smith, of near She was always trying To out-wiggle our own Gilda Grey. Dnyton, were IWaynesville visiLors.
• I
I Caoital
from the
Alfalf., sweet clover und yoy-lieans a will be used more extensively by farmers of Warren county, Dccording to summarized ,report from MI'. Prepare rl by J. S. Slipher and County Agent liNAQL Class after closing a aeries of me tColumbus 1 epl rter ings last week. The speakers pointA. letter was received by Mra. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • ••• 0 • • •• • • ed out the importance of legum hay Hough, high school principal, from for efficient livestock produc,tion and 'wittenberg college, commenting upthe benefitll of these nitrogen gathon tIle exceedingly good grades of ering plans for soil improvemont. COLUMBU S. OHIO- The mo~t inFrances Henkle, a graduate of W. One acre of good' Icgume hay- prl'f"COINC TO G~T DRUNK H. S. in the class of '26. Miss Henor red clote' r cstlng que~tion one can nellr in erably olfalfa, soybeons kle is now a Freshman at Wittenberg $10,000,000,000 CONCERN ver-was recommended for each dai- public discussion just now is, "when ry cow 80 a8 to lower the cost of will the legislature adjourn~" No RAW WHEAT FOR VITAMIN B. Mr. J ohn Paul Bolton, a graduate milk production. ·u· , k ANDY WAS WRONG Alfalfa and soyhean hay rank one secms WI Ing .0 mn e even a in lhe clllss of '24, now an honor practically equal in digestible pro- gue~s tiS to the time. Three months student at Ohio S,tate university, was tein and lime, both of which nrc ab- in Rcssion so fill', Dnrl they appear a visitor in the school last week. solutely' e88entinl to the growing' just as fllr aWtl Y from settling the Thill nation Is drifting toward a Waynesville Hit!h school is proud of costly, hate-breeding coal strike, set her honor pupils at leading colleges. animal8. Alfalfa Dnd clover wero main issues tl8 they did after tho first for ' April in the central coal fields. recommended throughout the North week. A do .. en problems face them ern and Western sec tions of the " The Yankee farmer "going to town Miss Lucile St. John, a student The most county where they clln generally be which mu~t be solved. to get drunk, and Lord how I dread of Cedarville college, has been doing grown with little or no lining. But important is, of course, thnt of raisIt," WIlS no more foolish than a coun- practice teaching in the Grade the heavy silt loam soils of the ing additional revenue without rElistry that foreaeea industrial war, schools the paat week. More stuSoutheastern section of the county ing hello among their friends. Each lIurely coming, and does nothing to dent teachers arc cxpected later. are too wet and sour for alfalfa, member 01 both the house and senprevent It. sweet clover and red clover, so that ate seem to have their own remedy, The plays last Friday night, were soybeans were especially recont- bu t none of them 80 far meet with , The people own the coal fields-great auccelll\. Many thanks are a mended. the ' appr vol . of the inexperienced and everything else in the na~ion The varieties most recommended leaders. Gaso line tax, amusement under the right 01 e minen~ domain, extended to the public for their pat. by Mr. Slipher for hay, are Wilson, t.ux, and a dozen ' other taxes are ronage. they can do as they choose. Virginia, Peking, Midwest and Mon- talked about, but .there seem II obThey suffer the 10M and inconvechu, in the order mentioned. Soy- jection to each of them, ,lind. the legFriday of last week the Junior nience of all strikes, pal the bills beans should be 'drilled solid soon islalors listen to t he obJectton rathin the end, .nd still they' go to town clue klove Il delightful program, conafter corn planting at the rate of 6 er than the argument in favor of this II,ting of: to get drunk." to 8 pecks per acre on a well-pte- or that plnn. Everybody knows that Scripture .. ,......... Herbert McMillan pared seed bed, thoroughly inoculat- the State treasury ' is running mighty The United States Postoffice del- Prayer ....... ....... .... ......... .. .. ... School edt Two or more cultivations are low that the cost o{ operating the Inltelx forbids sendinl' the "Decaro- Sual!hone duet ............. .. ........ .. .. recommended when the young beans gl'o~\' ing state of Ohio is increasing, eron, by Boccaccio, through maill, ., . ~oy Ellis and Herman Surface are from three to six inches high. t hat the unfortunate wards of the That is enother wise . deci,jon which 'Two Act Play: entitled ............ ,..... .. A weighted spike-tooth harrow with . tate are getting more plentiful, should not have been. postponed 10 .:.............. 'Marrying Oft' Father" the teeth sloping backward, and the while the prison population is. sw.eUlong. MaillnC· or "lllng that book Vocal Solo .. ... ............. Geneva Ault rotary hoe WBS mentioned as a tool ing the walls of the penal mstltushould carry with it • lentence to Saxophone Duet ...... .. Evelyn Tucker especially suitable for this purpose. lions. But what arc you going to pr!aoli. and Kathleen Graham. . Mr. Slipher used a set of lantern do about itT Governor Vic Donahey .... slides to illustrate his soybean talk haa made his suggestions, has studStandard 011 In the last three while Class secured two motion pie- ied the problems nnd knows what tbe Tt l! Senior Claas play baa been months has paid dividends of more aelectltd ture films from Chicago to feature people want. He played no favorana will be given in the than n6,OOO,000.That's at the future. Watch for the date. the alfalfa work. ll\ustrated exten- Ites in bis SUggestion and as bad lUI rate of more than five per cent on sion bulletins and circulars are the Republican legislators would ~ 'l four billion doJlan; so there Is a hate to adopt his plans arid 8Ugg~Sable ta all who request th four billion dollar concern right ~t year because of the lack of who did not apply for the tiona they may eventually realIze there. sportsmanship between two of the at the. mee.ting may secure copy by that' he is about tbe best qualified It you wait 'a few .yun 'it' will be schoolll of the coullty, the annual fielel sending name and address to the of- man in the Stat.. to tell whllt meda ten billion dollar concern. But, anil' track meet was not held. This IIlln"II" ,lfice of ' County,Agent Class, Leba- icine to take, and the number of doas 'you know, Mr.- Rockefeller does year, however, county .portemanahlp non. It is planned next summer to se8 to heal the present run-down not own aU o~ it, 01' even half of it. hU a,.ln reached Ita nonnal .tandarrange an automobile tour to condition of the treasury. The Re• ing and a county field and track a number of fields on which special publicans of Ohio never lacked lead- ~ teata with soybeans and other hership 50 much as they do at the Instead · of our ulual afternoon ct... 'ria... CreclJ~n. ••• Flappen Attorney Charles B. Dechant, . A Jr1'eat deal of · Standard 011 prOI- meet ,nil be held at the Warren . _____ . Lebanon, was appointed Jud,e of the gumes will be carried out. A num- present time, this fact becoming perity, by' the way, haa been achlev- County falrgroundl at Lebanon. No meeting, Hre. McClure, on March ber of the leading farmers of War- more evident every day. • ed In a' market of hard competition def\I!lte 4&te hal u "et been but 26th opened her delf,htfuUy pleuant . Hr_ Bruce Findlay, 8I8tatant BU- W.,rrerr County Common Pleas court ren county have promised to :~IIJ~eb~::cnCf:bI:d=~!:,~:~ .~f ~~:e IW~e a~:~~:I~e that home to the c1?b me~ben, their perintendent of Loa Angel.. ' Ichoole, by Govemor Vic Donahey, laat In the tests and elelmonsl:ra"1 Owners of Ohio automobiles paid know that, and realize tliat It .,aYI \\ellville will do 81 rood as they hUlbandll and fnencb, In the even- in an addreu the eIther day asked: !1.eaday, to lucceed Judge Wrlaht, into the State treasury dUring the to talk directly to the peo~e thro' In the Oratorical contelt, and not Ing when 'we en~rtalned with a ban"Why IIiOllld we a88ume that the who died luddenly at' the court houae year of 1926, a total of $\3,067,'~1 thoseye.ra, recoI'da they 'quet " In honor of St. P a trl ck' • Day. . .... . 227.86 or $85,773.22 for each and "ew_pt\p'. a dvert," ng. Th',wrItar, lInly set Inkeep previoul butwhich allO malte flapper of 1917 will make a poorer at Yoqngitown, ....reh 1, orie of the 366 days of the by tile wa.}', hun tone doUani Inter- ne.... ones Here's to lIucCess' The dlnln,g tables at the Granae mother than the .'1!npJler' of yeater. Jud,e DeehantwiU serve until the year. This is at a rate in exce.,. f ::,,!~e..!n)' ne~ipaper advertlelnc,' , hall were beautifully arrayed in dl!Y, who hal been liter motlier,'1 ' IUcceaaor who will be elected ,01' over one million dollars every month • Mis. Ge~d~ Chandler, a mem- !rreen and white, with tbe 10ft lilrht There ia just 81 nluch to the mod- ~o' yean In 1928 qualUlell for the of 1926. This year the cost ot opPul., advi.ed by Andre Laphln, her,of the graduatina cia.., has beel!. of tall 8l:een candln and the room em girl as there eVElr was to her an. ofllce. tn 1930 the regular year to erating auliomobilo8 will go hlgber. These -flgure8 are for gasoUne tax eata raw wheat and feela better. .bRnt from scll.2.01 for the paat decorations were allO In , keepina cestor. The fact . that Ihe weats elect coulmon ple.1I judges the new and does not include t he milMoweur Laphln l1li11 a tablespoon- wnk. We lllincerely offer our re- with the occasion IIlIort Iltlrte and bob:s her hair i. not IIlx-year term jud,e will be named ful of ,erm\n:atrn, wheat, eaten be- greta and. ho.PI~ for ,a speedy reeov.... &pinat her. She lveara le88 cloth' coJUec~ed for state license tarsI tore luncheon .uppllee Vltamens effSeven,¥ penonl were ve17 inlf than he.r .ancestora and Is con- by the electorate. ",,,rKUJlUI recordinl't' fees anel .. ~. . ie!1tJy aerved hy a bevy of sequently healthier. . Judge Dechant haa been a life-long contributions made by lacking In othe~ food l eapec\ally the In support of the State youne girls, wbo were much aClmllreo She is more addicted to .outdoor Democrat 88 '11'88 his fatber. He hal vitamin B 'that . • tfniUlatel nervoUl Countr ~overnment. The !rrand enerQ'. • J '. • IDg by all preaent. Af~arda we re- sporte with , benheficllli reau~!. . f aerved the party, In aealOn and out total ot taxes collected from the --.-- h'.'" AI~4etber t e m,o dem IUIpper 0 f th to b ' turned to the McClure home '11' , 1"" today IS just as well ,Prepared for and was alwRYS one 0 ose e auto owner last year in Ohio wu Roman IOldien as they mal'C~ed The W. C. T. U. wUl be held at was . aglow with warmth, Iigb~ and motberhood a, '11'81 her mother, and depended upon wben party matten close to tile ,~O,O()MIOO dollar roark. toW:al'd Pulll under Caesar, a~ raw the bome of Mn. Lena Madden, on perfume of sweet peas, snap drag- better than Ihe. were in hand. He baa been a mem- "S~t"ln~e No wonder auto ownera are oppOsed "bbeat Inllunc In a blJr at the belt,fto( TuHday 'A pril 6th at .2 o'elock ona, etc., the color Icheme of There is no' more danfJel' to a girl ber of the cOllnty committees alnce to a 100 per ~ent Ipcrea8e in t~e other If to aoften It by germlilat. ' . . decoration a be.inlt carried d th gasoline tax. · One tbmg i8 cemm, Inc In _~t. Their IkUIlI duc ~ ".. progra . m will be 1,0 . charge .-me as I'" 'the banquet hall. from taking an automob Ie ri e . an 1895 and hu been delegate to many and that is that officials of the Ohio _L 11 _. tr ..~..,... M d ......'1.11 _., there W.all from taking a buggy..r\de. . . now, _ow marve ou ..), I onc tee ant. .... eQqr... en en ... , 0 rector Dispensing with our usual busine88 Of cout'lle dissipation ,and I"te ,dIstrict and s~te party conventio~. State Automobile aSlIOciatlon arl! wn l'I'O:nd , bIIt not one mllllnc of aelentiftc temperanee Instruction. until the April meeting, the , call houra are . bad . for anyone and tn The application !or the position of on the job, and a referendum on IIny or - 7 . . , . , .....e "'-rc'h meeti.... - - held .t of membera was answered with . rtI I d 1ges in J d gBsolip.e tax is certain, according to Good bread, If you chew it "ell\ It '" ma .. witticisms which ' created a great pr~po on !ill a w'lm~n n U hel Common Plel\s udge to succee Charles C. Janes, its secretary, which ~.~----~tter for ),ou, ho.weyer. the hOD)e of L. O. MillI, an, all-day dllll of n1irth, after which we list- thiS she ill enda,na4mn ,!, ber ealtb Judge Wright, made ~ means that the collection of soch a meeting. A social time W8I enjoy- ened to two splendid papen: "Hakendangering .,~sterlty. Donahey' was endoned b), 'nraf!1:1<!.l,lIv tax wlll be held up for at least two . . ed tackinc rue rags for the blind A' Il .. M H !t all 'm all the girl of all of the two county m1m ____~'_ I Ggyemor Martin) of Florida, has IOldlen to weave. Twentr-one la- lira of , ".'.erlcan umor, ~II, aI'qUIte as aenslble as her is said that Mr. Decban"tO ,,...., ..., years . . forbfdden raee-track ,amblln, In hi. diel were prel ent and twenty-one .ria, an~. :t!!..stoTmhs and ~gendJI Hot yelterday. and we may done~ent of 11 of tbe membera '. Atransaction 'was closed Monday State, and Ia to be cornrratQlatad, :> f.of Ireland, 1<Ul!' . omaa.. _I'll. ~ • .. ..·~-· ..~~)rwarD with ('onOdence to the ~. d emergency mUl!t be iust what Leee camblin... money Will "0 to Mi- pounol 0 raga ••we'1' Sackett fav.ored us with beautifUl vo' , . of the executive ' committee an whereby T. J. Carr, of Oovington, t heAn courts declared before . • .. Mn ", Pleasln..r of Dayton was I I . I d by Hr the- race. " . of the 11 central committeemen, Ky, acquired the home of H. E. GoveJ'nor Vic have all\l and otber pmbllq jIOlnta, but preaen~ and cave'.n' interelti~g ac- ca ~ ~bo~~ hiccom}?an e h' b . It never ,was ~ beUer han de. well as many leading Democrata Donahey lip proves any Stokel on South Main street, a.n.d Ko-called emergenc)' In tlle lontr 'ron the State will be count of her work amo~ the sol- Sid ...",U18 wiwi • gUitar, W Ie was Those of today are just al lIe~oul- .L , measurel l'as~ed will take pOlaesaion Thursday of thls by the Generul Assembly. better oft'. lVDl attract fewar dl.n and aal10n as .director of this very- much el\joyed. . minded as their mothers were the .... e county. • ,_ '. ThIS was b1ac~e... tblevea and other unde- department. By special request, ior. dal_ before. : week. . '11 • t proven til any . \\1ho may have doubt. Mr. and MJ'B. Stokes WI move 0 ed his position when he sent baclc airabl... Ttl dl d It i te of her guesta, M~. Vtrtue is not 'to be founded JlPon the -farm for the present. I e ,:",er a mo tI n ,r her splendid paper, "In ignorance ' but upon knowledge, and 8" One wall that bjlls recentl~. The deal' was handled py ·W. N. two Id f \h jeat::!. ature an ".....:ea y TilDe" ahe bad given if the 1'11'1 of tod.y knOWI more than , H b rt T ~ which provickd for the leasing of W u1 e rih' C ' pres ent 0 e OJ. , _ • the C~ionlal meetln« In Feb- her mother did it h411p8 ber and. does T.he w'aldtatina Campfire Girls met Seara. Quonty, township and school district --... -~--u.:dU:~ h~ '::~~!ith w'::lhl~!.aa:f " Mr. &id ~1II11 then 'favored not binder her ..' 'at the home ot theirguardlaI!t.Mra• LET'S' GO lunds, and the ,Qther was for 'the l .\lIIerlcanl ~redlcta" that this Sprlnc'1 severa natrumen~ se ~cShe ill prepared Moomaw, Monday aftemoon, march Joan ...:.. "A kiss . speaks volumes, printing of seasion laws. Both passed the General A8sembly as bu,l\neaa·.,&,enerally "fill be the largh:::eW~u.'::n·dc!!r:ue;'~ay p.rtner and equal the 28th. · '. " th7a Say.~' . emer~ency measures. Th'e Governeat In tile Irlstoty of the · United F d ~ f f . Ii ha th t and plaything and in The 'meetlnJt waa called to order t"j k State.. That should comfort the 01); , no; ... oat 0 _ ee ng t t eno er 1I!0s has the advanta,e o'ver by .t he president. The bend ' alpi b'e faucnk-;;'~~t llibra~'Y7" it would or did' not disapprove of tne contents of tile measures, but ' did bold that · . ' PlUimUitl. ' . tIIel"bOps of Ilia are are · ' tlmtl had been IIpent. 'As far as I em la", and credo .:were given, -followea I ;;~====::"=====::::===~= " ." I; Wqli;" , ' '. 2nd we will meet with . Mrs. girll of today are by. the · roll call and minutes of the I" neither of them were necessary for Hough, at 2 o'~lock . p. m.' ,A. F. ~. lookin, and mOfe desirable 'a,8 lut meeting. the "immediate preservation of pub~- - • . panions than were tbe girle of yeaDuring the busine.. seaslon It was lic peaco, health or smety." In . sending them back Donahey said ~rda)" " .. ' decided to pay 6 cents dUel each lJowra the 'poto~ . , This old world Is liumping merrily m'e'e ting and alao to h.ve a loclal, . that .. if th,e ):' ferendum provision We aaalong and IOme -thinl'l about it so~e lIome time after Easter. o~ .the constitution ill ,t o be frltted people~ don't like, b~lt on the. whole jO,u rned to meet A.pril 11. away On such slil\'ht prete.x\8 tbere . . Watch for further announeementa is imptovint, will soon be nothtn~ left to it, all manner of legislation WQuid be de-' ----- • . of the social. clared emerl{encies. in order ' to de'I feat the referendum rights of the people liS guaranteed by the constJ· tution." Maybe som'e will eatl this 1'.Donahey lucK,'.1 but most will .define it all "Donahey's ' good ' judgmcnt." .... '
l..t",.'c;; AN AVif;UL
Wake up, sleepy head! School starta at 8:30 sharp; new time I Next Monday morning! Don't be late! .
I .
Wh ' le
'f'; ' !
W' c..p U M t· ee
Have Sold . Home
Campfi re GOIrI Meet
• J
d:~'n I~d/'-j -N-EW'S'
Hufford, 4.79 town. acre. in, J,.eb.. Henry and Katherino Henog, 100 "nold ,1on n 0 it, h\'Jld illites of land in Harlan Tp. n()n. Jeuks U\·/.I 11. "1'0 hi~ him In the C\l1rrIIlS B. and 1l8al\ L. VanderNelson Shupert et 01., to John 11I!I\I·t aim at hi fert ! H.' r! Llkil QUintin !Shupert el. Ill., !l 1.80 acres vort to J eMse B. an.d Illlie U. Poe, ...sIauBD IlVEBY W£DNESDAY... \hl' ,. 1111 \.: 1;\111: Ill. I't'\' In·r he 162.'15 acres ot lanel In alem Tp. or land in Franklin Tp. tbte\\' it lot'wtll"d, .\11' ·d. The 'Clan Konnath A. Ashby to Robert S. Charte, E, ' l\IO)lrO to Lina ¥ . • ~ ••• 11. ,.•• ,.ftle• • f ' " '.. y .... . IIl. ~'linked nnd some uulted, la.s~ed in· Elberty, 4 town loti! In Foste~ park. Sheet~, 1 tow n lot in L ~anon . , 0 ...... $eco"f~ CI••• M.1t III.Uq , to "IlHon. . Lina M . Shectl! .t o horles E. Mon " y G ol'go," he pl'oclC\inl,ed, "when roe, 1 .toWn lot , in Lebanon. COMMISSIONERS' LL W ' .....rt.u•• . 'Prica. t1.IS.O per Year I 110 iiI! it ffhd a r.,'un in its fist, -" Wilbur H. and .Beulah H. Dunlap, , A 0 ANCES I eliil snnp It! J3u~ whc-n r tllink n NEW SUITS U> Ar thur D. Doughman, 3 t\lwn lot! Lebanon on). Rnd Icc' Co" . COlli, pubUober ius' 11 e[\n, I Iqek gu !" D. L. CltANE 51D.8'7; IJ'bo IlJumbulI Blank Book w s mebody else sllot, l\nd The Pl'ud~ntil11 Insurance Co .. of In SoulhLebanon, Albert D. Bond to Mi nn ie E. Bond Co., supplies, $2: C. Ledcl'nltlJ\, same soillcbody 1'1 ',lind 81\other. and the America vI\. Ge')"lge W . and Ger. MA RCB SO 1927 ' C! n Q'yr ted sllUrring us to .haste us trude Orr.. 'Jay li:. 'llnd Mary' W. 106.20 Mre8' of land in Franklin $4; V. W. TompkIns, . )lay rol~ ' $627 .25; 'Fred Snider, .same, $271 .1u . ' it const.nnt ly change.d tho range. Sea,'ertl, hestel' A. Campbell, l'i:ullk to~ nshiJ2. nrl Fl" nnd IV8 E. Wittliilltcr to --F:-iI. • Collins. 8 Iffi!;"11: , e or.' , . ~ . PresenUy it WM merely II tWist of l. Lellse. Kenn dy Legler, W, W . .v. T. ~ oberts, 1 lQwn tract in Frank ry, ~ln , $117.05: A. T. ' Rettig, B\lblllan, Fronk W. and Lillie F. Mil. J'ngg d ti n. ' snme, $207 .67: J08e»h W. Davis, . ~I Im 'n~l1' Th n In the lilt! silence, as we lel' nnd Jos ph 'r. Shaner as admi n· lin . V all '"~ pau;'ed, n voi e ~ Ilk irritatingly. ' istrator of tlie estate o! Emma F. W. W . hurts to Joseph Hines, .. ~am c, $856. ]6: Harla'n Whitaker, saml'. $ 162.50; Warren County ? • ' " 1 1'll)ow ~?I f ers ai n't no gre~t hamlrl for mone}, ,.and 'foreclosure, tow.n lol.t! in South Lcblln~n . Charles hutts to Oscar E. and Hom , board and core of inmates. shnuc ~t. throwll\' 1 ad.." amount claimed ,7,682.95 with in· Leola W. Smith, 1 town lot in ,Way$4 1.70 ; Jo seph Nickelson, gravel, I" Daniel stood by, \ ith arms akimbo terest. $25.8 0 ; lurence Rye, sume, $13.60; and beside stoo d lily Lndy. He. towHelen 'Mar1att vs. Jesse G. Mar· nesville. Mary E. ~ames to Leola H. Jnmes, same, h $lI ling~ $64: Alfred Shoemaered over her in II mllddening 'atmos- lat!:, fo r divorce. . 1 town lot In Lebanon. ker, snme, il>35; George Carder, phere of pI'oprl to rshl\l. A'rthur Wilson , Jr., VII. W. D. Ad ~ CHAPTER L~ linton W. and Madge Ratliff to same. $50: W. D. Carder, same, $103 he smiled at m at all of us: at ams fo r money only; amo unt claim· Frank C. Ander on, 87 acres of lanll 60; Cook nnd Sweeney, grnvel, $34.m .i swiftly i at tho r est, franKly. . cd $1,060 with interest. ~ Doa't WaDt to Kill Hill> 60:8nllle, crushing stnefi $883.75; And I 'kn w that he was afrnld. The- Board of Education of Frank- in Union Tp. ...~. " Lizzie and. Silas Drnke to 'James Spcnc r & Armitage, gravel, $347 .• Daniel laughed boisterously, his lin chool district VB. John Parlett, .;~fq ~ One night ·after we hod gone on Dlouth widely open. f ' • f.~: .', appeal from docket of S. D. Stotler, S. and LallJrn B. Ingle,,43 town acres 2l1; same. loading gravel, $43&.GO : "Set me up a can canl That thn'r J, some t ime, the lIOund of a revolver in outh Lebanon. Harlan . Whitacre. material for brIdge :. ~ . ... ~ . ~ P., Franklin 'fp. ahota burst flatly from a mess be- one wouldn't jump t.o a bullet. " Wm. ond Della Hufford to Chllrles repair ~18.90; p. B. Monee, same, . Mary J. Sherwood vs. Charles H. yond us, but the shots wer. aecomX !:I\.n Will! produc.ed. Sherwood for money, nmount elnhn· nnd Clarence Woodward, 15.10 acres ~39; F. Sims. same , $36; F. M. Col· ponied by laughter. "How fur?" of lan d in p nion Tp. . Iins, repllirs, $5.26; Inter-National ed, $200 . . "They're on~ ' tryin' to s]lile II , "Fur as you like." A. L. Kmg lo Joseph and Bertha Harvester Co., parts, $4.19 ; S. C. '. .. can," Jenks reassured. "By golly, It was tossed ,\ontenlptu.ouslr outi S hamb~ug'h , 76,48 acres of land in Alexan der, supplies, $2.70; the Mor. 'we'U go over and l'nrn .ema les-andwatchin1.itI. heard Dan ie glee. PROBATE PROC;:EEDINGS row Feed and Supply Co. guard rail Cae ar 8 creek. Thomas M. and CI,ar~ A. McGlade ma te rial, $8.87; R. D. Et\wnrds, five Anna J. Miller, administratri x of sorl." He gl~lnced at me. '!Time (ully yelp, ' Out 0' my wny, yu-alil" you 100seJ)ed up thot weepon 0 ' _ half saw his band dort dOwn and the estate of Thomas Miller, filed her to Harry T. and LIZZIe R. Hough, sto ne drills, $12 , Ralph ,Minters 130 acres ,of land in Massie Tp. hauling, $ L8; Ed Daley, same, $20. ' youm, an1.how. Puny 800n it will up again, {elt the jar of a ehot, wit- first and flnnl llccoun t. Frank C. and Luey J. Ande1'8on to ,. tlck lalit.' ne ed the can jump like II live thing Proo f of pUhli cation of the np· Frances l\I[cNutt, 87 ac res of lund in I went with him, glad of diver- - nnd aWIlY it went, with spasm of· Jlointmcnt of Harry L, Dnrmody, os ter spasm, to explosion after explo. administrator of the est.ate of Jas· Union Tp_ sion. John E. and MattIe. Goodpaster to The men were banging, by turn, lon, tortu"(ed by him into fr uitless per H. Lamb, wn~ fi led. at a sardine ean let U,p on t he BlInd copers until with t he final bal1 pellce The estate of Max Culvert was de. about twenty paces out. Tbe heavy esme to it, and it lay dead, afar elored exempt fr om inheritnnce tllX. balls sent tbe loose Boil flying but cross the twilight sand. H !!\c ll . Rebinson, adminstratl'ix Dr. C. G: Randall returned Friday amidst the fuuow the tin can sat V ' rily, by his cries 'aud utter SIl\'- oC lhe eatilte of J ohn R. Seldred, from Cincinnati. untouched. agary and malevolence of hi8 bam· was ordered to distribute stock eel" Mrs. Homce Stump I!I sllcnding "What vou tbinkin' to do T" Jenks bard men t, one wou Id ' h ave thoug ht tiflclltes bel ongin ~ to the estate. r, this week with relntives in Dllyton. Proof of pubhcation of the ap. l!Iilled. 'Hit that can "or plant a that he took actual lust in fancied lead mine?" croeltr,. poin /;ment of Ralph A. Hakes, 1\$ ex· Our g rll(fe baseball tealll won over . "Give K~ l'OQm 1 Be's made his "I laow t har's . not another Ulan oculor of the estate of J . M. Hakes t he Wellman team Friday afternoon, brae," they Cried. "ADd if he don't hyar .kin do that," he vaunted. was filed. , 4 to O. There WWI ~ot. judging by the si· Pr oof of publication of appointi>lur it that piJgrlm slire will." Mr. and Mr~. James Bailey were ment of Wilson Word as executor .of 'M r. . Jenka drew and took his lenco again en uillg. OnlySundoy alternoon callers of Mrs. ltand; ba~d with mall preparation 'A can'lI diO'ere.nt fro rna man," the estate of Ma1'8hall Ward, was Deborah Dakin . • nd rnllll8d I)y six ' incbes--a fact Jenks cllolly remuked. "A can don't filed. Mr. anll Mrs. Gcol'ge I, mith and hro~ht him up wide awake. , shoot back." "Proof of publication of onpointfomily have moved from Cook's •• mme ' another try, boys." "r , • J:e . d on't 'I !lOW anymnn ' s go In ' to ,ment of Eva Horme.l all" Ildmmistra· farm to Burtonville. lTO'Wled, but the:v ahoved him asi e. neither," Daniel faced me in turn,· tr,ix of the estate of Selinda M.. "No, no. Pilgrim's tum." ing away. " That's somethin' for yu Thnyer was filed. Mr. lind Mrs. Frank Shidaker WIlly'Dilly 1 had to demonstrate to l'am." youn g feller" he vouch· Proof of publication of appointspent Tuetiday evening with Mr. and my greenne811 so 'I drew, and stood, saiad. His gaze shifted. men t of Mary E. ProbBllco as adminMrs. George Denney and [!lDllly. and cocked and aimed. The Colt's ,ICome along, Edna," he bade istratrix of tho estate of Abe ProMr. and M~ . Ernest Oswald and basco was flIed . . ' eJq)loded with prodigious ' blast ' Dnd "We' U be gom' bnck." fa mily, ol Leb1\no~ called at the ",",neh - jerking, in fact, almost .A devU- or waS It he himself Court confirmed sales 'm ade from home Mr. an.d Mr.l! W. A. Haines, above · my head; and where' the bul- twitter d me, incited me, and in a th cr estote of M. R. Hill. Sunday. l~ went I did not see, nor, I jUdged, moment, with a g ush of WlllortiqD, Canie Coburn elected not to take dJd anybody' else. there I was, saying to her my hat und or t he will of Charlea Coburn. DR. P. M. BOYLES , Mr. and Mrs. Guy Andrews, of "Be missed the alrtb I" they clam~ doffed: ' L a w r e n c e S. Shawhan was ap. Clnrksville, were overnight guests, ored. . ' I'll walk over with you." pointed g'UlIIdian of Adolph Snider, Tuesdny, of M-rs. Andrews' sister, "No: I reckon he bIt Montany "Do," she responded readily' Insane. ' Mrs. "Harry Osborn and family .. , No, 2 'bout the middle. That's whar he "we're to have singing I" ' ' T he will of John Price WDS adaid and John Tucker tied In the scored center." . Th.e men stared. ' Daniel whirled. mitted to probate. l'Ilollie Price was • • Modern Dental 'Vork "1 'laow ' you ain't been invited, appointed executrix . of the ,esl;ate, eight h gtade, The prize 10l: each [ grade w as $1. Mrs. W. D. Larkin, mister I'" and George B. Clark, Clark Bennett Herbert CIlt"J' and Oharles Doster Or. Bnylu G narantee, Painlus ex. -"If Mrs. Montoyo eonsenta, that's and ' John VlIndervoort were appointl (aCli ~'n of Teeth <If No ray , acted as judges. ~ e, HENDERSON· enou,rh," I informed. ~'I am not cd appraisers. : . ' w!llking witb you, sir: I am walking Cad J . Bradstreet,.. administrator Mrs: Deborah Dakin feU Tllellday ==:....;...-----'::;;...---"--The 'tw ntlelh c' ntury hM been ' evening while 'preparing for bed, and W1 th , he~. 1;h4\ only grpund YOIl con· of the estate of Mal'}' J. Bradstreet Olllee-Am.n Bldl. O ..... CIl HOU •• ' irol I S Just in front of your, own wa· was ordered to distribute the assets lPUy ~o.rllll d. the ~I:e of progress, Buttered a' severely. bruised hlp. go~ ." . " el the estate. earl Bradstreet filed lad: every line, of ,bus ln e.~s and Owing' to Mrs. Dakin's advanced ."e. STILL THE SAllE 9to 11 a. m, ' 8 to 6 p . m. ThaI' am t no Mrs. Montoyo, OJ hi. lint ,second llnal .. ccount. tbe 8110ck. eontribllted a great deal very bra nch of sc ience Is advanc7 to 9 II m. he ·souled. "And whilst yu re The second account of to her sQ/fe,rlng. , j,n ~ raplcUy. This Is particularly Old Gentleman-"Wha I wu • I ~nin' tu shoot yu'd better be l'am- acre and Wm. C. Walker, In the e88l.Y contest conducted an· lad I used to think notliJlII' of & rut T~eal 80 ' In . mannen. You com In' with me, t1'lltors ' of the estate of Newton S. lrue ef lI:bo salen'e of dentistn-o nually by the local W. C. T. U., Loll· "'enty-mile walk." ~-. '. .' e"·'" Ed'~Aaa?'''fast lUI' ....T can, and wi th Mr. Duffield, waa approved, allowed and whs"ch. In the , nlted States, baa Mn. A. W. Turner wall called to T mmv_ "Well, lsa Collins won in the fourth grade, Canton, I don't thlak mDch .. _ - • ...... conflnned. ' Saturday, by the serlouR llldtalned Uts highest degree of per· Howard MaeDonald in the fifth neu of hu..father. of it, either." W.ynu",II., 'Ohio Beeson, also, if be cbooses," said ahe. The' fourtJl account of grade, Beatrice Penney In - the fectlon and .haa (hen American ... "I have my manners i~ mind, too." 'acre guardian of Woodrow )in. JeSllle l!l. Hili and Ion are "By gO.h,AI don't walk with, ye," ere, 'Will! appr9ved, allowed and jenlal '~r&ery a ",orld-wlde repu· seventh grade and Oharles MacDoll· WHEN ACHE STOPS friends In Marlon, Ind. Mrs. he jawed. ~d he floanced about, firmed. tatlon. . In the above respect. Mrs: H. M. OSbol1l and Mn. A. with Hill is taking medical tre.tment in "What's the best cure for tQ()th. y~eefu.lly litrid1ng on u thourh pun The fourth acequnt of Mattie B. 1)n.ytoJl. a8 well aa In oUier IInM of R. Penney were channinr hoetaues l\ sanatorium. ache?" ulhmg her !or a mlJdemeanor. Shiftlett guardian of 'Helen to 'the Baptist Mlalrionary Clrele at "Walk halfway to the d.DtIat'.... She dropped the men a little curt- lett,,,,';' approved, · allowed and con. human endeanr, Ie In the nn of. the home" of Mn. Osborn, WeanesRev. Scarf, of Spring Valley, deay. "The entertainment is conclud- firmed. . progre8ll. for modern dentistry I. day afternoon. There wu a pod livered .n JDteresting addrea to the ed, gentlemen. I wish you gOod The third and final account of Rar- ' bflre ' prattlced . accordlnt; to . ·tbe attendance. Mn. G. H:' Gra7 led youn~ people In the M. E. church, night." · . ry"E. Cowan, guardian of Marion latest scIentifiC! methode .nd tbe the devotiona. A great deal of bu- Sunday evenln.. '- ~ Yet underneath her railer1 there and John Mulford, wu ajlproved, al. suUerlhgtl of bumanlty allnlated ineaa wlul disposed of. lira. H.. C. FUNERAL DIRECTORS T. M. Harlatr, of Miamisburg, .nd lay an appeal, the stronger becaWl4l lowed and confirmed. In ~ most commendable way. u the Gillam gave an Interesting deaerip. Mre. J. C. "PlckinJ of Dayton, were WAYNESVILLE. OHIO The fl1'8t and finol accoqnt 8ubtle and unvoiced. It seemed to tion of "Child and School Life of the tklllful work execate" by Dr. v\alto1'll In the ho)ile. of t heir moth· me every man mus~ appreciate that, Walter Cadwollader. execuu>r ' of Boyles aallQelated dentlats 'Will Japanese." The bo.teaes then served er, Mre. H"r1an, on We<lnMday. Sbe aa a woman, ahe mvoked protection the eetate of Hiram B. Cadwallader, testify. amid a taaty lllnch of sandWichet, pickle, J, conftned to her ~d by. a JOr. BoyleS, who Is located FuUy Equipped for Good by' him a~l.nst an Im'pendlDg some- waa approved, allowed and confirmed in ,the Dye balldlnli\ at Fifth and fruit ..lad, angel,food cake and cof· t~ng of whIch !)te had given him ~ The tlrst and ftnal account of John Main stroots. baa beeD pra.qtlelnc fee. The nen meetinA' will ' be held trouble. Service. ' ghmpse. , W. Devitt and Elizabeth B. BaUy, bill The fllne~ of 'ttli'll' Eunice Lar~e Diaplay Room. here In Day\On for April 20th at the home of lllaa Nan executors of the estate ()f Allgellne lIie protet.alon .on, Widow of the late Jamel Collett. Tueac:lay, 9 a.m. 3 p.m Jl88t 16 years. and' every den' Ambulance Service F. De'vltt, wu approved, allowed , tJst aSlloclat,d (To be continued) ~~,-----tenon, was held here onn~~r:~~~1 Saturday 9 a.m. 7 p.m with him hall had 10 Cop I~hted· Edwt 1.. Sah1D. and con finned. . afternoon. She waa .. f ' Tl:LiPBONII 7 DAY Oft.. NIGHT GUARANTEED STERI,.ING ' yr.. ,,1 D , The first and ftna. account ~f . Ed. yea1'8'~ experience. The lUll!oo.tM OUI! vil~ for several Dr. Borle a~ Drs. .T. Ray 'Smltb, ward C. Weer and Grtest F. Throck· of C. A.. ;Edwarda and C. J. Holbrook, ' The new servant 1J1l' 1 .aon . &fter many f ends here. Caryl ~OP morton, !,xec)Jtors of the estate of who Is a speelall8t of blg\.l repute her arrival, pricked her finrer with a Our community wu shocked on ",1 Celinda Grleet, Was approved, 01· "ta the line of admlnlsterln,@; gas fork and l eemed greatly dlatiessed.' Tuesday of last week by .the 1" lowed and c.onftnned.~nd extra,cUng teeth In a perfectly "Only to think, ma'ain," ahe said 'of Mre. Mary A. L1n~n, one The first and ftncil account of' How· l?alnlcSl The modernly to her mistress, "iIlft.mmatlon or old,est residents. She Iiv~ ~OTARY PUBLIO ard W. Ivin.1I, executor of the eBtate equI pped manaer. dental rooms ' of Qt. · of Alice Steele, waa approved, al· Boyles al~c so arranl>ed tbat eacb blood polaonlng might aet in.'o- . ' and bad not been seen for Nalloaal Baak "Don't ·alarm. YOlJnelf, iny rlrl, hours before the finding elf her lowed and contlnned. bl'uch olr dental work occuplca a ,forka Bre real 'sllver, take my Funeral services 'Were held at WJII D .. -Mary E. Euton, 'administratrix of leparate and dl8!lnct dcparlm en~, the word lor it." ,. on churchft of which ahe wu a • rDw . .... , ..... _tat. . . .t . - tbe estate of Flo~ B. Gray, filed her InclUding extraetlng, \llat" work • • . "Yliu arl! quite !lUre, 'DiadamT~' ber, Thursday afternoon. firilt and fibal account. ' , :rown 'and brld$6 work. filling of Waya.. Ohio ".fosltive." . • - , Robert J. Shawhan, administrator tEl8th treatment' of The neXt mOl'lllng ' the airl had .. ... _ of the 'estate of 'George W, Grim, 'pyorrhea.alnd the WE GET THE.- QUICKLY AND O . disappeared. So, too bad the .n.u ... MG AT ANY ,PIUCc; rued hit· Inventory and appraisement, FREE' OF CHARGE . Com(or1lable. well·flttlng platet fOl:kal I Ito. . . (endeavorinC to en • p;p The Will of James B. Lawson waa CALL US ANY TillE AT OUR made Cor 'l~ ,50 and crowns .. • -, • ID the eIltem!nmeni)-uJir. JoIm· admitted 1:0 probate. Minerva Law- are J,XPEN5E , 0 I son wa ' appointed executrix of ·the low as 'Ei.OO ' per tooth. AIN'T IT rHE TRUTH? IOn, I'm sure you'll hlep ua oat wtih LOANS on Cha~te",Stocb. s.curi. Olher excellent dental work III nnd G. F, Brown, O. S. Hlg- done ' . ,' . 1Oq!' '. ties aIId Second 1I0rtPc-. Notel at e. prop()rtlonately low price. Deatbt HaTty MUrphy were ap:; , Naturalist. ,rSomethlq. ehould be Jobuon-","Sorry, but r~ afraid boacht. John Hublnl Jr.; X.DI.. Dr. 11011111" Dmlal 8pc~olut. are . my v9cal effoN "are confined to Iina Ohio. .lII8o.'.e HARVEYSB'!RG, O. lo()ated at Firth an\l M~ln streets. done to conserve our wild. 1ife.'~ lit the entry de- directly Notaone-"I' tblnk the c:oUeps In~ iii my bath. , ' . . W.,....will. N.Uaa.1 "ak o.ver Orant'8 250 alore and 'Oh, do alng . ; and. I'll warn them te'rnll.inl.l~g ttl~:~~ta:,re.J::mto~" be paid &re o~ner.enhlgs for YOllr Cjlnven· have had too much attention al81 Miller, ready•.' ~ : , tha.t , you're ratlier oat of practicer' , • , • '': . 4 • 'orl~9r'ed . celCLIIII!" to auditor. .!eJ!.ce. " Fann.n of W.neD and ~01D1b. of .Allison L. Spence W811 ~oantl" ma, bhtaln mon.,. on IoD' na,VTTlOnu E. Dun~m, Willi appoiat- S'MAT1'ER POP The Anti Ulne 101111, .t G per "nt ID~ . g~lal',a,an of. Edward H. Pierce. Cost of securlnr tb. Am. la .117·..... guardian of,· S. L. Pal· second and final ae· ~o"" b'e ,through The Fect.ral Lan. A \) k . For furth r Info......atlcn••• . Charlea J .• ~aggoiler, executor 'of ' n l l IIr, l'cldreu M. ('. DRAKE, TN&/' the estate ()f Eleanor S: Maxwell, uret. p/lolie 816.~. '!:1.norr, Ohio. 20,000 MemberS ~aeb Ove~ 10Yz MiI!ion filed his 'iilVentory and appralliement. , An,n~ M';;,Snider, adminliltratrix of the estate of Mary J. Roat, filed her inventory and appraisement. TIu!ee {'lb~ and Broadway .' Dayton, Ohio. -ll. B, Thomp.son, administrator of the estate of Finley Thompson WBS Offaa.. 610 East Filth SL (Established '1887) lIuthoJ'ized to lexchang'e 8 unita of ~ . 19 East Third SL. Flfth·Thlr d· National Bank stock' for 10 ahBl'es of. Filth·Third Ulllon Co., "Stock. ,' ". authorized ·to eX', . T~ ' of stock .In the CItBank, of Cincinnati 6 shares of ,stock in the Central Trust company. :. ,
. eb.
T "all.
Goodyear's New Balloon Tire for Fords and Chevrolels. Real NonSkid: Slow, Even, Tread Wear; Quiet Running; 29x4.40
W aynesvlell.e . o·tor Phone 105
Wa nelJvi
BaneyslRq Fertilizer .......
Dr' •. J h n W,. M·ller
Farmers Atten.t'.10n'! .
. '%
Paid o~ Deposits
F. T. Martin
......,~-"".,....." Stanley
Auctioneers . •
. "
'" i
v. Early fo; Your ~I. Dafe~.
We Guaranhle Satiefartiori Noth,n!r' . or Char,. .
Centerville, O. ·PJa..... No.2,
MARRIAGE LlCEffSES Estill McIntosh. pub~io worker' of Cincinna~i, and Lizzie Hall, house. worker of South Lebanon: W.alter C. Johnson lab'o rer, ;Wa~esviUe, and Ethlyn P. R08ll, of w'aynesvllle. ' ' , REAL ESTATE TRANSF~RS" " Samuel and Lucy M. Char\ton Ito Harry, W. and Mj1ud', M.. CUne, 60.40 acres of land ·in Washln~n Tp. ' Harry 1\1. ~Ha~eld,_b'y ,administrator to J'amea 14- and- EditH M. ' WilI.kaeree of land ill Tart~e-
• "
"" 'I .',: "
" '~
are 'in Need' of Mafetial for '.
Building or -Re-Buildig ,
& "OGl. .
Can supply you with tile needed items in the right Quality, the Correct Amount and at a price which_will!save you money. Th'ey; Invite you to ,USE THEIR ~P~RIENCE in plannin~ your work., . Their stock of Building Material is complete in every !letall. Advise with them In inaklng you~ home modern and up-to-date..
.SOME OF THE "f;HINGS ·WE SELL-II Siding, Oak Flooring, Edge Grain F1Jooring, Finished Lumber, Porch Material, Front Doors, Cottage Window~l, Window Frames, Window Glass, As· hal noting, Shingles,. Brick, Portland Cement, ]?laster, Wal Board, Builders Hardware···Nails, Hinges, I~oor Locks, Barn Door TrJck, Smooth and Barb Wire, Farm Ga~es, Etc. .
A Bii Lot of Fine LOcust Posb
3000 Rods of Wire Fence 3000
Flneet EYer Brou,bt to ToW!)
Very Beat Make
Steel" Wire
prl~lple In .teel f~ce post con.tructlo~uilt like a railroad rait-will 'ftot ben~ twl.t, buckle or work loo~e.
A new
Tbe lar~e ancbor plate locks firmly into the ~und wblle belnr driven-Iceurinr immediate ancborare. Notches on tbe POlt are frequent cnourh to permit any or all line wire. to fa. tea on both .Idu of post. . . There are man, bthl\r bie lea,ure. tbat you will like In Banner Steel We , will be rlad to .lrow th.em when you call
;Miss Eldna .nowland, 01 Clldllrville, visited frlen.ds bere, Friday. Mrs. Howllrd Archlleacon III 101provina: utter all iIlne88 of several days.
•••• Bring Your Eggs to Kroger~".I ' . Stokes' Pure Jersey Milk for Sale
Miss Frances Henkle. of Wittenberg collog • SpOilt thfl we 'k-end at home.
win' 'your
' esp~cially '
tpc smooth, effortless flow of power. from an engine that is vibrationlas b'Y0"d belief. And Buick value will. ama2e you~Value,
made possible by great volume and its
savings-the earnings of leadership, which are used continually to further enrich Buick quality.
,... ;vCr Built
Keelor . Garqe Lebanon. Ohio
N o shipper ever lost HAPPINESS HOUR "Good tlmes are d~-crensing," cried th bor Ill! h gave his pants to the failor to be prelllled.
penny selliv.~ cream
Direct to TH·State
Cream and Cans Gua1'8nteed ~.t LoI8 or namap
Late Classil ed Ads,
Gon.l, m'h. 1
FOR SALE - oGod 86-acre. wellimproved farm, 3 miles trom Waynesville. to exchange for 6 or 7 room house in Waynesville. J elfriea :Realw Co., Main 887, 1207 American Bldg., Dllyton, Ohio. 'a13 FOR SAL'E-Big Type Poland-China male hog. immuned; also a few , bushels' ot cx~ good selld .potaties. Wulter H. Whitaker. R. D. 6.m 30 F R SALE-Tobacco setter in good condition. Joo Tinney, R. B. Way nesvi1le, Ohio, phone 8SF31. mSO FOR RENT
W. have hom Ihlppl'" ,,"1m t o Tn·Stolt fqr 0 .... 11 ~ .. rl. H••• _1.o4.U our clItdu prompoJ~•• llb. 0111 • ""'" .... plio ... W W. WORKMAN Hillalxuo. Ohio
Mr, and Mrs. Hornce Compton. of
New Burlingt()n, were Wuynesville
visitors, Monday.
Mrs. Frank Rogers remains quite
poorly. Lee L emmo,~ , who hns spent the Miss Helen, Early is ill IIgliln ~\'ith PlIst year in Southern Florida, ar- neuralgia. rived home, Mondny. Mr. nnd Mrs. Willinm Bergdull 1\1 iss Rh ea Jnnet Cartwright, of were Dayton visitors, aturday. Western college, Oxford, is' home for Mr. Earl Clnrk, of Dnyton, spent the spring vacation. part of Inst week with hdm folks, Mrs. Outlnnd of Marysville, call111'. and Mr.!. James McClure' and ed. ou I\h-s,.. Kcs ler 'Graham, Monday. Mrs. Lester Gordon were in Wilming- Missc~ tilndYti B rgdnll and Paulto n Monday ovening. in e Green were Dnyton shoppers, Fridny. Mrs.Frank :Kenty, of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. How- H. M. Clark spent Wednesday in ard Archdeacon last week. ' . . , lO· _ • DnytQn . 'rhe Ladies Aid will meet at the on ·' Mn. R088 Hal'tsock was hOllte88 to gram from the "Clover Leaf" club a~d a few home of Mrs, Kesler Graham, Sliturday afternOOn. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 5t.. invited friendl thla aIternoon. '. Mr. and Mrs. 1I0bert ,Burnett and At 8:80 o'locck, ' Eastern Standard Mr. and 11rs. R. E. Crone and Bon Bon, Rex, of Dayton, spent the week Time. We aT-e giving for the enter- John, attended a fish fry ,pven by enu with home folke. . trunmtmt of our fri endll a Medley of the Mason Grange, Friday mght. Mrs. W. M. Coleman recently viII Old Amorican Melodies by a fine Con Ited her niece, Mrs. S. E. South, at cert Orchestra. Misses FlorClnce and Mabel and Lovelandt.. who is qui'fe ill, Miss t;dith Cram returned to THE· TRI-STATE BUTTER CO. brother. John Orone, spent the weekend with relatives at Faye~eville. school, Monday, after a week'a ab~ence on account of illness. ~~~~~'~~~=~=::;~~7= Mr. and Ml:s. R. E .Crone and Mrs. Kesler Graham lind dnughter, family spent ,lunday with Mr. and Bernice. and Mr. and Mrs. James No. 2220 Mrs. Guy Spilk:er, of Yayetteville. J~hna spent Satlirday in Dayton • William Lonlt spent the latREPORT Mrs. Oarolin.! Rogen, who for sev- terMrs. of tbe week with her daughthe CondItion of Ule. Waynea- eral years haa resided in Lebanon, ter. part Mrs. Ethel Saylor, who ia ill. ,ville National-Bank, at Waynes- has moved to her farm weat of town. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woolley and ville in the State of 'Ohlo, at the Mr. and Mnl. Barry Burn.,tt, nee Bonll, of Dayton, were Sunday peata cloea of buainel!ll, Mar. 23,192'1. Marye Thomall, are announcing the of Mr. and Mrs. WilHam Brown. ~. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. In Loaruo &nd'dl'~Us.?~~:t~dbirtb ot a da\l,ghter, Friday, March company with JoIn. Walter Caat, of In, ndl.eouIIU. aOC!.pt&ne.. 26th. WaYUOlville, spent Friday in DayIIf othel" banlu. and 'torel~ ton. :~\~ o.!I~~O~~~~~:;':':-t ~ ~~ W. P_ Sallabury, Mi8a The Euchre club waa entertained till. bank ... 2U.9U.98 and JILT. Olark Salisbury, of Total loan. . ....• ,......... land. are guestl, of Mr. and Mrs. HaT- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' CUnt Overd ....tU. un.ecured.Sta,lO vey Rye. . B'!tt, near Flvt Point, FrIday evDeposited to secllr. olrCu1aening. lion (U. S. bond. par valDr. and Mrs. Selarel and BOn.. of lie) •. . .• :. ........ 10.000.00 Mrs. Veda Omdorft and daughter, Dorothy, were in Dayton Saturday, All otber U. S. Oovernment the former'. llaLontl and famUJ, ll.u,.rLtolen"' ••·.·t·OC ..k· ..· .!~~·rol~Ye. 6010. 00 and saw "The' Student Prince," at O..,ct ~~kIDC 'goUie •.•. ".000.00 ';000:00 the Victo.ry. lAIwtol r.l8n. wltb Federal and Mrs. CIi1l'ord' Archdeacon R_rve Ilank ......•. •. • - U,IIl.U Mr. and Mrs. Gu .. KIbler and chitIOn, of Dayton, were week..nd Ca.1I In vault and amount d ' ta due trom oaUo~ bank... 12.111.18 reO', and JoIrs. Euphemia Hough, p " of Mr. and Mrs. Frank KitDayton, I]lent Sunday with JoI.r . and tenberger. Amount due (rom Htat~ =~:-nl~:~':. ~1 Mrs. Ed Houall. Rev. . L. A. Waahburn preached er tbaD Inoluded in ItelDl here Sunaay afternoon in the abL t. 10)................... ",5'11.82 Dr. Ik B. Hlln and family attend- sence of Re\,. Stillings, whO wu at '~'otal of JtelDl t. 10, 11 U ed a VeterinaJ~ Conference Co- Blanchester. . .rl!! I:.,... ii.ma.~. ~l'~~8~0 10.80 lu~bul!, Satw:day, and epent ""unOl.v. .Mr: and Mrs. Harry Burnett are Redemption (Ulld wltll U . In West LafaY'ette. rejoicing over the arrival of a little s. Treuurer ............ _ _2_.5.,...0_0_'0.,.0 daughter, '. Janice Milna. f'riday ,U8.StO.sl MIIllI Lavonll,e Burton and G.. J. MarcD 25th. Waterhouae wue dinner' guesta of Misa Alma Hormel1 and Mr. Ral.,h !.IABlLIIJ'JES . . • • • .•• Misa Edna Bowland 'at Cedarville, Stowe, of Springboro, were Thuncapital .tock paid ID...... UOO.OOO.OO last Thursday , ,avenlng. , · day evening guests of Mr. and Mn. SUrplul fund ...••. ,...... 60,000.00 Kesler Graham. UndlvJlI.d profit. 21,136.68 Le.. current . upen... After a visit, of three weeb with Mn. Charlea Johns v.ilited her II.. paid .... , ... , .. . 2,612.45 ' OlrculaUn. DOteti oUtlt&nd- 24.014.23 her daugher lUI,d family In WUmlna- tel', Mra. EUubetb Smith, at Nun~~':~~"~~ I ton, Mrs. SllS8In Wilkerson has re- es' Cottage, at the Soidlers home, d·U. tC) Natloiial b...,ik •. tu,rned to her .home here. Dayton, . Thursda;r. . Total of neme U, 211. II Mr. and Mrs. Everett Halnea and 37 and II • • • ••••• 16.0uO,OO Mr. and Mn. Walter Clark IUld son, Bobby, of West Carrolton, lndh'ldual depo.ll. .ubjtKIt to cbeck . ....... .. ........ 269.734.96 children, Wand,a and Junior, attend- week-end guest! of their uncle, Certificate. of d.poelt due ed a surprise dinner pven for Mrs, Lo!lgacre aBlL family. . In Ie.. tllan 10 day •..• .·.• 161.31 Clnra Lewis, at Dayton, Sunday; Mrs. Theodore Campbell, Mr. BarTotal of demaDd depo.ltl . ty Kenrick and' daughter, MiA Ruth, (other than bank lIepo.IU ) . • ubJect to Ruerve, Item. J. W. Burtotl, who baa been in 'De- were Sunday aIternoon cuesta at the 28. le,ll, 82, II and 14 .......... ... . 368,U2%,%9 .. troit for medlcE,l" treatment, returned home . of . Mr. and, Mrs. Walter Kenom... Ume depollll . .•... · . . 17."•• 10 home Saturday In a very weakened rick. Total of time depolIlU ...bMiss Margaret Everhut, of MIcondition, and his. reeovl!1'Y will Ject to Ruei've ltft/1l. all, elow. amll.~'UI1i"·j and Mr. and Mn. MUton 38. 11. and st, S1 41G. 76 • I:!b'eeb,a n, of CentervUle, were ThunNote. and bill. red 1. counted 23.865,00 LlaI1I11U •• other than tboso Earl Clark ~ent the week-end In of Mr. and Mra. "Ohar]es, above lltated ........ : •. "_'--,,-,-_1_28.:...,0-:4 IndlanapoU.. Ind. the peat of hla Mr. and Mra. Perry Wade and '568.840.31 cousins, 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Lawrence Pe, terson and .. of Mr. and Mra. Glenn family, of . the Dayton pike, have Stato of Ohio, Ooul)ty ot Warren. 88 : Brock. ' moved to the Ohatlea Wilde fat-m, 1. L. M. Henderoon. oaahler of the .. . 'near Springboro, which 'they ~cent: above-named bank. do .olemnly .wear Sunday dlnnt!ll guj!sts of Mr. and .ly purchased. ' " " . ttoat 'the above lltatement I. true to the best of my knowledge and beUet. A number of ladiea enjoyed the Mrs. Lon Beckett and family, were . L. M. HENDERSON. Caeliler Sub.crlbed and sworn to before me Mrs. Rachel Cr ew and Bon. Frank, work and social time . at the meetMrs. Will 'Nortori was an afternoon ing of "Tile nome ' cnre of the sick," thIs ~8th dtW . of MIlNlh, 1921. Manion JUo!ge . last week at the home of Mrs. Wil~ cnller. . . Correct Attest: NlltaU!ibhc. . , Ham Bergdoll. ' J. W . . III Mrs.- El'sie. Hawke ·and cbjlldt~e/l Mr. and Mn. ·Nelson Crockett, W., H. ALLEN. J . B. PJllNOJI). Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Mr. ~d Mrs. Ellen COPS\!Y' wer,e Drectora.: Mrs, Ge.orge Timbrush, of Hamilton; Valley, Saturd!lY nfternoon l were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. tended the S6th an,niveelr~sa~~r~~y~. ,J~~:,~:; Will Bradley. tion of Arch Copsey's Il" < there. . Mr. and Mr~. Raymond WilliamMrs. Lowell Thomaa received son; Cleveland; Mr. :and Mrs. Har- word, .Suriday evening, of the death old Williamson, of ' DaYton, are spend of her grandfather/ Mr. McCray, of ing the week, with their parents, Mr. Dayton, who formerly lived at Oenand Mrs. B. H. Williamson. . terville. and hu been an' Invalid 7 ~
FOR RENT-2 milel from town, a bouse orchard, 2 truck patchl!l, good hen houae.Inquire at Gazette office. mSO
============== LOST
LOST-Spare tire on rim, for Ford between Waynesville, Henpeck and Olarksville; or Clarksville, Middleboro 1Uld Osceola. Rewnrd. Sam D. BenJde, Waynesville, Ohio. m'SO
Miss Dori ~' Hendel'lIOn en'tcrtui ned [rs Robert Burton or DIl~roit. is a .few friends , SnturdllY ev ning. visiting lIt"the home or J , W. Burton Rnd fumily. Mrs. Vern Hongh hil S been very sick. but is repo rted better todny. Mr. and Mrs. Elhnn Crnne, of Mrs. Effie Sc~ott was the guest· 01 Ih~~()~~r:~~~t tho ' week-en<\ with Lon Beckett lind family, ' Saturdny night. . MisB Henrietta McKinsey, of the Ashtabula schools, 18 home for the Robert Weltz. of Norfolk, . «pring vacation. nturday with his brother, mnvnl.ru W Itz. Mrs. Alicl' McKinsey nnd dllughter, Miss H"nriettn, nrc spending II Mrs, Maud rlIne nlld Mrs. harles few dnys with Dnyton r~la tives. Anderson were Dayton visitors, Sat- Mr. !lnd Mrs, Ezrn Bunnell. of Leb urday, nOll, Ind. , who are I:he g ue s ts of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Fnrr orid Thomas Robert l\fonger and family spent PierI!!! todny, witl return to thcir Sunday with Mr. und Mrs. Rowley homo tomorrow. IIfrs, Fnrr nnel Mr. Mong ·r. Pierco wilt aCl'ompany them for nil xtcneled visit. Mrs. Mllry Wedd le. of Dnyton, spent Monday with her brother, Phillip Hopkins.
G~~~D LEBANON ' . 7 wo Shows Dailv 6:30 and 8:30 P. M.
the Highest ill Quality
Graha~ Wafers Ca kes Delicious pound . . . ,. . ... . .. . ... . 12c
Chocol.. te Mar.hmellow.. Ib .... 25c Crac\",ra, ~od. or Butter., pound
Fig B.rl, 2 Ib . ........................ 2S" .. .............. ................ ................ 14c
Rye. I 2.lb. lo.f ..... ch .............. IOc Vienn., 1·lb. loaf, " .. ch ... .. ....... 7c
W~ ~ lc
Club, .twi~-o;-;inii~Brea--d--Cou~try I J1-1b. loaf . . .. .. . ....
Wbeat. I-lb. loaf. e• •... So ROlIID, every Wed, I-lb. loaf .... 8c
Fiour~. ~:~~l~: 8~'~k~~ ~-- -
Country Club, 12 -It .ack .... 55c Clifton, 24 H. -lb • . • ack .............. 95c PiIllbury or Gold Medal, 24~ ' ·lb .• ack ................ .................... :...•1.23
Coffee ~:-:I:wB;:k~: Ib
, .. .. . .. :
£!~i~.~s~~s. . . . . . 14c ~2f~2
Old Dutc h, 2 can . .................... lSc
Golden SaD to •• Ib .........~ ...........·Z5c
Jewel, Ib .. ............... ... ........ ...... 32"
0 ....... . .........
Cotton, 16 08• •ach ................. 38c Colt:n, 100•. , ncb ................25c
Fancy Parlor. eac........... I Krol~"" Beat, ·e.c" , ...............84" I Rip. Golde. Fruit, 4 Ib Spec,.I, 4 •• ew, ea~ " .............. 39c f _ _ __ __
~~~~~~for £!~.~~~.m,
45c ~!!pJi~.~.P..~ 23c 29c ~t~u~~ ........... 12c
... " ........ Slmpl,. Fry, 10.0•• caD .......... l .." 1(, .. ::.
Ibe Bald.iD •• 6 lb.. ............ ,......... a5c
Brick ,Ib ..................... ,............ 32c
Ic~i:."arl·H~.d. 2'·f~;:·.:::·
S.I Sad., pa"ka .................... I4c
54 ,I.., Z for ........................ .. I5c
~;i.~w'ti:.?iO't';.~J.~£ i <:~!p.eJ~.i!,,25c !!~~~iii! =~1Dc
Whit. Lall. FI.... , 6-1(, pall ......95c
~!~~!~!~,pIr. 1
SF"weetJ Potato5el~ aDcy era.,..
a . .. .... .
c r~!.~~'!.~~k~~4:2c
IIG Spalla OPEIIIS Tractor and Implement .' Demonstration ---A'l' THE--
One Day Only, Saturday, April 2nd Public Sale New and Second-hand Implements ...... Iw 1Cl. .__ ~. Seiaclol Orche.tra. Mak. yoar pIa•• to ......
... ",.01. _
wIU be ...._
willi ...... becom. acqaainted wit.. tbe D'W thin •• tul ....... '
C.'Ill. SMITH~-
28 Yean' FaUl Deal1q. wltIt Pu"lic i. wortb ,.oa in JIOlIr ba,i •••
00 ...
i"'rat1_ to
Oar Geoaine Pocahontas Coal .iii tump or Egg. • flor' A ' at. ............... \. me ,pril delivery " ..,. , Oar lIPPI, of Coal at this price IS Iimit~· OnIen lUST BE PLACED AT ONCE. , .",
At ntl: ChI ......... IITOIlI:
With i ..h pun:haocof live pilon. (W mOre of ciu.N __I, Haute ~In. we will alve ahlolll.ely fl'M your "boice of one pilon of d.e lime palnl.or one gilllon of (),V...Sp.,. the Unl....na1 W_tvpmoI · V'l'I'uh. durl,. .1.• ...,.,10 of SpecIal s.1c. . ' ' ,
Mta. BelJe G, aharp re~urned to 'her home In Springboro, Sunda Y even; lng, after se"eral daya' vi. It with Mr. "lid Mrs. Jrrank ·MUteilberger, and o~ Sundayvlsited Mrs. OUIIle Cox and family. . Mrs: Rachel Crew, Mr.. !l.~l~:U MIllS Thelma Karns waa called ' Cincinnati for examination, F'rld!l, Crew, MI'8. Joe Tinney; Mrs. R Werntz lind MIIIl\ Lucy Emley were and waa accolDpanied bJ Mrs.W dinn~r guests at the home of Mr. and M. Coleman. The doctor aa.ya Ml~ Mrs. ' G. Q. MilIs'l~t Wed~eaday. Thelmaia doing fin!! and tbe caat be removed part of tlle time • . €allers at the bome 'o f and Mr. and ¥n. :Elerbert· MerJldith an'd family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ed- Mrs. Frank Ror~rs and Mrs. wards and 'daughter, Mr. · and Mra. S!lnd\lY, were Mr. and Mrs, TolWm Lawson and IOn~ were enterCarey, of Utica. Mr. Howard talne!'; Sunday, at the nome of 111'. o! Trenton, "IIrs. Ralph Earn and .urad,WiIl S:tt'oud. of .r"kln, -Rev. JobnMr. Mn. .:In.~nrlan "UI"''''''.'' Mn. N. L. Bunnel COllD~ pre~" Mn. Ceiltel~lIte . dent and Mrs. ]~. C. Mills; 'v!C8l-preaIdent and county Institute director, are' attending . tbe State W. O. 1". U, mid-lear Institute at · the Southern bote, Co~,\mbus, this ~eek. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Butterworth, Mrs. Mallnrie Burnet and GiJbert Frye were In WUmlnJrton, FrIday afternoon. to , Bee Mrs. Mary Linton, who hail been very neIL
We' have bought a "limited supply of Genuine Pocahontas. Coal at a v.ery low price "and .believe this price is the lowest you will get ,on the' Best Grade Pocahont~8 Coal'this. y.ear. · . " .
: Mr. ~nd M;a. Otbo Mr. and Ml'II. E,: T. Olaud~J . Mr. .and Mn. Mrs. .uaud Oran.e and dal1rb,~er'8, tended a biTthday dbut.,r of B; T. Vice and faInily, Sunday.
Week 0; April 2nd to April 23rd Incl~llv.
P.M.· C0ba
H~rne••~ Hardware and Farm.' Machiner,.
Waynelville, Ohio .
, These are the .,est Peaches w.e ev~r ate, bought them at the CORWIN GROCERV- . The~ •
Silver Flake Branel
For ono thing we should be grate. ful Our cousins in Europe will teach us to fiy, whether we want to learn or not. The British expeet to lend to New York next fall .n .Irship "as big a. the Mauretania." with room fOl' lOll pusengers. That Will be one good lesson.
AMBITION 1- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
i In'7.:::.n:h~·"'·
Knowledge 18 'power-sometimes. It is power only when It is prac-
Babe Ruth Accepts .$1210,000 f~r 'Fhree Years .
Prepared by ~olumbu. I ep( rter
tical knowledge'. , Thfl mere aCQ,uisition of fllcta and information ' mllY mllko a man inform ed, but unlC88 those facts apply to . what ho undertakes they do not InCOLUMBUS, OHIO-The present creaae his power. , - General A~8embly bas Nquested Coil . . gress to reapportion the membenlbip . You may learn the mtlmate facts ot the House of RepresentatlveI, all the klnge of Englllnd with- which, under the law, makes It manQut helplnlf you Ilppreciubly In the datory upon Congress to act. If tblll com nt bu. lnc8i1. . is done when Congress conveJl" It /T.;ly make It casler to live with Ohio will b.e entitled to thr~e ~d yo' ur"oll, but It WI'II not 'Increft -e your possibly foul' more Oongreumen. a ~ powor. Until the legislature define! new Barrio ha8 a play about a yacht congre88ional . districts, additional f ull of educated people which goes Cogl'essmen would be elected at lareo aground, upon an uninhabited Island. in November 1928 for .. term o~ two The only man who knows what to years ea~h. During their term the do is the uneduca ted butler. General. AB8embly would define the He builds a shelter and hunt! new Congressional dl.trlct! and elecfood while the others stand tion would be from this In 1930. The What Iittlo education he had population of Ohio, according to the a practieal sort that applied last omciill censuR would cerlainl,. needs of t he moment. . entitle Ohio to three mON COngrUlHe had power because his knowl- men. and lome claim th.t; the lIum· edge applied there. In a drawing- ber would be foul'. The joint rearoom conversation the others would olution of the present General Ashad power because their knowledre sembly memorialize! Congreu to have fitted tbe need! of that ' take Immediate action on the r_p. tion. portlonment so tllat Ohio ' m.y have Those who speak of the its full share of repruentation j\llt of education make tbe mistake as quickly as possible. , ~hs,t power is the only end : of .knowledge. . There i~n't much probabUity th.t Knowledge Is of three ldnds. the plans of the State Richway de. ves Therek is 1 k.."..owtlhedcte . that 19itu partment for new construction will power; noweua e a gIVes cu re; be either interfered with or delayed knKOWledgedtha~gir: Wisdom! dUTlng the next two ye.nI. and to . n?wle ge e the Dod cairy on the work no extra paolino mto our systems. Part of this or other ta O • wl' ll be re"u'--" A. E, goes to make flesh, part to make Mittendorf; president "ofthe Oblo blood and part ·c oea to make Automobile uaoclatlon ••how. structure of the bonea. ed members of the GeneTaI Aaembly
G. A. ZeU
'I' y '
'tate. Caoital
Your. _KIlDwl.dre Ha. PDwer
RitawllY Pencil ..... ......... ....... $46. 00 E .E~cre: ~~YC t H . '"20 0 00 . . 1'0a cas er om .. ' . .. . ~enneth Fromm F taO P $2 o~x ,ILaw::n ........ . .. _.. ....... 49.70 E h P 11 vers arp enc .. .......... $100.00 1"1 Cahr! hHII¥ ' '" as lIg t ..... ,......... ,.............. ..60.00 E. L. Hough Dish Pan , ..... :..... ,......... .... .. $66.00 • K M~bel Day "68.00 e:t.:. N~r; -W ~l'dl~;' .. .... , " R dl T b a 0 'U e .......... .. _... ... ,.... $100.00 BedEdltllS r ' Smdlth M".PWalte r ·J.i~cl~~~· .. $360.26 La _ "'60 00 W~od;~~ . i:~~i~ ................. 'I' • Umbrella ... , . .. . ............ 1$169.00 Mrs. Mabel FaiT . BI • U 00 ~:~rO. 'St' J'~'h~'"'''' ,,~ ...... 5. ·s "'6~ 50
~CUhPylqkl thlemaelralyes.l~ --:!tb
' .........,••.•:........:...
The ' Red Arrow Auction WIlS held Ilt Hllll's DI:ug store Thursday afternoon , Mllrch 31st. . A large C!'9wd was present and sevcri.tl ar ticle! sold lor high Rcd Arrow Money. Following lire tho articles sold a·nd the buyel's: .... $2 .00 Box Stationery. .. Chari s Shu tts Buttle DeWitts Shampoo : ....... $1.00 Ray Mills Bottle Hnir Stay $10.00 Cecil Davis 60 Bold Cig:u'~ . .. ...... ...... $84.66
The Freneli Academy of Sciences, a most leriouB body, says th.t M.rIOUUI, • French engineer, bali perfec~ • helicopter fiying machine. Such. machIne, el\abline you to fly and ril e directly from the ground. would give the Inventor weall" limited and wQuld be the but Invl:ntion .Inee tile start of the .Wr lghL B'rothen. With" helicopter m gool order lOU could .tart foom the mof of your .partment bouae or .,lJlce bulldine, ~ wbere you like. ud lud otber roof or olllce building on . . O~th~ L;;~i'~ ' ........... ...... ...... Tr.h~_ jl...p&_~~~:dininChdrla.ntecen·doumd.nind Hose ..... : ......... "................ ... a.am. Alina Hoyle r~:ra~:nc~.r,~,:p! Belt ........ ............ . ... ' f . . ...... Oarl Cook ..rloaal., wit.IJ the ' aoelal Clock . govern menta," . aa~ • report. "are Mrs- ..N~b~~'·W'atid~~ ...... the talk Cooker ... , ... , , ................. ,... o~ c eo DC mmo ~y. J. E. 'Wltham
Whole Number- 5747
,206 00 . $161.00
INTERESTING ME[TING REDORl lOCAl, ' Sta~ [WEEKLY, r l! t prnnlE Lf. .~~~! ..:::!I=~:r~"::!.ne",a 26-lbs . ~:n~~ ~~~k~ .. "'· .... ··....·.... $106.00 O'F W• . C• T. U fROM HIGH SCHOOl,t ' IN AN OPERETTA anyS'::a~~~o·w::.n ~~r!':o:~~ge goes IIbowedtl~;~h:!~:~eP::'V:m::' co;; tella of the dlacov.ry by Wm. Tell Flour.......... $128.00 . ' broad education attain that there wUl be $10,nO..ntll~ of • new vitamin. 1,000 Ray Foley ; more powerfol tban any knoWll 6 bowes Crack-, 169 00 .n" 0 ....,... lotte Mal-eO..........-.... . ' It' -'U w. cure '--'-ke" ~......", erto. intareatinr. It seem. to h.ve the ef" ,~r y INt of 1I1u..vioIW ......t. 2 pollnda .6c Coft'ee ............ _ $26.09 ..... Sarah Lippincott new 1Iea1th food III call_ White Stew P.n ........... ,...... ,300.00 "chlouterol" ud contain. ~h.t Is M.bel Hathawa.y. . piactl~ tile pure Yitanirli ~D•• lub• --..t.nee caUed ,qroateroL It can be m.de eheapl,. and an ounee of It would be enollCh to keep you Itom birth to death.
of great eminence bec.ulle -nar- 000 for new hleh",.y conatnlction W R M dd k' dl d --. "L I I" d ti u_ row of their information is . 1927.t ftO inereued cOlt to a1lto rs.. .. a en In y opene ram"a l1c opere... The Mothers club is g iving a ' 11 be Ilwa. a ' . a Cd W d ' .n d appII~ bl e t 0 th eIr owners Of this BU- It 18 ..ttmated her. home Aprll '.6. for t he W. C. T. U . ' . W1 e given In e al'Vl e, e nea. .... meeting, at whicb a goodly number varIed ' program ~~Id entertamment day evening April 18th at the Ce flederal aid alone will amount to aIw'lre present. at t he High School Gym next_ Wed- dnrville ope;a house by the eolleg; An!)ther part. of kflowiedlfe most ,'.000.000 whUe tbe incom• . Mrs. •A. C. TODlplil'lson. plrector nOllday njght, April 13th. Most of stud nta • culture., It gives inteNSts from .t be preaen~ guollne tax of two of t he Peace department, conducted the entertainers ar~ High I!Choo~ ond s:ve~ of the f\ormer W.yn.es- idea:' ~nd apprecia~lonsblthat eents. and that of .utomobil. UCIUlM the progral1) of specinl prayer. mu- ~~ad~ PUPi:s , [n cOll n e4tion .wf~hll vill e graduates of '26 have parti. me'::d :~o:::~:e pe:~oY:f e will . total $14.260,000...~! thlI f it~ sie and readin~s. Mrs. 1-fary Adams . IS. onon eid 8 f I~om Dayton. WI Miss Elsie Hawke has been ehosen . amount Dot more tban UIIU 0 wou read a papor on the subject of gIve a tyle how. Come and seo 10r t he leading part "Lelawala.'· wl.dom_ It build! be required for maintenance. rePaIr Peace. Olle , thoull'h.t express~d WIlS yqur friends Illld 'reilltives all dress- Kennet h Retalllck Retallick and understanding. A man and re-conatruction, leavine • b.... that men are bold ill enterprIse; i'll ed up in pretty. new. stylish clothes: and Misse! Lucile' St J~hn, Esther powerful like. Alexander t~e ance of over ,6.000,000 .The abOve religion co rdly - - - .Henderson and Marjorie Bubble .Iao cultured like Ose.r Wilde. .mounta do not take Into conaldera· s.tth '11,• . , . • •d edncationalil• .,. Th~ -ten ~:mm~ndment! of peace d T~u:SdahY and! Frhda y, sev~al ~- have parts of importance. ' kn~wdnot , t~e met,anln~ of t~dom. la tion any tOWDshlp or coun!x ald"'-_ __ the nail I rtant ki d were given. Mrs. Madden told os en enc ersrom oedarvdle, ~dl The beautIful legend f ' Nia are n u uru Uling e popu r whieh Is estimated at about ,8.000,· "Gift ~tcb~P:'d tha n a "I HID about the Statue of Peace in the An- tench. In the Jo.cal (1rad.e schools for the "Thunder W.ten." °of the' In~ .dage 100seJ,y, sa~: "Knowied&le 000 whicb .dded to that available -"I I d ... Ir 0 - _.... u - • e en uke, Cro five p'ractice teachtng I'equlred py the d' ide th b' k d f power, but only wisdom III IIb- wOllld make • iotal-Ol-$t~10 OgOc-,--""':"'--wu n Wle woo ...... ud lin C.rl~Du"'A State Ions. p~V s e ac groun or orty" . '.... I aahL GIft llealth and tbey "fill have a stll · de~t nune .~"!"e _I. I V II ways IRw is the highway . the play. In time gone by. during' • _ • new construction for 192T;o enll'D' to work w.u." . .... ... m • ey destruction as it Injures human-. --a famine the Great Spirit called for ' arcument of Presidel\t Mittendorf, in so many ways; nlso law lUI t he Miss Clarabelle Blunt and another tb rift f V'rgi · t was the most eonvinelng yat made Morals chanp and retllrn to n'Jt'- hospital. DAyton. 'iii. . .ttaeked by a n d N ia y ' ..:.._. -au. "'-0. He-I ... . and '-owl- man ",ho entered t~e hospi!&1 early f ... t t' . fI .. student ~om Ceda:r:viUe. were obser- th' e sahc. f~e °d a btl n, ·I te ee d' 0 In oppoBltlon to increased coat of UIII ~W1 .... - lut FrI _ o. cons rue Ion In ve, WR ... S • t' L. • Ito tW ill h 'l e c Ie s aug er. vo un ere. ' tdp are what eo;nd, . day morning. ·. \ 8 IOn V1s - rs a llynesv e sc 00 s On a set day she drlfte(l over Nialf. operation to the .uto owner In th. e exact moUve of the lWIIl~ant An interesting account 'of the State last Monday. ara Falls in a white. - flower-decked The Y. - F. M. WIll meet at the shape of 100 per eent increue In Some GODenlt ~JeGtrle pIIiu. baa III not knoWD, but hospital authol1ties IIJdyear executive was given. pre--canoe; the anger of the great Spirit b0!lle of R?scoe Fuma~. Sunday ev- the gasoline tax. IDvented a ~b1lrht pn UIlAt will beHave the m,an w.s • dbpe fiedd who sentinA" the 'plan of W l'kers direct- The ~lUlt of characters for the Sen- was appeased Ilnd the famine ended. onlng, Ap~11 10th. . The leaders are --:--.write on ao,a, b"U~ hanb entered the 1natltutlon in search of ed by t he tate to I>ecome wue patri- lor cl.a7' play has been selected ~d "Lelawllla." wllen war Is threatened follows_ .. ' Unle.. the PNMnt strik. of Ohio 1II\0ke fly. mU. . .w.y. Tbb Clpena cIrup. MlIII D~ke. who was on ilaty in the prohibition cause, the .prac~lclng has b~gun. The play WIll by the Delawarcs. a much ~ ,' .. ,............ . Grace Hockett coal minen eontlnu. . . great deal '" • 1IIU"ftioai eclvertlillq hlCl. Rut In the cldtdJ'On's ward. remembers convention to be held at Elyrja be given 90me, ~lme the first of 1Ilay. tribe than the Oniahgahrahs. the Le880n . ............ George Satterthwaite longer than txPected. State inatita~ th. IOventme,,' gould ,proteot .t, "nd little of th~ .8IIIIull. She dO~B re- and tlje Nationsl at I\Ilnneapoli~. . it of t he. waters, is appealed to .nd Recreation ... ,............ Amy Hopkins tlonl will not luffer for. .Up. heaverll !Ilould continu, to met)lber h.v!n ...een the 1D.~ cut the We adjourned with' the W. O. T. . April. Fool ~s o~sorved m High again demands the 'sacrillce of • virA:1l members _should be ply sufficient to meet all demancIJ. ,tare tile 01 God. ud,.tbe telephone w\c~ in the buildmg. benediction, to meet the fi"t sl!ho~1 Circles. In V/lrlOUB ways. ~ne gin; Lelawala, daughter of Chief to .nswer questIons on the All man.ging officers have a kl'le .ment to IIlIiw fortll Db handiwork. is ~ou ..ht to have ignored 'l'uesddy in May With Mrs. Walter was! upon different; telchers, . upon Wakomis, vo'lunteers. The jeotincil • - • supply on hand, 'in many cuea Th.,: .houJd not' be used ' .to declaro after tbe first attack. Whitaker. VllrlOUS students, a nd the wcather moots _and she is formally c}tosen to enourh to last them for six mQntbL the lIory .f luapodera, tooth paste le.v~, the hOIP1tt!I. • - --.---:.:plnyec! one lIP9n the basebal~ boys. dIe' in th·e. Thunder Watere. A few of the instltutlonl use natural or automobUea. Miu ~uke ",U not . s!,rlously Inhow The~ had a.. game 8c:heduled "lith t~e Oome and see what 1eally h.ppell8 , gas••nd daring tbe. lummer months " jtlr~; but ."''' b.dly frlgMened and .;J AI Gym BllllbroOK team. but; because of ralD }n the end. Much hllmor is devel- Miain.1 Chapter No. 107 0_ "E. S.• very little co.1 Is u.ed. Ravine ......~......:,"-~ AD old man in BUnois iler\di one III ~11 feehng t1!.e effect of the ~hl>l!k the game w~s eallelll off. oped \n t he play, all the way through. will ·meet in regular peB8lon April pie' warning of the present strik. dollar to a woman in IlJdian.. enll- ~ ~eradn:~el. $~ wrig~ strock on Donenfeld's• . of Dayton, 'is pre' - - -, Seo the above students for tickets.. 11, at 7 :30. Vlaiting membe". wei la~e of eo.l have beeD inc. ''I atot.,half • watermelon rrl.tm e hover . e t eye_ senting a Lyl slio,v. under the au~ A. c. C. $TUDE~. . ~. mlde last few wHb unyour f.ther IIxty ,-.n IIll'Q, wben I -pice's of t b WaYne. Township lIfoth• -'~--MINERVA HOuGH. W M. now tru~~.1ill!l.L~·~I!!I!Ill-~~--7"""--;--~ wu tblrteen. I am on my "&7 to d-L~ on WcdtTe!dny . SUS~ HAWKE, Sec'y. to capacity. eyU7 bea"en aftd do not ' want that. m,lon 81111" U evening, April 13. at. 8:30. In conof it Is Ohio mined. It III aald standing in m,. w.y. ~.re, 18 the nectlon with the show there " liLI be I.n ease the State ~ould aeed money; ~,~ve .nd forret. it mc\etlng of the Prlen(l- an enlertlllllmcnt by: lOcal talenl • • Joseph,. the ten-year-old 80n of F. the miner! are N.dy to die be. held 011 . next Wed~ Admission, t5 cents. Ail children ---E. VanOflln, the Corwin grocer, fell If' OQt 1\8 much as is' required eo that .Th. qu~on ta. ~an 10n buy fOE13th, at the .home of · under ]~ igh school Ilge ' w .m be ad~ • The M. E. church wants 226 in Monday afternoon. breakin&, his State wards wiD. not sutrer, but then civeneu from heaven a' t.lJe lut Stokes. ' The meetitig hlitted .frcc. their Sabbatltschool on Palm Sun- right ann at the wrist. The '-n'tany indication that thlll wiD minute. When "on your w.yt" A belJln, at 2 p. m.• instead o! l :30 ---- - - --day, ' April 1'0. 'l'he pastor will "faa returning from school' on be asked elf the~. . . prellch Iln appropriate Palm Sunday skates and was within . a short dlsa10bammedan writes 'that hIa eo.ie- as heretofor,. I"'o~ta do,. nof pray for ,heaven, • ,- . Masonic Lodge Notice sermon at 10 :80. This will be fol- tance of his home when the accident Mr. J. D. Wilson, one of the four They .• y in their prayen to Allah. lowed by the baptinmnl service and occurred. ,H.e I,Is take ll to the field reprj!sentativea "fi. ~ ~ ,ou because '\IV. kno~ . . I Regulnr communication of Wa y· t he reception of· members Into .the fice ot Dr. Ewirtg. in Da~n, wh\l~ special JOU .~ ~t ..,.nli good .. d. .~ . nes\'ille Lodgo No, !63 F ..& A. 1rL, church. I3peclal music will l,Ie reu- the»one was .set. . ed In Southern Ohio, to help COIl .... 'O. . apple ~b. was with County AII~enth..l"'ft p,..~ ,W" W not.IJlnc In 'ri!turru" " . f Tue~du y cvcningi April 12, lit . 7 :30. deed b;y: t he choir and congregation.' \' ' . • -- ...- - That aeerna. more dlplfled than ojournin g breth ren lind, visitors It .is to be a big dllY in the church '. erlaiQbt b~n., ~ncl , more metfu!. re c'ord ially invited to attend; , . ~ lind nil who do ndt I\ttend setvicell in CRAS. f3~ADUR.Y/ W. M. othor churches 'are" cordially invited pr.ctlee teachinc in Bellbrook IChool . Ii:. B: HENDERSON. Sec·y. to worsjtip with U8. Mon~.y_ ' . The Klddle Wert lahtl the com botw with a maehlne that iqulrtl blallq 00. ove~ th. IelcIJ. 'Hu,. ~.,on Itqbbl. pu.~ wU1 help the _rk 1'10 . "~/IIdneildily Bl!Uin,c oil wUl dJapO:l6- ,f com e.... ud ~{ part of our .urplua· ,.t. ~ ~1JIe time. ' M
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Arm Was Broken
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• Gene"" Mab. formerly in tile · emmeb\ of - CalltOn. telb rea:lOrt~nlt:;·:.:~~~'t I that :'·£,hI.Da will .&. a trUe democra· 'ey~" Dot. Soviet a~venunent.t Eve~bcidf bo~el that Chin,' .~· .plp1te4. p,pglltid .nd \l~ Ib, EurtP~n .~tlon.. ~ , s"eeHd 111, ,..if. goV8l'DDleDt as • ifpntic:, n.~on. not b~ into .~aU· plee.. JtchtlnC 'eac;h other. , ~ . But It ia all ~_o-:k. Jt'!i h.rd for • j.U)'I~ to chaDIe in\o • ve~ cebrate 'over. ,! Ilrht. .'- "
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on !~~ Motor , Endu~aDce
I.ft arm~ a about. "Did I kill I besouiht. "Not t.hatl I alm- l don't know how to Ihc)Ot-l)ut I had to. Didn't U" It will par rou of Kekomo Fence "You dldl H4,'U not bother you .ncI Potts .....,. ....,..... '. ag'ln. Sho's you:m." 1.'hat hurt. , "But It' wJI4n't about hel'l He bul- COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS Judge C. B, Dechant wallllwom jn lied mo--dlll'ed 111e l We were man to man, boys. He made me fight 1i8 Judge of tlle Warren County Com'mon Pleu Court. h1ml" , A motion to record the lIIemort.. "Yee. ehore," lhey aJ!;eed-and they are not- b,elieving. 'They IItlll to Willard . Jurey Wright, aubmitt~ linked me with a woman. whe:reas IIhe to the court by the Warren County had figured on.l~' as a tranalent oc- Bar o88o"iatlon wall p••••d . casion. ." • Then ahe herself. My LAdy, The ea~e of H. TeryiUerer VII. \ peared. running in Ibreathiess J~mes W. Hoppe wu ae~t1ed and , me appealing. dIsmiss. ed without Neord. to du~3, ~:zl~~ta;e~"'us~o~l~ei'I~lnrtUg~':d ~~~t~,ghl~;n;o~~~il~."\·l ~~on~~~ct~~~icb '~~e ':l~.,~n earth can speak , . "Ia Mr. BeElson hurt! Badly? <?ourt appointed 111. C. Pt;ake u you /Ire I" All his fllce ' flushed livid with a' Where Is heT TAt me help I" guardillJ!t of Alyse and, ~lancbett Ev(aeos sobered reil ect ivci)' . have • Full of lluttllinnk "If there is pressing need in my sneer, merging tOge . ther yellow freck She knelt btllide me, her band 1UI8, minors. I)aniel WI\S nngril'y shouldcrinjt fol' Sbitln. .1Id Growln. F .... . grasped, mine, ,llbe pled wide-eyed In the cue of Firman R. Evan, VII, tho Mormon wagonS, his indignant case," snid t. " [ shall II11\'e to I' Iy les and tanned skin. figure \ black IIgalnst the western uvon my frieJlds." "Can't. eun't he? I kin an' '1 do. and implorlne. William F. Schenc~ court found that glow. She lnughed lightly. "Those ~l'ntlem el\ of yours tue aow yu git. I've stqod yore fut"No, he'l aU rlgbt, ma'am." W. F. Schenck is entitled to a Ufe "I'~ a~1 l;i,ht, I Ulure you," I estate in the undJvided one-half in"You're not afraid, lifter all. I Gentiles wlth goods for nIt Lake al!'-10050 plen~. l' mean bU,sineea. Bee." . Mormons," she retorted. "Are they Gltl Whl1r yu 11 be ,~fe. III no~ mumoled thlcJdlr,. and helpleae all a t8re1lt of the premiaea and that aub"Not of him, nVadnm ." goinJr . to throw nil business to tho hold 011' much longer. babe to tbe cllqlng of ~eJ' cold fln- joet to the life ~te of W F "And of me ?" wi nds?" "No more of t.hat, you" brute," I gen Seh k' that i ._--t D . v 'E • "I think I~m more. nfrnid for you," "You yourself may appeal to his roarod. '~lf you havo 'a nythlnc to ' . ' I ' onc 1}l n ..... _ . a:.... vI confessed. "That clowl1 is getl,ing fa ther. and to the womon, fur pro- Sill', 8Uy it to me." The ~up ~bout mo, dlaedlved, ana, R. P~ Evan.. C. S. E;va"", Rlchinsulferablo. He s~ts out to bully tectio n if t hut lout annoys you," I We whirled. Je~k8 seated hillns~ll cloae beald~, 01. al'd P. Eva~, B.raenEvana, Alyse ventured. "Yu I ' 'Why yu leetle piece 0' 'Y,o ur arm won t trouble IOU, he Evans and IIlanchett 'Evanll are each you.'~ • "h II' • l' h' , ' ..~ • said. "Jellt a R'eth wound. ou two . I W.)'ne.~e, "I'm afril.id, too," she breathed, 'To them 7 s e sco ed. ' 0 not In - You. shut up I Ill' sudden can eat and relit a bit, an if you entitled to the undivided one_venth "I never have been afraid before. 1 Byrum Adams' outfit? Why, they reach he gripped her arm; to her set out 'fore m'Don-up you can eay of the one-ha.!f Intereat. "Iii.~." didn't fear Montoyo. I' ve always are good M01'mons, and why should 1 short sharp scream he tbrustl her ret cla'r. We'U durniah mount. . Court conferred and approved the '.!iI!~."" been able to take care of myself." ,not be made over? 1"m under their ab?,uGt,:tl I'm boss h""'r." And at and IITI1b ' and an"'hin" elae .,ou sale of premiaea to Alfred, S~. rt in ''You bave your revolver ?" I BUg- teacilingt; it's time Daniel had 0 ,d Jr .. "" I h th " .." -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!~ pted: wife--or. two, for replenishing Utah. me: "What yu goln' to do'" She'. nee . t e cue of e People. lIulldinc ~ ''No, 1 haven't. It's disappeared. She paused, then resumed. promised to ole. Glt, youreel! or "lIIounts I" I . \blurted. "'Bet out,' Lo~ and Savin,. Co., VII. Alfred ' Kormon women -'on't carry revol"But no~ 11 I may lend you a lit- I'll stomp. 01} yu IIk.e 'on a 10uae.'1 you sayT , You 'mean that I-we- Sw~cert and ordered the aberl« to Edgar A. Ludlum, adminis~tol' .eel. 8.77 aeiea of land in BaIDUtoIl vera." ~ . tie somethIng to keep fOU from beI forgot IJl"tructlOns, 1 disregard- should run aw~" rll not leave the deliver the deed to him. • of the ..tate of AI Seamon. flIed his Tp. The Court of Appeall found no inventory. "But; you're not a 1II0rmon wom- inc shot . like a dog. 1'1 feel a.s tho' ed eVery movemen~ preliminary to traIn an~ nelthE~r will ahe, until the an." . I had Wiped out yo11r IIcore acrain5t the onset. Bulle'ta were too 810w and proper tune. (~do I undere\and error In the jurlldlction of the ComThe will of R. C. Darrqh wu ad- COMMISSIONERS' ALLOW ......I"-S "Not Xet." $he Cl4ught q\llck me. take your· gun}' I toi:k it. easy I . that you dlsoWD, UIIT" Pleu court in the cue of Edith mitted to .probatf, Elia J. I>arnch . ---....... breath. 'Do you know," she quer- "There is is. Cover hill\l" I ' dld not see his revolver: I aaw ' "Bold on," Jl!nb bade. cc It. Link VII. Alva HIU administrator "a appointed ' execubix, and C. E. Blind Penlion, ,829.15; P..- lIorted, With audjlen .lrlance, "that Daniel "Where?" I aaked. "WhoT" but the bulk of him and the into I· a 3uelltlon of disowntn' f th tate f A I'lt S d Moore, R. C. Bop and A.. C Vall ton, aalary" ,70; Jam.. Foil.., _ e1 , means to marry meT" . '. "There before ' you! Oh, any- erable sneer .of him, and. that his you ve killed Ol~e 0' the 0 , e ea 0 nn e • pence an appraisers. . . : . ,Iii; Bert Buckley, tr.. ..unr 01 "!luI; 7Ou're .llol; free; YO\l have a bodyl Think of his heart and cov- flesh was ready to my' fingers. the waf.0n bo~"s son; and when coats frOIl\ the plalntifr. Georee ~ Smith, admilliatrator ot' state, IIJppllee for Jnmatee of Ohio hUllb_dr' er him." " . And quicker than .his hand I wu comes n the tlilomin' demanclin' th 0 ' Hoaplta1 f IlpU ti H ,." 60 I Co "Ohr' abe crI:)"WhO don't you' "See that little rock? Bit' ltl" upon him, into him, c1inchine him, you for trial by bis Kormona. NEW SUITS e ..tate 0 orothy E. Smith, flied or e C8 .;. leam to aboot! on't you? Let I fired. The sand obscu.red the clinging ' to him, armll bindln.r him, can ,.e doT We'll ~e the chanee hil Ant- and final account. Holcomb Mfg. Co., IUPPU... fl0.116; me have JOur plato pleaae." rock. She 'Clapped her. handll, de- lega twining around his, e"ch ounce on Ineakin' you both away, and facBertha llue IIbeD, a minor, qe The will of EUlI'one EftU WM 1l1. J. O. Kitchen, repaira for clerk', of"You m~ IrTUP the handle firm- lighted. . of me greedy to crush him down and In' the old man.'" 16 7e&n bJ Lulu Rue, her next ed In court. . Ice. ,1.8Q; Studarcl on Co., ... master him. . J' ':1 think we'd beR,,80," I llIfHed. friend VII. Jam.. IIbelI. for annulThe wlll of Emma lIurton wu ad). and oU, f879.89. • ment of marrlqe conU'act, ratora- mltted to pro)Nate. 1I0yd ·S. Ratlln:•- • The 8~ock drove hun bao~rd. It I the olily way. . ~th::~dd th~:h:~eb:d \l.P~ me~~!' w~ o~~"~r:d '=~ tlon of malden nam. and eoat&. ~r T::bii.PE~tt r~to!a~: a ~~~Doinll't.areVpeora~ ..~por_-taa.t pinioned, to bend him. He spat in- oth01, but In&eparabla. We "ere EaThrle Ohio Wu Paper Co. v.. R. B F 0 to my face; and shifting let his yoked. Bevia and Shartle and Bevia • ouche appraleen. vor too ofteD. For lnatanee, nell teeth into my ahoulder 80 that they :Jl'he fact appalled. It KRhlne Co., fo~ recovery of ,pecllc The will of Alu.oD L Spenae w.. thoUCb w. liked tomat.oea, •• woal. champed Uke the teeth of a horae, coldly. I Hemed to have per&Ol1.IlI proPeR7 and for money, ad~tted to probate. W. CUster.ot nllah . . . . .1 ~mmellC_ witIa throulfb ahirt and hide to the flesh. for her with flatland buDet, won amoant claimed ,1100, with intereat Kaple wa appointed ..eeutol' and tomato lOap, followed bJ We toppled tocether, came to the her; now I Iho~~ld appear to carry Alva Bill, Fred Sean and Gaorp B. alice Oft Oa. meat, or ItewICl tomaIrl'ou.nd with a thump. Here we her off &II m7 booty; a wife and a FrJbaraer, appraisen. toea and freah aUeed tAlmato ailad.' churned, while lie luI\C me and .till pmbler'a wife. Yet auch muat be. PROBATE PROCEEDINGS ' , I stuck. . " "lIIoon'U be liP in a coupl. 0' • - ••- - The acrid dOlt of the aJP.l1 en- houn, H Jenka aedd. "I'd adviae you It wu ordered that a eert1flecl.eopy MARIlIAGE LICENSES ED PUIlDY'I PHILOI veloped UII. A,galn he spat, fetid- to take an hout's start of It, 10 u of the amoUllt o( bilaeritanci tAl be Emmette Fryer barber of Da1JaI. &?Jjwled Upon him, Imotherlne his to jpt ~way euier. I f;Y.ou travel C~d hefro~e~ed~ta~.. of Aclin~ Park- Tau. and SUUD 'w. PaIDe, of Wa,The malD cn.erence . , . . . . • ' ...... w .0 _e au ..,r. n...me. girl cbewi d d ng armll; gave him all my welrh~ lItra\lrht lIOuth'alrd you'U atrike the an atren~;. smelled the !lweat of atace road in the momln.' When Proof of p)Jbllcatioll of the , apWiUiam K .. PrauenlcneeM, f ....1_- her c:~~ cow cJaew. hi1m, snal' ed mto bia lIDarline face, 'you ~each a lItatiOli you'U have a of Amanda Luce a ad. worker of LeheltOn, ad _~=! t..ho .." .... ~aL' ........ . . . 10eIIa c Ole beneath mine. ch'ice either way." f th f Robe ""nua _AO, Once he, .,artlaUy freed hlmjeU "I have money," ahe aald; and 0 e estate 0 rt abeth Klnll', fit Lebanon. - -.......---~ and buffeted me in the mouth with aat ereet. wa flIed. IHlI Redman, paper maker of Illhla fist, but 1 caught him-while .• Wm. H. Null, admlnlatra~r of the l\IIlitburc and LiWe Mama, of lI'ruII- ....THlS WEErS PAlaY I'I'OaY~.. . IIt:ruGGUnlr, tOll8ed and upheaved, ••••••• . • eatate of Sarah E. Nt,dl, rued his In- lin. ' 1...:~.;;.:==...:.;~-==~=:..-=:!....=:..:~::-'..:'W~.'.!r~ • ..J'I!0~I!!!a,~t:!!o~.!!!a,,'••la,la,." dimly saw . that as by a miracle we For the fint half mile we rode ventory and appra\aement. . OIl" apo. a time tun ..... a wile _ were surrounded by a ring ot people without a wo~d, J~hn C. Wlleon wa .appolnted adHAL EST4TE TIlAIISPEQ wlao dldIl't ,et napleloua wIleD. ' 17: ~Vft it with Jour whole palm, . "You l'I()uld have killed bim. ~o ~a~~ aa~r:~:ret;~tir i~untenaDcead What her thclugbts were 1 mlabt mlnl8trator and A·/O. Vail, H. s. bubMd .... utra alee to ...... bat' 'gon't aqueue it to death; just -be woUld have killed you. Quick I ed In a dull ~oa~ 0 cea lOun - not know, but 'they sat heavy upon Conover and Wilbur Smith app'ralaCharI.. B. MUla tAl WIlber JIJlla, ,aiD it eveall-tuck it away. And' Give It to mel" Prese tl I h d hi her, closintr her throat with the tor- en of the estate at sarah A. Wl~n. 2 town Iota in Loy.lond ParL .' iMp )'OU\' elbow dQwnl and crook And snatching the revolver IIbe one (jutt~etch a m Cl'Ucifted; hi. ture 'of vain, lIelf-r41proaeh. That R!Jy W}'1Itt'a application for a writ Charles T. lIott to the ColllllllaHENDERION )'Oar~ ~_a drop, UIItU your trig- cocked, leveled and fired instantly. knees hiB otbere!rma~the~n~ebr my much I sensed. But I could not rehabeus corpua ,,\,88 not granted. Iionen of llJaml eOun~, .07 town rer . .uold. . . pointinF. very low-at The rock aplit Into fragments, ' . e y my assure her. !hr own thourbta were The will of Albert Snook wa ad- aeres in lIorrow. O. . .-A......... a IlIaD" feet If )'Ou re aiming for "I would hllve killed him" she to probate. Jama 'R. SIlOOIt Jam.. Pile and F. W. Prana to ' ~ heartr' murmured, guing tense, ' Be~ing I d " - - 6 _ d ..~- SI--" 'At his feet for his heart'" I knew not . what. Wrenching Irom an Arthur Hamilton were appoillted ~wr an - - ...aer, 4 - - 1-. t to 11 a: ga. • to 6 p .... atamm...... . Tb. 'Wor.dt had an ugly the vision she handed back the roexecutore, b7 til. wUL O. s. Hialu in Pianklill. , 'l to t . p •• BOlmd. volVer t~ me. "I think ' you ' are Oharles J. Wagoner and O. It. . SaIIluel a.d 1IJt'tle Slmpeo __ • TIII, _ _ .' "Certabily. We are speaJdnc 61 ing to do, sir. Only. you must learn IIro~n wen appointed appraiMl'L 'am.. S. IIcOl_, I town lot Uootillll' DOW, and not at a tin can I ~o draw" I mustn't lltoy' longer. lIert C. Hart.ock, executor of the Spriqboro.. 1~. 1 . . . ...a Yo~ have to allow for the jump Of Shall we ~ to the fire 'now! atate of JoJm G. llae" wa elven EateUa II. ancr Jo1uL.T ROM to ' , ~e m~e. UnlellS you hold it doWD cold." , • th -'- to U d·_I II fred S....-.. 5B 110 • "--d With )'our wrist, you1.over shoot; and We walked almost without speakau 0 •••, .. en ... 0 ee ,ap.... acret o~ ..... ft'. the flnt abot mat counts. Of ing. to the Byrum Adams fire. Olin. plies belonJiIlir to the ..tate. Salem ';l'p. .' eoune, there'a a feel, a knackl But iellifted hia upper lip at me as we , It,... ordered that QPUcatiop b. ' Fred Wqman to 11. ~~lr«ill~~~~~~';;~~~~~~~;:';~ don't alm with .your eyes. You. won't entered; 'hIs eye8 never wandered made for the admltta~ee of Daniel .07 ton a . . . ill Tartteenek TIt. , have time. M;en file off the. front ,from my tace. I W88 distinctly unBrower to the inatltation fol' FHble Plor,nce Fitaprald to Tille Jtob.. atrht--it sometImes catches, 1ft the welcome. Accordingly I said a M i n d e d . . r t a , 1 towa loll lit, PraDIdiII, draw. :And -It's useless. anyway. "~liod eve~in'g," to HYrum and Hattle lIinkley wu appoi.ted adKIDDIe' Smith to IIartba .... Gn'I'htt~ fire .. they point with the fin- ing my hat to My Lady left 10rministratrb and C. W. Va "om, bam. 2 acne of land in wbaaOD. . Ray Drummona and R. J. Ku~)'~ William ItattellUD to Nonu I. r , by the feel. You see, they own bailiwick. ow. Some men are born to shoot Friend Jenlta joined me praiaers of the estate. of 0.0- A: Bayer, 10 acres of IaDd ID DHreahI , "We were 'k eeptne c~s on -...... and so wae how he. he He did !laW tJlat IIlnkley_ , tice.-damn,.' cranel An ord8l' of ..Ie waa laaaed tAl _.. r·EItelIa II. Clark 10 ....., .. and TueadQ•• a.m•. 3 'Po- . was gi~n' you pointera, eh1" Willlam Schenck. exeeutor of the .....d II. C...... 8 town loti! illlI"'.eSaturday. a.JR. , .,._ ~ "Yes; she wanted amusemen,t." estate ot ~malia R. B. ScIIe~ fol' boro. . . aecurlti. and chattel property.' Annie Ilarie Deaa to Bamy, ' Lt , Jen).ta rocked to and. fro, as /lot by the fire. "Helll Wall if ' Liui, G: ThomPlOa,· IWirdian of Rye, 108.50 acrea of land ~ W.,.. Y?U got to kill him you got to :kiU So . tll.r. I am!.t .ileaee, , .a pla, '_11.111,., 1Iard.._ Thompeon, ' ftled be- Heond, ae. Tp; ' . . hlm, and do it proper. For if COUllt. . CharI.. B. Sto.teIlboloUib ud FuNERAL DIRECTORS don't kill him he'll kill YOUi two handa, ~y body Mroll hia ·elre." 10 grievoUi as ' to enah me Rebecea A. KcKiDIle)", ..ecatrix Libby 'Dot)' to Job .. BtOateJibor. ~:: ' :r!~.l~e a-wall, you saw while his lege thresll~ vainly. .. achinC woe. of the estate of Al_dar IIcltin- f,u,b, '1 towa' lot la FtaUlhI. WAYNESVIlLE, OHIO, "I don't want to kill him," I pleadI lqoked down into his b~n. This, tbeniJ wu I; ney, rued her 1lra& and &lal aUouDt. • Franc.. Gerace to W"D~~W1I=:;;;;;;;=~~::;;=~ Fully Equipped for Good ed. "Why ahoutd 11" eyes. ' . had just Jd ed a mao, It wu orde"" that Will. B. NuU ~ 116,42 acrea of '1aIld fa aA--I Jenks· sat ailent· and sitting eU~' '~uf "~uf'I"I co d from the o'pen and admlni8trator of the ..tate of Sarah :TJI. . "l"&Y&ce. ent, I foresaw that kill Daniel I must. ed. . • '1 mman - he ~ew pot E, Null, ..U penoul propertj beLida Grim WUcox anclllUt GrIm Large Dlaplay Room. I was belne lIuoked into il.'revoc.. 'Nufl Say 'nuf.''' ,echoed h ne. worse an lonclng to the estate. .. to Lawnnee S. . . . . . . i Ambulance Service ably willed by ~! by her, them c1;owd t e 'Outlaw, with aD womanGeorp J. WaterboUM, uee~r town Iota iD Lehu.... .C" wcu, u 4 Ta.EPBONB 7 l)"y OR NIOBT ~~. m~ie~d~d :hOui~lIJli~ de- rel~e~~ained again. convulsive I ~~ ~!n~ribHt a eli~ wo;:n, anU~ of the estate of, Jam.. C. Sal.. wu B. 11. Thom,... to fenBe of l\er. ' .. 'N fl" .. t d h kllllnc'l\C woma ow e apo 0 ordered to HD at Pri~te .... one tile ~J1etIan ehareh of ...... Could this be really -IT . Fra k te th u" ~e pan e t ro.ugh bared . U. S ••th Libert,. Lelan 4 1" Ilet cnt t.owa . . ID lIMo.. ~eeaon\ not a fortnight. ago 'stm lfv- ~'That = : e i~~' u." m!iterl" (To -;;~..a) bond at nOlO. ~ . ~ JiDl .. lIaIm& aM - - - r-----------~--~' ~~g. at a jog-tJ;ot in dear Albany, "1 ~d 'l1uff" he gl-owled K. E. ThomplOn ad ~ B. I town Iota Ia 'i'lulaDl _~"'Anll .,ew York State7 It was ' puzzling With Ik . t' Oop~hte4 :'7 UwI. L. SUID. TbomJll\:OD' ~opted ItathJeen ToolDI7 Peter NoD to JIrL bna 0. how detached and ' how stro,ng 'I felt. clear Qf hj~Ut~ m';°le~~e~he ls::af~~ _ _ _ _' _ '_ ' ' • • CHAPTER ~ a moment, b81eful, arid slowly acram'. bled Jlp. I~to th. Ni,bt On a sudden, Il8 he' faced me, his hand , shot downward-I heard the 1 A meeting between My ' Lady and Burge and shout of men and women, V me brought on, not long ialter.; the the stunning report of his revolWE G~T THEM QUICKLY AND expected crisis. ~As we ~I.ked sud- ver ducked aside, felt my 'l eft arm FREE 9F CHAI" , denly I saw Daniel pearing, atriding jerk and sting-telt, my own ~n ex~ 'CALL US ANY TillE AT OUR rapidly, straight for U8, a figure ~or- plode In my hand (and now It ' came ~entous in the' fading glow, ' bnng- t~!lre I did not kno,,-behel~ hi¥, EXPENSE , mg the storm with him. ' , SPin 1Il'0und and 'Collapee an ~ton· ~ !;.. . She too. Ber eyes widen; d, ishing sight. ,. , B~rl:led, surveying not him, but ~e. So there ' I stood, amidllt allence P~a. a HARVEYSBURG, O. "Please go. I'll keep him." gaping ftlollshly, . breatblrllr hard, "I~ 'js too late, now," I 'a sserted, in revolver smoking in my fingers and a VOIce not mine. "I am here fi,r st ene~ in a IIhockbigly."ro.ne po&and I'll ko when 1 get relldy." .<fDY feet, gradually redden."You mean to face him? I kitew white olthe toni 1J0u. it. You will p,lay the manl Watch wall upon hls ' face, bi. revol. • , him' close I He II give you little grace vor hanel. outftung. ,lie was harmleae. this . time. lIut remdmber this: I'll The moment 1I!ld arrived and p~ ,NOTARY PUBLIC never, never, never marry him ed. l;wu, ~ndlllg here alive. I Natloaal lIaD" Rather tlt~n be bound to him I'll deal had killed him. ' .' with him m"elf." , ..' Figure~ rushe~ betw~en. . ,'tIt won't ' P4\ necessary, madam," ,grasped me, ' impeIred ' me WIlli Dra............E.tat •• S.n... . ' , said I-a ~ttl,t. inmf thoat; for throug~ a h8Z~' volcea ~polCe Wayae,TiJle. Ohio while I was alllcmes!, my banda,cold ear :while, I feilblY res18tell, • " and my tongue dn-, 1 felt , that I salty taste In my , throat. . >i'-: was going to kill. him. . . "I kllled him. ,1 didn't want to ,. ' Daniel charge a in for us. I did kill him. He made me do it. lie not touch revolver butt; he did not. sltot. first.'" ( . He barked ftnt at her. .' "Yes, lIIell," ,atey said JOothirltrJ • . . • , . "Go wlllll' ye . belong ye ;rezebel. gr1lffly. "Shore ,h e 'did;' aho!:e you l · The rabid didn't. It's all right'. Come Then I'll tend to thl!\---.' epithet leveled at me ' I shall not re- come ilIong.' ' , I1entilt • , peat. ' · Then~ , W~ ., ftIl. fl........... B..... "Be C8~eflll 'Vbat you 8I\1, .Da= "Pick lIeelon up. He's bad hart, II!!!!!!!!!!!~~!(;!!!!!!!~;!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!~!!!!!~ ' !!!!!!!!!!!!~~ r J!!!!!! " ! !! " ~ ' " ;;;; -~I;' ~ himself. See it' ' that H,,'a, bloodT ~o 'taln't ,._ . his b.IHdinl Inter,._-==~-==~=~=:'.===~====!===~==~~ haleT ' Walt--lie'a carried me. . whOe otheir beard. _wam; "Jile eaid "Nlir-, me afterward. ~ot bad is can welk." , th..,., hustled the had P'OWII darkendumbly whether
1l0KOilO FElVCE to ... eur .....
Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company ' Phone 2S
... c. w.
&:=. • . . .• oM.
C ~~~~~:;;~~::::::::;!=
Walter McClu;e J. E. McClure
Cary' J.ei..,. Shop
.. Co. .' BaneJsburg Feruuzer
Dr John W M.·Ue''r
General ·I_laranee·
the WIC-
tile,..,.... .. .
, SubacriY'tion Prlee, ,1. 0 per year.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1921 IT LL ft ... QUEITION 1 •• , . Cluence Darrow, wbo haa ., mllde marder Ale for dIIItlll,lUlahecf cl'lmlnaIa, dilea.ed ~tIl a cle~man tile qae4lon uked 10~ qo, What sa man'" u ~o boptoacla m1cbi dis. .CaII na~ .of the exprna train on Ita wa, aerou the continent. lb. Darrow calla the' ~~n body a maehltle and thlnlal everything ... a mechanieal origln." Dr. Gray el.rrpnan and eoUere president. t.oachlnlt IIIchtly on behavlorill1ll a,,~ em-.ellt evolation, sa,. man ill
• apld.
in the House of Representatives lince the 1910 cenaUI, 0& Qonstitu:~~~~~ orde~d, perhap~ needs . atHowever, there are two aides to every question and if agriculture and labor expect ever to attain or retain 'a voice in how they are to be govemed, they wOl1ld do well _to be on guard and think twice before endo1'8In,r movements for legWadve changea wIIich on the face n\ay apRear only jUlt and fair, " . - - -...-_ ....---;-SHORT FILLERS
So lie fa. bllt what 18 • .plrit? There ia one thin&, that few or UII 1IaQ. belli. mIlD, eaDnot judr~ man. That "bow ~,.elf'· eo""mand telbt really live up to-our obituary. DI to do BOIDeW", w. can't do. The o 0 0 0 wile Wq Ia to work alld be crateReno, Nevada, is getting back In.., for bowie. . . It com.. rracI· to the divorce TUnnlng. Gee. won't that make Paris green? o 0 0 0 WH"7 ROBUI WORKS We are at lut a nation of real he·men. No longer is there onll who Bobhl, Span"" bpllft,hter, ldlled hidea behind' " woman's spirts. We bll11l for two ~onth. la lIell' cant. _ leo. tarDed ,116.000. He epent a 0 0 0 .0 few boU'l I1l a pml)Unc In!IDutlo.: A youthful local groom Informll at TIa ItIIItI&.t acroaa the .C u. that hill wife is too wealt for , hrd.... ad TIa iJuana ..ntlemen housework. We knew her .. a girl have all}, mono -,end abe never w.. stron, for It.
Charles Owens, 'wife and. Malissa IGI'bt, of Franklin, came over and IIPent Tuesday with the Jordan famUy. ... !.UrI!. Sllm EUis ~lled at her home Harveysburg. Sunday morning. funeral was held at her late T"esday aite-rooon '" . wifM. M·dTdorry , tand Ki 'ttcEd' TS~omdP50nt' e an augh er lV 6 un I1Y a the Children's Hom~~ In ayton, wl~h their daughter, Mrs:. M tel Terry. J. Lee (fllimage. wit and aon, of
1\Irs; Cora. Sumner is improving slowly. l.
.hoP~in~n Wlhnin'gto~,
.,.- '' ' ' • fr:lhcI of . Bob... ''they
• - '.
.& -
~ ,~
. .....
eo.,re. last · ·~~~~~~~~~~~~A~~ In tile
f_ 181110'" Jude"
We never had on a pair of Friday,
~~~~~~u_oo~~~_M~~rn_W~ ...u, for eapltel u bad ,oes. \ 00 Hr. and Mh!. E. H. Vlllars and .... ~I\J~ b, aehI~ 0 lIill" of Dayton, were Sunday JHDt of ou..r fUrl. r. otlter worda. th h dli d gue.ts of their lIIother, 'Mrs. Laura ......... Of bI1lI, IIIIIl ... .... Xcla~nlJr from - e ea nee an Sbldabr.
tana .=u:a_... .,ltaI - ,..,... , uie or: ~ po'"
on tlieArat pap of averac, bl, cit, Qe."..,.per it is 10.. to lon.-r 'dia,lIUlt ~ I'break tnto dirtot ,rimary II De_" lnat4tad Dna moat walth nbtie wttIeIa mllllt help atop to ke.p from draared ntaIIa fIID powel' to -p. • • • .... Aa~ IDItIIod IIlIctIt be to J.OGI~L ...,. tile IOIInU7 'one • redlaQlbu· tlan ~ ...ta In COncnet-for both Llttl. Poris-".y bir .t.ter II Seaate ... Bolllt.I"~"'. It - - t1fc!lIty·fOIl1'," Voaq Xan-dShe told m., abe on popalatlon. woald five v wheliniq, do.luaee ~ IO • til'ent)'r' .......t .. tile .... ~ "ObI I lUI)Ioct abe cUdn't learn ft .. twentr.a.. of OUl' to count tW ehe wu four." .... poplllou . . . . haft tIft7 vote. • _ • ba tile ...... 0&' fIoaa a "P~ta u,. popqlation ott . , twent)' mUMARrS CALVES 110. peOple. The dtll... tftil~. .. tIaNe Ita.... wItIa • . po,alatloll of I(ary bad two prett)' calyell: • .,..~.... .IIIloII, ..... forty.... The)' are both creamy white. Yot. fa . . . . . .te. AIIo. ~t tall- They're children of our Hollltein. ' tIN 0' Cognee to NCllaWlblltf/ ..." ,.nd w,~ only :~rn lut nlark
lJDe.ap ..", at all OI":tIIe IJiterllta.
New Qurlington,O. ·
Tilden's Choice
Asks' One Million.
T enni •
PRODUCER TO CONSUMER " Do you think poultry-keeping paY1\7" "Well, that I don't know; hu~ I think it pays thy boy Tom." "B ' t h t?" "~e~ s 0: see, I bought him the r 1 i Yh t fo th 'r ow 8, ave 0 pay l' 01 keep, 1 buy the eggs from him when tbere aTe any, and he eats theml" • _ ••_ __ A SMART MAID
Ci::I~t~., FBo~,e~re~~i's 06h~~f~~
of tho United .StAtes, has bhe b St net Corm h\ dIe worlll, says Ameriua's lice, WIII :;U\1 ·Nlden. He Ilreated /I . <,ntm in Southc\'U' tourne 's-and tlokell tHlon a!I 8 ful ure' fo r Lhe American It!I1Ol.
l~ Ion
suit, born which that he WQS in "a . consplraer hMkers who seek to c:ontl'O food markets of the world." ..
Wall~ce lIfa~y ~~~~L~~~ ,~~~~~~~ :==~=================~=±===========~=~===~
. , 01' •
A IIUS""HO " .s
South Lebanon, stalpped over !1 few He klllsed the parlor maid and' the minutes "lith their home folks, SU1l- girl. sereamed. day morning on thl!olr way to Dayton The wife came in and looked to lee sick relajjves. around, BWlpiciouBly. 7" •• h i "Fill, why did you scream , M.. and Mrs. JOII,ph Shambaugh . Villi fam ily had for t er "Through Joy, madam. ,Tbe masfamily moved to their "ew]y pur. S!.Inday gUflsts, NOnla and. Allee Wal- ter baa jWlt doubled my wages."
in, in "prettyinr up." Mrs. Coell' Kirk and MiM Kirmutb' WIllcb is pretty good returna on a of Fosl:Q.tia are spending this week IIOT 10 GOOD "aldp PJDI!," wI'd 88Y· with Mr. Mrs. R. H. Jefferis aDd .. 0 ,. I) .on. ..... - me---I-· 01' ..... el- p -
Il10. . recent IneUnatiOll to ,ttr tbirlp A dJvoree eoqrt j u . rem_rlu! ap a bit, particaJarl, In rcard to that men ahould leam to haQdle
Savings ure Safe;'
F. T; Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneers
. '0 0 0 0 Mr. and Ml'Il. L. 0, Vandergrlft . . aD .,..blen." That faet .keep. The ,ovemment now haa (,000,000 have moved from Edenton to th wOJtdac, kUUq balla.. pUona of whiaky In storage. 'Wh~ch Cook farm. peed up enlistJIaD7 ~ an not ICJ dur...• announcemthentTmaky 'm tat. TIIeF alIo nNl~ have mone,. menta in e an se ce. . The apring meeting of the ClintOD 01' don't ba.,. TIl.,. bu)' real Baptist a&sociation will meet at JpIRate til.,. 1I&.,e "ev.....en, Itock In .~ 0 CI 0 . d Ian naha Run, April H. "eUa wltIloat 00. rolel min.. wltlaOllt Japan apent two million 01 pd. .....-t 1 . _ . L em -or..... . -. to b~ry itt late Empet'O . Ii· Almolt Mrs. C. H. Gray, Mrs. Priscilla Foollllmeu Ia. . .perhaps .. much a. Plmn. yIvapIa an d lUi - H arvey an d W'U' I lam L uk en8 weJ;e In .... ...... W1 - bumanltJ·. ...... - - - . . .t. If tIloH- th"t Ave nola .pent. on their senatorial can- Le»IlDlln" Wednesday, ..,......... dldatea. . IIICIIW,. aU lIyed on It In Idleness, 0 0 0 0 . Mr. and MI1j. Jt II. le1ferls and ..... of INllIIlt to :::..~ Sixty mllJlon women and children lIOn were Ian SundllY guests ot Mr. ..la1It .,. tot visited beauty parlors in 1928. spend Mrs. Rolla Kirk and daughters.
... where
%Paid on Deposits
1\I'rs. George Beach, of Cloveland, ill home tOT spring vacation. E. B. Doster is In a very critical condition at the MeGleUan hOSpital at Xenia. 1\1 ' d Mn A S were in Monday alternooQ, •
Rabbit Skins
..More than 100,000,000 rahbit ~ . skins are now utilized nllnuWly in 1t .T. Murray lanli wlfo spent Wed· this country, about \18 per ce,nt of nesdot in Woc,hlng't on C. H . which art! imported. Of t hifl numWolter Silvcrs iltill remains quite be}; a~out .115,000, drc88cd 'a nd dy?d, /' sick at 'his home 'in Harveysburg. nre mndo IOto fur gor ll'lc n t~ l\nd In. ttl t rimming or ' wom ~n's cullt, . ' Mrs. Edith navis, IS the haJl~y po . ' 8ultlj ~lld dl'csscs: The r 1\18i nlll1l', !lessor .of a new' w,o hi hg lnachllle. not sUlluule fOI: gnrm ' nts, ure \lserl We ore glad to npcrt MM!. J. W. as linings for mon's ond bUYR' gloV('~ Three Dayton, Ohio. Edwards much bettel' a t this writ- and in the manufactUre of felt, usulI Offices : (Established 1887) ing. . , chiefly for lunking hats. ' 'v i M Ed " L D With the di sappearunce of mllny , . George .W. Da 5, rs. IWl 0- oI the fine-pelted fur bearers from ,v.'s and children were In Lebanon, on many pnrts of the United tates. th ~~~_~~!!-__~_ _ ~"!""'~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!! Saturday. use of rabbit skins is stc~ii y incI'ca s l :--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,.-._ _ _ _ _'\ E. C. lI1annon aml fal'1 l\y, of nenr ing. Aidcd by modcm processes. WlImingto n, atteniled ' ch\lrch here, Americnn fur dressers ami dyel's have become so expert in changi ng Sunday mO,l'ning. ' J Traylor of Green Briar the c.olors and. appearance of ful's ames , . h' that In many Instances the . pelt of cnme up and s~ent. Sunday With t e the ,l'abbit, under a vnric ty of ll'llde names, is repla.cing oth er s kins more McDonald faml y. Mrs. Rannah BOltan and son, Bert, costly nnd attractive, as ermine, seal, were Sunduy guests of M1's. Clara beavcr and Iljopard. See UB Early for Your Sale Dates. We Cuarant~e Dunn, in Lebnnon. SatiBfart:ion or Charge Nothing. M. 1\1. Terry aneil K. E. Thompson were in Hamilton nnd Midd letown Monday and Tuesdny. Mesdames Ella and Anna Ferris Phone N~. 2 Phone No, 320 and Lillie Villars all81sted Mrs. Mary WUson in her ' moving last week. TIofE REASON ~OT Me I)£E Home" Hudson and wife, of Xenia, KNOWS HO\IV TO MANAGE were her Sunday afternoon, looking after the interest of their farm. J9hn Wallal!e nnd family have movod from Cineinlllati to t he tenant house on the Hudson farm here. lla McKay and 11tutb Murray were delivering home ~epartment books to the shut-ins Friday afternoon. Several from tbis place attended the funer/ll of Huslton Robinson, of Silver G,rove, Sundll! afternoo!l' M. M. Terry and K. E. Thompson moved a dweIHng bouse last week by lTUCK to Franklin, for Geo. Cay1
and Iona
Silveral from this pla~e ilttended the funeral of Oharles Tucker. at HarVeysburg, on Friday afternoon. Mr. 'rucker was well known here, •
lira, S. A. Ellis PUlled away Sun. wllere he had seore,s of fMends. dB)' morning, following ali U1nllSa 9f MiSlJ Rosa Johnson, of Spring Valseveral y.e~. Tuner.' arrange- ley, ' attended chumh here, SUndB)' mente have nllt been made at thill morning and favored us witil a very wrlti~ beaut iful 11010, and was a dinner Hr. aQd. Mn. A. S. Collett spent of R. J. M\may and wife. Sunda, afternoon with their . lIOn, lIf. 1\1. Terry, W. H. Terry; K. E , Rob~ who ill conllned at the ho.... Thol~pson, y. G. ;rordnn, Sberm.a n pita! with measles at the Miamr Mll- Fen-is, Cecil ViIlar.I~, );1d O~at'k and itar)' Institute, Germantc)wn. Russell Wilson mri,ved Ed WHson and wi fe to tb!!ir new home nenr ' The, Sunshine club pve a vel')' Lebanon, Wednesdal7. entertaining program ,at their social last FrIday evening. The houlle wu packed ond they took In over $38 on ' SPRIG ~S HEAHI lunch and flab pond. AU ' rea fine time. . ' I am eternal. I make strong men quail. Beautifu l women cower before me. t I:nugh. They are unable to luro me. They lose their 'charm and become .'unlovely, ~nlf fling objects. Migt,ty men bocome powerless in my presence: they al'e debased and I urn glorified: I 'am all powerful omnipres1ent. 1 tam aU in the head . I am eternal. ROOR MRS. !IHERLOCK,
"Glady. has a Pllsitiolt all detec. tlve in one of the big department shops, " "Wei I, I don't elnvy ' her. Imagine being known ad a plain-clothes woman'"
N~w" Baloon ,.
they retain their usefulness longer tbim Don-skid treadev~r tried before.~
Colonial Salt
All's. Willinrn Long anll ' st)n spent Buy Tobacco Canvas at , nl\\rduy - in tlnmisburg. ' Hymnn'lI. , l\ t . tb Rudd p; operty las~ week. ;I MJ'S. Grace Li~coln Smith wns in .IIr. lll\d Mrs. Ben Hawke nnd Mi's. hnrl s , 1'u 1. l' di~d Wedl\estlllY Dayton, Mondny. lIlr. nod Mrs. Be n 'Hnwke spent , [arch SO, Ilt "I ~ hO I1'1l in l{nrV,"YII, . lIUl·g. ,lie had be n the r Ufll1 mail Sntut'dllY in Dnylon. Mrs. H. E. Hnthaway wns n Daycard. l· twenty-Lince yenr,,: He ill . Mrs. W. M. Ooleman. is on the sick ton vis itor, Moodny. s urv!\'ed by his wife, t wo dn ulfllter!! 11 t ~hi week. and thr e sO lla. Fun Tnl ser vic 1\11'8 W. M. Coleman and Miss Canvns at Myer Mr. and Mrs. C, H. ShenvQod were \\ <\I'e held in thn 111. E. chur ch lit Thelma K nrns Illnde n business trip H~:n's~oba~o Dnyton shoppen last. Thursday. . • lTnl'\'oysburg Ilnu burial was in Mi- to Lcbnnon, ·Wedn esday. IIl11i ccmcl('ry. . Ellen 118 v a t tended the funeral Mrs. Verna Kelly is spending u Mrs. L. A. Zimmermnn and daugh. Car be on track in' ~r r~. S. A, Ell i~ died at her home ot' ha rles Tucker a t Harvoy~burg, couple of weeks in WnynesviUe. tel' wore shoPPing in Dayton,. todny. Fridny llJ,' terooOll. days~ " 0 11' Route ~ unday mo rning, April . Dr. Ellis Smith spent Thursday Mrs. Curl Henderson and son, Mrs. Lnura Ze ll sp nt Wedn esdny 3, n!ler nil illness of several years' with his vnrents, Mr. and 1\11'8. Cha!. George, were in Dayton, Tuesday. of Inst week with B friend nt Bell.Iurtluon. Th funorn] was held nt . brook. " her Inte home Tuesdny nfternoon. Smith. J . O. Cartwrig ht and fnmilY' spent MIllS leo Stncy sPllnt la t week .Burinl ill Minmi ~emctery. with h r siAters. r.1rs. Deartb She e- Sundny with fri4mds in pringfield. 11111. lind ~frs ...S: ic. '-roines. of near F. J. )look, ~ up 'rinto ndent of lhe hun linn Mrs. Russell Burnett. Mrs. W. H . A.lle n und Mi ~s Olive ~~lJ!;~ Vnlley, were In Waynesville Exchan~e Mr. nnel M r~. Willia m Brown vis- "lien were Dayt on visitors, to 4oy. Waynesville J'acldng ' Co.'s p lnnt, daughter a nd f nmily in ited t heir d.it'd CAriy aturdny mor ning at his Mr. J. H. Ha·mm is spending the borne in' South Lebnnon. Mr. 1Iook Dayton, Sa!.urday. MI'. and Mrs. Hnrold Willinm son had been ill about I\ve weeks nnd Mr . H . M. Olnrk was n Sunday vis- spellt the wee k-end with home fo lks. week in Colum bns wit h his son , F . . death wos due to heart t r ouble. The itor nt th e home 01 Mr. and Mrs. H. Hamm. Glenn Frye is out nfter being con{un ernl serVi e a nd burial \Ver o held Milton Sheehnn, nt Centerville. at Sou th Leunnon Mondny nfternoon. Miss Kuthryn Holl and, of New Mr. Herber t P ersley, 0 fnear Blue fined to the hou se for more than Burlington, spent ·l\1onday wi th EmBnll, visit d Mr. 'E verett Early, on month. .... Snturduy. . ogene Beckett. Mr. nnd i rs. Enrl Youn g and chilMr. and Mrs. Lee. Hnwke an~ . Mrs. baarlem - oU ' bas ' ~ a ' world-, Mr . nnd Mrs. Otto' Seibold, of 'Avdr n, of Dnyton, spent the week-end J . C. Ha,wke wue Dnyton VISitOrs, wide remeciyfor kidney, liver an" wi t h MI1I. Emma Lacy. Monday. ondale, Ciocinnnti, were guests ot' t S k IlaV e bladder diaorders, rheumatistn. Mr. a nd ,.. ,urs. W'l" I "er wan Miss Luella Williamson is spend- Mr. a.od Mrs. W . .0. Raper, Suodny. Jumba&o aDd uric add conditions! moved f rom the ThOmpson ~toperty ing a week's vacation with home in pnrt of the house with 1'! rs. Em- folks on Fourth I3treet. rna Foulks nnd ~o ns. Ac~o l'di ng to a ruling made at Co___--c' " Mr. Ilnd Mrs. John Kloh and the Mr. nnd Mrs. D. L. Crane. w,!lre lu mbus laat week. the Wnrren Coun- Intter's mother, 'Mrs.,Ellen Robinson, dinner gJil e'sts' of Dr. and Mrs • .,.. T. Original poems, the work of boy! ty commiSl!ion rs must pny '1,000 of Cinoinnati, were F riday guests of Wrig ht, Frid?y evening. . and .irls in the third and fourth 1r . nrld Mrs . . W. M. Coleman. rcward offered by them ~ or the argrndes of the city schools, are on exMr. and Mrs. N. A. King, of "est of the murderer or murderers Mrs. Guy Routzahn is ill with pneuf hibition ~t the Ashtnbula P ublic limonia: Her mothcr and fath~r fro1Yi dillnapolis, have been tho guests o brary. . !Sf ~nm es A. Benge. even If the guilty Tippeelllloe City, nre now car}ng for Mr. 'a nd Mrs. .Wlliter Elzey. The poems are bound into book persons were taken into custody he- her a nd t he ehildren. form by t he pupils themse lves !,lnd f or e the in crease f rom ,500 to $1000 1I1iss ClurabeUe Hunt nnd girl Mias Emogene Beckett spent the _ _• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . was advertised. friend oj Cedarville college, spent week-end at NE!W Burlington, the make a very attractive displny. " Many of the poems are unusually good. the Week-e nd with ~fr. and Mrs. R. guest ~f Miss ~uthryn Ho~hind. The ' comml ion rs first offerep ' a O. Miss Henl'iet ta McKinsey, primary gunt. . ' l'eward of $500 and advertisements supervisor .in the schools, is responMiss Margaret Marlatt retu;rned Mn. Kate Colclmim nnd Mrs. LeBtn. newspopers a nd handbills were sible for the clever nov~ lty, having to her school duties here, Monday, -tar Gordon spent Monday with the mediums used. On June '1 the after an absence of several weeks 'friends and relatives in Morrow. obtained the idea from t he HOl;'ace THEATER Week of April 2nd to April 23rd Inclullve' board d,cided to incrense the reward on account of illness. M.ann school at Columbia un iversity. . ,to $1 ,000 , and the sheriff wal notiShe put the plan in opera, t ion ' i n Misses Helen and Catherille Null, Dr, 'and M,l'Il. H:alph Vanee and son fied to 'make such announcement. of Lebanon were week-end guem of PlcaBllnt Plaih, were Sund.ay third otid fourth ~ide in the city On. June il, Ernellt and Charles dar of Mrs. Ad4a Burnett and Mrs. Ina guests of Mr. anti Mn. J. C. Hawke. district, with exceptional results.rison were arrested for t he crime, Ashtnbula Star-Beacon. 6:30 and 8:30 M: and later sentenced to the Ohio pen- Longacre. · M;r. and Mrs. Charlel HOUleI', 'of ' . . . itentiat:f; 'for tife by Judge W'illfrd . 'Mi:. and M.-rs. Fred Fill'k and fam- 0, leveland, spent the week-end at the of Kentucky, apen\:. Sunday with ily, The Higbest. ~ Quality Wright.. . . the latters .par nt,,; Mr. and Mrs. home of H• •B. Williamson and Hamell~' Fa~lft. Proseeutor' ,D onald Dilatush told George Gray. ~Dtertainment . . ' ily. State Attorney E . C. Turner that The childNn and grandchi1dre~ the sherifi' had not b'een able to anMt'. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas were Mias Dora Stiles is spendiq th~ gU\!.8ts/ of t he former's par. M d M R nounce the increue belo.,re the or- Sunday_ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fran.k Thomas, week 'Wlth. r , -a,n I'll. Jerry 'Mr.south· J : W.of'F ealy, gatheredtoathelp his 1........ iii.~Ii!I~ home Rarve)'1lburg, relit was made. . near Waynesville. :. en at their uew home In. Port Olin. Two persons from Columbus claim ton. him eelebrate his seventieth birth- -=~~=;~====~~~===~#~~;:;:::::;:::;~==~~~~,: , Mr. and It!,.. E ~ery 0 hal'Iewn 1'0• . day, 'on Sunday, April S. . The oeca- the reward,_both llI!IIerting that sian was In the nature of a surprise. ceived word. Thursday of t he birth Will St John Fred B. ,Henderson were informed .r.e~ding the a gtandsoD- Jlt the . home of Mr. dDT Cr " d d .,~- i A. wonderlul dln~er wa., serVed, cre1l8e in, the amount of the reward. of and Mrs. Frank Oharleton, at Mid.. ~n ...... ane atten e _on c dining Toom being lovely in Neither person Is an officer 'Wbose dletown. lI~spection at Mason last Saturday and ' white. Mr. Fealy was presentduty it Is to Bolve Bucb crimess, and nll\'bt. e(l with a. b~a!ltiful ar)D thalr given Mr. and Mrs. Elb~ Wallace .at\ " "" tbe lltat? attorney claims • .that the tended the .fune!al of M1'8. Ma1'lC!~ Miss Ida Gith,ms of Dayton and to him. 'by h~ s seven children; Thole eommiAsioners must pay the Boger at RlClg~vllle ,Sunday, and m litt' U" M "-:1 ...1-':'" I . present wet~, . Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gilamount of th'e reword offered. th veninII' visite4 Mr. Wallace~1I . .:e ""Rry a"I ..... , of Sp'-Ul5Ue d, roy, of .Dayton; John and _Lalur'en,ce rJ'ati:es. ' vlslted ' llrs.' Vern,a Kelly over tbe ----~~ . ~~.~'----~ F'ealy,of 'qncinnlltl; Mrs. R. • ·ci..l~ -n week-end. i Mrll. Ben Smith ana Mrs. ."oy den and family, of Clarksville; Bernham, of'-nellr-Gsborn, Mrs.. EllsDr. J. T. Ellill Mr. alid Mrs. Cbu. Lula arid Berda and Mr. Glenn worth Smith and daughter, of Day· EU ' T' . f ' s to-n:. spent WednesQa)' with, Mr. and ~ left uesdl!y ~o~~ng or t.. Fealy, at home. Mn Char~ell Smith. · . LOUIS, where they WIll VIJIlt Dr. ,Chas. ' -M d· • . Ellis and family. to 1Itl Mrs. Chll,rlq E. Mrs. Kesler Grllhl\m opened her . wero.. .Dayton viSito.rs, ·WednesWlY. , home, Saturday af~erno.on, to the Joe Andr~ws IBnd Ricbrd Hamil"Mr. and Mrs. Harold Graham'mov- members of the LadlP Aid. Th~ af- ton of Dayton s"'ent Sunday with ternoon WM pleasantly spent 11'1 a · : ' .1" Mm, C. A. Thompson Is .now work- business· anti .social meeting. ~e!~gr~dParents, Mr. and Mrs. G. u &,,'1n Spring Valley. • " .' Miss Beulah Coon, . ami ton.
.~ .
Barrels, Sacks an d 'B19cks will a few
'Waynesville Farmers . Co.
---_.- ---
Poems Are Displayed
7 "'0 Show. Dai/v
.'.- .
Birthday Anniie~la-ry
11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!i'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'~!!!!!~'I '
IS. DR,ESS-UP .TIME Artificial Easter Lillies for' home and auto vase decorations, each. , ... .... " Make the children happy witb Easter Baskett for candy. each . ..... .... . .
!u:,~:~~~. ~r~~'r ~~r. ~~S~~~~J
5C- :t:10C
5c-1 Oc 5c
•• • • •••••••••• • "
. nn
'many l or her speedy recovery. ' Mrs. Morils , MiHer, of ' tbe . ~e:rman farm, underwent an tlOo at MIami Valley 'hospital, dny. Sheds reported as d\>lng niceI)' nt t his time. .' I1aey Mr. nil d Mra. ·. W'lb I ur daughter, LouiB, "of Dayton, Saturday and Sundlly with' Mr. Mrs. ·Oharles Mullinex and , Mrs. rna Lacy. . h Mr. and MJ;S, C a1:le8 Johns and Mr. and Mr\!. Wa1ter Kenrick were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cast, at WaynesviUe, on Tuesday evening of last week. . ,
W. H. Allen, J'. O. Cartwright 'a nd J. W. White 'att-ended a meeting of the Banker's Il8SOchition at Lebanon Monday_ ev~nlng. . \ Mrs. Lon Titull and Rosemary M.r . d Mr W'll Ph'U ' nn , _ s. I I ips spent .S!lnday with Mr. and M~. John W. Cast tmd son, at ClarkSVIlle. Mi'. and Mrs. Will St John and dljughter saw ," I.ullaby Boys," Ford d GI t th Leb a.n . enn, a . e anon ' pera house, Friday IUjght. \ Mr. an'd Mrs. 4Dharlef,l Parlette Ilnd Delight Williams!!>n of Dayton were d' ~- f M' _ ' Inner guea.... ,0 r. and , Mrs. Walter Janney, on Sunday.
Mr,and Mrs: L. T. CObPe~ anu Mr. and 141'8. Olyde Wharton and .duughters, ~IT. and Mrs. Edd Long- Mr. and Mrs. Harold WiUlamson Dcre; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones, Mrs. t S d lt h th . ts M ' .--~~_ _...;.:.._ _~ . ... ............ Kesler Grnhalil and daughter, heard spen un ay w ' . ell' paren, r. Ford nnd Glenn in Lebanon Ft:lday and Mrs. H. WIl1iall180n. '. Remember your friends with. an . . evening. ,. . ' . Easter Greding Card, each . .~ ... ... , . . . . . . . . . Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Williamson, of There . will be no church . who have been spending here next Sunday, the eOln2'1'elllati4)n bei ng invited ~ to the VYiIliamson home, reSundny service at \the to Clevelland, Saturday. church, Sunday aftenioon. school' will be at 2 o'clock -We DeUver. .T he Womanls Auxiliary Will mee t time. . , o, n ' Friday aftea!toon, Ap'ril 8, ~th . Waynesville, Ohio . Mrs. Clnude Lewis wa/l called: to Mrs. W. H. Al~en and' Miss. May ''''-'';''-'';''---~---.-..;..--._ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _...._,,' Hnmilton Friday by the death Qf 'her WrigM at the borne of ltfrs. Allen • . lnther, Alfred Hurley, at; t he home of her brother. The Lewis family Mr. Ilnd . Ml'II. L V. Brnnstrator, went to .Hamilton; Sunday, . and. Mrs. Mrs. ·. J. C. Hawllce and Mrs. Myer Lewis attended t he funeral on Mon' at 'Berea, Kentu~ky, tlie fonn er Hyman attende~l Easte11l Sta)- , iri~ 'When the cream is' s~pnnlted the hard work is day; home of .Mrs. Hurley; • . , 8P~ction at Clar ksville; Tuesday evening. " _ _ __ • ...0 - - - -
1c-5c 1C
Corwin Grocery •
Why ' should ~y producer sell his cream to a stati9n . buyer and lose $1.00 out of every . , ' $10.00 when he can so ~asily put that extra Dairy Dollar into His Own Pock~t by SHIPPING DIRECT. TO ,
The regular m ,e~tlng of St. Mary's Guild will , he hl,ld . at the home of Mrs, Harris and Mrs . . Mosher, on Thursday afternoon, April 7th, 'at The Ladies Aid met at the church 2 o'clock. parlors on Thursday. Miss Fannie Ohan~y is the .guest , Mr.. Verna Kelley and. Mrs. Id'a Githens were hostellSes at luneliMn of relatives in Fayett,1! county. S. Graham, Mn. Tuesday to Mrs. The W. F. M. S. met at the home Kate' Coleman, Mrs. Eva Miller and of Mni. Mnrtha Jones, on :Wednes- M~ M.ame . ~r!lwn. ~. . day.. . .. : . . '. .,
Mrs. J. C. Plcjdn; of D.aytpn, Is the Mr. a~d Mrs. F. R. Moom~w atg uest of her mot het:, ¥rs. A. H... Har- tended the funerlll of MIsa .Elltabeth .lan. . " T~ompson ) allt 'wee~ Many "Way:The H 'S · faeulty pleaaantly ' et.peQPle Ilcne~ }Jlss ',Thomptcrtalned . th~ ' hallltetball teams at' · 6 son as "Aunt"Liule." ',,( o'clock dinner ,Friday eveniol'. Play'. ers .who had ' played 16 quarters durth\! osea8\>O, were prll.ented' ~th sweate~. The. evening, was a.. veb' :enll,DIAvti>n jo'Yable o~e< . ',\
C/@'~. fi
Hardware and M:achiner, Waynelv.ille, Ohio
----.IIIi.·-· -....-......
,.P .· M.
Seventy-Ninth Year
Mr. Teagle, presiden t 01 New Jer· soy StandsTd Oil, warns oll men they are cutting their own throats, This country is' treating the nation's oll wealth Bft unilltell igently ae fron· tiersme n treated the herds of bison .T he bisons 800n vanished. ,
Oil is actually being soid for leu than it coats to produce, cheerfu l for buyers, but it will not last. Millions are spent de'Veloplne new wellll to increBlle competition while 01\ compllniea are carryin g 630,OO~,000 barrels of oil stored above ground at"an annual COlt, Tou and waste of ,180,00 0,000. --The country 's nationa l 011 wealth 115' not rperely private wealth. ' It Is a great nationa l uaet and a way should be found to give oil product ion some nationa l control Ilnd atop waste You' are told ,many thlnP prohibit ion, for ,rid agai1lllt. Davldaon, writing from
~:::~~ t~~f::!~t =-~;.~ dren's ,hoea has inereu-
.....,.1., .......
, ,,
Miasl1dtn~j~\a~ar~at~~~~erElIsabeth EASTER SERVICES
The Senior clUII baa started to work In earnest In .prepar in, their annual dUll play. :Aa there were 10 many Seniors that one good plsy could lIot e found to include evc'r y ·one, an excellen t play wu cho. se" and two cuts were made. Tlte , "Cousin s," Is a three.ac t comwith plenty of humor and 1'0rrumce. The first cast consi.ta of: Doiris Blair, Clyde Everhar t, Tlierle Jon ell, Vernon MalnouB, Howard MIB slldlne, Carl Conner, Violet Bopn, Faith Tomlinson, Elsie. Brad~ury, Lucile Tucker, Amelia Oarr, Martha NlcholB, Florenc e Crone, Amy · ·Hop. klns. The second cast is made up of: Bert O'Neal1, Luther Hartsoc k, Vel'· non MaIDou·. , Therle Jonca, Howard
Tile r~la'r meeting of the man'a' , A"X1l1atir was held on aftenloo n, April 8. at the " Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mn. ~IleJ1 IlIsa May Wrieht, hoa~ues. Mrs: E. L. Thl'mu ollened meeHp• •'by reading ~"e, 26th of Matthew and condue~d votlo"at lervjce: Sllriptu rel Cl~ta. were eiven In relpons e to roll At the c10se of ~.he busin.. . tbe following prorram of interspe rsed with Victrola was given: , . the Gan:l.n ...(;!. • • , .~ ... . , .... . Victrola St: Andrew '. Hoaplta l, Wuslh" .............. Mrs. Will Grallalll "The Eztenil ve and Intentlv . United nuk ~,ting" ..,.... Mra. J. E, ...... f . CIt. -~ , rom ... .. ~boo1 .,,:...... , ....,JIIrL D. L.S~e ' Low, .S welt ~t, and ; o~em Golden Slippera' .... Vlctrola ~ring the dilllahtf~ ~~I hour daliit, reftealUn.enta wen served .by the hoatetaeli luisiecL by MUll Olive AIJen. .. i . ~ , ,~ . ,T he fol~"«Ins visitors w,, ," entl Mn. ' ~I V. ~1'D~ of clWth )(n. Ethan Crane, of Mrs. ~ . Ada. . ' lira. \ lIere\ Mrs. '1. .r.;! •Hartacick, lira. , , Dalin ·aild IIW· Latie Va~' , ~ -.. ,
,. :
S·' WAll I ISS MELL.IE ,n . ,.
' .~ ' .'CLUB . ..
Alice 'Moo re ElIi, _
er, Ada W. H. s. hal ltarted a There ere sevenl smaller but the laraest and most tlO'll to the collecUon Is the knee joint and part of.,the mutodo n. 1"'-e an extinct species of elephan t. It iii ao:ut helfht and' the 0 :~:!:«~~o:~r~~~ ~~!!~ earn. proportionate toreat ita he\pt. I th b f b Let'll aU pull to"ltbe r and cet !\P, n~t e a sence 0 Mr. ex- and Pennliyivania wen the·, center . platn rreater ..vinp and more . ~Il· of their rovina rround. . Thll p~rt. dren', ah.,..: which I, In the lehooi library wall near Clrclevill •• It IB 30 Inchea In ciroumf erence. __ •
iState. Caoita.1l I hom the
Dean. 'eltt~~lon foreste~ o~
The' WaynesviIl nine were; C. Everhar t, c; W. Turner, Ib; M, Marlatt, 2b; H. BerryhiIl, 8b; W. Long, p; L. Hartsoc k, as; H. Mi88ildine, rf; T. Jones, cf; M. Schuler , If. Wed· nesday afternoo n the High school nine wi\) play Bellbro ok at Bellbrook
came!" '. '. Evervbo dv will .a....ee cent .;:ore ~oea · f~; chlldr.n , biDed wIth larcer "ViDIS posita, Is a . n c ·arrume nt for hlbiticin, Uaumln c thoae thin,. . . be rHUlta of prOblbltion. , . . o dif h lte~ol~th~: th~ :v~ra:" t e
Whole Numb er 6748
W. H. S ia again comine into the limelight of foreign athletlc;.. Last Friday afternop n the local High school boys battled apinst the Ht,h boys of Lebano n in .n Interscholastic baseball game. The Waynosville boys were very doubtfu l of succese as Lebanon nine has games scheduled with Steele, Stlven and the U. D. Preps, of Dayton. A, the game progressed, however, the boys gii'thered hope, and at the end of the last inning there wa. a standing. Bcore of 7 to 6 in favor of W. H . S.
" Henkle, Sara Mluildi cent per ' annum lince pn)hibltlon CluIndler, Anna Roland,ne, Gertrqd e Edna Shan-
Sqrave , BriU.h ~ea~ the world's autOmobile. record lut 'Week, Bylne ' 'Over tb. I!Iln~ ofyDayt;Ona In Florida at a IJNled ~tft , 1118 mUes an Hour; HII nciD. car, the • "Mystery. $i" lo~klng like " I1Ib. .• rine on land. br 9 k• ~. A.~erican reCord by ten miles an hour. an achieve ment intareatintr, but not useeul, No automobile 10 fully 1,66 mllea an bour. or 100 an hour. ' Up In ·tlte , alr~ where t~. ,road 1I wid •• is the ,pla , lie 10~ re~· lpeed,. , • 'At ' Lyons In ' Geoqrla, Dlen ' on trla~ for lddnapp ing a~d ftomng the ~v. E . .' J. Jones Jr .• :wo~ · bo~k: qne had a pistol, anotber . w~v'ed;a ,lWo d. .They ~ld 'Mr. Jones th.y did not' approve hll lII<1rel conduct , drov. ldm oft In a car. ~~d ~Im down, beat him With " l..the~ atarp. The , cle.J"8Y1n&n lI'8I! aet. free, I road e\t1(lnar Must · Be.'" had ' prayed 'most lInulUaL
On Sabbath mom:~ng, April S, the
A t1!!O~,~' lIdeemer Ll
.f::: t:!: ~: d
. 'I ra B Wi'-vea.. ......... . ....0
Baptism of . . .•..Hymn ......." ..,.......... Sermon -"The Witneu to ity· .... " ........... " ..... " .:.......... Palter Hymn .... ...... . ,.,," . .... do~gatia.l EVENIN G ' 6:'6 p. m.-Epw orth Leque a.... MIsa Lucil1e~ st John; leader. '1 :SO-Th e cantate, "The Nazaren e, by Charle.. Gabriel, will be given by the choir, , .' , St. Ma~. EpllcopaJ C:"'n" Good Frlclay, "prll ,~ from 12 noon to 0 c oct.. Easter . Day. April 17--Cb ureh schOol' at ~ :46; At 101 o'cloek. In eonnection With the ENter festival aero vice a special . ..mee will be held whe~ the.,pMMntation of die L'llte'n is made. ' . mUllc .prorram of the chureh follows: ' I I"J Cb \at is ProC;ClIII o~,a esUI r . RlBen ................ ,............. ..W . organ "Christ Our Pauover " .......... Chapple Kyrle md' Gloria Tibl... ..... ...... Gower Offertory Sol~ .. _.: .......... ."Allelu lla" . Mias Ellie Hawke.' . Te Deum .. ,.. :: .... :..:..... : . nudl~,.. Buc\t Communion Servic:~ .. ,...... ~ .. .. , q.,wer Receui onal-"C hriat the iI Risen" ......... ,.. ... ..... .. ... ..
. , ' Th. Ferry a..rcIa .f CJarla't , The best attelldU ee y.t. wu nt to enjoy the Bible' Day Done mill ~'e . EUter C t 9'80 a. m Euttm ' Eom.e I:" the chUdnn 'and aei'xe):'e ,Y ... !'qOD. . 7 '80--80 ·~e. Evenlnc n~n .. DI:el.;~'Give , sermo
~~t:~a 'b~t ::c~:!~g g::~t~rom the Clan will also emonstr ate
Prepa red by Colum bua 1- ep' rter
. .~~~....... ...,...~ •••••• •• . COLUMBUS, OHIO-C onfereZ :ee. which may have an Importan~ beat'Ing on the Republican campal p ill Ohio next year have been held 'at the White H.ouse in Wa8hlngton recently, and while very little of what transpir ed has found Its way back to Columbus It 18 \mown that varlous candida tes were diBeuned. Attending the· confere nce were Carml A. ' Thompson, . of Cleveland. and WaIter F. Brown, of Toledo. 1I0th . are pretty well versed on Bueke:)'8 politics, and the meeting with Pr_ ident Coolidge, may be said to have been the prelimin ary lltep towUdJ the 1928 campaign in Ohio. No 'on. doubts but what Coolidge wanta an __ other term and the senators hip candidacy of 'Simeon D. Feu is equally certain. The choice for governo r is the one big point, and if pouible contests such as prevailed In both 1924 and 1926 are to be avoided. It Is going to be a mi,hty hard job for Waabington eo make the selection of the next Republican candida te fol' governo r, but other Ohioans are to visit the WhIte ~ouse "accide ntall,.' and when these confere ncM have been completed, mayoe the polltlce l situatio n, as regards the Rep.bll can party in Ohio may be clarified, and then maybe. it will be more compllcated than ever. It is goin. to be Interest ing to w:a~h from thla dilltance at least. . '
method for setting out young
ATII THE CHURCHES ::~~ri~fo~~nc~E~u:~a~~:tt~: .. . ·Beautif
. MelllcHliet E.I~ C:...~ Eaater sernc.. at the Method ist Ep1acopal cburch: . uORNI NG 8t30 a. m.-Sun rlse Prayer meetInc aDd brealdu t. b)' the Epwort h Leacue ; 9:16 a. In.-Sun day .achool. IJIftW procram , given by the ebB.I--n 10:80 'c hureh aerYiee: ~ ... , , H~n ............. ........ ..... Conrnc att01l
Jo'. W. the , State Agrlc.ultura.1 Col!ege and Experim ent S.t atlon. Win · assIst ty Agent Class in 3 forestry planting demons tration ~t' Butterw orth farm, owned by Mr. Foster, and locate4 0'Il the east side of the Little Miami river, about one mile south of Fo~· ter Station, Friday, April 16, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. The objcl!t is. finJt, to show .the proper methods used in plant. ing forest trees, and, second, to arouse interest In tree planting among farmers who have rough and eroded land; and, third, to empha. size the importa nce of a farm wood· land, and show .how it should be properly cared for. As there are hundred s of farm! in Warren county with 80mewhat rough and eroded sections, owners of all such farms should be interest ed in this tree planting demons tration. Agricul tural leaders an economists recommend that 8uch otherwise waste land should be made to pro· duce a profitable timber crop, all of which will be fully explained at the meeting Friday. With the land valuation and taxation , Bcre should be made to retw:n some revlmue. Posts, timber and wood for fuel should be considered lUI a source of income on mapy farms. Mr. Dean · is likewise with county agents in other countie l of Ohio holding similar tree planting demonstration!!. Two million trees are being supplied for practica lly free of charge, State Forest 1fIUl'sery, this ApprQximately 300 farm owners 66 counties are receiving these trees. At Mr. Foster's farm, Fri· day, Mr. Dean will not ·onlf explain
It Is hardly pouible >in Ylew of the flnanclal e01ldltlOn of tha State' treaaurY any drutle .~
SAYS THIS WEEK ~netih!n~~~~t~~:s !~8t;r.~~iq :~~orka~: p~~~;a!.r::.-::t
': ul Crouing , caUed ' neath, , the- vario~s conditions prevaili ng when neV: roads are . bunt 'they which ia God'l grel~teat tendern ... , • through out thIS ~ction of the state. be much "I~el' than th()!le. bu~will to l:IIanldnd. III Y••lerda,. Good To'd.,.. EYlI . ~esident qoo~ldge recently desput. And just as certain, II th, You are not dead, Ufe has b\lt aet Ignated April ~~ 80. as that many mUea of the :preMll you fre.' . Advanc ement Is not a giant stride; Forest Week, in to the belief that no highway system wJll ~"e· to ..~ ~t You hate but paued be)'Otld wbere It Is a Bight of stairs.. othe~ of our inttetrnhal Pthroblrel1llh 'b~litaof ened within a few '1earL . Then u:e n ..el The k . i t greater momen e e a 1we ca main market ro~da In Ohio whieJt .' . way we ma e progren s no tlon of our forests.an " The moveme nt will allow more tIi&n two Alice Moore EllUl, daughte r. of by jum~s, bpt by steps; not automa by colng was Ilnt given omcial endorse ment bUn to tnvel .ide by .aid.. With :,:mea Allen an~ BfIle M~~~Ylfrom e!ll to gOQd, but by golnc from by proclam atlqn n of Presl~ent Hard· each year .hoG" increaaed tn8lc oore, wa. one 0 ,,!' am y 0 e Q.vU to lesser evil , lng, In 1921. daugbte rs born t:o thLa union in 1D forestry of automo bnel and more 14rre b S th _ vii f ' toda ·· . b th hu now becomeInterest more general ; .the ton, County, OhiO. One tdater, Clmi n ' 6_" wider \,I-bwa - • Em· 0 e e y may e e IB back of .the projects and es b ma Moore King, of.. Californ ia,· sur· dlsc8rded good 0of y!!sterda elL _g , 0pen ..... 1 . . . . . , y. one hundred org8'l1iaation'1 are must De conltruc ted or tiafIIc eleJay. vives her. . . Slavery is an evil not counten anced :~a~au Ot~:r On th':':: Septem rh='ber 28, ~ 1882. she "as In an'" civilized land today. Yet united in marriq e to Samuel Ellis atI Foster's # th i -=-~-""::":::""':";"':''-::-"'>:'i'"'''' a • ~I..a.I W and there came to bleaa thlI home, one tim!! it was, good. . III e mpprance ~ f -"d 00' . ........ ""' . . was a ~e the . on y on., ~ ar· and George F. Schleik iler, · atate clJ:. six chIldren three boys and three tinct moral advance . over the old c~unty this Iprlng, 10 everybo dy rector of Ohio, hai for mon girl.. Two '\If the beloved sons liTe- practice . of murde~lng I~ thaD cold bloo.d Interest ed should attend. two years b841n urginc count)- C!O~-' ceded this mother ' to dreamless aU ,captive s taken in warfare . •- • to buUd ihem wider. im4 siMp. There remains the husband fighting i~ looked upon one Ion three dauchte rs and oD.e an PrIze with IOm,e IUCCeBa. 0( C'O_. It 'evil now and almoat all of rrandch lid to bear .th!B pangs of costs more , to build a wJcle h~way ,tates have law~ aimed to prevent it. • . than it doel a narrow one, . . wWa entlon. But, ~ c;entury ago prize ftahtlng , the .,reaen.t ahortac e of faCIa, not I have known and loved Alice El- was a distinct advance over the bru· a goodly number of. years. In tality of the sports of former mUCh. il .rolnr to be dOll.e In the ..., of new construc tion. but III 'futUre home abe was a loving wife and Even such a fight as one in times. 1826 ' there wi11 probllb l, '" few. · A. kind and generou s neieh ~~en two me~ foug)it for 75 Jeue W. Burton, electrici an of tender, undel'1ltanding friend. Wlth naked flats .and the lose,r ~uUt, but what ,,hospitality WIUI e.x tended be put to. bed With 60 leech!!! 011 him. plumber. died at his home on Main be of ~eD' itreet Satllrda y morning , AprU 9. to atrll'lleer as well' all friend be. was a step up. from t~e . 8pectac~ all requirem enta of . e. MI'. Burton. had been.• in the · "preMnt and future generailoD&. her roof a ple'a sure not soon such · as throW,\ng feroclolJ) dogs Infor Some time and about a to be fOl1rotte~. , to a lion:s cage and watchin g them betore bis death went to DeFor 69 yean, '1 montha and 10 tea~ eacli othe~ to pieces " which had troit to consult a specialist. After Bootleg eine in the .u1e. of ~ ~ clayS ahe knew life'l joy., its sor- delighted the people at a previou s a coune of treatm.e nt he returne d works I, to continue III ~o. roWl, Ita pe·n. and ita compen... date. or . tlo~ Now the liah't of her pres- Some of the supersti.tions ."hlch' home In a v.ri weakened condrtioD ~ever&l years country ro , 8IpeOwhich gradual ly becl\me wor e lelly t:'ear the Iarcer: citilll.~"~ ence on earth is paused, her days' were connected .with r4)\lgion in the the end came Saturda y momln i. th stands work Is done. fiUed ' rb paet are now eVlla and repel men of He had been ~ residen t ot Way. era, ana a t1 kinde where of fil'fWo . mar grea~er Inte11igence In,tead of frilrbt in '1900 in h r to be purchas ed. The we .. ban_ .Ieep ~eJ:l beloved. aning them Into good conduct. I tall sd:k Your .low 4ul~ baa fallen; They are an evil DOW, bilt at one n8 I ~r la te eh~,::u:,f .~he ew: ter in the cities. but one can ..11 aU ~ find a market for just ., ou~de dI~ We need not fear tonfaht. d time for more primitive people Death is 80 'genti~lrk will break. they kept from doing wrone whom a~Of ia ~ ~:\lty In hi. profession city limits. An effort " .. 1ucI" to Jene ~::tO: ~lll be rreatly miSled stop the lIaJe ent~el1, an!! ' the to dawn. bID , were a good . Love will. be safe 'until the mornlne had many frienda In the lee\alaWl'e. Duellln lP ' 'today Is a crime. At In ~e commun Ity. HI•' wif 11 htl e, .. ~ne but it was finally killed, ... and all on. d b ' It dauahte r, four sonl and a granw>OD h t d to pen up g one time It wu a goo a ere,,",. ecause survive. . , Sleep ~ell, good niahtl as 0 0 0 , was an advaDce over put cl1ltoms The funeral service conduct ed by atand .is to get ~he lo.tlon ,aDd I Good mghtl . It ,ave. both parties a"'alr chance Rev. John J. Schaeffer, St Mary', to a point where the ..~ Cora A. Thompa~n. Instead of 'bellllf a cowardl y assail- EpIScopal church. wall of held a~ th, ~Inda of dancero us firewor sinatlon . It aublltituted honor for home Tuesday afternoo n and wu Illegal. ambusc ade and 10 at tbe ~ime tended by a very l81'8e number We ~k our kind nelchbo rs • a lltep ahead. 1 friencJ8. . . The annual dlstribntlcm of blWou for comlne to olil' hom~ . Today we ~ve laWl ... nst beat- . Among tbe many he,utltu l of fish · bas been lltarted by D. O• . " with~... AllIo, Dr. mg Wife beaters are .janed tributes wu a lal1re piece dveD ~y Thomps on, . chief O.f the ftab · ~cI' • "" ~d Inis atrureIe s '!I and wives. deatt "Itb summar ily. Yet a the buaineu men. gam~ divlalon,> departm el!t .of. .pt,. '. her o,f pain and ~1'. In England .wife beating Burial wu In Miemi cemeteno. cultlin!, and t1!.e., ;laryre trucb WID 'his '' kind I worda and t~e .right of a ~ua. _ ~. Iy,npat, hl; Mr, and. M1'I. WaWn i each . of the 88 e.ollllA man nught beat hlB Wife for their flne muio. W. also great ~ work, hal bHa, all Ipch.of he):' life and go unThe .. ~ \ few moJit,lla . Walter' ~d . J·iune. . . 10 lonc 'u . Ihe didn't die. their Idndn_ andl care. We can ~een eapeClan, aultfble for th. If alie died he Will treated' u a hatcIJlng of yoanr ftab, and ,til. not brinc her, back. bat' w. can aU murdere r. ' . .' ,. . . . A~nua) Jnapect ion ' of , tributiOJl'. to streama of the State~ go to ·her for ' whIch we ' are all TJ1&t cOlldltlo n 9f -'fa . irs II bard Lod(e 'No.;, ~68 ~.~. . thankfu L yee,r ·wi1\ be the IarC~ _In till' JiIjt: _. unders?'n~ today. , But it ,l fU an at a sp~. tory of the State ftslt ~d game en. Samuel A Ellla over the , past whenl In . evenii)g. AprU 19" , vision. 'Large ' trucks u~n ,mIati TUik~y•. the husj)a.~1;L had . L. ,B,atllll. of H!UD~to~,I.n~ specially , lI~ell ca~ hoJdm. · po~er of .lifemd dea~ oyer, the officei' .of . the Second ·-D1S· from' 1,000buUt to 5,000 y~nc flIh ''aN , D\atea of hlB ~m. , I • be pr.~t. " ~or~ ..i~, the being used for ~ti' flrat t;bn~ .- ~', It ia u true\tha t IW'd of M., .d~. • '" ,.. • m~y be ' the eVi\ of . ' D~~er win ~C! I~~ I!rol!l~t11 :~:~;~~~i~5i~ IIIgoo~tl\atof the the .put. evU 'of.. , e:30. are ; Sojo~ i~1ylnvlte ~tilre ltors c;ordlal d. ~ .and The .teat of' the iii ' ._ ". ' . Ulu,,'.llo,IrJ~ ....uMlICJsJl1dJI.1l< there;\ar e eVila or n~~ . , ~ T'uiilda:,\ eJ: thoae .'rilI ~ are !e.. ~ 01' ,·I1'1. . . .r I than. lh. ' 00111 In' the p~i; ~}aeUl.r I Ilj'c~~et<UJ\" the, .~.; a ~p. up or ~own. ,
f t . . . . ." ' .
'i;ii~ : J
" .
I '
.~~ .
A B.r.ai a f ot 'a Woman
At Xnst End" pu ke in low, t ones. " What do you exp cl to do with me. r le 1" . "Wo shall Mve t o II wblll o"er i.! beat for o.urself," , I mannJZ:ed t 1\1\sw~r. "That will b e dctermined , Iten we reac h th e stage line, I ~ UI1pilHC." , "Thank you I Once a l t he stage line and 'I sball contrive. You nl)lS ha e no t hough of mc. I unde rstnncl very well tha t we shoul d not Im vel t llr in compnny- and you mny n ot wish ' to go in my dir cuon. You hay plaqs of your O~l1." "None f uny great monlent. Everything has fail d me, to dnte. here is on ly the one r Ia e left; ew York state, wher e r came fr om." " You have one more place than I ," she r ep1i d. ~'1r ~oice h!ld 11 quali ty of defin ite timll tton w hich nettled, bum bl d. lind Isolated me, as if l lacked in SOIl! C es ent ial ,to a standurd !!Ct. ' Well, at honle YOll will live comf ortably. You will cd to weal' no b I~ weapon . The police will protect you. 'You can marry the g il'l n ext. dool'--or ,even take the eh anee o.f
··Hadn' t wo h tl \. sl I' ?'" 'l'hnt WBll ' n curiou!l .... ~ e nl'l alio n , WI;en '1 stared about. uncoinpr eh end ing, an. viow wal;! shu t off by u , hile D s.~ \' ~i1illg the moon ohove lind tho ('nrt h I clow excont immediul 1)1 untl crn nth ill Y mule's hoo£. "W hal's the Illaltcr ~u 1 a sked . " The fog. 1 don' t know wher e \ e nre/' •. h! I had n't noticed ," " I don' t t hin k t here's II ny use ill riding on ." she said. " We 've lost our bCIlIin~." "Yes, we' d better stop wher e we a rc," I agreed. "Then in tb e morn Ing we cnn lake stock." She SWIlllg off before ( had awkwlu' cil ~' cilsmoulltcd to help he r. R ei' limbs fai led- my o w~ were cla mped by sliffness---nncl sho lItllggered alld colla l)sed wilh e litt Ie laugh. " I'm li r ed,~ she confessed, "W a i~ just II 'moment." " \" ou Illy where )IO U a re ," 1 or· der ed . stagg !'ing also, li s I hastily landed, "l'lI mllke ca mp·" B\1t she wo uld have n one of th at; 1)lcnrled, my one·h:\ndedne8s ond ins ~tc d up on coope.rutinj! ut the mules T h anima ls werc sUlKed out, fe ll to nibbling. 1 sough t a spot for our beds i laid down 11 bu ffo lo robe for h er au d placed her sad elle as her pilloW. he SlInk wit h 0 s ign, tucking her skirt
hll1<e of hend. T be Slime wal'ninll' In a moment I henrd voices. They we re indisti nguishable exept a vocal Munds. " I've been hearing them somt1 Ii tli e while," s'he wh isner d. " A d llm' ~ me n trailing us? " " T hop e n ot .." she .g osped, in sheer aj!ony. "II we migbt only know in time'" S udden Iy th e fog w as shot with gold ,ns lhe un fl ushed in. Graduallv t hr earth appeared in glimpse.s "'!'here t" Rho whispered, pointing II Loo k l They are Indillns. We must get awny hefore t hey see us." W worked rapidl y, br idling and saddling while t he fog rose wit h a Ill CLl snred stl'llllin ess. " HlIrl'Y I" she bode. The whole desert was a golden ho7. c when, havi ng packed, we climbcd aboard, The f og li ngered in potches. From patch to patch we t hrea.ded, with muny a g lance. over shoulder, At last we came to -o r ough outc.rop of r ed so,!dston e, loo mi ng rudEd no qu ickly hy on our rIght. swer ved lur it. '''Th e best chonce. I see nothin g else," she muttered, "We con tie t he mules undor cover, a nd wait. Wc'lI 8urely be spied if we keep on." In a mom ent we hnd gained t he r efu ge. The scu lptured rock mass-
budc me listen.
:;~I dje~t1~~d t~~O~e~tO~lp,a~:~~r:~ds~~~
We tied t he m ules shoTt, in a n ook a t the r ea ri and we ourselves cr awled in, until we loy snug amidst the shadowing bu ttresses with the desert vis lll opening before' u s. ' We ~d bun j u" ~ ti mL Round ing n kn oll ~ he re appeo red a ti l~ of mounted fig Ur es, Indians un· mlsto ku bly. "A '. /{ ft ~'l S' I thO k " 0• •y 100 U X, In, she !mid."r •p'Don't they corry scalps on. ~hnt fi rst lance? They' ve been rUld mg the stage line. Do you se e ilnr, ,squaws ?" • 0 ," I hazal'ded. "All warriore, I ~~oul d g uess." All warriors. But sq uaws would be O'~Oth~; cantered i Indeed, seemed to be di verging from ' our ambu8h an d making more to tbe west. And 1 had .hopes that, after all: we were
"H.'~ (ouad it!
fOllud il l" .he a nno!ll nced, lb' a Uttle wail.
the oDe ' IIcross the street, her I,orentaie . b lo.g ,c omme il faut ., 'l our children 'Will love to heal! of the rough mtll ..whacker trail--y,e~ , you Will' have grliat tales but you will not not--m on ti~n that y~u killod 0 man whQ> ~e d kill You and then ro'd e f or a nit h witb a strange woman alo.ne at your atlrdp l You r course ia tl;Ie lale cyurse. By all means !f;aie it Mr. J)eeson." ·' , \ "That;, I , sholl do, madilnt," I retorted. " '~b e W est and I have not a greed. ,I wish to God I bad neve.r seen It.o-,I . did n Qt conccive that · 1 aIiould bave til take a hum nn lif eb ecome like a n ,outlaw in he night, r iding for r efugn-:..." And I chuked Jlasaionate!y. "You deserve mucb sympathy," she Temarkea: • . I 1apse~. ~t() turbulence of vo ice l~s l1'age ..at.,myaelf., . Fo.t: • l(ime our mules plodded with Jlund,ry , !It:l9.r~ . I\nd s1;l1r.e8 as · if t hey werll seerng portentS In the moonJlbinl!,. J!lventun lly ·their imaginin ga ~duUf(J, so"itha b they ,no w, moved care~eas o.f wher or 'vhy. · I I could n ot but be aware 'of my eompanloft. Her halr -g1inted' palely, 10r !!he ro.d o bnrehe\lded ; flter Mol': .Dlon gown, tightened under her as Ehe 'sat a tr i de~ revealing' tile lines of iter bo.yI !!~. li mns . " " be was a WOlllan, in any guise I 'Bod IJ~. b6,inl!' , a .mu, prote.a t her J :sboula, ,as fAr as necessary I I f ound • m yself ."1.i hing that w e .~ ould uptu rn . 1I0mctlllng l!l clllla~t . to talk about l The dro.orung round of my though ts ;:revolved bVlll' and ,o.ver/, 'ond [ dozed, JIIlld kept 80zing nnt ll she spoke_
Dod'll' her, lind I folded the over. F1 er face gazed up ot m ei .she ex· tencie(l' her. hllnd . ' . "You Ill'\! v\!ry 1Ond, sir," she suid, .in n smile th at pothetlcally curved bcl' 'lilll!. There, at IJIY k.nees, she looke d SQ lorn, ao slight , 80 childiah . 80 ' in n eed of encourngeme all Willi well and thnt she had a to serve hoI'. thDt with rush Budden sympathy 1 1 could have kissed her, u,pon fo rehead, if not upon th e lips selvCR. I It an imp ulse well-nlgb ovel"muster ing i an impulse that must havQ duzed me 5 0 thllt she 811W or felt, f or a tinge of pin'k s wept into her ~ki n ; sbe withdraw b er hand and settled composedly. ' . "G o od~night. Please sleep. In tho morning wc!' U reaclr the stage ·roa d Hnd yo ur troubles will be n ear tbe ene1." , 'Upon my o~ robe ' I lay f or Jong t im!) debatmg over what migh t bave ,done had I uctually ed her , to comfort her. Dani el had been' dfspos cd of, MontoyO d id not dese.rve heri I had won her, sho could inspl re a rid guide me if I stoyed; a nd r saw myself ing, and I saw myself g Oing. and I alreody r egretted a host th i.n~s, os a man will wb en a t tbe tor:k lng of the trpll~ . . When I IIwakene!l we were still ensllr \luded by ~he 'fleece of f og. As I "lIzed, sleepily about I could see E~ll n's eyes were o.pi!n. She looked al; ' ' , • she warned, with
KOKOMO t~ see our line , of Kokomo ~nd . Posts ~fore buying.
It will pay you
Call us for your Seed Oats.
Conkey's Chick F ,e eds We have a Full Line of Conkey's -'Buttermilk .' :'. Starting and Growing Feeds. "
"''-~''''''~ ~'"'''''''''''~~'''''''''....''',,'''''''''''''''''''...'''''''"",,,,,.
FIII• •~
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---NEW SUITS p ' a n' . • . ·1l''!1 . Ki ng, F'Tod Kmg and Ro.bert IGng hnve brought s uit against J. F. Duffy fo r t he recovery Qf $278.
0 D
1==== ===;:..'OJ:::lOI'====:ic 0
against Bessie Basor e et aI. ' A G I . • I . S G I nna a OVICIiI. fI sumg teve a ovich f 0 1' d Ivor ' '.1 ce on grou nw> o~• gross ~eglcct. . A dIvorce, SUI t has b cn entered by Le Vern e Wlrigbt ngainst Danzie Wright on char!~es of gross neglect. . Myrtle IIlarie D wlr~ has brought fOI J I\' or ee ltgaingt .Earl ' E. Dwire .on grounds of gl:oss' neglect. PROBATE PROCEEOINGS . I ' A z:epon of Robert J. Shawb.a n. administrator of' tbe estate o.f Geo. W. Grim, waa approved a nd eonflnned: Mory ' E ., Snooo<, •. wId ow o.f· ~e late Alber~ L. Snook, elected t{) take unher h\.ll will. . Harry L. Danno.dy, guardian of George Leposehak, rued bia first accQunt. . l'roof of pUb lication of the appoilltment of Cu,n-ie Sm ith as executrix of t he estat e of Louisa F. Lew. was filed. Proof of pub
estate of Geo""'e Preston Rose filed h· ·.. IS sale bill. : M 81'y. E P1'0'b asco, admini8tratrix of the estate of Abe ' Probpsco, was ordered to sell personal ,Property of the estate at private slIle. Dean E. Stanley was ) .ppointed in the ~ ,r,ust ereated by item IV of tb e will of .Walter E. Voorhia. W. H. WlJ.ltacre appof~ted ... signee. o.f Nlmlln C. Corum ' and 'E. C. Dunha~, .C, C. Crall' and L. H. Brow" Jr. were appo.lDted apP1'&ia-
3 t·o.wn· 10."- in .... Twenty Mile Stand, Deerfield Tp. - - -,.COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES ' o:'~1 o~~ ;:t~~~: . • W.-,-ville. Oh~... rtIllilred Ii)' t.be .ie.oI . B!l1s ,allowed: MIU)' Chapman, CraM w.j_yllle Oblo; medical t reatment, $50; Norris ' Sim- .r.~ud PUDlIiIbw. u. L.l........ Ware8onton, medical . tr,lotment, $50: Sta- .t ~~~D. L . 0raDe. ' .. • kalta Mfg. Co.., 8upplies fol' pro.bate BoalllKJldw~. ucI olber.Kur1l, court, $11.2ij; . Stakalta Mfg. , Co.., ~ II,:-=":t-'-r:::r~ we supplies !~t surveyor, $3~.50; Co.l- ·tall ~1..".r.lI. um~ua "Stank Book Co., suppUea ,lOT " , li,otarr Publla auditor, 1111; CUparia Stone Co.., erst 1 '. crushed atone, ,00.46; J .. D. Adams, " , - ---The, will of Lulu Marler filed. and Co" II'1'&der repain, $51.40i DR. C. W. HENDERSON Harryet C. Wright was appointed Paragon ReRnlng Co., eoup\ln book, administratrix ot - tbe elitate of ' WU. ,85; John W. Jo.nea, 'p&lntlng, '18; O. .-A.... . . Bid.. Iard J • W·....,g .... h t. . lvina-J .~ n Drugo., C ,. ame..... sUPP IIe.. NO. . . , 76e; A.; Sc'ott, bridge. repa\n in . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 'Unlo.n, Tp., "6;. ,Ed Melo.Y\Oool!8me. 9 hI 11 •. ",. II LOJ; II. m, $1.'15, Orego.nia BridCe Co., · repain, -1 tu II p. m. Wilbu'L' ,So Shotw~\I to Elisa R. $1.04 ;Web Sim}1llon dragclnc, $'1.20 _~ . t .......... . Gray, 1 to~ lot in Eat· Mo.l'l'o.w. . Tayll'r Tractot Co., caterpillar trIlc.... , • • • OaK811;11 M. CJark ' to. 1I. Whitacre, ~or ,and tw~ ~t:apei'a, 14376; ~al 'E. It...aence.. . ,,,..,, 8 town acres bt Osceola, Harlan .~ ; SirpptlOn expenl!el for March, $19.90 W.rn.... I.., Ohl. H. ·E Stokes 'to Thoma.i ;1. atld Esther S; carr, 6 t o.wn Iota iii Way- • . .
Iii' a---..
1181'" , mar-
: , ....
, .
found it! He's , found mlnistrator of t he el tate she ann~unced, in a lit tle wail. Hang, was' filed • . In. nlld-carcer t he boy bad eheck~Proof of publication "~f. apin 'wllynesvilIe. ed hIS )lony so. 'shortly t hat the fo.ur pointment 'of Ro,b ert J. Shawhan as and Hettie Ertel' to Wm. f th hoofs ploughed the sand. He wbeel- d . . t t 8 town lo.ta in Fllllter '. head: ed on a pivot an d ro.de back for n a ~lI1llS ra or. o. e elltate , of GeG. few yards IIca n inj( the d I GrIm, was filed. Then nUt YOUl'8elf' upo.n 70ur bandli t ing the wo lf e i,. . groun ,etAyers B. Jennings, executor o.f 'Whilit lying on' the chilly loor; 'fhe you th 1ung up a glad band the ~tate Of KI~:zie H. Cochran, filOr WHltle with elastic banda ... IIn~ the ' band galloped to him. ed bl8 first and final acc;ount. AftIl[ed to ho.ob behInd tbe door• .lYes, he. baa :found It ," . she said Court confirmed ' tbe eale' of real This-brin,. ·ypur mlll.Clea up In !moba "~?';\' t hey will come.". • estate of Kizzfe Hutchinson and 127 .69 acres of land In Harlan Tp. And 'mak" ' yo~ ft ·fo.r househo.ld .I II . ~od my. best, WIth revolver," g ave orders fo.r the distributio.n of Eva' A. Shank to Walter S ' Sbaftl/ . jGbs. pr0111\.11e . d ( '" " '-' "Ye.," h It procee S" ' .l 8.50 acres of land in millaie Tp, ter that--;"e munnured. But 81PelTY E . .Wade and 08Cal' d. Wade Geol'ge B,auDs to OWa1'l" r. " I ' 1 bad no. reply, Tbis co.ntingency of the, estate o.f ~barle8 Neads, 160.92 acrea o.f land in Sa~.ATHE.,F.A~HER-FATHERJ -;-we two faCing Indians2-wu Gut- H. filed their first and final lem Tp. ' side lny calculations. a ccount. , ' Cbarles 'F. Neacls to George and . " Shall we make a break , for it?" .Distribution of the estate of ,Jas. Ethel May Merkel, 160.82 aerea of I p,roposed. . ' C. Sale was made. '. land in Salem Tp. , .. p It Wlul~ mad'n ellS on these Eliza~etb Aaa.ms, administratrix George L. Johnlon to C. ' B; Allen; .I:le":""';·'lIldll!,,,,d; wb'atdld ,lie 8~~r . mu ~s, . murmured to ber- of the estate of Albert P. Adams, l' town lot in Franldln. " , be "u delichtecl Sloux~ I ' must filed ber tint an~l final aceount. Ira Finch to Joe Tuilo.l', 1 town . wun'£ go.in'g to \. S.I Robert J. Shawhan, administrator lot in Franklin. th ey're coming," " , I . rasped. f They'r Cl get Hng ,In range, Wel.ve 0 the estate of John W. Mathews, , Joe Tudor ' to Ira got t he g ub .and twenty cartridges ' filed his first, final and. ~d~i: 8t:r:lb:u:::t:.:iv:e~~lo~ta~in~~Fr~a~n~k~li;n~.la--Btt.el~htm__~,.,."...::...~!-!;~.u-.!R~!r.4Hf.S--':;':;'""-4~~~': Maybe if I 1611 the chlef- " . account. • -' Ere I could s top ber My Lady bad ' Mlda .Stiles, ~Ju:q1an of Sue and sprun ~ uprigh~, to. . n1jlunt" upon' 8 Woodro Armstrong, filed bel' .second , roc k and, nll "In vie.w, t o bold open account. ' hand a bove her heall. . C H Y dm· . :r~e sUIJ ~h!ne Klinted upon her . . oung, a tn~trato'L' of the hair, a f ugttlve , h ttle breeze bound ~~~. gown clos.~ r abou~ her slim figITER: POP They bad slle,!, ber instantly. Tbe chief rode forward at a walk hlB h~ nd likewise - lifted, ' Keep downl Keep, down, please," she .d lrect ed to me, While she stood mottonless. '4Let l,Tle try.'.' ' . ' . Th ~ chief n~ared until we migbt see h1 8. every hneament--a 8plendid man, hiS eyes devouring her so covoto usly t hat I ' felt ~e gloating t houg hts behInd them. He called inqUiringly ; a greeting and a ~emB11d in one, it , sounded. e r <lp hed. And wbat they two said, word . nnd s ign, I· could not Ienow. en he cantered back to his men while Ed na stepped lightly' downi' "n ~,w ~r ed my qu erying look .I t 8 ~!I ri gh t. ! I' m going, and so a~e you, she I!nid.., witb n faint smile ao dly 8ubtle-a t remulous smile in w~!le face. . ' '. Whet'e? We are fre e, you mean? What's th e bargain 1" . J go to them. ' You go whel'e 'y ou chooso--to the stage road, of cOl,lrse. [ have his' . promise; No, ',' she ' cbeckmg my CTy , Y I c!OJI ' t mind. • ar e ab o~t the only persons me. You can go home, ' and, no t ,be. uJ) happy. Please T be ,WIfe of a great pel"sonage- he won yo u 1111SI;. w ill , cer t ainly .my But if vi e !!hnll Buffei'; and we il)g. Yo u must . take my. P! c~ e do. Tlten, good.bYe. ,hI m ! wo uld come . out,. under promise.'" .' _ 41. I" ".
~~ ~ ~Q~~ Md ~~"~Mt ~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~=~'~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~=;~~;~;;~~ ill desired by I dll B. Bosorll n octi on ' ...
Then he.r hand clutched mjne firmly.. A wolf had leaped from cover ln the "potb of tbe fllil.; loped eastward toward t ho desert. .and instontly, with a whoop that echo upon U 8 like the crack of do' m~ a you ng fellow darted from tb It:e in e . goy purs,uit: , Awa y th ey tore, while the file r!I,lIckened , tl! watch. Ollr trail fbg~t hore right athwart 'th~ wolf's prOJected hro.u~. T here was Just the o v.or r'lIn a~coh ·tba t t he , lad wdOUld , 18 eacernes1l ; an lor mo.ment .
The en-~ of. arllh . t.in baugh, ndmini trat or ~. J ohn Ho.lwcg· r; et ul, WI\S dismiss d. In' t he cnse of t he Virginia Jo.in t St ock Llllld Blltlk, of Charlest on vs. Ambro.se -Hersibey et 01. , t he eo.urt auth orized the eXl1enditure o.f $6 in the Ii I of C 'rtai n pr operty involved in th e case. The case ot Chas. E. Brougb et al. VII. Harry W. Lanning, was compro)1\ i5e(l , settled and dismissed. , J obn Riddle was fin ed $100 an d costs on a cha rgo of possessing intoxicating ·liquor . The Lebanon-Citi zens National Bank nnd Trust Co., was made a party del endant in the case of the Prudenti nl Insurance Co., vs. George W. Orr et 01. In the case of the People's Building Lonn and Savings Company VB. Caleb W. McC lung ct a I., the court found the ploin tiff entitled to 0 foreclosure in its daim aga inst the defe ndan ts. Helen Eli~beth Wi11iamso~ waa granted II divor ce from Carroll Stanto n WiUilimson on a charge of grosa II&gleet. A p riva te solie o.f cer tain property in th e cose of Ida B. Basore vs. Bessic Basore et aI. , was author ized. Wm; C. McDo.nald WDB appointed guordion lit litE!m of Maud Van Doreri ct a I., m n ors. Mn be l E. J ennings was grnnted a divorc e fro m Wlilter V. J ennings, o.n ground!! of gross negl ect. The First and Merchants National Bank, of Middl,etown, was awarded a j udgment of $37 1 in the case against John H olweger.
•... TH E MI AM I
GA Z,E TTE ... _
. . . . . a' ~. Pntolllc e at WaYl1e~me, 0 " as Second Clau MaU Matter . , . J). L CRANE, Editor a.d P~bl1.her. W.)'Il•• Y1U., OIUci . Sub~riDtfqn Prlc~, U.~O per year. .\
"':#. : ~;.._ ....;.,u --, _ l1or..Jgn A~~rtl.lp i Rep, .. nlMlu.
I TH ·,\MEItI AN PIlf.S S )\ SSOCIA1 ... ~ -.. ":'
"Look, \laddy, ,; pulled thil weed 'right up -all by m3reelt." 'fBy jove, you'r , strong fl' , K. E. Thompaon alld Georre VaU "Yos. aren't 1, daddy? The were In X~nia, Wlldne,day•. world }Iad hqld of the other ' end Wilford Early, of Chicago, ia ,viait,l og friends here this week. Ed Wilson; of near Lebanon, c~l1~ ed OJ) friends here Sunday after~ noon . Mts. Nellie Bunnell. of Wa~es ville. wa~ the. guest of her Sister, Mrs. Edith Davis, Sunday. , J. Lee Talmage. wif~ ~nd ·son. of South Lebanon, wer:e Sl,Inday guellta of A. B. Talm~e and wife. Mr. Ila McKay and .oil, AUen" spent Saturdll y and Sunday with Mrs, McKay's home fo11ta. in WU· mington. V ACCINA TION OF SWINE , A Mr. Stone and wile, Mrs. O (A SPEf:!IAUl'Y) M, Jor dan and daughte r. at Cincinnati. Nothing put Reli;.ble Serum a.d were Sunday guests of George Van an d fsmily. . Viru. U.ed Don't forget our Ladies Aid EasPhone 3J ter provision sale at the Townshi,P HARVEYSBURG, OHIO house in Harveysburg. Saturda y morning. April 16th. ' K . E. Thompson, wife and daughter had tor their Sunday pelte Lon Branl)on and wife. Homer Hudaon and wife, of Xenia, Mrs. Mabel Terry, of Dayton and M. M. Terry, of this place. . Wayland Jordan. of Hyde Park. J, J. Fishbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Rus. sell Stabler. of Middletown, Laur~ ence Brown. wife and lon, of Waynesville, W. T. Jordan and wife, of Harveysburg. were Sunday guestl of the Jordan family.
UNPRE CEDEN TED PRO~PERITY the.r e for , one purpose only, to proc --- - ', , ect Bvll" of Americ ans-and only .. Unpreceden,ted prospe,r jty for 207 thoBetho.Amerlc ans who follow instrucAmericans; 182 more than lost yeor tions nnd odvice 1'RISI.lDS, MalO was ahown b:y Income returns; citi· military tuthori of the Americon BACk \lJljlilJ A PIlO.J£et' IS 0IJ'1O &ena with an 'Income of a million protect and save ties--!le nt there Iio lives. IMPROVE 0UA.1O\IJ/J. ~E' WA'f I dollar" more, I.s the subject upon ... their ~ lOOt<. AT fr. 1JOn.l1~ IS Nl'I1PO ~ which·, many of the nation's fancy GOOO RlR US, A/JO ~& 81ttT1rR. EDITORIAL SHORTS writers are now painting pretty plcA'tO\CII.l WE w,YE, ~~ MOlle for all to ndmil'e. · PERsoos WIll. \.OClA11! "'~ '1t) Of course this is all bunk. The 'BasebsU ·is with us. Office boy 1-4ElP A<t.Y FO~OUR.I~~ r.turns by no means show that pros- is gone. ~E ~ 9USIIJ~ OUR. pe~lty for. 182-or 207- is ' a well -0M~ WIll. "Ave AlJO'THE di8trlbuted prosper ity. nnd that is MOPE. Wi! WIll. EiI.JJoV LlF~ Our observa tions during recent thi ,,thing we are all mostly interest weeks were that at least umbrellas ~d in. It Ie a tact · that a fraction of 1 and books kept lent. ' --0per cent pays 96 per cent of the' income tax. A1IIO, that 82 per cent do Did you ever notice thot the not make' enough to pay any income people who speak too lightly- soontax. Thereto re, it only a frac- er or later hu ve to weigh lheir tion of 1 per cent makes the gren.ter words? '.part , of the profits. that obviously mean. tllat Qur alleged prosper ity is EXplorers report more monkeYR not a well directed or a healthy l\fIos. Helen Peterso n, of Dayton, thun men In Tibet, But why go all , pro.p.ri ty. is spending severnl days with friends the wny to Tibet? Try any speakWe dOD't krio,w- the names of the easy first. bet'e, fortu,ilate 207. We wID hazard -0Lester Starr, of · Spring Valley, eneas, however, that not a few of on them enjoyed the privilege of extortHenry Ford sold groceries at COSt called temoon . relatives here. Sunday afinC rain f.rom the consuming mill in his DeDl'born stores lost year and . ionl through the . tariff', It is l\l~o made $400,O O!l---w hich is funnr. Evalyn ,CUrt' tore the ligaments pouible , UDder this scheme of things if you know what we mean. loose in her left artn at play. Sunday that .the !J2 per cent . "paid their' --0- ' evening. tax" direct to the tortuna te 207, Famous European ortist nrrh:ea The funeral of Mrs, S. A. Ellis And. as Ion. , u we are In the in U. S. to puint American Women, ocourred from her late home TueapealDI ' mood, we will take one he 8I1YS. Futile trip, we'd say. They day I!fternoon. more fllnl'. That in the list of the thl!msel ves. Charles Moore had charge or MjS!! fortuna te '207, 'Who are now enjoy- I).re do!ng -0In. "unprec edented proaper ity," yota Merle Ellis' room during her absence A s~ot on Wall Street's Stock Ex,. from school this week. c<luld not find ~ne farmer or agri'Ilulturi et'. nam •• , ' change 'a t $190,000 is reapy a ' bar· Miu Harriet Tucker, of Dnyt<>n, And "Wwl Street wondel'S . wlly ag- lJ;ai n~a8 compared tb mlnols and spent the -past tweek' with her mob,ricultur e did n'o t accept the veto of Pennsylvania seats in t he United er, Mrs. Mary TuckClr and family. the McNary - Bauren Farm Relief States Senate. --0MrS. A. S. Collett spe nt Friday in Bill with better lftCe. 'Xenia. with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd An--''-'--... Nature o~l'ined only one hc,l'd dereon, whiie Mr. Collett tranllacted One pail' of shoulders, but In business in Col unIbus. NO WAR., THANK YOUI day of' ftappers and shleks and .pet, inc 'Parttea -tWo seem. to be the or- E:· B. Doster 15 merl~ ha...... l:\1gh regard for der. ' At least 10 we have rioted ma~!ng satlsfac reported , to he tor~ recov~ry, fol· ~ ~ of .the ~ta of other ~ple; There- alone the hil'hwaYI th~e spring v- )owmg the omputll,tlon of hIS .Ieg on fore, America rejolcN In the deter~ eninltl. : e Tue~day at McClelland's hOSP1~1. in minatton of Ita Preside nt that tbe .'. - - 0 Xema. , " ~,:!te: !tteawl~~r::h ~o!~~~~ The pl'o!ell8ional at the CountrY ,Mrs. Lou~lIa Mms. formerl y of cTub tells UII that more than 8,OQO,. thl8 place. dle~ at tbe ,h~me of be.! =..!":.:::!~naliltlc bop.. ~f the 000 men are no"," p1ayjn~ golf in the aaug~ter. Mrs. Harry , Bnrbeau ~. a~ ~ There ia no .denyiq that u .eJrott United ,StateL ' Which is a , compli~atavla, Sunday. 'Buraal nt Miami Ia belne made to embro~l ua wIth ment to In~re than ' 2,999,000 fit cemet.ery, Tu~sda:.. >, I WC other nationl that have, lelfiah a.pl· them If 1IC0t'e·cards we pave seen Mrs. .Cora Sumner . .died at her rattolll tllere. Tbla we lIope is mean anythin g. I home. Saturda y mormng . ChiCkecl for all' time' hi Preaide nt. --0- , Ml'S. Sumner had been very ill CooUd•••• prempto ry tnatrucp ona to I We don't wabt any war with Chl- lIeve~al weekS, slJ~ seemed 'to beim- . , our military represen tative in China na-but if ,.,e do-and , this Pfovmg, anti be,r death camc as a , ' ., ' ., ·Iaat w..Ic. ' ' ia 'd rilted-w hich h.e 'w on't shll,cit to her, .frIends. Funeral ser. ' ';l'h. teariiIt of .Ii A,lI\eri~n flag he's, going to '''walt until he the vices we~e . held T~e8day a~terno.on. bJ' a fe" wU-ctu td Clilneae cannot white of that. dreS!! shirt f!"Qnt he ' On 'Friday evenmg at 8 pel'fUBde tb, Americ an people that 10lt at Yon Hoey'e laundry in Kala- Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett attl~nd,e!l - our aOId1H1t eould be ~t to furth- mUDO. before ftrlng." wedding of Miss Mary er the .... of Europea n capital --0Brown. daughte r of Col. Browl,l, which .... In the tremendoUi rlelq , bead of Miami Military Institute . at of the nationa lilt. lplrlt a n1m de- ' Girla .. eadlng the ho,.. by_ a G(\rman~_n. -They-were- also guest1l termina tion of the CblD~ to auert big rnar&i.~. l!l the , natiqna "perfec t at the receptio n following the cer;an~ maintain tliel~ IOYerelm rights. ~ttendance IIchool contestt' now, be· emony. . The ave~ Am.tlca n of !fOod prin Ing conducted. Cheer uP. boys. HO'Roring his se\'cntie lh birthda , elplea 1. in complete Iympath y with ~Itor has been lead by one the Chlnne hop,l and aspirati on.. u)8r girl for nl«h on <to fortypartie. th'o children and grandch ildren of EV.17 day we read, "Mon U. S. no"'_n d, hal le&fJled to like It.years J. W, Fealy and wife lll\IIembled at - their bome Sunday tor a jolly fam'.. Marinse,!! , "Mo.. U. 8. Battleship!!' - - • Iy reunion. Those ' present includto ChInL" All well and rood, but, 'rAINT SO ed Mr. .and Mn. John Gilroy, o~ Day " .. are conft~ent t~. America n peo" , . , ton; Mis\f Luhi FeBly, of Mid41e; pie. Intel1~.,ti,. repreaen ted br Ita , Thhi week HerOIn e-The girl who town; John Jr., Bnd Lawren e Fealy PtWldent, wul not 'oreet .that th~ comPilIlned to tbe. photogr apher be;of Norwood: Mr. and Mrs. Ro marin.. and tho~ ,.Wee l,. ·ate cause be, photo . flattered OliO her. , Shiraeri and fnmill(. Miss Ber\la E. '. ' Fe4ly alld Mr. Glenn Fealy. . ·'A f~\i; , friends ,of Raymond ' Eakin gathered ' at his home Monday even!ng in 'honor ot his fifteenth blrtbday, I The 't ime was IIpenb ' in games which eve:ry one enjoyed . A deli. ; eioll!l lunch of f,bit salad and ' cake \Vas I\cl'ved , rhe guest list; included DQrthea Davis. . Evalyn and Bao\;"iQe ' ' Elizabe th
... - ' --
.- .._---
- ..---,
is the secret of CJJtlic/c
Su cce ss BeCaWle the OC ,.
Mrs, Diadem Barlan contlnuea qllite ill. Mias Alice Carr wal the guelt of friend. in Indianapolia, lut week. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith, Robert and Ruby Smith IIpent the week-end with relative s in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. .Shanb had as week-end guestl their nephew, Sam Shanks and wife, of Cincinnati. Mrs. A. W, Turner returne d Sunday from Canton, where her father is erltlcaUy ill. Hia condition does not impr~ve. Prof. and :Mis. Elbert Schweik ert and daughte r; of Tremont, guestl In the ,home of 1Irlr. and Mrs. C. P. Noggle.
' num . ber of Buicks that peop le .buy , . David Turner hal returne d to the you get value 1Q a home 'of hia daugh~r, Mrs. Fred B' 'k th . 1 McKinn .after several montlill, at S1DlP I SPll'llt iney,Columb us. ' cann ot be c::qualled Orall Turner, ' who is ,takhlr • Normal course In Cedarville coli ere. 'at the Buick price taught' the Gramm ar Gradel lim, Buick/',Uts the . , Thursday and Friday. A.ry was" painfull y though savings' 0 , volpme notJesse seriously Injured ' when hla ,machine turned over in the ditch Ilear the earnings .o f th" , · h.ome 'of Cl. D. Mlara, north of leadership .~ right town. Sunday eyenbw. P . . A. Law,son, .~d ~ml1y h'" ba-ck into Buic k moved to the Chari. Scott fann north . of town. Sam Burden ud quality ., .~ That 's family moved to the vacat. k '. ed bi the Lawlons, in South BurWh.r BUIC glv,eS ed bly the ,Lawlons. In "South th . f: ' Iington. , . e SatlS a(:t1on 1t does -.:.. why ther":' . ... th are mor e'· an a ml Ion enthUSlas· THE BABYLONIANS Buick owners. "
Rea l Non-Skid Per for ma nce , Slow, Even: Tre ad W~ar . " nat' ......t thl. -a.w AII.W.a thel' Tr.ad BallOGIl TI~ • __ REAL NON. SKID PERFO RMAN CE-Hc a... the dM. ",tp-ed ".d GOODYEAR blocka i. the tread'. c.at.': SEIZE, GRIP, ..d HANG-ON ~.d.r all IOl'ta of SLOW, EVEN ,TREAD WEAR --I.eea. .. th... .ha......... .. dia_d..hapod blocb "'... placad I. a . . .I.lat _i!(ll:. '11M? aot o~" 'I'rip the ...a.. b.t nUl. their ... '.1 •••• lo...';.~ .... .o•••kid ' tnad h....to'f o... 0 ....... Cem. ,. a.d _ It.....\V~·11 lot , the tire do all tla. talld... . We .... It .ow .. tb. 20ll4.40 lor Ford., CIa.....I.te ... . otla... lI,lIt car.. Back.d 10" 0." .t.adan l Goocl,.eer '..~.
,Why do sl.r ly' ~econds make a min-
jlnd why do sixty .minutea make hour? Blame it on tbe Babyloniana.
' Ph,on.
105 W~yn8lv III_., aJirtellDa y~ 'lllijiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiii• •~~"~iiiiii.iiiiii!~iiiii.iiiiiiiii:'iii~
Babylonhun4red had t'!t'o of Ancient time notation ll before clocks were kno'lV:ll, one, the 4eclmal. which counted by ten, antt the other the seiagellma1, *hich counted by lIixty, accordl ae to WarDer S. Haya, secretar y ot the Clock IIrlab ufaetur ers aSaoclation of Ainer-
: HEN'DERS ," ON ' In an ~~d!;:'h::~ unit of ' L·'l·M • _" : .. , ' , tlon' no accident for th.re 11 'W~s
~o NOTARY PUBLIC other number which baa 8(\, m~,ny , ',' said 1Irlr. Hap. "'rhe Bab' Nat~o . .l ",11 divided one complete period · .' E S. .1_" of the Will• Draw. appeara nee, ...... .... .tat.. t _ and reappeu ance of ' the into Wayn~Yillo. Ohio twenty- four perloda; and lubdlvldeCl eac.'h ,Period Into .lxty parta or mln~ utes, ud then iubdlvided 'each min· ute Into 1iKty ' parta, . or secoD.da:. '/The Greeb adopted the system an4 It carrlid down tln'ough the mid· 4Ile 'age,,' and is unchanged today. Pray don;t find t~ult· with t/le'> man From an ' astronomical 'calculatlon, who limps. " _ time mar1dng , first developed into Or stuolbles along the road, sun dial, and subsequ ently . into the U,nless 'you have. worn, the shoe!, he : weaTs. clocb. ' For ' many years following ,,' \ the Invention of the flm c1ocke, their Or s?,uggled beneatl), .his load. ; ; - - -..........-.-.-----_~ owners' were numb~red only,. among the very There may be tacks in his shoes 'accoun t of th.ir hur~; ,, '. , their .pall coat T.bough;'hidden awat from to ' ha~e ~ne ' In OIl the burdens ' be ',beat1J " your -back ' . , '~i8'ht .ca,use· y~ u to. $tuntblej to,o;
. Mr. alld Mrs. ROMId Haw u Xenia, vis!tol"ll, Thunday,
IHRECIOR , DENOUNC'ES JAZZ Jan mU Bic is characterized lUI "dynamite," by John Finley Wt1UAm on, 01 Dayton, -dltcotol' of West1 minster choir. " JallZ" tcars down ·the body." 1)e 1,s. "It whips the hi'a~t to $wift bea,Ullg. W.e nre donlil)(f with (lYI') (Inlil when ) IVe permit our hUd· to bear it. eventy~fi\le per cent of the Sunday school rhusic 01 this country is Ja ~ll. It is II tragedy that we lIer,llI it-tlng our ' chur ches to lye our children tlJis fo~nt of, music in the nalr)'e of religjon. "It ,is a music of th senses and unless :' ita place is talc en· by mUllle of a higher order in the churches we will become Ii nolion of animals."
Sh~nNo. It DIVer happ.aed to ' ver visit the mu. be ratnilllr when I p....d it." ,
SP.EOIAL - $1.50 WntcheR $1.00 SlIturdl)Y, April 16th, ot Jewelry Shop. L bonon, Obio.
lIir. and ~I rs~ E mhlctle -l!'ry('r ' 80n, visited .frillllds i , D. on, Frank Burnet II erq !lick nt hje wek. home in Oentervilile. By selecting n Gruen Watch for Grant Lewis, i)f Do.yton, epent 't he graduate you enjoy the c()rtaln~y that you have a time , piece of genu~ Sunday II' WaynelJville. Inc worth and nation-wide ' prestlgo. BeautL(~1 Eas'tel . hats lor old and ee' oUr newest models. Caryls ·Jew. elry Shop. "The Home of Giftll," young at Mrs. Gnce L. Smith'8. Lebanon, Ohio. ' , Mrs. Laur{l Zell .attended the funJohn Beach hM r eturned home, eral of Dr. Finley, at Xenia ThursIlfler spending a week with his nlece, ·day. " , belo", LcbOilon. ) Adam Mclloh Imd family visited . , Ml·. and Mrs. C. D. RIdge, ot. SIOUX r elatives in Hnmilton, Sunday ~v~ ---...--. Falls, S. D., s pent Monday with their oning. . .. parents, Mr, Ilod I\1rs. Ma hlon Ridge. G. W. Haw.ke, of .C1ar ksville, spent , "Y O I1~ex" Sil vel'!!cul- if ·you want Sunduy with Mr. and Mrs. James tbe best in s ilvel'ware. Start your The regulur meeting of the Wa- McClure. hope chest now. Beautiful ·patterns kitatina Camp Fire girls was h4)ld at the home of the guardian, Mrs. Thomas P ierce is in the Metho- fOI' your ~ election at Ollry's Jewelry Mooma II, Monday after school. The dist hospital at Indiannpolis. for Shop, Lebunon. Ohio. handsign, law and credo were given reAt and trea tmen t . With conlmencement nt hand, 'we by the 1'011' call Ilnd secreOne of our I!Ipecialtics is fine are better propared thun ever before . report. Tbe literary program was dispensed witb and the whole wlltl!h repairing. Cary's Jewelry to serve you. We have an unusual ly tine selection of Diamonds, Watch time- given over to business.. Shop. Lebanon Ohio. es, and beautiful gifts for t he boy or Plans were made for t he coming 1\11'$ F. J, ~ayo wa.s called to To- girl gradua't e 'and invite you to cQnte Oamp Fire "Fire Social," which holds lots of fun for every one. ledo Sunday night on account of the in and illsp ect our display. Cary's Jewelry Shop, "The Home of Gifts." Watch for details and don' t mi88 it. illness of her sistl?r. Lebanon, Ohio. t, .1h.e _C~mp Fire Girls will give 0 .five soclRl" at the GYfll, Friday evMrs. Charles Anderson and Mrs. " ening, April 22. AntonII' other at· Orville Gray ' and daughter were 1'UIlO ia oa tho Tri-St.te 'Jllidio ,P~o.r.m frolll ' WL,W tr.actions and alllusementll there will shopping in Dayton, Monday. TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL 18th: be a fish pond, fortune telling. a novAt 8:30 o'clock, E •• ter .. St~ .. dard Tim.. W • •r.' .i"la. for ' the •• t ..... el nuction tlIId otl1er things besides PECIAL - $1.60 Watches for taiamellt of ou .. frlo.d. · a " MacII.y of Old Am.~jca. M.lo4I.. bJ • 6 . . the aale of refreshments, May bas. $1.00 Saturday. April 16tb, at Cary's Mrs. Albcri S~cy is ill at this time COllcort Orel,••lra. • . ~ h~ry~~~~~O~ . THE TRI-STATE B1JTTER"CO. • MI'II. ElJen Copsey is visiting with Don't mIss it. ]\fr. and . Mrs, KC'lIneth Elzey of relative, lit Spring Valley. DORIS E. HAWKE, Scribe. Dayton, spent Sunday with their pnf< ,' . . • r r .Waltel' Clark was " Dayton ' ents, Mr. and Mf$. Walter Elzey. visit6r, Saturdny. " :-~~..;.-~---:...----..;..--;....:;:..;.~-~--- ....:.;..~
. Buy your E aster hat ot ld rs. Graeo Lincoln Sl;IIith. '
Eth(,\ A,. 131 lllntl We!'tpor~: Conn1~, is nati onal 5 ret nl'Y of ,tne ~meTtcan Ro.'\d BUilrlers' Associadon and t" ehilrgc of head ulirters at w h.iJi~n : he 15 the o"ly woman higl1 way olftaial in the
of Hal'ohl MacAm erican author, Ilomes "Bound to the North;' ,a now < rial ton i wWeh this papet· will ,pllblish exclulIh'cli' in '{lus t('Tdtorl', stnl'tinli njl'Ct \'cok. ' 'llle'r e is adven tu\'e, romancc llnd Utrill sin the stat·Y' of n t'\>pr~goll\l. and wlJlsomo Vil'gini(l ront h, whlll w.hen father amI rotl,i t~ re k.iIl e<!, cllrries 011 in war. o llh't nljs~ a sin~l e chapU!l'.
PrbfeSsor-"Evor . hl\4
Studen~' 'J){o,
01'11), scarlet f evcr
Camp Fire Meeting
Happy Hour Club , . . ..;_---
!dr. . and Mrs. Vem Hough and children we.re Sunday dinnl!l' guests Mrs. Ida ' Hocke~t and lIIrs. Lydia of Mr. and M,1'$. F'onest Hough. were hostesses to t he Hou:r club, at .Mrs Hathjlway's .Mrs. Addie , Smith and grands~n, room, Tuesday afternoon, April Charle~ ';'nderaon, Jr., spent the wcek ~~~~II!E!IE!II!!!!!I!I_!!I!IiiE!llllI!l!l!l_". 12th. Twenty llleinbe1'$ respondl end With relative!I' at Spring Vaney. ,, ; cd to roll call with "Spring" quota. tlc>ns, also t hree guests were presMrs., Frank Andrews, of Dayton ent. . '" '. spent last Thursd~ty with her parent; Two Shows Daily After th$! busine~ hour a mo$t Alr. and Mrs. George w: Hamilton, "njoyable program WIUI given ' 6:30 arad 8:30 p. !D. With a' contelJt. Prizes '\Vere ' Latest in Jewelry and unsunl gilts APPREClATf YOUR" ed to the wlnnen, after which w~ for tb~ . gra~uate, at Cary's Jewelry served wito a ' delightful lunch . 'The HO~le of Gifts," LebaMrs. llathaway. ,' , •• -. non, O,uo. , - .
o,n track iri. C t wiII be 'd '-ya. !l fe " • GRAND THEATER, Le6inon
WaJlltSYille Farmers, u_e~ Co.
~ uesday M1'$: Morris , ~iI1e~ returned h?me from MIami Valley hospItal.
B·.-n" . , a 'You'r 1:'-"5 ...... to Kroge'r ce~t~rv~U!. re-:;~. J:~a~i~~h~::iyt~!' -S-t-o--k-e~'~5-'~'P~. i~u-r-e~J~e;"'r"::5:;;,F=e;"y'i-:'~:M""'·i;;;"l-k-·~f"":::orl;.l'"5: -a-'~le~
Friday afternoon.
Severnl tril:nds frOnl here attend-' ed the tuneral of Herman Gebhart, at Miamisburg. Friday afternoon. Mrs. Chloe Sides is quite 111, threatened with pneumonia. and Is under the care of Dr. L. O. Brock. ' Mrs. ¥eIYin~ \Stacy, 01- D~yton; is spending this week with relatives hero.
M~s, E~ma Smith' WIUI called 'to Mr. and Mra. ~C. 'Y. Barnhart and Certified,. Earl), Ohiol, $A~ Mrs, Emma Barn,ett were guests of Dayton, Ftiday. by the senous illbu. $2.43,2-bu.bag , .. . . . •• Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen over the ness of her grand~on, Gerald Boyc!!. Cobbl..... bUlh.I, . SZ.f81. l·b••li.1 b . . .... " .., ..... ' ., .. .... . ,... , .......... $5.10 Judge Charles B. Dehlia~t W~8 laat wee~-end. . . , Mr. William . Haine~, of Belmont. week named .Judge of the 'Juv!!nile $pent Tuesday wIth his parent.s, Mr. Country ,Clu double ' T.IIhe\. tad . ,. arren count y. Th e counI . fils Ail!. of the M. i!:. c"urch ., an d:U '''1'11. S . . H • Hamea.' eOUI:t 0 f U7 . ,or IpHt-top loaf'. .. , : . . . ,: ', , Vnot of Bufficl'e t ' to t WI .~.o dan. E . astEll' market, Saturdft. y tJ n SIze warran A I 1 Miss E.va Wharton. ·pel,lt th a "ourad Lolof .................... ,....... 8c: VI...i... 1_( ............................ 71f. 1m entirelv p..n at6,9at:30. the 'I'ownshlp house' ' op- end :with_ Miss Edith " a Cram,~ # separa t 0. cou rt an d f or enln, R,e, J *-Ib. 10.f............. :..... ':. IOo Wh.o l. Wh_t, I.., .........." ...: 8c the PlLI$t number of yean juvenile S'ou.th Lebanon. cases have been under the juriadic· Mr ' ' and M1'$. Mert Baird are TilovMrs. 'Geo'l'ge Gray entertained her Co~n~ Club Evaporate~, . tion ' of ~he late Judge W. ' J . Wl'ight. Mrs. Wright Will be retained lUI jng into Robert Shutts' home on sister from Falmouth, Ky., ~'everal . low price. 3 tall CJlna . " . . . . • . . ' Probation 'oftlcerj oTudge Dechant an- fhird 8~eet. ;.1II1r: and' Mrs. < Shutts days last week. ': al... '3, ca.. ......... ~~. : ..;'~ .. :.~ .••..•......... ;. ,...... .. ...... ,.., ...... I~ nbunc:ed. Jatoes E. "Burke Will aIso movt.ng to Dayton.. . Mr. be rebUned lIS qourt 8· I,eDlograJ1bt~'i--~reBI~m~~~~.~wr-r."r:,,~~~'~isl~~~~~;~hi~4~~~~~~~~~~ p. -at a. m. , until 8 p. -t.i. t" the eyesight... epec .l'tliss Wiima...Smith, of FerrY .was _ I UI ,eDDlno'nls.o ' ah\o.Oary's Jewelry Shop, a Monday ev,ening gueet of MIA 'Ber, .... • I .. . ."ice Graham. " , . , W~etl ,a plUmber makes a mIstake, he charges twice for it. When a llr, am! lIIn. C. 111. Robitzer. MM!. Mrs. C. A. Thompson, ,Mrs. lawyer makes a mistake, it .is Just F~d C<!le, MM!. Ralph Miller and Longacre "and Mrs. Melvin Swank what be wanted, b~u,e he bas a 1111'11. ~. A, ~lmll1lerman attended O. spen~· Mond.y in ·Daytqn. chance to try the case allover again. E, S. tnspectlOn nt MiamIsburg SatMr And Mra. George Wener, of W'Jien a ' ca:rpenter JIUlkeB a mistake, \lrday .night. . ' Oenterville, were ' Sunday dinner it's just what '· h~ expee,ted. - When guests of Mr and M1'$ Lowell 'llhom a .doctol' , toakes a tnistake . he buries W~ sell ParkeE' Duofold pens and 8S. • • . ~hen a ju~ge makes' a mistake pencils;. they lJave , ,1lon-breakl!bl~ , becom~) the la" of the lAhd.Whe~ permanlte b~rrells and points ·guar. Mrs. Claude Lewis' had a painful a pte~~er maket a ml,take, nobody . 25 ye,",. , Oary's 'J ewelry aecide'lt Monday, when she 'caught knows the difference, But When the Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. " her hand in an electrl.c editor mak~II' a mlltake-;-1rood-nlght. \jreaking some bones. -The Outlook. ' Dinner ItlIests of Mr. and Mrs M;.. and Mrs. Glen~ Brock and Lester Gordon, ;S.u'llday, '\Verll Mi~ ldlati,~hter. Betty Jane, of IndianapoEmma Heighway. 1(ra. Edith Harris lis, were Saturday and ~unda1 S~t~ and Mra. Susan Wilkenson. . guests of Dr. and 'Mra. L.· ·G. BtI)ck.
Seed Potato.es Bread
Named , J, uvenile Judge . .
. ~Iter Time il CanCly, Timb. Mother, Wife and the. ChiJdr~n': , All kin~. of ,Ea.ter Candies, f,.flsh Fruita I
PEACE •••• ~
ancJ Vele~ble. for your Ea,ter dinner.
Ed vr.,M
N 'E ' ever rr ....
an Mrs. W. G, Hill, of MIami, ' Fla., recently celebrated the fifty-ninth annIversary 0 ltbeii" ~arriage by attending tbe hone 1'Ices in the afterno,!n, 'a family dlnqer a1te~Ard8 and the dog race~ in the /lveJ'\lng, . .'. Mr;. .an"" Mn. are' the. parents ?f ¥rs. . O. A., Bu~et, !1 former .:rll&tdep,t of, :\yaYtJesvIUe" Mrs.HlIl is 78 years old and M,r. H!l~, is. 86. , . .
:. AaaeaaorFor Wayne . ...
(' ."
I Il never 'ask another woman to marr! me' lilng Ii)! I live I" , "ReluB,ed, 'aKllln.'l" · . "No; .acc;. pted." .
. . ..
L. Ely, of )jayton, haa become Mrs. Clyde Whanon and daughter, a reSident of, W,aynel!ville and has Miriam, spent IMt week in Da~n, ea••..,. Cluh TI.y. caa. a room w!th Mr. lind 141'$. A. Hart tor her mother, Mn. Lee Bock until be CDln get o~_~llie.J..!~~~pe, who has been q:DM~.i!hfl-,,;C~I::.if~t~oD:-'==:_~·==·';;"~ "·::''';''i'';''~'';''·~·;''';··;:::;"i·1.OL;;~;:~;;-------::;=---...:..;:;..:Friends Home. '.
EV4)~y dlamol'J we sell rer.rl"'''nh,1 the, highpst · ~illue' obtalnnl1le at Sel! us : b,e fore buyl/llr Jewelry Snop'; Lehnon Ohio " • ~il are sorry 1;0 report that Mls8 !J0rls Harvcy, wbo hos been attend. Ing High scbool here, hns hnd to remain .at ~ome ()n account of the iII. .. . ,;,e88 of her mQthE'r. Mrs. Harvey is . I have be~Jl ILPp'o inted usellS'or of mU,ch bett~r at · th~s time. Way;ne township. t, No charge for , In$' out ' papen. •.. J .. e," 1rAWKE.
. : . . . . ... . . . .
The Senior play, II ,oIl8Ins." is pro gressing fine, and it is t hough't that , it will lie \l"iven ahout the 12t h and 13th of May.
President Coolldge ' says: "Familiarity with 'the Scriptures brings culture." , ' Read the Psalms, Isaiah. Job, the Sermon on the Mount. U\n or twenty times and you will wdte better poetry, proee or advertising copy.
Last Frldl'y the Hi School "9" again were. engaged in deadl y combat on th fo reign baseball field. Tho l'osul ts, howl!ver, were not as encouragulng U 8 ll15t week, 'because Bellbrook W OII the fray by a score of 7 to 2.
Two are indicted for 'frau!l through the mallll; in a "how to get thin" Iwlndle. Fraud ie not, the wont of such enterpl'ises. Many women, who ' tbink they are too fat, r\lin their vitality ~eeking to be .thin, The way to "reduceh Is by regular ' sleep, deep. breathing, reasonable exercille, moderate wise eating. n ia not necC~~llry to be fat or to 1aint. ~e iV York to Chicago alr · lI.ervlee let to the able Ooffin-Hendenon concern at $1.24 a pound. A lowel' bid at' $1.23, ' was~ rejected~. becaus~ pill>ta Bying the machines oW1\ed , ,toclt In the company.
The . Campfire Girls, in order to raise some neccssary funds, are givIng a five-cent social at the local Gym, Ft:iday evening, Ap1:i1 22. A varied program wili be presenteJl, after which anyone so Wishing, can take . partin t hc games and contests. fis",. in the fishpond nnd hnve ..n general good time, Five cenis admis.~ion will be charged each person, but aU ether things clIcept tlie fiah pond nnd the refreshments, will be free of charge. COllie and meet ~OUI' friends and have a fine time. Also help a good cauile alol)g by paying your few pennie!!. You'll get ' your money's wortli.
hilt should be 'a l'eaaon f~T gl,;_ I:l COl'llT8Ct, Inatead "of refulling ~ ls "o ~ili~ stock in machines I.e of them and the I. any la,~ forbids -pilots own, ~ ,ck 1,\ a t1y1ng company, that I,'a be changed., , _, , us boar nal1led Oolonel , "" ell tel; anil fourteen other ,., c:n!i:p.r and fourteen other ped"sr"eed American awlne were lIent G 'eece Iallt w,eek. The " moun" hut look on Hara~on will "r see fineT pip rooting alone e. 'b~ach' than they "ever laW "be-
Contral'Y to tbe weather men's predictions a mOl'e heauti rul dl1Y could not be imagined ~ haTl Ellstel' Dny. Ohul'ch nLtenda nce was good and the services wore benutlfu l and inspiring', At the M. E. church the Epworth Loague held u sunrise prayer tllceting, fo llowed by brcakfu Mt in the church banqu~t room. The Sunduy 80ho-ol hour was devoted to a special program giv n by the ehildt·cn. The I'cgular church service was held a t 10 :30 with speciul music and boptism. In th e evening a cllntuta, "The Nazarene," was well rendered by th .. choil'. At St. Mary's Episcopal ehUl'eh in celebration of the fi ftielh alln ivcrsnry of the Childre n's Lonten ofl'ering, a special service of dedication WO R held, taking t he place of lhe sermon. For the offertory ' s(llo. Miss Elsie Hawke gave a splendid rendition of DeRee/'s "Alleluin." The full commun ion service by Cowe.r "'was sung by the choir, a ug,
Althoull'h the number 'of honor' studenta for thIs last term were few~ we I1r4) boplng f or 11 larg:er 'numbel' nex,t term. Those who maljc the Ho~or Roll thIs lust term are: Elizllbeth Bran'strutOl' Caroline Swa ,·tzel. . Ge.1'I va ' 0 nlinger. Bertha Jo' i1er. Katherine Brllnstrator.
men ted by Miss Gladys Harlan. of Dayton, and flll e organ work by the regular organist, Miss Esther Henderson. servicesand at St. Mary's allLenten well attended closed withwere the
I; ,
"" )TOC",~
A great amount of landscape "";ork
- - -
- -
~ Jesse William
B, .u,rton
,ou."· '
' .
Clara Sumner Bowman
Colu.mbua I ep<. rter
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t • • • • • • • •
.. 'C OLUMBU S. 0 H 1 0 _ Branding thc proposed Sullivan gasoline tax mensure nnd the Norton highway cI)<Je a s two "meas ures which would bring t o Ohio one of the grcates~ periods of highway extravagance in t he histOl', of the slate," a fOl'mer • laie Senator. J oseph R. Gardner launched II bitter attack against these proposals before the Senate Automotivc committee. "Th,e pro-
~~~Ip~~uil~~·e~~~h tht~l:a~~~:;een:~ni~
taxpayers of Ohio ." Gllrdner charged, "and the Ohio Legislature is cog~ nizant of this fact. Otherwise, what lVould be the in centive for the l!!gisl'e to draft this measure by methods which make n r eferendum im possilllc." He pointed out that u el proposed gasoline tax biU stands it · is so drafted that the actual tax levy 'IS propose d'In th e S U11'Ivan b'U 1 but the appropl'iatio n is included in the genera) appro pl'il1tion lIill, whiclL is a n entirely difl'erent piece of leeislation . "This is a clever . Behemo d signed to prevent the citizens of Ohio from lifting their voices in PI'Otest against the unfairness and unscrupulousness of this proposal," Gardner said.
At tbe home or Mr. F. Ha~ock, of Co~terV:llle, a teous dlJ;lI1cr surpTlse 10 honer 'of three birthdaYII of the. Hurtsock family wall held Sunday, April 10. M.r. F. E. Rarbsock, Mrs. Euphemia H.ougb and Dena ' Lucille Hartsock, all of the sume day. April 14th. A huge angel food ea,ke delicately iced and sixty-one candles placed on it. with E 71 marked on one side. and Dena. 1, dn the other; nlso a eaks'e with one little cnrtdle on in tHe center of the table and chandelier beautifully dec~rated crepe ape Tho:e w~~ 011'0 cd tho d were Mt and Mrs G~o~ . aY , d 101 C . 1 Sh ge d f ~n 'J] r!!'Mi ar d Mrwo~h ~ d~~~ !'nd rfa~1 R ar es bll II!rs ' J' ~' ~d a::elfri r Rf, Fe . ell~llIe anadn M"'· naJ ....es u eS ' 0 MrITY , 'd"r'M " rs. damH ~~arks, . fan il , r8. ltl <,aymon . E h i ar",oc H h' M.r Da~ ~ . upHen~ k oug 'd so~ all of 0 s~onr~ ard jn Hartsock an: 80n' otB~flbr r: . u. , 0 0 .' . ,--'.
He charged thnt both the Norton Code Bnd the Sullivan Gu. tax bill al:e the himdiwol'k of
!~:. ra~~~~~~:te:r~e~~d b~ '!~~td '
perm t the establiahment of a IItm ' ~. .. '. " greater " tax spe "dmg orga.llIzation Cora M. Bowman, daughter of than eXISts, and the. sale purpose Menssa 'IBlowmOahi~' was bRonce a!ld w ~vould ,be to SPrCl\d mUllons °kfl dolland oro near aynesV1 e, ,0 on In a mann~ ar more ree ess an ; ___ Octob~r 26, 1874, and ~ied at the ~xtra~agant tha~ at 'p're.sen,t- Ho home of ~mos Hough In R~eY8~Id If t he CQlhster l"e1i~trlbut~on Man,, .· H.arh ar., ~ ..dia. Up- burg, April 9. 1927, ageq 62 bIll. were to be. made effectIve there I Stream 6 .months and 18 days. When would be a~ least $15!000,000 avaU· ~ 9abe of one week her mother died able for hurhway mamtenance pur~ , ---and Amos Hough and his wife Sarposes in 1927, a sum more than adWhen , Bishop McIntyce stood on the ah, took Cora into their home and eCJ.u~te to take care at 1;111 demands , Oanadian bank of NiagaTa Falla he family, and ehe b.ecame one o~ them, that the. material interests., "Tbe , Id th t .~b' · I ' th ahd fl'om tliat hme was treated No rton BIll," he ('harg d ,"proposell ~ , a ever,. I?@r .n e universe J their daughter, even taking t.hllt thl! highway dkE!ctor B,et Q,P an 80etneil to ~e gOIng down. Yet a nam!!. She was of a cheerful and organization :which' 'Would require an , cloeer 8crutmy re~'ealed the little induBt1'louB nature, wjlling at aU expenditure of $800,000 a year in stealner "Maid of, tbe ' Mis~" going times to liear her share of life's dusalaries alone. To this amount can up. • • ties, and' taking her place all she be allded hundreds of thousand, 'ot Pessimists tell ua that everything gTew up u dutiful daughter and lovdollllrs which would be to and everybody is gOing to the dogs. in&' sister. ,. The whole family loved the completion ' of b~iil~j".lg~~W'iL_~~";:'-::--..,...,..~~ We have the authority of the real- her all their own ' the purchase of ;. ta d th e g Ioomy. p hll OBOP hen that h' 111. an September. 28, '1898, IIhe wall unit;.. · 18'hwe;!, '" UJ.rec t or"'1'''t'''I''d'''' wou, authori z· ' thmge al;e getting wone and won.e. ted in marriage to Stephen ed to purchase undor this bill. "The , Yet _ somehow .thE. world seeJnll and 'to them was born one. d8ughtet, NOl'ton IJiIl litera lly ' mllkes . the IItruggling upward. Veda. who now resides in Barnllbol'o, d~rector a czar ·and giv". It has m.ade much improvement Pa., having marriecl Isaa,c Brown, of u l\limited ' au thority, to expepd tn. the, last elgbteen 'bund.r ed yean or that place. Ved.a 's little family of more than $80,000,000 a year witb~ 8.0 and it is liable ,.tto, make more in ,four bo)'1l was a BOurce 'o f Dluch out the approval of anyone.' The the next few yean. . and pride to Cora, alld much of establlsbmel'!t of 8uch a p6\fcy could ' The stream of traffic' on Broadway time was spent In helping Veda easily ~pell ruin' for the state .of J~ ceaselell!" but oc!caaionally a po- the child~en. In her lui IUnell ahe ' The regular monthly meeting o{ Obio and bring about '8 condition bceman ral5CJ1 his hllnd !lnd, tile ~f- wae earefully: taken care of by Amos the F1riendship club \\' DS held Wed- which would be too alal'ming to to1fie stops while M le~ds a little child and his son, Cliff, and a near 'neiirh- nesday afternoon April 18 at the erate. or an ,old womim in Blifoty ! rom 'curb borl whose loving auistance .In th"lr home ' of Mr8. 'Joe~ Stok~s. The " , . " to curb. ,. , time of need , wu' of much help to meeting was called to order ,t he . It l~ higb time that t~e State ofThe newapapen a,re filled with ac· them and through them nothi.ng was prcsident and Mrjj. Stella ficlal" lnll';lg'uratc ~ program of' econ counts of murden and aU sorts of left undone that might iIicrease her worth led the devotional omy, particularly m .connectlon with until it s!lems that ~he cou!1tr,Y co~fori;. ' ' Roll call ,\Va~ answered by highway ~uilding and m,aintenance," Is IIffllcted with a. crime . wave, but 'Besides ber daughter, Veda, and tille. memQen. Three visitors he . said, and unll's!! thul 'clumge in e~ery once In a whitle ,you hear of family, and the i.mmediate family ?f one new member w~re present. Af- policy :arri.ves aoon, the p,eople of kiP? deed don~ by ,~omebody., wbo Am,os Bough, ah~ leaves_'a half-SIB- ter-the usual business session a sh<\r~ Ohio wll~ rise up in an orRan~zed pro not at ,aU affiJcted wit~. crime mo- tel',. ¥I\ude. McOray" of near' Cen- . ,usual business ' s.llssion ·it shol't test agamst tpe I?rogram w!llch rolJ tlves. tervlUe ,OhIO, and a large number bilt eri.joy~ble program WI!-8 , given; 1I~ly will be .lna~g~rated if he NorOoubtlell8 friends and neighbors .to mourn as follows : Selections on the accof - ton and Sullivan btll.s pa88 ' the prell:not 1088. The devotion of 'thla fam- tlian Mrs Joe Tinney ' vocal solo le~ililll~e." A. E.' Mittendorf, " '. wllhngnesB . . . reading', , 're.' " Lura Werntz; Miss, p~esl'd ell t .0 f • tl Ie Ohi \l S"'....t e .Automo- ' lIy to each other" t~elr to help one another under any and Leada Werntz (jlle assoc\atlon;-a:lso BPokE! 1Il behalf:;-i' ""-<..::"":,,:,,!!.::-...:..:!...;..:, • . ,- . The . .club, ~djoutned . t 'Ing pu hI"1C Of .' Ohi 0 lin d a 11 . Circumstances, was remar~bl", to meet with o~& th e moor there wm · need be no ~eltreta ~ ' John Shu. l~z ,May D\lrl dlllllcted his remarks at the "PQrk-, ap'''lling wu )eft undone' ' the 'Docial hour du,·nh. barrel" /lortions pf t he NortOn High· ~' . t h'e I ' .,. se,rved by . tbe hostess ." ¥ ' ' eavesf '0 memory, and way co de a nd th e Sull' · lvan ,gallaIine we turn our dear ones gone and. find the pa- bBsistanta ', Mrs. Emerson Mason tax increase prop05llls. d . WI·th ac ts '0 f k'Ind ges fill e ness, Mrs..' L. B. ·Hall, Mn. Orone, Mrs., .- ' . '. '. ' , love, deVotIon and. cheerfulness and Ira RIch I,\nd lI(rl1. Dallas 13oger. In revi ewing the history of auw. does ~hat is r; "ht, may th~ hillto . ry .of a hfe well lived, E. S. moIJi1e tnxat ijl)I, he pointed out that . ~ut .b e ~elol\gll to • the pain and misery of loss will ' be "_ • sillce 1914, automobile tnxa,tlon in hne of beneftcient . lforebean. take!l away and only the. knowledge DE'ATHS Ohio has beon increased to ftf~ C",r d of 1:".ao ~ay ,know that his Iabol' 11 not of a happy reunion in that Perfect mes the amount at that time. ' In We wish t~· 'e xtend our thanks to wasted. \' , '"."'. Day will reina.in to bless and keep d Sunday,, 6, he 5IIid, motor cars in the UDI~ Mn, Deborah Dakin die Stat h t tal I ti f ' those wbo kindly assisted during tIie us unitl we 'fully und., e,retan. • ~b es as II 0 va ua on 0 " F or th ere ll1'e a1ways a number are 'g oih; up stream , evemng, ApTil 17 at 5:0 '. at her three billiol\ dollars. The ,national recent sickriess and loss' of our be- people who b'll . h .I home in Hhrveysburg. The ,funeral To as t bere ' are many people wlio beloved husband ~nd 'tather. .Carel of Tlaaab service was held at the home Tues- tux I aga'1nst t eae"veblc es total· " , I.. ad $666,000,000, or twenty-five. pet. McClure "nd Son who" 80 'well arid laying do"n ' their oan and ' ,We '\Viah to tIlank our kind ne.lgb- day afternoon. BUri1l1 \n Mia~i cent of their t~tnl vl\luation." The .. completely e.onduct:ed tlielr serVices; with the str.am toward the bon' anll friend's . for the ' klndnellS cemetllry. , ' motorist thro u~hout the na~ion ill :be- r , to Rev. 'Sclvieffer, ' for His, 'ClonsoliJlg water.falls of dlW1~r• • " ,. ing useil as th\! "taxation goat," and, words; to Miss Lucy Emley, for ~er ',?:,he~e is' lomethl11it in t ..e human and sympathy shown ' us in our bethat inclines men to atrunle r.eavement 'of our lo:ved one. Rev.• Mrs. Rilla M~G~ew. larly is this true in Ohio," . ~eau t;iful vinging, atrd for .the many ~nd orf declared. 'lIt the SulH. Bornl ':tributes. " . to 'Puah onwal'd and 'upward, ,n otwitn- Oook for. his worda of comfort, the late Miltoll McGrew, died at her standing that the ,stream 'of thtnge Meeara. McClure 'for. their services home near Ferry, Sunday, April 17. van bill becomlls a law, the ·p.rcen. Mrs. j, Vi; Burton and ,Family. 'I,Q'"~U'Q to bear them down. and the ,iadles that Iuld charge of Funeral service · WIIS held 'at the M. tage of taxation by Ohio motonlltll l. ......_'--... _ • " the 'IIipging; . also the bea~tiful JJ. church at qen,~rvllle Tuesday will jum}) ,f rom eleven 'l!e~ ' ~,nt ,to', & o«eringe.. ' Burial in Centerville sixteen jler cent, the highest percen- ' O~ .~. , S, Jnape~tion ~ cemetery: t.nge, by faT, tha,ll \lny. otliet ~laaa of '?; . Amo,lI BOllgh and Family. propertr in the state.'" . . ' ; ..
. J~sse William Burton, eldest son of John an<! .Mary EUzabeth Bu1'tlln, was born at; Blal'lcl)estel', ~linton COUllty, Ohio, on April 7, 18'12, and departed this life in W~ynesville, The Car)" G\Jt hall, of Lebanon, Ohio, April 9, 19~7. ot the' age of cave ars a gT4duation I;ift. o . sUver 65 years and two ,days. He was the tea spoon to each member of We tbird one .of tbe family of six to be l Senio.r clao. called, his fath~ rand . only sister, , . Della preceding him:' Friday o~ la8~ week the 1!'embera He was united .in marriage to Ma"rt, {II above pip, but pige t/lat of the Sen\ol: ~1lS1l w Te gIven an ry Jane Rarquer m 1894, and to tbls lIent to Greece wlU d~ Intelligence , teat. to determin'e uniol\ , wer~ born five children: Robr, ece more good than the poetty mental ability for nccura,te and ert J;\tthul", floward Faster, LaVone \ thlnkln,. HeJen, E;dwnrd James, and Thomas ' hat B)'J'OIl wrote., Greece hat won Ifor betaelf th~ Mllrvin, 011 of whom survive. . freedom that. Byrl»n wiahed for. She Tuesday, Ap'ril 19th, the 0;0."'<"" Rls eal'ly life was spent in Blancouldn't ~hl 'witho~t fOH~ bel-p Grade pupils wcre givtn the cbestel' Ohio. In 1901, he, with his ueh dJirreed lr B d ta exalnS family moved to Waynesville, where • a p. . JI u roa ca, r. • ... ___ ~ secured a poeition as flupermten. " h'e B0 IIhe vi k I are .i ' Hi Trill ena and Marp:aret ' . . 'T certainly unJIl. ues Edof ... we water , and hgh~ . works. , couth. They convict . three blah 'l"ll1'c;Ia have returned to tbet~ remailled on employee of tlte village , of Waynesville until 1918, . •UUian offtciala of taklnc otiribea In her1! after spending t he onnectlon with a blr German lum- Coronado Beach, Florida. when tbe DaYton .Power and Light bel' tnIt; aDd what do you IUPPOIle comp!lny relieved him 01 tl)ese ,du- t ies, Not conten.ted with 80 mueh hapPened? Th. th.... offtclala dlCl not employ -.oOd laWfen' e1pteu of , h 9 tlm'e 'u noccupied, he Immedi. ·ri.hteoaa lndtcaatioll and 10 to '," . M,oly took " up . theplurnbing and electrical trades of which he Palm Beaell or the Rlviel'lL They at boma~ waH ~~need to a great success. All who all tb.ir pJ'Operty eontlleated kno'(l of hia faithfulnesS and the, win realI, b. executed. . in all that. he did, always B"uIa woald be a poor place to 11Ig help those in nee~' of bie Ileal a na.al 011 rlll8ne. M nday A 25 D t vice, . o p 1 - .y on' I caT)~ot 811Y, and I will not ' !illY That he is dead-he is just 111M Pankhurst baa loat Interelt ' Wit'h n cheery 'smile, and II wave in vote. for women, "becaulI! votthe blind, ,In • . wom.n malte the lame mistake He has wandered intO an. that men maie." The, do, of cou..... land. ,_ , bel.. 1i1i~, and iOmetlma influAn'd left us dreaming how ve;:)' fail! enced b, m.n. Nobody .xpected It needs mUl\t be, since he lingen that vo~ for ~om... would briq th on til. mOl.nnium oYer nlrht. Bat. ,.ere · "'h tb 'ld t wom.n yotine hav. made men In of· yo,,~ O you,.., 0 e WI es, yearn, Ace uk ~emHl...... "What do , tJM 'th ld' t ' t d th I d wom.n want'!" That'. til, lmpore it a F or et 0 ~, ~me s ·ep an' -taat thlq about vota. for .women. Thi k r; ;!fn"f I" d ' In, ol~ .,hliky da~ .. IOOb .. wo,. f : l,n thO l.tn afrtn • Q'", u \!IllI' m" cot the , vote, dt.~ct ·Iead." n h e . ove' 0 b ere as' th e ove 0 , ID the creat cit" HIlt out the order, the ' keref' h!" ' t'll "Don't .., til. bel,. drunk ar'oulld Th III Say; 0 1m II,'.I as same, election , time, or Ut.iI' wiva and not deadhe is --;bst away '. He is tbelr daUJbten will ' yote· aral\lJt " ,. ' " k
-'l';}- ~ ~, : r~v,i, ". , A
baa been and is beilll: done around
about t he High School building, on the school grounds. A amount is stili to be lind wl\l be done. , The IIhrubbllr)' which is planted on 'vari'OUII partll of the school campus is now in full bloom and is very beaut iful. The school 'board Is contemplating tho purchase of a power mower_ ' .
fl'hre o Hour Service on Good Fi·lday. This service \\;as beautiful and impress ive and t he attendance was very' ,g o o d . .
State. Cdoital i Prepared by I
Fn"endab."p Club' Meet
.- .
====~================~==~~",~ ,
. ---- ,
With ~he coming bf the de~ ire of prisoqe~ ' in, in~ti. ~u.tiol\ll of ' Ohio ,to see ':':.,~W5;"r. t/lo worldl' and', to ' es.cape stant w,atch o'f il)orease~; This', tlon to that of those now'biAtol~. during . two . ·r li~e Weilltli'er SIIvl!JI\"'n:rmt,nelra '.~P"'.;.J(l.
THE MIAMI CAZETrE . lind Daisy EIIRUin f(lr money, forecloll~r8 of ' mOl"lgllge on l"e1l1 estnto lind other . reliof; all'lount oillimed, 600 With interest, f Dora E, Oarllllna n nnd Chesler T. Jonc$ V6. Chnrles. Jonee at al . .
v~. 111ud VunDoran et al., the court
CHArTE R XII Two Bullett Left
he ud t he rocb I'cel d loll' t ho er. That "'liS lilY eyes; Ridlly with r ush of blood surging 1I1lli hot, "Nevol', Jl uvel', 1I 0 V .r!' I WIIS shollting , "You shn n' t go, 1 shl1ll't g ll. But wbcr6ver we 11'0 we'll go t tl)!;"U IC I'. We'll 'sland lpem off. Then If lhl'Y can take US, let 'cm." "Li.aten," she chided h ot ' han d IP'ssping my sleeve. " They would t ake me anywny-do n't YOII sec ! A Ct r they had killed you. It wo uld be the worse for both of tiS, No, Mr. B esou, 1 hnve closed n good bar gain for both of us, Ue is impllticnl. Tbe money- you will need the mono y, and, I shall 1I 0t.. Plea50 t,u m yo ur back IIOd I'll go t it at ill Y belt." The chief wall a dvancing, accoru'p anied by one warrior. . 1 could not deliver her tender b odl' ove~ to that painted swagg rer--uny more than 1 could . have deUvered iL Iwer 0 Daniel himself. At. last 1 knew, 1 kll ew I Histor y hod wrilten me a f ool, but it sbould n ot write me a dastard. We were together, and together we should alwys be, come weal or ,,'oe, life or, death. . 11eap~.!i , before her, answered t he hail of -tae pausing chief. "No," ~ 1 shouted. " You go t o helll'" . He underBtQod, The phrllse might ha.ve. hee,n familiar English to 'him. I saw hiro sLi tl'en in his Ho.ddle; he
F~ I)~ ,
.D1\KI.N ,
In~uranctt ·Agency
PROBATE PROCEEPINGS The Will of Tuuis G. Dubois WII~ filed. '" HattIe E , Binkley, admlnistrntrix f the c!tnte of Geo, A. Binkley, filed -her inve ntory and appraise ' ment. Ilfary ,E. Wallace was appointed administrat.rix. o( t he (!state of Wm. T. Wallace and n, C. Boys C, E, Moore and A. C. VIIi! were appoint-
Gener~l , 1nsu~allCe
a ppvinted comnlL. iOMrtl with illtru ti ons t o divide the eetnte a8 101.~Wayne.ville,· Ohio Phone 61-2 lows : To Mllud Vnn Doren, the equlIl, one-thi r d I)art; , to Leonard Wnrdlo\,", the On - twelfth part. ' after the dower of the above Is asslgned; ,to Luman Wardlow, the one2 town lots in ·Lebanon. ki~~cd IIIIl lust night we would hav had wher led t o a hrill jubilllnt twelfth part; aft l' . th!! tw~ ubove ~dTahPpl'aisers, C Assets of the estnte 01 James Peter J. Reck, to .Joseph G.- Scboekn c)\\ 11 Ihi~ longer. W l' have so lit. ru s; lli8 r emainin!:, rid er lashed dowers ar e nsslgn cil, to Dcnvil Wurd It e will of Luln Marler was ad- It-aver were also distributed. ti e tilll'-." ~hl.' turn ud frolll my I\p~. in l' tr lit , l eovln ~ . the first digging low, the IlIIme; t o Helen . Wardlow, m te d to probate, Gertrude C, Oropper, guardian of plt'in, 2 town lots in Loveland hurles E. and Laura E. Kelly' to " Not tl 0W., '1'11I:> y' r .. co ming. Fight lust il y wi th hand and knife, th e sume; to ~tlhn M. Skmner, ltalpn B, Pllrks WIIS appointed ad- Corwin R, Cropper, filed her finlll ae Lydia S. Cowan, 2.46 town lIeres In Iii. t ; IIl1 tl nt tlw l'nd. thrn ki~~ me, Th a was the system ; an approach equal one·twelfth part lifter lhe dow- ministrator ' of tho esta te of Cordelia count. ule,,~c, lIt\d \H·' II roo t ~cl hl!r. " II v rll~h e~, " Wl' mustn' t permi t it," er of Mnud Vlln Doren , is assigned' H. Stansell and Goo, 1). Gales, fl, S. The first, final and distributfve nc o Lebanon. Fl'ed O. and Attie D. J~ea to I''t''' io u~ "C UM "ilJl'llt llrJ 11111)1112' nu l' silO brclll h('tl. "We must rout him to Mildred Skinner, one-fourlh part Conover lind A, C. Vail were up- count of MarUIU E. Trovillo, adminro~k~. The Si ou x nil were in lIIU - (Ou t. nn ~'O ll r(,Reh him ~" uft er t he dower o( Maud Van Dor- pointed appraisers, istratrix of th e estate of Elijah Tro- Robert W, Krntzer, 1 town lot i\1 ", . , 'I'he Luwncy fi gur ~ , IHOI!e, upon the end lind J 'o hn kinner is a ssigned ' Proof of publiclItion of th e .appoint villo, was approved, allowed and Lebanon, t ivn, C ~ 'C l t the IJI'Ol\ll'lltc chi ef. Hannah E, Creswell to Chaa, E. l:ilrnighl onwanl thoy ('\Ilwgetl , lit II tawny MI! nd, ~' IIS Jllst ."lsl~le, lean to Hazel kinn er n -f ~h ' t' ment of Wlliter l'IIcnz as adminis- confirmed, h!,'ldlllllg gallop , t o rid\! ov r us. l L und ,SlI lIklSh. ~lll2' h tl y os IlIntllllt as , ' 0 e au par "' :1 $ ll llough 10 cv\\' , but she spoke \\'OI'k N \. And I t ook cll reful uim, IIftC~' the , dower of Maud Van Dor- trll t<)l' of the est..nt e of Ida E'. Mentz The first and final IIccount of und Bert hu M. Gordo~, 1 town lot , te",li ly, li nd fi rcrl. nllti >lI\ W lhc spurt fr om I'n I~ IIsslgn ed, und to Alfred Vnn was filed . ' ath rlne F'. Wager. adminis,t ratrix in Hu\·vllysburg. · , The BoaI'd of Education of Clear"You must tirc," she sui d. " Hur- the hullet. Doreo, onl!-fOllrth pnrt, the 9nm~ . .P roo f of publiclltion of the IIP- of tbe estate of Ella Tansy, was ap· creek Tp.. to Sarah E. Null, 1-2 r\" Fil'l' once maybe twice to "A li tt le lo\\' or- " sh e pleaded. hurles B, Dechant W85 appoint ed pointment of ,.1. Waggonel' as ex- proved, nll owed and confirmed, • piit th m." ,. ' A nd I th'ed agnin. Juvenile 'judge. ccutor or the estate of Eleanor S. The fltth and final account of A. town acre, William and Nllnnie Jenninp to ~o 1 rose fa r ther on my k nees and , Sht' cried out j ~Yfully. The snake Norris P. Simonton, I!xecutor of la xwell, WIIS fil ed. L. /.<' ahnestock, e'x ecutor oC the esIii' d once- a nd again. . hnd fl opped from . Its hollow, plunged the C)state of Alvy F, Simonton, WII8 PI'oof of publication of nppoint- tate of J ohanna Deltendahl, was ap- Austin H, Vest, 29,23 acrel of land in Sl\lem Tp. It was a mi racle, All swooped ,to nt full l e!1g~h nSlde ; had started ~o awarded a judgm ent of "110116 ment of Wm. H, Null liS administrll- proved, nllo\Yed nnd confirmed. ri ght and to left a ~ if th e bullets had cr awl, wrllhlllg. A r ecr uit took hIS ., 'P • t f th t t f SETh Austin R, Vest to Theodore and cleaved t hem apart in th" center, pl ace in th e hollow ' and the courier from Allee Aylstock and Geo, Moon, or 0 e os nco IIrllh . Null e thirteenth account of Peter Catherine Legner, 29.23 acres of pelLing ill bll1lN Il nd nearl y spent IInnt ched the snnke from the ground. . The court ap,p roved certnin sales WIIS filed. Oberlin, guardian of John Oberlin, lIrro\\'. The fc llow in the f oreground bur- In the case of Lnurtl A. Gross vs. Proof of publication of the op- ~vus npproved, allowcrl and confirmed land in Salem Tp. Allnirll Boyd to Andrew Tulllll, rowe d dcv rly. I fired twice-we Jesse S. Gross ~i t nl., lind the sheriff pOintment of Edgar A. Ludlulll a s The first nccoulll of Frank J. Bnhl! for ced me down . '!Low, low," she ,v,Ilrncd . "You could n ot see that I had even incon- was ordered to convey the proper- administralor of the estllte of AI lon, administrator of the cslote of Jo ~ uph BruJlnun an d Gl1l\rge Hamant have fiftee n shots left. J Ol" them; vc aienced him, tics to the b'U' Ell'S on rec eipt of lhe Se.nmon, was filed. " I!:mnm Balon, WllS upproved, allow- 3 town ncree in Hamilton Tp. . Sud(l en!y, liS I craned,. tho fellow purchase price. Proof of pUblication of the op- cd and oonfirmed. then, one for lIIe , on e f or you. You (Gontinued on page 3) n!'ed I~gllll!; he had dIScovered a In the ense ~I f the Virgini \ Joint pointment of Mollie Price as execThe Stat and fin81 aCQount ,of Arundel·st.und !" "1 un d I'stand," I l·epHed. "A nd nIche 1n OUI' rampart, for the boll Stock La d b k f ehn I ~ utrix of John Price, was flIed. thur and John W. Bean, executors if I'm disnbled- " fan ned my cllock with the wings of a n .on, 0 \' es on, VS. John C. WI' lson, Ildml'nlstrator of f th • 'he a nRwered qu ietly. vicious wasp. On thl! inst..nn t I re. Ambrose }-Jel shcy, tho sole of cer0 e estate of Samuel J. Bean, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS tain premises t o ~he plain tiff was np- . ?state of Sarnh A. Wilson, filed was approved, allowed and confirm-.-• It w ill b th e llUll\e. One f or pled.. sn npping quick answer. you, one f or mc!" "1 don't tbink you hit him,'! she proved lind court ordl!red t hllt tho bl!! Invent01'y and npPl'lliscm ent, ed. One day I/o man walked Into a fur A double circle hod been formed sa id. ' Le t me try. , I'll hold on the purch85er pay $200.0<1 cosls and lhe The will of Alice M. Ellis waM 1lIThe first and finlll Rccount of AI- store an d IIIIld: to move in two directions, scudding spot--he'll come up in th e slime remainder, $,1611 0. 36 be applied by ed, . lie Calvc.rt, IIliministl"ntrix of the es"I wnnt to get a Bet of fun Ult~ r ing reve rsed within scudding ring. place, h ad lind shoulders. You 'll lhe mortgtlgee as credit on tho judgDea n E. Stanley, trustee III the tate of lIfnx qalvert, WM approved , the black ones in the window." mont found by the court. estate of Walter W. Voorhis, was allowed and o;onfirmed. ' "Oh, you mean skunk?" said the Lhe bowmen ou termost. Around an d ha ve t.o t empt him." ' I'oun d and 'r ound they gaUoped, And I dged Carther a nd faTth~r. 11111 Moe Taylor wall granted a u~ thoriz d to purchase United lotes The 'first lind flnul nccount of An- salesman. shootin" as if scek in'" f or II murk, bu t With . . . . h di vorce from Clllaries Milton Tllylor Llbcrty Lon . n, Bo n d.3. na J , M'II IeI', admil\istratdx of, the (Ed. Not'~Mllu he r~t In pea~e) Y lIi ng I g ibing ' tauntin~, so · mnhgmmUy tha t the a r was in a all my flesh B-prickle and my breat Th 11 f T G ~ , ~D ~ cons\.;mt hum and swish. The lead fast. nnd r estored to her maiden name of e WI 0 UlIIS I Dubois WIIS estnte of· Thomas Miller, wn. apwhined and smacked, Lhe shafts Abru ptly it came _ the snake's Anna MII'e .Penqu{te. odmi~ted to proba.~e, nnd Frnnk , W. Ilroved, allow d and confirmed. FOREARMED strcnke d and clatteredstrike, sLi ng ing my face with the John A, MUrI'ell was appointed a ' DubOIS ~vns IIppomted execut or of George Moyer, guardian of Wm. spotter of sandsLo ne and hot lel\d; commissioner in the case of AUr II the elltate. A. C. Voil, B. S. Al - E. l\foyer, was given , authority to at t he moment her celL's bellowed Van Doren VS. Ilf ud Van Doren in baugh und Frank Miller were sell ce~(ain real estate. "A referencll, Jane?" elCclaimed place of A. J. Ki;phart. ' pointe~ appraisers, C. Donald Dllal.urih, administrator the mistress. "Why, you have only in to my l'ars. Willinm Boom! and Lewis Sholl n1\{~~lon H. Howell WIIS appointed qC the, elltate of J , M. Wright, filed just come." " I got him I" ~~hll~~~ G~dk,,,brCr~j~f::J~Y' barger ent ered II plea of no t guilly admlnl. trator o,~ the estate of Elmer his tl~'8~ ·'an.d fliml IIcc()~nt. ."Yes," admitted Jane, "b"t you "That is the lost." to n charge of nllonufneturing intox- Howell and EhJah Nossett, Geo. A. O. L. Brown, guardian of Hany nucht not be :",a~tina to rive me "Won't they trv n'gnin, you think?" iCllting liquors a.nd were held to an. . and Elmer V. Brown ; ap- Brown, filed hi,s eigbth aocount.- . one when I'~ lea'v~r ma'am," " The last spare shot, I mean. We swer to the grllnd jury under J3000 praIsers. ,' . . The estate of Lassie E. Kirklin Tbroulh atar ' ahioe en bave only our two left. We must bond. Ed C. Janney, adnllnlstrator of \\185' found exempt from inheritance lIave those." ____ the estate of Annab C. 'Coleman, Ill- tax. . we c .... tered aiel. b,. aide * • • • • • NEW SUITS cd his drat account. The elltate 'of Florence E. Brllck- DR. C. HENDERSQN the old frei._h tioa The Sioux 'had quieted, and 101Sales by Wm. H. Null, ney was also round exempt , from Olllet-Am.n a.dle Jn~ upon the bare ground in the s un Rosa McCutclheon, executrix trator of the !!st.ate of Sarah E. Null inheritance tax . OPPle.HOU •• glare they chatted, laughed; rested, the estate of Robert A, -McOutcheon were approved ' und eoJUiimed. Wm. _,_._ __ I'oecl. eaatward. but never for an .iD5tnnt were ~e vs. Rosa McCutcheon, Helel~ Un!ttell'- H. Null ' filed hi~ first snd finnl MARRIAGE LICENSES: 9 to J'I .. '" . S Iv, 5 II. ~1!ml~~ ,from theIr eyes anll theu by, Elizab,~tlt GDleman, Jane Fox. count, . . 1 .tIl II .. tn. ,RnJph R. Stowe, contractor, of ~;~ . will 't to 'Th Ethel Fox Wal!tner, Robert Irwin Mary W. Tucker was Office' T~"oneeI Lel~allion" and Alma' H . . Hormel, of afford e>;t,.. Bh:al~un:~red. er.I:ai~ and Dor,o thy Wl~ner arid, Harr!, ~. administratrix ~f the ,e state "08KtenC:e • 881'2 cheaper -for them than losing lives." FIIeke tp. seU reall estate and for' eql- S. Tucker and Wm. WelCh, ',' II they knew -we bad 'only the table rehef. . Jorlian and :Ed McFarland, Bm).... :i... 1 ylll.~ ,Ohio two cartridges--'" . Verna Hill VB. Richard Hill ·for . "Where will you shoot me, Fran'k?~' vorce on a charge of gl"088 neglect, Thi1! bared the secret heart of me, Je!l8e S. GroBEI vs. Laura A. Orol\ll "Nol. Nol" I begged. "Don't for divorce on a charge of gt'O!19 neg ~eak of that. It will be bad enough lect. at the best." , . Anna D Sw ' 0 . A "You will, " . Bhll soothed, ,17enson VB. sear .
-. .
... --+----
rath:le~r:u!~~JU~tr~o~m;.;~~~~~I,~~~~::: .;·~" .':;~====~~~~~~~~~~~~f~~~~~~~~ti~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~:~: 1h ' ie ad not died from my shot after ventory . \
_ ~... • called .Ioudly, and raised his rifle, threatenirJgj wit~ a gasp--a cboked "~od-bye"-8he darted by me, runnlnlr on for, t,he op~n al\d for him, In a stark blinding rage I levelled revolver and pt1l1ed , trigger. The chief uttered.a terrible CI'Y, his rifle was tossed hU;h, he bowed, swayed downwnrd, hIS comrude grabbed him; and they were rllclng baCK close 1y lide by side and she w.as ru.nning bac.k ~o me, and t~e .waI1'io~s were shriekll1g and brandl1!hlng' their weap ona ~nd. bullets spattejeo the, rockS --aIJ ,thiS while yet my hand shook to the recoU of the'rev,!lver and the IImoke was still wafting born the poised muzzle. ' ,' What ' had L edone? But done it WBB.
; . She ,arrived breathless. dist1aught 'instantly .to drag me doVf1J , beside her, from where I stood litupidly 'de. Ban\;, . ' , . ~'Keef- out of 'sigbt," sbe panted. And-' Oh, why did y'ou do it? Wby did you? I think . you killed himthey'll !lever forgive. 'They'll call it treachery 1 You're lost, lostl"
· ~~~~~~e~~I~.~ ed. " Let them kill me If they can, Till thel} you're mme. Mine! Don't yo. ul1deratandl , 1 ,,(ant you." A burst of aa.va~ hoota r~ewed interrupted:' "They're :eoniuigl h Sht;1 knelt up, to peer; 1 ·peered. , Tbe IndIans had deJlloyed; leavin( the chief ·lying upon the gr:o\Jnd" t~eir. fier<le countenances glaring at "ollr asylum, A glory glowed in ller haggard .tau and shone from her brimming eyes. , ",W e will fight, we will fight I" she " chanted. "Oh, my mun! Had you
"You mu t st op eome of those fiends from sneaking closer," IIhe counaeled " /Sec '!' 'rl\ey're trying us out." I had been desperately Hoving the ammunit ion, to eke out this hour of mine wi th her. Every nete' from the r evolvOI' Bu'm nloned the end II . little n eater. But we had our game" to piny; and, :nfter ail, the end ,was certain. S,o when the next painted rulfuin bore down I Iruessed ahrewd1y, arose , and let lnim have it. . he cried out, clapping her h\lnds. "Good I G09d I" , The pony was sprawling ond kicking ; t he rider hM hurtled free and went jumping and dodging , like ' a jrick-rllbbit. ' Now they all charged recklessly from the. foul' sides; and I Jlnd ,to st:and lI'nd firQ, l"ight" left, before, bebl)ld, einptylng ' the gun more ere they l\Cattered and M~ "L,ady's ~houlder a oriflamme of scarlet. "You're hurt!" I blurted aghast. "Not · m'\l.ch. A scratch, ' How many left. Nine." S he' had been counting, "Seven for them."
We l o~d~eup~~oili~
and smiled, We f aced ' a future to,geiher, nt least; we were In accord. The Sioux 1;etired, mainly to sit di mounted in close circle, fo)." a confab, The Sioux ' had eouncHed. We waited, tense IIDd watchful. Then ,without even a premonitory hQut 11 Jlpny bolted for us. He bere t.wo riders. They charged straight In; alld suddenly the rear rider dropped to the ground bounded brillfly :lnd dived hCilcllong. wOl'mrng into a little hollow of the sand. He lay half concealed
.SEED OATS Call us for, your
thlnk "I'd ..it pIe. That's wait to look, .. youree If th at. This made me gl"olln, craven and wipe my hand across JIlY forehead to brush away the frenzy. ' Thirst and beat tortured ingly. " . She brokll with sudden passion hoane appeal. "Why do we wait. Why ,not now1" "We ought to wllit," I stammeredmis~rable and pitying. ' . "Yes," she whlsl}ered, 'submiesive. ;'1 suppose we ' ought. One always does. ' But I am so tired" I think," she sali!, ..tha.~ I ahaU let ' my "air down. 'J. shall go with my hair down. I hove a rill'ht to, at last.';· , Whereupon sbe fell ,to loollenlng her hair and bfaided it with hurried fingers. ' Then aHel" a time, I said: . "We'll not be muen longer, dear." "I hope not. i , said sh'e( panting, her' lips stitf, ' hel" eyell oright and feveri~h. ioThey'1I rush ' us at eundown; maybe bef·ore." "l believe," said I, blurring 'the words, fol' my t.ongue WIlS gfo\t;ting uJ)manageable, "tbey're makHIj{ rea,dy nOlv:" ' . She eXc;l~imed lind struggled and sat up" and, we .both. gazed. , Out thoro the SIOUX, In that worliJ of their own, had aroused to energy I fancied ' that they had palled of 'the inaction. ' >
all, but ' Mpntol'o the "'ambler had b 1 h d b Vigil ., een ync e lI' a,ntes. • • • ." • • It was 'six weeks. later ' 'when , we two rode into lI,e nton, wondering. Roaring Benton City bad vanished, The iron tendrils oJ the Pacific Rnilway glistened, stretching westward into the lIun~et, and Benton had follo~ed the ' lure, to Rawlins (as had been told us), to Green Rlver, to Bryan-':lik\!ly now traveling fast, charging Ithe moun~in ~lopes of Utah, The J'estleSll dust had silttIed. . The Queen hotel, the Big Tertt, the, salool;l8, p .mblinZ dens, ' dance halls, the 5tatJ~m itself had ,subsided Into thil!; 8 Elkeletpn company Of h.acked and wear-ened tic outcrop of coldy'l chimneys, a sprinkling. of /!ans, ', The fevered populace ridden high upon the tide life had remained only 8S haunting a pottm~'11 field. l'lt's 'all} aU wiped out, like 'he is," she said. ~.~!; ,of *.t. But .I1ere a~e , you and I. , ' Through star slline 'we cantered side , by lir~e e:ast'IVnrd down the ol~ ,' empty 'fre,ghttnl~ ~oad, for the rallway stntl~J1, at l~ ort St~ele • THE END .. Copyrlehted :', Edwin L. Sabin.
D W H hr ' , " . ump eys W88 'appolnted executor of the estnte of ,L\llu Marler and John Law. Geo . . L. ' Schenckd L. S. Shawhan, apJlralsen. ' _ The elltat,e of Ellen C. Sto ....en1. or ... " oUl;h 'w~ divided equaUy between two sons and a daughter, eaob cei..ing $5027.64" Robert J. Shawhan, of the' estate of George W. Grim filed bis sale bill. " ' John D. Kirklin, administrator the estilte of, Lossic E. Ki_klin flIed " , his tinol accoun 1 • · Warrant ,of c~onveya-ce ' was ilIU.. ed to Sheriff Brant for - removal' of Daniel Brower to the. Ohio Inlltitution for Feeble Minded. ' Minerva Lawson, executrix of the estate of James l!: Lawaoli filed her apprntliemento The of John W. C'onover
filed. ' Court authorized utor ot-.the estate m.nke btU of sal0 cnr to 'Emma ,Hill and Court · authorized " the . Citizens National bank and . Co. adm'inistrator of th .nte Cl d Th e .es".. ,Y e ompson to distrIbute cerUun asset. of thC! estate.
Jobn 'Colliert: ahge ' cutte~. anon, and Velma Clark" w9rker, , 01 Lebanon. .
t:abrio, .75 ~.nwn ao' r "'l1 in HOPlt!nsvitfe. ' ~- . IS John R. aJ)d Eva M. Allen 140.675, acres. of l,nd in . lin Tp. ' ' ,' Nettie V. Edwarda to Geo;' D. Mc- ~ , ' - --.....,....-:.-.Sher~. '1:2 ' acrell pf land in Clear- LO~NS , on Ch.tte\ajl!!t~cb, Secw1creel( Tp, ' tillll, and Seconctllortiq... Nota El,l a Brow.n to W-. H. and boucbt. Johu H·....ln. J.,. X.D'-
Null 76,26 acrel of land in lin Tp. ' 'M. Venard to Y(m. ,and Jennln,., 29.28 ' acr.1I .',1'p. . " Je~ $. imd Laura ' ' 'Grollll, l ' '~L'Afll1!1li~.
ulntlng, ' . ' , "It will be soon," she whispered S~MATTER POP A touching my IIrm, "When they al"~ h8)f wllY~ ,dqn't fail, : I tr~8t· you. Wlil yoli KISS me? That is only the once." , q I{. "T'4f r kissed her; dry cracked lips met dry cracked lips. , She, laid berself ",u C E ~T 1. rrn.. e.. down and closed her eyes.and smiled. . "I'm ~Il right," she said. "And . ~O'f IN 't,tfe ,.wdR'L.'b. tlr.cd. I ve worked .so hard for , only -AN' ++OW' CO"'le.. thIS., You mUlitn't 100Ir." . "A'n d you must wait for me, 'I A. "-4 u.o-( A N\ ? somewh~~e," 1 entreated, ,,"Just a nloment. ,The Sioux chllrged, hnmmering; lashing, all of shri\lkil]g, one pur· pose; that, us ; she, I ; my life, ' her body; bnd quickly kneeling beside her (I was cool ond firll't and collected), 1 felt her hand gUIde the revolver barrel. But I did 'not look. She had bidden, a!,d I kept my eye" upon t.hem, untIl 'they were half.way and in exultati<)II ' 1 pulled the 'trigger my hand ' already tcnsed, to snlltch' anll cock and deliver myself under their very g~a!!p . ·That was a ,sweetness, The hammer clicked. Tliere had been no jar, no rllPort. . The hammer hod tell you, shocld n~ me A missed cartridge? chamber? Which? No should achieve for hez:, f I heard her . anotber sound I' saw. w4ved, OI! .. a niniate'd ~sc:!I,r4~,c:ro',,: It·,· been a It hud ' been' +.to ••'..........
)1:::,.-,:., w -4
101l!!1g ,j ov~r bing , ,WG-re
here," .r screammg.. -, . . She tottered up, cUnginir! to me, We , were sitting .close' toretber when- a lieutenant 'lICl'ap1hled -to our rocks; 'the tJ:l)open curiously ~••ftinl'. • atubbled red fa!:e, d1aBkmeattn' k~nI,~ • ''". J .did hit _curt ~
~ ... emaO-'.i
Wm. Malott, vl,lIcani.lling, $1: ClarksFAMOUS LAST WORDS vllle Fnrmcl"S' Evhllnge, glJnrd rllil posts, $28.82 ; A, D. ll/ldl\en' es~te, ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY same, mliterlill, ~53.20; Carl Block· fotd, repairs, $7 .J5; 1; bun,!n Fllrm.Mri!. Jell8e RUl had as E ers Co·oP. Co., ~cm ntJ $7.36; ,Thll IrU08ta her mother and brother, Union CII8 a nd , Electric 00., materi., Akron ,- Ohio, D. L CRANE: " ~cll~~r a.~ P~l»I1.~..., Wat •••ft~I., al, 1494'; Samuel"Mo'or,o, comJltlllsa, " , Rev. Fra~k ' Moormlln; <dl tion nnd dnmllge" $3~{.44: Leslie Sb~8crJ,.tlon Pile... ,1.tlO per year. own, preached at t he Friends hultz, driving maj ntoincr, $511; A . . ~ • .J. ........ ... """"'" • . .... • ~ _ .s unday afte, r noqn. . G. R obert~on, dl:.'1~ging, $6:75; The " for.l~h Advert',I,\!! H "p "~OJ>I 110,1 . 1.. ~ i~ 1!;1'-IEt.!.Nl'~~~!l ASSc;'C!'" 10, ,Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Robinson and G~lion Iron Works · alld Mfg. 0, / daugbter!! returned Saturday from crusher repai r s; , 28.38; Waites Gar ' age, repairs, *67.16'; Slnntla1'(1 Oil a wint er i11 Flori4a . WEI?NESQAY,. AP,RIL: ~, 1927 - 90., gas lind oil, $68 6.(4. Mr. and Mrs. Fired Hndl ey and sons, of Leesburg, were calling on A ' le'lephono JJnenl'nn, wh ile trlen,ds here Sunday,. DISGRACEfuL I mnh Ing an ' Ins pection of 11 coun' Wil(er Lackey attended the fun· lry lIu e, heard 11 t ~a ln whistle In J' , EDITORIAL SHORTS erar'of a coushl, Gwendolyn Sellers the dlstaoce. ' He looked toword Can you Imagine this? VACCINATION OF SWINE Flarrlday, in Columbus, Monday. t he railroad 1rnoll lind saw smo l(o WII8hington, D. C. -April. Four No town is smllll, narrow or a hick arising. Rn shlllg to the sce ne be (A SPECIALTY) Mrs. Walter Moore entcl'tained public.spirited citize.ils have 'a'dvanc. vi1Ioge to those who behave ' them· , selves. with a family dinner, Sunday, t he dlscover cd a woodcn brid ge ha d 11U~OW FOLI(S WHO 'THIIJIt fT' IS ' cd $10,000 each t o caro tor 4G8 poor Nolhin , but Reli.ble Serum a nd occasion being her birthday Imni· Ilurned awny. He 8ucceel'led 10 ~SMAIZT -,t)MAICE I'UIJ OF ~t!\A . naggi ng the 'tralu aDd savin g many V'irul U.ed . ~hildren, wards of the District of . The Duchess of York has taught WWIJ, svr 'roME ~~ 1C1~ lives. Columbia, who were threatened with English Milora to Charleston. "Great Phop 81 U~ ~ FUN OP A FItIaNO • Mr. and Mrs. Tu nis Conklin hove ~I I I(IoJOW Mf PRle:~ IWII ~tarva.tion as a resu It of the Senate Britain Makes the Waves" eh? While tel ephone men were rllII' Xenia to t he property moved from HARVEYSBURG , OHIO 6OT' 'lW1IR. SI4OR:n:QMIIMH, avr Filibuster, preventing passage of the --0-t hey recently purcbased of Nannic nlng a line through the SbenlluI AM LOVA~ '-m ~EM .JUST' .,.:v;; Park thoy left a doab Nnllonal Second . Deficiency Appropriation The hero season is at hand. Those eAME, AND I AM LOlAl "TOlAy coli of wire out for tho olglit. In Bill. The loans will not beal' inter- tourists who run into traffic cops I-IOMIl "ItNIJ.l -mo.SUQ 1M Easter services wel'e held in the the morning they discovered that tbeir ftivvers--and don't run. with est. Thoso lending the money are M. E. church Sunda y afterno on. A a 1'1 :\)'ful boar had got mIxed up Mrs. Anne Archbald, John Ha¥s ' --0-class of twelve was received into lot he ~o ll (lnd hod so badly kinked nnd ll amagcd It that It membership. d J 0h n J ay Ed son ,an d ilIenshlp President Coolidj!'e restoresIt had cit- =!:=========::::::~ Hammon, to three bo'btleggerl. WIIS uollt for uso. Inspection of tho Mason ic lodge Frank J. Hogan. I had to be done. OUI! popUlation is was held Thursd~y evening of last In n :-i()r th Dakota city, tho The above case i8 but one small being depleted too fast. week. There was work in the M. M. prindpal of the hiJrh, 8chool hll H example of the position Federal in· --0-degree. A d elicious dinner was servo ndoplcd n plan 0 r Cl\ \ling tho stitutiOnB lind department heads now 'Twas Homer who lUIid :"Hateful ed by the O. E. S. t" about eighty· homes of absent studohts to fin d lind themselves as the result of the to me as the gates of hades i8 he ' whether they arc ill or their par· smothered deficiency bill. In almost who hides one thlnlr in his mind and The Massie Township Bpellin~ one brethren. onts know Ih y nrc remaining out --every branch of our government ex· speaks anot her." contest will be held he re 'April 29. of Ichoo!. It is snid the attendance trame e\Uergency situations now ex• --0Mrs. Ida Honks is spending I few hilS mn terlnlly picked up. !at, tho.se in charge knowing not , what to do.· Toborrow funds and As 'a mlltter of ,fact girls of yes- days with relatives in Chillicothe. Durin~ 192< the Bell syslem, of C)ITry on i, unlawful and makes them ~rday or any ?ther generation bad Mr. and Mrs. Everett Villars have which Ohio is D part, spent for personally liable and In the end they h ttle on the girls of today. They opened a grocery In Mr:a. .Beal'lI (Continued fr'om p~ge 2) telephone plant additions and reo mly be left holding the. IUIck. , 'have little on thel!llelves. room. placements an nn.l 0unt equnl to the ,- The whole situatlQn is downr ieh t --0-The Athletic association enjoyed COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES cost of ol1structing the Panllma It Is reported a New .York doctor a banqaet at the Hall, Thursday ev. Valley Phone C~,., rent, $48.60; dilfrrace!ul. Uncle Sam, richelt in Cana l. the world, hill business and ward!! on 'found one mother who was feedine ening. same, tolls, $24.60; Alfred Brant, charity. , her litt le boy milk becaule there was expenso, $210.96; !Iame, board and The ftllbu. ter and ita parent, the not a drop of gin hi the houae. Preaching serVices at the M. E. washing t or prisone'rs, $433.71. The short -_ion , il the cause and ,they -0...,... ' church on April 24, will be In the Western Star, supp'ljes, $14.60; Dr. 8 l7,\ u~( t:o~'~~' o r\\rn.~,~~~on ~.!'I~~: must go. Senator Norris' Constltu· . .. " morning. F A Zimmer supp lies $82 90 ' The " Io'nal A-endme.nt eridin. s'ho .... saa _ Champion Ge. ne Tunney Bafll when , . . , ' . '~30 LI<ln 1I1. Sawin , n" " Ulrlx ..... .'" - h ts d h h II lit ft htMr. and Mrs. Ira Rp.rtsock, of Johnson and Watson, Co., same,.. " Itr lit O la8t will ' of Susan E , .ions, ' fllibus~ and ,il ame duck" . e ge maa-rle, e II a qu g Dayton , ,were Sunday guests of rel. 60; J. O. Hartshorn. photo of pris' Hnln .... u.cenKad. P lnlnlm. leal.ilsatlon i8 the .best thing in sight !~g. Well-here a luck to yo~: Gene. atives here, oner, $5; Bell PreS8, supplies, $3.50; vo, at t.bi8 time. 'It would install Can· And may the best man win. , The Columbus Blank Book Co., sup. 080nr J. l~dWarrlH,- MILrlanl'''d -.Id ta tb Ja ry --0-I. N. Miller and MiS8 Lula, spent $ Ii $240' MIl)'ur. Lilla M , :;awln. Suo ileBl' In p, ..... , en on e nua Sunday with Mrs. Nannie Retallick plies, 20; same, supp ClI. . , Ran M , ' Npl8oo. SUHun W. Jj'ry" lollowhrtr eleetioll,t. ,Flying New York to Parla prom· Drs. Edward ond RoM. Bloir, mcdl"r, )"hm W. Uurch. ~U8lln t' ha d tb" b'U' t b i t and fomily. W . ILlnll. MRry L , Edwarcl •. ' S" Th e .,na e 8 paBlle ... I ISIlI 0 e a popu ar summer IIpor cal services. $12; Dean Stanley, a ffi ce Trlllolla S . Edwards, ~Inrgll.' three tlmes. " Tb,. lIouse favors it>- this year~nd if all we read about Mr. Cummins, of Wilminctan, ad· rent, $18.86; H. M. Oswald, burial, ~:~I~~vn~~~~?I~'o H&~I;~~~~~: but rets no cllance -\'0 vote ', qn ' it. the. French hotel, and amu8!Dent man dreS8ed the Community Club, Wed- $100, John Hackett, member soldiers WIlli /Lot ~. Huaa lllll 'l'holl1o.a W.h)'? ; BecaujIe the,' Hoilae Rules pgen' ' plan' to ' "nick" America'n nesday evening. burial com. $1' J. M. Snook same B,ur~h . Iyde HJatL. Cantll. I..... . IS ' t rue, fl' ' Mn. L. C. Lemar return. ' . Works Co., " b II NOll_on, Pr d SaWin. Joi '""ee h oIds . it 0 fI, th e ' ft oor• . ourls -=omn,.•• )'lne P ' to New Mr. and $1; Dayton ' Stoncll slll.lI Dnvl. and L.loyc.l Oa\'lo, 'That II, it, baa in the past--but ma>" , York. will ~e eve.n more popular. ed Wedn~day from several months' plies, $1.74: The J. W. Lingo H~we Emlllelle l~,rY<l" " Dctendnnts. btl. it wUl DO'l' see the handwritintr ' ,- ____ • , . . 1I0journ in Florida. ' Co., 88me, 66c; It. A. WaIWlck, OJ) tJae wall anil alve UII reliet., Lead, paintnlg, $3&: Jno. Law and Son, era bid b.tter to it: 'k~ '1" ~' lIrs. Ethel Rammer, of Kines care of county cars, $27.62; MHler - - -_ _ • fJIII! Mills, is' visiting her uncle, Chlrlel Hdwe.., sup piles, $3; lIame, supplies, Hammer and family. $4.45; The Col.umbus Blank Book .'. 1)V0 SIDES , ; " MI!ljIII'IL VI. P. McCarren and C. 00., same, $7.60: same, supplies, E. Gordon made a businell8 trip to $2~.50; same, supplies, $18.50; Leb Secretary Hoover says MAN 16 CA1'TAiN ' OF Detroit, Friday night. anon Farmera Oo.op Co., coal, $19 .• "IS SOUL LlN"I'fL. KI' 24. Alfred C. Brant, supplies for , r,!)ads"are now ' In fine condit\1! , aup-. Word from the bedaide of E. B'. , ',",,,,...,,, $466 F d S 'd WA~K.s TH~ GA"Gl'LI\NI\ pl)'inft '~compl.tely adequate .er· Doster is to the en'eet tllat he ill imcar,. ; re nl er, pay , " Of , proving Batillfactorily. 76.GQ; V. W. Tompkins, ' pay , WHY SPEND YOUR MONEY vlCfl." Be I thbt1ul thill, "vindlcatel COUIt'rSH'P , , roll, 1.25 ; same, $829.70; F. M. FOR A TIRE THAT I S OUT· private ownership." Mr. and lIrs. C. H. Grsy Ind fAm· ColUn's, same, $197; ~m~, $26.25: OF· DATE, BE H IN D' THE j'lt .howl, ai le~, that. pri:va,te it), Were Easter dinner pesta of Mr. Edon Terry, same, $136.60: same, and Mrs. J,' C,, Gray" 6288.40; Charles Bradbury, same, TIMElS? ~rsbip il worlline weD. aa It ~ell Dr, and Mrs. W. ' E. Froat enter- $351.92: P. B. Monee, same, $95.80 ; . may ' when ' vernm'ent gu~nt~es )BtTY THE NEW TIRE-THE tained Mr. ,and M.l"S. Roy Harvey,' of Harlan Whitacre, same, Si97; same. I rauroad owners rood' earnlnrs. in· bridge repair material, $83,60; The Dayton, over tlte week-end. 1927 TIRE, THE TIRE THAT cludintr interest Oli U\eir' milltakea , Oregonia Bridge Co." erecting bridge IS P&OCLAIUFJD' AS and ~uch water. Pr!"lte' oWllenhip. ,Mn. Myrtle Clark .nd family, of $700; liame, exira work, $85.66; .of, I'llilroacb is troiulr til .t:.y U ' 10llir Genntn.wn, w,re Sunday guests of same, , repairs, $1'01.3&; Howard THE; CREATEST TIRE IN u proSPl!ritY ' ,ata)'ll- every bci(ly, Mr. and Mn: Ed MacFarland." " Cook, ~tone, $588.1~: ; Marold .Swoen THE WORLD ' kiloWII that. U WIl(II beco.me very ~ Deborah D~1rin paased aWIY ey, gravel, $45.67; Spencer ond Ar.; keI, :of .course, railrold,s ",ould lay evenlne ,foUowing a ' few mitaee, same, $570.78; Spencer and ' J'TS THE N~W·TYPE ALL~ ~ ro".~.n~ "P)ean take us.': "Dick almolt drowned lut n1trht. Ulness, resultlntJ. trom a fall. Arm itage, ' same, $186.58; G. F. WEATHF;R 'TREAD GOOD , It ilhould o~ be 9"erlo~ked, and "No': how, comeT" Mi~ell Mabel and Margare't Starr Fl,owers, gravel, $2.185; . A. D. MorYEAR 13 ALL 0 0 N. IT Seeretan' Hoover ,kn'l.ws it; that ~e. ''The pillow ali.pped,'the bed .pread ris, same, $1.80; ,J . O. Worley, ,o f . Dayton, were week-end guests of stone, $1.60; E. W: Qoinb,y, briage lMitecl States poatOftl~ .lao riv", And he fi!ll ~to--u.e .pring." CHANGES ALL PRESENT th~ir mother. Mrs. Amanda start. ~epalr, $12; Rob~. Johnllon "completelj, adeqllate a.",icet aD~ " - -.- - - _. ,', IDEAS ABOU BALLOON The Flat Fork ' Ladi.. Aid held a $8.40; Eugene Harner; saine'; $ Ui'not under p't{~t. ~wl.1enhip. " Mr. :,THE WAY. IT 'WASDONE TIRE MILEAGE. IT GIVES Hoover coulllnft 1IDlClne any private " "" , , very succell8ful , food ,sale at the 10; ' Walter Varner, same, $2.40. POSITIVE TRACTro~, PRO. enterprlse ,carryilllr .a 1.~er 11'()m Ole , "1 gu_ I-may,as 'W~1l double The Ohio Cor.ruga~d Culvert Co., Townsipp house .Saturday morni~. - ' south,m tip of Fl'orlda to the .IIorth· in,come/: said the ' nf/wlboy, aa n t rtain d >: culverts, $622; The ,J. Lingo Co. Mts. Sa ell e ...eason 'en e e ~o supplies, $120.87 ; 'same, lupp liel1, ern end of .Al..n for two,c.e,ntl. . foldeCl hi. dollar, bill, . dinner; Sunday, ' Mr. ' and Mrs. Percy tor Memorial struc\;ure, $1.75; W. I' ~ 0 Tb Relll!on and IOn, ,Lorell, of Wayn8l' P ville. " supp I,es, · ..25.6; e Sherwood Co., 8ame, $35.22; ~atrick.Fre.nch Motor Clll' Co., A number of Ra'y mohd 'friends gathered at: hill new, truck, $831,,6 0; same, sUP,pIies: ~,~ening in hono.r of bis $3.46; B. 8. Cquove;r, Bame, ' $18.30: ~I hlirllld ..,v, W. N. Cox, same, 06.44; East-End Garagej MaBon, Bam!!, $13.25; Hairy E. ~iI1, Bla\lch~~te:r, repairs" $19; Heneb.el J!1. James, Ilabor and ro.Plliril $16.45 p. W. Taylc,r, Bame, 04.10;
I ----
haarlem on has been ' a:world., wide'remedy for kidney,liver an4 bladder disorders, rheuinatilmi lwnbaga add uric acid ooncHtloDa!
~!!~~ CAt'~ULI
correc:tlntcnlal troubles, stimulate vlbII o!,&ans. Three sizes. All ~ InIiIII on the ori&lnal &couine
Buy the
----_ ..
News Gleaned from the Court
1927 Tire!
,NOTAIIV. FttI.Lie ·'
sKID- '
' . National Buk WtU. Dra_ :. ..... "•• E1ta.t .. S •• t1.~
" ' waYne-rin.. Ohio
The Miami Gazette Office
W. Il.
Allen was In Cincinnati on
M1'8. Ru' Malnou" and 'Slln, DOli. IIpen\. \laster In Hamilton.
In·D.a yton, , Ohio;
Mondar, April 25 .
.Lester Qatdon attende(l ~II!1onic • "(The fact that two of 9ur citizens InRI> etion at Morrow ,Saturday ev· lind ' scvera) former ro~i!lcn t ' 01 enlnlr. ,J ' . • \Yu 'hlt'lS"JiII! atL\lncied ' th old Pekin f " . , '~c'l)j) \;'. giv~~ 10 I colot' to the. {ol- 11 rtI. EdIth TfhTl'lS \\' II~ sh ppmg m H, M. Allen: of J)ett'o;t., if!. the fcC11cst 10\\'ing m,Ue!!' .wlHoh \Vn 'fl<l~tt>n by DI~ytOn. lIfOllduy. of his brother, W. R. Allell, fOl' a Mr. ' \'erl'tt' ~lfiI'k . Dayton. wn. J. lIf, Earnhl1~~ ' and llubliR hed in the W. O. Rapcl' nllended t he f,uncral few days. . '. aili ng 0 1) Ly ~l(). 1'1'i nds, Sunduy-. Lcbnnol) Patrlot.Ed.) o~o t\n nunt In Bellbrook. last SatlIfl'. and M~:A. ChllrlelJ Anderson Mre. Ada hcnowef.h. of ~ntcr ur ay. . mid sons were Dayton vi sitoJ:S• . Sun. ville spent lhe week-end with Believing 'hat the publication of r~k~ I GladYlI 1;[arlan alld Miss Da. duy even~n8'. ':Miss some f ncts and Bt.at}Stics (onCOMing t hc Aid c)liC)l;~ SlIll tl r at Lytic the old Pell.in SChOlll moy be of in· vis, of Dnyton, el~etit S'lInday in WayMiss Elizllbeth ,Stewart has retl.\rn. Hull Sohtnllly c'venlng wns well Plltncsvill e. cd home alter a visIt with relatives l rest I wi b to make the fo llowing toniltlld. in Dayton. Miss Nllncy Treadway spent Eassla'teme nt: j MI'. il.n~ lI1.rs. J. B. JoneS atte ll d .~ d te r in Duyton. with ber couBin, Mrs. In 1864 I commenllod to go to Mr~. Kate Ricks spe nt the weeka Gra nge meeting at MlUlon, Frirlay McKinney. ond with Mrs. Annie Thorpe and school which was held j In the little ' afternoo n. No ,hipper ever lost .. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sellers, of family, in Dayton. br· i ck E~ h oolhouse one quarter mile ~rs. William Lon~ WIlS a week· • peft-llY 4ellin~ cream Lebnnon. visited Wayn:esville 'rela11<\ guest of friends and 'retntiv(ls in west of Pekin. At that time tb Mr. and 1111'S. Dan Wal ter ond tives SlInday. . Were 75 scholars enrolled, most . Direct to Tri-State Mrs. H. V. Walter villited relatives ~liamisburg. . '. There whom woro ne'l\rly grown. II I'e, aturday eve ning. . Little Charle.s Boycc. of Dayton, was but orle roo m ·o.boul 20 by 80 I\f~. ~~arence Allen, of Miam i, Cream and Cana spent the Easter vacation with~ his teet in s.ize lind which is s till stand- Fla .• IS vIsIting Iller Pftrent8. Mr. and lIIisses Jean Hockett, Ruth Cook grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. E, lng, but long s ince abandoned owing Mrs. L. D. Chiles. , . Guaranteed and Elizabeth Bl'anstrator we Ie shop \ ' Smith. Tu d ._ to a e<rnsolidation with the Sweeney . '" 'n D t ,thing le.M IIl1Ci'~~lIl1" lit II ell·I· U. II b· , .. e l' " .,) 1II~IIIII.I';r lll, When th,. ApWt Lo.. 01' Dam. ..... Grace B unne 11 III now ca n ng schId" ay on, C.B o.y. miSS 00 IStrict. a new bu IIdlng ,bclng W. P. Salisbut'y, of Cleveland, was pm .. 1 "nbeck·:Wullnce Clr~ UB QI'PMre IlI're, the patrons will have 'In appar for ' Mrs. Cbloe Sides. who has been built at Merrittstown. The enroll- the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Otto Alex~nder, of I~' to Bell Imhy el.I!Jlhants. juvenile ' (,!lIncl~. small pOlllel. cub lion ... ill and is somewhat improvcd at ment in t he prcsellt combined dis. nyc over the wElck·end. Dayton. were Sunday afternoon •. ligen and othqr ellt nnlUlllls. lind III fnrt b.,lh dome811c Ind willi trict being ·to. So much for ruce guesls of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Marlatt " nls, amnII In size nnd alli\l very )'Ollllg In p(:e. . this time. w..... .,.,.. lhippl'" cream $II Babe Gnrdn er Is th ~ omcl~1 glillnJlnn of all the .ba~. tn tll. Mrs. Nary Carmony attended a "uiclde .. The pre~ent school is pro- to;lenn Frye h~ retu:ned to ' pa~· to TrioS_ fo. .,... 12 lIOU.. Ho •• Mr. and Mrs, Ethan Cralle, Misses .',obeck·Wallae,· t)ouble. menagerie and she Ig allied In earll'lg for h", . " "m llv dinner on Easter Day at the vided WIth two teachers. The old J ~o ~ClIu.me tllS studIes at Mlanll........ .n ov ~b ProJalltlll, .wllll. : ,nd charges by other cirCUli wOI.llell. Not ollly d01'1I ahe 'Watch thel " I\t~rian and Dorothy Cook, of Dayof ~Ir. and Ml'8. W. F. Clark, P ekin Bchool (blessed. be its memo aco S USlneS8 coUege. _.RaaIo~ , ", I ' n~ lind prOller lreo,melll by the mille employee, but slle allo condu41I.! to~, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mns. at Waynesville. OTy) was under the gUIdance of one Mr a d 111 LtG d W W. WORltMAN ..· '~I 0:I811y to sce I~ey receive Ine~rllctlons 011 bow to beeom!! .00.1 . teacher. The good old McGuffy . . n . r8~ ~s er or on and D. L. Crane. . SJ14boto, 01110 I"·rformers. The ltagel)bec1c:Wallace Clt()u6 com ell lo.lbls Ylclnlt/ Mr. and · Mrs. Wilbur Foulks enter- readers and kay's tlrtthme~ic were In ~~s .Martha 0 Neall 'were Lebanon . ...' , ntlI'n and nigbt performancea within a few· dall. Mr. and Mrs. L. 'M. Scars, of Jef· tained over the ,\veek-end the latter's use at that timll. The teacher found VISItOrs, Friday morning. fel'sonville, Mr. and Mr/J. Louis }' ires M' d' Mrs. Wil V ' . sister, Mrs, Lillian Evan,S and daugh. ample time to hear two and 80meter, of Dayton. . times three recitations per day by pon r'w~~e guests o~ ofd L:ra- Qnd children. and Miss Flossie spent E;aeter Day with Mr. and Mrs.. NO SUCH LUCK each closs from primer te fifth read- Fra~k Thomaa, on Frida:: a~ 8. Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Robert Burnet . Elvin Fires. . . Bon; of Dayton. spent the week-end er, aleo clasacs in menta,l and third " Mi stres~" I saw the milkman with the former's patents. Mr. IIJld part nrithmetic. grammer and geog· Mr. a'tld Mrs. Otho Henderson were Mrs. Edltb Edwards and daugh- kis!l, you this morning. I'll take the Mrs. S. II. Burnett. raphy. . Bc not only eet the copy SundllY dinner &'\IestB of Mr. and Two Show. Daily Maraaret ~nd Mary Ellen. re- milk in mr,self arter this." ?oIl' and Mrs Clyde Whart~n and In the copybook, each scbolar was M.rs. W. E. Stroud and son HlU'old turned *0 ~helr home in DaytoJ1. Sun.. 8.30 alIci •• 30 p ..... JOllet- 'rt WIlIl't do you llny good , .. . . required . to have, but WOUld. go '. . daughters wer~ Sunday 'dinner ~osta around at the time for' writing and , Mr. and Mrs. Oarl McClu e and day. alter spending a week 'wIth rei· mu m. He promised me he would w~ APPREOIATE YOUR" PATRONABE atives In tb1s viclnlty. . . kiss no on e but me. at the home of Mr. and . Mrs. P. N. show how to shape the letters and daughters of ' B I t , ~ S 5-1_1 B _ _ D O l i Sprl' ngboro . , e mon spent unrwr- - - aDce pro.ram lpoD. orne , neur , . " was oiten called upon to make the day with M.r. a,nd Mrs. Walter McMr.. and Mrs. C. H. Sherwood e - - II,. .... TrloSlaw Butt.r Co.. Severltl memheril were received by pen. out of go08e·qul~ls or repair Olure. .' ~rtained tbe following guest8 at IN- Statio. WLW T ••ada,.· .nD· letter nnd several children were bap- t/lem when fleeded. When . help WIl8 dinner. Sunday, in honor ot their r-------------------~-------..,;~.~;.,..~ I... April ZS, at also. . . tj,zed ~t thl! .Easter service ' at Lytle needed te 80lve a hard example Mr. and ~I. Herbert Edwal'dl ehurc:h, Sunda)' afternoon. a finger Wall ' snapped a hand went and son. of Dayton, were gue.ta of ltfr anll Mrs Oharles Jobns e~joy- up and the teacher· sat down by tbe ,Mr. and Mrs. R. A. 90)lner on Wed- Mesans. Frank Crew and Phineas < ~ t goo 'a d sumptuous side of the one In trouble worked out neaday. e.d E 08 er un ay an a . the anSWer and explained the reasons Cook. ' d Mrs. theretore. There were bi&' and little ~nner ~be bOm~ of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Outler IUId Mns. Helen Bartaoek and daul'hter mOB op, near aynes. elaaes In spelling. twiC!e each day. Bon, of Lovelland, were Sunday Dorothy, and Mrs. Grace Maren~y. aftemoqn wall always used guestS of Mr. d id Mrs. Ray MUls and of Akron. motored to WaynuviUe ?Jr. and Mrs. S. B. Baine. son !lnd Mr. ~d Mrs. Walter r.ecitatlon and "choosing up and daughter. last Friday and were guests of Mns• .rlc k were six.o'clock runner spelling." Spelllng Bchools In the ' Hartsock's grllndparent/l, Mr. and SUliday of Mr. and Mrs. evening were of frequent occurrence Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dykl!, Mr. and Mi-a. C. H. Sherwood. over and the teacher was always there te Mrs. Madison 1~llrnhart, of Dayton. Haines, at Belmont. . . give out. NoW how about l'eJIults! spent Easter DIlY with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday...,turning to Akron on Mon· day. and Mrs. Kesler Graham and I am here to tell the cock-eyed world Frank Thom... daughter ill company ",tth Mr. and that BUI Snethen, as a penman. Eset ' ' M.1'!\. Su~n WilkeTBOn entertain· lfrs. C. W. Alhriaht, of Earnhart. In fll'Ul'e.s. another boy In Mr. and Mrf/- Percy ~eason and at dinner, Easter Day. Mr. and spelling whose Identity Will be reo SOn were Sundlay dinner guests of ed VIsited Sun¥y with Mr. and - -.--'-- , Mn. Albert WilkeTBOn and daUCbE, White In Dayton. whose little lIOn membered b his schoolmates Mr. Reason's mother, Mrs. Sadie tens, ud Mte. Garner. of Darton, ~_._J Certified, Early Ohio., Paul. baa ~en quite ill. llck anything they tum out of tbelr of Huveysbul'&'. Mr. al!d M~. StClair FIfe IUId elill. bu. $2~"3; 2·bu.b8g . • Friends of Mrs. Frank Ro,cers bad Hlgh I!chools today. Mr. and M1'Is. CO , W. Younce are dren. of WUmlnet.on, 'Mr. and Mrs. Cobbl.....· b........ '2.511 Z:;1,.....1 b.. , ... .......,." . ... .. .......... ..... ".10 an Easter post:card ahower for ~er Followlnlr It! the lIlIt of school- announciDg GGrdoD and MiN IIartha the, arrival of a daueh. Saturday. of. which she received" 40. mates now living: ' tor. Bett, Marilyn. Monday mornin&, O~Nea1l. 'Cl",b, 'd < b l( Mrs. ROl'ers still remains very poorDaVid Monger, Middletown. April 18. we.lgllt 8 ~ poundtl. or .pht-top loaf , Mr. and lIns. B. C. Colemanl Mr. ty. since her ·Hip was fractured ~y • Inman MO-llger, Franklin. DR. P. M. BOYLES ' b~ j fall IIOme fifteea mon~ 1&'0. Hannah (lioncer) Sblmp, Apple· Mr. alid M1'II. ROI8 Hartsock. and and Mrs. Francis Coleman, of Nor:. Pou.cI Loiaf ., .................. " "" . 'ee" y o children .pent , Sunday wl~ Mrs. wood; Mrs. Laura Foster. of Mt. R,.e, 1)6,lb. 'o~f ......~ ........... ,.tOe . Wbole Wl.. .. t-. ioaf and ¥rs. Dave Pop~ vlaited Irate, California. , Hartaock'il parenta, Mr. and Mrs. C Healthy. U. l!L White. of L:ouiavllle. Mrs. Rc)se Pope last Wednesday at RUBh Eyer. Springboro. 1'1.. 2 CluJ, Evaporated, . K¥.• Mr. ud Mrs. ' F. B. Bendetaon; St. EliJabeth hOlpital. Darto~~. Susie (Eyer) BlackbUrn, Lebanon. H. Deatherqe near Oregonia. and Louise Henderson Missee Eathell . ' Jow price, 3 ~an can. . bo Pope is In a aerlou. condition with David Fry, 5pring rQ. ~_rn DentaJ Work S ' , , ... ~ll .I••r 3 ,...,~ . ... J ...., ................... .............. .. Robert, lIOn ,of Mr. and Mrs. Cbaa. were ' Easter &'Ueata of, Mrs. Kate a fractUred hip and cuts and bruisul. ,Oharles Oaft'erty, Lebanon, R. R. . Dr• ..,... o,.nace. Petal... &. the result cif a recent automobile John Caft'erty, Franklin. Zimmerman. 1IGt1lth of town. who was Coleman. ~tnetiM of T... or Noaccldell a Weat Catrolton. ' A!"ghi Lackey, Los Anl'el... Cal. badl,. bl\rned 'Wben he spilled hot LiIIlIle Decker. LeblUloD. C!oft'ee. fa reeo~,erbig very nicel,. 'lIIle hrenUeth centurY 'has beeft ' . Mrs. ROIa McGrew. ' .Ister of Mr. Rose- (Lewis) Unglesby, Fr,n1d1D John Snethen. Middletown. Mr. and ~s. Robert Walton 'lid ..,.., termed tJie .ce of P~. William ,Cr.ei&'bton, died at he~ home Tbe Camp Fire p\a Will dYe a near Stringto'VID. Sunday afternoon. Ellsworth Snethen. Morrow. .on and Mr. alld )(1'8. An:lIer But. ... .,.,. liDO of ' bnstD_ and Georce Snethen, South Dakota, aoct.,,~f DaytOn, 'peDt Easter Da, "Five Social" at the Gym FrIday, eVe . . , '1IraIaGb oi aclenee fa adftll. 'I'ilf\, btl.tv' waft hrnu"hl t.l\ till enlng. · April' 22, at 7:8,0. J:yel'7one , Rachel (~nethen Wbeaton. Day- with IIIr. and !!rln. J. L. Hartaock. ... raajIdIy. Thill II partlcularl, 'of· Mr. creighton bere Monday. welcome. FUD for am Admlliion. .was held Tuesday aftem01n tqn. . , 'funeral ..... of tIM lICIenC6 of deatl.try. Interment in Centerville cemetery, Amhrose Decke • Lebanon. l'rof. and lIbs. S. C. Frank, of 5c for ble' apd lIttle'1 Besides the . ,,~ III the . UllIted Statue, lias . "" Rc)se (Deeker) AtkinllOD. Lebanon Kinp Mills, were Friday evening fol1owi~ formal progrJlm there ~ Ita IIll1j.eat degree 01 ~rIn ,the IItorm Mondar. afternoon~ ' Charles Roser. Lebanon • .R. R. guests of Dr. and , Mrs. Witham and be dn'c'ly, popcorn. peanuta' aJiIl' feetIoD and liu JiyeD Americaa Ijrbtnmg struck the ,a enal 'rbere It Louisa (~oser) Eamha~ Leba. later' attended' tbe Eutern star ban. for sale. ' t.taI Rrpry a _rI4·wi~e repu-' . fastened to' tbe 'house of Mr. B. )L non. . I' , quet. '" ' Piano Duet;.:...B~~~lce Robit~er a.u. ID tile , aboYe respect, Clark. The rad~o. electric light and Angie (Hoqland), Thompson, Los Mary .Louise' Zimmerman. . oa,to•• as weU as In b~hflr IlD6e of tel~bone were put out of commi&- Angeles, Cat ,.' . ' T, Mr. and '&In. , liarry 'Turnerand Reading ........ ,............. Mary Jo ' Miller lion. and ' Mrs.. Oafoljne Barnett · of 'Ilaman endea'YOr. 11 .1111 the :Yen of ' slon and a few Shingles. tom 011'; .,no \ Pole ~Johnlon: Springboro. Solos ... ,·........... " ... ;.......... _;Elsie 'Hawke • mod'" d tl t I other damage was done. , Louella (WlIliam's on) ..Ramsey BeUbrook, "',e re ..guesu Sunda'y' -of Short Plily-"U~expected ; Company" PI'OII"!D, .or . e.·Jl. ~n s ry II Mr.. and Mns; , Harvey Sackett and with t,h e f611~wing cast: ' .... . practtqed accordlll& to the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mllte'nllerger Clncinn~ti. . . fllmlly. " ~ucil1e, ~nrver/ ....... Beatrice' Rbbltaer 1ateat MtentUlc mlthQ/la aDd the entertained to a sumptuous' Easter Rose (Williamson) Mattie Carver...... Evelyn Cou.try CI~b.I ~lb. jar. .tterlnp of .lIumanltr allnlated d,nneJ' the ,allowing guesti:, Mr. Franklin, " . ". I F C H . S.IIi. PO_D" .. ,................ ;......... l'c a 'm~t ~mm.endable ~a,.. ~ the a'JH~ ,Mq, 'CUn~lI Deart~; .and Mrs" Hat;J'¥" Wilbaml'on. Waynesvlll~. " artsJOck and family. of Mil Julius (the C:pusip from IkIWIll .ork exlC1ItecI by Dr. Jane Miltenberger, .bf 'Middletown; Hamer S~okea, Lincoln, Neb" ~ord. 8l),d R.oJ:laJd. Hawke", ~d 1IImlly , .. ,; ....... .. :....... lMary L. Zllnm'!lrima;n ~16I aDd UIOClated dent11u W;lU Mr. ' and' Mrs. Harry Gross and fami. Clara , (DecKflr) Graham. LebiUl.on :were .dinner guests 'of Mrs. Edith Dave .. ....... ........ , . ~: ... Louise leItlf)'. Dr. Do,.1... wbo Is, located Iy, 01: Qarluilse; Mr. and Mrs: "Clift'ord . George Ku~, Sellbrool:t. Harris and Mrs. Laura Mosher, on ,John .......; ..... ,......t. ., .... ... 'Hele lJI · tIM pye baUainc at Flf ud Archdeacon and son, of DaYton; Mi. .Orane. Richmond. Ind, Ea~tes Day. .. ' '. , The event of the 'eveniD&'" Will be - IIatIa streets. baa been practlelll& d M 1. h S Itli ~ 'U l " U Florence I Crane) WUls ' Ida protl!!lliOD here In DartOn tor an ns. 0 n m ,ooL'~ aflle!JVl e ' . \ • Mr., and Mrs. Raymond Marlatt tbe novel "Old English Auction." of a beautifully decorated cake. ' tile pUt . 18 y~. '&nd nery deD' M~. Mitte.nberrer's !!lother. Mrs• .Tane 'H lel b (C ) Jl tt, W " ~ "nd 'two 80n8,·. Mi)Q ~nd Beverly 'Don't for~t tile date. • ~ated with 'htm \las bad 10 MUte.!1gerger. telllamed fo'f an ex- Villeu 'Bta R. . raDe . ~e ayn s- Eugen~. Oregon. ,anived IBat '~eek ,... ex,",~len~. 'file '¥I!oc!a~etI '. ~en~~d v{slt, .. . , R •b . t S 11 .. .....: . kI''':' an extended visit with Mr. MarIII Dr" Boyle ,a re Dl'lI. J , Ray 8mttli. ' • - •. o. er e e.......~.~ m, ~, p'n renb M" 'd M J Po ~ildw~1 ~ C. 'To Holbrook-, ~OTI()I!I ' ,Melvina (Sellers) , !J.1homplon. Leband ~the r.~~ntl ; rs. · • D. ~bo 11 ~ .specl&U# 0 1I1~b trep'ut~ · . anon, " ~ " r aves. , . ,. .tIe .1!Ae of :adiJUnJsterlng .g1!oII To Traelt 1IIoiI.ufa"~PII .&ad . neal.,n. Hattie (Sellers) Cr4ne, ' Richmond M ' M ' " ,1114. extr'al!ttnc 'teeth In a ,pertecitlrt.h~~~~rr;)o'~~:l ,,:!lIo~W,::~~v!r~~~ Ind. , ,',. . • M rs J , Salel has '\vri~ten U8 , I 0Al1ll_ ,;~lUIner• . Tbll. moqernlr shiP, W"rr n. County. IOhlo... at tho or- ' John. Cain. Lebanon. . ns.. va Jones IS slowly, ~',","v,A.;; .... 1 equlP.- cte'ftal room. of Dr; ,eke ..of tile Olcrk \ of 8al4 '~·ow'".hlp at M rth' . J . (G ) B S ~om her retenti operation and Bo'lee a1'8 110 '.l'ranged that ,Uch 1\1) 0 'Wa)·.neavilli National lBank. until ' .8 a ,' ane " ray ?:wman • .t. r.esting quite comfortable,' in ' the 'b~uu •.: 0f d ental work occup Iell. a Time, twelve 0 clock' noon. EllIItorn Stllndarll LOUIS, Mo. ' . ' . h. ome ,of her daughter., Mre, V, R. . ' Ma b ' ' (C ' "».,.te' ,and ' dlijtlnct dellartm!)Dt. ."·~~DAY. 1lU.1', a. ,11121 . . ~ 11 · . ~~y). Sycb! .,Del~ware. B~ltt<\n, at: Mishawaka,' Ind. Inclhdl~. ell.iracting•. 'p~ate 'Work,. ~:tllurnl~h,lnll the followIng cquJpAnd now, geptJe reader, sixty-one • , ,.-011'11 an~ bridge 'Work. ~111l11g of , One l·~ . ton steel hody truck au- 'yeArs having elapsed' .since quitting .Mr. and Mrs. Oharle8 Fltu Mr te8th ud .the ~reat.ment 9f . tomaUc ghwlty Or ,hand holal seh,ool may I no~ iridulke in some and., 'MI'!!. Abram. OO.,ok.! o,i .Spri·n"b": p,orrbea" \' , . de.lgn w.Itb Wood Or . tocl •, . M 10. '" .,. Colnfortable ' w~I).flttln~ plates driver. degree of ' prIde in . submitting ., .. ~. and mns. Ed ' Jeft'ery,: Mia .,. made {Qr$12.60 and crOw.n l as bl:a'~~C~~~~~ron~h~i tT,Ub~~cl<"'~rfe~~g rather unusual r.ecor~. VlrglDla and Maater Robert Jeffery low aa JIj.OO per tooth. '\.' wit'll the l\mlla above <Ipeelflj\d. J. M., EARNHART. Mr0~egol!-ll\ •.w~re eaUers at the ' . "'''_ ' 11 t dep..... ,-. wor..-... .III right The toBoatl'l. Trulteea ...........1' ell~ en rejectof any 6r ,,11'ruervc .blil.. .. • - • J i. ' and .MI~S. C. H. "hl."""nnti, ." lODe at a .proPot:tlonntcily .ow price. " B.y order ot the Board of Tru.toee. day afternooll • . Dr. BOJlle.· Dental 8~U3t. are .. E. 1.. THO~tAS. • , " loea&I!d at fifth and 'Main .trqeta. ::. o~ ' ,... ~ happy f'a mily 'reJlnion at the Tru.tee. ot W"y,rI .. Town.blp. . .• • •• f M IlrectI)' .0Yer Oran,t l• . J5c etore 1Uld ~..!, J)ej.. ~ftIIllI&.. I. for TO'JI" eonye~· J a· •'?m'•• !;,~t>RTWRIPHT. Olark: '.: ~ . r. aJld Marlatt, . ' 0 ' was 'en j .0Mre~. Y,e ' '!;uyD.' Mt,' and _ RaYm,ond Marla and IOns, 'of Eugene; Oregon, Mr. and Mr.. Merle W·th M' "U -. '" d" Kern. "of Oolumbus Mr ' 'and ' Mrs • 1 .amey! e......on an Frank· C M. ' Robltz:e r anJ d • hte B . 1m combIning. a local ·W. C. a'. U. trice. ' ," . lIug r!. ea· institute ' will '" held ' 'a t ' Franklin, ,., ", Friday eveillng. April 22. . An lifterw.m ,~rab~m" of , Lyt)e. M~. • and noon and, evening seaiorl,,; a~ inter~ George Prlltt; Mr. Abe Evini csting p~OlP'alD :JlD~ a nport at' the ·Mrs. State mId-year executive ~'held. ln Co- '0,1 WayDe8Ville, . Mia. llrne$t Shutts: , I~mbus beg\v~n., lttr8~ Dr. Friea. M.esar«. Fred lind Donald .Slmldns; of of. Da~o~ • . Will :' lie. the .speaker of Cincbl.rtatl, Miss , ,Helen.. Starr, of thj! e~"\Dint: . .... . .,; Spring . Val.le~. Miss Estlen.e Ham~ mer, of Har:veysburg" Mr. and'. Mrs:' 'l1hese " instltutes 'are both <!us. Bartley;. of Dayton•., were, din".' a~le' ~hd jnterestlna-. a.,·d no teresie.d ) n ·"the' e8ulj eof li'rohlbltfon ner gutate of Mr;· ' an~ ·.Mrs. ·Arm. strong .. Mc~r~ ,and faJllily, Easter an.c!, the va~iou8 departl1lents', of the pay." '"IN. ~. T. ·U. work can aft'\?.rd ·to mlas .; • . .. them. . • . . An. eyenillg ~re41~ dinner , w;lil ae ve,d. I. ' ; " ' . ' .' <: 4n. C. ·I n.titute
I:~~ fC~'!'w.A~:: ~~h:~d c=:
Bring YGU r Eg~s
Stoke,' PureJer
to Kroger
ey Milk for Sale ,
$4 .7
Bre'ad , Coun~r7
- -Ilk M
---.. ..---
Camp Fire
l ~-lb:
Year '
...........'.~••••~~...~. WEEKLY ~8EPoRT Iftt.~:~:~::m' fROM HIGH :SCHOOL State C'aoit Frld~y sml~h'Hu~esto
i.................. ......i ••
P repare b"~
Columbusi. epl rte,' ,
Whole Number 57~
By Albert T. Reid ,
~UOIA IS 51700
Last tbe ' clan accompanied Mr. . Crabbe ' Greenflllld where they visited t)le Greenflel~ school. They had a wonderful trip and saw many wonderful places.
One day last week the members of the Eightb Grade took tbe State ex· ama over the stMldard subjecta. These list! 01 questions were made by the Siate Board of Education and while a lew failed many pused with flying colors. .
COLUMBUS. , OHIO- It wouldn't be I!..hlt: lIurprising if ,Slmeon D. FeBS has opposition in the Republican runk s for nomination next year for a second term !III United State Sen· The annual Junior.Senior banquet ..- Mor. At last this is the newa that is finding ita way into Columbua the I hotbed and birthplace of moat polit- Wiven by the Jun or cIa.. wltl be held . at the Masonic temple' FrIday even· cal booms. The expected opposition ing, April 29. The banquet will , be may come by the entrance of V",,"O:D, held at 6:30, after which all will go to the Gym and dance. Knight, of Akron, whom it Is entettain! senatorial The Governor of the State, Vic years standing. If Knleht Donahey, h~ set aside in Ohio the to renlize this nmbitlon It be next year or probably no~ 29th of Mayas Arbor Day. This, No other O. S. Senator will .be ai, we all know, is a day set apart edtrom Ohio . in 1982 and at 811 a remembrance to nature. The following lInel from Whittier well . time the Akron editor wQulcl . little too old to mnke the au,.re""I'... I explaln tbe situation: campalm that. he can at "Give ' fools their gold, and Imavea their power; time. The platform o( fortUnes bubblel rise and fan: be, according to rumon Columbus, .. revl aion of the Who lOWS a field, or trainl a flower, Or planta. a tree, is more than aU!' law, and elimination of the loon league from dominatlllg You aiso talk and laY you do publican party. Itti. 41 en said things be~u.e It is your duty. The Knight may, if he 10lea out in fight aaainat Fe.. for the followine linea from LoweU is a cen tion, be an Independent c~ndldate. tIe reminder to one, al to how be If inigll~ wins on th41 platform hll can do his duty: ' friends BBy he will run on, voten ot "WIIo doea his duty is a question complex to be· Holved by me: Ohio bave overc4me 1\ m~Ht1 change of OpiJiIQII on, the Volstead law, and he, I ,venture the lI~estion, on'l that hasn't been evident In tbe Do.s part. of his, that planta a tree." past, . Theodore lloosenlt has uld: "A All additionlll standard variety and peaple without children would ' face
~!~e~~ ::~~ift~~~::t:s
, of vanetles and standards of
I \ (
~.. ry .'!~ : )
:.. ,..... Ik,c;...',.~'1
themselves, will loon
Pre ident ' Coolidge, as President of the Unitet:l states, an d of t he American Natiorial Red Cross, has issued a pros:lamatio n to the people directing th eir utten ion to the "sad plight of thousands of their fellow citlz n5" in t he fl oollcd IIrcas of t he Mississippi river and its tribu taries, and uxA'i ng " that gonerous co nt ribut ions be promptly fort hcomi ng to alSEE WH~T WE SEE leviate their 8ufl'e in g." The floo d, ufl'ecting eight states, SACCO~VANZETTI is one of t he most extensive in the STUDY VITAMINS ' history of I'u r country. All reportli indica te that it t hl'eutenll to become £GYPT AND U. S. A• our grea test Aood catllstrophe, de· spite the n lnlost superhuman efforts Recently llr. Gifford, head of the being made t o hold back t he to rrents oC ,vllter. telephone company, proved that "tel· Ou r co nservative estimate to day evision." making it possible to see is that there are mo re t haD' 75,000 and hear individuals or crowda hu.n · floo d refugees who must be fed, drede of mil es away, is practical. The question, "How can that b. clothed, sheltered a nd protected by adequllte henlth measures by the made UBerUn" is answered in a way ned Cross, until the r eceding wat- that in centuries to come will shed er~ permit t heu' r eturn to their light on our CivUlzatlon• h omes-a period that' will extend "There is no doubt about. it," you from fo ur to eigh t weeks, find in a are t old, "the only way in which tel· lew plnces longer. evision can be made profitable is In In other words, f unds must be ob, cnnnection with prize fighta." Peotai ned to feed . clothe lind pIe 'will pay wel1 to see 811'htine and from 75,000 to 150,000 or 200,000 to hellr t he yells of the mob eatb· men, women and child ren nnywhere cred around the prize ring. Would f rom 30 to 120 days. I t is eslimat- tele"sion make Il)oney enabUne dised t hat live million dollars are l't- tant crowds to see and hear Ifteat quir ed for immediate r elic.f. preachers or college professors? It ',fhe quota for Wanen county would NOT. --$ 1,700.00. Funds will be received a t any. bank in t he county, and it ill A conference of college studenta imperative that the. p eople respond hss decided against trilll ' mamqe, <l,ulckly and generously as a hundred quite solemnly, by !l v:ote · of 16 to thousand refugeea are in dire db- 7. Wiso' Providence hel deeided treSll. ' . against it, by vote of about 100 'to O. Leave your contribution at your When tile seven young eentlemn bank today. or mail direct to who t hink they believe in trial marExeciutive Secretary, Warren Connty riages fall in love, they will _ow ,Chnpter American Red Oross, Leb- positively the marriage they plu ta .nnon, Obio, to last fo~ver, wool,:! detest the til. ory of Ii trial, and Inl\&l.t uybod)o ~llgge8tiD&' it. . . . .O r I! not, tbey would Dot be wortll l • marryine. .
lIize 111 4J12'riax.8.~, which part ' of gllod cltlzenl. A~e you A Ipeelal me.tln, of the Woma"s --- ' "It would be better for -...ellalast year compnaed over the part of a eood citizen'" A II' f St. M ' h h "SYSOI'fBY" . Mrs. C. M. Hough WIIS the genilll I and the admlnlatl'atloa of ju..' .o f iii, total 'pavln.g ~rlck . , ux laly 0 ~ry s c ui'e was hoste88 to 'the New Century club on ____ tice generally, if' a cOlJllJllialon eouhl the United States. The Tbe annual Warren County field held on Wedneilday afternoon, AJlrll' --Friday aftertloon, the twenty·second . ' be apPOinted to Investipte ,the ,I'dpopullq.uy 011 tb1a type II and ·t:r&cll: meet will be held Frlday, 20; at the home of Mrs. Harrlaand Sysonby is to be, placed in,·a room when twenty-one members answered !lason Lodge 1'\0, 678 F. & A. M., dence 00 whleh St\eco and Vusettl to be . due tQ the ~ac!t . Mar, 6th, at Lebanon, Fair erounds, Mrs. Mosher. . in the Museum of Natural History the roll call with flower verses. Mrjl. and the M8IIon lt1ethoClist are condemned to diet That III til. menta eonducted by eventl ltarti.q promptly 9 a. m. " . ... . , ' . in New York ,City. Hough's gueat~ were Mn. L. A. announce the laying ' of the opinion o:f Roland D. s.wyer, Coli"Publ'c Roadll at the " ' "J The meewng ,was opened hy 8mg· To the average Arnerican thjl name Washburn, Mrs. Ernest Harlan and Iltone ot: t he ~ason Methodist cleJ'll'YDlan and of t estlllJ' 'I'OUhd.. The annual H~h Scbool party. one vene or "JP-I!UB. Shan Reign. means nothlnll'. . Mrs. Kenneth Hough. and. the dedication of t he !dason Ma8llachusetts Leplatunt: 'I'U 2'ria Inches tblek, wI~ proper riven by t~e ~.bmen will , be held le~ter was read from Mrs. Roland It mlg'ht be that of a cigar, a con· 1 , After t he, regUlar bU8iness of tbe SOniC hall by t he Oran d L?dge commission, f(lf wlilcb he IJItrocluedation Is adequate for .0rdlnuJ: h~h !n the Gym FJ:lday evenine, May. 6. oif l)pyton, vie ••presldent fecti.on, a play or a new author. ~ay had been t;ran~cted the follow· A. M, o~ the $tate of .0hIO, at es a bill. would consist of the ChIef 1II'IIY or Itreet traftlc Beau.. of . th Da yt ' til) t'f In fact it is 'the nllme of the mg excellent program was listeAed son, OhIO, Sunday afternoon, JUStiCIl of tbe MaaUchUJetta S... the low COlt of this' ne", . 6taIldird 'Definite dateS, namely, May 12 u: of cc:::::"Uo: ' rri~~~:- greatelt Tace horlles America has to : I "The Living Rellg'i.ons of the 1, 1927. preme Court, Bnd fllur othen to . . ,varietY, it Ie cerUlin tha~ "hen 1m. li!;..ba~~ ..."'el Nt 'lor; ~e -'II held In Xenia on 'Wednesdaf lIroduced, Bnd · tile ' skeleton will World," a papeJ' prepared by Mrs. The people of Mason are appointed by the QOTemor. TIle provement " .o rk ~ ~umld in Ohio c , p.,y. t'leaerveh - I ..., 2'1 . . ' be placed in a new' room devoted to Cadwllliader and read by Mrs. Frank to welcome t. he' hlr/res t crowd would lie. ..uthorfs.d to . d mea,... II f lome Wa~ me t,Mor e, earturther y part • ..ir. . villn"'e ""d ' to t Ii'e uovemor • n. . II .be i I\CreUe - there wI 0 Vlee-Prelideht; . lira. E. L horses and their d'evelo,pment as, an Elb on: "J0h n B UU?ughs,"u .._n. , 0' ..- has ever visited th. .. . re.co~mell bric~ p~ved highway. Ifclnrlatr~::-.__ appointed Nn. Edith Hatril examllie of • great J:ace hone. ' Neall; Easter re~dmg, Mrs. EvBns. have be.a" assured that large delep.· trl~ of such course as ml,ht .... I" MrL Later Gordon as aeleptes Nothing drops out of ~igilt quick~urlng the Boc;ull hour a mOBt de- ':ions Mil be pre~el\t from a number , ._ It ~ not aurprlliq that 10 many . tbfa ' tl dM · Kat 0 oI er than a race horse tluit has quit Iiclous two-coprsc lunch wns aerved of churches Bnd lodges. , . pel'lODI 17, klJJed In .utomob~e ac" Jury Drawn man ~de:'JB'&~ald ~awkee 811 winning races, unle811 it is a man by the hostess lind her aaeistanta, ,~ev. Sta~ley W. ~iant wllr pre~cb The .imprellllian that Justice in tile cldenta when there. Is notbinl to ternatea. ". who Bccompli8hes sometblng and Mrs. Ward, ?tIrs. Kenneth Holfgb ~t the ~O .30 mornmg church sel'Vlce United States ts in a hQ1'ry to ue• vent crlppl-.a de·ormed or the ' A ' al I ' "Chri"" f th ' then stop. and Mrs, Ernest Harlan, after which Bnd deliver an address attllr the lay· cute anybody or determined to do • ~ ThI 1 0 U0 -..t11181 namea were VOC 10 0, •• or Em-e . . .. '1'\'1·th.... . f th e cor ner . st ~ne. Th 0. M th h ld b,e' carefully avoldlld. TbII tall, dlflctive from drlvlne We SI1lg," by Mia Lucy The applause and ,' Interest lasts as we , a d'lourne d to mee~ u~rs. m~. 0 • e. • s ou .ccordin, to Ch.les C. for the May erand jury: accompanied by MisS Mar1 Lou. long as the accomjplillhmenta go on. Cross on May 27, A. ~. W. Odl~tS of Milson be~an rebul1dm, a case that has never be~n ...... retary of the Ohio State AllltoIIllODU<I( IIrs. Llilie Clevenrer, CJearereek Zimmerman, followed. ' When tbe, stop, people tum t-o •- • , the!r .church last fall and now have upoa, as regarda the , evI~c.. ~ aaociaUon, who repahecl W. D. Bo«, Deerfteld. ~ Tb tI th turn d ' IOmethin elae tbelr • building almoat completed any but one judg4t ~ a CUI ~ ·ot "widow and her eJiiJ~ at lfonroe Baqta. Turtle.c....k. . th.: -;:sld::t, MI! C~'tt: . Placid gold a~4i lEI usually the least y' 0 After the morning: ~ervjce ~l whi.t~ after·the-war 'qCltement plQ town durlne the past week. Ot.rence lIelampy, Deerfield. erln,e ' Morrison, of Cincinnati, .who, inteEesting .perj'~d of li~? to, ?utsid, ' . . ::g!o~.::a~/u::e: ~~~erto dm· ed ~ . con8Iderable part; . • la"IAtlonll, of ·the which .,~e.:.!t°:~=l:;.!i~~. In a few welJ.()h,<!l'e.n wor4s Intro. ers. T,hia 18 because It lsa time of James Avey, six''Year.old , Bon of 'members aod fri~ridB rare ----' for theli purpose ' 'f lln. Mary ' TlbbaJa, F,ranJdIrl. duced ' MI.. .!ohn~ton, educational ,emIp18cenc~ of go:lng over and over Mra, Maude Ave'!!, of Bellbrook" 'Yas invited. ' , An Em tlart tomb .ear the Oia and, 11mb, ~s well .s Austin' ~ara, Olearereak. ' ~etary, aJ,,~ya 'a fa~ori~e here, accompl~hlll:ents d:f tfJ!! past rather crushed to deat h Sntu~da:v morning Masons will please meet p~mids, opened by, Vien~ ~..... fare' of ~e people of • Ill'll. ElVira COchran" Union, ;' who pve a short talk. , : ~an of achl~Ving .10ew victories. tiata, ' on~ins the record and. IIUIIfIij.1 when. he Jell ,benea~h a road roller Masonic hall at 1 :80 ·P. m. the 'G eneral Auembly to paa' a .drl. FJ'an1l: Braddock, Wayne. ," Mia Morrison ,then, in a '!' very A little over .t hlrty yean ago the worlcing on the main street of the .wiIl b'e opened by the officers of io;.P· ov:f:he~Chp~earfe · ..,tnarrftho~~_!I!' ver'a ilcens«j bill, but the ~e,"re Roy , J. ROIl, HarlAn. pleasing .maliner, whJc~ ,q uite capti. ,locomotive Num~el' 999 Was familiar villnge. " Grand Lodge. The parade to the ..,.. ",u_ wei defellted by JUlt· two votes." Forest Tllylor, C1earcreek. vated he~ hearen,. made the main ~ evry one. It was the fastest. enThe street has been torn up by church will be led by the HamiltOn of years < "Janes laid ~ ":"Tbe drivers A. ·0. Harbauab, Oearereek. ' addrell of the afternoon, bringing in gme then Imown a.n d , had made a orden of the Gree~e county com· Masonic band and ellcorted by "the Our biD Wu nllt s reven~e lira.: Ellie Cartwr~ht, Wayne. 8U P\:las~s of AuxUlary work. She ~p,eed , o! over one hundre.d miles an mi'!8ioners and . was bemg Tolled. Miami Commandry, IIf Lebanon. '''~;f't~~~~~ifu.!!!th measure, the re,iatration Kra: Ella Dakin, Tortlecreek. closed 1I'1th a few short prayers. }jour. d hlld ren had been warned ~o keep services for t he layin of the J , onl, 26 cente, but 'Was one . • _ .' , A ~iano 1010.. "HupgariaD Raph.A few yea~. ago, before it w os ~\Vay 'hut . continued , to p\~y about stolle' 'Will begin ot 2 ;. m. eautio" exclusively, No IOdy,' by Koelhng, ~811 ,,:el)' execut- ,plaeed ~,n exhl)lt(on, It was almollt III the. stte.e t. Young Ave,! was laying of the cornet , stone ed ~ Misl Mary ~ullle Zimmerman. e";tlrely forll'Otten" I!sed to haul a propellmg bls . scooter and darted soos will retur n to t be Muonle hall would bave been aUowed to ca~ wlthQut II license, and Darnty refreshmenta w~re lIerved milk ,train up and down the rails aCfQSI/ the street In front- of the ~rol- .for the dedication senices Mason perion, elth.er mentally or by thl comm1ttee, and II ,wl!I\•..,ent wherl! it, ~ad ' once . been king. " ler. H!! missed his' :(oot~ng an~ teU 'Lodge No. ~678 F. & . A.' M:. was fll' Interest yourself ,In vitaml~. Iy "oul~ , ~e "ble to secure , after.noon brought to , a ,elolle. .Other bigger anod strong~ r e~ncs beneath the heavy mac mery fieIore '3~liuted !>fovember 16 1921 with 87 C. Sherman"Ie.amW prof~r of , mit. ,· Just Ii)' lon, .. th!IU . . ' We" had t~e pleasure 911 hayin, had COl'!le and its. paat performanee the ~Il ern~or could bl'ing it to , ~ SW.p. charter me.mbers o.~d f1O~ has oh~mistry, .Prov~1 "thllt v1tambie re.~ctjona, 'upon automobile HOlplta,l, Xenlll, Satu,.· .,riOt us at thIS .meeti.tlg, ~ur t:ector, bad sunk ou~ ~f !hght. The chll~' s body was crushe4 flat. membership of 74 witb · the brlOg matunty. earlier .n~ 1iIake It anel the ' men who liandle at 6 0 c.lock. IIr. Dos- llev. John I. Sch~t!lfer, 'al)d Napoleon said : . ~'My power would _ • percentage attendimce of any last longer, Vitamin' are found. " ' the amp,ta~on . of Schapffe.~, 'of Dayton. 'L. M. H. rau did I not , support it with new ' in, the State of Ohio. ~ilk, butter, lettuce and ~ ...... . .. · there II ,bouncl to, b~ just I;le , ~~cldents g ' that, of · a mon~b. ago,. and .' • _ ~_ achievements, Conquest has made AN OLD PROV£RB vegetables, cod~ liver, oU, red wta. · ,anil th4t peQpl~ will pay to , recoverlne aatt. " >, " me what I , am and conquest must (bjlrred here), fruita, yet, e~ . the 18ri·I~lve error In falllliC to ul)til a short time bef~re BASEBAL[~ suataln me." " " "Heaven is at the feet of o~r ASK DAD ..In addition .to vita~.. ~~ , the license bill,' jUlt because of ' 1 'Ii . A IIllttle .cynicis·m .In regard 'to ap· Mothers," says an o.lmost forgotten B!e absolut ely neeell&lT to Uf.. Q~y IIftId petty politics between Fonera . servia" ~.re eJd ,Tne~. J , , •• ' piau,. is a healtby thing; PerSian proverb. Mother'S Day, Tommy- ,iWhat is untold No anl!llal can live without .tIs.... ol'ilc~': ' (' . ' , ', . da~ afternoon , at 2 oc\oe~at JODa~. . ' Th~ le!lll' ~ person thinks abbut a May 8th, is an opportu.ne time to daddy?" PUbl.Ic school educati?n mould~... Run churcb. , past achiev;ement t:be more other peo give her 11 gift of permanance lie. Father- "Thllt which doesn't clude. mformation on diet. Jlo~ , unlllll,inoiul . " . pfe are liable to t.hink about it. lected fTom Cary's Jewelry Shop pear on the income.tax return, espec'~l1y are 'interested' in vt~ . ". ". ' " " ~Ae ~ " horae ""hen he ha arun," "The Home of Gifts" Lebanon :() • boy!" ExperJJ'~en~ with anlmllls mow ~ ,e"antsatioD of the Trta~'e Base ~d ~~us ~U'reli\l8, "a dog when . " , . mlluenee . the Jlumber of 'tlut ,I ball. ~ague, ~ompoaed , oj alx "Iallli he has ,t racked the, game, a hee when and aucce!l8ful 1ietll'tnlf ~ Jloll\cta,y VaJI~:r team.. h8!' been ' 'e~~d , for It .has·· maide 'the honey, so a man ' ' 11!,\Mllm tb'e eo,"lnc ~uon. · . ' .' w,h en he has dOlw " .good act, does Bow WL~." " 1»IIIII~~~"' ll1.1e~tlq. Teams entez:ed in the lelll1le IDr not eaJl out for others to come and the Bowersville Bayllffl, ,' the ..ee, but 'eoea on to another act as s.an Valley, Modern' of "vine ' "lI'Oes on to! produce again' the Are WClodpthetrell'11lDllwlili, -and grape. In{ leHon.') , YOII first , • _ '. . d6ailnated ,. road , " ? three will itqe ,- --=::=oraa . 0,," the home ala.. " . ). ~ . ' . 111 many cases, fi\18 per cent ziatJirat ' :, . '. " ' . , -' - - - , ' ' The "Test 0- Ten" for the ~eek w~ 1I leave you with valuable knowl. resources, ninety.five per ceD~,,~· of the loop Mrs. Edith, B~rrl . ..,Mrs. Kate C~e' edge-for i~ is .filled with stimulating fa,ct~ and idellS. It's an amusing il'l~l1igently orll'8nl&ed. . .Jt ~ d ,. 46 E. man," IIrs.: Sarah Zlm~niian " Mrs. ga'!l!!-bu~ I~ ' will prove a prolitnbl,e game" .for, the first IItep ' In clear, ~esource8 a~one cllunWd, .~~ .~ p~eti!14ent: 'W~l~ 'Ronald, Hawke,. Mrs." J, 'W . .Ed.warilll, ~ollcal thInking Is getting ' the facts and k~~p1llg the'!1! ,' beria and . ~celand woald . II, idle ':,~rJ::I~::,~~~lce" p~81l. ' lin. ' J l:mea . McCliure, ;Misses 'Annie ' Why not '\llace a time 'limit on each. question, to stImulate qwck think~ ~ wo~d'a ~It , prosperoua' ooAAtrIeIt.. , WJam~ and Mallie, B~1!!ll~ : ~~..F .. Bi Hen~ i~e.,' Y9ur averllge Ifor thfs test should , not be less t han l!O. an~:,~~u:I~~ . de~n, ~Ml'!L 'lYest.er Go'rdon . and W. . ttl eo!npcll,.IH. I :A-llen ... represented . St. ~.M~l'y'i ",' ' , . branc~ at the .ne~~II'\of tlJ.e Dayton 1. Fron{ whom the United States United States? . Oo~ oca~o~ o~ tli~ 'Woman'. Auxil· purc~se '· the Philippines? ' . '. 6.' Wh.o publishes the. Sat\lrday vHow lJIuch did tbey pay! .'" ening' Post? Who ia' lta editor. ' wliich: wal '-'"ld In Christ chUrch today. ' ' 2. Who was'1?resi:dent of :ihe United :7. Who composed ' the ' "Minuet In feature of the ~temoc;ln 18", . Sta~s belC!~e. James . ~. Garfield' .. G~" , ~" . an . l\d~l·ellll Iiy ' De~~n~ell! 8. ·W h4t ~ mean~. by the exp~lon 8. What ~me~dment to the ,U(lnll~~dA.+'.nnf.W Bed~~ . of Stephan, s , Vii· "upa~gE\ l" ,, " .' :' tution . gave ~pD'ieJl the .""'.,1,...."" wh<i told ~f. her wo'r~ ~. Hq~; maQY : .1Qkes ; ~o,JI.lp'~e t~ )·, vote?'. ':','·· , ' . ' , ' -\!i1,JUDlO ",i1'/'I'm.I!n aJld ell ilclren ., Great <lfllkes. }\fame ·tliem; . 9. ,W hat is Bittem1 ., "...".o!".~~ lOuth of tbe 6; ,How much money ·must all Imml· ,10. Where is the bQme of .. ar~~ bllve. iii order, to en~r the " tento'ts T ' ,' , • I (Tbe cciiTeet . ~era" 1t'\ll be published ~ext. week) ,
B R II . er
?Ir.. '
Attendffd Convocation
.; ' 'tEST 0' TErt 'ANSWERS' ,
M.ry • Tucker was appoinWcl admlnlatr&trlx at t he eatate of 01Iu. S. ~ueker a nd Wm. Welch, Walter Jordan and E d MeFarland a pprala. en. • Court gllve Firman R. Evan . , execulor of the Ciliate ot Allee J. Ev. ana. a uthority to 11011 certain .tciclt. COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINOS Ohester Maple, ex cutor of tho . late of Allison L, Spence, flIed hI~ A writ.o f habeslI eorpU8 was rrant inventory nnd apprelllel'(lent. Wils,on Ward, executor ot the cd t o' n.m Smith on Apr il 12, 1927, at 2 p. m. . ' tate of' Marshhll Ward, filed his M. li. Murplly pleaded ruUty to ' a ventqzy, and appraisement . J obn ·C. Wilson,. adm. of t he 'estate chATg-e of pOlISeislng intolricatlng liq. QUI'S nnd wn~ fined $SOO and cosU! of Snrah A. Wilson, filed his inven. t OT), and a pprnisement. . amounting 1.0 $'7.41. D. W: Humph" ye, deputy cl "k, The wili of Alice M. Ellift Willi filed. d~e,\' f\ft . n names ef 1>oraon8 from DeDn E . St.nnl y, trustee. In the ell· the j ury whelll. to serve all grand ts te of Wnlt ll1' W. Voo~hls, was aujuron for the May t enn nnd a Ye- lhorized to buy United States Llbor. nire was issued and delivered to t he ty L an Bonds. , The will of Ferris G. Dubois sherift'. In the cruse .. of;' Ida B. Basore V5. admitted to probate. Frank W. Bessie Mtlle r, Esr! Basore et aI., bois was appointed executor and A. court approved certain sales and op- C. Vail, H. S. Albaugh and F rank . pointed Bernice oles, trustee to re - Miller app raisers. The LebanQD - Citizens National inve$t the proceeds of the sale. Sb o aCcepted the appointment and ten- bank, adm. of .t he estate of Clyde T~omps.on tiled "I'ts first and fi nal ftCdered her bond of $2000. The .;ase of Mary De C. Wakefield count. VB, • Duncan Wakefield, wns disA certijled copy of t he entry demissed, t he plnlntlff not being a bona ternllnlng the inheritance tax to be fid e resident of Worren county. paid f rom t he estate ot J ames ClenvJudgment was g'iven the 'p laint i:ft' el', was ordered certi fied to t he audin the s um ef $959.50 in the case of itor_ Elbert p. nider \'S. William Wilaon" The !!lime W DS ordered in t he eset al. Defendants were or dered to tate ef Clyde Thompson. pay within I) days. Laurn Collins. executrix of the esThe case of Thomas J. Hill vs. tate of Mary C. BUrns, filed her first Cbarles Jones was diamiued wit h- an d fi nal account. Herschel Bunnell and Lelie M. out r cord. Bunnell, executor and executrix of the estate of Newto n L Bunnell NEW SUITS rued their inventory a nd' appra~e~ Alfred H. Robin~on va. Ganes t. Robinson for divoree, extreme eruProof of publication of the ap, . point nHlDt of Minerva Lawson IlII exelty. Ell pnrte, Sam Smith. action for ecutrix of t he estate of James H, Law80n, was filed. habeu! ,C0l'l1U8 proceedlnaL Roy Hatfield VII. Maraaret Hatfield Proof of publication of the for divorce, eitreme cruelty. poifl tment of James H. Snook, The State ot:' Ohio VII. RoJ' Wyatt, Arthu r Hamilton 118 executors habcllII COJ'PUII. t he estate of Albert L. Sneok, was Ralph Fox ,and -Jane S. FillS, va. filed. T~e Aetna I;'al?er Co., the Oreveland, Orville Park~U, administrator of Cincinnati, Ohlcago and St. Louis R. the e.tate of ~ohn M. Parkhill, was R. Co., and the V lllqe ' of Franklin, ordet'ed to make a distribution of for injunction, restraining order and the estate, eq\lltab~e. relief. .'. Luella H. Keeler , executrix of the Lida }I. Sawin executrix .ot ·the el estate of T. E. Keelor, filed her flnt tate of Susan 'E. Hainee va. Olear account. . Edwards et ' aI., fOr I\&le of ·real . Oourt ordered that .a cenifled copy eet4te and ' f or the cancellation of 01 the entry determining inheritance . tax t o be, .paid in the estate of Ellen eertai.n lel\8O. Norman K. McFee va: Mabel Ma- O. Stoutenborogh be certified to the Fee for divorce, ·AUmon),. , auditor. * Proof of publication of the apPROBA.TE PROCEEDINOS pointment of Lelie and Herschel N. Bunnell aa executrix a nd Marlon M. Bowell Willi appointed of the elltate ot New:l;on L. .dm1niatrator 0.1 ttle, eatate of E~er wall rued. ' Bowen andEUj~ George Pr0 0.· 0 f b ' ti on 0 t t h e ap. d"'" Noaett, tV ' U wn PUI Ica k. ~wn. an. .....emen '. ,,(fO . ' poln~ent: of .Allna M.. SnderllII eJ[app~OJ . d' f th estate ecutrix of. the estate of Mary J. Roat E... • anne),. a m. 0 e flJ,ed. 01 AIlIl8h E , Coleman, filed, hIa Court f ound t hat the !lstate of and final account. B Nall d John H. BOldln Willi uempt from m, a m. herltanee' tax, Sales ma~e by Wm.. tbe estate of Sarah E. Nun, were J essie A. Snook w~ 'appointed ail aPP1'9v ed ~nd confJrmed. ~ minJstratrix of the esta~ of James
is in a -
Yaille Class. Its position of .lead~bip is· jof4nJed Oil val~ Its J
constant ·aim is to-build each Bui& better
. ~ the.last. And today,
- ,- --
leidership well WQ~ and firmly held, Buick is constantly ~stiIl fUrther to ...
~the \ralue on which
ib leadership "is 68Sed.
,! i~~~~~!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!7,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!~!!!~-=~~~===:
Tel ~fJ1.,- ne Employees Arn Presented ·With Hero Medq./s
. Fred ·D. Ertel Willi
. Ge'n eral Insurance
Phone 61.-:2 "
i\ n d thu trn~t gt' L of f tu .V~.'Ii ' t·1. M oss nt\ ~h(\ Jt!Hst !lIdo ur ~ :\i l l Iln~ ; the n co
Nu r th u1\ OH l, ~ 1J I w h~ 8 11) I tl(! ho", lll ll i llg' c()lIlnitl l1 ig ,1\'1 n ('ff: " nW["1111 o r 1urat. , ex .. CI'11 t ll)){ ou t ot lh n HU III U otH' hnlr t\ r ('J f o r m 1' 1) ' o wno d tJy A~tsn l o m , no-
He (liS ('lI nQo l' o cks ) ~ " D o n't be nfl'uid. \\ e'l'u onl y tcn feet f rom \\'9·~t'iso t h o followltl S' <I"" r lhe<l l ot, In nd." he (looking UI'o untl) - " \V her c is l r llet or plll'ell l of IIl'tld. Sl l \l:tt e In th e \·o \lnt )' or \\"'lu'ro n nron,~,\la RIHI it? " h~ ln S' " PIHl or Rnld 5"", :I~ T. ~ . H . r. !l e·-··Und rnclllh .us." between I ho 1\11111111 ItIYt!l'" Lou n dNI
.\ nnll lll~ 8crlhcl' lUI tullowlf : He,:r l n ni n ).; ill " tl l,l k In t h R. lH) Ulltlnr\' Hn t'S or l ..____--~-~~~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!! tm h1 Sr'C t h m .,1, 11, I UI ' 11I' I' t o u. IOl ut l-- _- _ -_ - -_ -40 "('ft·, Inlt,ly b.v Mos al _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _. , 11\ .,ull He lion t h Il~e N. O· 30' W . 10 :tH"' I "~ d
'" T wo a\"ard c(\ 1'h nll vre
Ohio Bd l l' hll'h uo COIIIII(\ I1) 1111" ~'c .. n t)l'(lI1 ~O lUodal!! fo r I",l e w I·tll y lIew lit I, ubll serv Ice lllll'lnll h ' )'en l' or 1 9~ G , It hns jusl Men nTlll fJlI \ 1' '< t. Thr two al'e ~ I i·~. J rnnnetp Qrlswold. n nls ht QI'Ol'Il or II I \ '/ I' hIn Ion nd Elzra 1' . AlI 't on. nn Insta ll atlou iorcmnn :\ 1 O,l ."tOI. "~I' lij w 1(1 \\ ~ R nWllken d cu 2 : 30 A, M. nn NOl'emlh, r ~7Ih . l !l2G, 'II t he 1m I'tH 1111 , wh ic h hOI/sed the lei I,honc ex hnn 'r", " f1n mes. ·!to ru lled "~ " . dopnrtmont, W 8 1' lI d 'por80l\S lI" ln, nea rby nnd nltOIUp!t'(\ til .. " lhe oIHce ror.or d ~ . nil this li t I!r',ll I . 10 h ~18 '1 liS Ihe 01'0 hud ob{lIlne(\ II good 9 1111'l II ! Ol',) IICI'sonn l gllo wus eno(l . Her CUa Llon rends tor "courn ge and lIevOlhm to duty It -(06 nrc ot J;rave dnn g r." . ' I was a warded r OI' ;'courll ge, 1"'0l11 l'l tlclloJ) tl n,l All is!),. a,'ln!: human lire. " lin and a r lI ow !'lIl l,\I)y!'O good j lld ll'~H!Il1 wero tosllng a cnble on n pole \VII D Ih la tter r oel.vnll 0 hig h ,'o ll n~" cur rent th lrough his body. H collnpsed In his safet)· belt. " Ilisoo rn llght him a ncl nppllod nrUnclnl reslill'lltion methods while Rt llt on the IIol e. n ri a ll y lirl ng\ng t he man bli Ck, to con sQloll ~eas: He the n IIR31eted In lowerin g. him trom the pole by menns of ro pe~ s\ll'l'lI ed lly tho Ora tl epnl·tntl'n l. A.lllson \\' II~ burned On the h'lmds dnrl n)! Iho IU/l lo )-ce ~
, ~J
Walter McClure J, E. McClure ·
I.' W . 4G. 0 chu ln s t th () b gi nn ing l~(ln t nlntnlC l !iU UiJ r oa ",o r l' or It.ll:lB IJ x c (l I ' l itl~ tt l ot l tl ~JUll one hu t ( or ItO lIer€,t l'o'rmor ... coli a" l it,,· N.
l y cOllv cY f l-d (OT' U lfC'houl
huu ",'
b~r itd
.. n n ll
it u n A
F ully EC1ui pp ed for Good Servi ce. Lal'l.(e Disp lHY Roo m. Ambu lanc e Service
lu t.
' HllnlH'I'(l,1
! - -~;:=.:=,
. ",\lso followlnl\' ,lullcrllJcll ron l oelnl.. Sltua.l In tI" , QU ilty o f WIll' I' n nnd 'tnt" (I t hlO bolln/( pn!'t of Soc.llon , N ulUb ~ r d .1!:. ']'o w lllllll 1.' n un. .. l.)c ..
t\\' on t h o M.i . ln l HlvW'1f hl '/ot' j ltnln,; nl l lo Nln n e hi l he " l lll fl rmll l 011 I IH' Nllrlh
('u rnll r or \ l n t ("\ \\' llI lnl11 Mar1.(> nl!n.\t, :4, tn rm LJt" lu~l 1l){ t1Qutb or \V'-' " l ~jr &J ur· ,, 11 I af t h .t.n l~ ,. nd nl n rode or ~~____ _ _""!'!~~"!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pole.., 10 n 8 t Oll • tI,." co f:nsl of M()uth ~ n I no I, ol ca Lo 1\ 1I 1on~ th ' 11 " ~o l' t l\ of 1';n8t ut p ,"I ' p ()loa t o n tfl.011 0 I h nl' i' " ·c!'t .-----~-------~_; ur -J" orl h t o I ho pi neo o r LJelCLuulnJt. all l nl n in g .-I\:,hlY-OnO l' u108 b" Lh e
~H.' I ) e..
1'hlrteen othor Ob10 Doll cmpio.YlllllI .r calved hOllol'a blo III uUo u . \I I I ~ h t were 1I\\'a rded letters ot co",mendntlQn tor nOleworthy 11\1 bile service.
m ore 01' l UfUI
Excel,llng f"o ltl 1111 t he 11\)01' d ~ sor l bt ho fol lowIng d (" o r l b Q~ rell l ealltlO, t o-Wit: lJ I I\ ~ .. I/l1rt of I ho OUlh En~1 quurler r SIIC. 32 T
ell r 0 1 0lj1J1I 4 " n, 5 At.,
town acre" in Franklin Tp. George W~!ldhorst to Ethel M. Helms, 78.96 seres of l'and in Deerfield Tp. Sylv'ester C. ~chlillk t o Fred O. Meeker, 2 tow n lots in Franklin. Charles, E. Grny to. Vem e and AIice Smol1wQoCl, 10 .41 acres of land in F ranklin T p. . Mary R. 'lL.acy t o Margaret J, '1 'town lot in Franklin' George and, Ollie Rhodes to Ed. ward C. Brown, 6 'town lots in Deerfield Tp. ThomllII Mllloney to Mary Mal ' 4 town acres In Loveland, L. and J ,a.ne V. Kennett to An' na Lake, 2 tOwn lots in F ran kli n • Jamea PUe to F . W. Franz t o Raymond Balli, 8.44 town acres Franklin Tp. S. A. and J«mnie Buerkle to EstelI. Binkley ' 1 town lot in Million. Homer ~d Florence J. Ireton to Byron .C. 1lnd Helen K.· Terwillepr. 81.50 acro'. of hind near"LoveJand.
U tt or~tJ
uhnlnH with q h) of Mlli d .. " tl<' rcit '-0 gtnko in tho u l d X u nlu en ul (" ur· n tH' to land n ow OW lH' U \\' l1l1 flnl Bnrl Y. th unc- , w ith Blt l'luy If lint! N. tl2 ' SQ' l~. :ZG c hn lnd t o 1\ col' n('r 'l.t Un,' o ld brit.lKc: lh tUWO wit h 111'vt1l0 1' l i t fJn l'l ey's lIU f'K ~, !} O' It!, IS "h:tl n ~ t o l h tl IU ldtll ~ or 1\ Inrg o lJrfliwh with t il IIll-'ll n tlurs IlI e l'v ue to t 1l Buuth hOll n d n!')' I ln l~ or tlahJ fh;Cl h,iI; lh (.' I)(IO wHh
F. Snook, and A. J. Scheurer. Jobn Be/lllie O. Wa~ick to. GranvllJe S Hardin&' and B. A. Jon08 appraiaei-s. Pottod, .25 town acres hi Washing, Certain lilIes m.tle · by Bert O. Tp. . , executor ot the eatate of Louella H. ][ eelor to M!l8'tie G. Macy, were approved ' and Young~ 1 town lot In Lebanon~ confirme~'" . T. 0 , and MlIl'ie Lamar to Howard The will .of .AJlce-111 ,Ellia Willi ad- B. and L,ucy F. Snell, 2 town ,lots in to Pl'obate. .. . MillIOn. • ~ ~ . '. DlstributiOfl wu ordered WilHe M Jervia to Clltrord E. and the 1IlI8et;a 9f the ewtate ot Carrie Buriess, 4 town .lots in Frank Mae,.. . . The executor of above eatate Aled . William H. Noble to Anna Falcon, Ant and Anal account, ;- . 1 town acre ill Franklin, Tp. . ;.. .A:. O. VaU, wuardiAa of David H. " \Oreen, Aled hill third aecount. · . ,Arthur ilamUton, ·one ot the exof estate of Albert L. . Snook, llIed h1a .mventory , and' pralaem:ent. " .,', The will of Buston B. Rn'b.....bao'''.1 .t~Pp~Uetl; WIllI filed. .. Tbe eatate·' of 'T. lE. to be exempt Irotrl .inI~eriitatlCe I
st.one, $8.76 F . Oberlin, stone grnvel, ' 2,26; The S .. Fred Co" plies, '31.60: W. C. Turton, H .S.5 0 ; O. K. Brown, . insurance premlUm, $40; Ma ry E. Hopping, rent, $30 ; The Van C!,mp Stone Co. stone $992: A T. R t!lg, pay Toll, $360 ,25: A. D. Grapevm.o. , 1Ul!".e, , $38. 15 , Trustees of P ubltc ~fl'n lrs, ltght and $8.41 ; ~. C. Reil, Inbor and sup 'S.10. . • . • - ....- - J,OOAJ, N OTIOID
ft.. 8.. :
l1eli:'l nli l n g' a t
,\ t th 80u l h we.t Cor n e r o f lho tol-l 10 lvl n g (1 scrlb I 11'(\ I ot 1""tI on l b O, w 'at b a ll k ot Ih Ne.w Ohl>...nal o f t id ·
d l o R UI\ uo d ~, J~' 45' R a b U'l l 7.';6 \lOles tro)n " Ilol!l t I n • hI r UIl and III I l b 8~ u t h It n ot ~(\It! H ·tIOll : lhe n ~ el I'u n Et KS· 10· 11:. a,us ah l!l, to n fl l n k e
~~~~~Olh~'n ~~·N.lt1~O.El·I r.;: · \~. h~:'n\~? t~ 1 otonl) II Il " IL 1111'\:' Blm .. l ll ", ,, thel"'" or •• lng t il r UII • 3Q' 46' ·W .
1,3 1 Oh 8. t o n otak o r rum \"hich n s~' •
amor., I ro ~O IIICI) 8 In (111\111. b enrs N. 60· ()O · ~r , j!:~!: I h,lk,C t hf~ n co d o w n Lho W at bnnk or t h u now Chllllne l S.
Ph on e 8
\3' 1 G' E1. Z.26 ch • . to u. 810.00: l h oncu 17' 00' W ' ~ , 32 h8 tv l\ 8 10 1) : 111 u e S. 3 • 00 ' W . 1.04 eh•. t o th e b gln n l n!\, ~~~~~~_~~~~~!!!!~~.': ~~n\~~~I~R l~ e;'l~\?ro:ti 1~8'l1el "" trlvell - -.-.. , 1'1)'
tire ' "\ III
th O 8pl t! · Sl1slUl
tt nl n e.s. deCl! n 9c tl ~ a u d pr8 yln Jr In tho 8"ld p ol lt h)j\ tlln t tbu p m )' e r o f III court mny cn ll c l n ertl\! n I IUO t o J aft lnh Ollvls an d )..lQld- Do.vl'e o f 80hl Henl E M nt e n nd Il\n tile Cllllft m(\y mn kl> An ord r l\.utllo rozlllK ILnll (U r C~· Ing . ber as aXI!.Qulrl x: ot t1l0 •. I "II.I;., will of U8lm E. H ... lll u , (! "~(tn . ,!d. ro . • • n the ~el\l elltttte h orel"bofQr de8cr rb d
t hl> DurnOB of ))"~' ln8' th o 18g,,g l~_ll 1J1' t h o In,l will Of ""e !,ald OI u 81ln .... RA ine. i) ,,·,Jsed , ...IId for all ~ t\h.. " n d (urthar fi nd In gs. orders,
L.M.HENDERSON NOTARY PUSLIC N.I;o ••1 .s.... Will. D.... n
( Dr
• .. .... £" ••••
W eyneaville, Ohio
ud gmt'nts. d .\!!,e 9. 'n nd r ellc e t o :===:::===:::=:::~===~ ~ ,'{ h leb t hla P ln ln tl t f I. e ntiLled In til
llrem faee. ·
.'):ho Abov e n/\.lnod !lorsona will tak o n o Uee , lhn t .Lho)· n.r~ Dnrly detendllonu t o til e wa hl "a c tlo n n.nd n~ , .UC h nN' r • 4u lr od to BlI!iw er tile p ~ tlllo n . o n or b ·ror (h J 8th dn.)' or .Il1 n • I!I~1, \lr J ud g n , en t ,wl\l b o luk o n ~gnln 8t t 1l61n. . L [DA M. SAWIN. Ex utt'hI: of Lho I. t w lll 01 , Su."n E , Ha ln • • d eoeased,
April 27-0l
Dr. John W. Miller Dentiat
----- - ---
".110 •• 1 ..... .
-_.- .....--
VlsltOt- " Won't you ,be very, very WlncJl e~ltet, I n<\}I!I'!L~ ~~~~:::~ I happy " 'hen your entence is 0\-er 7" t>risoner-...:..... r d un1'ito. -m1ft1l; I dun-
no." . Visitor"::"·ly ou don't k:now? 'i.Ii~?!::i~~~~~~~1~~:~~~f[~fl!~1 w'hy not ? " .' ... , -.Rrlaoner,-"l'm in for life."
A nd
c. w. Oftlce- Aman Bldl. o"., caHouR.
9 to 11 •. '01,
S '10. 6 P. m, 7 to -9--p. 'M. TelePhoneal [', OffICe. • ao Re..aence • • ·_ 88 .. ~'
Waynesville, Ohio
.l ~ ,
mlnistrator of the estate C. Ertel. C. 'P,onald Dllatuh, was aD'DointlMl Tuesday,9 a.m. 3' p~m guardian of Olara B. .Akers Satu1day 9 a.m. ''l': p.m bur C." Mary ·E. and Ra~on Zinck. ' ". V"CqINATION <?F; SWINE S~oi» Court ord,ered th.t certain ' lIIlel l1'Alnah-A. ( A SPEOL\\LTY) ~,,, of , real estate of Charlel J •. Zinck I.umll'ur, ...~~""""""''''''''''''''~ be made. • .Dd Alva Hill, Wm. Davia and George J .-;Shoi~ds were , appainted . a ppralilen of the eatate of Sophia C. ErteL .\ ·Court ordend' that a Ce~fted' .eopy tor of the entry detemuDJng Itnletltance tax ;be paid \from .the ' eatate 9.f:Jo~I ; ~"""',,*,==:=¢===:,,::================ft,te========7======::':===== G. Mucy, be certified to the auditor. The ,Demonatratipn. The will of John W: Conover' was admitted to ' pro~t8. Me1l_ O. MONEl' LQ,.N£D over was' appointed ::;~~ cutrir and --~--~~---~)~'------G. I. Gerard, Burt· Ball· and Ed. D": .' LOANEI ' on Ch uttell.Sloc~ Securivia appraisers. -po~ ,0, SKI:. 'l> to1e,. tiel and Seco.ld Mar~ia,ea. · Nolel - - " ' : ',- - , .... ,~ :J bought. John Hllrbine Jr., Xenia, :10 fi~U'T u1=> -.'tN' MARRIAGE LICENSES oJ ·m~ 0~'24 I Ohio. ) f!'"f OU"'6tl) EEarl Jarvia, ., factory work~r, of of' "r.ti 16 t<~t'fr. and LuJa Mae ' BowleB, of Franklin. . Herman R. Barlow, truck driver, of Lebanon and .Art June Rutherford of Lebimon. •
F~rhle'rs. Attentio~!
• t
~EAL ESTA,!E .TRA.~SF RS , Jesse S. Bnd Laura (]ros8 to Frank Gross. 1 town lot in Franklin. ' I. John B. Bradley to Albert 'and Lizzie Roberts, 1 town.'· lot in FrankI~.
James Pile and F. W. Franz 't o Ernest Haug, 1 town lo~ in Franklin. Mary Maloney to ' J ." B. , Morris, " town acres. in Lovelarid. . J. B, Morris to Johney · Morris, • town screll in .Loveland. .' Vada and A. C. , Sparb to Homer; O. Hudson, 1 town lot In Corwin. Lester and Edna Slusher to Jamee Pile and Fred Franz, 8.44 ~wn in Franklin; . ". John L. and Maggie' M. Yotln&,' to Wi1Ua mD. Clark, 96.09 aerell ' of hind In 'rurllecree)c: Tl': , Ambrolle and Ada Henhey to Joint, S to~k ' Land banlt, ot ~~::l::~:, 122.77 '.acrea of land' in Tp , ,. Tbe Aetna raper Co. to the well, Paper po.; 84 tow!:! Iota ." Franklin. " , cP,a,vl4Smith to ebU. < 1;own~ actell in Leb\lnon. anll ,Ella ":WWbtma to ·Wm. Noble, 1 " to" acte in 'Franklin Tp•. Alben and Llu1a JWberiI) to B....eT, 1 tOft 'lot in lI'ftiaJdm.
1Ii....~-iiii~iI~..~~III!~~~~~ . Earl lark ~ . J.o1III ~ .'.Ol'l
B"tared at·th. PClJtoftlce at Waynesville) 0., ..
Seeonii OIaaa 'Man Matter
D.... CRANE, '£.'tOI' aad Publl.b-r, W.,.•••w.... SlibacripUon Prfc~. ,1.60. per 'fur; • t
I "
. ' ::.'
, An army: av,b,l tor .saYI, m'an ) do everything ,a bird can. How. aliou t Ii nying nn eggT '.
TQ Governor Smith, of New York, Waahing!ton announces we have \,roblible Democratic candidate 'for now recovered from the ' war-but 192 8 unci u Roman Catholic, Charles fails to mention What we have . reMm' ~htln addressed 101lg' questions covered. - 0which come ,to this :"Il you wer e eleoted. Pre'sident would you be go v( f men were as perfect as their erned by the law.s of t he United wives expect them to be there would ta tes or by orders from Rome?" be very little excitement In this Governor Smith ' tlnswered ably in world. seVil.ral thouSlind wordii:' Thirty-one - 0 - _. words of his answer constitu te a It is true that our national compl~te answer, as follows: bel' resources !ire limited- but they It[ r.ecognille 110 power in tho al'e at least greater than before our institution of my church to inshort skirt era, torfere with the operation of -0the ' Constitution of the United It is easier for a rich man to get While repairiDg a radio aerial, Sat States or the enforcement of on lhe board of trustees of a church urday, Davia Bogan fell backwards the laws of the land," t han it is for him to enter the Kingfrom ' the roof and sulfered the loss The Governor's letter i8 a great dom of Heaven. of some teeth, · besides numerous document that may eventually be' - 0Miss Edna Elam has sulfered u re bruises and cqta. marked historic, In itK forc e and Some men don't know When they lapse. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collett, of simplicity it is a wor thy eft'ort. Nor are licked, and others get BO used MIBS Mattie HeBS is rec9vering Dayton, and Mr, and Mrs. L D. is it f air to read it as the letter of a to 'it they don't mind. Take the big- slowly from her severe iIIneas. Welch were last Sunday guests of candidate f or the Presidency. In amist, for instance. , -0Mrs. Flora Mason is the guest of Mr, and Mrs, A. S. Collett and son, writing it the Gove~or himsoll I?ut that one consld, eration to ono Side Am erica's tennis hopes for 1927 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kincaid,' of Day- Robert. . ,llIins, who of ' Lebanon, . .. Wilbur and wrote rather' as nn Americiln in hinge on BflI TUden's knee, say to n. IlndMrsher 80n, Randall, ill home public If!c the ' conSUltency of whose sporting authoritios, From pictures . Mr" and Mrs. Fred Moore, of Day- from Princeton f()r spring vacation, Whole caree~ hall been challenged by of 'Bill "we must admit it's a ~'slim ton, were Sunday guests of Mr. an~ were Wednesday iruests of Mrs. Sathe ~pen 8Jsde8~lo.n that he cannot chance. Mrs. J . N. Moore. die Reason. The~' spent the afterbe at the same time a good Koman · -0., d M SI C I h -d h ,~ i W'lmingt Catholic and Ii public servant faithful Men's go\! Buita made of plain wr. anrs. 0'1 e a as t eU', noon n I, on. to the- ConstitUtion and Jaws of the black cloth are now quite the newest re~t S~nhdaYf ~eytolrniece, Miall Be1 Thl! Maasie Township Sunday a n. Scholo convention met at Jonllh's United States. ' , and most populaI' apparel. No doubt y en c ,0 , I ,.. . . . a badge of mourning for the golf Mr. and Mrs. C, M, Barley, of, Run Bunday afternoon. Miss Ber• ~. BUILD SOl", CONSERVE "XNb- widows· who ~lt at home over the Dayton, were guests Sunday of Mr. tha Ricbcre~k,. ~upe~60r of relill'. IRRIGATE ' week-end April to November. ' and Mrs. E. N. Barl.ey. ious education !n WIlmington and . -:-0. Mrs. G. C. Si.ms r. spendine • few Chester To~shIP . schools, gava a The world will need fresh water Takl.ng th~ national, cenl~s In 1~30 days in Yel10w Springs with her .very Intcrestmg ad.dreBS. noW' wasted for liTIgation, and rich i.8 gO.mg to be a more . dlllicult ,Job daughter, . Mn: ~ate Boyce. • Mr. and Mrs. CihaHes E. Gordo~ ",U now washed mil/Ions of toni , in- t han ever before. What witb thirty : / and family entertained"to'-six o'clock to the Gul.! and'the ocean, if Profes- million automobiles in the U. S" the . Mr. John Seward~ ..ulFe e a '?l ok- dinner on Tuesday, MJ,. and Mrs. lIOr A. E. Rois, of Wisconsin, lellm- pedestrians canno~ Btand still long ~n !eg, &Ionday, the extent of llia A. S, Collett and son, Robert, who ~:K'~as not .b een le~ed at returned Wednesday to his school ed eociolopt, II accurate in, his fig- enough to be counted. ureL . duti41s at Miami Military· Institute, . . He ..ye the earth'l population will Mr. and Mrs. , Howard Littler, of after IIpendlng spring vacation with ~ , PA~ the Union neighborhood. were Slin- his -parents. multiply itself II) tblrty-two, by 2027. 'That date is only 100 yea\'ll ••., day guests of Mr. ftd Mn. · Toner ._ Underwood. . Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ward . have away, and when it rolls swiftly been accorded a privilege seldom around __ me cbildren IIvin" will eee It.-the population of the.. world dl Mrs. LS O.d Peterson f Lh eDtertalneci'at I ... -anted a couple on 'this earth. On nner, un .y, or ~ e p e&BUre of Friday, April 22, they celebrated the will be Dine sixty hundred b\UlolJl, mUlions, instead of~one LoreDa 69th anniversapv o'f their 1lIarl'iag". at .... 1Drew;ea, ""-_ 'Mrs. Em d ~ '# ,.. . "l1l1on "preseD· , . , ' mer, ml81 rene ",vana an ....181 They are atlll livi:ng on the same Tho.... figures are based on the fact , be......_n lite togethM.rthA Beam; .' farm whete theu
Nobody' take. -.dvice, but evid4/llt. Iy everybody tblnka I.t fun to give It aViay.
taminl!ll no lonrer rage over the eaith, even waz: it milder, liDce women, 'children and prlaonen are no lODger mailsacred. " The fig'Ures need not frigh~en WI. OW "God doe. not let trees trr Into lne heavena; "Texaa alone eould feed the earth'l present populati.on, with intensive cultivatioD; and have much left over. But 80 billions, aDd later 100 bUlions. ' ot: human beings, ' will need plenw of f.rti1 • . ground, .a nd gov~rnmen't" Ihould .begln to ~et it ready. . , . -, - - ,.
, Judge (seve.rely) - "Th ' idQlI of :t Vrof.- Jl How Wl)ultl )tOll punch~. big str!)n, ,"lin ,,! yOUl' ~ Iz ) entin« a tc' ille ~ e n toni: I 'Moey J. a prelL, up 4 poor weak wO'm ll n like that !" g id '/ ' " .r Mo~o~" Bu t , y.,ua h h( 111111, shi. , ,·ttHfonh "Wby. el'--I'd mok o II keo)'Js. it·I'it.btinl! l11 e rtlf .di! ti III I!." ..hl ~ h nlt,'J' laty." ., . Judge- "How d,," $ Kht' il'.rjtll t ' . ---,..you?" ASK .DAD' . lit !le'~" We ll, J ccfg , iL'1i' Hktl <lIs: k· PK !(Illyln' •Ii It DI e I, BCli t me f '1.' omml;':')' Whllt ia :un.toJd weilit h', JUHt hit. m Once a nd I'll have yo u '... hallled up b fOl'e ' lha '. unld.head ed dndlfy'!" , old reprobatc .!)f n .Jedge, an n see ..F'ath r--<"'J.'hot Whi~11 '1 doesn't' apricUI' on the income-tax -return, ' my, whllt ho'li rio Lo yo u." , hoy ''' ' , _ ---'--&'.:...;,.',. J udge-:-"Discha rged.
..,.....--- ...
H.- C. Gordo~ 'spent ~unday wi~ Twenty-two at Monthly meeting, relativeB in Ce\lterville. uriday morning. Mr. and M~; 'M: E. Sherwood en~. E. Th~ m p.son -spent uilday tertailled their c,lilldreil . SundllY, ternooJl.' at Cedar Blufl'. . Charle!! Waggone~~ of Lebanon, John Wallaee, or Clncinnotl, SPllnt ealljld. on CharJu ~4\dden, Sunday. Sunday wi tli his family here. : Mla. Nan W. H: Terry, who hus a ~ri p pl cd f oot, Is \mproving a t·.this writing. Georgc ' Vail ,and wife spent SII!;... ~!!!:!!!!:!~~!!!:!!!!:!!!!!!"~!!!:!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~ . Born, 'to Mr. alrld Mrs. Tiftin Free. urdny 'wi th Tilton Vail near Mol'row on Tuesday ·evenlng, April 19, A, B. Talmage, K. E. Th ompson a daugllter:-" Mary' Ellen. an d M. lII, Ten y were in LebunOil Mrs. \Alice Eycke, of Anderson, Friday. Ind., is tbe 'guest of her sister, Mrs, James Truylor, of Green Brc)ar, George Denny and family. culled on J ames :McDonald , Sunday Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Jordan and afternoon: M, M. Chaffin , of Galena, was Lhe W. A. Baines were Wilmington visItors WedDesday afternoon. g uest of R. J. !\jurr ny, Wednesday Mrs. Aaron Freeland is spending sud Thursday, several days in Corwin with Mr, and Some from this {J 'ac~ attended the Mrs. George McKecver and fsmily. Monthly Meeting at Harveysbul'g, on The Intermedi ,~te and Primary Sunday morning. rooms gave aD entertaining program 'I'hank you, preUy good winter fo r Fdday IItte.moon,'Jrhere were several Lhe last of April, Sunday morning. guests present. 4 below f reezo 1
Ma,Jorio and 'Robert Davis hpve lh., ' cbicken poi. .
(; a ,. I ~ 1l AM • • LI. lns Rt pro .. nln l lvtl rl~EA M E ~) CANPR ES S AS S O IAllO
Charles Henry and wife, of Blanchester, called on R. J. Murray and wi fe, Thursday evening. Karl Deatherage a nd wife were dinner guests of Ross Hartsock and family, a t Waynesville, Sunday. A. B. Talmage and wife had for t heir afternoon guests J. Lee Tal~ mage, wife and 80n, of South Loba non. Chauncey Bunnel and wife, of WaYnesville, were Sunday guests 0 Mrs. Bogan a nd 80n, Bert, lit Wellman.
The Miami-Gazette Office
W. H. Terry and Edgar Wallace K. E. Thompson, Wilson Harvey and George Jordan were in Harveysburg Saturday eveDing. Gl{,o rge V,all hall a new' Ideal bt:ood or house, upto date in all respects, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-------., all it locks Is the cJ ucks of the chicks ,in it are 160 baby ohicks, R. J. Murray and wife aDd Jason Bidd.lecum were among those who attended the Sunday School convention at J onahs Run chur ch, Sunday alfternoon.
T. ,M artin ·J esse Stanley Auctioneer s'
See U. Early for Your Sale Date.. We Guarantee Sati.faf'tion or Charge Nothing.
MEDICINE CABINET Queen of ' Sheba- "My igracious, the baby has a sl<!mach' ache." Lord Booter (excitedly)- "Page I Call in the Secretary ' of the Interior;" " '.
.Centerville, O.
New Burli.ngton,O •
Pbone No. 'Z
Phone .No. 320
NEXT' ' :Tlwre" 'no ratting arouDd 'o ne gulf you've got .to
---... ....- ~
ThOse' wbo have 'the beat- qualUlcaWhom did Captain Kldd! tions for poai~ion and place are .of- .. .,Wh.t made Oeear Wilde? te~ the last to ltick to it. What- does Harold Bell Wn.ht?
rented what II k:no~ as the . Man- FraDk Squirea ninlftll,n property hi Gopperville, reMrs. Bertha C;;ordon weicomed cently vacated by Mr. aDd Mr.. Da- membe" of the Woman's Civic vis. ~. Leaeu,e Saturday 'atte~noori. Tbe ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles ' Coffelt weN program committee wall very formthe .guuts of Mr. and Mri. E., 'm.- .n ate in securing' Misa Mary Millll, . of . and attended ,the dedication 01 WUmin,ton, to give a-talk on town M•.. E. church in Dayton improvement. Her lIuggestions were Easter SUDday. '. ' all helpful an4 appreciated. The committee 8erv~d e~ da~ty lunch of Ice cream and w.afE1rs. , E. B. Doater passl!d away Saturday ' The llews came as a to .the cO,m munity all he be ' co:nvalescing nicely tbe Square 'm L Anna Andenon aDd Mrs. frum a major · 0JleratioD. The end Hason live, had a slx..o'c1oct earne Buddenly. M:r_ Doster will be In their 'honor Saturday evan- greatly miued, as he was always a lng, the occasion being the birthd.y po""er m favor of all things good o( lira. Anderson and nui the blrth- aud beautiful. He leaves a widow, d f"'~ "--'~ one ilau,ghter, three 1I0DS, leve'n ay 0 ....... _D. er&ndchildren, one sister <and a hOlt and lin. , CharI.. CoIF,lt Iiad of ,relatives and ' Jrrlenda to mourn as ,heir w..k-end gueata, lira. M1l'- their lou. , Funeral service ' .T uesday tie 'Grice, Mr. and Mn. Grant Apch- at 2 o'cloct at Jonulh's. Run. . , ley and SODi Adl;ian, and <IIU~&'mIWI'" Ada and . Alma, al)d Mr. Earl ·Mi81 Nan Collett; assisted by MilS cen, 01. ' DaYton, -for· their SIJlldlaY.1 Francea ·H uildnl, 'e ntertained , the ; ·they allO elJ"~bied Mr. Baptist MiaBionary Circle at her atMrs. 'Foy. ColFelt, ' of XenJ., ·and tractive ,eountry Ilome, Wednesday . a1.terno~p. ' Iii thE! absence of the Jlilia Coffelt., Of, thIa place., secretary, Mrs. . C. H. Gray was .p_ pointed pro tem. )lIrs. W. A. Haines read the SCripturEI leBSon and Mr. Inwood led in prayer. Mrs. Cli!lt Cleaver pve a vel!'Y interesting losOD "Norw~ in thE\ U~ited . " then se~ed a temptWg of sandwialtes p\ckle, p-.ches, caJile and 'coffee;
- Mr.
"The Canton e~m.mande~ In chie! sa,.. tbat be will be In .Pekin, by Christmas, whichreealle to mind an 'aneient- aaaeition of ' the Kaiser that he would ~e in 'Pa~11 oil .that date.
polittc~l job not , ilpp'o lntnlent ' :Of Sballghai: ,
Sh........Wb.t .. 'plt~ it i ~ th'a t hancJ 1OID. . .n are al~a'Y8 conceited." .
H_"Not -,,,a,a, little girl. lIot.ft,
I'm " • I It til. Chlne.s trO bolshevik' 110m cia, all ~. eonars will . c.omc h ome .11'1)_ UI. laundry dyed
I!l4Dator H~Bm John~~n SSlylt that f,a one' ileneitor who has ' had til. pJ'l!lld.t1aI ~ ebtiN-Iy Itrn.dicn. ted from Ill. system. . We wandc rcll wh)' b. loolted I!IO much happier and more cOntented in bis recent photo-
. No~ -m. to quiet a ri~s al_tIoa Uk. a few hundred husky lIIarta... '
'. TItomson .
a . . .ter
A .Surpri$8
ST. MARY'S CHURCH • e ond Sunday aCter Easter, May r'ir' t e 1'Iootl8 of wool con8lgne~ hureh Sehool '!t 9:4G; sormon year for co- perutivo' uale~hr9' and, l~oly ~mm u~l~n at 11 o:clock: the hio WOQI Growers' Co'opera- ~h~ ~om n s Unlte1i 'J'h~!,k OfferF . D. ' Dakin W.llI ill Cil1t:lnnati, IIlg will b pr sen ted 1\ t~l ~ serviee. tivll 'nssooiation, Willi rreeiY d at warehouse of the The Pre.l'en,tation en'lce of the Monday. last year, according to reports Dny.t on nl~trlct wll\ ~e held Sec E. P . -narlal\ i'or ' 011 kinds of from L. B. P81me~, t he association hrlsb ch ~.r h, Dayton, 1)'1 the .Ellecu·jcal Work'. president, just . received by D. E. n~ !I' at 3 :8 0. l)unhalU, m naPier of' the ' Wart n Rev. Joh""J. Sebae!!er. Rector. Mn. J . E. McClure connly W 01 pool. onsid rnbl in Dayoln, FricJlly. W (J 1 had been tl'c('iv d by motol' FERRY CHURCH OF ~RIST truck bo.foT'C this dR~e . er vice at !l :30 II. m. , Mny 1, 1927 Mr. nnd 11-5. N. P. J ordan vis ited First curlots came to the ware· ,e rman, "1'h Chri st of the Church" Piquu friends, Sunday. house from Wyundott~ county a.nd Evening service 8 o·clock. OrchesJoh n Beach vifllwd a niece in UI-h tho vangunrd oJ IIh l lllllCllts which tru; sp cial mUHic; sermon-lecture .... ore expected to run considerable ov· on "The Most lIorriblc in in the land Co uri ty last week. er 4,000,000 pounds this SeBS!ln, Mr. , " ' Come! All cornell Come Pnlmer &lid. Members of the organ early!!1 Mr. lind Mrs. J. H. Smith wero Dayton visitors, 1I10ndny. o' • in Ulany wool-prC:lduei'llg- terNathan Jobnso n, Minister. "'toties are at work to merease tht> Charles Satterthwaite is plnste.ramount of Ohio Wool . co-operatively CHRISTIAN CHORCH ing n house in Wilmingtofl. faSunday.School at 9 :30; sold. The present spring has been Everybody cordially invited. Mr. and .Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman '\eorable ,to early ahearlng of were ·Dnyton visitors, MondllY. Mr. Pnlmer reportll, and the METHODIST CHURCH apparently coming to market in Sabbath School, 9 :16 B. m.; PreaehMrs. Robert Furnns, who has been \rondi~ion. Wool bags have already . g Se v'ce at 10:30 a m.· Epworth ~ uite sick, is improving lIicely. ~ee1'l received at the County Farm In r I • , E jlureau office, Lebanon, and Mr. Dun League. .at 6 :~6 p. m.; vening Lester Gordon. is in charge of the has plans under way to permit Preaching SerVIce a t 7 :30 P. m. ~elegraph office lilt Dodson, Ohio. ,11 wool growers of the county to L. A. Washburn, Palitor. participate. • _ • Don't fail to attend A. K .Day's big sale, Thursday, Friday and SatSTUDY THIS ONE urday. °
, .....
- I .......... to 110 .U ki.d. of EI..,. td..J ~•••• e1 F,lItI." h. . . .
...... MftraI·,...,. ..
Salesman-"Thls ear baa a wonllerful pi<;kup," . llignifted Ballker--"Neither my wife nor myself are. Intereated in that 80rt of thinl""
Soon ...
......I.... .. . . Ic:h,.... .....'.... ei. •••
.eat to . all •• r c ........ ..., boll. ••~ .... 'old, for tlaelr oc ........_e1 eoalel••e. I. • ..... .AIod I-
... fai.,. _
.... _ . 1'00cI
pi.:.... ... .1_'fO~ q~tJ'
.eta •• ia til:- ..... ......... pJ-.
food PM'
"Iak.. aft
5'Q"acribe to tb. MI.!"I
ee E. -Po Harlan lor oil kinds of He (as cnnoe rOIll.!;)- "Don't lll' Electtical Work. lICt·n.lll, \\, ,'r(> nl)' tell f 'l,t 1t' III lonu/ ' 1II1sR l>ori~ llnw'ke, wl,lO "'liS fllllL . • 'ho (looking t'(lu1l(1) - '" hcl'u is ~iek laiSt- week, is out' again. "Yourcx''.. ilverseal- lt you wnnt Mrs. ~nto Colemqn lind lItrs. p. 1•. Crane spent Fl:ido1 in D . tQn.
Uo- "Untlcrn nth u ~."
.. _- -.--.
- 9 n-
0 '11' , II) be8~ in i1~erwar. . tllrt your hope chest. JlOW. Beautifll l p~H01'11 8 ' 1'0 ' '1" ,U' k Jnnu(n '·ht r~ r,. , ..ut l).:on l .. r !'It d ' II J 'I'OIlO t'l.lk \ III ~o " • I vc.! I,y for your selection nt Cary's Jew;Jlry til S~,ilOM r T fu~ t ~1 ot Wnyn u 'Co' " Khll'. W,rre ll • ulIll' Ohlo~ M tho otLebanon , Ohio. . tl ' 0 , th o I rk ' l) &;\ \'1 '''''\V ' lsllin I\l t it .. \ 11)11081'111 \ NlLtl o lI ILI I Jnll k. 'l ' Iti' rune, of Dayton, 4 w h 't) i')'Q h l~k 11'(,W n, Jt a ~ l\.I t' n .. ll\tU.I(U'll Mr$. Ethun 'C lll w spent S l urlln y in Wayne$\,lIlc. • 1'· UIO.\ l · . ~I ,\. II . 1fI~7
rur n l ~ h l " l!'
Mrs. Walter' Me lure unci lI'lra. It. G. ross were Dllyton visitors, M\ln· day. ' Don't .fail to attend A. K. Day's Big sale, Thurs duy, F ridny lind , ut. urday. • By sc.lcctin~ a Gruen Wat h r'a l' the graduato yO\l e n~oy I,ho cert~inty that you have a lime piece of gen uine worth and nation-wide prestige. See our newest modciIJ. Cary's Jew ery Shop, "The HODie of Gifts," Lebunon, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Crone nttcmdcd n ploy /It Lebanon, Thursday ev· eni ng.
1l....·l1 l·; .
1 H, t Oll
d elilgn tlrt vur.
l llll
~t'tl vlty
\\ It h
r "lIoll'llIl; h Ufl ,
tr tt
True E.ri mate.
~., P. 'HARLAN· E LE TRt tAN
'lul l)'
k ! ()r
l HUld h ols l dll ~" p Klet\ l (' ut) (01'
,nd, "hI der uhn ll s ub",l t wll h JI18 Ithl "Q ,'cltlca llon s ot Ih u truck ott~red w llh lhe lIlIIlt . .. \love s pe \rlu.! . 'I"h u I.onril Qt 'l' l' US \ t l 9 '"09 r Ye " lIt /lt to reject nn y or nil 1)1118. ~,
t hc
o r d r ot th l' Do n l'd o r 'L\J'lUA t t"4H~. E. I" TIJ U M, ' ';. W. K 'O IlN I,",! "
GRAND THEATER; ~ebanon - - ~ .----
W . S. nI1A II.\H. "rtl ~ t roK of \ V6 :\' II '" 'J'vwlU5I1 i p . .1. 0 : A It'I'W H I ' liT. C I r lt. -----::;, nt · lIIt ·5 t
''The Most HorribleSin in the World" WHAT IS IT?
M,a y 1st,
Bring Your Eggs to 'K roger
Stokes' Pure Jersey 'M ilk ~or Sale
Cakes C~Uhtty Cl~b;
6 :30 and 8 13n,...p. m .
Mrs. L. ' A. Zimmerman was hOBtess to t he '''Jolly Matrons" Sa~U1' day E. F. Rlefsnider has IIlmost recov. afte,m oon. CO TO TH E FERRY CHURCH , Mr. an d Mrs. Charles Mullenix are ered froni 8 serious operation, and Make every day Mother's D[\y i~ now riding in R new Sedan. is out again. At 8 p . m., Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith are ret he service of your gift. elect ' Mrs. Charles Anderson and son, ksome,thlnllt beautifu l and lasting lor modeling their home. \·Hlllro,ld. spent F'riday with relat1veJ from Cary's Jewelry Shop, "The MiIIB Gladys lIergdall was a recent in Spring ' Ve,lley. Home of Gifts," Lllbanon, Ohio. guest of friends in Cincinnati. AND HEAR ABOUT IT. SOMETHING DIFFERENT I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cross nntl Mrs. William. Long and Ion IIpent One of o~ J8peci81t1~s Herman Conner sp,ent Sunday at. Orc ..... tr. M,..ic .Dd Speci.l Sinl'in• • Saturday in Dayton. , w a t ch repairmg. . Cary II Oreb, Clermont county, . W B dall d S D Shop, Lebanon, OhiO. Messrs. m. erg an . . . Henkle were in Olncinnati, lIurvey~ Mr. and Mrsl. Charles Anderson M.Mr·Mand Mrs. Lester Gordon andl'~~!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ -~ __ _ ing a couple of days . ago. son II . pent Sunday with Mr. and . 188 artha O'Neall were in Wi~ • ~r. and Mrs. Lawrence Slms· mov. 'Mrs. Allen Emllick, of Lytle. last Wednesday evening. .;---------~........- - - -...- - - - - - - - - - - . cd their household goods ,Mrs. L. A. Zimml\rman was called For Sale--32-volt American Beauty wdod, MQnday:. Electric iron, in good eonditlon .Mrs. to" Port Clinton, this morning on Mr. and 1Irs. Clarence Smith, count of the deutn of an aunt. :I,.auronce ~rown, WaynesvLUe. Dayton, att.ended tho funeral of Mrs. McGrew here last week. Th~ monthyl Red llrrow auction . F. E. VahOfl~n attended tho meet.. BI h G h . 1 I be held Thursday afternoon at !Dg of the OhiO Wholesale Grovers -rI!' fane e rha adm ,111 8 oW y t're- .t:1 o'clock at Myer Hyman's stOre '8ssochition at Columbus, ';1'uesdI\Y. 11 b COv8I'1n&'l'om a ar a a ou ,a• • week ago. .. " Beautiful diamonds 'f or the sweet ' Miss Loretta Titus, oI Detroit, Kr. William Orelghton is slightly heart or graduate. Select yours spent a few days with her par nts, improved after Butrering fo~ several at Oary'&. Jewelry Shop, II'l;'he Home Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo .Titus and family days with quinay. pf Gifts," Leblan.on, Ohio. " ' Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cnrtwright. ,nnd Mr. and ~ Frank M.iltenberger . . . daughter, MillS Evelyn, and Mr. : and Bon, MilOI were Sunday cuesb Miss Rose WUkerson, of Colum- L. Cartw right" spent Sunday iri Cfn• of Mr. and Mrs. iohri lL Smith, at bus, is spendu\iI a few dan with cinnati. • Mrs. Lester GOI:don and Miss Martha W.yne.~ne, ' O'Neall ' . , Country . 2- 1b. T"in . Dr, L. G. Brock was called, SunMr, and Mrs. Bonry Satterthwaite or split-top loaf . . . , . .... .. day eveninc to the home of Mr. M.r. ~d Mnl. E. Hurley, and family wer!! dinn~ guests, unPou.d Loaf ............................ 6c Vienlia, loaf ......................... ,.. 7c Cbarl~1 JOhnB, who W8I Butrerlnc Burlington, spent Sunllay 'With of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie SaUm:t hRJ., I 1j-lb. lo.r...................... 1Oc Whole Wh_t, loaf ............. :•. 8c in Dayto.n.: '" ,a bad ' hemorrahK9' ot .the noae. doughte~, ' Mra. Robert . Furn81 Mrs.- LeIla Wharton ' 'vlslted her family: ' •. ~ Don't fail to attend A,. K. Dlly's ' . Round Layer, each . ... " . ... . big R le, Thursday, Friday and Sat:fatiher, Lee Greathouse, lo Dayton, Latest in Jewelry and unuaal COUD,trJ CI.b, .qu.~. lay.r, 20 ouDce, .ach ........,..,........................ ,.. 25c SathtorgrtdaY, who baa been quite lick for the graduate, at Cary'8 urday. . IPouod Cak. . ............................. lc9 '(IpoDle Cake :........ :... ,.............. HIC wi ' ppe. ,..... _. , _ d , blldre Shop, "The Rome , of Gif>·" .... Leba· • MiM Annie - B,town, '. of Columbus, 'AnleJ .Food 'Calie, ••ch............ .......... ............ .. ......... : ......... ,............ 25 .. lira. · V.......... Nuh an c n, non, Ohio. ' spent , several days wjth her alster, of Canfield, Ohio, ar~tlng her MIIIII "l,iall)e Brown, at the Friends and h~ H slater, Mrs. l(~ Gr ., bu. $2.59, 2·bu.ba, .. _ • band, . ome. . , ' Earl)" Qhioa, · bu~h.l. -2.43; ,2.bu.h•• ~.I . :.. """" " .........., ... ... . ,., ........ 92 . Mrs. Mary great-granddauchter, Coun'try Clu'b Evaporated, Marilyn Youncll, at WaynHville, . • . IQW price, 3 tall, cans . . ... . . Sunday. .; s ...11 .In, 3 . Iir. and Mrs. Charl··~tu=~~~:~ "en ealled to Franklin S by the rune. of bra,the,r . HaITlo> llaU8IIix. 1Ir. and Hra. Whitaker Bec:kett; had for their Sunday, guests tile for~a~UIIII ' mer's brotber.i)l.Jaw and !.later, ~. and Mra. 'Lester Potr, of DapoDt ; Swubiy 'aftemoon l'Uuta of Hra. Myrtle Cox were: Mr. and MH. O. R. Stroup, of Germantown, an4 her Lara.; JUI"7, 54-.in. 3 fq' , .' parents, Mr. tDd lira. P. W. Stroup, of Il!Comat. ' ;. ' Mr, and Mr!. Kelllj!l~ ~Gr&I\a.:a daughter, Ber,tlce, a~ded the E, church semee at 8priqboro. day mornin~, and wen diDner -'-,_~,_·I ----· Ml', and ~ C. W. ,AlIl.rlcbt.
a ...tt..
i ~? "
lI.i. .pace ••• ... ..m ... _ . .ce t •• rpri.. to 0'" aael c •• t_.ra wtao Iaa_ to .....1cI- 08r .....i _ W~tc.
Ml'II. Forr at Hough was quite last week.
Potatoes C!~t~fied,~Cobble'.t $5','1' 0 25c Milk
Grape.Fruit '23c"
and .Mr.a., A. DaJton, wen Sa1~uj -" - ..,-~'- of and . Little Bobby ; maimid over riigll~ , l . Mr. 'a nd M.r8, .J.:Ioi E. · S~it1t, Mri. Ann Smith and Mra. Susan Saylor visit"d. Moraine Cltj FrI"dairl! plt,Dt Saturday evening and enjo),ed the fine I dl!lpiay .on ¢iblt the~. .•
Sunday dinfler guest. of .:Mr., and Mr.. Albert . Stacy;;. and r dJa.u ghter, we,e: Mr. and , 'Mra. Wilbur WiJi:. I~ms, of Houston, Ohio; ADd lila. Dearth Sheehail anli daqhter, ~ of }five Polot. . .. Mr. " and .Mr.. Charles Anderlen aOJlB, of' Waynesville, we~ ·Sun. dinner PIISU ot' Mr, ana Mn; Emrick,. and in the all 'a~n~~d ' the concert at the C. R. .• rhool.room" Dal1on. · . •
Seventy-Ninth 1{ear
Whole Nu~bel' 6751
r·~:=l WEE~~~MR~~W5CHOOlM~K~oow~s~F"~~m~' Whe~ . ~.nce~:~He~lp~·M~ust~·~Co~me~-=-==.~-==-==-~By==Alb.==rc
(avilali ~
P repare b "J Columbul epl rte: . • •
~ . . . e ........." •••
" •••' "
Do,,'~ lo~getl
_. "\
The Senior elM; Jl)ay will be given next Thul'IIday and Friday evenings, namely, May 12 and 18. The performanee will IItart promptly at 8 .o'clock. and will be held In the local Gym. "ColUllna" is a three act comedy, with loads and londs of humor.. The ftl'llt cast wUl give the play Thur/lday night, May 12, while the 'eecond cast will prelIent it to the publie · Friday night, ~ay 13;
Bowersville, 6. J ameslowll, 1. Spl'ing' Vulley, 6. Wuyn esvill e. 4.
COLUMBUS, OJUO- When members of the Gei1erul A8l!embly return next week they are going to have a tremendous amount of work to do beThe Warren county Beld and traek fore they finally get awa~. There is ulready some talk thll~ Instead of ad- meet will be riven at the county fair journinl{ they will recellll. thu8 re- ~oundlJ Friday, May 6. Waynesville peatlng a mistake they have made has been practicing for the past lIev'for the past five yea",. It would be eral ~eeb and bope to gain a good just like it to- recess again, for there lItandlng amone the relit of the counis absolutely no. leadershiv of either ty sehool.. . body that is worthy of the name, Never before in all the hiatory ~f The HIgh School nine win '."e~t Cenerlll AlISemblies haa there been ,t he Centerville nine on Center,vllle. such a leaderle88 body. Controlled fteld Wedne/lday, May 4. It III the by the Republicans, whQ hoped to de- deel,re of W. H. S, to have a large elop gubernatorial t1'm ber the two number of rooters to show Center~ranches huve f~ught J)etw~en them- ville that they ate not the only ones selves, ignored advice from those who are loyal . to their 8chool T.... J ' with the best interests of the parW. at heart. and today the finaDchd eon,~unlor-Senior banquet wu a dition of the State was nevel' more huge lucceu. . A tlrree-eourse dinner serlousy . tangled. Governor Donahey ~u served by the Eutern Star .t 7 is really to .llend In. IIpeclal mellllage 0 cloek. After the third ~ul'lle eome -when the membe"' 'return this week, wonderful bu~ prialnal toJlllts were that iii Nlid will make mighty good alven. Tbe welcome tout or rather reading. There II no queation but larewell to~t w.. alven. ~y, W~e . that the members themselves realize. Turner, preel~ent of the. JUDlor clua. that • good 'political spanking and .Ellubetb Henkle, prelldent of the lecture Is due each and every ol;le of ~nior Clallll then, in bebalf of the Tbe facul!,. them and .t hey' hate like ever)1;hing Seniol'll, r!8Ponded. to ba've tlae 'puni8hment inllicted by a ~..t w,p .gIven by Mr. Moom.aw ~nd Democr.t. But .tha~ i, ' justi "bat I. hlt ,lupplYIOf Jokel, which never runa going to bappen thill week. And any out ,wu altogether fitting .nd funon.e that thinks Vic Donahey d!ln't ny_ . ~e Ju~lor re.p~nse wu alven InlOW' how to lay on the verbal luh, by Carolilfe Swamel. After the n n't followed political eventa In touta the membel'll Qf the fac;ulty,
DON'T FORGET INTEU.IGENC£ The Triangle League for mally .. HE HAD AMBITION cued its season Sunday, May 1st. announced the league TOO MUCH MUSCLE aists the Miamis, Spring Valley, Bowersville, Wilmington, Modern CHOOSE HIS WARS Woodmen of Dayton and Jamestown. , There are t hree playing grounds-Waynesville. Wilmington and . "There is no 1I1e 88ve in protefna." Valley, and there will be a game on Wise -chemists, gathered at Rich t hl! Waynesville diamond every Sun- mond, Virginia. say It and add, "eDdny during the season. vi ronment and chemical agency ue 'rhe Miamis oppunents for last the dominant facto", of life." Sunday was the Spri ng Valley team. That may be true, and IItfll 10U The ga me W IiS lin unusulllly fl18t one, need not accept "the chemical COIlnnd although t he Miamis got the cept of the origla and development sho;t end of t he contest, the game of Ufe." . was exciting throughout. . . Quite u crowd IWllS present,. 01If mhabit,llnts of another world, t hough the impression had been giv- where machinery hI unknown ••howd en out that t he ndmission would be study an automobile supplied with SoC:, This is wrong, . The admission gas and ele~~icit~ and runninc, ~e7 is t he same as usual, elCcept that t he w~uld asy, No lile In tble macbilla ladies are IIdmiUed fl'ee. Children WIthout gas, Iron, PB and electric\. are chlnged 16c, ity are all of t hat automobile." In ~he crowd and prominent in the Ther would overlook j~lt one litnffnirs of t he game, was William tJ ~ thing, namely, . ~he mtelllgence Shroyer, pr sid nt of t he that put gas, electrICIty and steel toLeague. Mr. Shroyer is taking ~ether, mounted them on pneumatic an interest in the llll\gue, and is do- res a,nd,. set the~ going. everything he can to mak e IIffairs So 1t IS with life; Explain it u move smoothly. you. please, but don t forget the IDFollowing is t he score: telltgence back of it. SPRING VAI,LEY We are proud of our national prolE perity and high wages. Boot-lenerl AB .R H PO A 1 are even 'prouder of their prolperlt7 Lambert, 3b .",,, .. .. .... 6 1 2 2 0 and high wagell. Thle Ie IIhown by
( ,,,'
Uh:e:r~:n:v:h:::I::::y::'be ¥r:~;':~~:~~}~=:t~;:;~ URGENT NEED OF ~.~ng~~~~n~:~g:iJh:.::dn~;'::: Il~n:~:t·~eth~ic~:-:. witb • abort prorram. The tittl. .
'W.· C, 1. U, HAS ~':~~!0.\lb.:.: : : : : ::J i ga : ~ ~o~~~~n~~~in~~di:~:'t!~!Jto{afr~J UO,O~O.OOO SAYS THIS WEEK GROUP INSTITUTES ~~o~~:,e, :.::::::::::::~ , ~ ~ ' 1~ ~ ~e~n~~~!;t~ari~~Z:E~~~e~::
ed owners of pueenger automq-
• oneral Auembly. Thll savine came bout u a TllsuU: of the eamp.lgn wt. ed bu the Ohio State Automobile • • I Ia I auocl.tlon throu,b ita E egie .. t ve c m~litee. ,President A.. • lI~tendorl, of the sta~ ~clation, i8 eJa. ted 0~J; 'tlI1. victory, u . I.t wu the econd r~d~etlol) :of the .licenlle tall t hat baa · bien achieved. ~o yean 1Ut'0 the taX cut ·In half, foll011l:ed by 1he ' furth.r reduction of 6fty
Sunday'. Gamo.
Wilmington Night Hawks, 7 Dayton Modern Woodmen, 6.
L. Cline, p .. " ............. 6
and to..pa,.
clt ... Compton, 1 b ........... ,4 1 1 4 0 used to get only ISO to ,'87 a week. playlet w.. Yen' .ucceufuUy ,ben A d I f r ft . cial aid --. A t' t t· W C T U Wright, cf ............... 4 l i t 0 jIb t I an .. the oreb~ was enjoJ8d ~t f thHConf appe. f°th nall~_.' __ lppl STUBBED TO;ES TEACH tit t mos lD ehrelsd lDgith' M' . . d Noglrle, II! ....... ", ...... 1 . 0 1 0 0 u W88 ambitious," ..ys. ~e, "80 \yo The Freaomen -.rain wiU enter- or e re ugees 0 e _... ' " . s ue was e . w a~on an _ _ _ _ _ _ put me on a runner, and I sot taln the High II!bool and f'acultywith flood d,latriet bu been ..nt In and One ' of ~he unpopular ' elements Franklin; April 22. Excellent repor~s T tal 36 6 14 27 ' 60 a night." a party next 'Frid.y night, Ma7 6. Waylle TOWll.hlp" quota bu bee~ .bout being hig,hly, moral and good 's of .work and departments carried 0 " ................... ,.. He worked on the "converted IUb. ndIIed to ,aoo. So far 'leu tbari that we try to malse, other p!,op)e be were given ' by t he president and diMIAMIS chaser 5<:-217/' Uncle Sam thUl .up. The landaeapiaic .t the HlCh School half' of the amoant hI.a ).en p.ld, g~od. N?body objjectB to a ma?'s r ectors of departments. The plan of AB R H PO A the rum-running boat at HI'building is pro~ Ane. and our clttsenl are requ~ted · to being 88 rIghteous liIJI he would like work lor, the ye~r Willi stressed. Nixon, cj... , .. , ..... " .... 1 0 0 '0 prices, There is nothilll' JJb PlO~ Ihrubl h.ve beel! planted, ' the reapond' Uberall7 to tllil ~t need. to be; they object ,,!hen that man A splendid paper on Law Enforce- Duke, If .................... 3 0 1 0 ambition. .-rd baa been leveled up .nd • nice • _. trlee to make othel'll nghteous. There ' ment was prepared and read by Mrs. E. Burton, 58 .......... , <1 1 1 2 ne" pow.r motor hu been purch... Is one th.lng d~arer ~o th!l buman soul 'Ball, of Mason. ' Hopkins, of .......... : .. ..4 1 1 2 Hay will be cheap thla year 011 ~~d~!'~~.re=:e=I~:. th~~t ed. It will now be poulble to keep t~::'e~oang rIght: It Ie . doing as it Special music . was one leoture H. Burton, e..... ..... " .. 4 · 0 0 6 for cropa will be beavy, Al. ta th will atUl 'be the grue mow". all .ummer, whlcb P I d U. h the evening sessIon. Another paper, ~atterthwatte, p ....... 4 1 2 0 t~e fanr:t r lI~willle aJld jobber .... ceJll!M! ll, ere , approlt- wUl be a ' rreat Improvement 'over . Regulatln~ peop e an te mg t em "Sobriety First," was prepared and T, BuTton, 3b ,...., .... 4 L 1 1 ay, p cell '1 chan",. Late Imately tI6,000,OOO; for maintenance th41 put IUlDmera. not to do tlnnga m.l' gratify our o~ ('cad by Mrs. Stotter, (If ·Franklin. McClure, Ib ,...... ., .... ,3 0 0 12 will be delayed and "hut, _ ---.:.- _ • ' . . wllity alld Becure ~mmediat~ obedl- Mrs. Fannie, Fries, president of Barton, 'Sb " .. ,,,.,, ..... 1 0 1 4. ~...Y.I!':~;~~w..,1'II about a too h..")' t;nd repall'll ot' the liipw.ys that will come throu~h' the .origlnal PSOlln~ . . • e,!ce, but it is a p6lrr w~y to Improve MontgomerY county. was present; Hough. rf " ..... ,.... ,.. 2 0 0 ..,.,---<,,~': tax ot ~o cents, whUe tile, .ddltlon . DEATHS people. . \. . . . and 88ng a beautiful selection and A. O'Bonnon ., ..... , .. ,,1 0' 0 .uddenly too WI al one. CeDt a ,p Uon w11l produce. ' _ ".e rural "olllen of Watren counIf you bnnlr up h~Ue ~J!he a~- ~ve aD interesting talk. ' B. O'Bllnnon 2b " ...... 2 (). 0 0 fa~f1 high winde or hea,,), . , " , t7 'have' aked their. HODle Agent, Miu cording to aU the rules of chUd breed ' Posters were exhibltlld and the ' _ __ _ _ _ _ raIDS, and athletic youU getltlema sufficient .•moUllt fO:f ne" Jllgllwa, construction each ye~r. WhUe the Mra. JQllephl~e Gibbons. ...d 'JII W.UI for an ute~n co~ne In in&', If you keep him al,:,aY!' carefl,l1l1 program closed with a bea~tlful Bo- Tolals .,.... .......... " .. 33 4 'I 27 4 pl~ase notice: When the 'wheat ItaD: Ohio State Automobtle auoelatlon years, for nearly 60 J!An a ~dent ....~bll! coo~el'J' tor next wlnte~. removed from temp,tation and pre- 10 .. ~ Love a Little Cottage " bY' Al18 over-developed, the bead of tJui oppoHd auy 'n.creue 1ft the paollne o~ SUgar , Cre!,k townlhip and U. To be well prepared for thil·prC!jeet eerve him, as It wne, In syrup until b~a:ta Welcb Mrs Stahl a~compan- Spring V .... 1 1 3. S 1 1 1 0 3-14 wheat containing tbe gralh II fMb ... tax, the laet that It MeUred • redue- ~do.w of Patrick GI~bons. \. elled abould conllder our veaetable he I. twenty-one .nd then tum hint ist A ture~n di;'ner V:as enjoyed Miamis " .. ,, 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1- 7 Too much atraw means too little tlQn In the lIcenlle tax ia ,viewed Ill! • ber h!)me in 'BeUbrook at 10 o'eloalt cardena now. Th. foUo1rinc plana loose, he 'Will probably faU before and the institute was unanlmollslY . •- • wheat. victo!)" ," It"Dl mean that ~e own- Sunday night. Sbe bad been in faWDc haw been lubmlttec1 by Mr., Tuulnc', aome goo-goo-eyed charmer before declared to 'be most interesting and And too much mlUlcle mean. too el'll Of. JI~enler ean wlU pay only ,h Ulth f(lr ftv • ..Jean but not- In • the Ohio State Ulllvel'lllty Hortl,cul, h. hu gone around the block. . rofitable. ' ?ttle brain. ~ about one-half a eent, Incnue in rioul condition. until neentl,. tUJ'al lpelalilt for the f,.m1ly vegThe lureat way to learn and to P At H b A ril 27 a u ' . , • be beld at her etable ,uden. ., grow in thle world is to make your ~stltut:~~Il~~:g ~aYnea:"i1I:r:n~ . ' Unle~ inhabitants at. IDfltDfO..glUI ~lt In.lead· of one ~nt. · Oftlclali ' ~lIeral ..me81 of the Ulioc:~tlon 'r~' also graUfted te- home 'Frida yafternoon at 1 If a q~artel'o&cre garden" Pl'C!P- own mls~kell and EIUffel' the penalty 9 re nl! was held The ro ram ed, the. Western mind runa ·to ,...,. , over; defeat ef tIl.e compullolJ Uabll- o'cloc1'-- BUrW In Miami cemeWlJ. erl7 planned aad managed, It ahoutd of them. , Only, wh!l~ we hllve ,erred cOJ\.~~ted' of special'readings PbygMrs. . phllosophr' Tbe JopllD N.... It y lnlurallce bill. Advocates o( that ;rhe i!aaket will be opened at the auppl, • family of ~ people with alld luffered for it <do w. learn thor- 'c 11 tt and Evel Penn' a oel1'l ..Herald says, f As to street a1gn., ned meuur~ cohtended It ,'wou)1I bririg grave that friends bere maj all the vegetabl.. theT need through- oughly not ~ err. If you . tell peo- ";u~ Supscribe '~y AlbI:ta' J'eleh'; " . " 'em and' leap." And the Richmond about • Mdllctlon In a.to ~ddellta, the, remaIu. out til. IUmmer and . .nln' and pie bow to go straig'ht, Borne spirit of oj 1 I cti ' b M 8 TUcker and The lollowmg letter was quote. a phUoaoPhical ... ....hUe tile 'UIIO~tlon oftered ,th. 1'8ltorilll' for winter UH. '11belle vag- independence in thElm wiD lead them ~ca ~~.ee ~:r' Yson; . "Home ODd by the board of co unty commissionIllI f?lIows. "Kileing ,is abou~ to .ulta III ' ¥qUchullett& ~h.re aucb a MI'II; ElIsabeth ltadman, who for etablu will be far .uperior to aD7 to violate your instructionll. rs. ,~ : !) • era: carried so far that everY 1acI,., law ~, in el\'ec;t to prove the!r :QP~ Mvenll Jean wu a realdent of :Way- that eaD b. purcbUeCl on the marOne of the thinge: man finda out as ;Mother, rs. LIlIan . An ex- (>entJemen- Enc\osed I am pleased is likely to get &0 tlre4, of. It that sit e con~n,tlbn. 'Stat'ilUc. abow mo- aeevllle, died .t the home of her .... ket bec:auae the, wUl be fre.b. he groWl older ia that the wisdom cellent paper was read. to send .you a check for $600 toward H may go utterly out of faabiolJ." tor fatalltlea have not b.eD' redu~ ~ In DartoD, Saturday, April la, Sweet corn 108M a la11re pereen~ and caution 'for whleh he has paid so II ~rs. ~~a :a~:~, cof n~ng- the stone and gravel crusher wbleh Tbe St. Joseph (M.o.) New Pr-. b, the p.....e of .,. CQJDpuleory In- aftir a 10111' WD.... TIl. funeral of Ita aupr ..,hel! jerked toJ' a half Iireat a priee in antrerlng and other- .e t d e~ uOt th rd ou d ' u- you are .purcbaslng. . saY8, "lfhe girls have responded,_ lIur~nce law. I~ would lIave &lao"niCe wu h.w 'II WedD~ the Peal aJld creea bean., ·dete-- wiae cannot be handed on to his lIOn. 818 e .roug 0 e ay an gave I am sure you nre making no mil- nobly to the appeal for .t he obluTadded ,ao.oo to ,&0'.00 annual taX to ,J7t\, an~ burial wu .t Dayton. rlora,te rapidly when plekiecJ a abort People bave to learn thlnga for them a splendid ~ddress. take, Our connty has l1ix crullhers ance of paint-up week." . the op~~on of a pauencer ear. .. •• ·an1 o~ ...eptablee. '· selva in tbe bitter achool of experi• - • and we consider . them, the f.o undat\on ' A tle~o . 1applying " tor adm"'loa ~afn the ,.uoel,Uon . qlafm. , the ~.. C'anaIwa, I0Il of Mr. anel ~te the veptable en~. . ·t f fQr tbe success of OUl: roads in Cham to a. Govet:nment .trBfniJlw eamp ....,' , credit ,of def..Ung .. meuure .that ~ c.o,.. c.m.han. died at 'the cardell 10 that It II ~l. to the , The trouble witll correcting peonnua III a I~n paign , county~ and, by the way, told bY' tbe W.r Department· that ~u14 lI.,! plac.d ,th, ' ~lftr:of au- olJle of bJj uaele ha J)QtoIl, TIl.... hom.': .\ ,.outham aloP,8 II to b. pre- pIe 18 that it i8 li.bl~e to destrOY more . ' ' . ,roadll are being imita~d now in rules .makes it ·iI)lPollllble. to ~ . On ~ciay Gv~ntng, May, 6, the ty CoUn,tiCR. of.phio, and the work tom b.Ue"JJ,CeJile pl.tea e~c1lU1lvel1 .ln ~ar, Apr$1 18. Death .... the reiUJt ferred beean.. the lIOn will warm u~ .t~n· lt. bulldll np. . The constant hll,~. him. /Regulations 88y 'colored mlli ') tI!~ ~I~a"d. ·:.of ~ountf a\ldlto.....1 tlje of an lnJIU'J I1IItallJed ~hi1. plaJiDI ,Daore llulcklY. In the Ipriq. Sou,tli- it ' o( criticIZing &I),d fault-fin.d ing IB ,Rt. ~ev. ~~eodore I. Reese, aishoJ! the · State . i~ undeJ: ~he enl ~Bt iri colored reirtmenf&. plan for I5tl~~ dlatrlbu~lo/l 'Will ~ina~ buli:et baD. .· . em Ilopel pt the m~lD~m. .K eep fatal to love. If, the~efore, you val- OoadJutor of the I?locese of S.o~th~m of an engmeer who. 18 a nrl3dtlct ' for colored , young an.n wl11 u ~ lt hall been. Eeverti attellded Wapaerrw, hlg1i thl;. prdell In ·Pte open; .bade gro_ ue the affeC1tion of:, anyon~ it ia al- Ohio, wll1 make hi! IInnllal . Vlsltatton our county road work. . Whi.Ch . may eolv, ~ . , ' .. . . BIlhool and traduated \a the clUI of ~r '....~bl... ' "aye _beat, to treat him With Appre- to St.. Mary's c~urch ' to p'reae~ and I know t hat you arc dOIng good S~e!thQ'dera in . the . C;:~eyeland U24. '. ' ........... '0 . P......-LOcatAi the elation, not criticism. 'adminIster the rIte. Of. confirmation. work In Warren county and I con- problem. ~roadcastl!lg 00., owners ,a nd operaThe funeral ..mea 'WM beld Id perman.nt eroptl, ~cb . u uparqwI . The only aure i'oad tei righteouQ Everyone is cordially ' Invited to gratuJate you on your determlnaHowever, it wbltes have the ria'ht ton of .tatlon W/A Y ·l i that city. tile home o'f b" puent. ill Ki.aon••nd rhubarb ~ona the f.pc. at one _conduct ·, is to grow a force within be present. tion to have good toads everywbere. to decide in what re~mont. &Ji4' . have .r.cted Col. ;.t'had H. l!rown .for Sat~y, April 80, Rev. Lanly,"_ ilde of 'tlie pnIen. alIO the .hot bed. oUl'llelvell that Ihalll make U8 right• - - --Very truiy yours,. camps colored younc · meil 111&,. ' en- .', m.r 'aeeretll,ry of .tate, u ,tlieir pm- ~r 'of the Main IlJtreet"'PJ'eIbJterla~ From thia point plan the e.ul,. , ...... !,01lB. A. force 8uperinipolled upon Subscribe for . the Miami GaNtt.. CHAS. BRAND. roU, it would seem only fait- to I . ldent pd reneral . croulll8l. .CoL cllurch, Lebanon, oftlcla~. , JI~ .tabla lUeh u ' onloDa, ,adi,lbea, IIPln lUI by some. ne eISI~ i8 only temporathe colored young men deelde ill wW . l!rown w.. In WgJllnr,tO,n weelt was In 118I0Il. . " . ..• ; . ~~b. Th_ l'o_ can ". 18 to ; 15 a;Uy effective. . , particular wars'. they woulel' be ' . ..' , ., Ineha..,art. How.ver, it III b~tter This is why' democracy" is better rolled. 1 ,w here he app~.iI lMt10re ,t he IDem; ,- tien ot.-the t~e~ raCtlo comm~ p " 1.. " to have the.. roft 24 ·ID h.. .. part (O!, a people, tUI.n anY ,a.utocrpcy. Bow ~~It . " .Ion, .nd ~~red a new \W~V. lenrth . ' .; 10 that .l1Ql'H Clul~vatlOD . ea~ ~~ p~~- 'Tney .tumlile fo~rard making their "-__ . Ii Jacob Wasae~an, ableGe.iuo~ for ~JA.Y. , Sln~e iii Bl'IIt "ro~\lU- ' ,. . tlced. At laUt; Plall tile ~ ,Part 0~\'11 lIi~I"ke.. 'tIbeae are mbtakes, ~ ~ oveli~t, author of "The Wor(Cl";n: . k ~Ing ':U1I~ .tatton h.1 bel!n op. .tlq " ~ .",. . ,. of tbe g~en ' tor borae eqltl'Oltl'i'~' perhaptl, they ,would not have · made , Ale 1'... lu~jon," can "find no ' happJneu 'ba on' ~$6 me~l'II; .~\lt Iii new . 8:Chld!>ale , Tu~.Yi . May 10. will b. el~ . -up Next plant l.~uce, ~bbacl! and ea.ill it· an autocrat· rulod them, but they You ' . A.enp ~h16 country." . He .calla Chieaco'• ? tnd"·tl'll\1 life '!intensely depHltalncIt . ' hleb ih'\~n~red Jbl~ -k, putl it da,. in :WaJlleavlUe, by ~rder ,!f ~. IBower ptants: Mark the .carrot and learn better from them than they ,: on '441 ~.v. ~e~l'JIo Col. Brown ·ri..... .coqncll, The Itrettl ;J!l..~ p8l'llDiprowa ~"Ia quic, Iennl~t- J,arn' from ,the"en:'Ol'II committed .by 1 . Chicago's industrial worltm~h' .' .NfI elabOrate pl~ a~ beltl" made el.~ of JUbbf41! that hal c:opaecwd iog lleed l~e ' radilhu. . llo,r' beet an autocrat. '. . . call Mr. Wll88ermah's life fft~ , for tbe,programa of thJI , ~tlon, one durmlr the winter. ailel COUII~Il " baII aeed If you h.~e no plan"", B,.thia .,.; .'-.. , ' The popUlarity of our "Test 0 ' Ten" feature Is ever:growing, and if depressing. It is hard .to j~da:e- 'I.e of, ~e he!at _~n~wn ~. raello fanl ot decided that It wm be an oPpo~ufe time eorn and potatoes ' ~o}lld. be you aren't yet playing the game you are on your way to becoming a back prairie ~og in. hill U~e '9l~ . ~' the ~~ ! , ' , , " , " ' time (or the ",UN commnnitJ to jo n . p1anted~ Tomatoes, P~t, . ~" . ...:.. n\\rnber. Everybody in WaynesvlJl is Il8king the questions which ap- be as ' happy as Napoleon !1ci01dil8 lIP The H.rvepbul'll clua" play, "His p'ear in every i88Ue. Don't be the exception. Start with this tcst-which at the pyramids. 'The .p~ . . . . The'.eaison: f eatChlnt tiau 'ci 'ad ill . a ' ntIeral, Cle&!1-uP ~d at! ottl- are Wt ~ptI plallted. ' The, followl. .' Saturdilf nlirhta:' and 4until i June 9\S ~~ ~. ;ed to ~~~ti ing yeat ~~e~e th.~:lJual p::::~ Fatber'• .Nlece," will be given at the is ·o. very Simple one, and for whIch your sco re should be 90 per ~ent. dpesn't have to go to st. Hel..... ' an peP,On wbo ,e found with Q:or , " : u~ ~ ~t ' en p~. Be....n ~ a~ e .~ Town '$iill May 9 ·llnd 10. T1!e cla~1I . Q' 1 .In ·tl.'po.....loft'::J. ·ln for " he.v, Ine ~~'~l' to. .. ~.,. :::ti·n..... "'...a !_ ~~'Hth~ ...... 11 e.n. Plaat-F'or' the • .,_ ..~on wIll'(J;e: ~ye~ at tile M. E., . . ' • Napoleon crollsed the AJPIi' ~':~ _-i. • -r . . ,r-.... \ ~.n ~II -t; te . • 9 ureb Sunday evtllung Hay 16, by , • . ter and teld th tba Ii"", '_' ~t jauF:~~:n~eGor m1~u.. Itl ~qd ol(f.., oa 01' ~CI. ,ll", e~ ih,ed . f~mlly_1X 'p~pl~e ' Rev: ' G,' -So TuQ':er ~d commence 1. Who Commander-in·Chief of ·· man g~vernor at the present ~me.? lid him on the ?" d "t t1m~UIII ~ ~ar tr ~ t , :o~e " e ~ f i 1'q~", JIq !O. , foUoW:iQ ', qqantltie. ,1(111 ., be , .bOuilment Win be 1b';"20 "The clue roll tho D.' S. ~rmy and Navy during O. Who 18 kn6wn 118 the most l?csgre ac .~m.... '.'-,.0 sen In. ue on . eve~ ore; 0 ~ • • • ~) wht: · I ) . " ,. ' 'lnclijelea p.via B~I'an' Winston Cline , 1918? . ." . . . imistic philosopher? t ::PU~I~:' J::fd:O~~f!:. :ia ~~!!l ~'nME'l J B~. 10,o 'fee~ of ~. .; ~rrote,. ahd; ceeU ~D. 2. In' what land ' are white elephants 7. •yvhnt cou~~y. is. referred to as .~ ~ 'd I I tiI '.llf ~ ' . . 100 t"~ of row., atrinC b,ant. ..c~ On. Mal 20 the .nnu&1 field' meet sacred? , . John I,Jull. , , tb~: :fo'l"f ad ~1'8- . ' . ' . ' plaatlQ ' I~O, 'IMt, 'lOt: ~W8': ~ma ..sid Wet dinner will be h'eld oil the 3. Wbat b the na~e of .the Presi- 8. What 1B the hardest known 8Ub•aeuonriJU
ll::SI f'
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Clean-Up Da,
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Iia:=~: =~~h ~~ftED .n~ othlfSo b~ for baIi ·n
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btU· cl vn a baOl bhte, ~~.. J une i 6 '" n pt:o...,won nn .I_n !pana .,aI~" p:q~.. the 'pUt 1f,,1 ~upd~da ' of' ",~ , II.lIa~e b.-a eaqi)t br . q l " of • • .~,..., •.~ a big ,time' " ~ ~h8~ tn~ ~1lliP111 ,0"" --.-..:....••.•- • '. ./
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CR'OSS 8'EU~RT ::~ ~~~: ~:'~~~'1;~~!~ ;~~ a:::;p ~tl~;1:a:Il,:~ ~t~~eY~!t\he r~eent Eue~r~- 9·· E:!:~~ uation,~l 111; . . ,... -p"f:.t1; . CUCUIII~ lleeon~ P~~.
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4. the will be given fot ,the t;ic Congr'!S8 held? • . 10. Name - In what com, Reb ~~er!.!! edftJl.ta;. (,f, ~eth~ewldel;mftlelee~d' 6. Has any .tate in the uniob a WO • . pawn used. . lido. ' . ,..v~"uo 1. eomle ~ on fieIh ~e~ ~rid",JJ.fo:v ~e day. . " ; (The co~t ~Wera ~ be ,p~bl!ahed next week)
11' melou,' thiDa: PIail"-;' 100 fed f
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1IiIi'eeald5 '
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}"" J • • Til A e'ti ~ .. IP~ a o:~· mtcJ : ' IlJq ~f~" " ~ ~ IIi). &, 'at. ~baaOlJ. · fW·:tia. " ...~ .wI"" bJ,"~ taDt- .' ..... , , .... ~ i of the Jl~ OJ_bad '~or ilt• . nlWf ..... of litttaee,~~: ~ 'H :'~ I ': 'l the m.t.lppl " I~ ....................Upl"ll. IAiit PJihtbara 'of .• Wane" ~oaD~1 Clu~ W t;ten ~ beeIII, t1IJIIlJ!! aDil. ea)i.... . ed w ,a.oo. .:.l) , ......... , . WfDtIar ~ . ~ . W. ~"k. '&!Id ~- Ann. ~ Tb ,1IH of the Pe1lalN ~D, II . . . ' ~.., IIc~, · of ~.. ~. ~o~' 0pp0IIt. tM falr· poUDdl, .... Mea . ..... ' ,...... u..~-' •• " ... III IAbeIlon,· ~, April 21. . I ~ d . . ..,. tile .,... or- . . ." ~ " ._ .., ~.... Ih "~IT naIded III I. VI. LfMo1iI: of n.,to., t.ft ... doatacL . . . . . . 1M will ·.... " , '. . . !Ie ... nIa~~ T1I1In4at It» uee &0 &owr . . . . . . . . f'.o.t. . . a.or,; I. W ill ... -f'I~ ,,110 __• ~ ~'~ .. ~~ . . . . , ...... , . . . . . . . . . . . . .........., . ' .GI' ,ll~_ '
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TEST 'O ':". mE ' N'\ ' ANSWERS ,A., .'
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, . 1. . Spam.
. :Answel'll' to
", '20,OOQ,OQO.
la8t W ~ek's QU~.tioDi
., I d urtIa , ""'~nc · • CO~T, . II. Rutberf¢,d .D. gafe~ eorg• . ~oJ;&ee Lorimer. 8. Snobbisltne... . , 7. ·Beethoven. ' . . 4. Lak. IIlcbJpn, Lak. SapeJ!or, 8. ~iheteellth AmendlJlelli. ' ~t!rs!urOn, Lab Ede ADd. ~~ 9. ~ 'pal. bd wad.- atteild ~ ..' no 00.' 10 South &~_ ' - - . . , .,. . . .IroloOI..........
,, :'_-
r."urt lluthol'iz4.'d Jonathan It "x('c!ulor of the" tate of Mar~ \., ~t~Cf! l't ~ lio prr shll,reo foJ' fifteen : h (lI'C of 'i Pl'r .Ct-ll t cumulative pref" "I'ud IIIl'k (If (lu: Kr K r Or eery
F. D. DAK.lN
---Work is tire jrreatrllt IIln -II' IIle ~lIud Ullkln~ o. .' inc that ,was CIVil!' cOllf Tred \)I,on 1I1't fl . (\d , th prlce.s at which nllmldnd. '" l!'ltaill , hnre' or .fack M the statt' uguliLus 'and M ry Rc(tse to AnWOl'k i. ' 'h pow r hlll1111lfl r ' 'hat Wnh .. W, aarhis, hould II Ilold na. Dillon, 26 nt:rC8 o( land In afcm forg·s U, dro 1\ Ir n of humanity G. lI\lt chin~nn , .Il'ull1'di n nI Jean- ~o\....ns hip. . into th finest ste I. [0 HulchhlKtln, ,tiled lii~'£ ueth nco Geo If .\Y. J lIl\:k to Albert, T. /md W,wk ii. tb oM tl1Y'm ot H,Il~h'ity counl. Dolla Jon s,' J Q{I. 30 'lcr 8 of Innd it~ in which 111 n Cl\n hOI1()mbly '(lmp t lit Ty E. , nll uce, l\dlllini~tTutrix o.f nl 'm 'l'p. . wi th tlch ' olher for the Cl'r~lIin liP' ~hone 61-2 the c ulle of Will. T. Wallace. filed Birdie Jack t o Albert T. ond 'Della lilt \)f society. h~I' in v"II\ory unel Ilppr isen1cnt: Jones, t09 .3 0 a:crell of land in Sa· Work guide~ .mor 'people al nl; Jillrry J. W leh. c· cutor of the I m Tp. t he highway 01 ri ~hteou 8 ne !!S than I ot /-:ln l,IU Welch, .111 d l\is in· Cutherine Helherger III Iv y omhs, nil , , ~he l' fpr-mntorl 9 ' 0 , ..,orlel - - - - - - - - -.-0:-- - - - - - vl'lIlury " 1Il1 lIlIl'l'ui H lnl'nl. 1 town lot in t llso n. combined . I EI'II,,:;L B UlIg. liulnr. or· t he esLn\;() Duvid H. fi'y La Henry stowe, Work unites ~h o' pcrso nK, ills'liTHE WIDOW'S RIGH:r For ·the Housewife of onrllll HauA' 1\1 d his inVunl(ll'Y 3 t o\vn lot.~ il} Springboro. I lit i 1\11, com munities and · cuuntril'9 unll tq lllrni~eli l ent . . . Ge o~' Wcghont to ~Lhel May ~ hlll Illlrn est1y co-op era te lor t he fit. " Tlil ~ i8 II JmlVC question," said Uirdic Ja k elecLed not to take un- Helms, 78.06 IlCO.res of land in Doer· tninm nt of a worthy cl\use. Ro'l lsl fl from th~ st\-cull '<I tend r lhe Widow, liS lhey decided where to field Tp. ' Wo rk binds . the n!lliOn 8 o f the cut ~ IIr' bctbcr i1 cnnl(ecl without bllrY the bOll), of hel' deceAsed hU 8dt)r t ht) will 0'( GeOl'ge W. Jock. ourt ordered thnl certain r eal Anna' Keechlc! to fyrtlc Ll\n !lrth together with bUllus ot metal WilleI'. •'('a I' til(' outfiiuc lit 11 hi ~ h hlll\d. est.uw bclon~ing 10 William E. May- berg, 27. 37 acrell of land In IIlem in ('Ommon brotherhood. temp('ratul't' til k"rp thl' ""'Ill juicns Cl', incompet nt. lie appraised. tow nship. WC!I'k l'niRes lhe III cliotl'e mR n of \vithin, tll~1\ lu\\,{'f 1I\l' t",I\ IICI'lI lUI'C' NO SNITCHER The first and finn l account o( Carl Oliver P. Shl'pm'd to Adum Weil- \'isi 1\ ~ l1d pu'rpose to the level o~ som whllt IIn(1 l't'Il-L f<u' t 5 to IW R. Bradstr et, a dmr. of th!) eslate of :tel, 66 acres of' land in learcreek the ~('niu8 . minu tt'''' lu th" pound. "\'o u didn't l 11 lIIe 't his watch · Mnry J. Brad t re et, WIIS approved, township. Work nloll e! Illnkes tho Sll ulmlh II wou l(ln't go when r bought it." allow II nud confirmed. W. W. ShUl'ts to arlos Sargent, clay of rest. "Wrll. lhe manufact1lrel' didn't say Th first and fina l account of Mnry 2 town lots In outh Lebanon . Work finds the young old in wI sTo cook lurnips lOr ruLnlJugns a E. Easton, lI(lmlll isu'lIlrlx of ilie es. bnrlcs Tram pler to Ebi Tromp- dom. quirk way. ~tJ~ ill fnir!)' th in ~ lice', UI1)/1 hill!: a hout it. so I th ought It was · Deetj)el d Work kee p~ the vld yOIlIlA' in !Joel)' ullcl cook 1" )1' I r, to :W millutCll in n Hccrot." t.!tle of I~ l ora B. Gray, wus approv. ler, GO.:! I Ilcres 0 r Ilin d In cd, allowed nnd confirmed. town!Ohiv. lind soul. lighUy ~alteJ 11'11 r. Dl'Ili n, l1lR>lh 'rho !icelond und Ifnnl account or. Robc!rt L. StE!ltcnkllmp to William Work lifts nlUn 10 t he moun tain an d ~el1~on with . h\llt~r. i;n ~H o A. C. Vllil, guardian of S. I•. Pal. Schasler, 2 tow n lots in Lovelllnd penk of thOUgJlt(u l medita tion from pl'o pl c hke Ow sl ll':~ I IItlact, I ~vl ~h fray WIIB approved, nllowed and Purk. wbich he can catch II glimpse of t he plenly 1),( butt,c)' '11 ' Il'( O\'CI' t us. confirmed. Marianne S, Pettit to Solomon Eternal. ' . • • The !Second account of Lizzie G. Fred, 1 town lelt In L banon. Work move~ rnn varcl the hund " hil(h-('I\ who profll not to lik Thom pson, gURrdian of Irma Thomp· Rose Ann Batiks to Ed C. und E I- of lhll clock during t h hours o f milk I1r eggs w ill oCten eRt cu~l :ll·d s. SOli, WIUI al)provecl, nllowed and COll- la Janney, 1 t OWlI lot in Franklin. play. om('lets. milk pu cldings, mil k-vI'gaiufirmed. G• . T. Flowers to Barl and Mary Work presen 'e!l life !l0 thnt it is ble soups and ·gg.milk dl'ink ~ if well FUNERAL DIRECTORS illwored . The \\'i ~c vnl'('nl, hll \\' 'v, The first and final account o.f Re· Ba!'nthouse, 106 acres of land in const.nntly ~we (! t lind refreshing. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO beeca A. McKinney, ndmin.iatratrix Union Tp. Work mllillloins" mind and muscle cr , will not clI lI attenlion to lhe inof the eBtate ()f Alexander Mc&inLew S. Limber~ to Idll Criss, 105.· vibrant to tbe challengo of now op- grcidiC'nls of such dishes, lIut simply portunitie.'1 uJld responsibilities. offer them uS u multor of CClUI'MC in ncy, was approved, allowed and con- 71 acrea of land In Snlem Tp. F ull y 1~l1lli l' peri for Good firmed. . Work SOWB the seed of al thoir r g uln r plnce in the I11cal. Service. Tho first and final l\ecoUnt of Geo. COMMISSiONERS' ALLOW ~NCES conduct and reaps a l1invest 01 peace •• LIl .. ~e DisplllY Room. F. Smith, admr. . te ofd DorPen'n. Mor"on ~alo'"" andVV contentment. Alk 11 I'IS I I'l ~cO I0 1' It I Ulnmu ' m, tllere·th of the est.a I " ~ • JO $70'I k.' h r h '. . h Ambulance Service 0 th ' y . E . S ml, wns approve , 1I - Follen BIIme $15' C W Unglesby '. or IS t e cur ew of t e IIlg t 't I I I " II h d ·th lowed and confirmed. ' .' ': I ~ • J B' and tho ellrly messen""'r of th day. I H I OU . nov" l C WII.. WI I N Th fi t t f iI 1.. Undertaking Co., buna, <100, . . Wk' tb le v d 1 strong sonp or strnng wnshlllJr pow. T ... 1' 1·'HtlN~: 7 'AY em IOHT Od rs acdcioun fOG arryL' Woodward, BOldjers' burial com., . or IS e rOYII roa to , earn- derB or wllHhing "od The dnrk D armo y guar an 0 eorge , RIng. . . ' . . . ' . h k ' d 11 ' d Ipod·it1'; W m. R 0b'InI!On, s.nme, '1', un. . ~WiU .' L H color on Illumll1ul\1 1'"1l,; lind ll te ns ll ~ Lealie Simll pleaded not gllllty to sc a , was approve, a owe an Hoel Post, G. A. R., Memorial Day la~, unt~r, in Industrial mny b r ubbed off with whiti\1~ or a charge of selling liquor and tim., confirmed: . allowance, $25; Jno_ Kell Post, same, Educatl.o n MagaZine. with v ry tin ijtl, I wllol, I' dlsso1v- _~------------·or trial was set at Wednesday The' . W1J\ of. Marsball Sutton Waf! Sol S'-vens Post, '2'", Gran - , ... (I r vmeKll . 1'1 U t d ~. filed ... , same. " eu b y tJ H! 1\Cln r nr (I 9 a. m., hIS bond to be '750. M· ' M B well a dm f th vUle Tllurston l'ost, same, $25; Rus· oxnllc arid. All lI~idK should be ~~teal'1°fn EI' °H 'lI filrd' ()h' . e McElfresh J'ost, same, Loyal Lethoroughly \Vllshod · ~,fT. lIalic or.id NEW SUITS eS~t a d mer .owe, t. e 18 \D- gion, BIIme, '2~; Rillp" P. Snook Post - -- . is a poiSfln I'Uld ~hould be 80 nlnrke'd veno'ry an appralSemen . same, $26; Offi~:e Outfitters, supplies It is said t hat 800,000 Americnn ~nd kept out. of the \I'll of childr n' • . • I')'B E. Wltthnger vs. T~e Warren Mary W. Tucker, IIdmx. of the es- $4; The Woodw.ard-Weil.Stanage Co. tou l'ists will go to Frnnce this year. y. COIIIION PLEAS PROCEEDINGS County ~oard of Oommissloners for tate of Charles S. ~ucker, filed her Slime, ,66.50; Bell Press, same, $18' That ought to enallle t he ' • • • A~' of habeas corpuB' Waf!' grant money only, amount $1000. inventory and . llppralsement. Bllme supplies $2 The Fr8l\ch \;0 collect enough money , The idea tha t hot br ads ontAin WE' GET THEM Ql/ICKLY AND eel to &, W}'att. . Aliee Taylor, a !'pioor by Ethel Charles J. Waggoner, executor of Blank Boc;>k Mfg. Co., '5.76; pay the wbole debt. harmful ' gases has no I'eientifl supFREE OF CHARGE Court ...va judgment in favor of Mldlam VII. IGenn Taylor for tile o~tate of . Eleanor S. Maxwell, Mme, s upplies, $10; The Oregonia port. . Fresh IIrend mucle ofl good inCALL US ANY TIME AT OUR tilt .plaiutitr.. c. H. Eichelberger in vorce. . filed hIS sale ,bill. . . Bridge Co., repairs, $19.16; The TIlY There. have been . ovo~ , a grooients c:ontain ~ nothing liarmful . EXP£NS'E WI JQlt .,.fnat Carl M. Foreman, ~harles Bowles vs. Ruth. Bowles, Oh~rles Fitts was .appomted an lor Tra.ctor Co., sprocket chain $9.17 y ara of peace and ~Iendly to either . child~en o~ adults. Fresh for ,UIOO with interest. De!endants for divorce. . , . apprrus~r of the estate of W!1" E. J . K. Spencer, bridge lumber, $181.- co~rB~ between America a-n d · howe~el', is rnther moist and to{pa,. co~ . Ma:;y Oollllls vs. Chades Collins, Moyer. In place of Alfred Gilpm. 32; Donnell Schuyler, work of con- Bnt.aln. But now that.. \>~ • a yo.un g child may est it U Court found that Roy Wiant had for divorce. The estate of Sam L. Iron~ tract, fl07.90: same in full of con- cal have sent Able. lIffictent chewing. The Phone 8 HARVEYSBURG, 0 ~ J&~uDy :imprisoned under or• fouI\d to be exempt from Inhentance $287; Bangham Motor Co., reto London, ""e wouldn't blame pat't6 are neces.snri1¥ cn wed. ! -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4c' q{ the Ma10r of Lebanon, and PROBATE PROCEEDINGS tax. pairs, $2.48; Howard Null, material, J?hn BuU If he were to break off the, f resh brea d 18 eru. ty, j t U wp" , ~mand,ed to the custody of P,oof 0:( publication of . the Jesse S. GrosB was appointed adml $5; . Robert H'o ward, aame, $7.60: diplomatic relations i~medlately. is entir Iy sl~.It{\ll1e J,o'r children. die _~ , pointment of Elijah J Darragh of tho estate of Jane Presbaugh and Horace Johns ' SBme $7 50' Carl ITl.. b "- • - ••- -j Edward Fox and Chas Blaclcford .Tbe\.roUon of Adam Roesch grader y,ep~irs ' . '''2:' \.,,0we remthem. . ", Sam Smith for new executrix of tbe ·est.ote ~f . '0. appralsers ~ ougiihl'l\t tthllOe DIFFERENT ' CONDITIONS ~ DIF. ijiW'.1ru overrUled. . rah. wns filed. . . . mond Bishop, buck driver, $7. so' pea'Ceful they didn't do An'''fhln ... NOTARY PUBLIO ' _1I&riO~ r..mbert pleaded. no~. guil~roof , of publicntrlon ?f the Lebanon - CItizens N~tlonlll Leslie Schultz; opel'~ting malntai~- but launder ahirt8 and make FER_ENT CLlM~s '. Q' o~ • ~II of possessing lnt~x- ' pOll1tment of John O. WIl on a8 and 'l'rust Co., trustee 1D the er, ' 61.01; Int,e rnational Ha.r vester mein? ' " "" ,- - - i~ Uquor and. was (ound gullty' ministrator of the 'estate of Sarah of E. R. Snook, filed ita see- Co., 2 trucks" '8,298,60: Frank ' .. Wlfe---l-"Here's .a 8~Ory .of a man National Bank 11,. the com and fined $100 and ,Wilson wRsfiled. and a c c o u n t . . Burak, Tepairs, $4.15; Harlan Whit11 Coolidge ~nd Smith sbould b'e ~ :Arabia who ' sold his wife for a ,Will. DrawD cei... -. .' Proof of 'publication 'of the apSales. made by DaVId E. Dunham, aker, bridge relPair material, $9.20; t he opposing candidates in 1928 ' ~ol'8e • .' You . WOUldn't sell Jl1q fol' a Wayneaville, Oh!o Co,," appointed Guy Gaynor guar pointment of A. 1)0an Brackney as exe~utor of the estate of Martha 'E. H. D. Can:oll, sund, 75c; G, F. Flow- think how much fun tne campaign )jone, would you, dnr1in~7" . ,clian of Pearl SchoU and Nelson administrator of ilie estate of Flor- ~hlt~ w~e aPtrOved :fad confirmed. ers, gJ:Bvel, $3.30; Orville Parkhill, poeta will have writing songs and , Hupby- "Of cQlmle not, dear. ShoD, minorS. ' -. ence E. Brackney was filed. . P u~ rY!ln, g\I.ar n of Bertha stone, $9; l'iar!)ld Sw~eney, gravel, mak1ng Cal. rhyme with At But I'd hate to have ~ny one tempt Court ordered that partition olf PI'oof of pu~licatlon of the ap- a~h fi ed hiS ~~account.. f66.75; Bevan and SUngley, same, Admiral SI 8 says ttl t th b ttle me wjth a really good carl" ~ ~tate be- made il'\ ' favor of all pointment of gattie Binkley as ad- ' te /~p01't o. e a'pp~aI8ers, $22.75; Spencer and Armitage, 8ame; ship ill dbsof.!te liB a e a • -, Jl;.Utiea. iDt'ereated in the cue of Jos- ministratrix. of the estate of George ~o;n <ll 0 t!p~al8e c~rtalD $232:90; same, gravel, $170. A. R. but it ' still gives usa a IT'S A FISH epbh)., Scho'ol VII. bDog'ene Schub- A. BinKley was filed. " e on~ ng d . ~orged ~yer .p- T.bompson, delivering €tavel, $20 ... feeling to know that U 1 S:m I ' Oenti.t b.,t et aL 1, Proof of publication of the ap- prove an con rm~ . 26; Howard C'Gok, stone; $691.60; a flo ' th nc e a , Co\ut'• ..ranted II divoree to Scott ,pointmeot nf Boyd S. Rathgeber as , E. B. Dakin was appointed admr. The Standard Oil 00., gas -and' . ck Of em arollnd. ; Guest (to hostess) - "My de~ , I4ttl~ iq .hia . ~ against Daisy Lil- ecutor of t he estate of Emma, Bur- W ~e.....o,L nebo.rahdDakin'''''f\d 11~1.24:; ~-FredSnyder;- lIay •.!fhe feU~w who alvf~ ~fQaea whe.re did your wondertu~ lIb'inc. of Way" ...·r .II" National e ••1r 81_• . " tle. • . ton w~s filed, ' . . W. We19h, Obayles E wardzl and 1248.26: v. ,·W. Tompkins, same, give an;vthlDlI" fo~ foreIgn mliasic)nEl\pearl8 come trom? YOQ aon't mind The, cue of tl;te W. H. Kiefaber Proof of pllbli.<!atlon of tn~ ap- A. T. J!loler, a,ppralsers, I. $107.05; same, $222.40; F. M. 001· is now going around . with a . my asking, do you?" (fO. \'110. Bnce aDd Magdalene Mar- pointmel\t of W. Chester MaJ!,1e as The ~11 of BuSton H. ' Robertaon lins; lal!le, ' $2.3 0.(0: Eden oll~,.I-told,y.ou'Bo look 011 hi8,f~~e. Hoste8S-Cortai~ly not. Thf!Y alIaD ~ dJm~d, the defendants executor of the estate pI A1l1l1On L. was adml.t ted to probate. ' ~e, '128:~0; .ame, BIIme, If there is any wet party in f1P'I.e from -oysters!" Office-Am.n Bid.. ~ ,~vc ~0IIta: ,', .' . Spcnce was rue~. . . MARR.lAGE LICENSES 90: ,A. T. Rettig same, ,281.86: C. campaign n,ext Y4!1~r jl1Bt, think h~~Wj:~+':::=:=====i:'::'==========::::::~· J.\i~n~ PettiS pleaded .not guilt)' P1:oof of pubhcat,ion of n notice of _ .' E.B, radbury; sa'~e, '152.3~; J\ls. W. much fun ita memliers will have to a ~ of poSsessing bQ,uor, and estate8 for settJel1l,l!nt Waf! -filed. Wesley Wilson South, factory DaVis, same, ,1.85.76; Harlan Whit- ing around ~ singing "Ale alo ' ~ triat .waa set for Wednesday:, Court. a~thori~ed Sarah Ann' Deck worket; of Morrow anll Flora ,Belton, cre, BIIine, $1.68.60; P. B. Monce, gan'B all here." , " same, '84.40; W. S. Graham, . . ' APril 27 at 9 a. m. Be pleaded- e1", ' adUuDlstratrlX of tbe estate of also a factory worker; of }I'o rrow. nDtY• .to a ~e of selling UquorlBcnry M. Deeker, to distribute 'cer- Goorg'e W. Hawke, farmer, of $48:85; E. W. (~uiuiby, same, $ A Massach,!setts man dancing ~il WU fined ,200 and , coats. . taln bonda. . Clnrksvllle. and Anna McCray: 'Of 20; Ben ,B. Sonor, gra,vel, $7.50 . Black BottOm threw 'is 1mee . . • :.. _ • joint. Who sbYIl thal the Ylln~B.eJ!il. ~:;;;,;;~;;;=~~=;~~~~~::;~;::~~~~~==~~~~~==~==~~====.==~~~;::====~ are unemoijonal? ' 'RE~DY .CUT H~AD .Th~ real . ~ptlmi8t , is the ---believes that China and ~UJ-"W:hat 1~\l8ine88 are fOU now ieo will ' settle dow1l' on'; of in, 'Jackl" '. . <lays and, cause .no further ·trouble. Jack-"l'm i'n the lumber busi' . , .... ' neu:." . History t~llll us t~ Socrates ·BUl-"Well, you have got a good from drinking the poisoned lock . . WhiCh 'ma~ in'dicate __'" .... ~~'" head.-for lumber!' ~.EYESIGHT . .. - '. had boofJeg'gers even in. Athens. . SO ~ERSONAL In Engl~d they. refer to the womTeacher-"Wby, every time I en between 21 and 80 as the Clapp., breathe a Chlnaman diell" · vote. 9ver .herp in America .• they Voice from tl1Ie ReBr-"Why d9U't don't 'b~gin, to be 8aP~rI " " mo" you ,try cloV~s1" ,j' ',.. until Ijfter thirty.. ' .
'"I;wn to RcliR;fOf ~lississippi Ho'ne~s
Insurance '~gency.
Gerie.ral 1 urance
Waite" McClure J. E. McClure
HafV'eyshurg Fert:IIZ'er.· CO.
Dr. John W. M'Hler
Se. .e You Better an .. Save You ~
. '~TE know tira-how to select the best-how to help you take care of ~ VV
and get the mo~ out or them. We sell Firestone Gum-Dipped ' Tires amI.Tubes-alaO Oldfield Tues and Tubes. . Both Fuestol'1e and Oldfield The8 are scientifically designed and manufactured by The .Fuestone Tire and Rubber Co. Mr. Harvey S. Firestone it " ~: ~nt and active head of the Company and under his ~anagem:ent ~y .' . ' outstanding developments and improvementl £or L.w
Prlo.. .••
economy, safety and comfort in tira .have been made. He is the acknowledged leader in lowerinl tire costs and fought almost a lone battle to secure lower crude rubber pric~ from .a foreign mon~ Iy. He has saved, ' and is saving, milllODl of dollars every year for car owners. Through the Firestone policy of selling ab.d distributing dir.ect to dealers ~brough l~Pac:toiy Branches and Warehouses. we reCeive &abo clean stocks of tires of the highest qualitY at prices wbl~ are the lowest in the hiitory :of .the ind~trv, and we pass these advantages in ' quality and low price on to our customers.
.. 'au\'":'N OW! '
'Po,> ~ "" AMI!
N I c ,.-(e. L.
,G'A Z£ T_T E•••.
1'0, liS
AD orCllnllllc t" 1'f\!;Ulfl ~ tlu; \l8l' or SlrM l~ lu ~h c VIIII'h'"\) ot \ ILl' 11('0,'11 I • 0111". ij~ I' ro"n .. uHl n", V.III"lt".
Ilnterell at th. Po.tomce at Waynuv me,. 0., aa Seconcl Olul Mall Katter
It or~lu.'"(\{.1 1. \' I h , 1
Calculagraph Makes Correct Charg~ on All Toll Tickeb
11 n f
are on Vll1u~ 01 \ V,l )' UH ·v il l .:, "lnll' "f I Mr. and Mra. SJ-:.l "('lON ! -·'L'h lJ "'II'I} " , f h I. h·" 'ILK ,t he sick list. tl 8i'~ d In lht*' ... tllnlllwt' td ti d ' Ir.whldl l ~, ~ CRANE, Editor aad Publl.b.r, W.)'........, OW. n y fjel u O/i tl'lnn, lIot"JW Ultfu 0 ... (1 t H " MI'1I. Alice Erwin, of Greenfield, n\-<ihlcle, Jf.' ld h or-sU's. ZlIl) nuns.: 01~rtl n .. r\J ll lr!rl1I1C\' was a week·en·d &,ueat of :Mis!! May n tr. 01' whe ll.t1 . 0 1' Lltl SlIblcnption Price, n.lio per year, lUH.td or IILJj1;lib l {: " t . llf~h\l.~ \.Itdt,,1 'I ~ Jl Harlan. c or\vera ncQ 0 1' an e~'It" ur t..ra"J;",,1 "ltln" lnn(l, l!X ~ pUnK 1l1 ,"uHIt {'"'' r ..- 1111,1 , ElizabElth Blackford anll Ruth Gray On (j,(by uo·rl;t!l:.,.. ' • ill THlN ~-J\fllin SI" bot 1"0111 III I\''' are nursing broken arms I both S lro t t rJ'IyJ<lr f.;tr t~ (lt~ NO,r l h ~lrHf't. Rulting 1;l'om falls. ' f rnrn Thl nl' ill roet ·to 1'flll .:lI· r·~l I. h t u uy ottllKnft l Cd 1\;" the LJl1S hW fol~ O!' Mrs.· Laura Shldlllker, Mrs. W. P. Qonl\'c. l .d dls trl" t within ""hi vlllng,·. WED N.·ESDAY , MAY., 1927 3-'Vh oevcr Oi!~' I·l ll . ~ H. lOu· McCarren and Mm. E. M. Villars for ' Jv!l e-..rnnN hic l e in nlHl up u u UI ( \ ' NII" 'I t t,r ~---"::~~~~~l-'y,eu...sJlI.Oj:lJ)llng in Dayton, Monday, l (l~hwil ' (I f t h o V 11 tn 1;" ht' " ·-n,V III 'l'<! . \' 111 (" Ohio , u l a 6 1J I1C li gTl ' •.\-itll' fll fll\ 114 " (,!.lSCl II!1ld,. II nil Ijr"fi h~1 d lt ~ I n:n I', t Our bnseball bOYl1 met with deCeat Tli£ FLOOD . Jof an a<\vertisement in ,,01' th e whltt./ (,':,rrll\ UN,' ultd l h~\ tot ' II· when they journeyt!d to Spring Val. ,"'ra , issue. oC one of our t I LlIt! III.W a l rlll nH or K III ~ h :-'Irt ' e t !t ri l l lElY for n game WEldnesday evening. I flJ.;hWH)", ... hull h \' tll ' I'II11' (1 ""lilt) p fJ H The WO rli t Mississippi flood in a backed women's mll,Plzirlemo--·pi<:tur11I 1 ~ d('lHcnn,'1' 0111 1 111,011 "·"",1,,,1 01'11 hUI:ldred years. Town ~ wiped out, ing u beautiful young lady en.lo]'inlrl On last Thursday aIt~rn oon Wol- l lwr l \') ( f\t1et III'U1\ f' o}IIV i c U 4 n lIwnw f s hull 110 tJnoft. ILK h fir,-.t HiLft,er pl'u vldltti. Is millions of Rcres flooded, all crop a restful smoke. And, the ter "Nip" Henry Ilnd Gail Gordon A rut'· of "r)(H~ ll J.(n·al c r t ha n f(ftc l! fI proij pccta for this year gpne, lives aimed to "sell cigarettell to women. It ( t fi) 11111 )r'! HII h o ur I II th lHll\ ln l ' K~ 01' mnde n catch of 79 pumpkin-sced sun cun g lJi l ,·,1 Il o ,' Uon or Ow \ ·II I U~H. H I ' a lld Inillions ot dollars lost. How ill clel'erly done-every word-every fish out of Flat FOI·k. IIIUI ' . ' I h:1 11 (\\"l1t Y · (IV,. c:t (', J "li l f'\~ all Hat.q OlD eAAP-"fOU ~ s.rr iou!!ly Will Congress deal with thiR line is feminine In appnl-and-hljt", I II ttl h" T 1.01'11 lIlt th"" f\Or flhu 1l hu al'l'1l -n-IE HAlJP "MAT FEO 'lUll, Mr. nnd Mrs. A.. Collett on "t'I IiH' 1'~\~ I l: \~ "' d ' I\r't.' fir n rat .> t r tt lh' Ol1 llroblelll? WhBt will t he Govern- Mild ' as May, ~TOU 1. 1'1' I hAn I~ 1'\ ' Hi((Ql llhlt ' n 11(1 pr\\ Ih'I . WOULD'rt>U" If' "t'OI/ WSfUi Thursday afternoon, attended the Look back. Can you Imagine Dlt!nt dl) while waiting for Congress S,·x."J')( N ~ _ \'I 'hl (' I r-H ~ h!l ll pUI 'I, 011 ~ MAIoI, 'YOU ~ "-AIC. wild ding of Miss I,ucille Legg and At .. I " ,'trf' I' l In " Hid " l lI a~" Wl lh l hu to uct7 Will it ntt.ack: nnd solve the ~he puritans would have done to Hor-n-IE" MO/oJe-/ 'IOU MAOW 11.1' Mr. Carl CQwan, nt the Friends 1'1 1(111, WhCl' I :1 nt I h t' \1 1' 1; ur ~urb 11 111' problem fal' up the river at t he ace Greeley and hil old Tribune had 'll-IIS 1'O\II/J AI-X) 6PaJO IT' AU.. ~J;:~l~t(O~fld"~I:1 ~~;:''.hC~'~~t.t~ ~"tr'n~l'" '~:I~ church in Xenia. source? Or will you reap a few he carried an ad. in hla paper: If.! SOW! 0l1-IeR. "Tt)W!.I, ~1J"(iC l to MlIl S U· .... ' ·l . :10111 rh:ht w hI H' l ~ y a rs hence, "Worst ·}o' lood in All "Smoke up, girlll--Clay and com-cob t o Ii nu t V \'" I' l' lJ.;ht._~q , (I XI I n ( ' h. ~ cake with birthday candles a white WoU.o'lUll, tJOIU't t it .. c lirli or cll,·11 litH', aUf\ "I\tI1l HisLory?" pipes for grandma." admired . The refreshments consist- rrnllt plIl' ku,' un tl w 1!: n~t .,1111' uf l\l!1I 11 SII·I'e.1 The weuther seems determined to ed of fruit jello, white nnd chocolnte 1i f\leI \·rh lc1. , i-hH.l l Ii la,,, 1 n l I"a :sl "I&.:'h " ( 1 ~) if , l"h. ,t-! fl' OIl I I lv· ,'oll 10 nl r ulel · do its worst in the Mid-West. Tor-, cake. Geneva received many little tN" w fly COJlN II'I Il' LN J 10 "',tiel ~jl'p( t b \' 11. EDITORIAL FILLERS nadaes sn9 cloudbursts are followed l-1I "'hwn~' U (' I)IU' t nl"l1t or tile Stu-'l e gifts from her friend s. Ohio. ,,'nel n il \- " l jl"' II '~ l'urk c d 11.110 11 by a cold wa~e ,ruinous to crops. Strt~ ,t " l,If ~11i , 1 \ 'illt\1-:t, sha H hU.V d Mr. and Mrs. George Denny a nd a1"t lNIAt So me day the human race will manAimee Semple McPherson hal had th r ee (3, f.II.'l HI.JlCC butw e tu Miss Ruth entertained to dinner, Sun tI,.· "chlt·lo" folD Il Rl"lc"ll. IIge this planet better than it is man- her hair bobbed-and like Samaonf41:"':(: TIO~ 5- 1( ... Iud l hp un lnwful day, Mrs. Mary Doster, William, afed now and l~arn to regulate the the Tem{lle falls. ll n r \ ' .. h lc lo I t \ 1 11 :t lc ~ a I lUl' n £' I' R('ctinn Il f :\lulrl anLl North earth's temperature aa well as we •••• Cauliflower should be cooked in on Charles and Mary Edith Doster, and Inl81 'X:'I'JO", ~ -T hr· nrl"Ur Or ope reguloto the. temperaturo of an apart '. • uncovered vessel and only un~il it is Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cossum and (I f IUly " ,,,h\( lo Hhu ll g l up wh on II ,:;-h t ia Il lrtp l :ly. " I, n.u t! PI'OCOOU ment hOUBe or steamship. Surplus Thmk-tanka are like ,gas-tanb ID tender. This keeps it white and at- family. ~ 1'(' CIl ll F!"h t I..: rl lR pl Hy t'd III l 11 heat at the Equato't will be diverted one rellpe~t-they Won t take you tractive. Mr. and Mrs. Rulph Stephens and { e l'tjcc.lIu ns ('o nl rt.l1f\~1 I))' Bll t OIllElLIc 1-0 the Arctic Circle. And when you anywhere If they are empty. ~lglIll l lI"'hl"1 "t th" dle l,lIlY or Il",her --0Bon, Max, of Xe.ni.u, were Sunday Or 'l\uUon I "hl n "f,h l c l e or pod 8do away with excessive heat alid el'•••• Peanu t.~ make good sandwich fill- dinner guests of MI'. and Mrs. A. S. trla n ~h n ll he JHl r ll1 l tt cd to en t or Q. el Inler"ceLion. flodcst rl(ln ~ proceasive cold you , will do ' away with "It is better to have loved and ing i'- you put the roast 8helled nuts Collett. In the afternoon t hey all cctr ding on Ir r e n II gll t shall hllvo III tornadoes, typhoons; etc. have alimony than never to have through a coarse meat grinder and motored to Germant own to see Rob- rl ghl ot W IlV 0 \ 'eJ' v hlcles mn.kl nlt LUrIlS. Ped n. 8hnll e ,' OOB Slr 01 Some wUl call that "nonsenso." ed at all," i8 the new Reno philoa- then stir In enough cream to make ert Collett, at Miami Military Insti- Int J'lIcc tione.trla s III Str ee t crossings \In They would have called radle;!, ftylng ophy. . gr n light. ' the mixture easy to spread. Be sure tute. SEC'l'ION 1- Any p "80 11 who I hnll machlnell, submarines utter nonsense. • ••• to add aalt. This filling will not be vi lute nllY of ~h ' 1"'ovlalol1s ot lbl ~ Alice Bogan and Kathleen Gray ' What m?n can imagin~ they can do. "My wife thinks I am the only pasty. s hall . u pon co nvic tion thor _ spent the week-end with their teach- ordinance or. be punhthed b y Il fi n e o t nOl t e8M . They w,lll regulate thlS earth from man in the world," said a well known -0er, MiS!! Rosetta McMillon, at her than Ono Dolin.,. ', U 'OO'h nnd cosls or the Arctic to the Antarctic, aU round local man last week, "whose wife is Rolls can be rewarmed aaUllfaepr08ecull on. nOr more t 0.11 Ono Run dred Doll n.r. ($100.00) . nl1d coat. or the Equat~r, temperature and 1'1!-ln- perfect." torily if they are brushed over wIth home near Port WOJiam. Edith Bo- prosec ull on. guest of Miss gan was a week-end fnIl. That, of course, is thouaands e e.. milk and put in a covered pan to Grace Constant. SE TION 8..JI'he ord lnane passed F'ebrUllry 7. 19 27:.. 1. hereby r epenled. of years ow~y. . . - . The ideal husband, the model steam through. After the rolls are SEJC'rI ON 9-Thl. ordln(lnce 8hn\l Lightning played havoc at the home tnke eftect nnd be JlI torco Ifrom nnd Oontrol of MIBSlssiPPI fioods can flPouse is the man who Undell'lltan,d.._ lheated through, take the cover oft be accomplished -now, whenever the and doesn't act dumb when he is pan so as the outside will get of Wm. Carr, Friday morning about ~:~~.r til onrll OlOt period o.lIowed by 3 o'clock. It came in by the way of Pusoed May- 2. 1027. Government ~ecldes to spend ~a litt).e kicked under, the table: crisp again. Qt Its money. The value of water A'Ues tT. D. 'ROGERB. Mayor. --0the radio aerial, breaking all the win Impounded, diverted' and used would •••• If you are planning and equlping dow8 in the front (If the house and L . A.. Zlllfl\fEr;h~N.. Clerk. excee9 the co~ of the undertaking. The Ark in the Missinlppl ftood iI a kitchen, think first, last, and all knocking oft a quantity of plaster in the Federal directed Red Cron and the time of the work to be done In the upper hall. Luckily no member N'01'ICJll OF AI'I'OlNTIIlEl\'T its freely donated five millions of It. Don't make the room ·too big. of the family was iqjured, except Esla te or All ~1 , . c~~~ dollars for telief work. Make a kitchen oblonJ eo that work that Herbert Carr cut his hand on Notice IA herelly "Ivon A . g ills has b en .Iu l)· "PPO .... centers can be g'l"ouped to better ad- broken giaS!!. QURlftled U . " cUto" or the We . have lIl1t-nad and .greed that vantage. M a new 'era in our national life ill here. How do the Filipino. expect to -0rD. Richard Kibler entertained a S~II~: ~\~~~':l. IlIl e o.t Warrell DIl t d t hlo ~71 h dny or Ap r iL. 1027. Now we slam' the old fedora on the get independence while fifty million There are valuable mineral lIalta numbo.r of the sclboolmates of her W . Z. ROLL, JUj1!1' or tho f>rohnte C"Urt «\e.k and-:-;-for the first time realize manled.ll.\ n he~e in the U. S. are al- dill80lved In the liquid that sul'roundll daudghter , Gheneva, a'~ her hon;te ~edWllrr" ounl y. 01110. that age · 18 upon u_ that truly the 80 ba.t thng lor Itt d tabl d it h uld t (Ies ay i n onor 01. Geneva s mnth ~1?r:~~'~lo w, Ivins. A ILl'. new era enveloPII u_we are In mld:n~~ vege C8, ~n It: 0 no birthday. Tholle present included, a ay. .- - - . .... e ed I l e n a aauee Virginia Buckley, Gladys Carr, HelsJ;ream Ond a weak swimmer It has come. The lalt ban-ier hal Again it hu been pr~ven that Ilug se" w t t e vegetable, or in IIOUP en Rhodes, Cleo Craig, Lavone ClevLF.GAL",NOTJ E fallen. There is no lonier a du,I- cen crab aU the limehght-u wit- or gravy. Boil eanned vegeta~les enger, Martha Jane Foley, Verda and swdard for 'man and. woman In thta neliaed by the . way the Gray-Snyder at least 6 m = before U8lRg. Loretta Lawllon, .Winona, Helen and Stote or Oh io. ' Van'en ounty. , ]" th e ollr l or Commo n Plcu •. country of oura. Wom"n i.- with UII C.1Ie ~ .,ullhed Ruth, Cobb, SpeakM Id b d b d t Carl Brown, Vivian and Joe Wilmer reB Y Lido. M. SMvln. 118 rxec lltrlx - in b~.ine_in our spon.-the er and ' Hornsby et al. to the baek°th b d mayb fe u-: I? wrthap- Underwood, Sara and Thelma Kib- of th e J Q ~ t will ur Su snu E . • L e vote and--U.'en· , ground. e . reIa u P ' Ie °kre Ift IS ' or- ler. Games were enjoyed by all and Halnos. docena.d, liP • l ' •••• coo, or to ae: 0 care 0 f , PI .. It\U~C. Our good old g-randrnotheJI..-God - It may be a 'fact that ree t bread box: In addition to airing . The. township spelling contest was leea her_moked a pipej a 'mea liquor doesn't go all far .: In e bread box frequently, sometimes held .at IiBS Ellis' room, Friday af, ~ack old. clay pipe, and lI~e enjoyed days, .. claimed' by bootleRer e Pat- scald It thoroughly, and dry it in a ,t ernoon. There we:re seven entriee it. But whea company ell",e, rraJlil- rona But-the ' IIhould _lao reme warm oven ' or on the back at the in the fifth grade, Mary Edith Davis, motber could' have been seen alippm. b 'thl_ IthY d th mor directly In .the sun Holda of Hicioryville, win'n ing the prize-n" to th Oclah:t7tf 'I ' :i lit- er . ne er OH e person • Ii 'f • . '''''', e :'iI',0 . e 0 a qUae who drinks it. not like dry bot air or sunshine. a ?X 0 .8~Uonery, wltb VlI'glDia tie whl~. !:Ihe dl It to keep from -0DaYls merltang homorable mention. ~Iacraclll&' the famUy. '. I . •• • • • Sew up the buttonholes before you pnly four entrlee in the sixth grade. DOH her P'mnddaurbte~ today do Cal and AI had • ten-minute a lIW'eater, 10 they won't IItretch- :racy Shirden, of -Hlckoryvllle, won ~t! Sh~ does h o t . . whe~ the Preaidtnt visited liew it before wuhhir, and af- the prize - penci:ls and ta!.olets. 'I'r\Ie, '!lot every ,femUllnc: Imoker ' thla ' week, the New York , it out, nck 'd own, on ll'l the seventh grad~~ there were five tod.y )jail the freedom of tlie Iltreet, e:allil1&' at the Coolldee hotel of soft clean ma- entriee, Beatrice P!iDney, otl Har... office, amueement place, or home, but Tjlls may ~ve rincai.ilen the shape It to the. original !leysburg', winning the prize, a copy still, quite generally, ahe hal been ~unity to yell Pin jt ·in place' if It of Robinson OrUlloe, .and Fannie ColgetU~ her "whiftl" without mu~b thick of the ' I928 battle. inclined to Ihrink. Of caUl'III winning honorable men tion. pubhc discrace or great Ine:onven• _ ~__ you would only wuh a Iweater in ' entries in the eighth glade, lence. . ,. lukewarm water and neutral· 10ap, Paul, of lfa"eysburg, won the Th~ woman IImoke.r ',today bas' beFAIR ENOU.GH . dnlling it in several waters 'ot the a loose-leaf DClte book. AU oth. . lame temperature and squeezing the er atudenta taking part did themcome Buch an accepted ~~ In our national Ilte--that commerce now Scboolmuter - "Give me a rood dirt out, rather ~n rubbing it. lIelyes proud and arel' a credit to their t~8 to bid' for her patronage. . eJUlmple of a eolncidene:e." . I ' . _ • The Judgl!s included Mrs. All of this hu to do wltjl a new PUpil-'llIy lather and mother Carr, Miss Merl<l Ellis and and a radical trend-the appearan« were married on the aame dayr' Cha, les Moore.
"Inside Inforrnatiol'''
°7h 'h
VCJ9'cim Tube 4CJq TimeJ Stronger in Tr.oeloe Yea,.
- - _._ - -
SPRING VALLEY Mrs. 'Lynn Marlatte, who has been very lll, II recovering. . Miea Lot:en DrewclS left Friday for her bdIne near Napoleon. Mrs. ' Hudable tEill one day last week breaking hel~ leg below the knee. .,
are long tllslnuee (elop bone cnlls tim e d ? HO\VThat Is a IJ uesllon thnt Is often ns ked and IH, at tho same Ume, one of th o moat Impo rtan t from bo th tho tcl ephone subscrlber's and -lhe tolep hone cOIOIIOn)"8 vIewpoin t that a ri ses. In every long dIstance office, at e\' ry long distance operator's haud Is nn Ins trum ent co iled the cnlcula brra pb, n. comblnatlon clock nnd m.eohanlcal dovlce thnt works with almost Aupe rhuDlon Intelligence. It figur es In every long dlst"nce call ond upon ,It Is bas&d the cbarge to the subscriber. Fol' Orlecn years tIl ls Instrument has beon In uae and since Its bogln.n lng many Improvemelrta bave h on made to It. The diagram IIhows the Inst stom ping by th e clllcuingraph on a toll ticket dO.De at tbe finIsh at conver atnlon . From the length at coovct'llntion stamped on the t icket th e proper charge Is mndo. This ticket the IUIr. scriber can "8ee and believe" nnd be a88ured he haa been correotl,. charced.
17' 00' W. 2.s! eh •. to a olo no: th ence TI'J' tla. Miami CaseiN for Jell,. . . . S. 38' 00' W. 1.04 clio, to lhe boglnnlng ?~ntg~~~~g .l~, 9 ~::rti'l;o legnclCle ,gIven I;y the wHl or til 8ald Susnn E. H n Incs. decensed. nnd prny lng In tho pr,wer or the IInld peti tion th nt the cou rt m o)' cance l n. e erlnln tcnle to Josiah Davis n.nd Lloyd DlLvls or 8n.ld n ·nl Estnto 0.11(1 tha t th e ou rt m(lY mo ko 1111 order f\uthorl ~ lnl'\' una dlrecl· Ing her n. e"eoutrl" of ~h InAt w ill or Susun E. Hu ln •. decens d to sell lhe r 0 1 81nto herelnb lor o ilo~crlb"d 1(or tbe purposo ot IIlLyl",.- lile legaclejl given by tho Illst .wlll of th e an ld Su enn E. guln e8 deceased. "tid for 0.1\ oLher n.nd rllrth r (ln dlng.. ordera. Judgmenls dec rees. und roll er to which this PI"lnUfC Is ntilled In th e pr!f,'l:!8~~bO"O ' named Pe"9nns \\"11 1 tflll tl otl ce lI 'u~ they n.re ptl.-Iy cl ere,,,lBnl. lo lho .Bld n, lion "nd 0 8 Huch "ra rcqulred to On8\\'cr tho p llUon On or b for til ~r. th IItw or J\uI~. I O~ 7 , or Judgment ,will be tnk otl "(Colnsl them. LIDA M. SAWIN Executri x ot tho ·Iast w(1l or Susan l!J, Ha ines, decensoa. 1IIny «-6t. ' NOTIOE
Tru~ k
M..nufllcture ... aad Dealei'll' proposo.ls will be recolvo(l by
S (lled th e Bo"rd or Tr ustees ot Way ne Town "hhl. Wn rrcII CO UII I)'. 'Ohio... a t th e orlice -of tile Clerk ot enid -,l.ownelll0 nt tit 'lI'arn8lvlll 'Natlon(ll Bank. until twe lv e o·cloc.k no on. Eutero Standard Time. FIUtl.\V, MAV 8, llY.'-'T
burl... olI-.... •
tor rurnlshlng lho rollowlng equlp- wide remedyforJdduey; . 1 ~ ton elc 1 botly lr uek 1>( aubladder qiaordera, . lornatlc gravlly or hl",,1 holyt dump dOBlgn wllh. wood ur Itoel cab [or lumba&o and uric acl4 \ driver. EBOh bidder shl\lI Bubmlt with hIs bid 8p ell (lco.lIons "or tho truck offered with the limits abovo apeel tloll. The 130arG or Tru Hlll s ro" rVe th o right to Tejcct nny or nll .bIds, C !\. I ' S \ l . ' ay order or thoE.B~.rd'rf.fo~~~.tceB. W. E. CORNl!lLt.. W . S, CRAHA M. Tru8lee8 or Wayne Township; J . O. CARTWRIOEIT. Cl erk . at -ru4-5t
~!k , .
.Mrs. Are.h .Copse,y and daughters ali! visiting a few dsys With relatives ~n Springfield. ,Mrs. .KaW ,Boye:e and children, of Yellow Springa, IIp~mt tbe week-end with her parents.
Dravres,. of Delaware, visited over. Sunday with . ~.uu.". Drewes and ¥Iu Lorena UJInI'It'8L
POlltmuter F. 'M. Hiatt and Wife
I .~I""""'" ,Sunday . in ~4UlkfOrt:, Ohio,
their aunt, MI'II. Sarah. McGInaDd daupter, ·J.lllla. . -~ I
-- -- ~
The,Miami Gazette Office
'F. T. Martin
Centerville, O. P.bODe No.1
Better and Cheaper than Syrups
IRING _11111-
AT THE" 'CHURCHES ST. MAllY'S CHURCH F l'hln:.J' ovening, May 1$, at 7 :30, .ol·meln' lI)' Nt. RI)\'. 'l'. I. Rces , of Cul\lmllus ; nt this ~ ervice the rector, t h ~ Rev. J. J . eha !fer, will present <lInn of fly for continlla tion. T hlr\1 Sunlluy an"r 'E aster, Mny - Church choo\ nl. 9 :45 ; Morning Prol)'er nnd sermon at 11 o'clock. Rev. John J. Scbaetfer. Rector.
.F.... E. timate .
'H oney At D. R. SMITH'S
GRAND THEATER, Lebanon Two Shows
Late Cia Bili }1 Ads:
8.30 aad -8 ,30 p. m.
- -----II'OTATOE
.~." "'lII&al Gaull. for Job Work
, orman No. ·3 fol' Mle at D. Hollinlr.lworth. '2.00 per bushel. Oregon ia R. R 2, l,hone
rated by my father, the late I. W. Durtun. All wllrk wJU be of the See E. P. Harlan for ,..11 kindll of hi~h(oat. oharu ter lUI presc,lbed b, • Owing, lit th e olicltlltlon Piiectri~l Work. lh~ Slate laws, allll at reaao~ble in Woyn..lwiJlc, I havJI ery truly, Cabbag(l anti toml\ ~O el; p\llnts {or ud to Cl\~'ry 11'1 tho buainc l!S' of p'lunl b ilOWABD.A. BURTON. Ed lIopkins,- Wuyn IIvi\lo. O. ing :1lld I .clrical wllI,k, l ute!y ope. MI SI1 Emma H ighw6Y wus tM d lIer guest of Mills 1I1oy W" ig ht on W. n. Allen , wns in Xenia lind un dllY. Dayto n todny. H. G. F it'zpatrick, of Frank11n, Vis10 E. P. lIai'lun for 1111 kinds of itcd his sister, Mrs. Cynthi Evulls, Electrical Work. ' Tuesday. Motbers Da, ' nut Sunday, May 8.
- mil
Sub.cribe to the MiUQi c.uette.
INow New York
~ .-,
' --"'.
' .
~ -~ ~
anel deli"ered. Pric:e Ifiyen at bo'me. Carry akin plea of eoyeriD" Seael in ,our addre •• to
, :-,:.-: \\
METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School, 9 :15 a. m.; Prench· ing Service at 10 :30 a. m.; Epworth League at 6 :45 p. m. ; Evening Preaching Service at 7 :30 P. m. L. A. Washburn, Pastor.
-,,---- --:L-=-~
---- -- -
Mrs. Celia Grllham was 11 Daylon shopper Monday. 1821 E. Fifth Sh·e.t, Day taD; Obi.o Mr. Everett Early and daught~r9 In Waynesville May 30th or 31st spent Monday In Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark were n . 't ,.....ayton VlS I ors, Th urs day. Mrs. . Kesler Graham purchased a new frlgidnlre last week. KITh d ·ft d d ,IS . e cou~ty roa ~rew scarl e an ~~-----......;.~--..;;;;;;.;;;;.._-. graded MaID street In Lytle, Monday. Mrs. Oharles Johns was sick last wee.k, but Is now able to be out
· ring You r Egg s t 0 roger - ..... B ____..;;;=-____
, iriiiiiiij~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~ii~~lagaln'
Mr. Glenn Jonns, of Dayton, visited his a t Mr and Mrs C E Johns p ren s, . ,.. Wednesday. Miss Editb Sides, ·of Dayton, a week-end guest of het: couBin, Vt;lma S/llith. . . Mr. and Mrs. Will Fox returned home, Sunday, after a two weeu' . D stay In RytOn. Miss Eliiabeth Carr, of burg, spent the week-eIid with Gladys Bergdoll. Mr. and. M~. Harry Cornell, of Ferry, vi8ite~ Mrs. Frank Ragen S~day' afterno,on. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Stowe were Sunday callen at th~ home of and Mra. Kesler Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and daughters were Sunday qaests o~• I atives at Tippecanoe Qitj.
r:e -
cut, Ib ...... 47e
Mr. and, Mrs. W. E. Copp, of Dayton, were Sunday guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. Ida Da~ __ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Carl -Albrlrht, · of in t Sat rd S· . b prmg oro, spen . 11 ay even g with Mr. and Mrs. K. Graham, Mrs. ElleJ1 C~psey has returned 'to her home after an extended with relatives at spring Valley.. .T he Ladies Aid will hold the , meeting ne~t Saturday alternoon the home of Mrs. William Brown.
=!!.~P~~~~ 15c .....
MI·S. Hannah Rogers · vjllited. in C- Iara l<ile spettt-;Sat urday L bonnon todny. and Sunday with relatives in Green
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Fires were Leb county, MillS' Emma Heighw~y spent Tuesanon visitors, Monday. day with 1\,II·S. Edith FJurris nnd ' Mrs. M.iss Edith Sides, of Dayton, WIiS Laura Mosher. the week-end g uest of Miss Velml,l Smith. Mrs. A. V. Argo, nce Kot herine Alexandel', of Dayton, was in WayG. W·. Townl!lcy 0 !the Western neaville, SundllY. Star, Lebanon, was in Waynesville, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J ohns w I'C guests of Amos Cook nnd fllmil y, One of our specialties III flne Monany evening. Cal'y's J ewelry wntch repturlng. hop, Leban on, Ohio. Mrs. Eloise Thom pSon, of in innati, is visiting her paren t", Mr. 'and Mrs. J. O. Cart wright nnd Mrs. G. J. Smith. Mrs. H. E. Hathaway were in Cin· cinnnti today. Dr. and Mrs. S. S. Stahl, of Frnnk· lin, were Sunday guests of W. H. MI'. Bnd Mrs. A. L. Sides Allen and family. Sunday with Samuel Smi t h and fam · ily, of Route 6. Mr. and Mrs. Morris RapCI', of Dayton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Beauti Cul diamonds f or the sweet Mrs. W. O. Raper. heart 0 1' g radUate. Select YOUt'S nt or1's J ewelry Shop, " The Home Several members of the local chup. o C G irt ~," Lebanon, Ohio. ter attended O. E. S. inspection lit 1' 0 '. Lebanon, Tuesduy night. The Friendship club wiII meet Wed' Mrs. Fted M. Cole lind children n esday afternooln, May 11, at the B«: rt Acosta and cia renee Chambcrlal n. Amcrican civilian "Viato~.. home of Mrs. John Shultz. have returned ft'olll a visit with l'el: ""ho last 'wec:k broke tl1& \\'or\(l's SlIstai ned fl ight record by siayin. hln. iltivcs in Brown county. tilt ai r 51 hours are now the fn,Vo ri tcs in the New York to Pans ml t Mrs. Lizzie Joy was called to Dayfor .' " r i,z~ of $2S.0()O. They may hop' otT an:y <lay now. ton last week on !\ccount of tbe deat h Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McClure, Mrs. of Mrs. Elizabet h Kauffman. Walter McClure and Mrs. Lester ., . Miss Mary Leah Edwards spent the Gordon were in Dayton, Monday. \!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!~~!!!! week-end in D~lyton, the gueat of Mrs. Kate Coleman had n8 dinner _~------------------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. Dr. Gail Russum and family. guests Sunday, Mr. and M rs. Harry Turner an'd son, of Bellbrook,' and. 'J Latest in Jewelry and unusual gifts F. B. Hen·derson. and family. for 'the graduat<!, at Cary's Jewelry Shop, "The Home of Gi!ts," Lel:ia- . The regular meeting. of St. Mary's non, Ohio. Guild will be held at the ,home of ' On May 1.1 th, we will colebra~e our Third Anniversary at bUBi-
T h 1· r d
Mr. and Mrs. Emmette Fryar ·and son spent SundllY 1n Lebanon, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Siren Wi!kerson. . . On account ot Illness Rev. John J. Shaeffer was unllble to conduct church last Sun-
Ev~ry diamond th~ highest val~e
we s~lI represents obtlunabl.e at the price. See U8 before b.uYITlg. Caris Jewelry Shop, Lebanon" Ohio. Little MiSll Mirlllln Jean Fife, of Wilmington, is sJpending a few weeks with her grand:mother, Mrs. WllkerllOn, ' Mr. and MrS. Ronald Hawke and Mrs. James McClure visited Mr. and Mrs.d G. fte W. Hllwke at OIarksville, S un ay a moon. ' . Mrs. George (_,mlth, who bas been in Cincinnati lIev'eral ",eeks for ment has returnled Mme very much in bealth. .. Mrs. St Cl~ !~Ie, nee Lllli.an kerson, of Wilmington, submItted a ~errous operation in ~ Mia~1 Valley DaytoJI' Monday.. , , W~ sell ParkElr ..Duolold. pens and pencils,. they have n n~breakable pe.r malpte ,tllllTela and pOInts guaranteed ~5 years. CIll'Y,'II Jeweln'
Mrs. George Hartsock, on Thursday afternoon,'. May 6th qt 2 o'elock. Mr. an'd Mrs. Frank Elbon lind Miss Clara LUe attended the reunion of the teachers and pupils of the Richland school in Green c.ounty, last Saturday .. "Yourex" Silverseal- if' you want the best ,in silverware. Start your hope chest now. Beautiful llattems for your selection at Oary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, ' Ohio. . !frs. H. V. Walter, Mrs. Dan Wal; ter, ~Ii.sa · Pearl' Starry, of Lebanon, Mrs. Ethan ' Crane, of Dayton, Mrs. Kate Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred B ~ Henderson spent Thursday with Mr. and Ml'II. D. L. Crane.
A n. n .I· ve.r s a r y
. ness in this eommunity. Our bu'S intllS8 hU8 increased by leaps and bounds, nnd w~ wan t to s how ou r upprecintion or your '{J'ith atld con.flde nc in us an d let you h(!l p us celebrnt . We will have a
·BURE· FQOD SHOW 'From 1 t 9 [I t m. < Every hour f rom 2 un~ il 8 , p. m., be pa, \:Icts of. Ir'oceries and other prizes j;'\ven away, So~veni rs
t o all' who yisit tho store on ha~ day.
Next \\leek we will have a generlll ou t~ne of the good lIiue in .tore 40r you.
.Corwin ' Qroc~ry . "":"We Dellver- -
Make every day Motber's Day in \.Vayn~ville, Ohio 'the service of your gilt. Select something beautiful and lasting for her ~rom Oary's Je",elry ~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'"!!~~ Home of Gifts" Lebanon Shop, Ohio "The ' -:: " • -Hr.• .an~C. T Harn~d Mts: Estella Ball"of Xenia, we.re ·dillner guellts ,sundaY' of Mr. and 'Mrll. G. D. ~ills. Afternoon &,ues~ . of Mr and Mrs Milla were Mrs Marth~ Keenan ~nd Mr••nd 'M;" Edward Keenan, of Belmont. .
By selecting a Gruen . Watch. for the graduate you enjoy the certainty that you have a time piece of renulad juatable, each .......... .. ine ",orth and. nation-wide prellt!a'e,' Mr. William Grahal!) left Saturday See our newest models. Cary'~ Jew for Grand Rapidll; Micb., where he Mr. and 'Mrs. W. E. Comell, Mr. elry Shop, "The Home 'of Qiff:!!/I ~n ~it hla 8On, Bert Graham, and arid Mrs. Ralph .MilI~r a~d children Lebanon, Ohio. Wan. Paper, " cant spent SundllY m Cinclnnati, the famlly. M~. and Mrs. Jo~eph Grassi and r' auests (If 'Mr, ~~d Mrs. E. V. Bam- Mr. and Mrs. George ' Ileal, Mr. and Mrs. liarlan 'West, of, Springfield children, of Dayton, were Tbursday h 11;, dinner guests a\; the home of Mr. ·and were 'week~end guests of 'Mr. and 1I ,000anllea, 176 ai.e, do ....... Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Tuesday . 9 a. ·' m., un~1 3:80 p. Mrs.- J . O. Cartwrirht. · rhe , Cartm.; Satur~~y 9 a. m., . until 'I P. !D" wrights and their guests llpent SunMr. and Mrs. Raymond Boyce and Dr. Rudolph, the eyeSIght speelahst, day with Miss Rhea Janet Cartwrirbt Flra,.' children, of lJayton, IIpent Saturda~ is at ~~ry's ~ewelry Shop, Leba- at Oxford. . YeUow ripe fruit, 4 lb •. ' ' and Sunday with tbe latter's parents non, OhIO, M r.and Mrs. .J. E. Smith. M d M L wr . Ott and and M':" Messl'll. H. A. CorneU, J . B.Pence, r. an Vlrsl' ad ~~e C tb M.- - 'Martha Gr-"-IIWWJ . - F. R. ' Moomaw and J.B. Crabbe 0 a an _ry a erVirginia , Wa.s h visited their 'Unci, in Mason Sunday afternoon to and son, O\uu;'I.1I, 'of D..,ton, Win ••apa, 3 11............................. 25. a~d aunt, Mr. and Mr". Harley Ow· tlie dedi~lation Qf the Muonl~ and Mrs. Raymond ' Wilson· '~d ens, in Xenia, Monda};" aRlle-nters,' ,Mary Cathepne and Jean. Mrs. Walter Whitaker op"ned herltemD.le. , . w.e re pleasantly entlerllithled, u• home Tuesday afternoon to the mem- . If your watc'h needs adjusting, Sunday; a'V·the hom'e 'of Mr. and ?tin. 3 to 5 lb e~~., lb .......... :: bers of the WaYllesville W. C. T. U. ' or repailting~ we have an ex- Percy Reason. . '.' '. ' Several Lytle ladies w~re guests. ' I~~"C". workman to give you service. We , alllO repair jewelry of every With 'eommencement at "hand, we Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Savage and character. Cary's Jewelry Shop, are better prepared than ever ,bUfol'e to serve you. We have an unusualchildren were Sunday ' dmner guests Lebanon, Ohio. at the home of the latter's mother, Iy fine selection of Diamonds, 'WatehMrs, Belle Dinwiddie, in Waynesville Mrs. Ernest 'Harlan, Mrs. HllJ'old es" and beautiful gifts for. the boy' 011 Mr. and Mrs. J. Beme Jones and Earnhart, Mrs. Viola Harlan and girl graduate and ' hivite you to come wm 'St John attended Eastern in and inllpect our dlsphiy. Cary's Mr. and Mrs. Edd ' Longacre IIpen~ SundaY' afternoon with Rev. and Kn Star inspection at tebanon, Tuesday Jewelry Shop, "The Home of ,Gifts," . Lebanon, Ohio. . J. D. Wiant and 80ns, at Bradford, evening'. Ohio. • 'r " . Graduation I . Nothing serves so Mrs; Will, St John, asllisted. by Mrs Mrs. RU$aeil ' BentMrs. Edwin Lln~eman,. lion and well.as a watch too sy.mbolize this day Irving' 'children Sat;.: daughter, of Dayton; are Vlai~lr her of days. . See our · display of Gruen, ley . , .. pa~ents, 'Mr. and Mrs~ Henry Fo:ulka, ,Elgin, Dlinoill, ~Ilinllton ~atche8, ex'.in honor, of Miss w~lle M~. Linneman III at the reser- .e ellent timekeepelrs. CarY's Jewelry birthday. 'GameS' vOU' fishing. Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. were enjoyed, after Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gray, Clar.' a pond" added mucll to ence and George Gray left Jut week Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Ellis, 'Mr. and merriment. ; Late in tlIe afterfor San Antonio, TelUUl, where the Mrs. Charles E1Ii!1 and sona, Mr. and n90n refretihmenta were servea' to former Mr. Gray has ·the contract of Mrs. S. S. Ellis and family, Mr. and Betty Hartsock, Eileen and Howard erecting steel tanks. Mrs. W. E. O'NeaD and family IIpent Hall, 'Anna Treadway, Ruth and 'Leo Mr: and 'Mrs. Emory ~rlton e.n.- Sunday at t~e hO.me of M!at and Mrs. -Conner, Ohas. arid H~rold ,Anders.on,' tertained to dinner Sunday. )(r,' and . Oornwall, 1n Dayton. ' Barbara Grar, Reba Ed,wardlli, Mary, . '. Adams,:, CharI". Fires, .Charlell Le· Mrs. Frank Charleton . and ,lion, of . . Middletown and , MrI and Un, Chu. . Dr. Rudolph, our eyellig~t ,s pecial. May, VIOla ' and A\lna . C~mpbel~, ~o'b." .Charleton and daughter. : \ I8t, is .kllled ~n ' 1~. he, practIce of op- by .Hym.~, 'BOb~:rvli, Mirgle' ~~. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schooley and tOmetry. · ,..ee ~dmil\a~on..of your warda, Howard . !i!~rj ;Jane· Fu~~ . daughter of Ple •• '"~t Flain M- eyes eve~ Tuea"'IlY untIl 8 .: 80, and ~d Roaem~ y. ,. . n at Cary' II ' . .. .. ' , - aud daughter , .... of Stud a r ay untl 7 "m., Samuel Charleton near Lebanon, were . Monday ~OIJta ,Sho'p, Lebanon, Ohio.
Scraane Window wood frame,
Paris Air Fa';riJ]
. '
FEllRY CHURCH O~ CHR.I !lT T h 'a tt ndon ce wal! fin last Sunday. A lil1'g l.'owd at the evening service. \ We nre gTat.ef-ul t o tho Bell· brook orchestrll for .exeellent music a~ d ,to 1\1 i s 'Lucy Emley for a splen· d id 8010. On unday, May 8, we are. to have a " Mother's Day" service, with sermon on "Some Notable Mothers." Evening ser vice, 8 o'clock, 8crmpn on "Whnt God Snys to Me/ ' All invited. Nathan Johns on, Minister • CHRISTIAN CHU,RCH Sunday-School at 9 :80: Everybody cordially invited.
furniture Upholstered····Repairi.ng . ~ '1 ~ . ~
. . . . 25c Oranges . 47', c' ~'~;;;;;;c:~~;::::~~~~ .' 1EI .' ananas 25c ~a"'~a.~ ,~!!.o..: 17 C _ Juice ' ~ 15c. ~~!!!~ :it'~~~,... 25c · ~2. ~; . . . . 20c BaeODS ar ~ur.d'~2c· \J -
. Ie. price
ca&..... : ...
People ·. \V~(i wOtlld~~{t th.i nk,of ·j go:· ing to ,any . but a good reputable', dealer for food, clothing or furni. ' lUre, patronIze the ·w.orst kind of ~:d:umps:" · wneh .it , 'coine~ ' -time to , ·.' bu¥ a tire. ' .
'do :this fhink,ing it is necess~
,. ry, ih ovde~ : 10~lgef a tire' oar:gaip/ . . ,We'll sell 'y ou the best tire rria·de~ a Goodyear~ ·at " ~ pri~e as low,as ' you can' g~t a~)1where.
of Mr. and Mrs, Emery Charleton. Mrs. Clyde Cox went to see doctor In DaytOn Silturday, . who sh " . g I I ta~. -IS Improvem n ce y. ~ng the rest cUre and the. says ahe can now be up, half ' da)". ~ ' ,-. DJFFE'R ENT CONDITIONS _ l>IF. FERENT CLIMES .
, Mrs. Jldl~b Hanis, Mr. H~nis 'Mosher, Master Frank Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. D. . L, Crane, ' Mr. and Mrs. ' J: W. Edwards, Misses Mary ',1;eah and ...eIDallonl, c Marjorie ~d Master George EdwBrd resented St. Mary'a' Church sehool at the ' PrellentatiDtl 'S&:VIce at Chrilit ~hureh" DaYton, S~Dday a~tern,90n• I )
c.~·dY ~
~,i '.
., .
t5e'Venty-Nintb Year
f";::7.:~::FI WEE~~~MRE~::\CHOOL State ,• P . Caoital. j, b
OaIO, WE DN:ESDAY , MAY It, 1927
Yo. Should Make '. Wnt -,. ' e W . C. T. Sonior. play practice has been .c oa 8 Th J.net Tuesday, May The Wakitatina amp Fire iris Ing on with a boom. All il in readl. i w.Ith MI'II. Winnie Whitaker who met lit the honte of th,,!r guurdian Thl! request fo r a dou bling of the repare y . nesa for the public performances. 'r~e M.ercantiJe . Trust of a so. had chn.rge of the pro~ram. Monday aftNnOl'n at 2 :45 . Th~ orig-inal amou nt for /lood relief makes Columbu. ep rte ' The first e~t will give the pl.y on Baltlm?,re h~ i~ued a little ~u8lcal selections were. "Unfurl the hand sign nntl credo werc givl!n, £01- it impel'allv ~hllt. Waynesville and Li mperance Banner," and "Savior lowed by the eCl'etary's l' port nnd Wayne tOlVnshlp citizens contr ibute Thuraday mg~t while the second called Studies m wms.'· _. . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . , . . . . . . cut will give It Friday nlcht. The Thla book is not for sale. but · is S k~ a Shepherd' Lend Me." The roll call. The treas urer I'eported more li berally to the fund. The of. • play w~1l etart promptly at 8 o'clock distributed among interested par. ;~Ilture lesson was read by Mrs. :hot nftel' nil bill~ wer e paid t here Heials ul·ge t hat those who are able ~oth nll'hI.B. Tickets may be reserv. tl.,.. . . ' hlta~er and prayer by Mrs. Mills. IS a b.alnnce of eighte n dQllnl'K, five to inCI' (lA C Lhei r orig ln"1 subacl'ipThe ma~mc of a will is a very old wIt "as a Mothers' Day and Child of whIch \~cr.e ~otcd to the ned Cross li 1.' 9 amI those wh o have not sub· COLUMBUS. OHle>--:Obio phY81. ed at t he druC store at any time. c:ians and sanitary enpeers have The casta nr~ made up In the follow- Idea. It 18 th~ effort of a man to elfure pr?gram and consisted of for th e .MISSISSIPJli F lood Cund . !lcnhed. do flO at once. 118 the needs A BETTER NATIONAL TUNE Impose his d~slres upon his the . .followlng: Reading. "Child The new t rees t hnt were pl anted in the stricken (Ii ti'ict w ill l'cquire .. BEVERIDGE AND PHILLII1'S responded nobly to the llPpe.1 for i~ order. help In the Southland where waters PhUip B'u rton-WealthY bachelor era after he 18 dead. ~ra~nIDg," Mrs. Adams; "BuBy W. on the !a\\' n at the High School build- more t.hun twice the nmount of mon- WHEN BABIES 'CWIDDLE TOES of raging rivers areoleavlnl' p~thl of ' First cast ........ ... ..... .... Dorrlll BI.ir Sir Rider ~aggard once wrote a B~ck: U. W?men." Mrs. Frank Hart- !nlr were discussed ns to care, etc., ey Ilt fil'5t estimated. .RAILROADS AND BUSSES delltitutiori and di.ease. No B06_ner SecoDd calt .... ............ Bert O'Neall ator.Y called 'Mr. Me~son's Will." Mo' ~pecl81 s~'ng, ,,"Hom.e and rhe fOI~oWll1g (ll'ogrnm, . planned ' by . The . $~O given by Mrs. Mary S, hlld the ftrst appeal been made by ra. Gorden Spencel'-PhUlp' . In It the young hero IDe who was ther. ¥rs. r.hllls; Winnmg the thQ ne\\ Wood Gllth I·ers. WIlS giv- Sllvl!r IS 11\ lI1emol'y o[ hel' decca 'd di. First cast CI C~.IDi. IIhipwrecked on a desert Island al- . " ·Mrs. Tomlinson; "Hold ?ng in honor of Molh ' I's' Day: Rend· 1;011 9, Frnnk and Lyman. dio than Dr. J. E. Monc . • rector of health, bepn er tate receive Second casi ...'....:..........Lu~e~ H;er art lowed a wUl to b~ ~ttooed acr088 High the Torch.~· Mrs. 'Yhitaker. m : Mrs. Moo.'llaw; Origin of MothFollow.inl!' i~ t~e .Iist of s~hscl'ibers . . offen of volunteers willing to ~. rtaock her back on the skID m the absence A vcr>: pleosm.g serVice was the Drs Day, OOI'lS Hawke; song, Won- lo t he MIS~I~SIPJ>1 I·l ood Rehcf, up to II Some one not satisfied WIth the riftce their person.1 bu.lned to help Slmm_Of the Idle rich. of paper or When she Of. httle Marilyn derful Motherl' of three girls ; the close of bunk ing hours Tuesday Star Spangled olrered the thousand. in dl.trellS and need. First cast ...... ,........... Therle Jones returned to Clvihzatlon she learned Meredith by tymg the WJllte po0?t, Mary Lenh Edwnrds; rending, afternoon: for a better national tun.. They came from the dtlea and tbe cast .......... ,.... Therle Jonel that the .will required the filing of on her arm. This was fo llowed by Ellis ; poem. "Mother." Lou· W T \ I' . Nme hundred lind .fifty-one compo... vlllageal from the cO\lnty M.ta and Olllcer Burke-Plain clotbes olllcer. the origmal document in court. prayer and the song, "Wh(ln He Henderso n; :'Your Mother." DorSchool . .. $40.89 ers t rIed and Tbe "Stal' country crollS roadl, and wlt\tout First cast ........... . Vernon Mainuol Touched by the spectacle of beauty Cometh to Make yP His Jewels." 15 Hawke; readmg, "Mother," Mnry W Ali ey .............. 25.0 0 Spangled B.anner" Will continue to 00 exception the olrers were made by Second calt .......... Vernon Mainous In the registrar The next meetmg will bp held in Jo M i l l e r . . J . W • WI ." ... .. . . . .. ..... Amer1cans stand up'. To do • allowed a photograph of the will to of Flower Missison Day. The next meellng's program w ill J' M' C I! . . . . .. . .. .... 0. well you must get excited about thoae of experience willing and ready Ned Travi&--Party CUest. to serve for tbelr mere A Firat cast ...... ,Howard Missildine be filed and the girl went happily and Will be condu,e ted by Mrs. Wi!· be "Trees." Each girl has one F . A '" ......... It. Socrates. teachnumber have already be,!n aent into Second ...... Howard MlUUdine away. bur Clark. ,questIOn on a tree, to be answered. ar ." ...... . . ' cr. of orator,y aald: . To eonvillce d cach one is t o give the descripthe ftooa sone. o*hen are on their Revelry-PhlUp'l Colored ' servant, Ptolem), the 13th of Egypt bor.. _. • .... .. y?urself convlDced." There way and , still othen will ro later, First t . rowed a lot of money end in order t on of a tree and know ' all about it A nna .. . . ...... ...... . WI e no lin proved "Star Spangled for 'It seemll rel\lOnably certain that Second : ...t·.... ·.. -.. ·.... gonner to protect his creditors made a will • • • • nspechon The meeting adjourned ea rly a nd M ....... ,.. ,..... Banner" until real danger in.plree disease 'a nd slckn .... will . foUow in .......... .. :... at' on.ner a~poin~in&' the Roman Republic as . - - - -. the gua.rdian and nssistnnt met with ~y, . ? III S...... ,.......... -. 1 . 0 somebody to produce the right 80~. the wake of, the ereatelt .flood In all 1(&11' Sinciair-Companion of Philip. hili heir, thus bringinc his dynasty The annual insJlectlon of Wyom. the cabmet. 01. J . . •EIlIK .. ... .................. .. 10.00 Albe t J . . . the history of the lunny' Southland. !ipt cast .................... Violet Bogan to • close with his own decease. inc Lodge No. 102, I. O. O. F .• of D. E. H .• Scribe. St. Y s hurch ................... 10.00 sixt .f:ur . died week oecond cut ,............... Dorls Hawke When ' he died th R Waynesville will be h Id Th d •. _ _ H. E. tokes ........... .............. 10.00 Y . ra old. heart dlSeue. 1m I d d h ~ om.ns • . 8' e ?rs IIY Mrs. Idu Hockett ..... .... ....... ..... 10.00 An automobile stops when the en. Catbeyine G d C I Fi rat caet ar nerous n.Tomlinllon WI' Iolwe t e genulDenBIIII evenmg at 0 AU clock. WQrk of In the E . I:' ::>b rwoCld....... , ... ,..... .. 1000 gine stops' a man Governor Vic Don.hey is ............ .. Falth • bu tcecontented themselve.of third degree. members the . stO)S 0 •h ' when hil h ean or e ea, an as never yet Second cast .. ' Lillian Watk' "seizing by virtue f th order whether olf thl . . al t' . 1 . Hawke .. ,................... .. ' 10.00 I. ne meD understand .. ....... ID. • ~ e • s JUl'lS cion , W. C. Cornell ... . ........... -... ... 10.00 a motor engllle for one that know. d h a bill that kiddl .to veto fbeenth known would relult In them .ny JaM /wllaon-Philip's ::e mu.ch of the or not. are urged to be present. Waynesville National Bank .... 10.00 his own heart. \i.apJ;lin8ll. ,Ieuure ' or educattonal Fint cast......... ,... ... .; ..1\my Hopkin. on.'.te tator as they .could lay • -.. • w. H. Mudden , .............. :........ 10.00 There Is II "resale" price on • But he jUlt can't .ee Second cast .. " .... Ehubeth Henkle The Ia I d David W. Thomas,............ .. .... 10.00 second·hand beart, and heart dille... golf, u it 18 played as a beD- Nancy Adams-Frivolous cirl720. ty thoro:itJ to wI!18 is . f1'llnk Elbon ................ ,.......... 10.00 is increasing as dimln. ta It takell • Secretary Mellon has called for C. W. Younce ...... ..................... 7.00 Doctors can cure many dfa. efit except to a few. and that ,wu Fint caat ...... ,....... Elaie Bradbury lawyer the Huon why: he ve.toed the blU SeCond cast .... , ......S.ra Missildine It behooves en n · payment on November 16 1927 all Harvey Rye ..... ... ... ,............. 6.00 but you must cure your OWIII Wbich tbe G.neral Aaembly Hett)' N.llOn-Down Ealt, • an attorney an:v!:k on:: to . • outstanding Second J. Q. Gona ........... ,........ ,....... ,.. 11.00 Qnce you. have been warned. l? him alone with 157 other VUI,. First cast .................. Lucille Tucker make It law f e IS WI and bonds . . Interest on these bonds will o. J. Edwards.. ...... .. .............. 6.00 . ..,., ..--ties. Tbe bill would Clv. municipal. Second cut .... Gertrude Ch.ndler to name a proo. It is • cood pl.n cease on November 15, 1027 A· D, R Smith................ .............. 6.00 Be.verldge and David Graham y ttiel the rlcbt to appropriate money Betty ' ColUn_A "party cuest, . executor Com:.n as one'l A Rural Community theater to be proximately $1,700,000.000 of the;e A. F. MelJoh . ........ ,..... ,.. ,...... 6.00 Ph iIllP8d were school matel 'In Indl· for the PUrpOM of buylnc traet. of 'Fint cast Am lia C cannot die Thla a held at the Warren County Fair bonds are now outstanding. Elias Oglesbee ....... :........ ,..... 5.00 their State well. land for g,o lf courses. , Now it takes Second cu.· .... ... , R an unnecaaa • Uti tra: n .vo much crounds, was proposed by the Grange While the bonds will be paitI on A. K. Dily..... ........... ........... .. ... 6.00 I. IpS 111 ht,erature. Beverid,e In Ii a right 11m art track to make ant kind Charlotte ol:nd leptee frim the lecturers in a rece'nb conference with No,,:ember. it 1s qu ite probable t bat Mrs. Laura Zell ./.......... ,.. ...... 6.00 :oUties. .. Bo.th are cone. of • golf and the rovernor First cut. Marth .. ' puloue romotera. oue UD8CI'1I- pounty.Acent Ciasil and Home Agent durIng the next six months the treos. Wilbur Clark .... ..................... 5.00 S It en rely logical,' 88 lIome 88,. 88W In the bdl;lI only a cllance ,for • Second Edn. sieboll EYer: one should MillS Watts. ,All 1l'Ural organlzatiollB ury will extend to the holders of tho Howard, Archdeacon .. ,.. ...... ,.. 0.00 to that they have met ot hleemen to ..t Ruth IIh:ewd real eltate put 1118 property in such all gr.nges, P'.-T.A., social clubs Liberty Loan bonds an op- F. D. Dakin... .......................... 6.00 IS say. "a perfectl, ri o! la"d which didn't pan out u 'Firat cast................F1orence Tniat Company to 0 a and , ilhl1rcb could take portumty to them for oLher Addle B: Keys ..... ' ... ,................. 0.00 .easona e ope . : 8U.~lvlllionl aa tb', expeeted. but Second caet-Ada Sh there WOUld' be lellS un ThJn part. There should be ten to twelve government , securities. No on ounce- John WI)son .................. ,...... .. . 6.00 A Yo W ' Cbri . • bU,.nd usele.. :Aup.ndlture of the .' .............. aner iption In reprd. to entrante to make the contest a suchas yet been made a to the Wal ter Wimon , ................. . ,... 5.00 sociation s ... pu c. money. . nd .bIolutel, no Jl'olJowlnr 18 the an ual S ' I menta. _. OUI - ceBB. . ;ype of security to be offered in' ex- Raymond 'Wilson ...................... 5.00 r 'f omm he modobjeetion has .been 'Voiced to that calendar. n en or , . _ , The object of this contest ie to se- change. or the date on which the ex C. R. and Monimia Bunnell... 6.00: WJ eti who aCter III81'riace etcept pOMlbly • few diaapo . ' . . .. . • - • . cure the o-operation of rural or- change otrer may be expected. Th; Mrs. Mary O. Cro88................ .. f).OO 0 ring money into ' pomted 1eal eetate eaJeemen, or ,olf Senior, CI. . .... ,............. M.y 12 pnizatiJ;lns in putt;inC on good, clean treasury explains that the termll of Crown Lodge K. of P.............. 6.00 b tbe best type of ,OUIIC link ..y ....... ,..........M.y 18 abort plaYI for the purpose of bringbonds require tbat a notice be Dr· L. B. Hall ..... :............. ...... 5.00 who' si:stt(l\ tt;.an the wif•• , . ' ace ur.te .... ................. May 16 , , out talent .in the commonities. glVen to t he public six months in ad- S. Lev Cartwright .......... ,...... ,.. 5.00 thu bS" a omc twiddlinl' hel' Guollne tax fundll .pportloned to .. ,........ ,.. ,....... May .19 .to create a taste for better drama. vance of the redemption date. The J. L. Mendenhall.:.................... 6.00 Ill. eitiea and mDlliclpalitlea may be used A umnl ,..... , .... ! ...................... .. May 20 _ . to provide addl~()nal entertainment ~ecretary's announcement, therefore L. E. Hockett.... .. : ........... ,...... ,.. Real wives 'c;nn t tit that th ean In ' Itreet If ' All. ot the above evonta wlll:be . , .t the Warren CountY fair and to :o\h that bonds 'will E. B. 6.00 Iitlle time at lor twidcn:: the r."Pau: .c:on.l8t. of rauifaclnl' tb~ held In the echool Auditorium. " dev~op closer relations. ~mong or- lac 's t e present time. bu~ merely JetI' Smtth ........ ,.. ,.... ,............... 5.00 th umbs, especially after the 1lnt baexilltin&" pan.ment. but not II • aew . The forty-fourth annual. reunion gamzatlons. and .c,o mmumties Ph . e the holders on notice that W. S. Qrabam ....................... ,. 5. by begins to twlddl h' to EY f()undation is ¥Ied, AttIGI'D., GenThe Mothen ' c;lub will hold their of the WaYDeaville Jlicb Sehool AI.\ The playe sbould not be tban t ell' bonds will be ' rec1eenied on No. J. O. C8l't.'WTight.. .................... 6. ' cry young man oucht ;: b eo.hie eraJ Turner hid in .n ollldal opinion annual echOoI picnic .t the Grade 'will be held .t the 50 , long and 'should be on -y-ember 16. Dnd will ease ,to bear Camp Fire Girls,............... .... -5.00 support oue woman and e • ud to yeeterd,ay. The opinion holc1a.. t¥t School buUdln, Wednesday. Gymnasium on Fjiday. J(ay 2\». 'at the approved list a. worked out by mterest on that,dote. " Fred M. Oole .... ........ ............. 8.00 do it; while she takes th a worn out brick .lnet may be 1m. Ma, 18. Everyb\ldy 'la Inyit.d . p. m An Int4rettiq.P,rOiram has MI'. R. B.• Tom. ,extension specialist . If holdel'll of Second'.Liberties de· JaDles McClure .. ..................... 8.00 children Worlcing wiv proved with the p i tax mon.y If a er you have children in '.chool or DOt. bHn an.qed and music for danc- in rural dramlitiCIS. Ohio State umto have their bonds redeemed M;a Edit.h Harrill........ ... .. ,..... 2.50 ble and' admirable ah::id rapt be new 8udace 18 laid, but that the Brinl' • well.1Uled basket, and no inc will be fuml8bed by.· Sa'Yrea 01'- versity. Lists of I!laya can be ob- ey should present them for pay: Mrs. Laura 1\I0sher,......... :....... 2.50 necesssry. ' -' no mone, m.,. not b. uaed in pavin, • llueetioM wi1I be asked. cheatra, IIf X.D~ • tained ft-om the ' Extension ' Agenta ment on Novllmber 15. 19~7. but it Front( U. LeMay ...... .......... ,.. .. 2.50 .treet beretofore imp!'Oved onl, with Ticket. will be on Iale .t the door and play. for ' readlnl' purposes can t~ey ~eslre other gov~r-"mf}nt oblige- J. A. Rut;,man.... ..... .......... ..... 2.60 This country treats the Miaallalppl cinders beeauae a new foundatiOll N.~ wee~ cames the peat clOllnc at 10 'CUlta and the ~ua1 du... 16 be borrowed froni Mr. Tom or the tons m plJlce of . thell' Seconds. they C. M. Robltzer....... ..... ............. . 2.00 problem as ~ poor man treata .... would be neceetary in the paYine .vent of the !lChool year. . It 18 the centl, will be taken at the .:.me time. Ohio .tate lIbr4ty by paying the pos· should watch for furthe r announce- ¥:yer Hyman ................. ......... 2.00 form. never spending' enoueb to wet proe-. \ . ~ most 'd~aded and lout appr~lated Those who cannot !i.e p~nt, pI.... tqe. ' ~~nt ~lId notify their bank to keep Fred GO!1 s ... " ................... ,..... 2.00 it In good shape. Scorel o.f mllUOIII , . event of the ~rm. We don't IUP- aend due. to the secretary, M~ ~e ol'P,!Ii%ation IIbould be . com. ~ mformed o~ allY exchange of- O. M. Rlllge ..... .......... ,.... .......... 2.00 have been spent '011 patch work Medl~1 and surr " tal.rit ,and P()H that )'Ou need any infor,natloD !8 BembUl•. Wayn~lIvipe. . pOlled for . the p~:esent, of two or fermg that Illay later be mad~ by the Everett Earl¥ ....... ..... ,... ....... ... 2.00 IIga(nst ftood dan,ger. Now com.. a ie ~~ as to what that rreat event is. but • ........ . , three r.ep~~entati'ves !-'rom . each or· Treasury. • _ • Harry. O. Cornel1. ... " ...... .. ....... , 2.00 flood causing five bundred' mUliOn skiD of 01)10 and neltbbo~~ "" , ,atllered In Co umbue .thla week, in cue , you "llav!' fp.l'I . you~ ' . "', .' . ,~nization lnter~Bted In the ~qntest. . ' Anon'\Yous .;:, ........... d.,......... ,., 2.00 dollars· damage. That aom. pNp. otten to th. meetiittf of the IChool ciaya.... WiU tell you. puty Was Postponed Th.ls '011 WIth, tbe .? Ralph Lcammg .... ,.... ,., ............ 2,00 erly spent. under one comprehend..· O.hlo State Medical ) ~lation'. one w~rd IB 'needed t-Q Imput the aad ',' . • exenllion .gents Sit t~elr olllee M?n. ay S, a ~me S. Ellis ... ....... ,... :, ................ .. 2.00 plnn would have pre.vented thIa 11004 $)lrrlcal cUnla were oonduct.d at newe, IIImly EXAMS. wh()le OWlnC to the iJIn818 of BIBbo T day" 16, at U. a clock, to deCide . . . ". M. Henderson ,........... ,. ,...... , 2.00 . futute fioods. Ram mterferod .with ball playing Lu.cy Emler : ....... ,.. ,.... .. ,..... ,.. 1.00 ---varioul! Colu~bue boapitab Monday, days and. half. tool Next Monday I. Reeae . ~d Rev ' J J Beh••P . • ah?ut th. flnan'clat anangements, die ci.y ' tn. formal open- morning, bricht .nd IOmewhere the St. pOEes, 4lte. Every org'anand one' game was play. Olive Dinwlddle " ...... ,.... ,..... ... 1.00 Rajlroad men. doing their best to Inc of the m~etlnl'. fo .. vlaltin. ph~- pound 8:80, each clau room of W. fy's church wu • oned ' ::; ~tion Jnterested should have its ed In the TrlQ ngle League--J'ames. Phoebe ~nrandn ....... ,' ............, 1.00 help stockholders, all they .re boud ' .18n.. In addltic,n ~ thIt 'din\cl .H. S•• will be full o~ anxloua Itudents 'Rev Mr. ' Sebaelrer ls'R!t~~lIville !epresentatives present at this meet- town and ~~(jdClrn WoodDlen. The Roy Jones: .... ,.............. .......... ~.OO to do have ,concentrated on ..ttiuc • ~e Mvel\tb annual 1011 tournament each one wonderini If they bad reo Ind for reat and ~tm lit. ' anI'. score was III favor of Jamestown E,,:erett Haanes .. .. ............ ,.... 1.00 increased passenger fares and fr.1PC is to be h!!ld .t. the Scioto Country the right material. what-quea ' ., . • _ • e . . More information regard. the score 7 to o. • OlIver Davis . ................... " ...... 1.00 fro.m.:...the pti.bIicL:.ailthoritlell, c}u& durin. the mornl~ and after. tiOIl8 the te.cher would ask whethel' ' IDg the orgeDlzat:lon and nature' ~f .Bo~ersvil1e wa, slated to play the Joseph McMillan ............. ..".. . 1.00 that has seemed good ' busin... ,noon, One bundred UltraDta ..... ex or not th., ,would an'd a hun"t the Rurat theater can be Ml8nlls here, the diamond in ALbert Drake ,.. , ............... ...... 1.00 timo is not fllr off when roOd peetecl. clted.1l' • ",the ~ -But .C o~tained pn appijcatio~' to Mr .. Class a ftearful shape snd the iame was Wolter Clark ., ... ,.............. ,.... . 1.00 will consillt in f1ndiDC a • the I What! " Why th. b~ ' .' - - -or Mill Watti. CIII ed off by Managef"Hopidri$. ' Frank Brllddilck ... ,...... , ...... ,.. , 1.00 to corry passengers and mlilat While conlld.r.ble dain... ".. annu cbooL plc"lc that were The baccalatiNate aeiviee will be 'I.' . Next: SundllY the Mod9rn Wood................,.... .. . 1.00 lesa and thus making ,more done thro\llhout the AprtJ J . td abc,u,t. AJte.r iBII't heW In ..be C;;ymnutulD next SUl\day • . men Will crOJlll bats with tho Olive AI!en ... ,... ,.................... .. . 1.00 . .' '; 'frosts, freuee and freak . lid! Just enoul'h ' elq)lcla ,for a evenina'. May 16th,.t o'clocL·Rev. Picnic on the IQcal.grounds. • '. L. \ { ZIDlmermjlu ..... :... .. .... :.... 1.00 The to the II a condidona. the dam ... trili , II \ •. ' 1:.: A. of th,e .. --- . . The of t he clubJl to date Dt. ary Cook. ........... ,.. ......... 1.00 small rldlculoUII 'oa, not bee. neady BO , larce _as esti. .' '. 1 cburch. will preach and The- .nnual pic"ic will .be 18 ae follows. I. L. Foulks .... ,.. ,..................... 1.00 foul' wheeis .running along the mated, M$>.t . tr 10000ms The !?'eebman part, ".. a h\1" tha wIll .be by a un. held at the Grad building. May 18th. Won LostPr.ot. Elbert , Wallace ,........... .... ,...... 1.00 ;.ay, the hiahway , oa • had" not ad.r IU ently to be Friday of last. week iO!l cbolr under ,the direction of Misa All monuirs are urged' to be there Spring Vlllley ................ 2 .0, 1000 Guy .......;....... .. ...... 1.00 0' way' that coeta the moto... permanently anced damaged by '.be , 'cold the -last ' echool 'PArty ot the aan- Helen Hawke. ., , with weD.filled bllSkets. Bowersville .... ............ 2 0 1000 Clyde Wharton ..... ......... ,... .. .... 1.00 ommbus and motor tnJck · weather. cherries ' in IOn , held in Gym. The ' ;Vilmint gton ............. ... 1 . 0 100.0 :..... ,.... . 1.00 pf,rice 1M , northern Ohio "ulrere mo.t; whO eshman cl811 entertalqed the ames own ........... ,...... 1 1 500 ar os . u IIIIX ........... ......... 1.00 ry ay our or .. usea.. e LoI reporta f!'Om Southern Ohio are to Fr the Hil'h school , " Faculty. Modern Woodmen . . 0 2 0000 J. 1I. Applegate ............. ,.. ....... 1.00 Angeles carrymg pa,aljengen to ·CJd. the atrect ' that 'very 'ttle ' Thj!rtp were ' also qulte ,a few. lnvjte4 Vi, hal" Miamis .............. ........... 0 1 0000 A. L. ...... ,.. .. .. ............... 1.00 cago. That doesn't· amount' to mneb. was ,tone. ,The cold waa not so ...' guest.. A few ,pmes we,r e played. ' S. ler H. Hames..................... ....... 1.00 But they call carry twice u maar vp... hi, mo.t countiel aiftng the Ohio whlcb a .bll' dance was' enjoyed. • Ii DEAT :Kfrs Graham . ,.. ,...... ........... )..00 as there are .on this mu,8Ic'. wa.... four,_ HS Edd Longacre ................. ,........ 1.00 nlficent Snnta Fer. "ChJef" up..... Ji:i1'" "Flp.t ,epoit"a , ev-, plec,e Jamestown. A,f. .. . Mrs· Belle ... .. ,.......... ... ,.. 1.00 And the bUB overhead is ch1Yinc ery . coun yin;. i;bt\ have been ter the refreehD\.nt. were Hrved. r, .' . B .. Aged lItl., dlcd Albert tacy .................... .... .... 1.0Q and mnll to t-ellev."bIiD.; .•., Mnt'.fot ' !>.f rruuJ lome of 'YI. wbo were eatel' to : ? hiS m x..ellln Saturday CIyde <;:Ox ...... \...... ............ ,.. .... 1.00 Omlllbu8 travel Is . un. , tor of who malter the "art', of this f.vol'ltepUt.. _ __ lD.g. follOWing yenrs of Illness Es;r) Sheehan .. ... ..... ,.. ....... ...... 1.00 brovel and will. ne,:,er eon\.Pete with tbe- ra\llta AI lOon" 'Ita ':< tlme " w,re p,rauaded to ' tt t to . . u > With tuberculOSIS. He was the Bon L. Gray ... ............ ...... .. ...... ..... 1 00 the express tram. But w1i8t ab,pllt e .IlOlll.- of Charles' T. and the late Hllttie G. any , compUId. AlthouCh UII fl1:.O: of Tie.n" Rogers ....... ,,, ...... ,..... ....... 1:00 the flying machine that 'will ,o6a. . I' all' lau,h 'at ft t . p I' a ICI'8p 00 or U . u.e. c . .... a t furt\lshes liU 'ktnda '01 Compton Horn!lJ' of this place His Mrs. Anna Sheehan 150 be here? ' , -i . .....--..--"1 " ' " . f i 1 'i ra. some conteata for partiea. Anawera out and competitive scores widow, four children. his fa the'r C J. T. Finck .......... .:::::::::::::::::: 1:00 WC the !lXcaption of the S~te !~~ ., Iwell. T'r:e ball :'fas, a beautl. kept. · Anotbe~ method ia .to ~. ()ne 'quea.tlon of eac~ p eraon In the group T. .H arner. a brother, Clement 11£ Ml's. MohIon Itidge........ ........ .. 1.00 lth ~ore mo~y _ .. natd '1eu .... froP.ce· Je . •pretty 4te~orations -unltl. the correct alllwer is Irlvon. Your ecore this week should be 90 Hamer of Xenia and a B'lster M • Frank Robinson , 10' 0 0 f aUfo~l~ nto the ....t~ treuurY f r :c r· m~wlth.tIIe Inter t. ' # , , ' ' , • aTY .... ............. .... . th e ' an or reception •. Une tax in Ohio In 19 rom colored dre": per ceo ' , ., '. . " , .'' Belle of survive him John .... .. , ... .... .. ... ,....... Union. any '"a pnd a"i,w' .ult. of . Funera . 1, services were beld at the George GJlI!land ... ....... "". ...... 'other .tate hi . of ' them h.ve a l'l,i n lI10at the bofIJ _aili • ~barml"l' pictU . ' , . ' . reaidence .. MondllY afternoon at Sam MeredJ~h. Jr........ ,..... ........ 1.00 Th f . ", ' . • 8 ' potta of t)le U 'Z': , .. re. 1. Wbo Wd 'Gloria Swanson /' 'nl ht,s .t h t ,o o'clock , and at the. Chapel in J erry Roland .. ,......... ... .......... 1.00 t t calls up the tie ' 0 .•'.. ' "' t. '. 2. Wh.t l wpe of music 18 "dillt\n- • • Useae a Lil' Lib ' , 1811\1 2:80. . Ch!lries Holle .. . ................... .. . 1.00 kICd°el'Yl e. The, · commute .ho. . 192', tli"'':'''' ' j I' .... " "I!' ,' II A,G! " iah'ed ' b " ti th ' ire e, e y Omar Lewis a long time resident Alice Chonoweth 100 uc Ivers the mowlnl' <i:........... ' liU . ' 'automoo .. e.a.p &'14 ., "'" 8 e pUl'l1U t. ... of died at hie ho . Ml·S. Ethel Ellis .. ,:::::::::::::::::::: 1'00 plow or "eelld drill" rii'lit. ·L ·":C ......._ . . . • ",. • ' 3 Abrah.m" Lbicoln'. Wif. . °bf . the after a 'Fred B. Henderson ....... " .......... merts' 8 .' The .f nfabi ' :• • .. ,. ecRU .." ., ,111 •.., , .......0 ...., &II uptoWJ1 " ' . v .., ". • ..... unum I ness. Hia widow J ' J. C Hisey 100 cos a 1 tle n1QH per . I;u tth "I,800:• . Weltenl f . bat7 ' ; ; : : : .uae4? ' California, two Geol'ge J. 1:00 t ban th,e tram: But what " ' ,I f!'Om -tile 0 e U . collected d be u,. BaiIt .. an , or w 8']a th . C wbere 18 it? b'r others And one sleter him Herman Conner ...................... . r.oo order today you 'l'et tOIllOrI'DW ..,D w .... an 910077 ne".. .. tbel ..... ,!"! , him document Ia • e1'e "i: .. prePrveDi ' d ta at . ""as 'held in Earl CJ;lnner ............... , ........... : 1.00 is deliyered ,at your ,door. • f IV"', m be ,. 1 .... _ ... ,,-_'" __ .. , Di .. _ .. , ~. "I.... . ,. . , ..ecW\l .s en Chrl~t\8n ' church ' this . W d ' ' da ~oss Hartsock ' 100 ~ - '. w," two c¥ta P"' CaU9 • ' p telephone .... . tile foDowilli of the United St8tea ifor more .. . , ,.. e nes Y . . . ........,:.............. .' ", vania . ".""thlrd In.....n and ••1..... _ . _ _ _ reeehIa In.. bold tlitM tru.... to be n .... ' '-.'" .. . mO~nJng. at lQ 0 clck. Burial in M.i· Wm. C. Long.. .. .... ,..... ..... ..... .... .60 ee_ ..-.- ..~ tIlDe . '" ..... .~ "'I! ...l'DIlIa " . amt nemeb!Lowell Thomas " "0· . '. / "'.-ri~t, that men in 9. 'WtJIo wrote V:an1t)' Fair' ... , .'~' . _ , a . " .... . .. ,...... ....... • .. tiona wttti ,11,781..78) an P101id. dlroaaII tile cIar. third :" .. I!I , ' • _MIl .. .n-l0. publlah,ea .the World AI, ':' T I -III do".. , V ,tbeIr Cnatol' ·witti 'manacr . .MeDICirial . ota ....... .. ,.. .'... " .. '644.89
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' . .. ', ,• " otice. .. .. ' . d.y flight. May 16. at 8 o·clock.t .()WJl1g to the 80lIcltatlQlJ of tne Gaz.et\;e olllce. . AU peno-n. ~rlen4s , jn Waynesville. J have te~ted in ' making ' tl!e observance 'B.d to carryon the billin~1II of ".u·~".ll.'I·" of tHe day a 'lucc_ .re ~ to 1118' ,nd elel)~lc.1 wo~k, lately· be present. • ~.~ ~tecr; by. my father, the ~te J• ,. .. - • , :ButOn. All work· 1d1lr )e o( .f b. A I ' hlahMt AI ' by ,0 . .... of ladltl are ..,tq t4» • fill ..,. the State IawI, ... 11 at reUonibl. _ ... cCOrmaclt S. wok pricel. . . V., trulri . . .~t PQIIIUII ., ~ BOWABD .A. BDmN. Flna!: for Da~ wilt be" mad~ at. a trieetin~ Mon~
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The flrst, final and dilltrlbutlv acof Ellubeth AdamI!, adm • or lhe t·staw ~t .Alb~l·t P. dal1)s WIlIl IIppfllvo<i, IIlIow d and c..)nArm t'.1. Tho Ii ,t, fInal nlld dilltl'ili uti\'~ IIC" cognt of Rob(wt .l. llBwhan, .lidnu. of the Clltnt(' f John 'N. lIit1th \VB, All work eall~ for COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINCS was npPI'oved, allow d Ilnd II nfll'Il1ed and delivered. ) Price . ul·t tlTIII'tetl thnt l) ' waITan 101' / liveD at home. C.rry Be ill . Black . wall gronted a lhe cOn\'oynn ,\.' of hllrl. ~ Heibarger ... mple. of coyerlDI. c\iV01'C(, ft· III I Q~ D. Ule k. It was II th nylon Sfnle hosJlilu l be i ~Send in your .ddr.... to qrdcrl'd \h>lt. the dt' f, II tlllnt poy $300 su d to the KherifT. n1im ny olld $6 v )'y week f91' the D. W. HUlllphr ' ys, e .·ccutol' of 'lho support of Opill Black, n minor. De· cstate or Lulu Marler 1\1 d his in· I fend n\ \\III given ~he core of WiI· ventory lin d flPpruisement. - , Hum Black, nls,) a mlno.r. D. W. Humphreys was uppoi rited 1621 E. Fifth Slree). Dayton, Ohio The , 118 01 T he Ohio Wax Paper executqJ,' Of the e tate of HOston JI. qmpnn~ "8. R , Earl Bevis et al., \VIIS Jtobertsoll. , I,. , Waynes~lIIe May 30th · or 31st disl1lls~ed witho ut record. E. n. D"kill, XCCplo l' of the B· In t he cas o:E Viol t Pleak vs. n,m tate of De\;lomh D~kin, flI ed his in· jnmin PICl;Lk, the defenda nt wo' ,re- velltory an ti ~Ipprll isemen t. ~~~====~===:-~=:~:'=::======'='!=====~===~ fused to puy the Sun} of $8 per ,veck Certu in snloa mnde by hurl liS J. ---' E neent1.V ~e~ given the tremendous advantage of having the mammoth for 'support of children and he was Waggoner, executor of t he estate of ,,;;==~=============='=========~~ directed t.o appelll' beforE! ihe eourt .eorge W. Jack, were npPI'oved and Firestone factories brought to us~ In Tire Educational Meetings we were April 30. confirmed. Ibown, bv 'm eans 'of motion pictures, charts, tire samples and complete engineer. The motion flied by the Cleveland, !lmuel A. .Ellis was appointed ex· data, the details of Firesto~e tire design and construction- and how Fir& Cin cinnati, Chicago Ilnd St. Louis ecutor oi the estato of Alice M. E~. ItOIie .nd Oldfield tires and tubes are made in the world's most efficient and' Rllilway Co" vs. Elizabeth Harding lis and Ralph Brooks. Mllrion Osborn . to mnke her petition more definite, and Tom McGuinn, lIPpraisers. eco~oinkal rubber factories, ertllin sales made by W . F. Ak. was overruled. The same ac t ion was taken by thiM e';l, admr. of the estate of Chnrles J . ~Flresto~e pioneered the original low. pressure tire and made it practical by company against Val . McCllbe and Zmk, were approved lind confirmed. GUm.Dlppmg. The motion pictures showed us h,ow the cords of the carcass ~VIIS ol'erruhid by court. Edi th B. Zin ck was give n a rlo.wcr ate dip~d iii a 'r ubber solution, thof.oughly saturating and insulating every Leslie Sims wns {Qund guilty of interest of $670.90 [ t'om this 81l1e . '~r, 0(,every cord with t:nbber. Simple demonstrations and tests i~lusttated the selling iotoxicslting liquor and was W. F. Akers, admr. of tho estate Phone 61- 2 DWayneBville, Ohio Aned $200 lind co sts. of Charles J. Zinck, filed his first lind peat advantage of this-process, which supplies the extra strength to withstand Lawrence Pettis change d bis plea finld account. the extra fiexi.tig strains of low.pressure construction- one of the reasons why on t he 'charge possessing liquor to - - -. Fi.restone Gum.Dipped Tires'are'establishing gu ilty und was fined $100 and costs. MARRIAGE LICENSES such unheard.of mUe.age records. Charles H. P;lrk, fl\ctory worker, The plaintiff in the case Qf Wm . E. Hoffer vs. Wm. ' Edward Blnir, of , Lebanon and Miss Mury By!.'" fry the Miami c.azett .. for Job Wor" We learned why the Firestone Balloon Tread made motion for a new trial, which house worker of Lebanon ' ., gives extra safety, comfort and 10nA: wear. We the court overr uled. It was ?rdered H!lr8chell W. Conover, s~rveyor of . ---. Prl..,e~ that t he defendant reco\'er hiS costs 'Cozaddale and 'Ava C Corum ci;f Whcl\ It comes to the work of dIS· were shown why Firestone, from the very beginfrom t he plaintiff. Morrow " a rmin g, France iii evidently willing ning, designed and continue 'to use the round . __ _ ' ; to "let Genevil do il." Leslie Sims was r eleased upon moBalloon Tread, minimi%ing "shoulder breaks"; 80 Wahe~ 710n, his Ane toll be paid in monthly REAL ESTATE 'tRANSFERS Th e way lho!; C hlne ~c armies dc;str'Uctive to tires. E.'t(ces8 rubber at the edges of of $26. Philip and Sophia Peal to MiChael1 push one another buck nu d forth fo\' Inst.nllments ~ Balloon Tread is wasted-actually detrimental to J . Sprehgatd, 179.09 acroll of land in h ellvy gn ill ~ n~ld los8e8 indicate t hllt tire mileage. In the Firest.o ne Tread the small th~y ore nil In need of first cl.lIss Deerfield Tp. ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS SUITS NE.W units and sharp projections are scIentificaliy placed Howard and Clara Archdeacon ' to booiblill coaches. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO The General Printing Company VB. ' to permit easy flexing, resulting in extraordinary The Van Home Company, for money George W. Hawke, 2 town lots jn Dr. Kollogg snys lhnt the farm of riding comfort. only, amount claimed, $329.0 6, with Lebllnon. the f uture wiu contain no livestock, Flllly Eq u i Pll rl f or Good nd Leona WhItacre to Le!l- only nuts nnd b<>ans. This is going interest. . Roy !l Come in and let us put a set of these . Service. William Hurley vs. The BOllrd of Ole WhlPlcre, 40. 15 acrea o( la,n:l In to be fine for the squirrels. Gum-Dipped Tites on your car-you can t C .. , f W Harlan Tp. 0 . . C Large Display Room . forget about tire {rouble. Quality i8 oun y f Omml1!SIOners lor arren Linnie and Blanche Whitaer to vcr III SPIlIn they are plllllning Ambulance Service or money on y, amount R Wh'to 40 16 f I d to put armor on the h 1'5 S used in count y higher than ever before- price8 are claimed '1,000. . oy I cre, . acres 0 1,\ 0 bUll ~ghts. In order to make I't lowest' in history. Buv now! 1'ELEP H UN ~; 7 G n.., ' Ed' J 111 Harlan Tp. ' ~ fl.r e .. u ,ne~ VB. 41e ones M . ' 111 d Ed d C N bl s<!unre deal why not put; some armor for. divorce on' [I chnrge of gross neg- 'to Maggie L . ,and Ed ward C' CI~- e on the bull, too? J leot. ' 0 ary . an . war • uuk, "'!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~ 1VeCaDServeYoa~er Morris Goodman, plaintiff in IInor 39,22 a~res of land ~ Wa)/n'll Tp. Now the hortieulturalillts have just -r~---------' ~_::::. vs, The' Villagil of South Lebanon, Clem C. IIn~ Anna DunPlam to Sol· d~yeloped t he Nor~ic pea, the Nordefendan 1n el:1'or. om on F red, 1 town, lot in Leb!lnon. dIll lettuce a~d ~tS Nord,ic napara, , , Jesse E. lind Rosetta M. Smith to ,gus. Up ~O thIS tame the only blonde Corn M. Spittler, 46.82' nCrell of land type of vegetable has been th e car. in Wayne Tp. rot. PROBATE PROCEEDINGS W. Chester lIf,,;!e, executof of the Boyd B ever~y t.o Or~8 Noland, 80 Mlle. usanne Lenglen, t he tennis estate of Mad.illne M. Stater, filed acres of land 10 Franklin, TI', champ, denies that ehe is going t.o his account I)! final distributio'\l' WK~~ at d 6~elJ~ Beckett , to $amuel get married. She 1ItiU prefers tbe WE GET THEM QUICKLY AND It wa found 'that Milton Moon was . g e, . acree of land in rac:qu t to ,the romt g pin. FREE OF CHARC~ 1\0t insane and be was discharcell. Clearefeek and Turllecreek Tps. , ' . CALL US' ANY ,TIME AT OUR John Pftstener to Joh nand Mag!the Latin·Amcnc:an president. George Moyier g)1ardlan of Wm EXPENSE l'tfo,yer was, ~uthorized to mak~ &'ill Long, 1 town lot In Franklin. ne'ier have , t.o worry about the thirll eertain sales. .," Emery L. and Flol'ence L: LiudJlay term Ilroblem ~o long us they keep l'roof of pul1lication of the notice to ~ue Ma~dox, 74.16, acrea of lenty 01 mucbtne guns on hand. J"l"l8.men~ of Ilppointmen i~ ot Rslph B. Parka hind 10 F1:ankbn Tp. . . . . Pho.. • HARVE~SBURo. O. ' as administratelr of the estate of Martha L. Gregor to Alex Mack . Great Britum and Russle are getCprdelia H. StaiJ1aell, was filed. and ~ank Oswald, . .12.21 ~C1;el of tin~ 80rer at each other cver~ dar· Proof of publication of the ap- land In Turtlecreek Tp. whlcb shows how much B'oO~ It did pointment of Mary E. WaIlaee as Rebecca A. BTown to J. F. Hall, 2 England t o rtlsognlze the sOVIet admInistratrix 'of the estate of Wm. town acres near Middleboro. ernment. !l'. Wallace 'W1lf! filed. Emm\l B. Mdlullen to J. F. ,HaD, If they keep an , fist .fighti~g Court ordere'd tliat an application 2 to~n acres near MiddleboTo. the Bouse of R rc ontat ivell the admittance of Charles He.i Ellza A. Shank to Goo. W. Haw1ce h t b' De..ti.t ae.lcrll~- be~er w the ~Dayton State hospitai 4'7.88 acres ot land in WashingWn say k ave °t /on1 be made. ' ' township. , • pea er nex Ime. N.do •• 1 a ••1i BI.,. ir~>CI~Jd!!l" The will of l)eborab H. Dakin was E dw,a rd Lumpkin et al., by aberiff New , YOl'k ~andlord9 dec.lare that d ?t;':~'i"r~;;'~:.-'';.';;::J filed u.n d admitted to probate. E .. B. to Alb~rt J. a.n Edw. !.umpkinr 5~ there 'll! no hOWlin!'"crisi8 then. But 'l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!~~~!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!'""-_!!...!!!' Dnkin W811 a»lI;ointed executor and ncres ?( land m ~Wayne Tp. e.ome 10 think of it ' )alldWrdB arc HENDER~ON W. C. Welch, Charlel Edwards and Herlome Coddmgton to Edgar A. seldom, nbll" to detect II crisis of . A. T. Moler, all>'pl'aiaers. Ludlum, 119.~9 aCTes of land jn Sa, kind. ' Office-Am." Bldl. - .. ' ' Proof of p~lbllcation of the lip' l~m and Hamilton Tpa. , pofntment of II) Vi Humphreys 811 George und Edna Kettman to Eph A' Toledo bachelor left $60,000 to O,'JCI MOU". executor of thE! 'estate of Lulu Mar- raim Dinrnll'ck lJ9.114 acres of land found a ho,me for .girl" but exelupe& 9 to 11 a .' ro, 3 lO..6 p. m . ler , was flied. In Franklin Tp. the fat VJlriety. But who ever heard '1 to 9 p. m. Proof' of publieatlon of the ap_ Alfred P. Butterworllt to DeUa E. of a fat girl that didn' t Itave 11 good Telephone.. pointment of W. 'H. Whitacre as Ill- FOlter,.6.26 town acres In Hamilton home, anyhow? omCe • Still if we 'get into signee 01 the e!lt'ate vf Miriam C. Co· to~!lhIPD· S ith rum was flied : ' ... uey . m and William T. . " 00 ' f f . oj. ' " t h e ap- Drake to ClifFord Wand Reva Vet- fthe "a bootleggers come......In s Pr 0 pUt bli en'ti on . dUn" t h mllY ,r;' poi ntm,ent of Harryet C. Wright as ter, 26 town acrel in Lebanon. . or IJ n .. e "Ollon .. _e . uuulnu., u admlnlStratrlx I~f tbe e~tate of w:n. ThomBs O. Welch to John W. T~ A womn,n election 'Officer ·jn Phil- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bUci~'~~ll:';'~l::~II~~ I¥d J. Wtight'wis fil~d. " . tU8, 2 town Iota In Mogow. adelphia WaB recently convicted of ~ The 'Will .of Julia H. Fren'c h W81 COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANC2S ballot frauds, whi~h Indicates that "'>'~~.""_~U" Bled. , tbe women are gradually getting aeThe fint and fblal account of Ay- 'C. W. Unglelby undertaldlll' Co., aeq\lainted with polltiel. ,' ---,,'_',.. c· ."..... ==- era P. Jennln"I, executor of the 8S- buri8l of Jordan Bobson, UOO; J. B. ft , 1 tate of Kizzie ,H. Cochran, was "ap- Haines, Member Soldlen Burial com",e have n pretty good hunch that proved, allowed a,nd confirmed. 'mittlJll, $1; .The Columbus Blank the longer France h01dll off, on tbe The Jlnt and , tinal account .of Per- Book Co., supplies; $27.50; Sanitary ~ebt Bettlement t~e less we !'I'e . gory E. and Oscar C, ;Wade executors Supply 'Co., same', ,14.20; 'Bert Buck ~b!t are t , in ISf!te of the mt4\rest Tueacia" 9 a.~m. 3 p.m of the estate of Charles H. Wilde W811 ley, treasurer of state, lIuPPOrt; of s accuntu Il me· Saturday J a.m. 7 p.m approved, allowed and c~nftrmed. Elwood. Brandenburg at Ohio ,State It won't be Iona' n\.w untU the av,The ICcond account 'of Mida Stiles Sanat!lrtum, $57.U; The We8um erage AmeriCan will be more Inter. ,r ormar· guardian of Sue Armlltrone, anq Star, 1)000 mainteDllnce Iheet.8 for taeed in, what Balle Ruth 'and ~oger "...,,,,';li.... Woodro,,:, Arml,t rong, was approve~, sut:Veyor, $22;. '&ame, sUPllllel, . '~4.- Hom/lbyare doing than in w~t MUI' Iii. . ' Bolini an~ Calles ~re pulllng ofF allowed and cOlnflnned.
furniture Upholstered···· Repairing
Insurance Agency
General Insurance
C,u b
McClur e J. E. McClure
and Save You Money .
Harveyshura Fertilizer Co.
Dr. John W. Millei
"."nee, .
CarYl Jewelry Shop
The n.monltration'
May' 3 1927. A:ttelt- '
T. Eo
'ROOE!lS. MaYor.
L. A. ZUrME:RMAN. C.lerk. ~.
Stalo o f Oh io, Warren Cou nty. In U10 Court ' of Cornmon P l eBS. Llda 1>f_ S~wln , 8JI execu trIx at ·the last will o f Susnn E. H a t nea, cleCCtLy ed ,
'. I"
In~red a'.tbe Poatoftlce at Waynuv IUe,
0 ., u Second"(ilua Mall Matter
D. L. CRANE, . Editor 81101. Pab\l~h.r, Way•••
SubacriJ.tlon Prlc.,
,qiO per
~ny ; th er Washington complex may
J Interefcre. . Stop It- Act Now
- -
As this is wr itten the crest of the EDITORITL FILLERS fl ood in the Mississippi volley ha s Your troubles will not "grow" il been pnssed and in a few weeks all o f lhe r uin will be exposed t o human you qui t telling them t o others. eye. What t he los8 in millions at -0dollurs IIctually has been will never The man who alwa ys has an ax he corrccl:ly el!tim utt!d. no matter to grind-seldom if e,ser makes the how high lhe fig ure may be placed. chips fly . Now what? --0--:Are we going . to hove tl1 lk, talk, About the onl y way we can make tnlk and I\n ully 11 compl'omise-wlth other folks come up to oui' expectul'cpllirs to dikes, huilding of a few t ionR is to mellsure t hem with the I1t' W ones nd eventually agllin "the Golden Rule. -0" worst fl ood in history of the Mis8issippl? " Demsey has announced he is ready Let us hope not. Let us hope that to figh t. Which , can be eit her good the govel'n nlcnt--those men who can news or bod news for Mrs. Dempsey do things-place t he matter In - it' 'you kno w what we mean. strong ha nds and work started at - 0onc to make the Mississippi safe It is sa id that woman hilS no sense . s-d of humor- that she can not take a for ul1 lime. e- j oke. After looking at Borne of their .Leave it to good ~nglncer spite the cost. If t hiS gove rnment husbands-we kn ow different ly -0-' hud acted one hundred years agospendi ng all of t he money that has . since Iwen spent or loet in floods , Judge ~en, Lmdse y, of Denver, there "Iould have been no 1927 flood, says Am erica 8 mod ern . younl( folks no loss of millio ns of dollars; no ~e t he besl eV,e r. ~hl c h. Is a contribu t ion of ten millions of dol- J ~ct for extenslv~ diSCUSSion ~t t he 1111'S now f or only temporary relief dinner table .thls evening:-It you should be l ooking fo r a tOPIC. work ; no loss 01 life. It hus beert csti'maud by experl. -0enced engineers t hat at a cost of If federal censorship over t he prell8 about , 76,000,000 adequate protec- ~ve r. comes t o pass in this country, tion could be had. If the cost were It will the result of New York news· thrice that amount and safety were papers covering its current cheap 8118ured it would be cbeap. What- murder In "a blgegr and grander ever th~ cost, the money ' should be way" than ever befor e. promptly appropriated. --0The aclminiatration should atart The patent office lit Washington now- have all pre1i'minary aurveys may be right.-thnt no perpetual mo· and pla ns mapped out--and be ready tion machine has yet been invented to present the pl'opositiol'\ to Con- murder in "a big'ger li nd grander gress wben it meets In December. - but, how about 8 fl apper trying This newspaper is one that will make t o keep her shoulder straps on her that Congress appropriate the money shoulders ? We mean when she -and long before any filibuater or them at all.
NOT I ,e E!
father's House" I
A'fter dedlcai.iO.1rl cerenlonies which It i8 tion·denominu'tiollnr in cha\"· lltarted on Friday and which were ncter, and I'csiocnts up t() the limit attended by ' man:~ of tho leading ro·, of the community nrc a~eePt ' d upon ligious and educatio nal leaders oI rccommend:\tion of i!hurch b qrd", the count l'y, the J . O. Penney ?Ir e-I aCL r they h nv~ been passe d QY 1)1'. morial community for reti ed minis- Polin wQo is the pOl'sonul l'epl'e8CJ1ters and , ot her w '~rkcrs in t he Chris- lativc of Mr. ,'peroney. '" tian r eligion was fo r mall y dcdicated A completely ('quipPcII chll\lel inSunday. eludi ng 11 'ol11mUnily HLl'al'y and f.--ll-- +--+-, 'I''', ~ tlellicat lon !!I!rvices which were meeting hall forms the key stl'lI Ctlll'C held in the Penn ~ Memorial chap- of the communily. The homos nrc el, were conducte d "by' the Rev. Dan- NOl'nlLlII-Frcnch i n design a mi b'u ilt iel A. Pouni. D. D., of the Marble of stucco: Hollow tile and metal Colleginte chu rch o{ New York City, lathe with concrete, hollow lite nnd lind t he c'aTciitl-01l sermon wail wutcrproof floorin g. They a l'e com preached by the Rev. Francis B. plotely fu rn i ~hed nnd rcudy for ocShort, D. D .• a lso of.;:New York Cily. cupany, Ilnd are located at Pen ney III the evening c~iic1 organ, do- Farms, 45 miles from Jacksonville, ~VAT1t eAVlePRtDE.-S!mouo
OF 'IOUR'TOIIIJ. AIJO 00 IJOr Fa!L APOl.OG«ne 11..1 'nlEi ~SVNe& ~ &oMEOJe FROM A LARGa env. . 610: is IoCr 1iV1i1lYnl11.lG! "Il1E RHINOCEROVISIS LARGI!Il , '1lail 'THE AlR£DQ.U1, BUT \UIIO
The Next
----:...:... Will be held-
A Haven for .Ministers and Fam ili
,,"I~ ~It RHIIJ$ 1$ ~MAIUliJ:l,"
AIJD 'M 8UZZAAD 9UUcS ~ 'TllAI..I 'THE <:AI.IARV, 8U1' 'wwo ~ A 6UZ%AP.P"
F red Dakin hus moved t o his farm east of t own. Miriam Stump is ver y ill at t hl! home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harlan. A number fr om here attended t he County Field meet, Friday, at Leb· anon. Mrs. Charles Gorrlon spent Tuesdoy a fterno on wi t h relatives in Centervill e. ' Mrs. J. C. Gray and Mrs. Charl es H. Gray wel'e shopping in Cincinnati, Friday. Mrs. Ida Howe, Mrs. Mariet ta Carpenter and Harry Howe, of Dayton, were here, Sunday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed Brown entertained Mr. and Mrs. George Varnall and family, of Dayton, Sunday: ,Mr. and Mrs. Burgett and f amily, of Belmont, were Sunday ~ests of Mrs. Clara Conner and famIly. Romiite Shumaker was taken suddenly III in Waynesville one day lut week, bu ~ ia able to be alit again. , Mr. and , Mrs. Percy Reason and son, Loren, of , Waynesville, were Mothere Day guests' of their mother, Mt'II. Sadie Reuon. Mr. and Mt'II, Lee Stratton have, received announcement of the birth, of a 80n to their son, Kenneth Strat'f t 0 gden. ton and WI e, 0
Insert, J. C. Penny; be10w a t ypical group now Iiviljlf at t ho communty nated I;>y Ralph W. Gwinn, of New York, was dedlcat:ed. The J. ' C. Penney Memorilll com· munity is the donllltion of MI:. J . C. P~nney and was elrected as, a memorial to his fat her and molber; bis fatber having been a Baptist min· ieter. ... It is unique both in design and in its administration. The community Itself is made up of 22 houses, each with from three to fiv e apartments, ~here being 8j total of 98 apartments ments in t he buildings. Tbese apartments are oft'ere~ .rent, he!lt ji~ht ~ree yto ~e~e: mlDls::1" mid 810narles, . . . . seere r es an others, it being Ii stipulat ion that they be men with ,families. - .
Adiacen t to' the community is t he J. C. P enney Dnsh Gwinn In stitute of applied ngriculture with its laboratories and gardens for the condu ct of scientific experiments in cr op raising. Among t hose present at t he dedication ceremonies were Dr. William Starr Myers, Professor of Politics lit Princeton u niversity, Dr. Charles W. F li/lt. Chancellor of Syracuse univarsity of Chnttanooga. Dr. Arlo A. Brown, president of t he universit y, H. Murlin, president of Depauw ul1i:.rersity, United 'States Senator Dun~ ca A. Fletcher, from Florida and ' , Mal'gllret Sangster, well known poet f r om New York City.
Charles Collier, of Dayton, waS injured in an automobile ~cident one day laat week, but later reports are to th~ effect that the injuries are not of a serious nature. The Prjmary children .with their teacher, MillB Rosetta Mc.Millan, and the Intermediate teacher, Mila Grace Constant, enjoyed a picnic along 10nab'a Run' Thlll'tld . ' ay evening. ' Th COOD INTENT ' ===================== e annual inspection of the local , -=========:;=,= Mal!On:ic W!l1I held Thursday"Give me a l!elltencll....:III'.it:h-.the.J..a¥tlAil~~~rhlere were a humber of Mr. and Mrs. ;t. O. Peterson spent word vicious!" valtorl' present. The ladlu of the , Sunday In Columbus, wit h their son. "Ye gods and little vlciou\,." Eaate~n Star served a tempting IUPper. Mr. Frank McKaig, of Springfield, , . was .calling on frie nd ~ here, Sunduy.. THE DIFFERENCE On Saturday avenine. Mr. and The Senior Clasls play will be ' givMrs. George Denny and Mlil Ruth en next Friday el/'e,n ing. · Mothers Day was observed with There are a nu~ber of nickel ct- entertained to dinner, W. C. Welcb IlP propriate ser vices at both churchean on the market. The trOUble is Miss Helen Welch, MillB Corlnn~ Mr. and Ml'tI. Ed,n or Hood; of Day· es. I i hat they charge Ilfteen cents for ,welch, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Welch, Mr. ton, were guests of re1llt ives 'here, , th d M H E Sunday. Mrs. Carl Oopsey and daughters an r s . . . Hatton, Mr. and Mt'II. • spent last • week wit h r elatives in , em, A. S Collett ~nd Mi88 Nan Collett. Mrs. Roscoe M(ICOrkell and little Springlleld. Mr., and Mrs. Harold Gillam alid daugbter returne" last week fr om a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans were family entenain,e d to dinner, Thut'll- vialt in Fort Wayne, Ind. Sunday guests of tbeir son, Herman, day evening, Mrs. Mary Doater, WIlMrs. Mary Cosier and Miss Hlln- and wife. liam and Charles , Doater, Mr. and nah McKnight, of Columbus, were Mr . a nd Mrs. Charles War wick, of Mrs,. W. W. C088um and family, Mr. Sunday guests of Mrs. Bell Ree~ . Columbus, and da ughter were recent and Mrs. W. M. 'Gillam, Mr. and Mt'II. Mr. ' and Mrs. RlIssell Hiott moved guests of Rev. and Mrs. Boga.n . A: S. Oollett, Mi~s May Har18n and r.v"r •• u Dumford Sa~urday' to th,e property on Terr.~ce Mr. J ohn Walt9n, who hlUl been , . A.ve.,' that Mr. and Mrs. J esse Smltb . Mr. and M1'/I. W. 'vi. 0088um gave .purchased of Mr. oln d MrS, ,Ber t Spit- spending t he winter in California, very interesting talks at the' Ep- let. Hr. and Mrs. Spitler moved t o retl11'ned home Su.nday even mg. worth League Sunday evening. Their the farm purchlUlCld of the Smitbs. Friends here bllve received word topic _waa....!!.Work among' tbe Y9ung .' !!'!!!!!!! 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ tbat Mrs. Martha Cook, of Whit-tier, People of China." Mr. and Mre. ' Cat , suffered n stroke last Thursday; COBsum and farruJ.y ' recently' return- ' Q nd ne), hope' is fe lt f or' her' recov~ry. ed . from dhina where : the» ,did mia· ' ~mREE to fIVE MtNlT{ES work for five y~!ll'tI. ---: to fORr{ TIlEATRIS Mr. and IIIr . Wilfred Sims, of Dayton, imd Mr. William Needles, Mesdamea D. B. ' Underwood and ~ AND.AI,lSHOPS ~ son lind grandson, of Spr ingfield, O. G. Randall attended a Mothet'll' /. ' I ~ D~y , tea' giyen by ~he members of tbe I \ \ ""~ were guests of Mr. and ~1rs. G. V. Sims, SundllY. Tau Theta Chi aociety, of Wilming- . , I, . _.0-:---ton coll~ge for their mothete. They .... I.J Th~ strongest fence ,POlt drst attend«:d a matinee at the Murevc.r made. " phy ~heater, and the.ri went to the l\s Anchor Ph/,tes ,insure soronty r 9Qmll where delicious te, {( . ~ fresbment werll served. ' firm anchora,e in thc ,round. Eaeily driven and firmly act Mrs. AllJan(Ja Starr WIUI the vic• i TIMES SQUARE . with an·~rdin~ry Iteel sled,e. ti~of a very pleasant surprise on / N~~"I Mother$ Day. Miss Mabel Stan. ' ~~"'f'; '. ' . Wires . easily au.clled to came down from Dayton, Saturday .. William Dean Howells, famous POlt and firmly, locked with' evening _nd on Sunlla)' mornin&" aeStttd. P"f!.Olfr! American '!Iovelist and critic, and .' patent ciampI. ' companied bel' mO,t her to church. J?t,u..oBoOIIkt one of t he foremost men of letter s During her absence the reat of the in t he wor ld, whose blrtbday was .llfordl ..CltN pI'OleCtiOD lor ... ttl~ a.d c'rope. family, Mr. and Mrs W. M. Mathias celebrat ed 'r ecently, obtained bis first and Miss Margaret' Starr,' o~ Day" lessons'! as a reporter for the B,el1101' .'m_1eaI boCA.I. ,& ton and Mr.. and Mre. ,C. H. Gray . mont Ohronicle, says a front page ~u. _1M lOa..,,: " article in a recent issue of ,the enr on and family, 818embled ' at the home With well-filled baske.. and when the it;!le. whieh is published at St.. Clairs· ville, Ohio. J . church-goeni returned, Nrs. Starr Burely , was aurprlsed and pleased. A 'B,;,rn in. .Martin's Ferry in lIi87, Wilham. Dean 'HowellS' became known \le1'Y jolly dar wu enjoyed. ': 'all' over the worl d . where literature was .relld and appreciated. He died JUST LIKE A WOMAN ~=~~=~~~==~ in ' 1920. . Mr. Howells was a cOlu\t'ry corre'Sbe' (after a bitter Ilcht)--"Well. spondent on the Chronicle 'a nd later o~ thing left oto do la to di, furnisbed the paper with manY ar:tbil houle In two, ),ou can have' . . t icles for whicb were latervalue. to ' become .Id. &llei rll take the 9ther." .~ t noted t heir literary Prior nita me, what, lide .hall . to the fire which ~\Yept t he ,Chronicle building and all equipment in 1887, scores of letters f.rom Howens, news :from ,the Martins Ferry: communitY, and also literary efforts, were stored I away iIi an. 01(1 ,tobacco box. These _ invaluable papet'll were consumed "' " , the bl~ze'" ~ ' Although- dead for leven . yean, . many comments are ' made .. on . . works of . Wi11lam Dean How'e lls ' bot~ . t~' cou,n~ and acroy . ocean. ,Be ",as a famous critic :n~ellat, WbOle' fame .,m 1'1n' the pauiDa' of J~n. .
All Weather Tread' or Patbfirt~.-;fI~~' Tires
/)11.1OlE ,1 M''E\S .lJIA S I
Dr~ w. : , =
'E~ : Frost
__ __ ~
,Waynesville Motor :Co. Phone ' ~05
Waynesville, Ohio , . '
-----.-G omce, Th~ Miami ~~~tte
' '!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!i~~~,,~1!'
F IR f:NOUGH 1'0url ~t (1llIyinK hi,.. bill) "Wl'\l. I'm Iquare now." Do I anllg'\'1' "r,,', l,iI'; and I hope )'ou will be rOlilld nguin \ ' ('1")' abonly f'
Rye apt! alis· bury l1wloflld \.n I lu nd. IItur(\ay I)y \If U.outc 3. • und spent cril l <lIIY8 with thcir \la· ( Rev. WilliRtrl ' Baily, of lIrichigan , raQt!l, lib-. a mi Mrs. W. P. Snlisbury. t!nll d on his broth r.j~·low, C. H. • I \\Irs. LiIIlo" Mills is' in Cincin/lllti, ' hel'wood, Sunday, a1jt'onding ns r p sentntivc fl'Ol'n Get C dar ;glom s at nty's Jew· ,Iv. N, 'S""rs and fumil)' were Dll't riet n, 62, the nnnulli Ohio Re- l{cPQrtq froII) Chiun ' l\I'e nbou ~ Ull cIty . hop. ' . guests of h. llnd irs, )<~rn st, Enrn· bekoh AtI8cmbly in lIussion this week mixed. UII Llw re ~ u l ts of tW() hron d· u~ ~hc Gib on ho tel. in ' Day. hart at al"lisle, un day a!t moon, ClIl'ti ll l,l' hltivn bill ing in ()VI"I' t he , Urs. Grace L. Smith ----.-~--same ;wlI ve length. ton. Mondoy. T uesd ay 9 n. m. until :1:3 0 p. m,; • c E. P. florian for all kinds of at urday ·9 n. m. until 7 p. m .• Dr. Rudo lph , the eyc!'ight spe.ci alist, lit E\ ctrieui', Work. 'ar1' 'Jewelry 'hop, Lebano", Ohio. 'rh,,~ mid -Yl'ar meeti ng of th \V . • 1rs. Groce Me un e lind Miiji! !tuth . T. U, wi ll bc held in the Met.h· MilIor, or Hma. !!pent Sunday with Mr. ami Mrs. B. S. Hart.~ock. of Lancllstcr, spent the week·end wilh o<lif<t ehur h nt Lebanon. Saturday. Muy 14. beginning at 0 :;)0. A box their l"not.her, 'Mrs. Eva Mill er, I'elative~ here. lunch w ill be enj oyed. Mts. N. L. Bunn ell. Co . Pros. Beautiful and u seful gilts for the Miss Mary (Jimi nelli, of Cedarville bride and gradu ute at Cary's J ewelry college, spent t he week.end with Miss C:lsie Hawk . hOll, Lebanon. Ohio.
Mrll,' Harvey
dUll 1111'1, Mr, n"d Mrl!. H\lilllell
Better and Cheaper E. P. than Syrups
WAY N1';:s\,I LLE 1\10 DAY, WED E. ·
~ ~p"n ding br()~her and fum·
fllrtha O'Neall
Midyear Meeting
lIIaynesvl'lle , "
the woek wit h her
Tho st.at(lmqnt. Clime fllmou in She (otter) a bitter t1l1'bt)-'~W 11, thot lie ouldll't nUIBler the. mu~ti. the only thing left to do is to di· p Heathm lRblus. in .lIChool Wi ll g ive, id lhiM .II UK!' in IWII . yuu ,'an hllVu ,von olatHIn to very Y ung on" .. ill~\ :tlill T'll I nk(' tll (lt h('ol'." 11 ''' Tll1lL . uit\! 11I1l. \' h t sidil 8h~1l [huvll? " HOUSE WIRING hc--"Yoit elln hove. the o~jtsi d e. \ '11 \.akA lhe ins id e." ruST LIKE A WOMAN
C091 and Ice Co • • U
,M r. lind Mrs. F. B. Henderson ..
Mr. and lIfrfl. E. A. Jeffery, of ncar C. H. . Beaulifu l diamonds for t he sweet heort '01' grladuate. Sclect yours ot Cary's J ewelry Shop, "The Home of Gifts," Lebano n. Ohio.
~~~~ C~~~~:n ~Je:.~d~~:pnllinl~nrn ~~~~. ~ll;~;~~~J S~~~~/~:~r~l~gl\1r~. ton. Friday.
VAN OFLEN'S Third Anniversary' of Business
ST. MARY'S CHURCH ' Fourth Sunday after Easter-May 15. Chutt h Rc ho()l at 9 :45 ; Morning Pruyer nt 11 o·clock. All orc cordially invited to these BeTvi·
V1e "ard's Honey At D.
Everybody Welcome•••. Bring-·the Children, Friends and eiihbor •.... Souvenirs to all ..•. Good Things to Eat.
6:30 and 8:30
p. ~_ ' _
6S .
Mr. ond M'Ts. Merle *crn. <if Co· lumbus. spent t he week·end with Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Marlatt.
Rev: John J. Schaef!er. Rector. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST
Cabbage and tomatoes pla nts for MOl'lling serv ice 9 :30. Sermon sale. Ed Hopkins, Waynesville. O. on "Handling the Word Aright." Evening sermon, "Noah's Ark." All Mrs. E. V. Bornhort enlertained lire welcom e to ou r services. Molh· the Jolly Matrons at Mrs. Hothoway's erst Day attendance was fin c. A beautiful plant given to both t he old· tell room. Soturday nfternoo n. li' I' . '" ,-. r _ 11 '1 . ' est, mother present and the one with IIIr. and Mrs. Raymond Marlatt the largest fam ily. and son s ore in Columbus this week Nath.a n Johnson. Minister. the guests of Mr. and M11I. Merle CHRISTIAN CJlURCH Kern. Sund~)'-Sa.ool at 9 :30; Latest in jeweiry and unusual gifts Everybod), cordially invited. for the graduate a nd pride at Cary's METHODIST CHURCH Jewelry Shop. "The Home of ifGts," Lebanon. Ohio. Sabbath School, 9:16 a. m.i Preach. jng Service at 10 :30 a. m.; Epworth IIIr. and M1I'8. Guy Ki~ler and chll· League at 6:46 p. m.; Evening dren. and lilt'll. Euphemia Hough. of Preaching Service at 7:30 p m. . Dayton, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Vern Hough. Tuesday evening. L. A. Washburn, Pastor.
GoodNewsforCoal Buyers COMING- A eR r of be.t grade Yellow Jacket EaR' Coal. AI.
I, ".
to 9 p.
' 0. a car of Silver
The • ., are co~ta which have Bive n un' verlal .ati.r.ction
in tbe pa. l. (Form.rl, . old by Seth Cook.)
Place your 'orders for Special off the car Prices
SPECIAL SALE Pounda Checker Brand Feed Chicken Chowder . .. . .' .
Graduatio n Watches. See our dis· play of Gruen, Elgin. pUnola and Hamilton w!ltches. Bellt of time . C&lry's Jewelry Shop. Leb-' Mr, and Mrs. Walter Kenrick were We are Alents lor anon" Ohio. Dayton visitors. Friday. rep...atall_ of lla. Slr• .ilmaa Bi.cait n. w. L. Adameaa COIIIpa.,. w'ill ... Several [rom here I/ottended the Com. . .,. wUl ..... pl. lla.lr Cr.c"er., Cbee.e repruent ..d by Mr. Flemniiag, .100 will ••10M11I. LiDia", MUls was in Xenia, field meet at Lebanon. Friday. S-.z ' .... ,lIaJtoiMllk Bla~ ..ila. Com • •Del pl~ SiI..r Fla"e Peac)., . a.el ....... oa disseveral days last week . assll~ng in . The Reeder Si~rs ha've UUJ":rI"~C'U lIT . . , "bcalta. Goocl for I1'OwiDa Cbll~ the care Of. ~~er nephew. 1J0race Har· a new late model Ohevrolet lIedan. pia,. • f ..ll Iia. of our flUlloa. A. C. . . el SIL. ,~ Ba,. tHm i • .lla. STA FRE~H PACK. ner. whose d,e ath oc;curred Saturday. L"'" f C" t' VER FLAKE P"re Food Pr~uct.. ' M11I. ucy . '" lte. 0 lI~emna I, AGL lted bel' mother. Mn. Emma Foulks, Mrs. Laura Zell entertained over the week-end. her cousin. MI'. Wal~ Friday. ter Dorland, of OMeago. Mr. ,Dor. A short Mothers' Day program wa." land is t he lion of the late Lydla enjoyed at the Sunday School. Sun· Jones Dorland. whose body Ilea In the day afternoon. Friends' burying gr-ounda: MiS/les Gladys Bergdall and Amelia Can' I5pel')t ' Friday afte~oon and Phone Waynesville, Ohio If your Clyes give you any dis· evening in Dayton. ' P.Iw B....el Coif.. will be ••ned Mesdames Forl'st Graham . Will I_....;.,.____...;;._-:'_____~_~_____ ,___""'!'_ _~ comfort cOl1lsult our eyesigtit spec· . A repre.e,talin of JI. J. "lliaK Comp. .,. .. ~ _ ~DI. _d a~t • d.li.ioa. cap ialist, Dr. R'udolph. Oourtesy, effic· Graham and Fronk Hess we~e frank· of .... CoJr.. free, .."eeI b~ _ esperl iency and .d'e pendabllity our' motto. lin, viBltQrs. Mon~ay. ~i1l •• mple aom. of lla. f.moll. 57 Vari.ti •• Ele1')' TU6lldiay until 3 .SO p. m.. S,atc.M. __o..tr.tor. wlU ... al.d !to The children and grandchildren of ~==~===========~============~~ Alao lla. ....ri.t' HEINZ. u.rday unt il . 8 p. m., at Cary's crew· MD. "Emma Lacy spent Mothers' Day i; p.. all Jaf.na~tio. '1I,.a coif.. wllic" ,.oa elry Shop. I.ebanon. Ohto. FLAKES. with her at her bome here • ....,. wJq . to uk. \ Mrsl Allen Emrick, Mr. and Mn. Mrs. S. H. Burnett Blld Mr. and Mrs. Oral I.-"-iiijiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iii~"" .-t' -M..- ..n-d'-.111"11:-'R:'-V~c-B.an:lhart. Balllet l.. of Cincinnati;. 'Mr. Surface spe,nt Monday in. Dayton. and M11I. M• . A. Cornell were dmner Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hs)Vke, M11I. guests SundllY of Mr. and Mrs: Ralph Frank Kurflis and Mrs. Ellen Oop. ~an pi.... Oala or Sbell Cora aa, cia,. Our COrD S....ler a. Miller. . sey were Dayton. l'hoppen, Friday. Cri.aber will be Iaiel olf • lew' whil. aN patti.. aD .... . . ,Mrs. Mary Oannony spent Moth· Mrs. C. Boo Sherwood enJoyed a call era' Day with Mr. Bnd Mrs. Wilbur De' . ice machiD.'. Saturday e~'enlng, from Mr. Walter Clark and family. at Waynesville. Dorland•. of Chicago, wbose moth~r. Mr. and Mrs. Ell RUlleU ,~t1cket wUl be ·. lv.n to b. depo.ite~ in the box at the door. Stub to b. held Mrs. LydIA Ironea Dorland. WlUI an tn· tli~ former's brot her Finley RusseU by penon untO 2 p. m. Tickets ~m be drawn and person. holding cO,r re- timate girlhpod friend of Mrs. Sher· at . BlaWs hospital. Lebanon. ' Thura: ,,"ood. day. apondln. numbers will r~ceive the following prize. which are on display in Mr. William Graham' returned Sa~ Mr. a\1d Mra. J. Wilson Edwards our window. If not p .....nt when ticket. are drawn, ~umb.... will be drawn entertained at dinner Sunda),. Mr. urday, evening from a visit 'with hia and M11I. George W. Hawke. oft ~kh lind family lit Grand Rapids, ~!'!!!~~~~~~~~~~~':!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' untUl winn.r i. found pr••ent. No prizes r.served'. OlarkaviUe. Mr. and Mra. Ronald . ., IIA k d Frank Mr and Mrs Mrs. J . B. Jones, Mr. Therle Jon6ll. wean son. , .' . . Mrs. J. R. J!)hns and Mrs. Lester James McClure. Kenrick spent Friday in the Gem , " the graduate and City. , . Silverware fOf; ht P"-, B"h, Elk Lick G~.ri ••• ht Prize-Ba.ket of Elk LI"k .rac.ri". . brloe.. WhIm you' buy "Yourex Silo ,Mr.. an~~r8. Lester Dietz.' of Cin2IuI Prl_l • .0_ o..l.nll Motor 011. 2nd Prlk_l ••110"" Opalen. ~otor Oil. ve11leal'" yOIll buy the best plated ta- cmnab. VISited Mr. and ~. 9alvln W P~l poliN ' Fl.... Mi.at. B ....d CO'll••. 3rd Pri • ..-l po .... d Fin Miallte Braad CoW_' blewear thllt man and mochine can Longacre and othe.r .relatlves ;bere. L..:;;;..;..;;.....---:----~----.-... 4t1t PrI_Buht A. C. . .eI SiI....r . Fl.... Groc.ri •• , h b 'f I ever t he week·end. 4th Prize-Ba.ket A. C. and SII... r F1 . ., ...-ri•• M W lt CI k d produce. Sele.ot from t e eautl u Illa Prt-l ..... BI_.• B.II Coif. .. 5tb P,I_l pound Blue Bell CoIF... t C • JAwelty Sho'" Leb r. a er' 81' un erwent an pa tterne a ary s " . .... . . operotion at Mioml Valley hospital 6t" PoII_Ba.ket of Fruit 8t" pra-...ket of F ...lt. anon, Ohio, Dayton. S\lturday. Reporl.s. at 7t1t Priae--3 Slnl......•• Cr.cke~. • ..arteel. 7tb Prl.e-3 bOKe. Streitmaa Cruan, ...orted. M11I. F. H. Fan, and Thoma" Pieree ti me are that h'e is doing nicely., . Mr. and Mrs . .E. J. Carmony and arrived home Friday. after Bpepding I , several weeks ' in Lebanon. ,Ind. They children. of ,Springfield. 'Hr. and Mrs. were , accompanied by their brother· Wilbur- CJar,k; of WaYJuil5yille, were in.law 'and siste!;'. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Sunday , evenhlg guests iJf Mrs. Ma, ' lat I P~"".I Elk Lie" .roceri ••. Bunnell 'who returned to Lebanon. ry Ca.rmony. lot Prize-Ba.ket of Elk Lick .roeerle •• Sundoy afternoon guests of 2 ..el' PrIi"':-l aalloa Op.I... Motor Oil. Monday. ' 2nd Prize-l &,allon Opal.ne Motor Oil. Country ' IM-lb· ~Twin :. and Mrs. Oharles Johns were, Mr. 3rcl Prise-I po..aeI Fin Mia"t. Braad Coffee. 3rd Prize-l po ..nd Fin Minllt. Br.DeI Coli••• B nd Mrs. Glenn .Johns and aon,' Plll)l, or iplit-~op loaf .' . ... . '. '.. _; . . . . . , If your wateh needs .adjusting. 4th Pri.....:........ t A. C. ..d SiI...r Flalk. eroce', 41h Prize-Balket A. C. and Sil.... r FI... aro'cni •• of DaytQn. Miss Lucile Slagle" of Poaael Lo.f, .. ;............... ,.......... .6c VieD••, loaf ~ .....:..................... 1~ cleaning or repairing. 'we have ,an ex· 5t1t Pri_l poa.d Bill. BeU CoIF••. 5th Prize-l pound Blue Bell Co'll••• 1 ~-Ib. 10.f...........; .......... lOe ,Rai'la, .... Wed•••da,.., l ..t ..tJe cellent wor'k man to give you service. Centerville. and M.f. Paul Turner, ot ella Pri_B•• ket 01 Fr.lt., 6tb 'Prize-B •• liot of Fruit. " We also repair jewelry of' every BeUbt;ook. '''''77,' --':'"":Cquntry. Ch.b, Round, · , , · 1"·~9 "" Priae--3 bo....· Str.ibluul·._ Cr.cker..... orted. .Messrs. Salll Henkle, Wm. 7tb Prize-3 boxe. Streitman·. <:racar.....orl.d. cliaracter. Cary's Jewelry Shop. doll and ' H: M. Olark surVeyed fin. for Short calte, each. . . . . . Lebanon, Ohio. cur ll on the north side of Main ~"' •• 'C~ ...._....................... R911nd ,U,.r co........... ,: ....... :.31e The Woman's Auxiliary ~ill meet in Lytle. Wednesday. I Several Sq...... La,..r Cak.................. 2Sc . ,Aaa.l ,Food C............. ,....... T .2~ giv~n Mrs. Mrs. ,J. W. -Edwards and 'Mrs. own~rs contemplate puttinj' in lat Prize-Crinkled I1imity Coloreel Jaeq...raci Ronald Hawke on Frida yafternoon. curb ~oon. . I • ht Pri_Bea.u lif ..1 ladiaa Blaakel, e6x84. Stripe Bed Spre.d. Mr. Everett .Early and 18th. at the home of Mrs. Ed· 2.d Prl_B ..k.t Elk Lick arocerie•. wards. , Helen" Rut h and Robert. Mr. 2nd Prize-B •• ket of Elk Lick .rocerie•• Cluh. • __1 c~t. 1b.. ,:.• 47a. , Mrs. George Scott, motored 3rd P~K_l pound Fin Mia.. t.. BraDd Collee. 3~d Prize-I pound Fin Mia .. te 'Brand ColF_. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roberta and meravilla. Brown ' cQunty, l:iulnilll)',I'. Pri_Ba.kel' A. C. and Sil ...er Flake aroceri", 4th Prize-Buket A. C. and l)i1ver Fla"• •roc.ri •• two daughters. Opal and Virginia. an~ were tbe dinner ' guests IItla PriK_l . .llon Opal.ae Motor Oil. 5th Prize--3 bOKe. Streitm.n'. Cr.ckero, ...ort.d. of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lew Racbel ~I:ooks. . -ella Pri_l po....d Blue BeU Coffee. 6th Prize-Ba.ket of Fruit. . Is. of Miamisburg. were Sunday .~r. William' ~aine8 ~~j'::::;f.~;:~:: ;7t1r. Pri..-3 bOK" Str.itm&D'. Cr.cker. a .. orted. 7th Prize-l pouad BI .. e" Bell Cofloe. guests of Mrs. ,Bertha Lewis.. MllorEld and Clara. of ~ J osellh Grassi 'lnd chll,dr'en. Parker Duofold Pens - nothin. and Elwood, 'and Mrs. Eva L finer to giv~as a prize or a present. of Dayton. were Sunday They have unbreakable barrels and guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. H . point!! .guaranteed 25 years. Select Mr, Tbeodore Bishop II;Old his farm yours at Oary's Jewelry Shop. ,Leb· south of town also, farm: Implements anon, Ohio. .. ' to Mr. Morris Bourne' last week. Ilnd . gave possession 'Thursday; Mr. Bishin ~el~bration of b,er birthday an·, op and Miss Ethel' mov.ed' with' Earl '·nivel'Sa'V'. Doris Salisbury was hostess Bishop ll11ar ,Q ayton. ' . to fourteen of her fii~nd8 on Satur. make further , an~an.&'I!I~~i~tIi,t,'* day afternoon, at her ' home south of neigbbors of Mr. town. Garnes an!! a dainty lunch tc.r gatheredat . tb:elr;~D~. ~~~'!.~~ITu.::~~~'.l were enjoYled by Lena Earnhart;' Ma- day cvening for a part)'!. 10 Milleir. Beatrice Robitzer; 1>1~ lInl! 80Cilll ' tjme: was ' enjored. , 17 P.lank,Velllla. Armitage. Winifred r«:grl!t to. see the 'Bishop, leave, ' j)ut Ann'itage. Uuth Frazier. Mary Crane, W1~h them well elsew,h ere.· Mr. lind Mn. '~:~~~~~~~:r=: Anf\a O·Neall.' ~iriam Ellis, .Frances " kar:V' 'Lep,h ' ,Edwards • • Irma ,of hear ~i Betty Harteock. Doris anil M'r. Bal!sbui)'. . , and of"·Da'vto",, - , . \• guesta of ~i aeleet.big a Grtien watchc:fo ' SUl)day CnPIuat,l'y<tu en:lOF~:1ie ~ert8)nty'th"t Kealer . Grahllln :;'~i~;~i~1 have .. tim~}lJece of cenume Ralpl\ stowe. fit worth and J)ation-wide prestige. See ~nd M1'II. John Ml!1'-1 ov" new~~ modelL Qary's 1,~1feln. of • !!.!I~gJl.t;. > Mr. and Shop, "~e Home of GIftS," Lebanon Wlilte and 111'. ~.rmllD_
.w. L. Adamson Co. '
',S treitman Biscuit Co. ,
QUI!. Own Brand ~offee
Waynesville Farmers' ,EXchange €ompaDY
J. Heinz Company
F.eedGtindi'n gNotice
Anniversary Day
With. Every Purchase . Made Between the Hours Named Below,
Waynesville Mill-Coal Bod Ice .Co!·,
2' p. lILt tH 6rSt 'dong.
5 p. m., tickets down_and prizes given
-!""-----"'!"'. . --;
,3' p•.~ . tickets draWl ~and, prizes given
7 p. m., tickets drawn and prizes 'given ,
eak' es
4 p. m., tickets drawn and prizes
8 p. m., tickets drawn and prjzes ~en
CUSTOM~RS . We wish to thank you, one and .all, for your fine co,operation . ~nd ,past busines~. Comt? t? our Annive'r sary ,and 'we will try to show our appreCIatIon to you per~on. ally. ' Respectfully, .
......___... ....1
. ;:1
........ '2SC;
ProprietQr--of .~t"--~--=---·
brlgh~ ~1l;of. a1Id 1&. alId . C. w. of ~ ~ .....
'Seventy-Nint4 Year
......~.....~...........~. WEEKLY 'REPORT
Bangl Go. 1M ~ecei~r --------~.....,-
· mOMmGK~OO~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by Alber' To Raid
State. Caoital i Prepare b} -I
~n; !~v~r:v~rs~~p a::~~:~~ St'::~ !,::;
11 . P.
;, .- J •
, , ..
r. . -
~~~~~ ~ ~
i Th, tl' reunion UI b at h IdtheI Alumni th G aBllo, . c a on w . e e n e ym on ,Friday everung. at 7 :30. A good pro· gram. dancing and mUlic will fe.· ture the evenine Tickets will b~ on sale .nd duel will be taken at the door. ThOle who 'c annot be present are requested to send their .nnual duel, 25 cents. to
t.;,. l'e.0J . ' C.A·. '~
V~ .
ll . I
AU T "C. ,- • r_R.. ::=±
WARREN COUNTY GOES .OVER THE TOP Wnyn e TownshIp's quota o[ $600 for tlie Mississip pi Flood Relief fund Contribut.ions ,has b en reached. durin g tha past week hove t.he amount up to ~ 611.!l4. Follow· ing nre the 'contributol's : PI' ,"iously TcporL!!d .. $5 44.39 !IIay Wright 10.00 Mrs. 1I181'Y E. Sherwood 5.00 Ft'cd Gons (additional) 6.00
The activities df commencement week began with the baccalaureate service which w.as held in' the Gymnasium Sunday nilrht. Although the weather was very disagree.ble a Columbul t!p , rte large congregation waa present. Rev. ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • $~ • • • • • • •• • L. A. Washburn, palltor of the M. E. ,c hurch, preached the sermon and the choir, under the direction of Mill COLUM.nUS,. OHIO- It- isn't teU· Helen Hawke, rendered good music. ing lales out of school to SIlY that scvcral IIrospective candidates ~ fO.r Commencement exercises will be govcrn or noxt year on the Repu.bh- held in thO Gym Thursday night. at C'1I1 ~icket are more than dlsllppomt- 8 o·clock. F~ancis Gibson Richards ed ovel' the way t he se68ion of the of Miami University, ' evrtlr make the General ABllembly ended as well lUI address, and Joseph Quintile, rarpt he way most of the busines8 of the ist., of Cincinnati, will fumish the session wus co nducted. If there music. ever was a more playful 'set of leg· islators sent to Columbua~ than the The ClaRs Roll includes: Do.r is nne which ha8 been enJoying the ~liznbeth Hawke, Sara M. Missildine, balmy atmosphere of Co~umbus for "'nna A. Roland. Lillian Irene Watthe past five months , hIstory falls kln8, Mary Elizabeth Henkle. Violet to record the fact. ~bsolutelY lead~ J. Bogan, Florence M. Crone. dAa orless from the op~mng to the c1os- Frances Shaner. Amelia A. Carr. Ma. ing scssions, with ,0.0 one ready or ry Elsie Bradbury Edne Luella Sha. willing to give adVIce. They were ner Faith M. To~lin80n Gertrude A. jqst drifting as It were, and with Ch~ndler, Amy M. Hopkins, Dorris the final result noW ~nown tn.xpayers C. Blair, Carl A. Conner. Vernon C. will have a hard. time findmg ~ut Mainous, Bert O'Neall. TI\erle K. j ust how many mlstake8 ~ere made Jones, Clyde E. Everhart, Luther H. until they go to ~e.ttle thell' next. tax Hartsock, Howard J. MillSild'lne, Paul bill. One promlllent. Republican. A. Tomlinson, Martha Ellen .Nichols, often mentlon~d In connectl~~ with Lucille M. Tucker. ta es 0f tJ10 p~e8e n~" General ABllem • bly I don't want .the nomination." But even under such eircumstances h i d ' ti th t maybe the 111 h jQ t ere are n lea ons a ytDund of .dlasatillfactlon w e In ample .tlme tor the field to be larce and Intereatinc. .
Whole N umber
Kc y~
6. 00
Il1hlol1 wdl!' ........ .. 6.00 I 1'. Thos. G. F UIT ... 6.00 J a ll1e ~ Va nder voort 5.00 . M. Rol, il1.el' (oddi ) . ~.~~ A. W. Pond, scientific gentlem.n, hus. T. Ellis 2' OQ back from Africa, says I.dies of e hus. M. II ough . 2'00 160,000 years ago ueed cosmetics, Mrs. Mert. Ullird .. 2:00 "extra,:,aga nt ornaments" and paintMrs. Ann ie Gibbons .. 2 00 cd thell' cheeks red. Dr. J. E . Wi lham .......... . 2'00 .T hey went to extremes, wore Waltel' Whita ker 2'00 necklaces made of ostrich egp, and Maynard Weltz 2'00 some of them painted their face. yelElmer Sheehan ... 2:00 low and block, as well u red. D. L . . rane R. . C. Furnas .... 2.00 Still earlier, 600.000 yean &CO, J ohn Whitaker ............ ,.... . 2.00 when men used "fiat hatchets." long G. W. Ptalt. ................. .. . 1.60 sharp stones shaped like pickaxe., Kenneth Hough . 1.00 the ladles. then covered from he.d Mrs. Uoy Eal'nhar t ............. . i'~~ to fo ot with reddish hair, were probe Hunis Mosher .................. .. 1' 06 ably pulling the hair from their Wa yne Tp. Schools (addi.) .. l' 00 cheoks. noticing that gentlemen preStella Dllugherty ........ .. .... ... . . fer red smooth skin. It baa been a Mrs. H. E. Hathllway ........ .. i·~g lontr. painful climb to the flapper of Bert Hl\rtl!ock .................. .. 1:00 today, but worth it. MllY Cornell .. " ............ .. ....... . J . L. Hartsock ........ ...... .. 1.00 Don't die of cancer-It Isn't nee----- I·cse,arl~. At the age of forty. one out Tota!... .................. .......... $61 9.94 of every ten personll hBll a cancer. 100,000 die of cancer In the Unit'" The fo llowin"" is a report of all States every year. At least 76.000 .. funds collected and forwarded to the die unnecessarily. Autopsiel '~how ' t W h' "'n ' that thousands. dead of old .... take . A merl'c an Red C ross a as m.. ~n concersto the grave with them~
me~~P:fv'ial~~ t~~ ~~~;::~~~~IO!f ;~~~~~~:,y. MiBII Clara Berryhill. MAY MEETING OF ~ MRS. DAY ADDRESS' ES . DR. FRANK C'RANE'S ~:r~' O::::k l~:':::h~: t.h.e..~;~~~6.~1 Pay attention to any .tran~e ~wtb Industrial relatione, show bu.in~BII Franklin Township ....... ..... 1l60.00 oJ'! tho body. A few seconds work gen'o rally I.s pickln&, up throughout The play "Coulins" presented by , Pl i CLUB Wayne Township ..... ........ ~111 afton p! event a cancer apreadthe statei The number of appl!cantB the Senior ~laBII. wu'a good comedy WOMAN' S A ' UXlllARY FRIENDSHl WEEKLY LECTURE Dee rfield Township ............ 1~/1:. A~ove al1, keep In gOOd eonclJ.: and the number 01 requellts for work and was well put on by the two n Hamilton Township ............ tlon, . wtth regular sleep, mode...~ 685.00 678.86 196.24 120.00 exercIse~ muc~ frellh air and yoar
ers i' Dear'e r the aame at the present time th.n it h.1I been in ye.rs. Thill indicates ttiat there .re. about aa m.ny positions .vallable aa there ill Idlil help aeeking employment. The demand tor female house help ia unusually large at thil seuon ot the " becau aA Af house-eleanl'''· yea. ~ whdlle the de~~nd fdor gard:!n. tr:c~ an .men .experlence in yar ~or above the average••nd..gre.ter th.n the lupp.ly. T h e gre.teat- over..upply teems to be ' in the clerical or prof_ional grouP. where .Imost five appllc.nts for eVery position open, have re~lItered at one or other of the ,:lree employment bure.ulI, With the comln&' of real Iprlnl' weather, when building .etivitiea lI\a.y be le~umed. indica~IQns are that the de. m.nd 'Will be greater th.n the' lupply I . m.n~ 1I0,el of iDd~ n .
Both casta we.r e well bal.nced, and ____ Massio Township ............ ...... capacity h Ullel greeted them both "'h W • A '1' t on The W h' T hI blood WIll take care of the caneer . Thursday and FrIday nights. Lack .. e oman II UXllary me . Friendshipi club was enter,' as mgton owns. p .. ...... 92.65 · . .. of space does not allow of indlvidu.l Friday M.y 18 with Mrs. J. W. Ed- tained at the hOlme of Mrs. Pearl CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IS Clenrc.reek Townshtp .......... 83.00 The Government baa wOllda.4 mention but .U who aaw the 'pl.y ward. and Mrs. Ronald aawke at th/l ,Shultz. Wednesday afternoQn, . .May WRONG Rarlan Township ............ , ..57.25 what to do with surplul tax.. It wer.e 'Cn:thu8Iutie in their praise. home of Mn. Edwards. The meet- 11th. with 32 members al1 d 3 VISItors Union '.l'ownship ........ .. ..,..... 43.00 might use tbe first few hundred mIl- , in. wu opened by the vice-president. preTsent. call d to d b "The question of capital punish- alem Township ................ 3~d.3 0 to indemnify . victim. of the ~ E T Th • who conducted he meeting was e or er Y M' . . , d If G • t ,,_ .. The proceedll for the Senior Clau ....rs. . ':" om.... the president. MI!S. Irene Baird con. ment is opposed to because nooody .1681S81Ppl .00 • oyemmen ..... play Was t he I.rgest In the hiltory of the d~votIC)n.1 lervi~e. • ducted the devotllonal part of the is willing himsl!lf to kill a man. Killused its ,brains" and ,"oney and hAd th h I b th I hts ttl th Senptural quotationl were (!:lven . Af 'h b ' f h ing ce~tainly does the man no good . done its duty, in years put, the e IIC 00 a, 0 n g De DI' e I reaponae to roll call . meetmg. ter t e uSlne ~ 0 t e • h' d h d bts from tIte A.merican Legion A~lxilijat'y fI. ood woul.d not ha.ve occurred. fine sum of over *.190. n day was attended! to we enJoyed a It doean t re,orm . 1m. an e ou f h R I h P S k P . Mrs. Leiter Gordon. U. T. O. treu- lk b M A X D up _ whether it 'does society any good." 0 t e · ~ p. ' . noo ~st at • urer, .nnounced that the amount of ~ I NY rs. f ar ~n ot~n says a well.known publie mono anon, whIch I S estImated Wlll be Those that realize the importance The picnic Is beine held on the the United Thank Offering, which III t ~ ature o. omen n on!'ection When a man reaches the oint $50.00. Qt soil fertility wUJ be lnte\'elted lJa ID Grade school grounds today. but .f- riven · seml.•nnually, was '38.00. With Home"Llfe. nnd W0!'leI1l Nathe wants to kill ano't he/ man While Warl'en county has reached Colonel Ewing's casu.l remark that ~er ~he heavy rain of th~ momin,. At the close of the bUllinells lleBllion ional LI~?~ a18~ a re~dl~g Mr~; he doesn' t 'care whether he himself the quota give n UB, t~e need is even men diggi'.l~ for artesian weUa III It -will probably be '(ery dIACouragl1l8 the lollo~ng prorraIli wu given: Cr~be it on~.o our ynan ues~. h gets killed. greotor thon when thIS allotment waa lower LOUISiana, went throup fIjo to the pupIk •• well as the f.culty. Be f th C ti ti M eMt er ~Jour~e d . ta meet WIt This thing of inflicting the extreme a$signcd. and ony who have not teen hundred feet of the rlcl!est IOU .. _ • port 0 e , onvoca on mee n&,o . rs. yrt e . war s m . J une. . enalt u on n man is a ractlcal done their share are askea to do so deposited by t.he rreat river, a 100 at Xenia ..... ....... Ml'I. Edith Harria 109 the soctal hour damt y p Y. P b d p .d I1t once and all receipts will go for- tar richer and deeper thllJl th.t 'of Report of the , Prelentation of the ments were serv(!d by Mts. Shultz. It IS not . ase upon COnSt erd- ward t'o the American Red CroSll Egypt. . . ___ Children'. FIftieth Lenten Offer- M!:L _Farr. Mrs. Whetzel, Mrs. Henfor the m~n. but upon redgllr promptly .....,-. 118 • .Jtijn...... rs. • kle. Mrs. Crawford a~d Mrs. Mary It. I S suPiPosed to eter The Warren County Chpater is Standard Oil of New 1'prlt ' ~ Plano. Solo. "S11I8 Little Bropk." Ellsie Stroud. Sec'y. from BerlOUS c:tamte.. pu nJ very ...... teful for .the "'125 600.000 new 1Itoc~60'1'0·"0-.0'-1For th. first time In seven ye.rs A-k Earn1!a'rt. '. Opponents of capl . sh menIt given . "'. hearty . of response W arren i68ue . .......... .................... Bett.. , Ha...... '''''''':' • - • . . by ,the cItIzens 109 t h'"e totaI up to a bout .... 4 Oblo State. University will Cf'I'duate Ileaine. "Mlasion.'ry Journeys In . say that as a matter df deterrent t C t d d . d ' 00 " , a Im.Uer clau next month than , In. New York State..... ~ .... ... ........ . .. 0 , does no good. They bring statistics oun y. a,! eSlre to extcn to o. ; 1 Prellmlna... Illts I. Idll d ~_ T __" _ Go d to support t his argunnmt and claim thlll'!". ou.r Sincere thanks. . .The comp~ny doeln t ne'" t t he prevloue ve.r. -, Thou"h ·"e reeent lreelel e ..... ................... au1O. a.ea...,.. r 011, , C J WAGGONER trIO .. but Mil let. emplov- of .,,, indicate t"-t a clul of approxim.te. mOlt of the .. ... ' yet ''A U that the more severe p\lnJahments • . Acting· Chairman , ... -cherrlel and pe.ches, _eauee f rom 'sto An.drew' • V ~ Oft ' A . I . company buy ,· the Btock 'V_ to iJlcnue 11' no'D will be eandld.tea for !Ie·. the .pplel pyombe to bear quite • . School .....:... ....· MJ'II. ,Bert HartaoCk .n en 8 llDlversary an e are the wider is the spread'. of crtme. . ' _. • . int r t i th i ' w k. Th bad aIerees and c~rtific.te. June 14 .t the lavorable crop" uys County Agent Recitation "Th~ Land of CounS.turd.y was a big success. The Those In favor of· capitol punishment e es b n b~ r te or Wi ey f tb fiftieth "nnw comm.ellcement. The Clau who ill '~endln ray IIUn* rp.ne l.. ............ MarJorl. · Ed~ stote wu crowded wi~h patrons and deny this. .' oug n m onl 0 e totaL Is "now 1140. but ~hi. ia exPee~ tlon all (rulE o ! :on ht. maII, ... everything p~ed ~ft In good order. About the worst thing that could ed to ahrink IOmewhat, U UIUal. . A I liat. '''The :ter bloomln, ~ves After a,djourn!"ent a dell,htful 10- The merchandise gIven . away happen to most me~ is to l~se life. ,. Uldine Utley. flfteen-year-old ... year aJo the June e1au numbered neS t b . for \the fruit" UYI clal hour was enjoyed, jlurIna- "htcb the afternoon anel evemng was People who are afraid of nothtog else angeJJst arrived to save IOUIa Ill .New 1209. The school .ye.r loon to end, prom e . . delicioul refreshment. were }erved goodl ~nd every '~ne was sat isfied. fear death. . York at an unfortunate :momal\t, however." wUI h.ve the cilltlnct\on' of trees that promise to bear any by the hoate_a, aulllted by lin Amon.g othe.r attractions were demo In its effort to protect human life . , . with t':'e Snyder cue '- In full blaat. seeinr the total number I ot 'degreea t all thl h I" b ray J. E. McClure !lnd Milia Mary ;Leah onstrationll gIven by society usos the old a~gument of fear Not e·vle'n · a New Yorker ••.; .~-a · an d .Jlro t eBIIIonaI cenlllcate." -'" eropve"" • loon I ~ OU '" f.II," e liP or- Edw.rds. ' the H I ' I t I '11 b ....... - manted ed The I "petal Via" 'U . AhfT ' J . Heinz Co: the ' .W' L.. Ij.n d calms t la peop e WI 0 preA few ardent citizens met at the to everything at once stili · lIle 1I < th university I e It p d Ita . -, . ltors' present were ~ra. • . Adamson Co. tho Streltman BISCUIt vented from killing others best ot . • , d!ors the' 20 :O~ ~arko e~e to- "c&l.yx-eup" .p~y Ihould' contaln Wr~ht, Mrs. .W. E. ·Cornell. Mrs. Co . . and the Five Minute Brand Cof. all by bein in danger of being killed Gnzette office Monday !lvemng to ~~ved forty-nine 80ula on her open- ' · .,. . -' . 114 pouncla .. of .rself.te of i cad.n d E."- · C ' f' D.~.~-- Tril' 'M d.... O · g complete the arrangeme nts for Me· mg night--no~ bad In New York. tal number of degrees . ~.nted In' II ' I Ii Id 8 arts f d ' .....n rane, 0 .....on......... , - fee. r. an auS. Van flen were themselves. . I D d h B . Will b d thllt time. Includ!nr thOle \Of' tbia 1 ra on 0 qu qr p 0 ry len• . Ed~.. M.rgaret .Edward. very much pleased with the It is 1111 a piece with the whole morIa ay. A goo prog;ram os ut some nee to . e ..ye 111"e... IIB1l been ap roJllm.tely 19400. lime sulphur to each . 60 rallons .nd Martha O·N..I~ and the IitUe folks.. of · theae rep(esentatlves to entertain fosr orgl,ll1lent. Thne was when' men been. al;'t'anged, and everyt1}1Ilg Is In era~ ~lmell. Ne}\' Y'orkfll nlaht Uf... fa y • P ! IIhould be .))pUed Immediately. 10 u Betty Hutsock P.ul Zimmerm.n their customers and friends d t b d b tt b readmcss for ,the day. eXCItlDg. to COyer .nd flU all the calyx cupe. d Fr k Ha •k h j d . were suppose 0 e ma e e er y The chairman tor this day will be . • .ndlcatlons .re that the .pple 'crop AI tho cal.... cloH wi an.n w ~ w 0 en 0 e a the f car of .bell .and youth is sup- the venerable S T . Cartwright who . In JJlIltimore Jules ~lIldn • ...a... . -,... . r . p eaunt tiirie witn e e ren 0 p d to be k pt in check by the fear . .... , I ' ,.' , - -.. b If o,r ~wth of , ,0.f Ohl,0 will b e..t I eut one-. the .ppJa. · th~ polson II the household. . ose.. . . . has omcia~e d in t his capacity many pa nted from nature oIJ the Sa.. ~ol'e. while tlle pe.ch crop will be retatned .nd wUl kUl .11 worm. that --of theIr eVIl. dce.ds m. l a~er life. . times before, .and who is the last of. bath. ' You are not IUPPoSed to wo.tl pro~.bly. lell. than one-h.lf , the UI- try to entar the . • pples dllrinc the . • _. Qirk' jewelry weighs more than . A man .wtll ~I$k hIS hie whero he I:he' original [{bel Post. an Sunday in Bun,more. '. 'TJs9u,,1 olle! ac~ordlnJ to 0, ;1; West, crop next sev~ral weeks. . . . Theprealdent of Greece has re- theit clothes. says ' an investigator. \Vlll noli r,lsk hIS II roper.ty . Prof. J.' O. Fnlkinburg, who last loc.ked hin) up. He uked: . "Who .tatlstlcia~ of the. I~te. W~t lerit Thill Ii iRe 1l!0lt Important spray alped. Won~er if he III &,01"1' Into Wonder where we can get 0. jott as [f we. ,~ant to stop crIme t he .t~lng year offiliated himself with the Post. pamts t~e bllautiful lunJ'i~ IIIld IUn~ '~ette!l of II)!lulry Into a.1I t he 9rch.rd. of t.he l141asontrom the ltandpoint the yeataurant buslntiBIIT an,,'nvllstlgat.or. to do I S to ..remed y t he condltl.,~n s and who. needs no introduction to set o.n Sunday. an~ wha~ do JOl1 ,do districts· of the. atat e.nd his report of ~ormy lruit. About· ninety per. . " that ~akc Cllmo and not m.er::ely m- WaYJlesville, wi\1 be the speaker of to Him?" " .' ~ · -wu: baaed upon thoie 'Which have cent of the cQ.dcUlng 'moth (or .pple . dulg,e .tn th.e vengeance of klilmg. t he day. Tho CQld jailor replied ,:~'AIk ~ . , : been received. Both we~ weather worma) enter 'he apples throu&'h the KlIhn ~ 1S vengeance only. It is TllO committees appointed are as judge; you're not' BUPPOled to ..... and l.te f~.ts helpe!I to play ·havoc bloBllom 'end or calyx cup so • thorWba&Ci puOlshment. . .. follows: guo." with the trl\ea Ip bloBllom. The heav- oUrhiy Ipraylng before the cilyx fa Th e arg~men t a.galIlBt. Im prison· . Flowers-Mrs. Edith Harris and i~t damage wall reported, from , ~orth cups close. wU\ lerve u an effeetive ~nent for life hal; Its chtef s upp~r.t ?lIrs. n. E. Hathaway. A hyd~oplane, struck by lightnJp,. ern Ohio. ' poilon trap ' for the entire lIeaaon. . Yto the ~act that by and by t he prl8' Transportation _ H. Archdeacon in full flight, falls, the g&lOllne taak --_..;.. ' .' Canker :wormll or "me.lurllll'" ..... oner w111 be pnrdoned by. the Gov- and Ray MjUs. . imd .. kllling . four. ' ~ Seve.... hundred ,. Ohlollna. -:vho ",ill aleo be kil!.d by thlll 'pr.,lne, .. ~l. ernor. Take this )lardontog power peill(or's Stand-Walter not discourage fiyin&,. but wID receiVed high &'l'.des In the examma- and if .phlds are nUmerous, • half, away from the ~o~ernor faT the pres· ,Docorating Cannon-Mrs. stimulate work on non-explolive 'flatlons conducted ,early In the Iprlng plnt "of nicotine lulphate Ihould be end and . lodge .It m a board selected Cast. el. . .The Germ,nl. • re near it, wWa by. the S,~te CIvil :Sel'Vice co",~I11- added. Another IIlmllal' !'Pray t. us' . . " by the cour::ts . Have 0)) par::dons isParking committee-Wilbur Clark. t~elr cxtraord.i narlly light :DieaeJ ..lion tor pOllltlonl in the . ~tate lllgl:r- u.Uy recommendta for the aeeond In lelectlnl' QllesflOlll for~I'Teit' 0' Ten" we have tried to choose ques· by thIS board lind ,ebeve ~h.e Milton Keys, Wm. Lippincott. Fraflk gme construction. , wa, aervlce .re to be dbiappointed. brood 0'1 wonna ••bout. two weeks Ia. tiona whose .Uuwers .t lOme time .or other h.ve been available to the Governor of. the pressure that 18 E lbon, F,\'ed Law.son and W. W. Some· day. wire\eu power, ~~ . 4ck ~t..funal, aval,a~l~ fo~ 'improve- ter, . • l)d &ra in .ln July. Complete ~n- m.Jarlty of re'adera- therefo~e the r.nge of lIu/lj!l<:ts covered is most brought. on ~Im. to ~Sl!ue pardons.. Welch. . . fr.,!m sources ' ~U'II, belo\'( ~e It~. !'lent. .hu ca'ullesd a Yirtual:-hoiidav form.tion .. to .prlt:ra for .pple. . .ne.... In n.ture. There ~e que.tlons th.t everybody can anBllwe.\'.In thIS way ImprISonment f~r life Music- Dr. J. T. Ellis. will ~olve tho problem. .. ~ ..' In the h"~w~)' deparlfue.nt, and oDl, .nd other trult.. can be aec:ured .. by the trick ill to lIee who can anllwer the greatest l1umb,er. Can you 8;ore w1l1 be mode surer nnd one WIll. not Choir committeo-Walt-er ,. "'~. .'J I luch employeell ~II .re: neceuary to telepllon~ County Alent Clau,. or 100 , per cent' thia week' receive a pardon unless be is prop· Jal1les McClure. . An unfortunate leper. John EarIi. ~ .Ion. them.lntenanc! work 't he Cou~ty· F.ml Bure.u 'olllce. TE~ erly entitled to it. The entire Ilrogram will appear In 18 at- large somewhere in,. the ::a~~ken1te:r:":er:.~:!~~t :~ I • , • next week's pa~e~. (La.) le~:~::~m~rom ~e .c,nul• • ¥
Vi .
H a. A nnn erlary Sa 1e
t . ha
TESt 0'
·!t: ' , . .•_. . ltate. p~y. roll .' It III pO!IIible. that STAJE ..RO,UTE 73. ,.·.. .fter July wI.ll be ' a few eoni.~here.
1. Where did Columba. land on hti flrat
~. '
• '
Octogenarian IDitiateei . ,I
..- ........... verr
",. ~
Grapp f .... bODOnd
. . .. .. ........
• -
• II
. . . . . . . . JIIud
11.,..; ·and th~
"Wh.t Is wampunT . . J. ~o, invented the telephone' When! .. ,.. e. When did the United Statell enter the WorlCl 'lV"arT 7. What III the name of the Mollamme~an god! . . 8. WhAt American ~Ity Ie famoull for Its ltock yards? ' ,9. ~t .nlm.1 II called the Rlngof beaats1 ' . 10. Who 'd~vered the Pacific Ocean 't . . I • .",. ,(T.lle arillWeri for th. weeldy "Teat O· !Ten" q~CltlonB Will, hereafter, .bc fouiad o~~ ~th.r para of the ·paper. Do~'t l~ok for the answers until ~~..W~ JO~' bav~ tboroqhlJ; trI~~ them . ail) '. ..
' The course<of ~.rou,,~roUCh town. which went . up North -.tnet to D~' h 1' 0 . l.~ f'" 'rhlrd, lrill be·'Cbanm·,~ _ at the • . ... rJ; _c e , r.:w, w WI ttfo.o "er c!,mer oe ¥alD stnet·' to ~ ,.on.. ".... initia~ fh~ ' tile .~ocal ~.d, thimce proe~ .. b.fore, " :G~ reeenij1.i Mrs. qt-ew II. 82 Tb.:,~eeka . 'Co~on ~. II' )'8.1'1 of age. .nd It iii QOu~'tful 11 worlrine OIl thl croad from W~ ,tWeN Je 01J recOl'li In the Gr.nge [n. vUle to the 1ntenection 0' :tM. road the U~I~Staltel.: !ln" one oft~t ~ Mt; 'lIol&•• nd .. 100ft .. ~e. -- :.....110 hil. tal[ep . an Initiation into ' . er ' wl11 HJ1Ill~ '!LJrUl Iath~..~~~. ;."';- I ' L - ' ed, with • 'eoat of~, ·
~oyage. ~o
~, 2. To whom ia the phrue, "There'l one born every ~inute." accredited 2. What wu the n.me of the' woman wbo betra~ed !)ampaon 1
'. tr.cts .. for; new roadwa), J.ti ' liut ·the ~tai mileage ~Il b. verJ ,lIttie 'Ali /' " • eomlJared with . other receqt ' ·The .liat ~t l el~~\..; for .ppolri~eJ1t ·. . ,!. U · eqineen,' lIupepntendenta lind . 'i" ; ' . ., ... , oUi", ~rkers pr~~I1 .. " ' ~ ~ult ," The State !wi been bua" the put !?f ~. Il>rln, e~.~lnatldns, 18 one week putt\nt ' cravel .Oft State 'If , t~e largest [n y!.n, ~ut no .p~ Route ,78 from the Little Brlqe;\ap • ppo!n~ents a"e belD. m.de or wnL Frankl! : Road ' to' til ijIo tl ~ m~de for ' 80me tliJle; fi '.t ali Clur- II . ';htt Will ~ ci ' e e~ra on . JII* the"year. • . I ne.~( .tuv!a and ' ",m~:Ue ~ "
. ~ to
• "
'tteek'."Queat!ona '
. I
1, ~ -de '" ......... de ,Ia' Cou- S. '!lbe ;Declaration of Independence: ' .......... ,.' . • . ,• t. "One Gilt ._01 llIi.ny.!'It .111 uHd
"Unlted State. colo, . . 7. It la • beil the clol~k-t;O:w.'er Maw TOd~ SIa_ ..... boJID a~ r.a~' tliellou- '!~=::'~.7~~rQ~~~I~1 . ~ K,o • ' 8. , ~o. It" a r~i:,r==~:. .. - . ... Ua tU eaplta1 of . bF-~. 11 --_.
L I....
a: •• .
r:t. ,.. . ~
Ie· ..... ,... ~ Ie ~ 10..,.. N.,; ~
Men d",ead to' arrest him. but tbtini is , little to fear. Soap and ,.... , have reduc.ed lellr08Y..·to .11 ~, .... icant diseue, , An.d the neWtet·...... ~. covery, cha.ulmoogoa ol~ con.. . . . ~ ' .' .',
Lebanon Citill6lll National ~nk and F~====~===-====-~:=i!==!IIIi!!=======!!!!!!I!IIIIIi!!=!!!I!!~!!!I!!!!!!!!!~ Trust Co., adm. of the e.~te at Clyde ThompRolI, WIUI approved, al lowed and confil'med. The lI,rAt lind final account o! Lnu'olUnd, exeaulrlx of the !!Hlillu of lIialOY . Burn~ , was approved, allow. Ail work called for COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS cd und confirmed. Pric. dell ered. and o\U·t ordcrtld that II Wn/'I'lI nt b ' The O~t rbein Homo WM authori~ ,ive. at home. Clrr), d to negoti!lte n loal\ of ~ 21i0,OOO. i~u d to t h 'shcrilf for" t he eonV' y • aaDlplea of ca".rill" The moti 11 filed by the defencllln,t ull c of JileK GI'ooms' tu th Dayton tate' hOlfpiwl. ' , Send in your addr.... to ' In the en e 'of n\Jth McArroy VB. The , Ii: J IT ' W·lb · 1-' . Eavey o. t o mako ,t he plaintiff's. neu b~ nc e er.y, , I ~r I nd.rlcks . ' . , . d" and , D , P. J ol1'r ys wore I\ppomted ti \lon more defi nltc was sustn llle . apprai$ers of the eswte of Hustofl . Relon M. Peterson was gran ted {\ H. Robertson. 1621 E. Fifth ,S treet'l D."lon, · Ohio {) d d tho t ta·· • dlvQrce fro m Pllul F. Peterson. lit ' t A H .1t • . COllr' , l r ere a cer In person" a\'~rc " amI on was grnlh- III propi!r1.y of ' t hl' estate of Allison 'In Waynesville May lOth or 31st ~d a divorce from larence W. n~ L.Sl'cllce b 30Id 'at private s al IltOIl. lI ~ lpdy, CS I' and ed ucn tlon Robcl'l W Br ~ , .. d ot th e three cllildron was given to . ' . Q~ n was appomte I . fIT I:(un r~ltun of Harry, J hn Hat'old, p om I. ___ Lucile an d Harriet Tucker, all mi. nors. . ,;~;=====:!11:============e=;======:;==:"!:,, ~ NE SUITS ourt au thorized the odministrotOl: Margaret Schneider ' vs. Oscar of the e~tato of Joseph H. Wild to cider for dillo~cc, gross neglect. Boll cerwln stocks. . (ThIs Tear Compared With ....e .....04 Lut Year) The Pr ude ntia l ]nsuronce Co. of It was ordercd t hat a -certi fied COPy America VB. l\{~: Bostic,k et a l. ,' f or ~ the entry cl e ter~iil\ing the inhl!ri~ demand from car owners for Gum-Dipped Tires has given Ftrestone money, foreclosure of mortgage and nce tax to III': paId from th ~ e' tate Dealers a large increase in volume enabling them to sell these tires to you eq ui tnble r c.lid, IlQlount claimed of . Flnl ~y Thompsoll he cortlfied to at the lowest·prices in history. $12,568 .60 with interest. . ' th ~ aud llor . . al~s moci e by George Moyer, Horace Hall vs. Frederick Rich. On ~e cars of motorists everywhere. these wonderful tires are delivering arda et Ill. for money amoun t claim- gllurdlan of Wm. E. Moyer, were unheard-of long mileage with greater safety and comfort. ed, $6000 ' u~ dnmage~ for' Betoff in. llpproyed an d confirmed. , , junction, costs and relief. Amanda Luce, admx .. of ~he state The Firestone Balloon Tread, scientifically designed three years ago, and unPhone 61'-:"2 DWayne.ville, Ohio' Amunda M. Walker vs. Rosa T. of Robert Luce, flletl IIftlduVlt of final dianged today, follows the contour of the tir.e carCilSS with no excess rubber at und Corn B. Ro'ss , executors of t he settlement. . the edges to cause ushoulder breaks". Narrow rider strips permit the tread to yield estate of John Ross, for money. fore. W . Ch ~,<ter Mu plc wa s appointed ~--~====-======================-dJ closure of mortgage and equitable ndm. of ti l' eM ute of Joseph F. Lu- '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_"""!~~~~_ _ __ to depressions and cling to the road, preventing relic! amount claimed $3800 with kens and C. C. Eulass. L. S. Shuw- ---.- -- - - -- .. -----. - - - - - . - --- . skidding. This tough, pliable tread has the wearintc r~9t. han .antl E d S. Conklin , appraisers. Marian Boge r to Emer.<on L. and Dlsn 'llIull n \l'US d f th W, n uvis. sume, $S~ 4.40; E. W. resisting qualities for thousands of extra miles. .. . rna eo . e es- Edith C. Sur fuec, 3 toWII 101.8 in Q Will , J . Hornl r vs. Wm. M. WiI- • - t · . shire {or money a ni." nnlount clailn- ..., C o [ F: llIl·,I· Howell. }(jdg '11 . IIj III uy, gil III C, $161.40; Harlnn Wbit Such a tread must be placed on a carcass with ., It w a R 01' d ere d th at.a .ccrll fi ed cOPy eVIk eD. 'lel'C SU nT e . ,~56. GO·,W S G ah F d Etta '" G I ., . . I' am, ed "188.66, wi th interest. O' 0 f th t i t run . un . ".. us lu.rllt to !'!l illO, ~ 1 10 ,' P. H. 1I10l\no, sanle, $91the qualifi,c ations to withstand .the terrific flexElma Monce by Elizabeth Kehoe e e n r y (e ~ l.·m l mng the inherP Kr h 6 21 t . ~ ta ncc ta ' b own acrcs In Su- 8 0', J O.hll Low & •. on, ' tlrn Pllt_chin", ,At LOw Cub ' PrIce. ing that this design permits. The Firestone carcass VS. Wilbur Mone'c, for divorce, g ross x .0 . e pm.d f ro m Lhe estate I 'm ·Tp. 0 n,. . '" .. " , neglect. ot John 111. Parkhill bc (!~rtlficd to George C. and Carrie David son to ; &.40; . Herschol ' F. James, repa!rs, is made of cords dipped in a rubber solution lao-S Pabric $S.8S the audi t.or. Leslie H. Snyder, 1i) town lots in $46 .70: H. S. onover, 8upph~, which not only saturates and insulates every fiber Sales mude by J esse A. Mou,nt nnd Mlumi Pn\'k. 11.61 , The Barrett Co., tarvla, PROBATE PROCEEDINGS Flbdc 6.85 of every cord, but unifies sidewalls with carcass, M. Roy Mount, execu tors of the esCharles J . Zinck to Edith B. Zinck $ 107AO; Sli me,. ~nm e. ,191;'09; W. Di~tribution of the estate of Geo. till of lIfimn Reed wel'e approved 63 lIC\' s f Il\nd jn Cleorcreek Tp. N. ox, supphes, $9.1/9; East End ' ~"I ConI avoiding separation under the extreme flexing. W. Jack was made. and confil·mod. . Jos~ph and Hettie Eh'U!1 to Mrs. Gnrngc, M a~oll, S1Ime, .$10.301 Harry ~OBaUoou 8.40 ManyFirestoneDealerR are prepared to offer you The will of Eugene Evans was adCla'rence F. Woodson fiied an a f- Je rmaillc Riggi 2 toWJI l~ in L. · Palmer, same, $8; The Lebanon mitted to probat:c. . fidavit' for the admission 01 Jack Fostel' Pm;k. ns, Lllmb~r 90., same, $3,89; The Mora liberal allowance for your old tires, on a new set ' 5~ Cord E lsie Snook was appointed .adnunWood~on to the Institution for Fee. Joseph and Hettie Ertel to Ma. row IAI111~er Co., Rame, $,40.58; Rich of Gum-Dipped Tires to start the motoring seaso~. ~stratrix of the Eis tll,te of JennIe Con- ble hnded and atter hearing, it, was thias Higgins 2 town lots in Fo t onstructlOn Co., gravel, $2.50; Thc rey and L. S, Sha~han, O. K. Brown ordered that application be made fol' Park ' s or Kilpatribk· Fr ~ch Motor Car .Co., Tomeet a demand for a low price tire and tube, dOBaDoonS8.3S and D. W. Bishc.!?, a~praiscrs. bis admission. . Id~ B. Bnsore to ' Robert Harrison ~lIbe, $.6 ;' The Orego nia ' Bridge Co., Fl1'estone designed and manufactures, for Firell ft-.- AIle Proof of pnbhcatlon of the apJ esse A. Mount was appointed od. 1 town lot in Flrnnklin · , blue 'Prmts und·.W Bolts, $7.28; same stone Dealers only, Oldfield Tires andT1,lb~s,w hich .........w poil\t~ent of Jeelsie A .. Snook admin- mlnil\~rator of the estate of .Davld Bernnrd ,1. and Marie E. Mueller ~ool rell:\~l ' ~311.15; Howard Coo.k, carry the Standard Manufacturers' Guarantee. Istratrlx o f the estate of James P. J. Mount. to Ori ~ W ' and Catherin . B I ston, $1 S.1 8; l1aro1d S\Ve~nay, . Snook was filed. . . . . E!lsie Snook, guardian of Jennie 9.57 neres· of la nd in Han~lto~o;:: gravel, $70.$0: ~pencc r and Armi· .••• .... Dealen Can lave Tou Money and Serve You Better. Proof of publicatIon of app~l~t- COllJ'ey, fil ed het firs and finnl ac· ' Marlon Boger to Gwc,ldolyn S~l- .lage, some, $2~4. 3; I\~me, son~e" !Dent ?f Mory W. Tucker, admmls- count. z nburg, l' town lot in Ridgeville. $438 .60 ; W. A. ~c9tt, brldg'1 repaIr, Istratrlx 01 the estate 01 Gharles S H. D. McVay, executor of the esGmce D. Rell lo Bebaslian lit. .11.75: Roy Helsel, same, $15.80; Tuc~er was filed" _ tate <!f Alonzo . Cassaday, filed his Bu erkle, 1 town lot in Mason. . Andrew S~hult.t, gravel, 54.20; Hal'· Boyd S. Ratbge,her, executor ~f fourte~nth account. FierblJl't anti !lfnrtho Emrick t~ llln Whitaer, lIame, $1.86; Earl estate of Ennma .Bbrton filed 'h.IS MollIe Price, . executrix of the ~. Prank J. Bolon, 26.78 acres of land Barnthou ~e 6llme, 90 centll; Spencer nventory and p·p,p ralsement. tate of Joh'l PrIce, fil ed her sal~ bi})., in Clearcreek Tp. & Armitage, lIame, 80c; A. It Thomp . Robert J . Shawhan and Mrs. 'Ethel Proof of publication of oppoint- . Sarah Posters et n1 to Nanc J ~o n, IIIIme, $24.76 ; lrionroe & • John. Blair were npp()int~d to the Board ment of Jessie S. Gross, as adm. of Kipp, 1 town 10 in B~t1orv.llle. y • ston, at. kes, $51.13; IIIIme, guard rail of county vislton. . t~o e/lwte of Sorah. J. etesbaugh, Charles C. Arleigh to Alfred ' F. material, $81>.64: The J, W .Llngo Atrbur · Bryant, assIgnee of H. R- WIlS Illed. . Tennison 40 a~e of land In H . Eldwe Co. , supphe.~, $373.82; Waites Whiteman and II. W. Jefferson, tiled ' MolJie Price, executrix of· t he cs- i1t on ' Tp: , a!" Garage~ repain, ,107.73; J. K. Speno tate of Jobn .Price, filed 'her inven, eel' brIdge lumber, $70.04; Lelllie hili first and limll account. N. 88t E . 80 pole. thence 8. 30' E. 80 Arthur Bryant, adm. o~ the estate tory and ap~raisement. . ' COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES Scbu!h:" ' operating maintainer, 'S5; LEGAL NOTIOIII p,ol.,. th ence N. 8S'>II w . to a poInt of Ida B. GrublDs, filed hIS first and ~. D. Snllth was appointed guarEamll! Dallln, fill material, $40.96; . ' dian o~ BeS$ie Smith. Valley Phone Co., rent, ·U8.60: G o. Cutler, dragging, $2.25' Geo. Stale of Ohio. Wa.r ren County. 1!'ildth~o:Ad Inxe: l\ rW~:dt~~~':n algn~ final account. In til l> Court of Common P IB4s. poln~ , IPter8eotln~ a \lne running due Proof of publication of appoint.. IIIIme, , tolls, -20.26; Allen Tracy, Morlon, euttlng hole in concrete, LId/\. Ill. Sawlo. as axeculrl,. ~rt~trar: ~~ib~t'l,et:::nJr~!a t~g~: ment of Marion M. ,Howell, adm. of: MARRIACE .LlCENSES treatment for m.bies, . ~60: Trllllteel 1.40; The Frank Sherwooq Co., ~up If........ .... ot ilia last will ot Suaan E. nnd the uact set oC~ to Jobn E.' Moa. tbe estate of Elmer Howoll, was filed. V K Ed d ' of Public Alt,a lrs, bght, $28.64; pl,i ~s, $102.81; P. lJ. Monce, POlta, . Haln ea, deccae cd. PlalnUff. ~':,r~~ea:o":: 8ald;of~ ~~Idt,.~'l:~g}~~r;: Proof of publication ~f appoint. crs' ern '. war s, worker at Pet- sa~!l' light and gllS,. $35.68; MonrOI! 460; W. P. McCarren, spark Plu,. WIDe ~,.WII .... _Estat .. S.tt1e4 v •. contalnnlg '.~: ..crea mor't or Ie... 'ex- ment of Frank W.' Dubois, exe'cutOl' d ~Fld~ at Kings .Mills, ana ~ohnston, aupphcs,. U.66; Jlallie, ~n~ ren~, $7; Pred Humphrey., drlv O.ear .1. Edwardal...Marla"na Wiap.mU.. Ohio Mayere. Lid. )of. ....... 1". 8u· ~~~~yOU~':Je~heb;a~~:'Y:mha~::~! of the estat.e of Tunia G. Dubois, ~ngs ;~ls . ost, bousewife of ~i8a~, B4~.Ci Ivins &. Jam~son, paint, tnt tractor, '88:85; Geo. C. Bauer, w~.th. ,..· fi~ed. ' . • • . ,,:1 Press, au,pllhes, '3,6~; per~. S. Donnell, contraet, '402.80; :~ ~inz;felJl~~. i~~~ 'WSu~ Alsoorlhe rellignation of Nannie B. Hicks " MCGedt~n II Pharmacy! ,88Jl1e, $a.60; Ho~ace Johns, hauling, $8.90; W. R. W . Hiatt. Hary L. Ed ... ards, Trlllena S. Ed ...ards t. Marsa, guardian of Albert C. Hicks, a REAL ESTATE T~ANSFERS AUre C. Brant, sheriff, chains and Elliott, plow beam, $4.50; F .M. 001ret W. Edwards. HorDert Bat· minor, was aC:celp ted. . Aaron and Leanna Downhouser to .traps, $1.16 ; John Law It Son, sup- lillll, ,~p'p\iea, ,7.20; Eden Terry' ter Lhwalt~ A:1lce E. Ru ..um, William .,. Ruaaum ThornlUl fo~:!::~~~\E~I~1 Jesse A. Moun't and M.• Roy Mounts Lewis C. and Llllie 'M. Uno, 1 town p~e., . $84 •.113; T~e Palmolive Co., sup carburetor, '5.00: BurCh. Clyde liIatt. Oamp· bell Nelson. Fred Sawln. Joexecutors ' of tne estate of Mima E. lot ill Ft. Ancient. phes, $9.60; Dr. F. A. Zimmer, .statel:=~'==='====:::s~=~: siah DavIs ' and Lloyel Dn'Vls, Reed, were-authorl;>;ed to ' seU cer- • Lewia ~C and - l.illiIl"M.-' urton; to Vet., ear tags, $21.00; The WC/ltem Illmmetto Fryor. Detendant .. tain Liberty Lo'Ul bonda. Forrest R. Figg, 1 toWn lot .in Ft. Star, a vertfslDg, nO; The JO,h nErnest Evaml was IIppointed ex. Ancient. . . son & Watson Co., record, ,88.60; Marlann .. M:!.Yere who live. at Han· ov t. MUllo.chusen.,· Susan ' IlL, Nelson. eeutor of tlie.esl t ateo f Eugene EVans Inc Rdbe1't to W: T. CoQk,1. town Alfr~tl q. , Bra!lt, shcrlf{, board and woo resides at 'We serf IdOlho; Caml!' and Oharles Ps,le, " G,!org'e Barnhllrt lot in' Franklin. . . ~ . ~ashinC :tor prisoners, '490.119,; San· ball Nelsoll who rosldea at WelJler, W. Burch who -reald es at Idaho ; Llna Tueaci.,,, 9 a.m. ,3:p.m 26 18 W ~bs t o r Sl.. F t. Wnyne.. Ind iana.: HI\rIAV· . and Thomas 8hockey; ,apprnisers. Minerva A. Jone.1I ~ Cl'Inton W. ltery Snpp)y Co., lIupplie, '$l!2.i6; ~ ._.",.... ::::.:-::.;.,.:-,..-. Court ordered that application be Ratliff, 1 town lot in Lebanon. ~. E~w, . and Robt. JJlah, profelSI\.an W. Hlntt wJ)o .tesh)es at tUI ....""U.,...~H Saturday.8 a.m. 7.p.m 1o["ln St.. Wlneho.ler. lnClI"n:!.: Thomu made to the Dayton State hospital William H. alld Olga .E; H opper 810nlilservices, ~24. •.60; The J. W. LlJI Burcb wh.o resides al 2518 Webster for the adinjtta'nCe of Zack Groom. to Clifford E. and Carrie IlufPII, go Hdwe 00., supplies, $3 :60; Sam D. ll't. Wayne. Indiana: . Clyde HJatt. J~welry S~op St.. wbo r Ild08 I1t 313 Main St. Wlllehee~E GJiT THEM QUICKLY AND The fina\- acccmnt of, John D. Kirk town lot in 'F'ranklin. .' , Henkle, entlneer on ~o'd survey, tcr. lnd ll1na.: will eM il and 11l I take norREE OF CHARGE adm. of the estate of LOl1llie E. ~dgar Jordan ' to S. C. and' Susie '~IJ.2&; W~ C. Bergdall! 888i8tin. en· tice thl1t on the16t.h day of All rJl. 1927. CALL US ANY TIME AT OU• Lt(lo. 1>1. sawin aa """utrl" of the Illat was approved, allowed and M. Alexander,~ 1 town ' lot in Frank. !lDee:rs, '12.2&; ~. M. qlark, lIIlIlIil, , , till . will of Susan E . Baines. decenaed. Iftied EXPENSE , ' lin. . ( • ~ .12.25; J. , A. Adam. &. Co, 7tepai~, hilt cerUlln pcUtlo" 11\ the (;)ammon " " ~;;;;;;;;;;;========;;;;;;;;=;;;;!I f' leaa Courl ,.wlthtn and for the Couuty aelCoont or O. L. Brown Carl E. and Iva E . Wittlinier to $25.09; The Ctllu~~uS OJl . Co., COli· .. ot 'Yarr(UI and State of oblo. and tben of Burry Brown, was ap- Tine Roberts, 1 town lot .in Franklin PO!! books, '2~3.50, W. A. S~ottt reo alld lhereby commenced an ncllon prove~. allow'edl and coillirmed. Frank .Kinder to E. Warren Beach, paIr ~d hauling, ,20.&6'; LIttleford ~~J~~t. O:~~h J;,atlt~:~~8i8 e~0~\3¥3i 11 atono In fltaa. a \ H,UVE:VS8l:JRGo on lhe Dock 1 of the said Court. Illleg· co r11or oC ' ..~rteDdllloleJ'J The iI.r st and final account of O. 3.95 town acres in Tranklln 1'11. : Broa., ~ and. asphalt beater, $19Q; In/!, '''lIong other things that thlll . ..Id tllrm d, Dlintush, adm. of the ,estatll . Prank Kind.e r to George '-P. Gates The OhiO Carr: CU1yert Co.,. aew.e n, SUAan E. Ralnea baa .Iven certain all 1 of J. M. Wright, was approved, . 01. 1.42 town acres in Franklin Tp: $9S~ ~ W. , Nlisbet Go., 81IJkes -and legacl s IH' h r Inst w ill "nd testament pol . which nro ctCceluo.l lo ehnrge U, e r al nhl lowed anQ confirmed. " Tine Roberts to 'Tom Marianos 1 lQmb~.r, $31.30.. L. T. Clemons bridae atn te Ilond her personal eslnle Is In- 1~1l8t opp." "OUn ( The first and.. finlll account of Wni, ·town lot in Pranklin. " ), .. ' !umber, $~20; Atelt)lr Halnilton, ', • :~t~!,m,nh,~o dt>o't~~S~n~ ~':fs~~I ~sf ~!~~~: of H. ) 'Nll, adm., oof the ' elltate of Sarah William E. ' WO,od to Tine RObelts. stone, .§.yo i '11he O!Oronia Bridge 9 to 11 •• m', ·8 to:5' p, m. ;I. lraUon Cor th e rea80n [bllt 8atd I gaCI~8 ",ro legaclca or bequest. ot .. ....... " .• _,.-- :e4~~:::~!~.i Null, was a'pproved, allowed and 1 tOWn , lot in Franklin. ' - ........... ~o., ,.etPall'~~ ,$i6.30; InternatibniU .... w, ... . 7 to 9 p. m. th e proc cils ot tho real os late deconfirmed. • '. 9hos. A. and Alice D. Hopkins' to a.rv~ er ",,:.) same $~.27 i sB~e, aclrbod .In Iohe SIlI.d lPelllilon (whloh TeIepho...... · The flrst IICe~'llnt ot Ed 0, Janney, Edith May Haines, 1 town 10t In same, n~95, Fred. Snider, ' same, I MON.E"· LOANED snld r III •• late l. 11 rc lnattar deCMnoe • . • • ao scrlbed l al1d lhllt It 18 neces81lTY to sell adm, of the esulto of Annab E. Cole- South Lebanon. , . '~16.961 1'. M. CQlhnsl 88me, same, ~ • ' . ' --.881";2 t~_eWI~~ 101\'Ing d08(l rlbed real celate. ma~, w apllroved, allowed an. .same; :'l6il.l0; .li.. T. Rettl;, '.amo, LOANS Oil' ChaLtela,Slocu,' 8ec:UJ'I. I< Siloate In th e County of Warren and we8 Ohio Ilrmed, In • i . Bt4dburf, same, ties and Second Mor.... Notft State of Ohio and bounded and descrlb· dIe HUll e t! a8 ,follows; ' ''Beginning nt a point polea trom a The flnt and, finnl account of the . '~6.36; ,..me, 8apte, $182,10; Joa. bought. John Uar)llne .Jr" 'Xenia, In ,lhe East line ot a trll.Ct ot 18.nd aet Lho Ro uth ' line I , ,> , Ohio. . t " ,'' '0190.'26 bCt to Elizabeth Magee by proo"odlnga ~U II S. 83 ' 16' In ,partltlon In the '~o.rron County Com thence N. 10' mon Picas at the November lerm /l. D. slone thence In 1841. It being a 'part ot S. U T. 4 a BlollB 'IIenr StMATT~R ,POP R. 5 between Ihe Miami Rivers;' the nce th Il CO or0881 1. 31 ehS. lo a " r!:' . , ' . ' Farn:t,n ~1 'Warren and adJolnh!. · nmor t N. GO' . 2 .. 1If-~"":'"----~~~~~~~~~~";: • A:ounties ~ay olt~n money on 1011, ;" t he Wesl bank Urne loanl, at' 5 per cent -h,\terut 13· 15' Ill. 2.25 IP 00' W. 2.32 COst 0.1 le~urinr .~be eame te S. 38· 00' W . 1. conlaJnlng 1.91 lonable ,~rou,JI\ ~be Fed4lra~. L¥lf In order to pay Bank. For further Il\tor~ation Call l)raln~h.~ d\:~~RS~a. and on' o~ Addre.. M. C. DRAKIl~ TriUprnyer o t tho entd cO U I' l may cnnecl urer, .phone SIS·X. Lebanon QJilo JOSiah Dnvl8 !lna ~~~'kle Jg~u~t~de~nd ,-:'''-., , .. Ing her as oC Suan n Ill. the renl 'tor the pu rpose cl•• gh'en by the
furniture Upbolstered····Repairing
• 1 • Rave Purcbased .00% More
F. D. DAKIN Insurance Agency
General Insurance
7.35 .
. S3.40 5"S.·.SBalloon1S.35 I:' . . . .
. • ••a.
r CODlpany;.
Waynesville, Ohio
Catya ' , . EYES ' dr.IIIED •
HarveysbUrg 'FertiliZer Co.
'CIb'ASSlfIEO AD,S.' , I i
-+ . . ....
B,':~ M~·, P~~N~· Farmers. Attention! ' .Ki
v*rr n..
:~~,;'-tn ~ntJ I\~~~1 h eQr·ecj!J18e.{l.
judgment. . dccrees. wh ich thla Plnlntltt Is pr emia ~ . . 'fhe above nallled persona w111 lake notice lhnt they nrc d,arty e1eCendanta to the sn ld netlon an as such are ·,re· (l ui red to nn SWer the pelltlon on or ""taro th e 26th tiny of Jun e, 19U7. or judgment ,will be taken against them. L1DA: Ill. aAfWIN, " lilxocutrl.x ot 1110 last wIll ot, MI1Y • 'Ot. Sua~n E. ~alne .. deC88aed •
Estllto ot AII~1I18, 4ee~a~,,4. Nptlce la herebY given- that Samuel E llis hns becn duly appol'nte4 anel (I Ualifl d na e~ eC lltor of the Estate 01' Allee M. Ellis, Il1 te of Warren Oounly, Oh19 .. deceaseu. • Dotod thle 27th day of ·A!prll. 1927, Judge ot ·the~r~ara°l:.furt 'H d W . Warren County. Ohio. M~:=~20 . Ivlnl, ~tty, A,
. ~ . .......-=-.~--
SUCH MONIKER Clerk- uYour -Dame?" Gob--"C. Fl\ring Mann." Ol!!rk- "I asked Your n'a me, youI' ,occupation."
---.... ...--~
F!rstun-"~Y-;;u : can your, Hit a boxer, Why I'd 'k nock )tef block oft for two c:enta.'· 'Sec:ondun-' Yeh I alld a daIn8il pune tor )'Ub, too!' .
GAZE'FTE.... ISSUED BVERY WEDNESDAY IDte1'ed .. til. Polltotllo. at .W a)'tlfIV We, 0., u . Second
ca.. KaD .au.
D .. CRANE, Ellltor a .. t1 Pu..l1 ....r" W•.p.,~, Olale
il.50 per 7ear.
Suli.CrtPtlOD PrIce, .
"'CJrel"~ A~vertl.t;,;-R.~~;;~;allve
. ,.,'11 ... (C'\'
f ~ _ _ _. ' "
1. San Salvador. an i8lan~ in tho 6. AI~ander Graham Ball, 18 7 9. West Indies. 6 .. April G. ] 91.7. '
2 .. P. T. ' Barnum 7. Alluh . 3. Delilah. 8. Chicago. 4. Beads made fr·om shells.· It was O. The Lion. r----':=~~-:-lI_t-:--WIeQ-n:~D.e.~QULnB as money. 10. Balboa.
J'8trllPp,&a;in-tffie~antcrum~wr-~~~ HOOK·UP . death by • comblnlltion of laW' Farm Relief ~ad Leai.lat'ion . Iscience? How much better fl a Agriculture's friends in l"ederal gill ~iJling in c41d ' blood than a priaA'IIir8 huve evidently adop1f!d the vate killing done ' In the heat of al. tilne·honored policy that "there is cohol ' and bestiality? Justice " more thnn one w.ay to "skin a cat." forego kUlin&, in the name of civilOUR"tt*IiJ MAS ~ .. ~ News from Waahtngton tells us quite izatlon before it can expect criminals LOr IIRioM ,... QfM ~.IoI ·,.. positively that thoughts for farm to give .up kllling In the name of bJOt"'-la UI~ "fO,1UrI' MaRC. eur l'elicf i~ by no muans Il dead issue. hatl·ed. cupidity and vice. DlI)-.ou ~ ttIDP"1O"'I14IN" 1Mo\T . _ ..._ __ In tact it is IlS milch alive as at the '''~~~HAD'''' moment it seerned about to become W,.V, 11" ~ . . IO MUOH' EDITORIAL FILLERS an actuillity this spring. EI/EIlY TlMa 'tW' ~ PUT' 8O~11JCi OIlER. OIJ-"THQ Agricultural leaders In Washington Cold hard facts are usuaUy just $'rANDPATT1lRS, OUR."1DVoN nre now busy sellrching- about for that--except .on . many· cold hard MOIIIW UP A NOTCH \ "hook-up" legislation . upon which tombstones. to tack another McNary· Haugen bill. --0-. with the Idea of forcing the next Ignorance of the law excuses no conll'1'4!SS and the sdministration to one--but knowledge of the law conaccept it or see perhaps their pet bill. fusee evj\ry one. whatovor-it-may-be. go down to de--0-feat. . Stretching the truth is one way of Alrendy lellders of the American making thingil go as far a8 they can Fllrm Burca.u Federation. The Na- -'-but look out for the. s nap-back. --0tional Grange and the Farmers' National Un'ion have arranged un Octo· We flever looked at it this way be. ber meeting in Washington to pre- fore. but is a fact that there are II~re ' a program for a farm relief an awful lot of "s" curves in MiascampLI!gn. n lid have it ready and iseippi. --0. wlliting for Congress when it convenes In December. "Does an oyster lIulferT"-now it The "hook-up" may be made with seems to be the newspaper subject the MiRsissippi t\ooq legislation which of the moment, We say "yes"-If will then C!lme ,up and. which at this lie is a married oyster. time. seemingly ill lIS8ured of action. --0With tlood relief and farm relief a New York police captured a burjoint .issue. backed by the agrleul- glar who had tools of his trade hid tural I>loc in Con.zress. there is hope in his wooden leg That reads like of pushing a McNary-Haugen m.e as- a LEGend. ebT" urI! through. . -0Chst!)r H. Grey. of the American . U Ruth: Brown Snydcr goes to HE IS IT ~arm b\lre~uj L. J .. Taber. president electric chair in ·Ne.w York. she , a.nd FrederIck BrenckmBn. of the No he the f()urth of the seven Freddie the Frosh gave ' his Iratertlonal Grunge have already Informed put to death In that state who mur- nity pin to that young Davis kid wbo 'he President that sentbbent amllo&, dered or helped murder' their hUll- Jived out on Kay Street. One day the farm.ers is stOl stro.ng for the bands. This being a huablUld last week when he called on her equalJzation tee feature (If the M~- has ltir hazards. a new maid opened the door. Nary-Hnugen bill. and that any ,bill . --0"Miaa Frances is engaged. airl" to find favor must provide funda to . ... the maid. Ilelp them market c""ps. , Fede~l. prohlblt~on forcea are I" kn i" I' d Fr ddi '''1' . · Y . in&' mobilized on the Canadian ow t, rep Ie e e. m ~t is generally known that farm- d to· attend th 160000 what she'l eneared to." relief advocato. are going to point er • e • . • _ • lobg and earnestly at "pi&, iron" and Y.anka wlto, It is estimated. wdl Its increased tarlft'. in maldn&' de- into Ontario this au.mmer." The THE BOY WAS RIGHT mand .for federal aid In agrlculture~ fle cry ?o ~,oubt wlll be The " It will b41 bro.ught to mind that n~r- are coming. . "Last winter at 'college the tern]y everything said which ~:could not -0on three 8uccessive nlgbta WealthT J!:ng.!ish woman to zero." be done for agrIculture" lion 'done almost .. immediately for pi&, , iron donned ·overaUs and worke~ nothing." . snorted ' Fredthrougl1 increAlled tarHP. In ' other eDgine room Qf a freighter die iii. FJ,olh •. "t~t·. nothing." words. "govel'nmenr price 1I][lng" Americ;a.' rather thlUl ' bear the 'IWat's notbill&"" indignantly uk'8eems okeh for sndustry-but not to monoton7 on a luxurious liner. Now Sam. the Senfor. . be thought of for more . than 4 000 _ if ,he'Jl come out here to ~aynee~', ZefO." remarked Freddie, 000 farmers. . • 'vUle ~ncl· 1Ind . tbe inila in our wh_fe pUT.. ,u he boited 'the door• . . ~ ftiner', cylindel'll--we'll say it's not • - • 1••7 ' IIOT"E~ GOOSE P.RIVATE· AND' .'PUBLIC·:\KILLING a p~bUc~ ~~~ ~. .
Old , Mot~er Hl,Ibbard Went to tb" cupb~d But the ·revenue ~nt . Wu t~ere. •
til the Snydel'l .murder cUe ·.thete
is lomethlng more IinpORaJ:lt- t~n ", . .' ~ )lorrlble st0o/. ~th tte sa:aJlwelaht. " Prof~r . (~pealrinr on pbone,picture wl.r e. ch)oroform' and unUm- . Y9u uy that ~i1ly Smith has ,a bad it~d bootleg whisky, . The stnuIce cold .. and will not be ab.le to attend
thinr is the eagern_ exprtisaed by ~anT. women al\d !pen, tJiat the cOI;Ivicted woman and Inan .hould, with out fall, dIe in tb e .e lectric · chair. ' Some apparently eonl1d~r . apPfoac;hing executions 811 a 'sort of vjctqry': for themle~vci. " What &"DOli will these 'e I.8Cutionl dol ' 'rhey, will add on. mOH' horror to a .Ilpmble crime. fa it deairab{e; ·In ·th4!,Jllime ()~ jl.\stiC!l, that . a wom~ scr~blinr , anQ ,ltrunllD&" ~e
.cho~\ today. WWho Ing! ir':~Ice S.
. ., "lnaide.lnEormation"
ijI~ ~-
-':;;===,"".~-~.~=e t" :" .-
BEECH · GROVE MI nnd Mrs. Tom Roberts and A nd sti ll it. l'tLinHfamily have moved lo the country. Our ~id are :ill u('llC'r. Mrs. Chris Charles entertaine d tbe AU)' sc hool will c\ofie n ex~ Fricluy. Flat Fork Aid We,dnesday afternoon M. M. TC!ITY nnd K. E. Thompson W. W. Cossum gave the address were in Da yton , T u(!sday. . at Community ha ll. Wednesday evening. . Mrs. Kute J rdnn alld son, George, and daughter, M is..~ Hnnnllh, were in Mrs. Charles Cook has r eturned home, after aponding the winter in Wilmingto n Wedncsduy. Th e Bachelor Girls InLlling chl b Cincinnati. will meet with Mrs. II. A. Millard at . Mrs. Lindo AIRen is the house Olive BralLch 0 11 Muy 24th. guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. GorJllmcs Gray and fripnd s, of Leb· don and family . anon, were heL'e one tluy last we ek. The Civic Leag1ue met with Mrs. calling on MI'. Gru y' s many fJ'iends. Sadie. Reaso n Suturt1ay. Mrs.. W W. Cossum gave a tallk on their work in Mrs. Nellie Bunnell clime over frol11 nelll' Wuyne s \'ill~ on Friday and Chino. spent lhe day wi th her molh er, 111 rs. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gordon and Hunnah Bogun. 80n. Robert. and Mrs. Linda Allen visited friends in Waynesville Thurs- and Mesda mes Anna Ferris, Lilli e Villars and the MisRes Hannah J 1'day evening. dan, Lucile Ferri s wl!re nil Leba. Mr. and 1\Irs. Howard Surface and Il'on visitors, Saturday. Miss Anna Frances Pyle has reson were Sunday afternoon guests of their parents. Mr. I1nd Mr~. F. M. turned to her home ncnr Clarksville Osborn and family'. ufler spending a few days here wi t h Dr. and Mrs. G. G. Randall at- hel' cousin. Miss Lucile Fenis. Mesl's~ . Nick and Hurry Huffman, tended the Spanish play at Wilmington college Mond:I1Y evening. Miss George McGrath, M. M. Terry, K. E. Helen Randall had the part of Span. Thompsl}n, Cecil Villars. Winston ish queen. Cline. Alf Jordon. Sherman Ferris J( number from here attended the Mrs. K• .E . 'l'hompsoll has retu-rncd class play at Wa~rne8ville. Misses to hcr :Iomc here. aIter spending Tucker. Violet Bogan and a fow daye · at thl:' Childrcns' Home. Amelia Carr are m4!mbers. of the class in Dayton with her daughter, Mabel. from this place. who is u gove rness at the home. '''His Uncle's Nic:cc." put on as the class play Monday and Tuesday enings. was well attended. The of characters wasl very good and each acquitted themselves in g{lod form. The plo.t was excellent and the comical situallions which arose kept the audiences in gales of laugh. ter. The Harveysburg .orchestra furnlilhed pleasing m~lsic during the in. termll!SioIis.
NO BATH HOUSE •••• ". PruIiU are important souren of . "Have Some' whisky!" .uear alid minera", ·particularly iron "No• .thanks: I never touch ~nr. .... . thing. but :water." ,. It'.1a ~ot lIece~, U ' wU' forin"WeU, 1'lI\;not asldAr you to erty supposed. to ' remoye food .from your l\ands in It,l' a can ' loon ' as it i. opened. .
NEVER Motoria" are Icarning that there i. a big difference though they look pretty much alike. Som., are lona ahort 00 quality and mileage. But We won't need to be aure that the GOODYEAR Tire you eet from buy. boody.,ar mileage tell. the alory.
For the benefit of thoso who don't
~pw. that Governor D?nH~ey ~ns
SIgned the Emory-~cRltchle . bill. -:v hich stops the .lIhootl.ng of, squIrrels III odd y?a~s • . Illcludmg 1927. und the bag IIm!t IS reduced to four a day. The bIll al so reduces the numb~r of. cock pheasants thJlt may be killed III a .day from three to two. and of rabbits to five a day. So remember. and be ('al·cful.
W. W. Cossum Ihad charge of the service at Jonah's Run church Sunday morning; Mnl. Coasumwas unable to be present on account of illness. M.r Cossum a.n d tbe children were dressed in Chinese costUmes and had a number' of curios on display. The ' children sanr. "Y.es. Jesus Loves Me"P irl . Chinese. There I w~ a . large c;rowdl present to enjoy Hr. Couum's talk.
And You Get tbis Kind oi Service-F REE I We don't just sell you a t il'e--we'JU Ilpply it promptly. Sel,! that your rims are free f rom rust. and thet t he t ire is correctly indated, Then after it i nand I'unning we will inspect it at any tl~". , alld apply conservation measures to help you' get all the miles' of service that the facto ry has builL into it. , This kind of service means' tlre dollars saved. We do it free for ur customers.
/11 \ \
IJ~1 'S·(f.. ~ .
MES c"
,. ~
2.:;""!!"'~~;1 JUltdf ~ot. . \09ilWl.. ..,· Sr
___ _ . . SmIth for PreSIdent club has bcen organized with thl! slogan. "At can beat Ca!." The trouble Wlth such a ~ Io gan is that it sounds just as ~cll III reverse, and probably a httle ' , more conVIl1Cll1g. The Soviets seem to be flndmg out that when it comes to subtle diplo-
Waynesville Motor ,e gA Waynes~lIle, Ohio , '
Phone 105
THREE to tl1i.E MINUltS ,/ to fORTY mEATRES
in lir ... aI. on loob ..... a micro.co... Ua la • r.al . ' '
.~ • •- - -
_1~'r, sta,DdIl31... a~cLa..aDllr!ce.~DLl~miJ18-~~~..,./ AND~L5lIOPS ~::-.. ", .
Goodyear's Price Oftet:! Duplicated but Its Quality
long before Communism was ever thought of. The spring (If the ·year used to be the time for the appearance of Bock beer and sassafras tea. Well. we still have the sassafras tea. ' Who remembers the good old days a woman could concea} her pocketbook in the hem of her skirt. European nations call Uncle Sam imperialistic because they kllo,Y just what t hey would do it they were in his place. Let's hope that the nations of the world don't get into a war over disarmament. Thel'e is one tiling about the Sapiro hen ring that Senator need ought to appreciate. It will never have to be called off finally for lack of funds. A dispatch from London says that England has the densest populati!>n in the world. I ~ that why it is 80 difficult for the English to und~T. sta nd an American joke? The presiden t of G:\,eeee has reed. WpndeL' if he is going, Into the restau~'ant business? A di4!tal'Y expert says that grqwing tall depends ou the kind ·and
amount having of foodsix-Coot you eat. In our opinion ancestors also helps a little. The Chinese situation is 80 mixed up at present thnt we doubt whcth'e r Sherlock Holmes nnd Nick Cal'tel' working together could untangle .'"it. . A numher of Boston sports were gathered in the other day for baseOF SWINE ball gambling. Anybody wbo bets (A. SPE:CIALTY)' . on the Boston t0111ll ought to be arrested. " .Noti.iI', .....:i,~.n.bl., Serum .a-4 Frank H. Simonds. the historian, .. ' ' \"Iral. 0 •• says that in refusing to ratify the Phane h Versailles treaty and 'ill getting out of Europe as soon as possible the HARVEYSlaUR~ OHIO . . United States helped the cause of I~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~, Eut:ope rather than rew.ded it. 11 Mr. Simonds ' isn't careful he may . .- - -...-""!"'.....-~--"!" ~....,. ge~ a ' letter from ~he ' college proI
The Next
Red Arrow Auction :' ,-.Will be held-
~:::::::::::::::::::::~~::=~=~ "':)
.... Wf.lf~rr; McClur~ f~~:;~:g:n~:; 110 'Iady mil\ionai~es 1: ' a. Cl . who have no husllands. OpportuniJ.• ~ 4iI •.~"IC ure , ties. for young··men In ' Chicago ought FuNERAL DIRECTORS '
W1.t;YoN. ~Y~ O~I~_ Fully EQuip'ned', for Good ~} '''' .. 'S~I~lee. ' DUlP.lay
,., !~.Ullp".))__I'IIii'..""~ ~ ~~,, ,,~~~:~,.,tt;
. '\) ' N '
to be especially; good.
The 'Miami Gazette , ". ' ,
the touth today ': is The lItIid height to be' of two inches of,grearor .the averago height of the vou ..". ' same age fifty .. years ago. you'U have trouble convincing grandpa tllilt this is true· ·t· " y Now tiiat we have pt:actlcali ' e~t the a'm6unt that Europe. owes us 'hl
:l$~~~~~I~~~~~;~~ nAT. R ' 10RT .twq,<~ lOt of '.our. coU~ge prof~asors, r,::-~ I;.~~~~~!!!!I'!!-!"!!"'~""-'!""'i!-" a re ;PerfectLy willing to · throw -..."...•• .
~~!!!~!!!!![!!i~~~!!!!!!~~~ the otber tialf" .
. The .rran'jl.s on ~f .tb~ milD tM . gas now. • tarts the aUl;qmJ'.~ 'J1gl~th tlie, car lEo1,·..."cl~~"e41'1
F T'~ M · ·art.·n .
. .;
:Auctioneer S' .;',.
'. '.~.~ c.a~ : .:l .' : ._ _
Mr. and Mn. RaJ MUla Dayton, Monda,.
In '
Mr. lind Mr:i. IA'~ter Gordon \Vere In !\larrow, TUl!lIfJay.
-aDdo ST. MARY'S CHURCH - GENERAL J(EPAIR WORK '. Mr. nnd 1\I~8. ' J. ' O. Cartwright In Dayton. '. . Fifth Suntiay after Easter-May 22. Ohurch School at !) :45; Morn-oD'yere in Dllyton und Ox-l\)rd, T ues·; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Johne were dny. . G m City "lrittiton, Friday. illg Prayer at 1i o'clock. E~ECTRICAL APPLIANCES Rev. John J. Schaet!er. Rector. Seo E. P. Harlan for all kinds of .. Mr; ,Thel'le Janos grlldllates {rom 'i ' I 'w k ~1TS. lI111f" Honkin-,. of B . elmont, "I SHORT T ERM COURSE ' .p " Waynesvil! High 8chnol this week. Electrca .. or • _ _ __ Mpent the woe k-end with friends, CHRISTIAN CHURCH ilONEST 'ATJ.:EAST Sunday-School at 9 ;90; . Fir' ~ LOoy, D. D.-!"College ~nly irs. James McClure wne shopping here. -M1·s. {ury C bnony and M~s. ·ClulIa.. ftt to a fortun e teller tl.I' co.ts m"" thre'e hundl'ed dolln- thl'8 in Dayton, -r Monday." rll Thompll01'l spent ThursdllY in DIlY- Everybody cqrdinlJy Invited . •~ "' n Jason R!!dferii nnd dnughter, of ton. other . METHOD.IST CHURCH &10. b dq ' and I\JIk .'(1 bim when \V1\8 yellr." II1r. and M'I'll. C. H. herwood were Ye1IOW8 t one GliP" Mlmt\lna, nrc visU Id ' ~ Wli eat time to gel marri d. WI'II, . c~ond L. at D p . "How'cun\?" ·ti I t' I h·... .D~r. R'Iley S ayor an Illter, ,,! rs. II. took one look nt 'her ant! Rdvi c'd ,"'irst L . L. D.- "WeJl, you see, I Dayton Visitors, Friday. I ng fl! U lvee II t !S Ylcinity. Jnmes Wasil, SpOil t Sattll dny in Day. -sntba"th SchQol, :15 a.m. i Preach· EL I~C TRlCJAl'i ing Service at 10 :30 n. m.; Epworth hI:r ~_,nlb the fhi t. C~8!lCe. " IW 8 fir d ut nft r ,th t\n;L weekI" Jlii!!8 Pllarl Moore', of 'Denver CIlI. Mrs. Ji:thlln rnllc und sister, MisR lOll. . Leaguo at 6 :46 p. 1l\.;' Evenin g 'Dorothy ook, of' Dayto n. were week Mrs. Ohurles Smith and Mr .. alld "isiled TclaLives here last week. end guests of IIlr. lind Mrs. D. L. Mrs. George Smit h spent Mondny in Preuchin g Ill'vicc lit 7 :30 P. 'm. . L: A. Washburn, Pa tor. Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Conner and famity were in Dayton, Saturday. I\{rs. George Scott iii ' somewhat Mr. ond Mrs. C. H. Sherwood hal improved after being ill 1'ot' a couple Two Shows Daily Mrs. W. H. Allen and Miss Olive a their dinrier g'Ul'st, aturday, their of weeks. . _ _ _6_:30 and 8 :3 0 p. m. nephl'w, Morris Jeffery, of near Or· Allen wer shopping in Dayton, Messrs. Emery CIIlIt'lton and Wal· egonill. urday. T he annual busket diml I' nnd fi eld t r Kenrick made a business trip to meet of the Ma Mie TOWIlHhip seh (lIs ~~~~~------~----~~~~I Mr. nnd Mrs. ' Adam Mell oh 'lind Mr. nnd Mrs . .R. E. rone lind fum - Xenia. Frid~y. will be held 011 the HllrvcY R b llr ~ .,' __ _ ._ !3!!!l son~ viRit d relatives ia H)lmilton ily attended a poultry show at Bllln· !\fr. nnd Mt'H. Cillrence Sm it1l, of School ground •. FI'idIlY, MIIY 20. 'hellter M()nday evenillg, given by the Sunday. ' spent the week-end wilh Dayton, The (!vcnt ~ \\'ill b~A'in PI'OOlp t Iy III Purinn Mills Co Lytle relatives. 10 o'clock. !lnd thlr tythree e\'enl s lire Mr and l\lrs. N. A. King, of In di· ~c h edu l d fOI' tIll! dll~' , wi t h fll'st and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zepf, of Col· Mr. Crist Boitnott, of Tippecanoe anapolis, are g uests of Mr. and M incirl)'luli, spe nt Sunday ity, is visiting his ~ i stc r . •Mrs. Guy second prizes fo r ene h (lvcnt. . lcge lIill, Woller Eh:ey. wit h MrA. Zepf's ])urents, Mr. lind Routzahn nud fnmily. Mrs. Eva Funkey Andrews and ~h·~. Gcorge Sm ith. Messrs. Cnlvin Longacre nnd Wit . GOOD JUD GMENT son, of Chicago, are guests of J. O. 1\[1'. and Mrs. Cllrl McClure and b<'1't Swnn ll IIro now riding motor· Cartwright and family. children, of Dnyto n. spent Sunday cycles to their work. <;You have suvot! my lif('," suitl Country Club, 1M-lb. Twin Misses Mildred nnd Knthyrn Gra· th e man to the youthful hero 11'11(1 I\h'. nnd Mrs. Ed Ruper, o f St. lI'ith the former's pnrentl;. Mr. und . or split-top loaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irs. Walter McClure. hnm spent the wct'k·ent! with Mi ss Louis. Mo. , were guests of Mr. and hlld I'e 'l1cd him fl'el111 dl'()wnill l!. "A ~ P_.cI u...f ""." ...... " ...... :..... 8c Vi....... Io.f 7 Rhen Dyke. in Dayto n. Mrs: W. O. Rapcr, on Tucsdny. " I'cwllrt! you Mhall 11I :,rry 1I1~' duug" Rye, 1 ~.IIt. lo.f ......................1Oc RailiD,' eYer,. ·W~d~~~d·~;:"i~~f,,9: Messrs. Adnrn Melloh. H. A. Cor· A number hom here attended the tcr." R. E. Crone's mother is spend· ell. Wm. Suundel's and E. L. Thom· Class play at Wnynl'sville on Tilu 1'3ThQ Yllun~ mUll Klllnt!ed lit till' Country Club, Round, . 1-~ 9- .mgII1r. a few weeks at the home at Mr. as altended inspection of Butlerville elay and Friday evenings. r1nulrhter. Then he threw Ihe mUll . fine for ShQrt cake, each . . . . . Masonic lodge SnturdllY evening. and Mrs .. R. E. Crone and fa mily. back into the I'iver IIgain. s!""c. Calc...................... ,...... lOc · Roilllci Lay.r CO ................ " .... 35e Miss Edith Friend is quite sick nt Ill.is9 Margnf(~ t L. Edwards, 01 this time and WnIl taken to Miami 5'1..... LA,.. C....... "" ... ·"1, ,,25c Ancel Food C.k. ,...... " ........ ",,2Se Mr. and Mrs. J,.. A. Zimmerman leCt Su nday for . California. They Dayton, was thE! guest of her nunt, VlIlIey hospital Mondoy morning. oxpect to be gone a month or six Mrs. R. A. Conner , Friday, and at· Mr. and Mrs. Duerr, of Dayton te nded the class ploy in the evening. weeks. . spent Friday with the latter's PRI': F~DcIa Br_.... 11t ........................Sc .. ~COunll'7 · Clu~, .'.••1 cut, Ib" .. ,,47e Mrs. MIlY Cook and daug hter, Dor- cnts, Mr. and ~1rs. J. E. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Allen and Miss Mr. a'n d Mrs. Ethnn Crone, of .. 1I1rs. Chloe Olden, of Piqua, is ViS- j Speciall.regular Sc r~lI Clifton Toilet Paper Olive Allen spent Sunday in Cincin- othy, ~ayton, and Jlfrs. Kllte Coleman t M' AI FOR SALE the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. spent . given away With each purchase of 'nati, Sunday with M.r. and Mrs. D. I mg r. ~ert Stucy and fam ily. Barnhart. L C M~s. Chloe Sides and other relatives - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . rane. here. FOR SALE- 3 Jel'sc.y cows and 2 . . . . . . . .. Dr. Mary Cook attended the onnun l meeting or the Ohio State Med. Mrs. Ni na Comptotl nnd fnmily, Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Kenrick ut. elie IP work horses, 1 mule, 3 y ars ieal nssClciution at Colu mbus, May lIfiss Laura Lee Thompson nnd Mr. tended the birthday dinner of Mrs. old. nn 'be se (ln ()II thl! fOTIII. one 10, 11 ond 12. and l\irs. Harry Palmer, of Mason, Theodore Campbe ll, lit Centerville huH mile west of We'll man. at any s pont S unday afternoon lit the home S unday. 'lime. J . . W. resswc ll. m18 Mr . . nnd Mrs. Morris! SjJver, oj! Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Crane lind fam-' ilyMr. and Mrs. 13en Hnwke and fum· spent Sunday in Sabino with the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Route 4, and Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Ball ily. na.Window have exchanged properties and are former's sister, IIIrs. Battie Senrs ' ......wood fra ..., Dinner g uests of Mr: and Mrs. and fnmily. lb ... .......'.. moving todoy. . ' .djQ~l.ltle. each .......... .. Lester Gordon S unday, were Mr. aud ~ Ib " ........................ 31e Mr. and Mrs. Mllrvin Wells, of Tip . Mr. ond Mrs. Ernest Shutts, of Mrs. Charles Gordon and son , RobCincian.a ti, aTe spending t heir vaca· ert, ~lrs. Linda Allen, Mr. Marion pecanoe City, were six o'clock dinner tion at the home of the former's ' par- Gordon, of 'Haneysburg, and Miss. guests, Saturday, oC M.r. and Mrs. CAD. Guy Routzahn. '\ ,.. Abbie Graham . . ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shutts. . . . ~ ............... .................... .29c a deJicious and appetizing fruit, just' try our IIIr. and Mrs. Lt'ster Dietz · of Cin. J. B. Crabbe and family attended l\1rs. Lester Gordon was in Day- .cinnati, visited Mr: and Mrs. Edd the picnic and conference of the ton, Monday, arId visited h er sister L Smitll·Bughes teachers and families Mrs. St Clair Fiife. at Miami Valle; thOense:;~-e~d~ other relatives, over polipil:!ll. MTS. Fiife is l'ecovering rapat So,uthwestem Ohio, at Fort idly and was tII.ken t<o her nome in Mesdnmell Han'y Graham, Susan <:ient, last Saturday. And you will surprised to find what a wonder· Suylor and Henry Wash and children Wilmington. Tuesday. ful flavor they h~v~. The Misses Dorot hy and ?nd M!. Riley Saylor spent Sunday JelTery, of Dayton, were pleasant Mr. and ' Mrs. ' Webster Conners and In Spnng Valley. Fully tree· ripened in .• ~nny California. callers at the 'h ome of their uncle, two children,' aind Mrs. Dora Con- . Mrs. Carl · Duke attended a bnnand aunt, Mr. 'and MrS. C. H. Sher- ners, enroute to their home in Bos- quet f th d WiD....... 3 Ib •..•.; ..................... 25c Later t hey t on, Mass., aer ft spen d lng ' or eroom, gra uotes mothers wood, Saturday eVDning·. Packed in heavy syrup immediately after pick.. t h e. winter a~ Nurses' Miami and Valley hos. were gue8~ In the home of Mr. and in Tex.a s, are s,pending a few ' days pltal, Wednesday at 5 :30. ing insuring the finest flavor that r,loney can Mrs. Charles Shutts, t he occasion with O. R. Ung~lesby and f amily. heiDg a surprise on Miss Irma Shutts. , Mr. W. C. Cornell celebrated his buy. . ' " Mr. and Mni. M. D. Baird had a s 92nd birthday, Sunday. Be is in his Try a can at ~ and be convinced. Mrs. Alb~rt Cleaver entertained m their dinner ' gu~lsta Tuesday e vening, usual good h~alth and remarkablll for $!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!'!'!!!!!!!II!! .. mOllt deilghtful manner, Sl1 nday. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Conners and a person of t his advanced age. ~ay 15. in h~no! of her husb~nd's children, and M:rs. Dora Conners, of 111 . f!ll!=e~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=.:" blrtbday . annlv.e raaq. A~ter Mr. Baston, .MBI\I., 0 .. R. Unglesby and . r. and Mrs. Ben Abner e ntertamed .,on s'!llldpy .n....h!lll.O.L.01.. t I Cleaver had r~covered. ~rom. the shock family and Mrs,. JUlia Donovan. " pf t he surprise de did. I .' birthda;V of the latter's father, Mr. P?S8ible to make a ~eJightful ,Saturday , eVeI3ing, May 14, Mias Henry Hoover, the following guests: high noon a most delectable repast Irma. Shutts was surprised by a crowd . M~ijS-~ nell, of ChriSt liospitsl, -- We Dellverwas sened after which' games of va- of young folks from Olive Branch Cmcmnati, met with the Laales Aid were indulg~d ~n. Those and Spring Hill. in l!onor of her members at a ·called meeting, Thursrious kinds ., Way~esvllle, Ohio Phone 113 whd enjetyed the OCC8lllon were Mr. birtht!ay. At II late hour refresh:' day afternoon. and talked over busi'w.......... Oab or SHU Co....Dy day. Oa ~. CarD Sh.ll.r .Da and Mrs. Arthu.r Atkin~on a,!d daugh ments w.ere served, consisting of ice ness pe~illing to the hospital work. ter, Audrey, of Oregonia;' Miss Kat h- cream, cake and candy M.r. and Mrs. O. E. Johns· were I'n en-.. will lie laid 0& a f.", ...,. ",Ilile w. aN puttlDC in .eo... erine Daughters, of ' Dayton; Harry Cleaver, of Norwood; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ca:foUnl8 Barnett, Mr. and XeDla last week. and Mr. 'Johns had -. -Carl Fischer, and lion. Latnar, . Mrs.' Ha~ Turner 'and 80n, ' of Bell- a tumor removed from his .arm by r:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~=====~~=~ Hamilton; Mr. and ·Mn. w;m. Shuler brook, Mr . and Mrs. Omar Barnett Dr. DeHaven, of that place. The and children, Edwin, Marei'et. ' Aro and family, of 'Beavertown, ,Mr. and is healing nicely. ' . . .. 0 . thur and, Virginia, Mr ,BoWlU,'d Mrs, . Sam Bal'ne~ and family. of M~s. Albert Stacy Is suft'~ring from ~IFF;;;;;;~------;;;;:;;i;;;:,: ==~~::-=';;:;;i.i;;;;;;==~=..;;'.==..:;. ton and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cleaver Centerville, were dinner. guests on' th~ efl'e~ts of having an ingrown .toe • ., and 80n; Robert. Sunday,' of MI~. · and Mrs! Harvey nall removed by Dr. Austin, in DIlY" f
---- -------...
. Mrs. Emma Smith' Ipont Th~ay
=' ===;:::======0:::=====6
Annual Fie1d Meet
Better and Cheaper than Syrups
Venard's Honey
Coffee':::~d: .. .... .. .. . ... .. ... 2Sc
;o!'i':.~!'~~~~.~. ~~ ~~~1~~. p~~~~'.
£!~~I~~~~~c~5c Scree" 2!~ N.~ ~ 15c ~1[~;.~.,~~~:...1DC ~J p~~!
Late Classified Ads,
When you want to serve
.. . .25c
Silver Flake Peaches
~~~!~n~ :~~~~.~~..22c
~eed Grinding Notlc.e.:
'O. ' 'IIe.M'III CoaI 90dIce C ' n esvl 1aY
::;:;:;;:;.=JJ _ .. ~~~~~~~~~~F~~~~~~=~~=~=~~=~;;~======~;~~~~;~~~~h~d~teL
MilS ?t;lildred., Wright e'ntertained with a weiner roast at her home on Wednesday evening, May 11. the folIIOwing: Misses" Ruth Anna Collins B;elen and' Ethel Hariley, Claudia and Josephine Gray and Vera Tibbals. Messn Sam LaForge. Howard Bart.: ley, Ray and I~alph Bdbson Forest' Tibballs. Georlge Harvey, ' Rohert Campbell, Geolrge, Harry and Or•. vme Crowe. A ,s ~e evening was bad and could not be spent out-of·doors·
~ . a~~.Is~~ · U
treated twice a week. Mrs. .Emma Clark, MeSllra. Charles Clark and H. M. Clark vfsited Walter Clark at Miami Valley_ hospital DELIVERIES MADE IN ,WAYNESVILLE MONDAY, WEDNES- ' last week. Reports are that he I'S d . . DAY AND FRIDAY. olng nicely at t his time. ..I\lrs. William Sidenstricker. of __ . _ REPORT- ALL UNSATISFACTORY SERVICE TO as 0 sl'l o'c:lock-4i'~aNll , . guest at . the ' home of Mr.' and Mrs. J. B. J onos, Thursday, and with them a~ten~cd the. Class play at Waynesville 1n the evening, . ' ftg
W aynesvi'IIe'' M'III C I andie . ce 0
~tn;~a~~~;. h1t~:rw~itsnfh::m:~ ter~'ne~n~o ~~~d~h~~~e:~h \I-;=_-;;;;;;;i~__=' =~=_"-'-;;;;;;;;;;i=_"=VU-==='===';:;;;;;;==_'.=!J roaste~ we~nera. time •
end Everyone had a rtlrs. Ben Smith and f il' . M • an • IIIrs. R. oy Buhrmann and am y, r. and family, of ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!'\!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!~!'!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!! '7 • ~. . Osborn! Mr. and Mrs. George Smlthl ..~---------------------------"! and children and Miss Velma Smith. .,'
Public Salea ____
Miss .Cleo Stacy. Mr. and Mra. AIbert Stacy and gnest. Mrs. Chloe Having sol,d our tarm we will: sell Olden, Mr. alld Mrs. Russell Burn~ at public au~tioln all o)lr chattels, 10- 'ett and family were' Su·n day dinner cated the. south edge of Beaver- ~uests of Mr. and Mra. Will Nu\J . of near Springboro. ' town, on the W:.lmingtOn pike, on SA,TURpAY" MAY , 28, 1927 M~r. and · Mrs. C. L. Duke Robert Bea:innirlg at. ~2 :30 : prompt, ' the . Duke, Mrs. George Reeder a~d daugh follow1ng: . 1- coW. far," implements ter s,Mr. and Mrs. J. B. ones, Mr. household good ~nd some antiques. and Mrs. ~~d Longacre, Mr. and .~. ALLEN LOVE, SR. Allen EmrICk, and Mr. and . Mrs. Martoin & Stanley, 'Auctl.. Walter Kenrick attended the annual • commencement , of the School of Nu.rsing at Miami Valley hospffaJ ' Westminster r.hurch, Da,ron o~' Care~uI Silk~ at Wednesday. Mis! Helen Duke' wu .one of the. graduates:' . Remember, ",:h,e n you wash artifi~ial silk ' or' rayo,n underwear, thot. it , Mr. . and Mrs. B~rt 'B unne'JI and f8m IS much weak.e lr when wet. Laun- ily, of Blue Ball; Mr• .a'J~ '¥ri,' Levi der it ve'!t ealcef.utlY' in lukewarm ~nl,1ell, of LOv1eland; Mrs. Frank' water, Wlth ' s~iapllud8, of neutral McCpttJas and son, ' ot MiddletOwn; lIoap'. Sque!!ze, ;the ~ents--don't ~fr. and . Mn. , George 'Hoover a!jd ~ub . them--and rinse repeatedly "un_ fall)ily, of .Hamilton,; Mr . an~ til. clean. Roug/1 ftnger-nails or rings Charles Boover. of Dayton; ?fr. and tea~ ~et. ,artUIc1al silk very easily. Mrs. Charles 'Hall and _ f,amily, Mr. Neve use , elothe~pinll When hanging lIenry Hoover, Hel1llan Hoover Mrs. these garments up. Just hang them Hattie Gebhart, Mr. Glenn Hoover carefully ov~r a line. , Iron wit~ a and daughters, of Franklin, ':; ,;. mediun.t-hot troll, nev~t a ' very ·hot Better dyes are beIng ueed in one; . '. ' w,llsh fabri~8 now than ever ' before. Nevertheles8 it is .well ~ get' 'a sam~ pie 'of l'D,o ds lind , :test it tor boill . . . " s.unfading ... and watel'fadiIIC before back from Klondike)- buyin; , ~ ~iee~ Of' ~atet!AL ' Cover gars -get. on my nervjlS. · a part of tije sample with e¥d))oaJ:.i:l "="""'7:-">IIt;~~~~~~!L...!l~.!!"Q!Y1I nd IUIk and expose" tJie ~.rest to' dIrect IDD.. rea y..'.!"ade I iit for .. at IwE a ltMk.- Rem . ......na;;....... A .,,1 . what do you tell the car~lio~ oeeulonaiI~d como ~, : . ,. pare the exposed P,ortloua. WMh ·. a • l8~ple' 'qpder .o~ coDcUtloni anti' Dote whether lad. .. I , n
You'd be surprised t o know the :number of people who consider classified advertising in The Mlnmi Gazette good r~ading. It is the clearIng house of business in Waynesville. U you have something t o sell; want something; .nced help; are looki.n g fo~ a position; in search of home; 'l"ant ~ buy an automobile. or sell a mouse tra~use and read Tbe Miami Gazette's Cl88l!ified c01umna.
A few ' lines of Classified ad costs but a cent a word-and nothing to read them~o Use this medium every week.
'. .
.Th... .". a til•
co.l. _ielt
ba". can,!
(Fo":,.rl, .o~cI .b S.lh Co~k.)
,our orders for
... :z Seventy-N inth Year
Whole Numbet ,675'
1927 z_ .
••••••.•••••~"........... ACTlvlllES Of
-----~..,;~----- -
I ~~~-. I ~MM~~M~TWffK~~~~~~~~~=~=~=~T=~=,N=G=b~:~~~~=~=~=O=~=E=A=S=~=W=~~ state
Some Callers
The picnic under the auspices of the Mothers club last week. had to be held at the Gym, on account of the ext.ermely wet grounds at t he Grade building. There wall a Irenerous crowd present, and everybody IuId a good tim'e and a delicioul dinner at the noon hour.
OLUMBUS. OHIO-If any Democrat is being groomed to oppose The fifty-fifth annual commenc,eSimeon D. Fess for another term in lho U lI ited Stales senate next year ment of Waynesville High Bchool wal il is being dOll e very quietly. Many held in the Gym last Thursday evennames have been mentioned in connection with the contest, and there ing. The large clas. of twenty-five isn't lhe least ' doubt but what a strong candidate will be nominated seated on the stare, the young womas the Democrats have hope that en in white and the younl' men wearLhey c·a n win one of the two seats ing dark coats and white trousers, in lhe upper house of COngreBs next . Vic Donahey 01 present ed a charming picture to the year. Governor ' I bly ' course. comes first when names for arge assem . . this 'office are mentioned; but if he M"!. France.s GllbBon Richards. of • is even thinking of being a candi- Miami university, ~ho has a pleasing uale he husn't t.hought out' loud and personllllty. and 18 all Interesting no one knows his intentions. It is speaker. made the addreas. . The exc~llent program of hlghsaid to be certain that AtJee Pomerene will not be a candidate. Oth- cl~ mURlc. rendered by Joseph ers mentioned iinclude Claude Meek- QUII~tl1e. harpIst, was very much ap' 9 F Locher , di- preelate . d by music lovers. . er, C0 Ium b us,• C""u J_. S· t d t F R M rector of commerce; W. A. Julian, uperln en en . ' . oomaw pre Cincinnati, member of the National ssentedMdiMPI~~alds. to DAorlS EA' RHalwkde, committee·. M. F. Davey, L~r~ an • Demo ft.atlc ~ II I. WISSItkl me,M nn~ EI b• th0H Kent, and several others not so well k: la~ . ·1 t a n~. . ~z: e e~J known. The senatorship wl\l be e, 10 e . ogan, ore nee . greatly clarified when Governor Don- Crone Ada ~. Shaner,. Amelia A. Carr. hueMBradb~ry, nhey nnnounces hlB intentions for Sh n M.F E.th TIn Edna L illL. next year. No one thinks that If he a er, al . om I son. uc e enters the senatorial contest he will M. Tucker, G~rtrude ~. Ch.ndler. have any opposition, ' and the ume Amy M. HopkinS, Dorns C. Blair, may be llIlid of an)' other nomination C~r) A. Conner, Vernon C. Malnous, that he may decide to ask ot Ohio ~e:: HO'~~~~oJhecr~eYdeK.EJ~ear'hLrtU. , • ve a , voters. Somehow or other tbe voters of the atate seems to like tbe ~oward J. Mlulldlne, Paul A. TomfU&'lr8d honesty 1)f such men aa Sen- hnson, Martha E. Nichola. ator Frank 8. WUlIa and Governor ----'Vic ' Donahey, and aa lonlr u they The , forty-fourth annual re\lnlon
If' 'btl e)(p~CT Ml!.l0 PAY lHA-'
Caoital '
·1 rte i.............. Columbus e~~ -.•.. ..4
By Albe" T_ Rekl
I' h ," ~
Ill" Clllllpl 'l '0 fUI' MOlll o l'ial 1I0wol' cOllllni IN! wi ll be III t he 'l'owmihip house nrly Monday mom· ing lIucl urgl'nt! y l'equ .. ~l lh nt cv· ury lll,ily whu hllve 1l 0w .. l'~ will brin!!' or M(·ne! them liS CHl'ly us possibl , in ()1"d CI· t hnt everythi ng cun be in rea ll illc s~ on tim!:, S .. rl'iceB III t he' l'elllC'lu I'Y wiJI be!!'in promptly nl 2 o'clock. All ex-
~ l'l~vil' C mOI1 nl'Q
aF. ked ttl be p r esen t
in unifo r m. 1)r,Il 't for).:" l til bring- you r ca mp Chllil·~.
In eUSl' "f rain the cXl"' ci ~c s will Ill) Il('ld in t he Gym . The I'rtJgrn m unll Cllnllll illecs I olluw: ~. L. a rtw l"ight Chui r mU ll AlIlcri 'II- BH nd null Aud ience l\l usie- Uuu l>lu Quarlet of Girl s from t he O. S. and S . O. Home I'rayer I\1r8. H. J. Murray Recitation .Ada Shaner Mu sic- Double Qunrtel A dare~s Prof. J . O. FlIlkinburg Music- Douhle QU ll rlet Music-Band Rccilution " Elsie Bradbury Decorution nt Canno n Taps Music- Band
A GOoD 1'L.A... To 'AUSe ,-AUTTLIi 81T?
' .....,;)
~ .'
The co mmittees: Flow ers-Mrs. Edith Ha rris and Mrs. H. E . Hat haway. Tran spol·latioll - H. Archdeacon and Roy Mills. Speukers Stand- Walter Cast. Decora ting Cannon - 1\1rs. Cast. .Parki ng commlttee:-~ilbur Clnrk. r,EIIIILon Keys, Wm. Llllpmcott. Frank bon. Fred Lawson and W. W. Welch. lIfusic- DI·. J. T. Ellis. Cha ir commi ttee-Walter McClure J ames McClure.
It _. ~ .. c..,..A~". ~~ ~TcK~$"J'5A.o' .
' Dinner and field Annual Basket
~:n:if~ ~~:~te ~tl~lr ::e:::~t;? :~d ~~~ea!~r.~~U':a~i:~ld~~~\'~:: to defeat. And t don't make lIIuch da, eveninlr in tbe Gym. About 240
Meet-Massie 7 ownship School~ BASE BALle -GA- MES
The Slu te 0 f l.tichigan is still try. ing to reach Ii decision on capital punishment. Ccrtn in legislators .ppear to think that to discourage mur· de r the state must imitate the mur· der and inflict death. It is proposed to restore Cilpltal pun ishment in Michignn, wbere It hall long- bcen unknown. Michigan ift a civilized state, an example t o others in mnny ways. It is to be hoped thnt ]eglslature wiD npt decide that civilization in Micb· igan needs tho help of , a hangman, or a man to throw the switch on an electric chair. What is the ideal child, In yoUI' opi'nion1 Secretary Hoover, preal. dent of the American Child Health association, says the normal chUd, "is not superfiuously happy or deepIy discouraged. is robust, vociferoUl, not ruled by emotione." That. fa a good dellnition of a child destined to develop into a go-getter. On the other hand, Napoleon, who told all the adult children of Europe whnt they sho uld do. waa not Tocif· . crous or robust. He wu aickly, ..l-
~~~~o~~I~t~~ \~U:h~~~~r h~:~::I::
~~~e~~10ati~n~~m~~~~.y ruled by hla
dift'ererlce on what ticket tbey run. membera and visitors were In attenThe industry commission ot the TileY are voted for personally andllot dal\ce. . HOME MAKING TRULY AN ART In spite o~ a cold and cloudy Baseball hl· t· gl·I·ls over 12 Lengue of Nations "cpom 20,000,000 'beea"·· The pre.ident, J. Paul Bolton,' e'-. , ,........ ,.Dorthea ~ of their· poll·tlAal alll'ance. moming the ~ pupils, 'teachers and 1st perfume Davis out of work in Europe and blam. tended lP"eetinp. After re.dlnr tlie . th d on th e sc h 00 1 2 nd • coat fl ower,... ,...... Ruth H an ks the United Ststes , 0f course E"-pe .... has been ... Inutof the last meetin" the secProbabl,. more human happmeas patrons ga ere am Ju.t how much d .... • .., ~ e, grounds for the annual Field Meet Baseball throw in can; womensbould also blame itself tor allow· done to, Ohio farmers b)' the receut retary, Clan ' BerryhIJJ, called tlIe dependa upon how a home II kept and ' Basket dinntlr. The following 1st, . Gazette, year .... Elinor Larkin ing 20,000,000 pairs of banda to reheaY)/ nine is hard to estbpate. The ro!1 to which about 150 members an- than upon any other thing. events took place with .winners, pri2nd. lb. coffee .. Mrs. S. Carback '['he r,tiamis went to Jamestown, main idle. atate department of arr\eulture ,haa swered . Previously our sc.h ooll have deve- zea a8 noted ' ' Standing broad jump; H. S. boys-- Sunday, where they met the Wi!A goo farmer keeps his hona lltaned a lIurvey to find out but it wiD 141aa IAUce Cona very heartily wel- --d Iittl ti to th'- i ta t b ' 1 t . D . B mington team, and proceeded to and oxen workin", a "'ood induItribe lOme· time belore data is avalla- comed the class of 27 Into the BUO- "':. e me III mpro n IIU - 50-yard Dash; girls und er 7 s pall' sox ... .... '.... ' aV Is ogan slaughter their pitchi ng talent. The alist keeps his m'"achln:1I bUlY. Eu~ ble. It is certain that thoullanda ,Qf clation and Mlu Violet Bogan'a re- jeet. Puplla are taught g~metry, lat, 60c candy .. ,.~innie Campbell 2nd, 50 cenls,.. ,.". " .. "Cecil Eakin Miamis had thc ir batting eye with rope needs canals roads boullea, .ud acrel~of corn which bU' been plant- .ponse waa very well given. Me- lreolP"lphy and arithmetic, they are 2nd, book .... ,..... Edlth Mae Brooks RU1·nningfl,hihgl? Jh'~mp; Octo .H I .'1:'.. t.hcm, ns well as playing. a g.ood field- all. That would b~ eaay'ii: lIIen c~ut... ,st, "Sur-l as Igay"c" "." '"i ed w UI h ave to ·be rep Ian l.ed , t h e ~o Irs ~~or Clitr or d, ' S. Rid ge, Ad da taulrht ]oglc and latlll and ·muslc: and 50-YArd Dash; gil'1II 7 to 122nd ,. , RaeCI.' ymond.eelimd Eakin mg gUOle. SIIIl Cl·t hwUILe. dId not a I- get away from the idea that the 0on~ aeed , havln.. rotted in the lfJ'OIund Gnham and Ever\!tt Camahan were all IIOrts of p.I .ln and ornamental in1st, Z'sharp Pencil..ElIzabeth Carr Broad jum; boys 7 to 9low ,a hit until th<.> fifth. inning, when sound reuson ·for puttlnlr a man to durllllr tile IxcelBlve , ralny wea~er given b)' Morris Corpell, ·Mrs. Ada f . t' b t t h k i 2nd, pt. ice crealm.. "Virginla Davis 1st, 60 cen t .", ....... Richard Davis he let down afte r seemg ~he game work is to let somebody elle mak. a of the put ..ver~ weeks! All fruil Courtney and RaYl'lon · H.tfle]d, reo orma lon, u no . ome- eep nr. 50-yard Dash; bo~'s under 7- . 2nd, pint icc cream ., Iiarold Tucker bagged f or t~e .day. and in aU al- profit out of his labor. fa belne delayed u,well u farm spectively. Touta by EllubetJI It fa nec~ to elevate the ,busi1at knife .... ..." ............ , .Carl Bogan Pole vault. H. S. boys-. l~wed the Wllmmgtons four measly plowinlr and otber wotic. Not more Chandler 2nd, French harp ........ Kirk Jefferi.! What is the real wealth ot thla . I and Rue {)inwiddie were neu ot hqme-maklnc into an art, to 1st, $1. 00 ,,,. " .. " ... ,.. "".€ecil EaKin hI ts b .. Ad . Mi· . than one-halt thll POtato ·crop h u en t ertaln ng and well received. pt people enthusiutlc about It and 50-yard Dash, bOYIi 7 to 9. 2nd, 50 cen ts." .." . .. ,. Davis Bogan a e ams was In a amI u coun try? Nobody could gueaa wlUabeen planted In 'Central Ohio at A;n interestinr letter from J .E. to Impreea upon tbe mind ot youth 1st, knlfe .. ,... ,............. Amos Eakm Baseball throw; girls over 12form, ane;! showed up well at shor t. in U thousand billions. ' tu.to Other yean mOlt of th" piant- .J.anney, who }'fith 141'1. Jallney and d . 2nd, baseba\l" .. " ... ,Harold Tucker 1st, coat flower ... ,.:. Dorthea Davis Pummell! at third', streng thened the For instance, 1Ifr. Bonflls, tbroutfi ' inr il completed · at thia late date, Miu Louella, ire in Deland, Fla., wu Ita-4lpi'ty an Importance. 75-yd. Dash , 9 to High school2nd, kerchiefs ... Margar et Charles te~lIn qUIte a bit and altogether the his Denver Post, announces diacfoverJ._ The demand already for t " rm help Is read by the secretary. • At the Stat.e Teachers' College in lat, necktle" ...,....,.Raymond Enldn Runnin g broad jump; .9 to H. S.- "Mtnmis gave. a Jrood. accounb of the~ in Colorado of a bed of manpn-. In excellll of the lIupply and 'with a 'Th~ progTam interspersed with Plttabul'lr' KanuK, they have estab2nd. 50 cents .... ... ".Charles Bogan 1st. baseball .. ,..,., .. Cee il Freeland sl elvef!'s, notwlthstandmg a t wo weeks by for the richest in the world; abt few weeks' . lrood we.ther this d~ orchestra selections and 'Violin ' so. Illhed a hoUle for the purposl' of de- 100-yd. Dash; gir~1 over 12 . 2 d k·f C · C ayo. , million tons of ore in sigbt. .\ .. - at courtesy, 1 s. t b00k " .... , .. .. .. . ; .. .• "." Marle P n , nJ e",jump. .. , .. ... "" h1dd en man d Is b oun d to ·'Inereue th a t th e loa, renod ere d b y th e Sayers orc h1'1tra velopi~ right lltan d a _...... au iRunning high H... .S.eorge boys--row th Following is a rart ial account of H ow many more b'll" I Ions are farmer m~Y. lret ~lll cro~a in wi~b tbe of Xen~. . ho.,itallty alld IIOcia] gracell. etc., . 2nd, 60c candy .... ... .Helen Bennett 1st, necktie .... ,.,., ... ..... Cecil Eakin e game: away in tho;! mountain8 that itretch' leut p088lble del.y. ' 0lllce1'l eleetelj for ne~ year are all n _ r y in the sutcelBfu!. lIIan- 100cyard Dash; H. S. boys-2nd, 60 cenls ., .. ,,, .. ,,Harold Bogan R II E across nnd up snd down tbi. conn· E\iube~ Chandler, president; Ray- &pment of a home. . 1st, tennis shoes....... Davis Bogan Mu sical co ntest, all studen tsWilmingto n " ... ,..... " .~ 3 7 3 try, feebly tapped here and there b,. Co]. Thad H. Brbwri, former aec~ ~ 'ilPWatfilelhd, v1ce-pre.ide~t; Alice They have aecured a house. such a 2nd, 60 cents ,., .. ......... Cecil Eakin 1st, $ ).00 ,., .. ,... ,,,Vi rginia Tucker Miamis ... " .. ,............ ". ,.,. 10 19 8 pr08pectors, but nevet really Pr.Ollo· l'etary of state,. 'Who hu developed , ~y . e c i lIecretary; ROIB Hart- one ... would be uled by a family of Sack race; girls 7 to 1~2nd, 50 cents " .. . ,... ,.. Robert Gray 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9pected. Into not· only an- eloquent h\lt lnter- lOck, t~asurer. " ,nodente meane, and Instruct pupila 1st 50 cents .... ....... ,EI1:sbeth Carr Baseball t hrow, womellGreat Britail\ receives the riJrht reesting public apeaker; is bu.yae!!eptRefre\lhments of ice cenm, cake how to take care of it. 2nd, pt. ice cream., Virginia Davi.s 1st, 25-lb. flour ,.. Evalyn Lewis Wilm'n " .... 0 0 {) 0 2 1 0 0 0- 8 illir ehgaaementa the preMnt Urn. and punch were served by the girla .T bey have a hOUle manager who Sack race; boys 7 to 92nd, lb. cofTec ... ,.:Mrs. S. Cal'back MiamiB .... .. 6 0 0 0 9 0 1 3 0- 19 ply to her note concerning Mr. Kellon's letter to college profe88ore and i. a~rely making :.. n'olAe \lite • of the elalB ,o f '28, !ln~ , the remain, plana menu., does JIIarketing, . pre1st 50 cents................. .Am os Eaki'u Relay m ee; gi rls over 12LeaBue Standing about international debts. Secretar, ,pros.pective Irubematorlal ' candidate. der o~ the evenln~ wa. elven 'over sldea at the ' table and 110 on. They 2nd, hai~ £ut....... ,Howard Stanley 1st, $1. 00- Ha r riett Campbell and Won Los t Pr.ct. Kellogg tells Britain tluit wh.t .see. Ru t.h Bunks. Look at hill }i~t o,f book\np.·fot' ,the to the ren~wipr of old acqu.lntances teach tbe rirll how to cook, prepare Three-legged race;9 to H. S.Bowersvill e 2 0 1.000 retary Mellon writes to Alllerican next two weekll-'-14.y 30, ·Greenlawn and dancing. . , food and keep the kitcben in order. 1st, Sleeve buttons .. Cnrl Anderson Relny rae ; II. S. boys-.667 professors is our bu. ineaa. That 2 1 CeDleteryl.. Colum~u'j ~emo~' ,adA 'et~r from Herbert W.~iek of Anothe~ elrl : alll!lst:! the cook hi 2!}d, hair tonic., .l~oymond Harvey 2 pair s sox- Davis Bogan and Wil- S I~ r i n ~ Valley ;'--:::-'"7"n'::':-:":-:~ MlIlmls ..... \." ....... .. ,.. ,.. 1 1 .600 covers t he ground. dreas, and then in the ~l'Iloon two :Yo~nptown. a:' member of , the cl8llJl prepar\n~ ulads" cares for the elin-. Three-legged race ; girls over 12hul' ?lfcCur ren. 1 .600 speech., In. dllfe1'ent p q o~ Unl.,on IIf O~, calll~ too late. ~ be r~d at !njr room and acta u wai~eBiI. 1st, face poy.rdelr ...... He~en. Bennett The pri zes were donated by the Wilmington .... " .. ........ 1 Incidentally the British admit that .338 2 Stin another is called housekeeper. 2nd, 50 cents .. .. .... MarJorle Foster Business Men, t he Woman's Civic ,Jamestown .... " .. " ... ,.. 1 county. On June 6 he 'wID deliv.r f,he meetin~, but u It ;trill be of in2 .000 beginning in 1082 they wID be letan I\d~r_ to the' Bnlthetbood of te,..t to 1lI1 . hla schoolmates and She dusts and , keeps tbe houlle ·In Running broad junBp; H. S. boys-League, the Commun ity Club, The Mod. Woodnlen ... , .... ~ ting from their "gallant , 'Alllea," ,--.."..::.:.....,..;::..-Gtac' M. ' 1!:. churcb at Coahoeton, friellcU, we are publiahllllr It. Clean order. . 1B~, Razor ..... ,... " ..... .... Davis Bogan MJami Gaz ette an d t he Teachers ·of more than enough to cover aU Garnca Sunday and on Ju~e t 6 hi Iroe• •to Steuban- PreIIIdent ,~d .0tI1C1~ H\Jrh School A~ laundr~ tendll ,to the 1\ouse 2nd, ,6 0 ce"!1ts .... ,.•.. " ... .... C~cil Enkin Massie township. men ts to the . United States. Mr.' Mal- ' ~lle, "hllte he ·talkl to melllbers of Alullltd AUoeiatioD' , linen and stokes the furnace. Potilto race; girls 7 to 12. • - ...- - - Miamis. 19; Wilmington, 3. lon's statement was strictly accur.~ the Kiwanis c\ub~ A. prea1ifent .nd F; ' ] sed ft d • t f The dutl" are rotated so that a .!at, book. .•... :....... ,... Elizabeth Carr ' Bowersville, (l; Mod. Woodmen, 4. barring one cler ical error, and It en.' Jamestown, 7; Spring Valley, 0.- lightened his fellow citizens. I1lnenl coUnMI of ' the CleTitlatt~ ~nt~':t!8l :~~; ihor stude~t gets practice in every; kin'd 2nd comb., .............Virginia Davis Broadealtin~ Co. .00], BroWll fa ta't1 to b t th o,..~ n d of ,hol1!e wQrk. Basket ball. throw at basket-(11 inn ings). : • ' 1 " ch in on e preHl;) on e .. v ..... an Tb , . 1 t h · R t h H k ' ependlng IeveraJ daya ea month alnc I t I will e)' have l'Ile.ta and often enterS·t 8 ampoo" ... ,........ ,. u on s Gam ... Next Sunday This IS news. A tractor and plow ·Cleveland · but between·. the , lone r tt e . canDO COllie, lend thfa taln· the president ot the college IpId , 2nd, 60 cents ........... Helen Bennett with no driver, all by thelllle].... houf' cif iilll lepl bUllne" be fa J!1d. ''.Ie:. '19117 II I ~, ' ', the faculty. · . . . . Basketball throw at basket; women •• Modern Woodmen vs. Wilmington guided by electricity, plourhed ,a ing time to meet,the dem.nd. 'of lila b • Yitfa" ·"rJ. o\l~tandina The hoWle is managed on a budget 1st, 60c sugar... ,.. " Marie S. Gray Bowersville vs. Jamestown, at twenty-acre fiord on the fltrm of Ua. lIIany frlendll to deliver. addre8lJ8ll. \~';~Ie 26't h ' . , I ' . . plan and aU espenditufel are lim2nd, Gazette ........ Rosetta McMillan . Nebroska Agricultural ; College , ... . 'I· e .ann v~ . year . , IWd • ' Baseball throw in can' menThe second annual 4-H offi cers Jamestown. Miamis vs. Spring Vlllley, at home. terday. ,farmers, professira And bOIl-· ". .', . c au lP"a:du.ted at ' "_""'-livlDe' . ' 1 ilk h 'Ell' 0 b di d t · · ' f 1·11 Wuhlntttan politically speaking 'tho 21 t '1 · . ,-"( . f The recorda are kept In permanent st, s ose............ IS s orn nil cn ers ratnlJ1g con erence w \ ____ e _ .'- - . - ness men looking on. The first fur., f'eemll all 8tl~ up and excited aboni t· ' d et' s .. ann YIIOraaryhlStaJ~~ 0 . , form ( 2nd, 50c beans.......... ,.Wm. LUkens be held J Ulie 8 at Harmon park, if row only was ploughed under human ,• . .' ... n ua Ion ':I roD! 0 .... .', • p . b 7 9 t h th ' fit d· H h II ace • ts° ya Roy Bayne., ,fo~et Hlllaboro res- . The 19th annlnrsary :rear of . , ' The bOUIe , fa ••If-supportlnr and °ltato 6rO tOH -Id T k .f ethwen e:h 19 . ~n d In Tharmon a idanel!. That furrow acted .. Ascension Day i to k . the .tudenta pay for room and board at, een ., ... ,...... aro uc er I e wea er IS D. e rrogram Ident ,who fa tryinr to ret' a ]onrer and the machine did ,the NIt. 1,1lIICI ~ on the job ' of ,p r·ohlbitlon com- r o; : 4~0: 1 ' I . , f " Aa there i. no chUd in the hoUl~ 2nd, lb. candy.. :..... ,. Richard Davis will start at 10 a. m. with games b~· h r ann versary , year , 0 the, are JrOlnr to adopt a chUd and Volley ball game; men VB. boysand club songs. ~t ~~ : 80 . t he o~Foll owing is the pl'o·gram of the . mluJoner. No o'ne ' In Ohi~wlth t~e eXCj!ption of fe,!", leem inte~ mYThert1'7th annlve--'" n. . I' study child poalnllllr. · 1at, $1.00., .. " ,.... ...: ' ............. . Boys cer~ ~nd leaders Will dl~d~ !nto th~lr Ascension Day exercises, May 29th, Thert you have the, u]tilllate 10]Uested hi the .fate ot Bavnea' who WII8 . .~ry . tal yea Since 10 much depends upon the Th~ee-Iegged race. gIrls 7 t 012tralnJ~g groups. for .. nd!vldua~ In, tion of the farm question, and proof practically unknown f~ " pqlltlca un~ ~f my son , ,. \Va ahome kept this iort ot tr.in1st, 1 lb. candy........ Virginia Davis st!ucttOn and .dl.scusstOn. Ass.'sU ng ~~u~c~: ~~b:~O~~ First Ji>resbyterian "back to the farm" i8 not nee... til he received the W.sblJlrton a,. .The]dl0u,dannhIVteersary n~tal ~ Ini leeml to be ·sensib]e. . , 2nd, pint ice cream .. , .. Lura Ashley WIth thes~ traml~g groups 'VIII be I polntlllent leveral yean aeo ~o~ lilY e er aur , r . . . the follOWing : Mlss Hulda Horst, of Singing- "Ollward Christian So]farmer will sit, !pyg~ bl , Ohio politicians In' the Pdt ha~e taThe 8tb anniversary t.'a~ year of : , . the Ohio State ~Iub department; Mr. diers ,,, ..... .. , .. "".. eKI""lIllhand, on a tower in thll middle ~9,f:' hlI ken p08itlons" which ;W:CJ;'e available Illy }la~J ~]. , ,~, '. . ' Roy Black. phYSIcal director of Leb- Prayer .". " ... Rev. Frederick acres, watching one machine aPraJ,. )lnd held orltO them as IOIlir u the; .The S\7tti anniversary year of my IInon; Prof. Wm. Hawke, of Leba- Chorus -"Pl"Bise Ye the Father ing potatoes: ~llDother eultl.,.tiftIf od ,~li~~on with the E~iIeopal chur~~. ' ... .. ;. non High school; Mr. G. H. Towns." .......... ,.. , .... ,....... " ...,Gounod corn. a third CUttl"n1r. In'een' oata fOf could and lurr.endered with ' grace and thankfui for the rood The 36th 'anl;liTeraary ~~ of lilY .... ley, of. the Western Star; Miss Marie Statement an d Announcement,.,. ".. hay, and flat a farm nd 0 th. time they had dUring their 0.1:1&1 aCl~ real~ence tn. ~he State of Ohio. Ale . Y... Benham, of the Non~ble Food club Frank C. Anderson, Eminent Com. place. ' ' . .; eal'eer. ' RaJ'll" IB aue to I~ ~hla Thll '~eal' aJ&O atana out In that A~ of. Turtlecreek township; and the Ex· Chorus--"Com e with Adoration" In Kausas alone this year addltJO!. t job In .W'ihhipn, and mal tij fOJ' It atrorCi'id .qte a ( V~"t7 dntr~ble bUillV_ tension alrents. Miss Watts and Mr. ..... . " .. ... , ' ..... Laurene Highfield aJ "combination" machines 'for Jtu.. ·the 'IUiilibll~n nomlilatlon ' tor aq,(- n ..., 1).,~nttY "'~~ cawied me t o , ':' t . Clus. '. SCl'iptu.re Reading vesting wheat, . wjll do Away . With emor next ·.yel r. It fa reuon.bl,. ~~1 ·. l'eIlde~ f~DI ~,e t o . '''~ l'> •..,,,; ,rhe c~'lb8 Will" .h,ev'e a picnic ~ilnch Chorus- "In the Sunlight of His 25,000 \tinerant extra farm hanCII.: certain '£Iiat tt:'he he WIll ~Te 9,lI ....wWD. , , . " • , after ~}jlch the entire group wltl asGlory .. ......... ", ... Ada Blenkhorn Bz:ains, Dloney and, maelpn~d ," the Anti-Saloon' ~e 'dp1!o~ Wi~ ~~I ~ , to e.ach 'one , "Teat 0' Ten" continues to grow in leaps an~ bounds semb]e for dlscu!Jslon of club work, Sermon.,..... ,... Rev. Frederick Kirker solve the farm probl~m lUI till)" ~ft :' rl!ha" -ould h'e lp III ..... ' tel • ....:. of 1117 ma ~ frj~~ "am, ' tb '--ts W .ra I formed tbat .Aorel reporte, summer announcements Chorus--"Great is the Lord....... ... solved other indus.t nal prob,lema. " ,~, , •. • " , .. ne .. eon~. '\ ~. B ,..Siil"'W_ .......... ' --ev .... week there are neW eJ' us... . e . n ~ and a short playlet t b ' t ' b ' J R 1 -r mo,", Jnterestl. . ' tlian,. •t · ii- eertaiD .' ~'. ,. . ,t,~, , 7 • •.., """.'~ lb.'" T~ ' \Jrht along and ev;erybody is W'orklng for 100 p~r 'cent. ' o . e pu on , .y .. ,......., ..... ".. :..... ,." .. "A • . ' am er , . • - e, ., •• to' be pOBiilb)e, " . .. >: ,,'.".. ,,~ ,... ':' " •• .' ? are, pro w!.k" teat is a trifle more difllcult. ..If you score 75 or ,80 the Happy Hour ' and Greentre&' Llv41 :ijenedict,io n ' '. Thia , .: " • • .• .' ,f " , '. w t.~.1' -{'. '" ' . .m.arkt feel reasonably proud_nd if 'b y ' allY chance you do Stock club,S. . ' • Music: by t he Men's Chorus, ' Main B~,. ~ tolra No',full a~nda'r\ce,is eXjl41cted in ~ ·but'· ad~" of,'*"e 1~tW. ~ ,'lI'nt you .1=&:, 1r 'll forrive you If you strut a little. ' Tbe .fternoon ses~ lon :wl11 empha- Sb;eet Presbyterian church. ei~er hranch ot the Cene~ AAe~- le.ders .hcl ·~cI tile I..~···ot' 'a 1CI0relD, ~0re-~,e'aoe:' the Mormon Church havtl Ita headquarters? • si~e lome of th\l ideals I~ 4-H Club. , •• .blJ wl\8n adjoumDient· oyf' ~oin" f_' 11ft!", .holdm ,1I\0M iat~' thaD· l' t~~_t CI ty . tt1e thieves' calledln the early of the American work and . w~Uld ~roba?]y', intere~t ' nait' Tuead&7,. Enourlt of the m,m- the Republlcan ""'" :w~ UlQ ,L ,w.a.. ~'N 9& , " anyone wbo "o~ld like to know more bera WW ~ to ~.ke tlJe n~.1 ad! repr.nted" !!OntrOlI~ 'tbe' ~ "" 1; ~~' ."'. ,\ , • ", " . • • , of. what the clubs are ~ohig beside~ ___' joumlllent ' action ollcial, but 'm.n, cea aCtIon; The f_ om.. ~]dep raising live stock, scy,tlng, .'.~ooklng, ~ . . " oae rqrlll' memberS lui.. noCllled ]Uclen Held· on,~ut 'th~l"IlepubU__ ]01& the ' ".~ ,',., . : ."'f ', , ' " etc. · Visitors w~ll~e. \'VeJ~ome. " . wlShin~ to JoIn . the Gula Answerl Ll cob,'i d ln nd that it anI, thl mat~r of' .a,jQ1Irn. royeme~p, wbielk, tQ·.1It. ;;""of i : ,1D ~ ,tile l~p,.,nal~, BanDer'cOmI101~dT , By wbom? " '. :o~t.n clu.~. are.;:(~ t o . volunteers ~ f8~'1 ~ ht. Ja o~ th:r Kh.i\ult ~''''.ol\~t thI"km,C'.'of " ~nc; ~ dJM~ , WlI&l '~ !!_~.J-*",l."': ' af~b~ s;oteh eila'intled . No.tice ..,. ' . . M":Y 2,:e:1;I~g OlclO~k, aarthe b~~~o:i 12 •• ~ p~n . .nt ,p...01 aN. f~1I' ta /the-"ool•. Repub , ".. a ~ I.~' are- ~!f'I-.,~ . c:; " ,'., " " ~'. ·t he lea·der, ' Mrs. Ceq e J , Smith. the final ad'OUJ'lllDlnt, .~d ''''bl'n tbbi oc- t7 '~lv' ~ . ~~ W~ .. ~ in .~ Q1ekea" The -Wilynemue-Leban~n us;triij 'Miss Watts, t1111 Home~nt, l'rIlDcittol~~ clift next fueada, Jt will be, th, ~ a~oD. . Th., ~ ~, ~e . . that ~'1. Bow'" wail .~~ . . . . ~t.d " mak~ twroundtrlps ,daily ,o n .:tha present ' ·With i uggesUdns' jot .tt:er!i I '_"world ·folloWing ·schedule: Bq8 wiU:leave .¥.ear'lI w:or!t. the "ee.Q eithn 1ft .....on , 011' , ~ one o( 'Ua,,~ ~ lit tie ~, III -So. .WiIO .... tile ...... of ·"beRY" . \fttt I! hfI ' recent WaJ'll~n~e fO~ Lfo~anon , .t 9:90 a; ages of 16 IU\d 2,.0 aTe e. \isible to jotn.I~=~:t:~ When ~~_~ ·LeWte UeafeD., etCi.od ~"~... eonte.. 1tcIok, . ., , . .. ' , 1 ~:'Le~!~IlP,a;U·i~:::tu:,ni:: .:~ . ~ --"""-.--I~ ..
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Tur 0' TEN QUEc::.T,f(i),NS .
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flaniJia r=~:~~l~-:ro ,t:.!! ~:.oo~:r;J!:~~t·~~ ::· ~-'!i.~\ro:J:--=rth. '-.r.
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Dlatrlbutlon of the estate of the W. H. Arulenon So .. Pt'l e W81 ma~e. IUlde. '1.50; Geo. W. Lt\ rick. J<'1'C'd D. Ertel adm. of the eNte ry. 20; Ed D. Thop!<llll, \Ipplies. Slophia C. Ertel. tul!d his inventory .".75; IIBlne. labor, '~1.1'J; The allli 1Illllralscl1\ent. 011iu 1.I\W R 'purter .•.• l.alnnce of , Willl~n Wnrd. CJ(>(::ntOl' of the ace, (or Cilmmon },Ieal! court. $4 i tnt!! 01 Mar' hall Ward, filed hi sal W. II. AM l' on 0., upp1i('J\, PROCF.EDINGS bill. ,1'7".50; The Lob,llllon Pulri . lIUpJ nhn Ditmars ( gullrdian of Alice pli!, '7 : Thll f,fiami GI\Z ttl', dog ." , IJllllt!lI·., WlI nutlloti:z d to deposit ta noticl', . ~2; Th B ok h'op, ~U\l::1:1000 or 111 r In the! Building AS8o, {lUes to . MIll'lfr. Ill:: The blumblls ciatlo n ut L vel:lod. Blunk Book 0.. , \lpp1i~s for lerk The will of Julia H . .French was of Coul'ta, 12.35: same. snpplics (or admitted to probate. E. C. Dunham tr 118UTor. '$4.1:>6 i same, supplies ' wos nppointed executor and' C. E. pro ~ cutOl', S()e; me, supplies . Unrn, r. A. D . Haney nnd . S. Sack· pro ~eout.or, $3.30: Monroe nnd John H len l'l'lorlntl wa~ , grnnled II dl' r. apprnise!rs. ston. stakes for surveyor. $29.03 : InVOl' c · rl'llill .l ~~sl' G. '1 ol'hl lt ,,,11 0 ourt ordered that a cCFtifkd copy lernational, lillrvester 0 . , truck rt" II'IIS ' rd vr l to IlIlY 40 per month · Qf ~h(> enl l'Y tI tcrmining inheritance pair, $ 10.52: Th L, G. And r80n ulimollY. ' t ill( to be 'JlUid (rom the estate of SOllR o, ,'gullird Tail mIlLoT·inl. $&.70; ouo't di trihut'd tho procl'ecl~ ot .fohl) Price, be c.-titled to the aud- Tbe Morrow (ianlgei r llnirs. $83.31 : the estate lind sale made by Jose- itot'o Harry E. Hill, Blanchol!ter. repai Erncst. Evnns, exccutor of the os. '10: The W. W. Williams 0., c\lhille Scholl. otort onlerl'd t hat inn-tion of tntc of ' Eugene Evnns, rued his in. dar Rnpids Cru her, $2646.26 : Tho , . 'I of Delil ..... lle d • 0 1 ' prcnllscs 11\ . Ie case n nl n \"cntory all l1ppruisement. Book hOI), spplies $26.40; '1 he 110 \"s. 1nry Alice Tennis ot \II. ,be made oUrt suthori7.ed J. T. Flack, ad- Corr. Culvert 0 .. tulv rl5. $108.40: in {avor o{ all parties in interest. minislrnlor o{ the estate of Ma~y The Standard OU Co., gns nnd oil. L. McCray to sell certain bonds. $610.19. ' ' The wiU of J ohn F. AllIs()n WIIS - -__ _ • NEW SUITS filed Agnes Cl?uch . vs.. William R. , n~lph A. Hokes. executor of the louch for d ~vorce, cruelty and neg- estate of. J . M. Hakes, filed his inven,____ leet. , R t ory an d appraIsement. . The more ,,"e read about Chinn . The ~dolph Wurhtzcr Co. vS. EICorrie S. mit.h, executrix of the the mote thankful we ar that we en~r Smith for t,noney o.nly, amount estate of Louisa F. Lewis, filed her belong to the Unifed States. cl!llmedH 100, '~Ith interest, fOT 10 inventory and appraisement. per cent a dditional amount for The will of John F . Allison waB It may change your opinion foreclosure. admiH about the nat'ure of Long Island . .w~ d to probate. ' Meade. M. Terry vs. ,Mabel F. Terarrie S. Sm1th execut'r t'x f th know that they have been sulfermg ry, for divorce. . 'F . Lew18. . was 0 •• :Ii au-e f r om f orcs"" , res th ere f or th e past estale of 1.0Ul5l1 thorizcd to sell certain bank stock. few weeks. PROBATE PROCEEDINCS A repo rt from the Lebanon-CitiWe are certainly livi ng in a fast
Buick value is greater today than ever beforebecause Buick ,is a beautiful
Slate cit OhIo, Warrell Count)'.
In th .OQurt or CommOli PI ...
LI<la ' M. ""win..... ueculrht ut lh" , lit will of SU.IIU E. 11"\:1
8 II .lIfj N~18 QII.
anceissuperb ~ ~ ~ ·because
of tunce tax to be paid from the estate of Elmer Howell. be certified to the auditor. Proof of publication of the ap· pointment of Melissa S. Conover, as executrix of the estate of John W. Conover, Wll!l filed. Proof of publication of the ap· pointment of Fred D. Ertel. as adm. of the estate of Sophl' a C. E~l, was filed.
cost and
operating cost are lew•.
Itll W
H. Wild, was approved and confirmcd. W. hester Maple. executo r of ~state of J oseph F. Lukens. filed his Inventory nncl appraj ement. ' The successo rs of t he at to 1 ea 0 E , lean.or. Maxwell are exempt from mherltance tax. Pearl Whitsell was appointed administratrix of t he estute of Charle D. Swartzell and H. B. Anderson. W. G. Anderson and S. C. Aluander. nppraisers.
ll' " ,
~J\tC~ela~K.d'1..... ~~I"~WI·~~t~~:
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hIlt ,Bqulpped for Go'od Service. map1.y aoom. '~b~aDce Service
General Insurance
Illg nmo ng Ml' r t SU8nn I egneto.E.by Haines h"r lnsl w which are ocr clullI 10 ~~~~i:1 ~r'\oh~~/ 8~I~t er wllh lhc debts o.nd C08tll lelrntlon tOI" the l rel1110 11 aald legacies nrd lel1o.o e. 0.' I boqueats th ~ procell • oC tho r II. 8to.le dot ~. 8clrbed i n the "Illd 1)elltlon (whl"h enid ren l eato.l 18 herolnnftel" de• rlb . d~ Ilnd lhnl It I" neco8SI1ry lO .ell :~.owI~~ lowing doscrlbed roal ealnle.
IWaynesville, Ohio
Phone 61- 2
sto.l~u~~eoll~\~b:nfobuo"u\rdg~ !r.~r~:~e~I~~
Insurance Algency
ago.lnst Oscnr cOll!;.n~~~n,~',"u'd~.
CarYl Jewelry Shop
.II;;mm o.h Pl\vl. lIad 1.1 yd D4VI~, lie I.·t)· r. ' . 1) [ondllntl. 1821, E. Fifth Street. D.ylen, O~ ie 'hll1rlonlla 1IIIIY r~ who II"". ov.' r. MI\.5~'\I: llU" tlb,' /iuatln M . In WaynesvlUe May 30th or 31st ~;~:f N~,~:fa~~ ~~~'O\ ~,.:rth 1~~lhO: " litho; I,holl W. nurch who ~~,~~,,? t~~t'I~I:\ttl' ~~~o \\~I~~ld~. Ma tn St.. Wllluh~8 tor. (u tllt,"n: ~==~=============== ~ ============~ [,:~:.r l.lt. '\l:.~\y;; ~hl~I~I:'~o.:~ G~I~' dO wbo ,. aiM. ;II 3U Ml\ln SL. W l cr. JI1I..1II1I1U.; wtll c neh U 0.AI' 11 l lI ' O tllllt I' ll tho lGlh a Lltln. M . S"WIII ti S or ~~~I ~~r~~~" p~i.I~~n u~;;~u~c~: ;J~::~~ PlenB Court wllhln "
All work caUed fo, .ad· deliYered. Prlc. . • iveo .t home. Carr), ..mple. of co".ria,. Sead in ),o .. r .dd ..... to.
rWllllom ~l~;f~f~I~'· ~{1~~· l{~." l1~,~.uJ-: . tlu.alom. 'll,u
';Walter McClure J. ~E. McClure
fo nitorr Upholslered····Repciiring
other day because she wouldn't let ?r~t p~~tft\~z:~~tl~h~l'\\}~~r~~ \>roeeo,dtll him play with matche!!. 1~0~8~J~"i'I. 4bl ~o;:~b:~ It is snid t hat more t han half n . 5 between the Mlnml Rivera: the stockings manufactured in L~' n~~ P~~'lL's8t~Bn{~.. Sio:o~ United tate!! last year were In the , old .XenllL roo.d : thenc e ~a ld 'roM In a S. W. dlreotlon ineB nrull.h"olnll"t or cotton. If' thi1l is true, then ,!'0olrnlth Inalnedr8e<:Sotulntlr 4bollw we want to kllOW i8 who wore 'm? N h • ' !~~ ~hre \~n~tll:n~e!Pt t~dJ~~'~\1%l'. Foot ellperts say ·that President 011 Ibo End l aid ot 8Ald II OooUtlg has 'W a 11fine pair of pednl contnlnnfg North nboul'~389nares po leamore to t'.oo r xtr mt t Ies. e. we never . ccPtln~ out ot the 111."'1> 0"13 -===.=-=~====-=<='="" ='=W=·="='=-=-=· h tl'd like a fellow whose ~?:t7:~r y ownod by ""aalem _ hurt blm. ''A11IO the tl;~otoo~';, --------•.~Whcillwer you get to w.orryi Ii abo ut' t ho I ntarnationa] b Inll: II. MARRIAGE ' LICENSES JUlt stop and console yo ureelf ~~we..e,.n.'.' lhA" Eugene Noble, machinist of Cin- It 'Won't be 1I'lany months now unt il ci nnati, and Florcnce HollBnd, house the roasting ear SCMon will come keeper of South Lebanon. around aga.in. Dewey Fox, s4lctioJ] hand of Growers in Florida are asking the Lebanon, and Arthie Lynch, of South Prellid e'nt to in creMe the tn riff on Lebanon. t omatoes and other veg'etnbles. The Tueaday, 9 a.m. 3 p.m ' high tariff men are no longer conREAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Saturday.8 a.m. 7 p.m fined to New England and PeimsylRachel M. Kelley to Christopher vania. ' . Duffy, 1 town lot in East Morrow. An Americlln magazine contlljiiinjr F. W. Franz and James Pile to brief article aboul Kerensky has ...." - - " "....,,...,",..,",......,' Leonnrd Bnd J ane Hatfield, 4 town b - I d dI f ,RUSllia lots in Franklin. ' een exc u e rom. '. the Reds BI'e only In favor of ly M Wm. E. oyer to John Jorgenson, d.om? ' f th. e pl'.ess .."'hert ~ 3 town lots in .Franklin. , ,the y are . Allison L. Spence ·to dUfford. Walk bng It over em the other, f ellow. er, 2.60 town acres in Hamilton Tp. An English jud,g e "warded sixty Frank S.. Grlmes to the Board of cents damag.!s as the valuje 'pf a County Commissioners of Warren wife to her husband. Now we ;won. • • NOTARY PUBLIO. county, 1 bown lot in Harveysburg. der whether t:he judge i~ a bachelor, Natlci.&I Ba.1r Lester and 'Edna Slusher to R. D. or a married mlln. We aTe aure Black, 1 town lot in ·Franklln. Is not 8 vddower. Win. Drawa " .... :...Eatat.. S.lt'" Jane H. Moye'r s to John 10rgenl on . Prohibition agents 1'8ided a 1 t own lot in Springboro. thy lawyer's estate in the EBSt Bnd . WayneaYille, Ohio Luella Haatlammert to Fred W. found $6 0.900 worth of liquor. The EnzweJer, 10.60 acres of land ,near tip Was gj_ven by a discharged butler. Twenty Mile Stand. The m~ of this is-don't tell "your " . W. H. Sn!,ok to Edward Snook, . W. HEN.,ERION 4.72 town acres in South Lebanon. hut!er everytMng. -European fina,n olus aJ:'e' now pro- CharJesa~d EdittrFordyce to Offtce-Amln ·Blda. pOlling a ~llIropean union of, some ; , lird H. Delph, ,2 1 to.wn acres in to oppelse 'us in world trade. OFFICI HOUItS . a non. '. , course tliley wouldn't frame up Edgar Jordon t.o Herbert and Mar9 to' 11 ~. ~. ' 3 to:5 m. tha Emer,iok, 2 town lots in 'Franklin. on us ii w~ were In the ~g'ue of 7 ,to 9 P. m. · Natiol,ll and ' had any Ideas ot, our ,' --~Telephone.l. . 80 COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES own. Office"" • . Realdence • • .... 69'2 EltCavato~ at Jer usalem have dug O. Ii:,. Bl'own, sgt. prelllillm on in· surance, ,16.92; Jl.'nnie ~. IrODS, agt up a stone ball shot by 'a Roman catWaynelYllle, Ohio Who ~0W81 . Maybe a thouyears h!!nj:e lome explorer from will cJjg' up a baseball which Wllll kno~ed out 9f the park by Babe Ruth. ' : .
= '
~~~r~~:~er:~~~~~n~nc;r!~e~n~~~ !~~:in%~~~~~J o~~~~ ea~~te~;~08~:h b~;' Sh~t f:nl~r~~~:-:lti8P:;t.;~;a~~: i~ ~e rt\l~~trl~e "~t~hi~~~f
Buick's initial
r. I. Ila W. Ill' h. U8110. W . 1I1"1t. Marl' L. J;)IIW r'll. Trill lUI '. l~uwnr d~ 1\L~tl
Buick perform-
II It " "
II tlr J . Fl(lW~~d.L lIArllnu I.•y~"", LI~m )[. :<8.'1'111. u-
car ~ ,. ~ because
A grammnl' school boy pnssed In fcllow wrote to his fBth the Coll uw ing composition on Cats: college: "No mono "Cat" thllt you ell n ~I\ul ' is called, Nil fll!), Ma ttesI' at~. Som.e cats is reckerYour ~O 'l." nizccl by how qlliet their I?urs is nnd Promplty his fathel·. IIl1swe red: theMo is ti ll ed Pursian cata. The cats "How sad, Too Slid. wh~,t hal! very bad tempers is called Your dad." , An d the cuts with Angorie ClltS. feeli ns is coiled Foline clltll." A BOOMERANC
A YOUilg' r~olll
A Scottish fumer, newly e jected to the school board, visited the vii· lage 'school Dnd te led the ' intelligence of t ho c t a~s by the qestion: "No IV, boys, clIn IIn y of you tell ' me 'What naething is?" After a 1!\0q.ent'IJ silence a boy in a back SCll t ros • " It's what ye gi'd me the other day holding your horse."
Dr • W E• Frost ~
baarlem'oi1' w been,.' WOr1d-, wide remedy lor lddney, liver an4 bladder' diIordeia, r~tiIaIt , 1slJ!'bQ&oand uric acid CXDdi~
b.t a.U.ble SerUm ••d Vir•• U .... p')JonQ 31
Denti,t ~.~ ••••III. Natl~~.1 8... al••.
:.n~.,r 'Yoar" Deco'r atlon Day Trip, and All a...oa.'. '
EDJoytbe Salety,CoIIIIwt · aad' EooDom,. 01
me Depolrtment of \ Agriculture cheoBper apple pie hecause of the SUpp~y 01 fruit, but we scriously doubt whethe\' we will ever get back to- the good old days when you got a one-fourth ou~ for a nickel. ' The taxes in Great Britain are so h([lavy that ~he average Englishman must work one day in each five for the goVernment, according t o estimates. WhE,rt Coolidge and Mellon get oqt of a job here John Bull ough~ to hiros 'em.
LOANS on ChattelajStocke, SecUritilll and Second 'MDrteaae.. NoW. boug Ht. . John Harblna Ja:.. X.IlI. Ohio. ' . -m8o.'ie
Farmers, "Attejjti~~! '..
ra~er. of ;}\'llr1'e!l. api! ,dJoll!l~
countiea may obtain mone, 'on loa, time loanl; at G per cent .intetMt. . Cos~ of .e~U;ln'c the •• ~e rea: lonable .,tbrouah The Feileral, LaD. San.k. For ..:further InformaUoD call oil or 'addrels M. C. DRAKE, Tn.. urar, phone 8IG,Xi Lebanon; Oblo.
" ~ '6ANY Fireltone Dealers are prepared to take in
• ,1~~;your old tires, offering you Ii liberal allowance 00: a new eet of Gum.Dipped Balloons.
Nole unbolanced
_hh u.n evc.n wear-erFirestone Dealers are given the advantages of atceM rubbet.t.~ wutf-,I. lCiffc:nln. ~Tire Educational Meetings held throughout I"I\4klnRII border ridlllll ' ' thecountn', where tire desi'g n and construction are .nd hardcc OIceri_' .ailcUlledoThe secrionaofuaed tires reproduced here , • are a part of thie prpgram. Study these two section8 ~d vou, too, will undentand what Firestone means 6:y mu built for sentice and tiru made to selL The Firestone Gum-Dipped BaUoonwithittl OLD~ scientifically designed tread ~er.mits fr.ec uexlng, extra eaSler riding, • •• "'w· ". --b . . . . . PlatTW. . . . .U . . . . . comfort and safety. 'S0Z5 Fabric • •S.8S ,The balloqn tire with heavy, flat tread de.ilJD 11 obvi. ~Mi~ 6.85 ously stiffer and rides harder. The excess rubber, placed . . . . .~ ' Cord. ,7 •.35 for appearance at the edges of the tr.e ad, is not onlV ."","wn· ~ted but produces hinging action causing ply separa. "a'ta4-40 Balloon 8.40 don and "shoulder brea4" , S~ .' C4rd. 1~4. Firestone designed and manufacture8 Oldfield Tires .... ~ .Z-' Balbxt . '5 .35 and Tubes, distributing them direct to Firestone Dealers w......~ , only,throu..h 148 Factory' Warehouses. Th1l efficient and 5~•• a.n~ .8~'35 economicafdistribution assures tire buve1'8 everywhere. _ ..';"'.'... _ .... .., clean, fre8h stockS of Firestone and dldfield Tires in all - - ~- - . types and sues, and has helped to make possible tOOav'i , - ~.~ ~ remarkably low prices-the lowest in tire :history: See .. , " " ,the FLrettone ·Dealer today. t,"'
!ELD ,
I. _ _
" i'~. ",,,,, C:aa'Save,yoti M~ne,. aad
Sene To~ tIeri•• ~ .'1
W~ynelvi1le, Oliio
:.". .- ---
.tend •• the PoatolllDl .t Wa~,1V We,
S~Dd C1au ~ lIa\tet
PrIce. U.60 per )'ear.
. . ,
rt . thls .·\~ere
II. presidential elec~on
Y9D" we no d«:l.uht would be coming Ull tl) .RepubllcAn \ Dnd Democ1'atic
Mould coD.lcl~r and adopt ia Secretary Hoover's ~atlQ~1 plan for w,ater conservation and dl.s tribution: One project therein is dcsigl1ed to lIar any repetition of the Misslsaippi: dlu.ai;er by bufidinlt- thirteeen storage ·dams In the headwaters of tHe Cumberland and Tennessee rivera, incidentally oping unknown horsepower of elec. tric energy. When these two rive ... are controlled the 'MilIsisslpPi wili be harmless. ' We were rl('h enough to retire o.n e billion dolla1'!l of our national debt. last year. W, "re talking about another three hundred million dollar taX' cut next sen ion of Congrese. Therefore. we are too rich to keep aong-resamen in office who will not protect our fellow citizens and home builders, but. Instead. spend their time playing polittcs ror corporate !ntereste. ~~ •
J fln:t thinlt
~onvent1on s wheroln. Pr,esldent Co~lIdge ,~ou ld be nommated to agam lead hlB party nnd Governor Alfred ~ mlth, of Ne~ York, would be choB' en Lo ~ rt'y hi S pnrty bunner. We fillY this bccausq' u most interesting notion-will straw vote has just bean conclucled. wherein a ' total .of 3~2.2 10 votes were Callt. shtlwlng Coohdge-SmiUl preference. The vote is from statcs t hroughout the nation th~ balloting being conducted by s?nte 2,000 weekly new:lpapcrs. Pubh ahel's Autocaster Servioe of New York ity which serve~ those papers with editoriol and ~dvertising fe~tUfOS, agreed to act DS a notional helldquaraters and tabulate the vote. • The most Interesting feature to the vote Is -the fact that the l'eturns are an authentic erosa-sectlon of poUtical sentiment outside of the eitieg. Virtually all of the newspaper. plU'tioipatin" in the baUotinll' are pub li8 ~ed In towns of le811 t han 10,000 populatiol) and a majQrity have widest circulation in rurnl districts. President :Coolidge has a worth), - opponent in former Governor Low,den, til Illinois. Governor Smith eoqld easily lose tnQ nomination to Senator James Reed . of Missouri . McAdoo, of California: or Ritchie, of Maryland. . , Of course many things ca1\ . happen within the nClxt twelve months to completely chanlte the ' complexion of things politicaL Stili this IItraw vote showil tha~ voters al:e jnterested and- thinking'. Allo that our ,polltical ~Ituatlon for 1928 Is now. beine .crYIll4llzed. ' . ~•
Mt". Walter mark returned hom. from Mlallli , Valley hospital, Sntupday. He ie impr.oving nicely.' MI'II. Chlo Oldon, 01' SidD'ay, is noW caring for her aunb, 1t{rs. Chloe Sides. - '. Born- To Mr ' and Mrs, Forest t:l!M!tiijiiiiii;:;jj7-'~}'sham, Tuesday morning. May 24, a daughter. Schooi" closed last week wil h 11 picnic dinner at t he Bchool house, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith entertained to a dinner at their home Sat'IPIDIO~, VIIlM '1MaJlaLCMf urday evening. \IN) . . . . '" WM4,. -".,.,. "" Nf'I ~ . . "lD1uLo III. . Mr. J. R. Johns spent Saturday and ~ R)A MERCAAItI'S II\J $unday with friends from Waynesoer..~ em., CIt 'I'\) 6U'I M ville•. flshing at Indilln lake. .......w. URS ~"M"I01II08 .... - , , . . . ~ PLftITV ~ . Mrs. Viola Carey, of Waynesville, ~ f\)IIl/N 0ClU.M6'.., 00 was a week-end I~u est of her sister, IUaM'I' 104_ IIJ M.Y HOA.UI . Mrs. J. R. J ohns. '1DW'-' . A number of persons from here atterided commencement at Waynes============== ville, Tliul'8day evening.
Mrs. A. E. White ond sons. of Doyton, are visiting Ilt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham. . Mr. and Mrs. WllIiam Bergdall ond Mr. and Mrs. W .. W. COSBurn left Miss Gladys, were Sunday guests of Saturday for Chicago. where they relatives in Dayton. will visit Mr. Cossum's parents. Mrs. Herman Saylpr and son, of Rev. ~olger. of the Frienda church Five Point, spent Monday with Mr. in WlImmgton, gave the addrcss at and Mra. William Long. " commencement. Friday evening. 'Mr. and Mrs. ICharles Clark were Honorinlt the 89th birthday of· her in Dayton Fiida:y, and visited Mr. husband, Mrs. A. R. Penney entertl\ined to dinner last Sunday, Walter Olark at Miami Valley hospiand Mrs. R. H. J efferis and son. Kirk. tul. . Mr. and Mrs. Lee Greathouse, of Mr. and MrlI. Harry Osborn and Dayton, were week-end guests of Mr. family attended a Burprlse Tueaday and Mrs. Clyde Wharton and fnmevening 011, Osborn's brother, Uy. Warren, at Cowan'lI Creek. Mf. and and 1\11'!I. Kesler Graham
. Putting the horse before t he cart h~s . now boen c~~nged to "!luart before the hearae by oblilrmg bootleggers. • • .• The nearest ~~Ing yet to both. ends meet are the new 1927 bathlng. llulta we Bee ~isplayed. in the IIhop wmdow8. Th • • • ere are no really hard times for the e'!lclent--nor good times for the IneffiCIent'. . •. • • and M1'II. Paul Garber, of Cin~ and daugliter were Sunday dinner America's army of summer tourists clnnatl, were week-end ~uests laat of Mr. and Mt'S. John Myers. Ie already on the move. Say a pray- week of Mr. Garber'a ai~ter, Mri. at Belmont. ~r for .the poor "Hot Dogs." Romine Shumaker "and Mr. Shumak• • • . Will Jack - Dempsey ' fight again? now seema to be tbe public question. Sure he will. Maybe not in the b.ut--well, he's married, isn't he?
Mr. and MrlI. F'red Lowe, of Lebanon, and Mr. andl Mrs. William Graham were Sunda)1 aruellts of Mr. and Floyd Savag:e and family.
A Dumber of
"llow tTMlt It harp!.'n," Aid
At Il'Rchool in ElI&'lailci' the ~
~achl)r to the new 11IIpll, "tl1ut yo ur II ked a elas of boya the lDeanlq Sa1;urldal,>-t . ·MiM.'! Call\cl'ln n HUrUo('k III vialtwith l it A)lcl1 IInl\ ylll1 IIIOLhl:t" 1\ 1l00ne is of t he word, ppetlte. After .. thortl ing' this we(\k in ;SPfi ngfield, PUlU\ O one boy rnlled hi, hand. I named Brown 1" her grand/llotbcr. " j know. sir. Wben I'm utln« " Well," xplalrwrl I he Loy: r'm IIIPPY, and when rm throu,ta SeverAl f1'om h r nLt nd d th mal'rl~d "Kltln nnd r dld n·t.:
Q. J;. CRANE, .Eilitor ••• PabUehr, Wa~~u.. OIU'O- Subsc~tton
schoolmates ' of The wind storlm here Wednesday ,LlaVlO eoRum lathered at the home evening uprooted I a tlumber of trees of 'pandmothfl1!t1n Mary Do.- and blew a few shingles off. but was ter, Wednesday eve~inlt ~ter no~ all sev~re ~ in other localities. to help hl.I celebrate hill , and ·Mra. Calvin Longacre and ~1i1.r IMr. and Mrs. Willbett Swank took a ~ I ... " tr. p to Clncmnaiti on motor~ycles" Sundav '~ of.' W'lmelnrillc!1
, ,
Sund!!" School UnIt meeting III Dellbrook, Sunday. . Mlss lIInl'garet Kincaicl lind lIfr. Neil W ~ek9, of Dayton, WOl! mUl'rled he e by Rev. W. E. B0lrnn. Satllrday af ernoon. " . Mr. a nd Mt'S. hal'l s Fields, of Jamestown, wer the ~U(,8t S, U(.u1·day night; an d Sunday, of MI'!!, fa· rictta Oxley. Mrs. Ol'nwell nllll'l.u ined n few or t he children'S liltle friend s ub din· .ne r. Sunday. in honor of their birthdays. Mrs. Martha J ane Hudgell died a Funcrnl was her home Saturday. held Tuesday afternoon. he leaves several children an t! gra ndchildren. Mr. and ~ll·s. Wul ter Underwood, of Waynesville, und !lfl·. and Mrs. Wilbur Hawke, of near Ha1'veysburg. Mr. and Mrs. 1'1' d Ogburn and Mrs. Carolin e Underwood and Mrs. Chas. Woltmache, of Duyton, wero guest!< Sunday, of MI'. n nd Mrs. Toren Undel·wood. MI'. und MI·s. Mnrtin Bngiord en: tel'tained at di'1n er, SundllY, Mr. and Mrs. Wm . Byrd and MI'. and Mrs. Valley Jo nes and grandchild, of Troy, Mr. ancl 1'>11'5 . Eberly Wnrd uncI children and M L s Wolford, of Alpha,' and Mrs. Mary Ward, of Lebanon. Mr. and M1's. E . A. Hartsock enter tained at din ner. Sunday, Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Mason and daughter. of Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Montgomel'y, of· Centerville; Mrs. Ella Rouser, of Dayto n; Mrs. Eliznbeth Hartsock. of Springfield ; Mrs. Anna Anderson. Mrs. Bell St J ohn and Miss Flora Mason. Spring Valley will celebrate both Memorial Day and Decoration Day t his year. These services nre in hOilor of the departed heroes of OUl' country and it is earnestly desired that all Oivil War. Spun ish-American war and the World wur be present ut both services. Bot h churches and the community will unite In the Memorial Day services at the M. E. church at 10 :30 Sunday morning. Rev. Young will deliver the sermon. The Decoration Day program will take place Monday morning at 10 o'clock at t he Spring Valley cemetery. - The American' Legion of Xenia, will have a prominent part in the program. and Rev. Shank, of the M. E. church, will deliver tae address. Special music will accompany these exercises. The ones who ~o kindly donate flowers ar asked to bring them to the Community house by 8 :8 0. All who take part in.. t he parade to the ce~letery meet in front of the CommuDlty house by 9 as tlie ' parade' D............ _...""- promp t1 y 9 :30. 'Xhe h'elp of all children of the commun.ty is desired. They are needed to carry flags and flowers in the line of march. Everybody ls Invited to come and take part in both of these services.
How About {Your Tubes? "
It doesn't pay to take chances on tubes. An old tube, a lea.ky, porous tube, a tube with a faulty valve may quit working, at the wrong time and ruin an eXI;>ensive casi!,lg. Goodyear Tubes don tcost any more than ordinary tubes. New, fresh Goodyear Tubes inside your casings are the cheapest aud best tire insurance you . priced 'for all can buy. Three typespocketbooks. 30x3~ Goodyear .HeaVy Tourist ...... .... ....... . , 29x4.40 Pathfinder Balioon . . ,' .................•....
'Waynesville Motor Phone 105
Waynesville,. Ohio
C:l,~eli~:~;:::.l ~'
I' .
H ..... C ark has .recieved word .his BOn P.rclf Geo,rge Clark of Philadelphia,' ~ha.t: he . will sail 'for EIJ,-ope the 11th of .June in a crowd of thirty professo,1'II 'and students, th,e trip apol)Bered Ii.artly by Carnegle funds. _ _.
NEW .BURLINGTON ·Mrs •• Jeule Ma,rtin, of London, 0., tbe !rueat of Mr. and Mra. W, V.
M. M. Te'r ry was in Dayton. Wednesday. K. E. Thompson and others w~re in Xenia a coupl!!' of" days this week. Our school closed Friday with a good old-fashioned farmers' 'dinner. . . ' MISS Naonn Wallace is spending t~is week , with her cousins in Fra1'\k1m.
. George Yf!.U and X" E. Thompson were in Franklin a couple of dllYS last week. II Colema!l .Ja ~on and f omtly, of Lebunon. atte nd ed church here, on un day morning. . . W. H. O'Neall and wife, of Xenia, were Tuesday afternoon calie1'!l at t he Bogan home ir! Wellman. Mrs. Naomi Wallace hilS .. eturned I to her hime here afte'; spendiing a wook wi~h re.la~ve8 in Frl\nkli1l. : Ed Wils(1n nnd wjte. of n:ear Le).>nnon. came ovel.' Su~duy and spc~1i t he day with t he 'l'mls families. I J . Lee T.lllmage. 'wife and 80'0, of . Sout h Lebanon , camG up and SIlent Sunday wit h A. B. Talmage Ilfld wife
The Next
¥r. ,,,ent and M1'!I .•1ell8le dran a part , of Hill last and weekchilin Marion, Ind. . . H(IW1lrd , ' Memorial a~~i~es will be held in . tlie M. E. church here on Sunday afternoon. Rev.. Shimk, of Xenia. will deliver the addrell8. .' ' 'f' ' . The Sunllhine · Society was pleas. entertaine~1 at the home of .Mildied Clip'. Jaturday a.f ter- of Raleigh ])ogon. wife andwere aallgnL er.II:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:: near New Burlington, SU)1-!! noon. . afternoon callers at the Davis home.. Mra. A. W. Turner and daughter, J ordan and family and Ed1' _" ." __' returned Friday from a two garJohn Jordan, of Franklin, were Sunvisit With relatives near CandaY' guests of John W'a llace and famI ily. ,. The Merry Wives' club and famNe'll!ton Wilkerson and wife ond ---1J,lel! apent a vel\y pleallant day Sun- Mary . Huffman, of Spring Hill, gave day, a~ the hc~mEI. ·of · Mr. . and Ml'II. S. . NOTIC.I: OF . .A1'!~OINl'''ENT · us a short but plells~nt call Sunday \ .,. , . W. Stephena, of Routh CharleBton: afternoon. c~!~ o~ · J~". ~~D, deC~leu delivered a ve~ in- The Wellman scbool closed on .~rmon ,to the atraduatinll' N t1 la h b ; 0 ,ee .... y riy.n that ~ S'prm.r ...'!aUey ''1'ownship Thursday with a good old-fashioned J. Burton baa been .duly ' appointed 'in the In. E. church here farm dinner and a large interesting and quallfted g ' admt!iistratrb of J'lve of the ten prtlgram, several visitors being pres..tate of Jeiae W. Burton. late · . of ' cl... re.lde~ts ent. in the .afternoon. Warren COuD\y, ,Ohio, deceued. I • of, our commublty. '" . . K. E. Thomp80n, wife and . daugh. 'Dated thla 2.3J'd day 'of '1 (".' 1917. , - _____ ~r had for their Sunday afternoon W•.·Z. ROLL, . T.HA:r~S EASY I , . gueats. Gllhert Tolle and wife, Cecil Judre ot the Probate Court, ' wife and son, of SligO', Homer ~21i-J8 . ' W.a._rn..n Colintt, phio. ."VibJ: doe.'anl·' InduiD, wear feath-. Tolle, - - era on hl.I head~" . ' . : Hudaon; and wife, of Xeni,.,. ... ,. . ' i··Why. I . to keep hli wia'- . ·)1lSs E\iiabeth Jla~orth, 'of wb........... ca...t.. fer ~ W..... "amt . '. mingf;on, won one of 'th!l touring ca1'!l in tne paper' contest at the above . place last $aturday . evening; . her many friends of ' this jllace be pleased to 'know. ' ftII . II SICl\( ' OFF; ·j.1.EASEl
. ,.'
AT THE CHURCHES FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST • tn;\·jce 0:3 a. m. "Visitor's Day." Come, bl'IUiI: yo.ur · \In\pany, invite lle!ghbtlr!<. er.l11on on ! 'T~e Diun 01 Judah. ' EvenIng, o'clock, rmon on ",Tail Bird un I th Gosp I" by. " M. Rell~, of Bow e J's~ llt\ . ' AU invited. Nathan Johnson, 1t1inister. . ST. MARY;S CHURCH ' Sunday a n er Asc 11 ion , .MIry 29hurch ,rllo I Ilt !l :4 5. MOl-lling Pray<'r ut 11 o'clock. A11 nre cor· dinlly illvit~J. ( ' Rev. John J. Schaelfel'. Rector. CHRISTIAN CHURCH SundaY-Scbool at 9 :30; Everybody cordially i~vi.tkd.
Here I. a typical group of Mississippi flood victims-a family . of
whit. tenants-driven to the levee from the lowlands. They are awaitine the arrival of • Red Cross relief boat to take th em to a 011 the highlands. The Red Cross is still asking {or funda. /
, tam,
sick. .
De,Pend upon the kind of food you eat. 11 you wan t to be healthy and capable at' per~orming your duties well. you must eat. the foo d whleh tiv~ YO\l the most health and strength. An inferior Irade 0'1 Footl Producll does not give you 'health and body building elements. If )'~u want the best that money can buy in both QUALlTY 8t!d RlG~ PRICE, then come to
F. E. Van Often's' Store C., Silver Flake and Elk Lick Brand of PURE FOOD PBODUC'J1S, aDd know you are protected by a guarantee of QlJ.ALITT 'a t th,e lUGHT PRICE, or your money wiIJ be cbccrfuUy refund-
ed' " 70\1:
~rocery Waynesville, Ohio
ill aerlou81y .
==:L==== at=e .=Cla=Ss=m=ed=I::-:=' ds
-~~~#:OR ~ALE
Mr. nnd Mr!'. Ross H. Hartsock and Mrs. Prank HUl'lso'ck were Xenia Farmers 01 Wurren county who visitors. Thur~ day. are especially interested in growing Mr. and Mrs_ . H, Dealheridge. potatoes, can g t. free, at the office of County Agent Class, II copy of reo of Oregonia. spent Friday with R. H. ' cent bulletin giving the iatest infor- Hartsock and family. mation pertaining to the growing of Wolter Clark returned home Sntt his tuber. Th o bulletin discusses the preparation of t he Boil, fertlliz- urday, from Miami Vullcy hospitnl. erij, variety of seed, time and the and is improving rapidly. amount to 1)lant. trcuting t he seed for diseascs, cultivating, spraying Mrs. Hn'n 'y Turner and little son. and othllr valuable points. of Bellbrook, spent FridllY with F. B. Hender~o n lind iamily.
Mrs. H. V. Walter und Mr ..nnd Mrs. Dnn Walter •.of Lebanon. viSIted The annual meeting of the lot relatives herc, Fnday afternoon. owners of Miami Cemetery AllsociaSec the Matro n's Ha \.s for ' $1.76 tion will be held in the cemetery and $2.00. Children's Hats a8 low chapel on IIfonday, June 6th, at 1 :30 as 500, at GracI() Lincoln Smith·s. p : m., lor the election of officers and other business. The board of trusMrs. Frank Long, of Columbu8, tees urgo (I large atteudance 01 t.he spent the week··end with her sister, lot owners. Mrs. H. H. Williamson and family. J . O. 'CARTWRIGHT, Clerk. m25-jl l\fr. and IIIrs. O. C. Mills aqd son, ----.-~Carl, of St. Joe. 1110., nre visiting relatives and friends in Waynesville and vicinity. The storm of rain and wind that Miss Lucile Clark, of the Middlevisited this section last Monday ev- town hospital, spent Sunday afterening about 5 o'clock, dijl' consider- noon with her parents, Mr. and lIlrs. ble damage. Near Ferry trees wore Walter Clark. blown down and several buildings . WlIlter Kirb~r, /)f Washington C. H., who attendled Waynesville schOOl the ;roof was blown off the rellldence in ~h e ' 80~, . called on W. O. Raper, of H. O. Cornell. last Thursday,
Farmers Club
Freo E.tiDlatl..
·. E..
.. - - .... - , I
, Ho"ey
Dr. Bell's Pine-T "rqHonev For Cough. and Colds.
Stokes' Pure Jersey Milk for Sale ~
Hein., o"en baked, 2 ca..
Wit.on'. tall, lOe; ... all .........·. 5c
Clifton Brand, 24'M.--lb...e" 95c
Cream and Cans I ' Guaranteed AAainat Lo.. or Dam~ .We h... betn .Mppl", c...m (0 Tri~SI '"
U yon. Have
~vod .U cl...,b promptlv• .nih. alii ••11IIIe e ... plloq ••
wu.I>oJ.o, Ohio .
19C ~~~!~~., 25C Bananas
3' b. r . ... Cama, bar .................. ..........:. ~!c .
No shipper ever los t a penny eellin~' cream Direct to Tri-State
Gentl'lDflI ,
Q t. Jar, Dill. or 20 oz. Sw.... t .lie ..d, J.r:.............
GoldeD Fruit, 3 'lb. for ;...
~~!~~I!...!......................... . .~. . . :. . . 49c,
Stuffed .......... ,BIlIIo, pint
75e 20e
S . . 13
Tor.~~!!r;~. ~~~.~~.,.. 20c I 5e roll lin .. witb each purcjiaie Lard ' Pure ketlle
re~dDrDd, 21b 2,8
. S~tter c~~~~~······:·4-6 Club Creamery. Ib.... .... C E"\tmore Nut Oleo, 11I •..,., .. ..... ..~tc
!i~..e~!!~~~~:. · 17~c 'H ams, .ach ....................... ::.I3. ~ e
H. S. Warwjick, who fa, several years was vice president of the An'drews Land Co., ,o f Erie, Po., is now located at Youn,gst\)wn, Ohio, as vice'president and gliiieral manager of the Realty Security Co. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kitchen and daughter, of Springfield ; Joh n Stansberry and family, of Middletown; Charles Andrews and family, of Clar ksville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stansberry.
M, •
car of sn.er .Bell.
T1aeM are
wlaieh ha., ;,Ye'D luliYenal .ati.faction
ba .... put. (~o"":;'rl,. Rid b, Seth Cook.)
PI. .', your orders for ~ $peelal off the car Prices. -'
,SPE€IAL SALE Pound. Checker Brand Feed Chickel!' Chowder . . . . . . . . . . .
$2 • 85 . 't'
Two colored men were engaged in conversation when· one of them became very much annoyed by the, perBistent attentl~n of a large fly. ' "Sam, what kin' of a fly am dis?" "Dat am a hossfly." "What am a hosslly?" "A hosafly am a 'fly ' what bUllies roun' cows 'n h088ess 'n jackasses." "You ain' t m'a kin' out fo~ to call me no jackass ?" ,. .' "No I ain't makin' out for ' to call you n~ jackaBB, JOll, but you caln't foo l dem horseflies." HELP I HELPI Customer...:." I want a pair of Ipee~ rimined horniclea -- I mean .pom rimmed heetacles-eonfound":"I do mean heck-rjmmed 1iP9mac~e.."
Miss Kathryn Kent, daughter of Mrs. Will , Ma,t her, of Burlington, Kansas, accompanied Illy two young :~~~~ lady friends, we:re guests of Mr. ' and !.: Mrs. J. .C. Hawke, Saturday. . Miss Kent 'is a studEmt at tbe CinCinnati ConservatQry ali Music. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainous entertained the following guests to supper last ' 1;hursdny evening: Mr. and Mrs. S . . M.Jackson, 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruce a nd two children, of Hamllton;' and Itev. E. E. Young apd family, of' Hartflvil.ej Ind. . ' Mrs. Ronald Hawke and son, Frank 'and Mr. Harris Mosher' mot~red to Milford . Sunday; and were' guests of F •. C. HartBoc~ and family, Mrs. EdIth .M. HarriS, who· had been a guest In the Hnrtsock home several days, returned .home with them.
~xpres~ly ' . " ,
- -- - -- - - - - - - -
~rad, Y.llow Jaek,t EIrIr Coal. AI-
. 2Sc
Counb-y Club, 2 ,arae Paelca.e... ..................... ...........,...... •....... 17.
. Public Sales
~-... -~
19c Kellogg'II" 15c' Cornfla'kes arnall, 2 packag..... ~
24 ~-lb .•aek, $1.04; 12 " Ib
C~MING-;-A car' of
1/ -:'; ' 1·
Bring Your Eggs to Krqger
Co'untry Club, .m.n, 3 e... .. 13e
..- ---
V en ard J)s
Club, M -.lk Country tall cans, 3· cans Flour.5-1b. Country Cl~b, sack . . ' . .. . . .
Received Shock
'tha~ Sy~,ups ~.
Campbell., 3 clln.
Dr. Henry G. Williams, one of the Mrs. MargarElt Crone has returned best known educators .01 .Obio, alld to her home at :Faeyttev.ilIe, Ohio, afIfolun,der of the Normal system, win' ter a· two weeks' visit with her son, act a8 Director of t he Summer school R. E . Orone and family. at Wilmington college• . . Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Gauche and .... 80ll, of Fayetteville, spent Thursda, evening with R. E. Crone and family and attended commencement exercises. « Having Bold our farm we win sell Several frie,ndB have ' received at p)Jblic auction all our chattels, loin t he ' south edge, of Beaver~ cards from Mr. and ~rs. L. A. Ziimmerman, who hElve arrived at Los Antown, on the Wilmin~on pike, on gel!!s and are 'enjoying tile nice SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1927, at 12 :30 prompt, the weather and fine fruit. cow, f¥m implements Mr. and Mr:s. 'Wilbur Clark enn01JSehOl.Q good and some ant\.quea. ALLEN LOVE, SR. ·tertained at six o'clocl< Ilinner Monday evening the Misses Louise Craw& Stanley, Aucta. " lord, Adda L~ons, 'Wanda Ebrite, \ Mary Agnes ' Harper and Mildred Olark, all of Oe,nterville.
Better and Cheaper
'B eans Country C,lub, with ~ork and Sauce, 3 can. . . . .. ,
,.--------------------------;:..." ;::: !::~~~!o~~!U'~:~ ~"t!::c:~;
.Mr. and Mr:s . WUl t St John 1:he week-end' il~ Newark · lind Buckeye 'Lake, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I)uring the storm Monday evening W. W. Simmonn. Ed Gilliland, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. GlUiland, living north of Waynesville Mr. and M.rs. Kenneth ElZey ,of received a severe .lIhock when light:- Dayton, are announcing t he arrival ning struck • ne~rby fenee as he Mny 23, of a sellen-pound daug/lter, was returning from work in the ,field. Maril'rie Alvetn. The young nlan was unconscious for Miss 'Emma :a~ighway visited relIlome time. w • • • t , atives in Leban<ID last week and attended the graduation of her niece, ~ 1+~-......... Miss Muriel Calle.
6:30 a nd 8:30 p. m. .on Thursday, l ay 12 ,the memburs und' g-ucsts of the Wuy ne 'I'ow nship Farmers club agai n had thc pleasure of mee ting Ilt t he home of Mr. and Mrs. Elia ~ Oglesbee. The bou nti fu l dinner was served in the tc nt, whieh hll.t been ereeled 0 1) t he Inwll. A fler fill hud ll!!StJmbled in the houso. meeting WII S culled to order by the president. Mr. Oglesbee presented enlltor DeArmond ns speaker for the aftel'lloon . The specinl topic, "Whut changes are necessary in the country if it is to continue a desirablc place in which to grow uP." wus discussed by A. S. Collett and S. A. Ellis. Meeting adjourned to meet in May at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H . Sackett.
Destructive Storm
For 'Flood
METHODIST CHURCH Sabbnlh School, !l :16 a. m.; Preaching Service at 10:30 n. m.; Epworth Loague nt 6 :46 p. m.; E,vening Pruaching Service at 7 :30 P. m. Mr. Lcrt)y DUTby and 1111'. alld Mrs. L. A. 'Washburn, Pastor. J . H, mith we,,'e Suutiay visitors at GreenfIeld, Ohio .
ndo,' lho . nu~picl'll oC tb )\[pl\l. Mr. and -Mrs. SlimUol BuUerw I'tll mi d Gilb(lrt Fr}'~ ·vi it d Mr. nlld Mr~ I'T1I Clllh II dom(ttl ~tl'l\tI()1I of 'tI11l EcuFl'llnk Burnt:lr, in nLcr,:.IIIc, ~ullduy 1'llIm'nnl Gus to\' will be I\'iv.cn !it Gl':1\l!{C hall, Sl\t~rdnl' R1t,wnQon att moon. 2 ::10. Ma)' 28th. .An invilllbion is exThl! l\fi~ e~ Jrl!hl) Imd lllbel rOnl! t nd ' it to ull. ' ~-"----"'~ Donald C. K()rrick has the chicken al' spl'ndillg their vaclltion \\iith thei r aunt, trK. En'unett GIIU h , or I" nyIHI. : NO SPAKE ANGLlSI:t lilt ville, OI~lo·. See IE. P. Hal'lan"for all kinds of A the ' Zoo- "BY G rg(l! . ThRt Electrical Work, ' clephli nt IQoks j ust Jik ,Mary's l!i:u u; Relief . Big Boy--"Why, is thut : ~ nico Mr. und Mrs. Elvin Fires were J ' lhlng 10 I<lIy ?" ~ebullon vi itQff" Thur dny. The fo llowing' uDscriptiOriS to th Ulhcr':'-hA"" he can't ' undcl'lItund It'(\ ross .f Ol· )"100d nelief. s in c~ wha t I said." trs. 1I1111'~" Adlim s cnlcrtuincd lust rC)lcllt havo be 11 re'c i"ecl: . friends IraI'll Wilmington. Sunday. AmI. p't'cv. -rl!pol·lcd .......... $G 1!l.!)4 ' 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Adum 1I'1011oh ' and Irs. Emmu _ Dl\kirl ,-= --"i Frank A. Hartsock ..... 1i.00 children were ill Hamilt0l'! , today, OaKlt!y Unglesby _.. , ." 3.00 lark . 2.00 li s.~ lil't' Dinwiddie is oft' du ~y H. III. 71\ 0' nt the posloflice on uecount,Qf ~ ick ' Ml·s. ·1iJdlth· ·li:trri!( , '«I<lllY MI·s. Laura Mosh r (nJd) 2.60 nclSlioJ Wayne Tp. ehool (1I\ld) 1. 43 R S AL ~- FI' sh .J cl·S(,y cow. A. 1.00 Mr. lI nli 1\Irl<. 1. O. I?nlkillburg. of D. H. Hocket C. ')'01111 i 11 80 11, n Oll te 2. •j I 1.00 Hnrtwell are s pclld illt; n 'few duy;; I\Irs. Am 'lil1 Williams J . . ll llwke ].00 in Way ncsv iIlc.
Potato Bulletin
Rest of Your Days
for · the. Miami Gazette . ,
J:or twenty-eight years otie of America's most popular authors, H~rold McGrath needs . no introduction to th e readers of The Minmi Gazette. His ~ew s,erial, "Bound to the No~th," which starts ih the next iS8ue, teems with action, mystery, romance--and the dosperate .isb of ~a r. Courage of the enemy is a thing . which Mr. McGrath m,ak ~s ypu ~ee and I\dmire. A winsome, Clever" courageous nliss from y'irglnia. canies .on. iI .There Isn't a para'graph yO)J will want to· mi_ i f you. start to' r.e ad thta ; '. ' story ' :tn i;he coming issue" 9f . this. paper Harold ~c'qrath wrlt~s noth.i ng bb.t "pelt : sel ' 1 ta." He ' is the' authoi of such book!! 8S . . "The Man On ' the .nbx,t' .The Carpet ' from , Bagda<l/! "'rhe' ~"e'd Edp," ., !'The Greeh Stone," "Yellow' Ty' plioon," and the "Volee in ".tbe Fog." .... ;'. .
f a ." , Seventy-Ninth
JUNE 1, 1927
Whole Numb er 6766
---- -
' i;~~~~~IM~MI~MNON[ .~~~~~~~~~~~ ~B~rA~~~t1~:R~ ~ I~- J ..
from the
Sta te. Caoital
, tN .........................I. Prepa re by Colum bua ' ep' rte "
Four rot len errol'S In the sixth frame broke up the Mlamll defenae andd allowed the Valley to ~n the ,ame. · Three easy· erollnde rs 'wblch should have been easy outs, and a muffed ban at the plate, told the sad, sad atory of last Sunday '. ,ame. "Mattie " Ol'Sborn occupied the slab until lat~ III the pme, and pve a good a~count of himself. even In the facil of the dlsa.tro ul errOrs back of him. ' Oreborn had hll lubway ball working to perfectl on. and about an the oPPolln team could ,et were little ",abbly ghits. most all of them to the Infteld. . The Mlamla etarted 01\' with four run I. plenty enough to win an ordlnary ball rame. but after the 41th Innln, they seemed to think . they had the game ..wn up and eaeed down enouch to make four miHrab le 81'rora. The Mlamla will play a doubleheader with BoweravlUe, the leadel'S In the race. Sunday afternoo n, at Fruier' 1 park. The score: R H E Sprin&, Valley ...... """ .....,, ... 8 10 3 Miamlll .. " .................." ... " .. ".7 11 3 1 2 8 • Ci 6 7 8 9 Sp. Valley .... O 0 0 1 1 80S x-8 Miamis ..... " .• 0' 1 0 0 0 0 0 2-7 Batte rt_ Sprlnr Valley. S. N. Wright and Thomas- MIIam.1 01'1born Adams and Burton • • •
MCll lol'iu l Day \Vns fl ~t i nl\' l y obsen 'cd MondllY uHcI'no on aL t he c~ m tery. The mUl'nlll" ga ve prom ise o[ Il disugree able duy, bu t with th except ion of n light shower. lhe ufl Cl'noo ll WII S v<! r~' pleasunt. A ~ p l e ndic l IJrogrum had beell prepared, S. L. urtwl'ig ht. ~ ol e survivor (I f the ol'igiOli l W . R. lI oel Post, Jll' e~ ided in h i ~ churllctl'l'istic digni- TH E BEST AD MEDIUM .. f1 c,d mUll nCl' a nd 11111 h cc' tlit iN due A SIXTEE N HOUR ATLAN TIC till S grund old v('\ emu for t he success o[ t he uftern oon. NEW FREEDOM OF PULPIT Americu by t he band n~d n ss~m - SHYLOCK SAM IN' POST OFFICE binge W!IS f oll uwecl by the mvoc nt lon voiced by MI·s. Ii J . Murrn y ; a vocnl s(.>lectio n. " vel' Them Over." by II double qun rt et of girls from Wh ~ n Uncle Sam advertis es, he till! O. S. & S. O. n ome, r ec itatio n adve rtises. The Treasur y announ c. a bly given by Miss A d u ha ner. and ment, recallin g $1 ,650,000 Il sr lcction. " Rest, So ltl iel·. Rest." Second Liberty Loan ~our ,000 of and a quar by t ho double qunrtet . ~er per cent bond s WIll b~ publishe Mr, II rtwr i£,ht inl.rodu c:ed th e In fi fteen t housand American newa-d sp ukel' o f the aftern oon. Prof. J . O. papers, daHy and weekly. F'u lkinbu..,; . of I1al'lwcl1. Cincinn ati. M.r. Mellen Ilho~8. go~d judgme nt PI·Of. Folki nbul'g', who is well putting the ad ve~tt slllg t housanda known li nd a great favo ri te in this of country .weekltes aDd III commu nity. took f ot' his Bubject, Iu pr o p ortto ~ to the~ small daW.. "Lincol n," an d gave one of t he best t hey ar e' the best medIUmcirculation, s. addresses evel' listened to on theBe occasions. He relnted incidents of BIlCore General Mitchell was put the Civil War that were extreme ly out of army flyi ng for int llrcsting an'd those who w'ore un- pleasant tru ths. h e had telUDe UDunder wq able to hear him, missed 8 great deal. plans for a giant ftler, with whee1a "Abidu With M ," by the quartet. twen ty fe et high, could take a ond a sci ction by the bnnd. f ollowed running start overthat fence. tnd tree ancl the program was conclud ed at trunks. , lhe connon. And thi s week Profello r Rumple r, Aft ol' a splendid rend ition of Lin- head of a German airplane compan,., coIn's Gettys burg oddress by Miss announ ced plans for plane, man,. Elsie BrlIdbury, fl owers were strewn t im es the size of any aever by several small girls under the di- carry many engines, and bunt, to crou the reetion of Mi ss Cla ra Berryh ill lind Atlantic In si.x teen houn. e&rr)'iD c Mi ss Kulh erine Fromm who c1eserve 170 passeng el'8, credh. f or n good pe·rfo rmance .of Transat lantic ftight will 800n be . this pr t ty ceremon y. commonplace, but the, little maclilne Taps a nd a band solection closed must show the way, u did Colum-
COLllMB US, OHIO- G. F . Schlesinger, Directo r of Highwa y8 and Pub lie Work», held a confere nce with eng ineel'll In t he division to conalder ways and meana of proceed In, under t he new highway lelrielaUon which t d t th last seaslon of the was enac e a e General AJlllembly. The Norton- Edwar de bill. which In a large measure aboliahe a the rirht 01 the ~ounties to co-opera te ftnan~ially WIth the Iltate In the Improve ment of roads on the atate Byate)n does not go Into effect until · Janullry 1. 1928. Counties, therefor e. are ,permitt ed to co-oper at e 08, under the preeent law until that time. The Departm ent cannot U/le funda aceruin&' from ~e Sullivan tax law which provides for an 'additio nal one cent , tax on gas f or new conl truction of roada on the . tate IIYl tem until after the .xplratlon of tb. ninety-d ay ref.rendum period wblch will ,be about the fln t of Septem ber of thla year. Prior to that It will be po..lble to ptoclled with reconat ruction proJ.eta In which malnten ante .lind repair funds ca n be used and federal aid projecta in wblch the countie s. are provldin&' tha remaind er of ~e coat of the project. Federal ald . luna. cannot be S....,.. Re,.lta ueed to .an e~ent &'Hater than 6fty Wilmin rton, 8; Modem Woodmeo per cent of the total coat' of the J!.ew 1. conatruc lon and at the rate of ,16,Sprin.. Valley. 8 ; Miamle, 7. 000 per mile. The Departm ent conBowerevlUe 11; Jame.to wn 8 (U templat ee, a number of email lettlnll Innlnp ). ~e &r,t of " blch will be Jield July l at and .plans to place a lal'&'e ..mount theThe ceremon ies.of the girls from ......e..5 ..~.... singing • the bus' little boata. ---of ' work under 'c ontract . afte~ Sep. O. S. & S. O. Home was Inost excelMiss Spencer . seventy ye.n old, ~ mber tat. Olubs , Won Lo.t Pet. Bo",env llle """ 3 lent 0 1.000 tunnte andenoug charmed h to all hearwho were them . . forThe rode ment toand work at the back on Treasur - It is worthy of note. that scor.. of Sptinr Valley.., ....... a bicycle, y lav.d .. " ..... " ...3 1 perfect blen ding of t heir voices and and made more than $100,00 .760 prisoner s ·In th~ Ohio pelliten tiary Wllmln&'tol' ).... .......... 2 0. Sh. t heir 1 ('x pres~ i o n evidenced tine train leaves smaIl Bumll to relatlve .687 donated their mite towarda the flood Wayneaville ........ ...... t A &,oodly numb,r of far mers t rom . The friends of Edward l ad It Bur ton ing . Their .Rel~ct i on we ro beaut iful the baIance ;$ 100.0~0 .888 LET'S STOP THIS ENDLE SS RACE Warren county are expecte etrlcken victims ot the SunD7 South- Jamesto wn ....... .. ... " .. 1 for a tombd to at- wlll be plclIsed to lenr n thut he has anti approJ)l a .260 'Iale . stone. Relative! object. the court 11 the Special Livestoc k meeting been employe d to leach again land. ,Severa) . hundred doll.n ",ere Modem , :Woodmen .... 0 Those in charge of the very pleas- IIsked to 'decide. a .000 Representative Butter. chaIrman tend in CircleVille. SlIt urday. June 4, ac- Monroe J un.lor High school, in the · collected from theae meu, who ,only , M with W a 0. jng jll:0Ir';Ull B U~ I k ure to be commen ded f th H e and Naval AIl'a1re com- cording t o announc ements eal'!' '''' few, pennies for ' their , Ion&, by County substan tiul lalDl,. oa_ Increase In e. e salary for brmgmg them here. !.1tte!:e~~nt1Y aeaerted that the Agent Olal8. Two years ago, The f oolish waste shonld be forday'a 'Work.. MOlt of It cam. from , at a . I n ~ddi lion to teaching In the J unBcfor.e leaving the girls were giv- bidden. But, it is interestln United States ourht to build practi- ~imUar meetln , and exhibit pr{lOnera of ,lonr terma, those lOth&, to thbdt in Daylor H.'gh, The M\Jmle went to Bellbrook call Mr . . Burton ~ouch es all en ~ llIee luncheo • e. navy to COl t more thap ton. tbou88nds of farmers gathere out depeDdente, and othilr:a who ..,ere Monda,.' afternoo n and proceed d a L~ l ebc tea\ns 111 t he H igh school. w1Iy H tell room. n . at :Mrs. Hat ha- of t hat old Treasur y clerk pua1dac ed to "O~,:o: .OOO: her bicycle back and forth from a dozen or more counties, anxious to help as much u they could &,ive the Buckeye Lea&'Ue Take n altugeth er It was one .of t he ing on t he. grand ' fltrtire ' medHat.We are lqain&, llteadily bl\hlnd oth the year previous still larger while HIS t.~vo basketball. teams made ~ thoae in diem... And ,an ,lntareat - that place a &'Ood drubbin& ~m o.~ that abe delegasplendid record d urt~g t he . past ,. seaPeck ~O!lt er su cces.~f ul ~bsel'vances In the would cut III death with her fl00,nation. 'a nd from beln, Inr part of the donatlo ns the Satterth waite, the fol'ftler flrst bue- 'Ward the front we have alon« to- tiona of farmel'S gather ed at t he son, ~n d Monroe HIgh flllIsh.ed sec- hIsto ry of MemorI al Days. _ 000 tomb, she, who in life had heeD dropped to meeting in Washin gton C. H. fact that almOit aU of dI.m save man 01 the )(Ialllie, althoU8 (Ind . III t.he t rn ck meet t IllS last h a f rtb lace. •_ • only a $1,200. year spinateI' clerk. C t A ent Class Is ex ectin ~p~lng. rn t he baseball season. with • requut -that their 'I18me be 'little wlld a' the .tad; , of the saml, ou . P I a to be a Happine ss is largely Imarina tioll. dan withheld. . The7 ",ere Dot oun y g f F B for ~ve &'Ood account of hlm ••lf duro &'ar~ P wInch closed on MIlY 20, Monroe won be 110 ~ &'1'1 - ral~e!~~a~~~ck ~;!dersu~~ajoi~ i~ the championship It is suggeste d unomc1all that sake of Wlnnma lIIerey or lyml'6diy IIIC the nine innlDl'l, and o.f Butler county "'u ably Jult "'here tbe compe~r n~tionll tbe county group whicb will go Mr. Hughe~; formerl y Chief ,1111t1ee f rom the pubUc. Other ~tate Inlti- backed up tb. entire tea~ by for .the second !\tr~lght year by de· tutional inlDA. aJlICI did th.1r mite are-to-1ItoJt:be don not of the Suprem e Oourt, will be clio:;-'"" :'Ii' The Miamis really won e pme"; h Wfilmin ton and Wash': fea.tmg. Shandon HIgh. school •. 7 to o. ::::''IfI fll . ~u o. coul Th gd an~ from pne eame U.89• . With It in the lint Innllll, ~hen three sen by Goverho r Fuller of M..... , rt- ThIS \rlctory makes 1t pOSSible for runl About the only 'WaJ ~. CIIlD be e~gt= 'b~ chusettB as head of a comm_ lon to , .a not. to ~e elfeet that ~e wu In came over the plate. Bellbrook w.nt made to atop It Ie for one nation that the way. i~ exc:\I~~~ ~o~r~tr:~o all Monroe to I'etain t he sliver lo~nginvestig ate the Sacco-V an.ettl cUe. "An,. open-minded 81'\d cup, presente d by t he HamIlto n t lie tu~er~u"r ",ard, dldn t- expect on~ ahead In the seventh . ueh a choice would be Ia~ to live lonr . and wu ..ndllll eve.,.,. am~ earne. baek In the but the MI. is undoub tedly .tronr to cea.. com- progreaslve farmler who spends a f ew J ou rn ~l. f or ~noth er year . . If ninth with petln, with the othel'l. Monl'he New Cen t ury club held its t?ry to t he cou,n try. and the hours footin at tne hundre~ o~ rOil WinS agam the cu p W penny he liad In the "'Clrld to thOle two runs, puttm. the pme declIll be the regu lul' to the mon thl y meeting with Mrs. slon conclusive. It ia more imporThe danl'er in this coul'Se' Ie that cattle, bogl !nd sheep used he felt ne.t.ded I~ mora than hI! did. ,ood In our favor. The in the perman ent propc~t ~ of t he sc~ool. 1C0re: Cross 0 11 MIl Y 27th, wit h nn Ilttend~ tant by f or than executin the othen will take advallt ap o( It. varioua experimelnte and g two , who Intelli• "d ....- Ita b : "e N. fPt'l B I!~t, _olTl1Ier shu'pertnhten~- allee of twenty-foul' acti v "IAIII'S V-n I ell 11'• n..., It will be looked upon u a truatlnl' rently tries to apply on ve member B men. to ma ke sure that there WIll DO ~p Y WJ IrO . . . his farm e h nt 0 ' le >rayne I oWdlls IP s~ o.OJ:l , li nd onc' bouol'Ur emor of court; Ohio will have Ita bIll. k A l a b y memLcl '. This be- mistake or prejudi ce in convictloll. R BOA ' £ and lam ..e .uc er. . as a 1so bcen emp oye as prmclpa I i m amolll new Ideas presented. Will 'A nt triple exeeutioll on the nitrlit of Pu cer- of the MOJlroe 111 3b ~c hoo l for t he next ng "IIi,?tI ICrs '. Dn~. " n fiT l'ib U t t 1 2 1 2 ' 0 the "'01".., and the dallier Is ~t tbe • ~nly June 10 .Tliree lIIen 'are Mnteneect be well J'epald tor , the time three ~m. years wit an increase in sal- Mother wus g1Vl~~1 III r esponse loeo f '''' '' ''6 1 0 2 ,. 1 the other natioDs m~y eat It up. 1'011 and expenle involved," says Class, ary each year. h Monroe The views of e1eJ'&'Ylllen each ~to die ' 4~ the electric chair on ,that:: k~'4on"fc ....... hRB one of call. The election of offi cers for day present 1 1 b 0 '1 Thle ia a ,f avorite Idea. a who continu ed. "Farm profits will al· the bost Clluil)pe intereetln&' coutrut e, n\&,bt. . , The, an Geo". Varwro na. c ....--: .. 0 1 . l\ " 1 certam. clua of people, the among Idea tha~ ",aYII be lIighest to the man who can of an y ccntTuli zedd school building s ~ext ycur result(:d. M f? lIows: .Pres- Buch as would have been unwe for Phllip Orleek, of KaUfte ld, ad IO'b T ~..: .. school in t his 0 purt 2 'ulent, • 0 0 our oWD nltlon Ia ~uau.n., centle produce at lowest cost. Mrs. J(a J'I'I M,: vIce-preSIdent , t he clerglym en one hundr.d ,.an , Hickma n CbWleothe. One ....k la- B~ . :; and these ex- of the stAte. .... 3 0 0 ' 0 0 0 and ldDd. and harmle.. Mrs. Moomaw ; 8e~ :( , Mrs. Hawke; ngo. all othlr perlmen ts are primari ly designed to ter or june 1'1 Leo Halterm an of 0 . , ' ni-! , .. ;......: 1 1 0 0 0 0 nations are .vIl-mln dedaDd • _ • treasurer. Mrs. Wllhom s. and &'I'UP- ehow farmen how to cut their costs The Rev. Dr. Walter Dunean BaF ' tte . ty' Is 'scheduled to' die s:ns,. . .. ......... Mrs. " .. ,Allen ope~ ed , 0 the. Inc· progr~m chanan says we are Ignoran t aboat lna~e 88::~b~tr. , Several tim.. In M'cr.~"'ti!~' of product ion... . ~ ~ 0 ' Tbera Ie DO natio,:, in the ",orld of t he nrternoo~l WIth ~n IIlterestmg heaven And our uncerta . recent yean two have IIftn electro- 8.0 'Bu~ "- • Is • ........ 4 O · 1 8 0 0 In "'hleh tIrla Idea il Dot e01llmoll. paper. he,' sUb!.ect be ll1g, "Mothe rs blessed thing. It gives us inty M d lin: Corwin Hamilton lIometbfDc cu~ on the 88l11e ,venlq , but Dev- . u ~. c..... :., _ _ _ J. _ of Great .Men. tollo,wed by Kath- to hope and work for. ' ' ft. notion III not pecu11ar to n ... of :~nt~~ attende d Memorl et befor -In .u the tiIato.,.,. o'f Ohio ul Da~ Totals .2 15 8 27 16 3 tionL There aN man,. indlvlduallJ servi eL leen MorrIS' book reView, "Mothe r." , have tlp'ee lIIen paid the extreme Monday ' '. , "BELLBROOK ' ",ho very cupnLly told by Mrs. Mosh~r. have it. Many people in .. f.~Uy The Rev. Dr. ~ p,naJty on the aiun. nIIb~ .. Simoni. Utal&,n ' l\i l'S. J. H. ackett fllvored . us WIth turian. says we Minot . refuse to be .kl ~ and rentle...b ecause . mu. t look for oar t ' aD RHO ....... th87 Wnk the other a 70 uple of vocal solos, lIIemlle whIch n of were ~he "compensations" , in this Ufe. , Old • The realpati o,a of Price M. Baa- Wea'ftl'. b ........ " 0 " An invitution hus been extende ideas of heaven and hell "are 'n o", ID.• an . . . member of the state board SldeJiltri~er, rt ..: ~ 1 I • 0 famO, WU1 take advanta ce of them. futility of' this program as proved to all W. C. T . U. ladies to a ttendd enJoye.d by all. . : Dur : mg ~ th~ ~ ~oclal It _ hour to the be an ..bsurd idl!a that dlll'ill&' the late war and the fact t hat an hostess adequat e and futlleY of ~lemlncl' .ill teke trom 'pabBc ~b~ f .......... 15 obs.ervance of F lower MisBlon The Rev. Dr. , life one of the' mOlt ,popillar atielr- • .;"'!n:;.. :i . .. ·..... ·.. 0 Q1 .: 0 0 0 Was in the mind of Chrlat t~t the prepara tion for war in the way .of D~~, Friday. Jun e 3, at t he , Dayton served a. dehclous . two-cou rRe lunc~Ia,.. '0 0 ~ n, aSSisted by Mrs. McClure. and Snyder, convicte d Straton 0 0 way to.' bqet kind ~eat!1lent OD the armanie nt can eallly n.,. ~at ha, been In oftl". 'Price 'J:(, ar lib ~ ........ 15 l ' 1 of helplnc to mu,", ' become an 10Mihtary . Hom e. Baskets of flowers i ' 0 0 part, of other. is to give them kind tolerabl e burden. rs. Herman Conner . . der her husband, il an atheist. . RuJiaelJ, 'w b'en an uDuaual l. ' In ...• and frUI ts will be taken to the af.•,........... tl'eatllleJlt ftret. Guests of t he aJ'ternoo n were couldn't have commit ted the , She I deailn; 'With prIaOnere, and hU al- allahr,. c ..... ... :~ ... ,. 1 The best way to get rid crime of war Bicted soldiel'8 . 1 . . 0 0 ·Man,. people beli~vlI that dolilg Is dellber M es~a m es L. A. Washburn. Charles had she believed in God. a~ly to turn our back 'up- .The plllces of. meetin~ on arrival Robltze waY' looked ,back of the prlaoD '. arb tllc-re hal" ~ , ... ~ ~ ~ . , r. ' : ~aym ~ ond ~ Unto Marlatt, oth81'8 Her u man they would .have oth- on it 'and the only thing we should w111 be If that is so, there have beea tn m~n&, his reeomlDeIldations for ~w. 88 Ib" ........ 8 0 0 at the mfor matlon bureau. Conner, WIlbur Cla~k, J . H. Sackett, 11 ' l ' 1 " ' do unto them Ie all right, 'but do in the way atheists in high places throlllh ollt lib.rt, He bile d.voted hll ' entire . . mer, oj! armame l\t is to so just b~ond the amusem ent .....,.. , park at ' J. B. tlieY' Crabbe II leet to add lbe. corollar y that attallle our a.nd MISS M~mc Brown. history. ' time a~d " attentlon to', th'e 'Work, and Herman , p ........~ ~ all'ldl'S that the forc es the mom entranc e. ~. ~ The club WIll . meet Wit h lIlrs. E. tou.m:! 't do ,It ftrat. ' of peaere cali be quickly mobilized in .bumln ' of the arildnlaht ql~ In stucJyThe :"'om a:n's Chriatill T tal n Temp~r. 88 • 8 27 16 ' 8 L. Tholnas on Frl dn y afternoo n. June It 160ka u If It would take' 80me ij1. event of nationa l danger. Republicans and Democr ata . . . Iq urlo~ phues of , c:uea up be- -Ran ~or lo;~~~ ' ln 9th. Our nnce Uncon WIll observe Flower MllI- 24th. . ' tlme fat to ~t tbt> idea in the mlnc18 Army a\1d Navy" A. F. W. planning a 1928 camp.u .n ·m wldeJa for instance 1 0re the. board has' not' been uneom: tBatted f . canslon Oily Tuesd~y, June 7, ~t the S hr i 9th. • - - --of I*Iple that the way to keep ,from not ',be too bie IIf they the wet Ilnd dry question wm be ;mOll • . h..-Jth is the rw ;eause of are or pa all emn home of . Mrs. WII~u~ Clark. attacked by othe1'll It' not to ployed . In const ructive dir ector .hie reelenat lon, .nd beilll ft lover of shelved. forgotte n. , 1 15 • 7 8 9 attack them and not ' to be able , to work and can be ea~ily '8wlpeaee·ti me of . the Flower Mls~lOn departme,nt. Some wet.a /leY, "If rOu do, wli outdobJi ' 'lIfe and Babin&, eepeelaUy;' Mlam~ .....: .. 3 02 08 0, 0 tched, in- All .me.mbers and . fnends. are cordlOl0 0 0 2-5 au.ek tham. . , 't o,war at ehqrt . notice. but to ~aln- Iy mVlted to thl~ shall ~tart a third party, dripp'1Dc .RusaeU expecta to , Ipend 80me time .Bellbrook .... 0 ~ 0 1 0 1 meet mg at 2 p. 2' 0 O-A The 14- of the United Statel ario. taln them as a force mere)y wet." .~oJing, .. ",.U-earned rest lMfore • d.r lllJng m. Come lind brmg or send Bowers 2-bue hlta-Me Clure. T. Burtotl• .lnc itaelf to the teeth is quite a That would not hurt the f-lIDI i pop. and pre~n )Ie reaumel! the practice , of law. g to destroy Is to subto .be ~ade H...; Owens, Spahr. Into bouquet s, tied with alar one amonl certain ela...... "They of Rep\lbllcanll, 'Who have deelW " ~ . '. Stal ~Jil. BUrtoD IlcOlure do DOt take Into 'a ccount the utter ~~,t ourselvea to the old-world bur - whIte rcbbon and.a comfort powder --· One of the moat Inapirin t.he DemoeratB may d*n of armame nt. Ilrhq the ~ ....... , an . lind " sent to. the. sl~k and sbutins. ~I'l ."'-t 't. -- ever ' b'......>. Th ' I " . f I H t ' a: ta..... . 1:1' sue. If. as it lIeeml likeli. '. . . . , on Owens, . Spahr. memory of the birthday of Jenme .... II1II .. ....n leen· a any a..... sackett e glr S Left a tIe . arn~ L. __ "o lll~u Illamle '8' Bellinltitutl on .;.... ·the 'field' day Cassaday with whom the iilea orig- Room club of Way neSVIlle s . mts Democr at is nomina ted, dI~ ... ' , -., . mVlte , A'~-'- .. t t·he S.... te B .....ltaI f ex . t t' d ' h d ' d d all will k now blII wetn ... and l...>..6.., F~ brook, 10. inated, , thus sharing our cheer and In ~- • _ .l!......!H' · ...,.r ~l'es C III ocne yemg ~n , or eeStru It oato:-oB Sattarth walte 7' e~o- him. A separat e 'W.t Putt ... '..or. 'b,Ii-llhi deCl, ,'laat "'Mt: ' ' "". . comfort . . with others less bu • f ortunate ' c rll tlolls, 'I to a ttend , ., • ratIon t . cdred chUdHn. repr... nUg ' .:..:. . b ' th Ha demonst Come out . and enjoy a good program. t 0 b0 given ge as f ew vo t es no.... He"'.'"n ".. ' .. u a . . ... y . e orne D. emons t ra- pr I" th'e ltate ",.;"'h d drill ' byBu ohibilton party uaed to' aet .. til on "" ba~ anil be blest Satterth by waite. being a blessing J /Count'1 .,. .. &_ . t lon Agent, MISS Watts 10 t he ,af- old wet .days. . . ...... - ~ I , e 4 " .. , .>' , , I and p.erforme d , In front ._ " ternoon of June 8, at 2 p. m.• at the " ' i i tI dl e' whl h'of all ..In,tt L·d . · Time-. _hour Grange hall and 40 minuteL ,. :h~ir c"'o~~. elli feebl~~ln·:~..au e'd ,.' 11~ I~,~~(,.· . . C , Miss Watts will br ing with her a t ongress man ". t . ...." ~n u. . u~.rea "_ • . 0 Ingaw o , display of sscarfs ot Y8 ti nted tye ~ye s a the . . ' " ~e~ww~ ::~:3c 'h )'~U: wo l rk and several sets ot attractIve- e tter carrI ere an d ·~~~ee:, .. ', .i • ~r - t ' ,. ' • I hManYUI",ereEsurpl r!seHd'll:rhursday, ,t erials. ~e~~Q to ~ . ~ lIearl~ "Vleet u • , W en . ,,~ ss. ~ diBgkrace" "'hiC:ltt~.'JI:S:~::;~~~,~~=: un ce " .' 0 lIIgsworth curtains made • "Teat 0' Ten" qpe8tiOna ~create and hold the l:n of inexpensive .ma- wor tere • t o..f our ,readers . and ere are ~ 1t '11 pouible for chlldien ,o f aueb Mr. Wilford Squires announc ed . , She . ,~ will be assiR ., Ia ted pro"""by 'Mrs. to Geo. be one and of ' the mOlt popular features In our :~ounl ace, ' Great P~ " .. paper. Evt heir marriag e whlch took place last 'J S 'th d AI F R M w.lt;~~Wtn. new enth aiutic tiltes. Fo,: the :~::~~~~iE!~:1 ,to Dr. F. 'L . . Kelier; ,uPe!ln~deDt ' "AINUA~ '8. If you haven't y~t given 20th. a t Richmond. Ind. ' 1O_l f the opportu nity .t~ know followel the i:~der: 11 und ~~ the ~ir1s o~~~;~ pel men. th~ thrill that comell from tes.tln&' Y°1;lr ' March D~ ,~e lDltituti on,,' with. ~nalbn- ! ' , ' . Mias ' Hollings won " h Is the . attr~c- club in givi ng demons , ' 1mowl~' do 10 ' rigbt now . .. You'ij , enjoy it! A seore of el&,bty ·'tle~ of earinr for 'a familt o~ more pet tive da~ghte r of Mr . an'd M1'I. ,~o'ug- actual dyeing processe trations of the waste an entire lin n wW be commendable. ' s. ,The club is or twll' houri' ' , r ' _..J las Holllrlgsworth, of :Qr!)gon ia, 0 ; abo getting ~a~;: o:IOc~~:,u~: , togl!thil'r an, ex}jibl~ of Uon o~ tJie"" COul,. 'j " ' , T ' ES ' T , ' TEN QUE .... STIO 'f Rell... NS ' .EcI gUo will She is a grdadtUatthe, ?~,Leuano~: ~i,g~ o;ther, 8\1ggestlonB ,In home """ ........ .I .ID' tbe ,lIlIyateal . .. 'W+U u JIIental •. , decorao~ ,. u ,n : _, u"r' schOOl. an 0 . ., e ... arren ,,,,ollnty tlons. . \ .,' . 1Vell-belng , of th!, uDfortll.D lte , ehll- ~In ,\ the. ... . J.' • ' , JI. E. · e1Ia~b at " ' F - e . I. "WlIal, Normal. and f or the past yellf has ., Reqefe EJ' Ii ' h H kl S ' ll,r'a middle name' dren. . . '.' .. been .. ' ~. ' , - ~~, I.a. ~ a()hing 8ch\l01~ , . . IZIl ~ ~t Who .en ~e e. th. ant. ec y. S, 1l4, accordi ng to traditIo n! . -"" l at 9:80. TIiere. will INi 'Mr. Sl\uires, the only .801'1 , of.1 Mr. .... I. Wbo .... the Ant chDd ·~ ,on. earth! .'. --"-=-~.,- II . ' -.- ~: \) ',I " Ilona,; 'Tha Prl8ol&W~ .....- WIll it M well' 1 W¥t '- Ua ~ tub lID the world? W..ew 1A it .... B S IJ. • and what , ~11 an., 1'8. I' tn .. . on • qUires. I~ be II~ Ie. I~ Oq~,.,... of Cola. . . , "ita ....~...... , e , , M~ti '. . . nG " ' Ilbop " , . , an e!'l.oent young .man .ot many g~(jd d other f bII'tI.. m lie actio " , --I ; :-e .... , an " ', t an ... IT' ! ' ' ")1. • &L_ , .,., " qualities . I. ~ . . 1I,•• veD to ,_e· -I. . -!Alii 0 .' . ear '_ ". . : . Mra. math IIobJU., ..UIIe The happy couple left ~<1ay eran, atmom. . ...... .. The ..., annual former basket )mIIiSeI lIIee~ lta of. the, United -9tat~a are ,.tlll lIvln&'? in ! foJ' a few daY8~ honeYmoon D. yton Oft IfOa4~" evenlni l' lllne .. at ~.... Rome o~ I0Io ~... 'i. Ii at In- be held at' ilie . Middle RUD BaptWt be~ 110.. ...., wua.hait tile U~ IJ.~ parUclpR~! N~lI!e ", of them. dl!n lake after which the y will make churcli next' Sunday m~. ::~n~~:tio~ , J\iDe 6. Elder eraue ~-=: I~~!::O: 1 to 8't. Bl..... .. on thee, U~le their ho~e with the' &'1'00111'. parenta BJilaeo~ ebu-": wID - _.... eIlUNh of LIJIaaoL .' A!tdw::ma%t~..Mi~, i. ex~ • - -"-- ... It . . . - , · until their mod, m bunpl,ow: II eom- PJ T n..... e w , ~e imt.ch .. ~ . the f...... ~, t'Ite 01 ..,..~ of . . JIaID..nu. cIlveIa 10. W'IIiIt II a, pleted. ~n . eon!rmati.-;t A. eorcIIal .9ItaUoD Their many frlena 'WI1h thea a' • • UIIuvm~ • - • , fa pI. . .d __ ..., .... ...l.. . lli. IT.t t( till .... ""Ioq.,.c l happ, "edeled Ut.. . ...".... _ ..m ..,.. . . ttl ....... - ·. ., . . ... . " ~ ,uu. . . "" ,:. ' . ! -
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uf t he l'st.l Job!) F. AI, a nd ,JnmeA Shullt'rt , R. C. Mildl 11 anll Gt! • P. a t R, IIpprll i~ (!r!'. DlllI r i b~tiu n wa IIlUd ll ul the el" tate or Emma E. Olltllrl't. , . -.). \ All wnrk ".II.~ 'Dr , . - T • .." "i ~ourt uuth cll'lzed 1,. I':lIrl ,\'homll· flrlee .. nil d. lI •• r.d. ' . --r: \; ~.~ ·~r son, trustee III the tru t i n till) t'!lmtt' J -:'I , 'I . , - I 1 home. C.rrF f Ray M. Harper, to lle ll erw in . 'r T ! ' .' . lImpl... Dr co •• riD,. b01HI!<. • I _ .!~_ .. "."":"". II- ne B. n~1 '~ by, execu t ri x uf U1 9 Send in ,.our .ddr••• to eatn\e of . W . U nllll'Rby, \VItR 11 11 thorl1.cd t il l11ukc 1\ ' t·tu in s(lttltlment with N in Bros, Inc.., I or cUII'elln· Lion of certain ·ontrllcls. • 1621 E . Fifth ~Ir.et, DaytoD, 'Ohlo J c~. c A. Mount, IIdm. of the esttlte 0:( Davi d l . l\{uun t, Willi uuthol'izcd In Wayn~sYllle May .30th 'or 31st to 'IelJ 'crtu jn stock .. Di tri.\Ul1ioll of lhC!-J!Jil.ate of Alice 1\1 . Ell ilt WUS IlIl1d o. _-,-~ SlI tnll()1 A. Ellis, e xccuwl' of the r,.'!=========~========~ ,!~========~~ .cswt of Alice M. Ellis, fil od his i fit" t IIl1 d fln ol UCCOl1nt, Ct'l·tain .soles mnde by W. Ch e8t~r lIfllple. xoculor of the esw le of. A Ilison L. Spence, ,were aPPl'Ond. lint! confirm ed. .
.,., -
-- ,
COMMON . JlJ dg mNI gl\'e n ' In t he euse of C. H Eich llbcrg I' \'8 . tl l'I M. 111 re· m~n ,t 01.; Which ,WIIS rend ;~cd , pl'. t S wna vllcnL"uljnd h hl .few nlluglit. . , lorn Gil mclur ond Ed • onklin were 'O PPOill~~! d jury commiilsion 1'11. l 'hl! asc or Mellrle t. Terr y V8. Moble F . Ter:ry was dismi~8c d. , J llmell Brown' Ililmll d 'I lot guilt y i t') lin ind l ·tment with intent tu wound. Nort"·' The U'nont (I f lI,is rooll1 nlight eM!- lind l'olll hiing willgll lind l;yonch win- Tim e for tri d wn ~ fi x ·,1 lit W..c.daes· i1y 100 " 1111S~tlJ as :I hoy at ni~hl, fu r "") WII. Bulow, on the river Qrim, WIIS dllY, J UlIe 1. GRAPTER I. til n,gur wa uo ish ; bu t in (he II ~1 ('111\ little gathe ring of cob ins ofr My r on olemall pI od ed guil !.y to u c.hll rge of assuli it an d buttery m\d dllylill'ht th(' mnlC' uttire co uld not the IllllnUilion Kl!l\'es. wholl v d i~glli s e the deli cllto ca ll tO llr~ p n t he l)euce and plent y of Jhis was fin d $ 100 nnd costs and stands It "'at one <If these hot a utherll r I h ~ ~lItiny ~IM()~hneS8 .o f Ule Fkin. hUPfl .V lit tle tluchy fell Ille t hunde.(: commi tt ed to juil fol' sixt y days. mIdnlchts when .the stars tb mselves Th(' t NIr-!ilmnd facC' ,lid no t sp uk bull. of wu r. Bt-auCol'\. u ccelllec\ a Berth a Hu ls bc.il wns gran t d 11 . ..m overtaken with dro In ess and of n hig he r m'rle r of co urllgc ; yet , col~nelcy in a loca l r gilll ent, ond divorce: frolll .TUll1 e8 Isbell. drop' mill t he' 'ranka as ~veat:y sol· ',/eu!,"c BeIlIlCoI'L \\'II S lis bra ve nlltl lh l' boys sought. glor.y un dol' P ickett.. Clarence usll eman was rell'ascd , ' . daring (IS .ilny· womlln In t h e SOllth. \ h n t he n ws cnme . to J eanne dlim r'·do. . $tree~IaDlps threw a Circle of light At tha t l un t he North kn ew her thut her f ath el' hod ru llen nt ManllS. au pl'O bation. Court ordCl'ccl lhnt npplicn\io n hI' on the j)Avelll,ent; beyond the circle's neith l' by nll me nor by f ent ure; bllt liS and thn t hi!! ueloved bo dy hlld been Merri ll . pr y , r eceivcr of t.he mnd e to th e Dnyton Still e hasp it.l.I I ,~1It ~ 110f t,. impenetrable dnrkncss. it had o fte n sll!1sed the dnl1 j.TCr of buried t here, h r g ri ef hnd becn tel'- Warren ot ianu l bank WI1 S ordered for the admission of l\'IyrUe otl l1oly. Out at. t hIS a . , lender yOlln!; '!Inn her; it ha d often. through ber '~it r ible. The dent h of her two broth. La convey cN I:.uin renl estute to HerOlll·t Ol'dered thnt 0 WUl'rll nt for lIudde ~y clllerged aDd leancd ugnmst und r~source, ·cen .a CIlrcfull y bUI lt 1'5 lit elllelc!'y H ili lC.ft her out· mon Zeif. . t,he conveyan ce of Myrtio Conne ly ·the lamp-post fo r n moment, brcoth- Cnmpa!!m Lum.ule Itkc !l hOllse of WII ....li ¥ un moved. he d Id not close J oe om ctt ' pll'::J(l ed gllilty t o a (! issu()d jill aharp breaths. . (!:l rd ' !n lho wlI1 d. ~ho llian o ; h dill nul. wear mourn· chnr"c of olJl!ruli ng a v~ hicle while Willia m . Korsey, C)«!('lI Lor ur I ho A ahort r es\; ~eemcd to r~Y1vc i~C So It begnn to grope fo r l~cl' II 1 1l ~ ; an ll wh ' n thc spinst()r-u unt ., J S K fil I I ' Phone 61- 2 DWayne8ville, youth. lIe lrRlght.ened, chcked hiS ono person gropes for anoth er In Lhe IllIldly r<'llIonstrlltod with thi s ·Con. intoxico ted o nd wus fiiled $2 5 undo estnte of oc . or sey, I III li S ·h.e ela Wiether--1Il1d s~eppcd f~rward. durk . So t he ~Cllrs hud 110 bOllring duct, which $hc snid was lacking in costs. lind fi nai accoun t. Tbe CUm yellow, light held h iS back upo n t.hot , uttrluute c!,1i cd eo~rnA'c. re\'cr enc tn t he dell ll, lhe gil'l whirl. Both Williu m Boollo un d Lewis . S. Slicke r Willi appoint ed ill .vie~fol'.half a dozlln steps. The . The I'oom s he occup ied was In t he cd apon he r. "l'm II wo~ . I Sciiollenbarge l:' plellded not g uilty to Pl'/li5 r of th c estate of ini llfl ,10U~ did not r.eappear in t he nex t hou se of. her aunt her mother's sis- call't sho ul ~cl' a ·musket.; I clln t go 0 cho l'ge of possess ing intoxicnting or um, 118sig nor, in plnce of C. ' . ______ c~e of ilgbt. . ' ter, ~ Widow. M.r~ ..Wetmore never f orth nnd d ema ild of the Nor th an liquor. mig. The quality o~ tile st reet was good. questIoned her n Clce m regar d to her eye , f or an cye, 11 t oot h for 0 tooth. Etlielb I't I'hoen i:-: pleade d g uilty W. n. Wh itacre nholl t a8"ig l1('(' , lots in Moson . Mi n nie l\f/ly Reck er lo Elsie F. The flanking rows of brick r esidenc- mysterious Hb&cI\ CeR. But hear me , Auntie ' I ' ll have that to a ehnt'ge of opernti ng n veh icle fil d his in ventory ' lIncl npPl'l\ ls('lllcnt. wbite murbl 0 !, n lowboy, which served as a oye, I'll hav!:' th ut tohth!" \Vhiln~ I'ntoxicuted nnd wus finetl $25 CO ln t ordel'ed thnt l\ J'l plica linn be SLUnIJlf, 1 town to t in 1II 0 ill(,l' ill c . f with tht\ir pfeMnted a dignified front e insteps, t he dre )lRillg-ta ble, stood three photo. • • • • "JUme.' lnto one of these houses graphs. E ach rested in a li ttl e A I and costs. mnde t o t he Day tpn Stllte hos!, it,,1 COMMISSION ERS '. A LLOWANCES die 70UIIC man had gone . Sil ently f rame of luourlling ; J eanne's f ather, week a t!:'1' J eanne said : " 1 0m Roy P erkin:s (u li ns) Richl1rd Dav. fo r t.h adm isaion of B orn ce J UIlI I'S. he' mounted the I\tairs to his r oom, an d her two ul'o lhers. 'O!P.fo t~i s~iCyh~~~I\:~'~t DoHa " I th ink is plend ed ' no t: g uilLy to a churge of It W IIS ordered that n (' cl'tifi utl copy W. . Gil lllour, COI'01l(>1'70ill~c9t, ...wed' and· flung himself upon t be • • • • it a good pln n, child." brell kinll' nnd ente ring wilh intent to of entr y determ ining Lhe inhel'itoce $5.8 0; W ill " , inquest, $7. ; . enn bed, burying hIs tace down into th e Presently the .,irl on the bcd sl'gh"I' ll I h f tl t \. ·teal. tux to be paid from the cstate of MOl·to n, sulol'y, S70 ; Jllmes li'oli ell, pillo ..... to c . .... e the ' wl ' ld and , p ~ "" Ie OIllO ro m me a Ime, k be eer tl'file d to t lIe sa me, I- ;.F I'll nkll'n Tp . 'fru Sl no ~,- ...;-;:" ·lOba~. h.';; could uo Ion'" r ;:; cd, turned a nd owoke. Sbe blinked un less t hc e ncmy stands in b tween. J eSSD O' CellsD plcll ded noL g ui Ity Gcargo W . J ac, · ~ A ~ llr ~n .......... a li ttle, l'ubbed her e>'08 und smiled. And oV ('n then I' ll come." to 0 cha rge o f curl'y lllg concealed nudi tor . , o C SQ ldi.H·S' r;l'IIV('~ , :SOO ; D~'owlI ond Pf'Uo ' •••• Bul t he (;ig ht of that grim y h and ob"hall we win 1" weapons. The 811m rder WIUl iS5 11 edJor t ho Bunll 'iI , coa l, $18. 'T1 ; T he ColumhuH t h b liter uted the smile instnntiy. "G od knows. But win or lose, tho Thomus Powell pleodl!d not guilty e tatc of Alico 1\1. E llis. Blank llo"k 0 ., sllppli s, $26; SRlIle . '. o th e fnor . : _. eAlong the :road t.ro She j ump.ed up and stood in the ): ank es sha lJ pay th e pr ice." to R 'chll rn'e o:f lIl terin .. lind publishThe snme order was is uell f or the su me, $ 6 ; Tho Bllld win Law Pub. yond the cnm co .on 0 . Sen w.I6S, middle of the . r oom . .... ols ie d wl ' th terJ eU lllle kll e\V but li ttle of RI ·ch· " ., b . \. $n me I "fi ngers sbe felt nlond, This t" rned out very " 'ell ing a forged check. He also pleaded cstn te of Martha E. Whi t e. S ll scrip . eTbeven .meD :".ere rac111£ theIr hor• s ror. e With s f un1blin'" k' S90., Th \ V t Ion . t " ; so mc, f f!ill .. h , d like furies' . "frien n ey ro e in to the inner pock ..t of t be coat she f or her la t er ; neither d nor foe not ""lI itty to o . charge of uttering E lsie Snoo , n~mx, of t he e~tate 0( , ; , e $8c ernL' HIll', ,proo II 0 I Pit'" C ,""""'" _ . lIot them wO I'e an d d' rew out a crum p Ied sheet knew anyt hing about the perso na lity Rnd pu bll·slll·.nl', a 'f org ed pronlissory Jafml'e Conrey , fi led her inve ntory licO tlO ll, .71i ; c.. . n(' ane 0., r.. , ably be"'lDd ... but'>!, .'-- iJl ambu~h l;>eIore th~Dl. of paper. It was t r ue then I This of Jeanne BelluCor t. notc for the payment of money. and appraisement. sup plies. :!.4Ii; sume, . salll e, 5. 15: DU~ ;l\'U readl, but t he sleepmg th!n~, this a bomlnabi-e, cowardly This tim e. however, she dnb bl ed ourt order d t hat a pplicn li on u G"o. Va il, slone, 1. 56; Hm'old Swce te~pll op~rator was ;not. thl1lg hnd hap pened. a little in the f rivo lous, but aU with NIE: W SUITS mnd e t o th e Dllyi on ,State ho~pitol n y, g l'Uvel, $5 1; pence r & Ar.mit.ull'o 'By the tune he awbke, . sensed the She made n wild gesture as Ii to n grim purpose tep DY step she l or t he udl11ithll1ce of Gool'ge F. sum o, $447.05 ; Slim e, Mme, ~ 104.2&; . . . . . . hammering at h18 .key, and tear t his ar eadful testimony into tnt- ma neuvered unti l at las t sh e stood Fr ed Kibbe·), vs. Joh n Wills lit 0 1., Wiltse. Th Orego nia Bridge n" repn irs, ye e alarm,l1 ~e night.nders .bad ters ,an d p a1lllcd. S he la id t he pa- i n t ho presence of the one mun she to quiet title and correct mistnkes SIS.90; E. S. OOlll1e ll, , Nt e ~ on tbroua lIIto a passively per on t he dresser, dillcarded her Bought. records. MARRIAGE LICENSES contruct. No. 8 41), $6 00 ; Eugene a . f IIoDe, th mule a ttir e, bathed, droSl!ed anti then " But you ue so young," he proHermon Zellr vs. The Warren NaHarper, hauling and buil ding g uard ... . - 1ia. . kindle , d the .tree.tops ey SlIt down on t he edge of the 'bed and test~"-"scarcely t \v en1.... '. I I " k d M. ill C S . ' '' ' 11' B' h" Id f t 0 k ~ ..'I'O,~ b. ~ w alk. Tb ere ~n. po studied, not the body of t h o docuerr d dId ' . pry, 'rt e, fI a'111m 'ac thO or y Th w r . rn il, $9', w me, <-"'ulIl'Il rai l posts, $4 .• ~w "I~\Ium · very, ve ry aI ," she r epll' - t onu ull n an, ·t · tI f 'ddl tIrc .,.e ,d A 7' w__1Lno r easlon of ceiver for pe I' on t o ee a n, e c. or 0 II I e own, an r Ie om· 80 ; Ora Geo hem, gl'ave l a nd sto ne, ' " :!\:f!0 " " l ~ 0 ment, but t be hieroglyp hics which. e. d wit h a dry! li ttle smile, " and I am F lor enc Gray VII. Tho ill as O. liS, of Frnnklin' . ' 4.65', SU IYl , haul'lng, "26.70 ,' E d. - - oyer Wle r escape. n· casca ded from Utere to the botto m of all h lonc, besld es." ... It . ~' made ipeec:b. It was a mat- the sheet. "These ur e terrible ris ks--deo.th Gra y. fo r d ivorce, gross neglect. Stoute nb orough, (h'ugging, $1) ; A. T. te of cUf.eetlOI1ll, for now each ·man John Kennedy, D. D. always to face, and perhaps dishon. J ohn B. Wlrlght VB. Henry an d REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS R ettig. r pai rs, $1.05; Mlli nevilie Ga• • CO bla ,own wal, as once more orable denth." Emily Ora m et 01., for partition of . H. Stel' nle to AI.th ur "t. lind tMJ' wen ~ \t0IWe co~try. Th1. C-W G· L H·RD-M " I am ready. I wa nt r evenge." estate .. druge, ,4 .. 6 ; J. ~G D. 03 Adams Th 1& Co.,Lgrll- -:..
F. D. DAKIN Insurance )\gency
General Insurance Ohio 'J
dld4W·tat t1ie ftrai1 fork m the roa ., A·NK- S P·PA-G diYicKcl" at lbe next, and 80 on Ulltil G-RD· A J -UK-F ' each man rode alone. . J-WG·A P-BN-S "'. eventually reached Washing· P-WG-A W· BE-H " b What t he literal tran slations wer e Wy!" . p e II1l . h she hod n ot the least idea, but she ~!P'~ed"Wbtoeelethd abll1;lt hllkS °annde belong ing to a free.lance organiza': ........... . e main Jl . e, tion knQwn only to tb o War Office and the Secret SeJ!Vlce in Washing. -- ..... wuvugu U ton. . .... batternut, ..uttcan1; She had b eard of t.his little band • • • • but never, until last night, had her Whea brilli&nt momlnc sun· lh1ae poured into a certain win.dow ill that ·~4 · db)' (fjlr it was ~ ,1Jl. iuDliner of UI6'), it Jrilded a ~. tear-italDed face; i rhall, gri. lilY IiaD"da Au~ out ~pon t ile pillow, aDIl pow4lered line .parks the tcmIW lohlut of hair which matched the .
~ 'f::. e.!t:~th, a'd~:nwe:ew:J~~
~th . ~r.t u,. ·eo'pper.~eecb.
"T o piny at love to suffer the tou ch of me n you despise in ord er to gain t heir secr ets-that is not a pl<la onnt . - -k for u well.bred "voman. W ~ ...." • ar is n ot alwnys won by bullets , duulici~y plays its part." I,you a.re tryi ng to discourage me. You ar c wasting time." " Do yo u love an:r .man ?" ,. . Be eyed her exquIsIte beaut.y. "Do you expect to go through life with. ou t loving?"
Oren C: Strawn vs. ' Elizabeth !'inggie A. W oU, 15S. 19 acres of Strawn, for d ivorce, cr uelty In Hllrl an Tp. . Al{rl'd F Ten mson to Harry W and gross negl ect. ' .. . Ma~gnret Colebank va. Harold Cole un d , 1111'(1 M. Vaske, 40.25 aClea bonk, f or divoJrce, gross neglect. lano !n Hamilton Tp. H fl' f Jul o a nd Wm Alexan der to Frank E , liolT VlI. 'Geneva 0, or 1 , • . divorc;e, gross neglect. ~. !U~lIlt.r;, 02.47 acres of · n N a .",II t 1 t PROBATE' Pa,OCEED1NGS ona ... D. rnke e a ., 0 . A. a nd Shirley M. COfield, 1.3 .Evu Hermell" adm x. of the estate acr es in Mason. of Selinda l't'I. Thayer, fil ed her fir)lt Cbe t el' ampbeIl t o J ohn Easter . and fin al aecount . idge 267.46 acres of land in Hnt. Proof of publicatio n of the up- lun Tp. poin t ment o[ E. ll. Dlikin as exeeu· J ames M, Sim pson to 'J!lmes M. to of th e ~state of Deborah H. Dak- DeBoard, 1 town lot in Ridgev ille. in , was filed. Ethelyn J . and Vente ' R. Britton Tbo first ac:coun t of Lou ella H. to Anna Sheehan 1 town lot in Keelo r ,adminis\.l'atrix of the estate Wuynesvil\e. ' , of T. E. Keelor, 'wus upproved, 01He nry C. al) d Eli zubeth Hamil. lo wed und con finn ed. ton' to Julia Alexander .117 town )'he first a nd final occount of Bcr t ocres in South Lebanon. Hartaoc.k , execvtor a t 'tbe e~tate of A'n n E. E liluss"t o Melvin-and John G. 'Macy, was approved, allow· Wuites 2 town lots in Lebanon Cha;. ' 1\1. Leslie, receiver of t ho cd and confirmed, The tbird- ac~count of A. C. Vat , n e.rurliun ollwlty and .T erminal guardia n of Dllvid H. Green, was ap Co., to CLinton D. Corwin, l oll to;wn proved, nUowod nnd confirmed. . a CI'cs in Turtleercek Tp. The fourth Dlccount of G. H ut chrnW. A. and Lula C. Lewis to R, G. son, guardinn of Jennnet te Hutch· n nd E. H. Young , 52.24 acres of lond inson, was appr oved, allowed and in TurUecreek Tp . confirmed. . 'rom l\1n ri anos to Charles C. l'raThe second account 0.£ the Leba· zee 41.86 ac res of land' in Frl1nklin non-Ci tizens Natio~~l Bank and Tp : . Pre.elllly the · ,IrIon the bed .ilheed, turned aild ..wo'ke. Trust Co., trustl'e 111 the estate of Mosc and Lau ro Lander s t o Jas. path and t heirs crossed. This 'orgnn"I don't kn ow," she answered, E. K .. Snook, 'w as appro ved, allowed Pile and F. W. F ranll, 1 town ~ot lZation was composed, with one ex- fra nkly. "But I hOPIl that I may. and confirmed. in F ran klin. eep~iQn of young men, .educated, well I want revenge. My father, my The fll'1I~ acc:ount of Arthur Bry· 1\1nl'y S. Bolmer ' to Mil ton S, and born, daring and reckless beyond be- bro~he~s, ' whom ( loved,. haye ·given ant, gU(l.rdIDn of Bertha Paul, was Essie W. Keever, .40 t own ncres Iie~-in ·other 'words, spies who In· th.elr ,!Ives f reely. I wlsb to add approved, aUowed and confirmed. . 'Lebanon. dividuaUy ' performed 8 S many won· mine. . '. Frank W. DuBois, execut or of t lic E lsie Tra mpler t o J osephine Bene ders for their Ca,USD as she performed So young a nd so terribly senous; estat'll of TudiJ' G. DuBois, filed his 66 31 . f I d' D .. ld T ' for hers. "J eunne Benuf ort you IIhall have. ' . . RCl es a on m eerne p, And for weeks they bad been here your revcnge. , CoU:e' 1 wiil take Inventory and ap praisement. MeliBSn O. Conover t o Turman C. In Richmond, stealing its hellrt's you t o t he President h.imself. W,e Je~e A. and. B. Ro~!dou~t, :xe~- a nd ' Marie LnMar, .27 town acres in blood I They had hnd tho daring to ne~d women, need thillr ",rts and utors of .the est;ate of Ima . ee, Mason. permit her to cor ry away t hese code· gu lie. TI1 D1 orrow you shall start for filed thetr seco'p d and final ,!ccount. Plorence Zern, Z. Driever iihd AI. names t Was it beeauso .t heir work Washington. You, shaJI »ecqme a Court ordered tha t the sheriff trails vi n 'H. Dril:ver to Allen RIlY, 2 town, h~re was really done and that they member of' some family there we 'port Eddie S~n.i th to the Central would now scatter and keep scatter· trust. Choose some uame, and aIed un t il the war ,vas at an end1 wnys .in Wasbington be known by It. Only 'one face she had seen, but And fin d u !pan by. Ute nllme of Par· S'MATTER POP she would remember that.--nh, .she s.Dn K enn c~ y. Br,mg hln:' Into our ' "SPEAK-MAN-SPEAK" . would r emember that until she dIed. lines, lind yo u .w:iil .have aerved a . Eleven men ugainst one woman'-: co use to II. fllr grent er extent than so bo itl She took up the gauntlet ; your fll~h e r or bro~hers. .Tomorrow and woe to 'theml I sholl give yOU all mstructlons, codes One' by ' one would sbe track them and so forth." • . • • • • down, ruthless, without mercy. They had trampled her pride in dust, lind An officer co mo into the room. He mocked her; so would she trample looked li ke a Cr eole, ~ pani8h in col. or ond Fr enc h in gra cefulness. He upon their bonor and mock them. Not 'for not hing had she been giv- paused, und ecide dly. . en beauty and a facile tongue. She "Ah , Morgan," said the Secretary: placed the' paper in t he bosom of her "this is Mi s~ Belluf ort. Just .. modress, rose and went down to break- ln ent, un t il 1 !lee of the President is r fast, smiling . She had the strength disengaged." to do that. Henry },{organ (ell in love with • • • • J e!lnne on t he spot; Jeanne, on her Jeanne Beaufort was tbe daughter side, saw a hnudsome 'young, officer of Lawrence Beaufort, a wealthy in uutternut. She forgot all about VirginiB; tobaceo-planter. Theile were bim t he moment he was gone. La ter she learned something <le.ftfive in the family; Beaufort , his spinstol' sister, his two boys ond the girl. nite l'egnl'din2" He nry Morl\'an. He !l'he mother had been dead since ga vo. to the world 'the. impression Jenne's youth. bhllt he was a rnttlepate; vain he 'reFather and sister took care ' of her lilly was ; but underneath .this vanity mmd! and the brothers saw t o it tbat was a 'matchless vnIor. This discovsbe s.hould be sune in body also. She ery is left untouched in the pres. sung ·and played delia-htfully ; her wit ence of a brave man. was nimble, in argument she was Soon she reconstructed her .o plnion wise; and her brotbers taught her of him as a whole. His grace was how to walk through a fore st wit h· 'du e to muscles as strong and highly out crackling a twig; to break and te m\,el'ed a2 W!ltch-sPrings; and hIs tame fiery thoroughbreds, to shoot, r~t~ e·patedness . cloaked' a mind ~s swim, run. Sllllst er and flexible as MachinvelJi's. The plantation was like hundreds [n their frequent encounters in Richof' its kin; enormous veranda-pillars mond he f ascinated and repelled her at the same time; lIe was always about to join "is regiment at the front, but: somehow ne 'never did; and yet for weeks he would disuppear COmplet ely. When he returned he was alw8)'11 a llttle thiniler; a lit. ·tle harder, a little less efferVescent When he be'lan to t make ,love t~ her, she 'was at first amused. But when she realized tha~ fie was in earnest, she broke up bis .•dream som!lwhat rudely. .., ' That wa8 the last .. of it, apparently. He ,disappeared again, and 'h er duties compelled her to 'return to Waehing tc'm . . , (To b! !£n.tinue~.)
. ' )
FuJly , .,';
Equipped for 'Good .. .Service. . Lar8'8 DJepl&7 Room. :Ambu"nce,Servic8 '
Walter' McClure ,1.'·E. ~c~lure ,
Jesse Stanley
T";,d..1IlaaaI Gault. f.r Jell won. ...
b~~ ~:.~Ir~~ir
M ot .25 ', W. A, S~ott, brid"'e repai r. ' .... 5.40; Ed Maloy, lIUme, $:1 ,l55 ; Ha •. I. h Whit \ $29 0 ' Ed G d .llne, s;.;:'l'd' SI';ider', pny rllol, • ~ ,334.20; V. W. Tompkinll, some, 38.70 ; snme, ame, $31)1. 10 ; F. M. 'oHlns, snllle, , 209.10; Eden Terry, $261 0" ' $6270' : a , same, so me, ., . Retti g, same, $241.60; Chos. E . Bra db ury, same, . 19.6 : same, SlIme, $ 1,90.40 ; J os. W. DaVIS, sarno 838; P. B. ,10 n"e, Slime, $59:60; S. Graham, R!lle, 30 ; Hn rlan SII~le, $41; S. E . .Cutler, Slime, .2p, The Queen CIty Cr. Stone onel Sa nd Co. , g rllvel a nd $6 0~.50 ; samo, tOI'ped!l grav~l. $~86 ; Lc!\h e mnm tulner, 8.50; BlaIr and K n'by, gravel, 22.1 0; 8111l1e, SIInd a nd gravel, . 10 ' ra n ,lBattlY'y hop, :, up· phes, $;1.. - -- - - .. GEE COSH YES
':::::::::::::::~====~==~_:::":::"~_::'_~~__ _
$l~~~eO" :
chult~, opel'atlll~
E. ' F~~st
VACCINATION OF SWINE ( A S PE~ rALTY) Nothin. but Reliable' S.rum anol Virt.. U•• d
----- '"--
" Wha t is that no i ~e?" ")t 'iI on owl." ' " Yes, J know, uut who t he deuce is 'owlinlf ?" - --.~.----
BANGI BANGI BANGI Rest her e t he r ema ins of , pOQr J im• my Bluck; He w~nt Fa !Jh lcago nnd never came back. •
Dr. J0 h n.. W • MOil I er 1
HaneJsburg , Fe~er CO. P bo•• 8 . HARVEYSBURC. O.
Denti.t . __ ' ... BI WaF...-rille N.tID. .l ..... _••
BY' C. M. ·; PA YNE'
MONEY LOANED ' LOANS on Chlittell,Stocki. Secu~ ties and Second IItortga~.,.. Not. bought, John Harblne Jr.. X.nia, Ohio. .m80.'28 ,.'
Farmers, AttehtiOn! Farmers of "'lIfren and adJolnln. counties may obtain money on Ion. lime )oim s, at Ii per cent Intel'elt. C!>st ot' se~uring the some fs ve~y "._ sonable ,through The Federal Lan' Bank. For further lnfo".matlon call on or Mare8s M. C. 'DRAKE, Tn. . urer, phone SlS-X, Lebanon, Ohio. FOR SALE ' F OR SALE-Sweet Potato al)d guo den planta"l /At miles north of WaF nesville, on Waynesville , and FerrY '· Roud. Stroulle .Bros. ,' jl6! FOR SALE-!-Swcet p~tato·, plante, Yellow jersey and Nancy Hiiil. D. . . :.JS E. Standiford. HIGH GRADE GARDEN HOSESpray nozzles, ' h08e mll'ndeta, couplings and teels, f~untaln spra" and 'all hose accessories. THE BO'CK- , L~l1'KING ', 00., 4 6' Main St., ' tf , Xe"iBI Oh.io. · " ,'
FOR 'SAL~Sweet ~~tato, cabbace , und tomato plants; a180 ' a baby's high chair, good' 8S new~ ' , · j8 ' . JameR ~-
IDteNd .t ~. Poltollol
at Wa1D'l!.m".t 0., u ~SeooDd C'" MaD llatter
D. I.. CR~N·E, Utor a" P.blliher, Wa,_.w.,
S"blcriJltion PrlOI; '1.110 per flU.
Mr. Bea Hawke Ia Ul Yfltb quiD~.
Mr. and . Mrs. Herbert Carr wore Mr. Therle Jon~ baa .aCcepted • Ihoppinw in D • • n, Wednesday, Politlon In Dayton. , Mr. and Mrs. Ira ,Syfred wer.e in Mr. Morrla Wharton atte,1ded the Dayton on bueln~j Tl!unday. ' racel at Indlana\lolia, ,M onda,. . Oharles Madd In sl?ent Saturday ~ Dr. ' L. G. Brock and X.e.lar Gr.a. ham are putt!ng I, III new c\1rb . Ernest Gillam Is home from , DenA number from be~ ~ttended Ule~.I,"">V" univ'ersity. for the week-end. oration at Mjaml' cemetery, ~he Friends .1llave beautifted their lliea \ Edith Friend ' etlll lawn by t'hl' planting of shrub quite' llI at MIami Valley hospital. ,
~8,600,OO.(L.to buy . a;"~~iiis~~~~~~~f!1~~~~~~~'cii~~~~~~~~: and Amoliu
Now thnt . ~very l'ed-blooded citl- ,lIld forng'o for districts
day dinner guests of. M~ Buth accepted positions with the May tag Co., nt Lebanon . Iy. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Longacre and Miss Helen Graham was a weekMr. and Mrs. Calvin Longacre vlsit- enll guest of MillS Martha VanTress their aunt at Midway, Sunday. , at Xenia. ' ,. . MI M" , WE'Rii 'oI:)lJ 6V6R Hut.J~ OP MrO' ~d Mn.. J. B. Jones VlSlted as Jrlam Stump accompunied MIU!S' )tWit;( "'10M HOM; At.JDQJ the Sprang Valley cemetery, Sunday ~~'e:on~o~~~~ ~;m~~~~ler hom e to ~ WAY BAl!t('4- REMIlMSER. HOW afternDon. z MA)IoI JJIC!& l.OO\(J""i 1O\IIIJS 'I'OU !WiSEO '11-IRO~, AlJD 'fEr HO\U Mr. Walter Clark ill improving rapMr. and Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock and 1..1l"Tl.a ~8"I IIJTliJtESTl!D '!'OU, idly, and ill now able to be out were Sunday guests of their SECAVsE JJOIJE OP -n.4E'M VJA; around the yard. Mr. and Mrs. W. T Jordan. • HOME,. " RliMilMBER. 'THAT/~e Millll Eva Wharton apent last week Missea Mabel and Margaret Starr IJElCI'ilME 'I'OU FI!EL liKe . . of Dayton h F 'd '!5LAMMI1JG" ~' HOMe TOIIIIJ ! with Mias EdIth Cram, near Leba. ,came Dme 1'1 ay evening and remained over Momorial non. Day. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick attended the Memorial services at CenterM,r. nnd Mr:" ijnTold GiIlnll,1 and FIRST FIND THE JOB ville, Sunday afternoon. famtly. enter~mod I\llss Alma Lamb ' 'Will 1I1n1'i ~ succ~ed 8 S an actM d M CI S ' th of and MISS AVIS Lamb of Hamilton, on ress?" D tr . an. n. akrendce mi.: Sunday. , "No, I don't think she hn s a show." BY on, were wee -en gues.... . M A L S ' th ~lr8. Mary Tucl<er and family enre. nn . ml . tertained her brother, Clark South LJl'..GAL NOTICE Mr. Mahlon Gebhart is spending and )\frl!. South, of Detroit, over the a couple of weeks at the Reservoir, week-end. . Slnte ot Ohio. Wn.rron County, IIshing. In the Court of Cornmon I'leua. Mrs. Charles E. Gordon, Mrs Lldn M. Snwln. as executrix Mr. and Mrp. James Hawke, of Linda Allen, Mrs. W. P. McCarren' y.talt::a,I~~~o~·J~~.ot SUHnn E. Lima, were Sunday and Mrs. Cliff Hawke, Mrs. Walter Gra~ Pla lntltt. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke Mrs. Charles H. Gray were WH- Oscar J . Ed w~:iJ •. Marlnnna and family. mington visitors, 11'iday. ' Mayer•. Lluu. 111. Sawin. SuNelson. Suann 'V. Fry Mr. and Mrs. Harry J 0h ns an d 'aIr. and Mre. A. Mueller, of Tole- aall e.!j lIf. Llna W. DUrah, Suon n family, o'f Dayton, were Sunday do: Mn. Emma Cline, Earl and Jas. \v . HIatt, Mary r.. J;dwa rde, ner guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Chne, Mr. and Mlrs. Mott Cline anq ;';~lt~~~J'w~~~:a£~~\"er.;t~~: ohna. baby, of Da'''~n, Mr and Mrs. Fred WlIlIll.m terlb walteB.. .l\:lIco 0, nusaum. ~~ Russum, Thomas Mn. Ida Brown and ·Mr. and Mrs. Harlan, Marjorie !lnd Miriam Stump ~urc", Cl yde Hiatt. CampJe'aae Enswiler, of Dayton, were were Sunday guests of Mrs. Clara ~I~~ .tt:,e~~?:· a~~ctl~~y li)'n~r.: In'g on friends in Lytle Sunday Merritt. . ' EmmeUo Fryer. Th M . ~ Defe ndnnt •. temoon. , e ~Ie Calf ana Pig club Marianna May ra who live" Mr. and Mn. Geo....e Davia and held their organization meeting at over, IIfaesnChUtiOU8 1 ' Suaan 1>J. -. ·he bank Mond I Cha I who ruldcB a L We 8 r, Idabo; Mr. and Mrs: John Fite, of Clncin- • ay even ng. r es bell Nelaon who r~ 81i108 at nati, .pent Sunda, with their moth. MacDonald was elected president; ~~~:o~~~~~orWSt.~W~~l\~~I~':,e. er, Mrs. Emma Foulb and family. Charles Bogan, vice-president· Heber SUBan W' . Hlntt who r e.\de8··~':·~:~:'~ , '. . ' LQ, Ellill, secretary; Howard MacDonald Main St.. Wlnchesler. lndlnnn ; tdimiscCflu•• oiovne.r-C · i80uald. Paoniyntthl.bnegyobne·dmto~ OUT" \ Mr. and MrS. S. H. Hal'nee, Jamea treasurer, and 'Robert Gray, 'reporte; Burch who realdo. at 2ft18 ~D _y . ~u.sseO..,&t8.. Hainea and Mr_ and Mn-;-'Walter St.. Ft. Wayn e. Ind ian.. ; Clyde fittlng- in,additlon to all medala, tlKenrick IIpent Sunda, with Mra. Ida The Woman's Civic League me"t at ~~,o l~~~~dn:; ~\l119a:~Il.U'ndSiil W tJos and b6nora that can be hung on Chriatopher, in Springboro. Pleasant View Farm, the beautiful Uce thllt on the lHb day or Apr country home of Mrs. H. E. Hatton, ~Wf ~I's~:~nl~~~~~~,,;:;~,t<lrl;~o~ta~~n:~~~gl him by the government-than that he should have this first '26,000 Mr and Mrs Arthur White and Saturday afternoon.. T~e program 'her certnln IJ L1ll oll In . tho . U C• W. AlbPi"ht Plena Courtnnd within pr Ize Intact -his nation rejoiciflg lIone an d _rs. . . . we're comm Itte.e Mr8. H olward raham and ot Warren Statennd et tor Ohio.tho with him t hat he won; proud of the Ilx o'clock dinner ,ueab, Monday, Mrs. Gail Gordon ha d arranged a and tbereby comm need nn honor he brought us; happy that of Mr. and Mrs. Kelller Graham. plea8ln~ mueical program, much to . ~::J~~~" ~~~~/.afr~~~~8'1/~O. ~pMld the traditione of a brave Mr. Jamea Nash, of the dehght of thos:e present. on tbe Dock et ot th e aald Court. pIe; and, showing by hie acta Saturda, and his wife and • -. lru~&~m~g~Pne.,"a tl~~8ga g\~~t the M1'8. Sl18&n Saylor ~f~c~e:.r~Ye~r':;'f~:r r;,' 11 and u'!,.la",en~1 modesty,' courage anq the bte spirit 'may with them, Sunday. oatato and her pcct its reward :~r~y{~nhto d"oatits ernment. , latrntlon '('or the T. M. Haydock and J lell'l1cl.,. are le~ac l e. Write. Toll your what you' thb\k. spent a few day. last :~:k a~m::: ~l'rb~do~f.:'~'L,: .~~ci' - -- - - • d'Ian I a k e. Bald renl O.thnt lltlo It la18 nneeH.ary .c>rlbecllal1d the fo Jowlng dcacrllJcu roal TEN DOLLARS, AND LIFE MlslI Mary Collett is home for the to-wit : summer' from heir 8chool work In State Situate In tho County of ot Ohio an\! bounded Silt hundred tl)ouaand Americans Bement, Dis. tt,"e r~~:tWrl~e ''!'fo~I~~!~f o~t I:n are homelellll. Five hundred thousMr. and M.rs. M'. G. Phillips and 0lntfptaOrtEltllolZnablentltlhMa O ~eaerr~y'l J!rc,"ae."d!!~g. an~ are destitute and dependent f C' • tI " v ~---.--- ....- - - and Mn. Edd 1.o'lIIaclre, lion, 0 melDna , were guests of mon Pleas at th o November h on c arity for e8(h lucceedln, and v_ Susan Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Phlllips, over the In 1867, It being .. pa rt ot in the' Missiaslppi valley. -.R. e between tho Miami Rlverl; "There was never in our a diatrlct Church- cOllveln_IIW'Be_:-el\d. N • . 81" E. so polee tbence S. 10' hb Tu ada r,01 a thence N . 88>,(, W . to a L 7!l~ '!1'8, such a calamity," says Herbort e., Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Reeves, of n tbe old Xenia roM : bhonu er. Henry M. Baker, Red W4IdEIUda:,. Rlchm.ond, Ind., allld Mr, ' and Mn. eal4 In 11 S. W. direction point road 11Iteraoctlng n line runnl Director of Dlsaat.er .Relief, Frank Reeves, of Dayton; were call- North and South betweol: t he dlu-ter IDg on friends herEl, Sunda". let oft Ellzabelh J4t.m ee Mos! (\ t he moat sta"'gerin"'" .. .. I and t.he to Iract Jet otf and to .lobn E. Mea. country has ever. suttered.'.' p·pr4Iell'~lfoi':.fci;ia":iiiiiiEioiii1iiilJr-==-.a::::=I=d~m:.(tllleiL-:clJilldJ~"-.lLIln:~~t-:-IIlft....J);-·M; Abbott and daughter,' Nerth on theabo~t Eaat 89 aidelIoles or 8ald lIJlo: theno~ to tt,e ,beglnnl' pg Ola r peopI e Btill d 0 not Perry, of 11Iidlanapolillu Ind., conlBlnnlg '. ,3 acr ... more or leU, exIts magnitude or algnlflcance, else are .... ests of M1'1l" Abbott'. slater, cepting out at tho snme' ono half ncre .. f Dr NatIonaI aeform th ey wou ·Id d eman.. Mrs. .Thomaa Hayslip. weth.eTly ow' nod by, A'>.lIlsm CIIenotion. . "Alao tho ~n the Urgent DeficlencJ Bill, .He (at ,thO dance):-"Mary'e a airl T. M. Haydoclc an ' daon, James, or of MlamJllburg, Mr'. ' and Mrs. J. C, which f~U by the wayside In the reo with plen~y of backbone." cent COll~088 becaule 01 a partlaan Haw-"Yea; so I not.lce." P1ckln and son, John, of Dayton, In'DUI,nap-l w.re week-.nd guellta in the home of airs. A. H. Harlan. Ifr. and lin, JI!ase HlU have as Mr. and 'Mu. Allison Rogers, I.rlltUlm~td mlssionaties from India. gave very in1;erestlng talks on ctiUl'Ch, and in the evening at Sha~unday morning lat the Friends
yelled him self hQllfSO In ad. crop fulJure. mtration of Charles " Lucky" LindIt hall not a crlsi II il.em-th flood bergh for hi s New York-Paris air had not yet happened. It was a rou1i0ll, t hcy elln con,tribut~ materially tine ,'precaution, such aa any: -.and show just 'how much they dent Congreas would take. think of him-llnd how ' deeply runs The ontir!! ~fund of $5,OPO,OOO at t heir IIlItionl\l prido ip this great preMent in sight tor the rehabilitation of ' the half million absolutaly destinel,i vernent. It is ge nerally agreed that t hereJtute victims of the greatest disaater is un exception to every rule. Seem- in our history is only a little more ingly Uncle Sam does not know this. than half of the emergency lIum The fnir-hnired hero of. the hour hadlwhich Congreas meant to not y ' t IIwakened froni the ten-hDur 8S Ii ma.Ller of coune. cxhoustive "Icc'p, followln" tholle This '"5,000,000, bear in mind, Is .. .. sa lh houTa in man's greatest oil' n.,9t rolief money. The Red Crollll feaL, when Uncl e Sam's revenue of- has nearly $16,000,000 with which fieol's WOI'O admitting that they would to feed, clothe and "helter the flood have to collect $1,233.75 f.rom the victims during the peak of their euf$25,000 prize money which Lln- ferinJII . . Private gonerosity has rebergh is to get for making the aponded magnlftcently to the call up· h "1 • 'ts fl Ig t. t 18 law- and cannot btl on I mercy. Five ~nillions for rehabl1itatron 1 dodgoci," the revenue department annonnced apologetically. . Why, i~ is only $10 apiece-ten What does thll r.eader think? Are lars WIth which to start Ufe ?,ou in (llvor of our country Indulg- from .ecratc~ . and win. to Ing in such pinch-money methods? Amencan cItIzenship m a land We do not. We t hink qndberlth the per capita weslth Is three shsould have every cent of that dred times as much. $25,OOO- and perhaps another hun- . And this, while the Treasury dred thousand or two from the gov- Washington Is bursting with , . , ble ernrnent for sU,ch porformance. By mo~ey. . G'Ive th ese pltia his f eat he has contributed more to victIms a decent 11ft and the future the na~on than it will ever be able protection to which they are entitled. to r cpo'" - - -___ • , him. He-with $2,000 of hiB own hord-earned money- was .the largest individual contributor to 1 4f~I••~~ th propos d flight. W1tcn all oth~ ,;, ers doubted- he put his money on the table-asking help toward a fund with which to purchase an 81' rplane lor 'tho history-muking flight. That Lindbergh noW' finde himself ~O~~ot ~ In F.o .ltion to -pay the tax.,-many O\J) Fa l':l;ln hm.
The ne~ tire shown above is the famous Goodyear AII- Weather Tread, scientifically redesigned for balloon tire use. The first advantages of this new tread are traction and resistance to skidding. ~rhe sharl?-edged, diamond-shaped blocks, are placed
an a sem.l-f1at design so that they not only grip the road, but they retain their usefulness longer t .any non-skid tread ever before tried. The second advantage is long, slow, even tread wear. And with these virtues of traction, non-skid &lid long wear, this new tread is perfectly quiet and does not produc~ the vibrationsof.many llon-skid desiiA~.
We have this new tire DOW in the 29 x 4.40 size for Fords and Chevrolets.
.Goodyear lheans flood 'Wear
Waynesville Motor Co. Pbone 105
Waynesville, Ohio
Itone tllence N. 10" U' w. '.11 eIlI. to Itone 'llear. .. lar.. ' 111m _'II1II11 ' croNin. h. run 8. 10· .1' ..... to a .take trom wbleh • ~. loohel ID dlam. a~ llDkl; ' \bt..._ 4,1 n of tbe lIew CIIaInI & ch .. to a eto.e:
.The Itronaeit fence post BYer
made.. '
• - •
It. ~ A"'ch!»r Platea insure firm anchorale ib the ~ouncl. .:a.lily drivep and firmly aet ', . with an ordinary ateel Iled,l!. Wires eaiily attached to POlt and firmly loc~ed with patebt clamps. . At'ordl .Iee,," protectlea fof'
Calll~ ADd '
Ilo~t , _leal 'I.." ,III ,~"'1.
YtllloW'ltotle Par'" where , during the lumm.e r and also ,et a four-day tour of the Park.
bee,,,.. ,.
A TRUTHFUL PAI~ H_IfThII ring I ofrer . JOII ta a
, Rev. Shank, of Xenia, delivered Inlplrlnw addreBiS t.o a largo audin the M. E.. ehurcli on Sunafte.m oon. Robert Collett Bang a vefJ' pleaalng eol,o, "In Flanders." Olir local band rendered several seand at the cemetery, where a short program' was given. Our cemetery is a very old qne and conta:!n! 40 graves ' of veterans; two of t.he RevolutionarY War, flye of tIle war of. 1812; one the World ' War 'Lnd the remainder the CtnJ War. ' Memorial Day always bringe people from madistant who are eallecially Intllreated· in thia' b11tr¥ place. .
l,mhol of the love , I bear for .loll•
It hu no ending." . . Sh-."And· Ja ~ , Iymhol of the love ' I bear for JOII. It ' baa
Estate, o~ Josse W. Burton, deceaaeCl. • , Iofotlee Ja herebJ given that Mary" HELPLESS IN THE IIA TTtR Burton haa be'll dilly appointed and quaWled ~ ~dmin~atm of the Ollleer--"H~" wh)O don't atop eat.a~ of.. I _ · W. Burton, )ate of I ,tell you to," .' .. Warren COunty"Oblo, deceased. . Ne~rvo,ua , Driver--"I wanted' Da,ted' this aard ,daJ of MaYF1927. thhlk thia ear qnde~;ood . W. ,z. ROLL, J dee ~f ~e Probate Court, I • - :• • m26-j8 Warren CountJ, Ohio. ,-: ~ HOW I,..S DONE
.. ...--:.--
bet\nn~I" ':;"-"'-
, ':.
H_"wlll you marrY ml1". She-"No." . And, ao theJ lived happilJ
, ,
"If ,jou:' don-; beba~ yourself, ' I'U refille to mairJ JOIII" . " "la that a promlHT h
named PeriOD'. ';Ul laIre they are partJ; def.n4aILtf 8;Ctlon and al IIIcb. ~ 1'.anNwer the p'otlUOII on or i'lilir-niont ,)!6th day ' ot J\I~•.:.:~~~\T, or ,. 111'111 be tak.n ,,~"em. IDxecat..tf!f ~ lut win of SUlan E. Baln... deo• • ea.
t: ~:~rlld
You'd bo surprised to know the number of people who consider cla811- . Hied advertising In The Miami !lazette gO'od' reading. It is the clearing house of business in Waynesville. If you havo something to sell; want
sumething; need holp; are.lo'oklng for a position; in searcb of home; want to buy nn automobile, or sell a n louse trap-use and . read The MIami Gazette's Classified colullllUlo . A few lines of Classlfllld ad coets but a cent a word.:....and !1otbinlr to r ead them-ao. ulle this "nedlum. every week.
, '
IlISt nla:ht." ec.ond omper--"Y_ 101 going thro\lgh it,"
Bring Your Eggs, to Kroger • , Stokes; PureJe~sey JWilk for Sale
ST. MARY'S CHURCH MillS l111ic Smith f.lpent ~nday Whltslmdoy. June 6\---. hurch with fl'ie nds lit Centerville. school at· 9 :46; service alld Holy ommunion ut .11 o'clock . lI1rs. u ~an Arnold, of . ay on; i Mr. a nd M-r8. Carl N\l blo visIted Monday vening, JUlie 6, the ltt. ,!isiting Irl nd hore. fl'iends ~n D1I1I'ton, la t week. Rev. Thllodore I. Rellse will llrench alld adll1ini tllr tbe rite of col'tfirmu. John T.:-Liddy, o~ Dayton, W8 8 in IS81!c ' Llncaln bas t'eturned irom tlon. Wuynesv.ill unday. • . a pl1\88.o.re tri p t hrough t he ,East. Rov.· Jobn J. Sc~aef!CI'. Rector. . N IV plItl 1'1111 ) 11 WI\l1 Pnper, at wm Penc()(:k lind family. 01 Da~low pl·i ~. M ~' r 1J ~'man. ton, werll in Wuyne ville. undllY.
. CHRISTIAN CHURCH at 9 :80; Mr. lind M·re. Is~a el Satterthwaite Everybody cordially illvlted . . . Mr. I\l\d Ml's. Dul\lUI Doger were METHODIST CHURCH Iver e Wnynes,t1 l1e . visitors, unday. visiti ng In Lcbl\J\pn, Sunday.
1Ifr. and Mn. Walter McClure are See OUt· niB 'Li noleum Pntterns. Sp IIding a month lit Lakeview. 75c volli es lit ·l\Oc. sq. yd, Myer l:lymlln. 24 or 30 size, Mrs. Rachel ~e w hilS been ill with Mr. nnd Mrs. Myer Hyman el1tereczema but is iinproving l'apidly. tained l'elativcs f ro m Cincinnati, on Mrs. Harvey Rye and little daugh- unday. ter at'e visiting relatives in, Delaware C. J. ltfurll'ay hall arrived home, 'I lb. CartOIl .......... . ........ . ....... ISc ....25 Ib Sack ........... ......... .. $1.71 Mrs. Hamer Wills, of Lebanon, after a visit of severnl weeks i~ Ar10 Ib . .. ... .. ........ ...... .. ...... .69c Brown SUlar, Ib ...........:: ........... 7c was a Waynesviille visitor Memorial kanslls. Doy. M.r. and IIfrs. W. N. Sears and ee Ollt' 4lew Linoleum Pnttet'ns. family spent Sunday with relatives 75c values at 50c sq. yd. Myer in Green VillEI. P • C Soap, 10 .......... · ........... 38c Ki~ ... , 10 bar. ' " .... ... ..... ....... .34c Hyman. Miss Moude Hearne, of Lebanon, Mrs. Etta Printz and son, Joo, was th e guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ray spent Sunday with Mr: nnd Mrs. Mills, Monday. , J . M. Taylor. Plata, ..... dD.........................74c Jar Cap., po~c.l.iD. · do . .. ..... .24c Mt'. nnd Mrs. R. E. Crone and fam Emmette Fryer left la~t week for ily were Sunday guests of T. S. Hal" a vlsi t i.n Louisville, Ky,. and other d n nnd fnmUy. points furlher South. Ib.. ...... Ha!" 2 lb. Master Ea,r l Emerson Fife, of St. Mary's Guild will meet with Wilmington, is visiting his aunt, Miss Emma Heighway on Thursdny, Mrs. Lester Gordon. Cak~ June 2nd, at 2 o'clock. eoc. Bo. Boa•• Ib.... . Mr. and ~~rs: Raymond Marlatt 2·lb• . c:.rto. Sod••, carton ...... 2Sc Mr. Murrell Tinney and family, of and son s left today for a motor trip 1.\.;leV'llarIO, are week.end guests of through ' the East. Mr. and Mr.!. Joe Tinney. F. C. Hartsock and -fnmily, of MilMr. and Mrs. Leonard Tinney and ford. spent tlile week-end with Mrs. family were Sunday dinner guests Edith Harris lIInd family. M a _ ~" Ib ............. ... 19c of Mr. nnd Mrs. Alonzo Beckett. lIfrs. Maggie BurnS,t hae moved 'Mayll8rd Wel t?, manager of the from Dayton into her recently pur· Kroger Grocery sto~. is speitd.J~g ch~ed home em ~£nin street. tbe week at his home in Wilmington. Mrs. Lucil,e Bllrry. of Lebanon, 9x12 Rugs, congoleum make, is spending III few weeks ,vith Mr. .. ,12:50 value, peciu\ ~ 8.96 . Myer and Mrs. James Vandervort. .......................... Hyman • . Mr. and MI:S. Philip Zepf, of CinMr. Ely, who is staying at the cinnati, ,,:ere ,g uests ,of Mr. nnd Mrs. Home, had the pleasure of a visit G. J. Smith, Memonal Qay. Mi A . U B with his dnughter over the week-end. lIS nme . rown, of ColumMr. and MrtI. CUM Tomll.nson bus sont the weeK-end with her sister attended the Cednrville High scbool Miss Mnme, at the Friends Home. banquet, ~ hlch wns held re. . . cently Mrs. Grae&- McCune and Miss Ruth • ¥il1er, of ' Lima, spent the week-end .. . Miss Flora Berryhill, of Columbus, with their . mjother, Mrs. Eva Mll1e~. • who is spending several days here, " . ...- -....-~~----~------....- - - - - - - - - - was tbe guest, Suilday 01 Mrs., Em- . ~orrest C~jme an~ daughter, Marmetto Fryer. ' J~rle, of ClIl~nnatl,· spent Sunday wlth Mrs. MIBUd Crane and family. Mn. L. T. Cooper and son ,or Th M' Dayton, have been villiting Mrs. e IIIS(W Mot'y and . Annn Lee Cooper's .. nrents, Mr. and U H Orane spent several days last week H. WilUa~son. ,,,t'S. . with ·Mr. and Mrs. Otho Henderson.
Pineapple case . ... . ...... . Sugar ~::t~~~ ... .. .. .. .......... 36c
Soap ~~::~~~~'................... 2'1 c
~~~~, ~:;:~~ .. .. .. .. .... .... SSe
~!~ H.~
19c Beans 14c . 25c ~~~~~. ~~~~.~. . 15c £!:~c~~~~....... 14c 2~~~~~.~.~~35c ~!!.tl.ra~ Z~.lb. c.29c ~~?~~eD. . . . .:. . 25c Pal. Wheat 13c ~!!~.~~Sl=:~~~~ ~~ 28c P~ ~~.:~~. . . llC
boll... will pIn.. you.
A F.tl Un. of-
F •• Po'!db7" H. . . . . . Dei..,.. C~w.. Til••• " ~ ••d., .eed .0 ;lItr;od uc • .~. In tIa1a co.... d tbe,. ·••n at a 'price you ca. ' .lIord to
Ili.,. ••
REIlEllBER, ';'e CllI7J' • lull lin. of MILL FEEDS .t all 1
w..are A.ents for ~
Clothing Club.
The first nl(lotil\j.! of the Good club was held la8~ Friday aft mllon ab the Grade building, The l)est: Sweet Potato jp'OWri In 'E. L. Hnrilln 1>r'siding. The onstitullol1 was 1:clld and IIdoptc·il. outhern" Obi(l. You can get them after Which thu foll oWing fficers 0:( were Ie led: EvelYI1 Jl r~w l'igh~, llr Bid nt; My . . P ence, vi e-pl' sirlent ; '[(u·y. Louis ZimmermaIl, II or tAlry ; Bernice Hy. . man. tr 'asure!'; Mary Leah Edivards, . AIKo,. sevetll} ot~el' Itooli varieties. recreation Icndot; Louis!) ~ellcier$()n reporter. ' , .' And vnrioo8 kinds' of small .plants. . Regular' llI oeLillgll of t he club will h Id· 't.he socorid and f ourth TUell' dHYs of unch month, 'a t 1 :30. \
What Are "They?
D. H. HOCKETTS ' WaynesviHe, . Ohio
, Sabbath School, Il :16 a. m.; Preach· ing Service at 10 :80 a. m.; Ellworth League at 6 :45 p. m.; Evening The Ohio Motot' Bus association Preaching Service at 7 :30 p. nl. . a nnoltnced today thllt King B'I'05 ., L. A. Washburn, Pastor. hud b en g iven aut hority by the Ohio p ublic Ut ili les Commission to extend . their line from \V ayncsvillo to X ·nia. This Is anot her illiportllnt link ill thc bus systcm estll\). The int Ell'nal revcnue offices of 00- Iished by King Bros. , w.hioh now lumbus and Cincinnati have 'been 8 rves Dnyton, F rnnklin , ·nnd Cinconsolidllteci, and the main office will cinnati, _'o nin, W!8ynegviFIe, Lob. be in Cincinnlll\, Chorles M. Dcan n<!n, Sharonville and otber point" in will rcsig" and NClY to l) Miller, of this section ot the state. the Columbus brnnch. will be collee· tor.
Another Bus Line
Offices Consolidated
Oll~ trllwberrlos nro now 'r !penine fnstl and Ie .al' ·ubl.e to supply you . by the quart or bushel. T~cy uro fin e t his yllar, und you 'ought to wait (01' our auto, or cnll U9 up and we will cnll Oil you.
RALPH BIGGS, Conyin, Ohio .
Memorial Notice The I. O. O. F .• K. of P. and Jr. O. U . A. M organizations will hold .n joint memorial service on the second Sunday in June A fuller 110tic~ will be given next week. ---~. - - - - -
Kan Rite Club Thq ol'ganl:tation meeting of the Kan Rite Food club wa held at the home of Mrs. Armitage. III(\y 27. Officers werc' elected and work Jor next meeting wall phmned, after which games, werc played. _ __ _~ ~,:elyn Neely,
. .. ~~
Or. Bellis Pine-Tor-Honev . For ~lrh. and Ooldl.
The engagement of Miss Corinne Welch, dnughter of MI'. Wiliinm Welch. 0.£ near Harveysburg, to Wilbur Thornhill. of Xenill, wn s IInnounc cd to a company of young women who wer guests of Mrs. Carl Ervin , 'nt nn ~venin g pnrty lit her home on South Detroit street, Xenlo, Wednesday cvening. Tho wedding win take place in June. Mr. Thornhill, who is the eon of Mr. aud Mrs. Alb e r~ Thornhill l is <lngaged In ~ he f urni t ure businesa with hla fathl!r. · ;I...
'GRAND THEATER, Lebanon' Two Shows
.:30 .ad •• 30 p ••• .
N~tice The annual me,e~g of the owners of Miami Cemetery Association will be held in the' cemetery chapel on Monday, June 6th. at 1 :90 p. m., for the election of office.rs and other business. The board of trustees urge a large attendance of the lot ownertl. . J. O. CARTWRIGHT, Clerk. m26·jl
... ...--~
IHE NOT SO PAINT ~~MQNSTRA1\ION GOOD OLD DAYS .S~TURDA¥, lUNE '4, '27. "Think or what the gq6d old in
fordays' · were in .reality, life tresses and castles, towns like erlmMfS. Elfa Braddock and Mrs. Em- .Big rcductiions in ~lt12 Rugs. Ax- inal slums, houses crowded ' togeth· ma Grubb, of Dayton, were among mmsters, Velvets, Tapestry and er and fortified against each oihiii, ." bodies unwashed and clad In coarse those who attendl1.d Memorial sen'i- Brussc1.s. M)rer Hyman. ces here., Monday. . • Messrs .. Adam Melloh. G. J. Wa. dirty woolens as the• fine8t wear, Mr. and .Mrs. Ed Banby, Mr. and Roy' Mills and Frank 9rew of gangs in possessiop. Mrs.- Alfrj!d an YiiUiI chlldren,o f ·attende<1-4;he·-rl~ce~at--1ndia.na~p-olis;-ll·sh,m~'!1U,ed in tn any diseven a l'oad Belmont. were Memerial Day visiit- Monda~. ors in Waynesville. . . . tire un· • . After a pleasant VISit with relatOWllI Ilxl2 Rugs, congoleum make tives and friends here, Mr.. and Mrs. hllhway In !lecay, $12.50 value, Special $S.96. Mye; O. C. Mills a,nd lion, ~ Carl, left Sat,.. fierce dogs upon the countryside, urday for their home in St. Joe, Mo. hogs Ilnd stench and pestilence in the Hyman. streets of the cities. Children born Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hende~on, to festet' and ~ie wh.ile yet ehildren." Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark enter. Such was liCe in the days "when tained over the week-end Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Noble and KenMrs. Cloude Riggs, of J.ima, Mr. Ev- neth Kilbon, of Dayton, werc week- knighthOod was in flowc.r j" erett Clark, Dayton, Mt. J. Paul f.md guests o;f Dr. and Mrs. C. W; thick-w~lIed, wjn\lowtess catll1edralJsl New York City, and Miss MiI- Henderson. . . were, built in every hamlet, wlien ~en wore coais of a1'1t)or '~nd -worn dred C.l ark, of Centerville.. MI'. and ;M:rs. James Zell, of en,l wore girdles of ' chastity. • Miss Lutle . V!l'lldervoort is at the low Springs, Imd' Mr. !lnd Mrs. Many still 'lack much of nn'VBI,eal' Friends Home for a few days: ace Zell, fo l[enia, Jrof. '3. ' O. comforts hut few today inburg and S . . 'L :' Cartwrigbt were dull life,' as mu.t. have been On Tuesday a!tl:'rnoon Miss Doris dinner guests of IIrs. Laura' ZeD on of our grandfathers. ' Mud ,. , snow drifts and horseback Henderson, Miss Helen Graham and' Monday. Miss Edith McKlbban gave a misce1- . . . , tion confined them to an extremely Mr. and Mt'S. F • . E. Rosnagle Mr. limited horizon. Oppressive lone· laneous Shower for Mrs. Carl Noble, nee Kathleen Henderson. arthe ome and Mrs:; Jo!'aphl" Miller, of SPring- Iineas- 1I.rove thousands insane. of the former. Those present were boro, M.r. and M1'II. Ralph Miller and The modern post office, the teleMrs. Noble. the Misses Esther Hen- son, of QaY,ton, spent Sunday with phone, the radio', the 'railroad. and derson, Elsie Hawke, Doria Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. Boward Archdeacon. tbe automobile, have dwarfed disLucile St John, Sara MillSiidine Jr. --' tance. Itrnvel . t~milell'to wot'k rna ?hutts. Kath~rine ' Fromm, 'Eva .Big reduction, in 9x12 Rugs; in an automobile, a distance wbich McMillan, Ma'l'jorlo Rubble and ,Deb mmlsters, V.olvets~ Tapestry ' and would . have been an all-day trip 'for orah Wnlton. IBru~sels.. MY'or Hyman. my father. ctwenty:five yeara Modern water, lighting, heatin, cleaning systems have added to ,ont comfort and relieved us from endleaa ~rutlgery. In my 1iving 'room 'l!1'e Incandescent lamps. ' a telephone over which I can talk to any city"in AmeriCII. II thermostat which' the room at an even teinpenture and mnny other convenieJl'ces un.: known. a generation ago. My music cabinet eontain8 orde of the ireatest music i" world. I can' heal' this ' music tin'g in my .easy chllir, and I 'ca'~: Be. leet my own program. Within arm'lI : ·the reach shelves or books most profound and the moat oea,utll-i luI tho:ughta of.. tb e lI&'e •. I 'a n hour with .Behjamln ....· ......,UI with Rudyard Kipling or ;if humor, with Mark TWain . . For few \:onts a day I have delivere4 m'y door the news from "the four ners of the world In daily .... __ 1.1._1 and monthly instalments. ' ' My chilrrel,1 are receiving educatlon than the ,Bons ' could commnnd II entury alfo. . ," I, jUst an ordinary citizen with an ' income, Elnjoy ' all '.,these ;. tens of thousnnds bave j 8S much as I_nd more. ' _ "0/ ere the good thing!! of life 80 eastly at the command of everybody qs they. are today?'-'et don't we ~l do a I.ot of ,grumbling nO,t any right to doT not careful, ilin't· will upset.the the ·world 'has 'lnsed from ' Nati<m'i April, 1927. . .
Do you "now exactly what prlint is best to use for any ,jlarticuJar purpQse arol!,ld your bouse or bam ? A factory representative wi1l be in our Store
ALL D~Y SATU~tDAY \AJUNE ' '4, to_answer
, , "Wellj" Raid the juqe. ,!.'are guilty. or not' g ulltlf" ',,!.our ~ollor,1I l'CpUed the prllOn. er, When I came here 1 Clertalnl, didn't thin'k I'd ' be expected to- ,db your job."
. $~ to
tile . . . .
I 0....... w.__....~-IIIII!l--III1\]III-..-...II111i~...~~.!I.II.
.......... ..•.!........I LOCAL TEAM ·WINS . .
Intereatlng Items. •
Whole Number 5756
Seventy-Ninth Year
from the
Sta'te .• ·Cao ita
..o:----~==---·====""<='z~---:..--.ny Albet T.
I '. AnfllIlRtt1tl~"I-~======:;:::==================~=--======~
.. .
An nil dllY meeting of thc 4-H offi cers und I 'nders \VII S" held Friday, .Iuno 3, at Hnrll1un PUI·k,. L Ganelll. Prepare by ." The nll'ctil1g was cu lled to ordc l' lIy Mi ~~ WallS at 10:30. Song-a Columbua . ept rte ; lint came 11''' • tbrlUer, and wcre sung uft \. which nnnoullcc· ~ mente cuncc;~ning the progTClm fOl' elve .nd take aU·the way t~ouab the Miamis did the takinlr· In the day were m,\d e. The officers then = = = = ====== = = = = , the 'second innina :N. Murrell poled ~ grouplld in Liifferent \lurts of the LINDBERGH AND COLUMBUS :;t grounil s to Lii ~cu . !' their pllrticulur COLUMBUS, .oHIO- Poolinlr of out a long hit and when the »all was : . work. 1'hesc j.( I'I1 Up m('ctill~s were A WONDERfUL MOTOR iS$uCH of en.ndldiitea for the Republl- returned It was thrown to the pla~ cll n gubernatorial no~ination a year where Burton w.. :ready to reeeive arrungell for lhu pur pose of ~h o w in g NO JUMPING hence is ~een In the charge that Thad It. The man comine in fe4l over each officer how to C!un:y on hi s wo rk H. Bro,vn, former secretary state, Burton and his IIplkes . cut a goods uccc~s fully . Th e g r(l U I'~ were: mlldc LUNGS TOO GOOD wal inllebted to Ohio for mterest sized gash in Burton'a forehead. He lIll aM f() llu\\'~ : Luullers, ,,~~ i stnnt ======== = = = = = = charges on money collected for auto- was taken to a doctor who had to take l e na ~ I'R U IIU Illu'cn ls wi th M ... · Class 18 two ,atitches in the wound. Crane a lia Mr. Itoy Black ill chllrg'c. The By t he way, f athers and mothel'll, mobile license tars. 'The relieved him behind .the bat and rave presidcnlK UIIII vicC· l'reHi d" n l~. under sud because their sons lack ' collere mude jointly by Attorney ral Edward Turner and J. , T. good account of himself. t he d il' 'etlon of PI·of. Will. Hnwke. educati on, will observe that LlndIn the fourth .Bowersville Bcored ~ccrctllri ..s una Ire;}Rurers with Miss bergh went to no unlver~ity, and hla 'l'rncy, state auditor. Both it 18 ~id Marie Benham. Recreution lenders, "prep school" was n plow on his fath mny be canliidBtea lor tl)e Repub1i- again, followed by the Miamis scorcan guberll/Ytorial nomination next ing In thelr ·half. of the inning. Bow Miss WntW; ond Mr. Black, ::Iud news er's farm. He was II solitary boy, r eporlers with l\Iis~ 1I 01·st . substltut- thinki ng', enjoying dunger and new yoor. It is also very p'robable thAt eraville scored one In the sixth Bnd ing f or Mr. Townsley. things. Robert Westover, a ga~ Col, Brown will enter the c.ontelt. ~iam1s apnexed two In the seventh. All Columbus, from ' a political .tand- Tbls ended the run-gettinc for the Afte r th e bURincll!I of the morn- owner in Montana, ·who once hired point Is laurhing at the chareea, for first lame. ing WII S d i~ ()c n sed wi t h, a pi cnic Lindbergh .to make paracbute jumplI it is weI} known that Col. Brown not The secorld game, 7 Innings, wa. lunch wc s enjo ycll. the different SJl y~, " I don't thi nk he '\Yalt lonesome club s g ruupin g together. 011 t hnl trip. Slim Lindbergh was a only turnea In a creater Bum from a tame alfalr. Tbe Miamis hit D. auto license sales, but mueh quicker Murrell at The 'l' hc a fter noon prng'1'R1ll opened IlI!culial' guy. He did not care for than ever before, and DB a result the .team lost their monle In hi' pme with n ~ong, and n review or the compnny or any excitement, except statil Wall enabled to make and made numeroua errors. Crane rn01'l1ing sessiull WII S given by a dnri stuff. Everything he had he remittance to the counties and . knocked a single· down third bue member of each g roup. MillS with him, ' helmet, coggles gave 1111 interesting tulk on "H ow to and toothbru sh stuffed in the big ous political subdivisions of ' their line and the ball became lost ill the IIhllre. The mone..y was u8ell for rrua and he stretched his hit to a Put th Henlth H in the Club Pro· pockets of his \lve rlllls." hlgllway'malntepance and more work home ruri. gram A club song WIIS sung, folLindberg h's djfficulty now will be was done during the term Col, Brown '''Babe'' Adams pitched the second lowed by a n individllnl dem onst ration to find so mething worth doing that in this J'Cspect than all the other eec- game, and proved that he was by Doris Snook, of the Nann bel Food will not kill him. 1'eta1"les of lltate combined. The ume from being in the discard. HiJ ups ' clUb, on "Scoring Bread" Teom _ _.,..._ chal"l. WDB bro u..llt against Col. and dOWrlS, In and out ahoots worked demon s ~rlltion8 we re given by Ruth Lindbergh prove's that deeds of Brown Auring the campaign last yellr to perfection and the Boweravill':l George and Stan ley Henderson. of daring "mad-cap audaci.t y," seemiq when he ' was a close second for the team only cot two safe ones. the Knowhy Poultry clu b, and reckless lit the time, are of cre.t nominationJ al1d now that be Ia leen The Miamla play a double·header Elizabeth Henkle lind Ruth Cook of pel'manent value. It WDB called reck81 one of the lead in, candidates for nest ,SlIndlY with the Modem Wood· the "H ar~onious Hint club, Wnynes- less folly when Columbus made hla the nomination in 1928, it I, not at men. This will b~ the drst time the vIll e. "MIss Watts. foll owed with II transatlantic " hop" in the oPP08ite ~1~~-~~~~~~~~~h~~~~~~8I~=======F======~=============9=====~.======~_ ~~~=_. ta~ Wh~ ~~~ nGo~fumilire~n. ~~~~~.~ both of whom cast a 1011e1ne eye .t Interfered with the schedule Beveral I Demonsh ·utlOn." Mr. IIISS . . would fall over the edge of the the gubem.torlal mansion ev.ery tillle weeki ago. CIa.. Was Confirmed on"The Progress of Cluh W In ocean, nnd hiB crew wanted to tom the, pDBII It, would enjoy doinr some The scon : ,Warren Oounty." A pluylet, "The back.
i i
. Bowersvilie eame to ." Waynemne, Sunday, for the firat· time thla ..ason. The teams. played • doubleheader; and the' Mlamla ' took b?t~
O ' R.
thine that might check the procreu Fkat '
~~yC~~ :b:~:nj,OI::I~! to N~U!~8~00~ B?:::~\lIe ....... :.... .... .. .... ~ jecl In view than to dietrac~ ~e vis- Iliamla ..................................
HE ;
ANNUAL HOM' ECOMING Puni 'hmcnt," was given by Hnp· Fulton's experimel\.t with steam.' WEEKLY LECTURE lumbu8, Rt~~e~O~~:Od~~~n~~gR;e~~~ o~ 6~: Of BOGAN fAMilY ~rUb~O~~d:l~dth;r:~~~~~:n L!~ea~~::. ~~~1i:an~~~:r:~!e~et~~:\:::;~ 'made his annual visit to St. HarrIS. LOUISE REN D~RSON.. spend money on government cx:peri'
2 Z
1 2 3 • 6 6 7 8 9 Mary's church, preached and admin\VaynesV111e, OhiQ. mentlj with telegraph menages were Ion of the voter from the ' perfect record in state oftlce ot CoL Brown, Bowereville .. 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 YOU CAN SEE iDEALS OF istered the rite of t:onfirmatlon. The pat h t ha t leads to home was News Reporter of Good Cut Cloth- beaten for re·election. The voters t~ the JIOlItlCJ1 ambitions of ~o oth- Miami. ........0 .1 0 1 0 0 2 0 PEOPLE rrhe Bishop's th·eme was "rrnt> Pow . lng Club. . "had ·no usc" for a congre!lllman that er, ltate olllee holders "Ith furtheli Batt.rI-Sanders and ' D. er of Prayer," 'anci was discoursed In the road traveled by t he family of would vote to wllste money• .polltical "UpiratiODL rell. Satttrthwaite andH, Burton, Th tb I I 81 this h.iI usual quiet but forceful manner. Mrs. Hannoh Bognn, of Wellman, MemOrl'al Servl'ces e 0 er evenh ngi .r an alcro th The R. ev. John J Scbaelfar present on Sunday, June 5 Thl's w-n a the -~ d Crane . Lindbergh's feat will find an echo . The ~te IChoola f01" t h e d elD an Tw~-baae hlt--Satterlhwalte. human paracnp n a vo ume 0 - ed the class of fl've namely· MiSlles . ' . . C the blind will ~~ their aummer va,H .R'u n-N. ' "urrelL I " --"'Ie' '--el.. technlca,: Evelyn Cartwri"ht ~nd Martha Nich- annual ~ome.comlD.g of her cbildr,en, The nnnual Memorial services of In the next ongress. It will oceur "'~ .. , ....., .. deb Id d td h Id 0 U A to some Congressman that If one ome • cation within the "e:ltt wee k or ten "A lIlan, .. he walks In the crowd, ola; Mell8l'l. Harris Mosher, L. M. gran I ren ~n. grea gran c I - Mlnmi hllpler No. lOS Jr. . . . man, 1111 Illone, could fly from here daya, and 1000 children .t the two R JI E f I hi --'f to b di I Henderson and James McCIUl;e. ren, and a few inVited guests. M., Orown Lodge No. 638 K. .of P. , to Europe, 80me thousands ml-ht ." ac:hoola 'will return to their homee for Second "me ee a IIlIiel e an ~r n~,y nTh ' i . 1 b t . M J W' I f M'di dO t d W mlng Lodgo No 102 I 0 0 '6 .. the period o! hot months. When they BoweravUle ........~ ............ 0 '6 'l dividual. But ~ . thle b.ck "Of hia pre..fv:e!" .n;~:s:nj~~~ eb : f~r:;.: · rs. una I son 0 1 _n!J~' ~.I, wi1~o bc held next Sunday: J~n~ f rom Europe or ASi.a here, and be return many change. will bav. tak." Miamis ........... " ............... 18 11 II mind ie .. more than half-formed si&ed congregation. y aged 93 years, an aunt of Mrs. B~. 12th. The members of t he three or. lem:. welcome than Lmdbergh 11''' in plae, iri eaeh institution. The ~t. 1 2 3 " 6 6 7hanwy. 'I ..em to be all. orlllna•_ • . gan, _was on honore!! guest agam ders will meet at the cemetery gate PUliS. / eat of tile.. will be the transfer of Mlamla .......... 1 0 6 2 2 S x-18 P • this year. There hilS been onc mllr- (lit the to p of the hill) at 2 :3 0. The the IChoola ' to the dapartmllllt O!. ed· Bowersville .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 r"I man, .but I am really • man of riage. Lucille Dunn to Walker Kratz- committee request that all The record shows that Lindb8!'lf'h'., Batteriea-Keraey and D. Murrell: rreat importance. People ~ke me er and one birth Doris MIlY little bring flo wers with t hem. The Wright motor used Ie.. than ucatlon Instead 01 that of Jlublic weIf.re. The lut pneral ~mbl, Ad.ms alid H. Burton. ~::: ~,:t : : thth:e~:e:':t ~e':~: I d~ught.er of Carl~ton Dunn, 'within Chorus of lhe Main ' St reet PI:esb>:te - ~c~v~ gaUo~s ~~d g~so~ne r;r h~~'o"--": made thla chanre In manBlnlment and Two-bate hit.-D. Murrell, CraIle, ht y litre 'rdi m they the Illst year and they were made rian church; of Lebanon, WIll sIng o. ymg:n b l e e r , an conb-ol, and, hereafter the cl!ildret1 McClure. . 11' an e c:nl: Butanlet an welcome to o~r circle. . ~ for the occasion : : :;"ll:~lo~~h:t ~::~s ~.!o~rl~-~:~~ g will be unde1" the SU.,-rvIalOD of the ~ome run-;-Cnn • arlee _ . crlaee an a . At the -noon hour n very bounteThe progtam IS as' fo owe. f II ' I tw +.. all Lf direetoJr of education rather than thi I' n d' d t whO h 11 • 0 gaso ne, p us en ... g ona 0 director of welf.re 'who h$ eha:l'ae . S••tLaF'. the KJIlIf-1- I~ to the ---°d~d8 . mt~er waIs St~hrve f't ' 0 leA a t Song .... ....... .... .... .. lIten 5 Chorus oil. Not expensive for a trip t~ . , re...... e *d every one exdalms W' I I JU S Ice. n e a er,noon un InvocatI on Paris ~( penal lnatltutlonl and h~itala for ' Firat 8;, , ri i ito 'I Mayor R. B. Monfort, of I ming- Jane Wilson gave a reading and RaM n's Chorus . tile iilune. The clianp ' meet. witb I. • S .... ~... 'Who Ie thlaT A p nee !leogn ton together with mayors of towns . d . Song ..... .. ... ................. e Anybody who doubts that .Irthe .npro-1 of tile m. o81cera 0'" Mlam·1~01..8"1 'l~~~~ A pnlus in nP'!' At laat I come we~ of Wilminll~n on the direct lehl~hh Btogatn anwithwltfhe 8an~l~ontgs, Address ........ ... Rev. L. A. Washburn pilmes will carry passengers aeroIa 'C.~ I to ' - , j, • • . , 'VI lC oge h er e SOCia lD er- S Men's Chorus th " f I th ,60" U ..... of both schoob who ""orked hard to Wilmlnaton ~on a pme .nd n IIlJ 0"_ route to ' Wa.ynesvlll.e, was included course was enjoyed by' aU. All too on g ., .................: :.. . . e ucean ?.r ess an , a -'have the meuure passed ad hope -Ith Sp-'ft- ya11ev Thla la .. we to human nature in • deleptlon whIch waited upon th t' fl' b t . Benediction bght route, hal Uttle confldenee In , one".....,· acratc:hina a mo-Ilito bite hi' . . soon came e Ime or eavmg, u ~ 'r h . 'ty . that in time ~at chaJl. . be .tam"town won a pme from the n ' ... ·h b the 0 0 Utlhties commlsslon .Thurs- hoping to meet again · next year we Members of the three ~rateml les uml1n I~genul . 'malle it! the develoPIllQlt of the two Modem Woodmen. .' Ev,eryu~ e dW ena~~ aue: d ~ day afternoon a.t a hearing on the lldjourned feeling with the words of and their friend s are urged to . ---Institutions. Much 1Il0re Ie" hoP'!d . e ramu 0 e n:,lD prop08lt~on of e!stabiishlng 8 bus the poet that-present for the services. Statistics show this country's •• hi the departme~t of edueatlon than . ....... SI&II"'-' ~hlchb~e pla~ the hero and cOJllee route from Wllmlington to Wnyncs- Tho worid with myrind 'paths Is lincd " • _. cQme in 1926 totalled seventy-eight under the department of -public .welClqb~ Won Loat Pet. nto own. 'I • vUle. . ., . 'But one nlone for me. billion, six hundred and forty-ain. faN whe.re the dutiee of the clireetor Spl'in« Valley ,.. ........ ..... Z .666 'wb~r!o,! c~:,~ of h!:!w:r~ a b::: '. Lewis C. Wolfe, Wilml,ngton bus One little road where 1 mllY find million dollllrll, from all sourcea--tb. , are re~ull.ed t~ a pater extent with Jllamie ................. .. ... .... 8 2 .600 cle....- are enacUn In their mlnda line operator, an~ the Klllg Broth- The charms I want to Bce. I wages, the eoupon eutother mltliutiona of entirel)' durer- BowamUle ...... ............. 8 II .600 ~C if biers, bus operatol8 at Lebanon , ore Though thoroughfares majestic call ' cutter 8 toll. ent chancter the th... two lChoola. Wflmlqtoh .............. .... 8 . Z .600 w~~u\':se~n:ui~l: ::.Utl;';.1 :fr{ bidding for o~{tI~rshlp o.f such II Tho mult.itude to roam, Tbat IT\eans .$671 for ev.ery maD, . Jameatown ........ .......... 2 • . •880 k with line, providing It IS estabhshed, lIn~ [would not leavt1, to know, them all, woman and child, or U,801i.8'l for With automobUe ownel'll hoW' PAY;- Woodmen ...... 1: ............ 1 ~ . •800 or an Inl&nf;! man run amue I ~ayors and business men of villa· The pa~h that leads to home!. every person engaged in 4I!U'JI1nc llllf qne cent a .-l1on .~ra date tax . a raaor. ' . . Ires .Iong the proposed route were ~ . ~ • money . • ~ time they get their tanka 8U" Th.ey ~e the .•~Uain . down, asked to attend the hearing and teU Henry G. Willinms, outRtanding In .d, there I. a certalnt,. ' that h"hway come .into Oleir own. . the commission what 't he route would Ohio eduCI\t\onal oircles, who has ProfesSor Nash, te.chet of phpl~provement Will I.oon be atarted. . aU lidea we eat.ch e\im~ !,nd mean to them In the "!'ay of increas- ' been named ~y the BOII~d oJ "{ll- ienl education in New yo,k l:JniyerTbere h.. been. virtual YMatlon in •. ." , of wha~pI.. imagh\e their Inlr busille .. .to tc:lwnS along the line. mirlgtoll col\eg to direet Its summer sity, justly. criticizes violent Uii'iiii the hllrhway dapartmlllt .. tar .. ~APll to he J .e. "The proposed route," Mayor &chool /lossio ns this' YOIll', the young eirlll. I V!! played rolf for ~hi~ y,~ Monfort ~ld Thursday," establishes . .nntion at PresId ent .T. Edwin To permit competition ,for Ilrli ta eonstruction o~ new roadway ie eoneel'luld for the palt .y ea". 11he .one· . and bave neve~ been on my gam~ direct communicllltion with Dayton, becoming eff ctivo at tbe ol() ~ 01 hurdle races, higb jU,.mpb)Jo. broad cent-a-rallon !xtra tax na. bel~ col yet," • man Ia I~u,oted as ,,~YlDr. His by way of Bellhrllok and Spring Val. winter term. . mplng, et~., is a crime apinIt, the ~ lected Ia e~pected to brlnr til at laut Advicee f,om ~arn' S. New, post. ide. of what hll game was like ley, and with Cb\cillnati liy way of According to Secretary of S14te, Dr. Williams takes t he chell' now, and against tbe future .'l,00\),000 a )"1&1".: frotiably If,lore m..t'lr· cener.I, ·aur~.lt ~hat IOmethlng superl~tl~~ and, unat- Lebanon. There is no doubt but that Clarence J. Brown, t he talkcd·of we.Q.k, gl,'adtiution 'ut t he scho~ eration. .. than that. . And the entire sum Ila to ceptlon be terldered .to Capt. The actual pme: he .play- it would bring trllde to Wilmington." pl.lln to II ttcmp t to .repass the State cl\lendared ,for June 8. Ho 19 Girls were not ma.de · to jump. be I))ent for nllW hirhw.y COllltruC- A. Lindberg upon hll return W t~ ed aa mere~r a f.llure to come up Mr. Wolfe expected to take a LIbrary approprla tlOlI, vetoed by They were made for motherhood. and tion. The tint ' two centa a pllon coqntry, In the form of 'of an air- to hll own. . . "boosters" deleglltion' from HarveY5- Gov. Donoll ey, did not develop bushould be taught to ~8IIpect and pro~ 1(081 f!>T hl,hway 'malntert"anc!'! mall reeeption.. .' . ~en a w~,"an "Y', "I ~ve ha~ burg and Wayne!sville to Columbus fore the' udjournment of the Oene,rteet their complicated !!l.chinef)'. and thCl penny jUlt adped goee fot: POltmaate\-..R.,II. , ;!lartao.ck, donna. of photographs taken IIn~ to. attend the hellring, Thursday, and al A~embly, ~nd os a consequence . new construction work. Many , mu· cal p08tmaater, sa,.: You m.y h.ve never had a tood picture ,yet, M.yor Monfort hod been asked to the hbrllry WIll be forced to close In , the Fall "medlclnal whlak,." nlclRIIJltlel are no~ spending all cif be able to be present In ..,.~ at It Indl.c ata. that her. eOl)ceptlpn of go In company with officiale from on July 1, lifter hllving been in exbourbon and rye, made' of com and their ~ne of the two 'ceni tax for' this recep~on, but for 10 tenta you "her own" , Includea an idea of per- other. towns, and with prominent cit- .istenee for 110 yellrs. will be manufactured under IUm.lJ:Itenanee, and they will BOon have can hlp ma¥e hilt welcome hOllle the _al which ~er feat~rea benl . from Leb a l1On.-Wilmlngton This Ls to be regret.t ea, as our loof the ~e..UlT Diput. a 'Ul'jJlua in . that fund. Governor most Impreaalve national re4:eption .. wilJ, can t'll~e up to. Newa-JoumaL , cal library may be alfected. . , Donah., 'permitted the gasoline ~'lt ever ' ten\lered ' anyone by . aendlDc :. .,It a truism that. In tilia world, " No whisky should be aunUtect for · increaae to becollle , la~ without ble by air inan a personAl espreUion o~ jooner or la~, we ~et !bout . ~liat.I' =======::=======~============= med icinel purposes. If docto" ., ~ sipature ' '.n,d . unle.. .n· aip. f.1l appreciation of hie areatHt exploit we deIIerve. We really . t;om~ ~nto . alcohol is necessary, ~)ley shoilld' UN ' the nen time tbe lea1a1ators m..i that haa redounded to ~h4! credit and !>lll' 0""." · '.' brandy made of grapes. )(.ny poiaona . another 'penrly' or two 'Ie rolna- to be gl"..., of American avlition. ., The reuo, ' ",e 10 rar'ely realise " arc in grain whisky, even c:arefullJ" "dded to 'the tix. It ..ema· .n e..y 1..11 mall should be 'addrUaed' capt. that w~t we Jet is "our , own:' Ie n\lIdo. Real brandy Is, free ' of poi.. 100ne of . income, and .... Ion. ·.. iIleChUla ~ ~dbe:rchj :~ 'of that our collception of what .It iii lib <: y_ onous oils arid other, Mllon., ani. . I .dditional ~ee ~n be addeCf ~tti~ ma.tell'- Gflleral,. W;~JI, ~ .~d on our. deeiteli lna~ pI, A..... you call pure alcohol. potIOn. . , out 'elvlq the auto owners a c~~ and ahoutd ~1T1 the &if .o uf d-l1I, ,'. . . -_ _..... Wood alcohol is :deadlf, poteto' at.· a' a 'referendUin, it la colq· to pn,ve ace; I\) cen.p per half o~e, • - • , .~ cohol is very po\4onoUl, IP'I" alcohol safest. ." . owner, which Ja aJatoat eYer, fiunD,! In any ppac,~c. bos. .' The ,question ' In our "Teat 0' Ten" ara .neither highbrow nor lowbrow~' .• _ • ' M~onary ~vanreUsti~ , Servl()el they .re cOlYlplleld with ,al) undetstandine of ~he widespread curiosity of '. ' Ohlo >l'llIldenta 'wh" -nflo ata Bo.fotl - ,~ will 'M cond~cted in . a~ lilg tent meet- the readers of t.\te Guette knowledge and accu.rllte information. There . ,. may be., .bl,·, 'to hear the volee of ,. , "'~UI'~ i"lr one·haU mile' west o~ Oregollla, are questions' to w~ich 'everybOdy can answer correetly!...and there are known for hiB Cllarlle .Llndb." .el'J .ho~. . AI· . .. { . ' oJ . • ' • o~d the Ore~nla and Leuanon pike, 'lueations to which everybody wants to mow the ,an8w~r. · Whs~ do you thQulfJl p~lJlIc a~o~cel!'lIIt ~ 'DOt Paltl_ (ro~ 'I'lppeq.noe . CitJ,. and ~l eODtjJlue tw~ or three weeks. knowT ' What . d~1 ypu "\Yan,t to know? Fpllow thIS ·faschiatine and inye~ " ..n ~.~e I~. ~ bOWD. ~t et, laj;~ ".... I, "a,..n.we, ~~" . 'Wd~eh are ~ev. and M~..0. IL structive featur~ every week, • . forti are bell'tg madeito have the ~~ -ldiw a who haj cUuppeancl Iiam" of Oreeonia, mfaaiollmel to · j . • . ., bintjc. ' 8ver m.~ke . ' "brief .,..." .. from 'tJlat pIice on ' IIonda,. of · ~ South AfrIca. Ife•• Garil4!t~PhUlppl; " or BOfln .. j)ouJbl. ~ter he ,~ taw weJ.k. ". ' . .: ~f ' ~taal\to~,•.V.. , lIl-~ioq~ to,·Ko·. , 1 ' . • " , , ' . : ' .A '!IeriWl l!lo~ T;be .Jate.t, ibfor- .. on ' MOIlIla,. ....tpllq Jhe" JOuq rea, " iad.W~~ia ,T :.Harvey, planls~ and . 1. Wh.t popullar saymlf \vas o~iginated by ~r. Emil. Coue? mati." 1e t~t ttle b~ ')'111 man .~ut it,..... of qe .. W left UaIaUit. . ~trullllllltal and' otlier 2. Who Is the editor of "Amencan Mercury' magazine? • . 3. When 'WDB sltaildud time adopted in the .t/nite~ States? .<;' tie' -dpnl from New York ditJ',. • nd ~ farm Wilen he .".. _;10,,", ~ ....... IBUfI:. . " when 1t II all the ~Ia a~Uon. at the 1(0 In~ tit'"' to · )I&,.. b,,', ~ ek s.m~ at. 111.1 It. m. diUy. :to Where 'il the Smithaonil!~ IrlatUute-ln the. U~lted States? ClOuntrJ including ~t lIut two Ii from tha~ tIiiIe noUillla' btd ben I Po . . OIl tyaday. , Ii. ' During what. war w.. "Re.m ember tbe l'dalDe the popular . WBr-!U'Y 6hlo. ,"U. be OIl the · hoolcup. So,' hUrd mila him IIDtil ti. latter pan . . •- • y' of. thli Americanst.l • . • . . ~atcb tor annOllncemen~ BO JOa'n of dae wefk, wtien .... _otMr " ..~ i 6, . W~t Commander ~ost hi. life . in the ""eelt of ~be S. Dltigible Sh d :rOIl.'~ pt to 'hear the .oJCe of ~ 1ett.r'fIO. istm, "ldcb..... lMieit alOllic. VIIae itice world herO. e4i .. Wap...w., 1QI..,··,tltat . ' 1, W~ are the compolers of the two weddlpg ma1"ches moat frequently • - • . Oil !alii iIltO to... 09 MOIUIQ .,.. . . . . . ~ of W.,......, . . ... . ) , CAll STOPS ,.T CQRNaa. . ..... _ W ben a1qpcL B ......... ~ ¥eo 18.' r, " A. 11;) !'Ii. I. What 1I'tJt, oldest town in the United, State,' '. • , .., it t.bIlaWQ 111 a Uc:IlliI.... bopped ~ . hae Uti!. All ·.... lIt~ .~ ag..- .at w1U~h a person may be mat?-'i,!d in the ' "Qood ~ J)IaU; w.......... abt au. Oat of W~ lIeN IN ~ to " ."..., at Ualted ~ , . .' .' _ .' JOa 'to tbIa terI'IltI8 .t. tIM ~ JI. 10. WIIo wrote "SeftlltHnt" . , ' "WQ,. ~ 1M cd ...... It. . . . . . .11 to lelia ~ .. CIIA8... -~ ' -& _____ .... , . be loUJU:l on aDoUau' pap
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have just glv n nch f you ure fa cta bou n nry. In U1C scaled nvclo p r
ThlI time the I;ame ahe was l)lay· Ina bem· to bring forth results. . "".PlIed bers lit to tho ~r8cti~nl
arta.. 01 war--telegraphy, slIrnahng l1li4 biD,. like that: ahe p~rfected berult in IWimminlr and run;, ng and MOOting: shUe veil \iven~ 60 ~ar aa to iIllll"e herse to pr vatlons. ~ .. becalllo. as S9 und . and hard ae • mapl" sapling. It becam more .nd· Jrlore ' dlfBct.llt to get through thOlle blue lines, but /!h~ .always au,;' eNd.,/! and often ,as a boy in the um· form sh~ hated, Somet.itnea ahe would spend tbree u iillYB at the plan~tion. Al?d od y enou&,b, it waR dUl'lIlft one of tlMt1e. "fiaiU that ahe. stu,!,b ed upon the ~t wbich was seriously wor· m~ e Confederate leaders. RI~h· m, )cne:w wba~ w~ gOing o~ Ubincton, but Washington tt1n ....' p C! C 80mo truths about ~~~ -'II cl ..L_t th . <. ~ .... en:y "110, ere ~s.... ~ .. a~=abn:ws... th i eo_ • ore .e ~ ~v~.r'i!~m to on:, h:, • d:'~••i~~: a YeaJ;~:ewould'~o· ......., ..... pi . • -....,,0 e. . ~. 'itOrt lie told eame to Jeanne ~ tbli C&J'1'1Illty of her' old dar· ~\""'_' A. loft tn a deserted lIleetlnp beld late at ~~de~~dllalm!!~,.'Wthh~,eawm..e -'''OJ 18 t \0 roue eomeUllne more .' Ie eQrioRtJ' in Jeanne. .....eted the old ~m, to . . tbe Dame IIIId loc:alitJ_ of this "..,~ of IIIiIJlltery. When abe o facte, she return. eel . warehouse occupied • a brook, and 'Was flanked 11,. ' t/tIo' . ~ldlJwa "hose gJ:ound ftotM . . . tfUted. It w.. uaguard· ' ~ ' .....1~tbIe 'Wu bad; here and ~ ", , ~~on told one wblcb t ran.
and informll\ion. And ge t1emcn. We all I av tog(: ~her, layen. of us, all of u ~. " He pnt pocullar emphl\' sis upon these ,,"o.-ds. "Any mun who f"llem, he. \1 at a offers ex \1 $ s _ \\ ell, I'm ll l'O\1 h IIoldier; .~' Oll are all fan.,iIIar with my wnys. Tb~ mlln who hesitates-die ." . On of their nu mber sprong to his feet; und dashed toward tht) wi.n d . w, 'rile gray m~n's revolver .nash d in the clUullelight. "Q,uick cri d t h ulan will> had caused this ngitntion. "Some one on the "oof! ' Th ey fo llow d hin... peU.m 11 tbro' the window. Crouch d close to the wall WIIS a .form. 'Illley pounced up· on it roughly, hnat.! d it· to the win· dow, and those yet inside hauled the offender into th lott. "C anw a hand flash across the window-space, in the act of throwing something. A boyl" Tbe gray mon ~hook the boy vio: lent ly. Tho hat fell off. "Good Lord, a woman I" crlejl 80me one. . "Hold herr" said the cbief, He ran' downstairs t.o tbe street, .search. od doorways, 4!l!lIar·window Pits, but found no one; liar could ho discover a runner, e1\.!It or weSt. He ascend· ed "So, to the again. a 10Ct young woman·"' He laid h' I th tabl "Wh t 'is r evo ver ,on 0 . e. . .a d::'~" you dOing tliere b ythat WIn· Sho did not an~w~. ' In reaching her point of vantage outside ·thl\t
. .loce to pro\'e to yo u thnt I will ncv. cr IO.t you lel\ve this 10ft alive, un. condit onally." . . It was the face. of a fanatic. S~e had only to look mto t hose meta lhc blue e~'es to know t hat he would ko P his word. he sent a roving glance' omong the other masks. you permit s uch a thing!". Does on oath mean anything to QU?' I15ked her grim qutl8tiollcr, "Yes l"- with J.lroud, unlifted chin "Will you take an oath to roveal nothing you . have heard?'" . "No. 1 have given my oath, heurt nnd soul to f;ho out h. Eitner let Ole go or shoot me- if you can" "Wait a moment. · Parson ," plead. ed the young man to whom she owed her, capture. "I. have nn idea. We c01,l, t really permit you to shoot her." Her? She has nei sell," said the lender plaeldly. "We can't b'e both. ered with a J,>risoner at this hour," ",We can tie her up and leave her here. But t his is my idea. rl! han. dIe t his pretty viper. No doubt she's pretty under that smudge," he added Il"Qnlcally. . "l>11 udll m)' fangs il you can," she rep e , The gray man .f.rowned thougbtfully. She had courage.' . Said the young ma'n : I,you say ~oulare bound heart and 'soul to the :;;0 .u.h. toWell. belong it." your body shall never • Sh b e stepped ack-her ~rst sim of te~rGomc, come," .warned the chief "none of that. Better let me tak~ the ourden upon thelle shoulders. It
COMMON PLI:<AS PROCEEDINGS In HII; case of E. r.nlcier VI!. WII. liam and l\1.innie WIlII,)n, the sher ifi' was allthorir. c\ . to .• mploy 1111 . auc· tioneer to sell certain Teal estate. . . H The case of Ellen Doran Va· or· ·Comer wall dismissed without rec· ord. Vernn Hill was granted n ~ivorce [rom Richard Hill nnd 'YUS ordered to poy t he SUO" of $7 pcr w ck for the HUppOl't an~1 maintenance o·r two millor 'childre n. George L chen'ck waij appointed deputy cillJ;k of courts und was duly • wo\'n to offic e.. . . In the ea,e of Delila A. R llien v~. l\lary Alice Tennis et aI., it was (ound that J. G. Fo~ter and J, S. .Foster al'e one and the same man nnd is entitled to one-sixth the estate in question Court ordered thnt th h r'ff to ~lake and executa to . S · I . . him a ~eed :(or propert~ valued ~t $1500 III nccordRl1c With FosLer s decision to tako the premises.
EdlUl • Waponer was app Inted guardian for Ruth M. nakor, a minor. Charles J. Bock, admr. at the es, tate of Frenk Bock, flIed his fjl'llt ond 111101 account. The \vi1l f Helan J, Larrick Wfl~ 1I10Cl. . PI' f of PlllJliclI~ion of the up'. P inLment of Ernest Evans ae ellee, ulor of Will estate bC FJugene E "RIl8 was IIled. fl'ooC ·of pu lieab! n (If th ftl)' point:ment of . W. Humphreys a~ executor of the est.nte of Huston H. Rollllrtso.n, \V1I 8 fil ed . . '" Proof of puillicu~ion of the np. poinllllen t 'of Jl:1 ~ic nook a udll)in istrut-rix 01 the cst\lte of Jennie , onrey 'va~ III d. , ~Iyde !lX, excllutor of the csll)te oC Chl\rl e~ W. ox, tiled his first and inul llccount. D. W. Hum phreys. executor of the estate of U\l ~ lon ]I. Robertson, fi lIJd his inventory untl aJlPl'l\i~elll lit. E. C. Dunham, executo\' of ~he eRtalc of Julin H. French , fi led his invcntory nnd app\'u iscm nt. ourt orderetl that a warrant tor the conveyance of J ack Woodson to Lho Ohio InsLitution fO l' Feeblc;Mind cd Youth be issued. I ou'rt ordered that a warl'llnt for
the conve)'lll)Cu of Geo rge F. Wiltse to the Dayton Stale 'Iosp ilnl bll is·
sucd. 1II11ry J. BUrton, wns appointed adn,x. of the estate of J esse W. Burton lind Mahlon Ridge, Waltel' Ken. rick and S, F. E lboll appraisers. Purellt D. Hllines WIIS uppointed adm. of the estate of Esther Rail
Court ordered thllt a warrnnt be issued to the slnel'iff for t h" convey. llnce of Horace Jones -to the Dayton S t h 'tal I tu e o~P" E Thll WII! of Henry . Exmnn was !lIed. Lottie Allison, executrix ,of the anti A. C. Vail, T. E. Eal'llhal't lind estate of John F. Allison, tiled her C. E. Moore, appraisers, inventory and app raisement. The last will of Mary J. Drake was filed. The will '~as adlllitt~d to pl'obate and Alfred M. Hinsch was appoi nted IIx~outor, Ed . pnklin, fingers 'were l'ingless. He laughod O. W. Humphreys and James I~ollen Qn~~h~~ ~~~elt~~: ~d8~dv ntu re?" were appoin te(j npprlliscl'S. domallded the ,..' .ro" man Court ordered that a certi!led copy ~ " .. His com. rades stirred uneasily. "Make up 01 the' entry determining the amount your mind8'; it 18 deat h or marriage, "of inheritum:e tax to 'I>e paid from I flta nd ready l'or the ceremony." the estute of E. [;; . pence be certi. She wanted time, time, ~imel It tied to the auditOr. . would take hl~r con~ederote ' fully The ,viU of Henry E. Exman wns an hour to !eltum With men, She admitted to probnte had written 1n code enough to con· M I' C . . demn them all ' to t h'e wall or the e IIISa . onover, executrix of noollO. t.he estate of John W. Con'l\ler, filed Wrapped around a pebble it had ber inventory and IIl'praisement. been lIung into the street. She had Court- authorized Wilson Ward, not know that these desperate men executor of the' t!lItsto ~f Marshall w'ould really ~,e· b~re ; abe ha~ put Ward, to sell certain roal estute. hardly any fall;h at all In the dar· The . will of Oscar D. Ar lc was ky'll tale rued Thill i And ~ow to play 'with them, to . ' . e w wos admi te to pro· hold them until aid arrived. They bn~e anti Blnnc;he W. Apple was ap· would all be dElad in t he morni ng- pomte~ executrix, Henry Meeker, A. so what mattel:ed it if she went C. VUII and George R. Rossman through with , the farce? were appoi nted' nppraiser8. ... t ht;"":~i~oeual&'heboW,!B °Tn·be~':! , "And ;'fat of t~e man w.ho mar· ales mllde by J. F, Flack, adm. Q dian ,.. 'II .CAD> rle8 me? All thls meant bme. of the e tate of Afary L. .Mc ray e .... b~ki three 1¥indoWB fac· "G-_.Jt "Oh," said .he:r ~ormentor, "he shall were app roved and confirmed. ' eel ' ~ looldnc out Il'pon the - - .Lord a call it a SBCl'lfic.e to the nltar of war. J T }11 k fil d hi II t .., 1M ~btnlnc blllldtnc; the You will .Bllrve the South, but by the . . ac ; s' rs ae.cou nt, ~ I" I~ wwe cobweby! d~ , ___ r' nled Lord Rarry ~'ou'll billong to the A.n na R. H, Graham., gunrdlDn of IIIId aU 01 'them North. We'll punish you with doubt Lyle K. Hightman et a)., m\nol"ll, fil · 01 ~. aoma aud fear; alw ~ya ' you'll be wonder. cd her second nccount. .. . ~ter of , tIte loft ..hleh Ing ",ho and what thiis man ie who Distribution of the estate of Geo. lUiiw---:-~~ wl!!lle ftoor. atood aa .or· marrie8 you. Of course, we ore still W. Grim WI15 made. dlDiit'-1Gl table. It "".. ,nlpt out.ready to take :your · oath." aide.. Jabbed Into tbIa table .... a, "I nave decli ned 'to give it.!' REAL ESTATE tRANSFERS JODet. III tile loclt of -thla "Very well. Line up, comrades, lI~rr lI~ed Readily u the and she shal\ choose amon,.. U8--WOEliza!:>eth Kohler ·t o Charles H. • .~ waxed or waned: ma'n 's ancient IPrerogativll-ilO it can Buettner, 205.98 acres of land in ' . qt tbll ' tahle. OD empty never be said t hat we forced our Hamilton Tp. en cl b,os ... were eleven men. selves upon her Death or marriage E leanor S. Maxwell to Warren and Th...· ...... .... hot, Uld moat of them - mass ' or the Bastile 1/' "'·dali, -"'de th-'- coa'" .T he'" . Gerrard, l ' town lot . I'n ... ....,11<...., " I consent," s he said. I am young: Maric_ttn UIe IdDcI ' that hid.. I do not want, to die/' Franklin. ' clWa.. . . . . . ~ a limp curtain. Already a quarter of an hour had Ralph and Bertha Tl\ompson to 1'IlIa not oid~ concealed the lace been consumed. If ahe could Cbarles and Edith Fordyce, 1 town . .~, bllt diIcIllHcl th. voice hold ' swed lot in ' Lebanon. ~ ~ flash· Thomas W, Stam. .... . . . .~ at the table ..... windowahe bad beenforced to craw.}' ls ' one t~ing to 8.~00t a ~PYi J ·N. and P 'I Minnl d' Te W mb' ", .... eLa.#., he ..u a1ao the ·"-ou"h Aellars worm her way over other thang to'h' t f b per, to ames , Ie I1n . ,Franz, .. 1M _WO'\" 'tnU ..... .. ~, . "Y h 't h d th h" a ml IS er 0 t e l town lot in Franklin. ow.e. lUI. beacl "'.. peppered with bales of cotton. through grime and. au aven ear me" oug , Ilhe-~k1!,d, 1.", Ch·a .rles E. a' nei Edl'th M. E ' dwa.r ds ~ . . dust. What with the dust and the mterp<!s~d the young man. What I _"1IIR ~ JUehmond is swiat of her exer.tibn8, she looked mean IS, h:;r body sba1l be bound to "Yes. am he." The gray mal'l to Har:rieW MeG innis, 1 town Jot in , Joja have, heell ~f t liIte tbe- urchin abe prentended ·to be. the North, laughed. z " , , Waynesville. • ~~i6;~ ' m;;e~;Jbllt I have thIa day·' "How did you .find out our ' P~~"es::And ho~!n " Each bair at tbe base at her neck Stanley C. Willoughby to Eva F. II the thinga we ence herT" demanded the gray man. By marriage 1.0 one of U8. sth:red at thl! BOund of t~at laugh. Spe\lcer, 1 toWn lot In South Leba. eo ow the Dumber of men, No anawer, . One.ot the number. g.a ve a .tart of ter. . non . . anu, .ro!llltla of am~lDllt1on, aad "You ref use 0 answer questions? surprJse at t~e 8IJRe.stI01l· , "Come conu'ades!" ~ k J B I Ed J d foocl llllPlM_ In .other ~0nU, we Your lifo depends upon it." The gray ma.n smiled lor the first But tb~se comrades demurred, . It on ., a on t? g~r or an, aowziIaW oarJlnprs aD the pulae 01 "WeU. then, you must pay t he time. Marry her to o.ne of . tbese was one thing to ri8k ,one's life for 1 town lot m Franklm. tbe .. . . .: we can feel it IroWina penalty. You must ·die." mad young cockerels, bmd her and one might ris.k it and stiJI save it· Lloyd B. and Leona F. HaU to Ma.1~ ~ f!!.Bble,. Ilhan no lona'Then she spoke. "And who among leave hert . . but it was aQot,her thing to marry a~ ry S. Silver, 2 town lots in Wayne8.. Iii JOur elilaf after tonlcbt. . W. ,ou wUl be 80 brave ' I1lI to do the " But if by chance I eliould al· unknown. woma,n, SImply to save -ber ville. ahaU aaeh of ua go .on' our Olm qatn. kUlinf,T" rllady be married?" she inquired, her life, a wo"'!all wh,om they .mlght n~v • . Mary S. and Maurice W Silver to . ". I_ve tOnicbt; The .hor8811 are ('I,' aaid the gray m.lln. To her courage returning. . m' er see agam. " Lloyd B. and Leona F. Hull, 118.88 r..Iri ~ty's stables, t!Jtee ~rs ·there was somotblng terrible.in " If y.ou wish to commit blgaW'Yh' The ~ay. ma'n took up ' hla revol· acres of land in Wayne Tp. " 111. • ..v. We ride wut Iirat. that c<t1d unemotio~1 \ tono. He that's no concern of ours." l~ yer. 'I .wlll sboot her. I~ is war i .It Grover H . and Margaret Requartb e Ward .!!1:~~, untotn . we ~land, whipped 'I ~hewill mask his face a swiift, ' nadrryso:hrelrl.~~s Tahgeatnmstanllewrsh"o' t.o Ernest. Earnhart• .BO town acres are near thN~"denly. let from you look uponsud· my young man unexpetcthed CRugh er hgaenstdua.re Ttbe 18 '~I~ollusam spoke was he who had a little time an Frank.lm Tp. earlier given the .start 'ot surprise. Leonard and Jane Hatfield to Jas. "I thought I w... to choose," 8he Pile and F. W. Franz, 1 town lot in said, l~okilJg at the stem·visaged maD Franklin. . tingermg the ' revolver. More .,time Sollie W. Carson to ,Alma Nelson -cloler .: and closer the net was Bridge, l ' town lot in Frat)klin. .1IIi....~~~..~.~~...IiI!.lijilll!ll·....~..II!!I·..JII!I··!I.IIJII!!... 1dr,~~5' choollO ,you 8ball. Mame Be~l to Alm.a Nillle.n Bridge your marriage shall be as legal a8 ro'Y~ 10~ )n Frankl1n. tbougb performed in a catbe~ral." . Wl)ham H. Taylor to
fumit1ll't ; Upholstered····Repairing --- ".
""\"" "
'.'. .
• ~
- '.
:"7: '\J .._ . _ .--;-I) ,'" 1 _1_
"T!'" - . l~
J.----------. ~
1621 E. Fifth Str.llt, 8ayton, 0,,10
In Waynesville May 30th or 31st.
~====-';';=-" """' =~,;;----' =~-;;;.-;o;;-;;;:;;;;--;;;:-:;;-;;;;;-;;;-;;;_===== -_-__________ -_.==;;';'==::;:;<'
Suhscribll for thf. Miami Gazette.
a nd Pnul Libccup, 2 town lI,ts in Fnlllk ljn. I ;rulio D. Mungel' 10 • K and Ma· I'Y . 1"0)( , l town l ut- 'in Fl'Hnklin.
COMMI SSIONERS' ALLOWANCES W. ., Gilmour. c ronor in!'jue~t. $6.20; A. B. 1\lIutrl1llln, uppli s, $1; sume,. SUllie,. $3. t7 ' 111. B. Hymllll & Son, sumc $4 .28 : III~·s. Fllnn ie Smith , repairing ling, $ l; II. S. Wil Rnn, trcnlmeut. for rulties, $50; The Ohio Law Reportlli' Co., subscription $5; E. H. So li & Co., 6Ullplics, $3; BRr· l'et~ Bros., flU »1 !! , :to.5 U; Eel S, onklin, services u s ,Ju ry Commissioller. '5 0; MI·s. lam Gilmour, Slime, ,50; The enlcrville Lim'stono 0., stolle ~!)(j; The hin 0 1'1'. Cuh'erl Cu .. 3 cpl·r. ~c wel's, $13_ ; . and F . 111. Belli, COIllP n!'aLiu n and ,11l1l1IlgC8 . $140; Wm. E. ]Jutt, huuling gl'llYcl, $4 .60; Manley R. JlIlI1eSOn, gllroge rent, $8; Tho BI\I'rett Co ., tarvla, $'515.72; ]1'10111'00 & J ohnston, stokes fQr survey r. $45 ; 'rhe Oregonia Bridg 0., shal'll ning gl'lldcl' bludcs $5 .flO; Spencer & A I'oli tnge, gravel • $266 .00 j E. '. Donnell, 1st estimatll on contract No. BU6 , . 100; Monroe & Johlll! tun, SlIl lllic • $ 1.88 ; E. W. Quimby', 1st nllcl tlnal estimate on on tract No. ~66 , $152; Henry Bish. op, bridge repHir, I I. :! 5 ; Jno. Mor. I'is, Inb r, $·1. 55.
iECOND LIBERTY LOAN BONDS EXCHANGE OFFERINCf OF NEW TREASURY BONOS Nottea 1..1 ..hell 0,1 • ne" oft'erln~ of 1N ITEll STATES T REA SU RY BONDS. latt'd J\Jn. 16, 1U27. and bearinK' tntere,' 'rom th a t dAta ." the rat. oC I'll umt. Th. LXnad. w\l1 Mat"r. in tw ent, Ie...,., but may b. ~. Iled for red ampUoa ,ft. r lixteen year •. Second Libert, Loan bond. wtll be .e· : tip t ed In eliehan K'G at 11.". Accruw t... :erclt on the Second Llbort,. bond. 01· !l'red (or t:Jtcbanlt' wUl b. paid . . of
1"1\0 16. l W2'1.
Second LIh(r t7 Loan bond. haw. be.el\ :nl1etl tor J).,.men l on Novl'mbar 1&. 1121 • and wHl e~IU' tiP beRI' Inteft"t. on that Jntc.. Hold\!MI 01 luch bond. who d e. l,. w lake a"hant. •• 01 the uClhantra otrer ,hould eon.ult. th eir bank or trult. com ..
Jan,. at once.
The __xcbanlre "lvU ....
wUl b e ••• Uobl. lor. limited r erlod onl,. .nd may e.JC:plr~ about June 18tb . Purther information may b. obtalned (TOm ban~. or tl'Ul t compani ... or boa l.n.,. Ji' ederal Rnar ve Bank,
A. W. MELLON, Secretary ~f the Tnal~. Washington. Mal' 31. 1927.
O·r• .fohn W. Miller
Cholly- "Are you sure thnt Jack lovell you; and you a lone 1" MoUy-:-" Oh, yes; mo~e then than ilL an other time."
DenUat ' W., .. , nllle National 8.... Bla •.
Dr. W. · E. Frost
tii E" -.0.. .'.
AI" work called for and deny.rod. Price ' liven at homo: Carry aamplea of coYerinl'. Send ' in . your addr... ~o
...- .
~ ' ....... :;:;t:
Notbia. but R.liabl. Serum aad Virua ' Uaed.
- ..u.
. --
1»...... .u
1nte re sting Reading You'd be 8urprised to know the number of peoplo who consIder claSsified ad'v ertising in Tbe Miami Gazette good .reading. It ' is the cle~r. Ing bouse of business in WaYnesville_ If yon have sometbing to sell; want
somothing: need help; are looking for a position; in search ' of bome; want to buy an automobile, or. sell . a mouse trap.-use and read Tbe Mi. ami Gazette's ' Clasmled ·columns. A few lines of 'Classified ad com but a .·cent a word--a~d no.tblng to read them-so use tbis· medium ev· ery .wee_I.e.
PhoJl,e 112
A Leason ..,. French'
"OR O"£R .00' ""ARS D .:
HmeysbUrI Fertilizer Co.
l1 ' haa-been, i a world• . • em 0.,. • . ,' . , Wlderemeidyforkidiley.Hverancl bladder . disordenil rhewna~ '-_'-A , W"' ' . an,d urica·...:d-.. ltionl! ...... .,...... ..... """"" .' ,
Pho ••
. C;@~ . . HMRLa.
\ I ' .., t
oil. I
MONEl" LOANED LOANI IO n Chatteta,Stooka, ·Secun. tiel illd Second Morti-..... Not. bou&'ht. Jobn Halblne, Jr:, Xenia" Ohlo. .' ~~80,'i4 '
8)' C. 'M •. PAYNE
- " '
Farmers, Attention!' F:armera of ' Warren aild adJolnl~ counUel may ohtaln money on Ion. ' lime loans, at I; per cant tntefeat. Cost of securlng 'the same hi very rea.. lonoble ,through ' The .Federal Lan. Bank. For further infor~atlon ea1l on or AddreD M. C. DRAK~, Tr.....' urer, phone 816.X, Lebanon, Ohio. '
, FOIt
GOOD HOUSE FOR SA'LE-In Waynesville, paying 13 por cen,t on price asked, $llfOO. Good , slx· r oo)1l houtie in Corwin, $1000. Two " Wa,· good bi.tsiness proJlosi~ions nesvil1e. iW. N. Sears Waynesvill!', Ohio. ' . ' -j8,'
FOR ' SALE-Sweet PotatO and gar· den'plants, 1 %. mi]eja .noi'ib of WaY nCBviUe, \ on WaYnesville apl! rel'l')' Rood, ·Strouse· Br08. , " ,Jlli . •
FOR 'SALE-Sweet pil'tato .p18nta,: . ;Yellow Jersey and ,Nahcy Halt D. 'E: Stan~lford •. · " "j8 ,
HIGH GRADE GARDEN HOSESpray nozzles,' hose mendeta, couP:' lings ana reelll, fountain' apraJII IIIId all hOIl(\ accessories. 'THE~ BOCK LIilT.KING CO., 'U5 ,W~ Mafn St., :Xcliia,' Ohio. tf (' FO'~ ·'8ALEl-'-Sweet potato, eabb., an~ tomato pla~t8: · also a ba»"Y" blgh cihail', goo~ ,new. ' " ~j8 ~. \ ' . ' Jamell Xej:Tlek; ,
7he Miami Gazette
FOR S:!J:oE-See our- new napldna; Ule very ' lateat, and ~d OD... Tbe Miami Gazette. " _." tf PIPE, VALVES A!oO> I'I'l'TDtGa for all. PUrpOI", BotldW. 01 ~
!ibjn~\~atIr-= ;et!. 'W.IIaIa . . . . ~ ....,
ISSUED .EVERY WEDNESDAY . Baterad at the pOI,tomee at Wayneavl1le, 0., u 9IIcond Clau Man lIaUer
D. L. CRANE; Eoillor . .II P.bU.ta.r. --w.~_
Born-To Mr. and MN. Berbert JildWjlrda, a IIOD, Herbert Eugene, Jr. ... D Whit d B Ice ..~ ,ora • an - em ham ",.re Dayton vilitora, Tuetday.
Mr. Walter Whitaker II Impl'O'1 ng Iince' a recetlt nn ......tI'nn.
Is very 111. The Clifton <;:Q., I" here show this week. Mrs. Emma CUne and 80ns, Ellrl James, of Dayton, were here for the week-end.
There will be Ch i1d ren' ~ Day exMr. and Mrs: Charlell ClarJc ercises at ",onah's Run churc.b Sun'Dayton visitors, FrIday. day; June 12, Ilt 11 · o'clock. Every WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1927 Mrs. Myrtle Cox is not quito all one cordially welC!'ome. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W~cl~l~u~~u;sU:~~:th:l~a~w:e~e~k~.~~~~~~~~~~ MrL H~bert ?Ue Ilnd - TAR.FF BATTLE COMI~C 1cn, ·O f V". ash mg ' t On C. H ., • re~unlea J ane . whl!{e w!lre Sunday gueBts of Mr. and 1I1rs. ..f r. Ford goes on to say that there home fa:om a . trip to no crime problem in the United she visited her son, E.rnest Lacy. Fr. ank Wilson. . iilslBtod up- S All'd cullure. which hus tates. ··'Poverty, , diseuse, unem. Mrs . Joseph McCray, of Dayton, Ca pt. and Mrs. Chll rles Gam e l' and on n I' vil.ion 'o f t he tariff downwllI'd, PIoyment- lhcsc al'e the real is ve ry liaLle. within the next two le ms. Give ' people work to do and Is visiting her gr~nddaughter, Mrs. so n, of ColumbuB, we.re week·cnd Yeol's, to hOve some very unexpected crime will disappeu; Alonplde ev- Lowell 'rhomas and h'uBband. gu ests of t heir mother, !llI-s. Mary holp a nd from a sour.ce least expect- ery college ..~here s hould be a fac- . Mrs. Margaret Everhart, of Mi- Fibch and Rob ert Gllrner. amlaburg, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charlcs Gordon nnd cd. This will 'co me 08 soon as the tory. There ahould be an l!1~8 ciection A nrc ou.t of t he way, nellr every school so that Mr. Ilnd M.rs. Charles Clark. lion, Mrs. Linda Allen a nd !II. C. Gor it iR sa id, becllllHe ,the high protec- dent will be Ilble to learn M s M ry C n' ttend d a don spent Saturday evening in Duylivo tal'iff dic tated "by. the manufac- the hand and arm 0 8 well aft thp famify• dln~er s:~~:y,y a: the ~ome ton. tul'illg nni! industrial interests con- and ears. " . . .nnd Mrs. Mrs. Jimmy W. M. Gordon Mathias and ~titut s a hidlien danger for intcr- "I have many ex-convIcts wor k Inr of her son, In S Mr. . gfIE .IdJ. Cumony and Mr.Mrand and national fill ance which Is rapidly bC-j for me, but t hey are not criml~ala. pnn e . daughter. of Dayton , called on Mrs. coming acute, Idlen ees Ilnd booze got them mto Children's Da y will be ,observed A d S S d Agri culture's help will come from ~rouble. Steady .work. regular Lytle church next Sunday even- man a to ri' un · ay evcnillg. the linanoiol leader s. Many havel mg. and economic opportunity has ing, June 12. The public is Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hartsock, or I d 'd th emse Ives on th e strai"'htened them up" 1y mv . it ed Doy t on, spell t S un (j ay WI·th re Ia t IVCS ' II rea '1 expresse . • . Hubj ect. Some' of these are powers ' - • MI" here. Mrs. J oe Davis accompall ied I'n the polit l'cal ~ouncil·8. . SNAPS HERE ANb THERE rs .. C Iff Burnett has been serl- them home fot a visit. III the at • ously Billions of dollars have been loant hl's time are past thatweek. she I'S'Reports so mewllat Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gray Ilnd Mr's. i · b y W a II cd to European nat ona Lindberr is the boy who put the improved. Churles H. Gray attend ed th e f unStreet during the last few years. r ep In l·ntREPI·d. cr'al of Mrs. J .. C. Gray's nCI·ce. MI'S5 Interest on these billions hove been --0A Itood-ah:ed crowd was in atlen- Ag nes Moo ney. at Lebanon, Thu rspllid by subse4uent 10llns from the It Is reported that the ' "Houae- dance at the Ladies Aid which met "ay afternoon. same so urce. That is the on Iy man- wives League" uses 682 369 302711 at t he h ome 0 f M1'8. A dd a B urnett, U ne r in which interest could have balls dur.lng the seaaon~Moih balls. Saturday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Jsall~dllDlS, Mr. <lind j been paid. Even a part of the mono -0M M ' Mrs .D. Ada ms a n! f ami'1 y. 0 f D uyV ti Is h , n. . argl;lret Johns was a SIX- ton. and Mr. und Mrs. John Adams ey t at ta O German reparations o m n Din I f' aea on season ere again. 0 clock dmner guest of Dr.. and Mrs. and family. of 'Waynesville, were under t he awcs p an, came rom tJave you done your Christmas L. B. Hall, near WayneSV ille, Wed- SundllY VI' oitors of Mr. and Mrs. J . theThe U. process S. ping yet? Dad wiD know what d in cannot be kept indefl - mean. nes ay even g. C. Gray, . . . nitely- ond already a default of -0-Mrs. Sherm . . an Dyke, of DaytoD, Mr. and Mrs. "ave Smit.ll Ilnd sonD, E I p ~ American loans to urope 8 f oreInsurance companies declare has been vilntlDg at the home of her Virgil and Gordon, of Hamilton, seen unle81l Europe can find a way t he bathtub il a new '----rd. A newl daug}tter, Mrs. Forest Graham and were Sunday ufternoon callers at t he . -to aU amaU of increasing her foreign markets. noe of particular interest homes of Mrs. Arnllnda Storr a.nd The fO I'eign market which Rhe most boya. The ul •• ea Ida and Uargaret Mr. and Mrs. Chat"les H. Gray ' and i t h U 't d State m ... e m e s. --0of Germantown, have been family. wants s Here, of courac, Is the battle .No man can say with auurance at the home of Mr. and d W II S . .. t Inn> rroun . a. tree t wan... 0 pro- thiS year that blot wife will not ap- Friend for a couple of weekll. A FOOT NOTE Printed material U Chi Sld'I t eet its loans. Manufacturcrs . nut- pear in print. 11 t h h · h ta 'ff m . . --ura y wa nt e Ir 1'1 as flOW for women's wear la now all the rage ra. oe es , very ow Awkward Dancelr"Thc Charlesenforced to keep out imports 01' low--0thia time after hllvln&, a stroke . d E uropean !too"". -'- I I ' on h er r.. INht 8 ld e ton becomes ratiher monotonous, price JUlt u the cynica had a~out agreed parayall d" h ' k?" The most vij;al .financla.l commit- that mode .... vouth had "one to the Monday morning. on t you t In . d ,. J Unlucky Girl- "Well. try jJlmp ments of the post-war peno '~a d ue 'dora they .learned it WBB • "New York Mn John Taylor Miu Alice Bare for a severe at~i~. . f\o Parla" by air, inltead. Mn. Francia Null, ;on and daughter: ing on my ot her foot." ' ISHMENT, NOT ' -0of Springboro. were Sunday FORD SAYS PUN . A local farmer haa announced hIa noon ,uests of Mr. and Mrs. DEATH land for Ule on the. cash and carry Haines and family. plan . . Pay all the cash you can and . . Henry Ford. , in an Interview with carrY' the ¥}:!;e Norman Beusle)' in the current lll8ue Fashion sap ~ black and white com- tak e a medl eaI eourse thOIS of Collier'K WeeK_ly, declares he is blnation -1hIII1 rule tor the IUmmer. in a colle&'e there. after which he hin, wor.... .. una lterably oppond to capital pun- Ttle Presidimt II ridtt In Ityle. resume '-'lUll taac . h,~en t .f or eon VIC . ted murd e rers. -BITE HOUSE in summer" Mr. and Mn. George Scott and IS . I ~elteve In plI,n,ilhment--a.. ,whip. BLACK Hilla. famUy entertained on SUnday, Mr. b tl ping I' f ne~_ry, h e .-YII, u --0-and MN, Byron Rlah, of Springfield, do nllt belie.vl! in ellecu,tln g anyone. Congreu wiU not meet in Mr. a"'d Mn. Edd Patton, Mr. and C ital h t i t th s " ap . PUnl8 men In e 10Iu ti on IICU Ion, 'W consider_ tbe M Mrs. Ralph' Baldwin and daurhter, for .murder. If we , mUlt baye a flood altuation. We've heard VI"':"nia Lee, of Middletown. h W ot th t angman, e cann say a our th a t wa lD 0 very 1 e terter"'- f I·ttl in .... atate .killed • man.' We' must say, eat to.. congrell81llen. · Mesdamea W. M. · Coleman J. B. 'You and I killed' hl· m.' ~-. Jones, Edd Longacre and lrllu Thel~ A local man has discovered a m~ Kearn. motored t~ . "Everyone sharel the moral responBibility for every condition to od of &'ettine to work early each Thunday and attencled a · which he consents. Also, that which niorning. He has made arran&,e- Conference of tile M. E. church. th tate 0 Id e I C n s, en proper to d 0 ev- men ta w ith h''" d au,h ter to call him limn Eva a nd Ethel Reeder ery citizen of ~hat state should When' she c:omea In. . uated from WUmin"'ftn tand 'n' I WI Ing to . d o. W e canno t n'd --0mornin,. ."" They ourselves, of the responllbillty of Here lies the body of " Ju18boy" 'the exerciilea bv killi 'e I . p i t h K t. H d k f If . J &lid nil' a man ",y m re yaung • en e ran lome sa e ItU Gtorce Reeder, job into the handa of a paid. execu- and away he went. "Safe" atu« ia Xenrick and MN Cora t· '-ht. Nitro-gI"ycerme oTNT • ' .an loner. r ... r. They ' WIll also. take "The Mosaic ' law of ta life for a '; _~ extra course at the same coll....e Ilf 'Ia n ' .Y. e a exce11e nt ru 1e, b 11t It d oel summer. .• not mean 'a death ' t or a ·death.' If a ADAM' AND EVIE man murders and he la execu~ we ' Thla community was saddened.
eV!~~1r ~:S~:::,t
~~~:'~h St"'II~'I '~~J~I"~~~'" altIJ~:;'s"'; ~~:h~~~~~
St. Ft. WnYlle. Jldl""Il; Iydc HIllll. wt,o Ind rcsld. " Ilt Main lor. lo nn: will313pach nndSt" nil Wl tnkncho.e n"1~ldoll l!\~\l:I.~,\I:,o ~~L~x.d~;t~{" J~~rUio lI9;:l will or SUMnn E. Ilaltr eo. d cUllSeo1. tll ed l
lW~nscer~~~'1 ,f.I~~tAo~n,lnt ~hrh COI;~":,i~
General Insurance
Wo.rrcn Ilnd Stille o t Ohi o. and thpn and thereby comlhrn"o,l Iln Ilctlon nSll lnat Oscar . de. rcnannts wh ich J .onll:lllwnnh. d cll.e Is Nt o.Ill. 13767
Phone 61- 2
f,;''/~~n~g~k~~h~~ Il\~ ,~;~('t~~~r:it:I~'i{[.i
Waynesville, Ohio
Suann !D. Halne. hns given cortaln ~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~!!!'!!~!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! legnelcR by lI " r l:lst wil l nnd teAtllm<: ut ~ _____ _ ~v:;~\~ ~~\Cr,f;([ ::~~·g~~IU~hl~'~f'\l~hf. rr~~ · s ~s. QO' W . 1.04 eh •. lo lho Los lnulus sufrtc l eut t o ... . ay ti uc h le g n,c h 'fl t og t h w .i)lll tllnlfl~ 1. ~ 1 nCI '''tl. or with th " deb' " "n,1 C"~18 or adm ln- In ofl\or to raj" tho le!<ncle. s lven Tr,. tb. Miami c ...u. for J .. W I. trntl on for tho renHu n ttrnt said I,), 1100 \\ II I ur tI, ,, sal ol ~usn.n E . legnc les nN IOl;n'" a or' bequests or IInln u". d~c, a"oll. Dud pm)'ln" In t h th o bed pl·oct.ods t ho TJoLiUo ro,,1 cstl1to I rll)'''" mll~' or t ellllc,· hu en1id a 1"ce"Ull 'Li II" "n th"t ~=========~~==:~ Helr I.. tI.e01 811111 n (wh deloh cou,·t I "8. the to Ie 8ald I'cnlnn\lcstnte horelnafterto soil de- .Ioolu h Davl. 111. \1 Llonl 0",'1. of maY enid scrib ed! thai It I.I. n.co.sary It 'al E"tolo "nil tllnl tb Court th to lowing desc ribed I'ou l es tate, mu l<e nil rd . .. aull'Qrl7.I"~ nnd dl .. OCI', t o-w it : h8f" nBE. C),l'cu lr lx t h o lils 8llu"to In • th ~ Counly of Warren nnd (ltnt C' Su"an Illlln"H .•1or'N'nHeJ . tot wB sell State or OhIo nnd bound .... alia desc rlb- lI.o ro,,1 .Htatu h re lnb ofol'o desc ribe d etl pse !Oll lH\' lin 8: . "n"'S t\ t Innd R. l10tut fOl' lb O PUrJ In th l';u 8t of a h1l1tn tructg Of 8.t ctc. given by10RO th o oI"( otIJIl}otng will Drlhe tholognImld ofr to Elllxnbeth Mageo II>' procoodlug8 Susn " [,;. l"" noo <1 ""<1I80d. ulld for all In paPI rtl tla.ona tIn ththe oNovem \ Vn rl' oll '' nnd nr flr;'hll11 Il.on bor ·ounty term f,.Com D. (It.h4~ Jull gmelll s. rHrth d ecr ee.. lind gB. Irellcordera, l' C th In 1847. It bolnt;' a par t ot S. 32 T . I whl~h thl o Plnlnllrr 18 I1l1t od n to0 H. 5 between lhe Miami m Yers: th en co IJr PrnISCH. Tuesday, 9 a.m, 3 p.ri) 88 · E. 80 poleR th enco S. 30· E . 80 Tho nho"o nI1l1l0(\ l,"r80n8 will lako Ilolea til nco N. 88'1.0 W. to Il poi nt notlco t hat th oy nrc IInr ly J orcndan t8 Saturday 8 a.m. 7 p.t:!' In the old Xenia ro"d ; th CIIC b nl onl; to tho 8nl,1 II.ctl 11 nnd n a uu ~h a r!) ruBa ld rond in n. S. \ ". tllr olt on to n. fluil'OU to "nSWor tho p c llllon on or point Intursc>('U n" n IllIe runni ng du o h.f,,,·o tho 2(; 111 uny oC J u,.... 1927, or Nortll Sou th b e lw oen J' ,,"'e. th e tru"c la JUdbllU~ltl wil l bo LIDA ULlHHI 1If. ",ga.lnut ac t or rnnd to 1':l lzl1b~th aud Mo.. SAW1N.lh tu u. IUld th e [rne t 8 t of r to Joh n El. MOBa Elucu lr lx of tI.o Io.s t w ill ot on thh enbullL East S~ sid poles e or sold l lno : th ence Mill' ~- C L Susan 1>. Ullln es, docea30d. Nort to H.e .boglnnlng HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED co ntaln nlg '1 3 ncr• • mo re or 1088. ex . :...;.~-_ _ aep tlnK out oC th o .ame one hult uero tormerly owned by A'l.nlem C8lonoWITHOUT .CENTS wO lh. . "Also th o foll owlog do.crl bed lot. uael" or po.rccl of 11UI6. Sit uate In tho "ount~. of Wnrr n Iltoreao.ld ono1 "Use t he ' \'ol'd SOllSC8 in a sen"elng Il part oald Sec. 3 2 T. 4. R. 6 tence. " belween Lhe orMiami nlverB bo un ded IUld dcscrlbec) na rollow8: BeginnIng "Five s~ n ses ma kes n nickel." NOTARY PU.I.~ Ilt Blnke . rn boundo.l')' olllda Soo tlonInS .tho E . Sco r to a lin lot of ot ~.~:':":':":':":':":::::':":::::::::::::::::::::::::':"~ 40 Ilcrea lately owned hy CoOrgll Mo •• ~atlo.al 8a.1I In . 001d wIt Soot/on O' 30' 20 .. chains h the thence line orN. anld 10 W. nerOB
Carys Jewelry Shop
~':,ro t~tll~~J" II(~~~ 0~~"n~3"I~r rO\~~I1~~~ r2~r':J:' E~h~~~ha\V~!\oB:r~~~n8u .. I~lt t';-:; old bridge; thence ,,,,Hh another ot
S. 8 ~·
IIn e8
30' Fl. 18
Walter McClure J. E. McClure
chnln.s to
First Boss-"That new clerk of ~\':a:.dl:rd.. e t ~~r~o~ul~o ~!,~an~~u.lt~o~,~,~
Secos:~mhr~~~,~~e:,dya:~lI~r~e ~1~~)'S~I.:'t~o~rlrl~~d ~~ct~~!' : ltJ!.~~~ ~5~~~
of' A';"Ic~lture Ilnd O. K. Quivey, General agricultural agent, Balti. RailIroa d • more and OhiO In addition to discuu ing round .... worm control tnere WI' 11 b e a d'ICCUSaion of protein sup~llements and minerals. Rellults SE'ctlre'd b '1 th e Ohi 0 .t.-Icultural Experiment station ~' . a way to Improve • prove that there l~ upon 'a ration of co.rn and skim milk . Th e reSD1__ or com and tankllge. .... lecured by' the stat;ion s how cheaper and fllater lI'ains wben a mixture of
system, another liitter not grown ullder this system, an d a t h. ord I 't Iter of small pigs infested wi th t he round worm. The program wilU be held at each ltop and sWine BUDlta lon, ee ng . . t· f di be and manarement jlroblems will ' IG I ha S u discussed by Pau er aug , . . • Dr H B Raffensperger, U. S.' Dept.
until you see
property, but you ean prevent se'rious )oss-.perhaps ruin , by ample IN URANCE. . We have p:dd or w ilJ pay losses during the month o~ May. for the 110l\ l h } ' ~ URANCE COMPANY of. ahout $ "00. l ) id '0 1\ ha ve WIND LOS&ES. last monlu and 110 .ulsurnnce? 11' PAYS-AND IS CHn~p.
D'~n.nl ~ ·
•- •
steadier, he'd be motion-
PR()TECT YOUR "OME NOW 'No one 'can prevent a: tornado from destroying yOur
Ma rla ,,,":.lIcl~1:U I'S "htl .11';" 8 Ilt \1" n over. MIl". ll, tiett"j' H II ~nn at Nol "" .. . Who ru.III, ,, at We ."'. Ido.llIl: (:""' .. . t. II N.'Ia" 1! wh o I" 81,11'8 l\t \\'cl~ I'. ' Ilulw : Lhm" ~& IS W .h.t .... :-;1.1~ltt'l l' l.'h 11'\\11)11(1" ".r Jst,Il'R II ,II"" ILL Il : II .·II"" n W. 1I I:l11 wh" 1'<>.,08 tit 013
Stat" of Olllo. Wllr'''n County. 10 the Court Of Common {<lOOL 1.1011. M. SnWln, liP uecu trlx Y{nl~~"ti. I~~~o:~!~."f 'Susnll E . Plolntltt. 0.0 ... " ;T. J1;d,v~~iJ •. MIlTlnnlln ~l ll y"r •. 1,ldn lit . Sow ln. SuIA ll 101 No180n. !'lilA"" W ... ~'ry. r. L 1nn IV. .BU I· ~. ..ItU"" w. HIAlt. M""y I.. hJdwnT,I•. ;!,:il t~~'11d'iva;,~~~W!~~ c~it~t: 161·lh wal tc. Alieo 1Jl. nl/.I II III . Willia m B. 'n uJlSu'"l TI'Qm ..... I~urch. Cly(Jo Hint. Cnmpbell Nel8on. Fred '''''In. JQ_. . In h Dllvls II lId Lloyd Davl8. i:lln me tto Fryer. .
0llall18 to tnoorbOKhinlng co ntagining o.erea more rOH. oxceptln out 150 of the 8ame OnO halt of an nero fo rmorIy "Aleo conveyed tor 0. school houAe lot. th o Collowl ng dOlc rlbed r onl. esto le. unte of In th e County Warron and Sit SUlto OhIo bellll\' of pnrt of Sectioll Numb er d U . .TojYnshlp Dum" be rod •thand Ro.n ge numb' ored Ing 6 be· tween e Miami Rivera beginn at a eto ne In the state rolld on tho Nor~h corner oC (la te) Martclldpar...I.. fnrm bo.al'lng SoUWllllum th of West.pr a1lel ot . Iho a tate road nlbo rod. or nine poles to R atollo th nce NorLh o t pole8 nine Lo a poles .tone.totbelleo En8t or So uth East a Btono thence Weot ·or North to tile place of beginning. contaI ning eigh ty-one poles be th o eOlllo Inore or le88.
Fully Equipped f'or Good Service. ' Large Display Room. Ambulance Service TELEPHONE 7
c. w.
9 to TelePho.,...
m'~Y:ence' • ,~. Waynesville, '.Oh.o·
---= :======~=======~=::::====::~~!~~~~
t..___ . - - - - - - -.....
e~x~:fltl~fti[:~h:llr~rl~ \~I~o;ell~:~:r6~d
r oal "atate. to-wit : BeIng a po.rt or EnsS.: t quartor Boc,0. B2 T. 4theR. South 6 M. R. begI nnInot g IH atone a t the ao uth weat COrner o f , U,e Itollowing dcscrlbed of land onMldthe weat bank' ot thO tract New Chan nel of dIe Run ana N . 1 2· .5' ·lD. about 'P 8 polessouth from lin 0 polllt In aald run Rnd In 'tho n or anld IlIx,t1on; Ulenoe rUn S. MS . 15' ),J . B. 56 oh •. to R. "take tbencetbN. 16· 1 5' E. 2.21 chalna to a atone ence N. 20' 16' W. S.21 chao to a Itone 'noo.r 0. large Elm atump th ence croulng the run B:whlob SO· 45' W. 1.31 cba. to a stak e Crom a ayeamore tree 20 Inches In dlam. boar.\ trtie 8,~ otb,:vnk t~~k~~':h~~!~n~¥'8~
W.)'De.ville •. Ohlci
F. See
r. Martin U. Early for Your Sale Datea. We Cuarant... .
Satiafa('t.ion or Charie Nothine.
Centervl·11e, 0 .
Pbone No.2
MIas age ~a~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~.~~~~Mis~~~~~~a~.=1~6~:~E:' ~~~2~5~0~h~~~t~o~a~.~~~n~.~;~~~e~n~c~.£~~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~; 101el. The murderer . hould be made Rllde, to pay back his debt to' hi. vietlm'lI Who, s~ aa It leeml, wu mOde Tm he met a laY blonde family througll 8upportin&, that fam11'1; to pay baclr his debt to himaelf . Wllo drank "Bottled in bond" througb work." And mad.e the poor chile very Wilde.
death of, Edlth Friend, 15 one feed furnishes all the protein t o 17' ,ean,· at the "taml Valley h08pital. balAnce the corn. She Ia the oldest ctall&'hter of Mr. ·and Mrs. Robert Fttend of this place. S<ll~ - - -...._..........- - hld been alck a few weeks;' lim the flu, which terminated In .pinal menHOME TOVVN HENlty ingitia. .'(he funer~ wu held n'$y ~teHtoon at 2 p. m., at clurch,' c:onducted, by Rev. R. S. ufp. The bereaved family have the Itropathy of al~ _ ..._ __
The ' ·atrOll&'elt felICe pelt ' eycr made.
, Ita Ancbor PI.tei · in.ure firm antborlp in the around. alii, driyen and Iirml, let with In ordin.., Iteel Iledp. Wirea ealii~ att.ched t!) and finnl,. · locltcd with . • pltent .c~mpl. POI~ ,
_ul.... erop•.
M '" .~.icaJ . . . .1 I,
1a"1 ,~ ......"
A Swine Sanitation train wlU vi.. nineteen points throughout Southwellte\~ Ohio, from June 6th to thl\ co-Operation 0(' the Department of A&rri(~ul"1 the Ohio' State Uniive~:aity Baltimore and Ohio "IllAnwav. v,, ___ of Warren county to lICe thla train ..t n....b ...- I I I ~rll\ll'I4:lay and Frillay, June connection with the Fat ' and' sal. at' th. Dayton thOle day's. · Farmers ' patta of Warren county /lee the train, ,t TU,R""a;,1 ~ttemooJl, June c~eater, Wednesday It la the put'pOIe of . the farmers in SOllJttLWt!stl~rn the value ' of tiow It lJIa.v: be adc)p~ed fannll; with ·lIttle or no adtUtlc)1ia1l NOTICE OF AIPPOINTMENT ~enle. Th~ control of rinDe ultea Ia no little factor ' in .,\11. 'Estate ot Jesse W. Burton, deteased. \ . nlvmlcal productlcsn of ·pork. The train win carrr.a J~ture Notice is bereby given that Mary and two exhibit can. Olle of J. Burton 'has be'en duly appointeil be· equipped with "all u1~lb:lta. and quallfted u administratrix of the microscopic lpecimena ot the, estate of JeSse W. Burtpn, late of worm from tlie eire to ....the Warren County, 011110, deceased. ltall'e, ~ and Il!ee'\mens ' of . , Dated this 23rd day of. .MlY, 1927. and Inteatlnea, 'It(hlch are ' W. Z. ROLL, " '. ~~!! otheJ' flat car, wlll ,have a litI Jud,e of 1:bci Probate Court, ~r of hop grown under the McLeaJ!. m26-j8 War:ren Co.untY, Ohio.
7: Wilhelm
. Rlc:ba~ ' W~e~ and
Fellit' ••ndelaaobn:
~ulr!J8title;1 ~.., . ' 9. PolJrtMil yeara '11 the minimum 10J' 1119D Mid twelve'" year. for WODIeD. The .... vulea in dil-
8. SAint
, Noftlll_ II. II~.
at 111 II. ." A .IIM~ at W~ D. 0. l. $pudaIaoAIiefteua War. · , IUQt uta " .. Co~•• IacJIaq LIucJ~ 10. Booth ~
chao to Il Btone ; th ence
for Ford and Chevrolet· Qwners
Goodyear . bas developed 'a Balloon Tire tread which matches the Goodyear Balloon • careass of Supertwist Cord . . It is the famot,1s Goodyear All-Weather Tread ,scientific~lly redesigned for Balloon Tire lise. Thtsharp-edged. diamo.ed-sb~ .ped blocks are placed In se~l flat design. These blocks gnp the road and retain theit usefulness longer than any tread heretofore offered. Long, slow. even tr.ea~, wear is assured. "Cuppmg and uneven wear, 50 common. to many Balloon Tires, are practically eliminated. Come and see the new Goodyear Balloon Tire.
2914.40 ."
eorl:' Oglesbea, o{ DII')'tOll, r luti,'cs h re, unday,., I 11'l:l. Edith, M. Hurris r il\~
vi~ it·
in J)(lylon, Tues(IIlY.
' ' ,vitliliol) i: ('xtllllncd tq the YOU11l! 'ad J. l\tl\ll'r, M. C. Uruke l!Collle t.ho c(\m ,,1 ulllt))-. ' ' l'tlil 's Davl". N. IT. 811 ,"('II , Carl I , / ' _ line Forv B I\'ill(·, A, ll. $ hurts, ttl) ugsll\ll'jtllr ond Ed Mllrsh,~ilj family lind hil S. F. .Im!s w re IIl:\long Thcrcgul61' meelinA' of th ·Y. F. those fro m Worren county who 'at;.. M. 'will be held at 'lho hOll1,e of Ruylended the livestock m eting u~ Cir· mond 8rnddllck, undoy, J,unc 12. cleville, nturduy Th educlltion LOlOl'on Lend ,'- Faith Tomlinson' bencfi tlertllining to the Ie ,ding of U vuli na ls--Esthcr ndcl'wood ; re· eu II lIockll\t. catllo "1ll1 IIhclJll ,Wc r C w",l1 s hown by crenlil n.aJ I lu tle r --- --~ --the 'lock themselves, un t! ubly (lis' cussed by the specilllists fro m the Agl'i ul lul'Il l coll ege and the Expel" imant ·'talton. Howe'vf'I', IH,'c1luse 1\1 1'. lind 1\1 1'8 . Jo lllI l' olk. (If nell I' lUI ep illemic of flu t.ho hn)!,,, uscll ill the experim enla l tCHts eou ld not be :\1illlllisuul'l!. ha vo pU'I'c\uu;cd lh taken on t hl' liv '!- tock train, whic h ' luylnn Fo~t{' ,· J1roperty li nd mO\'e,i "us ~o m e wh1ll oC 11 di MI,ppi ntment th ,\' I n~t w(',' k. The deul \VIIS mil It' by \Valt!'r Ken1'icK. ndmillistrnt ol'. to Curmers of so uthwcHtel'll Ohio:
Gordol\ are
Young Friends Meeting
Th. E~:~hOI ~:I· b." ."
LIVESTOCK MEETING If~:~~.<f~~hil~~:~Yc:~R!j~~~~:c~f:,:nf
Th Wukiwtinn CUlnp. Fir ~Irls 'Iill' Burn It, who hus b ec n met lit t he hom~ o r theu guardllln, 8l'l'i u, ly ill, is ,:" /letter. Mr8, Moomuw. MOlldny nfte rnoon. The huml "i!!:n. law und ~r do were harll's S tterthwuitc is pi)lsler. given, fo llowed by the lIeeretnl1"s 1'4;ing a house in nlanchester. port nnd roll (:all. IdveDuring the busincllS session , a lin iu rorm , \\'lIS decid ed upon, for hik('s, Mrs. W. P. hlisbury, of hmd, i ,·isitin .. r plRt\ves here. D elc. AIso, for' th \JHe of Mr. Rob· F.mm('tte Fryer hns retul'Iled nfter iber's coUnge ' Ia~t year lor our limping, it WIl8 decidd t hik e up , . Ken ~uc k y. a three weeks' VJsit 111 to Linger 1.0nger Friday nnd make Miss Elsi Hawke 8pen~ the week- 11 cement buse for n fin g. A little end with fri 'lids, at Ru!!Scll Point. lat l' it will b dedicated. Election of oliftcers came next, with Mr. anci Mrs. Elvin Fires and Mrs. the rolt'owing rcsul t: President, Eve· ul'twl'ig hl i vice-pl'esident, Ma· ~I!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!I"'! _ Lauro ~{'II were in Lebanon MondllY Iyn So Mille r ; s'c crotury, Volm u Armi. uitel·lIoon. tage ; trensuI'Cr, Beatr ice Robitzer ; C. S. Moore, of Washington D. C.; scribe. ?'lary l,e3h Edwards ; pianist, spent several dnys last week with rel- Mary Lo ui ~e Zimmerman. ntivea here: Wednesday ,)f last week the assis· tunt guurdinn took the Camp Fire Ml'lI. J. W. Thomson wns in Cin- Girls for :i hike. They lun ched in cinnnti Inst week t o nttend the Iu- flough'! grove und hod n genern! ral of II cousi n. good time, besides having' n ditrcussion co nc e rnin l~ t he trees found. Ernest Rogers, of Toledo, was a D. E, H., Scribe. recent guest of his parents, Mr. and ...--Mrs, T. E, Rogers. o~ !\Irt<.
Treat Yourself Sunday
Purchased ' Property
II<'lIs will ~llCc(! ~s ru ll y brood 10 It, 15 'hi· k1I ' llI'ly in lh Sllllson, (Ind ] fJ to 20 ill WtII' lIl wenther, dcpcndin l'
How often.you have wished
your family had two cars? f f How often it would have' saved your time and money and served those at home. f Why wait longer to buy another car? Buick has ' exactly the two models that will fill. your needs. Get your Buick now aitd m.cike the ' entire family happy this year.
All formers or Warre n county on t he si:w IIf lho he n. M dkntcd nest eggs will not conwho ha ve PI' miging fields of 'l'rum. bull, Fulhio. :l:ldden or other im- Irol licC' n chicke n ~, says t he Uni ' f proved vnrieti('s of when are urged Lcd ,tul s 0 'pnrtmcn t of Agricul, to make npplicntion to ounly Agt. Lutu. Jo'U1·th I'1I1Me, if. hens stay on Closs fo~ fie ld insp ction beforo Jun these eggs very long t hey ure likel y 18th, according to 11 circulnr from to bo poison d. A good wny to rid bis office Illst week. The object is fowl!! of lice is to I'Ub n few smllll to get in touch with n.lllrg number l>rincthhes of SC)dd~ffum fluoride inC tJh l! f f h ' I!a ers 0\'01' I e-rent parts 0 t 10 Mr. lind Mrs. Ernest Hortsock and 0 'a rme rs w 0 Ill:e growing these body. improved varieties, so that othete A 'd bl t" f th ehildren Silent Sunday wl't h u r . and 'u can get seed wheat fro lll t hem conSI l'ra <\. por lOll 0 e Mn. George ' Hnrtsoc~. fa ll. ' By field ' examination b lore Maine blucben 'y crop wns snved for t hl! market In~t Renso n by a proces8 ' cutting the wheat it is pouib le to invented in tho Uu nited Stat(ls De, Miss Rbea Janet Cartwrigbt is nt es home from W .. stern college, Oxfor d, determine .t he mixtures, pe,reenUlg l ... t t ' ~ Ail T " • of purity and fTeedom fro m eheat, ,.ru· men o~ , gr ClI ture. ho prof or t h e Bummer vacation. Last Wednesda~ two carloads Qf cock,le, enicns .and other noxious cess. which lIlay be used wi thout pny , . , boys of t he Duth·Hughes depart- weeds m nt of reyaltles to the inventors, Karlh BuH,. edItor and publisher ment, together f itb Uleir in structor, ' _ __ etfecUv ly l'emQvea l1laggots, 'debris of the .Cedurville He,rald, was a call- Mr: Crabbe, mnde a trjp to the Ohio nnd unfit berries. The now method cr at t he Gazette office, Menda,y. Stat univenity. There were bewas us d with grent su~ce by n 'nrt ween 800 and 900 High school stuIy all the cnnnel's in the Infe led hiroprac tor, dents and teachers from departments aretls. , Dr. P. A. Gurner, Let/anon, Ohi!), phone 78. nil over t he stliite in nttendllllce, Birds 1\1'0 imvortnnt ftid$ to ngBorn- To Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Donn Vivinn ' gllve an address that ST. MARY'S ~HU'RCH ricult ul'e, horticult ure 8J;1IJ Templeton nee Hnzel Gustin of made all feel t;bat. they had already ""-lnity Sunday, June 12-Chur~'" ry. ' 'l'hcy are act ive eve~Ywhel'e. , , known this "(j'randfather of Voca ~. ""Plickers, blackblrds, robins and Dayton, May 30, a 'd aughter.. Jean ti I Ed t' 'r .. f I ti - School at 9 :45; sel'llIon nnd Bdly thrashen !le.ek their insect prey on Anne. on~ uca lOo,n, ' 01' , ~ ong . me. CommunJon at 11 o'cleck. All Qr ncnr t he .,K'round: w,o edpeckers, A dls~I~~ and mtroductlon of al~ Qf cQrdlally invit d to these services. Ferrest Ridge, formerly of t he dIVISions Qt the dep.art ment of f) . ' titnlie and ebickadees . . t\ ng Animal Husbandry followed and cre.. ev. John J, Schaet!er. Rector. c1ollf'ly 8eareh , d0, bUv• now 0 f C"InClOns t I,' iS VlSI " d I' b f trthe trun • kll of trees CHRISTiAN, CHi1llCH nn 1m S 0 ~cs; Vlreos. and war,his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Onkley M. ated much m~e re8t. Ridge " The boys werllc shown t hrough parts biers sean the leaves and prebe tbe , of the Orops, nQrticulture, Soils and Sunday-Scbool at ':90: Rowon ; and fiyeat hers BJld SWallows Clarence Berrybill and daughter Agrie.ultUl~e Chemistry. departments. Everybody cordially invited. swe p their prey from Ulit air. Miss Olara, wi11 leave Thunday 'Tho~ also ha~ the privilege o~ witMETHODIST CHURCH on \rary to pepular belief, alfalfa ~~~~~=~~~S~~~~~~~~~~~E~~~~~~~ Oregon, where they will 8,pend the DenlOg thc amnua\ prillle drlll 1Il the . dries '8S rapidly when the .. , evenitlg. Sabbath School, 9 :J6 L m. ; Preach, leaves out nre jUst remQve\! from the stems Invitations \V,o re extended to oih- ing Setvice at 10:80 a. m.; Epworth ns who'n allowed to cure with the , S. L. Oartwrlght left Tull",iAV er place,s of inl:erest. The State Cap I,.eague at 6:46 p- m.; Evening leaves on. This fact hae been de.mmoming for an eXtended visit itol. Davies Packing Compally, Gwih ~aehiDIr Service at 7 :30 P. m. onstra.ted 'b y experiments carried on Lebanon, Ohio relatives at TOPeka, KanB., and Milling, Co., 1~he Wood Warehouse ,I.. A. Washburn, Past-or. by tho United States Department of c.a go, DlJI. All boys ex.pressed , their appreelaAgriculture. Because of the preva· tien. stating 't'hat the day wae well lellce of t-his erl'OneOll8 110'tion cur· ~:=:;,,==:=::=::=:===:;==~ ing in' the windrow has »~en' Ver) Mn. Milton Thompson . and 80n spent-an.d hOPE!d for ,another as goed spent last week with relatives-at CYn 80me time in the near fu t ure. ~o~e~~~~z:~Y~Cllted iD t~~ nst. It Try tI.. M....' Gaa~t1. for Jolt W ..... thiana, Ky. . " -... _ Th K R' t I b h . d . ... J o~ever, a By cur· beli.,.. will pl_. )'OU, Coat. wlaicL . e aq · lee u as organize ed m this mnnnet rctains mere of ita ' ~ith Mn!. ,Armitage leader. . . The leav~8 lind t j\erefore hus a highu Miss'es Ruth Newland, Gertrude meeting!! . are interesting and in- feeding value, . Tegge and Loqille Sanford, of Miami structive. Following nre the ' ... university, were week-end guests of Doris Salisbury, president; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Allen, THE RELAPSES _,,' Werntz, secretary: Winifred Armi. tage, secretary: Evclyn Nee,ey, rc": Min Henrietta MeKinley-;B llO'm .. I-:-U'UIU •.t•••,:t:IH UII-there goes Mr. ':Look, PQrter. from A~htabula for a little vacation Other members are Mary Crane, JoHnson. He has been . Himel!e- The best Sweet Potato grown iD befere entering the Unlver.lty of The Woma~I'B Ohristian TemperP ....~., Hop _ .. D~ Cow.. f ••d. DHti DO iDtl'od uc• M!l1'g'aret HeJ;'rington and Thelma phllr's patient fer ten yeara on ae. SQuthern Ohio, You can get them---Cincinnati to take IIpecial werk. ailco Union met in ' observance of , ' \ ' CO?rlt .of a ne,t'V9us breakdoWn." of ' ' . Ilea Ia lWo . ._ _ally .... "~T & price )'ou C.D · .flord to FIQwe-r Mission Day with Mrs 'Wil- Herrington. --Ten yean I And ', the doctor , hns Mr, and Mrs. Fred HeDdenon, bur Clark, dh:eetor of this departnot, cured him yet?" , Miss Louise Henderson,' little H~ ment, on June 7. An interesting "Ph, ' ;yes, he ha~ been cured sever' '. . , ~ , Matthew TUrner and Mrs. Kate Cole prQgram was rendered. al t!mes. But every time he, ge~ the man were in TrentQn, Monday, . The story of the life Qf Jennie ' , e, 10 CatIII.8 d y kas gi.ve~. In memory of P.eter D. Hatfield, 86, Civil War doctor'l! oiU he gets anQther breakC&n7 • full liD. of MILL FEEDS .t' .l1 AlsQ, several other geod varieties. , MrJl. E. F. Earnhart al!~ 141'8. her birthday I\nnlvel'8lll'y Flower Mis- veteran, died at hill bome in Leba· do~, and the docter ,has '·to take \ ~!ld va~iou8 kinds of small plantl. ' Charles ~ray and Marjqne sio~ D!lY ill observed. In her, orig- non Sunday evi:ning at. 8 o'clock. him in band agal~." Oha~le~ Burton Earnha~ ,w,ere shop- tnted the ide8~ of sending 80",e1'll, {ollowing an illneM with infirmities I ping II) ~banon, Monda), after~ fruit, etc., to tl,1e sick and shut-Ins. incident to odvllnccd age. nOon. An .nvalid ' alm,~t lier, entir1! life, by Funeral services were beld from , dispemdng lOVE' and !!heer to otllers, the Inte residence this nfterlfoon ' Dr. P. A. Garner, Chiropractor, she made her ' Ilwn life .rieher and 2 o'clock, and burial Was mllde at " Lebanon, Ohio, phone 78. fuller. ' Lebanon.. Mr. H~tfield ' Will! are· ~ A number o:f little girls helped in ma~kabiy fine typeI of man, and held The Miljlles G1enna· Marsh, Elina the- distribution of the flowers from u~t'l th~ _ day of h 8 death the warm 'Bashore, Lola Leach, Ann ' Reynolds; the baskets of beautiIul ftowen con. fr.lendllhlps cemented on the fields of and Helen Walker. of Dayton, were tributed. Thirty-five boquetB, ebar- battie, • - ~.----week-end guests of Mias V~lma Cor- ing a meauge of cheer and comfort 1. were presehted tQ the 'Bick and shu~ HURRAH FOR JENKINS , ins. The next ml!eting will be held at . "By crocky! Here I l>e ninetythe hllJ,ile 'of M~rs Mary Silver. ' .. nme yeun' old today and I)cver have t. used gla8B~," proudly boasted old 1111'. J enkin!!. "Yes, sir; I',ve' always preferred tQ drin k froll'\ a tiottle" added the aged gentleman. I '
Get)one of those delicious steaks, a fine roast, or any kind of meat, f~r your Sunday dinner and when buyifl~t your meat, r~member that GREEN VEGETABLES go well with a fine meat dinner. ' We 'have ey~rything in the vegeta1;Jle line th;lt will make a dinn,er one long to be remembered. ,: Give us a call, Sides Building, Main' Street. '.
h CONNER, Prop_
.K eelol
K'a n Rite Club
- -- ---
.. - ..---
.01. at
Hurry HarriiltoD and , Dayton, Frank HamiltoD, ' of port, Ky., and Frank Andrewl and family, of Dayton, were week-end guess of their parentll, Mr. and Mlj. George Hamilton. Mr. and Mn. W, E. ,O'Neall entertained Sunday, Mr. anill Mrs. Walter Williams and children, of "Kmcmani Mr. nnd Mrs. LoreD , Hadley and dau'ghter, of Berlin Heignta; Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Ellis, lIfrs. Veda Orndorf, Mr. and Mr8... CIi~leli Ellis ,and 10DI, Mr. and Mrs. S S, El1~ . and ~milYl Martha O'Neall and 'Miss BeUe O'Neall ' ," ,:.,:
Have you the Classified Ad. column lately? You' can get rid of your surplus ~ock \by '.dv~rt1sing. iii ,
"THE 'MIAMI GAZETTE CW. Thomas, Melvin ' , Banta, 'Charles Chapman, FredtNiCk
Robltzer, Rue DiDwiddle, KilboD 'and Chula Fub.
_ ,
A Road Builder
What Are They?
W aynesVi°11
.Miami Ch~pter ' No. ,1'07 O. E. S., - -- ---, will mect In rilgular session next Me~day evtlning at 7:30. A fu ll 'at· .~~~~~~~~~5iilEII!!I!5!i. . tendanee ' is urged. Visiting m~m~ ,' ben welcome. ' , MINEltVA HOUGH, W. ,1\1. Two Show8 Daily ' Mrs. Frank 1;0ng, Mr. 'and MrS. ~USA~ ~~ S~c'y. 8:30 aDd 8:30 p. DI, Herbert Long and two ' children, of Columbu8, motored do~ Saturday SubaCrp.e to the Miami Gazette. WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE evenlng and were ov!!might gUelllt/i ~ of H. H. V(lIliam~n and tamil),.
,Peter Hatfield Dies
Seven ty.Nin tb Year
A Worthy Son
Sta te
~mes Home-,----.;....;..--~-.;.---
e Woman 's Auxilia ry met with Mi$s Emma Heighw ay and Mrs. Geo. Hartsoc k on Friduy ·af'~ernolon. Prepa re 'by , 10, at the home of Mis8 H"I ...h"'RV Colum bus ep( rte The meeting wus opened Vice.pre sidant, 1I1rs. E. L. Thomas, " wh!l conduct ed the devotional exercises. Scriptu ral quotationft were giVCIi COLUM BUS, OHIO - Th e new Corporation Act passed b)/ the late in respons e to 1'011 call. After tho disposal of business the General A8Bembly, is now in efl'eet und numero us ehunges in 'procedu re fo\1owing program was rendere d: in the corpora tion departm ent of "Bishop Lloyd Reaches His SevenSecreta ry of State are necessa ry. tieth Year" Mrs. D. L. Crane Ne\v forms to ml' et most of its re- Year" ... .. _ Mrs. D. L. Crane quiremo nts will be furnishe d by that "Cotton MIll Compan y Donales olllcial and his clerical force haB been Church Site" .. ..lItrs. Hawke kept busy supplying the demand for Vocal Solo, "My TaHk." Lee . same. Under the new act it Is on· . ....... .. ... .Miss El Iy necessa ry to have three incorpo ra- Miss Esther HendcrHon, sie Hawke tors of a company, where formerl y "Other Sheep Not of thisAccompanist Fold". it required five. Under the old low . .. ... ." . IItlss Clara Lile . companies were limited to a single Vocal Solo, "The, Sun Gdos main purpose but under the new act Down" . .. .. .Mlss they may have many purposes. An Miss Esthcr Henders on, Elsie Hawke corJ)oratlons are required to state In Recitati on, "The Swing accomp anist Song" . their articles a stated capital with . '" Marjori e Edward s which they are to begin buainess. After adjourn ment a delightf ul BOThe new act further makes possible many classifications of a corpora - cial hour was spent during which detion's shares, not possible. under th,e Iiclou8 refreshm ents were served by old statutes , and It is no lonrer nec- the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. J . W. eaaary to furnish a ertificat e from Edward s and Marjori e Edwards. The followi nl ~sitors were pres~he county clerk showing 'I1otarial authorit y. Senate Bill 296 is now ent: Mrs. A. T. Wright, Mrs. Geo. in eft'ect and provide s many changes J. Smith, Mrs. Emma Dakin, Miss In the fees payable upon filing pa- Margare t Edward s and Marjori e Edpers ' relating to corpora tions with warda. ... ...- - the ,Secretary of State.
"i ....•...........•.. ......I
The Modcrn Woodm en took two gomcs from the Miamis, Sunday. Two gilmeR? The tole is too mournful to describe in lengt h. as the Miamis lost both games by indiffer ent playing. Bo th 'leams played loo~e bull, nnd both gamcs should hu\'e been easily ours but for tbe Miami s rugged playing. The Miamis will play the Modern Woodmen again next Sunday at tho Jumestown park. while Wilmington ulld JamestowlI will be the attractio n at Frazier 's park. Firat Ga me
The hope of the farmers in better machine ry and .more intellige nt use of it. It is not nlone t he selling price of a bushel of wheat that counts but the amount of farm time and labor used to produce the bushel. A mnn working with pick and shovel could not IIlford to dig up anil . so rt out gold bearing gravel if it paid him five doUafs a ton average. But gisnt dredgin g machine s in the Sac1 2 3 4 6 6 7 ramento Valley arc nlaking milli06" Woodinen .. , '" 0 0 0 4 0 0 2-6 working gravel that lamlS . .... . .. 0 2 0 0 2 1 0-6 twenty cents a fon . pays less than Woodmen Miamis ..
276 12 345 678 9 Woodm en . 0006 2000 0-8 MiamiS .. . 0001 0010 0- 2 Second Game R H E Modern ...... ... . 6 11 6 Miamis .. . . . . .. 5 7 4
---.. --_.---
Edwin J . Clapp shows what machinery is doing and will do to help solve farm problems, and why United States farms can compete wiUt Euro. pean cheap labor, and even survIve high railroad freight rates. Of! America n farms, one worker on the the average produces twelve Particip ation anlf. m6l1lberahip In ton~ of eerea\. In Europe one work Commu nity Theater 115 open to er produce s one and one-half tons. al1 rural' organiz ations, such a8 Bureaus, Granges, Parent- Teacher From ~010 to 1~20, American fann ganizatl ons, Literary clubs and oth- populat ion Increase~ only er rural commun ity groups. Offic:crs cent, whUe production of four per elected at the organiz ation meeting, creased fifty-eight per wheat incent, com held in the Farm Bureau office, Leb- thirty-five per cent, cotton, fortyanon, M,ay 16, include the following: Bcven per cent,. cattle even Preside nt, H. R. Harris, Frankli n; per cent, hogs, Sixty-five thirt)!).s per cent. vico-president, John Shultz The farm problem is not to be vl11e ;secreta ry-treas urcr, Marie solved, accordin g to Mr. ham, Lebanon . In addition to the "keeping' the boys on the Clapp, by above olllce~ the '/lxecutlve commit- by lett~g the boys go to farm," but tee consists of one represen tative rics, uamg more machine ry~he facto-, on (arma {rom each organiz ation particip ating Bnd thus r educing cost of produc. at the county fair and these in tion. may select addition al member s a~ large, not to exceed five, two of "Light automobiles and trucks are whom shall be the county extell- being produce d in greater volume sion agents. Tho executiv e board than cver before." Such will have ~harge of .the customa ry du- lidal report. There is only is the ofone clolJd ties pertami ng to such a body. on tlte automobile horizon and that'. • • un oil cloud. ' . • Reckless , product ion and reeklet18 price cutting in the oil industr y mean trouble ahead for motor owners. Oil is being wasted, poured out . and aquande red on sandy roads, whereve r public blllcala can be. per· Buaded to blQ' it at public e~penae.
The state library problem may be disposed 'of at. a meeting of the UbraJ'Y. board and represen tatives of er state , departm ents Tuesday , emor Donahey havlngo called a ing for that purpose. A ' has been ihaugur by As a number of wheat fields in en's organiz ationsated to keep tlie county promise to retu,n open by financing a campaign to hleh ' yields. County Agent ClasR end. 'The governo r, it ia said, wtahe It to cl}l1 the attentio n to the tentativ e plana ' WEEI for disposition of ~ Edith L~cme of 8U h ftelds that enrollm ent daughte r o~ Robert C1nd Steilaoldest instituti on by placing' the Friend, was bom in the ten-acre IIta~ewi de wheat con. at Lytle, divisIon in Ohio State- universi ty, Ohio, Novemb er 8, 1912. test. ill under ' the supervision at W. On May 16th she became criticall y Bow1in~ Green and , Kent Normal E. Hallger, tarm crops specialiB t, O. WE ARE BISCUI T CUTTE RS ill and was removed the next day to achoola and Miami ~nlyeralty. Tbe S. U., and the 5)hio Seed • the Miami Valley hospital. le~islatlve referenc e lIbrary would b ment Ailloclation through Improve . Here The Friends hip club was enterwhom unshe had tbe best of medical and Bur- talned at the home of Mrs. conlolid ated with the atate law \ibra- ifoMD I\&tewi de' rules have been The cha~ ia~rought against Amer- gical care, comlilDe :y. Th~re has ~een a Itorm of Pt'od with the moat Edwarda, on Wednes day aftemoo n, alit. ~ery appropr iate ica that it represen ts a biscuit cut- skillful nursing , teat agamst clOSing the library made als and. p~b:es wi\1 'be For three weeu June 8th, with twenty- seven memawarded ter civUizat ten ahe battled valiantl y for life butrber s, f1ve , visitorll and two f1ecesaary ~y the Go,vel'nol' wheat growers of the state who new memThat' is' that goods which are man- death won 01llt and she passed the appropn ation {or ,Its mainten ance port the highest aqe yields. qui- bers pr!,scnt. ' as wel1 as the minds of the etly away Ilrfonday morning , Juno After the busine~s of the day was The ten.aCre tract may g('nerally, are in a set for,m. 6th, aged 14, years, G montha , Within the next few days the first favorab le pint of a 1argerbe the and !'ttende d to we enJoyed the followfield Is too much unanim ity and 28 days. , complet e report showin , the bills no farmer In. Warre.n . 109 program : county ~p about life and not enough She began her educatIon In the Devotional... .. :.. ..Mrs. Clara puaed at recent 8easlon of tbe legiB· this time haa ever entered Sheehan the lature, the day each meaBure become8 acre wheat contest. County country schoc)l her home, but S"ong by the Club W,ell. the biscuit cutter idea haa for the put fournear effective, ele., as well as the fate of C1aas iJj ' especially anxious "Years attende d the Reading ....... ... ........ Mrs. Mabel Fan somethi ng to be 8 aid in Its favor.• It Waynesville school, where ahe had Recltati on . ......... ........ Janis 'Meredi th all bID. introduc ed in both branche s Warren County entered this meana standard iaation of producfAl. jUlt been promote d to of the Aaaembly, will be re~dy for For further informa tion write the aecond Recitation, .... ........ Rebecca Dunham or telIt lJIeana that parts Ib&ll be made by distribu tion In booklet form ! Tliolle Song by Club Mrf maIlS or hi~ olllce by Mon machine ry and shall be of an inter- year oJ. Higb achooL Edith was .very fond of mualc -and Intere.t ed .may receive. a COllY of day June 20: " chanrea ble nature. Almost al1 the spent much of bel' time , at the piano bboklet from either Clllrk Tom Bate .' We th.en adjoum ed to mee~ With . , _ • reductio n In prft:e and the enormo us and in lingln., wIth the man, of the Ohio Senate, Clerk J. other memMrs. ~Hl1e Ellis ~ July. ' __ product of our ('oncem s have been bers of the family. At a meeting of the school board Oil product ion ia wastefu lly: man. p. ¥"aynar4, of the goule of llepre. Sbe had DurlD~ the aoe181 hour a dainty last Wednes day evening I due to the el.lmination ' of waste and so proflc:lent In her mualc become , teachers aged, prices are low-bu t todays low aentatlv es, or Secreta ry 'Of State that abe lunch ~as served by the hostesa and for the Wayne townshi p schools were prices will expen.e by standard ization. was recently elected pianist pf the her asaIBtants, Mrs. VoUa Clarenc e JI BroWn. Tlte report is . Lawson, elected. With three exceptio ns the ces later. be l>&lrl for with high pd. ' In newspap er COlUMna ' it , is said Lytle Su~day School. . the .work of Chart.. E. Conper~ Qf All hfr liJ.e Mrs. Effie ~athaway, ~rs. E~ma Ra- same corps Dr. T. I. Way, at Cincinn ati, of teachers employed last that In five yean the IIiC!uatrial out- IIhe W8I a f,l\lthful attenda The country needs a continu01lll _ tbe Conpe r service, who for thirty cently presente d Wayne nt at Sun· per and MIBa Olive Dmwlddle. ToWMh year was lp retained has increase . , The d place 40 per cent. 'One da, School and a few montha ago left oil and gasoline supply:, yea1'l! baa been followin c tha acti~na library with q,ulte a number ELSIE STROUD, Sec'y. vacant In the High scnool by Ute res· ees which the governmat fair. prlof boob manlffa cturer says: "0 • man worlc- became a member of tbl! varloull lqielatl ve _m~be.s. !Daking an eapeclaIly notewor ept Ilhoullt of the Lytle • _ • Ignation thy a~- Inc steadily for 8 hours ~d to turn church. of Miss Alice Gons, was left regulate . Judge F. M. Clevenger, of WIl- ditlon to an ever-gro wing and ' . Inter- out 60 pieces an houl', ot' 480' a day. open. MIllS Esther Henders on W8~ The nation now is actin~ like a Edith was :. aweet, modelt If\rl, a mington , and Hon. Murray M.. Shoe- estil\, collection. elected to fill the place at the Grade drunken youth, squande He got 166 a week. Then we put favorite with all her asaocliLt malter, of CiDcinnati, have been ap· J. O. Falkinll urg aleo donated ring a rich ea. She building of Mrs. Kathlee n Hendel" inherita nce. i~ machines. We. have 30 men on will be udly missed, not only in the , 'polnted , member s of the Ohio \lery good books, a few weeks son Noble, resigned the job . and we put out 14000 pieees home, but in tbe scbool-room ,the Board of Uniform ed Laws by It il 'certainl y an honor to have these a day." • No actloll was taken in regard to ., Lindber gh has good ideas: An enSUllday School and the surroun ding Donahey. They will m~e a resIdent s emembe r their hI/me a music teacher. This at9ry has been multipllecl by commun ity. thusia.t ie French lady intende d to OUCh .tud)" of the pre.ent law with library. many. No teacher s were appoint ed for spend'" 160 000 franca for . Of her immedi ate family, the fath. the puwoae of maklnc theM uniform a clip ' to New ~ork to ~ Dub, - - - __ • Lytle school, as the intentio n iR to celebrat e 'hi~ flight. OottOn seed, once a waste product . er, mothet', 'two .isters and He accepte d three and wl11 report, their findlnga , to bring all pupila from that school haa been uled and asked that the 160,000 In maIJY ways. next leglalatu re. In brothe~ ) eft to mourn her l~. Wlaconlin they are makin, paper Tyto littleare Waynesvil1e, the numb.er not being brother s, Johnnie and ~ be spent instead on children • l large enough from to maintam peat. Because ot thta ItaDdar d man, were abu<ty a scboo at of F)oance aviators who lost their SecretarY . of State ' Olarence heaven to wetthat plac e.. lutlon and our Immeni ely Increue cl come here tbiere. in liTea promoti ng aviation. Lihdber ah We cannot realBrown waa awarded lin ', •- • is a good represen tative of this coun. Un. (elP'!" at th'e product s we bave lIeeome the wealth- iEe she ill golle, but will ielt nation In tHe world. We are words of the Bible, "The say In the esercile a of Wilmin gton colle,e, on maiden i.I in Europe. not only turplul cotion not dead, but sleepetb ." ---cE.G.D. Wednesday, when the largest d .... In When Count Wittee Was In tid, but - ,urplul! inductrl a) . tile hlatory of the college 1II/al . _ . The Clothin g club met and we have a ,urplul of ATTEN DED COMMENCEMENT uateCt, numbeJilnc 283 stllden~ A "' country , represen ting Ruaala In afternoo n, June 14; at the m~neY. ".' •. peace arrange ments with Japan, the class addreaa waa .rveSn' by Chief he The 'meeting was called We Bre tlce Mahhal l of Wle tJpreme richer than ever told was this writer the nationa l monop. a na1.. ' I I d th , ' by ~he prellident. MillUtea tion baCore. .. ' ... Ad ..,. oly ....... of vodka, the' Russian drink. fnl',. of Ohio, whl' a so .~ce ve ... rs, ",ary e amI, mISS "'....e the last meetln . , w~re read. ' ROll We own 20,000,0 00 , motor cars, Brown and A ten-acre corn contest Is being ar ty per cent alcohol, and , i ,. hono~ar detrree wnlle Frink E, Miss Clara Lite attende d 8)tty per f h ,; eon, of ythe ,"iIIlona State 1>'epart lnent of at ronged homes and by Mr. we Hanger travel call and a report rom, t e and Wilmington (~ollege commen cement and the state cent water, which he originat live luxuriousI'y. ed, aave ' I ~ W d L_ cia f committ ee followed . organiza tion whereby t he farmer! ucatIon, award ed _al""r a as~ e nes I)'. profit j ust big enough t 0, pay th e . Duting the bualness ; eaalon it was Savings deposita In bat;lka through out Ohio who grow one bun· aeast ' de,roe, The college is are twice of the Russi~n army. . a...• ~he as much at! they were twenty eut of WllInlnjrton OIl a dred bushela or more cQrn per yean ' •• lIfO. r ' J!lot ofmun d, t~rmerly th"e old are given special recognit ion. We are , supplyin g the ' ..torld with that Alnerica is not only the to~ ic:ounty tall' rroundS', and rlch..t eral farmers of Warren county capl~1. Nell" York has eft'ectlvjely country in the world, the United Slates dedicate d on Apnl 11, 1871. It on cl~: but richer than already won recognit ion in thl~ ettes jllllt ' about pays tax challenged the T financial leadersh ip any country ever was before. gladuat ed many 'm. of note lind the coat of and it group. Anyon e who may be Inter- our army. Uncle Sam , London. Our people .no.. hold iii destined to become stUl richer." ,tudenta eome from 'all over the Un. col1e(!~d ested In ent~ring bonds to the the 1927 extent corn of conlli $227,00 blllion 0,000 The biscuit cutter clvilisaton, re. . iii ten months th!,a year jon ~ ....ell ~-from ,tor~lgn climes. test should inquire at ~ounty Ag~nt from cigarett e smokers. dollars" and the forelcn Indelliedneaa ,duceci to ,Ita lowe.t tel"llll, " , limply Ab ~ . the latest photo of Cot CIB811 for to a four-pa the ' United ge otrcular which 'Statea is no.., m ex. means ~t O\lr people have learned C A full ' flscal year'a cigal'ett e Hon. Carmi A.. ThomplOn, AoveLllsdb ....h who the plans and fules. Copy will about pay. all army costs. ~eas at aiXteen billlon dollars. I to co-oper ete and to save w..- as In'ono • Ian: T~e" Spirit offtew In hi. , Clevelu d, Hon. Tom St. Louis," of be sent free to a\1 who request it. GIR~ If Govern ment could collect the'· Mr. Welton sa1ll: I'The fact ia well u uWin ~! forees of dlepo~ Auth, nature. from ~New' York City to Paris, and H. • - • tax that the pubtic pays't,O bootlec Chl~e who made a wor Id recor d f or gers It pay for all Gove~~etl~ v expensemight s.
Edith Lucille Friend
Donations to
Mad e Worl d !ii.to ry '
U •. S. Fivers
INJURED . '1: , B' I"E ( BY, AU' ~OMO IL
..... •
,--,-.... t '.
' entertai dil~~C'tned .r:J::~g h is being feted and by all the large Eastem cities. Hla feat was cl08ely followed by Ohamberlain and Levine, who landed In German y with a broken propelle r, after safely croBBing ocdn. • _ •
Mrs. Ohloe Sides, an aged. and reo spected citizen of Lytle, dJed 1ast Wednes day morning at her late home there, after a two days' illness. She was the widow of t~e late Hehnr Y Sides. Funeral services were el d Ki a tbe re\lldence Friday aftemoo n, con· ducted by Rev. R" A. Stillings. terment in Miami cemeter y. from a distance who attended funeral 'were: Mrs. ' Chloe Olden. Sidney; Mrs. Dora McCray and of Mlamis\)urg; Mrs. 'Melvna Stscy and Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Wit. llama, of Dayton; and . Revl and Mrs. Jeaae Cline of Detroit Mich. • ";'.'-- -'--
Miu Corinne Welch and Mr. WUbur' Thornhil1 WBre quietly married by the Rev" Amoa Cook, at hi.a home near Harvey abur,; Tueaday morning at 9 :86. ' . The bride is the da~hter of W. C. Welch, of near Harveys burg, and is a very attractiv e w9man • She la a graduat e Bleh school aDd for baa been a teacber • IIChoola. ' Mr. Thornhi ll ··la the Bon ot and ·Mrs. ~lben Thornhi ll, oi and he Ia encqed iii the fUrI"lt,1re I bu"l{_ wt.~ hla fat)aer. ~ Mr. ud Kri. Tbol'Dh a haw Ute ~ of their fri ....
w·h d hi~ 0-: d. I:st w:ekF ~"" e N ~
mac mery grin
15,~go,~00than~ celeb~ed ~y ~:;: . a rt e ID e r~t cllr e e er u • Old
~~~!O~;t :I:ht~~ :::d c!~:= ~
driven by Henry Ford "!lth ear 15,000,0 00 dflv.lng l>ellcl. \t. A ne.w Ford car, With a dJfteresat gear ShIft, double the old Ford,po wer and a speed of sixty mll. an ho,ur and mo!e, will be lIe~ in the ~ summer oJ,' e~ly. Eall. T~t ;wI11 ~ a ne~ Ford ~amily.
II,., Q ~ rae amU80ll, ." -_...:....;;--;
Jesse Stamey ,. Auctioneers
D. M. RCl6ia; Ow n Greu, Saben Me.
'COURT HOUSE COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS ales mnde by' the sberiff in t hl! _' casel!,. o! Eilbert P. nider V 8 . Wm. lind Minnic W ililon were approved Rn d collf\rnn d. CQurt also made dlstrib ution of Ute e!!tate. . Judltmen t waB found In favor of the plaintilif in tbe · caBe of George E. Young '~e. George K. Beauden ul.
' l~Ql'mer ,judgment 111 the case ~ , U • G I I' t ' " , 'I.;,. in lh,' I"ft he ttirl ~Ir\l~gl "d ,I ,,; !hllt l,u y.ll nl l<s broath to u s .b oth .... o'( rl ~ 00 man, p u n lil' m RA P1ET 11I nn e! sll'nitll!d fLiI iI ·b'. l.lc·:llclI, r1i~- '1'0 Rlnb th ,·nt·1I1Y in t b buck, th a t vs. t he Illage of . outb Lebanon. ""Il orud. humilintl'll It WII S jllt" l- is your " 'ork .. nd mine. To II sol- defendant I,n e rror. WIIS r eversed and M }'.te~)' Vi.it"r Cl' ble. 11 WR~ 1.111 ~ome h ~lIi~h di r who filII into the en emy's the Pluinlitr W II8 dismissed. T hC" tlpcnker l'IIU P (1 an.1 tllen went nightm nrc j it, ('(lulll n(lt p.,~~ib l y bl' lll:tnds- lo him rhe honors of. war I ourt 11 ipoin t d .F rank C. Ander· A I lh tI I I Btl d I' h It I on solemn!\' : fnet. r II .Iy. .,nc r l'l, OIL n 'lI' ( 11 0 you un m e-s lo r~ 5 rl ,11.' son nt lorn y lo r t he defe ndant J as. "But this J I'olllise y<lU , II lll ~ IlIlIn , Pal'Mn 1\ ('111l\)dy-·-hl· hnd been they sav. We shall be in Washi n~· B . th c f t1 'Sta'l f word of Pnrson .l"hn Kenn"lly, lbl! rc>nl l·nollt-:h. tOil tOKclh r ~hortl y; and from timu r?W II. 10 e 118 0 Ie e 0 e oman :lh!;lli f lin'" YOLl- II" ",01" A IllUl· r l n/.:'C! r rtifirnlC . ('rIHIl'\Y to time r ~hnll be ti llder r our orders. OhIO VS. ,111,m s .B rown. !lhol1 tou.:h y u.'· clone hut none th!\ le !;.~ I!cnuine! Not u word; yo ur aun t. 18 upproachThe easEl of Frank Brandon V9. PaT1!oll John K nncdy ! The mUll ~tllr d nt lhe "Dried l\crllwl~. God ing. I shllli see you Il t the ball t o- Amnnda E . and Stephen A. Stilwell for ' whom they h!ld laid anti sprun'? ,., in hel\ven, marri d! To wh ut, t o night. I expect to J'oin my r egiment wus comprom ised, 'settle(! and dis· n thou5llnd flltile trap , '~ho hllol whom7 She suddenly beclIl11c Iiml) tomo rrow. Good day." missed without recotd. ~ I)ten them at evory l\lT'O, A nd fhi s sway d und Imk I. ce (h,wnwurn he fe lt her lIunt's arm steal Court ordered thnt distributio n of formillA-hl e nlOIl wu~ playing ill!o her UpOII the table- wher,,· h pl' b('luled nround her. "Voll.r ball dl'css h ~s the c~tata of Abe P robasco be made. lrChlJ1 I'I'S in bu lt mut {auncl hel'. ~ol)le. B. tter ' try It Oil a nd see If ourt uppointed F M . Cunningh nd ~I" or uw, t.hen, ch".,.e." Mid IrollY , lII:ulnlU Who? II ll! aU r Ight." . . for HO tit girl hid nH'nlllly 1I011lt'U When J 'l\nI'" Bellll fori slllried "You will break h lIl'ls," said h ' r ham IIttorucy for th e def~ndan~ 1n her tormelltor. (Would she ever be "lit c'n hel' S I (-impu~ed lllis~io n thllt Huut, 1'1 nec t ivoly. the c.nse of. the ~tnte 0:[ O~\I) VIS . Roy able to l'~co!l'ni~e his oice in rn, h lI i~ht. shc had heclI sClll1cthinll of nn '" hope to." leplied J,ea nn o enig. Perkins, ahns Richar d DaV18. She -• 1'1 ped atl' th e gOWII . The cuse'. of My rtle M. Dwire va . di. d get aWIlY?) "I !!UIl certify !hnl lIdventul'ou~ .."irl! Sh~ left lhal loft mllticllllv r_' II we aro all IInmarl'i ed, young Ilnd wholl y a womun - loroken, bewilder"You rc n st,.ange g irl. 1£ you Ear l E. Dwire WlIS dismwed. brnve." cd tine! tcrrificn. it i ll' IIC , hut II wo, weren' t fl esh lind hl ood. if r didn'l James Brow n chan!l'ed his plea to S he did not look toward the Inlln mnn. hpf brllin seethin g wit h ullim- know you as' 1 do, I ~ho uld say you guilty on HI charge of shooting with who hnd (l1T"red L,' sacriflce Jlis lib· ,'l'''illablc rrpI'isn' l". . hud IHI. .hellr .. . l. ' ' intent t o wo un d and wail sent enced erty to !\I\YC h er life. She looked at lIer troOp('TS had C0 111e to nrrest .. ometrmes 1 wo nrle r. P erhaps 1 ' t h Ob' ita ' a ball d of co·n pirnlorR; in ~tead they should hllve been n boy; they don 't La 'one yeait' 111 e . 10 !,en nllary Irony. "I wnt marry )'ou. sir," he ~nic), loosc'c\ n tigress who revil ed t hem hav ... to have hoort.s." at Columbus, . at hard labor. "and you Rhall shure the misery you and tauntc-' thell) "or 'hel'r 810'''" Th ure a.re l ime- however "'hen The fo llc)wlI1g ntlmes wer c drawn thrust so wll n tonl y upon mc." 11el'S . u. .. ~ believe t hat you a;~ a boy.'" " for petit jurors for the May term: "1 see th at 1 8m hoi t on my own "Th ' M Each ourl everyon e of those elevat 5 nn odd rem ark," J ellnne rs. E· III' d Vnn MetcI'. J 0 hn H . Ph 1'lp etnrd!' He ha c\ t he eourage to en men should pny; tllld morc thun declared, turn ing quickl y. IlI.ug h. And few of tit nI re/lli ~ctl his comr.nd s, tho mun sbe had nam"Au ntie! " what fine-grnin ocJ cOllral;C it was. He d Irony. "You hllvc mailc trips t o Washing. was saving this J!it·l's liIe at the uxl'urson K nnelly hnd had the lon. YOUI' secl' t is n ot youl'f.l. I promised to present me, 1 beg to p ense of bis {UtUI'O ; for nothillll: e. - hlll'dihood to disclose his SlIturnillO understan d thllt you ar e pluying wi th r ecull th e t act to his mind." ( cept an inhu man jest like this -would {ace to hoI'. S he could wnlch him dangerous weapons. You'll want t o J eanne look ed inquiringly at 10101'bave 8W 'tv d Par on Kennedv. "So ill WushiTlltlon, move ngainsl him in be alone . now-.so. by-by until sup- gun. She 8tlW his body stiffen ever be it. JMiss about to become "Madam direct nnd open Wnr{al'e. per.' so slightly. . . ho W: haven't yen asked yo u to NOlie of them would recognize ber Jeanne Slit dow n on the bed. F or " I beg your pardon," said Morgan, Wl,pC the grime fl'om your face so u~lIin: of thi s ahc wus assured. a qUllrter of nn hour she r emain ed " Miss Beaulort-- " But the band that I ' mig& t recognize you ' in the Within three weeks' time Jellnne motionless. started up, and the rest of the intro' fotut el I -am 3IItjs1icd." <lu etion W~18 unin telligible. Jeanne Half an bonrl "he t hought.. never Icarn ed t he stranger's num e Doubt lcss no stranger marriage un t il long lIfte rward . (!8J,'C mony ever took place t han MOI'gan t ook himself off. The t bl\t wbicb joined Jeanne Beaustran~er stctod ot her sid e and chatfor to t his mad ban1,er r. unkno\vn ~e d p eastlOltly. . He wa B rather orlg-
::!.bl!::~quill~~~;~ ~!r!~,~ K~~~~a;'O:~~:d to the girl. he hesita ted
f or a n~o,m n~ t\'ainillj:: ber curs. F orty mInu tes, ;Curty mJnules-they w ere on t he WaY to her. • he wrolc "Mary Smith" on the hllstily drll\i'n.on certif\~.·e. T~ .·N d th 0 pen --~. uony ~e.l£c " .. :f.rom bel' l.rem bi in,ll' linl(crs and s ign d "John JOllCi\." . The il he stepped back- just ill l ime. HI' hund had flown to the urtu ill 01' his mask. /'Not quit ," Itt' laughed. "Mary Smit h is " ot your real n ame' n o more is Jones m ine. But -you will writ e ;your real nl\Jlle t here when you are alon e. You have told us that you believe in oaths; 1,'11 add my real name among t hose who witness the transaction, Find it if you can !" John Kennedy. D, D. • C-WG-L R -RD- • A-NK-S P -P A-G'
F-WG-S W-BE-H Be ,folded his bare arms nctoss h is chest. and upon the lelt forear m ~he l1li11' a bit 01 tatoolng, a bl ue circle w fth a carious little device in the enter. The glanco was 8ufficient to print it indeliblY in her mind. Fi1ty minu~8 f Dear Gpd;why did tM1. not come? • AU over!" said Pllrson Ke nnedy, putting on bis mask. He pulled out tbe drawer and tosse.d upon the table some stout ~wine. "Bind her. Benedict, and tie 1\ bandkertblef over her mouth. Then ' set her in my cbair." _. Coats and bl\ts were picked up in furious bailte,. papers stuffed into pockets; and fhen, like so many falling rockets, they le.a ped down the rickety stair&. close-pressed and joat-
Gurse you. y oq ' have ' wrecked three lives thill nlgllt!" whispered a ;voice in Irony's ear. . BuJ; he turned, the speaker ' disappelirec:l.
Don ald. baa. Corr 11. Earl J<lhn Kibbey. J\lchrment wa, gi" eJl h I {avot· of tht' tle!endants In the Ilage of Horace Hall V~, }o'red Richa r,ls et al. The jury t' ndered v rdlct al!';ll1n"" the delCllIfants in th caQC of George E. YOUllg vs. Geo. K. BCllu!len , L OII ella Besuden alld haun i!ey , A. - Besud ~1I ' ..h t vs. 'I'lle "11 , u of LlI • er'ne Wrl.. Dinzie Wrig ht wall disinlssed without record. Rcharnll Moyer W IIS granted II divore [ rom Gorge M y r. W.illlam .Boone pleude d gu ilty all the char " 0.( hll"in'· Ulld P scssing .,." property' fur the llIan llfnct ure or innnd costs. hfle '11' 115 Iliisdu dflnedil l$&~() an d cost · w en IC l' cn e IfU y. 0 a chnrge of posse ~sillg liquor. l.ewis Seho Ilenbnrger 01'1'11 Ign e d on tho same charge was fi n d the slIIne amollnts. tolOlin!l' $ 10 00 and 1he A
costs. Will. Thomllson plead ed g uil ty to II charge of possessing liquor ond fl d $200 If ts H id wa H ne an c o~. e pea cd not guil ty to a chargu of b 'lI 11 sporti ng liqu or. Will. poonnmore was fin ed $300 d t Ii h id I ' Ity t lin coss w en e P ClI e( g lll 0 11 charge of scl\ing liquor a nd $ 100 and costs for tra n~JlorLi ng liquor. Court $"3 ord er ed tfrom hat thth e edefel\dan r ecover 6.1'" pl al'ntl' lft ., " in the case of The General P rin ting Co. vs. The Van Horn e Co. II. e Ien W· d l ldl· l'lg ht WlIS gron t e vorce from E lltel Wr ight. Court gave judgment in ( avor o r the plaintiffs' in t he case o( R A. Cross and R. G. Cross vs. The anon-Cit izens National - Bank lind Trust Co., adm. of th e estate of R. Vun Tress, E lellnor and Roy Smit h /lnd Harry :Van TI'e8S. •
The Dayton Paper Novelty Co. vs. Elmer Murphy f or rpon ey only, amoun t claimed ~ 101.81 wi th ,in ter-
See Ua Early for Your Sale Dat... W. Cuarant.. S.ti.f.,.t.ion or Charrl Nothlnr. · ,I
Center'v.-Ile, 0 •
New Burlington,O., Phone ND. 32"
Phone No. 2
I J' L ' k WIlS ,'rho will of H e Oil . . nrne. ad mi llecl t o Ilrobutll. " Zack l<lcl; her WlIS IIppoin ted adm. f tn I!stnto of Sallio A. Fletcher , a nd Wm , C. Anden;.on, H. S . Con, ovcr li nd C. E. W 1\1oor I I e. t\pprlll~et's. tI r th Harryot C. r !l' It, II mx, 0 ' . II I'sh\le of WiIlllrd ,1. Wright, fil ed her fi rs t illl d fi lial account.
84 tl,
uI2.84 : Sa m 'D. He-nkle, f ence
, $1 C no.. d II . ' 5: • • Dvrg It , hlrk. IIIIl)Ie. $21: Hl'vlln & Sungl y, stone und san~, $ 120.20; The Tuylor Tracto~ Co .• rulllll... . $BO.O·I ·" "'he Barrett Co., 'tar " • "iu, '"'3,20', In leTlult[onl\l Harvester , ." ~ Elb rt W Co, . SUl?plius, '$10. 6 ; e • 11'0118 , lubor. $ 1.68; The Ohio Corr. nl vert Co., !lewers, $116.30: The MARRIACE LICENSES ' r ('goll ia Bridge Co., st eel, $176. 17; b II . ' $8329 f .1. A. M·t I 0 e , rl!l}lIl1'S, . ; Ed ell Mil es B, J oU, ra ilrOlld worker. Of 'I'orry. pay roll, SIlS.8S ; same. aame Soulh Lu bul10n a nd Mae Gilbert, 0 $H5.20; A T . Rettig, same. $190; So ulh Lebl1n~)I1: • C. E. Brn< bury. en me, $12.65; 'same, MRrl in W' tlh nm l~css, dUII'yman, b'llllC, $ l Q4.05: J08. W. Dilvis. salli e, Hh I L F '" ", of Mi dtlletu\vn ,. an d ' e 'COlll1 ' os. $2;11.60 : W. S Grullllm, ~rn e, $72. 26 tel'. of Frlinkll!l' , . I"r d Snidllr. sUllle. $210; V. W. Robert L~UI~. Yo hceJot, cnbl1.'et Toml'kiU8, 811mI', $478; same, Bilme. mllkc.r or Mmnllsb. urg, Ilnd LnvlI1a ...~ 20.·JOJ O,· P. B .. mu once• IIIImc, -182.90', • Pflstn er , of F~allkhn . ,. Harlan Whitacro. same, $126.60; David W. ~Isbop, ~lI1 snlllh Of. Lab- Hllrlan Whimcr,', material. $62.92; nnon , ancl I',cll t h 1.. BIShop, cosnlation Leellc Schul t'''. olll'rallng maintainer, .. of Lebanon. FI'llllk S herwood Co., Bupplies. $40.FERS 80; J, 'r. GI'Ogg, bridge repair, ,Ul.REAL ESTATE TRANS GO; Wm. Shocmllker, grovel, ,16.95; h' Th '1' I T t C I Min nie Bock to Charles Bent len, 60; 0 uy Qr rnc or 0.• repa ra, 1 to wn acre in Harlan Tp. $5.64; L. 1. Pence. weldine, " ; H, F k B St t . 2 ~'. Conover, 8 UI)p~l es, "4.60; The OrEna Stokes to run . o",es. • town lots In Lebanon, egonia Bridge Co., steel, ,76.39; JJ J ohn P . lind Etta B. Larrick. to Collins, ' repuirll. ,7: Herschel F. Birda Ma y Williams, ) t own lot in James, same, $38.05; V. W. Tomp- , Lebonon. kins, same, $1.35; Frank Bunk. arah A un d Cla yton W Foster, ~anle , $3.75 ; Ii. D. Curroll. gravel, to J S. Foster. 1 to wn lot In Wayne $5.25; C. C. Beam, stone, $184'; Jno T Law & on. supplies, $40.39; Blair PJ'osellll ond Hettie I!:rta l to Carlisle &, Leroy, gravel, $214.65 ~ IIIIme. liIlC
S U1' \' C)' ~,
SlInlC, $I! l i H. 1If.
est. ' N. Weber, 18 lown lots in l"oster sume, $ ~2. S0 . George Bt'oom v , Emily Droom, Park. - -~for di vor ce, Gross negl et. Malinda Coon to Wm. R. Jewell. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT W. C. Smitb vs. J osillh Dllvis unci V, !) town acres in Utica. L. D. Dav is, fo r money only, LOllis W. Luedeke to Charles S. Estate of J esse W. Burton. declaimed $390.44. , ' and Fairy E. Baker, 12.07 Mres 01 cea., ed. ' - The Senior Powder CO. V8. M. land In Hamilton Tp. . 'Not,i ce is. bereby eiv,en that Mary f or PO!!.~1.'!8toAn of PLroPHerty. I~la~~c u~1ddl:r~I~I~e!l:en~:sheCb~\~~ci H. Oren A Marshall W~ to 'J{arl J\l. Brow~, J . Burt on has be\!f1 duly appointed ~ abru pt ly lind \va tke d qui ckly lo wnr d J essie. nwley v~. . lbert.. aw- 8 ae-res of land In Turtlecreek Tp. : and quaUllod 8 8 administratrix of. tbe ' th e tl oor out. of which MOl'gan at ley for chvoree, ahmony, InJ Virginian Joint Stock Land Bank est.8te of Jeue "J{, 'Burton. late oI that munll!nt ' van is hed. J eanne - -of Chat:\eston W. Va_. to Ke811 Beck- Warren County Oblo deceued looked after th e stranger less chaPR08AT~ PR<>C;:EEDINCS' cit, 122.'77 acres of land in TurtleDatea this 28'rd da'; of May, i92'7. gr ined than ast onished ' cr eek Tp. ' . W. Z.• ROLL • " we III" Sh e murmure d . "Th e nex... Cert in sales mlldp~ by Wilson urllrd P .\ Catherine Dilatu8h to Fra.nk. Judre of the Probate Court. ti me 1 see 'Mr. What's-his-name n'll executor of t he e~tate of Mal'!lhall Coffey. 232.66 aer B of land tn Sam2"-j8 . Warren Count". Od . snub him unm ercifully." Ward were up ~ro cd nnd onflrmcd . v #, IIIO At midnilrht vhi~e 'Jeanne Willi' at Distribution of the estate WitS order- lc:n}lr.•\:Pri·et · Albe ..... An ' to Fran.k P. . supper, a 1II11 man in a half mask en- ed made. ~ ...ov iered t he gnrd n at het' hom~. H,e Mongo F . E~man was appointed o(foy. 232.66 acres of 1!md In Sal· a'ppeare~ t o be f aml.llar With hIS executor .of the state of Henry E. em Tp. . . • 0 D .. • . ground, for he went dIrectly to the . Miriam C. Craig to Frank "F.' Cofladder hanging against th. board Exman apd .Roy R<!9s. Jaco~ Bmkley f ey, 2S2.66 aCTes of \Jlnd in Salem DenU.t fence, r aised it t o the window. climb Ilnd <atarle~ Schnell. appraisers. Tp , " cd up an,d tlilla'ppeared inside bel' Proof o~· 'publication of tbe apBalli C St v l1li tn hank C Cofbedroom. -" . pointment \>f W €hester Maple, a e . e e d I Slil W.,....III. N.tl__1 Ba... 81... A man who bad, followed him adm. of the estnte of Joseph F. Lu fTey , 282.66 ac~ of ~ n em Doubtle.. 110 alraftler m.rrieeo 'conmo,,)' O'II'l!r took pl.ce thaa tbat wbich preued closely aplnat tbe ,fence ' and kens W81 filed. . p. \ S L. V d Jo,ned, Jeanne B",,(ort tlo. tM. mad b ... torer, tlDlmOWD to b.r • waited Pr f '! br ti f tb Anna Oberlin to ulllln • an erThe - man In the hall-mask calmly . 00 0 pu lea on 0 e voTt, 1 town lot in Morrow. was able to p iCk up lIer natural r ole . . So ~ enry Morgan' was a spy and proceeded to !)pen Jeanne's . trunk. pomtment of Jesse A. Mount 81 aelm Benjamin F . aDd Lau'ra Wria-ht Sho 'was al ways meetin g 'Morgan, h ad learned in Borne manner that she Tbe~e werl: s everal Buits of ' male of ttie estate ~f David J. Mi)unt 1\'81 £0 Hallie Wright Finley, 81.16 acrea and he was always sighing for ' some was one ·also. attire one In blue. one in buttem'Ut filed. of land io Deerfield Tp {ay\>r. al wllYs 1)letaphorlc~1lly at .her And the 'keen, logical min~ of her and three iln non-descr\pt: He 8h~gThe will of Mary L. Millard Will! J r Iter to JOh~. 'and Agnes feet. On day sll.e liked him; an- au nt was 110 longer to be Ignored. ged . Next be ~p\!lI'ed the Florentme Bled. • ,0 . Ii{ T oLiler ahe disli ked him. U they two hlld found 9 ut her so- box. The ~U1ing he sOught., bowever. ,Corrine Bordenlelter. adrnx. of the FO~I 1 to~~n ~[:o 10C ~ ~:hll~ to. . Perhaps this Was ac;coun ~ble t o cret, otbel'f.l . had. ' Hencetortj1 .ahe h~ did not find. He found a bll!nk eatata of Robert E. Bor(lenlelter 111IIna an • e , t he fact; thut sbe knew t hor e Willi a must step WIth the utmost cautIon, shp of pal>er und 4re~ somethl.ng ed her 11m and. ftnal }Jocount,' " Henry E, Deckebacb •• 19 ~own acres WE GET THEM QUICKLY .utD stron~ lind vital mnn deop down un- She 11'118 strong only because sbe was upon it. Ille tucked It toto the Illde L S Shawban waa appointed Leban91l. . - FREE OF CHARGE ,. der a ll his foppe ry. unknown. of the drening-minor. blew out bia . . . :Anna and Otto C. M~tbl~ to , CALL US ANY TIME AT oua " Bllt I do !lot love you, Ilnd I Married! She ]auehed; it was a candle and stole ' away. apprais~r of the estate of Mary J, HeDry E....u..ctUbaeh•. 26 town acrt!!l . EXPENSE ' have no in te ntion of loving, you," a~e qu eer little sound. " The otb~r man followed bim cau- Drake, 10 place of James FoDen. In Lebuon -prot ested. Ho)" she had pored ove.r tbat doc- tioualy. A. M. Hinseb. ,"xCIC\ltor of the ' Cba 1 'd Ed'til Ford oe to :tu. " Well'. since 'You intend not te> U'ment! Vainly had abe striven tn Suddenly the sbadower ran for- tate of Mary .... Drake. filed his Inven ..u. e~ant.c:hi In 1 lot in love me. I see hope. Come, Jeanne. make Bense of those broke~ words. ward on bts toes.. :rbe othel' beat d tory and appral~ment, . u nso" ..... Beaufort, let U8 - understa nd eacb She' mUBt go to ~be ball that nlgbt him, but Willi not qUIck enou~~. Tbey 'Fred D. Ertel, adm. of the non. d .. DI .. B II to p~_ • HARVEYSBURG. O. other." dance, laugh and chatter. . tought IJlentily/ but -the advantage of ,aopbia' C Ertel 11'81 . Frank an _e. e.... 0 /I I~l"""---":"-~-------" "1 understnnd myseU' perfectly," "You llJ'e as beautllul-" • lay with th,s aUailanl With a grip to sell c~rliai~ real ~state to 'pay the Frank W. and LillIe F. Miller, 96,1$ ahe coun tered. "Now. 'Major. jf 10U please I'" If iron he beld the other's anna IIoata of admi istratl n acres of !aDd ,In Harlan Tp. - " You laugh , joke.. dance. play" But this night 1B my last," awainat bi. back•. reaened ' 0,"-4'1' and . no. , . and all -the while that brillin nt mind gan ·dcclarec:l. 'Iyou would not snatched a paper fTom tbe. inner Certan\ sales made by Jeaae A'IOOIUlIISSIID'fjIEIItS' ALLOWANCES of yo urs is scheming. scheming," me to th e front unbappy." pocke~neatly, 'IIJI if be knew tbat Mount. 'adm, of the eatat-e of Dav.idl' " In' mercy's na me fo r what?" " Wher e is your fCjtlment1" p.Ilper would be tbere. Then be flling J Mount, were approved IPld conTurner, "The Causel" His face grew se~ He smiled but did not' an."er. Abla victim :roughly ~agnjDst ~be wall fir.!lled. . Board of Revision. U6; Lebanon·Clt riou !l. young man In civilian dreaa of tbe bous'e and to<rJ.c to his ·beela. The 11'1\1 olMary L. Millard was !seill National ~ank .. Truat Co., MONEY LOANED " So did hers. I'What do you mean cd. He bowed . Wben at lengtb he stopped. it.was admittea, to probate. Cbarle. L. Mil. rent. ,6' Stakalto life. Co. supplle. by that ?" She felt .vaguely alarmed. giln. 'llhen. he . to under a street-lamp. He straight- r d JI Inted d f th 'I,; L P i ' ,9 ' 0 "I mean that wliat you ar e, 1 11 m; was almost a lllllaam out the purloined aheet, read ar was ap 0 a m. ~ ~ ,23,111,; ence, rep~ ra. • . LOANS OD Oha~I..Stbck., Secnrl-:ln that I senrch f or Death even as you " M18s Beaufort; Major it into little pi~l!8' and drQP- tate and S. S. Stahl, Fred Bone and S, Bla -. 8II1uy, ,80. Alfel'd C: t1. and Second MortPa-.. Not.i
0 r. J h W M i 11er -
i1'ba .
Hme'·...... Fertilizer:-Co.
as ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=' ~~'~~~~~~ -
at b18 ~akh' he had In 'that Ume 'he muat borsea and ide ten miles, mf frlll;DiiL I was right," lie IilmSielf. " j don't know what "".~~I!!I!I!~!II!IIII.IYO~ were cllo~n( jn ~hat bouse, nor w~ose bQUlI(1 !-t Ill; but I liad an id~ ~t lOU ca~led t,~e Ule of my eQm rade In YOUI. coal
intere sting~ Reading You'd be surprised to know the number o{ people who consider classilied advertising in The 10finmi Gazette g ood r endi ng. It is the clearing house of business in Waynesville. ' If you have sometbing to sell; want something j need holp; are looking for a position; in search of borne; want t o buy a n nutomobile, or sell a mouse trap-use and r ead The Miami Gazet te's Classi fied' columns.
A few lines of Classified lid coats but a cent a word--and nothing to' read t henJ-flO use this medium every week.
Phone: 112
~~~~~'~.~~ . ~~~~~ Oblo 'am80 'ii ' .' , F ' Att t' - I
. Court o~dered that a lvinl& Janieson Ora.. Co., s~ppll.. of ,tbe entry determining 96c; The Office Outfitters Co., IIIIm., tance tax to be pald fro.m tile e~t. .1Ii; B. ·C. R.if, ..... $17.88; fi4U' of George W. Grim, be certified tOIaii Whitaker. contraet N. 889, '1811; the auditor ., .' W S Grabam contract No · 887, ' Wm. F M<i~, Ed Kno~lcenhaurer"179;' E S. DonneD, contract No. alld Jeaae 1.. Knapp were appoJr/ ted 886, ,88: lIQIe, eX\ra work on No. appraisers of the estate of Anna60:166 f'1.60; lame. contraet No. Grandin. • , .
en lon,
'armen .of. Wuren and _djolnln. cou U. Iba, Ob&aJD ~on., OD Ion. Urne Joana, at 6 per cent Intenat. Coat oj securinlf the lame" nrJ'1'Mo
aonabltl ,throqh 'hr Pejl.l'IlBaDk: Por furtbl1' InformatiOD . . 012 or adclrela IlL C. DRAD, Tnu. unr, phon. ~16-I, IAHnon, Oblo. ,~,'
BQtered at the POlto1llce at Wa)'lluvWe, 0., .. Second CI... MaO Matter lall~'~i Thompson wall In Butlerville
~. L. CRA.NE. Editor ·••d ,PubU .... r, W.y ....ftU •• Oblo
K. Ji:. Thompllon wu In Xenia the 1ir8t of the we~k. The Wllaon's held their annual dinner at the home of Mr. and Mra. Almon-' ForrIIJ, Sunday. M. M. Terry and K. E. Thompson were in Waynesville Saturday Ing.
1'. and Mri. daugh~t '!Spent
Clrde Wharton and Friday in Dayton. Mrs. Oauie Cox is improved after a couple of weekll' IllnesB. . Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Johns moved in with Mr. and Mrs. Johns tor the summer. I)everal from here attended ' the Lodge Decoration at Waynesville, Sunday afternoon.
},(isl\ Esthcl' Rofts spent this' week pon't wait UI)til you sec oue coming. In WaynesviUe with relatives. SublClri»tlon PrIce, $1.110 per ,.ear. Mrs. I:.iniJa Allen and Mrs. Charles I . fonrhJ" Advr.rtl In~ Repr.A."'~ il ve Gorden called on Mrs. Frank Squires ~ .!11 1i.,\~IEI!lS:~!~..!'!E~S~AS3 OC I ~ION . and Miss Isadora, Tuesday all~l'nOClIl:' No on.e can prevent a tornado from destroying your Herbert Kennedy Is spending this week in Oayt'~n with his sister, Mrs. property, but you can prevent serious Joss--perhaps WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1927 Wilmer C. Wlllker and Mr. Walker. J't!in, by ample INSURANCE. , J. E. Gra~, of Wellman, has treatMr. and ?1(rs. R. W. Kaylo~, ot Mrs. Melvina SLacy, of Dayton, is We have paid Qr will pay losses during the month of grocery store to a coat of Dela,nd, FIn., arrived Fridlly to spend aumnler. A PRAYER - 'TWAS NATIONAL, somo II ttcn~IOJl else he can lind wUl ed viliiting lit the home of ller son, Al. , AND ANSWERED sIIiII , May, for the II M~ INSORANC . OMPANY bert 'Stucy and family. Edith DilYis \ entortllinec\ the Miss Leonn J ohnson, of Cinc:innu/ . May be the President will get. some about $800, Did you,have WIND LOSSES last Miss Gladys Ih'll'gdaJi ahd SOllie . !. .,. wt st e11\ ~umme\' ca "..lpAid on lost '''edcle'B day IlftCI' wi'h MI's Lindbergh 'hUll tee ived over 1'0 s '-~ II t .III" . " , - Lli, t'is spendin d ".... th o SUlllmer .. • Miss friends spent Sunday ut Coney Is. '1 tful. Conforence nf~ U Ie .nn . cn'oor at The Springs." month and no Insurance ? IT PAYS·AND IS CHEAP. a thoushnd congrotulutol'Y letters but it is t1oub '\ . . noon. land, near, Oincinnati. nnd telegram8 wIth the mes..'Illge, "I ter conf rence Wjlll be beblld thereh~h~a The McKay families attended the . APPl'oprlate. Crildl'cn's Day exerprayed for your 80n" Bummer on ma or pro ems W. IC.. commencement at tbe Wilmington clses were g,lvell at Jonah 's Run Mr. and Mrs. Earl Young and chilPrayer Is something that 1110Rt of even now lire clamboring for atten· college, lost Wednesday. , church, Sundu y morning. dren, of D.II·yton, were Monday eve,n . d '1 lk a bout. The Hy· lion and action.• _ • 1M rs. El la F' erns • ca.llcd on MrR. E' arn est G'II' ing guests of Mrs. Emma Lacy. U8 0 not easl y La l nm IS grnduat lng from er's mother will never know Lh th ou, Katherine Jordcn nnd daughter, Miss DenniMn uni versity at Granvill e, Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Stowe, of Mu ndth port of the prayel'ii that wont EDITORIAL SQUIBS Hannah, Friday a!ternoon. this week. near Lebanon, were Wednesda), ev. up to henven for her HU ll'S safety in Miss Susnnnil Andrews is expected Mr. nnd l\fIrB. Enrl Hockett and ening guests of Mr. and Mrs. KesPhone 61-2 Waynesville, Ohio those long hours of flight fr om NewA Nalural. He spells it Cham- home 800n from Wc~ttown, Po., col- Misses J oan and Ruth, were Sunday ler Graham. found land to the shores of Irelund. BERLIN. lege. guests of l\Irs. Sudie Reason. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, of Dayton, ~;;;;;;;;;==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"';;;;;;;;;;;;;;===============;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;__.iJ -0Millions df newB(1l111er readers a Wednesday evening and ThUl'S- '!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~~~'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~'!!!!!!!~'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~ road with blurr d eyes the bulletins As})iring young flappers are flOW Mrs. K. E. Thompson and dough. Mi~s A hby F'razicl', of Wilmington, was day guest of Mr. and Mrs. C, E. --;-- - - - -o( Lindbergh'8 take-off in the morn· said 10 be fuvoring a revivpl of old ter, Mis8 Mary Knthleen, spent Sat. viHil'd MI'. ol1d M rs. Herbert DosJohns. . burg, W. Va" wlwrc MI'. Whi 0 hus Try tho Miami Gazette for a year. ing mist, his passngc ovel' New Eng- songs, 'tho favorite being, "Lindy, urday evening with Ml'ls. Thompson's tel'. Sunday. sister in Harveysburg. Th e Woman's IVIC Leugue held Mr. Everett ElIrly and children and a posit ion with thl' Linco ln Aulo C? lund, Maine, Nova cotill, and final- Lindy, Won't You Be Mine?" Iy the circling over St. John's N. F., -0,' The lIlany friends of Mrs C th uit· mee ting Salurday afternoon at MI·s. George Scott spent Sunday with They expect to make tha L (1l uco their ~=============~ Mr. and Mrs. -Hubert Pursley and home for the summel'. fr and his di;mppearance into the black , One record Chamberlin an~ Lev- Thompson, who hus hecn so dang:~~ the home of Mirs. W. L. Harvey. family, near Franklin. Ino seemingly have overlooked 18 that ously ill will be glod to k lOW II t ness of mght. OUR BEAUTY PARADE I 10 M,rs. Mary Moon Sheets and son, of Those tears were teats . of pride of "long distance diving record." ~he is gdUing better Mrs. Melvina Stacy, and AllJert and joy and anxiety. and each car- New YOI'k is a German swamp. ' XCllIa, were rElCent house guests of Sta.cy bave been appointed adminisShe was oniy a laundryman's ried a prayer for protection of the - 0Postmaster Hartsock and family ~." . and ]drs. R H. Jefferis and son, trators of the estate of Mrs. Chloe daughter, but she ccrtninly was a lod who had vllnisheq into the void We wouldn't be a bit surprised now came over from Waynesville, Friday, Kirk. washout I Sides. where. no human hanl:! could longer if some daring you~g' AmericlIn all'. to spend th? day with C. H. DeathMrs. Elizabeth Lister has gone to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Whorton and help hIm. , man hopped to Paris and bock over crage and \\ Ite. Cali/ornia to sipend some time with "More thi.~ ore wrought br, the three-day Fourth of July holiday. Mrs. Kate Jordon and her sister, Mrs.. Mary McKee, whose daughters, Eva and Meriam, were TIlREE to FIVE MINUTES Tuesday, 9 a.m. 3 p.m entertained to Sunday dinner at the prayer than thiS wo:ld dreams ~f. -0Hannah, and sons, George nnd husbnnd is verl' ill. .,., to FORlY TIlEATR£S Saturday 8 a.m. 7 p.m, home of Mr. and Mrs. Samael Smith. Our Young Eagle IS home agalD. A "foot-fauit" is Raitl to have cost ie attended chW'ch in Waynesville AND AUSJfOPS ~ Try 0 8 he will he can never under- Big Bill 'Jlilden an international tell- S~ndn : Robert Collett returned home, Mr. Guy Routzahn motored to stand or know thft depth of .. the na- nis title in France which is not at y mormng. . . W.edn.esdar, fl'o'm .his ~chool duties at Tippecanoe City Sunday, und WIlS acCarys Jewelry Shop tional pride, joy and gratitude at his all an item 'of real nows value. SoonM. M. Terry, Alice Terry, Patience MlIlml Mlhtllry InStitute, Gorman- companied home by MT&. Routzahn sate return. er or later a "fault" of some kind a Thompson al)li daughter! Mary Kath- town. nnd daughters, who hnd boen visiting Of such stuff are heroes made ways shows up in these love games. leen, attended Decoratton at W Miss Clara Hntton entertained lit relatives there. HAYE YOUR EYES EXAMINED --' _. • -0-nellville Sunday afternoon. Pleasant View 'farm Saturday afterMrs. Louella Kearns' and Miss Ma. 1928 EXTRA SESSION NO PJNK After readIng the ads in the news· Rev. Jason Biddlecum, R. J. Mur- noon in honor of Miss Corinne Welch bel Carey, of Dayton, Mr. Dnd Mrs. " TEA AFFAIR papers one Is lead to believe that Lind ray and wife attended the who will be a June bride. J. B.- Thomos, of Centerville, were borgh Chamberlin-Levine in their family dinner at Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gordon, Mrs. Tuesdny guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. NEW CITY Linda Allen, IIhs. W. P. McCarren, E. Johns. Eu;ropcan air hops I!arried or de" Sunday. , _ elf 1ocaoIW..... President Coolldll'o 19 now in the pended upon s me of evcl'Y kind of . . Mrs. E. 111 ViIl:1rs a d M C H NOTARY PUBLIC Blaek Hills of Sout.h Dakota prepared morehandise made here In the U. S. The MlDlstets and Workers con· Gray were W'I . t n I {So Wd A large crowd - enjoyed the splenK>9i3-.ij f'5r to reRt recuperate nnd get himself A fel'cnce of Wilmington Yearly Meet- e d Ct I IID1ng on V 81 ors' e did Children's Day exercises at LyN.tloa.l Baal. fit for .' official dutleK which promise -0ing will hold an all.day meeting n s ay n ernoon. ' tle church. Sunday, directed by the The trensury department the church here on Thursday o~ . Ii'riends of IIlrs. Sara Jefferis, of Misses Eva and Ethel Reeder, nssistto bo as stren\lous as any pre-elecWill. Drawa .. ........ E ••• te. S.ttl•• ~lon_'year the nation hl1ll lIoen Jlince a $600,000,000 surplus fo.r the week, June 16th. Among the Wilmington, will be pleased to learn ed by Rev. lind Mrs. Stillings. Wayneaville, Ohio Teddy Ipllt with Taft The ' Seven- - -which shows how I'eully speakers are Rev. Herschel Folger, that ahe hns so fnr recovered from Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Burnett en. tleth Cona-rea ,vlll be summoned In- would be to have permanent Rev. Russell Burgett, Rev. Jane Ca- her recent serious illness that tertained their children Bnd grand- ' to seNlon during OetDber or Novem· 1!!Slppl ftood relief or farm relief rey, chairman of J:lome Mission Com- was able to visit ber son, Russell, and children 'to a family dinne.r Sunday bor or at least - month in advance Wa~hington actulllly wanted to mlttee of Wilmington Yearly IIfeet- family, Sunday. DR. ' C. W. HENDERSON in honor of the birthday of Barry of 'ita regular convening date In De. operate. ing, Rev. Clyde O. Watson, executive Friends here will leorn with pleas- Burnett. Offlce-Aman Bldl. ccmber--becaute the ·leglalatlve cal~ -0secretary of l Wilnrin~n Yearly nrc of the recl!nt mnrrlage of Mias Mre. Edd Longacre and Miss Eva OFFICE HOUIJIS endllJ' is already crowded . with mo· An insurance company tells "us that Meetin!f' There will be musi.c and erll, of Lebanon. Mrs. Byers attendmentoua mattel'&-vlrtually every baseball. hunting and golf- in the dlscu!l8lons during the day. cd school here I!l , few yeara ngo, lind Wharton left Monday evening for 9 to 11 a. m, 8 to 6 p. m. one of which will no doubt be jock- order named':-Ilre the three most •- • hos many friends who wis.h her hap. Portsmouth, Ohio, to attend a Sun. 7 to 9 p . m. eyed tnio 1928 campaign woes. ' dangerous sports. We always t hought pi ness. day Schoo1 con ven tion be ld there this .'!!!!!!,,:!,,!'!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'! week. . Permanent MjNls8ippi flood relief; there was something the matter with Orrtce T~lePh?ne.l, 30 seating of Yare and Smith;· tax Ye. golf"':"belng as how the SCQtch 'gave ' 'rhe COmmuf1lity club ente'r tained R.aldence. • • AN 88"2 Mr. and Mrs. Everett Baines and duetion; _a nd, the tact that every it to U"" " . '; the ladies We,Bnesday evening at son; of West Carrollton, spent the • • Waynesville, Ohio JlIember of - the Ho~ and one-third -0MiN Ruth Ester MI81'S Ia the guest th~i~ regular rne~ting. Rev. R. A. week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Edd ,t he Senate member will be -u p for Lindbergh ' ate of friends in Leesburg. Stllhngs, of Sprl.ngboro, was the Longacre and Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn • • r-e-electio~ in 1928 Is proml~lng of !lnd a half and the Mr. and MI:8. W. D: Larkin ker. About. sixty wore present Swank. much action. . me crew consu.med only one BOnq- son lire visiting relatives in and every one had on enjoyable ev. In the Senate only one !.ote 1S8~ wich each while ftyi~g trom America field. ening. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Haines, ju. aratea the Democrats .and Repubh- to Europe-which gives promise that Th D S· Miss Harriet Tucker, of DaytOn, HlIlnes ,and Mr. and Mn. Walter Ken. McClur~ can • • ' It .elU!er S)'Dlth or Yare faU the Trans-Atlantic air lane will not t1 e ;rc:; ed~et~h~ very f Mr and Miss Lucille Tucker, of Lebanon, rick were entertained at a birthday en dinner Monday evening, at the home ' to be se~ted-~e Democrats can .Qf- be cluttered up' with hot dog stollds and YM ~ ~ MI~ e F o~e 0 • spent the week-end with their mothganize the Senate in 'the. way theY in the days to come. an rs. . . cay. 1'1 ~y. er, Mrs. Mary Tucker and sons. Miss of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. , Haines and FUNERAL DIRECTORS want. A real party fight IS in Pt'?l1.--0:The Epworth League held a velJl Harriett plans t() remain at home for family, at Belmont. peet o1(er ~he next tax staah. WIth "Safe ocean air off'" enjoyable social at the Annex, Fri. a feW-weeks. WAYtiESVILLE. OHIO Mrs. Minnie Floyd and lon, Rob. Secretary M.lIon already eatlmating saY8 Orville Wright. dily evening_ , crt', Mrs. Maude Koch and 80n, Ray• ,Iurplul of $600.0'00;000-& redue· service, lIoon!" says . 1 • ,. Fiflty.seven members of the M. E. VACCINATION OF SWINE 'tIon 01 ~t leut ,SOO,OOO,OOO 'Ia ex· er-and wl)ile exper~ . MUIS Ada McKay. 18 attending ,the Aid motored to Jl)ayton Thursday, for mond, of Cincinnati, and Mr. John Fully Equipped for (A SPECIALTY) Bowers, of Middletown, were Friday ____ I peeted liy the tax.paying )jublle and citizells buy throat lozeng~ State Sunday School convention an aU.dty meetiing at the hospitable Service. .naturally a. .trunle will be made by our cords in again Portsmouth~ home of Mrs. . F. L. Harris. A coy. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrl. Geo. nlllnhllV Room. NothiD. butVira. Reliabl. .D~d~ I-I-:--~;:~~I.iiR-;alel~c.r:":"'-+~-:;-J.~~f)~l ~rty to have a bUt of Its own returned Sunday ered-dish luncheon waa served at the Scott and family. . eachtin U.etlseelr - ~u~m~~ dra1 lf ~lDacted. '· ' in Gennentown, after a noon hour and at the close of the :Mrs. A. E. White and sona, who TELEPHONE '1 DAY OR NIGHT Phone l 81 Politleal leaders In both parties visit with hla' uncle, J. L. meeting ice creum, strawberries and have been visiting Hr. and Mrs. Kee- • are tully aware ot the fjlct that 1928 and family. cake were served. All report a aplen- ler Gr~am, left Sunday for ParkersHARVEYSBURG. OHIO Ia not acing to be any pink, tea af. DOWN TO FACTS Dorotbv Curless Ia nurein'" a did time. I • fair. Added to the grief II the ago # . rlcultural situation. Pa-rty leaden "In ,my business, the harder I work fQot, 811 the result of Mr. ahd Mrs. W. W. CosBum and everywhere. have at Iaat commenced tile lower I get," bemoaned the a piece of glaas while family returned this week from Chi. to reallze-ihat thl' larmer mUlt have trench digger. ' cutte~. . cago; where they have been visiting MIN Ilhyllia Jelll1 Smit , of Colum. Mr. COS8Un;t'S pElrents. Mr. and Mrs. Is visiting her gra'ndparents, Mr. Cossum, With H[arrl~tt .and Carolyn Mrs. W. C. Smltb, _while her par. gone on t~, Gran~le, to attend entl are enjoying a trip througJi th.e eommenceme,nt f~tivitles at DenEut . nison unIversity, where both Mr. and " .. Mrs. Cossum graduated; Jean and Mr. and ~. C. A. DI.eklnson en· David Cossum Iremained With their tertained friends -of ,their 8cm 9n grandmother Mrs Mary Doster Wednesdsy evenihg in cetebration of • ~. , . birthday anniverSary. Beside • • the family thole' enjoying the '~eel. Subscr~be to the MiamI Gazette. lent dinnl)r were Mias l,luby Smith, Mr. Robert Smith, Mlsa .Myra Bay. dock, MIN Ruthanlla OurrY and Mr. ..
. J
General Insurance
C;~)~n.ES~ j J. ~RK
Dr W E Frost
Walter J. E. McCl~re
Lut~er tumpk~n.
8' ~a
THE late Tom Marsh.1I DIDN'T ' aum it ilII up WHEN he Mid that WHAT thia c:ountry needed WAS • lood nic:kel ei,ar, ACCORDING ~o a fellow R,IGHT here in, town WHOSE firat name is Jim JIM informed UI JUST the other day THAT thil c:ountry AI:.SC;> needed a rood tire AT a low price "WHY, Jim," aaid we "yOU don't keep ~p on CUl,t8£N'Jt,events THIS 'country ha- a DANl)i~oOo tire ' 'R IGHT now ...... ·.............. .. ·.T 'a ~riaiql~ I~w' pric:e piE P;ATH'f INDER GOODYEAR MAlCESit
A~D lUaranteea it LOTS of c:ar ownera RIGHT here in Wayne.ville ,ARE uain, it and YOU can uk any of them IF they're. not more than
THE price on the 3Ox3l6 Cord ia $8.25 THE 29x4•.,o Ball~n COSTS only $9.95 OTHER lizel are offered AT the same money , SAVING price.." WELL, Jim, 'da:ove away WITH a new Pathfinder ON his car ~ND his tire problem IS a ~inl _ OF the put \V~ thllDk 7OU.
---.. --- --
. Po,taili . Brender Hou.., a." 500 Chic;Jt Sis. Brood.r Slo"•• 140.••• Bell Cit, IlIcllllatlDr. KiD, Clermon t H.atl •• Sto"•• The.e are all a. ,Dod al ...",. Will .ell ch.ap it lold thl. ",....
1l\1) ~t
hl\ve . t his.
Co' I',1 - "N,\w.
TIll' ollnual IIh llllorilll services of Miami hoplQr No. 108 J . O. 11. A. M. ; ro\"" Lodgo No. 638 K of P., nn Wyo'n,illjt T.o clg~ No. 102, I. O. F., \Vote held Sunday a rtc l·noon . A 11II'ge numbol' or th e memb I'S of th lhl'e ' ordcr.1I gnthere d . lit tho cemeter y where a goo.d prognlJll w as given. ~ v. L. A. Wushbu rn \VII ~ the IIllcukcr for tho- ,OC aaion, a~d the 1\1en'a choruH of th e Mnin ' Strect, PI' "byl .-iun 'h ur ' h, L bn noll > snn~ severa l seloctio ns. HOU SE WIRING AND GENER AL REPAIR WORK !t \.
- Fo~
D cring binder twine, sec J .. C. Hnwk .
lnt'l h Olh ell\·\icr. Wh y, whlll an , ':111 h WI) 00: II Oncge durnt" d gil;1 hI! /lnin!\, O\lt lhi ~ Illto ill au\'7 .
H8I'ris Illndny.
dOll\ get
l osher
in · inciunat l,
Mr s. Jnme Me lu re wns in Day· lOn.. Saturda y.
M ~ n ager
Mutu al
Life Insur ance Of New York
illiss Ev IYII Gor don is visiting l·el· ntivc6 in Xenia .
Warre n Coun ty
Mrs. Mary Ada ms s pent t he we ek. end with r elatives in Morrow. For Sale--V acuum cleaner, very renson able. Call Mrs. G. J . Smith. Mrs Will iam Michene r nnd son, of Pittsbu rg, Po., ar e visiting relative s here.
Atlan.tic City 0 0
Charles Doy h as an abscess on 'h is hand, t he result of a br uise while -at work.
. and other Sou the rn Ne w ' J e rsey S e aahore Reaorta
THRO UGH SLEEP ING CARS .TO ATLANTIC CITY Liberal atop- ove r prlvUege.a ret,!rni n g
lIIu.trat. d d...,r l pt l.c ' oldo...howln. lim. 0 1 train., Ilop,o, . , prhU... . and 41th •• de ta il. ma, b. obtained flom Tleket A,.nu
w. bell. . . . .w p l _ you. A Fall
~~~~ ~iIA"""""·
can'7 a flln 0..
of MILL FEEDS at all
We are A,enb for
WaynesVille Fa rm ers ' Ex ch an ge Co mp an y ~one
25, Waynesville, Ohio
SAY? Have you used the ' Classi fied Ad. 'colum n lately ? You can get ' rid of your surpl us stock Iby adver tising in
heste r Cllray WIIS 0 Lebau on vis· itor, Tu es day a fternoo n.
Albe rt Mosh er
Mrs. Charles Day and son were Weep n ot his toi ls arc over Wee p not. t hat his ra ce is ru n Dayto n visitor s, Mo ndoy. God grnn t t hat we reat us calmly Mrs. Ray Mills is the guest o f Mr . When our wO I'k, like his. is done. and Mrs. E. N. 01'Iey, of Troy. T ill then we w ill g ive wit h gl a dn e~s Our Futher to h im keep Miss T II'iIIena and Miss Margar et And rest in the sweet assuran ce Edward s were in Dnyton Monday. He giveth hi s loved one sleep. Albert Mosher was born in Iowa, Miss Z(lla Baker. of Hnmilt on. is the guest of A. F. MaUoh and f am· October 6. 185 6. A nd niter several years of ill healt h passed away peace lIy. fully ut his home near Hollis, Kansas· Miss Beatri ce Robitze r is in CO· on May 31, 1927, at tho ago of '10 lum bus vi!liting her aunt, Mrs. Merle years 7 months li n d 25 da ys. He was bedfast t he post four weeks and Kern. was deprived of m otion and speech, Misses :Eleie Hawke and Esther the last f ew days of his life , 'but was ot 0 cbeerf ul nat urll never co mplain• ing. When a . boy he moved with l}is pareuts to Wayn esv il'le, Ohio, and later with his par onts, came t o Hollis Coleman . Cloud county, Ka nsas, in 1881 , and has r es ided here since. Mr. nnll Mrs. Raym ond Marlatt On F ebrua ry 8, 1883, he was uni· and 80nll have returne d f rom a trip ted in ma rriage to Eliza J . Miller, of through the East. Indi s na. T o this happy union six children were born. H e was a kind F r ank 'Holmes, at Van 'W ert, a for a,,!d loving husband a nd, fa t her and mer resi dlmt of Waynesville, is reo Will be greatly missed by t he entire ported to be very sick. commun ity. . He belonge d ~o the Frie nds church Miss LCluise Hender son s pent a and li ved a f ait hf ul Chr istian IUe. couple of clays tbis week with her and went tl'ustf ully to his Redeem er. si ~ter Mrs . Ha rry Turner, in Bell· He leaves to mourn h is departu re brook. his loving wife and s ix children : Mt!!. John Swan son of Coneord in: Mr. The road to Spring Valley will be Wm . Mosher of Havana , Kanfl. ; Mrs. opened by the 21st of this month, is C. J. Atnders on, of Mt. Clare, Neb. : tlie promise of those- in charge of the Mr. J onat han Mosher, of Clyde, Kan . work. MJss Lo ttie and Hannsh MQsher, at Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Edward s an.d home and twelve grandch ildren. One family and Mrs. Jas. McClur e spent sister, Mrs. A. A. Munger , of Man. hattan, Kan., and. many Sunaily 'wilth Mr. and Mrs. George tives, besides a grief·st other rela. ricken com. H k t Cia k vilI munity of friends. awe, a r s e. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Alexand er and A preeious one fwm us hns gone daughte r, IIIf Dayton, and Mrs. Harris A voice we love is still I and childr<en , IIf Californ ia. visited A place is vaeant ' in our home that Mrs. Launl Zell, ·Saturda y. never' can be fined . . God in Bis wisdom has reealled ·the Misses Edith McKibb en, Clara Berboon his soul has given Deborl,lh Walton, Eva and And his ' body IIlumber here
Wesleya n f or the summer
N. P. Blatt and family, of Mon· roe, s pent Sunday wit h Waynes ville r elat ives. Miss Betty Hartsock, of Route I, is spendin g a few days with Mr. and James McClure . Mr. and Mrs. P er son Reason Ilnd Son, Lor ean, spont Sundoy with r ei. atives in Dayton. . ?t(rs. Eloise Thomps on. of Gincin. nati, is visiting her parents , Mr. and MfII. Georte J. Smith. W. W. Schatzm an and family, of Madisonville, spent Su.n da)' with Mr. Ilnd Ml'II. W. O. Raper. tG d . d Mr. a nd "Mrs. L es er on an Miu Martha O'Neall wereormoppin g in Dayton last ThUl'llday.
__~__~~~~';d~W~~~~~l~:~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~from ~~~~ the i~~~~~~~~~ in heaven.
Ho.. aael Del..,. Th••e f..... uoeel .0 I.trodllctie. Ia tWt _ u . l l 7 a.e1 tIl.y ••n at a pric. ~ou _ . aflorel to
MfII. Ralph Vance and liOn, of Pleasan t Plain. Ilpent Sundsy with Mr. and MrS. J. C. Ha1l(ke.
WAYNE eo....
Bel'l\nu-c:reath~1I ~o od-wm ~Dlba....d_olra German y. ' Their
~0~:~~:~::~:~~:~:~~::':~~:: ::~~~~::~;~k~~"~;~~~
R.~:!~riP W aynes~ille
Egg Coa~
Mrs. Susnn Wilkers on is spendin g the 'week in Dayton with her son and family.
· two Funeral serviees were conduct ed , Mr. and Mrs. Will Newlan d Nonrl,AI " eoune at Wilming ton Dr. D._B. 1I1~g~e, .,!IUh!L h.QPHl on -.::::--t,col ~esre 1 -t Wedn ....d·a ydaughte r, Miu Ruth. of Chlca"o , . nd and mterme nt was I'n the ~ >'U . ""ests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B.-Alle n. \ Hollis . cemeter y. • lOUt ali. Berryhi ll and da'ngl~tel'l -----------Mr. and Mre. Clyde Egbert. a1 ThurlldaY morni~ for Xenia. spent Sunday -with their pilr.where Miss Clara ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Balter. tend Bumm41r school at WlulJ,inllrtc,n State Nonnal , BI!Uingliam, Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Robltze r and on the shore of 'puget Sound. located Mr. Frederi ck Robitze r were week- ' ST. MARY' S CHURC H end guests 'of relative s at SardJnla . Mr: and Jill'll. Herbert ·Meredi th en- . First Sunday after T'1'inlty~ June ertalned .to dinner, Snnday, tlte fol· 19- Cburcb Scho'li 'at 9:46. 1I0rnHr. and' Mn. Harvey Rye rowing 1JU!'llts : Mr. and Ipg daughte r. and Mrs. W. P. S8Ilsbn ry an LawBon I1UId son, Mr. Mrs. Tolli· All Prayer and sermon at 11 o'cloclCJ and Mrs. W. are cordiall y invited to these serwere in Dayton Thurlld ay aftvnoo'n E. Stroud .limd Bon. Harold, vices. Mr. ·and and evening . Ml'II. LeonaJ' d Tinney and children . Rev. John. J. S:chade.r . ~&or. . Mr. and Mn. Steve Galanop ulose, Mr: and Mn. Raleigh Thomas and of Detroit. ~ich" are spendin C a few days with their parents , Mr. and Mrs. nelce. lIiu Elil8be th Tllompson, Middlet own, Raymon d A. Tit us And family. Wuhlng ton D. C.• and G&rllhle, of ' Clevelan d. were Mr. and Mrs. FJ:ed Rldee, of An· denon, Ind., were week'"8nd guesta afterno on Clillen at the home of Mr. and. Ill'll. IllIY Malnous . of Mr. and Mrs. lIahlon IUdee and Mr. and Mrs. OaKlef Ride~. Mr. I and Ml'II. Charles 'A nderson Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shc!ehan. had as thellr dinner 'guests On Lena Earnhar t. Mr. and MMr. ~ld Mrs. Ben CHRIST IAN CHURC H • .., l ,el1tldlreli, Mr. and Mrs. Smith Sheehan attende d a birthday . dinner and dllu&,hteni, Mr. andAlfred Mrs BundaX·School at . 9:80: at the home of Chester Crocket t, near Burhma n an,a children . of Oaborn ; Everyb.o y cor~lIy Invited. Franklin , Sunday. IIr and Mrs. Osear Mowrer; Mr. and METHO DIST CHURC H ~r. and Mrs. W. R Allen and MIas MfII. Marvin lIllY !md, famiy, of DaySabbath .school, II :16 a. m.: Pre~ch Olivo Allen attende d the commen ce- ton; Mr. an~ . Mrs. Lyman Day and lug Service at 10:80 a. m ••• Epwprt' h ment exercise . at Mlanii · univem t7. daughte r , .' •....IBHOm.. at 6 :46 p. m.; Evenina ' on Monday Mrs.. Allen'a neice, Mias . . • Preachi ng Service at 7'30 pm ' ., On Saturda y afterno on June · 11 ' . • • ~::!.Newland, wu one of the ~d- Miu ClAra Hatton ent;Ortain'ed at ~e; L. A • .Wa.ahbum. Pastor. beautIfU l cC1untry < home, honorin g • W. N. Seara and family attende d )J1u ·CorlnnEI 'Welch, a bride-el ect of Eighth Grade commen cement at Pat June 1'4 th. The afterno terson school in Da»ton , Friday eve-' In playing "Inea,'! after on was spent whieh dainty ning, where IIrs. Bean' nephew . refremm enUi ' were served. Charles Hole, was one of eight honor l,plres~Bnt wer", MIBB Corinne Those Weleh, pupils of a clau of 64. , Belen Welch, Miss Olive A.lIen, lin. Kellar Hoak, Mrs. Olear StanMr. .and Mrs. Fred B. Henden on field, Ml'II. · W. W. Wclch, Mn. E. and daughte rs had as dinner guesU. B. Dakin. Mn. 'Sadie Reason. Mrs. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Crsne. A. S. Col1ettl~rs W. H. Allen, Miss of Dayton, Mr. and ?In. Barry Tur- Nan C.o llett, JIil~ Herbert ncr and 80n, of Bellbro ok; Mn. H. C. I. D. WeIcli; Mrs. ·George C~rr, Mrs. Coleman, of Norwoo d, lira. "Xate H E: Ratton and Miu Denny, Mrs. Clara Batton. Coleman . Mr. ~nd 1Irs. D. L Crane. - _.-. _ "__.~.--ft
Nathan Johnson and wife, ~~ the Ferry chureh. returne d last Saturda y from a ten days' visit with their daughte r, Mn. Lee Van. Meter and family ,at Warren . Ohio. They drpve on to Beaver:. Pa., and brought their daugbte r, Grace; horne 'w lth them to spend her vacation lJ.ere. Last Thu rsday ' afterno on. in celebration of her thirteen th birthda y anniver sary, Miss Lena Earnha rt wall hostess to a ' number of friends. . The yo"!!g people pasSed a 4~lIghttul a~ ternoon and enjoyed deUclou . frellhtlients. The invited B,eatrice Robltze r, Mary Lea-h
Zlm~~aD, BerWln1fr edArm Itap, Vel ma Armitag e, Anna O'Neall and EY. ""Im.'ll.
elp Camr:rlcht.
--on -
E.vang eliati c.. Serv ice. .. M~ione,ry Evangel istic: ~erviee8 are In proCl:ell8 in a 'tent meeting one half mDe ""el5t of OTegonlB, on .the OreirOnla and ,Lejlano n ' pike, and will continu e f9r. two wee~. , .' Worker s . are: , Rev: and. Mrs.'" C. ~ Ha'rv~y. of ' Oregoni a., mission · "Say, ' Bill, you're not lies to South. Africa: :Rev. Garnett to that· Thomps on girl, still engaged are you?" Phillipp e, .of Staunto n, Va., mission · "No, Bob, I"m not," . ' • .• . ary to Korea ; .and WiIIl.s . 1. Harvey, I~Lucky fO,r you. ' old ' man. n How planlBt and 88I!!lstant. . did you get out of it?'; There · is h1str"m iletal and "I . married her;" ·muslc:. Sernees 8 :00 p. ----2 :tIIO. ~p. m:•. ~lInday• .
'''J~at because lilY "atah !m't ble fa DO reuon for ~ciu to
all aJcbt"
propose d to I if· he lovell . only known me a fnr da~" , Frateio nity-"ln that ' eveD&, h'
probabl r at.W does."
(Ol1ol's, of Le bnnoll, wus mnl'l'iNl Juno 4th. . ill Ollk land. til., to .Tohn E. Wieso. nn ntlol'IIl'Y of that city. The 1I1D1'1'illgC is th e culmina ti on of n I'o munce when both bride ond gl'OOI)l we re s tu dents in t he Uni ver. ~it:y of Cn lifor nia nt Berkley . The llriuo is II cnpnblo nnd IIccomp llshed yo un g WO ll1nl\ \vho hus spent the Illst two years wi th he l' siste r in Califor. nia. ,I Ul'lng which li me she hilS b een profl t:1bly cngnged in the r ealty b usi· ness. ~lIt ur dny,
Leville, American
U. M. White 18 seriousl y ill in n hospilnl ut L ouisville , Ky. South
Wies e-Sel lers
J oc Thomps on is spendin g a few days at West Bade n, Ind.
01'. Flirt' is visiting in Chnrles ton ond Springfield .
--- --
Mi ~R L inn Elizu beth ellCl't!, YO UJl I: l' st du ulI;hte r of Mr. a nd l\1 r s. Sm n·
Mrs. J. Will White is visit ing fr iendll In Dayt-on .
"'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!~!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!'!!!!~~~~~~!!""!~~~ ~~'!' =
. 1
For purc manilla hay fork r ope, sce J . C. ~awke.
Com pany
Polici es issued from age 931 to 70
Way nelvi lle Ohip .
Hownrd B ur t on wns a D aytOil v ia· itor, ·!lturdny.
----- -
-- - - -
TAKE YOUR CHOIC E - - - Docto " My denr young Indy. you arc drinking unfiltere d water. wh ich swarms with Ilnimal organ· isms. You should have it boiled, that will kill t hem." Pa tie nt.--'·G ood graciou s, do~tor, { t hink I 'd sooner be an aqunriu m thun 0 eemetery!"
KEY WE ST ! Wh at Are The y? The best Sweet Potato grown In Sout hern Ohio. You clln get them of e
D. H. HOCKETTS Way neav ille, Ohio
Also, several other good varietie s. And various kinds 01 amall plants.
•- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. Brin g You r Eggs to Kro ger Sto kes ' PureJer~ey M~lk for_~~~e ' .'
Co ffe e
4S c
Frenc h Brand , Quali ty Unexc elled, lb. . .. . . . . . .
J.w.lI. 110 ............ ..... ...............32<:
Gold ell 5allto. Co ..., 11I ...... .. 25c
Tea ~ib-~ ti!~~~.~ ~~~~~~.~~~~...·.. 35 c ~.Ib. pk', tSa Lipton' . ~.Ib p.2Se Sala.... ~.II. pk ............ ...........23e
Clifto n 24~ lb. lack .. .. ... . .... .. . . .
Count.., . Club 24111lb .•
9S c
" .04 GoldMecI.1 or PiUa"u" ", 24111.1I. $1.23 .
10C ~~ ·!~~. .·. . . . . 12c !.~~ 1Dc r.~~~~!~8..,or. 1Dc ~~ ~~ .22c !!.~~~ . . .. 65c Peac hes. 23C Cantal.oupes . 35 , ' Shredded Wheal·~
Pac..... ..... ·.. .... r.... ... ·....
P.fI.d Ric., plq-........... ........·.... 11e
p,k. ... :.... ....... " ••
Collnt..,. I. Ma",. ayrup,..CI." cae··..... Delmoa te. ~a. . ........ y
. . .: . . . . . . . . . . .
Bell., 2 fo'" ..... " ••
!~!Da~~~~~. . . 29c ~~~. .~.~~. . . 25c
"15c .~ ~~
MACAR ONI .SPAGH ETTI NOODL ES. 2 ........L ... Coa.~F Cl.... Macero ai, 5 ...... lIettl, Noodl ••, 2 f ...., .......... Ilc
.~~. . . . . . ,. 18c 110 ............................... ;, . .
. ,
Pa ge the Miami ' ~azette
1 ~1 I
Seventy·Nintb 1lear
Whole Number 5758
JUNE 22, 1927
Has .Gone Wrong With the
Plnns fol' the Wurrell County Home Demonstration Round-up to Ilc held at ' Lebanon, Friday. Jillne 24, are a ho ~ complete .. If th e sun will shine Harmon Park wiil be the scene of activiti s, if not, we will shi ft to the Grunge hull . The 110lll o committee chairmen , with their assistllnts, will net as tesses, and will munage th e dinner to be held at 12 o'clock. There wili bn an interesting exhibit of medicine cabinets of home construc t ion. The best on e to re· caive a pl'izc, Every one wh o such a cabi'n et is urgeci t o bring it. A count w iJI b ' tuken of the number o f emel'gency cal' medicine ki L ~ which Posters have been Ilruught ulong. will t!ill t he story of the work done by townships und tho sta r leuders in each township, while the large mups will introduce ' t he township leaders. Th e following program has been plnnned:
Waynesville wellt to Jamestown, ullday. where they met the Modern Woodmen and del'euted them by thl! score of 8 to 3. The Miamis played their l'eguJnl' gallle Sunday, with few errors nnd lots of hitting. Spl'ing Valley Wall scheduled to play , Boworsville, but on account of wet ip'ounlls the game wns postponed. JumljRtown and Wilmington played on the local .lot. and Jamestown, .by a baiting ral1y in the ninth, won out, 6 to 4. The game wa s a fairly good one, both teams having about the Borne number of hits and err2rs. Lealue Standinl . Won Lost 4 Spring Volloy ... ........... , 5 a Jamestown """'''' '......... 4 Waynesville .. ,................... 4 4 Wilmington ' .. . .. . I[ 4 Jamestown " ..... " 3 5 Modern Woodmen .. " ..... ;. a 6 Came. Next Sunday
.......................... I J"tere.~ing Item~ 'I l from the
Caoit~l "
I ...........................! Prepare by . Columbus 1 ep(.ft~r
COLUMBUS OH10- Democrats, close to the present administration, nre nlmost unanimou s of the opinion thnt Governor Vic Donahey will not be a cllnrlia te 'r01 the fifth time next ycmr . . Of course,' the governor has not as yet staled his position regardin g the election of 1tJ28, but mnny things ure happeni ng which leads his The President will call n special close friends to believe thut if he is session of Congress for October, to Il candidate for any office it will be take up the Mississippi flood disaster that of U. S. Senator Lo oppose Simand the provention question. The con D. Fess. The same sources of sooner prevention is discussed and information that reveals this condiarranged the better. The American tion goes even further and predicts that Congressman Martin L .Davey, Congress and people, have a faculty tor forgetting-cven a two of the 14th district will be nominee. 12 :00 noon - Ba ske~ ~ Icnic served [t is surprising to find the number of billion-dollar ' calamity, and 700,000 At Waynesville--Miamis VB. Spring caf cteria style. loyal rooters there are right here in Vlllley. . people being: made homcleBB. 1:16 p.m.- Group singing led by the Columbus for the Kent congressAt Wilmington - Wilmington vs. ki tchen quurtet. and a survey of rurnl Obio Twice In succession, American Hi. Modern Woodmen . 1 :30 p.m.- The Humc Demonstra- Democratic papers sccms even strong era hAve orossed t he Atlantic at At Jamestown - Jamestown vs, lion progrsm, Mrs. John Jack, cr. With Repulllicnns facing II bitone "hop," Lindbergh flying to .Par- Ho,w.!rK·villl .. County chairman of Home Com . ter gubernatorial campaign with at I.. Chamberl~in and Levine, almost - - -- ........- - 1 :40 p.m.- Introdu ction of, least five cundidates for the nomina. to Berlin. ~nd reports of lust yeal' S • tion, the Democrats united on one What . will military ·nnd naval genIII Warren county by townships. candidate, and the record of the last tlemen say now about thelr theory LANDSCAPE SPECIALIST Home DemonstratlOll Agent, General Assembly still fresh In the that " t he airplane is no real menMiss Watt;s. minds of the voters the Democratic ace to this country." . 2:00 p.m.-Kl~dek8rkastrofee, Har- nomination for governor looks even Out. of two at tcml1U1 to fly aCrOBS TO VISIT fARM · Ian townshiP.. . . more alluring in 1928 then it has in the ocean by American fliers, both 2.15 p.m.-Spec181 mUSIC, Ki tchen either of the campaigns of the PJ1St succeed. Farmers nnd rorm women th · quartet. . six years. And it is' with consider2.20 p.m.- Talk by M1SS. ~ando able pride thnt they point to the inWhat would bl' the probable per- out Warren county who Przyluska, heal th speclallst, O. creasing majoritieS of Congressman centage' of success if five thou8l\nd plans ana s uggestions fol' · S. U. foreign aviators. with fulI govern- shrubbery so ao to improve . . . Davey each time he ran for office' and 2 .40 p.m. -Muslc speclel, KItchen the record-brenking majority of ment backinr and unlimited expendi- 8cope effects of their farm ~ ture of money, should fly the 2 ·4~uartet. Th t St M' 25~ 000 in 1926 made in a district that requested report June to rft"~""'DR CHANE'S · " p. 01.0 ex ep, lSS is 20 000 Republicans. way on a hOltile errand? Agent Class bytoMonday. 2 • ' FRANK , _ • Watts. • All who make such requests will _ HAPPY HOUR CLUB 2 :65 p.m.Playlet, "The Woman To the Memory of My Little Crud. Americana sllOuld take to heart IDlmb,ab.lv bo able to get the assistRainy weather which has prevailed No Occupation," by. all . continually since May 1, when daulbter, Eleanor Brook. the leMOn that Lindbergh and Class and Mr. Reis a specWEEKLY LECTURE ships. berlaln hllve taught us and get O. B. U., who will be in . the 8coson closed on bDSS has pre· HAS GOOD PROGRAM 3:80 p. tn.-Adjourn. to keep hostile fliel1l away f~om county JUly 7 and 8. vented all kinds of fishing, but with continent. Severnl years ago, with the assisOur loved one is gone All the women of the county . the opening of the season last ThUI'&The Hnppy Hour ciub was enterFive or ten thousand flrat-class tance of · a landscape specialist from OUR NATIONAL DUTY IS And oh, how we :miss her, tai,ned at the home of Mrs. Lida urged to be present and to bring day there' was n r Ush to streams airplanes carrying mail parcels and the university, County Agent OBVIOUS See. her little \1ac~ant choir, Oglesbee Tuesday afternoon, June their families. The Sunshine .Circle wherever there was a possibility of pasaenre ;" in peace, teady to arranged .for a number of farm Never more can w'e care85 her 14, with twenty·two members and Club Room girls will help with the getting "a strike." There jl every on machine' guns in war. ~ould home improvement demonstrations, In this world of si.n and care. care of the children. If you have a indication that tho fishing seasoo, six visitors present. the best invl'stment this rich nation which will be visited again early the A recent report to Congress for an . of After the busineBB session . the fol- folding chair, bring it with you to which has just opened will be next mont h. appropriation for the ' Interior De- But some day ~e hope to. meet her, lowing program was enjoyed: could make. supplement the available benches. the best in years. Streams of the 'Mr. Victor Reis, has been recent- par.t ment included some $750,000 for In a land so .brlght an~ falr- - -.'. _ _- - state have been 8plendidly . stoCKed Music, Victrola selection; talk, . G~lf, according t~ a~cident insur· Iy employed by . the ogricultllla! col- a dam in Arizona and some .$2.500,- 1n tbat mamnon home m Heaven with fish of all kinds by the ' state fi8h "Lending Literary Women," Mrs. 'ance companies, comes ,third among lege as a lull·time landancpe exten- 000 for rond construction witb other Jesus went to prepare. Fir~ and game division, and .Dent ,0. Herbert Carr; rending, "History "danprous ·sport&." Victims of 461 sion specialist. Farm h~me ownoJ'S items of a similar character. · Thompson, chief of the division, says the American Flag," Mrs. Nellie Bup. COlt accide1)ts ~ollected Insurance who r~quest u88ietance m~y be IlIV, This is. 'proper bu sineBB for a Her smiling face 110 longer greets us, nell; recitations by several of the The Wakitatina Camp Fire Girls that th? :work is stUl .going on, and laIt year. Twelve for "cuts wJth e~ a V1SIt by Cla.s~ an~ R.el~, st) .as t(l ernnlent. It does nO.t pay for a With its loving eyes so blue; littl.e folks 'were followed by a con- met at the hpme of their guardian that millions more wlll be dumpe.d . . Telling us of how she loved U8 ahArp In.~l1ientl." The instruments give geneml sugge.s tlons and mfor- ernment to be paternal and to Mn. Moomaw, MondilY afternoon. ' into creeks,. rivers and lakes during test. were bottles, on the "19th holll." .motion concerrting the kinds and the certain' special interests. but it does ~nd he.r words wllre always true. The hand sign, Jaw and credo the next few weeks. Deal"rs in Iis.h During the social hour a However, for one myan !.n jured at golf nt of IIbl'Ub~ to plant, as well pay for a government to engage in . , , g iv611f Ifo'llowed by t he ing tackle report the largest sale in two-co.u rse lunch was ser\'ed by one bllndred die for lack ot exercille, to .place tMm. As the state pUQlic works, the benefit of which When on every SI~bbath mornmg, years w:hiJe a new record will be hostess and her assistant, Mrs. 'Jos- report and roll call. 110 play golt. .W lI\ be In W'.1rren. county shall accrue generally to tbe people. The church . bell rtngs so clenr, neBB session it wes made thiS year on the number of U· ephine Gons. OIas~ will not promlse ' When tbe . Lord made Adam and 1 almost thmk I Ilee her , The next meeting wllJ be held with skirts for hikers were to be made. cense which are being iasued by the A , German scientist says your: heart to · VIsit .01\ places In the class she so dear. The hike to Linger Longer was post. county clerks and·othllrs. ..,---'''Cast, in July Is '1... Il1ipo~t than the. billion. of help. As. demonllUations poned indefinitely. 'Various other cella that malfe up your body. Tbe started 111 the northern. part . Man's work eve.r since upon this She was only a child not five years old Approach of the county fair lIeason matters were then d.iscussed. . beart is impol'tant;' of course, county, Cla8~ is espeCially anx,'!. earth has been in Unp,rovlng upon Yet never to us of her pain she told. We then adjourned to sing Camp is indicated by the opening Q~ the ~\lt the smile om her face was althe ,cella, eating, drinkinll', . to, have applicants fr9m Uni()n . :SR- the natural condition'" of nature. 4th annual scbool for county fair Fire 80ngs. M. L. E., Scribe. WA.R REN COUNTY ways thetEl, each livlna a teparate life, are more Hamilton, Ha'r~an and SouthHe is to reclaim deserts, improve live stock judges at O. S. U. tomorThe dear little g~r1 with the golden .... row. Veteran breeders and judges important than the heart, even In tOWll8~lPS.. . b ' riven, perfect harbors lind make hai.r. m.eelllg~ IS to e .l1n. tunnels, etc., so that the earth will with experience in national live stoc~ blood-circulatlon. COMMUNITY tHEATER week, 80 all who may be It fitter place in which to live. . shows will comprise the ' faeulty. The humllfl hody III like a nation. take up this work, fI!tO UItl It is this kind of ' work in . God saw fit til take our darling The Bummer schedule of closing Breed asso~iations are co-oJle~tinc army should be engaged. In olb. we say thy will be done; Bralll and heart are the co.vemment. report· to C.o unty, Agent Clil~ 01' As a new and added feature of hours for Duyton retail stores will ~ith the a!llmal ~n~ustry dep~ent The celli! 'are the citizens', and office .b y Mo.nda y , ~un.e 27. . er words, be put upon constructive we bope Bom,e day to meet her the ~'927 Warren County fair, a Co!" become operative Wednesday, July LO conductmg thlS ~chool, and ' an atIn that land beyond the sun. .. - • labor as well as t.o be .kept In readl> .im'portant. . mumty theater will be attemp~ed, In 6th and will continue through Aug. tendaflce repreRentin.g ",lmost eve~ order to provide clean end whole- ust 28th. This Rc tion was taken ~ounty in t~e state 18 expected dli.r~ Dr. ~end"leohni of Berli,n u~tver-l'HE ROTARY HOE ness for destructtve operation~. God alone knows how we mi88 her entertainment ~o the .friOllds a recent meetln~ of retail 1I1g the session. It", saYII. "T~II ae.cret· of lI;fe 111 the ;' Such a pr.ogram ml&ht well call For he hears our sad heart sigh, for the services of ever., boy And hill Word telle us we can meet and patrons of the falri to brlllg 0\1t held at the Chamber of Commrece. ---ability of living cells to effect the latent talent throughout the ruThe charges made by State Auditor. communities; to create a desire ;,----. _ .... - - Joe Trao-y to the effect that interest . .VALU · AUL ' E FARM' TOOL h her " b be the '''Principal cause of blood ' tliey 'would be requirl!d to giye their W. ere they neve'r say good y. and 8et standards for }letter ?rama, should have' been charged on·· funds and to develop a closer reJatu)l1ship . of the stale while in the coune of culatlon." services to ' the I!'ovemment. Every- Wh thO fI lui J'f . . '" body ought to be made to re.lin en 18 t i e .19 over Tlie secret ' of makin~ life worth among tho various rural and urban collection' by Thad H. Brown, form· communities. " The regular meeting of the "oung er s\lcretary of state, is . acting as' a while is the abjllty of the living bula The use of rotary hoes for culti- that the flation is greater than the In- ~nd ~hfl ~i~r b8,v:a:~~ear~l · nwa.y, to accept arid absorb new id~. That .v ating soybeans will be featured pn dividual ' und has prior claims upon I e a n our rng eanor Play. and Pr••eDtatioD Friends' Meeting wiB be \teld at the boomerang for gubel'n~torial c'andiis the principal enU8e cl'f human pro. Fridaj, July ~lIt, aCcCOrdinlr'" to Bnclaims that come his n tJtat land morl! fair than dRY· . are to · be one.act Tomlinspn home, Sunday, June 24. dates just as was expected. Scores or similar felltures running Devotional leader, Jean Hockett; of letters have bl'ed received bY' Col' aTelll ..... rQm ounty Th h • Mr. J. A. Slipher, 80ils . would maintain 'an immense eJ\, 0 Lord, ,hl!lp ·me to w~lk ' 30 to 50 minutes 'each a.n d must recreational leader, Esther Under· Brown many' of them from persons S.udenta ae Oxford wo~ ellan.lon , specialist, 0 , A. C.• army of constructive wo k h [11 *hat Chri.tlan path so plaID, be npproved ' by tbe Recreation wood; lesso n leader, Eli Furnllll. he does not know in which they ex· won';en are to t4!8ch th~~$. assist qlaas "nd the Lingo Kud· could be changed in a mO~:='1 ~o~ That we again may be together iulist of O. S. U. An approved press their indignation at the charges ware Co., will ~1:I rnlsh the rotary . tice to an aJ:my of aefen~e a Inat N,e ver mpre to Pllrt again. and copies of plllyscllD .be secured made by "those who are attempting Ke'.... e·J At 10 a. m.,·they will be at the an' e,nem'.,. ' . , sa . ELLEN J. BROOKS. ·,read. "by .the Ox1~rd ' of Extension Agents, Watts and to break down your ptllitical high 111 that : w f!'t' H ""11 d ~ E I '3 . ~ft" ;men, eayi Class. ' standing and in.f\,\Jence. n Thil . ili . d I II 'Iocial 0 '.1'; enry' DU ar ana.. . . If this plan ·were adopted I lliould ...... teA war . an 8 a Ix: '1 . ~ f Lb ' . " I~==============:.. Arrall.omenu way the matter was expressed' by ReV' Financial lutlon of the' utmost ·sign'ficllnce." s . ~I e~ . I!BS 0 , e .ano~j , bll .In. favor ?f compul~ory 'milltary The Community theater is . housed W .E. Freeman, a .'well-known Civil t~alnlng . and lJ~ cOJl1pell.m g b.o~. and power that is found in foiling waters 'Women are natural te4\c.hora; t~!lth- mile east o~ , ~a~h~~. ~111 / ~11l. War veteran and retired Baptist · • L __ b th i'.. b 'fr Washington tOWJIshtp. ~t 11 .30 p. glrls to be tralned not alone m the opens up tremendous vistas and in in a commodious tent arranged joint· " ~..!..' ee~ uS;::I~1ltt n om In., they will be at the farm of AI- bearing of arms; but 'c'ompelling the.m the application of this our youth Iy .by the executive board and the minister, who says that he only ex· " ' ,,~~Il:II"~ c ng c re, bert Goocey, 8 rniles ,s!>uth of Mor- at ' a "J:ertain period in the~ lives to might IlS welI' be employed. presses the indignation o~ a vast host, '. County ·F arm Bureau. A very low I na u~ an . ip Salem t,!WI1shi'p. . . for the government. The making of gooa roads also is admission charge Is being made in orof friends of the former 8tate sec- . retary. lflcidenfully it 'is intetest· The United States haa ';'ast iltreic"h a contribution to the permanent will- del' that all patrons of the fair con The rotary hoc promises to be the ing to note the fact that more mon· most , v.a luable tool yet in~eri~ed to es of land which need imp!,ovements. fare of our nation. Roads need to afford' to tIIke the whole family to ey was .spent for maintenance of 'teJac~lertllc()ntrol.sllJaU ~wtleds and btl ng Milch of th!! 'West Is berren and be ' constantly worked ' upon and flew see a number of plays: The ' organization giving the best play will be highways under the ilDlinillration of the ,deslred 8011 tilth .in soytiea!l8 needs only the , proper use 'v flts ·wa· roads need to be built. ' Col. Brown than aU tho other ,tate ed 101ld w:itb an Qrdmary gram . drill. t~r courses in 6r,d er to water it. AT- • Altogether is II! quite proper for ' a awarded a banner to be kept secretaries combined, as <"f ar B8 mon- . certam precautio~1I must. be ex· !zo,no m!ght be a~ rich as ~&'Ypt · government to go into the busine85 the ensuing ye~r. Any organization oy collected througJt hiB office goes: , . of improving the natural resources winning this banner two yea'rs out of as to .the ag~ .and helght 'of It Were properly waterl!d. " type of SOlI, moisture and TJ)e use of the flatural SUpply of the nation: .~ three, becomes permanent posseasor , of the same. . If it keeps on rainin~ farmel1l of .· 'Receipts from ' 011 performances Ohio should hoid their co," for hiC~' during the fair are placed I'll a er prices. in ' the opinion of' O. :r. mon fund 'from which general West, state federal crop . stati8~ciaJl, pense!! will first be .paid. Then th~ who says the 'prpspects 'tor yield.. 'II executive committee soall distribute per acre are not "favorable." Be' to each organiza'tion particip~tlng an then points out that if weather ' Clln•. Y~ ' equal per cent of the re.m ainder, relater on prove hirhly flivof• • &~ . able '~e might. have ' an ilvera;e' or ' servinII' the rill'nt to set aside Ii small reserve fund ~or the next' year. large crop of corn in Ohio and tJie -Additional exhibits feaiurinll' varientire corn belt. But the eh&pCeB 08" phases ' of exteniipn work ' and . a big crop seem to be ao ellgbt . go~d . busln!!BB' jua~~~~ . would Includes . ciues. l"orm Bur~au ae~lvltie8" may ' also · be a crop of only ,moderate · me. general eve.nts.· arrang.ed In. the tent. Fiaal Pet. for EDroD.eat·, be ' from 10 to' 2&:i cents . . You ' should . be The final ·date for enrollment Is' , ' tb&i\'''the, were . . a" percentage ' of A level iii 'corn' ., August 1; ,1927. For ifurther ' info~~ seew for Mill. time maHon see any of the local ofllcen, NeUie Watts" Tome . Demonstratfon ' ,Agent. . or CI1ii.rles F. ' Ou,·. OountY Agl!l)tlt. O~n1I8t1onl: at Extimsioo wisbinr 'to. participate.. Ihoulji notify , in ",ritlng, :M~ Maii.e · Beham; 1Ii~ .l;etary" Uebanon,' R, Dr 4, IlO~ ltl,t er :'. tha'll 4ujuat i. FLOOD REi:1EF SEssiON LESSON FOR UNCLE SAM YOUR IMPORTANT CELLS WOMEN NATURAL TEACHERS
In Me:moriam
.. - ----
Summer Schedule
fi& ma~~~~ :~~n:!S~tbft:~l1
f~lmatth~0~~a~m~fin2~h: ~i;~,
'Youn- g Friends Meeting
. .'. ~ -,~ "'t'f---~
Child Drank :lodiDe" <!:--........ ' ,.. .
( Cllt,t III oJ\e way,
of the eata of John P. nlaoll; W filed. I Proof- of publloatlon of the aPI)0l1lt-1 . menl -Of Pearl Whitsell aa admx. ~he eatata oC Charles' • Swartull, Wall Aled. Forest D. Halnos, adm. -,;,f lhe 011---tate of Esther Rael, flIed hi" COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINCS lory and allpralsl,!ment. U. Early for Your Sal. Dat... We GuarantN Ann ~ Gnldvil:h wa$ granted a di- • ourt ordered thut E. B. Dakln, Satiafart.ion or Char,. Nothinr,. D'Xeeutor of t he est.llte 'Of Deborall H. ,'o reo Crom glllve G,ulo\'ich.· • Court a llow:d II1IIrlrnrtll HatRold Dakin, Rell certa in properLy at pri· $6 per wel'k 118 tumpornry . alimon'y valo 111110. fo llowing her case agninat "Roy HatCourt appointed .Tohn Jack, So, . fie ld. Gilmore and Charles Parker, nppraiaPhoDe No. Phone No.2 The j ury rendered a verdict i.n fa- ers 01. t he estate of Newton S. DufVOl' of the d(!fend/lnt in the ca8 of f.el cl . . Ben Reed . \'8. The Citizens Nntionul Oistribution or l't in stoe!<R oj Hunk & Trust Co., ndmrs. th estate 01 0 bOTah U. Dl\kin was J 1\' t 2 town Iota In Fran klin GOOD WAY, EITHER . ill , ollrl UPI'D Inte d R 0 b oru• B rowlI 88 mR d C. . ' 'CSlle J ess'• en 111ell L7. tCl UoU .I~ Bisho p, ' 0)_ i Frnnk oburn. lHlClllor ot tho es· I , _. F ' kl'lll " on):11ILli lntlons, I hear you .a!;e Ic"'nl co uncil for J;.~sc 'Geese. ..The jur)! found JI('~~c O'C Q~e gU 'JI tnte of hurles ' . AI I h' fi • town 0", 111 'I a n . . Cnburn, . Cl , IS 1'8. F k ,., d L'III,' O 1~ M ilI N' to III II I'ri ud." . . . ranFa~aly, '.. nil90.18 IlCreM' .11I ty of curt'Ylllg' c,conccole d weapons and finnl uccount. . " W F of lund " Who Lold you 1; hat." I om not lind he WIIS sentenc( d to 1I0t I CM than ourt fix d the prlCflS at which cer· II' I' T g'oi llK' to be lllnl'ried." one year in tho' Ohio penitentlary III lain honds of lhe esLnte of Finley aW:~terl)KI'IliS to J ohn L. 0 11(1 AUs "Congratulations I" lillrd labol·. - - - Thornp on, may he sold. M Rill ( 62 acres or land in Homil_==:====-==~~=~~~~-:' Marion Howell, adm .of the estate . T . :_ _ _ - _ _
F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley
kind of a woman you and , ita n r mal rattlesnake. Whe~ver Il~O Ii~rik(' Ws death. · Bo you know what. I thiJik? Willi, t hat. l'llung woman we alt marded a lew weeks ago may be th .'very woman we've been aft ~' . . " When we reach ' the road, have to go \t alone. l musL g 1t:Q Ri~hmond. Turn to YOU I: .three timcs, thlin go straight You']) strike our outposls by ,noon. lIe1'e We are, Ilnd good luck to you." 'Then J·WG·A climbed the bank of 111 }·ond. ITi1i frien d wheeled hill hur (, midstr '11m 1111(1 wellt s jila. hlllg I) WII it. J-WG-A un;i C.RD-A. hod Kon their 6Cl1llrnt wny forever. tl'alltil11C .1(Junl\(: hlld nrderod he r l· ria~l!. : ltll wa ~ ti l';'d, lind she kn ew t.hll L her uu nt wa ~ struggling ogainst sleep. . When Jonnne renched h er room, she unt.lr ssed and ~at down before th mirror to do up h l' hair {or the lIight. With a sigh she realized thu~e benuUful tresses must go, lind NEW S UITS otElmer Howell, was ' authorize~ to to~oh:·L. and Alis M. Hlll.to ~fnrion not luter thon tomorrow- must be adl' n Johllson vs.. r.lcrrill Johnson to ko over all personal pr.operty. 0 Hill 62 acres of IlI nd ill HllmilntREE to AVE MINlIlIS lipped Rhort like II boy's. ~ lurion Howell fil(!d hIS first. and t· -- .... to She would save .it, and wear it 88 (01' divorce, alimony and co tody 01. on. T p.' . FORlY llIEATRES PS a wig dyed brown. She saw the children 011 II chl\rg(~ of gross neglect. final accou nt. Elmer K.el1dnJl to George C. Shu~ ANDAllSHO ~ folded bit of paper sticking fl'o m the Abbott nnd Walke." Inc., VS. R. D. The administrator of th e es.tatde of mn.r d 5 town lots in Loveland. mi.rror's frame. . Cnlmly she plucked Black and Earl Kir.k, appenl f rom J . George W. Grim was nut horlze to Th~ Lebanon Farmers' Coopera- / ) / /j I \ \ . forth t he note Rnd opened it. sel! a certain bond. tive Co., to Roy C. and Trumnn B. I. M.edusa's head I r. . . . Tho will oC Valentine Doughman .... t.. Dora Shuw vs. L.cvl Sbaw, .for d,-. was flied. It was later admitted to Griswold, . 1 tOW!! lot in Lebnnon. vorco,. gross neglec~. , robate and Annie Doughman was Agnes H. Smart to Ch!)rl cs J . Wag I ~ .s MnlvlllU Stacy V8 .Seneca Cornel!, ~nmed executrix fo t he estate. Ar- goner .n2 town acres In Lebanon . ~J 0rnell George Cornel!, Sylvanus.9 Gaii nn d R. H. Hutchinson to Ed· , Al thur ' Hitch, Jehiel West and Fred va Cornell et 01., foil' po rtlllO n of real RillP were appointed appraisers. • na C. Hopkins, 1 to,,:n lot in LebnI TIMES S~ ('stoate'lll B . Mny Utz Distributio,n of t he (!stnto of De- nonO'nrrie Coburn to Frank and Enrl I NtwYOltACIlY r~ e tz VS. eSSIe ., bornh Dakin wa~ made. <6 ......... .~ crudcly drawn circle, with a 1'he first an d final acco un t of W. Coburn, 82.34 acres of lan d in Tur- , ted 'rr( ~_..,ijI'St stnlllge, ,rcek-I('tter· likc device in ro r (hvorco, extren:o cruelLy. - -f Ch tlec rol'k Tp. " en fiI'IO ,\ rl ... the entel', slRl'ed bnck at her. D as F. Zinck, Aker!', ndm. of the estat 0 118. F""ancns ...y,I:)~t u \rave. n"5 ~:~ co ' PROBATE PROCEE IN J. was upproved, II110wed and .C ~ T. Lewis lo W. C. and Emescot~ Below it is wl'itlen in cramped letters : Warren Burton was annointed adm confirmed nla Lewis, 8.71 towll .ac res in ClearWI i ...... ' " . " omplim ents of th(! sellSon to ",..Burton ond . and !lnaI account 0 f Ar· crec.>k Tp.R. Vun Horne to Minnie E. ...nOMS ;L.. , W. )OII~"'_ DC tlie estate of J umes Tho first Susall ';tb\Nllh'~ ~uIcJ\t Mudllll1 Who .from her fonc:! and James A. Beel, Joel. Kirby and Oscar thur BrYllnt, assignee 01 B. R. Whlt- Evans, 1 town l ot in Frnnklin. loving, but neglected. hUSband." eman and H. W. Lafrarson, wag apThe mnn shc hud married was still Taylor, npprnisers. in Richmond I . P1;001 of publlclltion of the ap. proved, allowed and confirmed. COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANC~S The first and final accoun t of Ar_ The r Howing morning J eanne sen t polntment of E. C. Dunhnm a8 'exeS' [or h l' uunt. , he sat down before utor of the estate o:f Julia H. Fre!,lch thur Bryant, adm. of the estate of Valley Phone Co., rent" ~48.60; the mirror, !licked up 11 pall' of bright was flIed. Ida B. Grubbs, was npprov,ed' nUowed same, t l;>lls, $22.'76; W. . GIIII\our, new scisso rs and pB88ed them over Proof of publieatio,n of the appoint- and confirmed. . inque!t, J8.20; Th~ Stnkalta 1,ffg. her shoulder. ment of Lottie Allison as executrix The fi rst and final account of Elsie Co., lIupplies, $10; The Columbus .. ut it close, A untie--close." ~ Snook, guardian of Jennie Conrey/ Blanlc. Book Co., same, $88; M. A. "But why, why-" demanded the be ============~=~ was approved, allowed and confirmed Bu,r ke, labor and !'Iupplies. $16.76. wildered Dunt. "I am a soldier; soldiers obey or- en about Richmond that t he governThe foUrteenth account of H. D. Geo. W. Larrick, 3Il1ary, $20; Griaders. I ant going back to Washing- mont awoke to the fact that Lincoln McVay, exec utor of t he estate wold Tire .and Battery Shop, supplies lon, Auntie- but not lIS Jeanne 'Beau and Grant could end the ~Ilr if let Alonzo Cassiday, was approved,_ al. $9.25: : Tro stees of Public Affairs, fort I I mDY nev('r come back. In be, and that there were as danger- lowed and conflrn\ed. ~ light and gas $17.22; ltlcGetchin~8 that case there will be fo ur of U!l"- OU8 enemi~8 within Ithe gates 118 there The first and final account ,of ~va Phnrmacy, I!u ~plics, U .8 5; Lebanon with a gesture toward the photo. were outside of thmn. . Cooperative Co ., coal graphs. About this time the Secret S e.r vHormell i c e . ' admx. of the estate of d • ' $16.22' , The _ bureau became 11 real arm of the hnda M. Thayer, was approve , W.estern. Star, ~~lpphe8, $68 , C. C. " Gi ve me the !!cis~ors." ' . Hlgntmat), aupphes, 14.60 ;F. M. · Col. "Take t hem to the hair-dresser, government. It bElgan to be what lowed and confirmed. Auntie .. Never mind the price. Tell it has since become, second to no George A. Moyer, guardian of payroll, $2411_60: E. S. DonneU her the Will must be made withi n for- other iJ1 the world. lIam E. Moyer, fil ed his first . 1st est. on contract No. 780, $200 : ty·eight hours. II must be dyed a Certain faTilies, known to be in Lola t. Voorhis, executrix of Roy E . Miller, expenses, $9.80; dark brown." 'sympathy WIth the Sou.t.h, _ were estate · of Walter W. ~oorhis, filed .Waites Garage, repairs, $92_46; Mil. "But why . didn't you keep it on watched. Jeanne k new t~1S and ar- her first ' account. ' " \er Hdwe Co., paint and brullh, $3.26 your head and dYe It?" • rllDlied her \>lans IlccordlDg!y. Th~ George E. Young and George C. Wm. l'tfalot. vuTcanizlng $1' W_ C. Quite naturally her next glance famUy to which shl! wu aSsigned as . . t f th tate f ., , I' -18 .e es . 0 Turton, cement and sewer p pe,. ,. was into the mirror. She rather a guest from Bltl~imore had borne Perrine, ~ecu ,ors 0 the closest scrutiny, cheerfully, u.r - John P!!rnn\!, filed theIr first. ac- 70; A. D_ Madden, wall material, YACCINATION OF SWINE banely and auccessfully_ count. ' . . $219.84: The Famou8 Auto Supply (A SPECIAI.TY)· They were Nort'herners who had Court ordered that a certIfied copy Co., supplies, ,2.25; A. ~oPJ>e &: Co. the bulk of their fClrtune invested in of the entry determ'inlng the loheri. $80.80: . The Columbus the South. ,Aaide from . the , zeat of tance tax , to be paid 1rom the estate BlanK Co., supplies, $1.76.: The Nothla. bllt R.Il.bl. SerUm the intrigue, they '",ere dell"hted to of Deborah H_ DaKin, be certified to Mol'1low Lumber; CIf., bridge repair Vine U •• d , have Jeanne. Her dark beauty, the the ·auditor. · material, $U9.06;' The Muon Lum~ Phone 31 liPlend or of ber eyes !lnd dar~ brown The will of Ella S. Ga.ynor was ber Co material $4177' Intern.a hair, her low, mlluncal vOlce--this . ., rat c' • 'tr k d HARVEYSBURG. O~tlO captivatad them fr,~m the start. " rued. tlonal Bal've 'e r 0:, n~w . ,uc. an That her skin was artificially dark$162J.'0; Bevan &: Stingley !'!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ened, that b'lr · hair, while her own, MARRIAGE LICENSES and sand, ,GO.n8; J !!hn Law &: yet wig, was quite unaulpected Le' M rto P(!arsall teacher start.er and tire repairs, $2.77 They vaguely underW.ll1 0 n , Ohio Corr_ Culvert Co.; her prCliCnce';n Washlng- of CI~veland and Margaret $94.60 ; The L. G. AndertlOn NOTARY PUBLIC Co ' material.. ,226' Lewis political tdiPlificance, but be- Shawhan, teacher of Morrow. Homer Bert.\n Conner, clerk ., sUIlP.~ies $1'60: Drs ', Ed yond this they did not bother their Nallo.a) Bull; beads. They had been asked to .har- Bybee, Ky., and Kathaleen Blair a~rvi~e.' $24.60' bor bllr ' as ·Iong· lUI harborage was Welsh, of Morrow_ Ii II 1856' Ohio' WI,I. Dra.. .. .. .. ._E.tat.. s.ttt.4 they ne·e no more than ~ Wm. Byera factou work· ' . su e d Sa' I~t. I-.:::.- --J..tblat..--=-:..::....-.:.....:-.:.:----,---:-~ , f Leb d' The rna Edith tentluy 't«, an "" ..,..,... ; W.YD..riI~.. Ohio to t&1!,e her everywhel'e, er, 0 anon, an tressea; . 04 t WaIteI' SimplOn, a fOlltnight's time ahe "Roberta, of ~al'lon. Leb~on.Trocbelm~n, Ia· Brant trUck postage, driving, $2. $28.80; Alfred - C. • bright DjlW star in the Pol' Bertann at Fair Ollks is done for_ The mar· admired tbe boyish faee that looked and mllitalTy flrma~nt of boyer, of KllIp Mllla and Marcella 1 • _ ••_ __ vel is that it. has las~d aa long ·as it back at her. The hall', treea of • has. Did you scnd that messag;e1" weight, showed · a tendency to curl, W.,lIhlrur1con life. ' Morgan took par· M~t Murphy, factory worker,of "Yell!' -. . crisply. . Ic.eep out of her orbit Hopldnllville. . MISTAKEN IDENTITY Deatiat SeIP~e'mt.er. William Erny Walsh, laborer, of "Thank God I Fogerty will get In the evening of th-e third day At the little station at Fair Oaks, away. Come ! I beat t he train to Jeanne left RiChmond. Her luggage hand wberever IJle Morrow~ and Anna S. Murpby, of After ...itlng long and ' lOme ten mileiJ of Rochmond, a tel- you. Five minule&-)ook a live I" was a small bag 'for such toilet 8r. that young captaIn, Bopldnaville ' . He attached him· , • ograph operator satbefol'e h.is in, The ope.t:ntQr: blew Qut th e light, tidel! as she needed. She took notb- John Armitage. for his wal~er to .p.~ar • self. to ' her immediately. Re was just ---Itnlment. . an d the two hurried out to tne steam ing else. She had trunlcs in del' ot ham and eggs, the nerv~UII R'EAL ESTATE T~ANSF;ERS At rpjdnigbt he became ,alvanized iog horses. .' ington, and the,lie co~~ained every. enoogh different from the ordinary M~. Wollup .c~osted another walter h J d J i F Sh ff to lind into IU!tion, He ran ontirid~ to the "There she come~ I" oried the new. tb!ng. Ah. but she dJd . take some. average m~n to interest hllr. He was asked: "Bow long have you been rea1ly unusual, being of that type of Art ur '. an ess e • a er ltatlon platform, glance;'l rllrht lI~d comer, waving his hand down the thll1g , el1je--.n. sheet of paper. SomeJeft, to mak~ sure that no one W81I In trllCK toward tbe -point l;If light w.hlcl\ whore /lhe. nllght find an. B or J or a p-outh which has surrendered half of ,Jesse O. Snider, 264.8'7 aer~1 of land working lIenT" "Two ~eeb, Ill'," replied t.h e . J ~}jt.l ~en he nturned to .. the ,office gorew larger I1S they looked: "A troop G, spme letter compare witll those ttl! iIltlsions and tenaciously cllnp, in Hamilton Tp, blindly -we might say, to the other . William and Minnie Wilson to, lJ. e~ . and put o~t the light. A moment la- of .Jonnnies, old boy, all prepared to on that documen t. u' , IINo" said Mr. ·Wo up, ' ter he was fn the cellar, a candle put yotlr hack to' the station clap- ,Dressed as a boy, it would have half. . J. and Mary BUl'1udde, 1.18 town I ' i " He was bold one day and dIffident acrea in Genntown. "Yoll are not' my ~a ter. fickering in his 'band. He pulled boards and aail you out. Mount I" been comparatlv'ely easy for her to aside a stack of gunnYsacks and upTliey rode ' in silence lor half -an go directly to Wl1shington; but ahe tlie next. . . . Walter McCI\lre 'et al. to' Anna E. covered II telegraph inl trument. Over hour cross-country at first. . They proposed to arrive thie time In her ~er interest III hi", deepened very Sheehan, 1 town lot in Wayne~ville. WE CET THEM QUICKLY AND this he stooped. . had mapped out n route against such present garnients, the lorober gray, qUIckly, for she WQ~te~ to get to he Rl aId d Allee Kenned" to FREE OF CHARGE bo~om of this peculiarIty. He W8lI n 0 an . I ' In Morse code J-WG-A was re- a crisis liS this. They wlllked a shal. such as hospitlll nurses wqre. CALL US ANY T1II&.1 peated three time.. · He. waited anx" low stream ·toward an unused 'l'oad, It t ook her ten days to reach Bal. still a Yankee, cut she no longer lor~ M. Wolfe, 1 town lot In Ava .o n Abel-UDang itl I left my watch . EXPENSE Heights, Lebanon. • tairs I feel too foullY. Back came the - answer- whence they might mnke tl>eir way 't imore, fo r that was her first deBtI- qualified the word. She had forswo'ril romance. AI! Lucy Nelson to Cllffor;d M : Wolfe, on the drellll4lr UPI it." J·NJ(.F. The ope1'8tor'1I me~e eon- nOrth . ward w ithout wonying over nation. A deep tan lay up'll!. her newa. Au attempt would pickets. face, and to this she added a If red·blooded t.wenty CQuld forswear 1 town lot in Avalon Beightlll Leb- tired t~ , r~,U up aft~t long en.ou"h ite dreams by the mere wiUing of iU anon. • Mabe.,rou w follolwuJr nlrht to blow "Tell me' what's happened," said permllnent stain. HARVEYSBURG" ~ ammunition itores in Waah- the late operator at Fair. Oaks. Only ber eyes were Jeanne Beau. (To be c,ontinu A. and Lucind..-ilJlulfte to it'U 'run down. • . 'Do you remember when the Par· fort's. She would call herself Alice of thi. meuage 'clim~ son made Ul! all ride north, threaten· Trent. The name cllme ' into her the ~Iegra~h pole hid .mg to shoot any . man who lagged?" mind quite innocent of !!alculation. S'M . ATTER PlOP , . She .had never heard of ,a nyone of that nllme; she could not even recall having read it; in a boltk. ' , It was one of those incomprehen. sible t ricks of fnte, this idle selec. tiOn; lind Intel' it ClIme very near proving fata l to },er. , How could she possibly know A lice Trert t was a living b~ing, own age, a resident of the very she had chosen a8 ber' base? Heretofore she had gone bt , tbe name of Susan Warren. · She had lived quietly with a midd le-class fam l1y whose sympthies inclined toward the Sou th . . Now she must go out in the high world; phe must gather her information from military and diplomatic sources. ' , So. one morning, there arrived on the Baltimore train, IImong ot,her pas sengers, a handsome young .woman See glanced about in so ber gray. indecisively. A regiment was enterta·ning. Un. til the soldiers had pB88ed, it was ~'It it wry kind of YO",,"" ahe •• id. impossible tomllke the ' exit' from the .• ·station. Companl by company.. the his batterIes and instrument, mO\lnted ''Yes.'' . coache~ ilwa!1ow!! up t,h e troopers. aDd ro'de ~ft in the. night. The man "Well t hat'll all Xm at liberty to An mtoxlcated man . watched he.. In 'the cellar piled up the gunnysock!i tell you jU 5~. r)9W. I came b~c~ be· sl?ec ulatlvely~ He approallhed . doffed ffi causo t his is my post. YOli were Bent ·IIIS caiP . amiably and Bsked If she , d t h' ollce J:lIore and returne 0 18 0 ce, down here to,> give TIl!! a Ji'et at the would. like a genUemtn ~o Be~ her bi!iaf~:t.he lam~ lind slouched Into wire. But for quick and lucky home. . . Ue 'had cleared the trll~k for the work to night yo u'd have gone J eanne had no time. to reply. A , eout-bound, MId when . that passed o'lel':" lelln brown hand selz.edt~e offender ."-n"b" he w:.· dohe for the night... "W h ' ·t?" by t he collar and ftung hIm .,youghly 0 IS I to one side. A pleasant-faced young AU at once-lie B88umed. the attitude " I know i ai\d lhat is sufficient . for offic er saluted Jean:ne and 'o ffered to of a tenlle li!ltener--runmn{h horeea--:--: the .I, resent. You're not bull~ for this see .ber to ber .carrlage. .... n ~~ .leqertr$this·· ~eevobIVeernrPande:ref~l~ k,ind .of wor~ J ohn, and t~t is ~hY "It ?las very , kind of ' you" .I~e .•--~... . ~ r In ·not te llmg :IOU anythlllg.. IOU said ' as she took he.r 8ea~ in /I rlckb- e:um{ned It. , still have somd illusions. But tIJ 'e ty ·rild phaeton . ' . ' , . . ~nilllrht"h01'l108 .were not ~u~u~ boodwin\< .the P!lrso'1 !" '.' "The ' pleUAu~e was mine. 1 '11m fa tb~ w:u. , ,but one never {'" 0 " Parson Ke'II'\(!~y 1$ 0 Run." . . Captain . ..\nnitage.": cCnilil foresee w.b~t they mlg~t 'J!'~f: '.'Yes, p06r d YJ I, )1e'8 a. Hun. But ' ''My name . is Aliee' Trent." 'i AII . Loader and loi)der . gr~w te o .. III this killd of u gnme we n e!!,d HunS'_lyoun officers were useful "\ .. '~b; peM'er and. neBJ:er. The aounu We !l1·C. going to lilt thi s . double-spy Heg raised his ,hat band ' ~ ·ope-ratol!\ aQl'UptJy. . ited hi 1 . l' go hAck '~o W llshiru,rton ." . • driven A' ~efy.'"a g-co,,,••,, ... wa , S revo 1(e. ."And why?" . , .But. 'ne .'
Centerville, O.
New BurlingtoD,O. aan
-ifE , .1/0AI M
Dr.' W • E• Frost
Dr. ,Jobn W. Ml' lier
HarVeysbUrg Fertilizer
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~. ....... III. the I ~t ....th en drqpPIld. , - ..:t .C!~1~1.~"ol>erator.
....-humu L , ' .er, .."lJ'bcJ;e's' John " ll \\'oman we . Thenfeet. came tne sound of.Jllln
'.\ !J:W. ·aq.o"r o()~nJCi. T"e rllvolvel' .......
:.:r.~ b .......
"A w·' .
""<''YQu'r~~~~~ld soft soap oJack: you can't get' the idea out of' yo~t' head • that women B1'e holy." The pm. ' "But to hun,t a wOn1Anl" ~-
~~~~~~'~I10~'~'~h~ e• ~~~~~~
mO'~IOln, jital,~U.:",
Goodyear Value
IDtencI at th. Poatolllce at Waynesville, 0., u Second Olau Man Matter
Born, to Mr. anel H1'L Ralph Jobn. Monday, June 20th. a daughter. D. L.; CRANE, ElI1tor Publl.h.r, Yi1I •• OlUo Miss Cleo Stllcy IIpent l!lst week ~th relatives I" Dayton. lI!g of tar and chlpe Thursday and Sublcription Prlc •• fl,.60 per yelt!'. Mim, Cleo Hawke W1UI a Friday Friday • 1 fo ral.n Adve r UllnJ R epr;;'tntII lh't!- I f dinner 'guest or Misa Helen Early. , Mrs, Cba~lee Madden spent the lat1... THE AME~ICAN PRESS AsSOCIATI I" 1 Mt'. ana Mre. O. E. Johns lire beau· ter partl- ot the week In CincinnatI. IL.lJLYU.1I' .thelr home with a coat o,f Mn. J. E. Sh\lmaker . end E. V. Shumaker were shopping in Dayton paint. WEDNESDAY. JUNE ~2. Lfl27 Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kel· Tuesday• . Dorothy Col~~an, ot . Dayton; Mrs. George Denny is visiting her "GOOD OL'D DA YS"- 'THERE --() I'; perhaps " good lookers'" would 12th, a so~, Walham Frank. . slBter, Mrs. Alice Eyc:ke, in Ander. AIN'T ANY .SUCH· THING" ,xprciSJI it. better. MIMes Eva and Ethel Reeder are son, Ind. -0taking a III.x weeks' oourse at Wi!· Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Freeland en. Th million who . saW, or atru",· ' ''We'' UI'C having a .tough time on mington c!>lIcge. tertain ed to dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Emma Lucy entertained her Mrs. George , Varvall lind family, of gled to see, Lindbargh last ~yeek, this colum~ voyage thIS week- mean witnesSed the beginning of a new Ing ye scrIbe and his typewriter, In children and grandchildren from Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown. Dayton to Sunday dinner . ern. The' boy hero broakfasted in Lindy language. - 0Misses Mabol and Margaret Starr, . Washington and hopped off to attend a noon ~eeeption In ·New York, where if variety is the spice of life then Several from here attended the of Dayton, were here oyer the week. his every mo.vem4)lIt 'and gesture and President Coolidge must be a well Children's Day program at Spring. end with their mother, Mrs. Amanda "mile wer€! recorded by radio observ· 8oasoned politician. One summer in boro M. E. c,hurch Sunday morning. Starr. ers and announcers to millions of the White Mountaln_tbo next III Mr. Frank M. Slade, of Toledo, Mrs. Ida Howe ,Harry Howe: Mrs. peoplo more. Meanwhile, escorting tho Blac.k Hills. was a last week's guest of his sisLer Marietta Carpenter, Mrs. Emma airplanes circled overhead and droP'j . -0Mrs. Samuel Haines lind family. 'Cline, Earl and JJamel! Cline, all of ped roses down ,tow .rd tho /l~er. Byrd now pluns an air hop to Par· . Mr. and Mrs. J. B. JOlles atte'nded Dayton, were here, SUlnday. The next generatIOn 18 gomg is- lind return, with only a twelve M r. and Mrs. George Varvall and speak of the generation before the hour lay.ovor in Paris. It's too bad a grange meeting at Masoll Fridsy family, of .Dayton , 8p'ent the latter airplane as "the good old days.' , - but some French officilll will have evening. There never were any "good old to go without his kiss this time. lIfrs. Mary Carmony, in company part of the week With Mr. and Mrs. -0-' with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clark, of Ed Brown. days." In the "good old days" one St th t Waynesville, were week·end guests The dance given at the Hall by the hundred and twenty·five years ago, wives were expected to die off at range II with all the"L~eddal,~ of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riggs, at Harmony crowd, Saturday evening, forty atid at fifty most men were bro ,and honors bestowed upon m. y Limll. Was well attended and enl'oyed by , Th "t f . k t hat none t hought of an M.D.- be· . II . ken down. e maJorl Y a war · I'k t t . d t h William Milicolm and Mel' a present. There Will be another i mankind were wholly engaged couse, I e mOB 0 OUI OC ors- e . VIII on Saturday evening July 2 . nil' th b k b kl I bo that is never starts anything he can't Woolley of Dayton, are visiting their ,. m de ac... ren ~g \ r dll ma ish. grandparonts, Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherwood and .now one ~or w,!, y ral roa .... • - _ _ __ Brown. tamily. of Columbus, and Mr. and chlner?, automobiles and, more reo Mrs. Carl Sherwood and son, of tral bg~~ and central gaB Bystems SIGNALS I MI·s. Clyde Cox left Saturday tor WaynesYille, "pent :Sunday with 1111 extended visit with her parents, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. nave reheved UB f~om endle8B drudg· Downtown ' Mr. and lIirs. P. W. Stroup, at lngo. Sherwood. . cently, electricity In the home. Cen· #Jry. . ' The other day mar. I, espied II Snappy Blonde Mr C . Mr. And Mrs. A. S. Collett and son, . The phYBlcal hardBhipa of the Add'd Cox La spent lastS·week Robert n eCI e d 'th 8.M a881e d M . , enterta"lIIe d a t d'mner, T ues· prilarad,80Centrai O yW bIII· K.. uycorr' WI d d r. ~~ ~. wrtence :;m~ day, evening, Dr. aOO Mrs. J. B. Mc. "good old days" were 'Inly exceeded To talk with her by their intellectual poverty, ban.. Whereupon sbe told me ~:od aug el', argare, a t ro Kenzie, of Oakland, Dr.. and Mrs. W. tshed from the humblest at UB by To please obs e r v e ' Ei· Oglesbee, Mr. and Mrs. Howard the modem newspaper;. maga~ine, . The traffic rules 1111'. and Mrs. William Coleman and Graham, Miss Nan Collett, Miss Which I did Miss Tbelma visited ·Mr. and Mrs. Kathleen Graham and. Miss Nellie book, movie, ·grapohphone. Just 80 these "good old days at 1927" will And It said "Go" Harold Kellil! alld 80n in Dayton, Graham. The evening was cool and And I did. Saturday. a lire in the old.' firilpllace was very seem primitive and stupid and un· - -- - • Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham and much enjoyed by aU p,r osent. endurable to our grandchildren. Those who . have welcomed Lind· IN A POSITIVE MANNER Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker visThe marriage of .Miss Corinne bel'lfh have pa1'ilclpated III the be· ited Dr: Sbield, at Xe~ia, Sunday. Wel~h and Mr. ~iI1iam. Tho~nhm, of ginnlna of a .revolution i11 sodal and . "She treated me Iiko I was n pho. Mr. WhItaker Is IIlowly lmpro.vl,!g. Xema, waB qUietly solemnized on bUsinelll life comparable with the togral)he.r." . Mrs Belle Dinwiddie and. daughter, Tuesday morning by the Rev. Amoa "How come?" Miss Olive, and Paul Savage, of Way Cook at his home. Th,e happy coup. revolutions introduced Ilrst by the railroad and thefl by the automobiles "Sbe handed me her negative." nesville were Sunday dinner guests Ie lef~ at once pn an auto tour with of Mr' and Mrs Floyd Savage and Washlng~on D. C. ':B their .objective. COMING SPARE HOURS ON THE children. They w~1I resi~e tn Xenia. Their '" ARM HOME ' TOWN' HENRY' many friends WIsh then, a full measMI'. and Mrs. Perry Perks and ure of happineu. 'I" .. ~ daughters, Doria and Donna, of Day· As th 1 P~esident Coolidge predicting more ton, were Sunday guesta of Mr. and e reBU t of an a~endance con· "il1tenllve farming," told 200 scten· test between the lad!ea , c1asa IIlId the Mrs. . George Scott and family. . men's e1ulI of the. M.. E. f\qnday tJsts eathered. in a "soil congress" M,rs. Ralph Stowe, of near School the men entertained the la. Mr. and that bigger erqps per acre, rather Lebanon, ",ere Saturds.y evening dies at the Syferd home! TUj!lIIiay than more acreage, wUl IIOlve the ai' at Mr. and M.rs. Kesler Gra· ening. The time pass,ed' pleasantly rlcultu.ral problem . and d~urhter. . ' with contests and aonnl'l8tion and Already . t~e prellident'll pre(lic. don beginl to .come true. Fewer MiM Helen Duke, of Mi: mi Va11ey ~he men served a genelroue lunch of -tar on the farms hut farms produce 1I0spital, is enjoying a two weeks' Ice cream with ehoco1a!'1l syrup, angel more. One wheat . harvesting mao vacatio'n with Iier parents, Mr. and toad cake and lemonade,. ahbae ball reduced. by 25,000 the num ltlr!. Carl Duke. • ... • IJ ber of extra harvest hands needed in Mrs. W. F. Clark, Mrs. C. W. KaIllU.· IV . . . . . . . . and daughter,' Betty Marilyn, Henry Ford, who provel his theory Milll Mildred Clark, of Waynea. In a do~en place aloni the River were Thursoay guesta of Mrs. . ROlllre, eay!l improved .m8Jlhinery Mary Carmony. • Mra. Nettie Learning Is Duraing.in will let the farmer do hi. farming air and Mrs. .W alter Kenrick and a home in CedarviUe. JIi eicht wEeb and give ' him a chanc. to reat alld do other lucra· ~est: Mr. Frank A. Slade, were six Carl Peterson is work:ing in a Day. tlve war" durinc the forty.four re· e'clock dinner gueBts, Bubday, of Mr. ton garage. . malning weeb of ~he year. and Mre. C. R. Billepr, of JamesMr. and Mrs. JeMe JUy and fam. A ~ .I!AA 81! "QI>.I.&. ~910111;; ~!"n. ' . . Uy have moved to XeniA,• • RIei4 OIl FOoIl, !-lOME...'" OR ~~,9\Jr IF ~~IS . .Sunday dinner guesta of Mr. and The Me~ Wive. club wa. very . EDITORIAL' SNAPS POIW "IOIfIU E'At!H MV WI'Tl4 A Mrs. Allen Emrick, were: . Hr. and pleaeantly entertained by Mn. Don. ~1.5 I!tWERY ~ H& Most certa"'ly pedestrians ' have Mrs. Clyde Mount, Mlase! Edith and ald DeHaven on Thursday. lUlU. ell~. "fE5.CIR., Cecil and Mr. Dudley Mount, of ' right&-but whe.n the other guy ill In ..Ir WIU. 8a' A (iOOO enuE'" The M. E. congregation is holdinr DaytOn. . an auto-We hard to get eloae . '100. 'I.IEVI!R. Ion' ~ AAlIJ lIervlces in the school building while enouch to use them. DIM Wtf ~U. JoIOR, PIiRMnMr. and ~rs. Charles E. John. en· the church Is beinlt red:ecorated. --0- ' 1IIORRta' "It) MAtt2 /II. ~ ter'talnea to SundJiy dinller. their IOn Theee ahort llkirta flappel'l! wear . our 01' IN! ' Johns, ~e and , ehl1dre~Paul James, Ruth and Florence Moore have made American men handsome Vivian of' Dayton. Their after are spending the week with relatives noon ruest8 were ltfi'..a.n d M1is. AmOS near Germaptown. . . The' Boy Scout!! and their 1IC0ut Cook and family. ~f Waynesvllle. Mrs. Suean Saylor l'etqmed Jut muters, Reo Curlel[l8 anld Oran Turn· week tram a ' viSlt with her da~hte.. el:. enjoyed a "steak l'.)ast" on CaeCanfield. Little James Waah ae- ear's creek, Friday evel~irtg. companied her and will spend the Mn. Jesse Hill very :pleasantly en. ·summer with Mr. and . M1'L Harry tertalned a party of frIends on ToeaGr~ham. • day In honor of her house guest, Miss Mrs. Charles Mullenix was caUed Florence Yerkley. of Marion, Inel. to Springboro, Friday, by the death Forty members of the Epworth of her brother, Mr. William HormeU. Leaeue motored to Wblche.ter Sun. Funeral service was held at the home day where they attended service. In of his mother. Mrs. Eva HormeU. the' church, of which ' Rev. B. E. Mo~day afternoon· Inte~ent in Wright Is pastor. fYi, the evening Spnngboro cemetery. they attended E. L. seirvice at Hill&Mr. 'W ilbert Swank was ,Ietiouily boro. . Injured Friday, ,when he W1UI thrown . Adami Dicken~n Jr, wu host at from hi~ m~t?rcyele at a tum. In the a "weiner' frazzle," 011 their farm, road near G~antown. ·He under· louth of town Th,ul'8d,a y afternoon. ~ent an operation of the shoulder. Those who enjoyed the atrair were: blade· Satur~ay afterl)oon at Miami Oran 'furner, Marjorie Haydock, Valley hospital. R~porta at t~. time Charles Lacey, Dor,o thy Conard. Don are that he II reatlng euy. Frienen Peterson, Catherine Noggle, Rebert hope for ~II apeedy recovery. Smith, Myra Haydock, Luther Lump. - - -... - • kin, Ruthena Curry, Lawrence Vandeman, Mildred Nozzle, Ruby .Smith SUBTLE OLD FISH and the host.
Better 7 ractionLonger J,teQr . The sharp - edged, diamond. IIhaped blocks of the famous Goodyear All·Weather Tread are placed in a semi· flat des· ign. These blocks grip the road and ·retain their useful· ness .longer than any tread ·heretofore offered. Long, slow, - even tread wear is.assured. :'Cupping" and uneven wear, so common to many Balloon Tires, art' practically eliminated.
We have your size- with a Goodyear Tube to match. Goodyear Service always.
$12.25 30x3%. Extra Oversize
$12.2S Waynesville Motor Company; Phone 105
Waynesville, Ohio
Her Father - "Do you support youraoU, " . Sliltol'----"Why, yeS' lIir." .... Her Fath.er--,-"Then you ought to be abolished by the board of healthl" Suitor-"For whan" . Her Father-HFor malntllinq ' a •. nulll81lce." '
Beauty of line,' proportion and . fiaish-luxu~
noDS eonifort
Ge_ Quicker' Gai.,.
for drivers and passengers. Performance .that other cars strive to equal-
At a Lower Cost Per Pound'·
Economy of . Qperatl0n; ~conomy of up-
Wayne 28 % Hog Me.al is a . big profit. maker for any hog raiser wbo has an abundance of corn to feed. This high protein concentrate balances your corn at a very low cost per unit of digestible protein, and insures the highest feeding value from your corn. Sol~ by
Waynesville Farmers'\ . .Exchange '~ompany Phone 25, Waynesville, Ohio
keep-Buick ' provides ev~. thing a t1!0tor
~ can offer"! in~eate~ .
measure and at
moderate cost. It is toW,ty the .greatest value automobile dollafs can buy.
. --- .
. MORALS OR MOLARS • "I need ,Iota of ' pun to .~eceed .111 my bualneBs," remarked the dentist, ',h e extracted another tooth.
'· Keelor 'G arage
Waite.' McClure J. E. McClure FUNERAL DIRECTORS
Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. Ambulance Service TELEPHONE 7
EYESIGHT ' SPECIALIST Tuesday, 9 a.m. 3 p.m Saturday.S·a.m. 7 p.m
Carys Jewelry" Shop,
TORNADO TIME' Don't wait until you see one .coming.
Lebanon, Ohio DR. C. ·W. HENDEIIIOIN! Olllce-::-Am.n BII,. , , . OFFIC. I:IOU~ 9 to 11 •• ni' . 8 to' 6" p. m. \
........ 'l to t. p. m•.
T~t '
. . ~.'""..I.., Obi. t .
( Pbona61-1
~ 'tM J(Iaml ~ fOl' a "'." .~""~_----____- - - -_ _ _ _IIIIII• •
My r Hyman and famUy were JllnlC,town, Su~day. -
ST. MARY'S CHURC H S!!cond unduy ufter Tl·init y. June 2 h rch chool nt 9 :46 . M~ rnin~ Prayor Ilnd sel'mon ut II o· 10 k. r. T. I. W'IY, of incinnot i. cull· All at' cOI'dialy invited t o attend ed 0 11 'Yaynes v'ille friend. turduy. these services. . Rev. John J. Schoel!er. Rector. MI·H. uri 1.7-ye and Mi ss Ruth ouk were Day ton .1Iisitohl , F riday. CHRIST IAN CHURC H Mr~. Groce L. Smith spent 't he Sunday School at 0 :30. Everyelid in 1r.dltinopoliJl lind LoCay· . cordiall y invited. ct\ll. 'ml. METHO DIST CHURC H ·" Mr. nnd Mrs. L. A. Zimmer man IIr'l'il(cd hom j"ri dny, ai'lor II month in 'Sabbath School, 9 :15 a. m.; Preach· ing Service at 10 :3 0 a . m. ; Epwort h alifbr nhl. · Leag ue at 6 :45 p. m.; Evening -r Lesler Gordon . who has been work Prellching ~el' vice at 7 :30 p. m. , ing at New Le,tingloll. is Irom e for a L. A. WAshbu rn, PUBtor. few day . ----.~. f'runk MIll 'r visited rclativCll Bcllbrollk, ' utt rday.
'P igs Gr ow Fa ste r \ When Fed the Wayn e 'W ay
Frn~ k Burnet, of Centetv ille. has recovere d US"to be able to ' walk Be it resolved ' that the shooting of F or Deering Bin: lcr Twine see J. down town. C. Hawke. Several mCI1Bber s of the local firework s be prohibited within the • Grll nge attender! lodge at Milson on corpora tion limits of · Waynesville F. 'R. Orone h as moved his family F-riduy before July 4. 1927. nig ht. Passed by order of City Council . to Lebnnon . Miss Annie Brown, of Columb us. This order will be rigidly enforce d. J. O. ar tWl'ig hl lIntl f llmil y spent will spend the summer vacation T. E. ROGERS, Mayor. in Sunday in 1 or tlllll d. Ind. . L. A .ZIM.M.ERM.AN. Clerk. Waynes ville.
==========:== =====
WAY NE PIG MEAL . is a carefu lly plann ed and te8ted comb inatio n 0"£clean , pure ingre dients which inaur e
---_.- ..---
feeding right from the ~tart will grow~ your pigs rapidl y, so you can fatten them for t~e Peak ~arket ,in Augus t or Septem ber. Wayn e Plg Meal builds bigger profits for you. Sold by .
WaynesvHle Fa rm ers ' EXchange Company
" Mrs. Cynthia F.Vllll S viRited rela· Mrs. Charles Hough, of Lebanon , lives in Frankli n Hst wee k. culled on Waynes ville friends lost Mr. nnd M r~. Ronald Hawke were Wednesday evening. IImll\y g u cR l~ of lIIr. Ilnd M ~. HarMrs. Margore t Mortin, of Dayton. Vl 'lI Rye. Rpent Lhe week .. end with her sister. M r. I\nd Mrg. Leo nard Tinney and I\1rs. Lindley Menden hull. child ren spent t he week· end in Mrs. Ralph ·l'ol1e. of Washin gton ' The fnll of ~927 ~1Il thiana, Ky. D. C •• i.s visiting her parents Mr. and senson [or squirrel s In b~ a closed Oh io and so will every odd-num bered year there· Miss Mary Moxcy, of Cincinn ati. Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite. oiler. accordin g to a new wus the week-end guest of Miss EmMrs. Susan Wilkers on. who return- passed by the r ecent Ohiogame law ~a" lleig hway. Goneral ed home from Dayton Sunday. is Assembly. to become effectiv u be· spendin g this wE!ek in Wilmin gton. fore the hunting season of 1927. Mrs. M. L. Parshal l has relurne.d What's ' more, tho squirrel seoson home. after a pleasan t visit with relMessrs. Orville Gray, J. M. will be of only 15 days' nlives near Xenia. son. Stanley Pence nnd Carl Conner soason on jl'um"d grouse duration . ; and the saw the Reds play Illst Sunday. day's permitte d bag of squirrels. Mrs. Vernon Bannist er. of West rabbits. hares, cock ts and Virginin . WAS the g uest of Milll1 May Mrs. T. S. Hnrdln and sons. Thom· Hungari an partridg es pheasan is diminished. Wright. lost week. a s Lansing nnd Tressler . are 'spend. Seining for minnow s. beg inning Ing two weeks with relat ives In Ken· J 028, is prohibit ed bcLwcen MI'8. H. V. Wal ter anll !\frs. Dan .tucky. Muy 1 anll Juno 14, except in 'streams in Waiter, of Lebanon . visited Waynes ' . which the average width of water
Read th.e Story of James Dole, head of the ~awajian Pinea.p ple Comp any? . . H not, come to F: E. Van Often' s Store this .wee', . a sket~b w.iI1 be on displa y, togeth er with some of our deliciou,s
'Elk Lick
~~~5~E~~~5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~ V~~~-~~
of Pineapple
Canned, when fully ripe, with all their o~igi~al j';lice" 'and flavor carefu lly preserved, by the Hawa uan P14leapple Comp any of Honol ulu, Haw~ii . We will tell you how you may . get a book of recipes and also the Story of James ' Dole and the Piaea,pple Indus try.
'l'b e. Co rw in Gr oc ery - We Deliv erWaynesville, Ohio
Phone U3
"CA SH IN" on Pea k Market
Phon e 2S, "Waynesville, Ohio
86 far
Have You Ever '
Wh at Are The y?
The best Sweet Potato grown in Soulher n Ohio. You · can &,et t hem of
Way nelvi lle, Ohio Also. several other &'Ood' varietie s. And various kinds of smaIl plants.
&~~~n~~Md~~~~~~~fu' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mrs. and Mrs. Raymon d Marlatt distance of fifty yards above spent tho and be- ~ first olf the week at Koko- low t he point seined. ' ~,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....;_ _ _ _.", .. mo, lad. . Seining for minnow s must be for " . bait. as now, . nnd shipmen t of min. Mr. and . Mrs. Lmdley Mendenhall nows out of the tate is forbidde n were the gue~ts (If Mr. and Mrs. Geo. • altogeth er. Thorpe at Richmon d. Ind., Wednes · Possession of more than 100 min. duy un d Thursda y of lust week. nows lit a timo in the inland fishing Diatr ict Mana ger Warr en Coun ty Mrs. John J. Schaeff er was is prohibit ed except to Pter. ' d sons licensed to sell 4minnoWB or siderabl y shak en a n db rUlse bait. she f ell' down th'3 stairs at her Permits to sell minnows must be in D.a yton Tuesdny of last week. b'" d f rom th d' to 0 ...une e Irec r 0 f IIgr 'l. Mr.• lind Mrs. Frank "Taft. of culture for a five-doll ar fee. and perlumbus, MessrB. Moore and Beatty. 80 licensed must not have more Polici ea iaaued froml age 9% to 70 of Urbana, were guests of Mr. and 400 minnow s in their p08.~e8Alva S aa~ ~ and family and I. W. Mrs. J. Will Wllite, lalit Th ursd ay. at one time and mut not sell Mlller and family • . of Greenvi lle, than .rOO to the same person spent Sunday with W. N. Seara and Mrs. Lida Werner , John Werner . in one d~~. family. Jr•• Mlirtha Werner , of Dayton, and In addItion to . penaltie s Mrs. Mahala Ames" of Benbroo k, by law for vi~l atlOn of fish now fixed and game Sar!lb Katheri ne and Louise Hart- were Sunday "gue!lts of Mr. and Mrs. statutes . mOglstr ates . trying offend· soek are spendi'1g this · week W. O. Raper. hencefo rth shall revoke licenses their' grandpa rents. Mr. and M,rs. .. , to fi§h and hunt and to these perA. Hartsoe k. Lost-G old rimmed sons no new licenses may be Issued spectacles, last Sund.a y, near. for at least one year. Little Margar et FurnaS' waterin g trough. Finder • _ • run down by an please leave at this olBce. Reward . 8 '00 .J~~~~~.:.....~-I+i:n~D:ayto:~nml~a~8t~~~~~~bL~r= SOUL OF HONES TY Billy Robinson . . M.r. Harlan Campbell .and Miss G. D. Mills Is in Wooster , as tep- Thomas , of" Dayt~'"' spent "I bel= YOUT pardon, sir. but I am the tesentat ive of the 64th Dlstrlct . ·I. O. end with Mr. and Mrs. solicitin&' donatio ns for our rummag e N. P. O. P., to the Grand Lodge, In seasion don. On. Sunday Mr. and sale. What do you do 'With your Mrs. there this week. old clot hes?" dan and thiel' (ple!sta an Mr. . 6:00 p. m. . "Why, I brush them carefull y at Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur F. Clark" vis- Kemp visited Ft. Ancient . . night, and I put them. on agl\ln the Ited their son-in-l aw and daughte r Mr. and Mrs, P:erry Carler. of morning ." · ! na Ohio, has bee!! visiting . Mr. ~ • .:.- ••- - over Afr. and the Mt:s. week-en d: Riggs, at Lima; D. E. Standifo rd ,a nd other, " friends around W "In~ide Inf~nnatio~ Mrs. Edith Harris. MQI. Laura and AUGUS~ . Leballon . This is ,Mr. Carter'G Mosher, Mr. Harris Mosher • ria;\; to Waynesv ,ille in man!, ·Y<:lI'rS. Do not e add water when roasting Ha.wlf were Sunday guests of . d"U' Ali d " W . ht In Milford. ' j beef or lamb. Sear the meat at a .~r J an . our,s. . re . rlg, Round TrIp high tempera ture, then reduee the P~ladelllhla, are "spending a week hellt Mr. lind Mrs. D. E . Standif ord hlid W1~h and From cook 15 or 20 minutes . to t heIr parents , Dr. and Mrs. A. th d os their dinner guests, Tuesday, Mr. T. Wtlght' before tolng on to Mad- e poun • • ••• ond Ml·s. Perry Ca.r ter and Mr. lind THROUGH SLEEPING CARS ieop. ~is.; ~here Mr. Wright will . Fried pi;eapp le Mrs. Charles Satterth Waite. easily prepare d. teach l~ the . summer school at the Simply drain the isslices TO ATLANTIC CITY of cannea , " Mr . and Mrs. Howard Archdea con university. pineapp le, dip in flour and brown Llb.ral atop.'oY and Dr., and IIIrs. ·H . .E. Hathaw ay ... prh,ll ....... turnln . Mrs. Edith Hanis and Mn. slowly In butter hi a fryin&, pa. nttende d tbe funeral of William Hor. Hawke attendll d commen cement ••• • mel. at Springb oro. 0'1 Monday. Withrow I:Qgh IIchool, Cincinn ati. Chopped nuts are good in on Friday rught. where Mias Mildred kind of sandwic h. . PrOf. Qeor~e Clark saillld iast week Hartsoc Combin e k g~aduattld with honors. with raisins, dates. figs New York tor the students and he will enter college in t he fa ll They art' good with 01 ·U.lI.S ",O rs · I,line weeks tour of Rou. a ~~ur-year course. ' cottage or cream j:hcese, ond .other fore ign: countrie s. maple or brown Bugar. .' In celebrat ion of Mrs. Pure Cane, . MI'. lind Mrs. Jbs. Tinney and son. Sqnires birth date, . which fllils W. B. on the 25 lb. • ". Sherman, Mr. 'and ~ Mrs. ' R,~h.'.t:1 20th Mr. and 'Mrs. Squires entertai n Codliver ' oil •••• Jack Fro.t, S.pouud carloA ................................ ,.. . ........................ is not Ii medicin e--it Werntz and dau&'hter. Leada; .... 36c ed ai dinner on Sunday, Mr. and Mr,. is a food, rich in vitamins . There Sunday Witb Mr. n nd ?tJrs. T olian Roy Cornell. son nnd grandso n, of many children , and 1I'I'0wn folks, Lawson. " Klngll ' Mills; Mr. ~md Mrs. Charles too. who need Nice J..;ean, " . codliver oil to buUd Cornell lind son, of Manor; Mr. and up their general health )and help pre3 to 5 lb. cub, Ib ...... .. .... Mr. And Mrs. Harvey Rye and Mrs. Vern Hough tmd children . vent colds and other infectio ns. daughte r. and Mr. and Mrs. Oharles 1 , •••• Mr. and Mrs. James Vander vort . Ieft this morning f or Washlng . D.O., a nd other points of' inter- .a nd the house guests, Mrs. Lucile . Ham for b~king may be botle~ a ijerry, est In and the ' East. the Misses Bett y and ~ay or two bef~rehand, left ~tand~ni 3 can a Alice ' Guard •. of Lebanon. attende d 10 a cold place 10 the l~ which . . t he Preside nt's nceptio n on Tuesday It .was cooked. reheateIiq~or d 10 thiS, then Mr. and !'frs. Carl Sar~er, form- 'evening and commencement on 'Wed- sk1Oned, covered with bread crumbs P~re K~ttle Rend ered erly of Florida, ~re :visiting relative s . at Ohio Wesle an unlv.ersl - and Bugar, stuck with cloves and Pllt here before settling 10 Dayton. Mrs. 2 pound•.... .. . .. .. " ... ; . . ... . . R b V d . rt in the oven for final . brownin g j Sarber is II sister of John lind Wal",.. "10 Pail ............................. '.28 No. , S pan .......................... f t h ~ e an ervQ be. f ore dinner. ...... 6~e tor Whitak er and Mrs. Joe Hormell. was one 0 e gra uat es. . ' . •••• For the pleasure of, her daughte r, To prevent j elly from oozing Dr. Mary L. Cook is taking a vaMrs. R. D; Tolle, of Washin gton D. Clition. She will visit her Bister, the glass and spoiling . the C" Mrs.. Hpnry . Satterth waite White, at La.f ayette, Ind.. a seal. run a knife IIround the edge <:lu Cream "', ' Ib ......... tained' a .... at dinner Tuesday , the 'jelly before pOllrlng on the . daYI}. then' go on t o Golden, Col., Country Club, larlfe b~.ttle, oa .. 22c: becca Furnaa, Mrs. Keller "Mrs. paraffin , ' or rotate the ' g..... aitt ll1' to spend four weeks with her sister, Chaunc ey Bunnell ' Miss . the hot paraffin is poured on and Mrs. Dyer. She expects t o return Bunnell, Mrs. EUaaJl>eth Baily. ¥l~ ' iCra.a .., ~b ........ . home a bout J uly 29th. let it run up the sides Earl Hockett a nd Mirs. ~ank Brad~ am) fC1rm, a tJght le~l. of tbe Td,. Bu" Ib .......... 17c: dock. 1'500" was t,he diversio n for ~ ••• Waf.r•• 'Ib .... ............ 12c New U.S. No.1 ,rade.1 0 "1b Mr. and Mrs. A. . A. Linton and daughte r. Mi88 Ethel; 01 Wilming ton the afternoo n. ' . The red I:olor 80metim e. admh:ed and Mr. Albert, Chandle r, of KanMiss Emma. HelgbwllY entertai ned In devil's, .food cake, III due to the .F ane,· City, spent Tuesday with Mr. and at a beautifu lly appoint ed dinner use of more soda than ,ill necellllU'y Y.,lIow Fruit. 4 lb. .. ..... M!.:s. Saml Butterw orth. "Mr Chand. Sund,ay evening in bonor of ,M;ss to neutrali :re the '&!lid' In the ler will be the g uest of M,r. and ,Mrs. ry Moxcy. of ClnelD1~afL The and chocola te. The n l ults In Butterw orth for a few days, .. invited to m.!et this channlll&' Into t he b.ody more soda, ox were Mrs. " Cad~all adec. Mrs. alkali tI!a~ iI. deatrabl e;' .. one Ver, 6n. qualit,. 2 Ib,., .' Smith, . Mra. In complim Ftmma .. lliarnett , ent to Mr. ' and . Mra. whe!' servlo, hot bisellits made RaYmond Marlatt , of. El,l,\fene, Or...., Mrll. El'. V: Bamhar t"Mra, Laura With .the. e:rceu of 1I00a.· Too Mr. and Mrsl · C. M. Robltze r enter- sher Mrs. Eaitll Harris ),flaa ~ra .~00d cake, therefor e, Llle 'and ,~ May lV'rlght. tained a few fri iind~ "Saturday brle. 360 .1"". ilo. .... ~.~. ing. "500" was the Pllltlme, ..,. hapPJ which a delicll>us "lilnch Will seried. Tho guests .we.;e, Mr. anet Mra. Ray- "ome of Mr mp"d ~ MarIAtt, " M~. and Mrs. E : V tli.~te, , QW'UUIIY" Bamhl!-tt, Mr. and Mrs. ' Fred P. "Tolle, of ~~:t:!h.~:': denon,. Mr. ana Mrs}. Kona.III"Hawll:e illd ·Mra. ' HIPTf Mabel Staup:· lIr. .·jrl~J.:L.J1eje.t~........c~....::..-~.t~~tt~= and"-Mrs. Berl H-!F.. rft Hamocl t, Mr. ra'''LlIL. . Mrs. L .A. Zimni8Tll1an, Mr.' and Mrs. Morris. Mr. and Ml'IIo -11\0'....~.~ ••,... and Mta. RUI88U .Salter1 h.Itie,; f J. B; ,Chapma n, Mr. and lrIra. W. E. ~~----~-Irr. ~d Mra•• LeIUe 1. Satterth wattll, --~--~------~--~~O·~e~ Mrs.. Chllrles Woollar d lind children of Toledo. are guests of Mrs. Clara Woollar d and family. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Himes, of Centeryille. spent Sunday with their mother. Mrs. Annie Sheehl\11. Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Allen, Miss Ollve" Allen and Mrs. Will Newlan d . d Cincinn ati vIsit:o rs to ay. Mi Ely, Mrs. Seibert and Mrs. Matthew s, ' of Darton. spent Monda, Mr. E ly. at the Friends Home.
The Mutu al Life Insur ance Com pany Of New York
p. ~.
JUL Y 2J; , 9-23 '
5 ug ar
$ ·1 71
28 c
.. .. ...... 19c 28 c
Butter Coaat~ 4' S' C ~~p~!r~~ !... Cak es .
Potatoes ~"
Ban anas
Tom atoe s .
Lemons ~ .
;L..... .
33e· 49c ' 23c 25"0 '2';,!I'c''.
U.. .
Mr. 0., L
:.wil li_ii
Way nesv ille
- .' Seventy.. Ninth Year .
JUNE 29, 1927
J[He Is Making. it His Bwiness- - - - ---""""'-----By
.4lberr To RCiJ_,
'An enthusiastic group of about 200 Indies and u hundred children were lit lltl\'mon Park, Frl~uy, June 24, for he final meeting of the Home arc of t he Sick Project, held in t he county this winter ancl for nn introduction of t he Vegctuble Cookery Project to be held next winter. ' . The Hom e Ag nt, MISS Watts, repotted 780 women enrolled in ",he Home Cnre of the Sick project of whom jJ6 were lend ers. About '400 ur this number took every lesson in t he courso. (n IIddltion to thi~ num ber t.he lead ers I'eported demonstrations of some phuse of the work to over 200 more. A totlll of 87 emergency car kit.s were I'eporled made, 17 of \\'hlch were in lhe cars at· the round· up. Thirty-folli' medicine chests were mllde as a r suIt of lhe project. Miss Honnllh Lemler, of Hurlnn t.ownship, won the prize f or tho best one exhib. lted at the round-up. HIIl'ion tow nRhip had 128 enrolled \\lIt.h a total uttendllllcC of 430. This WIIS thc gJ'catest llu.llber r eported by any township. The star lenders in each townsliip were as f ollows : Harlan. Mrs. Jno. Geiger, and assistant, Miss Hazel Whitacre Wayne townslUp, Mrs. J. B. Crabbe, with Mrs. L. V. Bran. strot01' ond Mrs. Glenn Borden as. sisting. J'lamilton township, 'Mrs. Ada Richards with Mrs. Boger, assis-l ting. Massie township, Mrs. Laura Shidaker, with lI1iss Laura Ward and Mrs. Alta MacFarland, assisting. D,eerfield town ship, Mrs. Ellrly Thompson nnd :Mrs. Nina Compton, aaslsting. Wash ington tow nship M1'S. Chnrl ss Villars, with Mrs. Bcs~'i e Hagemeyer, asaisting. East Turtlecreek
Tile Jlliumis hnd us lheil' opponents last Sunday, ' lhe Spring Valley team of the 'f"iungl e league. The veteran Dale " Babe" Adnrns was in t he box for the Minmis Ilnd he showed l he fnns that he still hod something besides h is glove. He struck out seven of the opposi ng batters. besides hnvIng a good dn y at the bat. His teammates played good boll behind bim ami gllve him good sUJ>port. "Peck" Sottel'thwaite, however proved to be the stur of lhe gume: Wilh foul' t ime~ up he llIad e four hits, olle a lwo-buggCl', Il nu stole five bllses, whi l he had no erro rs checked up u gllin ~ l him wilh his Inultl o~s pluy ing ut fi'·st. " Elmol' " Bust I'" Stunsberry, 'a fo rm er resident, was given a tl'ial at short.) Whil e a little nervous he gave n very go od accoun t of himself nnd alte r a few gumes will probably fill t hat important station to good effect. Tom B.urton, ill right, mode severIII sensatIOnal catches, and, in fact, the whole team plsyed the ball they ore capable of play hlg. The score: R H E Spring Valley .................. .. .. 6 1 • Miamis .... .. .. .. ...................... 8 7 8 Leal ue StaDdiDI Won Lost 4 Waynesville ...................... 6 Wilmington ..................... 6 4 Spring Valley .................. 6· 5 Jam estown ........................ 4 6 Bowersville ........ ....... ....... " 5 Modern Woodmen ............ 3 6 Sund.,.'1 R .. lultl
Interesting Items from the
State. ·' aoital
I. ! ..........................
Prepare ' by Columbus. f epcrter
COLUMBUS. OHIO-Wblle there is a good deal of talk going on ill political circles w'Concerning eandtdates .for t he ReplJ!>liclln· nominatiOn tor governor neic.t..,ve4·I', one never . hears the var i!> sUt>Tf~i~tea. d. cussed but what t h&-- I1fl'1P<_of Cha•. H. Lewis, of Harpstelj'HC:iier lieuDeeds of individual courage still tenll nt governor is 1lIen.~. Mr. arousll the world more tban a ny othLewis seems entirely un~~ul of er achievement. Lindbergh's welthe attention given him' i&d.tU 'devol. come proves that mon fee l, today, 8 8 inll' his ti me to his elltebsi'Ve farm t hey did IIbout Grlllon, Duguesolin interests. Wben the wlld-.·west or .01' Perseus. The individual fighter, rodeo show w~a recently given in doing it bimllcll, is the man adored Columbus, Mr. .Lewls }fu _.. uen enby the crowd. joying, the pranks of th~ weatel'n rider8, and friends say that when he Any man is courageOUII with mawas younger he rode the ponies as n)' around him. WIlh a crowd , it well as any of t he Bo-callea cowboYL is oaHier to go thun not to go. But, He was one of the ftrst Ohio farmers by yourself, it is different. to recognize the ' value of com conThe gr eat crowds t hat howl for tests, and started eacb of bill tenant. Lindbergh, and tbat were asleep in the work with ~h.e r~\14 that they when be stal·ted off in the fog, alone off a numller of l>mes. The at daybreak. know why they applaud him. . that LeWia ' iivea . for in Harpster seboola each. Yllar are eagerly ·lOught~'by. the puA lookout on the cruiser Memphis, pils. He had alway• .be~n ' tntenael7 bringln, Lindbergh home, called out, interested in educational' wort hel... "There she blows broad on the star president of the ¥Illal'e couJitt Lindbergh, on the board bow." educational bOllJ'dll."'\l.~COi1Jmbu. the bridge, Baw a big bull whale, acpaper correspondent.· a~...been try_ companied by his "cows,:' keeping Ing for weeks ' to .g et 8: ~tatement out elMe to their lord and mURter as he of the fonner - Ueut~nt , 'lr0vemor . rolled and spouted. about t he governshlp ne~ear but Miamis, 7; Spring Valley, 1. 6; Jamestown, 2. ~bout all ,the s~te'!1e 't~!'Y lit &~~g~uWh~ema~~d~"ti~ ~ ~o ~oo~ M~ C~~u==~===========~====~==~======~============== Bowersville, Wilmington, 16; Woodmen. O. 18 that 'farm l>rospecti' are excelw1)ale believe that the tiny man on Hamilton, with Mrs. Lollar aSSisting Game. Next Sund .,. lent and we have bee ' too billy to the bridge had ftown acrosa the AtMrs. Everett Run ya n, with Mrs. At Waynesville-Miami VB. Bow- consider political ' even I,-.of next lantlc Ocean, In the other direction. Evans Hatfield, assisti ng. SlIlem er8!lille. year." If Chas H, Lewis (Jeeld.. to ~ow caD you hope to make an athe- township, Mrs. Z. 0. Worley, with At Jamestow n ~ Jamcstown vs. tbrow his hat in t he. rift&' ·he I. IUN is betieve triat ~here exists a Divine Mrs. Hollingsbead and Mrs. John Modern Woodmen. to have a tremendoUII foU0winc oct intellia'ence lIashlng from one unl- · assisting. Franklin township, At Wilmington- Wilmington V8. must be considered .qaoDi thoee verte to another Pervading all apace? Mrs. James Miller. Spring Valley. within reacl\ oflhe ··i~. The bull whale and the .theist knoW. ~i88 Pnyluskn, state .health speC:, The -Sunshine cl)Jb, of Harveys "There was shaklnl!~ of hands PLAY THE AVERAGES AND BE You ean't fool them. iahst, says t he work comp/lres very burg a qhar'ity Organization for home And sorrow of' h.eart, ' :"'1.'" . , " . _ favorabl~ with the WO\'k done in oth- missronary work nnd for girls only, The hour -has approached : SAFE The fact that :<1oveiinoi- .'Vic Doa~bank heav~n lor Llndberiii:'He er countle~. . carried a new membersh.ip campaign When Club Folkll must part." ahey vetoed the appropriation of onmay make ' tIllS g~vernment \'eall-&e The lad,les set M their gonl for to a cillse last Monday evening. Tpe " A young man by the name of Iy $8600 for 1ha speClal ' lea1s!atlye The N~w Century dub held Its 11- rell, who was casbie?'for a brokerage Chloe Zuriab Sides was born committee appointed ·to).j mdy the Owt to be delen~'etIII In the air Is to ~ ext f.ears work 1000 women en· campaign - was a success, eigbt new be absolutely defenileletlll. He \OJd rolled In Vegetable cookery. members being admitted to the cl~b. nal meeting of the year at the pleas- firm, has recently been arrested on .a Ridgeville, Ohio, July 24, 1848, be- question of aviation wUl not interfere the Ohamber of Oommerce In New ,_ - The members of the club have pre. o'!t country home (II Mrs. E. L. h f . dl" ing one of s\,xteen children born to with the work of the . com~ittee It ' York; :'W4! don't want war and the viously been divided into ~o teams Thomas, Friday afternoon; June 24, c arge 0 . swm Ing h18 George and Chloe Cornell, all has just been announced. 'F unda w1Jl . ' ••,. to ~v~id It Is to be preR~red tor Ilach with its . c~ptain, and thes~ with but four members abs~nt. Roll out of some '~44,000. Whom have preceded her to t he Great be. furnl~hed ily thOtle , bUeresU!d in it. . We need rrea~y enlarged teamlJ compl!:ted against each other call ":as,,re~pon~ed to with Pet EcoHe took tbls money a little at Beyond, excepting one slst41 Mrs. l1ymg ahd the establlsbment of 11lf:memaJ air lemce, greatly B d t!! ill b gI ' in securing tqe greater number of onomles (It bemg Thrift Day). Af- time and always hoped to pay it Melvina Stacy, or Dayton. . ficient landing plaees to' pl8Ce·Ohfo In ~ . . .all service, to develop an concer j w o v e n on new members The winning '\!!am ter the regular , business had been b ki f bl I . h She was united in marriage to first rank, will turnlsh the fonda for ' pnotL ,It takes lon,er ~o· a Wednesday e en ng o~ each we~k dur was to be ente~tained by the losers. dispensed with, we were favored with y ma ng avom ~ p ays I~ t e Wm. Morford, November 9. 1865, the committee to 'conthiu41 it. work. pilot t.ian to malee ". ~ying, machine." ~~g dthe summer,. beglllning on next The losing ' team decided to, enter. an excellent add.reS8 by Mrs. Edith stock m~rket. H.e PIJ~ned bls . ' and again to Henry Sides on June Trans-Atlantic 11lghta;'{Uave add; He reminded New York ell th . e n !!dny evemhg, July 6.. Win after tbe next regular meetlnlr McClure Patterson I)f Dayton, her on the advance. In prIces of break- 6, 1889, who died July 15, 1916 interest in flyinl', .nd the dl8graceful fact that the .. Ichest city Hovlnt~ hud. regul~r Pl'8ct\ce .aU on June 13 so it was nrranged to hol~ subject being, "Wha,t Arc .:Women fast foods and steam locomotive leaving her 8. widow these twelv~le8Italilli!lhnlenlt of ne.w~lindlJi&, Beida In the world has no air pilot, and . ~ ~lI1terd t e o~gan zatlon the meeting. at the Town Hall Ths Worth?" after which, In her usual stocks They didn't lead him to the years. She was a ' laithful member absolutely necel8llt'y' ''''''''.Ohlo .... mUlt travel far all' to Long t h p:ep~~e b th(>JJ er hfoO I?rog~a~8 mothers of the various member~ were pleasing manner, Mr·s. LeMay pre- hill of prosperity he ' .lDe d th of the M. E. church, always interest,. its 'poslti?n, ' Chainnan D.Yid~ to find 01)8. a WI 8 oroug Y enJohye Y invited as special guestS. sented the gavel t~ our incoming would but th :s Idmaghim . they. ed In the good of the community and of Clevelinll, ezpeets to call F e f i . ~vaery °tntr . t dorllfle.r concerUds t aVWe nLDue to a dreary and rainy night ~re8Ident, Mrs. HarriS. for the com- ditch.' ey umpe m e the workings of her church. While le&'islative committee toAnd he ~ ..Id in . sublltanee this: y~ a ac e . arge .crow ~ 8 0 ay- the attendance was not as large as IIIg year,. who accepted very · grsce-' ,. of a quiet unassuming disposition, BOon when work will' be "They talk about anti-aircraft guns ~:Vllle and_ these will .be no excep- expected, but the losen delighted 67 fU~t . He now says to himself, she will be sadly missed by the kind mapped out:· :.' . _ rs . HarrIS chose as her executive to the newspaperl. that he • • de(ense . .ainst 'airpalene. A.bun . _ _ _ _ _ •. guest!! with an interesting program and re.latlves who bave so dred fast planes woald IIOOn ' clear a .and refreshments. The Misaes ·HeJ. committee, M~. Ward and Mre. Al- another sucker." , . looked after her in her l.te _ W C T· U M to en, Kathleen and Nellie Graham and len, to serve ~Ith the other officers. There have doubtless been 8lckne88 and dea~h. .. The A. I. U. citadel; which extenda ' battleahlp'I' deeu of I~ nnl. Then a dosen bomben ' would •••• Ing Eyalyn 'rucker furnished music for ' We then adJourned to meet on the t f t d b 1 Icy She had been In l admg health for higher than fyen,the Wuh:" link It. The .nti-alrcraft gunll might, ' the occasion. A one-act play, elev- fourth Friday . in Septem~er. ~ea or unes ma e y uc . some time, but. she was stricken monument, i, beb,g.1UJed with b~t probably wouldn't, bring down a Tbe W. C: T. U. will 'meet with er recitations vocalnnd instrumental A most dehghtful 1I0cial hour Was es and many people have struck last Sunday mght und passed away who will malntaln . omcea far few pRote, destroy e trifling sum 'In Mn M.r~ Sliver at . her home on solos 'and du~ts and vatlous stunts ~pent during which time our hosteBB wells or gold veins or diamond pock. at ~wenty minutes till eight o'clock. ~rQm the din and ··nolae of • • alrplan!8" But alrplalle. ~ould wipe 'F,o.urth ,atreet. Tuesday, Jul~ 6, ~t 2 such as "waltz around the roon:: served a verY nice tV/'o-course lunch- ets. Others have had rich uncles Weclnesday morning, June 8, at busy city. Announcement ·haa just out a' f20,000,ooo battltllblp and 'ttl 0 clock. 'please .bE' prompt In bnrlg- with a broomstick" mllde u'p the eon" asalsted by her daughter, Mrs. n d I . th I t f ' . age of 88 yellrs, 10 months and been made that Thad BroWn, formgreat crew of men." ' . Ing: or sending m your dues to the program, ' . . Burnet and Mrs. Cross. n eave . . em a .0 0 ~on ey.. dnys. er secretary of state; and 'D~ CurtI. new treasut:er, Mn. Fr.a nk Harts,ock, The guests were deliglbted, with Guests of tbe afternoon were, Mrs. There . 1& no dlsco.untmg thiS and By her daily walk her friends Re~d, form4;lr prosecuting attomey of Melg's county, Have fO'rtiuid a I•• also come prepured to meet. our this program and the music, ' but Will ' Cornell, Mre. Harry Burnet, no att~mpt to prove that it Is not so. fl;!el assured she' was ready for Many ' people, Including the ' Govto the Relit cottage at ~iaml were still more deligbted with the MrIl. Wllbu~ Clurk, Mrs. J. B. Crabbe G~mbhng does not always lead final call w~ich came so suddenly, partnership and bave' leased' a autt.. ernment, must Iiaten to Lindberrh. ( JhJ~\Jt.. n,n, Our cou~ty· PreSident, lunch of Sl\ ndwicber, baked beans Misses Annte and Marne Brown, and misfortune. Some players at Monte pro~ing agam to U8 all t hllt. while of rooms on the twe!1tyj;Itird.lfioor" of That'. the advanta,e of cllmbinr to N. Bunnell, will be a guest IIIllads, ice cream 'and eake toot th~ Mrs. Edith ldcOlure Putter~on. Carlo come a~ay ~vlth a pile. In life we are ever in ~e mIdst t~e. skY8Crape~. • They will OCCUP7 a high pisce. .amlmg men. You can our next mel!tlng. losing team sel'ved in eateteri. nile. . A. F, W. But ~he pomt. IS, the chances death. t elr new offices after-;JlIiy lat,...... make otbers lIat.n. . _ __ ___ • Mothers expressed their enjoyment all ag81nst tbem. ; For every "Peaceful be t hy silent slumbers, the new pannersblp ' becomea dec.of the evening and ~e winners de- Att ' d d S h I mon '!"ho l1ucceeds and who you Peaceful in tay grave so low; t1ve. . r -: •. . Much of woman's trouble baa been ,elared they had a "lovely time," 10 . pec:u~ 00 about, there ~re thousands who Thou .no more wilt join our number, , .• , .' caused by het: prejudice aplnst her on a whole the affair was a complete . lind whom are never noted. Thou no more our !Jorrow know. . ' Unless the uReJ!fleeted .. and unrciJoown sex, 'her lack of· mercy for other "Cn n' I'" F 'd ' • ht t success . . t Mr. Crabbe, accompanIed by Chas. The shrewd man bases bis .acts Yet again we' hope to meet thee seen happen~, Ohio States pubUc Ugiven . ' . ,.,. , brary ~ III be .cI'ose d Thureday. ' . women. tli at go wrong, her contempt Orthodr Iva, h Q.h t th' rl ay b . mg fit f '9 When the. club quilt. was romed oft 0 ay, J 08 K eMley. an dl Guy H ock ett, II'fe u pon averages. He Y\' hen the day of lile is fted . luat 10r WOlDen 'generally. MisS BeBBle scholar~~i; uf~nd. or Pl:as:n~lk0 ~ the envelope containing the lucky attended a speciaL ~(I-day dairy' ~t_ th~t there is much luck in ~uman And in heaven with joy to gr~et thee, what will be done .with the ·thoUADda :K.ek, of. Qhlcago, accused ot lIirtlng 80me member. Admisslo 60 t number :was .opened ami Mr : . George tIe and sheep )udglDg school at Ohio f ai rs. But ther? a~~ c~rtaln laws Where no farewell tears are shed." !'If volumes of books · ·w hich 4ll ,it. • b), two laree polIcewomen, "~eat • _. n" .c ~n s. Shank drew the quilt witp the win- Sta~ univerSIty on 10 t Wednesdny averag?~ .and hfe IS n h4l1ance of •- • shelves is still. unknown, but 'it is q.. 'them up" ~when they 80urht to arrest ning No., 90. . ' ,'. . and Thursday. . probablh ~les. pected t bat many Of. !hetpo' will be . lter. She sUQ'endered peaceably to The boys are prepar Ing for contest The difference between n clever transferred to ..the library at Ohio • vel'J' lOTIall policeman, saying, "No judging this fall. We believe that man and a fool is that the fonner State university. Vetoini of the , woman can arreat me.'" .t hey derived real benefit from this pins his hope upon general laws and small appropriation bill whieh made " , special work and hopo that t hey will the chances are in his favor, while it possible to carryon tlw"Wort 'of ' . . Sir Qliver Lodlli, who believes In " 'C. E. Bratten, of the ' Equitable ~l1\ce well up toward the top of the the la~er fatu9,ualy believes In the the library haS been -·o)le· of the moat I IIIaolta and spirita, .says that with Llf~ Insurance company, a former het this fal1_ __ e:!(cept!on' and USUally g~ts stung. vexing problems that has confronted tIe\lc protlljla.sm life ean be superintendent of t he Waynesville. . , If hfe menns. anrthlng to you, ? , . , Gover.n or Donl\he:r I!qt;l\IJ .bis entire lD ~ l~b~rllto. ry, This, says Llindscape pl~ntingS fol' rural homes schools, 'w~s elected pr?lildel1t .o f t~e COULDN:T GOI THERE do~;t unnecessarll Y rl.sk It. Ca:~l' . 4-H Boys , and Girls term as governor, and i~ is aald ' that • doea Dot behttle God'. power, be emphasized on Thursdn and I?ayton Life . Un~ er":~ltet:'s aSfocia- .' , ' . , y~u want f arne and ~ortune, Rura.1 Women 8 Vacation if he had the matter tq,;:do <t~r qaiD . 1t n :1'" o~[ next "n 'eek I July 7 aYnd 8, Itlon at the cirganlll:ntlOn's last 'meet- , "Old you take her home after the donst Pd ttheflm don t he thurn of n card. Camp. ,. , he would find some lot&l'4tiIn .to 'clat , ....n is \IOU'. creation and might well f th t h Hi I h I tu y o n out w at the law WHEN? Boys, snd girls August from the approp..latlon "IU,'"--d .J.-. . , Imitate. h'Vak . II 1 Vt ' etor H Rele extens' l on spel ' alng 0 e season n t e . am ote. show?" . . d f II h I 8 13 W A 1 19 .~., - . fo. .... er on !l sma sea e: . . . . I t F id averages IS an 0 ow t at am to. omen II, ug;ust 6- . the- II' brary co'ntinue al' 'iL ll~-: ." 0. .S. .U., and dounty Agent Class as ray. "No, my folks were homel" . " -'8'~ Th e WI' ck e d some t'Imes prosper ". WHERE? . R·oss Barrac ks, a bo~t so mony years: · the; ~~che "1l8II • h Be wUm1gb~. but he won~t. That'.... of. 1 not create the only -life · hon\~ . owners In the c~unty, unjust and tyrnnnical people are on~f~urtb mile .. from Camp Denm- ffiends of the lihrary llave1i!ertainl7 , e counta--the Ufe that 'thlnlui. . hvmg. on the farms. or .. n th!) ceseful, but the average is son,. m Hamilton county. presented a united front . in ' thelr op.. . are mvite~ to jOin m the them, and in t he end they . " .0 '1 MAt'fY? Not more than 100 to closing the place; but all Real life..is thought, not m,att~r. Or , or to atterid a8 l)1any of the Hew . . .e suffer In either camp. , . without effort .0 ftr . !'ncl. oniy two meeti!lP as p~ssib)e. Class ~urther s.ut It· Th~ man who minds his own busl. ENROLLMENT. Opens July. 16. !lays rem'a in for action 'Ot w' deftJi1te An '"_ neaa and never takes ~ances Closcs August 1. nature. . '. elt)llalned that about a half dozen 01' Y.. ....... he has to is r"nning along with the Those boys, girls and women who , . " more .r!!quests wl!re t:eceivcd 'during ~he PM\;. week t blln can be taken cure laws of the universe. He is trust,. gamely waded tbrough mud and wat.. r " .,. !»f In thl's.et~o davs. Everybody in.. ? ~ . ...... .., . _ ing to the co-op .. ratlon of events and er last year to have their camp outDelegates representinl' schoOQ fo1' . II tif I t'" h • h "' the deaf in evefY .tate o~ the UntereBted . . . !lau .y nN , ~.elr omes . ... , _ . t ey do not f.il him in the end. ing, will be glad to hear that the ion. and sever.1 ~attl. ."of ., Oa~ . of ' ,flowers ,.nl! ·shrubbery . '. Being good Ja merely having ccin- Ross camp has a cement floor, a good h thl ~ to tt d. tii b . .. endea.vCJr tp Join . tn ' the first Only b . constan' t exerCising' th~ mind ~n 'it remain ' keiln' .nd · ac'tlve" fldence In the laws of average. roof, .a bl.g kitchen' and room, are eIre a 'wee ' '1'~ ,en e; i- .y, "ou~ when !he l.,.eet number .y i b ' stagn t. Tb ' ' h ' , __ • electriC lights and a good annua meet l nl' 0f A ..... ri~n mlltl'u~' .. bly recombe made 'to demon!i~a- Withdoilhti a "sT*'luloa,nTt . t" ~~cobm~ t anI !It s ": y WIethl'sti beach just below. The tors for the deafl, \\IJlItIl'ta belDi-'heW naye j)ee'l rUnning fo men t 8 , CI~ en elng no on y an amualng n ere nl' pastd d' h I tli at the state schoo. , for . 'fbe , d"'. I . , ~ a time, but 81*0 a highly profitable one. The questions included have been aWn IS esbalretoa so on the Daily demonstratlona .ari\ :1..el-- .-Iy_ . '. U 'h b b kin ti fl ' e were a e secure ese accom-I .. 1-" . . . . . , U the Allen .home where ~bles for , The folloWing tour hal belln ar. com~ ed by ~ne w 0 88 een as g qu~ onl or a ong t1f!1e-and o~e ' modatlons b jolnin with Hamilton en and many ·noti!tll.apealteri an .. ....0" were arraJiled OD the ap~eious ranged by (lounty Aeent OIaSB: " who knows wh.t peop~e know, ..what the), ,want to know, and what the), . Come young I .C0t;ne Oldl Come and Clermo~ countiges in a common attendance. The convention' ,..m porch. /l ~ to lire. Allenls beau_ . n .......,.. Ju. " . hou~ know. What J8 your score fo r thls week's test? ~core ten for- everybody I A hlla.rlo,u~ exenlng. il\ camp site. ' This will 'alao enable c,ontinue through Saturday ' " . dtut l'OIe prile. brou,ht to • close , , . ". ' e.ch ..lloneci anewer, ' , promis~d. If . you don t believe It, to fund our equipment and 18 a -, ~13lf • . " • ~o.t d~Ua'htful. afternoon. Tlloae ~.:80 a.m.-,-Qhas. Rpaa,. Mason. , TE~T come ' to the Red .Briek Frlen~ IItep toward a bJgger and better . ael'l~ stl-~- Se ·. ._ •"_ . Invited to eDjoy ·tbla 0.80 .a.m.- b. I. :A\lppurger, U &' church, .Friday evening, July First, this year • a' ..._ aIoa were ' 11.... Ildlth , dleto'!"n,' .' ~ .:........ I, Wh.t coun'try is .known ',as "The Lan'd 01 ihe ' Rls~g StIn1" . and le~ ' for yourself I Don't forget The c~p.e~ livi~r'· ne.r ~e Laura lIosher II.... Emm. 10.30 8.m .-A .0. Bond, Frail..,..... .2" 'W~~ l- 'tb'e. lonaut b~dCe In the /World? What is Its lendhT Where your pennies as tlie proceeds is to ro~d ' runniDl' through lira. E. V. IlUDhart, 111111 NO.O II'--'Lurich-ftBnlili.n. ' Is itt , l ' . . . ', hel~ pay . a .. TenneBSe! m01Hlta~ J(orrow, etc.. ean CO b)" Briiwn II'" Blame Brown, IIIss 1 :O(} p,m..-8pringboro Sc))ool. , How 'do kal18aro08 ~ their :yoUnt' • ' girl S 8~hool expenses.,. Spoll~ered Camp Dennison ' where, ~ 'lena· j:i;~ lila Margaret 1 . 30 p. m.-.-A. O. HarbaulrJi, in , .. What fa the <.BbL.et:8imo~, Tut' _ .' " l:!y the 'Y. Eli M, met. ' '. . . warde, ~ Kate Colemau, 1Irs. 2'1:.prl~~oro. ... ,. . ' i '- For what 90ra .• to initiaJs, "E, G.I' ltend' ' / • _.. ·Mrs. 'D. B. Phillips, of . .... VII.B l,I._ L. .Clue. , _ . 8:00 ~m.- ~!rl ~kekJ ne; L~~. O. wnUam and iIl.,.Dcelin. ·Booth are Identified with what orpnlzation' W..hfn~on. whQ helped at ,;~i.;j~=~~:': rill .m.- 'l'"'m en e '1; ~t Ia tile old. . co\lece in th UDi~ State" When wu it · Ort camp the put two yean · ~ D.... U e. . found", ' . ." ~.:at b~ cam» thIa Jiu' • :-r.eUr:' Sc~1a.~ ., Who wrote "Pater PAIl!n 'Wlao...witlaln tile J.-t few years ' ltarred In ~v. A. K. Sargent, • former..... II.... LllC1& 10WOD 8i.... ~~ 1&. and lin. I. :it. Obapman • . ~ . , . n erw. the ~otion jrlctun pnclaatloD 0'1 tIIat . . " .deDt of !larva)'sbU1'lr, d181;l at at. trihutecl 10 much to tile ~ lollr IIabou aDd II"'''' 1'1'. 9; Who ' II IIici -SeaIaeti! . ' ,Pet.enbJlq, Fla., Tu..day; .Jae the· Int Warten Coa~ .. w~,......·.ll" ..... ad • ,." IuW ~..ts· Walter Ellis, ~ to. ~t ~ ttl. two .,.. ....tata ,...... of ... UDitlJd States' H, . The fun8ra1 Hl'VIee wm be lle1dJcamP wtn be. wlih . . . . . . _ _., ~~ .' . . in IIiud ~pel, FrIdaJ aftenaoon Fol' tatther hlfcmaatloD " '
Chloe Zuriah Sides
Band Concert.
Notice ·t o Y. F. ' M.
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Elected freaident
Carnlva . I'In T own
O · " TEN', Q'.:'TES"'IONS
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A. aD .... appOint cl Adm. of mate of S. L. Palfrey and C. E. IUh. H. rflllrbtun Dnd Ouarge
Gat , .pp~r • Belen Robin n, adm,.. ur the ta of C.allie Robinlll)n, 'as 8U· h tixed to $ell certain r ul eSUite, E. D. Grobam, adm. ot th~ e~tat REAl. ESTATE TRA SFERS of ath rln E. Gill pit.., · filed hiN J I) el'h and He~:iJe Eft I to Clem fir><t and fi I I\tCOUIl1. ~'o noi , 1 town lot In Ro t r Park. Z ~k F1 teher. IIdm. ! fh . (l~tate har! and B.. : i~! ole tq William of :allle . Pletcht!r, filed his i venH. Baker, 11>.05 acr of lAnd in Ham tory and appraisemenl. IItOD Tp. . rialn Ie. mod by . lurie E. E:1i~belh a~d Fr.!d Kohler t-o the mitb~ executrix of th estat. uf Little ~1Ul.mi Railroad Co., l.Ui to Louil'a F . 'Lewis, wer approved lIad conll.rm eu . acre$ in Hamilton Tp. Ro ~Ic uteheon to 'I!rtnin re I e tate belo),\{1:ing to Harding .lHld f ry h lJ\e late ' lIwton . Duffi eld W0;J 0 hAy' !" _ in a lIulr r r. lot In Franklin. dercd ~ol d . "Tell lIle the Iinnw t,t each aleb ~Ic('hm ~ to lJiiltribution of the e~(.ate the!>e llIen. aUld )'IIU shall go fr e. Buil.ding, L on n and ' Ilvinw.s 0" iel J. ~\(l\lIIl' wa., mude. R (use, and you r.hall he. carried to 181.1 3 acres of land in Tunlecre k J '" A. 1 unt, IIdm. of abo"c I' . Iti chmon d. where lh y will hang you lowns hip. · Lnte filed his first nnd final accounl by the neck!' Dnvil J. Mount te, Oorn F. Mount, Oscu r B. Cain, guardian of Anna "Hanged by the neckl" K nnedy 116 acres of la nt! iTI TUl't1eereck Tp. M. Grnndin i)JIbecilc, fil d his first JeSS<! A. Mount et III.. to Dorn F. an d final acc ount. Il\ughe{]- la uJ(hte r that had the in· flecti o n of II"Ybailed lilter Hllarling at 'Iount. 11 6 urre." o',r I~nd 'In Tu~tl('. ,,--- B C' L. hli! irons. I:~, 1 )<now you. you " .. . """"r. aID, a d Ill. a r th e eSUIte litO.. viper Curry me away and creck Tp. . . of A nun M. Grnndin, decca. ed, filed hang me. but never a word will you TiUie Gorqon to lary E. Wlllince, hill inventol'Y and aPllraisCl.ment. g tout. o( me. That·s finlll. You 1 town lot in Franklin. The will of Ella A. Gliynor WIlS adwill sti ffer, wonder always who the J'esse A. Snook tCI J. P. nook, 1 mitted to proba e. Mallie\\' B. Guy. nlon was. 1 know. But think you town lo~ in South Lebanon. nor was appointed executor o r the es. Edward chwaeble to Charles tate and Grace pohr, J ohn Ritz and to dig it out. of ~y lip~?" A face allpt'areil at the side win- Lampe, 10 town lou )n Loveland Ol in ton Stanton. upprais~rs. dow and vanished hastily. Park. Mal\'ina Stacy 8nd Albert Stucy "1 will say this mucb, J eunnc Boaulolt- ah, yuu start? 1 regret Frederick G. , AuIJustus H., Wi]· were appointed adms. of lhe eslllt'e that J did not shoot YIIU out of hand !iam and arl E. Wittlinger to Eliza- of Chloe Z. ideR and E,'er ett Early, when I had thl.' ·oJlPorillnity." beth Harding 111)11 1\lary Shearer, 1 W. C. Bergdoll and Stephen Burnett Jeanne returned the poper to h r town lot in Franklin. pprai sers. pocket.Slle turned townrd the door. Frederick G. Witt linger et al., to Frank oburn. executor of the csonly to POU !!!! in Illnrm. he heard, Carrie Speidel, 1 town lot in Frank. tote of harles Coburn, was autho r. II rurse. some mum 'd blows-a body lin. Ized to sell certain stocks. r ottin/:' cracked; boards."D arguerlte . A pprnlsement . craMhed agains A mOml!nl lalert 1aherev(,lver . ' Requnrth to Jamefl of lhe stat of Cal· tw o !lhol~ (ollowed; then came a Pi le and F. W. Franz, 1 town lot in lie Robi~o n was approved and con. trnmpling of ·fecl., and t lffn silence. Franklin. Hrmed. The door opened, anti a man entered DeEstamy and Olcvia F . Githens Dislribution of the proceeds of swiftly. TI.. wore a handkerchief to Joseph M. Githens, 72 acres of !'.IIle ol'dered by court from the esaver the lower Poart of his face. land in Clearcreek 1'p. tat.. of Gallic R bison was made. "Don't moye.' he warned J ean ne. Marion L . a nd arah E. Githens to The first anu finnl account of Sam He plUlScd around h,;r to the Parson. Joseph Cithens, 72 aeres or land in uel A. Ellis , executor of fhe estate With ana hand t,oldl,ng a steady reo Clearcreek Tp. . of Alice I. EI~s, wns approved, 01. ~h!v~~~(~~i:no~kttn~~~ the ather at Anna E. James too A~ary E, Gitl!. lowed and confirmed. "Don·t let her get away. What a ens, 7~ acres of land In Clea rcreek ThO! firsl and final account ol J esse prize, whot a prize!" oried Kennedy. townShip. A. Mount and M. Roy Mount, exccuThe ruvolver - wavered, Jeanne Howard W. Ivins to Hugo Fisher, to rs of the estate of Mima E. Reed. swept the candlc from the table. ov- Sr., .60 lown acres near Leba non. WIIS approved, allow.d and confirmed erturned that andfiew to the door The S. F r ed Company, a corpora. The first accou nt of Wm. C. Ker. unerring, banging it after her. tio n to Solomon and Lou.is Fred, 2 sey, executor of the estate of Joe S. "Armitage?" bellowed Kennedy. town lots In Lebanon. Jersey, was approved, allowed and "Quick!" Tho others w ill be comOscar E. and Leo111 W. Smith, to confirmed. inlt back'.' The groped hurriedly for the door, Phil ip Hopkintl Jr., 1 town lot in The first and fina l account of Da. stumbled out and ran toward t he \Vaynes\oj))e, vid E. Dunham, e,cec:utor of the grove_ t hrowinll' themselves down in· Max and MargaI" t Kohlhagen to tnte Martha E. White, was appr ov. to the t hicket. Louis and Sarah B. J:~red 2 town lots ad nllowed nnd confirmed. "Do you know who that wa81" in Lebanon. • The first and final - account of whlspercri Kennedy. Charles A. Mitchell t o Carl W. Charles J. Bock, . adm. of the estate "G od knows. I shall never cease Frey, trustee, 5 to"m lots in Love. of Frank Bock, was approved, allowto ,;~:;;?:ber thllt night!". land Park. d nnd confirmed. "She got away." George A. and SUElie B. Brenn er to S. T. Ellison, adm. of the estate of "You sJleak as it you were glad Martha Parks. 2 town lots iJI the Mi. James ~lIillon filt-d his first li nd fi· of it?" amj Park 5ubdl'lision in Deerfield Tp. nal accQunt. \, . George and Susie Brenner to Mar· An nie Doughman. executrix of the " 10m." "Milk!!opl That womnn is J eanne tha Parks, 2 town lilts in Bame sob· state of Valentine Doughman, filed Beaufort; and yon 'have ' let her go '" division. her ih ventory a,nd apprabement. "Jeanne Beaufort l" Harry Cook to Jobn Cook, 30 town J e5llie A. nook, admx. of the "Aye ! And t hrough your ma udlin acres in Franklin, tate of Jameli F. nook, filed her inyou have herl"mom, Harry Cook to Oral Coo" sentiments In t he small houl'llfreed of tliat '" .22 town ventory ond appraisement. ing, in menn room, Ii man sat acrell in Franklin. rity at a table, his bllre left ann ~dam Allmyer to Wm. H. and NEW SUITS stretched across it. He "Was putting Grace Taylor, 1 town let in Frank· G B B . on the finishing touches of a circle race urgess .V9. rnaay 1.11'witb the Greek-Iii(e letters ;n !the Cecil Fletcher to Zack Fletcher, 2 ge ~or dl(1? rce, aitm on), and cu.stody center. town lots in Franklin. . of minor child ani! for other rehef. (To be cOhUnued) JUlia D. Munger to Myrtle Van AlJllB M~er vs. J ohn Wymer for Camp, 1 t uwn lot 'in Franklin. divorce On}l ch rge of , extreme cruA CLEAN RECORD Myrtle Van Camp to Earl and Lu- eIty. . '. cille Salmo,!, ' l town lot in Franklin. COMMON PLEAS CROt:~EDINGS "A woman will go through Marguerite Requ8I'th to Daniel G. Co~t overruled the. motIon of the for a man wheTl - he mp.rries and Ida Bird, 3.66 t own acres in plaintifl' for a . new ~181 In. the c~e -" Franklin Tp. of Ben ~eed VS. rJ'he Le,banon-Clti"Y"tI, the one I married ~ 'Bonk ...HUS •. m.. t C0.' a d m .,. _____ zens . Natl on... through my trousers, my bank MARRIAGE UCENSES Court also overruled the. motion of coun • and a divorce RUlE" . . the defendant for a new trial in the • - Wilbur H. Thornblll, furniture cale of The State of Ohio vs A NATURAL dealer of Xenia; and .C omnne Welsh O ' G e e s e . · "A' d h' do you like Bchoo"" school teaeher, of Hlarveysburg.. Hon. J. W. Tarbell, Common n ow 1 T 1 V N h i asked the kind old lady. . Ra ph ay or an eM, p YSIC an, Judg"e of 13rown county was assign"Closed," \IJlswered the httle lad. D. O. of Lebanon, s,nd Florence E . ed to Warren county t~ hold court Hm, of Lebanon. by C. T. Marshall, Chief Justice, Su- ---;:G preme Oourt of Ohio. . PROBATE PROCEEDIN S Foreclosure was maue on the Proof of pitblication of ~he ap- erty of Caleb M~Clung by the polntment of Forest D. HalDes, as pIe's Building, Loan and Savings adm. of the es tate of Esther Rail, Gertrude J one!! Willi '"'anted .. I d p. .. was fI e : . vorce from Eddie Jontls and given The WIll of James R. Brown was custody of minor children. filed . . Margaret Schneider WIlS granted John E. McKmney and Albert 1\ di vorce fro mOscar Schneider and Wolte were_ appointed apprai ers, flf her _ml\iden nam(! of Margaret Lac~the estate of Henry' E. , Exma~ In ey. r esto r ed . of ~oy , ,R~ss and Charley Mm;y Collins WII$ grll n ~ed II divorce [rQm Charles Collins and 'Was given Mongo F. Exman, I~xecutor of the_ custody of one minor child. , .. above estate fil ed his inventory and appraisement. The will of G. Adolphus Kelly was COMMISSIONER'S PROCEEDINGS &Ied. " ' The Western Star, ,Proof of publi-
Harold .Mere Gratia ~"""'0aR~~~~~~~1_~.A!.~~ nAPTER _'
How lIlan sne \\Ill. holl' b(!lpncJ hDw long tbllt urm lIuddM· Iy rc ching ut . ("r h('r! So, after all the. c months, they had found out who she WOil ? , lender. han dlome. very pale. Hmmedilltel, everything b('came ·yes. ' Dend or alh'e! he WI\! a cowI'\I\, She wanled til run awny and hide; she wanted the IItron!!; com. rltl'ting nnn~ of her Aunt DIm; she wpnted her room at home. Dead r alive! The wh~cls claLtered it; the hoors ot the hors~· bea time to il But her indomitable spirit did not long remain crushed. he traced thjj§ cata. rophe to the man who had entered h l' room She know now that hc had been hunting for ber phot.ogTUph. Well, he badn"t found it. She possessed: but one, and thllt wa.~ nt home. Alter aU sh bad been expecting this. She had known that she could not go on forever. i!l~efinitely, without leavin g ao,,! pO~lbve trace of her individ. uallLy. IAlt them catch her if they cou,ld; forewarn e'l and forearmed. S~e rl'ached home ot noon. at the precule moment Parson J ohn K~n. ne~y entered the private office of tbe ch,ef oi the Secret ~Service bureau "Kenncdy. we'\'e found the name of your lICUrplon 118 yoU call her .,~ 'v,e s nt out 'dodgcrs, 'dend ahve stull'. The description is meager, because G-RD-A is a bumpkin I~
W ..hl"ltOD
J anne'.' hostC1ltl gave a recelltion eptember tu one ' of the au h Am~rfCilIl rtlul lsters; and it WUll lit thia aJl'aIr that Morgan w prefH'nted to "Alice Tl' n1." while s he wal! enpg d In animated d bate with C.p~n ArrollDg. Sho made rooDl for the now arrival, and for a While divided her attention and attraction. betwe n the two mc.a. he WII!! call· ed away pre/lenUy.. "Cbarmlng young womnn ." was Morgan'tl comment. "Where is 15he from!" "Baltimore, I believe." Armitage turned an inquiring eye upon Mor. g.n. "Where do you keep your· lell!" "Uader the Senator's thumb. 1 a mbee-inning to weary of the pOli. tion." . "Golng- " lIS Armitage rose. "Work." With a curt nod Anni· tage departed. When he was flore that Armitage hid left the houlIe, Morgan went in search of Jeanne. '/" "I haven't been to IICO you beca~B 1 do red DOt. 1 fancy I'm belllg · watched-foT 1I\'hat purp?5e I don't .j know as yet. I am maIling you a dl~m of a cer:taiJI bouse. The.re , WIll be a eeCrflt pwage to the attic. You will find a table there. In . the in
reyolyer wayered. JeaDDe aw.pt the "andle trom DB' th" table, oYer· turned it and fI"w to the door unemnr, banrin, it after her.
· drawer you win pIacn onco a weekpreteraDI" XhursdaYII-w.hatover im• portant facta )to)! pick up. I'll atten to the relit 0·£ it!' I "U you will be at the Canitol at . I'll Il'"lve YOU , niue tomolTow. alorrung, aometbiNr &0 do for me perhaps/' "1 ani alwA)'lI ,ud ever at your aervice. GoO(\-b,. then, until tomorrow.' He went away with the old enigmatiCal amDe on his UPII; and Jeanf 11 t P · ., the two <mern-ne e 0 com anD. · · ~:.n:'lo~ '*oim::r b:~~~f:~~:: it Is a dan.a:er·llgnal for one of them I ---.he ia, about &0 ~lace in her . per• manent. repro ooe above the other. J'romptly at, lune ·tbe hes~ _ mornInc Jeanne IItopped -.hel' CIUTJ$ge be· the CapiwL MOl'lan W1I1 stroll· ' fore iDst'a!OOC, apparently IIl:1gaged in stud)'in, "the craoka in the sidewalk. "Mr. Morjtanl" sbe called. He look"" up, pauaed and raised bia hat. ' ~ .. "Good momine, K1U Trent." I "Step in and drop ~ou eve~)'ou ..,.." \ "That II very good of you. I goint to one of th,. rect'Jllting stadon.. T~e work is 1i19W'/' • All thill wait of. , cQurao. tOY the bene1l.b 01 ' the driver. When they were on the w.y. ",hell th" noise drowned their volcea, ahe handed 101m a note. He opened, it. . ' . "What', thlat" "I want lOU w find out who men are 'l'bey Cbelonll to the Serviee; ot' an aun of it. One tbem will have '1 tattooed mark on , lils left forearm. Have you ever rUn . ae.rollll a man named P~'son dy1" j ."The PAJ80n~. Frequently." "I want' that man where I pan to him without bt'ing dillturbed. can tell me w.h~t those letters meun. "Would an allduction serve?" "It wouliL" i'Then everything falls out nicely. Alid the reward'!" "We'll talk of that later." "Well, you shall Parson Kennedy twi~e tonl'{ht - onco at Sumner's aDd araln Ul a certoin hut by Potomac. But what's in the "That Is my a1faiI." But ahe tened the retort with a s mUe "You are wearing a w. ig; .YOU 'dyed your skin II I c';d not you with the eyes 01 ,,)ve. I'd ,some difficulty In r ecognizing you. flease pardon my a sking you a ques. Uon; your nrms sn!! shoulders'!" . " I have not neidected them. You IIIIW that lut night. But if you think t his Is a goad opportunity to make love t o me you are· m!ataken. In thitl .rnmet of espoinage we are partne but beyond that, nothing." ; :'Who ann 8IIY'! Do you think ~~ ever &'} " e you_ u)l.1" 'Hore Is your recruiting station. 1 had best drop you. What is thilt IJOldior tacking up 7 'Dead or alive I' Read it.-then come and tell me." , He . ~mc baCk. smiling. with his lJpe ' but covertly warning her with
wh re womcn are concerned. A paJI r tou nd on a dead man and signed opened up the way for G·RD-A. He tulJl seen her bllt once, and thill qetlo rl'~lion is from memory." ' he name.I" "Wlllt a moment. You told me a remarkable tale the other igbt. or part of one. I have every , reason to believe that that younll womapl lind your acorplo/\ are one and the ·"~e 'Her n nme is· Jeanne Beao.fortl lI~nd" ~he is p"artlcularly good I~ asBuminsr boy and ' yaung men roles." "Be has set out to find a pnotograph of ncr, nnd If there Is one, he'll get It." "Jellnne Beaufort--if we find her it will be In Washington, mark my words." "The man you l uspect goes no· where." " Smells a Tat, likely." "They have hunged poor ~ogarty." Kenncqy bent his n ead. "He WIIS a brave yuung DIan. I came to ask Cor Annit.a'~e'. I want him to follow me for the next twelve · hours and nevor let Inc slip out his .sight. I've peen threotened Ilgain." : "Yiou ' Bhllll have Armitage. I'm glad you spoke as you did. Hc' was about to rejoin his regIment." 0; . There were Feveral arms to the 'cerct Service In those days, and the mOHt important was of course tbo military. . The Wor Office Qnd the Secret 'Service bureau had authority to draw a man from his regiment in all cases except when he WIIS under fire. A good spy had to be a ready thinker, of flas h.impulses of swift in !,Intion-lIn.d nbave all, young. It was the mlddl ·aged who carefully weighed cveqlthing and then startcd forward Just · a . little too. late. Parson Kenn edy w as the excoptlon. When he left th e Sumner place t hat nightA. he dismissed his hired cnrringe. The bribed coachman drove off, muttering into his belll·d. while the tw,a men ~owerjng insid(l IIwore softly In chagrm. ' But they In turn had for once lookI'd farther ahead than Parson Kennedy; and befo re he had wa'lked t,wo blocks, three men fell afoul of hun. Strong liS he was, he waa not super· human. They farced some pungent liquid through ~i 5 teeth, and a cloth was held over hiS nose. . When he came out 0·£ his stupor he f ound himself securely bo.und to a chair. Ncar. by W!lll n comnion at.. ble, and on thiS <I Single cilDdle was burning • . A cabin-but v:here? How far Willi ,ho from the city? Where was Anmtage? . . WiI~n the last, phose of dlz,zlness left hus oyes he dimly ~aw two shat!. owy forms by the ~ablll door•. The smaller mnn spOke In a half-whIsper. "Send the . men away, _and _"you gu~rd t~e d()or from the ou~lde. . "He 18 a ~angerous man. " Not at this moment. Do as I ~ay. his. eyu. The taller man went out reluctant"It ill a dodger for the' allprohen- Iy to obey !'rders. A boyish figure "!In 0 f Jellhnc Beautort dead or approoched .Parson , .11 ' _medlbm . height, , stood with' folded arms. h,ansome, dlt:k eyC!8, ver could not se.B the face, fO.r the Il9Pper.eotored loair; wears down too fIIr; but he wonclothe. I \leee fully" he seen that figuro ~'A ~~ 8p ,. How "'BefON \. God y~ u ' ar
.,..........r__ -'if:.
~e "hia'per~a .
• ...·_Db ' for the ,
He It! Like That
Get Quicker Gains At a Lower Cos~ Per Pound Wayne 2 % Hog , Meal i ' a big profit- . maker for I.1 ny hog ra ise r w ho has un : bundance of corll to feed. This hig h proteiu cOlleen tra le bn In IlC 5 yo ur corn at a v ry 1 w cost per unit of II !gcst ibl e
proteill, and insu res the high sl fe ed 1l1 g vu lue -from your com. Sold by
Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company Phone 25, Waynesville, Ohio 1~1i.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=,,=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;;;;;;;;:;;:==:;;,'
F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer s See U. Early for Your Sal.natell. We
Satiafa('t:ion or Charge Nothing.
Centervi-II e, 0. .
Burling~on,O. Phone No, 32n
Phone No.2
cation, $10.26; The Frnnklin Chronicie, same, $16.26; Robe rt W. Brown. T17 the Mlnml Gaze.tte for I year. defending prisoner, $60 ; Judge C. B. .D echant,. postage, $3; The S. Fred Co./ s upplies, $3'1.33; The J. W. Lin- ~~=========~======~ goHdwe Co., same, $6.65; same, same, ~1.46; The Book Shop, same, DR. C. W. HENDERSON $88.75; same, same, 86ci Stakalta Oftlce-Amln Bid,. Mfg Co., same, 126.'10 : East End onl Yard, coal, $41.61; Robt. CleavOff.CI: "ou •• e r, fUl'l1ishing nnd lighting IlIn tern." , 9 to J I II. m, 3 to- 5 r. m. $6 .60 : Charles E. Bradbury, sup- ' I lI~ !I 1'. m. plics, $2.81. ; J. H. D!lnneU. est. on Telephonel' contract No. 871, $100; E. S. Worley OffIce , Jabo,::, $4 .66; TM Oregl!nia Bridge Realdence • Co., repai:ring ~ $2; Grap vine Garage sam~ $l2;J" . M. CoUin&, same, $16.Warnesville. Ohio 20; Tbe Morrow Feed and up ply ======::;:::=============~ Co., . aetl!.en~ and lJlaterial, $J.BS.9'O; , J. C. Hawke, Dlaterial, $6.'10; The. Ohio Corr. Culvert Co., lIewell and elbows. $174.20i The J. W. Lingo NOTARY PUBLIC ndwe. Co., supplies, $~9.83; The Barrett Co., s upplies, $640.93 ;' The N.tion.• 1 Ba.1r Sales Corporation" calcium $677.19,' Standaril Oil Co., gIIlI oil, $40405: Harold Sween• y, furnishing and loadlnggravel, Wayne•• il!e. Ohio $473 45 "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!~
eD J h W M'II r e , 0 n '. I er
F~R, ov~a
aooYEABS haarlem' on-baa' been
fa' world-, ' ,
wide remedy fPl' ki,dney, Hyer and~· bladder diaordera; rheumatism, hunba&o~ uric acid conditlooa!
Denti.t ....., ....0..
N.tJo.al ..... .t.~.
Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. P.on~ ..
- '- I::
.By c. M. PAYNE
ClASSIfiED ADS.' .... .. ............ ..
,, '
MONEl' LOANED" LOANS on Chattel.,StocH, S~curi lies and Second Mortga.ea. Nolel b.o ught. . John Barbine Jz:., Xenl .. ' Oblo. em30-'2e •
Farmers, Attention! Farmers of W..rren and adJoinla. · counties may oMain money on )011, time loans, qt 5 per ' cent lnterut. Cost of securing the. lIame tI "elf ~ 80nnblo ,through The Federal Land Bank. ' For further Information UI on or Rddre.. M. O. DRAKE. ~ , urer. phone 3l6-X, Lebanon, Oblo.
Siltered. at til. Po,tolBee at Waynellvllle, '0.,
Second 0 111.. MaU )latter
D: L. CRANE, Editor aDd Publl.her, 'W~JDe.";lJe, 0 ..10 Subac:rtJ)tloll Price, $1.50 per year.
29, 11127
~\==========~==============PAYS SCHOOLED FARMERS J k.AI<NiNGS
Mifll1 Laura· bpd John WOl'd are visiting relatives in Du.yton. Kirk J~fferi8 ill visiting the Bariow children neur Lebanon. MI' ~r~. ,1. • GrIlY, lint Cicavol' IIncl Howard Gruha II1were bm;ines8 visitol's ut Millmi ity, WQdnes<loy, r.il-s. Churlcs Madd cm .fe ll ill her hom e 11\. Sunlloy, SU taining painful injuries to ,her knee li nd ankle.
A Safe
for lIour
trip over
SanE~ .
Mrs. George H. Beach hus return· ed from her school duties in Cleve· land. The Sun ~hine club is invited to the Barlow home, ,"eoj· Leb;unon, next MOlldny, with B basket dinn er. , Kirmllth Kil'k, . 111158 . . h M of 'ruledo, is vIsiting Il l' lIun L, ' I·S. U. H. Je(. feris.
Pari,., an {1 it is just as well thut the hero who returned wos the same' 'boY without l\I1y oftlcinl tog. Of COUfSO .. LlUCUll II I)Uy~cbJl eciol1y fil l' he wos not IIShomed of his uniform' lJu>a "JlU IlI lOIlU \U becoll1tl hArm ' \'0 . bu~ there 111'0 times and places ~ .. ,0 nb ~ oc"" j)t'uved by lL ~ u l'\'t!y \.lL. uniforms like everything else. ,,~,' I n "' UIV" u1 ou r ugl'ICuI Lul'nl venture WII s not a militury' one. ' b ,U'~ S- LU UISCUVI!J' t ue l'eln110U thnL have returnud in the regulm of a son C''',IIIl()n ~CJlUul Il1gh schOOl and col· Mill'S would hnvo hin ted ut un in1"lI e U'Ulllllllf IIU~ UpUIl the ollrllllll: lIat ion whi ch was TIOt his. He ~11'. un(1 Mrs. R. ] i. Jt'/Tc'l'il< and Mr, c"I, uclty III IIU'1ucrs. nO mi t.uke uppeuring in America a s a nd Mr~ . A. R. Pe nny a nd Iumiiy, .n 1<:. us ,~ was OIJlCOver d thuL un the plain ' American boy who flew "pe nt lust S un duy a t th e Cincinnuti UIHlU UCa\.Uu lurmel' mll:ht UUI'n IIwuy. Zoo. :P <: l/,l/IJIJ III funy ycors; WIIlIu u 1U1" j IIlt·s. Will . Kreidlcl', of Clneinnati, III"" WIIO ~Pl:lI L t\ elve ot tim forty SQU IBS a nd two in ter ~Un g g rundchildr e n, yuan! III gcnuul migbt eurn ~o1V, OOU III , of Da yton . a r c ho u ' C gu ests of Dr. l.vny yCUl'~. 'lila. I ~ Lu lSIlY, UlO lUI" Swa nk New Yorke rs !II' n w g lY' a nd Mrs. II. E. H ulto n. 11101' ""u ..vent twelve yeur,; III ~chuul ing go ld wind ow weight wcdding Will OU1'O ~~U, uuu mOl'e III fony years presents lo Jun e brines. Mr. und Ml's . W. W. CO 'SUIlI ond Ulun LII Il ru nller who never \ "nL l O --0FOlllily hu \'e J,(onc lo Michiga n to scnoul. III tho twelve years Lhe 'i 'ex" .. , . . spl! nli II mo nl h wit h IIII'. Cossum's pu. Fore - Pons 1 III II CRS Com et IS rcn ls in thei r SlI nllll ' I' cott.<I"C US lU U Will have ~lICIH ~,l\lU OIlYS Ul sch dul ed t o whizz pasL this old ClIl'th '" . III h<" w r of her : eH·IlLy·sixt h bi rlh IIcnool. 'those ll, lijU days 111 tlC.ho ol on ly 3,600,000 miles IIwny, on Jun e W ill net hUll '~l/,V UO lJy the end 01 27th. lillY, JIII·H. Hunll l1 h CI'cswell, wilh her luny yeur.., 01' un aVlJrllgo oI ubuut - 0.islcr.• , Mr •. l\ 1 ~ ry Ell is und Mr '. AL~U.~11 a tillY tor every tillY silont in We don't know wh e tht'r thi H 6-5-3 lI y Brow n picll ic(:d a long Cne'llr'S IIchuol. l'ioL Lad wugos! navy bu sincSN ill n sc mp gnlllc or 0 cree k, Th ursda y. - In Geol'g la it WOH. dlscovcred t hu l crap gumll. lIf i ",~ Ma l'Y ·s Il IT nnd Ml's . Lida thc unnua l net profit of the unet!· --0Dutfey , of BlnnclH' Hler, Mr~. Rebeccu ucatod furmcr is about ,24 U; while , . P k tim unn uu! net Jll'olit of lho' turm!!r TolClng .he hoI'S!! li nd b~Kgy ~I C ctt, tl f WI\CISWOI;Lb, liLLie Hea· who hus hlld a common schOll1 cd. on t.h~ rond for u Sunday rid e these trlc ' Punly, uf Buford, lind Rose· ucation is ,666.6U, the ann ual net dnys lS a far m~l'e hazurd?us voyage IlIUl'y Puck(ltt 1Y(' rc l\1onduy dinner Pl'Otlt of the farmer who hW:l had a than any AtlnntlC: ocean III[' hop. !:uesls of MI'8, Amunda Stan. nigh 8chool education ill ,664.60, and --0lII r. a nd lr~ . P ercy Reason and the annual net profit of the farmer "Coolidge like ly to IIl1l11e Ro son, Loren, of Wa ynesville, were who hilS co mpleted an agl'icu ltural BII58, oC N. H. lI ew amhas!iador to SUfI day g uests of th oir mother, Mrs . • college cour8e is $1,254. Cubo," says head li ne. Thot'M econ. Sudie Renson. Mr. and Mrs. Pau l 111 Missouri it was found thot the omy. Boss cu n sw im d01Y1!. Rc.ason, of Dayton, were Sunday ev. scales top. consistently ,in favor of the --0cOIng callcl·S. better ea ucnted f armers. They own An Americnn wl'ites us from Paris The S Ullshine club gave a banquct tour·filths of the land they operate. Lhot he 110W kn9wg why t he French Illst Mondny ve iling, entertaining They keep more livestock. They hall· bartender named that "l'ink Lind . their mot her s. Thcre were fifty. die more Cl'UpS with each workmun. bergh. ,He says, on~o inside, it I)p- seven present lo enjoy the affair. 'rh~y do about one·fifth more busi· ens up like a parachute. Mrs. Eth el Swank WIIS the one hold. n OIl8. - 0ing l he lIumb"r, 90, which drew the In WisconSin it WW:I fo und that . . CJ ' It QUlte a r ow WII ~ st .irrer I III' nt Yale Ul . . the far mers with a high school ed· ucation acquired the ownership of when a dramatic cOllch Wit S fired off IItn~8 i tow nship tied with Turtle. their farms In about' seven yean, the job. Did thcy m an it-or weI'\! creek township for second plnee in while It too k the farmers with only a they only practicing thc RtUfi' he hnd the humber attending the Home Dem common scbool education about ten !.aught 'em? olls tration Round.up ot Harmon park years to acquire clean title to their -0Fl'idny. . W.e are very proud of our land. • After more careCul obsorvlllion reo repl'esentaUOJl ond hope to be first III Indllllla in illinois in Jawn lind cently we have comm enced to think next ~ear. Of course, we all had a in Kllnsas the Itory .:uns "true to that the women are I'i" ht and thnt fine ~Ime, ~nd those who didn't go :form. In all these states, in boLb their husbands don't give t hllm more certaml y nll~ed II treat. DWnor and tenant 'l'roups. the lIetter t hlln balf e nough to dress on. J'f you . Honor ing the birth date of her e ducate.d are ear ning better incomes. get just what we menn o da ughter, Miss Margaret, of Dayton, Parmer fathers with sona should - 0Mrs. Amunda Starr entertained with con, lder these facts.-and give Lbeir Preljident Coolidge is k eep ing the a ~nmily dinJ1er, ~unday. Tho.se who neWspaper boys 32 milcs nway trom cnJoyed the occasion were, I\lIas Ma. boys a chance. his Bluek Hills camll. Road hack. bel Starr and Mr. nnd Mrs. W. M. , ( wnrds, that 32 is ' 23-whi ch Is the 1aLhla8, of Day~n ; Mr. and. Mrs. C. NOT SON OF MARS old skidoo nu mber Now we won. II. Gray an d fnm lly, George Rauf , of Perhaps any of us, if 10lJowin~ der- 1 . Coving ton , Ky., ~nd the honor. guest. army Ufe, wo'uld have the aa.me time 1I1rs. H. E. Hatton entertained the for super·speculation ,which haa been WE'VE SEEN 'EM Bal,ltist Missionary Ci rcle Wednesday going the rQundll iq Washington army afte l·noon. In t hc absence of the circles as to "why Colonel I;indbergh president, the vice·presldent Mrs. C. did n'ot wear his uniform- 811 a Col- , He sat at the lunch counter in a H. Gray, preslded.- Mrs. C. G. RanDnel of thl' Milll!ouri Nat ional Guard :·a feteria. He glanced at bis watch. dull was appointed sec.~etarY PIO tem. whe n he 'IV lked off t he cruiser Mem- Only ten minutes to make that class. Mrs. A. S. Collett led the devotions, • pbls to rec i'lli! ' hi-\!' oVations and dec- He'd hnve to hurry. He g ulped down After t h e business was disposed of a oretlons, a sandwich and...gluss of milk and ,lesso n. "Short Misssionary Stories" One slul¥leAt- lIxplanation IS that · .. , ' WW:l ~fI"en Mrs. C. H. Gray. Mrs. there was no ~011 why he Rhould t hen pomtmg t~ a pie at the back of C. G. Randall and Miss May Harlan have worn 1t.. ~ AiI'oth~r, which Is ex- the counter, said: contribu t ing. Th(\, hostess then servo planato.r y dnoiiti;h in his CWlIl is ' that "1'.11 have a piece of that b luckber· ed a de licious lunch of sandwichcs, hi' innate ~ mOdesty mtult have re- ry pie." cuke with whipped cream and iced "elled Blrai,Bt' anythine partaking ~ f "'Fhat ain't blackberry" said the tea. pomp or J!arade. ~ It was a pI am . ' . . American' boy, ' u~uppored in any waitress, as she drov!! off t he Illes, STEW BAD, STEW BAD way by th government, who flew to "it's custard."
'Play Safe!
Special Goodyear 'Values
ALL-WEATHERS Th e lil' e~ tJlllt. III" t he Jl ref !Ted cho i('c IIf mol'C' hICl I O l'i ~ 1.,.; t hnn I1 I1 Y oth er kind . 30x3 l6
Be Sane!
lh l'cc· duy cxl ru vll cl1 li o ll - W ~ " l' e nrc yo u going to drive? H lIl1ds ure g rt·ut., fishing unu ba th ing dl\nciy. L >l 's go ! l3 u wui~ ! What's t he lise of coun t ing 0 11 II goc)!1 l illie if your fri <:l1 d, ha H to "ta lltl ul t he ~ id c of the I'ond while ~'o u ge t all \\':-\I'IO(' d up nnd di r ty ch:1 nJ,( ilig t ire,, ? TI1l' tl lhe'!' ors wi ll !'!o bU7.zing by an d yo ur trip will be ru ined it Yll U hlt" c tire lI·ou blc. Alit! t he best way to insure a fa st ride \I it h 11 0 (lcluys i ~ lulI el'c's
AIl.We ath.er T read Co rd
See That Your Tires Are Right!
0 \' '' 1' l,' this Gouli Yl' al' ~c r v i cc Stat ion a nd let U R look over yc,u l' t ifl's, P t' rh ups yuu'\'1! ilCell pullin g 00' hu yill J.: Il new til'e or , t \\" UI' 11 goud "pa rc. Now is t he tim e to do iL Th i3 two-duy sill· ,of Goodyear Tire" giye~ you a chllnco tu enjoy a gl uri uu . Hh :111 11 ' h H ~ e uway t ire wOITi 's fo r l he l'eRt of t he summer. A Ii brand n e ll' (; ol)uyelll' "liI·H I~." wi t h 0 t ire at. the pl'ice ~'o u want to pny - GOlldYC UI' Ali · W cather Tread Conls, ma de wilh S upertwist fll l' t he lIIa n who wlIn tH t he b c~t lind Goo cl year-buil,t Pu t hflnciers for lhe mall wh o \\'anls the lIest tire a low price wiil buy. PhlY sa fe ! Bu y sa ne ly. Goodyears cost no morel
Com e
3 0 x3 Yo; Double Overaize
$11 95 29,,4 ,4 0 8" lIoon Cord
$11 . 95 PATHFII~DERS The best tire tho t "mu ll moncy enn buy. Madc by Goodyen r . Sec theRe exccpliolUll val ues.
3 0 ,,3 J6 ,Cord
$8.00 30,,3 Y.. Cord Ove rahe
Think of it ! We'll take olI your old, worn tires and put on stout, brand-new Goodyears that a re fresh from the factory and make you a fair allowance for your old t ires. You can have one, two, three, four, five-yes six! Why not do it ? You don't wait until your car is ready for the junk pile befour you trade it in do you ? W hy not get something for your. old tires and be all ,through with \vo rry for months and months to come? With heavy traffic on the highways you really ought to have good, thick treads on your tires [for. safety,s sake. Play safe! Be sane ! Swap your old tires Friday, or Saturday.
$9.00 Your size at :In equnl snvillll' ie H isn't shown hCl'c. Every t il'c n "1\1'8t" every t ire Goodyenr bui lt and J,(ulIr· antced. CHAMPION PLUGS A flew set will give your mot or new pep und go
Wb y jump every tim ,e you bear a Let Ib., o the r Fellow have the blowout. that will add to the celebration. lire-cracke r ?
MOSSBERG SOCKET WRENCH Made of excellent st,eel,
' ~,. .. 0
There isn't a doubt about Goodyear. Tires ! More poople ride on Goodyear Tires than on Ilny other kind anti that mea ns you cun trus t them. Why ta ke a chllnce on "unknowns."
r. "
Play safe ond put on a n ew belt for your trip. Ford size.
Tubes don' t cost much compared to casings, But the best CW:Iillg in the world can't function prope rly wi ho ut a good, sound. leak.proof tube inside it. Better let us fix you up with a Goodyear TubCl or two , for t hat holiday trip. We have your size--at a money saving price
. . . . . ..
Goodyear Reg. 29x4.40 Goodyear Reg. 29x4.40 Pathfinder ...
Good cup grease, per pound,
$3.0\1 $2.50
A Spare Tube Now May SaV-L You Time, Botber aDd MODay Latei'.
- ' .- .
i '
the 4th '
STOP LIGHTS Your ca.r should
one , for sufety,
Waynesville Motor Company Phone 105 Wayne$ville, Ohio
"They 8lly this man who is ' singing now' had \l narrow eseape from death yesterday." " What a pity." CONFIDENT MISS "Did yo u ever g o home from. an automo bile ride with a coliege boy T" : ' Yes, I 'm no s nob."
we'l/£' SEEN
OlliE SO
TAKE YOUR PICK New StcDno- "}'ve added up these Old " ot- "\\,1Ien I was a lad I columns te n times, si r ." Bpss-"Good for yo u." ,lidn ' t think anyl hing of )1J(~pping up a \voodshcd ftdl of logs." "And here are the ten ansel's." Youngs tc r- " \Vel1, 1 don't think ~!!!!!'!~!!!!!'!!!!!!'!~!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!~~~ so mu ch a bou t it , either ." -
Walter McClure ' . J. E. McClure FUNERAL DIRECTORS
AINFIJ .... '"
Fully Equipped for Service. Lnrge Display Room. Ambulance S~rvice .
"Well, 1 fin a lly go t into the movie ." "You rea ll y did And how?" "Oh, I paid the usual fift y ecntsl"
Tho strongest fence post
--- -..
Wire. e,sily att!lehed to post and firmly ioeked wi.h' patent clamp ••
District AUorney-"Whllt pos ible excuse did you fe llows have for 'ac· WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE quitting that murderer?" ':...Eec&e:EiiaEi:E:~4i:ES::=E552jr Juryman ....."Insanity." District Attor ney-tlW hot l whole twelve of you 7"
lis Anchor Plate, insure firm an~horage in the ground. Easily driven and firmly let with an ordinary steel sledJe.
6,30 ond 8 :30 p. m .
ever made.
Alford. .eeu.. cottl....d crop ••
- ~-
Tuesday, 9 a.m. 3 p.m Saturday.8 a.m. 7 p.m ,
Gli PER.
Carya Jewelry Shop
Manager-"WhY did you strike this y oung lady ?" . Waiter-"Well, she a!lked me to IN THE \HORL ~ fetch her a wrup. And all I done to fetch her a g ood ' one over I'tlIIUSI1ED wmcr..Y. $4.00 I' Ell YEJJt I'IOTtrL., D RU OOtSTs, SflE()It.LISTII, right eye, II
prola.lioD , (Of
lIolt ceo_leal lNcau .. . l'. ·... t. tbe 10D",t.
.- ..---
C 0 8 TUM E R 8, T R A H 6 F ER, CAl ""D '8U8 SERVICE PAN pnOF.. . " ValHC ITS ADVERTI61NC COLUM ...
F~osh-tlDo you· n(!tice any im- , SAMPLE COPY FREF' provement, Professor, since last - - - IIIIW YORK OLIPPER \II .. .".. !'fA"' • •. •" .. week?" , Professor-"Yes, now t'bat you call W!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!~!!!!!'!~!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'! m yatten'Uon to it. 1 thinJk your hair is partedI"
Dr. W. E. Frost
" ~
1 . .Japan. < • 6. Salvat n .\rmy. ,_ 2, The New ITay;JIridb. -It Is aero.. 7. Batv8l,'d Conege .- founded in .. VACCINATION OF SWINE ' the Firth 1.'a,., D1iu•• e., 1686, ' (A SP1!!CIALTY) Se:otland. It ill 10,170 feet Ioq. 8. Sir lames Matthew Barrie. Bet3. In • PQueb on til, onder lid, of tJi BrolllOllo "'-:. - NotbiDC but Reliabl; -Ser-'llll .ad , Viru. U.ed the belly" It. o.e of the Int. produe:... of 4. A teat to deterndlle the d-.n. of ~ ~ 00DIecUe&. ' Pbone- S! inteJllcence of the penon t.tect ,lI~. TIie ~ 1I0000tama ad the Ii. EsempU INta (for aampJe) :.\ppIIMh.... Ko1llltalD&. • HARVEYSBURG.~H~O \ . ...
Don't wait until you see one coming.
No one can prevent' a toroadofrom destroying'your ~ property, but you can prevent serious loss--perhaps. ' ruin. by ample INSURANCE. . '. We ~ave paid or will pay losses during themorlth of May, for the HOME INSURANCE COMPANY' abOut" $800, Did '. you have WIND' LOSSES month and no ID~urap~e? 11'- PAYS~AN» IS ""&&~~'.I\"
' F~
Geneital -litsur'aaee
-----, .
atch arid Wait for yer ·Hyn)an's Great Jul Clearance Sale. Begins Thurs., July 7 g 1:':::Iloi==;:=lO'Z:::I,OC===ICU:=ICtJ:===::I"O;IC::II01C===ICtZ:=1C~Je===:::I:' 0
'Oc:::lO' __ _ _ _ .%2
__ E
W. N. Sara and fll mily spt:nt.lllon-I Mr. und Mrs. W. E. CornuU sp nL Mrs. Amanda Muffi:tt spent Tuesdny in Dayton. ' 'undny in ' incinnati. ua), wilh Mrs. Ktlle .()Icmlln. Mis.~
±eSZ.. _ _ :::=:Z::: _
HOUSE WIRINC 'AND CEN~RAL REPAIR WORK "The only 'easQn I am behind in my studies;" Rid Oscar Whim ple-011poof . .. \s So that I CUll p ur~ ue them ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES ST_ MARY'S CHURCH belter." Free E.timal •• '1'hi rd Sunday ufter Tl'inity, .lllly a.- Church S('hool at !J :4Ci; sermon FACINC FACTS ond Holy Comm union nl II o'clock. All are co rdioly inviteel to atlend " I rlon ' know what. we orc coming . AGENT FOR WESTINCHOUSE lhesc ~e l'"ices. to," IJonclcrcd the nulolxl U9 h dro\'c FARM LlCHTINC PLANTS Itev. John J. Scbaef!or. Reotor. up to the edgo of l\ clifl'.
Ada Michener is, visiting in. Dr. Farr is at McClellan hospitlll Everett Wilham and lady friend. Pittilburg and Philadelphia. for rest IIno treatment. I of Columbus.' spent Sunday evening with Dr. and Mrs;. Witham. Misses Doris nnd Ruth Salisbury Willis hew. of PhiludeJphia, is the are spending a few days in Delaware. guest or Frederick R bitzer. For Sale- Fresh J ersey cow with thia'd call .• T. B. wsled. See Frnnk Mrs. Russel\ Salisbury was hostess Mrs. Cliff Burnett Is slowly recov- lI ess. R. D. Ii. Wuyneiilville. Ollio. . BaJllllln Hatfield was in Cincinnati to the lover Leaf club on Friday ering from a very serious illness. Saturday. afte~oon. Mrs. Edilh HarTi'l, Mrs. Laura Last--Yo.le lock for spare tire. Mosher and Mr Harris Mosher were XJer Hyman and family were in Mrs. W:- H. Allen. Mrs. Will New- Finder please leave at the Gazette shdpping in Ullyton this afternoon. CHRISTIAN CHURCH A TJiOUGJiT Cincinnati, today. land and 14iM Olive Allen spent Tues office. EveryWhen better air cu~t1 es ure built. Sunday Schoo l at 9:30. ELECTRICIAN Mr. and Mrs. WaitEii' McClure and body cOl'dially invited, I everybody will build them. lin. H. B. Earnhart visited rela· day in Dayton. E . L.· Bergdoll, of Dayton. was a Mrs. Viola Carey r eturned home totin. ill Dayton last week. Mrs. Jane Wright, of Springboro. business visitor in Waynesville on day otter a month's outing at LakeMETHODIST CHURCH view. Leater Gordon, who is on duty at spe!1 t last week, wi~h her sister, Ml1l. Tuesday. Sabbath School, 9 :15 a. m.; PreachNeW'Lexinetcn. Ohio, was home over Juba Donovan. Miss Eleanor Howe, of Dayton.' is 1rs. Annie Wittem an. sperintend· ing Service at 10 :3 0 a. m.; Epworth Yo~r the W'eek-end. Mrs. Julia Dono,'an and Mrs. Jane lhe guest of hcr Aunt. Mrs. Lindley ent of the Orphans Home, Oklo.homa League. at . 6 : ~5 p. m.; . Evening Mendenhall. ity, call ed on M. . Hurlan last Preachlllg SerVlce at 7 :30 P. m. Mrs. Lee Hawke and daughters, Wright were sUPller guesti! Saturday Thursday. . L. A. Washburn. Pastor. lliuea Elsie and Doris. were Daytou of Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright. ___ _ Miss Eslher Henderson spent seyvUitors, Monday. ernl day!! Illst week with MlssE'S Annie and Mame Brown spent FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST her siSler. Friends of U. M. White will be Xr. and Mn!. James McClure and the week-end in Lebanon. the guests in Bellbrook. pi used to know t hat he has been W e bl'gin n ncw quarter in the Dilin. l.eater Gordon were in WII- of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sellel1l. dismissed from the Ihospital and is blo School lessolls next Sunduy. Try Les Hllit Souers held a meeting at recovering at his home in Louisville. tu muke n record at.tendance. The miqton FrIday evening. Mrs. Morris Rogers has returned the home of Miss Elsie Hawke. Tue&- Ky. 1)l1st quarter records an attendance ' . home after a month's visit with her day evening. . . about 12 per cent above lhe samc lin. Edltb HatT.II. Mrs. Laura Mo- 1I0n. Jerty.. and wife. in Port Clinton Dick HamIlton . and Joe Andrews quarter 0 year ago. aher and Mr. Barril Moaher were din Ohio. • MiM Frnnces UlIum, of Lebanon, wheeled down frolf~ Da~on and The morning sermon will be on net' pelta of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald is spending this week with 1tiiM Roso spent the week-end Wlth their grand- "The Perso nal Elemenl in Service." Hawke, Sunday. The Robitzer and Marlatt families mary Bentley. parents. Mr. o.nd Mrs. George Ham- The evening service al 8 o·clock. with Mr. and' Mrs. Merle Kern, of . . ermon on "Second Hand Religion." Mrs. Xame Hatfield and 8~m, Ray- Columbus, are enjoying on outing at Mrs. M. L. Parshall was the g.,!cst Iltlm. should be prese n~ moD, and IIiIa Lucy Emley attended Buckeye lake. They are pleasantly o! Mrs. Roy Hatho.way. at CenterMr. and 'Mrs. Ralph Miller had as You On Friday evening. July 1st, at the atHIa7 meeting at Bethany located in the Schwartz cottage. VIlle. on Monday. their guests at a fish fry Monday ev- 8 :30 the regular Beroon social will el.,cb. Buday. ening l\fr. and MTS. M. A. Cornell, Miuel Elsie H k Rh J t Mrs. Henry SatUlrthwaite and &Ir. /lf1d Mrs. Bert Ho.r tsock and Mrs. be held in the church. All the peo· Calli .... 5 to 8 pound. aY.'~., pound ........ ...... .. : ... .. ....... ................ 19c pie of the community should attcnd IIr. and lira. Floyd 'Dau,hten. qJ Cartwright. d ~w e, B e~1 aned daughter. Mrs. R. D. Tolle. spentthe Eva Miller. and e~joy the social hour and brief 827 ~ ,Colbom streeM Toledo, al'f Meul'S. M:~ard an::ltz.en W:'ll~~e week-end with relatives i~ Dayton. Kroger Made, ' ~. A truck load of 'young people.1'MeivlDc eOllp'atulationl on the Treadway and Kenneth St John at.- Mrs. Charles Edwards and daugh- member:s of the Sunshine club of Har program.Nathan Johnson. l\linister. Rich in butter . . . ~C birtll of a da'q'h~, Bonnie J'ean, teDded ~he racea at BamUmn. Sun- ters. Margaret and Mo.ry Ellen, are - - -..... .JIIJUI 28, 1817. ' day attemo~n. • guests of 1Ifr.· .a nd Mrs. Raymond veysburg. passed ~hll'ough Waynesville Monday morning enroute to a A SLEEK ONION Conne,r. picnic near Lebanon.
Bring Eggs to Kroger Stokes' Pure Jersey Milk for Sale
.H ams .~~:.~ ~b.r~~,..~~~~~~~ ...... 23c
How Are You. GoiDg To Spend '[he Fourth CampiDg, fishing, picnicing or at Home. We have .U JO:Od things to ~t for oy place you wish to go. A f~w timely suue-tionl.
.Su6Ies T. Filii
Pickles Watermelons OUes ' Bananas Sudwich Spread Oranges Tomatoes Soft Drinks 'Older Bread CaDIly , CUes, an kiDdS PiCnic Plat~s
Wz.. PIIteII leat
... leats
no.'. fOrget to ,tab some firecrackers
to make the day' tee.. like a real 4th of July. Come in and we will gladly help you with your LuncheOn problem.
~OrwlD . GJ!oeery Waynesyllle, Ohio ~.----
. .______
Mr. and Mr~. .Percy Reason and Mr!!. Rebecca Fur:nas entertained son, Loren, apent Sunday with their at dinner Thursday e·vening. Mr. and mother. Mrs. Sadie Reason in Har- Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite, Mrs. R. D. veysburg. • Tolle. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Bunnell Miss Monimia Bunnell and Mr. Burnett. Butterworth's automobiJe Rhodes BunneJl. a Chevrolet roadster, was stolen from ita parking place at Lebanon. SaturMr. and Mrs. WiI.I St John and day night. daughter. Ml1l. Irving Pence. Mr. and B. Bentley' attended the . M~ster Milton Graham o.f Dayt-on Mrs. E. reunion at ~;abina, Sunday. Is visiting his grandparents. Mr. and Bentley Misses Annie and Marne Brown Mrs. W. S: Graha.m had as ·their dinner guests at the WCTU Friends Home today. Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mrs. Will Newland. HiM Emma Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carman and Heighway and Miss May Wright. Mrs. Raymond Davis and children. of Dayton, were calling on WaynesMr. and Mrs. Othb Henderson enville friends. Thursday. tertained to dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Will Gray and son. Alfred. Mr. Mr. Frank Burnet. of Centerville, o.nd Mrs. George Stroud and lIOn, Car who has been quite ill. was in town. ter, Mr. and Mrs. S:herman Carter visiting relatives. Thursdo.y. Mrs: and daughters. Gorda Mae and Wan.Dscar Wade accompanied him. netta. all of Dayton;, Mr. and IIIrs. W. E. Stroud and soln, Harold, Mrs. Ml1l. Anna Cadwallader Mrs. Ma- \\Io.ude Cro.ne and dau,ghter, Anno.lee. ry Adams. MTS. Kate RickS and MiM Clara Llle were guests ' of Mr. ane The Henry Satterthwaite family Mrs. Clyburn at. Washington C. H .• had a picnic dinner o.t Triangle park. today.. Miss LiJe will remain there Dayt.Qn, on 'Sunday" The special for a few days. guesti! were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riske, Mr. and Mrs. Da've Peacock Ml1l. William Michener and Bon. and family, of Payton; Mr. and MTS. after a pleasant visi~ '\vith relatives Max Compton. of Spring Valley. In here. left Saturday for their home the afternool) tile party attended tne in, Pittsburg. They motored through ball game here. goin~r to the Satterwith RUlISell Salisbury and family thwaite home for sUPlper. . who will return by the way of Cleve: land, stopping off tbere for a little
---_. - ....- - -
Inte re sting Reading You'd be lurprlled ' to know the number of people who conllider claaaUled advertillne In The Miami Galette &'004 'readlne. It III the clearina' boUle buslneu _in Waynesville.
U . 7oU have something to Bell; want need help; are looking for a poaltfon·; in lIearch . of home; want to buy an automobile. or lIell a mouae trap-use and read The Miami Guette'. Claul.fied colUD1!lB, , A few lines of Clauifted ad coati! bnt a ~cent a word-4J1d nothing to read tlu;m-ao use thiI medium every week. IIOme~;
PhODe 111
10C Peaches 8HiI.,.II Soft Drinks Cill.e'al.. Lemon Soda,
Her mother won't "allow Freddy 1:0 take out Dumbdora any more. Freddie is taking a course of "SaJellmanship" at the ~choo l of Busine88." - - -... - - THERE'S A REASON
Rool B....., boul........ ... ,......
F re...--. • d"• ..... ...n " ..~ pOll.
~~!~~~o~. . . . . . . l Dc !~~~.~!!~,, ~~;~:49c Tomatoes ..\
girl AI\ o.wtul g~wk. She'd love to ride But hu to walk. 0.
3 bo,. ...................... Bc
15c Potatoes : 25c A9C u.s. .,';de~l' a3ge Lemons 30-;, . 1!5 . . C 'Soap . 3Bc
Fi ••, qualit" 2 1....... ......
Couat...,. Club, 2 ca ........,,~).
Mr. and Mrs. I.ester Deitz ,and Mr. -pfut. fia. quaM" I~....... and Mrs. Oharles Davis. of Cincinnati. were over 'Sunday guests at the ~ 1'. . . .d Julc~, do..... :. hpme of Mrs. Emma FOUlks. MiM Bernice Graham spent pnrt of Fo:••lI. ....,.. 1" ........... last week with her grandparents. Mr. .p '" C 10 b.n ............... . and Mrs. C. W. Allbright. of near Ki ..b FI ..... 10 ·ban ................ SSC Springboro. __.. Sasde; Ib C.,at.1 W1Ute. 10 M.a.......... 3Sc C~J:WQ. Die. aD "D, w...k•• t ••, 8 bar. ....................1Ic Ml1l. Elizabeth Hetzler, Misses Irene Slade and Millicent Hetzler were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and parenti!. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ooleman enter- :..._ _ _ _ _~--------------~----~--........... tained the fornier's nephew and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Showers. of Lcve- '!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!~~!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!'!~~~~~!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!! land. Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Smith, accompan]ed by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burhman and tamily, of near Osborn, to Cincinnati Charles nnd Walter Burnett are Sunday and visited the former's son. driving a new Chevrolet Sedan. Dr. Ellis Smith and family.
Chocolate Drops c~
Bacon '
Mrs. Ben Hawke and Mrs. Ellen
Copsey entertained Mrs, Helen Sheehan. MTII. Fannie Allen and Mrs. Jno. H,ood. of Harveysburg, to WednelldaJ . dmne,r. . Mi8se~ Evo. and Ethel Reeder, who spend the week-ends home from WIlmington college, attended a grange ~~~ting at Mo.ineville. Frida even-
d . '. Miss Elsie Burson, of Dayton, spent part of lut week with MiM • Mr. an .Ml1l. Walter K~Jrrlck. tn_ Thelma Graham. company WIth !dr•• o.nd Mrs. Walter Oast. of Waynesvtlle, attended the A number f.rom her e attended the cemetery a88ociation at Middletown, Children'lI Day servicll at Centerville Thursday. Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs." Guy Routzahn and Mrs. Emma Foulks and Mrs. Jes- daughters, Geneva and Betty, . were sie Longacre are enltertainlng ?tfiM Sunday dinner guesti! of the lat.ter·s Mildred Fite and othe:r relatives from nephew. Mr. Ben Boitnott. and 'family. near Troy. Ohio. Cin~innati, this week. Mr. Wilbert Swank returned home The ice cream socia.1 Saturday evfrom 'Mlaml Valley 110spital; Satur- ening given by the Girls' class of Lyday. He is improvinl~ slowly. tie Sunday School, 'at the home of Mi88 Eva Wharton. ' was well attendMr. Charles Mul1enix visited his ed, despite th,e inclement weath~r. brother-in-law in Franklin, Monday The chattel 'prope~ty of the late evening. who still remains quite ill. Chloe Sides was appraised last Thul1l Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Thacker&. day. The appraisers were. WiI1i~ of Springboro. were Sunday guesta Bergdall; S. H. Hurnet. and Everett of Mr. and Mrs. S.. B. Burne~ Eo.r1y. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oulmer. of Mesdames Chas. Johns. J~ B: 'J\lnes near Miamisburg•. .spEmt 'Frlday af- Allen Emrick. Mary Carmony. Walternoon with Mrs. Knler Graluun. ter Kenrick lind Mo~ris Miller .Imd Mrs. Mildred Camp'bell, nee Hole, ,children attended the picnic of the graduated from JacoJls Buaine88 col- Warren County Home. Demonatration at Harmon park. Lebanon on lege. Dayton. last wee~ Friday. • Mr. and Mrs. EIQert Wallace. gro.' cers. are remodeling the lntorior of Mrs. Lydia McConnell; of Oldahomat Mrs. NanNey IGreen 'and .family Charles Johna' store rooms. . Mrs. , ·Eunice'. ea. of Illinois, and Mr. and Mrs. Rudd Saylo.. and lIOn Mrs. Alice Bow, of Muncie. Ind •• are of Oolumbus. were week-end guests vJsiting the former's sister, Mrs. ,of the former's motbE!l, Mrs. Susan· tae Carey and Mr. and M\'B. Saylor and sons" • Rogers. . . Judge R • .
1.: Sbawhan
of Leba- "
.M~. -and
Mrs• .Albert
!I'oD. spent Thursday: irl LYtle attend- ·daught~r. ~a8 Cleo, enl;el'itai.J'ed
the appraisement ' of' MrS. Sides' Sunday dmner, ' Mrs. 011ll.C17.'I · property. . '" Mrs. Rilla . Pease and Uniontown, Ea.; Mr. and Mrs. H~.z;a,eel Mrs. Rilla Pease and daughter, 'Wetili. o~ Lebanon; Mr; and Mn. Jane. and Mrs. Cora Stacy, of Un- O. Williams and Mn. Melvfaa StacJ lontown, Pa.. and Mrs. Melvina 'Ste- of Dayton: Mr. and Mrs. Dearth cy, of Dayton. were peSta last week Sheehan and daughter. ' of Pive Point the bome of Mr. and lin. Albert and Mr. and Mrs. RUllell 8um,' ad gtacJ, ~ . chfldreu.
Mrs. C. A. Thompso'n and Mrs. Mary Carmony were Dasrton visitors on Thur!!day. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lewis and family, were Lebanon visitors. Saturday evening. Mrs, Ethel Saylor a:nd lion. of Five Point. visited her mother. Mrs. Wm. Long. Monday.
7 he· Miami Gazette
Fancy Large Yellow Fruit" lb. . ........ , ..
familY Her- "Haye any of y.lur connection been troced." Him- "Yes. They t raced an uncle of mine once; but he got awny"
I know
Pound Cake
District Manager Warren ~~,:,nty
The Mutual Life Inlurance Of New 'York ,Policid is.ued~fromlage 9~ to 70·
Seventy-N inth Year
I "The Trouble
Whole Number MOO
JULY 6, 1927
With This Dog.Catcjli~!f{ Business"~___ By Ifllktrl
[I, ,./
t State. Caoital
from the
Throughoot this season of wheat Bowersvill e, who "'"S the opposing ha rvesti ng · and threshing, farmers ball t ill1l in the T J'iongle league Sun will have an opportunity to sccure duy suffered a defeat La the tun e of by secd whcat most conveniently. Dur7 t~ 4. When they too k their first ' , ing the past week County Agent batEi. thcy made two l'UtlS . by two lasR and wheat improvement leadhits nnd one or lwo misplays, The Miamis CIllll 8 buck in their hulf and er~ have been ' inspccting a number of field s of improved varieties which mode three runs. tn the fourt!l in__ .t=::::=--...ning Bciwe'l'liville ti LI the scor e, but promises ' to be ex cellent sources of in the fifth the Millmis settled the seed. Thc wheat of Warren co unCOLUMBUS, OHIO - AfteT an THE CHURCH ON TOP game, by mnking fo ur run s. aided ty though of a limited acreage this eight months' period of inactivity exTUBERCU,LOSIS AND CANCER by sevel'l\l t imely bUllched hits, Bowyear promises to yield very satisfac· ccpt for routine maintenance work, er~v il1 ll sco red in lha SlI lII C inning, torily. Trumbull and Fulhio, two WHG WILL RIDE? improved varieties developed ' by the State Highway department anlind t hat W.lIS the end of lhe I'un getthe Ohio ' Experiment Station nounce~ the following dates on which WHEN OLD AND POOR t.ing, "Bube" Adullls allowed h imself t o and distributed throughout the state, bids will be opencd lor new conget in two 0 1' three bad holes dul'ing have been leading in popularity and struction and widening. July 29tH, yield during the PlUlt few years. August 19th, September 9th, OctoMan builds the house for God to lhe game, but he always put on the CoulILy Agent Cluss IIlId his cpmmitdwell therein WII S the old idea, The hord pedal and stopp ed them , J n two tco of local farmcl'S, uro anxious to ber 7th, October 28th, Nov.ember modern idea is 0 combination "ky- different innnings he had t he buses see these varieties greutly extended 18th, December 9th, December 30th. scrllper ehuI'ch, stores, offices, apart- full and only one ou t, but by sup enext year. Report just received (rom G, F, Schlesinger, director of hlghments, swimming pools, gymnasium, ri or pitching he pull ed out without . E, L . Thatcher, shows these varieties ways stated that the projects on New York's Manhattan Congrega- allowing u run. While no eSllecially brilliant plays have averaged about three bushels which bids will be asked in Jull' tionl1l church will spend $2,000,000 1lI0re than the other common strains on such ·a building, twenty-three s\.o- chal'actel'ized the gamo, yet it WD S 8 of wheat---all grown undor the same would be for maintenance work and g oo d g al1le to look at. very riCfi high, The clel'gymen will live conditions as to so li, fertility, weath federal aid roads, After Augult 9, The score: on the ground floor. R H E ~ er and seasonal variations. Crop and the funds derived from the extra cent A Frenchm-a-n-"-D-o-;;-tor Bowel'svill a . .... 4 8 3 ~~' '-. so il specialists clllimed that the im- gasoline tax for construction purpoI 1 ·tubelreullol!lS\ Miamis ... ....... . 7!J 3 . .____. " proved varieties when grown u n d e r , I d i d has eve opee on .,., most favorable conditions, may bring ses ,,:,111 b~come ovailab e, an it II vaccine, so successful that its usc Mond)oy'. Game -: ~ increosed returns practically suffi- the intentIon of the State depart. all childl'cn is suggested. _ There is no injection of tube The ga me Monday was a r eturn _ cient to pay the taxcs on the average ment to get as much work as poaslble losis germs, 'I'he vaccine merely engagemenb of the Bellbrook learn, farm. under way this year. The new road "suggests" the di~ease, and rouses to of the BuckeYIl league, and they capWarren county farmers who will construction placed under contract activity the anti-tuberculosis bacilli t urned the game by a tiCOI'e of 18 need to buy seed wheat next fall are this year will be fin.anced jointly by in the body, The new remedy, cal1- to 12. ~rged, to arrange for same at threBh- the state and counties, a8 such co. ed "BCG," was tried on monkeys al~d Roy Golden, who pjtched for the 109 tIme, because some o~ the Im- operation is largely prohibited after other animalll for thirteen years 1)'1 Miami many ymll'S ugo, "'us in the proved w~eat may}>e Bold dIrect from January 1, 1928, Schlesin&,er ' furthe P Wltour Institute before exper- box for the Miamis, and hi s olTerings !he mac~mes. For more complete thor stated that the new eonltructlon imentJl were made on humans, "G were eagerly snapped up by the Bell mf~rmation, and a list of farmers work will be closely watcbed 8nd that CG" is suid to reduce consumption broo\( team , "Peck" Satterthwaite h~vmg inspected Trumbull and Ful- only Buch section I or parts will be • in twe nty-five cases out of twenty- relieved Golden in the seventh und hlo wheat, call at the Farm Bureau torn up as may be expected to be isx. hits were not so plenti ful. offi~e, Leban~n, or one of the fol- completed this year in order that the Bellbrook's pitcher. Sharkey, was lOWing commIttee: roads will be open for travel durinc H d N II "'- kl· tb i te th Thc famou • American doctor. WiI- hit harder' than was Golden but the liom J . May:, bplieves· that science hits were widely 8cuUe~ed, The ~ l\tiss Margaret Edwards, of DayG~:~e W~ D:vi:.nH~~"veysburg. e w n r . mon I, '11 11. 11 d a woy to unmun . i ' t critical boys could not and bunchruns tht!!rwere hils not ot ~ • \.on and M'ISS Laura Mc K',"sey are G nes • PI easan t PI a in. WI ze agaans times, • ,_ . , AeoCrgeB Ck' J 0M The recent return of General a cancer, A womafl, Doctor Maud forthcoming when needed, ~~~:~g M;.' and MI·5. Ed Edwards, of W' D· H !,r'Morrow. Lh'nard Wood from the Philippines. Slye of Chicago, haa bred mice in " • 0 .. , a80n. has renewed talk about his return or The shades of evening were length •~ ~ HAC II W aynesvill e. ' 'h by no means be de W h IC . cancer can . . '. . ,orne; the appointment of hia .ueeell/o., ud . veloped, and other mice invariably ening whon the lost mnn was out, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Bloch. Mrs. Frank Rudduck, CIBl'ksville. in all of these stories , the of born with cuncer, and the specto\.ors wel'e g lad that the Jeannette Bloch, of Cincinnatl; Mr, Harry T, Lewis, Foster. Col. Carmi A. ThQulnou>n finds a plae. agony was over, for it wus really DON'T HOLD WAKE FOR DEAD lind Mrs. Max Kohlhngen and lon, of J M La Fr kll .., . . ne, an n. As a matter of fact, Col TbomPIOD When conRumption and cancer are a very tires01t1e gome, ISSUES 1. W, Lincoln, of Dayton, spent Jamestown, were Sunday guests of would not accept the ,post In IlaDilll conquered, os they wlll be, men will The score : ' R HE ' the week-end wtih reJaitives here. Myer Hyman and family, were it ot!ered him, He would muell be rid of their mosb deadly micro- Bellbrook ,. " .. "..... i 8 17 7 The Rev. Edwin Du Boso Mouzon, Mr. and Mrs, J , V. Hartsock and prefer the governorship of Ohio to scopic enemies, They already know "'I'aml' s 12 19 5 Bishop of the Methodist.- EpisopaJ 1n honor of ivlr, and Mrs, H, B, d h M that of the islands in the Orient. Ilk how to deal with the deadly plague 1t. .. .. , .. " .. " .... , .. ChuI'eh South, speaki ng recently in Earnhart'S fiith weddinl~ anniversa- v.~:~, t;;, a:d ~r~. ~~e~' C~~;~e;d ambition in this direction fa not COIIfrom Asi!l, on of which "the black The Miamis will meet the Modern S,t Paul, deplored the division of ry' Mr, and Mrs, K, N, Hough en- Phineas Cook were guests of Mr. and cealed, and all Republican. look to death" wiped out nearly half tho Woodmen on the local lot next un- north and south in his denomination, u.;tnined at dinn er Sunday, the fol. Mrs, Abram COok. of Springboro, 1928 being a good year to be on the population of Europe, day. The lust 8J1Jl~llrllnCe oj' the He said: "It looks as if we Meth- lowing guests: M~. anli Mrs, Bur- Sunday afternoon. . ticket. It will be recalled ttiat the Woodm n against the Miamis here, odists might come to the Kingdom at ton Earnhart, of Dayton; Mr. and What seoms to be a miraculous late Presi~e~t Hardinw "puDed" liarCommercial fiying, including ooelln netted them two games, but the boy. 6uch a time as this if we might fling Mrs. H. B. Earnhnrt, Mrs, Viola HarFor the pleasure of h ar guest, escape from death or serious injury ~y L, DaVIS mto the wovernor'. chaJr flights,. may become a reality soon, arO playing better · ball at the pI'es- our differen ces awny and ,,"ove like Ian and Mrs. E. P. Harlan. Mrs, Will Newlnnd, Mrs. W, H. AI- was experienced by the Prendergast !n 1920, and ,it woulll Got be mrpria-' Commander Byrd was besieged by ent time, lind expect t o take this a mighty nrmy, It is now probable len entertained with a bridge party family Monday night. When driving mg at all !f President CooU. did would·be paSllengers willing to game, Game called at 3 o'clock, that the Methodist Church South will The Paymaster's office employees last Thursday afternoon at which into Waynesville about 9 o'clock at not lend hl8 aid to ~Col., ThOIDPHIl, " any price" if he ' would take them -~-- - - - - not have the necessary majority to of Delco' Light, families and friends, the following were pre.s ent: Mrs, the lower end of Main street a lIir~e should he enter the contest for Europe. carry out the unification plan at Ml'. and Mrs, Harold For~er, Mr. and A. T. Wright, Mrs, Wilson Edwards, truck loaded with hogs, goi~g south erno~ o~ Oblo. It is no... til. Young Lindbergh casually flew from this time, This adverse vote means, Mrs, J, B, Clark and fan1l11y and ~es- Mrs, James McClure. ifrs, J. B. struck their machine, Jimmie, the preSIdent has a very h.IWh Oplnioll of . ·St. Louis on a little trip to New York not a failure, but simply a delay in ident Comptroller of ,Delco. LIght Chapman;: Mrs, Ralph Miller, Mrs, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Bryon the ability of Col; ThomJ,llOn ,aad,hg . via Washington, • getting together," enjoyed a picnic supper at the home J. O. Cartwright, Mrs, Eloise Thomp- Prendergast was badly cut about the on- lHlveral. OCCaBlorurtwWled to ·hk·::"·-~'-.::-The Methodist church was split in· Mr. and lirs. M. A. Cornell, last son, lIIiss Trillena Edwards, Mias head and f~ce stitches being requir- confidenc'e In the former Btate · ~ _. ST. MARY'S CHURCH Bellanca, the 1t00lon genius, buildto the divisions 01 north and south Tuesday evening, Margaret Edwards and Miss Henrl- ed to close a CaSh on his noae, Mrs. tary . . At the present tim. Col, of the Chambe lain-Levine airplane, etta McKinsey, . Prendergast, Sr" who has been an Thompson Is busy trying to land the . by t he issue of slavery, That issue Is building airshiplI for a commercial Tr~~il'~~hu~~urt:ChO~nd:i :~!~~ is dead. But: thc division continues Mr. and 1>l:rs. J. C, Hawke enter. invalid for some time, Is Bulfering ex next RepUblican national conveatioD air line . between Chicago and New ng Prayer and sermon ' 'by Lhe force o'f momentum," tnined Sunday Mr, and Mrs, James A Joyful day was spent, . Sunday, tremely from the ahock. for , Cleve.land, his home cl~y, ud a1. York, Five ships are ordered, III o'clock, at 11 As far n8 that is concerned" a)- Roskelly, of Chicago, MI's. Katherine at the home of Mr, an.d Mrs. Charles The other occupants of the 'c ar so IS. chaIrman of the commltte,e .,.. anteed to make the trip in seven All are cordinly invited to tt d mosL all the differences in denomina- Hammill, of Cincinnati, :rvrr and Mrs, Blackford! cast of Spran~boro, where were all more or less scratched and ranglllg the rec~plon for AmbuiladOJ' a half hours, ,Each ear will thelle sel'Vices. a en tio ns at present are over dead is- John Collett Miss Mary Collett of n few frIends gathered, A deli&'ht- bruised Myron T. Hemck, and hal beeu too -twelve pBB8engers, have three sues, questions which were once very Dayton; Mr. 'and Mrs, Ge!orge Ha:.vke ful dinner was served ~ about fifty ',rhe ·truck, which was ' owned by busy to talk about! Ohio, poUtlc. Dut gines, and cost ,28,600, Rev. Joh~ J. Schael!er. R~ctor. much nlivc, but which have now of Clarksville; , Mr, an ell Mrs. Geo, guests, ;rhosil present were Mr. an.d Frank McCarren, of Harveysburg, year. , . passed out of genel'nl interest. Larrick, of Lebanon, andl Mr, Joseph !dr s, C~rls Gruber alld son, of Read- was without lights, and the driver . ' When You a.,k younelf. "Who will CHRISTIAN CHURCH Nobody knows or cares much now Hawke, of Sabina, ang, OhIo; IIIr, and Mrs, Wm. Wark, ilid not stop. The Prendergast maA good many folks around Columride in them," remember that when b ~undn~. It~ol ,~td 0 :30, Every- about the subjects which separated . and duu ghter, o~ Dayton; Mr, and chine, a Ford sedan, was demolished. bus ha:--e really taken serioU~F the . the French built the railroad from 0 y cor 18 y mVI e . the Methodist from the Episcopal J 0 Cartwrigh and family were Mrs. Robert Hllhn and sons, of Bell. complaant made to the Govemor b7 Pari8 to Varsullles, actors and aoMETHODIST CHURCH Church, the Baptist from the Pres- guests' · of. Mr. and Mrs. Geo\'ge H, brook; Mr. and Mrg, Raymond, Rob. • - • :~sidents of a nearby vl11a.re' that ra,ttesses were hired to ait in the train byterian, or which otherwise [were Hess at their country place near erts and son, ~fr, and Mrs, J, R. dl~ was responsible for the cool aad looking out of the window!!, 'Sabbath School, 9:15 a, m,; Preach- the original issues upon which de- Springfield . Sunday and ',Monday. Wade lind famIly, of Waynesville; • rallly weat1)er of the present IPriDIr. lis though th9Y enjoyed it. · Ing Service at. 10:80 a. m.; Epworth nominations wel'e f«unded, The The comp~ny was augmenttld on the Mr, Frank Hahn, Mrs, Margaret . , " ~equest was made that all bl'Oadcastwhen the first elevator with a ate~1 Leaglie at 6:4.6 p, m.; Eveplng fences which divide religious people Fourth by Miss Henri etta McKinsey Blackford, of Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs. The Waldtatina Camp, FIre Glrl~ png be stopped for a time or until theare almost all made up of dead tim- M J B Pence Mr and Mrs A H. Wm, Shumllker and family, of Ma- ~et at tbe home of theIr guardian, formers could ltet their farms plow. column under it was installed In ,tHI Pre4ching Service at 7 :30 P. m, Grand. Hotel in Pafis, 'obQut sIXty ., L. A. Wosl\botn, Pastor. ber. ' S:~d~r' ~f Midd'leto'~11 Mr a~d l.lr , son ; Mr. and , Mrs. Martin Method July 6. Hand IIlgn, law and credo ed and the corn planted, One wrote years ago, old, French ladil)8 alld gen11 anyon e were to go into n Pres, H I ' C West, Spri~gfieid .and family, Mrs. Elizabeth Foulks, were given. The Woodgatherers a!,d in thut lnst year It was the same' wal' tlemeJ'l continued to walk up stairs byterian, a I\lethodist or a eongrega- ar an , . ' of Franklin; Mr. and Mr!j. WiIl!8m Firemakers each repeated theDeslre until broadcasting stopped_ for a \.0 the I\fth ft<)or. tional church at present ne could Misa May Wrjght was hostess at a Blackford, of Springboro; Iris Stew of her group. After the regular wee~ and then it cleared up and ifOt I not te,ll !n what eonventiele he was . ery pleasant social affnir last Sat- art, of Cincinnati. and Mrs, Charles b!1slness t~e following program was warm, Thad H, Brown, (president The "'orld is a sud place for the " , worshlppmg, Almost all preachers v . . ' 1 Hovens, of Centerville. Games and glv~n: . of the Cleveland Broadciustinc .Co, ., ., , RegUlar c9mroumcatlon of Way- emphn.~ize t he same doctrines and urllay evenmg, After~, chnrmmg y music added to the' pleasure of the Song "The Star-Spangled Banner". which operatell WJAY fl'om Cleve: old and p'oor, ~nd children ~ro cruel. nesvi1le Lodge No. 168 F. &. A, M., stress the slime morals, There is' no appointed three-course danner ~t Mrs. occasion. .story' of the Wonder Workers,.." " , land, said a like protest ljall bee~ Ill. _Long years !,go, Anna Noveke sa,!' Tuesday eveninl:', July ~2, Visiting. considerable difference in the actual Hat.~nwa.y's tea room ,a dehlr.htf~l. d 'th h' d th· f th r before , the Empe 9r Fr,anz Joseph m and spjourning bt'tthren are wel- gospel preached in one denomina- evonmg was s,?ent lit Miss ",:,rl8'ht s " ..... .. " " "" .. " ... :." .. ,, Mary Jo Millcr ~et~i~n a~~a~y belie::::tO radl·o Vienna. ' No"' . , seventY-deven years home Those m·y.~ ..... ed were MISS J on es' , on th rce"camp fire ,~ tion from t hat Jlreached In another.,' ' , With prac t Ice . caused the unusually cold and ralnt :lld,.she Is ejected from her .one l'Oom CHAS, BRADBURY, W, M. Denominations contin..te 'largely sle .C1~rk, .Mvs,. Eloise Th~mps , songs, "Burn, FIre, Burn, lind ~he weather during the month of . welling:, " 'not so much because she F. B, ffENDERSON, Sec'y. for other reasons than doctrinal It of Cmcmnatl; MISS Emma Helg}lwny, Miami Chnpter No, 107 O. E, S,' "Boating Song," .and "The 'Yalklllg Just got to blame even the weathe; doesn't pay }ler rent, but becnuse she • _ • is ~ostly a matter of machinery: Mrs. Edith Harris, Mrs, Lal;'ra Mo- will meet in regular session Monday Song," the meetmg then adjourned on something, but ·that chan&'es u. had twenty cata in the room ., with It is much ensier to start a sect sher, Mrs. Lester Gordon, MISS Mar· even ing, July 11, at 7 :~. Visltjng to meet Monday. July ~8, 1927: caused by radio broadcasting iII' about her." than it is to stop it. tha 01Neall, Mrs, F, B. Henderson, members arc welcome. M, L, E" ScrIbe, the most ridiculous of any yet ' uBent, old And gray, she stood on Our only hope is tha."ms time Mrs. Kate Coleman and Mrs. D. L, ?tfINERVA HOUGH, W. M. •- • pressed. the'. lidew~IIO , "itb her twenty forlorn Crane ., ' . goes on sectarianism will pass and . SUoSAN HAWKE, Sec'y. cats, and ch11d1'en ' that call her "old The Kan RIte club met at the home there:will be brought about some Elt~te Looki.llg into the future whlQ ilrthe leader, Mrs. Armitage, Wed- kind of workable unity among all witch;' threw> ,itonel at her. A planes will be maldng recula~ trIpa 'Ago as she ~urrll!d alon&' , the nesday, June 29. Two members, the denominations . for ' they are all WOT'S IN A NAME7 A deal was closed Friday, where- from the Atlantic to the Pael1lc anel .' to work ther .trlpp.ed her anil broke Leado Werntz lind , Evelyn Neeley, striving for the ~me goal \n very ,Regiment Five nnd ' Company Three, She was only a window blind man- by Clarence Rye became the owner from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Iier shoulder. ' She bad been earning were present. After the business mu~h the some way ' Just . why · one should be in one ufacturer's daughter, but she had a of the 100-acre farm one mile BOuth Mexico, the city ' of Columbua baa .i.60 a · day doing fine embroidery. session refreshments wore servod, All the denoltlinatio'ns amount to company rather · thnn i\1l another it shady reputation," of town, formerly owned by Mrs. Roy taken a step which may make it on. Cold charity ,wlll. take. care of ,her An members are .urge.d to be present anyhow, is thet a man who joins one is pretty di,fficult for the averege • ~ • , .i Smith, and known as the Lind farm, of .the leading airports of the central lomehow-or at le"st 'see tha~ the at the llext meeting, July l8. is in Section B Pigeon'hole A or in modem man to say. _ - - -.....:- ll , . Tho ssle was handled by W. N. Sears, states, A epecial commilSlon cats do not lltarve, ' . _ __ _-======-=':;..::=='====' Ro.b~rt Shutts has Bold his house been appointed. and city olftcl&l8 Ho '" Abr~galed" on .Thlrd street to G.e orge W. Pratt have promised their aid in the p\lr. If IJ,ast forty ' plea!IC read. The 'Til e Meee Again takuig ,as part payment. three lots on chase of a bi.rge tract of ..lat1~ fo.r , . head of tile Amerij!an college of. SurWIaa&. Bow Frankhn road and selhn~ these lots establishing a landing field aad air geons I\8YII: "Af-ter forty comell the d ajJgerol,111 age." _ ' to M. A, and Ir~lDe BaIrd. W. N, port, Hangars are to be erected'" Ie s-.. Sears brought about tbis transaction bright lights flashed to the men In the Five great dangers that thr.enteO • Art 1'Y1>u artl ' kidney trouble Bright's dls- - -... - • sky, and they ,will 'be bade :welcome Yoe . eaac, tuberculollis, heart , ~,sea8e and to Ohio's capital citY. Lota' of folD ' ]laralysia. ", ',. ' ,", . around tIlill neck o'f the woocb thbik Budg~t ? It 18 p~slble. b)1t Unfortunately, that it lIn't go'hlg to iii man,. JI!iI'II I ' I unusual, ' to have all of' them. Also, There will be a , public bearing of u'ntil flyin~ maehiriea are' .. thlelf·.. ' , with , a little ,thouiiht .nd, ,(lommon ' the bodget of Wayne Township at the Iky U 'bue Un .. are on the ·ran1 . It's grelit fun testing your own knowledge--and ~t's a 'thrill when you of them, Dr aense YIlU may av~id the 01l1ce of the clerk in the Wayne. Toads. U . th.~ time comea Cohaarealize that . your answers are accurate. The' test thIS week Is particularget rid .of them' if they haven't &,olfe ville National bank, for the fiscal bua ,wants to be amoq tile IMdbaC ' ly' interesting-for it is a very simple onc" . You .should not sc!,re. less too J'ar. ' " '. ' year, 1928, on Tuesday" July 19th, air ports of the: world. It'. CO~ ~ than 90 pe. r cent-m'any will praab-Iy score 100 per cent, for the anFor all ' dlseaRe! flve coat real ' moael', but mea are IMJI:I at 8 o'clock p_ m. ' 'swen to ev~ry' one of , t hese quostions have been !lvailable to the big defeR. F~esh al.r, ' ch'gel~tur ·'thc,ullrht. J. O. OARTWRIGHT, of the ICheme who look .for nIIIID majoflty of our ' rc:aders. Can you answer them a~ T moderate ell:el'ciae, 810w, ~' . Clerk of -Wayne ToWJishl~. rather ~ cost. ____ I _ ..._ _ __ catlnl(; regular '1IIee», !
i Prepare . I......................... Columbu8 r ep( rter
ocz-e . ,
Camp Fire Girll
Malonic ' Lodge ·Notice
Order Eastern Star
Kan Rite Club
...... ?-
. -.. ..
..,, ).,.,.. . -~
1. F\'om 'wb~t eountry ' did Colum"bs sail to Amerlca~ 2. 'Who was'llorace Mann 1. . '" ~ ,The ~ourt\l 'p.ased ot! very quieti,. the ~1l aiawe beln, the only ' feautre 01 ente~lnment, The l'ounger generation lIpent, al.l their money and ' enUri before, the clAl' llnan)" ,arrived, and , tberefore there was 'n dt much aofse as on 10rifter OC!~ODL No Injarlea "'" "po~ resultant froID tile IIIe of 4nencken or ....
. 8. WhO invented the incandescent electric lamp1 .t . ..Who is the Chief JUatlce of tile '.United Statest 6. Frqm what lO~rce is_the prindpal sUJlpiy of Ivory,? .. , • ~', , 6.• ' How many is . a baker's dlllen' · l' 7. Are ·there mqre red Itripes or white striyea on the · AmeJica~ Jlac' 8; What iii the- color of ___apphire!, Of' an emerald' " 9. What cynic D ..Id to ha:¥.e' IOn. about Wtth_'a lIIIltern in searCh of an honeat. man! . 10. Who wrot;, "Lea Miaerables'"
.."... 1riU .. " . . OD uotIIII' ....
A Public NUisance
• H. 1.Ittlejoim Ind
. Il. for replevin and damapi In the. lu m of ,600. Robert arothe", and Ralph G. Oa· \'1. Ceorge lor , mone),
MARRIAGE LICE1II5ES Marvin Easthnm fuct.)ry worker. of Frunklin, .lInd Anllie ~~th, fnc· tory \yQrker of ]o'ranklln. Georgll S. toutenburs:. salesnllln of LonCllfilcr, Pu" Rnd Hilda L .. t1emire tcacher, of Lebanon. Alba ' ul berson, former, of Blonchester. nnd Mal'y Fra ncess Carr, of l\1l1 incv\ll ·. -' Dllnnld U. Sinlll~o n, mecha nic of l.oblillun und UrRee J<'. Murphy , of Franklin. John BI'ixaer, mill work<'l', of Frnnklin. lIlld Mae ollins, hOl; Rc, keepcr; of F"l'Ilnklin. harles J. W ber, machinist, ot King!< MiI1 ~ , nnd Mubel H. Lane, a touch er. of Kin gs Mills. hl\l'l(,3 Deurth, clccll'icinn, of. rranklin and Subina Angel, oC Frank lin. . Marion A ndrew I nd <! nin, auto mechanic of Hamilton and ?\Iarjol'ie Girton. clerk, of Mason. Cnrl D. StileR, blink te-IIN', of LebIInon, and Louise nook, teuchc r of Sout h Lebanon.
WilIian1 Hutchinson pleaded guilty 1 a charge of tral1l1por ti ng intoxicating liquor and was fined $200 and C08\..'I. 'l'he fine WIIS lator reduced to $100 lind he \Vas' 'relensod, paying holl the fine and promilling to pay $20 per month until the fin is setLied. ". Lawrence P ettis was also re lelUled under tho IIUl Il COntllllons. Tholllu Pow ~I ph!1Ided gui.lty. to 11 the world , too. He s j l1 l 1\ 1IIun, but o[ Iorl1~i dnt.l · numb rs, go strnight CHAPTER VI somC'th ing of a mnl'tinet; and to tell to Gonernl Armitago's tent. gla nc charge of uUCl'18g land pubhshmg 11 the truth. I'm rather afraid of him. at Lhe plans and telegraph them I forged c.h ck and his sente nce was CAPTURE You see my company is among his She rocked with sudden ironic laugh- su spend e~ and he wns order ed to troops. in the old rel.ril?,en t he ~Yn ter. But there w.ns a glow. ot pride pay the ,cos!:! of th e a~ ', on the first The Parson and Armitage lay qui· in command of before h,s Promotion, in h r hearl. he WIIS !!jlVen indictment. H e Cl~terlHI the SlI nl'C eUy in the thicket 't or fu lly hnlf au nnd hc's an idea t hat, when I'm hazard ous explol~ as casually plea on the socond .i ndie tmclI.t an d hou.r when they IIrose and plodd('d arou nd, r should do do,u ble turn ~he had been a sked to ten. It. ,~ d t six months m the re- was sen..,ncc 0 oft' toward the city. that no one could accuse him of thllt her ubiliLY, her cunning EvidenUy the abductors had con- showing favoritism. The boys.in irony sou rces were highly prized. She Warron co unty jnil. would rook the IIttempt; sho would E lma Monce was ~r-nnted a divorce vinced themselvcR that a lone man cn ll me the old man's pet. Lord, how would not have attemptl.'d the re,seue he makes me grind. But I like it." prove deflniu!ly to her insurgent from Wilbur Monee alld was rest?r d of Pareon Kenn dy; and they, too, "And so you draw maps?" heart that there wall nothing but the to her mlliden nllme of Elma WaItes. chose the palh of disc.rellon over that "Of a kind. To. the uninitiated my Cause. . Judgment \VIIS giverr in favor of valor. mailS would suggest hinese charac'rhe cloth dodgers \Vet e growl8g the pluinlifl' in th<. clIse of Herman "Do _)'ou know where we aro?" tel'S; Have you any men·folk at the dingy , on" tre~s nntl fences. "Dead Zell' vs. the Warren National blink, asked Kennedy. front1" 01' Alive. 1.0 cook you r hare you f F · klin and Merrill C, Spry, O. ran , "Ye..-bout five miles below t he "My futhe r di ed at Manassas and had to catch It." city. That's the Potomac over t h ere my brotliers at Gettysburg." she an· The cump lay in t he Virginia hills. CClver. . , B C' d It was cllrly in October, lind the Peter Oberlin IInd~ . . r81g on I had mijrhty hard work hanging on- awered, staring across t he fields. to the back of that h.ack. All told. " 1 beg your pnrdon I I'm so rry." night air wus c hill. l'he men were 0.. were made partIes to t he dethere wer five of them, The girl "Why shouldn' t you ask me? But galhercd ill grou,,~ uboul Ih tift'S, f"ndunt in tho cnse o( Doru E. Carmust have arrived on bo rseback be· t'd rather not tnlk of them." In Gl.'neral A I'llllbl'1 'g ~ ' nl he nllhan lind heslcr T . Jones vs. Chas. fore they did. It stl'ikes me we'll Armitage hnd unwittingly opened und hi ~ ~la;T were <II CU!'518g th .lon c!\ ct al. Bee more of that cabin." th !\ cret door. She was Jelln tinul dctnils ,!f Ihe . Clll11l1 al Kn wh.lch J esse . Gro~s WIlS gl'anted n di· " What was the man at the door!" BOllufon once more, with a thousand was to hI? Sl?t ':' mllt~on ~hc ,tollp""'"!! yorce from Laura A. Gross. .Je~sc "I don!t know. He had a hand- dollar reward for her, !'d ('ad or night und end In the se u~terll1g of the d' t d f all intcl'cst in ect. kerchief over his nose and mouth. ulive." Whnt was it? Why could Hebel forces, Success meunt thnt WIIS Ives e o . thl?Y would be in Richmond by tnin reul estate m Frankhn. Then be ran." . she not play with this Yankee as _ ____ '.'Ran and left the woman; h'mph ." had played with otbers? What subtle Christmas. "She seemed able to take care of barrier was it t hat blocked each iml'roopcr MUf/lhy, wbose picketREAL ESTATE 'T RANSFERS herself. You said that 1 freed the pulse 8S it. WIIS fonning? Was it be· duly IllY between the stream and the . , . viper. Who put poison into her CIIuse he was virile, good to look at, tenth telegraph-pole to the s outh,ielt J eseph and Hetti,! Ertel to ShIro fangs 1 You did. From II lawful frR nk and pleasunt? Or was it be- the nced oC exte,n~ing ~is lin~ o[ Tasjorp, 3 town lo tll in Foster Par~. enemy you turned bel' into a per- cause the heat of her hatred for the march. He was dIsobeYing strmg.roseph and Hettie EI'lte to hlro lonal one." ' ' . Northerner. had abated, and ent orders. . Tashiro, 10 tow n lots in Foster Pl\rk, "Wu 1 alone in that? Who lIug- she, naturally honest. ond d'irect, He determln~d to go ten telegraph Julia A. Sumening to R. E. Cron e g'Csted IJI~""-to lave h er?'" 8p isin~ hypocrisy, wns beginninll ~~I~:a~~~dn~h~':n~lI~ih?:~e~~' :h~~h Sylvia E. Crone, 1 town lot in Leb"You Mowed your face that night weary of the game in which riay was the chief essential ? She you told 'her your name." twis ted westwurd, he paused, count- IInon. "I did ~ , believing that she wns groping in 1\ hlind alley. ing the pole~and rubbe d his eye8. Emma A. P arker and Mary B. Toyabout to llie." . ' . ' . After the ride s h gave him tea ; There Wl\8 slill n tint of lemon in lor to Everett 'Mor/le ld, .02.92 acres "Well, )'011 had a good look at h er but the zest had gone out of every- tbe west, enough to throw out in dis- of land li'ranklin Tp'. .to-nlabt.'J thing. She hated hnnell. lI-forgan, linct relief each pole. Now. II his Frank. C. Hubbell t o An-nie V. "Not· V817. The dodger read that Annitag hated the world. eyes weren't deceiving him, some- Alva L. St John, 60.60 uc res of Jeanne Beaufort is· very pale; this ATf1;1itage ret urned to his rooms in sirl had th. color IJf a Creole." a thoughtful and analytical fra me of thing' WlUI moving up that tenth pole . in Clearcreek Tp. neady 1\ thousand Ieet a~aY'd ,~t Eva B Tice to Napoleon B. ,Rey"I eat) ,make a Creole by using the mind. He must not see this lovely stopped at the cross.bul'll, tW1ste ,.,. . . S IT juice of ~~ I!a1aut-ehell. Sbe's clip- girl often. She drew him tOIJ close- self about the lower one, and seemed no Ids, 8 town acres In a em p. pad het DaU' !'hort. Whenever you I),. perfectly content to remain there. Napoleon B. Reyno lds to M. J. R~y 1M H..,. . Korcan tIilking to a man On the following morning he Private Murphy knew now what nolds, 8 t own acres in same t.~wnshlp. IJr a woman )'011 don't know. follow ordered to r eport to his regiment this mODnt - espoinage; and some Marvin J. Reynolds to James "' , frowsy butternut wns sending Morse. and Pearl M . Bailey, 8 tow n "~ome down out I!-v ~hat, Johnn~: in the same township. or I 11 coo~ yer potatles In saltpeter. Mar\lih J . Reynolds tIJ B. W. SouthA quarter. of an hour later th.e gate 8 town acres in the same tp. orderly outaldo of General Arml'w. Sou th ga t e . to G uy. B Lantage's tent stuck his head inside tho B. ita p.Dster, 8 town acre IIll same tp. P.Private .Murphy, sir. to Guy B. Lancaster to James ~. and with a prisoner.' Pearl ltl. Bailey, 8 town acres 18 The General and his stall' tp. up from the maps. S. Lev Cartwright to George W. "Anything ~nusual1" Pratt, I town lot in Waynesville. tbe General. . ' John Edward Richardson to Hen· . "The officer of. the day Bent bim and Ellen Werhla bn 21.20 ac:res dlrectlv t o you, SIr." ry .. . ' "Brrng him in." of land near Oreg0111a. "A spy, 6Or; I caught Captain Armitage, however, did Don Co\1um to James N. and Ma.thim in the tillygraph look up. tie F. Hurst, 63.75 acres of land In ,"What's this about?" Harlan Tp. poles, sor, an' I have "A spy, sor, I c.a ught him in the J ennie E . Vinson to Raymond brought him in! ' . truy~rBp'h poles, SOl', . an' brought son, 6.86 town acres in Hamilton Tp. him In. . . .' . Leonard and Jane Hatfield to General Arm1tage t~rned hlB fI~h- Black and · HIJward 1 town lot in ing eyes upon the pnsoner. "Have Fra kli ' , you anything to say?" n n. . ' " No, sir." Joseph anp Hettl,e Ertel to Sh1ro "How long have you been in tbis TnshirIJ, 6 tIJwn lotll in Foster Park, camp?" Joseph and Hattie Ertel to John
Pigs Grow Faster When Fed tlie Wayne Way WAYNE .PIG_MEAt il a c8r~fully planned .
and tested ·combination of clean, pure ingredient. which inaure
"CASH IN" on Peak Ma.r ket Correct feeding right from the Slart \\ ill grow your pigs rapidly, so YOII can fullen them for the Peak Market in August or September. Wayne Pig Meal builds bigger profits for yOli. Sold by
Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company Phone 25, Waynesville, Ohio Frl'd Horry Wndo, cutter, ot Mi· amisburg a nd Lucille Anna Golay; bookkeeper. of Frunklin. Ben E. Adler, druggist of Co.Iumbus and Vernis M. Rose, of Lebanon. ' PROBATE PROCEEDINGS
344 679 "
owners 0 f 0 ther automobiles
have 81.gnifi. ed
• their· m·tentlon of changmgO to . Buick ne~ tl.lIle
t hey buy a car.
Th ' shows that peo.ple are .reald • • ·1Zmg, m.ore an IS·
mo~e, L'
• supenonty m 0
per£orman~e, .
was approved and confirmed. T he will of G. Adolphus Kelley wns admitted t o probate. Ada S. Kelley lVI,S .nppointed executrix and Oscar B. Cain, Ed Kibbey nnd Jose ph: Donnallly, appraisers. Court ordered Annie Doughman, . exec utrix of the estate IJf Valentine alcs maae by a rri e S. Smith, ex· Doughman, to sell certain bonds. executrix of the estote of Louilla F. The will of James R. Brow n, was Lewis, wer~ approv ed ond confirmed. udmitted to probate. Mary M. Brown AclminiRtrlltors of the estate of was IIppointed exec utrix ant! Howard ewtoll ,Duffield werll ordered to Null, J ohn Hutt Il nd l~rllnk Miller, "ell cortain property. appraisers. Distribution of the eRtate of Dav· Certain ~al es made by Horace Setid J . lI10unt Was made. Uemyre, adm. of the estate of Walter J eSHe A. Mount, nd m. of the estate . Wilker son, were approved and conIJ M r. 1 < his fI t d of Davi< . ount, ,I en rs an firmed. Ho wus authorized to eell final aCCIJllnt. . certain bOnda. Oscar ~. Cain, g~ardlan of Anna John ri. t,;avolt, lfulUdiau of John I. Grand18, filed h,s first .and final A. Cavolt died hill second and I1na.1 IIccount. He also filed hie lIIventory account. . J und appraisement, as ' adm. of the Distl'lbution of certain aueta of estate. the estate of Walter S. Wilkerson wu The will of Ella Gaynor was ad- made. I ott d t b t M th B Gay /111 e 0 pro a e. a ew. Maurice L. Hormell was appointnor was appointed executor of tbe ed adm. of ~he estate of Wm. B. Hor. estate and Grace Spohr, John Ritz moll. . .lI nd Clinton Stanton, apprai,sers. Faye Collins, guardian of Vircinin Court ordered that certam prop- Trimble filed her first and final ae. erty of the estate o r Jesse Willard count. ' Edgington be sold. . A. DOBn Brackney, adm. of the Eugene C. Du~ham. execu~or of estate of Florence E. Brackney, Bled th.e estate.. of Julia H. FrenCh, filed h;. first and final a"count. hIS sale bill. . Certain sales made b), Horace SetLi ~zie Tullis, exec.ut or of the es- tlemyre, adm. of the estate of Walter tate of John B. Tulli!!, filed her first S. Wilkerson, were approved and con and final account. fitmed The will of Harry C. DeGarmo was Geo~ge P. Gate's wu appIJinted flied: . adm. of t he estate o.f Eldridp Pope . Dls~rlbutlon of t he estate of Je8- and John Holweger, Cbarlell MOllnt sle WIllard Edgerton waS made. and Charles Mears appraillera. Proof of publication of the ap- _ __ (C t· . d 8) pointment of Blanche W. 'Apple, as. on mue on page executrix of the estate of Oscar D. " Apple was filed. \
m appearance, l o~u.~11~'n~F~o:st~e~r~p~ar~k~'__~~~~~~~,-~__-h~&UO~Of~O~f~~~~Of the ap· D . J h W Mil -~__ ~__~____~~~'~'Tw~0~d~aY~S~·~~~~~n.~~~~~~2~t;ow~n~ economy, MUlard, as r •. 0 n • i er "None." A. and Helen Kermode, 47.54 acres adm, of the estato of Mary L. Kil''You were sending a message?" of land in Clearcr"k Tp. lard, was flied. DeDliat "I was, air." ~=c--:"~-t~ There a pause. "You knew Wm: W. an Nallcy G. Shurts to .COrii£0, rt and A: C. Vail, adm. of the estate IJI the 'penjllty of suc:h ' action. ooupled Charles Fordyce, 1 town lot in LebaS. L. Palfray, filed ~ inventory and WAll
and And out who and what they are." t;emain with it until it was necessary "So IIQraan fa the man I 1 !Ioa- to recall him. He wrote ,a note to peeted that." . ' Alice Trent. regretting that he would "And hia life wouldn't be worth a not be able to sell her before h e left. pWf of wok. but for one thing; he She saved that lettet; ; bllt she was ia ~tnc· td take my hand and, put it glad t hat he' had gone fro m town. on Jeanne 8eaufoNII moulder. And Sbe had a homan heart. ' also, and it the fop thinb be'i hoodwinking oa was just as wonderfully made as his. allr' She went about her affairs 811 usu"But what about Senator X., whom al. Twice she visited the house with KOflan Hrv~1" the eecret door and left her informa"We . have warned him .. much as tion in tJ!e drawer of the deal table :we dare. But the Senator Ie a thick in the attic. There wns no sign "TIJ headed mJlle • . He stakes' his life on rent" upon t his hIJuBe; yet It was valIorpn'. integrity. And until we cant. No one was ever seen to entel let Jeanne Beanlort, we can't lay it in the daytime. Tbe hOllse bothe facta before him p~y." .longed to the Oonfederate Gover!'. In rushing' from the tabin Jeanne ll'Ient, Bub ' rosa. If Jeanne fou md had sone - Itraig4t to her tet hered the candle out of the bottle, it sigbone and ridden a_yo Armitage I nilied that there were orders in the She had heard PaJ'llOfi Kennedy roar drawer .f or ·ner. Thus, 'On the second Ollt that name. visit &!fter Captain Armitage's de Armi~ with Pl1'1!on Kennedy I parture. she learned with delight that Annitaae one of the eleven? It we she was to be given active service . not po..lble;' There had been noth- again. ing In hia attitude to ' Buggesti that he A certain general, who wns one had recotniaed her. She was dreail- of tbe few great strategists left to ed almost _tty u she had been the Confederate army, W8S · in danthat Diabt in Ricbmond. gel' of annihilation, and only an exArmftye wU.Jlurely an outsider; act \ui.owledge of his enemy's plans and tbia conviction afforded her a of campaign wou ld permit him tp creat reIlef. ' . slip out of t he net. That Pliraon Kennedy had spoken These plaos were at this moment her I did not alarm her. , She in ~he tent of . General. Armitage, knew that"lhe 'had but taken a chance ha.vmg be,en curr.led to hIm by OapBho~ itt .the dark.. tam A1l81tage hlm se~f. So Senator Why sho\lld he ~ate her whom he X. had secre~l y wTltten to some had 'Wl'OaaedT frIends in Illinois. Of course, Mor· She entered Wnshington. Sbe had gan had unsealed this letter. read sworn to run these men down. its contents and I'csealetl it as he did . Two 0)'8 later Armitage called with most of the Senat~r'8 correupon !J:lrent. Tbey were to go spond encc. She. Jeanne, . must act out ri . It was a glorious Sep- immediately. . tembet day, mild and 8unny. A mile south of Armitoge's trOOp5 "ltoW' ,-is it that you are not with in the hollow of " blazed r(ltten oak. thoae beloved troopers of yours.' " ~yere hidden batteries and telegraphic "Oh, for the present I am aide to Instruments. The lower wire was to . olle of the ohlef.. It is my bueiness be tapped. Communications here had to _ tha~' fruh troops are prompt- not yet been destroyed. I}' entramed," that the recruiting of· Each night a t nine th.e receiver f\.cera ar.··'not permitted to get into would be at his post. The mobility the doldru~; rid sometimes ~ draw o! the troops would nIJt make it adon cO'py maps; ,-By the ~ay, did you y~sable .for h er to attempt to commu'Wita_ the ·riota . in' Baltimore at the mcate m person; hence the telegraph. 'hA.rinmnjf. of Ute war'" All she had to do was to get the -~No, I WII not there at the time. !nformat\on required, and telegraph HoW' 'W'ondflfful these elms are I Is It. General Armttap your .father, by "All 1 have to do I" sbll mused. 'With a crooked little s~ile. All she any' chancet"'Be la-t.nd the I1netlt old chap in had to do was. to steal mto an army
with the wearing of a blue uniform, and that youth nor age matter?" "Yes." "You were sending information to the enemy. What information!" "The info~mation which. will prevent the s prmg (i f the trap." There was something in the sound of this sentence tbat caused the man bending Qver t he maps to look up . .. .. God I" he murmured as he saw t he face. Jeanne Beaufort l Suddenly the dark eyes met h\,l!, and t heir glance bit intI' his soul like acid. "Search him," said General Armitage. And be quick about i.t." "It will not be necessary. Sir, untll after-I am dead" There wss not the 91ig~test tre~or in the t onell. · "What I take away from thil! tent, sir, I took mentl\l1y."
Geller~lis Ab~~~f.e V:r~
T_ .Martin . , ,
'Jess~ Stallley'
Auctioneers See U"~l,
for 'Your Sltl. Dat••• W. Cuarant.e , • Satida..Uon or Charee Nothin,:
grantPrivate you thatMurphy. much. away. take this messpge to Crompton Sunrise: Tie hill hands and feet." (To be continued)
. _.
PAT WAS A DJPLOM.A T A man who owned a field saw an old fellow on his knees digging in it. Going up to the trespasser, he said: " See here, 'm y man, what would you say to a 'perllon who went i to "ollr field t di dandelions?" n" t . o!f " I d say th,s to hlm. SOl', was the prompt l·eply. "Help yourself, me good felle r; dandelions is nice, ·bealt hy atin' and I'm glad ye know it. Here's a quarter to buy a bit of salt pork to go wid 'em" The owner oJ the field laughed, d Pat got his quarter an • • - ••- - -
Keelor Garage
-Hmeysharg ,F.~ Ca.
M.~orY Cou,•• At H.om.
\ .
By •
JV\A'N -l 'w"" "T ~oC . . 6 E'i Tt\IS ,llTTk EA of Me Mcfih' 'i~OU&tf-
s~oc, "'«I
LOANS on Ohattela,Stoclia, 8eeurlo tin and Second Mo........ No'" bought. John Harblne . Ir., Xanla, O~io. -maO-' •• ,
Farmers, Attention! . '.
----.. ..---
Squad leader-"I hear the' battalion commander called you a blockhead. Is that correct?" ' Rec:ruit--"No, sir. He just ' llaid, 'PillI down your cap, 'here comes a woodpecker.' " ·~HAM !·."" ': E:--::O""'N"·-Y"'ou:--=,:- IGNATZ •
"I hear you give your little boy a IlP1at~"
the au meter wu a litUe bank I .j)ou,rht hIm." '
Farmers of W lifteD' and .adJolnlDl counties may obtain mone, OQ loni Ume )oane, at 6 per cen' inteNit. Cost of lecurinr the aam, I. vert realonable ,throuch The Federal Bank. , For further InfIJrmaUolI ,eaI on' or addre.. M. C. DRfJClIl, T,.... Ilrer, phon. 8IG-X. IAhano!!. OJdo.
"Wbich would yez rather be in, Casey- an explosion or a collision'" sk d h ' fr o d McCarthy a IS Ie?" • "In a ~?l\Islon, replied Cuey. Why' "Because a oollision ther~ ye; are; but in an e;xploslon, where ar~ yez?" . ' i 9i .
week for good behav· _,_ _ ._ -New Burlington,O'__ !!?!,. (lSura;every but I fool him. I told him
appraisement. 'Proot 9f 'the publication of the ap- !!!!~~~~~~~~,~!!.!!.~!!!...!!!...!!..!!"'._ ~_ pointment of Allred M. Hinch, u ::-_ _.:.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ executor of the e.tate of Kary. J. Drake wns filed. Proof of pUblication of tlie appoint. 0 B C i d f ment of sear . ' a n as a m. 0 thli estate of 'Anna Grandin, was died Proot. of the publication of the appointmen.t of Mongo F. Ekman u executor of th~ estate o.f Henry E. ExWE GET ' T-HEII QUICKLY AND man, was ' filed , . . FREE OF CHARGE Ohas. L. Beck, guardian of Curtis CALL US ANY TIME AT oua and Helen Beck, .filed his second ac. . ~XPENSE count. d The will of Peter D. Hatilel wall tiled. Plio. . I HARVEYSBURG. 0. Certain lillIe. and the invetltment of the pl;oceeds by FIrman R. Evana,
Lebanon, Ohio ':~~~~~=-~~==================~======~======~==~========~==~~==~====~~~~~~~~~~ C M PAYNE
dependabili-ty . • E · BWC -k xamme at your earIiest
non. Laurinda and Samuel .schuch Jr., to Anna M. Phillips; 7 town acres in Salem Tp. . Laura Bellini Woolwine to Solomon and Louis FreC! 2 ' town lots in " Lebanon. J ohn and Maggie Long t<! Ed Haw .thorn, 1 town lot in Franklin. Harry C. Eldridgel to Anna E. EIdridge, 2.72 to~n a'~res in Franklin . George W. Pratt to M. D. and Irene Baird I town lot in "' ......ft.. ville ' H' 0 McFarland.to Ralph ,R. arr~. It ' and GUIlda L. Mills, 1 town 0 10 Springboro. ---NEW SUITS The Union Gas B1~d Electric Co.,
HOW TO MAKE ,8.00 OR 'lion out .. of 'one roo~rl '" ,:iirm ~e. capons out ot , roolte", for my one who wanta to Diatee omre mone;. For more a4vice J~qu~re . ~f .i ln. 1lI- ' ther Deskl, R. D. 8. Waynl!Pille. O• " . , ijli8
T.HRESHE, ·S~LIJls;..Belta, pul-
. ley., babliitt me~i' 011 e,a'" ~ jectore, 'lubrltatora; Steam ~d w,atel' . &'\J~s, &'\Jage glau, ollen,." paeldnw, . Iiol)er flues, luCtion h~e ¥!l tank pumpL TBE BO€lJ[LE ....KINO C.O., .~6, . W', Maln Xenia, O~o. ·. tt FOR SALE-S.e· our De. u,iIu, &hI very latest;' . anel pod .... 1'h. Klami 0 . . . . · ." U
. _ v........ 1pJl1J~ . .. lor all purpo....
C!:Lb~ndB~tbj... fU W.MaIa
Try Thia Popular N
Dr. W. E. Fro t
Piece Of Music On Your Piano
ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY I:Dlend at the Poltolllce at Wa,nesvllle, 0., as Second Claaa Man lIatt...
~~.;: ,it!'
D. 1.. CRANE, Editor ••d PubU.b.r, W~,. •••"II•• Obio
_. _::::.. _'- ,~·l:,l
LIooI • ,, _ _ .,.....
Lila •• 7, _ _ ....
.. ..,
SublcriJ,t.lon J..>rlce, ,1.50 per year• .
I, t'eI IlUAch ,:'-L1uiHIJ ~c'iH.,;~nt" 'I\f" 1
'_ '. ~t! ,\MER ~ A N!,~ES5ASS OC I A'rI ( N
Now wo k,,'uw «h)' u bo.d; is CI.llcd dshe. " ' It is U CR use t hey are pllint· \Iii a nd have new l'iJ.:ging till the tim\!.
Now- no L six, eight 01' nine monLhs fl'om now t he ~ovel' nm ent's reBour· c s' nnd lllon· power should be fighting Mississippi fl oods of th future. What ussu,rnnce hilS uny Olle l'espo nslble tor protection of citize,!s, tllat there will be no' ftood II xt spl'lng- even more destructive Lhlln that which hus just pu s.~e il? ff wo wnlt for flood relief in the i'ogulor sl!slIion- of C.ongress which does not convene unt!1 December~ when will actuul effective ,:"or~ begin and can it be completed III time to 88sure absolute protection '/ . Politics or what notr--we thmk a serious mistuke hll~ ' been mllde in not calling Congress into immediate sion- wit h flood relior tho lone job on the calendar. \ This very we~k. Congres!!. should be hearing MiSSISSippi valley I edts, engineers, f~rmers, bankers and 'experts Clf all kllld-devlsing legis. lotion for immediate relief. Had lIuch action been tuken- thore would have now been available large to reconstruct buildings roads and IIchoolll; funds to replace lost ani· mala and farm equipmentr--and to plant short crops yet this yellr. Even yet- if politics can be f~r. gotten for a few moments-the gov· crnment can find no work 80 impor· tant--or to which it is more obJigatcd-than getting busy on Mississippi relief. . If an invading army devastated GOO,OOO American homes-and relum again next sprlng--do you think t.he people will let the gover:l.!· ment sleep? That's what the Miss· isslppl flood water was doing Ulan a month ... ....- - , . -
Nothing but Reliabl\, Serum ••d Viru. U.ed I'hone 31 HARVEYSBURG, OHIO
Who says we have equal Citizeus of Nyack, N. Y., m'e all ex· cited becuu ~e u womnn hlld trouscrl' mude for her 'old bay mnT!!. 'Who AllYS A mel'icnn t1ap[I CrS are not gll me? No mattor how skinny or lIullttrllctivt' th"ir fig ure mllY be they gri n Hnd 'bare' it j ust the 8ame. - oQuick now- Ilnswel' 11 9 lI\is : Who \VU 8 th e THIRD Illlln to mok n n onatop night Dcross th e AtlAn tJc? Aw th ought so. Don't know. Such is fam e. Well; it wa R Lindberg h. Alcock and Brown W re the fil'st two -{)_ The young Oklnhoma bachclol' with A $/i,OOO,OOO n yeu r inco me tlllls 110w he b CAme wealthy. "Well, I gOtt.u a job coaching a high.school football t.CAm. I worked hArd on' then oil WAS dlsc(lve re(] on th' old home place. II
s. ..
an. leD"
0. • •
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4l~ i .~1l
Tuesday t 9 a.m. 3 p.m Saturday~8 a.m. 7 p.m
from NEW BURLINGTON News Gleaned old tightwad was s uffering on The Court House theTheoperating taule-both from pain
Waynesville, Ohio
~11----------~~j L------------~
3 to:5 p. m . 7 tu 9 p. m. Telephone •• II .
Office • Residence •
't:1. '
f.!J ' t..!..1
. . . . . . . . . 4 ....... ~
Do you remembor ~ow nthus'ed th" people wore buck In I\Iay, 1 ~27, when a flyer by the nome of Lind· bel'gh ,made an a.irplane flight from New "Y ork to Paris? Huh , t.he gang was laughing Ilbout. it this morning when we honped down to Africa for a IiWe elephant hunting before breakfASt. - -- - - • - - • CANDL,ES, TOO!
I t • ...,
OHice- Aman Bid,.
Miss Helen Barlow, of Lebanon, The Friends Sunday School picni--a nd from fear at the sum the doctor is visiting fr iends here. ed at Harmon Park, Wednesday. (Continu ed from page 2) would extract from him. Finally he Allen Wheeler suffered a broken could n ot restrain himself any longer Bob Garner is in Dayton for a Tramp- "Have you a piece of lady, to give a poor mlln who hRsn few days. I leg from fallin g from a swing, Sun· OMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES li nd he blurLed out from semi·con· had a bite tor two days 1" Mr. nnd Mrs • .R. H. Jefferis spent day afternoon. C l'Scloulsn ess NOTARY PUBUO Cake? Isn't bread good enough last Sunday at Lakeside. Miss Blanche Stephens, of South Blind Pension for quarter, $~0!l.25; '~Doclor. hO'~"ll1uch ~i1I this opeNa,lo.a) Baak . for you7" . Charleston, was the guest 01 Mrs. Penn Morto n, for sala l'y, $70.. Jllm es rn~:oLl cost me. II Born to Mr._aud Mrs. Fr:{lnk ~c- Leona Miller last week ' Folle n, same, $15 ; Adam Smtih, treut One hundrcd dollars, the phy· 'l'rump--"Ordillurily, 'yes, ma'am. Will. Dr.wa .. .. •••••• E ...t .. S.teW Carren,' a son. ment for r abies, $60; 'I' he Office Out- sicilln a nswered. . but this is my birlhday." il)c ' ~ Miss Irene White. of Dayton, is fitters, su pplies, 63c ; sume, typewri· "B ut, doctor. I want just plnin Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ho. WaYDen'ilIe. Ohio the guest of her grandil~t.her, T. A. ter, $167.45; Dr. A. T. Zimmer, ear ~ ew in g , no hemstitching." sier, a daughter, July 1. NEW CITIZENS WELCOMED IN White, tags $46.40; F. J . ~\Vis, expressage PROPER .WAY Miss M.a bel E. Starr, of.DaytoD Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Phillips spent 51c! same. postage, $8; The Wood· ~!!!'!!!!!'!!~~!!!'!!~~~!!!'!!!!!'!!~!!!'!!~ HOME' TOWN HENRY . home, Saturday evening, an the week.end with their son, Grant row Weil Stnnage Co. supplies, $166 Vlenua supplies mothers, remnmed over the Fourth. and family, In CincinnaU. .Monroe lind J ohnston, r epairs, $8.10; less of their wealth, with ,.nrnnl"t,,, ltiiss Leona Johnson attended the . . Harold Sweeney, gravel $28.90; How .... t ' t X · Mr. B. R. Dlckmso n, of Columbus, ard Cook same $27' same same tree putflts for new babies. W 'd C. dT .U . cOnven Ion. ema, spent the week·end with his son, Ad· $180' W 'P McC'urren' same '$1186: D al.•Y Thlil 'il callcd a "compliment from W e nes ay D' k' d f I ' . . " . Two6 , 30Shows the city to the motben of flew cit!· '. . ' . ams IC maon a n ami y. 60; Spencer & Armitage, same, $5.aDd 8 :30 p. m. . George Hiott and family, of Xe~la The lawn fete and band concert 10;Harlow Whitacre, repair material :&enll." We call it "socialism," worse, In this country, and, of Wednesday afternoon With on Wednesday evening no!tted the ]11- $161.07; Euge ne Hnrper, same, $4.20 WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE jt'e better to have mothers wOlrriedl Jefferis and family. dies Aid Mciety nearly fifty dollars. same, same, $14.80; V. W. Tomp. """iiilliiii_iiiiiiii&E5i~:iE§S5'" _nd poor babies miserably Dr. aad Mri. W. E. Oglesbee were kins, supplies, $2; Wm. Stitt, IItone table than to let the serpent of Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ben The Ladles Aid was entertained In 11c; Tigar & Charleston, spikes, $1.25 Howell, at Port William, clallam creep in. the home of tbe president, Mrs. E. S. Donnell, est. on contract. $46; Smith on Thursday. D. W. ' Tnylor, suppli es, 50c: Ray Once the idea o~ publi'c Mrs. Russell Jefferis and Miss Vlo· . Humphreys, hauling, $58: Leslie education free to all, was cotlBlClerea I let Bognn . spent the week-end in . Alan. Mendenhall had IllS .arf!1 bro· Schultz, operating maintainer, $65; locialistic, and an attack Dayton. ken whlle playing ball In Wtlmmglon Franklin Vul~unizing Co., s upplies, ty. Perhaps we shall get Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Kirk and Su~day afternoon. $1.30; S. C. Alexand er, 8ame, $8.55; er things, u we have got that. family cnlled on Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Pickin and son, H. R. Moss, gravel, $60; Gross & Ba. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Bow~~er, It we can arrange to get Jefferis, 'Monday evening. of Dayton, T. M: Har]an and son, of sore; lumb~r. $7.20: The Ma~on Lum WAYNESVILLE. OHIO workers bighe.r and 'h igher wages, we ' Cl . J e d Ch 1 MI'amislibspent the week·end at ber Co., bridge repai r matenal, $41. CI mt eaver, . . an ar e. •.. , . 77' I t t' I H t c can continue to avoi<\ the socialism · to the home of Mrs. A. H. Harlan. .' n ern a lona arves er 0., reG~ay went . to Al cony,.Tad ue !iy, parrs, $15.30: Walter Scott, supplies horror. Fully Equipped for Good ,~-::;-:---;-:----:--brmg .home ~ new thfe8~tng ng for C. H. McKay had th.! thumb of $34.70: Fred Snider, pny roll, $365 .• Service. lhe Hlckoryville Farmers Co. right hand badly mashed while 26; V. W. Tompkins, same, $5.99; Large Display Room. _ Mr. and Mrs . C. E, GQrdon at hilL w.ork in the elE~vator, ]ast F. M. Collins, sa me, $229.40; Eden .A..~ -m$Ird~ AA. n:.. Ambulance Service son, Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday. The attention of a s ur· Terry, same. $19.80; .A~ ova. 'A 9 .. 4nV \Ul4eJ rr. If you have boubles to burn be Stump attended the dog races geon yas necessary to drl!ss It. $546.45: A. T. Rettig, same, ;jI"'VV.OQI TELEPHONE 7 ~ "It) AAl81~ ~~. nAY OR NIGHT original and make IIir~t of thilm. Hamilton; Saturday evening. C. E. Bradbury, same, $631.60; FRa).4 "\Il,8\M~IIJll, GOOO There will be a festival and auc· S. Graham, same ' $158.50; P. B. --0-eoutJTI:H l1OOO PRGH F~ Wayne Gray underwent an tion at the . scheol grounds on Sat- Monee, same, $137.: C, W. Quimby, -n4I! 8OI1..6J.IO ~()I<~ From the -yelling and squawking ~ PlAY M;.taiS '~ ~ tion for the removal of urday. evenml!" t~e proceeds to ~e same, $172.20; H. Whitacre, same, going on we'd c]aSlllfy Is a8 a ." major AUO ~ e\1I.DftaI,.I the hands 0:( Dr. Oglesbee, Th,UTlsdBlyl'u.sed In contrlb~tlon tow~rd ele~trlc $160.05; S. E. Cutter, same. $22.50; tr!!!!!!:~--=!!!!!!:!!!!!!:!!!!!!:!!!!!!:!!!!!!:=!!!!!!:==============~-~t' operation," Thilf cutting of movie· morning. hghts for the vlllage. Come, hstim John Donnal same $7660' Blair & /ltnr 1181me•. to some good music and I~ave a good Leroy sand' and' grll~el' $2160' , Dorthea, Virinis and Richard time. same, 'stone. $257.86. ' ., vis nave been visiting Mr. and --Jra Hartsock, in Dayton, retun\l~" WELL BRED home Su'n day.
J. E.
"Why should I buy·
---_.- ..
A ten.pound 80n wu born First tramp (to barking dog)Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Frost, Friday, "Lay down, loy down, can't yer?" July ' !. It died Satu~ay afternoon Second tramp- "Try ' im witlr and was burled Sunday momiJlg._ 'Lie iiown.' Alf. P'rops e's well and Mrs. Charles Gray. and bred." ~ spent Sunday lftemoon with Mr, A. G'. Starr and tamlly,. near Spring Valley.
your tire?"
near Fifty-seven attended dinaer. to which did tice.
The strongest fenee' post ever made. Ita Anchor Platea insure firm anchorage in the ground. Easily qrivea and firmly' set . 'with an ordinary steel sledge. Wires easily attached to post and ' firmly loCked with pateat clamp.. J . . .1.10.... ' .te"", ,..,.... lioD for catt.. ..... crop ••
eCOi.o.. 1ca.I .- , ..... , .........t.
McClure McClure
. Rev. A. K. Sargent, fOrmer pastor of the Jonah's' Run Baptist church, for a number of years, died 'recently in ' St. Petersburg, Fla., and was b/olr> cd from Miami Chapel, Waynellville, aft.ernoon.
ON HIS GUARD During his first f ew days in camp, Brown was the victim of so many practical jokes that he began to doubt all men and their motives. One night while he Wll~ on guard, the tall flgure of one of the 'offiers . loomed up in the darkness before hmr. "Who g,o es there?" he challenged. "Major Moses," rap lied the officer. Brown scented a new joke. "Glad to meet you" Moses," he said, eheerfully. "Advance and give the ten commandments. "'
Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Penney , and fllmily enjoyed a surprise supper at thO' home of Mr. and . Mrs. John Shrach and family ' in honor of William Shrach's sixteenth birthday. Miss Helen Bennett few days with her na,rerlT.II. Mrs. S.· W. Bennett. Caesar's Creek church. MillS JIlLIQr'eal . .---~. Bennett is with ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Molar, during Helen's absence. '
----_ ---
Come into our store and Qsk this queston, man to man': Why should I buy your tire? You won't need to aSK ' another. YOQr one best buy iU tires is the Weather Balloon for these reasons: Its sturdy carcass is Increased area of rqad contact and added AlImade of SUPERTWIST which means fewer fabWeather blocks insure .' ric failures and less tire slow, even tread wear , and greater satisfaction changes on the road. to the user. Quietness and . smooth I ts new de ~ig n of tread , running are also made' gives the best traction certain by the new ,d~and car control ever ign of tread. afforded by an automoAs the perfected fo.rm of bile tire. the famous All-Weather pattern, this new GOod- '. Its tenacious ability to 'y ear is admittedly the grip the road gives the World's Most Beautiful greatest possible degree Tire. ' of safety.
S 6
-- ---_.---
SOMETHING QUEER ABOUT IT The man hurried into a railroad restaurant. . "Give me a ham sandwich I' "Yessir," said the 'walter, "Will you eat it here or take it witli you." "~hy-both," /lIlld the patron.
, Crawford-"So you can't understand why your boy In college ftunk ed hi, all, the foreign languages?" CrlIabhaw:'-"No; it'll a .,n,at,,,·v me. He ·.picked up all COlleg.el
Maid-"Shall .I take this little rug out and beat itt" Student - ' 'That's no rug, my roomm~te'8 towel." '
' , in
'~.,. A...... ~---.
.- ....---
Th~ customer-"A yard of pork, pleaae. ." j 6 Butcher-"James. get the · gentleh Sp!lin. . ./ , . II A~ American educator, noted for 7: TJaeri :;. lIeven red stripea and man three pigs' . hi. reform In· tbe lChool I}'Item of six: white Itrlpes. , .~ .. GUN? 8. A, JaPPIlU'e la b,ln_..n emerald BRI.~G .... , " . . . . .chuletta. peen. English Professor'- - ',l'OJI'lorro'"'1 8. Thomu Alva Edlion.
4. WUUam Boward Taft. I . •'JlhaDt tub.
DI..... .
8. 10. Vi-.- B......
'PIWe....wincom. priparec1." Ufe take the
of John
mu.wn·.II1~~~~~~~===~===.!~2~~~!!~~~~J ~
W. n. Allon Wftl in ClncinnaU on buslne"". 1'uesday.
Mr. and Ml'I. E mm tto
an spent Sunday at Cha utauqua.
Mrs. Vi 111 Hllrlan a nd Mn . HI B. EmmettI.' .'ryt't left TUl'MliIlY oil II Ellrnheii. \\'~' re In J.,cbanon. T uesdq. uWlln.88 trip t ).11 ra. e, Wi . R.lb rt 0"01.'11. <If COI\\llllll)". "'lIS Ihe gU{'st or N. 1'. ,J "dnn, W"~II{'S' du),. . .
Kart Lawill IPent Ule F ul't h in
Mr. lind Mr.. M~r('r
llnd l11eill:
of K Ingma n Hnd\ey iind 1111'. nn d 1\11'8. Frl.'~l J\f. ole nnd LOlldhi' . Jllllllcy, wer e hor FI'\' chiltlrclI '!Illen lhe week·cud In Mich· geLti ng t he J nnn(i!Y r e~idence in ill'lIl1. . f c!\tl fill' Mr. Ilntl M.I'I!, J. E . J un]{cn!lcth Kllbon. of Dayton , ney alld Mias F l'nll u .. Who lire ex· th " Fourlh wrth Dr. , W.,11 pocled to reu h h r'c .- m time ihis so n and' ·f umily. week, 11' 111 ~ I orida.
conseloUl, hll\'in, recel\'od two on hi hl'ad and mallY brul R. Brock was railed IIlId illllllcc1iat hac! him tukl'1I in IIf"C)llrl1'l\ 1U11l>U' la nce til DnY\()1I for;;n X-rny, whure they Iounl! h.· hud u bud irllctur. of t ho I ft hip ~uld Willi tnk n to Millmi ull <\y hbspitlll. ' IhpoTted nt thi~ ti hlll !! to btl r('sting ('i1·Y. J)() hill! th(' sympathy or fl'i nUl< here, Mrs. BI'OWII is ne'\v stayillg nt the humc of 'r I' k ' V II h cr dall 'hlcl' ,,' \'S. '\'lIn 00 cy,
rlnught'l', Berntc ,wor In IIl1li, ']'u!lsday. Krt. Wa1t~!l' McCluro apont Tu s· in DlIyton. / cky In Dayton. MI'. '. D. hnn(!elLor of llcar . The Friend hip club will meet Mrs. W. M. olemnn and Miss Mr. nlld !\frs. F()rr(~st Ro ugh nnd X nill, Is the ICU st f her n.i ~e the home of Mrs. Elsie Ellis, Wedllell h~. Vern Hough nnd ·two · o h ild ~'cn Thelmn olemlln motOfl,ltl to LlndenMrs. J ames JicClur was R incin· l\11'~. }L L PUr!lhllll. dny nitcrnllon, J I.l ly 13. called . 011 Duylon rclntive~ lind nat! . villtor, 'l'ueBl:lil}l. sday, .,t!MId fl'! lI d • undny n·ft,erl1!lI>n. . They wnld, cv ningTuattCl1(\ theon · cl, W<,!lnesdllY ul'ch Wild· l\lr. lind lIIr~. J. 8. Jnll n e>, nnd 1111'. HllIl Mrs. Arthur Zell an d two found ?hugarl't. little doughter ' of ding f the former's niece, f!,~. o· J . E, McChue was a b\l ~l ness v l~· .Iang-Mel', Mi ~ )<'rtlncc ~ . nl'rivl,. 1 hhlll' ,tuu ghLcl., "f hnr\ stli ll. W. VII., Mr. /lnd 1\1 • Guy Ki'ble1' l' covering \'11 Mn'k nnd Chllrlca L '.gllr,l\li at IInm TucsdllY ilight fl'\1m D('llInd, Fin. werc Waynosville visitors, un day. $tor in Wilm ington Tuesday. l'UJljtlly {rum the illjudes sustuinllll ~;~II ~I'hey l'ct lll'll~d home, Thur 8· when 5h waM run down ~y lin' uuto· Mr. and Mrs. ' WiII Guthl'i", f fr. 'unt! ?'1I-s. ' . H . Sherwood werc Donalll Hcnderon, of Dayton. was e. Dayton, were Waynesville visitors on call rs. at th u home of 1\Ir.• and Mrs. the supp r guest, Thursday, of h' ~ --Mr. and 1I.l rs. Kesler GI'aham hud tho Fourth. Ed Jeffery, near , regonia, the ev'e n parents, Dr. and Mrs. Carl H (or their Sunduy dinner gu('sts, Mr. son. a nd Mrs. htlrl s Goitner, of ne'a r MiIII Mildred Myman, of Xe.nia, is ing of the Fourlh. 1h.misburg, M r. and r.lrs. Rn lph 'viiitina' a t the home of Myer Hyman Mr. nnd Mrs. E. M. herwood and 1\.1r. anll M ra. Robert .Filr nas ,towe. of nell r Lebanon; 1011'. uno a nd fa mily. daugbter, Kathryn, of Dnyton . spent family, Mr. 'nnd Mrs. Dallas 10'11'8. Meta Rogel'S will go to Dny. MI·s. A. E. White 11011 childr"II, of th l' week·end wito Mr. and Mrs. Ed and fami ly plcniced nt Ft. Ancient, WI·~ t Virginitl; . ir. lind r.lrs. C. W. MrL E. R. Bentley and Mrs. W. to n this weeK for t l'wtment. 'undny. Jeffery, o{ ncar Ol'egonin. Albright, 0 f Spring-bol·o. St John are vlaitlng their sister, Mrs. 1I1iss Helen EIl!'ly Rpent Wed· n es· C. C. And erson in Ft. Ancient. Miss J essie Clnrk, who 'recenUy dny with 1\'1153 Cleo Hawke. Afler a pleasnnt vl ~it with her THE ONLY OCCAS ION returned to incinnnti nfter n yenr Ml's. A.ln ht'J1owcth visited Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J ellSe Sears and fam In Cnllrornia, is th e guest 01 Miss Melli RogHs, Friday nnd Sutunl ay. Uy, of Sabina , spent Sun day with E mma Heighwuy. "Does a fis herllllln over It' ll t he Mr. and Mrs. John Fromm ond fam- morn ing for her home in Chicago. 1111'S. 1\1ar)' BUl'Detl. nnd Mrs. In n tl'ut h ?" .~" }. f .. ..,.., " ily. Mrs. E loise Thompso n hn s relurn· L ngac re were Dayton shoppers, on "YeH, when h e ~alls I\no thel' fisher. Mr. lind Mrs. Carl ~oll1 e, Miss 'ma n a linr." Mr. and Mrs. J . V. Hartsock nnd Doris Henderson, Messrs. Boyd Hen· cd t o Cincinnnti, nfter spending sev- W~dne ·day. Mr. Everett Bunnell, of Blue BnH, - - -- - daUl'hter, of Akron, a nd C H . Sher· derson nnd Kenn eth . Kilbon arc ernl w(!eks with her parents, l\fr. and .' wood caned on Mr. and Mrs. Perry s pending the week ot Ru ssell's Point. 1\1I's. G. J. Smilh. gpent Mondny wilh Mr. 1\Iorris Whar Subscr ibe to the Miami Gazette . B artIOCk Sat\lrday eveni ng. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Manning of Lon. . Mrs. L. A . Washburn Was opcrated Fletcher, Mlnmi county, spe nt ' Iost Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick, Mrs. Tl."ursuny ·1 WI.Lh theIr " COUSinS, IIfr. nnd S·en 11 IIW k e lin d "1' ~I 1-'"law k e ciaMr.h and MTI.MJ. V. Ha1't8oek and on fo r append 'lci'18 • ' T ue.sdny at "c1U n I R ~ . ; eo UI' ter . and r. and MrB. J ohn lelland's hospi'tal. The Ilitest reo Mrs. 1I1uhl on RIdge. we re Dayton visitors, Friday. SmltJl apent the aftern oon of t he port is that she is getting nloog very Fourth at Lakeside park, Dayton. well. . Mrs. Mame llalfield, Miss Lucy Miss Eva R.eed.er , of. Route 4, is Emley, Miss MnrgDIct Mllrlntt a nd Quite iii at thIS .t~~e With on attack Mr. Wlllker Hatfield spent· Sund ay of acute lIppOndlclt lS. lind the Fourlh in Chillico th e. Mr, Orville P hilli p:s spent Sundny wit h his cousins, Mr. a nd 'M rs. WII· Mr. and MI'~ . r y Truax and son liam Witters, n car lI1iddletow n. RaJph, nnd l\1-is F orence Rolnn, of There will be a sale nt t he late Cincin nuti wer Sunday guests of residence of Mrs. Chloe Sides, on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tinney nnd 80n. ut urda y, July 23. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zepf. of Col· Mr. and Mrs. Clnre nce Smith, of lege Hill, Cincinnati, a nd Miss Em· Dayton, spent the F()~rt h with Mrs. ma Pellcock, of DlIyton, spent t he Ann Smit h. week·cnd With Mr. lind !III'S. Geo rge Mr. a nd Mr s. F loyd Savage an d J . Smith. chil dren spent Sunduy and Mo nd ny ' M r . I\n d Jt"1 rs. L ee H ow k e an d f am. visiti ng the form e r's a unt lit Sidney. IIfr. and MTs. F rnnk Woolley an d ily, Miss Luella Willia mso n Mayna l·t! Weltz li nd Ea rl H. Ornddrf spent fa mily. of Dayton, we re called her e t he FO!lrth nt Glen-Miller park Rich 'I' hursday, by t he . accident of t he mond, In d. . ' ( a t t e r ' s father, Mr. 'William Brown. Miss Mabel Lnckey of West Mid· New U. S. No.1 Mr. and lIfrs. L. Sulier and two dletown was a last·week guest at t he Grade, 10 lb. . . . . . . . . . children, Lucile and EdgDI, of · Tern· nt the home of lIlr. Ilnd Mrs. Albert p er a nce, Mich., were guests Satur· Stacy. Smoked Regular, M Henry SlIylol: under went a da y a nd Su nday, of Mr. and Mrs. L . A. Zimmerm lln and faniUy. ~l' d d 'd . lb •.......... '" . . .. ... . .. . . . tonsl an a enol operation at . c;aJIi........................................ .................... ................................. 1ge pring Vu lle y Snt urday morning. He T ELEPHONE workol's from all Mr. and Mrs. Horuce Wharton and is slowly r ecoverillg. pnr ts of Ohio who lost t heir Mrs. C. F . Vickel'$ and daughter, of lives in mili tar y service <luri ng t he Dayton, a ttend ed t he f un eral of their .Mr. nnll Mrs. Ben Jame~ ente.rTwo cans Wo rld Wnr were not forgo tte n ne'phe,,(, infant son of Dr. and Mrs. t~ lnQd las~ week th c. f ormer 8 n eph· when T he. Ohio Bell Tel91lhone Frost, at Har veY8bur g, Sunda y morn e w nn d wli e, Mr. a nol Mrs. Laurence Com pony plnnn!!(! the new hend· in&,. J a mes, of T erre Hau te, I nd. Pound . .. ..... quarters ' building \'~hi ch it now lIfrs. F loyd SavagE! and children occupies in Clevelnnd. Mrs. Roy Harvey was called from spent Wed nesda y a t t he home of her A bro nze teblet, on the wa ll ill her home In Dayton early Sa t urday mother , Mrs, Belle Dinwiddie, a t t he ma in lobby, beurs t ho names of morni ng to Harveys bu rg by the se. Waynesville. Layer, ten ' fo rmer t elepho ne employecll rious illness of his sister, Dr. W. E . s.... jar................................ ge Square Layar. ..a .................... 2Oc Frost, Mrs. E'va May P enn ewit and chilwho died in war service. In nddland t he dpath of the infan t - - - - - - -- - - - " - - - . 1.lb. pleln, .............................. 19c tion to the nnmes, t he tablet predr en, of neal' Bellbrook, were Thurs· son of Dr. a nd Mrs. Frost. sents a scone in relief showing a doy guests of her au nt . 1111'S. lIfeta Spon"e Calce. _ ...................... IOc Signal Cor ps mnn strin · ing a t ele· Mr. and Mrs. J. V. H artsock and Rogers. phone line t hrough No 111 an's Lnnll. C8art. Ju, pIai... .,............ Cin •• da ughter motored down from Akron, Mr. Robert Burnet, o,f Dayt on, spent Mllny tcillphone men were enlisted ~ jar. 75e Lemon Soda, Sa t ll1' ,nd re-guests of toe -- the week·end with home f olks here. for specinl se~y i ce of th is sort, Ilnd Pat Jar•• .cIa ..............45e ~ot S ••r lar... bottle. grandparen ts, 1111' .and 1t~rs. C. H. His wife and son are visiting her pa· It is· due to t hem that t he All ies Plat. plaia ..... .."., ..............2Oe an... Juiu, ju ...................... 35e Sherwood over t he F ourt}t, returnin g re nts in Michign-n . • had a com ple te lelephone system .Pt. J.... pb/ia, MCIa..................:.37e serving them during the lAter . Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton end home Tuesday. yoars of the war. daughters, Eva and Meriam. wer e J ohn Simpson and son Clarence Sunday guests of Mr. a nd Mrs. Lee The men whose na ml'S ATe per· La... " " ... •. left t his morning for Akron wher~ Great house, in Dayt on. petu ated on tho tnblet nrc Chnrles Clarence will spend two o~ three nrroll Hannon n utler, . Dayton i Sou................. :................. Z4c 8.n Mr. and Mrs: Eli Russell, Mrs. weeks t aking instructions in vulca. Myers, Toledo i Homer Per due, DIIIa. ...... •........... :................. 24e Fr... ton •• , .. pouada..... . ni zing. Mr. Simpson will go on to Guy Routzahn ' and daughters were Washi ng on f)urthouso; Glenn in Lebanon, Friday. The f ormer Detroit f or a few days. Phillip$, Nile: WaltC'r Leo Prid· visited his br other Mr. Findla y Rusgeon, Akron; ThOmas Vernon Rob· inson, Youngs town; Daniel Bor; Mr. a nd J frs. E . L. Raper, Mr. and sell a t BI~ir's hospita:J, L ... , jaicy, 360 .ize, nard Ryan. oll1mhus : Harv;, Rny~ M rs. C. R. Hollan, of St .· Louis, Mo.; Mr. a nd Mrs. Charlles Smith ente r. 'mond Snyder, Mou nt Orllb; .Tohn Mr . and Mrs. An~y Seiter, Mrs. Ma- tained to dinn er on Su ndny, Mr. a nd Mason Temple, CQlumbus, nnd J o· r~ . ~eS/le . a nd MISS Rose Kessc, of Mrs. Samuel Smith, Mr. 'a nd Mrs. seph And rew Yoakum, Clevela nd. Cincinnati. spent Sunday with Mr. GCQrge Smith and fEimily, Miss Veland Mrs. W. O. Raper. rna Smith a nd Mr. Herman Smith . D J)aJtoD.
THU " mCAL°ItP,...,PiPER
.11 THI WO • ...,
PGlIJSZI!D W!!ILT. SUO ra l W IIOTIU, D.uao!iii. .Plo'"L.a.,..
ooeTUMI.e, TItA".FIIt• . OA~ AND . .ua e.RVIOI OA.. PROFI' av V.INO 1ft ADVIItTla.NO OO&.UM .. e
E• P a HA R·LA. N
SAMPLE COpy FREF _ _ _ ....
ATLANTIC CITY u n d othe r So uth e r n N.w Je rael' Sell. hore R esorb'
JULY 26, AUGUST 9 and 23 $25.02 RO 'r~~mTrl p Waynesville THR OUC H SLEEPI NG CARS TO ATLANTIC CJTY
lII u.tra l.Od dUl orl l,Uve loldol •• howln,.. tim. 01 t rain., atopo.'or l"lvllOIlO••nd ,,~hor dctnll" DIal' lJo obl "' neu fru lD r lellet Agon "
War Heroes Remembered by Telephone Co.
District Manager Warren County
Life Insurance Company Of New 'York
Policies issuedi from:age
' _ ..-t'I
to 70
.ISc 17c
~ ~~. . . 23c f~~~!d
22 C
CtimpbeUs Tomato SOUp Assorted Chocolates
a'._eeI. _..........:... C Soft Drinks
, !!.,tkl.!! . :. . . . ..... 1Be
~. ~~~~.·. . . 19c
,~~~~ 27c 29c
_ ....y? Have you u~ed the Classified Ad. column lately?' You can get rid of your surplus . • tock by advertising i~
~~t: !:.~::)~.~ i~~!~:s ";..55c -ITwh. 8 read· 1 ~.Ji! Slit
9c c:.~ ;,~.................. ·
. 3 ':: eut., pOUD....... ...... .... .. .. ..
28c l8c
On· Thursday of last week. Mrs K N. Houg h nnd Mrs. H. B. Ear nhart ...., . . . .. Visite d th e Warren County Children 's ".11a. Ry., ............................. IOc and Orphan's home, at Lebanon, 1.lh...... . d Ib ............. \ Where Mrs. Hou.,... h IIttended the reg. .... - _•• WMat, each .......... 8e La r.e, rOUD. 1.lh. VI..... eacIa .................... 7e Rin. pound .............................. 18e ulnr mont hly'meeting of the boa~d of ...----...;.--------,.jJ",-.:...:.--....;,....;,....;,....;,;.;;,;;~.;;,;.;,:.;;;::...!. trustees. .
Dr. H. H. Herman ent ertained the Medical ~ociety, of Da yton, at t he Ru th· Menam f nrm . near Lytle, on Frlda y· Afifsix O'clock di,;mer was serve d t o I ty·seven p h ysiclan.s. Mr. a nd Mrs. :Eddl Longaer.e went t o Cincinnat i, Sa tu irda y afternoon,
~~~~~~~;=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:=;7~=~~~=~~·~~=====:::::~=~~ and Sunday, acc.om,panied Mr. and
• 1IIi• • •IIII. . . . . . . . . . . .II!I.~_____•••••~•••
Mr. and ,Mrs. John Smith Look wh.ere ·you may, Mr. Merchant and Business Man-but you will never 6nd an advertising medium equal to the home-town newspaper in reach~ ing. your trade. A position for your display .alongside "Local News"-the doings of .Mr. and Mrs. John Smiths - is a guarantee that it will be read. In addition to offering you an unequalled advertising position of this kind - is a'n' up.-to-the-minute advertising ..~ervice; cuts· for ' every line of business-with copy and layout 'Sugg~tions. If you ·are interested we' will be pleased to call and explain more .fully.
Mrs. George Davis on a motor trip t o West Vi.rginia t(1 visit relatives, They return ed ' hop!o Monday evening.Messrs. Earl Clark and Henry Say· lor were among thEI few who 'w ere privUedgcd to see a'n d hear Captain Lindbergh on his re'c ent visit to Dayton at the home of Mr. Orville Wright, . Little Geneva Mile Routzahn underwent a tonsil operation nt Blair hospital, Leban,?n, Sunday. She was accompenied th!)re by her parents, jM.r. and Mrs . Guy Routzabn, who brought her home ~unday evening. She is doing nicely. . . Mrs, ·Lucy .Fite, of Cincinnati, spent Friday with her mot;~er, Mrs. Emma Foulks. Her daughters, Miss Mild· red Fite and Mrs. Marvel White and children wba ' have been vlaiting here accompanied her ho)ne. . ~r. 'and Mrs. Emery Charlton en. tertained over the week·end and the Fourth, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Charleton an,d sOn, of lI!iddletQWD, Mr. .Oharles <;ribbs, 01 ' Lebanon, and Mr. 'and' Mrs. Charles Oharleton and daughter. ' ': . .Several boys ~rom here ha4 . a thrill Sun'CIay ,aftemoon when . they went to .Johnston flying field. near Dayton, and .took a ride ' In an air. plane. They Were, Morrla wharton, .'MYrlin Banta, William Long and RUSlen Cram. •
Mr. and Ml'I. • Leon Salisbury and children motored , :from Cleveland, .saturdaYl~ the horne of the latter's patents,Mr. and MJ~. Allen Em.r ick. I ,Mr. Salisbury ' retulmed bome .Sun. day, ··but Mr\,. Salillbliry and the. chil" dren ;will make an e1Ctended visit here Mr. William Bro~n met wit~ a Be. ~ous acciaent .Thursday while ge~ tlllg a. s\1l'arm pf beE!S high in a ·tree in front of the home. of Mrs. Culie Cox. With a liillb of bees in on'e hand and a sB" In the other, be feU to the jfr'o\lDd. He was rendered un
You'd be surprised to know the nuinber of people who conalder cl,,1iIifled . advertising in The Miami Gazett~ good reading. It b the clear- . Ing hOUBe <!f bus1nell8 in Waynesville. U you have something to sell; want " something; need help; Ip'e looking for a position; in' search of home: waDt to buy an automobile, ot · lien a mouse trap-use . ' and read , Tbe Mi· ami ' Gazette's Classified columDL
" ~
Bring Your ~ggs to Kroger stokes' Pure Jersey Milk for Sale
..... . .~.
CLI ...... 1t
~~~r, :itJ' ~~\V~~n~lI~~{:n~:~~~~~~
WQ • •
- ,/'
A few linea of · Claaaifteil ·ad · costs but 'a 'cent a - w~rci-and nothlnr to ' tead them-llo upe ~hls' medium evo erY week. Phona 112
. .,
Wbole Number 6761
.JULY 13, 1927
Mrs. Coolidge, in South women of all kinds,. young. guls and grandmothers, we~lng kmckerb k 1'8 Mn Coohdge respects
. Denl' Miami PGazettet thought erhaps n few h nes f ro.m the Puc ific Northwest might be 0 f Intarest to some of yo.ur r aadc!;I and will, thereforc, give a few cloB~uPll'" of this section of Uncle Sam s domain. at 11 :3 0 p. m., on Leaving t hn Or'lnnChicago tal LI·mited. of the Great b h Northern, we were aw ak ened y e crash 0.£ thundel', and when morni ng dawned we were trnveling nlong " Father of Waters," whe l'o smiles for three hundred Umiles," a blld descl'iptlon of the. pper issippi, wi t h its cfY,Stal blu e dancing in the ,guarded forested rock-bound hills. The next fo renoo n at 11 a. m., W
coommon good sense but she WI no wellr knickerbocker8. Rubber .boots when she gocs fishing and a Rkl~t of reasonable length..!....ncver mind If It ts wet. ge Clothes, . as Carlyle shows in " Sartor Resnrtus,'" make all t he differ· nece between a king In his g rand eur and a .. teat herlell8 biped." ----.- . Two ,hundred and seven Amerlc:aM reported incomes of $1,000,000 a year or more in 1926. rn 1924 ol\ly seventy-five ed incomes of a million dollars over. Once a man owning a million was a wonder. Now 207 have a million or more jncome anu.L some have fifty Jftillions of income and a t ood deal more through corporation owner· ship. . And the bilUori 11 year income will arrive before earth's phose Jrial feudalism shall pas8.
,:::m' ;,d ,,;b,bly .dmb.. . .Jh.,; ,,,,d .. I, tho " ilw'r
State . Caoltal O~o
" Babe" t he Modern Woodmen lit his command last day at Frazier's park, only. Prepare ' by .. mC8lIly hits hbeing hIm . I hmadeb off of a shut b t The score s ou d ave een Colum ua ep~ r er out but fthe or Woodmen a couple ofto wobbles enabled score in that tho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fifth. Adams f elt sorry (or t he team and in the ninth virtUally gave them t he other run they made. He COLUMBUS, OHIO-One of the several easy ones and wi t h the blaidd tmost complete road maps of hat has ever been published has ju.t of a couple of hits they were ena e S t h' hyde-to secure another marker. been Issued by t he ts e Ig wa The victory of Sunday puts the par tment and is available without Miamis at the head of t he li st, where cost to a ll who apply. GeoTge F. they expect to slay un til the ond of Schlessinge r, director. says that only the season. The boys g() to Wi!. onc map will be sent to each person, S d h th but a postal card will bring one, POilw erc ey tage prepaid t o all minglon meet the next Spring un Vallay ey team. reques t th e Bowersville and Jamestown play map. This new pUbhcatlon gives th} on t he loc.al lot Sunday afternoon. new marked Federal rO';ltes weI l The score ' as all State routes, is prmted 111 cOho . R HE ars and gives ea ch and every hill •
Bellingh am, Washington. J un e 90, ·lD27.
W''''m. . ..................... 2 5 8 w.y I,
t he
wi. . .
St. PaUl, and thirty mmu es 1\ cr e Miami8 .. ................. 10 12 9 which distanc es rom one d grea,t. Ilou.r mills ~nd . e.levators of ... .... another may be easily ' calculate • oits Mlnn e.'lP c~ll1e Into Vie W. Le~lV1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9· "Because of t he heavy cost of these in&' MInneapolis we soon we~e pa8SIn~ Woodmen .. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ~ \ _ 2 mapa we can only send one each to . great fi elds of potatoes, which ~ee~l . _ Miami. .. ... .2 6 0 2 0 0 1 0 0- 10 al\ applicants, but everybody who ap; e d as tnr advanced as they were In • _ ° pliea can have one mailed them free, Ohio; also the corn was as large beSchlesinger said. Applications aho~ld low St. Paul ns i.n the state. be addre88ed to George F . Schleam we were m t he spring wheat , state highway director, Colum. country, wh ich had hnd difJlcult y in bus, Ohio. getti ng t heir f ull a(!1'~age out, on of late wet spring. We pn~ With $260,000 availa ble from legtll- . many beau t iful f resh-wate r lukes 10 I . lative appropriationa for maldnll the t he Bread and Butter State, and fl · I I I 77th annual Ohio State Fair nally r each t he Red Rivery vnlley, j In order to the biggest In history, machinery ia P the land of big wheat and pota to the Forestry 1'0 ec w . : now in motion for buildin&, the ex. ranche~ occupying the bed of t he H. Dean, state forester from W60: position With $160,000 in eaah pr£. glacial iake, whose wa terR were once ter, theCllatter Conn y zes is expected In the ' ,8Slppl. . . AR we AgentIi ha88 requesh.... da arm own· various classes. In th e Uv eateclo drained by t 'he M IIIS1 d d lands progressed farther west, mu ch to my ers. w 0 ave roug a.n ero e class the premiums have been incnusurprise' t he soli was thoroughly Whlch tbey WOjUl d like to wood ed ' UO,OOO. 'There h811 been a 'COOO f arm 'would . Boaked, ,and In th e 3hort grass co unI ts f orest pro i ec tahlch for , or the In t h e dairy cattl e c\au and try t he streams were overllowing ng e and fnform... in speed: The openlnlr day of banks and irrigation sections e a v e SUgghS mature fair will be Columbus Day. Ohio under water . Nature had turntion. or If h would Stete univer!!lty and other Inl on water tram t he skies, too wet , " ( 'nl" L:JI the c num?er and stltutions which usually exhibit are Np. Freeman, the unhappy sbear t heir wonderonoffice hand,bykindly planning thJllr exhibits. , If/JT wtaoee hus~and was killed. by an help to thesheep, grass but and acrops. A • 1 same to his early report maiL . . ' A committee of Work hRS been started on the new automobUeJ ktlled henel! and hcr rancher from Cana~a told me I~ wa! 'Gve chlldlr.n When told tho same way up in Alberta, too WClt f alon the Little at the Ohio 'penltellt\arJ', to an orphan asylum. to thin their Bugar beets or fln lsh C UNT The world's record for the lartest armers g means the solving of two prob:ad than without a mothet," sowing their wheat but he sa id all RESULTS . ARE WHAT ,0 , and class ever il1itiated at one time by Todds Fork, Creek and lems which have taced the present administration- that of fumlaliiq the poor woman, and went with would be wen if sun only g ot on . and Mrs. George Wooll: y Paul any fraternal Iwill be er rough co:nty , She was careflll to protect job t or eight y-seven dRYS was all Discussion has been going on re- daughter, 'Miss Hazel, alld M ·k end broken at the slXty.ftrst _Ion of c~-operatingti n h mag te many idle eoaviet.• . canary birdl , Ptlttinll them, where the time 'r equired to make a crop of cenlty in the pres s about George Riggle, of Col';lmbus, wen wee the National Grange, in Clev.eland. hS~dol ~:[ t~~s 7is~ will Ynot housing facilities. Ward.deadly Ilas could not reach them. spring wheat in that latit ude, if con- Bernard remark a wom- guests of relat ives . November 16-26, 1927, a eco;:I:" owners 01 the county, lID den Thomall, after a conference with. She knew that ca nary biro have D ditlona were favora ble. Cat tle were an ought t o be a mother In order to ' M n"!lrd L. J. Taber, m8llter of . the a on e uest is to mend the general In. Governor Donahey, announced that value; lIomebody 'would bu)' t.hem scarce bllt many sheep in evidence. be a good t eacher. Miss Esther Weltz, Mr. ay Granlle. Being close to a delll!ely r. q. t all land owners of the he expects practically all of the work and treat 'them kindly. She knew Leaving Shelby the town made faThis r emark was mad e opposing Weltz and Mitis Louella populated Grange membership, with ; r more com lete infor on the additi\>nal bulldinp, that cbUdren no value ; that Ihe mous afew yean, ago ' by J. Demptendencies in many places to have were the dinner guesta· .railro.ad and faseeo Count Age:t CIIIIII 0; it ie estimated will cost more than eould 1I0t be l ure' 'that Itra ngers In lIe1. we ,rapldly ascend t he Rocklell only unmarried Ulaohers. Mrs. Lee Hawke and faml y, y. cilltles, . and WIth the finest au tor-11 h' ffi y $200 000 will be done by the pr!aoDlin asylum would treat tham kindly. untiI at T riple Div ide, we r ea ch a Many educators have expressed ium in the cou!lt.ry, a clasll of over ca at IS 0 ce; _ • en and very little ouUld. . " i (loint where the waters flow to tl\e themselves upon one side or the othMiss Mary Kathryn of R. 10,000 can be at one time. Labor will be employed. Thll . D 2 entertained Thunday evening, The largest clalll .ever Initiated by cates that a building which would orVilIUnll New York City with a Arctic Gulf of Mexico and ·Pacific. or of this question. party of dlltillgulshed T"X&ns, mli'es west Glacier National Af ter all it is merely a point :'f and National Grange WAIl I? coat probably a third more comed and looked up to •. lIteraily park Is r eached. It covers 3600 view. Lake Charles. LouiSIAna.. and ISS In 1920, '!Vhen 9,888 candldatel reo I by outside labor, can b. in other wa)'s, Moody miles. A f ew auto roods lind One side looks a t the question 1lB Elizabeth Evans, of Xema. celved the seventh delrl'ee of the by the prisonen, and the state ten. and thinu. . many trails penetrate n portion ,I! to wether a woman can do a good . Grange. At the sixtieth annual HIwOl have a $800,000 inveetm.~nt with HiI! hean that New 10fk City III the Pal;'k, where log ,liotels and cab- job of teaching or not. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman sian of t1!e National . Granlle in Port. aTlOutlay of oulrnOO,OOO. Brick _,_...:;....=....,,.:.-., the biQel~ Amerll!al1 factory tq'W1l, inll furni sh accommollationll or peoThe other side looks at the quel - had' as dinner guests last: Wednesday land, MalOe lut year, 7,1186 cancH. will come fl'om the prison P1a4lt, anel tumlng ont five and a half billion pie may-camp-ln-the The tlon 811 to whether tl\e woma n ought evening Mr. and Mn. Ra.ymond Mar· dates were tniliated. . The funeral of Mn. Mary Proctor sand from 'IItate .property, all of doUara worth o( product;. a :year. sDow~capped mountains, glaciers, to have the place or not with the latt, M~. and Mrs. C. 111. Robltzer, .-- • -Wlllon, former editor and manager which means an additional uvine to Governor·'Moody 18 too polite tQ men· lakes and flow en are very Interest- salary attached. . Mr. and Mr!!. F. M. Cole and Mn. of the Lebanon Patriot, died at state, Full credit for the plan ,t lon the f~t that any Sta~ he has inll: Farther west, after passing the In mnny places of business a Job B. Ehrhardt • the home of ~er daughter in Wll. enlarge the prillOn and have ~a eeen on hi. wa)' East, mcludlDll John F. Stevens etetue (the chief is looked upon all, a s ort of special liamsburg, Va., was held at the work done by inma.tea II given to York, could b. tucked away In engineer ' the G. N. R. R.) , at tho privilege and classes are fa· Mr. and Mrs. Harvey are. The work of changing the marken anon cemetery last Wednesday. Warden Thomas, . , ' and attract .much summit, we pan through a vored in giving Jobs out, such 811 tertainlng at dinner thiS evenlnll on all numbered routes of the Uni. M!'B' Willon owned and edited the . Texas alone, intenSIvely around a c."rve \\Ito world war veteran s, . old people, un- Mrs. Roy Masters and of ted States Hlghwaya in Ohio"III com PatrIot for more than a quarter of The Republican pany in .Ohlo ... , eould .feed every of the married people and so on. . Tampa, Fla" . Mrs. Leon, .Sahsbury pleted, The Cleveltmd to Cincinnati century. Bhe was the first probation a MusllOlini in Conlfl'Cuman Jametl T. 000,000 ilu"lAt' belnga 01'1 earth Morning finds us at the If a man can do the .busmess, or a and children and W. P. Salisbury, of highway, via Medina, Lodl, Ashland, officer of Wanen county, being ap- Begg, of Sandusky, who, accord\nt have room to raise cotton. met ropoli, of tbe Inland EqI-pu·e. II woman, either, what doell Cleveland, Mr. and Mr s. Russell Sal- Mansfield, Mt. Gilead, Delaware, Lon- pointed by Judge Boxwell, and aerv- to present plans intenda enterin&' tb. ---region of mining lumbering,' grain it make whether he or she 18 mar- isbury and children. . don, Xenia, Waynesville and Lebanon ed for more than four years. She .for gubernatorial honon nen While Brrd, was flying 'east acroh growing and fr",it raising an.d hydro- ried or not or young or will hereafter be kno'W1l as U. S.• 2. was a member of the state board of In a recent wae of. !JalUar'a the Atlantic, and two young Army electric deve}opme!)t.. LeavIng SpoWhat most people In business A leasant family reunion, with Port Huron, Mich., to lady villtors . at tbe O. S. " S. O. Be" is given a unique place men went west a cross the kane we croSH a portion of t he great is results. Who at,talOs them or b?,w Mr !d Mrs. Robert Walton. Mr. Ga., via Tolello, Maumee, PerrYsburg home in for 21 years and The article says that he Isn't of the at 1,10. mlJes ,a n lIour, our belt, until It beeomes, they are attained IS '0: of m- and Mrs. J. L. Hartsock, Mr. and Mrs Bowling Green , Findley, Lima, Wa- poetmlstreu Lebanon under the lIame nature All HarcUac the comet n lower altitude, tob dry fo r grain difference 80 long at! It 18 done hon. Archer Hartsock, Mr. and Mrs. Bert paokoneta, Sidney Piqua, Troy, Cleveland admmistration. and Taft, fonner Buckeye state <was leaving the earth dry farming methods. Now the eatiy. H k bosts and Mr. and Mn. D"yton Franklin, Monroe and Cin. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Fred idents but is "hard, hlird as nalla, various .conRtolla tlons , chamlterl! of commerce and . I remember once 11 presiding J Mr. 'and Mrs. Raymond cinnati,' will be kno'W1l as U, B. 26. erick Ball, of Williamsburg, with the hard-bolled member of eOD· ,..te of 66,600 ' mile. an hour, , bilt generally are pro mot- elder in t he Methodist church gave j,f I tt d sons Mr and . Mn. O. • _ • Whom IIhe made her home. gress. Hil ill nanow, deelded and Shah we, tJny creatures, when ing what known as t be ' Columbia as his for sending a man t o a Mar:. and Mr. and •_ • determined. He II reactlonU7. anil JeaNd from service on this Basin IrriptiQn Pr.Qject, a plan certain place the Ke.rn, as gIleslta, was held he doesn't care who ]mom It s. .male. sQme such jop\'net? I , whereby development "If I send ,thlit mal'\ It w111 kill the nda at the. home of and Mn. . ruthlen and Jim woald more Interesting lind reclamati..!lJ!.,...Q.Cnearly 2,000,000 laee and if r , don't aend him It will beJ Wa lton in Dayton. R b rt Z Buchwalter Judge of J Begg gives fair promise of tieing tha mil Int9 the Irl'ound to stay ere. acrea of l;lch volcanic ash Boll, now kill him, so between the t wo I will 0. , th °c e rt •f A II f the Fint MU880lini of Ohio polltlcl, If b. ' . ---- - . worhtlen, into about 40,000 produc-. send him and iave the man." . e . ou 0 ppea 9 0 t h' h succeeds will be a new and powerful Tile ·wi plan a dry ticket In tive farms, ,I' This is a good example of carc for In compliment to her co.l.lege fr!end s "!Jiltt:Ict, June 2 '. a 11 ST. MARY'S CHURCH figure in Ohio POlitiClI, one wh'o will 19;11t; I,f neither lIuppl,ell . The ' and fornl bureau of the individual ranking above care for Miss Olive Allen In fmcin::tl, after a:n illneas of BeV July 17 Fifth SOn day after Trin- disturb the easy ways of Senator with a ' candidate dl'y enough. r t he Northwest; are not in f avor of his work. Every mlln must judg- luncheon at R!ke's on SlIltU: V?' dee Ii h lte had nl re-School at 9:46; Morning Will and Fess. and perliaps of NiCk . It would be enllllhtening to nome ICU ge UC wa r o y Pra er and lermon at '11 o'clck. Longworth." e dry bringing, any more land und er cult\- ed by the kind of work he does and lowed 'by a theater part)r a 'Inate 'at least °ll F . votlon 'at the present time, bu , I not by whether he is of the tory ' the aft.ernoon. The cently In -:con: fIl are cordialy invited to attend The result would Instructive. ew look to see It, and the Colorado rlv- job or not. who en joyed thiS occasl(ln were 1111 Court 0 ,..ppea or e the.e servicea The article whi ch seemed InspirecHa .
I~ 'toc~ncern ~Ions e~r ~~: ~fnc:em ~~
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dlfferen~e 01~7
M~·. ~~rle
Appellate' Judge Diel
entertmne~ Wlt~ f
Markerl Chanaed
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lion acres to the 'great q tton, ·n.C?t to give the poalttona Maine, of Dr,;;t0n: • - • " CHRISTIAN CHURCH venHon In ] 928" therebylayillJ ..Ide, ' II I . 1'Icuiturai output. . . oui to ~alD groups of ,!,en. Mn. Spencer Shank and Miss rga ° • Sunda School at 9 '30 Every- the laws of Ohio which 'peclflc!a11J' At this moment of y nf (frQ8IIing 'the CQlumbla, we enter In considering an applicant for the ret Ba\1ant)'Jle, of Xenia. , bod invited. . • provides that all nomineel shall be ilium word of ca,utlon . . Wenatchee, north country, the job, sense' tella UII to con· . . , y y named at ItI\te-wlde primariu. ' and .sarr· AIId expert ·fllel'll remind of the big red apple. ·. The or·, elder .liis abl\lty to duMiltees Elsje and Doris Hawke en- · The IIChedule for the mall trains FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST every Republican Ilebi cliaDce to . · u "'ust to know how ar,e strunll along the t es of that buslnllllll and not his abU- terialned ·a .• fe,w frienda at a pl\fty on the Pennsy which went into ef· Bible School 9 :80 a . m.; Commun who shall head the It is . know the pilot and of the' ., feetl" J many miles, all I y in so!"e , other Saturday even!.ng. The c!arly part of fect, Tuesday, has been ion and sermon. Evening aervieea known that Be" and his immethl\lne . .. 4 • under irrigation, They produce.d A preSId ent 'of the . Un . h~: the evening Wall spent In playing No. 204, east, arrive. here at 1 . 6' 8 '15 All welcome. followers are ablolutel,. oppoa-' mayor of a. big. cIty s ou cards, At 9:16 ·the,. IldjouJ:Ded to which WAIl formerly at 9:21; No. 110 , . . HI 'II .. to the present pnmary aywtem. ' e mac " f ' b ' lalit ' ear in the district, 16,600 cars 'or d 1 ' u·1'JIIl I! mac blneShPtlenty of apples 'and 800 cllrs !>f be selected, beeallse he la capable of the Home Tea room, where ,deUclouB weat, atrivel here at 12 :21, fonnerl,. Nathan Johnson, DO n tar. figures that luccey will be more of them 18.. u nll.many oug sec· i .. work\!d , " .mto ' b:)'.p.ro d•. perfoJm1lng '/ . ' t h dt! Of h1a oftlce . .• U ' 0" Th t in d "ot run on d 1-1.. d d 1 · from the United cu Is, with e u d H d ha- refreshments were serve.",. pon !e. 11: o. ele' ra I 0 . THODIST CHURCH easily obtained by lian e• en 0 . dt ' Tii .,. ' . .-\11 these apples have btl and whether he was a gDQ an I tumin, the remainder of the eventn, Saturdays. .,,11 other trallll! run lIE ptea who will make up any conV8Dirr.me · i . the.",. sktilul ' . and Winesaps re retailing hereB ker and baby kisser or not.. hAIl wa. spent in clancln; ancl eer.nadlnll. about All UIIUal, . Sabbath Scbool, 9 :16 .. m.; Preaeh- tlon that ml,ht be helit. MDd " 0 0 danteroll'll at 60c' a , dozen. Yakima producfl Ing to do with case, In reality, a· ThOle prelent were MiI.ea Frances • - • ill&' Service at 10:80 .. m.; Epworth the article IIf,va, that B-* .' lIad and UnBar: . mii re ap'PleJ than W,e natehee, though in 'politics 'it haa mUCh, to do anct Ellutieth Henkle" Katherine . ' LO Leque . at 6:.6 p. m.; Evenina' desires the 1l0vemonhJp '. ,_ • . · In. nbw safe. Bui be . plal)), other ltlnda of fruit, and. has with it. • Fromm, DQrl1 Rhea Jlllet UI Preachlnlr Service at 7 :80 p. m. steppin&, atone towards tbe .' \ . . ~O;OOO· acrea ,in ,' this year, .!1 • - • . Ca'rtWright, EIther Hende.n, Esth.J., A, Washburn, Pastor, deney. ~st y.e~r. ~O. er ,velti, Marpret UII&'I_ It ' is rumored that the bua line • _ ••_ __ -B..,glnnlng 01) August' 1, IUr pa. few' Ij!IB acrea er lel!r service frOIn tlte to lumMa are being ShiP' by, Sara M 811lldl"e ,Luelle St. John, from J.ebanon will .tart & recular All of which is thIi . the Pacific i. prOmised, ' the triP . to ped in . Iota and retai1!nll here . L\leU. and Mn. XaWeel' echedul. from Lebanon throulrh to tim'e to RepubUcana ""laO ...,. ~ke thlhy Jlou"," , ' , ' forI jl6c. . .' On.'Sabbath night Jul)' 17, at.7:80, ,Noble. . XeniA ',n.xt week, glvina' a two-hour . way of namin&, their 0'W1l '.l0~"'" FIl'IIt : will Clime .. atralitii air we begin the there will be . a un.ion m the ' . eervice eut· an. weat. The Dayton There will be a shower for the W. and provea the fact that ' trlp .from San Frllnclsco to" untU we en- M. E. church at Wayncsvllle. Rev. A day was Sp4!llt when route will be contlnu.d, better C. T. U. Rest Cottalie Saturday af. much better mo'W1l than B .... Iii- . wlth,trailafers'to £01 2.% lY\iles 10,11&', S. W. .l,Celllter,,. representative of the. over fifty relatives at the service to that plaqe wUl main- "temoon, July 16. :Qonations of bed Ohio, a!ld not those wtth It reput;atro. r atUe "hen .a "San to croyed the Ohio LeBllUe. will be here. home .of Alice -Chenoweth laet Sun- tained. • _ • linen. pillows, furniture, bed cover- ratned. n WaahlnetC>n, have. cbOo, . 1 York Une.. Wl,tb theme: mnafera. the .Ioweat P¥B in, e and ,give the addresa. TJle W. C. day. K sumptuoull dinner was eerv· , ill&'B, floor coverinp, The ded. the 'put. BiIIr&' 1etiiJj:. tO for- , Paaaenger .blpl',wllI ...e.At .tllepre&-T.U.memhenwjllbepresentandcdatthenoonhour. . .I1I08O present iCation will be ,the 'openln, da, Ohio has' a . and 'ftylp" will 'started. '" 'the ..,t N:orthrern' 18 evel'Y in the toV(ll were: Victor Bunla ami faniU" Ed· ' the Ohautauqua, July 119. . {MYln 0Iau., B. ' .. .. _ . ' • w rk on a tunne 7,,,.. m es and community are urred to be prea- . d Long and family, Emma Grubb. . , . . • _. . . ban rea4..... . ,10,000,000 to be com· . . , war B dd 11: Elliott Ernest The Maaale Galf a1i4:f club all Ohio, alld are !lot . . 11m ent. . than three yean, !1 b 'rile 8810011 ele~ent " 18 arixiouJl to, ~l\addt;lrt Co~ne'r O~rl Con- te the home of the I , Monday with any national cUqu• • ..,.~ 600 fee into power and they are rll an c boomer Conner, ' of Dayton,: even", At the cloee" . • a If DOmln"!-d .... ed tlie r:oadb , .ail!: ,'mUea of " eekinll to overtlirow all temperal!ee::,r C: n1weth and family, of Xen· nCia We enjolecl. Ie. . . . . .ud~.. . Will 1 Folter of OInclnnati electe~, , ' ' ,, ' .n"",•.luula. ten mi~es of line, reduc- laws. TJte 'good, '''w..bidin. peo- I .y fro e Wa~eevl1le and vlclplty, Mr. Charles F .C~ waa p~nt. ~ In· til M' E churCh • • _ • Ie 17' ai'l"30 in ·operating tim, .of pa.. encel' pIe must ke." awaJc!l,' .' So ,c:bme to a, XCsmerle and ~,t C. H . Oon. at a lpectal . mMtiD&' Jut Tueada7, 'I\nd freignt trains tlii...... mfletlni' Fred 1* ' R. A • Conner and__ famdemO~Uo.lI teama. ~nlr'fJthutY ~"-U 'BIlL' ... A hone • hourLeavin.. the tunnel d Citland . he¥ hi ,.a llve mell&lfe , ner an d w.e, .. IIId dlacuaaecl ' '. _ . 0. e 11an... Q~t',L '. • . f o,n \:joo lenl p. • lly E; H. Hopkina and famny, "nu&& • - • a*ncluce II deaired, ' we PIUIf through several miles 0 " -, , •- • . H..... famny, E. R. Bentley anel '. VICS . .' _ • lUIo.waheda and a tunnel 0' FAST ' ONE' lflfe, r,ca0. Murray, AbUlolll Evana, COOD AD nlaOWlIIG II GOOD U1 0!eth ' . Howard qb8D!fW8tb, Eul ConDer, ' '1 adTIM womtD ·to . . Ioq clA. to.1't7-toJl tnct',loallecl -leml81'8't on PIllet SOUII" ~t Ever~ • "I lo.e to 8'9 rkUq ill To.""'. BthaD LewI< LtaI_ lA~ rantte b41d.....u ....... h!aIer . . . .d Imported .... neutb cit,. 80.000 population, -88 mn. ~III. 'RoJcel' WI' tMBDIld..,o". "for tIuIt ~ to J~~:r:. ~ •. aorth o.f Seattl.. ;:'I'" I un"........ D - - ' dar ..~ kwp ~IID .war fIoDl "~.al»o .-.
,~f "~on't'un\::a,,~ou The~ ~r~1
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(CJoBtill.... ClD PIIP 8)
t.mperan~e ~o~kn
Shower For Cottage
MalII·e. Calf It Pi,. Club
~t ~e 'bUi~
come', bac~
Temperance Rallt .
lIn~ ~ngele. .
pe~orm t~e dlrectll~d Sta~
B '~' 'ru~: ~
Malo. Arnva Ch angeel
==:.:.:u:. •• .
enlia'hteni~, .t
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('I rk of fnson, pnd Doroth y ElhlOr Rrllwn. 1t'1I1 h('r of Muon. l lllrn- J,llwrt!llf'c Dllrmlldy rllilroa d ~I 'I'k of it'llInklln, and ;}ohllnnp }<'ur· 101lff, Hlcn(l!(I'ltphcr, of Frll nklin, Jnlll\ Iltll thorn', grnCCl'ymnll. of lIfiddlt'\owlI . tIIul Anil D wnA, H('c/'e· lary uf l\lidtll"lo\\ n , P ROBAT E P ~ OIC EE DINCS IIl IlK NI<el'l.tle D" \\'itl<, . 8tl'0'1 .1 tIn I3r(llvn .11I!,:1(!, nrlm>:. (If th e: kel'. r l iddl, ?wn, lind ;\11I11 ~' 1 WOIHI , ' , , est.uto t,t Adll ,Br,/wn, filed her fi . t., 11"I'k (If Fn\nkhn, lin II fi llnl a cUlInt. • Ed lill };. Bixhy. nt,Min n IJlctu rf' Th(' will of Poto r D. HMfield wn~ JlI'ojuc iO Il I~t of Fl'llnklUl, nlld lila . udmitt J to prQb,lte. The L~bnnon· . E mley, ot Fl'lI l1k li n, . Wil liilm L: ll ~a!!. c1e l'~ ,f 'I n Cl~. itiz 'n lI ~ liunli l BII IlK lind '1'rusl u. b~ . Eulllss WAS nppointod ex c- nlHi. (lilt! W ulll la . , 0111 h, hoo . utor li nd , ,llil(g ills, Ed (I nk· ket'p"r, ll! L(!t):lnnll. lin [nd ,Iomos I~(l lle ll aJ)prnis'r s, t'lU in ~lI lcR mnd ' by Frllnk REAL E~TATE TRA SFE RS - -'"-=-'==-== !JUI'll , t!xeculor oC I,hl.' (>sllllo of CbllS, 'Iarenl!c F, alld l ~lndys It. Buer· CHAllTER VII nfirlllcd , r I° .R Oler I t G, .McConn ,,!,l:lIllltil\ n will he ~h,\ 1,1' liat nhllut 1111' l able \lIlkinl( in ~ ub· oburn Je'ln \\'cr Brown"J''PI'oved 'Iagle lIlId flie d c' hUI' suI ge rnlll' '. ell ' 'Th re WilS nu in!J'igue, Much liS <lu '\1 tOIl~S, They . IU,I, hilt! insisted bill , • . WO,:!:! ,11<'1' ,. of ,lan d in Washi ngt on Culht of Trealo n t would be ~' our nalU\'1I1 s uppoaition , lhnt. ~he p111Y nnd "i ng, while they D' ' b ' fit t f Adda townshIp, This i ~ why I reI('a d h'r. And )luLlcreo OV('I' maps which were grow Isln utl o n ° l l l' I'S a Q o . Brintun I\lt.Crnll' lO Hazel :'> \\'a f . the Mn recounted what Imd in.!! ~ 1Il1l11el' and ~lI1a ll r. ' BrlJwn II'Il S marl e, ,JClIll B, 10· ford .20 tuwn I(lts in lIliami purk, Tho meers filed ut 1:'1'111'(1),. 1he \hriet1~' Wa yn e 2 % Hog ~ (>a l is a b ig profit'I'hc ,'nlmlle!' of IIIl orderly inter· gle filed he r firs t II lI d filia l uce ou lilo () 'f' II T Ge neral'lI 80n ulong with them, All .1\1;. n' Illnc(' on II 'el'tllin nig ht in , l ' b ma t' f I l t c f I\1 nrv eor w ( p, , ker for a ny hog raIser who has an ;,hun0 Ri ch IiI Ollii. "ir, r was ono of th ose ruplt'o I he ~UlIg, ' 15 1'1 U Ion 0 I lC ~H II 0 ' , HnTl' y Ilnd Mllud M , line, tn Steph. thos~ carefU\ly III it! plans gene like "Sir. I hlll'C 10 l'ppnrt th at Sentry J, Dl'llkl.' wa~ <JI't!l'I'(,d I1ln~c, The en B, And :>Iona I\\. LOII'e 50 ... 0 Ilcre:! • pUff 'ot smoke! But it WIIS certain IIllln. lind ~he was th e woman.' ' dance of co rn to feed. "Go Ift your tellt a nd consider .Tt'lIl1 ings found thiN fai r of ~hoc~ at sum prOCeedlll1r \\':I~ Lllk n III tht' e· f I d' \\' h' t ,;, in the mind! 01 them 11 thut noth· d Tids' hig h p ro t ein concentra te ba lances your ' Y ' t h " fl ' b l i n • I ' \ V'l k 0 n" III as mg C)lI 'p. Inc on God's earth coulU prcl'('nt II son your.se UI1 01' "rre.... ou re no u en .. 0 liS CII , lev were IV rm lllle o f \\ 1\ tel' " " 'erson, cll'ndo GI.'I" st lu Geo, C, lind Ed. of mine hence forth. " whpl\ he founcl them s ll .. " P I f II t f th e liP , ftrinr squat! at. 8u nrise, ' co rn at a ver y low cos t per unit of diges tible ll\s tllll li v Jl'll1l1le und her ndmirers ,roo 0 JlU I ICI~ Ion 0 ' • 'th L, W avcl' I tO WI\ lot ill F'rank lill. Capta.ln Armituge entered hi ~ -tent ll W hen Jeanne B Dufort climbl'd proteill, anti insures the ldghest feedin g value ea.lmJy eno ugh : j)ut once there he fall shore she know now and und ers tood "'\Ithered ltbOJut t he tu Ll e, A ~en!'rlll pOlntm cnl ' o f Annw Doughmlln ,las I Fred BI'uck r ct ul. ~o J 08ephi ne ' Deel'l1t' ~ Id CXl!culrix e r ' of the slall' of Val en tlll Cl R 0 hlf8 • • ,3 t OWn nen's III to pacing. By and by he nu1l'l'd the h had saved her b caus he hud ..look lip " shoe "lit! lookC'd it o v from your corn. recog nized her, n ot ns Alice Trent, cu r full y, ' Dou!I'!llnun., \\'II S mud(', t ownship. candle. Sold by !Jut as the Jeanne Bell uforL who hnd "Mllde by the Ya nkee government" Ulsll'luUllOn of t h e ('stille II f !lLhBe!'t nn I I I'll n Fi shC'r to Elmer The spy lay quietly, wasting no erin ' Il arbllllgh ~\'os made, , L. and Ali~" 11. Pelle, 1 tow n lot , in efFort a t the bo nds, t Ied none t oo luced alone the anger of elel'en men , \\'u~ his com", nt. gently. T he guard paced bllck and He WIIS the man who hlld slepped "A I'my .hnl'~." ~/I i,1 J l!lI l1 ne, "Morl! Helen L, n~Llson" UdlllX, oI lh .. l\(uineville lind 3~,3G aCJ'es of IlI nd 'It T forth and eccasiona\)y paused to out t hnt night and offered to lIl ll rry limn lhnl. I hey :II" officer's shoes." "slnte of Cn ille Rob ison, filed her , H «lance inside the t.ent . H our (liter her to sal' hcr life, S he kne\\' Ihat All l'xC(' J1l thc Cenerlll lo(, kcd ot fir.,t lind filial ucco un t.. , 11\ nUOI~I~lI L 01,I Col~k t n Rol\n nncl lura hour went by. s he loved! ' h~r"Yilluu w,\!ldcl', Hur n ' L, UlIl'mody, g Ullrdlan of C k lY t I t ' F kl ' Fi I' dnys later J lIllne WlIS serv111',1 right. Miss Ilc.'lI ufort," .' G ' til d I ' 00, \l wn tl\ , mn In, At midn ight the spy heard a rllth. I'uy, 11 minor, I e lis Finley unci ,ul'n h A. Thomu to • er Ullusual sound a~ the r ear of the Ing tea in n drawing.room in \Vllsh. 1:lId h(' C,III1II1!!' I Cl h{·!' rescuc, "It. 'alhc rm!! , JRm ~ Pile and 1', W, Franz. 1 town 1;' t ent. It was a whispering so und, as Ingtoll. Ev ry tim the bell rang si)l' nifie" th aL we hal'(' nn ullw 'lcomc g cond account, Phone 25, Wayneswllle, Ohio Iier hcart lellped wildly. he fea red guest hl' l'eu!)ollis, The II xt thing- is Court ord e\'ed th R~ ~ ce l' llfi c~ cOP,Y lot in Frllnklin, • of one crawl injt over gr ass. !\I ~\I't,I (' I obe rt til Mt\1'Y S , Mnxwell Presently a strange ha nd 'Workeri to see Al'luitngei yet iOCOil sistently \ 0 filld him, 1\lnI111 . will you ~cc the of Lhc IIlry !let I'!"Jn ll1g lh l! IIlherl' she longed to see him. he craved prUI'Or " rlh' r~ arc gil'll lI 10 preven l tn nc.c lax to' be 'P,,"1 frolll the CSLllte 16 ' r I I ' J[ I l' at tbe ropes:I ' ) ' k ' ' b t'fi , I t nc resD,0 Don~on U1j( IIIto Gl!or~c ur a n Ip,I. Ro~. There came a fa int whisper : "Alice to know if het hewould recognize in lin t 11 es 8 nil ee frulll gettsng uul of our ofh Hnrr), ', ,DcGllrnH'. e eel' I Cu II i\lnry Tront" woman of tho 10fL, ?" .. .., '" "When' you hea r me talki ng to t he thiH is in ad ditio n to t he ta rift' to aUul.or. , I tOW ill Franklin,onstub le, a-uud slip out at the rea r . Make t.he ca bin alld U1C tent, "rl's., sir!" The young officer r an l eTho slime Imle r was Issued CO!I. nagle, Jane. mithII lot tn Allnu I h.. btu'he r, straight for the river. The way is One d ay h e appcare d in muf1.i with from the cernin g Ihe estale of Walt I' S, W I1· 2 to\\'n 10'" I'n Butl'r\,'I.llo. a n officer un known to her. A lieutell' 'I'h Gen 'ro l put the ~hocR upon ...' fairly clear." SOIllC of IhoBC dllYs crossing the .. ' Hoch el B. !J al'ding to Emmll Smith The whisperer felt his hand being a nt Lowell. Shrewd ly she wotched the tob le ond rose, The rest of the kerson. Mohumm(' tlnn p r ie~t~ in Lhe Cn u· Atllln t ic by pla ne is go ing lo get so Proof of publicatIon of the liP' t o\\' n Int in Frallkli n caught by smaU ones. He drew Al;llliWgIl\ a nd h er covert scrutiny fi· stnfT rose wilh him. ' 0 Ul< Us l1I ()u nt" i n ~, I'C elllly publicly Pres nUy J ellnn e was alone. With pointm ont of Worren Burton as adm, UllIrtI A, Gross to .je$S e S, it back quickly, for t he kIss bad th 11 lIy con vinced her t hat. he harbored cOlldemnecl a I'lulio ~c t as II device of common Lhlll it will get t he crosser feel of bot leed. n ot t he slig htest suspiCion that "AI· her arm s folded across her bosom', of th e setn~e ofJames Burton, was 2 town lots in £i'rnnklin, tJ'Q de vil Ilnd threw it ovu r a cliff, just l hr e lines in th.. society col. A little 'later a shot was heard icc Trent" and the woman' he had she bent her gaze upon the shoes, filed, ) .. J CMC R, Gross to Laurll A. Wa must con'fe ~s tha t II I ti mes wo limn, . alon&, the , TiVj!l' bank. Two mOJ:e saved we r e one and th e ~me, T hey muto witll csses of II busin ess shE' ~Jroof of p~bl lcfltll OIl of the ap· town lot in 'Fronklin, ,Hota foll~w:ed IwrriedJy at the. ten t we re at Wllr , he on one ,slde a nd .she knew only too wel l. Somew here in pOtnlrnent of Zack FI,deher as adm , It is ju~1. nne thing litter IInother. Ed Huwth orn to J ames Pile a nd ha"e t h e Mille 80r t ,of ,fee linA: espec· inlly whell th Stotlc IS purticulli r ly , ' of General "ArmItage, where a light on the oth er, . . . God was a Just the cnmp lh ere w,.. 11 mall in stock· of the estute oC SallIe A. F letcher, "', "V, Franz, 1 tOIVTI lot 'I n God, but n cyertbo.leSll He had His inged fee t. fil d ... , 0 .till burned. , I J ust us the creRt of th snxophone bad. They were , toul s hoes, but al the \vas e , Jam es Pile and F. W, Frum; to "I bave to report, sir, t hat the spy playful ironies. She loyed a Yon· Now , thn t !lying across the At la n· wa ve seems to hllve possed there are baa_pedr' kee. I same lime they were small a ud ---GI'o\,re lind Margue rite R q ua r th, 1 tic hus become lin e~labli she c\ fact indiclltions, ~n th e vaud eville stuge, When Ar mitage and his frlcn~ le~ shapely, The mll ck, which wus stilt ACCOUNTS AI?PROVED town lot in Franklin. At about mi~t Captain Armi~ they, u pon them, mude mll nifest that Frederirk Fische r to Elizabeth the n ext thing you knoll' somebody that tho Ilccord inn is com inlJ' back, taae had ~ to. question him. Ithe house hi) wu!ked along m Sl· damp f First and I\nlll acco un ts of Iyde Fischer 115.09 ac r eR of IlI nd in Tllr. w ill a Cluall y be squllring a ~ i r cl e or .rut befo,re t he twI looked Into ence or a w . e. t h e 'owner hnd come IIcross' t he river A Toront o mun, believing that the the tent &IUl ~y WIllI yet there, pcr:fccli ng 1\ pc r pctnoJ moholl rna· Cox, oxec utor of the est.nte 01 Chas, lIecree k T p, 'w. Cox. Win necke comet meanll t he end of When General ~Jtap returned to c hine. h1a tent. be 'loud hI. BOn. First aCcl;lu nt of J , L, Flac k, a dm . T he ()llI-fnshi oned booze used to the wOI'ld , malIc his will and killed "Ala, ,Jo~" 'laid the father vio. of the estate of Mary L. McCoy, BRUT ALLY FRANK cause t he dr inker to sing n few his dog. The most that c.n n be 8Ilid latly, "an tL_ 'plaDI Bone ~ plot econd account of An lla Grn hnm . songs before he we nt to s1 ep, but about this Is that it \Vus a little hard a niahtl Damnation I Spies outg uardia n of Lyle K . an d ' Karl V , Bide, ~d traif.ots within 1 In God'" Pereivul- "\ ill you plonse mlll'r y '>" ith bootleg liquor he doesn' t have lI lI the dog, Hightman . ll&lIIe, how ~ ... ead the war When me?" . t ime t get in a ny Singing . --='--F inal a cco un t of Ever ett Ertel, adm . ncb thIDa .emt'" Helen- " Oh, Perc, this is so BudA Dritish statesma n suggesta that of th e estate of Georlte W. E rtel. "I am - the traitor, father," Mid den. Why?" the IOD, quietlY. an el cetion be held among the Hun· Pi , t and fi nal a ccQunt of Corrinn e "What's tha1T" The general leall. Bord cfnelter, a t!mx. of the estnte of . PercivIl I- " Welt, I'll let you in on garians ,in E urope undel' American a seCret. I want to t llke you ho.me, contiol. ed &4!fOIB the tablet .his mouth open, Robert E, Bordenfel tE'r . Well, t he mn.rines could lUI 117M at their WUleat. mothe r hllsdn' t hlld a la ugh In get away wi t h it if anybody could, ' First a nd final acc IUn t of HaITiet My years." , UI .lreed . the ap",:' , C. ' W right, admx. of t he estate of • "You, ~ IOIlfl , It is said t hllt the Democrats may Willia rd J. Wright. "Y... But before lOu Fve any take t heir Nation 1 convention to AND! DITTO OJden, fath_" Malvina and Al bert Stacy, a dms. MUlIS uehusettB next year. Mayhe. "Say 'sirl' .. came quiekly through of th e esoote of Chloo Z. ides, fi led t to "find o.ut how Coolidge t hey wnll tile of ' tb,e man opposite. ' He- " Ob you lll'ink m n nre mad e did it. their inventoJ;y and llpp raiaemenl'. "Bifore '}tou tfi'e any orders, 8ir. Court ordered t hat a cert.ified copy of dust?" I .~t ~u to Mar the rigbts of It, According to the New :You Time~ of the en try deter mining inheri tunce . She (e mpha\;iclllly} _ ''N(). If the y iaeh .. tb~ An."' , tax to be paid :from the estate of wero,. r illlagin e you'd dry up once sumrn r bllg"n t.his yea r on June 22, .....htat Did you &ive the 8py Addie S .Brown, be certified to the 1'1 awhile." oll e day late. But a ,·lot of middle· h1a Wol'IDAtioa toot .. audito r. • "When y,ou hear me tallti~1 t o the I UDrd, . lip out. at thl! rear," western oorn gwwors are conylnced '''No, afro 'Wh8D the spy eaid to James Arn old WM fi ned $211 an d t hat i t- wus several days late. IeU'Ch me jIf,t ei - he Willi dead, di,d "Well ?" sold Armit.age, finall y. l:l low the plantntion i forat t he north costs a mounti ng to $8.30 on a 'charge Dot the atra,a,p\llll of ~t reque8t It is suld that. the Sioux lndiaps. 11. 1 1 you SIll', J ohn, find " She is Itrib )'Ou,_~" . Ut WIllI a woman,/' mor e. But. if 1 flossessed y our turn of the camp ~hll soil was fLl'm nnd of in toxicati on. an going t o name President Cool· "A womer' The Genera) stepped tocky. L. S. Shawha n, gua rdian of Adolp h of mind I' d flghl; shy of her," idge " Still Waters" when they mlbaek. "You lay a womanT'1 ' From t he outh ! What did t hat Snider, WaS uuthorized to mortgage " That 's my intention . What would mean? tia te h im in to lheir tribe. Wonder "YN, 8lr, ,a 'WOman. And if you A slight shiver wri nkled her certai n property. ' ' what t hey wo uld c~ * r Hef. will permit me to explain, sir, the you have dOlle in my place?'" our t or dered that app lication be spin e. ' T here wa,s ever thllt fear in "Where?" lin ? her hellt;t that some day she wOllld made to the Dayton Soote hospitnl " J ea nn e Beuufort." mect olle mil n i ll ' the purs uit of "Oh. W ell, s ince you ask , I'd duly. Wh Dt would hap p ~ n when The B olshevik orn tors used to' ten for tbe a dmitOOnce of I da S ibey, have got up wit h the firing "quad . dl'ellded momc]1t came? us that the Standurd Oil COlnpllny , Pllul Gard ner Willi fin ed $25 a nd 'I t's a devil of n me~ you've got He ' \Vas ill ,h is stoekhig-f eet. A costs amount ing t o $7.J 0 on a cbarge could do anythin g, but it no~ devel· DODtiat yourself iil. Here you arc. g uilty of man di d not wander about a ca mp of illtoxication, ops that it can't even check the fiow a ttcasonllble act. m edting court- ill t hat fashio n. He wall Rob r t Simolls was I!l' i\' en the ume of crude oil. martin1 and 101lg im prlsollm nt. Your within t he hQU e ! Tbis fin e on th is charltc. dlld has disowned you , And who Salaries of ,mov ie stars are to be , Cha rter s D, Maple. ndm , of t he es. could blamo hi m? You nre -lit Ub· Cilln e as a shock.. c ut ten per cent . but it is not stute,d , A Yank e spy, a n offi cer. wns ~idt.atecif Suson C. Lewin fil ed his fi rst erty t oday because the whole orgal1,' mg under her roof! Her first un· d fi I 't ' whether t his is ten per cent of theu: : - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _-. irotlon stood bllck of yo u. You ' r~ pu lse was to se k the General and an na accou'll, : " . stated salaries or 't.en per 'cent of on nrobntlon i so min d your walle. discloRe to him her discove ry. Then 'Waldron.c' GIlmour was appoJnt. what they actually 'get. ' youlll n ever co nvi nce t hose whd do the old wearincss and d istas te bore ed an npprllu!'e r of th e estnte of P eter not know t hat yo u didn' t haye an in~ down Upon hcr. It is Baid tbat the Pons·Minnecke D. Hatfield in pla ce of Ed S. Con kl in trigue wi th t hat womon. Your f ath. Lntely she hnd execu ted her mis· The estate of Cat.htn in e W. R a rcomet got within t hree and a ,h alf er turned you over to t he Govern. s ions loyally, with the same care and baugl) wOs found exefnpt of inher i. miles 'of the 'ea~h 011 this m(fnt--a pretty brave th in g to do. shrc,wdness 'a s hereto for e i but t he tance tax. trip, ' and tor. our part we are willing Have you been to see K enned y yet?" pasSIO~lIll! hate WIIS ~on e, A Yankee P. S. Ha. r baugh, ndm , of the estate to say that is nelU', enough. "No. I suppose J o ugh t to." of Catherine M. Hllrbll ugh, filed his WE GET THEM QUICKLY AND ;'Go to his rooms now. '1'ell hi m Will; st111 a human be mg, T.be ni otionp icture film CU8llnoya FREE OF CHARCE (To be conti nu ed) first and final acco unt. you thnnk him. Without. his nid you has made a greaj; hit ill Pal;is. UnCALL US ANY TIME ' A.T OUR would have face d co urt-mattial. He t il we read this we thought tbllt (las. ', EXPENSE , , is elear in t he time upp erofsto· MARRIAGE, LI(:ENSES ry;not foralways he bad a tough it, nnova was som e kind of a mus kmelon and It left his mark ," . Girls ' in Bre lau, Germany, ' who oar Cllrl E . Hartsock, p ai nte r, of "AU rig ht. I 'll g o over a nd have Hard boil d eggs a r c somet imes Wa ynesvi lle, a nd E mm a Elizubllth have their hair bobbed mus~' pay .one Pboa. • HARVEYSBURG. O. a talk wit /l h,im." , • used to garnish fish in a colorful way. Keever, f actory workCl', of Lebanon. Kennedy dId !,}ot seem parts cularly Garn ishes t hnt enn be enten are to per mimth au( 11 special tax mto I.~;;~;;;;;;;~~;;;: Dlllrk Geo rge' R,obert Ce l'ard, shipping t he city trea8~ry. And of course I ~ glad to see Armitage: I f " d f y' k I tlSOll, there's only Ol1e real ques. )11 ,pre one or eeonom s sa !l. tlon' I' m going to ask y ou ." he said. , ' - ="Did yoil know ' this J ea nne Bea ufort ,!he IIlsc~s of I,emon us ually aero:' S'MATTER POP By' C. M. PA YNE I.~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who'. Cuckoo NOlw? that nignt in Richmond? ,' Hod y ou ed as n ga rnish wl t h fish, whether It '. ever ,met her' before?" is broil ed, fried or baked, ll1'e not " Cood Lord, no mo.rely a decornti on, They are mean t "Well, for a while you WIll be un· to , f urnish the lemo n. juice del' my orders. Watch that r ogue makes the fl sl! marc appetizin g , lind' ";. ......... ., Mprgan i f ollow every womll n ~e ~nci d en taIJy to increase Ute supply speaks to. In ot her words, fi nd t hiS t ' . C' MONEYLO~NED ' woman you let go i find J eann e Beau. 0 . I'ltanll n 'n the moal: Many for!.. " people pre[cr to pass t he lom?n se p. LOANS on ,Chlittela,Stoclui, BeeudThe old plan tntioll ho me of the aralely r~t11~1' lhll u. to, garnIsh t he Beauforts was like th e r un of its plotter WIth It, T he s hces of lemon tiee and S8!!Ql},d M,o rtgalru, ' No~ kind. The kitehens W';!'C und er .n n~e es pec ially IIttrnctive if sprinkled bought. John Barblne Jr., ' Xe~l.. single story. The shelVIng r oof ran WI th chopp ed pa rs\er. Ohio. ., ' ·m80.'2v " ' _ _ \ Tueaday, 9 a.m. 3lp.m up to the window!! of the wing. to > the spllre bedrooms. Upon the shin. T he beneficial e ffect of sunlight is Saturdaj.8 a.m. 7 p.rn gles loy t he fi g ure ,of a man, an d not obtu i,ned unl ess the' roys reach < , ' " , t "I f rom the corn el' ,of. hIS e ye he 'vatcb· t he s kin ' d irect l)" Clothing or winFanneR of' Wuren .n4 adjolntn, j J~welry ed tho n eorest bl vq uuc fire, By and dow g lnss keep out t he ultra.VIolet by taps sound ed a nd t he man enter· , , counties may obtain ' money on lon, cd the !rarret mid dropp ed to sleep. I'~ ys, It 1S onl y whe n , the skm beUme loans, at 'I\' per cont intertlt. Jeanne hlld retur ned home t q find g sn s to he' tan ned thaI; any benefit Cost of securing the 'lame II ver, rea- ' . that her fath er's regiment, with oth· may be expecte d, Sun baths in the 80mible ,tbroultb 'r,tle Federal ,~n' ~ er,s was quartered at the plantati on d irect s unlig ht li r e the simplest mcth Bank. , For furtber Informatloll, eat . . for th e seve rel' mo,:,ths. She was ~e. od of giving t he baby ultra.violet lighted, I~ puls wmgs t o d epres.~ln g light. Of course, ellch mother must on or addreu M, C. PRAU, Tn... thoughts ; It !(ave b e~ ph YS Ical liS uso discre'tion and begin by' exposurer, pho~e '81~-X, LebanqD. Ohio. we ll as mental occupation. ' h h' ld ' d I 'It was like olden ti mes to see th ese I~ g er c I gra .Ull Iy, ! or shon pe. bright-faced young offic crs · IIbout , 1'Iods fi nd keep hIm protected from with their exagg e rated co mpl iments, the w/l1d, FOR SALl Shows Daily the courtly airs which t he Nort hern. " ill'S lacked. ; 'l~ •• 30 _II 8.30 p. Dl. Left·Qvel' cooked meats need spec. Tonight she sat at th e p ill no. The ial ca re in summ er. Moist cooked younger' officers were gathe red a bout foo ds, pa rticulll rly those made ' with her, The older membe r s of the stut! milk, eggs, meat or fish, a rc excellen t brecding plllces f or harmful micro.or. I , ganisms , includi ng t hose that cause serious p Oisoning, withou t making t he fOo d taste 01' smell spoiled. L eft ovel's uf meat pies, dishes Illade with crMm \:Ia uc e, g ravies, cu stards, beiilcd or c,r.ca m sailld dre 5sin ~, must be clIl'efuli y hun dl ed aDd sl)Quld' be used p romptly. In hot, weathaI' left-overs ), >, should be boiled or thqroug bly heat. cd befor e being served ugnil). U.·EaW;l, for Your S.le Date.,. We Guarant .. e
Get Quicker Gains At a Lower Cost Per Pound
Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company
---- --_.----
Dr. ,Jobn W. Miller
"Insl·de In format •. on"
HarveysL--g 'Fertilizer Co.
. A ' . ," Farmers. ' ttentlon.
GRAND1'IIQntt, Lebanon :r;;;;-
Jesse Stanley
,A uctioneer s
• . SatiJ.,.Uon or ,Charge Nothing. <
New Burlington,O. Phone No. 320'
' .~"'-, -
, Indiana ~foma il he ir t o ~ l , OOO , OOO 'keops rig nt on wllshing dishes ,which of course, is 'much b~tter tho~ heav. ing them a t the hardworkipg husband who is sticking t o his jo b until the money is delivered.
IIDwred at the POltoftlee at WayneevUJe; 0., al Second Clau HaD ')(atter D. L CRANE, EcIIlor a.. PliloUaber, Way.emll., 010'0
Sublcription Price. U.I/O per year.
Of Course You Can Ride On Gooilyears
Miss Harriett Tucker has retumed trO,m a pleal\llfit visit in .Xenin. Durwal'd Klrlll~y, o~ Covinton. Ky., Is visiting r elatives in t his vicinity. M1s!l Hole n Randall ia attel1dl State cump this week. John Tllc\(er and Harold Bogan spent Sundlly 'I\£ternoon In Lebanon. '~Usaell . EVlllyn Penney lind ' Pl\ul apent the Fourth in Dnl1on.
TOLERANCE. THE TEST TO BE] wi th f r eo schools so promin ont, nnd with Miss Ernel!thle CIVILIZED 11l'is01l8 ~o "few. It wus the other land. way ro un d once, ail over the world. Mt:. Bnd f rs. Charles H . Gray lind family we rc Sunday g uests of Mr. AI'e yo u civillzed '/ Be eUI'e rul, SNAP SHOTS lind Mrs. W. M. Mllthills. in Dayton. now. before answering. because LhcTo is n g unge by wh ich you cun judge Mrs. W. C. Walker, of Dayton. ,Yo urself- an d yo u may be surprised Without a ny disrespect to Mr, II I t he fl ndil1gs. A I1swe r ucc umw- Oawes it is a fact t he Vice. Presi. was t he g uest of her parents, Mr. Rnd Mrs. A. L. Kennedy. this week. ly- "f[ow lolel'lln t n ~'e yo u ?"- und dcnL li ves in Chicago. yo u w ill know to whnt degl'ee you ure Mi's seo Pll ulin e and Lois Evans, of - 0civilized. German town. visited fl'iendo her e this An yhow, Commnnde r Byrd and his f It hus 6een IIptl y put by ono wriweek. t e r th ll\. : "The mensure of your ~l fl ying males, hold t he "long Hying f ol' a bath" Clllllllpionship. M. C. Gordon spent Thursdoy night OI'UIICO is your distance f r om t he j un- 0and P'.'idll), wi th lI is son. Lester. and gle." Schooling Hnd manners llave Many 0 mlln who n ever hlld much und Wife At Waynesville. no\.hillg whlltBoCVCI' to do wit h t olernn ce. These nrc only venect·. Ma· a f umily tree f ony ki nd has Mr. a nd Mrs. W. P. McCarren and ny people neve r devolop U s ufficient bl'a nehed out for himself qui te soc- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gordon motored .' , degr ee of t olel'lI nce te qualify lUI cessf ully. to Detl·oit. 1'hur day af terno on, r e--0civilizcd poe pie. ~ t is th ese who t urning . nt u n /l.IY. clluse most of t he troubl e In th e world FOOd by rad ie now. At least the Miss /II al'gal ··t l. harles is - t hey crucify they whip ut the stake ~tatic nu t in our n ' ighborhood Sllili they m id, t hey bur n, they do not he got. Ha mbu rg and J nvu the other Il tives in Colum bus. wh ile is. M,'. IIn ti Mrs. Cha rles r eoso n. Hote a nd br utality are t heir night. IIn8W01'8 to logic. --0cn lc rtll; " , III! .1 n ·phow from the "How_ nl oy I kn ow wh~thel' r mil I f th esc yo ung Ame r ica ns don't Sliute city. tole rlWlt or not?" y~u may ask. Here sLop these fl yi ng s t unts they nre goi Mr. II IllI Mrs. Il owa l'd Graham nnd nre a fe w cha racteristics : , to t urn all t he big city neW~ I}fipl' rS da ughters ure entertai ning n number Whe n It mll n says he will not IIr- inlo aviation sheelq of young folks wil h a houes pa rty. gue, he usually' means he will not IiH-o~ t his week. C ~o n li n lle(j fr u m p a ge 1 ten. H e has opinions nnd he d lights Aiter observing the type of me Mr. an d Mrs. Arch Penn ey to make them voelll. Bu t t when he , n ('ro Rslll", t rom h l' rl ~ 10 " r h hl 1o ~~ Ts I t Id J' ·'d . f th t · . t h 80me women de hbeflltely throw thell1- da ug hte rs. Beatrice nnd Audrey .U8 8 1 Il 0 .e S olY li D - selves a t--we know l hey cu n never spent the Fourth wit h PrRnk Wilson land Illn " mlh'" <I 16""1I. n. tr ill I. mu d,' .Ias 0 thrau!;'h t h ' I"' rr " rl ·Iel". T~ ulIYHloUn!\' IIIg re maln H .to lJ~ IInto . He COII - brag Rb out t heir oim in life' a nd fa mil y. or tl1 \, ~l. rn l hU1I fI ,' d- urr (" s 8ure strues any diSCUSSion o f lho mutt er - 0- ' Iy nn. ' .n I Hc fi ll" berr '1"" .III t a CUll 11liS nn e tTol·t on your par t to " lIrMr. u nd lIf l·s. Geo rge Purd en· Rnd try. , he)' nr III III Inrl;'" 8 11 1) 11 1), lhl8 gue ' .'He begins with t he assump· President Coolidge is pr esented daughter . Thelma. spent Sunday with ye ar u n u qll llb "" "Il, t hl' IU " q u nr t B r or ~ 6c. u r $ I. ill 'for w r- n ' ~'- foul' quart tien t ha t a ny opin io n t hut fa ils to wit h 1I new cowboy su it which makes Mr. li nd Mrs. A. C. P enn ey and fam. O l·a.t.,.. '1' hol' n ,·~ 8h ll'll ,I' fre. iI 011 11 n e d I\tl d !'nl\il.r t hou i'lll1ll J8 t Ori S htLr rotcct IIgree w ith his is silly. it a ppea r Weetern Republi cans IIrc i1 y. n. rc Bo n t to a. U p a r t R of l h L! wn r Ul. '1' ho world is full of s uch people. trying to change the porty symbol ng ,havlllJ;' cl eolre.1 to HO tifo Olym Mr. olld Mrs. E. M. Villars lind p iel.op~ n lnJHI I t\. w (> ,' r OSH (j \' r to Po rt Good list ener!!. are rare. P eople who from t h 0 eIepha n t t 0 t h bronco. son, Billy. Miss Isadora Squires lind rOW'l1Hend nn<l th ell on \.0 Port A'n!;'cl 8 . --0B'II S ' tll . . will IistAln tutho other side are rll rlh e count)! Be a t nt t he Jno6 t lI o r t hw e8t or aW l Aft a fact too Illony of us "Three boys drown ed under Sing It i Sml d VISite d fri ends in Cincin- ern co un l ~' In tho . . " A . It ha. 11. 81}) n dl,.t h nrbo r' nn d t h e U . S. wa r's hlps . . un oy. are , ~Il ore or leas ignoran t narrow. S· 109 · pnson wa II 8 wee ping an d curs· na , n rc 8le.Uo n r ll lh e-r a In J u l y n n o Aug" 8 L Th e cit}' I. 0l>p081te a nd r1 IRtnllt minded and ' intolerant. Young peo- jng conVicts wllnting to go to resc ue Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cllrr, of eightee n mll e8 rrom Vlctorl n. lhe pie, csp ciully those with g OOd minds. but beld at bay by guards wit h lev- Iyn, N. Y., IIrri.ved Sunday to Itn l or British Q,umhla, whlle I th o Olvllllll " rnn lres low r are in toleran t 01 other opinions. Old e!ed . ri ~e8., News n ot e. So t his is t ion at Lhe home of Mr. CaTro par- rt h I\r e ir fl Oln 4!1!I ~tll \(1 JRj.t'Ke Q p oak s III I II ' I I people .who have good minds U8UIII- civilization. onts, MI'. nnd Mrs. William Carr. W . I p o r e nn ~ 1t, ~ ltd (! 4lt n lHl w h ll .. their ,. Iu l I", • r ed I 0 r iver. Iy hllvo been meHowed and made tolA number from here attended the the hom b of mll lJ oll Fl o f _ utlh r on t erant with 'the passing yenrs. raInbow LrQuL This I" ohllorln nd 18 fun enli of Mrs. Hannah Bogan, II n"IIOU II "8 ). t and t ho Al pine r1 ow Be a good listener. Cult ivate the the Flat Forch churCh. Sunday a nd •.lI !",h • . gr ~ nt lr~e . u nd mou nopen mind. Be civilized. vl e\\ It ar u n Hll r pn8s-:d . noon. from thl H regl un W'l. Of S~a t'! 1 f ronl The Baptist Missionary Circle will ~ teun' e , . near meet Wednesday afternoon. July 20, o r Lho city tw OUR WONDERFUL COUNTRY 151 Oldl'l. i'llClng the home e.! l'4rs. U. G. Whetsel, YEARS OLD wn . ..... 'r,,,, .n . in WaynesVille.
Goodyears don't cost-an~ore. In fact they coat a lot less in the end becaJ,lse of the unusually long and trouble - free mileage they deliver. We sell and service' the co~plete line. Bring your tire problema to ua for a money saving solution- with Goodyears.
Waynesville Motor Co.
Waynesville; Ohio
Phone 105
own Il oult r v n t n l o wn or HEATLESS BLAZE " bout . I"e ot Wayne.v llio. They Local Man Describes Dr. W. E. ~rost Frist Girl- "Thllt g uy 'is so wealnil t heir dlnferellt " "Plu'lment •. and they ha" wllOle ro"'" t hy he hus money to burn." Pacific Northwest "IIIhIescan"dler.hllf bunc.h work the Ume. beSecond Gal- "Well. I must say dre.sl nl!' chick en•.
- ---.. - ..----
Mrs. Romine ShumalCer and daughorie, in company ' with Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garber. of Port William in Cincinnllti. ' Bert Barlow ond family, Carl born Ilnd fnmily, Charles nnd family, Karl Shidaker ily and ' Russell Jefferis and pi en iced alollg the Creek. Sunday, ebrat ing Mrs. Jefferis ' blrthdar.
Tbls is n' young country. Two birthdays were celebrated the' 4th of July, Uncle . am's and President CoC)Hdg ·k. Uncle Sam was 161 yelU'll old nnd Prcsid nt Coolidge IIfty;five. It is - difficult to realize that a8 young a mnn as President Coolidge has lived more than onll-third the life of tbe Unite9 States. What ma rvels our cOl1lltry has accomplish e(j In so few yeare. Millionll Tealize it as they travel about their pleasures each day. Cities spresd out. f or, mUes in- . to b'eautl{ut 8ubuz:.,lI. everywhere. Hundreds of thousands of beautiful new heullel\ "and people who can af· ford thel'll. Twenty-two million aut omobiles traveling excellent roads...!. en6ugll eat'll te carrY our 120,000.000 , people all at one time. And., above a\l, the public schools . 'IIIagniflcen ~ buUdinp, higb ~chool ll and preparatory scbools everywhero A'nd tho$C school buildings f or all the children. are the finest bulldinp In thousand. of communities. This nation bas .muoh to ' be thankful for. '
y enr In
n il
Prom my window h o I'. I .,an look out I never suffer ed from heat while I tl n d s e'" mn n c,'n t elJ o f eggs comin g alld mll lly ton. of reed going ou t dally. was out with him." f
'.r h o p oulL r )' rn n c h08 are U8 Un.ll y amllll
III Il C I'eu ,,~ but larlre III bu ilding" a nd hIT n \o. ., I I I "bump8.. t hl 8 ICY AI J((' tt ng ll C r vea, rproduct.> on nccount low undoubtedl price. ,tor 1I0ul· 1." butorthey y ' ' . hen In r r odu ce . m or n . ("gg" {lo r YOnder fUll y e \ en cllmato than In ~fll~(1I1 0 , W; M tl' t I I . R T) l n g . t see m ,. 0 m e, II t 18 f!rll~U:! U ~a ln ~~ ~~I: fr lr f {)r ~~~ntry mild cll mnle IlII 0 co mplote SGn ee o f lh e Th Sla t o n t~e .I O p~ Ing the e ll )' T tl
bu il d in g s n r o
College stud ents who think they II ' . d somet h' . 1ng new 1n n vo. " t·no · I marriages . " en Iy 8 h ow ca tmg h OW young t h ey rea II yare. Th C,J'''11 learn t hat most of these modem mar. . It ' I are pu Ing
on y
·rla 8,
.Telephone Per$()nalihe3
v er y
Nothl., bUl R.1i."'. S.rum •• d Viru. U ••d. Pbone 81 . HARVEYSBURG, OHIO
c OlI s lr u c ted a. n a d'ur nl8h ed
fllolllUee kn own to . lhe educn.lo ra b lllldel'~' mi nd., They are now oon8lru atln g 11 new library buUdlln ~ at t 0 t .4; ' °60.OO~ "'I t ee t a"bo ve I\. COB V'. oiiX'vera the cnmpuR th e summit of Be\1Qme' bill fA r each ed by n foot path or t a.rth o r On b y n road way from which po c lea r day t h e wontl e r ll of the k o,' ond 'Shusknn glorl'lo.nd can Whil e fa rth er to the north th e tic Ca nRdll' n C".cndes are In Lh e w es t th e ah tmm cr ln g eapp lerR or the So un~ ' to the ra mous Chucka nut ·Drlve. for ro ll eo. cnrvcd out 0' "he ·hlll. above th .. railroad ond LrlletlOn and Sound g iv e. on .. a talr Idea th is I" called "The Charmed Le:nd.
9 to 11 •. m, S
to~5 p. 7 to 9 p.
. -.
R.aldenCe •
Walter McClu'r e J. E. McClur.,
"I'm Btriking a bappy mr.tli,111Y1,"I said tbe detective as 'he hit the spiritualist OVer the bead.
Tile Telephone lnataller HE telepbone installer la always in evidence when a new telephone is being placed in a bome. It· is he, who comea in contact with the inmates of the hOUle, who .trings the wires from the pole, wbo plac~s the wires inside the bOIlle and IInally connect. the telephone Instrument. It il h' who makes the first call over the ne,.l)' Installed inltrument and then announces it III in · workinc order. . Telephone installers are numer· OUI because telephones are always being moved, . taken eut or in.talled. Upon hie courtesy resta the &'Oed feeling toward the tel... pb.one company. .
POROVER T ZOOBARS baarlem1 on-hat- been,.lwor~ wide remedy for kidney; liver aa4 bladder dieordera. r&umatlmlt Illmha&o and uric acid c:oadttJoal!
No. lU6
·E!~ · (
eometlntenW t:roUb1a.atlmuJatinai orpna. Three at-. All dnaaiItL IDIIIt CIa ~ odPW &mulDe GoLD Maw.
Fully Equipped · for Good
-.Servlee. _ Large Display RoC'm. Ambulance Service
NatioDal Ba" WlU. Draw. .. .: ......Elta... Set.... .
Wayne..Ule. Ohio
, Friends and relatives of S. 1:'. Buck; leY,,,,of. Wilmington. ' were. l!hocked ' to hear of his sudden death while on a vacation trip to Lakeside, last week. Mrs: Buckely is a sister of Mrs. ' C. 'S mith, of this placo.
. .
' Wire. eully attached to .post and finnly locked with paienl' clamp... ·' .. .
, "/Jonta ' ,.ccar.
economl••1 ,bo' loa;'n.
I, .
,protectloa for
• UIII" an" crop••
Its Anchor ' Plates insure . firm anchorage in the .ground. Easily driven and firmly let )lfith ,an ordinary , teel sledge.
W.rnHvlll., Ohl.
----~.~~ ----
. The ' strongest fence post ever made..
m. m.
T ...
Himme-"What shape is a 1cIsa1" Herre-"Give me ene and we'll call it square." · ' .
1~~ l l1 n gha m
Our Hand·Cru PaIlMa
r~y n do n .
th ~
I1n )" ovo ," Otl e hund r d p o plo
or any . brown tion i. lighter of the' same ,colo., O~ 'elae in iporll .trlpe · to match. ~e pattern .may lie obt'lined In si:ica 16 to 44. Slile 36 re'clulrel 2 Pest Extertnlnatot aUar·· yarda of.54 Inch material and three-" "Bow il It all: q ...,rtefll ofa yard ·9f·tpmmlJ1lt:'ma. . ' terial. No' dru.making ex~erienCl . ' IY u 'talc ' 'a t..:..... f I eve 'Ii needed to make Deliin', O. 1116· balt ~our. m~lUIIl·-..el1u. u . ~ "'iE-,ou 1118 thue; .",ttem' w~lcb are • .' • ' 1n41~II, hand<Ul of bee..,. ,. paller. ' ,. ~altem. WID be 4eUler.edl to adares. apo. receipt 0 Z5c In calli or U.,S. po,tan.· Alwa,•. l~nt1oq I Id.. waD~" Add,..,1 Hand,Cat fattem "ment, 7 W,.~t!'~
St.. N.~ ott· Cit" aad _lIP .. . thlI ......,.,.
.. Many buyeri' Of printing are so .aptiOuI to save mOD'e>' they always place their orden 1!ith the lowest bidder. Very oftea the difference- of a few .'cents or dollars ,in . price represents . the di~e~ce betwt:en ordinary wor~ and quality. We never .temize· quality in ourestimatel but it alwa~ '.bowl· in our work. Our prit;lting. alw.ys II the best. You'll get the most for your printing dollar if you' give us tbe work. '"
Phone 112
MIBI Loulle Hend lion Ipent day lind Saturday in Bellbrook.
Adllm Melloh attended the TIIdio dtlmohstrntion in Dayton, t Qdny.
All Merchandise Reduced 25% to ' 40%
l\ir. George Ehrhardt i8 visiting his neice, Mrs. Fred M. Cole and family.
Fri· I~~~::===~~=~~• • •~~~~~.IIII1i ••• 16-DAY
lIIisses Elsie Hawk(' nnll Bathol' Weltz were Duyton vlsilors, Mondu>,.
ynthiu EVlllls is quite sick.
l\flos. Walter Cost WU8 in Doyton Friduy.
Mrs. Wilson Eclwllrds enlertuinl.'ci 'Jolly Matron s" oturdl1Y uftc.r· Mr. nnd l\Ir . J, B. Chapman spent no on. the week-end in West Virginia. II1rs. Verna Kelly lind litlle gra nddaughter, are spcnding 0 Iew weeks Kendull Taylor ,of Dayton. i8 th e in Waynesvi lle. guest of Dr. pn d Mrs. J . '1'. Ellis. R,l UCI'L Moghe I', u f a l'llill ~to l1, is lIlr. 1l1\11 Mrs. .E lvin }' ires spent ~ Jlcl1dill" the wcek with Mrs . Edith unday wilh rell1tives in Duyton. 1IU1'1'is und fu mily. II1rs. B. Ehrhardt wus the g uest, Mrs . Amanda Maflit spcnt Sll ndu~' last week of lIlr. unci Mrs. F'l'ed B. Cole. wilh 1\1rs. Amulldu MufUt und son ' Wilbur, of Route 5.
and olhe. Sout hern New Jeney S.a.hore Relortl
,.- "'"
JUL Y 26, AUGUST 9 · and 23 $25.02 R°'i~~mTrlp Wayneaville T HROUGH SLEEPING C ARS TO
IIlu.tral.oll (1I)eCrlt.tl.e fohler •• howlo, til,.. 0 1 ~ ... Inl.•top· " "or prlvllUl!llIIlnd othor de~llI l. mAY beobla'Ded trolD Tkkn
A ijOIl L.
at the home r ]I·l r. ulld Mrs. Ben TI')' til. MlalDl Ga..tte for Jell W ...k Miss Esther Wellz. of Wilmington l\[ .srLuura Zell attendo the fun - Hawke. was th woek-end gUt'st of M iss Elsie Hawke. el'o l o C Perry Alexllnder in Xenia, M rR. FI'II n k R ORc r~ \\IllS taken to Mondoy of Inst week. the "mec of Dr. Bu\\·cl·. in Dllylcm. Wo cl nc ~ duy for cltlll1linntion. On l\hs. Susun Wilkerson hus returned home uftcl' an exlended visit in Wi!The Les Huit Soeur~ h Id their F' rid uy s ilt' wus luke " 1n 1I1i!lllli VIIII h .. ve just opened a gara"" in mington. weekly meeting with Miss Rhea Ju- ley hnRpiln l IInel will und l!rgo lin op· Corwin, oPPolite Ihe Pump Station, ne t Cllrtwright, Mon(hly evcn ing. oration (UI' double goilc,·. in 11 fow where you can !>rin" your machiu Clorcncc Berryhill r eturn ed home MI' Melis R If .. . tlI1Y~, 11,'1' tnllUY fl'i ·nels hCI'c hllpe sa 01 ern IS I~ a serIous If 01'· Iwr ~pc(' (\ . 'COV!!I'. .s. from Bcllinghllm, Wa llhington, S uny- condltIOI)' .,:,d·h .. ~e it repai.ed al ,ood al new. at the home of het' daugh'y____ day afternoon. lol'. Mrs. Rowena Zaltman, in XellClill' Ridge, of'S,?ulh Dakota, visited ill. One lot of Men's and Young ' Men's Suits, Ladies Silk Hose, 50c value, his parcnt.~, Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Mrs. Rnlph Miller entertained with Sale Price . .................... C . Ridge , Sunday. '. . Ou.t.Bamm ing Babe "bridge" Saturduy evening . in celeHope Mu. lin, well-known fine quality, bl'lltion oC Mr. l\1i1Ier's birthday IInniNo. 2220 W. P. Salisbury, of Clevelund, is Up to $27.1;0 values, go at, visili ng nl. tTie home of his d!lu ghter , versary. R~PORT $13.75 Sale·· Price · . . . . . . . . . ..... 2.0.C. .. .• •..... .. . Mrs. Harvey Rye. Miss Mildred ·Hyman hn ~ 'returned the ~Ul1d l tion of t he Waynes· Men' Broadcloth Shirts, $1.75 to hOI' hom e in Xenin, after a pIous· vill ~ Nalional Bunk, at Wayne8' St Clair F ife Dnd children, of Mrs. value, S.le l?riee..'............. . . . . . 9c ville in I hI! ~tale of Ohio, at the Wilmington, ure spe·n ding the week unt visit Wit~l hoI' unci". Mycr Hyman and family. close business. June SO. 1927, with relatives here. Men's ,1.60 Kahki Pants, go at, 88 Part Linen Unbleached Crash, red 9 rtESOU nCES Sale Price •.....•. , ....... ... , . . C Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kern, ef Coor blue border, Sale Price. . . . . . . . . C L ORfI.R IltlLl tlhs.co unt l!, Inolud· Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Marlatt are tU g n"l ,' 18~OlldtlJ. nocoptnnecft attend ing the E lks convention at Cin- lumbus, spent several dllY8 lust week or ul h c r banks, nud i '.felgn Men's extra H,~vy Bib Overalls, 9-4 PeJ;lperell Sheeting, bleached, 44 with Mrs. Kern 's parents, Mr. and Llil . of ex ' hllnge or <I ran . cinnati, this welk. plain blu~, ,1.60 value, Sale .Price. C Ho ltl with hulOl'StH110nl o t Mrs. J. D. Marlatt. reg. pnce 65c val., Sale Price. . . . . . C 1111. btlnk .. . U70.93i.Z3 1\Iarlon Gord"n, of l;Iarvcysburg, '1'01.1\1 lonne ••• •. , • .••.••••• ~10.03i . ~ 3 Men's Dreaa and Work Sox, 15c 9c Ladies' 75 . Union Suits, 49 Mr. und Mrs. Cuntwcll Alexunder Ovordt'n.fUI. U I1 S('.f' U r ed . 2~7. 7U ~8 7. 70 was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lesvalue, Sale Price ..... .. . . .. , .. • . . De posit ed to II c ure otrcul.l1of Prosper. Washin gton, and Mr. Jas: Sale PrIce ..... , .. . .. ... , . . . . . . . C ter Gordon lB8t week. tl on. U. S. bonds par v"lZell, of Yellow Springs, were guests " 0) ••• , . , • • • • • • •• • 50,000.00 Men'a Athletic Union Suits,.,75c 49c Oth er bolnd •.• loeka.•eourl tle. 16 5.UOO.H of Mrs. Laura Zell on Sunday. pne lot of Ladies' House Dresses, 59 Clarence Simpson" who went Banking hou8 0 . ... 18.000.00 8.000.00 value, Sale Price .... : . ....... .. . percale up to $1.60 val., Sale Price . . C Akron, last · week, WIlli tuken ill und l..ow.!ul re8crve with Fed ral ne.ervo bank .. . .... . . . . . 19.1 54.4. r eturned home, Sunday. aoh In vault and &mount Our 25c \'alue Prints, go nt per 15. 11.68 toe f,'OOl national bllnks .. ••5.0. •. t\,douut duo frum til \,6 yard, Sale Price ... . .. .. ........ C I MIIl5es Trillena a nd Murgaret EdbRnlee. bank '" and tru ol Men's Work Shoes, )'n.occaain toe, compocO II'VIl,,1 M III lI'a U. S. (Othwardll enter.tained he bl'idge club ~ r Ullin Inclll(\ed In Items Amoskeag Apron Gingham, 18c 12'last Thursday afternoon, 8, &. 10) .. . ....... ... .. . .. . val., Sale Price, per yard... .. . .. 2C Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Haines , 01111 or It ill S 9. 10, 11 , 11 ..••... $2.45 0,,(1' 13 •.• • .. ..• • ~ 2 . S li . Q2 Mrs. Will Russulll1, of Dayton, Raines and Mr. and Mrs. Wlliter Ken r-t Cae nllHl ulI fund wUh U. Lad ies' Silk and Fiber Hose 75c val 49 spent a few dllYs thitl week with her rick spont Sunday 'in Duyton. Men's Seout Work Shoes, either leather 0': S. rrr~n. urc r •• •• . . ..•~ •. . !,GOO.OO Sale Price .. . .......... . '. ...... ':' C -----mothe.r and sisters, here. Mr. Frank' Rogers spent Sunduy man.I'Uof tne 1538.196 .84 .. $1 •. with Mrs. Rogers at Miami Volley Yankt!es, who has 5tc>od !...lABILlTIES . . .. . ..• Ladies' Oxfords and Straps, $3.5°$1 95 ' Mrs. W. O. Raper wa!! tuken to the hospital, Dayton. Cnpllnl etock paid In ..• .. . noo.ooo.OO value, Sale Price. . . . . . . . . . . . • . on it $ head Ihis seaSon ~"Y McClellan hospitnl, Tuesday, where Surplu l fund ... _ . ........ . ~O . OOO.OO Men'a Work Shirta, heat 4 uality, Miss Lavina James, of Five Point, sational slugginlJ, passIng Undivided proflte ~tt.5 75 . 05 she will undergo an ,o peration. ,1.00 value, a.~e ~ce. . • • . • • • . . . C Ruth in nome runs and biddin!t Ladies' Crepe and Nainsook Night 59 !-eas currellt cxpeneol is visiting her grandmotHer, Mrs: fair .10 be one of Ihe biggeat "finds" !U76,OG pnld ., .. .• ....• . •• •. . - •• Gowns, $1.00 val., Sale Price. . . . . . C Mr. and rdrs. W. E. Cornell and Lottie Carey. C.rclJlatlns notee out.randMen', Dreia Oxfords, black or o f year.s. , ' 50.000.00 Mr. Dnd Mrs. Russell Salisbury and Good grade Muslin, ;j.;e 'lo' i,i":tloiial b... Mr. and Mrs. Do' H. McElwain, of 15,000.00 tatl. up ~" ,6 ~I., Sale Price . $2.95 children spent· Sunda:y' at the Zoo. el'tlfJ d ell cWo outetandSpringfield, are making ' an exPz:ice .. . . .. . ' ............. • . Sale 76 .7' Men'a and oung MeD's 1>1'e88 tended visit at the home of Mr. and i:;lk oi" ite'ma "2'.;" iii " 16 The regular mont:hly meeting of Mrs. CharlO$ Mullenix. t1 ",nd u ........ I n,ot~. 7G Pants, ,8.1;0 uI., Sale Price .. $3:95 81x90 Seamless Bed Sheets $1.50 98 ' One e ntil'e room In the White ""(Ilvld,,,,1 doposlta l ubJeot th eGrange will be· held in the Gym vah,1e, Sale Price': ..... .. '. . . . . . . . to oheck ..... ... .. .... , .... no.aa.DO Clyde .W harton started out' Wed- Houso I\t ' Washington 18 devoted next Saturday night. lit the usual One lot of Ku'.. romen'a and Ohildren's CertlfllllLtea of (Iopoelt due bour. . In I ON" lloan SO day • . . , . .. 10~,60 nesdoy with his thrO$hing outfit. Her- to wire communIcation facUlties. ,Oongoleum Felt Base ~UgB, 9X12'$8 Dlvidellli. IInp"I" .......... 3,OOO.0() Here the prlute. brancb exchange mon Smith will U8sist pim. : : :29c TotDI of demand depoeltl reg. $12.50 val., Sale Price. . .. • Is locateil and operoted \IDder the Mrs. Eliza Jacobs, of Gainesville lolher Ihan bll.nk dflpeslt. I Misses Mary and Mildred Young, subJeot to R lerve, lleml Jillo., and Miss Emily Jacobs, of Mid: o! Dayton, spent last week with their supervision of the executive clerk .Up v.tue, 1I.'a Silk Sox, 29 9xl,2 Brussells Rugs, $27.50 · $1 , 2D. ~O, 81, 32. n nnd and' his R!I8lstnnt8. H . ...... .. ... , . ~!.K$4I . l~ Sale PrIce .•.• • • ••. •. . ~ • . . . . . . . C value, Sale Price ....... : . . 95' dletown. are the guests 01 Miss 'Em- grandmother, Mrs. E_mma Lacy. ~~. <1<1. 81. ~2, 3& and ma' Heighway. ",'111"0 n.:roo~lt" .... ..• . 31 .747 .8: Two Important sport (leal_ Mr. a nd Mis. Earl Young and famTotnl of' time doPOlltlo . ..b14 Ladies' .Knit Vests, 25c value, j t to n "rye Llellla 3~ Mrs. Bertha Lewis and two grand- ily, of Dayton, and 1Ilrs. Emma Lacy thnt of signing Gene TUnney to Sale Pnce .... • .. " .. .. .. ...., , .. . C da!\,uhterB, ft6. 31, and ~8. . 37.74?d . 9pal andl Virginin Rob- spent Sunday at the Zoo at Cincin- defend the championship IUld the Not I And bill ••edllcouatild ' 39. 89.40 tranater of :!logers from LlAbllltlfl. ,other thlLn Ulole ens. 'Bnd Miss Opal Lewis spent last nati. Men'a Broadcloth Shirts, up to ·Children's Rayon and Silk' Half . lU.U abOVe ,ta••1i .... .. .. .... .. ,S.50 value, Sale Price ..... . $1.89 Hose, 8ge ~alue. Sale Price. . . . . . C Friday in Dayton. ~--...... _ Miss Edith Cram anet brother, Rus- glnllered over telophone wires. . . ..,38.1111.84 E lmer Fawcett, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. sell, of near Lebanon, spent Sunday State or Oh lh. OO\1nl)' of ,Wa..;"n, ":. Miss Eva Wharton and Morris A 'system hll8 been arranged ~y Gill and family, of !~anesfield, Ohio, with 1. L. H. Henderlon. cubler of tho . a woman's club In a nelghborlnlJ lLbove·named blLnk. do lolemnly .,.,ea' spent. Sunday with Bot:clay Fawcett " ! harton. thAt the aliove ltal,ment I. t.ue to tb. at the Friends Homel Mrs. Floro Mason, of Spring Val· state whereby the. 1.200 membera baat ot' m, k nowled.1 and beJlet. of the cl\lb can be 'asaembled 1.. K. HENDmRSON. Cuhler ley. returned home Monday, a/!ter .. Bublorlbed and .,vorn to before within an hour'~ time. Mr. and Mrs. Charles LeFever ond several days" visit with her friend, laa' cluna. to aelhla 7th. day ot July. 1121. . Mablo'n Rldlre ------~ .~, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Knor. of F'l'anklin, Mrs. Susan Saylor. . 1 Correot A ttut: Notu), Public. were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. Ohio eOlDmociate cu.t olDer.,:. w. U. ALLEN. Dr. H. H . HermlU\, of Dayton, enand .Mrs; George Ha:rtaock. 3. W. WRlTIil SQblcribe to tJa. ~. .l a....... tertained the" N. C. R. officials to a J •. B. PlIlNCJ!l. Drector•. Mrs. St Clair Fife and children of six o'clock dinner at the Ruth Wilmington, and Mrls. Susan Wilker- Meriam far.m A very socilll time was enjo yed by son are dinner g UEiSts of Mr. J 'd CHARTER 11617 ·Mrs. Lester Gordon tonight. the members of the Ladies Aid, who HOUSE ~IRlNG :AND held their July meeting at, t he ·home REPORT Msr. ~. C. Milis spent four da ' $ of Mrs. Mary Burnet , . Wednesday REPAIR WORK ~, Of . . of last week, at GeOI~town, a s s e afternoon. . ~ . N c~rdltloB' the Harveysburg ,houae to house worl~er in the Intera Bernice Graham, In company Miss , tb ;na an at HarveYlburg, in est of the W. C. T. U organized a -ELECTiuCAL APPL~CES ., b ~ tlt te of JO hio • at the close ot Union of ?5 members a~d assisted in with her grandmother, Mrs. C. W. Albright, left Monday evening for F_ ........... U n88ll. on une SO, 1927, an aU-day meeting on Friday. Parkersburg, W; V., to visit her RESOURCES Loans &: dlllCount. 66.335.26 ~& 336 2 ~iS8 Katherine .Clark, of Bangor, a un t, Mrs. A. E. White a nd family. AGENT lOR WESTJNGHOUSE IIOT..... Dltuoc1iii. .PIOt,.~...,., Ovordr ..rls.llnl cUrcd .201.8lI '207:Sg Mome. and Mias Mary Aust'ln o'f Mr. a~d Mrs. Allen Emrick and boow., stqcks. .eourl . , eO.TUIillIIt., TItA . . . . IIt. 0 .... Oll.er tleK!. etc., owned... ... . " 99,15i1.31 Ch.icopee, Ma~., were gnests of Miss g uests, Mrs. Leon Salisbury and chilFARM UGHTING PLANTS . A.D "U. ..RVIO. CAli PROFI i Olive Allen several dllYII 'last week dren, of Cleveland, were Sundoy din Bank ng hou80 . . .-.. $6.900:U·0 .., U.IIIC 'm ADVlRTlIINO OO~U""'" k~~flt~r:te&:0~1~!~r:~I;e~8tt'B~ U,700. 00 The three young W\lme n were class:' ,n er guests of Mr. lind Mrs. Clyde SAMPL:.E COPY FREF .~Il n kln ll' houle . . , ...... ; .. aoo.OO mates "!lt Mt. .,Holyol,lie, colle.ge. Moun t a nd family. of ,Dayton. . ....... 'vtu l rcserve wltb Fed_ _ _ 11&. VOR. OUi-P.1t ~eral Reserve Bank . . . . .. . .. 6 173 40 . . '. . , " _ V'~. , ·Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wallace enCn,s h In vau lt and amount . . F C H' ts k d f II f 1\"1 due from National bank. ... . , ~r oc an alll y, 0 ,I Totll" or Item. 9 10 11 12 12.HO.35 ford, spent Thul'Sl~ay night with tertained over the week-end the la tWaynesville relatives. They were ter's cou sin, Mr. lind M1'6. Fred Ahland 18 ........ : .... 12:HO:35 Angel Food, en route to Fountain Point, Lake Lee Quist and daughters, Morgie and '~eal Valu~, each .. ~ .... , ; .. . Total . .......... . .. ... .. . . . nSO.016.21 Ptricio, of Dayton. ee, Mich., tor a three-weeks' valan Spoage Cak., Cl.ocolate o'r ' COCQaa)lt. each .................................... 0.; LIABI'LITIES cation. lII,oster Charles remained Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith ottend fi.'::,ltal atock paid In ..... . .. '21>.000.00 with his 'grandmother, Mrs. Laura cd a birthday dinnQr, Saturday, ot 'PIIUI'd tund ,. ............ 5.000.00 U ndlv ed proflte. .. 262.77 Mosher. . I, the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Leu currellt expenna paid Smith, north of town, in honor of Messrs. J. C. Crabbe, Evan Reif- the birthdays of Mr. George Smith Certiile;" '~Ii;'ck;" ·out..tandlng 1 m'6~ Total of Itcm.. 2f,25J 20 27 . . snider, 'Frank Hartsock and D. L. and Mrs. Elsworth Smith. a nd 28 ... ...... .. 1.455.00 Crane attended Masonic lodge ot Indi Vidual <lcp081t8 Bu bJect tOt cbeck .... .............. 82.8H.H HaTveysburg, last 1IVednesday evenMr. and Mrs. W. M. Coleman enT o 01 of demand deposita B~lk, 10 Ib,. ................. , ...................... \'''' ' '''''''''''''''''' ''' ing. Mystic Lodge, of Duyton with tertained to Sund ay dinner, the lat(other than bank depOSita) Bubj ct to Reserve Item. • the!.r troined craft, 'Was ' present, .and te.r's sister, Mrs. Anna Moyham, of 29, 80, 31. 82. sa' and put on the Master degree, to the de- LlI1denwald: ·also her nieces and 34 ......... ... .. 82,8H.U Oth or lime IIOP081t8 6 0'000 light of all who witlilessed it. nephew. Anna, Loretta and Edward ............... '.. '£otnl of time deposita' ioiib." . Sours, of Hamilton. loot to Hceerve, Jtema a5. . ........... ...... : ........... 14c <>i. •• balf . • alloal, do..............1••• PinU, ' do.ea 36. 37 an(\ 88 ...... 6,950.00 Will F. Young, oPtometrist ' of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Johns en. CapI, do,ea .................... ; ........ .24c!8 Ria.I, do. .. ..................... ~ ... .,... 8c Bille "nyable ' (Including all Ferndale, Mich., called on Wa~es tertained to s.ix o'clock dinner, Satobligations representing mono)" borrowed other thEl n r ed l8counts .... .. ... .... ... 10.000.oe villye friends, Tu esday. Mr. Young urday, Mrs. Leon Salisbury, son and t formerly hod an office il) Dayton and daughter. of Cleveland, and Mr. arid .)' . $130.01 5.21 came to Waynesville one day 'eaCh Mrs. Glenn Jo 'hns und children, of Totnl. .. . . .. .. . . . Crea mery) w.e I!.., doun ........... . Stale of Ohio, County of Warren. 88 : ,,:,eek for almost 0 year. during which Dayton. I. H. S. Tuckor, Caehler ot the abovet Ime be mode many friends. }lamed bank. do eolemnly swear that Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Duke ~nd the above, .talement Is true to tb e beet of m)' knqwlcdge: anll ~ bell e t. Mrs. Ruth Dunn 'ond James Rus- 80ns were S\lnday afternoon guests . H. S. TUCKER, Cashier, E",cellellt 'e Lar"•• II••, 2 for....:......... '. Subscribed and . lworn to botore me sell Dunn, of Akron, Miss Dola of Rev. and Mrs. Dwight Wiant Imd t hl8 9th day or l1ul),. 1927. Schatzman , 1I1r. alnd Mr:s .Lewis fa~i1y, at Bradford, Ohio. Mrs, CHARL.ES .MADDEN. Schatzman, of Sudinia; Messrs, ~Ia~t W~8 to gil to Ohrlst Hospital C.orrect Atto8t , NotaJ'Y P ublic A. S. COLLElTT, F'l'ed and Elmer Sontag, Mr. and Mrs. Cmcmnatl, . Monday for treatment. r .. ... C. D. COOK. George Haller, of Hyde Park and W . T. JORDAN. Grabe".., ,2.lh. pit".. , ..... ... ;.... l .. 24c· Mr. 'and Mrs. Ch~rles Clark and Dlrectora. Miss Letitia Schatzman, of cincin-------.~~ -----noti, were Sunday guests of Mr. and ~r. H. M.. Clark visited Mr. WIl. ham Brown, Thursday at Minmi ValMrs. W. O. Roper. . t 'THIS Wit. Y OUT ley hospital. Mr. Br~w.n'8 limb WB8 "It's plain os the nose Mr'. an d ;M~s., E. L~ Hough spent pll\~ed in a plast!r cast last week and foee" sUI'd th ta tl 'd' °tn YOhur Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kib-' he somewhat Improved. cess 1 10 , B8 e I d f "1 f . , e tried tI expliWl something to his O~D ' ~~t1 ar:;.Y. OM l)o}'to~, in bO)'lor Miss Mary Cook and . Parry Cook swee~i'ej . . ' e ISS a.l!'g'aret S s,eventh of WaynesVille, were dinner ts' , I .. ~'. blrthd.ay. S~e receIved severa) nice Wednesday, at the home of l pre8ents, whIch Incll~ded a beautiful llr.!- 'c E Jo' h Th i' r, ain", THEY ARE LIKE THAT birt hda 'k ' UUl:I. " ns. e r . eVeIl ng "k ' , y ca e, pre8ell,ted by tne White guests were MrII, Ellzabetli S itb t B a I~ Co,; and a ' buket of fruit Dayton _ .' . ' nd th e C m 0 . W~en Dumbdora heard tha.t Bet- !rom her Sunda.y .St:bool ct88ll: She near w:~:ne "'lI o~k children' of .. . ~y awore ,sbe'a never been lduect IS slowly rec:bverjJig;. and Is nQW .able _ --:-- _~Vl e, I. ~e said, if abe had .aever been kill- tQ sit up a lItUe wblll" at a time ' at. Mrs. 'E lIen Copsey visited 'her . . .ed, sbe'd swear, tool . ter her IUlcldei)t of ,four weelal 'Il1'0, ter, Mrs. William Ware, at VenalUee • • • , when she ".. mn down by an auto- lut' week and wu accompanied homel 8ublclrllle _ tile IDaal 0..-.. = . e and .u~~ ,a fracture ofth. by another iiBter. IlrIn•. IlrIJD Bopp, . of Detroit, 1Itcb.. who, II DOW 'fiIi1;Iq ...._~--------.-------------. . .
Take Advantage of the Sale and Save Money
,For Men and Young Men
For ' the Ladies
~~~~e;rj~:e~;. ~~.~. ~~~ v~l~~: $9.95
Howard Everhart
~~,:c~~i~~ ~~~~~' ~~~dp~~~:e. ~.n.~l~~~~~~ .~.lI.S~i~:
:'~:'~~:-.~~~~ ~.4
~~~~~' $2.95
~~n~~~. ~:~~ .~a.l~~:
~y!~:n .~~ .~~.~~ .v.~l~~:
69 69
10c. e
j.e:-~o~. ~ .o.s~~~ .~~~ ~~:: to 46c
::Cea~~~~~":,: .~~.~~. ~~I.u.e: ....... 89c
Hyman ' [. .~tor o~a ~y.ry' ..I. .Y.II·l
Bri"g Your Eggs to Kroger S~okes' Pureiersey Milk .f~r Sale
Potatoes Sugar
Jars' ~:::~. ~~~~~. ~t.a
'46C Lemons 2';"0:, ' Crape9u~I.·F'i.t~ii:. '2~"c', Cantalopes' ". 23'C. y, 2.1~ £~8;~~:~~. :.:. ~ 25c~ . Butter~gf:b .Ih . prh.t"
l& . _
SeventY·Ninth . Y~ar
JULY 20, 1927
.Whole .
Number 5762
............... M •••••••••••
By A.U-t T. Ileitl
Interesting Ite~s from ' the.
, .
State . Caoital
DON'T CIVE UP The Ca mp Fire Girl:! hiked to the home of :Mrs. Sam Henkle Monday, Whatever has happened to you, after"oon, for their meeting. don't give up. The hnnd sign, Jaw and credo were Prepare(1 Do not admit that given. The Wood Gatherers, Bnd Fire ol'e morc powerful Lhan yo u .. Columbus epcrter Make.r s each repeated the Desire of Though your head be bloody it her group The following program should not be bowed. was given. You may have nod financial losses WILLAIM HOWARD TAFT and tho accumulations of yoars may "Her Torchbearer" ..... . Doris Hawke tory-"The Maple a nd the Ash" CO LUM BUS, OHIO- When PresFATHER' PLAYS BEAR have bel'n swept away, .po~8ibly by . , .. , .... . ... Mary J o Miller id ent Coolldme returns from his the treachery of some fflend . Whnt Pia no Solo ..... ......... Beatrlce Robltzer Black Hills vacation next September, AND REASON TO BE THANKFUL of it ? Tig hten your belt and go he may stop In Ohio to attend the it again. IF I HAD SOME MUSH For the benefit 0 fthe Co un ciil ench dedication of the Ulysses S. Grant Your hea lth may be impaired . girl gllv e her nume, its meaning und State park at Point Pleasant Cle.... What of itl Other people have had symbols. We then so ng camp songs. mont county. Before the President discouragements and have lived We enjoyed a picni c supper en the left Washington, Senator Simeon D. Justice Taft 8UYS he likes the Inw bravely t hrough t hem. The world is lawn, a.fter which several games were F better than the White House and, full of unsung heroes who have met played .. We then hiked back home. •css transmitted him an invitation nenring his seventieth year. with reverses and yet keep UJl a The council, consisti ng of Mrs Hen ~i~~OI~or~erthChOieht. JUSBtlce Hugh L. ces he 'will not retire. He certainly brave fr ont. dM B' ,e 10 upreme court, kle Mrs Zil , . nmerman an rs, ran- chairmun of the d d' tll~ should not retirC) for he owes to Keep your flag flyin g. Th~ bankstrator, also our guardillln Mrs Moo- Lee T . e Ica on comm II" the public .many future years of gOlld rupt merchnnt or the di R·!l1usioned mDW a·nd her aunt Milss 'Smith .' he PreSIdent I;'romlsed to con· ell'ort. His mind and his sinile ure youth may sce rio escape but suicide, pres~nt. ' . were SIder .the matter and It Is not unlikely he WIll accept. as young n!I ever, and every well in- buL IhoMe who nre wiser tackle the forl1l\!d mun in the United Stute8, Ilrobl,(>m ·agoin. . The hCamp Fire girls went for an CI eveland is plannig a joint There is no great teaching Lha'" big or little, would gladly submit any overnig t hike last Thursday night. Lindbergh-Herrick celebration on issue to the judgment of Chi ef Jus· docs not instruct us thnt we can ri8e upon our faulty past a nd climb the Nine ot the girls, the chaperone Miss Monday, August let, when the fatice Taft. stairs to a fin er future. Olive Allen, a guest, Miss LuellB In ! ix h"urs New York'A NationN d bl Iiamson . ta n.• guardian mous flyer visitswillthearrive Forestat elty .. 0 more omna e gospel W/18 ev. ,an d th e assls Col. Lindbergh tIl~ 01 Guard laid out an airplane base, er pr4jached than that for you or any enjoyed the affair. We slept at St. Cleveland airport lab10ut 2 ' o'cloc'k, ready for use, with radio, telephone man or: woman there is no hope. John's and acroBS the road In the where Carmi' A. Thompson a8.· chaUo:~~ie~~m~~t~r requirements. A fine . If you have sinned, if you have woods, roasted weiners belore retir- man of the reception 'com~i~e and made mistakes, rise up! hake off ing and early next morning cooked Ambassador Myron T. Herrick wiD The United . States ,.n'''AO_ft.nM,~lthe past and face the future. There our breakfasts. The latter was most mee him. It W8S Herrick who tirst shouJd take as much time aa neces- is no man Jiving but what has com. exciting because it was done betwee.n greeted the lIyer when he arrived In sary to provide an alrpl~ne bal!e for mltted some errors. We, can allow showel'l and ended in a downpour. Paris, and his stop-oft' in Cleveland every great city. i the b~rden of life to plunge us into It tasted line, for the most part is a "return call" on the former Ohio night before being Il sleepless' Governors bland in New York despaIr or we can shake it 011' lind harbor should be given up entirely seek other fields. Other than that "Bee" stepped in g?vemor and American representa· · 'th b' d k f b Th k bve at the French , capital. Manv a Ig oc or au _ e world is wide and if there uncoo ed eggs and "Dee.' spilled he Columbus folks plan to attend iI t o fl YinI' WI marines. is any ?ne tfllng thot both religion mUle a?d got burned with the bacon celebration which Is taldn on Ita~ and . phllesoph teach it is that we greal!e, all were safe and Bound wide interest. g though slightly damp. . The richest city New York c()n- can rise upon the wreck ef opr dead X Not lo~g ago we journeyed to the Although there were severaJ ...... taining the United states 8ub-treas- selves and enjoy that which remains. You don't know what is around the enla sWlmmlng pool in M.r. tant physicians in various Ohio State . Ul'y and all its gold is unprotected corner and no man can tell what ~ ~ Auntie gave up and acknowledged truck .. We had lots of fun so institutions that would , have b _ from the air. . .'t • • that I had won_he didn't have any plann~ng a~othe~ such for this to have had the appo.i ntment of There eught ' to be an air field t he future has In store for him. Be a thoroughbred and keep up bear story I day mght, IDcludmg our mothers of the Orient State there from which IIwlft United States . V~. , J ~E;j ." .' Years afterward as a young man time. for the feeble-minded. JobD pUl'luit planes would rise like mos- you courage even though the battle . m my twenties, 1 visited the old _ M. L. S., Scribe. welfare director went to ~ quitoea from a stagnant pond to may be against you. Many a person bas given up when town and ·t rod the old paving stones •- kansas for a man. Dr_' C. 0_ meet any Invader. l ucceu lay just ahead of him. It wem IImooth by the half century of of Little Rock, Ark., has been apyou 'can't do anything else, hold on. Oskalo08ll, Kan8llB, the treading feet of those who came a u pointed provisionally to the place Human be1ngs are like childr B lIeve In yo ul'lelf, believe in lite July 1, 1927. Mrs. W. H. AlIen and Miu Olive and went. I was in home of the and wiD 8S11ume his dutle. it once: A father plays "bear" with his E ditor Waynesvill e Gazett\lAile" attended a so(:lal function at Cartwrlghts and the two boys, Chas. He wiU be the tbll'd luperintendent to child, and the child Is relieved when believe in your \ltar. If llone I beliel/e thnt is the name or the t he home of Mrs. S. S .Stshl, . in and John, played on the floor with at Orient durinr the 12 montU the bear stands up and becomes these beliefs can be proved their efupon your_ character at least Is weekly purveyor of news and local ,Franklin, Monday. spools and marbles or whatnot, while On, Thursday, July 14, a has been a separate state fD.. once more, "father." ' and one :who. is d.ominated by happenings for Wnynesville at this the mother gently rocked and talk- terestil\&' meeting of the the first be(ng Dr B. In England the eclipse put out persistent . behef In hIS success is time. Sixty-five years age when my 1\[r. and !'tIrs. Ralph Dyke, Mr. and ed with "Cousin Bal," of KanlWl. Township Farmers club was held resigned, and then·Dr. Bun cilanglng day to night and more hable to have a s ure hand father was the editor, and I carried Mrs. Madison Earnhut. of Dayton, The youngsters got Into something the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dulce. E. L. , who hJas just reliclled. erybody knew that If WIl8 only Af.ter the usual good dinner, tbe T~e state civil service commlMlon a good eye thon the one wbo the paper about town, It was called and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas, of of a squabble oyer their playthings believe night. Nobody feared himself. .. the Miami Visitor; and another ,paper Lytle, were Sunday guests of Mr. and the mother, without changing meetlDg . of the afternoon ~as open· WI,Il conduct an examination of' &p"the devil was eating tlte Bun." Nevth\! even temper of her voice, in her ed, by invocation by Rev. Stillings. pltcants, and Dr. Kirk will hay. to "ertheleSll, when the eclipse pasaed n Some .o ne h8$ saId tha~ . y~u: nrc issued monthly, literary in its nature, lind Mrs. F. E. Thomas. alwoys gentle toneij, said, "Charles" Three families were absent. among the highest three who .~ and the lIun came shining out once ever gOIng to succeed in hfe In any- with prose and verse contributions Rev. Stilli.n gs was spesker for the if he i8 to be giVen the perman" more, the crowds. cbeered: They thing, mental, mo~l or physical, un- irom local genius, was put out by , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkl~son and and the tempest was stilled and the afternoon and chose for his appointment. were Iglad to have motlie.r nature til you ha.vc ,strIcken from 'your the same publisher, its title being daughters, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. play proceeded. hands and heart and brain the shack. The Message Bird, with a picture of St Clair Fife and family, of Wilmlng-\ It was a trifle. but Emma was al- "Co-operation' of the stop pIa Yin&' beat. . a carrier pigeon bearing a long scroll tofol, Mr. and Mrs. LeJlter Gordon and ways that :way, and the impression namely, the Homc, School and If CO~l!'reB8mim Martin 1.. Da~ les of fear. When Uncle am'! fiscal year end. What we want in this world is appearing at the head of t he first MISS Martha O'NeaU were Sunday has never lelt me th~t here was a Church." Special topic: "World of Kent, consents to become a ed last week, he found a surplus . to ,tone UB up, to put us page. How niany remember that dinner guests of Mrfl. Susan Wilker- case of the Scriptum, saying exem- lations and the Prollpect for date for tht! Democratlc nomhiatloa · '6961000,000. SeC!l'e/;jlry - M llion had ~)Ur best, and fear i8 just tho op- sheet 1 . 80n. plifled in deed an,d ·trutb, that "He Wal! made exceedingly . govemor of Ohio, he will be from lrUellle.d ,626,000.000, a good proph. P081te of this. '1 'am moved to a few reminlscenwho controlleth h18 spirit is greater a paper prepared by Miu the Imalh!st town in the .tate to ecy. ., . . , ces of the old days by a recent de. On Saturday aftelmo~n ,July 16, than he that taketh a city...· And Chandler and read by Ml'I. ever seek that high omce. Kent .. Uncle sam really is a rich pel'lon lighfful visit from one of your dis- Mrll. Emma Ba~e.tt an,d Mrs. E. V. her busband told .me when I recalled Club adjourned to meet with .. thriving little city of only., 000 and can a1I'ord anything hli tieeds. AOE~ t inguished citizens, who fails to ad- Bamhart, of Cmcmnlltl, brought to- that scene that It was always that and Mrs. Gee Earnhart, August 4th. Inlrilbltants, ye~ it is the inam ~. He ought to dig canala harness watIT\) • mit that t h'e Scriptuml allotment of gether a large company of friends at way, that she ' always conquered by •_ • quarterll of the Davey Tree Exp.g' 'er ,power build the greateat air and ' three score and ten and a dozen or their pleal!ant Wa:ynesVl11e home·. the law of love. ahd added this raGo., which operates the Dave, ~ lIubmlirine' flee ts In the wor ld. He so more years to boot should be an.y The affair was really a "farewell" marka~le s~te!"ent, "that never tute for Tree Surgery, wllicb numshould step trying ' t (l persuade Eu, , handicap to a man who retains bia party, aa the Barnett-Bamharta, fa- once In theIr sixty years, more or bers thousands amonr ita' craduate&. rQpe ~ do what it doesn't ",ant to youth in all but calendar years and mous for their hospitality, have de- leBS, Of. married life, did he reHarmon and Forahr were froID do ~ttend t? his own business a n d . . 80 travels alone balf across the' con. cided to break up t heir home here c~l1 a s.mgle angry word or any seCincinnati; Cox from Dayton; Day. be 10 a pOlut,l~n to m~ke ~ther foIa. , Thu·tr·~o ladi~8 re~rellentll?g nine tinellt and keeps pace with young and bave let the hOl:lse to Mr. and loue dusagreement or exhibition of is, from Cle.velal\d; WiDl., from Del· tiona mind ~helrB. Until thl.1I natIon townshIps, met WIth MISS Marvin, the men like your contributor referring Mrs. Ernest Harlan. Ten tables of emper. aware; Nash, from Oolumbu.; Bgq.. i8 prepare~ to det«;nd itself against S~te Nut,riblon speoialist. and Home to myoId-time friend a~d distant "600" were in play during the. after- "Another SCl'iptural. admonition, !lell , from 'Spri~gfleld, and Donah.7 any te~ other natlons the govern- Agent. MISS W.atts, at the Farm Bu- relative, Seth Levering Cartwright. noon. Refreshments, of punch, ice Spare the rod a~d spoil the child," Farmers df Warren count y wiD IS from New Pb~ladelphia. ",hlch bu ment WIll not h~ve done Its quty. reau office, Fnday. July 16, to dis- He has been riding on our pllved cream and cake Wal! a delightful fea- ?cems. t~ have faIled of application have an exception!!l opportunity a larger popul'atlon than Xent. Ba,, ' ,- - ; _ !IIUSS wa:rs and means of organizing roads,.i/1 our big busscs that dart turo. •. l~ .thls ;!nsLance, as shown by "Ex- next week to learn about Farm ral voters of the city , have seldom Well done, 'but what did -you do fQr tbe. Ve~ta~e -Cookery ~ou!",e nere and ~here Hke t weaver's shut" hlblt A, C~,arle~ ?art,,;!,lght, of Chi- estry and to .get IIrst hand been represented by one of their th.e next 'day 7" to be gl\len In the county beginning tie surveying- OUI: 'immen8e crops of . airs. Charles DaVIS entertained at ca~o, and ExhIbit. B, John Cart- tlon, suggestions and assistance on own num~er In the Ohio executh'. Fokk.e.r. airplane builder, would next Novj!mber. . alfalfa, wheat, 'Potatoes, our growing her home near Miamisburg, in honer wrIght, of WayneSVIlle, whose royal various phases of forestry work. F. office. It IS by no meana certain at have an answer retldy for Napoleon's Following ' are the Rames of the com, etc., and admittlng that they of her brother Fred Wade and wife. man~ood and ' u~eful citizenship stand H. Dean, Ollio Experiment Station, a.1I tlrat Congressman Davey ia eODfavorite question. On township- leaclers and their al!slstants far surpass anything in t hose lines A very pleasant eVllning was spent out In . fine rehet, more potent and at Wooster, plans to be with slderlng the DemocratIC ,nomin.tloa Fokkor plane flew to Honolulu. far as they have been. obtained: t hat he had seen this side of the with games anq music, after which dlscern!ble thon any bronze or gran- Agent Class from for gov0n;'0r, bqt if he enten til. day a FQltker plane reached France. tQwnship, Miss 1>Iary Ilan- Littl Miami vall41Y. He rode up and ice cream nnd cuk.e were sO.rved. Ite rehef . of costly monument. to Saturday, the ·30th. r~ce he will come from the 1DIan.t Now Fokker ' announces a ' piane to Mrs. . Owen Gross and Mrs. down the great Kaw (or Kan sas) val T~ose' present were Mr. and M.rs, Two . women of blessed memory Forester and Class will cIty thot ,has oll'ered ~ candidate hi fly nonstop, tor seventy,two hours, Deardoff; Clearcreek town- ley, p,ronounced the greatest valley Fred Wade, Miss Clara Wade, Mr. ~hom I ·have never forgotten . and hold small group many years. RepubJie.ap eandlclatel and go f rom Seattle to Tokio 6 000 ship, Mrs. Elva Allen and Mrs. Esta in the world by the German govern- and Mrs. Will Ross, Mr. and Mrs. never IIhall forget and for this trib- ber of woods and oll'er who have been defeated alao repre-: mlle.s·. This government shouid ~on- Null; Wayn-e ~ownshlp, Mn. WillE. ment, after a Survey of ·the earth. Perry Wade and children Bessie and ute I beg space in the "old home ~nd inf.ormation as to their most the larger cltie., CoL Carmi tract with l\'okker to keep him here O'Neall; M~ie town~hip, Mrs. Chos. 1\£1'. Oartwright pointe d out ground Joe, Mr. and Mrs, Cheste~ Witteman, paper." Respectfully itable management. A. Thompson being . a resident of for life bulfdlng airplanes, Ancient Gray ; West . Turtleereek township, where he once raised great crops of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Good and sons, F . H. (Bal.) ROBERTS. All farmers and land owners . lev~lafold a?d Myel'!! ~ooper, UftI . ~ m01la~hs ana Popes oftered any in- Ml'I. Bert F.lsher; East Turtlecreek corn hlmself--over hlllf a century Norman and Milton, Jr. , ~Ir. and the 'County who arc interested in In Clncmnatl. " ., · dllcement ~hat would bring great art- ~0~n8hlp; Mrs. Fr~d RU'!Bell, Wallh- ago-ground which ie now covered Mrs. 'Raymond Wadle and childt:en, tlng free trees or In knowing A 'g . I.t~ to theIr courts. The great art- mgton town.~hip, MISS LOIS Ross; Sa- by North Topeka residences; schools OI~arles Milo, Glenn and Glenna, the other phascs of forestry work arc dir ctco,r din t~ G. R. . Sc~~r, let of today fa the IIlrplane artist lem tOwnShIP, Mrs. Z. O. WOTley; and business houses and by Garfield MIB!I Eileen Stewart, Mr. and M.rs. urgently requested to come to one e~ or hof hIghways and pubUc . Deerfield, leader not secured yet; park, an . amusement center. ' Charles Davis and d,a ughter, Reva. George W Woolley died at b' er more of the places below: wort s, t eb work of chanrbIC the ' • On the Hudson, not ten . yards township. Mrs. Ada RichBut 1 was going to write of Way. ' home in Coiumbus Ohio Sund IS Tuesday, July 26, 9 :80 a. m.,Hen- rou e num ers on State road. hU frem shore, of! Sing Sing .prison, ar~8 ; township, ¥rs. John nesville people. 1 always get gar. Mr. and Mrs. Qhlllries Smith were night, July 17. • , ay "y Satterthw~lte'll Wayne; 1:30 p. m r:~fes:~~uat a r!lp1li r.te. and about three boys were struggling. PrlsOl\ GeIger and Miss Hazel Whitacre. rulous 'Wh~n Kansas is the theme. J very ple~an~IY surprised, Sunday, .Just a week before his death he Alfred Watkins, Morrow; July 28, erecled in s;:d new, numben ; " ,. . ruarda could not leave ~hClr duty to • _ • Was' born 1\1 a house on lower Main w~fin theIr children nrathered at their WIth his wife and daughter a~d 'on the Mounts farm, near Ft. An- a f _ t ee days time. WitIWI e~ m~ths all of ~ old aumbeft save them. Convicts begged permls' stl:eet, fronting the pike, and used home in Lytle with.well-fUlled baske1!' friend, spent the week end with Wa a clent July 28; 10 a. m., Granville S!9n to save the boys, but t:he guardto trundle bu~y wheels with broom' The o~casion was an enjoyable one, nesville relativell, that -bein&, his FerriS, Washington; July 28, 1:80 ~~tha th~ e' routee w~ be ~plac",· rlfl~s leveled, forbade them to follow stlclls through the hub down til the be.inK' In honor of Mr. Smith's birth- visit to his home town since the death p. m., W. J. Hendrix, southeast of bers are I new trpei. e ,ne" nu... n theIr Imp\llse, j1,lm~ Into the river toll:gate, a mile a~y, and bac~ ,day al}d, all. the children and grand- of his mother, almost Ave years ago. Ft. Afolclent; 3 :80 p. m., on. Trib~ey in will :~t~ c s e and th!'. lettu-and pull the drowning boya ashore Myer Hymnn's big July Clearance again over what we In Kansas now children bemg pres,ant. The guests While not in the best of health hil farm 10 East Salem townshlp; July g d' t da ~ on a white back.., The,. three boys drowned . whil~ will end Saturday night. This call a "hard·surface road." were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, conditio-n Wal! not thou&'ht to b~ se. S~, 8 :30 a. m., Robt. J. Whalen, near f;:~ w~~~:~ o · yello';V. " This CO~ I.. &,uards and .convicts looked on some far B'xceeded Mr. Hyman's exI caught my first base In the mill Misa Ruth Cuy Mr land Mrs Williamrious Kmgs Mills; 10 :00 a. m., at the Bu't - d ted _e standard color ache•• . ' of' tlie bitter weeping: ' a ll the store was crowded race at the foot of the hill below Bernard and 'f~mi1y of Wa~esville; He' was the younger Ion of the late tarworth farm, near Foster Statlon. ~ op f by the American AalIOc!ta' .". w · Once more those convicts' feel .of the sate buyers being what was then the Zell propprty, Mr. alld Mrs'. Elmer :Smith and family Charles D and MarY' L Woolle a d July 80 1 :90 p . m., Henry Giehle, ?l~ b~ State HIgl1 ay o~cialil ,~ ., they nev,r .bad a eh~ncil, not even a . all 'tbe. surr~und~ng held it up for the smiling Inspectl~n of Da)'to.~; Mr:, and Mrs. Ben Smith .was reared and educat~d in near Rossburg, Harlan township. WI e used in all df, the nate.. ' Til. · chance to , hel.p others r , at ' risk' to ' lu~tng Lebanon, Wlilmlng~ of one of the Leak boys, tlie 'r~l aJld family, ~r. aild ' Mn. Roy Bur- ville. He pa8sed through High . • - • i an appeal to thO, pab'.themselves. . · , , , ton ' Xeniil, an~ oth'e r large towns. flshermen of those days, who Wal ham 'and family; of !Osborne; Dr. and Bchool, leavine jUllt belore gradua. . d .~ pr~!le~lnr all ~:: They had .a bad starr in life, Thl! public bas yet a good plowing across th.e race and then Mrs. Ellis Smitb, of CinCinnati; Mr. tlon to take up telegraphy ' , an wamlDg lips,. . hav, chance-to !'Jet. a lot .of rare barpin • .dropplng afold leaving. pole, bait 'n and -Mr" . Smith and family, many years he wal train dis___ _ been ereated at, the -,with .them \,.ever. IIInce. the days .1 t h!! 88le. everything. In my excItement,. I ran and MISII Ruth Hubble, of patcher In ,the employ of the Hocking The Friendship club was and the con""", ml.• se~"the . oppor,tu~ltY' to, ~v~ will a~~11 rerre~' !tlf you don't h0!lle to show m.y , mother the great ~alley RailrOad Company, and at the ed at the bome of Mrs. Elaie All .citizen .:ee th,ci, if tlIe lIIotorlltli. the)' again felt cJieate!l. . . 't advan~. ot:':lt nR' . . prIse. For a mne-year-old boy to . ' . tIme of hil death wu C'!neral chalr- Wednesday afternoon July 18 aaslst I s te' ,t er.e ore, ~ , ~ J tbe bad no u'ellanee ")'n " '.: . ,. i • • .. .lan.11 a fighting fish like the baSIl, Wal! of Esther" land )ler •.remark: man of the American.. Train twenty-flve memben ten ' ert . y.' nTl:!:e .. thj! .berln~lnr I, not t,be fau! .. ot 110something of a feat. able daqghter, Emma, for more than ers' aasoclatlon. . ., present. , . number of 'cues ~~J: ~ . , lety, fault 18 Itt . OUD, . 1 didn't intend. when beginning half a century Mrs; Ley . Cartwrl&,ht. His nephew Mr. Dan Walter and After the Wluat' buslneu, a u tl\ouahtleii u ~" '. " ." . ; . th~s ' ra",bJin~ sketch of other aaytl, In the years 1_ knew them I ' never wife, of I:oebano~, and hlallaten,!IrI from Mn. Wuhbum, ~ho is at 81~ Small bo -. are on o~ ~ Guy 2).,II\)n ol,Aarqn'Sinith, to .speak of myself my wonder- saw either of"them ruffted or angry Cqleman, D. L. Crane .a nd Clelland hospital, wu l'ead.metal 'lip&. as U Qf Lebanon, w. ,i)1Jured !ul dee,ds, . but to recall early or V!!xed or loud-sp.oke!!, Mrs. H. V. Ylaltel' the f\lJiThe afternoon 'wu . very their to '. , i Monday alK'ht ",ben wlt~ two com.. re~o!lec:tlons .of 80me . wonc!.erfully 1 welt ' remember one ' dey, u a eral which was,held at his late home', u tbere had been a a collli P .............. 'llhe Hour club .enternil, Wil}lur ,!ind 'Harold the, before the I lay doWp on the Poor '00111- 1698 N. Street, Columbus, il\&" ab.o ut . the , tafl\ea at the home of Mill. Cut on SUrxace, w~ huntll'&' ,roundhoga ' on ~Itt 1 War. .Uncle, .AbaaJom Mer· plalDln, and w~lmpj!rin,- over aome this afte",oon " .,. penaed with and d,faeln f ....£&.:.":"'..,. Tuelday afternoon, Jllly .'12. Four- the fa"!! southwest 'of W'ay- , an4. hi. Wife, 'Aunt" imaginary w/llle '< Auntie " • - • lloelally:' Delicious acta .. teen !'eSp,onded ',to ro'll call As young;, Sr,nlth mb. "rat uncle and au_nt of myself and calmly rocked and ·sewed._ I said I ltd ' I Mrved by the holt"' Her aIpa. , ~nd )level'll. &,ueata :wll~ptellent. a .fend his glln ' was dl..:'· ~er:taancl brothe~, UYed on the cor. had, ~e ltom/leh ' ••,be and · 811e said " ~' tan.~ lira, Pearl Rich, Mn. I After the buslneaa IeIIIlon a p.ro-· the load entering' lh, Calf ner • .onaDy oppo,lte the Metho- she ' ao!1letlmea had hat but didn't . , ! Day, lin. Irene Hendel'lon Mn; . ~!D o~ music an'd ~re~dln~ ' rlgbt leg, teriilil1 manrllng d~\::ti,llrc~L' !hey, . ,ere of the .....t cry· over 1 tolcL her I had a sore Oil- Sunday, JulJ 2'tII, the ~Ullda7 qe JWrd, M~ Ellen Co~ner en. , he hoatels !MIrved Iln . flesh and,' apl!1Iterlng the beine, 0 e Unu, .. On rainy d~~ ~. to. ~id so' ~ad' ahe. 1 said Sehoo~/ ~nd tl(e church' .~ee 0, the fire.. Lena JI~lth. • WIUI rushed to 'the qftlell of nt. chilqtBn al",ays liJd " plue , of r. my , ' and' she said her did WayneavOle II. E,: chui'cb "m. be The !l,ut-. mHtille wnt .lMI • menu" ahd .'h!o .ente~lned tbe dren. with ~ blrthdaJ Party in honor ' and from ~here to, the' Blair : : In th., .!Iay.rbobl. 01. the ~ttf~ of too: I flnd somethlni tliat held In' the crove at Graile achboi to be held til. 10th of A~ " ot ~nddAu~fer'. e!""th birth. at Lebanon. VidedlO0g.....'t'-.e::... A II1ring 'Wall )11:0. I had I had that ~lIntie buUding. These .,.men Will )e fo1.- 60lIl. of ~ Da1, eee1l ~.y. ~ 1" P,~u... of ~N . !@da did not . but .be 10Yfe~ by .. 1>aIkfto ...... AU the be, tQ brlnt olle coveNj' !UIh Wl ed , a1plDP~-bOct:m...~· ..... ,P1actdly Th. cJuJ) 1I.IenIc wiD be heJd FRAT HOUSE PRO" alis . :::t . with a churehea of ~e ton ..... been (n- ~dwlc;bea Cor 11... , 0 .... · fNDIIr. 1IIt 8, at.HUh an" Dali. " - -• _~ "!'~ ent III1Icb • ••- Ev vited to -.......a. ·BLSDII 8TBOUD '"--'. ... L .\4 more enJO,.... _ . - aad til ....... 'llJr. -_.. bodjoin in tbiI,oatdoor ,. II! "k this d8#lce fCi~ or l' "'. . mechanIcal to)'l of~. • out, erJ l wale:-=-. \ . ' • - • . pi IaIoe. OWD IIIlMD 'to .lPtak IDOft ~~ .Wbat\ 1Il1 'Jaa4 t.eld me. I \ . " . . . .Job P. ~ of cJatlalau. 1==~~
i by I........................... r
f0RMER EOll0R'S SON '- 'nil'"
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George W. WoolJey .
Hyman's Sale· to Close
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COlt. Ftl'llt aecou"t of J. T. Flack, minis flltor (If the d tato of IIInry L, IIIcO ...y.
Pigs Grow Faster
Accoun t of Anna n. gUlIydlan 01 Lyle lind K. 1)11111, minOl'8. F lllnl accou nt of Everett Ert(!l. BdCOMMON PLEAS COURT mi n i ~t rnto r~ (1f t he cstnte of George LlIavo to III anllw r ' and ross 1)e· W. E rtel. tition Willi granl~.1 ·t ho' Lel,)allon. itFil'S\; ·;trl1l 1111 111 CO OIlII of l'rine iroenll Nationnl :Bunk lind Trust 0 . , in \ Bo rdenft'ltm', odmini lr t r ix or th the ell~c of Fred K'ahn \,11. Orlo Joro Iestate of R bt>t·t ]O~. Bord l,'/ll Iter. is a carefully planned F ir~t and fin I uoco unt. of Hanyct dnn und tho ' Lebunon-Citziens lfa. tionlll B,nnk and Trust Co. C. Wright , admll. of tho e lllte f and tested combination . In t he case of Th e Dayton Pnpcr Willard ·J. Wright. of clean, pure ingredient. Mul \'i nn tllay nnd Albert t ncy, Ne velt y Cu. , vs. Elmer Murphy, the which insure .~-,---~.,.m----=-----matters in con trovel18y w re ndju s~ ndminis.lrutors of t h stutc of hloe ed, comprollI ised and seUled ond the E . illeK, filed their inve nto ry and ~ ~ ca e. was eI ismi!!! ('d wi t hout I·ecord. apprai ~cmc n t.. . QUICK GROWTa 11\ the east) of. Ole s ·t.tI cmen ~ of " ]n th e cUI;e o f Prud Kahn VB. Ori e CHAPTER VIII he WIIS fret' ! For' lIler t' . nt II r Mor!{1l1\ l'ctu ~e d through the Jordan and t he I.cbuno ll - itizo ns NII- cslnte of Adda S. Brown, it is orAT LOW COST r et, lav t ho In OIl with t he d«:v i\'F op Kll rcion ww elo\\'. which he had.. tional Bank lind Tr'ust o . the ' jury d d th t certified co py of the bunter, t he Ulan shl:! had mnu ied. l' n Illld wn!! In t ho act of lifting . ' . , eJ'c a a . . ' fl d Captured Arain Parso n Kennedy 1 lined IIga inst baCk tho lid on t he dispatch-box. found III fll~or !I f the. ddendllnt, tho h~ri~u nce tnx ·to lJe plIld ; be certl e • . . the side of t h window nnd lookt)d whe n U'tc portieres l'attled on the Lebanon - Itlzens Mlona l Bllnk for WIthout de lay. SUPPollng it were Armi tage. thot Ilcross Pcnnsylvunill A,lcnue. The poles .and t.h e Sen ator himself with $1,600 payable to Fred Kahn ; on the hllrtesr D. ]\fal,lc, adlntnlstrnlor JlIUllMi to act would . b to selld to ma n Ilt the deRk /lsked : andle in hand. apPMred. second count the jury f ound in {llvor of the estate of usnn O. Lewis, hla death the mlln she loved. She " Arc you keeping an eye on ArMQrgnn sprung , bore the elder of tb e defe ndant the Lebanon-Citi- fil ed fh'st lind finnl account. Correct feeding right from the start "ill grow back\vnrd, to~plcd him. to th.e Roor, zens Nulionol bunk :for ~1,600 poyWa ldron ' C. Gilmour was npr intcouJd Dot do it. a thousand times mitag ' " Dol " I am keeping t wo eycR on him . bundl ed the dlKpatche8 mto hIS pock- able by Orie Jl!rdnn; on the renlnln - ed IIppraiser in place of Ed . onkyour pigs rapidly, so you can fatten them for tbe She \mew no Bleop that nigh t. She He doesn't keep mnny s crets f rom ?t, and r an nl1 the WilY t o his lodg- ing t hre e coun ts the jury found for lin In the cnse of the estate or PcPeak Market in August or September. Wayne ~ ,pent tbe hours Ii. te ning, Iistoning. me." Ings. There he burned whllt papers h i ' 'ff Fr d K h $3 239 Sh. Imaained footsteps; she saw Ar" Could vou put your llond on he had, saving only hill vnrious pass- t e p IItnh .' ' C EI n, , pay- tel' D. Hatfield. . : Meal builds bigger profits for you . .mltaa'e running the ga.ull t let of fire; Morgan's shoulder! " es and Red to allother part of the able by OrlC Jordan. In the estate of Cath erme M. Hal'· Sold by ' • ,he saw him totter nd fall. . • . "You mean arrest him for II Spy ? t own. The caRe ot The Senior Powder bauhg it . was found the n t value of What' was that? As easily as that," suid Kenn edy, The ro om he entered was ruther Co., VB. M. fl . Orell \VIIS dismissed the estate was not subject to iuherIn th~ garret above something snappinjt his flngerR. " But if we bare. Be 1i~ht ed the candle and pl!'c- without record. itance tax because of exemptions. heavy had cillttcred to the fioor. She spring him, we lose a morc valullble ed t he 'sealed docum ent before hIm. The court· g ranted custody of the P. S. Barbaua h , administrator' of waited, holding' her breath. She qUllrry. Arm~lro ng could hllve han- One by one h brokt> the seals: He children, Ebben outh and Melvin thc estate o.f Catherine M. Harbitugh dIed them both, poor lacl." . sl;ul'cd ,:ntl'llnccd. .Sucldenly hc Jump· 'outh to Vernon Sout h in the case of filed first lind finlll account. .. made up bel' mjnd quickly. 11 t~1a man proved to be Armi- . "D.o kou kndW where Armstrong cd to hili f eel, fUI·IOllS. Vernon South vs, Mllry South; the Proof of publication of the notice tage he should go free' her debt dIed?" F ooled, tricked! .He swore. He I' h U ' V '1 d woUld be paid. II it- wns ' a man she "Somewhere iM ide t he enemy's ripped th ese . ~ynical indictments !n- mother to lllve rIg t, to scc t he eh - of. ~ppotntment of A. C. 81 as a Phone 25, Waynesville, Ohio did not recogni2e, /well, he would lines." to tllttcrl<. I hey jlud plnyed Wit h dren at reasonable times: . nlllllstrator of the estJlte of S. L. Pal"At th!l home of Jean!le Bea,!- .him, Henry M.organ, as they would In the cllse of the State of OhIO fray WU8 filed. . Ili=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;!~1 lIave to PlY the penalty. Sbe tiptOed to the door silently fort,". saId the other. gllzmg ('un· have pl uyed WI t h II tyro I . VB. Harold C. GrahulD, the court apCourt ordered E. C. Dunhlllll , ad- '" and waited. A stair creaked. He ously at the broad back of his friend. . He laughed shortly. Clever, dey. pointed Qharters 0, lliaplo to prepare ministl'ator of the estate of Sama11l.ho ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!~7!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!~~!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!!'!II!!!'!II!!!!!! w~ coming down. Fearlessly she J?anne Beaufort's home? G-RA"D lUshly cl e.~e r l They 1!a d gotten nd charge of contempt of court ngain~t J. Zentmeyer be allowed t o sell propaelled !.be knob and ftung the door dIed there? . . • .They are pllr- of hIm WIthout dr~ggmg the ~~- Harold C. Graham 011' grounds of hiS erty at private sale for not less than Blank Book Co .• supplies for lIuditor r, furnishing ' unci lighting lanterns open. ' in... UB down. FogartJ' has been tOT through the mIre of a politIcal f '1 f II . t d f J rt d d' . I b .\ $3 fJ3 \" P M C ' b' d I d . h'" d II S hnl·dt· H( d on Iut scandal a thing every sympathizer Rl ure to 0 ow cour or er 0 aD- ,700. The cou approve an con- 99; John Me lure, fomov nil' sewer, on l'I< ge, . ; 'Y , • carre", A 'In" 0 y p unfe . against snge, an c I , en ers 8 , uary 16, 1927, to pay certain firmed sale. The first and final nc- ' 8; John H. Donnell, 1st est. on Con. purage relit 2 mo., $8; Hal E. Simpel' revolver exp oded h~rrn. , ' amounts to F~orence L. Grll~Bm. cpunt of the adminlstl'lItor is filed. o. 873 $lOO; Tho Centerville Lime. 'IOn, garuge ront for 0 mo .• $12; P. The spy daabed Jeanne &aide, leap James Arnold plellded gullty to a First and final aocou\'\t of C~., crllsher 'Itoll e, $28:80; The O. Munfort, gOl'lIge rent and exp~n. ed thiollllr the wiDdow and W88 gone. charge pf in,toxication and was fined L. Settle~yre, administrator of t~e Oregonia Bridge Co., section deform $es, $20.32; Curl Moore, hluhng A ilIot- ' ~ro~e the smmcei then $20 an\i costs. " estate of WaIter S. Wilkerson. IS ,d steel. $20.95; . same, repairing 3and, $6; H. O. Putnam. 1st est. on came another 'Ihot followed by warn Lawrel),ce S. Shawhan, guardian of filed. "'.equipment, $28.25; Slime, 'testing Con., $800: V. W, Tompkins, payin. mIlL A third Ihot seemed to Adolphus Snider, .w as: granted auCourt ordered certified the $8.25; sume, supplies $4; W. roll, $1,403.90; Barne $14.600; Fred aettIe thin... for af~r' that all be· tbority to mortgage certain real es. of inheritance tax to be pllid in the C. Turton, cement. $806:25; 'The Snyder, same, $429; F:. 1\1. Collins, ~e :,~:y :i11 II . h tate to pay deb~ amounting to 'estate hf Mary J. Drake: Barrett CQ., tarvin, $64.20; Alme, .306; Eden Terry, $887; same eame an~ther f~lo~ee:be,Y wt ~ U,D50. . Th.e di8tril!u~ion of the estate G. Watkins, compensation and $71.80; A. T .. Rettig. same, $126.10; .. btc crillL A thkd aho~ see d~o May Ida Slbey wa.'i granted admIs- Jenllle Conrey IS made by t he court. <lulllage8, $6 ; The .Taylor Tractor $Ame, $106.36: C. E. ~radbury, IRme aett1e~; for after that besion to the Dayton StIlte hospital. The . court authorized Robert J . ...0., repllirs, $80.21; William S. and $647.66; Joa. W. DaV18, same, ,479; came oppreAlV.;ly atilt Paul Gardner plentded guilty to a Shawban~ administrator or the estJlte Dougbnlan. same, $68; New- P. B. Monee, s me, ,1114; Harlan .1e&JU1e. a baa.~ ,Preaainlf dO\1m charge of lntoxica~on and was finild o~ George W. Grinl, to distribute cer- on S. Duffield, IUlme, $99; W. C. Whitacre, Rame, $67./;0; E. W. Qulm the thultd ~ th1'(lbs of . her hean, $26 and costs. ~ . tain assets to Lido 'Grim Wilcox lind Gilmour InCluest, ChJ1s. H. Horland, by, same, ,64.40; W. S.. Graham. l'MI ~ , .Se bad not IIten Robert Simmons pleaded guilty to Miry Grim Jones. '6.10' ~me Inquest $6.90; Valley sume. $38,40; Griswold )'ire and thtum:":::;1 abe I . a charge of intoxication and was 1InThe est.ate of James C. Su]e was Phon~ Co., pboneren't, $48.60; same Buttery Shop, 8uppllea ' ·1 01' 'sealer of. of ollle.~ ·dO'fl ell ll!ll&jed.. a group ~d $26 and eosts. ordered d~tribut.ed to heil's. . $43.16; AIIerd C. Br~nt, sher- W lind M., $8.34; Jolin ..Law • IO~~ 00 I ~ d~~ ~ ____ The estate of Walter W. Voorbls 1ft' e.xpense accoun L, $27.60; same, Son, sallie, $3.76; Philip Helsel, pay. feet:. ., qu e y a e NEW SUITS was ordered distributed to hai1'8:. bo'ard lind wlIshing for prisoners, roll, $44.20; The Gem City Blue "'W1iat )Wi ·ha~edt" , Mary M. Brown, executrix of .t,he $196.32; Lebanon Ice & COlli Co., Print Co., blue prlnta, $1.83; Spen~.Y "The\ Y:~ _ ... Be_ufort," said Henry E. Deckeback VB Robert estate of James R. Brown, filed In- icc for court house, $16; John R. & Armitage, furnillhlne and lo.dln~ one of tlte' olkin. "J!e got him on Hatfield, for monC}'. ventory and appraisement. Spencer supplies tor court hc1use, gravel. $87.76; W. P. McCarren, tI the . tIdrd ..Jibt. Be held the lan. Henry E. Deckebllck VB Ohristine $9.76' l10nroe' & Johnson; labor and same, $220.15; ..me, same, '1742.06: tel'IIThclollebto' the "faDen m~'a face. Crane, for m~ney. REAL EST-'TE TRANSFERS sUPPIi~s for court bouse, $7.50; The !4lme"l8me, $1,220.60; Harold Swee• Ita o.f jo., drove • lith put Myrtle E. F.en-ia VB. George W. . . Ohio Law Reporter Co. 8ubscl'iption ney, same, $233.75; . &arne; '861.06; Grisw.old for and egultGeorge to Ohio Law Bulletin, '$6'; Griswold Howard Cook, furnishing loadiflg Wh....;f}&If. .· 4' or I ahle relief. ' . 30 ac;~e 0 an In amI 0 J.I. Tire and Battery Shpp supplies for atone and aand, '233.89; Lesll. )'-. DO" 1M = l r e \ t of Obl,9 va. Harold O. Gra. Chris F. 'Von 'Bs1'¥en Esther county cars, $2.36: Law & Son Shults, .opcratlnf maintainer. ,66; a d~l Jf~ had been forc~ ham cbarged with cC)Dtem'pt of court. Von B.argen to Normll J. Hoyer, 10 n& and oil for county cars, $48.0'7; L_ W. NIsbet Co., aliment, ,82: John ~, po~... to introduce to Elizabeth Kohler va. Chules- H. IlC~~ I~ ~ef~;-t\;ld b L W N' b t Trustees of Public AWalrs, light at Law II: Son, repairing eount1 cara • 'b~, OD'~t lit .R ochmond. ....:",;;'. '" Bue~tner et ·al., for revision of conza e : 18 e o . • III e COUTt honse for 2 mo., $8a20; same fOr anrveyor, $7.68; D. W. Taylor. B ~""lomad 'thIia lit his pocket, Mills tract and canceUation of deed. 16i,.28 acr:sob- ~amllt~~~. F light and gas at jail for 2 mo., ,96 .• repairing tractor, $)..76; The Frank au Oft" # ~ Clarence A. YeazEll va. Alice Yea· e~o 'an . Ie rfm . . ." 67' Agrlculturlll College Extension, Sberwood 00., supplies, $8.,40; B. S. ~ PboTJlhdr' the , b"- I ai b 'H I ......plod'" Ilarmle..b. ael, action for divo).'(~e- OD grounds of Dora JeTfferles, 21.6 . acres 18 Wash- 9U~POrt • of Home Qemonstration, Conover, same, $16.88, Tbe Morrow . onJt. e eIIer. -' ma .. a Oooq P UDrad ar Da eu. • .. rna , gross neglect. In~on p. . .. "'76- Ellery Atlrinson labor and sup. Lumber Co. lumber '89.77' IiiterShe ~ .....,. --..t!'D .... IIII.UIecL ·.l~a.y ~ Uowed her. " . . . . D. OIl' F. and JefferL8 .,' • $8',na ti ona I H' ' iona1 a •clUpitei·' ID~ . , ~ . . . . u died of exposure' Skinner bas been would have hailed WIth delight. " B Dora nt 128 ere tl Leao 'i'. phes' for shnrlff s county ears, arvelter C'0., I nt emat ~'Deyil take them aU! Well, the PROBATE PROCEEDINGS an~i1I~e it ~ FS' B B _ The Colul'Qbus Blank Book Co., \lUp. truc;" leu trade in on Arrnleder much .o f • •~ to her u to the shot· lind now 'eomes AnnlItrong. othelL But ·the · four ~p\~1 lel:ten And'zou tell me b~ died at 'J eanne games up,. But Parson Kennedy, . . ,m. Ie enor 0 . . ar plies lor auditor, $11; The Woodroe- truck, $1,860; same, truck repalm, at the . boteoDl .of ' the dlSpatc:h--G- Beau ort's?" and you, John Armitage. watch out. The following aC1!Ounta were a'p- r1S, 10E 111 Lebanon.. r . Weil-Stanage Co. supplies forr andi- .46e: Kllpatrick.French Motor Co., RJ).AI OJae of the ..levenl " . "You IRY that Arrnitar has tio I'lJl ~ masterless man from now on. proved. allowed aDd confirmed: Ife~an '?letT to BOSSIe Zeff, lot In to~ , $12' , Oarl :VI. ~elbert ~ re- Chevrolet truck, less the dlleOUDt, First and final at:eount of. Clyde FranKlin. (uriaer ,680' Dean tan Ie; rent of ,747.21.. ..1eanne rolfecl back the aleeve of IICCreta frOm you?" aske the man I'll never leave Washington until the ~'I left UIIl. Tiler. it wq; at the desk. . . eee you both 'deadl Jeanne Beaufort Cox e.xecutor of estate' ot Ch88. W. Mary V. Wil~on to Merrill ffi f . , t $26 ' 'MJlry J , the dreiwlM VDf~ble· drcle wltli "I repeat it! ill mine, mine)" -. ' tor Bnll, let8 in Lebanon. \l co 0.1'_ a. dId . '. tlie .tranq . . . ID the center. . "Who is' Alice TrenU" Be roUed up and starea . Mal'y V. ;WUson to ~errl11 Proctor Baker, comp.e.n!llltion an, lImal{e _ _~ '1 5 Z < "A1ic.e Trent?" Kennedy blinked. at the s)!mbol qn Be . . , .. . . Ball loti! hi Lebanon . 60e: A. O. DJlI, same, $l., Jacob and i-"'l""-~~~~~~::;;::~~, "Wl.y so far as I know, - si)CI! .. is a l.aughed agaln ,as two .men was a ~lI1IhtBry necell8lty. R' B 11 Ro h t 0 kl R ·Matilda: Bahl', t;Oc: Scott and Mary . l~~ 'woman from Baltimore at be had entered :Bnt ,It was a r:agged defense. and his ~sa e ac 0 D. ey. Bl 08borne SBIIlC $1.50' William J. ~ell!t liiv pitwa"'8-a-.e, NmLm lltuft'cd the little in eonscie!,cc' saw through tile tatters C.aule M. l!~glC8by, lot In Woynes- pflanzer aa'me, 60c: Ida' May smc)" present .livillg 'with the Cald",el1~s, a her mirror. [f .. only he . an~ VOiced the truth... ' " VIlle: . . same $10' Martha E. Trovlllo, same, .family inclined to Bjt on tbe fenee. hold of that certIficate, to see if . Thi~ i.s not war--I~ IS nturdjlr, MIDnle L. Kerns to Edwm 0 , Ho- $90' 'M th'ew.Fole l18D\e ,91; EmsaId ArmItage. . grebe, 76.6 acree. •t a y, $2 '26' W C Tile Trents are of an old stock in had writbln her name therel , Ballrimore of established loyalty." Next · day Morgan l'~coul1ted t.o "Well • . what is war /lut mur.der? Edwin C. Hogrebe to Ol#lrence A. lly ~ ~~bum, same, 1. E' 11' A' "Armitige oalls there quite fre- Jeanne t he trickery Which bad w?~.ld ~a7e s~ot T?,e 'gulcklr and Amelra Yenke, 72.6 acres. Revenaugh, saine, $31 ..6~; ete a _. e t " 1>rought about his downfall, and he I 'Will, that s 1111. . a W B to Ha 0 same, $70.50', y. D. Cor'WlJl qU"wh'at of that?" \VIIS keen for reprisal. He must ·Kennedy ~an h.i!l tongue acro811 .eo~ge ' .' owers. , rry. $411 ,' D.E. Dqnham, sarne,,72; WE CET THEM &IClCLl AND FREE OP ca "Well Morgau' hilS caUed two or now remllin in' hiding but he would his battered bps. Whlta er, 29.3.4 a.c res III Wayne Tp., D :aeJlkle lurveylng 011 l'OaiIa, th ttm 9 II ' manuge to keCW in commiinication "Will you ever bC3 able to forget Warren, and Spnng Valley. Greene • M C~rk lI8Iistlng Burvey CALL US A!tY TI AI' OUIl EnEMSE · . ~~Aiorga~ ' oes e;erywhere" with her_ BeSIdes, be had some;us ~ft.er this night's work?" asked county. . .-' :Oad~, ,i4: W. C_ Bergdall. lAme, , , 'if • "We ore~aYlllg a trAp for Mor- news for her he could not . put o,n :Ar,~'IItage. . . . " James PIle and F .. W. FI'anz to ,16.4;0' W. A. Scott brfdge repair, gan todllY merely to open , Senator paper. •, YQu ar,11I my w:,ay. Grover ond MarguerIte ' Ed M I ' il8me ' ,2' 16' X's eyes. 'The President is to enHe was determined to' attack 1'ar"It ,iii an 8bo~lInabie crl.m~ you are lot\! in Franklln. $46.29; e oy, • 2 • W'i ' . P..... • HARVEYSBli~O;-o. trust to the cure of Scinator·X some son Kennedy first. And this !ell ·in a:out~ ' if','lv~~ 'Wli~akeB~~ ~g: ~hi~ The Wllrrcn Nationl\l bank, of lISiatlal'l WliltBCre$' :'i::~,x!~:j)Whl:; ·valuable . papers at four.' We' have with Jeanne's . plnn agree.ably. Par- s 00 ,_ r, . , . Franklin, Ohio by receiver to Her. mopan, .same, ., . spread the rumor quietly that ~bese son Kennedy kne'V; and tortUl'e -P."Iu~latlor~' a e to have . you found. nian Zeff lot j~ Frankli.n. ' ore, ha~lina: gravlJ,l, $4.60: d S~IV-:, document1lreiote to the munition ahould wrest the secret ~rom hlm. .' 0 n l' ou two sball vanish .. ' Good~n, same, 'v; Ho,!ar 00, storee. You will escort the. mes,sCDWhen Parson Kennedy got, out of lDterh' -b oI"men John 1/.1'- COMMISSIONERS' ALLOwANCES ,SI.Walter Du_ne, same, '7.60 ger from the White. Hou.se to the !>ed the n~xt mornln~ lie found an ! i>a:!~~ Kenned ":"'adieu I" .. " H. O. Putnam. same, ,211.60: P. ~. !!!!!!!!!'!II!!!!II!!!!!!!!!!'!II!!!'!II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Senator's. Morgan I~, hili private IDblrcsWnlt' ~ote ubder bill door-aUJ. Be the luse, pl!ced the can. W. C. GlIm.our, lIlqu,est Wm. A. Miller, inspector 011 28.111, ,6'; Ar. secretaryt you know.. He wus atho wIse oldathawk, he saw table and Mbran, -10.80, notice Western Star, proof thur J • -Hill, ...Istant lIurveyor, uKenne'ay~sbegan to rub hIli ' palm!! through trap once.for"Call at dl e onf bi boWed tel i th 'backed do of publicatIon to contractqrs .. ~geth~r ·1n pleasui-ablo anticipation. Number Nine Blaek SUIlet tonight ca nl nJr e or $4,76: E. F. Shrader, repain at jan penlletl, '8.2~ John C. Bell, IUP. • Ml)rgan. knows the combination ~ at ten if you would leam tbe truth g y. (To b", cOII-ttmned)' and residence $4706' The Columbu8 plies' for IIUYeJor, .~; Robert Cleay- ¥io-"""y..,_ _ _ _...........""""~iiiiC;r-_';: the Senator's 4ispatc:b-bos. 'But If about feanne Beaufort." . , " _ . "H' mph! ' ''I'his smel~ strongly of those l're bogus dispatches. we'll l",se him!' t , . ,myoid 1riend Mo gan. We've nlp- -- - ---;._ - - . "That's exactl>, what we wish . to ped' his claws, bu~ w. mus.t' draw hlB S'MATIER pe~p do. We want hIm out of ,tbe Sena- teeth to be ·1'ld of him;" , tor's house, in th~ o.pen. There are , He found CaptaIn \Annitage relldlots of men Who'd 1>e happy If a acan- ing a letter identically the same as dal popped up in the Senator's h.ome, his own. ' If t.h e documcnts do what we hope "n's a . trap, sOll-plain as day." , they will, Morgan will never cross the "But 5ppose ' we'. takt! a look at Senatc'lr's threshold agllin. Pllrson, it 7" suggested Armitage. those documents lire his indjctment. "All rigbt.. We'll . go in Number MU~+t Too1...0W. That's tbe job. If he purloins them Nine tonight. Forewarned is fore. F~.l'1 of WUNiI '•• d ijJolDiDI )it!~) 'jf.()) and reads. he'D go irite biding; but armed, I'm kind of curious myself. countl. may ~htaln .miS"e), eD I'.... be will not ' leave Washington at this If thtl houlle doesn't look right, why .tlme loana, at 6 par MDt. Ia~ time. If he doesn't go int{) the dis- we can shy off." . ' MUC.& Coat of ~ ~ some other method." . The block in , which Nnumbel' Too J.:O\'J then we'll have to trr, Nine wall situated was practically deaoflable ,tb~!lu.b Tbe ,Pe~ Tue8cl;a,: ,. ..~ 3)p.m patch-box, "You are taking great rieb,' serted. ". ! I. Bank. . For further inform.UoD ... grumbled Kennedy. ' 1<ennedy monnted the steps and Sa~"".8 a.m. 7 p.m .'~ I»n .or· IIddreaa M. C. DRAU ,.,.... "Sooner or later, he'll hang. Go rang the boll. Thon things to to . Baltimore tomorrow. Come back hllPpcn. Men dashed out of uter, phone 81e-X. LebanOD,. Ob1o. S~op IllI sOon as you can. For Armltai!e's und clime I)Ouring from the sake 1 hope there's nothing to my By their sudden and unexpected ,. • a-vn f laea. If there is anything off color, leyinlt', they toppled Kennedy and li! r'm Sure that the boy is Innocent. mIlage to 1IIe~idewalk. u;: .. . ' Ordinarily It would be water off a Neither had the slightest chance ~;;;;i;:;;;;;;;;__...____;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;==11 duck's back_ :But he's under a cloud to defend himsclf. They were swiftly bound and gagAnd if you warn him, there'll be trouble for you." . . ged; bundled roughly into an evil. "I'll not warn him. But if Mor- smelling hock and driven awa;v. An gan succeeds in ~etting South, I'll hour brought them to their journey'8 never 'forgive you. ' end. They were lifted out. A: cab. "Rest ' easy on r tbat soore. That's in stood bock of the road. , . ..' . Thoy were carried Inside, and a 'j >,Sho~. Daily . al1." Kennedy went away 1I0mewhot dls- glancc WIIS sufficient 't o acquaint . I, .... a,30 p. 10. turbed. What neW' coil bad the boy them with the desperateness of their sprung about his feet? lIitlJll.tion. Upon 'a table ~tood ' a keg Morgan left ~enator iX's at. ten of. powder, attached to which .was a PATRONAiE o'clock ;in the evening. The .Sena- ten,minute' fuse . :; .! . , I Terror 'first, then death; The two n\o~ 'were placed jn chairs lind rebound 80 securely that they could move neither hand nor foot. The men whj\ performed thie servjct~'1 on completing .their work ' /IOletnnlly filed out. "'" Jr . ' . . . Immedhtetly Morgan stepped inside the cabin, stared at bill Victims . . gloomily · fo~ '" spao_then · 8tepped ,over and relieved them .o·f their gaga, · '~They Bay a prayer is more IRtis. falltoJ'Y if spoken aloud." ' Ken'nedy spat grlinly. Be bad nev.e~ ·askea mercy; ' he 1I,0ver 'would_ "Are' you .!~olnR' to light· th8~ 'fuse, ~loTgan ?" . aSked Annttage. ' , , . · 'tanl" , , .. There' ~8S no mockery in Morpn'~ ~. PI..... No. 320· eye!!. He swore in hill heart thAt tb1a was wat, that the dut1i of th. . S CCl)lIli
'When Fed the Wayne, Way
- -C
"CASJ-{ IN" on Peak Market
Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company
~'! ~. ~~~\~io ~et ~
~eb~ ~o :en~~ ~~sman, a~d Tti
.::f f!1
BarJersb.g FertiZei co.
that ls
Cary. Jewelry
GRAI).\l1IEATER, Lebanon
F; ~. Martin · Jes.seStanl~y Auctioneer' . s,.
New Bulilllton;O.
Iec\U'f.,. ........
"~d at thl poltomel at Watne.vUle, 0.,
D. L. . CRANE, Editor IlJId PuJ,U.h.r,
Second Clau Man 1Ia",1'
SublerlpUon Prlc•• at.riO per~ear.
OHIO CORN Mr. and Ml'I, Everett VUlan were Dayton -vilitol'l, Tllumay. PDOREST 5
. Wayne Shldaker carrie bome Floric,la, Monday. to visit hia pa]rentll and other' relatives. .
Ohio farmers are IIkelJ' to harvelt pooreat crop of ' CC1rn linclI 1924, the weatber is more favoJ'llble Mrs. A. T. Molar 18 spendinr a dUl'lng tbe coming weeks. doys with her daughter, M1'8. 'crop. are averag~l or Clint 91eaver and family. laDIOUI~ ,with indications very, Wllm'in2-1 ond hay according to West, of t he ' bureau
McNARY.HAUGEN BILL AGAINJ BEFORE NEXT CONGRESS en," Lust weeK earthquake. news cume frQm ancient Puleetine, a quak~ , , deadly in Its effects destructive to Buck cO.mes t.he J\IcN~r)r- Haug~n ancient buildings. ' hundreds are Farm Relief BIll. AgrIculture In dead 109 killed within the Jerusalem general and mid-western agriculture ar ' B d i f ' th d ' " I n' l ' d d h b ea. e ou os a e cae •• were n Ila ICU or, ] 8 arouse ,on t e nt- terrified by earth movements lasting tIe for Fe~erol ~id is cOll1i~g. For fort)' seconds. , Some Christians will the sixth time tIns meusure 18 to de· learn wjlh dismay that the dome of mnnd the II tlentio,n 01 COnl."1'C88 and t he famous shrine containin tbe ~ the President- lind unless 1111 signs Savior's tomb b dl d g . d !ail the next Con~res8 will u),(ain put That sbould no;~~stu:lr-~be~~agO~ it up to the Pres ld nt t? g Ive- agri. the eontrllry. it prov,s that laws gov. culture ~ome sort of relief or aBsls- emlng the universe, Including this tan~e else have the party .facc a vi- tillY earth, work evenly, without tal Is-q ue In the 1!l28 electIon. mugic interference, IJverywht!1'e CO!lcluding a , strenuous t wo.dny . _ _ _ __ • . . session, ill which agricultural leaders representing farm orgunizutlons from EDITORIAL SNAPS a dozen mid-western and Southern states participated the Northwestern The man doesn't live who is disAgrioultural conference at St. Paul appionted In his obltllllry notice. last week palllled a resolution de-0-The renson. YO'!th n o longer reo mandlng ' that. the McNary-Hougen Far mRllllef Bill be enacted il\to law specte gray haIrs l S bccause Illost of at ' the next session of Congress. them are dyed black. Further: another resolution WIUI ". -0-W~Y' go nil the way to Geneva for unanimou sly adopted reque~ting the , House COllll11ittee on Agi'iculture .to n .--dlsarmament conference - with meet before the regular sellslon of Ch1cago right hero at home? Congt;olls and have the McNary-Hau-0-gen bill ready for Introduction when Two difficult!nlaces to find lLstrnight Cpngr~ss convf:lnes. , 'I aush. On ~he tace of. ye modern Senator Brookhart, of Iowa, C~n- ftappcr-or In a poker game. grOSllman O. J . Kvade, of Mlnnel!ota, -0-and l1Iany members of Congresa ' - The seat of most. of Uncle Sam's from mid-west!Jrn and ' southern troubles these dllYs 18 somewhere be. states ' were anlong the speakers at tween t.he 17th and 1~th amendments the conference and virtually all Utii'. -1>ed unremitting effort to gain "full . The prodigal son of today may enequality for agriculture. It was de. lOy the tatted claf upon his return elared the admliJistntion had "clear- home, a8 of yore-but tliat isn't the lY repudiated the platfrom on whleh kind be left for. -rO. . It was elected" in Its failure to give r eUef\ I . • T~e Maharajab of Ratlom from In"" $0 with our Flood Relief- Farm (ha IS in the . U. S. to play polo. Relief; bankers laying a barrilge or you Imagine rooting for a name , the rroundwork for tariff revision that? ' "downword" (scheduled immediately --0-after election). and the usaal presrederal ' agents caught t hree New Identia, year manoeuvering of part}' Jersey bootleggers who dumped sour leaders, ' the December s_ion of IIUIsh In a stream wbic~ killed the Conrres promiJiell to be melTY. ftlh., Evidently -"dead tJ h tell no • _ • tales.'
Dr, and Ml'It. C. G. llandaU and e com stateparis , at as per for centt'has Mfss Helen, are entertain!nr Dr. and with the ten-year aVElrage of 83 Mrs. Bailey Campbell, of Flodda. per cent. Conditions arll especially 1.1 f bl . r. lind ' Mrs. Ralph ' Tolle, of un nvora e In the n.orlhwestem Washingtno D. C., called on Mr. and quarter of the state where pUlln~lmg Mrs. J. C. Gray, Monday evening. . was late. The south central southwestern 'sections have f . The Community club was address. . ' air prosed Wednesday evening by' Rev. Wol- peets . Cor corn thiS ye~r. ford. A delicious lunch was served 01110 acreage is estlmated to be . 6 ~e r cent leSll than last 'year. The Mr. and Mrs. Charle~ Gordon and Umted States acreage is, placed at son, Robert,. were Sunday guests of 2 per cent und~r last year. Mr. a~d. MI S. Howard Grahllm and Last y~ar OhIO cor~ led the Corn daughtel s. in Y1e l4s, but this year we are Mr. and Mrs. Branson Seal and in . t~ward the. bott~m on present Mr. lind Mrs. Isaac Seal and baby ~lc~tJon8. Indlana]8 l,ower aa is of Dayton culled 011 Mrs Am nd' I1hnols, but we are In the lo,west Starr lust Sunday . a a class. Iowa conditions are 9 pointe . . ~etter ~nd the Com Belt 81 a wbole Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilbur Huddle of IS 4 pomts hlgber. Corn Belt acre· Lancaster, were recent dinner g~e8ts age is down about 6 per cent from of. Mrs. 'Huddle's siste r, Mrs. Frank last year. Wilso n and Mr. Wilson. The Ohio wbeat crop should be Miss' Ruth Gra returne ' home !Ie~r ~7,760,OOO ~8hell3, judging Thursduy from a pIeasant vis~t t th' indIcations as reported by tbe crop home of her aunt l.1rs Carl ~ ke correspondents. This' Is an average and family of near'Itle' u e of 18 bushels per acre, which is a ,y . good yield though not 118 large '" lBIt Mr. ~nd Mrs. R. H. year's exceptlQnally higb yield of 80n, Kirk, and PoIn. Sarah 22.5 bushels.. It 18 estimated that attended the Hiatt reunion at Ohio farm en will , harve81~ ~,639,OOO and Dales pal'k, lost Sunday. acroa this year, which Is ll4 per cent Mr. and Mrs. A. S Collett under the acreage barnsted 18lt tained at dinner Sunday year. Dr and J\lrs. W.· E. Oglesbee The United States wbea,t estimates their house 'guest, Mrs. Mary Parr. are now 50,000,000 buehela below . last year's winter ",beat . Mrs. Amanda Starr, in company for spring wheat are wlth. Mr. and Mrs..Cyrus. ~ray and on the buis of pn!Beln; f~mlly. ot WaynesVllle. Vl~lted rela- cations the wheat supply hves at Blanchester, Sunday after- something like 26,000,000 noon . . , more than lBIt year. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson were The Ohio oats outlook is · Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Her- the same as at this timE~ lallt year bert Flte and Ja.ne Ellen, at Wuh- when an estima~ed condition of 82 C. H. M1'8. 'Wilson remained per cent which 18 tbe ten-year averthe week. age. Acreage in this stllte is .eatlA bu . _ . mated a~ a 'S per cent incnase. Unlthrou h s route. Is now In operation ted S~tes oats are 2 per cent ton t! ,;ur VlI~age from average in condition and tion 'tha::es:n le, making h cent larger in acreage than in ~i;1 f ~ u~t':ute to t e , g es 0 e te. The ladies of the local Chapter .' -0Eastern Star entertained With a It may be true', 81 the' home of. Mrs. Dick 'l'uesday aft<.tnoon. ' The elaim, . ~bat more than 86 of the population aa~ on~y one well atte.n~ed and a very last year. ~cir the We, for one, a re afraid to afternoon was spent; as a whol, there is an .more than 'that--wlth women's M'18I! Helen Randall will gi increase in acr~e of ~lmollt 8 what they ~re. . account of her aojourn at State~~ an cent and the condlitlon is 18 .... . ---;-<>-. at tb'e ' I G ' mp above laat year. Gosb- We've bQgun to think Henry r - rega ar range meeting Sat- ,TtJe Ohio potato acrue- ia eaUFord 'didn't haye anythini to do with? day evenlnr, July 28. EVery one mated to be 10 per- cent Jarter tbaD his apology for attac" on ~~eu~::k f ~~:e and ·learn more l~ year and the cOl\dltlon III slljrhtl,. Judging by the number who • 4, H clubs. under average. The total United clarming credit tor ' havln, .,~. George Beacb. Mrs. States acreage is estimated 'at 11 it. about. E111~. Mrs. Emery Ross, 1\11'8. cent of an Increase with about an --0:ConnElr IlI!d Misa Harriett condition of rrowth. . We are in:formed that bott. w.d1c omed membe1'8 ,of the M. E. acreage showl heavy. dedent Coolidge and ' Th~raday afternoon. FolloWing in · KentUeky and Ohio Dawse 1I"er~ .fairly deluged with bU8tnll8l ~e8aion ' 'three flUarioul' hea~ increase In the South in~ tackle 18 gifts wben they were the ' the .Carollnaa. The Ohio »ouneed tlieir "a~tlon plans. by Mra. III estimated at 75 pel' might .m ention here that ' Obarlee year. catton atarta week-after prospects ar·e placed 'J cent .whlch ia about an ' " " '. -. qrop. In tbe State Otf NeW A' BIG O!lJ)ER ' ,/. G ML: ~ura Shidaker. Mrs. Howard crop is only about 76 per Farmer-uSamantba, do you want ra m, Mrs. Charles Gordon. Mra. of an average. The .V\rrinla me to brlllg anything from the city, ~:l'~r GW I~E~~ PifeM~Carren a little better than average. today'''' me' , a er ... ,a n lid the of W¥hington and Hil wif_,iYes, SI; you might Le etmg at th~ FaJ?D Bureau oftlce at I,Ir08pects are for about bring me a few Jara of that traffic banon, .Friday afternoon, whel:8 cent of an average crop, jam I see advertised in the papera.' plans werll; mad.e. !or the under the 'Iarge crop of . ~ ance of the nutritIOn we will take u~ this • ~no!" , all hlluseynves ar:e In vegetable cookery. 110 b~ plan ~ take tbe eourse. M1'8. Qray is townsbip leader for the Massie township, with 1' ''IUU'les Gordon 8I8iatant, and be ,lad to give you any infn""""_' you may desire COIl""..nin .. N-llro:po!led project. the most desirable thinr in
It I, easy for the ' luperatitlous' to hnarine that "nature" or the "demonl" or whatever tbClY cho,e ,to bl~me. Is worldr~ agalnlt thl4 earth. There haye been liunlpots, a total . eclipse. ol.f the 8un ' extraordioll elee~cal .storms a~d earlhquak:: .• France a'ad the British lllian'da Witb In a few lIays had poured down upo~ them )OO,O~O,OOO tons ot rain Wlth terriftle lirhtning and thunder. If t~e earth were as emal! 81 Noah thol!ght it, and Jlat as he supposed it 100,000,000- tons of~ water would bve called for another Ark. If I lIKend up' into heaven. thou art there; if, [ ~e my bed in. heli, behold, thou. art ther .. • David 'wrote thus in the 18Dth Psalm, and the, .t..teat earthquake neWll reminds ' UI thaUI we '!take the wlnci of tile mo~lng and dwell In the uttermolt part of the sea" we /IIIall not elCape the power that rulell all creation, Three weeks ago , there , ~m earthquake in AUstralia the. other aide of tbe earth," ag~vated' by loud explostons buildings badly ahak ,
EVEN TII~ I 8£:0" S:fLF-MADI. ~I£'" SOBJ£c:n" TO A ~TERAT'O~.s ,\Mt£N YM(V
Whe. you figure the price of a mait order tire bother, delay. and hand labor of getting the tire 04 your wheel to the delivery ~ost. Then remember---when you buy a Goodyear-built' Tire from us--you get your exact size when you want it. Remember: we put it on for you, inflate it, and SERVICE it. It's this SERVICE PLUS Goodyear guaranteed'quality . that enabla us to ~ave you time, bother, and , 'tire
mOlley. 3Ox3~
$8.~.Q q 'l !!f
$9~' Gil!.' .Ajg
Pathfi':der Cord . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pathfinder Oversize ........... _. .. . ..
-9•/.BtI!' g $ .' 14.25,
"If there were three croft on a fence post and I shot one. how many wQuld be left!" "Two left." "I'm afraid you don't . ,et tha point. Let me repeat. Thete were three uoww Oft a · felice polt; I shot one. How, many would be lefU" "Two left." . "No. None would be left, b_u.. of I shot ope then the other two would 8y away.'" . "Isn't that wbat Pve' been -Jinc' Two lef~" . • - • ONE-WAY TO DO IT '
Patbtllider Balloon .......... . . .. . . . •• 3Oxf:96, Pathfinder Balloon ................ Mon~y" b I ]
11' I I
I 111
Waynesville MotOF Co~: yvaynelviUe, -Obio
WaJD"riUe. Ohio
Dr. Jc,lld' W. MilleI' Walter McClure DR.
J~ E. McClure
Ofll ___A....~ Bid,. VA'CciNATION , OF SWINE (A SP~ClALTY) • J,ut R.li.ble 5."';. Yira. U.eeI Phone 81 HARVEYSBURG. OHIO
O••• C'-HOU ••
9 to 11 a. m,
to 5 p. m. 7to9pm • T.Iephone••
" ......Me
W.,"oville, Ohio
Service. \
Large Display Rpom •
Ainbulance 'SerVIce '
Almost eVeT'Vo!1e ordering printed matter feels that the, want Itsomething' dilfer~nt.' ,
With relative&, here" ., Li~le A,,.es · T\U'1l~r ,ustain~d broken, arm by a :fall Friday ' hiI', .. ! Mrs'. B. W. Keleb ADd 'c hildren, Ohlcago are here for tbeir 8ulnDlIeri vacalion. ' 80n, weeks' vacation. , T~? ,S~nahlne Society tillned by , lI1'8. Lul'Y Saturday. afternoon. , The Dakin . Sisten of Xenia;' ' re~tI~ a cOlleert recltaJ In ·tiIe".tliool pu'w ....... bUilding next satu~ay '~veqlng. ',' Adame Dicklnaon Jr. ,is ' eDjo7:Ing week with his gr&n~par.ents· at the.i r cottage at LakUlde Ohio. , c.rela~]re;
~13~:~~:~~~i~=:' :I ,1
,their . theA. .W. Tumer, Crub 'aare nd leader,'ofMrs. Ib !lpending the week In camp ,at ·, .AJi.lth,rOl'l'h 1(--l!rQliU(· ~·Fr~Jlj " IllCIllllti!fal tioch Glen . .J
OHlp '
Fully Equipped for Good
It~ Scroqy of Da.yt~n
....,..-.,.-- -
", Other Siza at Equal Savings--Buy at 'Home and Save
Raatu_"What fo' you..u got, yo' pants on wrong aide out nirrtrolr" TOO MUCH TO EXPECT S!IDb~"CaUlle'AU coin' to de ball tonlirllt abd Ab wants to glt de Sue- !aIaJlIa'er"-"AlI ready run bag outer de kne8l." ' up the eulltalb." ' Stare Han.d-"Wbat do you think lim, a IquhTen"
I"~ ,
J:lositivaly th'e last day of Myer_Hyman's July Clearance Sale. Take advantage . and save Money.
". N. Sears was In LebanOl), Tuesdl,. ,
I." H. 8mlth ws .. a Dayton visitor., 1I01ldaf, t
x . .Da)' was
in G,reenfielll. Ohlo .
la.t Thui'lldl)',
N. P Blat't and :fsmil:y. of
~o nr
, vlaltecl relattves here SundBy.
lin; Reva Stump .of HarveYllburg, Tu~oy.
Mr" and Mrs. Corwin f(amilton. of Xenia, Ipeut Sunda y in -Waynesville. Kr.and Mrs.. Emerson Earnhart alld c:hlldren were in ' Dayton, Tues-
Born-To Mr. and Mn. A. Z. HartI!>ek, of Route 3, Monday, July ;18. .• Ion. Evlllyn ,Surface spent Wednesday and WedJie.aay nigbt with Dor othy , . Orndorf.. , • WUtoDHartI!ock is spending a day with ~. and Mrs. Harry Turner, in Benbrook.
FOR MEN AND YOUNG MENr One lot of Men'
~~ n 's
and Young M en' Suits,
W ork Sh oes. moccasin toe, compo-
Men' Scout Work Shoes, eitber leather om position sol s. $2.50 va lu , Sa le Prl'ce . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Me n's . Work Shi r ts, best quality. $1. 00 va lue, Sa le Price .. .. , . . .
$13 • 75
U p to $?7 .5 0 val ues gO at Sale Price ... . . . .. .. .. . ... Menls' Broadcloth Shirt s, '$1.75 value, ~al e Price . . ... ... .. .. .. .
Me n s $1.50 Ka hki P a nts, go at. Sille Price . . .... . ... .. . . .. ... Men's extra Heavy Bib Overa ll • , pla in b lue, $1.50 va lue, Sa le Price. Men's Dress a nd Work Sox, 15c va lue, Sale Price . . .. . ..' . . .. .. . . Men's Athl eti c Union Sults, 75 c value, Sale Price .... . ... ' . .. .. . Men's Drea Pants, $4.50 valu e, Sale Price . . . .. .... '," . . . . . . .
49c $2 95
Up t o 45c va lue. Men's Silk Sox. Sale P rice . . .... . .... . . , . . . , . . Boys' Cover a ll, $1. ~5 va lue Sale P rice " ....... .. ...-.. .. . .
er, Iu\ WA4D-Jay: Henderson IIpent the • Mlt..ad 'in Centerville the guest of ilia BdDa. K'elleJ!' .•i .
with each Purchilie l during sale.
Ilr. and llrs. Thomu Fetter. of SprliwIeId'; ~ of Mr. and .1In. 0.0.1. Sntitb. • .
_~~~J ~_~"][d· ·.~lla'l·peMnrt· and .iceThecream. G:ran, ge, commiLte,e ,will aerve da, at· OweJWrille Ohio. : : ~ cnke,. pop and .Iemo.nade ,..,
, ..
2ge 89c
L~\(l ie _ '
Silk Ho 'e, SOc value. nle Pl'ic"e ..... . .. .. . . .. . . . . . .
H ope Mu slin well-know n fin qua lity, bleal'h ed, 20' va lu • Sa l Pr ice .. ' " . .... .. .. . .... . 12~c Good' g ntd U nbl eac hed Musli!l, Pri . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . , . . .
9c art Li nen Unbleac hed I'n ah , l'ed 9c blue border, Sale Price .. .. . . 9-4 P el?pel'c ll Sheeting, b l e~c h e d, 44 C r eg. Pl'l Ce, 65e va l., Sale PrIce . .. \. . .
Sa l 01'
La d les' 75c Uni on Suit . Sa le Price .. . , . .. . , ... ~ .. .. , . . One lot of Ladies' H Ollse Dresses, percale liP to $1. 50 va L, Sa le Price. Our 2 50 value Prints go at, per ya rd. Sale Pl'i ~c '.. . . ...... .. ... .
49c 59c 15c
Amo&keng Apron Qingham. l8c vnl ,. Sale Price, pel' yard. . . . . .. .
121zC 49
Lnd ie ' .SIiU and Fibel' Ho. e, 75c val. 1 ale Pl'lc e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
e La<li s· Oxfor~s und St ra ps, $3.5($1 95 va lu e. al e Pl'Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladi es' r ope and Nain ook Night Gow n:; :1;'] :00 va l., Sule P ric e . .. ... Good g rnde Muslin. Stile Price . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81x90 'Sea mless Bed heets. $1.50 vn lue, a le Price . ; . .. ... . . . ... oug-ole um Felt Ba. e Rugs. 9x12 reg, $12 ,50 va l., Sale Price. . . . . . 9x12 BI' \l l;se lls Rugs, $27.50 Y/l lue, Sale Price . . . , .. , . . . . . Ladi es' Kni t Vests, 25c va lne, a le Price . . . . ... .. , .. . .. .. . . .
Oc 98 e $8• 69 ..
$17 •95 14e
...1~. . . .~Bege~eg~ae5EEE~~5a==5&;==5a2$5a~====5a==eaEa~aM. . . .~. .EE~
Double Red Arrow Money given
KiaI Dorlil
$1 69 69c Men's Dre .s Oxfords, black or $2 95 tan up t o $5 val., Sa le PI·ice. . . • Men's a nd Young Men's Dress $3 "5 95c Pa nts, $6.50 val., ~ale Price . . .:1 One lot of Men's, Women's and Children'S Tenn is Oxfords. closing out at 9c Sa le P rice .. . .. .. . .. . .'..... . . 29c
98c 88 C
Kn. Charles Gray and Miss mll:lrJU-1 lie Barnhartvisite'd 'Mrs. J. R.
. - - : __
~~l:~~i~i:e~•. ~I:. ~~ .$.2.~. ~~~ l~ .' ... $9.95 . ~!l~~ ~~l::' ~~:~~ ~~.I~~ . . ... . . ,$2.45
lee cream cake. pop and lemonade at the GI'IUlP buildlnlr. Wedhesday eveniq. July 27.
...... UDIIC
TO 40%
the' sale
Dr. MaT)' Cook has arrived hllme' from her extended Western ' trip. ... .. WaynesVIlle \'isitor,
E- 23rd of
Store open evenings during sale to accommodate customers •
Waynesville, Ohio
Ball Game ' Postponed
- ;-'~'=::===:::!!!==~
tis Thunida y a t Minmi Valley hospital. Her mnny f liends here nrc g1ad to learn tha t she is doing nicely.
___~~~~____~,. 16-DAY
that you c;a n enJoy to the m~81C;: ~f --the i)~nd. jn the lawn i)ack of the The i)nll gnme' »i·ns postponed last Grange building; Wedne day evenST MAR Sunday on Rccount; of wet grounds. Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen Emrick. and SEASHORE ing. July 27. " • Y'S C"URCH There were no games played in the guests. Mrs. Leo n Salisi)ury and chil'" ' July 24- S,ixth Sunday after Trin- league, so the ef.anding was not dren. we.e Sunday dinner guests of EXCURSION Mrs. F. E. Thomas and son, Roi)- ity-Chutch School in ' union servlee changed. Mr. an d Mrs. A. S. Cornell , near Ferert; Mrs. Lester Surface and daugh- on cboo} callJpus. . Morning Prayer A t a r ecent meeting of t he league ry. ters. Evelyn and Doris, and Mrs. An- and sermon ' at 11 o·clock. , officials. , it was qedded to play ~ll J, W. Riley Saylor ha boen apna Hath!lway spent Thursday of last Rev. Jol\n. 1. Schaet!er. Reetor. park teams at home f or the rematn- poin ted prin cipal of tbe Spring ValIlr. and _ _",ODd BaWl, week 'l1~ MI'II. Madi"on Earnhart, '" ' del' of the season. The schedule has ley Gralle schools a nd will be tcachand 'other Southern N.w Jer..~ S ••• hore R ••ortl IDclIaDapo~ ~tj' Sa~ an lIn- at Dayton. , tHRISTIAN CHUR~H been c~ngei\. ~ndl B.owersville will er of the Upper grades~ He had dqwhb¥r~ &lldKn.KertBa{rd. . and Mrs J . R. Baker witb Sunday . Sch~91.at 9:30. Evel'Y_pl ay' at~~~~.Sunday. t?rm erlymade~lnstogo As amis. JULY 26, ,AUGUST 9 and 23 Mr. "'_ th 'f ' ... ... . '._ d body cordIally inVIted. Slonat y t eacher tn the Sopth: gues"", e orme"'JI ,I'/¥en ... ·an . . I") Waynesville $25.02 Ro,=~rlp • Mil. and Mrs. J. 11. Bnker FERRY CJlURCH OF CHRIST Or .~a Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Haines, Mrs. , . and Mr• • Jame• .Baker; of ~endallB 'bl S h I 9'30 --• Mary Oarmony and Mr. and Mrs. THROUCH SLEEPINC: CARS TO A1;LANTIC CITY ville, Ind., were calling on Mr. and ,.1 e e 00 " W. P. ~Neal'l 100 acres extra good land 6-room Walter Ke nrick a ttended the burial 0 Herma Surface, ~ compaoy with MlI!. ,Charles Gray. Sat;urday eve.ning. ~~ster 0 :' the.~hUrc;\ of Ohrlst at hduse, larg~ barn IRnd shed.' chicken serV ice of ComlJ'l9dore P. W.heaton o~ o \'e~I~:'~f!:! ~r!~~~·J:~'~·IU"!~i::~.u=:l ~=''r~:C Ilr• ~ BftIeIt HartIock, daugb . .' . a ,na, . . p~~ac at the '\lorn bOll Be. frui~, runniIlg' water, on pav- Da~to n. fi t Spring boro cemetery. on AS.'iI,. · '.• tel' ani.., ipatlPJlckr in Dayton. Mrs. Oharles Fester, ' C?f Dl yton. mg s~,r 'f'ce. ear . m: , ee! Tond, 3 miles ,ca.st '.Qf Wa.ynesville. Monday a ftern~on. PE~.NSYL'ITANIA ' ' was the gu~sl; of her 8Ister • . Mrs'" Nathan Jqhnson. Minister. $86 .per acre. W. N. SOI11'8, phone WilHam Drown 'w r emoved f rom ,V LI\. lee cream. ~, eold t IlrinkS and Perc y R~ason, 1~lt ~ee:- ~e~ h:- . METHODIST CHUR'eH 79, Waynesyille, Ohio. ~fiami Vlllley hospital IlISt weeK . pleDtJ of ~ JaUlic at 'the Gnnre ben d an son)o ne ~r a . 1.' y the home of bi8 daug hter, Mrs. Frank '1IIlcUq, Wednesday evening, J'u- heveninSg, aJI tbree .reburnmg to tbeir Saj>bath Scbool. 9:16 a. In.; Preach. Woolley, in Dayton. He is resting , I, '27. ome un ay eveDlng. ' ing Service at 10;80 a. m.; 'Ep'Vorth comfortable since Ija ving his limp HOUSE WIRING AND GENERAL 1 HE ~ ' •- • League at 6 .~6 . p. 1111; Evenin, place4 in a plaster cnst. REPAIR WORK • JIn. , llalpll' Van and aon. of Preaching Ser'flce, at .7 :80 p"m. --Mr.and Mrs. Ch'a rles Jolins and Mr . . PleUant Plafal qIeIIt lut Thurlday ID A" Washburn, 'Puto.r il.r...atten n. . ',' _D' . , ~...~· ~~ Mr. and ifni: J : ~. , ( . X enia court houso IlaBt Friday. , urday evening guests at ~he home of E~ECTRICAL APPLIANCES~ THEA ' , .mCAL°ItUT. .P'~ " wAllo II1he 'Good Cut ·Clothln .. club ' inet ' E' k ' I 0 ' Mrs. Charlcs E. Johns spent Tues- Mr. and ,Mrs.' Allen . mnc. ce .Free ..,F.tI.... t.. . lin. W. O. Ita,. .. reported to be at the GJralde , ~~i1dTtnhg T!leS~t~y after1 day in t he Gem Oity. ' , . cream Dnd cnke were ~rv~d i,n h ' \,},- , • ,. THII ' wo.LD gettSnC aroa. ' lllcely alter an era- noon, u y .....,. , e., me" 109 WIIS .". , ,, ' , " . . ' or of th ~ thir d birthday of IIttlo Wen. rGIIIJSII!D W!I!II.T. ' $4.00 na TUlI' . tio. at lIcdle1lll1l~ ~OI 1t&1 /o~di&y ta?le~ to ordel: by tlie pre~ident. tb~ At a s~bool board meetlU&' 'Mon~ Morrill Wharton an~ WIl1~!l Long tiel! SalIsbury. ' , AGENT FOR WESTINCHOU-SE lIOn.... DIWOGIa'n. .PIlOIA...... mo-a..,", p, mmutes of the last .m.eetmg we.re day e.venlng the following teacbers spent Eiunday at B:atavlll, OhIO. They ..... Mi ldr Gith' " 00. T U .. 11_" T. A 11 . . . . - ' ,0 A ~ g '-' r rea4 and approved .• f ollow.ed i)y the were employ'ed t o fill the vacnnclils went oll · motOl'cycles. . th ."~SIS ft" .t~d h cns ~ s~len( n .,. FARM LIGHTING PLAI\ITS . roll caU and payment nf dues h h I f b . 19 we"" 'WI n er p oren"" r. an d , .IID ..ue .IIItYIOIl OAII PItOn' Evelp Surface' ~ted her cousins . , ' . ., '" . ' of t e se oil or t e eommg year: Mrs. Frank ,Rogers is uported as Mrs J'.oseph GI hens having klomav. uaillO ITa ADYIIllTlalllO OOLU..... , Kn. JIaclIIoIl Ilunlwt and ' ...... Durmg the bustness seSlfion. plans Miss BertRa Vldentlne mualc dra- so mewhat improved at Miami Valley I . t ', >' .b ' B I • • SAMPlE COpy 'FREF , ~ for a picnic wer e ' .... ade The 'pre... '. d! M C 'I W . b' , P cted a term a ... oco s Ua,neS! Balph D,u . in Dayton, over the ' . .., . , mattc reo ng ; r. a.r ng t. SCI- hospital. ' ' college ' Datyon She w ill return to ELECTRIciAN ~ .... It.... OUP.... wMk-ad. . Ident then !::~b:~~t~!:ir~gShmTe~! encde ; ~. ,Ralph Storts, the ~Igbth Milss E dit.h Sides on4 friend. Miss IDny.tQ~ .next w~e)<, where she 1I11S a '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!~!!'!!~!!'!!~~!!'!!~!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!~~!!'!!!"'!.!!'!!'t'i~• . . gr a . . . 'D T 1Ift. . It ll ' ~11 IrIa . individual demonsfat!on ' • - ~EdIth H usemnn. of ayton, were pqsl IO n. perite pMn ~d iw!eedau ~~ then discussed and the ... wellk-en~ gu~St8 oJ: t he f~rmer's par- Mr: and Mrs. Albert Stacy, MiM :---.....-----~-....""I'~-. .- - - ; ; . . . -.....-.,;,.;....;;.-":;"O'---!. ten; Of D~n, vJ!l~relatIves h:re eho.8e c!>stestant:s . ... enta, Mr . and M~' . A. L,.,!S,h;les. .Oleo !;l~~ey. ,¥r.. and Mn. Russell Jut ",eet. ' • the ..busmeas ,w as dispensed . , Mr. an.d¥r8: Ralph' Sto'' 'e, p'f near Bur nett and children . attended ., with, the leader belped -the girls with To the tax payers o~ the ,Wayne Lebanon, spent f5at ur day evening bit:thday ga t hering at We home ot _ , Mr. and Mn. Frank Day and tWo their . gal'1l!en~. Refre~hment8 wen Township School District.: with .;Mr. I\nd Mrs. Kellier Graham. Mrs. Stacy's siste.t , Mr. ' md ~ ebildren of Wiiu:huter KY ' are -'- then served by the hostess and an A public hearing on tbe Budge~ u .· .L l' G· .' f L b HIl'l'ace W elsh, · south of Lebanon, itlnc tlIe former. ~nt IIKr and aSS18~n t. Adj ourne d to mee t Aug-. for Wayne Township Rural School u~I"S.' ,Pau ' t d IDe M" GI dille '!II; r<eend' 0 Bnear a- They took i)asketll nnd en j oye d' t he ~=:;;;;;;:;~=;;=;;~;;;;;;;;~;;;;~;==2:=:;=~. lira. A:. X. Da" ' : • • • ust 1. at the )lome of Mrs. Harlan. District for the fisclll y~ar 1928 will ~?d' V. l 81 e · ISS . a ys erg a ' a picn ic dinner. " , . A L. H • , , ... .1 ay. · • _ • . . be held at the meeting of the Boa~ ' . Mrs Leon Salisb ury nnd llon' 1Ir. ad lin. Loren Hadley and of Educat ion in. th~ Bank building" ~r. and .Rulph Beltz. of ne~~ !,la11. r~ turned to their home i~ Ol eve daupter. of Berlin Heia'hts. are the Fri~nd, W,aynesv!11e, OhIO, fit 7:30 p. m.• o~ Fairfiel<l,. Vl8Ited .Nfr. m~d, Mrs. W)l- land. Tuesday, after a two weeks' pesta thia week of Kr. and Mra. J. , Monday. August 1. 1927. lIam CreIghton on S,unday. etay at ~he home of her Mr. .E. JapJllIJ an~ family. " , L. M. HENDE!RSON. Olerk, MIMes Ruth and Margare~ Ooolf, r and Mrs.--A:Ilen- Fln''"''!It-:--:IIIn!=-I~ft11' HThe regular meeting · of ~he ' Y. "P. . • _ ..._ _~ Mr. and ·lin. Ethan C. Crane are M. will, meet with Ruth Coo.k, Jqly . Waynesyille spel1lt Thurllday }\lith lick and little Meriam SalillbOry. Who annolJ!lclng the arrival of • IOn. John all the hOpJ,e of bel' grandparents. . their aunt, Mrs. M~tgaret ,JOh~8. will rlll1l /lin :(01' an extended visit. IlCRlehaid, at Miami Valley ~olll>jtal, and M;rs, hli!ton Keys. . ' Clyqe Cox visitE!d Mrs. O.ox at, In- c mp~nled t~em to, Da~on~ , nayto~. Saturday. July 16. : " Dev,!~lon,al , leader. Herbert. Mc- . Harold Sabin, aged 77 years. died gomar, .1!l1lt. TuesdllY and reports her The _~oul'th . quarterIJl 'meeting of , ' Millan; leuon leader. Eva McMillan; last Wednesday. aftel'1\o'on at a Day~ slowly UlI,provin~. • the Lytle and S~"lngboro c~B1'ge, ",flI Kr. ,ud ~. Frank re~tiorial leader, Mabel 'MeMUlan. ton hospital. He ,is Burviv.e d by his Mr. and ,Mrs, C. L. Duke cnwr- be ,hJlld at Sprtngi)or~ M. E. church " '._ • widow, '-Anna .a daug/ltel' and IOn. talned the Fannllrs :club at their next . S~n~a~ a t 10 .~O. Dr. J. ~. and aoll, of ~yUe and, Mr•.and CUIf,!M Arclidea~oJ\ •.and IOn; of Day- " - . . , Funeral services were c.ndueted Sat- country home on Routo 4. _ Robem dIstrict supenntendent. 'VIlI ton, spent SUllciay Wlth Mr: and Mn. ' A. 1 . d" ' I t tb RI' f ' preach There wlll be no more John Smith. . '. ' n. • .L . ur oy morn ng a e, I!lItn~r unMr. and Mr8. Robert Burnett and I>reachlng 'services at Lytle until af.' ,. .. . . ~rai parl.o rs. Dllyt on. and banal was 80n, of Dayton. wer.e week-end guests ter Chautauqua . . Sunday School Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hawke, of DayMrs., Olara A. Roberts. 79, wldo,:" m Mlnnn celJletel'Y. . bf Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Burnett. . b ~ at 9 a. m, ' d of H . Roberts. former proml• - • ' . toa IrIr and Mrs Le JIB k 1 'ily . d'M e , w .e an manufacturer of pumps (fied 'at 'Oli, NOI Mr. and Mrs. Clar'ence Smith. of ~[isil Bernice qrabam .::: f~n/' 8: 't Srs fO~Fj.0r:.m 7 :16 p. m .• Saturday, a~ her ;esldence ' " Parton." s'pent.: Sat·~rday and Sunday' home Suriday evelling, after a , 1". 4'00 ' Sale~ ' Ave.. Dayto . ':'. Death The C~p.L,·,·Wc:re you speedin,?" wlt,b ~rs. J\n'l Sm"ith. ;. • \i~htful 'visit at . ~I\)'kersi)urg and " ' a!lll- Hn. J: C. ~awk:: ~y . a short time after The GIrl- No, but I juet palllled Mrs. Mary qarmony. spent Sunday klns, W. Va. She a180, vis ited ,Mr: ~d .Mrs. J. R. Wad, and chil. to the house a'ttl\{ some one ~ho ,!a~'. witll Mr: ' and Mf!~. W, F, Ciark at nerbas~tt Is~andl once . . lD ~he ,Y~rd. r .', f < ..' Waynesvl11e. .' . George :Washington and drell. and Eileen Ste~ 8pent S\lPday ~th the latter' th Mfa daughter of the late . . beaotifUl scettel'¥. visited Karle' Ste . wart and e:Ud~eon Kerat1.~ Collett; Methodist ~ 'a:Uu f Mrs <?~rttls"tThhhomp'son left. d~fdaY:I;' aM ,Wl1nt Oll ~ux:el 1U;7" fill e d many ' . ' in ' . I VlSI Wl t er 'Obl sons an d Cl am - 8"00 f ee t ,. h'19." 1. ~ con d hlgh,eat: and KaTion Ileal" 'Cincinnatl pu' IpIta I'or a t'Y f" " . Cillcil~n'Lti conference. preaching ~ ." }es,_a oungs own, 0, an ar· in the 'StI4te. ' ADMINISTRA10R:S SALE Ion. Pa. , , Mr)!~ .Amoll Olden, a nelce of the Waynesvllle, 'whe:re the deeeas,ed w!l8 .bornXe!lia. Troy, 'Cin~ti and At ,the . lAte residence of Chloe Z. , &lsises Ethel and Ruth Reeder, late Mrs.. dhloe Side",_died very ludDayto!! .• X ~al! ~rother. George Col- ,Sides. deceased. in :Lytle; O . hlo. o,n ~f~. and Mrs. Geo;rge Reede'r ·visited den,ly of . heart , tro,uble. early · ~uea• , lett. ' of Sprmgfield. W.as the ' former " Satul'da,.. Jul,. /D, 1'27, MIIIII EVil Reeder at Miami Vaney day morn1ng at ~he home of he couall, th~ per- hOBPltii~; ' ;3unda:r. , -, sins•. MrT apd ~. FIo1d.§avage, , . trellSorer . ~f C~at:k county, . '. '.: " Begirinin~., at .l 'p, M I ~y G I d tittl JI She bad been Vlsitmg relatives her!! , ' . Funeral se.r1iieell were,t con!1uct'ed sonal properly. ' eonslstm. g ' 'o f house, " ., " d 8i kitc~en p.:t.'ensu8" etc.,.'b e' d h ' , T 1 .. - - - at 2 p. m. Tuesday. at, tbe residen'ce hold:;goo •r~ N narry h .ra lam hdl an tHiS e ' 1'11k an lIS b eept · poorIy f or lome tl :~lme. ~.to~ an. cstate, the , residue of 400 Salem Ave: BUrial in Woodlan.d long;ng' to' Chloe 'Sides deceased . .m~ ~ a:;;t/ J ng "N rile ~ Her ljody was taken to ber hbme' n~ .,;..~~.,;' . ' UtiiJja McKay. slt uatecL on cemetery. . .. • > .,..' " 'Maivin~ .Staey ~ 11 'J}' Oa~ , II• . ames as, a Sidney. l, l1uesday: afternoon, ,for. 'fUI14~ ~treet W.l?le~ville. 'Modem '. • _. " . . 1,' ''. ! " . ~lberfi. Stacy." ' . an e '1'1. ~Ip. ,..>"; "." , e'r~\ sernee and burial. ..' " . :~way. electric hghb;, fllrnaee y ' . A;dmp istrato;s ot ' the , ..,tate .of Mr. and Mrs. 188m ~~C.tir;e and . Mr. and Mrs,! lL , Prlca ad tetm . a. . ,', CH~OE Z. SIDES, de.c d. 'tamUy, ~ of ney W'aY)'leljvl1Ie "pent and, children enjoyed a 1'A>nU",' .'At.lh_ • Inaa..Jon a~ r~~:,ble. r' : , ,' " !. " ' . , . , _ /r.W•.,N,';SEA~ and . .. t l ~,!D'd1l:Y ~ith Mr. and ¥rp. Fl~y'd Sal" ering and picnic dinner Sil .... :to"T".. . y i)y apply- . Les Huit Soeurs, popularly ' nick. S. L: lMPSON. A:uctis. .' . ag and children. ", " the home 'of the latter's parente ' ~., . , " named tbe ' ~ 'gutter" crowd • .:were!hoB:- . ~ '.' " , " . v!, . . JIi.' i-&nd Mni. C)jifor~1' Archdeacon afid .Mrs. Sam' Mer edith. at J~IinB"' - H. AI J EN tosses to a few guests, at a ste~ f~ PUBLIC SA~E p~ HOrr.Lr FURH.I. and son" of DaY:t;nn . were week-end ville. , Mr. and Mrs. Ratrf MeredIth ~st FridBr !li!!,ht. In spite of'ldarri., '. ' , . ' . " NI:rVRE" \' , gu8ete .~f Mr.' ,ancl..,Mn. Frank ,Mil- .o f Lima. being '~resent, the first , EXECUTOR ",. , tenberg'l!!. . : ." .' j home ~inc~ Harry's recent IUne!\8 and . ~o~s whIch m no w!'y. ~ffe~d thl! SPll:IU, of. t he company ' certain fid .. 4t the O}:l,alI~'" .oiel"ln Morro,.. • , .• , . . , • operation . ' . Tlie. Sua~ay Scliool claMes of Mrs. . " ' J' .. ~ , ' . • • • • i)ullders 800n had a .tall hI lIle '"endin 011 ,", bildows &c)'oss', the old rea brlclgf ' - ' S,i'ttir.;t, ~~al,Z3, ,1927" .. Rolsert 'H.u~t. M,d ,~ef\ry Saylor ..qd, . Mrs. Ett:L",a Foulkl an~ sons ~nd l( '~he trees had eyes , tbey IIaW jo1- ,, ~lig!:Mlne at 1: p..• :m', all the fuml-' Bevl,lral :'f~endli ,spent SlIndl'y after- Mr• . al!d ,MiS..... ~i1be~ ~'l".nk eate~ ous faces turned- towards tbe C/linp ture;f\ecesss,lI ti) ~n' t~e .hC!tel. con- noon, at' ~,e Soldiei1'!i! Home, D,Il~n. talned S'!.,,!d,ay, M .11 • •Mary, Bnand.nfire} if' tbeY ',had ears, ttiey heard . " '8i8~ing 'of 12 larie rugs. '~d8. atapd~, anll ~njoy;e'd a_'pli:Jllic ~uJ1Jler ' there.. berg. ~r. and Mrs. Ra.~olld lftIIQC' ••~ ~OUII rendition . of .ISwellt Adeline'! ,tJ.1>ll!ll", ~e~ ~lue' .enlUJ\el ~e" mi~ JIr. :and: 'Mrir. W. M Coleman en- deni)erg, 01 l\J,dland Cltn 1rIl'. _ _~.:. . ..._ ; ' ' r(I~ cookm . utenslli \idio, small - ' .' . ,.,' , Mrs. George , DaVl~, Mr. and . lHra. lllliclala.r ·, ...' . ' '.' J1Ip . e . «! a a, rp . iJ 'R" ..l. ..... . ' d ehUd . , Vivian a - ~ i)~vIs ~nd -lloni, ' Mr, and ·· ih ' , SIXTY , M.IL~S AN HOUR ' ' fo hther arlt~I~. ,,' ' .~:'B~I Uto ohf~ . Ml'i/. Charles Davi~~ and soU • & · .. . \ CHAS. MANINGLY, :Horrow. . ~ y, 0 a~ . a: . o. ( , chmatt; )fl. and Mn. Henl'Y F!ll1lka. ~r•• 40~IO .1 ••••"....... , . Fooll· \Ued. ~ tr, tj) blowout the : , W N. 'S EAllS ed . ' . J(lsII' Eva Reei!elr. of iRoute 4, ~. Mr. ana Mn. WilblQ' Foulks, Ion IIJld CO.at!'7 Clall, 2·111 pkg..........,..3.Oc Pli now tll.et atep on It." . S. L.: S'IliPSON Auet.a. del'Wtllt an operatlo~ appencUoi- dau,hter, . ' -_ _-~.........- - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - . . . , . ' . Ilr. ad .""" Em..n. ~ck and tUllll)o and B~ Surface ipent the week-,nd at BUlleU'1 'point. , II1II Liui. Joy wu called to Daytoe JUt . . .It on aetowat of the death of her coD8ln, lin. Fanny Cure.
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Clothin ' I C'lu\ Mee't.
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Har.old Sabin
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Outdoor ' Stea
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Seventy-Ninth Year
Big. Hogs from Litils Piggia Grow'==-==== By Albe"
T. Reid
I"teresting · ~ttt~~~~~.
Bccnuse IIOIll Lhing has happened to you which in Ler f I'CS with your efflc lency is 110 proo f thnt all Is lost. Thcl'e i ~ noth ing unconquerable to th h . . c lIInlin SIl1l'lt. 1'here is no lruer saying than, "Where there is life there is hope." The g\'(!at pI'obl III iR lo utilize whnt rell1l1lns or your li fe arid I(cep up a bol(1 front. n. neve!' Ilavs ' 0 ..ive IIp. , • h Lif iN like n coi n s'ul'lped con , ebotofh sidcH. On one side •is the fac smilin'" ne, on the other t he I'm" fOl·tu age of frow ning ,'ovorses. SOlnotimes one side Il' cs up nnd son,etl'nles the other, and sometimes t he two seem to spin, .nlternoting continually But t he two are olwoys there in evcry life, s ide by side, , So one-hille of the art of life is knowing how to meet misfortune and the othe r haH understanding how to treat ' prosperity. Nellr. Lincoln, Nebraska, n nine-
State . Caoital
Bowersville came, to ' Waynesville Sunday, and pitched their tents on ~ the ball field. They brought a lot Prepared ..bJ "1' ~ -' of rooters with t hem and they had a picnic dinner Oil the field and Columbus F ep( rter. general good ti me afterwards. afternoon, however, ended in grief, for they were defeated in the ball '~ gam-he. COLUMBUS, OHIO-The.. State .:. ' T e teams played nir-tight ball Ull- F ' h _J , til th . th " h B IS and Game 'diVlsi()n ill enaa&'eiS £L1ZAB£-TH AND ESSEX e SIX mnmg, W en owersh' , ' ,;I;, '11 bl ew up, a 11 ow Ing t h e Mi' IS week in •,the disl?lbntion of' MAN'S A POOR FISH ..,'. VI am IS to tpheasants _.Il. k f in t'wenty.,'lo.u".'"1;-co,..ulnles of , ma e our runl\, . " CANCER AND THE THIRD EYE Th e fi rst rour men In . t he fI rat Inn. t he northeast 8ectiOIJ~t.c'hiO. Chief f Divl . s\On, D. 0_ OmpBOil, lltates . f or th e M"lamlS ma d e goo d , cIcan 0h 109 'ts . tw I t at 4000 of theso birdl will find uew h . I scormg o . runs. n t he homes ' " , . If you ha~C! $81.16 In your pocket ond Murrel, for Bowersville, poled ~nd In ~he nC!~~uture 4000 you huve tWice WI much cash as the the ball over the fence for a home more will be given tffill;' ,(eedom In a verage. The :reasury tells us thnt run. He repated the same feat in t he Bame section. I~ ' &!~,s\l!ut few money circulotlng July 1 amounted " '.'the fourth inning, and that ended the weeks 40~ 0 ~f the b r , ~:ve_been to, "only" four billion eight hundred ....;.;;..~ run-getting for them. ~~~et~Scc: ; :Ix~e~~ e;~i!1l!I In6~~~ a~d .thirty-four millions, one hundred In the sixth, two men of the Mi':l ar 0 e . 8,TI millions les8 than last year, $40.68 amis got on bases by the first error m?re .wllI follow, mak~ng a total d.iIfor each inhabitant. made in the game, the shortstop be- tl'lbutlOn . of ~8,OOO birds, aU raised ing anxious to make a double play on the State 8 r eserve at Wellingf umbled. Aided by good hits and ton, Lorain counly, ,,,n.d the two The r eal wealth is credit. Four tee n-yeor-old hoy named Edward another error, the Miamis chalked up Roosevelt preserves in Scto.to county. men in tho United ~tatc8 , Rockefel- mlth, lost bot h his arms In an IICcident when he WBS. helping shllck four runa. In the meantime, Bow- Lovers of rOd and ..reel WlII also be · 'ler, Ford, Andrew Melloll und George corn on his flither's farm. to I th t th S h F. Baker, could, wit h ens.e, borrow With t hut uccident most of the \ enville virtually cave up the fight on earn ' a e tate as account of a couple of close the distribution and more monoy than 1111 the ell8h that Is menns ot eorning a li villg open to of 178000 t d fi h f in circulation. . .' ma u.re a rom him th e day befol'e were obliternted. slons by Umps Thompson, and Ene In 64 counties over the playing was rather listless. Long ago Queen Elizabeth gave a There were fe w t hings t hat he could pitched a good game and State nnd that more 4U'e · tollowln, do. Yetwell, one of t hese he did sllperfrom the main inland hatcheries. _ he went alon.•~, bu't. h'ID r Ing, her f ace engrave d upon n stone latively 88t in It teo her lover, t he Earl of Providing himsolf wi t h nrti fi cial got wone. therebly civing Essex. No matter what he did, he arms, he became a 8010smon for a iamis three more runs hi the Preparations are under way for would be 10rciven if he returned that KansaR City mnnufacturer. Later The Miamis got by witli two errors the annual picnic of,.State olllelala ring, he was sent to Eu rope to open a which meant notbing to the scoring, and employees of the .,various depart. Accused at 'saying that Queen branch factory, He became a sucu Adams, who was in the best of menta, to be beld Oft ' TlWsday, Au,Elh:abeth's mind was a8 croo\ced lUI ce~' In . • form, mowed them down merctJessly. 9th at Olentnngy .pa}l. ·Ha_." ..... D, spite of a well-nigh insur' hor body, which Wa8 probably true, mountable handicap. In the fourth inning, three men were executive clerk : ~~ , ~e.&etary of Bhe was a great queen and ' a hard In New Butl'lllo Michigan, on t he on blUles, none out, when he struck Clarence J' ,Brq,W!ltiha!i been ee woma~. he tailed to return the rinr 8hol'0 of Luke Miehigan, lives Joe out two, one being out by a foul, and u chairman anp .~S . . P. DUDBlld hiS head wall chopped off. Jonos., From childhood he has had a ended a real battle for bimBelf and executive Becretart ID Govemor The Counte88 of Notti';lgham dy- crippled leg, with one ankle that is the fanB. The rest of the team did Donahey, as aerce~ ,lnd trea.... lng, con,feBBed that she tailed to de- stur and without fceli n~. Y. t he their part and helped to A program of aperi6·.Jid atialiver to the Queen the ring that Ea- has saved five people f rom drowning to the d8y's victory. events witli suitableJ!\Ilsea will sox rave her. at the beaches near his homc. inp cooled, the women and girls wID The Modem Woodmen liave with- be an'an~ed, and In tlIe ·~v.~liina- a bfe ----. For nineteen years Mndgolen Bcnns see where and how many of their drawn from the Triang)e leage, basket dinner will feature. , Elli~beth, in despal,r , spent her of Pittsburg, has been c.onfined to pattern II are prepared, and their fuh the Bellbrook team, late of the ~- , .. i tl,me ~Itting on the floor weeping, and one room with a nerve center in her ion sheets printed. funct Buckeye league, will take ,Secretary of State CJarence I. died at the end of twenty days. That back deranged so the slightest move' . Reuniting again the f Ik will Ilehedule of the Woodmen Brow~ hu T\lled that Deputy State Is the story. . ment causes ngony. During t his about 4 o'clock, through t:e fte"; out the rest of the season. of Eleoti l1hs and memNow t,e rlnr II sold at a~ctlop time she has written stories and po----. and up-to-date bakery of the H II d ~ppear on the I~cal lot next of precinct boarM 'qaDnot be for $2,700. It haa dropped In value. emil that hnve been widely pu.blished On Wednesday, August 3rd, an allPillns for the Bo,ys and Girls , 4-H Bread Co., South Ludlow :tr:t. afternoon at 8 0 clock. candidates for offlce whfl« ~ serville ~~~a;eth.~()Uld have given £l,OOOJ- and hllve given robust people enjoy- day educationnl to'ur and trip in Day- camp and the RUl'a\ Women's Va- Here they will aee tons of Bour be- B . ill Jl If any lIuch olllc:iall should- be ean.u: or I ment and encourall'0me,.t. tbn, will be carrie.d out for t he spec- cation camp were c:ompleted at a 11- ing ~orked up IntO dough and end- ?we~v e .... ............ ........ 2 datell and are elect;d ih,y,""ould be Bobby Jones, golf wllBrd from AtSuch items bring strength for ial benefits and entertainment of the nal meeting of the camp committee less chaine bringinr out of the ovens MiamiS .......... ..................... .9 ineUgible to perform .the ' dotln of lanta, Ga., defending his open golf meeting our own troublcR and en- rurnl folks of Warren county. Coun- at the home of ~'8. Clyde Walker, thou1l8nds of loaves of bi1ead per olllce. Thill appUeB .to all ofwith the uceptio. ':o'f membertcbampion title, made the first round large Qur . rCRpect for the spirit of ty Agent Inss was in Dnyton last of Murdock. The boys and cirIa hour, all wrapped in paralllned paper of eighteen holes In 68 strokes, five human nature. week to complete arrangements for camp to ,be held at Camp Ron: Aug- by automatic machinery. Bowersville .. 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 on political committeei' and delunder '\par." • the project, which was previously ust 8 to 18, will have in ita program At (:30 or 5 o'clock aU autoll may Miamis .. :. ....2 0 0 0 0 4 0 3 or alternate to cilDventlolll. Th.e secret in !Jolf is control of discussed and endorsed by the County !eatherwork, in cha.rge of Min Viv- be homeward bound. No chargea will . c,! II bead and nerves. In the air, Bylnr, F'aml ,piureau directors. Represen- Ian Van Meter, of Lebanon, and MilS be made or collections taken durinr S.acla~·. R•••lt. The fortieth grand ,¥lqe- eonVIIlor on the &'f8II8 ,playing golf, young tativee of the Dayton Chamber of Helen Randall, of Harveysburg; Folk the day. The object of the ~ is to Wilmington 6' Sprine Valley tion of the Colored ,Kntatita ,of PJthAmerlcanll seem able to do that. Commerce, the Safety department Gnmes, by Mrs. D. 18. PhUUpe, of Mt. cive the farm fo lke 'some first-bAnd Wooamen' 2;iamestown 0 ' iaa .iII being held in the Capl~ CIty the City Police, and ' a number Waehlngton; Swimnning, Mr. Norman CODtacts with the city, to sense the Miamis 9" BowCl'llville thi.s week. The Court. of Calanthe, , A welt-meanine politician sugeeats of Dayton's ' Icl!#iing nUi.nufnct,trehl Coyne, of Lebanon ; Camp Lore, Mr. aplrit of industrial activities to bet.' " • . the woman'e auxillary~ ot,~~. P,th• law a~ltilnr children to all bueanil industrial · leaders are 'co-opera- Guy Dowdy, of th'e State Club de- tar comprehend the mutual'dependI.e Sta ell iana, is also ineeting at the IllUDe tim. ball, par~ for twenty-five cents per T ,- - - . ting. All fllrm fam!lies of Warren partmentj County. Agent Clua a.d enee of the c'o untry and city and to . , . . . ., and 118ssionll are bein, · held ' the child. A better law would supply tl he ~b:~ah 6~llhOOI of Inst;uc- ~unty are cordinUy tnvlted. County A~nt WlJIIemlller, of Cler- perhaps also t:etum home ,with a fUI- ' Clubs Won Lo.t Pet. handsome new home 01 the .ColumbUl f "city bueball parka in which children b onC 0 \r~b k' hW~d entertamed A number of fenturel! will be of mont county. . I~r and better appreciation of rural Waf11;esville ... .. ............... 8 4 lodge. Approximately Ave thOIJUD=dr.-_-:-. could play bueball. That is what y OI,tenan . a , ge-Ne. ,sp'lfcl Il'ft cllf' 0 en anac HIlhe following boys and girls at- lite. Class emphuizes 1IhIIt every. Wilimngton ..... ............. .. 7 5 ' an . are preaen they fteed, not the right to sit on of d WIlYJ1 ~8vtlle·T:uly 19, afternoon dren. A special invltntion is being tended the District Training school body is welcome-yet ~arns that it Bowenville .... :............... 6 I) fram various l!artII of< the Sl*k. a bench. paylnr ' twenty.five centt to and ~,:en.~g. 'd e State President extended tp all boys and girls enroll- a~ Yellow Springa and will act u as- will be a full and busy day. "We Spring Valley............ ...... 6 6 ~t resl ent and other Past- ed in the 4-H clubs, t;.h eir parents and slstants: Charles Hdman, Orealo- muat move on schedule and with dis- Woodmen ...................... 6 7 Presidents "tid lIeeret:ari.,of Farm watch somebody el.e play. It YODng and old men of thlll gen. d e; ce~ were. pre8en~ an~ con- friends. , niai Iva Millard, Oreeon.i a: El.le patch," he says, and suggest. that Jamestown ...................... 4 8 bureaus of Ohio are inee~ in Coeration played more, ' and , watched~cte an tnetructIVe session tn the The first visit will be to the Henry Thomp~on, Mallon; Sallie Beale Jones everybody wear common serviceable • _ ••_ __ lumbus"this week and diKuulng prohless, It would" be better for them. a ~1'll00"b t pAL Burkhardt Packing Co" east end of Franklin, and Myron Nixon, Leba. c10thell and especially comfortable leme inimical to the' present COIldinum er 0 .... t Noble, Grands Fifth street, where postmortem ex- non. They declarEI that 'they have ahoes, as there will be a'iot of walktions of most 'f~ j!ommuoitlea' British scientists use moving pi-c rec~iyed . t~e Assembly de,~ree, . ~ol- aminations of cattle for tuberculosis 80 man,Y ideas to 'work out that camp ing. "We will go rain or. shine 110 . well as to participate In ...n;;l tures' in wllr agafnat cancer. The IQwmg \Vh!ch Mrs. Marlatt s diVISIon will be seen. Mr. Borchers, of the will not be long eMugh ,t o use them consider the weather" he addll ' ' of Farm .,,~u .ett~ eamera records cancer ITbwthl, of the, l4\dles Aid oJ the 111. .E. chu~ch U. S. bureau of animal ind,ustry, all. . ' • The second Warren County program ' for' 'the vWtora' - - • Women's Vacation camp to be to several .tate tnltl. elowly, for two days.' Then the 81m served 8 ~ost excellent chicken dtn- give a complete demunstration and C. .H. Young. of Lebanon, will come '" IIpeeded up, nine hundred and aix,,, ner, \Vit~ Ice. cream lind ang~1 food explanatiol1.a.t 9 o'clock Farm fam- over on Wednesday afternoon to talk Lei S~ur. at Camp Ross, August 16 to 18, points of ' R1~ In the 't )' , ~Imes, and 8cientists lIee cancer cake for ~o~Jl mg . . ilies who wish to join the county del- to the boYll and &'id. about birds. also a very interesting program fOI:ICll\)t..Jl):ld vicinity" f eells actually growing. , That's ImThe eveDing session opene~ In us- egation in Lehnon should be in their Altogether the third annual counThe Miss Fra ,,11 who .care to participate. portanl ' . . uat form. ,Addresses were gIVen by autos at the County Agent's office, ty 4-H camp promisee a progn,.m He es nces and Elizabeth er work III charge of Miss The petitions aannr for ''; piece on S~te P:r~8Idcnt Clara . ~upert, and ready to atllr t promptly at II a. m. which fulfiIa the club motto to "Make nl ~~Ie were hostesses iIIet Thunday Meter: Folk Games, Mn. D. B, ballot to votll for the creation of. when they Invited Les llult lips: 'Home Beautification, Mrs. of Ohio, State' "Chiropractic . Man can outr un a horae in time. V,ce-Pres,dent Sister Hill , of Da.y- Others from the northern put of the the Best Better... · Enrollment cloaes S g ' bce~rs !o a slumber party. All of Johnson Bing, of Athens; are coming 'into the olBee An lrlsh'11an,afterward elected may- ton, and ~;li8ters Taggart and Whita- c:o unty IIllly join the ,group in Oen. A~gust lit. or of Long Island City, ran m'ore ker, past' 8ssl!mbly officers. Lnst, but tel'Ville about 8 :30 or a .little later. ~f :zen 1I8nd'!Vlches and a nU,m ber Demonstr~tion, the Home of State . Cla'reDce l. than 600 mUes in aix .days. But, in not, !east, !lmong the notable,s was Special ads or em·blems. will probably , . ho ca es w~re consumed iletweeD t~e M!N Watts; Round Table Brown from many coun·tjaa, water, man is literallY' "a poor fish," Past Grand ·Master G. F. Bro~. of be furnished each autO for identifif urs of U1ne and th~e. The mld- MlIIII Alma Garvin, the forwarded by bO~1I of electioDl, Le~anon, who mqdc a f,ew ~elI-cho- cation and eas,e in following the Leaving the Delco plant at 11 ~~~i p~~e, eon81stinr of a row of lal\st, who will .work with which have checked th, p~tltiona for a moat inferior fillh. , • sen rem~l! s. . _~. _ tion of the · Darton. o'clo", the ,-utos ,,(ill go out North o~c ere figu rel, proved the ~x- county in the vegetable cookery ilIegal....aignBturIlS. !!!belle .woatufta • I,Edward Keating .fIni.hE:~ first lalt ,Captam, Earl Dill ca~e on t~e· ft~or polie,! ~a8 been promised ,in help1flg Main IItreet to Islanld parl!; tor lunch. b mennt of the eveninr. The aluDl- ject , next winter; ·Swimming, were then referred ',to t~e commo. eourae .(n 1~" hourt, ('1 mIDute.. In ":Ith I}ls degree stl\tt' of Lebanon, ' \D-' the viSItor ·t hrough the city and in Tables aild benches in ·the ehade, be- er pa Y. aa do all roOd slumber Watte. pleas courts ' of the varioU8' coantt.. that, time ' Ii Ilhar1t could' swim ~alf jtiatil)g four candidates into (Jove- \larking. Yet' aU' drivers Plust be side ,t he river, win atrord ' an added partl~ turned into a IIlumberlell The ehrollment for ~he Wom to make flndlnp a. "to insUllQieDq lUlnt Rebekah lodge, nfter which' Ice careful and be sure' that , brakes are pleaeure to the family lunch. . And one. • _ • +!111111 camp will be open till August 6. and which decisions .u;e.~to \ be' Inat , .way across the Atlantic" cr~am and . cake were served. in good condition. . the "helter house at the park bu date about 35 have enrolled. ft requires approximately 121-,000 Min ~on8tance Talll1adge, excelAn' impressive memorial .service Leaving the packing plant 'at 10 been engaged for DIIt! in cue of rain, wm be room for 100. signatures to 'Place the ·queltloll be. l!nt mo~r picture actre.,., request- was . conducted for deceased 'Broth- a. m., the vieitors wi1l go immediate- The cou\'lty leadera recommend that , - - .. fore the votere of ·QhiQ. .. ·to Wheth!~ a . dIVOl'C~, 1I8ya !Jf her husband: e~ Fisber and SWll:rtzel,. of Franklin, Iy 'to the Delco Light and Frigidaire !limple yet eubstantlal lunchea of • er the new board ahall , be ~ He ill the mceBt man, but I am out SIster Grace, L. Smith, acting ae flow- plant on east First .street. All who sandwiches, ,frait, etc., be provided, ~e W. C" T. U. Rut cottare, and if that number are sec:lIr'ed ·the of love." . er girl, Sister Simonton, of Lebanon do not care to lIee ~he '\illling and but especially avoiding a lot of fancy nea . Dg completion at Miami Valquestion will be 8ubmitted Ito the , "Out of IQY~" \s modern, typical 9f as chap.lain. , Sister Emley, of Leba. examination of tubercuhu: cattle, may dishee and extraa which would have ley Chautauqn:a, will, be dedicated on . . voters. .,', ~ . lour day, Strict logic might confirm non, J11lme bearer 'and Sister L. C. go direct to the Delco plant at 10 a. to be hauled aro.und the reat of the Friday, July 29, :A ccn'ered diah Every r~al estate agent in. Ohio IS • - .,- - , - the ,view that If you marry .. when Mills sang "Face to Face" with Sis. m. R. E. Norris of the advertising day.Lunch standll are on the grounds dinner . will be served and aD excel- now, required to take out a license at "in lo~e" yO~ . eho~ld un~1lJ'lj w!,e~ ter . Wiliter Wills at the piano. , department, Will Ihave a number of At ,I p. in., the ,farm folks iro~ lent , addrese will ~ollow. The a coat of $10 the first year, and $5 , "!lut o! lo.ve. The~ are ~ther IlonMrs. , Mary ,'E, Hatfleld, 'of WaY'!!e8- gui?es.to ~how, the farm folks how Warren county witl auemble in the .cou,n.ty president reqlles~ all who a year thereafter, The I!"w became ' J > .lder~tlon8, how eyer. that IItlll inBu- ville, was elected , presIdent, alld ,Mra. their hghtmg pI lints; pumps w~h. N. C. R • .Communilty Han on North can to be pre~ent. . etrectlv!l July 1st and apphca!lts mU8t The regular meeting of ·the '!fl. 6; en~e many. , 0• , ¥eloy, of : Lebanon, vice.presldent ,of ing mac\linell, refrigeratl on :nachin- LudloW street (jUllt nort~ ' of First Liberal don.ation. to the fnrnlihin' be examined' aa to qualifications and T. U. will be held a~. the Friendl • Tr _ ' k" ... ~. fI the Bchonl of ,inatructipn to be held er)l, ete. are made, ,ueembled arid street). While re.1tine In thill cool Qf ttheedcottapI were very rratefull,. rebcomdmendatlOilB by a real estate Home Tuesday, August· 2; 1tIn. ...... Ot~ - .o.,lionnec e, "",rman ierl next year with Kings MUls. tested. • and comfortable ball, brief yet time- rece v • t will be open to aU: oar • ' denhall; hostess. ,., p~p"Ha for hit; trip frOm Berlin to '. Iy talks will be rlveri by President Annual reportil of depmment.cUSan Fran!lls~o, .w~th interestlilg care: Geo. B. 'McCann an':l eecretary Wayne rectors will be ci~en and' omc..,. tor I Every: part of hll motor waa b,inr G. Lee of 'he Dayton' Chamber of the ensuinr year and del~tea to the X.ray~d yeste~y In search : of deComme~ce; L. C• . Weimer will di... " county convention wtU be 'elected. fects In the. metal. Old sta~lIes 8.~OW cuss "Why Budness Men are Inter. ~ A fuU attendance ill cleairad. ' rodde,ssea witli three ey,'!s; ~ne In este~ 'In ~grl,culture." AI a ne1l" and • _. ' ., apeclal featlire for the .latmers' viaft, , tbe foreHead. S~ence hu riven to two Dayton eXec!utivea will dlaCu" .men a re~1 tl*d el'e, t,he ,X-Ray, that "Joplui throueh Bolld" me~I, and we other lIocial and ec:onomlc. problema.. Col. E .. Meyer, director 'of ..fety, , hardly appreciate it. , . '. ,.. :1 -,'- ,. ' ".,., wlll dillCD" the, "Lure of th. CItY," 't . ancl' Miis Lulu B. SoUen,,:lIupel'Viaor WI.n J,mlhg, \ ,ar y~ of pollee , women, ,rilJ· cqllllde~ 'The . Rural ~lrl in. t'he Big Cit,.." All farmers, farm' women ,and' rutal boys and girls who can l~oIalbly CO should be lure to haUl th... .,.akera. Th.e .vialtCIrs<wIlJ next CO tbrourh the Dayto~ N~WI b'aUdl...., at Fourth and Ludlow, to .leII' tile number of people; sReclaUsed de~enta. the ' . I18tem, and the wolldel1ul maehinery ,necessary ~ put oU,t a ~odet;'ll .~lf' The viait will be ' timed 10 . . to 1M the- big preises, in ,~p,ratlon.' .< ' A~ou~ ' :3 o'cloCk " the 'cro~' .jwill drive. out .Welt T}dj~d street, tIi. meD and ~o,. ato,Pplq" at the Di~n Kaar..-ble lroll WorD, 't o 'IO tbroqh the bl. ·:'loanell')' . wbDe th. , women ,~ are yea, retttn~ on at 'YQur .d plll- Wtb JI~ ,out Third at. IlIld down • ___ ~ a'Nll1le, . to· UJob. McCall ComaIUtfa plat. TlaUl ,.,.. 'Tble; I'v. lOt tve bien und8\' the men .... boJa lin . . . . ~. . . . . •• aow." · moalW . Jato foftllll, Uae molten.
' ::f-
Women'l Camp
Reat Cottale
MUlt Be Licensed
T ·· · · W. Co' • U. ·Notice ,·
S ·
• ,p,t..
~~k ......
10--'" tlM '"... Jan,"
SUlle hutts tiled a pplleatlon for admiaalon of Robert Sh utts Into Ohio hospital/or epileclics. The lo11owlng acal!unta were npprovcci, aIlowed and confirmed: Flrllt and finnl account of Fr nk ! Cuburn, leeautor f tho cstule ot . hllrlos oburn. FIrst lind .1\nlll accollOt of Mlirioll COMMON PL~:AS PROf:EEI)INGS In the ca~e of the Peollic's Build- Howell, udmlnlstrntoll of rhe stilt!) ing 'Lol1n . and i livings Cnmpany 6f of Elm r Howell. Lebanoll vs. hlll'k'S R. Stnyton et. al Fimt. nccount:. of .01' rge E, Yuung UlO coutt findH \he sum of mClnoy lind George O. Perrino. executors of de~cri).led .ill the 1Ilnintift"a pe~ition, the estare of Jolm Perrino. due the plaintifi'. First Ilccount of Lolli I. Voorhis, COlIl.t ord~red Lester Frye to pay executrix of the cstlltc 'uf Wnlter W. Gail Luae certain sums due her. Voorhis. Court also modlt~cd the amuunt of t he First.-lIccount 01 George A· Moyet,. ord~r for mllintenance lind slIpport gunl'dian 0 '[ Willinm E . Moyer. ot Mllry Frnnc~.s Frye. lo'irst and ' tlnl\l account of E. D. his neck nn.] teU 1,im ~he lovcel hinl, Hi: ran Iv th lothol!-p'rc. s ' lind In the case of Frell S. Simpson, Qmllnm, udminislrllto r of U\e 'stule CHAPTER IX lovc~ him .. swung I !l ck til dO,or. Th operator county treasurcr of Warren county, of nthcrinl' E. Gill sllie. Allnltug<' rubbed ,Ill S WI'I~ l9 oner. lurched IIlto this nrms gosl)ing VB. T. L. ,A. Mnbrny t't III., the plain" First nnd ~1~1\1 account of J~sse A. ~cticully to take awtly the 'ling of Then cnme II fusilil(le of ~usk\1t tiff filed, amd vi t undor Genornl Code Meun t, ndm'lII ll'lltor de boms non the hemp. Then he free d KI"Ymedy . ~hol, Armitnge let go the operator for the purpose of procuring service of the estute of David J, Mount. Wayne 2 Hog Meal i a big profit~ That fiber which 'holds tbe stout ,,:ho WIIS .l'enlly h Ip~e !I, 'al)d drug'ged nmi' ran outside. by puhllcation. First and flnnl Ilccount uf S. T. . maker for any hog raiser who lias nn nbun~l!lrt Impervious to ordinary perils hft'lmt}out.slde lhe cnblll, J eanne broke He grasped lhe ~itu ntion instantFred S., Simpson, county lrCll6urer. Ellison. Ddmi,ni ~trntor of the estuto .and Kennedy and . ArlT\itnge were 0 I e fu ~e hnlf II foo from the keg. ly. Tho engine was runninll: IIway. J Ell dance of corn to feed. 11141/1 of lhe stoutest h(lInL~-beg8n applied the Aanw of, the eundle, lind Be saw the belld and shoulders of the va. Frank Mad.in filed IIftlduvit for of .nmes IsDn. This higlt protein concentra te balances your ~o disintegrate in the fae' of this durted lroJ.11 t he cab)n: . S)l~- who had t1Ccomplisb4!d this amllz- service by publiclltion. ~\rst lind .finnl account of OSCIII' .n. /)Iorror. . _ As Armltnge led Kennedy out of inA' coup in the midst of fifte en hunCourt found 'l'homas Orville Gray CIl~!" guurthnn of !" 111,111 ~t. Grnntlm. corn at a very low cosl per uuit of digestible To dle In Lhe fury of pbysienl con" fhe dunger zone, he was throwli vio- dred men. He fir ed t hree shots fro m guilty of gross neglect of duty to F 1I'~t,. fin al n.nd dl8trlb~llve account protein, and insures th e hi ghes tIfeedingva lue tes~ is nothing; indeed, death is ior- cn,t ly to the ground: The earth had his revolver, plaintiff, Florenee Grny. and granted of LIZZIe Tulia , cxe~utrlx of the csopened Up, and hades had stTetched arottten • One struck the steum-guage above her divorce. tllte of John H. Tulhs. from your com. But to lit ~tiIl, to rench out men- a fl~ 8!m to.ward hem'en. 10 with- Jeanne Beaufort's head; the second ourt nppoin ted Howard Fulkerth Court ordered suspended the third Sold by tally and nnticipate, is a thousand dnra,~ It dill a cascade of sp:lrk~ lind shattered the forward cllb-windolV r ceiver to '~kc charge of t.he gro,v- account of Margllret. Long, I(ullrdian times to diel Armitage closed his amlng ebrls. , the lhird lodged in hl?r arm, he s a n k . . . . £ Cl k B k ur run. eyea. n is a strango fact that, wben . In the mellntlme Morgnn. JJrey t wiih a sl illl'd cry to the metal floor ing crops belon(riytg to the defendant 0 confronted by immediate , denth of ~tnglllnr clliption, wlliled impaticntTwenty milCH to go I For half n~ in the case of, t he Prudential II1 BurCourt ordered suspended the first the catastrophe order, instinctively hY ~or .. ~el\nnc What hnd delnyed hour . to fill:h If thi~ fnintness ance Company of America, vs. l\1ax and . fina l ~lccount of E lsie Snook, adwe close our eyes. er. n.here had she gone? Hud horrible puin '! ould she d~ Bostick et aL minlstralrlx of tbe estute of Jennie Perhaps Kennedy closed his' eyes she any Idea thtlt two men instead of She \I ou Id ('0 it '/ . Court found Frnnk E. Hoff guilty Conrey. . . too; mayhap he took sardonic pleas~ one were in thllt cubin? In despuu' Arm,tuge re tu rned to of gross neglect. 01 duty and granted Geol'go p, Gntes, udmanlstrutor of ure in eyeing the dancing sPllrks. Came the thud (If hoofs. The ri- the station. The te!egrllph out of Geneva Hoff a divorce. ~he estate of El dri~ge Popo, filed Ph 25 W .•• Oh There mijrht have been a prayer on WIIS Jennne, Sbe drew up at his commission, the engme gone-they anvenLory and apprulsement. one , 8yneSYI e, 10 bis lips. Side. wel'e trupped! R-' h 11 P k d" An uneJl'pected lI'ust of cold l1ight "Where hav\! you been?'; What How J eanne rose above pain and NE'W SUITS ""p . nr s, a nllltlstrntor of ,air, striking Armitage's forehead hus delayed fOil? Why did you come faintness during thnt twenty miles tbe estnte of Cardelln H. 1.-IIn8011, "'!''!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!~~~~~!!!!~!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! calB d him to open his eyes. The fro~ ~b8t dlrectaon1" he demanded, she never could oxplain. She just Fred S. Simpson county trellsur er filed inventory and nppraisement. -----door 'of the cobin was open. He saw susPIciously. did it; that was nIl. The fina l wrench VB. T. L. A. Mubrny et nt. for slIJe of T he Lebanon-Citizens Nat:\onnlOCMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES Larrick, ~(.,l n \'y as junitor. '"20', The a alender youth enter, and step up: land, for delinquent tuxes. Bonk & Trust Co., by C. C. Eulasll, .. on the fuse. ' Mongo F. Exnnan, ase executor of trust ofllcers, ex.ecutor of the eatlite Dr. Pardee, for serum treatment, Wc~tcrn SI/II·. supp lies for probnte "Is it you, Jeanne Beaufort'" askthe last will of Henry E. Exman va. of Peter !? Hatfield, filed inventory $61.25; Dr. ',P llrdee, 9Ilmc, .$5 1.26; court, $ ll . ed Kennedy. Stanley Spinks for mone. . and appraIsement. Waldron C. G\lmour, coroner mquest, --- - - --' ''Yes, Pa1'llon Kennedy" it is Jeann Pa1'll0ns and Whittemore Inc., V • Blanche W. Apple, ' executrix of Ramond Fl. Littell, $36.95; snme, inBeaufort. , It is the woman upo d th t f 0 D t H hOB $730 Til wilDie haud you set a price, dead or Srere Brothers an Company for e 08 ate 0 scar . Apple. HIed ques annn . ogan". ; e alive. It il the woman you broke and' money. , inventory 'and appraisement. olumbus Blank Book Co., supplies dfalloDored for doing for her caus Applica:ion med to sell pe,!,onal Ownly F~rman a8 gunrdian o~ Rob fo r ~reas~\' . r. 60c; s~lt1e, supplies . for A brenk fast menu when you hnve what you are doing for you.1'II." property In the mntter of MerrIll C. ert ond VlctoT E. Furman, mlUors, she~lff, $~ ; Kllrl Dakm, IIll:t, pI'emlUIll ovcr-night gueRtli ' antcJoupe' waf , She gazed down somberly the ~pry, receiver of the, Warren Nat- fi led ,petition nsking f~r the . nle of on msurnng policy, ~5.()5 j ~hc Wse- fl~s und blltt.(!~ n~d bueon; mapie 8yr: UOp&ed gray head so near her feet, lonai Bank, of , Franklin. cerluln Tlml estate of h,s wurds. ~ern Still', ~60 hand bl!l~. $2,... 0; Lew- up, slmwberry pruserves, or blackI ave you a prayer that' you can The People's Building Loan and Court ordercd that Fra nk D. WiI- I~ a.nd Drake, Inc., conI for courl bony jalll' milk or coffee recallT" , Savings Company, of Lebnnon ~'8. son be IIppointed ,adminiaLratu r of house, $44. 13; same, drnYllge. 70c: ' . .loseph C. McOlung Ilt aI, for judg- the estate of Annio M. Wilson. Tho sa me, drnyl\ge, 85c; The Monow -She thea mn over to Armitage and follrllt tbe ltnot8 with her fingers aDd ment for forel: losure of mortgllge nppointment wns ' uccepted. Feed lind Supply Co .• supplies, $\.25.' l' ~horten a put.ter.n for a small tree te4l~ to When walk, she buthad his done, handa,h e were was nnd equitable rl~\lef. . Court nppointll(\ Chnrles J_ Wag- haries Heery, furnishing and piling \lllr~on. f 0 Id Il tuck In It half way be,till tied behind his back. ., The George tlodds and Sons jp'nn- goner, Willi.a m Hufford and Morrow stoll41, ,80; W, C. Manning, same, t,wec n Lhe Ilrllls-eye alld the waist ' "YOIl are free, Captain Al'I1Iitage. ite Company vs., Will C. 'ConnelI for BI'ant apprai~cl~ of the estate of $100; Anron Frazier, snme $48; W. hne, and anotller . t uek hallway bedamages. Annie M. Wilson. : C. ,Tur~n, demurrage on frt!ight, $2; lw~ell t.he ",nist. line and the. bottom. You ue not here thro\lgh ant act of mine. You saved my life once'; I pay 'Sarah Wade V8. Dnvid N. Wilde, The OhIO , Oorrngated ulvert 0., 2 In cutting slralghen lhe seum linea ~~:;bt. A life f or , a life; 'we are ~or divorce on @:rounds of gross IlegMAR,R IACE LICENSES corrugated jlewers, $80.70; The as n~ces9llry. If a shorter eleeve ill "V; lect. Walter C Scott f S th L b Queen City Orushed Stone nnd Sand reqUIred, lllan thut of the pattern ou are a :woman, and r,ou would . •0 ou e Ma~loln Co., gravel nnd sand, $144.75; Her- toke tu cks hull-way between the ' el: ~: e!~:r~u:l;. horribly?' he ukHe ..w a .l.... d.r youth .Il~r aDd at.p U P OIl the fua. PROBATE PROCEEDINGS nnd Martha E. Ross, of Kings I s. fiche! F. James, truck repair, $4. 16; bow and arms-eye Il nd h'al!way be"For the evll he bas done me, , ' e REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J. D. Ad!lma and Co., grader blades, tween lhe elbow and wrist, 110 thAt )'eL"' , 'You lied to me, Morgan." between sensibility and insensibility Court ordered certified tbe amount $28.3 0; The Taylor Tractor Co. , trac- the elbow always remains in the cor"1.. t09. was IrODty." ,'fn" ' came when she was forced to stand of Inheritnll'ce tax to be paid in t he Robert Shutts to George W: and tor repairs, $201.36; Waites Gar- rect position. Such alteration8 )1Iuat "In wa},l" t, ."¥e!'. YOIl lured Armitage into up to close the throttle. of Jemite Conrey. Idll Pratt, lot in Waynesville. IIge, .repairing county equipment, be carefully fitted to the penJon be.., wu ther&-that nigbt." thl, wltbOqt warning me," From the r ushes at the left of the d accodlnt of O. S. Higgins. Cecil Fletcher to Zaek F letcher, $27. 10 ; same, 1 tire a nd tube for the lore tho muterial is cut. The ~~ mere)}, roM to the 'Good nddancel"-all his old jeal- em).lsnkmeDt rose a score or more of Margaret R. Sabin ' was lot in Frnnklin. county car, $27.50; Kilpatrick=~ ~.:r~d ~~d~dabl~ 011!'lw~Ui.ngr· ou overll1)ot . tbe mark. ~fm~~lf~edet'lltes, ~cllded lIy, Morgan E. B. Dnkin to , Fred Dakin, ' 65 Fr,e nch Motor Co., repairing county Shoes that lire too large a ~ Db... '1'be e:rea of .Teanne Beaufori thanx God I let them both go " , "B h " d . I' h of publlication of notice of acres in MO;'8ie Tp. equipment, $20.16; TtJe Barrett Co., fit. The foot is not In I .re am ' and AlIce Trent were exaCtly alike "You-what" appolntement ?f Mary M. Brown Dakm. to E. B. DakJn, 92.22 tarvia delivered and ,160; cd. Blisters are : "llurrYr' she .cried impatiently "They ' are freel" like rota in a holel" 'Cxec~tor of the estaj;e 'of Jflmea acres m MaSSIe Tp. The. Barrett 00., ~rvla K. P., les.~ pecially on the heels and ato in p ''thei Will' be retumm', If we wait ' "But tlJe cabin?" Bbt fld orgllll's jubilation wns Brown, was filed. August C. and Isabella Jentz to credIt, $182; The Mason Lumber Co. are needlcs8l ' ' i t eh too loac!' , . " Oh, you were waiting to See the greatly anmped when , he beheld t he &?01; of publlcatiOtl of notice of O. P .. Kroh~, lot' in Eust Morrow. lu mber, $2.06; Eden Terry, tire: Shoes should b! n 0 0 el, I" ..veer :four life that nigbt in and I did not wish to dill- huddled figure on the cap floor, t he apPplIltment of Mthew B. Oaynor, Anna Olme to S. D. lind Viola $11.66; The . Morrow Gnrngo, 9Up- f ully titled tly and carether ~n.," apr,oant> you wholly." . drellched $Ieeve, the bloody hand. 8S ex~cutrlx of ithe eBlate of Ella A. Stotler, lot in Franklin. plies. $67.60; The Oregonia Bridge ' . - ••- - "Hurry" wae aU abe aald 'You love Arnntage" He, leaned I Jeanne? My Ood, they've shot Oaynor was filed. ' ' Eleanor Van Tress Smith to Clar- Co" repairing tra,c tpr, $0.90; ~lIme, SOUNDS REASONABt.E "We were '~cJiDen. We were none over to seize her wrist, but she awerv hcMrl A . strleift~~derhl" . Proof of publication of notice of enee E. Ry'" 96.89 acre" ,'n Wayne blue ,print, -6:60,' The WC!!tern Star of "I UIwu," aceotmtahle fo~ Panon w)uit""$ did" ed "Yes, her horse. organ..., d ~ intel'poMd KenneI love him. What then?!' . er aga I~ an d iUl appointment of Malvina and township. "? . Bupplles for .. Juvenile court, $7; T h e . . q. "So Sbe. wlll blow "Well, before God, you're unlucky I anQ bert . adT4ini8trntors' of the Roscoe and Bertha Case to Chris- Ohio Law Reporter Co., supscription lIUCollell'1l1te-"I bear your . pardon, lIle qp-4llil see lI1e foreyer la her You can never, never mlUTY John t be knoll where trie h01'll estate of Chloe :11. Sides, was filed. opher Duft'y, lot in Morrow. ' to Ohio Law 'Bulletin and Reporter" dssf"but would you eare to take a ~ Let ber ~ abead~ then; Arm,itage. The ~<illoviing: es~tes have been John A. HRlsey to Sarah i. Den- $6; W· P. McCarren, furnishing and fI ~ ' d ... .~ ~wa)'8 at her aide wiU be my . QUle~ly 1lUd ts . in Fr~nklin. loading gfIlVel,J.9JllWl8; The Stand- I' o-e - ,~Ir, 111 have you know ' I~IIW. m to ~I!I porse to Cora Taylor, lot ard , 011 COl, gaB 'and Qil usea in va- m a la~y. ArIII1taae bacte{l toward the chair br~akl!lg of tho verbal dam, t~e ly_ ~org!,n bent estate of Samantha J. rioUII dillb:icts, $1 044.2'7; Blair & Colleglate-"r know that. U I and ..t down on the. e~ of it. '~Botb T0IalllJltaon of . all his careful:!'; ~ald an mte~hglbl.e sentence. It fi1'llt and finnl nCI~ount. _ Engtilhnrdt to u~ward Leroy t:urnishing and londlng 'gravel wanted a man, I'd go home IUlcbret of .ul or neither of 118" he Aid. 'P II.s. ened his 8J\1lle and wiped out H L SUd . . . &+ . 'd ' d $ 6 . . my father I" "Ohr' Tlat. mOftOllJiiabie ...... In Mother moment he would have teill,l erpeas iJto. his f . ta tl ,orace • et emyre, a mlll1stra, 3.34 acres an Deerfield 'l\p an !IIln , 14.8; vel same_ furnlshang ed anrer impatlence impote~~re3!: told ' her everything for the 81lke of "John- you sh~~e 1011 tn, y. H tor f of the estatie of w.alter S. WiIF., F inley to '.Barry and and loa~ing 81'Iland Il8nd, $11.60; lpafr. J:.me . clenche<l her hands maklnA: that uprig'ht figui e. c\roop_ , could you I" Immedi~t~lY' th~ l~: ke.no".! first and final a~c?unt. 3, acres in Deerfield Tp. W. A. SC?tt, bridge repair, $29.6~; 1l"~eb'. ' ' 1:rnll~e,. restored to hIS 1atlUlr' s bobble of incoherent phrases began P.::s. Harb8ul~h, adminIstrator of Sllella Coyle to l(ike ¥ Ed Maloy, same, $1 6.80 ; A. F. MIl" To~l.! lP"Pw)ed Kenaedlo" I'Have divJ~ion. at ~resident ,Lincol,!'t Inte~- again.' , the Cl!tate of Cu~heririe M. 1 actes in WashihgtOn Tp•• ler, sallle~ $8,'15; . ~n0:..:nlteJr told J:u that I'd rather cess~on. plunged eagerly lB,tb hili ' . Armrtage, and bock yonder, and first and final Account . V., Lamb to Henry and Ellen J. K. Spencer, lumber, $272.48; ~-th J!vel, d vel\'t I eall~d to .wo · tl ft' h i ' . I i h hili bullet h.nd dllne thi~ workl AlCharters D. l~aple. ' administrator Wea:hil'hn, .41 acres in Wushington Jennie E. Irons, ngt. insurllnec on :r:'.:... ma .. "o~ tlmu. to lee him tiroSb:mYy ~ege~n l'~- arh~lsvtao"; . e en- 'tYhaY8 thatt'lltan cTossed hIS path.. Oh, de ~o nis, non of the e8~te of Susan township. truck, $1-1.56; Frank Kinder, g uard ......... e, . . . .... .,.e moveey mua meet Some day in ' true C L . ' first d ti al t L W M n ' t i l $740 H BI h .T~e looked down ber . . ment southward toward Richmond' colon face to f . d th 'G . eWls, .. an n accoun. ' aWfence • and ary Hayman ra ma er 8 , • ; . ellry . s op, ' li'\th reluctatnt "dmlratiOD eDT~ and incidentally 'John Armitage en~ help Al'mitage l nce, lin en od Harry IL. Dumody, guardian of to J ohn O. and- Haniet . Ellinwood guard rail repair,' $5.55; Lewl.! and an who had caUell ~ Death a tered ' a danier zone of a different One day, as she lay recuperatln Catherine , Gray, millor, second ac- eo acres in Deerf\el? Tp' . " Drake,/. Inc., tipple ro~t, $.6 ; The Van Q d tlmu ' lUl d • been clenied 80rt. A detachniont of Federal troQPs Morgan gave her II sheet of -l>ape~' , J. H. and Bernice M. Bogal1 to Camp;:;tone Co., freIght on stone, FREE OF CHARGE . a~ ed the old internet aense of. ~oyed out ~ intercept a train of mu- "I hnd hard work g~ttiDg this-it ~ H~len L., .Robison, administratr~ Jeft' or Emma Barris, lot In Haneys- $108; The Taylor Tractor Co., tra~ CALL U~ ANY TiME AT ' OUR ~liivalry. Sbe turned. to Armi~e. IUtions. They captured It near n what you aslled for," he said. of ,t he estate of Callie Robison, first burg. , '_ tor repairs, ,$2~3.94; A., R. ThompEXPENSE ' 't~~r word of honor not to touch sma!!' ~~tion_ 1 f t' th h When he had .left she opened the and final account. , Susan C. Wilkerson et aI., to Sal'- son, furnishing and delivering gravel, m~jllive it." " iion stoo~ .r:a~u~:;ro~'f ~otton~a~:~ ih~e!iev!~tas hst of the names of O. S. Hig~in.s, gUardian of Mru:ga- ah W: Smit~, lot in Waynesville. . ,13.50; John H. Donnell, .e8timation "I.~ lietlWD 80. Let him remem- From under the nowly arrived ' R. Sabin, second ~ccount.. Fred Dakm to E. B. Dakin, lot In o~. contract No. 871, $38, same, Illbei' ~t it Waa I that .eave him h" ClqS a boyisb figure came forth (To be continued) Court ordered Ehzabetlt Smder, Harveysbut:g. ' tlmatlon on contract No. 873, $6'7; I lifAI even .. J wo~d have ~en tiouBly. crept to,w ard the bales • - • executrix «:Jf ·the estate_of J. W. SniCatherine M. Harbaugh, by adtpr. same, . e!ltlmation on contract No. Plio••• · HARVEYSBURG, O. lDdltrerentl)'." ., ' dodged .in among them, de.r to sell certain property. to S: D. Willis, 40 acres in Franklin 878; $171; same , extra work, $20.52;r;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~ She9RtI!!d Armitage'a IIlUldll., He «ilosl! to t he wi'!dow, which Court authorjl~ed Boyd S. Rath- t ownship. ,.he O.r eglmia Bridge Co., gra~er refel, the tremor of ber Angers, but At 'the sam~ t ime. under execu~or of the estate of EmMargaret Lackey to MabeUle K. pai1'll, 60c) same, reinforced ateel 1ft DO wise comprehended Ita origin. order. a new Federal oPllrlltor A sCilrecrow 'stood i n a field of to sell certain stook. Hunkins lot in Le1,lanon. for contractl! $21:7.35' Geo1'&'e W. TrJ the JlIpdrauette IO.r a JMI'. . Aa· for. Jeanne lince this WIUI to be the telegraph key and ham W ,. ' " ' ' , , the Jut time I~e ~u ever . to Ie.e this a few friendly greetings to the ith his hands 'oustl"Ctched ,and maD,' a terrible irresistible 'desire at headquarters to prove that clothes all tQm ; By C.' ~. ~AYNi C,ule-But·No' Cure Mlled her to throw her arm8 around could fIend tolernbly well. His coattails .flapping' out 'behind The otJice was now deserted The worst looking scarecrow of , cept ,for himself. ' He slouched in the kind. • chair and lighted his pipe. ' MONEY LOANED "U yon move or utteT a sound, old cla~ pipe wa s stuck - in I'll shoot'" said a quiet voice mouth, his shOUlder. "Right about f~ce ~ Now And his head WO e turned from i.O~N$. on Ohattell,StOc~~ Steudmarch to that ~lo t~e!VpTeS8, 'and reto south t.illll' and Second Alone..... Nolee member that IL IS death if you A . ~ou~t. ,.lobn Barbine ,1r., Xenia. speak'" ' ,¥:ISP of atl'aw stuck out, of his hat, '. -m80-'U OhIo. ' , A woman's voice! It ' was only And he looked for th~ world like an when the o)lera~ol' :felt himself proIrish Pat. pelled forcibly into th'c stuffy clothes ' press that he realized t his was no A fiock of crows went flying by ; Tueada)i, 9 a.m. 3lp.m unsubstant.ial nightm'a re. , When they saw the scarecrow, mountF~rmlra ~f. Wlirren an~ 'adjolnlil" faT it was she wrenched ed high, Sat.u lday.8 a.m. 7 p.~ tbeJeanne, co.untie. ma,. obtahi ~orie, olt .ton. clacJdng key from i he screWs. For ' terl'or flfi ed their feathered LIme loan's, at 6· per cent I"tere~ she s mashed t he battery-jars. brensl" J~welry.Shop . ,Next COllt ot. aecurlnr the, I,me it .,~ She ~rollo IUld glanced out of t~e Till it spread their tal)s and raised east, Window-and be~ e ld Captam t heir crests · . sonable .,through The Federal , MftM'".. ~,,~~,....""''''"''' Armltagel He was comang along the A d tb . d "'C Bank. .For further Intotmatlon l1&li platform scrillbliJig ns he walked. n ey crle ow, caw, we are all on ~r IIddreu M. C. DR~KBI '~ u,ndone, . Armitllge, Armitage, ell all men I From the door of tb~ baggage-room There 8 a mean old farmer with his urer, phobe 816-X,.Lebanon ~ , , Ohio. , .: , the slly .. 8oW that t he uMtllnned engun." glne · stood a dozen feet lIeyond the >, first co.ach.. -., . But a ,wise .old crow in a,n~ar-by tr~e W,,"TED .Arnlltage brIskly, ent !*i t be sta- When ho saw the' scarl!C1'OW' ,cawed tion and made fer the ' ~&o,r of the with glee; '. \, " I ' .',., "" . ppeiatoT's ro~m. L~cke'd'~' 'iJe shook There ,is <:Qrn in that 1hdd, I 'do deWA~TED-A m.rbletop 'wuh ItencJ, tne handle vIolently, . .• clan! ' ~ , " InquirE! at thb olftce, ·a10 "Hey, t here Clark; unlock the If th 't t l' ni '. dOOTI" he cried, impatiently. e~ wJllln . la.t scarecrpw, would No one replied . . At"Tnitage, vaguenot be, there,.. ' ' FOR SALE Iy alarmed, smashed a 'pnnel and he So he ftew" I ""t ' d ' burst into t he. .oflice. '. r gn own on the sCllre. crow's' I\and - • '." . !!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!' An d, ;t'r:om there 'Ja~ IlUtyeyed the fresh t illed land, ' '. ' • And for many a day in the e~rly morn ' He atenis fill "of the -tendef c~m' W.hile bill · silly l.11ates saId, .. , scarSl~T?w;1 ,boU1\d ' . '.,' , ' !~atf~ . hi. ' ofell,tbers along the
___ _
Get Quicker' Gai_s At a Lower Cost Per Pound rb
Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company
"I nSl·d e I nformatioD"
"~ifl~~~' hu!dreln~a:;k:lls etr:~~!i
De~o., 1011.
~~~reJh~e lb!!~;!8~~
Umevsburg Fertiliz·er CO.
The ,.Scarecrow
. . . . 4.
F armers.Atte~ti, on!
:'» J " ..
~~U.p:ar.; .fot :Y~~r Sale Datea.;'l.W. Cuarant~ .
Satllf...tlon or Charre l'iMhtnr.
W1Iat-'8~ lot of:humanl' are ' silly crows Afraid If a "bug. bea~ 8howa his n08e; oFrom'.the thing that's, hlltd they will
fleC! j , . .' t he 'ro'clC learn '
. . . . . a' tile Po.lI~
at Waynll'vll1l,
0., u Second Clue Mall Kauer
D. ... CRANE , Etlltor alUl , Pabllah••, W."...YilJ.,
Frank Wool. Mr .and Mn. A.aron heelan d en· SOll~~!!..M~tlY1laltqDIJiIAt-+~!!£!;~ll!a "veral ~ dinner, Sanday . Guardl enjoyed a de· at Harmon Park; on Weld~es~lay afternoo.Jl. Mn. <"JIo'We.rd Graham entertai ned' Priscilla club, Wednes day after-
Sublerlp tion PrIce, U.150 per ,Iar.
--- --- --- --
. -
- ----
We'll put this tire on your wbee lMrs. Gilbert Welch and children , are visiting Mr. quickl y and correctly. and Mrs. W. W. MORE CARS COMING The Hungry Hound , club }lendlin o in IICW/lpap er "Em Everett Early and children , Mr. along the Miami river, ' nearpicniced We'll inflate it to proper pressure. ergency Still Exists insays: Orego. I Vi enna." The "saturat ion point" in automo- W.hich ain't news ut ull because there and MI'8, George Scott motored to . S d ma, un ay. biles lMJems a8 1a~ off as ever, For ure nothing else but emergen cy Clifton. SundllY. We'lt inspect it regularly, after it's Chllrles Rudduclk wa.'! pleasanUy the Hrst six montha of 19 27 General ,in thill country . A number from here attended the 6urpJ:ise d Sunday evening by a few Motors sold 840,4!11 car~, againRt on and runnin g, to make doubly cer· - 0Quarter ly confere nce at Springb oro friends, it being his birthftay 620,19 0 in 1926 and 396,3GO in ] 925 Eight· ycnl'-o ld boy . fl oated six hours Sunday morning. , Mis., es EstheI', Sura and Ada Grace un increase of 74,000 cars pc!, month on an inftnted nuto t ire tain tqat you get long an~ troubletube in AtMr, and Mrs. Eli Russell in two yenrs is no t bad. laUc off New J ersey before being Olli e Rbutzah n and daughteand Mrs. Underw ood have retur.ned from a free mileage from it. rs were jolly camping pal'ty with their 50The big mo tor boom and fight arc. which no doub t \vitl give him expecte d in the autumn , when Henry aI'eseued rarity sisters at Cold Springs . dougl;n ut complex for the rest of Lebanon visitors, Friday. J<' onl's new car will Ill!lke its bow. hill life. To sum it all up we'll make it our Miss Gladys Bergdan spent SaturThere \\~ I\ be an Pord is quoted to the efrect that the cream social -{)_ day and Sunday at Russe1\s Point, on the school lawn, icc country can ClIsily ubRorb two mil· Saturda y evenjob to make you a regula r custom er Such is history, Now we arc dod· with frie nds from Dayton. ing, July 30, sponser ed by the Lalion new cars every year, sj nce, ientlng to patriotis lll the house in Mrs LotLie Carey and Miss by saving you time, bother , and dies Aid. t he pretsen rate oC car ownership, which Burhlll'8 Frietchi e dId not wave Jam es' spent Wednes day with Mr, and Mrs, A , S, Coll ett and son, that would, meun every car would n flog at ~tonewan Juckson 's troops tire Fred money. Mehan ncar Five Point. Robert. were dinnel· guests Tuesday have to last SIX years. Mr. Ford knows 'as lhey did not march .' that 2,000,00 0 new cars a year is a street in which Lhe house down that evening , of Dr, and Mrs. W, E. Ogstands. Mr. 1\1u1'l0n Gordon, of lesbee ridiculo usly low estimate . Will Rog-{)burg, waH a ~c ck- e nd guest of ers' describe s ,u poor fami ly as d. An Aust rian Archduk e, new in the cousi n8. Mr. and Mrs. S. H, Burnett, Po~onn Grange wll be nt Grange family "having only one car" And 'Ullited States wants to fig ht a duel M d 1\1 H Id K n' that ie not exagg eratio n.' d Hall 10 Harveysb urg. al1 day, July with a Hunpri an Count, also here, B - 'U 1', aen r s. n,ro S e diS and' son 30, There wi)l be a basket dinner ' I d' Id I I I dl ' , E ver active t I y, 0 naylon, " ere un ay lUner at noon ~ IV ua, nc u n~ never lll e n~lonan,~ purse, ga~, sp I'It guesls of Mr, und Mrs, W, M, Cole~Igger child:en an prospero lls faml- ,- or anythll1g. . What Walter Smith, of Richmon d. Ind., hes, needs hili own car, alJd the i'our- e d Dempsey and Starkeybo.obs, ,chlm- man. an UDl SO II. called on his aun't Mrs. Amanda ~ar family will ROon be numero us., -0Mr. and , Mrs. Floyd Sav,age.. In Starr and Mrs. Two cars to a family should b~ ~hc "Three h~ndred miles harles Gray and an average. To say that four nillhon mlleM a mmuta, 140 -feet hour- five compan y With Ml's. Belle I?anwlddle famlJy, Tuesday. a second" d daugh ter . spent Sunday In Spring cars, trucks, etc., can easily be ub- is Navy-Lieut. William s ~. and Mrs, W. T, J ordan have sorbed In this country every year, new mechan ical skyro cke hope with field. . M J B J Is putting it mildl:y assumin g of All that is worryin g liS t airplane , d d r~celved the announc ement of the is how the MI . and, ra. " '. andes . ' att, e n birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. A Ian , '. course, thAt int/elhge rlt advertls an open-nlr meeting an SOCl8 l e0 f Hartsoc l1lg t imers are goi ng to be able to Bee it. th k I d I G S' ' b W d ,near CI ar kSVI'II e, on Mon· ' s ane n "aJua bl c newspap ers, sue h e , range at prlllg oro, c nes. day July 18. --0day evening . as thlr, one. ' Camden, N, J., Bchool board votes " Mr. and Mrs. Gu.y Carr have reo - - ,- - - -- - that women school teachers may Robert, Mtldred and ,Clara .Halnes, turned to their home in New York, PROGR ESSIVE SCHOOLS COST smoke an occasional cigarett e- but o~ Belm~nt, are spendang thiS week after a plea! ant vacation with Mr, not about t he school buildings, Ev. With t hell' uunt, Mrs. Walter Ken· and Mrs. Will Carr a nd other rela. n b p~~~ to ~Mn ~~ ~~~~~ it ~ ~ssili~ i~~~~ fi~~ka~bmll~ nation spends mor~ on public schOOls insuran ce rates which causes the Mr and Mrs. Gerald -Kelly and ti~~ Wm. Villars, of Splnng Valley, lath. ==============~==~========================~ than on any other governm ent tunc- board to I'ule cautious ly. daughte r, of McCilok's Field, of Everett Villars, and fo rmer resi ~10n-not exceptin g tlie cos of kecpIT'S FACT CONSIS TENCY • - • Sunday with Mr. and Mn. of this commun ity, died at the mg ready for war. Our public schopls HOW SIMPLE He--"l I t feels like rain." Longacr e. coat two million dollan a year, about home of his mother in Wilming ton, When cigarett es are lacking, She--"W hat feela like rain?" , one-four~ the total amount spent ' NOTAltY PUBLIO " , , With many sigh and groan, A large cro.wd attende d for public purpoftes H e-" Water I" Wednes day, foUoWlnlg seve~al weeks He takes his sack-o-' backer Sa), do you know an easy way to Saturda y at the residenc e of the out, . the of illness. Funeral servIces were Natlo.a l Bull the horsepo wer of a car?" Two bllllonl a year seems a g r find A d Aalml rolls his own , ea , t".. Chloe Sldcs, d I b I I' and everyth'mg n ~ y so Id con d uc t e d Fr'd . I ay. a It, emoon f rom VII When No, Why? modem sa, ut t II not much really. Pubstyles II are calling WIJI. Draw. "Just lift .. .. ......Lt.e.. S",iM Ian Chapel. Interme nt at Clark s-. ' d lie educatio n, on which the future de· the plugs." up the hOOd and count we . .u WIth puff. Sigh an groan, ' M.r artd Mrs. Horace Wharto n and VI e. penda, abllOlutely eOIlt$ leM than W aynen ille. Ohio She grasps her hose below her knee Mr and Mrs Walter Lacy, of Day· Mrs. U . G. Wh,etsel opened her twenty dollers per capita. And, by And calmly ro/ls ber own. were !o';iday evening guests of hospitab le home in Waynes ville, on the ~ay, i~ costs leas than half t he ,HOM E TOW N When these two meet they woo and HENRY Mr;. Emma Lacy. . Tlie la~t II an encoura ging fact. It Wednes day afternoo n and assisted wed, ' . by Mrs. C. H. Deather age and Mrs. proves that when the people want a And build for t hem a home, Mr. ~d Mr~. Charles SmIth, baarleDi~oi1-bu·beeo.\.tworld~ R. H. Hartsoc k, welcom ed member s Then in a carriage thing ~e)" get It, someho w or other, down the street, comp~led thllr son, ~Qeorge, of the Baptist, Missioflary Circle, JUIl no",; they want the beat cigar: wide remedy for kidneyj liver and They calmly roll their own. family, t oOsborn, Sunday, to Rev. N. E. Bennett conduct ed tbe de· etta. Some day they will decide that blJldder diIordera ' rbeumatiaml. da~ghter , Mrs. Edna Buhrma n votlonal and Mn. a:. E. Hatton bad they want the belt poaslble educa. OF LEGAL AGE 1umbqo_durlcaddcohcn~ family. charge of the lesson, her topic being, tion. Then they will spend t~n bilFUNER AL DIREC TOU Mrs. Adda Burnett and Mn. "Hey, mister I , Your engine is "Bengal -Orissa. " Thl! hostesse s servo )lon8 ana more a year for It' lnstead sie Longacr e spent Monday In WAYNESVILLE, OHIO cd deliciou s combina tion ice, white smokin'." of two bllllonL , ton, and called on Mrs. Meta "Well, it'l old ,enough to." dark cake, and punch. The , EDITOR iAL SHORT S nod Miss Eva Reeder, at Miami will be Septem ber 21 at the ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l '\ I ' --. \ I ' ' .. Fully Equipp ed , for Good lI;y hospita l home of Mn. George Denney and Chic-a-o Fallhlon Note - Bandits Service. Mias Ruth. Mr. IUld Mrs. Wilbert Swank Itm dreA to kill. _ _ __ , _ ••- - Large Display Room. tended a reunion of the f,onper'l! --0Ambulance Service mother' s people, Sunday, at the home WEIGH T HANDI CAP Margot Asquith saY'll If women of Mr. and Ml'lI, WlJJiam Emley, at TELEPHONB 7 didn't dre81 for men ~ey would wear OR NIGHT German town. much It'lli. One of the aspiran ts for a , M'Gosh -:wbat she mcan ' -MuchT th 11 b 11 Mr. and' Mra .William Haines and on e co ege a t eam h a d Dr~ ' -0-" d M h'ecetLtl y arrived from ~e . IctdJd, r ell, of Belmon t, an n. COl1rt l~tiatiC. show that wom~n told to walrm up acountry bit by i:lW'8g]ga r'ti, of Columb us, were a ball around. ,et 65 per cent of the dlvorce l--aJld . ••_ •• .-to """'" .... _ """ guests Sunday, at ~e home ._- h men 'lI p, oc ke tb 00.... how're th,ey c'omI'ng?" , .-..! ro5. . . ' 'n45'f -~ . . - ..... Mr. and Mrs. • ow 'h Walter • ey ge t Kenrick . CA.JR. ~11JI!J.lr,""UJfI\..II.mI 100 per cent of the alimony . ' captain of tbe nine asked him a litSAVIiOA Fe\II'DlM e5 euvlt..!Q Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzah n and Dentia t later. --0'~f'&(!IAt.S-11ir 6t«UIjJ,~OR -·I":"Ul; ..h t.""1r~ml"Ilt-'8uIl'd;IIY'Wl,th the So many threadb are overcoa ts Sump'n 's wrong with -,wo AAii<>. AaJP -nw... \Ul,S Mrs. J would not be leen in the tall It more ,boss. I a.in't getting the FfIJ&1)' .7.80 PCR MAI(I~ Boitnot , at Tippeca noe City. I oughta. " people decided to .pend their vaca· ....8 (lIAR cwaR AU t-IOUA JI,& Gent;va remaine d ,for, a short vis,it, Scott, man ; That isn't a 2~Ionl "j\l8t in.I, ~1r Incomell." A 1l~"""'.AAJrA, W~ICH M•. and rtfrs. Albert ~ throwin g. That's the f'U'!:. ~,. ·.,.v,~· MD • Thll iI' the age health. Girls are DR. C. W. HENDERSON " , ...iC. 'Ttl ~. "I\JtJII Of' Cle!! Stacy, Mr. an4 'Mn. sbot. takil\l' lonr walb for tlieir complex . A RIll oou.AIW Office -Amen Bldl_ nett and family attende Ions.. Since .the drug artore moved d a VACCI NATIO N OF SWINE dinner, Sunday, at the home of Mr. ~=:::;============= to the other end of )laIn street. OPPICIH OU . . and Mra. Will Null, near Sprinrb oro. (A SPECIA LTY) 9 to 11 B. m, '"!!!!!!!!!!!!! to'S P. In. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~'!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Mrs. Frank Our Prcretical Pauem Rogers und~rwent an 7 to 9 p m. nn,p.....'t:i~'" for double goiter last week Notbia" but R.liabl. Serum Miami Valley hOIlPital. ' She is Teleph on... Viru. U.ed , Office • ing nicely and will probabl y eo Re.lden Phone 81 ce • .' eon brought home ~e last of this HARVE YSBUR G, OHIO Waynesville, OhIo M ~. and Mn. KeBI~r Graham daughte r, Bernice . attende d a family dinner, Su.n day, at tPe home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stowe, near Leba· in honor of the birthday of Mra. Stowe. Air. an,d Hn. A. : O. Wllllam l, Mn. Malvina Stacy, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Will Null anll aq r. of Spriolib oro, Mri. Dearth Sheehan ana daughte r were Saturda y Kuests of Mr and !alra. Albert Stacy and' attende d the Sides sale In ,the afternoo n. lIr.' andl Mrs. C. E. Johna visited William , Br!lwn Sonday a!temoo n the' home Of Mr. and Mn. Frank Wooiley, a~ Cro~n r~i.,t, ' Dayton and were Su~day evening rueate of Mrs. EUiabe th Smith, at Nunes' cottage at ~he' S!lldiers Home. Circu lars Mrs. ' Ca8~ie ~Qx fainted and down last week, v,:bile Bookle ts home o~ , M.r . iuld Mn. , 'In Dayton. No 'bonel were Letter Heads . but I!h~ was ba~1 bruiSed Statem ents face anCi shO~lder. She' alowlY r~eoverlnc at her bome here: Envelo WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1927
':J"IJI"1'''''''"'' of Detroit, Mich.
For d and Che vrol et Special
29 x4A O ~:ll~~~a~ .. $1 2.2 5 !~~tu:ime.
Waynesville M oto r Co mp an y
Phone 105 Waynesville, Ohio
Wal ter McClure J. E. McClure
W. E. Fro st , Dr. Johll-W. Miller
Of ,couree ,rood printin ll is es· aentia l-ao is modem print. in••
. A , teafdea l of the, att~c~ivenea" o~ thl.' .~yle I, due; 9,holl.rs.e. to thF ' materia l. of-whic b it i. made. The .ketch ".ho*' It ,c uned ' out In a gay, checlCed lilk ·or" taffeta" with tht: collar. pockct bp. and ,hem of crisp, 'wlfite organdy . However; if , a- colton", matcHal I. prefe,rOd. 1tin~ham l French Volle, or ' or· Itan(ly i,,"a checked .~r flowered de· sign would , be ,qui!e pretty• . ,T hen tlie; coUar, 'po~ket~ ' ~d hem would ,be of ~hite or' plalD color to ma!c~ , the pnnt. " , liay ,be ob;ained . in ,lise' 1-4 to 20 Q,r 34" to 40. Siz~ 18 requires yards of 36 to, 40 ihCh material B'1d. ' \ ~~ Yard!' for t t;i~mlng, ;. " P.altem~ ~\1 be deUvered to all7 address tlPon receillt of ,25 cent. in cdh or U.S, AI_y. '.leMion Add~eI': , 'Jll(l:~ It ' j':\~nt.; 17 Well "in!l Y rk City•
" 2W
.. ~ .I
~ ~
, Good, p~n~inr DJean~ Cloinr the work well - paper, arranr ement ,and treatm ent the very best, but good printin g must embo~,. one other enenti a. quality-~t muat be modem . It must , be' m~em
ia:.;a~~ear~~,' soinitallWillph,.,. do bUline '" and , ';''-1: rood, and cope w:ith all .....ern ' co~~i. tionl to which *ood printi q is
' "
Tags Sale Bills Dodge rs Price Lists Weddi ngs Visiting Cards Business Cards In fact .. ' Any kind of
rl Clark fa In,Mlami I\lIe7 hOIMI'I~ Sldn 'I Chandler II nco erlne • E. b,,.,otNi, of B Jab~ra', pital Cor tcman 01' ration. hom ti r recent IIInea. ill visiting hfa eon, "Carl and tamU,.
-It-Mrs. W. H. \1t'n and MlslI OUve Myel' Hyman nnd Lou Printz ' arc 1I1r. Mny ook and Ethan Crane Allen Rpent T •.'esdllY in Xenia. in Xunla today, on buainellS. were in WnyneayJUe, Monday evenELECTRlCAL APPLIANCES d . • ink· Free E"I..at.. •J I\m s Ker.r~ k nn famllt are VISMI. ~ flull, ot 'Cin innotlJ is spl'nd· el"t' "nt F I th K Oki "Or L Ed . d . I haye Jud ope.eel • e il}1t a ~ew weeks with 1II1ss Emma i"n . 1 g r :. IVl.'a a a ntOU • y. '" 6 11 aTY enh wa!ds I~ spcn· Until weather cot1dition8 Bnd cur= t!oighwny. r '. ing tli week with relatives an Day- ~"nt cropb have mor ncar\v reached Corwle, oppo.ite Ihe ".mp St.tio..!', ACENT FOR WESTINGHOUSE = Dr. Gall Russum :lnd family., of ton < J • II.... GeorJe J. Smith wall quite nr. ond ft's. ('01'1 Henderson ~pent OilY ton spent unday with Tolllti:r cs . I) le\'el that· 1\111y Ite depen!led upon, where ,.ou ellft t;ri .. , ,our machine FARM LIGHTING PLA"NTS Iltlt Jut "..,t. Inst F rl'dny WIll'. '11 I lin d"O\ 'IS spendIng . ' n the live remain • rep.,re • d •••ood u .e •• "r. IIrI here. frs. F ' . A, Hartsock t i ktock '1'1 situlltlon I cwill ." i()ns no aa d" ava It nblo I'n DO'rtOll f d .h d f 11 unccr ·n n. I S larp ro ~ . Walt.r CI.rlt and family lilpent N l Y . .J' ew 1Iy!! Wit. he)' 80n on om 'I, t d i ttl " , III"t ,vcllk have -.... Ohi Mr. lind Mrs. SI RiehnrdsO)1, of near 101·ksvllle. e n C:l e prIces. . I OOvi d S a.o BY . n ..... on. o. Mrs. Eh~n Fires, in company w~tb Middletown, visited friends h ere on been the couse lor some un en mes.~. ELECTRICIAN Howe, of Dllyton, ill ,,\sitSunday. O. Alexander, of Dnyton, is the They werlt, however, th~ natural reo Mrs. Jda 111'1. Emma· KerseYI of Oregonia, IlIg l'elnth'es ill Oberlin, Ohio. 01. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Rob. suIt, of increased mark~lang8 ot II vltdtJnc frien ds in Wsynesville. Cllttle from l'lIngc sections lind n too Fane)' Ellrnhart, of ,Toseph , !ewmnl1 und fllmily, of hns gone liS a missionary to the top-hea vy mar.ket in gono.rul. T,he VirglJ..~~on~d and Roma Bnrdln Ke ntucky. . Mrs, W . O. RIlPOf is rccovering we ok h s witne&sed small pl'lcll are visiting' reJaUves in Fa lil\ou~h, PIIyton, SP(lI1t Sunday with Ml'S. Annie Gibbons nnel son, Jnllll'~, of R. from lIll op rllt ion lit l'il c lel1ant.l's upturns anu trade hM RhoWIl II henl.. Xy" U. 4. ' . lIlr. and Ml.'s. Frank Long, of Co- hoapitlli. lhy movement. . Just \l'h II thu peak spe nt n . f ew hours in Waylhe gras~ litHo "UI1 will be rellched lumbus, Mn. Bllfvey:nye anll daughter and Mrs. Edward Woollllrd has ,·.,t'urn_1 is probllcmntic, but heavy I'c ceipts W. P. Salisbury IIpcnt the we k· nd Willard pencer, of Flushing, Ohio. ncsville, un day. who has been "jsiting Mr. and Mrs. cd from McClel\llnd hospitlll or these ca ttle 1lI0Y be cxpocted lit in Delaware. F. A. 'Hnrtsock and other reilltives, 1I1r. and Mrs, Clifford Buzick, of much improved. 'mid-we tCl'n mllrkets through out thl' Ridncy, spen ulldny with Mr. lind \ next four or tlvu weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Janney, Mrs. I'eturned home, Monday. 1.11' • A; L. King. Mr. lind 1111'S. .llludl.' Riggll, r LiSell.onlll scarcity of hDRS has been Laura ZeU and Mrs. Kate Colemon Clarence Simpson, who went to mil, were week-end guests of !'Ifr. nlld thl.' priml.' rnctor behind recent priCI' accompanied Miss Frances Jnnney t o Orville Gray IInri hester IIrey Mrs Wilbur Clllrk. upturns. 'rhe new woek IllIs uncovAntioch and aleo called 011 frlf/.lI(1s Akron II few weeks ngo to leaTn II ered somc udu!li onlll s up lIlies und near Yellow Springs, Monday a fter- trnde~ nnd WIIS token suddenly ill saw the ill cinnuti-St. Loui s gllmc in and hnd to Teturn home. left today in innati , Mondoy. J E. Janney lind '( nmily wcre din- vulu es huve been ~ o 1l1 cwhnt uneve n, . noon. . for that city to rCfl umc his work. t S d f M d 1\1 !!!!'!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' 1\h:s. W 11I R \l 8!l U m , or Dn yton, ~pc n t ne r gu ess un ay 0 I' • all 1'5. wilh big packl't~ I' fusinl( to meet !!! hil(her hDlcling pric\l ~. With the gen'!' several dllY R last week with her moth- Lewis, of Kingnm n. erlll price level uglli n uround th' $1 'I cr und sister s, here. --- - - - - . All the 10cllI churchos joined in lIlu rk, p rod ucers unu f 'eders should Round Layer Cakes, Assorted Kenneth Hartsock spcnt the past servicos on the Grade school cnmpus be uble to l'elllizo 0 Ilrofit in OIH!rnFlavors,New low price each . lions. . week with hi ~ prnmlpllrents, 1I1r. nnd Ill8t Sundlly morning. While 1 11mb prices hllve tllken n 1I1.-s. F. A. Hllrtsock. Mrs. Oscor Cnngleton, of Frllnk- slight upturn liS the new week openQuaker Brapd, very Mr. nnd Mrs. Lee Hnwke and fam- fort, Ky., is visiting at t he home of cd, rec ent movement wus downwllrd U low price 2 pkga .. . . . . . . snd generlll conditions sppelll' to in· ily lind Muynnrd Weltz were Cincin- John TreadwllY this week. dicllte little or no muterilll price Counlry Club Corn Flak"., larl" pltckae" .......................................... 100 nnti visitor s, Sunduy. Dr. J. W Witham is in Mc.C lellllnd moveme nt at this time. heep will, Mr. and MI·s. Henry Westermlln hosP.ital where he will undergo an op- in all probability, remllin at · aboul Square Mason with caps urc announcing t he bir th or u daugh- ratIon for the rE!movlII of a goiter. steady levels. . Q d tel', Sunday, July 24. At Cincinnut.i, t he new week 'fount! and rubbers, ta. ozen . .. . .. . . Mrs. L. A. Washburn hns :etUl'ned llillughter cuttle moving morc freely Pin h , do>:en ...... .... .................... 74e H.1f Pinh, doze . .................. '1.1' M i 8~ EI!lie Huwke, Mrs. Omar Lew- home ~rom McCllel.IRnd hOSPltlll, anu 'It prices about in line with last weeks is ond grsnuBon, Ethan Lewis, were is t~IIPldlY recov.mng after lin ope- declines of 25c to 76c or 11101'0. Fcu New U. S. No.1 in Cec!arville, Tuesday. rn lOll. catllo of all descriptions sold l'elldily wit h prices IlIrgely in th e $10.75 Grade, 15 Ibs . . , ...... , Mrs. Kate Ricks is enjoying II twoMr. li nd Mrs, Willi~,:". Haines, of to $11.50 rllnge. ome hellvy steers SW""t Polatoe., 5 pound . ........................'.... .................................... 25c weeks ·vacation visiting rellltives in JohnNtown, Po., are vIsIti ng the Cor- ~coling over 1300 lbs, brought $12. me!"s parents, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. J. G. Grass heifers have moved lit $7 to Dayton and Cincinnati. L •••I.e, 2 5 Hilmes. $9.60, with similar grades of steers I OIlcelieDt Miss FTonces Janney is teaching upwa.rds to $t0.60. ,Beel cows sold vanil., Kro'car m.dD\ 2 I b 2 5 c Qu. lily, 2 for Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, Dopllld 5wimmnig nnd folk dancing at Anupwards to $7.60 lind 1111 cutters ut of Dayton, nnd Dr. and Mrs. Carl $4 to $6.26 . Sausage bulls cleared tioch GI n, Yellow Springs. Henderson were Cincinnati visitors, lurgely at $5.6 0 to $7.26. Venls hllye IIIrs. hesteT Cutler and· so'n, of Sunday. been unchanged, upwnrds to $13 . Couatry Club Creamer, Loveland, are spending a few weeks Hogs toucbed a hig h peak for the Auto R epairi n ~r-If flOt convenient with Mr. lind MrK. Ray Mills. ...... for you to driVE' o.ut, phone 83-2 ~, sellson, Tuesdny, top lit $11.36. Bulk ~ IIIrs. Vernll Kelley and grand- und I will do t he work in your own of the good a lld choice 160 to 240 pounds averuge, brought $11 to $11.daughtor, Martha Marshall, hllve TC- garage. Frank ·W. Crew. al0 COME down 'to the .tore. or Club, t.ll, 3 c.... 2 9 c Pure Kettle r.n.. Ih ....... 36, lind heavy butchers. 26 0 to 320 turne to their home in Springfield. telephODe, and let ua, enroll you Miss Henrietta. McKinsey and Miss po unds. clellred ut $9.60 to $10.B6. Packing SOW8 sold upwards to $8.00 , .. a .ember of the Heatrola Mr. und Mrs. E. S. Odell, of Price Alice .Gons were guests of Miss Mary Couat.. , 23 Club, 2 ~ .Ib a.d S •• ce, 2 c_............ Free Coal Club. The memHill Cincinnati were week-end vis- Hankinson. II former tellcher in our Light pigs, sCllling Ll 0 ppunds, contin ue unwllnted, prices $7 to $9.50, itor~ ot Mr. lind IIIrs. Ray Mainous. sc~o ols, a.t Chaut aqua, over the wcek- while 115 to 130. po unds of quality, Ie he."y .yrup, C.D ........ . IIenbip ·f .. i. only $2.00, and en . ,. have been selling upwards to t he mar thia ia.. applied on the purchaae J..ar.e Stalk., Mr. and Mrs. J oe Tinney and 80n, k Shermun, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs., ~larenec Mai/!e and et top. of tile H ..trola~ w"n b1eeched. Mr. lind Mrs. Harry Truax, of Cin- son, Rob ert, of C.hicago, and Mr. and Today's trade in the sheep bouse 2 ror .............................. .. ~irs. Henry Hor(:h lind two chilciTen, uncovered a reported to p of $14.'7:5 cinnllti. ThOll8aild.·, Of people, all over 'o f St. Mary's werc week-end gu for lambs, while bulk of the the . . .~, take advantage of . Misses Helen and Anna Harris, of of Mr. and Mrs. c .. W. Gordon and grsde lambs for the week have c1~arF.ne,. CllmII••·.iU, , am.·~h Dayton, were guests Illst week of daughter, Miss E·velyn. cd abo~e $!2. Common /lnd medIum ~Ia offer . .ery year. The ofRipe Fruit, 3 Ih. .......... : Smola.d, , w bole, Ih ....... .. their grnnd mot her Mrs. Alice Mc. kinds contmue dull, at prices down..fer i. for • limited period only Ki ' ! ' MT. and Mrs, . W. B Squires, Mr ward from $1 1. Flit ewes have been and Mrs. Vern Hough and unchanged ot t he $4.50 to $6.60 nsey. . .. ... , --DO free coal 'after Auplt 20. Hownrd ' Missildine, Ray Knight, Mr. and M~. C~rles. Cornell, Mr. sprelld . Lawrence Cook anil Gilbert Frye and Mrs. WllfOTd Squlres, Mr. and - --, If tOIl dOD't bow all .abont the . . Mrs. Forest Hough sp ent were m MIddletown and Dayton, on with M d'" R C II H_trola, now i. the time to Sunday . r. on ,u rB. oy ome, • Kings MUla. ia.,..qate. Wilen you tee This Free Coal offer Mrs. St Clair Fife and children holds good only until what a ~utiful heating plant have returned to their home In WilAugust 20th. H you it ia Uct learn about its many mington. after a pleasant visit with cannot come in coneaclaai.. f_tures of e:onatrue:relatives he.r e. veniently. just telephone, lind we wlll be ~ we bow you will decide Have you Hail Insurance? Mias Eileen and Master. Lorain -Former students ot t he Nationlll glad to call at four - ----,,----'' --tluit thia ia the heatin., plant Hall r eturned home 'Monaiiy. after ~. MAR,r'S CHURCH Normal University are scattered to home. a two weeks' visit with their grandJuly 81, Seventh Sunday after the four corners of the United States JGU want. parents at West Lafayette. Trinity, Ohu.reh School at 9 :45 i This is shown by, the fact that R. J. Morning Prayer' snll sermon at 11 :00 Shawhan, president of the N. N. U. Mrs, C. M. Harner, nee Hattie L., :;;ervice~ will be discontinued through reunion association, Lebanon, has reo In the Old Reliable Home Insurance Lukens and children . John and Ma- t he month of August. ceived letters from "normalltea" In fY, of Dayton . are sp~nding the week Rllv. John J. Schaetler. Rector_ N~w . Jersey. TelUlS, Oalifornia Bnd . R~te., same aa last year with their aunt, Mrs, G. D. Mills. . MIchIgan. CHRISTIAN CHURCH The reunion is to be held in LohMiss Mahel Smith, of "Greenfield Sunday Schoo.l at . 9 :30. Every- an~n on Augu8~ 3.. On the 4th a pi1~ attending summer school a WUming- body cordially blvited. grlmage to Wllmm.gt0!l. has ton college, IIpent Sunday · with h er ____ .been planned, thi.s mstltutlon .( father" .Tohn H. Smith and wife. FERRY CHUll{CH OF CHRIST taken ov~r the records of the old Waynesville, Ohio Phone 61-2 3 N. U. school. , , B'bl S h i t Dr Heiti'y G Williams M d M W B B ' ll f W t I e c 00 11 '9: O. The momL f r. ~~ Mrs. M\ ~. 0B es _ iilg sermon will be delivered by Rev. of Wilmitlgton : college 'is making n aye , r . lin rs. oy rown W P ~eal ot Sabina Be sure to . ' field of Beaver Pa. were guests of tte' d' th ' . ' N . pIons for the by auto. The Cham ~ I~.II!II~~~IIIII!~~ Dr. imd Mrs. Ll~yd Hall last week. a ':I. ese 8!!rVlces. 0 evening ber of Commerce in Wilmington is • serVlce. , co-operating with Dr. Williams and • ... ·-GrATB . . . . Eleventh Hampshire sow sale, TuesNathan .Tohnson. Mlnlste;r. they ure a.rranging fo r the people - -------- ---day, August 9, 1927. 60 young SOW8. visit the college. . Sale at furm at 1 p. m. Catalogue METHODIST CHURCH Dr. Jahn W. Withors, Dean of the free . O. A Dobbins, Cedarville, Sabbath School, 9 :15 a. m,; Preach- School of Education of New York Ohio. 2 ' ing S4!rvice at 10:S\) a. m.; Epworth university, who was president of the League ' at ' 6:45 ' ,P- m.; Evenin, old N. N. U. from 1896 t o 1901 Bueceeding Alferd Holbrook, will be pres Dr. T. I .Way, ot Cincinnati. and Preaching Servic:e at '1 :30 p. m. his IIleceJ Miss Sarah Pritcbard, L. A. 'WaShburn, Paator. ent on the opening day nnd deliver Tulsa, . Oklahoma, were calling.. .~ ~ • ~n address; . Dr. Withers is olle o.! , Waynesville friends Saturday' ening, charge have expressed great pride in being aole to present such a figure Mrs. Elizabeth Baily entertained in educlltio'n al circles at the reunion. a few friends at a sumptuous chicken dinn er last Friday. The guests .were "The old bell which hung in the Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite, Mrs, R. D. belfry and called us to classes Tolle, Mrs. Will Russum, Miss penl forth its chimes to call . According to · a ' recent ruling by start GeneTal Ex. in old lena Edwards, ' Miss Margaret wards, Mis~Annie Brown, Miss Mame Attorney Gen~ral E. C. Turner, tIle Hall on the morning of the 3rd Brown, Mrs. Julia Donovan, . Mtll. W. names of candldlltes for school board August. This is a social trl1\e cannot , be .p1aced on the pri- plellsure and reminlBcence. S. Graham, Mrs. J . C, Hawke· and mal'J ballot., . '. we hellt the stories of careers Thelma Satterthwaite. . Inll~ead, candjdll~s. ~or scho~l board Were . started on t~e upw!'rd . at ' The many Qrticle!l th~t ~~ll oe .sQld f9r ' Red .:~r.r~w Mrs. Earl Hockett and Mrs. Frank p08ltionl. are j:o be nommted by old school and some avell go 80 . Money in Open' AuCtion are ~ow on .display, ~nng. Braddock entertained last Thursday petitiol) , pap'e n 'signed by not les!! to say it was here love's sweet all. -your Red Ari6w Money. , Borf~w. fro~ ;¥o~r uftcmoo~ at the home ot Mrs. Hock- thaI) 25 men or women eleetora of a was first told to ' them II ~tt with Mrs. Ralph Tolle, of Waah- village IIChool dietrl!!t, _and .in city d.ls- Shawhan said in the I!\tte~ that friends and neighbpr~. Be re~dy .to btd the lWIt., . m~ton D. C., as guest ot uicts 'by not leas than two per cent sent .out to all of he old students of . ~ i ' :. Dllinty refreshments were the numb!!r ' Ilf votes cast at the N. N, U. , the close of a vcry pleasant gon.e ral election in such dlstril:t. no on. Those Invited were, ot candiQates for the Tolle, Mrs. Walter Wiison. Mrs. mond Wilson Mrs. Ch'a uncey ot the County Board _ neil, Miss Monimia Bunnell, ot. Educa~on be made by pet!. Rebecca Furnas. Mrs. Kellar tion signed' by petitioners who shall Mrs. Henry Sattertbwaite, Mrs. be' qualified electors 'residing in the ., U
Howard Eveth ar t
Bring Your Eggs to Kroger Stokes' Pure Jersey Milk for Sale
P ffed Wheat
29c 2Ie
, CantaIoupes
Fu dge
Read Ilow"to 'get 'it
C Beans ~~:..a;:r~luh 15C
peac ' hes
Do It Today
20C H
.. ..
"lI••••••• ••••II!II••••••
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~ 'Will 'be
:~:s fic:et~:sb!~~l~~~t:~.o'V~h::~ct~ SCHOOl "E-LEC·liON LA " WS ARE CHANGED
at 9:p •. me
at .Zimmerman's
;iVtmj on dIsplay .' , tit
·411 Buick dealers
There 'will be: ~ lot of fUJi wa~c~. ~i1g the bidders -Pd.~"cti~neer'~,·
Cy Reason, Mrs, Warren Braddock, ·dlistrict, in Mrs. Fred BraddOCk, Misses Mary cdUntY umbel' 'school than otle per ··ft.ot cent lesR of.. the C~therine an~Jeannctte, Wilson ' and .voting 8,t the last:4lreeeding MISS Thelma SatterthwaIte. f?r ~e1l11~ers of .loc~1 boards ot educatIOn In t.1ie .dlstrlcts with . ~outity . ~chool dis~ct, and . n~t, In number tP.!ln .26 111 any ease. .
. Fi~e hu d d b ttl f b' . were conft~c!~ed l~te e~ 0 'd om: bre: ing officers from ' Leban~~, ~~ t:e r:~l: lar of ·the resilience of Jesse Mentz on his fllrm near Franklin. " 1n a tenant house on the Bame n~.LUI"-' ' .farm, tWo cases of beer ·were found ~nd ~• .Bachmlln who was in . ot the 'establishment, . was a.r1~es1ted:_ , 1 He to]1I ·pollce he wrur operating place ,or HaJTy Saul, proprietor and • - ._ a po'ol;,.room in Frallkll!1 .. · ..", To close e st:ate, the. residence of B9th Saul. .and ~.entz ~ete 0t:t!erthe ~ate 'Letltla . 'M cKay situated on ed to ~ppear 'lJl court at: Lebanon, Tblrd .Street iri ;" Wayiies~lle, Modem 'BBc~m,an ' wall lli~d in ' in Sberlfi'. I.lfred in every ' way e]ieetrle lights fUrnace IU'I~eT':IIl"'Q bath. •• . ' . .' '; '. Folk~rth, ·'of . relUJonable. raid. IWilllam E, Gl'4hiun I
.. . .-..
J;1tt}e Barry ' Matthew EXECUTOR
I t
Bellbrook,here. apent the week-end with relatiVee
.....iii~~ii.~!11~~~• .,~~.,..~~
~vent:r-Ninth Y~ar
-.... ...-- :--- ---- ---- -----. DR.' fRANK 'CRANE'S E~~;-'l'M~ Fault - - - - - - - - - - - WEEKLY lECTURE
7 •
Sir (illiver Lodge say~ the ether Is the most Important reahty of the phy sical universe . LICe and mind are associated with matter only throu h the ether 8ayS he, and the ether g is primaril y' man's habitati on, 'not pseudo " solid matter," earth houses, Ilutomobiles and money that we cllll the real world. Malter reduced to atoms is only electric particles revolving at frightful speed around an electric center. The real thin Is ether. g
Science tells us the ether is like a great stream of water, Rowing on forever, and matter like a fisherma n's net spread acrOal! the stream . which the ether flows, that ether euentia l to the cosmic scheme, that Newton 's law of gravitat ion should not 'work without it, and that ether is the only solid reality in the realm of idellB. But for the average man It Is hard to conceive of ether as II reality. It seems as unreal as the lourth dimension.
Th.~~l"tt~!~~, ~l~~FERS ; tate ~~oital
.".O~::in= a:.r:, a!!~~~edi::,:h:i;~~ ;~!cd~en~!rl~~e phr~~r:blY ~~!~. around very Importa nt.
.___ ,- ~~~$-:1'
Intere ating Item. l
"I wou ld rather be dead tban a fail ure," !mId Belle Anderson. a thirty-year-old P08t graduat e student at t he Univers ity oI California hospital the other day. So she lIIixed her self B death potion which her own kn owledge as a chemist had taught her to make and commit ted suicide out on Ii lonely roadside where her body was fo und un hOUl' later by Ii lone teamste r . Anothe r one of those "'rushly importunn te." :~y ~~~r~!e what time will do? . Y . Tim e ~olves more problems lhan a 11 our WIt. . Most of us who have reached r~per years can look bac ko~er our lives and see thllt t he best thmgs that ~ver happened t<\ us were .the frustrat ions of our dcsh'cs ofLentl! "es. We wa~ted som.ethlng badly. We wept . fo r It and strove for ,.t, but another got the coveted prize. Then t he world ~ll went dark and w e were ready to give up. But somethi ng elese came lilong after ~whil e and further experience and Wisdom showed us t hat It would have been very bad for U 8 to have succeeded in getting t he thing we wanted. When we gell to Heaven, if we ever do, I think that in looking over our earthly career we will our . kicks more than our kisses. We will be able to truly say that, " with our stripes we were healed." Because things do not come
Valley, a landmar k in that for nearly seventy years, was pletely destroye d by fire early Saturday morning . The blaze WI\S discovered at 3:45 a. m. , by Fred Chen oweth and because of inadequ ate fire fighting apparat us and the fact Barnes gained rap id headway, the three-st ory structur e, built of frame and brick burned -entirely lo ,t he groun d.' , The mill had a sale value of only $600 or $700 but the replace value is estimate d at nearly U6,000 . It is not certain w.hether the loss is covered by insurance. Two separate buildings on the mill property , once used for an engine room and boiler house, were also destroyed. The mill was owned by John Finn, Dayton, presiden t of the Dayton Burlap Co., who purchas ed the building at an administrator's sale of the estate of Mrs. Mary Spitler last September. The owner had rented part of the building s to the Virginia Coal and Coke Co., and a part of the prop erty was used as a branch office by the firm. The office was burned wilh its contents entailin g a loss of $800. Sixty or seventy-five tons of coal stored on the grounds , also burned, accordin g to advicea. , The mill bad been abltndoned several years and containe d nothing of value In the way of machine ry. Spring Valley's fire departm ent, assisted by about sixty volunte er flremen, battled the ftames during the early morning hours, and unable to aave the building, confined their ef-
. I
PrepaJ'.ed,by Co.lum bua r ep( rter
...... ...... ...... ...... ..
. ' COLUMBUS, OHIO- The new law providing women are eligible to places 011 tbe state centr~l ,committee of both the Republic.ah , I\nd l?emC!llnItic parties, went ino _eet ;yesterd ay, thus putting into ' al:tive' oper.tio n the most advanced steP't!ior: wom:n in t heir fight for ' equal-..ti,hts·<in .a poIiUcal matters . AIl"f!lldY' ;!t seems certain that many wbmlen, re IOln« to try for places on th9 elegatlo ns for the Nationa l co\vent o~ of both parties. ' It will not onlY . lVe them a touch of the high spot in America n politics, but they see~ he..honor of being among -the first Ohio women to be elected to these' Nationa l ratherings. Under the law they are eliIe to enter the C01'lteat, and it wouldn 't be a bit lIurprisi ng i1 some really interest ing fights developed as a r esult of the new law. ' The act was passed by the last Genern'l Assembly and !favored by both parties. Many persons wri~illl' to the division of vital statistic s of the State departm ent of Health for copies of death certifica tes or-mfon natlon from certifica tes Iiat ma, ks of Identlfication, seeming ly with 'the Idea that no~ of a birth marIE, Ol' a clGfonilty. or that the person '"il)q'u1recl of waa
!~!:d~«P::v::!b~ ;~s~d~!~:~ f;?~ ~:~~h~'c:e~:~~te~~' ~~~lJ!art;o~e;;b.~
the corner. L It Is this attitude of constan t homes of Fremon t Mairs and John ria howe ver, to make Thomas A. Edison was three days that keeps the soul lighted up. Anderso n directly opposite, were in •connection with thean- innovat ion tllin« of a in New York's threaten ed but were not damaged. al Gardens IiIt does death. record that ma¥.JIt f of real do to act rushly. brary, searchi nrBotanic for some nev.: ru~one can not tell what tomorro w The ~ames were first noticed on value .in tracing a ,milllling plan. ber plant. He msy Rnd it, but It Will bring forth. -There the top Boor. but their origin Is un- recenl.Jy was' filled with tbe divWon a probabl y known. be chemist Spontan eous combustion of certificate of death for an' "Unkno wn ry, not botany Tomorr o f!! the great that will supply the flew rubber. advent ure. About all that keeps life worth I 1ticity, plua wearinr lIuality, are need ing Is the elcmnt of adventu .ccumu lated mill dust is one theory Male" whose death occ:urred in re in of the cause of the fire. city. Throug h the co-operation.that ed. Hunian intellige nce wm produce of When you have committed suicide The mill was built in 1860 by the the chief of police and I others· InurIIOmething better than rubber. ---' have taken the st.ep which prelate Is.ac In addition to the interest ing proBarrett, at one time · ested in ·making The Colonia as It produce d 80meth ln, better than the record, a photol country home of Mr. Eevrybo dy welcom all further adventu re and you g~am and plans recently publisbe of the dead· man was attat!he d d and Mrs: John Lamb was the stene of Demons tration conteste to ' the 4-H member the State legislatu re. 'Wood, in the bronle and iron age. have extingui shed the lamp of the to be held In bulldin« replaced the the old Rur!ll ,DeHave Women n 's camp, a pleasan t gathelin g July 31, the the Lebanon Granee ·the certifica te.. Th18 . soul and the light of Ufe. haU. Friday, mill, which formerl y lltood on the will meanoriginal camp commit tee has been able occasion beine MI'. L8mb's birthday much to frieil(ls of the deBe carllful If yo~ meet latro~ectus . Auruat What may happen In the 6. aite, to secure purchas ed County by Barrett in 1858. ceased if they ever make a aearch Agent O. L. CunA sumptuo us picnic' Mactain B. I't'~ , ordln~ry name IS .the worl~ we .do not know, ~ut ~e ningham of Montaom~ coun.ty, to served at the noon hour, dblner wu . The beat home economics team and Tblll mill waa deltroye d by fire Jan- for hi. record. "black widow, and 18 the dcadhest that In thiS world somethi J . : amon&' oththe best live.toc k te.m will ng IS to bound uary I, 1860. come down one evemng to gIVe us er things a huge birthday . The division haa haa 'rquch' trouble . Ipidel' on earth, pp~sesslng .a bite to happen tomorro w.. Why c~e, with the Ohio State fair to compete for not stay his well-know~ .iIIustra ted bird talk seventy candles. In 1890 the Barrett mill was in proving the deaths of peraona uncau1inc death within twenty- four alive and see itT If you are feeling and his wife, who is a talented art- noon five gallons Later in tbe after- State honors. . The best individu al fiouri""lng concern and one of known, but with the' photo~h at.of houn. Ice cream was ". demons trator In Food pretty bad, perhaps it may comfort ist, will stay in camp for tached to the original.. retord there a part o~ se.rved to about !ltIventy people. AU eo also, and demons club work will principa l ;ndlllltries of the . Thla tiny black spider. hall recently you to think that whateve trate non-eom- It hid the d,stinct lon of the tl.me and give a chalk talk .during the children and Irr&ndcb can be no doubt aa to thEs· identity . eauled ~ore than a dozen deaths ~n it cannot· be worse than r ildren were petitive ly. . wh~t la!lest shl.ppinC point on the of the afternoo n assembhes. It is the wish of the State. present, as follows: Mr. and Mrs. the PaCific co~t. On general pnn- ~lready . happened, therefor To date eleve':! Home Econom l • e, MIami It raUroad and ~as in operation ment of Health that other' localD.putenrollm ent date .has been ex- Robert Lamb and family, of Berea, elples, keep .plders and flies· out health clubl probabl y. be better. an~ ~o Livestoc k clubl have day and nleht dUTlng the harvest departm ents should urea to ","ugust 10, In order that Ky.; Mr. and Mrs.. Luther Lamb the bouae. Let them carry on the value of and entered Indlvid _l demons traton. 'Keep 'trudgin g alon« and season. anyone who cannot make arrange form of co-operation in ftllnlf - family, Mr. and Mrs. Lem Lamb and ancient warfare in the open. The. club member s are takln« III some opportu nity will come.to you to mentl! until the IllIt mlnu~, Its de.truct ion marks will family, of Martinsville, Ohio; Mr. l'fCat mtereat In records. . . get away the from demolll the tration. bated routine. of the lut stili mill have In the a chance to go. Thla wiU and Mrs. Will Lamb and f.mlly. Mr. viclnlty Real courare IS always gentle. Ho,. . ' , thla year .and , _~ _ most of them ha't'e Spring be the Valley, last possible date, however, and Mrs. Harold Tuck and f.mily, been a village once promP~_7hmas baa been wa~ep of mer's ,:'Mnde st Manner s and Gentles t tralnine for some time for the Inent for its many Industries-of this the Ohio peniten tiary for only about want to be sure of a and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Starr, aU county Hean are p~ of a fearlellll contut;. . nature. to .I~ep in and plenty to eat. as of Dayton. fifteen yelU'll, yet durin, that Of all photop aph, taken of .' . Th«: At.pr~&TBm will .tart For a time after Its erection, the of time 90 meli haye. him period 8upphe . and extra cots must b~ Other relative s li nd a few of tbelr m., With time out for lunchat 9 :'30 a. lan~c ftY4!.n,- th.e "nest shOWI .Comput ' to by that time. friends who enjoyed the occuion The afternoo n program will at 12 :00 mUl was operate d by its owner and death in the electric chair and foUl." mand.r BYrd .tan~lnr ,beside a wounatart at later.by Barrett and Son. After Is- more await the penalty In' the death day will be on Thursda y. were Mr. and Mra. Rolli Bl.lr, ·Mr. ded French IOldler, ~elplellll in ,a 1 o'clock and will probabl y last till ~c Barrett' s death, it wall By makinr arrange ments with the and Mrs. L. run by house. The warden haa been J!~ • Wheel chair.'!] !. ..preN lon on Byrd s " C. llrannoc k, Xr••nd about 8:80. hili two Ions, camp manage r on the first day of Mra Ray Mainoull and Ion John and T. Swayne ent at ev electroc ution f~ee, pitylq and tender, Ia that of ~ Don.ld All who are Interest ed will b. very Barrett;. When the former moved to tenure ~ Ia probabl x durlq ius camp, meals can be served to Mr and Mrs. RaJptr Hastlnp , of real he_ro . .• Happy the mother an .the molt . Le~ welcome , lor J B C bb ' I as much of the prorram t it Indianapolis, the second son k' on villitors' day. The camp anon. unplea~nt duty of all 'the'1ltimer01ll father of Buch a son. ' aa they care to hear. W . teO rad' eC~Pj)~ das :~e d' In program will be carried ' ued operatio n of the business , on during' jobs of a warden but th, law dtrIct8 -- . OOB r an a!, • . a n 109 visitors' day JUBt as uBual. late years it had been used only Oommander ·Byrd, always In search the cofl1erenc~ of eve and it has to' be done .~I he aaIif. • Ohio Smith-Hughes Btorage purpose of Interest ing occupations, plaM s. . . th teachers . Therq afe noW 196 departI._.Ll" ...., . ' '- dI8CUSSlfli' e un ....."!_ exp....enee. . ftl«ht to the South ,Pole, .and before ments in Ohio and several recent electroe ~tton with of I'hWp Or- : apthe new year he will be BYing ~hrou«h pli/'.ationll filed for approva l. Some I the colde.t region on earth. He ne MIIIII Irma EllIsl, of Dayton, and of the meeting s were held in the was the 9 :to . OCCUI'· G~ME Mr. Eu«ene Kauche r, of Cincinnati, the state prISon. .rour m~re.watt , determi ned to be t he first man to fly spaciou8 auditori um of the paying the 'flew hig)t extreme over both polea. pena}ty , and at school building at Wooste r and were united in we.dlock at the Main 80me . Street Presbyt In centurie k to come, what we call erian parsona ee In least that many more are Indlcted 'for at the Ohio'· Agricultu.rBI ~urder In the fi~t delrl'8~ In .~e. ftLebanon on Saturdlay aftemoo n. at 4 our North and South Polee will again By the mealUl of several station. Directo r C. G. nou~I!tleIl9f.<thG State. The nIne-, . o'clock. Rev. J. H. Lamy perform - hits in the eirhth Inn11ll', bunched be warm, and some oUiet spobS Bellbro pf the Ohio Station, ok . The State Departm ent of Agricul- cd the ceremon y, Mrs. Anna tyfirllt electroc ution will ttike plaee iP. the earth ..,111 be the poles. Oil Hoover the new team In bill services toget.her with the Trianp e lUlUe, Enrollm accordin lt to Charles V. Truax, and the croom" the ~tate AUI~.12,. ~ that Standar d OU baa located p.rents, Mr. .nd defeate d the M18mia by. the aeore of 4-H camp,ents for the third the. .whole Station staff. August 8 to 1 director , has lu8t completed the dis- Mrs. Harry Kauche r, of DaVld the Arctic region will supply wfll- p~. the Cincinn ati, 6 to 2. Besides Illcal Ohio men Th. Xlamle led the BellIn rapidly trlbutio this n ' last of week 177,000 to matured fish witne88Cd the ceremon y. cas .tatlo~lI'--lf ,men .wI use dnade~ brooks up to that of note were Dr. Innlnr. 2 to 1, but Bureau office. Th18 camp, Eh.-ie-to · 114 counties in the The bride was Irowned l~ • ciresi could nolO hold the lead. . All primitiv e .as gasoline In that fuanton . of the u:-s; in. Camp state. . The .flsti car "Buckey e" and of ftesh-colored georeat te; RoSa, Hamilton ttite day. With ' III felt The pmeIW as • good one, but. P. few W. year, will have about 86 club two trucks ,were employed ' in the hat ' to mateh. . She is ·the Gas by tben will probabl y be comr dauehte r 'errors beinl' of Vocational e. Several &tar P\a711 ben enrolled with a staff of twelve work. . of Mr. CharleB E. Ellis, of Lebanon, featured the mad, pletely out of date, as whale oil of traffic" bOUnd alaIf. game, . Atlanta , Ga., John F. Case, elImalting It anappy leaders and From Instruct the ors. inland hatcheri gravel es at and haa been eD)ployed aa • typist and full of life for the and stone road! ~a'_l?uUt now for lightln« ; ' But do not iter Missour i Ruralist fw. A. P. Wil. Many have asked about Waverly, Piqua, London, at the N. C. R. Co., in Dayton. fri.hten ed Into' s~lIIn, good oU stocks Iiams, Feaeral B !lrd and The Bowenville-WUmi~n pme day at camp. It w!l\ be on visitors' the. Ohio State highway' departm ent for Akron Chagrin Friday durmg the last three or . fov\". J.M1'8 Falls and St. The lrJ"Oom Ie the son of Mr••nd wu caDed on account of wet , " " Educati on. cround i the 12th this year. Camp wiJi' attractin g attentio Mary'. thou8~nd8 of fingerlings, most Mrs. Harry Kaucbe r; of If told that the slclmellll of.a sperm n in many Clncinn .tl, Jamesto The teachers were ~ntertnined wn was victor over the Spriat Ii proceed j~st as usual so tbat all wbo of the country. Public oftlc~parts large and small mouth ballll, crap- and II employed as an auto whale In tho At1a~tic Oce~n. could set the CIl!vell\o'nd Chamtipr aalea.~ Va~ey team. , care to visit may get some idea up an allcient Ador man , ID a com- meree. Various concern s !,f Com.- plel and catfish, are now being di.. man hi that city He will ~e a Sprin&' Valley will be here Suaday the work carried on. Parents of interested citizens ari! frellllen t eaJl- , 01 Clevetributed to streams and lakes who through e~ at home for his bride, In Norwood. the office of thll dlvialon of fortable chicken bU8ineu, you 'might land entertai ned nnd and pla, a double header. contribu ted ou~ the state. . After the cerem·ony Mr. and Mrs. «ame wiJI be called at 1:80.The tllnt are plannin g to bring members of the hIghways at Columbus lDakinlr lnquilI&y "Impollllible." .. But it. bappe~ed. they might of an educatio nal Comel camp home Distribu are requeste tion d of to pheaun ts is allO Charles E. Ellis entertai ned· at lIix . The wait till ry as to how the large When whale. don t feel well, !'umps nature. 'of acore: Visits were made to the under way, 9,000 birds having been after the campfire ceremonies which r6ads of this tYPII which o'clock for the pleuure of the bride of a substan.ce called AmberrriB, Cleveland Growers Marketl ey have ' R H E will n« Co., be conclud ed at about 9:16 p. found in auch excellen,. conditl0 ~ . through out all the 88 coun- and croom. . valuable to perf~me manufa cturers, the Cleveiand Stock Yards, ~wift and by distribu tion committee.. It · Covers were laM for the aroom's Bellbro ok .. .... :.. ....... ........... .5 If "m. Camp will not break up formaUy built at such comparatlv~. • mall~ cDit form -inllde of them. '\ Miamis ..... ........... Co" the O~lo Co-opel'atlVe .. .... .......... 2 8 1 till Saturda y moming . III expecte d th.a t between '1,000 and parents, Mr. and Mn. Harry Daring the past week' delep ti_ Jeremia h Pratt" soventy -four yll;Bl"l ~Iant, the OhiO' Farme.r and Kauche r 1 2 8 , I) II 7 8 ~ the Owing . 8,000' to the more limited pbeasan ts will be dlatrib- and his slater, Milll Florenc e. of Cin- Bellbrook from Missouri and Penn,Y lvaulf; old, lookout on a Ichooner, AW gUlla ilr Street Market and Cold 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 4 0--6 tions the camp will be unable Storage uted. " . called at the office o~ the I>trecWt fit , cbiqatl, Mrs. Geoqe Ellia and daurh Mi.m18 hovef ing oy,er .a. big lump of Amber· plant. ...... 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-2 vide meals for the guests but _._ • ' • • Highways and Public 'Y0r~ G.~. ' ter, Vesta; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haeris, worth $12.600. " W,th th.a t mon...,' .. .. are a , numlier of delightf ul Schlesinger and later drove overma pmeye r and chiltlren, of Wayne. . e, Sailor Pratt will retire to a . ........ Sta"a , L Pet. where picnic lunches can be miles of traffic-~.ojJnd ~·alfc ~ en ranch and th\)usands of women ville; Mlu Beuie Shidab r, . of XenaIODI C . ge 0 IC~ . .. The easiest way to reach ia; Mr. and Mn. Frank ' Tletmey er W~~eavUle .................... 8 will go around perfume d by the Am• - ----5 .818 ROil for the most of the people A deal waa closed Monday where- and · children, ol Harvey sbuq: ' .. ., .. beqrns. . Mr. WllnUq lon ...... .... .......... 7 . Regular eom~unicatlon of 5 .586 the county Is to co on the CCQ bigh. b~ 'W, .E~ Alexand er and t.:awrence .nd Mn. Chari ell VIll8n land children :0U':; ::le .... ........ .. ......: . nesville Lodre N . 163 F. &. A. ; .::~ way to Wakley the Brat became stop ' t light he ownen of the J. of Clarksville; Mnl. Veda Saml and e in MontUldl~e Utley, ftfteen-yeai-old g~rl TUellday eVening, Au«ust 9, '. . roo ... .. .... ............. ,. at • L. Hartaoc k' farm" borth6B!lt ~f W.y- d.u«hte . Mrs. Anlla comery, tum left on Route 126 and relrlvabst, who aays Billy Sunday is o'clock • . 'Sojourn in« ' ~ ~.. Hoover, of Cln- Sprln« Valley ...... .. ........ 11 . < .brethioen and nesville. · . ' Mt": Wakley will move clnnati: r,and 7 · .417 pus through the three v:illages, The Farquer famjly. " unloQ ~ . ' . MlIIII Mabel. nd Mr. Her- Jameato wn ......... .. ........ ...5 ;reater than MUIlO,Unl Ible~UIIle Sun- visitors are cordlall Jnvlted 8 .885 inaton. HismlviJle and Camp to atthe farm late :",iII faU and wiD bert McMillan, of WaynellVille. held at Blanche ster . p~r~ . Oil day conquereij the dev , i. n • • nlson to about one-fou rth ' mile It his future home. dDa y , . 3~W Tho~~relll~ w~ • York Qity savi!1« soula. , Sne ' . - I .CHAS. BRADBURY, W. M. yond Camp Dennison, where, in On Ju'l y' 12th. Mr. Hartsoc k listed r. an. rs. a~... . forty lut Sund.y , and WPl...-::~ - , . F. B. HENDE RSON. Sec'y. tion to the name Camp Ross there Mrs. 8. E. Patton, o~ ll'l~ thIs plate witli .W: N. Sean, .local .. will show rratitud e w~en they "'D • _ • t . will be a 4-H ftac flyin« on tbe left C., real estate broker and thi. Ule Wal and Mrs. Pa~ . u~,,~ ~- . Th. Camptlre Girts m.t at the of the road where·· one tums her .~n hea~en'~,,:, . in. ' aas City, ~ts,. ~h.l f .' iii I'. jufat tht:w~nty t,dh.ap , makin&' , .About forty-five rue. enjoyed , ,,!ho brln~ . ', evUyt . hine • ~_omR.::k~eA-=::atl~::'~.i MID Utlew, our aa es or e ·mon , • b L .... 'd''''' ' . J~:!':iy, o~·'Wa~~~.~:·IU.'''' t , t h h . . f • H _ . . . . . ' - u ....... mner.. illo~6 1:0 ' hel' he.ren, ' Aya: ''Llnd,,,! ,e ' ome 0 . . . . . ., law , and-credo ." ' ' ' linD, (01.'01 Sy1.,,:elter L ··F '"-_ ~ r ",n. and M~ Roy Lucan. nd son, of R. D. lowea b, the Ieerllta . arquer and . •• her,h .was 1\0* .\he,.fin \ ,to make "8 _ , rTl, report an~ . UI 1~za · ~r O,W of .. Midland Olty, ,Mr., 6, $unda, . \Ilon-etOp 1l1,Iit-+tbe Lord. did it" lie~ ~nll ~ . , • 0( . . . ' roll call. In. the bllaln ...... . on 1& , . ." . Th~~, present "ere, .Mr. Weatfai l and 4amllv~ Up""" , fore him,., by' ftylnt fro,!,: heaven .to IIriI was decided to 10 to Boblber '1 camp Mias' ~ ~rlo", 66, I n,~tiye of Port ~ellry Rauch and dau,hte r,ana et Unrlesb y and, flJllUy, 1!It!I. tBlIan' ~y '.' earth "&nil' then -frOm. e.rth to of GLar- for OUl' .ut meatiq• . Each lid, II tertalne d Lea Ma1"gar Hult Boeun and~ied a~ hili home n!laf O~e me,n~wn; !oJr. ~d J(n. Bumett . Hr. hil eli." It's a nexceJle,\~ i~~ougnt; . uto take her own blanket , u ... ~ ltIleata 1ut Friday evening. III:hbol ~ Warren ' county. on cas and family. fair 'lo ·E llj.b, 'wlio, in' 'a "c~riot all. . . . and MMrl..M~ to IJ!8?Id the .nia'ht there. .. En1'J 0 . . theater party Tuead. in , Lebanon aftemoo , n, the _J~y 28th, ·.t 1 Lucas ,and familY... r. '~ll Leo . was . verr • fIN' ~d bOnee of Ire" w~nt up .. ~!by of ~ when our . ~t people o'clock, enjoyed follo""II refreshm I" ·01• • with lleart Brown, Mr. ' and rs. ents .. ~~hrind Into hela'('P' " See' IIK" . .d ,~ _ rot ~181l' ~ - ~. oi , .' cream .nd ,"e, aurmen ted trouble ' wbleh' Psum8d Itrl0't' 'Pto" and, ~all1'ly, 'of MIa~ nd·.KIn p; ehapter e.ri , ve~ b~Mr ..... .~~ . ' ,."e., fol,lcnrIn , C .propam ,~the a termelol L , ' . only' ~o , ~YI tiefoN ,hIa lin. Curtis Ree"'y, <a&", . , \' That· happii l. gOO yean' ~ jriv.n: I' ~del)CI the Finger, Print' survived by the wlciow. tao .n. Leah Lu~ IO~. of Her 'Torchli eaNr..............lII:ra _ wMell mad.I of the 'b lrtll of Chtlat. ' .... ; C'". te N "107" 0 E ItacH apparen t, .1U1Il'J.1lf1 x ~of ,B ou'•• W~ltel' ~~ I(laa • -. sp.~~!' _O~;d famr·,;~ miami .' ,~ -p S~Il r ' o. -~ Bed.; en. W~ ,.. inA;In, In ..,d .Mra. 'f!lo:vil Far- W w.~_., I :' form of hitplna. . . .. " , ' 11. • . In reiuW ....Iop, V~A.niiI:ue. mJBterJ of ~, alat:-~ ~" Jo1m Mr. an., _n. , wood.•. ~ . ..howeva r. 18 bow .. ., C Aupst 8, at 7 :30. ~ 'SerII»e. - lwacla of the clock IIIBibaP4 to. ;: a ' brother lamlly. of Cent uvlD e.. .' . 'rwelcome. . • _ • i to' .JIO"br. ·1IeU:! l.e_o& ' . ThII ".. one of ·. Hri. JlI: - - WORN . . . , . . . ': -A 01' ~ , ,~.' • • ' M~Jl';.&:2~:: ~~: "ada* «l ilT,reU QloaL ~ U aD tM· ~ GO ow. -..ndl at'l poal.., ,.m • _. ~ ' ..... ~ <nark . . . . . . .' 1101'· .... p1aeed .... . , ..... Uaq ..1Ir• .-d ·m.. CllallllCllJ lI1I:DMl1I1 I I . , IiI8Id taJdIat aft, ~ou~ flOO 8-L --at._ .... &L_ _ _ _ I 111011.. Geo....~ l16D'daJ II.-n. ~. . __ .,.... of IDe cII~., ad.... _. wvpIill le • • lnC ' '. - - ... - ~ , bw f • • iIaotOr ~ .tIn. . till . " . "
- -.
" Lod
N t·
Farm I. Sold
Farq uel' ReunioD
Fam ily ReunioD
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Hit. S
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JIlL," '.
Chicken tIl.e va
EI . B" J
C . F' Girl amp Ire s
~ 1 "-4 HH( '10 lJ , -A'ftf!!. ~A NICE5"'~ ,... ~f!!. W~~"b ,-AN' r
Ju.t Like
Court ordered lh testament of IlIra A. ourt fin(lInl( tbat the Qf writing 1)\lTportinlr ttl be! will lind l .. ~tll me nl of Cll1~ " ley, ill th<: IlUIt wiU and nd 11\ t \.0 llrobate. "1' b 'h ourt -( lu nd thnl ~ lI\ma '" 17.11 ~" Romine Is 1\ prOpl'1' su bJ(I·t r"I' ,c1a s~ COMMON PLEA:S_ PROCEEDINCS iHenli n alld di ~ cij}lhll' nt l h ' InslI- , COUl"t rcrnnled Frn nk . E . H ofT di- lutlon Ior Ihl' F~ebh' fin~ COl l, . and vo r.c(! frOI!1 a I1('VII Holr O il ground ordlwc cI IIllplilmtiu lI rllr admiSS ion to ~hnl. insfituti ol! 110 .lI\ud ', . of g-r t\!S lIegl ~t. In the HIatt l' I) f Merrill C. l'?pr Y ' ,)'h(' 1,<'\)lInnll - Itiz ' 11 11 • nllOnal rl'ceivcr of the Warren Natl~nDi Balik IIl1d T rust Complll1Y, n ~ ~ IHlr i. a ' carefully planned Bank f Frnnklil\, court authorized dian o r Idu F rkllrt' J pn s; 1\ minor. and ' tested combinati~n M 'rrin . I>ry to sell certain pc 1'- fo r :lUlhori ty to . PIlY debts, fQr un~ ~ l" lakin!: sl'rvices .In t he burlnl o f H ed so nul Ill'operly. ofcl~an,pure ingredient. \l urt rdur Ii IInr Id •. Grnham. FOI'kllt'I', the fomll! r hus bulld of fda , defl'lldall in th elise of Stutc of F'nrknl.'l' JarlleH, which insure C,'U l't n'IIl\ I.',~ Ih' P~I' " OIlS 1I1111cd OhIO vs, HUl'old . Cmhlllll til )lily to ~ \I\'(, !l(' d tn lh" l'~ lal . cor Jllhll Bl u.~ . !!('rtnin )(11111 ' of mUlll'Y tCl 1,' lorene!! ' QUICK GROWTH hm'I 'R n, lll'chunl liie,! Utl\,lllV lt L, Crnhum. . III t he case of the I'I' uden LlIl i In- I'm' I Ill' ll\lrn l ~s l" n of Elillllll J!:1izu L th AT LOW COST ~ u rnl1ce om plll1y vs, George W. Or,r, Rom ilH' into the instillitiun f,l r the , et Ill. cOllrt decided lhllt II ccrllll ll Feeble lindell, The In ·t will (,f 1I1ury , . Wil ~ on Bum of money p lu ~ interest is due the Prudentia l In ~ urance Complllly rl' III WRS ndmittl'd to 1'\'" llul" fin tl ('nle rl'd on Ihe records or t Il' COli!'\' the defcntlll llt ~_ ourl npp"ilHed 111 Cl'1'I 1i Pruetor In thl' elise of ill 1'0: dil\solullon (I f the IIIl1son Ivlilling ompo ny [\ corpo· Bnll xeclll ri x o f t he estnle of ?lnl·Y Correct feeding right CroUl the 's tart ""ill grow y, W ilso n. I'ulion, the co urt found lIlt' r coport Merrlll Proct or Bnll ncccpted the of the r('('eiver to be co l'reel and IIPyour pigs rapidly, so you can fatten them for t~e trust in open ourt. proved LlIIlI IIflirmed the same. Peak Market in Auguslor September. Wayne PIg ourt uppoinlcd " nldl'on C. Ctllll't g rllnt cd Margaret Colcbank divorc e {mill Hurold olcbrook, on Gilmour ,Churll't'll 11. 1II")l1" unrl O. Meal builds bigger profits fQr you. g rou nd. ()f gol'(J~~ n c~l t'ct of du ty. , S. lIiggi ll ~ apprniscrs of t he esluto Sold by . In Ute elis e of th e wte oC OhIO of Mary V. Wil ~ , . n. l'mlollle .Judge IS n<1ns u that Rob\'s , Hoy Wyalt. l hoc court rdered t~lI t the clcft' nunnt he re leased rl'OIll 1111 - ert .- hlllls cun ill' l'cI'civet! into the priso nment until [urther order of th Ohio 1I 05" ill\l for 1·;lI ilc" tics. . Proof (If lIu lo licnlill n nf nollee of eo ut·!. upJlo in t mcnt of l\tll II riel' L. H us ud ministrutor of l hl' ," lute of NEW SUITS liam B. lI orlll cl1. Wit filed . . Cnntainer Co rp oration of Amt'ricn, Proof of )l ublieutio ll of n O ll~ e a Corporation VB. l ' ho Von Horne nppointment of umuel A. F.~hs, Phone 25, Waynesville, Ohio olllpany for money only .. u to r <l f the (·~t ate 0 r A h ce M .1 1~E::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;~::;;;::;;;~::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;;';;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;::;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;E::;;;=in Trll "tec" nf the PreRhyt(')',,' n church exec ~~11i ~ ' was filed . 1! of lIIason, Ohio, ttl sell ·realty. Pr'oof of publication f notic,e PhiUips.Jones Corpomttol1 VS . H~r appo in tme nt of thl' i.('Ua noll -Cltl rv L. Palmer, jodg mellt for citum Natio nlll Blink lind Trust ompa of the estatu of E. Stella Matthews, compensution 1111(.\ damngo, $28.95: interest, • oe certified to the auditor of Warren Mary E. Hopping, office rent f~r .the Thomas H. Bryan va. John Shrock. IlB exec utu r of Lhe estale of P"te r Hlllfil.'ld, was fil~d , . ' , c o unty. co unty sup!. of schools. $30; Samta(o r injunction. Pr~)O r of tlu bllcntlOl.1 nOllco of Emma F . Surface , widow of. Clnl'- ry S upply Co, s upplies for Jail, Gurland Combl! V~. Mury Lucetta Co mbs et III. fol' divorce ond other ailPollltl11 l'llt of Alin :i. Kell y n~ ex- ol1ce E. Surfllc(\ made appJlcntlOn to $12.37; tru8le~s 0If ~ublic A1fairs~ ec utl'ix of tl! C e~lllt " of G. Adoll>hlls lukt! un lIe .. tht! will of the l!ecedent. light alld gos lit Memorlul hall. ~2.11. relief. , . EIllIIII\. F, Surface, executrix of the W. J. I'fllln 7.or, ~aloor and s upplies lit George L. Miller vS. Prisc lUa H. Kelly. Wtl S hl eu. Fred J . t ~ o hn .• ('xc.cul!!r of t he estate of Clarence E. Surface. HIed SII!Ue, $O. /i O: Miller H?rdware, supDickey. Brltndon . Oreg.. et 01 .• for estllte of l\l urlOl1 F, 'l'OVllJ • filed first and final occount which was or- piles .for same, $1.20'rThef DByt3r partition of real estate. dered lIuspended _ StenCil Works Co., supp le8 or au _ distributive account of Ihe estute. W. Che tel' Mople Wil apilointed Mathew B. Gaynor executor of the lor, $3.41 j some, supplies for audlPROBATE I'ROCEEDINCS ex cutor or the estulc of Clnra A, illItate of Ella A. Gaynor, filed in- tor, Mel Joh~ H'WDoQn~lIb est. on Filth and final.account of :Walter ~~~~:~eli)e t'%st. hester 1I111ple \'eto~e~~: a~prn~~:~~!"n, Charles c~r3~~ctv,$1.i.8'G~~hll';". A. guorcihan of Luclile L, Ed S. Co nklin. Woldron C. G Wa oner and ' Ed S. Conklin were H, 0 , Putnam. 88me, $000: f:.. D.. Clnr.k. mmdor. wdatlSb ftltdi ill d tc - and Jomes Follen were appointed appraisers of the estate Grnp 'vine!! per Harlow WhItacre. Court or ere , e a~ w an s oppraisers of lhe estute of Clara A. A . E M If d same, $44 .26. tnment of Mary V. Wilson filea. Weakley. u certified coPY }'homns Jelnnd, $15 . Ethel Whi tacre wns appoint~d of the enU'y determining the inhul- h'~nk Ba!hn~er, same, '3~.60, Free guordion of Lloyd und Carl Whlt- tance tax be paid in the settlement of mder, district swerintend.ent, pay The guards had been stationed out- nere, minors.. tbe estaw of John Blue be certified rol}, $~3~. 40; V. . :rompkml, sam~ lIide. Jellnne ellt:ered nnd al?proach. Ethel Whltuel'e accep ted the np- ' th the auditor. $1354.75, F. 1\1. Co lhn8,sam~. $198 ed to within a few feet of him. He (loilltmclI~ ns gun rdiun of Lloyd and WI Court ordered thot Josephus Fran- 40; Eden Tcrrx, T$11:. 7 IIIlme. heord. her. turned, and rose. . , nI'l Whlt.ncrc. minors. cis guardian of the estate of Sarah some, $226.86; . . et g,aame. "Jeanne Beaufortl" he said. qUlot· Court gouv e Milton S. Keever, ex- Ja~e Presbaugh paid to Catherine ~84 j P. B. Monce, S8me•. $163.80; CCULor of t he estat e of W. Oscur l~roncili a SUIII for service. SOllie, $495.16: ~. W. DaVIS, same. I this is home. Captain Ar- Keever permiSllion to sell certllin Jose,)hu8 Francis. guardian of the $489.30; H .. 1?1; milage." . . pro pl'l'ty. ' • . estate of arah Jane Presbnugh, fil- T~e OrelIonJa rl ge . repa rme "Do you know why I .. am m thlS Court names persons entitled to ed .first nnd finol uccount 'which was Kmgs Mill s bridge, $8 •. same, repair- ' inll tractor $3.06: remforced llteel room tonight? 1 disob.eyed orders Rucceed to t he estute of E. Stella rdered suspen d e d . ' for the mere sakE~ of seeing you once Matthews. . 0 Ral h B. Parks filed application, for for contr~ct, ,22.15'; The Ohio Cormore. In the back of mr watch are E. C. Dunhltm , e xecutor of the es- the ippointment of n guardian of rugoted ulvert. Co. , 14 corrugated IllY notes of obse:rvation.~ tate of Chorle~ Kelley, filed second Jnmes Cannon. sewers. $734.10: The Morrow Feed "You tell me tJ~is!"-horrified, account. Charles J . Conover. administrator and Supply Co., cement, . $514.50~ "Yes. You played with me. you Ed S. Conklin, executor of the esthe estate of Martha M. Irwin, The Compressed . PreservlDa Co., "A Yankee." sought my love to break it, Well, tate of Emmo F. Olinger, filed firs t fi led his sole bill in the estate. lumbe!, ,$666.88; Maineville Garage. "Still, an honorable man." bere they are, love and life. Break and fin al nccount. Curt finds the estate of Clarence repairing $19.75; , Walton "And yet his nome was on thot them I was there thut night as Proof 01 publjcation of notice of E °urlace exempt from inheritance Garage. repairing car, $1.80; list I Itave you. Will you not tell you know. Take your revenge. They appoi-ntme nt of George P. G,ates, t,Q 0 , C. Florence, bridge lumber, me, no t It a womnn to 0 mnn, but a8 will have me sbot, nnyway." administrator .,.of the estate of lasl will of Adeline T. White $65.01. co mrade to com rode, whot this list "I do nol want your life. God for- dridge Pope, was ftl ad. was produced in court and ordered to LewlJI and Drake, Ine., eement. meIHIS?" bid I" she cried brokenly. Cora E. Hutt filed opplication b filed $690.71 j Hugh sand lTavel, "No. Besides. there . were eleven. 'i' have ceased to regard it a. any- appointme nt of administl'atrix of eC Hnda the persons entitled to ,67; TheQueen CitY. Crushed Stone and you brought me the names of but tblng very valuable: I have stamped state . of Caroline Boger, Court to the es tate of Cornelia B. ond Sand Co., gravel. 18me ten.,l upon this love but it Is too strong liered the appointment. Evans SC!henck, exempt from inheri- slInd and grayel, $67.81: Haroldt ,"Eleven, 1 secured [ could. for me. So bero I am, contemptuEmerson Surfoce, Bert tonce tax. Sweeney, !urnl hlllg Il,:,d 10alUn, Didn't [ tell you I got. tbem In Parson ous In my own eyes and doubtless in and Charles Boger were Court determined the gross value grovel, $103.70; same, aame, $518R'nn. dy'. ".m? • !.dn" "'" mn,' YO" " of tho ...... .f .......f >I...... II. hWIn an 07, W. P. M,""..,n, urn •. , You can be bke grolllte, some "You forced me to play traitor! Boger. ... amount of inheritance tax to be s!,me $3.40, '6.80. Leatimes . He his leaned toword the fire and spreod ,E. Last will and b y persons to succeed to the es. he Snultz, operating maintainer, $65. r "If.. ,.. our meetmgs are unpleasant. out hands. Mulford was testament produced of In you have only yourself to . thank. 1 "Will you give me the name of tbe and ordered to be-flled;-Merrill Proctor Ball of do- not love you: but there was a time man 1 married that night?" , The last will of Annie E. Mul!ord the estate of Mary V: Wilson filed _____....______ .... When I respected you, odmired your "Sny thut I was the. man, and let WIIS admitted to inventory' and ' appraisement. .it 20 at that." . Court appointed Wtlham L. Suem. Court ordered that a commission You hit . straight. Well, a thou Tilt is impOSSible, because you ore ening' executor or t he estate of. An. with the will of Batty G. DeGarmo sa!,d ti,mes you hove signed Jobn Ar- the man who firs,t step.ped out." nie E. ?tiulford. ' issue to Stanle.y McCaU, probate mltage s dellth warront." He spoke "On m-y' word or honor I was William L. Suemening accepted judge Pommouth, to , take disp081without oPPJlrent anger." All J want that man' , tbe trust. . tion Joe D. Hatcher. witness to is in of my Should' he tell her tbat it was The second account of Charles L. tbe will I Wlsh to conquer him before 1 kill gan whom she trusted? He uuuu.""•• Beck. guardian of Curtis and Helen Court' ordered that Ralph H. Cary, . '" if ;he would believe bim; so Beck, minors, were approved, allow- be apl!ointed administrator of the The death of John ArmItage will the opportllnity l1aS8. ' ,ed and confirmed. estate of Charlea Holland. in no wise- alter my sentiments in re"You will not t;e ll -me the trutb?" The second account of Jobn H. Ralph H Cary accepted the trU8t , gord to you, Major. You ought to Armitage smil!!d into the fire: Cavolt, guardian of John A. Cavolt. OIintol1 K. Nixol'l, Joe Zimmerman ' WE GET THEM QUICItLY AND FREE OF CH~RGE "Suppose I telll' you that I did not minor, was aillowed and and , Waldron C. Gilmour were apo CALL U5 ANY TIME AT OUR play witb' you; tbt I admired you be. . pointed. appraisers 'of the estate of EXPENSE yond all other men?" F!rst and ' of Charlea Holland. . "I'm afraid of you, Jeanne Beau- Colhns, guardIan of Virginia Trim, Sam Snider 'filed aftldavit for the fort ' ! was all he soid ble, minor, WIIS apPJ:oved, allowed and admissIon of Eva Dubie into the Ohio, wi-hen God blllp botb!tI And confirmed. , . in8titution for Feeble Minded Youth 'P...... HARVEYSBURG, O. with this passiol1l1te cry sbe ran from First and Hno.l !lccount of A. Doan Court ordered th,a t application .be 1",_____________ _ tbe room. . Brnckney, admlmstrator of the ClI- made for admission of Eva Dubie InThe' cry lingered jn Armitage's ear tate of Florence E. Brackney, WaB to ,the' Ohio Institution for Feeble. whD,. D, f ...bI .",.."d, .U.w,d on' "n.....,d. '''.d,d y ..th. . . . .................... it resolute.l.y She was a consummote Ftrst ond final account of Jean but all her arts were useless Brown' Slagle. admlllistratrix of the MARRIAGE LICENSES ' now of no avail. estate oj Adda S. Brown. was op" , M'organ e'a me in, smiling. "So here proved ollowed and confirmed, ' Harrison Lakins, factory worker, we are at last 1" Court ordered t hat a certified copy of Rutledge • Tenn., and Edna Pow"At least it w1.1l not .be murder." of the entry the inheri- ell. of FranKlin. ,' .' J • "You and the were in mr, tnnce tax to be paid in the wav. . L<ird. how' I fooled ' you alII' , ' REAL ESTATE ' TRANSFERS IiNot recently Majol'." Se't h R. ,t o Jam\ls MONEY LoANED . Be "Alice wos drnma Bro\vn, lot in Turtlecreek Tp: for you. How she laughed behind f) Effie ond Pete .FauHs, to Foster .W. J.OANS a!' Cbattell,Stockl, curlyo", ",k·'" . . Md Moori,. Paull. _ I d . • .. on' ........_ N.t.
Pigs Grow Faster
When Fed fhe Wayne Way
"\!,UtTE,1>,"ftfE "R'A'l>IO,-AN 'foo~~ -HAN'J)1!50t"'le.. ~~f!!. A. k'i .....l> ~o:"ICe. ~N' l!"a~'I'T"*IN. f
"CASH IN" on ·Peak Market
Waynesville Farmers' ·Exchange Company
upp~fnted nC~~rt 'ord~red\hat
- . ....
Kennedy beside him aLmost as soon as be fell. ' , "Gardner. boy?" , I. tJoe' Tell. Araill "Parson- it you see her again". Gordner was dend. ' " with cl!mpressed lif!s ' g andArmitage, 'fMaon Kennedy. Cbarles Lowell, frownillg eyes ,hstened to thiS Arthur Snell, George. Annstrdon , vivid recital. Six gone: Arm strong, y .,ArmltQe. Philip Gar Der'/FOgart , Schmidt,. !fenderson, SkiD"Billes FnlJIz Wal- ner and Gardner-SIx brave aDd galFrederl,Ck Skinner. lan t officers. Clark, the telegrapher. -The' WG, NK.B New , had told him it was a woman wbo held
WBhl~dcre'C8IIme, '1 0.,
· lJIcludiq Pabon Kennedy, tbhered a tour of inspec;tion. Beyond . the wen bl,1t· ten names, and there a window tbe campfire blni ed beOD pleva !DeA that .nightl . The door opened and. closed Boftly !llie them Wltb partlcu ar and Morgan stood with his back to alwaya eleven. Mor- it for a while, absorbing lovely e picture Jeannie presented. .pm'1uaii milled one. You art Hmq lost '.the - certifieate, bthd very lively tonight," he said. eleventh ' tllam_the i,?itlal'- a She did not reply. She could flOt pUled her , JleantilDe s ha:!l,restol'84 and hill &aVe!L ' , 1tw\UI P.araOl1 Kennedy who brought Information tlle trap., Be' ba'cl 'Btumbled ', upon this im:ormatl6ft b'y ' the merest luck. He had left hia Comrade back: there. dead.
~a co,1lll~ ~te'jl1lDI
~ 'tArmitag~ reeoll~etion. tele~pher commu~lIcationB eo~maftd;~ ~f' Confedera~ " ...·J" ....d AnnIta...
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'Hmeysburg ~ertlliier Co.
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"Gardner." ' . two. sent out to feel the way from headquarters, had run plump intP a scoutin, party of the Tile two. never hesItated; heSItation would be to inVite' death. They struck the BTO.uP they thought to their carbIDes, broke through and went on. followed by a .torm of bullebl. The 'younger man . twisted oddly in his saddle.. A mile . or" h...... h. u.U" .., ......y.
determinin~ settl~t
Somethin, im:pelled Armitage to say"I .have "You stirred hel'" you, then?" ' There was a sentry outside the window one on the veranda, three more distributed around tbe house.
rhODe No. 320 ~'
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, Ne~ '8 'urliDlton., O•.
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township.' , boucJ!L Jo)1n HarbIn. Jr., Xenia, Theodore Bishop -m80-'Stl 8' 25 to Morris i Cl and Ohfo. . Nancy Bourne, ... acres n earcrF:elPw. and LaUni '8 Schoolef_ • H to . armer~. ~~rtp~ChOoley, 118.3 acres In ar- Farmers ot W"rren and adJoinbi, I Willium B. and Nannle Collins to countle. may ohtaln -mane, ,o n '0111 Dav:id Lipsky, lots in Deerfield' Tp. time loans, at 5 per cent InteNito 'Louella ~88hlngto~ to Mal'ell T. Cost of seeurlnlf tha 18me" Yeir .... Bqrtley In Frankhn. , Groverlot alid Requartb, 80nable .- ,th r!lug h Th e. F 1I)d'eraI" ':'_.1 .... to' !'olary Ellis Fitts lot In Fr!lnklin. Bank. For further r FrJame.s Mary Ellis Fitts. tQ Jde a,nd on or adare. v. C. DRA. K E, ,Tnu. kl ... F. W. Franz, lot In • an. In. urer pbone 318-X LebanoD Ohio. E , WOOd to Tme Roberts.' ", lotWilliam in Franklin. Fred O. u-nd Arty D. Jamea to Josepb C. and Dorothy Krebs. _ WANTED Charles H., and Martha E. Fisher Will' 5 to William H. IU!lV', town aC,r es MAN with car to ~ell c~mplete line in Franklin Tp. . '. Charles M. Leslie, receiver to Rob. 'qanlity Auto Tires and Tubea; E.crt J. Irwin, 1.41 town . acres in clusive territory. Eilf,perience not 1l.... Deerfield Tp. . eSsary. Salary ,800 ' 'per motith. , Daniel .HI Greathouse . L to Frank C. Milestone b Rubber . Co., . Eut Liver-' Anderyon, , ots III e an~t\. pool, Oblo. " .8 ' JoIiN 'n M·DRo:;rr" L~uIC:h Elarnh~ TED-A ' bl" t' : •. _~;;. .a.ld and ' eva', nVI son 0 or: ~s an WAN mar e op Anna Roser, 1.00 tow1' ocres III Cle~r Inquiro of MI'8. H. B. Earilb&rt at ' creek ' ' ,, ," -all. NoteTp. H. Kite to George W. Man- COI'Wl'n • • , " .." !It nix Jr., et aI, lots in Deerfield TTc' ... I b h George ~. Davidson ~t 0., yon S. McLean , attorney in fact to WUPOR . SAU !iam B. ' anCl Nonnie Collins. ,lots in _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .-;....;....;..;.;.,-':---Miami Park Deerfield Tp;, FOR SALE-Younw Holltll 09., ,' Hobert M. Bll\ir and Ray C. Law to fresh, with calf tWo 'weeb' 014: one • John. GrWeiR' and Ireno K. Walker. Jr. Jersey family co,... w"N; Sear.. lots In arren . county. to Johri Bnd .PIPE, V"LYES "\ ' , ~..l. Frahk H. Strodtbeck ' A:ND" ,.. 'of • 'ralker 'J;ewart, ,32.93 aeres ih' FrankJor an pu~o~.. _ BookIe, e De , i hn ,Tp. ' . . . CIU~bl~arid Jl• ..-uq'~;!!ID ... , pharlea D. Janney ' by J. " E., ·Jan- e.-t:, . E BO~~G 00.. noy lI'Uardla.n to Edward H. Brown. 411 W. MaID ............ 0NiIl;', " '60.79 acrea In Wayne Tp. :" ' l1lUtESHER 8UPPIJDlS-Be~ pat. COMMISSIONERS' ley.-, babbltt ..-m tal, on laC ' G'! I . In t, Ail • E Jeetorl, lubrieaUn, .1tea . . .,. . . . tooay ,;.mw':alier f.':demnn .er: lI'U-.ea, ruare ,lui, oUen, tribute in a urn tre8ime~t for rabies, 160' 'Penn boiler ~ftu... netloa tiOIe IIIllI' ,iIi* bj,'In&e Morton, salary u janitor" jam. .. , FoUen, same, f16; Deanr Florea, , ,'M
oL_ 1'11 ___ '
·Cary. Jewelry Shop
,.ta ,.
SlIver Jubilee ~~ of ~ -- _ . .
Armitage had made care~ul not~ of this. A great many thmgs might of piquet to while away th' e time. We used to Tueada" 9 a.m. 3,p.m' try our band ·at ithot. .. Saturday.8 a.m. 7 p.m "I shouldn't mind in the least." Armitage instantly a purposo. He believed he SJElWformed a way out. Tbere W Armitage wa. .eated before the fire, .tretched out in hi. cbail', alone. a chan' ce of a bullet missing his ~ tonight but no chance of a dozbnck hate this man. She vaguely wonen missing his bl'east in the morning. dered what her attitude would have ~ l'eilli7.c that," . They sot down at the ·table and been had he been less hondsome. He reuched for his hat ,hut did not Morgan riffled ,tho cards. "I'U a j ways ut it on his bead, For two troop- remember you as a' cool ont Arm,"Have you ever paused to think, P er e Jeanne that a man falls in love in~tel'ed. wheeled right , and left tag'c. For my part, l'd mucb ,rather " A fl ' b d f b" voluntarily? That it is instinct ive op and stood at attention. man 0 - have you at 't e en 0 my sa cr., his- port to elude it as long as POSSIlowed th em. blinkin.!!,. Two more He deilit Ii hondo ble?" . troopers came after h1m. Then came Armitage led. "Between me and you. Major; love the J uhn stnll'. A I'm strong am! J eann~ Beauin ."A his queen, chair. eh?" Morgan ' sprawled , . is taboo," she said, rising. The butt of his revolver protruded "Ah. you may draw thot taboo llIle f ort looked into each otber s eyes Two Shows Daily as much as you lA/ease: but 1 II,m 01- once mOI·e. He took off his hot: "just above the tl;lble. ~dge. • "Do you know tllis -man, Major? Banter of a deadly character ,began woys bound to cross it. You made a ~ '130 ..d 8.30 p. III. confession to me olle night, un de! MorgAn wus osked, to pass between the two men. One I b . Captal'n Arm atress." "Yes, genero! e IS . • wa.q sure 0 f ' th e sit uat'l on,• the other "You are under my roof, ,Mojor." strong' of the Federal Secret SerVice, was watchful and reody to seize upone of the eleven I bave often told on the slightest advantage. . b .. "A' rmitoge," said Morgan, finally, you D oui. . .. I'" ' h yth' I "He was {oul1d wlthm our mea, - "I hate you more t an an mg e se griml;v. "He sboll be shot at on earth. But you arQ a brave man." find any p,a pers on blm. J eanne wo.lked to the fartber f b door! desnise you." to · d e, P arson K enne dy, opened and Ilassed out, to 0 tthe e room, will 'That renega but she itremoined close mourn for you." her brain awhirl. After several "But he has my dispatches by this utes s he heord Morgan, speak again. time. For two ' nights I bove There ", 'as ,no doubt of the batre9 in inside your lines. If 1 lost my ~lUalEul, (or ·Your.Sa.e pat,•• ' ,We 'G uaranhle her heart now., . • it is because, I wan~ed to moke sure "H~' hRs left his ,dispatcbes or hiS that Jeanne Beaufort did not ploy , . Satlafartlon :01' Ch",,~ Nothlnr. notes -elsewhere. 'Perbaps 'l had bet- fastbeand loose ' She ter and 'lgr::. Rver tbe ground where Pr"R"ntl'v -Jeanne the men1il-'/ny
.. ---
-,m~ant man iToh~ (Washingtonh~' hard. He would find Jeanne ~eau~lta;re-:the name and IS fort; and woe to her when he aid I The ragged army hnd settled down headqQartera. d She idly counted th,e names-aT! for the .w inter. The living roo!" cO~,roge n~d res~ureefulnes8." lnItutly becam~ '"llmated. Agam tempororily deserted tthe eblef m Bliimftnt lOver the '1~"" " command and bis stoff having gone on
'A. }\lltllt
JQ~ Fo~, ~chmld~, 1aeeJHend~n ~~I!t. y ...~ RD. n"hnI'nd, oN, .""n, h;m Six rom"d" w.,. dud, Pa, 'rllUi.delphiL t h hut Jen,n ne Benufort Ii-:ed; nn~ she t~me, h ' ~ed strange to h!!r tha t ere saddle, was freeand besides. Heinstiffened the had ever \M!en any mystery • . J-WGthe lineS his facemgrew
'BBt~ni8h-:d nuse
Mc:rcwath _xe==~~.;~h~~"-~
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188UJ:D EVERY WEDNESDAY Eatencl a'tIla PoatofBoe at Wa),nllville, 0., aa, Second Clau MaD lIatter
Evalyn Penney spent Monday with Hrs. Robert · DoIII~II'IInH'D Mr. and Mrs.-Ralph Snook. at thla time. D. L. CRANE, EoI'to. a •• Publ..... p; W.,••s.nlo, OW. The M. E. Sunday Sen,ool plcnlced Several tram hue atteaded Chauat Harmon park Wednesday tauqua. SataHay. 8UblCrlDtio~ PrIce. t1.60 per J~. noon. Hr. and Hn. Peny Saylor. of Can temUe, have mOllld to the Sid.. lIfr. and Mrs. Ray Starr hav,e ed into the Evans property on property. EVerett Early and daughters, Hel. ~============:;~======.~====~====~=====~ Main street. !'tlr. and Mrs. V. ' O. Tolle ~nd baby, en and. ' Ruth, were. in Cincinnati, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3. 1927 01 Albuquerque, New Mexico, were Wedneaday_ ovel'night guests, Saturday, of Hra. Mr. ' and Mrs. Cllarenee, S~lth, of Sadie Reason. Dayton. spent the ",'eek-~d With Mrs. THINKING : INTERESTING AND Ann L. Smith,' NOW"WE ASK YOU I Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jeft'eris and DON'T HURT K' k S d Ih M d Messrs. Earl Clark and Henry Say80n ~ Jeffel'is' Ir, spentmother, un ay w t r an lor kare havin"\a from thel'r --Too m811Y noisy marriages, too Mrs. Mrs. A. L. h ....C ....... nlcation 'If I'rofell8or James Kennell, dean of mnllY quiet diVorcee, says the Rev. Kirk celebrating her 60th birthday. wor at t e un. New York university, says scientists Dr. Stetson, rector of New Y M' Cl ' Mitt . Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swank via" ty c h urc. h th II t I00.... •. ara erf . M'ddl . Sun d ay take too\. much for granted that T rml ' th f 8M. E ' cr' MIn companY't d Mrs I e d f' rlen ds III I e t own, ~I M ;:- Cl!l'm~ dm~, b r.:n I . afternoon and evening. substance water which we under- Broadway down Wall street to a stand "all' little a~ we understood ox· venient dock on the East river. Dr. J' 0 cr me ,t~ to , y, jar d Mias Eva Reede'r returned home aykon, en oye from Minml Valley hospital Thu-ygen 150 years ago." He tolls us: tetson lea~8 that wo maw imitate amesI tIDie, tho. d' , camp ng r p 18 wee . . ' &~ . .. h "If the active constituent of air were ov Ie t R USSIO. w e~e .. Ivorce 18 . dey and Is Improving rapidly. hydrogen instead of oxygen, fires granted without questIOn, and The Sunsillne Club met with Mr. and Mrs. Charles E woul~ be extinguished by Bprinkling our government will some day make Snyder girls Monday afternoon. were Sunday guests of Mr. a~d Hi'll. W gasoline on them instead ot water polygamy legal. He elso deplores There were 42 prescnt. Homemade Amos C ok d f ' l " . be built t h e ~ower 0f ' Ice cream .an d c,a k e we~e · and fireproof bu,ldings would sex appeal . serve,d. Tb e ville. a an ami y, near aynesof solid ·paraffine." 'A drop at waSCIentists, on the othe~ hand, say next meetmg WIll be WIth MarIe Paul. " . Mr, and Mrs. Ralllh Stowe, of near ter IS a mysterious thing. Magnify th. e one .dalI ger 'hren'hnln • ~ g ,the hu . Friends of Miss Irlllu Ellis , of man race is the pOSSIble dymg out Lebanon, were Sunday dinner guestl its diameter from all eighth, of an . I ' h' ton will be interested to know of of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ke·sler Graham and inch to ]00,000,000 milell in diame- of that sallie sex appen, In.w Ich ma l:rioge 011 Saturday July 23 to dau hte ter. and the moleculos o·f water would case there would be no more children, Mr. Gene Kaucher. ~f Cincin~atl, II' r. become visible, each made up ot two and the ,race. would fade away. What They plan to make their home In Mr. an,d Mrs. J. R. Joh~s returned atoms of hydrogen and one atom of power was It, or what appeal, that, N r d home FrIday after spendmg several , months with their Mn, Ralph Johns oxygen, each atom a little solar 8YS- in Dr. Stetso~'s opinion, brought 0 woo . tem In itself, forever indestructible, about the marrIage of Adam and WOI'd has been I'ecleved hero by. and family. and exlatlng from all time a8 far long' ago? Mrs Emmll Ellis that her sister, Mra. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Peterson and as we know. ' •• - • Elizabeth Lister, has suffered a daughter. Doris, pC Chicago, were SNAPS of paralysis. and is in a critical evening 811d Friday &'\lesta Because of vast distances inisde that drop, you would need n teles· ___ dition at the h.ome 0 ,( her. s ister, Mrs. 01 Mrs. Mary C"rm.pny. _ cope. With it you could see Inside Laugl1 and the world luughs with Mury McKee, In Callfornta. Mrs Minnie Floyd and son. Robert, of the atom electronl revolving you. Smile- and you're called a Miss Mabel Starr came home Thurs. of Miami, Fla., are spending' this around a nu~le:us at th~ center of lIirt. day evening to spend the latter part week with her paren.ta, Mr. and H.ra. each atom tr~lllons Of. times a aec- 001 her vacation with her mother, Mrs, George Scott and fa,mily. Making the loudest jingle in Amanda Starr. Miss Starr spent Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Stillings and ond. Water II mysterious, and so is ev.erytblng...-matter, force and eon· collection plate does f10t always mean early part of her vacation daughters and their guest, Miss Fern JlCloumees. Thinp we do not know t he most religion. friends in Clinton. She returned Kuhlmeyer, of Chicago, are on a moare more numeroull th~n those we do .- - 0 Dayton Sunday. tor trip to Nilllfllra Jralls. Lieut. Carlton Champion navy lIy. . . Mr and M R 'b rt H t M'-know. It il DGt eertAm that we ac. . ' . Honorlllg the 21st bl of . rs. 0 e un tuall y k now a nytblng . We are her e, er, who fell seven miles III a burnmg R Eva Wharton M d M Via It_er and don't know how we got her&-- plane must be th . , I "I" ' son, ama, Mr. and Mrs. . ' r. lin rB. mUlt leave and don't know where thrill' e oMglna In Board entertained at dinner last K&IIrlck heard Senator Fesa at Chauwe are going. • day, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. McKinney tau qua, Sunday afternoon. We harnesa and ule the electricit y Peopl I' k th-oIth lind daughter, of Dayton, Mr. and Dr. L. G. Brock received a telee d II mlln d w courage -'-h MCK'Inney an d W m. gram S a t u rd ay announemg . but don't know what eleetrlcity iA enough eto I til h t' h lof rs. Ell. sWan t he blrth while we create it artlftelally with thinkll--pr;vid~ngu~e IIt~ln:Ytl:t awa:' Martin, ~f Clarksville; Thomas Gates of a grandaon at the home of Hr. and fallin, water or burning coal. We and famIly, of Roxanna; Mrs. John Mrs. Glenn Brock, o,f IndianapoUI. . uaa ~ mi.n d or lIoul and don't know , Speaking ot t:uis-the question BOga~ and children "nd Mr, . and Mrs. Suaan 8aylo!' and .onl, Hn<w1uIt that Ia. We hope for Immor- "Why did th", hen cross the harlea Smith, ot nellr Harveys- ry and Riley left T1i1ursday mornln, taUty, but are not sure about it. We now hallj a running-mate through J\-fternoOn callers were, Mr. for a motor' trip to Nligara FaUI, k of 41011d mafttlerfl' aind know that tory-Did Dempaey foul · Sharkey! taJtlla ~t"yd ~~p~Onhngf\~ok:~a~ an d M and will also vlait alt Canfield, Ohio. j -0'. 8 . an d l'II. . rna e up 0 n n tes mal aggre~ -tlons of· electric particles We don't k h th't Roy KlIlg, of ·Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Charlel Davia and .. now weer I was a . t C·· i villi d H Neverthelees, we get along fairly typographical error or not by' the Mrs W. P . McCarren brought to- family, 0 mcmnat, te r. well. A little knowledae Ia enol1gh. ship reporter who wrote that a prom- gether a jolly crowd of little folks Emma ~oulks and Bonll and Hr. a~d ---- - • inent lOeiety woman was "arrested Tuesday evening to help her daugh- Mrs. Wdbert Swank, over the wee tor snug,lInl." . ter, Evalyn. celebrate her , niDth end: • SHOCKING THE SOIL .....-0-birthday. Games on the lawn and Louia South died suddenly of . Millionaire "Bud" Stillman B8em, a guessing contest, which was won trouble Saturdlay at her home north of Lytle. Funelralservie.. were Donald W'o odward, at Leroy. N. to have copped 4'Tex" Rickard's title Miriam StI1Jl1)l, kClP~ the littlll Y., Ie IlCPerim&lltlng with a plow that - if "Y0II:'IJ get just what we mean. entertained. Polloloua ice . held at the resld.nc. ata 10:80, enrie.... tile earth by plowing into It "Bud" gave his bride two million cake and lemonade were a high electrical voltage u the plow lars on their wedding day. Martha Jane and Betty Anne W movea tbrouirb the field. Hamilton -0Alice and Edith Bogafl, Allee L. Roe, of Pittaburc, wllo Invented It Ia reported that Reggie Vander- Kathleen Gray, Elizabeth and the .plow, IIBYS 108,0,00 volta of elec· bilt bu spent thirty million dollars Iyn Carr ' Vivian, Virginia, and r....'a:11 TlIUJ.SrulY tricl~y that it carries destroys weeds In tw.nty year&-and yet we have Iyn Tucker, Virginia, Dorthea and and a terce amount of harmful bac. never heard that' he ran a newspa- Richard Davis, Marjorie and Miriam ,terl., while renewln. the fertility of pel'-Or backed a abow troQP~, Stump, LoretLa nad Vera Lawlon d.pleted farm laftd . and producing -0Lawson, Marjorie Shumaker, • ham, in company with Hrs. crepe in Hcord time. The tractor, The girl who can rub the dust off MacDonald, Ruth Gray, Helen 0&- Dyke, Hr. and Hra. Ralpb Pyke, that pulls the plow - generate. elec· her shoes on her IItOCkin,. these born, Rhea and Evalyn MoCarren Dayton, are spending thlll week trlclty' Hllt through steel blades !nto[daY8-flnll in a place where 'it does Kirk Jefferis . and Harold Tueker. the Reaervolr. the e~. , .' not show. ~ II , wuUng her taJeJlt ,if Evalyn received a number of nice C • te...... , ::. Many a farmer will be . lnterellte~ not at 'preaent perform In, in a eircus. gifts from her friends . ' ~dars. M!-I'Y. a~otl1 den.. .-...nell In the statement 'that the uSe ot this . ---.• _ , Sun y ·dmner IIU'. IIUI mn. plow In a buekwheat field freed the W. hear' a great deal from the . THEY ARE LIKE THAT Wb.l!aton and IOn, Jl:ODabart. a~~ land ot quiek-1rJUI and ",.edJI; the Treaaury department about flexible . Wheaton, of yton, .... buckwheat JJeIld germtaatecl, In eia'hty eurr,ncy !h~B_daya and all we know Customer--"I am looklnl' for remainln, for a 'rilit. hollft and buckwbeat· _r ,l'ew' twice i. that we bope It'. the Idnd -that book that wiD interest- a . ~futh Miriam 8allabdry entertaJnld ,"_ aa hip aa thOle In one-half the field atretC!hea from one PaY day to the abC'i 1l ~ev~?;en c;>~elc:~n. little friendS Wedneeda), afterthat was plowed without electrlcity, next. " any that °trry~ i:' s~ckW~lt now tiameJy, Ella Mae and GJara B. and fertUlsed "2~~ poanda of fer• - • . T~l You llee. we~ been raiJed twice m.. Bernie. Graham and 110• tiliser to the acre. When time qd ED PURDY'S ADVICE thla month.It and Clara L. Haina. money are applied to qrlculture .. '. __" .. _ they are now applfed to Indulltry, . .Mrs. ~k ~ters 'WU . reln~re4 10m. of the farmers' troublu will Don't go around with a J)lan'a wife to, her home Friday ~rom ,,~ Valunleu you can go ten round. with ley hOllpltal. She . III ~endl!ll' alowvanish. him. . n.. , __ D...".-~ Iy, but is copfiaed tel, bel' .bed C!a ~ . "I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!"I!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'"!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VIW ..-~ "-4 ' of a fraCltured .hip of man)' , , - .- - 'Noi.. 117) aaiI 1174 montha' ataodin&'.
AND YOU GET THIS EXTRA· Witb every Goodyear Tire w'e sell there goes a real service. , No limit to what we will do to 'see that you get full tire satisfaction. Help you choos.· the rl,httype and size-deliver it for you--put it on your'ear-help you care for it so you will get every mile ofthe thousands built ioto it at the factory. This lervice is in ADDITION to the Goodyear Tire quality you get for the low price we ask you to pay.
Here Are Our Prices For Gen'uine Goodyear CordS ' In ,A Few Popular Sizes
~~:~~ ~~l~~~., $~r2~26' ~~~?: .~. ~r.~ ... $ i 0.95 &
32x4 Cord ••••••••••••••••
34x4 Cord •••••••••••••• t '
Waynesville Moter Phone 10'5
WaYnesville; Ohio
CREEN IS RIGHT He--"How are you going to vote, my dear!" . She--"In my green velvet walking l'fit with $I hat to match." I
Dr. W. Eit Frost'
Walter McClure
J. E. McClure;
Fully Equipped for Good Service. , Large Dieplay 'RootQ. AmbuJance Servic.. 1- : = - -TELEPHONB 7
Mr. and H1'8. Cbarl.. qJar~ and Clark motored ' to IIlddletown, Honday and Hiaa LueUe Clark, who il ,takbic ttalrrlnC ' at the hOapltaJ there, accompanied them home for a montha" vacation. , Hr, .1. B. Jonei , ~nd .oll' Tlierle, attended tbe fU'Ierill, of their po,u, Hips M~1tha Reeves., qf .Rlclu!o~ Ind., at New ~'rlillljrt9n. Sa~ay. Mtb ReevII waa droowned In Lake Mcihigan laat ,wees ""hile lit bathlDc. Mr.' 1ind ' Hts. 'Gu)' 11l0utJahn .atertallied oa Sunda)'i ' tlbe latte.... enta, Hr. and ' Mn. ..Joalah Boltaot, and Mr. and Mrs. Funk Brown; of Tippeiianoe City. Lit tle Geneva Hae Routzahn accOmpanied them home, after a viBlt there. Mrs. Nettie Emrick 8IId granddaUghter, Mrs. Guy Routuhn and daughter, Mila Bernice Grahalll, Hrs. Viola Gruei and ehUldren, Hrs. Eva Haines, Mr. and Mrs. ·Walter Kenrick and &'\luta, Robert, I1li1dred ~nd ClaHainea, pienlced Ilt S~ny Brook,
Notlal.. hat Roli.hl. S.rum aad Viral U.ed Phone 31 HARVEYSBURG, OHIO
Hr. and Mrs. G"()l'Ie Gray and , were Sunday ~uts of Mrs. Gray's ' broth,r, Jamea Barton famllJ near Centerville. The . vlaIt was " pleasant one ~ Hrs. Gru, . aa .he lIIet her n4lphew, Minor BUlh family, ~hom abe had not 'leen fO.r manYI, years. Mi. and , Mrs. W; M. Colemall entertained on Sunday" Mr. and Mn. S; E,' South and two ' cllildren, Vircln", and B~lel. of Loveland; Hr and Hra. aarold Kellil uld, son, BiDy, of !'n4, nCh;cleYfr"littl.' cIieIWIi_tool , Dayton; Mr. and MrL Frank Xellla VII4t UDea: tuti liDc-or wuIia~ ,crepe ~l daUghter. of III HoUy; IIr. ba UI7. ~ abade of bJae. ~ tan Hrs, ' Earl Proud alld cblJ4ien. of
~~ .~ ~£O~ ~J:(l' , :~~:t::r:i1 ~.':!~~!t~. n~ ad ~ of die ~ . ,'.In l (1' .... .. • . -
darbr~.. ~ ~'onn. the bOw. BJ¥,l , . 011:. oIIIel alrl'. drei.. whil, the Toa'Qla' _ limP', blOC!lllCr t,. . :. .. No. '1Ni~~~il:
II •
L.,•• '••' ftt~tH'rt.,.r.;.~~. M n£'l'U~U" .'. '$
......... IIIuII\~ '1 - ,
wDt. DN_ .... __ .~............ ~.~~
Oflice-Am.jI Bid..:
:jilliJ. . . . . . . . . .
....ii1i• • •-
..-iliiJiiill-• • •_ . . . . . . . .iilii.:
We Print.
Circulars Booklets Letter Heads Statements Envelopes Tags Sale Bills Dodge,r s Price Lists
. -':~t.)'
.• I!
)' ,
Good priDtiq m..... ,domE tbe , I • _if'" • -I ~~ ,,~IJJi;'~•• r arran,. .....t and ' tnatm...t the yery -t. but 'GOd ' pri~tiD, muat oDe other .u...tial quill~-iti '~...t' he; .noclem.
Weddings Visiting: Cards In fact, Any kind 'of
AT THE CHURCHES lin. Illlan J_p, or Illdlallapoli , II vIaltlDl' relatl etI here. II. W. elcb, of Chicago, hus jo ind hla family here for 1\ three weeks' vauUon. Jfra. E.rt. Tobin ancl dlt\l~hh' . ot Del Moine., IOWII, were..gu s of r 1nUV • here last week. ' . The yb\lllg peoplll of the villllg€! 1'1ljo), d • "treasure hunt" Dnd .. limp flre" .upper, FridOy 'vein ing. Members of the Miller family IIlanded thei. fan111y r union li t 11"J f ~. der Park Springfield, on - und nv. Tbo ~dles Aid m L in lh 5~ltool building Thursday IIfturn, on. IIfrs. Lackey's section served refreshment.!! h
1I~ Elmer Chenowet . was clllled
I to fort William FridllY night, b~ the
ludiJen death of Iter father, \\. F. Fields. Jlr. and Mrs, Samuel Shanks lind eons have moved from Cincinnati to the property recently purchnsed of . )In. Orville Compton. .
Day Famlly Reunion
·T he Day rllunlon was beld un day, JUly 17, lit Lyman Day'" picnic ground . Ira Day and family, Fred DIIY and family. all Dny and lady fri end lind brothur. 01 Dllytnn; Adnm nlly 'Ilnd fomity, A IId('1 B u~fo {d. Bugfo1'd und fllmily '11I1'\o;vll\(, Huy 's Leueh Ilnd wife, ~Mnl'Y Eva \l onnel , of pl'ingboro; Wn'ller urfn e, f Kin gs lIjitls ; Willlnlil HIlY Ilnd flllnity, 'L)'lIl1ln Day nnd (all\i1y, of Wuynesville, W re present.
26 IICrtlS, 7.room hOUR!!, el ctricity. CHRISTIAN CHURCH bllrn, crib, shop, 1 mil bom Way. Wnlter McClul'1l was ""a business SUlldo)' Schonl lit 9 :30. _~very· nesville. visitor in Xenia, ;M.onday. bod y cordially invited. 100 acres 0 001 ho . d . • , -r n Ulle.; ~oo Big Cll).llrance ~l8 le nt A. K. Dqy's, FERRY CHU~CH OF CHRIST W. n. Allen was in Cincin~, burn und ~h.e d, :fruit 8 miles f.·om \)eginning :Thuredny, August 11 , Woy ne!lvillo $70 n. ' . Bihl hool I) :3 (1 CommUniOl\ MonclllY· • , " r nere. untl S I'ml'" liy the pnstor. L l us have Dr. P. A. Garner. ulliropractor, . 1Ifi8~ .t~lIll L<l,mmon, of Greene· Two hOU SIl R In Wllyne!lville, \vith tl fu ll iltlcndance fllr A\lgust. No Lebonon Ohl ,Phone 78. electricity, furnace lind b'lth, priced VII 10,18 VISiting Mr motl~el", lIfr . Ma· el'cnin'g service. . I·igh\.. . I . ~y Lemon. A tine IIttltndance lost undn}' •• Miss Lucil Flowers, of Mason, ,is Two che[II> p.ropc~tic s in Cor!:!!!. une! 11\1 en.ioYCd ,the e.lCcetlent sermon t h guest ot ?liss Doris Hawke. r. Mr. and 1rs. W. n. Allen and Miss ~------------~ hy nl·o. 1 Utll. of nlllOa. Etl Gollcr, f ortner. p astor, Ilnd wife, Mr . an d M f S.J. . H ow k e spen t ception Olive Allen IIttellld~d wedding r ein Dayton tho a it utt nded lh lS rvlces )n!!\; \Il1dllY. Sunduy with r elalives at abina. 15 II emeon. W.ynel.iIIe, Obio Pbone 79, 1:hcir nlIIIIY II'iend!! hl're we~ dcLost- Near tho M. E. ch urch, 0 itghtcd tu . se them. Frllnk L~fday \VII S in ltirmingham, Greek,. jeweled sa,rOl'ity pin. Rewllrd. )ur Ilttcllliunc fo r July wns 12 Ala., last week, visiting r eletives. Finder please lenve lit Gazette of(lcr ClInt lieU r than July olle yeor ~L 1 ago. Let us make August our ' banA. K.. Day'. August Clearllnce sale ll1onth. onlol Bring your begins 1'hursday, August the lUh. Mr. 'nnd Mrs. Edwnrd Peterson and friend s Miss Dori s Petereon, of Chicllgo, were . MI'8. Carrle anb'or n, of New York, guests of Wilbur Clark and family , Nathan Johnson, Mlnister. is spending a lew weeks a t the last Friday. Friends Home. METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School, 9 :15 a. m.; Preach· Mr. nna Mrs. Carl Reiser, of CleveMrs. Harry Cooper, of Columbus, .. S--'I'ce a· 10 '80 am' Epworth M 0 spent a few days lnst week with her in L' e"agu~e' • at 6~45' p 'm:" Evening Ia,nd, are guest.!! of Mr. and rs. r· mother and brothllr, Mrs. Esther Rob-
ville Gray.
inson and son, Frank.
'lheWorld has never known such Value/
of the Clearance burgains J . E . J ~l\ney and fnnll. ly, Dccompa. l Take A. KIIdvontagc Day's August 1 • ned by MISS Elma McClure of Sprmr SUo II .. boro, ure visiting Mr. Bnll Mrs. Lor· i\l rs . Elvin F ires has r clurned home en Hadley, ul Berlin Heights. urtel' U Ille>lSlIlIt \'i~it with relativcs in Oberlin, Ohio. . Auto Rcpairing·- If not convenient for ' you to d.rive out, phone 83-2'h , . The 6lst allnuol Collet.McKoy pic' and I witt do the work in your OWll nic will be held at the usual place on gorage. Frank W. Crew. al0 nturdny; August 13. Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Surfllc~ and 1\
It....... . . ....................
. . . . . SSe
Chee~ ~!-:h:~!:tu~I. ~.r~.a.~
Bananas '
;::::::::::::::=~=::~!:::::::::::::::=::::::===:.~ ' "
TOBACCO ~, INSURANCE Have you Hail Insurance? "
GET IT NOW In the Old Reliable Home Inaurance Company. Rates. same a~ last year
Waynesville, Ohio .
Mrs. Louis Griest and da\lghter, Lake Forest, m., and Mrs. Lydia Edwa~ds Presnall, oLFairmount, liId. were gUests of Mr.- and Mrs. Robert CreW rast week. " \ Mr. and 'Mrs. FurAas HoUingawor~blLudlow Falls, former .....idents of tbe Turtlecr4tf}t neighbctr~ood, were vfait~rs at the home of W. J. Sherwood last week. ' , >: . . Enjoy a social "time with refre8h~
ATIEANTIC .CITY ' ot~.r So.uthern 'tew Joreey Se •• hore R.,ort~
JULY 26, AUGUST· 9 and 23. $25.~2 Ro'}~:.J.IP Wayneaville ' TIfROUGH Sl,EEPING CARS TO ATl.ANTIC CITY.
Serla 120 ••••• " .
Four-paaenger Sport 1loedIew,
Sene. 115 • ..• u ••
Seriea 128 ••. ' . 4 "
fiw..puMlIjler Sport·Towina. Seriu 115 •••• uas
. t'OUl'p"-aau Country Cub Cou~, Serle. 115 ••• 'Ia,.
fouJ-p...nger Cowatry Clubeoup..
F.-p.-nger 4-door Sedan. Seria 115 ., •• U "
W.,n ... ville, Ohio
fiw..p-..get' ToWil brouaham.
SerieelU ....IS'S
Serie. 128 ... 'IPS Seriea 118 •••
Pi-p..-naer COU.... Seriea128 ...... . .
~ Serioa 121 ••.•1"-
Four-.....nger Coupe.
Series 120 •.. 'U.S
SerieelZ, •••• I . . .
All prien f o. b. FU.. ,. Mir •.•
~mI T..
,,, N .tltlHI
. We now have our grinder' uonnected to 0 lIew motor a'nd are r /ldy at all times to grind your feed. "Those using the Ohio An· Mash Chick Feed or any other home mixture, will find us ready to supply your needs prompt Iy.
BU 'ICKfor 1<;28
Wayneaville Farmers Exchange Company
Lebanon Ohio
W.)'lacnille, Ohio
P.hoae 25
got i~ last sqmmer
.Thous8.nds are getting it'thIs ~.
In celebration of Harold's 6th birth day anniversary, Mrs. Charles An· derson entertained from 3 to 5, the little guests: Rosemary Conller, Clara Hopkins, Bobby Shepherd, Milo Kerrick, .Earl Earn· hart Shepherd. . Mrs. R •. D. Tolle, of Washington D. C., who spent IlBveral weeks with her parents, M~. and Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite anell othe~ relatives
. · ~J1OUP
-THOUSA'NDS of people joined Heatrola Free Coal Clubs last Summer and kept cozy \for 'weeks last winter, at our expense!
ments aof.d good Cr!!8m, cake andband. . cold home here, • .left her dl'inks .music. by the She last was Wednesday a(:companiedfor 'by :Mr. at McClure's corn!!r, Wednesday ev· and Mrs. Warren ~~spy, who will tour ening, August '10-:'. M. E. Ladies Aid the East nnd Canada.
, .
Mrs. H. V. Wa ter, Mrs. Dan Wal· tel' al1d M,fss Pearl Starty, of . Leb· anon, Mrs. Kate Coleman, MT8. F. B: .Henderson a nd Mrs. D. L. Cl'ane Y181ted Mrs Ethan Cra!,le an4, son, ID Dayton, friday. Dr. and Mrs. Bailey Catitpl1ell Miami, Fla., who lire in Ohio" the summer months. will remain M~s. Witha.m and he: fath~r, .Adam Stoops, whtle D~. WItham IS In the McClellund hospital.
ThOUSands who join now will receive a whole ton of c?al in,the Fall with our compliments: Free!
Altlong those who attended ; Quar· terly meeting at Selma on Monday, were. lIlt. andi MJ'II. J. E. Janney Mr. and Mrs Curtis T,o mllnson • Mr' and Mrs J ' M Keys, Mira ,Maggle B~rnet Mr. and Mrs. J. L • .Mendenhall, Mrs: Carrie Sanborn, Mrs. Mary Adams; Ida Keever and Dr. Farr.
Don't wait. Take time to visit our store' today. Join our Heatrola. Free, Coa.l Club-it costs only" $2 for membership, and" $2 a week until ·Fa,ll. That's all there is to it. "
Mrs. Emma Kersey of Oregonia spent a part of 'I'uesday and Wed: nesday la8~ ' wl:ek, the guest of . her cousins, Mr. a'nd MT8. C. H: Sherwood. She also visited W. J. Sherwood and family, :Mr. nnd Mrs: Mr. and Mr9t F. E. Thomas and ~n)t Elbon. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Con sons, EverC!tt and Robert, nnd Miss ner and Mr. and Mrs. Will Norton Elizabeth. Luce," of Lebimon, spent returning to her home Thursda;
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ' the Sunday at Russell's and in morning. evening cnlled on ~oil\t, MT8 Thomas' _ _ _ _, _ ••_ __ aunt, Mrs, Lulu B. Calnhan, ot Ur·
J'."~ ,
Pive-p_..gerTo_ ..........
•••• u
Fow-plUleJl&el' Sport Roadam,
Fi....p_ager 4-door Sod-. Serla120 •••• U "
Sera 1U
Waynesville Farmers Exchange Company Phone 25
Series In .. .• u.S
Frve-p;.-elljler l.cJoor Sedan,
Her.e 's n big snving in yo ur feed bill, for you buy only hulf of what you feed in this new LOW COST egg mosh.
~=~ ~~~~~. ~~~~~
AU fonner standard. of motor car value·fdJ when Buick b 1928 swept into view. Here are listed all 16 Buick modela b 1928, with their prices, 10 that you may see for youneIf how little Buick com, when you consider how much Buick Jiwa.
100 pounds of t he 26% Mash Suppl mrnt mak ~ 200 pounds of good, dcpenduhle egg mash when mixed with your own ground grains.
Mrs. Lee Hawke lind family and dou ghter, Edna, of Marion, Ohio their guest, Miss Lucile FlowcT8, wero lust· week with Mr. Surface's Duytoll visitors, Tuesday. • M.1'S. Anna M. Hathnway.
Arthur M. Zell nnd fam Don't foil to uttend A. K. Day's ehnnged th eir residence from ,,"'"TIE'S Clenrance sale, beginning August 11 r ton, W. Va., to Scranton, Pa. Mr. and Mre. C. E. Andereon en· Miss Klltherine Turner, of Spring ter~lned at dinnClr Tuesday evening, Valley, has re turned home after a Mr. and Mrs. Cad Keiser, of Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Gray and six weeks' visit in Deland, Fla .. daughter. . Student (at b 1Ii)"T Dealer- "Shnll I send the clothesMr. and Mrs. Ed Hanby and two tlclteta 0.:1 0 ce wo hOT8e you ordered?" grandchildren, of D':Iyton, . spent sev- Eleventh Hampshire sow sale, Tues• pleue. . C . "s en d 1. ·t~ D'd Ticket SeUer-"Wbat date~" uSvomorI yOu eral doys wi th relatives in this vi- day, August II, 1927, 60 young sows. . at farm at 1 p. m. Catalogue Stiajent (abaently) ...:....Maty." think I intended to ride it home7" cinitY. O. A. Dobbins, Cedarville, 2 Dr. P. A. Garner, . chiropractor, Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 78. Mr. lind tlfrs. J. O. Cartwright arc Mrs. Ruth A. ,Daugherty is confined on a two·dllY 1110tor trip through to the house suffering from bruises Southern Ohio, with Mrs. D. D. Lef· sustained ,vhen she feU Tuesday of ferson and Mr. allld Mrs. A. H. San· der, of ~iddletown. Inst week. Mrs. Annie Gibbons entertained at Mrs. James Stoops and son, Holmes, o'clock dinner: last Saturday ev· of Van Wert, spent tlie week-end with Mra. J: E. Witham and het'fath. ening, Mrs. Lydiu, Presnall, of Fair· mount, Ind .• end Mr. nnd M1'S. Rober, Adam Stoops. ert Crew and Phineas Cook, I. . . Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bergan and d~ughter, of Detroit, Mich., visited Street ~ocIBI! under the auspIces his mother and other relatives here of the Ladles Aid ,o f the M. E. cburch the past week. at McClure's corner just. off of Main street, Wednesda:r even mil', August . Mr. and Mrs. Madison Enrnhart, 10,b. of Dayton, arc spendIng a few days with the latter's parents Mr and Mr. and lIIre. Robert Crew and . . . . . 5 ......, MIl............1... ·Mu•• Iqu.re, piatl, d ....... ..... 74c M1'S. F. E. Thomas. ' . their house guests. Mrs. Louis Griest Jar 8c J.r ~PI, do..a ...... .. ,................. 24~ and Mrs. Lydia Pl'esnall and Phineas Milll\ Lucile Clark, of the "Middle- Cook were dinner guests last Wed· town hospital, is at the home of her nelldny of Mr. and Mre. ' John Dy· .... : pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter Clerk', m.ond. at Xenie. r, ·CHIo'rI.... . pacbp ..................................................; .. , .. 12c. for a month's vacation • , Mrs: Louis Griellt, of Lake Forest, .................. , ......... 3Oc Lo.f, 'Ib .................. 4Oc ILl., Mrs. Lydia Presnall, of Fair-mount,' Ind., Mr. and Mrs, Robert Lemon .-I~JUUa:...-4~Il1re:n"et-pr.-BottJ;B.~-:-:~:\J'£tlit1i~~~lj~~Tt'li!r:c~~~co~rn. Crew were guests of Mr. and Mr/!. er Wednesday Auguet 10. C. H Sherwood Tuescjay evening .of t :. _ • las~ wllek. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Atkinson and Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Brown, Mr. daughter en~t;ta.ined Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. B. E Pllltten, of Washing. A. B. Cleaver and Bon, Robert, ton D. C., Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Kurtz, ur~ay eveniitg at a pot-luck supper. of KanSWl .City, MID., Mias Ethel May l Mr. ,and Mis. Cory Hair, of Lena, Corkins, of JO:\llin. Mo., arc guests of . Miami county, and ¥r.' and Mrs. Mrs. J. W. Burton and family. Fruit, 3 lb. ...... :.. Charles Hnir, of Detroit, Miell., .Miss Annie end Miss Mame Brown last iI'hllT8dny W'ith Mr. and Mrs. entertained a few friimds at 'dinner Ion Ridge. lest'Wedilesday at the Friends Home. ~llss Jnnet Cartwright is a Iruost The gue\1t8 were l't1.T8. Anl\a Cadwaln house party that inclu~!8 .a number lader, Miss Clara Lile; Mrs. . Edith of her Western clailsmaj;ea,,near Cyn- Harrill,. Mrs., Laura Mosher, Mrs. Em. thi~na, Ky. rna Dakin and Miss May Wright.
Phone 61-2
To cl08e an estate, the resldeDee of the late Letitia McKay. situated on Third Street In Wayneeville. Modern In every way. electric lights, furnace and bath. Pr' j, te bl Ices ~nu rm. reasona e. Inspection at any time by .pply. {nil' to ...;;:..----
W. · N. SEARSfiil
Mrs. H. F. Compton is at t he home of her daughter, Mrs. Evn Bogan, P h' S ' ·~ at' 7 80" p of Xenia, where ber granddaughter reac Ing ervt~e : . m. is seriously III of appendicitis. . A. Pllstor. _'L_ _ _Washburn, _ " Our community was shQcked and deeply grieved last week by the death DOWN AN.D OUT of )(las Martha, the only d a u g h t e r . . . of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. B. Reeves, ot . J ctrr e)'---: 0 y~llr ~o n ha been 1lIMr. and Mrs. Jured and IS conllng home from colRichmond, Inbod., Reovee were rn and reared in this lege ?" ~om~uDit)' , and but a few yuars ago Briggs--"Yes. he spmined his uk· .moYed to Richmond, where Mr .. clele fing er." Reeves ha busincss interests. Within the last four yeara their two MESSENGER SERVICE were laid to re.t in the little tery here and the Budden Houseltolde1' -"So you lire out of •pleasure r~rt, of their only work, eh ? Well ,you ore just in iDI' child, wu inde~d 8 sad eve~t. time. I'I'e n pil e of wood I wllnted lIlartha was· a beautiful, talente~ gul chopped, Rnd I wns just going to of twenty )'e~ and a host of frlends send for a man to do it." moarn ber departure. Fun~ral serTrnmp- "Okeh with me. s ir. Tell vicee we~e held in the Richmond me where he lives and I'll fetch bim." home Friday afternoon and burial .... made bere Saturday. GIDDAPI · ~---'. ....
bana. . Mr. and Mrs, Sherman Dy)te, Mr. lind Mrs. Rnlph Dyke, the Misses Mild.r ed · and Catherine ' Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson and' daughter, ·Miss Rhea Dyke and gentleman "friend, all ~ spent a few days camping at' RUBsell's Point. ' Mr. and, Mrs. Fred G. Gilmour and daughter, Miss Xatlit~en, of near .Cleve\npd, forliler ,rIlBi9,nt, in nesville, were in town .Tllesday, ing on ·:fri~nd8. · Btr. ,Gilmour was formerly !,uperlntenllent of Wayne Tp. schools• . He hee been teacbing at .Ber~a, near ,CI\lveland ' and '(roes next yfaar to Mingo Junct1on, Jefferson ,county, whe .....bll! hu been elected s'uplJ'intendllDt 0 aehoola.
---=;.~·~'.t=--:'" _';'(-'1
~ ...".
q UI.T
tI C." "!!'.
~ .~
8] . .....
I ';
hO\f~e n~xt.. 'Yint,er":"'if you want much smaller fuel
bills in . the future-if you want to get rid of dirty, wlisteful stoves ' forever. ' ..
Qpen Only from July 30th to , Auauat 20th :, 'Get a Ton of Coal FREE
,. HE' • \IE tJ1, "
1>.oltoJ,. , • :tISTUI(.,& YME' 1U>ST ~
Wife-"I ' un't bathintf suit,"
fee ·and weekly payments. of are your first down Pllyment on your Heatro},,"':" you can take care' of the balance on easy terms.
Join the Heatrola Free Coal Club··· ,
R. ~'It.L .5
If y.ou wa~t co~~ .c omfort in every room of your
. t ·. -:z . J'1 . O: . : ' : : .. . . .
Except that, early in F~JJ" we'll send to your home a free. ton of coal and a new 1927 model Heatrola~ the beaut#ul h~ater that looks like .a fine piece of furnitUre ,,:md acts like a basement furnace! .
.J .'
and .
my last year's
Dr..r, Oliio, A. Carner, chiropractor, a ' motb .te l;e1)anon, Phone 78. . it."Busband-"Probably · "<!
. ~iiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiijiijiiiii.iiiii.iiiI.~• •II!I••••II!!I[III••••••III,~II!!!"
••" •••
SeventY-,N inth Yea.r
THE AVERAGE FARMER KNQW YOURSELF. ADD 10 YEARS AN EXPENSIVE SPANKING O. H. KAHN. WISE FATHER How would you lik.e to be the averllge American fal'mer? His farm is 316 acres. His investment $16,BOB. His average net return for 1920 WBS $1.113. He could make more than that dri vi ng u street car. getting regular slcep. not. worrying abou t weathllr. lame horses. sick cows. l:U\lt on the wheat, bugs on potatoes. blight in the orchal·d. etc. The puuling quention i8 why i8 a fanner! . More Important to millions of Americans. cotton hall gone to a new high price for this yellr. three times on three condecutlve days. When cotton, not Iollg ago. so Id at half loday's price. ~his wT~ler s~id to Mr. CIlIrence Dtllon. mgemus New York financier: "Buy yourself plenty of cotton and you Will mnke a great deal of money." Dr. Shennan. of Columbia Uni· v; rslty, shows that man'lI "vital years" can be increased by the right diet. Efllciency can begin earlier and last. longer If men eat enough of the tight thin,.. Chemistry applied to diet will soon add ten years to the working period of human life.
Tho man from the mid-west is usually the goat of all tho intellectunlK. The mid-west is supposed to he the home of banality. This region is in· habited. according to Mencken. SlnClair Lewis apd otherll, almost pre. dom lnately by morons. They are the people who form the favorite butt of ahnost all kinds of ridicule. ''l'hey arc the hayseeds of the world. The mid-west has Chautauqua circles, fitting ' descendants of former camp meetings. The inhabitants are low brows who come in for the contempt of al\ the emancipated and advllnced Europeans and ellstenerM. Did they not put across prohibilion? Did not theil' wives and daughters even go to pruyel' meetillgH? Whnt could be commoner? When the world wllr came however. those bpys from the mid.west. Kansas and thereabbuts, did a pretty good jobs at Dellcau Wood and in the Argonne. They fought well and the heroes of BoUnklav8 and Thermop. ylae hnd to move aside Bnd make room for them in the Hall of Fame. A Missouri boy named Pershing nnd a couple of lllinois men named Grant and Lincoln demonstrated that something worth while could come Crom NlIzereth. And now another mid.western er. a "dom" Swede, has startled the world. He took his life in hand. shoved a tooth brush in his pocket and flew 'd d d I ~~~~n~ic.ari a one aCl'OSS the' perilous Personally. I think It makes no
1 ====:;S.I\\\\I
I 1V
Fir.t G.m.
I /
, ,
...~\'.'.' ., ;,,'
~!~::.enc; ~:::n~~~~t,(:e~~nc~~e: TOURISTS ARE ~ f : .~ · NONABEl FOOD CLUB b~~~~!::::;!:.. c~I::I.onse~PI:inn~;;':::!:~ thn~~1e 100~~~li:: :. ~~inf;~.~th::g:ri-: HOMEWARD BOUND .-. ()C/iJ::.:e WINS FIRS'T HO'NORS ::i~!S v~ii~~ .. ·.·.·.·:..:. :.·::::. :·: .I~
Wh'!:.:· her lnliplred. ftghtl AI well lUI IIhe conv.,rta. Her fonner choir leader. .Mr. Nichola, ..ya:. "Confeaa ,w hat. ~ealJy bappened when you were 8Up"'olled to be kidnaped." _ Mrs. Aimee I' . Semple replies: "I told the trut~. walked in the lI,h~ and you are on y lookln&' for \ advertising. which you' need." There is nothinl' like cou~. age mea to baatake It you through. Mrs. AI. , . III Wuhhu[ton ·Mn. Fader Ipenked h lit . • Id B b . . er t ee·year-o IOn. ruce. e· caulle h.e would . cllmb the White H«;luse iron fence. Durinr ,the IPlilikinc 'her '8,000 diamOnd bracelet flew , • . anel WIUI lod. Bru~ . . . the . bracelet in the ail' but busy with hil ,i 1.,:' Who I kl .pab 111'....... not•.,..I· lPP ng lchUdr811 caul8I rrsatea: 10.. than th~t y of . bracelet wh.e n It d~troYI the child I affection and reape~t l?r !B-
Sta(e • Caoitc:r1
Fine pitching and sharp characterized the first ball P d b tween Spring Valley and the ............ , repare y Sunday afternoon. Double Columbus F epc rt~r were as numerous as hits. rame proved to be a hair raiser. . . . .•••••••••••••• Ie •••••• The Miamis made two runs in the third. the only runs they made duro COLUMBUS. OHIO-The adver. Inr the game. Spring Valley came tising campaign for the Ohio Stat. back In the fourth with one run. and fair is now on and Director of Arribut for the fact that Manager Hop- culture Charles V. Truax; Is distribuklns misjudged a high fly there would ting attractive 1it6og\'a~hs in every have been no run made for the opI . .t_. nents. county in thc St~tl!, ' N t IS ......, are· ,'",lnller that the counW. faii's are now In the eighth Spring Valley mode under way. that of . H~lIton. "The two runs. sewing up the game for Lexington of Ohio." · beln~ ,b.ld this them. A~othor ~Isjudged fly aided week -Ilt Carthage. there ~beinc four by ~o timely hIts. ended the run days of racing concludint:l ~aturday, gettlD&' for the game. with two stake races ' for upursel of Both Adami and Klein pitched a $1.000.each. Other fairs ·are bein&' good ball. and with the good fielding held at Ashley Delaware cOUlity and of 'both teams. the game Willi one the Wilmington. Clinton county.! • The fanl liked. The Ie ore : . Clinton County fair will be held at R H E -Blanchester week after next, &'ivinl Spring Valley ............ ........ 3 11 1 the real dents of that county two fairs Miamla ......... ... .. ... .... ......... 2 9 2 the same monbh . . Important fea1 2 3 , 6 6 7 8 II tures of the fairs will be Boys' and Sp. Valley ... .O 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0-3 Girls' club work. racing, bll stock Miamia ........ 0 0 2 0 0 0 01 0 0-2 parades and free acts In front of the stands. SecoDcI Gam. Wa k d to pitch the see· e eyI stane . ond pme for Sprfn Valley but af- lhe safety .engmeers of the Indus. g. Commission of the State have ~~~ ~ ~~~~IUIr:n~t M~~ ;:~:I~~ f;:~: visited nearly. two thousand plants way to Klein. But Klein had ex. and constru.cbon operations, makin&, pended .11 his strencth in the first recommedatlons fo~ mochanlcal aafep .me and he was hit all v r th 1 t guard!ng. and asslatin, ln~ the safety S tt rth it h °lle de o . orgamzation of em,p.loyeaL Durfng past year there. 8,692 claims a e wa e, owever. ~ owe only four hits tor the six Innings. for injuries to DriD'.o1'llin the InThis pme .WIUI rather loosely playof Ohio • . allot.:: .,.hom were ed, errors being almost 8S 18 years of age. . Of that num· all hits. Howard Burton put one 8.189 were for mal61 and 668 for over the fence for a home run. females. Six of the. iroys- w.re fa·
'I j
Intere.dna from tile .
~ebraskan is quite as liable to hom
:~y 3~j:;~~ew:~;"~:~~dt:j~~:
boys enjoyed a fat R H E of a pormanent nAture.
Since the
~ ~:ntlt~:r~f°':n:!eS:~:'ti~~~al''~~d:~~fll:;
1: III er. ...an IS' man and you can't~ • . resu Ing rom occupa on "",MU teU What part of the human race is • 'ri . 1 2 3 4 6 6 approximately -6.000 clalml have going to develop a remarkable shoot. . Miamis.... .. .. .......... 1 S 2 0 6 2-13 been. filed. P. F.· €ase~ ~ chairman Mr. Babbitts county. with its c:hau- • Prof. George.Clar~ has written . . Spring ·VaUey ......2 1 0 0 0 0- 3 of the commission. the other memtauqua8 and rotarian clubs and pra.y- mterestingly to hIS fath.er, H . Mrs. Anne E. Sheehan Ten clubs of Warren county con· N t S d B '11 will being Thos. H. Gre'tory WellClark of Lytle of his triP through tellted at the Lebanon Gran,e hall, ex un 8Y owersVl e . gt T L d d H R Witte e~t rnee::ngs is not lIuch a bad place. Rourn'ania this Bummer An extract in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Vale Friday, August '6 for county bonon here to try ~or ' reven&,e ~or .the nu- In on .' eonar an . , '/ ' r. a er a . fr th I tt f 11 '. at a six o'c1ock dlinner llUIt Monday team d.molUltrations In Home mcieroull beatdlngris thte Joliamls have S•• te house offices r-"m close at • _ • om ' e e er 0 OWII. evening. Mr. a nd M.r s. C. K. Hlme., ven th em u n&, h e ... W Jlo.,om>ml<:11 and three clubs eontelted . lIeason. noon on Thursday. Ault\l1It 18. that Baile Herculane, of Centerville; Mr. and Mra. A. H. individual demonatratlona. The • the date of the lltate em 10 eea Roumania • July 22 ,.,. 19"7• Earnhart and sonll. Lamar. Eearl A_t h onors In th.e team demonstraSUD ••)'. R_It. 't h . b'" . . . IU)ll laving ee.. ch angePd . f'yrom ' . Dear FatherU d M H B t tion eontest went to the Nonabel AtI W.,. ......m. lAugust 9 on account cif: that' beine 0 Frid A mr. an rs. arry urne T 1 k to hi . •. . . n a y , ugust .12th •.Clinton. Your letter reached U8 tained at dinner Friday evening in Food club ~f urt ecree "'!ll P. l'irst game--Spring Valley. 3i Mi- ~Imary Day. Invitatlon.s lhave been Green and Warren coun't,ell will having been forwarded from honor of their guests. Mr. and Mra: of whom MIllS Marfe Dunham II the amis •. 2. 188ued to Govcl'I\or . V'c ·Don~ey• 'hold a ,big Grange rally at the Leb. A. A Vale of Wheeling W Va leader. The team WIUI compos~ of Second game--Spring Valley a. Secretary of State Clarence 'J. Bro_ /Ion fair grounds. A8 there Toni&'ht we start on the return Mr a'nd u rs' Setih Thom~ and' ., Vivian VanMeter. of Franklin. and Miamis 13 • 'Auditor of State JOleph T. Tra.",. about one thousand members in ttl 't sl' . J tte F x of Lebanon They •. T f State Btlrt B B 1.t-.. of these countiel there l'S no' Pi w.e. c"n .get eepmg cars of Dayton; Mr and Mrs. E. L. Thorn .. aanne . 0. " " At WihDi.,tO. reasurer 0 . uc..-.7, h ibi II of the klDg'lI. funeral. as and Me88rs. M~n ,and William demonltrated the making o~ attracFirst game-Bellbrook 7' lind Attorney G,eneral O• .w y t I ra y should not be well the few sleeping cars in the Th as. . '. ·aantlwlchell, usll1l' bread that Ineta 2 . " ITurner and other dl"Dil.I~liahtaI tended. have been coJt1mande~red tor om bad made theJnJelvea in their s':~nd' -me-Bellbrook '6' Ii majority of Mr. W. C. Patterson. noted W th R work.·, v...:·...:..:.::::Jh~.P.J.l~m.~tei~.m!~~~II*~~--.....;~=+.--;.::~~ er and e crollS e oum.nlan The Live Wire Room club of lIa- ininrton. 2. !" part .of ~e folcC:lunty. will . present and &'ive IOn Mn. Kate Furbee' leader. 'demAt J .....tow. by a big basket picnic and u..a talk worth while. and get home Augullt 13. onstrated the proper'makin&, of a First game -- Bowersville. 7 i a program of "stunts" -and featJy.. nnW. '. " Gam,!, and stun~ will occupy the go to Rotterdam but go from bed. and tied for second honors with Jamestown. 6. itiell. a beauty and· popular contes!; . • . • t ..; forenoon. with ·more in the after- sterdam ' to London and spend the Bachelor Glrla ClothiDg club, of Second g~me - Bowersville. 0; among the ladles of the "irfoul dIAnother cAll\erlcan. Lleutenan \..0. 'tIoo·n. MI.. 'Elisabeth OI.,k, lectur- days tMre ' and catch the boat WlUlhinetan townlhlp. Mrs. H. A. 1111 Jamestown. 1. partments. As there' ari over elrht C. C~plon Jr., of the ~avy., sets er.,of Warren County Pomona graqe southampton. lard. leader. The Bachelor (ilrla demo thousand people op ~e pay' roll of ,another lIy,n&, mark'. . He bfheved will have charce of the pro&'J'!lm. Up till we r~ached Roum~nia onstrated the cuttin.. and ftttlnl' of L.a~a. StaDcIi.~ . . the State. the picnic' should' be quite to have broken the wo~ld I altitude Tell your nelghboJ'l 'and friendll ~rops were very good. But the lIeck facings. The Happy Hour W L ' Pet. an affair. ,.,.. : . .record. , , abollt it and a.1l come. Bring your p,a rt of Roumania is very primi ' Mrs. Anna Cadwallader, Miss Clothing club, of Turtleereek town- Miamis ...... .. ...... .. ....... .... . 9 6 .600 J ' • He f01l&'ht 11 tempe!Btulr~ 90 dhe- blUlketll and enjoy the day. and crops were not so good in ra Ll1e and Miu May Wrigbt ship. Mrs. Fred RuaH1l. leader. took Bowersville ......................7 6 .639 Dr. C. P. Robbln't. chief of the dlcrees below ~ero and hIS p a e ~ug t places~ Much of the. work is third place wltb a demonatration of Bellbrook ................ .. ...... 8 7 .6 81 vision of communicabl. diseaHII of tlre da~~ulanc~ Irhe~ ~.~ee~ with hoes and scythes. The !~~~f~:~~:~s ;~:n v~.!It draftln&, an apron patten. Wllmincton .......... " .......... 7 7 .600 the State Departm~nt of Health. baa h !m,. fAn oun 1.lm gr nn ng nll"""(l ants are a backward lot but In the ' Individual demonstrations Spring Valley .................. 6 7 .462 returned from Martins,'Ferry. Urfcha dead as WIUI expected, . 8eem .to be much happier than ~~i~~~~e~~~~r ~~nR::~~~!."t ThoI1lP8Ofl. of the Sunshine Jamestown '.... ............... ... 6 9 .398 ville and Dennison. wbere be .bad Americana. . course dinner oat Mrs. club. of De.~.ld townehip, _ gone on receipt of an ~rge.nt ·c.U ,f or Our atmollphere ~ 600 milea high, W e passe d th. rough th e no rth NlnaCom pton -L • help to take energetfc acti~ tea 'foom. WM foUowed by a . I-'·"er .... • to 0 k a 'Ln~ V~ to con· or deepJ so thin 'at the' top that a . the eut, then the south part of with a demoDaUatioD on IDOl'trol what might euily ,become a Hrifeath"r ' • landing .at .Bucharest · ful evening the home Mrs. the I Y _·W ' .. would not ftoat in It. , . ma,JIIa. waUader andatMiaa Llle. ofBesides oaf f o . b~. w hil'0 ....... ~. ous s Ituat Ion on account 0 f the 'apHo.w hleh up wilt 1I1en' IrO' Will • After 'spendin&, four days in honor guests those InVited were: Mrs. of the Nonabel G~la. took pearance of numerous CIUlllS of Inthey be altronomers lOOking throu,h On .Saturday( August 6th, the we went. July 13•• tq the Edith · Ha.....!., Mrs. Laura MOlher ullng the I&m. demonparalysiS, there' belnl' a ' numthinner air at the ul'liverae outside thirty-third 'annual ·...1 up In th e ~.~ each city. · Fourteen ......... -"';·1 0# mer capl.... Mrs: Leah Alllamll, Mr. and ~ of UII! Simplon family WIUI were presented the ' wlDI~en in both eoDteata ~ to In one family have been Lieutenant Ghamplon'l !!!stlmated of Mr. and MI'!!. came .n . i W. Mr. .:,~ ~rs. State fair. The wbmlnc team . ~---1fi,~~-4I_Hl~-.......~~.......td-1im~---::-:--::-;:;:::;;,,~:t' altitude of 47,000 feet Ia queltloned. near Harveysburg. n contest there with the winninc The .AlI.Ohio State Fair band ,\\,111 pie to preH. ")'II he will ~ . up again and family of thirteen liying mountains medicinal baths. ~~~ie Brow~m~!~u from other ~uDtf.. for State apin be back at the Ohio State fair vent its Ute flnt blaher. twelve were bleBBed to be' able to ftrst week of the trip wa~ quite Mr, and Mrs.' J. O. Cartwri&'ht , and the wlllDlDc badlYi4ual :AUfrust 29th to September 8rd. un· six year tb~ .. , -be present an~ l'espond . to roll cill. a sleeper for 'S,IX days Mr. and Mrs. D. I •. Crane. ' . will elv. h~ d.mon- der: the d!rec:tion of J. W. Wainright, !tave be~n casu' Of. comJ,llu':lIlr. Chamberlaip, A~ntic 81.r. will . We were glad to have the two place is very Testiul. ' . stration non-competitl~l,.. . of Fostoria. lcable dIseases. only one . ,~ In tile . tI'J something new II}. com~erelal brothers. of' Chicago. with us. who Sunday iO:30 a. .m.-We Mi ' E th H Ii . 1:li'e quality o( demoutratlona put; Four days before the opening of the seven having made .S; betie.. •hlpplnr .vlatlon. In a little sport: had not been ,home for four years. to stopped ' last night at 88 . s er en erson thia year by the clrll .,.. .err fair, the entire group of 300 boys There has been mOr&.cblck but since it WIUI Saturday ed a group of. y~ung pe?ple and the ju~upHlled them- will be assembled at the ,fair grounds enpox. diphtheria, mumpi and 'e carmodel biplane he will 8Y from the Mrs. ViI elby Carter. of Pasadena, dock of th,e . ateamshlp Leviathan, Oa!.. Willi indeed a welcome visitor. ~he hotel could not take and hom~ last Fr~~a., d.even:ng. AI hannc graded ftr)" closel, where they will spend their time or· let fever than the same period &alit Ibowlng how Jllluenaer and mail this beirllr ber' 8nt visit home came on the same train to r~n •rfd k:Wt~S h • te lVers ~n :~d iD order to Hiett tbe willDen. pniain&, for the activities of the year and leu influenza. am.ltpox.·.t)'transportation Can be epeeded up ' by iroln&' to California,' seven years ago. getting here at; . 8:16 a 0 ~ ~c M e tbBB co~ ~c e • _ • _ week. They . will practice as one phoid fever and whoopin, couch. , . "yin... 'from bl, ship. all they near We were vefy gratefUl for the ride of about S6~ h~Qrs. , gue~ o. rs. a aWay s ea lUre unit and will al80 be divided in· II , ~ort. . speech &'iven by Mrs. Dunbar. leave here Tuesday night or wher~ d~~nty ~e{:edhments to smaller organizations. Each of Dr. I. W. Jones. o.f Colum.,UI, baa "$oon .ftring machines will crollS D~yton. Ohio, ; mother ' of the day m'o ming for Leipzig serve . ose v e weTe ' . theM will be under the leadership of been appointed· a member. ·· of' .tbe the oeeali more safely .than boats do ,P aul 'Laurence Dunbar." will ltay one . day and then to Mary Maraaret Unglel1by. . on. of the assistant directors Public Health Council of , Ohio by now an In one·fourth 'of the time. . At the floon hour all did land where we sail for home. Hergde. Er~abe~ J;len~le'd Rhea EI On Thunda,. e,,"iq. Aacut ,. win play at difl'erent plaeel in Governor Donahey. Dr..• JOI18l. 'trW' S ken i,rsoill' s· the lIl.mben of the "Bambuq" club .rounds. These boys will Then. eomblnatlon steamlhip ' and to the hea~ lad.n tables ' of 'We ar. now back' in civilization e~ g Fred C. Croxton. ~lao !If the 1I1ane will sellm stran", ' but It II a thing good .that would tempt a again. Yellter\iay I ' saw several S e . aW e. ~rl~ awe. uc e t with CUMtB met In the CoUett woods. town of their own at the fair City. for· ,;tenn endiq ;tin... ' uleful ttansltio~ now. man's appetl~. · At • late hour all fleldll of t~bacco' it looked much like ~~n. Sa; !tulldin: Mr. and alolll' the hanb of, ;'onQ·. Bun.' A with a complete organization. They 1931. The .Iatter is , ,,~ -..". " departed. for their various hOrnell de- Havana: Some good lIome e son a . ns; essrs. more beautiful plac. c:ollld ~ot be mill be housed in tents and co OM COMmunity ""ltln ....!l1l ,i !,: ~ , eth hn A wise father le~ hli son <10 what claring this a grand reunion ot the This morning I was up Thomas. K.;nil St J:t • Fr imae\ned. . Facinl' a . ~rc-oua lun- provided to prepare their meals. as president of the ' social .,enei~ he wapts. within reuon, for what " Simplon family. ' and Watched the . k a aCE' Trea .;~y, H ed. let. with a hup boDln in th.. _ , The Ohio State Fair Band memo and secretary of t~e COIUIll~1Ul Como. ' boy W'aDti to do Ia usually what he •- • There has eli en a beavy. rain but en; M' 'ld' :a,yn~dc ~ tth hambwp broWlled to a tum crter . .... ben win all be fumished with like munlty fund. Tile . govtpmor alao , c~ do ~el~ . • . . . There' baa beeD a heavy 'r ain but ~r .. .1881 me. o'war 00. ar ea coals, mOlt d.lldODI cre&!iI .,.~. uniform. which have all been pur. Dr. B. 0: "JIarll1'ade!i o~ One of his boys ,ltlled . l!Iuelc and ' I cradles. George. . Chapman. Vernon Mainoull and Joht a hUIIl pot , of coftee, PnUded over chued this year. TheBe uniforms "'member ,of Wo sta~ wanted to lead a j8&l, band.. Mr. .- • Gons.. _. by Mlaa Nan Collett. Bome _ted are of blue velour gilt-trlml"ed, and Board of , Be 'trW Kahn aald: , I'Go ahead abd lead it." . The twentY.fI~t annual ~' enews' on a .fallep tree, o~ crouped have red sash' and,'military caPI. succeed the for ,He "new the jan band lit ,woul~ not of 'the Archdeacon family .round a plc:nlc Bupper ipnad ,o n the All thOle who still desire to a term endlna· laat long. . Sunday, August ,7 at the II1'&U which all aDjOJlCl to the ut- the band. may apply to Mr. J. W. home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Howard William E. Smith. lawyer, of moat. . ~ Wainwright. Box 76, Fostoria. Ohio . . Now, YQung Mr. Kahn, nineteen deacori on Main street. The ~~go. KansaS. Ii lpendlng this week One hundred boys an glrla ThOll , PNHn~ w.re ·1Ir. 'and lin. • _ • ye.rs . old. has taken to ftyinr•.,jl his tuoui ,dlnner was followed by a with ' his uncle. Robert ,B raddock.' and ,ether with 16 le,aders and . W. W.Jeh" Mr. and lin. W. A. oWn pilot ~d . skUlf.ul. That ,aoes program of music. recitations • and other relatives here. Mr. to~ from our rural ".H clubs, have Kaln... Dr. ADd lin It E. Batton, DEATHS R L&Veme not make his father and mother Ileep tallul. . gone to their annual camp which II Mn.. E. B;. ~, M .. Nan Col.tt, . of ;;rinrfteld, 1ll.,_allA 1"I\0re .oundl~• . pt:0bably. ~u~ ;.Mr. M:ep1b~rs wer.e prellent from B)an.hel" tb'l year at Camp Ro ..· .~hIC~ Mr.•nd lin. A: S. CoDett and IOn, Mrs. Mary L. Edward., widow of Leiah •• soloist, of H~l8boro; ~ K~hn ~ys: A' G'9rfahead a~~ fly• . · chCllter. ·Wilmincto". B u t l e t v i l f e . b e t w A D b c:;a:'ct Deft:bi: w:k Bob~1I ·Dr. adDdIiMra...!~,~~ the late J. Wilaon Edward_. and will hold liernc.. at' tIle .,.Cllll'lllltIIIIlr': , If more me cans w t . money Dayton, Franklin. Miamlsbura. Cin. _ Uly' . pro. ee, ' 1" . an ~ ... ~ ............. b~hl esteemed l'elidont of Sunday would let .t he.l r ' boys ft,y-:-u \11 0 11. clnnatl~ Ne~~. Lytle and ~pring. . .. h~ been planned by othell' . Mra.- P. ·D. C~ <<;If Nopl~~L' com':unlt died at her ' home 14. at 2:30 o'eloc)l iandl oM,or~I'II~1 A,metlcan),!'ys ,w ould lioro . totalling :about. lIeventy-four.' ile re~elved.· his e~'ler in. fol~ pmea. le, ~t~er. :,ork, Mrs. Hattie B. Ion.., of ~.; 'll'hlrd s~ Sunday Dlgh~ She welcome. e•r . Uk" to 8y-tb,1a cou~trY woul!! ,loon , ' • ..;. • J,' tlon iD .thll WaynllSville ' schoole:' mmg. camp lore. sports. Mr~ and , Mra. _, ODbert We ~d survived lIy three cS4za1aten. Mn. '--....,... .-::---=~ V lead the wc)rld'~ ,·a,..tloD., , Smith. wi~h ~ts motber, at- ca.m~ftre procr&!ns. A . three chqclru.. · ~ . Ju•• Betty WUliam BilI1\um of ' Dayton MIllS . • - r.. tile Home ' C.~ming In 1906. "!Ill be ~eld FJ;ida:,. upat;:1. " and ~l!ll., of Detroit, lIJala.: TrilleDa Edward~ and' Misi K :':~I ' ti~e ~~ey met ~any of th,ir weleome. ' . ~d lira. ~bert ... Co~1tt, of lWwards and one sOn. O. J" & He · recalla ,many Da;W.., . ,.,' . . " •• ' '!'he f1llleral Hmce c,ol~dilletlld .,.~;f till! that •- • ' the . Jle,,_ J • J • ---.ct." ·ft1.. na"n·· .",. ..... ~an~ ' ~th' .tIIe )10m. thIa IIftmDcMJD.· 8ft "lour .. ~ , ~lclIDeterr. cert:alDlty, 'Wo~ ;0 .'
G range Rally
Delightful, Picnic
;nw; J' '.!)lB
Archdeacon R'e union
Boys••Girls Camp.
Pie.ilty Blue RibJ;o,.'"
"bfJ,. ;.
. '
.0;'Loctn Il
., . " ",
MOo 1'1I 'J\ I, lV. BiaeJ, l~~~:lE~ .~ ....1 Cbap ~d'D' Of ,,~. wID ...,. a ;&ease....... bOIllIl'4lll . . . . . . . 1, ., . ~.-.t~' DeaU{IIf!~
................... ........... .........,=..........r=_ '
~ .
NIW stllTi
Johanson, Wales and
parre, Inc., Srare Paper Company for mon y only. W. H. Madden and Company Ben Ollborn fOT money only. W. H. Madden and Company J. L. Kenric.k nnd Lidcc Kenrick, ~A~NI 13e.EN COMMON PILEAS COURT money only. In the ca.se or l~ lol'encl! Gray va, Ex parte O. J . onover et aI. , . ~~ ~e.fO~E.. 1' h ll~. 01 ille Ora,y, the court found titia n flied to sell r III Btut,(\. thllt th judQ'lllent ill f avor of the Willinnl H . Ruck r. ndmini~trlltor plJlln t'lff had been s Uled Rnd t he estate of J ohn J. Rucker, d . dln rg d. , cllased va. Thomlls E. Glnss e~ al., for Court ordered t hnt the efen,dun1t.s 1 in tM Cas of Geo l'go L. Miller, PROBATE PROCEEDINGS lon . \'s. PrisciHa II. Dickey t a!. crved by publication of n lice. Alfred 1rWlor II insch, executor a!. In tho ('use .of Gruce Shinkle, va. th tltuto f lI1tLry J . Drnke, fil ed HuymolllJ • hinkll! in which It WJl8 (il'st and final llCCOU Ilt. Illl eged thul {he ilc!endnnt ~ad disHnrvey , WhilJln, cxccutor of obey d n furmer ,01'11 .,. of court, thl' the \lst,utc \) [ Thomas 11. Whituer , fil d fio al 1ll!Cau nt. defen.dant was dll·cc te.d among or thrngs t o pay ~crta.lI1 sum Emma T. March, executr ix ' of the us support of th(!lr mll10r child. estate of E. Stella l\IlltlhcW8, filed Wa yne 28 % Hog Mro.l i a big profitHornce M. la rk wu~ grnnted d first nnd final Jlceount. maker IOf any hog raist'f who has an- :·buDortl M. Clark on the Coul'L nllowed Will R. Lewis, as vorce from appraiser of the estate of Annie M. ds ot gr oss negl ~ct. dan e of corn to feed. rt fine d Hurry Saul $100 and Wilson t o take the plnce o f William This high protein concentrate bnlances your . o.n 0 c,hars:e of possessing in, Hufford. eoro at a very low cost per Iluit of digestible W. L. Kirby \\'118 appointed apfll'ais toxlcatlllg !lqUOIl'. the fine WIIS cr of the estule of Cnraline Boger. promptly pnld. protein, and insures the h ighcst!fecding value Court fin ed J el~e Men tz $100 and take the place of hUl'los Bogel·. from your corn. ro s~ o.n a c.har~:e of llossessing in· Ed, Stoutenborough, udrninistrutor Sold by toxlcatlng ~I quo,r. The fille wa ' of the ('state of ~llcn S. Stoute n· bOl'ou):h ti led fi rst and fina l u~count . promptly paId. Everett Buchmnn charged with Mary ' McKinney execulor of the possessing intoxicating liquor estate of Cla rn '1\'1. Beckett Hied found innocent and charges wer e fir t account. Affidu\;t of finul sett lem ent of th withdrawn. Court fo und Josoph Green guilty estate of Ward Lee WIl S filed by A ~f possessing d is~illed intoxicating Cred Watkins, exec~ tor, Phone 25, Waynesville, Ohio liquor Rnd fined hIm $2 00 and costs. Frank D. Wilson, IIdmin i~ trnt o r at Tho defendnnt w'Us allowed ten days the estate of Annie M . Wil ~o n, fil ed to raise money t.o ' pay the fme. invontory and appruiscnlcent. Court found Joseph Gr ene guilty Court ordel'ou thut HIlI'ry E . - - - - .. - ,·. ,1 . of pos8es~ing property for 1~lInufne. Schnen be appointeu atlminist rator Laurn E. Sulli vnn to Mory B. Don- Try lb. Miarni C; . . ." . for Jolt Work: ture of hqllor nmd fined hIm $300 de bonis non of the estute of Hattie Ron, lot in Franklin. ~~~~~_~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~. nnd costs. The defendant was al· Schnell. . linton W. und hndotLe P . Stan. - ----- - -- lowed ten days to ralse money Harry E. Schnell Jlccopled the ton to George and Ethel Brubaker, DR. C. W. HENDERSON pay his fine. , . trust. lot in Franklin. Jury found 'Roy Perkins, alias In the matter of Own Icy Furmun, Alice HII~'T1er to Lewis L. and Geo. Offlce-Aman Richard :I?Rvis,. ,gu.i1ty of breaking guard inn vs. Robert 0, FurlJllln, u M. Hayner, 98.40 neres in Warren OFFICE HOUIII and ~nterllig With Int~nt to . steal. minot: et aI., court authori zed said county • 9 to 11 II , m, 3 to 5 p . m . J l\mes Pile and F. W .Franz to .AlIce Taylor, a .mtnor, by Ethel guardian to sell certain premises. 7 to !J p m. ~Idlam, .her next: frIend was lITanted Court authorized Harry E. Schnell WaItt'!' R. Fi tts, lot in Franklin. dlvo~ee ID court from Glenn Taylor, administrator de bonis non, of t he F lo Tn Lehr to Clint and Olive Telephones. Clttlc:e , a minor of the age of 20 yean, on estate of Hattie C, Schnell to sell Hines, 1.02 town acres in Salem Tp. ao Resldenco , 69"2 of extreme cruelty, stocks . Frank C. Fryberger et al.. to Geo, Accounts of estates for se ~tlentent E. Fryberger 1.65 town uorcs in Waynesville, Ohio '" was a rare' fool that night, I have been filed as follow s : COUlddale.· should have shot; you." Elsie Snook, adminilltrlllrix of th ~--"I gave you back your life once." estate of Jennie Conrey, first and COMMISSIONERS' A~LOWA;'iCES "Hal But why? To save Armi· final account. W C G'I . . t tage." Margaret Long, guardian of Clark ' . I mour, coroner, II\q~est 0 "Hands up! The fint man who Brunk, third account. John Schnabel, $7.70; same, mquest turns di esl" Walter A, Clark, guardian of Lu. of Jo~n Doe, $7.60; The Book h9P, The voice came from the wall cille L. Clark minor fifth and finll l supphes for court house, .$17.60; hind t he clustered troopers. Two account " Munson upply Co.. typeWl'lter reo them dropped their muskets, • kl' pairs, $4 same, $4; The Western Kennedy, looking over tpe heads of tatEd ~. ~on exo~~utor °fit thte d Star, proof of publication, $3; Dr. his men, beheld a yawntng doorway e a ntma . IIIger, rs an F A Z' tat V t t d . . f1 t f It Tw final account. . . Immer, s e e ., BRr ap, an a man In !l'on a . . . 0 r~· $14.60; Bert Buckley, supplies for v,?lver!l wer.e leveled steadIly In hIS E . C. Dunham, executor of the Wiiliam Skidmor "1601 ' C L dIrectIon. The stranger wore a tate of Charles Kelley, second B dl I ' e, ... .Ao. ' h""" miulk. count. ra ey, c eanlDg cars ~Ur ~ crIll, " I hav!! h,;elve bulle~, and when Emma F. Surface, executrix of $3; Jolin T. Gregg, bridge repair, CHAPTER XI "l!raUy alouse the curiosity of a man your hand. You exaggerate the af. I shoot, It WIll !be to kill. Take up of Clal'ence E Surface $4.60; Eugene Harper, 8IIm'l, $64.70 • ·uke Lowe.11. . He took it to Kennedy fair. Any court will annul it." that revolver flrom the table, girl. d fI al t ' , same, bridge repair material, $8.20; VACCINATION OF SWINE Atai.... EaCap.. who "tudied it for a few moments "Is he IivinJr or dead?" Now step back toward me. Men, an n accoun .. . William Frauenkneoht bridge repair (A SPECIALTY) tbenpassed it over to Armitage. . "I have sworn never to reveal that stand aside a little but take heea Josephus FrancIS, guardlan of $3 50' Lewis and 1>' k I "Do you DC/W, Korcan, I believe . "What do you think of it, son1" man's name. But it 'was not I who not to turn. Quick girl!" ruh 'Jane Presbaugh, first .and final . , ~157 ()7. . ra e,. nc., ce , ~ I ' ~ never. atteDd your tiring he as1c~d. married you, or ,I would break, one Even as he spoke, :reanne was account. , '" ' . ' same, cement an Notbiaa bllt ,R .linl. , _ _ UMd pay,t,J'. in the 1D~ll" . Arnlltage read: by one, all the oaths a man might ing h.is orders. She drew Court' ordered that the will of $78.:8 H;.rold Sweerey. f~;~ ID~ Armitage you'll be there "Lieutenant Charles Lowellswear to claim you as my own." from t he troopelrB, ""ho moved Harry C DeGarmo be admitted to oa . Lng ' ~ave, ",1 ; Phone 81 1.J'Pu.ldn t ~v.e you mw it lor any"wm you do me the honor to He t ried to lift her up, but she for her but did not tutu . . They had probate . ook, furnishing and load· tIiIJIe; I , thouaht )'ou, had thAt tencall if I give you explicit direchUng bock, a dead ~elght: ' recognized the death·note in that In th~ matter of Forest 0 Haines $6.00.: Perry SIMPSOn, furHARVEYSBURC. OHIO spOt: "WeD. the ,ame eDd.... t lons how to find me? I have "You shall have twelve hours In voice. . . . , 'and ptllng lltone, $173.60: "So it' dOM,\' , . I something to BIly to you which which to leave the city- twelve As the door swung into plllce, admlntstrator of t he estate of Es· 'Winters, same, $ t 4; Enoch AnDltare'a hand flew: ae:ross the vitally concerns us both. and no more." Gently he freed hiK Jeanne's rescuer heard a yell of rage. ther Roll VB. Martha Archdeacon et enry same $276 ' tabla Witll tbe qulcJmeSll of an ad"Address W-X general post : ha.nds. "Good-bY, Jeanne Beauforti "Mo~anl Sh,oot, you fools!:'. aL, C?urt ordered the plaintill' to sell Maicolm Powell' labor $605' M dv'a ,atdke and leiUd !l[oqan'is pis· office'" a1)d God take you back BIlfely to your But tn. the shadows the fugItives certam real estate to pay debts of Lnmb per F ' k L" , , ~. ~ .. B. e drew back witb equal ra..'Wh 't' d linea." mounted safely I~nd The estate and eos~ o~ IIdmihistration r 3" ,:.: Do!:~li delutsehr, sn~ , , jJal~ '' . a a you Court ordered In tho matter ' ........ n -------, . _c_ repaIr, " tii or ~e a BOund, and I'll '80n?" counter~d had uttered B single word since Ownley Furman guard len vs Waynesville Farmers' Ex- Two Shows Daily kill (OU ¥onnm- You know it. U was normal, hIS hands was en~ering the lane.~ He Buddienly 0 F i ' 'et 1 thO t c.ment, $147.90 Arthur J. 6:30 .ad 8:30 p. _. ~ a I ..ave ·.to die :vou'll go wltb ' me or "I 6hould tear it ,up Kennedy drew in; arid- Joann 's..horse- stopped • t u~an, M ~or t "f a II t ,lWIlatant surveyor paid for Ford wrore- ~...' ' no further attention," nnd Kenned~~1 nor observed. of its own accord. .\ por, 0 appralsemf,ln a p~oper y $1,76; snme expenses foJ' in the ' doorway-impelled yawned. "It may be 80me Kennedy caught up with Lowell ~'Cbarles Lowell," she BIlid, de8ll'ed to be sold be authorIZed ta . IIiII' BJ'O~ cleaning and ~lY to retnm-pressed a who wants you to get her "Well, what was it about?" . breathlessly, "I shall always sell said property, ide'ning- ditch $700" A Hoppe &t btM bCl' heart. She had ber what you h~IVfil done for , me In the matter of the estate of C t *1'8 6 24 H ~it .. up at random, without night. YI u promised ,me twelve aId Wikoff, beneficiary, Raymond H. 0., ce,!,en an sewer, '" ,Q.. ; ar 1ta cre itii:i~~ ,Ol' ,P.UJ1IC)IC. hours. Thank you. Your way is Wikotr trustee herein filed fourth la~ -W:!'28 '2 , wmaterlal tor lindge re, J(o~a~f~d ~t the round, black there mille yonder. We may account. ' .. paIr, '" • 4; • B. Madden" Go., .~. of the revolver j he was parnever meet again. So, God. bless lumber, $40.89; A. D. Grapevine, 1 ~' by' -the unexpectedne~ cif the you safe and wholel" • George E. Fryburger, executor of cement mixer, $150j Frank Bunk; eo'9';.~ , ."Wait!" The voice was mum~d. tile estate of Edward Conover, filed repairing equipment, $6.26: J. D. •can to' the BentTf to come The man drew II folded paper from fifth account. Adams & Co re ' aln for e ul ment . ~und and' enter the room," eomhis pocket and, handed it to her.. In the matter,of the estate of $8 ~O· J B HOP:'n 1 Uq . .p , 1 maWecs. Arriiil:8ge. "Mind the tonel" impulsively kiss.ed the .bund H. Holzl!n, M- H. Oswald, bl' "'6 '·T ' 0 g, . ro WIre ea, ne .Dloment [be nntry started to reached out; tlnen he folded the trawr of the estate, was ~ • • 4. 0, he eegont!l Bridge Co. ~ tile comma-qd, Armitage drew palm over the pa,per and let the hand to sell certain stock at not leM than remtorcded steel, $3~6; s:me, .-epain ,W E GET THEM QUICKLY AND . ',hls hand and . savagely struck fa~!. . '. the 8um fixed by court. gra er ~nd mixture, ",10.90; Ohio FREE OF CHARGE .l('llrDn behind ' itlll\ ear. Then he The horse IS mme; keep it. Go.odCourt dmitted' the w' ll tAd li e Culvert Co., 5 sewers, CALL US ANY .TIII£ AT OUR 1..»4 {fpm the ;Window just as by, Jeanne Bealilfort!" , , a J a a n $275; Blair and Lero:v, gravel, $66EXPENSE Janne hurled her book at the canHe .wheeled suddenly and canter· T'CWhlte to ~rotbateh' L b CIt! 9'8; same, sand and gTavel ' $88.86; delabrnm aecurately I ' ed away.. . . ourt ~ppomed t e e anon - 85; G. Lederman, supplies 'for proS"1:... When bel' arm W88 strong again She thought 1t. str,!nge that he dId Izens·National Bank and Tru8~ Co., ecutlng attorney, $7; Columhull ellllllCr • ,abe determined .to· return to Wash, not his Mas!', !nso~uch as she executor of the estate at Adaltne T. Blank aooK Co "160' p'Ip bllton. To leam lor sure the name had hIS Identity. When White. • . . ., same, ... ' , • , P...... • HARVEYSBURG, O. • IIC~he man wbo had married her and he she openeil the pa· The Lebanon Citizen&-Natlonal Mlner'BI~~ectosr on brtdge, '~J;IL.--_______~___.J I:\Kd . now beeoll}e an obeasion; IIhe Bank and Trust Company accepted a.wry .h_oP., battery $12,96. , must laiow or &'01 ~ad. , , ~ ~he ' had not th" slightest faith: TtI'the Miami G~ for & JUr. ...... known C. S. Irwlll, L. s , "IDaide' IDformatioD~t " , bl ' A'rmltare'. atatement. He was Armit ••• '. band ~IIW aero •• ~. tabl .. wilh qui,,"" .... of an adder .trike on qthers and C, J. Waggoner , . , " ' not 'the man; Ihe was abs01utely feel of it. praisers of the estate of AdaIine IIUl'e of this: that no !ijtadow of doulit regard1nc it ever entered her or brother or $on a Job in the War "Good tord, Parson, 1 had forg~tIt was White. '.. ' Do you know New. Zealand spinbead. Bqt, ahl if only he had spok- Office. The town is full of them." ten !lll about you! Oh. there was She . She passed ' Sallie Puckett, South Lebanon, fil· ~c~T ,I t is Often available· in the hot • "Good advice," 'agreed Armitage. noU~lnR governmelltal in the affair. through ~ slngular}y trying ordeal; ed affidavit for the admission months when ordinal')' spinach .'doell " • en the truth I U only she 'had mar· rled biml Tear it up, Charlie. Remember, I wtll let you know all about it in and now, out 111 It all safely. ~er Humphrey Fogelman, into the not thrive 110 welL . ' ............- -_ _.."""'-..........- - - - -... So. adroitly ),l!t limply dl8i'l1ised, you two are to dine \vith me tonight twe lye hOllrs." . nerve.s b\!gan !'-<> go. She shook With ton State h08 ital. MONEY LOANED Jeanne entered Washington once at eight. I'm ofT." Kennedy nodded and , tranSIent vertig~1 and dared not start H b PF 1m " Once on the street, Armitage push. no t to notice Lowell's her horse 186t she fall. ump rey oge an WRS Oily cloths used ill polishing floors more. in spite of ,the grave risks, in Benry ' Mo~an I . So mBny thing!! court and examined. and woodwork are a serious ' fire risk Ipite of the imminent dangers. She ed back his hu t and wiped his fore. tion. An Idea took form and understood at last. H!! had left that he was. a and lI,hould eith,e r be destroyed imme. LOANS. on ChatteJa,Stoeb. SMan. found an obscure but respectable head. ''{hat should he do? How in his infernally bright mind. Lowell hnd seen J ennne Beaufortl ' own .name o,ut of the lISt he had for treatment In the diately after. use or kept in a tightly tlea and Second Mortea,•• Nolee boardinc·houae and lived there , qui· should he act? etly. To Charles LoweU, one 01 The nallle Way Iiko wind upon her-H-~D-M WIUI on the cer- State hospital and ordered that covered fireproof container ' DOought, , John Harbine Jr.. XIl)i" Lowell started to tea\' up the note tbe eleven wbom she had met with when Kenn edy stayed his hand. glowing couls ; his 'hu te 'gre\v white. . : ' application be mad!). . ~Io, ·maO.· •• ArDlitap, abe wrote a letter. · "No. An~\~er it; keep ~he appoint· bot.. It was hotred which had no How Simple It; W":lI! .And 80 blind Judge advised that Bumphre . -It wlJ8 a letter which would ,n at- ment. If It ~,a trap. III .b.e close logIc, , At M!r feet .he laid the death had. been her. faIth !n .hlB loyalty, Ut- gelman could be received at th: , Whites or yolks of eggs nlay . be lit hand. If It s only a politIcal an· of six gallant ~TI1e/l. '. tle ' as. shl' ltked him. that not the t'o Stat h 'tal d used instead of whole egg's ,in. makiDa . , . • gler-well, I'll still be close at ·hand. Jennne BeaUfort WIlS Parson Ken- feast mkllng of the truth had ever f n e OSPI!sa or dertoedtha wahrraj!lll' fancy white or yellow cakes 'or' ss an Warren " " And say nothing to Armitage to: nedy's obession. and he proposed to come to her. ., ' . . ' or convey~ce ue e 8 er . ' night." be rid of it that night onee and Lowell was slttmg In theIr room On the follo,w ing afternoon Low· fllr all. ' when Armitage; looking like a man MARRIAGE LICENSES . ell was admitted to a modest house The moment he left Lowell he put w~o ,had been riding bard and far, Dan F, • Powell, painter, of in the middle.class , !i.istrict. The his idea into ac tion. He would trap en~~re.d". and Maggie light in the room was not v~ry good; her by promising ' to give ber the ' 1 took Jeanne ArmItage out but presently he &8W the fi~re of a namc of t~e man she had married ~ennedf8 'hands tonig;htt Bl!-id woman . her back to the wmdow.. \ (for no .doubt that was the realO'n I~e, '!Vltb ,r:- few preliminarIes. "I am Jeanne Beaufort," she &81d, for ht'r 8e(!kin~ Lowell)' he would I a traItor? quietly. use Lowell's name beside~. . "1 d.on't know, John. She "Good heaven!" . Oh, she would come to that old' ed to. know· fTom me whtch of Tueada,.9 3lp.m . "I brought you here to ask I\ !qu~. tic where 8~e l:Ind Morgan ' ~air marrJed ber. I told , ber tha~< safurday~8 a.m. p.m tion. Who was t he man J ml\JTled chlmged thell' bIts of informatfon bad been I, I wc)uld have brolten !JIat night? , Sometimes it seeJD!! as It was moonlight olitside. Ken.. err. oath ,to claim. her I:' Car.y~ If. 1 were gOing mad! I am a proud neliy and his 11'Ien wllited in the .dark. You,', began Armltagt-: ,)Voman." She sank to her knees, They were all sq\lotting on the floor 1:owell 8U'ddenly sprang from~ *n~t. t.*'~ !'. '-..~'~_•••y·~e~n·...~"~" suddenly. "See on my knoes I ask in order to p.revent tbe slightest c.h alr. I ill: ' you I The name! The name!" sound., ' , !'Get 'out Qt. tlbose clotbes, lnsqult--I ,~~ ~~, ' 'Why in the ~orld should you AS' Jeanne ent~reil from her lett Iy-chuck thelf', boot:' and \'.&0;;;;11'i;;;:;;;l;'_ _ ea~e? The lIIan dId cot even toud! callie the scratch of a maU!h ' the wardrol:le. , Don ~ you flared I, Slie ,beheld a huge " stand? K~nne~ WIll . ~~ and herfaBcinated glance lan up 9.uesti~,n us--rell)ember, lie B .m ad the, arm to the face above ' tlmwe~lh' fi i A' . She stood face. to face' with Par. .It In. ve. nt nutes,. rmltage SOlI Kennedy I \'. changed In~ 8.' dre88lDg gown "AU's fair in 10 e' a d " b- slipperS. H~ laId hili ,piatola on K d .Y n ,war, -0 table, Kennedy , entered., Very se.rve d " enf.l\e y. , Lo ve 1:9r women &lid ,w eary lie 101~ked. Hawley and Mary CJark to d an war or :.men. WeU ' 1" ask e d A rm I- ton a!1,d JOBepblne 'Doughman, ' what lIave you to say?" , . • ,. m\ldam .. I " "A,n yth' ,IDg ' Wlong Iota "Nothing." " ' '. " , So~t1i L.ebanoD. ., , ""here reaUy isn't much to aay, la , Sol9mon and , AmelIa Fred to tbere?" " 1 " '" ' Village of Lebanon, ,3'1 toWn "Y<\u tried io ,~urdel'. lny BOul,; t;ny In I.ellanon. . .
-AT' LB4~i;
Get Quicker Gains At a Lower Cost Per Pound
Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Company
Dr. W. E• Frost
·l ...a
' '.
Hmeyshurg F ....
'F', ' . Attention' '. armers
Jewelry Shop
~R!~!t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~ Je~erwnrnn,~ri:vl ~ -New BurliDgton,O. ' Sal:~e~p.w.ir~, ~~:;~~~~~~~::~~r.:::~~~::~~~~~~~1~8~n;0~t~hiing~"~~~~· In
, P ...... No. 320 ....~
Gas and Electric Co., B. and I. J. etc., 01\
Margaret Surface Sumne,r to C. Ardll Tooke, .29 W~ aerea in Leb-
anon. o
~t.r.d .. &la, PoatcilllM at We:vnellllle,
_ ..
::;.. =r:euUaett~:e eou.
I WIUW- U ...... lupIt maple and black
alld upper 1I0p.. where the
The Greene County fair wu Alpheus Baker baa e new car. ~-:: -:aDn!:: ~~; e::~i!'~ ::ID~ tended by a number from here. Thre8hln. II over In thta ne\ch- can' alao give information as to ' measD. .. CRANE, E.utor ~. P.laUa.u, W~_ftu., OW. urement of trees fol' lumber ~ontent Mm. Rebecca Merritt has Irone to borhood.....:only a very few joba. Yel1l'ly Meetinc at Ri,chmond, Ind. Thlrty-three.at Sunday School on and marketa for sam.e . . Sublcniption Prtee, U..6.o per fur. Mr. and Mr•. Charles Gordon and Sunday mornll!lt. County Acent Olui announces . M . R b rt St t . Mr Dean plana to be with him again 1\, H. and . r8. c) e .ump . 8pen The Jordan flUDil~' attended church ne~ fall to arive more definite and Thursday m Dayton. Waynellville Sun(~ay mo~lnc. specific help by way of "A,mnnR'''''''_' =================c====~~~====~====~:C==~ Mr. nnd Mrs Elmer Schrader, A1'8 you observinr the new doC tiona and community mee...,p J,.ebanon, were last Sunday gueata . "" . . few representative woods of WEDNESDAY, AUGUST la, 1927 l\1t·. und Mrsl W. T. JOl'dan. . . county. Farmen who are interested . Sev~ral, from thia place are attend- in getting trees, lIuggestions or in. 101(8. e:the E. latter Gal dOllpaTt alldof son, mg Wilmington fair this weele. formatiou on . forestry should report . spent the COOLIDGE . "CHOOS~" Well a t leas lr-Chicngo is turning Chautauqua. Kurl Deatherage lind wife visited to County Agent Class at their early from nl(lchlne guns to boxing gloves. Civ ili zation advunces. l\trs. Walby Carter, who has been their daughter in Alcron, last week. converaience. By John F£. Perry K. E. Thompson and family and - - -...-_ ....- --0--. in Cnlito rniu ror several yeal'S, President Cooli~'a annou',lce. DOCK $60 "Lop price" for a prize visit ing l'clutlves and friends here. M. l\l. Terry were In Lebanon, MonYES-YES, INDEED ment .last weak not only surprIsed light mean that /lomething is wrong . but actually astounded the entire na· with the 'bicket holder's head T Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reason. ?f Gerald-"How long iil' it since you Lion The nwspapers generlllly and . ton, are gllests of Mm. SadJe George Vall has moved back on were abroad?" POliticiuns port.icularly are still dis· l'he nlan wit-ohr~ul values in the son this week, Hud ~on place, n,ow owned by H. Julia- "Three husbands ago." Stowe. of Da.yton. cussing the reasons for. th i8 an- mOI'chand ise he is seiling does not The r eg ular meeting of the , • nourlcement. . have to stick his fool between tbe Snlunlay evening, August 13. Coleman Jacluon and family, at IilXECVTRIX" s,u,£ O'F ilEAL There nre probably four muan rea- par tly opened door and jamb. gOOd program will be given. Lebanon, attended cburcb here on ESTATE .sons why President Coolidge made -00 d M C G Rand II Sunday morning. Notice Is hereby glvt'n that the un . th t· Y . . h ' r. dan M m. .Jordan . a 19 DnllOUnCemen . . New ol'k "'11'1 pawns er papa II M W T departed Ed Bogan, of Sprl'ng Valley, was a d. rolgnad aa exeoutr Ix 0 r th 9 IaI t W 111 F C II r un morni'n r~ . Martinsville, Ind. Wednesday guest 01' the Davis fam. or 8u""n E . HaInes. deoeased, pUflunnl _e .h a d . a ffi xc d h IS pants to buy • drinks for her boy Mo'na for to nn order andl Judgment ot Ihe Com . irs!'- 00 .lN sIgnature to an AntI-ThIrd Term for friend which means we suppose , y . d II 'tg ta l'ly near WeIman. mon PI~as Court of Warren C')llnty. . RooaeveIt. \.. . ' OhIo, duh, m.. de In tho or "LId" Pre~ldent that t 'hore's notmng left for fatber . . an 1fl e m c s y. . SawIn ...., executrIx of .,asc Ih e hUlt will M or. Second- Physicians who have at.- to do but to tryout for the track Mrs. Amundn Stan and Mr. and George W, DaVlJl and daughter, Sunn E . Haines. Plalntl.rt vo. OHcor J . t en,led pres.i dents of the U. S., con- team. !\frs. Ruy Starr attend ed a reunion Edith and children were In Lebanon Edward s, et al . Def. nOnnts," being .. that tho presidency is a manCaB e CO Nolirl,13767 thetordocket the sider -0--1 the Starr family at the bome of J. Saturday afternoon. ""hI will on otfer sale atcd1>ub. ' ~Illing job, and It 18 gener.a1ly be· We bate to .m.ention ilr-~ut we A. Star . rn ear Blanchester, Sunday. Ward Taylor and wife, of Middle. ~~y a~~llfe~t:;:"~~r~ rm,:'I!~' 20g'c~~k9~ heved that no IDan can hu~anely en- Ilre of the opmlon ti>e Prmce of AI ... and Mrs. C. H. Gray lind fam- town, were Sunday afternoon guests th e followIng desorlbed 1'eal es. dure tltree terma in succe8810n. Prc~· Wales is a trille jealous of President ily were Sunda y guests of Mr. and at the Jordon home here. i~ent Coolidge doubtiless feels thIS Coolidge--judging from ~he ditferc MrR. David Smi t h and family, In Ham H Id M K 'f' All hlmRell. ent costumes be has already been 1'1 . aro c ay WI .e and son, en Third- President Coolidge Is a photographed in since landing in · ton. and Ruth Murray sp,e nt Saturday evpoor man. It .is not uJlreasol)able Quebec. ' Mr. ana, Mn, Hugh Burgett and ening In Leesburg. f amily, o C Belmon t, were recent Mm. Nellie Leibert and nor unlikely that h~ would desire to accumulate a Jlufficlent amount of The Remedy' gu c~ls of Mrs. Cla ra Conner and of Chicago, are visiting her m~I1D1'r,1 wealth to enable him to live in ease famIl y. Mrs. Kate Jordan and family. All'. und Mrs .Joslyn, of Cinclnn'otll and comfort in his later da),s. Pres· C lid d h Iva called and Luella Millard, jdent 00 ge 88 rna e a. pro f ou nd By Edward G. Hill were hCI'e Wednesday and rented 1. . The OliveMI88es Branch on Miss Ma. N. Miller'.s h ou ~e on Secon~ street, ry Kathleen ' i mpression upon the big bus!ne88 .men ot the countr~ and big bUlme8s Some folks say de world am cbangin' for the ~lTlter. Mr. Joslyn w1l1 teach last week. From de way it use to be, in the HIgh school. 4!orporationl. It I~ .C ommonly understood that a billaon dollBr co~ Lots of dif'rcnt 'pinions ranging' . The Bachelor Girls Clothing club oori~lrui1~~:~t poration would tender the pl'eeid~ncy Round amGtlgst do folks we see. Tho Es~e", ~nr, w~~ch ,;~~ ~rc~d are now safe in camlp at C!,mp 'Ron, my,m.,rlv ot ti>il corporation to Mr. Coohdge, Some folks say dey get mo' pleasuah andkllban one °rh e t I f KO with Mrs. Millard and MillS Watts, The aaJa1'Y, for such a position would Out. ob lif~nd some mo' woe ; wee . s ago, was e proper y o . in charge. I' h d W. Rock, of Portsmouth, who came be around one-halt million d<4lars B t l T' u 0 e Ime ant c ange de meas· last Sunday and claimed the car. John Jordan and family and Eda year. d C l'd . uah Jordan, at Franklin, were Sun- bat• • i." Fourth- Presl ent 00 I ce paul· Follu was weighed in long ago I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham ts f G rg Vall d fa _ detlerlbed daughters had as guests this week, gues 0 eo e ~ m bly considers that If he does not run this time that the third term objection Coume dey ain' t rio use denyin' Mrs. Graham's siater, Mrs. WjlI Dat de World seems buzd' roun'. Daugherty and daughter, Maxine, Don't forget Qu.arterly would not apply except to three con· s8Cutive terms and, hence, after a Faatah all de time. 11m f1yin' Kings Mills. at Caesar a Creek cburch next lapae of ~ur years, he migh: be So oijlh f eet mos' leab de gTound M M Ed' Ra dall urday. It will be &In al1..cJay meet.available tor 1'8-electlon to the pres· But ita changed jes' mighty little ' f Irl' un d Sra· Ib ~llln Tn e ing. Come and brillig your lunch. h e YVI e, Idena S am y, a f ennesse, Y'. C 'dge ' hi inee de days when Adam came, arc visiting \beir pal'enta Dr. and E C Mannon wile and daug'httlral PreSident OOlla i gave s me~ And the folks ain't changed a tittle. Mrs. G Randall and Miss Helen Ruth ~nd Glen~a, and · Misa ;;;e"iii~~-t~' d sage the ..",:or Dounbtl°ne It's de ways dat ain't de same. Randali' Mannon.of ' ''on t welveto wor..... ess sehntence e pve 0 a . !Wilmin' "" , were 'callBreat deal of thourht to this phrase- What d' ld b f Ik d" Gilber t Welch, at Detroit. ers at the George W. Davis borne, " was wor ob0 deyOB am nee an Is spending his vacation • WIt .h Sunday afternoon • D)ogy and the. word •' choose In de ISlinin' hearts flO~ slipped in accidentally. He un· Is a coat ob Love a-feedin' rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. E. Thompson was summoned doubtedly wi~, not ~~ a candidate. Sunshine In de blackes' parts. Mrs. Welch an~ the chtldren came on on Sunday to the bedside of his He doe. not choole . to be a can· N~tbln'l\ wrong dat can't be rigHted. two weelu earher. who . is sertoully 111 at the home dldate. However, If hla nanle is pre- "Seek" de Scriptuah says,' "an' find" ,Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hatton, With her daurbter, Mrs. McKinney, llented ~ th.e convention, lUI it un· Fields would bloom dat now 8eem their house guest, Mrs. Hattie R. Oakland. blighted, Jones of Cincinnati, and Mrs. A. S. • _ ••_ __ doubtedly will be unl... the p,;sl. de'll convenUon abllOlu~ly forbid. lucb acbon. 11 de world would Collett were Cincinnati ahoppers on t~ will "choose" to • _ •jus' be kind. Frid n~mln~ him, and, frelldent Coo),. ay. . , IcfIe1 1ft aU pr'c)babiUt)', wi\J accept DU. DAN PHONES Mrs. W. W, COSllum and chlldren the ftomlftauon. ~ are spending this month with Mn.I ..·.... _ .... Pre8ldent Coollda'e absolutel), "Operator kindly get me .Jakob Mary Doster and Willia mand Chas. 1" fort<}da ' JUa name heine .presented to Stultz· he's in the cloak and suit Doster. MT. Cossum has , the I9nv.!'Uon, We ileld is thrown Ine88.': ment In Springfield. . ____ . Atter VlsltlnC wo~,dlots and open Ma the Republlca,! organila'i Operator (after a moment's delay) , Mr. and M1'8. A. S. Collett and don would probably select Charles - "rm sorry. Bu.t we have hun. son, Robert, attended the WI\cus plantings totaUinc over 600 E. Hupel, Herbert B~ver or Low'ldreds at Jakob Stultzea in the cloak family. reunion last Sunday, held at nlne f;:a k o~ Wal'1'S~t k de~th~lr 'lltandm. with the o....n. 'and ault bu.ln.... Don't )'ou know the Itome of Carl WI1CU1, in Miami we~ n rt:"ibat t: re are ex. n;;=.r.< ....' ba""u and with th. COUDt1'7 le,ner- his "phone numbe.r1" ' e f or er, 1'8po. .ny as to their ab!Uty ud political VisItor (after ' • _ eellent opp.ortunlUell for toreat Impaper) -:"'''Yes here it la THE IDEAL MAID provement 10 tbla county. Be __ • ...,.,_ .._ fitness III the order above named. • - • 1878 " ' , wltb the ' COUJIty agdcultural . PIu.£RS ' .- • Mistre88--"Can you serve Ohio, and 1\'as wlll;b Mr. ny.". · ·, Mr: 'Dean .110 made a WeU_veJ:)'thlq bas been ,said to tbe Lebaillon Rotary New Ma.i d-"Yea; either way." '.' atid done at Geneva. W0 mean said. "Either way!" explained his w·o rk to retlNaen·1 "Ye8, ma'am; 80'S tbey')) tatlvel of oiher civic .. ' ~ "Sliter," utied '!roDlmy, "do fairy In tbe county. Requests Now thAt ftylnlr from ablp board tales always lIeelD .with 'ODce upon again, and so's the,. wont." s. proven praeUeal, there a' time!'" . " eelved from eight .otber Will be e ' tot of swlek p.... nrers . "No, Tommy, flat always. for forest fmpl'ovelment trying to ~ mail themaelvel', home- sometimel. bea;n with '''''''_•.•'flJ'Jlla comprising OVI!r 60~ addltlo~.alir:1~,.J~l!~11 special delivery. . sometllinr about you.' " State extenalCln foreater SUIn,.J ,vallue. TERIl. 0 .... SAI.E imlll'iJled bls recom mendatioDs One thlr!l of tll. purchaa,, 1money In Wllrl'f,n county 81 included tbe ca~h. one·t,hlrd III one year .. alld onethlre! In ,"wo year" from day or a.le. of IIveetock ~rom tbe . lalde deterred jja.J'mli nb, to beILr Interpromising wooded ansa 80 that the eaL from the.date of aal. ane! be ..ecoron the_premlaes ~ole!. foun, seedlingS WID have a ehance e4 by mortcal''' . LIDAI . . BAIWIN'.. Execotrlx ot the lut will or io come on anil repIne the older tim· Buaan lit Halne.. e!ea... ecL bel'. About four-fifths of the 28,000 AUIir 10-ft. ' ·e r.. of woodlana of Warren. co1·1nt:',1 pastured by livestock, ·whleb . atltutes ,the ereatest .m enac. ",re foreat work. Mlr. Dean'. ~omlll1eJlldal;lon W81 the thbinlnc --- , nr 1r00000LOltIIU!I elilll1ltl8tilon of weed .u~b I I ~ 'i " dopood, l~eeeh. rN bud, WlARltBN.CO.IlON PL-mA' ..... n_,vlrl" ... etc. Thul work can be the ' iilllck aeuOIl8 or R. A. Croaa and R. O. CrOll montha, thueby returning va. Lebanoa·Gltllena vel\)' ~ons\derable profit for, the . and Truat 00., tlme invested. Woodlots tha · are thus freed frOm weed trees atid ' undesirable varieties "al1ld that 81'e Dot JiutUred, mal' be eltpected to duce 'from 300 to 600 board lumber per acre el\Ch year, while ny of ti>e neglected woods will produce 100 board feel The State Forester '\ViU nlab little · trees pr.a(:tically free charge 't o' !armeJ'll replanUnc on the routrh and eroded flelda and billaldell, Ti'i,npiilii.i and Meurs. Dean and Clue will .... "-":_·:J"'··:~-i~llat in demonstrating' the be. PII~Bi:~':"';. and 'a rrangements for settin. out. For the eroded and gnJl\teclJ black loeu81; are . eslleellallF I Ir4!cQml1~er·lde,d. For I'h e more othel' hardwoods may be Uled, InCludin'g blaek walnut, tulip poplar, .
0., u second CU Mall .tter
"!'. '
The 77th Ohio State Fair ' Columbus A MlUion,Dollar Live Stock Show. World's First Aeronautical Exposition. Old·time Dancing and Old,time Fiddling Contelts. World's Greatest Cattle, Sheep and Horse Show. A Half·Million Dollar Dog Show. Farm Machinery Exhibit. Huge Exhibits of Farm and Factory Products. International Rodeo and Stampede. Five Days of Horse Racing. America's Greatest Labor Day Celebration. August 26 -
September S
World's Greate,~t Agricultural Exposition August 29 ..- September 3 C~_V.TRUAX,D~~
POROVER ZOO <i.EARS burlem~oD-ba-been'81Wor14.,
wide remedy for kidney; liveI' anel bbdder diiordens, rbeumatiamt
.vnblcnaDd uric acid cooditionl!
I~~ {
'\ 1· ..... \
eonectllltema1 traublH, atimuJ.~vltaI orp!IL Three aiRs. All drua&iItL 10m. _the odPW &enulnc GoLD MUM&.
John W. Miller Dentiat WaF_...III. Natlaaal Baalr BI ....
. W.lter··. ycClure . J ..'E.,McClure
~·.w: ·' D.8eTo"
."'EQulpped . ....
for ' Good'
. ~ce.
Laia'e Pflpll." Room: , . Ambulante Service TIIII:.mPIIOlll• ., DAY oa .\
An End To Tire Goodyear is putting an end to ' the' tire problem simply by putting ' the' highest quality mileage into Good~ year tires- making a Goodyear, ~~e , for~very need and every purs¢-~a~6 ' offering the wh6~e line at a low 1-1~~ce.,
Inqulsith'e :Qn \'isit to a batUeshill l- " nd did tht'y put th080 .. cb nt thO' bottom of t he oecan t bllild thn hI' akw:\ter ?" A i!S'lri~g 0 "!fo, mnda m ; left two in che~ ~o lhnt the fish through."
----.- ------
Dry Corn Cobs
Plto•• 2S
FOR SALE FiHy-five .crea of the .. ery bea t land in W • .rren County, well im proved, on good pike, one-h.lf mile from rallroa d ahippina point. $8,500 lood terma. 25 aerea, $5 ,000; 100 acrea. $7 ,000.
Now ia thi. time to buy & r.rm. Let me know what you W.Ut. Alwaya • load liatl .t: right pricea ~
w. Phone 79,
Rollert ~1 osh ( 1', of Co rdl gto n, is l'Ih. nnd Mrs. Rn lph Ftaz\er s pent spending th week with Mrs. Edit h ullday lit nturol Bridg • Ky. H urris and inm'ily.
N. SEARS Wayneaville. Ohio
, . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •
'IT WON't BE LONG NOW! Ab.olute knowled,e have I none, But nty aunt'a walherwoman'sson Heard a policeman on his beat Say to a laborer on the atreet That he had a letter just lalt week Band written in the fineat Creek, From a Chinele coolie in Timbuctoo, Who aaid that a son in Cuba knew Of a colored ,ent in a Texal toWti Who ,ot it right from a circua clown nat a, mon in Klondyke got the newl From a ,ang of Imooth American Jewa...:. AbOut·.ome fellow in Borneo Who knew a man who claimed to know A hermit who lived beaide a iake Whose mother-in-law will undertake To prove a friend's aister's niece Baa atated in a nicely written pi~ce That ahe haa a Ion who knows about The date the new Ford Car cornel out.
nlu.bury, wh o WII6 relatives in Do),ton. uUmnill"ly ill last week, is r (!coYer'I'ake Illh'" nlll lce of l he muny Specing . illis du ring Augu t ot Cllry 's J ewelry IIIrs. Kale Coleman is ill Nor woo d SIIUP, LebUllon . Ohio. the g uest of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. De puLy Shcrifr W. II . Fulker lh, of 01em n n. Lc ba non, IV as II bus iness v isi tor in paciola on Olany a r ticles during Waynesv ille, T uesdoy. August at ory' R .JoIV('lry Shop. LebMrs. Frll nk Tnylor. of Su n FranI1 non, Ohio. cisco, Ca!., is \'isiting her mother, !lIrs. Edith 1If. Harr is. Miss J! ilda Gree nbuTg, of Indinnopolis. [nd., is thc g uest of Miss Ber !\fiss Lillie P ra tt is "pending the n ice Hy man. week with hel' sistl'r, Mrs. Arthur F'. D. C' lurtett. of No"'n 1111'•.. ~ ." ,.. l e~ . Ansoll, lit it. Healthy. Miss Flora Benyhill and Mrs. !IenAri:l.Ona. lH spending severnl weeks del'SO II, of Cnllllllbu ' .ar c spendl' ng a in Ihis vicinity. v S. L. Cllrtwright has returned af- Iew days in Waynes\·ille. tel' lin c)(wndcd visit with rclati\'es Mrs. Vedn Orndorf und dllughter. Dorot hy, ond Hulh Frazier motor. in Kan sas an d Ill inois. cd lo Columbus. Su ndu),. · Mr. nnd Mrg. F. S. Elbon ond Mrs. Esther tout are a ttendi ng Yearly fro a nd lI1r~ . Georg e Ilortsock Mccling al Richm ond, Ind. Silent Su nd ay in Frnnklin at t hl' Ralph Miller ond fa mil y were t h(' home of Mr. nn d I\Il's. Ed Knorr. Mrs. Ella ZEIII and son, Ernest. g uests of Mr. a nd Mrs. E . V. Barn II Rrt, of incin nllti, last week. of Columbus, were g ue. ts of Mrs. Walches, clocks nnd j ewelry re- Laura Zell sevelrnl days last week. MI 55 AI 'Ice Winston, of Center· paired by a n efficient ' workman at Cary's J ewelry Shop, Lebanon , Ohio. VIlle, . a nd Mrs Ruby Dllvis, of Brook· v ille, spent the wee k-end with .Miss lIfr. Rnd Mrs. George St roud ond Lucil e Clark, of Route 6. Bon, of Doyton, were week-end guests of W. E . Stroud and family. Mr. a nd Mrs. A. H. Earnhart an d fn mily, nnd the ir guests , Mr. an d Mr. ond 'Mrs. F. B. Henderson and a nd Mrs. Alton Vale. spen t last Sa~ daughters spent Sunday with Mr. and urdoy evening at Ft. Ancient. Mrs. Horry T urne r and son, of brook. '. Next t o life itself eyesig ht is perhaps the most precious possession of. Mr. a nd Mrs. Alton Vale, of mankind. It pays to ha ve your eyes Wheeling. W. Vo. , spent several days given otte.ntion by on eyesight speclast week with their aunt, Mrs. An- Ialist. Dr Rudolph is here every na Sheehan . Tuesday and So't urday. Examination Myer Hyman and falnily, ond the ir is fr ee. Cnry's Jewelry Shop, Lebhouse guest, Miss Hilda Greenberg. anon, Ohio. - -_I__•••- - of Indianapolis, Ind., are visiting In Cincinnati t his week. Steve Phillips, the vet eran borseman of Lebanon, en rou t e to the Wilmington fair, stopped off in Waynesville Wcdneday moring.
Waynesville .Motor Co. Waynesville, Ohio
Approximatell~ 66 automobiles car. Mrs. E . J. Biatt, Mrll. B. M. Rtatt and two Bans, ond Miss Mnry Mills, rying SS5 farm ' folks f rom nil pnTts of Wilmington, were guests at the of Warren coun.ty. joined in the eeIuCI~ti(~n£'l to~ carried out by County Hat haway t ea room last week •. Agent Class and Farm Bureau omf Fr kl' cials in Dayton last Wednesday. M B . S 'th n. rice ml, a n.n In, The rain delayed the prompt startand Mastcr Joe .W ade ,of Sprltlgbo- ing on schedule. yet all the place-8 ro, were guests ltl the borne of ~ast r. were visited in the regular or~er, and Mrs. Ernest Butterworth, the Warren County f armers rowee~. a roynl reception ot all the places. The motorcycle' escorts met the county dele1gation at the
Mr . .and Mrs. Alton A. Vale. of Wheeling, W. Va., who spent last week with their aunts. Mrs. Anna Sheehon ond Mr8 E. L. Thomas, hove r eturned home . Mr. and Mrs. J . J. Fromm, of ton , were week-end g uests. of Fromm and family, ond Mrs. Frank Dupree, olso of Dayton. were Sunday g uests of the Fromms. Cary's Jewclry Shop is open every evening un t il 9 p. m. Come in and see th e many wonderful and unusual gifts. You, arc always welcome this most int eresting store.
Phone 10$
Dr. and Mrs. J . T. Ellis ond S. S. ' undllY with
Mr!I. RUflscll
Waynelville, Ohio
Waynesville Farmers EX-change Company
MI ....~ ~fny W~il:ht was a nuti visitor, Fl'iday.
Mrs. Ahn n E. h ~e h R n ing Yearly l\1e1t!ting a~ Tnd. , this week.
llll ,il\ es~ " i ~itors in Dayton Mondoy. Ell i8 nlld ro mil), spent
Waynesville Farmers Exchange Company
The NEW Wayne 26 % Mash Supplement s upplies a vnriety of 'concentrated ani.mal protei ns are lacking in f orm gra ins. Mix equal parts of Wayne 26 % , ond your own ground grains; to make • iOod egg producing mash at LOW ·COST.
/ .
Mrll. Mnry H~l mllto n, of Win l on Snlel;ll, N. " 18 visiting reillti\'es I t his vicinit y.
Dr. Dn d Mrs. H. E. Hllthnwoy were
For Sale $1.00 for a Big Load
Solves Farm-Mix Mash Problems
Mrs. Ma y Har'i-I""l•• of Cinc:lnnati, is vi. lting _h r Mrs. L. W. Chnndle.r.
Mrs. W. N .Sears entertained at a six o'clock dinn er Tuesday, Mrs. D. H. PAlmer , of Columbus; Mrs. ' J. R. Riggs a nd daught er ,Pauline, of Doyt on; Mrs. Jennie Thomas and Miss Berthn Kenrick.
Why do we sell so much silverwa re? ' Because "Yourex Silverseal" is th e best plated wnre made by man • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or mllebin e. See the beau~iful patt e r ns at Cary's Jewe'ry Shop, Leba non. Ohio.
day They turn ed off tho lights nnd held bnc.k stree t; cal'Sr trucks and nll other ~roffic so the Warren county d~lega tlon mov'e~ through Dayton WIthout any ge't tmg lost or 8eparated. . The basket dmner in Islond pork and inspection of the city tourist proved to be an interesting and f eature. And the program in ' t he N. C. R.. hall from 1 to m., was ellpecially appreciated. Chamber of . Commerce officials Safety ,Director H. E. Myel' ond Lulu B. Sollers, head of Policegave the farm folks a plcture city life 'whicb they otherwise would not hnve gotten, and Impressed upon them many ot the advnntages of farm life which are frequently not appreciated. The county d ele~at~on was held uP , twice to pose for plctu~e,s for the Dayton palle rs. The crowd dispersed about '6 :30 m. afterfinisbing a rrIiitllrough the Holland Bre'ad ,Co.. where every one was handed a freshly baked and warm loaf of bread. -----,.~
will nlclud vi I to other p1ac... a nd lIarrlto. All dailrymen lind ellPl'ctally farmM. S. Millel·. l' I'~ Inte rest ed In cow testinr work, Gcil1'ltt' ' rull. · . A lunch \'lox clln Itl' tllkl' n, Ilr dlli· ,m' Invih,,1 to juin In tho trip . r Vl1l1'n m il" Ilat lit 1·t'~llI llron ll' in Fronklin. 'In tho II f (lI'I\otln t h t;l\\r =--=::= _ ::~~=.~-~_=======~ 10 ~I i-Fo roman
DAIRYMAN JOIN IN AUTO TOUR lIt 1'. I on McKclli p, dairy extension
U: . will with sJleciali O. . Ins ounty t,Al{cnt ond join dllirym en of the Oll nty in li n /I ll a lour on n ext 'f u ~!\dIlY . Aug ust J • to \~8lt the Wllrro n .coun ty m mbrrs In t he ow Testing a8soc intlo n. which hns been corr ied out sinco JOTluI\ry ht, in 0perillion with fllrmcr~ In Or~ ne county. They pilln III Mt mt (rom the Farm Bureau ofll cc a B :11 0 n. Ill., vis itinlr in the forenoon t h follow ing l ' I IIl' l'~ in t he ordc r Il1c nLion d: ~1 : 1 5-W . E. O'Nell ll. '.I :.1,5- Wa!tcr f~ 1Ii 8.
1030 II : I
F.OR SA t'E Tu close lin estate, t he rCljidenco of the Inte Letitin· McKoy, sit uatlld all T hird Strcet ill Wnyuesville. Modern in every woy. electr ic Iil:rhls, f Unlllce and bnth. · , Prlc s nnd terms r easo n lib Ie. . Inspec tio n lit IIn y Li!llC by applymg to W • HALLEN • EXECUTOR
GRINDING . W now hllVe our gri ndcr oonnectd to 11 II CW molor nnd lire rendy at /III ti mes tu g l'ind yo ur ·f eed.
ThoH8 li Ning th ' Ohio All· J\l as h Chick F'oed (II' Oil Y uth er homc mixt ure, will fin,d U K rendy to HUJl ply your needs prompt I
• ,.I ~
W aynesville Farmers Exchange 'C ompany . w.ya ....m••
Phone 25
En r! I/l rk is drivi ng /I Ilew Nnsh seda n. Riley !'nylol' und crwl'nl a tons il operation . Monliny . Mi ~~ r.<Iith S i dc~. "r Onytoll. spl' nt the week.end wit h home fo lks. . IIn( I ,'. "' I 'IZ Mesdomes [\;ctlit' !';mt'lck Il hpl h Jon e~ Wl're Dllyton \' is it or~ . Oil Fri,iny. Litt t1 e \\, ilm n !'mith ~p (' nt se "em t dllYs la:;t wcek with ~ l i ss . Bc l'Ilke r.mham. 1'h(' La lli ('~' A iii hl"lri tlll' i\' A ll).!' lI ~t ml'(' ling W I'lhl~.cI!l )' nl tho homl' of Mr3. Ethel Duke. lIIr. Ilnd Mr~. W UIt " I' 1\ ('lll'ick nt· tended thl' N. N. . I'{' uni un III i.(' b· an on, Wednesday. Wnlter Clark too k up hi. dutil'S !\ S cl~rk in the olli e of Clcrk of Cour t ~ I\t lA!bnnon . lost week. Miss Margaret Cook, of Wa ynesville wa ~ a atu r day di n ncr guest oC IIh-. and ·Irs. hnrt es J ohns. Mr. ond Mrs. eth Furn as DIlII chi! dren atte nded Friends Yearly meeting nt Richmond, Ind., Sunda y. Mrs. C. A. Thomp~o n r et urned Wedn esday fr om a trip to Youngstown, Ohio, a nd Clarion, Pa. Mr nnd Mrs. A. C. Huntington, nor t h of Lytle, li re ann oun cing the birth of a dau ghter, Betty J ane. Born- To IMr. nnd Mrs. Melvin Swank, n ee Agnes Longacre; Sundny Aug ust 7, a sao, Richard Elsworth. Miss Evn Wharton is spending this week in Dayton wit h her gr a ndparcnts, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lee Greathouse. Mr. and Mrs. Chories E . Johns wer e six o'clock dinn er g uests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Glenn ,Johns and fomily. of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Grahnm and dnughter were Sundoy dinner guests of lIir. and MnC Charles Guitner, of near _Miamisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Wheat on and 80n were Sunday g uests of Mrs. Mary Carmony. Mrs. Rachel Wheaton accompanied .them home. Mr. and Mr8. George Rea nnd daughter, of Wilmington, ,!"ere last Thursday evening cnllers ot tho home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Clatk. Mr. and Mrs. Dovid Pope and Miss SylVia Donohoo were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Method nnd family and Mrs. Elizabeth Foulks. neor Franklin. Mrs. Harry Thompson and ter, Martha E., Mrs. Lucy Miss Rh ea Dyke, of Dayton. Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Graham and family. Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Kurfu s and fomity, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke, Mr. a nd Mrs. Claude Lewis ond famIly, MT. and Mrs. Robert Friend and family attended the . Xenia Fair Th}1rsday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Foulks had for their Sunday guests, Mr. and Mn. Charles Evans and ehlldren. Mr. and lIJrs. Hansford Tewell and family, l'Iir. and Mrs. Tom Tumer and lamily, of Dayton.
. qf$eeCooJl·.
This once-a-yenr oPPOl·tunity is fast Rlipping by. Just one more weck-then no mOl·e fre e coa l until a· year from now. So, if you have ever given a thought to the installation of a modern he ating pl nnt. we urge you to ininvestigate this unusua l offer totoday. Remember -you deposit only $2 to join the club, and t his .is appli_e d against t he purchase price of the Estate R eatrola.
You get a ton of coal free ; what is more important-you arc assured early delivel'Y of the Estate Reatroln -- the wonderful heating plant that looks like a fine piece of furniture and heats the whol e house. relephone. if you can't come in_ The Free Coal offer closel AUPlt 2Oth_
7he free Coal OHer Close August 20111 - - - ""..
Wayne..ville, .Ohio'
{;~ '
HE.ATROLA • ....., qNB -crrA2"8 .....
AM . . .
Mr. and Mrs. ClaTcnce Lake children, Gertrude and Lee, of ·Day'~on • . ca;1led on the form'er's niece, Miss Thelma Kearns, nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Coleman, Saturday .
P .U B L 1C S A·· L E!
Mr. ond Ml'S. Wi11iam Coleman entertained on , Snn.day, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Sout/l ond children •. Mrs. Banner Mayham and children, of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellis and son; of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. ' Karl Schaaers, of Loveland.
Owinl to ill he.lth, I ,will ••11 .1I~,. Ch.tt.l. ..d F.rm .t aactlo.. Loe.ted 3 mile. aoutheaat of CeDten·i!le. 8 mile a weal of Spri •• Vall.,.. 5 mil"a aouthweat of Bellbrook. "n the Sprinl Valle,. Ro.d, o.
Mr. Il nd Mrs. Forrest Hough return ed home Sunday evening after n week' s visit \" ith the latter's si8ter BerDining .t 10:30 •• m. an d bro t her at Bugalo, N. Y. They ONE HORSE SPAN MULES also enjoyed a trip to Niagara Foils There is still plenty of room for Have you Hail Insurance? lost-minute signE~rs nt the Rural WoMr. and Mrs. George Reeder. Miss Sp.n of 6-year.old Mulea, lentle aDd well broke, • r-' and into Conoda. B .... men's Vacotion cnmp to be held at CIS Eva and Ethel ' Reeder, Mr. and Mare 9 y.an old •••pl••did worlr .... Mrs. W. , P. Salisbury, 'Miss Hazel Camp Ross, from Tuesday noon. Aug Mrs. S . . H. Haines and son, James 17.- HEAD OF CATTLE-17 Solisbury, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Salis- uat 10 to Fridlly' morning, August Mr. ond Mrs. Walter Kenrick, ' wer~ bury, of Cleveland , and Mrs. Wm. 19. Their progrslm this year includes Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and 14 be.d of load Mileh Cowa, 2 frllah by de,. of .a1•• 1 fr ••h I " 0' Ja Mich ener, of Pittsburg, were called leather work in charge of Vivian Mrs. Warren Kenrick ond daughter, Iy••11 frcah thia fall; all are bred to • rellat.,.eeI G ... rDIe)' h.o. 1 In the Old Reliable Home Inauraitce Company. here Inst week on account of the se- Van Meter. Folk' games and music Mnrgar~t, at Centerville. Guerna.y Heifen, bred; re,iat.radGuern..,.· a.11, eomiDI 2 ~an .W. rious illness of Mrs. Russell Salis- In charge of 'Mrs.! D. B. Phillips. of Rates, same as la.t year Thia ia a wonderful bUDeh of cahl_it wlU pal' ,.0" to .tt••• thlt ..... Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sallsbury and bury. Mt. Washington, and a citizenship 80n, motored from Cleveland last 12-HEAD OF HooS-12 class under Mrs. Lucia Bing. of Atb- week and spent a few day. at the Little Margaret. daughter of Mr. 4 Brood Sowa due t\o farrow lu. 0.1 Aua-.t •• eI tat of S.pt••b.... ens. ~alks W,?I. also .b.e g!yen by home 01 Mr. and' Mrs. Allen Emrick, and Mrs. Guy Kibler, of Dayton, Mrs. Blng. on SuperstItIons, by O. Little Miriam 'SaUsbury Totumed 8 Sho.ta, weighin, .bout 100 p6u.d •. who was thought to be Jecovering ~'. CU,~nlDgham. of Dayton, on 'home with . them after an extended from inj uries received when she was FARM IMPLEMENTS Phone 61--2 Wayneaville, Ohio BIrds, and a cJ!alk talk by Mrs. visit here .' . struck by mi aUlomobile seve.r al Cunningham. Swimming will be there' . A full Un. of F.rminl Impl.m.Db,.1I i. ~. baat of co.cIltioa, T~e ¥eredith-Fut;n'a8 reunion was ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'~ weeks ago, suffered relapse last for tbose who want it: The ' chief' HARNESS\ ' . ! week, but is bettcr ngain. purpose of ~his camp Is recreation .h eld, Sunday at ,t he countr.y 1)0me of Three Sid.a of _ Le.the, .Ha"!... , CoIl.-r-. Ch.c.k , Li.~' .ad and vacation and no one has to take Mr. and ' MrS. Walter WhitBker. The eyes of every seho.ol child part In this program' unless she wish- There were forty . or more FEED-300' buih.la of n.w 0.",. sho~ld be exnmined. during . va- es to do so_ , 'who - enjoyed tbe day, and am 16-DAY catl~n . . Dr. Ru~olph IS '!on eyeSight The comp will divide into two them was Mrs. Mary Hampton, TERMS MADE KNOWN ON DAY OF SALE speCIalis t and gives speCial care' to groups os they did last ~ear for ves- Wln~ton-Salem, N. C. SEASHORE child~en's eyes. Examination free. per and campfire p.rograms: ThursTuesday and Soturday a~ Cary's Jew day afternoon " and' ever.!ing wi\l be Mr. and' Mrs. Will Berger, Mr. and EXCURSION . , elry Shop, Lebanon, OblO. visitors day at whieh time al1 who Mrs. John 'Fair . and daugbter Ada. F. T. Martin and Jelse Stanley, ,Auct.. WALT~R HIBBERT, CJ.n. • w~t the camp is like will Mrs Rose Pope, of West Carrollton, Centerville, Ohio, Phone No. 2 .M. E. Cburch L • .,... Mrs. Anna L. Cary_ and da~ghter, a chllnce to come and ~nd out. were~ ThuF1'!lay dinner guests of Mr. Fra nces Louise, returned Friday and ' Mrs. bavid Pope. Mrs. Rose .,' from n six weeks' trip to the WestPope. is flOW able -io ' be about on At the a"me time .Dd pl .... ·· w. wID olr.r ala• . • ~ .. .'oth.r South.rn N.w Jeuey Se.. hore ReBorh ern coast and Canada. While in ST~NDINC ' ROOM ONLY crutc.hes, since 110ving a fractured OF . 91~ ~ Snn, Fr8flcisco Mrs. Cary attended bt'p some time IIgo ' JUJ,. Y 26, AUGUST 9 and 23 ' the Pacific Coast ' gift and art show. Methlnks th-;!b'est ~ay to describe . ' ,. .: Located 12 ·mUe. sOuth of Dayton, .~ , held at the· Palace hotel. August 1 . l'he modern: skirt 'we know ' • M~. and Mrs. W: M. Coleman en- Imp~o..d wi.t h • 'fDO'd 1-roolD Fr.lDe Hoa,~ . ~ lOi4O. . ~ ._11e p 02. RO",n.odmTrl Waynesville to I). in Chicago, Mrs. Cary visited Would be .to h.llng upon i~ side tertalhed the former's half-bro~her. of Wat.r, '..11 FeDee, are'iD .oocl . ~: a u-:u •.t "Blat! ~........~ " .. th e · ax I th .annu~I IfIft ' 8h ow a,lI" ... th e The placard S. R. 0. " Mr.~-h·n Gate' 8 and ..::.a . .. aI,'.." • ( ...... . ;tV with ·pl •• t,.I; of ruD.iD, w.t.r ,..... .. .... 11 .._ ' ;J~~!;i1~~~~~~'~I~~~~e"~~~ - - • •T i M E Rhine' of . " ~- .L. or_I ".. . THaOU,OH SLEEPI~O . . CARS TO ATLi..NT_ . I.C C;T~Y~··f.; SOME .OTHER at.Dd.) All enept 8 acr••• whlcb • • ' • _..... .... ...- ·t .......... .. _ _,.!II~ dIIorI~" laid •• abo.la, ume or 'ralu'tCt Gates, 9f farmed. Thl. rarm ha, • wo."'.r,.I ...tl_••aI), 1 J6 ....... ....... ~~ IUd otIIiIrdeMllema'~C?b&allled from , .. ; alao the annual jewelry Sh~"I'm sorry to dis~pPolnt you, week~ . and their . at.tio.1 c.Dtrall.e4i .ch_I., elo.. .to ~ ..........f ..,.... . . .. . . .~I. . . .~••~ · --. show exhlliit at Hotel Sherman. Mrs. but I became engaged to Dick last .guest! were: ,M r. and Mrs. Stanley ' •• ti",." • wODd., ••1 co••••le,. to . lin I.. pUlchased many new arid night. HIU and Mrs. K8l'1 Sehaaers and Mr. .' ... f S I ,. ............... . , . .: u.ual gifts for Cary's Jewelry' Shop. He-"Well, bow about next week, lind ' ¥ra. Turp .Coleman and children TE~MS Of:, SALE .wI!l~ .......,JI. ) ' . .." II . ~ ~~.~ ij~ ....,~II!I.I1!I ~ I:.ebaDoD, Ohio. . ' . then!'~ . ,____ ~ of Loveland. _. ~_ . ' w .... d .... II tIiaIl......... -=~~. ~, ja r ~.
. ."6..
. . . . ..
R'AILROAD " lCary .... ........
e Seventy-Ninth Year
Whole N~mber 6788
Mary L. Edward,
'-- --_ .. - ,- -- - - - f' 1 Tot
Many Steps
David Evans
nehind~----~4. ~
.......................... '
i I State . Caoital
Intereatinr Item. David Evan s, so n of the Inte Joel and Elizllbeth IIttcrthwaiLe ' Evans, from the .~ was born in Way nesvi lle, Ohio, on the 4th da y of 12th month. 185 1. and , lived to lhe age of more than seventy-fh'e and II half yeurs, passing uway on the 12th day of Sth month, 1027, : '.:\:'J" at 3 o'clock in the, morning. He wa~ Prepared :~'.J the youngest of a family of four chi!dren, his twin brolher having died Columbua epc rter in infuncy. Dur ing his long life David knew but one homing spot, und he was ever tenaciously attached Lo Waynesville, COLUMBUS, OHIO-While Ohio on the little Miami, with deep-roote d polilicians at fhst refused to think interest and pl'ide in the hi story and that President Coolidge meant what development of the olel plnce, in spite he said when he made hili famoua of th e quick·willed quips with which "choose" statement at Rapid City. he was wonl to meet all comers lind t rend of opinion has changed decidregale hi~ nearest friends. His brief edly. and now everybody hu come sojourns from Waynesville were al- to the belief that he is through, and ways period s of homesickness and will not even be drafted for anotber restlessness, even in the day s of his term. All of which places Oblo in youth. . ' . the position of having Republlcanl He. was e.ndowcd. With a pal'ltcular- pretty evenly divided u to wbom ly bright mrnd, which would hav~ de- shall be supported at the next Navelope~ wond~rfu!ly under the hl!,~er tional convention. Both Senato1'!l educatIOn whIch It was the ambition Fess and Willis and Republican leadof his pnrents to furnish him. But er8 in general' were outspoken for his life at Swarthmore college was Coolidge for a~other term, and were rendered unhappy by the dread n08- as much Burprised as any at the te1'lle ta~gia, and his educational career was statement. Were the Ohio deleratlon bhghted by the untimely death of to the National convention lIelected his . mother. His sai nte~. mother, today it would go divided. Longbearrng the effects of invahdlsm from worth has hi s friends, but hardly the day8 of young womanhood, had enough to control the Ohio delegation al:-vays prayed the Lord th~t she Dawes wiJI get support from tbis, his might be ~pared to rear hcr c~lldren. nativc state, while complimentary and she died .on the d~y on which h ~r votcs will be lut for both Fels and 'Yo.ungest chIld, DaVid, reached hIS Willis. A lot of flreslde c.onferencell twenty-first birthday. are being held ' right now amonlr ReDavid was 'ul).married. He was by publican leaders, and efForts will be trade a carpenter-by profession he made to reach some decision which __ __ ~ --:as widely acknowledged to be a par- will not result in a Ipllt deleptlon, _ 3z:ni§%~ bcularly flne surveyor, and up to but so far little has been accompliah-; ~z::.:;,§i:-~~ the .t lme. of his failing eye-?ight his ed. The action of Coolldp ill de~-::=-~~f. J\,G:J services III the latter capacity were clining to run again will In no wa,a --'::::'~~1~J..,T1'-' mu~h in demand. affect the Ohio gubematorl4l conteat He has lived to Bce a third genera- next year None of the candldatel tion, subsequcnt to hi s own, grow to had prop~sed t4) attempt rldlnlr in maturity in Wayne township, where office on the coat tails of the Prellhe was known by all, and he wu dent but expect to run on their' 0_ hailed by many as Uncle Dave, with merits and whether Coolldp chaQPa ~ '_ " (' ()cz.~ real affection, Fellow townsmen pay his mi~d or not, it ian't roing to make _ him the high tribute of having a particle of difl'erence. n •. they .told on Sunday evening, . him he would fall over the .edge of Her children gave her the most . '. lived that he hadn't an enemy in, the G. F, Schlesmrer, director of highthe ocean. . te nder and devot~d care, and never world except himself. He bad a fond- ways and. public worD, allftoune!!1 When the Pho?mcl an~'h nn~t~stors left her bedside for a moment during A loos.ely played game betwee!1 t~e Eleven Poultry meetinrs a~d cull- ne8B for pets, and dogs and cats .al- tohfat ustablticlstrlocaa ..c_omofPithlede buYntl~~dBSUtare: of ma'!y enorre tic J ow III. CI lzons, her lati t days, and she never failed B 11 t d th M ns d in him a fTiend p ua .... lIrst .ailed from the Mediterranean. to reoognize them by a smile or hand owersvi e eam. ~n e lamls Miss Lucy Emley wall the dinner ing demonltrations will be held next ways ~e e • I department of a!rriculture, IboWI that through' the Straits of Gibraltar, past clasp. took place at Fruzler 8 ~ar~ last S~m- guest of Mrs. Charles ,Anderson, lut week by Arent Class and his poul- . DaVId wall self-con~lned, se f- Ohio ranks second In ' th. Unl~ d . h A day afternoon, t he MIamiS getting undo try' co-operators. ThOle attendlna' WIlled and Ind4!pendent, keen ~nd . • h ' I 1II'face mil the girantic rock an mtq t e tShe left besides her four children. the best end of t he bargain, the score y. the meetings can learn how to pick clever, but at heart kind and umm- Statell m t e to~ I t the ~ lantic Ocean, friends tbought that four grandchildren and five peat- being 1S to 4. • Mrs. R. H. Hartsock, assisted by out the laYing hens and to ' eliminate bittered and loyal up to hili last days. on . the State IIYSThm : t ft e~t!. wall the end of. them. grandc~ildren, The write r with old Pummell pitched for the Miamis, Miss Esther Hendi!nOn, entertained the culls or unprofitable bird II. Be- He will be mlB8Cd. He is a picturesque ~he y~ar 1920. II::" eV~ll . school friends, of her children , will and made a very crcditeble showing, with a birthday party Tuesday after- sides culling the diBcusaions will also character gone from our mid8t. He III the o:~r Of. to:; 0 Now crossing the ocean Is like 11'0- always hold in loving. remembrance Only seven hits were made off hill noon . in honor 'of Wilton's 6th birth- include the ~88ential points of breed- was a birtbright Quaker, and it wa~ a ar: aS 509~~~'T ew 9 2:8'8. 'Pell~inr from New York. to Chicago. You the many happy occasions spent un. slants; one home run, two two-bag- day anniversary. The invited guests ing feeding housinlr brooding and late request by him that he be buned 0 10, .9' 843'96e;'!, ~ In' .; CIO 4" hea1' from your friends on both aide. der Mrs. Edwards' root, No matter gers and .the rest singles. "Buck" were Bernard and Billy Melloh, Bob- rai~ing pulleb .anitaiion and the con from the Meeting· House of his fath- 8y1vama"l' ' f Isconl ~~.ci of the ocean. BU81n~tIS messsges how big the crowd, nor how gay, they Orane was at t h' hot corner, and, as by Hyman, Charlell and Harold An- trol of poultrY diseases;' Insects and er a:n~ mother, His earthly, body wi1\ In the m~eare 0 n:;;;oaO\do euil)' com" from the United States lIide, were always welcomed by her with usuRl, showed up well. His three- derson Phyllis Anne Cole, Charlotte pesta. ' be laid to rest in the long ago chosen during t e y~ar to.... (if other mellSllre s from the ~uropean her sweet smile and quiet dignity, bagger in the !lCventh brought In Rye H.'arry Matthew Turner, M\ldred ntustrated maps ' charts and dIa- spot beside his mother, in beautiful takes ft~lt .Pa~:1 taa~""':Iii -"': 2 tilde· . . . " 2411. . ! "when 1 000 miles from shore . an d we 0 f th a t genera' tl on, f ee I we three runs. All the boys f attene d snd ' Ronald Salisbury, JImmy an d gramll prepared by' our ltate agrlcul- U",lam I cemet ery. - . ml ell. .... nnelO 11 d WileD· ,or have lost a valued friend. Her pass- their batting average considerably. Sara Miller, Mary Eva LeMay, Don: tural college specialists will show the But the Teal Davi as gone on to . d wlt~th1::~1 es an Sclenca hu ' conquered this 'little Ing is one of deepest sorrow to The Bellbrooks shut out James- pld Kerrick, Earl Earnhart, Earl economic developments' and trendsln take his bearings, make a new .sur- thlr , WI , mel, ocean, InteUigence has made It famll- U8, but we know that one who trav- 'town, Sundoy, Michaels allowing but Fife, Mary Carolyn Lukens. Kenneth the poull;ry industry throulrhout the vey and a fresb start, w~th . an un• . • lar, cleared out sea serpents, taught elled 80 splendidly life's highway one it in the game. The Bellbrook Joseph, Sarah, Katherine and Loul.s e various agTicultural section. of the doubted developmen~ of bill nch natOhio banken who have been ra~. · us we need not put wax in our ears t~r'Pugh eighty-Beven years . Is now team will. play at Waynesville next Hartsock, and GraUan Bloch. United States. An Ohio map will re- ural talents, in a higher and better er tardy in realilinr the bendts Of to ahut out the singing of sirens, eon- With her beloved who ' have paBl!Cd Sunday. The score : . ' veal poultry production and increaaea wod.d, trust fund organlzatlona, luch ~ vlnced us, to our sorrow, that no mer beyond, R H E Miss Clara LtlCi and MIS! May by counties The future outlook fol' HIS motber, brother Jobn and fath- have been 80 lIucceuful throqhou~. maids are waiting to pick U8 up when A. U. B. Bowersville ............ .. ........ _.4 7 9 Wright were charming hosteMes at a local poult~ production will be con .. er having preceded him by many many foreirn countrl~l, are bePD- r we fall overboard. AU fear and IIU• -. Miamis .......... , ................ IS 20 3 card party at Mrs. Hathaway'll tea sidered and the enentlal points for years, he leaves one sister', R. Car- ning to realize the need f~r pentition arc gone from these fioatroom on Tuesday afternoon. The profitable returns will be pointed out. rie Brown, a niece Susan E.Brown, companie" In Ohio, The Int' of thIa. ' Ing cities. A preacher on board does 1 2 3 4 6 6 ,7 8 9games were followed by a two-course All poultrymen fann women anti and four grand-nephews and nieces, kind 'which hall met with tbe appro,,not worry the sailors-there arc no Bowersv ille .0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0- 4 lunch, attractiv'ely served. The guest boys and girls interested in poultry Robert W. , Ruth L.. Marion R., and al of the rigid blue-eky law dlputsailo~. . Joseph W. Hisey, the son of Rev. Miamis ... ,.. 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 9 x-1S list includ~~ M.rs. Frank Taylor, of are Invited to attend one 'or more Grace A. Brown, together with a host en~ ill the First Ohio InvNtmel;'t Co. Our oceans and our lo~d have been and Rachel Hisey, was born JMluary San Francls~o; Mrs. D. P. Clagett, of places. Air forenoon meetin8'll will of other relatives aad friends. formed by a number of weU·ltno_ cleared of . ~lJ l upcntitlons, unreal 6,1849, not Car from where he died. Suada,.'. R.aulta Nogales, Arl2:ona; Mrs. C. W, Bar- begin at 9:80, and the aftemoon ap_. bankers and flnanclen of columbas horro"!, chimeras, hydrll1l a~d gor- All of his life has been spent in this ' Bowersville, 4; Miamis, 18. !lett, lIln. E. V. Bllrn.ha~t, ~~. Elo- pointments .at 1 :3 0 o'clock. The comand Central O.bio. The l~ pnera1. Ironll dire, _ . community. He was reared up in a Ja~e~~own, 0; ~el1brook, 6. Ise . Thomp~?n, of ClDcmnati, Mrs. plete schedule and approximate locaassembly prOVided f~r the .0~Jlia. Christian home, surrounded by ChrisWilmlllgton-Spnng Valloy - wet Edith HaTTIs, Mrs. Laura Mosher, tion of the demonstrations are: lion of such companlell undlr COII1I1~t hu taken men all of the million tian influences, and these helped to grounds. Mrs. Ronald Hawke" Mrs. Bert HartMonday, AU&'\Ist 22, 9:30 a. m.lions which make lnvelltn\enta lIe\U'lo years they have lived on earth to lay the foundation for the strong man sock, Mrs. W. E. Cornell, Mrs. Kate Robt. S. Witham • miles lIOuthwest Claude Meeker, well-know C.o lumb.1 chanre from c~vement cannibals to ly character which was developed in L.a.u. Staadialr Coleman, Mrs. Fredl Henderson, Mrs. of Muon ' financier, ill handling tbl iItoclt, and modem explolte1'll of their felloW men him, He received his education in W L Pct. D .. L. Crane, ~rs. Lester Gordon, 1 :30 P: m.- Geo, Harter, 2 miles advance applications Indicate that and to get rid of earthly supersti- the common school. Miamis ... _.,,' .. , .,. "'" ,.. ,10 6 .600 lIhs,s Martha 0 N~ial1, A. T. e,a st of Mason. Extensive plans are being made by th.e ' entire issue will be aubecribed tlon.. . . On· September 5, 1871, he was uni- Bellbrook .... ,... ... ,,, .... ,.. 9 7 .540 WrIght, Mrs. J . O. CartwTlght, Mrs, Tuesday, August 23, 9:30 a. m.- committees in charge of a big home Within a ~ew weeks. The pnf.mel Ma~y haven't ~ven done ~hat yet. ted in maniage to Miss Ella Cres- Bowersville .................... 7 7 .500 S. D. Henkle, Mrs .. F. R. Moomaw, Mrs. Robert Davis, 2 miles aouth of comin'g celebration to be held in stock .carrle~ with It unita of the com· Eventually we IIball get nd of all well, in the Flat Fork neighborhood. Wilmington ...... ,....... ..... 7 7 .500 Mrs, Fred. Cole,. ~rs. Keller Hoke, Maineville. . Spring Valley on Saturday" Septem. mon',. 10' addition to a lIb~ ,dIYldlnd" the 'lUpentitiona and look forward .~ For forty-seven years they lived very Spring Valley ......... ,...... 6 7 .462 Mrs: Ameha WlIllllms, . Mrs. C. M. ' I :30 p .. m.-Roy J. Rosa, 8 miles ber 3 and from all indications the and IS enmpt from tautloll ill Ohlo. death and tbe voyqe that comea af- happily together and two children Jamestown .. ,..... :~ .. ... , ..... G 10 .361 Robltz~r, Mrs. Ralph MII!er, ,Mrs. D. east of Pleasant Plain. ' event 'Will eclipse ariy other e\'er held ter It u calm17 u we now prepaTe were bo~n to this union; Mary Earl __ • R, Smith, Mrs.' W, E. 0 Neall, M~s. Wednesday, AU&'\lst 24, 9 :30, a. m, in the neighboring village. It was not at . an aUrprillq UIat for a trip across the little A.tlantlc., died when but three ye!l1'll old, and S. S. Ellis, Mrs. W. H. Allen, MISS -Fred Mummert 1 mile north of B L Ad is general chairman immediately upo~ the return of Oea. ~~. Margaret H. Shutts, the surOl!ve Allen, lr,frs. Julia Donovan, Mrs. Morrow, . ' , of the' com~:tec on arrangements eral Leona"! Wood, and tben apia AI people IrO to Parll and cQme Vivtng daughter, has made her fathEhzabeth Bady, lr,fn, J. \t. Chapman, 1 :80 p. m.-Albert Urton, S mUes and it' is expected to make this one following hiS sudden death. . that back nllne the wone for tbe trlp, 'and ~r's last years happy and cheerful. As Mrs. Anna Sheehan's new house Mrs. George J . Smlt.h, Mn. J. W. Ed- southwest of Clarksville. of the most enjoyable of the like af- when.ever the. ~m~rlcan TePreMlltatake up their actiyitlea again, many His beloved wife and companion o.f is nearing completion, the prospec- wards,. Mrs. James McClure~ Mrs. Thu1'llday, AU&'\lst 25, 9:30 a, m.- fairs which have been held in the live In the Phlllpptnel wu diIcuaMd believe tho •• that take the voyare of life passed to ' her reward on April tive occupants .will give their wed- Cynthia Evans, Mrs. L. A, ~Imme.r- William Lukens, one-founh mile east village in the last few yea~. It is the flame oC Carmi A. Tbom~ aldeath come back from that trip to 2, 1918, ding to the public next Saturday ev- man, Mrs. H, E. H~thaway, MI8I Tril- of Harveysburg, ' the first homecoming to be held in ways came Ilrst, Col. ThomplOa earth and . take up their work about Early In life he united with the .cning August 20th at 9 o'clock lena ~~wa~ds, M~IS. ~arga~~ ~ 1:80 p. m.-EmelltButterwortli, 2 Spring Valley since ' 1924. went to Manila all a penonal,.!-PN.. where they dropped it. Free Will Baptist church, at ,F lat prom~t. While the b~lde is a charm- w.ar d8, ISS m.ma .el g way, 181. milell. southwellt of Waynesville. With Mr. Adams on the general sentative of President Cooli_l. , To them it aeems reasonable to Fork, and he remained a memller of ing youn~ lady of this community we 111.0 .Brown, ,MISS ~'llme Br~wn, MISS Friday, August 26, 9:80 a, m,- committee are: Mrs, C. A. S01lers, probably one of , the beat pOtted credit Eternal ,.J ustice with wise econ tha~ church doring' his life time. He hope the people here will soon ~ake LI.lhe Benha"!, MillS ~n:.letta Mc- M1'!I, Paul Mitcbell, one-fourth mile J. M. Smith, Miss Edna Elam, Mrs. Americans today on ~ondltlonl that omy, and It would .seem useless waste was a member of the Indenpendent the grollm feel at home in our midst. Ktnsey and Mlsa MlLry a m. east of SPl'inll:boro, C. M. Fulkerson, F. M. Hiatt and G: exist. there. I.t Is alao known , that of time to send billions of imperfect Ord~r ot Odd Fellows lodge at WayWhile they make a little 't our The pleasant country home of Mr. .1 :80 p, in.-'-Mn: C. C. Easton, 1 Val Sims. p:esldent Coolidge bolds him in. "~ creatures to work in another corner nesVllle. . . througp the East, the finishing and Mrs. S. D. Henlkle was the scene mile eut of Franklin. Mss. Sollers is chai~a~ of the pr~- high regard, snd would b. rlad, ~ . , of the universe when the work hel"e Is On August' 9, 1927, hlB eorthly pH- touches will be put on ~he house ready of an ejoyable socilli affair laat SatSaturday, August 27,. 9:80 a. m,- gram committee, She IS III commum- would accept the POlt. ,No~. ~ , grlma,e . j:ame to a close very su~- for the.lr return, A cousin of the 'urday afternoon whim Mn. J . O. Cart Mrs. McClure Ralston, 6 miles Ilorth- cation ~th several persons who have com~ o.fficlally from Col. t{.l1l~~. ; . not finished. We oJ:e only twelve thousand yeal'l\ denl~ Without th~ suffering of pam bride will officiate at the wedding, wright and Mrs. Henkle jointly en- west of Lebano'!. _ • been invited to participate in tbe pro- but ~t III well lmown that ~ ...'BAi- ! from the late Stone Age, not two to hlmllelf and Without long anx~ety asaisted by local talent. An out-of- tertained a 'large cc.mpany with Five gram, publtcan leaden,. who ·haft ~ uat, bundred years from the stage coach to !Ithers. He wu in his seven-nmth town orchestra will furnish the mu- Hundred as the divenlon. Misses ° A table committee has been named int~rests of the party .at heut, an and .ailboat. y,e ar when the lIummons came. He sic. Russell Bentley. 'assisted by Ed Evelyn Cartwright and Elizabeth g e VIce consisting of Mrs. Arch Copsey, Mrs. trymg to draft h~ in~ the. •pberA simple Idea like putting the eye leaves to mourn his going a daugh- Thomas and Lyman Day, will 'see the Henkle presided oyer the punch bowl. , Ralph Houston, Mn. M, M. Douglass, natorial ra~e next year. No ~ Is ot a needle In the point instead 'of ter, three gr.andchl!d~en and three wedding party ret started safely on Ten tables were In play and after the The Wayneaville M. E: churcb bls Mrs. J. R, Peterson and .Mrs. Lester more lamihar with ltat~ ~aip .... t~e thick end made the sewing ma- gTea~grandcblldran, and many other their trip. gemes a deligbtful half hour. wu been underlrOinlr deeoratlDg and will Peterson. F . S. Eva'!s IS chal,~an the former secretaQ' of ~.., . chine pOllllible and freed milliona of rel(ltlVes and a hOllt of friends. By permi8llion ' of the mayor the spent, with refre.shments of ice be open fpr services on Sabbath, of the finance committee. WillIam has won fame and fortune ia·tIM ~ women from ,slavery. We should beWith Whi~tier he could sing: atreet will be roped for the guests. cream and cake. Those invited were Augullt 21. , Copsey, Herman Blair and Webb Wil in!!SII. world. He w~uld lien thJtt" other Ideas will free us from "I k t h h' I la d rft Proceeds for the benefit of the local Mrs E V ·Ba.mhart Mr8 C W BarThe re&'\llar ~bbath School wil be klnson compose the music committee. candIdate for the r O " " ' A - = the silver)' of lIupl1'lltition which has T:~w fno dere I 18 • S ~ s I • Grange. Everybody welcome. nett' of Cincinnati.' Mrs' P . D 'Clalr- held at 9 :16. We hope to Bee 2~0 The home coming will be an all- year, and if he qain en~ p • driven U8 hard t~ro~gh th·e centuries 1 onl elrkn~:' l~ ca:~:~~~ft r, Music, entertainment and refresh- ett.' of Nogales, A,rlzo~a;' M~, W. Icholar.:- present. The~ tbe rel'Ular da~ aft,air w!th thll entire progTRm life, it ~ould not be.~ D_ ~ ' and caused more brutality, fear, cruB/on'd ia loVe and C:a~. ments, 15c and 26e, , H. Allen, Miss Olive Allen, Mn, ElI!:- preach'!lg aervlce at 10.30, witb spec- taking place .111 a. reler:red section of see him enter the Cllill ..... -~ elty and murder than all 'other causell Ad' '" ~d th ' II .. COIIImittee. abeth Baily Mn. J. B. Chspman, lal mUlllC by tbe choir. The Epwort~ streets. A bIg picnic dIDner at noon. ~ll the tal1t .about h~ f.U~¥:.."" tOlrB ther• n IOtes ~ efBll ent sea, , _. ' Mn, J. W. 'Edwards Missel Trillena League Mrvice ~t · 6:'6, with Robert speeches, music ond other features In ma' on the .colonll II b~ N7if .. d the , _ N I h}'Va t f ll)bi~ e oar,. _ d M -aret EdW'~rds Mrs. .Edith Vandervort u leader. The topic Is, the aftemoon are planned, land the next NatloDal ~i_ •• , 0 arm rom m , can come to ,me, aJl a_. , "What Should Determme 14y Life ' •_ • convention for Cllvlluci. Tennyson helped t.here would, be no' , On ocean 01" on ahore." ay Harrla, Mn. Loura .Mollher, M1'II. Ron Worlt." . . • ' . -: ......,;;-.;;_,.. moanlq at the bar when he put out . . - ald Hawke, Mn. Kiite Coleman" Mrs. The emln ~ IUn I8rvI wD1 to lea, and pre~tUy·~ro~ about fI,T~I_ Card o'f ThaDk. '-. The churChell of Christ '.~n Green Fred B. Hender.:son, M1'II. D. .L. Cran~ be. 'at 7:80. gIll ' the :eople ~i tbe . , . ~~TfIS '" light and 8Venmr star. Typical ml~W.e wish to expresa our ·apprecla- c~unty held an all-day meeting at the IMrs. A. T, ~rlght, M1'II. W. E . . Cor toWn and communitx are cordlally Th Y F M Playen of this ~ . VI!ltorla~, t~at last trip worried him. tion to o.ur nelrhbon and frl~n~ fol' coud house in Xelli~ last Sunda~. 'n~Il,Mrs, M. A, Co'm ell, Mrs. Ralp~ Invited to the.. ,services and to lie lace e are' r~pari~g to rive ~ threeDavid Ev~, !'" Ufaloq Md ••.• ,.. Earth s cltlsens of the ,ear 10,- the map)' acts of kindness and words There was a fine attendance and the Miller, Mra. JalJl es M"Clure. M1'II. Jo tbe new. decoration p , d p titled "Cyclone 8alIy" f Wa nemne died UrIr' ~ OOO,~~() may think as little about that of Bympathy at" the time of our be- interest ~a~ manifest at b~th S~II- el Stokes, Mrs, Cynthl,a Evans, M1'II. .' • ~• :\~:mG y, :: FrIday evenlnlr, Aq.. ~oml~. He ~ th. lOll of ' 11M "1_ jou!"ey, feel as sur,e abopt It Te8vement, ' . Th~ Family. siona, Prof. R. C, FOllter, of Clncm- H. E. Hathaway, M1'II. Fred M. .Col!!, '. st 20urn Th y will prileat thl.r I d Bllaabeth as a .modem thlnks , and feell a~opt " . ' • _ '. " l natl Bible Seminary, was the apealt. Mrs, L. A, Zimmerman, Mrs, Carl ul t" H ' :YllbUrK Celiterville oe an hll trip to Paris now; · " . "I ., : ar of the day and fll:ought thrllli~g Duke, M1'II. John R.ich, Mra. Am!lla . . . P arl'l ~ a'd probabiy the Lab: II sp III oro an O n' r mell.ageil.ln a very earnest · manner. William., Mn. Emeat Butterwonb, . _' ,n . a 10 JI,C4! . The meeting .next year III to be on Mrs. Bert Hartsock', Mn. 0, J\rt RobTbere be a 1lI.loa at ,St. Aac- anon Ope~a h!,uI~. .' 't funeral 'A. _ ·il , th ft t S 'd y in:A to t X )(n ~J U DOnovan lin. 0.0 Uatinl'. Catholic ~l11'Cb J)erlnhlnr Thll comedy will be. prellnted -~, M."tiq :~~iil'il ' a.... " ~ . ~ Judge Dechant ha~ appointed Mra. e n un a • _ :gull a en . j ~~Itb ·M! aF Koc',maw 1I00000, Aapst~, 191'7, at 10 a..Ill. tb4! pl.,an for ~e ben.lt ~f~' ed- anil ...· .. '. tI < ~ d d th ~cJiaelr Harding, of F"nklln', ' ''' pr~.• . ' , . Claren~8' Rye,· M~, S. S. EIl~ )(no S.rvlces"m be at 10 a. m. and '7 :80 ucatlon of a ' T.o..... m!'~tatil rb'l of ..,latl..... _~rre' c!!.~::e:\~\ha ~" ~ batiiln 'oftlcer for Wanen count,. Charles EIliI, 1111'11. W. , E. O'Neall, p, ... on. Monday, WedlleadQ and Tbe .Y. F. K~... Is ,~qf _~onl! ~~ ............ con"f' I . # . t . ., Mni, If'~dl~ ....ceuds - M1'II, WUIarcl ' Mn Earl HoCkett, ·lIlra. Kaller Hoke, FridA" Aupat II, '14 ad 28. eacb ,ear for woe p 0 ....uca.. ~ ~cJ.~:. S:r:::l~~~':,t J, Wrltht; .nd 1fIh "ume her dutiea Servi~ell Dut Lord'i Da, at '·80 'Kra: Fred GoIII, lin. Qalllcy 00111, Eftl'J, on. . . . . . . .- III ....rbIe ;q a moUD~~ ~W~ thh.,0bJ;t ~ teI1IOim, Be'~ Tr;,lor wu Uliltea oa Octoblll'11. ~ -.; • . , CommuniO!) and iermon b, the )(1. Hennetta IlcB:lIlHJ; IIIaa Clara, Oatbouc~. ~Id II li~f0thecotoWILI ':~chm~ terD~ On April 3, IS40, in the old family homeHtelid on Main stroot, Waynesville, Ohio, Mal'y Lela h Wright, ~ec.011\1 oIulIghtel' of Osc ar J. und Susan ~ lItlcl't hwlli t6 W'l"ight, callle to gladden their h C llrt~ , and remllin a loving comfort to lhem as long as they lived MIII'y Leah Wright cume of sturdy prancer sl ock and thl'ough several gencl'ations the names of Wright and Sattcrthwaite have been closely associuted wilh the industries growth and sociul activit ies of the village of Wa yncsv ille. PI'ide of fumily was a dominant cRossn-ic THE OCEAN DEATH AND A TRIP TO EUROPE trait of her chal'lIcte r, and she was ever I'clldy to encollragc and stimuNEWS FROM BOTH SIDES late hel' own children, nol only to reach the plane of theiL' forefalhers, PERHAPS WE COME BACK 7 but to take a step beyond. Mury Leah Wright attended the public schools in Wayncsville and Written on the Aquitania on the was ulways an active membe r of the way to Paris, by way of Cherbourg, Old School Association as long as it leaving New York just after midnight was an organization. She was later yesterday morning. a student of Greenmount college, No matter how ' often you cross on Richmond, Ind . big ships likc thi s, or little oncs, you ,On September 8, 1869, she was ore reminded that lh" long trip called married to J. Wilson Edwards. This doaUI und nn oc .. un voyuge arc ~ot unusually happy couple wel'e t he paunlike. rents of Oscar J . Edwards of this village; Mra. Alice E. Russum mid You take 'your last " dinner" In Mis~es Tl'iIIena and Margare t W. EdNew York, friends ure more or less wurds. of Dayton. all of whom sursorry to sce you go. That's the dellth. vive her. ' On board ship yo u sail t hrough Mr. Edwards Tlll.~sed beyond on Ju space some thousand miles , with on- Iy 25, 1!l1l3. his widow. although nevwater all around you. That's the er ceasing te) miss the companionship trip from here to the next world. of her husband, continucd her life in In due time YOll land in that next the same ha ppy, cheery ho pitablc world, to find it different from this, manner t hat had characterized their and .very interesting. li ves togethe r. If you go to Paris-the writer is She was t rain ed in the Quaker going there-you reach , what many faith on her mother's side, but on Americans conalder a fairly good im- September ' S, 1895, she was co nfirmItation of heaven. ed in St. Mary's Protestant Episcopal The .afety in crossing our llttle church, and wus ever afterwards a most consistent and devoted member ocean, the certainty of landing on the of the church, and as long as health other IIde, Ihould make 118 worry leM and st rength permitted attended its abo\!t the bilr crossing over the ocean services. Her last sick ness was of of .ther. . sevcral months' duration" her splenOllce we \mew u httle about lin did constitution waft not encroached Atlantl~ c:;ossin r .~, we know now upon by any disease, but a gradual about tlie . final trip that each muet wearing away of life. until she fell
ta~~~e~o~~m~u~ s:~~:·
A~:~~ ~,SI;~g7.
i by I........................ r .
POULTRY MEETINGS . CULLING METHODS !::!t :;r~~~I~~~;leh~::;g !::~t h~
r y t ,s&:: th with .
Joseph Wo Hisey
Public Wedding
Reopemon S r
"'-"n:r.1tl*ftII ,
All D " Mee.t·Ing
"Cyclone Sally'"
Catholic Million .
.. • -',..' . . ," " Prob:l.t Se"":ce Well ttend
Ferry Chdrch Sunday.
:~ce~r..!:;, ~~m La"~
. . . . . fa . . . . . .
v:: ,~~~
g&tl~ . =~. T~I= .~~ .~- ~:'J:'
II. . Aanie .-'-
~ l'N~ to ~ the ..-q. ~ x-..
WIlli m D. Corwin • LUti j bll BToI., a Panuenblp. for money only. I
PROBATE PROCEEDINCS Judee advlaed that Edna COwQn is a Auill1ble person lol' treatment at the Dnyton bCl!lpltal lind ordcl'Il(1 that applica t ion b made ror her . ndmissian illt that institution. Judge was 'advised that Edna . owen could h r (. iv('d lit the Da yton hospital I,tnd order ed thllt a warra nt f or he r can\' yune be issued. ourt fo und James Cann on incometent a nd orders that a g uardinn .be
Pigs Grow Faster .When Fed the Wayne Way -
o urt { \.I nd B essll~ May t~ guilty o ~ extreme c.ru (!Jlty a nd granted Oro. III 1.7., Il dh'l>rce. In the ca e of n ent·y E-: Deckenis a carefully planned back v~. Robert .Hat.fi eld. the d ~fe~and tested combination du~t w grant d 30 days . wIt hin '~hlch to file ans wer to caus of ae- ~PI)ointed. of clean, pure ingredients t IOU. . Rolph B. Pn rks \\, 118 UJlpointcd lh In the easo C)!. Robert Carothers uardian of JIIII1 S II nn on by t he which insure ' and Hlliph G. GorOlh('1'lI vs. Geor ge ~ourl Moyer, j u(~~enlt wa$ r nd ored in faRniph B. Parks accepted th e QUICK GROWTH . charge. vo r of plamtlffs. CB'APTER XII lut d. wilh lerror. . . Judgm . en.t was r ende r.ed In f avor oJ ra E. Hu lt, n.dlllillis~rlltri x of AT LOW <;OST After hl'r e ~ c np e frolll Pa 1""0 n ·' \' ou 1".cri d 1\1 ""'nn ru h h "I C th f nDing IS ~h e itJ.~s~~e ompn11Y \~l E e ~tS~ 0 th e ('sta le of 8\'olin e Boge r. fil ell . inl\ ("lIn !:J y- a n ~cllpe which l;h ~lill IOllgu€' o\'er hi~ iip~'''' , Bou ..d to the North crpdit d to Lowe\i·-Jcnnne r('turned " Yas. Defe;,d Y~ urselr. I ' m go- e RJe5 I 0 .. \'5. • • con· \"' lItory un d appra isement. to the pluntlltion and rl'lllnined there. i n~ to kill you. 1>1 rga n!" nell et nil. . ourt ordered t hat Ned Hicks be Lowell ,,'as appalled a t th e ~wift Her military ~nre('r was ended . finThe two mp n slart.>d a t ench other . Coun fo~ nd 111 fovo r of Ama nda nppo il\led !:'unl'dion of Olift'ol'd neD of Kennedy's deduction. Hp ished. But ~h(' dill think of Armi- wit h death in lheir jtlances. M. Walker In lho case o f Am nnda M. Hicks a nd Albert C. Jlicks, min ors. Ita red nervously O\'cr the Krill' ma n's taj!c constant ly. She was thi nking .~ r mitage W /IS fi rst t o move. Hf Wlli ker vs. ~oy J .. Rose. et ul. . Ned Hicks accepted t he trust and Correct feeding right from the start will ' grow head at Armitage. Armitagl' ¥elnl'd of him this "cry mo r ning as she SUddenly rellliz('d , n doubtless MorRoy Perk ms, alllls Rtcha rd DaV IS. mt'd bond Z . ~ool enough, but as II muller 6f fact your pigs rapidly, so you can fatten them for the wotched the hurlyburly a u ide wilhgan hnd. that tlH!re could be no tru~ fou nd gu il ty of breaking and ruerourt o~de recl lhat W. Chester MIIhe was in to e cl ut ch of 0 mild form out fu ll y comprc:henrlinA' what it sig- sllti faction In steel : h e want ed to ing. wilh in lent to stcal \Va s~ n te~c . pie be appoinled It.ua rdia n of Virgil Peak Market in August or September. Way ne .Pig of hypnotism. tear und ren d lind break yond er man d t t less t ha fi\'e yean Imp rlS wailing." said Kennedy. nifled. "Well, Meal \:>uilds bigger profi.t s for you . The Generul explain ed the itulltion with his two bare ha nds. And t his e a no. . . - P. .Fr yb urger, minor. W. Chester "Whi~h of you two t ook Jeann e bril' fly. he and hI'\' aunts must desire becnme regist ered in his o.nme nt In the OhIO State pel1lte n· Muplc Ilccc pled th e lru ~t a nd filed Sold·b y Beauford aWlly fro m mc?" pr pnr e at once to lea\'e the hou$e. now no morc agr eeable to look t lary. . bond. "Kennedy," r etu rn d Lowell, "wc "Then th e re will be battlc hcre?" t han Morgan 'H. Co urt gr a nted Thelmll Carroll dl· Th e first und linal lIeC(lunt of '. E . admit you to be t he shepherd of this asked J eann e. .J eall ne tell somelh ing vllguely pri. vorce. f ro m J ohn CaTl'~1I on grounds Dunh ul1I . lId ministrn lol' of t he esflock: but som etimes yo u go a little "Yes. And th is spot will be par- mO I'dial stir in her heart. She knew. of gross n egle~t of. du ty and g ranted tate of altl unth ll J. Ze ntm 'yer , WII S lor. We' re nol under your ordr ly dangerous." They were going to fig ht for her: custody of t heir chIld to Th elma Car- appro\'ed. allowed lind confll'med. era, you kn ow. And yet yo u slonn ticula J ellnne turn ed gravel to ward h er a nd l he victor wO\lld s ling her over roll. . Fi r~t li nd fin a l ncco un t of 1I01'acc into thiB r oom lind dl'mnlld--l.ls if .W. H .. F ulker th .wns a ppolllted 1'1.'- L. Scl U.' mcyer. lltim inistl'lllor oC t he you had a uth ori ty-t o know who a un L«. " You two go. 1'a ke the Ihings h i~ shou lch'r and I11nke ofT with hc rlDatched J eAn ne D Rulor t out of your th~~B~~u Y~~~'~.'~rice! the nnn ls. ~~~~~~'i~~ ~e~'s~;~.IC\ flnd no means of celve r w~th a utho!lty t o ta k(' chnrge estate (I f Walter S. Wilkc)'!;on. W IIS cJawa. She came in to the city, at th e Phone 25, Waynesville, Ohio " I shall r emai n." T he terr or in hl'T focI' r esolved it. of t~ e 1Il1erest. 10 the crops· upon approved, nllowcd ond confi rmed. riak of h<lr liCe, 101' no oth er purpo • .• •• ~elf into sOInl't hi ng a ki n to eager pre mIses belong mg to the de.rend ~nl First an d fi na l accou nt of ' hal'tel'$ than to ask me t.he name of the ma n Boom I ness. She dropped her ha nds I rom In the case of the P~ud en tlal .Llfe D. Ma ple, II dm in i~trllt r e!t' bo nis non who married he1'. [re fused: bnt ] J eanne saw II f ounlain of wa t er her ch('('ks ond ca ught hold of t~E Insuran ce Co., of Ame rl CII vs. George of the estate of usnn . Lewis was pve her twelve hours in which t o . W. Orr et aI.· . ap pro ved, all owed li ne! confirmed. ~~Ve the city. I ~onsider that. I act;... s pring up f rom t he r iver wber e t he edge of thE' Illulc. TACTFUL Armitage's blade r o§e and f ell vio.(11red Van Dore n elected t o take Fil'llt a nd fin al ucco un t of P. S. cil : aii a gentleman and with honor, shell stl·uck. DR. HENDEIfSON She saw the negroes sClUTYing lent ly but ,,' it hout gaining any advan· premises lit appraised value in ' the Harba ugh. admini strat or of t he eRmilitary or civil, whichever you will." Offlce- Aman Bid •• so uthward like u llock of frightened tllge. Mnrlron WlIS quite bis equa~ metter of : Al flre d Van. Dore n vs. tale of Cathe rine 1\1. Harbuugh was "I. too," sold Armitage. "Ah wins!' Kennedy, chokin~ with insane 1'8ge . geese. She was al orle. Sbe we nt jf not hi s rnos~e r, wit h t he 'Sabre. Maud Van DorllD, a WIdow et al. approved. allowed a nd co nfirll1('d. OF,.CI: HOUIII "What. yuh go t.?' whirled uN on Armitage. "You were back In to th e house and brought ou t T hey pu , h d euch other backWArd Cou~ ordered the sheriff upon reFirst and finnl ncco unt of Helen "Thr(!e ilCt'S," the man t 9 to 11 B. m. S to 5' p m. bandages. basins, wate r and sponges. and f orwa r d,. Armit.age wanted his comng proceed:s of sa.le t o distrlb- L. Robi so n. U(11111·n 'l.tra tri x of the cs.. ' 0 yu h doh '!" Ah wins. " The deep s o~nd cnme from the mll n with h l ~ uuek 10 .the fireplace. d • "Yes. And I would do the same 7, to 9 p m. tate of Callic Rob iso n, \VII S ullprov()d "Whll t yuh got?" . thi~ over and over, as many times north again, one, twice, three times. Morglln was man eu'/I!fIng to crowd ute same an ~lIy certain ~ums. Telephone .. Court ordered that s01'Vl~e ~n d~allowed al\(I confirmed. al you contrived to catch her. Is " T wo nines a n' n razor." CI1fIce, ao fendan ts be ":,a,de by publu!atlon!n Second a ccoun t of O. S. Higgins, tbat frank enough?" Armitage got " Yuh sho do. How come you 80 Realdenee • elt':. up, throwing otf his dressing gown. ~he case of Wlhlon H . Rucker, odmlll g uardian of Margar et R. Sa bin, was lucl<y?" "Let u's have the truth while we're IIltrat.or of . the estate of John J. approved, allow d and confirm ed. ... Warn"vill.. Ohl•• .bout it. , Wh.t il! the North or Rucker vs. Thornas E. GlaslI, et aI. H. B. Thompso n, admini ~trato r of Soutl) to mel so, long as I love Jeanthe estate of Finley Thompso n, was ne B4aulort. ' . NEW, SUITS authori zed by court to di tribll te ce rNoae oltl1em could ever recollect h0l! ' it started, that 'terrlftlc ~on\est Raymond Gu·ttery VB. Howard T. tain stocks. I N FOil ElOl.O VilE wlilch carried all tbree of them here Cook ,for money only. I Report of Milton S. Keever, execaJia there about the room, toppling Elsie Bird VEl. W. E. Graham, et utor of the will of W. Oscar Keevchabi, beginc into bookcues, surgai, for money ~Inly. er, was approved and confirmed. 111« bito ~~~n, two airalnaf one, ~he Lewis Thomas ·vs. W. E. Graham, Court orde red lhat Forest D. ~ "nolives. ugh, filth~lng desper1 f or . mone·y on Iy. Haines, admisinistrator of the estate H. A. ero.. und ·R . O. Cro•• ateb o4dl, for their at 11. v •. . Elsie Bird \'S. Alfred Brant et al. of Esther Ball to sell certain real es- Th" Lebll l10n · C ltl .~n . Nntlonnl A~ l:r.t bru'··d, panting and ,.. --"Ii tat e. l~lln k lln a 'l."r Ulll 4..1•• Cl rll. diabeye1 , , '-J tile,. drew back from tbls Cor money only. Beo No. U7 30 II,"-ul""'e ' b aule cam , e to its Court findl'ng that Forest D B)' vir tue of n il ordor or 80J e. duly ... ~ oI'JI ~~ • luued troUl oold c.,url. In the abov e enll quite u ~b1UPt1y al it had beRaines, administrator of the estate s ta ted e n oc. nlld to me d lrect~d. r will .... ' Kenll~dy lIy.a:ered over to a I . that I've got of Esther Ball, had carried out the off r to r sn \e. by 'W1l.y of public I\U Oelair and' fell ,i nto it, covered his et yOU p:o lIgam, now d f d h . . lion. 'Il th o ,toor Or I h C:o urt Hou••.. vou? What's the north or the south or er 0 court, or,dere. t at admlm~- In Leba no n. \ nr re n ('ounl y" OhI o. on f ol- ~ . .. hla "an"- -nd wept! trator PIlY cerlalO btlls before dill Monday. til H Ut.j y o( Depleml,er. "Kenned,?'.' I&ld ArmItage. lo you and me! " . . ' ,.. O. 19 U7. a t 10:80 o· l bck n. moo on VACCINATION OF 'SWINE "Yea. son I I...,-} cuellS I'm quite "Son I" . . ~Ibutlon of. the proceeds of sale be sllhl 00. . thO (otlowl nlf d scribed real (A SPEqIAL-1Y) ma~ .It Clme ove,: me with a rush Parson Kenneidy lurche!1 ill through mude. · e·'!jt~at :·I~lt ih 'l'nwnshlp or Wllyne• . • '. ,llw! to. do j£ •• -Quite mad I" the shatte!,ed :Fr~nch win~ow. ~e . Charles Matter, pleaded guilty of In th ounl1'. or Wl\tren una Stat.. of ' .. K. .nefi~ hia bands from his was a grIsly object, covered WIth driving a motor vehicle while Intox- uh lo. BtHI toeI ng pan ot \ilec. n. T.. NotLl •• b.t R.lla ..l. 'Se.... a .Ieee.' ~' ~ t have IdUed you both. wounds· and tbte greenish pallor on . d d $ ' d n.•. 1If. H. S. Beglnl)l"&, at a alon" In V'In!, U'" ' auen f :a ee foretold that '"e Icate ,an ~a8 fined 25. an costa. the cent r of th eo Inclnno.U and Xenia hl'S unsh ~ny".ba I eoWdll't ,help it. rd • " C t d d th t Mit M b TurnpIk e a t t il northweM I corllel' ot Phone 81 . ~ .,. ~ "olMr"~UU~y. stood on the Brink. o~r or ere . . a I on oon e Mk>ho.el Ho.mllton torfl'J erl y Jobn nob.. , ~ . M~," said La.well "Jeanl)e Beaulort--" apPolnt~d admmlstrator of the es- " rl'8 Ib.nd...a id . tan J.o,vlnll' b.en 10 1 HARVEYSBURG, OHIO .r..; " __ 'd Th !'Kennedy ~ I" Arm' t'~e ran toward tate oC Snrah 'Moon. eh.\ceil b y Joel Eva ne. 8ur"oyor. un,.. -T'~ed.Y ~~~ilt aft and ,rose. en th0 MOoIon t rm . ot betwand een ~=========::=::=::~ IiP~:ecf, UD hIS bat left the the gray man, but ennedy wave(l Milton Moon accepted the trust. d0r David (or compr. Su, anomla" lIfa,on OM J '''--tl': ........,-- hili head. him lIIJide. . . Court appointed W. H. Berger, A. John . Roherts In Cft •• No. U1. Wur.n . no... - .. 'I'"'\~ ' tl COllnty Common Plea. ' Court. IIond run. Oil a ' eUtatn' IIJIr~ momin,g , Mor"I am dying!.' A s~nge, gen e- D. Barkalow and George E. Milia as nlng . th nce S. U· 15' E . 40.o, chalna 1 ~: ' rod. ~ 111011« the pike toness. formed about hlB mout~ and appraisers of the estate of Sarah ~~ (h'8tlf~ tt}tI!':~"~! ttb".er\;:~~~C::C:f!~ ' w8d "b.· Beaufort plantation. He ' ' . eyes. "Jeanne Beaufort, forgive 1 I, Mo n . . lIne or li nn 11 : th ellce "jtb Eaat d.I.i DOt.aop ~til be re.ched the ". am ti ...d-" A.d ah. laid har,head •• al••t Jail .1..... who once preached of theLamb, han ' o. B~ctlon line ot Sec. 11 N. 1· U' E. to COlllRWldbur~1 tent. & lived as the "W01I• . . Christ !IBId: Court authorizedlOharlel ; . Con· tl'l S. E. (\Orner of the ltolul" or J . .. ~~ ~ e ~Id, "I have ' to re.- .It sbell burst ' in the prde". A tat- A'iiiiI~· against the table 'Forgive them, for they kn~w n~t over administrator of the estate. of ~~e~t.w:[f: El~I:'a::':illh~l:e~on6&+I'A~; '1 ~ .~~, ·~e , ~ea,) ten ,tbousand too rattled against the side of the which ·Jeanne Btood. • what they do.' And I- have -not - Mintha M. Irwin, to distribute cer- W. 3.2 4 eha: tllenco N. 8t' 46' W. U4 ~~I Br4! Withjri A h.o ur I ~rcb, house. Schrapnel, Bhe thought. "The bricks I" cried Jeanne, "Push way•. known w'hat I did I ' . ' . Poor taln assets of the -eltate. olla.lnll to !l, point In th e f",hanon a.n(l ~,,1ea. ~eir cavalry ~11 be • Sbe experienced not the leut fear him_back.l. .' child I"..lie.. bee~.oned to Jea!)ne, then Court authorized admiJli W~)I~~~ ~I~I:. tl~ Ih~n eo S. ~~~ WE GET THEil QUICKLY AND " , ~" .ui'iin half t~t tim!!. Their ob- Indeed her sensation WIIIJ o,ne of de- She wu w~thout mercy; she wanted to Armitage. "'Kneel, children. God th tat f u th M I I to II Jlolea~ th ence S. , 60,· W 7. U polea ; _ FREE OF eHARGE jefct'1i' to· \>1d1Iank US and eqt Ul! air tachment: she wos here an,d yet .not Morglln ~o die. , has given .you love; I will give you ee~ e 0 ,..•• r a . rw n se thence S. 39· H' 1,' 7.•• chain,,; tbe .. ee CALL t,lS ANY TIME AT OUR !rota jolntn, Lee." here; it WIIIJ ·only her soul: bel' body '''rhanks, IIweetheartl" said Mor- benediction. K.neel." .. 1 A I certa I~stocks. d d fI d th ~8' .~~. 6~. Vf •. SIO·· ~ 'Il'a~~~),&~r;:;:Dl!' EXPENSE ' , cou approve an can nne e tOl'merly Ruth I8le(ldom'. Eut line; , 'TIye or lix mllell awayl" cried the 'was elsewhere, and so nothing cqul\l gan. ~, Wohderingly the two me t. rm G~ ~nWted. . "I recllived In-. hurt ·her. Kis . fury roused, to its tage had never seen Kennedy'e face sale of certain property by Ownly thence 80utltwlth ,,"11 Olement.'. for1'.... f~.HI.~n ut 'n1tf1l~ 'tb&t the Yan- ' ht'ough the broken .window sbe pitcb by the BOund of like this; never ba'd there been that Furman, guardian of Robert O. Fur- :':"~lr S~Fd~:I::'a r:,~~,it';°l!~d~h'ih~n:.; Cllllller en satl in ,~p. thirty miles sa men in' butternut runiting, turn- and ~ its signficance. looped beyond benign note ill his .voice .. Jeanne man; a minor et al. . yo.ld Clement.' South line to tne Utica ...... S HARVEYSBUR . Q, O. Ii~" 'In to tir.e WI they run: , the bounds of caution. For a few dropped to h,er knees In a bhnd wOllOwnly Furman, .... ardian of Rob- (K,lrby) ptke: th ence eutwnrdly ;wIth . d .. 00.14 pIke to th o W~at ltne of a 10 acr. L _____________- ' ha h d all I b • I ve mare e .. g ... II r. mun pushed in through the moments Armitage WIIIJ hard put to er.·Jeanne Beaufort. the man you ert 0.. Fu. rman, wu ordered to pay trnct 0.;' pJo.Jted In 8e No,' 6474 War- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. 1 lI:Dow~Ule I marched with do ' bloody balidnge WIIIJ 'wound it to snve bimself. ' 1;Ie felt his legs rt b II ron Coonty. Ohio. Common PIllA. Reel.... _ . [ t · b th b t d h' .' d ' .! h I H ki k d ba k d married is deaC!. No, not Morgan," ceam I s" ord"i thence SouthwBrdl,. wIth _Id ~...... .. 80 awa, . 'f' .e, arC!! aroun 18 Iiea at II r alUS ang e; touch a chair. e c e c war - liS Jeanne mechanically tumed her The Lebanon-Citizens National \I ea. IIno of aal 60 " ore tra~t to the ahed be- head townrd the quiet form by the Bank !lnd, Trust Company, by C. C. all1 a6oqer• . 1 ve been inSIde their tiis revolver at the shadows pouring gall to force Morgan back, " so we table. "It wns Anns~ong, the man Eulass, trust oftlcer, executor of the nn,l all1lrulnr th e IlPllurtenaoou. for. tliree .day&. I Was discov- ·nto· the "moke. He t url;ed back to "ve n stoop to fo rging a bit of tatoo- who died in your garden. Presently estate of Adallne T White fil ed in- ' 'rh above <I orlole.d real C)ala.te I"'bll~l .. discover ed Jeanne. ~ . .I~ e ' us b a th to. geth e. r I' ventory and , . .. , b 80ld fr ee ond 0 co.r or"·"ny r If b,. a man named Parson Ken- reload- und . ing, do we?" God,,",,'w III JU"6, app,ralsement. . II Ie o.n(l Interest clo.lm or I\en of .. I . . n~M. He seized tlle nearest musket "Good in beaven, you here yet." J ennne heard these words but the Kennedy ' stretched out hIS hands, Go rge E Fryburger administra- [",ba.. on- IU. n~ N",Uolllll Banlt and MONEY LOANED . ..... "' . k w I ht . . ' Th P each head From the gray . . , Tru B t 00.) ~I\. c:orporo.tlon. aa 0011'\1 ....- __..,;.~...:..;:-,.______ _ _ _......._ , .,....- ..0 I e or me: caul\' "Morgan" she murmured pomt In them passed over her. ere .one u ,!n . '. 'bl tor of the estate of Emma L. Fry- t ro.,t or Of tll o atate or n. Van T1'",,8. t,* ~net .in tUne',to prevent ita goThe hou~e rocked. A rubble of was on Iy one clear though~ in .masns's fli~o!!nC:~~, ~~~~cg~e~itu~l~ven- burger, flied first and final accou~t.. ~~~. a~o.~i-y E~i"';,oir~:."~~' a~O~t 8~~~ .LoANS on Chattels,Stoeb, Seeari:ina,:Uato my alp.tll. ·1 )mocked · him brick and mortar came piling int-o head- that Morgan sbould die at neWhoen the la's' t word was spoken Charles S. Mounts, execlltor of the o.nd treo nnd lear of any Dower rl.ht till and Second Mor.-.:..... Nolet ~ wjth. the bu~ Anybody got a the firepluce. A shell hnd struck the fee t. . d ' ti Th' t t f S' C H fil d . of the JUlia R o y Smtth, lbereln. · 8a.ld be" J h H bl "-J X 1_ dr.~p pf whi!lky'! I'm about done I" ehi~ey. "She is mine I" ~aid Morgan there came a 'eep 8Ullplra on. e os a c a usan • ayner, e BUp- real estato haa been .-... ularl,. apur,.~ . o. n at ne r., .11 ... • . He sat down on camp-stoolt ac- "So you wouldn' L run a wny? . That's "You lie I" She never wae a~d hands slipped limply to ~is !qtees. -plemental and final distributive ac- pral.e(l und er ord~r of tbe Court at Ohio, .' . -maO.',*, ~Pted .. ftuk ~d drank rather aee.p- like' you!" Morgan laughed sardon- er will be yours!" Bo~h JeIlnne and Armitage looked up count. ~~~ea~~a ~1~1~~i"h~.:~iOdO)fo~lJ:~.tl1= I,. <for·one who wiahed merely a tomc. ically. "We're beaten! But what of Armitage returned no answer. qUIckly.., K 'd' t Court authotl7.ed M. H. Oswald, ad- L""1-tblrda of ...Id appra"ed valUe. • t .' 'l1IIe aide · who bad otfered the whis t~t" s weetheart? While there's life every oun ce of skill and Btrength Parson ' .John . enne Y ~h s o~J ministrator of the estate I1f .J ohn H. '1'el'll\8 cub. ALFRl!lD C BRANT IQr had.eeen men drink thil! way when there's hope 1''' He laughed again. possessed. be succeeded in driving sHoUlb had fPEastesed 'tOyut into e q Holzlin,. to sell certain securities. Sberlff of Warr .... Cou.. ty. 01.10. F4nD8ra of . WlIJT8n . and ad.lolnln. qaey 80\J8ht for 1I0methmjt caned, In the face of this new danger Morgnn among the fallen bricks by ar or a 1"01. I!v W. H. FuUterth, ])eputy. tI binI ~ "devil-may-care." Jeanne forgot all about that outside. the fireplace. (The End) (Continued on poge 3) Dean E. ,Btanle,., Atty. ' I-IO·It eoan ' ea malo ta mone::,.~o.:;.~o:;:n~.!......_ _....Morc~ returned the ftuk, ripped The man was battle-mad, shorn of MUl'gan lowered his point . and ran time 10al'll, at 15 per cent IDte""" tJi~ sl!-leve from hla left arm and D!a!l:e civiJizati9n'e veneer, reckless and to' the left. In his endeavor to fol-~ --,- I • Cost of senrlnc the .am. hi ¥VJ raa. a ' rude bandage for the cot on blS premordlal. low up the advantage, Armitage ran S'MATT.ER POP Tough Gang Too t .B y C~ M. P~ YNE IOnable ,throurh Federal Lad forehead. I ");fenry Morgan- " af~ul his own trap, ·tripped over a Sanj{. For furth •• Info~ ' atlo~ __ II ,.. 'l!he General wu . alreJ!.dy . i8I1ui!1f: ' "Yes, I understand. You've found brtck uud clime to hlB knees. .. ..... ordera. The ba~erle8 were III POBI- out the truth. Yes, 1 was there in Before ho could arise, Morgan 'On or addre. ·... O. DRA . Tn... ti.on alld a thousand .men were to re- Richmond that night. I ' was one of whirled and was upon him, death 'u hr, phone 8UI-X, Lebanon, Oblo. ~n.. with the guna to hold .the 'Onion the eleven . Can't ,you guess which his smile of assurance. . fOfC\!B in check until ~he httle army one? What then?" . J eanne cried out and leaned .forwere beyond the danger of a flankHe walked over to her. She step- wllrd'. And then a miracle happened. LOST in~ move~ent. ped behind tho table. She WlI S un- There came a shatteHng of glass '}fajor' Morgan," ealled the Gen- IIrmed; and she was no longer with- fr om th e .window behind Jeanne. LOST- Near the M. E, chureb, a eral, ·"will you take command of .. out fear. At the same moment Morgan spun b~ttery? . This bll~ guards the "Do you know why 1 am here, on his heels, his face twisted with Greek, jeweled IOrorlty pin. Reriver. I want an hour. Jeanne? Haye I not t old you a thou thnt expl'(JssiOll of intense lIt1rprise w.rd, Finder please leave . at quette "You shall have it, ,sir-that is, if sand times that you were mine, which always accomp.a nies a mortal office. -a2' they don't blow us out," Morgan sa- mine? Bah! Let the iools eut each stroke. Be tried to speak; his ilaber . other's throats; you and I wiU begin slipped f rom his fingers; he stacF~~ R,ENT the honeymoon I" gered backwurd and fell headlong in He threw out his hand unexpected- f ront of the table, at 'J eanne~s feet. .. Iy and caught her by the wrist, dragOu t of the ruck of fighting beyond FOR RENT-Desirable farm of 100 tring her from behind the table. "It lhe hou~ e, Fate had marked 11 wild acres, I)ear Centervilie, Motj~mer:v llf I, sweet wife, I. Henrr, Morganl bullet as her own and had directed c'o unty, Ohio. W. A. Malabary, 'So~th Homo sum ; I am the man I ' it at Morgan' s breast. qharlellton, Ohio. ' .~~, She struggled fiereely to release "What is it?" asked Jeanne. still her wri8~nd ' saw the symbol on in the dark. _ ' the 'man'8 forearm 1 "A chanee bullet through the winWANTED · Outaide were blue-clad figures, dow." among them one she knew. Jeanne was still the woman these WANTED-Home for.·a 16-year-ol<l, Tueaclay. 9 a.m. 3lp.rn Morgan was pressing her head two men bad fought for. She erept bqy in the .c ountry• . Mra.. PrlacUIa' black to kiss her lips, when she around the tab le and silently caught Saturday.8 a.m. 7 p~m screamed_ , '. Armitage's arm _in her tense hands • Harvey, Ha~eY:lbur&'" O)lio. ·a17 "John Johnl" "He is dead1" J~welry Armj~ge came in through the bro"Yes." ken window, grim and disheveled. It "I am tired." And she laid her took him but an instant to understand head against his sleeve. . He . seized Morgan and flunR' him His saber cllltt.ered to the floor, FOR SALE--250 bUllliela cOrlw: .In: . , . aralnst- the wall. Jeanne rim back , and he did what- the stone-age man quire of Flora Bern'hill, ' 2127 Into the table again here eyes wide would have dOlle: took the woman in diana Av'l., Colu'm bal, Ohio ',al''-' his IIrms and kissed her. And Jeanne returned that kiss. ., FOR SALE--Thr'1e pui'.b~ed Anrua ~ Boom. Boom, Boom! They male yearllnc calves. Qn t1Ie sending shells across the river, whithWedgely'Farm, R. D. 2; Spriq er the gallant gray lads were making ley, Ohio. , I . ',- , • • .al' ,'. th eir last s tand. The tumult about the house had ceased. ' POWER 'EQUIPMENT "Jeanne . how ' could I help loving . shafting, haugen; Nt eol1arti, beltyou? How could any man? But ing. />abbl~. met:al. el\Cble ad boner ' . you shall not live in dread and doubt Itrlmminp! THE BOCKLJ:T.JtIMO any longer, oath or no oath. I was Ohlo/ ' CO., ,'16 W, Mabi , " not the man w!to stepped out and Earl, for- Your~. nat••• Guarant,,_ first offered to marry you. It was 'F.OR SA:LE:-Load of-' ItOCke ea~.. Morgan. He knew ;who , you wer.e ." " Satlsf.c-tioft 01' . Chari· Nothinl~ . J. A. ' 11a.,Il, P~"D. New "But--the mark on his arm I" Burlil1tton Oblo, . t ... , . . . 'lIt WIIS .made· recently. God knows ".~rillht;..n---'-7-, w.ha~ark iaeit-he had i,n. .l)lind. BePiPE, 'VALVE& ":.AND . • , U. '.... 109 SIdes, the mark Isn't· qUite identical (or. ali purPo.... Phcm. NO. 320 . to ,the true Olle. Sec I" . He jolled , . up MOl'lJ'an's al~eve. r!:t.mb~II\~~~ '&;..;;;.-...- ...-----~~~~-~--------.... "Girl, do fOU think that l'n ~W.IIaIa~ ~
10' 1
"CASH IN" -on Pea k Mark e t
Waynesville. Farmers' Exchange Company .
c. W.
- ----
- -.\oIl
Dr. W. E. Frost
HmeJshurg' .F-..a!':-
»w ..
t~~ ~~ ~:~fr;.~rd~~tif!r h}~ 'W: ra!mt~ ~~e b~~do:ll!n~P~~IP~~~4 :1!'~S~~~i~e s~13,e:a
~~~: :f IIL"n'ft~n;;:~f ~~n~~':.ln~lt116.3'
Fa rmers Atten.ti on! The
F.. T. ..!u.
Jesse Stanley Auc.tioneers
Btl; x.nIa,
·New · B....... ·· t--O on, ' . ·
-:€". ,r
.Katend .. til, Poatoftlce at W~ynelV ille, 0" u Second C1aii MaU Matter D. L. CRAM£. E.utor ••• P.bllA.r. Wa,_...w.. CHito Subscription PrIce, 11,60
per ,ear.
The r'enson orli cfforts arc a op" is Mr. Tex Ricknl'd will Bo~ie lillY write an enllghtoning book on prize they'r~ batj~d on "bunk." ' - 4 )flgh~ing and prize flghterlr-Tafter lie A couple of Ili\Ots got in a fight gets through with ~oth. JUBt. now during an :a!rpilln e flight · in Kansas he fee ls that the radio takes part of his profits. At the last million·dollar - the mach me craKhing. t his is the ultrll i n everything to lose fight there' was one 'seat unsold, un til qui to late in the afternoon. Mr. - nothing to gain. ,.. -?Hicknrd 8Uggests that listeners-In on Pro hibi t ion Chi ef Lowman says th o radio should pay twenty-five cents each lor the pleasllre of enjoying Uncle Sum hRS enough whis~y .O!l years for medlclhllnd I to IU Rt Beven h · h' still newlI for fight details. That would prpduce a five or ten milllOil dollar fight. and na purposes, W IC IS enable Mr. Rickard to begin, sooner, tho bootleggers.- 0 writing his book, "Gloves I Have Put 1'he National Dentists' association on Othera." . . is told that thel'e are only 20 aets of Some, unsympathetic, 8uggest th~t, perfect natura' teeth! in all of Amer811 the Government .c an control r!ldlo. ieu which indicates t h',lt t he dental it should forbid broadcasting brutlll and bloody detail. of prize fiehting !n business is n ho,,":Un g bIg success. -4)- • , millions of homes. Government WIll .... New York now has Its ~hlte w,ay not allow movine pictures of prize cops .dresse dln t uxedo dmn er BUltS. lights to be carried from one State to We Ju.s t know 80me hu.morou8 so ul another. Why allow the story, by radio, to be. carried into. every State. in R OIght .club br~wl WIll so~ncr or It i8 the broadcas ting of prize figh ts later conceIve the Idea of lossmg unthat eventually will stop prize fight· corked catsup bottle8. In,. Clel'lrYmen, listenin, in, will NOT IN THE RIGHT PLACE combine to stop the brutality, and they will be able to do it. The The diner had not enjoyed his meal wonder is that they have not. done at oil. A nd. in accordance with t he so already. Prize fighting Is a real instructio ns on the menu "kindly remoral issue. mora Important t~an Jo- pOI·t IIny dissatisfllction to tbe mannah and the whale, or DarWin Ilnd ageme nt," he called t he head waiter _ _ __ monkeya. to his tab le. "I have a serio us complaint--" beTRAVELING NOW AND THEN gan the diner. but was interrupted. "Then why don't you try a hospitThis country, aa everybody kn ows, a l, sir." baa more miles of talkoad track than any other country in t he world. THEN THE FUN BEGAN Somethin, that ought to make railroad IIUUlBiera and their stockhold· She- "If you remember 1 wasn't era think I. the fact that "common 80 anxious to marry you. I refused carrier" motor omnibus lines have you six times." more miles of bus routes than railHe-"Yea; and then my luck had road. have of rail linea. Two hun· to &ive out." dred and Mlventy thouaand miles for the bUIes, 257',000 miles for tile rail·
----.. -----
alrplanel begin competing with. the railroads and buses t he sit· uation win be more complicated . . Children in the iChoola now will tell their children: "I remember when my. lather used to travel lone . dis· tanees In the railroad train. When he went: to OaUf\lrnla he had ' to sleep f~ur nlehta on the train."
:.tLLERS The aven,. youn, flapper quite . often ,eta mad, quarrels and cries-but they lOon "make-up."
J\: I,
S ..._C ~
The Cflnterville Limestone W" E"" (bOd!//P M~~.,.$ Co., atone, $43.66: Hugh Bevan, lItone (',055IP 'rtiE "op II\...T" and land, $34.10: Bevan and Stingly. same, $136.60: Grol8 & Basore, cement, $3: Franklin Vulcanizing a.nd Tire 00., repairs, $1; 'Herschel T. RE~L EST.A TE TRANSFERS James, tl'uck repair, $1.70; John Law Marie R. HUlll8berge.r to John F. &: Son, repair .o n su rveyor 's carN. Carey, lata In l~anklln. $27.4 6: J?hn Donnell, labor. $25: R. Weisman. 1.0 the Ohio Bell ~el- saDlo, estima,te o n contract. $128. one Co., rl~.ht to COn9~()t bnes The International Harvester Campaproperty 111 Mason . ny repairs for tru ck, $2.26; ROBS to the Ohio Bell H.' S. Conover. supplie s. $2.:1 0; .Ino ne Co., right to construct Gunckel. welding. $1; L . J . P 'n ' C, over prope,rty in Mason. slllllc. $2.5 0; The Ge m City Blu e Mary J. Lowe to the Ohio Bell Print and SUIJIIl y Co., lllu u prints. Telephone Co., . right to cons'!uct $2.62; Ba nham Motor Co. " rcpllirs o GEE WHI Z over property In Maso n. for county ca rs f or surveyo r. $24.28; Bell and Jo~n Zim Ed Meloy. bridge repair, $ J 4.2 0 ; W . He had fallen rn r her. Thl'Y . al., to Emerson Dill •. 26 tow n A. Scott. same. $7.20 Th e Frank were ill cln ~~(' loget her but ~h E' did ID Mt. Holly. Sherwood Co., s upp1i e~. $23.0 1 ; The not ~f1(, llk to him , ny <i e"IJl'ru le C. A. Yund~sl to J . W. a nd Osie Morrow Lumber Co .• cement, ~e\\'or mean s h ~ finall y IHllt hl' !' . Thoy were A. Sne ll. lot 1111 Harve~s~urg. pipe and lu mber. $ 13.09: Littlejohn alonc. Iii ~ dream hlld cvmc tru e'. "How'!; your Malh ?" s he afiked. Esther Rail, by admin istrator. to Bros .• cement. $ 11 6.00; C. C. Em"Good." h · rep li"c!. " H ow 's yuu .. George E. Hull, lot in Franklin . . monR. labor on road. $ 17.85; Monroe Eugene W. Hughes ' and Carrie & Johnso n stakes for s urv eyor. Anatomy?" J" h t W ' " II h i t ' S • . .. ug es 0 .... . ug es. 0 In a· $22,50: The B!l~rett Co .• . tnrvla de. . "I think you 're hurrid !" Mhe exclaimed. 10 111 Tp. li vered and appllcd . $4!l5.50. Ja mes T. and Mary ·Helms, of Morrow . to Woodrow Hughe s, lot in • - .. KIND OF MAMMA Morrow. NEEDED PRACTICE Ca8sie BalemD,", of Ra minon Co. . "I'o! fn ee h eli iLself Lo marry th ut to Mrs. Suruh T. Ledford, .50 Lorrl Bnbhington was inslruclinp: gir l, A rc hiliald.u s." . . t own ucre8 in Wurre n county. the n ew ~olored servaot in his du o "Yo u WIll. Il""l cIll U~, WUlt till you Mllry It Githens to State of Ohio. ties. add ing : "Now, Zeke. when I meet her moth<!r." .027 ~own acres in Clea rcreek Tp. ring fol' YOll, you must answer me by !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!~ Allison Taylo r to State of Ohio saying. "My lord. what will you 1.226 town acres in Clearcreek Tp. have? " Stanly L. and Dorothy E. And erA fcw hours afterwards. having Bon to State of Ohio .844 town acres occasion to summ on the serva nt. his in Clearcreek 1'". lordship was a sto ni shed with the fol . Henry KiBSinger to State of Ohio lowing : .496 town acres: in Clearcreck Tp. "My Gawd. what does you wan t P. L. and O. IP: Getts to State of now?" Ohio •. 9 14 to;wn acres in Clearcreek _ _ __ township. Anna al\d Ru lth Nntt to State of :l/O'J' Jf'Jll FUll A I·J·J.l f'A· I· JHN . F Ull I' Il'l' IFU; A'I'E f .... 1"1111.10 ( ·UN"F.· Ohio. 1,262 town acres in Clearcreek .. . C:-i1F.:-iCi1 AND :-i1'X'Ellll l 'I'" '1'0 01'township. f:JlATEl 'A MOTlln TllANSrOn'l'A. 'I' IU N ( 'OMI"AS\I. P. and Marion. A. Hayes. to State Public n o tice ~eh)' g l"e n 'h "t Ohio .631 tOWIII acres in Clearcreek P. L. HOll gh haB fli e d wit h the Pul, lI e tow nship. UlI llti eH COl1lml u lon or Ohio nn nppllPerry E. and Mary I. Wade, to (!R tf o n tor n ce rtltl C' nl o or public co nvcntL~lce Ilnd n ece ~u~ lty to 0 0 ra t P hR Stat.e of Ohio ,,744 town acres in mo t o r transportation .company tor t e Clearcreek Tp. trnn epo rtntlo n or prop e rly .ove r the following .. out e. t o_oil. Irrogulnr. C. H . Githen s to State of Ohio. Number of tr ips 10 b e mnd e doll y wllJ 1.693 town #Icresl in Clearcreek Tp. b"N::;~'i,~~I~'i' motor v ch lc l es lo be u s e d Harry Gris t t(ll Edward and Sarah on l ll( IJ:lrll~B Inl eresl e ll non y obtain InCrist, lot in Mation. rormn tl on as t o limn nnd 'Placf' of h rnr· OW1t:1ey Furman. ,Victor E. and lng upon Bam apptl cHlt o n by nddrctu-dn2' Robert O. Furman to Robert H . the Public UtlglteK ·ommls.lo n or Oh io at Co lu mbus. hl o. F . l... trOUO H. ones. lot in Lebanon. Stree t. " ' llyn e." IIl • . Ohio. Lydia R. Bunnell aDd Paul C. Lane 8- 17 Third -3 t to Tine Roberta, lot in Franklin. ... Tine Roberta to Claude Milton, NOTI OE FOil A "'I'J,l CA'I'ION_~~,.,~ . in Franklin. t"lEnTIl"IC ATE OF l· u nl.lC ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~ .. N II~NCE AND NE(WSSr'I'V ~ Charles F. Myers to GeorlO .mATIil A MO'I'OI1. •... 'ANSI·0I1 Catheryn M. Dugan, lot in TION C OMI'AN\' .
---. M. C. Gordon spcnt the week·end MARRIACOE UCENSES in Centerville and Dayton. Walter A. Ra p, paper manufaeturG. B. Davis fell on the street, Tues- er of Franklin, and Martha Loulae iniurlng his face painfully, Pardee, at Franklin. Sam Kirbey is the guest of Mr. . and Mrs, C. E. Gordon and tamily. T his community was well repre· sented at the Wilmington fair last woek . D r. and Mrs. Earl Fros~ a!o ehter· nlng t:o of Mrs. Frosts nlcces, for wo wee s. . .Th Woman's Civic League With Mrs. Howal'd Graham Saturday aftet'noon, , , Re latives from. this vicini ty were in a ttendance at the Collett-McKay pi nic. Saturdny. Miss Mlll'ie Paul hus gone to Cillclnnati. where she will enter high 8chool this full. A fcw from here attended the. . f th FI 'l l b D' t . t f nlC 0 e I 5 oro III rIc 0 M. F.: . church lit Harmo n pal'k, dn y. M.r. and l\il's. A: Z. lI ~l'~sock famIly, of Clurksvlllc. vl Rltcd parents. Mr. and Mrs. W . T. Jordan. SundllY. The 4-H club girls li nd boys. with the gir! H' .Ien der. Mi ss Helen Randall. nr~ enJ oY ing cllmp life at Camp Ross thiS week . M,.~. H erbert File and Jun e Ellen . of W 8~hillgton ·C. H .• nrc vi siting Mrs. Fite's parents, Mr. a nd Mrs. Frunk Wil so n. . . Mr. and Mrs. B. Bnrtone and Mr. and Mrs. Vance, of t he Ideal Comedy Co., called Oil IIfl'. and Mrs. J. C. Gray. Sunday. t
Miss Winnifred Starr and brothers Lester. Vcpnoll Lawrerlcc nnd Elmer. of Spring Vu lley. culled on relati ves here Su nday afternoo n. Mr. and Mrs. Jo e Heisey. of Dayton, were guests this week of Mr. Heisey 's sister, Mrs. Mary Finch, and on Friday helped her celebrate 83rd birth date. When food boiled over on an oil stove cau8ing ,it to blaze uP. t he home of Mr. a nd Mrs. Emery caught fire Friday. Mrs. Ross ed heroically and had the most exti ng uished by t he time unteers from town arrived. - - -- - - - - JUST AS EASY
ProCeBSor A-flDo you know, I find it difficult to remember the nges oC my children'?" Professor B- "I have no trouble. I was born twenty-three dred years alter Socrates, my wife
COLUMBUS Aug. 29 - Sept. 3 A Million· DollAr Llvc Sto4 Show. World', Pint Auonaudcal Bxpoation. Old' time DUlcinl and Old· time Plddlinl Conte•• World', Greate.t CAD.
Sbeep and HorK Show. A Half'Million Dollar Dol BOOw. Farm Machinery Exhibit.
HUJe Exhibitt of Fum Uld Pactory ProduCtl. International Rodeo
Five Day of Ho~ ~~. Grute.t L&'&w' Day CeleGration. .
America '.
Au,. 26-ROD~'
Dr. John W .. Miller
the.R,.... ...,."n
B.... '8la" nlotor vehicl es to be on" All(Jp ... rU cs Interes ted< may 0 bt a I n I no, formaLlo;, 1\8 to time and p l nce 0
hearlnl{ up o n enId npplicatlon by addre • • ln« t he Public Utllltiea Comml. elon o(,-Ohlo at Colllmhu8. Ohio. W. B . SQumms. Mnln Street. W.sncllv llle. Ohio. S-l7-at
.. - ..----
Trustees of Public Affairs, and gas, $4.02; 88me, water COMING AND GOING $6; same, wa.r· rent, $4; The -Bon &: Watson Co., record of Willa "A Chicken," said the colored par. for probate court, $81; Bell Preu, 8On, "a mde mos'usemullest animule supplies for Soldiers' Relief Commie. dat am made. Yo' c'n eat him before sion, $4: C. J. S.:hwartz, supplies for ~.A_. UL--' he am bohn an' acter he am daldl" Court H.ouse, $1.; The Office II.! A..,..-W\ei - - -... - • ters' Repairs on typewriter, .. .I.I•.DU:I . PWI~'.""· "''''I.-II-I-Rj,--p,..t....--fto "t t pte) The W. H. Andelllon Co., Code bOiiIj-un.o_l'IaNP. "Stop! What wa88P;~~r ~orldlY ~ Service ~o~ 1927, ~7.60: The Dm-D~lDMDU. _~""'ICM.w.N cupation'" . Chmc, medIcal stll·vice at jail, -~.,..~ Spirit-" I was a traffic cop!' ; C. J. Watkins, supplies for ....,8'\lIUIr<~ IWIIRISt. P.eter-flGo." $1: John La,W' &: Son, cas and "".1WAr~_"""0IlCI =====';'=========I f.o r sherifr's county cars, $18.61; ..-r .... ItAOWI'IMOOfl "....OAI -= lery Atkill8On, ill bar on county auf \8 ~ ~ ~ for $1; Ruth and Anna ":':i.~'~d."~ and dama,e for Pi Pracdrol PCJt;fem $278.10: Amanda r. .........·nlf' $86: AnUllnda Zellers, lame, No.. 1150 : F. A . Burnett. lame, $116 Clara Stacey, same, UI0: Allison Tay. same, $122 Oliver E. and EliaaKin" same, $180; stanley L. ~d Dorothy,Anderaon. same, $76: W A. Surface, et a18, lame, $200"; J8II• . P. .nd Marion IIIa.ys, lame $100; E. and Mary I. Wade, same, P. L. and O. P. Getts, same, C. H. Gltihena, 88me, $332;' C"D<lon. Kesalngel', lame, $240; Frededcka Feum, same, $60: J. L. and ~. A. Kenrick, same, ,76: G. W. Sine lame, '145: A. II. Brackney, $286; M. S.lIal'lall, lame, $136; ~~ d Hattie Newben,.. lame. $260; Mary E : Githens, $6 Geofge W. Lar. ljickj salary 8S jarllt~r, $20. The Columbus :Ellanlt Book Co., In. ventOry Record, ,76; Ohio Central Phone Corporatiolll, phone rent, $48 .• 5'0 lame, tolls for "arious offices, saO.• 60 : L . M. Sea veld, supplies for court hOUse, 50c: E. S. Worley, labol' and sup,plles on ' count" can, $116.5'0 :
- ---
two thouaand ye.o rs after the trance into Rome of Tlberius ~emDrol nlus Gracchus for the relemlCtmE the ledges of Liciiue, and our da flfteep hundred years beginning of ' the k.-.w•• n~I"'l'iin"'_ thaf i8 perfectly simple, you see."
bridle repair material, $81.71: The
Gordon ia on the sick llat.
~~~tee:f ~~:~~~ Y~:!:ar~f~~~
In a banlt vault in Tokio lies ,600,000 wortla of 80Jld IrOld, nobody know. who owns it, nobody claim. it. • Many a younc man wll) say, "1 would do an,tbllllr to pt t,hlat '600,000, BOld, that lIobody c1aiml.... Younc pntlemen should , ",member that in their .own lirain., In tbelr ruoure" of' patience, common . .DIe ~ ~ ,600,000 in real mOl!t1 and more may be lount\ If thei WaDt work. They needn't do "an'lthiq" to p~ it, JIIIt work and !je ateadJ. • _ ••___
acre, brld,e material, $60: lame.
J,-urt.Boue M8IIon Lumber Co .• lIame, $60.24: J. . FOm\At . D. Adams .&: Co., ~epai1'8 !truder, J t':-,.........,.---:-:-:-=---::..:==~-'1
WEDNESDAY , 'AUGUST ' 17, 1927
Auto Supply Co •• 86e; Harlan Whit- . -:U~i'l
v. nuAX. DIrIo!-
L.M.HENDERSON . NOTARY PUBLIC Natloaal BaDk Will. DrawD .......... E.tat•• S.ul...
'W alter McClure J. E. McClure ' FUN'ERAL DIRECTORS
WayDeaYill.. Ohio
GRANllluUrERJ tebanon ~
. .:30 aad 8 :30 p. m.
Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. A~bulaDee 8eme. TELEPHONE
W .YDeaville, · Oh.io
E . .M~er, expenses, '4.40i Fred
Q_ ••. " " '.......
del', payroll, $875.50: W, W. 'I'ft,~ .... I· ~nB, same, $388.25: F. M. Collina, $189.26: Eden Terry, lame, $156.46; , same, $229; A. T. Rettig, same $197.40; Charles E. Bradbury, same, $195.90: Joe W. navis, same, $496.50 P. B. Monee, lame, $160.20; W. S. 'G raham, $182.60: E. W. Quimby, Same, $187.80: S. E. Cutler, same, $11.25; Harlan Whitacre • . lame.01.60; Blair & Leroy, cement, $15; Ohio Corrugatad Cu.lvert Co., CDtltallb1t•• 4 sewers, $273.10; W • .E. Ber,dall, ,:.,~:1~tl:~~:ltb~~f,~t!.~~';'1;~~4~~!~!q surveyiq, $7; S. D. Henkle. lame and .inapection. " ·2; Jennie E. Ironl, on inawranee, U6.75: The tSI;andal'd Oil Co., Iras and all, $817.65 ''''AnOIl. navel, ,3: C. b . Wat".20; .The Oregonia 1':!~.~~:"I';:'i.""~;,~, ltor bridges, $68.tIi . bridge, '$119.74; $3'42 Speneer and ,ulmillh ' in, and Iqadlnj: same, same, .89.63: ="'.__ ..-:;:--....... 'Slirene·Y. ame, . ,443.70,; W. lame, '259.25; HOlllard Cook. fUlmillh-1 .lan.d, ,2.65; same. I 0(11!~~'~1~~K: :1.~1~'.~iG!!~ ,. loadin, stone, U; 'fumlahln, and loadlq "'l'~" U"l~_~!"__ ~
Ilton.elf,. '~11l
,and.' 'U.63. . ..' and . .CCOUllt' for keepllllr
IlriJlOblSn. ....... O.U'1f i
YOU FIGURE If you buy on Price
We'll sell you a quality tire that will beat mail order prices.
If you buy on Quality
,. ' ..
We'll sen you tires that will beat the pr~ce,aqd : out-run the mileage of other fint grade tir~ ~: Ii,
If you. want t~e Qest .
We'll sell you tires that. ar~ beyond compariso.!l:
L. . Zimmenu'.n wal In Columbu Tucsdu)".
o Dayton
Or. P. A. (lUTtlt' r. chiropractor, 1I1 i$. H nrlotta McKinley was in Dr. P. A. Lehllnon, l hill •. I'hl.nll 7. . nu~' t o n , 1\Ionday. Lebn n o~ Ohio, M,~.
J . ·S . hnl 11\1111, wh" \Vus tluite Dr. P. A. GRrn er. chl rop ructor, Lost- tring 'of light y Ilow beads. Lebanon, Ohio. P hone, '78. F lnner pi ase Ilenye III lh ls offi ce. sick Ill. t \VI·ek. ,i ~ ut lIgll;n. Reword. . Wny ncsvill e W IIS \Y 0 11 l' pr sen ted 'rr . . Kllt~ R i<'k~ i~ "I'('Q\'~t;ing frol\) Kn. Ra, KJlt. was in Oil toll tw. Lh ... ITe 'lM (If a. fall 11I~1 wt'!!k. Ilt t he Wilmingt on fllir 188t week. Mr. nnd Ir s. 1. L. .Pllrsholl w r ll tbnlut_k. lInduy guests of 1\1 r. ..od Mrs. lil' farga r el Hol<', of Dayton, W Mr. alld Ir~ . Arthur Anson, of L. Hu wk . Vn. Itarvey Rye lind 1ittJ dnugh- \'i iLing h r lIunt, !\Irs. W. . Sellr . 1[enlthy, ~p('nt ' un dny with r elatives '-r an Ylt.ItiDgrellltiv 11 in Dolawn re. her e. lIfi LilJie Ne dry hilS retu r ned, Ilf. 1 ichttrtl ~ ei~ brlltlt, of SlIrdinia, i ~ ter spending tine winte r w ith r elaMr. •IId Mt'l!. ).: h·in Fires nnd I he ~\('st of '. !If . Hohitzcr antl Mr. nn d Mrs. D. R . mi lh e njoyed ives nt Tro y.. Flossie Fir s ,-isil d rclaUvcs nt fllmily. n rew Iluy,;' \lULI ng in Michigan last J lllfenonvme, Tuesday. week. :T he llllwk c "cu ll i n will Mis" Itlrgnl'ct I'ri 'kelL; or Lewisat M~ m o r ill l Hull, Leba non, on S unWW Smith nnd his fri end , hnrlus I.ow n., Ill. , il' visiting her sillter , Ir s. lI1;';.Q Ada S h u ll e~ is spendi ng the dllY, Au gn, L 28 . Warner, lett ftlonday morn ing for E. L. 11111'1 1111, w('(,k in Uuy ton, visi ting f r iends and theJr home In Wamego, Ka n .. nf ler re la t ives. ,ru ne lind son, Mr. lind 1I1 1·s. E. IJIQdlng nearly two weeks wit h r elM E. and I\Irs. Weisbrodt. of ard iof Dllyt on, s pe nt ' un dllY wi lh Mr. atlvee er e. Mr. Wnrner. visited 1'('1- nia, spent the weck-end with Mr . nnd Miss Mnr i!' Williomson, of a nd Mrs. D. L. rune. atlves near London, Ohio. Mrs. . 111. Robit ze r. Vall ey. is Ihe guest of Mrs. J ohn Whitn ker. Miss Slcllu L"I1H1Wn \\'e l1 t to r·'rank Mrs. Eloise T h onlP~on, of Cincin lin lusl week to n~ s llnw her duties n ~ nali, is fl Jl n ding th e w ek wi th hl' r .r. C. F romm li nd Camily lilt nded cll mmu nity nunse. . the fun erul of a n' lnt h'e in Duyto n. parents, Mr. an d Mrs. G. J. S mith. lnst week. 1\1 rs. Nellie Kepler wus call1'ti to Mrs. Mar ga r C'l E\'aM Cheney, of Xcn iu on '1I'co unt of lite se ri ous illCincinna ti, wa~ a munA' the out-orW. 11. Allen a nd fo nti ly attended ness of !'IIrs. Me li5sa R"dfol'll. 3 .er.. , ..ood 1".Udln ... , frui t, clooe lown r ela tives who a Ill' ndml Lhe fu - Ih e Gi st annu lII Collett Mt;Kay 'plcnic nern l of David EvanR, Saturd ay. lust Saturday . Mr. li nd I\[rs. M. A. Corn ell and to .tora, '2,000. Mrs. Rn lph Mi lKe I' attended thc CorNext to life itself eyesight is per1'CI(,f Demas and fami ly, of New noll r eunion nt T roy, Sunday. 211 wol1 im proved, electric II...... o• • •h.lf mile from W.yne.- Imps t he most precious possession of Vi ~ n n ll , s penL SU'HI" y wilh Olive r nlankind. It pays t o have you r eyes Dll v i ~ un d ramil y. Misses Donna an d Gilldys Di ll , of ~\lo. " ,000. g iven IItt ention by lin eyesight specLe bun on, lire v isiling l heir !.'Tand'l'lIkc advllntnge of Ihe many Spec- mother, 1\Irs. Mll ry Hlltfil!l d. ialist. Dr Ru dolph is here every Tu e~ day lind SlIturda y. Examinat ion ials duri ng August ut Cory's J ewelry Mr. lind 1I1rs. St Clair Fife and is fre e. Cllry's J ewelry Shop, Leb- Sh(l p, Lebatlo n, Ohio. P .... 79 W. yne."ilIe, Obio a non, Oh io. child ren. of Wi lmington, s pt' nl ' unMr. li nd III rs. Elmer Shl'ehn n nt- dny ",iU, Mrs. S usan Wilkerson. lended II reu ninn or t he Armor famil y, at Nil s. Mich., last week. Lo~t - In \V nyncsville, II China pood le, white wit h tun RPO ts. Len vc Mis. Doris Hawke enter ta ined a in Wnynesville wit h J ohn F ra me. fe w fr iends lit a swi mmi ng party at l he Xenia poo l, Friday evening. A closs of Iitltle folks of the M. E. SundllY School, piclliced at Ho rmon Mrs. L ' e Hawke a nd da ughters' a nd park, Lebano n, Illst FridllY IIIternoon. l\li sH Mary !\Iargll ret Unglesby were Ilam illon visit ors one day last week. 1\11'8. Ed Oxley a nd son s, Morris lind Pau l, of Troy, visited with 1111'. and ~I rs . A. T. ,\Vright, Mr. und Mrs. Mrs. Ray Mill , Sunday and l'tJonday. Alfn·d Wright, 1I1r. nnd Mrs. Ell iott WriJ::ht were incinnuti visitors, 1I10nMiss E lsie Hawke li nd Mr. MIlYtl ay. nard Weltz we re Sunday di nnel' s of Mr. and airs. Willia m Weltz Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenne th E lzey li nd of Oil Yto n. bnby <Ioughter. of Dayton. Tuesday wi lh Mr. and Mrs. Walt er Little Miss Bar bar a Ann a nd Master Elzey. ' Ibur Willill m8, of Kin gma n, spent era I doys with t heir gra ndpare nls, Miss Lilli e Pratt, who s pe nt I Mr. .a nd Mrs. J. E. J a nney. week lit th e home of her broth I"w lind sister, li t lil t. Healthy, return \ ed hOllie, Sunday. !l o. m. to 3 :30 p. m., TuesdllY, and !l a. m. un t.il 8 p. m., Satur day. 1111'. li nd Mrs. I. N. Harris, of DIlY- Dr. Rudo lph, t he Eyesight S pecilllist , to n, an d t heir son, Joseph, of Wilkes- is at Cory's J ewelry Shop. Lebanon , barre, I'll., were gucsts on Monday of Ohio . Mrs. Alice McKinsey. G. 1\1. Robitzer a nd family and t heir Mr. Will E. Sm it h, of Wamego, guests, t he Wei!sbrodt 's, of Sardinia, Ra n., spent th e week-end with Mr. and Fred M. Cole lind f amily visited Robert Braddock and Mr. nnd Mrs. Russells Point a nd Ohio Caverns last Frllnk Br oddock and 80n, Raymond. SundllY. Don't miss tbis opportunity! Get a • - ton of coal for nothing! Do it today! Mr. and M,r s. Allen B. Shaner enWhy do we sen so much silvertertained to dinner, Sundny, Mr . and It's eaay t .lust come down t o the 1Il.rs. W ilIillm Keoppen and children, war e ? Because " Yourex Silverseal" Store and deposit U for a membership the best plated war e made by man Gail Louise and E.ugene, of Doyton. in our Heatroh, Free Coal Club, then machine. See the beautiful patpay only a week until Sept emper 'at Cary's J ewelry Shop, LebMr. nnd Mrs. Ray Ma inous left Fri,. 11th.. day on a motor trip through E astern II non. Ohio. Ke ntucky. Mrs. L. B. Brlmnock and Before cold weather comes, we'll send Mr. and Ml:s. E. L. ,I Harla n enterdaughte r, Juanita, accompanied them ned a t dinne:r lost Wednesday evton of coal to yot;J: house-free. on the trip. enin g the fo llowing guests : Mr. Will Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wright, of E. Smit h, of 'Wamego, Knn.; Miss Also, we'll deliver Philadelphia, Pa., and Mr . and Mrs. I\fargnret PrickE!tt, of Lewistown, III i E lliott Wright, of Detroit, Mich., a re Mrs. Viola Harlan, Mr. E. P. Ha rlan, visiting t heir parents, Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E(. N. Hough a nd Mr. a nd Mrs. H. B. Earnhart. A. T. Wright.
.~ .
:GrtIJ tluitfoe ton ifcool!
No chance
a&er Augustt.lO
Don't put thiBoH- ' there are not many day,left!
Your ,membership deposit and weekly ])ayments are applied on the purchase of ,the lJeatrola; the Qalance ' can be paid in terms to suit your·convenience.
. Dr. J . ~. Ellis an d granddau ghters. An na O' Neall, Miriam and F ra nces Ellis, are spending a few days with Loren lIa dley ' and family,
CODle in today, or telephone. We want tq show you the Heatrola. We want to explain its many advantages. We want to teU you how you may have 'cozy 'furnace \ heat throughout your whole house. We WBQt to cut your fuel bills almost in half I
at Berlin Heights. • The many friends of Mr!\. W. O. Rnpcr will be glad to learn .that she ---is improvi ng l'apidly a t her ~UMAN FACT.[)R OF WEALTH OF here,afte r undergoing an operation NATION IcClellllnd hospital.
VETERANS REUNION T he 37th Dh'iflion V I mns reu nion will mect in olum bus, Sl'p tember 3, 4 and 6. A rCIr Ullir progrllm hus b en prepu ,' d for lhe IIN·".i n lind th e v"tel;lI ns w Ill Illwe plenty III clo. utu l'I.llIY is for " Cg'i~l ration an d getlog thel' s ~~ i o n s. II ntlny IIfte rnno th I' \\; 11 be n nivil'ion me rn ori,,1 sef\'i e a Mcmorin l lI a ll, wil h \Ju r old hupluin W. H. lI ughes In chll rge. ' un dny night th e ,I oo ,'~ uf the I!: l k~ hume wi ll swin!:, opt' n fll " n miLi nighl I'('''cl, IIntl\ Y\Il1 kll ow wltat . thllt will nll'lI lI . Mon day is tlt e r ('~ ul ll r Ill,si. 'H' ~X ~I' ssio n IIf lite 37 th Ui\'ision V ~t l'I'a tl ~ associn liu n. New uOlce ,''; will be elected " nLi pinna lnid fo t' t hl) tri p 10 Fmn ce n<!xt yea r, li nd Ihe dedirn tionoC Ihe bnll ie nton unw nls. Wrile t Rober t, S. Prench. ulumhll ~ Di ~ r H t rh Rla t i n ~ ",hal rill !' YI'" wish to pay and I'csl'r"lIlion" wi ll he mllde. Or you can reserv e Lh(' m direct fr oni l he h ot~ 1.
7lae free CoalOffe.r Caose
August 20th
waYne.~ille,. Ohio 8~.
.......... aRB Ar .... -8STAT'B ..... ·
n llV, 11 . M. Zi I'cr, (.f C('ntcr vill e, will I(i\'(' II luct ul'c of t heir tr!l ve l ~ . Ih l'l) ugh J II[JIIII, hinu li nd ' thc PhilifJfline l ~ h"H l s, lit Lytle church FridllY evc ni nl( 0 [ this week; li n d ulso ~ hu w Jllntcr ll ~ lid c s in co l(II's of theBe " llI('{'S, IInri h · Hnrl his wif" w 'ar l he "uslunt l' 'If Ih " Phi li llPino IRlllll cia. T hi" is in"lrllclil'C! li s w(·11 as (' lI t UI'tlli ni'n!. Adl1li ~s io n fr ee. Every une welcllme .
Pickin allll Ro n nr' in Ihe hllnt t' flf Mrs. A. II. lI arin n. '
I{ u e ~t~
Mr. nn,1 Mrs. W. D. Lllrki n li nd No n. of Grccnih·l d, spent last wcek wil h Mr. IIIHI Mrs. T. C. Il ayduck IIl1 d fa mil y. Mr. anti ~ I r s . W. C. Smith. Huby anll Rohl· ,·t Smilh un ll Miss ,/ 0 Kelch attl'lId t'd Millmi VUUl'Y Chuuhlulj un Illst \\'l'e k. Lev i Shll' nhaug h, of Ihe U.S. Mori n('s. sud ioned il L (,h ll ri cs!o n. W. \ '" ., n 're nt Iy s llI' nL 1\ few ,lays wilh
Girls Go Camping The Wnk itliLin u n mpfi ,·c Girls, their g ua rdill n, 1\'lrs. Mooma w, CH iliI' moLher , lIlrs. RohiLzer, lind lhe r epr esenta t ive of th e co uncil. 1I1 rs. Zimm('rm un, jo urn <,ycd t o Ca lliI' Linge r Ltln g-p r Monda y m o rnin ~ for 1\ short cnm\li nl( Irip. Tht' cookinJ.t n'HI nt inJ.t out -o C· do ors W ltti l1I uc h I1I Url' H u cce'~ fu l thi ~ time. The food tllsled so )ttlntl, CRpccially the Irish st ew lind fudg e. SI'\'erul of t he girls pussetl swimming t csls und hnd lots of fun with the boal. Th(' most thri ll ing purl of th e a dventure wus MOlldllY night, when n strnl1l!'e mlln wulkerl inlo cump. Howev<, I', he proved 10 be n v<'ry innocent gen llemlln inq uiring th e wily t o Cincinnati. WI' IhcII glilher'd aroun d t he cllmp tire nnd sang so ngs a nd ute wate rmelon . The night held severul distu rbances but quick ly plI s.~e d . The nmp broke up 'l'uj!sdIlY morn inl(. Ill. L. E., ·cribc.
Our com mun ity was shockl'C1 Wednesdll}' c\'e ning by th e sudd en dellth of J ohn Powe ll, one o f our mOA t respected citi zens. He had not been well fo r several years, but ha d not
Phon. 25
-Dry Corn Cobs FOR SALE For Sale
F ra ternal Picnic Membe rs of the F. & A. M. and O. E. S. lodges ond their fam ilies, numberi ng ab out 65, enjoyed a picnic at Harmon park last F riday eveni ng. A big supper WIlS fo llowed by vl1ri ous gllmes. T he pleasure of the oeca io n WIIS marred to some extent when Marjo ri e, the li ttle dllughleI' of Ir. an d Mrs. J . W. E dwards, who, with several other child ren, wos pillying in t he Wilding pool. fe ll, t he b}lck of her head str iking the cement. The child was very sick f ol' Borne time, but fo r tu nlltely t here have been no serious r esul ts.
To close lin estatc, t he residence of the Ilite Letitia McKay , situated on T hil'd Stl'eet in Wayn esville. Modern in every way. electric lights, f urnace and bath. P rices and t el'ms r easonahle. Inspection at any t ime by apply- . ing to
LYTLE Mr. Orlll S urface is somewhat improved, after being very ill the post week. Mr. and tended t he Sunday. Robert Duke, of t he 4-H club, spent last week at Cam p Ross, near Camp Dennison. Th e Smi t h r eunion was held Sunday at t he home of Mr. a nd Mrs . Fronk Hess. The Ladies Ai d had II called meeting at t he h ome of 1111'S. Ruth Savage Mo nday evenin g. The prellch ing ser vicc will be at 9 o' clock next . Sunday lind Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Mr . and . Mrs. Frllnk Kurfus and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke motor ed to Kent ucky, SundllY. . Mr. ond Mrs. George Gray and 80n Lester , spent several days last week with r elat ives in Kent ucky. Mr. and Mrs. Jess. Harris and fom i1y spent t he week-end wit h relatives at GeorgetQwn , Brown county. . 1'!fEl6ST8. Allen E.ririck and Samuel Smith att ended the fun eral of J. W. Hisey" in Waynesville, Thursday. Mrs. Ada Chenowet h and granddaughter, Inez Pickering, spent Friday with Mrs. Meta RQgers a nd mother. Mrs. Jeff Smith, Mrs. Nina St John and daughter, of Waynesville, spent Thursdoy wit h Mrs. Henry Foulks . .
$1.00 for
Waynesville F'armen Ex.c hange COmpJlDY
Phone 25
Kroger's Will Pay For Eggs
Wllyneaville, Ohil
Per DozeD, From Thors. Tdl MoD.
Large or Twin 1% lb loaf . . . . . . , .... .. .... _. .
Whol eWbeat ...........................: 8e Pound Loaf .. .................. ............ 6c:
VieDn. ...... .............. ............. ,... 7c R,e ................ .:.. -..................... IOc
Country Club 24 %lb. sack .. . ..... , . . . . .
Countr, Club, 12 ~ .Ib.••.,l. .. .. 56<:
$1 09 . •
Clifton, 24 ~ .Ib .••c............. ,....11c
U. S. No.1 3 ' 9c Potato.s Cobblers, Grade 15 lb • . . : .. . ... . Square Mason_, with Rinl. Jars and Caps, Dozen Quarts . . . ~~ .. D,~~ Sweet Pot.toe., 5 pouada .................... ........ .... .... :::: .................;....... 11.
Pinto, ,do a... .... ,.......................7<k
H.If. ... Ilon.., doa.n ................. l.1.
46e· PresPI~m, j.~~~~~~~~~~~. 1'9'C,
Butter~::t.r..,...... .·..
Cr.-mer" pound
8 ananas !:!~~Ie ~.~!~~~~~ . . . . .:. 200 Celery !.~!t~~ 25e rendered, Ib. 1 5 c
F."e" Yellow, Ripe Fruit, " lb. .. .. ..... ..
Fr•• h t.nder Italk.,
Inor., 3 pl.,,". Countr,ClubJellPowder,3p""
~~~~e~~nrbUll.' !!!~~!!~!~
F.n.,., B.rllett, 2
23c Hams ·
cao .. Couatry Club, No'. 2 ~ c.n ...... 27c
R... ul.r·. , Imolrocl wbolo,
TOBACCO Have you Hail Insurance?
GET IT . Rate., same a ••aat ye.r
Phone 61-2
, .~
Waynesville Farmers Exchan'g e Company
vC l'snr y.
II!II....... J
Iliiiill....~jI. . . .II!I.~II!II!..~II!II~...II!II. . .
Th l' NEW Way ne 2G% mnkes It \lrm·t k ill 10 cumbine yO Ul' groufld far rn g ra ins int..o ,lin economical f U"IlI-mix luyi ng mash of sup ,rior Clun li ty . It br ings you 12 .'ssentin l, high grade ingredients (all bl ended logeth er ) that are not p"oduced on the farm.
Mr. li nd Mrs. G. A. Ph ill i p ~ , B. II. Mill " r und fnnt il y re t urned MOI1 I1 I1 Y fro II tt'ip lo Wrrshinl(tu n U. C .. li nd otlter Enst er n points. Ir. nnd Mrs.' Wa lter Moore ente rtnin.. d tw cnly-three m!'mbers of the fumi ly, SundllY, in honor of Mr. Moore's mOl her's 7& th birthlillY unni-
at 8 P•. M.
Solves Farm-Mix Mash Problems
r C' ln l ivl!!o( IIII 1'(' .
• P eople .who pile up billiop -dolJor fortunes in thle steel business, in banking, ' in a u·tomobiles , and other wise are supposed to be the greatest adders to the wealth of t he country. Some years ago, however, John Cllry's J ewelry Shop is ,open ev.ery Ruskin Wl'ote a bout " The Veins of evening un til 9 p. m. Come in and Wealt h,'" in im article in which he thot t he true wealth of the no· see the mllny wonderful and unusual gifts. You ar e always welcome at tion consisted n lOt in the yellow veins of gold runninl~ through the earth, this most interesting store. but in t he blue veins of human blood. In other words, men were worth Mr. Will E. Smith, Mrs. Viola more. to a eouti,try thlln notllral relon, Mrs. K. N. Hough 'and SOurces. B. Earnhart were guests of Had the Pilgrim fat hers, who lande,·t Bl'addock a nd Mr. and Mrs. ed on the bleak shores of New EngBru dd ock ond son, lost Thursday. land some years ago landed in MaMiss Trilleno E dwards, Miss nilla, the Philippines would by this gar et Edwar d ~ . Miss Annie Brown, time have been as prosperous as MaslIIiss Ma nte Brow n and Miss MIlY sachusetts. Take all the Philippines Wl'ight were dinner g uests t oday of and transfer them to New England Miss, Cleo Stacy return ed WednesMr. an d Mrs. Sta nley Sellers, at Leb- nnd in tbeir stead put New England allon. in the Philippine Islands, in a short day from 0 visit with Mr. olld Mrs . time New Englund would be devas- O. A. Williams and Mrs. Melvoina Will E. Smi th, Mrs. Viola Hllrlan, tated and the Philippines prosperous. Stacy, in Dayton, It is men who moke the country. Mrs. K. N. Ho ugh ond Mn. H. B. Mr. and Mrs. RObertB urnett and Eorn ha rt , together with Ml's. Homer · . With this ' in ' view we consider Be- 80n, of Dayton, spent the past Mc Colm, of Dayton, visited the new nbra E speridiona Chllvez 89 years with the form'e r's parents, Mr. Wi lbur Wright field afld the Soldiers of age, of Los Angeles, :ocking the Mrs . . S.H. Burnett. Home in Dayton, lost Friday. cradle of her one hundred ond slxtyMr. and Mrs. A. E. White and son8 second dir ect descendant. She has IIh. on d M,:,. Elmer Sheehan en- nine daught ers an d two sons and they of Par~ersburg, W. Vo., were weekend guests of Mr. and ?tJrs. Kesler tcr t.u rn ed at d, nner S undllY, 1I1iss I.r- are all prolillc. rna Moyer,of Troy. Mr. a nd Mrs. Wm Mrs. Chavez b as therefol'e , lidded Graham and daughter. Lesher , of neor Centerville, Mr. ond to the country more wealth than thlit Mr. lind Mrs. Kesler Graham and Mrs. Dearth Shee ban a nd daughter, ot John D. RockE~teller. daughter, Bernice, were Sunday dinMr. li nd Mrs. Walter Sheehan. Property has to he cared for and ner guests of Mr, and Mn. C. W. property rights to be expected, but Albright, near Sprlngbo~o. . Mr. Will E. Smith, Mrs. Viola Har- the most Inestimable treasure of the and son, RobMrs.' Minnie Floyd la n, Mr. li nd 11rs. K. N~ Hough' and land is its humarn beings . . ert, left' for their home in FloTidll, Mrs. H. B. Earnhart were in Cinelin'France is supposed to be decadent nati, Wedn esday of last week and be~: au!IC the deat'h l'ate piles \1P and Sunday, after spending two weeks at the h~me of' Mr. and Mrs. George visited the Zoo and other interesting rate is decreasing. On the Scott. places. contrary, it la fac ed by prolific Ger- . Mrs, Mary Carmony, comp~ny many with a steadily increasing popwith Mr. and Mrs. E. J . Ca~mony ond The eyes of every school child ulation. . should be exam ined during The most Important power in the .chlldren, of Springfield, and Mrs. W. F. Clark, of Waynesville, Is spending cat ion. Dr. Rud olph is im eV"81l1'htlearth is its otit-Ilopulating power. This, in the end, wins more battles this week at Indian Lake. ..-: specialist and gives special care . M~: Frlin~ Kenty, ' of Columbus, child ren 's eyes. Examination free, than armies or bllttleships. Tuesday an'd Sat urday . ot Cary's Jew The health and vig~r of a nation a,n d M~. Howard Archdeacon, ' of elry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. is' a better defen8f' t o thot nation than Wa;y:nesvllle, called on Mrs. Charles armies and eqllip,m ent. 'No mattel' Mullenix !lnd ~r. lind M,n. S. 11. Mr. and Mrs~ H. B: Eornhart en- how many.ools you have, .It' takes ' Hahles and famIly, Monday. . ' . ' , '. : ':Mr. !l.nd Mrs, W. M. Coleman and t ertained in honor of Mr. Will E . men to )lBe tiiem,. . . of Wamego, Kan., at .a . No matter how . marvelous and ' com- MIBS Thelma, Mr. and .Mn. Harold Mond~y evening of lost ·week, . i. a locomotive, it Is ~lllueles8 ~elli~ and so~ 8,~tended the fune~l follOWing guests : Ml'. Will E. Smith 1'0 expert: ej1gJneer. No mat- o( tbe fljrmer shalf brother Mr. John af _W amegol Kan., Mr. a nd Mrs. Ho~ Jij)w -good your..,alip ane, You IlJlve ~. In' Cincinnati, TlIursday. The Lacy reunion wall held Sun. mer 1fJeColm, Mr s. Vern King, ot to have a Lindberg h to make It a sue· ~Dayton; Mrs. Viola Harlan, Mr. cesa. , day at the. bome of Mr. and Mrs. Tim P.. Harlan. Even ing callers In the end, it. $a aIwap tlie buman' Barton" lJorth of tQwn. Mrs, Emma Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Hough, Mr. ·and meG do well to coruse"e Lacy and Mr. and )In.. Clyde Wharlrfrs. E. L. Harlan. . . .... thlJIp. ton aDd famUy from here, a~cied. Miss Rheo ' E llis spent last week with I\fiss Doris Harvey, of Lebanon, a nd Miss Harvey is the guest of Miss E Uis lit her home south of Harveyshurg for this week.
Illven up work. Ue WU Oll ' Ia'way home whrn be was I trlclce n. He Ia 'I urv ived By his wife and two daur h. It·rs; a lso t wo brothera and "wo sll. • t UnI. I,'uneral ~ervlc c 6 were held at Mr'. lI n!1 Mr". D. II , BQ~kwn lt cor: t he ho nt ll FridRY u[tcrnoon, t he Ma. IlC MHlllm<!.I ur/t, IU'~ gp~mhltlC' tillS '. 0111 loci hu ving chorge of th \'.!! k li t lh h me oC thcm dll uJ{IH 1'1" 1fu no ' 11 g e Nlrs. l\lItlTiR MilicI', cllring for the I[ • t'hiltlroJ1, wllill' I,·~. l\1ill(, I' !lpclldH . t he w\'l,k wit h lhe W II I'I' n 'uu llty la- - di I' at· ('amI) n n~R.
Kin. Ednll Buhrnl.n a nd chl1dNn. of near aborn. are IIplludlnjf this week with h r parenl s, Mr. lIud lIlrt\. hll d es Smilh. -
! 11 11 is
,Seventy-Ninth Year
>-~W~ake -U p l - - - - - - -..-==- ==== -==- -==o By Aiberr T. ~ I
Whole Number 6767
Intere.tin~ Item .
from the
Following ill the course of study e Dear Gazelte -Waynesville High school, glvinr An article signed by Mr. Hal Rob· required and elective studies, all Prepa red hy erts wh ich appeared In a recent Issuo fRESHM EN of, yo ur paper, .was rend with , great Colu mbu. Rep<l rt.r interest. Such articles appenl very Coli... Pr.p. COllra _ -Enrlish I. -R. slrongly to older citizens of the vilGeneral Scienc e-R. SOME DRINKING fIGURE S lage nnd especially to (ormer r esiAlrebr a-R. COLUMBUS, OHIO- The annual EGYPT CONTROLS BOLL WEEVI L dents whose thought s olten. revert to Latin I-R. State fa ir is to be held next week, tho home of their childhood with Citizenship--E. FARM LONELINESS ·BANISHED and , as ,usual, many thousan d TUral Music or Pub. Sp.-E. feelings of the deepest affectio n. folks will journey to Columb ul to SCIENC E AND RELIGION see whaf others have produce d durA week recently spent by my wife Commercial Co" ..e inr the past year. Each year the f.ir English I.- R. ==========::-:'~==' '., no d myself in the dear old t.own, and grows larger and sometim el better. General Sc ience-R . ro , ~\\ L, d contact with old friend R in,America's millions, who imagine tensiflcu our interest in the Several new bulldlnr a have beep com Algebr n-E. article they are thirsty for light wine, beer r eferred to. The wordspleted for the e][hibitlo~ t!rla year Lati n I.-E. of curdinl or somethi ng stronger, will be and with good weather there aboul d Citizenship- R. ~'T/' (' ling rrom those whom we met on terested in this. be record breakln , crowds. WeathMusic or Pub. Sp.-E. lhl' , t rel'l.." though strange rs to United Stutes capital has r ecentl y ~S . contl'as t even er conditions durinr the past few Spellln r-R. AO strongly with the Inlent nearly $300 000,000 to help for· diffe rence t.o one's existenc weeks have not been lIuch &I would VocatioDal Coune e manieign countrIes develop their liquor fasled by passers by in permit many to attend any kind of a English I.-R. the streets of and beer business . Even in the Far a city , that u new warmth fair, but the mana&ement hal a rlrM General Sclence -R. was in fuKEust this country has financed liquor to think that cood weather Ia due, Algebr a-R. S. H. Boys th ed In our hearts and we were ma de product ion to the tune a r more an to and has certainl y made arrange ment. believe more and more strongly Latin I.- E. to care for enormo us crowd..The ,6,OOO,000! Music or Pub. Sp.- E. that the fee ling of human brotherhighway departm ent will have a Domesti c Sclence d -R.. Kendall Girls who repr e- hood is stm to be. found existing in Mr. HayW1l~ splendid exhibit which will no doubt , Smlth-H ughes-R . Boys. the henrt of mankmd. sents Ul\organlzed drinkers that ough~ attract many visitora, while other I heartily indorse all that Mr. Robto be saved from themselves, says . State departm ents and instituti ons . th d I "The Eighteenth Amendm ent is sov- e~ts, wrote concern!ng SOPHO MORES ~ go.o quaall be well reprellented. The I A . (' . sh expendi tures Itles of those mentioned ID hiS paper, commi88ion (or the blind will coduct Coll.t;. Prep. Coara. nil' merlea ID .ca f am six to My recollections of the old fishing a sale of articles made by IlghU"1 and increase d eftlcuH)cy) r Enrlisb Il.-R. holes and old "swlmmin' holes" are persone In their own home.. ADd eirht billion dollaJ;S a year." BlololI'Y""'7'E. as vivid as his own' the "Messenger The nation's purcha8 in~ power. has Bird" came to our' home regularl every penny derived from the we, Geomet ry PlaneR. y certainl y increase d omazmgly smce and was read with Intercst wltb the exceptio n of tbe actual colt Latin H .-R. . Had hia of materia l, will be turned over to World Hletory -R. prohibit ion came. modesty permitted, he might have thele wortJiy workera. Columb ul Ia Music or Pub. Sp.-E. In 1019 there were in America written ~uch in eulogy Of. t~e editor ready to entertai n aU who come, and Com ••rcial Coura _ 6 600,000 automobiles. Now there of the said pape: and of mf\uenc e even over at the penitentiarY. the, Enrlish I1.-R.. , 20 000 000 and not enough The In the community. HowhiSwell .. :: expect larger crowda than ever. State Biolog y-E. are t' '~~ half a bl'llion ~ year member Mr. J. W. Roberts and I rewhat counradio, fair TY IIpen"" week II alwaYI a reeord.b reakine Geomet d' ry t' Planet tal E. ' on many millions for wasltlng a IS IDC . men . pIC t ure I have . a f , ",:r:.'~ one for tbla bl&' penal inatitutl on. Latin H.-E . machine s, vaccum cleanera, electric him. B.eSldes filhng well. t he edltoMany folks tblnk that a vilit to C0World History -R. refrigeratora. Worker s In 'Amerlea rial chaIr, he was 1\ pro,!lInent memlumbus is not complete 1JD1eu the,. Commercill Arlthm etic-R. en d more lavinhly than the rlcb In ber and local preache visit tbls ud place. SpelUn r-R. r In odlst church, shari ng the the of Methduties the u;:.eKen da11 thinks It would be a latter posilion .with that , most Voe.tio a.1 Coun _ exeelI • • national Farm Shop--R . Bo)'l. if the outpour ing lent, conscientious and , uprlll'ht man kn~~ord.w!.h~:1a e~=~d=: of moneycalamity were diverted from aut.o- nnd citizen, Mr. John !Iawke. • ll~ and radio and wine and beer. But ,If permitted time and space, English I1.-R. ' • there Ia conaideraole talk in WuhillC'nlob Biolog y-E. ton politica more l clrelea about Thad H. nbout . ' Waynesvllle'l former res, . ' Geometr • J )r PlaneE. Brown, • former I~-··- of --te, u While the boll weevil contlnu es Ide~ts J~er. Latin II.-E. uat now the recolDESIR E-KEE .o. P IT EVER GREE N· lipreading In the United States Cairo leetton of some of the old E a lucceuo r to the~~.~~.. late General • Leonlandmarks World Hiltoy - • telegrap bs that· Would ),011 COD ..ict cia clrard Wood, roverno and other places fill my mind. r-cenera The followinll' letter from l of the MUllc or Pub. Sp.-E. • cum.t .... ti.1 ...leleDu? "Thanb t~ vigorou l GovernPhUlppl ne.. It Ia not underit • ood Lina I wonder how many of the prellCnt Wright B~ch, no doubt, be That is a pretty Commercial Arithm etic-E. title. It Is. Do ,Oil do )'our owa tkl.k- • of interest to her will, B ' did rdiIIa citizens of the village, If asked, could given to one of thegood many friendl In Dome.ti c ment measure ll, the area affected Scienc e-E. recent. Girls. ~ntioch iDt;-or do "Oil I.t the rown II a can lte, acco Wayneaville and vicinity. by the bon worm hilS been con• ' ,L Io~te the site of the stove foundry , coII~ge pamphIets and I . Smltb.H urheIl-R . Boya. L h j • to Ludlow, but many of hil friends In s very lIug- mi..... of tIlO.O slderably circumscribed.'" w 0 ump.at COD· Wasbington are referrln e to hla u a whtch waa formerly, In existence In gesttv~. There is nothing pe.ople need. clu.ioa. iDSUUDC. YOII? man of capacity and military trablEgyptia n acreage affected by the the place. Nearly • When I learned of the death of my -five yeara ":lore 10 the world than deSire: The JUNIOR S who could certainl y au the tim. H....'0 pest hal been reduced from 89 000 ago, as a small boy seventy )1 b~.a • part" to • last JIving aunt, Mary L. Edward s, Coll.t;. Prep. Co llra_ In a village great problem Is not repre88mg de- • "poup cOII.ictl Brown Is now at Camp JtDoz, to' 5,000 acret!. What El'YJlt ca~ do' 1tuat:ed in Clinton living oa" w biclo 10.. the epitaph said to be county, and just sire . or uprootin g it, but properly • ruiaed an old En,lIsh Literat ur_B, K ki this country cerlalnl y ougbt to do. learnmg to read, I, many • !'if. In U"'-r, i ••t laere • Welsh headstone, came to on d d ill train me: tlmell studGeomet nuramg r Solid-R It. . • . . y.• tad n~lla vanhce fm tat:1 W h ve the scientis ts the money ied over the molding on ia Wan.a Colla',, ? ..: the hearth We Latin need IIIdesire E. all our hves. No· ' 109, an WI be t ere or two ....Ar. ,011 ."peri.a c.d oaoull o. and t~e boll weevila. 'What Is ~he plate of ou.r kitchen stove,. "Sbe waal h one of great thinII' was ev~r done by a man • or han ,0• • _a .DOalh Ish E «;lu;bU :, frienda kn~w bnoU:l".! matter with naT 01 IIf.. the old-fashioned two-step kind. This without, a great deSire. Ah, What W1UI Ibe! , t~:O~I:...~an - . ~e:olfll: to ....ow that "tnltlo i••tralll.r . ____ e ~~':.o~mj:t s::h"";'.FPU_ inscription read: "Manuf actured by WThhat a wlfhe af1d mother sbould It was Napoleon's desire for fame • thaa 6etioa 7" be Chem ' Ilitry-E . Ion aa could .U the p'--e .......L hoaor • d at h' This ne" wUl not 11811 extra pa· R. .Cri$pln III Co., Wayneaville was I e.' d d AI II' Ohio. that rove 1m forwar , an , ..... Kuale or Pub. Sp.-E. exan-. pera, Uke a Dempll8y-Tunney flght, My cbildlsh mind wondered Perhap. ,0. w'i en tiel.. Ed•• to the UnitedU Stite.. . . .COL' I can rememb er 10 well when my Btan Ii what the der's and Caesar's. desire for conques t Hlatol')" Medieval and Modern-~. younar, but will be Importa nt long after "R'" stood for, I.oa Forbea able, a lucc""1 11 lea• • ,nth for per.Itt ial hla. 'own mother. sat mualng over thepus and where Waynes- that actuate d their efforts. • .. If to b••••,t to priaOIl. ... Demplt y and Tun y cease io be ville, Ohio, was located. J S d NatIo-' • ing of her lilt aunt (Mn. Arnold Surely- tt tFrench or Spanlab Marriag e is rarely successful with-. expe• •enc.e n tate an n..a, .laiD, •• , ... ,oa wUI • bin, In Ha"eys burg) said, Importa nt. Pennllylvanla St..,te col. must be a large atld Importa u "Now but nt place out a great desire. the larrelt group will be taken well al mllltarJ' affa1ra, and a ~ ... the bila ••• uuI the Id.d... . Ieee hal dlacovered that t"e vitamin if such wonder ful thlnra am the older generat ion." , care of as botb will not be given. as stoves A marriag e merely for convenience • 0" hi. lOu1-..Ieaplto 0.. ::n~I%:-~. baa won and bpt hbR B 10 Importa nt to Ufe II manufa c- were made there. "Our lives are a dream and Life little did I for money, for position , or such rea- • • ortal w Cours _ wred 'by the' cow In hth- lltomacb In . hink that later yearaHow •• b.... • like a stream ftoweth swiftly away." would bring me sons, ill usually a failure. Engllsb Llterat ure-R. You caa/ i.tuel" th... flll"creat quantiti es. , Tom and I were talldnc about into close relationship witb It and Its Geometry Solid-E . There haye few buainelll sue· • tIOD. 'I f ,011 n,.d "Ceclar SWBJDP" • tera Sixty-fo ur of the e~hty..'-"t coopeople and that a large part of my cen es accomplbeen and things and I said: "It Book Keeplnl l'-R. ished by tholl8 who. _ ties of Ohio have plrtlcip ated 'm tile a.w •• ri.1 frOID tla. pea.f • seeme to me God can't like Seientla ts cut a little door into the life would be pallled there. old peoSpellin g-R_ had no deaire to get forward , and Miek••1 J . PJ.\uip., whiclr distribution of flah from the , Sta~ "rumen ," or lecon~ stomach of ,the pIe. He is so hard on them ,taking Some of ~e older resident Econom iclI-R. hatcheries duriDa' the pflHilt .... cow 'a~d , deprlved her of.. illI food member that the foundry s may re- few poli ticians achieve auccen with- • ia thO. peper aeat ....k. • their hair. Ind eyea and teeth. An st~d near out tbe proper amount ' of ambition. Chemis try-E. son. The total number ot matan THE MIAMI GAZET TE contain ing vitamin B. Nevertbel8lll/ the brow of the descent old penon jult gives and glvea. Tom, ' Music or Pub. Sp.-E. of thli hill Behind the whole .human race In. • • • .. • - • • fish dilltributed under the penonal tn a little Incubat or In- that I18cona and on the right hand side' . ' • • who was limping from tbe whack History, Medieval and Modem -E. dr~ti~:fIDe~tf°,;.!h°mdPto!' 1Itoh)&lh ' tba cow produlloed the prec- road, leading to Mt. Holly, of the every race is the thmg we call , dea -~ golf ball, uld: "No, He doem'~ a ' short sire. It is the etum of the buman French or Spanis ha e I on 0 ..... an __ e, .. 10UI vitamin ' B i~ profusion. leave us a lec to ltand on." So, it VOcatiODa! Cour. _ E • dlaiance beyond the residence of the enrine. It Is the urre of 177,000. ~addltion to th_, mil· human ac. That may mean to child life. as late Israel Wright (now owned per!'&pB i! lj uat aa well we took our English Literat ure-E. by ,compliehment. of , ftih ha" baeD put IDmuch a. the 'admirable' ftgDt against Charlet Rye). Also near , It W&l a ' People do not fail so much because pOlltlon. In the olde~ generat ion with Geome..... Solid-E . Impure milk made' by Natluin Straua. &team saw mill long slnce,}o I -... Itreama . ChIef ThomPIOD IBJII a laur h. , rn down they want tbe wrong thlnra. Book i'e'epln r-E . 9,000 pheasan tl haTe SO far baeD ~ " • Next to meetlns old frienda I en. . but t.beri oper~ted by Mr. neston El· d9' But most people do not Some Domellt ic Science -R. Girls. dlatrlbuted, and at 1181t 7,000 more succeed lit c\tiel people. go cruy more fre· ll1I. , Wright's saw mill JOY meeting intereat ine people. Econom iclI-E. will be lent out durinc the next week . quentiy ~n they once did. Exclte- power was in UIC at Bucbrun hy water because tbey do not know what they a party recenUy I met Carolin e a later Chemil date ltry-R. want or SoH do BoyL not want a thing hard or t.wo. WhUe ftahlne-hBI not bate ment, bootIe; IIquot' and other thlnra that it will be better rememb Cole, of the Delinea tor Music or Pub. Sp.-E. ered. enough. coed thla year u in previoa a help. In New York State one penon partmen t. ' ~noth.er She hal industry of the 014,en time a little Hilltory. Medieval and Modem -E. ~ince desire i& 80 essential in bu- The Slierwocld-Jelrery family re- whom ehe it Ia no fault of tile State ~ l n every twenty-ftve ha;s been In ",e Vflileh dIsappeared long ago calle Tabitha , and Smlth-H ulhell-B . ,B0)'1. ac~ompli8hment everything union wu held at the home of Mr. very charmin departm ent, but rather the !nune , qylam, acco),dlnc, to" the per f8c~0l'}' on the mill rl\cewe , the man s person. . below s~d be to conae~e It. .AU and Mra. Elwood Ault, on the lAb. weather eon'ditl~u. . ~~~-':"'.,-~~::';;:;~JII Ame,r ican Rll'chla trlc aaaoelation. town. , The chlld~en who were puplla t holl8 f!.I~e done The door beU ranr about a a~enue8 SENIOR of S whIch de~lre!l non and Oregonia pike, Thurada y of ago and in walked my tall lent fall aahilll' Ii pndi!:te d, There tl leu InsanitY thalli former- at the Gra~el Hill ecbo~l heuse, of are eastly satlsfled :wlt~out great ac- last week. Over 100 may be lOod enouch' to make ap for , 1,. amonII', women on farml .• ~eli- :which rpore Jater, w4uld D!emben of the Ing ICOUt nepbew, Wrllht, II). their play comp\llI hment are mju.nous.: Pr.p. COllra _ the many montha of poo~.~ , . families were prellCnt and an enJoy- 'IVU with hie friends retamin , n .... tliat ' uaed to drive them 1~1l hO)1T~ be al~owed to visit e from Enrlilh Literat ure-B. 'the .chle~ ~ou~le Wlt~ drmkl~g al· able hour. wa,&sl~ent torethe by the thouun ds: h.. ·been ,Ioftene d tied , pl~ce; ' over tJte floorathe ~lBmanr. At the like camp. AI you all well lmow, atlll then cohol 1.8 not Its Immedtate toXIC. ~- noon hour the French or Spanish -E. The State library hal apID raamby telephone, ~dio,. parceJa post, and Were ecattere d blocks usual bountifu l din- we have one neice, MarJorie, ~nd this of wood, fort upon the ~yat~m Econom iclI-R. ed activitie l, aftar haYlnc, baeD dOlaboy, aU, the autom;oblle. • ', notch,ed, on ,one ,u,rf~ce In two diree~ the. fact that .It givessousmuch I\S It \8 ner was spread under the magnificent nephew, Wrlrht. Marjori", il a Chemis tr)r-E. 11 seDlle of shade trees in the yard and all cathed .to t e public linea laq Irat , ' ,' beauty and -will be supervi sor of mu~Ionai ready to be epllt both 'jVayt, satisfac tion wl,thout due e!for.t. Tbe ered around Domestic Science -E. the vetoing of, tile appropr ito Preaiden~ Vln,aon tell~ rou~r , ileo- in~o the Imall woo~en out .10 justice to the load. alc and art in the Buntinc ton, Ind., pera, used in p~a~e and content an~ htlanty ~hat ed tables. History, Medieval and Modem -E. for that inatitutl oll b,. Gonmpie of 'Wester n Reaerve umvenl ty those days ,in makinr sChoole thIa winter. AI tllet Sa pegged boota come af,t er a good dn~k of ~hl8ky Mlllic or Pub. Sp.-E. or Donabey. Six emplo)'... an Mn'After getting fairly ltarted we enourh for her to week..nd .that bo conflict exlets between acl. and ahoel,artlcleiJ which many eoura _ ing the patron., worldq: rr1*18 ud enee . and religion ; tbey occu~y dif- younge r ge~era~ion of tod.,.of tbe properly come after dOlDg a Job of were interrup ted by a lively lummer we aH of coune della'hted. You have work ,well. ThOBe who are atea4y shower, but evuy one English Llteratu re--E. takinr a chance of havinc \heir .... terent fields. HI! wisely remaris that never' even aeen. loaded their think 01 ua thla winter ta1dng " Frepeh or Spanill h-E. drinker s . are v~ry 'unreliab doera. ariee paid by actloll of the nat Gallplatel and scuttled for Indoors and lOod ahom, attUne b1lsaful1 , Iclence wi~nout religion would lead Not far from the Jast-naml!d , fac- ' The sex deBlre properlyleconserv 7 Econom iclI-R. eral Aasembly.' Thou..n" o~ tour- ' ed ftnished their dinner standing with. hand. Since Wricht to ho~lesa materla lilm,' ',juat as reo tOl')' wal a tude "suap'en wiaa slon bridge" and limited. is the ~oun"8t1on ~f the out any noticeab Chemla try-E. . lata and visitora to the capitol aD ,uk lIg1o!'l, 'when ,I t deniel ,t he pl~l", truths to ,cr0811 which with . Its lool le 1088 of app~tite. ter Susan I8Dda me the Book Keepinr and Type Writ.-R . to be shown tbe Stata llbrary; The guests wllre Dr. and Mrs. Bai- inr: of IClen~e, leadl to fanatlclam and and llwinging motion waa e boards h,ome. If It seeks Its sat!sfaction In It·u,,W~bt had . quite a bar~onllder HJlItory ed other , Medieva ehan~e1s the home bfe Is weak- Iy Campbell, w:ho have recently rel and Modern -E. received much publici" , tIaro..... superaUtlon. , ' rowiDC operleD quite a feat ' by us small onea. ce ),eltard ay. He MUlle and Pub. S.-E. ened. , . tbe presa allover the COUlltrf ........ turned from Florida. Iiellglon and 1M11~!'Ice are Uke &IMrs. Stili ~nother place Of. !"anufa The ellorbi of manktnd should . be bell g.ve a thri)Un r account Camp- wu awi~mlnc at the pita with two V~tJo_1 Cour. _ tbe controveray previo . to it.oIoe - ' trology and ..trono~y, or lik.. ~che- wa~ t~e , .tannery , Situated cture of their other boys, and .croII the pitl from Ensllah Literat ure-E. n~r not to SUPP~e!18 nor destroy 80 much experience durillg the Itorm Inll'. ' my and chem,l.try. , ' , '. that re- them were some boys and u old man . Wngh~ e mill and ,!,wned and op~rat,.. e to direet It. Into the Smlth-H ugbell-R .. BOYI. proper eban· cently did so n~uch damage in that fiehlng. • - ••-.,......,. .. Altrono my started in ~trolorY' ed br Mr. ' Mo~. Henle,. They hurd . . amta. ; ~80 Econom a nela le&-E. and, save 1t1.force for lIomethlnr State. Mr Will Elbon gave UI a, de- IlWam ' che~ilti-:v , ~tatted ' !n ~lchemy, with proDl.ll!ent man ID acrolll. One about Metbodlet circle.. worth while. Chemla try-R. S.-H. BOYI. scription of th.air journey overland yean old, who eould boy. , operim enten seeldng to maki!' gold. In :those days the word not awim, manufact~J;e Domeatic Scienc e-E. G Irla. The greates t, w,u ten are the W&lt- through the Weit. Scltince started In' religion. Me!], retained .i~~ o,r iglnal Latin sllpp.d into a deep hole and ~ History , Medieval and lIodem -E. Tbe entertai nment quettion lns the origin of th~, Arat atld the quaJl~y of tI!~;.me~nmr era.. of desire. .There Is n.e ed of The absence ot: membe n frolll. out of down for the 1aat time bef. Kuaic: or Pub. Sp.-E. " Granre at lira. Anna gave a religloul ~lWer. e rythiar prQduced could .not bll ,lurpalll gooda :thnft in desire .. well &I III ' ,other the State was n<.tlceable thill rear the IO~ tbeF8' The thne bo)'8 cIoYe ed, and things. , You 1'!ever know when you only one present belne Oft North ' atNet baaed on miraclea. Then ~ ,y stud- in dur~llIty m~ght. be 1i~ened :riIn. 'Llbi Fes, him and brou.ht him up, cave tnt " The above to ~f ,w ant it. . courles of Stud, nlgltt W&l a decfded, of Pontiac , MI~I1. A letter from P', aid and did aU th.y could poaalblJ hjd more . ,cloltly an~ ' bepn , civlne tho~ dllscrlbed ~r Dr. Holme. do been In outlined hl;e . · for the Rich Sehool in wedding acene wu the ,.' _ • - • H: W. Sherwood, of Dolan, S. D., and to restore , Ufe, but he iClenflflp .aniwera. , a.c count of ~the Deacon' l One Ho'!l UcM."llan.Sheple·' r " Beveral cards were read by the aee· Wrirht .".. intam.w ed b,.wu dead. order that pupile and their parenti a mOlt a~ualns feature, " ,~~t~~'~ ,J , / . " . ' , ~haY." ' . '. the C01'o may be guided , "~a aelectioD of ett taldq the part of tIae ~~~~~ , retary. . Alt ~ld a4,990,OPO automQbn~ a~ ' A~l t~"e8e b e thlnp of the oner and ,"'" almoet a hero, but a work. Each of inthethethree 1?~ ago , COarMI CharI.. . 1I1eba.. that, of Af~r an afternoo n spent In vt. complet el,. .unne"e d hero. in Ule. in Ifty·nln e ,c<!untriel of the but shOUld not be f01"JO~ H. did hal • definite aim, I14mely; ~" The MIllS Rutb Shepler, daulI'bter of iting and listening to mUllo, . . Lea . JI:anlhut earth. T~e Unlt9d ~tatel .Ownll men ilamed w,~re of th~ ,supeiio we ad10 hope to .."e him. . tion for a collere coune: 20,000,000 fof .~h~ 24:00,0,000. ., The whleb h&l always: eharacteri~edr · cl"Kr. and lin.. Albert Dull, of Toledo, joumed to mee1t tbe 4th Tuesday in 1 thlpk ~~ are a patient, ,Ioqcleipme D> ~~~=~= W~ywork 'Ohio, 'or vocation waS united al work. Papila refrelhm entl ~d.a ~ in marriag e, Satilr. Anarust, 1928. United St..tea .Comlnerce d'partm ent netnille and while, the,y .have IUlrerin lr p,aple to glveaar alld .pace Ihould .jleaaed ftrat select day ev.eni~ at 8 o'clock to "Dillon • the reneral coane of the atralr.. , "Ii,vea tile ftgurea. , '~~ . ha.ve .9,De au· fro)rl tbelr labora their: , . , • _. to mt laltatio Di of O. O. IIcIntir e, a,d then eJect the required 'jol8pli A Ileat om wu nau.IH==~~, , tomobll. . ~9~ ev~fY. ali p~raonl" , Ha. s)lould be kept green 11'1 , memori el McMillan ,IOn' of ' Mr. aDd " f r O m time to time. .The pleuure the annals MeMiil~n, of Route·,S• . ' II. jectl before takinr any are extende d to tilt, , ' Clea ver••Rlch , ' WIlli' Ofte 'to el~ven, Ca:na,da. o~e to of the t(!.'lm In wh1cb they aU mine I uaure fOa. '.. thia way they :triU avoid the pl,~yed , The ceremQny' wu' perform ed at . , thirteel),• . 4fglianl atan hall OlJ.e ·to lIuch Importa nt parts. , " __ ' ' of conditions if the,. enter " " the home of 'ihe groom whlcb wall TIl C1 . JRI h nl will b ' M-I 1:, • ... .'. : 11200,OO~. ", Po6r: A!ir.I\~i\~n, ,happy ! (T4! , j)e !"~~nued,) , " . yew b~utlfujtY decora~d, with ,.'elbuain ... coUere or lOme 'fOC.tl4~D&1I ' held th~a:~11 ~Un:uf • ' Am~~. 'l'o ~Vt! 1 motOr ~" . to , ~aul b· . '. tralDinc IChoo~ A nUDl~r low "pd whlt9" i Mra. Willia McMIl· cla In A u ~, t.he 27th ofo~~ Sat';' '" , defy \he law. of ~~~tion, and be the month ' '; , Cath ' olie . '. ' required counel are Ii.... ID ioD ,>' Jan \,IQ~,the weddin r mafcl\ fo~ \he at ~the W~ma/l School bousa. All ,' ,Joaeph r~ , , • .~re4!ma~' :1 • __ • ," lIct.aP Ilft, 1,taainelia natine yeu:a and aem -:, : " " 'a~Jlce of 1he 'bridal · party. . ~lu relative l are urpd to be p~~t, to ma~ , I) i ' .' of tile XeD. ~1 G...~, ~ Mlsalon t st. Au--" -' Charlotte ~~c!pl..., atn.r of the bride, make .. larr Kualc ' ~Il not, be req , olrl"IIII ,~tII4td e a catherl n. '&I pOaalble. and IIiu DorothJ~ z.~ dAuJbta r of PllPila .., behof0r:,,_ I ',' ~ ,e ~le week" , a but ;will • __,e I ~ u tirtd8llllald ' and IIr. Ad. LoOC. 0., D ",rom\o, ,CU .. ch~eh • _ beiDl ~.u at. el"1t IIdItUa n brother ot, th"groo m, • ' Mr. , ' aDd ·Mn. T. Horace Zall; ...... to ~o.. w " ' " . " a · .:;:~~,v::~~I~~;~!~=I~ • ' It inanted Satarda ,. aftm'IOo ' tende": Il at ':10, Pilblle epeakI q-~, mJlllloner Ii all iDtew- .. .,. IDQ,W tlil 1irIdtroOm to the" ~ , (Bo~in ~, W. Da~Jr of '~. Me- ..n.t Ilnd' ~e v tIae unIDOI e'arJl~~ Ipealter alld II ~ *"~ I7 taldDc .... at the J'qilJar emhU~e IIIch Ichool nJJW d altar, when Rev, . _ , Lane," 1I;O!i'D ·to 'alIIume ~onimand of worth, b.earine. Services -'!l ~ ~ -~ 'of at. , 1IrIjId" the it. Comme w. rcial ~ ~ .II Cen7. 811 ~unt of the groom, , _.II~~ii:~ :s _• ' .,...1. Mr. Davilla 'tlle 1011 of and, ...,. DaYle! Po. . . ~ reqlllait at . . ..... and ., p. .. e for ~. 1IIdq't h. IliDale III'. 'aIId lin. ()Uftr palla. a'Dd by rlne hou_ cl,aqed halJiiI Sund~y . at, 10 aa m,., The ",ba. in W.,. _. an" '.' f. n ..vme Jaat, ... • , .aIet apPUca Mr. B. V. s.till lin. JletAeillhIht1eftf..wwIb. .... . tlOn to ldlii "froU hu WOIl iDvited. ~ BaPtratioa dBJ , fta brSiJe ....d IfOmD iri1l tall. ap bo_t, the h01l1a Oil . . . . tie ! Isla ...... ..eat. ' _ _ . . . . . ·Le....... left x.Ja fer , .upn 10• • , _ .- • .. .. - . . . . -' .... 1ftImn al Car of - ~ JON COIIIiI'!'Ic1er 11 __ Itt IIar7 I!t 8IIftr ad lin. 11ft. lalla DoDOma Ia . . . . . . . . q.., " ot.'IIft1!atf. OD "1f."1 liar. rtfHa II • . . . . . . . . . -talk t::'::::l;r.:~ iUD .,. boqlat tile lIeItQ ,f. I "".~ OIl . . . . 01 till ...... .. - " .-.,.' , ..... 111 8pIfic1Ioro. of ..... .. ~~...... ~ II ..... ...... _~ .:., ft.Jrd ..... .~ ~ ... -11_
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Pro.,.... _ ....,. ChaRlttI " ,
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NEWS GLEANED FROM COURT HOUSE COMMON PLEAS COURT n motion of lhe defendant ill the cn~e of ( Ingll P. E)(am, as t'xc()utor of the last wiJ\ till (I I Rt::Itrill' nt of Hon ry ~;. Ex.mun ". tllnt' y Spri nks leu\' i~ given defcndnnL to lliead within thir\)' dnys irolll this dnle. ourt overruled milt ions uf t1ofclIdn nts in cn se oC \lorllce Hull VK. Fred Richurcltl et al. CUUI·t IltIth()'J'i zNI Lilla M. Sllw'in, as Nelllrix of lhe Illst will of 'usu n 'Ii: .\IuinL'M . to Od""I'!iSl\ IIl1d ll,ell acco\'(lIng to npfll'lliscl11e nt certain property ullrlet· consideration in th" case of Lida 1\1. IIwin, ('xl'cutrix of the wi il of SUMn E. Hain es V~. OS· cur J . EdlVurd:l l't a1. COUI·t )!ranted .J osoph Creen, in the elise of the Stale of Ohi o \'3 . Joseph Green. his request to pay the bnlllnce of fine imposed by the courl tho total of which he could not l'lIi se ' in monthly p8ymenL~. In the cllse of J e:<se Hawley vs. Albert L. I-[awley, court ordcr('lI till' dcf.cn~Jllnt to puy certain . sum s to th e plaIntIff as temporury ahlllony pending the final dete rmina tion of the cause . Court grunted Sadie J ohnso n divorce and custody uf Kenneth Puul Johnson , finding the defendant, Me rrill Johnson guil ty of g rQSS neglect of du ty.
lh r oruered that Mid premlsell be appraised. Charles Hipple pleaded guilty til Ilhw'ge of reai~t~ng lin officer 1111\1 Willi lined $5 lind Cllst". He pletl dod guilty to hargl! of driving 1\ tlI0Ul1' vllhicle while inttlx lcated and WtlS fined $6 11 \1(1 CClRL~. oU'l'l tlet l'D1inoll the gross vallie of propcrty elf the ~tnt f Snrn h. WIIOd, in h aring (I~.tition of Itlr-
" ne t! Wood. on'rutol' of the estate. !Il1rohl . Hatlield. administrator of the estate of H arry M. Hlltfl Id . iii 'Il first nnd linnl account. Willillll1 L. SU(,l11c ning',' executul' of till' estatc of Antii E. Mu lford, flied illvonlory lind nflprlli ~e)l\l'nL . 1,1'011111'(1 L. Wnl'll(lw Illude nPl'licntill n 10 be II PJlVin«'II..g'lIanJinn of LlI1111111 , nl'lIz('\ un d ~ t llry 11 1'11'11 WllnlPhillips luw. minors. 'I' h(' I1Pl'uint mcnt 11'11 " mnde by cOUI'l lind lIect'pted by LoonllhutTa'tione ~ H.n1:Y · JlI.Y L"" ul'll L. Wardlow . , 001'.Yrit.!'t. MlchAal V. i'htlhp. OUl't authIH'iz(',1 Frank n. Wil ~o ll R.elll ......t thru 'PW>IiM>ero 1l..\.OCut.e.· 5:,.".... Wa yne 28% Hog Meal is a big profitncImini$trnto r of the (' ~tllt" of Annie M. W il~o n to sell crrlllin bllntlR. maker for any hog raiser who has an ;Ibun.ollrt ol'del'(,c\ thnt "' illinm Bacon dance of con't to feed_ be lIppointed atiministrntor uf lhe esThis high protein concentrate balances your late of Enoc h Baco n. PRIGHT, reapected, married, a hard worker. a good job and, with WilliulII Blleon accl'ptecl the t rust, corn I!'t a verr low cost pe.r unit of digestible Court lIppointed f.d Jnll ney, II. B. life holding out promises of a happy and p eaceful exi.tence, Ed. protem, aud Insures the htgbest!feeding value AII,lel'~ol\ allil W. G. l\ndHSOIl npfrom your corn. pl'lli s "r~ uf th c c~ tlll e "f Enoch 81\ilon Forbea dosed the book over which he had been laboring~ con. Sold .by Carefully ananaina all records on the desk, he turned, put on hi. Courl approvcII nlld co nl11'III('11 t he rep ort of Chul·lt!H , . 1I1ollIlL~. execut or hat and coat, Iwitched off the lights, stepped through the door, of t he estate of Husan C. Huynor. locked the door, dropped the key in hill pocket and fa ced ahoutM. H. Oswo ld, utl lllinistrll tor of the estate of Daniel r ltis tiled firsl lind into the cool spring e vening-for home. fin nl account. La ~t will and testament of William Phone 25, Waynesville, Ohio Fate atalked him_ Rubi nson was produced in court rln tl An. 'automobile turned the corner at a low rate of speed; at its wheel a friendord l'red to be filetl and lIpplicnlion NEW SUITS made for probnlc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!~ a . fellow town.man. Greetina. were exchanged; the car pulled up to the curb-and Gladda Shaper vs. Alva Shaper, Court o rd(,I'cd that lhe will o f - - - - fo r divorce. Willinm Rob in so n be lIdmittel1 to proEtta Wolf\'lllll to G. P. Hawthorn, £diaon F orbe. atepped to ita side_ UNTIL IT HURT The J. W. ILingo Hordwllre Com- bllte. lots ill FI·a nklin. pany V8 . Walter Friermood, for monLuurn Robinso n mllde up pliclItioll hnrl's li nd BllIncho Burger to "Y It wa~ the lut care free hour of either of the young men for many month. to ey only. to be appointed exec ulrix of the cs- Olive Parri!!. 15.!tO acres ill Frnnklin ou seem pretty proud since you tllie of Willimll Rollinson. The lI\J- 111111 Clelll'crctlk Tps. gllvc twenty-flve cents to the Red come. They did not know that the chance meeting wal Fate'll Ileal ina of tragedyross fu nd ." PROBATE: PROCEEDINGS llointmon t was Illude and the trust Loui~ Bi!lh?p to Cla rence Simpkins "Yussah," sai.d Erastus. "Talk aDd,.heartache•• ' d L'd M 0.. ' accepted. lot In F I'nakhn. about doin' yoh b't- h Cour t au th Orlze . I a . ~wm, Court aPPol'n ted A. C. Va , ' l, Fl. S. 1-'" t d M t h E . k I A done mah trix f th II f S ~eruer an or a mmerlc to two bits , .. ex~cu tOil e \~I 0 k usan E. Conover and H. \Y. Meeker, apprais· Walter R. Fitts, lots in Franklin. . Within the three .hort houra--the grim. hand of delltiny had placed them.a e d ~~ees p~ic~e th~~~::r~n ~toc sand flx- ers of the estate of William RobinChnl'les and Blnnch(' Burger, 'to ~~~~~~~~~!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!~'!!!!! ; pawns upon a chell board--and the atory of "Cedar Swamp" wall begun. Th ]' t' f M S S 'I 50 11 . Wate Owens and W. M . Reeves 12.26 . e. app I~a 'Ion 0 ary. I ver, Ferden Emley flJ ed nffidavit for the acres in Cleurcrcck Tp. adm1l11stratrlx of t he estute of Ly- c! . i f 0 . mun M Sil t d' t ' b t >_ n nuss on 0 rem Jordan IIItO the C. Ardes nn d Mazn K. Tooke to . . ver, 0 IS rl u e cer .... tn I>nyton St t h . tal t h E "'h I C Don't mis. thi. interestin, aerial--COm-) nssets of the e.state was approved by u e OSpl . e ~o-. erm(l ompany, .29 town court. ~o urt fo und Orem Jordan a fit acres III Lebanon. plete in twelve ch.pter&-from the pen of Mary S. Sil-ver, admi nistratrix of §ub)ect for. treatme nt at the Dayton Edward H. and Maggie Brown to ( Michael J. Phillip.. It starts next week iii t he estate of I.yman M. Silver fil ed State . hospItal u n ~l ?rdere cl t hnt a p- E . T., Mnr~ J. and Clau de Stroud, the Miami Ga~ette. ' plicntlOn fo~ adrll1ss~on be mude. 36.68 acres. In Wnyne Tp. haarlem"oi1 ' baa ' been,a'world-, final account . Mary . Silver filed acco unt for Judge bemg ndv!sed that Orcm Frank K1I1der to Ollie M. Connett, wide remed,y for Jddney,liver an4 finnl distribution of the estat f J ordan, can b~ r eceIved at t he Day- 1.86 town acres in Franklin Tp. bladder disorders, rbeuma~ Lyman S. Silver. e 0 ton State hosp ltlll ordered t !,at a war G.l en A. T ~uax to Anfleld Shefl et, lumbqo and uric acid c:oocUtb& Proof of publication of notice of rllnt. for convpyal1ce be Issued to lo t 111 Frankltn . . appointment of Corn E. Hutt as nd- Sherlc Brant. Walter R. ~Itts to. Herbert. and ministratrix of the estate of Caroline Martha EmmlU'l'fk, lot 1II Frar1klm. Boger was filed. MARRIAGE LICENSES Cha~l es G. ~erendson to Emilie . .. Valentllle, In Deerfleld Tp P roo f 0 f pU bli ca t'Ion 0 f n otice ( '\ I ' ,..., l L I ...... o. Nelson G. Cowa n dye maker Shel C th' lots A . '. appoint e t "W 'II' L S '" ' , yn la . nrp ntcr t o LOUIS' . m n 0.. I Inm . uemen- byville. Ind., nnd Grace Ire nc Sur- Bi~hop lot in Franklin Ing as executor of the estate of An- fnce, fnetory worker, of Kings Mills. ' . earrec;tlntenIaJ troublel, Itlmulatnltll no E. Mulford~ ,:,as ,.file d . . Connie S. McWilliams, landseapllr, orpna. Three II-. All drugIIb. . . . . Pr?of of publtcatlOn of nobce of Lebanon, a nd Virginiu Lee Ramsey, COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES CIa tile orIckIal ,mulDe a- 1IaM. aPPointment of W. Chester Maple Lebanon ' as executor 01' the estate of C l a r a ' ~. D. Adams and 00., grader reWenkley W 'IlS fil ed pail's. $2.39; The Barrett Co., tarvia, ' f 0 f pu 'bl'lCa t "lo'n 0 f n otice of REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS delivered and . applied P roo . . ' $<l8..0'' W. C• DR. W. HEN'DERSON o,ppoi ntment oll Frank D. Wilson as The Valley Telephone Co. to Le~1ie Manning, fUfD1shtng and piling ston e Offlce-Am.n Bldl. administrator of the estate of Annie L. and Vernie E. Spaeth, lot in 11185- $102; H. G. Veneill, labor, $14; E. M. Wilso n, wall flied. on. YV. Knapp . same, $8.50; Vern DonaoFFle. "~u.a J. Gilpen Trimble, trustee under Luman Van Doren, by Sheriff t o hue, same, $10.6~; B~rnard FOley, 9 to 11 a, m, 3 to_(; p . m. 6'bOO ; LOGUIB Klphart, sa~e, the will bf Sarah G. Trimble, filed Alfred Van 4)oren, 80.44 ac res in sam$2leO' . 'Le 7 to 9 P. m. his t h.irteenth account. Wnshington Tp. . , ,anon arage and Welding Tetephonee. Charles J. ' Hudson pleaded guilty The Cropper-Kinn ney Auto Spring i?" w~I~~ng ~001~ 75c; J . Henry CIffIoe , 88 charged an o1 was fined '$5.00 and Co., to t he Eeo Thermal Company, IPP, rl . ge u'!1 er, 082.68; J. H. e~ Realdence, .' ~09tS. lots in Lebanon. Donnell, 111 full of .contract 'll8; NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Proof of pU'b lication of notice of William A. Stover to Chester C. ~he Book ·S hop,supphes 16r comml8. W.ynHvllle, Ohio -~lflrbn---t1ij)jiOilnt1ment of' Merrill Bal as exec- I lamson, · 1I"1r.93 acres In all _ C ~ce ao.d....CDal Estdtil of David Evans. deceased. of t he esrt!lte of Mary V. Wil- ington Tp. 0., Ice for court hou se, $ 12; The 7 ., Notice is hereby 'g iven that Robflon, :was flIed. C. L. and Mstlie Rapp to the Un- Columbu s Bl.a nk Boo" Co., lJuppliell I N FOIUl l,oaimE ert W. Brown hu been .duly appointEstates for Ilettiement are set for ion Gas and Electric Co., right to for probate court, $7.75; .T he Wested and q ualifled as ~dministrator W ..UlRIilN OOMM ON PLEAS IhEUlri,nl!'- and accoun ts are as follows: trim trees in premises in Hamilton ern Star, supplies for 8he~itr, $10.75; -= the estate of David Evans, 1ate of Ed Stoutenborough, administrator township. Monroe & Johnso n, repaIrs on lock, Warren County, Ohio, deceased. . R. A. OrollB nnd n. O. Cron E uge ne W. Hughes and Carri e c,?urt houst!', 76c; Ju~ge F. M. Cunt he estate of E llen S. Stoutenbor.MONEY LOANED va. . Dated this 18t h day 01 August, ough, firs t and fin al account. Hughes to W. W. Hughes lot in Sa- nmgham. defending mdlgent prlsonT il L bRilon-CItizens Natlonnl 1927. , Mary McKinney, executrix of the 10m Tp. er, ' .6 0; Th? Sta~ of Ohio ~s. Roy Bnnk Rnd 'j'rUSl Co., e t 31. CaBO No . lR W. Z. ROLL, '.' James T. and Mary J. Helms to Perltins all~ Relchardi Dhavls, ex- LOANS on ChatteJa,Stocka, SecUJ'l. est!lte of Clara. M. Beckett, first aco·t 8ale. Judge of t he Probate Court, tiell and Second Morte..... Not.. ccount Woodrow HUghes, lot in Morrow. pense fo . u ge . unn ng a~, $26; In tit Warr.en County, Ohio. Raymona ·H. 'Wikolf, trustee und er Cassie Bateman to Mrs. Sarah T. Lula E. E. McDaid, e;>,pens,: 10 cue bought. .J ohn Harblne Jr., Xenl.. -mBO,'U the will of Marilin H. Wikolf, fo urth Ledford, .60 IIcres in Level. of State vs. Roy .Perk1OS, a..!.lI~s · Ric~. Ohlo_ ------~,~~ account. Paul M. and ' Rowena TUrner to a rd Davis, $7,50. , '''' I' Lel'"J)'. r,1 George E . Fryburger, executor of Anna Lilley, lot in Morrow. • - • eJl,t!lte of Eadward Conover, fifth Alice Thompson to John H. Thomp 'THOSE LAND SHARKS Fannlrll of Warren and adjolnlq account. son, lot in Lebanon. counU.. rna, obtain mone, on loq Mary S. Si\.~r~r, !ldministrptl'ix of . Wilmer and Viola M. Littell, 'to Visitor-"How docs the lan d lie Ume loanll, at 5 per cent intenet. Lyman M. SilVE!r, first account. Lola M. Bundy, lot in Mason. J. Gilpin Tt'imble, ;rustee under Olive and Clint Hines to Daisy out this way?" COllt of lIe-c urlne' the ..me I. ver, ...... Native-un ain't t he land that BOn able .through The Federal Lan' the will of . Sar ah G. Trimble, thir- Davis Benge and Henriettat Davis, teenth account. ' . .78 town acres in Morrow. lies; it's the real-est!lte agents." Bank.. For further Information cal NON-SKID CAFE Court found t hat, as petitioned by Teresa Eltzroth to the Morrow on or addreu H. Co Patron-" Wa.iter, · there i8 II8Jld in Mary W. TucKer, administratril' of National bank, lots with brick build.. 'Ohio. the bread." - . lirer. , phone a16-X, Lebanon the estate of Cbarles S. Tucker, it is ing ' in Morrow. . necessary to se,lI certain real estate Robert B. CaJdwell to Cora Lewis Waiter-'IYell, Bir. That's to . ke'e~ t he 'butter from sliding 011'.". _"'.I~ ,.:"'~lu.t1and so authom:es same., Court fur- loti in Franldin; LOST- '
Get Quicker Gains At a Lower Cost Per Pound
Waynesville Farmers' Exchange .Company
,' A story that will hold you fascinated_ ., Read it in-
================ p.
Farmers, _Attention!
DRm, Tri...
.~ "
Pop Never Knew . r
By C. M. PAYNE .,
LOST......Near the .M. E: ebureb, a ~r"ek, j'eweled 'soto~ity pin'; Re- ' ward. Finder p1ease leave at Gllede office. ' -aU FOR ~NT FOR RENT~H~uile ~( six room .. electric lights, sink in kitchen' ;al. so garage. See Mrs: Emnie~ Fryer_
- 824 FOR RENT-Desirable farm of 100 aeree, Ilear Centerville, Montpmerr county, Ohio. W, A. Mall~; ' ~utb Charleston, Ohio. ' -.14
WANTED-A pon)'_ ~. MUlt b, tren. e.
~'i~~~i~':r' eaUect. ':,: $Iot~er':':':' "So youn.g ~..<o·tl~lr.'I .. \On you last night,
)'OU qidlt't treat ~m too di8-
, HJ.~~.!ng Da\lgbtilr-"lndeed .I did I :'Y,8i1 very ml,lch drawn
. M~. CaaeY-,."Oh" ~s. · MUrphy, your husband has been ruq in for intoxlcj\tloli. Run doWn and bail him out." , ¥f8: Mu~htv::r'ISQre'" IDOyf, if my oulil man's drunl(, yoG· eoulari't pump out." .' ., .
Call 88F8, Wa)'Dilville, Ohio. . -a24 POR SAU
bterecl at til, Poatollae at Waynlllv Ule. 0 .•
Sec!lnd Clau Kan Hatter
LYTLE. Mesdamel EI81e Hawke and Edith ' Kudus spent ¥onday in DaYton.
P1'88MIt followed With liahted candle" a windin~ trall bnck to lheir lodges, llio&ia., "Follow the Gleam," making a beautiful and Impressive finish to a hllPPY and pJ:ofil.llble week. COlmty Agent Clas8 and Home Agent Mias Watts, wish to express their appreciation of the assistance from 'the following lellders and inIItructors: 1I11ss Helen Randllll, of the Jolly WorkerR. or Harveysburg 1 Miss Vivian Van Meter, of the un shine club, of Lebnnon i Mr. Normnn Coyne, who assisted in swimming and sports; MrS. Ruby Vlln Riper, 1)£ the Shamrock club, of ollth Lehunon: Miss Bessie Moon, of th Madewell club at Level, and lIfrs. Class, who served as camp nurse .
_ ----Mr. Kesler Graham and dau.hter were Dayton shoppers, Tliursday. Noble Prides I)f Cherokees, MoSubaeription Pric•• U.60 per nar. Wyandottes andCounty Apac~ell M~. and Mrs. L ester De Itz, 0 f CI\1. hicans, fro m all parte of Warren ciimllti, visited tt!latives hetle over wltll their Moldens and Braves, OhiefB and Chieftanesses ==========================7,=~======~~ the week-end. MrI!. A, L. Sides and daughter, Lhelr annual encampment, held this I. WEUNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1927 Miss IEdith, visited relatives in Ken- year at Camp ROllS, August !J to 13. rucky Illst week. Nokomis, th~ good mother, ona , t hll of Cincinnati. Harve~t Malden, land, . OW~Ift'a, the STILL TRYING ON VARE FOR A new huilding will house this new spent · several day,8 lllst week with Mr. blul) bIrd we.re pl,aced an hIgh honor . Cur the ability to pl~nse the appebrunch of loami ng, nnd hu sbands will and Mrs. W. M. Coleman. SENATE Utes' of the hung~y tribes. be allowed to attend the summer lecGreat Chief Charles Huffman and Mr. 81111 Mrs. Kesler Graham nnd ... ture!!. Living qUllrLers will be pl'O- duu'ghtcr were Sunday dinner gU!! .. ts hieCLanesscs Sallie Jones, Iva MilSeemingly the boy ~ in Congre 8~ vidod for Lhem at Vassar. All of of MI'. and Mrs. Harry Graham. lard und Elsie Thompson lead haven't enough work in prospect for which is common sense. Aug. 26--Sept. S the December ~ession, if rocent monCharles and Meredith Whitaker tribes through a busy and 'happy week euveringa of some Is a correct crispent last week at the homes of their of leather work, swimming, vesper $20,000 in Lorion ot what they want to do. One unclcHl, Harry a nd Hurold Meredith, and council fire program. The MoEDITORIAL SHORTS I will 8ell at public sale at our old would think that with the certllin at Lima. hielln trib e With Sullie Jones as chief, home, 2' miles west of Harveysburg, won fll'st honor in camp with all oth- 2 miles east of Wuyne8.ville, on State A pedestrian is a mon whuse wife knowledge thllt farm relief and MisHMr. and Mrs. C. R. Binegar, of l'1' tribe~ contesting closely and had issippi fiood billa would be inh'oduced has gone with the car. JameKtown. were wcek-end .guests at the honor of being hostess to the rest Highway No. 73, on lind demand made for positive action --0Sahlrda" Auruat 27, 1927. that Senatorl! and Representatives Anyhow- those German fliers set the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter of the camp at a marshmallow -roast at the last Council fire. Beginning promptly at 1 o'dock would not go out afield looking for a non-stop flight record, Berlin to Kenrick. WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP CONTESTS Miss Gertrude Charleton, of PlcasOne afternoon was devoted to vis- p. m., a lot of Household Goods, Dintrouble. Berlin. ant Plain, WIIS a Monday eVening iting of .the Seven Wonders of the ing 'Room and Kitch ell Furniture, and - 0However. such is the casc, and i~ Champion Riders of Australia, Canada and- ~ is in the thought of a few of our law The feller who insists thnt life is guest of hel' ullclc, Emery Churleton World, lead ·by an appointed captain Miscellaneous Articles. United States will Compete for Prizes and ~ und wire. in each tribe and e:nded up in a treasof sale, cash. Terms maker8 who think Vare of Pennsyl- a joke usually lives to learn that it . .n MRS. P. D. CLAGETT, vania can be seated in the Senate, is on . him. Mrs. Lucy Dyke, of Dayton, WIIS ure hunt which Un<:overed a feast bu--()_ despite what the public knows and W. N. Soars and S. L. Simpson, ded in the encam:pment ground for WORLD'S GREATEST AGRICULTURAL EXPOSInOi i a gUllst of her daughter, Mn!. Forest them by Nokomis a nd her helpers. Aueta, CHAI. v. TIlUAX. 0 . . . If thinks of the "money. primaries" i.n August advi,ce to June bridegroom Graham and family, several days .... Th'e tribes took turns during the the Keystone state whIch !D0de POSSI- - A little pl'esent often smooth~ over lost week. week in putting on the vesper and ble hi.s stili disputed electIon. a terrible past. IIlXECUTRrIOS 8AI.E C}F REAL MiBses Margaret and Ruth Cook, council fire program. and then comA "feeler" haa been put out, un· --()_ ESTATE STEW FAR-STEW FAR Notice I. I\ pr eby giv en thllt. tho under the name of one of the Senate We are pleased if not downright or WayneSVille, were !o'riday and Sat- bined in puttillg on a stunt night · SOUNDS REASONABLE n8 "xeclllrl" or th e loot wlll leaders, suggesting that Vare be grateful that a bee has 13 000 eyes urday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles the lo-t council flre which was also de'·3lgned Of Su.an E . Halne., dec.as ,I. Il Professor (giving a lecture) - "I Patient-"What is tliebest method visitors' night and well attended. At to an order And) Judgm ent of the "temporarily seuted" by .consent, as unnouneed- instead of ~tlngs. ' E. J ohns. --()_ pending the recount ot votes III Penndon't mind If a student looks at his to prevent the diseaso caused by bitm~n Pleu CourtIn of Cou • Iast councl'1 tI Ire th e two c h'Ie f s. Ohio MI'. and Mrs. Forest Graham and t I118 duly made tho Warren ca •• ot "Llda watch once In awhile, but what gets ing insects?" sylvania- the votes by the way, which No matter who keeps a better phon- daughters were Sunday dinner guests Vivian Van Meter .a nd Mary Plymlre Snvdh "a executrix or the last will me is to aee some one take out his Medico-"Stop biting them." t to ge th er Suann E. Hnl the investigating committee . of the ograph record, somebody at our house at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Sher- f rom t heI"n26 encnmpmen, Edwnrds et nee. III Plnlntlff Dptendanva. tB. ' Senate has not yet been permitted to will break it. watch, shake it e. few times, and man Dyke, in Dayton . with this years' four chiefs, were in- cnso No: 13767 on the docket then put it up to his ear-" . . ted t 0 th e T rl'beo., 6' Th Court. on willthQ for anle Kee. --0-ouson d an d ~a liel dauellon oUet \,.Pll1lua Mrs. Elbert Wallace attended the Ilia Should the recount fail to show That aOO-mile searchlight, if ever funeral of on aunt in Franklin last will hereafter be included in the In- day or September, 927. nt Z m.. Ih e following de8crlbed ~ tba~ ~mi.am . B. Wilson rcceiv.ed a perfected in pocket sizes, should tlnd week, and Mr. Wallace the funeral tllrcircle of the council tire Subscribe for the IUamJ Gautte, "IIIT.ro.... Noted visitors of the w'eek were laMi t maJorIty It would then requIre u a ready market amongst Tex Rick- of an uncle in Dayton. two-thirds vote to expel Mr. Var.e ard's tight fans. iI •• "rn.~ Co l. Ross, 0 fthe 147th Infantry and ~~a~ because of the charncter of the prl-0' Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Johns and his wife, Cap HavUn and Mr. H. E. the DI.olllII:lon mary and election. A local DUDlbdora remarked this Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke and family Wilson of the same company, Mr. C. As It now stands a majority of the week that the percentage of acci- were Sunday evening guests of Mr. R. Young, of Lebunon, who gave a Bird Talk at one of the afternoon Senate can Btop Varo at the Senate dentS in airplane!! was very small- and Mrs. Frank Kurfus. . Our Practical PtJltem door- a much better method. we only one to a person. assemblies, and :Mr. Barker. the Warner and children, Mrs. Mabel No. 1101 IIhould say_nd one that the public instructor from Otterof Middletown, spent last week and Smith-Hughes ... is . goln. to insist upon- particularly bein Home. . over Sunday with her parents, Mr. stoppina Mr. Vare. . The last feature of the Illst Camp GIVEN IS RIGHT and Mrs. Henry Foulks. lire was a candile-lighting service, Mra. Susan Saylor and son, Riley, sy mbolizing the or'ganizatlon of the . She--"How many cigars do you WHEAT POOL PROFITS TO spent Sunday in Bellbrook, at an all- 4-H club work and ita extension from smoke in a day?" FARMERS day meeting of the Bellbrook and the Washington office through the va"Oh, any given number." Spring Valley churches. rious State offices to the county exMr. and Mrs. Glenn Johns and chilo tension agents, who, in turn. train the AmerIcan farmen will be interested to hear that in Manitoba Canadiof Dayton, and Mrs. Allen Em- local leaders to pass on the work to HOME TOWN HENRY dren. rick, were Thllrsdsy guests of Mr. the boys and girls in the county. At an farmers control wheat export in n the conclusion of the ceremony all and Mrs. Charles Johns. bla "pool" 'h andling 200,000,000 bushels. The expo~tel'll that raised Severo1 from here attended the no wheat but got tbe profit have lost Foulka reunion Sunday, at the home control, and farmers are getting a Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Sheets. near bigger price fo their Wheat. PerSpringboro. There were thirty-nine and family entertained to dinner, haPl! our ~armel'll wlU learn BomeSunday, Mr. and lIIrs. R. O. Phillips present. thinlr from Canada. and dsughter, of Dayton; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. i 1tenberger We are proud of our railroads i~ Mrs. W. A. PhlllipIs, of Centerville, and son, Milo, attended the Mllten. and Mrs. M. H. Allen, of Hageman. the United States. Canada h811 more berger reunion Sunday, at the home Idaho. mUetI of railroad per C!lpita than any of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bunnell, near country In the world. Canadian farMr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gray Blue Bal\. ' mers ' produced 16.000,000 bushels of Iumily entertained 'with a family wheat sixty yeai'll ago. They proMr. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton and ner, Sunday, in honor of the birth D...tiet ~ueed 410,000.000 bushels last year. daughter were Sunday dinner gueets date of Miss Mabel Starr, of Dayton. We have a powerful, energetic naof Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gt'eathouse, in Those who enjoyed the occasion inW.,...wtlIe N.lI.~ , ~_ ..... .tlon north of utI and are alad of it. Dayton. Min Eva returned with cluded Miss Grace Pottinger, of Bos... 'W .... IIThey are ..oDd ~e-makers. r ton, Ind.; Warren Smith, of York. them after a visit there. . 1 (, and Mn. W. W. M.· town. Ind.; Mr. M d M CharIes C1ark ~nd thais and Misses Mubel and Margaret r • . an I'll. BRAINa. WHY ·NO BABIES Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Burnett enJ?Y- Starr of Dayton l!lnd Mrs. AnlallLu'l ed last Sunday at the Mason reUnion Starr' , M OI'TSN ~ toUQ ~ ·tft)TMY PWlI.Io ' UVI! ~ A AEAl.8ICtenv, BUr 'n4I at Paintel'llville, Green county, there . Fem~le colle.. graduates are in. N~tIeIaah~ _ -. -.~_6~~!to!.!.~.~~~~L-J-~~~!la~6~!'e.!~,yY.n.J!.[!e.llent.~-=-=. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett and cllned not to ma1'1'Y" wbich 'is bad for1'0 :: Robert, entertained at six o'clock ' the country and the youn. women. WIll, MI'II. J. B. Jones, accompanied Mr. ner on Tuesday evening, Dr. and Ora ...... ' .. _N _ .. ~W ....... Why develop your brain it: you don't PIIAC!PU.UA I HIM. and Mrs. Bernie Dill, of Dayton, to H. E. Hatton and guest. Mrs. H~ttie perpetnate the improvement In good WaJDelriU.. OhIo Nl)I"OAA'T1l""'~A.Qf'~ CaldweU, Ohio, Saturday. and attend R_ Jones, of Cincinnati; Mias Lutie sons and daulrbtera? 8I!'~A8La '1D laAlIa"...... ed the funeral of the latter's mother, Vandervoort, Miss Leona Johmon VUIaI' knows that babiel are imutt~~~~...... Sunday. They returned Tuesday. and Miss Nan Collett. . portan..t. no .matter What her daughIIIQIU) 0I9U", OIIOWDIED~ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stac~ and Miss On Saturday evening and !ll1l. tel'll l1Uly /t hlnk, and estabUsheli a The cliarm and ,impUdty of tlici ~1IItt4 PRICB, BOSSV C30PS AII)/oM) Cleo attended a birthday dmner Sun- A. S. Collett's guenta from the summer achool to train mothel'll and little girl', dress oll.red thl, wedC PI.HS'1D PIA.ItIc:.".. eAA.1 dar, at of Mr. a.nd MI!!. lett-McKay picnic, . were Mr. and fathel'll alaoin brln&ing up. children. .hould appeal tspeclally to the WIll Null( near Springboro, an honor Robert Collett and lKr. and Mrs. Guy ... ,.__ ,"___:._ moth.r who sews. Carried out III of the . birthdays of O. A. Collett, of Dayton; Mrs. Jennie ),fcany loft crepe or .lIk material III and Will Null. Cune and daugher. Virginia, of Koa pretty ilado 01 ro.e,· blue, cream Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Coleman en- komo. Ind., and Mills Ellen Smith. ' tertained to a silt o'clock dinner Sun- Wilmington. or tin color.-thl. lIylo would day. Mr. and Mrs. 'John Proud. Bon .ullable ,lor any "tlrCII-UP" 0C0&00 1 Mias Nan Collett opened ~er b¥usloo. and grandson, Mrs. -GladYIi Donaly Bnd son, of Cincinnati, and .Mr. Wil- tiful country homo Friday afternoon th.·-bti~iiDiiD.r1 A dainty. yet slmplo tr liam Norton, of New Richmond. and, assisted by Miss May Harlan .upplied by \1)0 two ·row. row · ..dn .tbbon, In tidier Mr. William Saylor and lady triend Mrs. W. M. Gillam, entertained ..me or -'1-r ~Ior. whl~h of D4yton, visited the former's moth- 100 ladles, the oecaaion' belna a W. COllum t~::h:: 1:.. ~~.::'~ er. )ll'll. Susan Saylor, Monday, and sionary Tea. Mrs. he lett in the evenina for ~U'• • •' ' ' . , . gave an interellting and instructive applr&I .•• CII or vc1.,.''t.,..; .. .•ClI'V.s talk on ' their \;rip to ,Ch.l na, and exit off with I . UlJl1It while there; ' KI'II. Conum -..u'reti...... Ma)" be In ,lie. to 5. ' and her little daulrht:en were clreued SIn 4 re~lr .. 2}6 Y~N' 01 -40 inclt in Chinese costume. She exhlbiiedl:!~!4j~~,~el;·~'!.4 materl.:l. ' Pauernl will be delh'cre4 Fully a' number of ·curioa. The Graham I; to any .ddr'6~ upon reoeipt of 2Sc siaters fllmiahed delightful music and in 'c Uh or U. S. Po'tal~ AlwaYl melltion wanteit Address. ion at Glenn Miller Park, Richmond. Ii tit e Phill'18 •W e bb ,'Gf Da yto~, f 0 Ur· 4." ....... Pr •.(tic~1 size Plltter.n ncparLm~n';. I~Jj Mr. and MI'II. Walter Clark and 80n, year-old CoualD of .tble Graham ., ::....:.:=-_....._____ Welt 28th Street, New York dty, Earl Clark alsO attende dthls reunion dellehtfully. Damty and &I 1" meDtion th.4I IICW.Pa.were served and a s:llver olferinlr ta, _ wa
D. L CRANE. E~tor ...d P.blialaer. Wa~_wlla. Olalo
'RODEO Ohio State Fair ,
Public Sales
------.- --
URide '1m, Cowboy!" ).
---_. _.----
----_ ---
John W-. MiU.
~he ho~e
\Valter McCI~r.
J. E. McCIUr.
by Rev. and Mrs. H.· F. Zierer and wife, Centerville ,at Lytle han.&iv, on Theofleoture and ploture slidee Fr'day evenin.., were much enjoyed by a larae audience. The Ladlell Aid lIeJ;Ved lce cream, cake and sandwiches, and cleared a n~at Bum. ,Mr. and Mn. W. M. Colema!,! and Miss Thelma, ' and tbelr gueats. Mr. S. E. South and family. of Lovelan.d, ,Mr•. Earl Proud and family ot Read. lng, w:e re dinner guests ot Mr. ~6d Mrs. Harold Kellis. in DaYton. on Sunday. August U. and spent the af. tl!1'nOOI\" at the ~oldle~ Home.
---.'_ ---
;e:n:'::::~::::::::T:r,:""::MI:.-:I:G=:aet:~ltJ:':.r:....: .:w:.....::per:!J.::-::-::'::-:::::::::::~::"====~i
,Warren Cmitb. of Yorktown, l~., Is the guest of his sister, "Mrs. Am,\n~ da Starr. . . ,.'
A lo~ : barn on the farm of ' Dan LeWis . wae burned this week.' The ~ri&in ~f the fire ls unknown. l' Mr. and. M"l1I. Howard Graham a ..... u • • • the ' week-end in Dayton, :the tue.t. "Mr. and ·MI'II. E~l1e.t doWer. , '. Howard Graham : and · Graf' attel)ded ·the ..... -.:::...,Cam., ROIIB. last !e~1t. , O.bom -lowa·
13·PlATE' •
Miss Roma Hardin Is vllltlq Ttl·
af Erlanger. Ky.
met 011 the brlclp mlUJatat. never meet ~, For I he Wall ~n eut-bound cow. And be a welt-bouDC! tralnl
i\1r, and Mrs, Ed Edwards SPeDt Mrs. Harvey Saek~tt visl d the we k·end in Indlanll . Uvell in Bellbrook luL week.
Dr. P. A. Garner. chiropractor. Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 7B. TIn'M bo)"l were injured one p.r. • _ . haps fatall,. when tlie automobile MI'!I. 1. e Howk lind family spent th.)' were driving crash d ltito a ]';""1'ett Inrk is sp .. nding hIS voca· londny attcfnooll in Dayton. brldre and the tlt'l'ucturc c\)1I81~Sed . lion with h m fQlk '. neat' Lebannn early unday nlol·nlng. Mr. and lotrs, , Ralph ?>filler e nterwnUam Ertle. of Xenia. employed Dr. P. A. Gurn r, ,chiropractor, tnlll d a few frl nd s Saturd ny e,·en· as • Wutern Union operator inL bo- Lebanon Ohio, Phone '78. ing. non sustain d a fractur d skull, man .. cled atnl and internnl injll!iclfi. n. Mis Mary Ulen EdWArds, of Dny. Brool<s f oore, 01 Tazewell, Va .• remo\' d to BI ir nospltnl. HI. lOll , is \lj iling l'l'lali\los here. was th w('ok-cnd !tuest of Chorles condition is . eril>us and d ctOI'l! f;tlY lIIr. End onn(!r Wil li \I .ry sick hnpmnn . h o hRs only a Jlghtlng hnllc to l' ,c over. lusl IV ·ek • .but is rc~,) ~ ri n g. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. . Riggs. of Limn, David Campbell nnd Earl Bruden. '. RllcnL th week·end with Wilbur . -&.1ao of Lebanon, werll Ileriously cut 1I1r. nn·d. 1\1 I'll. F~rrc ' ~ Bouah spe.nt lurk ond family. umlay WIth relatIves 11\ Dayton. and, bruised.. They will recover. . Braden wu driving the automobile Mr. nnd lIIrs. H. B. Earnhart spent Hamm attended the in ,vbich the three were returning Mr. J . undny in Da}!ton with Mr. and Mrs. ;from a dance hall. Neal' Lebanon, Hamm famIly reunion at Chillicothe. Burton Earnhart. JIIVhere the Cincinnati·Lebanon pike lust week. M d M W E ~roud and lIfr. and Mrs. Earl Hawken, of ellte,n the town on the north, there b a 60·foot bridge across a creek and r·Hnn Id rs.. 'D ~'t shoppers Spri ngfield , spent a few houTli Sun. day in Waynesville. a steep hlU leading down to it. Brn· son. Ilro, were ny on den it Is said. sped down the rondo ont:! duy last week. whj~h 1& bumpy, at n high rate of For Sale-Yellow Gage Plums and Earl Conner, Jr. , hos returned • peed. .He lost control of tho motor Maidon Blush apples. Call phone home after Il v isit to his aunt, Mrs. ur all It reached the 8Jl11n and t~e 96 J. L. Mendenhall. Victor Burrus, in Dayton. "ehicle erasbed into t he bridge mIls ' Mrs. GrLlce L. Smith a nd Mrs. Mo· Tnke nd\lnntnge of the many Specwith terriffic force. t urned arou~d and skidded to the south~rn end of I~. iols during August at Cary's Jewelry bel Allen ure in Cincin nati t his week attending the Pall Fashion Pageant. The imp.ct broke the strUcture and I ~ Shop Lebanon. Ohio. fell into the creek. • f I .. Mr. Reason a nd Mrs. Reth llson, Mrs. Ertle WIll knocked out 0 t Ie car Miss Dorothy Dakm, of Blsmar~k, Sadie andPercy Miss Ru Hockett and eau&'ht under the bridge wreck· N. D.•. is the guest of her au?t. MI8S spel?t seve rnl days last week at Bed• ge. • _ • May Wright, nnd other relatives. ford, Ind.
Mrs. P. D. Clqett was a week·end 01 M~ Alice McKln8ey apd
s i ll~er.
MillS Lillie Nedry visited with Jo lcKinst'y !lnd fl\nli1y. in Morrow, In t week. Clarence Mend nhnll and :Camily. aTe spending several days here with home fo lks.
Georll'e Smith. of Lebanon, unllet'went an operation Ilt. his home r cent131, In which hla tight leg was .mpu· tated. Smith accidentally shot him elf while huntlng ncar Wnyne8viJIe on July J O. He wall climbing t hrough a fence wlJen hi ~ gun \VIlII j:)18charged and the shot lodged in hie leg. He was .taken. to tbe Blair hospitnl where he was IIted for some little t ime. J>hysiciallB t here !I8\.d It Was impos8ible to amputate the liinb nt t hllt time due to the serioU9 Infection Smith W86 later removed to his home , where he has been in a very criticul condition since that' time. lt \V1\8 decided thllt the operation would be necessary In spite of his condition. Since the operation physician!! say thnt his condition is not at all good.
1\11'. and Mrs. W. N. Scars and fn mil l' pent SundllY with Alvn 'ears and fllmily, neal' Greenville.
Mr. 1I1ll1 ]\h'8. I". B. Henderson en· tertained , the "Jolly 1I1lltrons" and their husblllld Friday ,ni ght.
MIAMIS STilL HOLD fiRST PLACE IN LEAGUE Mrs. La nrn Mosher is mak ing an
1I1iss Lou ise Henderso n is spending this w~k hi Norwood. the guest of 1I1r. Dnd Mr9. H. Clyde Coleman.
------ ~~4.~ ·
A QUIET NOISE The !Il'nme SundDY between Bellextended vlf\it in Millord the g uest of Mrs. Flynn- "The neighborhood her daughter, Mrs. F. C. Hllrtsock. brook and lI1illmis was one well worth nil' at snd Cor nine innings the ~eeJ118 a bit noillY, Mrs. O·Day." Mrs. O'Day--"Shure en It ' 'does • !IIr. and Mrs. Thomas Hardin and fans got t heir money's wort~. "Peck" family spent. Sunday with Mr. lIard- Satterthwllile e~snyed to pIlch, but The only time it's quiet here is when in's daught.4~r, Mrs.' S. R. Conrad. went to first before · thc inning. was the trucks go by an' drown th' noise.' Erlanger. Ky. finished. Bellbrook wilh the Illd of =~~~~~~~~~~!=-:~= 100 ' pounds of the NEW Wayne . couple of hils anci a co uple of l'ank George Oglesbee, of Dayton, nnd errors put fOUl' runs over the p~n . 26 % Mash Supplement malees John Gons have Teturned from a tri 200 pounds of good, depend.ble In the second inning WllynesVllle to Cleveland, Niagarn Falls and Bu by hllrd hitting m.ode two ~u~s. Dur: egg mash when mixed with your falo, N. Y• ing thll inning MIchaels h~t Bus,ter' own Ill'oUlld grains. Stullsberry on the hend WIth a pltch- At my r .. ,id"nce. corn.. r of ThI..d See the beautiful new gifts and Mr. and I\1rs. R. G. Cross nnd Mr. cd ball nnd t he gllme was delayed Str.... t .nd Fr.nklin Ro.d, Wayn",. Here's 1\ big 'savlng in YOUI' feed Mr. und JIIrs. Roy Hartsock and und Mrs. W. N. Scars altended a SlII almost' forty minutes. Stllnsberrl." novelties nt Cllry's Jewelry Shop, A lin .. of bU!, for you buy only - half of "The Home of Gifts," Lebanon, Ohio Mrs. Verno Kelley. of SpTingfielcl, of onllque fur ni ture nen l' Geol'ge- who hilS bee n plnylng with the MI- viii". called on Waynesville friends Sotwho t you feed in ·thi8 new LOW NOVELTIES, CANDY, POST town Illst VVednesda y. amis almost all season, filled the J. W. R. Saylor. sliver fox breed· At our store you can select a Gru- urday evening. COST egg mallh." • weak gap they had nt shor ~t and hns er, lIpent the week-end at the Har· CARDS. SCHOOL SUPPLlE~. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bush and three chilo Henry S,iylor entertnined his boys been n valuable asset to tlle team. en watch. The utmost in beauty and b.up Scientific silver fox ranch, at AND LAUNDRY' SUPPLIES. Dayton. MI'. Saylor J;'ecently ret ur n· accuracy. Cary's J owelry Shop, Leb- dren a nd Mrs. Ella Haines. of Clncin- of the Lytl,e SundllY School Thursday At last accounts he Is getting nlong nati. wcre guests on Monday of Mrs. evening and with a weiner r~ast on nicely but nil fCllr of serious ed from a tour of large fox ranches Ilnon, Oblo. R.... on.bI. prie.. .Dd coul't.oua ury is not pnsS(Jd. Caesar's creek. SaturdllY oven1l1g. and fUl' hoUMI in Northern stat.es and Miss08 Leona and Mary Kathryn Cynt hia Evans. tr.atment t.o .11 ..... Como aDd ••• m •• 'thirt L play any more this season . pari of Canada iii the interest of the · W.y....IU•• Oillo PhOD.25 Olts. of Doyton,. arc spending this 11k and lIfrs. E. L. Harlan and On Thursday lit SIX· y. as The 'innings from t his point went Dayton ranch. week visiting t heIr uncle and aunt, t hei r guests, Mr. and Mrs. Prickett ~uit Soeurs hod pot-lUck s uppe~ un til t he eighth, when biO'! -------.~-~.-----1I1r. and Mrs. Percy Reason. and daughter. were Cincinnati visit- th~ home (,f Mi~ Ja~et CartwrIght. ban I boom I Michaels, who shut out ors last Friday. BrIdge was tbe dlverslon of the even· Jam~stown with only one hit Sunday ~-.;...------------., If you have promised yourself. a ing. week. WBS hit for four bingles nna r Miss Esther Henderson is spending new watch. see . th~ Grue!' GUll~ Mn. Oliver Davis and Mrs. Fred he took to the tnl! and uncut. Enwatches, Elgm. Ilhnols, Hamllton, ,a t he week in Blanchester, the guest , T1ae Y. F. M. will mect with Charlell Cary's Everhnrl visited Maiy Knight and gle finished the game. The Miamis JewelQY Shop, Lebanon. OhlO. of a school friena. Chapman. Sunday, August 28. a t t he Mrs. RomiD,e at the County Home. mnde four runs in the inning, and the ,.' mod was sewed tight. ):lome of hili rrandmother, Mrs. Eli.z· Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Stroud and Mrs. W. F. Clark. in company with Tuesday aflternoon. Mrs. Romine Only .three ' h its were made oft' of very sick. abeth Baily. 80n. Harold. in company with Mr. lIfrs. Mary Catnlony, of Lytle, ond Mo~ Adams for eight and onerhalf 1II11111gs1 and Mrs. George Stroud and 80n. a party of Springfield friends. spent Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sherwood. Mr. When he I took "Peek's" place. ~-..., Carter, of Dayton, motored to Ken· last week ot Indian Lake, tucky. Sunday.and spent the day vis. and Mrs. Firank Elbon , Mr. and Mrs. men we e on bases with one out. ~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~'!!!!!!!!!!!!''!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!~!.'! iting relatives and friends. Mrs. Veo Adams ond son, Robert. Robe.r t -Crew and Phineas Cook at· he retired tbf;l side without.a run. ~ He' str~ck ou,t eight men ?~Ulg the _~------~--~~-------------_:'---, , Miss Margoret Zeiner, of Dayton t ended Yearly Meeting at Wilming· game, mclu.dlllg Bellbrook B . Mr. and ?tirs. Elias Oglesbee have were Sunday guests at the home of ton last Sunday_ hitters. MIchael w,as able to strike left fo r n trip through Glacier Na· Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis. Cary's Jewelry Shop is ' open every out four -men and .Engle ~ne. :.· . tional park and to visit Mr. and Mrs. Spring Valley WIll play the MiamIS R. W. Risinger, of New Dayton. AJ. After a pleasant visit with their evening" until 9 p. m. Come in and berta. While there they will spend parents, Dr. and Mrs. A, T. Wright. lee the mariy .wonderlul and unullual next Sunday. The l,ICore: R H 'E a week at Waterton Lakes park, in Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Wright have gifts. You are always welcome at tbls most irlteresting store. Mi~mi~ ." ...... ".:." " .. ..... ....... 6 9 2 the CalUldian Rockies. returned to their home in Detroit. , Bellbrooks ....... ..... .. .. " .... ..4 Ai 6 Mr.Oook ' andllnd . Mrs Cnl Frye, Misa Mr. and )In. H, B. Earnliart and Mr. and lolrs. Fred Prickett, of Ruth Gl,.e nn Frye a;e spe~d 01 22 80 \I() 50 60 70 84 II M.rs. Viola Harlan entertained a LewistoWJ), - 111. • . spent several days ing the wee.k at Russell's Pomt. Gd. . ..... . ok .. .. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0--4 'dinner party lost Friday evening at last week with their Bon.in-law and bert Frye wiU jointhem Thursday for the home of the fotnler. The daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E . . L. Harlan. the remainder of the week. SIlBday'. a ....... ' were Mr_ and Mrs. F'Ted Misses Katherine Fromm and Elsie 4; Miamis. 6. Bellbrook, HaWke, -Messrs Melvyn (Banta and Miss Henriet~a IkK!nsey left Spring Valley, 5; Jamestown, 2. daughter, Mils Mllrgaret. of Bowersville lost twp games to Wil. town, 111., .Mr. and Mrs.E. L. Harlan. Maynard Weltz enjoyed a picnic sup. Sat urday morning:forAshtabula, per at Forest Gablell. Dayton. Sun. with a friend will leave there Mr. and MrII. K. N. Hough. Telephone ·.143F2~ . day. Sunday morning for a trip to No .hippe.. ever lost Mr. and Mrs, .J. 1.. Mendenhall. I tnuqua, N. Y. and Niagara Falls. L'.au, Sta.dl •• Mrs. Ella MeredIth, Mrs. Mary L. I) a. m. to 3 :80 p. m., Tuesday• W L . • p~ftfty ••Ili n ' c:r.. m . Di".ct 10 Tri-St.t. Miss Annie BrQwn, Misa and 9 a. m. until 8 pm., SatU1·dav. Mr. and IKrs. J. C. Hawke left .. Adams, 'Marne Brown. Misa Emma RaphUD. Dr. the Eyesight Speclal~5t, for ,. two weeks' villit with :: ..... .. .... ....... ... ,.. Dr. Farr. S. 1... Cartwri ht Rev, an~ t~at...ua~.a.....Leslle1I=¥-~gp.,-I.eblltWltlrlhnird-Mr!l. W:-It:-Mather, of Burllrlll.1 a.ut Cane lirs. J. J. Schaefl'er•. comprised a pic· ton, KllnSllll. Their IOn Carl, of Bowersville ... :............ ,.... 7 9 . •487 ton, is in . ~!harge of thel.r lltore Spring Valley. .... .............. 7 .7 '.500 ruc party at the ho!pe of Mrs. 'Lillian GaUDteecl l)mall, in Morrow, th~ afternoon, 1\Iisa Allee Gons is visiting a school lng, their absence. ., ...:................ 6 11 .365 ~ friend in Brooklyn, N. Y. From _____•• _ ••_____ A number of young people visited tbere she wiu go to Startford. Conn., Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke enter· the Ohio Cavernll at West Lioerty, for a few days and then to Boaton, tained at a aix o'clock dinner, Sun· the way home they to visit relatives. last Sunday. On a...... I day evening, Mrs. Frank Taylor. of plcniced 'a t · Snyder plll:k, Springfield, A narrow escape from seriona inMrs. Abram Cook, Mrs. Stnnley San Francllseo. Hisa MUd~ed Har:Those who enjoyed the day were t he " . line .... U "W~ 10 ::rri4lMe fer .... _ . line Misses Frances .Henkle. Sara MIs- Cook, ~f Sv,ringboro, and Miss Char. lock. of Milford; Mrs. EdIth Harns jury was the e.x perience of Miss Hel-,........ _ dIoeb _ptI•• wllhen Hawke her nelce and n'ephews, sildine Janet Cartwright, Dons Hen· lotte Smclalr. north of Dayton, call. and -Mr, H~lrris Mosher. children of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Le: and Mary Margaret Unglesby, cd on Mr. and. ~r8. C. H. Shorwopd, . derson' . W '91. '9IOUWAN Mrs. Gebrge ' J. Smith an~ ~. May, and Misa Mary Corneliu8. who and the MellSni. Clint Corwin, Ver. Saturday even mg. • BIlla"", 0lIl0 '1:~,~mpBOn had as theIr dm- lives with the LeMays, ' when"the au: ~on Mainous, Wallace Treadway, Diamonds? They never wear out; ner guests last ; Thund4y evening. tomobile in which t hey wllre · ;ri4ing 'Kenneth St John and WiUiam Thom, , .. . as. never get out of style, and are safe Mrs. :E;dith HalTls. · Mrs. Lester Gor· cQllidcd with another at what ill L'~ , as a Liberly bond. Oomp~re values don, Misa Martha O'Neall. MillS Clara known liS Dr. Mary Cook's lane. ' . Next to life itselt eyesight is por- -not just prices at Cary's Jewelry Lile. M.i~ M.a y W~lght anI! Misa Dor- The machine comIng from the othy Dakin. turned, wit hout warning, et1iking the haps the most precious possession of Shop. Lebanon, Ohio. " ruC v CU II ough an d it. LeMay machine broadside. up8etting /Dankind. It pays to have your eyes Mr. an d M.rs. J 0l'n -do~ntown. Mr. and ,Mrs. Keller Hoak left for given attention by an eyesight spec. 8~n, an~ Mrs. Ann Archdeacon. of Fortunately no one )Vas injured, -ialiSt. Dr Rudolph is here ' every a mo~r t:l~ to Atlanta, Ga." Tueada)' and Saturday: Examination they wllI V181~ Mr. and Mrs, Ben Park. Five POlDt. Mr. and Mrs: Howard but the LeMay machine Wall wr.ecked. • The names of the occupants of the I f Ca"""s Jewelry Shop . Leb. e~. They Will return home thro~gh A;rchdeacon and Mrs. Maggie were en~ert;ained Sun~ay at the other was not learned. s reeOhlo.·J , VIrginia lind Washington D. C. of Ml'. anll Mrs. William Early, in . . , Spring~oro, other. cars~~ The Les Huit . Soeurs held their WELL, HE ASKED FOR IT weekly meeting ' with ' Miss ElIIie " On . Tiie~d~y Mn. Rilla Brown, of Road, are'ph,lically aa~,eroul. Wh, make them Hawke. After the bUBinellS they ad. Centerville" had as h.er guests. pro . "Darling, you would be a marvei. journed to the kitchen where each 'Mont Masoln and family. of NorWood. IQus dnncor but for two thinKS." . fmlUlclaU, dancerOus .beeauao of inadequate one took their turn In making cheese Mrs. Elizabeth 'HartsoC;k. 'cif Spring. , "What arc they, 8weetheart?" Automobile inluranc,? dreams. field i ' Mrs. Anna Cadwallader, MiJlS "Your feet." ------.~-~-.-----Miss Marietta Sparks, of Cynthi. Clara LUe;: !.lisa Annie Brown and Mlsa Mame' Brown. DEATHS ano, Ky .• is the guest this week of the fir.t to write automobile liabi~ty .inl~r Miss' Janet Cartwright. The Mlsaes driv~n The funeral of James . Brackney, ' anee and tOda, i. the la..,elt multiple-lane Margaret Beck and Ruth Stephenson VA. huh, died Saturday at his: ho,"e in of Dayton, will also bi!' week-end inauranc;e in ihe w~rld. I eyesl:ghl~'1 Lebanon, was held in the Chapel at guests. Miami cemetery Monday 'afternoon, BUICK MotOR. COMPANY. PLINT.' .) oCH. Rev. Kirker, of the First Presbyteri. Why do we sell so much el\ver. \. Dlpfsl•• •, G...re/ltl.,.r( C'r#.,ell•• an chUrch of Lebanon. o·fttelati~&'. . ware? Because "Yourex Sllveraeal" ,_' or • --------~.....:....- - - - - - - - - -...- - - - . . " , ' is ,t he best plated ware ma4e by man - Rev. Philip Truot•.aged· '15; r~tired '. • or machine. See the beautiful pat. M~thodi8t minister, died Sunday at terns at Cary's Jewelry Shop.' Lebhis hpme in Springfield. 1iev. Trout anon. Ohio. 1Il...........,t, P'liIckel:t.,1was' a former pastor of the' local .M. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Younce, Mr. and "'"""--Mrs. OIaude Riggs and Everett Clark and Miss Dorothy PAlmer, of Day. ton. spent Sunday ~fternoon With 1\Iisa Mildred Clark, at Miami t,JnJ. versity. Oxford. . 'f'
Cuts Your Feed Bill
Vilited Fox Ranch
Waynelville fa""erl Exchange Company
-==:.:=_________ Kroger's wm
Young Friend. Meeting
Per DOzeD, From Thin. .Till
Pay For Eggs L.__________..:.._...;._..;.;._...;.___.;...____
M. B.
,_. c...
...... ---
G:&~!\W' ~~ like an arrow from a·bow·
Machine. Collide
Puick for 1928 ' gets .a~Y' jn , traffic .like an arrow from ·a , uuw. Watch ,tile Buicks next time y.ou drive See how easily they Step- out_in frOnt when the signal dtanges. And note how they give die slip in,the friendly .rivalry of You "cannot sal youJmow;: the" full m~~g Qf'.'p¢o~man~e"· until you'ye : a Bwck for 1928.
trame.,.· ,'" .,'. " .
The Travelers' Insurance Company
.Emest L Harlan Agen~ Waynesville
Mls8 Katherine ', Fromm hat .. n'....... ·..". pleted a two' yean courSe of : .tnd",I~;r; at WilmingtoJ) conege. and rec:eI1~" , a " teaehers' diploma at t-be ' term commenae!pent, J"hfch last Saturday. . Last Friday; Dr. Mont MOsOn1 and family, of Norwood; Mr. and Mn. J. L. Mendenhall, ~. AlIria Cadwallader, MIllS. Clara 'Lile, Mise An. nie Brown and . ~iIs Marne Brown were delightfully entertained at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs, Raymond Mont gp~ery. in Centerviile. 'j'
.. -
! 11, 11
• LJ '
Seventy-Ninth Year
Whole Number 6768
ADAY ,AT VANC:uuv~-1---F='=:::;:~ig::::::;:ht:::::;If;;=tM~B:==;;aile;=r==;=;R;=;QUb::;==::=ou=t:: · =--==-==~--==---ny 8RIlISH COLUMBIA
-AIIN!-.rt -T _ n-VuJ-
THE WAY OF A SHIP MARK twAIN WOULD WONDER DOC AND PERFUME LADIES AND ONLY ONE STAR The way of a Ilhip in the midst of the sea has changed since Solomont the son of David, wrote his Proverbs. The hardy Phoenician, bringinlt precious freight from Solomon's temple. snd the American tour ist of the General Grant-Mark Twain period would wonder at the ships of 102'1. ' Thia •is written on the Aquitania, one of many ftoating cities thut cross the ocean, lUI free from romance as the moving pictures shown on Deck A. Whoever hss crossed in old days rubs his eyes, like Rip Van Winkle. Along the deck, much wider than Fifth Avenue' sidewalk. and almost all ateady, comes a wheezy, 8hort, fat lady, leading a small ' dog. to match, wIth all ita owner's qualities, plus a disposition to snap at pll8l!ina legs. They turn at the notice, "No _ dop allowed forward of this sign." The dog wears a beautiful ribbon, the lady, possibly, a grandmother, wears brilliant pink sUk stockings, of Bucb high visibility that an old-time uptain might have put her In irons. Much gold on her dress and on her cheeks pl'ofusely 8pread tbe rouge that Jenbe( wore, in Racine'l deIcrlpotln. pou, reparer, des ans, '111'-
(An excerpt, from 0 letter written by Miss Clu"a Borryhill to her porents, de8cl'ibing a trip to the metropolis of British Columbia.) The day was perfect. except for a bozo on the far horizon, which obscured the I.o fty summits of the mountains. As the tTain schedule gave very poor accommodations, I took the 9 o'clock stage, arriving in Vancouver at 11 :30. At Blaine. the lown which is the internatlonnl boundary line, we stopped for inspection by the Cunadian customs officials. They just went through the motion s, not Heeeming to take the matter seriously. We wcrn't a suspicious. looking crowd. 60 t hat probubly accounted for their laxn ess. Canadian forms and furm homes were more prosperous · and attractive looking than those on the American side. The flelds were larger, the crops looked better and more land hps been cleared than on this side of the bol'der. I passed through gont forms and Rllver fox farm s nnd occoRionally saw huge piles of tree tops dead trunks. limbs and tree roots stacked for burning. Part of the way lead through great aisles of virgin tim. ber, those towering firs, whose trunks .and limbs are covered wit h a thick velvety pile of beautifully shaded moss, give one a feeling of sublimity such as nothing else inspires. Crossing the half mile wide Fraser river, we passed through New West. minst~r, a pretty, clean town, with some lovely homes and wonderful municipsl and school buildings. On the outakirts of Vancouver, we passed through a camping ,ground locatcd right In tlie midst of a de~se forest. It was a very attractive spot and the mil:ture of pine air and sea breeze was quite exhDerating. I saw two cars near the entrance. be , ing Pennsylvania licenses, and anoth· er from Colorado.
......................... ..
fiRST IN LEAGUE f Inte::n:h~tem. State. Caoital
whi~lwin(\ fllli ~h, th e leading won "uL in the lust h,lI! of t he eighth inn ing, ove ry man go in g lo bat in this inning, IInri two ove r, mnki ng 0 gl'U nrl toto I of six "uns, thu s defeating the Spring Vnlley teum nfl'lf' the game had npllllrcnt.ly been sewe rl up in the flr~t inning, when tile Vull y boys by Lho uitl or a home r un by L. Klein nnd ~ e\' era l hils, mad e five hig j uicy ,·un~ . Atlams, who had gon into the box \Vith but littlo \\'u~1l1ing- up, wus hi t ~afe l y fflr four r ap". A fler hu got thoroughl y wUl'nwd (u his \Vo"k, t heil' hit. went off the bat al ilTcgu lnr in(ervnlR, not er"'u~ h t() do nny ·dam. ugt! tu th e Mi nm is. With one more !,lume \\:on the Mi· amis will ho\'o the IJen nnnt cin ched good and hord . Next Sunday the Bowersville learn will come h e ~c to balll e th e tribe of the mi ghty Miamis a nd on thnt gumc depcn ds the pen· nnnt. The score : RItE Sprin g Vall ey 6 83 Miamis .. .....9 12 2 1 2 346 6 7 8 9 Sp. Valley .. 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-5 Miamis . . . 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 6 0-9
Miami ~
Suad.,'. R....It. Spring Valley 6; Miamis O. Wilmington 13; Bellbrook 3. Bowersvillc 3; Jamestown 2. L•• I". St_Deli .., W ............... 12 Minmis Wilmington ... . ........ 10 Bellbrook . ... .. ........... 9 Bowersville .. '" .......... 8 Spring VaHey ............... 7 Jamestown .. .... ......... ... 6
L 6 7 9 9 ,9 12
Pct. 667 '538 . 500 :471 487 :388
ATTENDANCE GOOD 8ENEFIT GAME ~O. fRANK CRANE'S reparable . ouvrange. Vancouver is apopulation, city ot slightly . FOR PLAYER . . more than 80.000 located AT POULTRY MEETINGS That mode"n seafaring lady pau- on Burrord Inlet, an arm of the WEEKLY LECTURE LITTLE THEATER and here carneas anotber. forty Straits of Georgia. and the Paciftc ' yean younger! forty times wone. terminus of the ,Canadian PacilOver ' 200 poultrymen, farmers FAIR THERE IS A LAWBR~AKER AT · C OUNTY Ae Ihe paues, n brlght red, Icatrailway, the world .greatest trav- and farm women interested In poultry Arr.a ..emeah .re oa foot to . in.ke the I•• , 10,.11 .. ama of tba tel'S all the perfum es 01 Arab.a. which el Iystem" also the Canadian NatlonP.
i ll
Prepared by . I Columbua F epo rter .
Eno~mnus crowds arc In Columbus t his week in attendance at tbe Oblo tate fair. The streets of tbl city a re gaily decorated and parading bands lir e heard continuously. Tbe 'x p o ~ itio n Will continuo over Montiny on account of the Labor Day ce lebrnLio n to be held at the fair gro unds, starting with a big procession, six bonds participating in the some. Daily delegations visit the Capito l nnd gather In the rotunda to admire the beauty of the Grecian Doric style of the building. The ftoor of th e rotunda i8 of Tennetl8ee red marble and Vermont black marble Ilnd . contains 4,892 pieces. Around the rotunda arc placed historlc tlags oC our various wars. It wu here in this same rotunda. on April 26. 1866, that · 60,000 people passed beforl the body of our martyred and beloved president, Abraham Lincoln •
Motor busses operating in Ohio have received orders from tbe State Public Utilities Commiulon, not to at a gr.eater speed than 86 an hour. The commiaaloners deemed the order necellBal'y In order to properly preserve the safety and seeurity of the traveling public. A violation of the order Is a violation of the General Code of Ohio, wbleb hU prescribed a rate of 86 mUes per hour as the maximum apeed at wh1eb ed vehicles may b. opupon the public hlghwaya of State. Tbe memben of the com" mission in Issuing the order dated that it had com\, to their ltnowl.iIIfe tbat certi1led 'vehiclee of motor traupo:rta.tlo'n companies were freqllentJy operated at excetl8lve and c!angettu rates of speed, Bnd thia practice must be eliminated at once.
arc tbe worst atickleet perfumes on al railway with its massive depot 01- attended the series of poultry meet- .e ••o'n, wbich wiill b. S.plelllhar WITH1N YOU Representatives of the Little Th\!A campaign againlt the l1\epJ UN earth, and 8m~kel an ostentatious ci- so the G. N. and N. P. depot adioin- Ings snd culling demonstrations beld 11th, • baaeSt ... m. for Elmar ater organization ' met with the Coun- of automobile license plates a beiDl" caretta. ing. Forty-one years ago. It had two by County Agent 0l1lSB last week. St.a.b.rr,.. wbo .....0 .... rel,. The great lawbreaker is greed. ty Agent, Mr. Class, and the Rome urged by inspecto1'8 of the dl~on of thousand inhabitants. JUlt about Be8ides showing the folks bow to pick b .. rt 0 '" the local diamoad., A....Of course men break laws because Agent, Miss Watts. at the Furm motor vehicles un_der directlQn of The cIgarette II uled as a' wand, that time it was entil'ely ~ped out out the undesirable birds' Class also .. at 2J, 10,. lNi.... bit oa tbe of otber passions, such as love, re- reau office Snturdny evening to make Secretary of State C1arellce J. Bro~ waved to emphasize a speech that IIhe by lire, so none of the bulldlDga now , ~ h.ael It, a piteh.d ban thro ... 10, venge, vanity and the like. some of t he flnal arrangements for and Commissioner Ohalmen R. wnis maldng, deeply appreciated by a standing are more than fatty years used maps and data prOVided ,!;Iy the the pikber, Mlc..... la. of the But greed breaks the law twenty their first appearance at the Warren Many car owners negleet to young man with b~ck. sleek, 'greasy \lId. It has many largll store.s, one Oblo agriculturaral economists to Bellbrook tealll, "Buat.r," who times ~ where any other feeling County fair, September 15.17. transfe1'8 while otheta aUow the . hair, a stomacb caving inward, a of whlch.is the Hudlons' BIY Co. de- show the Ilevelopment of the poultry had a ·po.itioB 'witb ·th. Da,.to.. breaks It ?nce.. Th is ilS t ho flrst attempt of the kind to )lecome the propeJ:ty of pur- ' , t' f Ohi Ea,ia.er d.partment, .ad who I, . The malnsprl~g of every burglar's in this county but i1 they receive t he of u8ed ~achln . es. Th.re 'foreign accent, and no l1Iore ''back partment store. It occupie's one half . d try' head tho a Ruuian wolf hound, a block, Is six storie. high and car- 10 us 10 vonous 6~ Ions a a ,oia, to c:oll.... 'OOD, baa lo.t a and pickpocket s career Is greed. support of their own organizations violations 1ft defaelac UC'''U:''~_ _ ':'''_..-::':~ Tb& young woman's lathea: pl'ob· HeR a very large and varied stock. and the United States. He showed couple of waeb' wo .." oa accou.t They want "dough" and tbey wllnt and the general attendance or' th~ and obsouring view of ..me. ably baa moriey. In goods' advertised (lower priced that the Pacific coast state! lIN ·our of the aecideat, a.d tb. I~I pl.,.- it quick. . Hence the blackjack and fair, it will {lot be t he last. drive a car or truck with only - - - -. . than In U. S.) and arrangement of chief competitor!!. yet they are handf_1 that tb ..,. waat to m.... the brealdng and entering. Each organization will sell different one plate. In the, latte _ .. pollee re gbt charges on 1Iim te.timo..ial for tb... DOd work Old people are waited for with Im- colored tickets before the fair in a de'p artments are'co-operatinc with tile Hundred-'! ,Ipend '" week In this the .tores, Vancouver- remlna.me of icapped by Ig ftoatiD&' hotel, not realidng that. thBY our Eastern cities. more than some both the feed bougbt and their ee'P be b.. ela... OIS tb. t_m thi, patience and not waited on with love, friendly competition to see which will division of motor vehlcles and III ODe are on the ocean until the fOIl 'horn others 'here on tbe eoaat , The Ca- and poultry shipped out. because of greed. . . . sell the greatest number of tickets In city alone sixty can OWDen were ar-bloWi!. Tben some . lilY "I don't like nadlan Pacific and Vanc~uver 'hotel Ticlceto fa .. . ih~. t •• timon"'l will Many an unhappy marriage has Its proportion to the nUlllber of member. rested and fined for Its violatioD, It that lOund." , The 1I!0re nervous wall built at an initial COllt 01$4,000,be 0....1. aest S.. ad." a ..eI e... eause in greed. in t he organization. may be Interesting as well .. a matdro::l,the fOil hom WIth two more 000, • .nd contalnll over 600 rooms. broad hedges, quite in the English IN p .. rc ..... ed of aa,. of the b.1I ~amilies az:e separated on account Each play wm be presented twice tel' of news to know tliat a complete coc 11._ ' .T h!N ate many attrac~ive toU1'8 of style. The beach at English Bay .DeI lat... will IN p .. t aD.... of It and anc.ent grudges were foun- at different times on the same day in check on transfers II beina' mad.· b,. th& City oA'ered" We chose the Stan wu crowded with bathen. The b.tb at .e... ral .tor•• i .. to.... ded. the spacious tent which will be held to correct these ."q. .alld Modern ' A'!'erican ,!ealth has ley Park *our. This park, a thou- house Is' built of red cedar logs and Thi. will b. . . chaac. for tb. Laws ar~ passed at its instigation. in common with the Farm Bureau and same time act .. ~ matter of, eha~d Ihlpe m~o cockta!\ and break IIInd acre tract of almost' primeval is quite unique in architecture. I f.... to .haw daa'" appr.ciatioa The . passage of a passport law and the community t hoater . Spendi protection not only to the car OlNllr ,. f~ food emporiums. There a~e 80 (orest, is Qw~ed by the govemment forgot to mention that we saw sev- df a .triek.a pl.".r, aael a tiek- o,f' an .mc?me. tax law had no founda- an hour here t o see a play for a but to society In general. lunda of mu,<ous membrane destroy· ond leaseq to the city for a 'period eral ft'tie specimens of Douglas IIr .t o....ht to be p.. rc..... d b,. eYer,. tlons In Just.ce, but took pla~e sim- Bum will nQt only .help th e Little, There is no restriction a,.lnR takera lilted al . cocktails on tbe amok- ~f ninety-nine years. It has twelve and red cedar real 'virgin timber ball f ... i .. the commu.. it, wbo at- ply because there were occasIons of a ter movem ent in Warren co'unty, ing room program, and' I~dlgnant miles of paved roadl and fifty miles while driving through the park. On~ t ...eI. tb. 10.11 ..am ••, aDd otba... graft. The money could have been but will u1110 provide wholesome en- ing children into any state with the Britiabel'll on their own shiP w.de .o f bridle and foot paths. A~ we en- of the former species, struck by •• w.lI. raised in a much .bet~e r way by sim- tertllinment fo.· the fair goel'S and excep~ion of West. Virginia, whlllh ... t~u. a llet of American breakfast tered the park, we paased first lightning filty years ago. is stili Mo.... d.Salt. all ..o.... e.m.at will pie processes of Justice. . give them a chance to rest 'ITom the quires that all children ' under .1xteeD fooda that ~mazel and o~tratrea tbem through the Shakespearian Gl!ordens, 1Itanding, though its top is gone. It be made Dellt . . .Ir. • ~!eed was equally behmd the ac· more strenuous a ctivities on otker years Of age coming from Ohio, mUBt where nearly every species of flower measures 62 feet around the base. UVlties of. Robin Hood of yore and parts of the grounds. undergo an examination by ' ·Iocal In old d!lya after dark Bentimen- known is groWn. A.1I the flow!!n men It Is hollow and a room has been the mod~rn legislator. T.he principle The contcsLants and plays will be h'e alth offtciaUi. to determli{e U ·thlliW_ --=:---,":--"':'tal young people stood whlape~ng tio'ned il'\ Shakelpeare's works are formed in the center., . upon which !hey acted IS the same. announced at a later dote. is any indication of Infantile ~ behind tbe wheel houae. The old- found there: . Tbe geranium bedli, of Tbe' trip ended with' a drive through They took money from those who ysls. If no trace of the epidemic' fa er, more eerioul', ".ooked ,a t tbe ltar- dlA'er~nt . sba~el of pink an.d red were Vancouv~r's Chinate~. n. It proved had It as an excuse that they were found the cbild may rem.~ No a·· ry 'mutter~r1l' about "'rc~rull, a gorgeou. and be~utlful sigbt. The a pleasing contrast to such sections • protectln~ those who had it not. amination wjll be_ ma!!id~e~o!.f~~~~_-;::"'~~ 0~01l and Pleauea and th. OhalDbers Harding Memorial; er~~d by the in many cities, T~e streets and shops The ~Ist of at! opposition to the passing thro'llgh the state and Dot d~ of the South. , Kiwanis clubB of the ,U; S. and Can- were clean an!i attractive. .The peoprohibition I!lw IS greed. Bootle«airing to stop over for a villlt. · ~e , .' ada, marks the place where President pie that we' saw ' were not repulsive 81'8 do not eXist so mucb .because peototal number of ca..s whiCh have " ThAt.la "old ,ltd" ~ow. ,There Is Harding ma~!I hll ,lalt P\lb1i~ address, In dress or person. This city has p'le bave an unholy aJ>pe~lte for ' been reportod ' since Augilat ftrat .. no whe.l houlle accetl8lb~e , on a ..mod- on July 26,. 1928. We II&W the mono olO,OOO Chinese. 600 Japanese and hqul?r as becousq of the Immense approximately 160. Director of 1111 IIbJP. and lOU arl ,not auppo..d to key house and , ~ear cages, tllerultlc 3,500 Hindus. The Hindus with col. pro~ts there are In . the clandestine Health John E, Mongel', statal that loolc at ·atara. " • '. .. . band stand, danc;e pavilion an~ cIllO 'fee· colored skin, piercing, deep-set, The Wayne TowJlship BOllr~ of Ed· bUSiness. , . Promin ent ILm ong the delightful no action will be taken in . COllDectioa Th. 01'111 ,one of IIlx d~clcl from houle o~ the Vancouver row1nc club. ey,ea and fuzzy black beards are ucation at a special meeting, Monday A barber \\a8 re.cently arrested an social affairs of the Bummer \~as the the opening of schooll .. the iD. whlch they can be . Been Ii dark at The gliide told : us that all build- dreued like Americans, except for night, decided to make 9:15 a. m. the New York for shavang a man on Sun- card party given by Mrs. Lesler may have sub,ided to aacb a nlgh~. Nobody' ule. ~t. ~o wallc !np were constr~cted of, ~mber, cut the greasy-looking mack turbans ope~illg hour for t'he schools for the da~. He could not resl.t the temp- Gordon and Miss MIlI'thn O'Neall, at by that time that It wtu not. there , Ie ' to In~rrupt ,your mu.lrtga 1D the park.and that th"re ill a rumor coiled aliout their heads. commg year. ThE! noon hour will tation to ma~e fifteen cents. no.twlth- t heir pleu5lInt hom e on Thi rd street, be neceS!!Bry. by failing over allume boarda or 1m- that even the window panes are ,made Vancouver has many fine schools be 12:15 to 1:15, nnd he first buses 8ta~dJng It IDvolved the violation of lust Thursday afternoon. Th e day wus ---r ' ltati~~ !P'"nl lor lro~fers. of gllsa from beer ~ottlell. le~ by and churches. will le,ave at 3 :80 p. m. This will the law. . ideal and b"ight colored flQ~ers adorn Governor Donahey sp.rit the P.... . On ~,ode~ ahlp', o, e star is. enou"h. touillu. ,.. ,. , .' Returning home ,?ver t he G. N.. make the school day 46 minute8 later All laws wIll _b.e broken to an ex- ed and added to thc attractiveness of week at bis cottage on an talaDd In · Tlil one .to be seeD tonIght . ia won-. The drive followed the shore of the ride was quite pleasant, following than formerly. tent where there 18 an attempt to run the room s. Ice croalll, clLkc nnd [ndian luke In' an endeavor 'to reea,. . Owing to thfl resignation of Miss coun,ter. ~o an acqulsltory inetinct of were served after the gam es. The erate from the arduoUII dutie~ orlof- ; drou.•1y. beau.tlful, deep anll ioulful. Burrar~ Inlet, WI! 'aaw ntany b,!atll the .l:Iound practically all the way. · , names of -those who were priviledged Ac~ which he haa 'undeJ'lOne ,ih.)IaIt; HII' plctu~, . in col~~ Jus.t . ~utl!lde of, all 8lzes. monng at Vari~U8 speeda .Just outllide Vancouver my interest Katherine Turner and Miss ClaraBer- the l~dlVJduaJ. the dlnlri, . 8aloonl ah!)WI her , pretty throurb .ibe little whiteoaplll. '. H. M. was intrigued by the shacks and ryhill, Miss FloreMe Babb and Miu We have laws agallUlt theft. anon to enjoy the hospi tali ty of the few months. Tbe governor , hu 'not ' tiny n~Be, p~d close to the nOle s~, the ~iser Colombo;'was In pert• .hou8eboats of the fishermen. Furtb. 'Edna Shumaker were appointed to murder and the like, and bave bad hostesses fellow: Mrs. P. D. been in fhe best of heaJ~ and ~ tip ' of eome gwlt!~man. Thill ~Ign Dead Ma~ s Island, an old Indian' bu- ~r south were stretches of slimy, the .vacancies created. th!'lm tor 10, theBe thousands of years ett, Nogales, Ariz. ; Mrs. St. rest was prescribed by phJdcla~ ..~ Pola Nen! in Good and l'!aurh- Hal grqun~, now coverpd wl~h squalid mud ftats. or ' manhes, whose tall, . ._ _•• , But they are all a8 ste~Uy b~ken as Fife. Wilmington; Mrs. Emmp Bar- The. Donahey cottage la . lltu&te8 OD ty., .. ' huts. prOjects ltselt II!-to . the Inlet.. w.vlng. grasses were thickly dotted tbe law qalnlt alcohohc liquors. nett, Mrs. E. V. Barnhart, lIIrs. Phil ~ p.cturell~~e Island, formerly ~ed . , . . and w~ plainly Visible. ·Indian With briglit yellow tlo,wers. Inland Wherever you find a predolr!lna.nce Zepf. Mrs. Eloise Thompson, Cindn- Wyandot,. the _ ~ame beill&' cfertv. . . In tbe Imokinr room· poole are 8quatt~r 8 shacks Iln~ the 8hore •. The were " pretty, _ comfortable -looking , I I of greed, ,yo~ find law-breaIting. nati; Miss Dorothy Dakin, Bismarck, from a club of that na~e! o~ auctioDed on the ship·s.dally run, the IJadlana pay rent oJ 011,' dollar ,Per hom'es, mostly dalry ·farms. Back of . Greed !s the clilefest of ollr anti-so- N. D.; Mrs. Charles E. Gordon. Mrs. of the plaCe •. Yeal'l! lip It.. . . pooll" l'1lJInl~ to thoqaand. of , dol- month. In an upland pasture we saw ~hese are the foreat-c:oV'ered hills and ---. cial 'VIcel, and l'anlca fi1'8t as our law- I. D .Welch, Harveysburg; Mr!\, Geo. noted as .a hunting ~nd fl~q lara. The c~ie1 smoldpg rQom .tew- three butr~o, two fuJl-gro~ animals mountalna, with the tall, 'stark, ftre. CHRISTIAN CHURCH breaker. J . Smith, Miss May Wright, Miss grounds an~ it' is sail\ at ,timn ftoe.. ard, r~neNl,I8ly l'emel11bered by the a~d ~ rl!une o·~e. , T,be ll~t1e fe~ow, bl~\!d - fil'll, standing out like gholts Sunday School lit 9:80. Everyrna HeighwllY. Miss Clara Lile, of flyln~ . ~Jld lJ!I!se we~ 10 tJjl~ • wiilner of ea~h poot; ge~ twice , a8 was 10 li<?mely .but c.unnlng as cO\lld apfnst tbe skY-line and keeping body cordially invited. Camp Julia Donovan, Mrs. Kote t~at thelJ' passage. over the lak. 0":; .. mu~b' ... tbe ,Imp'• .cap~ln . That al. be. We pll8lle'd cticket ground., watch over the green young &'l'Owth . ; • Mrs, D. L. Crane, Mrs. Fred hterate~ · .~he .s un,1I ,ra~ . ,At ~,. , 10 I. 1II0derth . !lfa'!y a bootlener ~elds for a ~ ~rosse ~nd football" pu~ below them. '~ .' ..' ' . . son. Mrs. Ualph Miller, Mrs. time It was .also·the lleatllSaa ~ 1\,\..... , ~U tour ,tlme~ as much as tbe .Pres- tina .,..el'. .. '~e~nla' co~l1I and lawn . At Blal~e. quite a "long stop wu FERRY C~URC,H OF CHRIST Tbe Wakitatina Camp Fire Girls Hartsock, Mrs. ,E.dith Harris, Mrs. . if) ' ~he state. and Jov.~ 61 ', ,dent of th~ United St&t4!w. '_ bpwl!nt· C!o,,~. All. aeemlld tc? be In maCle, to allow the ' U. S. customs ofVacation . 11 ove,~. Let u.s aee ~ met at the home of Mre. Nettie Rye. Laura Mosher Mrs. Ronald Hawke, plscator.al aport came frO~ all On the voyage. Mr. ~ewmark ,.alld UBe. We,.., two, of ~e finest epec- ftc.en to Inspect all lunage. They 1uV.~ at~ndance. Lvangelistlc sel'Vl- Monday afternoon. Mn. Bert Ha~tsock, M1'8. A. T , o,:er the country,,,. to tr:v~ th.Ir' !IdD ' .. , Ilr. Lehman dllplay. strl!onge ,knowl- h~lens ~f ~otem ~oles ' In Mne~ca. thoroughly seiarelled the ' can 'lnside, ces begl!l .next LDrds Day. witb J. The hand aign. law and credo were Wright, M1'8. H. E. Rothawar,. Wlth Tod ~d reel. .,., :. L': I, , " edge ,as ~ 'boW;,. t. ,a.- Ihlp wIll· CO .•nd a large l'ndlail war Calloe;,' " outllide ilnd- ,u nilerneath. ' Every- .~yter, Can~dian evangelist. to as- given followed by the Secretary'a re- L. A. Zimlllerman, Mrs. Elizabeth ~-- ••,,--"'::'::;'" ,. Iy. Mrs. J. -B. Chapman, Mrs. W. H. _MaHin Conboy, '01 Nelli 'York, looka . 'TWo ten-minute stopa were ' made wbere along thl abore . where" condi- ~Ist , ~a. , ,Cqme at· 9:80 a. '!'. Ser- port and roll call. ~ri and __ya ' Wa 'too complicated and d~~ng the drlv~•.;· At ftol~eet Point ~cin. p~ltted" we ow JM!Ople In '!Ies a. ~ :S~' p. m., ea.ch evem.n g.". Do Durine , the buahleu session it w~ Allen , ~iss Olive Allen, ~r8. J. .. ft~ "ortb the' bother 'anYh0'r' . wli" Iiad a fine yhrl'\' ot ~he 'City B1Id batbing. Old and young alike 'co in not , f~1 to Ii~en~ ~'ver:v ·Bel'Vlce. ' . decided to h"ve tbe ~eetinr only, Once Cartwright, Mrs. Chas. Elhs. Mrs. C; , ' , ' " Nathan Jonnllon, Minister. .. month; an'll on the ·thlrd Konaay. M. Robl tzer, Mrs. . Clarence Rye, • Ne", come. ' 'through tbe, ItJie~ surrounding • country, . ' of Burr.rd for" tile ~ort. ' Even the tiny tctta ·" ,' .. WI) thl!n adjourned. ,. F. R. Moomaw, Mrs. S. .S, Ellis, · from lioth ahpres, and' unblte :tJie Inlet 'and .English, Bay, and to .the. haye li~\{t ' little wit. an~ ~dle Itqt}lfJ' of o~d. Jero",e, 'of Tra"e,., nortb :"e~ the ' Groll" mountains .nd .w'~ aboqt ·lIke little ·fl.h . ' METHOJ;)ISlr C.fIU~CH ' . ; ·M. L. E .• Scribe. ' W. E. O',Nenll, Mrs: Fted Cole• Ohl thl!Ie' Ie· fascillatloJi. U1ere ,ts ! .,. • . ' , :. • • , ' J , Q, Qonk, MH. Fred Gons, Mrs. • nd· J.~mll, ,you rdon't w~lt ten "da:ya arid Seyipour '· Oallyon . .' ~rom the fie; l.am , that .Wall itr.eet haa hained Vi.ta Point'. w,e obtail)ed ,. close.,up malic In t~e cewless aia.p·.' Ilap , of I ~i~ ~:II L " d ler Hoak, D. R. Sali8~urY, ' ~p, , "Vpu Impw t! ttae!.mll 4V1 '. o~ Siwallh B~It, 1pade -tamgUII \I. the way~ 9 ' the'y . walJ~ 'qvel! 'the L m,;' /v"'/I~eor~e J. W. E.dw.ar.os; Mil\s Trillen&. , • '. I.i- ..- · - . . . , tlie IIndla,. 'ppe~ ,aullne ,Jp)lDlOII,' uneIL ~t Ie a "lfa1'8hel! ,lIOllnd when B;;~:,.:1'! .aerit Pi ,,=~ . .1l..'lI , ' J....., ' . wards"M.~s Ma1'ltl;lret Edwat'~II, ' .' ~.' - ' " " Her ' fatti~r ~ an Indian: chJet .nd iIIey .bleaii ,'iplnat the rOcks, or " a .... . '" C. " • p. m. _Georp , Ru_ll Smith, wllo aecl- J. E. McCluJ;C, Mrs: ~y lIf.l~ " her mother 'a n , ENllab lad,. She It'rilc~ · th. plJu"f driftw~d,'w~ed . .' , L. A.. \V'aabb~. Pa.ator• . d.lltallF "ehot , hlDi..1f· whUe hunting Lo~ella Ja,nney, lIf.l88 "P)'anc811 . ' : f , '" u..d. &0 oQt o}l 'tllia ~t \ bar, iii b7 the tidea and ,»ol~.d ~ -IfJ4at: on the BWfac . ,fa1'lll, Weet of'toWn 'on ney;, M1ai,.:Mnle Bro,;,,", ~laa _n ae..orclBDc\ ~ith a recent. ord.r roc\c, Iltclp.t ,for, one lOll' fir twa .niq 1!h1tenftll' by th. ",aW". . IT. MAllY'. CHURCH " - July 19, dl.d at .the hom. of III par- Bro~\.. "1sS ~nna' 0 Neall. of tM.1KI1t081ce dePartD.lllll, Uti Wa,. &'l'Owlnrfiom Itil top, to compo.. lier "'w Th.N 11 a to~o-boat destroyer, BUDita,. ~PtembR 4 ' TlNlfth SUD enti, Mr. and IIfL ~D Slitlth on . • ~ • poetome. wi.. aut b. oPlll )191m.. T '. atIU fa ~ ..,., b~t the bat- dJiy' :aftu' Trinity, 'CJtui-eta·Sabool at Kaln ~ Le~II • .SituJ'da)':.iom - ' .. S-daJli on week -aan Wt11 ~IOII Leaylq StaDle, Park, our 'Wa,. Iecl t1eIh1~ haft I!)DI• . Th~ l1I1IHt ,to- th:41i; III'IftOIl .lId 'Ho~ 'ColDDlunion 1q, AqiJat 20., ' .." , . • • .. p. ~ . ' th~qti OD' of di. 811......d.aijal ..!pt .... tile DlOIt'WOJUlUfut I WDk at 11 o'oIoek. . Palleral IIrVIl!etI wen b,ld at ·t he , It. B, nBTaOOK. POIt1nut.er. ~o_ IIny of'l the h~..... .... . ••• N...- W. ialiDer, haft lin lob I ... IfaID a...t PruQterlau churell onl' Thl W.......D COlUlty w. 0; T. uut of 110••, ' are nrroulldeci tlaiI .DlO1IIltabia loomed up 10 e1earI7 ' ~. r. 'raeIMIQ of lut WltIl Rev. P.red- ,will meet at , ~. U, .. CDlI:::I:;!~ ~ ~ and ~bft7 ad ... colon of . , uul watet".. erlilk Jbrbr o.eWIac~ . BurIal 1(18 S.ptemberZ. EYer:vbocJ, come. ~::;:tt;; ,.., - - - - - ,a ",," ad ..., tad II I'DeIoIe4 ",. ..... .............. ....... 111 .... ID tile CIaIamIi. eemeteJt. I_cia. I . ' . . ' , . 4a
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. COMMON PLEAS . <i0URT Court , fQullld And!' .\oJ J . Di lhar d guilt), of '1\trllmo cI: uclly anO 'd Ellrr ' . Bil hnn lt eli II rc to dy o( lhl'i r ndop t II ('hi.. ,. ou~t grRl\t,ed Alfred H. Robertson divor9 frOlil Gnll r Roberso n on Kroulld~ oC cJ(ll'cme cruelty. Excluive cllstody Of l hl' chil" re n was ~rant('d 10 Alfred 11. Ro lwrsoll.. COllrt fur lher (11 '.1 'red Ihnt Alfrecl RO llrll(>n li S plaintiff \lay GlIllcr R b· Ilr~o n el'l'lnill i'U lll ~. \ ullo,. A. Rolicrl s WII. Knllllcd .Ii· vorce frum \',,,, dol'e Jc ~sie Ruherts on A'rou ndll of ~I'Os~ ncglect of duty. IIstody of their children \\'us grunl. ed to Wnlt,'r A. H obl! l'L.~. In t he C1I8(, ofE. P. " ('rby VN. R ORU K crb~' uo n IlJl'Pplicalion of d fe lulnllt COll l' t 1...·1·/ulted Ho. a Kl'l'uy Ile l' ", i~sio n tu visit llll'ir children olle nftl'l'noon Co ur limoN u yenr. In th ~ cllse of f're d Kuh n vs. ric Jordan et. nl.. cou rl uverru le motion by the defcndu nt fo r a new tria l. In lhc eus() of t he Stute or Ohio v~. Dalliel Akcr. court fou nd til . dc. fc ndu ll l guill!( IInll im l'lIscli n li nn o t $ 100 Iln d costs which wore 11aid. Co ur l fo und Wi lliu m Miller guilty of tru nspo r ling liquor in the euse of t he State of Ohio vs. · Wl\lia m !\f illcr, a nd impose.d I' fi no of $100 Illld which t ho defendant WIIS un able Lo puy. Upon applicatio n by dcfc lldonl co urt gru nted a n ext nsio n oC ti me. On A'l'ounds of Lru n~porting liquor \V-ill in m l\1illet was fu rt her fi ned $ 100 und cost s fO I' which payment n ti me exlension wus granled. -Co urt fo und R ussell Brow n g uilty of bolh trunspo rt ing a nd posscssing liq uor a nd fi llled him $100 and costs fo r each of the t.wo offe nses. Ext ensio n of ti unc fO I' ptLyment was g runted. On motion of plaintiff t he cose of Orie J ordu n vs. F rc ... Kahn the cause WIIS di~missed without record.
Phi Uips
lllulltTaTl. on.
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---- --- - -
Fran III, ruardlan ot Sarah J aue !F.!!iE!!!!!!!!!!iiI!!!!!!!!!i!I_!!!!!!!!iI!!!!!!!!!!!iiii!i!iii!i=_!iiiiiiiiiiiil!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!II!!I!I!I!!!_~' Pretlbaull'h was approved, aUowed lind ('onfirUl(ld. Fll'!lt Rnd final account of Alfred liller Hinch, e ecutor ~ .f t ho IIlttate of Ma ry J . Drake WDlI lI11llroved, alI wed nnd confirmed. Finnl II' hunt ot Harvey . WhitIIcrc, l'xc.'uhll· of th e . tlt t c of Thos. B . Wl1it~1 'fl', WIIS ap proved, allow 'd und onftrmvtl. Fir. t lIno nnal IIcco un t 0 '( Emma 1'. l Arch, c ecutri' uf th estate 01 •. 't 1111 MIlt.thewll W UK al'pro,'ud, III. lowed Rnd ('onllrn'\('d. ia a carefully planned n 'Phillip Whitncre nnd W ilLillm C. Walker, li S u ll mini~lTIIlroM o f tho and' teated combination, ('"Illte of 'cwto n . i)uffi t' llI , fi led of clean, pure ingredient. Ihlrd UII I\ finn l uc~o u nt . Churles ,I. WUI!I\'o n 1'. Ir uftl c in which insure tl1l' I'stllt . I) f Houert lit e 'lu lI ~, fi ll'd ~ PIGMEAL ~
Pigs Grow Faster When Fed the Wayne Way
fltIJl' ~h "I"',I II II L
1«61. ' \ ~ I II .. ,
,I. Merrill BUll . ~ldm ill i 8t l'lIt(tI' 11 0 QUICK GROWTH -'. lI1t MCMILLEN co. . u tl ni ~ no/\ of thu ('stu ll! oC 'l' hlllldeliS ~ '0'" WAV'NI ....,0. CHAPTER I T hey swung inlo U Cnvorite oC the .lIll(·s by thr ~hilll()nd. and so was ~I IlI' I'i~, mI' " li rst IICCU Ull t. :"-.-'AT LOW COST trnlning-culIIp qUD I'WI" : Illllllilt('(lIy wilhin the Mha"'ow of t he (",urt appointe" Raymon" l\I @ntA Fatal SlIla.hup " F arewell, brewell, my own true law. Forbes hitn~e l( ' had . ollly all gO llll!ry "d ", in isli1Ilor of lh l' <'sLal .. love, hou r before. I'el'sullded lhe driver to of J. Ollk ll' y I'I'IIC~ . He uccepterl "Another lit tle drink won't do us Fllrewell, f"rew(, I\ --" ilrl'uk p 'n nlll' uf t he Ct1S~S stacked the tl'lI ~t. an,; harml" . A high. pilcill'!j ~('f'e!lm of mbttnl h(' nl'nlh the s hl'o lldin~ canv(\~, !lnd COllrt. "ppointed WiIlilllll BCl'lllc, Tbe t wo yo ung meu in the small t el'ror, :another. :llId th n ncr1\~h lind "I'll him a hottle from it.., conllJnts, GC<'I'g(' Cmlll' ' lIId Hel't 1"i8('\1I' 1' "I" car, Bang it together, r cedy tpne a t!lIklmg of ",ll1ss, ,:ot aCTOgs till' "Whal'lI w do, EJtlil'?" implored praiscI's of Ihe slale of .J, Ouklcy Correct feeding right from the start will grow a nd a pleasing barito ne. They were so~,g. T~ey s\<>pped l!1stnnlly. lhe dnrk·huir £'d youth, lIhivcrillK from i'ence. your pigs rapidly, so you can fatten them for the on the river rond, CI ming south f r om . Wh!lt s .that? querHtd the len or, til\' ull:et 10 his ncrves; "try to get J . Mer rill Bone, " "lIIini ~ lrllt.o r de Burley to t h ir home t own. Scott- fn.s;ht In hi .well kCnc~.. . , " h"l' lit'!" bonis non with wi ll !ltlllcxed o f lhe Peak Market in Au~stor September. Wayne Pig dale. The hour W IIS 10 o'clock of a . . oun~ls like ~ snHI8h-~1' ,l~I~CI~d .. , "Wo cun' t. ullti l hclp comes," r eastnto of T hudd ells lor ris, fir HI ucMeal builds bigger profits for you. mild spring oveniug. A moon whose I e phed I OTl>oS, raJlldly. L~ t ~ ~ o . tlll'llcd I~o rl /l'~ . · 1' he river Tond was count. 'rays wore filter ed by ..t hin clo~l d" 'l"~e other \\,I~:< lInlll'r.vel~ ~hl' lit tle " "(,.1. 1':<PI' pt hy t he fl'w fllr mPh illip Whilllcre nnll Will in m C. Sold by • illumined the rond running t hrough rO.rle nt of truge" y. li e " US l rem· ('r" liv illl{ nl./nl{ it. That is lhe 1'0 11' Wlllk"I', _ udministrllto r:< uf t he l!S·well-timber ed . b\utf hi nds. Below hllng. He mlldo t hreo ultempts to so n t h(' I ooze truck muking lhe IonA' lule of Newto n S. Duffl el d lhird a nd .and at the right . t.he rive r shone with start the cal' .be[ol: he succ~cdcd. rUIl III \)~ITOit. had chos~ n Lhe byfin nl neco un t. hnrll's .1. Waggo ner , t l'usll' e UII' . lubdued light. It co uld be h cul'd The r uad at. thiS powL curve d r uther WilY· TIH'se cruisel'S avoided cha nce splashing along thc rock ~ in the m p- sharp ly ns It foll~wed the ~(~A'c ~f cneount"r~ whe ncve l' Jlos~ i b lc. "T he dcr t he wil l of Robart . te Clu ng, ' icIJ. f t he b l utf~, so thut httle was "lslblc In cnrOIll' r rnu ~l see this jlllll before we fou rt h accou nt.. The driver of the Jitt\(' Cllr bro ught f r~~l but the tall tr('('~. move a nything." ourt Md,'reBI thut t he Ll!bn non. it to a stop in t he road. He hud da'rk . I h~y IlIId prnCCl'dcd but a shor t A lig ht tln Hl\ccl through thc lops of itizl!ns ' nl i" nnl Bnnk 11 1111 T ru ~t Co Ihalr aod eyes a nd regul ar fcatures. dl~lanc(' when II l lll'n . brought th em th!' tr.'('S ab()ve lhem lind wns gone. be uppoillted I('unrclinn of Hoherl Phone 25, Waynesville, Ohio He was considcred good I oking, to thl! scenc of t he nccldent . A ~outh "SUllll' UIII"S coming," unn ounced Qu i~l()y tot a l.. lIlin ul's. The tnlst II!============================;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ though there 'vas woakness in his h.o und truck \vns well on th~ wro n~ Forb ~. "Thut':.; u ca r cli lnbi ng Wn was nccep t cd . ~ ' 'I 4!yea and about t he loose set of his s! de o~ the roa~ . It was. III .1.'0111- lcrmtln's 11m. Move t he Oi vve r to Cu url Il uthori zell Vonn lit. Denne tt mouth slon Wit h u lour1llg-ear whIch, III a n one idl!, kid, 80 l h(Oy Cll n d rive up." as g UlI rdi an of Bnrolll A. nnll Vellllll , "Coine acroSll 'fith t hat bot tle, Ed- effo ~t to a vo!d tho t~u c k , .had dropp- ITe relnined his grip on the driver of M. Be nnelt, mi nors, to ll'lln sfcr ce r. ell.." he commanded. He placed his ed mto u ditch. whIch blsecUJ.d t he t he booze-tru ck. tain s toc ks to Hownrd L. Benn ett, Grllm' illc S. P oUm·r t o Willium 1 head against the side of the ot her,'s roudwn y. The (lttch was planked onT ho clllr k'l'yc d yo uth c1i mhed in to now more t lllln twe nty-one years of und POIll'1 P<>tl r f, .20 town ncres in \ ie~~SrJo' s nhead and pUlhed violently. He was Iy .across ~hc nurrow s.urfa<:e of t.h e il is car'. T here wus no passing on age. Wnshinglon TJ), bOlAerouli and a little malicious. bUilt -up hl ghwllY ut lIlI K pomt. t he left , or eus tHi lle, s ince t he dilch Woodso n Scott. plcud ed g uil ly t o n Loonu l·d 1I1Il1 J a ne Hntfield t o "~ult it. you nut I" commanded The t ruck had f orced t~e car \vus t he r e, und t ho veh i cl c~ in collicha rge of dri ving a molor veh icle Bow('1\ lIIal Elta 1I1uy P uckelt, lot Edl.'Oll Forbea, knotking the other's dowowo rd an~ buck, ~o th at It.s r ear sion. But on t he right side one while in toxicnted nn d wus fi nerl $100 in fo'\'Ilnkli /l , ~cl , down sharply. Be produced a wheels w ero m t he dl tc~l. Tho t ruck might with care negotia te t he cr est a nd costs lind h is r ight to opern te u J ohn und Evil M. All n to J ohn a~ from the lower, outside pocket h.o d partly UJ leseoped It. The mas- of th e bl uff, motor ,'ehicle was s uspend ed for six W. and lI'l ubel C. Smit h, lots in o~ Ida C!oat. It..,,811 a little over half Slve wheels li nd fo rwurd end r ested This the you ng man did. driving mont hs. Franklin, Arth ur D. Blackburn t o Hllrry fall. Be puaed it to tho othe r, who 11 ",, 1 NEW SUITS Co urt order ed n otice of ad j udica. took it eaaerly, removed the cork, Will is S. Jeffery n . Goldie J effery t ion und determination in the settle- Turney . 1.02 tuwn Il C I'e~ in Snlem Ulted ,the bottle. The liquor gurfo r di vo rce. ment of the estutu of Clyd e Thomp- towllship. TO THE do~ h1a throat. . . Albert I1ni$:h vs. Juli ll Hlligh fo r son be give n to 1111 tholle in tel'osted CRoSSINGCOMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES F~1teS jerked it away. " Hey, di vorce on grc,unds of cruelty. lherein. ",hat's "the !J atter with YOIl ! " he Nella T ravcy V8. Fra nces L. Ayer~ Churter D. Ma ple, admini stratOlj Penn Morton, ~nlary IlS janitor 01 ~Il, balf-Ja11lhlngly, half-vexed. el aI., fo r pll rt ition a nd equitnble r o- do bonis non of t he estute oC uSlI n court hou 0 , $70 ; Jumes Follen IIIlme, "1'I7inc to get away witb ten dollars lief. C. Lewis, fil ed account of Onnl dis- $ 15 ; AICred C. Brant, wushing for ''iIIorUi of bbose In one swallow?" He tribut ion , priso ners, ~ 11. 7!l; Bd D. Thompson, \D.d~ 'the bottle and looked a t it PROBATI~ PROCEEDINGS Court al)poin ted Rub er t W. Brown s upplies f or co urt house, $7 .06 ; J. ;h.JIm9~o,Iy, ·tt:ying to det rmine the Tho Lebllllon-Citize ns Notional admin istrllto r of t he estute of David E . Momr ighous, replliring clock at "'~ t, AJtIo.unt. arai!lllt t ho moon. Ba nk a nd T r lUst Co., administra tor Evnns. The trust was ucee·ptcd. Court House, $2 ; Columbus Blank ~f~1De home -to ),our dr\lJlken old de bonis non, of the esLate of Ber t The follow ing nccoun ts huve beell Book 0 . , supplies for uud ito r, $50 ,76 r ~aU!"~!" wa. his address to t he botReed, fi led fi r!;t a nd fin oI ncco un t. filed in co urt for settlement. sam e, snllle, $66.30 ; The Western , tle. jl lle Eoo ·tllted it. The Le bnllon-Citize ns Nationul liuro ld , Hatfie ld, administrator Star, proof of pulrlicution, $1 4.60 ; FACT AND FANCY _d eoaned, ~e barbaric stuff brot Ba nk a nd Trtlst Co., udmisinstrator of th e estate of Harry M, Hat field. The Frunklin Chronicle, same, !J.'he iIllaor was Canadian whisky, de bonis non, of the esta te of Gru ce first a nd flnnl uccount. $14,37; Fred Snider, pay roll, $414,"The worst winter I remember bat a , reproaeh to the name wben J , Reed, fi led firs t a nd fin al account . M. H. Oswald, administrator of the 60; V. W. Tompkins, snme, $37 3.60; was when we were besieged" aald ~d to-that imported before the W. Chester Muple, executor of t he estate of Dll niel P ettis, first and fin ul Eden Terry. . same, $ 1 96.a~; same, the old soldier. "We bad o~ly one ~ of the, Eiaht.eenth Amendeesta te of CiaI' A W kl fil d ' uccount SlIme, 1 185.:.0 ; A. T . RettIg, sume' , bl' to a dny for 'wo weeL . and .... . -to ~.Fnr II , ea ' oy, I! IhThe ' Lebllnon-CI' tl' zens N ati' onuI 277 .4 ; same, same, $"". 8 10 ; C. E. ~. ,..., ..... ..,.......,.,.... ..... ......- had be en manufacventory and ap praisement. hO I " ,for -an illicit. e&cer, not too The court ordered that the Le ba- Bank onl\ Trust Company admin is- radley, some, $.2 52.56 Joseph W . Wll.~ o," se es I. . . , ~ t$de. It had 'Passnon-Cit izens Nat ional Bank and trator with will enn exed of t he e~. Davis, 811m , $2 06. 60; P. B. Monee. r r emember hVIDC for a month on lid • '..venal banda b~ore imTrust Co., by 4[), C. Eulass, president tate of Grace J . Reed, first a nd finul same, $ 128.20; W. S. Grabam, same, one bile, and that was out 01 my leI'," po Do -E..ch JaJddleman had dolle admin istrat or of the estate of R. Va~ account. $248.30' Blair nnd L roy, furnishinlr said O' Brien, his companion . .....MbIac to ·~eapen and derrade Tress to. fay ~I c~rtnin sum to Clyde The Lebanon-Citizens . Nuti~)I\.nl lI ud louding g ravel and SIlnd, $301.liO '~You don't expect me to believe it befora p:a.uiDi on. Th.y aaw that th. driver of the car, a woman, waa dead. Punch 0 Forlt Thomas Ky Bank and Trust Company, admmls- Tbe Standard Oil Co., glUl and oil for you turned cannibal do yout" roarThe stuff "'u strong with the = ======-===============;;============= Cou~t ordered that PhilU'p Whita- trator de bO'nis no n with will an- co unty mnchin.es, $!l98.54 ; .Blair and ed the soldier. ' ~- of ~triol and it lapped at cre and Willil!\ m C. Walker, as ad- nexed of tho estllte of Bert Reed, Leroy, furni shlllg and loadlllg JP'ayel "It's true, believe it or not," uid ~r~~ ~j; l,~cle , ato~-linlnlli. lik'e on tho crushed-in bonnet of the car. u rgently but ca r ef ully until he was min istrators ojf the estate of. Newton ftrst and fin al accoun t. . and san~, $2 .80; same, fuml shmg O'Brien, calmly. "A dol' took a bite , ~~ tnI+i,. ),oUD&' _~Iebn 'tPBPh ekd AU this Forbes Ilnd his companion in th e higbway on the Scottdale side. S. Duffield. distribute the proceeds of Charlot te Cnrey, executrIx of t he and loadlllg sand, gravel and stone. t f I d th . ~,,,;: ,icI' ~TheU' eyea,' ~d "'inaUta ct 0 d- saw as they lltopped their own car T bero was a level space a few rods sale by f orm er orde r of court. estate of W. H. Carey, fi rst and final $24.7 6. ou 0 my ell' an e Insurance kept .... ~em. ere. "'811 an n an and macle a hasty lIurvey. The moon b low where he migh t have pnrked. Cour t fo un d Lucy .Meloy Southard account.. H. D. Ca rroll, favel, $2.76; F. M. me like a lord for four weeks." ~' kIeIti to It. " . bad t e mporarily conquered · the But he did not stop here. Instead successor to t he es tot e of Grace J. - -._ Collins, puy rol $141.80: J. H. --;~~e dO.. barmon)' now, old clouds and noW shone brightly. They t he e ng ine whirring urgently, he Reed lind ord'e red that udjudication MARRIAGE LICENSES Donnell. cont ract. $1 38 A. H. TurnFAST WORKER ~d" Aaeated the dark Y.ou.th'!IIlW that the driver of the car, a wheeled to the left' into a byroad. and det~rrninlltion be give-n to all Charles E. Donor, t ruck driver, of er" sione, $ 14.10; Leslie Shultz, op~~pIne -_J'orba on the sboul~er. woman . was dead. She had been This conn ected with the mnin hlgh- persons Illterel!ted th er ein. Brookville, Ind., ond Ruth G. Cas tle, cra ting mllintniner, $65; Griswold . . . , .:M;j crushed bet ween the back of the car way, a mile to the He turned Ohnrlotte Carey, executrix ' of thc assistant librarian, Fra.n klin. Bros., chair for s urveyor's office, Doctor (l'Ioldinlr stethoscope to rei and t1le steering-wheel. She still sat off the lights 88 he estate of W . H. Carey, flied first Ilnd $2.25; Brant Battery Shop, repairs cruits chest)-"Sa)' ninety-nine three upright the nose, of the . truck against furnished lIufficient IlJl~llIm,. final aocount. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS $21.8/); Harlan Whitacre. bridge IUm time.... her body. , " theeF..~~rffi;'~tm~~~'7c)ii\j)iiit.~~~~~~~::-:~~~!~ ber, $225. l:!; Tom. p~ pillnc Recruit--"Two hundred and nin.. '. The driver- of the truck 'Was in his H. Cnrey 88 Jda M. Strickle , to William anli ston e, $70.50; Charles Kipp, labor, ty-.even." > place, His arms were on the steer- ion a estate of ChBII. Julia Walsh, 50.78 . acres in Vernon. $17.60 ;Spemter & A.rmttn~, fum• _ ..._ _ __ ulg-wheel., His head rested on bis inhalation ,as to shout, but be was filled. 'ClintQn and Washington Tp8. ishing an d loading gravel, $870.18; arms. The tltUck windshield had thought better of it. After all, the ordered. that Solomon K. Granite Improvement Compa!'y to Frank Ballinger, compensation $13; TO HEADQUARTERS been broken. Thill was the only dam- fellow might as well go. There would as admInistrator of the es- the Pa., Ohio and De~roit RBllroad Kate C. DeVellS, same, $6; J. A. and age to the beavier vehiole. It loom- be explanations to make. The fewer tate of Presocia P. Spence dispose 'of Co., 1,122 tQwn acres In Turtlecreek Fred F . Jackson, same, $7; Bert itecruiting Officar-"What we want ed. a shapeless bul.k , under its close- who had t o tell how they eame to be cert ain securities. township. . Buckley, Treas. of State, support of .ill men with convictionl, and where ly f astened tarpaulin. The body 01 on t he ri ve r road thot night, t he betFirst and final account of Elsie Herbert and Martha Emerick to Elwood Brandenberg, $65 Frank C. shall we find them'" the truck was tilted from t he road ter. Scottda le wns a s mall a nd Pu- Snook, admhlistratrix of the estate Walter R.Fittts, lot in Franklin. Anderson, defense of indigent pri.. Volce-"fn Pri.o~ " at a dangerous angle. l'iw nical ci ty t ha t hated and loatbed of Jen"ie Conrey, W88 approved, alCharles ond Blanche Burger to oner, $50; The Ohio Corrugated Cul" . _ ..~_ _ __ F orbes cODlP union hod bcen so- t he boo~c traffic a nd ill egal drinking, lowed and confirmed. Wade Owens und W. M. Reeves, vert Co., culverts, $202.60; H. O. The third account of Margaret 12.26 IIcres in Clearcreek Tp. Putnam, estimate on co~tract, MOST OF THEM ARE bered by the spectacle. He stood~ It vi ited its displeasure on those who and WTung his honds ineffectively. dra nk. Long, guardial~ .of Clark Bunk, WWl C, Ard is and Maza R, Tooke to $642; same, hauling material, $89.87 ~'ta Mary ahy abo t toOl her Forbes climbed into the seat o( t he .Ilis eo mpnnic;m was safely away approved, allowed and confirm ed The Eco-Thermal Co., .29 town acres The Oregonia Bridge Co:' . deform.ed age7" unl! tr,uck a nd r aiscd ·t.he driver 's head, when t he lig ht of t he car which had Fift1l and /ll~al account of W~lter in. L4!banon steel, $81,31; same, repamng equlpI'Y b VACCINATIOIt OF SWINE 'J'he man ope ned bis eyes . It wos s hone a f ew mo ments before sur- A. CI.a rk gUl\l'diian ' of Lucille L. Clark · W . T. a~d Lou E. Sample to Fran n:aent. $4; same, bridge repair mate: ea, a out ten yeara Ihy I" (A SPECIALTY) , apparent tbat he was partially dazed mounted the hill. He turned was approved, allowed and con- ces Brendel .52 town acrea· in Deer- rIal, 38.60; snme, bridge re~a,f1 -=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by the shock. But . there WR8 raw heud to watch its approach, and firmed. field Tp. $161. 70 i ' Harlan Whitacre, brldge Ia.t a.uUi. S.a.. aad liquor on his breath. "Wha's the next instant was on his back in t he First and fi lnal account of Ed S Carrie W. Sieker and WilHam L. lumber, $ 119.79: J. K. Spencer, Vina matter?" he mumbled, stupidly. dee p ditch. Libbey had 00 relish for Conklin, executor 01 the estate of Suemening to Alfred Hinsch, lot in same, $240.22: H. O. PutnalJl, extra W. '\'1 thought so I" snarled Forbes. f acing t rilll for taking a human life. Emma F . Olinlg er was approved, al. Lebanon. . work, $288.05; Harlan Whitaker pay Phone. al Offlce-A!"on Bid.. He t urned to his companion. " It's He hnd struck with surprising quick- lowed and corHlrmed. John E. Drake and F . A. Hudson, roll, ~S6 i Hugh Bevan, furnishing Scoots Libbey. I bought our booze ness a nd for ce, con sidering his rolySecond account of E. C. Dunham, lot in Mason. . and loadmg sal\d and stooe, $4.28; O ..... C.NOU . . HAIlVEYSBtJltG, OHIO from him at Burley." Relaining his poly body a nd his semi-drunkenness. exocutor of Charles Kelley, was apMargaret A. Monger to Joseph 1. same, same, $88.60 · A. P. McCarren, 9 to 11 ., m, 8 to.5 p. grip on the man's collar he backed ¥ellr had so bered him; that was proved. allowed and conflrmed.and Maud Caldwell 84.60 ncres in furnishing and load j ng er'avel, $270,. off the scat, dragging t he bulky, fe e- l ~e n t f rom the speed he howed First and /lnal account oJ: Emma Warren COl\nty, . 72; Harold Sweeney, 8Bme, $121.13; 7 to 9 p. m. tmg Ilwny. F. Surface, executrix of the estate Mary Ellis Fitts to She I'd and Sam p. Henkle. pay roll, $99.06, .._____...._______~ "I bly resistant Li bbey with him. "You Foo11" he said, fiercely, wben He 1'1111 ucross t he 'road. As O.t Olarence E. Surface, was approv- Jennei Kirby, lot in Franklin. • _ ...._ - - ~ T~n.... they had stumbled to the ground. F or bell scrnmbled up he plunged ed, allowed JIlld confirpJed. Frank J . Balon to Sherd Kirby and ItMlClenCe • ,.~..n "Running a booze-truck, and without recklessly over the side of the steep First and flnal a'c count of Joseph- Jennie Kirby, lot in Franklin • . Subacribe to the Klaml Guette. sense enough to keep sobe.r . See ban k toward t he !river. It 'Was a W.,n"YIII.~ Ohio wbllt you've done?" . lonc. and steep ~ escent, but one not Be jerked the mun roughly about pllrtl.cuillri y pe rilous. The surface }ly.e.'M. PAYNE S'MATTER POP. The Child ~Ia Right so that he could soo the havoc his ~"ns grassy ond 60ft . with .the reckless driving hud creatod. The mg snows nn'" t he sprmg .ral?!. little car partly under the truck, and were bus!Jes but I e,,! pto~ectmg WE C12T THEM QUICKLY ·.AND looking as thoug h it were being de- Thc rIVer at t hIS pomt was FREE' OF CHARGE voured by the ruthless mon6ter formi dab le. The broken white wat• 'CALL US' AMY TIME AT OUR astride it; and the body in t he tele- cr of the rap ids wa s swilt but shalMONEY LOANED EXPENSE scoped seat. "You've killed that low. Even liS he stood on the brink OI'lCf.. 1 k"N EW -/Ar . woman." IIncl peered aCter t he hurtling figure, t ... ~+fo D,._ Forbes shook the driver savagely l<~o rbes vi ualiz!!d .the man's destinaLOANS on Cbattell,Stoeka, Becurlpt." .." Libbey's eyes opened wide. H is jaws tlon-acro~s the ri ve r to the railroad ",.~" E!~ ~'l> tiea and Setond Morte..... No'" , ,...... .' HARVEYSBURG, O. sagged apart, His nose, broken and on ly lwo miles beyond where from bouCht. john Harblne lr., 'tenl.. :n6+)T'fo.I& -A~OCJ"'1> twisted in SOUle past brawl, threw a onc of t he small . towns nearby he Ohio. -mSo:'2' "(+t~ -+tOV.6~ , grotesque shadow across his face. He c\, uh! clltc h ~ tr a m ~hat would lrand backed away from thc sight that hllll m Dc,t.rolt or C!:lIcago. Forbes' hands forc ed him to look upHe deCIded that It ~V~B not worthon. "Lemme go, Eddie," he urged whIle to chase t he fugItIve, The telhuskllv "Lemme get away from l!p hone would . be faster aod surer Farmen of WlIl'l'en and . ,dJoln,here I" . t hnn his OlYn legs. A message to ~ountlel rna, obtain monn' · Oil lOll. Forbes was sinewy and strong. He Lancaste'r and Loomis would result time loanB, at 6 per nnt Inle"", was very little tall er than the driver lIl (!vilnbly ill Libbey's being picked Coat of aecurln, tlie ..me I••,r, naand much lighter, but he held the up. bulbous Libbey easily. "Get away" . He ttrr~e d back to the wreck. He sonable .throulh Tbe 'ederal he echoed cont empt uou sly. "You/n t rlecl t.o wipe the blood f.rom his. face. Bank. For further Informatton . . get away with about ten years for But hiS nose was bleedmg copiously on or addreu II. C. DBAJ[Ii:~ ~ manslaughter. They'd ought t o hang fro m t he chn$ltfer's blow and he . a.m. ·3·p.m you!" su cc~eding only in smearing it about urer, phone SIS-X, Lebanon, OhIo. ~..II 8 7 ---co nSidera bly. H e fel t a seilSI' of req,a$,U.~.Y . a.m. p.m CHAPTE R p sponsibilit y fo r t he acciden t. It was evide nt that the d'river had decided FOR SALB . CfU'~. J,~welry The other's shouldet:S slu mi'ed su l- to become his own customer. But lenly. His brief -struggl e had l ' C- th i~ was only aftcr Forbes had perFOR SALE-Florene'e Hot BIUt ! . ~ ..~" ..... ~" ...':"'~".. vealed apparently that escape was s Ul\ded him t o break into the case of Heater; -l slx.hole Anchor' raq. . Imposs'ible. He w~s an employee of whl s~y .Burley . with reservoir: Mn. WIU Br.~e,. . II ~~ . -.: a b90 ze-ring which was smuggling A l estramt bas bee~ removed when ~______=;;;;==;;;;=;;;;--? contraband liquor into the United th.o, g UOI'd had ha bit ually traveled . ... aS1 .. oM. WIth t he truck. Barney Olk had PUMPS--BocKlet'B line of ".u _d ' ...~ . bee n tak en ill and compelled to go . cistern pumpI; band, electric aDd: t o bed nt Burley. This lelt Scoots " , Libbey in sole chllrge of the power driven, ill .the belt.· PUmp' "And 'moral laws have little force pain. THE' BQ.CKLET-K1NG 00., very nature of their calling they lire 415 W.lIrfaln S~, Xenia" O,bjo: not of high calibre. F eu of fists and buU ets is 011 that · keeps them FOS SALE-I have a litee mlile HoI- " nt all fOl t hf ul. ltein calf, • months oleL • BII cIiIIb' Savage self-consb'aint ,iPossessed will ai:;08 SO Ibl. o~, mUt per da, br Forbe". Tbis tragedy had ended ' the weicht. . J'1aepb 'Be1liolda.1Jen pbone '1" . temporary eithiliration 'of the alcohol 107. C!lntervllle, ·'O~o. , ~, he had eons\lmed. His knees trem. s..pJ. D.t... .. ,We , ~Ied.i his ·stomach. rose . . , Panderin~ FOR ' SAtE--:,y:~W:.. ilao~ bull" I to h,18 cursed appetite had IIghte.d the tubercUlin '"tect ' Tel.pho•• . CdSa~., UOft o,r 9h.rc. Nothinl'; .. ... ,.. powder-train that ended in thi&-the terville ·84-2~. - BOUa BoltO., l!lB.,.ffi-!)A' out of a usefu1 and blame,'_ • .i> , less life. .
Peak Market
·WaynesYI-lle Farmers' EXC hange C ompany
v.1 .
CLASSIFIED· ADS. ..... , ..
,-sburg Fertilizer Co.
Farmer~t Attention!
Tu..d." 9
"·'IE-,wnIIS "EY'S ' WillED
.F•.~.T. Martin Jesse Stanley " Auctione~r s ~rlF: for , :rour .S.le
G~arant~~ ,
,New Qurliaiton,O. . Pia_ No. ·UO
,. ,
P1f::aJt: Af:~PrfL.~ ' C=b'V.~ . • •.~.r
(Conti~ued next week)
.. ., ....
- . - -.~
... W'..... ~~
v ••••
lIlu Fox, of DaJton, ia visiting Miss Gladys Berrclall, ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY Mr, Robert Henderson and eon have steady work in Dayton' noW'. til. Poatolllce at Wa,ne.v llIe, 0., a. Second Clau Mail .........'-1 . Born to Mr, and Ma • .....i4JA""-.I-- ....__ iT. Bel'ne J.ones motored to Cllrr~ a fZ-pound Bon. D., L C:~E. EIII'or a.eI P ...li.... r, Olalo .' C: E. 'Gordon made a bUliness trip Greeneville, Sunday, with relatives from Daytop. SubllCription Price, ,1.60 per year, Detroit this week. I Mls8 Edit h Cram, of near Leba.Mrs. Jessie Biehard, of Ft. Scott, non, spent p'a rt of last week 'with Kans., is the guest " of Mrs. Ethel Miss Eva Whall"ton: '. Smith. . ~r. and MrS!. Rudd Saylor; of CoMrs. Lucille Harvey C~r and lumbus, were S Ullday guesta of Mrs. Miss Lena, aro guosts of Miss Anna Su~an Saylor and 80ns. WEDNESDAY, AUGU::iT 81. 1927 Maddon. The Graham re union was hold Dayton at tho home of heI' daughter, OUR DEBTS FOR ROADS fiance arrosted fo r larcen y when he Springboro Saturday. Relatives from Mrs. Eva Young, who has been ill. here attended. Loo k buck the engagement ring. was Mr. and Mrs.. Ralph towe, of neal' Unclo Sam owes $ 18.000.000,000 natlll'"lIy very much disappointeci. Mrs. J. C. Gray and Mr. and Mrs. in bonds out.,tanding. The bonded Now t he JIIatLor is setU ed officilllly. Charles Gray were s hopping in Cin- Lebanon, spe nt Thursday ovening wi th Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham . inde btedness of all the States totals Of co urge th e yo ung wome n will con- cinnati. Monday. $1.840 .000,000. Borrowi ng by the ti nue. to deci de the question in the Misses Verna Mae and Mildred States, sUmu lated perhaps, by tho~e future, .,robu bly. as t hey think best. Relatives from here aUended the Fisk. of Kentucky, are visiting their willing to .pay a high price for bollds To uvoid cil8llilPoint ment, however, Rich-Cleaver r eun io n at Wellman g randparents, Mr. and Mrs. George I Grny. free of na tional incomo tax, has becn \V e suggest the young man who buy" School, Saturday. criticized. But State debts are small, a n expensi ve ring nnd can fers it Will Corbin, 01 Cincinn ati, spe nt The music pupils of Miss Rhea JaI'ollsidering the wealth ot the nation. upon t he young Illdy of his choice - seve rnl daY8 laRl week with Mr. and net Curtw'r ight wiII have a recital a t Florida, Nebraska and Wisconsi n should kiss it goodby lind in advancc Mrs. Charles Mudden. the Cartwright home in WayneSVille have no State debt. Soulh Dakola horge it to profit a nd loss--or Relatives from here attended th e ~'riday afternoon. . has the highest per capita. $86.16. what have you. funeral of Quinn Bec kett. at WilmThe Lytle Sunday School picnic New York State owes the moat and iugto n. Tuesday afternoon. will be he.l d at" Stony Brook farm a t can IIfford to. Central Park in New SHORTS AND FILLERS York City is worth more t han the J ohn Fcaly. Jr., of Norwood. is Lyman Day's next Saturday after'th h' noon. Will lake t heU" supper. Every · h' . whole State debt. A pedestrian. my'dear, is a logical spen d IIIg IS vacatIOn WI IS par- one invited. . Halt the money borrowed by the prospect for automobile insurance. ents. Mr. al1d 1111'S. J. W. Fcaly. States has been spent on good roads -0-Miss Helen Gra ham. with a comRev. and Mrs. R. A. Sti llings. of a fact that justifies the borrowing. Federal prohibition for ces promise pany of girl f riends, is enjoying a Springboro, were calling on Lytle If it could be said that the other half 0 oes thiS . mean we boat trip to Charleston, W. Va. r ne ' nd s Thursda y afternoon and were h k b· had been spent on public . sc hools the II ' Ig 1\ II Co up. six o'clock dinn er. guests of Mr. and situation would be perfect, and it ure to have mixed drinks ? - 0MrN. Miltoll.nltleEarkoilnkscnatetrutal'diUnye daf~ Mrs. R. C. Hunt. wouldn't matter if the Slates owed Adapting an old Saw to modern num ber of a billion apiece. uses wo migh t say that "Fools ru sh le rn oo n in hono r of J ea n's third Mr. and Mrs. John Klotz and chilin where wise nlen wait for a green birthday. j ~ . dren , Etta and J ack, and Mrs. Ellen Robinson, of Cincinnati, were six ENOUCH COSTLY STUNT FLVINC Iig h t . .. Eight ml'n from this locality took o'clock dinner guests, Saturday, of -0-the civil se rvice examination for ruPresidenl Coolidge while in Yel- ral ma il carrier at Xenia, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Coleman. Termed "the greatest aporting ovent man had ever known." the lowsto ne Park saw the beaTS. H e morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark and Dole ' aviation dei-by, over 2,400 miles is now enroute East where he can Mr. H. M. Clark motored to Lebanon Mr. James P. McVey. and family, ot t he Pacific. has been a costly af, HOC plenty of bulls. of Highland, we're Saturday dinner Ind .• Saturday and on Sunday attendfair :which opinion will again be slow -0guests of Mr. and Mrs. Georgc Denny ed a family dinner at the hom e of to encourage. Announcement f rom . Gov. Peay, of T enn essee, is told and fa mily. Mr. a nd Mrs. Samuel Stephens. They federal quarten that the govern- that the lost geologist in Nick-A-Jack returncd Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cleaver and \ment will frown upon nny . immedi- cave was a publicity stunt for a new Mr, and Mrs. Guy Routzohn enterson, of Chicago; are guests of Mr. etc f uture plans for similar danger- highway. We'd say tunn el. -0and Mrs. Clint Clea.ver, Miss Ruth tained to Sunday dinner, Mr. and ous stunt features meets t he approMrs, Josiah Boitnott and 80n, Crist. A famous New York nctress Cleaver and P. B. Clellver. val of all thoughtful citizens. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown and child, Summed up the toll in t he Dole qui t t he stage to go into the Mrs. Charles Gordon attended' a Martin Boitnott, of Tippecanoe City, derby was much more costly than the ostate busine88. From tho "land card party Thursday afternoon at the Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boitnott and son, average layman realizes. Three avi- make-believc" to just land, eh? home of her s ister -in-Inw, Mrs. Les- of near T roy. ators wore killed on the way to the -0ter Gordon, in WayneSVille. ' Byrd's Commander Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Coleman enstartln&\ point in Oakland. Three Mrs. AmjlJlda Starr ,with her broth- tertained to S unday dinner. Mrs. plane8 were demolis hed. Two planes to now fly over the South Pole, . were foreed back lilt the start. Two ing already breezed over the North er, Warren Smith, of Yorktown, Ind. Fred Sours and son, Edward. and more crashed on the runway. And gives him tho honor of piCking th~ visited relatives a t Clarksville and daughters, L oret.ta and Anne, of Ham Blanchester, the Pllst wee k. ilton; RUMell C:ram and Miss Edith, of the four which continued the toughest detours. flight only two finished. Then the Mrs. Amanda Storr, Mr. and Mrs. Cram of near Lebanon. and Misses flfth took out to. fly the entire course ·'''ie1 Charles Gra'y and family a ttended Eva Wharton, IBernice Graham and and find the loat-and it too dia apthe Smith reunion at Glen Miller Thelma Coleman. HOME TOWN HENRY peared. In all three navigators, t hree park, Richm ond, Ind., Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Samuel Haines and pilots and n charming girl found their Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and son, .James, Mr. and Mrs. W graves in the wale.r ot the Paclftc. daughters entertained with a card KenrIck attended the. reunion of the Airplane racing Over so dangerous part y Friday eve ning for the pleas- 35~h 0, y., I. at .Hamllton, Thursday. a course and betweel) many cfltranh ure of Air. Ilnd Mrs. Clyde Cleaver. ThIS regIment dId valiant service at haa come Into lome question. Amerthe bat~le of Chickamauga. where ica needs her arcod flyers to teach pr. and Mrs. C, G; .Randall and Mr. Haines was wounded. Judge and In8plre the youth of the land in MI~ Helen Randall, v!slte~ the doc- Kenesaw Landia. high commissioner flylnr--and not to ri sk life unnecestor 8 br~ther and family ID Aurora, of baseball, of Chicago, was the hOlt sarily In stunts which mean nothin g Ind., thiS week. John Randall ac- at this reunion lllJl his father was the partlc\llar to advancement of avicompanied them home for a visit. surgeon of the' H5th Reg. Over 300 tion. The results attained through The Jolly , W'o~kers Sewing club co!Uisting ot. relatives of . the J~dge, stunt flying are not worth the great met last Tacsday with Rhea McCar- frl~ndll, soldIers .and theIr famdle., rlska. reno Marjorie Foster and Lura Ash- enJoyed the occasIon. ley were the lunch committee. A number of individual demonstrations were given
"tend a'
J. :
I !
Mr. ' and Mrs. George Denny and family bad· as guesta td a aix o'clock dinner. Thursday, Miss Ellen H. Smith. of Wilmington; Mrs. W. C. McCune and Miss "._... _ ..., _......."""IW.'"
·~~~~lrn~iHMlMr-t--toltlR~~~~~~MT; ~eROPIlJ'~
R:I<a ~ L.o.JI:IQI, VI...... , . . Vlleiteo IJIQM1" u .. ~ ~ fIQ( . ~.R.UII0\CIt,~ ~1Qtt.""TrI!O 11.1 8/IIRY ~ emf IIJ AMIIR.IC!A, alva 1M NtI OWJJ HOM& 1011nJ, ~ UF8
W.·H.l\tadden & CO. WaJDe.ville, 'Ohio
. ~Cement ',"
Kans. Edgar Jordon has sold the Kirby Tueaday at noon .Miss May Har-' farm to a man a.t Camden, Ohio. The Jordon 'Ilmiliel held their reIan entertained to dinner, Mias Ellen Smith, of Wilminaton; M.r s. W. C. union on Sunday at the Wellman McCune and Miss Virginia, of Ko- school house. komo, Ind.; Miss Nan Collett, Mrs. -The McKay families attended the Mary Doster, Mrs. W. W. Cossum Haines reunion beld at Ne.whope, and daughters •. Mr. and Mrs. George Greene County l~riday Denny and family. . • . Fran.k lin Starbuck, .of Whl~cr, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett and son Cal., spent· last week with his sister Robert, Mrs. H. E. Hatton, Miss Nan Mrs. Edith McKay, ' Collett, Mrs. Mary Doster, Mrs. W. . MISS Iva Millnd, of Olive Branch, Cossum and daughters Mr. and W. M. Gillam and Ea:.nest Gil- called on Mary :Kathleen lam were in attendance at the Clin- Tuesday afternon.n. ton Baptist association, which conTruant Officer Ellis of Lebanon vened at Greenfield W edne8day and was here Wednesday ~nd bought ~ Thursday. Mrs. Gillam remained herd of dairy cows. for the week-end with Telatives. Charles Kibler. M. M. Tem and Mrs. George Denny entertained K. E. Thompson, were in Waynesville with a party at her beautiful eoun- Saturday aftarno'l)n. . try home, Friday afternoon, honor. ing. Mrs. W. W. Cossum and famil, Wm. M. Thompson and daughteri who leave next weck to make thei; An~romeda, of Dayton, are spending homo in Chicago. The party Was a theIr vacation at Kansas City, Mo. : surprise kitch~n shower, a.nd Mrs. · . Wayland Jordon and !family, o( Cossum w~ Indeed Burpnsed and Hyde Park, came up on TUesday and pleased WIth the numerous useful spent the day with their home folk&! kitchen utensils her friends contrib. - ' uted. After the gifts were exhibited Two hundred and sixty attende~ the hostess, assisted by. Miss Nan Col Sunda! Sc~oo.l at the Friends taberlett, Miss May HarJa.n Miss Ruth nacle III WlImmgton, Sunday mO'TDlnll'l Denny, Mias Lavonne Sherm,!n and Col. W. N. Sea.TS and a Mr. SimpMisses Ruth and Mary Ellen Inwood son, of Waynesville, gave U8 a shl)rt aerved a dainty lunch. ' but plel/:88ilt call Monday afternoon. ----- • Everybody is making ments to attend the Lebanon which promises tu be a bumper this year.
tell' . 'mpt your . cement. troubl~•.
~ ---------~r···--.--~ ~~
Public Sales '
all,l tho at~te ",ad 1I1a. 1,(,1"8 ot 10 10 .. tone. thenlljl lOut ot Illno I",ICY to a Ilone th,.co No 0 gn at "In~ poles to a .,oa. tlJona. _, fi t ,Nol'lh lo tho lI\I\oe 01 be.hnlJl •• onlalnlll/:' l!rllly -one pol.bo til. IU~ flU1lle ' HUI' O or I .8. 1~1o~(\ pllnJf f'rOIll 1\.11 111• •bo,.. deACJrtb.' U r al OJ!t.nto 1.111\ foTlo .. ln. d~ mal S~"utt~ 'g~~tWI~;'rl!:l no~' ~~ R. A. f'r (l"M nlla n. ' I. 1~1)"' 4 R. 6 M. R, S.: '\:eglnnla• •t a .to•• V.... • "t th o .o u ~h we.t oorn6r of the CoI'rlw 1.,·)Jall"" l'I~lx"'18 Nntlonn l lowlug descrlbea tr",ct of la.1Id on til • ),jull k "",1 'I' ruijl ,' .... (.t 01. ' w~. t banI< of th e N~ w ' Chann,1 olKJd,' u" No . I a. . ao diu Rill! nn el N . 12· 45' Ill. about 7.7' By \' !t'I I1i" or n n ()rd(l r "r NH.Ie..~ tlu l y po les trom 0. pOint in u ld run · !~4 tn. l~ sll ",l r" C.n1 ,.nhl ("', t i l l ., hI lhl ~ nt.h)\' tho Itouth line or Jlnld .eatlon: t::e1Jce' ~'at ," ,U tili, U Ilr1 tn II 4) f)h'o(,l II. .1 \\q l1 run S, SS- 16' m: a,60 iJha.. to . . .tali. orr ' I' f n ,· " ""'. loy w l\y ..... 11,,),1.., nue- th enco N. 16' 16' E . S,Il ohala. to • tl Ol! . n\ III ,' ,111' 01 nf Ih,' (. url Hou"t, . tono t1l enc6 N. 20' \6' W. 8.11 .11.. to
The undersigned, as executrix of the will of Susan E. Hainl!8. deceased, pursuant to an order of the Com mon PIcas co urt of Warren oUllty Ohio. will offer at public Bille, on the In Lpl'anl,J lI , \ \'fl rr ,tt (' 0 111'1' )', O hln , on f\ s lon o n enr Ii large Elm .tump premises, on Mt~ lI il HY. lh4 1 I : th Iln:.' o f . ' o lltl~ llIht!l'. 1hell ~l~ cl'ossinA' tho r",n S. ap· •• ' W. I I., 1:1:: 7. Fl l lu '::u q ' t' IIo, llt rl , m. on 1.3 l d'8, to u, a lstko r ro," \l"hlob • • Friday. S" ptember 9 , 1927 fll lid d Ol \ Ll II' rHII I ,\\'IH ~ tI, ~W I JI'4.!(I t' l'l tl urHOr" U'. ·· 20 IIIOh08 In d'am. bear. f~ l n l.· . ', ;"",11 ' 'N. 61) ~ OU' W. '2". links: th eMe 40wn At 2 o'clock, )o( UII ,1 1.· i ll 11", '1' 0\\1,,,,11111 'I r \\ ' t .'' 'I' \' , 1ho \\ (!s l.lJulik ot tho now Oharm.l&. The farm of d erntlcnL, knowlI lit t h ,' " fl1 l1 ) l , (If \\ H I" I ' I' il l' d ~t;lL , o r 13 : Hi; l!l. 2,2 6 uhe. to &~ .to_ft.· ....Da. the '"'J oe Jla in ~ Furm/ ' L"u l1 s h;tiTlJ,!' uf t I d ll 11 11 . 1 ""III" p" Il .. I' ~.t"" 11 'I' , 17 110 \ V, 2,3 2 c lUj: t o n atone . theDce the o ld SUlL~ Itl)lloi ill \ uy nl! '1\.wll- r;, ~ : :\ 1, 1: , :-" 1!1I ~H' IIi,, ~: ,Il u ~I : ' II ' : in :), :I - 00' \\'. 1.001 Oh lJ, t o the b_lnDJD. 1' 4·U j. ", H ( III I'< "IIIf'1 1IfIt'll aull ~j ' 1I1 1 l ' o lJlILinl,u l{ J.DI kerCH. old SUlte Rond in Waync 'foWIl- 'J'lhl~ Ur-Iq. l k, ' 11\ !h n tlllrlhw" .Kl l' UI' I I P,' n t A ll or lito slLid r ea l citata a bove d esllip, Wal'l' n ounty, Ohio, about ~1 1 ~ ' h u "1 II HJII l ll u n f OI' IIh..' l'l, ,l\1h ll Il u b . ~ 1'l bc d hi located In WaYD. Townone mile northcllst o[ th e village of •.. t ' H l a l\ (l. l"alll ,., t " lI o h:l VI IlJ.:' IW\"'11 :'0 Ship. \\rn rr en Cn unl y, Ohio. p i llced fl y ,1,,, I J';'- all s , to Ut' c,:},o r, tln Ih c II nh.l roal 6S1La t o hae ben dul, Waynegvillc. t11'I' l h f' 1t"' Il I~ of j111 1l\f' 1'(l nl l ~ t) 1I \. t "' I' o n H /lf l l(\gn ll y npp r n.ls£!d at th~ ~um of See big bills for trrm ~ . ',"vltl :\l :I!W II ( (, /. ~ llH a ll .1\I UR nn. niH) ,IO,OOO.O() a.nd ,Wil l not b e aold or I ••• .lnll11 I :I~I " ' l' t ,:;c lit ('u t-: f' N' f ) . r,I':' I \\' 1I 1'I'I' n UIn li t.WfI- thtru a o r th o Ba ld ap r a J•• 1! LI DA M. SA WIN. t 'ullnty {'uIlHlIOU 1'1 U!t ('0\11' 1. 111U.l n m .. Va l tl ~. ' Exec utrix. -li t I\e: t.W1H' ~,"~. 2i) ' I,:. " 0, 0 t chui ns '''..,11 ' 18 OF S ALE . tu 1110 J~IU'" M i a m i I U vor ' t llcll c o w llh One thlJ 'll ot the PUI'CIU.Lf:I~ m Dey tD li lt} rlultl Hh" <f' I I ' t ho F.ruH F;~ctio n c n s. t, o n e·t.hlrd in o n e ),ell;f a: Oo.e1111 (1 o ( S I'4'1lut1 11 : ttl l . nto wlfh E ast lhh-d In two your. !Crom (Jay ~t .a1e, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT !'!ec t lo ll 11110 ur H' I·, I I N , 1· H,' E . to tmld d (! ~e rr d pn.yme nt. to bear Inter .. Estate of J ohn He nry Ke ~ling. ,Ip, Ih r- :4, J'~ , "1) 1"11 '1' 'Jr tho l l1nt.l ~ o t .1 _ ,'s t (ronl' the date o r ani. and b • • a.cur\V , J':d\ulI'dri II IL' /'Iul 'l fit-ello n Lin e : d by Ili orUr ngo on tt:l0 ~ pr.mJ.a 801d... ceased. ' ' '' I' UoC C-' wllh 1 :1 1 \\' fll'f h~ Jill" R f,(j- !in' , LIDA IlL BAi'WlN. . :I.~ ~ "h_: ll" ' ,,,·o :-I. 81· .Jr,. W . ~ . 2 1 Executr ix at tbe laatilWlII of Notice is hereby g ive n thut .Je nni e lw ' hnlrlH ( " Il p ili B I i n I hI' ),.· IIUII OIl n nrl S U 8B D E , Halnea. d.C.....d. Kesling hilS bcon dul y appointed tlntl 'V uY II" H\' lIlo " lit, ,: l lH' ll(-o K H, " JII' .A ug lO-H., qualified as executrix of the estate of JW'. II' ''''~ : t IH' rtr.-' ~, ''''. ; [. ,Ii,' " ", r.,1 2 ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I! ' !!!!!!!!!!! ; t lll" ll' l' S , :10 · 7:! 4 p"IOR: John Henry Kesling, Inte of Warren II#l l~~ri .:!'1 1).('11(',· H :W · ,C ,' " ', 7 , 1' 1 l' h a ln ~ : t hl' llf"j County, Ohio,deceased. !", 'I 'P i,!, , \\', J :i .:!11 1'lI all1:4 : thf ' I1 (' c N. :10 ' \\' , 1 4:;t/ t .# ~:t ' "UL'1 CI f' rl1 IIltt' Date d this 26th dllY of Au~u st, 1\8· rn rl11 ,'r h' Illl ltl IS ll'(ld .Hr.'s Jo: I\ ts t lin e : 1927. W . Z. ROLL, tJIOlll: U ::';oll ih Wil l I ~ n l , 1 '!t\ 111 0 IHS', t or . , . Judge Wnr.ren of tho Probate ' rly Stl'!I,l " lli S 1;;11 II t 1111(.' I n l ho S . K Co unty, Court, Ohio. IIlI OI' II (q' of ,.nl, ! ( ' J" l1h! lll H' taBu ; tll t' net! F rank C. Anderson. Atty. Ba lli CI !l1 1' lIlll ' SI' !lt h 1111 LO lh a tl e n. ( (,h' Ur) Idk.,: tll('\II ~ " I·nst,\n ru l.)· with • _ _- - -
- ------
- ---
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of David Evans, : deceased, Notice is hereby given t hat Robert W. Brown has been duly' appo inted and qualified as ndmimstrator of the estate -of David Evans, late of Warren County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 18th day of August, 1927.
,,: nid ,111< 0 t o til " \\' '''''l lIno ur 11 fiO ne ro t.1'HCI n~ Ill ll t IlJ d In ( ' H ~ (1 No , {i " j ., \\' t\rr un (;OHl lt !/, Oh i o, C t l1l1mon P l ene nec~
~~~: i I f::~ll~(} 8~~I'tJ~W~: ~~~,~Y tl';~cl~hto 8~,~d or !Jt' J:l lll1 lng' o n.t n lnln g Il G.76
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I\ lI tl lI in l{ uln r th e n. pP Hrt '1utllCC'8, 'l'h u 8110\' 0 fl l ·~ t'l ' II }fofl J'ca l l!M t nlo wl 11 li p aio l11 tr ~o untJ t:1 {<a r of nn\' l'iJ,{h l .
tlt l (Ult) Intll'l"'f! l claim 01' 1I1 \n or s aid 1.('hn Il OIl ~ IU ~ clis NnUonal Ho nk nnrt TI' UHL en., Il. ~()rlJ('\ r llllo l1, aM IIclm ln lflt rn Cor n r .th t~ f'S t.al or It , Vun T ,t' 8S. rlN' C1uu' fl J ~ l callor :-im1L-h , H o y Smith and Iltll-j,\· YUII T r eJtH or a ll y or lhom a nd f rc(' nnd rI :\.r or RII ,V Dower right
W. Z. ROLL, vr thu ",d" Hoy :;lO lth th orol n. Sllld 0 1 (lo 8luto Ilu s b ('c n r ~~ gl1 l n rly av Judge of th e Probate Court, r{:fru.IICli uutl C' r order or tho ou rt nt Warren County, Ohio. the .um or NIn ety ($90 .00) 0 0llnr8 por aero and will nol be 80 1rl tor l ess than tw<>- t hlrd s or 81lld apilrrtl8cd valu e; Torm casb. A LFRED C. nRANT. 1'10'1'1 III OF AI'I'LI GATION FGn <lIllU'l' II'I ()A'I' I~ (II' I· UlII.I (JON\' IilN sh eriff ~S. '~rF':t~k;~~:~:t~e~~~~: IIilNOIC .0\1010 NIC{IIC"!lI'I'Y '1'0 OI'J!:Denn E. 51anlcy, Atty. 8-10-6t IU'I'III A MlI'I'Glt TIIAN81'0I1!1'A'I' ION C Olln'ANY.
Public notice ~reb)' glv. n that IllXE II'I'UI K'" " ),JiJ Qlr n EA L ChaB. Oordon bn8 ,(li ed nv lth lho Pub1!l~ '~'A'I 'Jll lic Utllltl 8 <:'o"'lOl.o lon or Oh io a n application rcr a corUrlcnle o r public Notice Is h ereb y g iven thnt. th o un"onvo nlene and nece •• lt y to operate a der81gn cd no executri x o( tho 1I,.t w ill motor t;r'tl tllJportatlon domp.lny t or thu or Susan E), Btl.tn es d c nscd, pUr8U o.nt "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!~!!!'!~~!I!!!!! trAnsport"Uon of Jlr o p ~r l y OV6r 110 0 (01 - to an ord r ""eli Jud gment or tbe COIll- " , __ I' • lowIng lo-wlt. I rr~gu la,·. mon Ph' ''8 oul't or Warren Cou nty. ' We: Numb route. r or trloa 10 bo mnde dolly will OhIo. duly I1lIl.Ilo In the .,Me or "LId .. If. be irregulll'·. . SawIn a. ex ecutrix at lho last will or • : Numb.r ot molar ve hl oles 10 btl used SUMan .E. Holne•. PIILInUrr va. Oscar J . two (2). Edward. . et 0.1. D (ondBllt.... being A ll partl I Interoaled mllY <llltain In - caso No. ]3167 on tho docket of tho (ormation n. btl ti me ll'l1d plae6 KIf 81Lld Court, \\'111 otrer ror sllio a.t lIub'. ". hearlh. !; upo 8n l<\ nppllcntlon by Old- day 11 0 nuctlon on th.O promla.88 on th e lib Wa,._-III- NaUo-- 1 _~ ":L. . . . . _. droning lhen Publl., Utllltle8 Commlso( SOllteml er, 10_1, II.t 2 o'clock p. '1'11... _ _ olon or Oh Io at Collnnbuft. Ohio. m the following doscrlb ea real ea• , ' ..... CRAS. nOROON. tn'to lo-wlt· . 8-Sl-SL Harv YJlburg, Ohlp. SltulLte In' th Oo unty of Warren .n4 . " • j • State Ohio.. :and"Begl bounded ed a. ot (ollow nnlnfand at dOllCrlba. point I NOTIOID FGR A.PPIJIOATIGN FOil. In t be glLlt line of a. trao of Ia.nd Nt • • OIDRTlFl<'ATm P1JlILIO OGN'VOID - off to. Elizabeth Magee by proceedlnp . "OT.ItV PU·... IO . . NJIIINOID ANI) NlllCIDSt!llTV TO' p - In portltl on In lho Warren County Com ... • .. IIlRA.TID A. MOTGR 'l'RAl'illPGRTA- mon PleD.ll Ilt the November term A.. D. _L " __ L TION COJ[PANV. 1847. It 'beIng 11 .p art of B. U T. • ",allo." ..... --R. 5 b lWo n tho Mlcunl Rivera: t.henoo Public noUeD I. bereby given thl1t N 88 ' E 80 polel then"" S. 10' E. F . 1.. Hough haa m ed with tbe Pub\lo pOlea th ence N. 88". w . to • pota Will. Draw. ...... ....EI.... _ttW Utllillea Comllll.alon o( Ohio a.n appll- In the old Xonla rOlLd; theM. alone :.J. • caUoa for IL eertlflcato ot public con- sa id road In .... S. W. dlrocUon to a Wa--' ..~I. UblO • • vonl",nco a.nd n ceoslty to oparate a. point InlerB""Ung a \lne runnIng duo 7u motor transportation -company fcr the North and South betweon ~he tractl tra.a.portntlon of property over the .., off l.o £Uu.b"b M"IIee and J am.,. A(_ follo .... lng ,"oul., -;wlt. Irrelf'Jlllr. the Enol traet elde l et of! to J(>1In E. 11088 ;!~~~!I!!!!!I!I!!!!!!IIII!~!JIi."IJ., Number of trlpatoto be mode aaUy will ILDd on tho ot 8ald line; thellCe " be Irregular; ' North about 89 llolOll to U,e 'l!eglnnln!r Number of motor vehiclel to be u.ed cOlltalnnlg .•~ acre. more or 1•••• ex. one (1). . c"pllng out of t be .ame on. hair acre All partlea Intereated may obtain In- rormerly owned by Absalem Chenoformation a.. to time and " lace or hear- w ..th. IDg upon IIIlld application by addreu1ng "A1.0 the followlng d.scrlbed Jot, tbo Public Utlllltea Comml •• I·on o( Ohio tract. Dr parcel of In.nd. SItuate la at Columbua. Ohio. L ao OR lhQ Oounty or Warren atorould aad F. , U , bol"g pM'l o( S<>ct.lon 32 T. • R. 5 'l'blrd Stroet, Wl1ynesvUle. OhiO. and bel wee n Lho MiamI RIvera Beg bouadedr~~=~~~i::~~~~~==~. 8- 17-St desorlbed Il& follow.: lnnJag ----. - • at IL ..tak In the S. boundary line of said Scetlon S. E. corner' to a lot of lYOTIOIll FOR APPL10ATION FGR 40 acr oa lotely owned by Ooorgo Ko.. OBRTIFIOATID 011" PtlBLIO OGN'VE- In u.ld Beet.lon thonce N. o· aD' W. 10 lUIilNC1II AND NEOtil881'l'Y TO OP. chaIn. wllh the IIno of .ald '0 aery .. JlRATIIl A. JlOTOR TRANlIPGRTA.. to a .lake In lho old Xenia road corTIGl'I CG_ANY. ner to lond no w ow ned by' William Bllrley. thence wi th Ba.rley. \llle N. PublIc noti ce I. hereby give" th a t W . 22· E . 26 cblLlns to IL co rn er at t.h. B Squire. hAS fll d wll h the P ublle old brldgo; thence !WIth II,no ther ot Ut llltle.e Commls810n of OhIo an appll- Barley'8 IInos B. 84· 81' E , J8 ehlllns to ootlon for a cerUncate ot 'Public con- th o middle II! a Inrge branch with tbo FUNER.G:· DiRE"".1 ycnlonce ond n<>co •• lty to operato 0. meander. thereat to the South bounlno . l. or transportation complLny (or the dnry lin or BlLld scctlo!': t~ o nce with W AYNESVll:.LEt OHIO · lra",porll1Uon of property ove r tbo tho Section lin e N. 88 16 W. H .eo followIng ro utc. to,wlt, Trregular. .e balns to the begInning coplalnlng 160 Nu~b er of trlpa tIl be modo dolly wlU acres more or Ie.. oxCCptlllfr out of th e same one half at an 1L0re formerbe Irregular. Fully E~uJpped for Good ' Number Of motor \'ehlel •• to' be uled Iy conveyed tor II. 80hool house lot. one (J) . "A lso Lh e t<llluwlug deacrlbed r eal Serriee. . AU partlel InCerealed may oblaln In- oslate. Situato tn tho County of WtaT(ormaUoo 118 to tl",o and place 01 ren and Stllte at Ohio belnA: par 0 f Large DfaplQ' boarl ng Ul'on .ald oppllcntlon by ad- Section Numbered ~2 . Town.hlp numdres.lng tho Public UtlllUea Oommle- berell ( ILnd Rauge nu mbered 5 be' Ambulance Service lIon ot Oh Io at Columbu., Ohio. . l w en th. A11 a 1111 RIve"" beginning at W B SQUIRES n .lone In tho elnto rand <>a the North TELEPHONE 7 llAY , O~ NIGHT Main Street, Wayne.v III 0, Oh'lo. ' oorner o( (Ialo) William Mo.rtonelal •• l .__________' ____"'" 8-17-3t (",rm bcarlng Sou lb of Weat or par-I_
Dr Jo'hn'
. , . ' .... .
;Walter·~ M~Clijre
J. E•.McCl.
ADVANTJ\~S, ---YET IT COSTS NO 'MORE! worlds greatest tire-act~.
The new-type All-Weather
. lly
Tread Goodyear Balloon Tire
j • ." ,
the perform-
ance and value of aDY car
costs no more than the early
2-.-Safety l···TractioD ·4 •••SUPERTWIST carcass
I ,
.~!!~ .;::,.
aDd of nearMr. lOam· I'l~~~~:~JjS~P~riaa'boro; aDd If.., JI,..r .Jolm
....~~~~~.....~~~ ,~ 1111
of Be1mlnat;
Mr. ad.....
-~ . maD I IIIal'I7 • hero!" , C....a.-..II~, fO~"
AJbrJabt aDei _II, ~ ~ 100kbIa' u aaa,-"
Mrs. Charles Johns was a Dayton R. J . Murray a.nd wife attended a -no matter what size type balloons which have gone visitor, Thursday. birthday dinner on Sunday at the . , home of George Wilson. near Port Mr. EVerett Clark, of Dayton, was Ancient. type the car may be. out~f-date with the phenQmea Friday guest of his grandmother The 4·H 'club will hold their last Mrs. 'Mary Oarmony. . , meeting for the ueason at the home does this through six nal success of t,bis new 1927 Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, of. Dayton, of Miss Iva Mlllal'd, at Olive Branch, was a Wednellaay guest of her sister, on Satllrday evening, September 3. portant adva~tages:. Mrs. Charleil E. Johns. . tire. The new Goodyear--the Mrs. Mabel F • . Terry haa returned Mr. and Mrs, Herman Saylor and to her duties at the ChIldren'a home eon, of Five Point, moved to .the in Dayton, after spending three ,,!,eob Rudd property, Saturday. vacation at Bouldor. Denver and Oold M,iBII Demce Graham spent the past Hill, Colorado. week at the /lome of hel; uncle and The McKay fSlmily, Bert Bogan, ' aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Guitner, Jason ' Blddlecum, R. J. Murray .and ~Jow, near MI!lmilbul'&', wife, M. M. Terry, K. E. ThoMlpal)1] Oleo H~wke entertained sev- w:1fe and daqg,htelr, all of this llllr airl frlerida on Monday and W, R, Keml" of Tlilrtl.eClreek, afl~er:noclD. • They wC\re MiSlleI/ Verna attended the Frienda Yearl, misetllll: I'll " and 'MUdred .Fisk,· E!\ith Cram at Wilmington, ~I~nday. , Let u • • how you tla •• neW tire-•• tell you what ,i t will cod fo Wharton, Helen Friend and ,Hel: . Mr. and Mn. A~ur Starbuck, Mr, en. ~ly: ,; '. and MTIIJ Al~rt Sta;1'buck, ~r. ~d f;quip .'your c,ar-or-we'll take in ,trade, .credi(in, .. , Mr.' arid Mrs. EmerY 'C harleton,' in Mrs. Everett StarbuCk II1ld of yo~ Wit~ ' e f)ery mi~e that'. 1~/t in them. .' . .J with Mr. and Mrs: Charle. Wilmlnrtoll, iIr, Ba!:itra MCKay and u,II!1*';\~tCl,n and da~hter Sunday IOn, of thl. ,"e~ a_ded tlla ~ . and Mra., Samuel Oharle- bUelk reunion : at, llto~ ~nelent, $'un&.ItIlllllJlon-., . . • day eveninr. .
"'That man Is tho ugUe t person I've ever leen." "Hush, not so loud. You forgot yourself!"
r " "
(Delayed) Only OfIe mOI~e week until school Edgar Edwards baa gone to Nebraska on a vac8ltion' trlp',
3 ••• 5.-.Quietness
yo~r o~d ti~eB
.orI '
Even Tread: wv".,...'
Myer HYman and family were In Cincinnati, today. Mr. And Mrs. E. I •., Harlan are a tending the State fair.
........- ..'l'IfG I that
lI't .orL idlll with that al-
Dr. P. A. Garner, chiropractor, Lllbanun, Ohio, Rhone '78.
Mark Twain
aif(lod ..Ilor, and
he often RponL happy we.eks crulaln&,
with hiR friend; H. H. Rogel'll, in his Rtellnl l'lIchL. -Oncll they were caurht ollih of Cuba in a heavy sea, the 1l1I'1l'L fJf 1\ Inng-dl'llw n and violent IIle. Thll Cn~ rlbbll an WDB heavlrl&' at tLq worst', and f ill' Oll lle Mark Twain WIIS upset by t he I-oiling and pitching 'of t he ship. He leaned over the It' I'ail ' and rlung desperately. "111,'. lemens, can't I .get you something?" usked a steward. solicitously. "Yes," Mark drawled, earnestly, "Yes, I'd like a little island."
Mr. n orris MORher is visifl ng Telnnd friends in nrdington and Mt. 1i il,cut!. ativ('~
lI~r. and Mrs. J . T. Herrington Ill'e Mrs. Olivcr Davis was shopping in visiting iii Brown. county and Augusinc:.innati, Tuesday. ta" Ky. '. Dr. P. A. Garner. chiropractor, For nle- Extra good Jersey cow; tour ye'ors old, calf by side. J. C. Lebanon, hio, P hone- 7 . Hisey. Jam s lIalnes nnd fnm ily, of nayton, spent aturday in Waynesville. 111 ... nnd Mrs. . R. Sherwood left for a week's \.isit in olu m1'111'8. J. U. hopm"n enlertailled Tuesdny the bridge cJulJ Inst 1'ridu)' IIftt!I·III,on. bUt! a nd Akron. ' , I Miss Mirinm McCrny. of Miumis. M. Robitz I' lind fami ly have ret urned fl'om a visit to Mammoth ave burg, WlIS the guest of her cou in Miss Louise Hough, Wednesday llight Kentucky. and Thursday. Mrs. Marne Hatfield is back in twot he Miss Mirinm Spence . of Blanchestelephone exchan~e, after a t.er. wnll the week- nd guest of Mi88 weeks vacation. . Esther Hlmd r50n.
Gamer, chiropractor, Phone '78.
Mrs. E. . Burnhart, of CincinnOli, . spent s~,veTal dtlYll lost week in Wilynesvillo. Mrs. Lowell Thoma's nnd Miss Helen Early ca1\ed on M.rs. F. E. Thomas fondllY uftemoon.
Mrs. Eliz.abeth ltich unQ dllughter, Leon(\, spent " fl!W rluy~ lust weok with Mrs. Lc!!lcl' Sur/lice.
Mr. anti 1111'S. f", R Moomaw 1I1ll1 H. J. Hamm went to Louisville. Ky., Friday. retu rning Monday. . ,( u'18 011 E urn h a~ t II ( r. nnd 1\f rs. "n. spent the weE'k-end with the latter 5 pnrents, Mr. IiI nd Mrs. F . E. Thomas.
ga • or more t ing Ihe \aSI lour weeks, is tht reco rd 01 Ihr. Holslein cow owned R. p, Brown o( Co lumbu~. Ku. Her aV.nl8C! has been 96 lb., IIer d"y. She weighs 900 pClunds.
Take advantage of t he many pecMrR. F red l\J. Cole and two childMr. lind Mrs. Rnlph Dyke. of Day. ials du ring August at Cury's Jewelry ren spent. several days visiting ton, spent SIl'lurday night and SunShop, Lebanon, Ohio. . tives in Williamsburg. dllY with !lfl': nnd Mrs. Lowell Thom-
"[Jut dlld, Bi11y has gut charactel'. You cll n road it in his eyes." '''I'hen Muriel, I've just blackened his chllracter."
Boy's Arm Broken
GRANO AND PETIT l;OYed . t he nine-year-old so n of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Compton lind JI[rs. Mary Herrington. of Ken- as. und Mrs. Jesse Hess, of north of MIsses Leona and Mildred Snider. son, Leroy of lndiunnllolis, visited tucky is, for. the present, making her Waynes\' i1le, fell fron a tree Sunday JURORS ARE CHOSEN afte of near Harveysburg, lire spending t.he Misses Oglesbee on Tuesduy. bOllle with her son, Tom. rno on. break ing two bones in his
the week wit.h their aunt in NorL. B. immons, of Covington, Ky., Mrs. Laura Mosher hns returaed wood. spent aturday night and Sunday home after a plellsant visit in Milford with his brother, Will Simmons. with F . C. Hnrtsock and family. Mrs. Rosalie Adorns, of Kansas City. ' was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. See t he beauti fu l new gifts and novelties at Cary's Jewelry Shop, Little Herbert Humphreys is spend W., H. Allen Wednesduy of last "The Home of Gifts," Lebanon, Ohio ing t he week with Raymond and week. A mos Snider, near Harveysburg. Miss Mildred Hartsock, who hos Ml'S. Anna Cook lind IIfrs. Eva Afler a pleasant visit with Mr. and been \Visiting relatives in WaynesCook, of Springboro, were gucsts of Mr. and .Mrs. ' C. H: Sherwood, Sun- Mrs. H. C. Colemlln in Norwood, Mrs. ville hus returned to her home in Kate Coleman and Miss Louise Hen- ~i\f~rd. day aftel'noon. derson returned home Saturday. M C ' 111 E C Mrs. Wilbur Bowen, of Ripley, 0 ., II, . ra. ny ook lind 1'5. • • ' F. A. Wright and Rev. N. Johnson, spent. lost w~ek with her parents, Mr. Crane and son, of Dayton, were of Ferry, atte nded t he countY meet- and Mrs. J . T. Herrington, near Wayguests of Mr. a1\d M1'S. D. L . Crone. I t W d d ft Ing of t he Oh urches of Christ of High oesville. as e nes ay a emoon. land county, at Hi1IBboro. last Sun. At our store you enn .select a GruIf you have promised yourself a dllY . new watch see the Gruen Guild . en watch. The utmost In beauty and ' DI' i H 'Iton, a t d Mr. and Mrs. J. .C.htHawke returnaecuracy. Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebteh es, EI gm. f B I ' wa Ino s, amI h T d I Sb Leb Oh'o e ome uea ay Dig rom ur mg- anon, Oh'10. C ' J II ry s ewe ry op, anon, I. ton, Kans. They were accompanied ~ ....... will ro--Mrs. Alvin Earnhart and sons, The regular services will be rcsum- by Jlfr. and M1'S. W. B. Mather and . . . . . If ,... dIooH .... dner the latter part of the week with . . . . . . . . ~ttooa .a. ed at St. Mary's church next Sunday, daughter. September 4. Cbul'ch' school and Mrs. Burton Earnhart, of .... ........... ," . . tria. 9 :45, sermon and lIoly Communion Cary's Jewelry Shop is open every Dayton . ..... TIle. ftry II........ touch of evening until 9 p. m. Come in and all Ii _ 00 die lam appUqQf at 11 o'clock. see the many wonderful and unuaual Mrs. Will Uorn and two children, of die adD 011 ilae flOllt 01 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller enter- gifts. You are always welcome at of Dayton, spent the latter part of this most interestIng store. last week with her sister, 1\lrs. For. . !low "PaNIu" it make. the tai ned last Saturday evening with ..... dnitl Th. _ rar,on mato- one of t heir fn'!"o us fish f rys, and IIlr. and Mrs. C. H. Sherwood had rest Hough. ... WO,W make up Ilkel, in the aU the accompammcnts. The guests as dinner guests last Thursday, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs" H. O. Cornell enterKay be obtaill.d in .Is.. were Mr. lind Mrs. F. B. Henderson, C. E. Ed1varcls and daug~ ;ers, MarIf SUe 36 reqUiru 2~ yard, 1Ifr. and Mrs. S. D. Henkle" Mr. and goret and MaQ. Ellen, of Dayton, tained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hough and children, and Mr. and CJI 6IDdI 'material aad 1M .,ucla M1'S. Ernest Butterworth, Mr. and and R A Conn r d f '1 W. B. Squires. for *irt u4 trimml'nr. .• e an _ amI y. Mrs. James McClure, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart, Mrs. C. W. Barnett Mra. . Eva ' Miller returned home :;~ence U and Herman. Surl'lIce and Roy Ellis left No. 1112 Mias Velma Cornell. Monday after spendIng a week with last week for Columbus, where they If"a... .~ her daughters, Mrs. Grace McCune are playing wit:h t he AU State band 8ft "'''k .,. cI' ••U Next to life itself eyesight is per- and Miss Ruth Miller, tourin&' the at the State fa.ir. ' ' haps the mplt precious poneasion of Great Lakes and Georgian Bay• ~ ........... , .. ..,. recetpt 01...dto 2Sc III mankind. It pa)'ll to have your eyes Mr. amI M.r s. George E. Carnaha~ attention by an eyuight Ipec- Misl Glady~ Harlan, of Dayt.un, and daughter, MillS Olive, of Mason, AlwaT,. given ' ~IIM ". Ad4re1ll ialist. Dr RudolJlh is here every Mrs. . Warren Espy entertained t he spent Sunday '\Vith Mr. and M.rs. Earl , ~ 11 BrotIdwa" Tuesday and Saturday. Examination cJass of '28 ot the Waynesville High Greene and falnily. • .., 0* Otr.......... mell- is free • .Cu:TsJewelry Shop, Leb- school, Tuesday evening of last week . . , . . . . . . . . IS'I; · ..... anon, Ohio. ' at the home of Mn. Espy in CenterMr. and Mrs. Vern Hough had 8l\ ville. their 8uPPllr guests last Friday, Mn. Will Horn and two children and Mr. M~. M. H. Allen, of Hagerman, and M1'8. FoTl's!¢ Hough. Idaho, who has IJpent several months R.,.,uanphyaically danleroua. Why mak~ them visiting relati:ves in Harveysburg and The regular meeting of St. Mary's the week with Guild will be held at the home of ftnaftCially dantreroua becauae of inadequate Oentorville, Is
.-.u. ........ .
X-... to....
.... - .tl=i
$ItomobUe inauranee?
The Travel.... Insurance Company. W.. the Itnt to write automobile Ii_billy btaur. I I'
anee and today ia the 1a!'leat muI tap e-, Ine lnauranc. in the worl~. . . ..
Eraest L' Harlan,' AgeD~
'~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;,;;;;;;; !
1"'__ ' ..;':...-:o:---------~~----.....;-------_,
Itig..~s Will Pay For. EgiS ,
urm, abo ut midway between the wrist und elbow.
- - -+
Mrs. Graham
While sitting in 1\ chair at her home Friday 1110rnlng, MI'~ W. S. Graham ~ lJfrcr od a slight stroke and fell to t ho floor. 11 0'- condition wus Illunn· ing for II lime, bul we arc glad to report that she is very llIuch better lit pre sc~ __ : ' BACK RIGHT AT HIM
Two old cotchmen wno hadn't met since they were boys at home, wet'e renewing t he acquaintance they sat on the porch of the summer hotel. One had lost an eye and was ~e n sit.ive ubout it. Finally t he other, seeming to notice it for the first time soid: "Whaur's ye ither e'e, PeUt Juron andy ?" The names of those elrawn for P etGlancing at his companion's shiny it Jury service nre as fo llows. They pate Sandy retorted. "Hoot. mon I are to appear Wednesday morning, It·s awa' lookin' fore ye nir." September 21:
I....... to......
Judge Chas. B. Dechant hos drn.wn trom the jury wheel thefollowlIlg numes of electors to serve 0 11 t he Grand Jury for September. They arc summ oned to IIppear on ThursdllY morning. September 1. Mrs. Eleanor Hatfield , Turl\ccl'cek. Waltel' Parletl. Cll?llrcreek. Miss Vesta St.ubbs. TU1·l1ecreek. Mis.'1 Ella St.uart, TUl'tlecrcek Clift'ord Montgomery, Clearcreek. Miss Winifred Borck. Deerfield. Roy Bennett, Deerfield. A. M. Lewis, Harllln. Robert Garner, Mllssie. Wallel' Allen, Clearcreek. Mrs. Ella B. Cook Way ne. H. Eeisenmenger, J.i:anklin. Mrs. Mildred James, Turtlecreek. Mrs. Jennie Sheets, Clenrcreek. J . W. Edwards, WlIyne.
Solves Farm-Mix Mash Problems The NEW Wayne 26'70 Muh Supplement supplies a varlet, of concentrated animal protein, that are lacklnlf in farm ",alnl. MIX equal parts of Wayne 26 '70; and your own ground &'1'Ilnl, to make a good egg producing muh at LOW COST.
Miss Alice Williams, Hamilton. ONE SEAT AT A TIME David Holmes, Turtlecreek. Mrs. Elva Mosher, Deerfield. Large Lady (beam Sam "Price, Franklin. I have II seat near the Mrs. Lawrence Couden, Union. Box Office ( R Ul['V"' VI~ Plao~. 25 C. O. Collins, Union. certain Iy. mat row 'you C. M. Robl~zer, Wayne. Fat Lady (indignanUy) - 'UO"L '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.1 man." Henry MUlard, Washington . Leslie _Moore, Deerfield. 7 Albert Beel, Turtlecreek. Mn. Emma Tet rIck, Deerfield. Henry Husel, Hamilton. John Jack, Salem. Miss Hazel Whitacre, Harlan. Mn. Martha Kratezer, Turtlecreek. A. D. Grapevine, Hamilton . Geoge Fryberger, Hamilton. Clint Cleaver, Massie. H. D. Carroll, Salem. Mn_ Olive Spinner, Deerfield.
Waynesville Farmers Exchallge , Company
f~e 9 h.
- youn~
We will serve Chile and Hot Soup (rom now on '
- ..- - -
~ M'.
,T elephone 143F2%
painter!". Artist-"Ye8; do yo.u Why do we 8ell 8 0 much lilverMr. and Mrs. Lindley Mendenhall, for a portrait?" ware? Because "Yourex Bnyeneal" Mr. and Mrs. W. E. O'Neall a9d MillS Is the beat plated war. made by man O',NeaU were businellS visitor machine. See the beautiful pat- ora in Cincinnati, Tuesday. tema at Cary's Jewelry Shop, Leb9 a. m. to 8 :80 p. m., Tuesday, anon. Ohio. and 9 a. m. un,t il 8 p. m., Saturday, Mr. and M.rs. Donald Henderson, Dr. RudolJlh, the Eyesight Specialist, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Noble, Mr. Ken- Is at Cary's Je'w elry Shop, Lebanon, neth Killion, of Dayton, MillSea Naney Ohio, TJ:eadway lind Doris Henderson were Sunday dinne.r guests of Dr and MrS. The annual I'eunlon of the Hawke Carl Hendenon. • family was belcil in Memorial hall" at . Lebanon, ,last 8unday, with fifty-five Honoring t he g uests of MiSs Janet preae~t. · CartWl'lght, t he Misses Ruth StephMr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis and Mr'. enson, Berdie Gaar and Marietta Sparks, Miss Doris Hendenon enter.. Charles Davis spent Monday in Xenia tained with cards and dancing . on with Mrs. MeliSsa Redfern, who Is In a critical condition. . . Saturday night. Min Margaret Hopkins and Henry . Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mre •. Fred 'Hendel'SOll and daughten Sayl,or attende4 a dinner party given were, Mr. and Mrs. HIll'l'Y Turner and by the N. C.. ~., last Thu~r,ad_ =a~y:....,::a:::.tf.R:--_~......::.---;::-;--.;..'-;;----;-c::-:--:-___ c~ub, -Dayton. son, of Bellbrook; MillS Miriam the 014' Ba-rn , ,. Spence, of Blanchester, and Mrs, MillSes EliZabeth and Ruth ChandKate Coleman. i.e, who. ,have been attendingo summer For the pleasure of her house school at. the • University of Cincinguests, the Misses Ruth Stephenson, nati, returne~ home, Saturday. Mllrietta Sparks and Berdine Gasr ' The W. C. T. U. will meet at the Miss J~net IOartWJ:!ght entertained on friday night with a hay ride. The home of Mrs. ',Lillian C. Mills, -Thursute ended at Sunshine Inn, where day aftemoOfJ, September 1, at 2 an appropriate outdoor lunCh was o'clock. eA full attendance is desired. " served.
Wa,neavlll., Ohio
Round Layer, Autd. Flavors Each .... - ......... . ~.r,
.aela ... , ............ 25c CoeORll1lt '
AD.el Food, Mcla .................... 25c or Choeolate, ea.eh ......................................10
46c Pure, Open .Kettle ' lSc Rendered Pound ...... . .... .' . . . _ ,. U. S. No.1 45C Grade 15 Ib, Peck ... . , P' 0' tat'·O s Cobblers, Country Club Creamery ~Ib. Prints .. . ..... _.. .. .. .
~ ~.ta.... ;Yellow J....,., 1 ,,~Dad . ........ . :.......... ........................ 25,
E;:I~~ .. :.5c ~~,~~S...........".." 29c ch ...............
e 801 Lara 1'8' Ver,. I!!~~ ~~~:; .... ~'.
'c· "23,'c
S'D .ar cured, re •• , Ib .....:.
. Soap'PabaoU.e, v ••, low p~,~ ~
.Mere Impression
For the pleasure of Mrs. M. H. Allen, of Hagerman Idabo, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gordon, Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Susan Wilkel'Son entertained at dinner Tuesday evening, Mrs, Edith Barris, Miss Emma Heighway, Mrs. Kate Coleman, Mrs. D. L. Crane. Forty-five relatives and friends, including those froin Clncipnati, Norwood, Martinsville, Clarksville, Blanchester an!3 Dayton attended the reunion held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Snider, near HarvelsbUrg, Sunday, August 28, and enjoyed a basket dinner, games and other diversions. A surprise tor Mrs. Ralph Dyke and Miss Evelyn Surface was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F . E. Thomas on Sunday. A ",and was served at noon with t.o cakes beautifully ornamented (!andles, for t he two, .ho we are safe to say, were very much lIurprised. Those ~ho enjoyed this dinner. were: Mr. and J\frs, Will of Lebanon; Mr. ' and Mrs. Forest Mud-. red, Cath~rlne !lnd ~~rothy and . Mn; Kenneth Harley, Warren and Glad)'ll David Thorn • ." Miss 'Cora Arthur qiho~ Mr. and , Mrs: Surface, Evelyn and Dori, Mrs. ' Mrs. LOwell RalPh Dyke, Everett friend, Misa Elbabetb Luc., of nOJl, Mr. and lin. P. Ii:, ;rho. . .·
Diamonds! 'l'bey never w,e ar out,' never get out olr style, and are sate' as a Liberty bond. Compare values -not just prices at Oary's Jtlwelr;y Shop, ' "'ebano~, Ohio. . The Underwood family reunion held BlInday, AUlllUst 28, at the plusant country honle of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Tomlinsonl, three miles east of Waynesville. l~itty-three' members of the family were pl'esent. The UIIual bountiful dinner Viaa , spread IInder the beautifull ahade treea on the lawn' and all p t hered around to do .to the louded tables. In the, Evart Shoemaker, of Harfurnlsbed delightful music OebortJ.; of Dayton, aang 'a 8010.
eyes - of ' ev~ry IChOlll ' child should 'lie ··examined during vacation: Dr. Rudolph ia a n eye81ght Bp~eliliat . and ,e ives speelal care to , children's eyell. Examination- free, Tuesday and Saturday at dary'l Jew e!rY Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. , ' ' ". ' On Satu.r day, Min Janet _Oart-: ~ght. ,waa h~stes8 at one ,o"clock, luncheon bridl'C!·. The invited, peats ",.re .Mrs. ·' Altt'ed Wrlgbt, ot· Phlla,delpJlia, and ' the MIII88I Harriet Shimp,~ of Leban'on, Elizabeth Blck. of Rllth Stephenson and
A student once a~ked ~ great mast~r how' to mix his colors· or paints. .To ,which the master replied: "Prime colors, 3 little oil, and lots, of brains, well mixed/.' So ·with 'printing, A good printing job is more. than type, paper,. ink and a good press,. Craftsqlanship is in selection of type faces suited to the job in hand;, paper in tones, shades or colors; harmonious ihk ,selections~ care:ful press make-ready'- -aiid 't he 'result, printed matter.'which c0f'!veys character.: Let uS demcstrale all we mean'in your' ~e~t printing job.·. Good . printing costs' no more ' tha~ inferior jobs. " . .Phone 112 and We .W ill CalL .
. Seventy-:Ninth Year
... --- - " ' -- -
The Mil1mia. who have been going at such Il IIwift pace for the last five or six SLlndays. could not stllnd ~he strain, fol' Bowersville. for the first time this scason, walked all over Adams and the relit of the tellm. making them 'Iook like a ourth rat·c ball toom. 1'ht:y hit Adams at will, and ench one of th e hits \VilA good for a basc or SCIENC E AND RELIGI ON more . Bowersville played like a first GASOL INE AND RUBBE R cla88 team and their fielding . as well CANCE R NOT CONTA GIOUS their hitting was more than the Miamis could stllnd. VANISH ING BOB If ihe Miamis hlld won this gllme they would have ci~ched the flag. bqt as it is they will to win their The ~ev. Dr. Shaner Mathew~, game with Bellbroohove k. Sunday. This Dean of the Divinity sch?ol in Chl- game will , be a benefit for Elmer cago univerai ty, Bays philosophy Stansbe rry, and it is ' predicte d there of no UBe In religion , because will be a record erowd on the ground cannot analyze our religion . "the that day. Bellbroo k will donate gl'entcKt moment s IIrc felt, you can- their share of the proceed s. and as not define them In words. There is thc Wilynesville bond wiligiv e a connot a pilo80phical term in the lan- cert balore the game, Ilnd play durth intellec tual processe s ing interval s, it will make the last frUae e . or e gllme of the Aeason one long to be by which ~e 8e~~ to gras p the mean- rememb ered. Inr of rohglon . The regular line-up for both teams Ph'lo 0 h has. nothing to do witb will be on tlie field, a·n d It is expect-• .. 8 Pf . . to be a fast game from start to religIOn. and religion has nothing to ed finish. Any how. the fllct that it is do with pbilosophy. PhlloBophy 11 benefit game ought to fill the park. deals with problem s that can be sol v- Stansbe rry was certninl y one of the ed, or may be solved by proof. argu· mainsta ys of the tellm. always on the ment, thought . ' Religion deals with job, an~ for a young player was fast question s entirely beyond our reach. develop mg. ~ that can be an8were d only by faith. The score: ~ -. R H E Two kinds of good news for aUl,O-,ID"weraville .. ....... ............ ... 14 21 2 mobile ownen: Miamis .. ................... .. ........ 2 10 7 Flm, you are told that If and when 1 2 S 4 6 G 7 8 9 the natural lIupply of gllOlint r;ivea Bowersv ille 0 11 3 0 SOl 6-14 out. aynthetl c galOline wlli be made Miamia ... .. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-- 2 to take its place. L...... Sta••II•• Second, Iclentls ts have discover ed W L Pct. a 8ystem of bud graftlne on rubber Miamis .......... " .. .. .... " .. .. 12 7 .631 trees which should increaJIe the yield Wilnlinlf,lon ........... .. " ,, 8 .619 11 of a tree 400 per cent. Bowersv ille .... ...... .......... .9, 10 .473 Bellbroo k .... ........... " ....... 9 1} .600 Spring Valley.. .. .. " ... ..... 8 10 .445 It i. predicte d that the cost rubber delivere d in thll country will JamestoWJI ..... " ..... ........ 7 12 .368 dro,p froJll tweDty-five cents to le611 --~.-------
Whole Numb er
WEEKLY LECTURE Right Inherit l'I ee E •• y to Give
····~::·e·r::~;::· ;::::'.''1' from the
State • Caoital
" Prepared' I epClrt e I
Most normal men and womell live Cor their chil dr en. by Beyond getting what satisfact ion Colum bus F r t hey can out of t heil' own lives, wnnt to sec th eir children get sntisfucti on out of t,heil's. th ey want to s('e t hey ha \Ie a belter chance COLUMBUS • . OHIO- Attend ance nnd more odvonto glls than they them at the State fall' last week . 'W&I unseh'es had. usually good conslderin~ tbe ~dvene Ju ~t h ow to accompl ish thi s requires 'mu ch th ought fl nd cali s fol' all conditio ns which existed. ' The scare over infantile paralysi s Itep~" - thouOUI' in lelligen t plnn nin g. sands Irom attendin g the anqual exIt is pretty well est,nblish cd that This was eapeciaUy true I avin g yo ur ch il dren a lot of mopcy hibition . doc s t hem no good. More wrecks of rural folks who feared to ' expose have becrt caused. lu oro li ves ruined t heir c~ildren to the dapgerl of the · and more characte rs underm ined by disease, which hIlS caused ao 'many having things made too easy for chil- deaths. It waa noticed that mora dren. by giving them too many un- visitors from the large cities attendearnde Ildvantllgcs than by anythin g ed this year. They came from Cleveland. Cincinn ati. Dayton, Toledo and else. '; i It may be safely conclud ed thllt other points to a mucb greater exif any man has a grudge agllinst his tent than ever before. No Maner had the gates closed on tbe .xposlchildren and wants them to be urcs the surest WilY is to leave them tion than arrange mentS for next year were started, and the promise II to a lot of money. Thinkin g pcople know that other make the lair in 1928 the'/ere atest things. such a8 characte r and the like evcr held." count more than money. Just how to Icavc our dear ODes G. F. Schlesin ger. director of,hlehwhllt they rcquire is rather difficult. ways and public works, ' announc es , In the first place, we ought to do t hat the next lettiDg of road and what we can to bequeat h to them bridge projects of the departm ent orderly and law-abid ing society, j will be held Friday. The estimate d state in which the laws are cost of all .project s il $2,24614 87.87 ed and obeyed. People. and covers about . forlf·tlJ ree m~ that counten ance bottlegg ing and of new road con8~uctlon I: .. well II other illicit acts which happen to be a number of importa nt brJ~ int.. . -..1 _ ... popular . are working for a state of provem ents. AmoDg the society which will be infmicable to portant projectl l are the . mo~ illl' of the coming generat ion. State Route No. '164 betweeD Llabon The second thing is chllracte r. and Eut Palesthl e In Columb lMla is ou r' duty to our children to give county .f or a distanc.e of them a good biological inherita nce. the paving of a portion .4.8 ,mll-i of ' the roaa, This we can do by liyjng clellD lives between Mlngo Junctio n and Sew ourselves and, in tbe final Alexand ria In Jeffer8l On county 7 . ,.•• most of the' good we do other peo- for a distance of about 1.7 111.0.. ; the pie depends on how well we take care grading of 2~ mil_ of The F. M. Players of this j1lace, . State' Ro'ute tllan ten cents . pound. Wit!J a large crowd ~Ientllt in atte!,dan l\ 1liiYa they ce, of ourselve s. can make who staged the romanti c comedy, , 124, Pomero y.J'acki on TO~ iD 1(. . . . Mi6llil!l Annie ;and Mame BrowJl Incl!ldmg many from a distance , tbetic rubber as well .. SYllthenl~c l If the chl1dren are healthy and county; the pavine of . "Cyclon e Sally." at t he G ym Fri- spent Friday ~it'h Mr. and 14 Sprtng . Valley State celebrat ed an unusual Cl hi. ar- Iy deligbtf ul home-eo mlag Saturda y strong and normal . 146 between Zanearil1eBoute d day evening , August 26, with ereat ence Berryhi ll. pbys lcallNo y' paollneed, , biit an that probabl tbe fint. y wm that has been postpon held ID tbe next thing they need is moral char- Cbaudle rsyjlle for like artillcia l r;asoUne ' appeare d at the Town Hall, . a ~ee of 8.8 vill\lge for three years. acter. In Harveys burg, last Wednes day evilll', upt\l natural supplies diminish. miles in Mullldngum county; Mi611 Emma Heighw ay WII the din· . It waa an all-d4Y affair, ' • • • • pa... with a ening Un~orlunately this is a ' more .dlf. an apprecia tive audienc e. ner guest of Mi6lles Trillena of State Route No.' 14 for.' a ell.and MarpicniC dinner and . program on T the' Fine fi ( music . A French aeientia t proves by caretb' by the • Harveys t O burg t OTgaret Edward s on Sunday. of 3% .m D. In portage co~ The Warren County W. C. . g to' .Iawn of the Frlenda church. The din- cu t chestra added greatly to the enjoyfuI observa tion that cancer II not convent ion held 'at Oregoni . atb· u ty,' the payjng of State lBOUte. NOL ner was aerved cafaterl a style by a !f1any am f ami a Septem- ment of those present. 1ycomef Q e M eontaaio ul. To do away with the ber 2, .1927, ~a8 well attende K te C I th din commit tee under tbe directio n of Mrs Ideall and the d and a The' cas" was well c~oaen and tbe . n. most 19 and 93 beqveen WUmot and Bn1r falae peniate nt suspicio n Is a great most lD~re8t!n&' day Arch Copsey. The Rev. Carl Sun- tices ca~ 'come a descend was enjoyed . parts played wltb spint and under- ner guest. a f M 0 em;~walR e H ant BtOt: in Stark county; till. ~=:: • o. r. . an rs. OBI! a vi bergl Each of Springfi local union eld. W~I Was 'well the chief absolute ly lacking in atandlng . ble6lllne. ,Married couples . U nl[ to- ed and much (ood work . f tion, of State Route No. 44 • sock. on Friday evening . . apelU$er and improm ptu talks were About ull we can do is moral The proceed s of a series 0 en ~_ cather, one the victim of concer, do ed by local preaide ....rto givo U8 good Canton and Loutaville In Stark ce~ made by Mayor nts Sol1e1'8. and Attorne tainmen y t .by the Playe~B 'are. to de'bl d BO' t .....ntraet the disease from each d About sevente en relative s ' were ~eorge Holland , of Da)'ton; ~ d tm ts, ' lall th former an e:c ampl,! as POBSI e an . goo ty; and the jconatru fray ·the .exl?enses of VIDa Bivens, a , w o. epar en ctlon 01 . .... 11... 't the Senator M. A. Broadst one. of Xenia', teachmg:. The espec y e little girl of the Tenness ee mount-- presen t a t a d'InDer, S un d other, and cannot" contrac t It: result then is m tII~~oot steel bndge on the Ohio River 1. Work. The ftower' mission and aina, who witl cnter High !lehool at home .of Mlr'ball1,~ Mrs· a~, a arn M. C. Barley of Dayton ' and Prof lap of the ' gods. We can't help is proved by reliable statiitlc s. road • .state Route No. '7,- In· W~ AMIVIn EE T. L. - E. C. VanWI; 'kle, 'of CiD~lnnati, for: and we aTe not to blame if . .. Friends ville Academ y this year. ., tile ha1't In,gon county., All contra.c,t. -.j11· ..... ce e ral... on or ' . n. am- er principa l of the Spring Valley Seven inatitute s were reported b, "Cyclon e Sally" was re~eated at hart's Inbirthday . t k d 1" I Paris dresses. -. ded -' hi ,anniver sary. realhdn g that lnatitute -dine1.o r..' AU~had-eontrib· Port WIlliam on FriDay high acboo!. Jf!OU_ sCion turns o~ cr~o e. . • s night. Tbe awar WIt n ten daya after · ... lone.ha lr ja"comh \C tn." are bu:ylug uud ' liberally to the rest The Spring Valley band, reinforc men table, but. Playen It is meVitab bope to· le. give it in bids other are pla-' opened MIBB and .toca , of .... tranafor matlona ." long Miami Chauuu qua, $100 co.tractcIiJ wBi Lucile St John deligbtf ully ed with a number of)lleee to tb!! ~noth~r t~mg e can leave eel ' a8 soon as arl'!lnge ments are be compelled ,to carry . ,", tbe& 'weltt tertai d Lea Hult Soeun and durin~ the day and gave a, played hair Uftlll'e ment for women to Ing fund 'fJ'om tlle lo«;al 'un(ons while made. a concert children 18 friendsh Ip and • _ 80 that the ~ad.a can ·be apt opel . ~eats l::t Tueaday night, After an at nlg t. whUe waiting for bobed hair to grow Mason and Frankli n • __ -----witb the right kind ,of pe~pl.e. toeethe r had to traffio after the..' wo~ aealiOll , evening of carda .ach one found bia ' . ~\lort )lair ia common sense, of ralaed another. ,100 for .t~e rest . we clln only do by assoclat mg wit~ Is ended • cotplace at the lon'g table, where dellconne, and, In time; lonr hair tage. · the right kind of people ours.elves. cioua ~ l1li oblOle~ refreshm ! ... enlts were a veil over the served. The followin g officers were. . The best that can be done, In II out .' . The.openln~ of ma~ Lon'.. ~ter men had cut their ¥lOoJa elected: Mrs. N. L. Bunnell , presishell, is Last Wednes day Mr. Crabbe took in. knowing our be aeheduled for thll' ~eek" baa ~ 'prim~tiv'e women ~et their 'halr " The Mothers dent; Mrs. club Lillian will hold C. Mills, their vlce-pr compan ions with them and 14 Sml~-B'ughes boys to the Ohio '. postpon ed, bec:auae Mr. ~nd Mrs. Rondald Hdlljwke de- first meeting of .the year Ident; Lena Clark, recordingoSecrelo~~ a- state . Fair for Thursda y and FrIda),. Fridny them by our own chllracte r .a s much Infantl'le paral.-I of the repona 01 . Ione. because , I ~a~d with grease, rY; Mrs. Laura ligh~fully entertal ne at nner on night Septem ber 9th, at on I • . "'-. ' Y• • • • 1. . . Harkl-a der, treasure r. These boya composed the general 8 O'clock. live SundllY, Mi611 Dorothy Dakin. of Bls- at .the Gymans ium. it :v~ , a g?o,d thm~. m ~o!d weat.h er. Mrs. Horace S~kes. I" ur. .. , ""' - 0 At this metecorrespo nd\ng stock judging team. the com and. marek, N. Il'er, director of health, declaret i thII& , &.OlIg balr st:ems femlnm e to meD. D;. Mn. Frank ~aylor, of ing a receptio n fo\' the teachers will as PQssible. grain ju~ng team, the dairy I;8ttle San Francl~co, Cal.. • dangen of little chHdren lWomen do what men want, a~d MI611 Mal" be . beld. All teacheTS parents Mrs. C. Mills again received the ju~ng team and the lloultry judgDEAT HS only when cold . ~ea~ . . . .: . and Wrigb~, Mrs. Edi'th Harris, Mrs. Lau- other membe n of the ~Iub are and 'loue hall' comes back. It will Indorse ment of the county as invitl\lis. Ma1lss'a Redfern , 76. died at ~hlll may b'e weeki .ivay. ine team. Besi des being represent-- ra Mosher and Mr. Harris 'In&n~ ,awai again. Mosher. ed. to-bouae worker aM organise I'. her home in Xenia, Wednesday, Aug- paralyslll is contrac ted ed in the judging conteSts Wayne by!' eOldbiC DONNA , fifteen cents that had H. EDWAR DS. Prea. uat 31. Ber dellth followed an High school , boys had exMiss May Wright was hoste611 at , . At S~ Toy, l!Jing town in Ohio, trUBt to each local union MARY L. EARNH ART, Sec'y. nt!ss of a year's duratio~. during 1lI- in contact With othe _~,"o.ed ~ ~ tbe diselle. is exceedl n..,.. ~y'Wlmln.i, .anno),ed, ~It. olf th.· ear to make monel" for the . work, nearly hlbita in the poultry and farm shop dinner at the Hathaw ay tea room last • • " last ~wo W'!ll~9 of w~l.eh she l1ad OUI ' to cblldren ' espeeial displays.. ly thOM rubFriday evening of hili motheN ll·law, lin. Amanda to the followin g ~ ,was reported . 'Rarvey aburg be~~r~~ ~e~f~c;:'\?~:db~~~ ' in der aehool age. But tile PHGll1ltlo~ guests: D,. Marl" Cook, 141611 Wlnl. Ta. lor b havlne made the most. . d th rtro ., nes,..llie . and spent most Of. her . llloon tide praye~ wall voiced by f re d N"I of keeplne the sChoob CioN" :Jor a . U'f. I _; mo aroun u •• 111', ... ~!II G eraIdl nWhite e cou.,'0 1 ''I e, tile pre 8I dent,M n•.llll!lne\1 . d t 0f . . here, but had heen II resl e~ M~8. time Anna lias mel'1 , with the apPl'Oyal ,~~ dthe . man )88he<1. apd the , Cadwal lader, Min Clara Regular commuD lcation of, Way- Xenill for a number of yelll'll.. A' moat instruct ive and th" state Lile, ' health departm .of . San Toy told wl~ns he Mn. Ada Courtne y and Mias liesyj\1e Lodge No. 163 F. &: A. M., addrelll on the ; needs. of She is survived by four chll,dren : are to kee~ at lelllt 80meent. PIau We wish. to express our 'slncere Dorothy Dakin. quaahu the charge of malmln e of tile ra• . tuesday eveni!! law g, obaerva Septem nce ber·lS. and law Vis. Ml's . Rowena Za~~lln and .'\~r8. ~ohn ral schools .where the and heartfel t thanks to all our reldl Ii ri " If h Id tat dlaeaze ia mad. ' Itlng and sOJuorn lng brethren , are P. Boc~lett, Xellla, I\dITsJ' . atives, ~ri~nds and neighbo rs for the .~ rll ne e wou . VlgO'RMd e lrllcrj by L. C. FOlter, of Cincinn ati prcv&!ent closed until "01d8l' wea~a welcom e. kindne611 and f!ympathy shown to us of Dalllcl s. Wyo., liD Last. We~ne8dllY Mon e ern hiIII'. ,, n, Sara • . . CHAS. BRADB URY, W. M. r, th~ AnU-Saloon La~e. Special .... of Columbill. Mo.;. a.nd by tW!l broth- er comes. In the 10611 of our dearly beloved Furnll8, 888lsted by ~teryJoo WiUlI\& Baid "Yel." HII · to · stay. ' dili.n mAI'. ~ Lena ale. by a chorus of ,.1'18 from QregoHartaec k F B HENDE RSON S th • . erst Chllr. l e~ Phllhps, Xe. and m a, Ruth und Co~k; opened ~mtertai Within: . . . Itripped . he was lashed . ned a wee. the t or foleo .. All • de. llia. was much' ~njoyed; al~o ,a solo mo;~ • ec y. Steven PhIllips. of. Le~anon.. WiecherB and Family. upon the report. whlcla lowing member s (tf tbe Friends Ftrst one timell and everybo dy • - • was beautif~lIY Ban&, by Geneva ~uit. Funeral and bunal m Xema Satur- been called for from all .COUDt¥ Dry .. _ __ _ _ _ • • as happy. includln r the D!ly, School: mara Hopkins , Ben" cI Th" mQmme devotion ais, Conduct-day afternoo n. nie Furnas, Robert Fumas. Mary district health oftldala ' jaw. W.pat is the differen ce . by Mn. Conove r, and the afterCarolyn Lukens, Warren Cook, • noon by Mrs. Homer Holling lworthj a man that bites off his Relativcs here have been notified ••• ton Hartsoc k, Owen Hartaoe k, WU.' . . ,' _ .' were very lmp.r eulve, indeed. l of the dellth, August ' 27. of Vernon Election Uod Furnas, Sara Corrine Fumaa, Iaw s ear and a mob that insists Stiltiatl clan Ge~ B. ion adjourn public lllhinr? ed to c. TcnniR aged ' . 20, u contrac IThe h Frconvent tor of kli . xt Noffer, of the departm ent of itate. J M.l aml Chapter No. 107 E. S." and Seth' Furnas Jr. wt G I d I C I f 11' h Various -mea an n n: _ y'e~. h CHIUST IAN CHURC H . will meet in regullir sessionO.Monday was in northes t Ohio last week ·a~ e en II e, a. , 0 owmg a short and dainty reire,s ments ma d"e t e Sunday School . at 9:80. Every ness from pneumonia. He was . evening , Septemb llr 12, at 7 :30. Vis- event a most pleasan t te.lJ.ding hearjnga , There". is aome mild one. body cordiall r Invited. . - son ' of Mrs: Alice Tennis. who will tions .of the election member s welcome. ' ullerviii on of the radio. Do pe rememb ered as Alicc Foster, a fieial repre8e ntative of MINER VA HOUGH . W. 14. ervilon conaide r it necessa ry or 14 d Mn Ray~ond Taylor of .. daughte r of lhe late Mr. and Mrs. Ctute Claren~e J. SU~''AN ~AWKE. Sec'y. r. a n . irable that the detaill,1~_bloody RY CHURC H oF' CHRIST near Lytle. entertai ned Sunday'FER Clayton Foster at this place. tak'I'n'g a-.. actl"e dl . ' f of h 14 d 14 ' therwile , of ppile flalltl 1h0uId Grant Lewis The attenda nce last Lords Day was • ·. Just a week a ter cr son 8 gation the ,secteta ry , M~.n:~d ~~"~rthu;SWea~ and fam: the best this quarter . J. W. Hayter, Mrs. Mnt into home. and IIltened ~ Tennis. was ~ercllvcd of her str~ctt!d the local board of el.titCtJioDlil Ily Mies Katheri ne Steaubl e, Mr. the Ganadla n evaueel at, twenty millions of AfllleI1c.lnl"lnl=lu,II-1 Will present ter. Mrs •• L~da ~len. who~e funeral to see Ru'ssen Lewie and tbat.a tboroue h I~:~::~~=r Mr .TreBl!le r Lewat the evening service and preache d was held In Spnngfi eld. ~g children ? Would OhIO, today. is made of aU alIel,8\l h is alI of Dayton ' Mi611 Velma Smith, to a iarre an'li well pleased that . II making an COIIgrtlof Spring Valley; Mr. and Mn. Lew- gation. Services each evening . I ' ' L ' il "Christi an" and elevated . at Reliltivos hove been notified of ·the 111 e ection matl'ers Wlt~ the, "Ulrpol!i il Haweli. of Xenia; Mrs. Llnle Lew- 7·,46. Next Lorda Day I' at 9 :30, and death of Mrs. Eunice Frame, of Pas- 'in view that 9 hio election Feat aelen'tlftc dllcove ry' ill and Ethan Lewis, . Mn. S. J. Tal" 7;46. a . . adona, .Cal" Sunday morning. lor, 'Chester Taylor. of Waynes ville, :rhe evangel llt has no den~mma- the present time no further Up to on a . high plaDe,. of eftlcl,ne y cleanlinees, ' and .Mi!18 Imogen e Taylor, of Enon. tlonal ax to grind but .,., pr,ache s the ulan have boen IOllrned. . . . ,;. gospel of the Grace of God. gi~ng . saint and linner his portion in due Mra. Lida Killen. a form.er On Sunday 1111'. and Mrs. Guy I8&8On. . . dent of and well known in Wayncs Kibler .and children and Mrs. Euphe- .. The .lnvitatl on to attend is extend- ' ville, died in Chicago last Saturda y, mia Hough,. of Da:v:ton j Mr. and Mn. ed to a~. " . . Septem ber 3. She was a daugbte r Ral~h Houston , of Spring V~Jey; . ' N than Johnaon , .Mlniste r. of ' the late Mr. arid ·Mrs. Clayton . 141',' and )(r8. ' Chlls. Tl!ylor, of Indi a Foster, nnd leaves a number of , alJa; Cbu. Kibler' and ~aulI'hter, of . atives. The funeral and .bprial Ore&'Onla.; .Mrl and ,Mn. Clarenc e EdIIET~ODIST CHURC H . place . in Sprlngfiel~, OhiO; this. ar,dll and,. daughte r, Mr. AIl~n. Kill- S.I!bath' Sehool, t :16 .. 'DlIn't m:: :frUeh- temool\ , several from' here attendin g. ler, Mr. and Mrs. Vern ~!>ueh aDd lue Berrice at 10:80 ... ~t riaal o bre,adc a.tlngw ill 1D>; Epwort h ., ' . _ ••- - • ~hlldren , Mr. ~d :M:ra~ fC?rest Houp ~. ! a~ 8:"6 p:' pHze flabtlnlt eventu~ly .m.II'..,I1IiI.,n 1I..atn.l'l1n Eft1du . ,. ' DIet at the hO!1'e o.~ Mr. and Mn.· Ed Preaela lq S.rvice at ~re and .thete wUl be 'art,u ••• d ., ·~O P.~. ~ ~nu.~l Hougp wl!ere • picnic dlnn\lr WII L. ,,; ' WJlhbu m PaaW ....._ __ t)iel IIlten to the Intereat fna ' lipread. .T he affair WIll In ,lionor of . . '. 1' " • • r. The annual 'news coiniue' In over ~he .radlo M.r . Ea' Bclugll .a nd Marlon, tittle '. ~ Sugar 'Creek .. ~rurlStl8n tiI.n th.re' will · be trouble. v_ ••_.~''':· !·~·''' IOn of MI';' and Mrs. Guy Kibler, who ' \ . ,.T. MAllY, S CHURC H. . be held ' Sunday, ~~ptelllber eremen , fo",una tely, 'are ~thv.e ~~A um. blrt;h date, Sep~mb, er SunClat, Septem ber H, ' Thirtee nth Sunday School, a. m.,. Morn· .. '" In ~In.. mo",. Importa nt ~ Sunila,. ' aftft Trlniq; Chureh N,!ol ill&' ieriice, lO~30. 9:30 .' .... .. . . , • •• • n ialvatlo n than Damn' a ,.... at 9 :80. I(omiq prver and ie~ Basket dlDner. ", by theo~whlcb, the wa,; ' be ftWet ta~ht. b, DarwIL • :...1[ ••• ' en\ at an tIIa .....,.so.. . , will preacla m the afternoo n. ~----~ ~ ----~ : ...., w,. P. ~~ and IOD. ..... ', Job I . ..... .. Beetor. tal lDDIlC: a.rk. of Cl"'''II I,4i,J'n . RUMen , • _ •
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HARVEYSBURG CI~-"""'~---""""--.
COURT HOUSE ,.- ----
COMMON PLEAS COURT In th CIlMe ot t h t a te- of Ohio \)ILvid lIli n)1icl<, th o defllMlllnt 'p Ild jCuilty lIS (:harge d uli d was ordel'cd to nto r into bond . Barney Du(Y, ple,a ded guilty t o two chllrg ~ of \lC}!!Se!!Si ng property f or lU~tTatlo", i!9' HolUY J&y L~ <.I IYlflnufa turu of IIrluor nnd f or poascs,;ion of Iiq1ll0r RlIli wns linod $500 Copyrit,kt. Mlchabl V. Phf 1 h p. IIn li cosu< n-('ul' h chllrJ,tl! . He R.eleulOtl thrv. ·PuJ.Utther. ,,",~... t.o r SGrvi.... 'cim mitted l o juil till fin 's and costs n r (> pilid. ill=a~~~2.,------Co urt l1 uthor ized l he ~h er ifr to employ an l1ucti onccr t el\ relLl estate described in li !nintiff' s pet ition in the "But I t old you- " begnnF orbes, respo nsibility. , i~n't 111.· 7 Why, you case of 'Fhe People's Bl1i1ding, Loan imr.atlentily. 11\8y hllve to go to jail unl c~s y Oll lind UVIIlI\'R lllll pa ny ,..~, Chl\rles ·Yes. And if we find the ninn you te ll. Or he docs." A DODbtlDa W;f. Stoyloll et. al. said hus run away, t hen you're all H e Rl1Iiled tolernntl y. "Oh, no. 1 R. Court or de'r l'd llint unless pial The car from the Bouth bad r ight. Ru t [ h aven' t seen nny driv- won't, But he must come fQrward of in th e case of Cecil nider vs . , up and ltopped, un.h eeded by him. er but you.'.' . his own accor d. He hns 1\ good j ob i Mi dlum, files 1\ petition within ten IJe 11'811 deep in his own whirlwind. It was hIS own w\,(e, Patsy. Ja~ e he stands h igh here. It weuld be dnys suid CaUI!e will be dismisse d. U. drew the bottle from his poeket Forbes, who fi nt gave ellpl'essLon 1T1 awf ully hal'd on hi~ peop le. And Court sust.nined t he demun'el' of and hurled it . into t he adjoining hi:; h nri ng t o the ,doubt of E dison I·ea ll y. I'm to hl amo- -" t ho :\Vay n e~vill e N a l ionlll Blink i~ field. .A sb'llling arc \Yas cr eated story- n, doub.t wl1lcl?- hung lJ~c\' the l'ntsy ;J une h·t go his han d. "Oh , t l;c CIl~O or Hornce Hnll vs. ~'red that "httered in the moonbeam >! and CO l1l1n ul11ty like mlllll mu flom a inllocll t.. she t'lJllIltll·n tod oltlly. "He Rlch urds et a l. in: the 'light of the automobile. swump in tho succeeding days. lines slulIt! high .does he'! A nd of Co urt ordcl1'ed Duvid Minnick t e ,AI .P fe , bearded man d~essed in Scoots Libbey w us not captured the course you'I'o being under lll'Test a nd PIl Y certa in s ums t.o Amber Minnick the prb of a faz;mer, left the vohi- night of the tragedy. He slipped Ins ing you r job isn' t hurd on me 1 Wardlow. ele 'ana approached him. The new- through the telephone drllgnet. No You lIwe ~o ll1 tlthing nt home , don' t 'cOi!ier '*811 followed by 0 one had seen him i nor was t race of you '/" r~EW SUITS him found th ereIL:tter. But he shook his hend stubbornly. , 1JIaD,<I ofrom ,his general Will Ul't1 Mur ch vs. Gu y Mayer et f.o ,the other,. his Bon. ".what's t his ? Edison spent t he night in the " Can't d o i t.. raL I' v t hought it all demahded tne man with the ty jail. He was f ormaUy eharg ' d, Ol,l(>r , In R wu y I'm r esponsible f or Ill. , Cor mone:v. Edgllr J . Ha t fi eld vs. tanley F , 'Be lociIc.\l.d wit h disupprOYll1 at nell t mornin g wiU; manslaug hter for t hnt woma n's dt)lIth. If 1 hndn't per blood-etained fa'c e of Forbes. t he deoth of. MI'l!. Maria 8ua ded 'l'ibbey to break into n case H atfle ld et nl., f or pllrtition. \'A ,boole-runner ran into that th e collision vict im. Bail Ilt Burl ey , he might ha ve not gotten au,t.\\ killed the woman," was ,the was arranged, and h e was releAsed. drunk. Don't ' you se c? And if , PROBATE PROCEEDINGS "~1)-~ He was stiU hearing the He stopped at the ice and coal office when this chap offered me a ride, I mor 'only of his own mental of Sam HilUm, whoro he wall had asked him t o tak e me home, he Thomas S. Brandon administrator 6eIcI • ~be two men ~urveyed p!oyed ,!s office mana~r, to explain would have becn t o it. But 1 of th e est ak of T , J, Th C) mpson, filed ~ •.verified his assertion IU8 rordmess before gomg on home. would 'hnve been to it. That's 011 finnl account. ~back to confront him. ' , 'lie found t hat ncws of his arrest there would have been to it. But I Court ordelred that thc last will ' Df ,.~:~bere's the driver?" asked was ' befo re him. Hilt on, ~grim, 'didn't. IVs like p ushing over a line A jpl es 'Vail h e filed in court und ap· '~1t_alJ. " nnrrow-faced man of sixty, ayed 'at of dominoes. I guve tho shove, and plication be made for probat e. . FOrbii 'Waved his hand each WednesdBY evening's prayer- it's up t o me to stand the gaft' alone." qh8r!es G~IY , Marlatt made BllpliweiItt ~Ule ran away just . ror the confusion of booze "Unless . of cou rse, he offers to catIOn 111 court for a commission to We better teilephone its I!upport ers. He felt. to bolo help. ThILt's differ en t. " issue to some suitabl e person to take st ep up his prayers,with what he conB e could ' fec i her stiffening with the c!epl!sition of Sarah - B. Lumbert, ., 1.lIm I)ft lIefore h'e jumps , • aidered good works that he must resentment und somet hing else. She (now SlIra h lB. Zortman) witness to , The two men conBide~ed. The discharge Edison. An he d.id so, Tose a n,d began clearing nway the Will of Agnels Vail. Ira. F .. Bigony, ar tur,led to hJa ' com~anion and Forbes went on horne. In the dishes. ' It- it almost looks as though Alto Dewey, 001., WIlS ILPPolnted to yon ~ over there little white-painted house which they there might have been something d is- execut e t he nlla tter, , . y~t ~e threw, aw~y." The rented on Scohtdale's second-best honQrahle," s1)e, murmured. Judge, being advised that Emma lNCf't ile ran fence. , HIli Patsy Jane cried over her He knew , wnat she meant, and E. Romme clln be r ccelved into the ... \ihf; the bottle WIia' easily ' and petted him. The jail flu shed. They had been married on- Institution f 'o r the Feeble-l\finded '~ .... bIrO'WD .• artb of ttie breakfast had, not been palatable' Iy 0 year.. Previous to her coming ordCl:~d thot a warrant for convey: JJe, ~daa It ~~nglY 'to his she made colfee and cooked eggs and to Scottdal e .with her father and step anee Issue to S. H. Snider. 'I :, ', bacon. . Witb the boyish smile and mother to r eside, he hlld been tacitly PJ'!lof of lliublication of notice of .. o,J Aa,ve tQ come wjtb frank si'mplicity which were hia engagi!d t o Nance Encell, dll ughter appoIntment I~f the Lebanon-Citizen8 ...... tile ela.ir, 'coldly. "1 am ehiefest chal'ms, Eddie told bel' the of the t own's ricbest man. But National BJlnl1t and Trust Co. as ex~., WOC!ten " of' HighlnndB ~tory of his previous evening.. N,!nce was heads trong and high- ecu~or ot th.~ estate of Ad~line T. ~~ . ,~ , /INow ou' go aheap and walk over splritl!d. They quarreled frequently Wbl~e was filed. , .' ~u._ld 1lQ. with y0\11" n\'~, at.' he cO!l,c luded. "For ~ cor- and VIolently. Aft~r one of the quarPr!l'of of Plllbli.calion of notice of lid ~ Jlu!prIa!l. • ' Wnly 'deserve It. I've ncted like It rels he met, f ell III love with Patay appointm ent ,of Ha rry E. Schnell a ll I Julti tbt6w away a fool and I've lost my job, all on' aC- J ano and married her, all within the adminsitl'atol' de bonis non of t he' es, tl4li1,I You've 'been count of a bot tJc bf. hootch. But space of three mon ths. tate of Hattie C. Schnell, wns flIcd -taj!e ' ia'-&l1 blood. before, 'you start I want to t ell you . Nonce Was one of the first to call Proof of plubliclllion of no tice of ar ,lit' ~ "ou ;,,,el'to,the that I'm ' done, through, completed. aft!lr they \vere settled in the little appointm ent of Mil t on Moon as ad. 'Of tile tl'uck./' finis! No more booze . for mine, white house. There was a good- mlnlstl'lltor o,f the esrote of Saroh , " I'm olt the stuff for life. , When I humored air of "let bygones be by- Moon WaS !lllld. . ' i~~!!I!~~!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!llaaw what it did lW!t night It opened Jrones" on t~e surface b,!t seemingly, Court approved and confirmed the my eyes, .1 can tell you. Oh, I know /I lurking Imp of mahce beneath. report of Char:les J . Waggoner acl(r:~m~~~~~"':';';"~':;'-":''"!!II've , i!aid 'aU this before. But t his .She _sllowed , open favor for her old mlnistrotor o:f the estate of M~rtb~ 1 mean jt. 'l'm done; that'. sweeheart at parties and dances. M. Irwin. , She came and went as she Charles J. Conover administrator "You didn't say who was with you, Sbe had hel' own car. Ita tbe estatel of Martha M. Irwin Eddie." was het comment. motor WaS f~equently filed first, ~nlal and distributive ac, "No, • I didn't. Pat." ,he replied. at unconventi onal hours along count. I not goln. to ~e!\ anyone." dale's (Iuiet. streets.. It might 101,!k, ' Co~rt appr,oved and confirmed the looked at " him In Burprise, t~ought ~ddl.e, moodIly, after he had report of E. B. Dakin ; executor of the trial you'll have to, woo't kIssed hiS Wife goodbye and the estate, of Deborah H. Dakin. you ' ," , ' c1owntawnt. _t hat he had 'been 'E. B. Daklln, executor of the es ' ''Not if ' I don't Wllnt to; and ] ing, with Nance last night tate of Deborah H. Dakin, filed fI~i don't." eoncealing the fact. Well, If Patsy and final Deco-unt. • , ' "But why'" , Jane W8.ll silly et'Lopgh to believe that l;l; Tholonpson filed affidavit for • "WeU, ' it's like this," he began, let her: B e wo'!ld keep silent as to admISSion of ,Lore-na MlUer into the shamefaced and flushing. He was who hiS C(lmpanlOn was. .That Viall Da~ton Stat e hospital. .liout to confe88 a determination to the 9nl~ sq,!are, deeent thing to do. Court loun,d, Lorena. Miller a sultaqq a generous., thingl and it embar- Of course, if that ,cho.se ble fOlr treatment at the Dayraaaed him. "The fj!lIow , who was to . forward the ton hOl!pita\ and ordered that with me ',w un' t one Of my onto bE! .made to the . for cronleB, Pat. He baa ~_ mto of He doesn't take a drink once of estate of ,"onths." , · I ''''!~~i.~~~~~~~==i~1 ,"I did~'t Intend to go to Burley ~Qv~3~nrc:~;;fi~~e:d.et aI., was a~last night. 1 w~ headed nome after ,Ge,o rge G. , 0emne and GAorge E r~hting liallance 00 tlie ' Y f' v businesB. But there was a S °lung ,executors of the estjlte 0; spripg 'in ,the ait. It was m(~~!~!; yves.t er Perrin.e, fillld firtlt account. I wliB tired out; I've been An IDstrum.ent of Wliting pu . ottlng to be , the last will of Jog F extra h .....d for ' six or eight MdcKay was plroduced in court, order: Tills fellow drove along and the idea e t b AI d into InY h~d from , nowhere n.!ith .... 'madeo IIPplication be a arink. When he of. All Instrum.ent of writing purport'a lIfb, I put it ' up to him. well, he sort of acted on lng to be thle last will of Jobn H t he way ' ~ did~ The first K!ldslin, was lproduced in court and ~ew, we were' on our way or nred ~o be flied. • 1I~I:enll-1 L C..'!urt ap~C>inted 'Oscar Edwards, ,Eddie." . The wife shook . ..... Henderson and Frank Elbon . tender impatience the band appraIsers CIt - the estate of David ahe :W8.ll fondling. "But he's EVllns. _. fiee, white and twenty-one. isn't heG~y t G:YDo:r lUell application to be Be's abl!! to bear his share of the *,pome . assignee' of Arthur Tracy lie aPl?omtm ent was made and Gu'; G aynor filed bond. ' .. WE'VE RII?DEN THAT KIND .. Floyd Ertell, -having' pleaa~a 'guilt~
. J.
, ., I er
~o: ;;oibate~nd
P. McCa rren' moto[t!d to Columbul for tho tato fair, WedJlesday. Mr, lind l\tTll, Joe Davia, Mr. and Mrs. . E. GordQn, Mr. and lIIrB. W. The un llh.ille club .picniced at homo of th Wert? - children, day n!ternooll. Dr. and 11's. W. E. Ogle b e t e,r tnincd f r ie nd!! Irpm C1evl,lland er I,ho w k·(md, Mr~ llntl Mrs, A, !'. Coli it lind Non Robel·t; Ill llde a btll;ineR." lrip to lum bus u 11 ~HltJ l't!II Y· W .S . il v I' di.:d londoy 111 0 at {) u'clock. Fune ral urranl't! m, UII I.!I ' nuL mudc aL t ime (I r writing , Cnptu in IlIirleR Glll'nor, o { Clu\ibUR, spent the wCl' k·cnd wit h 11I ~ mother, 1\1rs , Mul' Y Finch I1ml Robert Gilmer. Wayne 28% Hog, Meal is a big profit. 1\11'. an d J\tr~. Gtlorgo Vl1rvull li nd m~ker for any hog raiser who has an obunM r . a nd IIfrs. .Frunk Kl ein lind fmnily, of Dayton, spe nt' t hl! week-end dance of corn to feed . I here ""ith rclllLiv es . ,This high protein concentrate balances your Mrs. W . W. COSSU1l1 II nil du ugh· I corn at a very low cost perfuriit of digestible t er s, Ha ri'ietl nnd J ell n. were lI inner A'U osts of Mr. "lId MrR. hn1'les Gray protein, and insures tbe highestlfee~ingvalue und family, 'fuesduy Ilvo ning. from your corn. . Mr. und Mrs. E. ll. Da ki n enterSold by , tain ed at dinner recently, I)r, nnd Mr~. W. E. Ogl ebt' e, Mr, und Mrs. W, W. Welch Ilnd Mrs . Allie Dllkin. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Snell ll nu fomil l' huvo moved into the Da kin property und Mr. Snell is open ing II CU1l1 Dlld f eed business in t he Frank Hul' ris store room. Phone 25, Waynesville, Ohio Mr. and ~ s. C. E. Gordon lind fllmily ent ertained ?II:- and ro. Clyde Cleaver and SO il, Mr. lind Mrs. Clint Cleavcr lind daughter, Mr. lind Mrs. Howard Graham and daught e.rs Tuesday evening. . Subscl'lbe to the Miami O...tte. About fift een young folks goth· ere.d lit th e home of Win ston Cline The underslgnnd, as executrix of nelny ovehing as a furewell party will of Susan E. Haines, deceasfore he leaves fO,r hi ~ school work the to an order of th e Com ed, at Fairmount. A delightfu! eveninG' monpunuant Pleas court of Warren County. was s pent with games nnd dainty r eObio. will oft'er at public sale, on the fl'Cshments were served. premises, on Mr. and Mrs. W , W. COSgUlU and Frida", Septemb.r 9, 1921 family i1epa'rted Thursday for ChiMONEY LOANED 2 o'clock, cago, where they will .establish their , The farm At oI decendent, known ~s home. C. H . Gray, driving one of the "J,Qe Hains Farm," consisting of Gordon's trucks conveyed the~r lug- the old' State Road in Wayne Town- LOANS on Chan..la, t~c~, Seeurlgage through to Chicago. Carl Black- 01" State Road in Wayne Town- Uea and ~Ilc\lnd Mortgne... . Note. ford accompanied them. ' ship, Wart;en County, Ohio, about bo ught. _ John Harbin. Jr" Xenia, -mao-'ed Captain nnd, Mrs. David W ona . mile northeast of the village of Ohio. dar a'n d Miss Martha Bro~ Waynesville. Brown Falls, Germantown, wer~ , Bee blr bills for tel'\')s. FOR REPfT o'clock dinner guosts of 'Mr. and LIDA M. SAWIN. --~-------Executrix. A. S. Collett ' and son, Jtobert, on - -FOR RENT- Apartment of five Sunday_ Oapt. Welday Is an instrue rooms. Inquire at the Guatto tor nt Miami Military Institute where office. Robert Collett ill enrolled Ill! a , t udent. Mr. nd Mm. A. S. Collet~ und aon . FOR SALE Robert, - entertained nt dinner' on that Jennie Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. W. and W, Cossum and four children, David of FOR SALE-Bennulla Onions • ..:rd Harriett. Mary, M,rs. Frances and n of Warren tomotoes: L. V: Branltratel', Carplyn Anne, MaryJ ean Doster, . M d M W Waynesville. 617 ; r. an r s. . W. Gillam t WIIJ-iam day of August FOR S ' ' and Cha.r les Doster and Earnest GiIW. Z ROLL' ALE-House on Tbil'd Itreet. lam. . Judge of the Probate Gourt , 7 roon18, front and ' baek po~, "Cyclone Sally." put on , by Warren County, Ohio: larg!l lot and .barn. ' Mal')' ~ott, Young Frienl/II Meeti'lg, ' Frank C. Anderson, Atty. Wayne~~l1e, OhiO. .' ~7~ evening was a decided hit • -- • FOR ,SA[.E -,- lPoland·Cb.JI/la ' pip" thjl attendance Was not what bQth sex, weighing up to 2&0 ' IDa, NOTIC~ OF APPo_iNTMENT A . L• K.i n" W'aynesviU e, O. , -.7 . been ' in' f ormer ,years w hen ' worthy young people' have ' ' . •. . their plays here. Miflll Eatate' of David Evans. deceased. PU¥pS-;Bockle~'a line 'o f wen, aDd , Notice ill hereby aiven' tbat Jtob-. cnltern pumpa;, iulnd, electric ud derwood coachlld the pla.y and wbo partioipated' gave evidence en W: Brown has been duly appoint- p~)'!"er , dl'iven, Ia' tile "elt. P/l1D1.,. tslent , and ability in portraying alia qUallfied as administrator of Jl~lIrt1. THE BOOKLET·KING CO., characters they , ·represented. tH. estate of DaVid ' Evans, late of ,416 W. M&!il St., Xen~ Ohlo. , ' ' Harveysburg furnished W arren . Ohl0, ' deceaaed_' during the FOlt, SALE-I hava a nlca male- JloJ- ' c.el!ent musicorchestra SIOOlI, of' Auguat, stein calf, 4 ,montha old• . RiI ' dam M ......... will rive. 60 Ib•• ,of ~Ilk ~r' ~ ~, Ray ~iarr ' W. Z. ROLL, Weight. J088.,h Reynolcla, BeU pIlOn. and children Judge of 'the Probate· Court, 107, Centerville, Ohio. , " <dII . ~Icnic Sunday , Wa11'en Coun~y, Ohio, FOR SALE-Yo·urir Ii ... '... ",::l""""'-' U ' Go. Stan- 'and family, near: • _. " I S On-.om uU , ley. . Others In ' attendanco> . tubercblln tested. Teleplion. Cenand Mrs. W _ M. ' Mathl'sa and AND · KEEP IT, OUr ,terville 84-2 lAo • Rolla BoJton. M '" ,abel Starr, of Dayton tester Starr Sb "I t o\t tli I ' ' 1'1 of Osborn t Mrs. Rebecca Pucke~ and e-t ' f 9h ek ,rbee p~, for this PIPE ' VALVES AND ~.UM· granddaugnter Rose~atY Puckett, .ou, 0 t e coo ook_ I ' 11 '. . "-I;-"U'II_ ,of and Gray, 'ot Be (at.ter did, Waynesville. , , ' perf~ctl1 right;..it should never haye bUt. TRE · BOCmT.~O JoUy Workers' Sewing elub been put there. ua w. MaID jIftet. X..... OllIe. their end-of-the-se8.ll0n meeting '/" ,. , . ."" ,. i' , the Tucker, girls, af. The mothers to inspect the ' have done. The. fImIt v~ar-D1r'I .. 1 by Rhea M(~CsLi:rl9n I who ae·monSl,ra·t-
G'e t Quicker Ga'i ns At a Lower Cost Per Pound,
Waynesvi'lle Farmers' Exchange Company,
M .==================:i;;==55==5=_iiiiiiiii.!!!
Public Sales
- -- - - - -
---_.- ..
Jack (in fll' vver w·l·th one ""ln1l1:l\1 lls Hharged'Ra~as fined $6.00 and co'.U ft~~~:~~:~ DB,U",rn . arry Imlley. , having , pleaded to catch a train)-"Can't you go guilty as, chalrged, waaftned and little faster, Bill?" costS.. '.. BilI-"Sure, but I don't want to • (. , " ' I.tE~ ES'rATE' TRANSFERS leave the ma()hi~~ • Os eat: HOWiard al. ' ,to Virgil. Z. AS _ PER _USUAL _ ~r~~tmT~. et .111." 16 8C[t!8 in Turtle. of a French aeam. fli.st , ' She-"Spent my vacation up in the Pile and F'ranz to Ed d lrit:11I alao exhibited mountains." thom"lotli in Franklin' war Ha.w- Illl:d ~ade. " The ,gp.ls to have He-"Really. Did you have B Mathew ana Victori~ Me t to DhwelD!!r roast In tbe near future and guide?" , J an,a Leah L H rme z t ~s entertai~ the Pig club , boys She-"Well- only my consoieiice." ' • in Eranklln 'T' ennetz, one Damtfc retreshments ' were served at. aridl Thom,¥, to Clarc ose of the. =::Ing . ' ence , J~ta In vdlage of Co' , Ar'~L,I!i,~TI[ON TP7 the Miami Guatta fo. J.~ Wall zaddale. Chirence H . Taylor to J and .Flora' F. 'W~M, Iota in : , l?;,R. Hocltett et- aI., tru''s'Ot'eZe,asllQSlle I .amI Montl1ly, Mee~ing of Friends :A. R. Penny, 40 .town acres in Warren county." ~. E. LeR,oy to· the Paragon RefiOlng Co., .317 town acres fn Franklin. trll,n.n""'n' Anna W. Hphher, to R. E. Sharp .114 to~ aClres' in Franklin. ' vehiCle!! to 'be ueed Pheba A; Kh'by to 'Harold Parlett ' lots in Rldgeyille. .' A)fred M. Hinsch to I.ouise L""wis may' -obtain In " . .'olr)lii~{f')n 8 Intereatcd 110 time Slid place .of lot. Ih L0 b an~11I. 8a lil application by ad. Allhe~ ' M. Hinsch to Louise Lew- -:::'- C--"O"_' Publlc: Utilities CommleIS. ots In LebanQn at Columbus, Ohio. " . HAB . GORDON bidor Kau:rman ~nd Ide. Kaufman to . H. E. Warwick, lot in Avalon _ !'rvCYllburg. o,bio, HeIghts, Turtlecreek Tp, FREDDY PUNS A BIT \
New Burliagton,O_ , PhODe No. 320
. _.
Wmen County Fair, Lebanon, Ohio Wednesday, Thur8day~ 'F~.iday and Saturday
'.SEPTfMBfR 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1927 ~ ~ S'P.~IAL PRIZES-FARM
. YEAJt'
Saturday, Sept. ,17 2:24 P&ce; Puri •• >•• • _.'.$350.00 ~Trot.
Pur..e ....... ,$~SO.OO
2:18 Pl\c••
~ur••.. , ... ,,$350.00
- 2:10 PaCe ~ch&llb
.: ... Pur•• , .~,~ " '$500.00 2:20 Pac., Poin ••.•••... $350iOO Fre. , for All T';ot,' M.rchant'. P;ur••, '500.Qo
. '.'.
pIU:brn,ll:n'~Ib:' tlBOe~::~:-"-
,. • SMiy.t&.l:l~-fo~,:you~ SaleDat... w. Cua~ant4l. . Satl_,...tion(or Chare. ,Nothing.
cq"~JSSIOI~ERS ' ~U~WANCES Freddy the! Frosh says that a good C, J .Waggj)ner, premium~, " lass causes many a young f~r r~corder, $,18:60; Ohio man to reflect! " bary, Mfg Hnd Sales d;I~,:;::~';;t:1 sqpp,lie!5, for 'a'uditor, . $46, 6; Pa!~phve , Rupplles' fol'-jail, P~lIltp pay roll, $60.86; Scoht, repair ' $7' Ed b~dge . $4.66';, W: C. ' b,:"ldgo $10.60; C. -'R. Be(!KeI:h: team $71.50; A. rer, orl'I"~'a
•• O"'e, .,•• I." ,Ia....,.•" CI••• _.11Wa,JI" _.".r•••III. ,.'.~
.,.tric• • ,
............ PrIU, ,1.10 r.
v •••
Palm .... t
. .:.,
In the long haul farm relief possibly ,viU cOllie fl'om; what ' 8 few years ago would have boen consilIbred sn unexpected source. The coming Conres8 may pass a farm relie f bill nn( the PI'osident may sign it, thuR giving , agriculture the fed eral aid 90 long sought. However, there 'has been another federal factor aL work since 1914, when the Smith-Lever act wont through, from . which we aro just now beginning to obta in rcsults. In fnct. the Smith-Lever act made pO B8ible n - demonstration of the Bible truism "a little cha\ld shalJ lead them." The Smith-Lever act rave power to the" department of agri culture to put Into effect extension work In agriculture and home economies on farms by co-operating with state IIgriculturnl colleges, In other words--it made possible our boy and leirl farm clubs. This Y,ear there are 510866 young people enrolled in federally controlled farm club work. II. Is needleu to .tate here how those cilib members function: We all know of the pig, cow, poultry, rarden, forestry, cookine, aanlllltion lind health club members and their activitIes. We all know that our boys and leirls enn enter thl8 club work and competition only under the direction of trained local federal agents. We know that they are taught to do all thingB agriculturally by newest and most scientiftc methods. Age Iimillitions for farm club entry 18 10 to 18 yellrs, every year now a new uating Into active Bcientiftc Ilnd the standard of our agriculture dfort becomes higher and higher, Within the lapse of ten yearl! our agricultu.r al leaders will mostly be grad uatell of this IntelUlive vOClitlonal training sYltem~ They wnI have "learned by doing." They will know how to fipre coata. AaTiculture will be on a busl'oeu bull and maklnl' money: AI it ahould have been throul'h all the !,!!!,'~.""___
av a(-Y-o 'clock---the Greatest event in a s ix-month!
The Greatest 'Fall Event o~ the Miami Valley·.· Worthy Tribute · to the Great Montgomery County Fair! HIS outstanding event of the T entire Fall season deserves your whole-hea rted attention for its opportunities and , savings. Through it we wish to pay a tribute to the Great MOlltgomery County Fair-to ptly homage and to honor the products of Industry, of the Soil and of Human Hands--of th<n!e things which the Fair just closed has demonstrated-thoBe things which have made of this progressive Miami Valley the bright spot of the Nation. This tremendous Fall Festival is the mecca for merchandise for the home and the person-jhe bringer of rare savings.
Chiffon Hose in Festival Sale
$1.39 DucheSBe Hose. SHEER Noted ror its finenessnoted for its quality, for its rare beauty and durability. Brought to you at this Il'reat Festival saving.
Boware of the tables or "normal weight," saYI Dr. Leonard Williaml, of ,New . York. Tholle tablel tell you that .& mail of certain height welghl nonnally 147 pounds at twentyllive, and at fifty 162 pounds. It ill a dangerous falaehood.A man ahould. IIl~ waya we~ leu at lift)' than at twenty-live. It be does · not. he will die lOoner tm.n he might die. One pound or to tbe, we.ll'ht O'D a tnake hlm lc)~ • raee. Imq\ne the handicap on lUI old heart, old lun,., old , kidneys, by adding twenty or tw~nty-live poundl ot fat at ilfty. Dr. Williams, laYI lind out what your lo-ealled '''normal ·weight" is, then redllc; twl!Jlt, pounds below -It. Weight I. f~t, dlaplacinl' muac:le wh1cb conDeeta on the heart' .. , well .. the abdomen. lien olel In yelll'l and ~t intellectual power, Volt:jt.ire, Pope Leo, Von Moltk., w .... a1molt liVing l!celetoM. til .t I...t' twenty to thirt7 Po.r CeJIt ' below what would be e.Ued 'notmal w.Wht." Eve.,. on. of UI could Uve well and loncer ,on half of what he eata now.
Festival Feature I
$9.95 a tew of thele UnitJUST I, buill Boudoir Cilalra at thl~ price.
FOIUnl a.le haTe full are well-padded and u.phol.tered In attraettYe oretoone. . Trul, remarkable yaluo for the jp'• • t "eIU"al ·J!l"Yent. I'IINlIt.,.e--l"f,,1\ 1'100"
Festival 'Savings
$11.90 , INE all-wool suits in F'the new 8-ijlttto~ Fall models. 'Smart h'erringbODEis and 1'\ o.v eIt y weaves: Ma~erials that have been .,... tested for wear. Sizes 7 to 16 yrs.
, --(),,-J
3 for ,$4.50
. MENIn arethllto raU ahare greatlT . Feltlnl. .1'"
Then fine ' ahlrtl from our "1IIl.r manufaoturerl, .... made of the best mterlals, III • new patternl and f..n I~Y)". Comple~e ~anlie or
'If 1,011 don't wabt your boy to ....oke.--(lon't ·l.t him 10 around witla
If 10", 1I1d1ti1" lto... women come batk into etYle Jno", men will .ride , n ahpl&~'L ,,' , .
". - 0 -
, It won't be hard to jump a board bUt when' .e have OriN restauranta. Order l1arachute, 1I0W; .
Men 's French handkerchief. 300
Wo men's 'kerchlafl, handrolled edge 170 Boys' Golf Knlokers IS.'9 Bunlo'8 OIall. Ooateotloa.
, .11... · ~"~""
I19c I_
. Glove 'Sllk Vest IJ.1I9 Bourjols Hand-••de Com-
Me,.', ' Slop
WlIsl)able cllamol.uede glons . IS_ Ogllvlo Sisters' Peclle Cre~
Steel Bead Balrll eo.N A Hair Bruall .peelal at Sterlln« Haadle S..ak let. ,
Hand-made Flowerl
GOc . . . .
New Rhlneltone Bl"OlICIllel Me Leat'll.r Sehool Ba,l '11e rlne Needlepoint
".N to"'O
Cllln.all Bra.. Bowll New Met.I x..1IIP Bue.
lIue ·
,.1.... ,...
54-Loch wool n..~
.•."Ie •
' " ,....
40-IBOh ntis erepe. ,
SS-Inch fairy eatlao,
The l'a,1\(o,. Jl'foor
311-411,Ch Iporta HUe.
e&cl • ,.....
Tailored Frocks for Girls and ' Women at $25 t
Antique Olliaele I•• I..... SOc to . ,... Seam Ie.. sll...., 11 b, to Il)ehel.
. ....
Slo«l. Beaoon bl.atea..
Silk and wo'ol dr..... aa4 , . . Junlor 1r1~11' Iporta coat.,
Every: well-eq~pped ward· rolia contains a Dumber of
. ~
New Jeney dre....
nElat1y tailored frocks - the kind ' that are suitable for · school, for bU8ineu, for street and genera] wear. . Here, Festival has brought a group of excellent styles, tine mll1terl~ls, new colors-and all at very special sale prices. They come in crepe satm, Lelong crepe and novelty crepes. Sizes 14 to 20 and ~6 to 46.
rltr J'iIII,
, 10 Broadcloth bloulel ~4i'r en , . ..... Trillium allk IIlllerte
... CO"_ .
Mol May eoreette. at
....5 . .d _ _
Satin nelUleea, broc.de' ond plalll, ..., . Da.ytlme JerelY frOCkl, ".~ BOyS' claambrll' and ..... bam lults. ..-... Women's 110111' faU IhQel. ., 1O.8lI aIld Ie_
'Dr~'" 8"OI(~'I1":"
Chlldren'.-foot-tr.lner -.aii\'lr, ~ • •415 &ad • • •
r, '"
September tl the mQnth when the ' , ..turaUon point Ie reached in -inf, aulta.. ' · . ,
. ,...,:.0.-
60(' to It Silk shaWl In colors 1118,T5
,.•• 1'11"(011 U'foo,.
Coll ar !lnd cutf sets
rile ,y4lUn'TS/ 80/011-
'I'll" B'II.r
. The First Dayi .
It ill _Id there il notbin", in elll. ~ . to aboek lUIybody-from
Pictures In Good Tute
Fine Boudoir Chair,
,200" Men's Shirts
. hlI llater.
31lc anI'! TOe:
Included are many replicas of models made by famous French de8igners. There are Vagabond styles, soft draped , models, many variations of the skull cap mode. . Hats suitable for any occaeion from morning to night -In fabrics which are smartest for fall- and colors to complete any ensemble. in new fall 8hades. Such models at such prices can be found only in such a sale!
The n ook Of Th e American In dIan ,1 .M Framed plate gl1l8S mirror
Special Festival Prices On New Fall Hats! $5 to $15
In low• • fann hand recently won a corn-hualdng championship, huskinc mo" tlWi tWeJity"\ebt bushell of com in e\ehty mlnutel, beating hia ne.relt competitor 'b y . more than two buahtlL At E\.l~u. Kan., Joe l.O,ebel w.. declared champion diatributor maklniLa record of , in a poulb)e 100. \Ilr. Loebel ~itbrew ~02 pounds" of mail, maJdng bu~ one ;milltali:e: And the mlatake WIll due to bad writlJlII'. • ' But you ,will never > Interest tbe 'public 10 labor champlonahipa as ,you do In prile 1la'btlngj ,j>uebaU and run 'n lnc champloillhlpa. Atbletilc acblevement ~ in the bloQCi of . the raee, inherited fro~ our aneeltora throqh blUidrecla of thouaanda ,of yean. We ~ .nd hunt ,because w.e like to. "'e bUIlt Clorn, diltribute letten, dla d1ic:h.. becauee we muat. The... ill a bla cWrerel';ce~ _ • , ,
fia ln Sh ln o Um bl ') llas ,
Chl ld ro n's quality hose
Th e Coal D epor /mentT he Fa,hlen. Floor
Quick Meal Range
. -.
Only such a Festival sale as this could bring such an op portunity - coats that combine be!lut" style, quality and low price. There are new impOI·ted tweeds--soft tan and gray mixtures- some with beltssome without. Kit fox, beaver, baum marten, skunk, wolf and caracul are used fol' trimming. The dress coats are in black, nlew tans, green, ail or ' blue, brown and red. Sizes 14 to 46.
TJJJS fille an-w.hlte Quick Me"l ••• range has a por«Ialo-llned o.ell and a "Red Wheel" ~oralo Oven Heat Recul.tor. .An efflcltllt, econolnleal raote that Is ALWAYS ACCURATE, R O1I,GlVo,.,,_Ba.e'l'etll
"Other Special Festival I tems-- Brief in space but great in savings!
·F estival Brings. New Fal l Coats At Less! $5ge50
Festival Priced /
SIq. · .
Junior MIsB · tur coate.
193 to . . .
4,000 Pieces of
Men', Two-Trouaar.-SIIU.. ellcopUonal TIl ...... Men'e Fall Hats, m••,. .t,.l.. and colo.... " '\ lIS All Strate-Elglit Silo.. ""or
Fine Glassware
A Fall Festival spe.cial of colored optic glassware in peach, rrreen and amber. InCluded are :
Nine· Piece Fitted OYerJllllII CasB (black), ,10•• Flnll QUllllty Wilton RUII, , aade of wonted '11'00\.
Goblets Pllrfa lts Wine. Footed Tumbler Cocktails Sherbets Fo.l?ted Ioe 'I'eo Footed Cockta il Ice Creaml To match are 1000 salad 1,lale8
1I10u18oul Oriental RUII. s ilky hlsh plio, '19.GO HUAdreds of Net Curt.lnl, heavy net. 1114 ,ards lOlli, 1 • .30 Union Hlmlwaro' Roller 8katos. 3 llael, Atwntor·Kont CODllOle Radio, 6-tubes, ,J88 co..ple&e
32'pieee Dinner Set, $4.75
Good p'orcelain in lovely pattei'lls at this low Fall Fostival Price. ' Ohtna . Depl.- Fourtll Floor
Plan NoUJ To Come. Saturday at9---The ,First Bour If You Can!
It reUrfon could' be put on lhe "u-
baal~wHn bequlo~d. , -4- '
~odel .~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . . .~~. . . . . .~. .~. .~. . . .~. . . . . . . . . .____. . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . ..i........~..~..~......~..~..____;;~__~~.,__________......~..~....
tomobtle . ' new mlibt :.; every taU-4Iie evoluticinilta I'.·
,Your Uncle Sam 'Ie ,l.a that cold ltormy; weather ,I I eomin, on-wli'lqh WUl put '. Itop ,~ . the.. Atlantic ,:nd Paeillc air hop.... . " " . '.
11'f · FOJmCLOIVJUD Ie' '" ' . WI&~ . :N ~••ON PLIDA. ,
9 to 11
m, 3 to:5 p. m. 7 to 9 p. m.
Clfflce • Residence •
• .469P'2
WayneswlUe, Ohio
\ ...~
Will, Dr.WD .......~Ee~.!p ~ ,
WaJllemu.. Ohio ,
..--------HIS SPECIALTY M".1Uley ~lor beaan hlB du~leR all tueher In tlie prlnr Valley 8t'hool TUI.'~day. • )flll\lIger--fl You'ro the lilowelfbo, w ··ve ever had. Aren't you quick RaYl1l('llcl Conn r and D. E. Mr. "nd Mn. lyric Whurt\l n and ' I i! ord ,II U(' \l(ll·d th ~ Dayton fair cluu~hter!\ IIpent SlIturduy ill nllyton, at anythlnll'!" Boy- loY 8 • . air; nobody can let with MI'. and MM!. Le Gl'cllt h litle. MondaY. the lat ter bping ill. Dr. P. A. Gamer, chiropra tor. t ired B\\ quickly as I cnn." Lebanon, Oklo l, Phone 78, ,1111'8 . _ F. E. Thi:lmas and Mrs. ~r, and l\f r~ . . 11. BUTnuLt a tl n~ t r Su rfaGe w ra Dayton HhOPPCl rs. d t he BUTnet,t t· union, Rllnday, lit !!!!!!~~!!'!!...!!!'!! -~. !!L!!"!!~~!!~.!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!.!!!, 111 r 8. Emcl'Ilon Mason. who wns Tu srlny.· .' , lhe hOllle (If Mr. lind MI·~ . Milton qu it sick last. week. ' Is very much ' Keys, ub Wllyne ville. . Mr. [!,Iei 1\11'8. b ltcf. [88 hal'lot t Jamcs. .o f Fivll duughLe r, D I'is. will gUI)' ut tho homo of ' Mr. 'K enneth Kllbon. of Dayton. spent r ns. Sunday, , F rank Rogl.'ts and a t t end \he week-end ~with Dr. /lnd f rs. urI z a t Wlly n 8vil\ . AIl~r tI tOU t' through l bo West. H ndcrson. MrS. usan Saylor nnd son . Riley, Lawrencu Brown lind family retu rn- Mr. Ben Hllwl.ee and famil y, l\{rl\. Elof l he mallY Speced lust week, Take advantage nUended the ' Spring VIIIlen ,Copsey ~ illis during ~ u ;gu st tit Cary's J welry ley H o m c c~min g Saturday. Mr.. Qnd 1111'.. Fl mm uLl ' l"" ycr a nd ' hop, Leban on, Ohio. sCl n I('ft lust weok by lI ulo (o t' 'l'exns , fl·~. hllrl c~ InrI ree ive,1 wOI'd last w ck of th dea th 0[ her couslIf rs. IHalli' Poel, of inci nn ul i. allli Ari~ <l lIu . in, Mlliissa Redfern. at Xenin. whose visited ove r Lubor Day with hor sisfunernt was hele! ·aturdIl Y. to lIIrs, F lorence Huddle, of Muuiter, Mrs. Annl3 Hathnwuy. of Route Mr. lind Mrtl. W. M. Coleman and so n vill~. is visiting at the home of 4. !illS Thelma motored to Hamilton. Ir. and Mr s. W. S. Graham . Thur~ d IlY. lind spent the, day with Mr Mrs. Lizzie Lewis and Mrs. D. E . ri nd Mrs. Fred Sour8 and family. Mrs. am h Zimmcrm un hns retur n Stllndi ford WNe ,linn 01' g ucsts of Mr. and Mrs. ' Glenn Brock nntl Mrs.' Tom Lucy. of Route 1 , last Fri- cd home Ilfler lin extended villit wit h th~lt children, Betty Jllne and James, of fri untls ill Illtlill llapolis. Ind. day. Indianap lis. Ind .• were over Sunday A fnrltily reu nion wit.h about ~ i xty Mrs, C. III. Henderso n. Mrs. IIrl guests of Dr. and Mrs. I •. G. Brock. Mr. lind Mrs. Allen ' Emrick and present WUR held li t t he home Noble a nd 1111'. Georgc Henderson atMr. and M1'8. J. B. Jones relurned of 1r, lind MrR. Chal'les Rye, Sun- te nded t he Stille fuir lust week. retere~ce, Monday evening a fter n dolightful tlay. M,'s. J, W. Burton hus returned motor trip lind visit to Cleveland. nt hOlile of Mr. lind Mrs. Leon SalisThe pr imal'J1 CIUSB of Ule Friends home uftel' a visit with her sister. the bury and childl·en. Sunday School picniced with MI'. li nd Mrs. B. E. Putte n, in . Columbus. !\frs. W . M. Colcman lind Miss M r~. Seth F urnus, Wedn esday of lust Dr, Dud ley Keever, of Centerville, Thelmn motored to Cincinnati the week. of last week where Miss Thelma was l he guest of Dr. lind Mrs. A. T. fl\Vn;L IIS trealed at Ch r is hospital. They ]Ill'. and 1I1'1"s. S. R. onrad fi nd Wright on Salu rday. Auctioneer and Real Estate Auctioneer took dinner with Mr. and !\frs. Hen- Th e NEW Wayne 26?O makes It fumily, of E rhlngc r. Ky .• w· rc weekprncticnl to combine your II'round ry El fers. al Rellding. Wa ynesville, Ohio. Springboro, Ohio. (' li d gu sts of Mr. a nd Mrs. T. Why do we sell so much silverThe littl e dau g ht~r of Mr. nnd f arm grains Into nn economical ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ll ardl n. ware ? Because " Yourox Sihe~eal" Mrs. George Apple (.Iied Sunday af- f nrm-mix Iflying mush ' o,t 8Uis lhe best plated ware made by man t ernoon. Fu ne ral' wus Tuesday at ?olr. fi nd Mrs. Rober t E lder and <lr machine. Sec the beautiful pat- their rcsid nce north of ,F erry. Tn- per ior qualit.y. It brings you 12 b /l'b ~' daughter. Anl" a Ethel, of Stlu,th lerns at Cllry's J ewelry Shop. Leb- lurm ent in Zion cemetery, ncar Mi(,8:1olltilll. high grade ingredients CharleslOa. spent Sunduy wi th lI11sB anoll. Ohio. nmisburg. (all blended \.qgether) that are Lh Cha'lldlel·. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn J ohns and chil- not produced on tho farm. The Waynelville W. C. T. U. met Miss L01'etta Titus, of Detroit, dl'en, of Dayto n were six o'cloek dinner g uests, Sunday. at the home spent t heir vacation a t the of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Johns. was opened with devotionals by L, C. ' Home. r eturned Saturday to and family. Mr, and \I1rs. Abram Cook. of Spring their home in Columbus. boro, we re afternoon callers. 11m. aD,d !In. SI1vcr. newely elected Farm ~ of Warren e unt . _ h'ld pnadent, presidinc,' There was no VI' • , • 0 yare m The eyes of every Bchool c I Mrs. Martha Graham has been PhoD. 25 Wa,....m•• Oblo I]MHIial propm. on account of clos- ted t o Jom ",:t h Coun,ty, Agent Mrs. Edwin G~ndle., Miss Ru ~h should be examined during va- caring fo r her brother). .Rudd Saylor's son '}'hile t he ::;ay]or's moved :" _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _.I little inc up the businea. for the year Rc- Class and ExtenSIon SpecialIst SI!- Miss Edna Shaner is taking a busl Chandler and AlI.ss ~ch el Pettlt, cation . Dr. Rudolph is an eyesight porta of depanmental work wa~ gi~_ pher in an auto tour. Thursday, Sep- ness cour8() at Greenfield. s pent L'abor Day at the home of Mr. specialist and gives special care to from Wre ~. Ohio. to Leba non. where ,n aDd turned into the county direc- tember 8th. to see a number of 8()Y an d Mn . L. W. Chandler. children's eyes. Examination free, lIfr, Saylor will t each manual train. ton. ' (,'. bean fields and tests with this annual Dr. P. A. Garner, chiropractor. Tuesday and Saturday at Cary's Jew ing in the Lebanon 8chool. ... E . ..'01 tb. polic)', but what tt.. ,The aut meetinIP will be held at le~me, grown 118 a substitute hay Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 78. 0 a. m: to 3.: 80 p. m.. Tuesday. elry Shop. Lebanon. Ohio. Mr. an d .urs. . A. Chal'leton at1 " 1 \ ct f • f 9 a. t:O. ul~tll 8 p. m .• Saturdny. po .e), W( 0 or ,.0". tended the Gibb8 reunion at Masen the IlIIIaI 'time, the fint' Tuesd1ly In I or alfnlfa and clover. W N . Rudolph, the Eyes'-ht Specialist. Lawrence Sherwood. of Connells- Ohio. Sunday. They were accompa~ Oetober_ : ,The tour will ~tart from the Farm In G,reenville. • . SearsFriday. and son. John, were t o ' J I S~b on busineBS. 8 ary 8 Ilwe ry oP. Lebnnon, vilie, PII. lI1iBS Dorothy Sherwood, of nied by the Intter's slBte r, Mr. and HIS EAiUflNG I!OWER Boreau office. Lebnnon. at 8:30 a. Ohio Wilmington, Del., and Chalmcr Sher- Mrs, Bert Riggs and d!lughter. who -"i , ' HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT DamN-"Sweetheut, do you thl.n k m.• , atopping ' first to see tests with l\IJ:8. 'Edith Harris spent Tuesday wood, of Philadelphia, Pa .• spent two returned to ,their home at Ft. Wayne ' " . C01llcl1 Bve 'on forty ' doUata a vnrleties. rate of seeding and culti- and Wednesday shopping in Clncin 1\lr. and Mr's. George Boyo r. Mr, days visiting relatives and friends. Ind., Monday. Inlure more motori.t. tha.. an,. vation at the farms of H, A. MUlard nati - and Mrs. E. J. Bayer and t wo chil- here, Among those who a ttended the otber comp.o,.. ... 'BeDe-"Ma7be. B t h i s . and E. I. Freeman. Washington • dren. of Sidney, spent Sunday wit h Stat'1 f air 'at Columbus last week. Tb."e i, • r •• eOD. • •• aad I u w 0 gomg townSh· ij>. ,Slimildarlteb8ta to the The Wayne Township achools op L. A. ,Zimmerman and family. were: Mr. and MM!. S. H. Burnett. ..ill to el." I. ~ us1" .. use 0 f 801 an a ora ry d M ' . ~ , t.1l )'oa wh.,. Mr. and M~. Ben HaWKe and family !!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~ for ino~ulatio!'ii f ertilizers, ' ene t .onday With a large enrollMary Cnrol"'" Lukens wh h b Mr. and Mrs,- Frank Kurfu8. Mr. and , of soedmg, W1 be observed at- the men. di ~- . .' 0 as cen M ~. Calvin Longnere, Mr. and Mrs. farms of W. J. Hel!driJc, Washington . , spen ng lIome ' time wlth her gran Edd Longacre and Willie Long. The township Dorsey Landacre, ,ltlbert MIBS Emma Peacock, of Dayton. . Mt'• .and Mrs. F. A. Hartsock . A ••at, The farm ers are busy cutting to- Longacre's stopped at Ohio Cavern. . GOQcey, 'Barry Schnel,!, Salem town- was the week-end guest of Miu May to hu . home. Monday and WAYNESViLLE, . OHIO on their way home. bacco. , ' , ship,' and Ed Gnmm, Hamilton ,town- Wt'ight. ' ' started' into sc:lltool. . , ship. A few fertlli,ty and v(U'iety ' l\t'r. George Scott l1all been quite ---tests with €lorn dll\. al$o beseen • " Mt'. and Mrs. Ethan Crane and litW. Bo Lane ·lmd family have moved sick the past week. ' tie son. of Dayton, spent the week- from Mrs. SUBlln Fryer's property inEverybody is, inVIted. ,Mr. Kesler Graham made II busi•- • end wi~h relatives. ' to 'Mrs. Anna Sheehan's new house ness trip to Dayton. Thu~day. on North strElet. Mrs. Kate Rieks and Mrs. Lowell Tho~aa spent Albert Wilson left Sunday for "TI- has meved intC, the rooms vncated by the week-end at Wapakoneta. ro, Ohio. where he has a position in tbe Lanes. the public schoo1. Miss Helen Duke, of Miami Valley " ~~ t • . , ' Mias Edith McKibben, In company hospital, was a Sunday guest of home .-.... _~ ........ I .. LehaThe Friendship clUb wUl witb Missos E1;inbeth Sbeets. of LebMO.T M~"" A Illt I'ItIlIlE ...... ·........ for."O f _ R. A. Stillings left Tues day the bome of Mrs. SteUa anon. Elvaloia Jones of South Lebat MACHlpJi.Sj JI.IDO.alO 'lSY Wednesday. September ~ 14, nO,n. Helen Graham, of Harye;v-sburg. morning to attend ·eonference at Del1, r i ...CIder.., .,.tI£ vJII.\l . . Deborah Walt.~n. of Xenia, enjoyed aware. Ohio. . . ',\ ~ ~ ....... ""bl. 10t'· lD FraaaIdiD. 10 ,,",o,"'l\tJ" Wanted-GIl') for general house a boat on ,tM! "ChilB Greene." A ,large crowd enjoyed the Sunday ........ ff" ••011' farm. '~., , work. One who can go home at to ,O harleston W. School picnic at Reeder'8 woodll. SatI' ' 1>2., \/fr ., ' • urday Ilfterno, on. SEE uS. W.' bay. coadlld.ul prac~lcall' · •••17 I. thi. l.ctlO. for 110 ~ of . . . . . . . . . 8-roo_ T .. ·,.....D .E. ' Standiford " , 'work . ...r, tb k d _ . ' . Mr. and Mra, Robert Burnett and the p •• tre. y •• ,.. liftD. ".' • wlel. ..,qaaialalle.. W. ....... ~ ~ ....17 of ",at.r, e wee -en in Spring 'Valley Next to life Itself eyeSIght is person of Day ten were week-end guests· f e-" ' , ' . .... f - . .._ ' n i t ' " ti ....r. Mr. and MM!. Elsworth Haines. haps the most p1'ecious pOBSeaaion of of home folks: , • IIl'Dut. rom .tart to .....,.b, to •• t what r.all)' co".la-DOLLARS 'A:RD ~. mankind, ' I~ l~aYB to have your eyes Mrs. Margaret Johns wa'a ~ Frida CENTS-Wb.n yo" .... Iht'~DI aa •• ei.ion ••a•. " 'See the beautiful new ' trifta and ~~: .~nti;nd hU,D.. ~yehllight Ilpec- dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. ' C. w. ~•• ,011 th.1a which DO ODe do... That ' we GUAR. novelties at Cary's Jewelry Shop tl 0 P III ere every Hough, at Waynesville. ' ' , "The Home of Gilts." Le , banon. Ohi~ Tuesday and Saturday, Examination Mr d M J H k d ANTEE TO SATISFY. ,.0" ID ..... )' •• )' 0. " du ..... notlol... A•• OUR A ........ aMI Real E ...te. is free. Cary's Jewelry Shop Leb,an rs. ames aw e an " . '~ anon, Ohio. • • 1amiljJ' of Lima. ar~ visiting Mr. and term. are I!'O~ re, ~ o .. bl. tha .. any olb...... ,:W. aI.o take can of .11 WAYNfSVtlJ.£, 1;- , ~ ~. '0';10 Mrs. D. E. Standiford and , Mrs. en ~awke and family. ' , .dnrtleiDI' 'W . ha•• ' eODduet.ct HoI". Sal•• I. bolla X....1a aad Da,.. Hon, Earl Conner. Jr.. last M School opelled Monday morning . . " _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~'!"""~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....;,_ _ _ _ _~ Thursday with 1\:11'. and Mrs. Elsworth " !. an.iI Mrs. F . A. Hartsoek are with the Primary grades and Miss toa for the put ew ,...ra.. .Haines, ' " movlIIg thiS welek to ,the Clagett home Margaret 'Marlatt, in chafIN. ' ' between WaY1!8aVille., and . Harvey!)- , " NO S~LE TorJ SMALL OR NONE T.OO 'LARGE ' Mr. and Mrs. Madison Earnh rt, burg. formerly· occupled hy \'rlr. and .,Mr. and" Mrs. Charles Gebhart and r .' a. M H Sb'd ' daughte~. Allee. of Miamlsb)lrll'. eallI " • , of Dayton, spent the week-end wI.th 'trsH' arry I aker and Mrs. Char- ed on Lytle friends Monday, j": Here are aom. d." ... for S.pt.mber, the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. ! y arvey. who have moved to Xen. , '!'/' . F. E. Thomas. , Ia. Mrs. Violll Ca1'eY will return to 1If~. and Mrs. Kesler Gl'8.bam , and ·Tburada)', Sept.mber l'S--Lewl. Bal~y lai•• farlll .~1.•• ·3 mil!'. ~t . MOD. her own place vacated by tlie Hart- daugnter were Sunday gue8ts of Mr. f Mi • b ' • At our store yeu can IJelect a Gru- 'socks. ' . ' and Mrs. C. W. Albright, neal' Spring 0 am.. ur•• en watch. Th.e utmost in beauty , , , boro. .. .. n"nd.,. S... t ••ber 22, P,. ~- Run,.'D, oiall, 5 mil.. North of Wa,. accuracy. Cu",'s Jewelry Shop LebM~. ' and Mrs. Jim Griffith and son Misses ~va , ,and Ethel Reeder be- De.YilI':'-'ooct , \ anon, Ohio. • of Greenev11Ie Air and Mrs. W • gan , teachmg Tuesday . morning at , .' Mu~ and 90n 'and' Mrs J ' M ~f' the sc:hools of Merrlttiltown and Sat~rcIa,., October 1. D. E. Dllb, W ••t of '"lamieb.r., h01l,.hold. I ' .oe ax, 0 RidgeVIlle ' M ." I' I . .. AJUI BtnLT. litnCll; WlU ButLD nIDI onlmla, Itt Il daughter of Mr. New Madison. Ohio, were S u n d l l Y ' ~"nral ' ..I., dat.d f~r OctolHir-eom. I~ .)~Duar, ~ .. eI t."r"BI'J'. and 1\Irs. Keller Hoke. Who, was op- dinner of MI'. and Mrs. Geol' e " Mr. and Mrs. A. T. HalneB. of De'G ' II eI I III I · --'" I L_ • • euted on. at M~c\~lland hospiW, on cJlmpany with their visited 'the " former's parents, " •• ~ u. a ,ea a. ,.oar.~. w mm~~t • ., ~ taba Mr• • f .... Monday. 19 gettIng along lIicely, ' " ' 'Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mr. and Mri!. Samuel Haines, ' Suhday; .et lIa. "t.' )'ou w.~t. , SHomcker. G1'8entleld; Ind. '.Af- afternoon. " , Springfield, 't ernoon .... ests -ere Mr'. and M' , atten d'ed S,ATISFACTION OR NO CHARGE-'CALL OR WRITE ,'US :t Kelley. of D andMrs. M Vernn Id G'th .~. .,.. , .0. Mr. an d Mrs. J , 'R . J ohns 'j' , ' " '_\~ rs. a I ens. of ayton. re- Will LeFever a!nd 80n, ot Blue Bait. the Sarvis reunion Sunday, a the .' \ turne~ to their ho""es today, after home ' of Mr: and Mrs. Charles Rre , spendmg several days in Wayn~sville Cary's Jewelry Sho,p Is open overy a~ Wnynfsville. , ' .' . . . ' . evening until ~I , p. m. Come in and 0 .• , Pbon. ' No. 2 M~. Lowell , Thomas. Misses Cleo Cen'lerwill•• If you have promised yourself a see the inany wonderful and unusual ' You are ,always welcome at Stacy, Hele\l a"d Ruth Early and new watch see the Gruetl Guild . Cleo Hawke spent Saturday after-' watches, Elgin. l11inois. Ha~ton at most interel\tinll' store. no,on ~n Lebanon. Cary's Jewelry Shop. Lebanon. o'hio.
Of Real Estate, Live Stock, Farm Proper.•,
ty and Furniture.'
Conducted by auctioneers , experienced in handling _ some of the best sales 'sinc,e 1912. Free information 6iven as' proper time how to prepare property for best results.
Free advertising service, number of buyers on sale day.
sell and
greatly ' increases the
write or teleSatisfied patrons our best phone for date; terms in keeping with the times.
w. N.
Solves Farm-Mix Mash Problems
w. C. T. U. Notic~ 'ANOTHER TOUR
~~;,ms.:~!:t Lis~', ~~:u~:
~i:hpa;:n::.e';1!~ganad f:1~s.di.S T~;~~
Waynesv.-Ile Farmers Exchange' Company ~
- --....- ---
' f Sal rtY or e
Fl._II. ...... ....
Ate you 'going to make an Auction,Sale - S. pring,,? ' t hi Fa U'ornext ·.aI.
':I. ',
.1.. h., .....
' r
Per,Dozen, From
nurse till
F" T 'o M'ART IN'
for the UJoman
Mrs. Oliver Davis. Mrs. . Nettie Kepler and Miss Racbel Davis attended t he funcrnl of their aunt Mrs Melissa Redfern. at Xenia. S~turday, '
:An,AdjUstable ,S teering'Column . to Suit 'Your Convenience for
BUiCk 1928 is euremely thou~htful of feminiDe com, fon. One iodicaUOD of thiS colWderadoD is Buick's Dew I(~, col~Q, wh;icb ~.Y be adjusted to the most com~ ,fdft:abIe poIIbOD for women, u well u mea. . , ADd,iD &!'IditioD; B,Uck for '1 928 has a DeW Iteering wheel 4leDder to' 6t feminiD.e 6ngen-:-yet deep and ,s olid to ~vide ttie firm grip mea demaod. , '8W~ b 1-9~8 ptease. womeD because it is easier to drive '(~.'" it Q,more comfortable ,t o ride io-aod because I It it dae Kkaow1edged .ryJe-J~der amqD, motor can. Th.~1 "!h1 you lee so many Brucks It &shiooable ~athet 'i ap and OD the smanest bouJevards.
The 'Womnn's Auxiliary wfll meet 0',' Friday afternoon. S~ptember ' , With Mrs: D. L. Crane and Mrs. F. B Henderson lit the home of Mrs• Henderson. Diamonds? ' They never wear out never get out of style. and are BIIfe as a Liberty bond. Compare values -not just prices at Cary's Jewelry Shop. Lebanon. Ohio. ' Mr. ' and Mrs. 'William Lefevre. Mrs. Jane Eberhart; of Franklin and Miss ,Alice McCoy. of Chillicothe" were Sunday afterneon guORts of Dr. and Mrs. A. T., Wright. ,
"'J,~ · I~K~492S
~.e~lo.·IGa'age Lebanon
The' , following. eeotly from ,.at! eXl>enJll:ll of Niaa'ara Fall( and Mrs. Joseph Un. Leonard Tinney, )fl'. ,a nd lire. ,~ enee-;;J!ardiJI, of ' Miamlaburir. , 'Mr. and II~- Hury Tl'JIAX, of CincinuatL On their "., throup Cle"~1 ~d. the, spent a vert pleuar¢ e.,· enl~ with Mr. and- M,.. Murrell TinDe,. ~' . .Olll::lt~; C/'.
Ito J.,'
,Wise,motorists kpow that Goodyear Tires, ,with thet," famous, ' road grippin~ AU.. Weath~r . Tread, are the iafes:t winter driving equipment. The big biocks,o f ,super-tough , ' tread ~bber are scieDtifi~IJy desi~ed for ~imum tract:. ' io~. We ~ave y~ur ." ,~', .j' , '. ,",', , size-fresh oew stock "
-aUhemos't altra~ tive p~ices , we have ever 'offered.
Whole Numb er 6770
....--~~~=,....= Dy
Albert T. Xeid
~""f.""""""""'" Inter estin , ' Item. from the
GU7.dte ill my previo us lotte I'. allusion wns Til" nliumi" ill·,jpped t heir gamc, mude to MI'. lI enlcy's tann el'Y. Per· !\\In(!u y, to Bellbroo k. The old Hellhal's it was the SUIllO f eeling of fushI' ok" lcam IVU~ bac k in l .. ac tion. lind cinution with which Micha()l ~ pilch ed II good gume. keep· Prepa red by iug th a hil8 wiuoly 8C:ltt r od. "Childrt 'n coming home f rolll Rchool Thi s is the elle! of th e leug uo sc hedLook ill ut t he open door." Colum bus F ep()rt er ule, unlc 8~ Wilming ton willS her . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. cnuscd us to wutch the propriet or's gRme next Sunday with Bowersville. dun horse, "Generu l," hitched to the THE THIRD LEC Ther wus no gam e ut Wi lm ington arm at 0 long leve,' 'and furni Hhing Sunday on IIccount o f we t ground ~ . COLUMBUS. OHIO _ Politicia ns MISTAK EN FARM . IDEA the maLiv!' power for the grinding · The ga nl<' will probabl y be played lire cerloin ly beginni ng to jazz things SHORT ER SCHOO L HOURS mill. Round and rounel he went. next. unu lIY · UI) fo r the neltt year. Really a litwhile the operuto r kept himself bu sy Th c score : lie en rly nnd much may and will bapCLEANLlNE~S FOR HEALT H feedi ng the machine which was con· R H E pen to change conditio ns. Bu~ right f~r.:;·~ ojl Bellbrook the large pieces of white 10 12 4 now the fight seems to be Eddie Tul'k. t h large pieces of white oak Miami s 2 8 5 ncr a nd his friends against the Anti· Senator Wulsh, of M~ssachu sottl! . the mate riul to be uBe(1 in 1 ~ 3 .J {j () 7 8 !l Saloon League lind dry leaders of whon CongreBS meets WIll Time 0 11(1 oguin we wou ld Bellbl'ook .. 0 () :1 0 ~ 0 2 0 3- 10 tho Statc. Turner hasn't been at all return to wutch a bill to provide a "w.est the opera tion . it be· Miamis of . U U 0 0 (J 0 0 1 1- 2 backwar d in making public attacks the air." a United Slotes .aviation ing alwaY R new to us. Or , again. we on tho Lcaguo. and on eVQry oeea'. academy , to take eq ual rank with would be interest ed in tho farm wllgL"Biu" Stsndin lr sion takes a whack at it. On the West Point and Annapo lis. And ex- ons Ill! thoy passed through the other hand there are several Repub;) cellent suggest ion. and "cqunl rank" strects of the village, piled high with W L Pet. \icons who are just as anxioua to be Is none too hig h. for in elise of war their huge loads of th e bllrk which M illmis .. 12 8 .600 the Republi can candida te for govern" the fiien would have to protect the had been stripped from the forest Wilming ton . 11 8 .579 or next. year 118 Turner. They are monllrch s Je lled in the nearby woods. obsolete warship s und slow. crawli Bdll"l'Ook 1 0 9 .526 not Imying a word, but permlttl nlf 01'. perhaps , in other wligons tilled Bowcrsvill e urlllY· fI 10 .473 the Attorne y.Gener al . go ahead West Point lind Annapo li s should wilh the cru shed bark from which Spl'ing Van cy . 8 11 .420 nnd talk all h e pleascs. In tIme tbere be changed to fl ying academ ics. and t he tannin had been extracte d and Jamesto wn .......... 8 12 .400 is going to be a reaction and Bome which "th nceCor t h was good for th e sooner the belter. one is going to get the benefit of the nothing but to be cast out and to Sunday '. Reluh. Turner ramblin gs. Ohio Is a dry be tro dd en un d er f oot f A group of wefl.me nning, but o · men. h Slot e. The Anti.Sa loon Le.ane baa J umeslow n won their game too intellige nt Carmel's inform But how useiu l it was for t at -~ Spring Vall ey Sunday . but it from took crushed the political ambltlon governm ent that they don't want IIny purpose and ·what excellen ll of ten innings to decid e the contest. G more than one upiring more r eclamat ion work done, no it wal {or pnths around t material politicia n. the houses to 5 . ' (aybc it more irrigatio n canals, no more has been alwaYII right and or t hrough t he gardens. Who in those maybe it hWl not. More believe the drained or deserts irrigate d until days dreamed of a substan ce cal\ed Sunday saw the largest crowd of latter. Be that as it may, pric of farm product s increases. cement, or concrete . which would the seaso n on account of the benetit publican s have won tlieir few ReThose are th e farmel'l\ t hat election e ventuall y displace It. game fo r Elmer Stansbe rry, who with the united oppositi on of the voted to keep out the But .thcse were not the only man· such a favorite with the fans league. Turner did It last year butthe ropenn immigra tion that ufnctur ers of the villag'e. A sign and aQout the circuit. and who League fought J. O. Milia a heap _ needs, the Immigra tion reaching ailtlost acro llS the sid hi t by a pitched bull late in August. more than it did Turner. provide mouths to eat a\1 the And Mills on one of the sq uares of Main He promise d to be back with the was defeated . Republi can . leaders can grow and more. They "J. W. and J. G. KeYII. Miami s next year. do not by any means approve the keel) out custome rs for' the net Makers." After strainin g The player s of both teams want to stand of Turner, but the and would vote to prevent youthfu l intellect as to the express their appreci ation to t he General has ' neither aslcedAttorne y. nor ment of the It. country . But they 'lie ba nd for the fine eon. quested their approva l as far aa reo of thewas sign, a referenc not prevent to m .that ' ents necessa ry for ethe [ . No extensIv e develop ment begun tion. After that many t hey gave before the game. ~ours in conee~n ed •. in gov~~O ~ baa been . eislected In OhIONo years 'with Adam lost a ~ard game Sunday. the united OPPOSitionmany J!OW would any add &ggrega one acre te were of the dry lead. to have spent cultivat ableeffect watch land or in leBS turning lathe as und erInthe than ten to fifteen years. By In alm ost Instance of the "Squire ," it erS.longAnd sco~ed there on hIm after be, either, two. runs for wero were out, a time. in won't time, in the natuml course of the ' opinion of the the rough bl!,cks of walnut t~e numero us wobbles being res pon· more conserv ative p-olltlcal leaders. the popul~tion of the country will tlful and symmet rical SIble for most of the runs. Adams HIS IS .THE ACE OF he Woman 's Auxilia ry ,,"et on ~ . crCIIHIl by twent;y mUHons. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Haines struck; out 11 men and Michael ble·legs and othe~ necessa ry s 6. More than 3000 Freshm en ~ ex.. FrIday afternOI)n, .Septem ber 9, with celt'bra.t cd their sixtieth wedding The 'farmers , mOTe than any 01 furnItur e; or III wa~chln~ an. The bal1 fans are all fo r another peeted to arrive next week MJ'B. D. L. Crone and Mrs. F. B. Hon- nlvcrsar y. Thursday, Septem clol!s. are interest ed in canal devel. he made the patterne d III for an In· ber 8. leo.gue next year, but they will It is quite com~on ~o he,ar . derson, at the !home of Mrs, Hendel' · 1927. at the home of their lIve:day coune In I'ettml' &c. opment, whi~h would take, as Mr. to be part of t he kitchen whIch daughte safes r. qU.lre that a he better regret schedul .that th~y e thnn ltve 10 thiS they quamte d WIth the Ohio State unlvel'o son. Hoover hu shown, lTOm Bix to twelve mnnufacture~. I wo nd~ . ' Mrs. Walter Kenrick , Lytle, Ohio. r If a!'y of ag.e, this agc g~ven up to ~ollar w~r. thIS year. They want every sity through the medium of ..~_ T~e meetmg' was oponed by the centll a bushel from the An ~hose convena ent articles are m ox- shIp an~ so VOId ideal summer day and a. team to have ~ park and have of a!lythl~g herOIC. preSIdent. Mrs. ~dwallade:. who can teous man Week." to be held t,en ~or charge of export wheat, Rnd increase Istence now' covered dish dinner were en. . that WIll enable each team first .time. B~ m~lI of 'FrOhmthe ~hey WIsh t~ey had hved m for~er ducte~ the devotIon the price of America n whoat by that al sel'Vlce. . an Joyed by eighty.t wo relative s and to play an even number Another industry on a small scale :ames when men were more of games. Week" t he IIDlven lty i1IlIPoneerinc a occupl~d . ScrIptu ral quotatio ns were gIVen friends. The amount per bushel. ' W~ pumpma ldng. . A man named m g!orlouB deeds than dinner was served at T/lere will be no game Sunday. t horough attempt to make new It\lthey w~re In ID respense to 11'0\1 call. . . . the noon hour und er a tent on the The boys are all gOing . Geol'K:e Bohrer the aid of maki'."g .money. to Cincinn ati don!& feel ~t "orne, to make them &cProfess or Hemps, of Budape st, 18 anythm g except Wlthout Alter a short buslneBS seBSlon the law~• . A short program was hand tools, supplied the ThIS dilJ1ustra to see the double header there. t~ t1\e fact thst you followin g program was rendere q.u~l!1ted wlth. the purpoae a &Jld ~ "ported to have perfecte d a ' new an excellent article of d: version of the afternoo n suction pump have to have a ~rospectlve in order 81blbtieli of hIgher educatio n to ave Readl,ng-"'~he UsetulneBS of St. of music by the grandch cure lor hydroph obia, better than the one thilt with an oce8lion ildren, an Ina! Daylon. Ohio, Sept. 13. 1927 to judge . anythm. g prol?erly. T~e Tl\o~as MiSSIon In Alaska the m a8 fill' as pollllible from ~e Paat-eur antitoxi n. In one year 3.068 of valves . would last through "-Mra. tel'estin g talk by Rev. Albert Bower- Mr: D. L: Crane, an or· ~ou~le WIth 001' .lmpreSS lon o~ this . Zlm~ erm~,n. fioundering proee81 throul'h. which ,110 persons bitten by mad cats and dogs dina'ry life time. Mr. . sox, of Fletche r, Ohio. a tribute writ- EdItor MIami Gaz ·tto, Geo,r ge M. sge IS ~hnt we ar~ to~ close to It. many Freshme n .pass. To that end ReadlllK--;- iChurch men are Striv- ten by the daughte r and were all cured. and every one read by Zell WI\S engaged in' the same busi· Deal' Mr. Crane- I wnnt to take t he Freshme n WIll be aasembl Putting our 'mmd In t he p them, exc;ept four, within a few . Ing ed on for Umty.·· · -Mi8S Emma Heigh- Mrs. Bowerso x and later a song this opportu noBS though for a long time he fur· of fifty years f-!,om now nity to express my S~i~n~-~~th~e~n;ni.-i1ra~\xii~1ne9~fiii~:i=and looklng way. That's good news, but it " Don't forget n,ished' only -.chain- pumps. -~~'!i~~~ the old talks" by th~ cere and baok heartCel upon t appreci atlol'io ' tl ~hls ~Ime we would' seo' th~t -Reodin g-uOft'e rings that Stir of time, and no i)ydroph obia Case the MIBSes Reeder. Punch was 'served Mr. Zell. who was pOBSe8lled of Wnynesville Miamis. t he Bellbroo k we are livmg ID the most fomanti c Heart." -Mrs. •r. E. McClure their introduc tion Briti.h have done. Ey\lry dog I. unlv.t ,. . the dining foom by Mrs. Inventiv e facultie s. patente d a sim· age of the world. baseball teum, and all others instru- life will be over b-efre they. " Rea~ing-"The Work of the Holy Johns and Mrs. Walter In quarsnt lne tor 'a necessa ry aetualll r pIe, unique and efficient water ele· Cast. mental in holding We . have the progress benefit ed game more get In down the Cross. :-Mrs. D . . L. Crsne. to the bUllineN of ltudy. I time, and no l'ydroph obla . case Mr. and Mrs. Haipes were mar. for me on Sunday, Septem vator, an· Improve ment over the old last .,t wen.ty-five years than. ber 1 the world Readmg-UA Message from ' St. ried iln the rtf. E. church known in England untill'ecent\y~w hea wheel and axle windlasa at Spring- Again I wish to thank you and . His de· ~ad prevlOl! sly progres sed In twenty· Andrew 's."-Ml l\Jotor bus operatio n In Ohio jlJ~ a fiier brought a dog through the air, vice consiste d of a rs. Cadwal lader. bol'O by Rev. George W Kelley bucket , in 'tho five centurie s. . . . D~ring · the delightf ul 80cial hour went t() hou~e keepi.ng i~ Wayn'esThey the others Lor their inLerest In me, ing from a report just p'r epared by OIIc!lpecrthe quarant ino a.nd startlld bottom 0 which was a valve ville 'that IIml 'was 1 r cmnin. For the firat tIme In hIstory men, deliCIOUS refrel3h~ents w~re the Ohio Public Utilities eommlu l9ft, a I mll\1 epidemi c. served. but later moved to Springb oro. For opened by the upward . pressur e such as Byrd and Amunds Yours very sincerel y. doesn't soom to be 'a .payinl' propo, . the water when the Ilucket' struck flown.ov .er the North Pole. enj have Miss Dorothy Daklll, of BIsmarc k, N. t he last twelve years they have made :FIlm er Slonsbe rry. . Accordi ng to the reP9rt, the D., and Mi811 Martha O'Neall , were thjlir home with Mr. and The lIee ret· of health is eleanlln e8l. its lIurlace. The bucket Mrs. KenbeIng fill· ThIS IS the day whon Lindb er~h guests of the 8'fterno on. revenue s of tre 8(1S compan lea Aline inBide and 'ou," Clean lunea, clean cd, the valve wWI ·clos.e d rick, at Lytle. by the, down- /lew alone from N,ew York to ParIs returns amount ed to ,9,429,6 98;18. blood. elea" thinkin tI' prolong life ward p l'eSllure of tbe fluid .. - • Mr.. ~aineH served three wlien the a njl ~maze.d mankllld .. while the expendl turell, wllich includ- . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown entertai n- the .Clvll War In Co. F. 86th years in and tight disease. O. V .. t. aldil was turned. . A lever whlC)b was . It IS really an age whtln men ' salary and .office expenee l, ' drlvLeprosy , that killed tho.usan ds and moved when It struck ~he . IIpoUt op· more fa : grel\t deeds thun for col'o ed Sunday in honor of their son Nel- He wus a skilled' me~hanie iit his day dol- son and ·bride, Mr. and Mrs. R~ SlIeU waa l~oked upon as a nece8S8ry ~i.· ened the .,:,alve allowing waJes, gasoline and oil. repaira Mr. and :Mrs. Hames aro in their tho water to lars ~r lLfe. d replacem ents. licenlell. 1'8Dta. Brann, of Wilmingt on, Mr. and Mrs. ususl health at the age itatlon from above was another word escape. of 80 , years. ~~ IS nn age wh~n the League of Ed taxes, etc.. totaled ,9,608.8 18.,9., H for f t l t b . ' · h M' d M W B Anoth'er of Waynesville's • - -.... ' - -Nations WIIS formlllg and the sen- Squires~Ug, Taxes alone ate , up 12 per cent of the In' Africa, Do ~trnngej destruct ive ors was Dr. Wm. Meigs, r. an ra. •. at one time The tlment Wayne of Townsh w?rld ip ]\fothers cl consclous~eBS was bus operato rs' incomea. Last year lever swept acrON the dark lIuP"rln tendent ot t he vl11age scho.ols. takmg shape.. It IS. an age .. marc tban' 26,000,0 00 paalien..... · contine nt, GO,OOlf weI' ' hts It, He alao patente d a water elevator , I old the ir first meetillg the were hauled Itl Ohio motor b~, . en were .g lven nil'. 0 .. Friday night at the Gym.o[ The quarant ine statipnl! were '" to ·that of M.r. :?:!lll • .but .~..il and for the l\rsttlm e I.n to be hVlDg d~rtl\.ll' the first quarter, On Frld~y, Septem ber 2, Miss Jan. purpose of t his meeting ·"~···I ·.h" lines extendi ng into enry -..won without 8uccess. et Cartwri ght present it ed twelve of caption for all the m!lr~et. The released , fr,om theIr of the t'Wentietll century . State. . , .' her pupils in plano recital at bel' whom are many stranlger's, . I S/lap ,water and di81Ilfec ~n~ .. .. oWing to home. . . cutting , " The earl art of when any na· the . force ot IDE!rtla. Ii'ave done the work. Dlse.se .lB for the propolle d Thoso . for a seven-fo ot tlQIl was able to shake took part i th h · . y. ~I itself loose . d We still vote at a voting I1lace in- ing afl'airWho the ' feeble·m lnded at Ap. . H t II h d ' . " were the ; . . e tram c !lrm. ~e~ by I vermin. Befoz:e ask.tng t he liquor In habit a J? y and get.acqu the ' fore· al~ j;e stead of by ' malil, wbich is the only H II M" . e ae ua y a ,one con· probabl y will take de8nite the.natl vei do not free . Eileen nero aiLer thIS the new preSIden t . at a shop In ·the vlllag but mos.l. 'repu bl'IC 0 r t h e wor Id a d opte d I ''''1 I a. IMam and FranC'CsIsses ' by the end ot Septem ber. 'B~ i " Ellis. Dor- Donna EdwarcJ rubona an d sernslu , . ~ e p an of voting othy caUed th!! ' It iii lljeetinl f gl;:::::': Orndorf d . t b' Anna prohibit he vermin. ''fe must L uia ion H k . Id f ~ I' ~Plln and the only prllctica l way to secure M h' ' WI. oun tween $51l0,OOO and $600,00 0 ;trill' 0 e too It · .. h ' It IlIn't lo· )ong· in this co\!ntry . ' 0 e h 0 e, a or er or 1I S lort . ' I I b" 't U~lI1eSI\ cumbr~u s fo r p, actICll.I U8e. be' avalloble by the time the eon, ~rgaret Rogers. of Wayncs .' , llIthan a~e w en ;nor~ mt~ ~ av~ u ~~v~rsa ville; at the conclusi o n of which, Mr "countr y people ' .l ooked upon the ..... 'v p · e •• _ I:C~ · e. t b th 1 • b ildl MISses Hel en Friel)d, Helen and Ruth maw invited ul1 to look Thl! wago/lll an!, ~ther vehicles . emse ve~~: 0 sCle~ over on are to e et. n. Q f r .a w~ ~ee( I~no a~o er age Early, of Lytle; Misses lIence o,f vermin' as' , sip of jll ne pro-constru cted 'at the VllrlbU s~ops by JUlia Brown. school building . roseare The uses an h~v~r of be ore. d is 0 '. l'hey tho\lght the. tidy now ~vmgh under ' ~ conside ey ' e ~. ration. and sec t e present Marilyn Miller and Rosella LawB1>n variou s ppnlol Whart(l n, . Tholl!a8 Df!V1tt, Da· rooms wel'e expinined by one oug 0 c prou one m w Ie . w.e Ive. 8urvey of the property , more tJIaD , aband~ned. unhealt hy ehild~on; of Oenterv ille. Vid 'Eberly and others ·~el'e probabl y teachers which was grcatly 1900 acres, has been ·inade. . • 1110 thought that the moaqult p ~ ' . u~~ul'pa BSe d for strength and by oIl. Tuesday , Nov6J!lber 81, is el'eetion • Upon returnin g to the Gym, deli- day, at which time townshi p omee~ •
State • Caoital
=== === === === ===1
P' R lano ecita l . a
~~~~~~;~~~ ~~~¥~~1.~:tth.
'. longer, .and to the 'effqct. He III hours should be made .horter if 18 to be any c;liangll. ' . T,¥o hours 8. day. or three. at tau.,ht mollt , a chil'd pr'ope-Iy ' .. 'learn all that its I mind could .' In :one day. No , h~~~ .pf sunligh t IIhould be 8jlent indoor.. unneeea aarlIy. " _ "
clei Clf combine d beauty " .
r:~~::?~~:~~~~~~~k ~e~~ce~~ MoJ~~~ IJridge
ala~ b~asted~r dl_d It.-of a ~rewen' at the norther ly end . of the ·lIsge ... I can , say ':nothln g • . from experio nre of.• the q\lality of its product ,. but Tam sute tliat at one tI~e:.did a rl\lr1~ good ' busine8!l. . Oer· tamly the llropJlletor, Mr. J9h/l A. Ir· Vjn. was a 'm pst highly esteeme d Izen vo~afion w!)icl\ legitima te. COllQE!ml18tlon ' from h~8' ·..~.lIn.~" I U'\v1~8~~e'II.
J 2g::.~~;~;;;:;;m ~~~~~~j~~~~".. Receives Prom otion E t h an C. h h b ecn ~ Crane, woos a.. • filiated with the editoria l departm t h D H I ' b fi o t e aytQn · ern d slIIce t e -rst of the year, has accepted the posi. tion of Sunday editor of t he Dayton Journnl . 0 morning paper published by the same company. The new positlon means promotion for the young man, with increase in salury alld 'bU' . sJ;lonsl ~ty. .
pervisor s of .~lectlonB must ~PJlolnt ;' , all precinc ts in which the 'Yoters not register ed, four jqd.... _nd two clerks of electlonll; for terma of one year. n.o t more than two jude-. a nd one clerk to ~e ot the same .po~ rItl iN . I ca party. ommat ona . by ' petrtion must have been filed by Frldl\)". Septem ber 9tb. - - - -... - ••---'- -
.--'-- :--
New Local Palto r . Rev. Aaron S. Watkins. the new pastor of the Waynesville M. E. church wiH be present and preach ..t 10 :30 ' and 7 :30 'on Sabbath , September 18. You are cordiall y' invttecJ tp He comes
V1~lnlty. ,
cfl'i?os ~ ~JC.~&{,e.'R'ATIDN!
COMMON PLEAS COURT " ill" I:"r!!nlcrl Tl'Lt" I~' 'Duff Icn\'(j iI/ill lli,1l tlw t',·ttuc~t Ilr the d('f~li.l <\Ill fill' (Ill t hl'l' I it"e for paynl'/LI f (lIlt IIn rl .:o ~l s iIl1I11s.:.! b)' Ih" ,'uur\. ('ourt Ol'd'I' I'I'd . 1I,Ii l", uCl\ ~ to 1\)1Phil li II ttl' JI1 uurl. Upul\ UI)I. lkuli (l11 of Alice LUI' u" fOI' rnoditirlltion o f pl'CIll_tTat1.oft41 It1 Heru.;y J...y :" ;e I'i{)u ~ 1t. ,l'rCO "f CQurt !·\·j.,"Il nling the Copyrlbkt. Micha.Dl V. Ph. hp l'llsludy nf 'h~il' IlIinll l' ch illI. lUlelUled tlu-u. 1"u.blbhAlr. ~... tA>t· So~~ 111 Ih \, t'll , e' I,f ;\nHI/II I M. '''nlker, 1I 1 ~o k now lI n ~ Muud M. Walke" Vb. )(,," J . H!,,,,. d ul .. courL III'del'cli Llw t ............ ... ...... lh.: ~l lI'j' i ,r It\: 1 1\ ~I' \I \'I ,' ,1 til "",pl,ly a n :IIIC li,>lIl"' r til M' I! ~el' t ;Liil pI'opel" for u mishap <lu to liqu or , it '~'L'\ ~~ h oClI inH' ftiend.. ll' ~ympllt h ir. ,' d I),. dll~p)y wi h t ho TlI'Is\ln'l' nnd I' IJ('~ recall d thut he had bet' ll. "I'unk wIth In 011' ~ ; se 0 r t hI.' 1'l'lId ' 1\ Li,,1 I nm r or 1('!\lI frequency .1Il the post. ted hi ~ trtWlc llewild~l'mellt.. lie tlld UI·IIIIC.' ("1) IHp lln~' \'~ . ~ I:\x Lhl~twick Cuilty Rl'pudiullon by his cmp lllYl'f, u mun Il.,t \1t~ i 8 t on siUi ng with F:dlson. lIv I·t nl, "ulIrl. rttlll1 d thHt tlwl'c al'C ('er• . of infiuenl'c, hlld done n~udl l t urn rCtl 1i?cI) hint h i~ pl'isonl'1' prl'f,' rn:d tain R II IIl ~ dllc the plaintiff fl' 111 the tu be ul on('. . , For bls compamon WBS nol I!f tbe the communily against hllll.. . IIdl\lIt ~ . The ollt ~tnn"in~ thollght In E.II- tid ltutr of wbicb martyrs arc fas hloned _ The trial overwhl'lmed 111m hke a CUUl't emlt'red t h;t t \\,illinm ThompBe was easily led, easily oppressed land slid. Th pro. c'cu t ion produced ~o n '~ mind WII ~ I h,.t he hud bc'cn It ~on IH' 1·~ I C·IIN(' d fr"1ll Lhe Wurren by cUanpprova1. . He WI\S . of the type witne ~ses to prove that he had bel'n roo I. n crnckllruin cd, O\'cl'gl'ncro cuunty jui l "p"n his own recognizwhole face reg I t rs WIth hangdog seen .s iltlng ulOTIC 011 the t ruck on t~c fool, in prolecting onc. ",ho could n (l~ n llee in n c{,l'iai n ~ UlU . • ' si.veJ by prulectlon. A nr) . C Ine faithfulness ;for dnys th record of main strCl't or Burley, I s lhun t\\ O The ,' UII ~ I' in 'he t:U.c of the Vir• 'few ho\l1'll' dissipat ion. "Well, houI's before th e t1ccident. This wu~ who did 1I0t appreciate hi s ~uc nfl ~ e·. g iniu .loint St uck I.ond Bonh , o{ The cow;\l'dly 1I0te lhe mornllla. ".ryou're a weak sister," ho summed while COOlR Libbey ·onductctl lltl' C h nr "'~ lldl \\'. Va .. \'5. Ambrose ITeru t~I" "Iwy 1'1 :d .. I'o'n ~ ordered to be l'cfc1"l'up, "whicb is all the mOI'e reason I wretch ~dlY ill Barney Olk to the Bul'- ter ull' t\ cid emt I'rllvc.l thut. lhe you llg mun's :tv.oidunce .) f hIm ha'le to stand by you. ]f I to ld, yo ur Icy Hou se fI short (IiSUln~e llWU Y · l·t! 10 1I1""urd W. Ivins for Lrinl of father would probubly kick youout; HuL 13111';IC'V hnd enll!l'c d t he holl·1 sinc' his II J'I'est. HIs th ou ght ra n: tho issUl'". tba,.d fire you' down ut th ollice, nlone Heuring of the uccidcll t, he OUrl '::I'll ll kd alimony t Jcs!<io jupt the ~ay I WIlS fired by <! Id Sam_ di ['peared next morning before he Il uwlc)' fronl IL e:'l Huwley ou lhe You'd slink away to the big town could be questioned. srround~ of I{I'USS neglt'ct of du ty. WId be a bum." No one had noticed Forbes' com111 the ru se of The Prudential In"Ob, J know if I save you this time pnnion und the lauer's Cll( on thll exsurance ompllny .V~. George W. Ol'r, you'll probllbly stub yo ur loe suoner ('(Iilion to Burlcy. This wn ~ ~" , ~t nl., COUI-t drciclcd that 011 uuclio n011 later, anyway. But that's. not my. ~Illge Eddie hnt! left t hent on ~ RId!' cl'r shuulel b" rmployt'e1 for tit, sale utral.r. I won't be to blame. I huve street. while h ' skirmiNhl'd tho liquor. of Ccl'l,lIin 1J1·"pcrty. 1!IJ course mapped ouL I must keel) Nllthin", cou ld bt' fQllnt) .t.~ sU~Rt.an Sa le rnndudl,,1 in the cnse of the tne, faith, no llIatter whut b~PI)enS lin\.(! his story thlll the mi~~ U1J! ~cools Peopl -s Builcling, Lonn all el SllVin g neXt week, or next yuar. BeSIdes, 1 was responl:li blc for the uccldent. Complll1Y. of Lebanon vs. Charles R. tQlly don't need your helll. l'iI ju- Thcre \\"n~ very little lo connect Stnyton cl aI., was co nflrnlc.1 by the ry eo~!d convict on auch fiim sy evi- Libbey with t.he truck. There wuS courl. . de nee. • u Mackinaw coat on thc drlver's seat. In the calle of Agnes Clouch vs . H6 was curiously mistaken in t his. In onc of the pockctN wus a part.lyloucb. court ol·dered Williom R. JIB' failed to bike i~to considerat ion emptied bottle of liqu or. Thc cnr· that' Lhe defeudunt pny the plein tiff mlllU' elemente which combined to Ito WIlS inulct except for one cllse cermin sums. 'W~ ...inst him with wbat appcnr- which hud been openell , an d {rom ail ,to be ~onal malignancy. Mrs. which two bolO s hud ben token. NEW SUITS ~~ei, thl! woman wbo had , been Tbe prosccul.illn Ill'guell that _BarSue kidmore vs. Ah'ln Skidmore e. , I,!I to !int!). was IIdmiTed and ney Olk was the driver and sole. at~ , m the community. ~eT tendant. That he hud broken mto for divorce un grounds of wilful abUfi Had Heen • long 'strugglll a'g amst the case an d ubstructed the ~ottel senlll~Y Rol son vs. Leon Rolson for oddl; leh abe bd overcome with which wae found in tbe Mackinaw. di vorce. nllfeworthT patlenea and ' Industry _ That the coat belonged to him. That P aper P .....d f . k b f ov rOtiUCtS Compnny YR. Srerc 1... &._.. L.;.. ~ --.. ...,.,0 luspec." or. some he had become SIC Y reason 0 Brothers nnd Olnpnny_ • time, u.t .Seottad,~e WIUI on the main (\rindul gence and stnyeil ut Burley. The Vnllcy Packing Company, a ~~ute between C/madian ports And that .Fo~bC8 had volunteer ~ to Corporllt ion V8. Mattie pray and F. .nel , ~lt -.d Ohicago. Further- tak the truck on to its desi~utton. A. Gross, fol' specific pe rformance of lB. • th.,r;e ."el'C, hints thatleace 0(· The ne xt stop In the hypothesIs wos cont ruc t. injunotio n and other equi tftcel1i .~e'rO beine sob Idlze tb look thut Eddie hod a190 helped himself obl e relief. thII lImer WIQI 'when tbe trucks slip· to tbe liquor between Burley and ~h in the night. This was cottsdale. Tbat h~ had become -.~~.. PROBATE PROCEEDINGS ~...... Th e town ba d been drunk he could not manage tb e tru ck dQ-, !''lJ'£l'eat'II ~~ore the p~ge of and 111e occident badIollowed. H. E. N ull , executor of the estate ~ ~-Ilth Amendment; and tbe Eddie was on tnc stund in his OW!! of Jonothan J. Null, filed sevenlh DWnNO!y! violatiollJl bad aroused pub defense But be · did not belp hIS d and final IIccount. lie ...tm10t. . , case. ito told bis story strictly in In a lcathinlf tonc bc .cntcnce George P_ Gates, guardian of E I. Bd& Forbes had bjlcn popular. aocordance with the tr uth. fIe stead- , h 'd . t dridge Pope, flIed fi rst and final ucBut' DOW that he WAll under arreat fnaUy refused to g ive any hmt of t ho 'If I'd bove known t ey , . con~c count. . identity of tbo pe1"l!0n witb him in me,} would hu ve told who was WIth Ernest Hallg, administrator of tbe the cal' Tbe sberiff had tried to me. B I ost-ate of Conrad Haug, filed first and ";'~~"':;;:;';"_ _ _ _ _ _'!"'!'_ _ _lInrove u~ by a search for disinguisb- The trnln pufl'ed in to Jackson. d ela final account. I' :~g tl·M..\. ar'· '" UII' the ~"'tTOW lan'e sign1lled, a ' ta_x icab_ They. ~.",ere r v· W·lli A k w ~ ~UI I am un guardion of ' Winson w b ose ~Imste r wa US nle Aunker, Icading fromlUll the river ,... Toad to tbe en to the tllcder,eighth account. Laura Robinspn, executrix of the 'bigbway. But BO mony ears had fol· towered a ave t he raIlway tracks. lowed tbe route to be acaidcnt t hat E~is!>n sltudderlld as estate pf William Robinson, fil ed inno evld nee Will! forthcoming_ wtthm the guteway of ventor}' and tlppraisement. In to tbe minds of the judge, tbe gTay stone. , The whole place Willidm Bacon , administrator of jury and tbe spectotors seeped the t{) recover slowly frQ m tbe the estate of Enoch Bacon. filed inbelief that the story he told was, in sie:e of wet weather. There were ventory and lap praisement. ; ~ ,the worn fla .... of tbe foot I Court ordered that the instrument the main portlcu1ar8, 'f a' l se. "'h ... ey pu dlc·a u . • rewloned that tbe prosecutor's tbeory walk_ The IVY drtp~ed as lt clung to of, writing, purporting to be tbe last most'b e tbe 'Ocrrec1i one. Ut)the cold the cold stone barriers •. Tbere w.as WIll of D. B_ Hamilton: be flied in ligbt of day his Quixotic defense ot the same cold domp!"ess m t he pr!s- court, ' another, even at the possible expellJle lin office, and 8 strong ~mell tlJsC~Ul't aU~Qrize, d William L. Sue' of his own freedom, dld not seem mlec:tants, botb depreS8mg an c- lI1: emng, executor of the estute of An logical . gTa~tng. . ' h' me E. Mulfol'd, t o sell cerloin bonds. They wont a s tcu> further. If. by Lmus received a receIpt for ~8 Oourt 'ordered that t he will of John any' cliance he was telling the trutb prisoner and went. away after. a Sl· Henry Kesling be admitted to prohe bad an unworthy motive, and n,ot le!'t hnndc!nap, HIS mouth twItched bote_ a wortby one, for keepint the name Wlt.b elllotlon, 80 tbat he ~ared atIt was ord(!red tbat Jessie !Cesllng of bis companion a secret. lIia court tempt n9 word. The clerk III cbar e inted executrix of the will of flhip of Nil em ere y S l' e on Ison s pe - John Hcnry Kesling. She accepted cd: Their friendlineSll since tbe nlar- l~ee wben ~he warden "entered: the trust. Hage, innocent thougb ' it 'll!as, had Never mInd. Jerry, be sal'kJ~ Court appointed Simon been a lIubject of comment I ntown, tbe tbe clerk_ And then to I John M:,cCull()ugh and E lija ~()SIIe! ttl So-was the I\ext ,step. in tbelr minds so~.: "Yo~'r~ Forbes. of Scottdole?" appraisers of the estate of - if he wasn't driving tbe truck, then Yes, 611'_ Henry Kesling. be wasgirl joyriding around with wife t bat -...--- V BoydofS.Will1 R~lthgeber, the ,,~YE&IGHT Eneell wbile hi,s ,poor little CHAPTER estate iam . Burttrustee on flIedof first
No Law At'in It!
-AN'I 1"10NE"I.
~~lJ~=~I~~~~ ~----- ---------.-... _.. ,.
~u-." 9 Sa~uida'y.8
was a t bome. ., The jury brougbt In a verdict of "guilty." Interpreted, it re!ll1y meant "guUt.y on appearancell .and generul principles." In a scathing arraignment tbat Issted for 20 minutes, Judge Rnndolph Parsons sentenced Edison Forbes to from 6 to 16 yearS In the state penitentiary at Jackson. Edison made tbe few bours' trip to the prison city in a daze of mlsery. The deputy sberifl' in wbose charge he - VIlS , Linus Beal, was a
a.m. 3Ip.m
accoun t wbich was ol'der~d suspended. , Entries anld .medicnl cert ilicates were returned! from the Dnyton State ho.spital r~fu!ling Lorena Miller, admlttnnc!l Inte, tbat institution. Nunme B. lijcka, gun rdjon of Clifford D. Flicks, minol1, tiled sixth and final accoullt: Clarence F. Buergermeier guardian of John P: Buergermi~r, filed first and final account which was ordered susp en ~le d. -. Court ordcred that William Oberlin 'b ~ appo inted guardian of John Oberltn. He, accepted the appoi ntment. . Court authorized Frank D. Wil. son, administJrator of tbe estate of Annie M. Wil'~n to sen, 'cc1't"'in prop . '7"
cr ty. Accounts of estates for seLt\Clllcnl nre as follows : 1. Thonlas S. BI'andon , u( lln l' III' 8lTator of t he estnte of 1'. J . Thompson, finnl ' IIccount. 2. E. B. Dukin, e.xecutol' of ~he I!A- ' tute of Deboruh H. Dllkin, first Ilnd flnol uccount. 3. Chnrles J. Conover. administra-. tor of Ute estate of Mnrtho M. Irwin. fi t fi I d I' t ' 1. t' t ' rs, na anG. (ts 1'1<'U Ive 4_ Oeorge Perrine nnd o(:coun Georg _, E. Young, cxecuters of the estale 0.£ Sylvester Perrino, first account. 6. William Aun1;er, guardian of tho estote of WInnie Aunkcr, eighth uccount. 6. H. E. Null. executor of tbe es.tute of Jonothan J. Null, seventh lind finn! accoun t. 7. Earnest Houg. aydmin lstrutor ' j the of Conl'ad Huug, fi rst and l finaleslote uccount. 8. George P. G8te~, guardian of the esmte of Eldridge Popel first ond l final acco un t. I' ,c-, !l. Boyd S. Rathgcb r trustee under t he will of William Burton, fi rst Wa yne 28 % Hog Meal is ' a big profit. account. . k f 'h . h 1 b' rna er or any og raIser W 0 laS an n UIlCourt approved, ullowed and conlirme(~ the following accounts : dance of corn to feed. Ed Stoutenbor Qltl!'h. administrator This high. protein concentrate balances you r of tbe cslote of EIJen O. Stoutenborough, first and final account. corn at a very low cost unit of digestible Mary McKinney, ex cutrix of the t . d . tb h' h t f d' 1 estate of Olam M. Beckett, firs~ acpro em, an msures e 19 ee lDg va ue count. . from your com. Raymond H. WikoR', trustce . unSold by der thc will of Donald Wikoff. fourth accQunt: , George E. Freyberger, executor of' the estate of Edwurd Conover, fifth .~ account, George' E. Fryberger, administrnX~ ~nge or of the estate of Emma L. Fry_ berger, final and last account. Mary S. Silver, odmlnistratrix of . Phone 25, Waynesyille, Ohio t he estote of Lyman M. SUver, final 1!$5~=5;;;;i;;55555555==;;E~=555;;;;5=5_=a'~~&: . account. -
G e t Q DIC • k . erGaiDS A t a Lower Cost Per Dound
'warunes'VI-IIe E h
Com'pany--'--- -
J. Gilpen Trhilble, t~ustee In' t he estate of Sarah G. Trimble, thir-
1 _
teenth account. The Lebanon _ Citizens Nationill Bank and Trust CompunYI odministtator oj! the cs~te of Clyae Thomp. son, ,fiJ;st and distributive account. Oourt o~dered tbat the instrument of wtiting, purpo rti ng to be the will of Mary Moore be fil ed in COUlt and application to probllte be mude. arrie Smith. executrix of tbe estote of Louisu F. Lewis. liIed first ond finu\ account. '. Court ordered that .tohn M. , Skinncr be appointed guardian of Mil. dred Skinner, minor. He IIcc'ented the trust .,.. . · . Court upprove4 and confirmed tbe return of t he pro.ceed.ings of Mary W. Tu cker, administrutrix of t be elltate of Chatle~ S. 'Tucker, of sale un del' !!ourt order. . , . , An instrument of Writing purport. ing to be the will of Clnrcnce A, Co IVan was ordered filed and appliCll.l. t lor\ ma~e for probate. Tbe will wns admitted to probate. Court appointed .Erma Cowan, eX, ecutTiJc: of 4the ,estate ot. Clarence t Cowan. he accepted he trust, , Court appointed I. 11', Felter, A. L. Bennett and Slim Tumer appruisers of the estate of Clarence Oowan. Administrator of the estate of Annil! M. Wilson . was autborize'd to seU c6rtaill property. 'C ourt ordered that HatTy J<irby be a ppointed ndmini~trato r Ilf the el!tate of Mary J . Kirby, The appomtment was accepted_ David ' Bishop,. ,0, F. ,J3..ro.wn and Gus Seikei were appointed app.raillers of the estate of 'Mary J. Kirby. Rob ert W! Brown, administrator of the estate Qf David 'Evans, filed inv entory and appraisement. Court found that the estate of successions thcrein of Louisa F. Lewis was exempt fl'om inheritance tax_
"I'm Warden Courtney," announccd t be newcomer. "You're to go up to Lunsing right away_ The govern· convicted I telepbo-ned t he warden to or wanls tQ soc you." send you down. Boy, I've purdoned Edison looked a t; him uncompreyou." hendingly_ "The governor?" he st,nm"Pardoned me-pnrdoned?" gulpmered. "l't1e- why?" (ld Edison . The warde n smiled. " He'U tell "Yes. I renel t he evidence pretty you when you get there. If lYou closely. "I c~me thO the chQnCluaion hurry you cart ca tch the next interyou were telltng t e t rut. I was urbnn limite!\. Thel'e's one due in far enou~h away froll! Scottdale not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ten minutes!' to b.e blind ed by p,reJud ke, and I~; "But--" Edison looked about uncuI ~~su eB_ ~o yo~ ra a free man. certninl),. . EdIson sot motionless;, bereft of "No officer; you go alone." Still the power !Jf sp~ech. Of course, smiling the warden shook hands with the long-haIrs WIll ru.nt about my turning you loose," went on the govhIm. "Good Luck." The nandclasp propelled :E dison toward the door, ernor,' with a gOQd-nlltured smile. "You know where th stetion Is? All But I'm througb with this teJ;m. 1 right; better step lively." shouJd worry wbot they 8IlY, when He cought tbe car. He did not the ' atten,dant in tbe execiltive suite, my conscience tells me I've done . know whnt to tbink. In. fact, tbe be WIIS ushered at once into the pri- righti Now E di son- " Early" for Your Sale Data. We Guarant-.e woves of emotion whlcb had pDI!sed vate office. "Well, Forbes," grunted "Yes, sir." over him made clear thlnking Imp os- the governor, as they shook hands. "Tb ere's one thing I want you to Sati.fartion or Charge Nothinc. sible. He dared not 110pe; but tbe 'how ·.many kinds of a fool have yo·u promise/ me. You knuw, YOUl' fath· cur wheels clicked emllessly: "The been making ()f yourself?" , er 'was II fine mpn and a clever m,lIl. governor, th'e gove rno'r, tbe govern- , He w~s'Ir man whose age was He would have gone a long ways if ," 01'-" and it· seemed a Bong of bope. hard t o mElte a nd whose hair was it hadn't been fol'-" When he reached Lansing he found of a ce in Ilhllde whlcb defied t he "I know, ,?overnor. liquor." MONEY LOANED PboDe No. 320 . PIa•• No.1 that Governor Albright was expect- coming of grl!y. Edison started at "Tbut's rlgbt boy. It l ook~ as ing him. When be gave bis name to the beginning and told bim tbe wbole though yo u've sturteil the sa me wily. LOANS on Obattell!,S~ocks, SecUristory, withholding only tbe name of There's nothing in it; never has been ties and Second MortgaJe.: Nota his companion. " and now less than ever. J w;ish you bought. Jobn Harbine .Tr., Xenia, "So you took a chonce on prison would promise me, Edison- not tb to protect this fellow who was 'wlth quit drmkin g, becouse that moy be Ohio. • mSO.'1I11 you?" quiered the governor, when beyo.nd ~o ur strengt h, but to try to he had finished. . quit drinking.'" Eddie nodded. "But 1 don ~t know "Ob, governor, I promise to quit that r would have done it," he COl1- now, foreverl" breatbed Edieon. Fanners ' of Warren and adjolnln. terred frankly, "if I'd thought they'd The governor clapped him on the counties may obtain money on lon, "All right, Ind'; that is convict. It didn't seem . possible they shoulde.r time loana, dt 6 per cent Intel'8lt. · could do tbot on the evidence." fine. You see it sort of pute U8 in Cost of securing'the lIame 11I 'verJ ~.. "Anyway, you did," returned tbe the hole and nJakes the long-hoirs governor. "The wo~ld calls you right if you fall down on me, I'd Bonabll\ ,through The F~deral Lad chumi' for th~lt. But somehow like to tilrn the laugh against 'om . Bank. " 'For further Information all boy, l'io 'for you. There'~ too Now run along to that little wife of on ,~~ addren M: O. DRAKE; T"" thinkiqr of ourselves and too yours." urer. phone SI6-X, Lebanon; Ohio: t·· thln~. of ' tho 9tber fel~ow in _ In the train ride from tbe capital world ~day, . . . . . to Sco~ule, E~i8on came a!! near to "I s'lPpose you're surprised at my bU~J1ine ss U8 at any time in bis FOR RENT sendlng . ~I tor YOIl, Fact is, Fo~be8, w.e . Tbe fate which he bad faced MARRIAGE LICENSES _ '. IIhould know eacH otlier. D;1l and so nlirTowly escaped had toned ' FOR RENT A . ... f5~ SP~CIAL PRIZES-FARM BUREAU AI'4D BOYS' ANQ GIRLS' CLUB WORK. INCREASED .' eyer b ar . that: yqur father. down tbe riotousness of bis joy. The Ernest V. Fowler, laborer of Frank. - . partment , of .Jlve tornado of . emotion .which had car- lin, and Margaret E .. Coyle, Frank. rooms. Inquire at t.he ,Gase~ of, my best frhinds fortY years. PREMIUMS FOR CRANGE ' DISPLAYS. "He tnentl.o ned you sometimes ried h.im breathleBl!ly to t he depth s of lin. '... office. -a14 WAItItElN COUNTY RURAL COMMUNITY THEATER WILL BE A NEW FEATURE THIS fore her died.'" misery, througb the unce'r titinty of James S. ThotnDQ, Common Plcos "Well, t , br.o ught . you bere on his t he , j0111'ney to tbe governo r's office Judge, of Portsmouth and Flore'nce "FOR SALE . ", YEA1l. FREE ADMISSION TO ALL OLD SOLDIERS ON THURSDAY. account. When. ,we were botb and , t hroug h 1Il0at of the inter-view E. Browll, clerk in government post -:-.:..._ _ _ _ _ _ _....;;._ _ _ _--. sters' we worked 'in tbe lumber that followed, had left him somewhat ofllce, of Lcbanon. , . ' . FOR SALE-200 bUlbelS .of handtogether. It W88 he wbo gave me exhausted. ' Curl ~yron Rhoadesl. t~uck drlve~ ._ sorted coi'n • . W. H. Jami~y. Route 'my sta"- He ,came into a little mon- .: So ,he was in a condi~lon of de· of Miaml~urg, and .N ma t lta Izor, 6, . Wa)/llesviJIe Ohio. -1114' • ey about the time I bad a chance hghtful languor, swathed 10 the Inof- of Franklm. . . ' , , to buy a block of pine. He let me faille thougbt that he Was a fre e man Cecil Fletcher, carpenter f Fran~. PUMPS-:Bocklet's , Hne of ,well and Saturday, Sept. 17 Sept p IS · .rid~y, Sept. lG , have it, _ In It cQup}e of ' years r - free to stort 'over again, free to lin, and Ba~bara Mary AI.lt n, nurse . cistern pum'p8; Hand, eje«:tric and " • .1. . . . .35 O. DO 2:io PI..,,.; Mer"h ... to SI_ T ...... P ............. $350.oo 2:24 Pac.,~~ ;, ~ .ur..... _..... ' cleaned up a mightY comfortable tuke 1lp life again .with Patsy Jane. 01 Lebanon. I , • power' driven, is the ljest • . PUmp' re: Puri. $500.00 stoke. Tbere was no stopping me Pri~o n 'd~or~ did . ,not open b1!lckly . Leonard Frankli~ Pri~gl " ~armer lllatra. THE )JOOKLET.iIN(] CQ:, ..... p-. P ....... ..... ,Pso.OO 2:14 Tro.. P.n .. ; ...... $350.00 2:20 Pace, Pune ... ; .... $350.00 after that." . bebmd hlm_ ?'I)ey ' had closed, cloe- of Edenton and , Ro\~ena Prlco~ house 4'16 W. Main St, Xenia Ohio• . , , . ' ,. t .... Free for All Trot, ''OJ course 1 paid him ' back ed fqrever_ I ' kl,!eper, of 1>1or,row. • \,' , , ' ..1 ' . '. Merchant'. Parle $SOO •.~O p~ 2.18 Pac •• ~~ . .. r: .:~!.O.OQ, agO. 'But I've always had a warm '''TbI\Vs .all nOllr a~ I want to get;" _.Harvey , A.-' Drago'o, tooI' maker, of 'FOR SALE-Houae of 7 room.. ,eel. ",' >! •• ' . ' spot in my beart for .Joe Forbes. ' If hi!' lIaid ' tO '. hi.rh self. ' ~Ith a sliudder. 'KU\~ :Mms and Evelyn L: Ertel, fae~ 'lar' well , cit,. wattlr electricl~ • .... :'.",1 .. it hadn't b\l\ln for him l the chance8 "That's what. boo2:c- dId tor me. I'll tory worker, of SOllt.h Lebanon. ~ ,large! ~d~iI cblcken yard. • nd frUit. nre about fiity t o one I d never been toke another drlnkl" But ev. George A., 1tferrett, Jlha~cl"t, 01 InnuJioe' at ofBce ' . II' governor of ltiicbigan." , en 1\8 he reiterated the pledgj! anx'- Ohattanooll'a, Tenn .• ,aII'd 'Ve!ma 1:. .. . __ . I,., .•. ' '. _ • ' ''That's . wby I lIent: for you, io~ W~8 conaeiou. Of ItJJ,ck, of Harper, . stenographer o'f ,~non. PJPE VALVE8 AND ·iTrTDtOli ". ,solf. · l feel lowe bisJjon somethi!1g. a void at hl B nerv~ centerrwhld, a 1 Alber, FO'ltbowet, fanner, of ·But;. lot all Pllr»o.... BoaId.'~4I I kept on eye on ~cmr case. J eoul~ good 8~Ur drink: woida plug up elfes:, erville, and Martha R, ' Melrose, of plumbIJll'..,~1iil..J ~' not interfere ,mtil you'd had your tlvely, ' . . DCIIl' I!hlllchesfcill, . belt,;;"-TIU!I BOC .IUK! . _ . _.........__..iIii..III!!III.~..~ltrial~ When ·l /teard you'd been (Continued ~~ week) , _(Continued on ,,Pace 8) 411 ••
• .-m. 7 ,~.m
Carya Jewelry.·Shop-
".yoi .mi·w'~ED"
Jesse Stanley
. SeelU.
New Burlington,O.
larrenCounty Fair, Lebanon, Ohio We~esday,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
SfPTfMBfR 14, 15, 16 and 11, 1921
. ~CllSSlfIED· ADS. .....
" 'F"armers, Att·e nt •. on!
Spe~d Program
bltr IIaIb.... ""'.'
••••TH E M1AM -i
GA Z.E TTE•••.
ISSUED EVERY WEDNE SDAY Inter.8~ at tbe Po,tollles at Wayncs v fUe. 0 .•
D. L. CRANE , Editor •• d Pu.bli.h .r,
Second CIaaa Mail Matter
W.,.....m.. '01010
Even If We Didn't Give SERVICE
A. L. KonDl·tly SPOilt th'e week in Detroit, the gUCtit of hi brother· intaw, Rama arter. I The Sunshin e club will m ee~ at the home of Mrll, Willium Lo\ son. Mondny evening , Septcm ber , 12. Mr. and Mrs. R. L: Frazier. of Waynes vill e, culled on Mr. an d Mrs. !!IIlac Brown a nd f mily, Sttnday. Mr. und Mrs. Bllxte r Bentty. of pring-field. Mr. and Mrs. Bern Mrs. RU M~" II J a fl'o ri s nnd SOli, Kirk, pCllt II I'U" of lust week ill lluylon, visiting' Mr. tllHI M I'~ . H:lrry OIT and (nmily.
Laul'n E. I,ewis to William and Made Lent.'!,. I,o t In Avalon Height8. nerbert J!l. Gibso n nnd Iildna M. Gib ~o n to Jacob E. ond Herb rt E. Bufl', lot8 in l!"ranklin . If we pas ed a Goody ea.r ~l'ire o ve r th Stewart Brown to Uome!' B. llIid Minnie L. Johns, 10.82 IIcres in - --.~,~---===~=============== counte r-, took your mon y, said :"Tha nk ========= Harlan Tp. ' . Charles • F'l'azeo to Mary B. HofWIWNESDAY. ' I' PTEMtlEH 14. H)~7 you." and "Good bye, " you would get 6.00 town acroR FTf:kll n Tp, a might y goal! invest mc nL in tire mile:Jlenry eman to , lots in Lebanon . age. FARM J.t1!Ll,EF COMIN G THIS S. Kecvcl', tn king u han,1 in tho gum!.! wilh Juli a ]\[arie mun Elsio W. Ko vel' Ilnd Harry . WINTE R ,' avuju ~ . Ile bas a rranged tu UuHI ~~. R\ld'~lln lo Eva . Keever. lots ill BUT \\ E )) ) A 1. 'J' .\fORE THA l' •hl! bridge, lJ1ke hall the cUHt, $ LOO,. 1.,·bunon . 1;'uI'I1l I'clicl' at the coming gessiun 01, fl'om lh· oil pI'ofhll of tho Navil· Lydia Pearl Nu ll to Eva C, K~ev\:I' THAT WI I EN Y U B l Y GOODo 'unlf!' ~ s i~ il11\lurut lve . !:iuch jn Intlian ' , aboul nil they would get loLll in 1.ebanon . wcro the words thi~ week 01' SeUlttul' in II yenl'. \: EAR T1 RE FRO~I ' ·S. . hit'd Kirby and J ennie Kirby to Mrs. Alliantia StilI'" cnt.cl-tlli neil bUI'uh, of '1daho, lin opinion expresse d Thl~ will not 8urprise lhe poor Nn· to dinner, Su'nllay, 1lsscK Mlloel anti Waller R. lc itt ~, l ot.~ in Frunklln . Edwurd uiter in t!!l'viuws with inrorme d pe r- VUj()8. Hone ~t treatme nt would S UI'· Margar rn to Henry NiceWe put it on- pump it up-in spect et Starr, of Duyt.un, Mr. and ly, lotI! in Hawlho Franklin . son s in lruve ls from Chicago , W S'L prise them. Mrs. Ray Stan'. Ed . and AiLelia Mooro to Ellrl your wit cis ami rillls-,- make it om husiLu t he Puclfic coust. They al'o in MI·s. Sl\l'8h .J cfl'l' ri ~, or Wilming · E, Moore, lot in Mury fo:llen. line only with an idea lill'ricult ural EDITOR IAL SHORT S Si meo n A. GOR. to Chal'll's .J. Honness to sec that it . delive rs 1l1aXillluIII tO ll. hUR muved hl'l' fUl'I1iture into [ allel'~ have had HinCIl the lust flllliOll s, 50Al! aCT(~S in Wllyn c Tp. the home of u,'e of the Huughcn ·McNItq ... bill La .Iam s A, Daughe rty to 1\I1'~. Belle 'l'h e beet salesma n the aut.omo bik she will have h,'1' son, Ru ssell, where mileag e and trouh le-frec service for YOII. ,·IIO Ill " . LJI! cnucted into law. Garner. 09.35 nere. in Hurl nll '['p. ies have is Mr. Pride of lhe Agricul ture knows that it right- compan , Lotti... 'o ulh b to lI1ary Our W. Tucke,' tires are all "firs l s" - - frol11 [re -h 'l'ho Hungry Hound cl ub enjoyed lols in Hurveys burg. a weinel' ron"L (I t the beautifu fully asks lind ex pects the sume fed- u~' cr. l coun 0 Newton ,'. Duffield. by udl11ini ~\.rn· new stock. Your size when you need it. crill aitl, protecti on- or what hllv'; P(lilmun s leepink em' re ceipt. luI' try hOln e (If MI'. lint! Mrs.' ~"r1 Ho rk. tur~ to , Paul SlIli th, 211. IHJ acr s in You- uccorde d Americl In 1lI11nu flle- L!l l!7 we re $8 1,834,31 7-which shows etl, Il e al' Wnyn es\,i llt·, SlIlcm·I 'p. SU II<luy even· Backe d by our money saving Goody ear tlll' CS or ot her industd e ij enjoyin g" A cCI't.uin perc entage of lhe alcohol ing. HOllier O. Hud. on til Harry C. high tllrHf, 1'hu~ agl'icult uro mcans ut.hcI·s Hlcell. Stowc, 1:1l!.75 acres in MIISRic Tp . Servi e. Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Smith and LO uUain iLll objccUv e wus ~horough. D. and W. L. Shawha n to Stat.e - 0three children . or Mt. Healthy , WCI ' C Iy demons trated at Lhe St. 1'lIul conor Ohio, .1l! town acres Michiglln puts new "no·lim it" MonthlY afternuo n cullers in Wayne at the hOllle lownsh ip, ferenee of agl'icult ura l leadel's this speed Inw into effect. Iwidentl y thc of Mr. und Mrs. Charles H , Cray und Anna 30x372 AWT Cord , ... " . $10.95 E. She summer . ehan to State or Ohio. Bring your Tube probstate moLto now is : "No pedestri an famil y. .8~ h,wn acres in Way ne '1'1'. Whll" cllpital ulwnys yie lds a pow- s hull escllpe." 31x5.25 AWT Cord Balloo n$20.5 5 29x4.40 Pathf inder lems to us for a mone y Jl urry I~I'Y to Loui" Fry, . 15 acres Mr. IInu Mrs. J. C. Cray and 1111'8. e rful hnliet when oppos{'d to an l!lSue. - 0Cha l'lcs Gl'uy and ramil y . 1\11'. and in ('\er.rcre ek T p. in this purlicul ar inst.ance the forces savin g soluti on with Ballo on 30x5.77 AWTC ordBa lloon$ 24.0S JIlIll (!S W. Pi le nnd F. W. Pm",: to A c('rt.ain percento ge of the alcohol lI1r~. Geo rge S mith, o f Olive Branch 111'0 divided lind {or II ve,'y good 1'011- seiz!'d und confi"cateci by the federal were Su nd"y guests ot Mr. IUlll Mrs. Robert nnd D. A. Hnniso n. lo t in GOODYEARS. $12.25 Han, nllm ely, Lhat thl're are manufll c- prohiLiti on forcas is Leing Fl'8nklin . , turm·d to Isuac Cobb, nea r Lchllnon. turors wilh vleloll enough to tlce lind the Charles R. and Shirley C. Stayt.on, . S, Postal service, "to be • kllow thut IIgl'icul ture must be put u~ed ," it is said, "chiefly by shc,·rfl' to · Otha am~. 203 ,28 acres Misses J:<nt.hlee n anti Nellie Grn· in Harlan Tp. on a sound basis for the nation's freo ... e in post.ul automob liS an anti- . = == == = ile trucks." hum und Evnlyn Tucker ur e aguin David Carr and Maud Carr to Daprosper ity to be econom icnlly Hound. - I t is said. e nrolled III. Waynesvill" hi gh scho ol. \' id Kindred and Susie Kindred , 40.37 The mid-wcs tern manufac t.urer., 170 IIcres of lund on in Frunklin TI'. closer than his Eastern bl'other to the 0 11 lhe North Pintle river,two isla nd. Cecil Eakin li nd n"vis Bogan lire at- acres MIl!'y W . Tucker, administl'lLtrix lo Ncbrusk a, te,~din!t al Kingma n .a nd Winston seat of trouble. is in lI1allY instlln- al'c being ope ned lo LoUie South, lots in Harveys burg. homesle "d by Cline .s cllrolled at FaIrmo unt. cos now advocat ing the passage of a Uncle Sum-th e principa Th · Vulley T(llcpho ne COInl>any to l product The Jolly Worker s Sewing club Ohio entral Telepho ne Corpora tion farm relief bill as sponser ed by ag- being cottonw ood trees. Here's an entertai ned the boys of lots the Pig in Harveys burg. club ricultllr e. Evidenc e of ;this comes opporlu nity for some Ohio boy to go at a weiner ronst near the creek on in r!!ports of an intervie w with Pau,l west and get into the cotton busi- Thursda y evening . There were plen- COMMI SSIONE RS ALLOW ANCES F. Beich, a candy manufu cturer of nes!!. ty of good eats and nil enjoyed the Ohio Central Phone Corpora tion, \;;;;= ==== ==== Bloomin gton, ,[11., preside nt of the ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==;;; ;/)'I --0hours thus spent. The boys voted phone rent, $4 8.1i0; same, to lls, $24.illinois Manufa cturing associat ion, Round or circu lar garters 46; G. Lederm an, Bupplies for are doom- the girls royal .enterta iners. which was b.road casted quite genel'- cd. An Illinois chiropo ecuting nltorney , $3.75; Tho vv >U ... -'.A!!!!!I!!l!!ImlE!!!!==5'!!==== ally last week. Mr. Beich suid: "We are imperill ing t heir dist says girls =!!Io.... DR. C. W. shapely limbs . School open'-;d Monday morning , bus Blank Book Compan HENDERSON Or.BelJ'sPine-Tar-Ho~ ll111st help the farmer, He works hard with stocking same, s rolled over circul ar WIth Mr. : Larkm ~nd I\frs. Joslyn, sanll!. same, $16; W. C. y, Turton. and gets less for hia toil than .a lmost gartors. -,an' you know, Cor court house, $264.86 For OouKha and Oolder ORice -Aman Bldg. ; The Wesand I know, teac hers In the high seho~ l ; Mrs. IIny one else in this land of prosper- lhese modern gals would . l rather lose Washb~rn, upp~r grades; MISS C~n lern Star. proof of publicat ion, $2.26 Two Show s Daily OFFICE HOURS ity and luxury." Staknlto Mfg. Co., supplies their right 'eye-th an the chance of stant! mterme.d mte grade~. cou 6:30 .ad S ,30 p. m. and MISS stenogr ap hers, $13.76; same,for Such expressions substun tiate Sen- win ning a Miss Whattow sup 9 to' 11 a. m. 3 to:5 p. m. nisit con- McMIllan. primary ~ades. Th~re ator Borah's latest declarat ion, And lestr-w hich ain't decided 7 to 9 p. m. on anythin g are 120 e~rolle.d, 26 belng.m the hIgh didn't he say a mouthf ul' "Flinn rc- Is b t. .WiiiE.AaP.PRiiEiiiCI5iATiijEiiiEEY05iUiS;R:;sPAeTRe0i5!NA:sS,.E. sc hool. 1 he Sixth grade 16 the larg- $42 60 ; Trustee s of public atrairs. ' Teleph onea. lief is imperati ve.'" : e e u (lfflc e. e~t in the school~ number ing 24 I'U- \Vat~l' rent, $16.01 ; The Standar d Oil ~==== • 30 - - -_. - .. ____ _ =============:::::= Realde nce • _ _ _ _ pIls, Three aCCIdents nuirred • ~::'69F2 17 ,24 ; the Compan y, gas and oil. opening week. Tuesday , Billy Carr Columb us Blank Book Co .•• UI' " Il CIVILIZ ATION FbR ,WHITE MAN Wayne sville, Ohio TO HOLD&I tI O. . $10.60 i. fell from a teeter-b oard. striking his fat· surveyo r, • • " AND POOR LO!. Bridge Compan y, rcpa11'1ng forehea d above the eye. inflictin g a ment. $2'4.60; The In ternatio nal Dentia t pllin1ul bruise. William Bogan. in vester White men 'ha\'e 'decided that they 4~ Compan y. truck repairs, jumping , Wednes day, sprained his L. M. Prince r.n .... nnn·~ want a bridge acroSs the north end W.7 .....m. Natio••1 81••. for surveyo r. of the Grand Canyon , which would EXCHANGE OFFERING OF NEW foot and nnkll~ budly, tl\o use of a crutch. On Friday labor, $7; P. be very conveni ent for automob iles TREASURY NOTES Jefferis sulfered a severe cut in ' the expense s, $3.12; F. W. lind to uri ~t8 . genorall y. Tbe bridge pany, cement, $12.80; A. D. top of hi s foot on broken glasB. would coat $200,00 0, The ' typical est, cement, $239.80 : Rich Constru c, . FUNER AL DIRECT ORS "white man" plan is to make the Nalio·n Co., sand. gravel and cement, vajo Indiana pay hal! the amount. $150 ; L. W. Runyan . gravel, $2; E. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO HOTAR Y PUBLIC The bridge wouldn't,. do them any Quimby , in full of contrac t. $258; Nallo.a l B ••k The Ohio Cor. Culvert Co .• sewers, good. It · doesn't connect any sepa$89.20; same. sewers, $93.20; The Fully Equipp ed for Good rated sections 'of their reservat ion. Will. Draw . .... ...... E.t.to. SeUle. Not much news this week. Every- Mason Lumber Co .. eemen~. $90.60, Jt ill purely a whit!! man's improve Servic e. Benry Bishop, bridge repa.r. $2.40; liody, is at the fair. ment for the benllftt .of white men. Large Displa y Roam. W.,ne aville. Ohio E. S. Donnell , per W. G. Thomps on, But; after the white men ' had given M. M. Terry and K. E. Thomps on in f ull of contrao1t, $107 .60. Ambul ance Servic e the NavJljo. Osage and some other were in Frankli n, Friday. TELEPHONE 7 nAY OR NIGHT IndialUl ' about the worst land they r.. >, ItOppo<l In 110 mtnol.lll George Vail. K. E. Thomps on et Ill, KI '~· could pick out for their r eservati ons, IUf'O ...·lth Ur. I:;boop'! ' J \, CrODI) ltcR,OOr. Oue fate decided thab,oll should be struck ~~~;:~~:;Tl1;~~:~=~!tL ~we.re in Middlet own ' tv., "'" will Bu rcb pro <6 , on. the land of No .omiUo~ NavaJ08 and of the Our school is getting along nicely OsaKeB also. with Mrs. Mary Huffma n at the desk. of Ridgevi lle and 3 miles E. of The Osage' Indians are looked af---J. Lee Talmag e, of South Leba- Springb oro. on , . _, . ter 'by el}terpriainll' white men that non, spent' lust week with his home lThur.d .y, S!epttlJDber 122. 1927 sell them whisky for hu-ge sllma. and folks ' here. get away the rest of the money when Househo ld Goods. garden tQoia, they are -drunk-; Qr insure their lives" Lon Brannon , of Xenia. came down chickens . etc. A.. W. KELLO R. and then kill them to collect the in· and spent Sunday with K. E. ThompMRS. JOSEPH HUTT. surance . Unde Sall\ is apparen tly w~ n. ' - - 7 '" . . orr-..,o. S. L: Simpson and W. N. Sears, 51!'" and family. c.. ....... ,1927. Auets. Frank Cleaver , of Kentuck y, callm ed on K. E. Thomps on nnd family. Having sold the place. I will sell S unday a.fterno on. at public sale, one mile W. of WayEd Wilson, of near"Le banon, was nesville, on Stute Route 73. on here last ,week looking after the inFrid.". Soptem ber 23. 1927.terests of his farm. Beginni ng at 1 :00, o'clock: Enoch Abner and family have mov- horses, 1 Jersoy cow,10 sheep. farm\ ed from Camden to the tenant house ing implem ents. corn, h.ay" oats, and 'on the Roland faml. ' some household goods. JOHN ,L.' LOWRY . Mrs. Ella Barlow, of Dayton, came W. N. Sears and S. L, Simpson , down on Wednes day and spent the Auots. day with the Jordon family. Frank Cleaver . \viIe and son. WIII1 will sell at p ~lblic auction ter. of Kentuck y, are spendin g a few Keys propert y on North street. days with Harry Thomps on and wife nesville, Ohio. on Saturd. y, Soptem ber 24, 1927 E. C . .r.Iallnon and family. of ncar All of my househo ld furnitur e. \Vilmin gton. came down and spent Suliday evening with the Davis famTerms cash. . MRS. ROBER T SHUTT S. ily. z W. N. Seurs and S. L. Simpson , Mrs. Nellie Bunnell and son, Geo., AuctiOtleers. of near Waynesville. were Saturda y ~ afternoo n guests of Bert Bogan, in NOTICE OF APPOIN TMENT W~llman. Rev. Ruth Murray and Mrs. K. E. Estate of J~a;;;;;; Kesling , deThomps on ' attended t he funeral of ceased. . Walter Silvers, at Harveys burg one Notice is horebY given th!lt Jenme Kesling has been duly appomt ed and day IlIIIt week. qualified Ill! execut1!'ix of the estate of Glenn Davis and family and Geo. John Henry Kesling, late of Warren W. Davis and Bert Bogan were Sun- County, Ohio,de cease d. guests of Lewjs Fires and famDated this 26th day of August, at nellr Waynes ville. 1927. W: Z. ROLL, Judge of t he Probate Court, OUf threshin g cOl\1pllcny has Warren County, Ohio. a new shed for their engine and sep· Frank C. AnderSion, Atty. arator OR the old saw mill grounds at the Flat Fork bridge. NOTICE OF APPOIN TMENT M\68 Lucile Ferris is attendin g $chool .in ClarksvU le this year, ani! Estute of ~Evans. decease d. Miss Helen Walker is at.tendln g Notice Is hereby given that Robscliool 'at Midland Oity, Clinton Co. ,The dog catcher was in Franklin ert W. Brown has lileen duly appoint dternoo n, taking in dogs. He ed and qualified a!! adminis trator of the estute of David Evan.s •. late of hlid already gotten 31 Warren County, Ohio. decease d. Fra·nlklh~. and was not Dated this 18th day of August. that place. 1927. The maily frie~dll of Willie HarW. Z. RQLL. vey. who Is ' ,so' seriousl y ill at his Judge of the Probate Court. home In Harwey sburg, will be glsd WarTen County. Ohio. that he ill tl;lought to be 80me at this writing. We all hope a speedy and perman ant recover y Subscri ption Price. U.6!1 per year.
--- ---- --
Spe cial
W ay ne sv ill e M oto r Co mp an y Phone 105
Waynesville, Ohio '
~V~od~~~~~~i I-S~;!ge $J2~;dny.
Public Salea
Wal ter McClure J. E. McClure
"'' IDr John W ' M.·ller
IWillS~dWhl~M~'l~ew. ~~~~~:.:.·~':~'~~~.~~~~~'~~:~~~':::~T~~~t~h~.~~~~m~I~C~~a~H~I~~~f~O~r~J~O~h~W~o~r~k:::::::~~~
'w. U.l\ladden & Co.
---..... ...----
. -.
More Th an Me re ,Impression
A stud ent once asked a great master how to mix his colors or paints. To ,which the mas ter replied: "Pri me colors, a little oil and lots of brains, well mixed." So with printing. A g~od printing job is mor e than type, paper, ink and a good press. Craftsmanship is in selection of type faces suited to the job in hand; pape r in tones, shades or colors; harmonious ink selections" careful press mak e-re ady- and the, result, prin ted matt er which conveys character. L~t ,us' demostrate all w.e mea n in you r next prin tin'g , job. Goo d printing, costs no mor e . than inferior jobs.. 'Phone 112' and.. We Wil l Call . ..
~, y U menn."
Rohert Shutt's Joe Thmnpson was a Dayton visitor 11161.
lIIr. tllul· Mrs. t. D. Bairo visited I\fr. und I\1T~ . M. D. Baird were \n rela~ivlls lit Monroe, t';d~y_ [ndhll\uPllliu. 'rhurstlay.
m-.n hlato!:lcal. II' dult' '0 fine r wnt ches than our Gruens. up m, .,a.t and review d all 'o"t: my dllm 1\, l1l.lh 111u(l" u tlrY 's Jewelry : hop, Ll'Iinnon, O. ailla." l l o ll~ t mit U Mill}' . . Gllr n·cr. hi'ropmctor R. A. onne!' llnd family were Dayf!!!!!!~!!!!!~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~1!5~ I I'. ~. ton visitors. S\lndIlY. hio, I'holle 7 . \h. polic" b .. t wh.a t tho r,,,b:l1I\ Ii, It'. . polio, -ill do ' fo~ ·0\1 . I "'I ]1 ddl h tl Tell I'll It·~. Mllry H opkins, or Belmont. "' ~ ~ r~. J' orcnee I) e ~ I - visited friends h 're ThufSdllY. d 10 ht'r h o n~e n\ Madisonv ille. j r. a nel I r~ . E lvi n Fir ·s . pent "t." ~I '" .111hn ' illl\lSIIII nllll . K. lI. y 11"'rr ('inl'il1nn1l I' i~il()"", T\ll!~duy Sund ay with Lewi s I"ircs nn d fAmily. HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT
Mr. ~IHI. Ml'R. Htl cy ' Rye wore Dllyll.n Vls it'Ol'~, ' aturdlly.
I! • '.
1. W. Lincoln, of OilYton , visit d with Mr. illlli Mrs. J . ll. mil h. Ullduy.
,Pnrker D'Uofold pens ; the Guaranteed. nry's J ewelry J.cbllllun, Ohio.
M<!,'sl's. Haymond lI n ncr I1n (\ L. A. l iss ,t llll Oauglll'rty i - 5\lendillg ZimmurmAn Wl'1'(' bus iness vi~i lo rs in .1 ohu l~ rUI1I1I1 and fnnilly "pcnt Silt..... r Coml'lIb,.. nr.l'I), lIl\,l· , lIlld AY lI'il h rclu livl's ill th ' week wit h lr. lind Mt'l!. Erllest Leblll1on , Monday. Bult rworth. Th.r. i. • rea.on, Ica 10 ft And I I hlylo n. wUl t.1I :rou w-h:r ~ Mr. and Mrs . G 'orgl! 1:1 8S, of Reliable watch repai r ing. Gunr- Springfi eld, were guests .of Mr. und Mr. and. t r». Rus 11 uti.bury 11 1111 fnmily wer e IlIHlay di nner guests uf nntefd work : Cury's Jewelry Shop, Mrs. J. O. Cnrtwr ight t odllY. L{'ba non. Ohio. 1\11'. an d Mrs. Har ve y Ry e. A ....t. Frnnk Well I' lind fllmil),. of Ce llWAYNESVILLE. OHIO Mrs. W. S. Grnhnm is spendrng t.erl'iIIe. were S uniluy IIfAel'lIoon call . The home of lIfr. an d Mrs. Tho ml1~ the week with her dallghU!r. Mrs. I!I' S nt the home of W. N. SOlll'S a nd Gll tes, ut Roxanlla, was the sceno of Rlilph Llm:is. in Daylon. 'rnmily. n pleAsR nt occllsion SandllY, when st'veral r(,lntives and frienu s gathe rMr. an d Mrs. Kenneth Hopkins, of Look nl t he tlifl'el'ent models in w~ ed th ere to celebrate the bi rthday an- Dllyton , wcre gu ests of Mr. lind Mrs. Gruen watchl.s. at Cary's Jewelry niversary of \111'. Gates and 80n , Ern- J. . Hawke Friony cvening. Shop, Le.banon , Ohio. est. All l'xcol\ent dinner WII S enjoyed by l he fn llowing: 'l'heo Gales and I\li RS Rhea J Ollel Cartwright left Irs. Geo rge Smith is visiting her family Rnd Vonce Gilles, of Rieh- TUI'Rd ny lo ente r her s('cond yellr son-in -law and dnug hter. IIfr. and I mond . Ill d.; Amos /lnli Halllll Debuard in Western co llege, III Oxford . Mrs. Philip Zepc, of College Hill, Cinof Hnrveysburg; Chnrlcs Lynch nnd cinnnti. Mrs. Lee Hnwke, \\Iisses Elsie anti fnlnily. Mr. IInli it'S. Willinm Robin son, J ohn nnli Jlltn OS Bogan, of Doris Hawke Ilno \\Iiss ESlher HenMr. llnd \\Irs. W. B. Mather. of Bur Wu yncsville ; Fred Leo nard lind fam derson, wel'e Dayton visitors. SAtur- liflglon, Kilns., were dinner guests ily, Kings ' \I1il1Sj J oe Pnrks and dny. Inst Thursduy , of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. family, of neal' incinnaH ; 11k und Sherwood. L. 111. Hend cuon and daughter, Mrs. Earn Glltes. of Center ville, VACCINATION OF SWINE Miss Doris, motored to Oxford MonInd., nnd Wolter GaleR. o f Dayton. Mrs. Julia \Donovan entertnined at AHernoon enllers niade t ho number dllY, whel'e Miss Doris will enter dinner, Monday. Mrs. June Wright, (A SPECIALTY) West, e rn coli 'ge. of guesls nbout &2. of Springboro, and Chnrles E. Wright of Dequesnc, Pa. N.ll., bllt R.li.bl. Serum ...d Mrs. Morris Silver and Miss Helen i1vel'\\'are! Hllve you look'ed ovVi.... U.eel Cary's Jewelry Shop is open every er the line of hollow and flat wnre Hawke WerE' in llttendance at t he anPhone 81 at Cary's Jewelry Shop? It·s beau- nunl conference of th e M. E. church- even ing un t il 9 p. Ill . Come in and es at Dalawarl! lust week. look over our beautiful gifts. '\ HARVEYSBURG, .OHIO tiful und t he best.
more ",otoMoi. th .. 11
E. Frost
Per Dozen, From "ill Pi; For Eggs' 34c Thurs. Tdl Mon.
, Inter's
Country Club Twin or Single,· 1 ~ lb. Loaf .... ''- .. . .. .
...... 16........................... 7c .....Ie WIa.alt t.rb loaf .......... &c'
Whit •• I-lb. loaf .......................· 6c R., ... I-lb. loe.L ......................... I~
t,:~~~~~lt: . ~~~~~ ....... 24c
Gel. . s..toe, Ib... .-......l ........... 19c Fr.. nch Br.... d, Ib .....:.................Sc C-trr 'CI.... lOt'" c.t •.;.. ., ..... :.. , ......... ................................ .............7c
Clifton or Avondale Brand S9c .-24~ Flo . ura.e}6.n.. lb. Sack , . . '. ... .. '.' _..... _ _ ...... ".th. • Country Club, extra 25.: p'•".ne .. S fancy 2 lb. box .... _...... .. 1.19 . 12~_lb_ ••ck ................... :........ 87c
GeW .......
12".lb. •acJ. .... .................. :..... s&c
JO.4o ............,.........lOc
Nict .... t." 70-80 .i .... 2 Ib . .. 15c
c.u," CI_-'; . .
~~~p 2~!t!e~ ...... . ....~... 15c .. . . .
" 2'5"C Plums
Chooso that wrist wntch for style and dependability. Have you seen ollr Gruen watches. Elgin, Hamilto n. Illinois, etc. Cary's Jewelry Shop. Leba non, bhio. After II plea8llnt visit with tivell, Miss Dorothy Dakin left today to tnke up her school work at Bismarck, N. D. Mr. and 1\11'8. J. L. Sherwood arrived here Saturday evening from Washington O. C" having taken the body of Mrs. Sherwood't. father to his 01<1 home near Winchester. Va., for burinl. They were guests over Sunday of Mr. Sherwood's brother. C. H. Sherwood and wife. After a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Jeffery. near Oregonin, they will ret urn to their home In Salina. Mr. and Mrs. C_ H. Sherwood arrived home Monday of last week, after a visit with their granddaughter, Mrs. J •• V. Hartsock. at Akron. and rep ort a most enjoyable trip. They visit-ed the Akron waterwo·rks plant. located twelve miles from the city at, Kent. Ohio. where 21,000.000 g!lllons of water are pumped 24 houJ:s. They also visited the MeKinley Memorinl at Canton. Ohio. • Lnst Sunday was the time and the plelUlllnt home of Mr. and Mn. J. E. Frazier WIIS ' the place of the annual reunion of the families of Wm J. Sherwood ,of this place and Frank Sherwood. of Oregonia. With one or two exceptions all the members of both families were present. and a delightful day was spent. Mr. an~ Mrs. J . L. Sherwood .of Salina. Kansas. and Mr. and Mrs. C. H .Sherwood we,e present as guests. A typ ical Sherwood dinner ' was served caf. eteria style in t)le front ynrd.
1t.Ii.n Pr .. n.. lb. caa ......... :... B.IIr,. Ib ' . .................... ~ .............. I2c US·lb. bolt ....................... 16.1... CaB .................................. t3c 3 'po undo ........... ..... :...................2Oc
'~~~o ·...
Peaches ' EIExtra F.ncl' $2 ' .... rt .. .
34c '~~. ~. . . . . . . 3·7c ~~1!~~!,. . . Bacon 3'O'c ~~eJ~!!i' n ............. : ..
Uf.iI!'!o,.. 3 bar. .. .................... 2Oc
per baaket........ ............
BI...... 3
FaDC, I..., 3-11t., cat. lb •.
BananasF~ ,.
15c 19c
..it•• II
1) 0
·2 Ib. ..... Ib~. ............... .. 25c
5 Ib ......
Fa.. ",. Gold ....
1'f:~E WHO ~O '"'5
NeW Electric Plow in ri.
~ O f1l C li m l't ~ o n w cla y , QUI" ('YCK ~l lH lI ~ ce
The facl! \\' , lovcd Rn ",{'II ; Some timt· our hun d shull J1r e~~ in
hi5 e ric , al he eltj>el'iruents on the 600 acre farm of Woodward at Le Roy, N. Y As .hown in the photo a double p used-onc positive :1nd the olher nelPtive. The: hiJh voltage p.sainaplow to plow through the damp earth. is said to kill insects. worms, and Wt~. thus giving the ground basic fc:rtilinr-nitrogc:n.
h i ~.
And tll'ver "".1' f :lI'~\\'e ll. His merl'y laugh nil mol'(' we hem'. His voice we loved is sl ill; And 1111 that is Icft in lhis [ifc fo ;' u" Will be his gravo on II dist.u nt hilL
Quietly Married
IIh~. FlllI'cne ' GI'lI hllIll, daughter of I\lrs. ('lora Woolll1l'd . of Wllynes· a dau ghter, Ilt their home west or ville. unci MI'. l\1:txlI'el1 Hollinbrswol·th [own. CHRISTIAN CHURCH of On'go!Hli" . wet'e 'luil't Iy mnrri ed ILt A lIul1lbel' or Lyll o folks Illtended Every- lhe h01111' (! r HI'\'. J . A. LlIlny, pustor Lh" Dl1yton fllir IMt week. Sunduy School at 9 :30. of th!' i\luin Sln'pt Pre. hytcl'illll body cordially inviled. Mr,. 1\1111'.1' 1I1'11I'Hl Y spent Sunday r hurl'll Lchl111on. li t 2 o'c1uck Wednesday' nfWI'noon , . l·"temher 7, .11127. with I"ellllives at Wl1y neHvillc·. FERRY CHURCH OF ' CHRIST Th ~ n('wlv 11111rried co uple hll" Sunday ~ ehool will be IlL 2 o'clock Evangelistic services continue each mnny fri"nd~ in t his vici nity who and pl'llaching at 3 next unday. 1\ li fe of happiness. evening at 7 :45 (except Sllturduy.) wish t.hpm _______ .-or - - - A number from here orc now work Evangelist J. W. Hnyte r is makinl~ illg at the Dodds canning factory. a deep impreHsion by his earnest prcs HOI'n- To Mr. and Mrs. Otal Surentation of the gospel. Henl' him! face , Tuesday, September 13. J 927, Mr. and Mrs. James McClure en- The ~ ong service is delightfu l. On tertained the "Jolly Matrons" and Thul'sdny eveni ng t he Couser Male The Huppy Hour club met nt the The Ladies Aid had a culled meet. their husbands and other guests Tues- Quartet will sing. Hellt' t hem! Serhome of Mrs. Ad ria Brllddock. Scpo inti FI'I'd!!y evening at the home of' duy evening. vices on Lordsday nl 9 :30 and 7 :46. tembcr 13. Humorous &clcctions werE' IIIt·s. Calvin Longacre. All are welcome. Come ! Heur! given in n nswer to roll call. Severnl Mrs. Idu Gl'illl~, of Sidney; was Dr. P. A. Garner, chiropractor, Hecd! guests were present. " week-end guest 01 Mr. Knd Mrs. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 78. Nllthan Johnson. Minister. After the business session a BUg- ~nll1uel IIllines anti fumily. gestion box mnde up the program. Dr. and Mrtl. Ernest Rosnagle and The hostes.~. assisted by Opal RcaI\lr. ollli MI"!!. S. H. Burnet and Mr. METHODIST CHURCH and Miss Lourll Rosnngle, and MI1<. Robert Burnet and son, of , Ohio. were recent. guests Sahbath School. 9 :16 a. m.; ~eaeh. son. served Il two-course Iunc heon. _ _ _ ___ - -spcnt Sunday at Ohio Caverns. of Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Rut huway. ing Service at 10:30 a. m.; Epworth Mr .and Mrs. Allen Emrick and Leaguo at 6:46 p. m. j Evenlnc A diamond is the only gift that Preachin!!, Service at 7 :30 P. m. Mr. and Mrs. Berne Jones llttended yields contlnuu.1 happiness .and is not the home coming at Owens' church. L. A. Washburn. Pastor. subject to depreciation. See us for Sunday. The nnnu~1 reunion of the Woolrea l values. Cary's Jewelry Shop, Mr. and Mrs. William Pine and lard family wne held Sunday at the ST. MARY'S CHURCH Lebunon. Ohio . daughter, of Social Row. we.r e Sunhome of Mr. nnd Mrs. George WoolFourteenth Sunday after Trinity, doy guest:s of Mrs. Lydill Pine and Route .4'. l.ir . ~md Mrs. J. C. Hawke hud as September 18. Church school at bU'd, of---Mrs. Mary Marshall. .... ... th~lr dmncr guests on Thursdny ev- 9 :30 11. m. Morning Prayer and serMr. anti Mrs. C. W. Albriaht, of enmg. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. MaMther, 1I10n at 10 :30. pringboro, ' were 6 o'clock dinner . of Burlington, Kan .• and Mrs. ary Rev. John J. Schael!cr, Rector. Hopkins, of Dayton. guests Wednesday, of Mr. and Mrs. ------~~ Kesler Grnham and daughter. While playing bali last week. BobMiss May Wright, in compliment by Burton waS painf ully injured when 1ttr. ond Mrs. George. Reeder and to her niec.e. Miss Dorothy Dakin. the buli struck. him in tbe face. cut- family. ot Route 4. attended the entertllined at din.ner Thursday. Mrs. Reeder reunion. Sunday. at the ,home J. Wilson Edwards; Mrs. James Mc. The Joseph · Haines tarm. consist- ting a gush just above one eye. of Mr. nnd Mrs. Mat'ion Osburn. ne.r C1ure and Mrs. Ronald Hawke. ing of 190 acres and located on the Hnrveysburg. old State road. about one mile north A BIT OF FOXING SchOol _means eyestrain ~o your of Waynesville. was sold at public Mr. and Mrs. Ed Longacre; Mr_ girl or boy. -l\,1ake sure and ha.vo de- auction Friday. by the ·administraund Mrll. Wllbe.r t Swank. Mr. . and Actor"And the aUdience, my boy. feets corrected . while they nre young. trix. to A. B. Shaner. who will make Mn. Melvin Swank and fto n visited Examination f,ree Tuesday and Sat- extensive improvements. the farm were glued to their seats until the Mr. and Mrs. George Davis. in Cinurday. Cary's Jewel.ry Shop. Leba- boing well watered and having the show was over." cinnati, Sund!lY. _ riUc- "That certainly was a neat non. Ohio. largest bnnk barn in the country. Mr. and M~8 .William Coleman and mnkes it very desirable for a stock way of keepiug them tnere." Miss Thelma, we're Sunday dinner Mrs. -Edith-- Harris. Mrs. Laura farm. Auctioneer W. N. Sears did gue8~ of relatives .t Loveland. and Mosher, Mrs. Frank Taylor, of San the selling. in the afternoon visited the former·. -Francisco. Cal./ and Mr. and Mrs. brother .Thomas Coleman .at Christ Ronald lIawke and family spent SunLyman P. Roush. traveling auditor hospital, Cincinnati. who had his limb day with F. C. Hartsock , and family. Cor the Equitable Life Insurnnce amputated last week. ' of Milford. Co., has purchased through W .N. Miss Dorothy urless was the guest Mril. Kesle.r Graham. in c!Qmpany Sears, local real estate broker. the Mi.8S Stella Lemmon ~ntertnined 26-acre farm belonging to J. A. Low- of Miss Erma Evans lust week. 'With her brother. Mr .Ralph Stowe at dmner. Monday evenmg ·of last ry who will give possession nbout and wile ,motored . to Parkel'sburc Misses Catherine Noggle and Dor- lnst Thursday to see their eister, ~rs. week, Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman . Mrs. th~ first of October. Ralph Miller; Mrs. G. M. Robitzer, __._ _ othy Conard have entered Oxford col Arthur White. who underwent an operation' ~or appendicitis nt the ho~Mrs. Rny Mills, Mrs. Harvey Rye and The farm oWned by the late Roy lege for the year. Mrs. Ronald Hnwke. Vafl Tress' was sold at sheriff's sale, Harold Robinson has sold out his pital there. They returned home . at Lebanon, Monday morning. R. A. restaurant business to Leo Whitson . Sunday reporting ·Mrs. White to be Mr. and Ml'II. D. ~. ~rane were m and R. G. Cross bid the farm in. there who took possession Sllturday even- lliowly improving arid will remain at Dayton ThursdllY eveDlng th.e gueats being no other bidders. . • the hospital yet. mg. _ _ten _...days _ ....._---of Mrs. May Cook and famtly. at a ....... .,.. . --dinner given in celebration bf the W. R. Ha rlan hn8 accepted a pofirst anniversary of the marriage of sition with the New York Life InsurDEATHS Mr. nrid Mrs. Ethan C. Crane. ance Company, with offices lit Cincinnnti. Jewelry, gift and art wares. purRobert Shutss dide at" Gallipolis. chased at San E'rancisco and Chicago Ohio. last Thursday. September 8. Rev. and 1I1r . R. G. Curless, W. FOR SALE Gift Show exhibits things new and after a long illness. The funeral .N. McKay. Charles Lacy lind ,Wayne ----,~-=:..::::.:..::.:..;:;;:;:=---- You a;e always welcome service was held at the Chnpel Mon- Wills attended M. E. conference at FOR SALE-Buck. la~ce open wool at Cary's Jewelry Shop "11he Home day afternoon. Mrs. Ruth Murray. of· ·Pelaw!lre last week. '. type ,3 years old. Also. -two-row of Gifts." Leb'anon, Ohi~. . ficlatlng. Burial waa, in Miami cem- , . , . M' corn cULter, almost new. J. P. Cum· . tery. . Mr. Oran Turner nnd sIster. ISS mings. R WayneBViUe, O. .s14, Opal. have gone to take up .their '. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conklin. Mrs. school work at Mechanicsburg. Mr. FOR SALE-Two large fern .. · Ml'L Ml'II. Mary Perry. 88, died at the Nannie . Conklin. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Parlette. ' Mr. Carman Cornell. of home of her ilaughter, Mrs. Mary Turner . as teacher . nnd Miss Opal a~ .W 0 .Raper. Waynesville, ~hlo. ,. s21 and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cor- Middleton. in Spring Valley last Fri. student. spent Sunduy with · Mr. and Mrs. day. She had been an invalid for Walter Janney ,of Route 4'. five years; the result ot a fracture of the hip suffered hi a fall: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riggs, y;ho She is survived by two daughters have been 10catEId ill Lima since their nnd a son; MI'!!. Middleton Mr$. Sarreturn from Miami. Fla., have chang- ab- AnJlabee an.d F. M. Hiett. posted their residenc:e to Columbus. Mr. master at Spring Valley. and Mrs. Riggs spent several days Funetal . services conducted at the last week with the latter's parents. Middleton home Sunday at 2 o'clock. Mra. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark. Interment in Spring Valley cemetery.
Happy Hour Club
Woollard Reunion
- --
Struck By Bale Ball
Deals in Dirt
---- _. ..--NEW BURLINGTON
Robert Shutts. ICln uf' Henry ano Nancy hutts, w.s born near WIt)'ne ~ vlll.. Mal'llh 30. 1881. and d partIHI I hi~ 'lif ept.eltl\ler 8, 1927. Ill:' d -16 ytllll'k, 6 m nths lin\! IJ days. On ,ruly 2, 11117, he wo ~ unitl' d in nUlI'l'ialte to ' utli' "Burton, o( Dayton. I)io, \ ho sptlnt thl!ir life togcthur in that 'iLy "nd ,Wuynesville. When 1\ you g man' he ' lived in Or gu niu, devoting his liCe to hj ~ beloved mother ~lI1d ' ruther. AI . th Qugh hu hud nevel' un il,('(\ wit~ uny reh, he wos a fil'm believer us he 1'l< llrc"xI'd in his lost days thn t if I ho Lord wnnted to cure him ht, CI)uld, alHI if not. 1(\ tuk .. him .. All huukh h i~ illnl'~~ W IIM of IonA' (Iuralion he IlOre it Iora v(· ly, Il CV r cOlI)plllinitl!:. bellI!: kind :lnd plells/ll1t t o ('''tt l ' \, nile l.u'Htln ci him . Ill' icu\' c~ I!J 1110Ul'rl his loss, his wife. une ~ i8 tl' l' and six bl'olhl!1'8 and n host of ot h ~1' relnlivcs llnd Jriends.
Late Classified'A'dsl' a.
25C •
PUBLIC SALES Of.·Real Estate, Live Stock, Farm Property :a nd Furniture. Conducted by a'uctioneers, experienced in handling some-of the best sales since 1912.
-. '.Free .information given as proper time ,to sell and how to prepare property for best results, greatly increases the tele-
Aucti.o rlHr, -<
SpringbOro. Ohio.
Mr..and . Mrs. Otho Henderson· had as , theIr dinner guests Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner and son. ot Bellbrook. Miss(~s Doris. He.,ndersOfl. Est,her Henderson. LoUIse JBepder. son, Nancy Treadway. Louise Crane. Messrs. George Henderson. Kenneth Kilboh and Boyd Henderson, Vision Is precious and should be carefully guarded and consel"Ved. Consult Dr. Rudolph. the eyesight specialist. Tuesday? a. m .• to 4 p. m. Saturd'!y 9 a. m. to, 8 p. m. Examination free. Come in and ,have your eyes ex.amined. Cary's Jewelry Shop. Lebanon. Ohio, The Real Silk: Hosiery Mills announce a fa)! and winter line of silk and silk and woo, with new styles. new, colprs. and reduced prices on Hosiery for the entire family. C. B. Chapman. the local representative. will call at your home any time before , he leaves Itor. Bchool, on Septell)ber 20th. UPOIR request. Phofle '~6.
· E.~. Thirkield. 72, president and manager .of the Thirkield store at Franklin died at 'his home in that place Monday morning, September 12. after an illness of abo'ut two weeks. -----_. _ ••- - -
Minister' :A ppointmentl Several changes were made ~t the annual conference of the M. E. church which was held nt Delaware last week. The appointments of local interest are: Rev. L. A. Washburn, who hIlS served the local congregation the past four years will go to Trinity, Xenia; Rev. A. S. Watkins, Qf Cil)cinnati. will come to Waynesville, and Rev. R. A. Stillings will return. to Springboro and. Lytle.
Passionate-'IThe more. I look at the more _beautiful , ~ou seem." Sweetic--.:"Yea ,./ . Miu 'Lo~ell. Janney, aecompani~d . "I ougltt to look at you more af. Mfss 'Helen GaUan·t. ot De· ten," . . , who '-h~ been visiting a~ left la~ Saturday by .autb UO!.UIIJ'[J. ·to take up thllir work 811 " THIS WAY OUT, P~ASE I ~~Ii~:· ~~~.tJie public i1ehool there. .....:.... , _ 11 IJlt at the same "When I proposed to Janet. she for e01le,.,. at Car. laughed 'at me." PL~ where abe will teach pb:val- . "She', a \ sUy ehlld. 'She laughs cal culture. . . , __ .' a~ th. molt .~plq ~,"
...........~..; ; ; ;__; ; ; ;.....~~;;;;;~~~~=======__;;;;;;;;;===;;;;;;__;;;i;;;==;;;._.
We have a supply o(pure Trumbull seed wheat. in stock, Call us for price.
Salt A fresh supply of Barrels, sacks ~nd.: block~. '.. .
Lehigh Portland, C.nle~t .: We are agerits for Lehigh . Por~lap(;t Cement. We wilbhave a fresh~ar ~n . track this week~ ,
Seventy-Ninth 1rear
Political 0utI00It
By Alber,
21,. 1927 r.
Whole' Number 6771
1 I~t.;:~n:h~t.~. i
..... ' Thc Indu ~trioull Workers Pig club . " 1". THERE'S BUNK IN CLEVERNESS of Harlan township. of whom Ro~ J " ' PLEA ROBII i8 luader, carried away over $40 the chief portion of the prizes award - -- cd for livcstock clubs at the WarWh ethcr it is a pha Re of infl'riority Prepared by ran County fair last ,Yeek. Other compl ex Ot' not, it is true that IleoColumbu.· R ep( rter :2~'..!.~~~~~~==-__ clubs which made good exhibits In. pic urc IIl wny ~ slI spiciou s of clevcr '~t cludc the J{now Why Poultry club, I)(>ople. They P l' 0 5 nl thei,' IcYc1'1II'HS ~ ====~=========~ Lebnnon, with Mrs, Mlltoll Keever. as un implicd RUP ri orily, and I h leader; The Massie Calf and PhI' club best means for crcn t ing l\ prejudice WHO WILL BE THE MAN.!. Hnrve)l'8burg. with Wm. Lukens. the against them is to pret ~ nd that they OLUMBUS. OHIO - Republican aro clc\'crer thlln ourRcl\, R. ,{HE VAJ'llISHINC BOB lender; the Greentree Livestock , club leaders of Ohio have plllllled word Turtl.~cree k townshiP. Henry. Harri& I t is n fav oritc PO"O of luwycrs be- dllwn the line not to be in any hurry PR~RESS AND SACRIF,CE leador. and the Washington' township forc a jury to .Iiscal'll all oru t ol'Y 0 1' Iluonl an nouncing fllVorito candidntes BREWERY STOCK Livestock elub of Washington Tp., arts of reasoning <lnd I't'"claim thcnr - fo r the presidential nomination next sol VI''' us simply l"'l'~l' n l cr~ uf fll c t~ . yeu ,', They say there is ample time Fred Hagemeyer. ncar Clarksville. lencler. Many of the club members Those wh .. \I'i ~1r t" .,lIhU Ii CU t hei l' to mnko a choice ' itlter on. It is , on meritorious prizes by exhibiting own Jlc "~o nul I'cpu Ul lion ",ay I'OSC known that somc of these leaders Now• ' 1'.o the tl'me to Pl'ck your can. w 1 U~ clever m(,lI. but th o~ (! who wish to huv e been out of the state. and have · dldate, with President Coolidge "not In open c asses. . . ga in thei r pllrti cultll' poi nL ,. nounce found various opinions as to the fa· choosing," which means that he does Lynn Sydenstncker. a p~g club vorite condidate. And these same ot intuud to be 0 candidate. • member of Harlan. townshIp, was uny llJlpearance of clcv(Jl'no. '. One of t h o favoritc nrgume nts len dcrs want to get on the band wag· " Houver. Mellon, Hughes, Lowden awa~ded the free .trlp to Columbus, dumrg the Annual Club Congress, agai nst doin g busincHS wi h ot. her no- on wh ile there is yet room and och rse who will it be? or n d ark 0 , November 7 to 12. The olher Pig tions iR to claim thn t t hey UI'~ much cupy n place of Importance when the Club prize winners include Raymond cleverer thah our5elve~, much more parade starts. "No use endorsing Charles ~va~~ Hu~he8 is back from Schnell, Harlan toWDshlp. $8: Clintricky and re$o uTcc1ul. Every 11a- any candidate ab this \time," SaY8 Europe. With nothIng to aay to reo ton Reynolds Hn.r lan $7' Fenton tion wi shes to conside r itself as sim- one who is pretty close to the pow. porters," a dangerous sign with a Sonle, Harlan: $6; Ha~old Fox, West pIe. faithful and tru sting, and all oth- ers that be. "Thore is ample time, national convention nea,r. Turtlecreek $4' Daryl Sharpe Harers as wily and deceitful. and Ohio Republicans should W',alt -3 T' 'd II '. We heard D great deal about Prasi- and see what other states do. Many Mr Hughes never aald. "I am too I . b P 'd t oJ that would be an . •. wo 0 arB each will ald W 1_ o Id to e felll en • 80 be awarded to ea h of thj! other ent i",on8' being taken in by Lloy d sLlltes conduct their primary before prepostero~s. from. one o~ t~e most boys and glrl8 who completed their George and Clemcnccau. We nrc iL is neCeSSlll'Y for Ohio RepubUcans h~rd wor~:ng men an pubhc 11fe. He Pig Club work, including Chas. Bonow deluged wiLh news to the effect to take n stand, and we should await dId say, } am too old to run for gan Darrel Bogan, Paul Bolser. Donthat our l'epresentntives abroad in developments." AIJ of which lIOundll President. ovan Brown, ~uci11e George .. George another confecnce a l'e being cozened very reasonable to some, but not by the stlltesmen of other nations. Hause. Chas. Huffman. Howard Mcthose who would have an Ohio can. Secretary ~,ellon is back from Donald, Freeman ¥mard, John C. All this is pure hunk. didate for the White House. You Europe, also, with nothing to say Taylor Frank DuVall Corwin Nixon The Yankees are a8 clever as any- know several names have been men· to reporters." Clifford Ford, Robe~t Duke. Ralph ,~ body and abundantly able to take tioned, nnd it might be said that it Secretary Mellon wall wnl~lng up Jone8, Myron Nixon, John Sapp, Her . ., .... , t!~••~. ,~ ~:, \:\:, ,. \,' " care of thcmselvcs. U anybody isn't fhe personal friends of either Park avenue In New York CIty JlIIlt man Wolt, James Wolf, Myrtle . • ".-t•••. , ." " ,i • • . " . -. . , .. ~ : • ." leaves them with the heavy end of of these candidates who urees the week, looking about half his age and Brunk, Carl Beal.• Harold Geor&,e and . .)1.-- "J.,..". t\~"N' 1..1_ , L.... . ..1_ the stick to carry they will have to watchful waiting plan. In spite of going at a rate that would have tak· Chas. MacDonald.~""6· J ' - , . aWl QUI\ t wanna UIF pralucnr; I wanna be a prizefightbe pretty sharp. this fact indications.. are that Ohio en him from his desk In the Treasury The Poultry Club exhlblta, the ftrst eI'. They get more for one little old fight than you paid all your presld~n~ tq ~ hUlt Suspicion of foreigners is all too Republicans like to 8ee what is doin&' bulhline to the fl'o~t ' door of the prize of $6 went to Jamel Richard. nineteen yean. common and a f requent cause of mis- CTom a band! wagon seat. and the OfWhite . ' House in considerably less son. of LeJ>anon: .. to Ruth Geol'1l'8. .. -, ". " , understandings It would be much del' to go slow will stand unlellll counthan a minute and a half, Lebanon: to Corwin Nixon, Frank better to be honest and frank our· termanded Jater on. selves, to lay the cards on the table lin. and $2 to Thanna Brown, ClarkiTbe Smithsonian Institution will ville. The other club members who ~~ and t? trust other people to do the Chicf Justice Marshall of the Ohio have II weatner, station In southw,:st exhibited and will receive U each. ' . ~ '." '1 same. Tru st hm'dly ever arouses Supreme court hns 8uggested to d , 'Afrlea. There. high uP. in the, aU'. include Evelyn BlggI!, Elva Creamanything but trusL In return. judges of the common' pleas .court in In the dry, clear atmosphere, IlClenCe er. Lawrence Creamer, Mary Davlll, A man some time ngo wrote a book the State, that they tlrst dispose of . will - study 'the lI\1'n, calculate s~lar Irene GIo_s8er. Tony Hagermeyer, • " " ~~ ,. ontitIe~, "My Nei~hbor ,Is ~erfe~t." criminal Clllles, and then civil cues radiation and, if hopes ,are realised, Stanley Henderson and John Mat_ • __ If eHrybocly beheved In h,s ne'gh- in their order. He urges prompt and ,predict ~e.ther as much lUI • week &haJl. . " _ . bor and ·trusted him we would ' have vigorous prosecution of all rnminal pr a month, and even on!l y~r, In ,Heber Ellis, of Harveysburg, won The ~rst WlIITen County Rural Wilmington defeated Bowersvil1e much less trouble than we do at pree- ~asc8 .adding that "the publIc mind ,10 811 premium for lint place in CommunIty Theater: has completed Millll Lucy Emley was the Sunday I t S ' . ellt. '8 aroused to the necellllity of dealadvance. . It hal' taken men a lone while to Calf club with Stewart Davis of Ita first appearance at the recent War dinner l1!eat of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. as unday. thereby tymg up the It is often said that the Golden ing with crime promptly and no unfind' out that what they have and Hamilton : toWDllhlp, IIllcond. itttl"g ren County fair of a aeries of six Mills. ' schedule with the Miamis. Arrange- Rule needs all amendment. It is not certain band. The law's de).ays are what ha'ppens to them depends lal'8e. $7.6,0, and DaVid Bfgp, from the well-chosen exce\lentl~, preaented one menta are on foot to have the two only necossary to do unt,o others as becomin~ , more and more. unpopular. lyon -the · big ·star that lights their ome club taking the ' third prize of act plays. , Mr. and Mn. W. F. Clark enter· teams play an extra schedule of the you would they should do unto you. The officlllI reports submItted to me abort livea. . $6. AU the ,other Calf Olub mem. The total attendance at the twelve talned S~n~a1 in celebration of the beat two out f th to d 'd but to b~ bold e.nough to take ,the by county clerks show steady reducben will receive '8 each; includin« performancel was about 1200, IIhow- b~ anntvlra&l7 of their daugh. 0 • ree games eCI e first step III tru st. tlon of the number of cases' pendlq ~, . I all ' lin Vivian H~mle)'er Iva KllJard AI. in« t' that' Warren County reelly ters Mrs. C. W. Younce and Millll the championship. , The Idea' of cla iming that other in most of the counties." Wlth .imM.11~d Clarle.. Manager Hopkins will go to Wil. statesmen or diplomats nre wily and provemcnts going on at the penlten. A ge~tleman. occu :el..!:nt1: fred Sibey Arthur' Sibcy PaUl' Vall walltl entertainment of this kind. as a no eman, w.1I.Il arr w en and Dervoort, ):dward GoIIe, Go.. ~ ~onors were. carried off by , mlngton tonight to make the final ar- slippery. whi.le ou~ .own are rugged tiary, there wi1l soon be ·ro.9m for . ~ceu.sed of mafl'Ylng 8ft)' 0 " ' and WUliam SIIiey the Hamilton 'Townshlp Grange, who Mr. and Mn. Raymond Co~er en· ran ements in re and honest. 18 u VICIOUS onc. and all an increased population, and tb.e gettinlf a I mll~on d~~al'll l'Tttm~1\e~ The caab pmes' will be 'disttlbut. prllHnted "The Teeth of the Gift tertained at a nicely Ilervild 6 o'clock t : 1 d I Irllrd to the games who help to spread iL arc not doing a courts, it is said. will have no exeu.. j and , ew:, ~ ~:: "ft e~that eTC pi ed du'riq a ..rlea of club achieve- Bone." They were coached by Mr. dinner Tuesday evening of last e p aye. t is possible that the very commendable job. tram that source. no thl ng . e sa al"'u • c<r nee ,qaent meetlnp to be annou ied at a Barclay Shields. , week In honor of their uncle and first came of the Ileries will' be played ' • - • ---. ~~at {t 18 In t be ;a:re ~~ , a j woman laicr date , n . Second honol'll ' went to Lebanon aunt, Mr. al;ld lllln. J. L. Sherw~od, at Wilmington. On the following Millions of dollartl-ba... e Jaeen added to trmt men, UII" 0 una )' or woThia prise' mone)', as weU a that Grance, wbo,,'presented "Sauce for of Salina, ~nllU. Mr. and Mrs. C. Sunda)' the Wilmington team will to corn crop values durin&' th4! ~ men. awarded to the elrla in the Clothlnir the Godlnp, and were coached ~y 'H. Sher;wooa were present and a very play here d 'r h t . two weeks by the unusually warm FoOd and Room cIulla, under Mila llrL Omar Holllnpworth. Sprln,- enjo),able evenill, was spent. ,an I eac eam WlUS one September weather. Corn, which "Curls 'are co,nlq back," oya a W.tta, is prOvided b)' the .' CountY boro Grange too~ tlili'd place with .l'IUIIe the third may be played on neuwas hardly thou~ht worth cuttin&' avprofeaaor of phyatolou, neD "pU« FII~ baud tllrou h a ' cIaI· a "Under the Law," coached by, MI'II. Mr. and Xl'll. W. E. S.t rend enter- tral ground-. on for feeding purposes, hllll matured , ~rll" ' a~d the "ahinrle~' win pau. ~rlatfon the ~mm~: JDti. W~er. 'l'he other paJ1iclpantl tained Wednnday ev.nlne, honorlll, A lIcense~ umpire from the Day.· rapidly and at le8llt 16,000,000 bum. Common IOnse Ia with the bOD. Bo-el'll, in ac:dordanc.. ~t1a a St.llte law were tli. WaJ1lIlBV\JI. Youl\C Frlenda Miaa Josephine Manious, of Battle ton association has been secured ' to ---cIa have been added tQ the crop bT ",ance ' witb ~e putr~a cUrl. You tavodq the UteMiOD aDd develop.. ~ho presen~ "Not Quite ' Sucb • Creek, Mich. Be.~de8 the honllr umpire the gamoll. . Th~ 4-H Girlg mltde nn excellent ~he f~vorable weather con.d1t1ons, It could Jlot macine Martha Wuhlq- inc of lunlor Clubs. ';' Muon. Gl'IUlI'e, "The Dee1"- CU.at there were present Mr. and Th~ game Sunday made a. dift'er- showlng of garmenta food a nd room IS estImated tbat full)" one-fourth of ton with a 1M?b. , . • _. ' eat ThinI' In : Boota," and Barve)'l. Hn. R.. A. Manious and ,sons, Ver- ence In the standing of the league. fumishings at th e ~oullty fair this the crop is still an . unfavorable ( \ bure Gran.ge. In ''Two Hundred and non and Ralph lind Donald. Mr. and BowersvJl1e. fell below BI!Ubrook. nnd past week. The judges we re espce- condition. but .w ith weather cond1~ No' l'l'Cat thin, Ii aChiev.ta with· ~I!ty DoI1an." Mn. Earl lCen.'e~ain and chil.dren, of of course tied the, two leaders.. ially comm endatory about the Woy in ~ions !Ill th~y have been tbiI! ia rapout sacrifice. ThOle dls~ued by The Communl~y TheatC!r wu for· ~ldln and MIIlIl Sara MiIlIlildlne. which they hact followed club instruc. Idly maturmg. Crop estimate re· ' 10'111 of Me . ~ flying may .remember • ~ . tUnate in havine . for a judge, Mn. Ice cream and !!llke were Ilerved. Le•• Sta,a dla. tions.The t hirLy-six ladies who hnve porI:/! issued by tile state !U'8 to ' be that th, total number of deatlul In 'W. H. Aufranc. of Butler county, ' W L P t. given thei,' lime to this work in the revised shortly, and it iI . expected trans-Atlantic 8yilll' III' .maller than who hlI,II been allllociated with the But Mra. Edith Hllms and Mrs. ~ura Miamis 12 8 6~O county nre surely to bc congratuillt- to show that inste_!! of a Cl'OP of Ie.. the number killed autoD)QbUin. on ,~ I.r County Little hteater for several Mosher entertained at .a beautIfully Wilmingt~~'''' '' ''''' '' ''' ..... 12 8 . 600 ed for the exccllent results of their thon 75,000.000 bushels, aa indlcattin ',Bunda: The~· ', .. ~ ),ears. Mn. Autranc congratulated appointed six o'lclcok dmner at 141'11. Bellbrook ........... .... ..... 10 !I " 626 efforts. ed September 1, it Will be for at leelt y :n ,me • After ,.~rchlq partiea had hunt- each orcanlzation on their excellent Hat.h.awar'll Tea room, on Thursday, Bowers...iIle .... ....... ....... ,.. 9 11 '450 The pfizeR wcre IIwllrdeu in the 20.000.000 more bu.hela. A.ll ofwhlch e .nd coJ;uer ' eep on . ed for bl~ for nine boun" W. E. selection of a play and 'n~1r able everung In honor o~ Mrs. Frank Tay- Spring Valley............... . 8 11' girls clubs as roll ow~ : is mig.hty fine new. for Ohio fiLrmel'll .. ' , . " GrI!b:, 83, ana a pa~lc, who wan. presentation and declared with truth lor, of ~n. FnlllcllIC~. The guesta Jamestown ................ 8 .420 Girls Room lub I- Elsie Tnomp- even if the price haa, .uffered a sub• • 'C. V. MI11~r. ~, T~tontd, lef~ brew- cl'relf~".y fi.!)~ &lie ~me of his 10ft that '~t was v~1'Y. dilftcult to 'select the were all mtima'te fr,'ends of Mrs. . .. ...... :.:,: ......... 12 .400 son. Maso.n ; Li,'c Wire clu b 11 Louise stllntial loss durin..-th~st-two ery IltAck ~ leven 'M~tliodlat mint.: In-law Rollll Plan~k, ODe mile north of Winnlne honon. • Taylor. After ~e ~nner, they an • • Marconelt, Maso n; Live Wire club, weeKs. ' O ters and Ontario ~ockey ,club ,haret! bere .t noon Hondq, 'I'I'~ found III With such a start it is hoped that spen.t a deliehtful evemng ~t the Har~ 111. Geneva Witt, Mason; Live Wire .. " ' to OPPQ*~nts 0$ raCe trllck nm~:t!~. a bctUow a quarter of a niUe. a",aT more rural organlza~ions will J1!lrtic' ria tiome. Covelrll were laId for 141'11. ~. Ip U , club, IV. Stelln Brown. Turtlecrc(lk . The~c IS conSiderable e~e~tlon At the end of nfne y~ the pro· trom the ho~. 'lie was apparentty ipate another year. Anna Cadwallader, Mrll. W. ,H. Al'" Sunshine Circ le club. III varIOUS circles oLth,e stata ,bout teeds of hIli estate iO to tS6 parenti 1Jnift'ected b)' the experience and af. ...- • len, Mn. E. 'V. Barnbart, Mra. ·R on- :The Friendship club was enterClothing first year' I Anna Chap. infantile paralysis. accordfll&' to Dr~ of the largest family . bOrn ,In ' the ter bem. take',' 'home, at4! a )earqr , . ' . aid Hawke, Mis". ' May Wright, Mlaa telned last, Wednesday afternoon at ml1n. Plea~ant Plnin; iT. Geraldine J. F.!. Monger •.lItate dlrecto~ of health .~rovlnc~ durlne that \inle. IIUPpet'. He ~u .unabJe to 'tell 'l'l'hy '. Wal AppOinted Emma Hel,hway, Miss <11a1'a LQe,t~e hom.of Mrs. Stella Butterworth, Schilling, outh L(!lJunoll Shllll1rock; WhIle. reeog,!Jzl~g th~ dan~r ~m .. ' . . ., pe had left the Planck 'bome~ " -. Miss Trillena Edwar~, MIM .Marga- w.lth twentY·flve memb!!rs and four lII, Genc "u Snyucl', lJopkillsville the dIsease, It IS rapi.dly being aup.. . )letbodlat min litei'll, 'to get the • ,Mr. Gri!'ll; was jus~ be.-lnnini to Mrs. HMiry Satterthwllite has been ret Edwards, Mrs. Edith HarrIS. M~ VIsitors present. TIle . meeting was Girl's club. . pressed and. the danger Is, not nearly $7&,000 bioewerY stocle, ",ust draw the be , able to walk ~ter su/t:erin&, a ap.,olnted to serVe aa . a member of ~ura Mosher a:nd Mrs. Frank T.)'~ called to ,order ,by the ,presldent. Mrs. lothing, ~econ(1 :.. ctll· ; T, Dorotny so great liS It was two or thr~ weeka ' • _ .. Mabel' .Farr re'aii the ~4th Paalm and Cliupll1nn, Pleasa nt Plain, Plellso,nt ago. Out of 270. cases rep~~ for . dividendi and vote on the compan)'" p• .ral~tlc stroke wbich b.~ at'rected th, Rural Woman's Committee for 101'1 ~an.apment "to lIee. wh~er theli' ,0ne , llld?, and, hfa vocal o~na. H14 the ~hio Council of Republican Woo . , Mrs. Lillian MIllI\ led 'ln prayer. Wor-kers; JI , VelulH Hall. Mlli!"cville Augus~, 66 were In the w~~rn half ' pari.ell for mone)' was greater than mind was ala" BUehtl)' Ilt'r~ted. He men, . Thi. ' commlttee ie composed Af~r the businelill .ot ~he day was Hoppy Worke ,'s ; 1/1. Dorothy Davis. of the state. and only four have ,been 'thelr principle••'" , ',' , climbed froJll ' a 'Window of hls ftrst twenty outBtandln~ Republican " J taken .ca II. ot, the fol1t!wlDlr program Murdock Willing Workol's. south of the bOUll;dal7 line I The ministers, ot couree, 'wl\1 do floor bedroom, at the. Planck hom.l, women of the 'Sta~ at Ohio, aU of Willi given:: P~no solo, Mrs. F,:mest Clothing, third ycul'; ' J. Gertrude of Knox, Cosho~ton, TUIICarawaa: and .,~t ill necel!U1'1 to !=ollect the mon- betwe~n 11:30 and 12 Monday noon whom ' have been highly recom.mend. , Ha~~: J'e~dh\,~ M~ .Olive DI~wid- Whitacre, 0 , c('olll girls ; II, Eleanor Belmont countIes. MaD! ,lCIaooll " ed and are eminently ,qualified to " die, vocall!olo, Mrs. Lllllan M~18. Van Metel·. TUl'tl creek Sunbeam h.nv,e not as yet ope~ed, a.nd, thlil ace),; and· u.... it, for prohibition propa- and dlaappeared.,· thui thwarting. satan. ' , Mem~1'I of the ' farilll)' ..... rl at a aerve In tile capacity to which they CHRISTIAN CHURCH During tJle soc.al hour dainty re· StiLchel'S; III, Marjorie Whitacre, Os t lon genllrally hns met Wlt~ the ap, : ., , l~u to unders~nd how h. eO!lld walli are appOinted. This committee 'will Sunda)' School at 9:80. Ever:v- freshmentB were llerved by the has- ceola Girls. p.roval of the state health au.~orlLe vi th ' b{ more than a few feet, owiq ' to hla have a meetine at the Deshler hotel~ bod)' cordially invited. ~1lIl. and her aasl8tants, Mrs. Mabel Clothing, fourth ycar; I, Tva MiI- t,cS'. Cooler weather ~Ill llte~d to st ;ar::: ~':ful~n::' 1n~uae.~oufd condition. , He will' found · t~ a lonely at ,;ColumDm, 'Ohlo, October 6th, at __ Ziplme,rman, Hn., Eleanor Babb, , Mrs la;d, Washingto n township Bachelor check the disease and with :'~e ao~eat an Yhuma.,.: "' ~eln the Ilhad section o~ Cc;tuntrY, fl e!,!, Middle ~un, :which .tlme Mrs. Wilma Sinclair Te. ' . Grace Fumas, Mn. Veda Omdorf GIrls; II, Ida Rh oades, Juniors ; m, Ing of cold weather all ~ Iboulcl 1 after haVlne forced his way throulrh v.D National, Committee woman will FERRY CHURCH OF CHR~ST and Mrs. Eva Davis. . . . Doris Sno ok Tul'llecl'eek Hnppy be passed. . y t' , dll'th' f e ema e hia'h w.eds and .. 'd b ' Ii . d ' ", 'E ell I i tin t The October meeting will b h Id H ' wou Id b ea a , mOUll8, an oyster with .'bel' 1rtillloDs of )'ount· · / ,,.n ~r rul an over meet' with, women- and arranre work. , vang at c Bleet nga con ue ,a with 14 CI "5 " e e our. It b . t I k i f ' j;w 1 til aten ~ach year,wouid ' make t hl shad .rough lal\d. .'~. '," ~ \ . , • _ • ,F erry church with EvaniClist J. W. be th ara h~e\lan. T~III will Foods-I, Mur thu Pi(!t'son. Muson, t <;gms l1li in tl 0 ~ ' , Ha,ter preachin" effectlv. gospeller e me to brmg our birthday Sunshine ; II, GUrIll't Gutermuth, mas I.mpor an . nom a ODS ,D i th 31. ;'trol ' T _ ..t__ 100k 11ke. b r con • :,:",a.u.. ° Gi~rI ' " DEATHS mona each eveni'n g at 7:46. Remem. money and for election of officers and Mason, Sunshine; III. Edna COIl11>- year wllI be easIly settlld . . ,ia money to p2~r parent:e~'that takhe tb~ amp , Ire. • ,: " ' ,. b.r the services at 9:80 and 7:46 OD a lar~ attendance is de.ired: ton. Maso n, Sun shine; IV, Mal'Y Elud the countest f~r . U. S. Senator. S1~"at ca~e ox their c~Ha~1) mig t }Je .," , . -, . next Lordaday. ' . _ • son. Maso n. Sunshine; V. Salli e Beale con D. Fess. h1's announC.d tllat h. 1& a good idea. . But molley l!ft for ., The Waltalatlna Camp Fire Gfr.. Frank Hartsock died Sun'day night 0 LO dad 0 tob 2 tb Blbl ' J F kJ' P II ' . VT H 1_ p,erfectly wllling to a4)cept a ~1'1Il 01 benevolent purp'osee-;-exceptin. Ki· t t t" h f h Iiat , hla home at Centerville Ststton. . n r ~)' c er , e e ~ ones. r?1l 111, 0 sanna , , e SiX years ' more in the Senate from ence ana educatl!!n-;-II usually "l"'~ me a '~8; o~e t e . guatdlan. The 'funlral ~n1ce was held this af- Sch~ol wUl o~selrve .Rally Day and 0 en H~r~ls. 'Turtiecreck. N(lnable; Republicans, and ,it seema reuoDe , ed . . Tile work 'yoll do wllne·'f6u Uve ,Mra. , ~~omaw" Monda)' a.t~moon•. teriloOD ' and b~aI WAII ' at Center- ~t WIll be Home Comlllr Day.for t:h VIT, VIvum Vnn ~Ieler, Turtlecl'cek, sure that Governor Vlc.Donah. , ' bc wlllners of the club ounts. there's no ltDowiq wtiat youJI The hani! ~Ign, Iaw .and credo were ville, ' , . church. Alt-day meetill&' WIth dlll1I1 _"1I Nonabel. be the Dem ' ti I ' ...... c may do a:tte. you : civen, followed by the Hcnta.,.'a re" nIl' at the cburch,. Come I , ' ", a,w . • Congress triPS to Columbus. Novem- G h 'tOCl'id c nomt~::l~ l1Jon~ c , ". \: , . ... ..' '. J port and ·~IJ. ',call. , ",'. . . < "'" " Nathan Jrohnaon Minllter. , _ _ _' bel' 7 to 21, nrc us follows: ?vernor asn aa as ~e . ~ "I,~ ' " •• , '/ . ' I ..\ .. ,~ , i- I" tli.~ · "Uiib." ""lon It J".a -d.- ' OlUf , ila~ke' dl,d early thl~ mom- , " Ralph R . .Wllliams. ~nown as "The Sallie Deal Joncs, Pollyanna; Ma- WIll nter. the cO~te8t qal~ .FeII,. ",Great Brl~ln · tnbinClil 'to · prote . 'cIdeil ,..to ha.ve a fnarkjlt an4 douth- Iq at hil' ho~e n~ar HarveYllb\\J'l'. " . Great WU1lams," trick barrel jump- ry Plymire, Wushington township bu~ a~ .SI~S. pomt that-,.W&J" " iIIIid lanorant Inveaton acaillllt pt-rlch. nut ,ule, . October , 1~ at tlIe T:on- The ~'Pl!'ral Hrvlc.s wilt b. held Sat., ST. AU<~USTINE CHURCH er aad physical culture artl.llt. will Bachelor Girls ; Geraldine ,Chesney, whll,: It IS lI1dlcated he ~ .f~. - - , q,ulek IItoC~ ",!~.me~; anjl otl\er: lCbe- shiP..~o~le. I TlielJ,market ,0peM ' at urdal ,afte~~n,~ th~ th~e to be d~ Sen;tcea flext Sunday, September atage a free acrobatic pmorman'ce Mason Sunshin e; Dorothea . Day-is, t~~me~ not to seek ·the· .Oftmo~ . 1'Ilers.. Pe~dllnlr ato.cM frdm ~OOI' to 9, o'cJocil aild , ~e l do~~Ul8 , ~U : 1HI ~~~ed later: , . ,.,' 2~, at 10 , OCIod:. Bl .p ' ' oD 'Main street, under auspices of the Harveysburg, Jolly Workel's; Esther ShIt -~~' ~ h~s ~o~l~ecid~ ~i F atber ,en, altor. door Ia to ~ stopped, ",Iipr stocb' sold" In '.~be af~emoon. ADY o"e _ . ' . ", ' merchants, Two exhibitions will be Tufts, Maillcville Happy Workers; er e . s y In 1'0 CII 01'''~ nto tJ:ir!lurb th. , maD r~e~jI ' 'and' ~nt1':!a: diiu,hnutJ Ca~, leav~ , l..;d.el'll h ~\eal' Wt~am:o~'11i~~ -:.:" .', ---:.'" ~ven, olle' at 8 :30. as 'a ,epGciar mat- Lynn Syd cnstricker, Harlnn township ;om~h P~Vllt~ b~SI~U~"" .JL~~ ~ ~te1ild.'. 'J!hcl 01\; '1 real IIIltlte an~ at'li""an's.ltort. d / ~'" , . ~.. I':'! F:"r_ 1f~~~';.d " t ~)' ' IIETHODIIST CHURCH Inee 'lor ' th. ~ Khool children a nd the [ndustTilil Workers, ft~ e. e~.a e e • ~~~.I,OJ?P,CI-i . . mining lChem. that ·rob ltiveators l'fn 'Tjae fcill!lwbJi' prorram ..,ai· theil eh~ ~~e~ .~cea : 2 IIIlB Moot "15 L 111-' PnMb- otb:er at 8 P. m. No collection or • _ ____ :. Ion In '8 part y ..or '.~ .. ~~ c:.0unby ;Would Ii,o t be po"I~le :m .. en. ,.... ~o.mf "'l:he ~~k at Pla)',~ C r \ u ' oon a ~. 11\. Iq ~ t 110"80 m • 'EjJ ' oriJL charles 'of anf kind, as the communIon. • ' ,1 " ;: 9~t Bri~In. , '. __ ,',;' r . ' . Dprotl\Y Omdorf: BIble, S~r:v,f. W~nl~ , ~ ·:~ ·~~""' If ' f'Re 'P D It, ~e <at ' ~:4'&: ' ·P. Lm.;" ~ Ily win 'be cuiista bf "the , merchants. any ttended , " ,.Ii· , .~ I :' • . ~ fJ'.dArlnl~ee~.The , ~~leof :Olot1a~~for;;...'Opa"'to::fth•.,·)~·M.oE.Pl'eacblq8ervie.at":80P.... OJ:lI~f , them~·· ~~verleats~e , ' " . Yo~ng
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,The Mlan y" of thc that M. will p ace came b Be 0 renew home tances and lIee ota ~ , 'l'l'OS held ilt'the c~urc~ ••,I·..P-I"'! .•II'~,~.~ and aft~l11oo ! ,, ;\ large- c r o w d " '" 1>l:esent f,am all over t~e state.
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COMMON PLEAS COURT ourt found Shirl y Rauncr guilty of noglect to provide for his minor child lind ordered him to pay, certuin \I' ckly sum l:< W Mugllie E. Rau'n · or lor thnt purpo. e. Court fou nd Alice Yenzel guilt)' of grO~iI neglect of duty and ' granted Cluren c YCII'zcl, d ivorce, Grund j ury sub mittcd their l'Clporl nR !o ll ow~: Twenty.six wltllosseR cQvl'l'ing eight CU~l' ~ hnvQ be II eXtllll' im·d 1\1111 one bill y'rc ~ !!nlecL SeV(ln CURe.S we re ignol·cll. Cond itions at t he Wnrren COUlI&y jnil wel'o report· ed (llvorable. R. :I. WhI stler wus fo und g uilty as charged nnd fl ne,tI $ 100 lind costs. Defendunt )la id $50 lind court grant· ed hIm 60 da ys to pay the blllnnce. Court modified il.!; decree in the case of Andi LII ,as VB. Alice Lucas, and grnnted custody of their minor child to euch for a period ot she months each year. Court granted Wilbur Tinney dis· missal from jail under bond a nd fix. ed time for his fll)penrunce at Intel' dote. . It was the consideration of Lhe eour.t in the case of Johnnne~on Waleu and SJlllrre Inc.• ·vs. Srere Bros. ond Co., that the plairltHf recove r certain sums from the defendants. It was ordered by court that the plainWT in t he caae or Fred S. Simp· son, county treasurer, Vii. T. L. A. Mabray et a!., recover certain s um ~ from the tlefenda n tfl for unpllid lund tax. Order of BIllie wns issued to the sheriff. Order of sale wn8 Issued to the sheriff to recovel' certain sums tor unpaid tax in the case of the County Treasurer vs. Fralnk Marlin et al.
A few strokes of Lhe had ~een replaced by grB"cl, which , CHAPTER VI in turn yielded to dirt turnpikes. iron "piLcher" pump nCBf These made way for sand}. trucks door brought up an nnunIIllHU'" A e....... of Scene which wiggled with appan\nt aim· c1our, cola water. "We're lessness through tho jack· pine coun· pretty," he declared. "Let's have . . try. pring Wll8 appreciably more lunch. rill crazy to tear in and ~oUdale hummed like n swnrm . of tardy as they penetrnted northward. make this Jllace into something." ~ bees over the governor's pat'. T he nights were chill hut the cllIYS In mill·ufternoon, as t hey sc rub· don. Th.e community ha~ never ~el'!\ were fine and sun~hi ny. bing lind (urbi hing hllppily, they had for Albright. In ~I hiS c.ampalJ!"U The Forbes hunth'ed and Hixty acres u vis itor. He hud wnlked to the cab· It. ~d voted fQr hiS oppo~ents, pro· were twelve miles east of t he village in over the I'oll ing ~lIckp ine wastes. t1eSIinc bhurch.~ers w.ho smgled out of l..ong Portage. They hacl stopped " Good ilay to you,' he began. '<t.be liquor . law 11\ th Ir ~ pecche~." in the woods town fol' proviMions und Sl IW the SllIok(! from your chimn_ey. , . 101le they .would ~nrorce most rig· o~h!l~ ~utlpli es. ,It bUllst .d II rnilroad My nlllll.ll . is il!a i8h Sealman. My UlIY. Thl~ nJlphed . to coUdrlule , ,dlVISIOl1 bendquarlers, a sawmill a nd land udJ otnl! pint of yo ur qU8rter. Cb, rurth e~ore, disapprove 0f little elso. ' section on the west." rd Albright bocause lie was The log house much to Edd ie's "How do you do?" gre eted Eddi • " own: as a "liberal.'~ . surprise and SIIli~Caclion, was fo und laking the proffered hand. "I a~ ~Iudi'e rarsons Issued u pubbc to be in fair ly good condi tio n. The Edi on Forb£'s. This is my wife." ~telilent m which. ho dcc1arert that roof wus whole. Apparently, deerenlman. Somehow the me fit. 'th4 IOvem'!r's aC,~lon wus a I!ros;l ted him admirnbly. Eddje t IlU!lPC of powe.r, and ml!de . th,~ He wn!! as sleek WI a s/'nl which ~bes c~se a 't.ro~e. ty. o.f JustIce; just emerged from the water. f '1'0, EdUlon a!ld hiS. WIfe t he to .... n hnd s mooth brown hair, worn ~ become ImJl08lllble. He could but kept in excellent order. He ....ve ...~ye«l on. f?und work ~ f 80m.e a full though sloping forehead, 'I!;lnll, and forced It to revise Its e~tl' a large, high. bridged nose. The low~~r But the game Willi not er part of his face Willi covered by a ~ Ute CA!1dle. He. k!lew 6~me· beard severa] shades lighter than the ~' of the. IDert Vin?ICllVeness to· huir. It was also sleek and we ll kept. . ~ the emng of which sm'!U com· The mlln WWI large, inclined t o stout . ,,,,f.¥U~" ~re capable. It mIght be, noss, and with an air of being above ~ ' before .he coul.d fight back to the rough fro ntier clothing which he NEW SUITS ~ pOlition .ag~n: These would wore. . jian '~f lonelm~ss and o,~traclsm. "Here fo r a summer outing, I sup. Colt Patent Fire Arms Manuiac· ._'"It ' lin t worth It, Eddie, agreed pose?" persuud ed Seal man, as he turing Co., a corpc)ration vs. The Van tijy la~e, soberly, when, th~ first looked about with large, shrewd Horne Company, a corporation, for .~ 1A ...i Ii I...... .. ~,. AlIi r-; . ' Diil ') ) ~n 01 reanlon over, they dlSucss, blue eyes. money only. , Calvin Edward Collins, factory Lebanon Lumber Co .• hridge muterial FOR SALE- Ice chest, nnd Florence tile future • . Al)y boy that was "Here fo r good" returned Eddie . Nellie Davis V!l. Frank K. Davis, worker, of Waynesville, und o Gilldys ~D7 . 70.; P. B. Monee, !lame, $7.46; oil ~lov('. both II~ good us new. bon tI're an~ tn~ to be som~body !s smiling fra nkly. :'1 own t his for divorce, alimony and custody of Bortha Colc, faclory workcr, of So. F r!1n.khn VulcaniZIng Co., truck reo C. coni W. Younce, Wa yne"ville, Ohio. you know. We tbought children. Lebanon. pu!r, $2 ; W nites' Garnge, truck reo JUUler, a bal)dlC&.J). They can t admit 821 ,"'" .FI\n IlPsBlbly be as good as some the north a tria!." --- Joshua D. Jones, minister of Leb· paIr, $63.60 ; KilDatriek-Freneh Mo. WhCl cOlPes fioom awa.y. tofo: we Sealman shot him a quick glance PROBATE P,R OCEEDINGS anon and Fanni F rnnces Henderson, tor Co., truck repair, $36. 94 : Her. FOR SALE- While Flake potatoes, $1.50 n bUKhcl. Able Dllwson. Shu. )Jut w.here?'~ " . "I had heard , that people named . housekeeper, of Lebanon. schel F. Jam es, truck repair $107. ..... e t.hOup,t of tha~ rllPlied Ed· Forbes owned it" he said slowly Proof of public:ation of notice of Maxwell J. Hollingsworth former, 34 .: International Harvester Co., r~. maker fnrm, 2 mileN north of Har,'!"It ' diedy. "Don't you remember "But I thoUlrht yo 'd b d d 't' the appointment 'Gf Laura Robinson of Oregonia, and Florence ·L. Grah· pnlr of trucks, $60.70: T. N. C0880n, veysburg. ' s21 *G..a ~me cutover 'Pille landll neat' The taxes-" u a an one I. as executrix of thiS estate of William am. factory worker. of Waynesville. pay to Dr. Edward Morey ' treatment FOR SALE--JohnHon corn binder. ~ tPo~! ' Let's go up there. "IlY Jove, thnt's so I" interrupted Robinson, was fil~d. . a~d serum for bite of dog afflicted horse and tractor hitch, Great Wes~1aII" lin t much aood, l supPolle. Eddie. frowning thoul!'htfull . "I've Pr?of of pubhc:! lt.lon of notice of REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS wlth rubles, $6 1.10 ; Ru ssell Henry tern Manuro Spreader, both in aood ~t U..,.'II" hOUh,on tire place; a1l,Yneglec ted t he taxes for soore time. a~pe;l\ntment of Wilham Bacon as ad· and Lundy Lewis, stone $100' Th~ shope. C. L. Duke. R. 4. s21 I must go down town tomorrow and mlntstrator of thiS estate of Enoch :1f!p.l'~f,b~ .~ three years aro 1';hen The Valley Telellhone Co. to Ohio Sta ndard Oil Co., gWl' and nease r'1!e~t f1wne on Po~ cree,,". see about them." Bason was filed... • Central Telephone Co., lo t i n Mason. $471.16: J . K. Spence, bridge lum: FOR SALE - Poland·China pigs, .. It\! wonderful up there In the "You intend to fnrm?" Mr Forb Proof of pubhc:ntion of notice of David Carr to James and Martha ber, J407.42. both Hex, weighing uP ' to 250 Ibs. er• .We can make the land RUP· " T. 0 tell tho truth I don't kno;~; a~pointment of William Bacon as ad· Carr, 64.10 .acres in Franklin Tp . A. L. /{ing, WayneSVille, Ohio. "82 1 1IJ.1f ,you'd care to go 110 far returned Eddie. "We haven't h~d mlnistrator of thee estate of Enocb In tbe matter of the will of Clat- ~~!!!'!!!!!'!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~~ FOR SALE- Set of quilting (ramell. . III elvmaation and rough it. Pattime to look around and deci de Bason, was filed. ence A. Cowan all real estate was Mrs. Ollie Davis; Waynesville• • ~J,, · tie coaeluded, wiBtfuUy. doq't soppose much of this hind Court ordered the in.s trument pur- convered to hiB wife, Erma Cowan. 821 , ~by, ,of coune I would, Eddie.". . 0 d I b 't· porting to be the will of Albert Theo· Strips of land In Clearcreck Tp., "'~ed promP.t1l. "I'd lov, 'We «Ill toai,"t, Pat," It. ~O~BC S--" aven any Implements bald be fUe~l' an~ application be · made nece8Sary to' widening the Dayton . • TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALEI V the kD4 ""on't . apport UB, &DDOuaced .l.efull,. Sealnian nodded agreement. for probate. pike were tranafened to the State ........_ .........,.......___......_ _......_ _ _ _...... A nice lot ot timothy seed, re-' . ll::'la~ ~ opportunities the~e ., Innd isn't much good. It . It was ordered. that Emma A. De· of Ohio WI follows: F. C. Burnett, cleaned on a new ClipRer Windmill. iqeLIQl.....there are here.. It" hunters had used the place the pre. streaks up here in the Garmo . be appou~ted executrix 01 1.474 town acres; Emma T. Eyer, MONEY LOANED $2.00 per bushel at farm two miles _ ~ a ,blC cit;,.. And I bate big Vious autUlpn all a camp. There waa try. There'll an the estate of Ham, C. DeGarmo. Tbe 1.668 town acres: Oliver E. lind Eliz~outh of Harveysburg. Sam A. EllS. 0 4 " t. " . ' a . rusty but serviceable stove' whlcb good land and then trust was aceeptedl. . King, 1.660 town acres; Fred- LOANS on Obattellitocka, Secur!. 86 ao I, lae rel6lned, his face he did not reeall as having been there sand that won' t raiso ' ours , Court oppomted Robert Reichel. Fuerst. .624 town acres; J. L. tiel and Second Mortgegee. Not•• ],' 0& FANCY WORK In Reed weav'~ ~c&l~. _"I'm. c~zy '~o previously. in the kitchen: ' ; except along Portage, mostl sand: Albery Burroughs and George Knapp E. A. Kenrick, .94 3 town acres; b ht. J h H including all types of baskets ..... tile .rwUa~~ a trial. We n . The kitch.en w~s a lean to adjoin- )t's all ~ight to spend a vaca~on on, appraisers of the estate of Harry C. A. Doan B1'8$ney, 2;7 61 town acres: oug 0 n arbl!!e ~r., ~enl .. ing, trays, etc., see Miss Doris Hawke' . ,. • IIII1eOIlCWlaDi:l bUI" and some mg the mom building. The biuer though It's pretty lonesome, even in DeGarmo. . . . William Forest Taylor, 1.226 town Ohio. . m30· 2' Fifth street, Waynesville, Ohio. Pri: ,. PH ..,. ~~ &tart. •. • ..tr,!ctur~,'V1IS di vided h;tto a combi· ~ummer, I'm afraid you'll be ullJohn Philip Larn , ck was appointed acres. . ces . very reasonable. 821 At ,PJ,. n8flW n~9b of tlie ~hlrd natIon hYlng·room and dlning. room, Ing up stakes again pretty soon.'P exec~tor of the estate ,of Helen J . John G. Vail to Herschel T. and 11II'IIiO~~tiDJr a coneldera- and a bedroom eon~iderably sinaller. Eddie ht d a good lIizabl e jaw. Lamck. The ~ru!lt was accept~d.. BoJildted N. James, .16 town aci'es in FOR SALE-Two large ferns. Mrs_ • . ~y uw ~e roof of t~e Tbe living.room had chairs and a ~_ He thrust it forward uncol1llclously Court appotnted O. S. Hlgll'lllll, Lebanon. ' Farmers of WIlrr8n end adJoin In. ·W .Raper, Waynesville, Ohio. " In. " Pa~ . Ja!,e. ,reeted It ble, of . a Bort, and t here were bunks as he answered: "We've decided t., Harry Murphy and G. F. Brown ap· . Jonnie Banta to Anna E. Leight, counties may obtain money on Ion. • ti1ull!p)ailt ehil'l'Up. The naHed t o t he log walls on two sidell. locate in t he southern part of the prais.era of the estate of Helen J. l1 . town acres in Warren county. " ·time loana, at 6 pel' cent Interelt. PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINt..t. "1IIrI~ bad heft a 'p1eal1lnt one. Why, we can stay here tonight, state. We haven't seen much of our Larrick. Eva C. Keever toMilton S. Keev- C . Lor all purpoees. Bocklet's line 4U "1IIad left "'bJ~d the 1>rosperoul Pat.:' he announced 'gleefully. "It land, but we like what we've seen. Court olldered Boyd S. er et aI., 64.94 acres in Warren Co; ost ot lecurlnl the same Is very rea· on of the ata"te with ita paved won t be. much of a job to clean up: I don't think it's lonesome here-" executor of the estate Allen and Eva ~ullett to F . .~. aonabl8 ,through The Federal Land plumbing and hea~lnl suppUu are ,r oad, with the , tlrat day. Concrete Wonder if the PUmP'B all rigbt?" ·He looked doubtfully at Patsy Jane. Burton to transfelr certain Harnback and Ed Hirsch, 40 acres tn .Bank. F.oflo furthel' Informetlon eall beet. THE · l<J0CKLET.KING CO. '4111 W. Main atre,t, Xlnla. Ollie. if U N (-t ' ?'oC • .J' ( " • • • "Neither- do-t;'-'-she sawlelllented, decedent to Bqyd. S. Rathberger, Turtlecreek Tp. on. 91' "ddrelB lrI. C. DRAKE, '1'r. , "';Z . . ___ spiritedly. "I want to stav here. I trust.ee, under t~e Will. Flora Z. ~ee~~r to R. A. Holden, Court , determtnE!d pe",on8 Jr., lot in Franltlin. urer, phone 8t6,~, Lebanon, Ohio. Iqve it. If the farm wonft support FOR RENT I 118, my husband can ' find sometbln'g ~ succeed .to the t!state of Per· R •. A. Holden Jr., to Alfred Srere, cto do I'm /lure We don't d rlRe and amounts subject to tax. lot in Franklin. FOR SALB much.'1 • n~e Court determinE!~ the grOBS v4!ue A.lt:red Srere to the Van Horn~ Co. FOR RENT-Good garage. ceme~t • .p.a LA . Sealman considered , 'thout speak of the estate of. Sylvester Pemne lot ID Franklin. • FOR SALE-lmmuned B11J Type Po. lIo~r and electric· light. Inquire 'o f . ing for a time. He spoke IIlowly: and tholle persons entitled to succeed Neva .Patterso~ to Estle and Mll. land China boars and gilts. J. H. Mom . II Silver. ·,21 I "Well, if that's ' the way you feel to the estate. '. dred Hames, lot tn , Morr~w. Sackett, R. D. 3. -1128 FOR RENT- Apartment of flve about it I might be able to use you Judge W. Z. R'oll WIll be George Compton and Evelyn Com'p- PU ' . . rooma. Inquire It tit G ~n to Jesse and Bertha Wade. 67.~PS-Bocklet II line of wen and office. e uette Forbes. I'm raisin a good deal of ~om the · county from alfalfa lately. ' The~e taken to feed. to September 20. land has 201 acres in Warren county. ;. C18tero pumps; hand, electric !lnd ·sU 'ing sheep and cattle on these bar- on C~rles B. J?ecllta!,t to, act as Lola B. and R. L .. Bundy, to Whee· power driven, i8 the best. Pump reo rens. Most of my land's under cut. bate judge dunng hili ~b8ence. ler J. Waldron, lot. ID Mason. . pairS. THE ,BOOKLET-KING CO., R.• ld Oar Ath. Ia n1e ... _. tivation. I need a band-" he stop- , Vona M. Benn.ett, gua~dian Mary ~. and James M. Bell to U5' :W. Majn' S~, Xenf.. ~ Ohio. 'ped. "I tell ,you. Come Qver after Howard L .. Bennett; ,e t aI., nunors, Wilson E ,. Terry, lots in Deerfield If". t!t·s~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!o'~·~.!!'!t!~!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lit~""1" ;;~·,l~ : 'f you've ' seen about your taxell and flied her slxtb .and final . account. , made up your min.d fully whether Willlon War.d, e.xecutor o~ t he COMMiSsiONERS' ALLOWANCES #J you're going to •stay." tate. of Marshall 1~ard, havmg Georg ' e VaIW ' 1 furnl'Rhl:ng and ¥ill' n..a _ • apphcation lor finding. Court Phoae No.' 320 Ute estate and 81uccessions stone, $228: . B. Fay, same, 100 ; from inheritance tJax. Enoch Henry. some, $191: W. J. BarCourt appolntedl Will Albright low, SlIme, $187; W. A. Scott, bridge take the place of 8am Turner all repair, $24.70: Edward Malory, same praiser of the estute of Clarence $12.96: Edward Van Meter, same, Vivian Tucker is out of Bchool on Cowan. ".80; Ora' Graham, removinr tree account of illness. Court appointed James ~ollen to from bridge, $6: J . J. Harding, labor, In •• L. H ' arve" re''m alns '"n.'t ic ftl1 - take the place of ' David Bishop as $6.30; Stanley Myers, labor, $9.80; " ., .. AUJ appraiser of tbe estate of Mary J. E. A. McHenry, labor, $6: John Jonell ill at hiB home on Maple street. Kirby. grading an~ ditchin,. $5.~1i; FlIrd A number from here attended the The will of D. "B,- Hamilton was Humphreys, ,same, $9.76; Hemtan .Adams County reunion at DI~n, admitted to prohalLe. . . Haremeyer, driving truck, $12; ~II' Sunday. . . ' Anna · Savilla Hamillon was ap. lie Shultz, operating mail!-tainer, $70 ' Mr. ,a nd Mrs. , C. 'E. ' Gordon and pointed eXI!~utrlx e)f the estate. ~f D. 9· L. Reamer', cleanin.g and repairing.. lon, Robert, spent' Sunday with Cen- 'B. Hamilton. Thel trUllt Willi acceP.t. Instrumllnts, $20: ,C. E. Greely, treas. t~rville relative,.. e'd.. Jr. 'U. O. 1.,. M.,. ~O locust' postel $20: CII1f Hawke is very ill at his counCourt appomted J. ~. Reibold, Wal· C. Bergdall, IllIsistant liuI'veyor, $8.60 try home, following a heart attack lace Scott an.d Earll Heywood "p~rala- George R. Henkle, same, $6.25: ,Sam . , ers of. the estate , of D. B. Hamilton. D. ' Henkle, stock road and Mason cern which he sulfered Sunday . . . • An tnstrument of writinr purport- etery. $16: Sam ·D. Henkle, U;aspector Mrs. Anna Stinson wen~ to Clneln· ing to be the will . of Middleton J. on M. M. Hill, $62: WlUiam stewart, !Jati T~urs~ay, t~ re~ume her teach· Bryant· w.a pfoduce!! in court, order. attending lights on road, $7.50: ed flIed and appJicatioil to be made Frank Everetts, same, $7.50' Blair Ing duties m God s BIble BC/lQOl. Joe Whetzel paased away Thurs •• for probate. and Leroy, bridge repair, ' $106.69; d~y morning after a long U1ness. The will of Middleton J. Bryant gravel and concrete stone, $162: same, $126; gravel and sand '32.40; Funeral. se,m ces were held from the was admitted to pl~obate. late residence Saturday afternoon. ' Flora J. Bryant was appointed ex. Spencer and Armi~ge, loading grav. Dr. W. 'E. Frost h,88 purchued the ecutrix of tbe ~state otMiddleton 1. el, $.310.50; same, $3.76; Harold Shumaker farm south of town Mr Bryant. The tiust; was accepted. Sweeney, loading ,gravel", $22.63; W: and Mrs. Shumaker plan to m~ve ~ Court appointed Frank Stitt, J.. P. McCarren, .lIIIme, ,93.60 : and town. Thompson and Jep¥ Parkhill $862.95; Hugh Bevan;. sand and Mr Sawdo f A I d I ers of the estate 01' Middlteon . stone, $104.30: ' Fred Smder, Supt. . .' . n, 0 urora, n., s ant. Dillt. No. I, pay roll, $418.76. vlsl~ng hlB granddaUghter, HlBS HelCourt ordered Hobert W. Brown V. W. Tompkins, pay roll. $898.98 da nd M~ :~~ parents, Dr. and administration of the estate David F. ' M. Collins, pay roll, $351.80; Ed· • • . an a • Evans', to sell eerb!l.in en Terry, pay ' rClIl, $281.56: 8ame • . M• C. Gor~on spent. t he week-e~d The Lebanon.Citizens ' $97.66; A. T. Rettig, pay roll. $192.h Wit Centerville relatives. His 8U!- Bank and Trust Co., Uustee in . 76' . $166.26: C. E. Bradbury, pay r • M~. M. H. Allen, departe~ from settlement of the llstate of Nancy rod, $204.10; Joseph , ' W. Davis, ere 0Indday, for her home 1ft Ha- Hopkins, filed first account. . $281,26; IIBme, $42.60: P. B,' Monee,' german, aho. , Court approved and conftnned the pa"~lI, $179.90Pbillip Helsel, sUnt, Hamilton Tp .• .payroll, $48.60: .S:··!]:. Relatives here have received word report of Mary of the death, Friday . 1D0ming, of trIX of the estate Crltler. payroll, $10.70: same $300; ~Iph S.t evens at his home in Xenia. J. A. Shutts was. appointed . S. ~raham, payroll, $28.30; Hal'. ' ~hltacre, ,188.90:, Frank Hill, Mrs. Stevens was before her mar- Istrator of the estate of 'Jose'ph riage, Mias Irena Pyle. , Hisey. The trust 'wail accepted. · , mowlng w~eds, $71 M~rrltt Brunk, ,• Court appointed Elvin Fires, Mah- same, $8.40; H. Melampy, care 'o f ~r. and Mrs. Ray Starr enterta~n- Ion Ridge and J. O. Cartwright. ap- lanterns, $2: H. 'F. Hendrickson slime eMd. ,to dWin!lerifl S~nda.YJ G. C. Starr,praiers of the esb!lte of Joseph W. 2{' The Gem <llty ~hle Print ,a nd Sup· Isses Inn reu and Helen Starr, Hisey. z pay Co., blue prmfli, 62c; Griswold VfemSon.. LaVWlalelnce. and Elmer Starr, Harry Kirby, .adminlstrator ' of !1'ire' and B"ttery Shop, battery. o pring ey, Lester Starr, of estate of Mary J., Kirby filed $21.86; The Wllllon Paint Co .• 20 Oscborn, and Mrs. Amanda Starr. tor and appraisement. pllons of paint $46.06; rhe Conner Cqurt .IlPprilved the r:eport· of Holth~us Transfer Co., hauling paint . M.iss H!ln.iet Moms, of Wichita, Kan., Is vl8itlng. her cousin, Mrs. Ira of certam real .estate 1n the $2.37, A. D. Madd,!n Est., 62 sacks of Syfred and family. ~188 Moms is ' at m~nt of the e~te of ,Sophia' cement les9 credIt fot; 2 returned, bome' on a year's futloUfl'li from her tel ana· distributed the proceeds Culvert Co., ,one mllBionary work in lCorea where she Ute 1IIIJ,e. , . 1, ',. Sherwood Co. has been for !lve 'yea", She will roCourt authorized Harry Kirby, ad; H. S. Oonover, IUp· celve- her master~ degree at Colum. minlstratol' of the estate of MarY if. ~Iexander; .8up.,lIell, &: , Son'• . suppliee, ' bia: fn ifanuarY,' anll return to' Korea Kirby to '"lll cerblinp'rope~. ' . ' In Februa1'Y. .whlle"here Miss Moma "Court ordered t hat A~ D;, Brosl 'eement l Feed and Sup· spoke at the M. ' E. Sund&y "School. , H~ .·H.r(UIl' 'aneL Uwia , • .. ~ppralBe c.ertam ,plloperty· The Morr9W m the settlement·pt'.the ,76,81; F. Snook. 16~ W •
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MARRJillUCENStS .~ale&pla~-'~at, IIlr, Is a Bult you . , ; .I ' would never wear out;" t "1ie- John C. l'nel.ley, truck driver, . Cultolnj!l'-"No; n'o t iq ,Jaurbed -to" . ou Dayton aDd Gertrude E. Thelll, .. tapaone operator, of LeD.DOD.
Co., bridge . Oregonia
'67.10 , blue The
THE MIAMI GAZETI'E ----~~---~--------------~' I ...uSUBO EvaRT WEDNB8DA,Y."
"••,.tII••• , ...y.....m. "It,•. •• ,It.on"
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CI... M.II M.".,
.......rlptlo. Price. '1.10 .... V ....
SEPTEMBER 21, 1927 A ROTTE~ SYSTEM There Is ' considerable deba-te in Washington just now as to whether spec;1I1 session of Oongrel!8 iii to be called next month to give attention to ul'gont mULLel'B--Home ot which should he disposed of before th e reg· ulnr HelUlion In December- amongst them, party struggle over th~ seating of Vare of Pennsylvania and Smith of Illinois, The ' fact thllt the new Congress-'elected lust Novembor-even after thirteen months, bids to be turther de layed beCore it gets down to busi· ness- is one feature ot tJur Congressional system which most certainly needs correc tion, , The thing we should do is to umend t he Constitution and provide that Lhe Congressmen and Senators who are elected in Novem!rer shall take oftlcc on the first or followin!; Januorv, That practice is univ crlml 111 the liaments of other countri es, ) had been in Corce in this there would be no question to call an extra session of Congre.ls l to take care of the Mi ssissippi v ictlm~ , ' Congress would have in session in A prll when the came, 'rhis Constitutional Amendment. proposed by Senutor Norris, must pal'lll both bouses of Congretis. and then be ratified by three-fourths of tho States, There iM no open opposition to the meRs ure, which in tbe lust three Congresses hus passed the Senate-:the last time by a vote of 67 to 2. It would have paS8ed the house if it could have been brought to II vote but it has been kept oil' the floor. " Let's have the Norris amendment paRsed early ut the next session Congress, a~d sent tor ' by t he forty·eighth State tures, It will do away with d\lckB," short aessiolls, filibusters and other evils of the legislative jams in the short session which i8 inflicted upon U 8 every two years. It will remove one of the great \larriers to ' expreSllion of the popular wiu at Waahinrton.
Money plull Interest makes money. Indians sold New York City for $24 to Dutchmen. Had they placed that lIum at six per cent compounded on the day they Bold the . land, their heirs would have more monel' now thun New York City is worth. Chauncey Depew, P8llt ninety, tells how he put in the laylnp bank sixtyau years ago and now has $1,100 In the bank. , But interest, while sure; ia Blow. A good. idea makes money 9,ulckly. John E. Andrus, ealled , tbe 'straphanger MlllUonalre," , because he hangs to streetcar atraps, when he might ride In his automobil.e , ~ou,ht one ahare of Singer Sewinlf Machme etock for a few dollars In IIJU. Hav~ ng boulI'ht a good thine, 'he !mew enough to keep it. That ahare has paid him thus far '94,000, ft was not Mr. AndruI' thrift that made the mo"ey, but the idea of another' man, putt ing the eye of the needle In the needle's pOlnt instead , ot the other end, thus ma lcInc the sewing machine poBllilbe. By thrifty" lave, let lnterut work for "OU by all ' means. But use your brilln for quick resulta.. ,
I .-
, The ,wls~om of Benjamin ~ank lin becomes more apparent every day. When he fte", 'his Idte 134 years alfO-he had •the Idea that ftyinr should be conn-oUlld. • I ,
Gennan scientists have improved tHree new anaesthetles.. Which should be most Interesting neWl! to our c9al barona ' who are ' lietti"i' ready to booilt prices. -0--
Loo1dne at /lome of'the April pam~ pel:8d ~dens, on the wa.y to the ot.. JllIe this September moJ'Jl, ·we . agree ~ !With ICIlentilt, .who c1il1m plants auf.. , .fer. }lADY. no~ ,on~y , Buffer-~~~ ..dl~. I",
.' MI8IOIIrlana are to erect a mcnumen~ throu~h popular au~lICriptionl, to, the me~ory of JeBlle' .I.mea. Here ill . ' cbance for TfilX Rickard, world 'Jorles mapa tea a~d landlords to cOI)bibute to inspiration."
, The .,olitoftlce department· has de ~ ~Ided to curtail mall-order boules ~rom ' 8hlplline unsolielte,d merchait~ dl.., in their effon to folSt, undesirable good. on the public. W~ like the aelection and Ule ot that word" "Cu ...ta:I1." ', I, , ,
'. I
Th'e DeJlllrtment ot Co~merte an. nounces that marriacea In: JUinoill i~• ereased , during 1926. Evidently, the ' eitlleDa 'are going I'n 'the 'theow thatf ' " \'In union ,there ,ia atreneth' --ana •
pnpte_ra,Organiliila' eh? • ~ • to "call" .afety. .
·: I~» : ·
Deep Seated COlswe,l l ~hairs, $29.75 All-White Quick Meal Range, $65 1000 Yds. Axminster Carpet, $3.25 yd. Strate..;Eight Shoes for Men. $6.80 720 Hand-Made"Resilio Ties, 95c 100 MaUlma Dolls; 21-in. dressed. $3.95 50 RainKing Blk. Slickers (Men's) $4.75 Metal Reading Lamp and 'Shades, $2.35 New "Sweetheatt" Pillow of VoUe. 39c Dresden, China Cups and Saucerl, Each,22c New 81k; Patent Lea't her Bags, $2.45 Boys' Arkay Namsook Union Suit, 58c Fine W uhahle Oapeskin Gloves, $2.45 , TiBker Bell Challis, a yard, 29c Dr.-• • Shoes and IOxf9rd., $6.85 New Fall MKlinery, $10 and $15 , . $ Dress' and Sport' .Coat8, 85 Tailored Silk"Fall Frocks, $25 Crepe' and Wool Dres8es, $15 Hand-Made, Gowns, Chemi8e, $1 54-in W'»o1 Flannel in ,fall shadel $1.98 1'" M omBle Pon·.kee, R e' d'L a bId ~ e, y. 49 , c Hand ,E mbroidered Cut Work ' , Napkins, peridoz~ $5.98 Tan or Black Caif Oxfords for girls, '$4.45 H. & W. ]~Ia8tic Step-in Girdles, $2.95 Rayon Satin Neglie.eea gold trimmed, $8.75 Girl'8 Wash Frock. with bloomers, $1.89 Shaker knit 8We~er8 for giris, ' $6.75 Imported Beret "Earits. Navy, Tan, and Brown., ' 95c Glrl8' Outing Sleepera, 8izes 6 to 10, ' , 89c
Colonial Desk Lamp $3.95 Complete with shade Mandarin Squares $1.65 Vividly embroidered Library Table Scarfs $2.45 , Velvet tapestry, 50 inch Girl's Rayon Underwear $1.69 Daintily trimmed Girl's Vest-Bloomer Set fine quality, pink only, $1.29 60-72 inch French Pearls $1.69 Our own import Metal Bookends. A Pair ,1.00 In appropriate designs Boy's 1 and 2 Piece Pajama. ,1 Flannelette-Roomy
69c Silk Tissue Sanitary Aprons
Petticoats Rubber Panel 59c Tailored Sanitary ,Belts of Quality Sateen 33c Dress Shield. Special 2 pairs for, 15c Cotton Fill Sanitary Napkina: 3 dozen 19c Aniaryllia Perfume Festival Price I U oz. "'.50 Violette Perfume Festival Price $3.60 oz. 12.16 Amary11la Perfum~ Festival Price '1.80 bottle $4.50 Jaamin Perfume
~;-~!:~t~;:nw!!'6O bottle
' ,5.60 bottle
,Pestival Price
. ~:!~o~~: Perf~
bottle $5 ~1U')'11is Toilet Water. Festival ~ce $4.00 bOttle ' Standard 'A uthon in Leather Bmdq 1Ck ea. 18 Siinmona ' Graceline Bed Outfits, complete at $29.15
12 Walnut Veneered Occasional Tables $16.95 50 Universal Electric Heaters for Festival $4.69 72 Sturdee Ironing Boards, eosy-folding $2.79 36 Columbia Household Scoles (gray duco) $1.19 2500 Rolls Arl<ay Toilet Tissue, 8 rolls $1.00 Arkay Vacuum Cleaner, with attachments $19.95 50 Seamed and Seamless Axminister Rugs $27.95 1000 Yards Extra Fine French Marquisette 49c yd. Atwater-Kent Console Radio for Festival $133.00 Men's Fine Fall Suits, Festival priced at $27.50 Jersey frocks in new f~l1 colors , $10.00 Baby Day special, silk and wool vests , 89c Silk and Wool bands, only 45c Outing gowns, kimonos and gertrude. 39c Silk and Wool hose, si:r;ea 4 to 6)4 39c Cotton crib blanket5, 36 by 50 inches 79c All wool blankets, 66 x 80" $8.15 pair Beacon single blanketa, J!&rt wool '2'.79 Quilted Mattress pacta, washable " $1.98 81 x 90" sheets $1.10 41 x 36" caaes 19c 40 inch crepe satin i" fall shades $1. 98 40 inch crepe satin in fall shades , $1.98 Satirle and Satinette, 36 inches wide 49c H. & W. Garter Belts. for Junior MiRes ,1050
LaSt Day Flestivdl Sa~ings From .' ftike',8' D@'W:nstaj,ys Store ,
, Grandfatber use to gz'aciously a!k 'fo,r girl'a hand-"-but his· offspring today will be satlsft'ed with nothin~ leBII than ' , '. neck. -0
Come Saturday Savings on Items for Everybody Savings on Everything These are but a Few Suggestions!
Eddie Hope saya: " lThe Atlantic, It turns out, Is an ocean, after an, not just a 1l0tlon."
'Women's. New FaD 'Frock8, $5.95 and $8.88 WOmen'8 Sp'ort C, bats, ' '$14
36 ' inc;h Fancy Broad ... c~o~ -, , _ 25c 36 irich Fancy.Outing I"lannel ' .1l"Uc " 31lftch Dress Gin~, cial 10e ' ch DroSheeting, ~ • 18 in H .... yucta " .' ,,1'.00 lJuck Towels (Seoonda), Speclal : IOc ,
WOlJle..'s Fur TdtniDed C~ats, ', 524 . ,Girl8' ~an. aDd, W"i ter C, oBts~:S~ecial, '$7, Women's Regular 1$4.,5 'Hats " OD Sale at $3.75 Women's Full.Fashioned ,Silk abse, '99c Children'~. Wi~te~ Underwear ,4 9c Women's WI'n t,e r Underwear , 49c
1 '.
::.x 80 inCh Part woOi '1;~.~9
. 54 inch WOol Flannel, Spe-
cia I " , $1.69 40 inch Crep Satin, only $2.39 40 inch ,Plat Crepe, Special C
Gllildren'l. Sleeping Garm~nts, ' " .Special; 69c Women's FI.nnel~tte Gowns In Fesdval~ .' 79c Women'8 Rayon Alpaca Slip., .. ' ... " Special, ,9 9c
, , $1.,79 l~ Yard 8~e Curtains, 49c 36 incb ~,.,.y Damuk, 69c 18 inch BleadWd €leah, 19£ .
. ',
Women's Crepe de Chine Chemise , '1.?~ Women's Chambray ' Flower Aprons nc Boy's Wool Suits in Festival . $6.95 dL Il.:.... Boys' Sweaters an ' UftlUIIIJ&,jack Blou,s es $2.69 _ Men's . Eajamas a . :Special
) $1.29
Men's Ties for I::ast Day of Festival ' 44c Wom~n's New Fall Shoes 'in ' F~tival
Boys+'Tan Calf Oxfords; Special 'l.S5 Women's Sample ·Shoes. $2.15 ' Slze. 4 B Children's High Shoes, Special . $1.69
'Call, ' Write or' Wire Comella - - - Have Her 'Shop For You . ,
to know YOUt'
Adam Melloh wu in Detroit on Tuesday.
- Actor--" Oid you
notice how
uat have ml!t you he.... be· mo ved t he a udi nee Iat!t n ight 1'" P \,Qduc r- " Mlwpt! III no word fon, I 1L'1NI!Io" Othl!r--III wouldn't be surpriNed. (or it. I t was lillie shor 01 II stam TIdI i. my bou se.~' II d when '~'O U II' t n."
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT YOli h.ar th.m talldol' ab DDt t he Bil' Scr.p ey.
Jack and Cene will be out Thursday, September 22. Not one tenth of the millionl of filht fanl can po.libly be . t the rinelide. Don't mill thil re lDa~lcable opportunity of "Ii.teninl' io" on "The P.thfinder of the Ai~," at Melloh'. Garal'e, OD the niehl of tbe bil' fil'hl. Come aDd lilten I
:J ..
erywher. you I'D.
-. '-
The Sparton Radio Dealer, Phone -47 Waynesville, Ohio
W. N. Scars and family attended Vision is precious and should be f uneral of a relative in Dayton. caref ully guarded and cOnserved. Sunday. Consult Dr. Rudolph. the eyesight specialist. Tuesdlay 9 a. m., to 4 p. m. G. J. Waterhouse has returned Saturday 9 B. OIl. to, 8 p. m. Exam!. a t wo·weeks vacation spent in nation f ree. CI)me in and have your Canada. eye8 eJ[amined. Cary's Jewelry Shop. Lebanon, Ohio. Parker Duofold pens; the best. GuoTllnteed. Cnry's J ewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio.
The condition of Mrs. Huldah Bur· net t • . who hos been ill fo r severa) months, is se rious.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swank spent Saturday in Dal~ton. Mr. Riley Sal~lor is now driving a n ew Star Six cempe. Mr. and Mnl. narry Burnet Bnd daughter spent Saturday in the Gem City M' d M R b t B t d r. an TS.. a er. ume an son, of Dayton. were In Lytle over the week-end. The Dayton pike is now closed from the Springboro road north to county line. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Doitz, of Cin. clnnatl, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here.
Mrs. Sabina Gilliland has gone to Springfield where abe will spend the winter with friend s. 1 n . R Mrs. Sad Ie eason. o~ arveyaburg, is spending this week with ber aon Percy and familv. •• , Reliable watch repairing. Guar· onteed work: Cary's Jewelry Shop. Lebanon, Ohio. Mi sa Esther Henderson and Miss Elsie Hawke visited Cedarville col· lege last Thursday.
sept. 22 Mn. Joseph Hutt, 1 mile West of
Mias Trillena Edwards, Miss Mar. Quite a number from here attend. garet Edwards and Miss 'Allce Fli ed the Warren County fair at Lebawore Dayton visitors Monday. non Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Greathouse. of Cary's Jewelry Shop is open everY Dayton, spent the ·week-end at the evening until 9 p. m. Come in and bome of Mr. al~d Mrs. Clyde Whar· ton. look over our beautiful gift&. Milia Eva Wharton and brother, . Mr. and Mn. George Hartsock and were week-end guests of MiIJII Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Charles Anderaon and and Russell Oram. near Leba. picniced Sunday at Sehanb' non. Dr. aDd Mrs, Ellis Smith, of Cln· Silverware! Have you looked ' spent Bunday with the for· mer's parenta, Illr. and Mrs. ' Charles er the ll' ne 01.. bollow and '"at U S ·th Cary'a Jewelry Shop? ,It's ml . ~nd the best. Mr. and Mrs.. Charles .Jonna were . six o'clock dinner guelts of Mr. and Mn J D Marlatt III liP ending the Mrs. Glenn Johnll and children. of : • . . In ColumbulI, the guest of her Dayton. Bon·in·law and daughter Mr and Mr and Mrs J E Smith, in comMrs. Merle Kern. pany WIth Mr. Imd Mrs. Jullul Dew· :-'ted the Z 00 at Cin. • o~1 Da yton. Vuu MiIJII Rose Wilkeraon, of einnati. Sunday. . bURl Ie ,pending a few weeks at ~he R R. A St·lll...... -as re't urned ~ L d ev. • I - - ., home of Mr. and ... ra. ester Gar on to the Lytle and Springboro charre and Mise Martha O'Neall. for another Yellr: Every one weI· cornel him back; . that wriat watch for atyle ~----'c~-I1'&nl"depelr::£;biUt;: Have Friends regret to learn that . tt " ~ . !11at h Huld a b B urne lIB ery er . watchel, Elcin. ete Cary'l Jewelry of town. Her dauchter, Dyke. of Dayton. ia helplnc Lebanon ohio:
Rld,eyille. John L ~wry, 1 mile W. Waynesyille. Mn. Robt. Shutts, In Waynesville. Nllllt, Red Arrow Auction, Fred M. Cole's Store. . Kirk Grocery Stock In Franklin.
, , ,
We have '3' supply of pure Trumbull seed wheat in stoc~. Call us for price.
A fresh supply of Barrels, sacks and
blocks. .
Mrs. Emma Egbert. of Kanaas City, Mrs. Alice MeKinle, and Miea Lilli. Nedry . were dinner gueats Of Mrs. M~ Leah Adame on Thursday.
Lehigh Po~land Cement
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Meredith and family and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Strou~ and son. Harold, were Sun· day dmner guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Tollian Lawson, of neal' Bellbrook.
We ;lr~ ageots fdr ' Lehigh Portland Cement, We will have a fresh car on track this we¢k: - '.
Exe-.ange Company , P~oDe25
W a~~svill,." Ohio
A diamond is t~e only gift that <:ontinual bappinese ,and Ie not to depreciation. See UI for real . values. CalY's Jewelry Shop. Lebanon, Ohio. ' . M"essl'l!. J. ' O. Hawke. Lee Hawke. A. L~ King, Earl Orndorf. Orville Gray. Murray Hopklna and ilevera! others were in Oincinnati Sunday, to see t~e New York·Cincinnati pme, . . Messrs ~lfr~.d J. Wnabt and Vf· Allen WIll leave by auto Thu~ay fpr the .East, Mr. Wright his home bl; Philadelphia, and Ilen on a hU8mess trip to New City • Jewelry. gi.ft and art wares. Pllr. chased at San' Francisco and Ohicago Gift Show exhibits, thinl1l Dew allJl interesting. You are always we coine At Cary'S Jewelry Shop "The Home of Gifts," Lebanon. 01i1~. Mn. Forrest Hough was called Dayton Sunday. on account of death of her brother.in.law. tiye William Born. who was while on duty by a colored man Sunday morning. . ,
40 ACR'S S
Mr. Sam Shanks and f l\mily IIpent the week-eua with fri ends at Mt. . . Dr. P. A, Gi~er. chiropractor, Orab. Ohio, Phone 78. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith. of pring· i. the guest of Mrs. J osephln,e MI'1l. Roberet C re~ was in Dayton Hr. arid Mrs. Percy R,ason Tuesda)', SundAY with relatives in Dayton. Mr: Otto Kin~. of Akron, WB S the l.. t th 'dlff t d ,_. guest of Mr. anel' ~fl'l!. J esse am and Lo 0.. a Miss Lillie Nedry is vieitinlr e oren. mo e.. ...n family last week. . Gruen watchea, at Cary I Jewelry Th . I " . . . t' t " in Dayto n. . Shop Lebanon Ohio .. e annuli IDltlB Ion par. y • I ' the High .school took pluce ut the H. 1\1 rs. D. E. Standiford is Mr. Harrie M()sher and Mrs. Edith S. building Ft:iday nigh t. relatives at Conover. Harris accompalilied Mrs. Fran.k TayMr. and Mrs. Raymo nd Wilson hall Dr. P . A. Garner . cblropractor, lor to Cincinnatil on ' Sunday; she will as guest last week. l hei .. gran dm ot h. Lebunon. Ohio, Phone 78. be joined there by her .husband. and er, Mrs. Bllnkhel·d. of Xe nia. after a short visit t hey will leave The P. T. A. held U I'cc\' pliun fol' the teachers and fl ew pntro nM0 !the Mrs. Walter McClure and Mrs. F. for their home in Sa n Francisco. schooi Friday night. I Wil l! a very M. Cole were in Dayton today. . . Mrs. Emma Egbert, of Kansas enjoyuble occosion. No 'flner watches than our Gruens. ~Ity, Mo., SPCl~t lost ~eek with h.er The M. E. church and community IIlsters. Mrs. AIl(~e McKlDsey and MISS are glad for the re turn of Rev. H. G. Cary's J w.:;lry Shop, Lebanon, 0. Lillie Nedry. She leCt ~unday for Curless and fomil who have been Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKinsey and short visit In Dayton WIt h Mr. and w'tli us four year/ ' I. N. Harris and family, bef ore I . son spent Sundoy with Mn. Alice Me· returning home. - --Kinsey.
Fi ...,room ' ....OUI., lood B&I'n, tarle Orchar"; loc.'''' on Wayne. "ille .nd L,de pi.... Priced worth Ih. money for quic" ••Ie.
• .
Phone 79 - - E
B read
Rye, 1 ~ .Ib . loaf...................... 8c Rye. 1.lb. 10af.. ...... .................... Uk
~l:!~o~ni~. ~~~ .~~~~~~ .. 15c
Country Club, l!iced or h"l"e. in heavy .yrup .. ...... ........................ .. 23c Del Monte, can ........................ 25c Avondale, ""'ft ............ ........,1 ... 19c
Pink Alaska, very low 14c Salmon price Tall can .. .. , . . . .. . . 'Potatoes 1Cobblers, U. S. No. 39c grade, 15 lb. Pk .. .. . . Sweet Pot.toe., 5 pound. .. ........................................ . ........................ J7c
£~~!.? ~~~r~~ q~~!,
price, bottle ....
Coun'r, Clllb Butter Cre.mer,.
~ -lb.
prlata, Ib ............. ;.
S5e Grapefruit ~o:~Ulh 22C
..o.en ..... pint., doun ................ .. 69c
J Ca
L!~d, d!~e:or~~~~~~....... Heavy
four lenin...
can........... .
24C Lettuce :::~:ra. 25C lotid head.. :) for.... ........
Jar Rubber., do.en.'...... ............ 6c:
!a~~ f!~~ . . . . . . 49c ~~"~~lr .'.1.....a. 5c PI CraCkerSB.:~":,.~:~:r 12c Or.I~~~D ~.25c " egar P~re 29C Vm ".~ Se.liftl Wax. p.c.................. 5c
•• ' • Ih....
and- crtlP, pound .......... ..
Apple CI"er• low price. I'al........
B.I~!!'f!~' 3lbe...
... DeeJal'lng It neceASar). to I.n elleess of the tlfleen mrll tor cUlTent ""pe n .t~ ILnd l ~fll~8'~ ~~'~I~:rl::'~ll !~ct~~m~:·t~ State 4f Ohio. C Bo It resolved by the ouncll Village of WlLyno.vllle. Stnte two thlrdt of all ~h e members thereto concurrl.ng: SKOTJON I-TIl.. " I. b~_y dtcluwd tl>" Council of the VillAge of Way· nby••vllle. St.. , of Ohio, that the amount of taxes whkih may be railed within the fifteen mill limitation will be In.utrlclent to pl'ovlde Adellunte amount for t~ necyurx requ trern»nt ~ 0 the
20C Bologna t;:,~.' 20C aoed quallt" Ib .............
~~I?evyll!af:x ~~ e~~e~~ ~f ~ucnhe~1:mZ
Mr. ~nd Mrs; ICharlel Clark,,JI. M.. HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT . Clark, Mr. ·and Mrs, \ylIUapl Be~. 1 •• 1IN lDor. lDolori.ta th....ny dall, .Mr. and Mrs. WiUl~ Crel~hto,n ./ • and Mn. Su~n Sa:flor attendeA the ....r C.lDp_y. n.r. la a rouo.. ••• IDe ~d I home-coming .,at Mt. Ho11y/ Sunday. Peter Banta :waa.inJund about the Will ,.U 10. wb,. head from ' a 'fiaJJ; Thluadai. while at the Dodds Canning Co. He 'ill under, til! care of Dr. Blair. of ~...I. Lebanon, and 'is ,Bto~ly reeovering. WAYNESVILLE OHIO Mr. and MrL '" Davia;' Mr. and Mrs. RaymlDnd and Mrs•. John Fit••• ot CUlC!blnalti, Sunday guem o,f . Mrs" Em'm~ , a~d 80nll, and III'. and":' Mil: Hilbert Swank. .,. .. . . , ... d' 'U_ Eme .... Charlton ae. .... r. an msl. . "1 , • companied by their Ion. Frank. and f~mlly. o! Mid(U~toWll; . mo~red to ClDcinna~1 Sundll1. and In ~II after· noon viSited M:4., Charleton II uncle. Mr. ~ichard GIbbs, ~t Madisonville. who lit very ill. • Mn. Mary CarMony attended a sJ'mptuoulI birthday dinner, Sunday. at the home of Mr. and Mt-, W. ·F. Clark in Waynesville, 1ft. honor of the birthdays of Mise MildiedC~ark ana Mn. Margaret Younce, and also her own birthday. which occurs on the 80th of thiB rilOI1I~' '.' ,
We'll 5ell · ·¥ou
- - -rfl>" - ••.--:--
Public S ..lea \,.
.Mra. 'Ma~ lleah ·Adam.... M.... 2:!;J~'.;~=~:i'::I~~':;~::. M.ndenh~ll. MisaOrpha -Hot;li:'e,'tt.IOIOI....
Rev. J. JI Schaelrer. .~~~t!}=;il~:~::~~dI:~~: UIiIIftri'1l Farr•. aad 8. L.Mrs. Cartwriatit anil W. el Allen attended lI. Friends meetlnc at . Wllaec~O, Green Plain. Bunda;. Re\'. Sehaef· m8ll7 wu the ipeaker. tloDech T. . . euJa.; . ' Eo L. KIRK. Own~• • p. 'A. Garner. cJW~PI_OI',IS. J:.. ad N. Sean, .
·T ire We'J1 'p ut this tire ~11 your wheel~ quickiy and' correctly. . .
We'll inflate it to
We'll in~pect it regularly. aft.e r it's on and r~n'ning, t'o mal!:e doubly"' certain tblltyou get long and troqblefree• 'mileage' fr.om 'l.~~ • ,,«
~ ,~
To sum it all
up 'we'J1 make it oisr ' '. ~., ' 'j~b to~ make y~u ~ regular customer ' by ·sa:viDg :yo~ ti.Dle. ~t~eri ~nd . tire , . money. ' •
The undllriiirned wili' offer for ',ale Mr~~'n:~rs~KirJ!!i 'and to the highest bidder. 011 E. Fourth of Rlchmond;". Ind.• lDotoredlatolnul.... ' ..,_ ••• FrankUn; Ohfo. back of Frank home of their aliter, Mrs. J. T. Her. Un National bank, 'On rington. near Waynesville, ' in eeleM•• ·S..t .....r · 28, li bration of her blrtllday. AlI ·eQjoy. At 12. . . ed a bountiful dinner. They return. i
Phorae 78.
Country Club Twin or Split-top, 1% lb. Loaf .. . ..... .
VienJ:\ •• 1.lb. lo.f ....................:. 7c Whole Whe.t. 1.lb 10.L ... ..... 8c
Next Sunday will be monthly meet ing ot the church here. Rufus Kersey was a Sunday even ing caller .ot the McKay hom e. Ed Wilson has sold his farm here to Frank Cleaver. of Kent ucky. George VaU, Enoch Abller and K. E. Thompson were in Wilmington on Monday. Mn. Lizzie (Pugh) RageI' /llld ' family. of Clarksville. we re SuudllY IIfternoon callers on K. E. Thompson ond family. A man from Dayton by the name of Roland. now owns t he Hudson farm. formerly known liS the Dean Shannon farm. Talbert Abner. wife and two doughten, Virginia and Effi e, of Cnm den, were Sunday guests of their pa· rents, Enoch Abner and wife. Our LBdies Aid will serve n chick· en dinner on Friday evening, tember 8 at the home of Mrs. Davis. Everybody come and get your suppers. It will cost you only 35c a plate. We have he en told that Otho Hen· derlon has sold 40 acres of his farm along the creek to parties that will make a lIummer resort. They will build forty new cottages or bunga· lowl on t~e forty acres) The Aid society met with Mrs. Karl Deatheridge on last Wednesday af· ternoon. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. J. W. Edwards the second Wednesday . in October. A full attendance is requested .•
I will Itll at public eale. 1 mUe W. of Riqgeville, and. 8 milel E" . of· Springboro. on nnw.dai, S.I.te..b.r 12, 1'2'1, School means eyeatraJn Houlthold g(iOW1, prden " tOols, girl or lioy. Make lure and feets wbUe lOn",..llre Y01Ilnll~.1 ch!ckena. ·e tc. ' . free ' " MRS. JOSEPH HUTT, S. L. Simpson anll ·N. Sean, urda1. Oary'lI Jewelry non. Ohio. Auete.
Waynesville, ' Ohio
tlon ror the 'PurpoTe Df pay Ing current expense. of _Id villAge. 8ElC'rION U-'l'he IImount or IncrelUlo which It I. 'neoeeaal')' to levy I. t'll'O milia : .hall ,be In' eff""t for a periOd ot flvo yelLr. and . hall Includo a. levy up· ons1:~~~I~!..~hl~her;:l..:t'l~l":~all take effect and b.. In toree from and It. adoption. Mr. Wesley Beri1uam waa called to after A'dopted 8eptember.J.;, 1827. T . m. <QAtERS. Mayor. Centerville , Sunday eveninc by the A. ZOOlERKAN. Cle.rk. death of liie nephew. 1iIr. Frank 'Hart 1.. .·11-<>1Z lOck. Funeral IICrvicea wiD be beld !!~~~~~~~~!!'!!!~~!'!'!!!! Wednesday. . • " Mr. and M~. Wilbur Fou~ en. tertalned to Sunday din·ner. Hi: and It'. ....'t the policy. but wIt.1 ,h. policy will do for ,YOIl. Ml'I!. Thoni8ll Tl~rner and IOn. and Mr and Mrs Eranaford Tewell and 80n', of Frarudin. ·~ .
Mrs. .Loren Hadley and qaughter, of Berlin Heights, the week·end with her parent,l. Ml'I!. J. E. ·Janney. They home Monday. accompanied Ml'I!. Janney, whD will Ipend a days there.
ed home late In the evenlq.
Licensed Real' Estate Broker
D. E. St.andl(ord_ was In ' Dayton. Sunday.
R[Dntl~-:--~L. ~-::Stu-"':"'nt--:Fl:::::,.~-:--· . -:..~-:..-:..-:.. _ _ -=-_~_ _ _ _ A_---:..~ .. _
LET THQI RT saua AND MOlIn GIlL BABIES BEST WHIRE REAl. WEAL1B IS PR£SIDENT COOLIDGE wi_ ly decidu to move .1owly lu forbidding ocean flight ... · Army and IIIlV7 authoritie. A,. to o5can I -Vou .ball not fly, acro.. the QC.sn." WHY NOT' Plying macbln.. can be developed only by USING eying machine.. The death. 0' ten or a thouaand brave filer • .In . experimental work NOW mllht mean, becaule of quick airplane development, the wet)" of mlllon. In cue of war. There will be no WlU' but an aIr war, thl. nation Ihould be read,. for it, and courageoul young army' and navy men .houlcl be ALLOWED, not FORCED, to rlak their IInl, If they' choole, Ia the load cauae. ' ,
Mr. L"ilure Cure. Dilco uraiement
:fY'tI.aa ".
,'" Em-
d':l the ,t!!': ~ I, 40ubUeii
be~ ·Ja~~ Em- '
'4iAppoln_ ' VulO' · leada men to ~Iue 10.... lin. ' Huldah ~um,tt; wife of tbe DOt ;4a"hten. y~, u ' Gatton late Ell D. Bll£l1e~ died at he ....)Joq1e . ~. lap8ll ..e haft made north ot Wavneaville, Fridav after.. the ,r""-tne.. of a-" U oth-" " ......,.... , noon, ~~mber 28, folJo'wintr an o . ~t. ·~'nia:::.do::: : , illne.. of severa) mo~.tbI' dllratlon. rlemape withoat ,hi. IJTUter She. Ia'surviv ed ~y .on~ da~ter, Ml'I. mother. '!Bertha of the Bllr Feet," Sh~rman. Dyke, thr~ IlOna, . Walter , U 'Vt!l~ calla' lier ... lat. "Nelpl . IC" H. Cllfton and Charles S. Burnett . d"ntua.~ ' " . and one brother. D. L. Cra'ne. of Wa., 1'IIe1'!I, 1'01I1d ' 1Ia" ~, ' DO neaville; an,d one ' eister, Mila SU:e Abraham UncolD without alx:.foot~ Orane. of Toledo: . Mn. Burnett wu tall NIIIlC7 Haab; DO Ale~t!er a ,1!'yal me~ber of the Waynesville ·.the Gftat without till ~lcl OIJlll- 9range and had ' the distinction of ',.... a.dD, with wra"PecI being 'the' laat the ebarter mem. ail:. d.1:bn~ =~. ableat . ben of that organlsa'tlon • ., _. hOflemaa in, America; ·wiD tell ~ I " :rhat she was 'I,oved and respected "caalltF com.. tht:01I(Ih the ~ , in the community.in which ,ahci ~ ---.-.. ' ~. . spent practically aU· hpr cia,., was Th. State' of NIIrida I. P"f::: evid~rlced ' by tlie 'laree ptbenq of 11... HI,lit before lut, at.' 0, friends at the White BrleJt Keetlill the laIt rem&Inlal atreet ear' Ia Housel whe", , the ' ;lunaral .H~Ce''' the State' rolled into "the bam to were beld. Monda.,· .(ttI . moon. , BUrbe ICnppecl Surface cart ftJllail from Nevada. with 'motor b~ lal waa In "laml , c~me.tery. ,. taldiw, thelr place. ' ala, ,dd.,_ I. ~ ~r t ".lIIld IIlMle ~~t
When I am discotlroged, when my Prepared by toe aches or my eyes uot her Ill e or Romething huppens to mak e me feel Columbus 1 eJK rter sorry for myse lf, ) like to think abo ut Mr. S. M. Lei sure who lives in n little town nellr me. ¥r. Leisure was se venty YCllrs old t he other day and he \\' 0 8 out lIl owing COLUMBUS. OHIO-While both leveland and Cincinnati h&ve bid the lawn. This is quite rcmurknble when taken in connection with the for the National Democratic convenfact thot since he was thirteen yea rs t ion , strong opposition to either city old he hOR been without ormR. has developed among party leaders. "No mutter whot Il!lppencd ," he The sta nd was taken that Governor ~a id, ") wa. ulways able to paddle Vic Donahey ·may be a "dark horse'" my own canoe. Why cry over los- for the nomination, BJld to bring the ing two arms or two l~gB ! The joy convention to Ohio would prove trreut of living is just li S sweet!" ly to his disadvantage. For the ReI heu r and read of many people puullcan national gathering Clevewho are having rough sledding. They land is making a strong- bid. but )lehave housemaid's knee or dandruH' cause Ohio Republicans ,may have of some other trouble t ha t make them Longworth as a candidate, Ohio will not be considered, accordlne to inth ink there is no use going on. I have had severnl letters from formation from Washington. 11 Ohio has no candidate for the presidential people seriously contemplating cide because events were all conspir- nomination of either party. conditions would be different, but because ing against them. It would do them all good to go Ohio is a pivotal state would stand out and see this gentleman. He a mighty good chance of getting one ought to build a circus ring and of the conventions. charge admission. Then samebo would probably go and see him. It The football seallon opens this wouldn't need any preachnig nor any week with the Ohio State Unive1'lity. body. to point the moral. Just look- and for the next two months the main topic of conversation in tbll neck o' ing at. him would be e.nough. To me he is equivalent to a good the woods will be the team that fight! spanking. I want to brace up and for honors of the scarlet and array tighten my bolt; wipe my nose, pull colors. The advance aale of tlcketl down my vest and try again. indicate that record-breakin.. crowdl If this man with no arms for al• will ' attend all gamea. Stre..... h of most sixty yenrs is still cheerful a nd the team will be determlned~ter hopefu l, goes out and mows the lawll their first game this week with WIt. and otherwise paddles his own canoe, why shouldn't I? tenberg, although !!lany second team men will be in this game whicb Ia There are lots of brave people in really consider.d only- one praetice the world and it takes more courage precIOus memory you have of moth- and "intestinal stamina" to go on and shaping up for the Ble Tell ill b I h games which follow. Clo.. ob.en'ehr w e .so great y o. erished that and keep your chin up and look ers are not countin .. on a cllamplont e emulation you receive from her pleasant than it does to go out in 18" beautiful life will keep love aglow. the garden and eat worms or select ship team tb ' year at Ohio State. and the spark of faith alive. which a nice telephone pole and hang your- unless some of the other Ble Ten ~i11 inspire and lead you on to Im- self. Anybod~ can quit, and seH teams fail to meuure ul.' to ~he atanltate her noble example. Sta1'l and pity is the easiest bog to slip Into. dard set by critics, who lIave Hen , c0!lstellatlon.s . may fade away, all But m~ for the man with the In- them in practice. thmgs pertalnlllg to earth will perish domitable spirit, the man who refus--but the soul of this pure woman will es to bl! licked and the man who L. J. Taber, master of the Nationlive on and on from everlasting to with. a grin whatever Fate sends him al grange, told an Ohio audience tbe everlasting. and buckles in and makes the most other day what he would do If he She leaves to mour their 1088, one of what he hIlS left. were governor, wh!cb haa be.n takd!lughter. 3 sons, nin~ grandchildren. These are the people who are the e~ by many to illdlcate .\hat be. too, IIIX great-grandchildren. one brother backbone of t he countyy Iln d the might seek the Republican nominaand a fond sister. S. L. C. people who win wars the p~ople who tion for governor of Ohio next year. Card of Than'" present an unbroke~ front againsL Which makes just one more. Taber We w· h t _ the assaulta of pessimism ' is a dandy fellow, haa a wide ae·tion of I~ - 0 express our apprecJaWhat this worla wants' is cheering quaintance over the state. and ltands ' bars a d : I kl~dn~ss . of ~~r ~~Igh- up and bucking up It doesn't need well with the farminlf or rural ele- ' of n r en 8 urlllg. e ne.,. anybody to teach them how to wee menU" but those who !mow him belt ber:~emotbter and at tlmFe °lf our nor anybody to make them feel so~: d'on't take hi mas serlou81y al lOme men. e, am l y. ry for the human lot. _ Taber Iroo iJ._ _ • - • remain bead of the National granlfe, and iSn't consider. ing being a canc!ldate for rovernor• It was but natural to aay what be • would do if' he were govemor. but that he intendll rolne after the nomination-well, that's different. At that no one thinb he would refu.. Th I t' f h it :f tendered, which IlIn't at aU UkeMonday evening the ho.pitable e regu ar mee 109 a t e New Iy. home of M{. and Mrs. W. E. O'Neall C~ntury club was held on the tw,ent;Y-1 was thrown open for the reception of third of Sl!ptember, 1927, lit 2 Dwight W. Dam, secretary of wi.r. a company of physicians from Cin- at the benutiful country home of and Major General Edgar Jadwi!l, chief of engineel'l, are amon.r prom· cln!1atl, Dayton and Troy. The oc- Mrs. William O'Neall. caslon was the seventieth birthday Twenty-one members answered to inent men expected to atten'd the faD anniversary of Dr. J. T. Ellie. A roll call with Nature quot.ations. meeting of the American Spclet., of alx-course chicken dinner was lIervThe guests were Mrs, Wetherell, civil engineers, to be held in Columed. The doctor's friends, realizing of Florida, Mrs. J. P. Fromm and bue, October 12 to 15. Other promInent engineers who will attend '~ are how rapidly time panes after . the Mias Belle O'Neall.. . year mark 90 life's way bas After the regulal busmcss of the W. B. Greeley, chief" of the U. S. presented him with a beau- ~ay had bee n transacted the. follow- forest lIervice; Col. William P. Wooten, Col. C. L. Potter and' 001. ,Geo. , china clock as an expreBllol1, of III&, excellent program was lfl.vj!n: of the of appreciatloh and friendaliip to "John Muir, the Hermit of. Yosem- R. ncers a loyal brother of their aSlIOciation. . " M M L C Ad T Ite, rs.· ary . . ams. he (allowing were invited: T. "Natural Resources 01 Ohio," Mrs. J . director. One of the s)lbject.a to be discu8lled. flood control with lpeclal A. McCann, E. B. Doan, G. O. C;;rant, Edwin Janney. reference to, the MI88lulppl r\:nr proH. .H. Herman, .I. J. Herr, T. L, Mc. . . . Laughlin.· V. C. lI;lcLauaihlln; W. B. Durlllg the soclIII hour a deliCIOUS ject. , Members..of th" soelet., e.pec· . D. C. Middleton. M. S. two-course lunch ":IIS sel·ved. by the ially interested in structural. hlJbPrugh, F. O. Rounds. F. V. Richie, h~lItess and her aSSistants, MISS Belle way and sanitary engin.e erlai' will Leo Schram, C. Ji}. ~hawen. Henry 0 t:l eall and ~rs. J. E. Jann ey, af~r hold group nleetlnge. Trip. will be Snow. W_ H. S~l1eB, Clarke Sullivan, whIch we ~~Journ ed to meet Wlth made to the various pointe of eninterest In and n.eaJ' Co- · J. D. Varney, H. H. Webster, R. M. Mrs. J. P. Flamm October 28, 1927. Webstllr, ~. R. Werner, R. K. WelliF. S. H. . ...,_ t .... ver, J. M. Wine, Charles Wine J • - • There are eleven vacanclet for D, Wonder, W. J. Blackburn, H~ H: Ohio in the list of cadeta for Weat Wiggel'l. C. A. 'Pauley, Lincoln PhilPoint who will enter the academ., lips, J. W. Means, K. E. Beebe Thea nQXt June, all available to youlII·mea Wlna~, Ro~ Illll, J obn Pan~1I and from this state with mUitary ambl. Wallace Prugh. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH tion and the quailficatiollll to PUll the • _ ..... ' _ __ Sunday, October 2, service a! required examInation. Of the.. ODe in the hands of Senator Wl.alU .Th. S.'-r8oe to eM 'Illuid Gaul... 7 :80 a. m. . Father Bien, Pastor. is candidates must pUll an examInation to be held March 6. Coni'reaam... METHODIST CHURCH and ~enators may aelect them , a' Sunday School 9 :16; preaching, pleasur!! or may do it by competltJ. . Arnone Ohio .,00JlC 10:80, subject. "Market Prices." Ep- examination. 'worth League 6 :46; preaching, 7 :30, men for some reason the appoint- ' ments tb the navalj academ", ...m to tlubject, "Proud of the Gospel." be the more attractive and thel'tl .. Aaron fl. Watkins, L. H. D. rarely all available vacancy to tie secured at Annapolis. ST. MARY'S CHURCH Sixteenth Sunday after 'I'rinlty, . 1 • " '. , October 2. Church School at 9:80; sermon and Holy Communion at 10:., .,~ , Two houses were bq~id tit. 8.0' A~ 2 p. ~'! .the rite of haptum Will be admlll.lster~d. . grou. nd at c:entervIJle , ta . ~on :' tIda " Everybody cordially IDvlted. mO.rnintr at ,4:80. The ~. . . , ... ;I.Rev. Jolm J. $ebae1rer. Rector. l!lneed to Fran~ Potter. a~a .... oe_'t ' F' ERRY CHURCH' 'OF CHRI-T cupied by Mrs. Fletcher aJid.JIr";tl ro. " .. liam Fletcher and "amllr. . '.' ~ ., I Next Lordsday, October 2. it RalBefore, ~e entia. ':~d ' ~ to .. I." Day for the 'Bible 8cbool and the on the buUcUlICI' ~ .bmed eo,.., I Home '"Oominr ~ay for the cburch. the ground with ,theh', conND.. A: . , AII.day meetlnr. ~eclal proll'Bm largec!owd ,;WU·. p~t ....; "alcI ' with exercise by the ~hUdren / at' , ~otb1fll''' ~he,'h9~ '~'~ ' morninc service, 8:110. Afternoon rapidly. ' ...' servlc:e 'a t 2:80 ~on b., Bro. A. The caus. of the In .. .~ H. WIlBon. of W!bDlDctoDI All mem' \. - II ' . ' ·bers be preaeDt; BriDI lutlch 'lIIld bavo fenowihlp cllall~ In the, ch.~ dbIJ~om. ' I'ormer members and' all the pebple In ~.. communIty Invl.
State. Caoital
Owing to the irregularitie.s in arranging for the clull weiner roasts, Mr. Moomaw has seen fit to put them off for a time until a schedule can be worked out to Huit all.
.,....... ,' . . . .,.........,.
I"terelting Itema from the
The Wayne Township 8chollls opened all Monday, September 6, with many new pup,lla and several new teachers. The number of pupils Ing as large as in previous years and we hope to have a pro.perous year, working together. The High School and Grade enrollments are as follows: High School-Freshmen :: ............,.......... .,.. ,...... 38 Senlorll "" ...... " .... , ."."." .... ,' .. .. 21 Sophomores .. ....... .. ............ .... .. 43 Juniors , .. " .... .. " ......... " .. " .. " ..... 17 Post Graduates ... .. 2 Grades-Mr. Harlan .. ..,." ... ", ,28 Mr. Hatfteld ." .. 29 MisA McKinsey 28 .. ,, 33 Mr. St John Miss Lile .32 Miss Gmham .. , .. .. 86 Miss Hawke ., " ............ .... .. ,, 29 .. .. .43 Mr. Bunnell .. , ............ '. Mi8~ Bobb ........ " ... , ......... . 31 Miss Fromm ... .... .. .. ., ................ 87 Miss Henderson ... " .. " .......... " ... 30 Miss Shumaker .. " ...................... 32 Miss Marlatt .... .. .. ....... .............. .. 25
The who and where, concerning missing at W. H. S. thll year, aliaa Seniors of '27: ' G ft Id II Dor ri8 BI alr .... " .... reen e co ege :Aa automobile 6glit II oombt" 'olet Bogan Day to" VI and when lh. dUlt ..ttl.. you wtD Elsi B db " ........ O ' ''t·t.... ·b....I· 11" e ra ury........ n coege find an tho.. that anderetand the Amelia Carr ............... "............... alltomoblle bUllne.. le!Un, mora Gertrude Chandler. University of cara than the,. ever IOlcl Cinclnnatln-yton Wltb bIg wagea IIJl4 proaperltF, Carl Conner the two car man aud the foar ear ' Florence Crone .......... .............. Home Home family are lucreaalal. Th\rt7 Clyde Everhart · k .. · .... ·· .. ·· ......· .. ·' H Lu th er H a rteo c ........ ................ ome ~I1Uon new carl will take tbe plat.. of twent)"-two mllUoa olcl Doris Hawke ................ Poat can now ~ III til. UaltecS Elizabeth Henkle .... Wlttenberg Col. A.my Hopklni ............ ~..... Waynesville Statal. . TherIe Jones.......................... Dayton Dr. Yeea, who c!J~etI Mr. Eut- Vernon Milinoua .......... :.Kroger Co. man'. .cleatl6c laboratorlee ' I.. Howard Mi88i1dlne .... "....... R.oche.ter, ..YI acieace wiD end Sara MiuUdine ........... "... war ~y maldng It too deadly 8IId Martha, Nichols .......... "....... , too t:ll]IlIn.lve. ,. . Bert 0 Neall .. ~ ......... Antioch colle.re Another fo,," greater tlian Anna Roland ..................... " .. ... Home edllnce in 0111' c:trillntloa' I. Edna Shaner ..... ,.. Greentield college workinl to ead ,war, uad that forJ:t Ada Shaner ...... ,......... Po.t Gnaduate ORGANIZED KON---- - ~ ',,,\ Faith Tomlinson Wilmintrton college Paul TomlinsoD .. ~ ....... , ...... ,.... .Home KOlle), baa dilcon .. kUla mllre dollarl tban aaea. tIaat Lucile Tucker .... Wilmintrton coUetre it create. beavy. income taae•• U1.4 Lillian ~atldns _... Moore's other troubln. Oqaalaed mODey' ' __ _ know. that .Juture war. would .... The first baseball game played ault. at the~.ry .tart, ia' codeca- the W. H. S. was last Friday. tion of capital to' meet 8lqIUlM& Orpol..d money, which uuaDy' . tember 23. The visltl~ p .. what it waa", doeaa't waDt Bellbrook Higb and they. tinily lit the lut Innine. 1C0red ........ cheerfal faet. . hite that gave them the rame. . A you. man li,bo had been pf1)o score W8II 8 to 6. There Will be ~lloUJlced dead 'WU brol18bt to We other .rame flext Frida.,. fifteen minute. later liy ua In- come and boollt the .game. Jecdoa of adreaaUa, a We IUb.tance ~crete4 by one of the :!:te:uU; 'a1anp~..t~C::: : : ; , A drive Is belng launched for be AVcd. Tbeyey~ hint at ~_ pa.rchaae of , movin.r picture 'fidal creation of Ufe. . Th*,. ~ chine tor ule in mual hutructlon create that which may be c:allea In .ou~de ente,tainmenta. . All U~eJ but , bow ,.Ill they create rons and friencU of the echool THOUGHT? The "eat ~ ' ~celve a circular le~r the plan, and all are uqred to e1qll#nblJ Dluch b,. "eTOlutloa, 'WU baIfItd , wild It came to uttheml8lves ' of tbla opporl!1 n1ty to be p1ainln~ the cSiTeloRment of ·,th. · entertained and to a.id a 1!Fortb y c,,"use .,.. u 1I,Ilt. I , • • __
Whole Number 6772
MI AMIS DEfEATED . Huldab Crane Burnett --IN SERIES GAME Rldgevll1e. .Huld.ah Crane Burnett, born. December. 4. 1849, dIed The little world series now in protrreu between tile Wilmhigton NiteHawka and the Waynesville Miamis lltarted .l!lSt Sunday at Wilmington: and the Miamis carne home With the abort e~d of the battle. . · Iu thiS game for the first five mninp neltber team scored, but in the Wilminaton made a couple of bungles and the Miamis were able to 1C0re three runs, and all that they made during. the nine innlnga. In the seventh · Wilmintrton got nut to Adams and three rullll IIcored. and in ,the eighth Adama was lubstltuted for Peck, wh!) finished the pine under trying itre... tor the Hawks made eight large, juicy runl , in thill f~e. . The Dext pme be ' played here !!lunda., afternoon. weather permittiDtr, when the Miamia will either do or die. A large crowd is ell]lected at thla rame, .1 it has attracted 'a deal of attention in the towna connected witb the Trlantrle leWlle, ap.d the !ans here are pulllne for the MJamill to win the next two conteata. ..The Bcore _by inninp: 1 2 3 C 5 6 7 8 9,. Mlamla " .... 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0- 8 Hawka ... . .. 0 0 0 0 0 1 a 8 x-12
R Miaml~ ............. ................. 8 Hawks " ....... ....... .............. 12 Adams had ten strike oub credit, while SharI! bad 'six. __ • '
H E 12 8 17 8 to his
Barrel, Jumper
, A Mr. Willlama, barrel jumper, rav.e an el'hibition 'on . the stTeets Tueadar aftem~on and also at night ot jumpi~g I~to barrela ~nd out ap!1I.- Ht8 w~rk w~ , men~rlou., e.peciaU~ when he jumped mto a eom~on aupr barrel ill ' wbich were ~w larce meD without even touch· Inc tbem, and ) ut- aealn the BBJD,' way,. · The daring Btunts V(.~ h~artU., applauded by t.. Iarp crewd present, who enjoyed the exblbiti~n. ,. Th. ihow w.. r1vell unde~ the aUI' pices ,of' the 10c~1 merchante. .
September 28. 1927" III ~er 78th year She was married to Eh D. Burnett, February. 28. 186~. Bereft of her husbsnd ~n 1912. Inring a happy and blssful life of IIw,e et contentment ~or ~orty-four l:'ean, she remained lD WIdowhood WIth ,h er devoted lIOns flfte.en ye~8. ' ~Ive children werCl . ~orn. to this unlon, Florence. who dIed 10 Infancy; Lucy E. Dyke, Walter, Clifton and Charles. Their entire married life w.. practically occupied upon valuable posaesalon purchased The pangs she SUII~ by the of her husband ail til... Yeal'll, have been greatly mitigated by the constant and tender cue of her devoted lions. She was not' of ruR'Bd constitution and much of tbl! time In"tbe past yeal'l the dutiell incident to housekeeplntr ,Juply dnolved upon the boyt to dilebaqe. and In return for her motherly· love and careful watchfulness over . them' in their yelU'B, they administered to her In every neceBlity. and as much 81 human support could render relieved her of all coneernsi:n secular alrairs, were a solace ud comfort in her great IOrrow. You have been faith~ ful ta your mother which brings peace and co~latlon ,t o your mind. in this , separation. to feel that no duty W811 left undone. . '.1 have. been Intimately acquain~d WIth the .deceased l[rom early girlh~od,. from the cradle to the trrBv... Her hfe has been initerelltlntr and replete with usefuln'eBl. There waa lOme unell]llamable features hi her it· qu e '. unauumlng rulture that ~e~ very dear to aU . who were 0 unate to know hll?r. She did c.onslder religion a ~I~ not identify herself with 1"loua persuasion. but w.. in mon~ a~d sympathy' with her ba.nd,s vle~sand ~hen polJalble shipped Wlth him m Friend. lind desued. the last h?ur "hould with her frIends and relatives in 'Meeting House where tIIey ped together. There ia no orpnization 0 of long ~ life. but separations come. The angel IDf death made a visitation on a Worthy or beautiful cbaracter. bereavement Ia VII"" ...... at. but -., •• ~
Ho,,' " . io
Fire De.troyed I
Court ord red an authentleated COllY of th e 'wll\ of Charlea Marion Dumford' bo letQrt! 11, The first /lnll flnl'll account or Har. ) old , 1latflellll for IIpprovul of the Mr. anll Mu. Edward Duncnn ~11 cour t ,WI18 filed in the office 'f pro· brobllte jjudg.e. tertalned ~e8lR un day. Cuurt Ol·de'red the application 01 · 'Mr. and Mrs. J . W. nell enterM. H , O ~ wllhll '· of th e flut and fina l tained their children undny . •lccount of, thop estate of Daniel Pet· COMMON PLEAS COURT Mrs. Mary Gruhnm, Illest rcoilil'lIt tiR, d eased. C«lurt- Iound WiHlam Evanft guilty ourt · approved th npplication of of this village, Is on t he si k IiRI. of po t!sslng prop'e rty for t he man· t he Lcbonon·()\li,zen s National Bank Charles Gordon and . P. o\lk ufacture of di~till ed intoxicating liq· & Trust Co ., for' the settlement of WCI·e Phillips on bu siness, Mon · uor und possessing distilled Intoxica· Grace J. Reed and Bert Reed, de. day. in Oolumbus • Jiq·uor. cease 11. ting (h",.tT.~lon. i!Y Hon/.:y J'O'" L'oo Our sympathy go s out t Mt !l. our t f ound Ralph inger guilty ourt a ppruved . t he application 01 Oopyri&ht. Mi"h ..l V. Ph , 111' horl es Ruddick In the death of her of P o~sc g8ing l'rupel'ly fo r the m hal"loLte or'ey as execulrix of th Iltieuad thr\& 1'v.blllher. A"t.oo ... t.e.· Sorvloe u fnclure of in l x tenti ng l iquor and estnte of W. H.-Ca.t ey . fathor. t'n ~~~t\.~lng dis! iIIed i ntoxicating \iq- . Cl)urt IIPllointcd J . M rrill Bon The Woman's Civic Leugue III l U 0 1' . atlministrnto r ot the wilt of Thad· w ith Ii'll. Obll Welch, Iltunluy nl"· ---------- ~-----------'(·h n!;c 0 f th W ~ler n ReMcrvo daus Morris. . Court confirm ell th e application of t ernoon. 'nt ionul Bunk, of Warren, Ohlo, "v.!!; o,ccnsionnl strong young hardwood. R{w. Amos CC)ok suffered II brokl' 11 Staph n S. Thomas· WII S settled, com Phillip Whitacre ,n.,d Wiltiom C. RAPTER VII The banks of the $ \ l' am · were " cry promiped nnd di smissed without r ec· WlIlker os ndmini strlltors of t ho cs- leg Saturday uHm·noon, when kicked PECIA I, /ZING in E:cclu· gIl' ' P. and pr ci pitO llS, ':npabl ' of O1'd, co Ls paid. by a cow. tate of Newton S. Duffield . Bad New. s i v e CO{I~S and D1·esse.~ holding no nlor e water than n \\' 'll ourt ordered hirl~'y ltaun cr inlo ourt confirmed the appli('lItion of Mrs. Elizllbeth Adam ~ , rr.Rli.'ct('(1 between t hem, even in freshet ti lll . 1I b(Jll£l for payment of certnin Sunl!! Chllrles J. WlIl(goner as trustee of colored resident of this villug ' cli ed only. Eddio looked..afler him wi th ",rink· ot f ill' from t he southw st cortle r o f to i\luggi e E. Rnuncr fo r t he support t he est.utc of .Robert Me lung. at h r homo Thursday, foll owing n led brows when Sealm an slruk off t he property ,vas a curiolis !l1ound. of Rulh Mnv Rauner. Hurry Gustin and l. E. Pummell short illness . to the northwest. "W onder wha t he Il rose abr uptly from th e l>\alln to n ourt orllered that inloxicnling liq. were appointed to apprllisc the es· mUM about taxes. Pat?" he mused. height of pe rhaps flighty fe et. It uors se.ized from Barney Duff, ch~ l- tate ond effects of t a l·y Moore. G. B. Davis suffered a puinfu l (·uL will at "They can't be so much, clln thcY.1 W IlS us. large as a cit )' block at the lenbargcr and Boone, William 1>hl· Eugene Hiz.ar filed his first and fi· on his forehead, Friday l' vllning, W"ho'd have th nerye to tax th,s t oP . n rougll oval in shape. , ler, Russell Brown, and other liquor nlll acco un t for settlement which was when he stu mbled and fell ill I"ront that ~xpre.'\si01'l, of go od atuff?" He pointed Ollt to th rol1The sides nnd lop were clothed 10 held by the shcrHf anll n ot held (I,Ir ord ered sURpCl1ded. of McCllrren's garage. taste ~s ernphas~~ed ai d a in:&' acres that ftowl'd up to lhl'ir ,Ioor II mal of t hick, luxu r iant old Court oonfirmcd t he proceedings of evidcnce be destroye d. IIfr, and Mrs. . S . Collett occom"from nearly every direction. I t \VII S through which the II(!W spears were Court Il ssi~n s applicution for h ear. WiIIYam L. Suemeulng .\8 executor of panied ·their on, Robert. to Ger· serve inlelligentinnocent of vegetation except spnr8 e, shooting. It was in te rspcl"Sed with ing .of the People's Building Lonn the estnte of Annie E . l\{ulforll. mllntown, W dn esday, where he cnlagaard s",eafern llnd bracken, just stout trees !lnd bushes. "That's a anll Sllvi ng-s Cqmpa~y . for t he ap· Wade Owen s was appointed as ad tered his second t erm al Millmi r.mly is an impo'rta'l1t feature. peeping through the thin, old stalks. (tu eer thing," commented Eddie. p ein t ment of a receIver for II sbare ministrntor of the estate of William itnry Inst itute. stunted, scattered jac.k pines and lhe when . th ey had st opped to ! urvey it. of lh premises of Joseph McClung S. Owens. occomonal jagged shell of 0 lone pine "Wonder ' what it Is -l n di nn bury· et al. IVl C The Community. clu b and MlIlyina tlley and Albert Stacy of Bome lite, blacllcned by repeutad grotmd? There \\ 1"e lots of red· ourt approved Ilnd confi rmed the fll ed t heir sale bill, which wus order· Lcngue helJ Ii joint meeting Wedn es· UR small stocks pennit fires, skins urou nd here in the old days." sllle of the property of George 'y. cd recorded .. day eve nin ~ to discuM the possibilquent ch.a1 ~ge-.thus the latity " I don't know, Eddie. Let's drive "Would the Indion heap eurth up Orr et al. ()istribution of funds III of buildlllg a community hllll. The instrument purporting to be ..tt hands of the rec ' ivi!!· shull be sub· the will of J O'hn n. Cavolt was or· · The nnnual all·day sewing of the' downtown tomorrow and find out." ,0 high 1" quired Pljtsy Janc. est fash ions of'the mode a/They slept soundly that niglll. The might be a r elic of the Mound Build· jcct to the furth er or der of the court det ed to be filed. ircle will bc' Bapti st Mi ssionnry . bedroom contained a n iron bedstead, efS." It was ordered by t he court t!\IIt Court suspended the fir t and finol held at th e ch urch Friduy, Scptenl await you. .tout and serviceable. Equipped with They followed a path which was lhe trust ees of the Prel\byterlan IIccount of Frunces Davis. Din. ber BO. EYeryone welcome. their camping bedroll, it erved ad· fed my many branches, and which church of MaBo n be authorized to sell T he instrument purporting to bc ncr served Ilt noon. mlrablY. After breakfast they went completely surround ell the mound. certain r eal estate Ilt private sale. t he will of Agnes Vllii was ordered out for a survey of the quarter-sec- On the south side of the great h eap Miss Helen Rand l1ll and 1I'li51\ LuCourt found Roy Ha tfield guilty of to be ont~ed ,~f ' r~cord in the court. will of earth was a bare s pace, like a scor. gross neglect 'of duty and granted tion. Charles Guy Marlatt applied to be cille TUCK r have entered Wilming. veal store that different It was an oblong, the longer di- The exposed earth was vari-colored. Margaret Hlltfield divorce. It furth·appointed administrator. The appli. ton coll cfl"e for the yellr's work. M i ~ s mensions from north to south . It There were streaks of yellow er ordered that the custody of the' cation waB acc,epted. Appraisers for Randall IS a senior and Miss Tucker store that truly u,'tlique , had once been f .. nced. But many of brownl.. of Chalky white and dark PUI"· child be confined to the defendant, t.h estate ' of Agnes Vail were eon· is in the Freshman class. the posta were missing now, and the pIe. These were aecompQJlicd and Marguret Hatfield. firm ed, Edwanls ancl Mr. lind Mrs. Charles barbed wire, rust)' and snaTled, lay bisected by t hinner , sem l·t ransparent Court dismissed the petition of The instrument purporting to be Alfred Edwards hnve r eceived word on the ground or trailed forlornly. y eins of quam-like substance t hn t Oren Struw n for gross neglect of du- the will of Allilert Theobald was ad· 01 t he death of Dr. Linder at hi s The land sloped from the north and spar kled dully in t he sunlight. ty against Elizabeth Strawn a.nd mi tted to probate. home in Oklnhoma. Mrs. Lind er i. west. It W1l1I bisected by a brisk stepped closer and sniffed. "Smell grantcd the defendant alimony., The applicat ion of. Rachel Jane a niece of the Mess M!, Edwards. . "easonmeam, Portage Creek, Which purled anything Pat?" Gladys A bner filed charges against Theobald 08 elcecutrix of the will of Harriett, yo ung daughter of Mr. able. over atones, a I)ovelty In the jackpine Her little nose was wrinkled per· Ray Ohn er alleging disobedience of Albe:t Theobald, was. accepted. The eou~, where there is very little plexedly. "Yes; that earth smells-- eertain orders of the court. aPPolDtmen t oli appraIsers of the es- and Mrs. Adam Campbell, died at t he Hal e h ospitl1l. Wilmington, Thurs rockttoun~tion . Wi1lowlJ p.ew thick- smells sour." Court ordered Herbert Martz tate was made and confirmed. . The application 6f Ralph B. Parks day noon, follOWing an operation for I, al01lr the, stream a1ld there was an " That's is," h e nodded. "Sour bound over to the grand jury on Your patr01lage i.~ invited. makes you think of the way salt charge of manufact uring distilled a s administrator of the estate of Ed- eppendicitis. Funeral ser vices were held Monday. liquors. Bond was given at $1500 . ward M, Thirkield was conflr!Iled. should smell.," Court grante d leave to fil e answer , Claude Bernard was aPPointed to There was a tTaii following the Cliff Hawke died at his country elllliest ~ade which surmounted the to the cross petition of Kennedy Leg apprn.ise the (lstate aud effects of home Tuesday at midnight, following ler Mary Moore, knoll. 'Bet is was made by deer," a short illness. He leaves a wi fe, . Cla~de Bernard w.ae appointed to said Eddie. "Gee, you gct a fine one son and' one sister. Funeral 44 appraIse the ()state and effects of View up here I" NEW SUITS services were held Saturday nIler· Mary Moore . .Bare spots were visible on the top noon from the ]\f. E. church. . Foster vs. Virginin ¥. Fosof: the knoll. The Bod had been scat- ter.Floyd Divorce, custody of child and The Merc.hants' AssociaU;;-;;f MARRIACE LICENSES ped away, and the sub·s urface was Wilmington, come dow n Friday ve· relief .. crystaline and white as snow. He other William RUSI!cll White, laborer of ning bringing ' the Boy Sco ut blind, J ohnannenson Wales and Sparre, broke 011' . some of the with Inc., v~. Alfred A. Srere and Abra· Soulh Lehnon, to Eli~abeth Ennis, who gave an hour's delightful con· his heel and tasted ]t factory worker, of Maineville. cert. A delicious supper was served ham Srere. was salt. "Sure," he sajd; ot·tll Ludlow Oli ve Jay Hoess, clerk, Cincinnati, by the ladies of the Civic League in <leerlick. The deer love so to Luzettll Viola Hall. telephone op- McCarren 's garage. PROBATE PROCEEDINGS like cattle They'll travel erator, Mason. .IU,st of th~ H olel get it Ought to be some Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock, assisted by Court ordered tb'e last will and Newell O. Fisher. farmer, Cincinhere in the season, though of course, te!1tament of W. B. Silvers to be fil· nati, to Elizabeth BishOp, Waynes- Mrs. George Denny, entertained the "l,"' .. it's pretty dose to the house." , Baptist Missionary Oircle at her ville. V~CCINATIOM OF SWINE ed in this court. . They looked for miles over undu· home near Sligo, Wedncsdny after· Proof of publicat ion of nobce of (A SPECIALTY) lating stretches of. wilderness. It W IIS appointment of Raymond Montgom· noon. Mrs. Denny conducted the REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS as t hough they were standing in t he ery as I\dminilltratl?r of t~e estate of George devotions and ]\fiss MIlY Harlan gave Swartzlillider aud Loui~e bottq m of a great cuP. for on eve.ry an interesting l esson on "Nellore, ]n.ad J Oakley P ence was filed. horIzon, soft hiUs rose green when . Court ordered t hat authenticated B. Swartzlander to Augusta Blake· dia." The hostesses served a delin~t. too ~ar away, . purpl~ witll added coPY of t he will of Anne .,Bell DUlll· ley 11 aerell in Harlnn Tp. cious luncbeon of homemade icc Eugene H. lIod Della E. Foster to cream, cake; coffee und mints. dIstance. Tha stream With Its thiek. for<\ be rec~rde d. Mr. ond Mrs. Milton Farquhar and Thomas B. Fos,ter, Sr., 40.16 acres er . vegetation, was a slender &'Teen Mills arrie Farquhar and Mr . Wm. ------.--_ ------in Hamilton Tp: slash which ran into the plctur~ .f rom Gillimore, 01 Wi lnungton, attended D. L. Brandenburg and ' Lena Bran .......... . ch urch here on Sundny. denburg, to TiJile Roberts, one town the f ar nOrlh ond disappeared in the The Priscilla club mct wi th Mrs, MONEY LOANED lot in villllge of Franklill. Ed J effery Inst Wednesday after80~:ts Jane sighed with satiafae· John T. Flaclk and Lucy Flack to floon. The ne.'Ct :rneeting will be tiOli lIt's W01lderful uR here, Ed· Winifrcil G. Squires, .60 town acres LOANS on Chuttel.,S tocka, Sj}curl. " Ed Jordan. spent Monday in Cin- with Mrs. Gene Jeffery, on the third die ,.. she breathed. 'So still, 80 in Wayne Tp. tiel and Second Mortgage.. Note. 'Wednesday in October. Eugene H, Foster to Della E. Fos- cimiati. pe~eful, so unspoiled.Let's stay for· bought. John Harbine Jr., Xenia, ter 240,76 acr in Hamilton Tp. . Evangelist Cbarlc..s Harvey-and' Ew u . A. B. Talmage lost another fine -m30·'28 Ohio, . ; agoly and Abbie ' Anna wife, of the Bible School, of GincinHe put an arm orun er. , Jersey cow Sunday. nati. a~tended church here Sunday. right," he agreed. "Only we ca~ t Fogaly to Alice Stanley, 96,01 acres · Mrs. Cathe.rine Jordan is visiting morning and each, one brought us II live on g.re.en grass aryd !lcenery. 111 il! ViOOJ:lia MiI'itary _Survey. . ,have to find lIomethmg to do, yo~ 1!:arJ Kirk to J, H, Houston and Al- her son, Wayland and family, at Cin· short but wonderful message, Farmers of W...rren and adJolnlnl s,.~u. Earlt· for Your Sal. Dat.., We' Cuarant ... know to help out t he trout Wt; cat~h. ice Houston, 1 t'~ wn lot In the village einnatl: Rev. Ruth Murray and ' M,rs. K. E. cOllnties may obtain money on lonl of Franklin. "oh, rou will," returned his wife, Prof, W. R: Kersey, of Turtlecreek Thompson attended the ,funeral on time loans, at r; per cent interett. salllfa .. tlon or : Char... Nothln•• J. H. Cummings to Charles Seegar, optimistlcally. "Why, Mr, Sealmau ~ attended monthly meeting here, last Monday, of Adam Campbell's daughhas offered .·you !a job ulread~;" d I .26 town acres in the village of Sunday. ~e r. AIrs. Murray had charge of the Cost of securing the aame is very re •• Franklin . ,. ''Uh.huh'' he grunted. An . sonable ,through The Federal Land Walter C. Andel'llon . to Om\!r W. W. Welch and wife came down funera l. may take it. Though I'm not crazy about Sealman. He's sort of-well, Hartzell .13 town acres in the village from Harveyabutg and attended Don't · forgot t he Ladies ·'A id chick- Bank. For further Information call . . . . N.. ~ Phone No. 320 of Franklin. . . monthly meeting, Sunday. what you might call sl\ck, .Pat." . en supper at the bea utif ul country on or IIddress 'M, C. DRAKE, Tre.... Zoe Harvey to Sam Collins. one They resumed thClr inspection. Several from this place atteftd ed home of Mrs. Edi~h Davis, near Well- ·urer, phone SI6·X, Lebanon, Ohio. They tound that the road fro.m Long town lot in the "mage of Franklin. on next Friday evening: Ev· Fr'ank W. Southard to Charles' W. the funeral of Cliff Hawke at Har- illan, Portage fianked the south line of erybody dome. There will be plenty veysburg, Saturday afternoon. FOR, SALE ' Seal man's plnce, cut through their Miller, .19 town acres in Turtlecreek to eat. Don't forget the date , Fri' . Mrs. Jen~ie Howortb and dau gh- day cvening, Se.ptember 30 . own property near the center, lI~d Tp. to Anna Oberlin . Charles W, Millier ter, Miss Elizabeth, of Wilmington. crossed the cteek n!)t far f rom their FOR SALE-40 acrcs, good buildwere Sunday guests at the McKay front door. The high banks were .19 town acres illl Turtlecreek Tp. ings, lorge ore liard, all tiiable, good Amanda Letitia McKay to Mary home, here. notched at this point 80 the road location, priced to sell; 1 acre !rood S.' Sliver, 2 town lots in Waynesville. might descend to water level. T~ere Public~Sale8 buildings in Waynesville; eight.room Henry Elijah lind Howard W. Null was no bridge.. "Must be other sc;t. house in Harveysburg, low price" good tiers beyond," sUTmised ' EddIe. to Clara L. Farr, 99.18 acres in Clear $1.50: W. C. Turton, coal for Of h h ld d · S . b til h plies! "Lake Huron isn't a great m~ny creek Tp. court house, $9.46; The. Dayto n Sten. OUBe 0 goo 8 III pring oro, rms. W . N . S ears, pone 79, W ay Joseph D. Miller t o Walter C..AlI· cil Works Co., supplies, $10.23; The miles away over there to the east. Saturday, October I, 1927, nesvUle. • 828 I Another road came d~wnl' from. t.lle derson, 3 town Iota in F!anklin. Bell Press, 8upplies, $5; The Frank- at 12, noon, AP-PLE S-Rome Beaut)' and Baldnorth close t o the water s edg~ . Jom- COMMISSJONE~tS' ALLOWA"'CES lin Chronicle, . proof 'of publicat ion, aYDe.~lIe~ MRS. G,HAS. CRAWFORD. . wins at .Un~erw!,ocl'. Orcl!ard. We ing the main (lIIst and ",ellt hlF,hwny ,. $11.50; Monroe & Johnston, lumber, Simpson & Sears, Aucts. hava a fair-sIzed ep6p of appJes-= ot the crossing of the streaJll •• Looks Wade g. Bre'Vi'tt;7d ,. , . B. Kllu~an, 8i~pllesci l qunlity good. Baldwins will , be as tbough there WelC some oa Subacr:ibe to the Miami GaZette. ready about, Octobcr 1st, and the that, too," he continued. "We 8e~m pense account, ':6.36; Geo. W. Lar· same, $3.84; Lebnnon ce an • , ""'il ,R ome tBeau~y a little later. D. B. to have a comer on t he main tralls. rj~k: salary, $20; G. Le~ennan;' sup- Co., lee, $18.50. T-his one must go north till it hits _~=============io========================~==>1i~ Underwood, Valley Phone B4FS Har • • the lake. Remember on. the map B C. M ~ PAYNE' v,oysburg, Ohio. ·828 . ho\v Huron cuts in sharply Just above S'MATTER POP Please Explain Y FOR SALE-One McCormick binder us?" . . The drive . to the Village was SWIft ~ ~ good as new, only cut ten acres; and pleasant. There were few grades. used heating stoves of all kinds and The sands which later in the sum· prices. 'Fred M. . Oole. . 828 mer would be powdery and hard to FOR SALE-Immuncd B:4' Type PO'negotiate, was firm and. damply land China boars and giltl~. . J . H• . brown. It made an ideal roadbe~. a~kett, D. B. -s28 The ftivv er skimmed about the myrl· ad curv~lI. at a smart pace. · . PUM'PS-tt-Bocklet's . line of ' well and Portage country had recently mcistern pumps; hand, electric and vested in a combined court house, po\ver driven, Is the best. Pump rejaji and office.buillling. It was an ' pairs. THE BOCKLET-KING ' CO•• two.st-ory building of red 415 W. M"in St., Xenia, . Ohio;' The populat ion was sparse, one office housed three depart· TIMOTHY SEED FOR SAL'Emen ts-clerk, treasurer aDd register A nice lot of timothy seed, reof deeds. Peter W.imJ)le held all ticleaned on a new Clipper Windmill. tles and transacted all the business. $2.00. per. 'busliel at farlll. two mlhis He was n fat man who, in anticipa'~ outh of Harveysburg. Sam A. EI. : · tion of summer had already donned IH. 0 , Ii black alpaca coat. PIPE, " VA'l iVES . AND FITT~~. "The Forbes quarter-section?" he lor all purpo~ e8. Bock1et'~ linit OJ echoed to' Eddie's que,stion. "Oh, plumbing and beatln~ lIuJll'liu ~ yes; that's .over east here, near Seal· best.' TRE BOOKLET·KING CO,' man's. He' waddled to a large , can41f; w. M.ln .tl'fl.t. 1fenl. Ohio. . ij vas·jacketed book and made. some FOR SALE--Moore's . airtljrht' heatfigures, which he checked in a slim· er, 16·in. bowl, good a" new. Earl mer volume of re.d leather. "Your property's had a couple of .Conner, I' , ·06 ·. tax. plllSters put on it," he announc· FOR SAL&.,.....Thr.ee,l;lt~me·r New P~r;; . cd. "Certificates are held by Mar. ,fectlon oii" stove, like new, $15.00. cus Bower, of Chicago, ~ear of ·Mrs. W: ·N. Sears, phol\e 79. 828 grace pretty near up. Want to pay ' SALEl-l Djr '" , now?" .'F'O k'"., . . ~ A' 4Poltiad-Chlna ' "to' ~ ~ "No," answered Eddie, apologeti· Type JIlale hog; 2. ope~wo91 buck ., cally. . "How much time have 11" lambs. BIIl·nett. Bros., II n. 5, ,Way"Oh, about five month&--untll the nesv.ille, Qhio. . ' .;. ,. -06 ' '" , first of September. Then if you don't FOR S~LE~White oollle' pupa.&e pay up he tnkes the title.'" "How much do we owe, altogether?" Charlo.!! Burnett; R. D. 5, W:llynea:. The fat man figured. "Eight' huil·. ville, Ohio. ' ,. ti' ,,' . dred and ninety.seven dollars ,and F,OR SALE~Dl8c harrow, Ux~6, nlnety.;thtee cents. That's every. tTactor 01: lIorae; 1 Poland.Oblna'. thing that's overdue, and" the· penal. , fun -blood 'bQat. 1tIo'ml '8ry'P.> .~hone tics he clin collect. They're heavy:" 93~. Centclville. . '. "·06 ·. ',. , There waS a moment of stunned Rilence. ""Phis Mr. .Bower," ven~ur ~ • FOR SALE -"- Four Poland.Ollina . ed Eddie. he and ""'at's m..le pip, ~lIrtble ~ rettater.. A• . in?u· oj'.' ,'. S. Cornell. ~ D. 6. _.' -8;38 man. I think FOR . jJA:LE-Heatl1lr .tov.,. Itt good block of stull', , condition; ",.1Ib bench and ~n.. for fish and game. I'm this coun, er; HapP1 H0ll18 !Iteam "'uI!er. lira. ty. You ca pay me the back' taX"es .Tohn S. Shults, R. 1, W.,JleaviU•• when you get the money." ... ·821l
A Unique Shop for Particular Women ·
sinCB1·e effort to
V ISIT to this shop a is --a ;s
Good taste is not necessarily expensive. Our prices are
32 N South
Street Miami
Jesse Stanley Auctioneers'
·~elltemll., p. a ,
Farmers.-Attent-i oru
--- _.- ..- - -
•• •••afll._.
r." .t•• S.eonJ ,It_ CI••••• Wayn ••• l"_ --......""'0, ," .11 M.".., Po"olfi~
Prlc•• f •. 50
.er v.... PubU.h.l'
SEPTEMBER 2a, 1927
"If Lincohl hod only u dOllon bo.ok~ nnd Garfield learned to read while riding a tow-B-oth IIIl1le, what clln th I child today do with\ present 8c hool equipmen t--ir he r eully wanls to?" Publisher J . P. O'Furey, or the Cedar County News, lind member of th e school bOllrd at HIII·tincton, Neb., puts the above question in clinching his urgumel\t for gr euter vision in the handling of ou r cducationnl syste m. · He co nt ntis that w complain of high taxes but go mcrl'ily about the job of building UI) propnganda which leaves t he child· with the Impl'ossion t hll t " school" is II monster destroy ing its liberti es. urrent cartoolls on the opening of school, which I,llmost In every instnnce pu l the wrong e mphlL~ i 8 on what school reully IlIUllns to the child broug ht fOl h Lhis 1lI0st Interes ting cOlll lll enL frolll MI'. O' Fuery. "While \\' ~ ar e cotn l)laining of high tnx" - I "·\, nti cr how much useless expel" ,· I cULIsed by impressing upon th o minds of children that Ilc ho ol iM clcHtroying lheir libertlcH?" "And whnt does the Illentu\ opposition cost the country? "And how mtlch worry does It cnuse school nuthorlti's, while the kiddies lire young, und to civic IIUthori t ies U8 they grow older 1" Is n't it about time we a ll start " selling" the school idea to our children?
o Dresses! . $15
Felts-Velours, $5 • $10 II< INGLY differe nt - exq ul~ite in S TR coloring - and deSigned to SUIt the Ind ividu a l. H olos and p erk y bows to take away the severeness of the plain lines anJ so low priced !
Th. Silk " t pu,lmr fl l - S,'w ,,,! 1"100,
54" Novelty Coating $5.95 Ten patterns- tens- browns. Itali an Bddge Sets, $3.49 Hand-embroidered on linen.x . Italian Emb roidery Guest Towels 49c In neat patterns- Washable. 27" All Wool Challis 8ge Plaid patterns-- sateen bound. Part Wool Blankets, $3.98 Pair 63 by 90" Seamless Sheets 98c 81 by 90", . $LOO Good silk crepe, lace ,trimmed. Silk, Gowns $3,95- $6.95 New Silk Negligees, $10.95 Brocaded rayon and silk crepe.
arQ)'1' - with detail of cut and triMming that add! infinite Ityle. A coat t~at will be out. tand ing during theentlreaeason and will give excellent wear. And at a price exceptionally low!
Smart Slippers,$7.50 I n our Young Mode rns' department are 25 st yles o f smar~ opera pumps, ties. s traps, a nd beautiful step-in mode ls - in Wonted materials and colors - high and low heels .
Till CoCll Dfpa,,,,,.nl FcuA lott PIOOI'
Tht ShOt Dtpar,rmnt-S,cond Floor
New Jersey Dresses, $10.00 · Soft French Kid Glov·Pc-- $3.95 New Chrysanthemums 79c
Wool Frocks '29.50 WOOL 'III Imart for fall becaule it i. . .peclally .daptable for weer on ohilly day. wlth01.lt a cClat - end Is a comfortable pioce de reai.tanc••11 winter. S~:et.ched II a blue frock at $l9.'SO. Other .mart wool frock. at US.
", .
2-Piece .Living Room Suite at $139.50 .
nwB.¥t j:.r'!t-
THIS suite upholstered in fine linen velour, has reversible 'c ushions with beautlf\.l! tapestry coverings. The wood frame is gracefully designed - the entire suite Is exceptionally well-built - and It'l very speola ll y priced .
Hel4!ne Girdles, $2.95
the proper length 13 inches, , JableUST long enough to be service. making and short enough to be comfortable. ~t ·
· Lightly bon.c d over abdomen . Sizes 27 to
Nothing con now be done in . leo that isn't put- up to Morrow.
43 .
Th. Cofl~' Dlpar,rmnt-Strond FlDor
The fellow who tries to get across ahead of the train usually , get3 n
. Metal Lamp 'Bases, $3.7S
cross. .
·-p INE metal bases ' in both junior and reading lamp style. Several beautiful
"Sales reSistance" has at last been defined. It ill the triumph of mind over patter.
Men, Here's a' Sale I rimely I 'Welcom~ I FINE OVERCOATS
Shade$ to Match, $1.95 to $5.95
Ken W.adWl!D says the first tbing that struck him in Newi York was the double-dec.ked covered-lI~ busses.
In pleated parchment and lovely georgette
P'urnilur,--Fljlh Floor
Wilton Rugs, size 9 ilC 12, .earned and seamless, $49.50 Oriental Moussoul Rug., size ·2.8 by 4.5, ,. $21.50 Attractive Filet Net Curtains, $1.59, $1.65 pair Fifth and Fourth FIoo"
'MEN, thil ilnotju.t a "SaII( but new fall overc'llu priced extremely low. "lJte tailoring, fabrics, de~ignl, and even the linings are r.ally O\ltstanding. Every coat is RiI,eKumler standard unuwat value. offired only beoa4se OUT order kept the manufllcturer' s ",Iant going during a duU ....on. There are brown, tan., gr~I, and plain btu". Double and single breasted. and sizes J' to
LamjU-Four,h Floor
Solid Walnut End Table, ,11.95 ·
Asked, "Why chickens cross the road 1'! Ed Purdy says, he don't even know why they cross their legs. --0-
Four out of live of our married men are sutlering from matrirnonlal dyspepsia. Their. wives don't agree witll them. 0-
Seth Brown's !jon ' didn't miss his gQal so very far. He intended to g~ to Europe on a lichola1'8hip---but went on 8, l!attleship. --0--
T velvet - all sdk and \ ery heer - In porcelain blue, aUlan. laurel oak. tilTin ; pru ne. navy an d blac k. 3q and -10 inches wide. A poru lar fabric al a popu lor price.
Sports Coats! $59.50 WHED II a sports fabric T and here It is In 10ft tam and
On a 1,OOO-acre tract near Balt imore there will BOon be shown the hi.s Lory of American railronding, from the beginning, with locomotives and cars from various epochs -all in honor of the one hundredth anniversary of the Baltimore and Ohio railrand. The Baltimore & Ohio, first in the United States 'to' 'hundle for the public passengers und freight," reminds you that this country is gradually becoming respcctnbly ancient. Two big stores in New York City, Heorn's lind Arnold Constable's, have just reached the rClspectnble age of one hundred. And tile age is less Important than the niarvelous improvements of one hundred yean. The nellt step will be the flying machine, with. re-arrangement of man's Ih'ing h.obits, recasting of populatio n cenl.cfs and land values. Buy the rigbt hill and mountain topa. with In two hundred miles of big industrial centers 'IlOW, and your grandchildren will bloss you.
S - ~I-TRA . " PAREI
Coats for School Girls $11.50 Foot-Trainer Shoes, $2.45-$2.95 Little Tots' Coats $5.00
--0-- .
Chiffon Velvet, $7.95
'1'/", AllI/lmr), Salo n -Th ~ Fashion Flocr ·
---... - ..- --
400 new frocks in the favored satins, ca.nton. a{ld wools some with fancy leather belli, embroidery ,nail head and velvet trimming . Sizes 14 to 10 and 36 to 46. All the popular blues, greens, reds, taM - and navy and black.
\. \.
The savings l ire -here-In Ivery <l!'le of these tin. overcoats . . Take advantage of this low price now!
Fig'ht· (ans were ple~d to learn that tbere was til be nO extra sesalonof Congress. . With the VareSmith seating debate comin,g up tbey wete afrllid .T·e x Rickard ,would. lenrn that he was o"'piker oil the price .for seatS he ehargl!~ at Cbicago.
Gotham Hosiery, ' $1.95 GOTHAM 'Gold Stripe Hosiery keep your legs and ankles looking their best - nu garter run can spoil the evening - and you ~an match your new gown or shoes tXaclly in color. A.k to see Styl~ No. 38c).
---,-... - .
New! Yorke Shirts for·Men Arrive! $2;50 to $6.50 Y ORKE Shires in new fal l stripes and
Felt flats
patterns - some colored, some white everyone of them carefully tailored- full, room y hirts.
$5 ·
HfH~ry-S"", F100l'
Th. Stor. lor M,n
MEN ' S fall hats are·
" Atwat~r':Kent Console Radip, Complete, Le.. Aerial, $133.00 .Buffet iln~ Mantel Mirrors, '6.50 Dilihwashing Outfit, Five-piece Set, . ,1.00
, made of felt ! Finely tailored of qu:a llty materials, in 1927-28 pattern, .
Black Enamel Hat Boxes, H.95 New Strate-Eight' Men's Shoes, $8.00 New Fall Street Dresses, $10.00 In Jersey and Wool Crepe.
Th. Storr for M,n
------Cail, Write' or Wire CorJlelia~Have Her Shop for Y ou.-------:..-
Au. ------..-..------
Road Oar
ALL OVER "f~W .' Hcre lie the' bones of Ja~es rYmple '. , • He' was klilsing the maid on hill' , ". 'little dimple . ...... :..... Wllen"ln . came his wife ., , A:nd ,I'~rte'" the ;8trif~ . The tune~ was plain 8n~~mple.
I. TIde I..... .
D eclllring It ·~ec~.. ~.)' ' Ievy a til" In C)i<CCI. o( the tltlean l))\lJ .llmltatlon
current ""PC'Il8"oj a·nd to provlcle aubml.81<>o 0'( the Qu'e ~ tlon to t he - thll village of 'V"YnelvlUe.
Estate Joseph ' W" Hisey, deceased. . Notice is hereby given that J. A. Shutts has been duly appolnted' and qu'alifted a8 administrator of the estate· of Joseph W, JUlIey. late of .... C ty Ohi d' d "a~n oun, 0, ecease. Dated this 8th day of Septemberber, 1921. 'f' , " ._ • • . CHARLES B. '1>ECHANT, . Acting ·;J.udge of the Probate C~urt, Warren County, Ohio, .
GRAND THEATER, Lebanon ,T wo
6:30 and 8:30 p. m.
.Harvejsbwi r..... . Jel1ilizer .'CO. ltARVEVSBURC,
W alte~" McClure '· J ;'E.. ·McClure FUNERAL DiREcTORS
\ . O"PlC"".-,
9 to· 11 •• m. '8. to:6 p. m. . 'I' to 9 p. m. '~' T"""""
- " .,.... "• .It .
W.,~I'" "
Fully Et)uipped for Good
. Large DliIpJay Room. Ambul~nee Service . TIilLEPHONB
'The HEART of,
There will be Home CQming at the New Burlington M. E. church next S unday, October 2.AII day services and basket dinner. All arc cordlalJy welcomed. ' .
____-=z:.:!l;::=== = ==
the HEATROLA that floods your whole house with COMFORT
Jl t l ~,.
u ru ne. of Toledo, Is visili ,, ' n !lat h'c:s h r eo
. Tr7
nr. P. A. Oarnc:r, chiropractor, Lebanon, Ohio, Phon e 78.
Dfl ughn ut ' 81 at th e T o wn ~hip !I ou ' t' , l;lItul·t\ UY, ct bel' I , li t 1 p . \Il.
Or. and MI'.;. H . E . Hathaway w re busincs\! visitors in Day ton , 'T hu rSdliy. Mrs. M. D. Baird was hostess to the lover Lea! club Tu esday art ernoo n.
..", RoUJIJ~ S1tlNEGA1l4ERS' UO MOSS," "fI.11lY SA", AIJ~ we AU. IOJOW FEUO\IIS \AMO I-\A\'E QaJ' "10 ~II ertY AAO DRWniO FRUrn.E!OSl.V ~ aJE ~I~ "It> AlJOTl-IER, \II~IU; SOMS r;:;
The Keys r euni on wns held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Keys, last Sun da y.
THIS II the Intensl-PJre .1. . Air Duc.t-the bean of the Heltrola'. double air-cln:ulatfna syatan.
Built right in the path of the &mesy this unique dovice blocks much of the heat that an ordinary Imw or furnace alloW! to escape up the chimney. 11ut fa why Heatrola fioode ever, room in the houle with even. healthful heat. Why
it leaves no "cold _pctl" or
"hot apoa.." Why chllt, upatalbl rooms become jult
_ u..r warm .. the livtng.room.
Come ln. or invite UI to call-and let u. demonstrate
how the beautiful Heatrola will fill vour entlr~ house with
cheerful warmth and sove on an aventilc of 45% In 'fuel.
Waynesville, Ohio I,
We·have a'supply of pure Trumbull, seed, wheat in stock. Call us'for {>rice. ,
A fresh supply of Barrels, sacks and blocks.
Lehigh portland Cement We are figents for Lehigh Portland Cement, We ,will have a fresh car on track this week.
Waynesville 'Farmers' Exehange Company 'Waynesville, Ohio
Phone 25
!llr. nnd Mrs. H. A. Corn ell lind II1rs. W. E. Co rn ell we re Xenia visit". ors. Saturd ay.
~R @:Mlcido AAIIilJOS HAVE
-n-\' OlD HoMe 1t:>\U1J
Mrs. ll . V. Wal ter anrl Mrs. Dun Wallel·. of Leba nun. ,' isited relati ves he re Illst Friday.
Here are some of our coming sale dates. You will notice the~ are not aU small household sales. w'e conducted t hree sales las\ week Belling nearl y $10,000 worth of chattels, in ~wo of them. Botl: 1Denwere surprilled by getting h ooo more than they anticipated. Septomber 29-Vaa Pelt'. clo.ial"""t .alo, 2 ;s mile. E. of Spria, Vallo,.. Oetobor I-Sal. of "ery eood furaiture. S.W. of M'_I.lnaw ••
A. J. Foraofeld, 2 mile.
Oetober 4-HI11'. fum .a1e,at eelee of Ne. Burlinltoa Octobe~
8-Mr•. Powell' ••al. ia N.w Burlia.toa.
Odob•• 20--M. H. Huatew farm .al., 1;s mil •• E. ,o f Beavertow. .. Octobe. 27-Harrl •••1. a .... WeUman. Dat. 'O\l~ .al~"
..,!th .tIa...en
who eet tl.e pric.
....d ..tidy
You will Snd our term. more r ..... ooabl.
. Call or Write at Our Expense ,
N_ B~~., ~ Pholl. 320
Better Milk Production
..-...-Better Health The m05 t mil k and the richcst , milk comes f r ll l11 h ':o ltl1\' t l lVS. The cnreflll da iryma n 1'.l1flws " ;11.' 11 :1IIi 111 :l1's ca pacity to assimil:llc f"" d. I ll: chooses lind st ays \\'ith C,,-l\:-a-Iia S wccts 20% beca use of its provl.:d abil ity to increase yield. Yun 'call t ry Cc-re-a-lia Sweet for 4 we ·ks at U lll' risk. Jlist ft'cd it along with hi gh gradc roughage to :tny cow. Ku:p a recu rd O il the chnrt WI! furnish. Unlc:ss the test s hows greater pro hl clion M greater profits than you'vc h:ld beJore, we'll ret urn your moncy.
Everett Early, Lytle, Ohio
Ce·re~Iia Sweets
T1t. TunJ" Line of pHfb: TUlredODQII')' Ce ~ re-trtt. SWftU MI.ml Dml r'y [ Tuxedo Chop Tu ~ HOII Rat lo u
Tu ..do81 ..tlnIrP ..... TuaedoBcratch Tu.ado OrowlnIl M••hn TU:ledoo.vIllJope.. "Tuxedo Allma..b Tu xedo l!nm •• he. Tuxado Cht~1r.
Tu.ltdo Poalu',. Panener - and othere
___ __________._____--=
John Collett and family and Mill!! Mary Col1ett, of - Dayton, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. C .HI\,wke,
. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Charleton attended the funeral of t he latter's
Dr. and Mrs. Rosnagle and daughter and MISII Laura Rosnagle, of London, wete Sunday guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hthaway.
Mra. Huldah Burnett, a very highly respected citizen of this community, died Friday afternoon, after a long illneSil. A large concou rse of relatives and f riends attended the f uneral on Monday afternoon.
Rev. J. J. Schaeffer administerl'd baptism to Francis Edwin, ·Infant Bon of Mr. and Mra. Chester CuUer, nee Ruth Earnhart, lastSunday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. South and two children and Mr. and Mra. Stanley Hill, of Loveland, were Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Coleman. Mrs. South and children remained for a few days' visit.
C. W. Younce and family are moving to Dayton this week. W. N. Sears and family will occupy the house vacllted by the Younces. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walker, Mrs. Frank Walker, Mr. a ndMrs .Edward Ricks and son, Richard, called on Mrs. Kate Ricks, Sunday afternoon. Rev. S. Chance\or, wife and daugh ter, of near Lumberton, and MTS, M' L. Parshall were dinner guests, Sunday, of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. E. Sherwood.
. Rev. and Mrs. J_ J. Schaeffer, Mrs. .
Anna Cadwallader and Miss Clara Lile motored to Columbus Sonday afternQon and were dinner guests of Mi!!Ses Annie and Marne Bro~ ..
Mr. and Mrs. Wslter Janney had dinner guests, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. ' Charles Parlette, Delight and . Somethlni vrry attractivlI in a Jack Williamson, Mrs. . Elizabeth practical hOIlSII dress I. oiered Iq Smith ,and Mrs. Ella Baily, of Day- thl • .codel. .Made lip in any printed wash materia'I, with the long lui'pllclI ton. ; collar, .:uffs and belt in matchlntl or Vlliillt', tbi. i. a pretty anil Miss Olive Allen entertained at coJo~ eerviceahle d ('I!~S. Plain "earl butdinner, T uesday evening, Mislle8 Fay tons carry OUtt · the clever pointed-cut Kavanaugh, IIlargaret Ballalltyne, at Ute WIli.t, I,elt and cuff., giving I Sarah Drake and _Zelia Carpent er, ltIDart touch to thi, attralrtlvo dre ... teachers .in Central High school, at May be obllllincd iu aize. 16 to 44Sile 36 requir,e . ~ yards of 4().incb. Xenia. matellal. No dressmaking expedMrs. Edith Harris and Mr. and . ence i. needc,'1 !o mllke De,ign No. Mrs. F. C. Hartsock, of Milford, 1114;. f ;roo u ile these patteml, wbleb .re Indlvidua.lly hand-cut of heaYJ drove to pelaware on Sunday and spent the day wit.h Miss Mildred Hart paper. Palter." ",J1t he delivered to 8117 Bock, whi is a Freshman at Ohio addrcn uron receipt of 25c. In cash esleyan, ' ,., U. S.PolltalCe. Alway. mentioll .:ze wanted. Addre ll5. Praclical M,ll. C. M. Robltzer, Mra. Fred M. Pattei'll', 1l~1 Broadway, Ncw Yorll Cole and M". J. W. White rnntnr"d'i Cily and, alWay. ,ne~tion thi. new.. JaPer. _ . ,_ , _ ' _,. _ ~ __ to Colum.bus Saturday, where they were guests of Mrs. Merle Kern. Mrs. J. D. Marlatt, who spent tUt =~~~~~~===~:;;==~= week in Columbus, returned home with them. Mrs. Ms~Jle Burnet. was agreeably surp~~d Tuesday mornIng( September 20, when ' her sister; Mrs. KIIte Himes, of Centerville, ana Mrs. Edna Kindle, of Social Row, and two great nieces, I ,Mra. ,Rhea Gretle, of Ya"kee Road, and Miss Jean Kindle, an:l;,Ied to remiiad her of her blrt.hday. .
Mr. George Orny spent. MonthlY in Dayton. 1'01 rs. Addn Burnell hus boen on the sick list. Mrs. Ina Longllere spent. Silturdn y in th e Gem City. ' M,.. and Mrs. Charles Clurk wc\,e Dayton visitors, Wednesduy. Mrs . . Ollie Rout.zahn was quite ill th e past week with the gl'i .... MiSil Bernice Graham W0 8 of sch ool last week on accounh of illness. Jl!r. lind MrS. Iydc Wha rto n mode a business trip to inc innllti, Wednesday. Several fa rm ers (rom here ' lire hauling sweet corn to lhe Cc;,tor villc cannery. Mrs. Margaret J ohns spent Thursday in Dayton wit.h her Hister , 1'011'5. Eli zabet.h S mi~h. A force of men helped Robert l"l'iend cut and hung Cour acres oC tobllCCO, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Dyke, of Daylo n. called on Mr. and Mrs. William BergdaH, Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charl es Mullincx attended the [uneral of the form er's uncle at Hillsboro, Tuesday. The Ladies Aid will hold their Ilext meeti ng Wednesday, October 5th, at the home of Mr8. Wilbur Foulks. Mrs. Ella Cnrmlln and MN\. Kn to Bnrnhort, uf Ullyton, at tended the fun oral of Mrs. Iluldoh Burne tt, a ll Monday.
Ea rl Wilkcl'>'on . of Columbus, was 'l'he li tllQ f crry was just pulling t he l-:uest of II'. Gnd Mrs. 1.esteT ou t wh en J,im th e J oculur ,JlInior Gordo n. on un da y. rUHhcd li p thl' doc k. "1'lcy , lh cre." he shouted to t hl' Mrs. Ru ~st:l1 amll bell , of Dayton, captain, " tllte r e' ~ a par t.y of t.wcnty was the guest of ir. nnd Mrs. J. M. coming on boaTd.'· Thompson, Monday. When the caplain heard that he Mr. al1 d Mrs. C. 1\1. Cartwright, of ord ered t he Doat bllcked ~~, IIn(1 .lim Evanston. II!.. s pent Sunday with gO.t on board. Ar~e r wa l tm~ a ~e w Wa nesv ille relati¥es. m l ~ules the C? phu n. becoming 1my pat.lent , asked If the par ty would be Mrs. N. A. King, of Indianapolis, mu c~ longer. "What party?" askspent t he first of the week with Mr. cd Jim. and Mrs. Walter E lzey. "Why, that party of h~cnty you ~ po kc a bout." MrK. Ralph Vance and son. of Plea9" Oh, I 'm that party. I'm t wen t y ant Plain, SIlent Thul'5day with Mr. today. It's my birthday." and MI·s. J. C. Hllwke. ---- • THERE' S 'A DIFFERENCE Don 't forget tho Camp Fire G m.arket Saturdny, October 1, at the "But surely seeing is believing." Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Smlt.h moTownship House at 9 a. m "Not n ecllssarily; I see you cvery tored from Dayton Sunday in a new day." cur and spent the day with Mrs. Jesse Sears and family and Joseph Ann Smith. Hawke, of Sabina, spent Sunday with NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Ben Hawke and family, at Lytle. Mr. and Mrs: C. E. Johns enter- ' tnined Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johns and Estat e of Mary L. Edwards, de· Raymond Conner and family were children, of Dayton, to a six o'clock I visitors in Dayton, the ceased. dinner, Saturday. given t hat O. J . Notice is hereby guest~ of C. E. Edwards nnd fam llf. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parlett and has been duly appointed Frederick Robitzer, who is attend- and qualified! a8 adm inistrator of t he Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, of Dayt on, ing the University of Cincinnati, estate of Mllry L. E dwards, late of were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Waller Janney. spent the week-end with home fOlks. Warren County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this, 26th dny of September, . Mrs. S. H. Haincs and Mr. and W. Z. ROLL, Dr. P. A. Garner, chiropractor, 1927. Mrs. Walter Kenrick were in Dayton Judll:e of the Probate Court, Thursday, where the former was Warren County, Ohio. treated for facial neuralgia. Lebanon, Ohio,Hawke Phonehad 'lB.as her dinMiss Helen Guy Routza hn entertl\lned fifty or n er guests, Sunday, Rev. and Mrs. more friends to a radio party at t he A. S. Watkins nnd Fred M. Cole and J::ytle garage Thursday ev!!ning to family. hear the Tunney-Dempsey fight_ Our Pattern Adam Stoops enjoyed a short call -Mr. and)tfrs;S. H. Hainl)ll and Mr. from his lifelong friend, Rev. Chanand Mrs. Walter Kenrick attended cellor, of _ncar Lumbetton, Sundny the funeral of Mrs. Jane Langdon at afternoon, . Springboro, T~esd ay afternoon. I
Dr. P. A. Garner. chiropractor, Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 78. .
---_.- .....- - -
the Miami Guette for a year.
,. ----
It'. " '01
,th. policy, i.qt what policy " ,lll do for.' -;ou.
THE TRAVELERS HARTf'ORD. CONNECTICUT I iliON "olomb thall .111 ! . •
,III.~ ~
Hubby-"\Yhat, another new dr_I ' on earth em I go_ln~ to pay for , Wif~"I didn't marry yoo to elve you ~cJeI fdvlce." .
In. . . . ,I
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Coleman entertained at Sund'a y dinner, Mr. and Mrs. F red Sours and flim ily. Mrs. Anna Ma¥.bam and Mrs. Haskill of Hamilton, 'Mr. and Mrs. .Harold Kellis and son, of Mt. Holly were Sun· aay evening guests. Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Stillings entertained' the Past week the latter's broth and sister, Mr. Wm. Groth and Miss Alma Groth of LOs Angeles, Cal Mrs. Stilling!! accompanied them to Chicago, Friday, and will remain 8 week or ten daYS visiting relatives. Mr. William Brown was brought to his home. here Saturday evening. He and Mrs. Brown have been staying at the home of their daughter, Mra. Fran.k Woolley and family, in Dayton, smce June ao, when Mr. Brown tell, fractu r ing his hip. lIe is slowly improving, now able to get around some on crutches.
Just~::.Thre'e ' Wor.ds "
.About l'ire Values Highest Quality-Goodyears! ' . .
~rice-Goody~ars! /#
30";~e~~~.. ~.~~~~~.~~: ............_...................:....:........ _. $10.95
32X"'i~!:~~~~~._~.i.~.~.. ~~~.. ~~~, .. _. .........,. ... ............. $18.15 . • ~~~._4·~?re~~".~~~~~~.~~.t!.~~~.~~~...... ......... .. .... .......... , .... $12.25 .
__ Wayne,ville. Motor r'
Late ClaSSified Ads, FOR SALE FOQ SALE-a-burner Florence coal oil range and Estate Oak heater, in good Icondition. Mra. ErneS£l..Harlan, phone 69F4. 828 FOR ll'ALE-Breeding ewes, openwool tYlle--any number up to 25. J. P. Cummings, R. 3, Waynesville. , s28 FOR SALE-Golden onk china closet. Ml'5. 'Mary Silver, Waynesville. 828
~"#~W#A.~Jt,·t'(.J' • ',,; .~.r.I!'._"'
Phone .105
."~IItIIIIItIA.'!/Ii'1_~IW'K#l'''.IIIIIII~~_,. _
Warnesville, Ohio
Seventy-Ninth Ye,ar
C:l.~ _1~ \1: J.~" THE WORLO' tJrIHJ01J~Oa.e.t CELEBRITY SERIES Euch yellr it has been the eUMLom f 'Or the members of the Senior c1W!8 t'O get u ring. The rings have always been of different designs and shapes, but this yellr's Seni'Or class dec ided t'O 8tart lhe custom of having"n stondard symb'Ol f'Or the Mchool, alltl.every claBs following huve the salli e only with difference in 'number it desire!!. The High Rch'Oo l v'Oted und the shield fr'Om the front of the building wall choslln, This IIhleld i8 an owl holding an open book. The 'One suggesting this gets a ring free from Cary's Jewelry Shop, where the rings a rc ' always to be purchased. The honor fell to a Scniol', l-llss Gen eva Ault. The Freshmen class al'e planning something new to tuke the place 'Of cla811 weiner roasts ill the high school. Every 'One is nnxiuus to henr what it is going to be. Hurry uJl, Freshmen, Hnd don't keep us wlliting. The 'Juniol'tl had a weiner r'Oaat last l"riduy night at the h'Ome 'Of Nellie Graham, near Harvcysburg. They had many visitors, s'Ome staying and some only st'Op ping to inquire ab'Out the eat-ll but being disc'Ouraged, dr'Ove away and left the Juniors wilh plenty eats f'Or one evening. A new piece 'Of property has been purctiased by the Bch'O'Ol bO'Brd for the high sch'O'Ol. It is a new sewing machine t'O bc used by the Domestic Sciel)ce c1A*a. The Board 'Of tlducati'On O.K'd a pr'Opo.iti'On of the aplcultural boys, but they IIro n'Ot ready t'O ann'Ounce yet jUlt what. it ill. Friday. nIght the S'Oph'Om'Ores had
The orat of a series of six lectures in literatl1re, exPlorutiun\ and adventUfe is coming to Dayton on October 26th, A summary of this course is as follows: Richard Halliburton, Tuesday, October 26th Maurice G, Hindu s, Thursday, No, vember lOt II. Edward H. Th'Ompson, Wednesday, January 18th, Cuptaln J'Ohn Noel, Friday, January 27th. Lowell Th'Omas, Wednesday. February 8th. , , This ae l'ies is sponsered by a number of Dayton's prominent citizens and Ol'gunizations nnd is attrncting widespread attention for it fills an oft-exprefsed demand in the cultural development 'Of thc c'Ommunity. Further in.'!'Ormatl'On regarding t he rlnte K, etc., may be 'Obtained from Churlcs M. McLean, 2G West Sec'Ond Htrcct. Richard Halliburton is an excellent Rpellker and brings to the platf'Orm thc same charming style that is so characteristic 'Of his two b'O'Oks, "The R'Oyal R'Oad t'O R'Omance" and "The Gl or ious Adventure." Maurice Hindus, the great nuth'OrIty on Russian afl'airs was born a Rus sian peasant. He has startled educat'Ors by his Incisive grasp 'Of w'Orld afl'airs. His new lecture is "Asi.il Aflame," ' Edward 'R. Thompson is the f'Ormer c'Onsul who dug up the w'Onderful relics 'Of that early American civilizati'On He talks 'Of the relJults 'Of 'his expl'Orati'Ons and disc'Overies. Captain J'Ohn N'Oel wu official photographer of the M'Ount expedition sent 'Out by the 'O&,raphlc S'Ociety 'Of England.
--- - -
CoIOO On, Ben HlU', You 'Gatta fAal,( Now! -~ By
Whole Number 5773
i········ .. • ..... ········· THROUGH NORTH f [nt.;::~n:h~t-. I nus lOUR
State. Caoital I t I
MCSSI·s. ChU I'lcH Ell b , waYlwH\,ille, M. C. !?rakc, I", hnnull; Wn l. Villur ~ , larkSVille, lind Chus. F , CIIISH, Co unPreparecl by ly Agent, j oined wi th a grouJl of : Butler eounty f"rmers Illst wq~k in Columbu8 J eptrter 11 m'Oto r bu ~ tour to 1'ol" d" a nd through N'Orthern Ohl<) 10 st ud y the co rn bor er infestation nnd th e "u I'ious activities f 'Ol' its t ontl·o l. At t he COLUMBUS, OHIO- G. F . . Schles main hcadquart cI'H in Toledo they inger, director 'Of highways and pubmot L. H . Worthle y, fo del'lll ~ u lic work s, unn ounc cs that tbe nert pcrvis'Or, who hl'il,ny eX Jl lain", 1 th e general plall lind ohjed 0 r I hl! reg- I l\ ill g o f till) department will be held Fridll Y o f this week. Bids will be reulat'Ory w'Ork. The l'xl'c rill1 c nt forlll cei\'eu ro .. th e imp rov!!ment 'Of 37.74neur DonG rev elllcd II nUlIlbcr of III i ),," "r r a nd a nd fifteen additi ll nul plots of co r II IIlllking l'XC 'lIl'nt growth l, ridge projects. The total estimat!Jccausl) of "Jlcciu l li"'I·Ii1i 7.e l· treut- ed "ost o f nil Jlr(ljects, including Illent unu p rc clluti o ll ~ in pla nti ng. bl'idg 's is $ 1,686, 160.00. Among The Warren IIn(1 Buller county fur- the morc im pol'tnnt projects are tb e mcrs 10'Oked ove r the vus t array of pav ing DC Stale Route N'O. 214 fr'Om traet'Ors, I'rucks, stubble beaters, oi l Bellnire to th e Nlltional R'Oad in Belburn ers and oth er specinl eq uiJlment mo nt cuun ty fol' a distance 'Of 6.8 used last spring in the co rn b'Orer mil es ; the pltving of State Route 62 clean-up. They suw lhis machinery no rth of Bucyrus in Crawford counbeing carefully inspected , overhauled ty , 2 .!l miles ; t he groding 'Of State nnd stored in t h(' g'Overnment build- Roule No. 8 in Harrison county s'Outh ings lit Camp Perry. onsirlernble o'r Freeport for a distance of 3.36 time wn.~ sJlent in Q fi eld or c'Orn. nti J c ~ ; th e ,IRving of State R'Oute No. which will pr'Obably nat yidd 'One- t I wh ich i~ t he road bet'ween jack· Lhird of a crop thi" year, nlthough 5 0 11 lind Ca lli polis for a distance 'Of the 'Owner to ok every precaution to 3.11 lIlill-!; in J l\c kson county; the' pavclean up his gr'O und lust spring. ing of Stat e Route N'O. 7, Ohi'O River The f arm r tour ists al so mnde a Rood , in the vicinity 'Of the village ,v isit to t be furm 'IIi Ira Marshull, t'O of Mingo Juncti'On in Jefferson coun10'Ok over his corn and study the ty a nd the same ru ad n ear Raylanil ml"thods by which he has recently be- in the same county f or a total length come the C'Orn King with an official of 2.8 miles ; the paving 'Of State record of about 1 GO buahels per acre, R'Oute N'O , 2, which is the Lake R'Oad The pnrty also ferried across San- in Ottawa county, length 3,2 mlleR; dusky Bay and st opped nt the Ohio the construction 'Of a 234-fo'Ot Bteel ].~xJleriment statio n at WaGster, where bridge 'On Stllte Route N'O. 7 Ohio special study was made of the corn River Ro ad in Washington c'Ounty. borer investigations and special er- Contractors will be 'Ordered to lenve tilizer and vnriety' work pertainlD~ w'Ork that cannot be c'Ompleted this t'O corn. year in auch condition 8'0 that it may be oJlen f'Or traffic after the w'Orldnc Reception for Teachers seas'O n ends.
_ - _.........._ _
~~:G.::j~:~E;~.:~t :\~~ ~~:~:~~ti:; ~:=:~~;::!~~ MIAMIS LOSE THE
_________ ._ ... _.. .. _.. ,_, __. . _____.."J
A reception f'Or the teacher's of There is considerable talk t'O the Frank Eugene Hartsock was b'Orn Mussie t'Ownship was held in the T'Own effect that Sime'On D. Feu may have April 14, 1866, anell passed fr'Om hall Harveysburg, on Tuesday even- s'O me re~l 'O~P'Osition when he Beeks liCe Scptllmber 18, 1927, aged 61 ing, September 27, undel' the auspi- the nO,!lInatlon f'Or an'Other term In Grade I - B'Oys40; gl:rls 23; pictures. By. ] ' S un.day ' II ba 11 ga~e th t deSt 29 t'OtalI ~3. 2 ti'On J'Ohn Enkine, wh'Ole recent b'O'Ok! oSlng . e years, 5 m'Onths and 4 davs. , 0 Frid 0 t b 6 I ' ces ot the Grunge Civic league and th e U m at cs S ena te n ext ,vear• Grade 2-B'Oy. 23; glrlll ; t'Ot. 6 . "The Private Life o-t Helen of Tr'Oy," Mla!"ls l'Ost the big chance 'Of wmnl.ng He was mnrried to Miss Minnie n a y , c 'II er 1 , a I p'Oultry Community club. The hall was beau- Rum'Ors are ' to the ef\'ect that ,both Grade S-B'OYII 28; girl a 2.4; total 61. a mee purse 'Of ab'Out U45 whl h M. Scars, Thursd~IY evening, keepers, farmers and farm w'Omen t ' f UII Y d t d' Id d . d C L Knight 'Of Akron and C T Grade 4- B'Oys 26:" &'irll 26: total 61. "Galahad," and "Adam and Eve," . . , c . tember' 24, 1891, by B. F. V 'Of Warren c'Ounty especially interest- I t tl ee'Ora 'De 1.1~ go en r'Oh a~_ Marshall chi~f justice ~f the Ohl~ to--' "8 are best .ellers will appeal to every to. ~llmlngt'On. This , purse IS d • 1'-' . ~ 'ted t tte d cu 'Owera. C ICI'OUS re r res men.... .. , ' " 1 I 22 Gra de 5- B 'OYB ,,1; gr. ; .... U • 'One. ' . dl,?ded am'Ong the players 'Of Unt'O them were bOll'n three 6'Ons, e 10 POU"7. aTe mVI 0 a n consisling of bl'ick ico CI'COlll white Supreme c'Ourt may seek the t'Oga. Grade S-B'Oy. 22; cirls 18; t'Otal 40. Hist'Ory, adventure, travel and Wilm mgton team. r'Oy, Raym'Ond and James, and 'One the. P'Ou.ltl"Y FIeld Day at Ohl'O State cnke and punch were served t~ about B'Oth are real fighters, have a h'Ost of Grade 7- B'OYI 16; ri.rlll 28; t'Otal 414. c'Overy are so well repreaentad as to Haro l d Orsb'Orn, a l'Ocal boy, wh'O daughter, Marie Ru dduck. He leaves Umverslty, Columbus, The state 160 people. friends and if they enter the c'Ontest Grade 8- B'OYII 25; girls 81; total 56. k hi f h b has played sllveral games with the eleven grandchildren, all of these are poultry specialists have requested all 1'he following progrom was enjoy- Fess will su rely kn'Ow th.ere has beerr Grade 9- Boys 20; IriTla 28; t'Ota143. ma, e t 8.'One 'II t .e est balaoc~d Miamis this year, pitched a very , living, together with his c'Ompanlon c'Ounty agricu.ltu~al agents t'O extend ed by all:: Music by orchestrn; ad- R ~ght. Farmers of Ohl'O are n'Ot 10 Grade 10- 80ys lSi glrlll 26; total 38 serlel! 'Obtainable. pme and but f'Or the fact 'Of in life. They wllil ever remember a general inVitatIOn t'O farm f'Olks 'Of dress 'Of welcome by the Jlresident 'Of unlled an Fess, and he has never apGrade ll- B'Oys 11; lrirls 6; t'Otal 17. • nume~'Oul err'Ors behind him he might With precious mem'Ories the dear fath Ohl'O. The object is to bring the the C'Ommercial club Charlcs Doster' pealed t'O the leaders of tho party. Grade 12- B'OY8 9; girls 12; total 21. "C t . have w'On his game. Sharp a f'Orm- er and the faithful husband. p'Oultry keepers thr'Oughout th.e state resp'Onse and introd'uction of te eh: Indications of a fight in the primaT'Otal- B'Oys 263; girls 266; totalli29 VOrCeiln oun Y er Modern Wo'Odman pitC.he~, but . He als'O leaves 'Of his father's fal1,l- 'Ogether to 1'0 ok 'Over the University era by Pr'Of. Lnrkin; vocal soloa by ries at this .til!le are euch that. it Note--It ia intereatin« t'O note in the tel' with Wilmingt'On was effective Ily two brothers, Perry and Ge'Orge poultry plant, and to discuss p'Oultry Mrs Marry Tucker' reading by Mrs may Jiot be bmlted t'O the senator18] Clerk D. W. Humphrey., 'Of the thc pinches, and has impr'Oved a Hartsock, and 'One sister, Euphemia pr'Oblems which, are 'Of interest at this A. Collett; inst;umenlal sola b; e'OnteAt, ~ut~t f'Or the gubernatoGrAdes the difference In the nunlber Df ,IrIs and boys in each. S'Om .. Warren county c''Oum, hal made deal In his pitching, f'Or the H'Ough. .. time 'Of the year. . Mrs, Herbert Cllrr;playlct--"Do Men rial no~mat1on may be even m'Ore times m'Ore Cirls and then agJlin the f'OlIowif18 rep'Ort 'On divorces In never bef'Ore had any tr'Ouble in Bro. Harts?c~ umted WIth the SuThe foren'Oon Will be dev'Oted t'O a G'Ossip," by th e Grunge; music liy the interes~mg. N'O 'One can be f'Ou~d twice the number 'Of &'irIs ' But the Warren county f'Or the year ting him. garcreek Chnstlan church 'On pr'Ofes- tour 'Of the University poultry farm. 'Orchestra wh'O thinks f'Ol'-a m'Oment that Ed.d le Wilmington made three l(unll In 8i'On 'Of faith, when but a y'Oung man Thill will be 'One of the finest Univer- '- - . _ • Turner is going to walk away with t'Otal ab'O", 'Only three ' ~'Ore gl:rlAl July I, 1927. In- this thaD b'Oys in all rradea. vorces were lOu,ht, and the second five in the eighth and aged nineteen yean, December 28, ~I~ p'Oultry plants in the world when the n'Ominatlon, if he gets near it at _ _ _•• _ . a~ the becinnif18 'Of the tw'O in the 'ninth. The Miamis m-ade 1886, al)d was baptized by Rev. C. It IS c'Ompleted. At the present time Michener-Cra wford all. There are Bome 8'0 p'Ositive of ty-four ease. were decided. 'One in the sixth and three in the lIev- W. Garoutte, May 22, 1886. He re- there are s'Ome 3,000 layers and these ____ lho results that they d'O n'Ot hesitate 64, 50 were 8l'I1ilted and' 12 enth, but were unable to make any main~d a memb~r (ilf said church thc fire aU tTapncsted f'Or the entire " . to predict that Eddie's ammunition sed and 2 denied. In the eaae more in the last two frames making remamder of hiS li Ce, alm'Ost forty- year. Several types 'Of houses are M .~aynes~llc . rrlCn~s ~f ,~ha~l~~ E. will be exhausted l'Ong bef'Ore' ~e children inv'Olved, the mother . . the Bc'Ore 10 to 4. ' tw'O years. Owing t'O his affliction used f'Or housing these birds, so that , IC .e~er t~ve receive t e 'II 'Ow- real battle begins. awarded custody in 18 c:aaea and,.the This ends the Triangle League for fr'Om asthma he WillS hindered fr'Om housing pr'Oblems can be studied. mg In eres Ing onnounce~ent: _ _ __ father In one oDly. ..on the questl'On the year. The Miamis 'had been at attending church r~gul.arly during Some of the 'Ot~er things 'Of interest Mr. Charles ~dward Michener A well-kn'Own nCWlIpaper man who of alimony the rep'Ort is ,Uent. the t'Op all seas'On until tbe team the later years of hIS hfe. But he 'On the farm Will be the permanent M' M ~~ hns been traveling over the State, t'O pieces several weeks ag'O and had kepq his faith iln G'Od, and in his h'Ot-water br'O'Od~ng system, vari'Ous 18S II ry A.lcc Cr~wf'Ord declured up'On his return to C'OlumThe dedicati'On 'Of the new Wright were n'Ot able to rec'Over. 'The Savi'Or, and practiced the spirit 'Of types. of br'O'Oder h'Ouses and fee ding a nn ounce their marriage bus t his week that If Conpasman Field, ' near Dayt'01!i 'On Wednesday, Auto Strikea Chlld minaton team played go'Od the Christian life. He was friendly experiments of various kinds. . Saturdny, t he ftr!-\t of Oct'Obel', ]\f. L. Davey consents t'O be a candithe end of the season, after toward all, and wasl held in high ellThe aftern'Oon - pr'Ogram will be mnoteen hundred und. twenty-seven date for the Dem'Ocratic n'Ominati'On Oct'Ober 12, with ::;ecretary of War Dwight' F. Davis and Auistant Secreening their team with se~eral teeJ'!l by his many friends, His qui- held at the new judging pavili'On on Dayton, OhIO. f'Or govern'Or, he won't have to d'O tary of War in charge of aviation, Ge~e. the little son of M.r. and Mrs. players. et, industrious dispclsition and habits the University farm. "How to Houso - - -any cumpQign work in the 14th C'On1''. 'J'rubee Davis'On, aa the principal 'M ilton Th'Omplion, bad a narrow Sunday, October 9, will enabled him ~ Jive an In'Offensive tile Poultry Flocks:;' .."Winter FeedAt H'O me gressi'Onal ' di~trict. · Aec'Ordinc to spe'akers Is an event that promises cape from being killed last see the end 'Of the seas'On Way- and. blameless bfe. He t'O'Ok a keen lng 'Of the Layers, Fall and WinAfte r Novtllllber fi rst this c'Orrespondent there Isn't a v'Otto attta~t th'Ousands 'Of person8 t'O m'Orning, when . he ,was &truck nellVille when a lot 'Of f'Ormer Miam- interest in the welf'are of his child. ter Care of the Breeders," and the Waynesvi lle, Ohio. er in any 'One of the f'Our c'Ounties that city. . at pIa, near th~ bome of James Me- is will 'battle with the 1927 team rez:! and they will long remember his "Management of the Laying Flocks - -- .... - • comprisi ng the: dis trict but what Mr, The Wright Field, comprising 6,000 Clure, by ' a machine driven by 'Sld This 'Ought t'O be a gre!lt attractl'On' c'Ounsel and fatherl)!' advice. Through t'O Secure High-Priced Eggs," wlU be Masonic Lodge Notice Davey kn'Ows by their first "ame. aefetl, is the largest ~vlatlon plant P'O~e. The child's face was badly f'Or: seyeral 'Of the old b'OYs are stili indu8try ~nd ec'On'O:my he, wl~h the ~iscusscd by the vari'Ous specialists While this is a big Republican dis- In the w'Orld, b'Oth in .size Bnd iJi the b,-UJ88d an~ Cllt. in practice D,fld may givel the present help 'Of hiS c'Ompani'On and children, 10 charge 'Of the State University trict Davey carried it b)l-'Over 25,000 far-reaching research, _ engineering I • • go'Od T&8I!Ie. C'Ome 'Out, any- had secured a go'Od h'Ome where he p'Oultry plant. R~gular comlllunicntio~ 'Of Way- lust yeor wh'ln he wu given his and expedmerital w'O,k which will be Young, Fn"ends Meetl.... g way, and Bee the . game. had 1'O'Oked forward to 8pendlng a C'Ounty Agent Clau requests that nesvllie L'Odg~ N'O . J 63 1' . & ~. ~., fourth term in C'Ongrellll. Onec'Onducted i1ier-et ' The field is ~he . ~ quiet and peaceiul life thr'Ough Its everybody wh'O Is Interested In g'O- Tuesday evemng, 0 'to her 11. VIS- twelfth 'Of the entire p'Opul,ati'On 'Of gilt 'Of the citizens of Dayton, In sunset years. But h'Ow uncertain ing rep'Ort to him by October 10 8'0 itlng brethrc-Il arc welcome. Ohi'O lives within the' b'Oundaries of this diHtrict, and if Mr. Davy bec'Omea The regular meeting 'lit the Y. F, oftentimes are 'Our plans, and life a Wanen C'Ounty banner 'Or tag 'can CHAS, BRADBURY. W. M. N'Ovemller 1922, a,campaign !leaded by. Frederick B., PattersQn"president M: wlll be held at the Bunnell " is cut 'Off' and we flyaway." Says be supplied them f'Or identifying F. B. JJE NDF~ RSON, Sec'y. n candidate f'Or g'Overn'Or he has an of the Nati'Onal Cash Register 09. , Sunday, Oct'Ober , . the P salmist, "Yet we may pay heed their machine. Excellent r'Oads lead _ . . - ,- - -- - advantage that no 'Other candidate p'Ossible could have. "It is w'Onderresulted In 'the : railing Of J400,OOO Less'On leader, t'O his counsel and cnll up'On 'Our God into C'Olumbus b'Oth via CCC highfor tlie pUJ;'Chase 'Of fanns. These dev'Otl'Onal leader, Jllan . to so teach us to number 'Our dap Way thr'Ough Wilmington 'and! the Was Seriousl y Injured tu I the l'Ove, affecti'On and faith the later were presented to the- govem- creatl'Onal leader Ra)'JJ\Ond that we may apply 'Our heam unto m'Ore direct route fr'OW: Leban'On pe'Ople wh'O know Mr. Davey best ment. and . accepted by President dock. ' • ... wisdom." thr'Ough Xenia. All wh'O wish to go Mrs. Lillian Small, 'Of M'Orr'Ow, who have f'Or him. He has taken prob_ • - • Mr. F_ L. Allen, state supervis'Or 'Of The p'Oet W'OrdsWIDrth hall said: with this c'Ounty gr'Oup lltartinll' from spent last winter at the Friends lems 'Of c'Ongress t'O them In their own Coolidge In a letter of thanks., • The public I. Invited to attend the Farmers' Institutes, will help direct "The hest p'Ortion of a go'Od man'l Leban'On sh'Ould be at the Farm Bu- H'Ome, lind has many friends in Way- homes, a nd it he bec'Omes a candlnesville, WIlR seriously injured in an dute for g'Overn'Or he'll carry the disdedicatory exercises and visualize the c'Ounty institute c'Onference in the life, reau 'Office by 7 :00 a. m. automobile accide nt recently, Her trict by even a greater maj'Ority than 1IC,l enee of aviation through the ex'OlIIce ''Of C'Ounty Agent Clas8, Friday Are the little nameless, unremem• - ••- - - skull wos fro clurcd und her foce was he did when running f'Or C'Ongre.," hlbit afranged..for the day of the pro- . Miami Chapter No. 107 October 7th. bered acts is th e 'Opinion of this c'Orresp'Ondent.. badly bruised. gr~m. A great aeria~ 'dem'OnstraU'On will meet In regular seWOll Beside. the regular officers and Of kindness and 'Of love," as perf'Orm Her co ndition is impro ving, but Everywhere this newspaper man fa ~ be h~ld during the aftemoon, evening, October 10, at 7:80. ,Vlatt- committeemen 'Of the state aid and ed day by day. found se ntiment In fav'Or 'Of the Kent atill serioll s. a fea,ture , 'Of which will be the ru!,- inc membel'l are ' welc'Ome. institutes, leaders and Our highest estate and sweetest her. Cung rell5man, n'Ot 'Only am'Ong tho nln.g of the .Mltchell trophy rac-;, lD MINERVA HOUGH W. M, 'Of the Farm Bureaus, Grances Itage will n'Ot Tn nk and fi Ie 'Of the Democratic par, whIch PUrsUit planes f'Orm Self~ldge , SUSAN HAWKE 'Scc'y ' Parent-Teachers ass'Oojati'Ons, Cham- Be reached until we are brought into ST. MARY'S CHURCH Friendship Club ty but with farmers and bUllneu Field ,wlll p8l'ticipate• • ' , '.' . , . • ber of C'Ommerce, and 'Other civic that h'Ome October 9, Seventeenth Sunday af· m ~ n of nll faiths wh'O ar~ ready to - - - -•• - . " " ~. j:lubs and ass'Oclati'Ons ~re being Where there will bl~ n'O ' more part- ter Trinity. Chnrch Sch'Ool at 9:80; ' ':''.1 d' B-ptilmaJ Service invited, as well as rural pastors, the ings Rnd 'n'O mOll'e broken tiea. M'Ol'IIlng Prayer and serm'On at 10:30. ~he Octob~r meeting of the Friend- enlist under his banner. "One IlUre Entertaincu at ar s . ~ , ' Bch'O'Ol superintendents and similar Where sorr'Ow and dleatb shall be nO The United Thank Otrerinc will be ship club Will be held at the home 'Of t hing," this corresp'Ondent laid, "and , ." c'Ommunity leade.r8. Mr. ' 'Allen is m'Ore. presented at thlll lIervice. Mrs. Clara Sheehan, Wodn csda~ Oc" that is C'Ongressman Davey will be At St. Marr. chnnh last Sunday anxl'Ous to have the Institutes funcp ---ReY. J'Ohn J. Schaetrer. Rector. t?ber 12. A. full attendonce. IS de- just as g'O'Od a candidate {'Ill' the elecMrs. L. A. 'Zimmerman's card pal'ty l!l8t 'F riday aftam'O'O~ w~ 'On\! ''O~ jaltern'O'On, Rev. 1. J •. Sehaetrer admlnas real c'Ommunity c'Onferences, Take a 1'0 ok .int'O G'Od's garden, ~Ired a8 cle~tlo? of officers WIll toke tion as he will be f'Or the nomlnatiDll the plea~nt s'Oclal af!all'!l ~of early 'lltered Ute rite of 'H'Oly. BatiBID to 10 leaders 'Of the variou8 'OrganiuAt the fi'Owers He planted there; FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST place at thiS .tlme. Als'O please. re- a nd if he consents t'O enter tJie cciDFall. five ,Hundred wajJ .,t oll'O.et! JohJi ,Rtel\ard, Infant IOn 'Of Mr. and ti'On.' are urgently requested t'O be Fl'Owers he moulded from Hla image, Moming 8 rvi e t '9 '80 N member t'O br18g 'O r send your blrth- test he will be the strongest man the Dem'Ocrats c'Ould p'OlI8lbly Ilom- , by a , ..delectable. lunch. 'J'l)e guest Mrs. E., C. 'Crane, of .. Da7f;on, and present. The c'Onference is achedFrom the clay, with greatest care. I ,e c s a . " 'II ev- day M'Oney. inate." Mrs. Mildred Sheehan, Pres, , nat · included MI'I • .Phil Zepf, MI'I, R'OLert Carroll, Ion 'Of Mrs. Lav'One wed f'Or ,10 a. m., but any 'One wh'O S'Ome are withered with life's stru;- :n n«d Bervlce. The dRally ~ laat t ay ......... atTh om,pl'On..!., U' J.. B uon rt All en. ' , ,' ' , b e' prell8nt . all' d ay are eapell,.,un ay wasnel a crea ' El ollie ",rs. ..E mma B a.-urles, . tendance fi '8 • Blbl ---- - • ett, Mrs, , ~. V. ' lSarnha'rt, of Cincln- ., ' " , • -. . .. - , requelted to cqme f'Or the after· Which they've mustered year by year Sch'Ool ofl'!ring ;'Or ~~~rnl1hit 'f : Mothers Club : Th': De!"psey-Tunnty Prl~~- ~t natl; Mrs. F.-ed B. Hendenon, Mn. DEATH , S ....Ion at 1:80 p. m. Some are young and, very healthy $80 At til fte pa , un , Meeting plctut es will nO.t be I 'Own "PI OhiD. On FrIday· eveninc Mr. Aijen and S'Ome' are weak and full 'Of fear' ~er Wil' e a service _ __ N'Ot that they Will be cenaored by 0._ RO'nald ,HaWlte, Mrs. , B, ,ChaplI)an, Mrs. C. j{~ Robltser,' Mrs. Ralph 'MU- . . _ , C'Ounty Agent Clau l will meet with. But he watches 'O'er this garden . An Wi~'On W~'["ie ,;:; vely, ahd The regular meeting of the Moth- .state bo~rd, becauee t~ey won't :evtlll m n lei', .- Mre. A. T. Wrlcht" Mn. F. ,. ~. .. u'O' se H..-a'n 'mel-C-nt in CaTUsle t'O plan f'Or a Keep·ln.. out the ~veed8 and rot,' d" son , '0. d . fn'IP,r eac 1- ers chib will be held at the Grade be permitted t'O be sent to' th\i eom, ·u_ W . E.. O'N 11.... , m ,1 - " , .~oa . , .. . e a very p lal nan p'Ower u coape ' .. f I tl ft · Pedenl .M'Oom.aw, -=. . ea, !'Ira. Ilon, and a brother of of inttitute, designated And He plucks a r'Ose 'Or daiSY sermll'n A b'Ountiful dl Building Friday aftern'Oon, October mlllSl'On 'Or exam n~ 0 , " ", . J. ,W, Edwatdlo ~Jaq1e,8 "'.c~lure, .'Of' thll place~ dled 'j a country . life cpnfel'ence which Or a 8weeet f'Orj~et-me-n'Ot, ierved 'ai iIIe n'O'On hour I a:";s 'i.. at 2 'O'clock. MI'!!. Oris Hamil- ~ws p!ev~nt ~e eh'pmeJ.1t·,~ 'prise Ml'II. Fred Il. , Cole" rs....S,j. D. ,.Hen- ,Il'peaa&y 'momi~, '. be~n r~'Ortd u ve~, succeuful Theil he He plants an'Other fl'Ower, age ~ttendance' at the ~'Orninr t'On, Qf' Cinci~n~ti, will be the speak. g:t p~~r~~t t~~ one ata~.ito:~: ' , kle, M\'II. J. O•. Ca~ .., mn" Mye~ ti'On.. " TI\e funer&! rec~t >y~BrIIr " ", " . l.lest his garden sh'Ould g'O ban; vlcesls' ,s6 per cent f'Or ·the p ..... quar er,' All are inVIted t'O be present. ' ot·ller,_.. h' 0 .... '. ~~ ,,~ , ~ I., Myer H)'1J18Jr 111ft Hmey Rye . 'IJn this ' fte t Jill! • - • A d Olt II t be 'bllJllll'Om - ' . • • WI n"" reac ...0, a",'en " . . ' ' Ray 1I1ll1, ...;.. ~Wl' ,Goraon: Mn: IAb~:on ?,oon . a ' , nWil,h te:der, liOvlnt ca~. ter ab'Ove that of. ~e c'Onesp'Ondtftg _ lederai laws Buch tqt ~ ~' pSo. , . D. '~. }lmltll( Mn. ~ert Hartllock, . , , " _, An{th~. 'Ones He pltlcks ~ p~nted, ~~-::~ ~~. Keep on, and Gralfge Market thures. coul~' b~ ~OWD,I~~• •w=-~ 4> Ml'I, ,'lAmeUa WillI.ma, Mn. EiliQl , J'Ohn A: B&JMy , In an everlasting Ip'Ot; , . , . , ' t e pres~n a m n ....... ~~n I' Barril; ' ~I'I. LaUi'a' .IIo'.her, · Mn, lo.... er 4rY. ' of relatlvell 'lit Dr. Iii t)Je beautiful M !An 'Of Heaven, , Nathaii .To~n, Minister. Th G ' wiU ba ,- ' t i th~ ahowlDC of the~ G. uhlo. , ., \ WI' te' C I • MiL EJlui...th BaIt " ~" .. . f StLo ill' , ' d '~ , ' '- , e range ve ,a mar..e n ~a 'II ,em n, "'l', . " ' "el!~le! d i e d ' l l · U, re- , Where Will 'On't to~,,:m..nqt, , ~u. S" , Ii " their haU next 'SstumaF Od.' 8, fr'Om '~' ..l!....~ , Mrlil JulIA J>on9ftn, lin, W;,B. AU II ~i1klln .>learned, that, al~ ~. '~." " . ' • ~ I~, ~I "" I,ut qHYJl~ 2 t'O 9 p, 'm. F\'esh' d~ghnuts and ' Al\ , enroJli1ent ~T ,'" ~" . ~ H, E. Hathaway. ~ ~~ Halse1 .ha:d" of the Doc~r's ,bo. : '.anENDED FUN-;:" ' : " S~ _001 at '1:80. J:ur1. evel'fth!ng cood to eat; Orders may State un\vemty wert ~ JWoI EVel, MtIJl D. t.. Cran.e, Mila. Un f'Or n J!II8t& Ue.... ton ana. of A &.RA&o bocIi ~ baV.Ited. •" b riven to . .Hrt. _Henry Satt8rth. teroay whe!1 91545 -~ W .... We, J[l1B ~ OlNea~' Ill. 'Jhi1- 'DJ8b1~ ot the K, 'II; ' eJiUfth ",eN. blo_ oat JJ:r the tor- • <f' ___ , • , ' .' e ~ Ball their fees f.or the fall ~ ,... le~ 'Edwards.... lilA 'JIarpnt 'Ea- alIUlaW ,WIth tlte JIUonie .Wt ~ek St, Louli aut Tb1lJ'lto Hr. and lin. 'M,ft. ~ and faIII ST~ AOGpS'I'lNE CHURCH nite 'Or G~~ mm1tte.. Ja aD ~creue .of I'lt ...... _ warda, II'" l!ilDiita ,H.~l Ilia De~1 aem!:e' wDi be' held no one .... Jnjund. . tl7 'attended the tiUlehl . of lit_ & BimdQ. Octo. I, .t 10 • ' _ • .,P, . te~ of ~ rear. "",~~~.~""r:"'~: . Lowell Thomu will give his pro. Foll'Owing is the number bel'Omnc duetl'On "With AlIenby in Palestine to each pade:: and Lawrence in Arabia," with m'O-
~ '=1:'~1lY· AU~~ aDd=:J:C"@D~=. ~ , ,.,, .. ...i.; :I..(_.~·::O':i:tt:':::.:=~·~~-: .... "
,.ua. .....
l». . .:
10 ......... a.-.. ~t:,Or '~· ,'.
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On l' on a t tooting th hr"ujlllt .hc '1/ hid to a hf!lt. Io!IIRrd whu h d b en orklnlt Ed,li.,: ",.'nt f(l.r\\'Il"1. Aft r . a II~ II~ low.Ioned 'Oll\'eraatlon with hll compllnllln, ht' thrust bill hand under 1 he scat and brourht forth a bottle of
Elbert C. Griswold, DD 1-8 RartlD Tp. die ~enhey to E. B. one town lot in M*aon. ~dwal'd V ~ Davia to Franct;/I Davis. one town lot In Morrow.
Haw oftIn . . . that 1'rIendl, qQHtloQ lAd JOII full 01 .... ad .... caURd by kldac,. Dver ad· b1adder troublea~ Keep ~r hnIth "hUe you can. BqIn taklna Oold Mcdill Hurlern Oil Capsules at once. • _ WI' Hardy'Hol\anden have u....t UtI. remedy l'c!' ~ over 200 yeare.ln _led boll~,.t aU druu\lta. 8 abet. Loqk (or the name ~ ovcnl bollo
litl~l()~~ch obllg d. kid," he said. COMMO;-;IL-E-A-S COURT COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES Jl'ruffly. " lhwe 1\ little drink on us. The Book hop, $ 11. 0, ourt ll)lprovedl the Mle of certain t he coroner ; J. W. Lingo ,\nd ~"y: ,J ust forF"t you saw us. pro)'lerty by the Presbyterian church, wllre Company. S& • Buppli,,!.' tor '\I ey ?" Poodlo stood I oking lit t he ot Mason. sherifi'; V. W. Tompkin. pny ru li . Court appro'll d the proceedings of $2<14.10, !}8m $59.90 i Fr.e d S!,ydcr, in his ~l\nd. Ilis flrs.t impulI!C Wl\S ~ -mllsh It 0 11 ~I nf nrli} t tOak. s He Th~8n th.o sole of e rtain property and the pay r ell, $.4aO . l lj : J". M. Collins. poy I·t! "is Arm! III oct, 0 ~. o'h sheriff WA~ ordert!d to convey a deed roll • . $24 5 ; Edtn Terry. PllY 1'011. II' to '\lru n ~u d. or COll i , was . Subecrlbe to the Miami Gazette. lot g illg \0 tlrink any of it. Though to Maud M. Walker, IIUrehl\Se,r. $232. 10 i S8me, $216.35: A. 'f. Retig , ~ I nip on tl l)lcuk lin d drc81'Y dll Jik . Donnld Dllllitush wa appointed pny 1'011, $1 6.0U;-Hnm ,$ 102 : . E. t itiR would 11<·1\1. ·Bu~ he'd hide guanliun fo r l~rvlDc s L. Ayct·s, mi- Brudhury, lillY roll . $ 136.50. SIII11O, it. !I1 l1yb,' some ono cis\! wo~l d . need nor. $fi2 . IOi J . W. Dovis, !lilY ro ll . ~4l!7 .• ........ ?.. ... ."'.lIlt-s . Rebecca M CI'~ill ie en tertain· II drink pretty bll(lIy, SITIlI C Lillie. . ourt grante d certain property to 10 ; P. B. Monce. pay rOl li , .$ ltll; II;ttlc lUWn hlld taken on endearing His UlUughts wer not cry clear, Nellie Trllcy und Frances L. Ayers. lIurlun Whitll<'re. I'lly 1'1111. 105.20: ing Ml·~. J> lttor!. Wa)te~ --0and d('s iralile quolities. li e wanted except thllt he would keep the liquor Court gcranted 1I decree of partition Philip Heise r, pay r oll, $126.96: DI·. nnd rllh'~. Elm'l F rost ent.erCHAPTER vm LO go back'where he could sec fllmil- for the present. He went ups tream and order of ap prai ~ement of prop- E. utl er, pay roll . $ 17.80; Hllrry tain d I' llIlivCK Su ndny. were II short dlst nee, looking f or a niche erty in t he cose of Ge orge L. Miller Hill, gllK book$, $ 17.SO; The Quecn I" r fllct's. oven t hQul:h . Th Old Cuna 1\11'. IIfld l\ITs. Rny Slnrr h A\'e IlI OV· FUNERAL. DIRECTORS ,1 from him , .. old wit h 1II.:nourll>- , ln whope ich ning Lo hid e It. II He found 0 nor· I City UI>ply 0., sleel wire rop e • tllrn ~~, row under I'ock which jut- 'lis. P r ISC I'11 a 11 . 01 ckey c t n. etl into Willillm Lllk('ns' pl· o)l o rl~' . WAYNESVILLE, OHIO · h I o.t \':\1. tc(1 O'lt fron\ t l\e bank of the s rea m. The defendant ogrcl'd to pay the ~7 .80; Le~lic hullz. operatin g nUli n· A sobeme!!S W h Ie III . li e'I work ' iff certam . !mms III . t hc cllse 0 t I-:r,,'lller , $115 11 enry \",. n Ik cr, t ruc, k mllllS!pd the was Iittlc ncar ns h .. d flol:I t:('dlyId away, hoph ' l lie lh•l'uat in his arm; U;e hole went p Iamt u i Dr. and Mrs. W. E:. Ojrl oMbcc hnve .. -==~'~-.-' ::"--'" enco ~oom ing t lilt t curu 11\0 l W U pass. ' V I e b,"~k driver • $4 •' J ohn Walker • truck driv er b ~ 1I c nLertllilling rl'il' nd ~ f l' o lll Cleve d Th ey, h ~ cl the e), drove homcwar. rl~in l\\med mon otonously ,,, for (I consl'(l erable distance. He Glud)MI Abn er vs. Roy Abn er. Fully Equippc,.1 (or Good 101l~ several miles before t, ddl 1Iway on the I Ilky roof of t he log pushed the boUle in to it as far as he Terms of t he Commo n Plea s court $2 0 ; J. H. Donnell, contract. $14'1 ; lond. Service. b1-qlle the si1cn~e: "Eight hun (h'e~ woodshed. II waR uppr onching noon could rellch, and went home to fo r the yellr 192B were fixed for the f1iff Bros .• cont ract, $2306.60: Lyle l\I;rs. 1\1 . E. Sht'\,wond is enj oying dollars. Pat. That' n lot of money. whcn he hell rli th e ex htlll st of a heav. lIer. 2nd dllY of Januury a nd the 7th dl1Y mith, ~!tohing $10.50: John J ones. ' .n I'ge Displny R oom. "~ IcnQw it," agreed Pnt" y J ane, i1 y- ludull ve hicle on the n orth and Thc devil of restless ness and home oC l\l uy lind the 1st day of October. ditching, $ I 0.50; Fre,d Humphl·,Yis. ten duy~ Ilt the RO~l' rvui r with reIn· A mb ulnnce Service graftly. . "I l so uth rond; lind lator \'oice~. . sickness wnK not xorcizcd by t hde di tc hing . $39 : A. G. RobertRon. I!)O tlves. I I.H 011 NIOHT 'I" ·:I.I·:rHONr-: 7 "We've got about " I ~ty. 11'. wen \ h{'l1 Lhe v"ic c~ I crsi~loU he went tOlllpting m 01 whic h Patsy Jan e hn NEW SUITS yards of stone. $50; Ed Noble, 100 Mrs. Noruh FiHhcr, of o l ulllbu ~. pft with a rudul ti lllilc. TI\1s car out to invo. Lig:llc. A big ~ru ck from IIrepa red. 'I'he wurm kilchen ~fC ynrds of stOfl ' . $100: T om Powell. is the ' house guest uf III i'll. J. F.. Shu . iii 'worth mighty littl ~: All of "our Lhe north hlld uttempted to maliC the t he cfuckling pine knots and splmVelinill U. Getts va. F red C. Getts. piling sto ne, $75; Albert Turner , furmuke r. belon:!"!: wouldn't brmg much. Suit for divorce. "'1' e lind itself. Eddie. ollidn't , .• # nishing ston e. $16: Mrs. Parmer. Miss Nita Kestor. of New Vicllnu. we sell. part of it li nd payoff Ih \' >t;{,);~,:,~/" PROBATE P'ROCEEDINGS stone, $ 1.05; Edward Steward, stone II week.end guest of Miss Hllrri. DR. C. W. HENDERSON taxed" · i j :1" " ' $1.05; Wm. Fnluenknecht, bridge r e- was . He sbook his head. " It's a dozen H. S. C!.unover. Howard C h~ n('y and Jluir. $30.80 ; Kenneth Fux. IIriuge r e- ell Tu cke... O'flce - A~an Bld,_ Frod B. Zllrtmllll were IlpPolI\ted ap- pair. $63. /; 2; Homul' HolcrafL, !<lIllie. mileS from town 8lId t hl' railron<l . if M..,.. Lido Villurs. or 'pring Val· OFriCE IIOURS it w~e worth much for fArming pur· pr~j !lc.rs in th e elltate of Edwal'd M. $130.80: 11 0 1\1 0. 1' Hulcraft, mat erlul. ley, visiled hQI' ~n ll , Eve re tt lind Cum · POllCS, which !t ·isll't. There liTe son:, e Thlrkleld. . . ' $:1; W. F. Harper, hridge repair. $6 ; Ily. thi li week. 9 I,) II a _ III. a 10' 5 p. m . jackpinell whlch would produ c rail· Ralph B. Parks. Ildmll\l~trutor of E u"'cll Harper. brid"e I·e.pail'. $75. 10 1 10 U p. m. I'pad t ies and fen ce )lusts, only they'd fll I to " The Sunshin e club mut Priday ev· b~nkrllPt you getting t hem .to mar· the estate of Ma 'ry J . Lan don c( ~a m e, material. $6.80: T.he Oregonia elling ill lhe il' nll w club room ill Mer· Telephones. ket.· S-omc city spor tsman might like first and flnal account. . Bl'idge Co., steel, $140.'32; same, I'ilt' ~ bflK IlIl'nt. "fflce. 30 ReSIdence _ 69F2 ::: it well enough to buy it as n summer Flora J . Bryant, executrix of the $41 .24 ; Rume, $936; same, $ 1!J7.n I; ClI rI. you llgcsL .. on of Mr. and Mrs. borne or for the deer season. But estate of Middlet.on J . Bryant , file d sa me. $1.00; Ohio Corrugated ul>. Waynesville, Ohio he w'oulcjn't give you Il great dca) for inventory nnd appraiscments. vert Co., culverts, $34 0; M/l80(l Lum- HUWlI l·t! S~lnky. nlmost 8 vercd a the ' w)lole thing, the house inclutled. Boyd S. Rathgeber, executor of ber Co.. supplies, $95.13; In te rnn. ling \' at play O lll' lillY t his weck. "0)1, dear," mourned Patsy Jllne, th tat f E B rt III d P '~I .don'rw,ant to sen the whole thin g. e es e 0 mma u . on, e. a · lionnl . lInrvestor Co., trllck I'cpai r , Mrs. Amondu StUri' enterLained on plication to . sell certatn shares of 84.27; L. W. Nesbit Co.. cement, ulldny , Mr. lind ~1 1'!1 . W. M. 1I1athi1 want it, 1 "ant itt I'm just cra7.Y to Ii ~ heter" toek belongmg to the deceased. 16; Oregonia Bl'idgc Co., repu ir aH anrl Mi tiS Mllbel ' tlln'. of Dayton . Albert ~. K phnrt IIled IlPPl~ciltlon equipmcn t , $12; sumo. $3 .26 ; Ed . "So IU;)\ ,I Pat. Welli nlaybe We Gaptain nlld 1I1 T!l. Charles Gllr ner 6l CIlJI 'make the riftJe. 1'1 gilt a job for appomtmen li; of Ii guardian of Meloy. bridge relm ir. $·1.5[;: W. A. Calvin Keenan. . Scott, bridge r epuir. $1 11.5fi; Walt('r and un. , of olul1\hu, III' visiting aDd we'll pinch ' and aqueezo.. That woa't be very pleasant." "Hav'e a little drink Ob ...... The Inst will and ;'estam·e nt of Varner. bridge repair. ~4. 0; F:d Von Mrs.· Mm'y Finch lind RoberL Gnrner. "I don~t caTe." returned Pat, stur- "Mu"h obli.eeI, kid," he .ald .rum,. Corn ('lIaJ. r ockett was. produced ror Meier. bridge repair, -2.80,' John T . · The Ju niors from Waynesville U. di4'. "Th• . place is worth sacrlficb It d tt 1 d .. m.:fot!', . ' . ' ;1•• • turn out! of tho sunken road Into the ters in the fireplace could not ban. pro ate. was a ml C( on en· Gregg, bddge reroh·. $ l ll.75; Russell S. enjoyed their weiner roast F'ridllY ~ Ine ,l)alltent ram was fallin~ Long Prairie highway. But there ish 'the clammy dew which the rain tered of record. . DOllne, hauling g ravel. $ t 5.!l0; J . W. evening -ut the 110mo of Nellie Grn· neXt motrlmc w~en. the.y !,woke a.n was muek Instead of sand for a foot- drumming on the windowpane Chester D. Croockett w!"' appomted Lamar. bridge lum ber. $200; Harlon hom. tlier" w" a chill m the a~ wIll ing near the creek and muck squash. I'd to distil in his heart. as executor. The apPointment was Whlta.ere, bridge r epair materilil. M1'8. Sadie Reuson cntortained 011 "Guess I'll run over and se e Seal- accepted appraiSE!rS were appoint d. $120.23: H. D. a rroll, grovel. $3: seemed to ,PeDe~te the 11larrQW. ed t reacherously under moisture. Th~ 'Jacl'lilne wiltlem088 look~d par- One of the rear wheels had sunk to man," he stlid. when th e dish~s had , Ernest C. Mannon flied ,appijeatlon I'(ervln Phillips, stone, $1.50 ; O. .P . unday nr. and Mrs. Percy Renson oJ tlcalarlf cleiolate and forblddingJ .. as the hub been washed and.,put away. Want for the sole of cl~rtain stocks In ttl Spa)cer. stone, $1.60; W. C. Berg- Dnd son and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hocktl\outj; t wel'O.suJllcLen~ lint-o itsell in . : to go long Patsy' -"to f J I ver ett lind .Iaug hter, of Wuynesville. VACCINATION OF SWINE . NIna-II... 'I res"nte" the' The two bu.rley, hord-faced I . d t' t th It' - os"" 0 ames en . dall, asslllting inspector. $S.6 0 ; same j~.... ........·-,,""1' ..,." She ooke ou a e p,e Ing .rolD Anna SavUle )ffamllton, executrix ~~I tl . _.. . R M CI k (A SPECIALTY) MrS. Mary Grnhnm is able to be up 1I~ b~Jl.CI WhO a ~mpted to live shOrt. wa~erproof coats; the UlI'PUU- , and shook n e'r head. "I II put ID a . I "_8 ng 8urvey or, "', . . ar, w:ltJllp' ,it; ' ljffed truck. the bulge at the riotous 'afternoon with tho lle maga. of ~he estate of D. B. Hamllton, II. labor. ~3.50; Sa m D. H enkle, labor, aguin, fo llowing her r ecent illness. zi ncs WII bought yesterday," sho told ed Inven tory lind IIPprlllsementa. $4S.75; same, $IS.60; W. C. Tur'Edllle had dra~d seve,al black- each of the tru<!.k C. E. Gordon lind J. W. lark , Notblnl but keliabla Serum and en~ lC/ita J:iitlO the WO'odshed the pre- tI1ese were him.. Court ordored that the cslate of ton. cemcnt, ,25.03; 'W. N. Cox. sup. mude a IJU MinQSS trill to Wnlhonding'l Viru. U.ed viOIll daf, and after breakflUlt- be at- WaS a . Apparently Wnterproofl\d and l>ooted he stepp· Caroline Bogor boe xempl from 111- p li('~ . $3.03 ; D. W. Taylor, repairing this week. Phone 31 tacked them with alt· and bucksaw, main line . entrance from Canada ed out t he back door and cut through tax. tools $3 ..10' Maineville Garage reo un~"e" plle l of ~il}eQ of st9ve- ran past h18 very door. the lIeldR towlIrd Sealmnn'R. A. C. Vail ~le.l IIpp~ica tion for th pair;' $7.75;' I1ifl' . Bros .• labor. $162 .A numbe l' of Illdies asse mbled at HARVEYSBURG. OHIO Ie , to respectable, propor"Want some· help1" hc !,ot unpl eIi'8a~t. The sond wall appointment of guardtnn of Van Bu· 81 ', Gem Cit Blue Prlnt lind Supply .Jonah·s Run church .Friday for the ti I .' , '. 1:1- a smile. They look ed up Ing up the ram l\S it fell .. The brown ren Miller. C r $043' M I R J IInnual ull-dllY sew mg. We were ~~' JaDe< ..n~ Ucbt-h~arte~ 11/_ but· his friendliness s~rtafce whats fljfrmthandhs.Pllrmgy. Exer- Wealthea A. Chamberlain filed ap. soon" g8U"PT~,::sr'cnt' -1'0 CaonluYmbu·sB·almanllk- pleased to hllve witb us ladies from . wi ...... \be 'IIOUM .. she arr'aJigea ani:! them. and they accepted briefly else oug 0 e el. l' tl b . t d d . . t ......, ,. Sh . h h f m th F' d d r~ tbi IIaiilt . funliture,and Rro/fer. He welcomed the break Sealman's double log house Wall p !ca on to e aJ'pOIll ·e a mmls ra- Book Mfg. Co .• 50c; Monroe & John.., Ilfon c urc ro . I' ~Ien s a!, .,....,t aDd·'lCnbbecL. But. a reaction the day's monoto ny. They cut a preten t ious. His barn, nearly as tr~ of the estate of .So llluel A. Cham son, lumber, $21.60: outh Lebanon f rom the M. E. chure~. About tbtr~ ~ ~ wi~ Mr hu.ban.d_ He lel1; lltout sapling for a lever; rolled a large sheltered considerable stocK. berlain. The apPollltmenb was ac· gorage gasol ine $305 ty ga rments were finished ,!nd a dep~ - ua, lhivery. Be was flre·b1ackened stub beneath the sunk· ' implement/! under a long shed! cepted. ApP),oislU'S were appointed ' . .. ' . comfort pieced by our oldest memMONE)' LOANED ,ber, Mrs. Mary Grahom, was knotted. hOJD.atek · for Scottdale, Scottdale en hub for a fulcrum; and paved the open along the front, which adjoin eo for the estate. tq' Unc.eD'roJl",.. th" ,Darrow and un- trucK's pathway to firni t he barn. Almost from his own line ___ BRILLIANT CUS A bo untiCul dinner was served at the kiJid, -itd~~ h&4 convicted .him even bits of wood. Within 11 fence Eddie ~ould see t~at the soil REAC ESTATE TRANSFERS noon hour. LOANB on Chuttela.Stocks., Stocuri ~6'J'f ~. ~1Il7 had. From & dis, the truck. barking with deep ehausta, was closer kmt and heaVler, becauRe tiCI and Second Mortgage.. Nole. t.Ii8ee of lOme li1lDdre4la of miles the r olled out of the bog. of an admixture of cloy with th!! Henry B. Ayers to Champion Grant Judge--"Thlrty days-" lItore t han one hundred persons J '" ~ T !., .~ . . . ' sand. It compared favorably with and Effie Grant, 169.75 aClres In Har· Speeder--"Oh, I know that onel nl.tenil(lc\ the reception given· at th e 1I0ught. John Hllrblne Jr.. Xenia, ·m30·'28 I t ,. the lands of th~ r~ch ogricullura1 Ian Tp. Thirty days hath September, Aprll- Hall Tuesday venlng for the pleas. Ohio. of Southern MIchIgan. Eva Dennison .to Lola I. Voorhis, ._. ure o·r lhe teachers of the township; ---~.... • two town lots in ?tlason. . these including Mr. W. D. Larkin, John A. Lowry and Mary A. LowANNE HOUR Mr. C. F. Jo~ien, Mrs. Washbl/rn, FarmeR of Wl,nen and adjolnlnl: to Lyman P. Roush, 26 acrel In Miss Grdce Constant and Miss ROIICt- counties rna)' obtain mone)' on lonl: Tp. She-"I just. blew myself to a new til McMillan, jn the Harveysburg lime 10aSts, at 6 per cent Interest.. dress.' ---, SChOID: !\Irs Mo~~m c t · th . Flatfork; Miss Lucille St John, from ost 0 lecurlDC e .ame I. vllr, rea.. He-J'Do you always put them on W-ellman, and Miss l'!{cElwee from IIOnable .through The Fede~al Lancll acrel il) Massie Tp. . HickoryviUe. The Woman'. Civ:ie .Bank. For further Information calli Pauline Houbt to Robert E. Ray- that WilY?" s..:UaEu:JF·ior "our:Sale Datel. We Guarant~ • _. Lea~e, .T be Men's Community club on or "ddreu IM. C. DRAKE. Tre.... When you come to the end of a "per- mond; two town lots in Deerfield Tp. S.~af...tion or Char,. Nothine. and .M.assie ' Grange were responsible urer. phone S16·X, Lebanon, Oblo_ John W. Vail to Charles Guy Mar· ; manent wave," for the aO'ai.r. Clever speeches weI' =======,'===== = = = And you look at yourself in the glass two town lots in Lebanon .. FOR RENT Your hair is quite straight. and your Elijah Null, Roward W. Declnr lng It nee sanry to levy 0. IlOX made by Wm. Lukens, Charles Doster neck needs a shave Null and Ciani L .. FaIT to Rosa Mc- In x COR ot lh tlfl n mill IImltl\tlon and Mr. Larkin., Mra. H. S. Tucker _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ And yoll seem to have lost all your Cu~heon, one town lot in Franklin. fOI' curr n l eX D n @OR nnd to I)ro\'ld sang in her u sual charming manner FOR RENT- Farm .of 80 acres, cash Ph~. No. 320 B. Silvers to Alice Silve1'll lor Hlfhml .810n ot tho quostlon to til and the Harveysburg . orchestra fur· W aJ>ar class, or grain. R. E. SimJdns, Doddl. ""I I cLor" of th o vilinge of Wo.yneavllle; nished pleasing music. A delectable Do you think what ·the end of a "per. two town Iota in Harveysburg. tnte of Ohio. . . 019 Paul J. Mitchell and Flopence J. 111",,"0 B e Ii rCBolved IJY tIle Council or tho lunch pf" ice cream. cake and punch manent wave " • of ' Wnyn s" I1I ~. StMa of Ohio. Con menn to a woman that's broke? Mitchell to. Eqna M. Cockrell, 30.76 two thirds of nil Lho membors el Clod was served. -FOR .SALE , Though she holds back her tea1'll and "ores in Clearcreek Tp. 1II;r.J¥'Ig~~~f~naflt I. h....by decl8red tries to bc brave, Black and Howard to Leonard Ha- by th Council o f tho VIllBge of WayMEBBE SG,-MEBBE SO APPLES - Baldwins,' Fall Pippia, ..A Id t i t nelvlli e. Btllie of Ohlu. thBt th nmou nt With grief, sbe feels that shc'lI choke field and Jane H a .... e ,one own 0 of lues which mRl' be ralsed wlLllln Jonathan and Rambo are ready. in Franldin. the fifteen mill Ihnllo.lIon will be In· now. White Pippin. Winesap and George Kettman and Edna Kettsurllclent Lo Il r o vl,le adequate amount Milkman-"It looks like rain." Well- this is the end of a "permafor lhe necp-saRry l't!qulrorn.enta of t he Customer-uYes it does' but it Rome Beauty little lster. Phone 96, mlln to J. B. Weill, 71 acres in F:t:ank- said Village. o. nd l/1at It III necessary " nent wave" J. L. Mendenhall. ·05 . to levy 1\ . lax In eX cs .. Of 8ueh Ilmlto.- has a faint flavor of milk." lin Tp. And 0I1ce more my life's full of care. W. ChcRter Malple an(i Daisy D. ~1:neJ~~. I~: .l'a~~D~rl~R~~.DaYln. g current -FOR SALE-40 acres, good build:" When I think what lots of coin I JI-JI'ho amount of In crcase Mp1e; .•'5 town whCEC'I'lON Maple to Charters, D. a . ings, large orchard•.aU tilable. good could save, A BAD TRAIT l9h It Is n eceosnry to levy I" two acres in Lebanon. t . milia' "11\\1 . ho In eUect tor a period of location, priced to sell; 1 acre cood If I had not cut olf my hair.. Waynesv1l1e, and Irene Hen_(lve yenra nnd shnll Include n I vy UllOtho Hende .-oll There's just one 'thing to do at the Q on the duplicate of tbe current year. Jewele1'-"1 don't like' that new buildings in WaynesvlUe;' elgbt-roolll. derson ~ A. J. ~!ehle.•. termlln, O. F.' SECTIOf'( III-'l1hl, . rosolutlon ~hall end of a "wave." house .in Hnrvoyshurg, low price, cooel tnke effect Rnd bo ~n force from Bnd cler you've. hired." . ~ u l'Wh I I" If you enn listen, dear girlll, 'I will teU Wampler, W. D. ,Sullivan, H • W • Pri - atler Its adoption. terms. , W: N"' Searil, phone 79~ Way; or and E. ,A. FIscher, lS.50 acres in .A:doptel1 September 11!.. 1927. ~.anagerynot, II r , Don't think for a moment a cent you Wayne Tp. ~. 828 . ... ·T. E . ~vuF.R8. Mo.~or. Olerk.:......Re takes thinll'll too eas- 'nesville. can. Bave. L. A . :;rm.£MERMAN. Clerk. I)v." Eli Starkey andl Alice Starkey .t q .·21-011 " FOR SALE--4·roU corn hUBker, in But go. out and get a "marcelle." -Ex.c hange. ====:::::::=~~==:;====~==I=====~===========~F========:= lgood condition. Earl Thomas, R. D. -= If 5, WllynesviUe. ·012
.- -----
---- --
McClur e J. E. McClure
Dr. W. E. Frost
Farmers. Attention!'
Jesse Stanley THE END OF A Auctioneer s PERMANENT
.New Burlington,O.
. _.
TiI~ ALMANAC SI!'/:'S WE'RE ~lI'l' . .
Public Sale.
'fA I~~ lv, f!/IR\.V "Au,. - MY ~ROnl1!:R TIIINI<".\ ill!:. Wl,,",~·U. &WRD-~~\~L"~
.......- - - -....~-" . -'lTIN' nil: UP'
I will oO'er for sale at my residence on Third street, on Saturday, October IS, 1297 .. 'Beginning at 1 o'cJock p. m., a full line of household goods. For terms sec bill s. MRS. SUSAN WILKERSON. Sears and Simpson, Aueta. One mile north of Five Point, 4 miles southwcst of Centerville, on W"dne.day, October 12, 1927 'Beginning at 10 o'clock. h01'llcs, cows, hogs, chickens, implements, hay household goods and small tools. MRS. J. H. KESLING. Simpson and Sears, Aueta. Chos. Fitts, Clerk. As I have decidcd to quit farming. • will sell all my chattels. on what Is known ,as the old Ellis Cowan farm, 2 miles west of Lebanon, on Saturda" O"tobor 8, 1927. Commencing at 12 o'clock sharp. the following: . Two good horses, These horses are ~aranteed good workers and down pullers. Cattle--7 extra good milch cows, 5 head yearling. heifers, all of, thelHl ·herd of extra heavy milke1'll1 "runfrom 50 to 76 pounds 01 ' milk per several cowli WiU fresben this ~aU; ,Qne lS-monthe-old bllll, ,all . these cattle are T. B. tes~d. , Ifalfa bay, timothy and clover ha)" 20 'acres of standing com. line. of farming lmpII!m,entta. 1 and· a lot of hn, •• " ,hnl furniture. WA-bTER W. WApswn""r::t"'"- 1
.... .
" ,
to t\UT9!
FOR '.SALE-Shropshlre bucks. one year old. Davia Furnu, WaJlleeville. .06 FOR SALE-Ge.r man police pup, 4month II old, $10. B. M. Turner, Bellbrook, Ohio. ·06. 'FOR SALE-:One McCormick binder good as new, orily cut ten ·acres. · used heating stoves of all kinds and prices. Fred M. Cole. 828 FOR SALE-Immuned 8!g Type Poland China boars and gilts. .J . B. Sockett, R. D. 3. ·,28 PUMPS- Bocklet's line of well and elstern' . pump8; hand, electric and power driven, is the belt. Pump repain. THE BOCKLET-KING CO., 416 W. Main St., Xenia. Ohio. \ . TIMOTRY SEED FOR SALE'A nice lot of timothY seed" recleaned on a new OUpper Windmill_ '2.00. per busb~1 at farm. two mO.· . south of Harveysbul1r,' SanIl: A. EJ., '. Is. 0 " PIP-E, VALVES AND' riTTINoa lor all purposee. BoCkle". UD. -' plumbing and . be.tlq _ auppl*, ·aN , best. THE' BOCKLET-IUNG Co.. '15 W. )(a~ Itnet. ~D"" · O~ tt /. FOR SALE-Moor.'s ·.lrtipt ~e~e. ' ..• er. J/J-in. bowl, co04 ..... nl!..; ~arl,;; , "- ' -d5 '.' Conner. ' ..
• PUDLI9BEllS • R_O.
VrfP I COM'!- 'OC:1Jer IT'1iEl!.I.... ' ~ Ir'<&A'I'(
Tt\& - ~N ~I)O(S /lo$l8
1!II1r 'LEt ~ ~ -
~'T' 'aR R~tN'~ LV"
,,. SfoIOYII -
t. c:<)T
co,c.~ IN A\it·ICI:'N;l".
:7 ')Y:i,A
t~-:. ·~
.FOR SA~~l ;~.om;d:~ ~ia, Tn>e male liog; 2 .open-~I¥'l bll"~ lambs: Burnett Broe., R. 'D, Ii, .Wa,. neSville, Ohio. 't • .; -05 ' _FOR SA~Whlte CloUie pupa. See ' CharI"" ·Burn.~ R; ,D, Ii, Wamville, Oli,.lo.. > " , tf 'FOR ' S~IIlC' ~•• ' 1~18. ~etor 01' hone i 1 P~d-Ctilu ~U.bI90d lioU'. lIorn.. BroWII. pbOlle D88 OeIl&enlll.. . '01,
fI,. "'..../fi••• ,
h~lI ••
W~" ••• III.
s. . ... " cr••••••• M.U••
' PrIM, , ...0 ..r You
L. CRANE , OOTOBER 6, 1927
OUI. The virginia hlglelature trlod to stop tho spread of the dovilish idea by IlLiulilng a $30 tax on each tub. Boston ~rohibile d haths exCIlI>t upon med,cal advice. Down in Philadelphi n there were II sufficient Most peol ,lc. especially those who number of ultra-progrcssives to dewell educlltl,!d. frcquel'l tly bo feat by two votes un ordinance t hat of their op n-mindec1ncs!I. ' But, if wou ld hove made bn~h8 illegal be· you think HlI,t pcopla OR 11 1'ole arc t·waen NovemlJ l' an d March. open-mind rl, just go out lind try tQ Introduce II n ' w 'id a. You'll find We laugh now. at t he people who " b t llok that stand against the innocent tha t you h ave a b Ig JO 01'1 your bathtub, But IIro we so sure that hands : much t han youoin t hink. fuToday wh!!nbigger people be- t.h"~ people 01 the Ilot far 'dl·s'n·nt • will not laugh at U8 for relns_ cause there is some houses, lind all the magu~inc ~ to accept idcas urged upon us lire filled with advertisements of by the so-culled ultru-progressives of bathroom fi xtures. we forget that today? bathtUbs did not always exist and It wouldn't be 80 bad if we rewere not alw i'Ys popular. (uRed ideOt; oft.. r listening wi th open Cincinnati sLartied the co un tTY mlindfj to argu me"nts for and against by putting the !irst bllthLuD into usc them . But 80 mdny of UB don't do in 1848. Physicians criticized it. things ihnt wny. We issue snap Newspapers Il rinLed edilol'illls for nnd juc1{:"menls. "That hl en is no good '" ' t it we suy. When aske d why. we nnagams .
ncle Sam so unds a n agricultural ' I wnI'Ditl1l g l 0 CO I'n : dlln~er~ wh.ICrh ca~ save ad~dea /0 ~ d grl e n~x ye r: I lee e , an, nc c upon ,mm"rI~a~~IY. It 16 In regard to the PO~lllb \hty of lI ~ever(> 8hOl'lllge of BeeJ COI'II (0 \' ") 1128- boulll1 to mllterinli v.e unleRR fa,' IlIt'rs take RtepH now to u,;-o id t he situatio n. First of nil the huld-over seed corn from the (926 alld 1926 Bcnsons is smllll. The probllbility 01 n Inl'ge &upply fl'om the present crop is lllightr-d ue to the Inte season, This is particularly true in tho corn belt -and nil points nort hward. Only by saving what holdover seed there is from 1926 and 192O--and by S8lecthlg the best immature corn from the 1927 corn and dry ing for providing weather conditions will permit the corn to millure en the stalks-will prevent the shortage. The Department of Agriculture is making the attempt to give the Warning wide circulation. The full text of its warning follows: ' Farmers who have not already done 80 should begi n at once to plan for obtaining seed corn for planting In 1928. Much of the corn in tbe Corn Belt and northward is so far behind that it hll8 , little chance to ma ture ' sufficiently f Ol' seed before frost. This condition, together with the small holdover due to pure maturity of t he 1926 and 1926 crops. brings about a sit uation which lIIay woll result in a aeTlou8 seed-corn 8ho~tage in 1028 in Borne sections if steps ure not taken this fall to prevent it. _ - No time should be lost in arranging to 8elec' an abundance of aeed corn from the present crop. There are few areas in which 80me fields will not mahure sufficien tly to permit selection oC good seed. Farmers whose crops for one re/18on or another are 80 late that they will not matUI'e sufficiently to make good seed, Mhould a rrange ~ select seed from the field of a more fortunate neiehbor. The best seed corn is that which haa matured throughly upon the plants in t he field. The 1088 in or. however. wh ich comes lrom immaturity at the time the picked ill unimportant l'o.nnlO,r.. tI the 10SA t hat may rellult from seed of an unadapted 'variety in the spring from Borne distant source. Seed com picked about three weeks after polination and dried ca~efully will genninate. Tpe plants grown from 8uch immature corn will be weak and unp·r oductive and the selecl<ion of seed so sown after ailklnl and taaaeling 18 not recommended. The vilor of germination incrcallCB rapidly with advancinl mat urity and a gpod quality of aeed may .pe obtained from ' ean with kernela that .are well dented. ' Seed corn eontaininl excelS moi.. tur, must be dried rapidly an'll -handled carefully until thorougbly dry. Sappy lICed eara left i~ a aack or eve'n in a pile over.,nieht are likely ~ heat or mold. Ample ventilation is the most impottant consideration in dryinl 'l eed corn, If ,the ears are stored M ', ,that the ~ir can' move freely about them will dry ~pidly even 'without artificial heat, . The UIIC of a little artift~ial heat will will prot> moLe ' rapid drying: The lICed alao , is more likely to mold or sprout under hiitber temp.eraturel so ~hat a . good air movement and rapid drying are even more important when art!ftdal ' beat la uaed. A amall beater located below ttle aeed com will cause a rapid upward current of air whleb WlU promote rapid , dmnr If veritllatiOll pe~ita thla air to P8ll,l ,out of tile buildinlr at the' top. •, The pOlSlbillty of, obtalnlq' bettel' leed lataI'. on' ~oald .nOt" prevent 'playlq , ufe by . tselectlq an aJllple 'llupply , pl aeed of an adapted variety just as Iioon as it maturel 'enoup 110 that; ,it can, be relhid upon to cermi.nlte well. If ,frOlt bolda o'ff loncer and weatl¥!r con.dltions , ~ ~..vor~ able· kor development a new' Bupply o( Beed can be IIClected alta,: the. ~om ia; more mature. The ' earlier selec_d tben may be fed, the only .f lou bei~ the ImalLamount of time requlred to select and dry the 1\1'!It lot. ' . . '
It is ~ ..nge~ou8 to drive in a .fogeSPccil\lly If 'It' is n\ental. "
For Married Men Ol\ly- lt i8 bet- . ter to have loved and been ,boaaed, than never to have been boaae~ at all.
.:...0-: '
We have just' read that ri. "hick" town is a place where ,ov fifty ~ cell-t ' Of the' deatht ar:e fr:om nat\lral eaaIM. '. . G: problbition . barometer, DO doubt. · ' , i' '" .~
--0- .
A P.hiladelpbia mlnlatel' cll~ leav,I q. , an estatl . ot f $S6.'OO()'...::..,!)lich Gould blIp pro.ve th!lt 'Dot all PennIy"'.nla" 1ll~l\ey '. 11 Ipent at thr. Ilec"ti'OD pou., ' . , Io'~
'UjJele S.m ' iI golnl ~ ao t lItttl 'dJlti~~r:" - nill,Uon lIIU1.oDl of' . for ' ,medlc1Dal UI~ ,ThAt/. on., . pnim for every t.W~e c"'" •• •; ,a quart for every four;.a plat fot eY!117 t1nI ~ half-pint for enI'7 ,' .alu.. TIle ~e forma on the ~ ..... iiDcJ paU.....
Tuesday, 9 a.m. 3lp.m a.m. 7, p.rn
- - --.-...-- -
Cary~ Jewelry Shop
Llter.m Le.
.. . , " .. Thls is perfectly stunnmg, gen8~ream~d the c,~lIcge mnn~ b I k d hi th ash the d urg ar. soc e m one on e ea,
6.30 .ad 8.3'0 p.
Harve,sburg Fertiliier CO.
Pbon e 8 HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED HARVEYSBURG, r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __O. l'-,;;;__________=======i) . ~
~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~=~~=~========
N.lloa.1 B... "
D J h W M II r ,. '
i er
Dentilt W.)' ....III. N.llo...1 Bank Bla •.
Will. Dr.wn " .. ...... E.I.I ... Settl.d rry the Mia mi C • • .,U" for .Iob War"
Waynelville. Ohio
MAIN 4301
Smart Coats. Wear Fine Furs
Th, COQI Dlpartminl'--Til, Fa,IIion Floor
The New Wool Georgettes $16.75
Satin Favored For
Fall Wear!:
HE fuhionable woman selects sadnb.ClUIt it is smart for any, time of the
day or ev.ninl- and fo,r any function , U.lnS tbe NVerle ald. for trim addl intfrtltand thue 1ft lac.. for feminine touchet-conuanlng colors and velvetl for new nUl, \ And III priced very rtUOIlLlbly at
$2' and $29 .."0
AiLOIUID .Ued, like IDa. that ~ L, . _ rn.7S
Navy Chinchilla Coats For Girls
of aOfter ••
Ilr.tccbed,. 1U.7',
c mod-
. ,
Wub d...... Icai. wi~ bIoomen. SI.9). Pajamu .ad aleepen. $1 lad SI.5-o.
•pMin bit with nitchtd brim S 1.93.
HS yOUi .... loola mart ia lacb a coat II mlJ--ailely tIIortd n• .,. blae chinchllli with rtd nuMI liaillg ud
bru. , battolll - eo prIG",.1 ~r scbool. $) 1.'0. Dr... ad 'POrts COlti SU.OO to
lad ' .... 75.
priatd ' it
a, taa berrlftgbOlle tweed
LIGHT wtigftt wool material that j.lt clme OQt thil fall- in these
frocks b'lutilully tailored for informll afflin. street and bu.inlla. Then art crepe vuu, coli an . cuffs-all around dUllerl of pin tud'lI---3atin plplngt-and. of courae. ne.w colol1. TIN [nlXpM"tIt Dr- 8«li,m-TIw Ftuhion Floor
Winter Over'coats ,For Small Boys ,
Dtt,.,r_ _T". liMN"" " _
Mil,. Manhq RubimteiR -
UI~d.u of th. laaxlI.. HalI11& R:llbta.u!n il YIIIJIIIII Rib Kamler', 11M wltk of Octobor - 10& ' Bch- iiiCIlltl". SUter and
Crepe ,Satin Is " ~ la, , Fan Frocks - _1.98 ,
.... H«. MOIdd«J , ~
madi- dIpIrtmtat ':bat .... abl.. eh. mlrt WQIIlq 01 fMhioD to acl;ritvt ill btr bltl d:aat Rill-fitting dfece that 10 do.i, natll tbt mod. tack.,. Hoodl of flM falt aDd vi. our i II CGppI!Il", pinlneedl,. Ill. r r \) a
See This .Radio OffeM
Wool ClJalIis $1.15
HE Dayton Radio Dcll.re J\.ti sodation IN 'sponlOringtbla 3td Annual ' showing of .Dew achievements in the Radio industry.
See Rike-Kumlrr'. inure.dng exhibit -"'80 tbe hook-up' , new ' cabInets, ndtos
Bedding an~\ ~atif?l
a1ael. o~o. n.miIIi maple. lJray ...IVY alJd w~
...a blClaIi wieSt.' .
~lf" Inpcm~.........sWOlJfl ;.,..
O~ afterDoon. IlrHt or idiOoI well\-it iBay be bad , . in light or dirk colon '·abd ·tnallY cUlt,mac patemu . , that aN sau,all. Jut the proper w.,Jar lor .wlah1' wear.
Hooda of
nut, "1.lled lad black.
SBRYICB ' in ou C1IItaal
Attend Thg Radio Showl Oct. 6th, 7th and 8th
new ahadel----«lpperliraf. cbli:acbln. ~. ~ olk. . .bad. tlIL'!ny birch, crilnl9." mapt.. N~e. collm 'cbllt-
To' Fit YOUR .Head
completely new ~
SEAMLESS BLEACHED SHEBTs.-:-98c. A pd quality. 63 by 90 lnebu. plain hemmed. The .ame qu,lity. 81 ,by 90 incbt., S1.,10. COTTON BLANKETS. S'2.95-Plain colONd. 70 by 80 incb... StriPtd~b·ora...... • ' COTTON SHEET -n~T6. 98<>-70 bJ 80 hleb... ' All ,wanced' co'1!:>r"plaidl.
,u.-felt. -.,.
SH this Atwater: Kent
Console Radio (sketched
at rigtit) priced at ~1~3.
Then hear and examine •tbue fine sets at the
PANCY COMFORTABLBS. $4.PS-Sol- . id colon with flpey ~ord.n. Sat. . ~..d.
WOOL COMPORTS; 17:'9' - SaClle
.V .
OUNG J?IOplt demand, tho. that are aoocllooking andbav. plen\1 of ana&;!~ 'I1m art our Younll MOdmiI • . And
at 'the remarkably low price of $1.'0. "
At top, '- Clrlon lk¥d aDCl Iud. qUit-
terwidi boi beel. In black or brO,vn. At' botro~. , a wid. one ,
Imp model of j~va ~f, with blr~tI ;snake tnm-
mod,1 ill pattnt. w,itl black Petty Pennt minli ,
trim.m lnl; '. "
coVllt'td. floral CIIa,.,.: ·~el4In,. ",,4 Domeill~
. .,Sntart Nely Slippers
, There may be "many a slip be-. tween the cup and the lip" as claimed ---but . there no longer are many "twixt' the ' flapper and publCc gue'."
OR rich pelts set off the beauty of the cloth and add softness and charm to thll ',ilbouette. Andl here is a collec don of coati that were the highlights of the 'P aris openings -- the best creations of thl: famou. couturiens. Coat. that are arrestingly different - swathed in toft furs - delightfully new and striking. Barbara Lee Models at $100 (.ketched lett) and others froirl $165 :00 (as .kttched right) to $298.50.
~f v~p
alro." Here Is where tlh e pioneer come Iii. The. bUlllnellS rnan who, with opo en mind. appreclal'es _at:ld 4ccepta a new idea 1M just 88 much a pioneer as the creator of that"new idea. It is such men who are responsible for OU\' ind ustrial Pfogrese--From Net
Medical men said th shock of tak· awor, "Bl!41au-1Il! If Jt was any load,"
In,~ re«ular,.batlus would bo danler- emllrt men would Jntve uaed It loq
Pearl Chokera Por P.ll
J!Ioor I.~ '
THey Imd
JeWtlrt,t--.$lt'Hf' Floor
HINBS~ )land.emb~dend a~
C fUft
tac' work gu..t toW-,tt Wli:b!lJWld:liDa:dc; 'inedalliont'" SWt'1;8~'by, 3~
indlu: 12.51). . • , Madeira embroidemJ'.¥4i. j~ l~ imchai ~ IqUlft.
d.lra linen. }~nd
Jl("'w :: q~,. Ma,t
why not ' han cabl. linens monolrlmtd r " 'Ir- ~cft '. penonal toucb. ~'I~' ii, tttJDI Irt to besUatCl7 ' '. ! '''L_ ' n_ il, ,! ~ • • ".i " ., ,,,. 1.' ItHn _pGrtm~r , ,r,oor
a Hnain IOpbi"i~dol1_ air of (OmpI2te ' I1ltl, Tb... wan Importrd dll«t1~ from Fraace by aUf jewllry daplnmmr at a .wal IolVU1g, U.
~ ,
Velvet Bap
eLvBT bags h~n ulully beel1 ' h{rtmtlllg but Ibil yur the vOllue for d","u of Ihit , lonly mlt.rial I.ndo' new importa., "•• to balll of vllnt, In the n.w PIli ibades. Sofl pouth .lyle-Nlckel baU clasp. $5, . Lralhorgooo..-.8lr"' Floor Domalle Science Aprom til N.lly Don Handy Dandy aplon. approved u • perfect cla" room unllorm by I.. dlng Ho~e, Bcoaomics lutboritlu. Of durable , whllt
mUIUlI ,
Flowe'red Silk Kimonos ~'.9S A practicol silk wrap in such shades as copen. ro", puch witll I ~ •.ac natural looking rosu. '. Linll"je and HouI/! Froclu~«ond Floor
.---Of l".por,aru:e
CAPB G~O~ Llllblw.igbt ,kinl Ime" . art 10ft-Po K, , that are ,'t roni' A liaR to the cuff or if TQal.refer. plain u~lo~ , $ ,95 , ~
,cam, .
U1d $}.9S . :
, WOIDeIl'I LrdUef.. J
IS vistU", in
Dr. P. A. Gam er, chiropractor, Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 78.
MI' .. C"rl';1' :1\'II1>orn Itl\~ returned !'Ifr . J. L. lbtblock is apendln, th. Mr. and M. D. Baird were at tl f( l'r II vl~it wit h Iri '0\1,.. nt Illma. week in Daylon. - t he Hamilton filit t oday.
Kra. Ada Cheno e\IJ iijleot Ie tal Ol'llJl Turn.r and Rll tel'. Opal, II be wu. vel1 p1....nt aad 1~1rdays last week with Mrs. Meta Rug. home from their !!Chool work at Me- ing occ..lon. Dr. Roberta preached ers and family. chani '! bUTg for the w t'k-cn (1. in the forenoon and Dr. Stanton. of
Mr'. and Alra. hJll'les Barbay and The Ladlea Aid hold 8il nll.day F I'a nklin, delivered thl! afternoon. childrell, of Lebanon, wen t Sunday . message. Special mu. le wu fenderdinner guests of Mt. and Mrs. hall. me~mg Ilt the Annox on Wednesday. -cd at both ·Ieasiona. An anthem by lia ve 'our cnltugl'n1ent IIIld wed· Dr. P. A. ' Ga rner, chiropractor, MI'lI. J. B. Chapman was a Cineln. ' mi th. III tn e f() re n ~on the c~urch Ilariurs the hoir , two selection. by the Le~anoD, Ohio~ Phon. 78. - nati vif!itor the ftrst 01 the week. ~ ere cleaned and put III o~d er and oPl'ey quartet, of Xenia, a 11910 by dhw ri \lj(~ I)Hltl , 111 ,,1" ( nt lI ry's . Mr . and I'lrs. ·Jo!ll.es J ohnl' ~ pe nt In ihe af.tern ooll an interc8tmg bUlli, Dr. Paul Vandervoort of Wilmlng• clry , h.II', L "Pll llon. 9hi o. 1'. K. Cole ~nd family spent 'Sun· Mrs. A. T. Wriglll l'nter.t.ained the Dr. Emily Wright, of Springboro, the la ter par t of t he week r.s h~g 1lCS8 sessIon was held. t.on MId tWIl numbc.rs by loll'll. ClIas. d.y III Georgetown. M,', nnd lIf C5. Earl . 1I 1' cket~ Br idge club SlItu ~dliY a fternoon. il!..vi~iHng Dr. and Mrs. A. 11. Wright. li t RU ~f\ II's Poi nt. Th e! rc·opening of the M. E. church • tuhl, of ' Springfteld. 1\ laree aud· dnllgh h ,r. , IIntl MI'. a n.\ 11\1'1:', ' ,. 'Mrs. assie ox spent last woek nnd "home,clln),ing" of former menl' ie nce wall present at both 8crviees. Dr.' P. A. GArn r . ahiropl:llctor, Hl" l ~.'n alHi on t<p nt S II Parker Duofold P ens at Cary's Mrs. JO/:lephi1l1e hllndlo l;, of KaT). I\(rs. Lawrence imms llOd fa m! \vith lIf N\. Sadi Rcas(1I1, at HarvQysbu~g. J ewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. ' sas City, Kan ., visited r elatives h er e Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 7 . ily, of Tr otw ood. ' . the past we k. M'rs. C. W. 1f nd l'Ilon 'and son, lIIr. lind Irs. •1esse . Boomen;hine, JIr. and Mrs. J . E . ,11111\1 Y ~n e n t Mr. and Mrs. Charl es J ohns and Mr. an d ~Irs. George Har,ts ock ~ero Mr. nnt! Mrll. Wolter Kenrick Sll.W . Tuesday with relatives ' ut K.11II:'rIIlllI. MI'. fi nd 1I11'!I. C"rvy Do o lU er~hin e G Ol'g e, were Dayt on visit ors, Silt· ~Irtla y, . . guests of Mrs. Caroline Rogers, of liT he Big Pamel o" at Lo WII' Duyt.on, :Inti da ' l I l!hi l' r, I'<,bu, tr. nn d )11'8. • Donald Allen. Q r 1);0)1:0<, 'l't' l(n!<, lt erlllnn L"" i" IlIlit Mrs. Sha n non, of D. H. Hockelt a ncl fami ly uLten d· Route 4, on S undllY. . Tit ufsday eveniug. IPent the week·end with h i ~ unci .... W. Ony-tll l!, \\·".I'e unday guest s of Mr. Mr. lind Mrs. Rolph J ohns a nd chil l\ home.coming at Chesle r, IJl d., ed Anderson and Mr s. Mrs. hurles B. Allen and f amily., . nod 1111";. Wulter J a nney . Sunda y. Ru &sell Bentic'y were Miamisburg d r ~ n sp'ont Sunday with the lull r'8 JIl l'S• .~; . F . ESl'n bnrt nnd II'I rs. J. brother, W-i1lia m Smit.h und f amily, visitors Monday aile.r u oon. lin. Sad ie Jllmes, of Greenfield. ll av yo u visiled Ca ry 's 'J ewelry at West CUl'rllll ton. "'... the guest. of h arl e~ And H son n. B ilk r dcligh fu ll ~' surp rised their Mrs. E ffie Smith, Mrs. Flossie Ca· fat her on his 58 ~h bir hday. Tuesday hop recentl y? If not don' t fnil t o ana family, on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisk a nd f " m· I"\'cn ing 1\ t his IHI me 0 n Third street. Re e th e bea utifu l and unusual gifts rey and lio n, ChcRter , a nd Mis.q Lucy il y, or Kent ucky, wore week·end E mley s pent S unelay with relat ives John McClur e and fil mily, of Tho!\e )I'esent W I'e f l'. and Mrs, E. now on display. guest s of t he latter's par ents, Mr. in Doyton. Springboro, and Waller Will illm R lind l~ . Ellrn hnrt a nd l arjori e and Charles a nd II:Irs. Georg Grny. f iss Vi rgini~ Da ~in , of Okl ahoma family, of Kingnllln, s pent unday 13m·t on Eu rnhart an d Mr. and Mrs Cily. Okl" ., is vi siti ng her parente, Mrs. Julio Dono vcn entertained at Mr. an d Mrs. J ohn File, Mr. and with Hr. and Mrs. J. E. Janncy. J. R. Baker. Mr. and Irs. Frunk Dakin. dinner on Tuesday evening, Dr. Em· Mrs. George Davis, Mr . Archie Jo' ite ily Wright, of Springboro, Dr. and and lady fri end, of Cincinnati, w ere Miss Lucy Emley is s pending her Mrs. A. T. Wriltht. Sunday g uests lit the home of Mrs. vacatio n at the ho me 01 Mr. a nd ?4rs. Emmn Foulks. .. The United Thank Of!'ering of the Shermll n Rogers, n car F erry. II'Irs. S. H. Haines, Jllmes Mr. a nd n of St. Mary's chur ch. will be Mr. lind 1I1 rs. J . H. Smi th visited presented next Sun day morning ut Haines a nd Mr. ond Mrs. Walte r Ken Mrs. RIll'hel "'ell ut lhe 1. O. O. F. lhe 10 :3 0 servic:e. . ri ck were over Sunduy gueste of Mr. un d Mrs. Joseph Grass! an d family, Hom e at Springfiel d, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sherw ood were a t Piqua, Ohio. lIit's. Ph il 7.cl'f. of Cull ege Hill, r gucstR o f Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Mr. a nd Mrs. Clyde Whorto n were inci nn nti , visit I'd her pa rents Mr. J effery on . II nday 'a t thC'il' pleasa nt call1'd to OilY lOll. F d day, by the suo and Mrs. G. J . SmUh, last week. country home ncar Oregonia. d ous illness of t he latter's moth,'r, Mrs. Lee Great hollse. Mrs. Whar· Creeling cor ds l or all occasions, Mrs. II . V. Wnller and Mrs. Dun lon remuined lo help core for her. /Uld . 1I beautifu l line of Mottot's ut Wul ter enterta ined at the h ome of Mr. Rnd Mrs. Kesler Gt'lI hulll nnd , Cary's .Jewelry Shop, Leba noll, Ohio. thb llltter in !Lebanon lust Friday, I • I "T he Home of Gifts." MrS: May Coo It, Mrs. Ethan Crone da ughter, Berni ce, allended a fu m· ily dinner Sund ay at the home of and 80n, of Dayton; Mrs. H. M. Tur· Miss Mnrtha O'Neall, of the bank ner and Bon: of BeUbrook ; M1'8. Kate Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wr ight, neur forc e, is spending her vacation in Coleman, Mrs. Fred B. Hender so n Springboro. th e eoun lry with he.r brother, W. E. and Mrs. D. L. Crane. Mr. and II'I rs. Charles Mullincx, O'Neall a nd family. - -Mr. und Mrs. S. H. Burnet, Mr. and Mrs. William Creighton, Mrs. Susnn '. Messrs. Howard Archdeacon, Ben Saylor and M1'8. Emma Lacy m otor· Hllwke and WlIlIace Treadway were in ed t o Serpent Mound, Adams coun· Tol edo lost week attending nn auto· J..... k lor ty, Sunday. mobile riC'lIlcrs' convention. t he TU I ( tlb n UI .L'S Ii \' E Mrs. Mllry Carmony nnd Mrs. Clar· Mr: and Mrs. Hurry Burn et enter· Dia monds a r e olle of the f ew ra Thompson, welre In Dayton, Thurs· tained to Sundoy dinner, Mr. anel things lhat outlive generations and day. Mrs. Robert Burnet and son, of Da y. 'outlast fa shion. See us b efore buy· Mrs. Louella Swank and loll'S. Mar. ta ll, ,Mr. a!,d Mrs. Mar cellus Thack· Ing. Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon. tha Graham we.re Dayton shoppers era, of Sprmgboro, Mr. und Mrs. Cal· Saturday. ' vin Longacre, . Mr. and Mrs. Oral II'Ir. and lIIrs. Albert Gray and two Surface and chIldren. __• _ __ children, Ruth and Zone and Mrs. , Ben Hawke made n business trip Mr. "nd Mrs. George Cornell, of Addie Crane, 'of Dodds, called on to Cleveland lant week for Howard Fairfield, Iowa, visit ed last week with lIIr. ond Mrs. Churles Gray Sunday Archdeacon. I\Ir. and Mrs. Albert Stacy and oth· evening. -~ Mesdames Adda Burnet, Ina Long· er rolatives and on Sunday Mr. and , and Emma Lacy spent Friday In Mrs. Stacy accompanied them to Miss Sue Crone, who has been vis· Piqua to the home of Mr. and Mrs. iting r elatives here, left Monday for the Gem City. The Ladies Aid meeting Is post. Grant Cornell to a family reunion. Dayton, where she spent a short time with r ela tiveq Ibefore l'eturning to poned till Saturday afternoon and Relatives here r eceived ' announce. her home in Toledo. ,will meet at the home of Mrs. Min· ment of the marriage of Miss Doro. wu a success the mi.~ute it appeared. nie Foulks. t hy Goll" t o Mr. Charles Homer Kel. Our slock of Silverware must be Mrs. Mary Carmony entertained ler, W~ dnesday, Se~tember 28, 1927; .And la popularity hat ~own so fast that s.e en to be appreciated. auy "Yourex to Sunday dinner the following at Sprmgfteld, Ohio. Mrs. Keller is The way to ' make money out of hogs is Silverseal" if you want the best in Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riggs, of , (}Q_ the niece of Mrs. Joseph Champion, today, in its sixth 8UCCell8fu.l year, Hea~. to speed up pork produ ction. You can Cary's Jewelry Shop, Leb· flatware. owners are numbered high in the tens lumbus; Mr. amI Mrs. W. F . Clark, of Route 5, with whom she has apent easily m arket 250-1b. h ogs in 6 months anon, Ohio. ' of WaynesvilTe; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. several8ummers, of thousands. Becauae HeatroIa· is 10 at.by feedi ng Tu~ed H og R a tion. Mnny Mr. lind lIirs. Homer Carey have Carmony and children, Marian and • _ ••- - do much be ter . • This b ala nced ration G'acd.ve, 10 efficient, 80 economical--bemoved from •Dayton to W.lVII, ..."Itt,,,I Robert, of Springfield; Mr. and Mrs: feed s the whole hog, building a strong . ~ iU exclusive design preventl any ~ and are for the present Coulous Younce and daughter; Bet.. frame, rich blood, fine - grained flesh, ty, Messrs Paul Florry lind E verett Mrs. Carey's parents, Mr. ItadOn from being anywhere as ioodl h ard whi te fli t and n sleek skin. It's T . .rolf 'Smlth. Clark, of Dayton; Miss Mildred Clark , of Cent~rville. Mr. 'lind Mrs. Everett Haines lire g reatl y r elishcu , nnd easily ~ieested. ,W atches. cloclcJl. an.d Jewelry of ev· ====~==-======== the parents of a son , born Saturday, because it con tains molasses. ery 'description efficiently and prompt 0 t b 1 t . THE STR.A.NGLE HOLD coer s . Iy repaired at Cary's Jewelry Shop, .' ' If .you're no t earning profits from a Lebanon, Ohio. Wunn_"I can't understand. why The W. F . l\L S. 'held an all·daY crop, begin feMing I was so diny last night. I only meeting at home of The regular meet\.ng of St. Mary'l bad one gl ...:" . Antram,' near .wii;·I:'.;;;':n=~-\1~f:t-t-----;0--'---lfu:lretltr·ffl~.Rlltioll now We aeU it. ;Guild win be held at the home of Guyee-"Yea, but they kept filling needay of last week. ·Mrs. ,w. H. Allen on Thu.n day atter- It." MQre than 126 p'e nons attended noon, October 6th, at ,2:80. Note Ithe 'farewell pot-luck supper at the ' change in hour, frc?m 2 o'<:loclt !LS home hf Mr. al1d Mis•. Jea • . WU, Fri.
Red Arrow Money
Now given by all Red Arrow Merchants on Cash Sales and Received on Account.
Jhe heating
THE LAST SALE will be an Open Auction, held at
f!fthe Century!
Thursday, October 24, I
--_._- .. lllLE
at 8 p. m.
-If Builds Up Weight
in ,Record Time
W~ynesville, 6mo
Late ClassJ"'le'dAds
Q. ' ~ H·E ATR·O LA
to 2: :80. • . Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Tumer and , 80.n~ of Bellbrook, Mr. and Mrs. F. B •. Henderson and Miaell Esther and FOR SALE Louiee- Henderson were Sunday dinncr guests 0 Mr. , and Mn. Harvey FOR SALE-Gollden oak china clos. Sackett. .. , et.Mrs. MaJY Silver. 05. . . . Dr. Rudolph is an eyesight specSALE-BrunellI! rug, 9x15, Uke ia1ist. 1Iiake lin appointment to see new. Mrs. Mary Silyer. 01.2
\ ~.
'I1aere II .....ONB ~- 8Sl"ATB
wilda ."
urday 9 a. m.9 a. m. 8 p.to m., him Tuesday 4 p.atm.,Cary'e Sat.. !' Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio.
ATIR~.. SPfelAL 30x3~ Speedway Regular Cord Goodyear Built
Firestone Reg~ Gum .D ipped . Cord
$6.95 ,$9.95 $1.•50 ' ',.
29x4.40 Path6nder Balloon
30x3~' .Trinity
Gray 'Tube
. 'J')J(ItW.JI1IIw.~.Lllillltt",lidt-fL!I
v ' i • i
I Obi '
etayevening. They will move to their home in Indiana 800D. T.he many friends of Mrs. A. M. Chenoweth rejoice wi.th her in the ex~eJlent way she fs recovering from an ope~atio~ for the removal of cat· aract, In MIami Valley hospital, last Thursday. She.· ret\lrned to the home of her dauihter, Mrs. Roy Carr' Sunday.
Early, Lytle, Ohio
Tuxedo Hog,Ration
!!~."~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (\
MTlI. Ida Howe; Mr. Harry Mrs. Carpenter, of ,! Dayton, Fires and family, Mr. and Mrs. old Taylor and daughter, were day dinner guests of Mr• .and Mrs. Elvin F ires. How long have you worn your glllsses ? Better stop Tuesday or Saturday for a Free examination of your eyes by Dr. Rodolph, the eyeeight specialist, at Cary's Jewe~ Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rogen entertalned at 'dinner Monday evening of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rog. ers, of Buffalo, N. Y.; Mr. Donald Rogers, of 1.Iiddletown and Mias An· na Mary Rogers, of Springboro. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crane and son, Mrs. May Cook, MiBSes Marian and Dorothy Cook, Dayton~ Mi8ll Sue' Crane, of Toledo; Mrs. Kate Coleman, MeBSrs. Walter and Charles Burnett ware guests on BUDda)' of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane.
If your boy or ,irl has trouble with school work or any IIYIllptoms whatever of defective vil!lon, have Dr Rudolph, the eyesight specialist, give ,their eyes a free ' examination on Tuesday or Saturday at Cary's Jew· ery Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. A very delightful social event of last week was the Five Hundred par. ty given by Mrs. Julia Donovan on Wednesday afternoon. Four tablea was fiUed and delicioDII refreshments were served after the games. Thollfl invited were Mrs. Kate Coleman, Mrs. F. B. Henderson, Mrs. A: T. Wright, Mrs, Edith Barril, 141'1. ' Lau. ra Mosher, Mrs. Lester Gordon MillS Martha O'Neall, Mra. cinthia Evans, . ~rs. H. E • .Hathaway, Mn: A,meUa Williams, Mrs, ..q. J • .Smlth, Mra. Ronald Hawke, Mrs. L. A. ' Zimmerman, . Mi.n Emma Heighway,' MriI. So D. H~nkle, Mr•. Elizabeth Baily, Mrs. J. B. ClIa~nian, Mrs. M. D. Baird and D. Lt Qrane.. .
W "'_~ _ _ _ _;;;;;;;;;;;C;;;;;;i;;;;;;~;;·;;;;;;;;;;_a~)'D;;;;;;;;;;ea;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;&e,.;... . ;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;iiiJJ ...
Donit forget :Rud~lph jl ·. here every Tueeday until 4 p. m., and . Saturday until 8 p~ .. ~. Have your eyea I!~mined. C~'. Jewelry Shop,
Le~0Dt O~.
'- ---
Bre~d ..~~,:ti'!:a~l~~~ .~~ '.I~< ... :... ,.9«: Co.ntry CI•• , t ~-I. loaf•.R,... lo. spa.... cake., .ach.................. lo-
Co'uatry CI.b, 1-1.,.. leaf .... :..... &C' Cou;ntry Club, 1.,.1., ,Y,i••aa .... 7c
You see all th'e road " RO..lled Oats'· ~~~:~~;-~~..... 2·~ when you .dl!ive·a Buick. . The eJreaded "blind gone forever! In FI.our ~:!k~~. ~~~~'. ~~~. ~~... '..$1.09 Buick for ·car are '
spot" is 1~28 closed ~nt posts· Jiar. rowed 1110 that all the road, ahead. of:you ~d at the·side:, is c1~.
And' thanks to the etlici~c:y of FJS~er manship, tJ:lese slim, ccSmer pOsts "have even greater s~ .~an th.e .~ fonnerly ~. See a Buick for 1928 at the t\eareat,moWl'oom. Get behind the . whiel .~d , prove for yo~f haw dearly. you ~ see '011 'the road &om the
driver'~ leal. '
· 1· . "
'" .,
Country Clulr, t2~_I1i. aaclr.-...58c Anndale, 24~." •••ciIL.;.........c Clifton, ; 24~ jil~ . . .cIL ....................... · ................:...... . : ......:........
Coffee~ Jewel · ' . II;». . . ••..••....• , ...•• FrcDcla . Br.nd,
,po.IIII1.................... .:.. ............. :.... ,
E.t8l0re """~, ' ..
, )
Seventy-Ninth Year
By Albert 1: /( nic!
Whole Number 6774
I t It'lterelt.ing Item. from tlte WEEKLY L[CTURE I State • Caoital I Prepared by I I................ Columbul} epc rter I
Dear Gazette-Thirty.five (leo pie attended the " County Wide Institute 1C0nferenoc THE ECHO OF APPLAUSE My first ncqullintance wIth 'T IIY- held in the Fnrm Bureau office >;'-1'_ ncsville and my first railroad ' ride ~ &. , . SHORT LIVED --were coincident, coming in the year day, October 7. Besides farmers and IS !)/). Our houReho ld 'goods not farm. w~men representing the farmRichcs may be fickle, people SIIY ha vi ng arrived. my father took the . era Institutes, farm bureau and the they lire. but most of us would like to have lhem uwhile ond wutch them fan i1y \.0 the Morrow (Morrow) i granges and In all parts of the coun· ~ HOU8e to I'cDlil in whllc we were ' ty, a nd flumber of Bchool supervlsor8 fick. awaiting than! . ls the name of that and rural P8Sto~s were als.o present.. But whotevcr may be true of riches hoslelry familiur to 'morc than a Mr. Allen explaIned the hiStory and fame is surely fickle. " . COLUMBUS, OHIO-The motto of ve l'y few of your rendel's'/ How ma- ,' ~urJ)08e of farmers institutes, ~y. We nil struggle for the spotlight Ohio retail merchants this vear will In Ing was anxIous that the future he ny elln name its location'/ .Probably ,' that the program . and froflt page publicity but when not be "do your Christmas "shopping Include . a. diSCUS very fcw. Also. hu\ many can 10- 1610n . . ' we get it it doesn't last very long. early," but II do it earlier." This catc "Long orn.cr Y?'" "Broadhorn'''1 of, thoe social, educational and Those who are ~I ong in yeal's can was the d cision of representatives "Hayes Hall?" Yct the Mo rrow e.cononlle problems of community recall the many mstances. We re· of the ussociation which met In Co.a~ well as the dme.re " ook ,.. s hon house wl'th 'Its lal'ge ""winging sign and fhfetIt I phllses t k of dSOIl mem ber t h0 t "0o c . a, - lumbus last week. Their aim will be the other tavern, as they were call- t~nl I y, crop an IVCS oc pro uc· ored by the Dun es IIntl welcomed by to have all merchants ready to start ed, the Hammell House must have S· . ,. . . the Amel'lCa~ N and afte rwards t~at their Christmas campaign just as soon ~ute a~d mS~ltues will be held the Pe.nry took hiS place fol' a few bJ:lef as Thanksgiving is over. Thev would curried on a fairly profitable busl· i"- nil me from the commg wmt.er I.n Ma~on, January 16 t " nes!!. E'nch to~" vI< .... d 17 M 11 F b 13 d mlnu es. . have the merchants 8tart adv!,msing propl'ietOl'. t he name changIng with an ,ameVl e, e fuary an ThCfl there was .Dewey. N.othong then and placing their holiday roods each new owner. 14, Harveysburg, February 16 and \VIIS too good for hll'!l for. awhIle .but on display 80 that the last minute As the year named above saw tho '1 0, Mo!~ow, ~ebruary 17 an~ 18. when he gave his Wife hiS Washing· l'ush ml\y be avoided. Analysis of beginning of my reHidence in the vii· In ad~ltloll, ~ndependent institutes ton home ~hat th~ people had pre· last year's sales show that some merloge It will be rcadily seen that my Ilre being cOll8ldere.d tor Waynesville sen ted J:p him sentiment turn.ed right chants were unprepared for the early knowlel1ge or its eurly history should Leban.on and SprlDg~oro. b.ut the ay.oay and Dewey was oast Into the rush. Fred Lazarus, Jr., prelident in order to be complele. extend bock committees have flOt JUJll deCided as discard. . of the a8sociatlon, reported; so thia for more than half II century furth· to these place~. Then th~re was Jack Bmn8, the year they want the mercbants to be er tha n It docs, We know that it A .ne~ a~d Impr!>ved type of com· famous wlrele88 o~erator on tbe prepared with not only their comsteamer Republic whIch W Il8 lIImmed pletc Une .of holiday goods I~ ' ample contained fourteen houses in 1797, mUOlty institute w.1I1 be held at Car· off Nantucket IHlnnd, who stuck to time but a sufficient clerical force shorlly after it was fo unded by Sam· Ii~le, about the mIddle of December uel Heighway and Dr. Evan Bones. With the a~~~nce of Rev. ~apklng, his post until the Baltic responded to c~re for the trade and a. liberal 1 have heard the lale Duvis Furnas ~t W.eat VirgInia, who .h,,:s pioneered lind the passengers were all rescued. odvertising campaign 'in \ocal newsI How manr people. of today know papers. "No merchant can expect . reiJlte many stories of Its ellrlier m lhls movement. ThiS IDvolves the days. Bo me of which would be very Bcoring ~f the. community by local who Jack BlDns was. , to get his share of the bir holldlly interesting If reproduced. workers. IncludIng the schools, roads, A man b.y the name of Klssenger business unless he dees his share of One weird one WitS that ef a trl\v- churches, playgrou~ds, . etc., as well I probably did more for his country advertising in his local newspapers;" cler, 1!eemlngly ' well f)Jpplied with.as the farm practices. Mr. AlICfl than most ~ny mM. In 1900 he was officers of the association reported, money a nd traveling with a fine rig and County Agent C\asa met with a a. private m the army bu.t allowed who said that rural editors of the who !'put up" overnight at. one of th~ group of 10~1Ll leaders in Carlisle last himself to be Inocula~ed y.'lth yellow state were more than ready to do fever to prov.e tha~ that disease came their share to help the holiday busltaverns. It not having the name of IFrlday evening to plan for t~eir c~M either already mentioned In thls ar- mu.n ity meeting in connection WIth fr~m ~osqulto bites. He is now neS9 undell way. ____ . liVIng In pove~ty and gets a pension tlcle, Next morning the traveler which an exhibit of farm and home of a meJlgcr $100 a year from the This is fire prevention week in failed to appear for breakfast nor producbl will also be held. was he ever afterward seen in the government. Ohio. It was so designated by GovOnoe we sat up lind took notice of ernor Donahey who called attention place althoug.h hil , fine horse and . vehicle were left in t~e stable. Tlie Louis Bleriot. who flew across the to the fact .t hat Ohio's Are 10811 in tavern ~eeper, who bore an unsayory . • • • f) English Channel, the first man to per· 1926 wus 463 lives and f20,000,000.reputation.- atter a time and after ' . . ''.'' form that exploit. Where is Bleriot in property. Publi<; oftlciall ud ely u llin« much abusive language about .now? Where are the snows of yes· ie and commercial bodiell are lendinc bring llheated, 80ld the rig to pay ----1er-year? ' their efforts to m.a ke the week a IUCthe costs of keeping. Directly. after . "How little we know which the . ~".M , Then there was Captain Richmond cess, and belping to educate the pulJ. t-he man's disappearance a well on the ripened heada are, Harriett LUCille Campbell, daugh. P. Hobson, the hero of the Santiago lie against 'flre dancers. .T he rovel"" 11 Several leading poultrymen 'of 'Till the scythe of the mower leaves ter of Adam and Mllude Cl!mpb~l1, harbor. Once we were all applaud- nor in his call recited tbe tact that I hi h f Ih d prem ~S, w c urn a e exee ent Warren county are planning to tour the verdant spot bare." There has been a new schedule was born May 28, 1914, and died ing him and the girls anxious to ttl.as water WIl8, for 80me unexpected rea· to the Ohio .State University Poul. .' adopted by t he High Bchool and the September 22, 1927, aged 18 years, him. Now he lives in Pasadena and Ohio had made greater prorreu than j~~tu~~:da:Pt!n!'::~:r w:~; t~:n~~~: try plant, Columbus, Fr:iday, Octo- • S. Chfton Hawke, son of the late Grades concerning the last period B months and 24 d~)'lI, . few know that he is alive. ~:r aO::~ ::~ ..:OrtI~:c!~~~ ~ion existed between t.he two focts. ber 14, under the auspices ~I the Silas P. and Mary .Thomas Hawke, lIlI8embly from 3:36' to 4:46. There She had been III for about SIX Gen , William Mitchell probably disgraccful." My school days at Wsyneavllle be. county agent I!nd poultry speCialists. WAS born at the fam~ly home In Har· is a study period fl~om a. quarter to weeks and on Sep~ember 19th went did as much toward 'w inning the war gan in a building on Fourth street. County Agent CI888 advises that veyaburg, Ohio, April 10, 1868, and nine in the morning b'e fore school t~rough an operatIon for appandlcl- in' France as any American. He, Colum~\I is trying 9ut Ifo~ the in ttle property lately 80ld by Dr. the central group leaye Le~anon . away lit an early hour, Sep· until school time, 9 :16; then at noon ~IS, b.ut all efforts to save her were concentrated his efforts towards mak· noxt few weeka II novel experiment Lloyd 'HaJl. How tbe sight or it reo ~bout 7 a. m. However, those m the tember 21, 1927. I • . from 1 o'clock till 8chool begills at a In vam. ,. . ing the United Stutes foremost in to prevent automobile accident. of (lalls th., old poem: ~tern pa~ of the cou.n try may ro Although he had not been In t~e quarter att,er. In t,hls way as much A11 through ber 111.n~ss she ~as aviation. For his reward he hal! scheol cbUdren. Older bOlla of the Vla CCC h1ghway. b~t of h~alth for ~e past ye.ar, his time is put' in by the pupUa as for- patient !lnd uJlCOmplalDlDtr: beanng been ousted from the army because various schools of the city patrol the "I've wa:ndlll' to the village, Tom, Mr. Cla811 alBO wishes to f~l~nda did not re~h%e that his con- merly and also allows the town chil. great palp without. a mu[~ur, always he disagreed with his superiors. streets near the' scbools and are I've sat beneat\! tb.e tree that anyone who cl\nnot dltlOn .was aerlous. and on the day dren to go home when the tlrst back trying to make thmgs e.asler for her One time there was an ace by the en authority to give the "ro" and Upon the 8cb.oolhouseplaylng ground trip to Columl)uB may find it precedmK: he went a~out his ~s~al leaves. . mother who ~as been 111: ~he was name of Captain Eddie Rickenbacker "stop" police signal. Everybody in That· sheltered yqu and' me. ' to attend a district poultry dUties, his detef1!1lnabon and JOVlal . , ____ ?ne of a famUy of ten children, hav- who shot down more German fiiers Columbus haa been aidinr to prevent But none were If/ft .to greet me, To", for .outhweatern Ohio on Tuesday. IiliIpositlon keeping him ~p l1li his This' th · k f th" . ·mg three bro~her~, Lionel, Earl and than any American pilot. For awhile the terriffic 10811 of life amonr sehool October 18th. at the Brookfield Poul- strength gradually failed. All bis IS e wee or e "rst IIX Lewis and SIX sisters Mrs Harry h ' k d . And few are lett, you know, . Who, played with us upon ~he green t;ry farm, owned by John life was spent in or near Harveys- w~~ks Itest. dEvhery one ~ hahs been H08ie~, Minnie and Kathle~n, who hoeut-was a hero then e, too, fllc ere children bY,automoblles and th~ cam" V lill i D k h h I k d treView ng an as put ~ort many I' . d P I · . . . · paign..now: under way tw weeb Th ere f ort y years a:go. near erm on, n ar e were e II nown an reapec are Ivmg an , au me, .... ar' and And so we say o~ Amundsen, the proven a great BUCCe8ll. The ew...erlultr t I efforta to make good! grades. CI h h d d h · .. , . M' G In order to be correct in this case r.. ray,.•~po y le)[ ens on one. . . ___....... eo, w 0 ave prece e er to our first man to reach the South pole and ment of having scl1001 bj))'lI 'of ~plder it must be paraphrased by .ubstitut- iahst, tilly, Is o~e of the finest !:oulAugu.st 27, .l896. he. chose a~ hiS . Heavenly Fathe~1 borne. She atten- to fly a dirigible over the North pole, are watch tIll; Btreets and the chBjne ieventy for forty · try fartnll' in the middle :west. A compaDion In Ii!e, VU8le Je8llu,p. As Tbere was a basieball rame WIth ded the Methodist Sunday School at and ot Commander John RodreTJ aren will be continued throurhout the What a splendid l~t of boys and visit to .thls lann always serve. as an induatrious younr people they began Kinem'lln. last Wednesday night. Harveysburg 'and was a member at who was wrecked on his flying trip entire school term if it proves the a1rla I had for my sehoolmates there! InspiratIon to me In my work, and I fanninr a few miles from Harveys- Waynesvll1e Hig~ won the rame with the ': Sunshine club. She wall always to Honolulu. George Young, who success hoped for. Joe White was the teacher (how mao believe' will pro,~e to be tbe same to burg, and lived on the same farm a score of 7 to 6. re.ady to hel.p In any way p08llible-and swam the Catalina channel anti Ger~_ _ _ rlY c:all J'Ccall him). Amo"* the pu. all poultrymen. until her death about sixteen years --WIll be greatly miBlled by the club. trude Ederle who swam the E nglish .Frlends of barml A.; .T ltompaoa pils were Charley Merritt, Wilt Hend . • - ~ later. ~o this union was b.orn one The project of tll1e Smlth.Hughes Jesus' plans are oft~n difficult for channel, thot thcy nlight give a few must feel greatly gratlAed over th,e ley. Wash ' lrvh~, Milt and SI Rbgere, j Ion, Wtlbur H., W.1O BUrYlves his boys was to build a work ahop back UII to .understand and lust ,now when pointers to Commander By·rdand .Col. reception given the eolQnel when h. Oharley Ifawke Sam and Eli Anderfather. where the barn for tJie hacks used to °llr bearts are Blld, we oan t sec why Lindbergh as Ito lhe ficideness of dropped inot Columbus, .for a few lSon, Mllblon Ridge • . Henry Spangler. Febru~ry 28, 1914, he married No- be. he work sta~;4!d today. slie bad to .be ~Iln tram us, but (ame. .'. hours IIIII_eelc. He came to ilve Peter Perry John ·Mashon Oicero T.he Jr. O. U. A. M ~i1l .have A ra Harlan Heller, daughter ,of War____ . we are, trusting In .HI," and we truly • ,.. • one of his interest:UllI' addJ'_ on Zell, Charle~ Yeoman., M~lIie and banquet on FrIday evening,. October ren and Ella Ifarlan, of Harveysburg The Mothers club had a meetl~g believe that it is right for His will tt),e Philippines before the Junior Maa-gle Wright Avarilla Fulton, Beck 21. F. R. Mooma,!" Bupenntendent In 1922 they purchl\l!ed a fa~ last Friday afterno~'n at the Grade not aura to he done. I' Ohamber of Commerce, and hla Bamnlel, Belle Breiw", Mary Satter- of Wayne, '!'oWDshlP achools, J. B. north of Harveysbu.rg, .where he hv- building. Mrs. Hamilton from OinBe~ides father,' mother, ,brothers fr iends ueed tbe occasion ,to tell him in person that they hoped be would thwalte, Lizzie Bally, Harriet Zell, Crabbe, ,Smith-Hughes teacher, and ed and ~abored. ~ntll hIS death. His cinnati, wall the speaJeer. MUllic was and sisters she .leaves a grand~ather, Carrie Evans, Carrie Brown, Llbble oth~rs w1J.I ·speak. AU members and father was a CIVlI Wall veterar fight furnished by Miss Geneva Ault with uncl~s, aunts and nume~u8 other accept ·thelr suggestion ,nd be a caaHad~en, snd qthers' whOle, names are their famlliea are , requested to come Ing his way through 1\11 the h!lrdsb,lps Miss Beatrice Robitzer at the piano. rt!latlVes and friends to mourn her didate for the Republican nomination not now recalled. . . with well-tilled ~a.!'~ts. of the great ~ar 0 the Rebellion,. and The meeting was att.mded .bY a large 10811. for governor next year. The ColoLater, George P • ., Brown be- · , tetumed to H!,-rve~8~~g sta.rvl~,g group of mothers and they hope to IA life Is taken, . nel refused to make any , definite came the teacher and be. certainly. but I\ot broken '.n SPlrlt., ~o begm hfe have many more mc,etings like this. A voice we Joved iii ltilled, The M~th e rs cl.ub hold t heIr Octo· statement, but that he wu pleaHd Willi one qf the 'grandetlt men I ever " anew with his httle famIly. . . A pi lice is vacant in our home ber meeting, F~lday afternoon, at with the Bugreationa could not be de. .. Olllf was the 10urth of five t!hlld. That never can be filled. the Grade building, With. about ~6 \;lIed. Col. Thompson .hal- a- mlrhty khew. M, la'hool llltPerience doel! ,not '.extend back "to ' the 'times whe Georre J. Waterhouse was elec~ed ren, thre~~ whol1l have pas5~~ on Before school started it was found in attendance. After bemg led I~ large circle of friend, jn Oolumbuil Thomas CoHett and Jellle Butter~ ~ommander of the Ralph Snook Poat many y~rs ago .. A brother died in that a new cot would be necesaal)' devotion by Mrs. Mills, a short busl- who. would support ' 1i11Q it he deicdof the 'A merican ,Lerlon at a meetinr inlancy, Lena .dled at the age of for the girls' rest roclm. On sURes' A Card of Tbaab ness session WIIS htll~. We were then cd . to enter the contest,. wliieh it is wortH were the teachers. ion the Jibrokheri e?tatl'Wha~ rhetPlabceUdt by . Later IlIJ one oJ the t yo,\lnge'r pu- In Lebanon lut week. eleht yean, VIctor, a yo~ng ma.n, ttw We 'flsb to thank our ~~y rela- favored by a beautI ful vocal 8010 by believed he will in ample ·time. It pile I was sent to, the hluldh;g located " died in 1~96, ~hlle Iz~ra KIn~, a 818: . 0 couc es, OSpl . e,lg, U up tives and friends for tbeir kindness Miss Ault, accompllnicd by Beatrice is known that he would ~bIolutely o~ what we called G~vel Hili. A dres'll; a coUation was aerved. speechsU~Vlves him. With a WI!e, son so as tQ store. bedclothmll' and other to us In the illness and death of our Robitzel'. . . . , refuse to accept appointment as rov- ' 'I ew monthl illnee while In Wayl'les. ell we,re made by local talent and .a Sister, who mourn t):lelr loBS, necessary artlcles needed In the reat beloved ~aurhter, Har.riett Luollle 'Mrs. Oris HamIlton. of Clllcmnati. ernor of the PhiUpplnes, a post that ville, I pallsed th~ build In, ana aet-! rrand good time Wal eajoyed by all. are 0150 three grandchildren. room beneath. ,them. They bav~ Campbell. . We eapecially wi.l h to WIl8 lhen Introduced . who very ably it is said he could have · it he 'Wo'llld Inr upon a ~udde" imiIlJ\H' decided Of ~ourse tbe credit went largely· to Weldon Heller, and one proven very satlB actory. thank Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Harris spoke on "Womnn in Politics." Mrs. lIay the word. Latest' infonnatlon to ' revislt it. Kn'ockinr at the door, the" members of the school board, for their consolin, words, thll donors Hamilton was non,pllrtisnn in her lec· ftom friends of both Myers Y. Coop-' the Isdy of ' the .boule . received me who were, if I remember eorreetly: New seata have Ibeen placed in of the beautiful flowers and Mr. Mc- ture and explained lhat voting is not er and Congressman J.T. BeR, are .molt eorellally and graelously invit- Dr .W. AlidetllOl;l, Absalom Merritt, . , tile Freshman room. It is arranged Clure 'lor hla serVices. only woman's privilegc but also her to the eft'ect that nelthel' will be Caned me: ln and took pains to show me Georlre M. Zell atld EQlmor Ball)'. . spent the Jut five years of her Me now to seat 42 puplls. The Fresh- I The Bereaved F II duty. She pleaded that each woman didates for goveraor . next year, It ~he chanaes' that ,have bee,, :. macle, Whenihe aebOoI opened 'In 'the fall in the home of Clilf, and bei!1g loy- men will be expectE!d to keep ~he • _. ' am y. should c.lIy herself with one. party this be tr\1e'j' and Thomp'Bon becom" buk. ' .' . 0" , that 'yeat, the teat\Jie.r a were Geo. cared ~or b~ him and hiS w~e. l!eata from being brollen and to keep . and strive to carry that SPirit qf a candidate he ill prettY sure to ear"The same old bt:lcka.are In th, waU, P. Bro)Vl'l, John .C. Ki~i1eJ, MIBII Ha1ll(ke Will be miMed. not their room looking ni,ce in I8neral. Motherhood into politics. ry off the nomination. ~hat he wo~d and outside ;waa all Weat and MIBII Anna Brown. only by his family but by a..bost of - • Miss Margaret Rogers then favor. make a strong , one is not denied by "The' hili, which, cov~red .o,'er with .was little or no attempt made frien4s and neighbors. He was hon· ed the audience with n well rendered leaders of either · ~. , . ·snow, . ." ding except In an irrerular elf; and lIincere ' in , all hie dealinp, I piano .solo, "Fireflies on Parade." ( ~ffp[ded . us a llidli\r place." for./several years did there always temperate and adhering to the ---. . • - • MarketiJlg of milk in South Am.... T~ol!le · many yean aro." be a correlated course' bipest atand.rds Qf morality. AI- . Miss Martha O'Ne8~11 and Mr. Lee , .. ,f ica will be explairted to the 2000 What thronginr,' mem9riei '. C!\me el could be found In though not a hlember of any church M. HenderlOn were quietly married 'c.. . delegates expected tQ gather in .eoove.r me 8a: the ol~en days were reo ject 'Provided. a , .not ma~nl' public demonl!tratlon Monday morning, Obc:tober 19. The . The Old-Tlfneni, thoH who have lumbus October 19, for the iIIl1i:ual called. One. of my. te'acherS".tliere pupil. deelred It, in time of religious worship, his 1I1e 'is an ceremony was performed at 11 played- with :the Miamis at different 0 T dOt b 18 County meetin'g of the International ABIIO~.·· was Miss Rhoda Lee. Another Wall defect was remedied. ~XII,!,ple of }oyalty, . hono~ and self- o'clock by the Rev••rohn J. Schaef- tl~ell, and ., BOme · in the misty past, Age:t ~::s a~~8 ~r~a~;ed ~ith Mr, lion. of Milk Deal~nI. 'Senor Hu&l.l Mr. E. D. Finch to' whom personally . Xmong my c1aBllmateli ' ln Mr. Kin- sacrifice, whIch any young man ~ol1ld fer, rector of J;t. Mary'a Epill!!opaJ gathered at Frazier's lIa11 park last F H B b t t h rticultuIal ex- Magill, of ~eru, will deliver an .~. hili pupils owe much for, the training neY!1 room were ~gh, Henry do we\1 to emulate. . ' , ' . church, at his home in Dayton, tbe Sunday and ' ahQwed .. Manqer HOI?- • . eac.' 8 a eo. . b dress on milk marketing methodli itl whlilti lie gave In, mental al)alysli. If 'Ind.,Jim McKiIls4!Y, Jason and CUIf ~as gone from our co,:,muruty only witnel\8es being the brotber and klDIJ how the game ought to be ~ns~~~h::::I~~S~V~~r:~81~~n~;ma~~ S~uth AmeDrio~'11 ' A:nf0Lo~herd I~E ' Go W8S a sister.lhlaw of the bride, Mr. and played. Some of the boY1\, of Whom this meets the .. eye of ', any o'f " those Steve Pliillipll, ' Dick he reata . ~rom hi8 .I,\bors, f 'th th h d men concern will be A. • ri en 0 .If on, DCpupils :they will remember that be Wllllamlon, Mollie ~d COQdnlght, hut ID that lalr clime Mrs. W. E. O'Neall, her closest ~here were ,about- twelity" could only con er WI I ~ orc b~r Th '11 land, executive secreblry. of tti. c called u. torether by: numhers iDlteac:l girls ~nd Oeleste we ",ill say, good-morning. .~ friends Mr, alid Mrs. · L. Ho' Gordon play :a few IDnlnr" but they .,layed !~rtth:t t:e ytur;:g c;~~~h (O::h:d world'~ dairy conl~ls. 'The .~~ of bb our namel. 'Thus, WimlHui- Mr. Brown'. room Was our ,- - .::"_ and !of"" Schaeffer. ' . , •. like ,ja houle II,.ftre" ' for that time. owned by Mr Carl Dul<.e, near Lytle, i~g W11l h~ .the argest e~ilvenWvD' sock was known to Mr: Fin~h No. Cobrre8llman, Seith ';fN. Brown, . A Card o't T ....~ The bride· waS becomingly attired Orau e pltcblit ieveJl~-IJlnlnge for the about 10 a. m., after \\'Ihich they' ex- the a88oclatton eyer has heldt In ad• . 72. Frank S~jltt No. 42, J"rann.a 'with Gurt.e y RobetiB, ", M~ '. We ~iih ' to'. expresl our ' gratitude In a trave.l Ipg ~ostume of I!lle rreenTlmers a,.d tel, Eemmon had all the pect to make brief stops at orchards dition to the 6000 ~ore p,.Iio. Dumas, .No. 22,'etc. AmonII' ttle otb· Emma S~waU', EUHbla MeXay, 10 kindly minIstered to cloth ~nd a ~ ,",t. .. pl,yers aeare d "!I.y .hla pltchlnri not near Waynesville, Harveysburg, Leb. Who ,are exp,e cted to a~nd er··boys' a~d ,glrl8 ~eu ~ohti . Ha1¢tloek Retalllck anll , o~henr . " " . time of -our ' bereavement. Mrs. He!1de.rBOn 18 ahe daurhter 01 becauH ' he was .1 0 'wild. but ,b~u8e anon Morrow and Loveland, 80 "nly Ohi~, fully 160~ will e0111e fro~ ~ Fjlrd Edward., t"at G.!I>bons, John . So~e of the !!Choot ~e~ten ot . to ~&VL dha:rjcellor an!! the Jate Abiljah and ."nna Fisher he had hls curves wqrkl"*, to pertee- a ' h~rt t'ime can be allowed lit each partll of the United States ad QUa,. , ' Sta'y~ Ju,,\n'da 'rholPe, ~u An4'ef.-~ ~hole olden da)'llare stl11' In. ~ltlaterice their cs\ntillng 'worqa *u'd O'Neall. flhe Ia .a' rra duate of , Way- tion.· , HowArd .Burton caupti the pl:ce. All Interested in 'joinlng in ada, En~la~d. . " , ,u l , 80n, Emilf Muop and oUien. ~ , ~a ,werez in the ' poowlon !,'f and Son for theil: effiolent nesville .b!,:h sehool .~~d for '(~ ll\lM' full rame. ' . ' .. ' .' ., ~ . this tour should be at county agent's '. . ; , ·r, . As the IIchool needa' 'became '~at- dear friend al\d. sehooimate"the , '~. : T-be ' Famif1~ ber of years 'baa beeib a , valued e,u° Kal,lace r Hopkins ~aa mlnns HV- .otllce by 9:30 a,' m., Tuesday mom- .•<,!,Im Is ~l!de ,~.:Chaa. , C_I_... er, the 1I,ulldlllg on,Mai.1l street !ri0Wlr Emma Merritt .Cattwr;a-ht.' ; ' .• _. . · ployee. '01 t~e ; :Wayn~IIVUle N~tlonal eral ot, .'bli pl,a ye,., and he ftlJed in In October 1-8. secretary 0,( . ~he a~te .af:P1Dotille.· . al the Old Academy, an,d recimtly, oel- , WjllI, the tea!1hera .'h ave lonr (.... .' .ballk. ~1I1l Iii also ·.syeretary: 'of ,the ·with hirh , aeho,ol boys, Bome of.tbem g, • • . club does not rep~nt , ~aDJ' of,• Light anil Power Boa~~, ' !. Ihowi!le cood ;form and oqbt to have . . . , large~ auto " etub~ o.f ~ \ ....... Ida . cupied ~ _ rellden~e ,·by 'Ifl:. S_ .L. &'O!1e ,to theJr Je1Vard, bnt ~elr ' 'Oarfivrllh~ , 111(&8 add.d and ' Mr. enc.elaatm~eltintllemln"dlof J' . . ~r; , Hen . del'8Oll1!~ lIon ·of the I~te a qJJaD~e n.n f~ear. on the,.l:l'trular. oPPOSition . to ~••:J'~ I ~m.~,. . Brown, waa' tra~erred there. Here pup1lL 1. ·5tany of theie, ~o, Dr. Geo~ and Mblllla Moore Uen-. team. Ba'rtOn Pitched and Jliver!lart' . Charl1J8 M. Ear,....",. attonaq Aor .... \at~nded Sarah, Hinllah' .nd L1.d ta pused ~~."I~aVklr' to ·til• .", derson, '11 a ia~r by p~f~oll. C;&qht lilm. . . J .~ • • ':,;, , • '. • '. • "." • An~l-Saloo.n . ~e. r."" : ~ ~ ,.... . "Jone. Ilrael W~bt, .;Jete ·Bainea aad ota· tb,e;, harltate>::Of . 'cashier of the W~emUe ~at . :ne" pme Went. nlD. l1lninp, and · Oliio has o~er U,QOO pald-up,1!lem- statemeT\t, E~~ ~ • .JuiI othen. ' all,d ~emorrl8 ' of . etef~. of tl;ieWafDewhU.· tI!, ~ra wen ptlntitul, yet bets of the Granee,·.• ~l!ol'dm* to W. do~ not .I!piiiik :r~ autO "ba~ ,finally It w,- ileel,!lea.to ,nlte the "Alo\l.r ~~ co!!l, 'board.' Both, bride. the, ram.' ,.... ptareCIia record ~e. G.. Vandenbark, 'lIecrlitary 01 the Ohio ton''''I!l'~I~o• .Cl"'~~';':'~=~IIJ. IChoolil in olle bun~li\, an.- ""lfat we . ot Itfe " are popu1a~ 'and Th. aeora .... 8 ~ S f.yor ~f~. State Granre. whick,meets in. In'_ ~ 0PJlOl!!.~o~.:.t ' called · ~. Union 't ~boo1h!l1lH'" kep,t the i1l0"1~ '~or .' • ·Old-TI1ilen. :· lhlmi7' IIcC1~ held land, 'No~mber 1'4 :1~, 'jUR mem::=r lx 'erected, ow "1'1111..- We..,.,. of thai tile'" wal.~fl · " : til JI_l fio.. tile indicator Ul4 IA" rirt ~ lat-' the . .loDIJ of th, Nation.,! \l!l'II>IIII'o,. _ _~....~'*"""~ nw edlfte~ and how We :i!n$O)ed the Bat the .1In. aead... WaqUOL _ . November 184&. The Ohio eel.bratlon whl~h " WI ,'held. lion: them " I 'PHformH to .1).. 0. .0Il The ...... ~Woa1c1' ... tile 0141- espeeiad to f1lnda1a tlJi bulk ADaeIa . ~ state OOaunIIIloMl' their allUi't Ind til, worl' la. til.,. WIll Tba. . to ."jiIQ. . . . . . . aatlcan!lidaWI for til. HVeDtb · of pbllc .eboo1a, - . ~ from better' ....... of 6-. ID tile Bea- 11ua4la7• . , Dot IIeIq ...... wItIljolaa Sa Clcm1aDd.. pllbllo .u.ltaril-lll~~'!!' pot...... I. O. I'~ ..... tWt ..,... " . JiD, ~ 18. . . ~.~~a;~.J~M.
S3tOOl N("otetr' ;
_1-.. . . -;:"
0 U. A. M B . •• • anquet
Elected Commander
O'N I ea
Will Visit Orchards
Shakers Will Meet '
71 000 .Paid , Members
"A '
tq'" ., Win.,., ... ':('
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, Ilftnle .Jo1m C. Oiboro ' and Elba1teth_E. ;under the Osborn to Albert lIarler, two town Proof of of not iee of lota In L.banon. appointment ; Kirb)' as adFrank Osborne alld Julia Osborne, miniatrator of • • tate of Mary J. to Alber~ Marler, two town Iota In Kirb}' WIl5 file<1 and rllcorded. Lebanon. Pr.oo! of publication of t he ap. Chester Carol/bell to Ina J. Howp~lntment of I~ rma Cowan as execu- ard, 11 1.01 acres in Turtlectoek Tp. COMMON PLEAS COURT trlx of the ellta t e f Olarence A. Chester Campbell to Margaret Court granted the deIendant leave Cowan was fll \ld and r corded. Wund. 69 acres tn Deerfield Tp. to file answer in the case of William No application of appraisement G. M. · Cadwallader and J cnnctta D. orwl~ VS. Litilejclhn Bros. havintr been made, . court determined Cadwallader to J. Arthur Shilts. fin' P~ll irs Court ordered William E • .BolTer the value and SUG,cessors to the 1)8 - town ac~es in H urlno Tp. . to appear ' and show couse why . he tate of Thomas M!l1er. Dora St iles and Hurry Cleaver un? nl~It... a~lon. ~ Heru:y J~y L had nbt complied_wit.h f orDler orders. A. D. Smith file d tlrst, final and Groce L. Rogers to :.MinmJ Ce l at ery . c.J\Yrlg>t. Mlc ..... l V. P~ dlip . Court granted Alma' Wymer. a cli· distrlbl1t ive account l or 'setUcment . Association; t hr ee town lo ts in Cora..u. ... .A thr... l'uJ,lutwrf AA~OC~1.." $ey.nvorc on grounds oC extreme cru· of gUllrdian BhilJ of Bessie Smith, a win. ' city. minor. _~__ H. Walloce '\'oren to C. C. Trimble _a~ ..... . Sarah Wade WII S grnnled divorce Olivia K elly fil ed affidnvit of finnl Cour to wn lot. in MoTtow. TsobelUe L. 'rholnus to Aliee P . on grounds of !tross n eg lect of duty. ettlcll'lent in ,the settlement of the Cert.nin property was appruillod estate 01 T. J. Kelly. Trimble two town lots in :Morrow. wher there Ill'e more to\V n ~, they CHAPTER lX and settled in the case of Nella Tra.c y Ernest C. MlIlnnon filed first and Henry . . Sllmple nnd Rose Lee must lay up daySo" He. t ook ou the boWe again . . His "\'$. Frllnces L. A ye rs~ a minor et al. fin~1 accoun t Oir the esta te of James potatIons had reduced the contents COUTt ordered th ut certain proper- Cleaver. ALTITUDE COUNTS Robert J. Shawhan filed ' first and Sealman was not at home, a wom- c~nslderablY. The stutJ was begin- tv be sold at public auct ion In the nmg to take effect." Well, another F ' R E '''11 fI I t ' th t [G aD. of Dlid elle age W h0 answere d · hi 8 li ttle 'drink won't do U8 any harm" c.Rse of Irm on . vans vs. '" - no accoun ID ' e eata e 0 eorge Tencher- "Whal; is the best way to bock told Eddie. He ' .8 down- be said a loud w it h a reckle!18 laungb. hom F. Sch e ~ck el 01. W. Grim . to'W'n. She looked at him wilh the ,;And 1 gue s it's time to hit hjlmeCourt IIppomted receiver to collect Cha.r l ell G. Marlatt ' filed inventoT}' preserve peaches t" curio.lt)' of people, one who sccll wurd then. It's along, Ion" ways the ren ts and prescrve t he property and appraisemont in the cstate of Kid- uKeep them on a high 81~!." !ew ettaqers. He could f eel her • - - , -Fa borin, Into his back .from the t o little old Tipperary down there by in t he case of John Bruce vs. Sarah Agnes Vnil. amaD-paned wiIIdow8 al ter ~e ha.d the creek." , Youngerman, et uJ. Court ordered that a cllrtlfled copy tlU'll,ed , away and was r traCIng hIS "Ws a long, long w.a y toTlpp.erCommi!l8ioners r eturned their IIP- determining inheritance tax be filed ••__ !'-l'y, !te song, unsteadiness creepmg praisenlcnt of relll estate in t he cuse with the audito,r of Warren county, L hIS foobltepv. uill er V B. P rlsel ' '11 aH. Th. e Ins ' t rume nt purpo rt'Ing to be D rl nrlng It nee "Hn,'y to I ~ vy n tnx . ....... Now wnat to d0 he th ought . d'IS- lOlo Darkness had fallen when he o~ GBorge V. JU aatldedl.r. Thare was plenty of slumped against the door of the cab. Dickey, at al. the will of John H. Cavolt was ad- In e cu or til flfl een mlU Ihn lLalion ~g; 8cJ'I~~;I~IOi;< I~ fn lt~~e ~~~'l.t~~n p[.:'\'~ ~~ wood cot.. He didn't want to coop in. The raincoat had impeded him. mitted t o probate. liP and read. Th~re was nothing else. Somewhere back a1on~ the trail be NEW SUITS O. J. Edwards was appoin'ted ad- ".\~~~Or~r O fh lt~~O ,,\IIn ge ur W II.Y nl18v llle . except tramp. . .ISt rn to l' 0 f t h e es~a t e o.'''' an It resolved by Iho o" nol\ of thll was ·It.. anHe8lI]l10ratoT}' would follow the That road hnd t hrown it away. S o .t bat it was The Virginia Joint Sf.ock Land OlIo lUaT}' L . VlIIllg~ or Wnyn,·e,'\11 . Slate or Ohl o~ north, to find out whcre the booze· a drCllched figure that toppled to thc Bank oC Churlest on, II corporation V8. The . appom t ment was DC· 1Wu thl",S. o r 1\ 11 ~hO members elect 0 truck came from. tlo r when Patsy lifted ·the loteh. Charles J unes and Laura' M. Jones, cepted. AP. pra.lsers were app. ointed. t h r"lo CO I \ ~ u"r ln R : '-Tha~ I~ I. b~reby dechred ' he got lips himcompressed, undressed and bed and the United States Fidelity and N.0 appI t U>D f or apprlllsen:ent h ~'SEUTIUN 1111\ C o unc il M t ile V\IIllgo of Wa y· H. steppe d at t he b ouse t 0 tell somehow, eyestoglowleo .. e"" III ~. Sta te or ,1hl ... Ihul til " " ",ollnt Pat ud then turned into the sinuoull ing with resentful inner fires. He Guaranty of Baltimore Maryland, for hO\'lOg heen mf.lde, court determmed double track! alotlJ' whicb the brood was inert as a log. He slept the monev and foroclosure of mortages. the value ond successors oC the es· ~~ o t~~~~u~V I: ~cl"'l 'lj:rill l:'l1u ~"I,~.~lll l~,~ Ul~~ . uUlcl 'nt 10 I, rovld . adell,," t II m o u III tires tiad lert theIr impress. When R I ' tat C Euge E n he 'it,", opposite the pOInt wbere the night through, witbout moving. ea OscorB. Cain a~ trustee of the will e o. ne . va. s. ro ,· the Il cns"r), ret .. " r nlPnl8 or 1 h" liquor' was hidden, he turned to the ly it was more of a stupor tban of of John P. Grandin V!. Philip Proof .of pu hhcatlon of n.o~lce of .l\ld Villuge. nnd th" t It I. nceee." r)' t o 10\')' " lax In eX,'.dS of Btl h Ilmlln· 'uWu'rock ~nd thrust MS arm into sleep. f or t he liquor had·the etJect on din. Alice Grandin, Elizabeth E. t~e appomtment Ilf John Phlhp Lar- lio n (or t h ~ P\lrp 011~ oC p"yl n ~ ou rrO llt 1Io1e.. his senses of a shrewdlY-Bwun« mal- Grandin, Harry E. Grandin, Ben B. rIck as exe.cutol· of the estate of BeleXC~~jo~ :'~'~lI n l DC Increllse He ' withdrew: the flask and thrust let. , . G'r andin Clarence W. Grandin, en J. LarrIck, was filed .and recorded. whlcll It 18 I·r~I'~O 8 "" Y to le"l' \. t wo It blto his po~t , without looking at He W811 slc:k next day, sick wlth a Frank drnndin Lewis T Grandin and Ralph B. Pariks filed Inventory and u, 11I8 ; aIm 11 bon 0(\8 In e U 1,tC1 Cot' II. ) erlod of It. ' Be .wu~nOfthWard for 8 mile sense of frulure and remors~ and L '11 G Sh 'h d f ' t ti appraisement in the estate of Edward r h 'c ' yeur" nnd ohull Include n levy up· on t ho dllPllcn l or Ihe cU"ron t yo"r. without .pa • Then be stopped worthlessness, but p.h)'8ically 111 8S UCI . e . ep .er, or cons rue on M. Thirkield. SF;CT ION lU - 'l'hI8 r"soluUn" o h" ll abjl'UpJlY, mate Il out th~ , bottle, ~eLI. The exposure m the cold min of WIll. Minerva Lawson filed affidavit In lnke [Coet nnd be In Coree from nud ,"lIlo'Veil the cork with feveno haste Itself was a venomous drug. The 1. . nCt r It. ndopllon. aJ?d -biftk a I0116 ~ drink. adul~eran~ which had been adde~ PROBATE PROCEEDINGS em of account In the estate of Jas. .A:<lOPl II S elJlo a 1921. Mnyor. T.mEl' . rRCKlERS. I· ~"liquor was potent. He coughed to gIve bIte and volume b), the vanRa h I J Th bald tll d' • H. Lawson. 1.. A. ~El ttMAN . Clerk. ud . lhllddftedjl but the eITect of the ous handlers bordered on deadly poi~ e ane eo e mven Clarence WeIdner was appointed .ttanrlallt 'WM lm1i1ediate: A genial sons and they clawed ' and tore at tory m ~he matter of the elltate of administrator of the estate of Ed. .-z~-olJ =~~ ,thi'oUCh tiia veins. He stomach and inte.stinal lin mg'!!. Albert 'Iheob.aid.. . ward O. Weidner. The appointment ~" :, o~iait Be whistled It was not until tbe second momUpon apphcatlon of the admln1&- was accepted Appraisers were apIIch~J£~ .he :fell' into a dill. il)& after he had eaten breakfast in tratrix it was ordered that certain ad pointed • DR. C. W. HEN,ERSON ta~tbtc Itrtde \hat took him due a drelllling ~own, tha~Patsy steeled ditio'i1al p~opert)' be diltributed to Court ordered the appointment ot Offici-Amen' Bid., 1l0rtlL ... herself agamst the flt)' which kept Anna J. MIller. a gnardlan for Calvin Keevan W . lItle .~ mOe was reeled off, for welling u{l at silJht 0 pale fa~e .. She Anno J. Millar filed her supple.- C M . I ted . . OFF'C&eH0U" • . he waltldetum nied to And the end of had ten\1ed 'I1m UDA:OmpallDlDg171 mental account in the estate of : anDlll6 was appo n as guartil, ro!ad. Th. ~U ~ 110 poor tHat !gJJlforing ~ls fretful repinlnp ana TbomlUl Miller. tedllDd' • The apPlolntment was aecep9 to 11 •• m, 3 to: 6 p. m. then 1fwre 110 . .We.... 110 human hab se -scourgmg'!!. L d' 0 b . ' • 7 to 9 p . m. itatioD-DothiDa but til, track, dip"Now, Eddie," she said gravely. y ,.a 8 orn.e Willi appolDted Court ordered a certified copy of Telephone., Pm. tato tbe ''1iOllo1f and .unnount- aerollll the breakfast table, ,i'we'U bave guardIan fO.r M:axlDe Osb~rn, ~ minor the entry of the estate of Thomas 30 tq . . ~ IIDdt bolla with aparce a little talk. I'm not going to I&F ~o appihcatton :for appraIsement Miller be certified to the auditor. Realdenee • 69"2 J~. :C9~ . much. Nagging won't do any good. havlDg been made, court determined Joe M. Weinel, executor of the esW.yne~vllle, Ohio ; ,lfe' ~'§r~aaIOD&lly to drIDk But." we must bave an understand- the gross va'ue and sP,ecessora to tate of Mary Moore, was ordered to ..... oem.. kept :;eITect Ing. . the estate of Mary J. );iangdon. nil certain prop,eriy of the deceased. of". d6wn. At . long She heSItated before ~ puf; (d ODD ,Lake aron; don't need to tell )'ou P. GIIl.tell 1 ~ed afti~vlt for l eolll lmd· ~i'1IIldet the _ult of does for you. Yqu know . . , . senke 0 pu"blicabon. ~'aJD,i b~b on his vi.ion, 'The broulI'ht you-where yo-u'd ' I don t know: EddIe. It might . Clarence Wo,odson was appolDted • • . laWt111..a the enthe 'b orlson abead. wernTt for the governor. cure )'O\!. can t seem to cure )'ou administrator in the estate of A. NOTARY PUBLIC roe4 tDW at • docli,: ' whieb' won't stand any more. b)' ~YlDg. There W83 not bltterThe appointment ftIeIf blto the "hallowa.' Fret- any' more. This is' the nesa In her words; only sadnellll." und appraisers were N.tlo••1 B...k , f11 "'~t!t b~ Jlpon white 8IIId. you get .drunk again I'll leave He olean de fot;Ward to take of' lOOd idIB fl'inaed the Iborell Be searched ,the sad, piquant hbanda. You won t have to go, Pat, N S id " }' d ftid It f th Will. Ora,. .. .. ........ E ••at •• S.tt.... of u.'eoft.' face. The gray eyea were stead)" ~ aasured her, ~!-, voice trembl~ . n .e r u e a av or e "'I"toq Hahter it from opt thero a tender mouth firm. The finaUty wlth eagernellll. 1m, throu,h with admission of Helen Duby Into tbe inWaynuwm.. Ohio wap." WII Eddie's thoulrbt. "Tbe hllr words I\truck a chill In his heart. booze I Oh, 1 .know I ve said it b~- IItltution for F,eeble Minded. Appliateaman aboot riabt acrollll the lake "But Patsy I What would I do If fore, but this time I mean it. Youll cation was made for her admiasion. float Georll&n Bay' country. you icft me!" he burst fonb, see. ~ever a"nother. dri as long as . Court found the estate 01 Mary Tberr~ &tie ~.eb-' ilIf .and childish selft!lhnesa of tbe I ,1Iv:q. He meant It. e was aure Moore exempt f rom inherltan~e tax. _ _ __ nllll* up ..... But ' I I tIle~ get don untarlly and then ftUllbed at the of blmsel~. Tbe. chaills were broken. . . .. , ' . . The conVIction that he was bls own MARRIAC:;E LICENSES man ahone In hill. e)'es. She thrilled . with 'faith and conviction. She Everett M•.Eggleston, painter, MId • I.queezed hla hands JII)'1ull),. elletown, ' to MIllie ·E. Palmer, teachThere WBI a knock at tile door; er Lebanon the sleek, stood I!, a back- George Aliul1.lrer teamster Frank- brilliantit.lullfllhine 111_' b , Fra'n Iil'opened "What'swhen the to Lucy BOl!UlIg'!!wort . UI. For.bell---ilic~1" he J. , farmer, Spnll6 . ~. f..hhI.,kt,en..hlw1-eJ:e&--I~n8-<ae--!Je-t;tttok-~~to...J~Jhl.~~",ar'd;· spr\na-
. -----. "
--- - ---_..:..--'-
-----.- ..
""Ice .
Sulple to Howard N. BIo1ll'Jl Catherine Brown, two tbwn loti Franklin. Tbina P. '.ilI to MolII 1t"1. two town loti! in 1Ilaineville. Frances Davlll ~o Blanche Si nlon· ton, one town lot In Morrow. The ,Boanl f Rducation II! Woshington Til. , to CIIJTord C. And" r-son, .60 lown lIcr in Washington TI? William i . Orndorl to A. J . Schwifltel'll1lU) ct a l" right of wny grant. W. M. a nd Minnie Kell y to T. B. Kall e~ . 3 town ncreidn Franklin. harles R. Hook to the CIvic Associal Ion ,If Milldlet own, laa.1J5 ncre. in F rllnkj in . Minerva J . Lllllgl'lon to Iyde lind Hild rl ulll pbe ll, On town lot in Spri ngbol·o. COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES Bert Buckl ey. I! lI p pli e~ . $dO.50; The Offi co 'Outfitt rs, suppli es for a uditor 25e ; The Lobnnon · PlItriot, supplios, $5 : .John Low & on ,suj)J'lie ~ . $ 6. ~ 0; The ColumbUS Blank Book Co., supI)lill ~ . $50 i J. H. Donne ll, contract, $140: same , ex tro labOl·. $7 .70; Waltor ' Carner, cont-roet, $156; .E ugene Harper, bridge I'epuir, $26. 50; W. F . 1I0rpe r, bridge I'opoil', $1.40; Elmer Hast.in l,'S, wa nt wOI'k, $2 1; Sylvlln Mardis, lobol', $12 .26 ; The Paragon Refining Co., coupon books. $85; Ot· to Holfman, labor and supplies. $151 The Mason Lumber Co., maleriol, - !'O.47'. N. Flov . d Templin, supplies, 't' $2.24 ; Frank Bowy r, grnvel. $3.80: '-on Chnrlcs Jones, cont rllct, $29:1he Or gonia Bl'idge Co" repairs, $3.50; The OhiO Culvert Co., sewer. $26.40; Lewis lind Drake, supplies. $384.50; sante. $73.75 : Howard Cook. mate· rial. $:16; Humphreys and Comns, mate r ial. $30.20: The Lingo Hardwa re supplies $25 3.60; The Stand· C0 •• 'gas on d '01, l $1 4171. IIrd '().il . , Spencer a nd Ar mituge gravel $3.20 . . ' , . 88me. mllterlal, $4 66.65; same, $130. 90; Harold Sweeney. material, $45,4B; W. P. McOarren. mater i a I, $202.80; same, $608. GO; Monroe and Johnson, supplies, BOc; ColumbUB Blank Book Co .. supplies $5 ; Dayton File and Envelope Co., ~upplie8. $9.BO; The Shurtle and Bevis Machine Co., repairH, $86.29.
W alte~ McClure J. E. McClure FUNERAL DIRECTORS
Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Di8play Room. Ambulance Service TI!:LEPHONE
For )leVU! lene~atlona .the National Jlouaehold Reltledy ofHollnnd for kidney, Uver-and bowel troubleahas helped make life brighter for llUft'erinl mea endI • WOtnm.- Becin takinl them today endI DOtice how quickly your troubles will vaD1Ih. At all drufiiata illS aI.Ica.
C ..')"I -SU L I
VACCINATION OF SWINE (A SPECIALTY) Nothi"l1 bat R.liabl. S.ra. ..eI Vina. U ••eI Phone 31 HARVEYSBURG, OHIO
"e ,
Make. LB. Dr. W. E.
• ,
R-e a
s..:V.eEarlj for Your SaJ~1 Oat... -
J •
~.tlaf"'tlo~ OJ'!
Guarutlle J'iJothlD"-.
BurliDltonJO~ Ph• • No. 320
Mrrow MoDey
"A little under tbe R. MOlmi, cler~ West Car· ..C • . , turned Eddi~t shortl)'. wa.-(tvelr+~oll1:on. to Bl!Ien-jf;-HlJrell'lle, a to see you the other Franklitl. . . O· were out." W'II f 'Leb to "Yes. You hove looked up the I armer, anon, taxes, I suppose. , What did YOIl Lucy Se~lemire" Lebanon. find'" . -- ' o· "Well, I have better tban elgbt REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS hundred doUal'! to reille ,Jn five 'M attie' P. Fralliit to Artbur A. Irons months. That Job you talked about olle town lot In Lebanon. ~~~ to look prett)' good, Mr. SealMaude' M, W~ll"u to William M~ Sealman considered bill ban'l iI a,.d Edna Masters, . 20.215 acre. folded over bis rounded 'Stomach hil in Goshen and lIlarlan Tpa. '; ' WI lips pursed beneath hla glollllY beard. E. B. C~nklin an6 I:Ielen B. Conk"Rather a lot of mone),," be said, Ung to Lennie SrrUh, one town lot in meditativelfi' "Bave you ever con- Lebanon. ' ,'", ' sid,~b~ eel IngT;' . talk d i't " .. Blanche W. Brown to Francis B. . • yes, we ve e 80mee, Stun .33 tl)wn IBCre/l in 'Morrow. ' . replied "But Imore don'tthan ' h ,-' it wouldEddie. bring much . Daniel H. Great ouse ~ ' LI nco... taxe&.-the /Wbole thing." Lackoy, two to~ lpta In Le~anon. "It isn't worth any more," Hazel Whitaere to Katie . Lanee1, Sealman." That is, it iBn't three town Iota In ButlervJlli!. ·· to any ono except' pOllllbly Ada C: ' St· Jobn 'to ~ A. Stilwell, quarter-section. It would round oat .26 town ac!;e" in Lebanon. . 11'1)' prop~rty nicely. ~ . could run Edgar J. \Hatfield aiuL· Gertrude ItQC~ on lt after it Wail fenced. You Hattleld -'to Perry A. l;Iatc"eld 67.1&'-:--7--";:;" oCJ1s1der an oITer 1" "!: , • Eddie looked lit hlB wife. acres In ,Tl1rtlect:~ek 'PP. .' ", , face did not reveal her thOUl{htli, but ====~=,======;:==::::==:::::::::;====::;==?====7===:-:;:::=============;' be knew that beneath the surface, By C. M. 'P AYNE' she disapproved. The idea of selling was r~pugnant. "I'll lieten," he &aId non-committally. "WeB, the actual value il perhaps a thousand dollars. It mi.ht bring that if you had time to search for a buyer and interest the right "party, Not a cent more. And It might toke a year to tlnd your man. Suppose I advance the money 'to satisfy tbe taxes, and give you Ii thousand dolIan besides?" .-. '. A thousand dollars I The offer was surprisingly ' generous. It meant that Sealman 'c onsidered the place worth practically twice what tbe average person would pay. Well if it was worth more than eighteen hundred dollars · to Sealman, it must be worth that to them. "I don't believe I care to sell," he said, and Patsy Jane's eyes tele. graphed approval. , (To be continued
MONEY LOANED LOANS on Chattelll,Stocka, Sec
now awven ' by' all' ReddR Arrow ties and Second Morta.".· NoW. ' . Merd bought.. John Harbine Jr., Xenia. chants on ·Cash Sales an ecelve on Ohio. 011'130.'211 Farmers_~ Attention! - ccoun , t A
'TH' E' LAST SALE .·11 be Auctipn, ' held at
Public Salea Ae ' l am goIDa' to quit farming, I will offer for sale at Ill)' re.sldence on the old Stump farm, Ii miles E. of Wa)'1lesville, 2 miles lIf. of Barveysburg, 6 miles S. ~f New Burlington, on Fpiel.,., Octo_ 111, 1927 Beginning at 10 O'clock the following: F4ve horses, 66 pip; 84. Ihire ewes, 100 White Legborn hena, 14. cattle, fat:'mlng implementa and hay. . HORACE STUMP: Stanley and Marti!); Aucts.
I will oft'er for sale at residence 9n Third a,treet, on ' Sat:arG\ay; ~tob~r 15, 1197
'-'. ~Utia!:~~1~~~~~i1~0'CIOCk p, 11'1., a fuli roods. For·,terms
fJean An4 $JmI*D,
~iJct.. .
Fannen of Wunn and adJolnln. countlu may ol!taln moneF 'Oll Jon. , time loalll, at Ii 'per cent inte'rut. Co.t of ncuring the aame 1"v'f1 na. ionable -,through The F~daral Lan' Bank. . For further Intormatlon call ' on or adeli... M•. O. DRAKE, Tnuurn, p~one 816-X, Lebanon, 01110. SALESaa"'N . ~ WANTED . "Make Uo~oo to 69.00 ' WEEKLY--An old estabilihed Company seeu III capabl.e dealerdor the entire Countt ot :Warren. We manufacture 100 useful every day nec~t;e.. ex- · tr . acts, ,I'picea, medicine., etc. On the . m8fket 25 years•. Easy ·to bul1d pennanent btl payi1l&,. bualnel\ll. No e~perlence, practically, .'l0 .eaplt4l1 .nel1ded. Write' ~day -for full partieulan. G. C. HEBERLING, co., J;>e)lt. '887, B16oDl~n, \ m. " LOST
. FPR RENT FOR RENT""':'Farm of 80 aere~· ~Ih or grain. R. E. Simldns, DOdda. ( . 019'
...l88UBD EVICRY WIIDNBBDAY... ~"I"'" ., ,,,. "•• ,.111••• , ..~" •• Everett Shumak er baa 'IrOne ""'., a. s••"" CIao. u., tfomla for the winter.
".11 •• ,/II.
The bI,h ICIbool beld their, _110_'1 Had aa Int4lrttrttin c article. Both blittatlo n for tht FroJune n were followe d »epuevenla" and a Jolly time IMaster HaUl' Harrla and Mn• Refresh ment. were aerved. Harris ra~e helpful talks. O.nUl t Ml'II. Olara Merritt entertai ned to dinner, Sunday in honor of Mias MarW.'....III. 1 ..... BI••. jone Stump's birthday . Thoae MISLEA DINC ent we.re M11. Emma JnmclI Cline, Mr. and Tuesd ay, 9 a.m: 3fp.m Try'" Miami GaUU. 'or Jolt Wo .... I Bosa.-f tllcfore I can enpre you, Cline and baby, of Dayton, you'll havo to paas an intellige nce Satur day.8 a.m. 7 p.m ~{rs: Horace ~tump and Misaes test." . J Qraeand MirIam, Mr. and M1'Il. "Intellig ence tElIItT Why, the adJew~lry Harlan. vertieemCilt Bald :you wanted ' stenMr. and Mrs. C. E. tiO,ralln. ographe_ r." _ _ _• ___e_--, _ W. P. McCarr en, Mrs. E. C. H. Gray. apent '1'hnT...H.v ~ HAYE YOUR EYES EXAMINED Mrs• . 'Gray spent STAT EMEN T morning with her 8i8ter. Misa Marga. ret Starr. who ill c.onvalellCing in· Mi81a&emant 01 the OWII6rah1p and DluslCeomi Valley hospital from injuries ra- mOll~ 01 'ho MaUDI Ouett6. WE CET T.HEM QUICK LY AND caived In an automob ile acciden t on r·)'nt"~~t8i'~~.'OU l'lqulNd publlabeCl a' •..oI!~I1!I!~~~~~~--_Iii5". b, tbe .let 01 FREE OF CHARm : Tuesday evening . · . II'fclf'tor. h. L. Cnnehw .,nNvUl !. 01110 . CALL us ANY TIME AT OUR A crowd of about 36 was present ~am~h&~~d PubUabtr, . L.Orao., .. arnot· EXPEN SE nt inspecti on of Massie Grange, Sat;.. Owner. D. L. Orane. Two Show s Dail y urclay evcnin&". A. S. Oollett read bofcJ'::.I~:~~eoW.~~ifrnO:" d o&~raeourtU 6.30 aDd SI30 p. bI. an excellen t paper on the "Rurol I:IWOrD to and IUbllCt'l~'l:.rore me \~ WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRON Church " and Miss Nellie Cutrigh t 12th IBE da,ol Phon. S OCt~ber. 1821. HARVEYSBURG, O. , . " L, 1I.l:lood.!l'IOo. Notar, Publlo
Bom-T o Mr. lind Mr!!. Roy Olark, ••~~~. Pw.... ,1.10 per V.... on Th\lJ'ld!ly Oetober 0 an el,ht;.. pound Ion.' . '~ n. L. CRANE Publilla .. Mr••nd MrR. Rny Starr spent the week-en d with Ml·S. Starr's parenta, DCTOB ER 12, 192'7 neal' Springb oro. ' Mr. and M1'8. M. H. Oswald and family were Sunday callers of Mr. IMMIG RATIO N-FAR M ~OR and Mre. W. A, Hainea. William s and Dale, the r:t: he tide of la~or migra,t ion that is jumpers , attracte d a crow on of common or unllkilled industri al la- atreetll Tuesdo¥ afternoo n and bol' frol1\ States .:.... . h Europet to the ' t · United " •.. cn•w.. IIlIIee 1 0 ,lilac Ulen o. ".' h e quo.... Mrs. Frank Kab ler, of ,Somerville, restricti on Il1w hilS not ul1ly c~u>SeIl, hilS been visiting her WIIbu~ actuully bus been rcvertled, aC- lIam Lukens and other brother, r~latives ' nil cording to an analysIs of immigra tion friends. tr~nd8 malle by the Nationa l Indus- Mr. and MrR. C. E. trlul Confere nce Board oC New York. 80n and MI'. and Mrs. Gordon and E. M. VillarH Wherea s before t he war, our annual son sp'ent Satu rday at Falmou lh, net gain of cOmmon labor our annual and y . furm laborers from Europe average d Kentuck . • _ abollt 260,000 for the period 191014-, the United States since 1921 he been losing annuall y an- Bverage of about 20.000 more of this group to Europea n countrie s ihan we have received from them. ' Balanci ng all immigl'lltion again emigrat ion, our annual net gain common and farm lab'or from all sources, includln r Europe, has averaged about 26,000 a year for the POJlt three years, .and has depende d wholly on immigra tion from MexIco and Canada and, to a negligib le degree, to other countrie s not subject to quota restricti on. Labor migratio n from I Europe consists roughly of half unskilled Industri al and half farm labor. Satin Crepe, $2.69 in all about three times 118 many common laborers have returne d to NB of the .ellOo·. most Europe 'than have come from ~urope flvored fabri" - u•• d since 1924, whUe farm laborers gencbld!y for froc'" but erally have remaine d. .110 for IIngul. and trimOnly a small proport ion of .the mini" .. 0 IDCh.. wid. IDd combine d Imm\gr:ation from Mexico -' In mlny D.W colon. Frock and C.nada consists of farm labor, . •btcbed. Vogue S 3 ... 9, I. A,'eragi ng les8 than 4,000 a year for ~he 1926·27 period, of which Mexico d.v.loptd III black ~tin crtp•. contribu tes only about 300 annually . Th. Sillt lApt .• SKo"d Ploor The Influx of common and farm labor' durina the past flacal year, Includinr Immlera tlon from .Europe, New Prints, 49~ haa beCil heavier, and emigrat ion Th. famou. WUtilm All' from the United States lesa than the dHlOD priDu. ore btre In III -,uvoJ'llae In the two precedin g years. tbtir II.W fall Slory - I .., wid. IIltction of pau.rll. alld colon. So dttlrable for PRIVA TE INTER ESY5- 0R bouK drt.... and for chllPROGR ESS drell', «bool froclu. 32 In. wide. Pau.m Ikttchfll It Senator H~ Johnson appeaie d to Pictorial R.vi.", No. l25~ the convent ion of union. labor in Los Tho Wcuh Good. lApt•. Angeles lait week to work for the S«ond PIOor Boulder Dam project, hameaa lng the Colorad o river, for power, irriptlo n and water supply. . He told the , unIon men, "public utllltles compan lel ' say they have seven bUllon dol1a.r s at investm ent, and declare that governm ent shall not be permitt ed to build. generat ing dam at Boulder canyon. If It takes twenty years we'll teach the (lublic utUitles that there i. 'aometh ing b~r tban aevan billions of public utilities dollars, and that a the governm ent' of the United States." formerl y ,labor, even In America , woulll have opposed pOwer development by , covernm ent lest it "take bread from mouths 0"1 workin r men,' Americ an • .labor a/ too Inttlli& ent . for that now. In Ohlna, when the Britiah built an electric road up a _teep mde, tbe), ba~ to prom," to hAul .any Puaeila en, no -t.relch~ Chln~ coolies, . men and womell, wanted to -carry the trelcht on tbeir heads a~d backa. Some of our btr companie~ ' .f ear nationa l Impreve ment .. th~ Chinese do. They Will aet ever it, and realin that what help. the country help. all bl, and,'lltt ll interest . in the 'coun try. At pre.ent private intere_... are the bJae.t power in· the -country and prove It b)' 'holdinr back whatever does not pie... tbem.
=== ==-_=, _=-=_=-_=-'""'.= === ==-
DR.RUDOLPH Dr. John W. Miller
.r --- -
Cary s
Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.
,} h e RIKE-ItUMLER co. ' OAY TON
Phone,·WriteOT Wire Corn elia- She Will Shop for You
200 New Tailored an d Smocked Janet
Girls' .Wash Frocks $1.95
Shaker Knit Sweaters $10
HB practical school frock T -so tubbed. And tbe colors fast. Tb,
A flue. ~~vr, wool .weltel with collar and pockttl knit in one piccI with the sweater, BlittoDi down the front. May be worn for wintar IportI witholl t a coat. New wool plaid aim. 11.9'.
easily are
emaller eizea. 6 to lO, blv. matcbing bloomers. SWEAT ERS
' --0.-.-
It bU. been _ di8eovered . that ~1l8U fuaJl .who 'declare d be told bis wife a 1Ie---~u never
' Duofo ld WaS Meant ,For Your Baby
An , Eutem woman lost ,62,000 bonds an.4 her bu.ban~ at the ;tlme. So . she adverti sed-for
'. ~
Geese are' flying . South early, Indl.. catlnr • •sev4!re ~lItel" " Who knllws, It II\a'Y,be propaga nda ,framed up, with the ireese by coal baron..... · :' ,. ~ . France wantll to ·t alk about· . .:... war debt . again. Just. like ' TWain'. weather , "everyb ody and talki bllt nob",d)" doe.'a,n ytljiq. ',.
~ "\'
The' diatant " bboln.inr you these dap, ii' not .,the lI~c~ nvo- ' .lutlon.-J.but . presiden tial. candida tes limbeiin g up 'the Bia Bertliu · "lor tbe 1928 fi'ee.for:.al1 #' ', .. . . • •, ' ~
. -c..
New Garmen
ts D01!S III .Rill' "r001 ·lrrit.te your baby" Whethet or 1I0t. tender
• you· II
be Intaartd . in thil II.W . Ullderweal"-Ouo!old--witb • (ott~n , , byu' lIut 't.b t, akin for toftnta I~d • wool ,ilk. and ·wOoI. 'or cottotl .lId . wooi lay" 011 tbe .ou~de for warmtb -,tilt two flnnly mteDed· tolethet. Com. ill Illd tonfu witb tM, 'Dn.., wbo will be' ,IA' tbt dera'nmtllt . Wtdll,III$a~. Tllunctay. Friday all,d ~ltankY,: '. .
TIN LiIH" D.porrm mt $«o"d Ploor
Washable Satin Cone tte $7 Pormol d - ' made of T pi n.k .atin that will launder easily thus enablin ,HE
g the weanr to always bave a fruh garment. Boned ju.t enough to uke care of the figure properly and yet not be uncomfortable. Also hal ,ilk hoae supporters. May be bad in YOQr .iu--H to 42. Th. Cor.., lAparrm "" $Kond PlOOI
COM ING! _An E,'ent of ~h;'aordifJd'7 Interest
TH E BOOK FAIR ~n excursion into the fa&einating
world of books tbat" bas taken Wlelu of planning on the ' part of our Book Shop.
OMETHING diffcrt nt--l mundu l to the literary activitie s the entire Miami VaneY --In event that will make Dayton
8APOD IL la" Broano.y'. ne.w est word. Taken.f rom the 'woid dJJ an~ mealiih r "rolled' In douth."
Starting T bur I d I , tblff-day ul. of fallCY and 'tapl. Ilnena ,t Vtry aptelal prieta. Include•• ucb itmll II band·.mbeoldend ud ChIDIS' cut wor\( ta 11191dnt. "JO(_ '-pIKa lullaa nub bridll' IOU,
~ .
for one week tbe literary center of America.. UTHORS of nationa l and internl tional .reputa tion will be here--T hqe will be a llrgl .exhiblt of rare volumes, fint cditiollJ and fin. binding, from private 'I~d public colllCtiorua tbat will be of unUaual inte.t . Exhibit•• OG;-of. origipal pabitin ia and d~wing. by illUltra . tors of interna tional note. ,. Here is II partial list of· dioH well known authorl tbat bl'Ve alrea4y .ignified thftr intqdo n 'to be present. It will be :yoUr opportu nity. to hea.r them talk and to mnt, them pmona lly in The Book
T". sport. Shop TIM ,-.II1oft Floor
, Th. Girl" 0.,..'_1 1 TIN FlUhion Floor
--- ...----
Some , of the America n . member s jUlt didn't leel at hO~n"ilitl Europe untit the),' started that ftrht at Bruaela . . -,r
Sbaker knit lWeat.en for wear over tbese froclu - or for winter aportl.
Only a few Ink bubbles no~ the .pot of tbe ,creat 1}avy struule -Maccr uder VII. WUbur.
.~ ~ondl.
, Linen Speciall
' ' '0#)
Most ftappen look o~ tbe , .Ide of' th1n~.pecially minora . ~
&ddinga and Domnti~ 8«ond Floor
TIN lrllJep-*tJe D.- ScliOll TIN Flo«
Sbort l. n8tbl. ~ 1 iltch.. wid •. 10ft Iin ..a finilb . V.ry .ptclall Sh_d"" 4'~. 54 In. bleacbld mHdnl. containing ' no Itucb. Soft linen fin!Jb , , Cot,OfI BI""It.", 12.9' Ext ..· liz. doubl. cotton plaid blankcu. H• a? y w.lsbt. P-C7 Spn"J., 14.9J Ra1011 alld cotlon In sood pattrrnl and colol'l. Doable bed aiM.
Wb~ther at work, at school. or ~ngaging in social activities -discr imina ting women will at once recognize tb~ smart · n~ss that beipeaka good taste. Of excellent flat silk crepe sIn such colOfa a. roH, ' wh~at brown.. fallow, Sierra. em· pire, dogwood, goya red, CODc1~ &ball, peach blu.b. palm~t. . to, navy, gray and black. Sius 14 to 42.
. .
Pillow Tubin g, 3'c
Walker Frocks $12.95 ,
,. : - - -....
MAIN 4301
collar and eu tf Itt. of I.ce Illd RtOrBm. in V and round IItcklln". Crum Ind Kru . 11 Tit, SMART GARDBNJA II sood for mo.t IIII' type of COli urn.. Tbty may be had In white, plak. y.lIow and red. jOe AINTY
NKkwta t'--Srr"r Floor
An iMpor,an ,
Envelope Handb ag OU caD mah ont In t l1y minut.s undu our (natruction. Cboolt feom IlIned•• moral. v.lvtt or molff ribbon. in our Ribbon D.parlm.nt, Total COlt of bag complm run. from Silo n .50.
Ribboflo --Strm Floor
Kat:harine Bnuh Helldrik Willen Van Loon Clarke Ve~able Albert Edw~rd Wigilm , . Artbur. B. Chriam an -Daniel W. Struttr W.
Juliu. Kina Marco. Dickey Harry Hmey': JOhn' V uio. Horace Lytl. . B, Seabro ok. Margar et Widde~u u,tet' Coben , Jobn Rae Elliott ·Spring . ' Mabel KinpJand Pbilip Rollin. '
Fran~ PQttl Edgar GUtit 'I Marj,oria Barkl~ McClur. Dr. Edaar J :. ~ '. '. " NO ADMlsS xON CHARG S " , . Watch few Purthw Annou nc,mm t.
New Smocks $1.95 -$~.95 MALL wond" that lho ' .mock, hal become III tbt priedca1- woaian', wardrobe , be had In 'dlffnalt f.briCl.
N.w Kiclt.micJ< Bloom.n Ire made ."ltb • flit trOllt. Maile of finn q~t' crepe c!e cbill.,
Esctl1cnt quality polIlI" with doubl' btm and nut .Id. plut.. . LinlJlf"ii tmd HouU . ~;"". $KOnd Floor '
We moved last week to' our new location in the Oddfellows' ,~uHding on North Street,' and are ready for bU$iness~
Can and se ou'r new sales room, and our New Cars. . 'Our gasoline pumps \vill- be in opera~ tiOQ this week. .
Waynesville Overland Sales Co.
Lebanon, OhIo, , - . MrS. Harvey I;lye and dau,hter nre visltini relotl~ • in Cleveland. . . Good' value" in Fall "lid Wln1.er Mrs. W. E. Stroud was a Dayton Winter MiIline.ry at Grace Lincoln visitor. Saturday. mith'8.
The Ministerial A 8IIociatlC>ll In se•• at Lebanon;. October 1..0, passed unanimously a ;resolUtion endorslne the Marshall law and urclng the vo. ten .o f the county to Uft~ their votea and inftuellce In . Its behalf,l They al· 80 endo1'lle~ the counl:y Low Ellfor.". mnet a~ oelatlon. . , ~
Peaches. Clift~n, .No. 2}x;
C• .D,
MI'1I. Maud Crane was a - Cincin· Mrs. Laura (fonner and l4r.' and , own syrup . Can. . . . . . . . natl ' v£Sitot'. Saturday, Mrs. ·C. H. Snerwood w ro ~aytQn COII~tr, 'O,ub Ila/h....". ·.yrup 23e !>elmonte in he • .,. .,rup. can 211t . Mrs . .Grace: Lincoln Smith was a . Tuesday. W. t, liul'Vey,' a prominent 'cItizen III IJarveyaburg. ' died at hiB' ., DaYlon vi ito~. Monday. Mrs:' Elizabeth Hllthaway, Country ,Club, with Pork 'I.I'~ vllbllrc, Tuesday, a~ter a ' Dr. P. A. Garner. chiropractor, allon. is visiting her daughter', and Sauce 3 Cans .. . . . . . .. . .iln u. 1'\i (ullom1 serviCCR will be Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 78. Laura ides. ' , ·Cam.pbell'. hill t th ]a til home Friday at 2 can. for.......... .................................. ................. .. :......·... 23< p. m.· Burial will be in Miami cem· W. F. Gorsuch• .of near uaywrn,l Mrs. Emma Grulbb, of Doyton, wai to!')'. , . _ ..._ _ _ ' was in ,waynesville. Monday. the gue8t of Mr. lind Mn. Sh rro. n Kroger Made Sodas Rogers, Saturday night. lb. '. . .. . . . .... . .. . .... , ' A nice line of Fnll and Winter Butt ...... pound ........................ 12c Soda. 0 .. C ..aham. 2·lb. oartoa .. 2Sc Hats at Grace Lincoln Smith's. Mack Morgan a nd family. of Lyn. don, Ohio, spent Sunday with Mr. Miss P earl St.arry, of Lebanon, and Mrs. F. R. Mo,ornaw. lin. Jamea Johns is on the sick last Thursday wi th Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. FIred Henderson and list. . A. T. Wright. fthe. Kate Coleman were Lebanon Mrs. S; R. Burnet spent Monday Iced Spice J"mble. , Ib ............ 15c Iced Fruited O.. al., Ib ...... ... :.. 1110 Reasonable prices on aU Fall and visitors Tuesday n.fternoon. with Mrs. OrBI Surface and children. Grace Linco. ln Mr. and Mn. William Coleman and Winter Millinery. Bo.. ~o Smith. Miss Jessie Clar'k and nephew. Mr. Miss Thelma attended the Hamilton ''''.('~:''!!.a '' Lewis Clark. ot Cinci1:mati, called on lair; Thursday. Country Clul>, 2.lb .... n. Miss Esther Weltz, of Waynesville frien ds Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly. of McCook's 2·po'und can ...................... ........ 22e ' to Cou,ntry Club, to·oz. plc, .... .... IISc ton, was t he week·end guest of Mi88 field lire visiting at the home of Mr. ~--~--.--_ _ __ Elsie Hawke. Mrs. Frank Bui.nnluer, of Indian- lind Mrs. Calvin Longacre. apolis. Ind .• is IIpe'nding a few weeks Master Robert Duke was a week· W. N. Seare and family spent with Walter Clark and family. end guestl of his uncle and opnt. Mr. Count ..y Club. pic,......... . 3 Ib . ... • . and Mrs. Fred Gray, near Beaver· 5.11> • • ..,k ................................. .27e Sunday with Mr. SeaTS' parents at ROlISburg Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. (,eorge Strllud and town. . , CColuubntry - - - - - - - - Winter BananR. 4 Ih . ... .. ..... .. 29c • Carter. of DElyton. spent Satur· Dr .and Mrs. Ellis Smith, of Cm· The Juvenile Grange will have day with Mr. and Mrs. E. T . Stroud. clnnati. spent Sunday with the for· Quic.k Cook. 3 pk, ........ .. . d M A S W tId d mer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Larl'e packAlI'e. eacb ................21c. Jumbo lender Hallowe'en party next Saturday night, October 16th. Rev. an .r s. . . a ns an Smith. ~S Mr. Bnd Mrs. ~. H. Sherwood at· Mr. Clyde Cox visi~ed Mrs. Cox at Mrs. Je88 Burton, Mrs. Amos Men· the di=trlct confel'ence Bt Ma- the ' hom~ of her parents at Ingomar. Kuo, blue 1 ~ .Ib. can... denhall and E. J. Burton spent the lion las~ wee, last , week, and reports her slowly 1m 5.pound pail, Reh ... , ..... ......... 2I1c week·end in Detrqit. The Woman's Auxiliary will meet proving. Cou;rtry . . on SaturBay 'afternoon, October 16, Mr. and M~s. Chas. E. Johns were abe Mr. und Mrs. Ernest Hartsock and at 2 :30 at the home of Mrs. Anna Sunday evemng guests of Mr: 8~d F h h dUn: family were Sunday guests of Mr. Cadwallader. Mn. Cadwallader, Miss Mrs. Glenn Johns and family. 10 rea C Ul'ne, ......:.. Mrs. Georg~ Hartsock. Lile and M.rs. E. L. Thomas, hoste88' Dayton. . . ea. Note the chunge of day from The LytJ,e communlt!y Wll1 have Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hockett and Pr'd t S t d a Hallowe'en ' celebration on Friday Krol'e .. made, fre.h, Ib ... daughters spent Sund!1y with' Mra. I ayo a ur oy. evening, October 28. Remember the Mr. and Mrs. James O'Dell, Mrs. date and come. Sadie Reason. at Harveysburg. ' . . Mabel DinwiddIe. !IIi88 Antha Din· ·Mr. and ·Mrs. George Scott. Ever. Hea• ., Can..... p.I......... ' MJ'IJ. Ada Courtney IS attending widdie and Mr. Rue Dinwiddie. of ett Early and children and MislI P ... · do.en pai ...... :....... ,......... 1.1S. Smokod rel'alar. c,onve.ntlon of the State Library Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McClure Gladye lletgdall spent Thursday at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...;;.._ _."
Ca.k es ~~=el:~~~~~ .~~~~i~~~ f.~n.e .1 7 c p.IneappIe
. 25c
Pancake Flour
9C t:~~}n~t~D.. 25c Celery 1Dc 51 1-5C . 1Dc
Peanut Butter Gl oves
D t ~z. ~~ct!:::~:...;.........19c
aSSOCiation at Columbus thl~ week. and two 80ns. of i\llar'Bellbrook. ,were the Georgetown fair. ' '!!'!!"'!!'!:!~~'!!'!!'!!~~~~!!!!'!!!!!!!~~!!!"'!'!!!~!'!!!!~~!!!!~!!:!'!!!!!!!!!~!!"'!!!!!!!~ Sunday ruests of Mrl. Belle DIDwld· Mr. and Mrs. EmerY Oharleton ~-_~ Mrs. Addie Smith Is viaiting h ~I 01' h I tte' -'-t u S die and daug ter, ......811 lve. viaited t e a r t! "'" ,err mrs. ar· Tell the adverti.er .ou ..w hi. ad. in the Miami Ca_tt. thl. weak • .. Bi niece. Mrs. James eme. nee ah McGlothen; at Lapel, Ind.• a coupnie Shields•. at Price Hill. ,Oincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Fll'ank L. Taylor, of Ie of days last week. San Francisco, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Charles Mrs. Berne Jones , and Mrs. Edd Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Mosher. of CinCinnati, and ~r. Longacre attended the District con. and Mrs. Ronald !liawke ~d famil.f ference held at Mason. Tuesday and two sona visited their Ht Mr. an~ Mrs. C. H. were ldueats 'pf Mrs. Edith Harna Wednesday of last week. al,ld family on.last~ Wednesday. Mr. Mi'. Olyde Wharton and children Sunday. . ' M.ark and WiUiam Smith of Tole- and Mrs. M~sher bve jUit retumed spent SundRY in Dayton with Mrs. a year a travel abroad. Wharton whose mother Mrs. Great. d o. were wee k-end ruelta ' 0f . . . It.. '~l'l . it'\I aunt, Mn;. Charles Anderson and Mrs. Luella Lloyd. of X,enia, .Mr. nouse. h. rcmalDa qu o e 1 . Y0U family. and Mrs. Roy Hathaway. 01 Center. S~veral ITom h~re attended a ~e. , ' . ville. l!l/!'. and Mn;. A. S. Cornell. Mr. ceptlon I,or the ml.nist,e r, . R.ev. R. I Mr. and Mrs. Luther PerkIns and Mrs. Perry ' Thomas; ·Mr. . and Stillings anld f,:mlly at the Spring I family. of Pasadena! Ohio, we!e IUP- Mrs. Frank Wrigl~t and son, Paul. boro chu.r ch, FTiday evenl~g. per 8'Uesta of Mr. and Mrs, W. E. and Miss Lucy Emley IIpent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn had ~tires. Stroud. Saturday. I , with Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Rogers. for their Saturday. dinner rueets. Mr. Mra. 'Frank Thomas , and <laughter. Carl Routzahn, of C~icago. and Mr. 1,1 Kerr 'Routzahn, of Mlamisb.urg. . I Mr. ana Mrs. CharIer F. Mosher Margaret were afternoon callers. of Cincinnati. arid Mrs. Edlth Har· Sunday ruests of ' Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Julia Donovan entertained Kesler Graham were: : Mr. ,and Mrs. ria are vIsiting relatives in Carding· ton and Mt. Gilead. with cards on Sa,turday afternoon. C. W: Albright. ,. Mr. and Mrs. A,. "E;" Three tables were IDled and the White and Mr. and 'Mrs. Jbhn .Myers. M: and Mn 'Barry Grahllm and Mr. and M.rs. Percy Reason and games were follo""ed by" , delectable BOn entertained at ~inner Sunday, lunch . . Those invited wete Mn. E. Mrs.l'· Su~ S~ylor spent Sunday I Ohjo Mr. and Mn. Archle Nichols and V. B~r~art .and Mrs. ,Emma B~rnett, with, Rudd Saylor and .family, at daughters. of Dayton. of Cmcmnatl; Ml'II. Emmor Baily, of ,Lebanon. where be is t-eachjng in the I Hr. and Mrs: James Lebanon; ,Mrs. J. 0 : oartwriL~1n~::- high schoo\' . , E re~ supply the best of buUcJfDa e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ -attendlng-the Wrigh~ Mrs. Walter Kenrick, h~ company ".~ YY materials at a moment's notice • ... .... t-It wwk .f d Ida... pi.... -,•••• a call. RHao ••bl. prie•• ' rectors convention at Ed. lin, were gueata at .a noon·day luncll· !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!~!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'I in Cincinnati, this week. ds M Jlrs. J with Mrs. Alfred Wolfe,. of Fran!tWe ar~ the authorized ' agents for !! :~Ch rs. nd III M 0 'Balrd' eon at. the home o( Mrs. Georee Me· . Cement, a proven product, alwaja UDifonD an4 • I Mr. ' and Mrs. R. A•. Oonn~r ' d • apman a n... • Gath, in DaYton, on Wednesday. , always dependable. t. ~hi1dren, Leo, Ruth and Sarah Ed~h. Miss Thelma Brannock entertained Dr. J. O. J\ob~~ of Blanchellter, were dlnnel' gueeta of Mr. and Mrs. with a six o'clock ~Iinlie'r the evening will pr~ach ..t Lytle church next! Sun Our other materials are as carefully .chosm INVESTIGATION OF C. H .. Sherwood, Sunday. of the 9th, c9 mpllmenting her eu,eat, Clay at ~ o·clock. at 'Which Ume the and meaSure up th~ same high standar4 of wm. CONSUMPTION, Miss Cora Kiger, o:f L!mcaater. Ohio. qaarterly conference will. also be cent· ' quality. " Mrs. Oharles Anderson and so!,s Miss , IQrer is a t;e acher at Youllg held. E~ery one cordially mvited. , Before . With .. lI(e Mr and Mrs Guy Routzahn and and her guests, Mark and William school Middletown of Which Mijjs and efficient help to buBcler. , "Prompt delivery Heatrola Hcatrola Savini Smith•. spent Sund,ay in Cincinnati. Brann~ck is also a ieacher. . The din dauehteft attended : a ~irthday Burmake ~ service more' thaD Valuable •. :t~e guests of Mr, and Mrs. , ner was served. iii' eou*'/lei. and' ~he prise party .Wednesday ellening for' $60.00 40 '100.00 3_ of pink and creen was Ute former's tincle, Mr. Earl Geb· Blcrne. color scheme traM ton. . ' Dr. P. ,A.. Garner, chiropractor, carried out In the menu. Pink .ro· h~ tlear:· Spring~oro. • 1 toaa 42 ~\i ~0!l8 Mr. an4 M1'I.' AI1~n Emrick had for Lebanon. Ohio. Phon!! 78. ; ses and autu'lln fil)wera formed , ~he SO S\i~ ;f toae c~nterpiece, and Eloft cand~e bght their SundaY dinner guests, Mr. and .,. toni 44 -Mr. a!ld Mrs. Elvin Fire's , Mr. and added charm to the scene. ••Cov~n Mr..J. · B. Thomas •., of Cen~ervil1e ; a toni ~ ~ toae Mrs. Lewis Fires . and children were laid lor the following.. Ml8II Mr. and Mrs. Carl · Duke, Mr. .and 10 toae IS toni 40 MillS Flossie Fires spent Sunday Brannock. '. J. , CLarence Sulllvan. Mrs. 'J. 'Beme , Jonea, Mr. ,and Mrs. Dayton; Miss Ki~r, J,' R. Brannock. Walter Kenrick and Messrs. Paul . Mr. and Mrs. E. C. ¥annon, II · teas IS taOI ~ - \- ~~M_~N'I" Wilmington, MI" Dora Doget, Jl1ellbrook: CIlad8ll Duke and Therle Jones. '10 . toae ' 45 sMt ', toot Mrs. Chules BOrmell, Mrs. Ralph Shaw and ~r. and' ~ Bam S~. tll8.00 50 156·00 .Mr. and Mn. W. O. Raper were in Dayton ; MlS.S Lorra,l ne. Br~nnock as- Stowe. 01. near Leban'on, Mrs. 0. W. ,\itOlll 42 I II toot , Oincinnati. \Tuea4ay, attendhig her I118ter in entertaining the Albright, of Springboro; Mn. A. E. '.\i tool 40 r.. · toQI ' ite 1tCHtbti ' f P~ w funeral of MrtI. Rapjlr's mother, Reese Schatzman, ' whose death~~~= • ... '. a.., o ' . rg. ". s tIlOa 50 III., ~ , • Va., and mrs. Harry ' GrahAm were ~, tpDI 51 ..~ tana Thursday visitors of Mn. ~esler Gra .curred last Sunday morning. COR!. boIII· . ---.:.-_"' ,'. ham. Mrs. White and lon8 remain· Mr. and Mrs. Walter 11 , toile 50 ~~ taN Bible services 'wOl begin at the eel for a few days. , . . entertained ,.Sunday at 60 $05.00 . . • .~ ••- - TurtlecreeJ( .Frlends church 4 W .mU"s ~.OO near Kingman; Mr. and Mrs. of Kingman. Mr. and Mrs. J. E• .'8' . ney. Dr. ana Mrs. J. W: Ward. Mr. and JIlrs. C. M. Hough. Mr. and Mra. and Morrow pike, on Sunday, Ootober 16. at 2 :30 ' p. m. ' W. H. Allen. Sernces dally at 8 P. m.! and ~~ Mr. ' and ., Mn. Horace Compton Mrs. Kate Coleman had al ' Sund~y a~ 2 :80 a,nd '1 :.8 0 p. m. are"'8'Uests of friends and relatives ~. ~orkers are Revl ..Gamett Lq. 'Phil- In Indiana. . .,' . guests on Thursday. Mrs. H.· V " lippe. 0 StabntoD. va., and Mr. and .• ter and Mrs. Dan Walter of MrS: . Charles R. Harvey, fo Oregonia, . Mr. and Mra;, Je88e ·H!II. ~n~ . chilo nnon; Mrs. H. M. Turne; ana Ohio. ,Special muslle and 8litgirlg. dren.1eft Monday for ~helr new home of Bellbrook; Mrs. May Cook ',' at Mari~n. Ind~ Mrs. E. C. Crane and son. of Dayton, Everybody welcome. , • - .• Mris. Nettle Leaming has accepted Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson and the ·. Co~t , a, poiiltiQn ail companion' to an aged Mrs. D. L. Crane. · . wolnan ' ln "Danon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark ,- . • Mp.rgaret, " the little ' daughter ' pf Mablon Carlisle. of Winchester, Howard Archdellcon. Overland Mr. a'nd Mn. Louis Brown Is serio The way' ~o ..~:iic:e mo'n~y 'ou't of ~oP is' • spent Sunday with Walter Olark dealer. who h~ been loeated ~ the ueJy ill of pneumonia. ·~~ the table or ti~ here. . They ~re to ~peed' up j;ork p~9duetipn:- YdU Clan '1 K •. of P. building on Main street, hu. ,.'.. f . . . the res~l~ 01 an' inveetlptUn, in coldamI y. Afternoon callen were ' moved. to the Odd1E!110WS' rooml on ·¥r•. and 1(l'!" : G. A. " Phillips apent castly l11~rkc t 1150-11>. /logs in 6 "months North IItreet where he' will be pleas- the w~ek-enll wl~h their s~n. Grant, and Mrs. Charles Clark. H: M. . . pIIIt 01 the country, And they ebow that the ' LJy feeding TuxedO. Rog Ration. M~ny ed to see all' of his Cliid friends. . a~d family, hi C~ncl"natl~. . Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sheehan, . . . . . .vecl 45 per cent in fuel therel What do nhlc ~l . bc pct. " This balanced rat.ion ' and Mrs. Elmer Rogers and Marga. ' . . ' Wm. Harlan I!J atten~mg a con. wDI It' .... ~ , Phone us, let \Ii lnapect your r~ctls .the. wI;. le hog, ~uilding ' :1 ' strong' ret Rogers. · CHURCH~S vention of, Insurance underwriters in . . . . ....;.aac1 .w.'l1 tell)"OQ, We'll leU you what (\'arne, r!ch . blqqd, fine grtlined flesh; Meniphle, ·Telln .• this week. • . tbeiHeattc;IIa will do in your o~ home. .'.. . . , . Membttrs' of the . Bprlng'J''Vallev A joyful day was spent Sunday at hard whI te (at and 11 sleek ·skin. It'a t.he home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben"0.· , .I.r •• the Heatrola is not UDtried-m . y..... crl'en.~ly r ir;hed, and easi.1r dirreated, Bleh IiChool . enjoyed,. a party at the born. when neighbors and Ifrleridl to . qf _ _ bave provecllta per(ormanc:e. . METHODIST IC~~R~H ' li,o l"e 'of ~ulH Flxx, 011 '!'hursday LJcc:\uce it::,eontains molasses. ' . the number of thirty gathered to raI 9 :15 Sunday Scho il;· uriSO preach evelling. . ) .'. : min'a the latter ahe bad passed anB~ term. u dftaired I other milestone. Those who enjoyed iDg by the,jla!ltOr;·, lulbje.ct. '~e Wor ' :. N~,rmatl Cummill~. , a m~ cia" of a ·bounteous dinner were, Mr. and ship , of Thlngs:'~ 6:15j , Epworth' .W.il.l1l1~n, ga.v~ a~ ipte~eati!lg ·en.. Mrs. Raymond Osbum of ' Xenia' League: 7 :00 preaching by Dr. J. C. tertalnment Friday evening ln the Mr. "al!~" Mrs. Williak Osbun, of ~obe~, . .'dlstrict: Buperin~ndeil~1 'schoOl .bulldlng.,. "!, Beavertown ; Mr. ' Geprge .Reeder, lIr Quarterly conferencEI after the let'- ~~~~~=~~~~~=~~ and Mt:B. Frederick Stark and 8ims, mono .! •. , ' , . . .,.~ " .' , , Lowell, ·Vernoh and Virgil. Mr. alld . A~ron S. WI.tld.n i, f'aitOr• . \ . ~, Mrl. 'Howu: d 'Surface and son, Ed· 'CHRi'STIAN CtitiRCH" , w.ln, of, Waynesville; Mn. Allee Pa~ . Sunday School at. ,:80. .' ~~- . ~ U ' i -terso~. of Iowa; Mr. Samuel Osburn, body cordially invlted. " ., lib. OharJeli Osbum. Glenna Osburn. . .' and Charlotte \ Ollburn. Mr. and .Mrs. ST. AUCUST HE CHU~CH ' -..,,,............. . .;,0·_..,.--"-..,-..,......;",.",.._..:;;:.:. PhiUipFrinek•. of Da~J- . The' a~· . Oct~ber 16. Serviet! .lit 'I :80 a.. 10. ". ~OR 'S~LE-ltan~ . 'Elterh\ .eooj( ~. ternoo.n callers were ~. and M~s. ' . Fa'tb,e r Bien. P.utOr,: stove. 'alJd a ImaD heatplir, stove; . . ' _ " , >'. ehe~p. If sold ~~. ~nee. IilquJi.a at Em!lst, Pierce and daughters. Lucy . and Vl~la~ .nd.M!~ella of 'ST:' MARY.-S CHORCR···· thts-DMce; . ' , . ' , ' .012. ' Dayton, Mr. Mrs. . . ' . .. J . er and 80n. . ,October 16. Eia'h~entb Sunday at• .-OR SALE-TW9.· lrillch, ~Wi.· one F. M. Osllum, ter I Church School ' at ," :80; ' fresh with t;alt, one frelh Ib No'departed at a late hour, ' at .141:80, Iilqulr'e of Dr. 'L, B. It.n. Oab1lJ'!l DWl1,: happy clap. . ., lou I. ~.....~. ..... 011 ' I
We can give you fam~us Goodyear
quality a bargain price-a bigger bargain than you win ever get by shoppi~g around. Before buy next time, investigate our prices on genuirte Goodyear
Phone 10&
rliI ARE
IA.hiIh .:..... \:.
;. w.ay~e~~ill~, Farmer. Exc.
Bible Services to Begin
!~~~hOfo~~::~~II:~~he~;a:ne~~ ~ 'NEW
.... .i!l
of the'country,
~.~ds .- Mp
. Changed Loea't.· bn
m:, 'Record . Time
A 'E .' T TH
'.,'. d AU' S'
R Q'8811° 't ,' '. u.
Weight '
Sev~ty-Ninth Y~ar
William L. Harv ey The subject of tbls s)e.tch, Harvey, was born in Harvey sburg Ohio, Februar y 8, 1868. and lived in the house In which he wu bom' until oc. moved int.o t his home In' 1906, He died In the , evening Mot hers club mark~t, ' Saturday, October 11, 11127, aged 69 years, 8 October 29. months and 3 days: He was the younges t of four - Dr. P. A'. Garner, chiropra ctor, dren bOIll to WIJaon and Sarah chilo LuLehanon, Oblo, Phon. 78. kenB Harvey, two children died In Infancy " thuRl eaving tbe sister, Mrs. . Mrs. Forrest Hough Is confined to Lizzie L. Shldaker, the last remain· tbe house with grip. ing one of tl~~t fnmUy. At the age or 1l.i,·Lcen A fin e li ne of baking, alwaYII fresh, was overtak en by a physical years he affliction 'at the Waynesville Bakery. which deprived him of a robust body, and at times tluough all tbe years, · Mr. and Mrs. Howell , Pierce, of caused him extreme sufferin g, yet deToledo, called on Waynellville friends IIpite his f railt y he was courageous Monday. and active, energetic and ambitious; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Reason and but for a -number of years he has lion, Loren, were Dayton visitors spent his winters in the Southla nd to escape the rigors of our Ohio climate. Saturda y. His eduCllt ion was acquire d In the of the villilge. Hla princi,Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Earnha rt, of Carlisle . w!lre business visitors In pal vocat ion wall that of farmlnt , but he .also had other busineslI conW~yne8vil1e, Monday . nections and had held public offices Mr. and MTS. Frank Taft, of South of truat, ha vlq served as township Charles ton, are the guests , of Mr. clerk for a number of years, and wu vice-president of the Harveysand Mrs. J. Will Wbite. burg bank from its beginni ng until Mr. and Mn. Rua ell Salisbur y and a year ago when he resigned, beI family speilt Sunday in Dayton, the caulle of hill health, He was a man 8uests of Mr. and Mrs. John Lemmon of strong intellec t and good judgment and a wise counsellor. In pol. Select your Christmas Gifts now. itlcs he · was a staunch RepUblican. Make weeki)" paymen ts. Cllry'S JewIn January 1906, he wa. unitell in elry Shop, "The Home of Gifts,~' marriag e wi th Mary A. Carr, who for Lebanon, Ohio. more than twenty-one years bas been . to him a <.!evotell ~ompanion, and Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright were who dUring hia lallt !l1nell of seven in Detroit, Mich., over tbe week-end, pve him her most tender care the. cuesta of. their son, ElIIDtt lnd He was not 'a member of any wi(e. church, but held to the tenet. of his forbeara, ""ho were earnest Watche s, cl6eks and jewelry of ev- ents of F riends. el')' description eftlclently and proll\pt of William Harvey, In the Iy r epaired at Cary's Jewelry Shop, community have 10lttheone Lebanon, Ohio. best citizens Bnd one who , esteem and confidence of his
t:v~:~ofto~~dJ l~~ndG~:e ::'Ie'Je c:. ais:~, i:w~ur::i:;:e~ ~!d lCanau Mo.,
were grandllonl,
two beside. other ~ell ..tlivelll
-1d~~1aBt week -of Mrs. Mary Leah ~~::~r ::i~~as...y~n~~'~:::: Don't forget the bIg sale of DuroC!ll I\t Cedar Vale farm, dedarvUle. 0., ThursdaY'. October 21, when R. C. Watt" Son will ..11 60 he.d of real Duroci. . ' .: ~ ). Christmas aDd Greetin g carda all occuloJUl' and a beautifu l Mottoes- at Caryla le".elr:y "The JU?nie of, Glftl," ~banon,
IAnd That's That
Whole . Numb er 6775
Anna Elizabeth Ada~m~8l-F=i~~~="'~I11:1-
By Albert T. Reid
I'LL r>E .THE. C~PTh~, AN
Anna Elizabeth, daughte r of J llmcs and Clltherin e Woodson. was born in Key West. Ken to n county, Kentucky, May 31•. 188 1. The Almight y coiled h ~ .. home Septembe r 22, 1927, lit the age of 46 years, 3 months a nd dllys. Sbe was the second child in a fa m. Mrs. W. , H. Allen was II Dayton i1y of twelve child re n. T hree of visitor, Tuesday . t hem, Stanley, .ra m~ and Robert, . . , preceded her to the Grellt Beyond .Mrs.. Ohver DIIVIB is v[sitin~ relHer parents came to Harveysburg ah ves 11\ Dllyton. when Lizzie was three years old, and her useful life WIIS spent here. She ' Chnrle~ Satterth waite .IS plllBter[ng had a .modest , lovable and very It house m Clarksville. f ul disposit ion. All who knew loved hel'. Mllde f riends whereve r Dr. P. A. Garner, chlroprn ctor( she went and 'wilJ bo greatly missed Lebllnon, Ohio, Phone 78.' by all. Lizzie joined the Zion BnpMr. a.nd Mrs. L. M. on reo tist church of Harveysburg quite ear- turned home Tuesday Henders evening . Iy in life and was a fallhful, consisten Chr istian. In u l1 the financial Mrs. L. H. Gordon visited relatives support of th e church she gave in Wilmington 'Monday evening Iy and consiste ntly studied for .its . • welfare and betterment. The Campfire Girls will have a She was united in mBt'riag e to AI· ChristlnlWl market. Watch for t he Perry Adams, Decemher 29, -1906 dllte. . . and t ogether they labored hard to _ collect and maintai n their share of Comple te line of the Bak· earthly goods. With mot herly love Ing Company" product s "White at Wayncsand devotion she guided the ville Bakery. .of their son, Gerald, to manhood. The father and husband WIIB taken Mrs. Charles M. Moderw eU, of nine months ago, and Lizzie, fai th- Evanston, 111., ill the guest o( Mn. ful to her duty labored on . • Years Mllry Leah Adilmll. 'ago ' she wps stricken with a QISI08SISI Mrs. Emma Barnett , ot, Clnein. that troubled her oft and , through the years. natl, is spend\.ng · a few days ~tb "Pale and wan she grew, and weakly Wllynesville triends. Bearing alI her pllins so meekly, Mrs. Walter McClur e left Sntur· That to them she still grew dearer, day for Duluth, Minn., for n visia As the trilll hour grew nearer." with her sister. Mrsl Nettle Chldlaw. She braved the other attacks her last iIlnesa of two weeks' Under new ment the Waytion was too severe fo r her, _._._ft·'- 'nesville Bakerymanage wiIl be open for pat;.. weakened condition. All ronage, Saturda y, October 22. illness she was patIent and nh.' ft ..... , and wholly r esigned to hiu Maker's Mr. and Mrs. James at;.. wiJI. Monday her dear silvery voice ded the district meeting MeOJure of the Funsang a beautifu l song that none eral Directors association at Sn~w seemed to know ; surely she was ' Hill Country club Wilmington, Mon· ing with the angels. Tue8day day night. ' " J sang ,jFtock of Ages." The voice loved to hear 80 well i!\ hushed. Buy "Yourell Silverseai'" if you know her WAIl t o love her. We want the best hi Silverware. We have that our loss Is her gain and e.xclualve agency in Warren' county. she is safely housed on the Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebano n, Qhlo. shore, where she will anxio usly a'" the coming of those she loved. I.ast Friday' evening the Wa~e'sShe leaves to mourn her 1088 her Shnne club enjoyed a 'flne d.i n· boy. Gerald, to whom she was so ner serve~ by the Eastern devoted in life and is equally devot;.. the MaSOniC banquet room StilI', at and later ed in death. Slle al so lellves a a "",ovie" at Miami ~heater. mother, a kind father, five three bratbcr s, other relative s Tuesday 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., Siltura bOllt of lrlendll. . day D 8'. m. to 8 p. m., Dr. Rudolph, ' . . '. eyesight specialist ill at ' Caty'a Jew· How SWIftly the years of our pllgrim- aIry Shop ~banon Ohio Free ex. A age ~!.." d amlnation: ' ' • II wee"", mont hs . an sea80ns roll I I b ent y y. Mrs. Merle Kerns ot Oolumbu. Our days are soon number ed and D th da spent severaI days 'I alt weekith' w ea 80un our knell" her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ._ _ _ We l carce know our friends till we latt. Her husband J'oinedJ. D:..• .!!M~a~r~ her Satbid them farewell . . ' . urday botb returnin g to their home , E. Simpson. SYrul~enlng..
301== === === === ===
S18tOO' l'N(-o'te-;·~~
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_~~-~ .
. U. T. O. $84.25
"Lea'(es have their ' time to fall The Senior cLua rlnga were or· And ftowers to wither at the north LEARN FROM ELBER T GARY" The Woman ', Auxiliary met on dered llU!t week. The deslK11 made urd.y afternoo n, October wind'. breath, 16, at the LIFE br Cary's of Lebanon, was I~ked and hOllle of Mra. Ann.. Cadwall And atars to lIet ader. alcepted by· all the clUlles. But thou hu t an seallOn! for thine and The dea~b of Judge Elbert Ga~ del' .is expecte d to be. receivedThe or- with Mrs. Cadwallader M11IIi by theMra . E. L. Thomas ~cting a8 own, 0 Death I " ••t,tnI,cteld attentio n to one of Am,e n- Semors about the mIddle of Nonmhostesses. Card of TIaa.Ir. moat pictures que ftJrurea. He ber. . . The meeting W811 opened by Mrs. -':sh t o exprell ' our ... tude drew attentio n to another one Th .._~. -- th ., th ' CadwaUader who conduct ed the deWe .. .. . of e comm!tte--f e rom e &noel' I to all who tl 1 rvi 10 kindly minister ed to us those remarka ble careers 110 cbano· club concern ing the achool lunches vo So~la t se I ee. tat' bereave ment. Mr. and Mrs. 1. W. White had I I at the time of our of America were . From a po.or met at th. , lehoof hou.. Friday, and In rcre.!onu:: toquoll ~~ollns Th Tb -F mil thei}- peat. at ' a thrH-eo arae dinner . I I h e a y. .... -r worldng for a. few doll.rs • week dec Ide d to etart eerv ,ro ~. e • _ • ng unc el n....... of the United Thank Offenn ~ Wedn e.y eveninc , Rev. and ' ! which a multi-m" 11 -' illion a re an d to ,tbe hea d Monday, .O ctober 24. g Ifrs. A. S. Watkin s and Mr. and ·Mra· .... ven sem I-annuaII y, was announc ed U6 26 of probabl y tbe largest corpora tion J. E. Jannq. he Freshm!,n had a ..t~ak fry lut 84.26: ' t otal amou n t f or theye ar-' !i " In the world Friday down by the Three ' .., . • never d I'leovere d B ' ,,- night Dropped '8,000 feet from an Judp Gary ni ter any- rl_ ..L OwiDI to tte'the mp.., on tb e b i tbusiness d th for f IIthe Iday had plane pl'Oves Park.e r pen barnla new. In hii nlume of the 111- part of a vel')' rowdya group a pleas- ee~ cimp ede. , " ~ teO ow nld P!Oh· breakab le. Headqu arters for ft...._'- •._. . of characte r, we are lWU1l1t ant evening wu .poi1e~. Thll ,no- cram a na np, n rsperse Wlt - Duofold pena at Cary'a JewelrY- Shpp 1118 empbu il upon the old-fuh ion- tion of brea1dD1 up .Fre.hm . en par- Victrola selecUons, WAIl rendere d t . , Card of Th.. b vtrta... About all the virtues tiel by other pUI>11I and people Lebano n. Oblo. A DIamon d-the gift everlut mg. • en· IIGulde Me Oh ThoUll Tbirty-elx ' WlO'I'en e~nt;y farm. Great JeWe humbly desire to express our ~ou'll find t~e ring of "her" are are old.fub loned. There baa tirely outside of , ,Ichool dreaml M..... Walter and. Charles Hu'r-l ,el'll and farm women elpeelal hovah" -Victro la. 8incere thanks to the many friends In our selection. Cary's Jewelry ly iDLer. never beeD diIc~verecl any lubaUtu te place that it Ie dllngero is 110 out of Shop. nett, Mr. and Mra. D. L. Crane. us to all con"Lauaan ne In Retr08p ect"-M rs. J. who were so kind during the in po~, to..ther with Couti· that na workabl e for t-elng Lebanon, Ohio. honnt camed. So far It haa only result:ed " W. Edward s. , company with Miu EeQulleDe .Sl:JIe, CI .... attended , ~e Poultry and uJlrllh~ , . and death of our dear mother daugh. . t in de~~etlon . of propert but life Hooker Scho?,1 Pralled by a"d Mr. Alvin Dyke, olD. ytoD, viI' • FrIday, at Ohio State unl. ter and sister. Thank the many Gary'll Ten Commandment.. o! sac. and bmb are alao endaqeyred About 2~ of N. P. Jordan' s fri~ndl ited tIr. and Mn. H. C. Colemah , . . We Govern ment -Mrs. Ronald Hawke friends f or their bcautlfu l floral Over h'~ of these caa which he foanula ted for a man fail offer tendered hIm a surprise SundaY., in to aee the fun in such conduct. "The Sweetes t Story Ever Told"in ,Norwood, ~unda,. Harlan' town~p, ..mere a With a re¥Onabl~ bealthy con.Uta~on the choir for. their singing, Rev. celebration of his 47th birthdlY an'. • " . Y bUll l~ad wu organized under the d.l . and ayerqe mentali l c t r o l a . . f or his consoli"g remarks , niversary. ty, are aI ,follow: The majorit y of the · teacber s at Two T~ouean~ Christia n .' _ ' rec;tltm of Mr J.loy Rosa. About two Walter McClure 1: ' Be , honeet, tt:utbful . Iincere tended the teachen m,etlnr and Son for their Mr. an.d.. Mrs. Chawes An.del'lOD hundre~ po;.}trymen were at LebMrs. Charles Mode~ell, of Ev. Welcome, Preside nt efficient service. and children, apent Sunday WIth rel- from all part. of Ohio. Theypre.. nt and serious. Being slippel')' and a~on on Saturda y, October 16. S' te d anston, m., and Mrs. Mary Leah AdMrs. w. H. Allen. Moth looked er Father tricky ' may Son gain you ' tempora l')' ad. IS atlves In Cincinnati. Mra. Addle over the vari~us typell rs an ams were dinner guests of MnI. Anna I --, "The Layman " by Edpr of poultry Y~ntage, bu~ ' In the long nm It will Br othe; s ' " The cu~jn fo," the gi~III' Ihower Snlith. who liad been viaiting there, buUdjnga, brooders, Incubat Cadwallader,and Miss Clara Lil~ Tues Mrs. D. L. Orane. on, be your undoing. ' , . • 11 ready to be put ~p wh,nerer the "A Dream" -Victro la. dllY evening at Mrs. Hathaw ay's tea . _ returne nelts etc The vilitQrs nin.. d home with them' Sunday were hnpre. . 2. ". Be conllide rate of othlrs Don't practice ~OIJ for 'balket d wI'th' thO '!-. ~ . " ball beD . ri " e th , d -'-I' e peat .nUIn ber and variety htl I ' try to get ahead by p"lbng eomebody' • ...u e e Ig u BOClal deliciouqs refreBh Mi' of poultry expenm ents or ~ts un- else down. The more ments were Bervea .• progrel l YOll M;r. and ~rs. Bernard Byard; ' • der way. The annual meeting of the m.ke the lell you wUl want Th f 11 . ' ts t . • nd Mn. Harry H~ne&j ~. a.~d Mrs. Obio Poultl')' improve ment' to take "r. Crabpe attellde d a meeting of 'Mrs ev~_~~n~~e aaaocis- advan>.:- of others. ' s ~~~~ pr,eaen Howard Haines and daughte r, , Smlth.H ugbu In'l~uctors at Blan· f· ;.,~z CI ti alao h Id I h ' la ., rna, d ' Mfea Martha ' Sbl Id --Jenkins , ,. chester Fr[day o~ ..,.. e n t /j foroaoon. 0 8. Guard your bealth, bo th monl AlUlUI ty, _0., Mra. Anna Wile .. ' aton,• 1 S ...;::, afte lIam~n Mila Grsce In the aftemoo " a moit WllIamson Mila anti physically. The main thine to ~Day D, apenlO aft...,. a moon of timely T ft-t and Frida I II ' , eveni.\lg witll Mr. E~rd Cook y a f'te ,' moon th e L.~ft _ . Trilltna.' Edward ~~ the . s and MiIIJ M.lr'lliu~tl The Wakltatlna Campfir e @~~~Tu~!. ~fn :tcd~dl~ioon~n, em\e,rtency balI.....team · from •f.mllY. . ~~~~~~;~·~~~~::'~;~-W. H. S. went to Edwarda. • a n d . . Get an education. Know the Bellbroo . their guardian , Mrs. Moomaw, ' k. The gllme 'lfU 10llt by a their win~er f nfte r school. The hand ,JfiK11 h~me i~ Deland, . such as arithme tic ,seore of 8 to 1. T~la, ~nd~d the It ia the , unusual rllt ' that, ,"DB They wefe a e-: cra law mar and credo geograp we hy re given, lind games followed of the buebaU seAllOn with , compan by Mr. and Mrs· R•. W. 'lfeatea t 'PJl~et!iatlqn •.;.. 'We will , . by the secretar y's report, roll calI Kllylor, ied . AI.:: get ' all the technical only one victory fo,r this ,ear'a team. ~ho have bl!eD BP,!ndinlr the · I' you choose f9r and treasure r's report. The dietinet lvelt for the w11'ole Rummer an Ohio. . -, - Antioch col· .y~a can.. ' , Bert O'Nean 'comfor table place to ,hop at :from was mostincroase Interestiofng,finbecause of ' unusual Ii. No matter ho~ ances. .' m uch natural lege, IL member ot' the clay of ·t7, TKe :mo~t Importa nt; consideration Jewell')"SbOi>. .~'The Bome of '. ' • . During the business sossion a va. in selecting a . Christm abUlty yo,u 'have, it muat be stimu~ visited the Hiah ac:hool last T -banoD ' , Ohio'.' , Wat~h ia Honda, . .' _ _ _ lated by persiste nt efforts to Improve " uri ried discussio n took pluce, among quality Every timepiece as we lIellm!JBl; the min.d and .store It with useful in" " • . Mrs. Ellrne:: -H-ar~an . h have it See our watcbes before buy ted t Annou!l D . ' aub-titu a mosttoimporta th Rlltceplen.t nt thmgs K Iof "The Book Fair" the t e on girlsa .mg. Cary,~ ' .• ' ,.Jewelry f'ormatlo1l- A good mem!lry [s of In- lut week for Mill decided see ahout putting McKinsey, i4!acher a . . S.hop, ·Leba· • e· ,urn er Comp.n y, show lit calcula~le benefit. the Miami , theater. A . n. o n, Ohllf., ", 01 ' the Seventh grade, while Miae Mc. ton. , Ohio, from . October 8 Have clean habits of life and Kin .. y attende d the funeral of a rei! throulh October .29th, II a Christmas market was a.\so scheduled tbe right companions. You ative Miss Belle O' Neall has Teturne d . much Importance to the 80 be sure to keep that in mind be- hamehome lmow of experience and h _ I t . · 'Jfrom Dayt6n ' where h . . ,~ of SoutMyeatem OHio, and cause. there will be mnny goodies, attended the wedding of her cou~n~ than you"elf. NothiJlg "'P.I Basket ban .chedul e ,II ~tng niad. doubted l, proye a _keen c.hill'liCt4ir like' ~ndealrable . compan- up and win IneJudm g dough~uts, . . ' Misa Martha O'Nea1J appear next week. < and artlltie ~lmulul to tbe Mr~ L. M. ••,._.•'••• ...,. One of the girls Is ~IVlDg a Hal - Henderson last weey.and .", onlY bent on self.lndul_ _ _' , ' vicInity as well , ' She aillO viii" : I ,Party so th,ere IS lots of fun ited her si~ter, .Mrs. ElJa ,Murray rather t~n. selft-I~Pl'9vement. , GraCIe carda wIll be out this weelc. , of Perhapa 'one of the mOlt alonc WIth the buslt.Jesl!. . Be ambi~ou . honorably and Candidates ' for places ' on , ihe Honor . Carmon te. feature . of .,the ~o~k Fair will be At back ' this ambition up with energy, roll ~re all anXloull the ne~t m~etlDg there Will b~ ly a....itl'!C t\> see proanu n. every afterno o,n at 8 p. m., a supper which Will be cooked by the prestatenee and thought fulnea. "I bow r.nany all "A" pupils Mr.' Bnd Mrs. J . O. 'Cllrl'Ifr Igllt.lef t there are In the s~n .dlnlq ~om. Abril· W'N d Gather~. have' had to tight ateadlly against la. In the "",ooL fi G· ... ' d 't Tuesday for Houston, Texas; where, lIant array o( ~e!lt U. .. Ieet.d slnell an my IIfe,'i' he' I&YS. ' ew no~· mp.re .. Ir.>. oesn will be. the guests of Mrs. Cart. .. - . . to contribu te to these sound mte restmg . .We ar~ hay Be loyal to employers. friend. un-c:le, T. H. Rogeta. ',Mr; autho,. of ~ttonal . ana coun~. A reputati on for loy. a new member Camp~lgn, so eome will attend tbe convenrepuUti on ~"e: bee. sec~~d lIB to see us. then Join t~e ,I itdaaia peo~le to 'live you posio If you are of the Amitl~ Bankers a..o. ._-_ lpe,aken . ' ranks of Campfir e Girls. of trUst and ....p'o n.ibillty . good In the way elation at ·Uoudon . On Thu"'da y, ' October Amonr II. Oultt~te ·stabllIty . Don't I?e Wa,ne Townahlp l'Umen 18, the • £: And them at tb~ \ ble Ex-Scribe. , . ' club met thors Who 'have a ,rol1iDcJ ~Jie. , ' " ' October 27, when R. The Ho.thel"l club ~I ~:ye an .all. at the borne ot Mr. and Mia. M. A. app~ar on lell f.~:1:~~:~~t~1 10. Iiciatim P9rtant, o, au: Obee"e CO\'Dell. head day mark~, on Sat~y, October 29. . Ii " 601leil Rule. This gets'yo u far'. Bnuh, ' iiatlnc, of bom; 110_ After a cordial 1\'.I~om e' and ' It;! the evening the an , Vafl nity ta:in,~(J,d~¥''I'f;~u~;;i;; ptctCrl~" wUl ,be ,at , Cedar 'yale vlted tQ take part, incommu III ~,. lo~ l1!n , ~tt "Pi'-otlter exc~lIent dinner. the club I . . . .mbl~ ey, a muk,ca mlval " , ot:Uf-. . . · vi~le, ' Ohlp. -, . for the . me~dq.. of the ,.fternoQ n. Albert the Gym! . A more 'tan-'; r . 'f - • ' nounccment WIll be m~de deftnl~ Roll c.aJ1 · fOQil <Qn~ ~ tamllIu ~1W ~ B. n~ ~eek. . c ., . " . • ab.ent; •.. ' , . . . " . · ' " ' . ' . l' . Danl.1 " ' W. . VirirlDial MU~~p.1 .Mr., and Mrs. A. B. Shener <elite,~ ~r. Moomaw, th~t IlPUkbr t or thl ~t , . . . ', afternoo n, ,pve a . talk on the sa... Dr" 'Edpi' ta~ed a~ dinner,. Su.n~Y" their . ' f r. vit. ject of '''lUa1rao'' ' Tha special topic 1[1~nd, .Marjori df,qkbter, Mill . Edn" . Shaner . an~ -. e "to11f111,blp Mr,.•nd Mrs. ,.C. O. IJttl• . ,uu~ 1011. wilt oom' ~ mad~ , val')' , hl~m.tiq by Rev. C1i1~, Philip , Rollinl, .Jobll . 1:~~~lG~tl~~=~i~ Stanley; o~ Green~eld. '~tem09n . th I " Hi W.tldn l a1\d· Mr. Swa~l ,: . ~Iott'Ga~ Sprlnp, ~k fotta •• ':'II on, 0- , The' Club 'a4Joul,itld to meet 'No-' .... ca~ers were ~. and 1111'1\. wm. Koep- . -. p~n and . children, ~f Da,.wn, .apd " veinber 10 at the bome of IIr and Jranj of· these 1riU , T-.ali l. MISses Bernice. ~ and LOa •• Mrs. ~ ~lboD. " " .t nt. their.
. . :r
' --- -
C~as '
The Farm ers Club'
d· C,a pd. ate. ,
~~::~ E. Cornel', B.~L. ~fo~:':=~,ID~;~,~I,:.... \~,: ' ~L' *......; ;. ; .;. ......_~ ..... -J.,G:f.~~~t.i;
, _. .
' , WaD I,' \ their __ C~il. ~ .. wrltmr ,~"~11~ t 'd ~~'~~~;~ ,
1ilMarIal .
'. . WhIle , ptQtnr at , lCbool ·Prla.7 •...:....:~ , . . ! - motillJllrl 'Ro~ ~tee, a ftI:at.Crad. v• ~ Fnaua . MIHtt ill1l Pdt lIQol'- lI. L. JIaIoIaD. . P1IJtU m~ ~ ~ acd- t ' .....:.... , 'pol' 'CI~ '1tt BtiB.s. .on. L. ~t. .. pINe 'of I¥JiI ~ IO- ~ fte" ,* Ill. . . . . of tile· y, RVl'-I" " IJ' tmbedM!l1a ......... . ~ in ot- , ... d ·. . . whIa J'loraIIIo:.n-:-.~d.;j;j;ltI) l!tr d.r to ___ It, . . ,..,... . fo1UUl ~. Oetober JL . ~ ID "~~1Iio W. Bo~ 0, t 1I~?s='" to • •1ttlaa 6IId ~ ~ be 1IftId ' ...... ~fIII....... _ ..
.....tc.... '
A certified , of entry Was dued by t he cc,urt In the IIOt,tlem·entl Court fixed payment of duell . for ot t he eslAte o'! I!:ug 'ne FMlns. Court orderllll II ertlflell copy Rnlph Singer to be $1 00 per mpnth the ntry in ihct ettlement ot tho cauntil BUeh fine:! II.r paid. Jury was <\ury swom i n t he CMe oC tate of ornolla B. EVans ehenck . Val McOabe vs. The Aetna Paper be certifie,I to t he lludltor. OOmpany ot al. Jury granted plainGeorge P. Gille!!, plaintiff, dellvtiff $3/i0 in ease ot The Aetna Pa- ered copies of the first 'publication of 11l""ft'a~on" ItY H.my Jay. L""" 'p r Coillpany, notice of t\on-rElsldent defendants. , Copyrlt,ht. M lch.ul v. 1'hll111'" , llAI\eu04 \:brv. 1'>IJ>It.heY. A\41.OC ...UA'· Borvl<» Rochel B. Hllrding was apPointed Co.ur.t Qrdered that a gUllrdian be liiili"~::'~-----'-prllbation officer. The ' appointment ~pPolnted Cor yan Buren Miller, lin --..-- - WIIS iiccepied. ' mcompotont. .....;~~_ _ _-..;..,.-----:"'''''':---....- .............--''"''':'-'''.'''...----~ 011 nppliclltlot1 oi t he IllninUff. The last wil:~ and testament of , day.' court ordered that the sale 01 ' t he Joseph H. C~rJ:lngton was admitted CHAPTER X Adam Dutro WIl8 ap"Why, the old hoptoad!" ejaculated estate of William F, Schenck b • held to . probate. pOJlltcd e.xccut4 r. The appointment Eddie. "What's gotten into hIm ? Is upon t he premises. ourt ordered that the lliaintilf. wns . accepted lind , ullprllisers were Aaothor Truck he sote because we wouldn't sell, or ~lman ,bowed hia digppOint- whnt?" , W. H. Mudden and Compl\ny. appomted. . '' 'I don't know, but I'm glad we from the defendant, Ben Osbol'n , the ~roof oC lh.) publiCDti,on of t he lDellL ' "That'. a good price, Mr. pomtme nt of J oe M. Wcme. a8 exForbe8, , bie price. YOII won't get didn't." returned Patsy Jane stoutly. Bum of $690.39. aDOther l ach offer." "I don't like him any better than you Court ordered CalToll S. William- oeutor 01 t he estate of Mary Moore do. Eddie. ' I'm glad you're not to son to pay alimony and certain sums was filed. , " ' "Maybe 1101.." "You've admitted that there's a work for him. What did he mean for the support of their child. Proof ot pubhcaottn of the appoint O. J, ' Edwnrds was mado party mont of Wade Owens. a.s admln tstra' challCe you can't-raise the taxes. Yo u when he asked if anyone else tried 1IIII.J 'lose everythlnr.'· -• 0 buy the place?" , defllnqant in 'the case of Llda M. tor of the estate of WLlham . Owens "That'. a chance I -mean to \t81«~." "He meant that he's mighty Sa,..,jn 'v8. Oscar J. Edwards. was filed. ' , ( ~uaraecl Eddie, amillnr. He felt bet;- a nxious to get it. We haven't heard Court ordered that sherifi' convey Proof of publication of the appoint tei- that the refuaal wal behind, him. the last of him, Pat. Well, we'll to It. A. Cross and R. G. Cross, m~nt of Flora J. Bryant., as execu"Bum." Sealman digellted thiS for have to jump in and p. ull it out of deed of t he property bought at sher- t rlx of the estate of Middleton J, iff's sale. ' Bryant, was recorded. • Proof of publication of the appointment of Anna Savilla Haml.lton NEW SUITS OR executrix of the estate of D. B. Harry H. P~ce vs. Gladys Welsh, Hamilton was r(!corded. Proof ot 't he publlentlon of the apHugh Pence, Nina Ponce and Fanny, widow of Forest W. Pence, partition pointment of Emma A. De Cal'mo as and equitable relief. execut ix f th t t f H Flor.ence C, Wilkerson VI. Seren De Gu;mo :a8 ree:c:~:e~. 0 orry G. ncr, premium, $12.60; The Office Wilkerson, suit for divorce. . . E~a Cowan ~filed inventory and Outfitters, 8uppii4s, $1; lvin8-JmePerry A. Arbough vs. Hallie B. appraisement as executrix of the son Drug Store. supplies. 80c ; The tate of Clarence A Cowan es- Woodrow Weil Stanage Co., supplies Arbaugh, suit for divorce. Court ordered the estate' of Mary $92 ,60; The Columbus Blank Bonk Lena .Mnstre~8 vs, Willon A. Mastr~S8 SUit for dIvorce, custody of the J., Kirby as exempt from inheritance Co" supplies, $19.25; W. C. Gilmour. Phone 105 tax. inquest. $5,10 ; same, inquest, $6.7 0 ; child and allmony. . Steve Noble was fined $25 and V. W, Tompkins, pay roll, $307; Fred costs on chnrge oi' disturbing t.he Snyder, pay roll, $403,60 ; F. M. 001to wait even a week, He ,went to peace. lins. SlIme. $245.30: J osoph Davis, town. But Long Portage was overC~lIrt ordered notice for settleme, $397.10 Eden Terry. SlIme, ftilwing with labor. The married ment ot certain estates on Octobel 179 .40j Bame, $244.76: A. T. Ret- Howard Cook. loading grayel, ~09.46 men who had been in t he woods aU 24 be published.. tig. same, $49: SlIme) $217.76; C. John Law and Son. supplies and rewinter were trooping back. Their H. W. Meeker Bnd Susanna Meek- E. Bradbury, same. $229,25; S. E. pairs, $29.76; E. S. Worley, labor Cutler, SlIme, $298,57: Philip Heisel, and supplies. $28.85; Columbus Blank sommer j~bS were kept ' for them. er fl1~d first alld final account. The last will and testamehb of same. $70.40; Harlan Whitacre. same Book Co., supplies. $14: same, supThere was no cl1ance for an outsider _ tbae. UJ'Jn DOt futUled 'Mr. Forbea, the fire. If be wanta it and Brower against t heir long-established claims. Christina A. Thompson was JIled. $68.211; W. S. Graham, 6IIme, .$17a.90 plies. $17.60: same. supplies. '~6: Dot jllltUleclat alL In f.ct, I'd! prob- wanta it, ' the~e must be more t~ The week 'paMed d'ully. He dug C:0urt. order ed D. R. Smith 'oll ap- P. B. Monce, III1me, '37.80; Fred Brown and Bunnell, coal. $8-80; The -bit fooUab flir doiq it. But I th.n we l'eallze. 1 can get a Job, and choppod out pine stumps, for praiser III place (If John Hawke. Humphreys, same $'216: Leslie Shultz Frank Sherwood Co., supplies, '$16.36 rUM it to tw.l"', bundred." 'e llY, I \niow." their roots and pitchy knots made Fanni~ Pence was appointed ad. operating mnlntainer. $65; The Ohio Harold Sweeney, load ing gravel, His O}ltimism was not justified. excellent firewood. The hard labor mintstratrix of tille estate of Forest Culvert ·Co., sewer, $386.60; Iowa $14,88; William McCarren, 'furnish"No, tUIIk :10u ;" '. , s-JID.D 1'OM. DIapIellure W8II Most of the settlers in' the vicinity of sawing and chopping smothered Pence. The appointment WIIB - ao- Manufacturing. repairs, $5.05; The ing and loading gravel. $434.35: 1Itraa~ to alaow throuab tbe .leel(. 'had little good land. and that was bis homesickneslI ' an.d drowned in eepted and appraiisers appoInted.. Dayton Blue Print Co.• supplies, $21.- SlIme.. grllvel, $~02,..s0; Spencer ~d D_ of hlI III&Dn~r. "Fifteen )lun- Dly-eultivated, They prefelTed hun\ fatigue the craving tor liquor which Flora J. Bryallt fi led affidnvlt In 15; !\{on'roe and J ohnson, supplies, Armitage, lurmshmg and 10Admg dn;tl Tbat'a positively tbe . last' ing lind fishing ,and getting out posts was ever n ear the surface. the estate of Middleton J. Bl'yant. $74 .44 ; Roy Miller. expense, $ 10.19 ; gravel. $ 1.70 ; .some. $!G2:4~; Dn;s. ~ Fo~" I .' te, farmin~, for which , t hey had He filled the woodshed to the . Cou.rt granted William L. Suemen- Chas. J one8. account. $116.12; Chas. Edwarll ,and R?b~rt Blair. Ju,.l medleavils and, even piled a tier around IDg nght to sell. certain shares of final account, $164.88; J. H. Donnell" ~al service, $9, George Larrick, saI"No. Mr. Seabaau. 1 tblnk 1 can neltber enpltal nor equipment. make It wonh tllat by keejline it." When he cr08lled the creek, how- the inside of the garage, a alab shed stck bel9nglng to the estate of Sam account in full, $28'1: The Oregonin a_r!!!Y!!,!!$!!2!!0!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~_ _ _~,!!,,!!!!, TIl. l'O'riIIc blu. qea".neoun~d ever, ' there was a ray of ~ope. The w~th sloping roof. ' He made three L. Irons. Bridge, Co., repairs, $301.97; same, = BdM.'for~D!0IDIDt, ,Anyone elae Davenant ' fB!1ch. plaything o.f a triPS to the Dav~nant ranch. But Robe~ . N. Settlem.yre was appoint- ~e pnnta. $69.22; samll •. lITader re- DR bMa. ~ - JO~ &1\ otrer'" wealthy Detroiter, h!1d a real dent t he owner had hot yet arrived. ed administrator 01 the estate of Jo- pair, $14.60; Harlan Whitacre, for • ~o, IUveD't talked ,,-tth 'a nother foreman. He told Ed<Ue thati the Another rainy day found him seph Nicholson. The appointment bridge repair. $7.73; H. ::;. Conover. MI1Il."t it. B:r the way, how ,.bout owner had ambil:ious plans for the chinking the loga of the cabin witb wal' accepted and appraisers'were ap- supplies. , $12.65; Tigar and Oha1'lOl'I'ICE;HOUIt' tUt .Job! no. it 100k "11 though yeap- in the way 'of heavy planting mud from the banka of the creek. pointed. ton. supplies, 76c: F. W. NIsbet 00., 9 to 1\ •• ru, 3 10 5 p. In J'OIl eollld take .e OD as a farm- and much clearing. He might need It did not really need it. But reat;- , Mary E. Bineglai filed fi rst and fI- supplies, $94 ,06; W. H. Madden and j' t" !l p , ro. haDd!' I several men. When Mr. Davenimt IC8IIne8s was devouring him, and nal accollnt In the estate of JennlQ Co., bridge supplies, $4,32; The Ma· BMbn.n M1iMd .t the door IUld came up in a week or 80, and made demand for liquor wall rising 'like M. Shawhan. 60n Lumber Co., bridge supplies. , Telephone.I ' ClNlce • 30 tuned, hia,lIand Oil die Iateb. "I've final de~ision, he had better be on ~ prairie fire. The intensity of the The Lebanon National Bank ftled $40.11'1:: -The !d0rr0'Y Feed and Sup. Ruklenco • 88..2 ....... 1117 pIau IOlDewhat. Forbes, hand. passion -frightened bim. Back home first account in the estate of Joseph ply Co." supplies. $80.90: The Morrow I do.'t ... 110,,'1 call ~ you. Good Eddie felt that be could not afl'ord in hormal surrou.ndings and with n H. Wi,ld. ' Lumber Co .• bridge 8upplie!, $35.80; Wa,n..vllle, Ohio ". ' . " regular occupation, he had been able Jennie Kesling filed Inventory llomer HolcrnIt, ,bridge lIupplies" to keep it somewhat within boundll, appraisement at 1the estate of John $16.20; Brice Smith, truck reprur. ~=====::;:::======= Ellpecially lIB the little tewn and ita Henry Kesling. U; W!llter Varner. bridge repair. un~ompromtsing opinions imposed O.~. Edwards :flled $2.40; W. Brun~, tbe same,. $7: restraints upon him. appraisement in the estate of James, truck repalr, $111.15; Kllpil~ NOTAitY PUBLIC But here, the frontier still, where L. Edwards. ' rick-French Motor Car Co., repaira, N.lIo..,! B... t. . Court ordered tramfer and bill J . T. Gregg, repail'll, U2; Heraehel life wal much more open .nd simple. :!I:l~D:n,e~e~r'1lI-;---=:-:c.-:;-:----,'::""::---fjt!'!!;;~tal".!~~~J[e~;'~;--4!bewil- sale of certain property to $6.75j Waites' Garage, same, U'l,26 ,-::.,,.111100 nerneas" grim and unfriendly in TheobaJ4, bequeathed to her by C. C. ,Osborn, truck rep all'll, fl·25j WRIo Dra~ ....... _.E.,.to,· storm, gay arid sparklilll' in aun- husband. Albert Theobald. Aaron Frazier, piling stone, $36; W.~_"lll.. Ohio' shine, ifivited one to ,live his own Court approved the sale 'of certain .~======='====7==~====1=-========= s..~u. Earl, lor ·Vo.... Sal. Dat... Guarantlle' life, unCaring. There were few to property in the m.8 tter of the et!tate It was. he John H. Holzllrn. • ff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=~~!!!!!' ... and to comment. Sa~a",tloft or Chu,~ Nothln•• I.nc .."~, like the early days In the , Nona F. Drake filed inventory and • of the Bettlers bere were .appraisement in the estate of WUliam I who had conie to the jack- L. Keever. ,country to forget the pu~. They . Appraisement was made · df the PhODe' No. 310 not ask j;oo-Ilersonal questions. property In the estate of Clara ..,.. Because they would resent such"ques- Weakley. tions from others. ---Just, before noon, while he was at MARRIAGJ: LICENSES the ~reek for sodden earth, there was Dan Gibson. factory a ~il from the north roa~. He rec- dletown t o Alma E . Jordan ognlzed the guard of the liquor-truck Uta O'Bannion lIaleBman' .MJ~dl!lon-1 whom h~, had a8B!8~ed when it , was ville to Frances A. Mueller, mired. Got a big wrenchT" asked " Steve Gabbard farmer the man. "The nut's worked loose to Ruth Gertrude Neeley l"frlaLflc'tokl1n, this axle and one of 011l' bind worker. Franklin. ' " ' , ry was about ready to drop off '. H b rt M M ' -f ' when we noticed Don't know wh 0 a . arsrl armer Lebanon, he~8 thiDking at: but Jake hasn't a! to Hazel H. Free!.l, South Lebanon. wreneh In ~his tool kit." "Just a minute,'! replied ~ddie. He REAL ESTA'rE TRANSFERS Estella A. Fuellton to' George M: brqught the wrench from the cabin r , and, with tumultuous ,admixture of 147 acrea in Turtlecreek feeling, accompanied the man up the Wadl!on md , ~tlri!ltol~bll1\ road to the truck. It was but the to Harry WaaooD, two work of a few minutes to twist the lots in Union Tp. ' •. nut , home on the jacked-up wheel. Ha~ry O. Wbittuker t~ Curtis T. When it was done the guard with Carson and Ethel ,Bishop 'C arson • a knowing smile, reached for the box 12.51 acres in 'WaY1~e, Tp. ~!1der the scat, but Eddie stopped Clifford Robenstein to Edward M. him. Kennedy , and Mat;r June Kennedy, "Not tOl' mine." he 6IIid." The lRllt five town lots in DUllrfield Tp. ' ?ottle ,nearly put me away. I think John , Long and MaRie - Long to It had arsenic In it." Zelia ' Swigert, fiv!! town Berea in , ' "But this Is good stu'ff," lI8II1lred Franklin. Clifford W\tha1l;1 lind Mary 1111>1.&_ Jake, ea,g~rJy. "Tliil! is 11 , little private st?ck we 'keep for ourselves and ~o Edward W, --Clark, ' on~ town wi " '. our friends. We were all ' out lRllt m South Lebanon. J., week." Wilbur Stubbs Emma Stubbs ."Ali right. kid, it's up' to you," Samuel Stubbs td Oscar F. ,H.ines saId. the"gua~d. when 'E.ddie refused Stella H. mos, 0lle town' lot',in 'Morrow. , , Frank W. Southard to Sarah L : " . agalll. She s clea.rin' off. Come on and take a little ride." Southard, .62 toWn acr~1I in Turtle: ' i; • ,: Ed~le responded to the invitation. creek Tp. ' , , ' ' l ' • He did wan~ to do something besides . Roy•.D. Black to Ed Chamberlain: fi~ht his own thoughts. He would .ne town lot in Franklin. " ' . .,. nde a few miles toward town drop J. W. R: Bradford and R. Dora off, and ,!",alk back through the bar- Bradford to Huber BuUdera',Materi4'1 ren~, which were beginning to ex- Supply Oompany; two town Iota' 'I n , , erclse a powerful fascination for him Deerfield Tp. , ' , Of ,course he ~ouldn't drink any . George Ertel to Nancy Kipp, Da, ' , their ~eastly hquor. vld G. Erte, and George M. Ertel Jr., ' '..l. M ~ ';' W~!le the truck ~e~t on, to walt 2~9.08 acr~lIln Hamilton 'Tp. ' " , ~ , for him below.the rIdge 'west of the Lovlna J:laUey 'to Albert B)IoUI!y, one ~; ~ouse, he ra~ ,III to tell Patsy Jano. town I?t in Morrow. . , n~ Go ahead: It II do you good," she The Franklin B08ird, and Paper CO. prged. And then she added::' 'Who to the 9leveland, Cincinnati, Chicago ." are your friends?" , and st. Louis 'RailwflY Co., 1.59 town " ' "C?h, a ~ouple .of fellows I met ael'Cs in Franklin, . , I~==================~=====;:,:==;'·::i':::'~"~~. awhlle ago, he SOld, evasively as be Eleanor Van Tress Smith to ' R. A. klased her. ' a n d . R. G. Crou, 116.76 acrell In The booze-ru'n ners proved to be Wayne Tp. ' . . companions. They took Mary Veerkamp' 1;0 Adolph Deni" it .f?r that he Was a kint\red IeI'. two to"n acr,e s in Hamilton Tp. SPirit, and they spoke freely and with Rac~ed , A. Ertel 11;0 George Ertel
People who wouldn't think ot going to any but a good, regular dealer for food, clothing, or furniture, patt~onize the worst kind of "dun IPS" wheh it comes time to buy a tire. They do this rhinking jt is necessary in order tc get a tire bargain. We'll sell you the best tire madea Goodyt'ar-at ,a,'price as low as you can get anywhere.
W aynesville Moto~ CO. Wayne8ville, Ohio
McClure J. E, McClure
Fu lIy Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. Ambulance Service ,TELEPHON.)
7 li,4 Y OR NIGHT
3esie Stanley ,
VACCINATION OF SWINE , (A SPE.QiALTY) Not.IUa. "ut R.n...I. Sertaa ... Vinaa UNCI Phon. 31 HARVEYSBURG, OHIO
.' ' I
on Cbattela,Stocu. SecUJi. \We moved last week to , our new LOANS tiel and Second Mortc'¥lI. Not. bought. John Uarblne Jr., X.nl.. ' • ·1D80-'.e location in the, Odd fellows' Building Ohio. on North · Street, and are· ready (or Farmers', Attention! F.rm .... of Wlil'ftn and .dJolftlll, countill ' ma111bta.i n monel !In , Ion, business. time' loanll, .at Ii per cent Inte,..". COlt of aecurinc the ..m. II vVl're.. ,Call,and s~e our new ~ales room, '~nrl IOnable ,tbroucb The Fedvat Lan. Bank_ For furtber .' lnformatlqn ~ our New 'Cars,' , " on or "d~.. M. C. DRAXI, Treuurer, phon. 'U8-X. '0" bur g~soline pumps will 'be in ope'~;tLOST tion this week . . " LOST Dtac wheel -and tire. ""der
Way.nesville Overland sales" eo L
R'eo 'd'' -
Leban~D~ O~o.
pleaae ,leave with B.cV. ~mlth, R. , ; ' Waynesville. Reward. ' ·019 , SALESMEN WANTED
"Make "'0.00 t(j 89.00" WEEKLY-~ An old elltabllshed Comp.ny capable dealer for the entil'e Count, of Warren. W. manufacture 100 useful every', day nece.iti.., exe ,trec,ta, apices, medieillea, ' ete. On the market 26 ')'~an. Easy to build permallent blg ,paylnlr bUllne... No experience, practically no capital needed. Write' tod.y for iull pUttee' ulars. q. C. - HEBERLnm. CO., DeP7 887, Bloo~lngton, Ill. '
FOR RE".T : FOR REtJtII""':'-HouBe of fo'u r {~Olll"
, ...
large' lot and garaen, 'cistern,' aDd ~:!~ wa,t er. InquiJ'e '.~',G~t~190f.
N· · b •• · R d , OW given , ya ""rrow et- 'F9lt RENT...-Farm . , ' , .o~' 80 'ac~ , eaah ,.., cha.... on C . h S i d R ' . d ' , as a es ag :., ecelve on or 'grain. R. E. Slmldu, Dodds. A.ccoun. , t ' \ ',' .. ' ',' ' I:, · -;::;::===~===,=;======' FOR S~
'TH ' E 'LAs'T ~ '~ALE" ' will ~, b~ . , A.llction, heidiat
ri::!~r!~~h:;I!F.I1~~~diJ~ta~~!e~f ::~:I::::~:::'~::~AN~:~~' "i'M" V~ " '.D~' 'HVM ' ', ' A 'N,at -.:; I f. .~:E.ln :1 ' a i3'" U9~615; I~!! ~ ;~.. 'Th[UrI ~ d ' O-~-b "...,~' aYJ .au er ~" " . ~." ,
The firat 'tlme they produced a bottie, and drank frOID it, he refused their invitation to join; and the 'secbut the.,Jbiid time he 8UC. 1+"'II1:DDea to their urging to ('t.,ke just Which W81 only the start (To be continu d.) • e
." . ,,'.t Ohio ,CetltJ:al , Corp:, pborie ,r en,t ,_ ' . " "'8 ..60; same, . Le"anpn ' alld Coal Co... Ice, .11Bj Ailfred Brant, !.. pris\,ner expense, ,8.8'6; same ned. '. Ing impounded' doll for 19!'1, ,5'; . . , pme, fe~IDIr prilclll'~ US.!6; l.. I. ence, rep~ 150c: OJiatl.. Waao-
. ' , •
·at 8 p • 'm •
_ ' , '. ,1" . "
.11 p_~ " ~cicldll~.
....... . 1IOQELft·SDlO ~'l " ala ....... 's -... • 'FOa BAr.£-WbIte 'eOI1ie Pllpe. see ChariII' BurDett, 8...D. 6. W.,.. . ,.,pie. OIlSo. ' • , __ " " •
ow..- •
II.. Clara Jane Halton. of Cblotn- Ilt. &lid Ill'll. Charl" Gra, and Eraett Eu ene natt. Ipdt the Welk-en d with her daurhte ftl, Alice and Kathlee n, and ed upon the !on -I88UI IO liVERY WEDNBRDAY," Pah~ta, Dr. lind Ml'II. H. E. Hatton. Mra. Amand!l Starr vllSlted MI.. Mar- Clark, which waa Illlt Thuftld a ~ - - - - - - - - - -,' - - - - Bora-T o lItr. and Ml'II. Jlarold C. garet Starr In Miami VaUey hospital , ~~ l!:.~:t~::·J:II"_:~:·",· Gillam ' at Hale hOlpital Wilmin gton Dayton, Sunday, and report ber Dentil t mak. ' Mrs. Warren Johnato n and Miu October ", II dlluchte r,' Helen Eliza: 1ng I8tlllac tory Improve ment. Mina beth. Johnsto n, In compan 'wlth tWI) " other couples from Troy,y calJed Wa,.a.. yllJe Nallo.a l as",k Bla •• ....... ..... PrIee, '1.10 pe.. Year, on ' Mr. and Ml'II, Howard Graham and Mrs, Sarah Je!l'erill and Mr. and Mra. Mn. Herb~'rt flite and Jane ElJen dal,lghtel'll entertai ned to '!'t. L CRANE of Walhlnc ton C. H. , .pent aeverlll Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. E. dinner on RUSlell Jelre!,')! amId aon, Kirk, Sun· Tuesd ay, 9 a.m. 3rp.m T~ 'los MI"ml Ca..tt. (or Job Wor\' C. Mannon day. They took b;Baket dinner to the daya thia Week with Mr. and Mra. and Misses Ruth and Glenna Man~ creek and celebrat ed Kirk's birthday . Satur day_8 a.m. ,7 p.m OCTOB ER 19, 1927 ' Frank Wilson, , non, of Wilming ton, and . Mr. and' • ... • W. L. Harvey paased ~ay at his Mr8: C. E. Gordon lind aon, Robert, \ SuJ)lCrib~ to thtl Kl&ml Gantt. . home on MlIIPle street Tues'day night, !!!~!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!. OPPOR TUNITY !!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!"!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!! followin c several ween of iJlneas. " .....,~,..'"'''''' '''''''' '''''' Wri'- thi '-bl ta d Funeral were held from the HAYE' YOUR EYES EXAMINED .... s on your ... e , an late homeservices RId ~ol"'CIftPIna lila." Put your body In F id fte never rub it out. "Buy somethi ng trim by deanlna up your bloOdl from the alowin& r ay a moon. , down poiIoDa poured into It by inactive Iddnq,. sound in the United States, take care ' The Sunshin e club will , Uver and boweIL You may,rely upon of it for better, for worse, and it eteria supper tI nd Itallow~give a caf'en play at WD the famoul old Dutch Nationa l HouaehOld Remed y-in use sinco WE GET THEM QUICKL Y AND bIg war General Motor. stock sold lit 27. Every ono , invited. 16516. The ori&inaJ! and &muine. Nothinc FREE OF CHARG E $20 II share. There were 400,000 .. Ila for more than five cents. . CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR shares outstand ing. In 1916 the stock EXPEN SE laId at $850 a shllre. The compan y .Clarksv ille high IIChool was victoTwo Show s Daily gave five shares for one, the new rioul in a closely eontes~e d 6.30 aDd 8.30 p. m. ' atock Bold at $410. Later each ahare , pme Wedncs day evening basebal l , our boys holder got ten shares for one and 10liDlf 11 to 10. WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE PbOD •• HARVE YSBUR G, O. had fifty shares, H i8 original one sharll" that 'had Cllst him $20 was worth $2,100, There was a slump, Pierre du Pont the Du Pont Compan y, be, came chairma n of the board, Mr. Sloan, preside nt of the compan y. Common atock was reduced from 20,000,0 00 to 6,000,00 0 ahares. The ,origina l holder of one ahare that cost $20, without having tolled or spun, simply by holding on, now haa 87 ~ ehares, at present prices worth '6,· 267, not a bad return on an investment of ,20. But don't ramble; make up your mind what is rood, buy what you Metal Trinu Elene H~!.' can, hold it. Some see these thin,. in ac!.vance. During the war when EAUTIFULiatin the Stock Exehan ce Will cloud, Otto hats with meH. Kahn aaid to a newspa per man: tallic trim - a 11 N(5X Hats and "Buy yourael f a couple of thoulan d metallic turban sahares of General Moton (it was lIell ST, RATB and felt and ,satin hig then at ,60 ,a llhare) , keep it and EIGHT Shoes are combin ationl arc you will have all the money you will marks of distincto be' found in ever need. The profit on that trans(;Tj'H E Book Fair! The greatest, event of its kind ever tion of a wellaction, "hleh required no creat Inthis new shipme nt. dressed man. There broug ht to , Dayto n . . ~uthors and illustr ators of in.Sketched. blach latin lIJith wide ..ilver vestmen t, would have been a little are style. fit and more than ten million dollarl. lace inaertio n encircling the enlire hat. ternational note will be our guests and yours undoub ting leader-
DR. RUD OLP H Dr• .John W. Miller
u...... .__=-=__=_=_-,.:: ;:-"::=_ ===.....=== -- --- -- --- - ---
CarY I·Jew elry Shop
GU AR D • , YOI..,, c.O!!~ Km NE YS·
Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.
NO~/ !
Phone, Write or Wire Corn elia- She Will Shop for You
MAI N 4301
Knox Hat s.strat e-Eig ht Shoe s
All Next Week
October 24th to 29th
""'• ....-"
---_._ ..---
All Elene modds, IU, Th, Mit/in""
couldn 't want a daintiu glove. Fine lightweight skins of im· ported kid. Turn back cuff. designed in the Parisia n man· ner and embroidered in two tone effects, Ovusea m sewn. In mode. beaver. tan, grey and black with white. GloVO- -S,,..., Floor OU
Society Brand Suits, $50
Daniel W. Streeter John VaS50s Philip Rollins Albert Edward Wiggam Clarke Venabl e ' Edgar Guest Julius King Arthl.\r B, Chrism an John Rae Mabel Kingsla nd
HERE will be :a differen t program and talk each day in the main Dining Room at } o'c1ock by these authors a,nd illustra tors. You are cordially urged to make the most of this opportu nity and attend EACH day.
THE authon and illustra tors listed above will be in the Boo k S hop each day u scheduled. They will autograph any of their books you may wish to purchase. You Ire invited to meet them,
Impor ted Glova , $2.95
Th. SIO" fat Mm
Dr. Edgar J . Goodsp eed W . B. Seabroo k Horace Lytle ' Margar et Wipdem er Mucus Dickey Marjor ie Bardey Madure Lester Cohtn Hendri k Willen Van Loon Katheri ne Brush Harry He'r var
Th, N,glig,. S«ond FIOOt'
. SCience will some day build a wi· eaeope eruablln r ua to see Ufe on othed planet&, which wiU probabl y amaze 01, . . when "e ftnt IftW microae opic llf. In • drop of I~t _ter. Alfred Rouel Wallace , a peat aclentiat, ,co-diae oTerer of evolutio n with Darwin, penuad ed hlm..1f that human life and IntelUre nce were a monopo l, of this earth. But' he waa old and did not "ve - the IaWl of nature credit for lulllclen t vereatU ity,
ship in bot h . Priced at 18 rtlch.
Here is a tentative list of authors who will present : -
HE ' vogue for Coolie 'coati i. a lasting one - they are .uch pract,ical. colorfu l and ch«rfu l garmen tl for boudoi r wtar. Of fine wool challi. vivid· ly decorated in gay oriental colors. Black with brillian t deligM is particu larly chic.
too during this
eventful week.
FtUhion Float
Wool Challis CooUe Coat. $5.95
Dr. Campbe ll, able astrono mer, calla our earth, with Ita many fine real estate comers , "jult an inai&,nilleant point In the universe of countJe.. IIpherea," and adds it would be unthink able that our world Is the onl, planet that aupport a life. Few do auume it, who know that life can exllt whereve r oXYlen and ",ater exiat, and that the lPeetroaeope abowl oxyten and bJdroliln throulh out tha unlverae . We cannot lee Ufe on other plan eta, even on th. moon, object nureat to 01; nothlnr amaller than a blr .kyac:ra per would be visIble throup a modem teleacope. But men no lonpr believe onl; what tile,. lae. The, eannot He 'the radio, worklDlf tbrourh the ether, bllt theY, believe 't~t t~ worltl.
in Bristol art designed wi,h style, fine fabrlCl and expert tailorin , and they mean montija of real satisfaction. TIN S,Oft f(W Jim
Interwoven Hose i5c .. _1- _1.50 HAT man W doesn't know and LIKE I nterwoven Hose? These new fall pattern s and colors in Ii wide usertm ent are all-woo l, and.i1k with lisle lining. Sizea 10 to 12. Rilu'. Jim'. Shop
no admission charge.
Pl... 10 .IIend non,
S Suits. Itripe!!,
It now de.elop i thtat mOlt every
tooth In the prohibit ion lAw- la ('rqld tUJed." 0--0
ma,. u,.
Levine' . enemlea lAY w,h at , they "jIJ'lah b,u t ' the71 can't he doubJe.eroaaed the' Atlantic . 0--0
When BiU Hinch told Sam PurdY'I wife to Ihut her mouth and keep it 'abut, Ibe did. BiU is a dentist. •
0--0 '
Stranp r in town laIt week "did not ebooM to run" ."bile c:roaa'lnc the atreet: Ona leu RepublICan vote in 1928, ' 0--0
Wan, Ilnce that , Lon~on , twilt _am the EnclWl Channa l tMra t. at leut one atenolf& pher;in the wt/rld with a c1eaJ¥ neck. "
hal taken more than
Jeal'II to ,provel t, but the nation now boW. that B&rrJ" Sinclair baS no' TeaPot Dome. : ,
Ogilvie ,Representative Here Week of Oct. '24th
aDd mon PIOpll an tamllllJ to
, cariDIJ for thI hair, The o;UYi. Slal.n lI!'iII han • apccial np~· _tati.... Ix~ tht 'Iltlre ,,,..It batlDllin. October 241b. Mill ' and womlD .n .qually .bthualutlc , Ont thl multa from Olilvi. Sin.nln atm.ata . Leetuft alld demOIl.tra, tion ncb day at 2 ,]0 p, M. ill tht Staul, Shop. II.dvki aa to Inatlll.n l of Ih. 1C~lp aDd hair with. out cbarl', ' Th, BNut" Shot>JI'ZltUli",
the dml H tobt bue. Now u,CloWD'. ALLOWEEN
m.thod" 01
",2, '0 ,'.10.
..... Our Party
,.1 .. P."... " '0'9 , 11
B NNeIa Hi,lan
Lamps '
The feUow wbo said the automo bUe WIll rulnlnc ·the JoulII$ r generation, reallY' mean~e ,.ouDle r pnaratJ on II rulnine the automob ile. Yeh, all of them.
- ..
Batur _ an.raooa. <t " , ' ClJde RaD~" ofiAu.-ora,
Ind•• ia , uttlq lila brother. Dr. C. G. RaIl-
.wl and'· IIn. BUdalL '
Mr. and lira. _
: 1Ir.
StaW were, week
of Q. ' Clark Starr and
8.J1r1q VaIIQ.
an4 1In. .1t.
W. deput. ~ tor their home 1D De1'Ja.. after .,andlna UIe . . .
....... _ _
, _, ,.4
, 'brj
• dlIf..... ,p~ . AUlD ...... . '
32 in•.Challis· 39c Tlllker B.II cOllon ch.lIi. looks alld 'nil like wool. Vuy ,ult.bl. 'or niah! gown. and pajama. br· UUH il I. 10 10ft and warm, AI,o de.iratll. ,for children'. WUt. Pro· ahrialllt. fUI color. Wciah 0004. D,p.r,--S «ond Floot
i - 140 ' tblt ODI All 'rvln alld colon but nol ill all mer. ' Coal nyl.;....V neck itytt"-th awl .collar ityl~I!.Uo"ar. Si•• 'tflnll' ftom 24 to' 1,8 , Th, BOI/" SIOtl--SiCond,Flo~. , LImB BoYS' SHOBS >' " • :rail .lIt _or calf ltatbe ... ,;itb wide .... DIiaD ' IO\9I"IDd ' IOf\ tilll. ,6. .", , , . MlssSs ' AND CHIU)R IIN'S>SHOIII ' ; ' • Paltlll liather " bUllon '1f"le .,.,ith" champallM top. ' ,f, " .iaJ Id.JO. Other bllh dIoH: Ilel It yIn. 1o,1II~ , wltb clod! toplr If ...J 17. ' Shot o.,,"""7'2ml. F(oor. " 'l'KJDoDISS' COLD RATHBR Gt.lMB N'n Por till, babi";7 'ht Bab,. 'B\!DtlDI _~n :erool wrap. bou~ .lib IlIk, noo<! 1&, liard ';ItB afIIt. -, ...,. ' · For ,Ix I IDd 2 -tlr' ot.s.-b~ ~iDcllIdiIIl ..ata. ltqw, cap IDd alttl.., Pot ,2 to .. ,, ....-.i 'brOadcloth .cou .. ..____....-,. with cOadIlI"Qr .mockill l' 11111 bta"'!' ~.- , .. "J.7J. 0."."" ." T~ ~ • • • '. 4 ' •
S prieto
·tht ,'
• dlIf. .' · ....
·HAKlllt s.-Htlv crlcktU' :...- caroilall ·waav.. ..... t.CI I'tIhacrd froID our batter ttock to
, HcWt Y~r Pi~rur, Tak,n .
In')r~'n.iw pr'~_F~ion
• ,:i ,
14"'. '
"'1M d.
!alking velvetoen in the .porU mod'. - and il may '" had ill light colon •• w.lI .. the ricb foliag. ,hades 4d lIavy and black lC illches wldl, a Iard. Suitable for p.ntrll ) ~ I , SIII& Dlpl.--S tcond Floor
,'0.9J ,'.U.
Mra. Fred Campbe ll hal been 'quite III for two weeki. IIr......Arthur Shamer lo, who, hal been q/itte in, Is lOme better. lira. Aomine Shuinak er and Ill'll. BUlleU Se«erta were In Da)'tOn, lut WedaeiI daJ. . '". . C. Gray and erandlo na, . 8obert and WAJlle Gray, _motored to lit. S-_II ... 'SatuJClay: IIII""P.~' A nU1llMt 'from ; here ,attenci .d lira. 'Wllklf! O.nn"'1 lIle lD WlJDlIVi1la
:wit •
Ia lUu.G.lI, pod shla.. . Hoa,. D"" D.perftwn '
MART eird •• arc
Comple te . lamp naUy 'ill, quality, Coattructrd of Mavy c a I I _ ·m.tal-w ell ballllced anel lub, ltantul - .iI a!toedn d •• i • 11 • finialxd ill FRntb .ilt or SpaDilb bra... ' The a1ud .. · .... n... alld dl.· tinctivt d..iln. in IlIk and porg.Ue crepe ill colon of puny, aold, Ir.en, aDd .nd blue. JwUH Lanp co.pI. Sridp tolDP compl... Lompt-F ourrh ' FtOot
slLlt PROCK! 1I0,U -
,.Uond .ryl.. qulitt
So Smart For Sports Wear
combination IUIlIpanDt .,d"lt .Dt!J metallic tm bro,idend gtorgIU~.. , , llm't Drr.. S«,ion-F GI!Jjon FIOO# PeUe. Procka An Youth'u I HEY art Iypiqll, youthful yll ha.,. aU tb. IOphi.lic_tloD Parll model., Th, OcIQbtt ¥roIJP II compI,,!. with frockt for bUIIll_. echool. aft.moon and .venillll, Sltatcbcd. vdvel and callton crlpa, 116.7J. Junior D.b Shop TM Fa.hion Float Wool ........ Proc", ,lS, HIS ,mart fall malerial ill , allucd....Iyl .. and colon Abo .Uk Cft.,Pl! and utla. SiZH ' 14 to 42,
'i, 2'~~b·.. cb
S(oIiDIJrr y--S"u, IIDOl'
InCt'Ulin. dtnllnd /or , "the importallt goWD," Prock B Ikncbtd HColld from 11ft u_ the 'nor.d
N.pk... S•• Dc...
are ul<cwd by "V'lltHD 11,1. ..I pcrt........ uri0ll you of tbeir 1 ut~ticity . . Barbara Lee C~... _100 . il ES!; DtW arrival. ill d~ coat world wur much fur and IIrik. a, vivid not. iD the 11. of lilbe (Uri on dock fun on ligbt coat•. Th. Coal D,patlm ,nt-Tht Ftuhiotl Floor
$8.95 and _10.9'
T .blt eo.... 2,0, 2', ucla NlltHaab n JOe 10 Ue Clot.... He ..d J Oe S..lt 10, • Ph ,
LEI! f-tocu alld coa... twilla ill Ityl. and «ODDmy,
Ba<t..' . r- pwoca. 'J9"0 LEE haa ncollllz. d the
Whethe r ,or not, it " announc ed in their platform s, almoat every polltlelan II partlcut arlJ intereat ed In fo.... eatry. < The :1p.-;~1lI11&' departm ent, at laut. .
U.lItIll, hicetl
\. '
HaI1o_ n Ideu
,- ~
dallCln, animal. and maa, olher cCollum.. to c.b00ll from _ Adult.' alld chl1d~Il'1 priced from T Ol/.-.,& '"""t
lJWmue h .. tJiere _ _ notiafne to interfer e, . whJ . doem't tha ·JUne of I~ 10 over· and plQ with the tittle Kine of
. __
Tramp -"Uaw Y" U II nod IIlf\1aro hll-IIJl'ry IO t\n. 11Ii)<5 U81" Lady •Yl! ~, I lune. I ntl h '\1 bl! lw nH' IIILV lI1il)l/t , 110 you'd ulltter bt'al iV ' __
At • dls.tTlct c:c;m ferene08 hel~ the followl"g .resolution ' WB$ by thl! conterenco: CltI~ISTlAN OHURCH Resolved, that we urge .ali our Sunday Sehool ,t '9 :80. Eve~pIc to Iluppbrt with their prayers. body cordlally Invited. nlelr in fi u,ence arid their ballots. the ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Munhall Jaw already (ldopted by the State legislat ure. . It is eminently Sunday, OctOber 23~ at fnir and jUst and Is a necessity a . . m. the prop(,f. enforcement of prohibiFather. Bion. Paator. tion in Ohio. (Signed) Aaron S. Wntklritl, ST. MARY'S CHURCH W. Edwl\ld Roberts. . Nineteenth Sunday nfter Trinity. H. A. ' Rothrock, October 23 . Church School at 980; Purdy Vjln Wicklin. • .\ no church ~ervice. . Rey. Jcib,n J. Scbaet!er. Rect~r. IT CAN BE DONE
m t lli 101' U
Get Qllicket Gains at Lower Cost
- --.. - ... ---
Thursday' Oct.. ·2 7th 1927 '
FERRY CHURCH OF CHR'I ST Mary-IOYes. hel strongly dlsproved ·Consisting of Boars. Sows,. and Gilts. Many of Services 9 :80 a. m .• nnd 7 :30 p. of my frock. Said I ' ought to be Which .ate Show prospects. m. Mornipg sermon, "Und~rsta nd looked up for ,wearing 80 little." Ing by Faith." Evening ennon, "A J erry- " And 'What did you do?" Matter' of Choice." AU are welcome. Enrollment in the 40-bushel Wheat "Oh, 1 just laughed it off." The minister wns absent on Octoclub clo~es ovember 1st, according ber .9th, haying been called to Genoa to a letter from Wallace E. HangOhio. to preach on that date. Bro. erJ of fann crops, Ohio agricultural Sale at Cedar Vale Farm; Y2 mile South nast of Thos. Blackbmo(c. of Lebanon, sup· college. to County Agent ClaM. who plied the pulpit very acceptably. Cedarville, Ohio on ]amesl-o\yn and Cednrville bard hne been requested to give publ . On Wednesday, October 8. Mr. to the contest, and to accept enrollSurface Road. State Route N,). 72. ments from Warren county. The 6b . All I am going to quit t~tng. I Stanley Morrill, of Cincinnati. and WIll offer for sale at my !,esldence Miss Rosalie I Mae Swiglll't. of BellDon't miss this great opportunit y. tu nch at ncX.m. ject is to see who can raise an uverthe ol~ Stump .farm. 6 miles E. of brook . were un ited in marriage ut age of 40 bu hels or more of wheat Sale pn1mptly at 1. P. M. WayneSVllle, 2 miles N. of Harveys. ~he Ferry churrh thll minister offic. per acre. The fields should ' at least ten acres. Larger fields call burg, 6 miles S. ·o f New BurlingtOn. latlng. The mJniilter is spending Tuesday be used from which the best ten acres on Frid.,., Octob.r 21 . 1927 and Wednesday of this week in can be selected for the con lest. As yet Wllrren count y does not have an Beginning at 10 o'clock the foUow- Greenfield. Nathan Johnllo;' Minister.... official member of the 40-hushel ing: Five horses, 56 pigs 34 Shrop • wheat club. All winners are given shire ewes, 100 White Leghorn hens. a spccial medal. A number of WDJ'o 14 cattle, farmin,g implements &lnd THE MARIt MISSING HORACE STUMP. ren county Cnrmers now have excel- hny. Stanley and Martin, Aucta. lent looking fields of wheat, so CounAngry Customer--'I' see you have ty Agent Class would be glad to have s i~ in your window: "We Aim a At t he residence of the late Suo several enrollments before NovemPlease." Banneh Stoutsenb.~rger, in the village to Storekeeper-"Why, ber 1st. yes. 'That Is ......... ...- - of Bellbrook, GrEiene County. on our motto." SATURDAY. 04:TOBER 22. 1927 "Well, ' you ought to take a little Beginning' at 1 :::30 p. m., all house· time off for some target practice," hold goods arid personnl property of the deceased together with house and ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!! Mrs. Herman Saylor spent Friday lot will be sold to the higbest bidder. NO: 2220 In Dayton. Among articles of furniture. · etc .• Mrs. W. M. Coleman spt>nt Friday will be found many antiques, some alR~PORT with M.rs. Walter Kenrick and family most one hundrecl years old. Terms. cash. Of the CondItion of the WaynesMrs. J. M. Staey, of Dayton. Is vis· EARL R llANDOLPH Admr. VI·ll.e National Bank. at Waynes... . at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I _ . __ . __ ' itin .. ville In the State of Ohio. at Uie RUMell Burnett. . , Leavinr the fann. we will sell by close .o f bU$inCS!. Oct. 10. 1927 M.rs. Mary Carmony spent the way ot publtc, aelction. our ebattels, RESOURCES week.end with Mr. and Mrs. Claude located 5 miles S. ot Waynesville, LOan. 'and "Iaeounta. Inelud· Pum.~ldal. bome ,rowil . ...... ·........................... ............ llc to ' 2sC at Columbus 1 ~ mites N. of Oiregonla on the Alia Ing redlaeounhl. aoccptance Rlg"u . Whl • . or other banka, and 'C"relgn• . ~cre farm, near Green Brier bill. of CJtchange or drafta Mrs. Susan Saylor and Mrs. Ellen S h I H ao ld Itb Indoraeonent r - CHfton, No. 2% ean, in ouse, on tbl. b!nk ... '79.028.:8 Copsey were Thursday dinner guestl C 00 C t Cl b' own ayrup Can . . . .. . of Mrs. -William Coleman. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 28. 1927. ~~~~~t~·ubi;,ciaj.ed·:SOO:8i 279,010.08 30o.s1 O:~':o?t. IU biD be • .", I,"UP caD ...... ........ :............. ,. .. .. ,.................2Se BeginQing at 11 o'clock, the 101. 0 po.ltcod to .ecUre clrllul.· • n ea", I,.. UP. caD ..25c A"oDdale i. m.,dium '''nlf caD.I9c 50,000.00 SP~~~b~~:. ~:S;e H;~::Sd~;ac;~es~ lowing : 5 head of horses. 4 he/ld of ~I:l~ .~?;.~:.~~~~.·. ~~.r. .':~I: 173,e92.94 ; of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Mullenix. cattle. 100 chickens. farming imple. other bonct.,eloCka,aeourIUu 8.uOO. UO I ments and household goods. f:~~~~e~~~:: witti 'l-~~:j.i~ LEE E. EARNHART. Ro •• rye b.nk ." • . . . .. ... 1J.S2~.16 Mrs. Charl~s Mullenix accompanl· : : .. .. . : ...•. ed Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archdeacon Hartin and Stanley, ' Auctl. o"ea ................................... 1.15 Jan ... . J-C:~~ :~0;;a:~~lo·nna1 :~~~~~ l8.G50. i9 ~ I . p.l·~ r ·· ··.·, ~ . + . ~ .....·· ....... U'5" -__ Amount duo from IIt.te of Waynesville to Dayton, Monday. Owing to the d.eath of my husband bonk.. banker. "nd truat Mr. and Mrs. Claude ' Lewis and I win sell by way of public auction ali , ;~mfha~o~~:lJg:"ui.,~' .'t~~; 1 family spent Sunday with Mr. and my chattels loca1~d 8 miles N E of !" e, 10) ................. .. 4,39 0.11 ., nedemptlon ' fu nd with U . • Mrs. Raymond Pryor. n ear Lebanon. S . b pnng oro, on the .Yankee St. road, B. 'l,'rea.urer .. .... . . .... 2.500.00 lecd. ,. Iplced Jumblll j·b.... ...... ...... .................. ..... . .. ...................... " ........ 11 el. ..; ......... 15c ~ocoi\.'d M...aIla.aJlo..J Ih ... ~ .. 1.,e - -\\---:-:Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham and on what is Imown. as the !lId Wheatoll -+ $D68.188.S8 daugbter spent Sunday with Mr. and fa~. one·hal.f mUe W. of Five Point ' !.rABlLITIE S • • •• • ••• 1 MrS. C. W. Albrigbt. near Spring· School House; on Capital atock paid Iii. :... . noo.ooo.OO N 2 . ~alltrt boro. MONDAY · OCTOBER 31 1"27 Surplu. fund .... . .. . . . ,. . 50.000.00 all ..... .............. BOn. Club. pkC ... .. .............. ....... . • ." Undivided proUta 28.7I6.S1 Mr. and .Mrs. Cbarles Mullenix a.t. U. I .. ·, ............ ' ......1 ......... 7c Begining at 11 o'clock: 2 mllk L • • current expenae. tended the luneral of Mrl!. Nellie J . cows, 6 brood BO~'8. 2 horae •• 8 sheep, o'I~~gla:lli"g' not;~n~iaSt~land. 25 .115.07 1 Haney at Springboro. Sunday after- Overlnnd Sedan. tarm implementl 11111' • • ••••••• : ••• • ••• • • • •• 50.000.00 , noon. fc~d, corn, hay, Ilnd ' a lot of millcel. Amt. due to- Nntloaal bntlka 15.000.00.~ q~I~~~1 ~ . .~~~c~ . .~ulllltnnd. . 36,3!i I Coual..,. Club. C.D .. ....... ,. . ·Mr . and Mrs. Charles Clark attend· laneous articles .A"ondal •• 2 for ............ :........... 250 RACHEL JA.NE THEOBALD. Cnahler·. check. ou 18. ~& ed t he funeral of Mr: William Har· . Total of Itema, 14, Adm.\nill'tnltor of tlui eetate ot 27 and 28 ...••• .• at after· Alb ert 'Th eo bald • deceased . .IndiVidual dop08it. to oheek ....... ~ ... '-~!iJ~lc~":ufiill.rl~~:alII,-I!~mdale--,.J'-'~~ ~ ...... ..... d M 'J B . Martin It Stanley. Aucte. ' Cer"flcatea ot depo.lt C!ue ...r. an r s . . . Jones and Mr. . In lee. tban ao dan ..... . and Mrs. Allen Emrick-heard "Dusty ,Dlvldenda unpaid ...... .. .. · Tnt.l of dem.nd depolltl ~~:bat..,. . MiUe r' , at Spnngboro U. B. church, (otber lb.n b.nk 4epoalt. ) Eatr. f.ae, .ifled.c...... Friday evening. itubJeet t9 Reserve. Itom. 29. . SO. II, U. 3& and Mr. and Mrs. George Scott. Mr. I B&~nti~ . ·~PO.lt.· z~~.:~.I:!~ 60.112.15 A"oatlale Fane,.. c............: ,.... I ... E verett Early and children were .Sun Totnl of' Ume depoe Ita allb· ~::er·. day dinner guests of Mr. and Mn. . ject to Reaerve Ite ma lUi. sa, Ii. and a8 . • 50.142.95 'ddl to FOR SAL~ H u b ert P res Iey. near M1 e wn. " Notea .nd bill. redl.counted 8.700.00 ...... 2 for ............... . . Llabllltl I oth8r than thoaa , CJup.o. Iartr. P..... 2 (or.......... Mr. and Mrs. Wilham Lackey, Mias FDR $ALE-~ellh Jersey cow. with .•• bove Itated .............. 14Ul 1!fabel nnd Rn;lph La e~ey.- ot Middle~ calf by aide. . Wm. Lukens, Har~ ' f5$81,8.38 town. were S\lnday dmner guests of veyeliurg. 019 ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Slaey and ,Stato o f "hlo. Cqunty or Warren ••a: Oa,dioi; 3 · pl... for........ . . ===;==== ======--,-,==;:: I. W. I{. Allen. Preald . nt otl the ny. , - - - nbove:named bjulk, do eolemply aw •• r L()ST tbat the 'above itllr,tcment la tr\l~ to tb. cured, Mrs. Mack Plek"ring returned to .. bea t of my knowledge anel belief. _ -$_.ar .tltole or , W. If. ALLEN. Preallient. her bome near Georgetown Monday. half. ....... u............... after several weeks visit with !In. LOST-A navy lbl';!e brushed ' wool tli~uf:~b I~c:.~ ~~~~ro't"enr, tfu'~fore m,e Ida Day and daughter. Bnd other reI. scarf, Rom~ strIped border. red. ' Yablon RldCe. tives and friends .b ere. . green and whlte. F1oramond Reed. . Correct Attnt: Nota{-¥ Publjo. . {;;. ~r. ~ " 20F6 Harveysburg Exchange. Cbarg. Dr. J . C. Roberts, of manchester, ea revcned. 019 :I. · B. PI!l~CE. and Rev. A. S. WatkinsJ 0 Waynes' Dlrecto,.. viJIe, were at Lytle ehurcb ' Sunday niternoon. The Jat1ier ' delivered a fine. llermon. Several ' ,Sprin~cito members were present at the sem· ces and also the- quarterly confer~ ence. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick company wi~h Mr. and Mrs. Walter qast, motored to Me,morlal P.rk cemetery, north of Dayton, and also visited the Ta'vlo,",vil1 .. Engelwood dams, and in the ev,enlftll' saw • :Ben Hur" at LoeWll, Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Longacre. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Longacre. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swnnk, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin S~ank and son and Ernest 'Foull~s atte~ded a birthday party. Saturday eyenmg, In honor of Mrs. Ethel DaVI.S. at her home In Cincinna~ ' :. Mesdames Allen Emrick Berne . ones. Melvin Sw~k, Edd L'OnlrBCre. .• S. H. Haines and Walter .1 J ' attended the missionary meeting Springboro. Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns The referee's 6 o'clock dinner guests Sunday of Mr. ~nd Mrs. Charles Hough, at Way nesvllle. ~ .
40-Bushel Wheat Club
All .Insured
Public Sa'lea
Wayne 24 % Dairy·Feed is what · the Cows Need Now Wayne 28 % Hog Menl is a big profit maker f or allY hog raiser who bas an nbundnntce of corn to teed. Tbta· high protein concentrate balances your corn at a very low _cost per unit of digestible protein ,assures the highest feeding val. ue from your corn.
Send For. Catalogue
M. _t' Iter in the m_dow... tla•• ua waa .inkia, low:
,n.,. ....Ilred .loa. to,.therl ia tL, twili,Lt .fter.low H•• hi. e, ••• upoa him . .... hrilll.at .1 the ' It.ro.
. A.d .b. wu TOr, p.tieat .1 h., let down tla., put'llr. b.... Sh•••ith.r .• m'il.d IlO~ tlaa.kecl hl.... for inde.d•• be kD.W aot DOW. F~r h. w •• h.t a farm.r l.d. aDd . h _ Jere." cow. M. M. Victoria.
Cedarville, Ohio
Ask for Prices on Home Mix
Pumpkin ~~g~ ~.~~.~.c.~~ .~ ~ ·~. 12c Peaches 15'C,
1:he NEW Wayne 26% makes
it· pnetical to combine Y0!lr P'OWld fann grains inot an
~Ioves ~:i~VY ~.~~~~~ ~
1Oc' £~~!~. !!i:;I::tt.~ ~~k.I:~~lp~ ... '11«: 9C CUri-ant-.!··c,.; 13'C, I Hominy ~ Ib
economical . ~ann.mix laying !DUb of' superior . quality. It JlriNI ,ou 12 essential. high. pacIe ineredlents (tall blended
I ••••
Waynesville farmersfxcbange Co. T.U
-..I"arti ..r
.L_ "0. . .w . .. - ,
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Rin.o ~!~eD. ,
W aynE~sVill~ B.~e~ Under New Managemente '<;.,mpl~te..J:J~e O~ . "Whit~ Ba"ingGo/' Quality,ciex,ds
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HII.t.~·a ·fa~~al,e p' mll'~ .~.;,
October 1;1. •. of B.,,·i'tll·.; .... Octobe. 21-1:'0~" 8tll,op·. fana ~al•• ,o.l! II"'00a ,~; 9~ W~.,....ylJI, • .
Mrs. Samuel WilBon spent a part October 27~.(f illUij. ,.;.. •• . H.E. H"':",.hur,. · ' . of last week with relatives near New . " "'. . " , . Paris. October 28-Lee l~arnIaa.. t'.. jalt 'I IIIU.. S. of Wa",,,~U•• A .ood ,al. . Tb F 11 t. ..,.of re.iltered · cattl. fum e e. ows liP \Clas" was pleas' . , .' . . antly entertai ned at tbe home of Octob.r 31-MHo' noobald.f...... al• .dal,· 3 E • . of . ,Spri•• ber. Mr. and :-trs. J. L. 9anard. Wednes .....a ••r~". Pol.to . . ,,' .' -; " ' ' ., " . . . . . .. 'L' :1,", day eventng. ,M ' d M , No"e~h.r z.,::...~i r.,. Uat. ~t of B.i.. oll" E. of O&1toa. Tbu I• .• lu,• . . h'l r. an ra. S. W. Stephens and of trODd atocli. . : ' .- . i ' ,,' ~ . C I dren • . of South Chlll'leston were ' . . -" ,. .. . .' Sunday, gues~ of Mrs. J. M. Reeves •. Well, w~. nil, ,have Averil · tarm aal~. ' ~ , '' ',.bousehold. and daughter. . Wh.en you h_~ . u.~ ,,'Y.Q1l go~ w:e are coing 'tO .,,,orkevl!ry: inl~'Ute The little daurhter of 'Mr and ,you . every' dollar ·1)o8eI~I~"an~. ;lIeaide•• '!Ve . ~ralJtK· :t.o aatllty Louis Bl'own, ' who underw~nt no 9harg e, p.kl~. ca~ , ofJl11 .~vertUem~nt:" ~~, ~, dAti.... _ , e~t1on for mastoid, troubl<r Jut ~y salliS ~or Jan.l'ary' and li'l!b~ary. .See us ~!11 .• ~d pt,.
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Se\f~n ty-Nin lh ' Year
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. ~1>c'a~ NEWS DIRECT fROM
.' ~;' ~Pt{~
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Perennial Scare
Whole Number 67'1
By Albert T. Reid
COLUMBUS, OHIO- Approx imately $8,650,000 wOl1tb of highway 'co'nAn dairymen of War ren county and t'l'Ucts have beon awarded by the State farmers especially interesled In daihigh WilY dep'urtm ent since the first rying, will be inte rested in a series MI.s lam Lilu KIH!,nt tbe w ek·cnrl of j 927, acc\lrdin g to Mrs. Emerso n Mallon hu been "N7 'data just made of meetings to be held next weck by sick. .ln WUNhin gton '. H. . publlc by George F. Schlesin ger, di. . ' Guy Miller, specialist, Ohio State rec or. Up ~ Octobef 16 con,st'rucuni versity, under t he auspices of III illS 101uy Wright, vi ~ itod fl'icnc!1I Lion work placed Mr. and Mrs. W. T. under contrac t County Ageri t Class. By means of on Mrs. Charles Gray onJordau eaned in Le!.m.n() n l nij t week. since the ftrst of t he year. Included Mon~y. tables, charts and a black bonrd, Mr. 177 miles of includin g brick Miller wiIJ 11 1'. P. A. Gilmer. chlroprl lctor. co n rete and paving, show many importll nt fac· D.r. P. A. Garner, chiropra ctor, macada m at a total lors for t he most economical prod uc- Lebano n, Obio, Phone '78, Lella·non. Ohio. Phone 78. cost or $6,834,844.28. In addition tion of milk. Mrs, Mnry 1.cnh Adnm~ Wi\S the to t his 97.5 'mlles of hlgbway were Cow testing a8sociation record, Mrs. Ada Courtne y wu a aunt of j;'UOKt of WHminglon fl'icnds over the grllded 01' widened at a cost of giving the figur es from ordipary dni- friends In Spring Valley, $448,30 recentl ,. 7 und 926.9 miles were given wlle l -end. rymen of. Ohio, will be used to .show . surface trelltme nt at a to tal cost of Mr. and MI'II. Ross Hartaoe k and the relative costs of pasture . silage, children spent Sunday with $2 01- ,567. Thirty: nine new bridge relatl.,a . Mi sl\(>R Trlllenll 0"11 Mnl'glll'et Ed. contrac ts 14. hay, corn, oats and other feeds for neal' Oregonia. were also Ilwurded at a to"Hl'd R e n~ crtuin cd the ""Bridge" club tal cost 'herds of varying product ion. The of $1,075, 620.4 2. Over 76 MondllY aftel'l\oo n, number of cows per herd, as a /ler c.enL of this wOl'k was placed unMrs. Susan Wilkers on and Mr. ad in profilable duirying will be discullS- IMrs. L. H. Gordon spent Sunciay , .( . k '.( dar contrac t aftol' July I, as previwith II'll'. Howllrd Whl II ('I', 0 On Yton "Il,US cd- as will also the relative io that dote funds were not relative s in Morrow. \,.,,;~ th,! WQ k-c.nrl guest of Mr_ and u i111!Jlc for any new and advanta ges of summer versus construc tion 1I!l:~ , II . D,- Earnhar t. winter product ion, and steady versu R Mr . .J. M. Keye, Mn. work Sehl e Klnger 1IIll)0unced that Ella Cook fluctuat ing mllk ftow. Many other and Ruth, Ma1'&'8ret and Warren Mr. nnd IIfl'il . A , F . Mellnh untl ohll lotti ngs will continu e to be held ellch Coolt problem s will be conside red and 10- were Dayton shoppel'll, Saturda y. " r~ n nlt ntl cd the fun~rul ot n l'clll- month until the close of the yenr. cal dairyme n will have lin opportu nity tlvo In Blllllilt" n, Milnrlny. to bring up -their individu al quesMr. and Mrs. C. E. lIal'llh, of LabA$ IlII evidence of the value in cartiona. allon, were week-en d CUetlta of Mr. Ir. and M". W. Fl. Allen Rpcnt rying on t he acciden t prventio n work Mr. Miller is co-oper ating with and MI'II. Emeh' Butterw orth. th l' w ek.end in Columbnll, the gUests by the 'divisino of sa fe.ty and hygiene er county agents in holding about 24 in the departm ent of industri al re"C MI', und Mrs. Frunk Long. meetinglS through out Southw estern Mr. and Mrs. J .. M. Keys are at. , hl~n s , it is pointed out .t hat a reducOhio. The Warren county meeiing s tending the Lebano n Farmen M i8K ·LouiKI1 COlll!'ltOn, of Ne~ Bur- tion ot: approxi mately $1,250,000 in elab, will all begin at 7 :80 o'clock In the today, at the home of J. Iingtoll. Is spondln g Il few weeks lhe premium s of the state insuranc e M. Earn· evening . hart. with ir. und Mrs. Walter Wilson. lund lor 1927 has been annou·nced. Monday evenlng, Octobe r' 31, at To :further promote the campaig n Way.nea vine Grange hall. MI'II. , Edith Harris, lira. uura 110"Ieet your Ch rlst'mBs Gifis now. for iAlfety the c()mmlss ion, undor the Tuesday evening, November I, at sher, MI'8. Ronald Hawke Make weekly paymen ts. Cary's J ew- dlrectiol) of T. P. Keams, chief of a~ 1&. Mason, Reibold's hall. Harria Mosher were Dayton vilitora. clry hoP, "The Home' of Gifts," the division of safety and hygiene, Wednes day evening , ' Novemb er 2, FrIday. 'LebAnon, Ohio. arrange d for a safcty Congress and at Maineville School hall. exhibit that will bo held 1 Columbus Mr. and Mri. WiD Bndle,. , Mr. I\tr~. Harold Whltllk er, MillS Uu- Nov. 9 and 10. This in -~) exhibit will and Mrs. Frank Cook and Klaa ...... rn Ro naglo- and Mrs. H. E. Hatha- be of interest to all, no charge tha Cook spent Sunda, at BlPlaad way \vcre shoppin g In Dayt(lnl Mon- kind will be made for admissioof any - . .......11 - ~ ~J n and Caves. Wal Hunt dllY. . ing ~ .~ !!peaker s of national reputati on will . - "') 1 ...... T • • • • T a _ iiiiiiill~~~ -' I attend a\l sessions. It will be the . . MIBlles Jean Hockett , Ruth Cook ' i_ U~~~~~~~~_~~d~~~ Mr. J. R. Jenning s, ?f PhOell1X, and Evelyn Tucker SIJnduy in Mt Healthy, the guests of held .were oftl'Blll t* and the only object will be ,that ~============~~=============~============== ~~~u ~~~~~~~~d~~O~~W~ , the Dairym en's convent ion at Colum- nesday Mrs. Arthur Anson and , I . the exhibits and lectures ILS well as in . Mr. and E. F. Earnha rt IIIId . Rev• .J. J. 8ehacff er and Mn. the em,ployer, and Mr. Jenning s is the son of pre:(ent indicaMI'II. Charle8 Gray tpeDt Jut Th_ Schueffel'i who havo been on 8 mot?r lions are that attendan ce during the Jenning s an<t his granil(a ther trip througb the East and SD1Jt)1, Will two days will come from day with Mr. and Mn, J, B. Babr. ----""., eve'r y nook Henry Jenning s, who ' a few of ' in Frankli n : r4lturn this . week. '. , and corner of the state. It will be older citizens rememb er. The 50 ...8 Scinti6 c Talk i. BaD" . • . . a s.. n .... well worth com!n" miles to , . ---nings homeste ad was on the • Last Monday the hot lunches were 101r. A Iva Sears ant1 f am II y an d ..lUr, ... A Diamon d-the 114 .....tutIDw. I d th t II see," ",. and t open d started t.tt tl)e now by general owned the 1Iy Mothers Mn. Amanda , club. With M You'll tind the rinc of ''her'' ,. . . . lrvln Mllter and ,fumily, of Green- at all times during the s an teacn Th ers nI orther a t a paren two dl\),11 ftt h0 . And now comes along an astrono- the Ilame good cook e1leryth de e Id er J enn ings Ieit ",me, were Sun!1ay ~ueBtl of W. N. the Neil House in our aelection. CarTs Jne.". SIIop ing went. be ~o~n Yt: I a~~I~lItel 'ellte mer ville of with the Yerkes an ox Ob~el'Va team about tory. llCAr of! like clock-w Lebanon , Oblo. Scars and fIIJlI\1y. and II good lunoh ~n e el '~ . e r t C ____ ren, may when Cyrus was about six years ~hlC8go, alld slln thot there is prob- was served. Itork conslE.te d of weiner P::~I an o~P~h un~tYt '; hdl~uL t~e age, . , It is 'not at aU· certain that Col ably going to be an explosio and settled in A,rizona. where n of the sanqwlt ches, escalloped com and milk M'-- ewm·t.~ th e Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Henden on uel " Watch~s, clocks and j~we I ry 0 f _ev- Thad H. Brown" former . hi '" '11' d " 0 tC °tlO unc, hili descend ents IItill reside. th rth d' lIe9retar Mr. Boyd HendersOn were dluer UNO a "", e demons ra on agent, an Its or cocoa. ery 1'I~llCrlpt)On fficl~ntlY and prompt state, will not be a condidat y of sun w eu WI oo~ ~ ea hM arrange d for M~ Garvin, nutril? for inhabita nts to. extinch on and m~y ~esta on Sunday of Kr. ' and ' lin. ly repaIred at Cary II Jewch:y Sh,op, the Republ iun ~bel'Dat .s pecialis t of Ohio state unlv.ersiorial ~!lppen any minute,· alth~u~h agam Last week is the first time grade tion Otbo Renden oD. . J.,ebonon, OhIo. ty, to meet with all wbo wUl come nation next year. ' In fact, many ot It may not happen for a ml1hon years 'cards were out this BcbooLyear. in the High School auditori um Sathis .friends 'd eclare thllt he should and or 80. . • Mr. and Mn. J. D. '1Iul&" IIIId . ' one making an )11l1li ji:mma Heighway ~d all dlll- will be tl)tI nominee i~l all their urday aftemoo n, Novemb er i; at when Another astrono mer opt IIlB er~- jects' ls entitled "A" Auction eer W. N. Se(lrll asslated In Mr. and Mn. C. 11. RobltH ner gllt!ltt llist Wedn~sday, M~. Em- ry vote Is all counted up the primato t heir name r attend. on 1 :30 o'clock. ' condUct and books eley, Cali/orn la, ~y~ that. the un!- Honor Roll. ma Barnett:, )il'll. Edith Hams, M1;II. balanced. It will ba rsoalla4 . Only ~'ne Senior re- , Mias Garvin will discuss lIuch prob- Darke ing: a 8ale near Greenville, ed the hom Hom Inc at CentervlUe county, thAt verse lust Thl1r11d II 194 ay qU~d~l that on mllell in dl- ceived these gardes, Vashti Beckett . lems as the M. E. church lut Supda,.. Laura MOlllier, )JI~ Trillena Edward s Col. Brown was second financin l' Qf ih' 8~hool somewh at unusual . Besides the last yasr ","et,lr. Onll ~un red ninety-f our lind Miss Margar et Bdw.,d ". _ luneh eql\ippl n, prepara tl when Myers Cooper was made the quadrillion. ill 1111 t\lere h t eral farm line of horses cattle ' Mr. and MI'II. Cl,de Ecbert, 01 i~tlIl!re is Rah. rahl for WaY1llesvillel JJa~- tQ ~e~e alld ho'w to serv:fti nominee. His friends feel that he t w ad machinery, there were ioo head not any l!'0re. Xellla, Mr. and . Dropped 3,1>00 f,et fr.QJn p ket I>all practice haa started at W. ' entltl.d. to another tl'}' .try, to and answer it is individ Ordinar ily stateme nt:' like this leave H S ual' ::s- pure-bre d Chester White hogs and and son, Ray, Mra. Clitrord ~ plane proves Parker pen barrellS N o n - . thE I])eftt .Sunday with Ii tions as they us dumb and awe-stricken. ri q breakab le. Readquart.el'll for ~arkel' they jar•••ttln&, ready to 1600 White Leghorn a d Whit R k their parents, Mr. We ac., a noon our. v,ery oy, alld lira. I .. , a se. cept them as true because we have n~ old. and . . n e young, Is doing. theIr best at oc Baker. Duofold pens at Cary:1I Jewelry Shop boom early In the In, the school year of 1926·27 ap- laymg pullets sold. )'.al', WilY ' {It ooritrlldlotiJlg thorn 'L b ' praotiCIi! lind they liTe an anxious to proxlmat~IY 400 of Warren Ohl ~ bave the Colonel himself coun t,'.. Tb 'Jlk• - • ' sec who Clln make the ftJ'llt toalll. rural school Clhlllb:on had e anon. . Mr. and Mre. Wm. ·Bro][e,., .r. aad o. th~ lIubj~ct we.,e frultleBII: ' the advanused:: :er~adee a~~~tS~~~.nts;~:~ .'E very onll III gllVllg M Ra d Bra hearties t wiahea tares of the hot-Ianch. In every InlOla 19'0.. DinllOr gue.t. Of Mr. and Mre. F"S. bUilding up a IIJllendld law . leVel at they or aqued whe.ther one m~ion 0 for a su~'lISf ul year ;for the B::~y, ~~o:nd ~'Edpr , ~ . 'Elbon last Thurtld .y evening, werl! and seer: w~1 basket stance,. teachers and parents ' have I h ten angels could stand' on the poin~ ball team. Come on" Waytlill ' man, of Da.ytoD, were auesta of 1&. Mrs. Chades 1oI0derw~II, of lEvan- cb~~~ I e ~ ;:?"B' rol~' lville, been high in their. praise of the ben- Last Thursda y night t 1 ot a pin. Nobody knew anythin g let's go! thieves em;erj~aland Mrs. Forrest Hoap, SUlldq . IltO!) 111" Mrs. ,Mary Leah Act.ms, tea VIce eflclal re8~lts 0 lor JS po lea the school children B. V. Smith's garage and abput it anyhow and. so the (leclar~1'8~ Anna Cadwal lader and 14~ Col. prowl\ . !lnd In their sc~ool work. a f?rld-w ar v~tern' ere were sate. . ' The Senior claes will entertai n the 18 not necessa rily to be fedTo be filled away ab,?ut $50 worth of aUlcom,OO:lIel Tuesday 9 a. m, to , p.,!q., &baIo '. Clara Ule. , ~t~ a spllllld id m ~It!lry r cor. til y and it has accessories. Th~ 'IIme night 'tires day 9 a'. m. to We I;ead 80mewh in our, touth High School and the Faculty at 8 p. m.,· Dr•. Rahlp~ .' been pr?ven over and over th"t and 8ce~8sorle8 were stolen vlng serve two terms a8 ~e~,e ._ry of a IIto,y of " man ere whp professe d ~ masque rade party, 'O~tober 128, lata school from Dr. eyesigh t IIpeciallat ts at CuTa JnrChristm as lind Greetin g cards for o,f state he Is well ac'!ualn children wltp have the advallA. ted T. Wright' wl~ know s machine eve . thin. ' (\ik him .. elry Shop, Lebanon , 9hlo. , Free es_ the (Jrm, ' all occaaipns an~ a· beautifu l line 'of con.dltio ns in every county \ t{l,tl {If I\t Itl ..st une hot dish tn their Ill'ld mu. I)Y fishes ~ere'~ere In the rl~:' ~!Il •- -aminati on. Mottoes .t Cary'l\ Jewelry Snop, niclPety. f Bo;: t~e~ dh~h Lb '"' sOhool lunah, though perhaps not betra~ ~o: he. could tell you to t he last minnow The followIng Is the baskllt ball • • • "'J'l1e Home of Gifts," Lebanon , ,0. sed\{Y f ~ ~ te elye ter flUed are better fed, healthie r Ame ncan Leglo d I~ c : There' were exactly scvente en mj]lIo~ 89hedule for the season: nNob ce . M!.'8. Emma Barnett lu4d.~... .• . , t . ~ an and do s rlen I open. better school work. et! are a and ninety-s ix He also knew the . came 111 at th" home of Mr. and ..... ~orace C. White ia one of aUe:' PIi~- he can ~o the same . thlOg If ' •_ • A meeting of the Ame,ica n Erneat Butterw orth lut 8at1IJta)" Novemb er, 4-:-&lor ,due Junior8 selected fo~ member shIp nominat ion for governo r. ~ven the number of nails that went Int o the at M'!rrow. ' wlJI be held in Grange Hall bridge and the number of stars in the . Nove.mber 11-M88row, She was better Sunday act On, at WayneaIn,'Phi IAm<la Upallon, national hODOh' 1 evenin&" I Novemb t b er I , d ' t.. heavens and the number of bairs on VIlle. otary chemlft l. fraterni ty The men to return to her hO.m e in CIa.. 10 • e ect ons are 0 e con uc . Notic e h new comman der George J. Novemb er 18-0tte rlbelll, at Wayclnnati, Sundlly ni,hL I ked were I, 0'f 8C h0Ia8 tl C ed on the same old Cei\tral standar d your head 'and eould tell you the num- nesvllle II ba811 ' ta dlp e . od nctlvlt14t . on ,the cam- time the At~mey-General has ruted. ber ellSct '!l ' nllnu ' t' t·Ice. Th" oUle. , In a Th Mr. A"d M- E. 1'. E--"·' " , .~ e n:r 8 no B n ~ lin III lan T ' December 2~Kings Mills, at /I' Local memb~ s will have charIFe, He IInds tluit the Eastern e ,"oman 'Ch 8 rllt ..was all ' ' ' righI;, p . . . bl\cau&e . . . ~ /lobody could viJl D tertalnle.d"at .,111. .Ix o'clock ~ . clInner , ta' anee Union will meat at the home of an4 a dlllner will be served. , time measure is a general dispute It, but it Was sImply a bold ,neVoc: inber 9-8prln g honor of the latter'a ' motaer, lin. fl' M_re. Fred M. 'Cole, Jesse Pren- and th!lt tbe ' provisions of !It WafM ..... bo Anna WlIllamllon, Tuesday , ~o•- • Muff. Charles G~y, Mr. and ' 1fIe. I . .. . . ' . nesvllle. derpst, L. A. Zimmer man, G. J : Wa- tlon law. are apeclal ' laws, , ' ' '. vembe~ I, at 2 :30 p •. m. and , you . say there are nllle trilU\ln Baker, of· l'fI\rudi n, Mr, IIIId IJn. Decembllr 16- 0pen, terhqua e X,nntith ijo\:lrh, Ernest Har "peelal aet.: ta~e precede The Cou~ty Preside nt, lira. N. L. nlon eebn gl of grass on tne ' laWD nobody Charles Gray, MarJor i., lIIId Cbul.. lilA alid D. 'L. Orane were in ,atten.' " ..ner~ oneil, 'TIu! tim.nce Qver December 23-0pe n. . Bunnell , :WIll be present .and· addr", to, take the trouble to count . Bur~n EUnhar t. Januory 6-Masof\, at Mason. anee at the , layinr 'of the co~er. the electl!>n \a",. were, not . the meetmg . The congregations of the churche s Your statome nt goes unchlllJanuary 13- Kings MilIa, a~ 1Q!\1P atone 0.1 the' MaSonic .temple I!t HaM7 .ccol,'~lnll'ly the po)!s ,are A ,full I\tt\ln~"n(). II deilred. to . of Wayries ville arc cOI'diany invited It I. the unuaua. sift Mill~, mon, Sunday a"temoQII. · : • I 6:80 I~ the momln r: ·. Cen~ral atan• - .. tp unite witb the ,M. E. congreg ation il'j~atest apprecia tion. W that wiDa 10* of this scientific data Is ,pure Janunry 20-Mor row, at Wayne&',' ')'.', • dard tlme, "and are to ,close at 6:80 Sunday Intende evening d to , October 30, at 7 awe the common ville. . for Chrlatm u 101II. w.' The moet Importa nt 'conside ration At ' night, ' 'Centra; . . tandatd o'clock. Dr. Wntkins and it succeed s pretty well. We ' January 27-0pe n. will give an for the whole f~. A In .aeJeetl nr a 'Chrletinl\l ~Watch ; Is 6:80 I'P.prnlJlJ .lIl1 d ..n address in observance of hav." passed the age when people are comfort able place to &hop at CuT. Feburar y 3- 0tterbei n at Otter"uallty £rery.'tfmeplece we eell must 8~ndard time. " .. lJht by Lee Earnha rt hu accepte d' the po_ Temper anoe Sunday. , stricken' dum~ ,by theological' dictum, bein. Jewelry Shop. "The Home of Gifta." ha"e it. See out watches ·beton buy ' s i t lon of manaee r of. a cQunw bl'8l1oh _; There will be special music. bu~ we· are IQ .the zone now .wbere Lebanon , Ohio. Februar Ing. ·Cary'. Jewelry Shop, Leb,;y 10-Spri ngbo-rp , at of the Ottlo Varm Bureau COrPoraThere ;111. a l)aIance In peo!?l. are bludg~.oned, by eclentift~ ,neaville: • -. non Ohio. . ' '" ~lo,1l, ~orkme . "'hic)1 n B compen sation recently has haen orpn, data. C. , . " J. Moore is enjoying a ten-rlays MI'II. N. L. B8nneU, eoaat7 p ...... ' . , . ". ,amount . to ·mor. ·than · • - - - -.Science has I d I W tre done some wonderf ul ' ... 1" , • ... -1 · ri of the' W. C. T. U., ... . . l!IYa d n a n COUD_".. . .)fr. and .Mrs, Raymon d Willon' at lthe present tl~e, 'the ' YIII t In Ma on, In . tliin8ll. '- It predicts an eolipse of the Clemens, loc;a1 preside nt of PnakJ1D and daug)lte rs ' Mary, ,.thliYn and In the history of state Insuranc ~. mOlln to ,th!, minute and tells Ul! how and Mre. L. C. 1I1ll...ta~ .vanpII ato Jeannet te' ente~!ned to' a six. o'cl'Qak tel' makin&,. ample. allowan electric ity will, act and all sorts of and orpnize r, have rotani'M fioaa dinner, Thul'IIday eV,enlng , Mr: and claillls' . allowed but , not cea r---~ ------------------_:. Elyria, where they were' al tl1 in gs,. but that is ·no rea~on why 1101hi atted. MH!. Wilbur 'S~ith:ana" dliughte'r, Vet paid. and . .reserva tions . ,ofr . entlll~ IIhould lay b~ck their eal'll lind ance at the · State W~ C. 'T. V. coli- , mn, 1I1r. anel Mrs.' Carl Smith, all 6.11 encumb rances, the fund luui ST. AUCUS TINEC HURCH h&'htly vcntion about last week. thm~ that are manXen\n; Mrss Mary' L .Smith, of MI- surplus of almo!lt a million Ifeetly pure guessel . · , . Sunday, Ootober 30, services at 7:80. amj Vl\l1ey ', hdsplt\ll, Qayton, and II~re. No Btat~ :fund Mr. and The . aun' me)' explode tomorro w, Mn. J • .C. Hawke, 'MI'• •cI Mr. Donald H. Smith, Q~ T~oy. ' Father .Bien, Put(lr. the , country hall Mrs. Ronald Ha1'ke, Mr. ancI JI& and aga,!n It rna>: not. One man', . ,', ". ' . tlon. · Of the $ The gue,ss Ie aj good a8 another 's. We Mothers Club will h$ve an all-day Market at James McClure, lin. J. W. ~ : ST; MARY'S C.HIURCH Bu)' , "Yourex Sl1ven-:al" ',f you, In the ~und mlli'e' , ' ~ve made some progreBII In finellng and daughte r, M~ ,Kary Wh, at. Sunday October SO Twentie th ,"'"nt ~he bc&t -in S!lvilr'lfa re. ~l! hal(e Is . Invested it( cl~y" &'OYern the Grang e ,Hall, Odob er 2Q. beginn ing at 9 a. m. out about e\lrthQ\I~kes lind we ~ve Sunday aiter Trinity. tended ' a surpriae Iupper exchulve. agency' In 'War~en COUJlt.YI nnJn!clp.a1 bOlld8~ .....1l of me~t ' . whlcb Hot doughnuts, cbicken and noodles, dressed chickhonor of the hlrthday IIIIn~ d ' e1aliorate .theorie s as to hoW' they·oe- at II :30 Morning Prayel'dhurch sehool Ca\,y'B Jew:elry Shop, LIl~an?n, 0!tIO. ea~l\lng..a , roo~ ra~ of ',tn~res and Sermon t Mr. Geoqe Hawke ' at hlB hom. a. b,ut JU.Bt · ~lIen an earthqu ake is at 10 :80. • l .' • ., the ltate. ens, aakes, pie,S and everyt hiug good to eat. . . ~,f to hIt us we know as well 88 ' Clarksville, .Jast Thune. ., ~. , :.: Lhst Saturda y nlghtllt t heit plea!'., ' " ' . '--r:- - ..~ . , 1'1' R~v. I~hn J. Scha.fr.er. Rector. ant countl'Y liome, r.f\'. lind Mra. ErJ1- . T ' i i' Your eYI!~ for tilt. ,up. M M' " T.'.pr one ord.,. ,!R~ Butte~o~~hl! onter~l".ec\ ~ a'('ge to Mr., Bert Hartaoek, " ~ 1' 1 '. a... . .1 ' eel , Constan t strain to the ey.; ~d' ' " FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIST COrl1pllny, Fl\~o , 1Iu"drcCl ,, ~as, tile " , . ' " .;------. Piton. "PZl WCI,)'nesC1ille eye muacles,. cauae a eo~ , _ _ Services at '9:30 ' a. m., and 7:~0 pa lime, Il.nd · at a Illt~ . hour 11 lIump- , The Loyal,.Temperan~!l 1. 011 tbe 'Dervoaa .nerp'. · ~ fa p. ' pl. Morning sermon .. De.c1s1on .... tuous refreshm ent cours.e was serveCl. cently organize d, Win ·' im appolnt m.nt for lI'ree 'Cq~ Evening ; '''The ',Hldden and the RI, .Tho ,g:'ucst list 'inchrd,( ] M.r . nnd.}tf,n . home of, Mra:' n:' tlo!l T!l.~ ' or Satlird Q wiU. Dr. D~THS vealed." ~11 are welcom e. C. E. 1.Iat'l!b" of Lebllnon; " Mr; ~I!,~ afternoo n ,Jolt at Rudolp~ etaalcb t .pecJal la al, ~ , , ' . , . . , ; You Sh011ld attend ohl11'oh. It wUl . ' 1\1,.,8. Frank ,Hart30clt, Mr.' and ',?,In. We hope <for several . The bodyo.f , J. Quincy SfI!itll, who help the ohurch and the t'Y'IJe~~1r7 Shop" Lib~o.. ~ In the evening' at '7:30. a Mask Carnival will be Hany . Smith, Mr. and ~. ~i S. El- thi. ~ime. eom\JIu nlty died Oarollna, was, lntene4 and the cause of ' Chr,l atlanlty and Us ', Mr 'anll },fn. . Bert Hart80c~. MT.. , held at the 'Gym, Sand~icbes, pqp corn, capdy, ._ . - , hl ,cemel:clry thi~ aftemt\q n. your family, your neighbo r and "our an'd' M~. ¥rlh 'Y' E. Cornell. Mr. and " ENTER TAINE D RELAT IVES WU .tlie grandso n .of til, friends, .nd It; will help YOU. etc.,. will' be Mrtl" J. B Chapinan, 'MI • .lind ., Mn. > , • " . on sale. ' " SmIth o~ neal'. Wlh"ll1r- " , Nathan lohnson,,' Mtnlater. . Ralph ' Mlller, ~r~~lmd Mn. F, B.:lhBen IMnel'd' antd .l In. Prizes will be for .the best Cowboy, ~ndian', '. 1101' ph Mr•• n DIn. ' E. y. Barll.~ , c' , • ' ~ . , a Mr: . a~d. MI'II. 10el Sto~ea ,Mr; ' Clown;Gy,Ps,Y, Puani est Costunte ' an~ most Unique• . CHR,ST IAN CHUaC H ' bratton ~ tlIe , M. Deari, 'widow, ot. Ell ,'. ''Mn .H.a1'l')l Stoketl; Mr. 'I\nd Mrl and '. . M.- '\ ot Mba ...va Wool~i'd, , s~d •• nly Thurada " ,Oc~ ' Sunda,. School A. Oornell ,lb. alld lin. Ernest Hart gue"ts: , Mr, .~cf tin" at 8:80., ~el7101ll,1 hn home. on Fourth street. b~y corcl\aUJ bivlt.ecL Boctt Mr ~nd KrI; R\WCtl S'all.bur y, 18Y ,nil daucht,al', of ,BeUl:lro • o!J. been a re.lde~t of this c0l!' 'M!r ~ d ·M6. D: ,L C~ne, fdn, ,'Illi.- darJ,lnd ' .BNt9i'4 en~ . ~hildrn maDit7 about tWIDtJ,-ftve ,..,.. 'O r&. " ab~th~al1" Mn. Kate Coleman, . Mn, £m~ 'OilS, of~~n"; lG-ee nta • ~The 'fii~eral _~' ",III ~.Id SatE ",a B~e"" 1lDaei Velma 6, :JJldaY ~j~1 WeoIlard and famll" ..... l1li4 lin: urdaJ· afternoo n In st. il D bOrah' W lton ·..~"nCJI.Jlt; ' Albett Shepher d, ibl. LIul. ~ ~ church, of ..hlch'Ilar:r's Bpia- DC 18 041, au abe __ .. MI8 ne en II , . a. ao.. LUCf~le, Wool" coDllQ1Iateaat.. .... "'PhD Portal', of worthAplnat Leap,. ; '1~~! Dt P. A.oai iiif ~lJopnotorj JucI, Eel lIIIel faallb' _ ChrIat Cllureh, Da,ton, oftlela tlQ.:be ;::: o~ ~:at ' Le1Uor.a, ~ 'Phou' '18. ~ . Bvial .... III XeDIa ~ u.;A.u.. C. W. Gordon is quiio ,sick.
=== === === =====
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f~ b~~~nt~nor~~risndU!~~lalb::~~~en:;
S(8tOO~,...N(ote;·tf" a.·
~:~n::V~J1:,n T~::::~~ng vi8i~or
Unul ual Sale
11'' '
W k
W. C. T. U.
..m ....
Man ager
Mar:k;et·an d Carnival
Ii"" "
Mask Carnival
arr: aarr.
.-r. au.".DaN
I '
_~'F..... \
30x3~ Spee,dway Regular Cord
Goodyear ,Built
• •••• _
. 'Cord
Thursday, .Oct. 27· - ,8:15 P. M.
Charles Allois And an alf,Star Cast in
l{TheServ~ntJn TheHor',se" A High Class Big City Production
Endorsed by the Drama League Of America
Prices, $1.~O--$1.00 & 75c Plus Tax
Notice: This is the same Company that played in Music Hall nati October 21 st.
29x4.40 Pathfinder Balloon
lebanon Opera House
CHAPTER Xl n ight on the bu mpers of a fust - - -___ f reight . It W 88 Nirly • .but t he little 6 NEW SUITS town slumbered peuce'fully. Its nres Th . S I B '1.1 ' "n(1 Sha ftl b ' d illuminnLing empty shect1!. Nostril. e . mon nv nlr.! . . UI uuilI • . E ddie lu y fo r mll1\Y hourI! in a IItU ' gin and sel('l)ity i,o c$ ed him as htl , Lonn Compllny v~. WIlham G. ,Lutl, por so prof ound it was deuLh-like. clung to a brakclbeanl a nd rumbled LOI'en J. Hllrdwlck, J ohn J . rll~e. For ol her hours he wns in II cI\!lirium throug h the. pllICO where he wus bor n. lifford C. McGury, us ex ecutorK of . ltot t hrough with the m i~e ry of reul He yea rned t owar d it, ,oven though Ihe ' estnte of Catherine Reeder, ,I ill ne s. His heud' IIched. !lis f1 ~ah it regurded him l\$ a criminnl, an eenscd ; Ch'arles R eder, Louise CIl -' proteswd liS tho ugh it were bemg outcust und a failure. ley, Annu Reeder, WiUiam Peters, He dropped ft:01l1l un empty car at and the unknown heirs, judgmrnt torn f rom his bo n e ~. Th ~ bo ~es themselves seemed pl\ ~k ed Wit h paID. dnybre,!k. the SIX th day of hl s ab- creditor.; as ign9 and 1111 the sueHe "'us im nHlred in n viol nlly- mov- senee, In the Long Portage yards. .' . ing hell which screeched und ~I atter- He wus tired and hungry und dirty; cessors III Ul terest. . . ed heneuth hin1 , lind tos:;ed 111m ut!: bu t he could not wllit. He hurried J . Frun k Guller as admlnlstrator, fe clinJriY nbout. up t he cement sidewulk which flank- lara . Gallaher, George Longstreet, It WIIS eurl y nll(hl of Lhe second cd tho broud muin ~trce t. His f oot- Alice Murie, Ma rie Larson, ClIJ"ric ~incin doy before c o n ~i o usness ret urn ed. steps clicked hoIlowly in t ho hush Bennett, Harriett Grey und Murie He WII~ ' ,'cry weak, and his hcnd lho t .settles on the world just before Olney vs. The Cincinnati, Lebanon t hrobbed violently. He. wus ublc !1 f - sunrise. He was well beyond the and Northern Railway CompullY, ter many n ltcmpt..~ to ~IL up, br~lcm g to.wn. when the sun uppeared on !he money and other r lief. him~elf nsl II 111 .wallt heor mn~e purll\lon, WlIl~lIl gledsu.nd r trlllC~ ahcud o~ hIm. Coluinbus vs. The Cin- =-______ ~~~~==-:==-=:':"'_-::~_-=-::-~_-::"~=========~ while heugni groped t hat sent1l1c 111 I,t s ar lsmg by t wo stubs . ti Lob 'S teward lU\'1 Company. ._.__ . ____ netted him. of what han once la c.e n giant pine.s. cmnll anon ~ way _ _ _ . __ .. .. _ _ _ __ F irst, he wus in clurkncss, clangorFatigue showcd hIS footsteps m mon ey, Ilnd olher r eliel. . econd, . he was the rn ist of the long trnmp. He saw }''rby P owell VB. Mary Powell SUIt OU8 and complete. in a rallwayf reighl cor in fun molion. no onc; there wals . no fri endl y mo- for divorce . . How he got th re he could not recall. torenr ~ otTer a h ft.. H~ scanl)ed The Caldwell and Taylor CompaThink as he would , his heael between the horIzon ahead With mcreasmg ny. VB. William S. Adums, money. his hands, he coulel Temcmbel" noth- c!lger ne85 as, the sun mounted, ~nd costs und proper r elieL ing afler the fi rst drmk on the rum- SignS told hl",1 ~e was upproachmg Myrtie M. Overall vs. George B. cruiser the end of hiS Jo urney. There, at . . d' It w~ s a long timo b.el or e he c()uld last, wus the ridge marJ:ing the west- Ovorall. SUI t for Ivorce. stand up. I:lis t rembling finge tS re- ern boundary ol their lund, from ,'ealed thut he was prisoned in a very which he could see t he cubin. PRODA TE PROCEEDINGS He hurried unl:i1 he was almost narrow space running between the two doors in the center 01 t.he running. A sigb of thankfulness Wealthea A. Chamberlain filed her car. Ther e were two eross wIse welled up i Putsy June had not c~r- tenth and finld account. partit ions holding in place ~ cargo ~Ied out her thr'l.a t. Smoke was r~ sThe last will und testament of M. too,,'or t hl\t pounded Ilnd rasped Wlt h .the II1g from the c~lmn ey of the cab!n. B. Hyman wos produced for probnte. t.eTul.COo R I h G ltd motion of t he train. Furt her ex- All was right \V)t h the world. WIt h BUU.'SEYE loratlons told him the cargo Will! Pat bll1llde him he could mRko good a p reen was lIPpO n e apI , ~ardened bolts about fo ur f eet in and show the wor~d that its persecu- proiser for the estate of. Forest length tion was 88 unfair a8 it was cruel. Pence in place of Clinton DIll. He 'tried the two doors. . He was He would get a job, redeem this Frank Wilson filed inventory lind able to slide eacb of them a little home in the wilderness they had both appraisement as executor of the esway. He could not open them, be· co!"e to love. AJid he would never tate of W. B. Silvers. Wealthen Chamberlain tiled invencause they were 8caled. It was ap- dnnk again/ parent t hat tbey 'Fere now In the out(To be c(JIn~ nued.) tory and appraisement in the estate ski rts of a most ideal railroRd center. , -. , of amuel A Chamberlain • Men who h:1 v 51! 11 lair)' fccas come a nd No.ra ' Haw'ke IIled for go have lhis ad ice to offer : " Feed ethe prison fl eetingly. The train ratappomtment tiS admlll1stratrlx of re-a. lin c-',Il:t· S 1PO-:, Stick to it. Your tied interm ina bly over Bwl tehpolnts. . the estate of Stanley Hawke. The apcows , , I : ' I '11l'r, b nr better -: i their progress poilltment was accepted and appraisThe droning B ound of er~ were named. proved that long lines of ears paralca lves, ~did p... uce longer. T hey will LA'1'ER, MAYBE EH? leled t hem on sidings. J ohn H, PhUlips accepted the apgi ve YolL richer milk und more fit. tows Resolution overcame weaknelll!. He pointment as guardian of EvelYn never rire of the feed beclluse: it contains had .t~ get out l He crawled UP tJle ---Hall. . COMMON PL,E AS COURT . Mary E Wolcott filed first and fiThey were standing in t he hallway pnrtitlon on his left. Ther e was spa e molasses." hill body between the topmost C d "nill'- S J" • . waiting' for the . orchestra /to. pIa1 for loyer of bolts and the ear roof. 'Be ourt jp'IU\W .. ... • eu!lry a nnl account In the estate of E. Dlliryin¥ is like lUly other busint:ss. It's again. wrigrled forward. 'toward the little divorce. Wolcott. the Jlct p\t ome that cau nts. Ce.re-a-lill Tenderly he placed his arm around door. high up, in the end of the car. Court granted Garland o-ombs 1\ , Naomla , Baldwin tiled tlrat .,account 5 eets will increase yo u r profi ts more her waist. He found it. but it, too, was lock· divorce. as the guardian of Clarence N. Fish· She blushed and stepped back. th an any ~O% pro tein co ncentrate you've ed. lie could not budge it. He C~urt confirmed the purchase of er. . . housei" \Vaa her repr~of. "But say, inched backward to the center and certain property by the Prudential Proof of pUblication of Charles ever know n. Let us explai n our moneykid, we've got. a side porch that's the mounted the oth'lr partition to the Insurance Compalny. Guy Marlatt as administrator of the back offer. . best place in town." pi! ~ of timbe.r In re~r half. T~!: Court granted 't hat the plaintiff estate of Agnes Vail. . tiers were ,:,o~ pllCthcl sOre"alglir ·endRedoo. ecover certain sums and ' decrees a Proof of publication of the apsoon e1(amml11g 0 •• h .' h d' I f h . . It was flllltened, but seemed weale. c arg~ In t e con It on 0 t e m~rt- pOI~tment of Ralpli B. Parks a~ ad,He found /I tllend.llr bolt which could gage In *~ C?1IlIJ) gf The Readmg. mimstrator of the estate of Ed~ard I, be handled as II batte-ring.rom. Bank VS. AmItY St.ewart Oonon. M. Thlrkield. Half. sitting! half - crouching/ he Court sentenced H. S. , Swjngle Court ordered a warrant be issued drove it ngllinst the little dopr wnjcb $100 and costa. Ifor the conveyance of Helen Duby CO\lrt p1Ul~d the Association In- to the institlltion of Feeble Minded. had been cracked across In the pallt Soon he hod .. -._ .. ...... '. . by shifting cargoes. broken away two of the boords com- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~=~~~~~~=~ , posing it, 110 thab he could reach out, JIe 1'• • LiN of1'ee4s: . tWist of! the .seal. and 'remove the ...""15CSSassa! ••Mi _ AA "_a T ...edo IOmcb hap. The door slid back· easily. C'-'e-a·U. Tu....soGrowl".Moob.. .TuaedoDwo'-r Tuesday, 9 a.m. 3' p.rn He WM free. ' But another problem M1. ml D.I.,. . T" • .ao AI ......" . TuoedG P<>ul.,.,. Tu a.do Chop Tu..da Bcwmaob.. presented Itself. The train puffed Satur~ay 8 a.m. 7 p:~ Hoa lt~tI ..... T .... do.Chlcla _ -aDd otta ... steadily onward. Th!! wheels made eVil noise!! on -the mallf pun!!s, lind the cars leaned sharply to the new dir ection. How could he, In his weak ened condition, crawl out the nUTrOW doorway. find the grab-irons and de· .RpQy lIlIrwloh qd Samuel HY!p81l HAVE YOUR EYES scended them to safety? , He was '. tiled IIPplleatlo" to · be ap~lnted ex· sure t~ tall between the cars and be ecutrlx and executor of the ell~te of gruond to piec.es. . ' 1I. B. Hyman. T1)e appointment wu Fortune Inclined to him in a friend accepted and appmlaers were aSk ly fashion. There WIIB a long whispointed. . tle-train slowed. stopped. He coul.4 - FUNER,u. DIRECTORS Irene B. Unglesby !llllde ap.plica£i~n hear blast from the locomotlve, 8!llj WAYNESVILLE. OHIO take under the wilJ of CUfton Un· the men. calling to one another. The train was standing by a long freight glesby. ' . I shed. whose platform was illumined E. C. Dunham filed third Ilnd fIn.1 FuJIy Equipped for Good by many arc light.JI. Seals were beaccount Of the e~te of Jo1m .Apgar. . Semce. ing broken; there was a rattling of FaJlnle B. Hill filed firat' account hand trucks. The top }Vas a pennaLarge Display Room. g~~~!an ~t Willl~m 1I~d~9l'e, . anent one. Ambulance Service ' . Ft'a'nk D •. 'WllllOn filed his sale bin HB crawled out of the little ell~ door dizzily, found the grab-irolUl, as admlnlstrator 'of ,the e'state of An· ' TELEPHONE 7 ' nAY OR NIOB'l' nie Wpson. . ...... and descended in the darkness on the side oppost~ the platform. He Proof of pqbUcation of the appoint. ~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;..,~ Was In a narrow aIsle between. two m'ent of Rache) Theobal4 ' aa execu· ~ lines of t;:ars. He turned III th" dl· ~rix Of the .!Bta~ of A1b~¢ !l'he?bol~. ' rectlon from whence he had cam.., The termlnsl was Chicago. Thi. MafU. hW'll.tary IlJI,d !lpp11'l.emeQ~ tlie" ,state ,J~P~ he lenrneil from eleetrll~ signs when . . Gprrlngton: , .; " ~_ _ _ _.~~....•....r ....•..... "'•.....,.""""'!"t~ • ."'!_"'!~'!\'.!~ the ynrds broad~ned out be),ondthe Court ordered Jessie A. Snook pro" end of the train. He ~all aevmJ ceed to ,ailv~rtl8e 'fol' &fIe th_e prol',r MONEY J.9~NED hundred mUes ' from Lon!!: Portage. typf Jama. -Snook. . . " ... -. -, The first problllm was food; the second, to get back t-o Patsy Jane as 'Court ' tJie upplictaipn ~f LOANS · pn C~attel!l,S~~", ~qn. soon as possible. Remor~ a4lOilue4 . c!p'ard1fll' f tin '.n4 Second MoRjrN... ·No.. him as be thought of her alone In ~ n' . appfo'v~I- an4 bourht. Jp!ln Bpbl"e .l.~, cabin in the wilderness, ' worryln, . 8I11d court. '.' O~IQ. . ovep hi",. torn with suspense at hi' absence. mad~ ~ppllcatlon ' fol! 'e~s" tlte "ourt, her 81xtl) . I , . You see in this "n!que shop mode!! He thrust his bands into his pockets. Suspicl.on be.c8J11e 11 certainty. that have been designed by thefashlolJ cre" a!lGQulu [1f th~ ~apdl!lnsl!lJ! Fllmtl'r!l ~f Wmfl!1 !n" "Jloln'"' The rum-runners had drugged and Woks. # ators of the world. Smith fll'ed first llnd 1\n,,1 countle. ma, obtain men., Oil loft• . shansnnied him. To mab I'efllltjl more· enective, they had robbed him IIccount ae execu~lx Qt thfj e~tat. of time loan I, /I per cent Interen. of the few dollars he had had. Their Here you will see styles that are distinctive 1:.0,,1811 Lewis, . Cost at lIecurlne the ~m' I. ver" namotiveos was a mystery which could '(our Iimiterllltock permits frequept changes) Nona. Bennett mnde application of Ion able ,tbroueh 'rhe Jl!ed.ra1 Lad be left to tJt.c future for solution. sixth account as guardian of Howard Bank. For further informattolL.eaI ' and-qu'afify .t~~~ 1M ~~~ finest, !.; Meantime, there Willi satisfaction in Bennett. on Qr addreaa .M. 0. ' DRAKE; ,Tie.the thou~ht tbat be' had ' ppened an ae~\lnt In tbe Long Portage Staw Court approved the . first . account urer, phone' 316.~, LabanoD, Obfo. We cqrdially invite you to visit us w~eri· \YOU bank, Jl few days previOUsly and dii, pl' tl>,\1 truetF~Q of tbl' ~state Na~. are in Dayton~let , us have the pleasure qf po~itl!d nearly all his money. c~ BopkflllJ. . . • 1'9" RJrrr ., I Hhowing you our stock-never ,do we urge He carr1Au1 a dollar bill for emerClarence Woodson fiJed invllptpr! . 1' :1 .<. _,,~._ .'__ a ~ gencies in s small pocket of his trou. one to ·buy,. ¥ou will find o.ur price./! m,odand appraisement of the estate of FOR... RENT-'7-r:oolJl bpHee .pn ~tl! flers, and this had belln overlooked. erate:--e~JiSlstef!t Q,-IlQJU ~ 'Ylth the quality. Elizabeth Adame. · . street. Inquire of , 'Lid& ,JM: Sa~; When, on the windows of a dingy .. • .!.'. Court fixed ~he value of the prop. 268. Delaware Ave. Dayton;''Ohlo! stora on the street beside th/! T/lll" road "rrade he was invited to "Eat frt y of , William S~idinore, now in ':, ' : ·n9 , CoatS . range in, price from Here," he descended. He spent se.v~f1e baud. ' pf Fannie Hill guardian. enty centa for coarse filling food. ' • WA.NTED ' . ~'. Howard Oorwin filed ~pplis:atlol) It revived him greatly. When he took as administrator of the eetate I' , . .\ , . , " . "" to the grade again hili tu!hes lind his ah Corwin. ·The appointment was W ANTED-:-HoUH~!,plltir rp~1 pains had grown more' subdued, His and appraisera ' were, apwoman with' ~'1ejU'-:olil ~~d. ' .' lie ad was cleureri he was no longer pointed. . objection to ImaU t cb1TdNn. >, .Bm , BO terrifyingly dizzy, Fortunately, the night was wllnn for April. Af\?larenee Woodson madeoPPlIca~ toWn or copntrt p,!!~~ ~ .!"ho'!8. I '~ ter two hours of walking a lumbertiOD to 81111 l:ertain . proper.ty of .tlie 69F3. · ,1 . ,.,' • ~2!} , yard invited him. He crawled tlno' estate of A. ' ElIzabet~ .A:dam". · . FOR SAI_R.. ' strands ' of hnrbed wire and laId doWII Charles Stewart ,wns ' apppinted' I, ~'. . ~ ..... on some sheltered planks odorous place of W. C. Pence as appraiser III PUlIP8--Bocklei" )[n:f. 'of .,...' &fill· , • ." with the Meent ,. of the ' north. He tbe estate of Forest Pence. ' , ' . • I\M l...hIe ail4 ' .slept ' floundly. . .Amand!'o Oberlin fllpd 10urte~~tlj CUltom PUfIIPI,U! . ":'h~ ,fit. , Winning hie ",ay home was not easy: He was inexperienced in Ilteal aeco~l)t in the 8ettJ..e~e!l~ of 'th~ '''': ~::.r ;,df'i~' :oo:~K1N~ ~qQ:, jng rides. He walked many miles tate of Peter·.Oberhn. .;, 411i W Main 1iJ~ " ~.n~ 'Ohle ' • Enting was 'a problem. thpugb not a •. 1 . . • t : ,. The last will and , testsmeftt (If Li . serious one .. When he asked for tood G. Roberta W8S admitted, to probate, PJPE, VAf,VEIJ, ' 4N1) ,F lTTl}JeA J ,. ~ at .back doors, he otl'ered 80 earnesJennie Pla~ck , filed appli~ ...tlon .101r Jor .11 pUrPO\'f:..tt · ~e:~~ Iy to work for it that he was rarely the admission' of- W. E. · Grin" i~to g!::::bl~l1~BoMr!IT.KlNO" '~, J:efu8cd. . When ,the work was efficIently. and eagerly per.!orme·d, the ... the Dllyton Stat~ ,hospital. til W. III" ..... X.....' OllIe. iJ grata.ful housewife U8UaIly gave ' him Court determlnell the 8]'011,1 valu. '. ~u. 111·· .' ":s. the property of SJ!.,.lIan B, TboJlloo ,FOR 8~".,,',,· co ,' PUpBr e . a pllckage of food , t:~r ,the coming meal ' . Char..,. lIam.tt R. D. 5, WAJII-. len >< Hi 'puled tbrourh . ScoCitdliI8"at I _ (Continued oD pap 4.) v.W" Q~o. . ~ tM.~
30x3~ Firestone' Reg. Gum Dipped
thnLl>uJ.Iu.n.rI - A>o.u..... t.o .. Ser",'"
Copyrl"..t. Micohul V. Ph,I I. I"
of her 100 ahd COllta. ordered that notice of and prayer be made Il'"rto.t" non.rellident. ih the case of T1ie Union S"'inl8 Dulldlng land Loan Company V1I. WJllia", G. Luti at al. , , , Coutt orde")(l t,h,e plaintiff. to pay coatll in the ca~c (If The Valley Pnck· ing Co., VB. N ttie Sprny ot al. n O(lU~t. grW1t cd bho prosecuting "t.torney Jldd itionul f UniS for the nd. millistrnti n of 6ustice. ourt (,,.nllltea ' tlle pur: h .r,('r cer tuil} UIllS ill the ense f1.;a ;.n ~ t llun. $ell Brown. '
Speedway Gray Tube
$1.90 29x4.40 Tube
$:2~25 W,ay;oesville
Successful Dairymen Advise' This
Motor' Go.
Wayneaville, Ohio
~~:~ISlamt;I\~~~~elrt'he dB5:~:::i~t
E~erett Ea~ly,
IC.odiia. b.t It.Uabl. Seram ad Ybu- U..cl
Lytle, Ohio
Ce-rea:lia SweetS 20%
C'a rya Jewelry Shop
.. 'W alter M'cClure , 'J . E. ·McClure
Waynelville, Ohio
·~!l~Rm l',ed.
'",ao-'Ii_. '
$4' 9,5~O ,
to ,$Z98.S()
of flu:.
..' "
... .
Bawln Smith entertai ned bIa ...1 ooooa was MrVed by tile hoBteuCecU Villara and da, School l'1... Wedaea day. ea. lb_ clOie of the e"eniDlf, dO~lrhll1ut.1 ' Tbe Baptiat 1ft..lonary C1n:le met Lebanon Saturda y al[tel1lI0011l. WlI\ler Pollon arid and cocoa werll Hl'\'ed. wiLh lin. N. E. Bennett In Wllmln e· moved from Dayton tofamily havo the F. B. Tho Horace Stump 1RI1,e on Friday ton Wednee day witb lira. E. J. In· Shank place. Wail well aUended ft. The M. E. Aid wood and Mrs.. T. L. A,rrowsmlth, asT.:uant The George Wilson siat,lnr hostesses. In the absence of Lebanon Officer, eMlrlea E. Ellis, of ' .. _rlptl\> n Price. 1'.10 .... Y •• r served lunch. , wea aee n 011 our streets on sale Saturda y ufternoo n drew a rood program Leader . lin. Georre Saturda y montinc . DOllney conduct n. L.. CRANE ed t he lesson on "Mis K. E. Thompson an(l'fam ily had for ",....11 ...... 1. T. F . .McGuin n and son, How- slonal')' Letters. " Th~ hostene B their Sunday guests, Xenia, Fr{loklin ~~~ .~~ ~~---~====~~== and Mr. a nd Mrs. W. T. Jordan dellclou 8 sandWiches, plcklen, eof- Ilnd Wilmin gton frieTllds. OCTOB ER 26, 192'1 attended the w dding, Wednea day. in fco and cake. Lyle Rober tjlon hal!! rented the J. Columbus. of Miss Edwina Jordan to W. Edward s farm and Mr, and Mrs. Mr. P. Riley. Edward s wlll move to a sml!ller place. FIVE DAYS AT LE~St Mrs. Clara Conner and family Meadames . William and. Herbert ---.,- '-tortained to supper, The Amllrican Federat iqn of La· and Mrs. HU!!'h Bur ott and Carr and aon were sunday afternoo n _J.lI~~ tcallers on Howard McKay and fam ily boo r favors a -five-duy week. giving of Belmon t lI)lcl Mr. and Mrs. Our school hall a new piano. Tho county is treatJJlC our road to Lhe worker two doys out of seven. Richmond. JlIcl . George Vail spent Monday in Cam- a coat of crushed stone, thanks to Ru s.~ill·8 governm ent. exercisi ng oJl MiaRcs Kuihice n and Nellie d Mr. Charles Bradbur y, the su perinP\lWCI'S, ilstubihllH!S a seven.h our work am cntertai n d with a slumber e~noeh Abner hus moveil into Lenclent. clay, n long NtC[1 from Lhe serf slav ~ ry Wednes day (woning. The new house. Mrs. Da McKay returned of old ltuHt!iu. '1'1\05e who sLart her eluded MiascK Jean Hockett and R. J. Murray attende d the Stump home here on Sunday evening .toafter five-day week, want men to have onc Oook, of WlIy nesvllle - ,and Evelyu Mle near Harveys bur&" Friday. spendin g several weeks at the five dllY in which to &P~nll what they earn Tucker. . ' The Jacobs family Sunday yenrs' meeting nt Richmond, Ind. in flvC! (JnYI:I, Spendin g is as impurMrs. J. E. Shumak er has received with relative s at Sprinrspent HilI. The little Misses Marjori e and Neltnnt to the country liS earning , they worll from hoI' son, Everett . that he Ed Jeffery and wife were shoppin g ly Mary Dnvis spent Saturda say. y Iwith . und his friend, Will Grant ham, or in Lebanon Saturda y a fternoo n. their cousins, t he Misses Ruth und 'I'he vlliue ' to wOl'kerH 01 a 8eyen- Wilminr ton" have arrived Barely in M. M. Terry and K. E. Thomps on Glennu Mannon. near Wilm ingLon. day, or flve-dny week, depends on Loll Angele, lind are pleasan tly os- were in Lebanon , Saturda y afternoo n Mm. Kate J ordan and daughte r, what Lhey do with the extra day or tabllshe d In an ·apartm ent. Glenl) Davis and family spent Sun Miss Hannah , spent the mid-week in hour of freedom . Il they read and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Penney and day with Joe Davis and family at Coiumbus, where they attende d the think more, t hey will go nhend. If daughte rll hnv moved Into the Hick- Harveys burg. church wedding on Wednes not, they will sLay in the snme place, elite church, whIch they recently purMrs. Clara Dunn, of Lebanon, ing of Miss Edwina J ordan.day mornbut in any . cas e Lhe greater leisure chased and remodel ed into who bea dwellcame up nnd spent Sunday wiLh her emne the happy bride of wiil improve their health. Thnt will ing. Mr. and Mrs. Romine Mr. PaLrick Shumak- brot her, Dert Bognn. Riley. make a beUer next generat ion. er an~ dal!chle r have. moved into M~B Cecil Villars and f'amily were SunKarl Deather age and wi'fe had fo r elined to' t hought. Nolan s property, whIch the Penney s day afternoo n caliers at the Waller the ir Su nday guests, :1':. C. Mannon Robert A. Millikan, brilliant vacated . . . Ellis home. near Harveys burg. and family, of Wilmin gton; W. T. entist of Californ ia Institut e of Mrs. Fred . Campliell Harley Walker, M. M. Terry and J ordan and ,wife, of Harveys noiogy, tells student s that acience number ~f li ttle folks entertai ned a bu rg, Sa.turda y a.f- W. H. Terry, Wilson Harvey, George and Ross "will tree human sl~ves,'" ~eaning. tem?On .lD honor of her HarLsock and family, of presuma bly, . that sCIence Will fre.e lIam s blrt~dny . Th.e day son, .WlJ- J ordan and K . E. Thompson called on Waynesville. men from hard labor. Pray that It and the chll~ ren enJoy~d was ldeal John Mounts, near Roaches ter, Frigames. A day afternoo n. may. not happen too soon. Free men lunch of weiner sandWIc Subscri be to th. Miami Gazette . hes, marshtoday from the necessit y ~hat drives mallows and .cake was served: them. and 99 in. 100 would become; Mrs. Laura Shidake r entertai ned worthless. ·If you doubt it contem- with a famil y dinner Sunday in honplate those that inherit ~ealth, in or of the 91st birthday of her moth· so.called society. er, )frs. Mary Graham , which oecurr. _ __ _ _ -- ed Friday. Those present were Mr. POOR WIDOW S AND DAUGH TERS and Mrs. Charles Pyle. of Waynes ville; Mi. an.d Mrs. A. S. Collett, Mr.and Mrs. Howard Graham and tbe A young womal1 is ~aught stealing to get money to buy tombsto nes for honor &'\lest. her mother and sister. That the The M. E. Aid met last Thursda y See U. Early for Your Sale Date.. We GU8l'a nt"'e young ~omun should steal to buy with MrS. W. E. Oglesbe e, Sati.fa rt.ion or Charg e Nothin g. tombsto nes is 11 reflecLion to her com man, Mrs. Amanda Starr, Mrs. TruMrs. Karl inon sense. Shldake r and Mrs. Irma Stump, as .The Angel Gabriel Is amazln&,ly hOltelsaea. Th~ program curate, in memory alJd memora nda. devoted to a: kItchen showerbour was There i8 no ponlblli ty of his forget- E. W'o RQII;8' A tasty lunch for Mrs. Pb_. No. 2 of pumpPhone No•. 320 tlng or mistaki nr anyon e, even kin pie WIth whipped cream, wafers though buded in the Ilea. Belides, acience proves that the earth and men on it will last at least one dred mUlion years. No tombsto ne could outlive thllt period. Thousan ds of poo l' widowa daughte rs, b)' the way, rob and poverleh .themsel ves to provide atones aT\d elabora te funerals for. banda and lathers that never did much for them. Tbe poorer families . Bulfer most in this wa;v, and clerrYmen ahould diicouri lge· reprdl en of suton's protest.
--- ---
=--- --
F. T. Ma rtin Jes se Sta nle y Au ctio nee r s
.Cen terv ille, O.
New Burl ingt on,O .
I--- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --.- J
DR. C. W. HEND ERSO N idg.
0 ... John W. Miller
o rr lCE.Hou ns B. Ill. 3 Iii Ii fl. III 7 to n p rn. Te lephon esl Off c o . 30 Reslden oe • e9F2
9 to II
NAliona l Sonic
W ill. Dmwn
.. .... E..t .. t". !lett l d
Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.
Wayne sville. Oh io
Ibe MIa ... ; G.ult. for Job Wn,I.<
Pbone 8
LE Red Ar ro w M on ey
"Ie f R~
rrom Ki dney lind Bl adde r Trouble. Don't let these organs make a martyr ofyou. H eed the first warning that "things are not right." Drink fr""ly of water and take Gold Medal H aarlcm Oil Cap-
Now given by all Red Arr ow Merchan ts on Cash Sales and Rec eive d on Acc ount .
sules. A world famous remedy for kidney, li vcr. bladder and uric acid troubles BiDcc 1696.
THE LAS T SALE will be an Ope n Auction~ held at
Thursday, October 27,
Or. BeU's Pine-Tar-H oney
atB p. m.
For Oough~ and Ooids.
- . . : . . . . --. -
It is reported Preside nt
Is "waistin g away" with a new electric vibrator at the White Hou~. .fdaln" vo,ters t~ give \lJ. the direct primary lyalem of nom-' Inlltlon II -one . time when we aJ.!-hop e1 "AI 14aln. CO••, 10 IrOI!S the natlc-."
. '. ,.-
. -. alrpla. . ,
When jumping from an with a parachu te -one \I luppose d to count ten belol'll puUlne the .trine. It II Aid there al'll f.. "Demp. ,..' TunneJ" counts on .record. :-: Poor innocen t c1n.rer-al. and c:ra~ ~ii I4/Q no,. ~()mO ~tl,l' ll1'9"lldt!o"I. lIa!,! th'a Ide. \I~IlRr " ~t ~e" like the father who makes the whole faiD- • ity &,0 to bed because be i" Ileepy. If the two bobbed- hair girls on the Fall-Sin clair .jujry had "Plodem " haircuts like we saw on' a local girl last week, there was UtUe o!bimce for defense attorney a' to pull th4j WQol over their eyes,.
t-o l
• Levine, first trans·At lantio· air panenr er, home again at last., announces ·he will 'buJld $1600 ftivver planel. Jf true it woul4 lIeem .every re,r is going tQ bea . gr~"hopp,r rear fro~ now 0ll. l-I
E~ ~rrpl back on Broadw ay, ."d under the terms o( his p&\,ole 'f Ilno Pllrttea ' 01' dr\nl(hur," tor ·,ilflt ml\ntha:--.wt~ \lOW bave ~e opP\l~nlty W observe for the ~1'8t time juu woat &,oBb..U·boobs the boobs on . D,ro\ldway ' alwa~ Kave been~ "
!fhe New ~eta!!': man who selted a ~'nt \oeomptlve whe" the Penllllyl: .vania 1'll11'\VIlY tailed to ~y a f32,OOO dlllDap Buit WJ\lch be. had won, ill' per Il!l'" a telloW with a "a\lpp~8II\ld "mQtlonl'..--ea\l.td by Itll p~r.nt'. fallul'(l til give 111m .- ttaln tor QhfletWftJ ",hen a boy, .-
Phona, Writcor WiT,Conaczu, SIN Will Shop fOT Y011
MAI N 4301
TIN Allllaor.
ANt- -
W. B.-Seabrook J . Monet L,tII MaraIftI ·WIdde... Deale! 'VI. Stnt•., JohaV _ Philip Rollu.. Arthur 8. ChriImu Dr.-C. G. D. Rollena
to lna.d aU _iii. 'Each day lben wtll bt eo_blD i IDllnotln i· Tht BoojI Pt!I.r btlonp to the
i. S.tur·
guliU and have any book. you
o .... n Ju .. nll. M.gnlne Edlcor. ",ill bt bm to t.n
may wish autographed.
Talk. each day at 3 P. M.
fucl1lld1l11 tal... Rallllrdr Alln and Alldy wlU dan.e
SIIIOII Spnq. u.ctr,Cobea Praak B. Pocta
Thlre i. I receptio n in tbt Book Shop all day long. Thlt it your opportu nity to meet olar
day . Mabtl KlnS,I.y : our
.alin MiamI Vall". " . . 10 _ chui••
Clark' Veuble
Inter. ,ling E....nt, Of The Day
TIa" 11 Tlac W ... Of OLAH
in the pining R oom . Rare exhibit . in [\l~ window s. In the Main Stor•• and in thl
Book Shop.
.' THUI ! toocf o.na..,. Tbor In ......
..,.kl&, docb _Impot tedhom ,~ ...111 IIaad 011 ,000r ~ or fold ftac for yo., w..,.llD t _ . B....1Id or mocha·o f·pull dial. Iq_ ....... .. r-.
Boys' Sheep Lined Coats $7.~5 do ubi. br.. ".d modll wilb btlwr .hl", colb r. . Knitt.d wri,d,tl- lin ed .I.IV~ poe.eto. 2 , Io ntin s cbul pock.... Billion .ad
loop alyll.
Th. BOI/"
Sror...........s,.oM Floor
Baby Cribs $12.75
Win <quipped nurstlY muns .. n Indl_ omounc of jor and co mfo rt- .nd b.n .n h-o ry Gnlmel cribs wilh drop ,id... , .. inch .. Ions. 30 inch.. wid • . 39 illch.. higb and 22 in.h .. dur.' Hook lalcb or ,ulom.tlc llfCh . SIMi f.brlc
J....~ 1'10«
Im~ Folios , 59c
.pr ns".
Th, Dah~ Shop-T he Fn.h/on Floor
aothla' ia mon .Dltabl.
Oy rel,n •• upreml l Flin. m.rrlm. nt ev.rywbl l'll Now " tho tim. to "Irel your Hallow ..n coltum.; .bOOH from -tampl" •• toc k. : f rom many typu and c~ra( lrr impu.on llion.. They art priced very low.
Sm.1~ Afterftoon Frocl'ts
TO~I- B."m nr
" ~VBT Irt. . 1M ._n~t frockl tor .fternoon .lId dinnor V ~lIr IlIIIctlOlll. Sket.btd . Marocein cnpe anll wlvet. ~,.
.01.... ItO ,5.'0. . TIN !eft., Dr_ c>'partmmr- Th. Fashion Floor
'Sarin ~epea ~19,75
For Y oung Girl.
New Felice Hats In Velvet
ATIN CI.EPBI alld "Ipe ,"11m art two favo ..d m~t.n.l_ lIIadt ill ... lIyl... ftlW f.n colorl. Simple modll. Ind d ..... y OQ·.. In .I.n 14 10 046. . Th, IM/&PNC'le 0.." &.. ,ion- Th. Fa.hion Floor
gllCl. pin.n ..dl. il run . I"'mold. N'pollon blue • n d b'ack- thl..... on·, ,mart colo ... Onl, .....11 hOld,iI,.. _ All mod.I, ~8.'O. Model ....Icb.d i, • dch brown . had • 01 'I'd"I. A IIQuin lrim In bron .. and I.".. cbcltit Ih' crown . III1I1"nv Sllion--JltUhion Floor
Coer. An Lavishly Furred .1..llon 01 fuhlonab le
4lYidual lItTi.~bo n.w
W ync$vi lle,. Ohio
COIU Ia In· oh.dtt-t hc I.\>ortd
fabnc-ft fll1.n1l , f"..-.1I .1.... -,9.50 P9-5O
.ad fPUO. Th. C_ D.par t_TIN FlMhioft n..
Lizard And Kid Oxfo rds
A . ,
.m.rt combinalion of Calcu tta
lizard ... mp .nd plain kid
qUH '
I.~:dord lIyll wilb ~ Ir.I, ... MtdhlDl Sp.nuh h•• 1. [urn solu . In brown or black. 'U. Th, Shu. Floor
All Tlti,
Miss Ethel Robb~ .
- rtpreu nting-
. Ogilvie. Sisters
BCTURE a,nd demoQ .tratio" . each d.y at 2 : 30 in the afterno on on
"The Commo n Sense 'Method of Car-
ing for the Hair.'; Advice on the cart . of ~h.e hair withou t charge. . ,
s. "'"
10 01" 'or I/our copy of BeAUTIP UL HAI~ !lY . COMMON SBNSE M!iTHOOS and ·11lJI'1I
r1trou,h ,r. pa(lll hoUi 10 n·, ognize your oYm hGJr rfO~b!" IIntl hoUi 10 corner rhlm . . You Ate Cordial ly Invited ' &cn.rv Sltop-M nlGnin,
Attended Funeral I firMt .II\\, II l' at a d\·~u~. - And knew th"'l 1 w lo~l: M (,!~rlI . .J'" Thump~on and W. O. J "worl'l 1 al 1 wuuld hll \'1' III'r l hen, Raper were In MaysvillE', Ky., on· R" Jl(Irtili'. of th~ ,·()et.. dllY, ..'h(1r M.r. ~per attended Lhe l quick!:.> ll1u~tc'r II ull my- stl'l'l1glh, fU)lc)I'nl of Mt's. WIll Dersch, an aunl Twil'e thdc,' 1 (hrt' w the 1mll; or ~tl'S. Rl\por. And III<' 'third time knockl'cI the a t ' - •
REPORT 01 CIOhdlUon of the HarveYl!bu~g National Bank at Harveysllllrg . 111 th. State of Ohio. at the close of
off '~ho'~ llIinC'- lhnt 1\ e\\11ie d l)l1. oW
.Earl Holland '1'•• the Innocent vic. tim .ot an auto a cldent near Xenia, on the 1l1l) ' l!lR ,ill". SundllY arter. nuon. The driv r uf II CUI' follow. ing Holla nd's Whi'PJ) t sedan, beCliUlc tonfused while ~rylng to POSII him and bunlll <!d into /lim. Holland 's 1\Ia chin W illi not da maged badly, but the other ITII\~hine was o;vertllrned lind
Overilulil Sednll, farm Implenl nta 12P.OO; W, 1£. •rehl1n1 , pay roll. "ItCR. , n .Ilo: The J. W. Lingo 00., teed, Com hay, and a lat of millCel. $I~H: The' Htnnt!nr.1 011 .0.,fSUllplll·I\, ftllP Illlc'B, ·1.13; W. pownrd HayneR, , Gr,11.7:l; a!)illll'Y Supply 0.. SUp· lIuppllt'R, 410. Ill neou8 article'S RACHEL , JAN~~ THEOUAr.U. AdminislratOT oC the e tate of Albert Theobnlli, II cen~c d . Martin & Stanley, Au tao II =-======f;:;=:===---~-=---
Court News-C' onhnued
the occupl\nts inj ured.
--Public Sales
It makes "fivi~g"~ .'
MARRIACE LICENSES MrR . om ,lohns is quite ill nt lhis ti me wilh to n siliti~. L. ]\f. H 'llderson, cnshie r \V n~rnc81111'S. Harry Grnbum spe nt Wedncsville, to Martha 0' cn \1 hookkc 'per, buain•• on Octob.er 10, 1!127 , rillY in Spring Vulley. Dat ... of Sea ... and Simplon, W" y n ~8y ille . . RESOURCES LOST Auctiioneer. ,O IH A. Hllrvcy, g reyhound ow nMiss Isabe ll Ache. of Doylon, is ila • 4111COunia USl ,~ 1 06.8:11.31 "Chip" Bncon o\' mber .1\1 r . 'n n II 111toO, Il l., L9 1\I1ll'illll .r. ~n.tt.. Unlecured ... 142. 68 H~ . 6 8 vi itl ng Mi s.~ Glullys Bergdall. 'other Uunlt d Dbll,," Lost- Bank book. Finder please C·. t i " t d J ohn Lomb November 23 Anlrim , Prunkll n. Gove.nment @acllrilltl8 (In' len\'e nt Gllzette ofl!.ce. ·02 6 I\1r. Roy D Il Y, of mClnna ,VISI e Lnurn Mc Kins!!y Novembe r 5 etohe r 2\) olucltng premIum.. his mother, Mrs. Ida Day, E unday any .. .. .. .... .. ... 1.008.0It6 I! • k . / DIIV1'cl "".. r" • REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS T~!albo·n·.i~" a'\'O' 'c'u'r'I' 1.003.6 FOR SALE 1111'. lind Mrs. A li en mrlc say Red Arr ow . Oetobcl' 26 Otlt_ -. • L . D t n Rachel A. Ertel to Gcorl,!ll Erlcl. ties. e owne4... ... .. .. 3:1.8n .19 "n n Hur" at oews, In 1\y on, 0 ---145.45 tlcrcs in Coznddalc. 8&bJtlO.l' hOule ..... ,e,90o·t&0 U.iOO 00 F ' S E HI d F'ridor. I will 5 11 at Corwin , Ohio. on II V b K i l l \J ~t!:l:te·o~~~~rOrl;elltOh'\lI . OR II IAL '6'-0 6B O I" e Iskland IIRed IItrs. G('orge ,·co ll. Everett Eurl y SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1927, 'Inl"Y \ .. ttln ury to . n r . 11baulnl' Mu.e 3 00.00 pu C il , Hl"r u Roc' pu els. I I '11 wcr~ Dnyton shoppers ki n , one town lot in Lt'bulI(\n. L&~rul r .or\'e · ...Ili. .. ·l~';,i: ' 600 hatched ill lIforch, $ 1.00 eaclt. Phone lpllH I C \I C " ('11 ., At I 1'. m ., n lot of hou sehold goods I.ydin E lIcn lind F l'I1l1w 1I 0ti g(l ll to L h ~ nIn...vault rvco Dank.... ..... 6.h . 86 , '''n,mesv' III e. 'I"II IIY· ., ure , 1\ 7-pi e ell h II i 1'- ha rl es F. /lno Nell 111. lI ocl "..cn. 37. (1.1 Cub aDd "mount .. J " 0 26 IIIr. G(, Ol"gc Scott spe nt II co upl e of. all d k'ILe an f UI'~III: T~'::Jf~rI~:,:,':~~IJ~~'i~~·I·:·. U G.OD F Jt ALE-Estate Heatrola, good da 'N la.t wc(ok with r e latives nt c1ot,h par~or BUill!' and a few other acres ill £.'nmklin Tp. I and U ., .... ... ... 4 O' I!.Cl9 as new: COllI Tange. in good condi- C ) t nn t lque J"cc cs, R. W . ond Mne Kaylor to H. 11. 1 Chenk~ and drdt. 011 bnnk s lion. A. F . Melloh. 026 , p~;~~~ ~~~li e nrey i. se riollsly ill LAURA McKINSEY. Jcrrc l"i~, one to wn lot in H,U''','YSblll·g l (1~~:nforat:3r dU I~I(r:r~~ FO R A.LL'A f b lit thc' hon1(' of her <laughlc r. Mrs. . e nrs li nd Simp on, Au cta. Mux Hnt! Annu Bostick to th e I'molly ' or town ot r ro rUng .. c.-ew ushels of fin ____ dentinl In surance CO nti nny of AlIlC' l' ........ roo. 0 $ J .50 A bu . Fl'nnk l·s.u~ 'banla lillie ,uab'ti'oua ' el\~h Il8mo. . S Irish Colihlel' B RpotAtoes, D M I" HOl(e C hll rl rl'ightn n ~Ind chil(will scI I nt pub I'IC Iltl Cl l' on I'n iCli . UJO.5 6 lien's in WII"hhl l:lUIl 1'1 1. / ................. ... . 10('.3 1 166.0 1 Lrouse rog.. . . 5 · n2 "d . h pringboro Ohi o on Edgar J ordun to .E:. 1'. J\orhy, .Oft dren, of Oshorn. ~pen t .,un uy Wit " tow II II Crt'~ in £.'l"Ilnklin: Total ............ ... ; ...... ' 120.007.38 f l'iends in 11l,linnn. SATURDAY, OC'TOBE. R 29, 1927, I J. W. R. ' Bradfo rd nnd R. nO I'll I LIABILITI ES 1Ilrs. Mary CA rmony spent SUI\( ay At ] 2 u'clock, noo n Rl"Ildforct to Hub oI' Builrlc .. ~· MnlcI'inl CaPital stock pal4 In .. .. : . .. $25"000.00 with hC'r ~on E..I. Ilrmony lind fnm A Ia.rgll lot of household goo ds an d C It . 0 fi lei T I'· \ .u.OOO.OO ~ '1 t S . 'fl ' l ~ 0., two lown 0 ~ 111 eel' e Suu rjllu. fund ... ...... .. . . . ~ l1MIT14e4 protlta ... • ~ , OU. 29"I y. a prlllg' I II. so me antique picces. consisting or G orgo Erte l SI· .• to Nancy J . KiPII, "~. ~~~,,,,~~~a. Le ••••~~~~~~~.~~~.o.~~or.2~~.I~ 02.00 Miss Edith iel .~. o f Dnyton. spent cherry chest of d ra we l's, chllrry lind Murb'lu'ct 1\1. l1utchin ~fl n •.IOllIlUlHn .tf': • C~Ut~o4 week. ouu tandlng 1.4 65.00 the week-end with he r pll rc nls, Mr, wulnut 8Ltl nd ~, wlllnut cOl'n er CIIP- n. Ertel, Dn" i,1 G, I-:rt ('1 011.1 C l ' U I'gO ..::v~j . Total ~of Itenu 24. 16 26 27 a nd Mrs. ':"- L. Icles. board. ohl choirs lind glusswllrc, lot M. Er tel Jr., ~ 1 \1.08. !lerrs ill 1t.lll1il . and II .... .. .. ... i.4b5.00 Mrs. Alice Mllhun ond I Mrs, L ot- of e"~pnn 1114lvldua! dopo81ta .ubJect - ,' ter 10'·,) 18. to n l ' p. ., , TITH lis graceiul I lib lie Carey were Dnyton S lOpper s on DAV I D FRY n '1 'II t U II e~tIt ·ci.;lii~titi .. depo..Ii.. 90 .'°1°•. 80 Tuesday of lust week. '. i.oyi nn III ey to " '~I' 01\ cy.onl· , cabfn~t desig;-. Simpso n unci S(!ors, Aucla. town lot ill Morr ow. I (other t ha n ban..~ d e poelta) Ur. anti Mrs. Lester Dietz, of Cin. ,.obJeot to Reaerve. Itoms m - - -f. hll rl ie Millm' tn AIb" I'1 Hai l,'y, gmtrd to taemhle ~ . It, 30, 11. u. as and cinnnti. s pent til(' week-end with Mr. I will offe r tit public s nle lit my one LUWII lot in Monllw. ... .. ............ 90. !12.S 0 lind Mrs' . Melvin Swank. hugarry) ElttBte Heatl'o!:J. Savin. . tlepoaita (i ncludIng 2 milos south of Roxllnnll , Alfrecl Rwig rl to 1>; lll1i~ Hnw lhol'llc 'IldJ,g a new~ofbc-~I'" ~:r 'it~~rI1~~amoln:yOPbo::! E Miss G~ace B~n~ell and. ~r~th{r, 4 miles east oC Corwin, o n Ihe f llrm lin t! Luthu HlIwthol'11c. 5 .r,o lIc r~~ 1'011'04 •••• ~ ••• •. .• • •••• • • , • ~.111 . 00 verett, 0 near canon, VISI e y- known ns the Enrhurt pIneo, on tIl(' in lIle111 'l'p. ty to the llving~room. Total of tlln. depo.alta sob· tie friends W ednesday evening. , RiverRoad, on _ _ __ leel to R... Item. 36. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson and h. f~ (l<is ~t:ry roc:,m., upsufrs at,d down, with J!:blflu::,,04~r··th..:n :h~JaI.OO children spent the week-end with WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, '27, COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES che.:rfu1, he31thf:l! hCclt, \Vflh Ou l:.~C:-~ fuel than _ova atated ....... . ... . ... 26.58 Mr. and Mrs, Will\lIm Creighton. Beginning lit 10 o'clock, the (ollow W. C. Gilmour. inq ues t , 7.50 ; M . Total............ 11 26.607.58 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Linneman and ing. 6 horses , 2 mules, .2 cows, 21 E. Ro ss, suppl ies, $10; t ru stees of Jt takt!:! to t,~(.tl OUe ., i>d.rtor" srovel State of ObI." Count,- of Warren. al: children, of Dayton, spent· Sunday hogs. corn potatolls and flll'ming Im- public affa ir s, lig ht, 75c; Charles I. B. a Tucker, ea.hler ot the above· with Mr. and Mn. Henry Foulks. plements. HARRY BRUNK. Waggoner, premium on bo nd, $31.25 ; I' Tt(::l wh7 put up lOt:~u ...~t1, s(~,. luAi 1ire, D&Dl1ld .bank, do .olemnly awear that th. aboya atatem.nt ta true to the but Mrs. Marie Moser. of JacksonVille. ---Unde1'\\'ood typewriter 0. , ~upplie~. r-ia:.: '.~ ? We ~iil ir.LtaU a Ul YOUl h~m~ of roT laIowl..d.a and bel let. ;Fla .• spent severnl days laBt week Leaving the fal'm. we will Be)) by $6; The Western lnr, suppli os, $7.50 : B.8. Tl1CKER. Caabler. - t , 0;:''9, l ~ y\'\U say "U--Ull tiu~ ~ost convent:!llt 8ub",rlbe4 and .worn to betore me with her uncle, Dr. L. G. Brock and way of public aUI:tion. our ' chattels, snme , $47.60; some, $6.75; The Book , tbla Ith '4a, of J~J' MADDEN, wile. 10C8te~ 5 miles S. Of. Waynesville, Shop, supplies. $49.a6; sam e, $2 .25; ' t c::t"'I :·.S. but whctlteT yuu ,Ue1re_"Y .0 '..IlIY ~! not. Cornet .AUut Notary Public l'tlrs. Guy Routzahn and daughters 1'141 miles N. of Oregonia, on the Asa The Columbus Blunk Book Co. Sup-I rc.ocin . - \Jl ill.he 'u:t to ca1t~-andlcv.rn all about _ T. P. lIeOl1INN were week-end guests or her parents. Whitacre farm, near Green Brier plies. $3.26; same, $4.26; 'snme' l W. T, .JORDAN. th wondC'~u1 Hco.tmia. · . A. 8. COLLETT, . $9.15; Sanitary Supply Co .• 8UPI'.IiOs. , Mr. and Mn. Josiah Boitnott, at Tip. School House, on Dlr.ater•. pacanoe City. FRIDAY OCTOBER 28 1927 ' $8 .4 2; The Columbus OU Co., oil a nd .1ok and Mrs. ~. H. Burnet ente!Beginnin~ at 11 o'clock'. the 'fol- gas oline, $6.10; snl11~, suppli es. $080 I tallied the latter s pa rents. Mr. !,nd 1 . . 5 h ad 011 horses oS head of The Dllyton Blue Prlllt Co., repU II'S, MrB. Mnrce lus Thackera. of Sprmg- c~~~'lOO c~icken8. fa~ing imple- 88c; The Gem Ci.ty Blue :rint and bOTO, Sunday. ts and househ()ld ' oods Supply Co., supplies, $2.30. 'the In· Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emric! and men LEE, I!:. lARNaART. le~national Harvester Co .• truck s upMrs. J. B. Jones attended the Rally Mart' d Sta I A ts paIrs. $102 .56; J. D. Adams and Co., Day" and bas ket dinner at OenterlU nn n ey, uc. grader blades, $67.50; The Ohio Corville church, Sunday. Owing to the death of my husband, rug~tcd Cul,:ert 0." $26.50; Walter Mr. and !drs. Charles E. John~ In I will sell by way of public auct ion aU ~helfl', Bupphe.s and la.bor, $58 ; Hacompa.ny With Mr. and loin. Charles my chattels, located 3 ml1es N.E. of ney and LeWIS, supplies ancl lu bor, ~ough attended church at Waynes· Springboro. on the Yankee St. road, $58.70; am Henkle. Inbor, 11 .26; V1l1e~ Sunday evening. on what is known as the old Whenton same, $7.6 0; some. $52.50; J. R. MISS Mary. Eva Franey, of Colum· farm one.half milE! W. of Five Point Donnely. contrnct, . $117; The Mas on bus, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith and Miss Scho~l House on Lumber Co" mntenal, $5.30; Ed Gru. . ..... Nevins, of Dayton, were T h u r s d a y ' dy. repairs, $24; W. A. cott, r. guests of Mrs. C. E. Johns. ' MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1927 pairs, ,7.80; Blair and Leroy, c:e' . . . . . . . . . . . "reel, S.lli~ piece or more. ' polaDcl ... : ............................ 2Oc , There iI.l, ON8 He&I:ftIW-'8STATB builds fa Mrs. Kesler Grsham and dau&,hter, Begining at 11 o'clock: 2 mUk ment, $23,.46; same, stone and grav- . Bernice, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. COWl, 6 brood sows" 2 horses, 8 sheep, el, $60.75; same, gravel and sa nd, Ralph Stowe on a buaineSll trip to Dayton Tuesday of last week. c...~ CI." tlM.lb .ack....51c COllntry Clllb, 5·lb .ack.......... 23c Mr. and Mrs. Raymond 'Davis and . ~I._____ :fFi"" -::::::'·;: _. _~ A-.cIaI., 14~-Ib! Nek ...................................................................... 890 family Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis and fa~i1y, of Cincinnati, s pent Sun· day with Mrs. Emma Foulks and BOns Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark and famiJY--IlfHI their-guest. a cousin Mrs. Clark's, motbred to Cincinnati and also to Covington and Newport, Ky., Sunday. 'Country Club Sodas Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Duke and Rev. 2 lb., in carton . . . ... . and Mrs. R. ~. Stillings nnd children . . . . .n, b.1k. 1Ii........................14c BIlUera. 1.lb ".rtoD .. ................ 15c were six o'clock dinner guests Wed· a..a... Willen. :&-Ib. c.artOD ............... ..... .... ~... ... ..... .. .. .................... 25c nesday, of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Graat ham. at Springboro. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Weidner, Mrs. Irene McCurdy. of Springboro, and CN. .,", POlaali ........... ery low price, 3 lb. ....... Mrs. Mary Carmony were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and loin. Walter Kenrick and family . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woolley and • , tile .W llea" pk. .......... Jumbo, tender •• 2 Children, of Dayton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Brown. Mr. Brown is improving and able to get around town on crutches. lqome early Saturday and bring the whole family to sec thbi most beautiful and complete!,' 3 P.......·... .talk•• 2 : Mr. and Mrs. Roy Buhrman Bnd ....... packaa'e ..... :..................21c Leaf. bot.bou ... , Ib ..... ............ ... 1Oc stocked of all Xenia drug 8torel. We want you to know that it is a pleasul'0 and a privilege to familY, of Osborn, spent Sunday with you and to 8erve your needs. meet the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. HalIO... Charles Smith. Mrs. Smith accomAnd think of it-free FLOWERS, F'REE TOILETRIES! }'REI'~ SA}<'E',ry RAZORS, FREE panied them home for an extended visit. . SHOPPING BAG~ FREE PEANUTS. be here one and all-AND COME EARLY! 2 , Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Johns enSTORE OPENS PRO~LY AT 7iOO. A. M. tertained to Sunday dinner. Mr. Salted, .ery 10,.. price, Glenn Johns and children, Paul and V.ry fiDO qll'. lity. lb .... .. . ~ IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO MAKE ' PURCHASES IN ORDER TO RECEIVE SOUVE· Vivian, of Dayton. Mr. PaIT)' Oook and Miss Margaret Cook, of WaynesNIRS. ville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miltenberger .No.. pka ...................... 150 I • . €AS . . I. .1 and son and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford ....~ . Archdeacon and son spent Sunday with Mrs. Martha Jane Miltenberger, at Middletown, who has been quite ill with pneumonia and is now slow. Iy improving. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker en'I tertained to a family dinner, Sunday the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meredith, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meredith, Mr. Charles Daily, of Limo; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mere,. dith,Mr. and Mrs: Jacob Meredith, and family, of Johnsville; Mr. and AS JA>NG AS TBE SUPPLY LASTS Mrs. Herbert Meredith and family WE ARE GOING TO GIVE AWAY and Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam , Meredith Jr., AN ASSORTMENT OF ' MINIATURE 2,500 OF THESE SERVICEABLE SHOP.. . and family, of near Waynesville.
rooms out· of'
·'parlors~'~~ a.nd .,\ healthy /Ul1l1e5 ou~ of ~~
ek" ••••• • :
FRED M. COLE W ~ynesville, Ohio
Hams ~h:~:t~. ~~.~a~ ~~~~~:
21 c
Flour ~:k,t~. ~.l~~,. ~~~.l~: .... ..,.' .99c
'eraek ers
P.rnaa I
Gallaher'S Xenia Store . .
52C .Grapes ~::!!;:~i& 25 . C Cereal ~::1.~~:b 16".C Celery ."all~ 15c 2~!SC'Ub. 25c ~~!!~~~ 17c Cand ·.D 18 A I IIbt..... Ir.~~~'::....... .... c GJlgo~~. 4 Ib.........25c Butter ~::try
15e Cottage Hams ~!!C~ab~:~.~ . . 1Dc Sacb.
j:,{~ souvenirs or free goods-given to
children unieis accompanied by 'older person. 9
Get QlJicker Gains at Lower Cost
---_.- ...--.NEW BURLINGTON
Wayne 24% 'D~lr~ Feed is what . the Cows Need Now ', Waf11e ~8% Hot Meal ill a big profit makeJ' for IIny hog l'ruser
who bu an abundantce of c~rn to teed. , Thla Ii~b -protein eonee.ntr1!-te balances your corn at a v.ery low , ~ per unit of cSi8atlble protein ,auures ~he highest feeding v~I,
rrom JOur corn.
B. H. Miller is conftned to his home with grip. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McKay are the parents of a daughter, born October 22nd. Mrs. J. A. Hartman attended the Five Years' Meeting in Richmond. Ind., over the week-end. The Epworth Lellgue enjoyed a Hnllowe'cn Bocial at the home of WayneW!1Is, Friday afternoon. The Ladies' Aid held a market at Xenia. on SHturday. The proceeds Ilmounted to more than seve nty dollars, Trevor C. Haydock attended the Grand Lodge of Masons held in Springlield Wednesday Ot:ld Thursday of last week. ', Irvin ani;!, Walter Reeves escaped injul:Y Saturday morning whell" the
. ."
5 '
Sevent y-Nin th Yea~
fll'ill Never Forget. ___ _=== --..= -..
'NEWS OiRE"Cl FROM THE SlATE CAPITOL COLlJMBU • OH10- With it .ren&onably certain ~ow tha~ no elYort \~lll be made t.Q get a Coolidge delegs. tlon from OhIO lo the next Nationa l Republicun cOllvention, there 'is going to be' a lively scrambl e for the dele· gates! and U 8 usual Ohio will be the aCell c o.r II grent primary contest. It Is doubtfu l Whether Senator FeBS hns ~tl'englhcncd his cause in the stand 1".. hU H been taking for the presiden t, und It is said that he is now making an effort to land on the bsnd.wa gon of the nominee if he cnn be located. 'enntor Willis didn't go nearly as fnr BS Foss did in the matter and can with good grace ask endorsement irom his sUIte delegntion. Oongressmun Longwo rth is waiting to get reports from scouts now in the field before ,saying anythin g about the prcsidency, and Vice-Pr esident Dawes i.n'l doing nnythin g to land the votes of his native state. But it's II bit enrly, and there wlll be Borne lively proceed ings in this neck o' t he woods curly in the new year.
r- '- ~ .-'-
By Albert 1'. •i .
~ ,~ ,-,~ -.
.. "
.. -
Mrs. Hannah Rogers visited Leba· non friends last week. J . Mrs. Cynthia Evans is. visitinK relative8 in Pittsbur c, Pa.
Dorothy Dix had a good · article J. H. Smith is spendin g a few duys recently on the heredity alibi. She pointed out that this is one or the in Akron. most a bused nlibis in tho worlc! nnd Miss Elsie Hawke spent the week- 0110 o ( which lhe weaklillg!! are es· peclally fond . end in Wilming ton. I ~ see ll1 ~ to be limited to the wenkMrs. Julia Dono"a n is vis iling lings. No man who is honest, upright, and has the' other virtues atfri ends in ]ndianu polis. · tributes it to the influence of his Dr. P. A. Garner. chiroprn ctor, grandfa ther. He always takes credit for such things himself. Lebanon , Ohio, P hone 78. Bu t when u maIl is a drunkar d alld Mye r Hymnn wn g 1\ Lu , ln~ s~ vi ~ loose ill hi" sex life or otherwi se self ilo r in J omestown , Tuesda y. illdu ll-(ent, very often he or his molher (or him will attribut e it to the i'nThe Mothers cl u.b will se rve supper ftu once of his futher 's uncle or some III Gra nge hnll, No ve mber 8, election such person. night. I! a lIIan has a heredita ry lean ing. for instance . towards liquor. why Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Jordnn spent do e8n't he let It alone? Sunday at Pleasan t Hill, Miami ] know a man who is promine nt in county. politics. himself the Govern or of a Stote and his father before him a Mrs. Walter McClure has r eturned Governor. The father had been a home after a pleasan t visit with her great drunkar d. For that reason his sister at Duluth. Minn. 80n never to uched it. He knew the D d s wus in the blood he r. an Mrs. Dudley Keever, of weaknes avoided it. This is the Plain and reason Centerv ille. were Su nday guests of for which heredi ty is good. It ought Dr. alld Mrs. A. T. Wright. lo teach us wlla' kl' nd of te pta tions to avoid. " m Mr. and Mrs. F. U. LeMay are an· Any mlln who goes to the devil is nouncin g lhe birth of a daughte r the n k f h' d R uth Helen, Fridoy, October 28. • neverlapI. orce0 a fIS Iownto own. {II a t_.h T.ve d ifice of aour career a se 8unleBS ne Inwe edoe itThe Friendship club will meet at ourselves. the home of Mrs. H. B. Earnhar t, Likewis e any . man who achieve s Wednes day uitornoo n, Novemb cr 9. success is entitled to credit for It. Ch' Other people and events may 11 ri8tmas • and Greeting cards tor conLrI' b uted to his venture , but have they 0 occasions ond a beautifu l line of have meunt nothing without his coMottoes at Cary's Jewelry Shop operatio n . "The Home of Gifts," Lebanon , 0: The one thing that a success ful
Mr. Albert Hudlon , of Dayton, viaIted Wm. Kejnp, Sunday, Mr. 'snd Mrs. M. D. Baird visited relative s in Indianap olis. last week. Mr, a nd Mrs Harvey Rye and daugh leI' were guests of Dayton relative s, Spnday. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gordon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.C. E. Gor· at Harveys burg.
Mrs. D. R, Smith has bee n sick.
])r. P. A. Garner. chiropra ctor, Lebanon , Ohio, Phone 78.
. Mrs. Wm. Hom and children , of Dayton, spent Sunday with her sister, Mr . Forrest Hough. DQ you want a dark town! If you The Ott bill paBSed at the last ses- do; vote against the levy of 2 mills siun of the legislatu re which provides at the polls Tuesday . that the sea80n of raccoon opens in northen stern Ohio shall be from NoDr. P. A. Gamer, .chlropr actor, Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 78. vember 1 inRtcad '0' Novemb er 16', is now in efl'ect, thus giving 16 days Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pace. of Man. lon~er the season for this fur. itee, Fla., are announc ing the birth of bearing for animal. If no more attcn. twin boys, October 20. tion is paid to this new law than the one whiCh limited the number of min'Mls8 Rose Wilkers of Columbus, nows a dealer may have in his pOSe spent the week-en d on. with Mrs. Susan IIcssion to 1,000, it won't make much Wilkers on and family. difference to the raccoon. The minnow bill was among the foolish ones A Diamo nd-the ... .... in,. .... ft · everl--t passe d by t'he last general alSllembly. You'll find the ring of "her" dream. No one yet has underta ken the task in our selectio n. Cary's Jewelry Shop 01 countin g the minnows of any deal. Lebanon, Ohio. ", ,ro""b" to> the .....t tb_
Whole Nlltnb el' 5777
~ __
S3JOO1 N( bt .
~~~;~~~if.~!~~~rrLth~ =:~;f~h:~I;:!M:!~; Th. ~~~.!~'m~~~tEy~!~ Wfate~l id'~~""~I" (Zi!ci~ :(~~::~~~~~~;;;,;,~~~~ ;,~~~~~~~~~ M
d M
,h,s· t,
h. ".m
R'dV' . .. e ......_ eats 0 t elr 8 ster, rs. B. V. ance f Arm' tl' 0 Leb Frl ay· IS co Day at the II moon sn, .... ve a very nIn its campaig n for safety, the d.e . Walter. are tly situated H pleasan lit lhe Friends t ors, b ut a II we use them f th . anon Opera Bouse. Friday, Novemb e; terestin~ talk _to_th_e_High for iB to school. . Complim enting Mrs. Lee M. Hen. orne or e wmter. pllrtmen t of hygiene and safety of the Select your Christm as Giftl now. 11th, at 10 a. m.! under ~he put the blame of our actions on them auspice s There will an Annisti ce Day pro. derson (Martha O'Neall ), state industri al commlaaion, of which Make weekly paYlllents. Mrs. Mrs. Alonzo Titus and R08emary If everyth ing that is sllid Thos, P: Kearns is the 'head. a double elry Shop "The Home Cary's Jew- of th.e local Unit America n Legion gram given at the Gym on the aft~r- Harris and Mn. Ronald HawkeEdith about ' heof Giftl" AwdlIai'y. The ou.tstaJlding ,Jlature noon of Novemb en- left Saturda y morning for a two redity were true this object ill in view. . Reductl on of in. Lebanon , . Ohio. er world would 1 11. Every one iB tertaine d last Wednes . day evening ' , of weeks' the prog;ram visit with her daughtc r!t and steadily go to the dogs. As it is it be In address invited. dustrial acciden ts means a reductio n beginni ng with a charmin gly appoint - othor relative s in 'Detroit , b7 Hon. Slmeon D. Feu, Uni~d . growing better und it is imp;ovin rat.e8 charged to employe rs for ' ed six o'clock dinner at tho HathaM B' Pr d t d chil States Senator . The Mason band . 109 becau se there is a continu al crop Misa Marlatt teacher of the Lytl'o way tea room. '.tate Inlluran~e. It Is with the ob- drenn~nd ~~ Lu:n ~=y Hallowe 'en colors . Mrs. Rowena !:re din: will furnish mUllc, also a 1010 by Zartman and daugh- of ne\~ h~bies entering ·into ~t a!ld school, ' WIUl ab~ent two days of last and yellow chrysan themum jeel of attracti ng more attentio n to ner guests of SuncJ!y of s were ef- ter. Winifre d. oti Xenia, and M~. and humalll ty 19 Mia 'Katber- Robert Blair and . a readlne by MUll week becaulle precau~ionary me~hods always starting again. that the Safe in Pre d of siekneas . fective to table decorati ons and place Mrs. Peter Demas, o~ New Vienna, Ruth Baker. . #ty CongrellS and exhibit will be held e ____ No ttel' what your father or cards and favon were also suggest ive spent n erpa Sunda.y WIth Oliver Davis and mother mu ,The people of Waynes ville and com- . Thlrd Year Latin daaa or great uncles Were. therewas givena of the season. in thill CIty next- week on. Nove~ber A delicious three- familr' O. B. Reeder, of Fort Worth Tex., munity are cordlaD.y invited fore. you should not be downhe arted. 9 alld 10. At thi~ exhibit the most Is making an extende to· at- theater part7 Fridalr night J:ly their eoune menu W811 d Visit served. 'to his tend, At the _ _ • _ .. _ . _ _ _ inatruct ress, ·Mra. HOUKh. The group Harris borne tbe remaind Dl(ldem safety ,!pplteancee and gua~s bt-other "n.law and sister Dr. J ohnson once asked a wonian Mr and . motored to Dayton, where they had ening was devoted to er of the eVe D M. . Nettle Kepler! MISS Rashel to marry him and she replied: "Sir, wll\ be 8hown~ togethe r with latelt Mn. W. S. qraham . hemminK tea • ~YIS, • Mr~. Laura SIdes and Mrs. I cannot because my condition in life method s of carrying on acciden t prethe pleasure of leeing "Ben Hur," towels, which were presente d to Mn. Oliver !?avl8 attended the funer,,1 of is not equal to yours. I 0" at Loew's · tbeater. ',entton work, and the entire exposlHenders on by the hostesses. r. 1UlcL.Jlra,...,0. II. Be- M!'!. Bishop Wilkers on at MOl'row, hllvc.two unell!fl that-hllV Besides; I - . ____ lrll en ung , tlon baa been arrange d not only for Sunday by.ailto for Atlanta, . tildes the honor guest those invited Frtday. GeoJ'l'ia Poultry .keepers f~rmers and farm . u,nswere d: '''As far a/l positiq'; With the decorati ons from the to enjoy thla very delightf ul atrair, employ eri ' ?f but to 41verybod7 where ' Mr, Roblbe r will attend Tuesday 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., Satur. In hfe IS concern ed. al\ men are bom WOJllen espeeia ny' interest ed in in- Senior party and IIOme lntereat ed in reducl q the n,umber of Ice Mllllu-facturera' convent new were Mrs. Fred C. Hartsoc k, of Mil· day 9 a. m. to 8 p. m .• Dr. ion their net income from poul- iOIll the Mother' s club pve aattractRudolph eq ual, and as far as ancesto rs are acc.id~Jlts, both....fatal and non.fata l. earni. ford; Mrs. L. H. Gordon, • Mra. Laura eyesigh t specialist is at Cary's Jew-' try are Invited .by County Agent val in the Gym last ~hio 18 malring ~ wonderf ul sho~i~ Watch~ clocks and 1ewelry of ev- Olay bWhileh I have SatllJ'Cla7 evenl. Mosher, Mrs. Fred B. Henders unclell on, I Sh to co-oper ate in one a fco-ope r- A cake was sol,d to the person a ave eon ung, I have several bid· MfS. Kate CoJeman, Mrs. W. E, :~1nati~~: Lebanon nnce tile ell.tabl18hment of the de- ery deacnpt ion efficiently , Ohio. and Free prompt e. x r elat atlve ives e. x lhat tension ?ught to be hung." . projects whlcb stam dine most for an partmen,.! of .hygiene and safe~y leas Iy repaired . at Oary'l Jewelry Shop Novemb er 1 1927 Everybo dy ' In- w.ere awarded toIt. Abo,m 7 prizes 0 Neall, .Mrs. J. W. Edward s, Mrs. th~n two ~eara aao, a~d wltl! the IOle Lebanon , Ohio. the m8llked persons Jamal! McClure, Miss Emma Heigh· ' terested Miss Evelyn Tucker was " ostess lit oo)ect of mcreasl ng In(erelt In safe. Iho~ld cali at .hiB office at present . . Salldwich~s, c,olfee and way, MIBII , ' once ' ." and ·Mrs. D. ' p ' doughn uts were servEtd to thOle hav- L. Crane. May Wright the employe r and ,. ., ty me8llu~e . , your ' s 0 f both . . . aThsix O'cl?ck ' For'a . dinner Friday evening. few cents more on . tax "Pouln ,. OalendaJ'l!." "ve - timaly ne .uppe~ tick ets·, then thO dane, . th~ eml!loye this unusual exhibiti on is dupUcate, we ,c an maintai • e gue8 .. ~ e were lhe ,. Misses JOlin The r ul n Hock' tt R th C k K at hi . beln, gl~e~. Ther. will be no ~h.rges ent Ii,ht aervi~e 811 it th. prea- l\JftClltlons , and , informa tion each inc atarled and every Olle, yo~II&' and eg ar moe t'mg 0f the eN" , . f. todai. hom ~nd mont)!, D~rothe: 811 to o Dav the · feeding, cen Grahouling Century old, club wa~ held at the ple!Wtook part aqd helped to . make . , ~.ro admllr!lon and e~erybo~ will be Vote for thi...... .. On Sunday afternoo n. October 30, for tit.....-:: and care of the layine flock 811 well the evening IS. a nt home of MI'8, J. P. Fromm, on made .welcome. In addition ~" the It of your towa. a very lucceas ful one. the home of Mr. and Mn, D. N. Me· ' Mr. 811 B. fat F. the Peters rearing lind Lwo of young daugh. October 28. 1927. Twenty -one mem exhibits , speaken of national rep utastocll, Keever, of Red Lion, was the scene tel'8 Clarice and Eula and have blanks on which to record M C B bers and two honorar y l)1e}llberll SAOwing to the Centu) Ohio' Teaeh- of' a happy tlon wll\ attend the con.ere.ss and: de· gatherin g when about 36 rea ' Ky Mr. and Mn. H. 0, Coleman, of and nport the daily ell product d M L 0 ~ swered the roll call. with "One thing ion. en meeting at D!'yton, tb~re ."i~ be r.e~atiye8, gathere d Jlver addreue s on ncclden t preven· Norwood, and Mn. Laura there to remind Foster, Lo~eland of "Demon ', ;~I'C di~~cr ~ucst:t~~s'lIf~ I do, to keep well." atratlon farm ' records " in- no school this FrIday. No~~mber tion work. . 4. MrL McKeev er of ber ,54th birthday . and Mrs. Ray Mail1ou8 . Mt. Health~, enroute to Columb us, clude a more comple'te 'a on Tu esday' nd ~laborat!! The guests were Mrs. Wilbur _ _ __ were dinner gums of Mn. Kate-Co le. sYltem of .records . • .'. The . ~ay was spent in renewin g o,d These include Mr.. Hough was III Tol4!do last a~qu",m . Clnrk nnd l\~rs. Lee Hawke. The An intereat inlr illQ8tratlo!' of ' popu man, . on Saturda y. . ta~ees and music_ At 12 Mr. nnd JIIr . T. H. Zoll. Mr. und pr9g~am con.slste r! of three not only the egg prl'duct lon, but, also wee~ InMhrs. ~~est Harlan excellen t Jarity Is "that wblch ie today demon- . lubld- a clock dinner W811 served, which ",as Mts. McLa\lghlin, , the income and expense s, 110 that the tu~e Mr . Amanda Ad. !I nd Instruct lve papers, as follows: . er pace . , . lltarted by voterB of ohlo regardin g ' certainl y enjoyed "7 all. The hosteu ams, Mrs. KCYM and Mr. Dropped 8,000 feet hom aD air- owner who keeps them, can Charles Zell "Bees and Their Habits" Mrs S F tell bll Who k the Democr atic nominee for eowrno! : plane pllOvea Parker pen hat received many beautifu l present a all of ·Xenia lind MI' e Frllllmi . . 0: ~:;"!E next year. Co~etlllman Martin L. breakab le.. Headqa artiinl~la ~~. net pin each month.. T~o ' ~ery ••• IIne who visi~~ from her cbi'~en and other n;lative l. M. Hendcrso ;1 werc di;lOer opera e n ' t ese prolectl are suppo~ the Chambe • D~vey has never said .a word wbleh Duofold pelll. at Cary'.l for Tholle .wh~ took part In thIS pth- Mrs. Lau ra Zell ilL t he HnL guests of "Wate\"f~lls of United Stl\tes, 'Mrs. ewelry Sbop ed . to serve as commu niti poul~ry evening at r f Horr Brs last Frida hawny tell Cynthia Evans . thea Senior' art au ht t'l ering were: Mr. and Mrs. Howard would lead ally pe",on to believe he Leban.on, ' OhIo. , , room. Sunday. demolll traton. . "The Grea t Chalice of Antioch ," Mias Is even t1,tlnking of being a candI date. k It . • . I'P , y $hoema ker. '' Ind 10nl, Junior . and B,,· _ ' • _ • . . thl~w. are i~ th~r~~i~!e:' Fo~o. Iy, o.f Newark , Ohio; Mrs, May Wright. for gov rnor next year. and in' all his M1IIII Jeule (l~k and ' Mr. 'Lo'ula '. Clara SldBuy "Your~x ~il\'e rseul" if you Durin!\, the socinl hour an a etizstlln: his eyes were th . wild .t ravels .JIU i~ dons and a single perao.n Clark, of Hyde Pli'rk,. lIOnS, Joe and WiUard . Mr. want the best In S!lvenvllre. We have ing two-cou rse luncheo n was Pit-v d who Moth er'. Meet,i ng shipped into our to supp!'rt h\.m for any office. All hll left today on ~ motor and Mrs ..Charles trip to Call- _ . ' .and daughngcncy in Warren __ liver a piece of red bEtef . ears dried tel', Maxine, of ElIIson after which adjourn ed support baa been volunte ered. m!et Bainbn ev- fonda, were ,sunday guelts d,e, Ohio; Cary s J ewelry Shop, Lebanon. OhiO. on Novemb er we MIU 18th, with Mrs. Limile crywher e he is hailed IS a Bure Win· Em'!la ~eigliway. apricots and a comma 'Iri h' t Mr. , . McKeev er. Mn. . .The , Hazel Motbers club will bold the No- his giz~rd Boyd ' H' :nde~ :o~ ~ Trump, Mr. and Mrs. ner for the nominat ion In. the DemoMendenhall y . , . • . ,- , Otto Long. of . Mrs. Edilh Hal'riN, Mr. Banis vember ' meeting at the Grade build; the singing . "Hail Hall th 0 G ' ; Greenl1eld; Mr. and Mrs. 'Oarl Heath, cntic state primari el. - Conltl'essman F S H Your eye" . care for them' waD. Inc next Thursda y afternoo sher and Mr. and Mrs . ROllllld Hawke n, NovemDavey II a man of unusual power in Oonstan t lItrain to the' Here'" After tlKht r~tr:'h~:D~ of Sedalia. Ohio; George • . • eye and the bar 8. Misa Wilgus, of Xenia, will all McKeever motored to Delaware on Sunday, and of In projilcti ng his persona lity, so that vo- eye ",usclea,': caaae •• eoUtan Hallowe 'en d and famUYz. ..Mr. Will McKeev er and spent the t ~ address the club on "~ndia," 'lhowing and ~Id~r wer' served th day with Miss Mildred Hnrtn an agivi ng Day ters who have never ileen or known on the nervoul . eiltrI)'. ~ for louven in which she gathere d d~ring the evimi'ng :as spent Ine dancln~~ 'family, of waYllellVille;. Mr. and Mrs. Bock, who IS 4 student at Ohio Weshim become his frienda and enthu- an appolntm ellt' 'for '~ Orlie · Se~m.n and family, of Well- leyan. . . Presiden t Coolidge by proclam ation siastic suppo~ers. Ohio I hal more tlon Tuesday or ~tJl~ Exam.... her stay thl!re; . Music . was furnishe d b Lucille man; Mr~ David McKeeye.r , of Rldp~~. Notic• .chanKe of date, .' due ~ 110 John and William Thom!s . . • than six million Inhabl~nts . . l!avey Rudolph. eyellch \1 has designa ted Thursda y, Novemb er ville., At a late hour III. the evening I Th~ m~8t Import~nt conslderatio.n 24 as ~Ialis ' Thansgi ving Day and recomhas not met, peraona lly, ~oi'e than ty'8 Jew~Jry Shop; >~bjulO t at Oa- aehool 011 Friday, , the J'lelta dePll1e d wiahlD, Mrs. Me- n se ectmg a . Chr~stm D, 01110. ' ' Maff L. as Earnhar Watcll t. Sec'y. IS mended "that on that day our peotwo thousan d out~lde' of his own dll. h- ', - - Keever mav · more happy blrlhdayw. :uall~y Every timepiece ;... ' . : . we sell must pie lay aSide their usual tasks and by Last !'rlday Mr, Crllbbe rave out trict. Tens of thou sanda of Ohio ave It. S,ee our ,watChes before buy t he fo mily fircside prizes to ' the local boys who had enin their acpeople, who have itever leen him. en. . ill&', Ca~y s Je\\ elry Shop. kba· cuslomed ploces · of and .~ public worship tered the contests at the .Ohlo State , Mrs. M. A. ComeU , Mrs. thuslaat ieally. Dcclaim Davey .81 ~e W. E. Cot non, OhiO. give thanks to Him who holds u's an fair: There was a numb.er of 2116~ nell and Mn. R. G. Miller ,~ext governo r. A year ago he was were joint The regular meeti ng of St. in the hollow of His hand." W1n e to new ho.teu n at a very eligible almost unheard of in , th!llltate~ Sud. to flnter, but ') • 0 -. pleasan t .ocial quild will be held at the home 0 . VI . r The presiden~ial proclam ation emu.les delily he haa emerged from the .ob. tmad~ coneem lnll this year'. 'functio n at. thcl charm In, country Mrs. Harri8 and Mrs. Mosher on Fri" ' TJhllsi~ed ~ntes, . 0 .y 1001 boys enlared . home of the 11rat· many reasons f or which scuriiy of one of Obio', twen~-two named, Iaat Thurs- day aClernoo)1 at haLf.pai ~ two America nsthehave • , . bad to be thankfu l aynesvllle .boys mllde a Bhowlng In day afternoo n. Five H~ndred conll'rlllllional distri~ta anll Iill ~~me At the No•••"'" .!.clio• .,. . .WllI ' l.d « ....opo.itio a . to 11'1)' W811 Note the change of clay, from Thurs~ i.n 1927. 2 oats, h corn and poultry. .Follo~n~ the dlvenlo.n'· ancl ,a d.e . I. upon every ctongue.. IJIIU" Uclous fo .. I .. ~;..n f_ . 41.......1 ......... .. . lunch day to Friday. This is on importa nt _ _'' '-___ ~.. iDC. . . . . . i. "ec- - - -... - ....- - - arl! t ename l of the cCllltelta~ti: , . brought to !l eloae a very • , -r' delight- ",eeting and we hope every womsn of Sc~ring oats---Ca;1 H~y, 4th place; (ul ·a ftemoon . Invitati Io'~ Pape r ' ~ . .-r7I.,. . .r $- . .7 tM .....1...... .... of tIa. yU...... ons were ex- the church will try t o be present grade, ,87i '2.00 prize. b~dge , ~otl4;e . tended to U .... Emma Barnett , lin. , H.r. aN a' f.w faeQ f •• ~~' te ,"'" I~to ·c ••ild.t:ali ;'•• 110 . Melbo~rne Smith, 11tb ,p~ce, E. V, BarDba rt, lIn~ C. E. Marsh, William . .... yot. ~a No•••tler.ad lqIo. wllat ~...... yOii •• f~.. or . . ,0. and daughter" ai".t gJ:ade 86, ,1.00 prize. . The school is now busy Mrs. S. 1iJ. EUII, ~. Kate ,Colema n, Miss Goldie,A. ofWolcott g of Way. atl0'!l ., Lena, Ohio, Chester newspap ers, magazin es andgatherin ,eo':"'a tl •• I. $.',017,3 40. .. Taa books , seoring of White nesvUle L<\dge, N;o; l~3 ~. ~ A. ~., Calm Arthur Mrs. ,"D. L. «rane, 'at. Mrs. i. F •. 2.l1, . B. lIen' Wapoe M. Walcott and daughle r. Bettie from the en-tire townshi .w. ........ . "-'~r\.""" of taa I. 11.7 .... Tuesday. eve"ing . Novemb er 8. ,~I~. Swartle l, 4th place, pade 9_0;U:O~, non , MIfII, r .. M.,.CoI~ p. The"; ,.,. Mm. ,C. K ; J"ne. a Shelby, Ohio, and Charles will be sold , . ' . p~ile. . d ' , t f d . ·'.••• of' $$3,010 .14. and the money derived , bltler. Mra. . Lee . Henders . on, ", MI:a. E. Wolcott , of Piqua, lIoit of officen ' an -paymen .o ~"; surprise Horace d their Shane~, from 4th them place, used gride for school L. H. Gordon, )In. D. R .SrnItli, Kn. relative s and friends last " .' 1.. ' -... L_ .. _ - " . . . . ' . ViSiti'" '' and ,li9Juom lne brethrl'n ' ... ql . ' . , Wednes day the monllY being used for purpOIle . . . .a. t 90 ,2 00 priu ..... _ • & ,111,00 dlf'l'eren~ , 0. It roq"lrea S.D Henld ~- Ii k "I h v_ .,. $.,800.0 0 ,. . .. pa~" '.Ile ,.~.' .11.1i... " '.1 lvi ' . ·' . . . . . , MUlO. . . . things it wlli in ~.I t . ac he ... dl''"eren A Bre welcome. abo-t c , AIU1h $.100 t rooms.' arr ng The .' - . ' Carl Hay, ' ~m place, 'grlide 88: I. B, OhapllW!,. Mrs. Illla&be in time for breakfa st with Il th Bai......., ,1.00 priu. · COAS. BRADBURY, W. II. .. ,Iy, ~ D. R. SallBb,u17, lin. Harry Mr; and Mrs. Earl Conner and son. projllct is b,eingo sponser ed by the .~ to ,.~ ...~ ~~, II."~.. ~ra aaaIarI.. re,.I ... $784., At Eighth Grade Poultry room , Scori~WUl\am Lolli, .Stoll.., Mn. £meat Hartaoc k,· 111'11. Mr, lind of RaymOin 'E. ;' F. B.. HENDERSO,N, $ee'y. . . e.t there I. Iia~F"'~ I~ ...... Mrs. D. E, Standio rd had Hatfield . fuada ... paF r,.' , • 8th Jll8lllt ~onorable mell.tloh', . . , ~. _ _ _'. .' , ,,.lred ....... . to Jaaau7 I, I~ •.. . .. . . . loel Stok.., lin. Edlth 'Har.riI, Mn. 811 their dinner and supper . . guestl .p,oultry, El!hlbl~W(~m " Loll&', Laura. Moiher, . Mrs. Ronald ~ny on~ havi ng n~.,vspapen• .Di!llr~ Haw~e. Wednes day of ' nero last week, la oa1~ ' wni. • • 00 I ... azmes or wld. ....1cIa tit pa~, li.lit oft. f riu, 11·90. '.' . • • ~ J' billa f • ;A '. In ,w. H. AlJen. Mila Olive .All.n, cott and dnughter, of Lena, Chester I like to give books WhICh tliey 'would , ' 7 ....... _. . ' "LL U L_ ~L_ ." , ,~ ' , " . to the, 5choo\; 1riIl 'notify ~ ..... . ArB. A. T. WriKb t.'lIn. J. W. Ed- Wolcott _ _ I. "... wi ~ . ..... Bnd daughte r, of WhUe len. ~a-ria . 1s ,buq 'Wi~ t~e pupil or: teacher and I9me one 1IrL . :lames IleClar e lin. C.h arles Wolcott Russei~ A.b,.~m~, of 'Ha!Diltonl • "00• .If ,......, ....... ..t 1I.1l,, '" ,wiU . of Piqua, Mr. caU ' f or -them. • . ..... to , yol •• .j~b of mqYlng-. lin., ~ is,sablitl- ~1Iat Batterwo~. lID. W. E. MI'l1. ,and. MIIIB ~~i ... Spray, ,of . Ll!baqon, :, Co,•• lF' o~~ Charles Sattert.h waite, Mr. ~ ,eftIrJ: I ~,..,.tIo. i.... . wUDC In her job of lurpriliecl ' their frlenda.."henU !'" lCookln& ' ~ 0' ... Misa TiUlena Eaw~ Mia Mrs. Charles Rye) Mr. and Ml'iI. Earl !IO~.~'. la ...rt .f f~ .: ........ IiIg f • •' ~"IJ.~. .~ , at ~e U!.Jb School 'buQ~.. ¥arp.ret,t.-·EchN ' d' a'-v rU.: IIIaa·1Ia¥ WriIrbi O~nner and son. E~I We"ey, "_.... to KebtuC )q an4 . " ",ire ~.. l.. . ....... Illppe , • .... _ ' r1 . .,. . .. . . . . . . . . _.':':---'-lIi_~ . . • ...-.I , . ' • ,- --.. -_' M~ quletb Emma . B, ~ -, 'WIll .".. 1II_e WI.~ IlIle, 1In. .1. . home ~ . traT, . . "",- ft that w ... " }J!. _ _ _M~ hi "~ed. a.mlltoThe, _ . . . ' Olara n, "he~ u.~ jpOO. .ion. It' II th. e unusual POO. '\""' , .. ... • ...1 for bII -.'-'" ' .... POOit . DON '. ' Amelia W~ lin. lIIII ,. '-)larlaD greates t apprecia tJon. ••We will .help lin. BUt.oct. . 11ft. Roll you ba. alriad chooae ' for Cbrlatm aa IOmething ','V bride. OR ' J' boas. l're-. Here 11.. I.~ II! of Donald . Braeidock,ldlatinctiV8IY for ·the whole ....-. . . ~ J, I. i ..... Warren A k. lin. Bart '-Bad- comfort ablt plaeo to shop at __ , B. rrabbed tIae cbeck bel . .'" .p ~ lin. BartHC Qalaq 00. aDd lK5 Je"eh7 Shop. "The Boml. of 1111 Poet. " '
Exte n.·on Pr ,iectl ~
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T ' the T·axpay . ers
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Cheater Crockett· med "nd a~praClaement In the estate .:.ornella rockett.. Carl .Pollock, Louis 'Grant and Edwllrd Bacon were ties defendant il,l the . .. ..t.'~IA""ft the estate of ];noeh Bacon . Fi!lding t~at the aUeptlons of petition were true, court ordered another apprainment .,f the of Enoch Bacon be dispenlell OUft ordered that William· Bneon proceed to advertise tor 'sale th estate oC Enoch Bneon. Lola Voorhis made applicatil/n as c;Xf'cutrix of the. will o{ 'Wlilt r Voor
N-E·.·W . . . ·S........·. .G·,.".·l--~:~A:.N~E~D:-·:-=·:'::-::;::; th.orized ~~~i:hr 8~:C:r~i~h~~'b: ;~~I PJ~de!l a~~ to sell certain fltQck.
CUle Euick . Autu I!ll. Dhplay
......................- - - - -.......- - -... • ...• ...·"""'!...
cOi:'di~lly invi~e to lUattend a special showing of motor fashions for 1928-
t:::7i lllE
Oou~t o.rde.red · a certified copy of YQU A Fi.bt the Inheritance tax or the estate of Teplace began note ominous signs. Weakley bo certified. \:J hadtoa down·at·the-heel Ilnd ' Clara Howard Corwin filed inventor y The neglect d air . .Th reOwaft nn un sightand nppralsement in tho estate of Iy litter by' the woodshed. Papers Sarllh Corwin . car ....b t h d d --Frank Anderson wnB appointed were ..... own a ou t e san y ' yar . COMMO guardian for 'ha -U'lt of '-, { eber BI'nkSomething was wrong. He veered N PLEAS COURT • ~ Court apprOVe d the sule of certa le Y a minor. ~introducing -~nutiOU5ly to brl'o'" .. the gara~e bet· d ' our tween the open back door an him- property and dlilltributed th ca'sh t b ~ermltt~i plahintift' to amftclnd self. He did this nfter a cry of the case of Lidl\l M. Sawlo vs. Oscar a ar, or petit on eretQforo ed eeting had died ' unuttered on his J. Edwards. . in the case of Hottie Binkley vs. Helk P ber Binkley. at!!y ourt finds demurrer not well take The laRt will and testament of Wilips. This didn't I00 k I ,e Ifo&ortltl' are learning that there is It big difference in tlt-es. fines~ Janc. It was as squalid liS a cily en und gh'os sumo 30 dllYIl in liam lIal-vey WIIS produced Cor pro. . . . . . til.,. look pretty much alike. . ome are long on looks and bllte. The will \\Us admitted and slum. to plea cl in th case of Horace . . ." 08 qaality and mUeage. But you won't need a microscope teeth set t.hemselves when he vs. Fred Ric;hards <;t 1~1. entered of record . ",h IUie that the Goodyear tire you get {rom s l.:s a real buy. notep the composition of the heaps Court g:fllllt\!d Virginia 1\1. Foster Mllry Harvey mil de application for abO\lt the wQod~hed, It was his own exclUSive custody of hel' daughter appointment liS executrix of the C1l. ~~ mil~e tells the atory .. furnitur and b dd1nrc, bundled out. Dorothy, nnd th plaintiff should plly tate of Willianl Hl8rvey. The liP' unshellered. He applied his eye to certain sum for her support. pointmcnt was nccepted. Apprlliscrs T~, ~ore tlaan ever, more people, the world a crack In lhe rORr of the gRralre. ---were appointed . . A small cart much more battered and NEW SUITS Stella Sharor WIUI appointed IHlride on Goodyear tire. than any other kind. rusty thon his own with ~oUd gul!ny Frank B. Armbruill ci' v~. Maudie ministratrix or the cst4lte of Riclgcly sa k bundles 01) the sagging runDlng L. Armbruster. divero,; lind custody' Shl\[or. The allPolotnlcnt wus neboards was within. of minor child. ccpt~d. He 8'u essed correctly that the oc· Court approved the report of StelcUPIlnt of the oabln was ooklng a ---I Sh.. d . . t t' f t.h PROBATE PROCEEDINGS a t'. ..qt ,us a nl1nJS rn rIX. a ,e S~RVICE---FREE! late breakf..Ast in the kitchen. The . elltate of Ridgely Shofor. Sam HYman lind Ruby Hurwich door of lhe kitchen opene.d to the No appraisemlmt having bell II made south and there was no Window on court found t h.e graM value of the filed iriventory and appraisement of We' don't just sell you a \.ire--we·ll apply it promptly. see that the west side, from ~hlch he ap- property Q{ W. Oecar Keever. the estate of 1\1. B. Ryman. . JOar rima ~ free from rust,. and that the tire is correctly indated. Proof of pUblication of the ap_Fannie Pence tiled inventory and IIPproao·tied. Tho Sllnd stilled hIS toot Thea after it if on and running we will inllpect it at any time and ateps. He Ifllin d thQ door without pointrnent of tQlarence Weidner as appraisement in the estate oC Forest appl1 eoDaervation measures to h~lp you get all the miles of lIer· detection. administrator of the estate of Ed- Pence. • Sarllh Wright filed ftrst and final As his shadow feU- across it. the wllrd Weidner. yIft that the fact.o,y has built Into it. Thla kind of service ·means 80le occupant of the small room lookfroof of publication of thll IlP- account 0.1 the estate .of Mildred tin doUan saved. We do it {Tee .for 'our cUBtomen. ed up from his task. He ~ a mean pomtment of Wealtha hamberl81n Eagle. -taced narrow-eyed man WIth a stub- aa admin istratrix ot the estate of Court approved the lormer proill • ceedings of Rob rt Brown as admin. ble ~f beard on hi. line~ che~~:~ Samu I Ohamberlain. He wall in the IlIrb h!l~ ;:eves Proot of pul>lication of the ai>- istrator of the state 'of David Evans. tt:amp. lIoUedk~o~onbll I he~ stained pointme.!1 t of Nona Orake as adminElIdQ Scott ~~s fined $Ion and rolled up; a reec 'I ggings Istratrix oC the estate oC William cost... . ' With grease; worn capvas .e rette Keever. Court grClnted-the requClllt ot and IItubby the ?rool of pu)bli ot the ap- uel and lIurwlch to lIell _ _ _ _.....:::-___ hung fr9m I 18 p' t ' f ' ba"on in POtn'mel1t (If Fra~1t Wilson as exec· certam propet'ty ot the e!1tate ot M. T - 11 act of .turn nlf • "rIp 0 - ., . utOI' of t~tl e ta~;\l of W, B. Silvera. B. Hyman. . Samuel Whitenack and Matilda and Humphreys. material, $37.85; I aynelVi e, . the trYIng >.,rtl d b\lt bis quick The , Lebanon, - Citizens' \'fatlonBJ The will of Qhrlsthina Thompson Whitenack to' Alfred Watkins, .98 WayneNviUe FnrmersExchange .maThe .m an was 8... e, n.f n- Bank ma~e 41Pplllc;atjon tq lie I'JlPlIint- was adl)1lt~d ~ probate. town acres in Hamilton Tp. terial $187.33; Carroll McCarren ........!lJIIII~!""I"-~...~;,iIoi~.i.iiI~~;..;.------------.."" recover)' 8howedvlt~t. lie f~k \Ion ed.guardlan ot Jrohn QcIvQlt•. Th'e ap- Celia TbompllOn made application Harry Hal\tings and Gtace Hast- supplies, $6.64; John Bogan. supplieS-: ( prepared for I ,IOr: • \\ d Illtter- pOintment WIIS 'Iceeptocl, for appointment as executrix of the !ngs to Joseph Rawles. one 10L $1.50; Harlan Whitacre. pay roll, whi~h tbe bacon wadI! e nO doged Court ordere~1 a certified copy ' of estate of Christiana Thompson. The m Lebnnon, $57.90; Philip Heisel, pay roll $34.70 ed mto t!t~ pan an th e .3!athfl door .the In heritance tax be eerti1led in appointment was accepted and apEfttl K!rk to C~llrles Frazee, one P. B. Monee. pay roll. ili80.60; ChatJ_ SICNED UP into the livmg-room ~ol tention to the estate at SUlSan Thonaaen. praisers \\"ere apJ)ointed. town lot In ~nkhn. Bradbury pay roll $28 25' Eden behind hlm' h It was ~ISqU~k enougb. Oourt approve II the sale ot certain George Waterhoulle flt~d (\I:8t Thomas Stamper to Elizabeth Sta· Ten-y. pay roll, $122'. 10; Tom He <at art Uhlbit)-"Ah. Joan close It:, budt e washndo~ gal·n .... it. his flnal account of t~~ ~t{ ot Jillton. and Blanohe Mason, one town pkins. pay roll! $50; H. D. Carroll, Eddle's bo y cras e a D. •I' Sale lot In Franklin. ,. . ' material, $1; ~1orrow Feed and Supd'Arc." foot thrUllt Itself into the 'narrow ng Bown, and rose to grip the othe"- man C~urt 41PP{O td tlw lillie of cemln Edward Jobnson and Eva Johnson ply Co .• repairs, $50.10: CollinS' and She (also the.re)-"Joln it your crack. . . . . h and hurl bim against thd walrs.T T' property in ht eat~te of A,nl1le to Robert Johnson, one town lot in HUmphr ys. lobar. $10; Will Wood"; selt, I'm a Kappa." Suilur ttlaj;. he had ~alled! t e moAnother blow sent '~ddie'1' on his son, U nlon T~. -. , row Storage Go., suppliell. $60: ' Burtor-tramp wlttidr\lw \tIS w(ltght lanc Bud· head and Moulden. Th stran er Court approved the request Josellhme Snrgent and ,Saml Sar- roughs Adding Machine Co .• repaira. VERY MUCH ABQUT denly, 80 tbat J;;ddle w ... overba - with a grimllCtl ()f tr.ill~'" t"tci1 Bell certain ~toek . In the estate gen~ to Harry ROsecrans. one town $6.66: G. Lederman. bond. $10:50; ' ed and tell Into the ' livinC·roolD on leap UPIIII hi", /t.. mntlQ toot Anl)le · Wilaon. lot I':' Leb!lnon. ' . JQbnson and Watson Co" inortpjfe "I want you to meet a man aboqt his ·band. and kn\lCts. Tell 1r!;ge~ thr.uat IIto~~ed ~be m oto1;-o llmp 'l'h~ Oourt approved the reque.t to ~ell Ohve HI!les. to fearl Apklng! tour &reeotd. $34.'16: Eugene Adsock. tr to'WD," said Lord, Chumley, as he enk to a b\1nd In belli! N':~ boot heel c;aught. blm fairly o' that cllrtaln 8toekL In t he estate o~ John t°R:,.5~0~!~.gM:~!'t~rne~t. Hau';; to p8uIIPe~,1i:Sl·.' $B2u;rrA oulfg'fhe,sdAOd'dlB ngraMnta' chllulnPetroduced his friendl to a pautng cab retreatiric corner, bad snate: be up a r ..... blood Hew from hili ma.hed no., ' Pemne. Co .. rt ftJtled the pnce at P k D t .. 5 • by. he covered Eddie, the weajon against It wa. IIDon after that the 8tr~nir- which certain banda might be sold. . atr\e yas • . 21 ow acres in Car- Co .• repairs. $5.56: Dean Stanley, his hlp. . f t B er stooped to the fire place for a . hsl . plat. I ' L O· rent. $26; I\ftl,.ry Hopping. rent. $30. ·ft Eddie came slowly to hill ee · t e bludgeon. It Wall a sizable stick tIiat MARRIAGE LICENSES John F aelt and· uey Flaok. to . II- M. E. ROilS. s\lpplies. $4; Permm Mawas careful to take no torwardd · sdlepy. had burned in two le~vin" one piece \.l8\' l\!. mlth ~nd Leala W. ~mlth. rion. labor. $70; James 'Folen, lah 's eyes were e a . th f .. Roy Monpin, painter. South .48 town acres In Wayne Tp. bar $15 F OJ' t e man' ll h Id sboot more an a DOlt ionr In length and non, to MU..I".ed U.a\iDm s , " Kin..... Thomas Glaney.and Emma Glaney. ' • was a ki er, w a '!OU ' pyramidical in iform. He cau"'ht it MI'I'-. . "1' , .... . .. .,. to 'M J h' S > 896 t ~~!"!!!!~~~~~~~'!'!'!~~~ ~Ii>l..."., ~onscience and WIthout mer- by the smaller end; as if by : ban. III ar.y osep Ille argen.. , own-:: j!eelJllld PiP"dient to shoo~; die. Bis face wai contorted tnt/) the Wi'ltiam Wallace. C8rponter.Frank- acres in LebanQn, .- . art ),IIP d9~ng in my hOUIe! , Bnarl of a maddened hualCle-dJg u he lint. to TtlaIth" FIIllIvloye, Franklin. Leo Schuyler to Rachel Schuyler, .....".wl'!d Eddle. t threw It With aU his might -t E..Idi"'s ~ollJ:l ptepeVw, , .. faGotory 7.37 town acres .ln Turtl.ec",ek' Tp. . roonle a head ' n -'~ . " . .. ...nkUn. · :o i0... reen, Milton Jack and Minnie .Jack to ,.B1I . Eddie dpdrid JPlt In time The wor~er. Franklin. ' Walter . Throekmorton and Golda gOln' to mljlaile JrUed hill temple tile ' - Hnam Depew, . mall ~~:~orton 1: 40 town acres in Tueada" 9--.~m...,'lk~..Ia-.n+~~~---'~~~=-.;~~~10urst.li!~ 'Olfll~:!!ltTeboulloiled In trODt of him ~a.nkU". Georgia Belton, Ma~hail Reed to Bertie Reed. 12 FUNERAL DIRECTORS -..r.• ., 8 a.m. 7 p.m it sToh ' br wlal al.most under lila feet. Edwari J Zirnmerman town Iota In Deerfield 1)1. S.tunil much .as s I ''It. e t ow eft jilie IItranC'!r off bal- ., . ._ 1'-1 i ' . • AYNESV.ILL~ "Y6u lie '! llnap~ Ed~ e., • ance. A lIean tabl, .tood qaln.t ...icb., !;",m... at on patro l inspector, ALLOWANCES 1 Jewelrv mine.' Get out of 1\ere, qUlckl " the wan at , Edille'. left hand. He to ReDa Abrams •. Mason, ' arYl I ' Tbe deadly eyelllarrowed. ~et- jerked it in fronl' oihlm Withbotb " . Fred · HumpltreYIl, pay roll, $1.89: Fully Equipped for "'... - - ... U _CIlf4$UUA tel' not call me a liar. Sllon. Go o~ bands ita n~-Ilrest edare arid the . REAL , ESTATE TRANSFERS Joe Davis. paYToll, $417.(0; Qhai'l.. II-YO' youl'1lelf, ·b efore 1 hav~ ~ drop ~0~i8 fuJI power of hill 160 pounds behind A. B. Shaner to Estelle Shaner, 'Bra~bury, pay roll. ,$130.90: A. T. Service. -.Ii 1:. u.HI Ed~ie modet:ated h,s ton a:: u _ it. lie drove the table ahead of him 190.69 acres in Wayne Tp. Rettlg, pay roll, '.222.26; Eden Terry L~rge Diaplay Room. langu~. The stranger ha t t; ~ along the floor. ' , James Pile and F. W. Franz to pay roll. ,231.16, F. M. ~ollin •• Ambulance Service . . per hatld • . "See hen • .my .!{leO, It caulrht the stranger acroae th& Earl Kirk. lot in Frariklin. roll,' $216.20; V.. W. 'Tompklns, WD thigh., jamming 'him against the wan Edward Janney to Della Millard roll, $222: Fred Snider, y-ou're ~n Wrong." h.e Bald: F TELEPHONE 7 li.u OR NIGHT pame plSrta 0; i~~; With. a g.rowl ~f tpumph, Eddie 1181z.. and Harry Millard; one town lot in $289 Leslie this place. M! La ~g 0 • g • ed him by the huir and dralrRed bim Franltlin. , old They'll tell. you , 10 my ·,roi>erty. 1 ve been away, th8ts face downward acrosa th~ t:a()]e. He F.rank West to JlIII1es I,'lle and _ , II. ' . aU.' . ' d held the 'table JJke a 'vise with one W. Ft;anz. one town lot in P. , Since Eddie kept hiS di8~hce:!l hand and his knee. Rll b.la))-pre4 the ' William "Wilder and Evelyn see~ed disposeq Jo ,argue , e tram:/, wltb the other flst. ~ut he e1',. to Oliver Wilder and Hattie e coul not get enlough powe~ behind der. · .76 town aCTes in HAmilton passer accommod!'te~ h~maeJ~ et situati.on. He shll,f ted t e b ld . the blows and f:he man's struggle. . Joseph Knott- to Elm~ Ward, . threatened tp free him. , town lot in Maineville, his hlp , acroBl h a body, 0 109 " IJ'he bludgeon of pine was lIeal'. Elmer Ward to JosepJI Knott, one . MON£\' LOANED slightly ' higber than before. ~t waa . . still rea/lonably ready for s:!J'Vlce. · ,He swept it_ fro'm the floo~ a~ the toWJl lot in Maineville. "I'd !!BY you been away. wasIl hid second , attempt and swung It lIke a '. Joseph McClung and Ala MCIOIun,lt1 LOANS· oh Chattell.Stoekl; Secun. jeering comment. ('No one's ve war club in a wide ...c. It 8truck to Frank' 'Ebbing and Ethel tllII and Second Mortgacea. No'here for years. I was he~~ last ~our the maD .s tie straightened below the 109 acrell in Turtlecreek .Tp. . boueht: John Harbine ' Jr., Xenia. F. G. Homback aJld Ed Hiracb to five weeks. I brought ,,+,at s 'tV~. ear. He tell tor:ward RcrOIll the taOhio. ' -mao-'z. This plaee is as much mine as I III ble "lIgaln, out co.mpletely. WilUaJil ~ox and MartM Knox; yours." 'h " ' II d (To be .c ontinued.) acres 111 Turtlecreek Tp. "You know I'd been ere, rep e "fou saw my atun, . and Eddie! P'al1!1en of 'Warnn and adJoin.... threw It out." " "No one was here when I come. eountl~ m~y obtaltt mone, On 10" replied tba man, ·.doggedly. "I lilte lime loans; .t,. 6 PilI' eent ... it here. I'm goln' to stay, . You COII~ pt iecurin'g 'the lame .. ~el'J ..... better move." . Bis eyes had wavered about the 10n~bJ~ ,through The . Federal J.p. room as he. spoke, and Eddie took ~he IJan-k. For further information . . slender chllnce a!l'QrdeiL , He flung on or Addre.. M. C. DRAKE, T.i.. , himsel! across the room and hard urer, phone SJG-X. Lebanon, Ohio. against the man'/I s~lJIacb. · T.he lat· ter an instant· too lat4;, saw htll dan- ge~ and tried to swing· the gun . . But FOR RENT' Eddie. \Vas inside. his arma around the othe'r'1I body; He torced the FOR RENT-7-room ' houle 'on 4t1i tramp against t he v.:0ll.. . street. .Inquire ot Lid. H. Sawin. HI~ adversa'ry ' shlfted hlB tactics. 263 Delnware , Ave. DaYton; Ohio, ... Hi 8 nrm& holding the gun, were free Eddie wW: undea: them'. A hand near -n9 either end, he raised the weapon to craah it down crosswise on his assa!1ent's head. Eddie serised the move, though be could not see i~. -He clinehed still more ·tightlYt hIS Wead burrowing downward ana up ward. . . TIle-weapon struck him a glancmg blow on the back of the head. the main force expending Itself harmlesalyon his back. The trigger-guard tore his scalp. 1lOwever. and he could feel the warm blood trickle . down. Now his right hand went up to the other's throat, jamming his head bock against the logs. The ' tramp was of necessity .. compelled to drop the ~fle to avoid strangulation .. , Be tripped Eddie and they feU. Eddie, more active, was only underneath. He turned the over 'wlth a thump. and struggled mount astride. A heave of . the other's blldy broke his hold and sert!; him .flying. Eddie had no clear picture . of. what happened. was happening. Be was in a white Tage that prevented .clear ~hougbt. Be was lumping ~gainat this 'hard·faced lIIan eyerjthlng that happened in' recent days. and ::~~~l~. t~r reven~ - for thol!, hap-
~~year' s Prices Often Duplicated
.', But Its Quality -NEVER!
, .
lustrous .A:olors of lasting Duco ••• rich upholquality •• _ steries of the smart new appointments.
The Buick Autumn display opens Saturday and will continueall through the week. Don't
0";, .
nUss this interesting exhibit.
NOVEMBER 12 to 19
-II ' M t or C0 vneSVl e 0 a W '. .. ,J." . ,. '. •
. , '105 ~
Lebanon Ohio
\r.ow~ Bhoa~ ~I~;
".. Ob"I~
Keelor' Garage
pa, p~
~~~~!!'!!!!!!!!.~~~~~,!!!!!!'!!..!!!!...~!!!!_!'-!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!~~~ -"-r-r -n
Tit': IfhP.
V. W.
,J. E.
thf r°ft
Farmers. Attentiont-,
feet pu&d the rIs' punki Neither .-~~~~~~~~~~-:-~:...-'"::::--;-:-t,t-~~I!~op~~ The,:' fou~th :-",ave of savage. blowa: and bO~T, but he did 'n ot hart - He 'Wall knocked Iu
HIli! Harriet Tucker, of Lebanoll, rave an .eel. f"Wfl1 otrer tor A le at pUblic .uctpellt fr~m Thunda v eYenlne · A NOVEL IN THE -MAKING ot sonp, tion at t:DY resldenco on Main St., HE'S "0 GAMB UA tbo week·en d wi~h h~r motber; a~d at the in Harveys burc, on brother s. We huven't wJ;'i~tell II novel ,yet, Kind lady; You .h(luld" brace Han Thursda y n ••,." .1 ,II. POII.III. . . f W.........",. n. H. Fl. Hatton went too Oillcln· Sc:hool Will! clbsed Frjday that the withelllled by' an appre~iawhich Will! SATUR DAY. NOVEM BER 5, 1927, bul he!'e lire Il lew . lines we sholl In- my poor man. Rem.mb e.r what JOU Seea,," C.... .III.iI III..... tive audlBeclnni nc' . nati, Wedn llilday for a visit. at 7 o'clock p. m., all I t C\achel'll might attend the Southwe s- enctl'dA d~~boU5t~Jelena in' that w(lrk: own to 8Ociet)'. • ~anch ~u my IItOCk. of household and ldtclll,ln olude J P.1 0 Y MllIII Nellie and Paul CQtriCht were tern Ohio Teacher s' associat H!lho_ "I don't owe 90ct.tt ....tIlTeh IIIf)Tm clo"!:,\( went off. 11 0 1'"lOjICrIJltlo.. _ ric.,_._~~:..: __~.r cuaata of ion, at she~e t' w c n ~ , e a nea Bum or , 'u rniture and .carden ralntlve s in Chillico the, over Cineinn atll tools. Sel! the tense arose and brought it bllck. in',ltld y. What tlo you .thlnk rve bee. t clr reasury. • _ larC ". L CRANE bllls~ . ALICE SILVER S. ·ubll.... r the week-e.nd e A t!eep silence tlIled ' th~ stillness doih! -l)loying brldre? " I M ' d v ... , 1 • Frank WJison, Auct. r .. an ..... ':'. 'C. 'E'. G_ord on an d -severa l drownod in it. :, .---,-, ~ - -=-,,-, .=--= Mr. and J'jrr~. Harvey Garber, of family e ntertain ed to ,dinner Sun,$0 ~ sez to the general, I sez, U Ie: 'NOVEM BER 2, 1927 The undersig ned will offer for lillie Port William , spent Friday with ~===:.;======='--==·I daugh ter, Mr~. R~ F .Shuma their <lay, Mr. and ~8. Lester Gordon lind at public auction nt tbe late resi- 'CQl\gra tu lations, General up on makker and Mrs. Susan Wilkerson" of Wllyncs, ----d'ence 01 Stanley lifton .Hawke, de- ing my acquain tance." Mollie- -"l'm to be married tomorfamlly. ville. It I wlll ,sell at Corwin, Ohio, on SCHOOL SYSTEMS 'STILL ceased, abou t l 'lil miles from Har- whcrewas one of these lillie towns row IIlId I'm terrible nervouL " . Mr. lind l'tf1'~"A. S. Collett att~nded they still tell about the year The Hambur g club 'enjoyed' Ii picnic SATUR DAY, NOVEM BER hollie-"Do you ' think · there~1I a 5, 1927, veysbur g, on the New Burling ton and lhe "Linlilc d" SLJ\VE;RY Southe~'n Ohio Field trials at Ot- Tucsda eveni i . ., woods. stoP llcd to let olT a pM. clmn ee -Df the a lot of bouseho ld goods Harveys burg rood i~ Massi.e township seng ·r . ma n-gcttinlra~ be--.. Homo Wednes day, gOIng on nests of the club at this and lore then 1" [\1'. II1n~on, .hclld 0 lh ' Univers iLy from ther to Oerman , n 7-piecc b'airWarren .' coun ly. Oh iO, on own to visit were Mrs. , Ab15y Kelly Deudy, c1o~h pnr~or suite and a ,few o.t her/THU RSDAY , NOVEMBER 17, 1927, of Chicago, !laYII college study shoul d their s n Hober t a nd t hence to DayWashin gton, D. ·C., Dr. und , Mrs. nnilquc pIeces. he II IlclIHuru, lI j)t Il bor!!. -"We have ton 'for ~h' night :witb Mr. ' _ Beginni ng ut 10 t he personand Mrs., Q. ~andall, Mrs.. Sadie Reason and heen C!'ulllni11lg our students in Amor Rolrert Collett. ~A RA McKINSEY. al property of said a.m., decede nt, consist- DR. C. W. HEND ERSO N and Mrs. J , B. MeKom:le. . Scars and . Sunpson, Auets. iCII, Btuming them with facts, dates ing in pu:rt oC 1 mule, 1 horse, 4 OHlce -Aman ;Bld,. , and thought s in which they aro not ~ . 'Ii milk co\vs, 45 head of hogs farming Deatla t impleme nts, standing corn, alfalll1 O'''CE,H OUIIS intertlRled." "Wllat npplle8 to educlltion applies 9 to J I a. m, 3 lo:5 p. m. hay, stove woo,d, COlli, etc. Sec big espilCially to industJ·y. Mol1e than m. ".tl._1 ..... ...•. 0 bills for terms, etc. 7 to 9 p. m. a hundred years ago, Charles Fourier NORA H. HAWRE. declared ' t hat, to settlo humnnit y' '10,. Te.l ephone o. Martin & Stanley, Aucts. • CitflCe , 30 tro~les, "industr y must be made atRoolde nco _ 691":Z tractive ." When men work because . I " will offer Ilt public t sale at my res. • • thcy like to work, us boys play Wayne sville, Ohio J ec y. residence, 2 miles .south of Roxann a, bull or as scientist s study civilization You should know t hat 4 miles cast of Corwin', In Ohio there diagnosill, chemist ry,. po~bolo_gy . and examina tions on the farm will have begun. Men work now be- are two kin(l ~ of Chiropr actorsduring t he past twelve known I1S the Earhurt place, on the tb08c hygiene. This examina tIon IS Iden. yearll hu ve Plll\sed. cause they must starve iI they don't, legally Quuli fied Over fOllr hun- RiverRoad, on and that is no t mllch better than old UNqualified. ASKandTOthose illegally tical with that taken with other phy. dre\i are licensed by s uch c a ' SEE YOUR sicians. An addition al examina tion tion s. Hlavery under which men worked x mma· WEDNE SDAY, NOVEM BER 2, '27 , CHIROPRA TOR'S LICENS E. NOTARY PUBLIC is given by a Chiropr actic Lcd by II few unlicense d ChiroprucWE GET THEM QUICK LY AND cause they were lashed if they Beginni ng nt Licensed Chiropr actors have stud· Examin ers, named by the Board of N.Uoa.1 B..... Medical Lors. a group who have fai led Lo pass ing. 6 horses, 10 o'clock, the fo llow FREE OF (:H~R(:lI~ """"_ work. 2 mules. 2 c~ws, _21 and been examine d in 6acterio lo- Hoard in the Chiropr uctic CALL US ANY '1'.1&: AT VVR special ty. the examinationN, or who do not pos- hogs, corn potatoes Moving pictures will make and know the dangers and in their Legally qualified chi.ro pl'actors and farming Will. ImDr.wa " .... .... E.t.t•• S.ttl.1I . EXPE"S~ r , there- sess t he required ed uca tional training plement s. Uon pleasan t for children , al)d t'ln· practice 8 Lhey accept us " ,HARRY BRUNK. able them to learn in n month more those Buffering from con'dpatient!\ only ;fore,' arc compete nt to' diagnos e and are strongly pressing for the enact.Wayn • _ . _ enille. _ _ _ Ohio itions which recogniz e commun icable disenses. ment of the initiated bill. Do they than they enn learn now in Il year. experience has shown to be amena ble The initiated bill removes the pres- expect to receive licenses Higher wllges, with llIany luxuries to the method. A POOR JOB ent medical safegua rd to admission further qual ificatioll l? Supposcwithout PIa';a. 8 HARyEY~BH~~P'f T..,. t •• Gault. for Joll Work dly 80. unknown to workers of other I IayB, I The legitillllltc lind hig hly specia l- to practice . and gives no Ill\suran ce The present laws arc adeqUate, fair andA then begi n to make industry attracti ve. Ized lIeld for Chi ropracti little boy the sli pped into or eyed vi sitor up the andpar down But it is only a beginnin g. The next und er proper legal safegua c practice that the present standar ds of exam· and just. The co un, includin g Uni" Well, little man," said his tathrds is suf- ination will be maintai ned. It even ted State Suprem step will be an end of h orrl" bl e mo- flciently large without tamperi e Court, have conng with lowers the present ed ucationa l stand· slatently 80 held. er's friend, notony in work and dreadul uncer- communicable discises. me for ?" . "what arc you looking at nrds. ' The legislatu re hus refused to lowtlJlnty as to the' future. "Doddy Th e Stllte of Ohio now r quires said you were a self.mad e Any properly lrained Chiropr actor er present stnndar d by refusing - - - - -to ma n Ilnd I wanted to see what you that before n Chiropr actor may legal- con pass the examina tio n us at pres- pnss t he initiated bill. THESE WIVES -PATIE NCE AND Iy practice his professi looked like." on he must ent conducted. Investig!ltiop of the Oast your vote REWAR DS maintai n t he have had, tht'ee years of eight months State Medicul "Quite right," said the gratified Board's records reveals prel!ent standar d. Ittois for your proeach of professional trai ning_ He t hat the examina tions are fair and tection. On the .--- - . . . then must pass an examina tion con- properly conduct ed as chiroprn c- gU~~~t why did you make yoursel f evidenc ed bl tic bill, vole "NO."initiated Virtuou s, mIldly rebelliou s WIves of ducted by the State . . Medical Board the fact that eighty per cent of See U. Earl,. for Your Sale Dates. W. Gu"'a nt'le the Chicopee, Massac hulletts, prepare d Licen.e d by the Oh.io State Medic.1 like that fo r ?'.' said the boy, . h anatomy, physiology, bacterio logy, applican ts taking the Chiropr WIt te n comman dments for husband s and nctor's Board. Satiafa rUoD or Charg e NothiD I. conside rable 8urpris\ . l. show that they do not underst nnd • tho problem ot hu bnnds or marriag e. It is .u.eless to talk abbut details, inPUNCT URED PRIDE cluding the double standar d of morThe prodiga l returne d after an Licen sed by the Ohio State Medic al Board . ~ { als. The problem is in two word~, P....... N0.2 Plio... no.A'320,. absence of ten years from the town. L ___ ' sympath y and justice. If a man 18 ___ ___ ___ ___ _~---~----""!'..,.~ sympath etic and just, he will try to do what· he ought to 'do. Hia auccess will depend on his age and his decree of Berni-civilization. Nearer reality is the " husband calling contest." At t he Suffolk, Va., bir prizeS were f6r wives that could call their husbands with a vo'l,ne. dea~i ng and audible from afaT. wife combini ng endearm ent with trame ra dJu8 was to be crowned ot husband callers. Ur.r....elnel~atel 011" j • hUlband!! will shudder at the thc.u .. ht l of that. penetra ting, endeari ng Wi ve. have been engaged in husband-cal1lng contest for yeara, IIrst to get him, then him. Their patience through out ages Is amazing , the smallnellil Crepe Satin $1.79 Coetume Velvet, _1~79 Velvet $3.69 , Sheets 98c their reward pathet-ic. 54" New Zelia coating An ucellcll.t quality cnpe Boeliab ve\VflKn In bla~k 63 by 90 inch MamIe., Churon nlvet. 040 incba Cbl~fon taffeta. 36 inchu aatin In white, poacb, pink. only. A loflt dr~pinl velvet 'Vith suede finisb PITHY SHORT S wide. L illbt .Dd dark color., ... Id,. blrache d sheela. . " , In 15 chanaub le color thl! it belag UMd exuulw ly bbck 'a nd autumn colo", 040 .uit-ib\. for daytime and combination. II well II plaiD I inclla wide. for .uita. ;- - ; Linings Dial mockl •. colon. . P~de"trlana thele days are Blankets l \ . ' 'NEW MADRAS SHIRTING, STRIP ED AND JACQU 36" silk and rayon ahead ' by leaps and boundJ. ARD ~FFEC TS, A YARD . 79c < ;-~; . Cotton plaid blanket ., • The 5il. ~nl-W"'" Good. n.par'tmn'~fCond Floor brocades.•2.95 a yard. . ; Land of the Free and hOl1le of .U8 a ·pair. brave. A"k Admira l Macrud er who Wool,.,. ami Liningl was brave and now Is free. IHdding' md DoIfHI,ilr=- 1-:, S«,,,,,,,!-JI,fcGr---I---;---!-~ SfCond Floot " TheM MexJc::.n a ~re literal folb. Runnin&, for office meana ,ujst that Runnin&, and notning else bu~x cept d~atb. . :-: ~ Girl Senlo~ at VaBl8r college are allked to contribu te ,1,160 to furnish It I. Wise To Choo., the ~mokln. Toom. Lady Nicotine is .urel~ some . cate Cfu her. . 'PRIC El> V0(Y " TRAVEI.LA·· b the mark An 'Eastern n 18~ falling in low m u c below of blue-bloo4 in fin. i. okeh .1l done inl.elligentiJ. He ~ 1UIlSla. , When 'f 0 a regula r. right. FaIlln&' out of ,ala air plane Spread . (bOOM" it ,ou caD be a.and lihould ' also be done thCl same way •. that may 31so be used ' of uliallcta ry " mil" of :- - ; ie••" as table covers, ~.95 • The King of Arabia is havinc a mo't or car ,built large enou.h to take Overnight Cue ~1' .Scarfs;. in odd siz~s \ hIli twenty wives with 'him on a tour. NP ITTED. IIDuinl (OW· that an be made into Think ~{i~; tw nty'back-lear driv~1 bidl. lilll linld. 16 10 24 seu, 1.39: inch .I' H. bJm or bI'OWD. ;- -: r S'c:ientis bl have now decided that Round Hat Box ~20'· Table runners. 24 by "excitem ent" is an emotion, ranillnc ENUINE cowhide, .ilk IiMd. along with loye, IU\Cl!r, tear, bateand 50 ilKhes and 24 by 84 I 6 to J 8 inch .iul. black or joy. For a demon,t ration w. tch ' inches. ~9. . brown. dad these clay. as Christm as IIhoppine .eta ~uder ~.y. Th. Lint'" D.parlmery' Fitted Cue ~2.5 SlI;o nd ,Floor Luggagt --Si)(lh Floor AnI A1aaka 'st;;;;'il l creatlnc much ~lk by pUIIlnt oQt p~nnle. In cban.e, , tlie fint eves ' r( by natives - ' wbo tblak the, at;e 'nlckell with an Inf,r!or lty C(lmplex. . '
= --
P bl· Sa Ies
Dr. John W. MiU.r
Li· cenl e d Chiropr acto r S ocie ty Oh. I nc.
'Official Arg ume nt C L IMH OFF P
Harveysburg FertiliZ,
F. T. Ma rtin Jes se S~pl~! Au ctio nee r s
p. A. GARNER, Dft C.,.
Centerville, O.
CYheRI.-I{,. . , DAYTON
. Phone, W Tite
New Burlington,O.
. ~o.
Wire Cornelilr-S,he Will Shop for YOM
MAI N 4301
Annual Sale of Silks Starts No.vetpber 3!
--...-- --
Travella Luggage
n:. .
.~ .
\_ . _:
There .re nOW" 20,991,8~S automo ' biles under lieenlle and being driven ill . t~e Uniti!!li Statllll, ae 2r\llni to Il Washl nJl.on· t r l!P9rt. Ana it · iii tl\l~ reet. We counted tbem in ~ . trafl!c .jam ~t five'c?r~~rs SU!lda~ afternoo n.
It' s Time to Enjoy -
The'Rosebud C?R 'th~
Cliemise$~.95. fashioq ably
Ir ·t,. Rosebud ' chemise
c~ad figure IS
,a great,
Made 'of crePe' de cbine. daintily, frilled with ljl~e. . H.II the s1e~der bodi~e .with bloomer k~ee, th~y: ar~ particularly aRP~eti~ted "Chlilt'mas ' .. -:-- :gifts" .if
Lingfflf n.W'lf1m,~"ond .F/f'or ,
~ta~ion~rY' fo~~~5~c
MPOR TiED folio~nice : long shutt attd I ·lined envelopes. ,White ',w'\th ,1'bhie'l lining' .
vetlow with ,green' and orchid with:p~ rpie. 'Buj~ them no~ fo~ Chria~u gifts. . Th. SIIJlionKl/ Dipanmm,.:..:;.s,_ " FIOOf'
Conveniences In Your Hom e ,
C~lumbia Iron _2.95 . Six ·pound tl~lric bt.~ily: .. "lui-d, and gu.u ntced , Window Refriau ator ~Ui5 . G.lv.niu d , IUlIt tlu ~Ith . htlf'and fllt-, <nfr. lawco buDd. ' Have You Seen The Model
Xitdum 7 ,
EssONS eacb day n
a..d lrutru<t!on. aD L allbll pful .dlPiee probl.m. · of faokinl. Z o'cJock-
H ouuwa rfl-BIlI." .nr .
l"a"hlll prof' Ion I! Intlnuout1)r for IIfly Yl' '"" And Will< Cur tw"nty.lwo ,., orS principol f " ITlgh srh"QI III
. . OaIVI_, IIU rllilln l l ' i.II,.1 of L\I~ lilt II..". ' tilt, unlv .... 11 " "III b al Leb- .. - U "r-.uCl! lI'o ulkB is dl'i ing II Hudson 01\ ' lIi.:h chonl llu.III,.rllll1l 1-:/11111'N TICE OF LECTION sCllall. • Nov,'mbc1' &. 111. l::lO p. iiI., I" _ Mrs. MUI·thll Graham wus a Dayto~ " u. probl mft ot th h,lt 11111 h (or . " Ialtor, uturday. "'001 children. II par lit lind To Ih" Elr IOrl of Wayno Town,hip teach hi ill til c unfy who un.' illl,·t· Rural. hl'ol Oi ,triel, Warrllln COlin Mrs. L(lttic ney is greatly hn· hi ih b at or th l'i~ \' hihh'un, to; Ohio , 1>rQved at thill timc. .n ilh'il II to be )11' Sl'lIl. . (lli." iMht'rf·b~' KiV ' n th .. 1 :III . , A I flrg~' crowd njoyed the lIallow. 111"1 II III be h hi nn Tu".d.a" the 8tb (l'CO social at Lytle Hall, Frida evday or Noycmb~ r, 1927, nt lhe uRllnl enin y "Ollllg 1'111 e. ill "Hid Distri t, f or the 11'. , DEATHS pIlrpll"" or ho ~i ng tWI) member oI Mr. tlnd lIfrs. lfirllnco Smith, 01 Waynt's" ilI11 friclul~ "r ~Ii ",~ fl',"" \11' Hiliit'd of clu 'alion, C!ach 1\11' a Dnyton. were wClek.entl .guosls of Ly. lie rellllivllK. Davl • 0'( Los ngl,'I', l'1I1.. h" t · 11'- 1\!1'!ll ot ru nl' (~) y" aI'8. L. I. H EN DERSON, Mrs. Pm lJ .is ' A , tBrllnncmicr. of ceived "re "f hill' suddl'n ,1".11h ('"l IIIf' nO'\,r.' 1 0 f ' <£. "'d uen,,1 . "'0 n. I n d'1IllllipOJ"IS, IH V i "I'l'In g III. the horn e we k III th hom O' l,e Iwr n"l'hl'w ill I I' k ··f v ___ _ _ _ of lIfr. anti Mr~ . Wlllter Clnrk. that city. Miss jl lll'i~ \\'II ~ II rtillSi n of "i&~ MIlY Wr ight lind 1~'Il~ ~c c rfll Heber n.lith, Qf Day Lo n, iij making tim.. in past years [\ gu(>~ t In lhe Mrs. J. V. 1l1l.1'~? c k antI .d augh tor, he hlld u('rn in Ihe of Akron. lire \'Is,tlng rt'latlves here. on Clxtended visit with his pnrents, W....ht home. IIfr. and Mrs. nmllel Smith. M. nOll Mrs. G('orr:e Reeder and daughters s p e lll Sunday wilh Mr. a nd Mrs. John Gaiser, ncar Miomisburg. Dr. ~~ lIis I, mith, or "incin nnli, cnlled lit the home of his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles lilith, ' unday. Walter Kenrick and force have completed n lorgo dairy born at the o,'ember 2, 1927 Vol. 1 lnrm of Dr. H. H. Hermnn, so uth of here. in which we will naco t he other dllY. publi.hed in th in. Messrs. Everett Early lind Clydc t.l.llk about He got a hot fire go• t.re.ts of tho peo'p l" Cox attended 1I grain delllcrR' con. Ing but hie thermom of W .yno,ville .nd vehUon In Llmll , TuesdllY o! last You Pooplo, week. . etc.' only registered ... farm. and f.rm. Our Cummunlty; en or \hi. vicinity. 66 degrees inside It'. Imp""v"lI\II!nh Mr. nnrl Mrs. Rnlph Stowe, of ncar the house, while it .. FRED lIf. COLE .. and maybe 1\ little Lc.!bnnon, were Thursday evening was near 76 degreell hit about the HartlgUl!ste o( Mr. und Mrs. Kesler Gra. outside. Yes, he bam. ware and Implem ent needs a Reatrolo. busines.'l. WE'RE H.E RE I Mrs. Frank Garrette Ilnd 80n, Earl. We suppose evlind Mrs. Harry Mitchell of St. PllrWANTS MORE We'll promise to erybody some time is. were SuudllY guests o'! lIfr8. Mary CREAM be InterestIng all Carmony. has wanted to run the time. . Cliff Beckett is a a newspaper of their Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dietz, of Cinhustling farmer but . :",n. cinnati, were week-end guests ot the But we'll need he hl18 been cheating lotter's grandmother, Mrs. Emma your HELP with himself with an old We plead guilty, Foulks. cream separator for criticim, commentl! not only on that ' and contributions. some time. Last Mr. nnd lIfrs. Kesler Grabam Ilnd IIIlOre, but also to week he purchased daughter were Sunday guests a~ the wanting to be an cd \ DeLaval Separat.or home of fro and Mrs. John Myers, HAPPY HOMES ltor. bCl!aullCl he says he Forty·five families wants more cream. D. L. Crane, of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mullinex enwiu have happy and tbe DeLaval The Miami Gazette, tertained the latter's molher, Mrs. hODlea this winter in will give it to him. ea,. running a neWl! Eva Hormell, of Springboro, several His extra cream t ·b is communit)'. days lost week. pa~ ia full ,o f They, have all had us check will not only erie.f, but it we in· install Heatrolas, poy for the new sop Ben Hawk , in company with Carl sist'. he'U rent us and are a.ured of arator. but will give Frye ond Nelson Watkins, of this' little ' eorner warm winter com- him a profi t 8 S well. nesville, made a business trip to each week, and it1l fort. Icdo, T~ursdIlY. be up to us to make pod. Fred M. Cole Mr. . Edd Longacre was veri m SLIGHTLY COLD Hardware, Farm 1111 surprised Sunday wbon qllite II So we'll be here plelDent. One of our Wayber relatiVes gathered at hill . CVH7 Wednelday, nesville citi:o;ens says Phone 32 in honor of his 47th birthday. with Colee' Chats, he tried out his furWaTne..iII•• ,Ohio Mrs. Emma Lacy has returned to her home here. nfter an ext-ended vi~lt with her daughter, Mra.. Earl oung and family. at Dayton. . Mr. and Mra. WIlbur Foulks, Ion and daughter were .Sund . dlnner guests ot the latter's Mr. Hanford Tewell and, family, at lin. Haria .. p1U'dtued the A. F. Melloh Car...e, we will andand Ethel Reeder, Misses Eva have an .Openinl on companied Prof. Mrs. Rolt. acSpringboro, to tbe Southern Teacher's meetiog at Cincinnati. day.
Tw nty-flrst
November 6. $ r1\lon 'and B oly 10!30. A II al'e cQrdinlly invited to these sel:vi ce~ . Rev. John J . Scha·e tftr. Rector.
Men's Heavy Sh pekin lined coa4!. full 86-inch lon g , with belt, beaverized (lollar, ('einforced leath er corners . . ... .. . .. ,.... ' "
Of heavy striped or plain white outing, embl·oidf.!l·ed co I1.us. guarante d fu ll 'SJZ •••• ••• •••• ••
. FER~Y CHUR~H OF . CHIUST ' ServIces nt 9 :30 n. m. A good litlelldmjc tleljired. At 7::30 II IIpenk. crAwliJII t."I~ 0':' tdhe Ml\l'shn lJ Dill. .' III Invlle, . ' Nathan .J ohnson, ltfillister.
$'" 95
In oo lor s 'of scal'I t, beige, navy. tan,
Made exactly of the snme quality as the m en 's size. for boys from 8 to 16' yea r ' . ..... .
tc., heavy S hllk I' knit sty le, with
$5 98
~lIrndo\V.n colinI', rolled 0.:011<11'. $ .50 La • . . • • . • • . •
ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH SundllY, November 6, sorvlce al 10 a. m. Fnt her Bien, Pastor,
40 acres, 6-room house, barn SOx60. of Waynesville.
$7. ' 50
Of good weight, white ca nton flAnnel, elastic blue knit wrist, full size, doz en . . . .
P tel' Pan qUll li ty Iwse of a th'm lastic knit thHt holch.l itt! shn'p , in plain 01' ribbed, colur!1 of . tun, beige Jlude. black, etc. pall' . . . . . . . . , .C
Rockford bl'nlHI, sea mless work liocks, of the heavi e~t cotton weave. reg-ul m' 25s value; will out wcar two nail'S of ordinary hose, . • per pail' . . . . ... ........
ize 9x12 felt base RU g't! of a wellknown bl'll nd, In 'll lier tilli ~ h e d t hat giv~s loll ge r wea r ; easier $'8 95 Lo clea n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shoes for the Enti'r e Family
FOR cribs, large orchlJrd, 2 ~ mill,!a N. W,
CHRISTI,AN CHURCH Sunday S~hool at 9 :90. ' Everybody cordially invited. METHOD:I ST CHURCH r': 16 ulldny choo l; 10 :30, lie wOl'llhi p. ~ll uject of s('rmon, "Pro\; ng 011 1' Profession." 6 :16 Epworth LCllgue: 7 :00, sermon, "The Abuntiunl Life." III connecti on wilh lbe evell ing ser vice u "Prince 01' Peace" declamation conll'sl will be held . An ron S. Wll tkl ns, L.H.D., Pastor.
HliOO, rood terms.
$3 98
Late Classified Ads, FOR SALE FOR SALE-House ,of 6 rooms. large . lot on Third stTeet. priced low. 6room house in Corwin, B very low ))1'le and good t.erms. W. N. Seara Waynesville phone 79. . . • . FOR SALE-~(hes sport coat, I\jze 38 j length 44. Inquire at t h!s offlce. . n9 FOR SALE-Or trade, g 0 9d eaddle pony. Robert· D. Chapman. -n9
Men's Work Shoe, heavy 'composition sole, leather inner so le. moccasin type
Men's OxfQrds of imported calfskin. Combination snug titting lasts, tinest quality soles. . . •
$5 00
M yer
$1 .98
Ladieil' Bedroom Slippers, soft soled. in tan. pink, blue, copen. old rose, ~pecial ... .. . . . . . . . . C
$2 48
0 0
.~~bbcl· h.ee.I~, . $!~~s,. ~ ~. ~~ ..
Ladies' Rain Boots in Jersey cloth of gray, tan, black, with rub· ber bottoms matching ...•.
n 0
.~ o o o
C hildren's Shoe., la e top, colors black 01' tun, lenther uppel'S and soles,
Ladies' Tie Oxford . with buff undeelay: trimming, low-h eel. all sohd leathel' . . . . . . . . . . . . •
~::r:rShO! ~~~~i~~ .~.~i~t. , . . $3.-25
.FI Y. I'"" ... a· n· •
WaynesvIO!le, Ohio _
FOR SA~lronBed •. S9-~n, by 72in.. whIte, brass trlmmmgB, with springs and mattress. all in f\rswJaSll " condition Price $8 00 L • N . PrInt phone 79; Wayn'esviile: n2 I
Saturday, November . 5, '27
At whieb tilDe we will In-e each peraon purchalinl five ....ona 01' more of GalOline,a THREE-POUND GREAsE
Came iJa and Me UI, whether you buy or not, aDd Iilten ,to Gal' Sputoa Radi9. .-..4; - "''>C. ".;- ,j .
F. Phoae
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Bookwalter of Miamisburg, returned home Monday. after spending sevelal days .... Ith their daughter, Mrs. Morria MUler and family. .
.Mn. Mary Carmony, Mrs. Marga. ret Johns. Mrs. Margaret Younce and daughter, Betty. Marilin, and MnI. Letitia Kenrick were dinnef"'tI'UeBts, Wednesday, of Mrs, Orpha Clark, in Waynesvllle. Mr. and Mrs. George Graham had lor tholr Sunday dinner guests. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Elbert Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Amos BI'chem and Mrs. Cbarles Thompson nnd daughter Elma, 01 Springboro. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Haines and son, James. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick lllotored to Jamestown. Sun. day. lind spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Binegar.
~I~.~~. ~~}.~ ........ , . : ,9c ..................... :..... :.... &C . Rye. I lo.r .................... 10.. loaf ... ..
I-lb. Lo.f ~.Ib. Wlsol. Whe"t, 1.lb.................... 8c . VieDaa, 1.lb" loaf .... :., ........... . 7~
2S'c . 3 Pkgs; ..•........ _. . .
Mother's Quick ~oOk or '
Cou.try Club. 2 pka....... :....... ISc
CouDtry Club, I...
Mr. and ' Mrs. Samuel Smith and family cntertained to Sunday dinner, Mrs. Flora Sides a!ld daughter, Elizabeth, Mrs. Larrie Ulmer and of SpringfieJd, Mrs. Angill Heckthorn and ~o n, of Miamisburg, Mrs. Dora McKirby and daughters and Ben Smith, of Dayton, and Mr. Chllrles Smith.
----_ ..---
.Jijl:t.......... ,... Zle
.Lard ~';::!:~ .~~~~I.~ ~~~~e~~.. , .',•.3~
Robert and Ruby Smith spent the week-end with reilltives in Columbus. Misses Catherine Noggle and Dorothy Conard were home from Oxford from Thursday to Sunday. <:Iaoeol.. .. Grahalll., Ib ............ 27.. Gi.aa.r SD.P., Ib ............ :......... ~ 0.. . Mr. and Mrs. Howard McClure and family have moved to the Reeves prOperty on South Main street The school' gave an llc supper Cnamer)" pound .... ....... Chocol.t. Drop., II. ..... Mo~day evening. The aWair was a A ••orted Choco'at... II. ........ 20.. success both financially and socially. The Ladies Aid met in the church parlors Thursday afternoon. T. M. Scarff was present and explained the 70 .'ise. 3 for 25c Marshall BI\I, which is to be voted on at the next election. Nu t, II. .............. Ch..,·~ lI old. II. .......................... 33c The Junior class very pleasantly Ib....... entertained the other pupils of the Id.ho Baker•• ' 1~ lb. ....... ::::; .. :.33c ' school in the AuditoriUm Fripk, .. .......... evening. The Sophomore c1asR won the prize for best "stunt." ·O .... or L.mo. P".l, pka .... 13i: Cala Tok.y•• 3 110, ........ .. N very interesting Sunday School c'o nvention ot Spring Valley and Suo gar Creek townships was held in the .m. 3 fOIl ' . Larae B.n, 2 ror............. ; .~ .... ~5c I",ebua ••& .i.. .. 3 bead. M. E. church here Sundny afternoon. Leaf. po•• d ............:.............. : 9«; The~!! was an inspiring song service. IQd ' -~y Col. Forrest Martin and a Very I~w very interesting , address b; Judge 3 priee 3-110. . .C levenger; of Wilmington. There ~·~-.:-.-.:~F'-eed -·-.:..-.--==-=-..::.~. piece or 1D0re, I~. : ........... , .' .' were a18~ other interesting features. No. 10 Pail ........ ;..................~ $1.60
No. 5 Pail.. ......: ........................ .'&2e
Cakes ~~:~~.~I~~~ .~~~~~~~ ....,..1 7c
52C Candy 17'c ~1~~.Cl~h~~!~~.~.~.~~~ 15c !}~!~!!~~~ . . . .1Dc 2!:? 19c !~t!.t~~: :~33c £~i!~?ry~ ~ 19c Grapes . '23c n'. ~!'!~!:., Dc Lettuce 25'· C' Bananas 29"c· Bacon ... ..~... . . . . .;. .;. . 26c Hams .. . 2~c .Butter g~::tr,.
1 . .,...•••14 baa ..... :........ : ....... $2...
R.a. 10 to la-lb. aYe.. lit
I'A..;..... \IUUIIU
~ .
ClD. h ' Ih• ,•..-;. 47 ..·C
~hat kind of a girl Js Alice?"
. ""ell, ahe can only be kissed occasion " : Rf~id.IIL-:-;il~~If~r.s·-And 'what are they?" . 0
.Jewel .Sleel Cut, tho •32c
"When it rain .. ~d when it does, not." . • - • .
Vote,NO on Chiropractor Referendum . .
Ul, ~.f_.".1D P.titiOD) S._t. Bill No. 72 (IIDOWD ..... \f.......11 BiIl) ' to amend S..,tion. 1764 and 3347 of ... C.Deral Code r.l.tiDa to tile feee of tb. ju.tico. of the P .... o aJI,d co.... tabl •• r •• p..,tively. and to .D act .upplem.DW Seet'ioD 17.6.3 proyidiDa for tit. co.pen •• tlon ' of ju.ti. ee'. of the p.ace, mayor•• conol.ble. .nd .. ar.It.I. iD etat. criminal cue. in whi,,1t ; •• ticlia of the peaee and m"YOH b.... fiDal juriidiction. Paaaed by the General ASllCmbly of Ohio. April 21. 1927. allowed to be come a Jaw ·w1.t hout .t he approval of tht! Governor, May 10, 1927, and filed with the Secretary of State May 11 1927. Referendum Petition rued !-ugust 8, 1927,, ' Bi S.ppl._.tary haitiati•• , .. P.titlPD) IPropo.ia. te " ....t. a •• paraia .tat. ~kllll.i",. bOard for ehiropractclr'l to ar.,nt' po_r.a alld duti •• to .uclt board to further .xteDd tit. ria .. te a.d pri.~ ilell" of cltlropracitor., to d.la. ehiro No pnict\c; to r.p.al ~w. aDd ~rta o,f 1.'1/' I. cODBict wteli t .. .. p,...I••on. of tlti. Aet. Pr.....ted to , ". a ... ral A... nibly of Ohio by lDitialiy. PetlI--+--Itioll JaDu&rY 21, 1927; rej... ted "y "e G.D.ral A...m..ly M.rch 15.1927 Supplement.ry Petition 61... with tbe Secretary of St.t. Juno 8, 19.27. . ' A BILL Yea 1'0 r'e gulate the practice of Chiropra.ctic in this State by authorizing the examinlltion and liceoslng of prac titloiineni thereof. ' establish~g e~u.ca tional requirements; and provldlDg penalti~s f6r illegal practice, .
PROF ALBERT M. CAdQN ~upt. ~f L.ebaDOD Publ~ ~~0?1.. .ay.' 'If the State of Ohio grantll the Chiio- . practors a separa~ Boa~d of Examiners. exclusively of thClr own sylltem, a!1 the other' thirteen varieties of practltlo~ers would be entitled to the eame plan and that would b~! chaotic, indeed. It would be 88 unreasonable as hl!-ving fourteen su· perintendents of a · .school, e~eb with. . . ... equal authority." '.
MR. CHAS. J. WAGGONER Cha'ir~.D Rep.blicaD- Ex....utl •• Com_ • mitte., lAya: "I feel that the present high standard CheirinaD Republican Ex....ti". Com. tained and' that tlie Chiropractic Bill should be defeated."
MR. D. L · tRA~E ,',' Editor or the I"iami Gazett., W.YD •••m•• . . Ohio, .a"e: ' .' I • , "B.elievlng '\-that ',,' the present : mixied , Board of Exalluners for those .who deslrC! to treat 'the si.c k alld ' injured in OIUoJ is' comp,etent, unprejudiced and fair, I allaU "No' on the .Chlropractic BilL:' . .. .
The preaept Ohio law for Hcenlinc all practitionera of the varioua aya~ma of medicine hal been declared conltitutional 'by the courta of our land, includin, the Supreme Court of the United State., and ia' fair and reaaonable. It il conlidered a model law by mOlt of the Statea of the ·Union. It providel for a Board of leven memberl, one to be ~ppointed each year by the Governor of the Stat~ and c~nfirmed by t~e S~nate.
no l one Ichool or ay.tem' of medicine Ihall have a majority of the membera on this board. Thia mixed board examines every' person .deairin.. to practice any achool, ayatem' or fcirm of medicine.
There are fourteen dif-
ferent Ichooll or s·o-called systema 'of practice. Now ahould we have fourteen leparate boardl to examine ~ach sy,tem and aJdit,i onal boards . . new syatema develop, or one stronlr representative
centr I
minel the minimum of qualificationa neceaaary t~ live the public the I"eateat a ..urance pouible t~at all thoae who ]jropoae to treat the ill and in~ jured of our .state have ·.t lealt a reaaonable preparation l ' " . The Warren County Medical Society believ';; it to tbe ita duty t~ oppose thia meaaure, briefly, becaule it will lower the qUlllity 1"
and be a aerious menace to our preaeot eff,fcient arid practical method. of preventive and curative medicine, and bec:au~ the preaent aYltem of licealure ia fair both to the public and the practitioner of whatever achool. That the public ia deeply interested in the defeat of thia unneceaaary and danleroua meaRlre, we preaen! a few of the many eapreuiona of opinion of repreHntative citi.enl, adverse to the initiated Chiropractic Bill with c~fidence that an intelli,ent and fair·minded electorate will overwhelminlly de(';t it at the
poll~ on November 8th.
ty ..Medical
th~ C9mmittee 'of the Warrel\ Coun-
offer th; followiil"': jtr;ml\,upreuionl 'of disapproval.
DR. J. T. ELLIS Pr... Warr.D County Bo.rd or . Healtb, _yal . flU the -present high standard of prll~ ' • ventive ~nd curative medicine is to be 'liaintained and disease is to be eliminated, ·8 8 has already been accomplished in Yellow Feyer, Cholera. Smallpox. -Diphtheria,' Tetanus and others, doctors must be educated al scientists and not simply
a8 !':IeCbanfca.'"
- MR.-CHESTER CROCKETI" Muter of Po'mODa ~r.Da., ~J!,e:' . "Why sbould we create an additional and " special board I or one clall8 when all oth- . cr cik;sea of Doctors are satlsfied with the present ~stem?" r
,•• F8:
"It doetl hot appear to be necessnry to create ad!lltlonal boards with additional exp'e~e When the pres~ . t system is satiafactory to 'all Public Health Organiza. tlQDL" " . MR. J. 'L RICHARI)SON ID aD editorial ill the 'Patriot, .ay. 'partl
"w.e see in the cillation 'of a separate examinb'!lr boara for Chiropractors the creIItlon' of aDothe~ Bure~u.·tbo eaddllng of il1l additional set 'of office-holders on the al· readr. .overburdened public, and this for the apec al lIeDellt of about 160 persons,"
Coinmit·t ee
',' •
. Edifor of the F,raaklln,· Cltl'Oah:le. ' ID .a , .di,lorlaV· . ..ay.. . ID parla .~
MR. CARL J. ' MILLER Pneld••t .rr.n Counq. .F.r·m Bur_u.
;! .
It providea that
"We do not believe health 'offic'er Ihould ' be trusted who discredits bacteriolp17. i"~ munization alld 'preventive medlcilte' ana who disregards the cause' of many air, w.~ er and milk borne or "contact, diseaaea.'· We " II~all v~te "No" on this l&jue to· ~re ser.ve present public health eafeJrUudS, ,.
)lellr GII l(Il UODON 'T WORRY ABOUT OUR Despite th e fac t that the winds AK WI! cu n ~id cr the charact er of SPORT URCE blew and t.he rGin dcscended during COLUMBUS. OHIO- Tpere il the th e ea rl y settlers of Wsyn csville and vici ni ty we nat ura lly Heck t he rea., Many 8ft)" that the country n good portion of the day. quite II usual I ull in politics at the present has , . , gooe ... tb II goodly number of our voters turned tim e. With the football 8eason at ~(111 fU l' Lhe fllct thut the qualitle8 and " .o~ , "Urihut cs bclulllting to t.hem were I They pOint aoutcrazy. out ttl expre ss t heir choice fo r the its. height, farmers prepari ng for wint he fact that Rome s lInifonlll y or ~ lIch " high order. Thls , downfall was precede d by various town~ h ip and municipal of· ler nnd mnny other i mJXl~n t probthe /lift to " ' II ol hurd to find when we re.\ t he people of games ficers last Tue sday. The on ly con- lems, poliLicia ns generally take this and bread. 1llC'lllhCI ' tlml t hey were. almost wilh. . test in th e tow nship centered on the month as one of recuper ation. But The parallel between \Jul IlxccpLinn. member s of the Nor. amusem ents of ancient the bloody member s of the Township Board of the present public inllctivi ty of cantimes, hOWl: tli e llrunch ( ) f the Aryan stoc.k, the ever, and the football of Educati on. where S. S. Ellis nnd F. didates docs not by any meaDS Inditoday is no nne which ollov!! a ll others hRS rJ li n ~ very c1osc . . M. Cole were t he victors. We publish cate that n polit ical storm is not SO Inuch Ior the civili ~.lItion of the t he vo te of t he three lending candi· bl'c\ving. Its climax will probalil y Footbal l 18 a cleun wo rld. An III most negligibl percen. more. energy peopl.e putsport and the dates to show the closeness of the be postpon ed unt il after t he holiday out In sport tnge of t he Celtic might be fo unel of thiS.stren u ~us kmd the sea son. but bel ore t he snow leaves rnce. less ~nergy bu t pl'nelicully no t rnce of the Ldtin thl1Y 11'111 be dl"qlosed to spend In Waynesv ille corpora tion t here the gro und next yenr some big thinga I.n war. 01" MCllitcr rnneu n peo ple. were but two co ntests-Marshlll nnd nre on th e political schedul c. Oblo F~otb!l ll clills for tho Ilist ou.nce .of No wonder. then. that the village phYRlcnl strcngth . togethe Clerk- a nd tI seem ing con lest to hill; always been a political battler With m· contained pro portiona tely 80 large I. tellectu al al~rtne8s. keep out of the counci l, t here being field. especialiy in presiden tial years, number of men a nd women of the no names prinled on t hc ballot for and t here is abso lutely no reason to Last yell I there was an attend· hilthest III 0 rill and spiritun l chllrRc- ance of 70,500 at the game t his office . However. Mr. a nd Mrs. think t hat things wiil change in 1928. b.etwe~n t •. r. . S~nford lind Souther n Cahforn ta. Voter got busy with t heir pencils. a nd The Republi en ns have a host of pros'J'rue, they were vel'y conserv atl\'c. Fifty-fiv e thousan d if any aspiring citizen WB S not voted pective cnndida tes for nil state oftices ~h c Harvard t!speeillil y in mllUerH of religious lind play. 70,000 watchedBaw for it was a wholely uninten tio nal and the cold blasts of wintry storms OhiO State and ~ .. ("iul rdol'm 118 t he following Incl. about 76,0 00 sellta over sight or his own fau lt. In our ma y freeze out some, but there is ab· were sold f.or the dl'nt may ilustrate : In those days, U. S. C· Notre Dllme game tabulati on. the names of the six sut- solutely no danger butwha t there will In Los the cC lllei' aisle of tho . Method ist ~ng~les. Many applican cessful candida tes are printed in be enough of t hem left to make mat· church edifice was the dividing line Jeded for lack. of space. ts were reo ters interest ing. The only reason that black-faced type. balwee n t.he parts reserved for each Our citizens agai n showed thnt the De mocrats are not to present a Tho attendnn~e of large groups at of the sexes during divine service. footbn ll games IS a good. they are wide awake and up to dat.e large r field. is the hope of evading the Mlln lind wife separate d at the en. t hose w~o ga.ther from thISomen and by passing the special municip al lax fatu i contcst.q of their opponen ts, and that t~e trance each ging to his or her part country IS gOing to the dogs levy by a good majorit y. , Waynes . are try ing. through harmon y. to have are mlS· ville will keep her well-ligh ted streets a renl love feast and get-toge ther of lhc building. One Sabbath a vlsit- ta ken. . next year. ing couple. ignoran t of this fact, enThe figures are as follows: .. One dl~erence noted 'between othtered the church and seated t hem. er countrIes on th~ one hand CORPO and RA TION Own ers of motor vehicles in Ohio selves togethe r on t he side reserved Engla~d and the Unlte~ on the M.yor N.P. S.P. who have been ·accusto med In the for tho women. Thereup on a good other I.S that . En.gla~d s States people play. Harlan.... ..... .. ...... ... ...... ...... 106 ol"d brother a pillar of the church Sport 18 87 past to delay purchas ing the.i r autoon and to be a aroRe, totte~ed tlve~ to the offending goo.d s~ortan!s instituti mobile license plates when that seaa synonym .of havin/l a Clerk gentlem an and Informe d him tbat good· dlsP~sltion. rolls around, on the 888umpt ion Hendel'llon ...... ............ ....... .... 101 88 son such unllecoming cc;tnduct wa8 not The chIldren of France and Italy Zimmerman ................. ......... 5B 24 that one or more extensio ns of time permilte d in a plac.e of religious wor- and German y need to be tsught will be /ll'anted . will be comple t.ly more Tr••• urer hip out luck if they attempt to conhow to play. for play Is the natural Eitel' ...... ......................... ..... 119 96 tinueoft heir old hapits. when the time 8 S~veral years Inter strenuou s oppo. outlet of yout!'lu l exubera nce and Mar.bel arrives to acquire t sition was manifes te d when somo of t he more a natlo~ plays Intelli/lently Joy ......... ..... ........ .... ...... ....... . 106 59 It is said t hat a newheir 1928 plateL order of tbinp ~he younger and more pro/ll'eu ive the better off' It 18. Hopkins ......... ...... ..... ........ ... . 68 66 will be put Into effect When 'next member s showed a determi nation to Council One of the excel1~nt efforts of.the ~ yeaf's lice.nse platos are ready for dis: -- I introduc e a cottage organ to be used Y M. C. A.. and simll.r Wc 'Ofu ; I) o!pniza tionl w. S. C...h.m ..... :.................. 40 15 tributlon. lind that thp last bell will in the musical program . When they a broa~ ha~ been to orpnlse OC.L~. ~. I. ;'" the bOYI oca~ . . w. F. CI ...k ........... :................ 29 14 ring for the 1927 plales at· mJdnlllbt' . fina lly carried their point. one of lthe jIdIh~ldglrls blntodPlay /ll'~~Ptas' \J _ J. O. WWit.cre ................:,...... k Play of 29 12 of Decemb er 31st. The new allo,," .old member s bitterly exclaim ed: c I ren.a roa s,!eml w re A. K. D.7 ............. ............. ... , 14 1'0 ment of platell will be in ·the banda , . rn~ '·Well. you'VO got your orpn'. next destruct ive. ten~ency. A e a m9 ~ d, " . thnn .n. movemel.'t . J. E. McClure ............ ~ . 12 11 of deputy registra rs by er lit ·thing yoil /II be brlllg inir your fI\ldles thhas Umal~~d cSOnta8lderabJehah Uj ~~I."'.I W. H. Allea ........ .... ...... ...... 13 10 for distrlbu tiim. and canDecemb eadWaYh I,n . ftrtd have your dances In the church. " en..., ' then be Be. The followin /l pr~~"'am will tie tea to ve teac en • 'Mo" singing at tho Methodl8t church upon W. N. Seal'll .. .:.... 6 cured by motor vehicle 'ownerS from 16 the play ground, Ind to IlUItruct .Irlven Friday at 2 at the CI R .. ~d~/tcre was then nh ot"er place of the children In healthy eporta Gymnasium, 12 10 those charged with . the distribu tion . a.rence u . ye well ,.... ... Mn. ........ ........ Ern ... " lvI: t . Barlan '-hi was in D' I The' public i. cordiaU1 InVited to atil"l as the three R·r. 6 in t heir respecti ve communltlea. It Oklah C B b d ~ Q D ' 't.!! WOI8 P In t h" ~... . D. El. Sloandlfo,rd. ..... ............ 15 ay- tend. Thta II tbe tint achool proe v age. except Alt th 1 oma ow OY .aD . Is \vill not be permlsalble. howeve r ' to d thl toll, Mondar , flII. 0. R. Uagl.sh ea f; he two :Frlends Meeting houses was ............. ... , ... 17 /ll'am of the le8lOn' nd a good at- Waynesville. OhIQ. oge er pay a 100 nr. use the . new plates before.. "III..... enti,ely congreg ational. led. h~wev- and should . Board of Public Aff.tu .a. •• ... d ~ be encoura led. . .. '.... . Guy Kibler. of D.~clll. :if.. III Wa." "ten_n~(I .. exp. ... ,e • er. by • choir which occupied a' pew 8 ber 21st. and between that d&tII 17 e o~ .. Dr. it. A. Gam.r, cblropra cWr, JR' PL.' Fr The more the prinelples of fatr nesvllle . Mopday. Fr°mml .... ...........,' .. ,...... ' 14 11 Decemb er the 31st. near. the center of the c;,hurch. One play are IntTodu~ed into bUBlne will IPPf8l'" for ih' t\t..t . 1111}. an O'!I .• _ Leb OlU Ph '78 . ~be . • az er .......... ...... ....... . . 1 · lI'1., Saillie In IOr~I ....AU Grad.. of automobiles wbo expect to o~era_ of the member a 'of that bid body wa . better of( .f or bualneaa and lUton, 0, one: G. J . Smith .. the , ........... more .. : .... ....... Dr. 12 P. A. Garner, cbiropra ctor, 2 Invocat lon ........... ......... Dr. Watklll l their vehicles must have their IIcenaOharles T. Hawke who still ruldee ~uslne88 beco~es a sport Mr. and Mn. E. V. Bamha rt. of ... ... . ...... Two Mill Levy .. .... .. t be more Leban(:ID, Ohio, Phon. 78. , 3 America ...... ,....... .......~ ... Audienc e Cincinn ati. eam. home os and have them in position on JIIitI.~ In th e \ry'11age. an d'·IS cOllnec t ed w Ith It will attract followe n. ' to vot.. • Yes • .. ..... ............. . s' . .......:.......... 119 91 uary 1st. . 4" Mnile ......, ...........S~hool O-h-·.. .. Cd' tho church ·in which he has seeri ' l$O ' , ,' · ,. a No ~.""" ..... ........... ............. • -. . ,..... ,..... Ill' 17 Coming- The Qklahoma o~ ban 6 Music... , .... ,.. ,:.GroUIP from 1\lany ehanges. G;oing _back ltill' Gradee lin. K. 'N. Hough and Mn. H. B. TOWNS HIP at Gym. Watch for announc ement. 6 RecltaUon, "RID/l F'eece :With courts in session. ~ ~ 1artlter In those times. when lIymnal s DaY' . ~art were in Leblin~, Tbun•. W E O'N U d W N S ' -" -were aearce. it was the cY8tOm for t.. counties of the State. and Korea of Bell." ........Barbara . Gray and Riftili 'YaJf• • ea an T",.t_ . • eara a , Salisbur y. men under cri1)linal indictm ent, pop.. , the preache r to read aloud tWo lines .' EW NW SW N S ulatlon of the Ohio penit tended a sale of live Itock at Green- 7 Recitati on, "A Thousan of a hymn. ThCII, t ile, 'coftlTCraUon en~ d Yeare.~ , Kel\neth Kilbon, of Dayton, v1l1e. Kon~~1. .. spent Thomas ...... ............ 68 94 33 121 90 which is greater than of Peace" ........ &1817 Esther La~. would alng' whereup on h. would re.d ever . befo~e,.,. w-dn · .......,..- -. t '1th Dr. C, W. Hen· Cornell ........... .......78 90 33 118 82 is expecte d to show a gain )lr and-Mn . Perey Reaaon had .. 8 R.cltati on, "AnniIt !iee Day" that win the next two Iin~s to be"su.n" and to ; el'llOu an am b'. \ Graham ........ .... ...... 72 65 35 thelr 126 .·dinner 91 teat pesta. \!ven the increal ing capac:lv of Sunday, Mr. and ... :......... ...... ......, .......... Ru~b ~ock~ on through out tile entire hym'l' " 1Ili8II Laura RosnA/lle. of Frankll' \, Th M th 1" b h Id th ir N Mn. Virail Ott, of Dayton. ~ CI.,k thie ,,prison, ~en withl" the "alJi For awhlle the C'ln/ll'e ptJonal 9 Music ..... .... .......HlIlb School Group t. "DeliII&' the week with e o . n c ,u. . • 0her .~ter Cartwria 'ht ............71 93 37 121 , 83 are building a new do~tory which 10 Readill&'. "Stan 8Ild Stripa church held servicu 'Iii Har!& hall. ~em~~ ::.tInI~ O~C: )In. B E Btha.... • bltifdCOD.tabl. Walt ' for the bill hit of th...... . in FlaDd. n..., .... ...... 1Wm. · will help care for the in(lJ'eaam/l ~to and the Gravel Bill school. houle al- ng WUk.rp on . . ) uay ' . 1 a h, . .qu Joy te ........... -Th ............. h OJdala h . 61 79 29 113 81 te ndance. but even ;with two more ~ h d'" C · B In be.a f 11 ' RiadiD& a . number "of moth.n and friend. IOD '.· "UDlIaO Wll" t oug t ey I.., not cont UB- or.any Mr_ and lin. e R. K : oma PeDe', ow oy of A.... tAft Town.h ip School . ~ b lin ' aeUl . rl\. at Gym. WaynUvillo, Oblo, buildings. the plnce 1ri1l be erdWd. d lOOn. n... great lengt~ of tlml!. The ' otlier ~:e:e~ ' of .. ....... ........... ....... ...TIllelma St .John ena, are announ~ns the bkth WI v:rio:' ~-:mmltte~! " of a S. S. Ellis ." ... .. .... 88 89 31 110 83 b~8 nevef r t before. •. churches which , we re elltabUlhed later p ' . ,12 Readina th LoNo '. "Lest d more We riamen.. eaD Forpt" • .on, John Pony. FrIday. Octob.r 28. F M Cole .............. 83 64 th fl ' . i Mr and Mra F J KYlle and lOll 20 82 66 e ~e n . 0 .... . ............. ......... .. .Mllool McMUIall Dre within the memory of the /ll'eater wel:ert~'lVen;b lae naf~c.e18c e. non. P 808mlmftf:ee Paul,' of, x.Dla.·l·~r~SUnday dlnne~ 18 A'ddreaa ........ R. G. Miller ............43 55 20 63 45 u!l tll new hou~ lng ql,larten on AII1JI , • ..... ........ Dr. WatJdJil ar. pro-part of our readen • Select your 0 ...... • . ......... , repo th ' H I'''' Glfta ii a . a nce I0 1 • rom now l' ... I . pelta of Mr. ali Mn. G. D. Mills. . - Make vlded. As a result of the largo 'pO~ IIT. . WI... ... _us c ........ ...... ........ .... Or,ch . . Mar.h.1 ....-. .. Seha~d at mYd desk and m uhsln/ldu P' eWe ath:~e I~:':d :: ~ vocal numI 8.11 weekly paymen ulatlon. ti. Cal')"s hundred Jew. s of Yes and able 64 66 18 91 64 b di d on t e men an women 0 f t at ay. b . s"'ollg .... . If 11 b B elry Sh~p. "The Home of Gifts,'; No ..:::::::::::::::::::::::::. 30 46 ' )lr. alld Mra. W. E. Stroud enterwhat a procession paMes liefore my The Peac:e 22 Declam 64. 42 er beaut u Y aUD/l Y eatrice R0 b talned ation b~ooedingm ~ooteat eonverarte In hellrn Lebanon mt~o ' rtidlune Ohio. ••boUK at dinner Sutlday. Cb' t mental vision. B'1I No· ff . . ..... Itlter, Evelyn Cartwrl /lht. H~len Mra. ToUtlin LaWBolI and 8OD.Mr. and which two BI/lh .ehol~l pupils were ' ,ropr.c or • Donald. e ort to is belllg take made part, by was Jobn pC)etponed from E. BarIIln. L. C. Milia .ntertai ned the Yes ....... .... .... _.......... a2 26 Fle~~er a~ Ge~v~ A;r. aCCOm' 8 24 22 per. weUare dlrector . to .r.Ueve th!8 Sunday DI!rht beca",le of "Fond Memory to her duties true paRlc mY.!lr Y u Be mmlrma n. Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Randall and of M1l'a Penc., who Willi the kabsence boytl of her Sunday School clallll and No ............. ............. .. 54 88 29 99 71 ~on~~on. ~a~elfn Tbomaa .Brings each rememb ered face to view. to ta e pa~ their frienda with .. Hallowe 'en parl1 :rhe preSident th.n Introd~ced~'" daughte r. Misa Sarah, of The voters of our sister vJtl!lge. Ill!: e men In s tlI, an d b..ta wo.~. payton, She has be.n abae~t from Ichool thiS .And had. I artistic ability it would be Wilgus. of Xenl~. who one of Corwin. entertai expresse d their choico for the .~~ate,Bt problem s of any man ned spent Sunday with )lr. ansS Mrs. J. week. easy ~o reprodu ce ' upon canvas the us with a vez:y VIvid accoun~ I~. Mr. alld Mi'I. L. M. Bendere on. and municipal officers as follow!!: of her W . w.hite. . . ;features of eac:h as tbey appeare d in travels. in Ind!8. At tbe . Mr. Boyd Benden oD spent Sunday or; B. H. Mills; cl.crk, Mrs. ViolaMay- qhl.o. !n not o';lly pro~dinlr hoUalq: ':"-'-'--~ close of .the Har facilitie s. but ~n keep.nljr as .maJlJ' The basketb all teml. opened t~.ir at ,Orlord ' with Mlu Dorll tho~e days. No doubt. old-fashioned lec~ure abe showed aendermaDY beautifu l The Loyal Temper ance Letrion will season daguerr eotypes in a number of Way articles which she had Morrow last; Friday ~v.n· IOn', wbo is a student at Weltern 1101. I~n; treB8urer. Mrs. J osephine Earn. busy all I'?S81ble. Wlth the amaIl brought bom ,meet after school t~is. Thul'llday af· In/l withat the hart; marshal, Charles Davis; amo~nt /lvallable for Induatrl al nCllvllle hOn)C8 the high stocks and differen t countri es.. . acore showin/ bel'll of oou ncil, Ell Mote. ternoon a~ the home of Mrs. Ray· torily. 6 to 18 for th~ IIInt l ..tlSfae~ lap. plIDSlon. gllily flowered vests ot the. TJlen and • The .c lub than adJo~e team. Th. d ·,to enjoy mond .Conner . Becket, Iloward Everhar t. aecond team plar ed Ju'a t as hard ~ut the many-flowered lind flOWing sleev. the 80Clai hour. d~ w$Ch SUDday dlnner of Mr. and Biggs. Rachel Davis and Chllries 'The fa U distribu tion of mall flah . the satisfac tion of , score went to Mn., H o' B. Earnha(lUesta cd dre8scs of the women, the home- /me nts were served ill,M",. refresh rt were:· .Mr. and via. into the streeam s of Ohio Is JleW: .JJe.. A Diamon d-the gift everlast ln". Morrow. The team reports made co!!tumes of the boy!! and the Clark. Mn. Hathe""a.)" and Ilt~, Mn' flOOd MrL !fomer )lcColm and Mr. Vern . ~n. Kim· You'll find the ring of ''her'' dream. fal~ treatme nt and~le --ing mtlde by the ,S tate diviiJioD :ot flail long pantalet a of the little girls. merly,. . " lind, game. Dent O. Thomps qn, cbJef . . in our ·selection. Cary's Je~elry Sbop whicb Is the mOlt satid.a an rival,?, Klhe, ·of I?aytan ; )In. Viola Harlan, ' reacbing down to their ankles. School .. ct9ry part ~f ~r•. and lira. E. L. Barlan and Mr. Donna H. Edw.rd ., :&ea." o'f t ho division . says most of, tbe Lebanon , Ohio. the baaketbaU pro/lr&m. girls' dre8S'es were almost exclusively and Mn. K. N. Houp. Mary L. Earnhar t, Sec '~. fish now being distribu ted are chan. of calico. while a dress of gingham -. . • • nel catflsh arid blue gills, althoua h a . . . Mra. Susan F~yer, who is at !reaThe ~t game of 't he 18ason at denoted . prosperi ty .. if not luxury. The Junior clau play will be ~ven to th', KUml . GaMtt. . , cotto Anlona , writes tliat her lluafew bass are belng sent out: Tb_ home Neverth eless. for beauty, for grace. Wlll be played with the. teaml Wednes Subaerlbe day. Novemb er 28, at 'the . small fish come from the hateher lee . band Is in the hospital at Whlppe). from MasoD. FrIday nlgt,t. for general attractiv ene88• • their , Since 'It Gyni; This play · entitled . "The and will be evenly distribu ted in the ' , Arizona . and that he is' not 80 wey. ta .the ftrst. game of the grandda ughters ' of thepres cnt ' day l8ason and Rh.odea Scholar ." Is ia college drama. vario us streams and lake" of ·the at&t. Friday bel~ . a ~uain_ hollday, w~ In four . acts. Procsed must do their utmost to equal them. daya the idea. of travelln . to b. used Lions of Middlet own. Cincinn ati. Bass fishing is now reported the beet Hr. and Mrs. J. 0. Cartwri ght and are looking for a fin. crowd In school. all "c.i phering " was donI! had not been developed. /l 8al~smen to Me for aehoo) ·purpose a. Come I of tne year. The cool. crisp FaD air Each Eaton mer. and Hamilto n came to dau/lhte r. Evelyn. spent Sunday ·at the ~ounpt with slates a1\<1 penclla; . one lasted chant made a leml.an nuaHnp start in. th.e n.w un!.' to one Oxford with Miss Rhea Janet Cart- forms whichenhave neaville last Friday night ho ping to has started the, big fellows to bitina jUlt. been rec.lv:me during my entire achool '.life, of ·the l eaboard cltles t !,r.the It ta the unusual (lift that wlna elfect end so me splende d catchell organization here. replen. wri/lht, who is a student at Western' ed. The ore~estr ex: which ,for me practica lly ended with ishment of his stock and a wlll~e o~d~~ /ll'IIateat ~ppreaJatloD. W~w1ll help Th. an the advent coU8/l8 meeting was held at thll ~. E , jecte(j before the .Itream s frees. . this p~e. my fourteen th year. How well do I of new goods caused qutie you are e1'OI • you c~le for Chriatm u tom.thl ns church. where over. Whethe r conditio ns wli.ch an excite- , • flOod; c: ~n sport, cOlllle out Frida rememb er the IIstound ing Intelligence ment e8pe~iallly among th.' , y. dIatID"...VIb' fo~ the .wllol. lamUT. A the Ladies' Ald.supper was served by so unlavor able for spring flshln,were ladjes of The Woman 's Auxilia ry will m.et nlllht. Fln~ ~ :t~nd ani thnt was passed from lip to ' Up one the ~l1lage ~a.and comfort able 'place to a}aop at Cary'e Ten of the flfteen Both theae pntlem local bUBinelj8 ideal for. ~he angler a.t this· tI~e. day th~t Charlell Welch hal a .real were possessed of bi/lh 'IDte(lrit en on Friday afternoo n, November ·11. Runta ~ a a t .nt u , em • .J_elr)- Shop. ''Th,e Bome of Glfta." men prellent signed applications for y . nd at t1!e home of Mn. L. . A. Zlmm.r · watch. Su~h lUXUry was illcredlb le. keen bllsine88 inteill/lllll'ee • - LebaDOD. Ohio. alld eD~ man. ' lIilrl\. L. A. and Mrs. Sarah the charter and It is thought the 1'0... And then th.e awe with which we 10.9lt enjoyed to the fun the confiden malnlng ten men r equired for a cha;pupon the possessor 'of such a: wonder. esteem Of t~eir patroll_; the. ce and ZJmmerman. boatell8 s. '. . . • ]I. anrd Mn. E. 'R. Bentle, entel'- ter will be secured within the ., .! Not a boy prllsent who dir;! not ex· of tbese coming from the majori~ . ~ , talned to supJ,ICr on Thund~, .venlne week. rich farm. . The McKinsey, propert y in Oo~ Th. Woman 'l Chriatla n Temper - )IrS. Liuf. L.n, Hn.·Jac hi bit an Intonse desire at recesl to ing lands of Wayne and Maaale ob.Stro use . The Middl etown club was town- wu aold last week by W. N. S••n anee Union .... entertai know the t im.e and ,,!ould not be Bat· ships. H ow many realdent ned In ·tb. lin. Charlel And.no ll. III. Olive a of . the to D. W. Surface . Also the 40-acre liospitab l. ,bom. by Orval McDowell, blind isfied until he had been convinced village reme'mb er the larp of )(r.. Ann. w;n· Pin"!,iddle, MI~ Lucy ,Emley, Mr. panied singer. who slll1g his own accordia n from nctunl observation that the ball w'lich , ~or y,ean ~wunl rolden farm near Lytle. belongln/l to Wm: F. lIam~n. Novemb er 1. Amone those Eth&h Lewis and Mr. eart Conner. over the AlIe!,. ~a8 lold to ·B. V. Smith. accomp animent. . He. was an example There will be a commun present were Dr. A. S. lalld Mn. Wat wonderful lIews was tTue. ' . paveme nt in ., , " ," of Mr. A}len'i ' to the prospec ti.ve club of ~1tat the ance of Armisti ce ' Day atity oblierY. . . In reflecti'n g upon those who were store! . ' 'front lcins. Dr. : Watklna the Leb. cl)ndact ed the MI'. and ~ . RaIIelI Karrick . ' and Ohrlstm IJoDs al clubs' and Greetin/ l c:ards for devotloll8Js and made well chose" reo dau!rhte chief looked up 0 a9 leaders In the vll\arc r. ,KaiiljI l' ,"'~n, ,\In" , Dora of aiding the blind. purpose .lll-that anon Opera House Fr~day Nov.m....,;, On a ama\l w".ther -be'a ten build. all occ:aaiona and a beautifu 11th at 10 ' a m 'und~r' l Une of ·marks 'Ill soventy-flve or more yean a/lo. 110 ing situated on the to the Mal'lbal t BUL Airm'ln . of 1!lamJah ur!r,' atlci T part of Mottoes ~~ Cary'a J~elry Shop, Mn. L. C.1'Oprd The speaker s were Walter Schmidt. of . 'the local' u·n'it Amerlc . attempt will 'be made to give priority Main street was. a norlherl Mills. who ",a' ill attend· EllIe 'Smlth ••lIIis. F10ale OarelA-)Ira.. :n a~.fo .. ' iman· sip which .-faa district /lovernOr 0 fCincinnati ; Dr. Auxiliar y The outBtandlll/l ;Rome of G~" LebanOft.- O. ance at the Sta.t e, convent ion. a~ to any par!dcular one. There wll~ be read ; D. Evans,; Slil"vero !eabire' Ely- Luc:, .Emley 'and Hr. Cl!~r van,. ,C. 0:. Barton. district r. ,For' a , director . 01 Mid'. t he p~ogram rio, IIIve a brief r,eport. . will be an _dilHliil • found in a'1l~ com~unity certain m!ln lon/l time anY ')!outhfu l n:'lnd sp.nt .Sullday with .Mr.· and ~~~, dl.town : Robert Donner. 'pu~sJi! d ~. F. MeUoh pre.lden aDd family t by left Hon. ~ .. Oar .•Jo~ for this , '.ar .. ad~pt.. I')' Emley. ne.a r .D~~da. Simeon D. Fell, UDlted and wo.men In varIous IInel 01. activ~ over .the meanlil t oJ the latter '. y . e:a ,d of the Cipcinnati .club. and Rev. D. Statel! Senato~. ~ord, weetk ~o:r .the ~ut~" itie& who Will be by general conient ollly ' that It mUlt"'d enate .at die Natlopa l. II to cOlltil)ue to The Muon 'baD4' Tb d . e · w n r. . th: at i i-tan, U IOmeW lIa ' b/l J!te A •. Blaabllr Ipen /l. pre8ld~l\t 0 fthe ~id· will' furnish .music. also ·a 1010 by" DI'~ : uae bold fut and ao f9rw~. allowed to exert ' /ll'eater influence mysteri oul ana uncommoDl, . • DlO ,.!Dpo . ep. !tJ8 o~ l.arned CU.ton . Salbbur "ub, y and . famUv, l)a~ n'lov~d III. '.' b~AniT r,btihm ente were served There are 47 clubs Robert Blair and a .read\nC b, II1II than others. Tn ~clent At~~nll, t~e. inua:le e::c • ~ Watch fa ,I n Ohio irith a total member (>lIe of.'the tint manta ,.. ship o~ Ruth Balter. , : " . , general level ' of intellige nce . Wd so in the annals o£. Wayneb recorde d to ,th~ ouse vac:ated by the M.l· b, tha 'h~ and w.· .a~.oum8d to q ty '!7 ~.plee e •• It)) must ~,6,OO~ il.e Fije~ds 10k ,. . . 111e ~F~ple of Wa,nellVil1. aftd . . .. meet ~ lin, A • .~ WatldlUl th• .!':;e 1~Se'e ~ur ~tcb'B high al we are to.ld in historY,. 't~t MeetJr\ t was t"a.t of · l>avt~' h~o~~:;: '. • .,.. • Your ' .~· for \bem welL flr;at, munity ~re c;ordially invite'll to a.; public 9fflclals ~ere .seleet~, by " l~t, R&chel Burn.tt . Here- · E",nI an:~ hi Dee'DlJ~. , ' • 'Ohlo • . _e ' OPt ' ~.~ ~ Conitan :YstraJn to the .y. and the r .' tend. '. . ',. -:-IIlsted pf by election. Suc\): a co~', fllmily of bOYI alld .rIrbi!ar ' Don~ ~ : .. e _ an~p, ea . , . dltlon could hardly, exl.t Jn. any mOd· and fZ:PJII he{., th.y W'M .w up. aD~ 'l'I ' DluaduJ c:ause' a eonltall t atram ~ lin. 0.0 . . l. Smlth and I(n.' m.; ,~tte~; OD the ' nervOus .ntr/lY. Arranp tor ' .. UlUor . '. ' , er;n cou·n try. :we ·are sure. .~I · .' . oaIae:T blmpao n ,·.nterta lned a ' amall '., ."." one to' becom' . /lOve~9r 'o,f ~lo~9 an· ap.poill tm.nt for Free 'l'hls. ~ommuntty was shocked ,Mon' Eumi ..... , ' " I . h~v~ . alFeaay , menijo~ed . the ..nd United Statel ,} ', ,.J' • ',' ' ~m~1 lut 'fhUnda S'.nato~.from that tion . Five day afternoo n to .hear .o.f , the 'death or ' satnrda l ?lth Dr. Th. Ju~lor .c1au p~ WlU 1M! riveD ~ a deUP\f lit7 eftDlne , ., ·Squlre.·.· as ,fohn Vf· Ke'ya wee. ~(J at:attir anotber to, de¥elojl aoeial . fcctionatel~ termed. AI, I r~etll hi. promln .nt baDk'1j 11' OIDC~t.In') a Rudolph• .• J,H\flht ~~Iati ..~ . o.: "ecln~, ~ove!D1ler II, 'a~, the ;irlth ,de1IoIoua" lUdWit h.e ·-illDd C19f~ of Mr. Geo~ 8eott; who dropped stroD/l. rugged features . his natural othe1')l to ,dute~nt localltle I and r,-. oJ...lt7 Shop LehanCsn . OHIo. ~ ThIa p~ ~~ "1'l. f ..· JD&!le tht 8ve'ialnc 011.' of~' dead .1II1!1 ·paln~n/l , the 1Iam at the ;.. . Dote . " farm of . )lali1o!l . Oellhart. • ,~ ~ JUaocI", 8cJaolar," ' ~ a CI~U"" ,cIrama. pi. . . . . for 'aJ1l11ty,; bis-,keen senlll. of humoa: lind t t' not Him a pitt \bat tile fon~ ...... LJU.., Ik. ' ~U 'of a '"fAII!d1l ' lin. J.Dal. lIullen and ' daallate r. bt tour uta. ofllu,u e his kindly dlsposi~Ob,. it Is not Iur- 110, ,lose., and. Ult!fuUy 14enWle . P rocIHda f.o lie iINcl for Bdlth JIUotJj, lin. Laura cl Wl~ . . . . lin. 'Carl Sherwood. )In. • B. formerb ' 1lv.d ill IChoo1 1111111• • ~~ prlslD/l that he. wu unlveraa lly bOil· tbe ·ploneer lilato~ an4 : ...... . ' ~ .Co~ .... P. II., cOuntr. lIut hM beaD a 1'tI~C~ ~ of ale ~ II.... ~a ored and: respecte d by bS. f.UoW W&,.1)eavtU., , " t a ~ta.. lift "DlD irT B~" ~ IN. II.: ..... .110 I~ of tbta eommilDlt7 ........ Sherwo od and TODl ,BlIItoIa . a . ~tOWllllllen. . . .0 . . . r.. B.. . . . . _ . abolafd be 1eR .a,! Ven AnD- . . of fI!rL " • 10 1UeJuIl00 0d .. Tad. S...,. AllIoq the buellieaa tn.n· of tht . ~"I h wIIIR of 6rr . Sa ...... '.1. O. PA.L'DIIBlJ&&. . . . , . . lin .... ~ ...... . fte ~... will lie ~ .~~~rl willa ~1UII __ , . t...-;r' . eODlm1l1liQ T. L. ..,11.n and lull, II. ~ J (To L - _t:IB.....L\ ' .... ~ .... _ ....... ..... aftIraoOiI' at 8 o'clock tioDl hIa ..... Ra4dea ·. . . p;o_ _t. , . .. ~ .... -~"!'I I . ... " - . --..;.. ....- -!~ .... 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Eddie backed until he possessed himself of the rifle. I t was loaded. he found. He straightened the ';InconsciouB man. t hrust the table. nBlde and permitted the other to shde the fioor. He sat .huddled ag~lnst 101r-! by the ftreplace. Rifle In hll~' and wlt~ frequent gIE8Jlddc!!,! al t kt de blood.stamed figure. Ie 00 e ol>out t he cabin. All his belongings had not been thrown out. His suitcMa under one of the bunks hod not been dl.,turbed Nothing of Patsy J ane's was to be found . She had token the other bag nnd Icft the cabin before th~ er arrived. But it wasn't Ibkd
~o 1l~:s~~~OU~tIl8ho~1~' \les~:ro,a if
Bring Them In
YOU~ . •
Patly Declare. Henelf
'llle Buick Autumn .Display
L ••
FROM, COURT HOUSE COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS Court ove rruled motions of SlIaB Gudgen to set aside service of summons. ~fr B . Gcorgc Goeckler p~end~d n~t gUIlty to a charge of seiling mtoxl· coting liquor. Bond was fixed at $1000. Court found Alfred A. Srere tIl lit a party in t he judgmont r endered Srere Brolhcl~ and (l Court toulI;d the defClldant Srere Brothers and Co. and Alfred A. Srere indebted to the plaIntiff, the Pllper Products Co., in the 8um of $1086.68. ~ .. - 'N·EW SUITS The ·Fed\l1\llll ~nd ba~k ot LouJs. ville, va. Wintllfred Youngman, Oscar B Scherer a ldmlnlatrator of the es. ~te of George Youngman deceased Lawrena- Stephens and H~zel St.
mawr-trump had not deatroyeil It. His glance turned to the fireplace. The~e were ashes and blackenea . Maybe you have a couple of old tires · in your garage bers, a crumbled newspaper, partially u,nder the backlog, a that I!Ift1l1 about ready for the junkman; Don't let him , ball of whIte pap~r. It ' He smoothed It out. · was In ba.e them-at least not until you've let U8 look 'em penell In Pats '. firm t horoughbred tho lehers pointed and well· ·ove,r. An iDupe~sive repair.may give them new lease writing, shajlcd "They have just told m in Long Portage," he read, "that you 'O~ life. passed through town on a truck yesterday, drunk. So I cannot staya ny P If it witl wc·U do 'the job-and save you some tire longer. There ie nIl use. You would ens, ~. A• Y:llllrmlll1.~nd GladYll Warf ruin both our Iiv!la.. I know yo man, o . o~ ~'Be mOngnge an d 'money_ conquer t.his habit It you wish. rehef. • , that you care enough about me . John Barlline Jr. VII: Beber Carey foreclosure of mort.g age it. I am going to town to work. equitn'ble reliof. He looked up. The eye!! of late adversary from ,a face that a smear, was fixed upon him; laughed g rimly, dr~w 1\ cnair PROBATE PROCEEDIJileS and sat down, c:onIrOJltl~g tbo M. H. Oswllld ftled first anll Anal ~ramp?" ~Fo~d d o~t w q owna acco~nt in tblB estate of -lobn Boli. 0~~e8" ereps:nded· the lin subdued tone. "You do. Proof 0'1 JlubUcation of tho p()lntment of Clarence WoodlOn .. some water?" · "After we bave talked. Who adminllltJatoJ' of the estate of A. you hille'" adminl8tntol' of tp, estJte ()' A. EU. "Nobody. I came alan I ' .nd touJld abeth Adami, it," . . Proot of publication of the aI!knew I was of A4am Dutro as exeell' DR. C. W. H~NDJRS~N . • You. u dId YR try to of tho ts·tato of JOsflP1100mnll"' . . Ollice-Aman Bid,. . , WITh a enn. , , . wen~~n or~e~d a warrant tsaued O•• I~~HOU~ tresp~. cODveyanc.e of W. E. Grl~ 1!1to 9 to 11 a: m, S to:5 p. m. to the sheri1r." D.ayton S~;Ate hospital. . . 7 to ~ p. m. The motor-tramp lo()ked Court aPPl'o,ved the s81es ofWiUi~l!\ T~ do that, ~l8tel'h'" he Suemenhie In settlement of the CIff1oe. • eo go away nom ere. '~on ~ Re8lclenCe • • '. 88P2 Y0l!, again, honest I won t. W.,nmill., Ohio gOEddie
C7! 11 ")B. cordially
you t() · \:J UJ atten4 a spe~ showing of motor car fuhions for 1928-introducing lustrous colors of lasting Duco,_• _ rich upholsteries of the finest quality ••• smart new appointments.
~~~~~===:: ._:_ =--::'-:::7': , ~::::=~
The Buick Autumn display opens Saturday and will continueall through the week. Don't miss this interesting exhibit. NOVEMBER 12 to 19
tate of Salll Irons . S, T. E llis()n filed affidavit for the admissiol\ of Ethel Anatlatt into the Dayton State hospital. An appliea' • • d h d I I . tion WIIS rna e for er a m ss on. Court conflrmed the flrst Bnd fina l account o( Ralph B. Parks as administtntor of the eatate of Mary Long· don, . " Court approved the supplemental account of AlUla Janney Miller ad. mlnlsb'atrlx 0.1 the estato of Th~mM MiIr cr. . Court npproved the tlrst, fln,!l and dIstributive aecount of ErnC)!t Man· non, admtnifttl'8tor of the estate ot Jam!!s qeaver. . Court approved the first, BnnI and distributive account Of A. D. Smith, !!'!!"!'!'!"!'!'~!"!'!'!!'!"!"!'!'!"!'!'!"!'!'!"!'!'!"!'!'!!!!!~!"!'!'!!!!!!"!'!'!!!!!~!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!!'~!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as' guardian of Beule Smith, a mi. ~-nor. . Ira Spitzc-.J' and Grace Spitzer to Court approved the-lint, flnal and Harry L. Saul and Bertha M. Saul, dtstrlbutt~e .al:count of Robert Shaw· 1.50 to ~n acres in Franklin. . admml!;trator or t he estate of J ohn Richardson and Sarah Rich. No H~ntlng WIth dogs or o~herwise George Grim. ardson to Addie Hankinson, one town or trnpPlnj!' nllowed, day or mght, on The latt will and testament of Ed. loUin Franklin. the lollowmg farms: gar Hatfield was admitted t.o probate. Harry Kesling and Matti~ Kesling FRANK BRADDOCK O. Donald Dilat"Ush was appoint::·j to H. H. Apple, .50 town acres in _ _ ~ __ _ __ guardian of Jane RUSlell, .a minor. Franklin. CURIOUS CUSS Ph,lip Larrick filed inventory 'and . Walter Andlrson to George, Hall ' Father---"The num who marries my a!ppraisement , of. the ~st:ate of e:ctJetl .One to.WD lot in 'Franklin. · .• 'daug~ter ~I! get a pri~e." . .. La~ck. , . ,. .1" Gwendolyn Stolzenburg to Wllliam' . Sultor- lila)' I see It. plell1!eT Mary. Harvey filed Inventory and Work, «me town lot in Clearereek Tp. .......~. appr~sement of the estate of WilliAAl Edgar ,Jordan to Hal-ry · Cook, ~ 16' • . _ Harvey, ' . . town acres In Franklin. . .Coprt. apPl'o.vod a petition fol' the ' _ ...... , _ __ sale of real -elltate ·i n the estate of McCJQ"~ George A. Blftkle1. .. .• . The lalt ' win and- testament of 1.. ' G. Jloberta was -.amltted to \ probate. . t Il ~ FUNEIlA~ DIREctTOR~ WaIte!! Surface was approved 811 'ex• .' As I have l'ented my ·.!a.,u t wll1 , , . WAYN~VILtE, O~IO eeutol'. . Appraisers. were appointed. .at public auction at my reddenee, ., ' - -,- - . 8" miles S. of Waynesville; 8 mUea 11 Mi\RRJAf;a: LICENSES N . nf Oregonia and '" mile E. of • Fully Equipped for - Good " D. Burton Crane, machlnl8t, Leba. Caesar's Creek Cover~d Bridge, dn , . Service. to Etta Lucille Bennett,. Fra:llk- . WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23, 1927 Large Display Room. ' Iin~ faC:tory· worker. .,... .. ' Beginning at 10 ' O'clock, thl! fol· Ambulanc~.Servjce · Mbut1aD,.ll nuerlde, butcher, Ma low1n8': 6 horses. 'U..cattle, tood d lIOn, to Estella t. BinkleY', Masen. ones, 16 hop .200 chlokenllj traotOr TELEPHON.B·7 -nAY OR NIGHT an ~ ~Rrl E. Wamck, automobne body ~arm implem~J\ta. in good sbaJ.le: ,,-_~_ _~_ _...._ _...._. budder, Mlamlaburg, to I!ethel B'!l' hay, ~orn, 1I0usehold furniture; etc. '"'!!!!~~~!!!!!!!~~!!'!!!~~!!!!!!!!!'!!!~ . ele, ~ed Lion. . See Iar,re ,bills .tor terms, lite.. , .~Wi1 Clllfcmt Kelling, oarpente...· J'OHN LAMB Fw.mldln; tQ Paulino, May Fry, Frank. .. ' • . ~!faetory .worker. ' • W. N. Se~ \lnd.s. L: Simpson,. . leave. But lJrot. She lIurveye , him .~y ' Patrick, paint,r, :Franklln to ,Aucta. . W. E. O.Neall, Clerk. you want to heu about HaleD Guenther ) factor, · 'w orker · - - - - .. . ' / ...,..;-.....~...M-O.-N-E•...;Y...LO .........- .........D--~ beeD'" be wallt Oil, eBl'ft to _~ .., '. , . An&:. hlmsel! aDd reetleil under ber ..- _ _In. . 'T he undersigned wOl offer for sale , unsmUJ~g eyes. . at imblle ·.auetlon at the late l'ell. ______.J-._ _.,-,- - - - "Why, yllll. Eddie." REAL ESTA1;E TRANSFERS dence of ,S tanley Clifton Hawke, de. LOAN~ on Chattell.~tocka, Secu~ So "lie told ber everythbll'_ Be ' , ." .' ceased "bo t 1 ~ milee fr m H. ties and Second Mol'ta.... Not.. E blamed himieH full; and made no Robert IMt· i BISaii htpL ,,«!, Johnson, ve)'llbu'rg 0: ,floe 'New BurUn~n bought. John Harblne J!!., Xenia, excusell . though his boyisH, ' dlurDi. o~e town' 0 n out eUlinon. ,. ,. .. • Ohio; -m80.'28 in emile pleaded for blm "Y know Frank J . Balon to Maude Faui.\(- HarveysbUrg road in. MaSllle townshIp r!e aald this betore," be ·'eo'nCluded, 26/18 acres In Clearcreek Warren connty, O~lo, on "but this time meap It. rm through C. Reed to. Bertie B.1teed THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1927, Pat. Never again. I'm off the booze 12 town Iota in Deerfield Tp. . ' Faqners of W..,ren alld adJolnlna for life. There's nothing in it from A. D. &rapevlne to WlIljam and BCI'lnnmg at 1.0 a. m., the p'!nI0n· counties may obtain mont, 9n' lon, anr. stn.ndpoint,," " . ' LJoYd Beigel; I!q acrCS 'in Morrow. ~l pl'OpertY- of said decedent, cOllslst- Ume loans; at 6 per oent Int.,... BeSIdes, tbt~ stu!!'a ee.ttlng 'Worse Mile.' West to Frank .. West; one 18g In part ot 1 mule, 1 horae, 4 C t f I Ii ' I . and worse IPs downright daIleer. . 'milk cows 45 head lof hogs farming 08 0 secur ng t e 8ame II "er, rea. B :~ " te ' h r' II ~ town lot in Franklin. ' . , ' b l th h T'" F d I Y_ .. OUII. ut 1t W,CID t ca me. tVGeo · Allm er to Adam Allm et l!Ilplements" Btanding . corn, alfalfa Ilona e ,roug nO e era _n .. take 'nothe:t drink. So tpu ~ toree I t I yFra kli ., 'bay stoye w\>od coal etc. See bl, Bank. For further InformatioD all quit here and come on Pack home. one wn 0 n n n. billa' f t ' .._ ' dd v . C DRAXSI ....... __ I'm 8ure·' of a job on tbe Davenant ' Addie H~klnlOn to ,John. S. Rich. 01' erma, e"",. . .Dn or" reu U' l ' ..., . A~ _ Tanch tomorrow." - -.., ardaon and Sarah Richardson, one .' • 0JVt.· B. lIA WKE. urer, phone SI6-X. Lebanbn, Ohio. --c.. (T be Aontinued) , ·town lot tn Franklin. Martin II: Stanley~ ",ucts. I. ~' 0 ~ , . , . , ,.
ftue ~1
~ ~,.QH.IO . ..
DR.RUDOLPH : H'T ~ . E'YES.·G ' • sp'Eel' A ' .IST
Keelor Garage Lebanon Ohio
No Hunting-,Notice
Pt). blic, Salea
J.. E. McClure .
-ru-o Tue.da" '9 a.m. 3 p.m Saturdav 8 a.m. oz..p.m • • #
C a~ r1. tI'lew.e1ry·Sh'o p
. . AI ' ceo • • . .. . ._ " ' - - - , the pump_ and took' a . lone drmk ii ·HAVEII· .Y8 R EY~ ' water. lJe ran th,! rusty CRr. out .. U _ the garage, loaded It with l'-====~;;;ii;;==;;;;;===.p Inp and tied them in .... piecell of wire and rope. piece he restored ·Eddie's and bedding, after . s~ub~ing the floors and the htl;er.m tbe BrePlai' When he left, hi rifle accompan. ie4 him. But Eddi bad the palDs to remove bill The .vlc~or washed hIS own w¥ relieved to find. that the bi:~n!it~a!e::es~e~h~ He .' ate the Iirst satisfY18g meal ernl days ., • • Bls strength ftowed back after had catcli. He prepared to set for town. It was a long walk, could· get no ride, but he had to Patsy {ane. He m\18t convince that tIllS time. hia resolution was plete · and agnin. sincere;The that·thought he woUld ~~~~~~~~3~.~~~;±~=~~~~~~=~~~~~~=;====:===::=:=:=::=?7:=:7== er drink of' working in Long Portage made FOR RE~T-7'roomh01lle 4th S'MATTER POP wrltbe.. All this little world, as street. Inquire of Llcla M. Ba~ their former world of Scottdale, 26~' Delaware Ave, Da~n, OhlC). . . must consider ' him a ' drunken faihire. .'-. . ·n9 He was surprised to note that eventful day was but half spent. sun WaB overhead when he the road. He had not when he WaS 9vertaken FOR SALE-Good, ' Bound old' com, foreman of the na·,,,, nAnt . $l.OO p~r ' bushel. . Call Funk "Hop in," Braddock, Wafllenille. . n9 the cor "J;,n",.. iil" - R.lilt:;;:· !'Iun'Av,.<1 the lanky with FO~ .SALE-ll!;gauCli ''-arlter shot- , He was fa:calJly shaven, and a gun, in falr condition. D.~ E. Stand- . tie was knotted Awkwardly ullder the .' iford. -n18 collar of his flannel shirt. "Mr. Davellant's coming on the afFOR SALE-Fresh cow~.: J. B. HeSll ternoon train 1" isn't he 7" queried Ed Middle Ru~ nelghbor.hood. die. . " -n16 "Ye~," replied the foreman, "Got a telegram yesterday:" PUMPS--'-Bocklet!e U~e well and "Now, don't you !fo hiring too mao cistern. PU!"PB; nand, elect~i~ ~nd T'" men down town, ' commanded Edpower I dr&ren, f8 the best: Pu~p re. "1'11 be over bright die, pairs, 'l'HE BOOKLET·KING ,CO., and " 416 W. ~a in . St.,, ;X:enlaH)!i1o: · "All (or anyone, FOR' SALE-!:-4 pure.br"d . G\1 ~rn~ey ed at EddIe 'I~"~~, ~a •• ;z hejfel'Sl ty.'o yean 014. ~ ~helle ~ it's none of my nmllnl>u re~l i~d,IYjdu.li; one Jersey, eo,!, ~ue buzzsaw did you UJllIrIIB·' ~ntn .~o_ fr~shen 800.n. W, N': 'Se!IrB: ,p hone "Found a tramp ' my 179. ·. . ' ", ." .'. ~9 he didn't want · to leave, Eddie. "I'd been away FOR . SALE-,-.Picked, Baldwin apples. days and when I came back ,L80 per bUlihel. W. A. Surface, ~".iii en · POSlless!on." R-: ·n..~6, Waynel'(il\e./ ." . ·~16 . A short distance from town !'4w two motor CRrS ahead .ot FOR ' ~:ALE-Male; bl!', ; !lbout ~ 8' In the roa~. Obe, bul~ng like .- .., nlOll~hs old, ,Jlure~b~~'~ Duroc: ~ :relman carrying many packa,ges, Qphone . CeDtel'YiIle 842 ~, .' Rolla recognized as the prnperty Bolton. . . . -1128 tramp. When their car came :\ '. ~ . ~ the other · one, headed toward FOR SALE-Or t,8de, good aa4dle was started and the conference 'pony. Robert D. Chapman, . had been going on was broken . \J~"" • D 9,.' •. 'j' .... The easthqund automobile, Eddie .ted, as II: paued tnem, wiul' oc~tJpiedl PJ~.F,:, VAL\lES ·A:ND i FITTINUtii ' Sea1man. . :l01' alI purpo.e8., . Jlocklet'l ·llne 01 . , He first went to plumbing and; beating.:: RRl'U" an' est garage .. Ill'~t. THE BOCKJ,.ET,XfflO. ,C~'I . attendant 41' w. "ahl dI'tI ..t. l .."" 01.... ~ ' curiously at. n~ri~~:rl~~ FDR SA~taellllll',, ~port~ ali- ' A.1iA '. . ." . . . . .~IU" •• l wbJle. "The- It jJrc)lj'~~· lii·hi week 01' 10 ago. 88; leD~h' '44_ . IDql1.... at thla of-. call for it. She'. 'l'QlrkilllR Ace. ' ."" ' ·llt , Xlnnane's oft\c'et he. W.~t;c:llfJuri FOR SAL~\Vhlte coWe pupe. . Set Edell.. 'to lee now· Charlea·· Bumett, .. D. If w~. wo1lld be NCelyed."
,WayneaViIle, Ohio
Farmers.' · A, tt'entlOn. .,
~--~--~---------1'0.'0"'£. _t W~II •••'''. "/"•• •• ! •• on,rl cr... M.II
'.re" ., 'A.
... _rlptlo~ Prlc•• '1.10 iMr V.or
"'. ~ CRANE
Pullliall., -
NOVEMBER 9, 1927 ~
If but fifty per oent of eur people were enough Interested in gov rnment . lo go lo thl! polls in our IU8t nalionll l electiQII, 'mllY It n ot;. )1o clue in IlIrge meas ure to t he filet t hut lelldership is grasped by meo of bobbling tongues rather thon by those of l unctionlng ,bl'nlns1 It was no t always 80 in Americn. It haa never been 80 much 90 hs today. A nd it is due to one of two rcasons--,...to t he innbility of th e Icodera to think, or to a moral cowIIrdlee which )ler undes them to cancelli t heir thoughts. Mcn lire 8 eking the presidential nomination- os leaders, if you please - who, on villli Issue8, positively re(USI! to leud or even think aloud. 't' his mellns an utter luck of essential qualitie.s; for if they have no ideas they daTe not utter they ore unfit . They luck Ilithcr the mental capacity or the moral quollties f or which the IUtl s of the people are waiting-and t hus far in va in. Little wonder t hat fifty per cent of the peoille are too cynical or indifferent to vote when the issues t hat vitally concern millions, the lIuc~e ss of , our i nstitutions lind t he good of society IIro utterly ignored by the very rocn who aspire to t he lelldership of the Nation. Let the candidates remove their muRIers and their rubber heels, lind like statesmen of the days when states men were leadnrs and thinkers, speak out and tell us where they stond on the Farm problem, Prohibition, Immigration. Flood Reliof. Tariff, etc., etc. etc. Then will the presidential eompaign mca;n a real debate to which the public Intllrest will respond.
MAIN 4301
At 11 o'Clock With His Treasure Ship, Captain Kidd,. His. Peg Leg Pirate and Chest of Toys
~ fJvf any Special
LISTENING EASY Sooner or later national organizi.tiOJUI will leun that a real lrI'ievance or Issue canllot be brushed aside. For II tact It Ii almost an impo88ibUity - because sooner or later it wi\l aslleri luel! here or there-and maybe in a miw dresa not quite BJI mild as In its oria'lnal form. All of thia hu . to do with the action of the American Bankers' association recently, "foam, a place on ita convention pramin' for a d,iscuuion of the farm 'prebleJDL It was hardly a wise dtl:iaion. I There is no more vital or important Queation ~fore tbe nation today than our fa.nn problem-and of a llDanci&l,. naWre, too. , Millions ot, pe0ple lITe involvlld-.repreaentln, DOt only a pasic Illa~try-but the most baaic induatry. ' Wba 1f lbe' Ipokeemen 01 the ban.ker group ,inte,.ted In a,nculWral • tellc,f bu , ~u"'mltted '. few .ul1lOuud ,th . e!llieS or ' ~Dju~ , attackS' upon the: ban ken? - lan't It .lwa,. 11etter to , dutrpi eacll I'eUOnmc.' ill' th. arena of open" debate.thal to elve them ~
ANT A CLA US found more toys this year than ever before; , he knew his old-time sleigh would not hold them. So he lit ~ erally drafted Captain Kiddand his famous old,Treasure Ship to help him bring these gifts to Dayton. OYS and girls. members of the SANTA CLA US CLUB; meet our esteemed friend and his outfit at the 'FAIRGROUNDS at 10 0' ~lock Saturday morning, November 12th. Here all the charter members of this grea,t club will officially welcome Santa Claus to Dayton. They will escort him and the TREASURE SHIP in a fitti;1g parade. They will march downto\vn arriving at RIKEKU~riLER'S store with Boy Scouts, buglers, motorcycle policemen and a brass 'band as an honor escort. Here a special committ~e of civic and Miami V allE~y leade-,rs will officially welcome hit?
~ 'PTi'Vileges fOT
e'Very fJvf ember 1. To march in reception parade upon arrival of Santa Claus, Reindeer and Treuure Ship from the North. 2. Pennisslon to feed mo.. to
the Reindeer. , 3. Privilege to 'go on board th,e Treasure Ship and, view the Treasure Cabin.
You will ~ . give!! ~ Pirate hat to .wear in honor of Salll~a and his h~lpers, This }'ou can ' keep after tqe Big Parade. I\,nd you'U need your me~bcrship card to show YOU are a CHARTER member of this great club. '
4. Many,many oiher fine, 'peciaI privileges which w!11 be revealed to you at ,the FairKrou~da.
If you have a pony, ride it! Here's a' chance tOl$how it off, and he'll enjoy the Big Parade. EVERY MEMBER 'OF THE &l\NTI\. CLAUS GLUB SHOULB,,_ BEOAT THE -PA'IRGROUNDS, DAY T O'N, OHIO. ~- ·PItOMPTLYo AT 10 O'CLOCK, SATUR- ' DAY ~ORNING, NOVEMBER 12th. .
lended Ilf'e by' .refHlIII' • h~ i "~e 10DI ba1il the bankel'l wiU I ftDclthat thro~ taWq' ~ over: •with 4be fa~er tn., ,1fll1 cOllie to 1Ift-
Come ! Every Member! Saturdav Moming ,Novem~be. 12th, 10 o'clock
ea.c h other better. '
cthi, Is th,e LiM of NaTch
,... .
Luft Fairtrounds at 10 o'clock. 'East on Stewart to Brown. North on Brow'n' to Wal't'fn. left on Warren to Jt.ffenon. North on Jeffer.on' to Monument. West on' Monument'. to"Main. South on Main to Rike-Kumler's. . '
" EvidenUy tlIat Teapot Dome , lurDr, ""
who ','expected" to ,pt an aUl~Dlobn'l 'I, block 1~I," was rldine' to • :--:
Few of thelO cout to coat mobile, trips are on the aQuare. only ' drivers lookinlr for • place ~k: '
We wi\l bet tha~ woman who "air-man," New York to , to keen a dinner engagement luid • new gown. :-':
, 11127 will be known aa the year In which Amel'ican women's p~cipal occupation w~ PlIlllng IItoeldn.. up and akirta down. ' " • :' -: The great Texas mystery ,now whether tbe man In .. stonn drlnldnlt) bootlelr was killed by liahtni~ thel 8~......:or tlie l.\.ottle:
Fi~ y~ar ter~~ai'e8 .,,-ith op\ion o~ renewal. are adyo~ated Jly a California judge. Well, ·that IDlurell the "mafiied," vote to.r .him. Shipi ~ . t~ : ~ull~ which will croll the ocean iii 'four da". Seemll like the ricb'~at of men should be' able to get along with their wivea tor &bat length ot time. ',
~he anticipated atump In the ~ business will be broulht' about, It
predicted, .beeause men ~day are weadng their cloth. toO lone and t he women too short.
...--ReCluced. Fares -~-.-
Dr. John W. Miller DeDtiat w.,.~.
¥no Ed'"Dancan viltted 'retattv¥ Iii ~~~:
Dayton week. ,
Milia last 4meUa OalT baa accepted .a .POaItlon wltIi the ,Ben TeJephOlle Co., ba~
N.d...1 ....k 81...
-, ,
Cold Weather is N.ow .Her~ '. U'r iderwear for the Entire Family O
Thil Underwear comea in Cotton, ~I and Silk and Wool. The)' are made in aU I(ylea, Medium and Heavy Weilht, Lonl or Short Sleevea, Knee or Full Lenath, all form fittinl and are correCtly made. BOYS' UNDERWEAR
actly as the men's style~ for boys up to 16 years of age
98 C
Men's heavy ribbed Union Suits, with metcerized trimmed collar, front, full size garments, ' 1.26 and up to .... ". . • . ..• •
$1 95
f!.oZ:- 9Sc lip to
... ...
00 ,o
Men's Heavy Sheepskin lined coats Cull 36-inch long,with belts, beaver-
~~e~o~~:sr,. ~~i.~f~~. ~~ "~~~~$7.95 WOMEN'S GOWNS
Made of heavy flannelette. ,novelty stripe, color combinations, elV" or square necks, hemstitch 98 trim'med, long sleeve, 79 to. . C
Ladies' Winter Union Suits, in all
Slipover and coat style for boys, up to 12 years old. Close out 98 of odds and ends .. . ... (. . . . . C MEN'S TROUSERS
lIade of natural gray hygenic fabric,
=: :!' r:-:,~~"!. ~~~~~~. 98c
Men's Corduroy Work Pants, moleskin, m~de 'to stand hard $2 98 service 1D outdoor work.. . •
SIze 64x'l6, gray cotton blankets with red or blu& borden, 98 an uuOaua) "alue •.•••• , . •
Nellie Wabta, home ilemonstra,tlon Mrs. Eal'l Conn,ar and eon, Earl Jr. VoL 1 Novem . 'r Q, 102,7 No.2 agent and Wm. Lilkens, club leftde-r spent Friday in Day to". -===~=-===-:====~~=== near HarveYllburx:: are IUIslsting Mr~ rubli.h ..d il' til .. in • . rhodel'n clv i1l~11U on . Atllcricnn Radlanl . Pl'. P. A. Gorner, chiropractQr, W. R. PalJ!}er and other state club tere. t. of th.. p.ople officials, In conducting the 18tb AnW'!isSloPPl1d nnl! 01\'lI ellt 1'. Lebanon, Ohio, Phone '7B. nual Club OOilgrelll In Columbus of Waya.'-':iIIe . nd ilizlltion WIiS l'ccovur the fum. and far", _ 011 on the bri nk f B. S, Howell, ot Port Wi11lam~ week. Five h~ndred boys a.nd girlil, WHICH ARE YOU ora of tLl. ~icinily. the precipice. In a Waynesville visitor today. cI!1b winn~n 10 B1 county contests, A newspaper saYII . Will lie In attend~ce. Th\l trip OUI' hum ble opinion .. FRED.oM. COLE .. Mr. and Mrs. W. . R. Allen wire winners trom Warren 'county include, No v. 11 hou ld be o hl'ililion is 0 man who ke p8 l he ·sna, . guests of 'Xenia friends on Sunday. P_lymire, Washington il'p .. ; Dorto tho world whuL F\ln~y is , sftl1veled oft' hili side " Davis, Massie Tp.; Sallie Jones, July '1 is to tile Old Doc Doe, wolk in t he winter . Mrs. Charles Anderson and Mrs. n Tp.; ,Geraldine ' Chesney Ullitcd Stll tee. You'll always' find We might odd t hat Orville . Gray welre Dayton visitors, D . erfleld Tp.; Lynn Syndenstricker, .I:Iim .voling '·No." II heat.hon is one Monday. Harlan Tp.; Charles HulTman, WashBOOST FOR A LI- who borrows his ington Tp. BOOST FOR WAY. ncighlJ o'r~ snow ON'S CLUB Farm boys and girle atte nding this We are glad \.0 report that Mrs. NESVILLE Khovcl nnd fo rgets Emerson Mason, who has been very congress as guests of the Ohio State A Lion's club will to I'cturn it. We once kn ow of sick, is improving. University represent the 28,000 mem ul ways boost Waya little town wherl} bers of the 4-H clubs in Ohl this 'J.'h IIlcrnesville. everybody wos a GOOD NEWS yom'. Delega tes for the Columbus Mrs. Anna Prugh Holmes and 'hnnia nnel profesbooster. It is not u 'I' ho H'entrula is an Hattie Irvin, of Bellbrook, were t rip wero chosen on nomination of ~ i o nlll men Dr!' or· litt le town any long club leaders and after examination guests of MI'!!. Lnurn Zeit today.. ornoment to "ny ganizing Lil1llJ! lulJ er but a big city . anel of lh elr records in raising a pig or a '1'ell YOllr friends home, but it doed it is pretty generalWatches, clock13 and jewelry of ev- calf, lon~l ing to sew or bak'e, or not stop nt being ort.hey should join ~ ly conceded t hot ery description efficiently and prompt w/tatevor their project may have namentll!' It dellv. boosting helped to Iy repaired at Cary's Jewelry Shop. been. ers the heat. Two make it big. Let's lolcphonc calls lind The lust WOI' \\' u.~ Lebanon, Ohio. As arranged by the State 4-H lealltry t hat rcceipt on fo ught 10 end n1l one letter Saturday ers, representing the agricultural col, Wnynesvi!l ' for II. Ilslling for immedlWllrS. The next one Mrs. Kate Col,eman and ¥rII..RolII lege extension service at the univerfew yeura. will be fought to ote de1ive ry of He&.Hartsock and children were dinner iLy, the program Includa talks by end all debt.s. trolus. They orc nil guests of Mr. a'n.d Mrs. Frank H~rt- Governor Donahey. Judge Florence THE GREAT DAY install ed IIncl cverysock, on Tuesday. Allen, G I'trude Warren of the UniLet's ju ~t remcn!; te.l tlttes Department of Agriculblldy is ho ppy. ber, when we lire WARM WELCOME Mrs. Richard Barley, of Clndn· ture, ond members of the University's celebrating. thnt AI' The SUllRhin e Inn Fred M. Cole nati, Mrs. Ida Reed, Mr. and Mrs. g If. Tl'nvalo~ues are an istlce Day wall tho will havc 1I wurm Hardware. Farm 1m Reamer Reed, of Chicago. were Way- pa\'~ of l he prQirnm. neRville' visitol'S, Monday. I nCol:mJlI. talks by tho youngstQl'!! clay when 0 war t huL welcome for you plemeDh might very I!andily lhis_ winer. It ill Phone 32 . thell16"lvel! will figure as Importanthave destroyed ·our heated with lID Wayneaville, OIJio Mr. and Mrs. 'V~. H. Allen wlll hear Iy a tlllka by adults. Each day of Senator O~pelal1ld's addrel)s to t he the week there Is scheduled a series '_-:"'_ _ _- - - - - : . -_ _ _ _ _ _ _....::-_ _ _ _ _ _ __ HomeopathiC Medical so<;lety at the of g rollp discu~ions in which club dele8:1tes, will talk over 4-H club 'prob Gibson hotel at l)aytoJl, tonight. . lema, delect the weaknesses of club Tuesday 9 .. lin. to 4 p . .m., Satur- projects ond sumst ways to . fortiday 9 a. m. to 8 p. m., Dr. R~dolpb, fy them. Recreation and sight-seeqesight speclalltit ill at Cary I Jew- ing In Columbus alao playa part in elrY S~op, Leban.on, Ohio. Free ex- the week's activities. amlnatlon. _ ---
O o
Boy. Winterwt. Union Suits, made ex
Cole's Chats
CANVAS GLOVES A good weight white, can\'as glove
$1 • 69
for corn husking, full size, elastic blue knit wrist, doz. '
Read all the Ads. in
Mrs. Mary Eo W·e mta. who bas been Notice to Auto Owner an Invalid for th'lI put four montha, ill noJw EbeinrWjtrfrellted bfyFa ~rWc;lalrtisth' . Plana ~or year c'all (or t he . . Dr. . . III ey, 0 On 0 , A Texas. She is greatb' Improved. illluing of 1928 license 'tags to com. mence Decomber 1, 1927, Purchasen of 1928 tags will be Buy "Yourex Snveneal" if you want the best In Silverware. We have to place the new tags on carll commencing December 21:, eKclus!ve arenCJ: ~r in Warren county. Cary's Jewelry SJilI\lP, Lebanon, Qhio. 1927. ' It Is \trged, therefore, that all automobUe ownen plan to purchase ·Mr. and !Ira. Walter Manning, Lena Miami county, and Rev. and tlteir tap early. Mn. ~Harry ManJlin~, of East Man. Especial attention Ia CIllled to the fteld, Ohio, . visited their relatives; fact that aD trucke, pasaenreroComMr. and Mra. Mablon Rid,e, on Fri· mercial ' ears and trailen .....t ~ daY!. ..I,heeI. and the oftIcial weilrht llliplI • ., properly filled and siped b,. t he weighmaster of a standard ' aeale Mra. Minerva llCeys Mills and of Forth Worth, lin. Ada IDUft aceDm.....,. tIa. Iolll of ...., Cbical'O, spent ISuri,4ly with ""hell applieatipn 1111 mad~ for the E. Wemb at ·tllU! realdence of plale*. . dau~hter, lira. Cillarletl B. HelTll\llnn, The above regarellq tNcke fa a ~=====~===::::::==~::::::======:::::::::=:::::==:::.!:::::== of Wetherford, ~rellU. . recent ruUn, of ,the Commlulonel' _ _ _... _ _ Vehicles, ColumbUl. Oblo, and mut be complied witli.
.The Miami Gazette.
If you want advertis-
o o
ing,' call 112 and we
will attend to your
AT .THE CHUnGHES ( Ing percelitap of eub .variety U dt termlned, and County Acent Clau also ..ndln. ..mplel of the ~helled
II CORI TESllNG c~~mt'ua,°~:'!':~o=e c:!~
to be dete~ed. Final Jle1d8 ad comparlsona are compatfd OD • 1l1litOl'1ll 20 per cent maJataie bUlL ~ farm en who are blterelted la, laiOwIq and more who about would til... w.. toyarietJ see theteate. dJf. f vellt kinde of com are lirrited ~ vialt one or more of the men wJio ~ dolq thia work. ' .
Ronald Bawb, Boate 1 "one of elPt fumen of W~ county ,....,__ aa e.... - te &lid ye". ac~... _ ___ ...... t.t for eomparIq thelaadtn. ft1'IetIea of con. to aDd out wb.Ich ,..... tile IIIIMft aDd II be!It adapt.. to thIa loeallt7. The teat. ware ....J!I!II... earl;- . . IPrina In co-ope• - • with Cont)' Apn~ C1aaa and ~ Cl'OPi ~ of Ohio 118ri. ~ eoIlep" &lid the eeed . . . ,.......... br the COllDty farm bureau WANTED 'Weelban:. , YeDow Dent, Clarace, Beld'a Yellow Dent and WANTED--Load of.ilelover or alfaIo. . . 1M. . . are belnr compated. fa hay. Seth Cook, Wa)'DeevUle. At Iaaat four l'OWI of each are grown n9 ... 1I8rnated ,.pantely. In adell•- • tIIIl to welPinI' dae com, the abell- .... 0... A8. .. TWo _ _ • . .
Late Olasslfled Ads.
---•.. .._--,.--
Grt 'Qnicker Gains at lower Cost
FERRY CHUllC~ . OF CHRIST Services at 9 :310 and ., :80. SermoJl Employer-flM, goocinetl8, bere you been 'Workin, an hour and rOil on flThe UnnanuMi, Sin," at the in~ service. EveJllng sermon, IInl...I,.'.lhave accompUshed almQllt nothlnJ·" Way." All out for Bible New Man-"Well, I aare lay 1 c0l11d The' Rev. .Mr. ~ pve have done more, but iHllkve me I nlVar wu a inn for lbowlnll ofr." . lIatlnc talk in bel!lalf of tbe Bill lut Sun~ evenlll8_ Ever7 one d ,ould .tteDd You can help by ,our pre.enee , binder by your'abHnce from the ular services C\f the church. Mra. Clarenoll Snutb is On the sick Nathan !Jowon, lIin1Iter•.
Ever)' boy wUl be 81ad to know that The Open Road, onl of the -'-- popu. Iar 0 f bOYI ' mapsines, now III"". coats only $1.00 a year-Instead of ,1.60. Single copies are now ·only & dime CHRI-T-:-.'. '" CHURC'H ' Mra. Charles JOhnB spent Friday in each. ' '" .'U" . ~ Dayton. ,The magu1r1e is jUlt' 81 large u Sunday School at 9 :30. ..nery· eftr--contains jUlt as Dumy wonder- bod,. cordlall,. mlyited. Mlsa Gladyl Bergdall spent Jut fill sto~es, articles, det'artmenta and . ___ w.eelt in Darton. prius as before. But 10 many thoq.-ETHODIIST CHURCH Mr. and Mn. 'Rud4 Saylor and son, ands of boys have become "Open 9'16 Sunday School; 10:30, preach of Lebanon, epent the week-end with .Roade1'8" recentlr that the publisherll ing .service . subjject "The Lily and relatives, heTe. . " have been able. to announce a big the Cedar.," ;6:15i, Epworth League' The card club and a few friends ln tfhe. PI~~~' BaTinB_!a 7:00, sermon, Bubied, "The Home· enjoyed an evening of cards and f 1...., ~s urn page ~ter page lelll Christ." , elanci.... at L-Ie hall FrlclaL.. even. q ntell.lely intereatinc atorles of " ,~. , ~ sporta, a"venture and myltew, The AaI:on S. Watkins, L.B.D., Inr· Open Road gives bo,.. many things Mr. and !Ira. Edd Lonpere were to do. It hu Cartoon. Photo and ST. AUcuS:rrNE CHURCH ,auta of Rev. and Mn. J. C. Stlt.. Burled Treasure contests for tbem Sunda,., Novetnber 18 eemce 11111. at Derraff, *veral. dayl lut to take part in. They ' can join a 7 :80 a. m. . " . week. . rathar Bien, PaStor. Mn. Clydll Wharton, BOn and marvelous ~utdoor club ealIed, "Open Road Pioneerll," In the past, year , -~ . .:.a. t Th' - . . I t th b Open Road readen have earned or ST. MARlr'S CHU~CH , !lau.uter, spen ullKlay ,a e ome Rd ' .' _' .'" of 1n'. and Mn. Lee GreathoUle, ijI won more than. 6 000 Op ' . in i , .,. . en oa November 13 Twenty.second Dayton. , " . " pnzes, e udlnll' athletic equipmen4 day after Trinity'· Ohurch radio seta, typewrlte01"-' I . . Mr. and Mn. Kealer Graham and .a, .....ea . In- 9 :80; Morning 1?raJer nd '"' IItruments, etc., and several hunderd at 10'80 , . . apent Sunday 'with ·Mr. dollats ,i n cash . • Seiker . end daughter, Bev• .robu J. Schader. lIeetor. Springboro. ' Through th~ 'My Friend Abroad department tbey. CAn lIIake friends by .. - Melllrll. Everett .EarlY and conespondence w.;th bo,.. all over the R Horse ard Siu'face, Mrs. Georee Scott worldl talt BUmmer The Open " unaw~y Mrs~ Lowell Thomas motored to Boac! conducted 101 bop on a won. . . I ' M cia ' ' derlul. trip ~ Dellmli:k, Which Is genEarnest Woolll!1'd met wl~h a gan on. bus nen ._ on y. : M,(8. Cusle 'COx Ia ·senously IU at araBy , recognised as the 'gore/ltest ful accident this' (W.eclplesdiy) th1ne ever done by: . ' bo;" milga- ing, while drivi!la: ' .J. !f. thlil time . hea,t trouble and ath~ne. , ' . ' . delivery outfit to col~eet s~p paper er, • A nuree has been . ~F,' ., ," .' Still·, more bt. things are bel~ to a,eB for the "'4~neftt 01 tjle IIChool. plallned for the ' thoUsandl of boys After cQmlug down the hili· at· 'tyler . Mr. ;alid Ml'II. 'J. , C. Wilson and who are lucky enough to be regul&io ,lI;reet at a rather rapid.. gait, , the children returued tQ ,DaytOn for the dera of .t his great mquine. A'I1d bone .... unablo to make the ·t~ 'Mnter after, ape~dln~ several mentbJ it I price Ja 80 low as 'to be In reacb' onto Main street · quick enough and Mr, and Mn. Perry ,Saylor. of,n. Should 'Your newllltand not land,d &Plnlt . ~ telepbonll pole . . .happen.to have coplel, send 19 cente front of the residence of S: F. fo~ a lingle c;opy or U.O.Ofor & yeat '·A lmaU but Pllinful pab l,.tilCiiptfon to. · in Wooll1d'1 bead, bl1t after Hcelv-I THE IlLUfI .GAZETTE In. medieal .ttenlt lon lie " .. ,WlQ'1Ie,sy:ilie, Ohio.' 10 to aclt.ooL. Be,ond a . • -. . and a' (fivr tnmo,r aeratehu • .... • hone,' ',,~ Uttle damate ... F\iday were: A RICH FI~ . . ,Tha acCld.ent. c~uaed. quite. 11t:t:IAI '......." .IlIIlW ...., and ,daughter, te CIte lit Hn. ~plt Helll and " Artis~...-"The ....•• I,no t one pur; ; mporar)'" ex . 'm "leta - , .·and ...... _ - f "... _ e. .....'.....;;;:..:;...-. . '" -..... . C"-"'lottte •..... ' . . chaser In town mo.... 'IOod picture from a bad one.'" . . ' Crltic-"That's what I call 'luck tor lome' of y-ou· fellowa eht" Tb ~'-- ' l -u f _ '., " ' . ~. ' ' . ' . e .r",.~ e e" ..on 0 oween. . Wariemni Loq. t{o. 168 F. ,,M., took place .t thllir regular ' com- C4!rlte'I'ViD,e. . MORE TACTFUL PLEASE" munie,.tion .t ' tbe temple The sheriIT barked "You die toJi evening, and relulted u 'follbWa: '. M. and Mn. S. H. Haines" day-" ' . Obarl~ Braclb~I17, W. lI.; Earl F. Baill.. aJl4 J,fr, alld Mr,. Walter ~'Have you anytblnr to .. Thomas, S..: JP:.; Jl'rad lII.. Gol~ J. Y.I 'r kk :were' eJiEertaineCi to 811nday dInThe hone.thlef 'lIltruned ,;Per~P,J F. B. llend_nll aecretary.;,' Walter ner -at. ~he hOllle of· Dr, bd Mn. O. ' .. I!n::'Ndl!' . ' .'. ' KoCIan, :t1'easurIiIr; ROI!"BartIock, ,W. 08but:n, III 1;>a~n. f ' . . ' , , ~Qt I' don't like ,our .aWtude·r' 8. D.; !t.U1 ~~ I. D.i F. B ••Farr . Ret'; &lid lin. R.I'. ZleJier, of .:'.. ' . • - ~.. II tJleri D•. B. I~h truItee for time tervUle, will 'dye '_ lllutrate.d lectFAra ENoUmt¥ ;7earL • _ • tuie-=olb- fonlp laDa. where bey . ~ apent i8veril -yean '. . mlllion,i rlu. HEY, F!U.!.RS-A ,.aw ONE at ~ RaIl, J.I'rlday eftIlIq, No- . at- Bditb-"Arthw t a rlddll vemMr l$tII. Admllai01l tree. Thelr to 1lI&" . . lecture aDd Illd.. here fa Aqult ~"' I 1Iarp--I'Y-. aad he wutl to ,mn w • ~ a1lcI appncIa, 70D . ~ ., .
Makes FUll T.ime I3gg Producers 1 Whether JOUI' Sock Dumbera a dozen hens or aeveial hQndred, you are after ODe ~rofits. Th~t's why it pays to f'ee4 Tuxedo Eggmashstraight through the year. l'"ia balanced ration maJces earlier laym of yoUr pullets; meintains the vitality of mature hens. It Srlngs out ega when prices are highest. as well .. in the "PrinS and summer. YOUr ~ will take to Tuxeqo Eggnuwl ,1Iecau1e) t • palatable and easy to digest; CICIIlWna no duat· ortankagc:. Order a ~. CQdaY· ' ' .
Everett Early, Lytl~~ ' Ohio
- , '.
' .
am. ,...
u.. ....... ,
.. ..
Wayne 24% Dairy Feed ".s what . the Cows Need Now WlQ'1Ie 28% Hog Meal is a big profit maker tor any bo~ raiser wbo h .. &II. ahundantce of com to ' eed, ' . Th~ blp protein concentrate balallcel your corn 'at a very low colt par dlt of digestible protein "lIIares the hlthest feeclina vaL . ue from your com.
Waynesville fanners hchaoge Co. .,
\ 11 11
, r
Seventy~~i nth
Wbole Number 5779:
An Armful of T~QD"lgiV~DII
LalIt Friday afternoon the Arm· letice Day program was given at the Gym. Two strotlg features of the program were readinp given by William Wilkel'8on lind Ruth Hockett. About flfty vilitOfll were present and we wish to Inviu! them and others back to entertainments given in the luture. On either side of The Santa Fe exprell, in which thit i. written,. tho com fields and farmho\lJel of Kan. .as fly past It i. a counlly unlike that through wbich the writer drove a few weeks ago in France all the way from Paris to lee Oemen()Cau in his little cottage on the Atbnlie at LeJard, not far from Bordeaux. The trip through Prancer made in an automobile. was as raprd as tbi. trip by train. In France you drive your automobile as faat a. you lik~ but TAKE CARE YOU HURT NOBODY.
Here in Kansa. you see ~t tracton providing power. machmery cutting al)d binding corq, great engines bin(ting. threshing wheat. ·and tyiDr the grain In sacks, all in one operjltinn. I n France QCC&.iona11y you would .eeo a Ileasnnt and bit wife cuttlnr their grain with .ickle. In Imall field. of irregular shape. Fields were har"e5tcd with scyt1!e.. Here and there ~enms of horses drew mowing machines. Power driven ' agricultural ,"~ c liinery wal not .ten between J'ub and LcJard.
Wb.ere mowera had palled Jooa cnlJlht leO old grandmother and lIer 1iuTe grandchild ben4ing over, pick, lip wi.p. of grain with the riabt . J. pu~ them in aprom held hi
£~ ..
Mason visited Waynesville on their home floor Friday evening, bringing three tellms. The Ru ntis played the first game . Although Mason's were about twenty pounds oVllrlrro..r.1 Waynesville won with a score to 6. Second team Waynesvl\le ed Harveysburg first team and allo gained a hard-fO\~lfht victory, the seore being tied twice but a ket for Waynesvlllle gave them tho game, the seore being 8 to 6. Then Mason furnished 81 first team to our first team and was beaten badly at a seore of 49 to 1. Any way. Muon Willi proud of that one l1li we were of our forty-nine. A large crowd Willi out and everyone had a chanco to seo the kind of game he liked. One
ing vall ey during the coming winter. how soo n t he cll11 will be made de peOlis on weather conditions. Fewer miners are nt wor k in the mines a f t he H oc kin ~ vall ey this year than evel' before. MORt of them have large f umili es. nnd wit h the provider out of empl oym ent re lie f must be given to save th ese unf ort unate wives and children. Sc hool enrollment throughout th e vlIlley has shown a decided fulli ng off. due it is soid, to the fact t hn t hundralls of children of 8chool ug-e ha ve nothing to wenr to attend. Ma ny mi ners wero given work on highwuys wh en "'!Colher conditionlf permitted . bu t wi th wintry blllsts this work will end nnd they will be withnny ony income wha tever. Ohi o has always proven generous when called up on, anll whil e much of t ho poverty nnd wanl in the Hocking valley could have becn avoided, those able to give will not look to the responsibility for the conditi on which exists, but will give their mite t o help the thousands who must have food and c10tlling if they are saved from starvation, and their health protected . Ju ~t
From the work done by the pupils at thia program there will be no short age of material to take part in the Oratorical contest this year. Last year Elsie Bradbury won the firIIt prize and we hope that Waynesville can have that honor again.
French road. are wide and Itralpt. the car used hy tbls writer came from Nice to Paris 900 kilometers. S40 miles, in one day and did easily the 400 miles from Paris to LeJard b.'tween breakfut and dinner. French drivers go rapidly, but caret uUy ; if they hit anybody thela.. hits them. A member of the Chamber of Deputies went to jail for • year. all the influence of hi. f Mend. could not save him. He .truck a chU.d. B. Forman. of Rochester. N. Y., ean tell you of a Fnnda chauffeur accused of Intoxication, • ent to Jail for ten yean. He killed a child. Mr. Forman saw the thiq IUlppe.n.
of Oh io will be called upon for aid to t housa nds of fa milies in the Hock·
Gray. ba. termed America'. "aver. ..~ dtiaen. The American Mag. lIi••/ alter careful .urvey. givel . tb. lltle to Gra" beeaule be earn. .. &\"raae income; conducts I oneIDBJI tailOr .bop and clothing Itor. in the anrage lmall Iiled town; be~ 10 church-but doe.n·t at· ttlllt rcplarly' hal an aver&8~ ed· . .doni aad ht. principal Int~r ..u are I" nil laDllI,. of wife and two ehlldren-aad
h. "".1"1'"
I. P
rr .l.
wUl . lap to. iI \;; ':I! vacated rOl!p lb. ~~Ih ~ f II. bert Gary. a' r.nal~"'&l d lIa Bo~rd of the U. .s. nUIlI1 t:oroorallon. Mr. Parrel lor 11. '110" ,ear. ha. been. opu:IIing h~d 'c:! th • . organization_ ,...
AMERICAN FARM REPUBLICAN WOMEN ~;J cnreful analysis of voters in BUREAU FEDERATION ~t~:ean!l~:k:tall:~;~ e;~7 : : : ; ATTEND CONFERENCE ~o c a . the~~::s~r~eh;::~~;~~~:~~e~~::~~: Every county farm bureau in __ . , - ~ same ratio represents Republican A
state is invited to lend at least partisan, while tbe Mher one third, delegate to the annual or deciding factor, represents the inthe American Farm Mrs. Wilma Sinclair Levan, Redependent voters. And it has been ation which will be held in publican National Committee Womthis one-third of independent voters on December. 6, 6 and 7, the ___ en for Ohio, called a two-day conGeorge Henderson made a busl- that generally casts the deciding vote annual gathering of the farm bureau ferenee of tbe Ohio Council of Re· neS8 t.rip to Cincinnati, Saturday. on 8~ate officers. When Prel¥'dent forces of the United Statel. The Peace Declamation publican women at the Deehler-Wal· W. H: Taft was elected president, was given with the pro ..... am k h I C I b N b 11 M d Oh ' voters e Iected Governol' HarL.B urs. C. W. Henderson and 80n, . P a Imer, of Pataskala, and •• lie ote , a urn UB, ovem er r. all Mrs. Wal ter McClure and 10 JU afternoon. Myra Penee won 2 F Irs ' t on the program was .. were Dayton visitors, Mon- F . Moon, 0 f Conover, were chosen prize and Ada Shllner second. an d 1. ".rs. J ames McClure visited relatives .mon, and wh en P resident CooUdp George, day the official delegatee to a pilgrimage to Marlon. A luncheon in Dayton. Sunday. was elected Ohio voters elected Vic . Ohio farm buresus by directors of Willi given at the MlIIIOnlc Temple, afDonahey, which Illustrates the point The JunIor play will be tel' which memorial serviees were The ticket drawing for the Junior that the one-third .or Indepe.ndent voMr. and Mrs. Frank Evans, of Ohio Farm B~reau Federation Spring, Volley. spenti Sund~ with ses8ion at Columbus last week. planned on the evein!na of held at the tomb of President Hard- 1asa play will be at 12 !30. Tuesday, ters, hold the balance of eontroL C. Rector ,of CirclevlUe and 23rd~ inr. November 22, at Hall's Drug store. And both parties In seleetina their Charles Anderson and fam.i1Y. Green, of, Hiram, ~lttere chosen as aI- - - . . .... • Returnlnc to Columbus 600 women nominees next year for place. OD Mlsa Esther Hendenon has been ternatea. ... tt allSembled for the banquet In the ball Mr_ D. E. Standiford was called to the state tickets are giving more conconfined to the house several days General John J. Pershing will ~ room of the Nell house and to lilten Greensburg, Ind., last Thursdsy on sideration to thll independent .OW \vIth tonsliiti8. one of the chief speakers at to the pl'l)gram of ll]lealdnr and mUle aecount of the death of his uncle, than that of the party. FrIends of meeting. George Andrew Seott, ie given afterwards. Jacob T. Standiford. CongreBllman Martin L, Davey,Fof Leather g'Oods . make splendid In connection with the child of Joseph and Margaret An anod.y meeting was held SatKent. in 'diseDlISing tbe alignment of Christmas giftll. • See the display at the second annual exhibit of son Scott, was born near Mt. Orab ul'day in I\e Hall of Mirrors at the Wait for the Cowboy Band at the Ohio voters point to the Pllllt perCary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio.. products an~ farm orpnwtlonl will Brown county, Ohio. October 81: Deahler-Wallick hotel. Gym, Monday night, November 28, formancell of lifT. Davey In capturlna be to those attending the 1860. He was of a 'o f ~mong those In attendante were '!I nd help your local band tor the sum the independent vote. In a diatrlct Mias Annie Webb, of Springfteld. from all sectlonl of the coun brothers and two lin. Howard Graham, of Harv~ya- mer coneerts. Republican by many thouunds 1Ir. spent the· week.-end \with Mr. and The Sherman hotel win be headlrIn. Martha Wataon bure, lin. Challel Johne and Mn. . . Davey has Bucceeded in belnr electMrs. D. L. Crane. ' quarten for the eODveriijoD. Ind., it ItiII Hville.' Walter Kenrick, of L,.tle, Mn. Hen~ Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Robinson, of ed. It is by no means certain that , 1he meetinr foUows the part of hie Ufe wu ry Satterthwaite, lin. Earl Hockett Dayton. It:nd Mr. WUljam Boyce of the Kent eo.ngrellSman will eonaider • See how it happena that Rh..a tlonal Livestock e.poaition which near the of hia birth .nd lin. 'Georce D. Mille, of Way~ Xenia, were guesta of Milia Qlive AI- the Demoeratie nominatiOn for 'COY1111 the "Billy, frivolous rid,'~ cOI~ene'lheld In Chlcaao the week preeedlnc. inr thia time be uttlted with the . len on Su,n day. . ernor next year, but in the event tIuR Gilbert Frye In Math. in Warrtn county win be represented oclWt church .t ~ew Hope. • - • Thll Christm t "hi" lOb r" he does, he certainlrenten. the conRliodei .S cholar," b, Preeldent Carl J MilleI' t to Cin I .. '-. f A . as ge m or e test at an ad van.""'" in hili eloae .... " ..en c MlBw, w........ 01" , a pocket or strap watch. S41e our Iatlonsnlp with ib:~farmors and InMrii. R. G. ,CrollS, lin. Wa~ter ---- _. of yean, he w. in the ....t , _tack of de.penda~le timeJ)lec:ea.. W~ dependent voters of OhJo. · ~ C1ure and lin. James lIcClun A Chrlabnu Camlval will lie held are a member of 'The Gruen GuUd. _ _ _ ,. mopping In D.yton on lIoncJa,~,, r-:th e IIeth."'-t . - to the ....... church on the after- C~s .Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. Blind workers at the state, r ..... lnOOlu and eveninp 0 fDecemt,e:r; bt, Don't mias the "euuin out" of Gll- number or several hundred, are bur Hear what Gen8va DenUllIer. the The '11. Eo Churcb Brothetbood ,and 8rd, under the \ .uspleea of bert Frye by his. father,. Geol'ge Hen- in ~helr own homes at th,e ,preMllt . haa to .., oj.,.. to lao.... eoUeae will bay. '.. rabbit I1IPper &IlCI ......... It.II... Ladles Aid ~etJ. Handmade kle, all tennod by little "Billy." Dean time majPng dainty household arttIile the rul...tion of our connbT," talnment In the ~ment of the II ~1III:edlu~"" cortlllltlna. of comoN and 'H.wke, in "The Rhodeit Scholar." cles which will be ofl'ered 101' IBlf lD tbe Junior plaF. II, church Monda, DiPt. NOYember woven and knltrup, aprons , through the Obio Commluion lot" the 2111: nUlIlY ot~er ~ndmade artielel George Dakin Jr.• of Dayton, Willi Blind, during the holiday s·e uon. Mias lIay WriPt left Friday The anten.\nment will be 1........ I'''m be on sale. " the guest of hiB parentll and aister. Eaeh year the number of artlcl.. Ch{cap, where abe will llpend the Mertl ChoJ'DII of the ~Iballlo.nl~ rood place to buy your ChrI4t- .,.. and Mra. George Dakin Sr., and which these blind worken make, t. winter Presbyterian pretl.n~. 8u.pper will be IIerv- Mrs. M. L. Parshall, on Sunday. . inerllosed In number as well as qualfamll,. with MrL ADnl. lU4p of church. 25 voleeeTh1a and ' .... ~:EII:~==~':: UIII_ _ '. . . . Reh even nr to which the public ity. Many of them are real ezpertl ortllderable attention la Is eOrdiall7 lnvlted. Mr. alld llni. Burton Earnhart, of In their work ' and. turn out lm;PriICorreeted YiliOD makes bript.rlldbrtrll~t beca1lM of the excellent pub1laDJ. other attraetiortl will )Ie Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. ,H. B. Earn- I~gly wel\ done. .. Mr" France, I. ba,. .nd &1rll. Let Dr. pro....ml they are .DO" able to for your enjo)'lllent aDd dif. Hart and lira. Viola Harlan spent Lumb, sec rotary 01 the commiuloD, ey....ht _Jitlelallst, .~88 you. TuesI I afteriDOC11l each even!nr. . Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Karl Babb rel!o~ that already orden .... beday and Saturday .t Cary'a Jewelry Supper will be at 8:80, billl of full ~rogram will be and Ion, at Brink Haven, Ohio. ing received tor Chrietmaa delivery. Shop. Eumlnation free. which tile entertainment wiD . ~ery penny deri e4, fro e ~e . pl~. :All members of the 1Ir: and MrS. Carl Noble .nd Ken- are invj~ to' bring their fautilles The human eye is a delicate organ. of theae articles, l~sa tne actual coat Care for them well. Consult Dr. Ru- of material, is returned to the neth Kilban. of Da)'ton, "ere ..,..k- friends. end p~ of Dr. O. W. Hendenon . • - ••- - dolph. the eyesight specialist, Tuell- slghtle88 worker, and many of them day 9 a. m. · to 4 p. m., Saturday 9 are through the state commi¥10n Cary's Jewelery able to support tbemselves in thW a. m. to 8 p. m. .nil famDr. Learn of the em.barnuinw momenta Sbop, Lebanon, Ob,io. . way. of Merlyn Banta, the "dade!" afMr. H. J. Hamm Willi an attendent One gets an-idea of 't he &Teat Jluaiforded by Mabel Ke~n~ .t the ' GYm, Novem'ber lIS. ' at Wittenberg-Wesleyan football ness enterprIse ot tbe 8tate of Ohio Th,e ~omen .of Wamp eounty may game. While there Mr. Hamm saw when they consider the amount of It he opportunity of 'seeu!'IJIIf val- hison, II F',. H " H amm ,0 f ' C0 lurn b U8, money that , 18 · spent each. year for Mr. and IMrs. N. p. ' . at h lin f o~ t e f eo , p:pa~ workina a8 referee In a tltan.ic .strug- postage alone. The general appro.le to decide the championshIp In the (p'r iation bill which makes funds tor ae 'I ina o veaetaCo~ enrol n Vegeta ble o&e1'f Ohio A A ' U anyone II Inter••ted ret .. all state ~epartments available to ~~-. . I pay operating expenses from July 1, with the o f n The first thang your loved oneR will 1927 to December 31 1928 includea Hanldnaon, Franklin, look for on the pens and penens you 78 'postage al1ow~eell' totallinw At the rate of tWo 'E!va Allen, f-b~- !pve them Christmas, i8 thl~, .name: $216.798.00; • lira,. W II . George S. Parkel'--Duofold. Non- cents per ounee thIs would carry CJai~/l~~~·,'nlll!lVill4l. Wayne 1'11.; breakable barrell and poInt guara~- 887 tons of mail: In sheets of 100 Harve,.burc. ~ teed 26 yeal'8. See them .t Cary I 2-cent . dl11\omination, the stamps Worley. lIoronr:, Jewelry Shop, Lebapon, Ohio. , which, thla money would buy would ~::- C1arka-d ' ' cover a smp of ground 22 leot wide Tp., _n. Fre Mr. and Mrs. Walter ·Sheehan en- and one Ill il e long Five requesta 1~1III~, I:Le'balllon, E. Turtlee....k 1'11.; tertained the following at dbmer were for more t~'D ,10000.00 , Le~anon. W. Tur- Sunday: Mr. ' and Mrs. . 'lhomllll (olloWS: Mot~r vehicles divi8ioll' :: , . Mrs. lohn Geicer, PI. Scott, M~. and Mrs. Harry Lo!- seeretary or . staic's oIlce, $19 1100: . Tp.; Mn. Clyde:Walk- lar and chll.dren, Robert ~d Jrather- ,highway deJ1a~tment, $10.600' ;"ol'kLo,...la~~. Hamilton Tp., .1In. ine and Mw Rebeceo Dunham, ~ l)'Ien's compellBli.tion division, $67,000 _rn<I~il.an. ~~, Muon, Deerfteld 1'11. of Lebanon. . welfare del:'artment, $18,000, 'anel You expect the watch you buy to O~lo State un.iveraity. $18,000. run 24 hours a day. 7 days in the week, 62 weeks in the year"":'for '. years unending. When Willi your froJp 81 to Sil coun- watch cleaned ..nd oiled. We have ba'nQliet at CplllJllo aI) e'lIIclent workman at your service. thll ,roup Cary', Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. liar, Pl)'- • 'Oruclnl.l~·: D'OrcltiMia D.viI, Bar .' Mr. :and' Mrs. F. R. Moomaw ' uw velrlblU'lr;"~~81~cllne OIMInel', 1IaIon' the Wittenberg-Wesleyan football FnnltUni Charles pme last Saturday. Early in the MrL Cynthia Evans. who is IPQtI. I~:~~~::;-mlila; Llan Sidenltrlc:- day they·had been open-house gueatll ,ing ' the winter' with relatlv..... II ..' 0(11 .... Frances 'and Elizabeth Hen J'lttsburg, Pa., writing to Mra. B . . . . WlailllL"'__ I - : Lukertlj ot Barveraburc. kle, \p'opular atudenta at Wittenbel'l Hathaway, Rays: '·We ..ere .1..... lebal"ll'OIled the Warren coaty be,., colle". . blo\lks from the scene of the ....... 1Uk. 1OUI; ~rvatiOrtl early • •_11 ...,,. ....... ~Dd IIJu NilU. W.tte Iooi " J ~ pl08ion. and were not' JIl'jured, bat an. olel time Tarleey cl.ilaller at JIODo'".llIet tUn ." home ..,.t In ·..... of " Mn. L. ·H. Goidon, BllBillted, ~y hel' t~e situation 11\ the wrecked ~, 4CTctUilIdW.JIIe VOla, atria ~ their Ita)' ln CObt1D~ mother. JIn. SllIan Wilkerson, en- is terrible." . . PIlon. 'spa, WaynePllle. tertalned' at their charmin, hom41 on . • • • ~" .a._.IL_,_ Third meet IUt WedJlllllday even~::r":"-". - ••"';T t ~__mt: • . W.III II!IL~ ' tQ, hOllorilll lIisa Ka; Wriaht, Jfho r• left Frida, fol' CldCMO, apd lira. L. , ~~ii~:~~ K. ·HendersoD•. ~ Bupdrei(' was The , ;\Va,m in County ~l:==; ~ ~ wID follo..ed~by a dellcio.wluneh. Th~ 1IIII!0ciation met liollday· .t ~ , . . . . lUaU, __&I "ere 11111 Wl'lCht, Mra. HQ!- Dr. WaW_ ~ ti... N.",.... . lt. ",. . . . . . . . . . . . . lin. Edlth .:a:-~ lira. Kate dreas ",,41:: . ~ PI'e~.;_~; la_~lt. ... ... are 001....., lira. Fred Bendenoll, Md. the CQ.miq .,..... · , . , '" . . 0... A.. t. W~ ~ BJoiJe Thompilon. Rev. H. A.. Ro~ Of~:""'=Q' _ .... IN ..... to ud lin. D. L. wID be the tpeakR .t ......... re B id r we Mr. and Mrs. M. D. a Dayton Visitors, Monday. Beautiful are the Greeting and Christmas cards on display at Cary's Jewelry Shop,Lebanon.Ohio.
An cI
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Rabbit SUPnt'!..
--------.. ..------
LOCAL ·WOMAN WRITES OF Dl5AS1~R'Il~.,"'!I'>:1v.1
n. .'
a 'Ye rro"am ,
",.ts u.ra. __ ......., . RI..,.... ... en...
meeticc... _,
HOUSE Ui,uuation.. by Haru;y J~ L eu Copyrl&ht. Mtcwl' V. l' hdhl" thT\.I.
SPECIALIST TuHCl.,-, 9 •• m. 3 p.in
.Satutd.,.8 •• '
7 p.m
.~a~. Jewelry Shop
A...t.oc .... tAlr
PROCEEDINGS Upon 1I1}plicn'~ i()n of the IIUrt I'educcct the \lond 'of lofrs. Goeckhu: t(l $5(10. ou rL order d 11 ctecd be convey d to the . purchnser, William. .ougnn, nnd ctllltJ'ibuted t he proceeds of the 8nl . .' Courl upprovorl thc 511] ' 01 certain property in UH' ' lise af' Fr d S. Slmpall n VB. I·'rank MII I·tin. ,( . horl('~ B.owl'~N WIl S gru nted ' 0 .i1ivOI'ce from ,Rutl1 Bow les on gro unds M exh'cmc cruelty. Service of publication was authorized in lhe c n 8 ~' of Velmn Getts VB. Fret! Getts. The hearing of the cllse against Cnri liliurd WIIS co n l.~u ed until Wedncs(\IlY· Bond WUK reduced to
Court conJI..med the fint anll' flnnl account of H. W. MeeJrer and S nil Mecikcr all ndminitlhl'atorll of estate of' A. F. M.cekor. CQbrt approved the first and I'Inlll nnd distributive aecou'n t f tho ustate of Marshnll WArd. ourt npprovlld the fi rst nnd IlMl account .of the estnte of Shawhan. ' Courl app[oved the t6nth and final nceouT) t of Wealtha hnm berlnin in the cl!tnte <rf Samuel hUlI1 berluin . Court ul1lwoved the fi"sL und filial ~cco unt , of Mary WQlc\ltt liS 'x cu trix of the e tutu of E. R. Wolcott. Court IIpproved the fil'llt account of Naomi 'Ba ldwin us guardinn' of Oln r nee A., Fisher. ourt approved the application or Elli ~o n Apgar for the admission of Ad,lie Apgar Int<) the DaYton Stnt
ho~ pitlll.
PhHlips 1IAl••• ..s
Col1l1. IfIIbteJl 'Ule petition to .ell certain property of the eatat of Da· vid Evan• . ourt ~derfd Frank Kinller, to sell certain real eatate of Mary E.
,- )
and it didn't make any difference," she l' mlnued him. "You're mistaken. Eddie. The flgnt isn't over. You lIJl't win it with crutches. You must wiri it nlono." I 'll nev z: touch another drop. When th e raving for the sluff comes you must be thore to hel p me fight it." don' t ask me," He gave OVl)r Ilt last. his fac~ sui. lenly clouded.' "Well . when are you coming bnck?" he asked more un· ltindn cRs in his tone'lhruJ he had ever displayed lowllrd her before. "When will this cure be compl eu: ~" "Oh, I don't. know- I don't know,' she replied, drearily. "There hasn't been a !lingle month since our .marringe that you haven't been ,?runk, Maybe six months or a yearHe echoed her words with I\ngry incl'cdulity.. "Why don't you get a divorce. nTld be done with it?" he demanded. " I lhink that's whllt you arc air(ling at!"
A New Job "Poor kid," he rntUed on. for her atti tueJe nor her e-xpression hnd not changed. "it must have been to ugh , that night alone in thc house. not knowing where I was or what hnd become of mel" Concern and con· trition oversprend his face. "I'm a beollt, Pat{· 0 selfish beast. But it's the last t me. Where you living?" "With 101r. a nd Mrs. Kinnane. They're nice old people." "Well, we'll forge t all this lind start out on the right .foot. I' U sec Mr. Kilinanc and explain- " ' "No." The word st.opped blm in mid sentence. "I can't do it, Eddie, This hall not been nn impulse. I've thought it all out. Drinking Is a bab· it with you. It will become more of a habit as the years go 011 until you are / just a sot. " She drew her breath sharply. "It will ne1(er be· any easier to stop than it is now. He slammed the door violenLly a8 You have a fight on your hands. a he went out, But remOr81! overt\lok terrible fight. It must be made rleht him before he reached the car. He went back to find Patsy bowed in Ilway, if you're to wi.n." . "'But, PaU" There was hurt and tears over the, typewrite r. "I'm ' a bewilderment in his eyes and his beast. Pat," he soid, remorsefully. tones. "I know it ; I know nil that. " I'm not wortb crying over. It was But the fight is won. I've told you not true, that nasty thing 1 said. You
CUte Buick ,AutUlll:R ' Dis play
C7! 1l1E co~dially invite you to \:J UJ ~ttend a special showing of motor car fashions for 1928-introducing lustrous colors of lasting Duco ••• rich upholsteries of the .finest quality •• ._ new appointments.
No application of appraisement . ha ving bee n 'mude, court determined the g ross value of the estate of Abe r Probasco. Ha~I'y E. Schnell filed first and fi. nal account liS admlni B~rator de ,bonis non in the estate of Hattie smart Schnell Philip Whitacre and William C: Walkcr filed distributiv account in lh .. estate of Newton Duffield'. . R, ber L Settlemyre fil et! inv\!ntory and oPPI'uisement of the estate of Joso"h Nicholson. - --('ou rt ordered 11 certified copy of NEW SUITS J( 1m P errine be filed. Court ordered a certified copy Carl Leyden V9. Viola Leyden, suit tbe llntl'Y dete rmining the inheritane for divorce. tax in the I!state of Joseph H. Wilt! ---be fled. ,. .' , . PROBATE PROCEEDINGS , , CO\I\·t ordered Robert Settlemyre Celin Thompson filed inventory and to soil certaIn personlll prop~· in appraisement of the estate of Chrls. settlo!ment of the · eSUlte of Joseph Nicbo l~on. . Linann A. Thompso!1. Court approved lind recorded the Ha _TY H . . Pene!! mad~ application proceedings of Lola Voorhis 118 exec- to be appomted guardIan of Nina utrlx of the est.nte of Walter Voor. Pence. The appoin~ment wa. aJl· his. proved ,and ac~epted. H. S: Conover was appointed ad- Proof of pubhcatio.n of the appointministrator of -the estate of John ment of J. A, Shutta as adminIstrator of the ~te of Jqseph Hlsey. Conovor. Court fixed thle price at which eel'. !,roof of publication of the aptain stocks 'may be sold In the settle- pOI1~tment of O. J • . Edwards all ad- '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ . ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~_Pt!!..!!!!!.!""!!! _!'!!!_~"! ment of the estate of Edw~rd M. miDlstrator of the eatat.l of Mary 'L. Israel IItt N thwalte Md ' LYdia! Thlrkleld. . ,Edwards. Mae . IIttcTthwulte to Josiah and l e .. Proof of Pu)li1icatlon of' the ap. ProQf 01 publication of the ap· Lloyd Davis four lots in Waynea. : polntment of 8amuel Hyinan . and p'olntment of ,Nora Hawke as admin· 'Ville. ' No' Hunting with dora or otherwise Ludus A. Bowman a nd Elizabetll or t.rapping' allowed, day or night, Oil Ruby Hurwich as executor and e,reo· latrl!trix of the es~te of Stanley Clif utrix of ~h. eeUi~e of M- 'B. llYDlan. ton H~wke.. Bowman to grantees, 19.69 acrea in the following 'a1'llllt: PrQof of pUblication of the appoln~ Proof of publication o~ ~e ap· Union Tp. FRANK 'BRADDOGK ment of Fannie Penee audmlnletra- po!~enf~ tOhf Jetan~!e ,KJellhingKuUu. Mary B. Hotler to Harry 'B'eachler ED FURNAS FARMS trix of..the eatak of Forest Penee. ecu ....... 0 e as ..... 0 0 n es ng. one town lot in Franklin. Proof of pubilication of the apProof of pUblication of the ap· Mary B. Hofl'er to Sue R. Beach. - - -- - - - -" THE PUNNING M. D. polntmimt of Riobert N. Settlemyre polntment of Robert Brown u ad- ler two town lota In Frnnkli n as administrator of the eatat.l of Jo- minIstra~r of the estate of David Amelia ,Eckert and John EeJcert to "This ill where yoU( yet naek," seph Nicholson. Evans. Gus Rlnokhoff .66 town acres in Sal. warned the M.D., as he injected the William ThonilplOn was appointed Court a~proved the IIPplication of em Tp. ' serum. administrator of the estato of Jennie the executor to accept c.ertaln ahares Gu. Ririekhotl to Ada Rinc:kholl' • CorriQgton. Ap' raise~ , were . ap· ot; stocks of the e~tate of Adaline .56 acrea in Salem Tp. pointed. T. WhIte, Arthur C. Frensdorf and Christine The lut 11'111 and testament of An· T. Frensdorl to Wolter ScottPrens. .' b:t:reOonnaok was admitted to pro· dor, 37 'acres In Turllecreek Tp. w6nld be for her . O' rt . d th 11 Oharles M. LeeUe to Obe EvaDll'j But on \hl. Su~day his heart beat ou approve II a.pp cation of Ii town acre, in Union Tp. u be' lett the house and Ccc\a Herbat to llpend certaIn fund. Eldon P. Kerby to Edpr JohDIDlI. r . EcIdIe battled lo? laia lao mo. FUNERAL DIRECTODwent out alone 'lbe lonesome rod 10 of the estate ~ guardian of Earl 90.10 acres In MaUle 'l'P. • • e , . . . . I'Y. ........ the north. HIs.cyes were aUeht, his Hel'bllt. Edpi' Jordan. to Enoc~ Abner and WAYr,fESVIUE. OHIO I.' ~V... ' Miranda Abner 90 10 aeru In MusteP buoy81lt. There was In hla air are rip't. It W:lJl have to be fougbt IIOmeth.\ng of th.a fearlul exhilaration MARRIAGE LlCENSES II, Tp. .' "But I can't- 'Win 1rithout you I" .......1 Ful,y Equipped for Good out. And I RUppoae I must do It, ,that men e;xhibiti as they co into batWalter Braelmey. factory Vlorker. Mary S. SUver to Benjamin V . "You can't win it with me. ~OHIO baa been proven. II • alone. 1. can eee yo,? sometimes'" tle. '" . Leknon, to ' Alice Yeazel, .factory Smith and Ida Smith. two to'IIITI lob Berne•. She nodded and lIJIIiled throuidr her · 8eon he . puled a fourth truck. worker Lebanon. . W." --'II It wu a ' wretched hour that Lalige Diepl., Room. tears. . . Theq were. two on the seat In mDt. .' an .... nesn e. , Ambulance Servlc. 411!~~~:7~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.J~~~W'lP~~~~~~~'oI~~::!:::l:-::::!!;~~n::~~~~'~.~d 'to ro a third perl!he~ on tbe l'~ Of the lIam E. 8fttit~. Bur · IChemea load: AU eyed. him suspicious y u . REAL ESTATE 'l'RANSFERS gett and Marle Bu.....tt. ODe town lot fol' hired they jolted by. Another two mnea Thomas S. and Rolle Hardin to J. in Franklln. T£LEPHONK 'I li.n OR NI~~ 1Ip1~."lu one of fal1nlland.--f01rlllle 8um· Ilnd he came o~~ a flft\j truck In tlle P. Lamb. 186.98 aerea In WaJ1\e Tp, Oharles G. Hleke, ',nd Emml\ D. ·--~~j"'!'''''''''''_iiIil;-,iiliiiiiijiiiiiiiii~ mer. The waaes Davenat paId' were bottom of a llt,1sle. valley. The crew Mary F. Thompson tq OJon a"d Hickey to Walter ·E. Beeeher. · 20. 07 1~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!<••!!!!~ t !i!'!!!~!!!!!! above the UIUBI acale. But he de· of three was ellangine a tke. Bla Lena Keenan 140 76 acres in Deer- acres In Turtleeret!]c 'Tp manded .uporior eervlee. There,.lnS 'bands clenched Involuntarily' and .' • lo'{lnl' and planting in th' ()~eler blo04 IUrged in't o bla' eyes. He l'ee- ~ld T p , . - - • clds' the br..kl~ up of new tracts ocnbed two of the thr~ake, the Charlea W. Leslie to Henry C. -'E SO w.,.'VE OBS RVED with ~ tractor; and, when the plant;. driver and CuUey, the cuard. The, SIIUl'ta, .87 town acres In UnJon Tp. • ,... 4 • ing Was done IU'Id befpre tile lleed of were the men who had riven him BenJamn V. Smith and Ida L. - , - - -MONItY LOANED I!ultivatinl'. the' flmoval of i'N8t druned whiskY and locked him In Smith to Walter A. Kellner and Oe- The IItunnip« coast·guard 'fnds the the cal' llound for ClIleal((l. lellte C. Kellner, U.95 acres In path of 4uty pine stumps. , , A. Eddie worke.d hb mlllcl enpc. There Will n,~ retreatinc fn Cui· Wayne Tp. FUll oft a moab unpleasant' one fQr LOANS on ChattelJ.$tocu. Securled In endleu calculations. Enn If ley had looked l' uP and the :recognl. J E Whited to George A Mover . titlll .nd Se"ond'li,,"--- N.o _ h d . lit !lold th d ·tlon wu -mutual. He law the ruard '. .. • *.' Hetl , him.. .,....- av::rltebl' .... ehe.,ran hand Io dlwlftr, . to IiIII hip , JIOcket. ,78 town acreilin Frank,lln. rather neck with somFfalr"ath hQul\'ht. John Hal'blne ,Jr., ~.n'" t ~ b ouae ~ h e :n_ci"f!i..:! eou: He N\W him sp:~ cautiously out of Eatelle Le\VlB and Rou C. Lewis, lng beauty Ohio. -m80-!11 :~o~/L :::e, tou;a:ethe back the' oOrlln of his mouth. Whereat to AdePleJiSon. 1,286 town acres In Than l'eseue the old maId. wllC! can· tl~on! But. he Qad a Yal'ue Idea *hat mOlle}, til!, other two Inen stralchtened and Hamilton Tp. not swim. , . coul~ be raised .elsewhere. Perhaps stood in an attitue 01 'Waltlng~ ready F. J. Lewil and Bou C. ~wis to ........._-'-__ .. .~ ~ .. the coye,rJlori or Davenant, would ad. to snatch out a weapon if the I}eces· L. Ai ·'B0Wlnall and Elisabeth 'B01W· YE MODER.N FABLE Pannua of ~a.rren 811~ adjolnln. vance it. . Any way. he would not alty arose. JIUUI/ one town lot in lAban on. 'count! ma), obtain mona, 011, Ion. worry until wo~ was lIece8sary . He decld~d on • eou1'88 of acUon, W F Bunt to Anna L. Brown time loanl, at '5 'per Ce,!t IntarilL L b ' t and throttled the rage that pollIO_a •• , H a II ve d a t t e ranen ut spen hli He broul'ht' a amlle to his face town lotii in Monow. '!Jan't there lome , fable about the €Olt of· "!lu~ U.a ..me ill va; nASundaYI at hla own cabin. Usually II ~ll" tl.ere I""rtal" he called _I~ ' Katherine Sherbet to Earl Ridinp, .... disguising him.1f With. lion IOnabll' ,tltrouch The ....,.. he lett Davenant's eadr, 10 that he ' ,jJ , II; , ,t'v I·" f t I ta in U 1 Tp IIldn. n micht have many houn at hom It b't. It salona: time since laY f,ou our own 0 non. . ' Bank.. For further Information . . was hla first ImpUlM to ,"II; t;.uy (liuovri- Whant have VOll been" Georp A. Moyer to J. E.Wbite~ "Yes, but now tlie ~~lle... dC) tha on or • .tdtea II. 0. DRW, Tnu. 1....,. ~D'wn every-s..bbath. but . (To-bC, continued) edt two Iota in PraDklID. trick with a IheepaJdn. "---J.....iilr.., ...JIji9;1 . ..., ;'i;ne...,al1in80I:"IIA.,...'TIA~6i-.;;:o;;;;n;o.-iOnl:liIOO~~,--~<= ,
iI ... ~"""""'__
The lH!aring DC the case again8t Eddie Terry lind Clarence Abner was conti nued until Wednesday and bond reduced to $250 each. Sorv lcc o.t pu blication was grllJlted in t he case of Curl Lcyden vs. Violll Leyden. . ourt ordered that The Miami Valley Coated Papl:r Co., appear before the j udge on the 7th of November at 10 II. m. , In the cose of Fred C. Wellner V!'!. Silos Gudgen, t he dotllndl\nl was grnnt('d loave to file mol!on~.
The Buick Autumn display opens Saturday and will con· tinueall through the week. Don't miss this intereSting exhibit.
Keelor .Garage Lebanon Ohio
No HuntinoJ' Notice
Walter McClure J. E. McClure
Farmers. Att'en' I
and own;}Um prid,tqohaopd that, hlld his pried stQ ."ay maldng it harder for. both of only oeCBllionally he went Pnrto'.... for Htpner with Pat-
~~~='~~~.~~·~~~=~~~=~=~~==:====~~~=~===7~;:======= = B C M PA ' YNE
to was Ute ·C8,Jlln un1lU1ulAltv-early. He wa In the, floor pOlilder'Ous throb:.
awung c1o~n from the the ,turn ,In ~ront of his door went on tl>warp '_. Long Portage. Withh\ 'half an hout there' w:ns &.\lotber.,. and 'inBide a slmlor lapse, another. '. "Must be a liquor' ahlp is at the landing;" he thought, puttin&' away his tools. "Gue88 I'll ro uJ? and see what slie looks Uke." " ; Curiollity Was not .the only moti"" .. for going. lie had 'not conquerBd ' the cra.v;ing> for Iiqu!lr. At times tile appetite swooped down like a tidal wave, utterly sub~erging hIm. Then he clung to one anchor; Tile thought of Patsy Jane. "You'll lose her If you allp;'~ he warned himself. 'fYon'J) lose ber forever. And What kina, of a wOl'ld woul!! it ,be, Wi~hout.• her • She ba. lives you CJ\~ beat· ~be boole. Sboo;y . she'i! rlrbt. She'. worth' ftlrhting You'r.e <the1uekiellt man"Tn the world that abe lovel you Jenough to give you a 'Chance." , He had beaten .the wave 10 far, there was. no liquor avalla. the appetite' rolled the hlghThere was none on the Daveranch, pqncipally becau'e Dav.. enant hated it, and would not have 011' the place a man who drank. So vic. tory of a .lOrt rested With Eddie. When the craving: 8ubslded It left him. soma ' tjll\eB, luDen and resentful . tqMard Patsy. He' would tell him· tJlat she was deaRring' of · rio eo deratiorl; that any flght ·for ,.har :1 was t!11 itletljl ·beeau,a .Ihe had aoned him in time I)f need. unrealO1}able mood lOon palllCcL Toen he would aclrnowl*e wu rleh~ Love welled aDew, and he RlIOlvea to make the tabt for her we. ' 11 he dI~ W, it
. ,
• ,
Ii5'iiT~Fine '
hlrda; excellent lingers; IIOme all· yellow. . ,Will ' malle fine ChrI.tm.. rift.. Addreia. Mni; O. W. Bendenan. "WaJ1\8IIVille, Oh". " . ,' -.16
FOt'SALE-.2 Jersey 'CoWl~ i and 15 ra old; a pu~-bred GU6rIIMJ
hei era. 2 ' years old. ' W~ - N. Sears" phone ' '79. . . . " n28 ' FOR SAL~De Jersey cow. E. F, ~elfllnicje1. 'R: It; 1. ' '. -dB
FO~ , ~"'E;-M~ie 'J!alf" Qu.....)O. ' Ibqu~ . of . ~mest
Butterworth. r .-Dl8 \ ~OR 'S~155-e" Super-Hatch. InCubatOr; new. Blue and eream baby\ ea~laae and a canary bird,' IDe singer. Inquire "of LaWrence She,.. herd, W.yn~Ule, Ohio. -n18 FOR .SAIJ~12-puP Paner allotcun. in fair condition, D. E. StaDel. I Iford. . • 4,1. PUMPS+-Boeldet·... UDa Of aDd . eiltern .pumpI; Jiand." eJectp. &lui \lower df}ven, ~ the' beat. .. PUmp 'N-' pairl. ~E;. .1l()CKLET·KJN~ 00.,., 4115 w: ~~ St., Xenia, OlaJo. · . FOR SA~Pioked ~ .PP.... . fl.- SO Ii.., bU/Shel. JIl. A. surfaee, B. D. 6, Way;n.vlDe.... -Dl' F~R SALE;-Male hOC. ahout 18 montha old, pu...·bred DIU'oe. Tel. ephone. Centerville 841 ~, BoDa Boltoll. -ilia PIPE; VAI.:VES AND lmutClit lv all PUrpOH" . Boddet'd...... .plUinbll!l'" and- h~Unt~JlIIU. ... beat. .TBE BOOXLBT-KlNO .CO .. " W. ~nl.: 0;We. FOR SALE-lI'NIh COWl. : B, H. . Middle R!ln Det,hborbood; °Dll - - _. F'OR SALE.....Wblt.I eolUe PU)ll. .... Charles Burnett, B. D. .. W.,.. ville, Ohio. . .. pho e 2~-4~. t
., ."
"Je wen ~
"-a'" ......
Senator Wainer, of New. expects to travel to WuhJn,ton , .. ,.,.~ .1 II, . ,.... / .. m.. al W.... n week by all' durlnp: the .eu loM Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gray 'a re 110w. 1,10.,•. •• S_e,,"rI· Ot • •• Itf. .. ~, Congress t hlll' winter. , At that he recoverinsr from their recent lU. no t the lin t B\.pteaman to let to nelllles. lhI_riptl~~ i'rica. ,1.110 per Y.ar SeJl!ll.~ by ' the air route. ' The Pythfan SI.ters will hold a " . :-' ;. u)e In McCarren's praee ,Sat" . L. CRANE -'':IbU.b., Ollpta'l1 Ronllld Amundaen the ex- urday evenlnl, November 19. . , phlrer lamentis that· there is nothinl morll for him W do. If time , hanp M1:I . W. M. Gillam. 1Its: Mary Dos R OV EMBER, 16, 1 9~7 and Mr. and Mra. /( .S.I Collett heavy on his- hands he mlsrbt go fo -- - --..:......--- - - - - .. -i-....--=- lndj~ria and help untnn,le the polit. were Bbopplnr in Dayton, hiday. AMERICAJIj PROSPERITY i'cal sItuation: The Baptfat .Miulonary Circle :- ,- ! a very succeuful food sale in ]n t he light 0'( cold f llcts 7~ropean Remember the 'old day a :when the Can-en'a garage, Saturday evening. jClllousy of Americun is silk st.ocking-vot coni only - be iound in the lIl'iatocratic warda? Mr. and Mn. A. S. Collett en iilogicul in the..' cxtreme )Jea n dislike of :_ _ ; .and . ,v , Rev. tained over ni"'ht Sunda ue tlleir w 8 1th is silly. The , eviet governm ent hilI again and, Mrs. W.O. Keis, of Wilmington. PI'o B IJ\lr i ~y hus IIUi lld in the recovery ~ h rQwn Leon Trotzky out on hie head. Herbert Carr is at home after an (I f ~u l'o jJ e to a m o~ L phenomenal ex· Bu l Lcon's hcud seems to be m~e of extended tour of the states, where Lent und it has be!!n be neficiul to all r ubber. be bas exhibited his hors at the fairs, other nutions with which we trude. • :- _; . An old Dutch door was sold in Mra. Howard Graham attended the • Demund for raw materilils hull caused a va st increase of imports New J ersey as on antique the other Republican's WOI1le~'8 conf~rence at (r.om countries ,that proiluce the ba- ay for $1,200. It must have been CQlumbus and Manon, Friday and sic components of many t hings fab. the door to the cellar. Saturday. rlcated in America. Thus Japan hilS :- -; Mr. and Mn. A. S. Collett attendinc"co sct! her exports Lo t he Uni ted A gypsy wo~an was fined the ed the Wayne Township Farmers States in recent years by 337 per er day fo~ tell~ng fortun~a in qlub. of which they are members, on Thursday, November 10, at the home cent and t o all other coun tries only str eet. It s eVIdently eas.er to ' 140 per cent . The sam e ra tio holds a fortune in Wall street than to tell of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Elbon. good t he case oLher counThe eleetion Tuesday resulted in tries in I rom whichOf tmany he industries of one.. . - -. . ..., _ _
the United Sta\.eu drow esse ntial raw materials in vast quantities for their operation. American prosperit y hOB placed a t the dispo881 or Europ e an opparentIy inexb/lustible store of wealth upon whleJ.l she has drown liberally fOI" lunds which have gone into post-win r econstruotlon, in.to the rehnbilita· tlon of her industries and transpor, tation system. The fact is that a 8um equal to t lie total wartime loans our alliclI hall . been Invested in fOl'eign securities by people in this country Bince th\! wa r. Such a sum poured into a war wrecked Europehas acted 811 a wonderful stimUlant. It has aided in the ~ecovery of In· dustry and has given employment to tens of thoull8nda. ' , In addition to t hese commercial and ban~g boosts of European indU8try .American tourir).i by tbou· 88ndll have cr'()lI8e~ t he water to spe~d hundredS of mllho.ns, which. fa jUilt that mucb cl~ar &,alll tc) Europe. Here again, American prosperity.baa bllen I ddltion to bein. a very lenient n t th tiona be aided d .... , ere or 0 e na . u Ing tf e war ta t n Ie
Speaking ot self-hypnosis, the New York papen have now gotten them. sel ves i!lto th~ frame of mind where they think t~e New York Repub~i~a."!1 ~ode a political blunder by cntlclEm il' AI Smith'. , :- -: Eight nat uralists in New Jersey went out into the wilds the other ,day and bagged twenty-four pol ~onou8 snakes after three hours' Bearch. We know a fellow who took two drinks of . synthetic booze and caught more reptil es than that without leaving his hotel room. ;- Mr. Levine haa landed in Rome but 'we doubt wbetber he will engage in any quarrel witb MUllolini. • _ . "
the following officen for t he village; Ma~or, W. T. Jordan; clerk, C. E. Levlcy; treasurer. ~. S. Tu~keri mar ahal, Newton Craig , council, W. W. Welcb, W . dE. O:~e8~e'FIr~ sfer~ ~. ~r ko.n, H S ~c :r an d8nJ . ' . ar . . . uc er an . Dav •I h~e~e .e!ec~edd me:ben of tWh' to e . wna p oar 0 e uca on, ceedm&' May Harlan and Ob8ll. den. Wm Lukens III In Columbus week, allllisting In the 4-H club congrellS, which is in 8I88lon there. Miss Dorthea Davia is the delegate from thill township. Sh~ br!np home a report of a IIplendld time from an educational as well as pleasure stand point. The delegates were . addrelllled by sucb noted persons u Gov. Donahey" Judsre Florence Allen, Dean Vivian and otber profeuors ' ot O. S. U. They saw many thllllfl of illterest on the campus. Mrs. A. S. Collett entertained in delightful manner at a 1 o'clock at "Hole..Jn-the Wood,h on Tuesday, November o ow· . 8th, t"hefU jng ladle!!: Mrs. E. ·B. Doater, Mrs. B. F. Doster, Mrs. W. M, Gillam, Mrs. Boward GrahaIn, M,a• .lI. E. &tton. Ma. Ge01'l(e Denny and her llatal'" Mrs. Eycke. Ind.; Kill Nan Collett, Itra. Sadie Reason JIra. B 0 kin Kn W W Weldl' lin. O:'..bee, Mrs. Shldaker, lin. AUie Daldn. .
£'nllerW AT.
N ftII) Fall
$2.9B to 88.9'
Buy "Her" Xmas Gift from Our Selection of •
Fur -Coats Every coat ot Donenfeld Quality. style and dependability I
$1.00 $175 OpoBlum
LOCICJ~ MIND A _ _ __ "Yea, lir," said l~he aviator, u hJI Illst pallenger left the aviation field, " that lrUY was preltty dumb. When he started up be wonted mtt to tie pieces of lead onte. hit! feet 10 that if he fell out he wouldn't break hi. neck."
Jour far coat Xmu rtft now and ha~e {t charred or put In lay· b, until the Xmas Savlnes cbecks ar.
dYe I
Others, $135 to $500
lDlilor "eene, personal ahopper. will be glad to aaSlat
YES-WftOJSIT7 _ _ ___ TranBmitter-"W'bo fa thJt'" Receiv,er--"WeU, Ilf you don't bow younelf, ailly, hOlV do )'OU ezpeit me to tell!" _ _ _....~ ..._ __
Calf Caraeul and manll other5
yOU with your Xmas aelectlolla.
Gag VivaciownwQ(Jcl Youth in this .
Buckle Pump
Youthful Gold
Illver '
Public Sale. __
llent wben worn, Administrator'. PubliC! ~e . of- • "t\b fur or .nnter ' L. ,S. 'lIutts, soldiers burial, $100; Real Estate and Clhattela bll Ail cloth ooata. Trustees of Public Aft'alrs, IIgbt, Bon IItreet,. .between 6th and lUi $38.98; I18me, Ught and &,811. $36.81; streets, Franldln, Ohio, The Western Star, proof of SA1TURDAY' 'H&Vl!MBER I. ltD. ' • same, " , a Commenclnr• at 1 p•• m. I: , Stencil Woru Co., sUPllllet, ,2.10; , 'W. II. BACON v • ...Innin.. at 10 a. m., thl Burrourill Addinc Macbine Co., luI,.,." Bellfta(q at 10 ofclo~ ,the fol. ~.... • ..__ maintenance, '7.70; The Franklin Simpson and sUrs Auct. "Io"tnsrl e horsee, 11 cattle, !rOod at public auction at the lata nat. al property of said decedent. eoaaIIt-Chronicle, l upplies, '12.60; Alfred " , 011", 15 bOI8, 1100 chicke'DIIi trictOr dellce of 'Stanley Clifton Hawke de- inc in part of 1 mule. 1 .one, , C. Brant, prlloners ,;uhinr'CU8.26; AI I' .... , .._ I farm bDDlejaentJL in ahape: ceued about 1% miles from millt COWl , 45 head of hollo farminsr ---..., . I . 1" ""1 •' , ' L ' " 1m I ta tluadla cab. alfalfa . The Dayto.n Stencil Works 0 •• IUPand their minet and work- pllea $3 07' Robert Warwick acat pUblic anetion at my I'IildI1lM, W, f om. lloustbOld ate.. ve)'llblU'lf on New BurUnsrtcm and p emen , I , Hope. Other natlonl have .no count. "16';' Obio Central Co. 8 ,% mU.. S. of a JUaoe blUt tor terms. etc. . Harveyabul'lr road in MUlde townsb1p uy, Ito. . 'wood, eoal, etc. See ral with American prospenty. It phone rent, "8.&0; same, $21.80; N. of Oreconla anld '% mill E . qf JOHN LAMB, W ty Ohio on ' billl for terms,.... . ha. aaved many of them from bank- Trul tees of Public Main, llsrbt and Caesar'. CNek Co,re,red Brldte, on W, N. Stan' and S. L. SfmpeoD, " ~rrep coun , . • NORA. B. HAWKE. l'Uptcy. • _. If8&, $8.82; Web Slmpeoll, paJ roll, MAId WEDNESDAY, I!fOV. II, 1i17 A'utL w. &, O'N'Iall, Clett. THURSDAY. NOVeMBER 17, 1117. MartIn .. Stanley, Aucta. LABOJt AND WEALTH W. Tompldnl , same, tatS; F. W, d Mrs. F BarrIe, • 1 $S7 ; Fred Snider, _e, $310.15; V. 'Cart lin. B. i;;i::ii'iiii; ' ijiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1;;;;iijiiiiI_ _ -Una, same, ,240.60; JOMpb W. a~ I 'f th bui . I ab:rtC 0 m Colonel E. M. Bouae writel Inter- ..me, ,77.60; Edell Terr,., eatlnsrly In the McCaU'II, concemln. ume, ,188.20; ....... lIIT.90 I ~ on ~ .p. IfHr1I!IIUD.... tbe economic, political and IndWltrial Retthr, samet ,lOSt.: ..me. ~ a lIrIv;,nsrJlra. c:hanpa of , the world. He notet 1he E. Dradbu,.,., aame, ,119.90; boore, a : : - ~ucted' bJ "·""'IIn'a.,j l1'eat ehaqaa In Ruui~ Germany, lJumpbre,.. same. '160.76; '7~0:m. went to 1Irs. AUitria Poland and the minor Slav Monee, same, ,UI'.25; S. E. B S. T " d~ J W L~L.. eaml, ..... 0"" 0 _B-L.·.. • tieduc0..er • • ,.states, 'u -well u tho.. more IU_ ~V;'" IJII&I th aa ...rs. anel chantret In coniervativi Great Brit- $18.12; _I, ,78.a8; W. ~ e aa~ lin. ain, and the u.nclt ill F.J'anc:e, ltal,. labor, '8.'11'; , Pan! p~ O;et GfIQ' .... and SpaIn wbich ha.e mad. them '10.50; B. II. Clark, abort talk on thl ''Nutrition Coone some~binc ve,.,. dill'erent from the veyor, '14; John LewIa, hkh' wi,Il be taken up thla wiakr II!)verelpti8l! the world once Imew. W. A. Scott, bridp npaJn, ,~; JlIaa W.~' directio.. su Dcler . Dllt Colon.1 Bou.. ftnda that of an Ian Whitacre, repalrs,wn::80,' ~~t'dlmlblltecl the' Food BabIta Score the chan... there have bHa nQne of Re,.Jda, "aUaa ~ •• 80."~k ~ aad the acorlq call1ld quite srreater Interest than thOle that haVI ....., cumrt npa . . . . . , t bit rrrJme to taken place ba the Ualted Statu. JI..., ..pair"'1.IO Albert Darla; .... ~L_ _~ d " f ·Tbe mllllonalre ' ln America Is too palri, ,7;20; »arid .....n __ """ a I.aa 0 1dcheI, "lad aad C!O~.,..--:-_,::,," common to attnet I.ea an Idle In. ,112.86; Enoch UIlU'J. ;erat witll the eomfortaJ»l. aDd weD- atone. '51i JohJl Law aDd • ~. to-do compriainsr a mlaht)O bOlt, of pU., ,'2.48; C. happy people. N<» wonder Coloiael ',ILI8; W. C. y " Roue deb.. the Ualted Stat.. .. Kfppf- brldae lumber, • ani Cook, ....ve1, ,81)1.'16; W1 a paradlae for labOr and wealth. Labor and wealtb In tIda cOuntry Carren. &ravel, ,860.65; ame. him the opportunity to Jo~ a C!olUltantly are P'01rinc clOH1" topth· 80; Bumphrl. and Collins. IfHftl, olltdoor club ot bo,., can. el', Inore and more are reaUaln. the~ ..n.8G; !.rle Blank Book Co" tapthe "Open Road P1oneera." Intet-dlpand.ncy· and th. laborer pU. flO; S~e and .vIIa IlaehJne can make It ~ulbl. for to 'of tocIar mQ be U.a mlllionalre. of to- Co., repaire, ,1.26; The , OrqoDla quire frie aa. , aD ' over morrow. There are no rutrlctioill Bri. Ocr., repairs, ,9 16; D, W. tbroup direct on iDcUiidaaJ initiative. Character, TQ~or, repaIn. " ,John Law ... .d bO)'l of other PIlIP'" ad Opportunity make for Son, liuppU.., ,11.25, L. B. wm~ blm to take part ID Cai1;ooa, Butted Treuure c!olIl'-ta.1 Induatrlal and economic aupremacy tool repairs, ,, '.851 H~eJ Jam.. and "bDlty, and tlila equally applies truck 'J'epain, 19.70; Wa1tea Ganp, bla Inl~ttve and to wealth and litbor.-Clnclnnatl En. IlIppll.., '88.'18; B. BO,PJII..and Co.. can " .. bUD 0•• quirer. cement, ,usa; IJ~eJoha Broa., tbrIll1nc' etorlea of aport., ment, ,eo; lIon'OW Feed . .d • m)ltery. and 01 ta. Co., materiall $3.8(; artIeles writtea '1-~"'~"";-----_o!i'-~lriD. Farmll'll Excha1ll'8. "ve 1I0ne b,. ,a5U8J Lewla and Drak., :W:~~Mt~p-:,....A.acl..a!L:loI~l.. O~. '58.15; "'JIDrBroa., ...paIn, him .. yearl IU~ Paraaoa IlaftDlDc CO., eoupoa Open Road for s.,.. Wa ,IJII; L. L Pea. . iepaln, , ••111 the moat poput.,r boya' ..... City Blue l!dat and 8upp~ Co, ill thl .UDlted Sta.. 8eeoacl prints" ,U.48; Ohio COft'U..t;;l aODe ia qll4llty. reeom. , vert Co., J'rant b~ J)aJ'eIlta ad " to boys. A ,1100 ~l)8Cl1Pt~a WE GET ·l'HEM QUICKLY' AIID wo04 Co., Motor .1I'e&t ~. F~EE OF CHARGE , bOy IWppy Dot o'iI17 at CALL U. ",NY -TIME, A", oua oYer, "EXP,£NSE . Jqhlllton, : for the wbole '),ear to C!Ome Auto SUPP", w.eJL . patrlcl(-FNneb , Ia' the put. lear Open.Boa~ Wml,m UO., material, ~ ,5t; .n bfl.. ta1'IIId 01' WOD mON Shults, ~~, .,5. Open ' 'Road prlz., inclllidliJiCl
UII~to~V~~~~~~.u· ~It
.W· ~ '.
ha~ bee~ \~ef.1table Sa:-
«a~dt~ d~h ~ ~:ney ~n:r:'r ~e apnrodu::~f ~bel~ ~:I::; fores~,
M uani..
::e~ -x:!o~)'.:!.
Your So Happ.
eqalpmeat, ndlo leta,
WII""''''!,., .mualcal
bundred doD", Abd to cap the 'cllmu, The ioacI Jut Illmmer .... oli
~I "";1\
Wa~ell'rilJe; ~ '~
X:::.n L. !I"III~I~"'~iii::'i;i~"·i'iiii·1i.'i~iii··~li·i 0: !.w.:
..... -.... ... •
'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~'~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'I .' . ~n-
Mn. OlUlllie COIC Every. at this tim": .
==- -"----=- {-
T o'1lo.ltta 'Very
Mrs. J\ E. Smith wu u Dllyion' vis.
Mr~. ~tll'Ilh
Cole's Chats -~ .~ -'----~--'----------
Vol. 1 Novembur H), 1927 Joy. iAI spendin g " few ~-itor. saturday, ' • METHOD~ST CHURCH ¥ .r. a.n~ Mr.8~ J~~ 5 J C\hns were dnYli in D,lyhl11. Publi.laed in .he inis !):l~. unclllY S~lJ.ool i 10 :15 pre~ch Xenia V18\tortl, ~n turduy. z. p!!ol11 anderln' 1\1l'. l . 1'll I' n Inn 11, o{Morrow . . ' .lng sH vlcu >tJIiIJ('ct. "The omlna' tere.ta of the peop le ' I' und In1" at th Fri 1I<i ~ It 0 1\1 for the Iymlr.r. Kingclolll.'" 1) :15 EpIVlIrth Lc.agu; Rememher, .Rev. Zier. r's leotur of W.~ .. enillo .nd 'i :()O "J esus and Lhil nue tiona 0,' Lytle Hall F't-ldRY even mg. I({.' ~... t he f ...m • • nd "',rm. 1'o1\AA 'l'rillenn nnd '!i s.~ Margure ... . era of thi. n ci';ily. Edwards ~' re Lebanon visito~g, to- Today." 0 Bernice; Grllbulll is out of s liool )'ou clUn·t. t.nke your, Aaron S, Wlltkins, L,R.D., Putor, we~ quite, sick with tne grip. shues tu u duclol' FRED M. COLE d~ if 'fOil noed to htl I'e " I ---Mrs. 'S .. H. B~lr~et and Mrs, J. B. - w-;'"~vi ii be glull t hem hul!., oil/d . W. B. quir s fin d V ern ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH poncs lIpent l"i'iday shopping ill Day. to I) ubli ~ h l\nnOllnce AVd you 'rlev r gO ' 'Thr•• caD. ........ ... ' .... 37t. Su ndny. No vC' mber 20, service tOll . ' wer i n olulll bu~ n bll'sinel'8, )lUre Ill l!flts of ChUl'ch 01' to /I bll1ck!:\ll1it h CO~II''''' cl.l. Ti.y, un 20<:1 3 can. .. ................... ,..... : ., .. ~ ............. 59, '1'ue8111\Y· 10 :00 II. m. r.mt=t: . Ethel Bishop, of D. u yton. is 'choul llv~ n l.s In t his Tl) got youl'~e l( cur. Co.at..,. Club.' ,Sif ..... c••• 17<: \ 3 'c.na .............. '................ ............ 4!'c . Stlnaay, N~v('l11bel' 13. service of MiH8 SylviR Donohoo this llf1.1)jgJ.~ CQme nnd liste n to 111ry }:lt o Guy space. J uat phone ·d ,of u cold C •••• .." ..... c~ SIf..... c ..., 12cl . 3 c.n . .................... :..................... 3!i., tell of he.r "poor, dellr hn ~bond," 7 :30 a. m. or bring thc lI1 111: we Now you IlIUY not Father Bien. Pastor. whom she remembers at 011 limes. ut wllnt to be u ~c {u I. I,c sick nor shoelcss Mrs. Lottie oroy. who has been Country Club Seedles8 t he GY1l1. November 23 . feed the WilY fUl' n)· AmI we couldn't MA,R.Y·S CHURCH ill ror sorno time, IS not 80 we ll this ST. 11 oz, Pkg, 2 for .'. . , . . . .. . r8 wallt it ground. help much if you FOR MEN ONL week. r 'I 18ft ~1I.try Club. It 0 •• S .....d. 3 pili . .. ,.... :......... ...; ...... ................... ... 2!k RU lISon Salisbury lind Perry Rea· November 20 .. Sunday next beron} . , were. (I{ ud bnckwurrls ) S .... aid Railla., Soe+d or S_dl•• , 15 oa .• pkl· .. · .... .... ..... ........... llc chool ot 9:30' ?oh'. "nd Mr~. Edd Longncre nnd made a business trip to Colu mbUS, Ad\·ent. Chnrc'h Bllt when It comes Didn't you if girl We deliv ' l'ed six Morning Prayer Ilnd Sennon lit 10 :30 Mr3. M Ivin Swu llk were Cincinntai today. to good hardwaro. II be wouldn't YOH . Heatrolas last w k, Rov. John J . SchaC'lrer. Rector. shopl'('I': )\fonday. t' . Soft 'S hell Diamond It relld would yo u t Yo u bet t hllt's just Mr. and .M1'1I. L. IT. Gordon spenl whut we' re "for." knew \Ve. Brand 1927 crop lb • . .. . . Mr". Robert Burnot und son. of Day Ed C n,m p b (' 11 unday ofternoon ond ev('ning in t Oil, ~ Jlel1t sevel'ol III1YIj lust week with ......I. Nu ... lb.............,.......c...... 27c Mixcd Nuh. Ib ............................ 27c OF CHRIST FERRY CHURCH bOllj:ht n Hou b'olll Dayton ·Peca.., .atra f . .cr, lit ................................... ,. ,...............................4SC · Huve you secn OU I' Stllurduy mom inA'. Morning service 9 :30. Remem. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. H. Burnet. The Lions club will new .window displny ' Coming to the Gym, Monday night bel' the gonl. "'The Slory of a Pi. II! r'} fff.:lry Cllflnony attendcd a Ho 5U~'8 ho Is tlno' meet tonil$ht Ilt Mrs of Aluminum wlll'e '! Cb",ntry .C lub November 28, the Oklahoma Cowboy oncer," wlll be told by t he minister. inmily dinner Sunday at the home of bothel'ing with his .H1lt.hn\"'LY·s. After Every piece is Il'U8\·· extra fancy . ... • nu~pices of the Evening service 7 :80. Sermon on MI'. llnd Ml'!J.. C. W. Younce, in Day'Band, under fm·nllcc. in 11 f ew lu nch organization Ill1tecd to 'give satWaynesville band, eo.....,. CIIlb, ••1... faaC}'. :I Ib...:.85c Bur .now for Chrlatm ••• "Knowledge of. God." ton , YCllrs he will snvl! plans will b )lorisfaction. All ore welcome. cHough money in !ccted. II you hl1\,o I Mrs. Charles Gebhnrt lind daughMn, L. C, Mills was ~hopping in coul (0 I'ay fol' lhe Nathan J ohnson. Minister. not· joined yo u III'C WI', Alice, of Miamisburg. were callSpringfield WedneJIday. and visited A "Priscilla" perHelllrola. lnis lug a wh Ie lot. L~le friends Monday even· ing on Ilister, .M1'II. A: C. Deem. colater makes good . Ib ....:.... 3 in::. coffee boUt' I'. Happy F rod M. Cole J .... 8.....1. Ut.... _... ,.............. 32c A... o.d.l. 3·11.. c............... ...... t7c Mrs. Oharles Adams. o{ Topeka. Lawrence Thomas H rdwue. Farm 1m Mr. and Mrs Oharles Davil< and Kane., was the g uest 01 Mrs. Mary "Rl1stus. whur's dis ha s installed n FairplemeDh The Happy Hour I:lub met at the ~O lJ t C:incinn nti . were 'Yeek-end E.tmore 1'--:... ...._ eo•• ~ Br. .d, . Lea,b Adams over th., w~ek-end. here nuked stalc dut baTIks Hummer Mill. Phone 32 \MII..aJ all., home of Mrs. Ada Sm ith. October 11. 19ue.' ts of Mr. and Mrs. CalvlII LongEatra FADc),. Ib ............. dey find all de craNow he clln gri nd W.ync .... iIIo;r, OLio 10 ... p.cu................. Be Bure to see Boyd Hentlenon, ith t wen ty-two members and t hree 'ucre. the "puny Uttle. . country boy," en· vilIitol'1l present. . . :Ml'. nn;1 Mrs. Irvin Weidle. of Mi... college, al\d how hia buMul After the reg:ular bU8~nes~ 8ell810n Illnis);u l'g. spent Sunday with Mr. and ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""'!!'_--:~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~_~~ H'I,tn"I'. 'Harold ~rryhm,. rets 011' the chairman of the nomlllat~ ng eom· Mrs. 1\1 Iv!n Swank und Mr. and Mrs. Sta....rd Pack. 3 ~..., .. with boardins"b~u8e keeper, Ma· mlttlee announafce~~ th~hol ffihcO"n ffor the ,Wilbel't Swank. . A_....., Z .......................... 25c NODe Such, pll ...........................1Sc ry Etta-Guy, at -~e Gym November ~Olll fig }'ear. ....l' .w. c t e oUow. SS, at 8 p. m. . me program· we.' gl en: Mr. II d Mrs. Harry McGinnis. o! Drom.dary 4-oa. , MU8ic ............ ,... Selecti,on on Victrola Wayne ,·ille. were Thu 1'8~ay dinner Packq. ........................... w.n hI 3 .talb.. . a.n~ Mn. Ernellt Earnhart alld Recitation ............ All!1a Louise ~oalt guestl! 11 the home ot Mr. and 1\11'11. 0...••• or Lemoa Peel, pq.... 1SC Ih~bil'ilren. of Carlisle, were guutll Readm' g "1'8 "'\ale 'O'O_L. . . Walter Kenrick. Mrs. RoSll Hnrtsock. Mou. .........."'....... ... ~ UAgL. IH"_~r. Reoltatio,n.;;- .. .. ...... ,Betty Ih'addoek Mr. and MI'1I. J. E. SmiUl vislt,ed ·SIdaaM, 144 aft., ....... Read1ns- So~IILl .Oondltions In the latter'lI mother. Mrs. Jack • _ira faac~, head........... Mr. and ltll'S. H. B. Eal'nhart were R Washington ,. TlJI\o .... , .. MI'II. CrOll cia', at th, bome of Mn. Ella k dl nner guest.s 0 f Mr. an d Contest eeitation ....... ,.............. Benton Boak Ing~ .. at Soutb Le"·-on IIUL 0 c: oc: .,... . Mrs. Homer McColm, at Dayton. Fri. We. PaCk. ea., ..... ~. day night. The hostess w;as assisted ~ eel'Vtnlr Orville p~nhp. retUJ'lled Es. Faa. J.~.~ 11t•. ~. a delight£ul two'~Qllree lunch by Mn. ~ter ""endmg a couJ:lle 01 FAIl. SlIa" Mr. and :r.lra. Herbert Edwards and Rebl1 BraddooL with hiB cOU8lna, Mr. ,."d Mn. Knter'. a-. P _ III Cund; 3.11t. little sons of Dayton. visltl1d . Witten, ear Klddt.totm. FnieM ~ .............: ........ llc plec.. or au.,., grBl\dpa.re/lts, ~. and Mrs. 0. WE KNOW THE PLACE Mr. and 1(1'tI Walter Whitaker and
.Peas ~::~~~~~ .~~~? ~~~~~~ .. ..... ..13c n
• ••.
. ........... . . . .............. . . . . . . ... ... ..... . .... .... ... "
· S Wa Inu
':" ~ .
, \' t-:\Wre
$1 ' 35
45c !~~~~!~!!. c.27c 19c 13C Cranberries
Hour Club
'- ---------- ---
27c' ~!~c:.u~:~~. . 1Dc 19C Cel~21=!:, 25 ' c Citron amC~w...I·22 C Lettuce . . '14C ' .
SbrimP . 1-1.. Cakea
F111It Cak e
1. ~~,~
. . . _. : • • • • •
•• RalSlnS
Read all the Ads. in
_. ' ] weets 19 S 17C C . · 25c Ba 28
The Miami Gazette.
. If you want advertise •
ing, call 112 and we
lit........... ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sherwood, Sunday afternoon. (tmtb' _1'0 Sunday gullllta of the v_ F C H Btl 0 .. parents. a.nd n. Mr. an d Bill>. ' . ' artaock 0 0 wnel'-"W ou ld you IlkII Iuattn I Meredltb at 111'. Johnsville. lIOn, Charles. of Milford. and views of the plate to send to e , • . M1'II. Chadd .Smith baa retlll'lled Mildred .Hartsock. of Ohio WesleYl'n, yqur f"lend lS!" DI... tisfted .Gllest--"Slr. 1 think it to her home here, ~.. Bp'L!JI(Ulljrl t ile week-end with Waynesville IWoIn t.lv.''' ' _ would be better for me to keep my several weeks wttb ber daqbter. views oj thla place to myself I" MI'II. Edn, B\lrh~an, at Osborn. Mrs. Mnrvin Blanton ond Mrs. Ocie --,..H1'tI. Frabk Miltenberger Ellis and family. of Mt. Orab. Spellt TRUTlilfUL CUSS tbe latter part of the week .....lnl.. ,.. 1 sevoral days last week flith their IIlIIter, loire. WJlIIam RobinROn. who baa . ---her dalJlhter. Ki'a. O. C. An,hd4YCCHI =============================:====-===========================~. boen very sick. )Ire. Father--"Ho1]' is It, YOJDl. man, and family. move from Dayton" I ibid JOIl ~daJq m1 da\lfhter! enterviUe. "'lId~uchter wu alIo wttlt her few dllYs. • How it ta, YO!l1Ir man!" Mn. Obul. E_ Joh~ and Mrs, LIzard--- Great! Gnat I" Walt. XelU'lak attended the Ohio The sift bUfin. season ill here. • - • Coundl 01 Republican Women at 00tel our store and you will be lumb~ Saturd.q, and delighted how quickly ed easily , alao w..,.~y lD the and PAcrlm ... to Mari. on, Christmas tift problemll will be 1I01v· edt You wi1lreceive the moet cour. teeu attention and alld The DoIcu t' .• J " Th_ f1'om a d\atallCot who attend· 1riU not be crowded 01' hurried. a,~ met at the Pu- eel the funeral Mr. Scott early While the pre8ent rich &IIorton Tlnuldar. 011 ~ancJar. wve: Jln. Kia... '---~--~-":"':-""'-""'--'~--I-I-mentl--ill complete. Oary'li .tewell? Miss MarJorI~ IIIQodoc1c was hom' 1'I0yd, of Kt.,mi, I'lL; lin. lIJron .... 'IHIIlLon. Ohio, "The Houae o~ from Green(leld Buatllees colle.. of SprtqTeld 1l1li Edna , er the week-encL Brctou, of ctHIDll8tlj Mr. ed Mrs. - - -......--.--~ Miami Quarto,rl, .... bald at the I'l¥k Hayes of Bethel; Mr. and FrIenda' churcb bere FrIday &ltv- ad Mn. C. 1:.. Allen, of Greenville; day and Sunday.' ' . Mr. and lira. Thomas Broob and IIr. and Mn. Oreqer. of Mt. Orab; Mrs. T. W. Conklin Iulrered a ... Mr. ed Mn. Adam D8)<, of ClarJcs.. vere attack of gall Itones, on Tbura- Yllle Mr. and Mrs. Edd Patton and day, and -Is .till.contlned to her bed. dau.hter and Mr. and Mrs. Orrie Thomas HaYl,lip and family bave Wal1ler aDd' children, of Middletown. Mr. and Mre. Allen Emrick enter. . moved fr9m tht! George Evana farm With the opening of t he rabbit and to a farm on t.he Wilmlqton.Xenla .taimld to a sumptuoull dinner pllcaeant hunting season, the usual pike. dav the 10llowt............ts: Mr and l'UlIh to secure hunting licensell was , , - - . - -' • Carlton and Forre.t Smith and Mrs. Raymond Davis anu ROnll, Mr. made On Tuesday th e II t d Wayne 28% Hog Meal Is -. b" profit maker for' any 1Iog' railer a 1arge' number of rabbits w:: b":;'d thel~ wivell were week-elld l'Uuta In and Mn. Frank Carman. of Dayton; Who has an abunda .. tee of corn to eed. the sportsmen starting out very ear: the hODle of 1\I[r. and J(n. W. C. Hr. and Mn. Chadee JOhnll, Mr. and ThIs high prote~n conceutrate balallces YOllr corn at .& very low Hn. James Johns, Mr. and Iy Smltl!. COlt per unit of dllrtltible proteia ,..,urea the au.he8t feedin. vaL ·severaI c hanges j n the bunt.jng- W•· H. Reeveil ill recoveriJlg • Berne Jones And ThflJ'le JOlllIII.. from Mr and Mrs Eli RUlIIIOll and Mn ue from )'our coni. ' laws have: been made. The limit on an oporation for acute appendicitis Marshall' motOred to Ingomar' ra~blt.s has b~en reduced from 10 to performed In Mlal)li Valley hOllpltal• .Frtday and Mrs. Clyde Oox and he~ 6 1n one dlY. ~e old provl8ion In Monday 01 lut week. lIIo~e~ Ill'll. W P Stroup returned regard to the taking of rabbits pre· u__ " . , vall except all to th ba '11 it. M. and .IIll'IO. Adam Dlckenaon were With them. lIIre Oox haa been otber change affec~ th~ :llln of cal~ed to, OOIUDlbuI friday, by the the .\Ulimer wftb her Dal'en11.8 rabbits. They can be lIold only ~ur••erlOUII 1Ilne~ .of "r. DickiDJCm's ~mar. and her condition relnalnsl ing the hunting season which extenda father. He IS I'ecovering nicely. "tiOut the same. PhOrie No. 21 from November 16 to Janua111 JIoth -!2L2!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' dates inclusive.. • '= ---Phea'sants can be hunted only· 'rom ;Fr=--';iii!=3E!.~_I!I!i!_!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!l!!!!!=_E!a!!li!!!!!!;;5ii!iil!3====;;2;=ifiI ~=::;i;;=====':-===;i;;;;;====;o;;;:=:;;i;=;::;;===;;;:;;~.dJ November 15 to 25, both inclusive. The 'new limit is two on one day per htinter. . Only co~ka can be ahot, hens ar ~ protected. -
will attend to your wants.
All Vel. tlnd Felt Hat., Tam., Etc., UJUl6e .J" at a Great Redaction.
ce Lincoln '~Smith
Gel Qllicker.6ain$ at lowerCost
Waynesville farmers fxeltuge
---_. --_.--STUDY ·T HIS ONE
¥es--·lt Will Last" .
Ride bard, a~d a GOodyear Tire will stay witb you for thousands of miles. ' Ride easy, and a Goodyear Tire will stand by month after month. . . ItreaU, dofsn'.tmatterwhetheryou pile up tire mileage au at oace, ()r spread it out over the yearsGoodyear gives you the best service under every condidon,· all the time. They cost no .mere and often lesS' diaD you are asked pay for many inf•.rio~ tires.
"I se. )'onr flrat hUllbed II marryins Clara tomorrow?" . "Yeah?" "Too bad." "No 1 ollly half bad." x"
1\ ote 'These Prices (,n Genuine
' Goodyear Cord· Tires . 3Ox3~ Clinch.r Oversize '.... - .. _.......•.. $10.95 . • 4 Straiaht Sid. . ..... ., . ..... . ... . ...... :$18.00 3Sd Strai~t Sid...... ............. : . . , .... $19.00 • 4~ Strai&ht Sid•.......... • : ..... . . . .. $24.75, .
,Motor C<».. ~
W&,..e8vi1le; .Ohio
POll ad ·pac-'........... Cracllian, pr , G ...... W.f......t .... ; ........ , ..........
See BJg' Bills
partltala..,. .
are .•retlrlng. from. "u.ln••• ', and sto.cl .Has It o 'b••0Id. ! >
A •.·
Seven ty.Nin th Year
Whole Numb el 5780 I
NCllrl~ n milUon pcrson~ , vicLims The fIrst ICllders' ,cluss' In Vegctn· of 118 tli st ra, Imve I'ccciv rl asaiN' hie Cookery in Wayno townshi p, was tl\l\CC from the Am r ican Red ross, held ,at 't he hom,e of Mrs. Will O'NeaJl on Thursda y, Novemb er' 17, in an all. during til e orgullizntioll's last fiscal dti.y mceting with all districts repre· yen I'. TI\I'oughout Ille 'ivililwci wPI'hl sented. ooking nnd scrving nnd I'Rprcilllly in this country , floods common vegetnllles was discusseof the ragin g 01' 0 1' thllu~nl\dR of milCH, til'eM domons trated by tile Home d and ,1.>xLroying whole vlllllge~, l ornnd oes, Miss Wntts, and meaus made Agent, out by ' ! nneI h Ill'rtCUIl CR swellp,n ' g over en t'Ire the Indies incorpo rating t h e prinCI· stutes und denth.d ealing explosions, pies studied. . combi ned to make the year one 01 un The following menu was offered by precedented calamiti es. Mrs. J . L. Menden hall and accepted . · b Fi gures t n ken f rom th e orgnmZQ y the as being a goo d menu tio n's annual repl)rt today by local ror the group average family: Breakla st, chapt.cl." officials show thot more per. orunge, cereal, bacon nnd eggs, Grit. sons have required u9sistnnce from hum Gems coffee. Dinner, pot roast ' , th e Red C rOSS th IS year t h an III any of beef, boiled potatoes, buttere d like period in the hiator?, ~ f ~he. coun· carr ots, 810w, cottage try. While the great MIB8ISSIPP~ flood milk to drink. Supper,pudding, jelly, creamed po. WIIH Inrgely "espo nslble for l h.'s, the tatoes, cottage cheeso, Rod CrOSH WU!! callcel on to gIve as, cookios, COCOII, rnw apples.junket and ~ista n ce following 76 other diStlston This mcal has at lcast a pint of . hi . lit t 8 co u~try III a II (I't' I Ion t o 21 f or · milk per person a day, at leust one eign cntuRtrophlCII, whole /,rrnlned one leafy veg. Tornud oeR lead the Iisl of Amer· etuble IlIld two cereal, vegetab les beJlidos po. icun disaster s [or the In. t year ",!Ut tatoes. It also the advanta ge of 2B, and floods run I c108~ 6cf'ond w!th not being sohasdifficult to prepare that 21. Next on the ilat a re fircs, whIch t he housewife will have no time for ravaged . pOfts of 11 com!"unitiee, anythin g el&e. The other dls~stors wel'e l1'IRP~lIune . Followin8\ list of Wayne ous catustro phles, such us hurrlcun es Township leadisersthewith the date and mine' explo i0!lB, hall fI~orm~, railroRd place of their first meeting . The wrecks and disease epldem,cl. leaders extilnd a cordial Invitatio n to The two outstan ding disasters or all interest ed ladies the year in which the American Red neighborhood clallSes', to attend these Cross guvc aid were the Florida hu r· Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall, townehip Tieane ot Septem ber, 1 ~26, and Ille counsel or; Mrs, L, V: Branstr ator, loIi1lsi88lppl Valley /lbo.d of t his y~r. aut, counselor', Mrs. Will O''''eall, ., In Florida, the orll'um~atI " n eXlJ'!lI i I • townShip project leader, and Mrs. S. ed nearly 4600,000 for the relief S. Ellis, a88lltan t leader. of approxi mately 40,000 suffereril, Wayneav~l1e ,dIstric t-Mrs: carry11llr on a ellef and recon9tr'J'~ l(oClure , Mn. RU88ell Salisbur tion p,"ogram over a period of five J. B, Chapma n, at the home y, Mrs. of Mrs. montbl; McClure. Fri~v, Novemb er 26, ' , ' Durlne the emergen cy re11 ef wor .. 1 p. tit. . In the flooded M.lIISI88i.,Pj wlley, Lytle dlm-iet -Mrs. Oarl Duke alld more than 60D,000 persona were ald· Mrs. Ruful Watkin s at the hom. 01 ~ ed by the organio tlon In the elgnt Mrs. Clara Bunt, W~dneld a,., Decem· affilcted ltat_IllInois, ". ~ca~., ' . Kentuck y, ber 'I, at 9:80 a. m. ' Mluour i, ArunlA B, Tenn _, OL.· Lebanon Ts. L. C. St John lahoma, M111!isa1ppi and Louilian a. December 6,Plk_M at th. A rei ef fund of approxi mately John, at 10 :00 a. m.home of Mrs. st. ' • 1',000,0 00 ie·being adminis tered ·by O'Neall Diatriet----:Mra. Dallu Do~h. R.d Croll8, of whlcb more than ger, Mrs. joe Tinney, at home of Mrs, $l~,OOO,OOO had been expende d or Boger, Novemb er 26, at 10:00 a. m. commit ted at. the close of the orran· Happy Hour Clu~Mn. Fred Brad· Dr. P. A. Garner, chiropra ctor, lutton'. fiscal yMr. An .xtenuv e dock and )In. Harry Smitb, at tile Lebanon , 'Ohio, Phone 78. reconatruc:tion p~m is a\ill und.r home of Kn. Braddoc k, Novemb er . wal there, and up to ttat time ....'N 19, at 12, 80. , Mr. and Mr:s. ~rl Hawke, than 90,000 fam)llea had been rIftD Green Brlar--M ra. L. B. Brannoc k ton, were call1lllr on relative of Day. a Sunday rehabili tation aaalstance. , Mrs. Lee B. Earnha rt, at the hom. afternoo n. Ohio IUffered four dilUter s of IUf· of Mrs. Robert Balllqe r, Decembe1' flelent mapitu de to require Red 8, at 10 :00 a. m. Beautif ul are the Gre.tln g an,d Croel • • Istance. The molt dutruc· •_ • CbrIatmU carda on display at Cary,1 tlve et til... was a flood In Hocldll8 J_elry Shop,Lebauon,Ohio.
Alm ol,1 ull /l owly uom children ur~ i lllntUI1 IJ tu uiphLh riu. 'rhis Immu· TH E WAY TO LOSE IS TO lI ity i ~ inhcdll·d fI'o lll lhe motlier, GIVE UP wlto lik.! mo,l lIdults i~ immune to the di.,,(\;;('. fi ut ill most hubios lhe immunity W('IU'~ ulf durin/{ lhe firs t I f you hnng on (mel p r~cvere you yelll' o r lifl', ancl Ill'cvl'nlivc lllea~ure s mny nnt ~u cceed nnyhllw. but if you tlt U$t he lllk<'11. A ('Ilild ttlny lake give up you nrc S UI' to lose. di phllll'l'in f ront OIl1' til lell dUYR uf. Alhert Pnyson Terhune . lisled reIe" ~"Jlosu l 'e. the n\,('I'age incubation ccntl" " 0. number of lhingR about failp I'iud being rrum tWI} to five days. urca who hung on und tinally sucThe onset of lhQ di~ 'a,,) nmy be gnu!- cceded . ual 01' rapid. ~Ol1lC I!"l'ly $YnlpLOllls li e lells of Gndbnlcli. who had lost a rc chil ls, f vel', Ilchil1ll' pains in the c\le l'yt hirl" " lind was in pri son and hea d: bllek and l i llll;~ and Jl ti red cono\eJlln od to !lenth, yet he never rcelillv;. [II 111.. ~t ~1I"l'N lhe little vic. IORt hi ~ grip lind lived to be t he Satilll comp lai ns .. r a "') 1'0 t hl·oat. The vio l' of Italy. h . A middle. aged man t rUllt IH u ~ ulI\ly i1111:1 1111'(1 I1l1d v;ray' cord· d ' St 'L . , peddled h bb ld i ~ h white patche~ IIPP(.ttl' 0" UJlO or wo!> 1.11 • oUl~ I~ a s a y 0 , both of the to n~ ils. 'omclilll cs, how. iJrmy coat, yet 11119 fi gure was Gen· I 'veI', the ,li"cllsC mn y slU I'L in the eral Grn;tt, who nflr.rwn . nose and nct like a cO;lIm on cold . Or led preSIden t of t he Unt!ds was elcc· ted States. it IlIlly be luryn geal diphther ia which An Ob.cul'e co unt~·y furme~ wa.nt. '. I erl to come to IH more common y called m mbran· Id t i t h'America TI and t f hIS King nf eou s CI'OP wou no e an. tn armer Novcm ile r and Decem ber I tcrward s . became ruler of England , .a wuys Oliver Cromwe g!VC the greutcst numb.or of (liphthe· Putl'ick Henryll.could not make good no cases. If your chIld shows any , , . . of the symptom s consult your doclor III the grocery lIU8IDCSS nt once. Hemembel' that when the furm , but becllmc one of or on hIS our most ultti to:>(in i~ adminis tered in the first fn~~us ?J~I~rs. St '\1 J k hour uftc r the npp nl'l1tlce of memo 1111 ' be ngo l(!n;,wB t nc :on I bronc in lhe throat o r nos~ th~re arc ~:ali:;d ~o S~~I:hcc ~ ~ ef t~~ r;cu~~: no deaths. But don't walt for your 0 0 0 child to s' h I' t f t h II ' Bulwer Lyton thougbt he was a symp .omsio e ISfuilurc case, a d'IP hO\1 when t Ie ria cpldem c 01." even a , andh t hough he iyoung ' I'd h case or two in your commun ity be. wus a h ope ess mva I e ung on fore taking Bction against this terri. aod was afterward~ one of t he moat ble . disease. The Engll~h wrIters and a memo re.a re . d'IPhth - er.fa famoUB ber of the peerage . carriers as well as curners of typhQld Thom A Edl h d and. ot?cr " diseases . A diphthe ria newl\boy ':andy bu~~~ra~:s t~ on carrIer I~ a per:s who hill! the germ from a train and his fall Wllred his _ _._--1 of the dJ8~asc m ~is hose o~ throat, hearing . He got up and tackled hJa but who IB not SIck from It. The k germs are found in t"c secretio ns of tae s 'aneW and you know - _.- what he L\ afterwa rds. . t~e nose, mouth and throat of a car- became Alexand er Graham Bell was no£ nel." as well as in that of a person, much of a succe8S in bis :'1 : youtb, but who has t.he disea&e. t hose who bought his stock According to t~e best medicnl IlU· was peddlin g it at a cheap when h. rate are thorltleB daphthc rla' Is a prevent able now ricb. dl~,ase. To ~revent or avoid an at- ltobert. Louis Stevenson, a eontack, they adVise .have the Schick test 8umptive, sat on a bencb made ~o determI ne wbether 0; not Francisc o park, middle-aged in a SaD ---and ....... yo urc~lld is suscepti ble to.t~e dlseose nileas. He became The reeuiar rnonthly me.ting of ODe of the ,i;;t B~ thIS te~t the . usceptlb lhty of a!1y fa mous writers in the world. the Happy Hour club was held Fri· Dr. P. A. Garner, chiropra ctor, chIld to dlphthel'la can be deternll n· Napoleon the Third day afternoo n, November 16, at the Lob to EqOh' Ph 7B ed. If the te~t shows ~e yo~~gster 'land, was dead broke fled home of Mias 1'tlollim~ Bunnel and anon, 10" one . Is 'Tlot Immune hav ~ binI , vacCl!'ated bare living In America. and mad. a Afterw ardl Mn. C. R. Bun.noe~. Do you like fiddling and as ,a p~otection sgalntlt the dl~ase A short bUll,neBB I_Ion WIll tol· old.time songs? old.time became Empero r of the ~nch. Come te the Gym whIch IS one of the most contagious . he Napoleo n Banapa rte was conetd. lowed by a very intereat inc program Monday night, November 28. known. ___ --:,.of music and readlnp and short talks ered a faillll'8 when a "'OUng rna" • _.. # by Mrs. Satterth waite and Mrs. Hock· 'Mrs J 0 Cartwri ght .., MIllS Olive ett on tbeli: trip 1;0 Columbus md Ma· :Allen ~nd' ~t :y a. C~ge of fortune beeam. Mi~ Alice GoZU: were guests • So.o~:myo:u rion. Also a queat:iounaire to which at a bridge party in Lebanon th.:s ,: .1Ie , Satur· ou can hold on. Nobody In the anaW.rs re"'<lle d the past life of day afternoo n. . ~hen the U.htnin e is caine to : . lIiIa Elva :,.:e and relUlted In the 1011 of on. lif.. See &fr. McGinty , one of Teddy aOll, lpent ... 1\'• .....,11 or where. • _ eI all, The Red ero- _Iated 2S0 p.rsona . ,. RooHve lt'. Rough Riden, at Farmer s Granp No. .IS was Katheri n. Fromm. Mill M&l7 C. Antrim, ' of wUm~. Monday night, November 28. Gym, The other d....ters ere a flood in pl_nU , entertai ned durin&' th. lee· W U th DI cia .n and ltd toll, lira. Ral.lgh, Bogan, of near Ntw DEAT HS Waahiq ton eOllllty ill which 160 per- ture 1I0llr with readJo p To be held In the ,Methodist church e ft Pis IItrictly ~ BlIrUngton, and Mrs. Fred Kimmerle IOns were e1v,,, aid; a 'tornado at celebrat bla' the ".11 and mualc ~IH Mn. Albert Drake . spent flOvernl of Thanaon the j afternoo e ~D ns ao • 1II and H. th.m. were euesta of th. afternoo n, evenings of Mrs IndIa Clevenger, wldow of Ia. Sanduttlty whiclli clamap d '71 build- 11m.. days the past week vlslting · ber. sis· Decemb er 1st, 2nd and 1' _ _' J _,_ Sli and Bra, u~der wood Clevenger, died Sunda,. even. Lebanon Ohio illP. killed on. perlOn alld hl,lUi'ed A ,two-eoul'lle ,l unch was served by ter, Mrs. Walter Glenn land S, S. 1IllII, d.lepte to the Nationa l ~" httle the auspices .w:"", of t he Ladies ,dd lIoclety ing at her residenc e Lebanon afte~ op, " the h.oateBBeB. 1'hey were I8Iiated in niece, Mias Katheri ne Glenn, " others; 80 ellff.rer s w.r. aided Granae at CI.nlal ld, W at thllir A good place to buy your Christ- an illness of eleven In JaR retunI· Stanl.y P.nc. baa return. d to Way• .orvin&, by lin. months. She was by the Red ero... Anothe r to~o ed, and he . .". a brief Arthur Hartma n, Mrs. beautifu l new home in Cincinn ati. mas p~eseata. ~and.made article8, aged 67 years. Mrs, Cleveng at Shadysi de caase.d conaid.r able th. convent ion and promileaccount of lI. .vlD., after Ip8 ndinl' the lumm.r K.ller Boat aud IIrs. 1arae1 Sattertb · er and " ... • "con ~8ttng?f quilts, coll\forte, woo her family moved to dam...· and caUed the R.d Croll reo more d.tailed account of d to live a on " lliuluip pl river theater boat. waite. , Lebanon from . Tbis Christm as get hun or . 'her ,ven and kntt rugs, aprons It .t ,10m. and many ' Spr.ingboro several years ago. She The neeem er me.tine will be at a pocket or strap "!Vatch . lief forcetl Into acdon future dat.. See othe~ dainty handmnd~ articles suit- i. survived by two daughte The annual Red ~.. roD call il Ruth Cook ad lIargare t Thomas K~ Doria Hawke and Yuhtl the home of Mrs. Quinc), Gona With stock of depe,n dable timeplec,es, our rs Rhoda We able for gifts Beek.tt Will be on 8al'1 apent tile week-en d viBitlll8 Mrs. Jolin Wilson, ualatan t lioate... and Elsie of Lebanon two' aiatera, now b'eln, carried on. Thl. or.-Il· aleci attende d the convent are ~ member of "The Gruen Gul1d.'/ ion on FrI· IOu Lou.lla WlUfamaon who is a Ita Btfng the children tQ 8~e , Santa Mrs. Aretta Nicho'ls, ot' KIIIlIIiB Citi, • - • sation doea not ~ve .. driv..... What day and .ach eaid a f.w . Cary a Jewelry Shop, Lebano n, Ohio. Claus. Supper will worda cqn- oat at Oblo W..l.yan,' and Mr. a"d be served cuch and lin. Mary Steblon of Wlnch _ it doea fa to re-enroD old m.mber s c.rnine the ~. U' d 10{ R D T 11 f Wash vening from 6 to 7 :30 to which the ter, " lin. Mark n, nee Edna Kel· Ind. Funeral aervloes held laat and to '1Il'011 new member s In til. Cookl811 and aPl'l.. wen Hl"'ftd and "'1, of near McMilla .nr. an rs..: 0 , o . • publlc is Delawu e. y 'invited. AliIo at Wedne8day, R4)v. Frede.,ick Kirk.r, rante of the Red Cro88. , '. " Ington, D. C., are Visiting t heIr par· S :30 eachcordiall all Granae rs f.lt it an evenine evening a shott program officiating.. Burl!!l in Springb oro Of every m.mber shlp, 50c is forent/!, Mr. and Mrs. He~~ tSatterth. will be given as follows': sp.nt. You'll find the rine of her dreamB , , cemeter y, warded to Nation. l headqua rters fori waite for IIfew days dunng he, hunt• - • Thutllda y menu-O i yster stew; sand . for Cbristn iu at Cary" Jewelry Shop ~-.~ reU.f work. whlle the balance , 60c of ing season. . . wiahes, pie, doughnu ts, and a musicul Lebanon , Ohio. All our gemi are C. W. Gordon died at his home on each $1 00 member ship $4,60 ot amp Ire ~ r .. ~fullT selected and , mounte d in comedy. ' eaeh 16.00 member ship and ,9.60 of Main sQ'eet Suturdo y afternoo n. He Last saturda y afternoo n Mrs. J. . Friday -menu -Baked chicken pie had been th. latest designl. There will be ;no echool this week W. Edward s threw open her in foiling hcalth for sev· each $10,00 member ship, I. retain.d Waka' tina Cam 8re Girl. had pleasan t 'jVith 011 Its trimmings, "The Old eral mohths. . His wife and da~h. on Thursda y or FrIday becaUle o~ bome • by the local chapter . _ a l~rg~ The r au \I r at th.'hom . of their compan y. Nine tabol!'amj)y Fotygra Mr. ph and Album." Mn. Chari.. Jobns, of Ly· Tbanug ivine ree.... ter survive him. The funeral sllrvlce Warren . county II asking for 600 .:.~= ~ lloomaw Frldar les of 600 were in play during the , Saturda y-men u-Swis s steak sup was held at the home Tuesday afterNo- tie, . .va a very formal 12 :80 dinner, m.mber s for 1928. Th.re will be .. ~te:;no= an~h her ' 18 . The gtathe g:~:; per and elF tra fixJngs. NO'lember 22 complim .ntine Mrs. R. ('Tying a noon, Rev. L. A. Wushbu m, offioiatGrade carda should be given out e os , lIS WI f:~IOWi~ no hoUH to house canvau but, for :'::ked e aul8 nce a~pper whUe the l!'Inmak - D. Toll, of Wuhlne ton, D. C. The tbe we.k Dixie Knot." In. Interme nt was In Mlaml-e emryour C;ollv.lllence. luppllea have been followin l' Tbankq iving, but tWCfou ng ~B~ghtRn Gn~~. ame~ ttrtatne d ow .....aut Many othe~ ottl'acti ons will be t ere etery. ' Mrs. R.--fh-Toll; they will be held up because of th. ,Mc ur«: I18nt to ""1')' bank In the COUlity. an~ .nlit. Tom.r lid OUl' Torch- 11ft. Henry Satterth waite, Mrs. rs. er, ~erv.c for your enjoyme nt. War· number of pupUa absent from echoo) a tem~tmr lunch: . , ---You are uqed to stop at )four blnk:. .rer Mia Val.~~' The ~est hst ~n= They were ren Espy and Mrs. Amos Cook. Saturda y afternoo n .at 1 Q'clock. Mrs. A, B. Ivins died Sunday eveon account of sickn... . at once and pay YOllr Red Croaa m.m .n~ed by 10"" .~d c1u'i:d'h M~d~\ ~(a:I ~' Mrs. ~ Come with mule;. your baskets and attend ni,,&, lilt her home near Ridgeville on , , bereb,p dues, and recelv. your re----; EOSO er, IT it . vi Ho°ftfW After the aupper 'tV' had au IoforMr. and Mrs. C, R. BunneU and Mias Helen Graham , teacher of the • . M~rne Mn,fRon id Haw::', M I' t he Market 1)£ good t hings to eut. the Dayton and Lebanon ' pike. The e.lpt and member ship button, or )'Ou mal meetin&' It was deetd.d M!.' to ban family were host and hOlte.. at a six Fourth Grade, is _- • f uneral service was held tbh" Wednescan mall yoqr dU.., direct to absent from scho01 ~" ~ W ~rht, ~ a CbrIatmaa·ea1e B,tardli\y ,December o'clock citnner l't(onclaY ·evenlne E Hath~way' day, afternoo n at 'the home , ·for this w.c ek becaulU! of laryngit l& CountY Chapter Amenea ll Red Croll 14 There 'triD 'be • ea1.~d M··L. ,r;.g Zimmerm~n 'Mr& Leste: . Atten ds Con( erenc meatiq th. pleasure of Mr. 'And Mrs" Ralph e was in Mil ml cemetery. und burial at tabano.., Ohio, and receipt will be .t "the bome of lin. lloomaw , Deoem· ::r~.~ Gond M Le H 'ders'n Mrs -- an~ :::'l~nI'yH - - --s:tte:h . Friday nicht was the third pme Ka~ o~~lem~~, Mr:. D~t CJ:'~n~, Hnt to you. 'I ated C'JJ\b.r Ill. er 0 ~ II. L. E .. Scribe F. B. Harris, county superint en'd· Reb' a~ R Your ~mpt' respon.. 8 requf ,rs. of from basketb an pla, y ed by .th • . • teams ~e4 H4!nden • • on, Mrs, J. , B. Chapma .cca n, dent U1'lll8, of r, oscoe accompanied lIy Mrs. rnu of Waynesville ~.. your duel at your bank or mall _ u.. II .... Otterb. ln Mrs. LilZle Bally, ~rs. Jul_ Don. HarrIs, schools, for a attended ,a ' contere nce of a~:HakLouis., Benton Keller, 110- broueht th.ir ftnlt High. tIlem today. team and nuts, ovan, Mrs, Emma Barnett , Mrs. E. V. scliool super '~' . ,.ar. n intende nts at 1II,Iami uni0 e. Mr.,and Mrs, John Goddal;d, of Leb Bellbrook luppll,l!l the HConcl team Barnhar t, Mrs. S. D. ~enkle; ~=~~====~=====~========~===~==~'=~~~'=~~ Mrs. J. v~rsity at 9xford, Ohio recently . The anOll, received word trom Bert God· ~~===~~== ~~~ ~~~ ~~t eam ~ · ~~ _~ nM · lolt their eam. ~~~ ~~~ With ~~~ a doable ~to aeore Mrs. ~~~ W. E., O'Neall ~,~ , Mrs. ~~~d~a U ~ 11 to 2S. Socollli , team alIO 101t to Clure, Mrs Bert Ba;ts.?ck, James Mc. er training of teachers for the rural at Montpe lier, Vt., durin&' the rec.nt ·I.•• Mrs. S; S. schoollf. ~ nom.e 0 New England flood, announ B.Ubrop "~41 elne k' that WltJi • sCore of 29 to ,11. Ellis, Mrs. Q. Gonl, M~. Fr.d Gons . ; ,. • -. , . . The Runts were the only onn Ii'ain. Mrs. Fred J. he was safe and In eood health. With Cole, Mrs. D: Ralph Smith; A 48 others Mr. Goddard was pNone r Iq a victory. , $0 far th.y have not Mrs. ~ellt Barlan, Mrs., L, V. Bran· an SglV1 Ds ervlc e in the sccond story of t;he botel for lost a pme played, Come Oil, Runta, strator, Mrs. .'J . L.Ha~ck, , --I.t'l keep lIP th. caod- wor1l:. ' The ella Wllliama, Mn. D. -R. Mrs. Am· , three unable to leave In the Salisbur • y, Union Thank$giving services wU1 !loodeddaY!f" score 'to this ~, . w~ 12 to ,. dlstJ.:lct. M1'. ,Goddar d wu he' X . - , IfTriasureland" wW bold all the toya Banta had fOi" Rlke· be on the Mrs. RoII8 Hp.rtsock, Mrs. A. Mol" be held at .the M. E. church Thurs~ y aml>~g. atreeta the three fortuna te ones to ,w,h en the' big PI' " ____._ be~h':' ~:'rte:..: of Santa (')I.a.. 'thelKum ler'a ," Tnaaur elaDd" tbla yep' I rade Cornell the Misses ' TriUena Ed· evening at 7 :30. Rev. John J . Schael· save hlB automob ile. ~.. b.twe.n 9 and 10 o'clock The Junior pla)' Is e1v.n tonight ris Retnde .! aDd the PI~tea whOM II Par.ntl all, OVll' the wards, M~ Margar et Edward s, Mise ter, r ector of .St. Mary's Episcopal Vall., are Than~m. mornllllr. ' " tor report next wllek. , - ....- - - , tre~re ship Santa uNd tbls year to maklne plana to, brina th.lr . Olive Allen, MIBB Emma Helghw ay, church will d~Il\:er .the se~on , chUdrell The ' parad. starta from th~ fair •. 1" Many Speclabl in 'silverw are and ' . • _. Miss Clar,a LUe,' Mias Mary Dakin, . E~e ry on 18 ll~Vlt~d. fr pecl~ rro'unda and coee .ut OJ! Stewart ;;:~ noveltie s you vtill ~d at' Cary's J.w' . ' '. MI88 Stella Daugh~rty, Mil[lll' Lutie VltatlOn to he stngers street, north on Brown', ltft 011 W~ om a e elno Shop, Lebanon , Ohio. ' Vander voort and MISS Alice Gons, churche 'teD, north ·on Jetrerao ft, weat on MOlls. ' · O
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I San Kum 'er Home to Be tIIe, . ta, . 7 S'''· ., Reindeer•., Pira ;,. , ,,.,asu re n'p, Sappa la and Dog..
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i:::!r':danS:~ ~i1",~1:1r ~o~~: a !;n~ i~im~~~~a ~l~~~~~ 118irr:;. bie parade wiD be headed by fApliJy will move ther~ aa loon as ,he
, •
n.._A ThaIlklllMlll ~ • ~ ~. . . ..QD' ~ Dar be ODJ.~cl wJa~"ik.iW .." s.,pa1a .act ,l d a " ..... ... fIom ~aIltI' .,..,'..t ....... wDll\ftIIft 'WIUl tile' eatra to,. wblcIa eM... ,~ .....
brlDl' hJa thouaa da of toya 0 ',
to ",elto --
-"'.' ""
tuao.:. '!'i ' =-l'I!'A~to~II:-:;"~~-;=-""""--""""
can dispose o~ his buslne88 and. other .holdings here. H~ will sell hIS en· tire grocery , atock ~nd fI.,turea ~t greatly. reduced. prioes. Read hiS ,8pe~i~l ads for t:!!'!n8 .
' ,........: ..'Miami ChaRt~r No. ,10?, met In reg· lar. ....I~ N\lvemb er U, with denee .' work, allO . • Iectio~. of 'omcera, which reault.d as fol1~w.: ' . " Julia B~db~, W. II,;. 9harJes E. ,Bradbu ry, Wo. '~l Oljl' :ti&rteock, -A. . . ; Suaan, Hawk., ~ere~; Bertf~ Who Sep~ IIW., tnaaunr ;J:OHp hbi• .~ will' b. creet!cl by a . . eoQc1ilet1'la! 'EdIth A..~clre1r iIpdOa ~Ittft compoaed ,of lOin. cOII,d~ctreaI, John C, .Hawk. It A.o. , truste •• of tile ~ of Dartoll alld other , , • .~ • , •
0= ......... '
. ..... V.u.,.
Seiling Out
.. COrpl of Dayton Motorcycle police, follow.d by ~:. ,20.piece ' band. Th ' SaDta, the Relndee n ' the ~::'Shlp ad hllr plute Crew .tiJIcludin&' the Maacot 'Pirete froin the SOuth 8eU) and ·,then, Seppala, the '''chainp een musher" and ;22 , Es· Idmo clop 'palline his sled: SeppJa , after. bla arrival l'hanka. rlviD8 aomlq , and after the parade hetwHa II alld' 10 . o'clock Thuma y be at til. tair' groundl on South JIaJD Rftet all 'lhunda y momlq . "'1'ric1ar .orirlrig Seppala will Cive . . uldbl~n ~ce ,t the !air croUDde :wbIa Ida _ 0 " , dop, at 10 o'cloe~
Sf ..... '" ""' .... Ge ..
:-'.- --;:--
the Flood
.... ....
C!'UI't. l\tl ju d ~e d (hot the pla intiff recover [r.. ol the II rO lldun~ 160.5 0 111 lho . cn ~c u ( the ~ )eintes Investment o. 1'5 . John F ritz.. ur~ found t he partition o( Nota Burke to be tt·uo and enlitled to relief therein sought, ourt digm! sed th~ I>l"1! agl<ill,L RoberL umming~. Foster COIl~l o n, Paul Millard, Eddie Ferry IIt:d Mr~. Goorge Goeckl c·r.
04 _SmnU D erxn1t WUl
W e r ,..vUe You
to Open a
Hold A11J1 Gannent
Char ue Accqllnt
"ILI Chrla tma.
Quilted Satin Robes $7.98 to ,$25
Silk Lingerie $2;98
And he knew thllt, if tou IlctulII odor came Chemise, gowns. stepTuxedo slyles, lined NEW SUITS Lo his nostrils, he \V IIS gone. . In , bloomors Dnd slips and Interlined. Lip 'Wck, Demon Rum A,.in . Cold !.re~piralion came out on his of pnstel colored crepe peacll, orchid and black. In vest. nwnt ompnny vs n" nnel J llk n, Ao nfusnd, took {orehell. Hi s mO\lth went dry. I 11-' hA."oriates I" Cllll -. de chi no. "~ ~ h I h Jail . ritz, I·O/lIIIOVlt. (Flr! t Floor) III' ~ l)l'ojfnrnd 11:1 lid with mumbl d to~th w ~r(' clenched as t oug 1 t ~ (FIrst Floor) ~ • -The third man wns intra· « 'tanus I(crm hll d I oc ke(ith "III. R'IfI1(. The Fed('ml La nd Bunk of Loui ~gl·('!!lings. dll 'I'd ris O. Ill'. .. .. ny ... Eddie went e ~ ur llIusc le nppenl'l?ll un cheeks ,; 110 vs. ,J ~~e B. llllffn er. Alr la C. 0 11, h i~ ~TIIilc taking a tinge of hUlllor- which hllli gl'own hU!!l(al·d. The fight Huffn er. th e I.('LlllIIon Nuliofotll R'lIlk Pillows OilS ruefulness, "there wns nn Ilwful wu s on, lind it wus ga in!! to II fin ish. lind Trust ' . Hurriett En ~ 'l V JJ J. New Purses kifk in t.hllt. Inst bOlLlc. Uo you kno", The tel1~io n case,1. "ldun't hlllle KilplItri(·k- Frc·nch 1otm· IIr O. lind $2.98 to $4,98 o-operative to ",here 1 was when 1 came out of it to sellie it right thiS millute ." he told Iho Leballo n FIII'nlers him ~('lf ~rccio usly. "Let's go nnd ompnn y, foreclosure lind e'luitable with II hend like !l haystack?" IVrttc or C .... l For the boudoir or par· Smllll and Illrgc purses The driver and ulley exchanged Mel' ~Ib o ut (hat ship. " re li ef. lor,· of taUet4, velvet, Blillor l(pl'TI He wore IIV coat, for the day wos of moire. antelope. pigglllnces. "No, where?" nsked th e tapestry. satin and comPersonal Shopp"" guard. • bright amI Wllrm . He thrust t he bot.H ira m Alexonder VB. Ishim Lflin, skIn lind gratned lelltnblnntlons. to P urciHl .•c .1 onling into Chicago in n freight Lie ins ide his flannel shirt where it e rrol'. ers. GI//! lor Y OII car." h,: gurglcd ugninst his body wi th evory (Fir!t Floor ) (First Floor) "You don't !lilY," ejaculnted the step. H e \\"IIS ma r vc l o u ~ l y relieved PROBATE PROCEEDINGS thllt n rt! prieve had been granted, e\,· iliil'cr. "SuresL thing you know. Whl're' u I' ll nn tel'lus su sha uby. W. H. All en filed his ninth accolillt VO II leave me?" The cU\'C was deserll" !. Fur out liS lrustee o( E li zabeth Hllines, ~ e 'l ' "Dresses" .. ... . The Sensible Gift Fur Coats Make Royal Gifts . A"UiJl the exchange of puzzled nn the luke h ' disce rn ed th e dumpy ,., ., . £I II S h'Ing tug. l·ficin ry und~r the will of Rulh A. 10(lk~. "Long Port.nge." retu r nl:d out I'IneR 0 f II goou-slze to $69.50 to J"k~ . head illK for ('''lIuuia n wnle·r. Il~ui n. Che ll oweth. Drcs.~cs for every occ!lslon and In every sport and dr~ssy fur coals .or assured "W II," W ilL on }~ ddic, ca ~ i1 y. "I Thl'f'c w~re f ew nllll'k ~ of til unl nad .0U I·t confirmed the report of B. Tty ......... Guatto for J •• W.r" don't remember " thing lifter 1\I!\lrrlll.l. Every size rrom 14 to 52' ; . A . qUI\l!ty. LoL us turn your Xmas r heck ing. TIll' bj'a h II/ul ' be!'n rnkl'd over 13. Thompson us admlnlstrlltor of thc "<Irc!;S" as a BUt will be nppreclnte:t . Int.o II F ill' CoaL ror ·'Her." t hird drink, Illthoug.h it seems t o m l\J'obnb ly. and lIwre wus no one in ~s tllte of Finley Thompson. I had a dream ubout a box-cnr. siJ:ht Hut II stro ll up the shor e reourt confirmed the report of G o. (Second Floor) (Second F.loor) "c1I1ed Ill'hind Illn ~kin~ und~rgrowth J. Wat erh ouse as executor ot t he lu~t. must have wllndeted lo the yarels DR. C. W. HENDERSON lnill down in lhe cur to sleep it oft'. a log ha u ~e built pllrtmlly below the w ill o( Jnmc3 G. ale. They didn'!. see me und locked tlll lake level. A channel rail to it.s The Lebunon-Citizens National bank Beverly Lavender Stripe Olllce-Amlln Bldg. ~ dou r. n oy ! That b oo ~e had a kick." strongIY-{lndlocked door. PliTt of th e He had convinced t hem , und t here OIT rh nng lllg ballk. had been t unneled li nd 1'ru. t Co .. was made a pnrty de• PP.CEtHOUIl. With Ostrich was u decideu increase 01 cordiality to .. ~cc i ve th e r ar of Lbe bouse. fe ndan t in the cn c of J essie A. Featlier! in their Illa nner. Oscar lind J llk" "They ke ep their skiffs in thore, " Sno ok \·s. Adn Furnas ct Ill. 9 to 11 a. m, S to:5 p. In. slIIiled symputlloticaUy. "I know," he mused. " I su ppose ii all t he Court grunted H. B. Thompson 7 to 9 p. m. 3 :;~i; xplain d Jake, "it wasn't very good trucks uren 't thero when t hey need right to distrloute certnin bonds ,)t TeI.phoneal stuff. We wcre all sick next day. them, the stuff is locked up until Lhey Ihe estate of Finley Thompso n. cnno. • 30 Proof of publication of the apYou cun' t ulways be sure of the quul- come." R.eIdence • 69.-"2 In rolors nt BeverlY T.n \'en(]er ity. But we've chan"ed wholesalers The possibil ities of the cove were t'lJicl; , '(\I'en . Slrip. 'h l tton 1"'00. .. ng t he real ex hIIUSt Cd lin< I h'IS own pro bl ems poinlment of teU a Shnfor as adminsince them . We're getti rOs{' u nll ..-\ mer · .lIk (rom t op I ' ~.rn"Yllle, . Ohio Canndian coleh now." p l' c~scd. The longing for liquor lay istratrix of the I' ate of Ridgely ShaI nn hC .tl U ( y . t oe. A 1m).. f ll f Elk l,ndllc.l sole8 C hrist m n~ I. th e Eddie ficL on a log by the tond- in wa it ~o that wh en mind and body {or. . " 0 ,1 eprl n g gift at1 pr cme. Proof of pUblication of t he IIpside and the t hree returned to their were un oecu picll, it s i7.()<1 on th em. h e-:lH. (Fir&t Floor) task. 'T hey regarded him, evidently, " While I 'm busy II i ~ n't so bnd," h(' "oi ntment of Howard J. Corwin :t~ (First Floor) as one of the Ill- Ii man dependent t hought. "Well , Jot's. try keeping administrator off t he estllte of Sa~ on liquor who would noL drcum 0 busy." ah L. Of wi n. betraying the illicit trllffic which 111.Below the cove t he shore line tllrn- . A nnll M . Snid er filed flr! t nnd find i1 I I the tate 0 11 abruptly to th e enst, tuking 1!1 lllll'koesta satal crow el across s 1TI1iny sllu~\re fIIil.s. \it' pl unged into III uccount as nd mlnlst.rutrix of the P . McCarron, supplies, $2.80; C. C. . estate of Mary Jr. Roat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS "Ship's j ust in, 1 take it." he Sldd, tIll'S I ,. lIt.! ernes:! II' h'ICh was t 0 hi m VII'Bcum. stone, $981.11; Ohio Corru- ! Ralph Whitac re fil ed second nnd harles G. Hickey and Emma D . gnted Cu lvert Co., sewers, $70 .20; ' carelessly. " Passed the other fou g in. 1t was pleusll nt walk ing. The trucks down the foad IIways." so il wns more thun lIIere su nd, lind finn l account of the estate of Waller Hickey to Walter E . Becker, .50 IIcrcs C. L . Beumer Jli(lInufnc t uring Co., re"Sbe got in a t dawn ." re plied Os- Irm und ol' foot. There ' wus hurd- S. Whitacre. in Turtlecreek 1'p. Tu~, 9 •• m. 4 p.m ear. "We work up there aU night. woo c! am ong the jackpines, and lin at herin e l\1. Bodley and Dollie M. J ohn A. Jones to Bert and Hattie pairs, $] I); ta ndard Oil 0., gus and &ltufclaF 9 •• m. 8 p.m "'aybe 'you thl'nk l' t wasn't colli, leep- oceasi nlll g reat white pine tree, Jackson filed first li nd finnl account IIf oil, .$472.78; same. $310.07; William 8 .w oore, t .08 ncres in Harllm Tp. Kroener , bridge repair, $ 15.05; Geo . in' on the dack of that truck with "\ h'Ie II ha d e l'n d IIII th 0 ax an d saw. of the estate 01 Thomas B. Bodley. FUNERAL DIRECTORS only one bllln1cet." He drove steadily eustward holding Court fou nd the estate of Harry Cynthia A. Carpenter to Mary El· Larrick, labor , $20; J . .K. pencer, The tire was bolted, and the truck t.~ e upp tite at boy by physical excrlis Fitts, one town lot in, Frnnklin. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO material, 83.25_ was ready to take up ita journey. tJo n.. N!>t for a.mom~nt did . he fot- C. DeGarmo exempt (ro m inheritanco:! Bessie Daulton' and Arthur Daul, ~ J clambered to get It, like ~ t iger It lay In walt, tax. to n to John Murphy, .81 town acres While the other their places, CuUey went to the box ready to . sp~lng. T.he gur~le-gurgl e Emma A. DeGarmo filed first and in Union Tp. ONE TEST OKEH Fully Equipped for Good under the ~eat and drew torth against hiS Side was Its hunti ng cry I final account ot the estate ns execnP. A. Kemper to Grover Requarth "What makes you. 80 sure you're Servie4f. ~&;;;;======;:;;;;==:;;;;;==-::J tie of eolden brown liquor. He had stllrted 011 !1 fft\nt trail, but trix of th e- esta.te ot Hllrry C•. De- two. town Iota in Franklin. not a fo ol ?" Large Display Room. not be atrald ot this atuff, had long since dlllap.P\lared. The Gllrmo. . F. M. Bispham to Giel)na V. "Because I wasn't bllrn every mlnAmbulance-Service. n ~d. "It'a the l roode. ~ SUbduet:~~~~t~fn:i;'::~?dt ~~r the H. B. Thompson filed first lind fin- ey, one town lot In Waynesville. I'K1.KPHON~ 7 ~!! tbSebe'lak:,r.e bauled t ia faint footateps. A crash In the o=. ol account as adlmi~stTator of he ellMary Little to Gilbert Smith, (\' e 1••\ Y OR N HHI'" ';Ub b:';" agreed t)le driver. dergr!>V\1;h ahead 8tal'~led 1Iim, A tate of Finley Thompson, town lot In Deerfield ,Tp . nso bave a real one on UI," p1l1&'11 lfieen i bUSlk ~rpl8fd a little olear John P. LatTl~k filed ~davit 01 James Pile and F. W: Fran ~ t eluded Culley, wavinr hia hand. IDg a nd zoomed like tin all')llane over tbe estate of Helen J. LBrrI(!~. Grover Requarth, on~ tawn Jo~ jn knew that he could' partake of the top of a fa llen tree: Two doell . The last wlll and testament! of Frimklin. , .... -.l liquor. Though t hey bad drugged fOU0'Ylld, tnk}nf .thhlsame prodigious Ralph G. Thompllon were admlttea to WUlillm F, ADen and WIIlnl>! AlDeatlat and abanghied him before, It was not eIl1h~~egrnce u ~aa on. . probate, , . ' len to Benjamin V. Sml~" and lda ~eaeuse ot penonalrlemntty. TheYb.ldidh ring B"w!'ip:3 tbhl'ee all\~eaOtf ,a,!, /ltlr Nora H. Bawlte flied Inventory and Smith, (0 acres in Wayne • w.......... N.U••al ..... 8la. h it for aome Iliyate oua reason w c ' .... .r"Dl'~ I t a I •..h. ..-a • J amee. A D h Wil ... he bad not been able to aolve. and face With hlB IIleeve. At a . rivulet appra seme.n as a m O1 .....a.".% 0, aug erty to . lIam T. MQNEl' LOANED tbe penruasluu of some which was one of headwat er .the eatllte , of Stanley Clifton Hawke. McGriff,. 20.07 IU!I'e8 in RIlII'.llton '110. st(lppl'd . - ' - - -. Halel B. J;lese to Jea~ette W. Iter- _ - _....... vereary. This was a of booze, at least water waR MARRIAltaE LICENSES by, .66 toWli a~. in Lebanon. LOANS on Chattfla,Stoeb. Seem· They were maldng . plUnged Ann Pbllllpa to J. E, Fl'lmeP:--ll=ilYf-lfHa: tiN and Second Mortgac-. No... VACCINAnON OF ' SWINE by treatment. Which . S h to the south. D.ewey Parker, laborer, Franklin, town acres In Wayne Tp. boueht. John Rarblne Jr.. XenIa, (4. 8P1aC1ALTY) ment they would repeat, to or:. not . dare lilt dow" to Hetter ' E. Coyle, Franklin. . . re .. -m80.'I' Ohio. t bim ' tle. If he :o~':i' oa~Ta': of th.e b'hvCharles C. H!lines, mUler, Morrow, COMMISSIONERS" AU.OWANCES induceme.n ta were offered· d II...... ht ........ Sen. He had tooled them an pu • had • b t - n y Aeep gomg e to Eva Nichols Morrow •. . Yha U... :;~~su~f ~lf:iUf~, on&a~~:rlonrv::: ed o'!t ch~~c~ htl~eel a~Msti~ 18~0'!: Raymond C.' Bo1ings~orth, I.~bor. W. c,.,. ~n'.!10ur, inquest, '7.6Q; . "armln of Wlaft'en and adJolnlnl was scratching at every nerve. '\fhe rasped palDfu'fl y at every step. His er, Lebanon, to Annetta May 'Pr ,',11:111, bert Minton, rablell treatment, $106, PboD•• 1 lOck of the alcqhol-hoW he yearned clothing 88 quite wet. An unnoted telephone operator, Lebanon., lI&IIIe,. '48; A me, US; W8IIt4!m StAr, WECET THEM 'QUICKLY AND eoantl. m., obtain moneJ on 10111 HARVEYSBURG, OHIO for it. Alcohol wu in- hill hand, He blackben:y bdat' h.ad drawn it.elf Carl Theodore Kirchner, Imeman, lIupplles, $18.60; llame, ,12; ...'m"_ • • .FREE OF CHARGE time loans. at 5 cen, intend. 'CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-~ ~ro88 hIS face, leaving a red trail Franklin, to Bertha Arnold, garment ,'.50; Stakalta Manufacturing EXPENSE • Colll of _udna tlte nme II ve", , . . :; at smarted and stung. work~r, Carlisle. lIuppllel , ,6.75: lI&IIIe, '10.60; The IOnable ,throuah Th. Pederal Lp, . wll3 . .Tames O. McGraw; laborer, Millinis W,oodrow Well 'Stol'q'e _Co., l upplies, BanL For further information eaI e with only one Ideo!'to °k~ 0 sesi burg, to Delore! May Wittllnger, The Oftlce Outfitten, ,2.6Q: . .., on or Addn. II. C. DRAKE, T ...... o~ ond on. The earth becar:~ B!:::' l'rlll!klin. Fred. oJamell, lupplie~ ,8.fi6; Lewia PIIcn.. • HARVEYSBURG, O. His 'feet stumbled on slippery regu" . Frank Crall, embalmer, Franklin, and Drake, :freight~ ,3,03; Columb1l.lrL._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J unr, ph'olle 8tS-X. Lebanon, Ohl.. .Iarly reclIlTing blimps, and' h~ st(l;:J' to Dorothy HaJrriet Eaton, IltenO/C" Blank Book Co., lIuppliea, ·,2.60: same ped. rapher, Franklin. ,30.50 .. William Nlckwita, I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!' WANTED th·T~e und er.brush bad becI'~;~ V\ll'y Otto T . JUi1fs, autOmobile mechan. and labor, '824; BatesIC and t hlgb' lJe was I \low ing ie, Norwood, -to Leila B. ThompsoJl, ace, tru.c k IlUppli.... ,', IO i DURING the winter Beuon 1 am ab green unne l . th.ough it. Th'l Fronklin tional HarvNter Co !UPpUes, " . • kH R H' I b·d·' lr -14 W umps under foot were the , ellloi'ls worldnr on autol IIPIn. Sbop 10- ' of D c,!:duroy rOlld, I,nilt to focilitate ROlICoe Moore, laborer, Fran n, oy el84!, .n I'e repa c:ated at my home. If JOU caaft the tnJt:ing out of jogs years a~o Ut to Magnolia Barpe"r,facto"Y worker, F. Harper, bndge repair, '8.40, Eg. ~ome out, I will call lor Jour car. followed the road. Within 0 -Httlo FranKlin. . . ' • Roy. Helsel, hrldge repair, '14; Eu. Phone 88F2~, Frtnlt W. erew. time it ended on the edge of a cedar David G. Ertel, laboru, Loveland. gene Harper, lupplles, '24.80: same, -n80 swamp. . , to Ida Catbem Roat, housekeeper, ,1.20: flu_ll Doane, supplies. ,9.8'1, AddeVldl ll orlldle was nhehd (If him, Loveland. J. 1[. Spencer, lumber, $148.152: W. Deu ce Drs wlth .white trunb and " FOR IALB shorl, spiky branches lilY, ~.ood !I!1d lellne,d In ' t he stagnl'.lIt black wa tl!r. FOR SALE-Two Je,.,., bul~ne ~n .places. t he trunKS we re 11",,_deep s'MA'i1rER POP Aek ·U. Another old, rqlatered, the other III mextrtc.sble t angle/!. Here and _ '7earlln. put; and u elilible. Eztia t here was long. lind brilU mtJf.~rr('n ¥TaBS, ~ut he knew there WH.i no P'}l_ iDdlYldua" with the ver, best breed. ld foot)ng . ~here such tufts lfTew. It ine. Wi: C. ad I. D, Welch, " D. 2, was a cunmng trap t.o snare t he trust. 'W-Y1IlIIIVille, Ohio. -n80 Ing. . A foot upon such a tuft meant instant descent inio sucking ul:tck FOR SALE-Three O. I. C. pedlareed OOze. Crows cawed dismally orl s(lme Boan. Walter W. Kruer, Boute ot t he tr.ees which .still stoo;l Ilpright. 6. ' DIO {To be cont~n.l(J,n FOR SALE-We have a tew applN left. D. B. Underwood, HarvinLOTTA PRACTICE bul1l'. . ~D80 HAPTER XV
cou ll! ulmo t smcll its tumes.
Silk Brocaded Everetts
Chiffon Hose 95
J. E. IVi cClure
........_.. ..
armers. Attentionl per
wa~~: ~~-:~'ti:aILa~ed. ~e
H!a-eysborg. Ferlizer Co.
WaynelviIle, Ohio
. » ,ears
"A r e you . on the water wllgon for good?" " \Vhy,' sure." "Well, you ought to know the feeling. You've been on a t housand times bl\for e." .
-- ...---
OBSERVING YOUNGSTER "I'll · g ive you fifty cents it you'll wash your fIlce," sllid the college professo r to his lImllll son. "Keep it lind get a haircut," WIlS t he young hopeful's r eply.
ONLY A COMPANION . "Why did your pop say 1 reminded hIm of Il telescope?" "Because you're so eosy to see t hrough and you mlognify everything 80."
If all the males Who consider them" selves hot were placed end to end .they would smoke, having nothing else to do. , .
-- ..---,..
sveH A GAL-SUCH A ~AL , One--"Bow is her line?"
Tw~"Judging from the crpwd
foUC1wm.; hG!", It moat be a tow liD....
FO~ SALE-Rhode 'Uland Red cock~
Breis. Joeeph Evan., R. 1, W.,. neivllle,. ,. ! d8 · . FOR 'SA'LE-2 Jeney eows, • ad 8 yean old; Ii!' pure,.bred GuUIIIeJ ' l1el1en, 2 yean old. W. l{. Sean. phone 7 . DlI FOR . 8.u.&,.....A 'becb:oom " eoaHQ , llea~r. practically Dew. William RoblDlOD, -,v~)'1I~e 0-. -dl ' FOR SALE---Oae i ...7 ,cow. B. • . Ralt.alder, R. R. 1. . • ...1
.poa. ~M.le . ~caif• . G.u_~. Inq~,~" j.~~ Ernes~ ,lhitterwortb, Jlboa, 1.·4,%.:; ". ,", . ·nl8 . "
I ..
PUIIPfh...Bocldet'. line of wen and clet~ I pump.,;.' !lB~d, eJectrlc _(lil I poJVer: ~riven, Ii ·the_bb~ . Pump' r.. JIIIin. ~· T.HJ!: .BOC~ET~KING CO., .18 W. Main Stl,' Xenia, ~ Ohio. f
E~ ~ S~LE-~e
hoi" about' 18 ' montlia old, .pure-bred Duroc. T~· epbone Celit.rville 841 W. ~ . Boo.
Bolto•• "
.018 ' •
B, V:ALVEB · AND 'nl....... ·· Lot 'a ll pu;:_. ~........ . plalDbbl&' -an beaUiir .'iii.». . . . beIt;. '1'10: OCELft!.:.EtJtO·', ClO.. 411 1.'............ ~ OIIIe..-·,tI ··
POR~"".". IDddle . . . .- '" " , ~4t. i
" ......crlpl ...., P.lc., $1.150 per Y•• r " _ I... CRANE . ....
---... _ --... -- --'- -
NOV ElfDER 23, .1027 --'-------- .. -- - - -..=..::'--"'=
1 •
Mitchell, Magr.uder, · Summernl1. Remomber those three names'! They represent a grellt truth concerning our "National Defe ns . III the 011'on tho sea_ alltl on land. We have just witnes'sed tho final chapter in the public disciplining and bunliliation of olle of the above trio for telling the peo ple what he thought wa~ lhe matter with his department. Brigadier-Genimli Mltchel1_sistant chief of the l\I'nlY air service, was two year!> ago dropp ed from his command and demoted for telling how lhe ar my ond navy bureau, crnts were t hro ttling lhe InCant oil' service. • Maj. Gen . Charl es P. Summerall, highest ranking officer of the U. S. Army- was summoned back to Washingt.on in the midst 01 an inspection tour of army barracks because he snid at San Diego, Cal., on October 11: "I have seen German prisoners housed in better quarters than our American soldiers are now occupyIng. His criticism WBH against a nig. gnrdly Congress which keeps our soldiersbequartered that would not tolerated in In nhovels logging camp. Admiral ·.T. P. Magruder wrote an article for I/o roaga.zine in which he Nid we were spending $800,000,000 per year for a $200,000,000 navywhich did not Include the appropriaUons for new ships. He was relieved of his POlt, ordered to Waahlnton-and now' Is "awaiting orders" whlcn likely means he wll\ have nothInc to do but warm his heels until the retirement age creepa up on him. I sn't It about time 8uch high-handed dictatorship methods were ended? There Is no place for Mus80lini · tactics in -running the American army, navy nnd air services. SacrificelJ of men like Mitchell, Magruder and Summerall are unn ecessary, wrong nnd dangerous. They serve notice to all army and nnval and all' offleers that they must remain muuled --<>1' risk their careers. Such prQcedure bars tbe only rell.able sou,r ce of eriticism and improve. ment in our national defenae--crit.icism from the inBld_would arouse healthy publte senti~8Ilt.
Ships Hav.e Come ~
At New York last week the Holland Tunnel under the Hudson rivllr wa. opene&-one of the great engineerin, feau of the agu. The tunnel, 9,250 feet lonl, C051il18 $48,000.000 Join! Manhattan !ale and New Jersey. On opening day 52,285 car. passed through. Jt took .even year. to build the doubl. tube tunnel. Above, Illside the tunneL Blllowl One of the yentllatinlJ plann: Ind. aulol lined up for
Don't believe everything you hear -except the whistle of a locomotive at a grade crossing. :_ _ : You can well undcntand 'what sort of a man he will grow up to be. when we tell you- that he sneaka up on the tackling dummy at footban pra,ctice. . :- -: Science now teUs U8 that man h!\s been intelligent for 450,000 yeanwhich will be news to a lot of married women. :--: Any person worrying about money eea .a1ways find a doctor&to relieve them of that. . . :--: Wlthout any authentic statistics or cenaua at hand we would say that the principal linea of business in the United States at this time are beauty parlors lind tilling stations.
• :
- --
Ira Syterd is on the a1ek lilt. A cn-t New York merchant, do\n~ a ye.,ly buslneu of U26,OOO.- Mrs. Lida StumP. of WiI~nctoD. 000 In f _ American elties, said laat Ie very ill. we.k on his retul'D from Europe. ar1ea Madden 'WU a CiDelllnati "So me AmeriCatl. do not realize what Jt meana to do bUliDe.. In fj)rty.. ~ht ~r. Monday, .. trr"t Btatetl, with , the same monej, Hon. CharI. Brand called on Cbu. la-. credit and languare evel7- MaddeD. ~daTw~_. llrs. Howard Graham lIIent Weda_' Wllen I wfUp_I~Bin <'!~~hl laW neaday with Mrs. Charl.1 Gol'don. ~.. WBIOnl 0 ~.. on..-n; e rotn, throup the street&. I looaed Ill.. Nellle CutrlPt and Mn. Cbaa. 'lip the head of their ElYPtian braneh Gra, were Wilmlncton vl8itOn, Friana found that they bad corne three thoUlalld miles from Parla to 'do a III', and Mfa.. J. 0. ' G~ had ~ bualn_ at ,'.000,000 a ydr. .A Sunday dlDner peats, III'. aad JIra. luc~l Am.rtean bualnea man a.rl.. Gray and famtlJ. bum-.. ..r •• 0 f A1.. .... USN • • a'7. 100 mllel for that lIIuth ' -Clark--"'WUT :=r."I traveied back to London ,nth wu the oveJ'll.labt. Peat. Wednellday. an En.llilunln manaclnl' six Britllh at the hom.. of llr. and lin. Ray bo_ Cairo 8IId other 'Eaatern Starr. . . polnta, Involved(tn revolution.. durerMr. and Mrs. M. E. Sberwood have ellt laWi and eurrencleL _ ntabed home from a three weeki' "Bere an American can "Operate In viall with their IOn, Fred and family, fon.y.e~t ataw. one of them. Ill- hi Columbua.· as, .. bi&' .. several European eounlira. Frank Wilaon baa returned trlea, and everywhere. the ume mou- from a week's Vlldt with MI' If M ey law.. lanlUactI bualnlll metbocll" • an 1'8. so~nd credit. We ,.hould be VII7 Kubert Flte an4 daul'IIter. til Wuhm teful .. . Iqton C. H_ '. Mr. 8IId Mrs. ~ S~ were FILLEI!lS AND SHORTS raeate. Sunday. at-a famiq dinner at th. home of llr. and lira. Paul Rlcb and . family, near Lebanon. , Political Indleationa are that there will be a num\lar of wet ean4iilatea Mrs. MBrf 1. Finch and IOnl lloJlwith notb1nc to sit on but dry planka etort Garnd·etr, have ...~.. toeaOOlumbul In 1"918 apen h e wee.. ""WI ptaiD and ' . lin. Oharl. Garn.r ·8IId son. • •~: . It hu been eltlmated ~t Wall K1sa He!mL..Gralwn broupt to.treet II to It:ulr It. employee. O~ . .ther a few youne folb for a demu atocldap with some fifty million l'-"tful tvenlD&' Friday Those en . dolliln In bonuses, baying enjoyed joJlnc the oce~on ,,~~ Etvalo~ 1111,0 .• PI'98pel'01I1 year. ~_the Jones, Ra)'lllon HatAitlcl,' Kathr)'u . . .e Wall Street that ~tI tooth Fromm. Melva Banta, Deborah Waland nail agalnat all farm rehef m.... ton. BlIJ'Dett Butterworth and Gee,.. UJ'II< Wall.
cla,. .
"l\'o~ldn't ,,0 In
JlO~ fo~t' to
·Mn. W. M.· Gillam. "I&ted by Ilia
of Major-General Leonard Wooil'"-,-~ th I tell'lren . tly. 1899 lI' h 0 "'uo... em 10 n to 1901, . ' :--: Havlti. now dispensed with "Oh. PromlM lI.t at weddlpp-we nlipt la, the fttat; creat atep in stemplnc out PerJiIrJ bAa been takel\. :--: . Developmenta In the . FalHJinlllalr jur,-brlbing ' ease ieads ua, to believe ·that .ven jury seata at. no"" In., the . 1Wla. of apeeulator.., '
MisaiolW'J Circle at lier bom. FrIday a fte moon. ..... -'d t · b a d &' u8 PI'aaI en cbarge of the devotion. 8IId roll eaU wu responded to b, current eventa. Afte, the bualn_' .Ion the p~ cram,.- a playlet, "Aunt Eiiaabetb·. M~..ioniriTe.." wu rrlye~ by J(n. How~d Graham. MID Nelllie Cutricht ~n.d lira; Cbarlll! GI'&J. 'n. hOlt_III tben H"ed a bountiful 'Iuneh of ohlck. ~dWleh...' plcld... cranberry' ~uee. peach.. with whip. ped crum. cUCIII, colree and mbata.
To Make Your Christmas Merrie! r:i/"HE whole wide world has been our
Again ~ys and Girls Can See Seppala and His Great T earn of 22
Donald Foulks and J. K. Lewis lIl'e on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark were Dayton visitors, Tuesday. Miss Be I G h return to ~ ce I t~ am ~as able to 00 s wee . Little Sarah Carine Furnas has been ill with the grip the past week. Morris Wharton is hOW stayin,. in Dayton, where he has employment.
Siberian Huskies!
HE heroes of the famous antitoxin rush to Nome arrive Thanksgiving morning. See the exhibition at the Fairgrounds Friday at 10 0' clock. See the races!. See Seppala and his dogs in Treasureland Friday, Saturday, Monday or Tuesday' from 1 to 2 o' clock or 2:30 to 5 o'clock at tlv Fairgmunds.
William Saylor, of Dayton, several daya last week with folks. Mn. Robert Burnet and son. Dayton, are visiting relatives here. this week. William Allen has Bold his east of to~, to Ben Smith, of neaville. , The condition of Mrs. Cassie remains about the same, posatbly Uttle weaker. ,
• _. '
yourself were shopping.
lin. B.'e Scott, 'Ev;rett
ter.. Mfa· B)'rOD RUllb, . in Sprlnrfte1d,
Sunday. lin, utomoblf, Ruh was aceld severely lurid In an nt Ina week ago a , e ., e . IIr. and Mra. Charles Johns eater·tain~d W · dinner. Tueaday. Prof. 8IId lira. Ralpb Tolle. of Wuhlngton' D_ c., lira. lleDl')' Sattertbw!lite. of neayiQ. and llrs. Warren Espy. Cen~le. '. . :' . ~ ... alQ Stacy apent .everal 1aat week ~t the lome of.
"!""-~... -
a. w.
....- . . , . . . . -
A large crowd enjoyed the 'aplendld leeture and stereop~lcon views of the PlllllpplDe lalatida by Rev. 11. F Zierer .and ,Wife. of Cente~le. Lytle hall. Fri.d ay even ng_ '
Jolm II,.. and' daQiter. at mout; 1Ir. 8IId lira. Bennan .Alltrilrbtl ad .... ~ DIIrtoIr; JIJ'. and IlIL II. atid 'sOu; of PIIdtVa,..., ~. Y... _tUIra. Albrfatat, at DMI' 8pnqboro.
"se.. p.. ~I' for Youror••• Dat.•. W. QUybt.. Chup Nothlnr.
• If you cannot pos&ibl" come - wrire or phone Cornelia--she will fulfill yoor wants
The:-MiaDli 'Gazette
gift. Not a port of importance. not a village of note has been .omitted in garnering -from its four corners gifts centuries old or minutes new in ideas. And now that they are here. you will find serving you. 'people interested in making your selections happy ones - and a store teeming with the joyous spirit of Christmas. Three-quarters of a century's experience - affilia~ions with some of the greatest stores in America - New York and scores of foreign offices - all contribute toward the happy success of YOUR Christmas. Come - we are ready and eager to serve!
~. and aln, Rudd S~ylor and of, Lebanon, were we~k"'Dd pesta Mn. Susan Saylor. . . Kia Sarah Oabnm: a former tIe realdent, fa very Ul at St. beth hoapltal, DaytOn. Mr. and Mn·. noyd Savap 8IId children were Sunday runt. of Kra. Belle Dinwiddie. III Wa7Desvine_ Mellll'll. F.red Turner and Jo.n ... of Dayton. spent Tueaday THE DUMIB B!LL THE POOR SIMP mole on your neck." bowl, sir?" . the farm of J. B. Joa., htmtinc. . "Through 7 -rBaven't even atart_ Mr: Frank Bopn had his P'1UMI 8IId pray for WUllam Peck. "Mary." said the poor prude of a ed. I'm waltinl' for some soap. II SUCH SERVICE haad eut 8IId IllUbed Koaday. wIleD Ue ~uab hla str~ would pay the,'Jtul!lb'ind. "If you don\t pun down your ___ _ I UIla P'lDder at Ear.,,1 elefteck. • _._.___ lome one'l colnw to lee that "Are you- through with the finger S ....eriH to tL.1IIaad G.""!o '-;;.. tor. THE . 1WINKER Mr. , and Mrs. Albert The l&teA prIM ,riDmtr Is the man dauahter. lila aeo. -were II 10 bowleat4 tha~ he baa to raeau of llr...nd JIra. WUI NuJJj hla Ihoa 101ecl1' on the lide. Spriqboro. llr. aDd Mn. William Brown to Dayton Saturday to apend a few daya -with their daupter. JIra. Frank Woolley and family. JIra. E Oha 1 to... d mary r e .., an Frank Cbarleton entertained a her of friende; Saturday afternoon, at the bome of the fonner, Mr. and II.... Harry Graham left Tuesday for a two weeka' vIaIt tb e latter',a sla...,r. '-'-- ... ....rs. J ~mea N--1.. .... and famUy. at Younptown, Ohio. .Jame. Paugh and family ten,th..... H f' an.. on e I n . . ennan arm • moved to Frankhn and Mr. Ora HiIII end family. of Irvine. Ky•• DOW octllPY the hOUle,
SPrlncboJ!O, .,epd ·l tended ... tiunenlJ L~M.HEN9ERSO.N at Lebanon_ . Bow doth" the l'rettW Uttle .rane, . IIr. and lira. . Welter . , _TAffY PUBLIC Ke"p dated all the time, · went to St, ~h . aoBlIllollll,. lII&Jr-1 By IIlttiq where the attt!De'. eood- ton, . Tu8llW1lJ. to vJa1b. .....-...'""'~'-!IIo..lL.)l And showina perf~t ntece" Ike- Viola P..... who Ia WIll. ~." .. .... E ••at.. teulH --+- • 1dtb pneumonia, foUowlnl.811 , • ratio~ '" W.,..,••• IU~. Ohl~ . 1'r7 ~e IlIaniJ Guett. for. , . . . ,& week ..... , . r • . Mr. and ..... Kealer Graham ~~ed to a t.m1I7 .dJnner SW~dai'l, _ _ _ _""'_ _ _.011!''''';'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'It.he foDowlnc I'll"": Mr, and
]1 choosing ground for your Christmas
as rhough
U,OOO a Y,ear penalon to ~he widow May ijarll\n. enten.lned the Baptist and cbJldren, vIaIted the fOl'Jller I .....
. ~~~~~~=::::;':~~~ '"
Laden With Gift Treasures F rOIn All The World---
,,=~t:h::etrip::;u:n:ae:r~th=e~ri~v:e:,.~=~~====:;===:;:~==== .k A4
Cuba 'does
School; '10 :30 n ..... n"",~1 . \ f. "Tr . Chrlstillnlh Ll!nl:'~l!; 7 :.00, ~he-new CenturY club .lIlot at lal'k, f C rwin , ity;" G: I &, Sh, - "Y \11' ki, S UTe wonderful. drs. nth rin s\!\'mon, "Liberty n.IIJ Lo)'nlil" " . Friend Home with Mn. Lmdley alit (Iun't ~'Oll ever get tired!" I" very sick. . V ' I 1T . don hall 011 hostess, Qn Nov('mber 18, ....../ 1Je--."!)on't they ~ny t hat wonder~ Anton S. iVntklllll, ' : .D., .Pastor. '(vhen twenty m<lmbers and two ho'nnever ceAse?" EdjVllrll Wo<>Ual'll 1I11d family huyc FOB SALE ~ SOllie Pollinn- hi na ST...~ UG~JSTlNE CHURCH orary members. ans\Vorl'!l 1'01\ cu\1, -~-._ - -.- -, -' mov :11 to DaytOn. I ~ ., '. ' with "My .Hobby." ~. ' .,.,.. Saml Wilson, w Sablcrlb. to lb. Mi....1 G...u .. liJirtoll, Ohio. -n2S 'If you enjoy summer concert!> by unday, November 27, . service at The gueste W re: Mrs. 'Small, Mrs. Beachy, Miss Vandervoort, Mrs. the band, ' come to the Cowboy band 7 :3 0 a. m. at Gym Monday nlg,ht, November' 28. Fnther Bi.e n, Pastor, Clark, Ml'II. Frotl)m, Mr". Ernest Butterworth nnd MT8. Mo ris Cornell. The program con8~d o f mU8ic ST, MA.RY·S ~HiJRCH The postofficl' will be open from 7 to 8 p. m., 'l'hanksb';ving Day. Firs L Sund ny in dvcnt, November lind ~YO very intcresting and in27: hurch .;eh 01 lit I) :30, Iluring ~itruchv~' pupers. ·. " Miss Esther lI eilllerson underwent which time thl! ell'dion of officers fo r Th~ COn Q ?e8t ot, the All', Mrs. Ed· u ton, il operat ion at Miami VlIlIer the coming yeoI' will be held' MornWin L. 'l homas. hospital, todny. "The Mound ~ui\dc l's of Ohio," Mrs. ing Pray I' nml scrmon lit 10 :'30. Frank R. FaIT. Mu ~ lc. Itev. J ohn J. Schael!er, Hector. Leath r !toods make splendid Christmas gifts. See tne displny at During th e sociol hour the hoste88 Cory's J ewelry 'S hop, L banon. Ohio . FERRY CHIURCH OF CHRIST sen'od n de licious two-co urse lunch. Bible Sc h 01 !) :30 , lesson on "The Uftll.· whi ch We adj ourn ed to meet Master F.nd Fife, of W ilmington. Nllture of 'I' fUIl Worship." COm- wit h 1\'Ir• . Whi te on Dcccrnber 23rd. is spending a f ew days at th .. home of . F. R, munion nlld SI!rmon on "'rhe Church his ' grandmother, MrS. S u ~ nn Wil· llnd Her Mission.' Evening sermon --.~ - ---kerso n. at 7 ::30, on " [!lcrensing in th e KnowlTh is Christmas buy her "Your ex edge of God." "Forsake fl ot the assembling- of ilver sllol" ilve rwlIre. U's depend' able and benuUtul a nd cannot rust yourse lves together." Berean Social Friday ovlming lit M. M. 'rerry WIIS in Lebanon Mon · or wear black. Cary's J ewelry Shop (~l Y afl l·moon. ' authori zed agents In Wnrren county. 7 :30. Nathan J ohnson, Minlster. This plll ce was well repr sen ted at l\I.'S. Mame R ntfield , in compa ny thl' Lam h salo, W dncsduy. with lA'hanoll [ rlends, yisited the OddCHRISTlAN CHURCH fellows home lit Silringfieltl, Wednes. Sundl;ly School at 9:80. EveryLIIIl Urn nnon, of Xenin, WIIR u collcluy of lust week . t')' hI I lw K. Eo Thompso n home on body cordinlly invited. SU . 1t ny. CO"rected vi ~ i on mnkes brighter T'hh il lbe time of ye.r whelllhe f.mou. Goodye.r AU. boys nnd girk .Let Dr. Rud olph, thl' TURTLECREEK COMMUNITY R ( '. lI unt, of Lytle, WIIS hel' W..... r Tr.ad i. mOlt .ppreciated. Eatra thiele, elttra touah, CHURCH wel k IIIHI buught ~o\'ol'o l truck loads eyesight s pecinlist, adviRe you. Tuesof catl ll·. ed••tl&caUy d.ala ..ed for TItACTION. day and nturday at ary's Jewelry S unday School 2 :00 p. m.; preach. . . COODYEAR TIRES OD your wheel., GOODYEAR TUBES ing, 3:00 p. m.; ChildIen's service, Ttllllcl'\ Abuler and fam il y have Shop. Examinlltion free. 1..ltIe, them, aDd • let of GOODYEAR. RU~BER NON-SKID Chel..1 , . 6:46 p. m. ; pr eaching, 7 :3Q p. In. ; moyed to the Lo n Brnnnon place, nelli' .ad.r th••••t for omera.aci.1 will put you ill Ihape to tr",'ol thi •. !tIl'. Ilnd Mrs. Walter McClure a nd pmyer meetin'" 7 :30 I). • W d _ t he church. and Mrs James McClure attend. .. ' m., e nes Mr wI.ter .... for a lo .. a tim. to' come iD Comfort and Securit,.. ed' a funer~l directors meetLng at day; Bible Study, 7 :3p p. m. F ,ridny. 1\11 5. Ethel Benson, s~n and daughW.'U tr.de, if you ",aat Goodye.r. all .round ..... If ODO or Wilmin"'on Mondny nlg'ht. We c~ 1I th~: IIttcntton of all .ages ter ha 'o moved to !.heir little fnrm 6' to our Bible Study Class. Here IS lin near Jamestown. two ca.iaa. or a ta'Le or two will round out your equipmeat we wW ••pply you promptly, from frclh, Dew aloclc., at price. which Hen ry WUlard nnd wife, of Olive The hum an eye is a Ilelicate orga n. ?port~hnitytr t o. colle~t ma ny gems _ _ ••tra ..... ae doably certain. Care for. them ,,:ell. Con.sult Dr. Ru- ;on~ ~I ' el~Sury O~Sf! of God's Brunch , were seen on O\ll" streets, ~dSS me~ h promptly at Monday 1lI 0rning. dolph, t he eyesIght slleClIIllst, Tues- 7 . ~~ 'ev 111., lI~urday 9 ' cry,.· ,rI uy lUg t and holds . G9Qdyear AWT ~Ox3~ Pathfinder Cord aday'm !) toa. 8m. ~om.. Il. Cary's Jew Ie for one hour. J nm s JncebR and famlly hn\' OSCord . ry ,Also to our .sunday afternoon moved from the Lon Brnnnon plnee Shep' Leba.i~~ Ohio. M; and Mrs' C. Robitzer spent shlp. You calli meet with us at t o tile Ethel Beuson place, ,n ear t he 8eve~1 days la:st we~k in Columbu~, services und not hinder your attend- scho~l house. the guj)sts ot Mr. and Mrs. Merlo ance '.IlseWCher!:. , Don't foraet t.he Oklahoma Cowboy 29x4.40 Pathfinder 2h4.40 Goodyear AW ...." HARVEY, , P astor. blind at the Gym at Waynesville, on Kerns. "
Vol. 1
N ovember 23, 1927
Publl....d iD tlte in. l.r•• " of tbe J;>.ople
wli1 be tree, &0 do not miss it .
of Wayaenme ,a"d
the tarm. and farm. ert of tbi••icinlt,. . FRED M. COLE Our band boya Bure hllve Il lot of )lep. 'I'o Induce the Oklu • . homu Cowboy hUIIl! to come to WnYllc8villo r equires a lot. of work uild oxl)l! nSO, too. The elllire community Rhould t urn out on Mondny lIi ght unci hour t hese fun mllkefS who hnve been so. popu lar on the radio.
The Premier band hasn't anythIng on ' me, eith er. The Ok lahoma Band boys will !rivo t heir fum· ous Coon Hunt in li t my store Monday night before going to t he Gym for t he cOlleel'l;, We will huve a lou d speaker out in front nnd a brondcasting station iu the store. This
Play Safe this Winter on GOODYEARS
,1£ ' t he peol' e had to pay t he ",ur tuxes before the wllr th . re wouldn't be
Ml'II. Zell h ilS in · Iltnl!cc\. the intcst I'osley , Bu ndbox ra tH o with a n A. C. Power Convertor. 'fhis cOIinects to her e leclt·ic light plug, 1111 t hat is n ecessary is to tlll'n t ho switch ann t un e in.
Thore will be 0 Un ion Thunksgiving service \n t he Method ist church Thursliny nigh t. Rev. Mr. Schaeffer will speak This is a fi ne co-operative m9velnent, nnd the chu rch should be fi lied. We 1'hollld all bl' t h"r c fOl' we 11\1 havo n lot to be thnnklul fOI·. T he M. E. Indies A id will hold a three
days Cl1l'uivnl next we k. Watch fOl'the big poster . Time, tide, 'I'hankR- .' giving nnd Cilrit;tmas wait for man. 'J'h t! H cotl'o la buslgood. A ludy ctilled up from :lO miles IIway asking ' for immediate he got de li ve ry. hers y()sterdny. One goes to Spring Vulley und one to. Xenhi this week, und we de n't ' know who elso will coli np. 1l1~ 8:\ i~
He-IOEvery time I kisR you it makes me a better man." "Well, Glad YR YO ll don't huve to get to henven ton ighll"
-.----- --
F red M. Cole Hardware, Farm 1m plemeat. PhoDe 32 Wayne..,iIIa, Ohio
$:10.95 T Balloon
$8.50 31x5.25 Pathfinder
W.ayn~sville Moto~ CO. PhoDe 105
Mr.. and Mrs: M.erIe Kerns, uf ~o: lire spendmg the ThankagivIng with Mr. and Mrs. 'J. D. mnlnll" _
thing your olles will luok for on the pens and pencils yeu give them Christmas, is tbls name :. "George S. Parkcr-DuQ!o)d." Nonbreakable bBrftls and point guaranteed 26 years. See them .t Cary's J ewelry Shop Lebanon Obio. " Mr. Adam Melloh WTites from Pbuenb, Ariz., Nuvember 19th, that he and his family lU'e thorouahiy enjoyillg their trip and that they ex. peeted to be in California the next day
----~- -AITfNIIO~1 •,
It will be t h ai ! th ·Ml'. and M.ra. Howard McClure are office as e moe the parents of a little son, born Sunwell a~. all other places day, Nuvember 20. 1928 automoblle bigs will be please every o:ne, but we must Misses Doruthy Conard a,d ('athyour co-opeqltllon. erille NonIe were home from Ox!ord Acc~rdiilg to. instructions from over the week-ena. Chalmers ~'. , Wil80n, com":,lssloner The Ladies Aid held a market. in of motor vehicles, the followlng rulel Xellia un saturday. The proceeds must be obsel";~ed: amount to mure than" ,65. YOUI' bill of sale 0.1' IIWOl'D ment of owne.rah lp after having Mr. and Mrs. Grant Phillips and • I Aled wIth tho Clerk ' of Courts, must 11011, o~ ' Cincinnati, IIpent the week· Yuu expect the Watch you buy t.o then be presented In penon to dep- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. run 24 hoUft a day, '1 daYll in the uty commiseionel'll or audltOr'1 of. A. Phlllipe. , week, 62 weeke in the ye_for ~ce where license tags may be The Ladles Aid of the M. E. churcb years unendinr. When was your cured. In otber woraa, the a lOelal and needlewor'k watch cle.ned and oiled. We have the ear mast apply for tags. Annex, Wedllllllday evenlllr of an etllcil)nt workman .t your "mce. wfse they wiJfnot be, tuned. week. Cary'. Jewelry Shop, LeballOn, Ohl.o. 1928 lIcenMI plates will .be J hn M :KnIght d f U ha _ _ _... _ . • ' on sale December I, 1927, and 0 C .an am y ve Individual will be pennltted to moved tcr.J_ Hilt. proper"', Che~ the 1928 tags ItIII"hhl CAl! on and te.r White and family have ~oved to the properW vacated by the MeDeceml..er 21 1027 Th t' , p. ere Knlptl. No, Mrs. Jonee, Bettie will Dot no extensl~n on 1927 plates, hav;e the diphtheria. You remember after mldrught;, December 81, ' CIJde Ewiq and RulJllOU Robinson you had , bel' tmm~nt.ed two years all 1:4... must carry 1928 plates. ot thla villqe, are "meJllliers of the aco, and so she iii i nno danger. Ain't Eapecja) attAmtion enlled t.o Dutch Creek arehestra, whlcb broadthat a grand and rlorio1ll feellngt .fact that all trucks, pll!lIIel~KE!r-c,oml.leaated a program from WLW studio, merelal cars tlnd Saturday evenin,. weighed, and ithe ofUcial • ~ ••- - pruperly siped by the NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT tel' of • "tand~rd eeale u:):~:~:~~1 the bill oJ. sale wben al Estate of G,org,o .0\. Scott, deceased. III made fer '. t:he platea. Notlf!e is hereby given that Everett blank for thhl purpose cau Early has been Quly appointed alld ed from all standard seale quall1led 'lUI executor of the estate of _ _'"l1li001 I deputy commlaalenel'll or the George A. Scutt, late of • uditors office.. . . County. Ohio, deceased. . In urder t.o serve all :rellidents of Dated this 22nd day of November, the county witbout ineonveDlence to' W. Z. ROLL, , them dep,uty . commll8Ioners have Judge of the Probate Court, been appointed wbere tap may be · 117 '. Warren County Ohio secured as follows: • _.. . , Erby Wor)"Y, FmnkUn, Ohio. R. O. Hutc:beJl,l, Muon, Ohio. C. E. Hamelr, Morrow, Ohio. B. H. Brou]ka, HarveJIb1lJ1r O. J . C, Hawke, Waynuville,' Please read the' abo.e, then tit; Wo\lU~ early and leCUI'e your plates alld ave WOMIo.., youl'llel! both time and Illconv~nlenee .U'~IR" ll\C~'
.FuIl \Talue ·For Your Feed Dollar When you payout money for a dairy feed you expect to get your money back in bigger milk production. You'U find that Miami Dairy combines goOd resultS with low cost. All of the. ingredients Deeded to increase the milk
Bow and to
maintain the cow's' body are contained in this popular 16% protein concentrate. Pute cane molasses gives appetizing Savor to Miami Dairy. It's a feed that your . herd will relish and prosper on 8tr~ht through the year. How about ordering a supply.now? .
'Everett Early, LYtle, Ohio .'
IiSill< ,
Honest Assortment
Vern Armitage
. _.
I Jewe1er--"Of course yuu want the girl'e name en.-raved u~ the 'rilll'" W.illiam-"Surely bllt--eh flOt too deep I)'
1)\S'I"""'1114 "k'fWUN
. H..
Janet, of ConSnl.lled .ecoad
racetheforprimaries ma10r ofand th.t townInonthea ID I. now placlorm of DO ".ppleaauce prom·
='~e practice of poUtid&u, '
November 28. If you 10 - : - - -. . miss it you will wish you Itad not, ..
=--=--_ ;....-=-,-_~_ - -::======================
you, detect 8117
JD_acl:or--':'.a"", -~,~~~~;~~f~~5~~~:~kl~=~ lOB'"I am Ilot • - a
entire stock to be dOled out at'Once
Low..t Prie.. i. Groceriet ..... • ...... i. W.rre.
c.•• ty.
Special for Saturday, November 26th E.am.1 W.r-P.... I,"ttl... Da...I.Coebr., .tc., SEE OUR WINDOWS
•• FREE Satur~ay, '
., I... tIaa. c••,
BREAD.~ December 3rd ,
w. will ............. fAa•• f ... cel.r...,.t..
Taystee -Bread .FREEl Witb ••eli '1'.00 ea.h Sal. of ·Grocerl.. (eacept S ••ar) 6n' 100 c..tel ..en -.Id ••• ,1.00 Cull p.re......
,. tha
IT W[LL PAY YOU TO BUY NOW FOR WINTER. COME REEARLY AND GET YOUR SHARE OF THE- BARGAINS. ME~BER OUR STOCK IS TO BE EOLD. _ , Bria. .. ,.ur P ••Ilr7 aad ~••.-dIe,. are t1a. _ . .. Cub. .... .
< ___ _~.
__ ,_
Whole Number 6781
. lE
. Can,He Get Them AU In? _....;.._......- - - By
r. Rettl
ATrCAPITOL , COLUMbus, OHIO- Thsre have been a lot of conclu sions drawn as a Miss Trillena and MiSB Margaret result of the \Ie feat ' of the Marshall hill, and some' have even gone far Edwards spent MOll,Iny in Dayton. Dr. P. A. Garner, chiroprllctor, enough to say that thc decisive vote Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 78. was a victory for the , wet interests, and Ohio lIoters ",Ill be for repeal or , Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke were modification of the Volstead blll at Lebanon visitors Monday. first opportunity. Such conclusionl lire without foundatiQIl. Fact I,s that Mrs. J. B. Chapmall was hosteBB to every large city da ily In the state, the "uridge" club -Saturday afternoon both e~itoria lly and through cartoon fo ught the bill. Such a unity on any Buy your Su ndny dinncr ut t ho M. other issue- is improbable. The Dem· E. church market Saturday afte rnoon ocrat and Republicnn pop elS would never support t he same candidate for Mrs. Fronk Stansberry and daugh. governor B8 a unit. No one gained • ter. Mary, were Doyton visitors last a personal victory In defeating . the Wednesday. Marshall bill. It just seemed that everybody was against it~ and so Corrected vision makes hpi .."."..· , telling were the cartoons, and so con· boys and girls. Let Dr. Rudolph, the lIincing were the editorials that deeyesight specialist, advise you. Tues- feat was certain. The rural justieel doy and Saturday at Cary's J ewelry of the peace had no organimtion with funds back of it all did opponents ~of Shop. Examination free. the bill, and the more they talked Miss Jean Kindle, of Social Row, fo r the measure the woree chance spent 11I8t .Wednesday with her aunt, they had of winning. Both the Dem· Mrs. Magglc Burnet . governor and Republican ·state officlal8 were ~inst the bill. It was Miss Emma Heigllway ate 'I'h"ftt. a. l no party victory, nor wos it a wet giving dinner With Mr. and Mrs. Ron one by any mcans. aid Hawke ,lind Bon .
Dear Gazett No refe.r e.nce to tho 'early his't ory w. N. Searl! was in Springfield on or Wayntlsville would be complete business, Monday. . without a tributo to the character of the. Friends, those splendid peoplo Ladles Ald market at the M. E. who e~erci~ed 8uch' 8 beneficent in· church Saturday afternoon. , I\uence upon its pioneer daY8. Much hilS been written and more has been MIsS Clll1'a Lile spont the weeR·end said of Ule el\'ect of the early settle'ra with relatives in, Washington ' C. H. of a community upon' ~ts later gener. ., alions' the same idea may be extend· Chrllltmas speclllis 10 Silverware cd Include a ootion as we, the peo. and novelties: Cary's Jewelry Shop, pIe of the United States. are be¥in· Lebanon, OhIO. ning to realize. It La easy to . see . . now that the restriction of immigraW. N. Sears and family were Su~· tion should have .begun Heverlll dec- day guests of Rev. and Mrs. John· ades ago. May we hope that it is not son, of Ferry. too, late to prevent a lOWell grade . h t otf Beautiful .are the Greetmg an d cilllllzation from dominating t a o Christma8 cards on display at cary's our early settlers. PerhallB our Pur- Jewelry Shop,Lebanon,Oblo. ltan fathers were somewhat rigid In their V('OW 8 but ellen these we,r e betMr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen and Misi ter than the opposite enreme. Olive Allen spent Thanksgilling hoI· While few of the familtes of the idays with Cincinnati relatives. Frlenda were actual residents of the vil~ee they were in reality a part Mr. nrld M,r s. Arthur Anson, of of the community. Perso,!ally the Mt. Healthy, were Sunday visitors at writer mllY have a very deCIded pre- the home George Pratt and lliaters. p08sesslon in favor of 'tbese good Leather goods make splendid people, inasmuch 88 hili grandmother belonged to the lIect. but waa dl80wn- Christmaa gifts. See the dlaplay at ed for the very grave 0l\'en8e of mar· Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, 01110. .-yin&' a youne 8ea captain who was not a member thereof. A fortunate Master Bobbie Hyman, who hu escape for the good Friends of the been under quarantine for eeveral · WnynesvlUe llIeetlng. wceks is very happy to be out apin. W 11 th DI d d d It would be a very Interesting piece '. e se , 0 pa ay pen a~ a of local history to know from what Justable pen socket. It is strictly a art of the East the Friends who set- desk pen. Come in and see them. P ft~ound Wayne' svl'II,e 'Originally C.ary's Jewelry Sbop, Lebanon, Ohio. _ tIed Call1e. Of course we would naturalMrs. HarYe u Rye, Mrs. W. P. Sally suspect that they were Penneyl. # k ,. A,l ....,. \oL.,!...J . i Ithough I \;lave heard that 18~ury and Mn. J. L. HatUoc were ~~,. U I. t "V'" ~ I a from the Carolina. Per. in vsosmn esnw8 'ere Daytp n today" t. h e guests of Mrs. R b rt W It
The human eye is a delicate Two more prospective candidates for the Republican nomination for Oare for them well. Oonsult Dr. dolph, the eyesight specialist, Tueaseems out of the contest, doy 9 a. m. t~ 4 p. .m., Saturday 9 Will be. It Ia reaaonab)y a. m. to 8 p. m. Cary's Jewelery that Myel'S Cooper, 01111, de:. Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. . feated for. the office, will not be a did d i .- I F ran k Dupree an d family, of can next year, an (1: t lIST.a Ben mOlt '• certainate that Congresaman ton, werc Sunday guests of John will ask another t~rm in8tead of takPromm and family. Ing b' ch ces In a heated p I' .... 18 . an r rna., 1\'.r5. Ad a.e 1\' E wen, 0 f S prllngboro, .. for gubernatorial nomina. tion. the A long range prediction Ia ha1lS lIome 1llember of the Society 0 e a on. . 81l0I:II111 ~.Im spent last week with M.r . and Mrs. that there will be just two candidates who pOllllesaes the . Information win Mrs. Grace McCulle and Mise Ruth Howard Archdeacon. for the Republican nomination next lay I~ hefore your readers aa almost MJl\er, of Lima. IIpent Than~vlng . . ,Mrs. Harry Linder, of Ronte 4, is year. One of these will stand witb all of U8 are SO constituted! that such and the week.end with their lJIother, • : ' ': ~'" a medical patient at Good Samaritan the wets · or liberal interest, and the item. are. intere,l ting and .hould be Mrs. Eva Miller. \J other wllJ stand with the drya or obtained an,d preaerved in the ann~ '~ hospital, Cincinnati, Oblo. law abiding element. One will alao of the town. This Ohrilltmaa buy ber "Yourex . "' ~_I&" . This Christmaa get "him" or ''her'' be for the exbibi t of prize . flght ,. " a pocket or atrap watch. See our plctureQ and modification of the Vol· Some of the families m~lIt have Silyerseal" Silverware. It.'s dependoOllle~, very early In t~e ,nineteenth able and beautiful and cannot tuIIt RULES F'OR I~VESTORS The H{gh school waa victorious in stock of dependable timepiecee. We stea~ law, wblle the other will be for century. Did they a!lrIve in compa· or wear black. Cary'i Jewell'1 Shop "' , their p ,me of basketball played FriThe "Romance of Sleepy Valley," are a member of "The Gruen Guild." a sttict oblervance of all present and nies 0'1' by 8eparate l.,milies' Per- authorized agents in Warren county. It Ia about as bard to keep your day ~ight. Their oPI)Onents was the a slx·reel feature film will be shown Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon Ohio. fu~re laws of the state and nation. lSonally I have 'met 'lIill: generatione of . moaey aafely ' as it is to make it in Alumni team of WnynellVille. The throughout Warren C~unty from De' Clip tbie out for future re,f erence. the Furnas family and possibly others Mrs. Harry Creagor and daughter, th first 1: ' It . 1m tHigh scbool icored IS while the cember 12th to January 7th accord· Mrs SU80n Arnold WI\8 ' the week can show an equaUy ~od record. Mildred, of Georgetown, and Mrs. " e pace. .requlre. a os Alumni only cot 110 hard fought ing to announcements fro~ Fann end ~e8t of Mr. and Mrs. Charle; . , Blaine Earhart, of Mt• •Oreb, I~ent as much care, ingenuity and foresight for 7. Thle, Friday night, the High Buftau officials and HomeAgent Reynolds at Spring Valley :rhe unusually warm weather of Amonlthe profeulonal men of the Saturday and Sunday with F. M. Cole as it doel to earn the money? school will go to Bellbrook, taking Watts. Sleepy Valley was a quiet ' ~ the montha of September, October Joaeph R. Nutt, president of the first and aecond tellms. Come on, little farming community in which Mr. , and Mrs. J . C. Hawke and November have 1I0t only been viJlal{e. perhaps the Vl8nerab~e Dr. and family. . . William H. Anderson stands pre-emi' ' . Union Trun Company of Cleveland evelfbody, let'. go ,md support the Ufe followed an unrumed even pace. Thanksgiving with their reUshed by f.armers who have "'In · ' nent; together with hia very capable There are .Christmas ~fts h ere to baa -' 11 f ' I hi boy" on Bellbrook's 11001'. . Daya merged Into daya without in- and familyt at Plea88nt Plain. their cr!Jps .rlpen, a~d been able to · wife, Aunt Martha, as ahe waa af. pleJll!4! every purse and we can uva a· ven us a st 0 quest one w c ____ terruptlon. Men tolled in the fteld, sow their wmter wheat, but baa beea .:lectlollateiy called by her large circle money for you. Shop early. cary'" aq upert analyist would Wl\nt an, farming ae did their f.thers and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Honnell ar· a God·send to .thousands o'!- unaldlleCl' of admirei'll. Both' belonged to what .Jewelry Shop, "The Home of Gifts," lIWered before reachinal a ct.cltion ~ week "The !thodel Scholar" grandfathers. Then one day there rived home Monday, after touring workm~n. George F. ~cblulDl'tr, was called the Thompsonian achopl of Leb~non, Obl,o. about • . bond: a light comedy was gaven by the Jun- came to Sleepy Valley a new inspira- Florida and other points in tbe Soutb. state hIghway director, UYI that more . .' I frl d lor. clau to help raise money need. tion and the story of its awakening work has heen done in road construc.medicine a division of which we heal: verY little in theae. dan.' -They relfeiJ You'll find the rlne of her eJream.l By th~ way, one quelt on a en ed for thia year'1I Elvents ¥iven by and commuJllty development ill ehown Our Christmas .colleetion of ringa, thle fall than ever before in the almost exclullively I believe uPQn 'VI' for ChJiatmu at' Cary'. Jewelry Shop of mine who baa large meanl! u.id them.. . In the spec~ farm films. watches and 811verware Is especially of th~ .tate. It baa been pOBrious kinds of herbs, two or three of Lebanon. Obio. ' AU our cem. are he was alwaye asked about a bond, The play featured ,a COnege lettin, The "Romance' of Sleepy Valley" Interesting, We also reset and reo sll)le to finuh many eonUjacts b~- , whieh they rcprded aa sovereicn carsfully aelel!ted and mounted ill. wu, "WUl the bank buy iU" U the with boardillg clubs and campUI is an inejllring real, honest-to.the· new any jewelry yon may wilh done cau,ae of the unllsual weather, thUI! remedies. The doctor blmself '01'- the latest designs. , bond wuu't cood 8nouch for" bpJ( !klmes. Even to the rube seholar soil motion picture, prepared under 'over. It will pay you to 'vlsit glvmg employment to thoUIIIIDds of iginated a mixture known' as Dr. An• It 't ad f 'hi ]( from a country town ",eanne an up- the cloBe supervision of the American JeVlelry Shop, "the Home of Gifts, me~ who would probably o~erwlae del'llOn's Gastric Neutrlllnr, whlch .r. and Mrs. , Obarlea Zimmerman Nu~n u!tinoae:::~ f~Uo"r:: r. to-dat., suit coJting ,9.98, at Myer FUm Bureau federation, and is aim. Lebanon. Thlo. be lelle. Many contracts wh;icb w.re egarded by m/ltly of hll paUent. had as their guests at a rabbit s upq " Hyman L The boy. found that it ed to hrlng' new hope new cheer new not eXllected to be conpleteil before easing remarkable heallne qual per last 'Friday evenine Mr; and Mrs. ill ~he corporatJon I! earnine wu ~)) . right to fall for a "college f.ith to rural people: It toucbe~ up. MiBBes Dor!s Hende1'l!0n and Rhea have been fin~ed and new W~ter cast" Mr. end Mn: Robert l'eCH!ve the eamln been anaI d' Jan~ if you could 150 luckt as qu- on the i.ndlvidual and community Janet Cartwnght of .W estern college, been started I~. many cues ~ ities. _ . Another physician of tholle early Crew an'd Phineaa Oook ' S ttl III t 11 bert waa in h\a pick of tbe coUece problema of rural America_xplain- spent Sunday at theIr bomes. and is being co~tlnued J~ aa lo.ng days ,who was held in the very hlgh. . . .' . n~~ b :nesm~d~ f:r .~~~~::::: .:: Girl, Rhea Ellis, who, at the lut min· hie the activities alld functious of , a s weather condltloDII perm,lt. H~n· eat' esteem waa Dr. T, L. Adame •. In Mrs. J. O. Ca~ght and daup- de re:latlon althou h ,the asmi ute prepared him for hla' eum.I in county agents, home demonatraUon Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright were dreds of miners . fro!ll the Hoc~m, those daya the practitioner 'WhbH du- ter, EVelyn, were donnltory cuesta olthe com ~n smo:nt to more t::: Math, an~ to the 8urJlrIse of even hie workers, boys' and girl,' clubs, the guests of Dr~ ~nd .Mrs. Dudl~y valley district are beln, coDlltantly t.i all..... h' i fttft the 8urroundlng t Western .. 011....... Oxford on Wedp y fathe!, Gilbert P,BlI8ed them. rural school- farm organizations co- ver, of Centerville, ThanksgiVIng Day employed in road cODllmction work es c "" . Im·OJIV ' a . ~ r~ ," ;-e-' ' ha their Interest chargee. The play was a I)leaaing succesa "" at the preaent time but when thla rural dlstrlCt.s efther \ travelel\ on ne~ay , night lut.. and w;ttneued t.. ~b&t III the company's ftnancial and the clau cleared '66. . ,operative, ~rketing a880ciation, fairs We halle exactly what you want ceases they are going to have trouble borsebaok wl~h saddle-bap to c~ntai~ S.opho~ore pJILY, Pe• .p My Hear,t condition" and ~XP.ollltlons, BOclal cJubs and in the celebrated Gruen Guild, watch· in 'keeping the wolf from the door How much the assets are InvencommercIal firms. . es. carl" s Jewelry Shop,. Lebanon, dudn the cold winter months. hia remedies ,or implements or' ill . a In ~hlch Rhea la~et ]llayed a paTt. ~o-'wheeled su~ky . dra,wn by one Mr. Cartwrlcht JOln.,d tb'm ,~or IIln- tOry! Mr. and Mft. l~oomaw ,pent Schedule. of showmgs are to be Ohio. g . . hone and · very convenient for turn- ner TbankJglvib&' Day. , " Have the cOl1lpany's bOllu been aud. Thanksgiving Day a t South Salem, announced III local papers next we~~, . ~ng In the narrow country lallee or lted! Sometimes without ,auditinr, and part of the weel, in Chilllcotb•. aa t1!e · Warren ~unty ExtensIon Mr. and Mrs,. Harry Tl1rner and Accordinr to storlee circulated about roa,da. If on horseback they ' BOmeTo aU our rltaders A'lf.erry Chrilt- the boob~'may show a company to .acents an,!! Farm Bureau omclals little 80n, of lJellbrook, spent several tbe capitol this week, the attorney times ,wore 8patterduhes wben . the mu for 192'1. Another 1io~lda,. se.. appear" more prosperous than It re. . ' pUln to also hold Olub Achievement days last week with Mr. and MrS. gene.1al's olllce may be asked' to in: were f\l;uddy. These co~alated son is rigbt at bur . ao~. , bringing ally is. . .MI88 Torner spent the week-en4 meetJn.gs and to dlscU118 .other local Harvey Sackett and' family. vestfgate alleged extravapnt expen. of pieces ot he/lVJ cloth wrappad i\$ Ctirlifmas dnties" win as ,ita 'What Ia the character of the com- visiting her slater in ,Chlcaco. activities at the same time. Farm , .. di~ureB of state aid'school funds. Beuound tit... legs ~Iow the ~ei!JJ and CbrlltinU Chllfr, You ~ve ~8ODti pan)"1 hulineD, competition, etc.!' organizations and rural groups, t1!at Mr. and Mrs. w. E. O'Neall enter- ports llltated that lI~e indi,ent ~en Uect on ,vlth strlnp and serving to buy, undoutitedly, and few ahoP'! One of the most important que.. would like to have the films shown tained on Thanksgiving Dalr...,Dr. and school · ~cta have been told by to protec!t the rider from t he abound· anywhere olrel JOu • better ~lected ~ona II, How weU. is the company Mlsa ~mitb r!lturned to her home in their commun,itJes ahould consult Mrs. J. T. EUis, Mr. 'and ·Mrs. L. ~. representatives of the department of mUd. .' • 'f Itock of podl th¥ we ·,.ve ....m- ma"qed? , . at Vereallles to apend the Thankaglv. the County Extension acent or call Henderson and Mlu Belle O'NeaJ], edueatlon that they mllst purchase J .wonder It ally. of yo~r YO\lnge~ bled. This is ,oQr invitation to Have . all necOlB81'Y legal precau- Ing vacation. at the Farm ~reau office before At the home of H. H. motion picture machines for Visual Nad n 11&". ,eyer ~eell one. of t hoae eome and liee OUT eone~on of rillP, tionl been taken' , ' Honday, December 6th. and family on Sunday, educatJoD' work, or sul\'er in their lulld.. ~ept per~pl, at tho cQunW watches; Buverware end nowltt... If the principal aDd Interest guarMr. W'r iaht waa 'It his bome i1\ ---.' was a happy family gathering. rating, Other rep,orta indicated that I.Jr. Cary', Jewelry Shop,. The HO.I of antee, .1'hat does that guarantee Bellbrook for ' Than~lgiving. T ~ present were Mr. and Mrs. R. J. ~tate aid SCh,001 money .has been used , ( Gifts," Leba1\bn, Ohio. aplount to anll Is it enforceable' _ . ' liamson, of Cleveland, Mr. and In som~ instlallces for the purchase To wbat purpose Ia the iuue! , L. T. Oooper, Mr. and Mrs. of expen~ive referenee books, and of Dr. A4a~1 bad at one ' time as I medical partner and UIIOClate, a phy, -,-. \. ., " t wm the borrowing purpoae be fulWhere the re.t of tbe faculty llpallt ' Williamaon of Dayton Miss motion plcture ~· fil~a for use in viaaldan 1I&1IlM Dr., Dime, 1riIo. how~ loW' 81,1gar t1Je. whic)i. upon f.u~ ~ed1 ..' theif Tban\uiglViq: . WiUlamson', of Delaw~rc, Mr. and ual education clasaes. Protes1;antl eftJl, ~o.;d frOm thi 'fin81{8 In ' tb, Ine, th,y 'l'rPU"d' find to )HI fall qt a . Are fU~ bond laeuel restricted' ](111 VaU.I!JtJne .t her borne In Mrs. H. H. Williamson and Miu are reporte~ ready to ask ths attor"~r ...... aftei' whioh. 't he fo",mer fine, quaUty of ibaplo...IlIcar,.. , Can tile comPllny redeem its bon" Stoutevme. . Grace. '!ley general ~ olllce to in!estigate and praeticed alPD,.. ao 'tar aa lean FOl; many 'P'rIl Mr! I. '.S. Harril upon maturlty.? Mlsa Bobba at her home at Hm.. --• - • ask J. L. ~ilf~n, ~te superintend",,~1\~ II r'".....a ,the unbo"nde4 waS' the only ~nkef ~ jll' ne~ Wa7' Ie a alnkin. fl1nd ' neceuaryT boro. To be held In the Methodist cburch enb of publIC Instruction, for !Po stateCIO~'" of th, p,op'& 0' e ~orrh nellVille. He will 1HI ,,emtmbered alf - W\1&t· are the precautio!la rePrd- Miae Shoemaker at het' home at on the afternoons and evenings of ment of filets. Oppoliitlorr I8lao is '-1lq!tJ', ' .. havipg had,ltli,plue of.);ufin~ tn the ~ taxation of the hondaT .' Sinidn" Springe. December lat, 2nd 8N, under ~eing shown to 911fton" rec!nt apThe :'fl1l*Ce .tao h~ one' tlomto. roo'm'now oecupfed, by ~e podo• • , . II!-the prope~y tree from le~nsT MiBI McKinaey Ipent the vacation ,the aupleee of the Ladiel Aid society ___ polntment of Ohlo State unlvenity pa~ ba tlitl pepen pfj Dr., Bo.l~r, Mr. Hartle, I , ~..., a "~ale ' Ji the l~c4?l1ie retum , ill Reepin, with her .Ister ·in thl! cou"try. A good place to buy your ChrIatOharlcs William Gordon was born pro.fesso~ on the dep~ment payroD., ~o HIIloyid to. ~n' ..iii. ,time m.an, all~ . . . v!lrJ' much i.ti~ 1f{tII .lIneral market condltJons! ~rs. Houg~, ~r. liarlAn and Mr. mas presents. Hand-made articles, at Trebehl . Station, Ohio, October At the time of Clifton II appointment, bato... lasO. ' ~ " in the 1C.lence qf ,"10.,. HI! II,~ ~llveltJq h.- bec~me a ecience. St J9hn remal.ned at hom.. ~on~lat1ng of quilts, . comfort.; wo° 18, 11378, and departed this life No- pro~l\ts ",ere ~ade to ~overnor Don- , £ to haye hid \fie la~Jt and ~ ~l. Jf you are untrained in it, YO\l can • _ . .. ven' and knit ruga. aprons and many vember 19, 1927. He was the ahey that C!Ifton, haVing been for o • .:I_.... Df ' 4lQIlpe the .irllt and saw lectil!n of, ~obi~e . in tlto ~"ited hardly depend upon YOll' o,wn Ju~ T' lothar dainty handmade . articles suit- of nenry C. and Mary A. Gordon. on OhiO State uniVersity pr0operated Jl ~r: '0. I'J . . }Vnch~ S~tes~ bIlS~dU' III¥J ~~I!J: lIolOrl~ ~ent; '. " D&~ able for gifts wm be on sale. He united in marriage with MJsa would· permit the state UDi· "PlllMi 'Ja.lem~el'l!d by mllPyre,ii delltil s~eqimfns. The \'001i.I , ~oulld ,W~)'. U il.Jietter to lubmit to an lnvllt- , BriGc- the children to see Santa Georgia Pratt, December 2, 1901. versity to dominate lila olllce, tJ0a• o('.)'~Uppf .8,t tlQweverbave !,emlle belonr ~ thI ,Xlow" 1$1l1U'o fcilnt . houae or .• bank ill whom )'OU The), ' are thlnkin,g! " Who are Olaus. · Supper will be eeryed, eacb To this union were born three • - '. Htllloi'illa'uled to .a 'l\&wmfll as they I.a n pelliod a"d are uncollullonlJ'~ri~ ~"e ~nftaence, , ' " evening from I) to 7:30 ~ which the ren, Evelyn, Mildred and Dorothy, wwe bi Jrjt, :Wngbt'1 ox t~I. ;" If, I~ ~\lIIIIIlB: Any olle .~db\J a ~ Th~~Ct! with io~e coin to pubJic . Ia cordially invited. Also at Evelyn residing at home and Mildred , ~ng til. . dafe Itf autp truoka. w~t would or ~d ipeotDlllll "llieS', ~l', dla" ipend. :. .. . 8:80 asch ev~nlng a shorl program and Dorothy havin~ died In Jnfancy. II. ~hol1*"t o( one; ~f ' l bo8f . ",at pose of'" It to ..... ,H~. B. ~olt That present migbt be will be 'gi~~ as followlI: '. His father And mother, four brothWayne Townshlp High school hU pRed !I'll:! With hU'1 e \,911'8 a ~.t B;8~on iii lils collection 'Catchy '" . ,. Thursda~ menu-Oyeter stew, und- ers and ' four , isters preceded . been inJitedto take part in a literary , ad' dril'lm. ))y :perb",pl twel~e p~",del- a~d ,:"aa al'inQ'1l Haay to exhibit ~t ·, .. , " ' . ' A'nd' make ,a \0 • 1 frle d. ' . . ~~hea. ple l ~OUghnuta, and a 'mulioal death. One siater, Mrs. James ex~mpore speakii.nc C!Ontest, · wldcJi oUt oxep, ;with Lyman ClfaH, cart):!. to an appreci~veo viiltor~ '; Oh1ldr.en · ·.lth P\he ~aa comedy. of Xenia, Ohio•• urvive8 him. the department of oratory at Ohio , i~ a bun :)Vh\P and directi~g them , ), . . "".',' . . . ~P!rJt )' Friday' menu~ed ablc:klln pie, He wu a member of th~ First Wesleyan university, Delaware, 'II ',' -rOund . th~ tums of, the , illIage , HI': QarrIe t'bequeaihe~.,~., entira . " ", ~ Wovep round ' that Jo~ul da. wi~ aJl it~ ttlmmlnra, "The Old Methodist church!... Xenia, OhIO, and c~nductlng 'April 20 an~ 21. pft.. itreeta. ' Immen•• , ~hite ou 10ta ~ollection to 'the SmithiOtltan 1ne6· " Tii Ii ' lau w· J' TJu(t t'helr ·IJttl' mInds M~ family FotyftBph Album." fraternally waa amllated with the K. hmhlarlee in both contes.ta will: '" .w,re th~ ,d,.. . *«I the ;n~D to. be tue .t WashtilpOl!, ~bere .lit Ia 'on 11' "'~Jm:reOhl at ' e . ' cb~rl8bed 1: ' ' ." . ' . . ',. • . Satutday menu-Swiu. stea1c sup- of P. lodge of Waynesville, .Ohio. held April ,20 and finals April 2l.' ... d ,nIilntlfac\uiecl tDW ' lumbe tlil! Ilk, of Uhibitlon. I • Ie " ,'" { ~ L 'P, L:). oJ;, '. 0, pre8ellte t t e Of "':"t.a III hie 1 I.... , ' .. per aDd extra ftxings. .ITyhie a He was a good hUlband and ~..,b1cti 11 unC!)taliIable almost I~ ~e A'n other mi iter In ·;.hin )Ie ~1I annw Tna~Vlnr p~y on, We~ ~ , , 1\;'.., ~~"' .. Dlxi, :tn·o t." . , father and beloved by all who lmewll~~aOIl:';~l~~~d~ 'present ~y. ~d pn'",~oll. How , " I t inteteaf • th~',:co~l~tloa of ~~~ b<e~ry ati~n.U!u~aiaatI;; .- ~i ' .... U1b.1rtq • Many other at~ctions will be bim in t~lB , co~un\t1 and will be Il prOdlgal' we we1"8 lif J ur tlaWr.l ~ tre~-~ter""1& In lWfIa ~~ ~ au e~ 1,,:11 ,Pfla -]I« ., "'Uai f' , ... there for your. enjo"",ent. .' , greatly 1Jllllll4!d. ' , ~ IC!P~ I tn os8 Clar,ii. J., ' plbnN" Ji)ore \atetis t.h_ I!~t.....~ ~ ~".. ~n~~ .:Jtef.(}I MY ., ,1lJ\. ~ ~. Saturday. afternoon at 1 O'CIOClk, A prel,llous Olle, from us has ,one, farmer,of th, Vic:inity, 'ilr, Seth Oart. tound' in the f~..u,r 1IiUae\ .M\ ~itNntW&eed ~I\)', be ·'thl RuG I ~t.h .. a .Come with ·your bukete atad a-"1\4 A v(ltce w!!> loved ill stlll~d; ,prize a $JO sc~otanlllp, ,thlfd ' wright has told me of the ~Qm1 of (lhio il one oJ th"'; 'A ftlW of tti... '~ ' :0:!0III0Je p~, we've ~d. ~!Jght, ~ . 'the Market of g!locl ~t. . to · ~t. A plaee is vacant ill our ·bome, prize of a $60 aebolanlUp anll ....,. " thnber' whJqh ~,.ere ~l~ ~.n. fQr, ~~ w.re lO~d !Ow latrtx ~i1 amil1l11~ If 0~wer!~ wer ·~~d" Yi~a ~ , . Which never ,~1l b~ filled. hon~r .,cholarshlpa .-eli &I1l0aDuq to ~ tW" .and , third cen~ per coid th!lap not fer, tlie ~ 111m.1 ~1. all , ':'1!" II! en . t~~~ iii ~ the ' 1Hiat. , • f16 are Included. =J.M~ p~f~ of ___n boapt. .t., ~\. . ' It. CaM .~ :~ . .,'.', . : " -.......'b it ItOO~ In the Aeld. 'l'bll! teJlUe. lied 1n ,New Jen.,. _ • An .... P . • 'iIa"pata-. i j' • We wiIb to apr-. ow to M·..
SiOO1 N(0te'·e' - 4THE ROMANer OF
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FROM COURT HOUSE COMMON PLEAS eROCEEDIN6S oUTlL onl 1'1!, u{)on mot ion of ~be plaintiff. tha Alf~cd . Bl'llnt, be app lilted J'feei cr or (lil .1 b't", in U~e aBO I Johano en Wul II and parr, Inc., V8 . rere' Brothel'll Ilnd Company. ' . N~W ~UlTS
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c,)unLcrleit ' sensat.io ns cllu8ed him fllil'ly to !\hud\l r wi~h n longing tQ IIlllke them Ilut~ ·ntic:. ' A Victory H ' rai~ed himself on hi~ I'lbow to It \l'a imp s ibl t~ detel'lnine lhe look uut OYcr t hl' Wilsie which int rIIrell of til wllmp. Th l\tifl' anti v n d hc t.w c ~1I th islulld lInu lr llOs We trunks III Itcd IIwny agai nst furth er s hore. It wus not so distullt a line 01 bl ue hills on tlu! h9rizon. fiR it, h Rd seemed, but is WU R lri'eat~r Not for ahead, Utough, there WIIS an t hlln the fil'Rt lap. ' H.e ~hook hIS "No booze until th llt'~ be· oasis, an islnnd which rose a lew heud. feet above the black water and was hind me, Too danger ou!(. 1 crowded with vigorous treell. It 'was v rytl1ing I huve to make it." p rbaps an acre in extent. There R e took up the journy again'. wus II breer. over there. th trees Now progr " wus slower. He \VIIS s\\~a.yed. ired. The lringlo seemed worse. "This s emil to be II sort oC- well, the water deeper and blacker . Once II. symbol," he thought. "It's infern- h ~ I ipp c d, lind wna immersed hip all y hard going. It's dllngerous. I .loep in the lepid wuter. lie hastily don't 'know how far across. It wo uld cl'tlwlcd back to the grudging sur· be tl8sier to sidestep it, to go aro und. face of a Riender stick. nut it's in my path. It blocks the As he crawled one wide pool on n way rill going. Why Rhould 1 let a cedars whose rur ['nd wos inRccurely cedar swamp btifl'nlo me! J wonder an hor d. BO t hat tho trunk roc ked if this booze QuclItion wouldn't havel with his weight, the boltle Rlipped been cosier if I'd fought It in the from his shirt and plopped into the CHAPTER XVI
. · o-liat '
......... ",tIe••
t ...... aUI • •
. FU~~~ D~R~CTO . RS
EquiRped for ' Good Se"ice. w..e J;)1aplay Room. Ambulance Service t
TlU:iaONll 7 '
$. :"fl
Wunun Libbe vs. Georg Libbe,e ; uivorce. gl'O s neglect. ,Gllorglu .Donhllm VB. Alfred Don. ham, divorce, gross' .ltegleet. Ashbaugh H. Brown, vs. E . A . trout n calty ' ,AgelllClY, for money only. Amo un t clllimed $6.4,661.60. .Iohn Paul VB. Lincoln Lackey, for money onl y. Amou nt cluimed, $5 23.74. 1'he Muson Lumber Company VII. Bessie Mey?r. John Meyer. George B. Lund en. Ml1lnlo Pounds lind harles II . Pounds. . PROBATE PROCEEDINCS Proof of pUblication of t he nppoint ment 0 f Mllry C. Horvey as xecut rix or lhe estllte 01' William L. Harvey. Proof of ' pu blication ~f t he ap. poi nt ment e{ elia E . .Thompson as executrix of the estate of Christiana ' A. Thompson. The last will and testame nt of EmU 1If. Runyan was ndmitted to probate. Court ordered tha~ on the fi fth day of Decemb er, eight ' estates would stand for hearing. Fannie Pence filed het BAle bill as administratrix 0:( the will of Forest ~ence. e Court confirmed the thil'd and final nccount of E . C. Dunham a8 executor of ·the will of J ohn W. Apgar. Court confirmed t he first aeco nn t of Fa nnie B. Hill os g uhrdilln of William A. Skidmore. Court confirmed the fo urteen th accou nt of Amnnda Oberlin as administratrix of t he .estate of Ridge Shafo r. ' Court confirmed the first and final accoun t of Samh R Wright as administratrix of the .~stnte or Mildred
Gilt. Thllt Wilt ,
. Something to W ear
Lo!t Long . After . CIITi,tma.
35 -3.7 NOR'J'H MA.N " TRIE£T DAY TON, 0810
·A Gift from 'D ou'enfeld's' Will 'Prove aComp~iment .to the.' Giver Slenderizing Ores es fo r the Ltl rge IW omart
(lcorccttc, fl!\t C"~l'''. crCl;c romaine. transparent velvet r nrl cmnbl1l1' IIOIlS. Black and n ew. hlRb ~h,dC's .
01 satin.
Otll ers $15 /0 $69 .~ ?
Large Size Fur Co" ... In blnck, tans. rlnh browns und grey. 01 first quality pelts. O thers $ /00
(Sece nd Fl oor)
Beverly Arch Friend Shoes Pattnt Black Kid
BroID7I 'K id Bla ck Suede
$10. 00 Beverly Arch Friend bas 1\ bullt·ln Steill Arch support. The heel two widths narrower than the bul l. assures . a snu8 tit. ( First Floor)
W e Shall Be
Plea ,~l'd
to C a J& YOllr Christma s Check
Quilted Satin Robes
$J5 or Illllclt colprs. lined.
!ill tin
and bright LIned and Inter-
Eagle. ================~========================================~================~====~==~ Court con firmed the first necount; nnd Lillie N. OMI COSH of George J. Wnterhouse as executor Lebanon, Forman'" [~~~I South Lebnnon. ot the estute of James C. ale • " I hear t hat you and Dolly have Court confirmed the fi rst and final of sidestepping? Of water . He stradcUed the log to cQncalJarreled. " T.... 9 a.m ... p.m ~ eou.neiustead READ ESTATE TRANSFERS accO\lnt of M. H. ( )swald as admin~here isn't any IIDswer for sider. ., h d "Yes, I fou, nd something ab out ber Satutdiy 9 ~,m. 8 p.m'· t}la~ But I know I couldn't think It was getl1ng late. The 5 9 QWII istrator of the estate of John H. Hoi. Frank Martin to Frank and C me rARMERJ ,iTE ; JA.C~ON that I didn't like." 10 much of myself hereafter it I were long over this flends' play- zlin. B. Spence]', one town lot in outh gl·ound. But he oul~ not 1 ave WIth· "What W(lS thl\~ 1" . ducke'd this. So here gOIl8." WAS AItIUSTED lA'l'T WEEl( William Meehan filed flrst and final u,bunoll. Betore many yards had been covout the bottle. HIS nen:e8 were "Another (eOO\ll'8 arm ," .on.; !I_• •1 cUt.." "OR. SElUNG ered he Tegretted his decision to searching with renewed .maltence. accoont of John Blue. 'crollll the swamp. It seemed useless Appetite hc.nt down upon him, shook Carrie KeJltcr ~d h.e,r 'seve nth nnd COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES. C.otVoi alid fllolhardy , to batt le this grim him, ton hint. B~ had to have that final account lIS gUlnrdll1D of Emma . and treacherous area . . The labor was liquor. Yet hc knew t hat the damor Keuter. M. H. Ol\w.nld, s!lldiers' burial, ~Ii=;;;;;;iiII_;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;i:;;;;;;;====:::i !lPl~~Jlngl.y hard, He crawled on his was fictilious, and that there wa~ .o Lawrllnce B . . Apigar med applies.- $100; treasurer of State, support of .. knees along t he slanting deeper reason f or repossosslng . ~lm tlon for the n'ppoin t ment 01 a gunr. patient, $.44 ;29; Lyle Bhin~ Book spikes bruiSing him and self 01 the Hask, If he, went o.n Wlth· dian to Ada Apgar.. Co., 8upphes, ~17; Columbus Bl a~k skin. . out it. he was cravenly avoldmg tqe Lola 1. Vooris flilld second account Book Co.! supphes,. $2 ; Robert. Whl tMONEY LOANED ~n·m AHn' ... ne on the trunks possible knockout. It would be a 'lI'R.thc~red moss that made drawn battle which he would have ~o as executrix of the estate of Wolter a~e, brIdge reP!>:lr, $8.60; W. A. Scott, brl~ge repmr, $6 : W. S. ~rn. ---.~-as ice. Then he bare- fight l again. The whisky might. be J. Voorhis. The lust Will. and tel~amenl; of ham,. repairS, $7.80; W. B. SquU'es. LOANS on ChliltelS.Stoeka. Secur" dropping into vwje.lls of the bludgeon of defeat, )lut it mIght far below 'with also be the s ymbol of VlctOry. Be George A. Scott was admitted to pro- repatrs, $8.00; O. J . . Edwards, .rc. tI". and Second Iofortgage..Notea knew t he mix- might lose to it, but he could never bate. PllrB, $ll George Billett. repal1'8. . . ~~~I:ht. John Harblne Jr., Xenia. power of quick win by running a~ay from, it. . • d th $3.60 i W, Brunk, repairs, $6; J. W. 'o. ·maO-'ill Cour~ app rove , ~, rep~rl of Joe White, 'll\ntern globes, $6; H. D. Car· The 8u.n~UlI&'l"lg down viciously. . He remo~d hili canvaS leggms, he won t he oaSIS an,d flung hiS shoes and socks, as he perched M. Weine as admlDlstrntruc of t he roll gravel $175' Walter Varner MEAN ' . .' ' . ' ____ . to rest in t he anade of perlously on t he uneasy trunk. He estate of Mary Mo ore. C ' rt ted G P G contract lD full, $105.50, Blair anll Farmers of W.. rren and adJoln!n .. HiB chest let himself ilown in t he P(jol. Bis . ou gran .' eorge ·, ' ates LerOY, cement, $421,20 ; 'Lesli e Roomie "Let me congratulate I h I and ~oes encou ntered the mock. His arms extended their ful length ~Ight ' to seU ~rtam p.roperty of the Shultz, : operating maintainer, ~5 ; , you , my boy. This i~ on"e of the bap- count .. may 0 ta n money on lonr Penn !.tortonI salary, $70; James piest duys of your life." time lo~a, at 6 pcr cent Interee" toe ' the bot- cslalte of Eldndge Pope. COOl'\; confirmed th~ report of Rob Follen, salary, $15. t Mate-,-"You're a bIt prevlour.-f'm ~Ol!t 01 eecurlng tbe ume i, ver),,,,. In thi. action hI) 881l11hlmtlelf withcrt W. Brown .as a rllmmlstrator of th~ • _ • not to be married unt.il tomorrow!" sonab!e ,throu~h The Federal Lan' (A UBClAL'l"f') drawing the bottle ,fJ:om his shjr.t,' rebe1twllen,lesta t ,o °lf Dt·vl~IIEvands. t .~ t f ' "Exactly! Today is one of the Bank: For further Information eal it T hII as WI lin , es ....men 0 No Hunt.·ng Notl·ce· h apptest . I" d " moving the cork and " lting his bead ..................,. sWa.. so that . t he 1Iei:y' liq~id might ru.n A . . present~d Itself. Amanda Ecton WIl1!' admitted t o ro_ _ ___ . _ . __ on OF "d reu M. ~. DRAKE. Treal" . .··ViM down his throat. He could sniff the benot chm ~ack on t he log bate. . , P urer. phone 816-X, Lebanon. Ohio. the aid o~ hiS feet. He reNo application ' f or appraisement No Hunting with dogs or othe1'Wla~ PLEASE STAY PUT guiling bequest of t he raw 'liquor and , ~&1 fe.el the fUli~d. nerves tingle tothe leased .a hand to reach ~ownward for having .been mad~ court determined or trapping allowcd, day or night, en LOST ~.auac. OHIO Stude-"l hope you will pardon ends of bla fingers and toes. Tb6 !~':u:~tt1.:~ h~t 1~1~::3 -{~~it,nt~ S::h~ the value of certain property of the the following farm8: my dancing on your feet. I'm a lit- LOST- Between Genntown, Wayne ... .• !!!!I!l!I!I!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ er hand slipped and he went under . estate of William 1~ . Keever. FRANK BRADDOCK tie out. of practice." 'vUle and Ferry, traveling bar conBack at the Burface he shuddered ' ED "FURNAS FARMS Co-ed-"I don't mind yoUr d'; oc· !.aining infanta' clothing, silver cup, with distaste and 'clung' to th-e log. MARRIACE LICENSES ... The dead .w ater and the treacbereus, ing on them. It's the conthiual ·etc., 2 purees, one containing ,3 to Nonnan A. Taylc)r, laborer, "South molasses-like muck filled him with jumping .oft' and on that aggravates ,5, beal'll addreu .8805 N. Main St., MAl'f. oil MAN nausea. Yettbey had to be braved. me." . Dayton, Ohio. RetUrn to Miami GaHe took a f ull breath and thrust zette office. Reward. -080 himself under. His arms encounter, • At t he Grand Cany~n~"Tell me; muck and 'was absorbed in It, InmP .and stood. fol' II !ime surveymg what nre some of. the chief beauties His the l Iquor: . WIth a httle sbake he of the ' neighborhood that we must 'r fingers felt no' bottle. WANTED 1 ' 8 ~LOuldE'rs, the top of his 'bead were addreSl!ed It . . t ' " " Old timer, you d:id your best. But no.. miss. . , , the ooze, yet t he desperate fingers Well, there II Old man Johnson s DURING the winter season. I am closed only · on slime. Closing his it wasn't good enough. You're lick. eyes he 'rammed downward until the ed. and licked for keeps. And if you daughter doWJl by the mm, -and Tom Two Shows , workinr on aU~1I apin. Shop loDailY muck was in his nostrils. . . don't believe it, I'm going to make Jones' wife lip that there mountain." cated at my home. If rou can't th30 aDd 8130 p. m. • _ _~ , . It drew him, Slicked him insidious- yo~ prisoner, sort· of keep you come out, I will- ~ll for your car. ' . ly Into its grip. Panic that made his around, to prove it." 83F2%, Frank W. Crew, WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE Phone eyes pop and his h,!lurt race possess(To b.e continued) . Trr tM MIa.1 Ga.eH_ 'or Jot. WOP" -030 . ed him, But something elemental and fundamental woulcLnot perm " him. to withdraw. Both nrms workFO~ SALK By CoM. PAYNE An Artiatic Touch ed in a wide circle. Bis lungs cried for air. His eardrums cracked. He FOR 'SALE-ModeJil 8-room hOUle, was undergoing all the agonies of the fine locatipn, cootl tenns to rI~ht drowning! " . person.. , At last I A fingertip t ouche.d it. \N E l 'I !Ta", Eb To He :worked lower, grasped tbe bottle ONE ACRE ground with+ .-room f\rmly, and splasned frantically u/?-A \RAt'l~,-O "'o~ house and' 'prsge, '1,600.00 .. ward. The mud . clung to him, It 100 ACRE farm, good land and O~E"R oU"R. "R'.o.'bl was reluctant to let him go. But a buildings. A very low price• . submerged log uided him with a ftrrn I..-I\~T N' 4. ... FRESH COW, extra heavy milker. foot ing, Be heave d waist high above W. N. SEARS, Phone 79 the Burface, now as opaque as a puddle of ink. FOR SALE- l ehow cale.; 1 stove; 1 Be breathed deeply and thankful, bedtoom suite and other articles, ly. While he da ngled with 'one hnnd all. in good ~onditlon. Inquire at thll hc inserted t he bottle into one of the office. .' -d7 · shoes, which were tied together and swung across the log. Hi.s reserve of FO' R SALE- Two Jersey bull~ne strengtb was all but drained before . 8 rears old, ,rerllterell, the other he was on t he un easv log again, his a yearling 'pallt, and is ~Urible. Extra shoes 0 1) hiR fect, t he- bottie buttoned within his shirt. individuam with the verY best breedSunset was at hand before he won ing. 'If. C, and I. D. ·Welch,.R. D. B, the I'hol'e. to find lInot-her corduroy 'WaynesyiJIe, Ohio. -nso rO lld opening out conveniently in • fr.ont of him. And he ,,\as trembling FOR SALE-Load of ' second~hp'd wlth weakness, The bottie was ai: pine lumber. dreased. .' Cheap. M~ his lips, . . . W. Silver. · ....80 . . Pn t y Jane's fQ.ee came up before '.' him, her eyes swimming in tears as FOR SALE-Three 0 ,. I. C. pedl~d she raised them to him in Lawyer Boarll. . Walter W. Kruer, Route KI·nnune'g offi ce. There 'was that 5. . ,. ;do fond, tremulous smile of her lips. SO.mehow t he "vonder of her, the . FORSA~E-One J~reey ' CQ*, ' E. F., prIceless boon of her love, came to RelfsDlder, R. D. 1, Wayn~vlUe, him as it never had before: She was Ohio. . , J7 t he most precious thing in t he world. . He jamm ed the cork home ' again the liquor untasted, and thrust th~ FOR' SAL~We hav, a few. ~~Pl", bottle back into his wet shirt. He . left. D. , B. Unilerwo!ld,' Ir~eJIIstrode buoynntly away, laughing with burg. • *1180 , joy and relief. TJie enemy was defeated. . FOR SALE- Male I calf,' Jersey. Though not entirely routed. .There Incauire of Eme.t Bu~",o~, were other Waves of clamor thou~h phone 22-4 %. . -nI8 ' their strr:ngth WIIS noticeably less. Th,.e c.rnvlng died down ~ darknells .' . PU~Pg..:.:..B~~et'a lI",e ot' wen .aDei , t hlckenj!d. The liquor becnme uncllI~em pumpe. band, electric lind important un til he be 'no longer • ' , power drlv~n ; II the b.to PIIIIlP ...... . t hought of .it . . · '. ·pain. THE ' BOCXL~'r.~G CO;, , It was la~ when he stl1bck a road 4'16 '!I. ·) !ahi ~tl', J;e,,~ ' olilo. .Ie!iding to the ranch. It was nea"ly midnight when be trudged wearily in· PIPE: ' VALVES , ~ND I'IT'l'UCQl' 'to the Jog bunkpouslI .whlch lie shared wlth-tbe ther hands. ' He 'l!ould ,Lor aJL"p~_~~ekW'a "~I1!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~ ~'Ji::;dtheir snores through' the thin =.a"~1I",0E'fr._.~ !f:;lf~.~~~r:i~~J' plll'tltioos. lighted hIa on tlIW. . . . . . . . . . . . . OW"
H. • .....d to reach dOWllward ' for tbo bottle. It el"ded him, a.d ea.k alai • • ' A. he IUDllld for j t, hi. hand .lipped, aDd2,!.:;~~lnt "ider . ! "'- •. ~.< . "
~ ---------~~
C.fY.I J~welry,' Shop
"'$ ~~
F A · , armers. ttenttOn.
--- - ,- ---
u.. ..
Make this --.
" , ....
NOVEMl:lER SO, 1927
Mrl!. Emma Cline and 10DlI, .of Day. Were here Thanksgiving Day . We 111'(> not Pllrtlcularly lIU8~ Hl1len Graham WAS ollt or ~hot any ol (lur good aviators tempt R round trip flight to Eurl>pe school lalt week, ButTering' with Illryn ' -but we do· wish some of the many gitis. louns would try. a return fligM. Th'e Woman's Civic, Lague Saturday nlternoon with r.il'l!. E. B. Dakin.
Chnstmas .last for
Mrs .. Rose' Gennalre, of Indianapo-
lis, I!pent a few' day.s recently with
fr iends here. ' 1'h Rev. Dr. SiTaton of New York, says he might nOW have miracles liS 01'. ond Mrs. H. E . HntLulI. went to wondtll'tul us tho~c of tho oldcn Cincinnati WudllesdllY, and I.'emajneti times. He -hUH co n a womun "vil'over Thnnk sgiving Dny with r IntiI' S tua lly deud ull'eully" broughl buuk • W. P. Mc anen 8ullll1itt.cd to u to Ih c by prayer. mnjol' operution nt Hale hospitol, on Mollern miracles tiC tho scientific 'tueRdllY lind is rellorted to be doing kind lire more wun,IOI' ful thull old nicely. miracles. Mr. nntl Mrs. Howul'd Gl'8 hum lind l"n gu in submarines under the daughters werc 1'hnnksgiving DIlY wuiel' 'und in !lyi ng llluchinQs ubove g uests of Mr. ond MI·f.I 'hnr l c~ E. it, instead of wulking on it. Gordon and fumily. T h!!y jlrevent disease by com~on ALAS, POOR BWS. senSll und c ure it with inoculatIon Miss Alma Lamb orld Miss Avis Buving lI1i11ions of lives instead of Lamb, of Covingloll, Ky., were gu~sls FO' ODLDLESS MOTHERS. l'oslln'acting a few. They talk and of Mr. lind Mrs. Harold Gillam and Q!pt!>!ft!fil( I THIS CHANGING WORLD. sC lld mUtlie throu gh the air without fa mily 0':-01' the week.cnd. wires. HERE TO STAT. DUl'wal'd KiI'bey, pC Flo Thomlls, '1 he new miracles lire at least as Ky., s pent Thankllgiving Day and the 6pcctacul ...· 116 the old, nnd much more week-end with Mr. IIlId MI'~. Charles Three hundred thousand dolla,. uset ul. Vuccination is wurth more thhn all the miraculous cures of all Is bid for a New York Stoclc Ez- E. Gordon lind SO li, R o b~rt. cago, change seat. The price moved up thoroughbred stock from all thtl rcligi.on~ _ ..._ _ __ Mrs. Amanda Stllrr went to Dayarrived early to pose thu,. $130,000 tbi. year, only' a begin- ton Thanksgiving Day nnd remained ning. over the week-end wilh Mr. and Mrs. COMPANIONATE MARRIAGE Stock Exchange eeats go up witb W. M. Mn thius and Miss Margaret NOT NEW atock prices. Tbe public Is alway. Starr. s bull, Mr. Haldeman·Julius, a Kan8~s Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham lind pu blisher of books, app,r0ves h.ls Poor Wall Street bearsl daughters ente('tui n ~d tc dinner on Virgil Jordan, chief economist of young daughter's ex perIment In Mrs. Rachel Miller hns returned Tuesday evening, Dr. lind Mrs. W. "companionato marriage." The girl, tbe National Industrial Conference E. Oglesbee, Dr. and Mrs. H. ·E. Hat- from several weeks' vi!!it in SpringDoard, tells the lUilway BUlin ... eighleen, will mllrry a twe~ty-ye~r. Lon, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett, Wil- field, Ohio. ') old boy, the two "will c.ontlnue hv- Association: liam lind Charles Doster. "A great industrial boomla comOrlln and Opal Turner, of the MeWool growers of evcl'y scction of ing their lives lifter marrlllge us they Ine that will make 1925 11111 11126 Captllin and Ml'S. Charles Garner chllnicsburg . schools, wel'e home for Ohio will hold mcetings during the lived pre\'!ously, until ~ey det.ermine look like a deph:saion. the week·end. an d son, of ' Columbus. clime down, n <.'xt two ·months to elect directcrs of whether ' they arc entirely BUlted to .. BIlIin.. .. expan.ion ill IDZI anel aturday bringing their mot her and The High school enjoyed II I'rabbit th e Ohio Wool Gl'OWCI'S Co·operative ell'c n otber." Until then they. w!1n't later will Itrain our tranaportation brot her, Mrs. Mary Finch and Robert suppcr" on SuturdllY evening at the o5sociution, it was announced by oflive together, at least not In the faciUtiea and credit reeololrcea to Gamer, who have been with them the H. S. building. the limit, and put the pow.... of fic ials of th~ Warren County Farm same house. . past week. Tne Garners returned to Exactly what the plan .1S seems the Federal Reterve Iystem to • Miss Murjorie Haydock WIIS home BUI·cau. Elections nrc held in counColumbus, Sunday. real teat." un certain. But other thm~ nrc from Greenfield Busi ne!ls college for ti ps and by districts preceding.the an• The average citizen will lay. nu a l meeting of the stste IIssociation The Baptist Missionary Circle will the Thanksgiving holidays. certuin, including these. Untl,l t.hey "Amen, let the eapanaioa c· early in 19 2~. give a s hort program ot the Hall, live tog thel', they cannot pOlllbly pand.Mr. lind IIh·s. J esse Hiel and fam· Every wool producer who is II memWednesday evening, December .7. A know whothor they Are suited to ellch fhia news if .confirmed, will lunch will be served, noth ing over ily, of Murion, lnd., s pent II few days bel' of the association, IlIny vote by other or not. COlllpanlonate marlu!>t week with relatives here. ma il 01' in person for a delegllte to a 5c. An admission charge of ten tlage iJi as old as the human. race a!ld lighten the hearts of many "",0all old liS the _monkey race. All tile men. Dr. Magian, of Manchester, cents will be mnde and this can be Mrs. Nellie Lac key hus gone to In- district meeting of wo ol growers, the a scientist of standing says that IIpplied on the lunch. Oome out Ilnd dianllpolis to sp end the winter with IInnouncement says. These delegates monkeys live ill compllnionllte marby an operation in g j and transhelp us. then meet to elect district directors to riage, free to quit lit any time, and planting it has been made possible her lIunt, Miss Lilura Smith. th e Rssociation's governing body. tbey like it. for hitherto childless women to The home of G. Clark Starr lind W. H . Reeves has returned from t he Elections this year will mark the It took human bcings thousands bear child/en. Only thOle who family near Spring Valley, wus the Miami Valley hospital, w here he un· b g inning of preplI(ations for the of centuries tc establish marriageknow the Intense sorrow of a '11'0a device by which Providenee lind ~n, married nnd childless, can scene of a happy fllmily gathering on derwent an oPcl'ntion for append i- tenth season of tbe orgunizlltion's Thanksgiving Day. A delicious and citi~. work. The Ohio IIsBociation has the women, co-operating, are grad~lIy reslize wbat this means. . bountiful dinner WIIS served cafeteria l>{r. and Mrs. T. M. Hllrlan a nd largest membership of any wool teaching men to be decent. It II a The world' accepts changes ,. slo w process, but thllt III no re"~n tbey. COlDe. Not 10Dg alO crusadera styl.e at the noo n ~our. Th?se por- family, of Miamisburg, Mr. and Mrs. group in the country ond markets ta~lDg of the enjoyment !Dcluded J. C. Pickin and son, of Doyton, Wm. ~vool for growers o~ Indiana and Mich for getting discouraged and gomg 'in New York tried to prevent biDllck to old monkey days and way.. cycle ridln8. by women, caUed im- MISS Mary Stllrr, Mrs. Lldll Duffy, Harlan, .of Cincinnati, spent Thanks- Igan as. well as OhlO. _ and Mes81'l1. J . A. and J. M. Stsrr, of giving Day with Mrs lDilldem Haronsldernbl¥ more thlln half of modest. lunngJadiee too ' far from Blanchester, Miss Mnbell Starr and Ian and daughters. . th is amount has already lIeen sold the hou,e, Now they go 1,000 SHOP N,OW FOR CHRISTMAS • _ _ _ __ wit h top prices of 42 to 46 cents a mi.les in motor.. or try to ft~ver Wilbur Mathias, of Dayton; Lester Starr, of Osborn; Mr. and Mrs. Paul . , pound reported. tbe ocean. FACTS IN THE CASE , _ ....____ Next, Aldermcil decided that ~ich and family, of Lebllnon; Mrs. There is a timely hint t o Christmas shoppers in the statement of Colo!,el 'P(omen must be forbidden to J Amanda Stsrr, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H e-"Darling, I 'loV!l you. Will Leonard p, Ayres, noted econ~m~~, smoktdn public restl.urants.'"'No .... Gray and family, of this place, and that shortages In Btocks ~t goods ~re the big Pennlylvania Railroad put. CI~ljk Starr Jr., of the U. S. Navy. you \Dllrry me and be(:ome my inMr. and Mrs. Harry Starr, of payton; come tax rebate?" developing in a number of leadmg 1a&eI' imelda, ':oi -~ werG afternoon caUers. She-"'Yes, my love. And we'l\ Industries. • cu. 'trair.. Jrom Nnr York to hllve a lot of little exennptions." ~ .Already the volume of hohday Wu'D1nltOD. purc.haalng ill large. But not yet 110 NnerthelOll, . 0 _ .bould DOt large that buyers are dillComli~d or .moke until the,. are throqh witJa TRUTH IN ADVERTISlNG child belrina. Each cbild .lIould restricted in their range of cholce. han half a dlante, and IOU It. no Tile early buyer, however, a1w~YII Prospective Roomer-·" But you adI has tbe easier time and the . better matter what hi. father ve.r tised a bed sitting room." when hll motber doqa't ~o or ) ' chance to make careful selectIons. Landilldy-"Certainly, this is it." drink .tronl lIqaor tielONII The outlook for a generous Ch\,ist- bora. • . "Well I see the bed but where is 1'11&8 ill fine. Throughout the country Checks are now being mailed for the sitting room?" members of Christmas clubs will get the payment of the patronage divi- \ "On the bed." millions of dollars from thousands bell~I:-"_lAt~.I'-t~1 dend on purcliiiies of fertilizer thro' • - --. of banks which do this service freely ;~~~~:i:~:IJ:. the Farm Bureau organization. ' The as a 1elllOn in thrift. , than t~tsl of these patronage dividend SuLacrlbe to the MIa.,,1 CaNtt. Most planners of Christmas cheer .omething el.e, yet no one made "a checks will amount to approximately can 811 well do their gift buying now path to hi' door" on thl. earth. ' $64,000. This brings the total paid Ill! later, when the rusb wi\.l be inconHowever, when Gabrlal callt in patronage dividends by the Ohio venient. I ,.lilA aU, hi. beard, lonler tJaac III,.· I Farm Bureau . Service Co., to apWhy not be forehanded. body'a, will probabl,. atmct a~ proximately $672,730 since -January .. don and IIDIze the beard_ . ' , 1, 192 S. I EDITORIALETTES loDge.. Those figu res are the actual cash Generally .pea1dng, we an I)rOI- • which blls been paid back to purchas, . Prize fairy st-;'ry of the year, the petou., tho.e wlUln, to work ers o.t commodities through the Farm "Women's skirts are to be longer." along. But Mr. Hlld.gar Wrwtat . Bureau. But the ' co-operative pur:--: did not find It She .tMl...lcd , chasing efforts of the organization have affected much greaLer savings Th'e Inventor of that new mile-a- . for five years with four children, eding clothing, paYln,' , rent, than those figures represent. There miDute speed bout, which has a fish fe washing, . cooking ' anel wOJ:ld!,,, a. isn't a question of dOUbt but that co· tail propeller, seemingly haswin1ed a "garment pre •• erY for ~5 a op~rative purchasing broke the price his way to fame. week Sbe .eorcbed oae e~llIm of fertilb:er'five dollars a ton or more dress. That touk a w.ek. par.. ;' -: back at the peak price period: There "ID the words of Lincoln," said a Each month, the rent took a w ••• i8 no question either but that the local coal dealer during the recent pa~".-o.petoUi co-operative purchasing . is now hold- r---------.---~ ",ann faU weeks, "you can't fuel all prolperous ing down the ,general price level, how the peoplie all the time." wiu. She ,0 . Pnzc:dcal ~actem thJ~~l-JDeI~,.-,.....~m-'W.il can only guess. . ;- -: opened all But co-operative purchasing is not No. IUS the goal-it · is the means. The savL· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--> Whatl Only "ten commandments" the bed where . . . " t d was Ileeplng, her three ing of a few dollars here or there, ID the new m.alTlage a(1'eemen s e- alleep nearby. .. " mands ,of brIdes thcBe day!!. How All were deles, when fouad, Wltll. even though it amounted to more lucky thelle young fellows are. . no more re~t .o r,. food bill. to J;lq.. . than the c08t of organization, would answer our desires of the Farm :--1 There I •• tlll room at tbe BOT. We want organization that, . Both Republican an,d Democratic T(j~ for thOle that woula mike ·' th:ro~lgh a better econpmic standing, DrYII threa~n bolts next year if their condltioni bet~er. mlly, be more prosperO!lS respective conventioDs do not behave. Birth conttOt;;i pubU,hlnll' Ia- . and farm people may enjoy more of What is this? The iron age. formation about'lt Ire ajlproyeli ~ th()8e comforts and conveniences ;- -: Britain's "National Couucil Of which we genera.lly group under that The ' author, RlJpert Hl,Igh~s, is stili Public Morals." • term of standard ot living. "dining up ..the dirt" on' George Theoretically ·women · .hou14 . Over 19,000 farmers are enjoying Wallhington- w.liich no doubt ill ex. hve the right 10 decide how manT, cblldren they: wllJ have. ' Farm Bureau Mutual insurllnce ·proactly what" he would actually be doBut It Is well that underataadln, U~, .. tlinn in Ohio: Warren c.elunty has Ing iI G eol'~e were alive. of lIirth control hu been poat. over 226 of these. This sen'!ce is :-: poned. It mlgb t have preven~e4 one of the best being rendere.d by the Placing ~he tax ahead of flood re- the arrlnl of Na,oieoa and Farm Bureau In Ohio. lie! by Congl'ess is an indication that, lyle, and surely_ would ' ba.. pfO!o some high .hopes for cjf~ctlve Mis8is- vented the afrl",I-· of Caruao, & slpp~. protectloll are going to be punc. nineteenl,h child. TAKE 'EM OR LEA ~E 'EM, . Mrs. . Peabody, hu d of the .tured. He bitterly)-"Men are fools I~ Women', Committee for Law Enmarry." . . ( forcement, ·...ys . "ten mill,ion weShe-uYes, I agree with you. ' men are not only talldng and-pray· In g., but working to retain prohltil. what else. can we- malTY.~' , • 1:, " tlonl and· see- that It I. enforced.If ....... I NOTARY', PUBLIC The'y need~ not work or pray to SOUNDS LOGICAL : ' keep prohlbitioll In the COn.tltatlon; notblng can eet It out. . .' N.tlo.~1 aa.1r A woman never loves but onlJe, tllat A. for ' enforcement. there I. ill, the sartie maD. WfII. Dr.",a .. .. .... £at•• ., ·S.tll~ room for much worlcina IIId pray~. in ~~ tJir~,tio!!: - _._ . W~,n••• Ohio
------ - --
---_.- ..---
of m .·.. . . ____
-a BUICK. for Christmas Make someone supremely happy this Christmas. Give a Buick for 1928. Delivery will be made, if you wish, at your home Christmas mo~g. r"libordl G. M. A. C. I~ _ # l M .....WIt 1140ft4.
Keelor Garage· Lebanon Ohio
Read all the Ads. in The Miami .Gazette. If you want ~dvertis. .
ing, call 112 and
will attend to your wants.
at :
...-- .--
The MiaDli Gazette
November 23, 1927 to
January .1, 1929
"L M HI]' NDERSON m•• ,
-----.. - ...---
_ _-... -.
for 'only
This is an opportunity to se~d Jhe Gazette. to· some relative or' friend as a -C~istma~ remembrance , . S.. Ua E~I; for Your ·SaI. D.t•• ~ w. ·G'u ...ant,.· . . ~ satl.,."t.ion or Cbarp Nbthlnl. '
"Arthur l'ma tu find It hard to ·'G(. h. not me. 1 ml'llt them 1I1l'L!t hi .. ~ P n e in ach~I." wh~rev .. r 1 tllrn."
........... he» 'bve radloll mny at. _II lat.rna,tional Li I' to k 'THE OPTIMIST ....u.a .. their h nl s, by hniq In ,Vi'< fl'Om to :l p. In. W, til.. It/' says Count¥ Ag(>nt Doctor to Dying Mnn- "But, ·my Clau, who ncetved a peelal an- denT mnn, why must I tape up your nouncem nt from J,I't - l' renk K 1ul- flngel'llY" rnLlen t-"So they wun't. hurt when lell, a,rIcollural clh: dor o( t h,' nUou,al Broadcaltlnlt 0., hlcRgQ, I'X I 1I1"y 'he ha-rp," J)lajoiq tbnt 18 .ot {he l~ading rndlo lit.atlODS· throulI'hout th upp r Klaai ipJ)i VIlli y wlll be. IlookllJ toI[Otbet; tOT this event. . The National Broadea ting officiol& claim "this even will marl< t he c.ntry '", . of our colllpany Into' 8 fi eld of specOPTOMETRIST ial ..nice to the American farmer wb n ,.reat acrieultural vents will Spec\ali&in ~ in the Fit~j DI of be bl'Oadca.t~d In' the BRDle manner as National eventl! IU' now. OJ • Cia .. ". for Bellor Vi.ion. ·In aAdition to the International from 2 to 8 p. m., November 28 to Write for Fr('e Booklet December 3, WLW w ill also broadcut tlle 8IIdrcll& Qt Gen. John J. Pershing on "Tho Importance of Ag- "Your Moat Pricel".. Pono •• ion." rlculture in National De! 11 80." be· for the American Farm Bureau Detroit Street, Xenia, Oh io Federation meeting, hiclI~o. on Wednesil.ay, December 7th. 11 to 12 ~~~!!!!!~!!!!!~"'!!!~~__~~!!!!! a. m. As ~unty Agent Clnss ]Ias :: - - - . - - . '.been mnldng a specinl study or the farmors use of raclio, he will bo glncl to have a report from his Wnrren to whnt th y got County friends, out of these sp inl broadca.'!ts. FOR SALE
Late Classified Ads,
---... ..---
JUMPS-LIKE A FLEA ___ Found on Pharmacy State Board eum Paller--"Q. "What)8 the a1kalold nicotine? Ans. A powerful dtUl', OIIe drop of which on the end of a.1 dog's tail will kin a •nlu)l." •
FOR SALE - Spotted Polnnd-China nnd Hampshire male pigs a t rea· sonable prices. Elmci S~eehan, phone 40. n30 FOR ' ALR- About 600 bushels of corn, and l wo young coon dogs. J. . Hisey. - n30
- =- -'
. MI 8 Lut, Emley WAS the dinTlQ.!' guest or l\h'~. Sal'ah, .1 Y on Sunday. fr
thllt .
IInta III \.
Dr. P. . Gurner, - chir(lpTactor. lo us with htfl 1'I'C:!fIUI' ShIll \\' . 'IStt Wllync ~villl' 'j hU!I'KtlJlY afternoon. Lebllnon. Ohio, rhone 78.
Go~tl thing!l
t tl
llllt a tll mllrket O('C mber 1 l. JIe w,lI arrIVe II Ie lit the 1'11. E. c;hurch ntuTdoy aftoy· M E. rhurch at 3 ::30 'clock, where III b h(>nrtlll1 welcomed by 'h ' nOL1n. ewe harl 3 Chapl,mn , or . ' S. . " YOIII\~ lin" 01,1. . . . IHmt t he T hnnKsgiving holidays \vllh --r . - - -~- . \,('I .
home' :folk~, Mr. amI Irs. R. A. OllDer hlld M thei r T hanksgiving guests, fl'. Rnd !\'I:'rs. C. H. hcrwood . The W. . T. U. will me et at the home 01 frs. A. . Watkins, Tllo ~· dAY afternoon. December 6'--U'llRl:a ~,
'Mrs. RIlY 1ills n te rtnin~d a ~mall eOlnpuny on Sunday. in honor of Mr. Mills' birtbduy onnivcrsn'ry.
On Wedne.l1a,. November Geol'lfe H. Hendcrsol1 lind Mia ey ' Dourlaa 1'TeAdway, lItole nn'l .fl,,1 aWIIY and were married In at ~he M. E. parsonnce by the H. A. RothroQ"\t. • Mrs. Henderson . Is the 'daughter Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Treadway, 01 t hiA lliace and while having only lived in thill county for a little )nore th(ln a year. hllll made mllny friends. She is a gJ'as;i.uate from EasLern and'i'(O'nnal of Ri hmond. taught ill t he schoohl t ho!c thr e Y0ars, nnll ' nt prCRe/lt IS eftlciimt book1tecper 01 t he W villo Fllrm rs Exchange.
NOl/ember 80. t027 P .. blt,had ,. the Int.r.at. of the peopl. of W• .,....lII. aDel the f.I''' • •Dd f.rm. .... of akl••Iewt,. FRED M. COLE lf you hovo be~n wuiling until the rn· dio Is nel'Cected, before getting 0 Het . you can go right uhead now. The new Crosley Banclbox 'wiLh an A. C. Power Converter is so good we don't see how it cOllld be improved upon.
Henderson is the sonbotn of and Dr. an.tMr. Mrs. . W. H lmde'rson, J reured in this community, a gl;'adu--at.e of Waynesville High sehool and ST. AUCUSTINE CHURCH a young man of .stet·ling llu'alitieR. They arc receiving cOlIgrl4tlllations Su nday December iI, s(' rvice at 10 and best wishes :l'orn long life of wedded bliss from a host o'f fl'iends. Ill. Fat her Dien, P astor. - -
- - -- - -
Public Sales
Sc ·oml SundllY in Advent, Decem.
Only 21 ah0.p.,lnlr days before Chl'i tmas. Our line ot teays alld pract\cUI gifts Is biggcb than over. We teel w have a mlich better 6tllcotion than last y.enr. Willie Is so ' dumb he 'thlnks _8 seconds tory man is a per90n who knows two jokes. Most of the things we know about Hard ware w e learned fro m a mlln numed 'Experience."
Boys Monday nlrht! The size of the cTowd .howa what can be done with a little adYertislq and a lot of co-open'tio·n.
':Have your gilt licenses?" "Yes i I c~n't see", to keep the little thinp off of t~em'"
We might call our store "Toyland" thl" time of year. but "Giftland' 'would be . moreappropl'iate, . for we have gift articles for every mem bel' of the family gifts that are ullefui Ill:! well as ornamentnl.
b r ·J. hurch Scho(ll at !l :3 0 ; serThe boy who made Mr. lind Mrs. Konn elh Elzey nnd mon nnll Floly ommunil' n at 10:30. n clean breast of it ' l 0m . leaving tpe furm, I will As 1 was the one (vho Rev. John J. Sclilllel!er , Rector. muo duughter. of Dnylon, spent S I In' Ro ll lit \lllblic auction at !Dy resience Some men seek thq went i nto the pan· day with Mr. nnd Mrs. Waller Elzey. Il lIIil llS south of Waynesville. on services of an effictry and finished the FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 14. '27 iency expert ,,,hen cold turkey. Mr~ . T. . Hurdin Rnd little sons, Bee,inning at 1Q -o'clock, 4 horses, BIble !'>chooi 9 ::.10. lesson on "The all they need to do Tr(!~sl o r nnd LllnRing, K(1ent lust 4 cows. 17 hogs implements. 800 bu. ill to stop eating weok with honw 10lks nt FJllmouth. EIt'OI('nts ef Rig ht Living;" aermon , o· ('01' 11. ' te. "1'he Bible nnd the Home," Evening We were looking wheat cukes anll syK Iltllcky. WAf. ORNDORF. 7 ::10, ~O l'lI1on , '''],ho 1'hnlc fold hrisOVUl· our Rup ply of .ru]I tor breakfast. . ."'1 'S S: Simpaon. Au ts. Fr.d M. Col• Bl'ing B,ibles to th tics olld socks ~hi8 Mr. nnd Mrs. Donnlll 11 Clltlel'!'lon , of Us n Life." \\'. E. O·Nellll. Clerk. H ••dw.re, Fum 1m moming to see if we Dayton. lire t he proud parents of 8 mOl'lli ng servin'. Come! pl....... can get by until little daup:hter. born November 26, \ Nathan Johnson. Minister. Christmas without Dicl you hear the at Miami Valley hospital. Pbo•• 32 IIny Dlore. Oldahoma Ban d W.,..••rill•• JOIUo CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mrs. Leonard Tinney. who wns op· EverySu nday School nIt 9 :80. orated on ut Booth's hospital, in Cov· ington. Ky.. is recovering and will body cordially invited. soon be able to come home. Mrs. tn u. Longacre Is ill at this time For .ood job work of .n Iei.d•• pl••••• 1+. . . . . c.lI. TURTLECREEK COMMUNITY Mr. h rles C1urk hos boon quito Mr. and lIfrs. Churles F. Mosher. CHUlltCH of Cincinnati, lind Mr. R. F. Mosher ill th e. past week. ,..-:-_______ . ~--....- - - - - - - - ; . : . - - - - - - - -... of Cardington. were Thllnksgil1ing . llndny School 2 :.o~ p. "!.; pre~ch Mr. Eve~ett ' Early and child ron guests of Mrs. Eclith BaHis and fnm· ·mg, 3 :OU p. 111.; ~hlldren s servIce. motored to Cincinnati. Friday. 'ny. G:45 p. 111.; . pr c~chmg . 7 :30 p. m. ; ,1. E. Smith l'eturned .. to worK nt prn~' l!r mac llns:-. I :3 U p. m.; Wed nesMr. /In(1 l\[1'l!. D. E. LO lldiford hod day; Biblc Study, 7 :30 p. m. Friday. Morainl.' City. Monday mOl'fling. fo r Thank. giving dinner gue~L~. Ir. horus rch clI l'sal, :30 p. 111 •• l!'ridoy'. Mrs. Allen Emerick has been sick We welcome you. to wOl'ship with wit h the grip t or n couple of weeks. an dMrs. Charles Satterthwaite. [r. Agai n we call your att ntion to us. and Mrs. Enrl Conner and ~on. Enrl Mrs. Ada Ch noweth is now amythe Bible clllss. which opened Junior. evening with good attendance nnd ing with · Mrs: Belle Scott and lamily. · Miss Trillenn and Miss lIIargaret splendid interest. We invite you to Mesdam'es Elizabeth Jonos and J sEdwards. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson meet witll us t his week in the study sie Longacre were Doyton shoppers. Edwurds und family spent Sunday in of Noah lind contemporary events. Monday. . If you sing, we need you in our Cincinnati. the guests of Mr. and H. ·M. Clark wa's a Thursday guest Mrs. E. V. Barnhart. chorus. C. R. HARVEY, Pastor. 01 Mr. and M.r s. Elmer Rogers. in ___ Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkerson, of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. St Clair Fife METHODIST CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Swank and and children._ of Wilmington. 9:16. Sunday' School; 10:30, preach. so~ were SU!lday.guests of the form~ Thanksgiving Day with Mrs. Susan ing service. subject. "Figs and This- er s fatheF. In MIamisburg. .' Wilkerson and family. ties." G:16, E pwo rth League; 7 :00, Mr. &nd Mrs. Edwin Lineman lind You el!]lect the watch you buy to sermon. "God's Pure Food Laws." children, of Dayton. sp nt .~p.~ weekrU)l 24. hours " dILy, '1 days in the Aaron S. Watkins, L.~.D., Plllltor. end with loll'. and Mrs. Henry Foulk8. wee)c. 62 weeks In the year-for ..... Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wooney and years unending. When was your children, of Dayton. ",ere Thunday watcb cleaned and oUed. We have guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown. F h . d d 'd b' an efficient workman at your service. rom t e way their a s rea you t , 10k some of the
Candy ~.~~~tib~r~~~,. ~~~~~~ . . ~ 1 Sc
Ay...... Hard FillacI ..el Cr.... J.n,·••• pOUDd ............................ 19c C'I Rock, . . Ira "-.• Ib ........ lI5c AII'd Chocol.te •• ell. f.n., Ib 20e
~~er~:c~~ ~ ~.8~~~ .~~~~~~~
33c Bread .Country ,Club, Twin or Single 9 '. ~72 lb. Loaf....... ....... ...... C
I.,.r. 20 OL, . . . t..I ••o.r............ ........... ................ .. .......... 25 5,......aaJl 7 ~CI ro ••d ..... .25c . Alliel Food, .ach ....................23c
. , . . . . S. . .wicL. 1 ~.poDn.d lo.f ..... :............................................ Uk I_f ..................... : 9c Vi...... l-Ib lo.f ........................ 7~ . . . WHat. 1.lb. lo.f............ Be CouDtr, Club. I-lb. lo.f.. ........ .. 6c
.... 1·1b.
Take Off Them Whiskers
COWBOYS PUT ON Jewelry Shop, Lebanon. Ohio. GOOD' ENTERTAINMENT Pancake Flou~ gl:bt?Pkg•• 1Sc Cary's A happy family gathering at the
You Ain't 'Santa Claus
present day tire dealers were going to be unhappy the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrest of their lives if they accidently s ld you a tire at home of Dr. and MTS. J. T. Ellis last rick. at pro~t. . SundllY included Mr. and Mrs. Chos. Mr. and ftirs. '. Glenn Brock · and A record-breaking erowd greeted children. of Indianapolis, were week[ hate to be a kill·joy 'b ut that stuff is the bunk. YOll Ellis and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. EUis and family. Mr. and Mn. W. E. Otis Gray's Oklahoma Cowboy band end guests of Dr. and Mrs. L. G. know and 1 ~now tbat in the tire business, as in any O'NeIlU Ilnd family. at the Gym Mondo,y night. Brock. other business, Ch.ristmas only comes once a, year. 'rho ability of ·this v~ry ~ersatile William' B rgdall and H. M. Clark i&ted S. venltle in Cinclnnntl MaYDe I'm slow btl t I make no pretense of . beiog a aggregation to eptertam IS known, they havmg been on all.l . . .L~ B ~iF~~='~~:::;::::.~~~ihbetttlC~":""-----4't1~fttt~~~"'!!~~~~~~~~=i~~81~~ 'Broaclcastlng Radio W~dn.esaay, 8urve......,u""'-'f",0:.:.r_t:.:;h:;<e-'<=::.... . -=&"1+-..,.-.....................o.o.u¥"·"--;.........'""~try to tell you I'm selling tires I MeEwen. of Springboro. Mr. and Mrs. for some iime. Their program; O. railroad. below cost, -and I don't think you expect to buy them le.barl. 2 beael............. . Ralph Miller and son. of Dayton. and whiclJ seems to bEl endless and origMr. end Mrs. Marcellus Thackara. that wa'y. . . ....f. Ib .................................. .. Misses Jennei ' and Josephine Reeves. inal. gave full saUsfactlon and was of Springboro. are Yl:sitlng Mr. qnd Mrs. 'S. H. Burnet and Mr. and Mrs. ~ sell Goodt'ear Tires. I sell thell1 at a fair m . argin of thoroughly appreciated. fill'. and Mrs. H. H, Williamson en· The local 1!,and netted !l sub,stan- Charles Clark. J tained to dinner the past week tial sum which· exceeded their expec3 Ib .......... Mrs. Theodore Campbell, Jiarry . profit and I back them wit~ helpful, mon,ey saving Mes81'S. R. J. Williamson. of Cleve- tatiODS. Jonalh.D.. 3 lb . ........................2SC Kenrick and daughter. Miss Ruth. of tire' service. And tbis ' combination of quality plus land. Ernio Collier and son. Ohas. N•• leU......:.................... Yorb,· 6 lb. .. .. .. .. .. ....... ............. 23c - - Centerville. were Friday evening \ service is keeping myoid customers and constantly . N••• I - CUI ................................15c Neil Conrad and Harold Williamson • Fanc Chur~h guests Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. bringing me new Qnes~ . of Dayton. , ____ Mr. and- Mrs. Charles JOhnB. in 20-lb .•YOr.. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. W. P. Salisbury. Miss . . " company ' with Mn. Elizabeth Smith, I Next time a tire dealer 9Ffel's you something for notb· Hazel Salisbury. Mr. Clark Salisbury A f~Ir-slzed con~~egntlon. atte~ded spent ThankK~ving 'with Mr. and . ing }'OU J'ust grin and tell h. ill1: "Tttke off them whisk . ers. F.De, cured20 umon Thllnksglvlng servlce, W1hcb M1'II Glenn Johns and children In of Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Russell or wa A h~ld in the M:. E. church Th:ursDayton. ' " • you ain't &anta CJaus." Then come around: and let me Be)lson and little son, of Delaware, .... bill.....el.ted, ' . sell' you a .G oodyear. spent the week· end with Mr. nnd Mrs. day mght. Dr. A. S. Watkins. pastor of the Mr. 'and Mrs. Leon . Salisbury alld Harvey Rye. church. read the Scripture lesson, chlldren, of Clev.elapd, motored here S';'el.d. 11 _ :, pq....... Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Crane and lit- and gave the invocation.. Mi88 Elsie Wed.neaday evening and we~e guests CouDlry CI .. b S.edl.... pk....... I!Ic ~'I.b'7 CI..., tie son, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hawke ' .r~ad Presid.en~ Coolidge's of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick until Lr.. d, Ib ..........1ge SUDmai.d,. us all .. 2 fo'r .... , ......... 25c B. Henderson, Misses Esther and Lou ThnnksglVlnlf proclamation - and Rev. $unday. I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ise Henderson Ilnd Mrs. Kate ~Ie- ~ohn J. Scbaeffer Ilreached a serm.01\ MiSs Lavina Jamel, of ~ve Point, man spent l.l'banksgiving witb Mr. appropriate t o the occasion. A union is now staying with ber .sister, Charand Mrs. D. L. Orane. . choir led t he singing.. lotte, at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. The offering ",liS used for charit- Frank Rogers and attending school at. Wayneay41e. Mrs. J. O. Cartwright was t_h,err.?:c:::":co+a_ble purposes. I---Nlflw....o J enrilo lind J osephine • • ". i;lt.-,...,ft-today at a bridge luncheon ' at the MJ'.I! . . Dora White ~l1d sons. Robert Lobanon hotel 'with Mrs. Joseph L. NOTlCE OF A~PPOINTMENT and P,au'l, of Parkersburg, W. VI", Ro/lcrts, Mrs. Alton Brown and Mrs. ----, spent thll past w~ek with her' sist~r. Wilbur Ivins as hostesses. Estate of George A. Scott, 4eceased. Mrs. Kesler Gniham apd f llinlly. They returned )loml,! Sun~!lY' . , Notice is hereby given that Mr. and Mn. Lawrence ' Pewnon, Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr. Early has been duly appointed apd and Mr~. Harvey Rye, were Mr. and qualified as execut:or of tile estate of of Indianapolis, and Mr: and Mrs, Mrs. W. P. Salisbury. Mis! Hazel Sal- George A. Scott.. late of Warren MiltOn Sheellan, of Cef\terviUe were Sund8y ·guesta of Mr. and M1'II: ebas: isbury and Mr. Clark Salisbu.ry. of County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 22nd day of -November. Clar~ and IH.,.M. .clark. . Cloveland; Mrs. Stella EVllns and Miss Helen Evans, of Dayton. 1927. .W. Z. ROLL, M . d M E Chari . Judge of the Probate Court; r. an . rs. mery '. eton !Ind7 Warren COllnty Ohio tertained to Sunday dinner, Mr. and The first thing your ·loved ones will , Mrs.· Frank Charleton and son; of look for On 'the pens and pencils you -.~ --~-Middletown; and Mr. and :MrB, Cha8: give them Cbristmas, is this name: Oharleton- .and ' ~uglite • , . " "George S. Parker- Duofold." Nonbrellkable barrels and point guaranMiss SaJ'~" . Osbl!rn. 'a tOTmllr 'Lytic reslden.t . dIed in Dayton Thursday teed 25 years. See them at Cary's November 24. Fpneral Je.welry Shop. Lebnnon. Ohio. When you payout money for a sairy _ ~ervice and /lurial Sunday at her feed you expect [0 get -your money back former home at Seeman, Adams Cg., in bigger milk prOduction. 'You'll' find Ohio. . -" that Miami Dairy combines good results Mr. Fred CordY "and family, Df with low cost. AU of the ingredients Dayton. moved to 't he Mlaa Oe!)urn We are in receipt of the Clarksproperty Saturday, which be recently rviU Weekly News, a .newsy little 8needed to increase the miJk flolY and to purcba8ed: Robert Heniier80n and sheet which Is being published maintain the cow's body are contained family, who h",ve been occ!upyJpg th~ at Clarksville by the Bemard Press, in this popular 16% protein concentrate. property have moved. ~ Wayt)eaville·. tIle plant having been removed from , j;> , , Morrow. Pure cane molasses gives appetizing .• . Mrs. Cassie Oox, age 75 ' years, 11 \ ~ flavor to Miami Dairy. It's a feed that lIfelor\t"resldent of this . community, d~ed at· her borne in Lytle, Saturda~ , . your ' herd will rciisJl and prosper on eve.n ink. November 28,. ·tifter leve~l straight through the year. How about \'leeks' illnesS.-·· She was-the wife of ohlering II supply now? At tbe annual election of officers WlIliam Cox, who pUled awa, a litfor St. Mary's Chur~h School, which tle more than a yelkr ai'o. Pne soa, Is always held On the first SUnday in Clyde, survives atld also one brothAdvent, the old offieers were re-elecl;.. er. Joseph Gltllene. Funeral service to serve the coming year. held 'J'uesday afternoon. 'Inter ment In Miami ce.metery.,. --~.-.\<\a.t J ...i ..... pk .. .... ............ 11<: ................ .. .............. 1.6.
23c 9c Hams.. ~:ii.k~~:....... 19C !"!~~~~. . . . .~. . . . . 9c B lad . 21IM31 C ~~~~ ~~~,.~.~~~.~~~~: C Raisins gr:b:tl')' 10C Butter
Full Valoe. For Your' Feed DoU~
New Newspaper
Annual Election
Everett &rIy, Lytle, Ohio
of rroperty
. R. E. 'Simkins b~ tnded his farm of 83 acres near the Old Telegraph M!DlI for a properly near Mldway- in Clark county. W. · N. . repre. both
T"e Ladies, '~Id h,ere a~e IrOln, W' . take the . Nlitri~on 'GQoree .m V~~ tabl~f This course ja.1p 1;":~';;;~~41~;:~ mont~ beiiianinir . 1~lqrJr~dj"'lc.<4...~ I" ~e'C~e~DQ4!r 7. at the home when th.,: ~. ~eetfllC aDd COVef.ed Any, lAdle. Dot memo Alii, ~nr to ~e WI
thrO, .
~e laeoJt
iDvlted' to, W. wID 11- ~ ~ :'1)• .
Y~ ar
Whole Number 5782
Burglar Captured Afterl
An Exciting Chase
(JOLUMBUS, OHIO - There will be no extra session oi tho general a s~e lll bly. T his hus virtual\Y been decid<:d upon by Governor Donahey , ho is the only on who can call t he legislators ba ck. There are several meUSUl'CH which t he administration would liko to sce become laws, hut there is lit tle chance a Republican genera l 1168embly possing any bills reco mmended by a Democratic govern or, espccially when 1928 it! elect ion year. Now if the majority would agree t.o pa8 ~ a ny bill recommended by -Govern or Donahey, thllt would be ' di.tTerent and t he boys and !,rirls who make up the body might get a chance to return to Columbus. But this is what one might honestly call -a n impOSHibility. It's the first time during his three terms th ut Donahey -has b ~c n the sole agency through which In nn extl'8 BessioR could be heid. other yoars both the house and 8enute recessed. But this year they have adjour ned and it's all up to hte go vernor who indicates that he does not expect to call them bllck.
G. F. Schlesinger, director ot highways Jlnd pul11ic works, anaounces that the next letting of contracts is schedul ed fo r l"riday. Bids will be received tor t he improvement of, ~ 6 . 28 miles of road a.nd several _bridges. The largest projec"t is the l!:ight h Street ~ illduct on tho extens ion of U. S. HIghway No. 60, in Clnd nllllti. 'fhis is the largest single project on which bids have ever been r eceived in th~ highway department t he e8timated cost being over $2,220,UOO. Other importllnt impr,ovements In the let ting of the widening of State Route No. 8 fpr 2 1Aa miles near the village of Bedfo rd in Cuyahoga coun ty ; t he paving of 6 miles 01 State Route No. 44 bet weell Painesville and Ravenna In Geagua. count y·; t he paving ot 6.4 miles State Route No. 9 1 in Summit count y; construction of a reinforced concrete arch bridge over Ot tawa river on State Route No. 117 between Lima and Spencerville In Allen county. Contractors will not be permitted to do Any work that 'will cause the rOAds t o be closed to trllffic this winter. '-
A. G. fi' eight, cashier in the state a utomobile department during the entin nd ndn~trat~n d CoL Thad H. Brown, secretary of stl!te, ma.kes a di rect r ply to t he charge of J . •T. Ttacy, aLate auditor, In which he
Joe TholT\Pson was in Cincinnati, Monday.
Dr. P. A. Garner; chiropractor, Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 78 . J . J . Fromm lind family visited relIItives in Dayt on, Sunday. Bring your clIsh register checks to VanOllen's o.nd get your premiums. Mr. a nd Mrs. Charles Anderson we re shopping in Dayton, Saturday. lleautiful are the Greeting and Christ mas cards on display at Cary's J ew4;llry' Shop,Lebanon,Ohlo. Mrs. Forrest Hough spent several days t his week With relatives in Dayton. Christmas specials in Silverware and novelties. Cary's Jewelry Shop, £Al banon, Ohio. Mrs. H. E. Hathaway and Mrs. Harold Whitaker were shopping in Dayton Monday_
Davis Furnas, who li n.s abo ut tw.o lhe slairs, but missed him and the milcls ~o ul h of tow n, had a t hr ill ing gun struc k the wall and was broken experience 'I'1"!R<.iay ,n ight wilh II colF ur nas, <;Ia d in his night clothes, ored man, who had ent red lhe house chased t he man through the fields presumably w i~h the intent ion of r ob- across thc Ben Smith fa rm, over to be ry_ t he lower Spr ingboro pike, into a Mrs_ F ur nas had been occu pied culve rt wher e he held hini until the down stai rs a fter Ule other members nrri val of t he deputy sheriff, who had of t hc family had reti red and it is ill lhe meantime, been notifi.d by ' lhought that t he ma n seeing her go Mrs_ Furnas. The ma n had in his posseaalon u p the back stainvay, had enter ed t he front door and go ne up t he fr ont t hree chickens he ha d stolen from Ke llners, who live on the Ben Smith stairs. She had gotten into bed, and Mr. fa rm, which t hey r ecently purchased_ F urnas had raised up to extinguish The negro had been seen in t he light, when he saw t he man, who t own and Corwin, snooping around had opened th e 'bedroom door, look- and peering into several places, esring down at him. Mr. Furnas lesped \lier in the evening. f rom his bed, seized his shotgun and He was taken to Lebsnon, where struck the burglar as he ran down he was placed in jail_
Leather goods make splendid Christmas gifts. See the display at Cary's J ewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio.
And Help Protect the
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke spent Sunday in Dayton, the guests of their son Karl and wife. ,' , We sell the Dipaday pen and adjustable pen socket. It is strictly a desk pen. Come in and see them. Cary's J ewolry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio.
Health of Our Comnrunity
Trade at VanOllen's. Get your tickets for the big drawing every Saturday at 8 p. m. We have exactly what you want in t he celebra ted Gruen Guild watch- , es. Cary's J ewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio.
There will be election ~ f oft\cers and .the due~ fllr both Gulla ~nd the, Auxl!iary will be paid at thIS joint meetlll&'.
Cassie A. Cox
Sleep thy last sleep free from eare lind Borrow Rest where none weep, till the etel'Jlal mor row. Though dark waves roll o'er the BI= ============== lent river, So the soul of Call8le A. COli: baa gone Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman were in to its Giver. Cincinnati, today. Daughter of John and Rebecca Dr. P. A. Garner, chiropractor, Git hens, she was born near Raysville Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 78. J anuary 28, 1862, and departed thia life November 26, 1927, qed 76 Marvin Allen, of Wilmington, was years, 10 months and 3 daYL in Wllynesville, today. She was married to C. W. Cox, October a, 1878. To this union one Buy Quality Grocerics at Van child was born, Clyde G., who, with Ollcn's. One t icket with every 26c his wife, Myrtle, lived with his mothpur chasc. er For yea1'll they have ministered t o their mother and done everyt}tina Miss Gladys Harlan, of Day toll, t hat t ender nursing and care could visited Waynesville f riends, Sunda),. do to alleviate her lIulfering and proCorrected vision makes brighter long her life. Her husband departed this life Ma,. bOY8 and girls. Let Dr. Rudolph, the e yesight specialist, advise you. Tues- 31, 1926. Scarcely a month between dill' ana Sat urday at Cary's Jewelry t he death of her father and mother.. which occurred in 1882_ Of a famShop. Examinat ion fr ee. ily of four brothers, only one remain. 'Fred Hartsock and family, of Mil- Joseph Githens. Mrs. Cox baa been f ord, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. a semi-invalid for a number of Ber t Hartsock and daughter_ A good neighbor, fr ugal and InduetriOU S, always r eady to help In anythinlr
Honoring Mr. and Mrs_ Charles E. Michener, Mrs. Anna Sheehan entertained a few fri ends last Friday C'V- ~lJdd~~rA~~lJdld~~tt~~~iJ~~~~aall~iJ~~~~IIi~~ ening. A sumpt uous dinner was ~ ~~ ~ the a"~cti" d~~~~m ~======~===~~=~~=~==~=~~:=~~=~~~==~~~~===~~~~== Yo~lIfindthe ringdh~dnams ~e was8b~tod~ where, on the handao mely appointed Mrs. Walter Ellis,- Township counfor ChriaLmas at Cary's Jewelry Shop She leaves a hoat of friends and table, covers were laid for fourteen. selor. Lebanon, Ohio. All our gems are relatives to mourn het departure. ' Mrs. Charles Gray- Assistant to wn carefully selected and mounted in W. A. Co .
VEGETABLE COOK-EHV REGULAR M[ETING t~~d~n~r b~nd "L!nl~~!IY .~~y ~~e~i 10~:ef::s:nt~~rp~~~r~:Je:e~:: ~ PROJECT LEADERS ~:~~e~~unselor and t ownship proj ect Of MOTHERS CLUB the- Forlatestr entdesigns. thoulIOlld. ot (Io luirt t hrouah delay ill give them Chrlstmu, is thiB name: Mrs. Charles Gordon-Assistant -Cottage 0; 6 roo!"s on
nil lin ulej lie III U.IC Mr. Ii' I"M ... II t til r porL t ftects \III "lib II HIli nd cumplete 1111 I .l llll " ),1 11\ t!le l 'unI I I'III'j \ lreBtupv. 1\ re~;' ~ ~ tar d partI 1\ II ,': It I • nla d CORil l II, I 00 "_4 d", to b 1\ 11\ , I I t i l Ilrlvat, Ute.
,; 'II\.
t 'I'
" .U"
"George S. P~rker-Duofold." Nonbreakable barrels . nd point gnaranteed 26 yean. See them at Cary's Mn. Eva MacDonald, of HarveysJowelry Shop, I;ebllIlOll,Ohlo. burg, a leader in the vegetable cook· ery project, guided by the Warren County Home Demonstration Agent, submits 'these menus for a day'S' meals: Breakfast-Orange, rolled oats and b d to t nd butcream, aeon an eggs, aa a ter milk for children colfee for
t JlUU ( ' ~'1' 1 I. r ' Id. wo~d.' J.o'ollJht JI lba willi' - C 'I. Brown ad~lts.' VII • III ottle It 10111 Ind d livered - D~ner-Roast beef Bnd brown 6,204,<1 2 auto till, e 11 cted and gravy, browned potatoes, creamed turn(ld Into ~h. tate \r •• ury over $600 in prizC8, awarded by the pe8ll smw a J;lple !!auce bread and .4t,OOO,()OO, and never lost a pen- County ' Fair board 'through a special butt~r, co~kies and milk'. ny for t he ltate. On I), "the rule of appropriation f.rom the county eomSupper- Cold sliced meat , potato reason!' for which A.ttorney General missioners, will he distributed at 4-H cakes, celery, buttered spinach, bread C ~abbe rave a uthority, was uBed In Achie~ement meetings to the boys and ~utter! bla~kberry jam, peaches, t he collection of t his enormous fund and gtrls of Warren counly who com- cookIes, mIlk. The 'importance and adequate \Ise and tran ~ferred it to the state treBs- pleted thei~ work, and a six-reel D\ovury. Tho fund s In fact were turned ie, "The ROmance of Sleepy Valley," of vegetabl(!8 ts stressed ill the vegill to t he state , t reasury earlier than will be an added attra~tio!!. ~~d 8!,@C- etal?l@ C!ookery l'roj t1ct, th~ Ohier obever -bef ore In the history of the state lal featur!! o! al! lIIeetln~. ' . jeqt I)f whic:b ia the spreading abroad In order to 'facilitate t1\e collect ion Tuesday @vtl!!lng, P~J;@~b(!r 211 __ of good health through the propel --, ~. , ts - , open d- t.Ji . Reibold s Hall MalOn-for Deerflell1 selection of food , : UtI v.... township ~""r a" ou"l we b ! . Allowing is ,'he list of the local an thr°UI hJ'Ura. , ta nr d .fI' d °ton~ Wlldn~sd'----y evenln'" Deeem6er 14 l-ea'de- _ wl'th the" date' place and hour t oug out •h e li te, an In or er II ~ , "vill ' f H save both time and expense the mon- - School Ha , _alOe &-- ot am- of -their first meetings. All are very ey wu 'depolited ,In the name ~f the ilton township. . ' wel~ome to attend these meetinga. stste secretary. Just all BOon u cerThursday ·eve~mg, December ,16-Harlan..~9'rp. til\ cation· Oi.. the deposit was made to Church, M d BuUer.vlll~for e nl"'" December Feight the secretary drew his check Oft. ay ve ... , . -+ • for the amount, and it was turned Grange Hall, Wa)'JI~sviU9-"-torWa)'JIe, Busines~ into the state treasury. No one and Massie townshIps. ., charges tbat Col. ,Brown ever receivTue~day evenln_g, December 19ed a enny benefit through the col- Masomc HaU" Franklin- for ~apk-_ h , •• .... ,000 ,000 1ecton i P 0 t ' tese - , b u t linWand - d Clj!a~rtek sa- - . tOWIIshlp\ t' . "'if: ' . b 21 'f1'!'EY ".y~ }I, w~s t\ ' It 81~w \n trapsG t' R!; e~~ ~t emT e~_ fliplng £b. mone, f rom the rural rang, . _, ,anon , or 'I J,imka -o{ Uhlo into'the state t reaiufy, creek" Union, W~llItrtDn and BOUthand ' as a iesult the" state lost 80me em Clear~reek (0. N. C. cl,ub.) i - ter~i!t. No one can cliargll Tracy Approxlm~tely 800 b0!B and ~ ~itlt -losing I~terest--in- th!! political completed their wC?~k In clothll\f, matters . . -!fhe ' entire matter ' comes f ood, ~om, pOllltr~, ~ig ~n~ . calf at the present time tllat 'it may distort elubs---aJl of Whom :W1ll pa~lclPate , the atte'n tion of 0illo votejop from In th~ pr!z!la. T~,.. ~J. rl!! l movi! ,wi_U. - tt '-' . d" tb lint.- of the not. . me!,ly ! !alJ1r , ~\!1?W!!fkj but pt la! )t:t~u' ~~ lWal! tlw'Iiioli -Is go~ will p@1!l~ (I~' ~~y, other ~um· . P\l} 191' - l' ,e 9'1' .. , plell of rural oommunlty improveinr to be a numdillger . .ment. ,Specially ' i1Iuatrat'ed SoDI!a, arid brief snappy arillQUlloements, by The IIhort.alf' of nu~ In Ohio this club leadors and trlp Winn.... and ' year Is due to natura! oause. 'and not by Go~nty A.J~ ' :Wa"!! and 01ass, to any bU&'ht or dlll;llase, according to and other countY ~.• aders Will be made experts of Ohio State unlverBlty, :who between the films,' " ' ' -have been studying the 8ubJectl In malting the, picture, "The RoThey explain tbat _the nut trees will manoe -of , Sleepy Valley,':', a ~~ of not bear large crops every year" that over 200 IndividUal acton was used. , the fruitful seuons for the various The Secretary of ,U,' ~. ~partm.nt ftll~ v~ry ~oltl evm !!",@f y'@ a" , to of AaTl~ultUr.!, app~~l'! ~!i ~1\e , co~ eVllbr. !lfn!! j earl, arid t~at t~1a fall opera~lop ot tli,: Fed~ral ; ,overnment , hPPPIIDj!d '\~. ~ t1lfrlitte~a1 ill whleh hi Washmgton e!Ul1ilee tbe "~maDc~ , lI!iit~ of tli~ ~eps ' w¥ ' ~I!~rl~ nuts, of .Sleepy Valley!!' w ' preaent lOme ~h!' fact - ~~~, trfl'. Ir' ~1sO lilLve not scenes that !lave lI.vtr ,b~__ Illoludc!1 hid 'O,i:lortij~lti.t9 ~\CJNI 11, leRd IIUP- In' ml\t\!i1\ pl~tll"'II.t. 'll1i, Wlll~ iil'-II. I~ - ~".i, till\l~~ 'lUI 18 oth"er Houae, tlte 4~pltQ" "ar»erll Ferq, ,.,ari, ,plBc, pattb' ,Xillaltt. th, .hort-, --l:l play tbelr .nel tile ,aildlen~e. a;' for the, nut cieP dep.nds upon oatehes 41 rllmple of the , tomb of the the food w,uch the tree b.. lIto'r ed unknown ~oJdle.t · at !<rllntWJ.~ c~inup. The pauclty'of nute is bellll' felt etery. The interi01'll of aix ,eomplete "Y' the- tann,ra, paJ'ticu!arly in the f~ ~ housea had to ,b e · "~ilt In ~e ' - I()llt)tern _p art ,o f tht ~te, where the studio, .. ,.ell .. th. t!ntl~ ln~l\riClr '.!lftu~Je, ' drlVII~ from th~ woods to of a oOll n.., eh!l~h. ....cilnio&1 , x_Itt food, 'have turned to the comperts ,a nd - 1,I'~f.lliio~1~ aaton f~m fiel~. anll are atripplnl' th. lIboeb. all P~ of ' tile United Bta~ •• helped They seem more numeroUll than ever to euiCie and dlfNt the nlioU8 parts ,. ~UIe ' ~e food Ihortac!-bU driven of "the plo~ J .No adm¥oD wiD , tt.em ,Into tie open ;te1cle. Inbabl- be charred, and no-co1leetloll8 taken. - ~DtJ of _~'"' Ohl_ fa"". ~"n Ev,rrb9d, III Invited, .Iom.t.hint tbat; tM _aU aaimalluow _ hmark lntereet to the whole lamllJ. AD -{lltt lDatrlPg t1Ia CO'I1' IIh9wbIP wDl.tan pI'OJIIPtIJ at 'TIIO -'"
oJ 1M
of! ,
Card of Thaaa : The family wish to exprea the~ township project lea~ler. F ow:th slTeet, WaynesYllle. Lula M. thllnks for the help of friends, the H b M La Sh'd k --Sawlll, 264 Del!lware Ave., Dayton. floral tri tes and all othe IdDd. arveys urgrs. U~I a The Mothers cluh held th ir r e This Christmas buy her nelses gtven to them in their bereave er: and Mrs: Ed McFnrland at Ladies . . .. e guI' S-I I' d d AId room In · Harvey's burg, Monday, lar meetJ~g Frlda~ afternoon at the SiIversea' I verware. t s epen - ment. , '. December 12, al1 1 p. m. Grade Budding, WIth about 60 pres- ~~I~e:db~~~~tifC!;'~dJ:!~r: ;:os; Mr. an~ !lrs_ Clyde -·COlt. Harveysburg-Mrs. Carl Blackford ent. authorized agents in Warren county. a~d Mrs. C. G.. MacDonald, at Ladles We were led in devotionals by Mrs. AId Room, frIday, December 9, at I' . 'U_. and Mrs. James Vandervort 1 p m W Ul8mBOn, after whIch she read a ..... Ii· k' -U fi I I \IT attended the funeral services of the IC oryvl e-Mrs. Howard Grab- ne art c e, he Value of a Real former's brother, which were held in am, Mrs. Clint Cleav~r, at Graham's, Mother." Alter a business session, Morrow recently. Tuesday, December la, at 1 p. m. , the president told of receiVing the .wellman and Flat F'ork-Mrs. Tom Chri8tmU aeals and explained that There are Christmas gifts here to RIch and Mrs. A. B. Talmage, Wed- eighty per cent is given the club for please every purse and we' can save DON'T BE ONE SIDED ON neaday, December 7, at Rich's, at 1 local work. money for you. Shop early. Cary's PROHIBITION p. 1\1.. • _ ..__ _ _ The Grade chorus then sang a beau- Jewelry Shop, "The Home of Gifts," Uful selection and Betty Hartsock fa- Lebl\non, Ohio. vored us with a ~eautiful plano solo. Underneath all this wOrldry ,war_ _ _ __ !drs. RU88ell S.ah8bury re.a~ a very Mr. and Mrs. Ra~ond W!lliamson fare between the wets and drys and T ' LIT . La I '11 mteresting artIcle, "Femmlst, New left Monday fo r thelr home III Cleve- between the · noble and free-bom he OYa em.p era ~ce g on Wl Style," and Myra Pence recited in land, after , a three-weeks visit with souls that enjoy the privilege of ge~ mcet lit the home of Joan Carr at her ~sual manner "I'm Glad to See t he for~er s parents, Mr. and Mrs. t ing drunk whenever they please, and Wayne Villa, Thursday, December You. H. H. WIlliamson. the famlllies who want to interfere 8th at t he close of sc:hooL The meeting adjourned to enjoy ' kl .h Id with other people's liberty, liea the ' t he social hour during which sandOur show cases spar e WIt awe ue . aU, is the ne O",r numbers a,r e growing and we wiches cakes and, coffee were served variet 1-iJ f gift.tt Ilofld a small--dep . condition of the common manT welcome new recruits. The follow- by M'esdames Brannock Thom". will rese~e the choicest giits. Cary's b h dI Ita , .... , 'J welry Sh'op "The Home of Giftrs" For we are not 80 much interested Jng l'I1eet ing will e eJ n two wee Crawford and Malnous. e ' .' " in crime among the rich and fubLet's go I Mary L . Earnhart, Sec'y. Lebanon, OhIO. ionable, not with the Case of the Sunday dinner gucsts of Mr. and' down-and-outers as we are concerned Mrs. H • B. E ar n h ar t were: " .....r- d an wilh the condition of the ordina"'. -, Mrs. K. N. Hough, Mrs':" "viola Harlan, ave.r age man. ,", I _By A.lI.1 T. Had Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hough and Mr. Perhaps it is true, as asserted, by and Mrs. Ernest L. Harlan. the wets, that more liquor ia drunk under prohibition than ever before This Christmas get " him" or "her" more gilded youths are carrying &'i~ a pocket or strap watch. See our din their hlp pockets. and a more murstock of dependable timepieces. We erous brand of booze is bema con:are a member of "The Gruen Guild." 19umed. Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. But the tact remalna that the average man who has to work for hie hMr. and Mrs. J . L. Mendenhall and ing, and geta a modest IItfpend thereMrs. Mary L. Ad.llms motored to for, does not drink liquor simply beRichmond Friday t o attend the cause he cannot afford it. Much more Friendli, Servic\) Con!\)reIlCC_ They liquor may be drunk now,' but the returned Sunday. working man does not eare to pa~ fifty cents or one dollar fOI! a drink. The human eye is a delicate organ. A recent survey made by Prof HerC.are for them well. Consult Dr. Ru- man Feldman, of Dartmouth coUege. dolph, the eyealght specialist, Tues- pUblished, in the Christian Science day 9 a. m. to .. p. m., Saturday 9 Monitor, establishes the fact that;· a. m. to 8 p. m. Cary's Jewelery since the advent of prohibition there Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. has been an amuillg Increue in the productivity of the wage earner, em•. Mrll. J . O. Cartwright was the bracing almost every industry in the guest this afternoon at a bridge par- country. , For Illstance, the output ty given by Mrs. George W. Stanley, of the rubber tire worker wu 189 Mrs. Dean Sta nley and Mrs. Harry per cent greater in 1926 than in 1919 E. Rudman, at the home of the lat- !'lid this Is a typical !ns~nce, 110t; the ter in Lebanon, 'exceptional one. , . Labor bodies oPl>osed tbe P...... _ O~r Clt,latlJl.u colleeti?n of ringe, of the prohibition amendment, butthe ~.t~heB and SIlverware 18 CIIpeclally U. S. Bureau of Labor Statilltfca cella tntereating, We also reset--.and ,re- attention to the almost unbeUevable new any jewelry y~u msy - ~sh done Increase in the productivitj"of the . 'over_ It will p,~y you to visit Cary',~ worker during the p~'f_ Jean. Jewelry Sho!?, the Home of ,Glf~, As matter of factdhe m~'Cb'-ea.... Lebanon. ThlO, ed ' 11\. Woman's Auxiliary - 01 St. the United ~~ church will meet on Frld8y fore front afternoon, December 9. at half past b~ethn an ~:::!::= lat. . . ._< two, at -the home of Mn. t.eat~ Gar- w our p' dOD, Mrs. Gordon, Mn. Cehlll.n and feet of Mn. wm Q~ 1108t.euee. ' pe~onal em.cle1lClr; most men 18 In _Y... ..plltlt the watch you ·buy to creasiJlg their ~g. b, . . . . ...",: U - houn _ dar. '1 ' da)'I in the how to reItrIct IIIieit.iia. ' . week. 52 weeka In the year-for Some People . . t1iIak __ __ yean ue.dIN. WlIen was J'OUI' the moet ~cIuatrIaIIJ ~ "t. watc"b cleaned and oDed. We haft In the 'It'01'Id dote ~ ~ till aD dollnt wotIaMD at,.our . . . . mOlt of .. tbb* tIaat It . . .
Temperance Union
~. J......... ~0It0 0Id0. wtlIbI8 to ~ . . ~
In Ui ·untbJo ble v nan faU d him, there wu ernor. ' 111~ mllnths CHI th ranch had taught him ll1ur.ll. ll L~ (luart41r-tlt' tl(ln waR n It NIl WOrLhl(>~1 08 he hnd de med iL odinll'. cullh'llling and the pro· \'ontlon or f urther burning.over by ffll'ellt tlroll would build it UI'. He l'oulll rai I! sloo\f. upon It, which COMMON woulll ,(u\'Il1 1t, thom While It enriched 0(11) 11, "1'd r(- ,I t hnt ihe I'lnintift' MARRIAGE LICENSES ' the land. 1' her(! wa~ more. d pth t Q recover frum lhe dta{cndant the sum Artllllr Orcene, {ann r, Franklin, AU this of n!J72!( within five nn),s the the soil thllJ\ h l' aliz d. would tAk \ blk, onn ),l -nty of. it, CII!l' o~ .\"illl~rd "lllrRh v~. C' uy 'oy. and A:dJ\ L. Mnn.ueJ, housoKc ' iler, of but hc ,wall wil'l ing to work and to ~ ~ ." m, }I' runklin. He that his future, liiB er et Ill. William White, rna hinist, Cine in· wa somehow bound ' ourt authorized th Q payment of and .Anna W. Huntcr houlIG' up with sctaggly oblong in t hl) an auctioneer to cry th !llli in thc , wildcl:'ncss. asc o( t he Reading .b;lnk VII. Ansley keeper, J,ebanon, C lvin Rolson, farmer, Oregonia, 'T'h" IIqu(1l' which the bootleggers onon t II\. l\ud g\ en him renlnlnejl in his Ollg. . J"loy,1 artel ' l iS fined $100 a"d and Allee P. K elley, Oregoniu . tt WII~ II .l1·ol1 h:oo of vlctol·Y. the s.calp . George H. Henderson, tt:lick drivel', of a vonquish tI nemy. SomctimclJ costs for pO~8eMsing intolticating Iiq· WAynesville, and Nuncy D. Tr ·lId· uor. plain. He was noi lhe type of man he took ·t he bottl out to Io.ok l1t it hnrles [oore ~vns appointed a way, book~cepcr, Waynesville. who would let sentimentl\l considers· quizzically, tu • hake it until It . larence L. Ayer~. salesman, Mor· lion stand in the way or his making ~urgl ed sullenly. There was still commissio ner to rn uke pllrtilion in 'n ~do lla r: ' "Home was a hou ~e thot spells of longing. But the "No" of a t hQ ense o f Nom .Burke VB. MnTY row. nnd Tillic E. Corwin, Morrow. ,nrey Mason HUI'Iey, chuuft'eul'. o f shelLered him. to be ubandoned with· bronze.hol'd Tl'so luliOTl drove t ho • "W.ll, ' Forbes, are you ready to Ollt regret if t he nbunnonment wou ld beasts of nppet\te speedily to their chilling. Pluintift' was grant d lenve to IIle Franklin, und Lena C. Busby, Fl'(\nk· ..U tbia place yeU" monl.'Y. lair oguin. replies in t he easo of . FTed o. vs. Iia. , It,... $ela1maD who asked the brln!\, "I feci , somehow, thot Sealman Things wo re moving if not hop· Thomns M. Gyno n nn el Groce Gynan . qu+n on the following Sundny wos mixed up in those two rum·run- pHy ut lellst with so b I' sn ti ~ factio n. REAL ESTAT'E TRANSFERS mornin.. . Ser\'ice of )lublicotioll upon said ners feeding me druggod wh isky," the Su nday morning that Nance En· "I'm not o'n the' market." dcf('ndant, Harry ' .J. J ohnson, wns Luur" Mc Kinsey nnd Minnie waill mu ed Ednie. -'They had no r eason ell drove to. the door o f , the wilder· SeaIman, combed his sleek beard authorized i'n the ca~e of J ohn Bruce to' D. W. Surface, .26 town acres in with, ~1lJllP ~l'II as hc. lenned o{ tbei r own for g tti ng me out of ness enbin. lie wo!4 sql18ring t he \'5. ara h You ngerma n et al. counlry. I was sent out by un ve n walls o( the Jiving room, pre· Corwin . apiD.t tbe ~ and wa tched Ed· the Perry R. Arbaugh was granted a JU nteS 1- . Ilnd FJora F. Ward tq dl. IbaOlllling an axe' 01\ th ' grind· fr ight so the moto r·tromp could parntory to giving t hem a coat of atone: : '"I thought perhaps witli you come In und jumll my cloim . He wos paint. when the imperiolls blast of n divorce from Hallie B. Arbaugh. \V ultcl' B. aad Edi th Moran, 10 town working ~~er at Davenant 's and your to ke p me off wiih Ilt3 gun ., It WIIS motoI·horn call1'd him to thc door. 10tl' in oZlIddale. T he girl left hC!r car and ndvonc· wife ~o bere--" He paus d ignif· not s n ucciderit thot he was talking NEW SUITS IIllIr tltll 1'IIrks to Gladys nad Poul Lo caiman on the road thnt day at- ed to meet him " hn.n d oulstretched. icantlY. · ., ler I drove him out. "Hello, thC!rc. Eddil'!" she called joy. J n tho mutter of Bill Evnns expal'tc Brenn erllll nn, iour town lots in Deer· "I'll hang on just the SlIme." fiel l1 Tp. "The long nnd shor t of it is thnt ou Iy. "Gel', but jt's !:,ood to see habeas corpus. "My Jut , olfol" was fifteen hundred Wi ll ialll H. li nd Julia . Brown to Thinaa are eoing pretty well wiUI ealman wan!.'! my plnce. He wants you." The Lebanon Lumber CO. VI[. t ho "Nuncc!-' Th"l'c was 11)101'(' of sur· Otterbein Hom, amount ti S7 .95. T lr ollln ~ C. p eedlc and Rut h Beodlo. mc. I ' m~ht b nblo ' to borrow a It blldly, becnuRe it hilS a greuter val· little mOle at the bank. Suppose .w lie, sOllleh!)w, t han appellrs on the pri~e thlln plen~u,.c in his man ncr, t\lllr t , .28 I ' \ WI , aC t'OS in Lcbllnon'. Kitty Stuart VS. l~ rank ~urfnce. I wonder whut it is?'' He which 5 1", noted with a humorous gn· say two thQullllndf" W il li:lllI G. Th o mpso~ and Flor. divor cc, gross neglec,l. pondered fruitlessly. ~ 'WeU, no matmace. ,., hero did you come from?" EddIe c~d operations on the Hiram Alexander vs. Ishim Lnin. cn(',· n . 'T'lrolll)lson to Ea rl lind P eurl ter. ['II hang on tighter. The rea· " Just as glnd to sce me liS thou gh axe to look the sleek one sharply in Ruh ! h" ,t I wo town lo ts in 1\11I80 n. I wcre the smallpolC," she comment- money only, amount $660. the " .' , "With the WeB! that's more son will ceme out." Lucy '('IsD n and Ri chnrd L. Nelson Summer advanced in'e xorably. The cd. "Oh, well, once it wasn't so. thau twenty-eigbt bundred you're to C li ~TOl', 1 l\f. WoHc, 0110 town lo t wiUlIiC to pay. That's seventeen PROBATE PROCEEDINGS in T lI l' llccreck Tp, doUara an aere. Why - Is tbis worth Coul't conllrmcd thc report of Rob. Hlln'cy C. Snell to Robert Roll, 10 m~t~' II • ert . Settlemyre, ndministrator of one t own lot in Leban on. Thil bTue eyell flickered away. Tho the estate of J oseph Nicholson. Hil'lllll C:. Bl'ewer and Ida M. Brew. combiDc 1inJren, lifting through the ..' .1o.y beard" did not chonge their Proof of pUblication of the DOtice er to Hen ry Whitehea d and Elizllbeth cadence. "It 'isn't, Forbes. But it leu l'creek of appointment of H. S. Conover as White'1C::d, 14 ' acres in luljoine my. property. I could use a dministrator of the estate of John township. it to advaJltace," • John E. Sharts and Anna S. \\tu r. F. Conover. "WhT not lIell out and buy some Court heard and confirmed the re- ray to ~'1 ary L. Sharts 73,75 Ilcres where lQd il clleaper1", port of the private sali! of the prop- in FrulJk in Tp. ' Sealman SUllied. "I lIlight ask you Oscar E. Grismer to !\ nelrew 1\f . erty of Eldridge Pope. the .. ~e , ~" he replJed, and Thlllast wiilund testament of Ralph Vllndell 114.8 acres in Humilton Tp. Eddie"!lecret!7 iCknowledged tho jus. tiCe of the tlmat• . "Thill is my home. G. Thomp on was admitted to proAndrew M. Vande II to Fay Smith I bave &D <a!'~on .'for · i\;. , I don't buteo Croce Thompson was appoint- 114.8 acres In Hamilto n Tp. want to live lOme.where. else." ed executrix of the v~ill and apprais. J. H. Frazier to Mary Frazier. 72 .• ''I .-ppoee' tllat'.' tn'ie," said Eddie era were appointed." 76 acres in Frunklin Tp. ~~""'!"!_ _~_~!!'!'!!!!!!!'!!""""!"'~!!'!'!!!!'!'!!~""!"'~.....~...._ _ _ __ aJo~. "But I'm not seUingi that'8 Court ordered a certified copy of Art hur L. Evans to Albert R. - - -- ----- -. - --- • fiDal. ' r • , the inheritance tax olr William Keev. Thompson, lots in Foster Park. A• T • Re tt'Ig" I'UY ro, II $217"6 ' . ... ; 8Ilme NAUGHTY--NAUGHTY ''YII'I ..,.·10lle it on the taxell." Ar t h ur L. Halstead to Arthur L. $31; Jos Davis, pay roil .. $354. 10: C. p..r b e cert i lied. ''The ta.z.. wiD be taken care 01 Pr . oof of publication of the op. EVllns. lot in Foster Pork. E. 13 ran.Ib ury, puy 1'0, II $121 .46; sume. ..beD ... .time oomell," retorted Ed· elI.. ..~ ~e • .,. t)lei ten me- fOU pOlntment of Walter Surface as ex. Thomas N. Stamper to Roy E , Rob· $81.05 ; P . B. Monee, pay roll, $110,- It is r emarkable ho\\, many doubtful ba~1 8O.m l '1i'a a pip., Wonder if, ecutor of the will o.f L. C. Roberts. !nson, lot ' in Franklin. 30 ; Harlan Whitacre, pay roll $32.10; meanings an nlleged pure· minded I cou1~ deal or on. of .them? Bull ~oof of pub!ic.ation of the up. ElfJota l\l. Eaton et al., .to Lewis Fred Humphreys, pay roll, $212.25: person clln lind in an entirely respec. olreniC1offito Ie ' ~'. ~1I w,itb their pOllltm~n~ of Wllhan~ G. Thompson ~f. and Laura B. Rook, lot m Frank· Bcll Press, ,log warden's supplies. table joke. bop .,...!liD. A ~od thIl~ pig a~ odmmlsn:ator of the estate of Jen. 1m. $2.60; W. C. Gilmour, inquest, $7.40; abou1d' ~~ • .,IIOme monei. h me R. Corrmgton. Jacob .Huff to He~b ert E.~nd Em· same, $26.70; William Anderson, in. =====-=~f t . JlJdtHe ' left the ranch that R~lph P. Crundin was appointed nn ,M. Clbson, lots In Franklin. quest, $1.30: Homer Mouscr, sume, e"~ '• .eIl~~e' young porker admtn~strator of the. estate of Philip lI:,"nna Meeker t~. Ben ,and Cora $1.10; LI \lyd Daugherty, same, $1.10; DR. C. W. .: EN ~ ~~ bad 1'1 m a gunnyGrandtn. Tbe appomtment was ac. MorrIS, lot in Frnnkbn. . Guy' Marlatt, samc, $1.10; L. J. Starnuck lD ~ ~ 'Of h1a 'cu. The Office - An .rn LIci b• . UWe ~;JaJ'cc:o.t 4ft dollan. Put cepted. Wnltcr R. Decker to .S arah L. per, same, $1.10; Dr. Ed Blair, I!IIme, . hie new OWDtI" could lee his value OFFICI: HOU , The matter of ~uardlanship o,f Adn Southard, lot near Lebanon. ' 1.10; Dr. Robert Blnir, some. $1.10; mu1Up~01\ll'.' ~st the day Martha Parks. to- Gladys and P earl Webster Kirby same $160' Daniel Apgar, confined III the Dayton State 9 i \ II >t . tr l . a .. , 5 ". II I of tax • S. Hol t, same' $4' Furm~n 'Seward hospital, was continuEid until Decem. Brennemann, lots in Deerfield Tp. 1 I ! I l m. TIat ' f t. fit a little di3ta~ce ' William H. and Julin S. Brewn to same, $3.50; joseph S. Fager, ' from 1II&C:Ie tJae man unconA .iDlle broke tlaroarb. "All ri,h., old iadepe.cleDce," ahe aaid, with bel' ~. • Telephonea. Wtlhom Chaney fil'ed hIs seventh Thomas C. nnd Ruth ' Beedle, lot I:, $3 60 ' • SlIme! mc1q. JIll explanatiqn of wby he hard ADd b.fore he reaU.. d wbat ,h er De .. t mon mi,bt b., ahe a~ account of the estate of Mary Con. Lebal,lon. . . • - ...- -Re •• Cllmce _ 601"!l WIUltea tIM! For_;tNct d~d not ex- le••ed fo.rward ••d ki ••ed him 0'. the lDCIuth. stable. ' William G. and Florence 111. Thomll ; ,.. t! . THE BOOKMAKER SAYS Waynesville, Ohio William Cheney fihid his sixth ac. s<!n to Earl and Pearl Robinett, lots fund in the Long P{lrb\ge State )Sank Where 'did. I come fromt Our pInce count as administrator of the estate in Mason. !F==~~~~~~~~~~~~ mounted surely, mougn much too on the North Fork." Whether she be blonde or brunLucy and Richard L. Nelson to . . , i slowly. Almost every cent O!f biB The Enceils had he recalled, a lodge of Thomas Jones. Milton S. Keever filed 'first and Clifford M. Wolfe lot near Lebanon. ette, beautiful or plain, gay or monD ..'·"I' . · ~ . ' DIJDO ,_ wages Irom Davenllflt went into it, In the pleasant country due north of rose, the odds are about fifty to one Un. ... ~ ~ _ He could not possibly, of his own 01- Loni' Portage, perhaps twenty miles final account of the estate of W. Os. that she will not be on time. E'vi:o~IG ' forts, FOrn all of th'e tax 'money. But from where nis cabin stood. It was car Keever. COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES ~,t;."J I he was rea;aonably sure that the de- not a long drive, even for ssndy wilJelllle S. Gros8 filed first and final . I 'A 1Iclt woUld be made up from 'one of dernllll8 roads, Only, he wished that account of the' estate of Sarah J. The Book Shop, supplies, $7; Mon - -- - - - - -- - -- ~ two sOurces. she hadn't come. ' roe and J ohnston, repairll and sup· 9ne ",ur,ce :was Davenant, and , bI. , "Well, ar4!n't ~ou goine to ask me P1:esbaugh. MONEY LOANED Court appointed llppraisers and plies, $19; The Wester Sta, Sh....::.+I-.rII'-lI-tI---Jo-- .-,H....it-.IIo Tv....., ..: con1l ' ad Tll " allied him. -' . the petition to ' sell certain ift"s supplies, $16; Ohio Law Abstract Sabirda , .' ., 9< .. _. 8 p.m City man,' tiig,' incisive and Iron·eray" "01 cOUl'llei I want 10U to see the granted property of tbe e8~te of Joseph B. Co., Common Pleas, supplics, $18; LOANS 011 Chattel•• Slocke, SecuM· # ..... Jejd-tongueii In -reproof and tl'easur- imp'rovements l',m makin"." French. same, $30; Stakalta Mfg. Co., dog OPTOMETRIST tlee and Second MOrlltajfu. ote. -II LI' ~_._ .fnr- hI'. 'WOrds ' Cif commendation a8 She stoed in the center of the fioor thougb they . were jewels, neverthe· anI! looked smllinely about her. The last will and teSitament of EmU warden's supplies, $76.76; same; Pro. bought. John Harblne Jr., Xenia, o~. IDf G.I . fta:' , " l-' . , ~ lbss sbowed that. he approved of Ed- Nance EnceIl was a superb and Itrlk· M. Runyan was admitted to probate bate Court supplies, $33; C. Leder. Spec;"lisiDI' in the Fitt'i... of Ohio.. ·m80.'26 d _ _ _ _" " _ . . die. The laiter worked hard anll intelli ing figure, vividly blonde. Her blonde The last will and te!ltament of Geo: man, Prosecuting Attorney's supplies, Gla .... for B.tter Vi.ioD. ,l gently·l 'In:"Tuly .Davel/ant raised hlni hair WIlS rough, not from lack of /1(. Scott was admitted to probate. $4.10; Western Sj;or, Treasurer's sup· I!ay five' dollan a · month. TWa, from care, but from aD exce88 of the own· Farmsi'll of Wa.rren .nd a«lJolnlnl \1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;"';=:':~;';';b~~=::J D~v.enant, was the essence of elo· er's energy, apparently. She wore Everett Early was named executor plies, $200.60; Eugene Harper, bridge repair, $34.70; same, bridge material, Write for Free Booklet countiel may obtain mC/ney on lonl , quence. · Whipcord riding breeches that fitted and appraisers we]' appointed. Forest D. lIaines filed IIrst and $4.65; Donald Harpcr, bridge mo· with revealing perfection and a thin, ' t f h . I $ 1 'Ume loanl, at 6 per cent Interest. brown silk shirt, its collar feminine- IIna1 accoun 0 t e el!tate of Esther terla '. 1 4.66; Chester Harper, bridge "Y';ur Mo.t Pricele.. PO ..... iOD ... materl I, $3.16; Leo McCaUiste.t', Cost of securing the lame II very rea· ly rolling, cut Jow and held loosely Rall. io place I>y a flowing red tic, Sbe , ' Court granted thc request of wn. bridge lmaterial, $8.50 i Harlan-Whitsqnable ,through The Feder.l Land looked a daughter -of the Vikings, !iam Chaney as executor of the" es. acer, bridge material $2.90; J08coh Detroi~ Street, Xenia, Ohio Bank. For further Information caD but sophisticated modernized, and on or Addreaa M. C. DRAKE, Tr.... raieed from Viking stolidity by a com tate Of Mary Constable, to reduce M. Mote, bridge lumbe~, $84'.56; Ed the bond to a certain Sllm. Bowman, painting bridges, $199.90; u~r, phone 316.X, Lebanon, Ohio. plex modern civilization.' Court granted petitllon of William Charles Taylor, pointing bridges, "Eddie, as a housekeeper Ilnd car. penter and la.n dscope. gardener you Bacon to sell the real Eistate of Enoch ,24.60; A. Hoppe and Co., cement, LOST are the " antelope's ankles," sbe an. B~con. $40.96: Monroe and Johnston, county' • NOTARY PUBLIC nounced, fiippantly~ "I remember - Court confllT(led the report of Eliz- surveyor's supplies, $41.16; Ohio Cor LOST-Between Genntown, Weyne.. mer. It 'was deserted then, and cer. abeth Snider as executrix of the es. rugated Culvert Co., sewers, $192.40; N.llo ••1 B•• k tainly foro lorn enough." · She sat tate of J. W. Snider.' ville and Ferry, tloaveling bag con. , Fred Snider, pay roll, $296.90; V. W. down. taining infants' clothiftg, silver cup, pourt granted the, appliQ4t1on of Tompkins, pay roll, $267.75: F. M. Drawa .......... E.t.t .. SeU'~ Will. It seemed good to see some one ete., 2 pursea, one containing $3 to from home, though Scottdale belong. William Chaney to reduce bis bond to Collins, pay roll, $200.65; Eden Te..• $6, bean address 3805 N. Main St., Wayne.v~I1~. Ohio ce*in 1.UDl. .' ! ~'" • ry, pay roll, $193.90; same, $193.10; a ed to a past epoch in his life. She DaYton, Ohio. Return to Mi.1II1 (;1. told him the news of 1he little town, lette office. Reward. -n90 fis.vored with a humor slightly embittered, slightly ironic. "Now tell me S'MATTER POP The Strategiat By C. M. PAYNE your , trouble, buddy," shi! ordered. WANTED when ScottdaJe as a topic , of conver· sation was exhausted. .DURING the ~ winter season I am "None to tell," he smiled. "Everye.:&.~'b MA""I ~"''''f, working on auto I aeain. Shop 10' thing's fine, I'~ working at Daven. NO M~-AN~ 'jet;' ant's." cated at my home. If you can't "pon't you think I'm too old a ',come out, I will call for your car. friend to be k ept on the outside, Phone 88F2.,., Frank 'W. Crew. looking in 7" she shot back, with smil1 ·n30 ing earnestness that was impressive. "Come acr088, now; tell your naiDe." "Nothing to tell, really;" he reitFOR SALB erated. "Bunk!" The word Wall freighted YOU NEED THEM NOW-Soot de. with contemptuous impatience. "I stro),er, furnacc and flue brushes, know what I know, Eddie. You iron and roof cement, patcbinr pluknow I'm interested. I've been in· quiring around. You've had trouble tel', Boiler ".x" liquid for etopplne ovcr tbis place. There is a lot of leaks in heating plants, wute pipe ' tax.money nearJy due. You've been t:leaner. THE BOCKLET - KING putting on some bouts with old John CO., . 416 VI. Main • Street, Xenia, W. Barleycorn lind losing spectaeu. .' , .ohio, Phone 960. lorly. And Patsy's left <lut." ~'Xou astonish me," he said, light- ' FOR SALE--2 Holatein COWII. fresh; Iy, though !.he red crept up in his ' two Jersey cowa, will freshen in a few tanned cheeks. , "Really, it's all in daya; all T.· B. tested. W. N. Sean, the way you say it. "Tbose things are phone 79, d7 so-and they aren's so. Mr. Barley. <:<,>rn and I did do consIderable scrapFOR SALE-.,.About 6 toni of timoplllg and I got mussed. But I've lick thy liay. M. M. Terry; R, D. I, ~d him. He's out for keeps,' There IS som)j!l[mone y due. But I'll Ore,onil\. ' tdl' have it , e the redemption period cl9ses. ' s for ' your other allllertion WANTED--To buy a farm north or -well, t hat's qitite wide of the mark, west . of Wayneaville. Give full too, Nan,c e." . details. Wonn.ation , confidential. Miss Encell rose f,rom tbe long Addres$ Box 89, Miami Gazette•• d7 log, s~ab chair with the case and grace of a leopaJld uncoiling. She FOR SALE--l show c;ue; letove' 1 s~rode ov~r to where Eddie was sitbedroom suite and other artiel~. , ~tng, The slender hands, with 'amazall i'n good condition. Inquire at th~ !ng strength , in their ,fragile.appearoffice. ed7 mg' roundness, ' closed on' 'bill IIhouldeJ:1l. She all but lifted him to his FOR ,SALE-One Jettey cpw,E. F. feet. They confronted eacb other .' Reifsnider, R. D. 1, Wa7118lVille, her hands still on his shouldefll. ' Ohio. ''. j7 "See bere, Eddie," she saldJ decIa.: ively, "it ,w on't do. I lmo~ wnat I'm ' FOR SALE Male ~(, ' J:erae,; , talking about. We'll a'd.mit boo Ie Iii , out. -:But that doesn't help you much Inquire of EmeBt Bu~orth. Ther.e's' a lot of money , due on . your pbone , 22-4%. . e~8 land, aside, from tbis year's taxes. You haven't enough to meet it, and P~E. VALVES AND. ITl'TINCli you won't be able to eet enoUgh. Tell Jor ', aU purpo... Bookl.t'. Ibi... the trUth, now. - Will jouT" plumbi!!&_ and . ~t!._ ~P"" ... . . (To be continued) , beet. THIil BOCItLIR-KDlG , 00.. ~ ~--a-. ,
last for
thousands .of 111-
for Christmas
Make someone supremely happy this Christmas. Give a Buick for 1928. Delivery will be made, if you wish, at your home Christmas morning.
Keelor Carage Lebanon Ohio
""Ice .
J'.... ""ct." Sho·p·
n..... . ..
Farmers. Attentt',on
.. I, ;
..... ,.11 . -t nltia. " .
--ro.tgRi~• • ' ~
~l. I: Of,,' .CI...
prolperl t7, lndllltrJ aad n. . priael , II like water and fwtllio r the 11011. , Wa"· n •• ""ll.
- .~
The W. C. T. U. met Thul'lda y afTruth of the matter iI, too much ternoon with Mre. W. W. Welch. of lhis stunt flying is really dunce . Alfred Edward " wed 90 yean, flying. . died at his home Sunday morn inc, -at-:followin g a brief U1nen. .,.... , . Mllny' lI m8~~ ide: of charity II to Mr. and Mrs. Ceoree Varvall and , DE EM'BE n 7. 1027 give un to oLhers the IIdvipe he family, of Dayton, were dinner gue,ats us himself. . of Mr.' and Mrs. Ed Brown. , U's easy eno~gh td bear other pe There will be a OhrlstmlJS program 1)le'8 bu;dens. They are always SQ at Jonah's Run church Sunday mornmuch hghter t hun ours. ing, Decemb er 18, at 11 o'clock. COIIPAIOOIATI WlDl:OCI. ;--; Mr. and Mrs. A. S. C~lIett were OUR WASIIIIIGTOIL HOILDI Hoi, Roll er who let a snake IGL~ SundllY dinner guests of Mr. .' • • 'him to lll~t his fai t h, did a Ii.ttle holy Ira HlIrtsock, at their nOfll and Mrs. e in Day- OIl! sur' POI WOIIAR. rollin g af terwa l:_d._ . ton. • . UNDBERGII AND Boudoir Slippers Ever Wel~me " Girl Pupils Sleep Ten Hours DaiMiss . Helen Graham and George ly." - Helldline. . Yep, they seldom WaU were six o'clock dinner guests 'Ot MUn, kid lind I Prellden t CooUdc . tatbd wt.. to Saturda y, of Miss Helen Sims, near rayon. Plain or slee p nights IIny more. • Kingma n. · . WIIUUD Green, prealde11t 01 the ostrtch trtm. ;- Amerioaa Federatl oli clf Labor. The man who boasts of his tamUy Mrs. Laura Sliidake r and Mrs. E. ~ =~ -=- .-.,)7... l'~ : ;. • tree is seldom the one to saw wood M. Villars uttended the funeral of about toft coal bbor tl'01lbla. Ie Why Not Give Hosiery~ l " START " NOW"'ON PRINTI NG Mrs. Cassie Cox, at Lytle, Tuesday Pennlyl vania, " Weat Vlr,IIUUa ancl and say nothing. Ohio. Labor meD dI~ that I!fternoo.n . A sure-to-be BPrailroad s arc united '\() dep.... I Whcn a wom~n attempt s to drive a preclated gift 16 a The NaLiolial Associll ti on of Man· ' nail she ought to have Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett and Miss prlcu of coal for fuI purpon a.Wl&4t Could Be apr. J5.50 pair of Beverly hon. a man around ufuc tur~ rs nguinsL Unc le ~um's en- t o do her swearin Nan Collett were dinner guests, FriLovelur TI&4" g for her. ' First Floor) trance Iln.o t he fie ld of munufa cture Gonrum ent might in c.rtabI day, of Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Keis, Silk Linger ie cue. affecting ~ or powel' develop ment 115 unfair to public . welfar. In . , ~",:~ Wilming ton. Fur Coats E xturnal Bootleg - Now they're prices of the produ~t aad tho labor priva te induMtry, which is compell ed n'laklng ~ booze Mr. that and from produce Mrs. iodine, W. . It. W. but . Cossum it is and ~o PIlY taxliS lind insuranc e and the C hem Ie e, .tIp-Ins. not delldly if used as idodine. family, of Wilmingt on,. and Mrs There no bealtatl,on .boat like. Regal fura. the lift BUbloomers, IlIps and Cossum 's aunt, .- Mrs. Alice Erwin, of 6x1", the wheat PitCH durin, tile For so me tim e ·now the governm ent pre9"8. l"urtI speak redance acts. _r, Eve a futlng n sympath Greenfie proc ... that COlt tII4I y may be overdon e. ld, attended church at Jomembrance the year has been cOlllpeti ng. wit h the printers Some of us are never happy unless nah', RUJl Sunday morning, and were rarmen about S2 on fl"IIr)' ........ round. of the country throu gh its practice that thiy Give might Her ha." a PUBe ..lOt . . we lire feeling BOrry for some one dinner !ruests at the Doster home. otll"., '135 to uga of printing s peciul retu r n addresse s else. didn't let on every bli*L I on stllmped envelopes. And these to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Carr entertai n,~, About the worst start a couple can Tb. m~ dllcu,Mc printers must pny ta xes, insuranc e, . Fur Scarfs Of ankllope. moire and mll ke on the sea of matrimo ny, is to ed to six o'clock dinner Wednes day ionate" marria, . of I "0 C , . . leathel'l In blacli: and rent lind ull th e other expenses to "charge a 70IIJIC .... ' evening, honorin g Mr. Cllrr's birth" the wedding ring. to wh ich any fo rm of privllte industry day. , Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tucker and of twetaty witli the "bt'M1a-~ ;- old dauchte r 01 Mr. Halclam ao. ,Secoru l'lO«') ;s subjecte d. daughte rs, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gra- Jullua Darwin II not I I took a million years to ham u I.e: ~ T his practice of prin t ing envel. and dllughte rs and Mr. and Mrs. Altor marriar e new ------,--~each will 1m It opes is II dinkey business a nd bad make II man out of a monkey , but A. S. Collett. home to .olve problem a ~ a man clln mllke a monkey out of him businellS for Uncle Sam. The Nation· self in half a second. while the bride cond _ Mrs. Roy Clark died lit her home keep/n" al Editoril ll associat ion lind ot her or· her work in high tebool anel thea :_ _ ; Friday evening , following a few in coUege, and tb. yqunL!~ c<!... ganizati ons sl'e wllging Will' upon it. Brooklyn explore r tells of' a night weeks' illness, which was U.e/ul Gilt s"- Would CIIOoH not consid- tinue. studTing at the VIIIfttI iIJ Hills will be introduc ed in both brlln· in a ju-ju theo he spoils the intoxica t- ered critical until about 24 hours be- of 1Caa.... ches of Congres a tu abolish the prac· ing e tl'ect by explaini ng that a ju-ju is fore the end. She leaves a young U tbe marriag e dOlln't turn ~ tlce. a witch doctor's hut. . hU8~and, a daughte r, aged 2 ~ years, to be PUfHtl the plu I. to ... to Congres8men who will be called to ;_ _ ; a baby son, aged 2 months, fatner, ran,. 1« a Ol'lOrce. C?f crept de chine• .aUn, vote on ~he bills are urged to ponder Don't Cheer Yet -Evenin g gowns mother, brothers and sisters plaJ,n and ~tcbed velAll occaslon frocts of to mourn Preside nt Coolidg e's stateme nt thllt now are cut to the heels n..t Ie looldn6 fartlMlf . . . . . vet. IldwOW lll quilted on one side Funeral services were held Monday satin. chiffon. leorv ette, Governm ent should get out of all and to the hip on the tbu 7O~ people lellemll Y can ~attn and leol'8eUe, oth!)r. There's at 2 o'clock from the M. E. church. and flat cr.epe. kinds of business lind stay! out. This to look. Uk, marria, . 1II11( oahar • (hit rlOoT) no occasion to "hlp, hip," "u:0JId '10«') over a The first thin,. leaders includ.es, of course, the printing bUIIma" not be p.rfec!1I bat tbe meeting in the one-sided alfair: Vegetab le Cookery or Nutritio n pro- YOIlllf tbltak, hope and be_ tIaaI ness. A /rOm Donenf. Id', WW Pr01lI1 II Compll mnt :- -; ject was held at the Aid rooms on lf the bills f ail, a new four·yea r to 1M Olver ' Ne w York police arrested 2000 Thursda y, in charge of Min HOPl: G .... contrac t between the Governm ent Watts. BEL1E VING ~daal1 motor~s l.8 in one week for violatin g We were gilld 7 _U4. to 'have Misl Parker, what b worth whtl. la and the envelop e manufa cturers will probabl y be entered into, and th e ?ver.tlm e pllrking law and the jam a visiting home agent, with us. This In t rllffic court on trial day was so course is not designe d to teach folks practice will be continue d. Winning German , IIgn. the IA:Nut .. DOUBL E ACTION the fight means · giving industri al grellt a new court house is to be built how to cook, but to teach the relation Natlortl agreeme nt ''affcrdl i''. p~ !mmedia telywhich is another lesson of tccdOft food to health. We hope every to womer workerl before Americ a a precede nt for attacks on In financ ing a proposit ion. housewi fe in the township is Buffic. and after chlldbit lh.- A. "'9111U1 Some folb wash their f ..ces similar evils in other industri es.' iently interest ed in the health of her :-olllcl be alIowe4 to quit woctl ... . Winning mes ns lin underst anding, Each mawnin ' in de sinkfamily to come to the clllllses. too, that paternal ism will be POIltMrs. rw..ti. .... .. lIIrtJi Ali use a drlnkln' fountain , Tom Rich with Mrs. A. B. Talmag e 'aMnm aia alNT Q . .01 poned awhile. . . . ...... And db~1I it wblle Ah drink. assisting , will have a class at the ward, willa par aad , .... . . . . . home of Mrs. Rich on Wednes day, attatioa . EASY MONEY HERE TO STAY Decemb er 7th at 1 o'clock.. Mra. I That _de ~I j Send the Gazette to lome friead. WE Carl Blackbu rn, With Mrs. G. M. Mae- tioO-;(o vemmU iu oo~ __ QUICK LY ~ ~~~------FIlEE'I( )Jr, CHARG E Z'E ~e' TILLMAN .SAlIS II -~ Harvllrd 's universi ty's commission Donald assisting , will have a clus at pk!rere to 40 for WOIllft ,..ti&t JD. CALL US BY \TIME AT OUR on "Econom ic . Research," predicti ng Sl\lew., IS A GoO'( WHO the Aid room8 Friday Decemb er 9th, ial\ll'lftt ' hor.. owaera dS4 lor I UPE.S E l ;.n &C0prosper ity for 1928, sees nothing to at 1 p. m. Mrs. LBura Sbldake r, with I . . . . . . thoanll4 _ 'CAN FAT HI' CIi~ liND . VACCI NATIO N OF SWINE worry business , finllnce or anythin g Mn. Ed MacFar land assisting , wiU (A SPECIA LTY) W........ .. · tiAVE "1['ll'" else well manage d, no danger in "unhave a class at the' Aid room, Mon- T, 'Ii. ..... .101 Iue. Whlt.~. ,~ wieldy invento ries, overpro duction or day, Decemb er 12th at 1 p. m., Mre. Do Ho_ • HARVE CI'Ouncb, at NotJola . ~ die R.....I. S..... . a •• .. YSBUR a. o. Howard Graham with Mrs. Clint . trouble in transpo rtat ion." ~1. tsJ OOQ,OOO; t W Vln_ UI" clBll8 at the home of Mrs. Graham , Jllmes Speyer, an able banker, Na.". t;;IlcllalLa. tl'loo whose .fat her, grandfa ther and greatOIeaver assisting, wiD have a clan at : f'CUVJ BtiiUdlDr. 1ZIo(IOO,.OQ(L B PUNER AL DIRECT ORS Phone 11 grandfa ther were in finance before the borne of Mre. Graham , Tuesday , . UaGlt Sua abou14 ..... .... VIAYNESVILLE. OHIO HARVE YSBUR G, OHIO him, says ; "Why ask 'bow long will Decemb er 13tb, at 1 o'clock. -~... to~aD_ prosp'erit y last" This country 's norA ' 4oua •~ . , . CoaI4 . __ mal conditio n is prosper ity. If we Full, ilquipp ed for Good _ _ die . . .. of ·_ THUMBS UP act like sens ible men, ' prosperi ty Seniee . AM .wott. .. ...... should laat indefini tely like health Wet-" I " don't feel any rain." lArs .. Dllp)8 ,-Room. ' , In a healthy man. Onr national InI . -..,, ! NOW THAT'S SETTLE D Amb.lance Stnle e ' Wette r- No wonderr "You ve arot i c.r,:,~~ heritanc e is ' incalc,ulable, lnexbau l, faeW W1~ Be (after breakin! r in 0 na dance) your hand tum~_wronc. DeDll.t ~. Ta.aok oNE " tible. ,. Why should this natlon be -"You know I've nsver C*IF llAT'oa l NIGHT met you." 'BE SPECIF IC anythin g but prospero us as long as It 'tMh Cii She (indign antly)- "Do you know ~ retains enerln' and common aense'" who you are dancing with'" ' ~;~rJi "Was It you f kiaaed at Bob'l lut ~~ ~ ... .~>·tA T~Harva~untion ~re~~ mm~~b "You ~~' are dancing favors a continua T~~~ " what timeT" of an "easy ~ • • with t he 01117 ~ t' I·1~~D "About b~.~ M~~~~_DD~ aad ~ ... '~ money" policy by the Federal Re- daughte r of a United States )fOt """'~J ~M~~~O~~~.~.~~~MM~ ; Senator ." !IRa. , a ....... serve bank A sane recomm endation ... i .. i "Do you know who you are ..... In ' the wbrld's richest country only Inr with'" u8uriou s money lenders would 'desire She interest ed no." anythin g but easy money, which to He \" ~ .. u.crl .. "o~
3It'. Cltbrtltma. ~~ime'
Prl.,••, $1.60 pn Y.ar,
Dai nty, Prac tica l'Gi fts Are Alw ays Welcome'!
.$1.25 $7.50
$1 9;
. "
$1 .00
2'''' ."'" A Robe $2.98 $2950
A New Frock $15 and $25
Dr. W. E.
! l~tJO'1'
a ....
----_ ..---
_ott at
c.. ....
Wal ter McClu'r e J. E. McCh~le
llanephll1' F..- er Co.
iBi -'.
t :.u
Dr. ,John W. Mill~r
••• •
••• ••
~ -!.~----~~--------------------------------~."
I.Steer·f:!~f!~~~~ Cud in Banll ~obby ,
Th e·'M iam i Ga ze tte From -
NOW to 1',: 1.:.1>.
~'~ '~ 1'
cl.l lin!; 1,lUU »ouuuu. und bringing a price or $2,,200 .00, was a unique display In the lobby of The Un.lon TruBt Compapy, Olevelond, the largop ' Illngll1 bllnlllng .room In t1;1e wor~d, recently . .. ... .. Tho 'qteer was rn lsod by n ulpli Bonder; a 8I.xteen -year~ld lad ot Wlildo, OhIo. He won the grand prize at the CleTeland farm Live Stock ShOll' In tbe Olevelan d Public AudltorlulD, where In 19U Calvin Coolidge rccelved the Ropubllclln nominat ion for Presiden t. At tho con cluclon ot the t.lvestock SholY the ateer wu bid III at auction .·by. lll. W. J' helpD of Swift &: C3. for W. L. ;R0u, PrealdQ the Nickol Plate Rall r on ~ . . In the ' atoor's pen In the Union nt of TrUll lobby lin. •RO SR preDente d Ralph wlCb tbe cbeck for ,2,200.0 0 In payme~t for. the stcer. W Rnlph Immedia tely look his check to one of the bank'a sa.,IDP tellor8 and dr posltell lho "hole $2.200.0 0 In a Bavlnge account , ",hleb he eXIJec,t8 will 't,lleo 111m through college when be· la old eDo,ugb. II his anlbltlOIl to tnlco n complete egrlcult u.ral eourae and become & a rillser"o
Jan uar y 1, 1929
for only No Hunt inl Notice
.,.. '
No' wprider the lmart womall &011,l tl 0", meJal broca4e an'd ftmt for a(temoo a tea « brid,_ o 'r 'ftnc c:ntlle. . ~-. . other c~mbillatioa could. ~,"'I, -~!!'!!~!! !!''!!!!!! < ~~!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!~!!!!!!!!!!! !!!~!!!!!!!7!' !~!!!!!!!!!!!! - ___ _ _ _ !!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!~!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!! ~gaal It ,for luxur)' aad .mart..... _ _ ' ,;.....;.._ ..;.._ _ _ _ _ _ , I Here It ·l. III the two-piec e 111.:1. ...._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _... • which enryon e like•• 0 well--tJa . blogle of a . rich metal cloth . or lace and .the' .ldrt Qf transp.r ent YeIYet wblcb Ii '.t.o ' lI'eC1 for th. V-rieck that tlea It.elf llito a .ma" bow. Gbld or .llYer b~de with . black .,elvet II the molt popular cobtbinauoD. . ,' ., Ma.1. be obtained In .Iall .. .: 'I ' ~. 44. ~J. 36 ~qul,.. 2~ ,.nla of ~ U. Earl, fot Your Sal.;P at••• W.Cu arant.. 36 to 40 Inch material for bleNf . ,. Satiafacotjon or €ha . Nothlnlr. and I~ ,p rel. (or .klrt ....d trt-~ .$ • . ';" ~ ''' . mID... I Pett,"" to any: .delr... _ypqa a -recellM .. '25e. 1ft cuh or V.' S. po~ IW' way~ m~tlon .be _ted. ·Acld..... "'ttera ~ tIda' .....
l .·Ma rtin
jes se Sta~ley
I' ...
New ,BurIiDlton,O.
-' .
~ ' -i"l!"
,... .
No ·Buntin . wi.t h dop or otherwi N or trappln c allowed , cIai' or nlcht, 'Oll the followin c farms: . FRANK: BRADD OCK ED .FURNAS FARKS
Public Salea As ·J am leaviae the fum, I · w1l1 .ell at public auctiOn at IDJ: l'OIieace 8 mDes 10Uth of Wayn. .me, OD t • " WEDNE SDAY, DECEM BER 11 ... ·'·17 . BeaiDn lq ·at 10 o'clpck..-4' '!bonti. 4 co.... 1'7 .ho. . lmp~ 800 1111. · of com. ete. ' .: . . . WJf. ORHDOp'~ StiIn • 8lmpeon , AuctL
W. B. O'N..u . Clerk. ,
• - ·0
$1.50 'rbi.·i, an :opportunity to send the . ' Gue tte ' to some' relative or
.irten~ as a
rem emb rabc e
at their ballld. room Oil Tuel-
Compensation Blank.
---to r
r The w'i!ek ~brll'd out ihtht ( r ·oni.)r8. Their rlnge. IIrrivcd • ul'ly \,mdIlY lIIoming lind berOT 3:30 \' i!I'Y one ill lIigh soh ool ,had be 11 inlrodu. d to the new jewelry. Pupils a. well 118 in8tructo~5 liko tho. rings hnd pins and we, as Seniors, hop ou r pnTonts like them . IIlso.
Priscma Lump Yellow Jacket Lump Yello~ . Jacket Egg Millers Creek Lump Millers Cre,ek Egg I
Gem Lump Gem Nul Pocahontas Lump Pocah90las Egg also
. 'I'hlr.i Sonrin)' In 'hul'('h .. h 01 ut I) :30 ; J'rny(' 1' ,and . (' 1'1\101\ lit
~C!'lllh('[' . I I.
ThO/a! C)li~lble I\dj u ~tud comJ'ensaliun must wake their nppJiillllOll b for~ Jllnuury 1, 1928. to se· CIlI' U Lh 0 '>numi' benefits \If Lhis aliI. AP11lications IIllly bc obtllitled (-yom E. M. Gro!;..'l. lIc1ju\.ant o[ the L banon Legion Post nnd Knrl .Dakin, llrll\lulO ufficer: ' All honorallly discharp: (I vel r ll ns ! lhe Wor le! \vllr li nd widows. drc n o r t heir guardians, mothers or 111thers ot d ceased veterans wh o d~pended 0 11 them tor support at lhe tilllc o f t heir death ure eligiblo to t ho 'o mp c nsntiol1.
The annual election of the holder!! of tb.t' W \I~'n IIvllll. Bonk fOr the purposll or electing liccl' for the ensuing year, will
ordil1l1r InvilN\ to tneRO rviccR. n v. John J. S~ hael! r l nee tor. --._ FERRY CHUR4i:H OF CHRI!!T • . Bible . thool, 9 :30; o~lmu~~on Th tolhl'rll clllu met lllst Friday an,l >I(3I'mo n. IW(!nlng sorvlce '7.30. _ _ _____- - at Ihl' .ratlu Bui\clitlg, to hold their A11 UI' > IHIe me. regu lar m~c ting lor November. The Indi es' "L Iyul ' Vomen" meet at lhe purso nuge thiH (Wednesdny) The mith-Huj:(hcs boys L\rc ready to afternoon . build the frllme for thoir shop as soon 'l'he ofllcers of the church meet at Thc r gulnr monthly meeting of the liS I he r at of the material arrives. th~ ]Jarsonng }'ridIlY e,·cning. W. '. T. . \Vns entorta ined in th e Nathan J()hnson, Minister. hOI)lO of Dr. and Mrs. Wnlkind. on The grad onrds ~viII ue givon oul 1'111' <illY. December G. '1'hc s ub ject t hi s week for the second term of CHRISTIAN CHURCH fo r II i"CllSsion f or Lhe day \Vas EVllnscheiol this yea r. Every ono i~ hoping to havo an "A" on his ChT istma ~ Evcry- geliRlic lind Sabbath Observllnce, of Sll ndny School lit 9 :3 0. which depnrtment Ml's. Watkins is card so Soota will think him nil right. body cordially invited,.:, the di re lor. A number of helpful The SeniO!: cl88" is planning to enrt,udings were enj oyed. Dr. Watkins TURTLECREElK COMMUNITY ter tain the school wit h fI C hri stmll~ conducled devotionals and n pleasan t CHURCH progrllJll given before school closes lind ~ocin l time wns e n joyed. undny School 2 :00 p. m.; worfor t he holidays. Dat~~ wiJI be an--"--- -- - ship, S :00 p. 111.; Children's servic e, nounced Inter. () :45 p. 111.; preachin', 7 :30 p. m.; injur~ Last Fridny night lhe ha"kelbnll prllyer meeting. 7 :30 p. Ill. ; Wednestho lIn ll Mrs. S. ' . Stnhl. of Fl'Bnkgllmes were played at Bellbro(lk. tiny; Bible Study. 7 :30 p. m. Friday. Bot h gUllI cs were won by Wnyne~vi i1 e ~ubjoct, "Abrllhllm."; chorus rehonr- lin had 1\ nllrrow C"CIl )l B Illst Sunday High,. first. Learns Rco r 21 to 17. The sal, 7 :30 p.m., Fridny. . IVl ll' n " ClllL' spending th' nC ternOOll O. It HARVEY. J'nstor. lit Ih:. 11.)"IC o( Mr. lind MI·s. W. 11. s cond tt'flm's ~COTe b in ~ Hi to 1!l. 'rhis. FI'i(lJ1y night Springboro will ----AIl,·II . .. I' l his placc. lh('y werc r ,turllmntch Ihrir teams wilh W. H. S. her!' METHODIST CHURCH in) I" Il:eir hOllie, thoir nInchin a t th e \ nyncsv ill e Gym . H:15. Sunduy elrool ; 10:30, prellch- ski .! .! ," l ill fre sh gl'!lvc l a short dising son'ice; 0: 15. ~ pworth League ; tnm p (1',. 111 Wllynes\·ille. nnd upset. 7 :00 . evening service. The IIInch inc was wrecked but with Aaron S. Watkins, L.H.D. , Pastor. t he ex.ception of being badly .s haken. t he occupa nts cscllped injury.
C. T. U.
Slack Coal w . . . . . . . . . ", ... .. . "'
Waynesville MiII·Coal &Ice Co.
County Incorporation
Co Vol. 1
lanual')' 10, 1928, between the of 1 and 8 p. m. L. M. HENOF.lt~ON. Clltlhi .. r._.
e~sChats -----~----- ~
Decembur 7, ' ] () 27
-=~ _ ,"=l ~ =~!::==-
Curt Hisey has a whole fllmily. The nl:;w 6-tube C¥osley spidt of givi ng ut 'Rlldio. His only Christmu8 limc is une oJ th u most ' complaint is that the stations don't eommendnble tralt..~ ign off ear I y o( our AlI1cricun e noough at night 80 peo ple. ho clIn get some sleep. Mrs. Be n Smith is the proud owner of nnw Hllag Electric . Even a tombstone Washer. It BU rely wi ll say nice things wkes t he drudgery abu ut a man when out of wash day. he is down .
Publi.bed in tbe intere.ta of tbe people of , Waynenome .nd the farma and E.nn, era oE thi .. vicinity.
FRED M . COI,E ' Yes, ' we bcJicve thu t a slItisfied cus· t omer is our best udveriiae men t. Thflt is why we t ell yo u ab out soml' oC them in this apllee once in II whil·. . Here's how this i,iea works out : Leslie rl'eu th I' buught II Hca tro lu lit yeIL r IIgo. T he (l tiH'r dny he Clime in lind uu ugh t all 8sl11lc Range because he was so well satisfied with the Helltrola, he wanted a range lllllde hy the same company.
The recent threednys' cnrniv1l1 Lhnt t he Indies of the 'Method ist church cllnducted, wus n hUl(e ~ u cces.q. Why 1 BC'cliuse' t hey CIlIplOYI'd th> L111'ce hig elements of success ; work, plus cu-epel'lIt ion plus advertising
' Try and visualize t he world todny if hriRt had not been born. And then thllnk Gud that he was born and we huve his birth to lonor at Christm.as.
He-"When I was young t he doctors Articles of incorporation were isST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH said if I didn't stop sued today in the office of Secretary Fr.d M. Col. undll Y, December 11, service at smoking I would beOnly 16 more of Statc Clllrence J. Brown to the H.rdw.r., Farm 1m 7 :3 0 a. m. -4 come fee ble - mindshopping days beLebanon Finance Company, formed Fathor Bien, Pastor. plemllato Reg uln r communica,tion of Wayed". fore Christmas. We for t~~urpo; of bu yi ng,' selling and nesville Lodge No. 163 F . & A. 1\1., She-"Why didn't Phone 32 have lots of suitadisco tang otes, bills. negotillble Tuesday evening, December 13. Visyou stop?" Waya.... m., OLIo ble gifts for the instruments a nd ~ecurilies. The iting lind sojo urn ing brcthrell are maximum number of ' hnres which welcome. t.he corporation is authorized t.o have z:::::;::: HAS. BRADBURY. W. M. outstllnding is two hundred and fiIty F. B . Henderso n, Sec'y; of commOn capital !ltock of $25.000. ~;th shores fit. $1 00 each . The in· corporatorR, aro Howar d W. Ivins, C. E. Shelor a nd Glad ys H. meier. A check. repre8'cnting the amoun t . , ' . of money to be distributed by th,: The Nme Ti~ers, all former High Warren County Fllrm bureau to far- school stars, Will pIny bas~etball. at mers who purchased f ertilizer co-op- the Gym next Saturday night Wlth, eraUvcly this fall, is expected within probably, the New C~ntral Markets, the next two weeks, it WIIS IInnouncetl or some othllr 1?ayton team. No The Friendship club will meet la loinl on .yer, da, until our .ntir.. atoclo: ia aold. Our atoclo: I. the home of Mrs. Ada Furnas, on by Lee E. Earnhnlrt, serv'ice manager chnrge for ndmlssio.n Everybody be;DI reduced f •• t, but we .tUl baye hundred.. of B~, BarlaiD • . of th e orgll nization, t oday. The come lind support the home team. ~ Wednesdny lifternoon, December 14. Compare our price.. with wb.t you .re pa,iDI aDd ,ou will w.lo:e up. - -- .. Ten cent gifts will be exchanged, this check is this coun ty's s hare of apHere are • few of our m.a,- low price.. being the meetlng nearest Christ- proximately $64. 000 in patronage div idends which will be paid back to the mas. 50e Ro,al B.lo:i"l Powd ....... 40c Good Cora, e.a ........... ........... 9c farm ers of Ohio on the more t han 26,000 tons of ferti1l~er co-operative: Prof. William P. Vandervort, of 25c Royal B.leinl Powde ...... 20c P ..... 2 ca.a for ,.............. .... ..... 15.. Iy purchased this :(Q l\. This ~J'ings Morrow, a ~roth er of James Vander350: Calumet Bakia, Powder.. 26c E. J . Pea., 3 _a ............ : ......... 25" the totul amo unt paid in patronage ~ort! of thlS place, WIIS found de~d 350: Rumford Bakiac Powder.20e: Tom.t_a, 3 ........................... 25" All 25c Baki", Powd.r. .... .... ZOe: Cala AprieDb,. e. . .................. IS" Tho ladios of the Ferry church divide nds by t he Scrvice department In hiS rOOm lit the Emery hotel, Cm will hold a food sDle in Mrs. Sides' of the State Farm bureau to $572,730 cinnati, W?dnesday of last week. He D.l Mo.te P.acb..., can .......... 23e since January I, 1 23. Wll8 . supefln tendent of the Morrow P '" G So.p, 10 for .......... ,.....37e . D.I Moate Aaparalu., e ........2Se room on Friday Dj!comber 23. Co-operative pUjrehssi ng, ~lIid Mr_ public schools for 32 years. Kirb So.p, 10 fo·r .................. 37" B..eIlaat B. Be.... , c:a. ....... ... 1Oc Earnhart. in eXJ)la ln lng the dividend, - - - -... - • Cr,atal White, 10 'or.............. 37" C.mpbell. B. Beaaa, 3 fo'r ...... 25c Whit. Laundr" 10 for ............37c ,Campbell'. Soup, ........... ;...... IOe: is only one branch of the efforlB of the orgMization to reduce costs of ou~g Cle •• Ee.,., 10 for ....... ..........33'10 Wain.. S.~moD ........................ 3'Oc 'Leao.,7 for .. ..... ....... ................ 2S" Pink SalmoD ........................ .... ISe farming. The savink of a few dolThe Young Friends Meeting ywill Starell, oal,., par .... Il ....., .. .. .... 8c Rio Coff_ ................... .. ........... 25.. Jars here and there is not the goal 3.lb. BOIl St&J'c:h., .............. ...... 23c Faac, S ...to. Coll.................. 3S.. Ella Mae Lewis is on the sick list. of this branch of I1ctivity, he SBYS, be held 'at the home of Roscoe Furnas next Sunday , evening, December 11, Old Dut.. b Clean...r, 2 101'_ ..... 15" r.(a1weU Hoa.. .. .... :...............48.. but the farm bureBlu is makinlr every Mrs. Eva Grl1ham was a .L1a,~)nl el'l'ort to ' secure for its members the promptly at 7 :80. ' Cora Starcb, 2 ..olle. ................ 15e Old ReHaltie ..............: ............. 4SC shopper Wedncsday. highest quality I~ Iii faw fann neces.. e AI6ert To"aeco........ 1Z~ .. a socia\. sitles of the kind which are best IILlrl~t-1~~~:t~::::==:i~ ........................ llve Pri" Star Tobee..o, :& pla'............. :&SC 15e L,••, Z fo........................... 25c: Ta.edo Tob.c..o _...................... IOC time at Lytle Hall, eirenin.. adapted , to mnl(e profits for their . ~Oc L,ea, 3 for ........................ 25c 30e O'Cadar 00:...:................... Sc Everett .Early and mother, Mrs. us~.rs.. . 30e Liq..ld V.a..r ........ " .:..... t23! Belle Scott spent MOllday In Piqua. Nor · 1S co~perlltive purchlUll~g . SALIJ! , • and the lupplyJn~ of quality euppb!ls W. C. Smith was a business vis· ;Sll~ Vic", ~al.e ..... ,........... , .. ···:&h lOO-lb. ~ $I.QO Mrs. P. W. Stroup, of Ingomar, 18 Urrough the organlz!&tlon IIlJ end ip itor ill Columbus a couple of days last 3Oe: I..tf\at t~,hl" .. ,.... l) .. ' . . , ~ visiting her daughter, Mrs. Myrtle itself," SIIYS Mr. Earnhart, "All of week. 50-lb. bali.;, .... :........... " ., .... , .. ,.8S! zOe ,B ....b1(at Qa~.!lIt....... ,m." IISi as-lb. ba' ............ ......... :............ 3Se M.tellel, 3 .... 1l........ : .. . ........ .... 1~ econ9mlc worl t of the organllllM' W h Oox and husband. . . Block S.lt ............... ,:.. .. ,:, ...... : 4tk J.llo, :& .....~Ie . ............. " ... " la~ Mrs: Clyde Wharton and daughter, in l1\llrketing, purchlUllnll' ()r pro-. ISS Emma oammahorn, Qf asI S 'th t duetion, is carried ' on to bring agrl. mglon C. H" is t he guest of her }5" Eat~t, oRI, .; ••:.............. 1~ Meriam, and Miss Ve rna ml spen culture nearer the level of prosperity grandmother. CANOI~5 Pool Toaati••, IMIl . ......... ...... .. h FridaY ,in Dayton. ,. Jelly Orop . ... .. ....... ........ ........ .. 110 · of other industry. We want fann orMI'. and Mrs. C. D. ~{jsr8 spont 11 c Mrs. Walter Guy, lIirs. Adda Bur- g'anization, that through II better ee.- pprt of hlst week with ' friends at Oran,. Slio .............................. 1SC STONEWARE net and Mrs. jessie LQngacre were onomie standing, ngricu lture may be Bridgeport, Ind. ' Chocol.te Drop. ...................... IS.. III Dayton, Monday, Frencb Cream. . ..... ................ 2Oe: All kiad., ,a1 ............................ I5t;· more prosperous lind farm people -The Ladies Aid met a t ,t he Annex W d d Th W F M S The Abram family moved last week may enjo}' more of the comforts and · h lion 0. Jles ny. e .' . . , from the Stacy 'f ann to Robert conven Ien,ce~ YI h. I'~ we generl! Y with Mrs. H. F. Compton the aame group under tb.o ·t cirm .01 standard ef day. ' Friends tennnt houee. Jiving." Mrs. Harry Gl'ahnm and Riley Say--Miss M)'l'a Hl!ydock rendered two EGGS AND POULTRY SAME AS CASH lor visited their brother lind family . groups Meli;~ipps . op t.he 'col)o at in Lebanon , Saturday. Att~nded Remember, tLia Sale ll\Ob uatll our .to..k I. ,0111. Dea't pat cill , a meetillJ of the X!!ni~ M~sJc club, Monda)' !!vel}in.~ . Mrs. Ben Hawke spent Saturday letti~~ ~our !~.~," of - t~,. ~.~f.i!!,: an d S undny in Harvey,sburg, with Mr. and MrR. Elmer S}teehan were Allco Louise oldest daulP1t~ 'of her friend, Mrs. Mary Tucker. clIll~d to Middletown, Ohio, last Sat- MI'. and Mrs. Roy Oarr, ~ecame the urday on account of the deat}l IIf the wife of Murray ¥cMilla~. I}I Indl!!n~ Mrs. Violet Burnet and so n, u~cle, T. ~eorll'e Hunter, apolis last Thursday. She II very pop of Dayton, were over-S\lnday who was killed by a Big Four paasen- ular and has tho best wishes <Yf 11 hOlt of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Burnet, ger train ' in that dty. Funeral 8er- of friends. ' . Mrs. Ruth Ssvage spent the the lat e re8A wedding ' of unusual Inter est was .1Iii• •1l1ii"~~!liiii~.~~1IltI!1!1!I!""' IIIJI• • • iliIi. vice6 'l"ere held f'ro m end with her mother, Mrs. Belle Din· iderlce on 'fl)un~iay ~ fternoon at widdie and daughter, in Waynesville. I: S~, ~ev. McMilll!n. ot ~ip~ipl!!ltl, tJlat of Warner Morris, of this alld Mrs. Laura Shepherd Mr. and Mta. J css Harris and fam- offiCiating. - - -.- - -,-.--~ Cinolnna.t\, wpl$)~ 0 .curr~ in ily spent the week..end with the latcity , on Thursday. Tbe, PJ,'e ter's sister and family, at' HlIlsboro. home" to their many friends t'n Sllveral persons ' from here attendresidence In this village~ , ed t he Christmas carnival at the M. Miami Chapter l~o. 107 O. E. E. church at Waynesville, last week. will ~ eet in regular seSBjon Mpnga1 REASONABLE Mrs. Belle Gnham, of Springboro, evemng, December 12, at 7:30. luspent a couple of days last w~ek with stallation . , Visiting members wel· Cordu-J/I 811,!h tops on these her nephew, Frank Miltenberger and come. care are much lower t)lan ,ast year." family. Roy - '!Yeah. Cuttin' down iIIe MIN;ERVA HOUGH. W. M. ·overhead. " SUSA.N JJA W~~, Sec'y. Mr. and JIIrs. Ke sler Grllham and daughter were Sunday guests of Mr. ,a I1nd Mrs. Charles Guitner, nellr Mi. IImisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pickering lind children, of near Centerville,' spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Chenoweth. . Mrs. Charles Johns, accompanied by Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite, attendNew and exclusive , ed a Republican committee banquet photo of Secretary of • at Lebanon, Monday evening. C0n1m 8 F~c Herbert Mr. and . Mrs. J. Berne Jones atHoover. \vho appears . to hc gaining in pop' tended a birthday dinner for 'the latK~EP ALL QUR GOW~, fl&RSE8,. ular Republican Cavor ter's lIister, Mrs. John Zimmennan, for !he G.O.P. Pr~8i FARMING UTENSILS, AND IU~H Sunday, at her home in Dayton. dentlal nomi"atlon LIKE, 9R SHA(.J. 'WE USE l'HE . Walter Kenrick received word, which President Coo-' CLAS.S IFIED. COLUMNS7 ' Monday, of, the. d:eath of hlB aunt, lidg c line" nQ! ell'oose to ' ncccl't, Mrs. Mary L. Snvers, age 93 years, lit ' her home at Excelsior Springs,
Ma sonic Lodge Notice
Weare cOnveniently located. where you can buy absol~tely dependable tires, made by Goodyear, at very ~nable prices-and enjoy eflicient and complete tire aervice.
Low Price Pathfinders Big, sturdy t.ires, built by Goodyear for the motorist who wants a lar6e measure of genuine quality at the loweit possible cost.
-.. - ---
PATRONAGE DIVIDENDS Will BE PAlO Independent Basketball
--- .. -----
ZiMM·ERMAN.'S Selling 'Out Sale·
Friendship Club
Ends His Life
F· nends Meet-Ing
b.,.....:..... ...............
Individualized 1 ire Service
Waynesviiie, M,otor Phone 105
Waynesville, Ohio
Watch Our.W~dows·for Special ~es Every Saturday
i ,.
Order Eastern Star
Full Value For Your Feed Dollar
for tbeTuudo
When you payout money for a dairy feed you expect to get your money back in bigger milk production. You'll find that Mjami Dairy combines good results with low cost. All of the ingredi ents needed to increase the milk flow and to mainta.in the cow's body are contained in this popular 16% protein concentrate. Pure cane molasses gives appetizing flavor to Miami Dairy. It's a feed that your herd win relish and prosper on straight throu gh the year. How about ordering Il supply now?
----_ ..---
Everett Early, Lytle, Ohio.
Miami DairY.16%
Among those from II distance who 'attended the funeral of Mrs. Cassie Cox ,laat week, were: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hanby, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. 'Ber:gdall, Mr. and .Mrs. ' Rolla ' Phn1Ip.s, Mr. and Mrs. FOI;e.at Githens, Miss Ida Githens, Miu Mildred Glth· enJI, Mr. lind Mrs. Lawrence Sims and daughter and Sherman Dyke.!. of Da::yton ; Mr. and :Mrs. Howard ljra~ ham, Mrs. Laura Shidaker, of Harvcr-.burg; Mrs. Belle Graham, of Springboro and Mrs. P. W. StrouP. of Iqomar•. ,
·-~ -
WAY NESV ILLE. OHIO , WEDN ESDA Y. DECE MBER 14. 1927 • _ _ . ... .__
Jl~ .
;: _
_ _ I.... _ _ a _ a_ a _ _
Whole Numb er 5783
Me rry 'C hri stm as -'to Ev ery bo dy NEWS DIRECT fROM ~ THE SlAlE CAPITOL ' • --- -
Let's Hope For A Good Brood = = = = = = == \
J '
Nq\', lISSfW, ~IDDY)'
COLUMBUS, OHIO- General em·I== ==== ===:: .....:= ==== =ploymen t conditio ns through out Oblo W. N. Sears and family were in are luuch better today than a year ago, accordin g to the monthly report Dayton Saturda y. of the stule free employm ent bureau. Our calenda rs ore ready for distriThis shows that during the past SO days out of 23,264 applican ts for bution. Gray's Barber Shop. work 14,311 were referred to positions. A year ago. less than half of Mrs. James McClure visited friends the applican ts were referred to plac- in Columb us last week. es. A year ago there were morc than 30,000 applican ts for work Cigars and cigorett es in Xmas packs during the ~onth of Novemb er as Gray's Bal'ber Shop. compare d WIt h only 23,000 last W. N. Sears and C. B. Lewis were month. Reducti on of applicat ions alld increase of placements reftect the in Lebllnon on business, Monday. splendid conditio n existing through Dr. oul the state at the present time. No LebanonP. A. Garner, chiropra ctor, , Ohio, Phone 78. one aectio n of the state was better than another , but all generall y imChristm as tree ornamen ts and trim proved. mlllgs at VanOften'a, lc to lOco The StaLe highway departm ent has made orrange ments to loan to the U. S. p(l8toffice departm ent ',"otor truclul to handle Christm as mal!. The unullllll~ large volume ~f mall and pack. agWl Just before Christm as each year, which must be promptl y delivered, reo quires addition al men and trucks. At this Ilorticul ar' sea80n the operatio ns of the highway deportm ent are reduc cd to a minimum '. This ~educli~n in road mainten ance operatio n reheves a sufficient number of motor trucks to supplem ent those owned by ~he poatoffice departm ent to meet . the peak demand . The postoffice department pay, the full operatio n cost while the trucks arc in its eervice. Many of these· truclul no,,' operate d by the atate, were turped pver by the Federal governm ent AI surplus war equipm ent nearly ten years ago and due to' careful use and the repla':.,· ment of wo!;n parts. are still riving good service in the mainten ance or the 11,000 miles Qf Ohio state hlghwa)'ll. .
By Albert 1'. Ueid
'«E~e EXPf.CTlW' YOU TO <JET,-
Myer Hyman and family spent Sun day with relative s in Spring Valley. Chrlitm as specials in Silverw are and novelties. Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon Ohio. .' Mrs. C. W. Henders on and Mr. and Mrs. George Henders on were shop. ping In Dayton, today. Beautif ul lire the Greetin g and Christm as cards on display at Cary's Jewelry Shop,Le banon Ohio. ' Mr. a'n d Mrs. H. M. Turner and son, of Bellbroo k, spent Sunday witb F. B. Henden on and family. We have exactly what you want In the celebrat ed Gruen Guild watcb. es. Cary's Jewelry Shop, L,banon , Ohio. \ . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Noble and Mr. Kenneth KUbon, of Dayton, spent the week·en d with Dr. C. W. Hend~rson and family. .
__ __
A patriotic deed is one which reflec ls honor an d glory upon one's country. We l'ccogni ze Ceneral Grant, the Duke of Welling ton and Napoleo n as patriots because they led armed fore· es of their respective countrie s. The ex ploits of Colonel~indbergh togethe r with that of Chambe rlain und Levine, have glorified the United Slates. Bu t lhis glory was not off. ~et by an~' rancor incurred by other countri es. France and German y were j ust as enthusia stic in acclaim · ing the exploits of our fliers as we were. This is the right kind of pah'iolism and patriotic action, for it is one whi ch exalts one'R nativo coun· try and at the Bame time docs not awake n animosi ty in other peoples. Undoub tedly Thomas Edison bas gloL"ified his own country quite as much a s General Gran t. On a vote taken in 'France recently the most . popular Frenchm an was found to be not Napoleon, but Louis Pasteur . SIl Darwin and Jenner have done more to exalt the prestige of Eng. lund than Drake and WelJington. Koch and Goethe have spread the f ame of German y far more than Von Moltke and Ludenb urg, and Mar· coni and Bellanc a have mnde Italy famous and are entitled to the gratitude of their country quite all much as Garibald i. Tolstoy has done more to spread the. Tenown of RUSllia than all her warrior s. This throws a welcome light upon true patriotis m which III found in that harmless rivalry of achieve ment by the member s of the various nAtionol groups. There is no bad blood in thlll competition . There III notbing gained for one count;ry which is not equally valuable forIthe whole world. W ' that to b d e are earning e a goo national is to be a good world citizen. and the applause of mankin d is quite a 8 va IUl\ bl e as th e appIause 0f "one a f ellow citizens. In '~rder to elevate ' our country and to magnifv it, it is no lon ....r ."....~ 'Il ec ess ary to go out atnhd ktetUrrtBomeb 0 dY t 0 annex some 0 er tory: it is better to do somethi ng that shall . excite both the emulatio n and the applaus e ot the whole world. True patriotis m consists in making our country stronge r and better and not necessar ily belittlin g another country . - - -... - •
. Co. l e i A Thomp . There are ChrIatm u · c1fta here to Friends of arm, ' • every purse and we ean Dve , ...., son are urging the former .eeretar y please money for you. Shop earlY. Ca-"s of state to become a .candlda te for th.e Jewelry Shop, "Tbe Rome "of Gif~,.. Republi can noml.n atlon for goverm lr L .. _ Ohl The Juniors wi11 take the play, next year, and while absolute ly I" euanon " 0. M The' Woman 's AUlliliary of St.a. "The Rh 0 d ell S ch 0I ar," receDtl y ·... ".vrement has been given them, M d M St f en here to Bellbroo k on the evening encoura church met on Friday afternoo n H th t I 'n the r. an Mr. nnd Mrs. Forrest Hough are rs. eve amos, 0 of the 20th Special addition s have ry's the feeHnr preva B a eartaYtl ent Detroit, D.ecember 9, at the home of Mrs. in Dayton today. are spendin g' a few days with been put New Year some sort 0f a s ,em I'n' and they have been as\· th • ts M d M A T't will be made by ·Col. Thomps on that ane;rf::;~yn, r. an Gordon, Mrs. GOTdon, . Mrs. rs. . I us ed to furnish s0!D e of the mudslh·c. Foir L'1ster C,~tberine Colema n and Mrs. Will Box candies make ideaBI gifts'ShWe ,. wl'll clarify the matter. There is no th.e ones t who n dId not att:e ere, h I b tt I hnve all kinds. Gray's arber Will pay them to take thiS chance to Graham acting as joint hosteSlle op. statesm an in ·Ohio t at s eher q~al· . We sell the Dipaday s. pen and adit. Also with the new features Mrs. Cadwal lader opened the meetified to serve~s gover,nor t ian b ~h justable pen socke~ It Lee Earnha rt was In Chicago sevIII strictly a ~:e 'U be interest ing to those who in'" by readjng .' Thompson. HIS experIen ce n 0 the 46th Psalm, and eral days last week. I WI , n. "'rs I', · uch that desk pen. Come In and see them. have .. . state and na ti 0 nat aual seen it to see wagaln • Cary's d Jewelry t d th Shop, Lebanon , Ohio. d ti 1 . ' ____ it givCll him a great advanta ge. He con. uc e e evo ona ~ervlc~. Toys from 10c to $1.00 at Van has been success ful in his private Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Phi11ips, Mr. S t I tatl The Sophom ore cl~BB bad the pic. cnp ura quo ons were gIven 10 Often's; 1 ticket with every 25c purbusiness, has always been a rerular and loin. Steve Galamo l were. Sunday ture, "The Lost World;" given at the reilponse to Republi can, made many IIllcrificell for dinner ru 1'011 caU. chuse. ests of Mr. and Mrs. A. TI. Gym Monday evening . It was very the party and if he .hould decide tus and family. ,E lection of officers resulted as fol· . interest ing to the small crowd that 10~V8: to enter the contest it is absolute ly Preside nt. Mn. Anna Cad. Mr. and Mrs. R .. M. Pence and was there to ~nj~y it. Thia II one wSlllade r; ftnt ;vIce.,president, DEATHS certain he will be one of the leading Mrs. b~by, ~f. Athens, OhIO. were Waynes This C"ristm u buy her "Yourel l of the really bIg pictures . Edith Harris; second vice.pre contenders- for the nominat ion. sident, VIlle VISItors, today. , Sj\vene al" Silverw are. It'. depend. ------: ._ Mrs. L. Thomas ; aecretar y, Mrs. able and beautifu l and cannot rust S . b The Senior closs will give a Christ· LauraE.Mosher; Charles T. Hawke, a prominllnt' treasure r, Mrs. Cath- ,mokln g to acco'In one-pou n d hU · citizen , t 1 k C ' J I Sh mas pro ....... of Waynesville. Pll8lloJ away m. Friday 23. It will or con· wear erine Colema n. b ac. ary 8 ewe ry John 1'. Ha~per, state weIf.are di- authoriz ed op ... ll'!ldors; . a lso one-ha,1£ pounds, for at his home on Third street, Saturda " arents in Warren counq. sist of music, reading s and a sbort I " Chll t nl s Gray s Barber 'reetor, la making an a~ul noise beShop After the busineas session the fol- 110 . •s a. , . . Afterno on, Decemb er 10, followinJg play. All friends and parenta are lo ....-.ing program was rende. I r ed: cauae. the last Gen era A88em bl y d e· on illness of several weeks' duration . Mr. and Mn. George Hartsoc k and invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Will Meyers, Esther "OlPen the Gates of the Temple ," clded to keep a closer check on the Mr. and Mn. W. S. Grsham and Raymon d, of Vandaliu, Wilmina He was a member of attende d , Victrola. h\1ndreda of thoUllllnds of dollan qf the funeral services of Mn. and Frances Meyers, of Miomi Valley Townsh ip ,Farme n clubthe .. Wayne Caroline The Junior party will be given Qn Rellding by Member s _ "Christm and for a the taxpaye r's money. Harper would Rogers at Lebanon last as hospital , spent Sunday with Mr. and nllmber of years was Friday. the evening of the 22nd. The High a director of Cheer in All Lands." have the appropr iations turned over Mrs. Walter Clark. t he Waynesville Nationa l bank. school and Faculty will be entertai ned "Silent Night," Victrola. . to · him so that he can eon~act for O' h kl with He hat pleases him best in the vut leaves . two daughte n, MiSll Hel· t thi Chri t !"' s ow case, spar e R d' . tm a w id.e a ' J s s mas pa rty" Select your girts from our window en, and Mrs. Frllnk LeMay :Uildlng ,roirt-m . The legislatu re varie~ of gifts an~ ell 109, uChrls as B rings oy to .. a am.aU depol!t Funeral services were held at his Siante. e Mission," Mrs. D. L. didn't see thing!! that way, and wblle wfll reserve th~, choJC~est gifts. Cary,~ Mr. Harris has placed in the hands "HII~k the Herald Angels Sing,"Crane. and have us lay them awny for you. late borne Tuesday, afternoo n, Rev. &ztremely liberal In making appro- Jewelry ShoR, The Home Gray's Barber Shop. A. S. Watkins ; pastor of the M. E. of Gifts, of the parents . of the Elgbth grade Vlc~ola. prlation s it decided to keep a cbeek Lellanon . Ohio. !',eather goods make splendid chu~ch, and. Rev. L. A. Washbu . pupils, an outline rn, of for the standa; :: ~)~nng the delightf ul social hour Christ.inns gifts. See the display at Xe~lIa. on the '~oney ; and, no expen~I ' ' . offiCiating. ,Interm ent In'.MI~ Eighth Grad~ pupils. This. . lYing ' specific appropr iations can deh, c lous refreshm ents Mr. and Mrs. C. D. RIdge, of S OUll for were serve d: Cary's J ewelry Shop, Lebanon , Ohio. ami cemeter y. done with the Iden of stimulatln& 'I he followin g guests were present : :vo~ade without approvel ' of t1l.e. Falla, S. D., and Mr. and Mt!!. O. M. pupil, ---for the ftnal effor18 of the very Mre. Susan Wilkrso n, l\Irs. Mary boarcf of contJ'ol. Until · tbe Ap.: Ri,dge 8pen,t Sunday wi~h L. Trude at VnnOfien's. Get your Mollie Sides Williamson wife of ~dams, Mrs. A. T. Wright, Mrs. Ju· tickets for the drawing pIe Creek ' BOandal of two yCf.t8 ents, Mr. and Mn. Mahlon their par- best type. on Saturda y ' ylv81l Williamson, died at'ber home Ridge. h~ Donov.an, Mrs. Lea Henderson and at 8 p. m. . ago when direct Chargea~were lliadUe Thla Chrilltmas ....t ''him'' or ''her'' in Yorktow n, Ind., Thursda y, DecemThis Friday night the -I'nlt Runts the welfare dep ment, a will MISS Lutle Vanderv oort. a ~, I t' bel' 8, 1927, at 10 o'clock. She bad from Junior Hlgb to a pocket or ,trap.- watch. See our playa team coming • _ • Ippropr a lona were made a:·ectlv Mrs N . P G Clyburn d h'ld of ~ ' ''aslll'ngton b # . f il' ' . dabl ti - h Ih lec I We at Xenia. All ra a e I ren are t 0 • •• >he 'departm ent. Even Governo r ;Vic " to ck 0-f depell '" cen Ing eo t f or se\ ,ra I C, R., was the guest, of . II e mep e. "be admitte d free. To others coming Mrs. Anna yeurs. In She01 leaves bonahe y" has I)ot found fault with the are a Pltmber ~f her husband , 8yl. The CadwaU Gruen adel' and Mis~ Clara Lile, GuUd. the admiBBion will be .fifteen cents. a closer check CUJ'I Jewelry Tuesdny. ., Shop, Lebanon , Ohio. new method of keepin." van', and three lions, Guy, Eskaya nd ____ . .. Kirk, to mourn their loss. Pitiss Elizabe th Barnett arid Mr. on expendi tures. ' L. A. Zimmer man, Carl Sherwood, ' Mrs. William son was a daugJ.tter Friday night the High S~hool teams 'Paul Brown were quietly married at fMSr. ~nd :rl~' E(~Hart s~c;{ andC~on , of the late Washing Fr8llk Robinlo n. L. N. Print&, Harris ton ' Sides. For increllse . in the number of Mosher and Everett Sean attende wlll go to Centerv ille where th"y the bome of Rev. and. Mrs. Nelson 0 pring a ey, r. an rs. as. a Ilumber of years she was primary d wiu play. Last Friday night Sprlng- Thorn at Seven Mile, d ~~ due to grade croBBing acciden t! the formal open ng o~ Ohio, Friday, Rye, Mr. and Mrs. CI.arenc e Rye. lind teacher in the Waynesville schools, i: a O~lo III disclosed by compara tive Maid bakerr in Dayton, the Miami boro played two teams her. The first Novemb\!l' 26. Rev. Nelson Thorne :~' w~r~ Sun~ay dm:cr guests of and will be rememb ered by many who Iaat Wed- team of W. H. S. won, but the ~ec- officiated at. the ceremon y, the only to an ecords accordin g to I R. Plumme r, nellday eve"lng . re. arvey ye. wcre her pupils as Miss' Molly. ond team lost to S. H. S. The first. witnesse s -being Mrs. Tborne r tate ;egistra r of vital statistie l. and Mrs BuY' your Chl'istmas candles at Van What ~re ••ou "oi.... to. "'~e ~anta team a ore was 18 to 27, and the lec· Ida Kelaey, sister and aunt respect- Often's and get ~ rln, the fIht .even months of ¥ . ... your tick;ets for the Mrs. Caroline Rogers, 79, wife of the . III' ond team had the score of 13 to 9. tively of the bride. 1:27 lie persons In Ohio lost. t)1eir .Clau'll!' We suggest. .cigar big drawing ·Saturda y Decemb er 17th late Cyrus Rogers, holde~ and a former res• .--Mrs. Bro,,":n, known to her friends ond 24th at 8 p. m. lives'in .aroBBing acciden ts, compare d ciprett e holdera, c:igarett e ident of Wayne township, died of as "Betty, " 18 a daughte r of Mr. and with 100 'penona killed in the llame gar C81!ee, tobacco poucheeC~etI, CI· he'a rt disease las t Wednes day evenM.r s .. Omar Barnett , of near Dayton. period in . 1926. , Total for 1927' on pursel, etc. We' have them , pip,s, Our Christm ns collectio all. Gray'. She attended 'Yaynes ville High school watches and silverwa re n of rings ing, December 7, in Lebanon after an thll basis will be, about 216 for the Barber Shop. is especia n; illness of less than a week. She i. The Warren County Ministe rial as- d~ring which bme she made year; cpmpa~d 'with 187 penona killher home interest ing, We also reset and reo survived by three sons, Howard , of M d M Doaald Henden on soclatio n met Monday at Lebanon , With her aunt, Mrs. Ida Kelsey, and new any jewelry you may wish ed ' in ·1926 and 166 pet;lon~ killed and ~ba:; dau~ter of done Columbus, ·Morris and Warren , of Dayton and with Dr. Aaron S. Watkin " of Way- ~aduated I'd durine 1926.: the class f '23.. She is __ ~ t Mn. Joeeph Sha~~qh, of Ne"'; Bur. neaville. tl)e new presiden t in tile ie~ a gra uate of edarvlll e col- over. It will pay you to visit Cary'. near Waynesville. Funeral servicee Jewelry Shop, :'the Home of Gifts," we.re held ut h~r late residenc Ungton were ruellta on Saturda y of chair. e on M B I' Dr ILebano n. Thio. Mrs 0 W HeDden oll The address Frl~ay and burIal was made in Miof the day was made r. rown ~n5 s a native of ¥assaby Rev. H. A. Rothrock, of Lebanon . chu!.etts . He . is a popul~r Btud~nt The heavy rain of Tuesday after- IIml cemeter y._ _ __ ". . _ rroi.. The human .,.e la a .dellcate Mn. Lln'nle 'Elmore , nee ~,omp- Care for them ~ell. Copsult 0l'CBD. a former student of Dr. W:atklns' a,t ~I~d:~!: ::~e~~n:.nd will receive noon and eveni!,g did. c~nsider able Thomas M. Harlan ,d'e puty record. HI,~ . 80n, of, Mt. Auburn , daugbte r ot Mrs. dolph, the Cfeiigh t 'lpeclaUa Dr. Ru· the Obio No~hern universi ty. • _ • damage. Th~ LIttle Miami .overflow. er of Montgo mery county, t, Tuea- subject was Penona l Evangel ism. died at.his ., Kiute Thompaon, 'of thlll place, and day 9 a. m.• to4 p. iii., ed and Corwin avenue was impassa- home in Miamisburg, Wednes Saturda y 9 day of ' • -. . . Mr. Charles Myers w.e~ nlarl!." at I. m., ~ 8 p.~. CaiT. J8.el81 al ble for sevet: -houn. The Kroger last week, from a sudden heart 7 atthe home of M.r . M~yen IOn in South Shop, . Le~noll, Oblo. grocery store . was flooded and the tack. He wall a Bon of pte Ky ' ~tDrday afterno ••!}. De- . the late Al. ' '. . streets we.re badly washed. , . Jlheus Harlan, " of New Brlln... nn. cemb~r iii At the A ~n88etJon was closed last FrI. ,time and Th «_ n,f... -ur 'j' - . I o'Ilee will F . lit'· h ld~~ th . day by W. N. Sean!, 10ealTe al estete You 'expect' the, watch you - ' dIO' lIr e lit_v 1place loin:. E' I1lI"0re,I gran buy to 1 -.r' "n, . . u~eb~ • look for on~ I seM.-.vtcEes broker Where h~S tun d e the whereby p8N1' and Robert Patterso n The narveys bilrg HIgh school wi I h d 7 d Elmore H41nd'l.nQn, was mamejl ' \0 gi,(e t1Iem Chrfatmaa, la peneDa i tb .ulamlS h' d . h 3 . . e urc, a .r ay f k run 24 ou~ a ay, aye n e afternoourg· n and burial was ade In Mill Marino ~oln~rl' of. ltidilmap(\II!I- ~'GeO,.. S. Patker- .-Duofotbt, name: put on a play, '''The' .Purple Pig,'" at pure· ue t e l. -acre arm nown ,v\!ek, 62 weeks in the year-f or Miami cemeter y. ld." Non. Town l{all, on Tu~da~ evening . . . ' D e, aa tlle Whitem , ·Rev. Mr. Tilton, of tne Sou\hp te 'M, breabb lil bUNla ·.and an place, and owned. b:y yelU'll une~din g. When was ,your polDt eember 20, Admiul on llic and 211c. .~Ieanor /Smith, • _ ..._ __ . E .. ch}1rcb . officiated •. J'oll·)~IDg t~e telcl 15 ', 78UL See tbem watch cleaned and oiled. We have . 1at ~aiTl Proc;ee~, to be- used .for Ichool P~- , '1 . I ' •• , ceremon 7 a dlnn_r~.......M. , , ail efficient worlmia n at yoUr Hrvice, :.Send " Shop. Lebano n, Ohio. .. the Miami Galet~e to some po.... ' It m'rbt pay to read all our ads. C~ry'I ,J~elry Shop, Le~on . O~o. fl'i.en~ . or · relative for ChristmaS.
' 0
Brown••Barn ett
Ministerial Association
-A Doub . le We dd'
' , ' and
. ..
"T'h e Purp le. PI'g"
Real Estat e 'Deal
"Web7 •
, •
with A.C. PowerC{l~v€rter or 'with
Batteries ~LECTRIC
The Ideal Christmas Gift
4f ~ ~ SLEDS
Cole's Chats VoL 1
of W.~..YiO. ;'.,d tIM fara. a"d farm. an of tJai. -riel"it,.. FRED M. COLE
OnlT 9 more shopplnc days before ChriItmu. Our halfpap ad. tells you we are well lIupplled 'With ' most anythin&' you want for tile yo~ngsters and the' other members of the family, too.
yov your
you head.
lose bold
Mistletoe is becompraeticaJ,ly usel~ The O\Qdem IiJ'I · won't waft for it, and ' when she doeli stand uJllleJ' it 'abe wont ~ke ber eiprette out. ,
, About · the ~t m a Jl
December 14, ,1927
PablWa... I. tho ill' t.reeta of tho poopl.
time lose.
faith in Santa Claus he falls in love, A f· ter that he will believe in anything.
This i8 the time of the year when a radio brings to the household an added pleasure. For the air is lull of Christmill! programs and there is nothing more beaut iful than Christmas m u 5 i c '. The new Crosiey Bandbox with the A. C. Power Converter' Is a wonderful performer and an ideal Christmas- gift. We have one in the store 'Which you will enjoy hearing.
The only trouble with doing your Christmas shopping early is getting the wherewithal· on the same schedule.
A little boy told me the other day he wouldn't buy any., thing from me for Christmas. l aske, him why and he said he always ordered his presents from Sant.n OIaus and he brought them from the North Pole.
Sco()ters TinkE~r Toys Sleds Wagons Friction Toys Kiddie Kars Soldiers Tricycles Tools Piano~ [ Dishes
plome"b Pho.,e 32 Wa)'ll.nill., !()IIio
"'.11 "'.,r,..
Agriculture bas made substantial gains during the year, says Secretary of Agriculture William M. Jardine, in his annual report. The farmers' mill8llium, ,however, is not yet here. lD many parts of the country ollethird of the farmers' net income goes for taxes on farm land. Secretary Jardine says department figures show Yet the farmers' tax problems are chiefty 8tate and local, only a small part being paid to the central government. Hence, the farmer's tax problema must be worked out on a state and local basis. , Here ia a sentence from his report that will bear study i "While farmers themselves are reducing their coats of production through increased 'efficiency, public agencies should cooperate with them in effecting a bettel' adjustment of production to demand, also efl'orts should be made to diminish waste, to lessen margins between producers' and consumers' prices, to reduce trlln portation and distribution costs, and to lessen the farmer's overhead charges by lowering or redistributing tax burdens and by proving agricultural credit facilities.
Who oya there isn't any Sant<. Clal1B! U any lIuch there be, let him read this. Saint Nicholas was an actual per· lion. He was bishop of Myra, in Lycia, Aala Minor, in the first part of the fourth century of the Christian era. Bill father was a wealthy merchant, 'and Nicholas was known 118 a dispenser of the good things of life. ThUl he came into univenal popularity .. the ceneroUl giver. FILLERS The American term, Santa Claus, probably originated, says one authority, through the slurring of the gen- Men mnrry to settle down, lind from erous old fellow's earlier name, Saint then on it's n matter with them of Nlcholaa. This authority thinks settling up. Amerh!an children are probably the only ODes iD the world who call him Washington should be a hot pl~clJ Santa ClauL this winter, now that Congr e~s is ill 5ession again. ~ .... - - -
fstate Healrola .
FREDM. COLE, WaynesviHe, Ohio.
WORKED HIMSELF UP this probably explains why even the extreme wets are set on fire by whllt . they term dry "smoke screens." P.-"Bift'er hals worked JUmself up. :_ _ : hruin't he 1" An orang-outang can sing, say'! /I S.-How do you meanT" German biologist, and that statement p._HHe used to be a chiropodist, clears up the mrstery of where the now he's a dentillt." weird noises heard over the radio originate.
For . .~ job ...."rlr of a~ Irbulal plea'••1. . . . a · ...I.
:- - :
From the , full-length photographs of some of our most successful politicians, it is a bit difficult to understand how they so easily manage to crawl out of some tight holes. :- - - :
It would be interesting t o hear t hose home economics experts at th~ University of Chicago, who recently figured out that a girl must tlarn $1,8 00 a year before she affor,1 cl.M fon hose and go to the theater. trYI"g to tell $1 &·n·week Nellie, who type~ for a liVIng, thab she really shouldn't be extrnvagant.
- -- - ..------
ttAtid I g.ever' touched a radio set befo...e!'~'
Maybe there isn't any Santa Cla~1U, but you can' t convince father of t hat With a presidential year in the of- at this time of year. fine and the Seventieth Congress fac : -- : inc t , ~ amount of work, the countrJ ileedl more than real leadA cross eye always looks as kanc ~ ership. Mere politicians need not bu.t n ever~heless some of them see apply, politicians' feet won'tftt thlfigS at rIght angles. :--: state_e', '1110... Lack of leadership bas been ?ne?f Among other things Uncle Sam the eble! rea80llI for ~~ decline ID needs pretty badly just now, i8 " point.erut in mattera· pobtical on the litical ring that won't blacken his put of an alarDI.iqly ~e perce~- fingers. ace of voters. ' There are issues lJ1 , plenty-but an iaiue that 'is maddled · . - -. win not brine the voteri to the polls. ' Whom the legal profession would Bere II • chance for~ reAl leaders free they first make mad. or at least .tr:oq lDell who v.·on't atiadd1. be: it seems that way in these days of eau. th.,.', don't kno~ bow, to ~dd ,insanity, pleas. to their. following. '. .' , . :--: - '--d ... .lb··Y l ' , Mot:ion picture d,irectors . .ma1 not 6_ UlCJ' i n Congng JI1'o~ .to be to do4te Important votea .. have .. mu~h infJue~ce on the sun ....... I'OMlble. but there are .olD. . . Joshua had, but they certainly can , ....tters. fuiq ~I)greila , that ', ~ Iiaqe the ltars step around. " budIJ be ~pped. Aid for tilt . . ' ....... ~- of tun, ' , ' ',- -' " ~ '~ IIIIIeIe Sb. 'tJt~ fa a para~oxical. after all, and·
"What's companionate marriage?", ask,ed tho white-haired old lady at the movie he other 'night, patting the hand of her husband whom she married forty years a go.
The Gift Supreme for the Whole Family
Boulder 'Dam are among them. Leaders are needed to force the Issue. .,.JIIU&D BVDY ~~SDAT ..: ' The stage is set, and the curtain has gone up. The country waits for the l . .....~~ .t fA. ,.•• , . . . . . . t "'0IJ'" •••1II. leaders to make their bows. It's an G ...... s_,.~ ct... exeellent chance for somebody. Who will it be' ........... Pdee" f1.io pn Year -. AGRICULTURE Pa.I1a1aor
Fred M. Cole Ha.r dwar., Farm 1m
DECEMBER 14, 1927
When it 'Comes to sheer nerve and courage we take oft' our hats to Davis Furnas, and in t he meantime a lot of us aren't bragging about our bravery. We also sympathize with R family who pas s e s through such 1\ harrowing experience.
'Anita Loos. auth o r of "Gentle· men Prefer Bl ondes: ' sa y" she has "enough" "n,\ i, ~" ;n " l u stop wflrkill Jl t o ('njl »),
lif t".
BEW ARE, WILLIE Fort une Teli el'-uBewol'f,! of 0 hands'ome. tu il blonde." Wea ry.Willie (sadly) -"Too lat(, I've marrIed her" ' ~ _ ••____ NOT SO MUCH . Buyer-' I Doe8 this flannel shrink?' Clerk--"Not so much ' as I w().uld from teWne you it didn't, if it di~"
The Little Lord Fauntleroy suit sketched to·day has remained the standard style for the very small boy season after season, No thing else is quite so c.harmilll( or quite 8 0 suitable fo r th e little fellow of._ " two to six. Generally i~ is made up in black-alld-whi tc-that ii, white silk blouse wi th black satin' jacket and tro users, H owever, white cre}>e blouse with black velvet for the rest of the suit, is ·a180 smart. Tan silk ' for the blouse, with brown ' satin or velvet trouserl • and jacket is anoltber cpmbinatio!l-" Large pearl buttons finish the Iidle belt. " May be obtained in sIzes :I to 6. Patterns will be delivered to allY ddress upo.ri...re.ceipt of...2Sc. in cUb' or U. S. Pastage. Always mention ~ ize wanted. Address Patterll , Department this Newspaper. ~...,
~::::::~::::~~==::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~::::~~~~~~~IW~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~_~.~r~.~1,~~~.~_~~tr~_~~I~~,.~~-~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _U_ ..11_towed. Pol~II'11!. :J . E. I. RUDOiiB !:~~2r;":mh,o::o~nrpamt:~::.:; ..'!: A.K. Day's Christmas Store -----~----
as pOlllllble, to elKpluln Nance's' visit and her impulsiVE! kiss. Yet for Tueada,. 9 a.m, 4 p.m eral hours, pride held him back .. he told himsjllf, Pat hnt.! taken Saturclay 9 a.m. 8 p.m' much {or granted and had run Jewelry Shop, without giving him a chance. He should let ger ' get over her huffy' fit, '"'lie H~_ o~ ~fta." that's !lIt He sh.o.u ld let her come' to her 6ensesEIl.INEO By three o'c1~lck he deemed ·'that she should have come to ber senses, for he drove to'Wllward, taking the , ....1111111111,111 111I! lIjllll""( ';;" ... ". He turned his bead. Patsy Jane curves of the sandy road at a reckless 11111111111111 . 1/ . CH.APTER xvm ,' Ilt l had come up in the Klnnane ca~, and speed. His visit 'Was fruitless. Mrs. ,. ''\ "1 11'1 1': I'!:' II . , •. ~ ..... ~.' III , II I • P.toJl bad stopped it in the drive,,:ay n?ar Klnane came to the door of her home the garage. She had seen the klS9, In answer to his 'ring. She said brief. Below are only a few of the many articles we are offering for Christmas: "I haven't all of it," he admit~ed. heard th\! words of invitation and the Iy that Mrs. Forbes wn B awu y . liDo you know when she'll "I know wh4U'C I can borrow If 1 laugh. She turned on the instant, her .. OIllM-A"'ln 8.d,. , r back~" he ' questioned, disal~po'inted" have to." , bead high, got Into tbe car, swung O••IC_aHOV.'ly. Sbe nodded and went on: "PatllY swiftly and was oft' on the road T{ES SERVI G BASKETS SW~ATERS "No, Mr. Forbes. She said to tell 9 to 1t I •• m, 8 io:6 p; in. hall left you, Eddie. All Long Port-- had come. Construction To) s SOCKS TOILET SETS 7 to 9 p: m. Eddie was confused, resentful, in- you not to wait." age knows it. She'll a Bteno,gr~pher GAMES MUFFLERS PERFUMES T~OMII in old Ki(lnane's offic~. She s hvlng dignant. He was angry with Nance, SHOES CIftIOe " ' , . ... eo at thoir ,home. $0. h' Yet good taste kept him from l18)'ing Summ,er rellched. its crest, and the GA RTER SETS UMBRELLAS lIe.IdenOe. • • v8P'2 HOSE Again . tbe ro.d , floW.cd IUtO II! many of the things 11.0 yearned to say. Ultle, sheltered valleys about Long MILITARY BRUSHES GARTERS W.ynilva'III,... 0)110 cheoks. "And you re still oft' ~n . th~ "That wasn't just fair, Nance," he Portage and out through the wilderComb and B rush Sets SHr'RTS STATIONERY ~~~~~=~~~~==~ wro~g foot, N!nce. Ever¥thmg managed at last. ness were alive with huckleberries. nOOT1'EES I t1 "c She tossed her }tead. "I knew you It ;was a good fruit season, for the all right. really. . ~LK SHIRTS STOCKI'NGS MITTENS ' ~ 'M She ~hook him /n:'P~~ en NY' w:~ before she knew there was sucb a rains had been p1entiful, and hM ( ~LOVES BUFFET SETS HOODS o • • It, Eddie; I knOW t Isn . th' ,:", I~" person in existence as Eddie Forbcs. come at the right t ime. Tbo rleh, HATS BOOKS RATT]~ERS NOTARY' PUBLIC 1 came here to say dWas If IS·. u If she blls any sense, this won't make purple berries, E!lIch as large a8 the ,CAPS Jackie Koogan Mulllers BLOCKS (.~.... Baa. • and then she stoppe has h qUI ted n - any .difference. Hang it 1 don't see end of one's little linger, grew in , e_t t. • ttl'" able to gobon. I But 8h e ds rugge an d the harm in kls!ung . . . TOYS PURSES BIB SETS ' 1...- .. D "I bave an 0 Id f r I en d, so pro d"Igal profuslCln. The sturdy vines .WI1 a .... - plunged rave Y a eo . . weight, h t I ut those tax long as it's open an d ab aveb oar d I IfI were b en d'mg beneath ' their BAGS DOLLS CRIB BLANKETS O on't vou-'~ she basn't any sens&-" Uplifted Wap..oriIl.. Ohio mone Y enoug .0 Witpo W Fortunately f()r Long Portagoe the e.an . I • • d t h e 'sent once. ~\ "Nd never l.f mlB8ThAnk you just the eybr~w8 fil11she crop was a f nz'1ure elsewh'be, lind the '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!..~~~ ..~!!!..~ J _ o'b t~:ei 't eC~Sllary I can . Eddie's anger grew. Nance . had berries brought a good price In DeSlIme, u. ht~~ n . come from a generous motive. She trait and Chicaero: The village 'was get it.:ll rig . h' t n to- stop em had heard tbat he was in difficulties; depopulated, for all those who could, . It was ~ow thiS ur I to wbl'cb h~ she wanted to relieve those difficul- left for the harvest. Skilled 'Christmas Trimmings Decorations Holiday Boxes ft-~:-t e eyes n with toars ties. Yet the r esult af h er Vl8 . I t h a d rna de b'Ig money. ~... 1barrasse . k d d, .or11 wly ftlli~ er Christmas Stickers Handkerchiefs i., Boxes " '?I~d e 4\;e little 80methlng--'; been to widen the rapidly ~Iosing Man,y went o'u t a dozen miles to W.,...,..me .tJeaaI •••• .Ia.. h b . ' . ' ilS yriu can get chasm between Patsy and himself. camp In the mo:re extensive patcqell. And a General Assortment of ·Holiday ure : eEdelI:~:,agam. She had thrown In tbat invitati~n to ~ther8 drove forth lind back, t. "s N But I'm' mlgbty call liS' a deliberate and gratUItous tng and evening In their cars, ure, t onneau Id . tef I 'to ance. just the same" barb. a en with t h e spotls gr~ s:ile b!~~~ tbrough. "AU'rigbt ."You didn't play fair, ~ance," h.e they returned with the setting 1 . d - d e " h ' pid lriib sai ,col~ly. "What you ve done IS Even horses and wagons were not :.!d m e:te~ e~:d be~o:e he r~lized make thln,ra a little more difficult spised, for some of the best berry hat ~y ~Itt move might be ahe for me." patches were found on bumpy roads, ~ d;r e d nd Jdqed him o~ the "I'm SOrry," sbe replied, simply, trapped with deep sand, where fo" ... 6 ...- - - - ~::b orwar • . . ' and cOJltrition came into ber lovely footed motive powQ\' WA~ surest and ,. , • • • - - - - - - - .. -.--~,--- _ .- • •_ •• - - - ---------.~.... - .....~. FUNERAL DIRECTORS , ,. ' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO shade befor~ Eddie did that there was ped from his shoulders. I think 111 The huok,\eb.Elrrles gave Eddie solution of partnership, appointment Full7 Equtpped 'l or Good ' some one In tbe back yard, some one be going. But If you need money, chance ~o earn extra money. ,Re of , r~~eillh and other relief. Stmce " ' who saw tbem through the open door. or--or-me," A lovely red swept gra~ped It oager'ly. Dovenant was 1m William S. Adams ·vs. Carl SnodLarse I1Jap].y Room. He coUld f el he crlp ~b~l\..aa she ovpr her f,,". Sho turnvd swiftly e~hghtened r apcher. lie demondmoney and attachm ent, amount Ambul.nce service laugbed loudly tand mitllcioua1y ''Do wfthout another word and ran to her ed except In OMles ot .seasonal emer- clAimed ,$869.70. rr..usON8 1 ' DAY OR' NIGHT coine 1I00n," she said, raising ber car, which was standing in front of gency, only ight bours dally. Ed- - Etbel M1dlam va. Edward 1I1idlam, J-----KKII'!.;.-"'II'--KKII'!-..J voice. the bouae. There eamO the roor of die nnd Bome of the other hand, rOlle divorce, gross neglect: WE GET THEM QUICKLY AND at five and before, to get in a good : The ' Leban~n.Citizens Nlltional FREE OF CHARGE two hours picking before breakfast. Bank and Trust co., VB. Arlie M. .Roll, CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR Tben there wel'e two hours in the money o~!y; amount cluimed $200, EXPENSE evening, after which Eddie drove witb' in~ereBt. VACCINATION OF SWINE through the beautiful reluctant --(A SPECIALTY) north!!"" twill~ht to the buyer ~t ill ' PR9'A:TE rR~EE1>INQS' Mlroad expreBB offioe wit)! hIs pick. ' Oourt ordered tbat a copy ,o f tlie pboDa a HARVEYSBURC, O. The fast night train delivered tbe entry determinin( .the inheritance tax --~ No~"h'l hut R.Il ...I. S.ra• •..t V'ina. U ••II berries, tho dew of secluded valleys of the · D.vId Evans estate be certi· "'!!!!~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~ still on them, at the city marketa next fled to the auditor. Phone 81 day. 1 Court, ordered that a copy of the HARVEYSBURG, ·OHIO Tbere -:a.a a good Ratch o.f berrlOi entry determining the inheritance tax on Eddie I own quarter·aection, near of the Albert L. Snook estate be UI\ the mjlund. Tbis. ho saved until the certiflll~ to;the auditor. . Two Show. Daily last. When everything on the otta' (Continued on page 4) ' 830 d 8.0 DO YOU REMEMBER? 'k . • • p, DI. aId e 0 f th e cree, w1thlD easy distance • - ...- - :::::-,=====-...:-::=~= - -tt...-&''Yonder comes a woman In A bob1t was emaullted he drove, early , 8UbICrtbe for ''th. Quette. \ WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE ble spirt. How colorless that sounds mound, and ar~,und the base. today. ~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~=~~=~~=~==~=~~~~~=~===;:~=~= , The · sand, of- the narrow road
Offers these
Uft fill ElES
.' DR. c. : . HENDERsON
11I'I" 'i' I
ra_ . ........-
" ;A Fine Line of Christmas Cards for 1 Cent Up
r. John W. Miller
:o :
Waltet !\,cClure . J. E. -Mc€lure
Waynesville, Ohio
=~.==~~==~=~~=~=~-~========~========~~~~; r------------- Dr. W. E. Frost
.Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.
=----------.. . .
lOOA"D' ,n THEATER, Lebanon
.a ."
HtDoticed'wi~ 8Iuu~~~~n:·~~~~I~~~~~PtP.l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
damp. clear-cut impreasion of m wbich, tumiD&" from the highWAY, so entere~ the southern tleld of hIe land. He foUo,wed . the track to the mounW, and around the base. (To be continued:)
The light ca~s wit~'which Whippet must compet¢ in 192& and thereafter are now being presented for .. . . .' .... yout 'itisp-echon. . • We find in their ~~ecifica!ion~, as announce9, a complete vindication 'J ~t our", p ediction, made' ,eighteen lJlonths ago, that tHe fea~ures- pioneered- in the Whippet must eventually De incoI:porated into every
('I t'lis -l iact;·of co~rse, that not. all 01 the Whippet features, :'su~h' ~s tihe gas tank itl,ttie rear~ conv~ntional springs, 'the ' siJeht tIming chairi and pressure feed lub i~ti~Jl, have . yet been included. We ~je'V~ also' that the balartced design so 'importan~ to perfo~~anc~ is.still .t.'! be found on!y ~I} the ~. m6.blo~.s de,~gn of o~t: i(:ar ~ W~ ' pre s~fe that your oYf,tJ.~ ,a ,I ~i(,' -Qf ! oompe~,ng :..;p~oduct nOW on display , WIll convInce yo~ ~ of.these fa,ct~. ,. I
~ "
The MialDi Gazette
Court granted a divorce to Myrtle M. Overall on grounds of graBS neitect. . James F. - Ward, Florn T. Ward. Wal~er P. Moralll, Edith Mornn and Clarence H. Taylor were made parti.!!~ def.endant hL the ease of WillaoIL,hlll H, Rucker VII. ~hom8ll E. GJau. Floyd Ertel was granted leave pay -$60 of his fine and ,26 per month thereafter until !Such tine be paid. 'DWon~.8even persona we're named parties defendant in the ease of Malvina Stacy VB. S~neca Cornell, et a!. Court confirmed the aale of certain property and disl;ributed the ~ ••• nn,n"~ of said, ealo in the ease of tbe Re'ld_l -iIIS ing Bank VB. Ansley Stewart Leslie Vorhes .made a motion the appolntm\!nt of .8 receiver in case againet Arlle Roll. Albert Anderson was guardian of NiDlI Pence. The d.efendant.s farnt1&' to an~rw",.I~!f s&id petitl9n, coud coudored the aIl"f(Bti9D1! ,to be tru,e in "~be case of ' HArry H .. Penee va. Gladys Kelsb, et !ll, and commiB8ioners were appoill~ ed to divide the Jtlroperty. ~ . George McMillan W8ll granted $6,440 &plnst the B. &: O. RR·I1.."•• " I'~.!I1P C. H. Tynd.U was made part,. the cauae after judgment in tbe ....... nM of ' George Pel'l'klo va.- Abe Prclb&llco;,f.lilli. et al. . Court ordered that tbe sheriff to C. H. Tyndall tbe sum of $7 hertofore orderail paid to his motbElr'iJ:. .
NOW to
1, 1929
for only
$1.50 rNa is
an oppo~t~~ity , ·t o send the "'Gaze~te to .'Iome relative or friend 'a s a Christmas ' ~em.eJilbrance
'1'11&". • P. TIFFANY
Court Rep'ort··Con.
( ontima'd fro m page S ) J . Lee Thompson filed hi. sale as cxeo:ut\W of the estate of S .......II.I". Ie t he Fil ti". of lItcEowCn. ' (Cia.... for B.t fer Vi.io". ' ourt ordorod that Nora H. . PI' c ed . to sell certain property of Write [or Free 130 klot Lhe eslal of S,~nley Clifton Hawke. Lon G~odwin Bnd , Lid,. Goodwin . " Yollr Moal Priceleu Pouauion:" fl ied petI tion for the adoption of • Eli:I:abeth Fn~ Purtee. , . ~ _ _ ' t St t X . 'Oh" John E . Gllg1l8 was appointed ree I 'e nla , 10 nllntstrator . . ' of the estate of ' D e t rot ==========~:-: 111. Gilgus. The appointment accepted and appraisers appointed. Or. Bell's Pine-" ..... " one Grace Thomp on filed inve,ntory 1I\1~ IIJlpraiscment as executrix of the For Coughs Dnd C ol IiOPTOMETRIST
' a dd en & Co. W. H. 1\1 Waynesville, Ohio
eltate of Ralph G. Thomploli. . Tho lut will and testanient ot na Maria ~n was admitted to bato By Ita trust-ee officer, C. C. Eul.... the Lebanon·Citizens National ond Trust Co. appeared lu open ond accepted t he trust u executor of the la8t will of Emil M. Runyan. The lut will and testament ot Henry Wagner wal admitted to pro • bate. William Wagner was appointed executor, The appointment was accepted a nd appralsera appointed . Court confirmed the report of the public sole of ' the estate Qf J ames F. Snook. Fred H. Zimmerman filed h is sec. ond accou nt as g uardian of William J. Millikin. William G. Thompson filed inventory and appraisement of the estate of Jennie R. Corrington. Court ordered that Grace Thomp. son, as executrix of t he estate of Ra lph G. Thompson, proceed to sel1 the personal property at private sale. Erest Haug filed a ffidavit fo r the ad mission of Ro~e Ha ul' into t he Day. ton State hospital. Court ordered t hat Robert W. Brown make distributio n of certain property in the estate of 0 8T1d Ev. a ns.
An Entirely New Car---Note the
MARRIAGE LICENSES William Matthew Cook, farmer , Franklin, and Ada Marie Sharita Franklin. ' Elihu H. Johnson, ra ilroad conduc. tor, Ludlow, Ky., and An'n a M. Craw. f ord, beauty speCialist, Franklin.
Distinctive Features
REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS William Edward Blair and Corinne C. Blair t o Arthur G. Daulton and Beu ie D aulton, t hree town lots in Lebanon. Dora Luc811 and Benjamin G. Lu. cas to J ames S. Ryan, 10 acres in Turtlecreek Tp. Laura Henselman to Jno. A. Jones, 57.58 acrea in Harlan Tp. Geot'lre A. • Mo),er to Harold V Marta and Ruth M. Martz, three town In Franklin. , . . Lennie Smith and Louie Smith to C. E. Penqqlte, one town lot in Oeer-
Florence Benson and Jamel Ben. son to S. T. EDison and lIal'7 LEI. lison, one town lot In Muon. S. T. ElUson and Kal'7 L EDison to Andrew O'Bannlon, one town lot ill..lluon. Andrew. O'Banlon to Lennie and Louie Smith, one town lot in son. R. J. and Cora Flts&erald to Howell Puckett and Etta Puckett. 91.49 In ctean:reek 1'))• .Joseph Mayaun and Anna Maysun Olara B. Bokoue, 611.89 ' &cl'eI Hamilton Tp. VirJU R. Grove. and Karte GroY811 to Mary C Rib on. town Jot iD Franldln. John Lonlr to Charles A. Gam... ' one town lot In Franklin. Fred Seara and Rosa Seara to Kollie R. Shields, 47.16 acree In Ham. ilton Tp. ' . •Henl'7 E. Sbater and Elisabeth . Ann Shafer to 1J0yd Brjaat and ' Edith 6.60 town acre.~}
.&&&. .....
41, _ _
no 1*'.1 Go M. A. C. , ..... ,.,.,...., pi. It ..,.;wltlf~
) ':
Keelor Garage Lebanon Ohio
,f. T.. Marqn' Jesse' S~~ey " Auctioneers
~ ~ ~ =~2;~~!'!~;;~;!~;~;!=========J
•• _
I _
,~D'"'''' I ____
'" _,_
. ._ ._ . No. 12ft_ _.1 __
, _
0 $395.° $550.°0 $570.°0 ..................
Mra. William Baker, treatment and serum, $87: C. W. Haln Safe Co., cleaning locks, $15; Columbul Blank Book Co., eommiuloner'l suPpU.., ,",0 j Monroe " Johnston, repairs on court house, $2.71 ; Ohio Law .KeD'not.. 1 er Co., subSCription for co~mOD $5: Woodrow·Well Storap auditor', ItUppU., $5:L 'lL Prince Co., repairs for lurveyor, $1.80: Rich C~nstructlon Co., cement, $97.50: Tigar " Charlton, supplies, $1.26: Spencer" Ar:mitage, furnishing gravel, $2.26; Clinton County Sand and Gravel Co., lr1'avel, $2.77: Web brid,e repair, ,",.80; Roy repair, $19.50; Arthur lein, same, $12: same, atone, Columbus Blank Book Co., en's IUpp1l8l, f2: Bell den'a lupplles,. $6: O. C. !1lZrtna, arl, $82; S. Lev ~.rlWTlllrnt. $42; A. O. Barkalow, same, A. D. Barkalow, ..me, "0; . Central Phon. Corp., rent, ,48.50: same, $18.60•
\ .
0 $495.° $495.°°' $385.°°o. ,
B. Detroit
No Hunting Notice ' No Bunt~ with dOli Or othenriu trappln. allowed, day or ....ht, OD followinlr farms: FRANK BRADDOCK ,ED FURNAS FA.RIIS
W.Old :wonder .....t wiD Ba1d7-wUI be Iaappea darel
'. New B~~ltoD~O. w~e::!~-::..-:.uir.
, WE WONDEll "
1iit....w.l·iI..le. O.
- ,
C. C. Miller " Son, 101dler'1 "urial
Make someone supremely happy this Christmas. Give a Buick for 1928. Delivery will be made, if you wish, at your home Christmas 'morning.
UOO; Monroe Lamb, treatment $87'
.. for Christmas
...:--..i.~~~~~;~:!~~~;~:~:~:~: ~ . ~.~ ~:~:~:~:~:~ : ~: ~I .'r~ ~ "..~ ~'.~··S!~~~~~,,"~e~~!;;' ~e;; ~~~~ ~:: -.~ ~ ~.==I r~"" ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~ :.:!ll~;a~!i; s~~~f~-:;::: ~:~: : ~:: ~:~] 1. . .. , 20. ~O mi~ea~ J!4'!...a!,!,~ !»~ ~,!lIC!.I~~.' • •• I
lclstfor thousands of ,~
i. ~ .= : i· ·
L,.,: ... __ .. __R~~:i~~~I~~~~e!~;~!:~ ~==== ==== ]
Mary EIlI, Fitts t oJoe t1u'ee " town lots in Franldln. Mary Ella Fitts Ira Tinch, two I town lou In FrankUn. Ira Tinch to .Joe Todor, two ton lots in Franklin. ' '. Heber Shumaker and Pearl Shumaker to Joseph Patterson, 62.117 acrea In Wubfnaton Tp. Otto Warner and Maud Warner to Ethel Ebner, 107.20 acrea in ' Township. Elizabeth Snook to Omar Dam and Nettie Davia, two town Iota in South Lebanon. . Elizabeth Snook to loa.pll Bin.., two town lots in South Lebanon. James Pile , and F. W. Franz Owen Gron, 'one town lot in ...,..'...... lin. . Charles Cltle, A. S. Cannon Rose M. Cannon, by eherlfr, to Reading Bank, two town Jota in Mal on. Arthur G. and BeBBle Daulton to and Pearl Rose, .408 town acre. in South Lebanon. James F. ,Snook by admlnlltratOr to Joseph Hines, two town lots In South Lebanon. Jamee Smith to B. F . Thompson ' two town. lots in Union Tp.
,Make Iltir ,
[~:~ ~: ~:~ ~ ~ ~:~ :~!;,~;~~~~e;::!;~r. Li~;.! .. ~ .'..•.. ~:~:~.. J i ~ ~ ~ c~h~ic~~~! io;~: ~~=====I [~:=======-== ~~i;~~5~~~~~~D: ~~U!~ .:. :~:~:~.~:~:~:~.~:=]
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Mr. Kibler, of ,New Wuhlncton, wI!!' here on busln~.. thlla w~ek. . Mrs. Laura Shldaker and lin. If. M. 'ViLlars were ah,oppilng Dayton
Gifts of Charm for Everyone the Family
. In
One viait to our atore and you will accept without question our atatement that Santa Claua haa made' thia atore hi. Wayneavllle headquarters. Gifts of ' quality and diatinction' for every are, ~which you will be proud of. Selected to make Chri atmaa ahoppinr a pleaaure for all. . :
Store Open Every Evening Until Christmas
Mrs. E. J . Collier, of: Dayton, visite~ her mother ·Mrs. Anna Vllndoren, ~ece ntly. "
- - J~~
The Woman!1I CIvic ' League met with Mrs. Frank S'b idaker Saturday afternoon, Mrs, Emma EDie attelnded the Bepublfc@n committee barllquet at Lebanon Monuy night. The funeral of Alfre~1 Edwards occurred from tbe Friend:1I churCh on Tuesday at 2 o'clock. Mi!lll Nellie Cutright is spending seve.r al days with relatives In Circleville and Chillicothe. Robert and Richard Franken en· tertained their Sunday School claSll deligbtfully Tuesday ev'enmll'. Mrs. Y. D. Welch sntertained a few friends to dinner MondllY eveninll'. In honor of her husband's birthday. Mrs. R. H . JeWerla and son, Kirk, spent Thanksgiving week-end in Fostoris, the guests of Mr .. and Mrs. C. E. Kirk and and Mias Kinnuth. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hunlt and family of Mt, Pleasant, took Slunday dinner with Mr. and lira. Rl1ssell Jetl'eria and Bon.
Dress Shirts
Inll!pure knitted,
For Men, Women and Children, from
9Bc to $4.00
and (silk
from~ i ~ . .
r oc ocr' ~""bdt:<
. 50cJo $1.50
50c to $3.95 .8alhro~es For Men and Womt'n. Useful practical a rl d sure to be ' ap~ preciated.
$4.95 to '$6.95 •
Ladie$' Purses, from 980 to ... $5.00 ~adies' Collar Se~8, 'SOc and ..... 75c Rayon Silk Bed Spreads, . ~3.50 to ...... " ... ,..... $5.00 Towel. Sels, ,from 59c to ~ ..... . Handkerchiefs, from IOc to'. .... .. SOc Box Handkerchiefs, 3 in "box, - frolD 50c to" . : ......-: .. Boudoir 'Caps, from 39c to ... . . .. 9Se , , Tcurkish Towels, from 25c to .... ·9Se Bath Robes, S4.G5 to .. . .. ': . . . $7.50. Bedroom ,SUppers. 98c to .... ~ $2.C)O
UMBRELLAS In Mercerized, from 11.50 to, ... $2.50 'In Silk, from 15.00, up to.. . .. $8.50 Silk and Silk a.td Wool Hose, from 59c to ... . . ..... r . . $2.50 G~rter Set~, from 50c to ...... $1.25 Blankets, from 11.25 to . . ..... $5.98 StatioDerY. a box, from 25c to . $1.00
FOR MEN' Bath Robes, from ~4.95 to: : .. ·$ 7.50
TraveliDg .Bags, fr,Qm 15 to . . $10.00 Ties, from 59c to . ... : . .. ..... $-1:50 room .ppers, to. . . .. 3~00 ' Pajamas, 11: 2~ and .•• : .•.. •. .I.~$ Sw~~rs,' frbm 11.50 to .... ! ' .$7.58 Lumber Jacks, ftom 13·~~ to .. $5.95 ~mma
Dolls for . Children . .
•• ••••• ••
By C. M • .,AYNE
The Women'a ClaSII of the M. E. Sunday School gave alrl oyster supper in SneU's store room Saturday evening, which netted them a good sum. They are a!IIIilltl~11I' In building new chimneys on tbe church.
The M. E. Aid met ,rhursday afternoon. The annuua.1 election of officers was held at this, time and resulted in the election cd Mra. H. S. Tucker, president; Mrs .. Mary Tucker, vice-president; lIra. R. F. Shumaker, secretary; and Mrs. Wilbur Hawke, assistant treasunry; lira. Ed MacFarland, treasurer. A tempting 'il;fIliJ;~$aJ.aJddd~~taltdhltal~~~~~taJiJI»iIi"'l;~lJiltit»i~~~~iJiJdl~~ lunch of chicken pattills, mince pie !J and coA'eewaescrved. I ~~~~~~==~======~====;=======================o~==~==============~~======~ NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ANNUAL ELECTION The social given by' tbe Baptist Missionary Circle Wedne.s day even· Ing was quite a eUCCellII. The Estate of Anna Maria Dean, deconsllted of a IIketch, The annual election of tbe eellsed, e Never Married," a vocal solo and holders of the Waynesville Na.1~olliall Notice is hereby given t hat J. O. encore by Miss Ruth Denny, a read- Bank ,for the purpose of electl~g Cartwright has been duly appointed qualified aa executor of the esing,' "Allnt Doleful's V:lsit," by Mrs. flcers 10r the ensuing year, Will of Anna Maria Dean, late of War A. S. CoUett, and a playlet, "Aunt held at their bankinr rooms on Ellubeth's lliaaionary Tea." The day, Ja~uary 10, 1928, between ren Count, Ohio, deceased. houra 0,..1 and 3 p. 1lI. Dated thla 9th day of December, Graham Sisters furnulhed . L. M. HENDERSON, Oashier.. . 1927. \ W. Z. ROLL, mUllc. A 'delicious lunlch wall wblch 'netted a J'eat sum tor J. Judll'e of t he Probatc Oourt, treasury. Warren County, Ohio.
. _-
~CLA ---~,r_, ~lt!lS-.-&liJ ,rltU
BEECH GHIOVE ;The Ferris famiJIea 'were Lebanon • visitors Saturday. R. J. Murray made I' buaineaa to Leeeburr, Tbunday. . We are au rely glad to report IIlck all better at tbis 1writinl'. Little EU~n JfcKa~, ""as out school Ialt week on "ceonnt of alek. n .... A IIr. Powell baa JlDoved to I,Sltel"IVol)d farm vacated by Mr. Dotiald. t
LOANS on Cbattell,Stocka, Secur" tlea and Second MortiAiel. Note. bourllt. John Harblne Jr., Xenia, *mSO·'2I Ohio.
Farmers, 'Attention!
Fum_ of Warren and adJolnln. eoun'ti.. may ohtaln money on Ion. Ume loan., at 6 per cent Inter.." eoat of ..curine the .. me I. v.ry rea· 10na"l. .throu,rb Th. Federal Land Oank. For further Information call lira. ~dlth Davis WIll .A Saturday dd '" C DRAKE T nlgbt anel -Suuday gUIat; of ber alater on or a rell... . , re. . in LebanQn. urer, pbo~e US-X, [,eJlanon, Ohio.
II. 'M. Tel'1'7 trucked Il to the city Itoc~yarda (In WEldn,esdlall
Dean E. Stanley, Atty. SPOKE SooTHIN' TO 'EM This is a story of the wild and wooly west. It concerns the sheriA' of 'tin Spout, who disper sed an anmob wit h a few well-chosen words TOO EMOTIONAl;" - . " said the sheriff, relat ing the managed to <lule en 'em --;-.- down all righ t. When the boys Hotel lIfall agor-"You must. please swarme~ around ,the goal I stepped pay in ad~a n ce,,, sir. Your Iogggge out WIth a couple of guns in my 18 too emotional. hands an' spoke sor ter soothin' t o Gucst--"Emotiona17" 'em." "Yes-eas ily moved." "What did you say? " , - -"I just reminded 'em t ha t my brothDIDN'T GO er was runnin' the only under taker's in the town , an' ever ybo dy t hat know The BOI'c-" [ fecI t horoughly ed me k-n,owed I was, II stro ng f amily wo und up tonight," man who d d~ any thing in reason to Hostess--"How stra nge ! And yet yo u don't seem to go." the busmesB of a relative."
FOR RENT X.RAYED A LA LAl of last week. --------------:Doctor- "YO\I had better be X. Be\la-" I\vonder how the OXpl'os. Tbe Carder family bave moved FOR !lENT-HoulIe of 6 rooms, one from the Collins place d,o wnFiat Fork acre of ground, at Dodds.. R. E. rayed." sion 'a n arm of t ho 80a' originated?' " kina. See Everett Gustin for par· Patient--"Thero!s no need. Get Don ( wit h a te nder !ook) -"Perback to Kentucky
dadddd.~~I ·
No 'Switch Ntecled
Health of
W. P. McClIJTen retumed home, Tuesday, from Hale hospital, where he recently Bubmltted tiC) a major op· eration. Hie condition ie aald to be excellent.
In Percale,' E nglish Broadcloth and S ilk ~tripes, from
And Help Protect the
Geol'ge Bernie ' and Mi!lll Hannah .Jordon attended chureh at Wayneaville Sunday mornlnr. James Jacob, wife lind cia"rhter, Minnie, were Sunday ~fternoon call. ers on the Terry fal1\lly .. Our sthool is makln.: big prepua. tlons for a splendid Chlristmas enter. talnment. Better come'. E C .. ' ' . . . . • m~nnon and f"mlly, of near Wllminrtun, were Sunc~aF lrUeN of H~rley WaIk.er and famdy. Wlil. Smith baa mond trom the O'Neall' property on M'a in .street, In WeUman to Harveyabur'a'. . M.. , M. and W. H. Teli-r:r and K. E. Thomplon called 'On SjIID wn..on and John spray, at Nllw' E!urllnjtQn, Tuesday . l
JalJlea , ~cD9nalcl and moved from the' . ' ~~ ~!rob, to the ....t Fork.
~1 ============== .
~w~;.~.~ b~~e
see through me." • - - ---
~"~~~y ~~~~hu ~d the shore," - -- - -- - - -
WANTED ' Tom- "I can rend your thoughts, Wanted-Alfalfa or ~lover hay. The trouble wi t h modern college Inquire ot P. E. Kennck, Waynes- life is that there is too much ll'fe and Mary dear." ville, 'Oblo. ·d14 • "Then What makes you sit so far not enough college. away?" WANTED--Ambltious man between tbe are of 26 and 60.to make nectlQn with old establlsbed UOlnpsH ny. Thill oppo.rtunlty ia open home county. Earning ca])acity pends on results. oul~o,o'tl work callinC. Oil farmera pl,e te .I,!fIe . of hOUIIsh.old . nei:ClIIlIItiell. conalstlng of e~ets, lIP!cee, toilet hot«8 remedies, pou~try ~reparatlon.. An opa bfe time for a bu.tler. but .not )leeelllautomobUe. Fur full cataloaue write. COMPANY, BloomlngtoJ), m. FOR SALE
nle .Miami
, AN
Ordinance No. 119 --To 1lx the compenaution of cf'rluln OlBcen In tho Villnge go rum nt: Be It ordained by th e ouncil of the of Waynesville. State of Ohio, SECTION I-That t he comp nsn· tlon of the Mllyor is her(lby fixed at the s um of One Hu ndred and Fifty Dollars ( $160.00) per IITl1lum. pay· abl e q.arterly. SECTION IT- That the ·compe.nsn· tlo n of the Clerk is hereby fixed at the sum of One Hundred and Seven· ty-Five Dollars ($175 .00) per an· n unl. p ~a ble quarterly. ,SECTION m-That the eompensa· tlon of the Mnn h al is hereby fixed a t the BUm of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) per a nnum. payable month Iy. SECTION I V-That all ordinances or parte of or dinances or a mend· ments of ordinances inconsistent her e
Tigers Win Game
F d . M ' e erahon eehng
WATCH OUR WINDOWS wjth b(' n nil th(' wille nrc hereby t iUII; . l1. Th(lmpso n, Of lIlinuis. \VII S 1'(' pci\INI nnd t.hi ~ or dl nnnc !!hull ~ui ll c:- b ~ n pr sid nlj E. A. O'N nl, tnke effect flnel be in {m'ce . (I'om an ll (If Alllblllllll. "icc.president . 11ft I' the fir.t dny of January. 192 Pu ' cd DI." c mber !l.U127: ER T. E. nOG. " Mayor. L. A. ZIMME~~A~~~~ The Ten Tigers were victorio us in a game (urdy night wi th the Delco Lilrht Milling dcpnrt ment t(,lIlll. b~' th(' score of 32 to 11. Fifty \Ohloans were numbered The Tigers slurted 011' with three among the 000 farmers who gathered .tmight baskell< HIIlI fl("'er were in from ~O states for t he Il nnual me('!;. ull n!;"e r throughout the gallle. ing of the Am (' ri clln Fann Bureau Th(' Ten 'l'ige rs will journey to Federation in hicago last week, nco Frnnklin Pri,lay night to ploy the cording to r por ts reuching lhe of· Frunklill Faculty team. fiee of t he Worrell ounly Farm Bu· _ _ _ . ___ _ __ reau. Lee E . Enrllhart, of this pillce.• re)· resented Warren county. L. B. Palme r. pnsidenl of Ihe Ohio Farm Burellu F('deratioll. was re· The ladies of the Ferry church elected to his pos ition on lhe board will hold a food sale in Mrs. Sides' of dil'ectors of the nutional organiza· room On Friday December 23.
-- -
Community Scoring
Our neighu oring 'oll1{lllllliLy of ('ar· ]I ~ l o has 11litilltt' (\ a ne w {llovelllcnt
CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday Scho()1 at 9 :30. Every. ==~~====================~ body cordially iln\'ited. Dr. P . A. Garnor. chi roJl~nctor, Lebanon . Ohio. Phone 78. . l 'URTLECR EE K COMMUNITY CHURCH A elise of sca rll't .fever at the homo Sunday School 2 :0 0 p. m. j wor . of ll owllrd Shu tts on Route 3. has ship. 3 :00 p. m.; ChUdren's service. hl.' l'n r4'po,·ted. G:·15 p. m.; PrE'aching, 7 :30 p. m.; . . . prayer meeling, 7:30 p. m.; Wednes'\ o\l l~ fin~ the rlllg of hoI' dr cams dllY; Dible Study, 7 :30 p. m. Friduy. for ChrIs tm as. at Cary 's J ewelry Shop hristll1l1S servi<:e, 7 :00 p. m., Su n. Lebllnon . OhIO. All ou r gems a~e da\' e vening December 25th. cnr<'full y selected Ilnd mou nted In R. HAR VEY, Pastor. the latest desig ns.
fo r Wan'. II county hy LIdd ing n r ura l life CO il fl'I'C nC() II IHI '() mlllunit y seor· Ing to th~ u ~ lIl1l felltu res or lhe Par· mor1:l InsLitn t ·. to be held lit the Carl i~ lo ehun·h. ])cc(, Il1i.oCI' 10. 17 nnd 18 TLH' Y will hnve thei .· ex hib it liS here· toful'O but ~ i1vl'l" trophi oH will be giv. en f I' gr up ex hihi ts inslead ,, ( tlll' va do d list of pl'izf)N li S in oth e r Yell"'.
~~- --- - - ~~--
The outstandil;lgteutu re about t he ,'ura l li {~ eOllterence.....is t he workinlr- - , tngc th!'r of t.en committees w ith the , help of the e n ir" nelghuorhood in th ~cll rin~ of th il' com muni ly on n 8(,('1' 0 canl which totuls II t h()usund poi nts r')r 11 perfect community. T hey will un1l lyzc t h IlI s()lvCI\ with the purpoMIl of finding not only their best poin ts but ulso their weak poi nts in which . Lhey shou ld aim to improve in the corning yeur when t h y will score IIgu in lo mCllsur' llt!'ir improvement.
!'_...._ _ _~~~_ __ _~_ _ ...._ ....~............"!"!"~_ _~_ _..
- - - -.... METHOD'IST CHURCH 9:15. Sunday School; 10 :30. 8er111011. "The Great ness of Womanhood.' 0: 16, Epworth League; 7 :00. sermon. " The n eason fOol' Fnilure.'· Aaron S. Wa tkins, L.H.D .• Pastor.
The sf.'cond meeting fOl: t he N l1h;. t ioll Pl'uj ()ct in Vegetllble Cookery, will b<, h el~ ~t the home of Mrs. J as. McClul' . I· ~Iday, Decemb~r ~O. at 1 p. Ill. A II Illterested a re inVIted.
Corn·etcd vision nlukes brighter bOYMnnd gi r ls. Let Dr. Rudolph. th e o ye ~ i l!ht. spec ialist, advise yo u. T ues· ST. ·AUGU STINE CHURCH day nn,l 8n t-urday at Cary's J ewelry SundllY. December 18. services at Shol'. F.xaOl ination f ree. 10 :00 a. m. ..-- - FVlther Bien. Pastor.
Crackers Country Club Soda8, 20c 2- pound carton . . . .. . Bulk ............ ....................... ..................... ..... ..... . ,....... ,... ... .. .......... ,..... JOe
Club, 20C AppleB U tter Country ~iCu~~~lTR~~ii ....... Budded, Dia- 29c Walnuts California mond Brand, per lb . . , . ----~--.----------
ST. MARY'S CHURCH Decembe r 18. Fourth Sunday in Advent. Churc h School ut 9 :30; Mi xed Nuh, Ib .... ,.. ,.... ......... .....27" B..azil Nuh. Ib ... ,............. ,.. ,..... 29" Morning Prayer a nd sermon at 10 :30. Pecan. , Ia rre .ize. pa per .hen, poulld ., ............ ... ........... ........... .43e All Ilre co rdially invited to these --- - - The \V Iynesvill Motor Company se rvices. Hard and. Filled, or Cr~a~8 had a ""IV Ford Tudor auto on exRev. J ohn J. SchaelYer. Rector. and Jelhe8, per pound .. . hibition' at t heir place of business toda y. A II day crowd8 of sig ht.see..,. ~UI Rocle. Ib ..... ............ .. .. :.:::.:.::.:.:~ Pe._nu~ .B~it.~le. lb ................... :.. lSc lind pro pectlve buyers were on hnnd to see the cor and admire its gen- / eral beauty. T he new Ford is not recogni ?able box .. 3 Ib. ,.. ,..... ---in t he old " Lizzie" of former days. 2 lb. i n box .......... ,......... ·......... 8Sc Bnldw!n.,4 lb • .... ......................2Sc Davis Furnas. who had suc h un ex· It is 8 beauty. an d has the general --- I '. -perience with a colored burglllr lust appeara nce of a ca r t hat w ill be Fane,. week, hilS been ,~ onflned to his home. eagerly s napped up when t he manulow •. suffering. trom on infection of his fa cturors get enough on t he market. Stuffed, 10.oz. pI., ...... ............... l ~c I . foot. which wa!! cut while chllsing See .it for yo urself an d yo u will t he mlln througb the fi elds. He was have to agr ee that it Is the coming 11180 threatened with pneumonia, but uutomobile for t he people. it is thought that danger is post. nnd The pr ices, which are advertised / at present is getting along very well. in a not her column of this issue, are 8'0 • • P.ckar. Fic •.. .. ................ l0c I - -- - about t he same as the old F ord price~ . S~r.r curod. 3.11.
Suffering III Effects From Chasing Burglar
$1.35 ~~~!~e~. 25c Date 1 0 " B ,,·a..c,. pr:ce~lbH~.I.~~~:.,. ....... C.RiP~~;?~! :.~~~~~: 25e
,.' ... "
The Wayne TOlwnship F~rmen club met on Thursdlay, Deeember 8th, with Mr. -and Mn . E rnest Butt e.r worth . On accC)unt of t he inclement weather oio ly ' tweve :families wer e represent tC d. F ollowing th e , dinner hour , a n exchaftg e of Chrietmas gifts was ma de. The meeti ng was ca lled t o order by t he pr esident . Dr. Watkins, as essayist f or the day, presented some ex~ell ent t houghi:s ?n the "Ideals and Standards of American Lif e'.' "V'ta . " t h e spec!al to pi c I mIDS .W'I.. presented bl Mrl5. Elbon and d~cUJIII. ed by severll me,mben of the club. The meeting a:djourned to mee t in Jllnuar y with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hough.
is the Spirit of 'HOME "iiodl of .Bed'uty.Withtn ~~~ Home Your desire to give long-lasting ~nd appreciated Gifts should extend to the realm 'o f Furniture. Here are presented the golden opportunities of choolinc fasc:inatinc things for the home and furniture piecea adapted to peraonal requirements. It'. a glorious experience-rich in agreeably pleasing everyone,and especially consoling',to your pocket- · book. ~. Come and see for yourself_Let us offer suggestions-tIten act!
.' ~ •
IS HONORED -----Supt. F. R. l'tl[oomnw r eceived the following letter from t he president of Wittenberg (:ollege, which he is j ustly pr oud t o hove published. as Miss 'Franees Henkle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. D.. H enkle-. graduated from Waynesville H igh school, in the clas8 of ' 26. My Dear Miss HenkleOnce more it is my privilege to recog nize and commend in a special let.t~r those studc;nts, who, by their a bIlity a nd appilcation have made places fo~ thems~~lves a mong the hIgh scholarshIp groujp.. .I have not ed WIt h very real per. sonal satisfaction. the scholarship quotient which you secured dur ing t he second semester of 1926-27. In the na me of lhe fac'ulty an d t he board. I ~e nd y.ou hearty congra tulations on . thIS a chIevement. Let me add the expressIon of my • personal pleasure at the quality of work you have b een doing. Some one has said that• ."to win high scholarship honors in a first-cJl.ss college is almost a guarantee of succe8B In life ." · · StI!.tlstlcs show that this il! very generally tr'ue. My hope is that youII' good r ecord. may continue in all of our work, 8lIId that tbe rich rewards which belong to those who gifted with abilit,y and who UBe tbelr powers . may be youn. . Cordially yours. R. E. TULLOSS, President.
Some of the Fascinating Gifts .You Will Find Here M.razine ltaclu .. $2.S0 to $ 9.00 Spinet De.le•.... ·,$24.00 to $45.00 Secret.rie. ... ,.... $45.00 to $75.00 Da-Rnpo'rt T.bl ...... $10 to $35.00 Rocle.rs ........:... :...$8.50 to $26.00 Smokinc S.I& ......... $1.36 to $22.00 C ...d TabJ ••........ ,.$1 .69 to' $10.50 R.dio Seh ............ $89.50 to $650 Colfee T.ble •...:.... S9.S0 to $18.00 Pi.no Bench.........$7.50 to $25.00 Scoop Seat Ch.irs ..$17 to '25.00 Winr Chairo .. .. ..$17.50 to $57.00 Occ .. ion.1 Chairs ..$IS.711 to $38 Mirrora .............. ,. $4.75 to $25.00 S.Il.ra Kitchen C. bineta , .............. :......... $39.85 to $72.00 OrthoJlbonic Victrol••, $95.00 to $300.00
English Prof- "W hnt i8 a p oetT" Pa (Dutchman) - "A poet is a f elle r vot writes worse and werse an d werse." r
Rohert Hun.t m ade a business tr ip to Cincinnat i. Wednesday. MrS. Elsie Hawke a n d Mrs. E dith Kurius were Dayton shoppers, Monda y. MnI. Clara' Tho.mpson and Mrs. Maty Carmony were Dayton shoppen Wednesday. illll H elen Duke spent last week In Columbus taking the Nurses' State eumlnation. Everett Ea rly and children · a nd Mrs. Lowell ThOmas were 11\ Dayton Ilh?pping , Saturday. Mr. Clyde Cox spe nt several days last week with Mr: lind Mrs. O. R. Stroup, at Germantown. ' . ' Mr•. lind I'rln. Charles Johns , spent Tuesday a t t he home of Mr. and Mn. Amos Cook, near Waynesville. Mrs. P . W. Stroup r eturned t o her home In Ingomar. Sunday, lI1;t er vis· iting ber daughter, Mrs. Clyde Cox. Rev. R. A. Stillings Is havin g meet ing at Lytle church every Tuesday evening. E veryone invited to these meeti ngs . Ella Mae LeWis, who hall been dangerously ill with scarlet fever, is reported by Dr. Br ock to be sli"htly Improved. Sa nta Claus and reindeer and Cap· t ain Kidd with treBsure ship made an unannounced visit at Lytl~ scho01, Wed nesday afternoon. F ive Dllyton police who wer e trailing two Springfield bandits, loaf ed in Lytle Friday ,afternoon while their car was being repaired.
Miss H elen Kruer entertained thirty members 'ot her chP,as of the · ~pring borOo M.. E . • Sunday sehool Saturday evening at ' her home V(est o{ town. . I .. ... \ , The LytI, garage was a busy place several day,s last week, on a.ccount of frozen l'adiators ana other auto ailmenl:J!, due to the sudden drop in temperture to the zero mark. . H : M. Clark in COll)pany with Mr. and Mr•. Milton Sheehan, of Centerville, attended the burial of their cOUllin, Thomall ~rlan, . of Miamis.. ••• burg, at Miami ceJlle~ry, Saturday afternoon. ---:---. Mrs. ..Lee " Mason aud son, Leroy, Mrs. Hannah Colvin, 66 years of of Mason, and Mr. and Mn. Har01d .age. of Spring Vnlley, widow of Prof. Thackera, !If Yankee Street, Visited E. H, Colvin, fOJ;lfJer superintendent Mr. and Mn! Oharles ·Clark, Sunday. of t~~ Wayne Tojmship 8choo's, !lIed Mr. Clark ·baa' been quite UI the past at 5 p. m. Mond&-y at the home of week, but is 180\l1ewhat improved at hcr d~ughter, Mrs. Leslie Smith, 3 ~ thla time. I ' mile, southwest of 'Spring Valley. She • • was stricken with pneumonia last Mr. and. f!rIn •. ,BernI! Jones bad for Wednesday While on a visit at her .their. Sund,y dlDner peats, Mr. and daughter',S home. Besides her daugh- Mn . . Ca.rl flckering and children, of ter lIfrs. Smith. she ill survived by one Centervllle, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bum· 80n O. C, Colvin and a brother Eli et, Mr. and ~. Allen Emrick and Haines, of Wihningron. , ' . Mr. and Mr~. Ke~ler Graham and 'She was a member ' of the Friends , da~rhter. , churCh by birthr'ilght and belonged to' • Twe~ty-tour ladles' enjol,ed Wed. th.e Spring ' Valley lodges of the nesday.. at the home of JIiL" Clara Daqghters of America and Daughten Hunt. , The forenoon .wu tak,a with of Rebekah and ,to the Eastern Star the fint · lell80n of the NatriUClll lodge of this place. ' . cou1'lle. · The . leaders' were ~ : Funeral services will be conducte MrS. O'Nean and M.n. Helidenon, at I Il'clo ck Thu:rsday at the SJirlth of WaYJIelVille. A ' covered dJIIh home and at 2 o'clock at the Frienda qmner was ..ned at th, noon hour• chureh in Spring Valley: Interment 'l'hell the Ladies Aid beld lta.replar In Sprlq VaDe~ cemetery. .' q.opthq ~"tbIc ID tb. afternoon. '
f '
Butter COllntr,. Club Cre .... er,.
: : ~?,~
8 19CI ' .J C 55e SXmasTrees :::.:~:..n80C' 31 c I.Goap. . 33c 10 $ 43c ):;.~;,~~~:~~.~::·: : :....I~I ~ p teee 01" more, polI .. d .............. ;.•....••••.•.•.. ,
___ ~ ~_
All .i •••.. .....•.. ... .2!1c to Kirk'. FI....,
reduced pric., 10 b ...................... .
Plllr. kettle r.nd.r.d. 2 lb.
H 'Snnah· Colvin Dead
..:22c iBacon ~~:.~~~~~
romed.r,. pkr................ Or."r. or Lemo .. Peel, pkc ...... 13c
L ard
Con.ol. T.bl•.•.... $8.50 to $211.00 r_ W ••on •........$24.00 to $34.00 filt T.bl ••. ...........$8.00 to $24.00 Libr.r,. C ••••....$35.00 to "'.00' Wall Radu ........ .... $7.00 to $13.50 P.inted T.bl ••.. .. $2.95 to $38.00 End T.bJ ••......... ,$2.95 to $18.00 Drop Leaf T.bl••.... $ll · to $32.00 Pri.cill. C.binela .................. $6.50 Pbone S.ta ........... ,$4.75 to $14.00 R.dio T.ble •. ....... $8.75 to $25.00 T • .hl. L.bJp •........$9.75 to $25.00 ('.. xwell C.b.ira ..$2S.00 to $69.00 PolI.r .Bed•........$29.75 to $411.00 Bird C.ce •.... ,....... $3.75 to $12.00 C.d ... Cbe.ta ...... $11.75 to $35.00 De.I. Cb.ir•..........$3.75 to $15.00 Fi .... ide Cbair'a ..$t3.60 to $57.00
----_. -----
F armE~rs' Club
Contribute to the e a I e of making Christmaa Gifts. Payout of your earnings.
f.!~.,... 1.
H ••f,.
doz ..... Florid., 176 .i.e, do •................49c . H•• "y C.n"•• , p.ir.... .:............ .. ~Oc'
UALlfY COAL Priscilla Lump Yellow Jacket Lump Yellow Jacket Egg Millers Creek Lump Iillers Creek Egg "~ein ~ump Gem Nut 'Pocahontas Lu..., .If<,
Seventy-Ninth Year
,.; .- -
NEWS DIRECT FROM 'THE STATE C_ APITOl CO LUMBU S, OHIO - Demonstra. ti o n ~ of new methods of livestock feeding will b'o.. held in various parts of Ohio immediately after the first of the year, to demonstrate t he praclienbilily 1)f fee ding roughages thro' uUl the year. Thesll demonstrations ure 't to, ue ~,held on fa rms in the vic in. I y ot ::;prmgfleld. Marysville. Bueyn.8, llellllire and athOl' pOints in the various dairying disLricts. The new system was invented by L. H. Piercy of Wellington. Ohio. and has been sueeclIlIfuliy tried On some of the sUlte's f .. rms. With the new lIystem the ordinary roughages of the farm are Illaced in a digestor tank, moisten cd with water and heated by steam, transforming them into a soft succulent masa that Is u8ually pleasing 'rests show that the lo livestock. syslem has resulted in healthier cows. mO n! milk und less cost in feeding. ProtesLs against the poliey of the State Highway department in spending the bulk of the Iltate's maintenance amI repair f unds in Southern Ohio counties, where the highways carry comparatively little traffic, are increasing daily. Northern Ohio counties are claiming that they pay the bulk of this fund through the gasoline a~ ",Altomobile Ii.eense tllxes, b ec~u tie they hold the balance of pop ulatlon have many more automobiles, and much heavier traffic. Protest against the alleged unequal distrlbutlon of the state funds will culm 1nate January 9 in a general meeting of Northern Ohio coun~urveyors at the Holhinden hotel i O)eveland. Surveyors claim that the i ea8In&'I Y
U_ , .--..
gc:;). WEEKI] REPORT .-=-= :
'I _ 0 _ . , _ a__ MM~~~ va - . . . 0>0 __ 11 _ _ _ _. . . . . . . ._ _ ~q~---~-~-~ ' --~~~~----~~-_ __ Cigars and ,cigarett~s in Xmas packs Gray's Barber ~hop.
. A Merry Christmas a nd Happy James Me lure was in Dayton on Now Year to the High School and Tuesuuy. FaculLy.
Miss Emma Helghway spent last Thuuday in Cincinnati. Myer Hyman and family IIpent Sunday with relatives in Jamestown.
The honor ron was overiooked last Send t he Mia mi Gazelle to some week but it was found that there are fri end or r elative for Christmas. t hree stud en ts who received these Dr. p , A. Garner, chiropractor honors for t he last six weeks. They ' ure: Leba non, Ohio, Phone 78 , Gen ova Denlinger, J . W , Edwards und family were Catharin e Branstrator Rhopping in Lebunon. SuLunl.. y, Berl ha Filer. This is an improvement over the Select your gifts from our wind ow past term a nd we hope lo see more un<i ~uvc us lay t he'll1 away for you. Ed;udent~ with the ir names on the Gray s Barber Shop. honor ro ll next term.
Dr. P. A. Garner, chiropractor, Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 78. Mrs. W. H. Allen entertained the "bridge club'~ " Saturday afternoon. . Box candies make ideal gifts, We have all kinds. Gray's Barber Shop. Mrs. Lee Haw1c:t:. and dau&,hter Doris, were Dayton shoi>pers, Thursday. Trade lit Van Ofle 's, and save money. We guarantee to please. Mrs. Walter McClure and Mra. Jas. McClure were Xenia visitors, Tuesday. Beautiful are the GreeUnr and Christmas cards on display at Car)"s Jewelry Shop,Lebanon,OhJo. Mrs. Lester Gordon and Miaa Rose Wilkerson were shopping in Dayton, Thursday.
~riatmaa IIpecials in Silverware
Cary'. Jewelr)' Shop,
M Lo Prin H la M U bi d eFrssrs• R ls, arr Doaher viSitors a nk Sunday an. onson were ,ayton We , have . exactly what you want
makes it imperative that the mllin
, Mrs. T. J. arr and IIIrs, Flossie Cur ey were Cincinnati visitors, on Frl(luy.
Several coll ege stud ents, who are . for Christmas vacation, callle to Vl8lt W , H, S, this week. Among In celeuration of the ir son Paul's l hose were t he following: Carolyn SWartzel, Elsie Brad bury, Elizllbeth lwelrth birlhday anniversal'y, Mr, and Frances Henkle. an d 1\1 I'S, Fred III. Cole ellter41ined a rew ,of his boy friends last l<' riday All the stud ents of W. H. S are 'venlllg. December 16. A fter a sumptuous di nner , Mr. Cole took the looking forward to a week~ vaention uoys to the basketball game at t he for Christmas, It will be a rest from ~Yll1. ,Tho se who enjoyed the occa- study and we will all come back to sion wI~h Paul were. Cecil Davis, get r eady for exams in two weeks. Puul Zimmerman, Bufor d WaDace . This F,r iday th e Christmas program Will be given, The sixth and seventh , and Alvin Bernard. ' grades will g ive their programs in the Gym ?efore noon from 11 t o 12 :16; the High school program will be given at 1: 16; the eighth grade will have a short program in their rooms at ...- - - - - - - - , - - - "______... . __•_______ , _ "_ _ , _ , _ , _ 1 :16, th en they will come to the Gym I - -- -- -- , - , -~) Another hero has fought life's bat- for the High school program. THe tie and go ne to his rest. lower grades at t he Old building will • -. ____ ' _ , _ _ _ Charles Tregenna Hawke was born not assemble with the other claue. ncar Waynesville, Ohio, on March 4, owing to contagious diseases. but wlU have programs of their own in their • the place of his birth on December home rooms. 1927,J ohn Hawke and Mary Tre: the Rev. The basketball suits that were tak. DEATHS gen~a Hawke, were born in England, frn from the Gym were r eturned. exi~ ANE'S not!o ns of vested privilege, old insti- comlDg to America from Cornwall, cept one small package. 11 t utlons founded upoh tradition must England. Oharle. T. Cross, living about four " ive wny. C~arles Hawke was educated in {he miles lOuth of WaYnesville, dropped WEEKl~r .A long with the film come other public school and wae brought up on Last Friday night the bas1c:etball dead 011 the .treet in Lebanon last I thIngs that al'e uni versal and Interna. the farm. H~, bas always been great boys went to Centel7villl! to play.~The Tbursday even in&,o He had just spollonal, lhnt know no nations and do Iy interested In farming and 'has been first and second teams played Centerke .. to . a friend of not feeling well, ---n~t ~l\d~rstnnd lhe language of "pa- one ~f t~e successful farmers of the vi11e first and second team. W. H. S. aDd wa. In the act of en~rint Dr: THE GROWTH OF PEACE tnotism - arc, literature nnd com- com"!lumty. He has always loved lost both games. First team score was Blair's office when he was stricken. . meree. In the mnttel' of art it makes all kmds of stock raised on the f arm 27 to 26. Second· team score was 28 Death was due ~ apoplexy. He is The peace I~a i s grad ually grow- no difference where one comes and especially he loved good horses: ~o 18., The Runts played Xenia Junsurvived by bis Wife and one son. ing. Pea~e WIll nev.er ~e secured by ~rom nor who was one's father. It He was a man ,of good busineas judg- lor HIgh at Waynesvil1e and they al~neral lerVices we~e ' held in the anr artlficu~1 means ~ntJI.there Is suf- ~s t he sa me way with c~mmerce, if it ment, B,nd because of this was often so lost the, game with a · ecore of 10 , MaID ' Street ~esb~enan church at ~clent sentIment behmd It. That sen- IS prnli tabl to trade With the people called III as an appraiser of lands to. 11. ThiS Friday> tllglit, the teanis Lebanon, ' Mor.day, Rev. Lamy in tlment muat grow .It cannot be man- Of. a country, and no ideas of nation- ond estates. Will play at home • . First team will charre. Burial Willi in Centerville. u1ac:tured. nilly can prevent that occurrence, He began, as a young man the play the first team of Bellbrook. See__ ~ Of course every intelligent effort . In proportion as these un iversa l p,r ofession of auctioneering and for ond team will play Centerville's BecLee T. Oooper" retired capitalist, to promote peace b elps a long the Ideas. commerce, Lhe mov ies, art grow sixty.years has been one of the very ond team and the Runts , ~I play of Dayton, died Saturday night at growth and should be encouraged and spread, to t hat degree must pro- promment auctioneers of this sectiop. Franklin Runta. Theile promlae to Miami. Valley hospital,. fol1~win&' an but it should be remE!mbered that un~ vi ncialisn; and na~lonalism give way o.t the country and adjoining coun- be three good games, so Jlon't you openbon. He leaves hiS WIdow, for- iversal peace is not upon a solid foun and a SUitable basiS be formed upon ties, be the one to miss tbeht. merly E~el Williamaon, daughter of dation except as basj~d UPOn the will which to ereet t he structure of unlHe has always been a great lover MondllY evening Mr. MoomRw enMr. and Mrs. H. H. Williamson. of of all the people evel7Where 'versa I peace. , of music an d even in the later years tertained at his home all the teachera thia place. ODe SOD and one dau&'ht'er. Lillian Gish .the movie actre~ said the ~- • o,f his li fe be greatly enjoyed and in· of Waynesville schools and MIiJa Marrvieu were held at the other day: "I believe the screen will slsted up on the choir me I is latt, - rom y e. "-Cliristmas "as in ~he air and every one had Ilj ver)' en. home of hIa dau&,hter In Oakwood, brlng ,all men to a j!ommon concephome. mominr" Rev. Portet. tion 'of one God to a universal . On I, 1863, he was united Joyable evening. reetor of Cbrlat church, offiCiating. aense of international relation and Yes , McClure 's calendars will be In , man:alge to Eliza Chenoweth. To ---~-- ~ . duty." ' ready for you on Saturdsy. Decem- thiS umon we~e born ' two daughten, Ellen Mae LeWIS, eight-year-old One of the great in ber 24th, as usual. And with them and Anme. Both of these died daucbt81' of Mr. a~d Mrs. Claude Lew &,!,owth of peace Is t he movie. It we wish to extend to each and every 1~ young womanhood. Mrs, Hawke la, of near Lytle, died Saturday morn- speaks not in words Bultable, tor one one of you our very best wishes for dled on March 14, 1884. inc after an mneaa from scarlet fe- people and not anotlller but b . the , coming year. The day before ~n November 12, 1886, he was Ve! and diphtheria. Burial ws In turea which are undel'litn~dable ly ~~.~ Cbristmas is a good time to come and amte~ in .marriage to EVil Nulton. MlBml, cemeter)', Sunday afternoon, ~n ltalian paper recently protested get .one so we can wish you II Merry To thiS u!llOn were born two daughat 8 0 clock. 1I{,'3lDSt the influence of American ChnstmBS and Happy New Year. ters, Sybil and Helen. Mr. lIawke Hollywood screens. 'J rhis Is like proWALTER McCLURE been greatly interested in testing against the pr'oeession of the I J A M E S MCLURE' SCI dren and grandchildren. He Farmers 'of Ohio are not inactivell equinoxes. c . was anxious to see his children have awaiting "farm relief" from the gov. 1 h fll ·· a coliege education. One is a grad- ernment as a solution to their probWe' wilh to express ,our apprecia- rope ::; f thr,ough F;uThis Christmas buy he; "Yourex uate of Ohio Wesleyan university and !ems. They are gathering in tion of idndnese ,of our neighbors li:uro eans :rse; de , merl?an ones. Silverseal" Silverware. It·s depend- the would have been hut for and talking plans and orn of ~erlcan fUm s able and beautiful and cannot rust ,the unt lmel,y death of the wife and gan,l~ed effort to Impro ve their own and friend., al\d our deep gratitude for t~e slm I for the Cbriatmas gifts and other do- Th ' : ~s re:son In the world. or wear black. Cary's Jewelry Shop mother, which occurred January 17. position as never before, in the oplnnations. ' an~~har!! e er t an the European authorized agents In Warren county. 1918. Ion of Lee E. Earnhart. of ' the WarDavis FumlUl and ' Family. A ~aper. , . . Mr: ~awke h~s always been a pub- ren County Farm Bureau. • -. . Igalnst th,eae two I~rguments It 18 Our show eases sparkle with a wide !tc.splfled man, mterelited in the pubIt has been a number of years since t..~ goode~ __make splendid use e88 ~o obJect. . variety of girLs and a small deposit lic improvements of the community. farmers of the state have met and ~.uta. 1)88 the display at in American films .ar~ I>teadlly spread- will reserve the choicest gifts. Oary'! F.or several years he was one of- t talked so e nd intelligently ,....--',I 1.-e1- Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. nn~ the dl~:noclrlatJc jdeas free dom Jewelry Shop, "The Home of Gifts," dlrector~ of the Waynesville .N'ation- about m~thods of ,acing agriculture ~, ... " I eq ua I_y a over t he world. Old Lebanon. Ohio. al bank, and for a number of years on a b&8ls of equ Ity with other inhe was a member of the Miami cem- dUstriell, basing t statement on reetery board, in which he took a great porta of meetings eceived here from interest. He was a member of the state headquart ers of the Farm BuWayne Township Farmers clUb ofthis reau. Thi. situation does not lI\e&n to rt., Alber' To Reid community, which he greatly enjoyed that farmers of Ohio do not believe OIJ Mr, Hawke was n ever a member some government action is neceaaal7 flf any church. He has always been to help solve farm problems but that ' greatly interested In the Methodist helieve that much can be accomin Waynesville where he was pljshed by farmers themselves baptized in infancy; a~d to which his ~hat they must be organized to take wife and children belonged. But few advantare of a~y chance of relief ofpersons took a more active interest fered by the government. in the building of the present MethThe farm meeting 8eUOl\ in OhJo odlst churc~ than did he. He gave started in ear~est . with the holl!inc . freely of hiS money and time then of the State Grange meetinr iaii and has always been a liberal giver month, followed by the annua\ meetto the church, At the close of each In, of American ,Farm Bureau feeler- , year he was ready to help In _aeelng atlOn In Chicago, and to be followed that all bills were paid. He will be up now hy township meetinp in ' evgreatly missed in the community in ery township in Ohio. where their every way. problems will be dlac\llled: ' Mr. Ha\~'kc lived to the ripe old Delegates from county meeti..... age o~ eighty.four ye!lrs, nine months in turn carryilll' se..t;llllel\t develoPed a~d SI.X days, He leaves to mourn in township rathe1'inp are expected hiS gomg two daughters, Sybil, wife to attend the annual JIl.!!etlng of of Frank U. LeMay and Mise Helen State Farm Bureau at Ctilutnbu. 0 .. Hawke. Also he leaves five gTand. January 8Q and' tl. ' \ . children. six nieces and ne~ew8 and . • - ••~~..,..a very ll\rge number of dear f,hmds and good neighbors who will greatly mis8 him. Alfred Tennyson wrote: .
State employees numbl\ring many thousl\nd. will ret their Chrlatma, gift from the state in' the lihape of vouchers for the fun month's pay a week early. Arranrementa have been made by which the pay chacb usual. Jy distributed on January 1. will be handed cacllo employee this week. Hundreds of employees will return t~ their homes in varioul .parta of ~e state for ' the holiday vacation. Monday next wJl1 be genetally obaerv ed .as a holiday in not only all .tate departments, but by banks and the Federal government. There will be no cause' for com. plaint of the 80,000 or more wards of the state of Ohio that they wi11 be overlooked during the Yuletide lIeason. Managin&, officers of every instltutlon have planned for, weeks to make Chrislmas Day jUllt as happy as ..ible .for thOle 'handicapped phyalcally .and mentally, as well as the 5,000 prisoners of the, stste. There will be I1l1eelal dinnera, trees filled wltll toys al).d trinkets for the unfortunate children. good musical programs, plenty of candy and &,oodies,. art. of course, a real live Santa d Claus who will be buay all day. It will .be a holiday for prIsoner. who in addit ion to having many vlaiton: will have other unusual privileres extended to them. Movln.r picture Jhows are planned at several ineU. tutions, and the festivities whJch will begin with the risillg 8un on Christmas Day will extend until darknese covers the earth. .
Serioua consideration of the ' entunee of S~nato~ Frank .B. Willia Into the preSIdential. campaign is beIng elven by many- eutern as .well as other influential newspapers. All hold tbat the personality of the Ohio senator, together' with hi' experienee in puhlic Ufe. not only as .. 'ser.atbr. but all a representatlvfj in ' COngTeaa and ~overnor of Qhi,o, fit him as few men are f,or the preSidency. The New York World in a reeent issue laid tha~ at "this moment it ill a ,cood pmblers cue.s that the flnal choice will down , to Mr. Dawel, Mr. Hoover and Senator' Willie. Ohio Ia ce~in, to ..nd a solid ,deleption to the KanSaa City convention for Sen. ator WiUiII, and when the primaries are' held in o~e, states It will be proven that he-is a rear contender for the n"",lnatlon. ' Ohio Republicans plan, a ' "Willie for President" club that 111'111 be far reacliing in Ita work, probably IIlIjtend tp several atetes u well sa ever)' co'u nty in the state. As yet no co.llcrete plans bave been worked 'out by ~. frlen~s of the 8enaiOr. but ~at 'they mean to make a determined fight, to win the nomlnia~on la abaolu~ely certain. : _..:..,._•• .- ___, _ ", ' .
Mrs. Merle Kerns of ColumbUB. ar rives tonight to spend ChriatIllU ",Ith relatives. Have you bought your Ohrlstmu candies? Go to Van OJlen••• ·u they ,the finest candiea in town. ,and ~e lowest price. ' . The E~ltern ~tar Christmas party ~iI1 be gwen thiS, Wednesday, eventnI'. All membel'B are ureed .to be present. . We sell ~e Dlp!&day pen and ad. Juatable pen lOcket. It Ie 1tric:Uy a ~esk p~n. Com, ill and llee theJp. ary's e.welry Shop. Lebanon, Ohio. L al' Le I f CI . Th e Je wda, FOIda nCI;nrtlt spe..t It~ra ,~y an r y 0 as week ;. s hG &'!'~ndParents, Mr. and Mrs. • • fa m. , Fruits, velfCtAblea, toy.. candle.. nuts, tree ornaments and qualIty .f ood products at ~n Often'.. One ticket with every 26c purchase , for the big draw'i nr, Saturday, December 24, at 8' p. m. J. O. ,C!irtwrlght and f~mUy were dInner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith In Dayton. Sunday. and later enjoyed the Henr)' Ditlel recital of Christmas music at the N. O. R. school hOuM. - Then are Chriatmaa rift. here to plaUe ever)' pUI'I8 and we ca.. lAye money for ' you. Shop early. C4liT. Jeweir)' S,h op. "The Home 01 Gilt." Lebanon, Ohio: ' Mrs. John ' SlmplOn aceompanted by her , two dau&'hten 'and two sona, Vern and' Clarenee vialted ,elatiy. in Elmira, N. Y.; 'lut week. Mn. Simpson will remain for a more ex. tended via.i t. . \What are you golnr, to c:ive Santa QIaulIT We $neJit ' 'clp;r holderS, clraret~ polde~, cigarette .cas,!s, cirar cuell, tobacco . pouclies. pipu. punel, e~. We have them all. Gray'a Barber Sh~p.
Dorii lIenderson and' Rhea Janet Cartwrltrht, of Western eoll.... F'l'anees and Elizabeth Henkle., of Wittenberg. Louella ·WIlUamlO.. ' of Ohio Wesleyan and Mr. JOhD of ,M~ami university, are home for th~ Christmas holldaya.
You 8X}'eet the watch 70a ba7 ~ ~n 2' h,oun 8: -7, '1 ..,. Ia tbe week, 52 . . fa til. yean aneDdiq, When wp 'J'OV watch elUDed &Dd oDed. W. IIaft
efB~I\' ~ at Cu.-,....
~...ewe1r7 SIaOp, La 0tiJ0: ' Followine their a~nual eutom, tile
~P~~.~~~~P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ U43.~d~~~~~I~~
l"ounrbrid~';' don~t
1(rI;' want have a", vouble 'With you. ' Brtdpt." Oook-uThen. ~d, ma'am, lor me hear no eomplalnta.l • • No". that tit. football Ii eDded and " ..rat lIIimon h,.., JOuq mel! "tD ..ot be ., buq-wlar, we'D ~ & buketball ......
• _.
81110kbw " . . . . ita one-poud hu. mtdol'fl aJio oDe-haIf ponda. ' lor laD ~ ' a...,.~ JlarWr Shop. "
.( ' .
Th. tnt .... JOUI'.m.& OMI wm look ,fir' 0 .. 'the , . . . . ,..... J01I lin, tIt_ ~ II .... ~: \ "0e0J0p 8. ~J)uOtol4." ..... . . . . . . . . a.nJj
a endars
~~s ~~aY8
~ee~ ~~ ~~
,.,.., ..... ~ . . .
Now is the Time for Santy
MnlM Go;od
' "
"Sunset end evening star, And one clear call for mel , A d h b . n t ere e no moaning of the When 1 put out to sea • . For such a tide as moving ..elll. ~Ieep , Too lull fqr sound anJ foam When that which drew from out the • b~undlese deep Turns &pin home.
" " " TwDlght and eveniDg bell, A~d after that the darkl And, mey there be ..0 II&OOese of fare· well '-' ' I embaH.. For thouah from out oW' Iiourne of
b . ad 'place, T Th. IOGd ma, __ me tar•
lid palM . . . .
.... .. r-.. ......... ~'
Card of Thanks ~e
childlen of Mr. a.n d, lin. 1. C-{Hawke 'a..emqled at the homlltUd .bUt 'Sunday, peeeml)er 18. for ~ Chrlatmaa , ',' ,r rellnlon a ..d dblner. ' ThOM. .pnaent Th' ,J," 1 T ' ~ 'L.. " were Mr. ~d' Kn. <1. tr. Frolllm aha • e , )'1'•. emperance .......o .. ,wu family .Mt. an'd ' lIn; 'Lee iIa..... mln- famllt. of WaJDea'rille' JIj aad el1t:ertained In a mOlt ner at the home of J~ ' CUT, ~o Ray pawu and ' f K • li!ftd~. weeks a,o. · 'A n ' lliteresti , \ mnt. Karl ' ~wke ' 01 Inr ~aa held al!d a del.hfful luncli Vance and';'.. of PI II; __ ph was sened. " . ." I . . ., . ......la. , , The ,meetil!lr w,e ek' wtll be held ' Our ioDeetioa " . at the h\lll!e Of Lillian ' KIn.,. 'Th~rs- watchu ~, allTer'wu. Ie ~ lit a daf, just A!ter IIchool. pur, member- InteNatlq . W. . . new an7'j."., J01i ,~",,: cIo~ ship ill, lncre~Ir:*~ ~ It wUl J1a7 J'01I',to eu,'1 . " DON~T WANT TROUBLE J..,.~ 1IIoP;, ...... Hom. of GIftao" . ~ , tcbUlO'" 'I'ttlO. ,..', , ... ""', '
Temperance Lep.oD
ho m ~
. Charles T. Ha\\t'ke
~~~~~~u6n~~.~~~~~n~G~mG~d~~~~~===:~:~~====r====================~~~~~~~~ lO,
be widened and I!tralghtened imme- es. Cary'. JewelrJ Shop, Lebanon, diately. " Ohio.
Whole Number 5784
to 188 lilY Pl10t faee
WIl.. I Ita... «oued the liar." , ,
(In tbem by p ublication.
NEWS GLEANED SaVin gs are Safe"
ERt r Daly vs. Hlln'iet Only, dl. vorllc. OIll'1 • Hougham ,,~. Howard deuoon, mouey only, nlllount clnimed 37 0. 811.
outhard, township. S ott Osborn unt! Mllry_ A,. Rborn to Mary Little , two town lots III outh Lebanon. W. 1;;1. nook to Edward Snook, G 3.4 town neres in Iiumillon Tp. Finl y Thomas niHI Sara A. Thom~ to Dave Finkelmnn, on town lot III F rankHn. James Smith to B. F. Thompson, \,wo town lots in Deerfield Tp. Idl ridll'e Popc to Lee Brandenburg 12.37 ncres III Franklin Tp. , Henry Christian to Hannah Chris· t inn , 63.88 acres in Ha milton T p. • Alvy F. Simonton. by executor, to the Lov 'llI nd Nalionul brink, 20 town acres in Deertleld Tp. Fort!8t W. Pence, by sheriff, to Harry II . Pence. 88.25 ncre8 in Clenr. rCl'k Til. Mary' E. , Siegfl'ied to W. H. IltJd Edna I~ . McEwen, one tow n lot In ' pringbol'o. . , ~.d J . .., ~~. & ' . ~ ~. '!i.:k !U . &1
'I'he \V (' lflu'l! L 1111 Co . "s. Putrlck The ase aga im.t Eddie ]I i. on \Vila Olll' lI(,r, Anne GII)·ntlr, l\Iuy Ouynol' set for hellrlllg Frida)", Dece mber n. lIa rding Ella B. allyn"r, Puul G!\y. Sentence WIIS dcfel"l'crl to u Iuture nOl', G u'y Onynbr, lI11l :'jorie Guynor Ph i." I time in the elise uguinst. BI'ml\ey lind tho PIlQjll ('~ Bllildi ng L,ou n and Grill'on. llhl.ltTa"lon. lor H.nl:Y Jay, .... Savings :ompllny, judgment 0 11 note Twenty·five persons wer made Oop"yr1&ht. Mlc:ha.el V. Ph, I h p .. RAI .... .." thru l'Wolu.he.. Av.1.oCut.er S.r vl~ pnrties defent11lllt in the cn.~e or Mal- $400. lI11ckn ey Bros. & '0., vs. II. C., vi II II Stucy VS. S~necu Cornell. Frunklill, IIPP'III. N.w Hom .. for Main Orrico . ourl directed Bert Elmer Espy to "rhe J(nrz-l(a~h Co ., vs. the Van "" .. appeu l' In court on December 1!) to Unrllc Co. llilpol ntlllcnt of receiver, pl~nd his cnse brought by Mollie Es. Mary A ~hc St Clui l' vs. M,i1lon H. name nnd add ress were printed on p),. CHAPTER X LX Sf. III it'. t1h·ol'c('. I!'rO~9 IIc!(,lecl. the sack in black letters. He whls· SU 51p Buchanan was grnnted n di. PROBATE PROCEEDINCS tied when their significance came to VOI'C(' from J ohn T . Buchanun on the GI'U"C 'l'hoIll1'51111 maul' uppliclltion Ju.t D ...... rt him with the others. He was, the grounds of extreme cruelty. Hnrry H .. Pene filed his n1lltion to tllk e und" I' the will "f Rlllllh G. A light !.ruck was standing ncar the slick one. u director of the bank, E,I· and el eclion to take certuin premises Tholllp~lllI . cilr on the side of the mOllnd- the <lie reculled. lloyd S. RlIl hgclH,' r WII~ nuthori7.o(1 scar which he and PII~ hod noticed 011 When he drove back ,to the big tit lheir nppruiRed vulue. the first day of their journey of elC· rn nch, Dnvenant himself, bJack with Court ord ered that a deed for cer. to reduco th e tru st estuLe of William Compounded ploration. Two men were busil y at pussion, met him at the door of t he tain property he conveyed to Robert Burton. Application was III lule for the ad· work, scraping und shovcling ~hc sour bunk house. rIm'rison, D. A. Harrison and Wal. S.. mi· Annually ml sion of ROBe Huug Into thc DIlY. smelling enrth into sacks whIch they "Get your dirty trups together, tel' 1''i.ttH. loaded onlo the truck, One of thelll Porb es, and make tracks," snn.rlcd t he It uj)jl"nring to lhe court t ha t at ton State h osllital. Apprnifters werc appointed to 'SeUIt,. was t he Long Portllge .!xprcssmnn. big man. ' lhllt time an order to pay $25 to Rob. First Mortgage on Real Estate Secur"Why, Mr. Davenant, what's the crt W. Brown was not entered\" the t hl!" estute of l>~m il M. Runyan. Eddie's face hardened at sIght of th~ ity. The best Security. Nothing The last will und testnment of Wil. other. It wns his companion of tht' motter?" naked Eddie, In surprise. cour'l onlered that this order be now liam P. Vand ervoort Willi admitted to Safer-Nothing Rr tt r. night of thl' accident. the youtl.1 who "Matter?" e(: hoed Davenant, doub· pn fered hy the clerk. probate . /\ Ihcrt L. Hnwley wns directed to had so cl'o\'enl:; dc~e rterl to a\'(lltl the ling his tlst.s , and Eddie no ticed that . ASSETS OVER $12,000,000 1I111'I'y ~. Sch nell flled first nnd fin possible conscquences 0 fdi scovery. t he fo rmidable knuckles were barked, upp('nr ill court DcrC'mbel' I!} to show More than 2,200 Member. As Eddie Cilme upon th e wOI'kel"s, " ma tter? You've been giving Iiq· cn!! : I' fl,)' his diso hedience of a- for. al lIcc()unt II ~ nd ministratol' tie boni, Tuesday, 9 a.l)'l. 4 p.rn nOli of t h l' ~lule of HnUIe C One of the largest and . trongest 8880the youth stnrtec\. Then he lelmet! <lor to MilIig, that's nll." Ill"" I"'lIl'I' of the court. Saturday 9 a.m 8 p.rn S ch1Il'lI. ciation!! in t he state. . . on hi shovel. He smiled insolenUy. MiIIlg another form hand, had man· ,lo\'11 C'lITolI \Vns orde r 'd to appear W. 11. Allen. trustee, filed t he lIinl.1. Why take Chances on Get-Rich-QuIck "Gee, you're an ea rly riser'," was the aged h~reto fonl to keep his potations .in ( tll!I·t to show cause why h e has not CarYl Jewelry Shop acco un t .of the estute o f E!izobtltb Scheme. and lose all. first rClIlnrk. from tho notice of t he owner. But obe yed the former orders of t he court. Haines, benctlciury. "The Homo of Giflo." "Have to be, to keep my form he had, seemingly, been carless, hnd T hirty one non.residents of the We re.pectfully .olicit your p tl'ona .. e Annn M. Snider filed first and final from being carried oway. What's t he been thrilshed when he grew impu- stnt" Wl're notified of service mnde necount as administratrix of tho es big iden?" . dent, and discharged. THE H'WE YOUR EYES EXAMINED tate of Mary J . Roat. "You mean-this?" The you h "But I didn't. give him liquor," pro. - Ca therine M. Bodley and Dollie M. nodded at the truck. "Well, t hey sny tested Eddie. this stuff Is good for stock, salt in it, "You did. Don't lie to me." J ackson filed their tlrst and final at:- -=~~~~====~=~=~~ count as admiuistratrices of the es. ';: you know. So I was getting some "I te ll you] didn't," returned Ed. for the cattle at Encell's." di e, shnrply. OUT Practical Pattern tal~ of Thomas B. Bodley. DR • C • W• HENDERSON Ral ph Whitacre fil ed Becond and "At Encall's ?" "Well he got it from you. You No. 1226 "¥es. ' 1m visiting over t here, you had it.'" . fina l account of tho ('slute of Walter Office - Amen Iidg. E.tabli.h"d 1887 . Wh itner ... know." . . "He didn't. 1- " he began, and O .. FICe: HOURI Emma A. DcGnrmo file d first a m' 19 EAST THIRD STREET Edd.ie r egarded him. speculatively. stopped. He re called the bottle in linnl account us executrix of tl>e ca. !l t.. II II . m . :j I .. Ii (J . m ' "Well, of course I'd Irke t.o sec. En· his suitcase. J 156 WEST THIRD STREET tllte of Harry . DeGarmo. cel's stock do weU," he said, nlllrlly. ,, ' . i ' " !l P m. 5JO EAST FIFTH STREET "But wouldn't it be courteouB to ask "Huh! 8'?:0w l~d Davenant ~t. .hl,~ H. B. Thompson flied first and /In. Telephonesl me first about this stuff I" hes ita~cy. You d better admit It.. nal IIccount 115 IId minis!.rator oi the "nice . ao DAYTON, OHIO The sneer in thc' young man's smiltl :EddIe entered th ~ bunkho?se. HIB e~tl\te of F'in lry Thompson: , , Reeldence • eel"", became more pronol1nced . "Why sUitcase open, lay In t he middle pf The Leba n,· n.Citize ns National Waynesville, Ohio should I ask you? You lose thi s t he floor. The bottle ~vas go~e.~o BanI; f:lcll ncr oncl und final account a8 administrator de bonis non of the place on tax-title the first of n ext r~thurnMed ~ the ~~t~lde. k 0 ~rudrge month. I'm alrendy the owner. 1 rig t, r. avenan, Ie ac n "e . estute of Jo 'eph H. Wild. bought the title from the Brower e~ · ed. A wn.r~nt for the . conveya'lcc oj Rose Haug to t he Dayton State hostate by -bllegraph two days ago." "There wns some liquor in my bag, was issued. pital "The Browe.r estate?" echoed Ed- and it's gone. I didn't g ive it to him NOTARY PUBLI C or tell him- " Walter Kenrick flied his statement F ...· . . . . . . . . . . . o~ aD Ida", plea.. ,i•• u. a eaJl. Reuoaab1. prle.. die puzzled. of indebtedneS8 and expenses :\8 orl. ·~SUI'e. You don't know what's go- "But yo u lIad it." The owner's N •• innal Bania minjstrator of t he estate of Samh ing on under your own n ose," wns voice rose to a shout. You k n ~w how !Mu'•• Ann Foster. " ·.10 Draw . the contemptuous retort. Old Brow- I hate booze, but you brought It here. Appraisers were appoi nted for tbr er died suddenly, and the family I suppose yo u Jagured on a spree yourW . ~ yne . . ille. Ohio settlement ot t he estate of John F. not care about t his northern Michi- self. l'~e ~ notion to g ive )!o.u what Conover. gan estate idea of his. All his tax I gave him. . He advanced, hIS arms . The Fifth-Third Union Trust Co., " ",as nam ed executor 01 the will III William P. Vandervoort. Catherine M. Bodley was appointed guardian of Elizabeth G. Bodley, Cathe rine G. Bodley nnd Alfred J. MONEl' LOANED Bodley, the appoin tment was accept,.. ed. The last win and testament of LOA-Nfl on Chtlttell,Stocka, Securl· tiel and Second, Mortgages. Nom Linnie J. Reeves was admitted to pro. bate. . lo ug ht. John Harblne Jr., Xenia, ·mSO·'2t1 Appral~ers 'I\'ore appointed tor the Oblo. . settlement of t he estate ot Artbur TmeY. Court confirmed the--re~t'lce IJ'hompson as executrix of the estate Farme1'll of W.. rren ' and adJoin countle~ may obtain' money on Ion. of Ralph G. Thompson. Jobn Goddard was appointed to reo time I\lana,. at 6 per cent InttNllt:place Ed S.- Conklin as appraiser of Cost Of lecurlne tbe ume I. "'7 rea· the estate of Emil M. Runyan .• sonable ,tbrourb Tb" Federal Lan. Fashions fads and fancies rna, Fred S. Ertel flIed ' a finding ana Bank. For further InformatioD eal come aad go, but nothing ' can take order tbat the estate and lucceBlliona on or addreu M• .C. DRAKE, Tr. . . the place of the slI\artly and semi. therein of Sopbfa C. Ertel are urer. phone SIS·X, Lebanon. Obfo. tailored dre.. In the wel\-dressed empt from Inherjtance tax. The defendants having voluntarUy woman's wardrobe. Tbil particularly , .eraplne and ahovellne th" aour- cffectlvt model makes we of any of entered tbelr appearance, the plain. 0 rk FOR RENT ' Two m.n war. bu.lk\Y a~1 they loaded onto th" truck. • i the new fall fabrics and colors . tiff, Merrin Jroctor Ball, waives all .mellinr .arth into .a!= awe Black satin would be Munning made time in which to answer or file other FOR RENT-HoUle of S UOIDI, ODe up with a white crcpc vestee and plllnding · and consented that the acre of &'fOund, at Dodds. R, E. SIJn-: . cuffs' with a rhin estone buckle and t I got swingmg. k h '11 titles were put on t e mar e . "Well, mayl~e you cnn, but you IlUttons to" set it 011 . Th e new sh ade prayer' of said petition be granted. kin.. See Everett Gustin , for par.. ;4121 this. So, really I liave moro right get so' methinl', in return," .snapped of ' chestnut brqwn In faille silk or Merril1 Proctor Ball was then nuthor. ticdlars. ized to carry out t he contract as ex. would go' well with and clUmeulh, ·col· here than you.~' d Edd'. Eddie. "You won't be beating up a crepe or~d f.eorg~tte vestee ecutrjx of the est.ate of Ma!)' V. Wi!"LI'sten, kid," commande Ie, drunken squal·.ehead if you ..... any f th son. WANTED "'." leave suggest while or Rally 'Wea er, we quietly." You're off-away 0 II'• You funny business with me. I'll 'wool crepe rOIl)' jersey. . I No dressmaking eJqlrnence J MARRIAGE LICENSES NOTICE haven' t any right · here until after yo u a few marks, anyway." the ft -t da" of next month. Then "Get oil' my place," shouted 'Dav· needed to make Design No. 1226.. M.ay . [ AM now 10cated.lIi tbe Ibop formyou Only ( have J ''"''t If I fall to. e·nant, more furiously than before. be obtained in sizes _36 to 48. S Charles Hugb Smith, Middletown, a rl6U . Ill! .. ~ ert- oecupled by JobD Lo111'. Le.• W U laborer, and Opal Beatrice ManlUlU, me help Y redeem the property. · e" It'll Lrll But hiB advance ceased, Eddie came IV requires 3 1/3 'yar dI 0 f 40. meh you keep the 110d e1 T runredeemed. So right noyw ,you rtee la out to loa" his pOll8ell8ions in the car, material and yards of material for Franklin. H k d f nln.. frank W. Crew, pbone 8aFIIl. f u re B a " eSlee. Hllrvey ac mon, ra litman, .d21....,.. trespasser• and a t b'Ie. 0 • the OW11,er wars nowhere to be seen, v Patterns will be delivered to an)' Foster andJ. Alberta Barber Wri,ht, ing my pr6perlY." - - Bull the forelman, WBII, and· be was t\ddress upon receipt of ,25c. in Kings ·Hilla. man betweea The lean·jjawed expresame~ ru~·t regr~tful and lIympatheth;. . or U. s. rostage. Alway_ mention the ... of. 25' !and 110 to JUak" col;!bed his bristles nervously. Ddlld (To 1::.;le..,'. .;,c.. on... . ire wanted. ,Address, Patkrn Dept, REAL ESTATE S nectlon wi eatabllah"d . blame me, Mr. Forbes," he plea e • . • .. • tWa Dew.paper, r _ , ...... 'l'bJa op""'rtullitJ is open In ' ,our "He said he owned this when he hlr· Sut.._-- f"r the IIJamJ Gaiette. Eleanor Van TreBII .Smlth and, ..., r... 1_. ___ I ... d
.. II==-=--====-=---_ M RUD' O LPH DR. E. , EYESIGHT SPECIALIST
F a~m.ers, Attention! In.
W.F.tMadden & CO.
Wayne.viI1e, Ohio
c~sb ' a~nographer,
"You'ro using pretty l'Ough lan· ~~=~~~=~====~=~~~===~~=~~~=~~=~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~-~q. pencil OD ftaulta. P~t oat.clOOl' ~~~~~~ a e Forbes," commented the work caUlQ 011 faimen with' co. . ~u~: coolly. "Thief, eh? I'll ahow S'MATTER POP lID. ofof ~, hoaaehold necelliU., aptcelf, Y the first of the month. Where tqtlet
~-------- . ------
would you get three hundred and fifo ty dollan to take car.e of that .~xtitle?'" ~e laughed ironically. Ev· cryone knows you're broke, that your wife hns left you and you're just stall ing here because you don't dare show your face in Scottdale. Why you eseaped being a jailbird because tbat old erook of !" gov~rn~r par~?ned you, So don't. get; fresh With me. "SO that's it eh?" was Eddie's comment." Well, 'I don't think t'hose few sacks of eartb are worth much. But you'll leave them, juab the same. Un· 1I 10ad. . d h' The youth's reply waa to rop IS shovel a nd .rush , n scowl on. his weak, dark face.· Eddie met him with a stra,ight right hnnder thst puft'ed the loose lipe. As a fight it did nO,t co~~ pare with the fierce battle against the motor-tramp, This ' adversary had neither the courage, the strength nor the reaolution of tbe wanderer. . His eyes were b1a:ckened and hill nose was bleeding, though he had scarcely left a mark on Eddie, when ' he turned his back and clamored onto the truck, "All right, ·you big bully I" he com· plained. "I'll have. the laugh whim . the sherif! throws you . off. You P'Jt your foot on here and I'll shoot yo~ like a dog. Y Oil, I willi" he raved, u the exprei sman started' 'the truck. ' "And 'rou kee.p .awaY from Nance EnceD, or I'll drill you anyway," "So that's it?" mused Eddie. "I remember he alWays did like her: Of COUJ'lll! be wl'uldn't· have been 10 nut)' .if it hadn't been for booze. His breath wu like a distil.l.!1fl He got away with, that dirt, after all" Oh, . well, r guell8 he paid for it." He ned , Absentmindedly be picked up an sack, one whlch had been left lJhIch' hacl been overlooked. A
IMnDe ·reinedt., pollltr; '~"o~ . An oPO. • Bfe tim" for a hlllUer. he~l but not ,MGeI....
M'I-:?o'i:>, ~ ..,.. c'" •• i ' ..A! N U-r +\AN J. "
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and rOof,,~eIDeDt, patobblr pIM- .> ~Der ~ Uqlllc1 .fw ,ltopPlq 1ft be~ P~'" ",.. pi,. , Id.~titr. 'l'lDJ BOOKtLE'l'. KING
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lone thing such Hurvey should moat \ Ac:co~~nt -"- _ cl1rtainly lnuludc Is I'ellable and . 'S~, F-r r;;VERY ·· WEDNJ;:RDAY.... 1pl~Lo d.1I1.t1 on t.he .par.t Fifty farm a-c-c-o-u-n-t books have just •• piaYR In t.he distribution problem . J." Lh d' b f it been received from ' our 'State Agri11 ...... <1 ., ,10. r ... t"(li • • 1 Warn ...III. II\'IIre8 gil e rc In a num or 0 c cultu'r al college fOI~ distribution at 'I"'a . •• S .. ond I... M.iI AI"".. i ' S show thllt a stnrtUngly large The Frie'nds had their Christma!! ~I ' ntllgc of firm s failing in thQRe program Sunday mor,ning. coat (150 each) \.0 the first . fifty ".,jOuin'Ion Pri.,.. S1.50 p . . Y... r Wl1t' non-lIdvl'itifle rs. If . farmers 01 Wllrren I~ o'unty wlio want ' Mr. unci Mrs. hlll'les Gray wer~ to keep records n.ext year," 'Says . . ~- - - - - - - - - - - - authorizes the Surv(!y- nnd Lo,nllrer5' .'ubli.h., should- tho Oepllrt ment of ' shopping \0 Cinc inn~ti, Monday. Oounty Agent 0la811, who explained '.1. -::nAN£ t hat thewages average willthe receive Mr. an d· Mrs. C. E ' . G(11'(Ion an d son higher per fal'mer hllur for time - m ' I'CO in gat.h"ring the d ala s h. 0 uld ~e(!k t1 uln ori tntivc ' nfen'mation show- Rob art, were Dayton shoppers, Satu.... . k ' . I d f U· E l.'.r.!BER 21, 1027 M,i'f";",..=-n";;;r"1tT;:a-~~~~~1~n~~ee~p!1l1~ni¥g~lIs th~Jl..1o~IU1Y simp e recor 0 " illg how advol'tis'jn~ ell'echs th8emr~lllateLJ:.e0f~d....a~y~. busin ess l1l(lrtality among othW d el' tllilers . . VISitors, e T)te MIt of January is an excellent time to start a farm record. In BE GLAD AT CHRISTMA~ The Sunshine club he ld a load addition to furnishi lng the farm acS11lc . ill SIl" I1' ~ slore room Saturday co unt book s, County Agent Class al. If yo u arc one or those who so plans to hold a sl!ries of meetings this "malerialistic" age is tntt""'In,n evelllllg. early in January a t which time a A pleasing Christm8 s Ilrogram was farm manage ment expert from Ohio o a fa ll, be gtud for Christmas. Thia iH tlle dllY when the years roll back, lit Jonuh's ltun church Sunday State university will help larmers of unci u11 the world is young. motnin g. Warren County begi'n the ir accounts Let Dad get his Cl1ristmas thrill Both of OUI' baskclbu lJ teams lost and explain fully the work throughby ~h owing ~he children just how the to 11ft. Plcusnnl III Ml. Plcusant, fri. out the year. Th e number and lonew toys work. I.et Mother get her day evening. cation of th ese mcet.ings will depend thrill when the f!lmily pitch es in and - ~= devours the feast und er which the M. C. Gordon spe.nt c,ve ral days upon the demand for' them, so all farl,able groans. And the children- this week III Wuyncsville With Mr. and mers interested', sho uld report to WHAT A CENT WI'LL BUY County Agent Class or his office in we il, they know how to enjoy Christ- M1'8. Lesler Cordon. thc near future. I .m ono cent. " I mus without any prodding. Steal a Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Co lletl and son, I . won't buy R stick of candy any pogo Irom childhood's bO,ck, Ilnd be Robert, who is home fr om Miami MiIglud for' Chr iSLmas. it.ary inslitute, for the huliday seamore. Magically. Irom IIging shoulders, son, and Miss Villn lIuikins were Day I won't pay the gas tax on one gulyou'll find the hurde ns Rnd cal'es of ton shoppers, Monday. 10n' l Ull this business of making a Jiving will Ibuy no newspapers nowadays. Mr. and Mrs. Charl es E. Cordon To fix the compensation of certain drop away. Tomorrow, true enough, I buy no bananas. entertnined delightfull y Friday even. Officers in the Village government: I can't even go to Sunday Schou I they may return- but who looks toing, Five Hundred being the diverBe it ordained bl' the Council of morrow when Christmas is here. alone, sion. Those parlaki ng of their hos. the Village of Waynesville, State of glad fo r Christmas. I CUll th illk of more things I used to pitality included Mr. and Mra. Frank Ohio. - - -do that I lim no longer allowed to do SECTION I-That the compensaSquires Mr. und Mrs.. E. C. Mann on, than any husband In the wo rld. FILLERS Mr. and Mrs. Joe DaVI S, Mr. and Mrs. tion of the Mayor i!1 hereby fixed at J will buy a green postnge stamp Howard Craham, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. the sum of One Hu.ndred and Fifty but you can't Bcnd anything anywhere Bigger and better impeachments. Gray, Mr. anu 1111-8. Hobert Stump, Dollars ($150.00) per annum, payany mOI'e with that. seems to bo the slogan of the Okla- Mr. and Mrs. W. P . McCarren and ab le quarterly. Eleven months in the year I am hom a legl8lature. SECTION II-Thlat the compensaMr. and Mrs. E. M. Villars. good for nothing. :- -: t ion of the Clerk is hereby fixed at But in Deccmber, oh, boyl the ijum of One HU{ldred and SevenWe so metimes wonder if the rcason Th.e n I come inLo my own. ty-Five Dollars ($ll75.00) per anAdam broke witli Lillith wasn't that I buy the most beautiful dccoration num, payable quartc~ rly. Christmas WA S drawing near. for a Christ.mas gilt package. : - -: . SECTION In-That the eompensaI buy a picture that makes the old tlon of the Marshall is hereby fixed An Orcgon man put a billiard ball folkl\ young· again. ' at the sum of Three Hundred Dollars I buy a sticker that a child loves to in bis mouth and couldn't get it out, 11'6 ,Rue ALL MEN Art£ (.$300.00) per annUIn, payable month thereby proving there is justice in lick, but shouldn't. ly. Boru. Pft..1!e ANC EQUI\L the state of Oregon, I buy 80mething that sticks to its SECTION IV-That aU ordinances job until ill gets where it started. or parts of ordinlaDces or amendI buy hope for the sick. Nobody loves a fat man, they say, ment8 of ord inance~ inconsistent here I buy health for a child. 'b ut anyway Lhe fat men we know with be and the same are hereby J buy happiness for the man that manage somehow to keep from starvrepealed and this ordinance shall IIpent me to buy hope and health for ing and to be happy htrough It all. take effect and be in force from and ' some one else. :--: afler the first day o,f January, 1928. I buy, • Cbri.tm •• S •• 1. Out of 6,000 convicts in New York Passed December 9, 1927. state prisons, 3,000 are said to be idle, T. E. ROGERS, Mayor. and there at least;' the unemployment BETTER JURYMEN L. A. ZIMMERMAN, Clerk. situation seems to be serious. :-S'e nator Norrl6, of Nebraska, is reSHUFFLE ' EM UP por~ed to be working on a plan en- . A. New YOrker stands ready to eell abling eelection of better jurymen famIly trees for $250, and ther~ are "That sailor's a eard." thin are ehosen undel' the present plenty of families th.at would pay that "Yeh. that comes from bis associa. lIyatem. He ,believes signs of Intelll- muc~ and more Just tor a little DIDN'T L1K~ MUTTON t ion with decks." cence IIhouid be no bar to seleetlon. prunmg. :- - : A fromertook .his .w ile ~ a con, Competent veniremen, he observes, are rejected if they admit they havD President Coolidge has made it cert, and a£te~ hstenmg WIth app~rread about the cuse in. the newspapers perfectly plain to everybody, except ent joy the pair suddenly becume mSince in these day ot widely cireulat- perhaps Senator Fess" that when he. terested in one of the choruses: "All • ed, widely read newspapen anyone does not choose he mean. he does not we, like sheep, have gone a5tr~y." with even moderate worldly knowl- choose. . First a sharp so prano vOice exOPTOMETRIST :--: claimed: "All we like sheepi" next 'edge will have read about an important eaae, Senator Norris cannot see . So many ham,mer merduers are be- a dee~ ~~ice utter~d in a mO~,t earnest Sp.ci"aliainll ill th. Fitllll, of who an ud~quate jury can be chosen ing ·committed..these days that if Con. tone: All we, like sheep. Then it all Ruch veniremen are rejectl)d. greB!! keeps up with the' crime newlI all the singers at once /Il!serted: "All GI...... for B.ttt.r Vi.ioll. This sYlltem of selection probal.ly the country can expect a law for- we, like sheep." hu a great deal to do with the 8ston- bidding the sale of hammers any day "Well, I don't I" exclaimed the farWrite for ,Fr'e e Booklet iahJng verdicu rendered in 80me re- now. mer to his wife. "I like beet and cent trials. But Senator Norris will ._ _ . bacon, but I can't bear mu ton," find he hu hia work cut out for him The principal of a New Jersey ' • - ••- - "Your Mo.t Pri".II ... PO.!4I"io• ." In effecting any. change ~ven though high sehool recently told the girla in LOAFS AND FISHES the system . does m~ke It easy for his school that s m'o king is a man's "Which af the parables do ou Detro,i t St":';'t, ' Xe~ia, Ohi~ IIma~ lawye.rs ~ bring about a ~18- sport and should remain so;- ~wlijCh best?" said the miniJter to a oy C8mBge of JustIce. causes Q8 to wonder if he doesn't the Sunday Schoon • • - -have In, mind a certain brand of ci"I like the one where somebody HELPING R£"TAILERS " garettell people walk miles for. loat I18Dd fishes," was the u\1expeeted
F arm
The annual eleotlon of the stockholders of the WaynesvilTe National Bank for the purpose' of electing officers for the ensuing year, wi11 be held at their ba.n king rooms on day, Janual'Y 10, 1928, between hours of 1 and 3 p. m. L .. M . HENDERSON, Cashier. .. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Anna Maria Dean, deceased. Notice is hereby given that J. O. Cartwright has been duly appointed und qualified 08 execulor of the estate of Annu Marin Dean, la te ' of War ren Count, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 9th day of December, 1927. W. Z. ROLL, Judge of the Probate Court, Warren County, Ohio. Dean E. Stanley, Atty.
----- -
New Yea Right
Send the Gazette to some friend.
" t.I
Ordinance No. 119
MIGHTY CHEMISTRY NO ATHEIST GRIP INDUSTRIAL WAI OUR STANDARDS' Dr, A. B. Lamb. who teachel chemistry at Harvard, laY' chemleu will solve "humanity'. thr•• major problema of the future, the aupply of energy, of food, and preventloll and cure of di.eau." Progreaa is .wift. Twenty-.eftD years ago chemiltl lO\emnty agreed that In eheml.tl7 the limit of knowledge had about been reached. And ,ince 1900 010" ~ been learned about chemillry alid . its poulbllities, including con.true:- " tion of the atom and the power locked up in It than had bMn learned In all the prenou ccul1irie.. -, .
The Rev. Frank W, BIble, mIeo! .Ional')', .IYS "Athei.m I. ip,rca4Ing in America and In the ~ anil II literally aripptn,,· the ..or He think. the coming fi"ht be between Chriltianit,y , and a~ 11m, A.la becoming Cfiri.t!&II or athei.t. The 6nt .Iep will be a uniting of all Proteatant c.h urcbeL It ia difficult to under.tand how ~Ihcism c_aJl "grip the world." With WHAT doe. It gripl Atheism i. mere denial and foolIsh. There ~aa never a rul atb&> 1st. No man can be All atheia,. , who adriltl ! that eveiythlllg ol Importanc~: ~ beyond bw camp.... ben.ion, that 'th. unlter.. " I _ tained and' directed by .. , po,rw . ..hale exlltenco he (Hie' ,bat CUI~ not define. ..... . .. Only an ~ IWot ~u14 nail,. be atheht. Oaly. rool or IIll'at would !iIIkt .' that " olb.... accnt hI. particular d.4nJtlon of G04 and hI. right ,ICf bit.rpm omnfpotence' pd oam"~.n~
. . AU over th~ world th. nat ,.... II Indutrlal war, wblch . haa 80 arml.tlce and n ••• r .to".. p,... and Germany haft eomblne4. \II • '\
gigantic ~ tl'Ult, POd fo.~1a countri... beca.... 1t , WW mab
"What must a man De to be burled . with military honors?" \ "Dead I" . . SPECIALIZED SPECIALIST.
Dr. Arrowsmith-UThlnk your son
w. ~o
Dr. John VV. Miller w.'.....
OBLIGING LITTLE LADY She--"Will you ,please call me a taXi·? " He--uAlrlghti you're a taxj."
COUDtQ', urSed to ~......
the Ruttan
will soon ' forget , what he learned at n• .N.tloBI.1 8 ••11 Ble•• collelie1" ", Mr. Babbitt--"I hope ·so. He can't ========:~======= make a living drinking," ' J ---'--.~
!Doney, and PratlcO 'aDa ~. having mtcr.!.t. in coJWDOia. mQ' fo~Sd about 6"ht~'n. U : W. are d,ovelo III hi. here. The aeCOD and thTrd lIe.t chain .torea In the U tiiI Statea, ' Ksulle..._.&Ild K.rea.. ' are p'IanDIDIJ .. ~,OOO,oQO ma-r ThO)' dO • AIICS uU.q of v.:;PQ • year. "I by bimaell, oea &I
bUllil... with Iluuta. ..", nOI RUlala mUlt accept oUr..JtaIUIo· anSI bef9" we recopln al~ The ne,tt .tep would be to Ruula know what our '.tanda . \ are. Are they repreaented by ou elomlnating corporatlOD'~ ' oar lynching., by our bootl.S I, br lOme 01 our ' "cent el DI to the Senate for C&I~, by 0\,1' 111abWty to do anytnlns but talk ,,,.han powerful meD .tot a Gcw.riUDent'l 011 .upply' What are our .tandanli, . . . Ill?
KJ'I. Taylor, tallnte4 LOI AIagele. malclaa. laY' w. liDS the
. wrong kind of Ions., whillh acCOUDt. for our crime wave. Sue" WE GET THEM (lUICKLY .t.ND ·.oDg• •a. "Red Hot ),iaaiina," 1A1' , , FREE OF· (:HARGE . . thl. lady, "cIii.. 70uth to crime." CALL US ANY " ~ IME ~T OUR YOUDI people Jin, the . foollah ". ,. EXPE!IfSE _. 1-,:"'''''",'~ • . and YOUDI' people 611 the
ARTHUR BRISBANE' The Noted Writer, S.y. "Ad••rtl.I.. I. to .............. ie Ie .... l ••a. rau.
..Sla......dftl1Jelq' ...,. .... ... to tJao IIID. of • tr...
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.d.... rti.er .1.0.101 ro,a . . . .r tIaa.. ,...
6rot dlill' I......rU.I •• Ie ...,o.tItJ... ' , That ie .hat •• tulie••• tIM ...... f tJo.........r . . . . adnrdal . . _ diulD_
BrofttJ' ...._
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dI. reader dli.~~ odler ...... ta'. '
A ••. ~'. a ••
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_rCIe ..... tJolab, " . . . . . . ,.,.
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Come In
w.. ' au ..........."-
Floridas, 200 siZe, -per dozen .: . . .. . 2150 .i ••• 27c ... ..... 288 . i .... 230: ..... : .. 116 " &", ...............:.. 430: Fa", N ..... I•• 176 .i.e, 590: ........ 216 .!"" .........................................49<:
O. ranges ·t
. .T. . . .n .••
do&.,,, ............ ...., ....... ..._ .. ..... 460: __ _
Brand, California Walper lb . .... . . .. . .
nuts, new crop, NU t S Diamond
B ....iI Nuta, ."Ira fahcY, 1927 crop, Ib ................................... .. .... 29c £st •• F.ncY. mixed. 1927 c:rep ..................... ..... ....... .... .. . ,......... ..... ... 27<:
P • .-" Sh.1I P.c.n •••• tr. {aacy. pound ..... ............. ................ ..... .... 43c:
Drops, lSc Can.d'Y Chocolate Fresh, fper pound ....... . .. . .
A_tad Chocolat ••• four navors, pound .. .... .. .... ...... .............. ........ .. 20c AQ¥aJe Hard and Fill .. d, pound ................... . ............ .. ........ .. ... ....... I 9c CII'to.. C'ream JeU,. •• Ib ...... .. .... I 9c Peanut Brittl,,; Ib ................... ... 15c
35 Fru·.tCake ~ountryClub,3-1b·$·1 lnXmas box, each . •
2-fOll ..d Li,ht or Dark, ..ac: h ...... ... .. ........ _...... .... .............. .. .. .. ...... .. .. 85c:
~~~!!~~r.~~~~. . 27 C!?r~~e.~.................... ....l Dc ~a!~.~2s;rir~.~~. . . . . . . 15c Pitted. 10 0&. p k , .. ........ .... .... .. 19c Stuffed, 10 OE. ·pk, .... ................ 19c
Sunmaid Seeded or Seedle .. .
25c ~~~~~~ ~1~~~~~~ 1Dc 25 C £~~:;~d. 45c 27' ~:~~~. .~~~~~.~.. ... ..9c ll;.~............. C 15
01: . ,
pk ........ ........... .......... 10c
3Ib . .........
Wiater BaD a ... 3 Ib . .... .... .......... 25c
a.a...ill., "
lb....................... ,.. .25c
No ne-S uch. pic . .. .. .. ...... .. ...... .... 15c
Iccber, ce H.ad. Estra fa DC;', 2 lIe.d........
I ...... LeIIU
Leaf, Ib ............... ..... .. .. .: ............ 2Dc
Ih ............. Jewel Ib ..... ........... .. ........ ... ....... 32c
rW..,..., ___ CaHforaia F.ncy E!!I.-ron. Z
Raisin. Ib lo.f .. ... ....................... 9c Sandwich. 1 ~ .lb. loeL .. ........ .. 1 Oc:
HUe,. Halla, 5 Iba.........
F· F.!'La,..r. 1h-............... 22c
• - . pecJaac. ........ .................. .. 1 Dc
rell., Ib .........
Oleo E"-R •• Da,, Ib ........ .... .. ...
E . tmore Nut. Ib ...................... 19c
....- - - - - - - - . . . . . . ; : . . . - - - - - - - - - - - : .
TURTLECR EElC COMMU.NITY CHURCH un day Srholll '2 :0 0 p. m.; wor, '(11 ~ \\1I ~ in W ill\in~t n ship, !l :00 p. Ill.; hiltlr n's servic , C)I:,4~'el)' 1II ' ;' I'n"\' ' "7 hion g , .7 :30 P , n,el:; J 1 U, r mClh g. : p . m . ; W d r ~or rt'c l ,I visi II nu k<!A brightH day; Ri lile Sl ud y, 7 :311 p. 01 . Fridny. hristlllas servi Il, 7 :00 p. m., Su n- y si hl ~I'I'l' i l1 1i ~l . ndvls\' Yl)ll. 'L'u S-. dllY nnd nturday at CAry's JC\liclry dllY evening. D cember 25th . hop. EXllmination free. . R. HARVEY, Paslor. METHODIST CHURCH !J : I 5, SlI nday 'chool; 10 ::10 . " renahing Ken·icc . ~lll jl'c t . "'rh e Wondor(ul h rls t.·· (J : 15, Epwo t·th Leagu o; 7:00, Sl· rm OI1 . :;ubje('t "From the Revenlcd \\" OI·d ." Thl' Sunday S('(lOol hri"bnas entertninmen l will he he ld Snturdny evening. · ' hristm ns ~:\" . lit 7 :!l O. Aaron S. Wlltkins, L.H.D., Pustor.
. MI'. Hlld 1Il1·s. Hllrvey ·lty Xenia thi ~ nft('moon .
WC'ro in
You'll finu the ring of her dreams for Christmns at Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon. Ohio. All our gems lire carefully sc\ecled nnd mounted in the lalest designs. M ra. D 'rlh a Lew is iR speiuling sevcrill weeks in Dayton .
CHRISTIAN CHURCH ~li8s Elizabeth Ghnlldler will spe nd Every- Thursday nnd Frtday at Greenfield Sunday School at 9 :30. body co'rdially Invited. with her sister, Miss Ruth Chnndler. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible Schoo l II :30 a. m.; sermon. "Keeping Christmlls." Christmas program at 7 :3 0. Come to both services on the glad Christina V(ly. Nllthan J ohnso n. Minister.
The huma n eye is a delicate orgnn. Care for them wen . Consult Dr. Ru. dolph. the eyesight specialist, Tuesday 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., Snturday 9 B. m. to 8 p. m. Cnry's Jewelery Shop, Lebanon. Ohio.
About 1/our
Mrs. Euphe mia H ough li nd Mr. nnd ?II 1'8 . GUy Kibller and children, of Dnyton. visited Vern Hough lind film ily, Sunday.
!Jll.lap.jYou SbouId .Kaow
Several locnl Sh riners and lheir families utl ended l he Shrine Ch ristmas par ty in Dl1yton lust Fridny evening.
z _ !s
111\ ',' Wil mll Hill it It HPCllt tit we k(inrl wi l h :lH ~ HI'rnic Ornbum. frs. \\' RllH .1:It·k lind 'II·R. Rri. Long:H' I" . p"lll Mnnd.;ty in lluytoll . nil'. IIIHI , l l·S. Wilbur B lIlIlIIWIlY lI tlt! rllmil~' hll~e : old ou t Iltld mov d tu Dny ton. MIIII<IIIY. ~jr . lind It·~. " hnrl '5 E. ,J ohns und Mr. und Mrs. Wnlter Kenrick spent Tu esday. 'in t he Gem city. Mr. unt! Mrs. Rudd Snylor nnd so n or L hunon, were Sundl\Y guest8 of Mr. lind Mrs. I-larry GrllhUIIl. Mrs. Ida Day li nd Mrs. Lillian Fox wore Sulurdny even ing gue ~ t9 of Mrs. Bolle . colt lind gl'll nllchilclren . 1111'. Hnd JIll's. S. McGrud er a nd childl·l'lI. of Dllyton. were SUlIdnY' gueMs or lilt.. IIno njr~. Churieti Mullincx. }' 1 (·~tl llm" 8 Nl'tlic Elllri'ck, Auda BUI no t, Alice (' Inl'k lind 'Iura 1'holllp S Oli \\' ,' 1'<' lIayt on shoppers, ThursdlLy. 1 :II,.. lind Mrs. Keslor Grnham and dU lIl-hl" r W('I'e . undy eve ning g uests of Mr. und Mrs. C. W. Albright nea l' S pJ"in )t' hll l'tl.
Cole's Chats Vol. 1
SEP TEMERER 21, 1927 }
Publi.hed in the int ere.t. of th" p"opl. of WaynelY\Il" and t'he farm. and farmeU of thi .... i"in ity . FRED M. COLE
Fo r dis linguished service in our batlie to pul n lIeut rllla in eve ry hUII1(' in t his te .... itory. WI! hun' bel' lI I'l'wll r,leel wilh II ~ c' l. ur . i1verwnre rl'OIll th ' Estate Stove ('0., J ohn nnd Bill UTIli myself ellch received a Bet bes ides a fine letter of commendation fOI' our uni t d etrol·ta · nncl re s u I t A • Again . work, plu 4 n-opemtioll pi lit! Advertising. th o thre e
port u vC! r the ,·udio .
Agllin the rnlll 9 II nci confidence ill t hll CrMlcy RLlndh o:hilS 1"" ' 11 ,1{,llIo nsl ru h"1.
COIl1(> S
tlH' hand ~ nd wish i l to yo u pl·r~ onll lly. Or III. I rn ~l Re n.1 (!v'cry 1111 (' in Ihis comlIIuni ty nn e ngl'll\'ed greeting cnrd. but WI' mil{h l miss so me o nc. 0 we w ill just brolltltast this little meRsage to vou nil. A ru ~ I'I' Y Chri sllllns !
l..tl e r toduy frolll .. di ~ tllnt city ~Ilying. "In"tnll n C ro ~I ,' Y E lectric Bandbox in the hUllle of Mr~ -. bcrore hrislmn"." 11 i" ifjt:ln llell IIII' I what a fine (,hl'ist-
:'Ill'. lin d Mrs. Chu rl .. s John!! w" re u'cl'H' k clinnel' gues ts. SundllY, of MI'. H II~ ~ ll's. Amos Cook und fumily, 11 (' 111' 1\ ny ncs \'ille. ~ It·~. Churles Smith, accompanied hN ~(1 n 1)1'. Ellis Smith, to his home in (' in cinnllti . SlItur<luy, and wiU nut s preNcnt it i R. n ·n.nl n ' :'l l'ing the huliduys. .~-.-----::~ Miss S.lllie S mith , of WayneSVille. e le nl e nts nf 511Cre!-l::J, if. 1l ., W R~ ny ing with Mrs. Belle Scott have WOll. Speaking of rncPo. nnd r:lIllil y IIml Mrs . Aria he ll owelh t Fred M. Col. we hn ve n c()up lt' nf h" , It'l ul'ne d to her home no rth o( H.rdw are, Farm 1m flv c - tu be ' l'o slcy to We surely apilrepI "me ..'. Radio s which were ~L .'. ~ . II. Haines lind Mrs. Wlllter ciote the. Silverwore Pho ... 32 good Rell ers In ~t Kel.· .. ·k (il1 tcrtuined to dinn e r on i but t he m ..sslIges of yell I' but not so good W.yne."iIIe, OLio Th u ... ,1:1: . Mrs. Ella Dorcn, Mr~. Ir ene ~I, Curdy, Mrs. Alice Robin son .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ancl J lrs. 1<111 hr istophel'. of pringbore .Ir .! Mrs. Mary urmony. 1\1 ! .' . .... nn L. Smith celebrated her sarti }", ' hdny last WednesdllY. Those who, n' )'ed ll\(' occasion wel'e : Mrs. a~sh' lia nly. 1'I l rs. Settie Bo lser. Mr. . and .1'.;. Archie Bolse r und fami ly, of Day to n ond Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Smith. F.llu Mne Lcwis, aged eight yann. daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. IDude L wi s. di ed SllturdllY morning. lifter an illness of scarlel fever a nd dipht heria. No f uncl'nl service was held and burin I WDS at Mia mi cemelery. at 3 O'clock, SundllY. The family hnve the sy mpathy of the e ntire community. ~i x
,."-----------------------------1 0 ur 1928 Ca Iendar s are at our office
Call and Get One
F. D. Dakin
Insurance Agency
Miss E lizabeth Chandler, who is teaching at Marql~ette, Mich., nrriv No Hunting with dogs or otherwiN cd home lost Thu'rsda y to spend t he LUe Espcctancy or trapping allowed, day or night, OD . Christmlls holidays. There il no doubt that tbe areat the following farms: advances made in medldne and Our Christmns wish to our fr iends FRANK BRADDOCK surgery hiovo added to the Ipan of human life, in 'thelr .mlniatry and customers, botiJ old lind n ew. ED FURNAS FARMS against many serious conditions. May you have a Merry Christmas. Our great life insurance compan- IIlIed with joy. happiness and conies have become more ~onfident tentment is the wish of Van Often's NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT in the selection of their ri.... as Grocery. the years hiove been added to the _-=;~~:::_"";;;:;,_,--_=_=_ --+_;;E~~s~ta~:;t;;e;-:;.0;.f-;C~~Il~~8~~s.~ie_:. A. Cox, deceased. great -.verage of "esplctancy." given that Clyl:te But there Is a cloud on the horiCox has been duly pppointed lind qUill zon of today. I am lure that 4eaths of individuals betweon fift y ified as administrntor of the estate and sixty-five are taking on • very The Wakatatinlll Camp Fire girls of Cassie A. Cox. late of Warren alarming increasc-:-so much 1<;', '!- ~ County, Ohoi, deceased. to lead mo to beltevo that thiS I S met December 20, at the home of the Dated this 20th day of December. getting to be tho most critical pe - guardian. The ha nd sign. law and W. Z. ROLL riod for men who should be at credo were given, followed by the 1927. Judge of the Propate Co~rt, their very best. It i. not Provi- roll call and secretary's report. In 'Warren County, Ohio . den ce tha t removes mon at lueh the business sessi'on Christmas gifts an age; my' opi nio n is becomin g were planned. Election of officers more confirmed each year, that men resulted as follows: Mary Jo Miller, ====-=-=-=-=-=.=.=.=.=-===:;=== = are ' un consciously doing the~- presideltt; Lena E~amhart. vice-presselves to death I .. . The newspapers say heart d,- ident; Doris Salisbury. secretary; Besease" of co urse; th e heart uluall y atrice Robitzer, IIssistant secretary; Our Practical Pattern . ceases to beat when we diej the Velma Armitage, treas urer; Beatirce No. 1196 Question is, what made the neart Robitzer, scri be;. Mary Louise ZimQuit workin g at such an unseemly , merman, pia nist Miss Valentine, soilg hour? It is' time for investigation, lea der. ~~I. L. E .• Scribe. when so-called heart di eases ar sweeping valuable men away be · fore their lillI e. To sa y th at a . man died of "dropsy" loday. woult! CI~se :_ I be 10 bet ra y th e most dense.igno r·
ance; "heart di se a se" is ahno!t a !-
slu pid. In over thirt y-fiv e ycars of ac· tive pra ctice . I have perhaps foun less than a hundred--cc rtainly nOI II1IIny more-that di ed of o!,!:(:lni c hea rt disease ! Diseascd kidneys , liver splec n. ~tomac h, bloo d. an d nerves. undermine the heart unt il it can perform no more, and there are other ' conditions, each rem otc from the heart. that do the same thing. . My opinion is, If men would cease over-eating, they would reduce "hea rt diseases" by half; overwork and c)(cesscs kill-and at a time of life when mature Judg· ment in men is most necded. Thin\< about it. Next Week---Pl'cventiol1 of Co)
Wayneaville, Ohio
Subscribe for The Miami Gazette for Some Distant Friend
The Season's Greeting. to Everyone!
Wayne.uille, Ohio
The postoffice will close a t noon, Mondny, . December 26. The r ural carriers will mak., their deliveries as uS\lal. R. H. Hartsock, P .. M.
Phone 79
Late Classified Ads.·
·F. T. Martin Jesse S~nley .Auctioneers
FOR SALE-Six milk Hisey• . LATE FOR SALE-Bronze turkey hena. Mrs. Robert F lurnas Waynesville, .d28 Ohio. •
See"v. Early for
Your Sat. Date.. W. Cuarant.. S.ti.fartion or Charl.~othlnl.
Centerville, O.
P'llane No.2
'A practical. let attractive bOUleis offere in this model. AI- tho the lines are kep't Itrioight and simple. a pretty colin and three buttons down the front. take thi. .tyle out of the "ordinary" housedress clalS. It can be very easily made up in any printed wash material with the collar in either io plain color to match the print or white. The buttons down the ccnter, which arc of .t he pltlin, pearl kind. add an extra to.Dcb 0 trimming. . May be obtained · in iilze. ' 16 to 44. SIze '36 require. 2~ yard. of 40 inch material and ~ yarda of trimtI ~~t:!_~~:r'.~~II':. · I; Pattern. will be T to any .ddre.. upon reof 2Sc in cash or U. S. postaJte. Always mention .Ize want. ed. Addreaa: Hand-Cut Pattern Department, 17 West 28th Street, and alwaYI mentloll thl • • pew.. d~.ellS
the .tall of thla newspaper. hi. wid.,y read .torin of tbe tlnd North are Claim lumpera, R1vennan, The Blazed Trail, Forty Niner., etc. Hi. ,reat Mrial ltory,...On Tiptoe, a IOmancc•• &bII __
New Burlington,O. .
Phoae No.
Wet nights, slippery roads, on concrete or dirt, t~e .G oodyear All· Weather Tread takes hold anywhere with a never-let-go grip. A 900dyear tire has ~ore..traction1 more pow:er,more ~iIes .tU-an .~anything. eise you .,. ·':'ca n buy.
N. ,Sears
Auctioneer and Licensed Real Estate Broker
at Noon
"Don't -Slip.
Merry Ch ristmas! Old stuff, but nevel'th e l e~8 we wis h It t o you most heartil y. A II of us to nil oC you. We wish that co uld cll ll lind shake
in ., W 0 ri d o l' f u I l.Ige . Within Ii \" mi n ut es " r t cr · Lindeburg landed iii M (,;,' Ir.O. w e I'CC I h'od the renrC! liv ill ~
now 'being setved at the'
thil! YCllr. We wfn Ihese . two 20· pm' ~cnt oil'.
. '''Iny ~·!
No Hunting Notice
Nuf Sed
' ongrlll uluti on mllde us f l' C I awfu ll y .~O(l rl . I ~ it not. S\I .
=-==- --=-=-...=. -
Don't miss t he good ti me at Van Often's Saturday, December 24. at 8 The ladies of the F()rry chllreb p. m. E leven pri2:es given away free will hold a food sale In Mrs. Sides' Big drawing, on.e ticket given with room on Friday Dccember 23. every 25c purchnse. Everybody is welcome.
Hg~ ' ~:AMALES ~-e
ol1rtn ey WIIS shoppin g ill Dnyton toclay.
ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH This week Vn n Ollen's store will unday / Decemb cr 25 . hris tmas b fill ed with enthusias t ic shoppers, .Day, 8 rVlces at 7 :30 n. m. buying good t hing.~ to eut for Chri stFather Bien, Pastor. mus. As everyllody kn ows t his is th e store to find Quality Foods. ST. MARY'S CHURCH Mess rs. Carl (''r\'iA and Ira StansSunday. Decembe r 25, Chrislma 8 berry were in Daylon. todllY. 0 Church School. Day. Serlllon and Ho ly Co mlllun io n nt Miss Henriettu McKinsey will nr!l :30. (No ll' lhe chllnge of t ime) . In thl' l'\'c lling nt 7 :3 0 t he choil', rive hom e frQIlI Ashbllbula, Friday. undl'r the dircction of Re,\'. John J . to spend the holidflYS. 'chatTel', will s ing the (,lIntata, "The New Fl vrn King." by Gabriel. A This Christmas fret "him" 01' "her" co rdinl invilll tion is extl'ndcd to thl' n pooket or etrap watch. Sec our Jlublic. stock of dependable timepieces. \V e are a member of "The Gruen Guild." Rev. John J. Schaeffer. Rector. Cary's J ewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio .
Mr~. Ada
-' -...-_ . 0'
Seventy-Ninth Year
j tay
'- -'-- - - - .' ,
Some Attentimi To Him ~~-=~"~ By
£;;1. ~~:
Alhen 'f. Hed - I
- ,- -
OLUMB g, Ohio- 17,715 nonC. H. Sherwood Is on the lick list. fatnl claim!! were filed with the IndU Klrinl Commission of Ohio during I.hl' month of November. This is a Mrs. Jerry Orsborn Is ,visiting in d cc r " Il ~ " of 1231 when compared Wilmington. wi th thll previous month. The. nU11lbl' l' of death elll~mR fil ed during Mn. Earl Conner was shopping in th · 111 0nth WIlS 91, or 5 more than D.yton Ilist Thursday, duriug October, The r!! were 19,209 cillim ~ Il repared and passed upon by ' Dr. P. A. G.rner, chiropractor, th,· co mmission dul'ing November. Lebanon, Ohio, Pbone 78. n.. ccirts from all so urces during Novernb cl' totalled $ 1,473,347.12, and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith spent lh . disbu rsements amounted to. Monday with relatives in Centerville. 25 0,284.02 . At the close of bUJslnessl1 November 30th, there W88 a balance Begin the new Year right by dealin the State Insurance fund of ing at V.n Oflen's. $52,074,811 0,87, of Which $52,669,' Mis8 Ruth Chandler, of Greenfield, '173, 17 was rese rved for claim~ allowcd but not paid, and other Incum- I, spending the holidays at her home brllncc8, leaving 1I Rurplus of $415.,- here. .j 17 ,70. J. P. Fromm a nd family spent Congressman Jame8 T. Begg, Re- Christmas with the former', p.rents publicnn house leuder from Ohio, dQ- In Dayton. elures after Il careful canva88 over When in Lebanon, don't forget to th e slllle, during which time he via- vI,lt Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, iled almost each of the 88 counties, Ohio. ' thot hi s congressional colleague, Har· tin L, Davey, of Kent, is certain to be Don't miss the big drawing, Saturthe Democratic nominee for .u,.thClrl day , December 31st at 8 p. m., .t Van next year. Begg goes " dften'!!. and knowing as he does :Origrellilmlan\ Davey, declares thot few J(n~,P~~~~~:1 can hope to defeat him. strong talk for a Republican, himself is considering entering gubernatorial contest next year. No Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaw.y spent one queAlions that Begg is a 1I;een Ohrlltmae with Mn. Hathaway's paobeserver, and that in his extensive renta. near Springboro. travels he hU8 been brought Into ololC communion with party leaden, anc$ MH. Eva Hunter and daughter, of t here be a Republican in the Illddletown, are spendlDI' a few days who is able to moke a with Mr. and lin. Elmer Sh'e ehan. should be the Sandusky t'nln ..."....m.n, Yet what he says almost every Christmas guests of Mr. and Mn. ocrat admite, and as the strengtb of Geora'e Hartsock were, Ernest HartCongMlssman Davey beeomeB manl- Bock and family and Herman OUlrIa.c e. fe st the only question of the predlc· , tion is whether any Republican can Parker Duofold 'pens and defeat him if he decides to bec'o me Guaral)teed. , No expense after a candidale. • Ipl~rC::haJle. Cary's Jewelry Shop, Ohio. The Ohio delegation to tb. Miues Lizzie and Lillie Pratt and Democratic national convention Mr. Georl'e Pratt spent Cbrlatmaa in be for Governor AI Smith, for Mt. Healthy, the cue.ta of Mr. and nomillation (or prelident. That Mre• .\.rthur Anson. seems eertaln, and while the gates will of course vote for Atlee Pomerene Governor hey for two or three ' ballots, It ,field, Mo., spent the Christmas 11'0 to Smith wb~n 'be needs vote. to claYI with the latter's brother, C. M. secure the nomlnati~ll. Oblo stand. ;ao~lt,ser and family. in a good position and iJI not called until the votes of New Yorli, -;:;:-;::.illbeaSuUtYiife'UfWlln!T Bave you tleen the Pennsylvania and many other pattems It Cary's Jewelry with large delegations cut their UI before buying. Cary's When the national convelltion ~hop, Lebanon, Ohio. call gets to Ohio the nomination and Mrs. Earl McMaken and generally sewed up and all there' tu left for the Buckeyes to do 11 to .,.. Billy, have fe rued to their in the band wagon. But next year bpme In Detroit, afte~ a pl_nt viJlit there will be an underltandinC whleb with Mn. McM~~. mother. Mn. will greatly benefit Ohio s~ould SDaith Carey. , be nominated. The Democray , be recognized as for Smith at proper time, and that wUl be a heap better than goin&, Oll iecOl'd against the New. York executive who seem. certain at thi. time to be ~e Democratic cboice for ' prelldent:
Whoie Number 5785
= = == ='-":'=
1\11'. RU~ije li Su rfuce is ~pe nding t he Thl' Halo-ll ihern ia n poet, Tomaswinler ill Fl orida, chell i, hilS wri tlen: "I t hink lh ut th e meanest historian J oi n the Ip'(,wing mnk of sotisfie.1 on ellrth e ll s l"llIcrs lit Von On e ll' ~, 18 th e one who recorded the day of one's bi rth." Mr. anel Mrs, Ray 1i1l ~ were Day, 1I, n l'is iw )'s, Tu csclny. If you r life has not been partleular ly hllrp y or lucky, why should peo Dr. P. A, Garner, chirfJ prnclo r. pic oh~ er\' c lh unniversary of your Le uun on, 'Ohio, Phone 78. bi rlhday? Some people make much of birth· JIll'S, Fl o 8 ~ie Crll'cy an d l\l rti . •1..tUl duys lind so me n ew~pll p e r s give a list Tay io l' wcre lA' bulI OI1 visiturs lust of lhe bi rth rla ys of prominent men Wednesday, eve ry day but th ere ar c two opinions about thllL. If you buy it lit VU Il Ofte n's it' ti Young ladies of a certain age get g(", .1. If nl)t. t hey m u k e il gU O(1. one bi)'! hday a nd stick t o it. They nre tw eot y-two, for install ce, until Re\', nnd Mrs, L, A, Wnshburn, of lhey rellch thirty·five. and then they X" nio. "(" ' nl Mond ay with F ,11'1. Co lo " "Ki n to g O back. and fumily. A good- pJlln w~en you begin to be old is to se lect a certain age and Mr , 11",1 Mrs, Ca rl Frye wer e keep it. Why get finy older? Chl'iStl1111H dinn e.· gu c~ts of Mr, and As f or me I would prefer to cele· Mrs. Ed Cook. brule 'anniversari es ot her than my birthday. Slock red ucing speciuls for ono I would like lo r ecall the first time week a t a ry's Jew elry Shop, Lebu1 fell in love, if 1 coultl, or the ftrst non. Oh io. vi ew of the sea, or the first revelaLion of moonlight or starlight. l\li s~ Mary Louise Zimmerman is The first goo d view of a tree would recove ring urtc r an illness of se \'e rai be a lso worlh remembering, or an ordays fr om to nsili tis. chard in full bloom. The first good investment I liver Frederi ck Robitzcr. of th e Univerinci nnati, is spending th e made or t he first examinalion suesi t y (If cessfu lly passed, or the first time I holidoys with home folk s. escaped a merited punishment. I r emember the first day I wu Miss ESlher Henderson has been spending a few days with her sister, converted to Wagner, and the fint time that the full appreciation of the 1I1rs, Harry Turner, in Bellbrook. old masters in painting dawned on Mr. ond Mrs. Wedder ond daugh- me, These are epochs in one'~ existence, te r, Rosemary, o( Dayton, were dinner guesls ot Wayne Villa, Christmas divine enlargemente to the house of Day. life and commendable as well ae commemorable. Of interest to many here is the Stock reducing specials for one The first pay day also adds to one'. week at Cary's J ewelry Shop, Lebll- Buperiority compl~x. announcement of thc marriage of Mr. Paul Duke and Miss Margaret Queary non. Ohio. If we are going in for *ebratinc which took plnce ,in Dayton, Satur____ these might be worthy celebnliiona. Mrs. Will Horn and family and Mr. But just to record that you haft livThe December meeting of the day, December 24. The bride is the daughter of Mr. \ Dr. Wi11iam E. Dodd, or the Un i- Carl Resselaer, of Dayton, spent Man ed some sixty year&-Of wbat cood Happy Hour club, was ,held ,at the home of Mrs. Quincy Gons, with Mrs. nnd Mrs. Queury, of Xenia R, R, 3. versity o~ ~hicago, Chris Christe nsen, dllY with Mr, and Mrs. Forrest J . is that? She graduated from the Spring Val- of ,the d.vlRlon of co-operutive mar- Bough. Life is a pleasant thing perbaplt Harriet Wilson assisting hostess. and it is good to see the 8un and to After II short business session the ley High school in the class of '26. ketmg of the U. S, depurtment of For the past several months Mi$ AgricultUre and secretary M. S. Win Mr, ond Mrs, R. C, Riggs and Mr. function otherwise, and one would following program was rendered: Queary hos been doing office work der lind Mrs. Charles W. Se\\ell, of Paul Flory, of Columbus, are spend- not willingly give It all up. But not Music "" .. , " ...... " ' '' '' " .. ,,, .. Victrola at the N. C. R., aL Dayton . On Fri- the American Furm Burenu Pederll- ing lhe holidays with Mr. lind Mrs. very much of the time are we ,bid Scripture Re.dlng ...... ,. Nellie Bunnell day evening the girls in the depart- lion nre umo~g l he spellkel's at the Wilbur Clark. we were ever born, Perbaps we oUl'ht Recitation .... ,_" " .. .. .. Betty Braddock ment gave her a miscellancous show- annual meell ng of thu American to be, but the mulligrubs are too bal)" We r epai r everything in jewelry with moat of us and our lIle Is hardl)A Christmas Story ...... " .. Jenruc Davis er of belj.utiful and useful articles. Farm Bureau Federat ion, first nnMusle ...... .. :........ .. .... .. ... .. .. .... Victrola Mr. Duke is the soil of Mr. and nounecment of the progr a m of which and buy old gold and silver and plat- 8ucceaful enough for us to celebrate At the close of the program Santa Mrs. Carl Duke, a nd well known in has jusl been I'; ceived at the office inum . Ca ry's J ewelry Shop, Leba· continuously. Claus made his appearance and dis- this vicinity. He graduated from W. of lhe Warr.en Count~ Farm Bureau. non, Ohio. It is very complimentary for our tributed presents to al\ from a very H . S., clllss of '22, and since that time The meeting, the ~mth i.n the hisfriends to suy that they are glad we Mrs. Waller Williams, of Kingma;\ beautiful Chrlatmas tree whieh the has been engaged in farming and ,Lory of the organization, w.1I be held were born and they hope we will live Mesdamel Gona had p~pared. A fruit growing with his father. in Columbus on Mon.day and TueH- and Miss Frances Jann ey, of Carllale, a thousands yelln" but we sometimes Pa., were dinn e r guests of Mrs. I.au- question whether they really meall it. very 'd elightful two-COU1'5e lunch wss The young peopl,e left early Chriet- day, January 30 and 3l. ra Zell, last W ednesdllY. aerved by the hostesses. ma8 morning for a honeymoon trip in - - -- - - - - S.o mc_ o1- us have reached the deMn. Ralph Smith and Mre. Weldon the East, where they wil\ visit the Mr, and Mrs. W. H. AlIen had a8 clining years. When Bombody aeb Wllaon were tbe invited guests of the larger cities. , their guests durin!!, the Christmas us to huve a cocktail or a higbball we afternoon. They will be at home early in Janholidays, IIIr. and Mrs. Charles Fish- decline, and if certain forms of food The Friendship club ' met at the The January meeting will be held uary at the home of the ~oom's parare put beforc us we must also reer nnd children, of Cincinnati. In Waynesville, when all the families ents, where the Illrge reSIdence has home of Mrs. Luci\lc Salsbury, on fuse because the doctor says 80. Wednesday afternoon, December 14, wUl be guests at a supper. been arranged for two families. Our prese nt ailments and limitaOur gift tables are full of specials wi th twenty-two members present. tions are sufficient without calliI1&' up The meeting was called to order for your selectio n, Cary's Jewelry those of the past. We would never by the president. Mrs. Mildred Shee- Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. render ourselves public nuisances bJ; han read the 19th Psuhn, followed by Mr, and Mrs. Vern Hough had 09 continually rllhearsing our calamitle.. the Lord's Prayer in unison . • A half-dozen offers to their Christma s Day guests, Mr, and Let us forget them. About the beat Ohid Withams held a reunion at Mrs. J. Will White was the genial After th e bus iness session we en- Mrs. Lawrence Peele lind daughtcr, thing we ~an all do with the past Is executioner have been the home of .Mr. and Mrs. A. F . Withho.teBS to the New Century club, on joyed a recitation uy Alton EarnGovernor Vic Donahey to forget It and look forward to the Friday, December 23rd. Nineteen am, at Withamsvii!e, on December hart and a recitution by Ronald Sal- Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hough. past three weeks. They baye future. That may be better, auel members and one honorary member 26, 1927. The Witham family have isbury. A Christmas s tory by Mrs. come since the Wett murder. Hli'lleBt degree In the watcb Mr. Wilbur Haines, formerly of again it may not be, but at leut k answered roU call with Bible verse. resided continuously on a port of a Mills, afte r which we exchanged Northern Ohio, and the len era craft 11 Gruen Guild W Waynesville, has left for New Yurk has the advantage of being unnfed. The guests were Mrs. Wilbur Clark 1000·acre grant issued to Morris Christmas gifts. timent against the e,xeoution , itf. a and strap and City. to IIccept a position WIth the and we arc justified in looking for~ Mrs. J. P. Fromm, Mrs. Harvey Sack- Witham in 1803. ~IY Thomas JefferDuring t he social hour delicious ward to it hopefully. woman, One man writes tbat he'lrln See them at ett. Mrs. F. M. Cole and Mrs. Emma so n, then President of t he United refreshments were served by the hos- Child's Restaurant Co., with whom he \>e glad to turn the switch, while Jewelry Shop, Lebanon. Ohio, has been connected in Cincinn!ltl. States. Mr. and Mrs. ' Witham are ---Dakin. tess and her ussistllpts, Mrs. Josie other who haa had domestic tro1llblesl 72 years old.'-Cillc:innati Enquirer. Whitaker, Mrs. Mildred Sheehan, Mra The program was listened to with of his own says be can't see an:,uil'Dirl ' Captain James W. Davis, of the much interest: Pearl Shultz, Mrs. Rachel ElIrnhart Coast Guard of Fernandina, Fla., acwrong.in exeeutlug a woman. and Mrs. Sumo Crawford. the verdict in the Remus case Music-"Hallelujah Chorus" companied by his iamDy, motored. • 'fhl) next me~ting will be with Mrs. here to spe nd Christmas with his pa- --Bolfmning~~omll1g, Januare beginning to come to the C!011ll1'1l·1 Christmas Reading, Mrs. Elizabeth :'laud\: Crane, January 11, 1928. rents, Mr. and Mrs. 0 .Davis. ary 2nd, we W111 be III town, roin or Baily. . sian that the electric cbalr ,nu shine, with a full supply of pure J er"Underground railroads Before tbe Miss Glenna BaJrow~, cla\lgpter of be a t~nJt of the put. ", -War," Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Barrow~, E. Main Our gift tables arc full of specials sey milk and cream. Anyone desir. for your selection. Cary's Jewelry ing to try our products, just stop ult. ~:..~:~~ell'~"Wo,!M~lu::sic-"Chri8tma8 HI(mnt" street, /lnd LaWl'ellce Evall~, son o.f and we will be glad to serve you . Shoes of LI~le Waif." " Mr. and Mrs. Franll EVAns, of Spring •~ Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. Thanking you for past patronnreo.. beautiful Christmas reading. )If~. VlIlley, were married In Oovington, The Ladies Aid of the Lytle M. Yours truly, Ruth Cook wus hostess at a six we remain 'MI. E. Hthaa'(l" ~ Ky., December 10, they have just an- E. church will hold a chicken supper H. O. Cornell &: Son.,. Mulllq.-' Silent Nia'ht" . nounced .. Fo)' the present t.he~ will January 6th. Program. Welcome, o'clock dinner and slumber party on R. D. 1, Wayn esville, Ohio. Thursday oycning. The guestl! incluID f eh I t make theIr hOllle with the brtde s pa- everybody. chimp o . r Itlll". ayors ~re- rente. Mr. Evans is conpected with ____•___- - Phone No. 93F2, Centerville. ded the Misses Jean Hockett, Kalh· lted lIlu~h menlm.n~ " the Iivestook shipping department leon -Graham and EvelYn Tucker. During the, social houl' a flne bwo- of the Greene County Farm Bureau. "I am going into the bands of the coune lunch was lerved. Mr. and Mrs. · Charles Kindle, of The next meeting will be held at ' • _ . _ ., Social Row. entertained on Christ- receiver," shouted the well-traine4 the honie of Mn. Georre Smith, Jan. ' F. C. Hartl!ock and family, of MiJOur Farm Record Calendars wi1\. mas !;Jay, Miss Ruth Orndorf and Mr. football , as it sank cracefully Into. . ~ 27th. ' ford, and Ronald Hawke and family be rea~y for distributing Saturday. Joe Kindle, of Cincinnati; Mrs. Mag- the hands of the 'balf-back. were Christmas guests of Mrs. Edith Come In and get yours. gie Burnet, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Greth. • - • / . Babecribe to the lOamI Guatt.. Harrla and family. F. E. VAN OFLEN. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye entertained Christmas Day, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Salisbury, Miss Hazel Sali/!.. . New bury, of Cleveland, Mr. and Mra. Russell Benson a nd son, of Delaware; Mrs. Stella Evans and Mis,! Helen Evans, of Dayton; Russell Salisbul'Y and family.
Friendship Club
New Century Club
Witham Reunion
.. --...----
.. -----
Chicken Supper
Calendars Are Ready
---.. - ...----
----,.-----_ -
_ _--,- --
Whe~~ The S:4 Went Down
The Mi9:Ics Frances and Elizabeth Henkle chllrmingly entertained at dinner Tuesday night the follow!ng guests: Mi s~es Ola Hartstlck, Janet Cartwright, Lucile St lohn, and lhe Messrs. Clint Corwill, Luther Hartsock, Geotlf6 Henkle, Frederick Rebitzer a~ Glen Blan. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robltzer entertained ChrifJmu Day, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kerns, or tolumbus; Miss Edith Kerll~, of Springfield, M.r. and Mrs. J. 8. Smith, of Sprtngfteld, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. J. D . Marlatt, Mrl. Am elia Williams, Messrs. Charles Buell. L. N. Printz and Frederick Robitzer. M1'9. Viola Carey entertained a't a family Christmas dinner tbe followlowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. James Johns. ,M r. and Mrs. Lester Kenrick, Mr. and !!In. Allen Hole and 80n, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johna and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. R11IIIICU Campbell, Mr. and Mrs: Irving Welch, Mr. and Mr.. L. - E. MoMaken and IIdn, ud Mean. Frank aD' dJeae ~
fru m fh" \ 'lIn ]J(l rn
Fllll nie P un ce file d he r tlnal ac- Ba\t('ry 0., r epalra, $&. /1 5 ; W. W, IIf t h u e~ tl\ t e or Fu rest W. WiIIinlJl~ 'C' " hum,', $ 17.40; J . D. \l W II S "n ll'!'l·t! Ihn t " ('o "1l liS ll' ulII'uill ll oJ NllIII L. P I'n ce, A(IIIItI ~ .I:: Cu., AA11le, $3.77 ; ,John A . hl cil!'h II. B I'(lW tIl, \'~ , I':. A. St rull t P h ilip W hitnere tl~ <1 hill 1'o url h Lnw &. ~U'I, 'lI ll1lJ. $ -/ .06; II. E. Hall, 1 "lIl ly AI! 'n,·y lit.' I' 'Ill ve el t f) tlt ~ , l1 is "Io n ... hout nrl inll: t h stuff IlWIlY lI t COUlIt liS g \lu rrllttrl \I f Bulu h "hit· ~rul'\' I , ; It l :l; Knr l 1;)u\(ln , prumium " ll i:l lri t Go u,'l, lI!'re. O il i" " ilrllll \·l' . $1;(1 .40; F" 'u n k S her"" ~lI l l for I hi' ~t(\ck. '~ Ut< nil bo h . Th!' Bill h;\'!" \ ~ \\'11 diHchl1l'g,' d of h i ~ pur o ~nlt i~ on to\" Court onI CI'('t\ 11 OPY dtltel'llli ning w Vllcl ' II" ~ 1I1'1'1i ·~ , _ $ 11. 9 1 ; Ohl n or, ~ e ntll'lt'c ' lIf l "r Rt'r, illl{ RO tb,ys and Ihl' illh l'il llrt('l" lu.' <, f t h ' eRtll l e uf rllltnt,'d UIV(\" 1 0. , s e we l'~ , $76.60 ; " Whlll "!>I>lI l t ),,· o ll, r rl'm n rk o r hi ~' Wh lll ,JIll Ill' melln hy talking CO MM ON PL _A'S P ROCEE DIN GS Will< Ill' li \" 'rt'd 1lIt.1 t h ' ' u ~ l tJ dv Qf l he iI. H . HIUl il!',, " Le 1'('1'1i!i,"d. C .C. B lllIlll, r" IIRh" d Il to n ~ , $559.42; ahuUI t hl"'I' hlllHlr(',1 nncl fi ft y d o ll!' r~ till llIul i,,'" ,I I 11", "..r~,,,l'IlI ~ . ,\ m· s lw r iCf o r' Spillt!) CIUIItV tu ' he' CO II 1~, l gLII' 'ta rk til 'r! ill"l' n tor y lInu 10111'01' . J n h" ~ t() II , st Uk l!ll, $22 .60; for th" ' r,,·st' ~llx.lit1c'! D idn 'l l )!et I.or.,~" 11 'I'~ IH' \' ar lll ,\01" lI(!r, h,'y Il':1 ' I'eyed tc· I ' h l'buwulh t~1 Iln~\\'e r II " "PPl'II i'l' nlelll ti l' 11 ... (I,tlll!! M W iI· ~::lIl1 l', A'uII"d l'uil , , I \.li G; Geo rge Or. th ' (lop' r l~ht fr!lm th,' rounly 1 I'f'a~- li n; )!'nT. , .. I III ' I . •I,,;\di t! ' 'II II,,· ini licl ml!lIt Iii d t hen' II gai n ~ t him . lill nl p, \'un,I ' rv 'l rt. "II, ,' 011 (l (on~lI\l(ln, $ ·10; Hili Sim pson, Ph ill i l'!> III' r 7 GII"S 1'\1 r, ,t d()w ll t (l"n r ight C/l~ ,' uf Ihc ' i!'!;'i i.1 J"illt " "' k f.lll1d II I hyr( iii' E . II it' hl'Tgc r fi led II ffi - rlln t, ~ I :!; .J. W. Lilll:\il 0. , ~ Up pli CII, Michael IIWIlY und fill d out wh en! I' m at." Uunk of \j,' hul' lelllll n vs . Amluo:JC ,Iu"i t f"r t h,' adllli ~si" " llf ('hn ri es :'. :!:I.I. ,;(:; .1. Ilt'"ry l'i II P. uri ,lgc lumNEW SUITS UhutTarton. ltv He m y Jay L.., .. ~~, illip l'\l z~:I I' ,1 r t' st' ntf ull y M Ill' IIl'I'~ I II" \' ct Ill. II l' iue rgc r into Ih e lIa yton Sta t e hoo· lJC r , S7 :!: J . K. S ,''' II '(01', 811111 0, $2 29.Copy r!9't Mlch&ol V. P h d lip. Edwur tl H llwt hurn , J o hn U ll rn c ~ , pila !. <in ,\'c hunll· . A s nil of Scott.llole h(\ll, C . i\'ldt! n :- m il h' wa" n ppointed reo :l O: I n\(' r ll nti on ul HnrveHte r Co.,_.$li ; ~ R..elea. ad th.·u 'P\Ull l.n.rI ~ ",\.OC u~ tAr SorV1QO No 1I1 1llicu ti o n f I' lIPP 1'ui stllll(' nt SU III " $ ·I. II J ; 1'1I1 "y wa ~ l' I,,"ll'm nillg hi lll w il!1\IlIt n .;' e r ur Ih e PI pl'rty ,If t he Villi Tra vi s . l.I11 rneg, Gran vi\l , Non 'lll. ' Ii nton Coun t :IC S and a hf'u l·i n~. Ull {'in' unl stnnliu l l'vi . I l urHl' ('oll\ pUl\ y ~HH I Hu t h u ri /. J t o Owe n &1nfic rij. r~ t r us t l'Cti o f l he h11.."ing Ioee " 111 uLl <l , c"u , ~ ,I.:tll nn ilw li 0 .. ~1',,\'c1 , $:I (i.ol(;; I:l llli l' & Le r oy, ' hul'e h or t h e uzc,· ' Il l! o f (·'run kl in . t h 1<1" ,"S " lIlll" 0 .1' til e e ~ tu t c o f J u. 1<1'111'0'1, $ 1:11. 20 ; RII 111(' , l1l ate rinl , ,Il·ne,·. \\" ,11 , il ,·(,uILl'II '1 h,' h,' I,,' ·11. takL' iI111111'<lill l " ""~" l· s" iun. 11 0\\'(' ,' 1' ,', III" irnpud" II L tr " ~ Jll,," i ll g Edd i,' lI is,oll WII " fin d * l()O lind V ~. T hl' Church of t h e N n z"I'l' n~ of ~ e ph !liic hol ~ II 11. $:!:!.I' f,; \\' . A. ~ro ll , l' l! flll irs, $6 .26 ; ("Hlrl ",," 1irnll' 0I IIIC' 1'''l'url o f t hc I';d Mal"y, re pll i r~, $5.:!5; We b S imp. 1lI,,,'l" ,lI' 1""5, " replie d Edrli~. " l' m ('" tlli'i r l'r'~ l'l' l·ty and 1111' Pllrc h o.~ co~ t (,n l' h/lq.~l' or f ur ll i~h illl.!' int o xi. rrl'll ll klin fo r uuthori t y 10 Lurrow CHAPT E R XX !lOU. sui , tl r Ihe ~ s lll i e of C co r j:;' A. l.I in k· !'t'plli rs, $5. ~O; Chll rl cs !IIorton, so n '" t .. hll\,(' 10 1<0, Rull. 1 IikL' 1of I he' lI.'X -Il.lh' ruth,' r nb~ Iv ('d 111 m e nl in)! 11.1111) 1'. ~ " Illl', :$:1.15; S. Eo Cu tt e r , BUrne, \I o .. hill " fo r 1',111. W l' ll if Yllu 'lI g iv .. l from ,,"llImt.IO ') I." " ·lIr d Ih~ 11\1111 wh Bm<lh',· (; r iff(0 11 \I':I~ flll ed $ 1(\ 0 111,,1 W ht· ,ling St el 'or po l'lItio ll \' S . t hr l'Y. U .....lcame Vi Ji I oro ~. , I I L II I II I I f I I ' . . I . . . 0 . , t itle fo r in$;).1 [,; L . iI. \\, i ll ~ . jlli l ~ lI" I' ,ic ~ , $!J.05 f\lt' \\'h : 't ' ~ C'(ll1ling- " 1)=1\, l'flH wt \ HIn l\.:' nil! 1 P \( \'o~t s 0 11 c ha r)!l' of furlll:-lIllK IlltUXla WaYll Psdll c CU ll nin jllllL'li UlI un d ' ·'luit.a blc l·c lid. \\' . II . r\ 1 ,,1 " I' ~ ,)f 1 I' .. IlIJlHl, $6 .50. MA RRIAG E LI CE NSES " Sorry to lose you, F ur t".. ·. " 11.· Th, ' "" n ' man wen t t o t h ~ mn ch ' a(,l',d~'"t. II ... d "I" ' n, 1,, ' rha l'" h" " al illg Iiq'w,·. glan ced over 1'!S 'houlde r liS he Rl'oke h ou~~ nlld rNIII·ned ,. prc~~ntly. With l lll' m,I~I~t t, "II . PI\I~Y, ,':llll'. n!.I.,' r 11 1.1." . ll i,'IlI'(' e \l'IIS gl'llllll' d 10 F ra ,I, Jl. _ _ __ toward the m nm r nnch h <l u ~e, II com- 1.:(I<lic'. 1''' )- .. hl'(·k to r wa !!"s 10 :.h .. . III . tll lul In Lh, " u91'1'1I,lul ,\I Lk A "mIII'usl ,',. 1'1'11 111 Ma lldil' L . Arlll PROBATE PROCEEDINGS Er,,,,st II . L "wi ~, mach illi" t. Fu~l ('r. WILL P LAY LATER modi ous tw o·story lo!! houst', as " 'n,1 (. f Ihc' "" ' "lh. li e bo ug ht E "diC'~11 1I wlr,' "Ihll~t II", lant! . l it- h UI'I'I,·d LI'lI,I,. ,·. a lld T I" 'I" I:' ~ l'uhk l' , M'''''I!. tho ugh f earful of bC.i ng o\'c~hcal'd. pi~ ,l\lIch h ~d th r ive d wonder full y, I''.. th~' ('UI I ,"'~ f .. n('c'. p ~>~." 1111,.' I't" ErlJy I \I\\'..t I Wll. I<rnn l ed Il h'ill'C;' NII ""is P. Silll u ntou til ed h i ~ lirs t Morris II. lIi ll , IUlill d rYlllll ll. Le ua· A I,u>)' ""1 11 \\':1 " II sillg th e t ele"BuL y ou know how 1\ I. . lhe old f(lr e'l!h l""n " " IIi1I'~. As t ht' dis~h a r~. , II,n!!lnl! Ihl nllld -box " ,Ilh fOII 'lI,,·n frlllll Man' 1'0w ,' I1 . m'l'"ull t of th e c~t a te of AI\'y F. S ill1 ' n OJI, a nd An ll" A. I( II la ll<l. Wll y nl' " p h ollt·. m a n '8 crar:y on th e SUb jC'l·t of liquor . ~d fllrm h:on ddT(l\'1' h Olll ewllrd nnd In' I "lfLL' r 1111t! rU~'I: d '·'I".,.I"I': lhll<l rnll,~f'd ( '"u rl ,;...len ·<I Ihat the ult~ P ut. o n[( ,n . \'ill e. " I \\,U II I 'I'l'ill n~l l' dU lIloI e- l\Vo, d ouuThey sny h is so ndl'llllk hil",,·lf I" I 'I'. II~ he " '" <li, ,,osin l: his J!tl(ld~ n nd n o nl: 1 H' In" .I n 1" 'll (' eliI'. u ul (, li t "' il'~:"' m ~ !lI fg. LO IllP II II), . (" : 0 " (' 1' 'J h la~ t wi ll a nd t est mt' nt of A n. A1c:x Mrl" 'l'llt ic k, fll ct" I'Y wo rke r , doath a year al{o. Whn l ill t h uI"I" r r: hn\lcl g t o mak c' Ih e cuhin co~i ly Ii\' . th l: , !!'W"~'lln " d,d lint \\'l'Itc. . n:l Ma r ia Doun wns IItimitt ed t u pro· !la y tu n, all d E mily A . Ziegl "I', F l'lI nk I ~· t\\' ()," 1 1l~ sa id . " 'I' w,H W". I \\'I) -t"" ,." repe nted tho d id you w a nt t o kct' f) {.hat holt l nu h,. hl' had limp t o p O IHl~ r on two I hl"' (' I j.!h I h .'hlY he coul d ~t:l n cl It -;--. - - - -----. bu t e. lin . l' xl'lll' "j:;" I!i rl , 1'l' 1' 1'I ,,,d ,f ully. -'ar oun,d for ? You might h""" k ll own llhi llKg wh il' h hnd bl'e n a owding t o nIl. lon~,·,· . \\ IlI'n th e (':' rr'~e l' h·,,1 sp l ol~ h,'~ Wh H!, he httu s pilL on th t' J . O. ~:Jr tw right W Il S a ppoin te u ex· ~~~L E STATE TRANSFERS " All ril!,h t." suid Ih,' I11l1 n, pa t.ie nt· that nu t Millig woul d s1I1 ell it ont," t he bllc k o f his mi n d by mo r e sti rr ing ~n ll pcl If) ' I()I' II I t he Io ox. , \o.<I " "' <l r r)\' t' Ilo u ,' ~ h "' \I' t!d. T Il\' olhl'l'~ \l't' r (' s mo k. ec ul or. T he uPl'oin t me nl "'lI S ex" Ill Cle vl' nge r to Hh o tlu E. ~ I CV ' "Oh I don' t kn ow I'd forgulll' n it, ev ents "lIr, tOWII :!lId WII'(·d COH'"'' '''' A I- II\ ~. ThaI' WII' II loI a1.i ll l!' Iir ' ill lh (' cl' l' leLl a nd u pp rni se rs nu med. ellg et· lind Elsie M , Cleve n ge r, t wo Iy. "u " d 1\'1'1 "'" I h ~ 1I 11 111h c l' lind we'll p I H )~ lr Hi ll ~ lu ter o n , " " . 1,I·il!ht. III' "I"·,, t I h ui LHno, " in J\u u ppli cntio n f OI' UP " I'II~Mc m ('n t t own lUi" ill Lt·uun o n . .. 'I til·"J,I!"'l'. .0\ nd a 11.1I "lac k ho ttl,' willlderinlr nl, oll l l"WII, 'n, t urnin !! ul ha d ll!! hee n llI adc , co u rt dctel'llIin eli " ~"'lI ,' H il' ha n l ~ t u lI ildn Po well "uI'll y f ull, sL" ud in I Ill' " " lIll' r " f thl' . hulf -hnurly inl"l'\' lIl ~ 10 in 'tu ir(> fOJ r 1I l il Lie. . hI' ).r '·O <d ,·,tl ue of the " "tu le of M . une tU WIl 1,,1 ill [,Ieusa llt I' laiu . NOT S URPRISED n"·"lIge. F ina ll .v. ilL Ih'l' u'c luc k. it It . " YIIIII II. ('1"'is ll'IIU I " 'I"'w,,' 11'I' t" I I. E. Hi ch Thlly h ud I~(· mu \' t.l d Uwi '" fl utC' ,' ,'allll' : I; " ,di ng l ha t it i ~ n " C" ~" II'y t o se ll a ,.<I. II l1d Lilli a ll G . Hi d",,·,,", I I · ~ _\ 11 nKg n ' ,. . . :-;. h ' l' yo u ng wo m u n \Yus clot hing . CliP" lind IIl Il"k il lll\'" Wl're "SII rr y. lout Govt'r nor is in Europ c t h r uwlI on o ne of t he hu n .k" Acr uss tl1l' "('[rl e~tntl' to I'uy hi s dehts, co un tuw n IllTl'~ ill Luve lll nd , , ~"Idill)! Ih',· "1I~ " " "dllct nr fo r t r ea d· lI lIl il (,h ri" trn a~ . Il uff , sec rela ry ," " i' l ,''1 i,,'" th e vll lu e o f t he propHtv J " hn L O II ~ a ll d t\luggic LlI ll g t o I n", \t il Il l'l" t Ul', J Ra 1PII l~",IIl ' li e ~ umrn o n ed 1\ ~ mi1 c to h i~ fuel' t he m Iny t l,,'cc bel t s tu whieh Wl'r c ot ( ' lI. ftll n Wul do Ung lcsb", C S a lld lI1 u r y llin e~, 01lE' \\' Ia'n t h,· b" ttle had died down he uttllchc d holstel's, ellch h ulsll' r co n · ' I u nci d ro v t o t he l!'1I r.Uj:;C. " T hey ~n y :--0 II pp licat ion fo r npl)rllise mc nt lo wn ot in I"rnn kl in 1'p. R"ked her for 111'1' fllr e. L n ini n!! n h, r!!e call ibr c /l lIl Omal ie. II mUll lll lly L , dow n, hllt he'!; nl'Hr hll\ ing I) ~ e n mud e, cou,'t d otermin ed ottic All ison t o Cill cinnll t i Deve l"S itl J;le '! 1t hl' inq u ircl l. " Hello , kid !" gree t ed CIIlle y . jo v. C n ut, " hI.' t h ought. " We ll , here' s t he I!TO'S valu e of the es tllt e of New- o pm enL ' 0 . , .75 t o wn llc res in Frank· "Y es !" '~ - ~~~ ' , .~, \\ h ' r e I t ost th e lh eo r "." T o t he "'a r- inll y. " !lidn 't find y ou hOlll e. ~o we t ull J.. i; u lln ell. linT". . " ..... ~ ""-. L. •• , " I( 'm ! 1'111 ,,,, t ~ lIrp ri se d," J ~ ca me in, " ~"I:e ntle nd e nt he su id, br ie fl y, " ' F iIl .1" '<I('q' o f pUblic ati on 'of t he " 1)_ F m nk Gr oss a nd Ev a Gro"s t n ,J eg· " So 1 see ," r~ tll "n c d Edd ie. G I he r u p ," po " ' 11:1 nt of Gmc e T ho mpso n li S exsc::>. n)ss, one t UWII lot ill F rll 'lk· .... .. I' " '. •. - .... l :'1 " Thi s rnin ' lI huld up t he s h ip may· L ' f t1 I t f R I h G Th li n He hud r es,' ,)lved t o IItte mnt bo r' REGULAR RAFFLE " bc till n OOIl t om orrow," ,"o lu ntc.' ,-ed li n . I' lC es a eo n II " o mp . -' . '-I"~ II,':,, u~. '. ." , :.1 '1 ' .• ruw i"g the mulln' a t Sl'o Uflll l£,. Jl e so n. . Mabe l Tnnn ' r t o W ill ia m E rn st ·1:" I " _ W .\ . Oscn r. " ~o we Ihu lI .. h t wc'd clll 1111 · "'" ,,:,,' 1 . Prof.- "A TlIrk n e\'er ~ r e~ th e face cou ld hn,,!' upi elll !'d tn Nance l~ n c(' II , '" ~:. C. Dun hAlll fi led h i ~ fI "t li nd atso n, t v I J - ~ ac ,'cs in lelLTcr c ck I : -t '. . J ~ ' .4 ' :. ~111 / P!!' u(' r cuve r. (; IIo d g r ub yo u go t 1Ii:l·c. " h' of his fill ncol' unlit a ft er t hey nr c I : \, , - .' " I~· 1ft w..~ but th ul WlI " illlpN\$il oi e . l 'u t sy J un e fi nll l II . ('O Ullt uf t hl! cs tuie of JuliJ! towns ,p , U· !!!~.e ,I \\'o ul ll IInve tu kl10w wht'r' t h ' mo ney H e begfln inllo lently t o ro ll u ci )!ur- II. F re nc h . rr ' '' S nnlll.....Jo:. ' t'g h t to J etI' or t.-: mlll ll mu rriet!." ---. c ite. , SI u,II'. " un Turks gd divo rced 1" ca llie fr om. She \\'l. ulel ne ver a cce pt Ii:ve rett Elll'ly file d h is inh nto'1'y IIIlrt'is, 10tn " "" 11 lot~ in HarvpysEddic 's self-c on.tr o l wa s 5udtll' nly an,1 lI1' prn iseme nt as exe ('ulor of th e IJurg. h(!\' h UlIl c lit Nan ce's hanfi R. F urth New Home for Main Office c rm or " , to ho rr ow frurn NA nc e wou ld b ro ke n. li e s nHlr hcd II s ho lg u n f!'Om estalu of Georgo A. colt. ' IlIeIy ~ B r e nn (, IlIU II a llll Pau l Br(' nH E CAN, THOUGH its pegs OVO I' th e do or. 'f he bllTl'els co nfi r m cv r y llI cun ~ u s pi c i o n . No ; A COPy oC t he e nt ry detj!rminin A' ""11111 11 t u Ucrth ll F . WYlltt . four t ow n J up it e r- " Hnw clln he wa lk with b"',, win or l(lse wit hout t hat. wero lond ed on ly with birdsho l, it is l he inh e r itll nc e ta x uf t h o esla te " f lots in Dee rfleld Tp . ' those w(l oden h'gs '! " t ru e, Bu t blrdsho t will sel've lI d ml li e uo ugh t f ood un d hell ded sou t h. M. B. Hy mnn wns onle red certifi ed. ~; n o ch A b ne r a nd Mirunda Elle n PIlI" iu " Lumbe ri ng, old d enh," Ab rllbl y nt three f eet.. It \VII S his inte ntion to d riv e all ni g ht E . C. Dunhnm wus lIu t ho r ized t o ne l' tu Lu e ~ A. Moo l'e 90.10 ac r es "You hOgS l" he ·g r owl ed. "You lnz J r;o >.. • II n(I us mue I1 u f t h e n e xt d ay a 8 mig ht ' use nn d upp ly t o nnd for th e ne cel;- 'n c. nst • a y .1C a mi MIl.ss ie TI' ~ . be n ee ssary t o r eac h Scottdll ie. Fo r ~~tck l"c r OokS! G(at ou t o f her e - SI\I'y sup po rt of lega te es liS exe ' utor La u r a 'im o nto n t o Lovela nd No. of t. he ,'stnte o f Cha rl es Kelly. ! tio nal bun k, .20 t own I1c res in Deer. t h time was ' g elLillg perilousl y sh ort T he fi rst o f Se ptember wus b ut j ust Me n who live b y vi ole nce nr c uscThe lnst will a n d tes ta ment of Ca r- fi eld Tp. fu ll' ed uc nte d. T hc" kn ow whe n nn ,,, . urOun d t he co rn er . ' oli ne Rogers wns admitted to pro' Y II t,lI m H . Will illm s to Kutie E. It hll d begun to r ai n a t n oon of a d ve rsnl'y is bluffi ng an d whe n he is but eo WillinT(1 Ji'ra se r was na m ed W i llill ms , five to wn IIcre s in Fra nkCompound.d t he 3 1st d ny of Au g u ~t. Aut um n d nn ger o us. T hey hnve t he e(l ul'IIge exec uto r. Thll trust wns acce pted and lin T p. Semi.Annually Willi a m S . Murrny nnd Idn Mur. comes earl y in nort he r n Mic hignn. o f th eir ca r eer s, a nd they will tu ke npp r" i~er8 appointed. a nd th er e wus the c hill of leatl e s, r u t hless steps aga in st t he blu ff er . B ut Court grnnt ed Robert N. Setlln, ray to Cli nt o n W. Rntliff, t wo Lown t h ey bow tO , th e d nngero us mu n. S~o ~ I . deso late lan d scapes ovcr whi ch t h e myre IIdministrator of the es ta te ot o t s 111 Lcbuno n. F ny e Collins to Willinm Murrn" wi nd ma y pr owl un tTamme le d, in th e t h e t ri o ro~e. H e re WIIS da nge r pe r- J oseph Nich o lson, author ity to col. ., Fint Mortgage on Real Estate SecurTuesday, 9 a,m. 4 p.rn satu r uted nir. The to p of Eddie's so nificd. A f alse move would me a n lect prope rt y of the estn,t Q, nn d I da Murray two town lots in ' L eb' Nothing Ity, The best S eci.l~I~. Saturday 9 a.m 8 p.rn No appli Cllt ion 1Of' a ppt.nisement ano n. eu r was in ba d con dition , The speers t he dl sllhllrge of t be s hotg un, IInu two ~Safer-Nothing Better of rain f ound t he wllll k plaaes un e rr. dead ' me n. They hus DO desire t o ha ving be e n lTI ll tI" . court d~termined PUe ~nd F rllnz to aroll B arnes, ASSETS OVER $12,000,000 in gly. Little streams p la.ye d ~pon sp eculnte I1S t o who might b e spared. t he gr O$B varue of the estate of D. one town lot in Frunklin. MORE.- THAN 22,000 MEMBE RS him and sonke d through hi s clothing, K eep ing th em cover ed, Eddi e step- B, }Iamllton. , Kess Bockett to Cllrn ey and Nellie "The Ham. of Cifh." His ha nde w c r e st iff with cold. An ped bnck un t il he secured the be IL~, Wa lte r Surf nce fil ed hill sale bm Kendr ick, 50 acres in Clea rcreep Tp, One ot the largest and strongest assoe ndle ss succession of chuc kho los do- H e remove d t he pi sto ls wit h one ha nd ns exec utor of th e estato of L. G. El eanor S mith t o R ob t, Patt erson, clationa in the state, voloped, thro ug hwhi eh t he ca r j olt. and threw t~ {l bell!! to the fl oo r. Robe r ts . 133.34 acres in Wayne Tp. HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED Why take Chances on Get-Rich-Quick e d uncomfo r ta bly. e Bn<:klrlg agui n . he pull ed o pen t he 1:1. S, Conover tiled inventory and J . D Miller te Robert Harrison, et Scb.... and lose all. P e rhnps he would no t have been fro nt door . ' 'I'hey sow his Intention . appraisement a s admini strntor of t h e aI, six t ow n lots in. F r onkiin ' We Nlpectiully .olieit your patronalre so res ponsiv e t o th e m ise rable wenth . ItAw, sny. kid ," r ell1o n. tra ted CuI· estate of John F. Conover. er had his mission been s uccessful. ley, hi s voice bet wee n a whln C! lind a Th L b C't . N I s na rl, "don't t hrow t holl1 "ata awa y," e e anon - I zlen~ at onal COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES' THE DR. C. W. HENDERSON He . hlld trampled on his pride and .. bank liled inv e ntory lind a ppraise-, appealed to every likely person for Ri ft an swe r was t o hurl the pis t o ls , ment ot tho estAte of Emil M, RunPenn Morton. salary, $70; James Olflce-Aman Bid,. th e loan whIch he needed. All h ad ono by o ne, out into t he da rkness, yon. Follen, same, $16; Alfred C. Brant, r e fused him. and Culley s poke I~gnln : " What's thll A copy of the entry determining postage, . $ 1; W . G. GiI~our, postage OPP/CI: HOUlt • . Some would"1inve been willing to big idell , anyway? You claim t o be the inheritance tax of the estate of ' $3; Lewls & Drake, fr~ 75c; Ed 9 to 11 a. m. 3 10:5 p. m advance the money. But they feared a fricnd- " Newton L. Bunnell was ordered to Thompson, Inb ol', $36 .32;. CQlumbus 7 to 9 p ro_ the black disfav or of their neighbors. The bulky gunrd happened to be be certified. Blank Book Co., auditor's eupplies, TelePhone., The barrens had been a sounding- nearest, Eddie thrust the gun against The last will and testament of Low .... ~0.05; D~yton Stenc;i\ Work s, audio E.tabll ....d 111117 Uff\ce • ao board, apparently, and outstanding his flabby st omach so that the twin ell Whltnker was admitted to probate. tor s, sup(lhe~, $4.1S: Western Star, Reaklence • .8F~ 18 EAST THIRD STREET incidents of his life th ere echoe d in mu zz le de nted dee ply t he ' soft ti ssue. Court distributed certain property clerk ~ s upphe,8, $17 ,5,0; Johnson and the tewn's ears. All favorable an- " Shut up and get out!" he com- of the estate of Jos eph Nioholson. W .. t~on, clerk s supplies, $42.40; the 1116 WEST THlRD STREET Waynelvllle, l~ Ohio ~l~fi had !leen eliminated. Scottdale munded . . . Court confirmed the ' appraisement Slime, trea surer's s upplies , $3.10 ; BIO EAST FIFTH STREET heard only the mps~ discouraging. Culle y ~beye.d, cllrr~lIIg hIS cont of the propel'ty ol JosQpt\ B. French Spencer & Armitage, loading &'Tavel. They knew of his drip~ing )louts. and belt With h,m . Edd,e ~hep"er.d@.d and order\!d ~. O. Dunhrun , execu t ol' $22.96; Harold Sweeney, same, $6.DAnON, OHIO But the y didn't know that he hl1d t hem . II10 ng th ~ path, He . ke pt hiS of tlte estl\tQ, adv crtlse the property 75 ; Howard Cook. snme, $558.45; co nq uer e d liquor. They had hCllrd fla s hlIght spr~y !ng on th e trio to p re- for snhl, Little john Bros., cement, $10.60; AIof hi s enfor ce d trip to Chlcngo. 'fhey ven t a Jl41'pr1S(l a Unol>. ThQ b(l?l:e., Court confirmed the report of An- exander's .s upplies, $1.70; ; PiereeNOTARY PUBLIC r oll ed undtl r th eir tongue s the c1 eli . t~lIck , he lld ed nort.h,., slood by th e nle Doug hman as exe cutrix of the Aye rs s tatio n, g us, $2.56 : Sparks Natia ••l BaD" ciou s morse l th at Pntsy hud left him, ~,d e of th e rOlld. rh ey clamber.ed estn t e of Valentine Doughman. Hardware s upplie s, $2.05 ; Famous and assured t hnt the sepnrntion was m t o the s ent, IIft.er O~car hod klllMr. and Mrs. Lon Goodwin's peti- A uto S uppl y, s upplies, $ 1.19; East Will. Drawn .. .... E.t.le. s. ..,... final. His fight t o ou st the motor- died the lig hts and thundered aWIlY· tion for th e adoption of Eizab cth 'End Gllruge , sume, $25. 3 Q; Eeonot ramp a nd his thras hing of the othe r Thcy hurl ed ulI~k I: urses a n~ thr~ nt8 Fny Purtee wa s ac cepted. ~y Bat t e r y , Co ., truck repairs. $1; Wayneaville. Ohio t l'espa ssel', wer e dl!~cribc d as drunk e n ~ro m a so fe . d, s tance. Eddte s mIled The '\nst will and testament of Oregonia Brid",e 00., repniring equip q ua rrelso me ness. Eve n h is di smissal Into .t he dar Kness lifter them befor e Abhie E. HlI zelt in e. wa s IIdmi tted t o ment, $1u; Brant Bat tery Shop, re o by Da \'entlnt ha d bee n disto rted in to t U~~lln g buck t 0 th e ho u ~e. probnte. I' pllin, $5.57 ; Maineville Garage, same eomething mys t e rio us a nd c riminnl. . J wanted th e m t o t hlllk I wa~ II Dallos M. Worley fil ed IIppl!~tlon $7 ,60; George Irwin. same, $l.75; f t twp~ !ll'rk wh en he a pproach ed s'mp a nd an e~~y mark t tll so ~ cthlllg to be appoinliH} udmlnl! trat or of the Herschel James, some, $13,90; Waites L ong Porlllg". till WilY ' ltivllri n{f vi- f ell on th e m, he mu ~ .. d : !lil t I e stat e ot Brice B. Worley, the np- Gnrage, same, $24.66; Standard on, olent.l y fro m co ld lind rain, He wu~ g ue M th e sho ok of findlllg out WII K po lntment was accept ed and opprnis- s upplies, ' $11.70 ; same, $195 ,74; ver y hungry. But he !elt he could not leKS unkind tonight tha.n It ,!",ould ers were appointed. . Same, $303.35: Bert Buckey, pay for MONEl' LOANED n ot bear t h e lo oks which would bo ·hnve been later .. ~ow fO I n bIte t o The lost will and testament of Lin- inmate, $5; Enst End COllI Co., coal, '. t urned on him on either .of the town's eat, And then It s a cnseof back nie Reeves WIlS ndmitted to probat.e. $12.48; Lew~, .. Drake, eement, LOANS on Cbattol.,StMb, Sec:urir es tu urunts. His t e legm phic app eal to t own ngu in." Edi t h L. Bishop was named exeeu- $10,95; W. :P. MeCarren, supplies, $1 ,tie. and Second Mortgarea. Notea t o th e gove rn o r fo r fund s a nd th e r e(To be continued) trix and appraisers were appolnt~ \\, ¥.. 'J, (I\lu)d, repah.:s, 60c; Economy bought. ·.John Harblne Jr., Xenia. pl y 'Were .public pro p('rty by now. Ohio, .mSO-'26 -_. - . Tne l !, w f!rc ~n {l J11 t1!l >' loun g ing in und out of th.e r a ilrll lill utn ~{j wll By C, M. PAYNE S'MATTER POP ~o !ld s,c e the me5sage on the open Farmln of Warren and adjolnm. Ii Ie , e ven were t he ngent ailent and cl jS!!fcllt--which he was not. eountlea, may obtain money on Ion. JAJlIl J'prt/lli'e kn e w his atte pmts to tlme ' lo ,at 5 per cent Interut. g e t money ttwrli tJ l! d f ll iled , It would Cost of securing the same I, Vlry rea- . . r~ad In hie fllce thf\t hl~ i 91lrney to son able ,through The Federal Lan' lh e s outh . had belln 11 fallu1'8, a)80, Bank. For further Intormatlon t. So he squa shed through the mud 01 on or addre.s H. C. DRAKE, T~e_ th e unev en m llin s t r eet and loft t he unr, phone a18-X, Lebanon, Ohio. y ell ow lights in th e s tore puildingM " TIll'
t h nl !<Ilck nn'nni
'u "lt'l hlll~. " 110.' tlw ugh l. " ll '~ ~uJl to ,\1<' t o ~qu ll lld ' r (\ h U ltl ~nmt:th i n g '>11 I ,'1 I! r :ln l~ u, find. oul ('xuclly Wh41: .
Illld co~ I ~,
"Where Saving.s are Sale"
............. .....
:. .:.- . '.;{II' '.•'~"'\1." ,\
. \ l:l~,.•~, ~ " . '; ~I~jll~,~.,t n'''·)''
:1\' .... " _ _
'S AF.E TY And
Carys Jewelry Shop
w. H.l\tadden & CO.
WayneavilIe, Ohio
farmers. Attention!
be hind. Sornehl)w it seeme d fl'i endly out in th e blllTe nS, t houg h t hc nig ht was blnck. The min ... h iRp!ll' ed companionab ly Ulll ong the j a ckp iqf's . The tw is t inJl: t ruc k was finn and fre e from standi ng \\,11 1c r. He saw n o per~ o n b I t II pa ir of Ii cr y eyes stared up on him fr om II be nd i n t he r oad, lind as I the cnr rushed pas t , he could see I he mild and shaggy hea d of a bear, who was stundin g on bill hind legs in a J)ulc h of bnc k bc rri es. ' Wh en t he Illst ridge had been surm ounte d he gave a s tnrt of surprise. A light WIlS s hinjng from the windows of hlJl cabin. He shut off the powe r Dnd bl."ought the cor to a stop some di stance away. The thought of the mo tOl:-tra mp came In to rus mind and he went forward cllutionsly to reconnoiter. He crept stoopingly, keeping out of range of the windows until he could peel' into one of them from the corner. Two small panes had been. broken out 80 that the unbidden guests might unloose the BD8h bolt. After a single glance he went to the back door and thrust it open. The three occupants of the cabin, Jake, Cullf,!y and ,Osear, looked up in lIurprise. 'fhey were quite nt their ease, as much so ae in their own, homes, or a atable. They had eaten a ountiful meal from his provisions, as the disordered table showed, • A plate had been broken, and the plecell careleuly ~ed &aide. Now Culley wu tobacco, u the bl'OWD
WANTED NOTICE . I AM 'n ow locnted in the shop' fonJllo . erly occupied by John Long, Let. me help you k~ep the Modei T ruDo ning, Fr,nk W. Crew, phone 8aFll ~ ·d21
FORS~LE-pul\, 16 montba' ·old.'
dark .Jersey, Inquire of ' & S' COr~" II R•"D• 0'1 ,a p!esvllle, 01:110. 'ne, '. • #
""w ·
M..., <'}>(:fi:>
I> ~ 1-
c!)"~ON & rN 601'1\':' W-A "1.5
,I ""r >'h ·.d2& YOU NEEP.' ~, N(nV~oilt d.. IItrOy~," tum'~..,nd , lue.. bruhe.,
iron" and ro.ot . cetntlnt,' piitehlq pta. t~r, Bol ler "X" llquld ':fol' ItoPPiaJ leaka in heating p].n~ waste pip. cleaper. THE ' BOC~T -ItJNG CO" 415 W. Main Street,' X8ll~ Ohio, ~hone !l80, . '
Jr, due to frub en, Deeem~.,!tl)t; .qt calf, T: IL tested, J. P. \.;lmiml~ WapelVi11e Oh10, R. D, d~1 '
• :,'
FOR BALJI:--()U,.,..., dow, Ii 1'. Relfmlderl B. ' D. I, Wa1llesvm..' Ohio. · r . ·
PjpE, lor
all ~
J'I •
AND PITTIH.... BoeJdet'1 Uba It
411 W. . . . . . . . ~ OllIe.~
Branetl, attended the lut me.un. of the 4-H club in Lebanon, Wedn_day evening,
Out' Christmat entertainment at John Fealy Jr., ill In-Gttlehm.tI. - MI' .r.mea WloJe...ll-dl'ivmg-a tlew the school lut Friday 'afternoon was Our college folk are all honle fpr Ford sedan. a complete success as Ullua!. Those 1I .....cription Price. '1.150- per Y.ar tne holiday seaeon. I Mr. and Mrs, Andrewllon motored who were not there wm always reto Dayton Saturday. gret It, Mis8 l;ucntc St J ohn brought The Priscilla club ",et with Mrs. hcr school down from WeiIman to en. ". L. 4:RANE ·"ubu.h•• W. T. J ordan WednesdllY nftemoon" Mrs. Clint Hutt and 80na motored joy the entertainment and favored U8 with a song. Also II SOlo by Lucy Mr. and Mrs. i. W. Snwl and Bon8 to Dilyton on business lut week. DE EMBER 28. 1927 spent Christmas with relativell ' In Mr. and Mrs, Perry Wade motored ltflly Colllns, both of which we all enMonterey. to Lebllnon, Wednesday, on buslnl\S8. joyed very much . Many thanks to teacher, Miss St John. Come Mrs. Amanda ~tarr went to Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Arthur King and atheain. HAPPY NEW YEA'R SaturdllY ~.o spend Christmas 'WC,molH-r..ntt-.......mont Chrilltma,lr'Ilrittrlm'~~-=T~='-:;=-_ _ _ __ ents, at FranlcJln. A new year ia born and a.. old with her daughters. y.. ar di.... It'. tim" to hanlJ up. Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Ray Starr, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. John Kruer motored new cal"n!.r, rak .. 1J00d, r ... olution. on Thurtlday, December 22, a daugh- to Dayton, Wednesday, to do their • nd be at pen .. wilh the world. But, ter, Janice Pauline. ' Christmas shopping. III fter all, a n .. w y .. ar belJin ... very L. M. Sears, of Jeffersonville and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kruer motorday. even IhoulJh the c.l .. ndar m.y E lvin Fires, of Waynesville, were call. ed to Dayton, WedResdllY, to do their di.atr r ..... E v ... y day .fJord. ju.t •• ers here, ThursdllY. Christmas s hOPPing. Y lJ.e allution. an oppo.tunikl Mrs. c>eorge Beach, who teaches in Mrs Will Ross visited Mrs. James re.o and to eep tobm.ke I em a. IJdood oe. January I. If th .. maker of 100'd the Cleveland schools, Is home for Wlcle at her mother's home, Mrs. .... olut,IoOi remember. thi., i l may b. Christmas vacation. P. Wade, last Wednesday. A Be>! .. 110/ ea"er for him to k.... p them. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Frost enter· Mrs. Water Kruer and twin 80ns, HANDAI .• D')' .ale, we ..,j.h to tho •• wbo tllined Mr. and Mrs, Roy Harvey, of Charles and Clifford, and daughter, m.ke 1J00d re.olulian. and ....P Dayton, on Christmas. motored to Dayton, Saturday. Ihem, to Iho.e who m.ke 1J0<>cl ••• 0Miss E ~ , h er U n d dt Mr. and Merw,?o , " 0 h " e &~ Clint Hutt and famlulion •• nd no break the", .nd.tto.1I tho.e i '18 I'ly spent Christmas at the home of who mak.. re.olution. an f acu It y 0 f H'Ig hi on d HI g h sc h 00, exce .. din.ly Happy New Year'. Day home for Christmas vacation. her parents, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Hugh Kes· Dnd a 1928 filled with day. e.ch h.p. Mr. Wilbur W. Wilson, of Roanoke, ling. pier than th .. d.y befor... Va., called on his parents, Mr. and Born- To Mr. and Mrs. James Wi. Mrs. Frank Wilson, one day last week cle, nee Vaden Wade, II new baby Mrs. Anno Stinson, who teachell in girl, December 8, named Ru th Char· SWINDLER'S PROFITS God' s Bible school, Cincinnati, came lene. WHAT WOMEN WANT Ncarly $ 1,700,000,000, the trclls· home, Thursday for the Christmas Several from this community at. ury' department cstimutcs, could be season. tended the pageant given nt the M. Some clothes. rcstorc,l to th e legitimate purchasing Some money. The grad~8 g'ave an excellent Christ E. church at Spri ngboro, Sunday ev· power of the nation each year if mol· mils program at the Hall Thursday ening. Some go ssip . pructi t ioners were eliminated from evening before a large Ilnd appreciaS ome more clothes. Several of this community attend· bUHiness. Almost every honest mer· tive audience. Some fi attery. ed the program given by the children cha nt , whether he be located in the Some thrills. Mr. and Mrs. Frljonk Wilson spent of the first four grades, at Springboro lurgcst city or the smallest town, i8 Some more clothes. Thursday. Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Her affected . Some man . Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Will Ro BS entertained h8rl~ s H. Tuttlo, United States bert Fite and Jane Ellen, In WashOr any man. to dinner Sunday, Miss ClaTa Wade attorn ey for New York, says "the ington C. H. ~tug!{cring t'ost falls primarily up on Carols were sung around the com- and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wade, of GONE HOME busin ess. lL becomes part of the munity Chrislmlls tree Saturday ev. Franklin. gene rul overhead which mU Nt be met ening and Santa and Mrs. Sllnta disMr. and Mrs. John Kruer entertain· There once wa a guy named Flynn, bef ore profilts be~in to materialize. trib uted a generous bjc of popcorn ed to Christmas dinner, Sunday, Mrs. Who bragged he could drink bootleg And it is not too much to say that and an orange to each chMd. Dora Auer and son, AlVin, and Mrs. gin; hidden in the , ~xpen se account o.f ev· Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Jennie Kellling. So when offered a nip ery merchant IS so.mewhere ~he mfiu· Mrs. Karl Shldaker and family indud. He took quite Ii ;s ip; and Mrs. John McCollough and Mr. enc" of dishonesty e d M1;:. an d M s o n Fraz I'er, . th of every . plCce " r8. Emer son, Everett, spent Christmas Day Now the angels have we1comed him in. In e community. . . Mlu Retha and Harold Frazier, of with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ~ne of .the agenc!es combatting th.e Dayton; Charles Shidaker, of Osborn, McCullough, ----.-~-of Centerville. · SWindler IS the NatIOnal Better BUSI· and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shidaker. WHO SAID ~IOl ness Bureau. It provides the rna· The eucher party was held at the chinery to protect honest profits and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kennedy en- home of Marian Howell last Friday "I hear that Mable is ,s tudying hypo educlltes Investors who migbt other· tertained to Christmas dinner, Mr. evening, There was a large crowd notism?" wise be taken in by some clever and Mrs. W. C. Walker and John and every one enjoyed themselves. "Yea, some one told her that she'd scheml' . Whatever headway It makes Kennedy, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Hansen's family were fright- make a charming brid, . ' toward overcoming the business fraud William Lllwson and daughters, Mr. loss will lie applauded by honest mer- and MrS. W. H. Brooks snd family, ened, Satruday, by a small fire which chants,' because it means more legit- Tom Tucker, Mn. Eliza Carter and burned part ot the roof of ·the house. " I am going into the hands of the The lire was put out by some of the receiver, II shoute d the well.trained imnte busineas for them. Russell Wilson. nearby neighbors. football, liS it sank gracefully into Mrs. C. G. Randall assisted by MI'!!. the hands of the half.hack. RURAL COMPETITION Howard Graham, and Mrs. Charles __ _ Gray, entertained the Baptist Minion - - _!!!E!! . Ruml competition has charmed a ary Circle We'.dnesday afternoon. great deal, just 88 has life on the ~he president conducted .the devofarm, in the past fifty years. Once tlonais. The annual election of ofthe champion ' with the scythe, the ficers re~ulted In Mrs. GeoT¥e DenA happy and proaperous New Year wheat cradle the ax or the busking ny, preSident; Mrs. C. G. Rand&ll, to all. OPTOMETRIST peg Willi cock of the walk and 11 big vice-president.: Mra. Mary Doster, Enoch Abner has sold his farm and man in the community. Machines secretary; MIl!!!. May Harlan, t:t'eunow playa much greater part in get- urer. A temptl~g lunch of chicken moved to Franklin. Sp.ci,alizin. in tb. Fitt'illl of ling the fnr m work done, so the far- sandw'ich6ll, frUit salad, and coffee Cl...... for Bett ... Vi.ioll. Harry Cline, wife and Ion spent mer has fall en in line and haa be- was served. There Were . several Christmas at Dayton. come a good machinist. Few of them, ~es~ present. The January meetA. B. Talmage and wife were in Write for Free Booklet ,perhaps, will regret the changed con- mg Will be January 18th, at the home Lebanon Friday afternoon. dlLions that have made them go. of Mrs. W. A. Halnee. But rural competition still exist8. • ~~R. J. Murray .te their Christmas "Your Moat Pric:el... Po..... io ..." and, although changed, Is as .strong NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT dinner with Tom Rich and family. I as ever. The fine resulta of this com ., • S Now i8 the time to turn over a new D etrolt treet, X4en18, OhiO petition are evident everywhere in the Estate of Cassie A. COl[, deceased. leaf at the beginning of a new year. land. Competition among growers Notice is hereby given that Clyde 'J.. W. Edwards and wife are now has developed the sheep and sw.ine of Cox hal been duly appointed and qual pleasantly located on the Sunnyside the modern farms and has brought ifted as administrator of the estate farm. to the country its remarkable de vel- of Caule A. Cox, late of Warren • • • a Sherman Ferrill and family enteropment of high.grade cattle. Boys' County, Ohol, deceased. ' corn nnd pig clubs are live competlDated this 20th day of December, tained with a family dinner on Christ mas Day. iors with their elders. The bellt yield 1927. W. Z. ROLL. of wheat, oats or corn in the commuJudge of the Probate Court, Winston Cline. who is attending nity gives just as much pride to the Warren County, Ohio. school in Dayton, is home for the farmer whose hard work produced . _ _ _ _ _ ••_ __ holida,.. it a8 ever. The Terry family entertained at a J'IIOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Rural competition has merely Christmas dinner. K. E. Thompson changed outwardly, just as the coun· try has changed. It is still IlS much Eatate of Anna Maria Dean, de- and family. a pnrt of the national life as ever and cellsed. ' , R. J. Murray' has bought quite a VACCINATION 01F' SWINE Notice II hereby given that J. O. bunch of young feeding cllttie the yields every bit as good results as it Cartwright hu been duly appointed past week. did II half century ago. (A SPECIAL'rY) and qualified u executor of the elJames Jacob attended the funeral tate of Anna Marla Dean, late of War HERE AND THERE of a relative near Sprlngftdd, Ohio. Nothi.. bllt R.liabl. Serllm a.d ren ,Count, Ohio, deceued. Vi..... U •• d last Friday. Dated thIa 9th day of December, Phone 31 A maximum sentence often means 1927. ' W. Z. ROLL, ' G••W. Davis and ~ughter, Mrs. . Jll~ of the Probate Court, Mary Mallnon, 'Will leave Wednesday a minimum of words. . HARVEYSBURG. OHIO :--: Warren County, Ohio., tor Hume, Ill. Some men wouldn't want to wake De '" S·_-' A It aD p. ......,.. tty. 'M. M. Terry and K. E. Thompson f if • _ • w+re at West Carleton and .Miamisup ' and find themaelves amoul mela, nt losing an~ slee~. , bu,rg, Thursday. .ANNUAL ELECTION ALter sceing how' Borne of them IHarley Walker made • .bUsiness Denti.t look, It ill easy , to understand' why . trip to Midland City, Clinton county, children don't believe in Santa Claull. The .nnual .Iect.fon of the atoek· Friday afternoon. . ..tll. ' N.tlo••1 8 .... Ble•• • .: holden of the WayneeviJi. National You'll find most of the Presidential Bank for the PUrpOM of e1ec~of Mr. Orie Clark and wife have mov- ~====~======== candidates parked under the miatletoe ficera for the enauiDa' y.ar, wUl....~ ed from Dayton to the Lon Brannon ,..----_.------..;.-_, these days, boping that their party held at their ban1dq J'OODll On . . . . place. near the .church. will ,sp y them. day. JIIl!J&l7 10, 1928, between the R. J. Murray and wife were Mon.- - . hours of 1 and $ p. m. day goeats of W. J. Sherwood and Probably the purpose behind thele L. M. HENDERSON, C.ahier... family, at Wa1llelViUe. schools of crime occllsionally 'men• - • Lon Brannon; .o f Xenia, wu here tioned in th'e newspapers ill to teaeh Saturday, looking after the interest the young idea how to shoot. Notic~ of his place near the chill:ch. ; -.; ' Howard Al'\:hdeacOh and Chariea WECET THEM QUICKLY AND The Amer~can man needs more N~ Huntiq with dop or otbetwIM FREE OF CHJ~RGE Shutta. of WaynelvUie, were Beech clothes conSCiousness, says one aui all d cia ' -'''''h thority, but it woud be, too bad for or trapp q ow.,. ., 01 .... t, 011 Grove callers, Friday mornm.. CALL US ANY TIMIE AT OUR EXPENSI~ , some of them if It came on them the followlDc farma. , Robert McKay and ROil VIllan, quickly: . FRANK BRADDOCK who are attending achool at Clarka'-; . ED FURNAS ' FAlUIS . ville. are home for the holiday.. New York \ drinkers havo been • _ ••_ __
-----.. ..-----
Start .,
Lindbergh, world's champion flyer, landed in Mexico City, Doti6e. the world that young Olen la thil country know how to fiy , in 'pite of the fact that tbeir Go vernment does not y~t rea lize the Importa nce of flying, The United States Governmen t ought to elllist the service. of Lindbergh to instruct American fliers and enlighten th ose respon· sible for our air defense, If an· o ther war ever comes it will .eem very clttraordinar7' to future hi.· tOrlans, writing 0 American citln bombed and ga58ed , that the richest eltie. in the world should have gone along without adequate &lr defense. Not one of our cities .. protected today by anything but distance, Coast defense IfUn. and battleships ase obaolete anti-alrcraft guns ab!olutely rmellicl.pt. We spend $600,000.000 a year for "defense" and have none.
Dr. John W., Miller
No Hunting
Haneyshurg Fertilizer Co!
warned by physicianll to test their hooch during the holidays, and they probably 'will with their eyes.
Fred Thomplon. of Steubenville, la ,-_P_"_._._I:.-._H __ "_R_V_E_Y_I_B_U_R..;,G_,_O_'J lpendine- the holldaya with his parenta.·Hany Thompson and wife. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!'!!!~~~!!!!! . :--: A woman wu enteri"- a motion .. Mrs. Kate Jordan and dalllhter, If their diBput~ over the annu«l picture houae when Ihe was atopped Mill Hannah. and Ion. V. I. and Geo., )'oIII~~!I!I~III-~-----" Army-Navy 'football game provee by an .ttendant. attellded churCh In Waynesville, Sunday. ., nothing else', it showlI that .both the "Excule me, madam," he aald, Army . and NavY are ready to ftjrht. "but you cu't take your doC lnalde." Our Ichool cloled laat FrIday ev- Two' Shows Daily '" : - : "How ablurd I'i pro~d ,t he wO- flnlq for ~e holiday vacation. 'Se. .,so'.... 'I~O p••• Nap91eon Bonaparte may hav. been mu. "What harm could the picturea alon win b. relumed Mond.y, Janllan important pel'llon~e, but he neve~ do to a tiny doC like thlaT" ard 2nd. ' rated a box on the front page, ao he • -. ' Mias.. Helen Waller alid LucUe couldn't have been· 10 . tamoua, at" NOT LUC£LY "- . FeiTil, who are attendin,achbol away =====::=:~====~~= ter all. :_ _ : from home, are at their home here ' t, A once farnOUI bo.er wu Nell quar- for the holidaya. . . ,' The brand of farm reII ef the COUDtry needll ill' leas than one-half ofl rei in, with. m.n blaer than hbnaelf Howard McKay. and family, Harold one per cent vocal , Hla frieDd IBid: ' McKay and family,' .te . theh' ChriIt' - -' ",I wouldD't atand for that, ldDcl of mae' dln~~ .Jrlth their hODie folb, Motherl might ' fi~d Itleasl.r to talk, B1\ 'Im.'~ . " " Jacob .Jlc~.,'.~a family.. ~fWUm~._ coax some work ' out' of their dauch- . "Whet'I" .,claimtd tile boa.. ~n. " " j. " . '. ' FUNERAL DIIl.,e roa. ' tel'!! DOW if the, would only put a "For . no p,une .... JlO pte Dlon.,1 l1li C. iGnnon 'a nd !amUy olDMr AYNESVIWt,"OHIO steering wbe.l ~me",here iD the ,l\fot Ukeli I" . Wu..iDctoD Miu Ethel . Ka'nnC!lfo of kitchen. ' ' • ~ • ~oe: B.rt Bopn, of WeiiDaan :--: rted to MUST HAVE CHAsER w. . . ChrIatmIl lUeIta of the GI~n OhlcalO pnpten are "PO ' " Darii famiJ,. hAVe solllht court ·protectlon ap1uet "m it G .... , . . " , , the acthiti_ of police. aDd lOme ldad teen ~l~when a ~ E; B. Thompeon, ~. ~ . . . Judie Jet place a number of "So I caa tab att.... -. of WI ...... 11ft. ..,. Bul'. them behlad the ~ where the)" wm " '' , .......~.......~ ot 8DriDI oa_ NIGirr be .at.. . "...... " . . - _• ,.. Jliulf'WIIIu'Il •• ~. of Ollft _TlurBONll7 ________ _-.1
Walter McClure
The Noted Writer, Sa~. ·
LearDod .Pro'aMOr. iq til, u.I.,.ultr 01 Soutbern C.SfornI.a ~ that .laD,,' whbia reaso.. I. IOOG. It makea .tudeDU aelect tbai. __ p~ .. jolll lll.tead 01 ..... da_ automatlcallr To can rout ItI'" a "dim bulb I, better tbu 1&71.. to YOllr brother "Tbou fooL H aII4 It mean. the urne. U •• 01 .... "make. a dent in tbe brala" cau••• thought, lay. one ffO'ellOl'. It al.o takes tile plac:e 0 thoag .. t, but thAt i. too lonr &n al'8'lJlD....
Siaceril7 '..... IN_ ... ....rt •• I.telrl •••t . . . . . . .tI.,. ...
Britain I••endlnll a commlulo. .to India beaded by Sir Jobn Slmoa to &bout helping Indi& to'1r1U'4 uU government. The h.lp .boaI4 bave begun 5.000 rea.. beck. How can you 811" ..U •• yerament to a peopl. In wholl lit.,.. ture the word liberty do •• IIOt appear in 5,000 yean, to miIUOD. who believe that little .trit dgbt and nine ycan olel .hourd 1?c married to middle a!(Cd men &nd tbat when the old hUlband diu the young woman should be burlled alive with the bu.band'i mi •• rable corp.e ~ That's a lonl( way from sell government.
The President recommend. a ten-year plan fo r Miuissippl Vale ftood prevention icyolvlq ,100,000. AltolJeth.r, $15,000,would be 'I/'IInt the flrat year and $30,000,000 a rear th.realtu. Why not .pend ....e.., year &I much as cali be spent wllely to harry the work rathee than rI;k, In tla. courle of ten yean, another 800d that migbt cost in deetruction 1D0ra than the total appropriation P Seerclasy MelloD could borrow tbfI mODey for three per cent. If be couldn't take it out of the larpl... Ha.te is important; Booda don't walt.
• Lall Augult the Itock market broke when Pi-caident Coolidge'l Brst *do not c;boose" came out, and a few day. IIgo that foolilh market broke apin becau.e the Pre.ldent said he meant it. What Irlghten. gentle Itoclt broken and ~pecula tors? Do they tblnk Hoover. Lowden or Dawes would declare war on Pata,gonla, a!landoa the 11'014 .tandard, .uapend the writ of habeal c:orplll, elole facto riel, stop the nlnfall and d.. troy crop., Mr. CooUdge II a rood PrllideClt, wisely allo,"DI thOle that bow how to ruo the country'a bUlIn .... to run it. Other 800d m.n ~ ready to do the same. The wiae will not chooae to lell thelr atocka becauJe Mr. CooUdp dou~DOt
cboote to
nIA. ,
NOW WE ASK YOU Silid a certain young lady named Della, While Tiding with a husky fella, "Big boy, you're too rough. Quit pulling that .tuff, Do I look like a-.. bloomin' cave_ dwellaT ______ -.4.______ NOT SO LUCKY First Convlct--"How pft.!n hive you been In jail'" Second Convlct--uJult thla ODee." Fil'!!t Convict--"You're , lncTcJ." Second Convict--"[ don't kn"w.-J $'m in for life."
E~ ' McCI~re
John D. Rocke feller had that Idea many years ago. One hi. local managers, pointing proudly to a desk loaded down with plpen, said to him, "A lot detail, but I Ihall Ilet through it all by nlaht." Mr. Rockefeller, Quot· Ing that said to his director.. "I want at! important man&(Jefl In our organization to .It with their feet upon clear desk., tbiakin, how they can make more moo.,. (01' Standard OiL" They mad. it, witb Rocketen,t'. DOW' be apeneS. It 118.",117, di'Kf8 and ianon.... . 0 ahead, rcm8l&1w , that lint. reat .. -
New Year
The United Stat.,. GYP.IIID Company, with ollices In twenty citlel and twenty·two mines and mills la fifteen StAtes, has this good idea : all hudquarters managers devote two hours, fr om 9 to II a.m., to "concentration." They allow no interruption except in emergencle •. Prom II to 5 they see subordinate. and bu!lncss vislton gen.rally. Each manager h.. at lealt two hours a day for real thlnldng.
I .ee
Dr W E Frost
Silly Sam IIBJ'II that jUlt becau.e'l hla . fath.r la .. hick; 1I no to think he laoa descendant from famUy ..of drunkards.
Fu,.t 8ou.--"1I that lOU there , ..
Second PoUce~''No; JMCb
..A..y.rt1.... Ie .......... .... to tile It. . . . ....
•.-cIt I.
ed to 1I.1t .... _ ... t. 10.......... it
.f·....... wu. ....
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b,..k. ••• fOU.... .1Ie, ~
1..I*e_ ......:U.I... i....
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R~..tltlo • . I.
."_tleer alto... ""'••...,..... 1H lrat tIIl•• ·I......rtl.I•• Ie .........,.. n. •• Ie w"'t ••••Ii...............,
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BraYlt, . . . . tit. ~, ......... ."Mrtl ••••• t • • ..... lout ... .... ....rtl ••r '''''' . . . ._ ~1 " '.... . . . t.............1.... All .. , . . . . . . ..
t, . ...
other .............f ' ...... tbat . . . .riat. . , ... ,.... fer, . ..... _relt • ma. tIai .... , ..... .at .-7 for."
Fly....1... an ....aIaI ..... , adn.tI_ •• tl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ........; It....." ....... ........ It ..... w ••• It. If ...... ' lIN . . .ltt'" the ....1. till•• Ie • fall .....
. rU...... . , .y.
Th. Ir.t ....... ..~ lI.h... w ...........rII...........~. ..d It w .. 0 • • tIaa..... ......r lie . .. pro.,.....pD.. n.. lrat ........_ ... ... til. r.l.),••, .... wa. ••• '" ,tIaa ........ to a ••• r,t I•• to ... ...rl. "'a• It wDIII .. _ •••aI.... '........... la, • ..... A... Iik. .U ............. ••• ta, it ......... I. . .r ..... _ ..
Come In and Talk It Over With Us
__ .
__ \.
. '
A Happy At thi, joyoul
'. ,.-. . \~. I
'J \I\ . -
ATew Yea r 1y
rn 'f!~~~'~ cT~ V I , '
;:. =
= - ---.: -=-= '" M is~ li B?!'1 : ,\Ii:lhlJ ry. of CIl'vl'lImd
i ~ "'1' lId illl: Ih,' hll lid uys "ilh M r . liHlI !II I' S. II nl" ' u)' Hyo:.
our thoughts revert 1
..ratefulb to the many courtesies, good will and loyalty which has mad e possible our prolTells.
Miiil!l'" A IIn ie fl n li !\Inlll<' Brown , Qf Coln ml llls, nrc ~ p tilli ng the h li dll)' h "I1 ~ n fi t th ' F r ili llds H um!). ~iill l) n ;n lhn m. of l)nyt on , ill >llI'nn" .lng I I1t' IIn 1'It1ny" WI' \11 l ll' ~ ..<rrn n • I'lIrc n t ~. I r. and ~II"H . W . .. . GrIlh nm.
We elltend our hearti 'st wish es for your happineal and a prosperou s New Year.
1\I r . und ~I r ,. N. /"\ , I\ illl!:, o f Knight stow n . I nd .. !lnd 1\1 1'. nn il Mr ~ . r. CIIIH'l h Elw,' 1II1.1 .!au).\'hle r , o f
11ay t nn .
Van ORen
( ' hrit.. t l11u s
\\"1 \ ) '"
g'lIc.'~ l ~
1111 , 1 ~ I r ~ .
\\" 1111(' ,' 1·:I1.,·Y· Wllk " I·," tl . ~I r. 11 11.1 ul l"s. Lp"tl' r <;(l rd ,"1 ntl ,1 l illl ,' Mir ium J l'o n Fife s ll~n t MUlldll Y 'in Wilming· lon , th l' ~1Il'" I ~ u f ' . 11". and IIIrs. S I Cla ir F if<' nn.1 S IIII . M ~.
The Corwin Grocer
~1J " a n
J\l r. and M r ~. Rlliph Lcwi" nnd Mr. Gruh n m, of I ),,~·t o n , M~ ~"r" . I esli e Ll' w i ~ nn t! Vlny rl ('r es, . 0 1 (g;;;;;:;;;i;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-"~';;;;:;;:::;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;:::;;;:::;;;;;:;;;:::;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;,!J'I ( ~ i n e inn 1\ t i . w l' n~ C h r i:-: l n1Hs di n n e r ~ l u lTi s
I:U c"l s
Mr. anti Mrs. W. S. G ra ·
ham .
MIlIll" lI nlliclll lin d
JIl l'S .
5 nt1S
I.' n·
t ~r l n i l ;,' d \"I'ry ph' lIsn nt ly o n Ch ri st ·
from Smith's Grocery Waynesville, Ohio I: Our Grocery Store has se rv ed th e Pli b lie for more than ten years without any cha nge in our credit de· partment. We have continued to I'xl nd long-term credit, while stores in oth er loca liti es ha ve been c hang· ing to cash, and the, two· price :,v"tern-one price for cash and anOther for credit. W e do not care to adopt either of these methods. Bu t th e t ime has com e when we muet limit Oll-t credit to ' thirty days only, and reeerve the right to charge one per cent a month on accounts old er than. t hirty days, which is only fair, as this amount is our cost for carrying accounts.. This Dew cred.i t plan wiIl take, effect January 1; 1928.
ri ce S il ve r c n terLn int.'u lo n
Th e Wa y nesvill e Gun club will hold a Me rchandi se Shoo t on Salurduy, Dece mb e r 3 1. Shooting starts prompt at 12 :30 . Come out and hove a good time and get one of the va luable presents offered.
. LocI ge N0 t'Ice Ma80nlC
we have receiv.ed and the co-operation ~we
b'eil ~ccorded ilJ conducting them.
We a*~; now dating several sales for January, Feburary an~ Mllrch in t his section . We have conducted more sales in this territory the past Fall t han ever before. If you are going to make a sale it will pay you to see us Remember, we auarantee t~ satisfy you or ch·a r..e O. A call and your sale will be immed iate lY taken care of. Come out to our sales, see us work, and date your sale . , with us. On January 3, we will be at Hugh Harper's, 2% miles S. E. of Beavertown, on F eed Wire Road, good sale. January 10, E. ' C. Hartline, one-half mile of Bellbrook. . JanuarY 11, H. A. Cornell, 3 miles N. E. of "'Waynesville, on Cincinnati Pike.
Soft. ~rk 'of aU
Jesse Stall-ley
killdl, pl~a.e ,ive
a call.
AT THE CHUHr.HES METHODIST CHURCH . 0 :15 Sunday School ; 10 :30, ser· mon, sub ject, "God's Man;" 6 :16 Ep. worth League i 7 :00, sermon, " The Nece:sary Companion - for the Year." Aaron S. Watkins, L.R .D" Pastor.
Well, thRt'~ over, bu t now wc have in· ventory staring us in the face .
Alone in his bedroom Mopes William Hen· ry , Huif; Be gave his girl a present and Forgot to take t he price tog off.
M~ '
Farm I.
pl_. . te Pholl. 31 Wa:fll."Ut., ~
TURTLECREEK COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday School 2 :00 p. m . i wor· ship, 3 :00 p. m. i Children's service, 6:45 p. JR.; preaching, 7 :30 p . m.: . prayer meetjnlf, 7 :3 0 p. m . i Wednesday, Bi.blo Study, 7 :IH) p. m. Friday. C, ~. ~~RY~¥, J'g.stpr.
There once !\Va ,. guy PlllJled r:l~~, Who bragged he tould dPpk /},ooij,eg gin; So wh~n vll'ered JJ rll, He took quit<!l a sip) Now tbe ."gels bavil w~lcomed hjm
in. ----.~-
A posy man W •• ,usIng the te~· phone, '. ' "IIwant Triangle double·two, daubJiil.Wo,e ·801 • , • • "Two-two, t wo-two," repeated tbe exchange girl. reproachfully, "All rlgbt,'~ said the man, patiently, "and get me 'tbe number and· we'll -~,., . P~Y traiIUI later on."
Iwdaal Life ·InsUranCe...to. of New -¥orkRaimon F.·· Hatfield ~ ~an...r
Trade In Your Tirf' 5 for
We'll boy 'em
Will White's ,
We'll huy those old tires ,ou've been usina all win. ter.
Good Will Greetings for the New Year
Father Bien, Pastor.
f.9N~ JiQME
- f.nrr"r.~:it1rT;:;:'1
o. m.
Lebanon, Ohio
.....iI-~~~..~..- ....
Now that t he year drllwinJ{ In II d .. 8 C we u re a ll .~ h i nk i nJ.!' of inv l't1 t ot'y IIlId ab ~ ul th e. profil we ar c to s UJlPo sed mllke . How about our chnract.N· ; is it not just os nec essary to take inventory of ourselv es to find t hat improvement that we should all make? Are we bet . t er citizens than we werc n yea r ogo i have we improved in our conduct, in our home and among our circle of!riends, I~
We'll pay you for tde mile erre that'. still in them anel Qut your wheels in tip-top mape for the motorin.. months ahead with a brand new . set of Good. years ' all around.
. The Year of 1928 marks the 50th year of our .ervice to the lrood people of this community, and Ion'" will live in menlory the very pleasant relation. with those whom we have had the privile..e of servinr.
the bUllines. interelta of Main Street:'
One by . one we have seen .our bus~nesa friends and anociates drop out and others take their places.
Frienelll anel cuatomers to whom have often .rive kind'l y areel:inp, many are now intere.tina part. of other comm~itie8, and many more h~~e started d~wn the I~st', lona. trail that! lead. to eternity.
Phone 105
Will White
Wayneaville, Ohio
--:- .:;..-
'" 1 , 1 1 ,
$peIU. ~':'r '"or, Your ~1.'D.t•• ~. w.,.cuu~Pt.. hU",rtJOIJ ,0, ~h~ NqtJd"" . ..
t Ill of 1 '11"
,.AQctiQ"'~'8 : ..
'£ 1 t,
.f~ T~ M~"iD , .Je§§e' ~~qley
With ~:h~ ~e~e~in~~ion tp ,m.J!~ the ~ew :Veu ~IJ@ J,esl ~Il, 'W!p HlldiP.~ ~9" ~~ I]!S, ,wi~e! ~, ~h! ae~'fPI v~11 .·hopin~ th, 'Jn s~m~r ~~ (!If I _9f D.~q~ pUSI, ~nd Iilappine~ fOT ~II, . .' .',.
W aynesvill~ Motor, Co~ ~
Days oiF sunshine, day. of .~adow., make up the time ~p.! what year. of activity and interest these have been. . ?,o .e,,,~ 7!?U !~i~hfullyba. alway. ' been our hiahelt ,ambi~on, al!eI reJ if !.~ ~u~ . ~~t~il!~!nta ~her~ ~e . ~ny degree 9f succe.s.. I~t !h~ ~~d~l ~~ ~~~ !t8~o,r;s .~~.~ tvith '1~:
Ther:e are ab.olutely no 'strinr'" tq thi. offer. We have a steaely demand for uaed tire.. You ' simplY .ell u. yours. We'll ..i.e you a liberal allowance, baaed upon their condition and you drive away On f res h, new Goodyear equipment.
You know Goodyear qual. With your tire problem ity. We have your size- handled for a lonl'. time .Hjrh 'Presllure Cords or to come. Balloons, allo Goodyear- Intere.ted ? Come in tomade Pathfinders. Built day, or tomorrow. Or with Supertwist, Good- phone Remember-year'lI extra ela.tic, · extra your tires ' are ' worth supple Cord Fabric, which A LOT r,tORE TODAY asaure. easier rid ina anel ' THAN THEY WILL BE lonaer tire wear. A MO.... TH FROM NOW;
JUlt a half century .ince we formed a partnership .with Mr. A. L. Farr and launcheel our little boat amid
CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School at 9 :30. Every· body cordially invited.
Carey's Jewelry Shop
WE L ..;E ::; DA Y, JAN UARY II, 1928 Bel In n ing ut 11 o'cloc k th e fo lio\\" inK : ti !tOr , es, I!) hea d of h o ~s. I J e r ser c" w, farm in g imp le nl e nl s, hal" nlJSIl, :. I>l t of f~e d und so me ho use. huld m·t i c l c~. If. A. COR NE: LL. Stnn!!;y & MIII·lin. A lids .
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kenrick and daughter, Margaret, Mr. and Mr~ . r~r.'Jl
F ~4
AB the broad pathway of the New Year opens befo~e us; our thoughts go out to friends and patrons with " a genuine appreciation of pleasant a'ssociatiolls during ~e past year and to wish them well in a ll their enC;leavors. May your JOYS be constant and your cares . but fleeting is our Hol,iday Greeting to all.
of Wa7Dllnill" aDd tbe farml alld farm. er. of thi. vicinity. FRED M. COLE
Federal Ro ute
A lIAPPY ONE We now take Qur type writer in b~th hand s, get our knee on its. ncck, and pound out the fol· lowing wishes , all o f them sincere: First That the N e w Yeur muy be 8 happy one lor you . Second--Thnt you mny be Jlrosperous, well fed Rnd co ntented . Third - That this bus'i ness mny fi gure prominently in your activities al\ during 1928. If t h ese come true t hen we'll be hnppy. prosperous, well fed nnd co nte nted, too.
The W. C. T . U. will meet at t h e Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick and Mr. home of Mrs. ' G. D. M ills, Tuesday, and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. J on es attend· cd t he Christmas entertainment of Jnnullry 3, at 2 p. m. the M. E. Sunday School at W.lynesvill e,. Saturday night.
The Season's Greetings
• . o f Mt. Holly, on No. ,~ :.!. iJ!l
What do y ou think o f " Co lc's Chuls? " Some te ll m e it is !trellt, others t ell me it ain't worth II "hoo t." Sam e allY 1 don't udvcrti se e nough. Whil e the Ctlst of thi s corn er is chnrge ,1 to adverti sing, I try t o make it inter· e ~ting enough ~o thllt" you will I<,o k for ' it every issue und give it the once o,' er. The big id ell is to !:rot b ette r acquaint. cd with you, lind to make yo u fe el more lit home when you come in the store.
C. T. U. Notice
ST. MARY'S CHURCH Sunday, Janunry 1, New Year's Day. Church Sc hool nt 9 :30, when Realollabl. prices the memLers of the school will b e given their Christmas treat. Sermon __ lind Holy Cpmmunion at 10:30, Rev. Jehn J. Schael!er, Rector. g
Pllbli.hed in the in· lllreito of the people
Late ClaSSified Ads ,
Sunday, Jnnunry 1, s ervice at 10
New Burlington, O. P.hone 320
L a . ill l: sold Illy f:t 1'111 , l will sell li t I u h l i ~ uu cti on on t he prc mi ses :l mi. e:! . ' . of Wnyne s I'Hl e, und J mil~
Es tate of Chlll'les T. Hawke ue. ceas ed. ' Notice is hereby give n thnt Relen M. Hawke and Frank U. LeMay have been duly appoin ted and qua lified a R executo r s of the estate of Charles T . Huwke, la t e of War'ren County. Ohl'O deceased. . Dated this 21 s t day oC December, 19 27. W, Z. ROLL, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Furnlls, so n and Judge of the Probate Court, dnughter were Sunduy gues ts at a Warren County, Ohio. {nmily dinne r a t the ho me of Mr, anll Jl1 Warren County, Ohio Mrs. Kell er Hoke , n e ur Waynesville.
Mr. and Mr8.-Keate Graham a.nd daughter attended a family dinner of t he latter, Sunday, at the home of The postoffice will be open ' New Mr. and .Mrs. C. W. Albright, near Year's Day from 9 to 10 a. m. only. Springboro. The carriers will Iso have the holi· Mr. and Mrs, J . R. Johns and Mr. day. R. H. Hartsock , p, M. lind Mrs. Ralph Johns and family at· tended a family dinner Sunday, lit the home of Mrs" Viola. Carey, at Waynesville.
II ,We
F_ . . . .
Vol. 1
Mr. and Ml·S. Sam u el ~ mith, Miss V e lmll ' mi t h nnd lI ebe r S mith wc re S un tiny dinne r g ues ts of Mr. and Mrs . Clyde Wharton nn d fllmil y. ! Mr. and 1\Irs, A. E. WhIte . an d so ns o f Parkers burg. ,V . V a ., s pen t F'd rl ay night a nd Sa t urday yith Mr. and Mrs. Kesle r Gruham nnd da ug hter.
P. O. Will Close
~. \. At ~lie close o~ t~e old and beginning of the new, Wt.ll· ij, thank. all · our . friends, both far and ' near,
Grange Party
( N'(w Yea', 'Greetings
Centerville, Ohio Phc;me No.2
1Ifr. nnll MI·s. Harry Grnham had ror th eir week· c nd gU l'st s the lut· te r 's ~ i"ter, Mrs. ,Ja mes No sh and fam ily, of Youngsto w n, Ohio.
Companion .. a Cbrlstm.. I'lft to , lots nl young folkR, lind thllt would help yllu II lut." I'lIll t li Cluus ~at on II bench next "That's a mighty good idl'a," aaid t ho SUllll ~' !i irl~ nf hi s ol!1h-Pole bun •• a nta, " and, IIlI II IlII)ltcr uf"fllct, rna • ""llinw . 'r hl' (,Id g t' ntl man w{.re Ii ny pnrent!l tlo ju~t thnt ulreudy, but wOI'rit'" IInci hornpsrll to o\< 1\\lito ror. - " antn sr~hcd, "[ wiah that more l'il!ll Lo his II>1U" \ jov ial I1xprCHslon. of lhem l'euli7.ed what u tine gilt The : UIIl . ·Il N·kl('l', n run ' mu n ill ne of Y.O lltl! ·~ ompuni n mukes. and would ~a nt u'~ I IJ ~ 8h l'lI'1, p l\~.(> d by li nd no· gJVe It. 100." li clld th u go od old . aint. . " What'jI JU ~L ' ~I,II\1j your ord er to tho uddrcs~ the mn\( ' I'. Rli ll tll '! " he n"ke cl. b elow, und wo will Sil l' to it t.hat our " l ' his j ,b's J{<' t Li nl" 100 hiit for one Un cle ~ um l'eli ,lVes Ran t a of the burhlo n," a nswcr,' " S!l nl n: " 'I'he wo d ,l's l' ll of d Iivcrin~ ot least on gift. getting lIetler nnd) ·t.tc r ull the time ubTslc ribcrs will rec eive: nnd tlllIt mClln ~ I hn vc t ho t mu ch.l. Ie Youth 's OI\1Iinnion- l2 big more wor k t" Ull , nlHI il '.~ "etlin" monthly ias ucs in .1 928, and " .. to he II mij;h ly hal'u tn HI; III mnk thinl:8 2. Tw o c ~ tI'u numlJ(JI's to new lIub. ' lJ WI. t II c ll o ug II tu go a l·OIlIIl I. Ict n Io n ~ dl ~ tJ'I· 8Cl ., lUe l"S Of( IHrlll 1 n 30 days . lt utin g lhc m." All fOI" o nl y · $2. "~Ir . ·p eck l.," ,'l' I'nt d ll' r1 h i~ hrut!. :I . Th ~ COlll punlo ll'a ncw 'bOOk of hu· " Well," he ~:lid . "hen" s o n iei l'Il, u nd . mo r " 1001 One Minute Storll's" I th in k it 's u m ild ;!y ).\'u ," I 0 11 1' . Re · ulso in clud ed l-' R~;~~ (send 10 cents lIl ,' mu " I' Ih a t ti ll l' Illl ll:a z ill" 1'11 11 of t o cove r pnstllge u nd handling) . • ~I "ri l's n nd pit-t un·s nnd II i" ,. ~h i n g~ TII I~ YO TH 'S OMPANION yu u hnd Ih,' ,,111,' 1' day,! " " Ilh . Y"U S . N. n e pl. , Bu ~l(ln, Muss. 111\'lIn '1'11(> Y(tll lh '" (·" Ill pa nh'n"." said I S ulJ, nil'lio ns R(' ccived lit this office. Su nill . " \ ' ,.,. Iha l '< il. " u l1 <"'l' r,' d - - - - - .. :--;l1 m. " \\' ,,11. il ""1'11 " t il Ill" Ihilt if HOW MEAN yO U'll te ll " 1,,1 .. I' 1'" 1·,'nl s :111011 1 t h:11 IllJlg a ziIll' :tnd htl \\" fi ne and (' njo)'II ' A wo ma n I Illite i ~ Nall cy Leanit, hi it Wil ~ r(Or hllYs and t-rirl s tlll'y' d She c all ~ 111 " s weelie and doesn't j.:l\'(! s ubsc ript io ns 10 'fli,' Younth 's m('un it. '
Pllblic Sales
----_ - ---
F. T. Martin
Mr. Spedel es'G reat Idea
Mr. and JIlrs. Harry Grnhllm , Mrs . Susan Saylor an d! son s, Riley lind Henry, were Sunda y dinner guests of Mr. a nd Mrs. Rudd a ylor, in L ebo· non. ... FOR SALE Christmas g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Wolter Whitaker were: Mr. and M1'8. Herbert Meredith and . family nnd FOR SALE-Six milk cows. J. C. Mr. Howard Whitaker, of Waynes· Hisey. .d21 The Grnnge will have a porty at ville. thc Gym Friday evening, December Mr. and Mrs. ;Floyd Savage and FOR SALE- Bronze turkey hens. 3 0th. Each fnmily is rcqllested to Mrs. Robert Furnas, WUy:TIesville, family attended a . family Christmas bring candy, or popcorn . All g r angOhio. -<128 din ncr at the hom e of the lutt.er's ers and their families arc cordially 'ot her; Mrs;-Befitr-i')inwitidit'...-torrlw.aYf'~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! invited. nesville. ----.~...-- -
,Truly Yours
Special communication of Waynes. ville Lodge No . \63 F. & A. M., on Wednesday evening, '\January 4, at 7 :30. Installatio n of officers. All members ore requcsted to come out. CHAS. BRADBURY, W. M. F . B. HENDERSON, Sec'y.
Wiabinc you all a happy and pro.perous New Year
fot aU ..le8
~ lImp lu ~
Merchandise Shoot
Erne.t Archdeacon and Ion Everett of nterville. ultt'ntlud ~ familY' Chris tmns dinn e r lit the honw of 1\" . I '.. -- - n IH Irs. GeoJ'~c Heedcr lind' daugh. Mi ·q ( ; }I1,l'" lkrll'rllllI' '<prn t he t (,1'5. w(:{\k~;.nd ,i'lt'" fl'il'llll~ in T roy. l\lr. !lntl l\Jrs . Wilher t S wank 1'0. Mr. an d i. I.I'-."\. I., : ld ,'" anti " "lI gh turn d hll me Suneiny II Uer ' pl'll d ing Il')" ' \" "r c:hd.II,.;I< .:1,,,·,,. o f fri,'n cb ~ev~ rn l weckH in ' in ' in nn ti. ~rl'. :lncJ ill nn yltln. . . 1 1l'~' ~~dg~ I' 1' " Uon ll C<:o lllllUlli e I thi'm lo rn (' II nu ~ p l' nl . h r-Isl n\ll ~ wiLh lilt! nUIl1·h(·1' .f', I h'~ 'C' l\tl l'n' l ~ d th ~. luUur '5 )tl'anll lllol h e,', M,'s, E mliltl (' hr i~ llll ~ I' 'I' , I , ; II JlII'nl n l-'I' l-illl{' u lk M. " LIll'O , ~u nlj.l~ ,·\"llll1).;. lItr. IIl1d rur s. 'la r e ncll Smii h mov. JII r. un d tl.r~. Geo l'g Smi t h and ed last wee k to th eir co t tng h,'r Eo fnm ily til' cnt r\l on dlily III t he ho me of which !\Jr, Sm ith re cently I" el:lcd: nIl'. 111111 lIlr ~. l ~ hlll" l ,eH S mith. .M ' lh - - I.--If-:ccldellt . r s. n~l . y. m.l! twhen wi t h n1\ lluunti painX.lll I· ndn t y ne· of ~! l'. :\lI d ~I l's. Wa lt ·r K c nric ~ U · 11 11,, (1 t l," " I\I' · I .olllll1 ~ l'n lcl'La inm e n ' plO R t Cl' lt ollrd f' lI on IHl r und ( 1''''''"111'' • v > , I h t" ' nt " nl" I·" ill,' . Stlllll'duy e ~ l1in g. e( ~ ': ~ ll1nll Lone in hel' Iim L. ~1 1". Alffl' ll lI ui nl'~, (O r [)etroi l. s pcnt. Mr . P u ul Ilu k , a nJ M i s~ · ~1a .. gllr ,t t h' wl 'l'k. " n" with hi ~ pa re nt s, MI'. QU,'nry wure IIw r rie d on Sutunl ll Y und nnd Mr". S. II. li ni n ,~ (I ud fa mil y. soon .Il·ft.. fo r a tll'lI wee ks' ru otu ,' t ri p t o \\ Ilshl ng-tu n n. C:.,t pn n l he ir r t;. II'. a llli I\I r~ , Juliu s llt,,' r r , o f Day· tUI'n tlwy wi ll 1,1' " u L ho me " 10 t ll e ir SPl·lIt. MlI llIln y wit h till' Itl t l l' ''' ~ mu ny fr il'n,is at rhl' hu (t!. tl1l' for. Ille r '. pare nts . J\1t·. li nd 1\11'''. C. L. I'lIn' ll ls , M... all d I\Irs. J . E. Sm it h. ;\1 ... II lId Mrs . R\I~,,('I B urn et, lilt·... Ouke. of ROlltt' 4, \V aY ll i' s\" il l ~. T h r:,CI\"d e \\' hu r t"n IIl1ll Mrs. Woller Fry · hn \'<' t il(' hl' ~t wi shc s of rri e n,ls hl' I" " . ml', ud \l" I' rc Uay t on " hoIl Pc Ts, Wctlm'''' i\~r". l\Iary arm ony had for Ill'r .Ill Y. Chns tmll s gU t's ts, Mr. lind MI'>!. \V . F. CI k J \VayncSVJ' 11 c . 1\11'. ,Wei MI·s. 1I1r . nnll M r ~ . Chu rl es J ohns we re L ' nrJ ' , l 'o~ d inn!'r !( lI l!st s Chri:stmu s, o f Dr. and L. . Il rlllo ny und childre n. Mu riun .\I rs. L. B. Ha ll and family, nc ar Wny a n d 1l0b Ht, of Springfie ld, MI". II Ill.! nes vi lle . JlIt·s. H. C. Riggs, of Colu I1J l.Ju ~, M r.. und Mr,. C. W. Yo unc c und dau g ht. Mr. und Mrs. F rank Milte nbe rge r t,'r . Ill'l l )" lII uril y n , Mi M Dorot hy li nd son ~ p c nt" S u nduy w it h Mr. and r a lml' I' nnd Mr. E verctt ,J. Clark, of Mrs. Cliff o rd Are htll cuco n a n d son, a t Dn yl o n. Mi Rs Mildre d ('lurk. rJ f Cen . Ce nt erv ill e. l C"" ill ", Mr. a nd Mrs. W illi ll m Brown spe n t - - -. Saturday nt1l1 S und ay in Dayton with t he ir daug ht e r , Mrs. Frank Woolley and famil y.
o us ,linl1l' r o n Chr iHtnlU" .
We wish to thank every one for the loyal IUppOrt pen the .tore in' the ' ten years of our busineas life. bel to promise you even better service in the future.
1I111S l1"y th o! folll,wi llK I:ul'sl " : Mr. :J nl! ~ I r" . Ea rl Pi ll nlld f:lt1oi ly. ~Ir. :t lld ~ I rs. Mo r"; , I Jill iln d !'r,'ci lI ay· nl' r , of LdJfl n, n ; IIII'. li nd Mr~. Clyde Wil t kin", " f Chillil' oth e; 1\lr. Fmncis ,Wa tki ns, of IJ d rll it; 1\1is" Elvalois Mr. nnd !ll rs. I" unk Kudis and I J o nc s, o f Sou t h Lcba no n , IInll Miss child re n spe nt S unda y at th e hum e of Mnr gn r ' t ?ll nrloll thc I ntlcr ' ~ pa rc nt s, Mr. nnd Mrs. F o l' th e pleas u re o f Mr~ . .J. C. An· W il1iu lll Gmh ll m. derson , Mr. a nd Mrs. B. S t " k ~s ~ i l Mr. un'd 1\I rs . William Calemnn and \'e r , J ohn A, nnd Mary L ou . ilver , Mi ~~ Th elma, s p<' nt hri stmos Day of Win to n PI :tce : 'Ir ~. N . L. und Her· " iLh 1\l r. lind Mrs. tonl e y Sou t.h and Reh el Bu n ndl. Mr. ancl I\1 r s. Hor llce ra lll ily, at Lo,·c! und. B. SlokcR. ·11'". A1ll ry Ba lm er, ,Ta mes Mr . and Mrs. HlIlTY Meredith, of un d Ad a .' t llkes, u f Le hAno n, nnd 1\1r. Lim a, wc r e G o'clo ck uinn e r lJuest s Gcnrge E . Hiley lin d 1\1 i ~R (,s BIli nc hc Monlloy. o f Mr. nnd 1111'S. Wal ter nn d Pcd ' Hil y, 1\11". !lncl MI', . Muu· Whit uk e,' u nd fa mily.
An Important Message
~~~----~--~~~~~~~~~~I~_ ~~~~ .i~~~~~~~~~~~~~
,CeQterville•.0. ' 'New BurliDatoD,O.
.Eightieth Year
Whole Nurnbel 5786
FIVE PRISONERS ESCAPE FROM ·JAIL COLU M,B US. OHIO- The stille civiI Ke l'vic e co mmission will hold its nn-
nual (, xumin uti on of u"pli cll nl~ for a ppoin t men t tu pOMil ions in t he state highwll Y de part ll1 ent fr om Jllnuary 11 10 20, in six t ee n Ohi n ci ties. Plan8 o f the highway de partment are ' f or one of l he most II ggress ive yell rs in its history. and a large numb er of in~pec to n, us sis lun t e ngi ne ers u nd olhe r employees will be r eq uired. T o HU\'e travcling ex pc ns(' o f those who wis h to pllrlicipute in th e exumination ~ they will be h~ld in Columbus, Cincinnllli, Toledo, Cleveland, Lima, P ort.'1 muuth, Mllri ctta,' Ste ubenville, anton, Zanesville, Mt. Vernon, Chil licothe , Youngstown, Dayton. BucyrU B and Gallipolis. The commission has just i.sued II speciul bull etin which gi ves complete dll ta and is be ing mailed Cree t o those interested.
=======::...,,======Mrs. G. D. Milia is on the s ick list.
Dr. P. A. Ga rne r, chi r opra cto r, Lcbull on, Ohi o, Phone 78.
Dr. P. A. Garner, chiropractor, Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 78. Miss Claro Lil e spent th e holida ys wit h he r s ister at Washinglon C. H. Stock redu cing specillis for one week ut Cllry 's J ewelry Shop, Lebllnun, Ohio. Mrs. Jam es Mc Clure entertain ed th e "bridge ' 'club on SlI t urday afternoon. Stock reducing s pecillls for one we ek at Cary's J ewelry Sh op, Lebanon , Ohio.
Miss Opal Lewi s has r eturned after II visit wi t h r elatives and friend s As a res ult of th e verdict in the at Dayton, Miam is burg and Oregonia. George Remus cuse in incinnati, many changes in the jury system of Ohio We r epair everything in jewelry u re expected to be rccommende,d by ?nd buy old gold and silver and platth e state bar a s~ ociation . A specialllllum. ~arY' 8 Jewelry Shop, LebamCl: l ing of Hamilton county IIttorney non, OhiO. will be held as a preliminary to the The Misses OplIl and Naomi Ramchanges which will later be reco mmend ed, especially in regard to th e by spe nt th e holidays a s guests of th eir cous in, Miss Viv ian Ramby , of selectio n of name. f or the jury box. Dllyton. The hundt:eds of little blind and deaf c hildren, pu pils attending the state's schools for the denf and blind, are returning to Columbus this week to resuine their 'Bch"ool work.. They journeyed back to the home of their parents for the holiduy celebration, many of them accompanied by relntives or fri ends. A few of them, whose parents were l oo poor to have the ir children mllke the holiday hpme visil remained at th e two institutiaR.s and for each of them ther e were many present s and a Christmas tree well trimm ed Ilnd beautifully lighted. These children return to their school work now an~ with f ew exceptions will not get home again until the s ummer vacation. It ' is a pretty safe pTedl~tion to make that at the end of hi s present term as governor early in 1929 Gov~ ernor Vic Donahey will retire to private Hfe. He has no further political aspirations at the present time. Efforts were made during recent weeks by members of his official family to start a boom for a 10urth term as governor. but Vic himself put his foot down on it, and in almost every interview refers to "my last term in office." Donahey is recognized as one of the renl lenders of Ohio Democracy. No one doubts that, and he will retain this position even though out of office. Congressman Martin L. Davey, of Kent, BeemB to have the lead for the Democratic nomination next ye ar if he decides to enter the contest. And it wouldn't be a bit surprising if he were given t he nomination without opposition. The' Republicans are facing a three or four-cornered fight, which will do them no good because of , the animositills that will be engendered. ____
Our g ift tables are full of specials for yo ur 81'lection. Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. Three seniors of Wilmington college, Misses Helen Randall, Ruth Tomlinson and Mr, Burnett Butterworth, visited the High school Tuesday afternoon. W . . . .e mnmtam a hIgh ~l~ss walch re~B1r depnrtn~ent and soliCit your re~:~ and s peCial order work: Cary's elry Shop, Lebanon, OhiO. Mr. and Mrs. Water Chandler, of Doyloll , were in Waynesville Monday, calling on .friends lind relati vl'~ before leaving Wednesday night f-vr Honolulu. whe re Mr. Chllndler has a government position.
Entertained Friend.
---F a rnlcr s of Wan e n co un ty wi ll hllve an opportuni ty to 'increase t he ir effic ie ncy II /ld to make more money during 1928, .according to COUonty Agent Class, in an lllo uncing meetings next week to help sta rt farm acco unts. ' C. R. Arnold, farm management spec ialist, will be with Class to hold f oul' fa rm a ccounti ng schools a s fol-
A gentle men writes me -a le tter Misses Elsie and Doris Hawke entertained a few of their friends at a from which quota tions a re a s folNew Year's WIIteh party from 9 :30 lows: p. m., December 3'1, 1927 , till 2:30 "The other day my wife died. She a. m., January 1, 1928. The merriment begun with It.he get-together was 39 years old. She was a niBrtYr game "Finding It," which prov~d to her duties and t o her children. quite a task, Illthough "It" was al . "After 11l years of marrlllge nnd ways visible. Tlie remaind er of the hard w ork this wond erful wife and O W 9 . Thursday, Janu llry 12, a t 1 :30 p. evening WIIS spent in progress ive mother, wh o never compl a in ed, WIIS m. , a t Waynesville, in th e Township con tests lind cards, prizes being taken from us. awarde d to the winncrs and heaviest "Now is the tim e wh e n she co uld House. Thursd.iy evening- of the sa me date losers of the former. Delicious re- hllve taken life more ell"y <ln d co uld freshments were se rved at the en- have enjoyed t he growing up of her lit 7 :30, Franklin, in the mayor's oftrance of the New Year. children whil e prepari ng herself f or fice. Friday, J ll nullry 13th, 1 :30 p. m., The invited gues t.~ were M;~ses old age. Fronecs and Elizabeth Henkle, Kath "In two day ~ she i ~ gone. My du ty nt BU ller ville, in the Ladies' Aid erine Fromm, Doris Henderson, Jan- towards th e children will keep me go- r OO lnS. On th e sa me date, at Lebanon, in et Cartwright, Luella Williamson, Es- ing and going str ong, but I feel th e ther Henderso n, Miriam Spence , Ma- need f or so meth ing t hut shull keep th e Farm Burea u office at 7 :30 p. m. Simple yet complete farm account ry' Margaret Unglesby, Lucile St John me going on myself. Sara Mi$sildine, and Messrs. Robert "I would lik e to kn ow if lh ere is boo ks prcf)nred b~' t he Ohio AgriculMullen, Maynard Weltz; Olint Cor- a season fo/.' uch hn enin g and fur, t ural college and state Bankers' AsWin, Luther Hartsock, Melvyn Banta, thermore that th e deceused one is d at ion, will be f urnished at cost Kenneth St John, Frederick Robitzer happy in a noth er life. Pl ease llcur (1 5c each). nnd all wlio come to the Henry Saylor, Robert Mackelfresh the cry of a spiritll ul man le ft in th e meetings will be given full instrucJohn Gons, Edwin Ramby Glen~ middle of life (I am not yet 4!l), d e- l io ns us to filling out the inventories ' It hus been a few ye:lT~ ago that Bland and Vernon Mainous,' prived of the only one f a ithful co m- und ente r ing the vari ous items of exwflen the Ohio penitentiary populapanion and with nin e children, fr om p" n ~ e an d recei pts throughout the tion reached 3,000. , Much ado was 18 to two -and one-half years. I have ens uing yellr. Class will help farmmade over the fact and t,.ho place was the feeling thut no oth er woman clln ers wilh t hei r books at any time. reported as being "filled far beyond They ll l ~o pl" n to hold an other ever enter my life. its cupacity." Today the population mc(' t ing at the close of th e year (in "[ need a number of th oughts th o,t of the penitentiary is more than shall satisfy me me ntally and emo- Ja nua r y. \ 92U J lo hl·lp a ll wh o hllve 5,000. Of this number over 3.800 tionally that everything is f or th e best kept their r eco rd s to ma ke a sumare in the main prison, the balance and some certainty a s t o the life nf- mar y a nd Iln ulysis of them. being located at the London prison La. l year ulm ost 500 (armers of ter death." farm. It i8 pretty difficult to even --There is no certainty of the life af- Dhio thu - summari zed th eir yearly guess what the population will be Many 0:[ these hod kept Celebrating the fiftieth anniversa- ter death. That is a matter that must reco rd s. around the first of the year with crim 1 he salll c system of IIccoun ts for sevry of their marr iage, Prof. and MI'II~ be taken on faith and hope. innl courts now iii session througherlll years, and hnd th ereby grudullll y Of it we have a reaso nable hop e. out the staj:e. Today the Ohio state G. J . G raham recei~d about 125 Those who live the higher life, that incl'eused their net f llrlll incomes. The prison ranks among the four largest friends informally at their home on is above the animal, all have II feel . u\' el"llgc labor income for a certain in the country, ranking along with g l'o up of furm ers in Franklin county West Church street, Xenia, Monda:v, ing of another life. Jefferson City, Atlanta and San While the Scriptures do not posi- wu s $887 in 1!1:!2: $ 1l 7!J in 1923 ; Qu'c ntin. In the matter of main- December 26. In addition they were presented tively teach another Jif.e they assume $ 1422 in 1024 ; 2247 in 1925, and taining an idle house where the men ' . a tt, as Christ says, "If It were not 80 $2 949 in 1!) 26. sit and brood over their troubles, purse con taming $tOO in gold hy a I would have told you." , About tilirty fu'r mers of Wllrren Ohio ranka first. number ot the alumni of Central hirh Honor, patriotism, self-sacrifice and county were fumi shed books for 1!l2 7 school, of which Prof. Graham wu devotion reach out into another life. for whom a final meeting will be for m&ny years the principal. The In this life they are often thwarted. planned later. Among t!lose who purse was, presented by Dr. Marshall What the Almighty's reasons were Best, president of the Central Alum- for taking this mother we cannot say. nl a8sociation .. and ,Mrs. Lawren~" No one knows. But the beat plan from Shields, who inspired the gift, Ac- any point of view is to on a88umT. H. Parka, extension entomolo- c0'!lpanying the purse ~as a letter ~ng that he ha.d a good !~a!l,on. NothiBt Ohio Alrl'icultural college, will written by Mrs ..Shields In ,,:hich she mg can be '!"lined by IfIvlng up. :88i~t , County ~gent Cla61 with ' rat expressed t!,e hIgh regara In which If we heheve In the high purposes killin ' demonstrations on Friday, f~rme\, pupIls of Prof. Graham held and devoted life of the de~eased, we Janu~ 6th. Beginning at 9 :30 the hIm. She expressed relrl'et that so shall ourselve8 particip.ate In them. forenoon will be spent at the French many of the lo~l alum~1 were not If there Is another life and the deBrothers barns, In Lebanon, in ' co- reached ~nd therefore did not have ceased is cognizant of our doings here, t' with L D 'Harrold They a share m the gift, hecause of the she cannot but be Irl'atlfied to know :ur~~o: a-nd ex'plain the latest and 'hort, space of time available. In which that we are living up to our ideala. most e':reetive methods for extermi- to see , them and the secrecy; neoest.- . The memory of this mother has fati rats by Cyanogas forced into ry. A bouquet of roses in 'a gilded llied into a memory, but that memory ~:e ~~Ie. and dens by d~st. gunsi' , basket 'Was pTelented to Mrs, Gra- • III c~ntinue to inspire ,and blellS her At 11 0' lock in the aftemobn a sim- ham when the p"rse Was ten!lered to children and her husband. , liar dem~n.tratlon will be held in the couple. ' HB'rtAn township, arranged by Roy J. Prof. and Mn. Gra~am , received .' " , Roaa at his fann or at ,nearby' plac- guests from 2 \lntil 5 0 clock. They 'Everybody interested is .invited were married in Belpre, Ohio, 111;'1. • • , ~raham having been before her marto a ttend the~_ demonatratioDl. , -IBra 1Iill Mill')' Bosom, of llarittta. _ .. - . eir home hu been In Xenia since ISS., and for 82 yean Prof. Graham Amo~g the five marines killed In . , DEATHS wu cOIlJlec:ted with the public IChoola the battle between United States MaNaniiJ -Dodd., more than 90 yean the~ as principal and teacher. rin.. and Niearacuan rebels at Friold died suddenly trom heart trouble PrevioUII to their nmon.l. to Xu· clay wat Flnt-QIau Private EItler ~I~ afternoon at her home m ii, the GraltalDl, reai-rerouon. of Pleasant Plain. Ohio. llt. Ho~y. The funeral Hrvice wID cJeJlU of for MY· Private CroSlOn, wboM father 1I be held at McClure'. Puneral Parlon, era1 Jeari ,... prbaal- a fll'lller near ,P I-.st PlaIn, Ohio, Plldq ~D . , 1 o'~ pal ot 6e ' W bIMIl With . . llulaw-two,....
.. - .._---
A Rat Killing Demonstration
i . • __ Warren County Boy Victim of Rebels
ha \'e kept yea rl y r!'cor ds an d summar ized the ir books a re Ca rl J . Miller, Franklin; O. I. A ugs perge r, Middl eto wn; M. S. !\filler , Lee Earnhart and Kenn eth Hough, Way nesville ; Wm. Lu ke ns, Har\'eys lJu rg E verett Runya n and Miles Va\'i K, Leba non' E. H. DuVall, Maso n, a nd Georg~ Chupman, Plea sant Plai rl. One fa rmer Wh o has t hus a na lyzed his business f or f our yea rs sa ys: " I n 1928 my live-stock return ed onl y 68 cen ts for each dolla r 's wOl'th of feed consum ed. Bu t my 1 112 6 r ecor d shows thllt t h:ou.g h a p plica ti on of t he ideas and prinCIples broul?h t out in the a ccoun t ~ng work, my live-s tock r l UI'ns were mereased to $2.18 fo r eue h dolla rs' wor th of feed. " All fn rm crs of WUlTen co unt.y thu s in tere sted in i ncl'{'asing the ir furm in co mes, a rc invited to come to the nbove meetin gs !lnd stnr'L thl1ir acc ounts f or I !J28. B lJo k~ a nd blank shee ts for t he in vc nt ories Can be either, obtai ned ut t he office of Co unty Age nt Class at any time and e JCtra co pies will be aVll ilab le at th e meeLings. Full inform ation will be furnished by CllI s an d by t he above me n who have kept fm'm a cco un ts in t he Pllst.
;\1,', and lIIrs. F"rl'('~l J[ oui!' h spe nt Fi\'c p ri ,uncrs who escaped from Lh wc ek-end with }lf r". lI ough'" Ris- thl' ',"ancn cVlmly jail earl y SundllY te l' in Dayton. c\' ' ning, ure still at large . SurroundW he n in L ba non, qon' t forg t to ing cilies in thi R stil Le lind Kentucky \' i ~i t Ca ry's J ewe lry Shor, Lcb:l1lon, hllve Lec n notified of the j!l il deHvOhio, CI'y by Sheriff Alfred C. Brant and Miss Miria m Spe nce, of Banche Rtc r , was t he guest o f Miss E ~t.I)('r d('~c riplio n " o( th e qu inte t were 11 ,'",leI'80n last week. brOlllkllst over t he radi o. 'I' ll m!!n who succeeded in their ' Ou r g ift tables are full of sp 'c ials fo r yo ur selection. Cury's J ewel r y dn~h for liberty lire: He n ry John• hup, Lebllnon, Oh io. "O il, coloreu; Charles Stibbs, Theodo re Gllrrison an d J osep h Carr, who J am es McClure attend ed a funera l were be ing held on burg la ry a nd lardi rectors me!!ti ng i n Co lumbus. Tue ~ ceny charges, a nd Bra dl ey Gr illiin, day a nd Wednesday of this week. on a li'lu or law violatio n. Pa rk er Duofold p ns and pe ncils. A no th e r prisoner who attempt ed to Guarlln tee d. No exp ense a fter fi rst escape with the other s was overpowpurchase. Ca r y's J ewelry Shop, Lebel'ed by the sheriff and locke d up in a an on, Ohio. cell . Fo ur other pr isoners made no Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge Ramb y ~ nd a ttemp t li t Right. fam il y, of Duyto n. spent New Year' s I t was t hough t that t he bitter cold Da y with Mr. nnd !'vII'S. Homer Ram would be an ally in rounding up the by, of Way nesville. men, none of whom WIIS heavily clad, How long is it since you have ha d an d it was supposed t hat they would Consul t Dr. be forced to seek shelter or in an yo ur eyes examin d? Rudo lph, the eyesig ht specialist , on Tu esday li nd Salu r day. Free exa m- effor t to obta in heavi'er clothing in a tion. Cary's J ewelry Shop, L eb- would be r ecaptured. a non, Ohio. When Sheriff Brant was ,feeding prisoners shortly , before 7 o'clock, Afte r s pendin g a pleasant week wi th f r iends, Misses Ann ie and Mome Sunday evening , one of the men Brown r eturn ed, SlIturduy t o th eir dropped a pi ece of steel in the loek school work in Colu mbus. on t he corridor door which sprung the lock when the sheriff attempted Mrs. L. T . Coo per and so n, Jay Byron, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Willillm- to close th e door. Not se nsing the attempted jailso n and Miss Luella W illiamson spent un da y with th eir parents , Mr. aud break, t he sheriff started looking for Mrs. H. H. William so n . Miss LueUa II t ool with which to repair the door. r etu rn e d l o Ohio 'W esleyan univ ersity Watching their chance and conon MondllY. gregating around the door as if to Don' t fo rg et Dr. Rud olph , t he eye - watch t he sheriff, the men rushed sigh t specialist is he re evel'y 'ru esday f rom t heir cells v rpowere un li l 4 'po m ., a nd Saturdll Y until 8 p . m. Cary's J ewe lry Shop , Leba- him . During the ensuing scuffie one of t he me n participati ng in the break non , Oh io. was captured by the sheriff and his Leste r M. Co mp ton and Mrs. Lo- fi ve companIons fled. rena A. Barnes and daughter, JuaTwo o f the five prisoners who esnita, enj oyed the Yulet id e with th eir moth er and grllndmother, Mrs. Geo. ca ped were recaptured Monday by D. Mills , who e ntertained Misses Ma- t he sheriff and his deputies. Bradley r y ra ne und Mal'y Lone in honor Griffen, still in his shirt sleeves and of her g r unddaugh ter. almost frozen, was taken at his home H ighest degre e in th e watch mak- in Franklin, and Charles Stibbs at bis ers craft is Gru en Guild Wa t ches, in home n ea r Lebunon. Me n's pocke t a nd strap a nd ladies' wr istl et wllt ches. See th em at Car y's J ewelry Shop, L!!ban on, Ohio.
Mrs. L. T . Cooper and so n, Jay ByByro n, ac com panied by Mrs. Cooper's brother, Harold Willia msan and wife will lell ve Dayt on ThursdllY· J ay ' Byro n going to Lawre nceville, N. J. , t o fini sh his school year, lind Mrs. Coo per and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- LETTER Tho f oll owing will be of in terest lia mso n' to Miumi, Fla., to spend the to t he fri e nds in this community of win ter . Mr. lind Mrs. Adll m Melloh and sons It PIlYS to hav e YOllr eyes gi ven at- wh o ar o win ter ing in Los An g eles, Col: Mrs, Ca t herin e Cla r k, li n old li nd te nti on by an eyesig ht specialist. Exam intio n fr ee, by Dr. Ru do lph, every Mr. D. L. Crll .H'res pl'cted citi ze n o f Co r win, d ied a t Well, this is th e day afler Chri8the r home in th at village, Sat urday, Tucsday and Sultlrd ny. Ca ry' s J ewmns in Ca liforn ia. It rain ed ChristDece mb er 24 , li fte r u linge rin g ill- e lry Shop; Lebunon, Ohio. mus Eve Il nd al so all day Christmas. ness. I suppose Way nesville hnd snow as The fun ernl ser vices were held in uSUlI1. We Cu n see t he snow capped • l. Au gusti ne 's CatllO lic chul·eh. 1'ues moun tllins fr om our front porch. The da y morning a nd burinl \V IIS in Mi-, ruses and fl ower s IIrc in full bloom ami cemet er y. in our yard. We al so have palm and She lellV('5 to mour t he ir l o~s f our ora nge trees in our )Ourd. so ns, f our daughters , two hllif-brothST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Last week we drove down to San ers a nd one half-sister. Sund a y, Jun l,lary 8, se rvices II I Pedro a nd saw t he Heet of U. S. bat- tlesh ips. Adam and Be rnard took a 7 ::\ 0 a. m. four-mile trip ou t into th e Pacific Father Bien, Pastor. Ocea" lind bourded the battleship Cali fornia, which they enjoyed very ST. MARY'S CHURCH mu ch. Billy and I felt s afer on land_ Miumi Chapter No. 107 O. E . S., Next Wednesday we are going up will meet in r egular sesion Monday J a nu a ry 8, 1 !l28. First Sunday afevening, Junuary 9, 1 !) 2 8~ 'at 7 :30. te r t hl' E piphan y, Chul'ch School at on the de sert to hun t jack rabbits. A full attendance is urg ently reques- \I :3 0; Morning Prayer lind serm on We were s o sorry to hear of the recent deaths in Waynesville. te d. Vis iting membors welcome. a t 10:30. Wishing you a very happy and Rev. John J. Schaeffer, Rector. J ULIA BRADBURY, W. M. properous New eYar, I remain, SU SAN HAWKE, Sec'y, Mrs. A. F. Mellob. CHRISTIAN CHURCH • Sunday School at 9 :80. Everybody cordially invited.
Mrs. Catherine Clark
Order Eastern Star
Masonic Lodge Notice
TURTLECREEK COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday School 2 :00 p. m.; worship, 8 :00 p. m.; Children's service, 6:45 p. m, ; preaching, 7:30 p. m_: prayer meeting, 7 :30 p. m.; Wednes, day; Bible Study, 7:30 p. m. FrIday. , C. R. HARVEY, Pastor.
Regular communication of Waynesville Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M., Tuesday evening, January 10, 1928. Visiting and sojourning brethren are welcome. CHARLES BRADBURY, W. M. ' FRED B. HENDERSON,.,..5ec'y.
• _ _ ~.
Mothers METHODIST CHURCH 9:15 a. m., Sunday School; 10:80, sermon and COlllmunion, subject" "Happy Hunger." 6:15, Epworth League;' 7 :00, preaching service, I!ub ject, "Christ's Thrllofold Missron." Aaron S. Watkl~.D., Pasto,r.
Bible School at 9:80: preaching eervice at. 10:80 and 7 :80. Do oat mm, al our Bchoo I. In a contest 1ritb Lebanon school 011 attendance. Be loyal.
NUIwa JoImIoa,
rere The Wayne Township ' others ' club will meet at tbll Grad,( buUdln'Ir, ' Friday, JanuallY 6th at 2 p. 1i1. Dr. Watkins wlU me the speaker of th .. afternoon. Everybody cOJlle. ., ' Donna H. Edwards, Pree.-.--
. Mary Earnhart, Sec'y.
HARVEYSBURG i\Illrg'IITl't, •.wit h !icat'1ol
-- ~:"-
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Philltp s
Copyrlt,h1. MIGhaoI V. P h. 1 \I P' RAl .... ecl thn,t,. 1'\a..bJtAherl
ItArTE n xx
D on' t risk th e 111SS (\ f h:. hr ch ic ks t h is ),'c:l r hy h it -or-n.lis. b· d i t1 ~. F",:.! rl lxl'rlo St';lrting I·.:c I aft .: .. t il.: fi ..~ t. 4 X
A t the Offic e
Eig hl trtll'ks. bull -no"ed and imn"'nsl' ly pow ,·rfu l. 'Ioot! hutnp (,11 un d,'I' llll' il' t "rp u ul i n ~ like slra nge pr ehi storic nnin Ja ls, The ir g Ullrd" li n d t1 ril-cl"S wa lh !! rl'sUes5ly up nnt! down 0 1' huddl ed u nd er protl'cling CI\llVIIS " pro ns. Th 1'l>e s kiffs fl outed by th ' <.loc k in th e bootlt'g- ge rs'· CO I' !'. The re was an atlilu<le of ex p ct.a ncy un d impatien t waitin g over the ~ c o r e o f me n mltkin g u p the e xped ilion. It WIl S well past noon of the fi rst of Septembe r. Yes t erday's' rai ns pers is ted , a lt houg h the lurge drops hud 11 0 11' d i S~(l l v e n int o many smull er (I n (>~, nnd 1I th ic k white mist t hrew a blllnke t O"l' r Ihe m. It waS imp ossible to ,ce fll l't her tha n n short d istn ncc. Bud wea lh er , f og alld a hi gh sea had deltt yed the Cn nadinn r um- runner , She WIl H hour s ove rd ue. As the lIIell s tamped l he ir feet an d tllike d insell sibly t he atmosphe re beClIlIle ligh t er. The m ist, little by li ttle, bega n t.o rlissoll'c : A cold w ind callie up and swept away l he r emnanls. The clouds turn ed f rom a drea ry dark gruy to a lighte r ahude. They beca me fle ecy ; patc hes of blue
h U l~ . Yuu' lI b<: !lllla'lc tl . u t t llt: , 1!l5 t hea lthy grow t h o t YOllr e nltre !luck.
T u xt!do St:l rti n~ l ·~.:t: d is a tnle fnunrlntion bu illlcr. C Il m (t: n rtL'd Hu tt':1'11l1lk ill t he fc.:d h 'Cl's the c hick's s tomac h sweet :In d hell'S eli ~11i ll:l1 e hnwl:I t rol1.hl e; it also e(l11t.lins h l~!h gr:t de C" d L1 \'er Oil, hctn il'all)' Il's t« 1 f"r \: ir.lII~ int: A lind hiologi all y tcsn.:J fur V, t:ll1lllle D. All TllX.:do F eeds a rc free fmm d ust. Fcc I th em straight t hroll gh the seaso n, fur grC:Il t:! r pou It ry I'roli 15.
Everett Early, Lytle, Ohio
Tuxedo Starting Feed n ~ Tuxedo Li.." o/Feeds: Tu xedo D airy T uxedo Su rU na: Feod. T uxedo Scr a t ch ~ c.r.... U. Sweet . T ux edo Grow(naMs l h eti T u xedo Developll r Mla raJ O a l,.)' T uxe do AlIma.h Tu zed o Po ultr y [ Tuxedo Ch op Tu xodo Eitllm • • hu F a tt ener Tll ..40 H OC' Ra l to n T u .od o Ch Ic k -ond o t h er .
AJ.&1.oe .... t.e r Sarvloe
dy for adj ust men t. He step ped for"' "1'0 low>1I'd the htl ddl e d, do ubt ful hooz e -l"Unn~ r 5 . H G H:-l - I H' l nh~ . bOY ~t " h IInn o un (' ~ d Cllli"tl),. ho l i lill~ lip hi ~
ow n
goo ~ C-(1 J! .
f ll l ~('
Hl' drew hack his
I\ r m~ ~ li~ h t
h', "A ti d it's 1I pai nful wuy to di c." . T ill' l ru ck cr('ws Wl'rt' ma de li P muin ly of men wlw hud dodged d('(' ill til<' grl'lIt wnr. T hc y hurl uhundll llt C01l 1"1lgC'. nn d \\' ould hllv!! shot it out wit h I.h e t rO"l'er~ . But they kn ew nothing of gus , a nd th ey (PlIred it with n pnni cky fClI r. Every Im nd clut ch d a t t he sky, includ ing l he plump, " ' pe ring fig ure of u . rot und p e r ~o n wi t h silk y brc.wn beu rd who stood in th " (oreg ro und. Ev('ry hund- No t q uil l'. A ma n nn the wh ad , I'l'ul"I'II',1 in part by till' lru cks nbove. ra ised his au toJllIlI · ie with 11 d('slw ra tl' gl'stun' lind flr cd Ilt th e h' url er o ( th l' tl ·OOpO I·~" . t1 ~ rni ~~c < 1. But th e >c l'g-clln l wh o lin sWE'rell dirl not. 'I'll " mnn on th e dock c1:1!'Jl('d his n rm ~ abo tl t h i" ~ l o m nc h un d fell in to the shall ow wlllm·. " ~t(,lldy!" cnmn10nlled the lellde r. " li e's clon e. Don '[ th ro w, me n." Eddie F ll r be ~ rll n f rom nmong t he trooJl ers, throwin g Itsi de his gas mllsk u~ he ,·a mol . "1''11 I!c\ him Oll l! " h ~ c ri ed. For the runn er wh o hud f nl-
F idnapoping Victim
_____ _ _,..-_ _ _ _ _.....
S.-..nllial! la lh. Filt'illif of Glue.. for Bett.r Vi.ioa,
Write for Free Booklet
Priceleu Po ..... ioa."
Detroit Street, Xenia, Ohi~
·D. r. ·W. E.• , ...Frost . ~
I?G@QA"TC9.,1 \".
ft.6'.. b"t ReUalll. SerBm a.d Vinal Uaed Phone 81 HAaVEYSBURG, OHIO
1..',li " n..leff cd " o f Wus hbur ll, :-<""t II I la kota . ~ Pl' l1t Ch .. is l111ns hotidlt y" Wit h his mot her, !\It'" . Sarah Jeff""i, a ll d Io I'ot he r, Russell <lnd fmnil y. ~l is, ' In1'ie Pltll l, whll is ultl!n d illg W"odwlIrd lI igh schoo l ill incilt lllft i Chl' i;-;.l mns Yll ca tiu n
wilh }u"I r
g l'all oi pa rl! nt", Mr. ulld Mrs. L, T .
Ma rian Parker, 12-yca r old da ught er of Per ry Pa rk er, ch ief clerk of the Los Anr,eles !rust ~ nd Savi ngs Ban k, wh ose k,d napplllg a nd slaying has a ro u s~ d So uthern C ~1if o rnia and Ihe na t. on.
Look at your expiration date onthe Miami Gazette.
W.H.l\tadden & CO. .Wayneaville, Ohio
'AU Kind Building Materials -- - ---:.
sky nppellr ed. Th e ra in stopped. " Ther e she is'" severnl vo i ce~ crl cd lit once. Onl y a fe w hu ndred Yllrds owuy hellding st raight inshor e, was a squat, low-beamed fishin g t ug. She WaS low in the water ; t her e was a bone in he r teelh, nn d spra y dashed over h er squar e bows. A plum e of steam arose fr om the craft, and a si ng le inquiring note of her sire n r oll ed ovel'--thO-W1lter. One of the m cn ruised u long bamboo p ole in whi ch was n square of whit e cloth, and waved it vigorously. It was the "All clear signa!!" F or everything was all clear, co urse. The run ners would be unmolested up here in this jumping-off place in the barrens. The tug drove on. The canvas wbich swarthed her ~Id l!s to a height of ten f ee t was being ~lrlp pe d off. It could be seen t~at the de ck was piled high with pill e uox es of hnndy s ize. Th ey wer e cases of Cunadlan liquor, hundreds of them retaili ng a t cu rrent quotations a t 'one hundred lind twpnty. five do lla rs per case. The cargo was wo rth a f ort une. Th e skiffs put out from t~o dock rowet! briskl y by two men In e~ch. A mun in the bow of the tug ratsed his hand a nd sh outed. . She had come In shor e 80 far as It was safe a nd with the revcr slIl of her engin es, the' forward motion eCDsl!d . The crew gathered at tbt! rail, removing the finul lashings. Ae the skiffs came alongside and were made faet, thll)' handed down the cases. The small boats esme back cautiously to the dock, laden to the watl!r's edge. The waiting group formed a chain. The cases were passed from hand to hand until they were plied up on the n earest t ruck. In a few minu tes the skiff. were empty, Ilnd were towed to the tug again. Two motor boats shot out from n notch in the shore line, just the cove. High banks on of th e shelter ftnd thick, ov,ern,an2:lrl2: ,v egetation had I''''. ctually co ed th em bl:!fore. Thlt! boats wer e long, hig h in the bow' and equipped wit.h r oaring en~ln es that sent thenl flyi ng through the wpter at racing s poe d. Euc h was mll~ned by a holt g.nz ell young men, in the forest-green ufl110rm of the Michigan state police. E v.eI'Y illil n was armed, and a machine g » thru s~ IlD Ominou s snou t forward , frolt'l ttl!! bow.. All hands went up on the tug and th e s kiffs. Thet'e w~ J1R hope. The ttJ gs wore t oo slow to 'UN 4wllY and he r r, re w could not hope to stafU' p/f thl ~ ~ Li peri or armament. The comp leteness fJ t the surprise made the th ought of or gllnizing resistallce out 01 th e qu estion. The crowd on shore looked on the flying craft with horrified amazeme nt The jig Wll8 up-up most cally. It WII S every man for nlrn 8 '~II. The trucks f urnished them with means ot escape lind th ey turned f rn nt lcally .t o the ' waiting vehicles. They f aced a skirmish line of est green . Moore trooper had arisen from among the sand dunes. These were armed with ritles and automatics. And each held a dark metal object, about tbe size and shape of a In 'hls right hand. Th'e fearSome 'one. Over each fitt ed tightly around and ended in front 'in a sort' of elephant's trnnk. Two ,",eat swing @ !!II. dlsks were turned forward Uke mercless eyes. Only ODe ,mao ,wa. not eo eQuipped but h1I mule NIte4 08 h1I head. I'M-
Compounded Semi·Annually
First Mortga ge on Real Esta te Se curThe best SCC ;.j ~ ;~ ~T . Nothing Safer- Not hin g Bettel ASSETS OVER $1:l,OOO,OOO
:111'<. A Ill:t null Slur I' ret ur ned home Sull1l'tiuy from u pleasa nt wl!e k with her oa ug hte rs in Duyto n·. II I iss MuLcl llC" " IlI IHlni ed her home a nd r cll1 u ill~ d lt ll t il Monday eveni ng ,
MORE THAN 22,000 MEMBERS One or th e Illr,1{est a nd s ll' o ng e:;t asso-
The Wise Friend
ciations in t ho ~ tat(~. Why tak e C han ce~ ml Get-Rich-Quick Schemes and lose all. We respectfully .olieit your patron_Ire
Onre upon n ti me- u nci not very THE long lI ,.!O· there \l" 11S a brot hcr an d siste r wh,' had u fri e nd . A ve ry special f ril nd he wus. who to ld Ihe m sto· ri es ub" "l men who fl ew thr ough th e skies C'; (' l' far-flung' s pli ces of the ell rth ; ~ r boys and gir l ~ who h utl thrill'ilt !; und myster io us utlv cniu r('s ; of ot h " I '~ who hnd most un u ~ u E.t" bli.h.d 1887 " I s il II lit io ns confront t hem, yet 19 EAST THIRD STREET l11an ngeu to co me throug h t heir tests mllnlll!'c d t o com e through t hei r elests 1156 WEST THIRD STREET wit h stea dfnst ll ntl c o u rugeo u ~ hpurLs 510 EAST FIFTH STREET o r wild a nimnls in tI(' ep ju nglcs how th"y lived, hlln ted li nd die n. ueh DA YTON, OHIO a hosl uf things di rl Iheir good (r ie lld tc lt them 0 ( , und how inte res tin gly he t old t he m! Cu me the ti me when t he ir tr le nd 111 0 \ ' U llWllY to " na tht'r luwn . Brut. h(' I' II l1d s ister were .uddened by his 2 . Two cx tra numbers t o ncw sUh- 1r. goi ng; for t hey kn ew t hey wo uld m i ~~ s (' ribe rs ordering wil hin 30 da ys his " hCH Y m ile a nd t he wo nder ful At! for only $2 . • • • sto ri es li nd amusin g nnccdot es he wus 3 , Th e Co m pnn io n's new boo k o r h u-
fun d o f te ll ing t he nl.
Th en one
U10 0 1 On e M inute Storit!s "
d ny t he p<)st ma l1 br ought them II let , ul.o Inclu ded FREE (se nd 10 ce nts te l' ( rom I he ir frio nd, in whleh he to cover postage a nd hant!ling) . to ld Ihem he WII~ send ing Ihem The I THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Yout h's Co mpa ni on ~o that they S. N. Dept. , Bosto n, MII8S. \Voult! not forget him .fi nd t hllt in it Su b 'c riptions Received at this office they would fi nd just t he sort o f stories th ey hlld s o muc h enjoyed hCllring him t ell. ANNUAL ELECTION len was too valuab le to be arowned . And s ure enough, n day o r two 111It \Va Scoots Li bbcy, whose mi shnnd - ter the Illugllzin e a rr ive d, und broth The annual election of the stockling of a liquor truck months before e r a n ~ si "te r fo und t hut it truly did holders of tho Waynesville Nation.l had st.nrted all t h e t rouble. huve just such wonderful stories of Bank' for the purpose of electing ofIt was within a few minu tes of 5 ~d\'e nture ."nd sport Il nd mys tery, and fi eers for the ensuing yeur, will be .o'clock. cl osing tim e i n t he Doun- j ust such j okes a s th ey loved ao well. held lit their banking r ooma on Tue8t y offices, when E lldle mounted And eve ry ti me that a now numbe r day January 10 1928 between the the steps of the new brick building, o r Th" Youth's Compllnlon arrIved, hou~s ot 1 and S'p. m. ' wearily. A Hense of responsibility t hey wrote 8 note to th eir fri end und L. M. HENDERSON, Cashier... hlld h im with the state police told him h ow much pleasure t.he ma&;could be gave them. • - .... - -You, t oo, may have just that same NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT his t elephone eaU of the night. before pleasure, or give that pleasure, ' by which h ud precipitate d the mos t SU,C. mean s of II subscription to The Estate of Cassie A. Cox, dece ased cessful liquor r a id in the state's hili- Youth's Companion. Subscribers will Notice is hereby given that Clyde tory. receive: . . . Cox has been duly appointed and qual F ortunately, a troop of the state 1. The Youth's Companion- 12 bIg ified as admln.i strator of the estat~ police, working on shore with momonthly iss ues in 1928, and of Cussie A. Cox, late ot Warren tor-cars and horses, and on. the Count y, Ohoi, deceased. wa ter with t heir fa st motor crUIsers, Da ted this 20th day of December, hlld been beat ing the nort h for rUm- had beaten up for tres pass. H e was 1927. W. Z. ROLL. runners, and werc stationed only a sitting on a stra ight-backed pine Judge of the Probate. Court few miles away. Order~ from chair, and Nanc e Encell was besid e Warren County, Ohio' ing had st.arted t hem durtng the him, . A kee n young mun in eity • __- - to the r endesvous he had . c1ot.hes was ti lt ed again st ·the wainTh e rain had helped the m to estabhsh scooti ng or th e side wall. JAMES IS GONE t hemselves und etected in pos ition to E ddie ad vanced a fe w steps and spring thei r coup. pa use d u nce rta inly. The stronger The drooping wceping willow tree Now th er e w,as a le t -down, a lowel'ed t he f r ont legs o f his chulr Sobs o'er the Itrllve of J ames McFee; pairing sense of loss and failure , He ,and pr epllr cd to rise. His late ndver- H e went to Chicugo on a bust was co nsc i ou ~ tbat he hlld ea ten only sary scowled, but Nance ~ mile d and No\\', I ask you oonfide ntially, i sthis sket.c hily f or two days, thut he sai d, cheerily , "H ello, Eddie. Well, j ust ! shaven . and thut his misshapen I sec you ma de' it , after all." - - wrinkled clothing' had bee n wet by Mad e it ? H e hod mnd e nothIng AWFUL MISTAKE the r ain had dried on him , and had but u mess of It. Why hud he come had bec~ wet al~ain to dry again. He he!'e to be laughed a t by NlIno" Enlnc- "Thish punsh ish getting aw· wondered rather stu pidl y why he WIIS cell and her compaoion. of all peogoing to the court house at all, he pIe? And why was this other chap ful queer." Briated- "Well, why s!.on't you stop had no mone y to meet the taxes. staring at him 8 0 curiou sly! t!ipplng your cup Into the gold fish P ilt eI' Whim ple hud company, Edbowl." die found. 'I'her e WII ~ th e youth he (To be contlnueli)
EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Tuesday, 9 a.m. 4 p,m Saturday 9 a.m '8 p.m
Carys Jewelry Shop "Th. Hom. of Girt •." """~""""""""""''-,
DR. C.
Office- Amen Bid,. OF.1C1IHOUlt'
9 to II a , m,
3 to 6 p . m 7t09pm_ TelePhones. ~ff~ • • • 80 Realdence. • • 88''2
Waynelvllle, Ohio
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;.;
Will. Drawn .. .. .. .... E ••• t •• Sa .....
Wayne.vill.. Ohio
.- ...
No "Miltake About It
CLASSIFIED ..... tAOS. MONEY LOANED LOANS on Chattela,Stocka, Securltiel and, Second Mortcqea. Not. bought. John Harblne Jr., Xenl.. Ohio. ·m30-'2'
Farmers. Attention! MAW COWIE qU1cl'(t IT
N e w H om e (or M lli n Offi c&
HnYtllll lld lI arvc y, \\' Ill> has bce·1t II Culum bus h" Sllitlt l, h lt ~ b"elt r e-
::iI ' l'lIl
Mi ~s iJ (' le lt anti 1·: lllt l· r \I ere 'F ri duy l'lI lI e l'~ Itt the home of ;\\ 1', ulld Mr ~ . Hny S tu rr.
(Iui lc
h l' (' 11 LIl~k,
I '
h u~
t ll rn l1d h t l lll(' . \ V v a t'l' :-Iu r r y t u say m o \' eR , or his l' (1 1Hiiliu lI hr n ut improve J .
G, Clar k !:it It 1'1',
(;1'11 >' II
"Whe r e Sa vi ng s ar-e Safe"
i.. s lIffo l'l ng
Skut ill I-! hus 1o\!ell III jUYLlUR IIII Sl ime of nil' r " lt n ~ rn l k ~ lhls week . I{ub "r l Il nl' tman, "I' lIl l. P I ('I\~:It\l, ~pc n t W ·t!nC!Hllly wil h Kirk J e fTeri ~ , ''k!ret t. ,' humalw , In s r llt urn uu hom ' f rum n 8l'VllrIII w e~ k s ' soj ourn in 'lI litlJrniu .
hhutt.rton. try H.nt:Y J"y~
~Start Baby Chicks Right
A nllP Gortlutl fl'\'(' r .
Ace,"J)E. NiL 'i \N I"T~
-tt 1$6 EL=f
....,ONI'(~~ \J.I~eNO~'
Farmen of Wurren and adjolDln, countle. m.y obtain money lin Io~ time loan8, at 6 per cent intend. Cost of securlnr the lame i. very ..... son able .throurh The Federal Lan • Bank. For further Information cal on or IIddre.. M. C. DRAKE, Tn... urer, phone 318-X. ~b.non, Qhlo.
FOR SALB FO-R SALE-Two Jersey heiten,20 and 9 months old, from elltra cood cows. James S. Vandervort, ' R. F. D. 2, Waynesville. J 11
FOR SALE-100 acres, 570 per acre; 250 acrea, priced to sell: 6-room house and two Iota In WayneevUle $2,000; 8-room hOUle, ftJrnace, bath and electricity, $4600, terma: one acre with 4-room cottage .nd raraae, . $1600. W. N. Seara, phone '19. YOU NEED THEM NOW40ot destroyer, furnace ' and !lue' bra.haI" iron lind roof cement, patchlnc pluter, Boiler I'X" liquid 10'(.. ItoPPia. leaks in heatlnc plants, w.ute ,pipe cleaner, THE BOCKtET,-IUNG CO., 416 W. MaIn Street, Xe~. Ohio, Phone 360. FOR SALE-Fresh COWl and .prlq erB, 1111 young an(J T. B. tut~d. W. N. Seara, ' phone, '19.
FOR SALE-One Jersey cow, E. ~ " . Reifenlder, R. D. 1, W~p....m Ohio. . '. . .It·
. lor aU pqrpo....
e::bl1WDdB~~"~ . UI W..... . . . . . . .-..;
is a mighty t hing to overcome and it is likely n new calendar will not be adopt ed until quile II few of our prea«J nL leap years h-ave been written into hi Rl(1 ry ..
- -.. ~ ..--=-
'''',nrlptlon Prlc•• $1.50 per Y.. r
The last will and t'~8tamen t or Snm ue l E. Colliver was Mmit ted to p r obate. . . Court. 'confirmed the r eport of ence Woodso n as adm inis trator of estate of A . E li za beth Adam s .. M ll ry . Hllrvey mad II pplicat ion to ta ke unde r t he will of W illiam L. H arvey. T he last Will and testa men t of wi n . ThOmPs on was admitted to Ilr ha t. lydo Cox ma de app lication La uc a ppu intl! d admini strato r of th csta t~Qf-C tl ~.! i e A. Co 'he ap poi n tme nt was aeecp ted li nd a ppl'lI isers \ver c fI lUll cd.
L CRANE "'"bllahe. And hri Ktmns is only a little more ======="====~= thun ~ oU day~ IlWcty_ :- 'J A N1JA It\' 4, I !l28 Money is th e g reatest Jing4ist of "- --- = them 1111, for it s peaks in all lang uages. GOVERNMENT
John William s was fin ed $100 a nd costs fo r th e pussession of liq Uor . Upon molion o f t he def e nd a n t, cour t grants th at th e def ndbn t.s. E lizobeth Li becup and MYI'Ue Li becap give sec urity f or costs. Th e r eport of the receive rship of WORST OF A'.l CRIMES. ~'J ust a s I exp ected , drink has bro- Go ylord E. Bayn es c t a I., by l he Ll?bThe KOV(!l'fI nHl nta l mac hin ery- F ed ken up my home," soid the mlln a s onon-C itizens Nati onol bonk wus up ruE MICROSCOPE. eral, stll te a nti lucal - ill t he Unit ed his still exploded. p roved. PAGAN REUGIONS. Sllltes i ~ beilll:' Kivc ll ove r more a nd MARRIAGE LICENSES Ve lm a M. Getts \Va ~ g ran t ed a di THE KING'S PAATER BOOK. more t o lw re a u ~ , bOll nls. co mn dssio na red C. Getts on g roundH vorce f rom F The jury may hove decided RemI'o ul A. He llinger, Miam isb u l'~ , II n tl wh llt not. 1'., rl1IIp" t.h e growth o f gross neglec t. fur me l', }lI1d T el'a E . Sexton , f actu l-y CaH£onlia and th l! who le country . of indll ~ l l'il\ li ~ nl in thiM co un t ry, t he U 8 was insa ne, bul eve n 0 cra7.y man Delt Elm er E spy Wll H orde re d t o work er, Franklin . . H C s hock ed by a drcadful kid nopgrl!at inc reuse in populati on, ond can f ool SO me judges. oppeo r bt' for o co urt lind anHwer why Al ex un der T ra ylor. furmer, FI·llI. k- ing and murder in L o s Angeles. :- similnr ch unKi ng cu nditi ons have he hu s not obeye d form er ord e rs. lin , Il nd BCI·thu E. Wllrd, housckcc.p- The unha ppy fa the r, o beyill g t he The cute little girl these days does Illud e tlti ~ nl' ~es~ ary. Hul, to many T en o llYs leove to fil e unswer is cr, fo'ra nklin. o rd e rs of the kid nape r; ha ntl t d him peo ple, it see ms th ot t he mu ve me nt not have to bother reodlng love sto- grant ed th e def endont in the case of $1 .500 In 'go ld cert ifica tes an d in Will iam T . Thorn e occo un ta nt rie s- Mhe hilS l he m told to her. hus ulrclld y go ne t oo fnr. The nldwc ll a nd T ay lor Co. , v~. W. l\cw Yo rk , a nd Alllrt;1 S . Welsh' return rcccived part o f t'hc body It iM ce rt llin . ut a ny rule, thut S. Adorn s. :-cashi er, Frankl in. ' o f his twelve -year-o ld daugh te r ' wh e n c\'tJr ~u\"e rnll1 c n t uJ mac hin e ry be Ther e can't be any ghosts, or Borne The receive r wa s orde l'ed t o poy Robert W. Co lemo n. wu iter, Mi d- dreadfully mut ilia tc d. COlli e s to n cu nt pli cll te d t o be unde r- uf th e' presen t crop of biographers cla ims for lubor in th e eose of th e . Th e. worst ? f crillles is k idna pdl etown , a nd Salina WUl'd low maid Mtoo d by peu pl e wh o ho ve not Illud e wouldn't gel much sleep. mg , sin ce It mll ic ts upo n fath ers KUr7.-Kaseh Co. vs. th c Van Horne Franklin . " and m others t o rmen ts m ost horriit th e ir life st ud y, those peo ple cllnco mpony. Fra nklin A. Il en dcr.-on , facLory ble. Th.at crime should be punnot lw expected to Ill ll nifes t uny inDe fenda nt s we r e ord er ed to fi le onWho will ori se in 1928 to tak e the sler or pleu d in th e cause be f ore wo rke r, Kings Mills a nd Ella B. B ut- IS he d With ut must severity, a nd telligent inte rest in the ir governm en t. ler, Kings Mills. whe n guilt ia ce :1a in Witil no chompionship of the world publicity It is e'lulllly cc r tllin th ot t he moveJ unua ry 2.1, in th e cuse o f W . H. delay. Clyde C. MOI'gon , wo od wo rk e r fr om a certain maker of autooway me nt t o place the gove rnm e nta l proRu cker, odministrotur vs . Thomus E. Doyton . Rnd Do na 1\1 iloll, ma ' hin ~ cess in th e honds of bureaus, bOllrd ~ , mobiles? GI1I8S el 01. Dr. William J. Mayo, ono of tho operator , Fronklin. :-commissions ond the lik e, hos r obhed famo ul bro thers , says sci ence Ddendu nts were orde red to fil e on learns more au out diseases fro m populoI' gove rnm ent o f a meuKure of On the opening day of Congress SWe r or plead in the cou se be for e REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS the microscope tha n in any other authority. 5. 400 billR wer e introduced, and that J unullry 24 in th e ca se of W. H . Th e governm ental mo chin el'y is be· will give them something to talk about Hucke r. adminiHtrator V15 , Thoma s E. R. E .Simpkin to I. . J. Bu rton. way. Man's bruin Is a "visual org an," and III ust See, to kn ow. 8 3. 20 acres in Wayn.~ Tp. ing c1ut te rd up with a lot of useless for awhil e. GI BSS, ct a l. The introdu cti o n of tho micro pu rl,.; that do little ex cept to ru st out. .-The plointiff hllving fil ed he r mo - . Clint? n W. Ratli ff lin d !il lid g e Ra t- i cope by the J ansscs, la te in tho htl' t o I'rllnk L. Hu rri ~, t wo t own lots Any citize n wh o hus ever come in Now thot Bos t on hus demonded a ti on ua king f or olim on y, it was orsi xteenth century, has d one more contact with som c o f th ese boards, boycott on beef, T exas will probably dered that the ca se be set for heor- in Leba non. to advance learning than any Fred erick Stegc m 1I ~ J' t o Alln .r t bu reaU H or commissions can name 0 come through any day now with a ing December 30. other ag ent, says Dr. Mayo. Stegemoller , 200.0 0 Hc res ill T urtlefew of these useless parts. Real learning owes mo re to demond for a boyc ott on beans. creek Tp. The complicoted machine need s to Galileo', introduction o f th e tele:- NE WSUITS Obadiah Eva ns to Alton C. Dough- scope, at the beginning of the be s implified. MII)' bc it would be There moy be much joy in Washseventeenth century, than to the if 011 wh o have become enmeshed in Clor ence Woodson VB. Jennie Stew- mllll, 8 town a cres in Uni on Tp. Seeing the germ. Wilmer Littell a nd Vi ola Li Llell to mi croscope. the red tape spun out of th e machine ington over the new record for the art, Laura Lovett Elizobeth Simpson , that cause di.cau is important, by bureaucrats were to sc I up a con - number of Christ mos packoges hand- Da ni el Adam s, Grace Evans, Goldie Juli a F. Bea ch, one to wn lot in Mo- but less so th an seoi ng distant died, but the mail carriers who honso n. concerted howl. Will ett, Ma uel Hunley, J esse Adorn s, s una and nebulae.. Perhaps, as di ed the p~ckage s hoven 't been heard Helen Adoms, Aluert Adams , ePter Wick eJ tt lind e Uh a e.l tt to illfl es the great Gennan lICientl.t sending f orth ony gleeful shouts. Adams, Elijnh Woodson, Edna Hom- eJtt , t,:" o town lot s in So ut h Le ba non. Haeckel suggeated, men of the fuLOCAL TAXATION-EVERYNellie Holl smon a nd Claude E. ture wi 11 train ono eye for tele· i1ton, Clementine Mort in, Charles BODY'S CONCERN Woodso n, Mory Dawson, Mine rva Hollsma n t o Carl J. Weber two tow n scopic, the other for microscopic wo rk, the two eyes combined deal' Ga rlington, Ann Mason, James Wood lots in De erfi eld Tp. Alfred P. Voo rhi s ond Mor y C. ing with the real world about IlL Cothe rine Woodson, petition s On ond From Washington these days comes Voorhis to Evo V. B,~l1 li nd Burt B. of r eal estate ond other r elief. Earthquake in Bnrmah frlghtmuch shouting about tax reduction. The Lebanon-Citizens Notional Ball, 22 .60 ac res in Dee r fie ld T p. enc;d Inbabitants. A loud roar But no one ehould be loa led into Broc k Con gleton a nd Len n Co ngle- lasting ten seconda, accompanied Ba nk ond Trust Company as guard thinking that the problem of tax re.,. . £. w~,..-r 50Me 'tlR'Vftt.S Gautamas, Iinest ion of Robert Qlligey, Anna Quig- ton to D. E. Ha rri son, 00.46 acr es in the .haldllg. ducli on will be settled, once and for temp~ at Rangoon, W1U badly DO~'T KNOW A80IIT AN ley, Constance Quigle y, Elizobe t h Union Tp. all, by whot is done in Washington, Ben C. Kelly t o Stella E. Didcoc t damaged, but that will not shake and Warren Quigley, Morie Quigley, despite all the shouting. Quig ley, minor children of Warren a nd VivcLor W. Dldcoct, 130.5 0 ac res f&lth in Buddhism. Taxes should be reduced all down Qu igley VB. Cora Quigley, surviving in Harlan Tp . That is th e convenient thing lhe line, for tax reduction is not a J ohn S. R ichardson a nd Sarah Ri ch about wite of Warren Quigley, deceased, Da~an religio ns. When any· prohlem for Washington olone. It ardson to Ma rie Ge bhart one t own partition and sale of real estate. , ~.-- . ' ia a problem that requires th e best lot in Franklin. ' Edlla Goodwin VII. Raymond Bu~ thought lind the utmost effort in evThe Kilpo t rick-French Motor Car chonan, bastardy. pnut. telt the faithful, -It'. your ery state capital, every county courtDelilah Bowyer V B. Wallace W . Co., t o F red Kahn ::I.nd Thomas V. fault. Your donations haY~ been houlle, every city IIall, every school Inade:quate." or · NothiDi is ever Bowyer, alimony and permanent al- Hood , one town lot in Lebonon. district. every governmental unit lowance for attorney fees ond in- . Edward Johnso n to H enry C. H am- wrong with the pagan ,ad, IUPwhere bond issues ore voled. paled to control earthquakes or Ilton, two town acres in Wa rren ond junction. And even more than tax reduction at leut ~rotect hi. own temples. Union Tps. Even fwadaaumtAli't Olri.Lian is necessary. In equi t ies and in j ustices Fronces S teward Wylie et 01., to cblUChel PROBATE COURT PROCEEDINGS put llghtnlug roda on in the present system of rois ing r e v~eorge C. and Elsie Light 62.85 a cres their lteepltl, whiCh IeCIllI enues should be removed. It is evEverett Early filed application to 10 Hamilton Tp. .trange. erybody's concern thot tll xe~, local HITTING THE LOW SPOTS s ell certain stock of the estate of Lulu Marler to Albe rt Morler two and nati onal , should be lower ed and The Early and Doniel Company, a s town lots in Le banon. ' Judge Har4Y of the Superio. made uniform. " Do yo u travel much in that old e xecutor of the wiJl of George A. Court in San I'ranclco aa,y. crime could be aboli.hed if IDOthera fii vver of yours ?" Scott. would teach their children in pre" From const t o coast." Oscar B. Cain filed his first and COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES NEW CALENDAR "Good ness! Have you really gonl? final acco~nt of the estate of Anna Blind pe nsion , $78,1.25 ; W. C. Gil- Khool days, obedience, truthfuland the Golden Rule. mour, inquest, $6 .10 ; The Book Shop ~ ho'neaty from Mai ne to Californio in that M. Grandin . i. jOlt what mot he" have No applicotion for appraisement 8heri~'s .supplies, $1; same, r ecorden i That The League 01 Nations has a sked boot 1" becn teaching their children fo r the Uni ted States t o he lp estobllsh an " Oh , no. I mean 1 coast down onc hoving been made, court appraised supphes, $85; som e, 60c; same treas- 500,000 years, according to the internlltionol calends.r. A committee hill nnd then tow it up another one the value of the property of Alice J. urer's supplies, $60.75; same, ' $5.10; light of their period, and they of t-he Leogue of Notions is studying ond th en coast agoin." Dayton Stencil Works, treos urer 's have achieved wonders already. Evan. ___ __ -~==---..J....~T;;h~e~l;a;:st~will and testament of Chos supplies, $ 4.67 ; Columbus Blank Bo ok I all proposals for re form of t he calenIntelligent M~ Rickard· say. ow e was a mlUii'il to pro bote. C?o., auditor's s upplies, $57.85; John- ' dar. Under one system proposed, MU ST BE DONE RIGHT Helen M. Hawke and Fronk U. Le- son & Wotson Co., rE,cordcr' supplies Jack De~peey will light Mr. Tunthe year would be di vided in to thirMoy were named executors. Apprais- $21.56; Inte rnational Harvester Co., ney agarn next summer. Certeen months of f our weeks each, wi th ?Jnll', and each of many followan extro day called "Yea r DlIY," at "So you wont t o morry my daugh- ers were named. truck r epairs, $7.48; Leslie Shultz Ing Summers until death do them W. H. Fulkerth was named one of operating maintoiner , $40.50; L. the end of the year. In leop yean, ter'" part, if the crop of $40 a seat sim"Leap Doy" would be in serted. The '''Yes.'' ,the apprai ~ers of the estate of Linnie P.e nce, tmctor repair, $4 .60; Maine- pletons last•. extra month woud be called "Sol" A cnJel government plan s to tax "Do you think you can divorce her J . Reeves I~ pl~ce of J.ames ~ollen. vile go rage, same, $3. 50; Harold arid would be inserted between June in the manner to which ahe haa beNo opphca tron 10r appraisement Sween ey, loading grl~vel, $15.75; L. each $40 s eat $10, but th at can be and July. If the fifteenth day of come occustomed?" hoving been made, court determined G. Anderson's Sons, bridge lumber, made . up b;: speculato rs' J;>rices. th e gross value of the estate of Susan $909.78; JlIi/Tles W. Hoppes, same, Mr. Rickard 5 good for tune IS du o! January fell on a Monday one year it partly to the fact that men dU ll E. Hoine. would fall on a Monday ' every suc$234 ; Charles Sullivltn, same, $1.75; enough to enjoy prize fig hts are QUITE PROFICIENT Edith L. Bishop filed her inventory Ed Meloy, bridg e repnir, $4.66; W. A. too dull to know when th ey arc ceeding yeor. The same doy of the and apprai seme nt a s executrix of the Scott, same, $7.80; Eugene Harper, being "faked." week w.ould correspond with the same . day of the month in every yeor. Minister- "YoUIlII' lady, I hope you estate of Linnie J . Reeves. S8 me, $8.50 ;Fred S nider, pay roll, The last will and t estame nt of $4 0.50; V. W. T ompkins, same Calendar r eform might simplify don't make a practice of smoking." It ie belicvcrl, in the West, tha'. bookkeeping. A new calendar might Sweet Young Thing- "Oh, no, I'm Franc es A. Daugherty was admitted $ 124.3 5; F. M. Collins, $62.2 5 ; Ede~ the Tri-State Colo rado River Comto probate. be better all around. But tradition quite proficient now." Ter r r, $8 7.60; same , $92.90; A. T. mi~8ion, represen'·'ng California, Arrzona and Nevada, will reach an The authenticated co py of the will Rettig, $169. 3 0; C. E. Bradbury to start work On the of William R :Bowmon, of Cinton $ 114. 10; Jos. Davis, $123.26; Fred aBreement Boulder Dam project. Whatever county, was admitted to record. Humphreys, $7 9. 66; The Book Shop helps one Stote heiRS tbe whole Harry Little mod e applicotion to treosurer's s upplies, 85c; L. W. Nis: country_ Arizona WIll gain by albe appointed administrator of th e cs- bel Co., repair materiol, $23.45. lowing Californio to use water and power now going to waste. ·tate of Raymond Harry Littell . The appoin tment- waJl- aceepted~ The British House of Lords has Harry L . Littell was authorize d to approved the new and changed settle hill claim for damages against readings In the Cburch of EngHoward Wison and George A. Willand prayer book, but it has been son. Court approved the report of disapproved by House o f ComDentiat Harry Littell showing the amount rc mona. King George Is Intorested becau.e his oath requires him to ceived on his claim against Howard W., ... ..tU. NatloDal Ba.k BI.a. stick to that book. Wilson and George Wilson for the Some low church Brltlsbera wrongful death of Raymond Harry complain that the new book i. no t Littell. as strictly "Protestant" a. the last. Harry Littell tiled his first ond fi· The opinion of the only autbority nal account as administrator of the that really counts can unfortuestate of Raymond Harry Littell. nately not be obtained. Court approved the application of Diplomatic circles In Pekin Ilrc Anna Saville Hamilton to distribute shocked by a ship,ment from Turcertain aasets of the estate of D. B. key to Pekin's 'Anti-Opium MoHamilton. nopoly !3.qreau." The shipment J. O. Cartwright filed his inventory You can huy Buick d~ car at prices as low was 52,000 pounds of Turkish and appraisement al executor of the opium. That reminds you of ·our WE GET THEM QUICKLY AND as ~U19S, f. o. ,h. factory. You can buy it on estate of Anna Marie Daen. own alcohotpropositio n, in spot •. FREE OF CHARGE Joe M. Weine rued his first and One New York cabaret keeper, CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR <labe liberal G. M. A. C. plan-with a moderate ~nal account of the estate of Mary asked if prohibition agen.. bothEXPEI~SE Moore. ercd him, replied. "Ye s, I had to "doWD-paymen~ wh~ch may be: taken care.' of by g ive on. of them $200 juat lUI iwlU William Carson filed application to your present QlI' in trade. a~o." be appointed administrator of the esHARVEYSBURG, O. tate of Elizabeth Carson. The ap. • P"OIl•• These ~c~ mean maximum value, and in Buick plication was accepted. '-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...J WAS ADVERTISED Court ordered a certified copy of you pt Ttal~uty-rtal comfort-rtal perthe inheritance tax of the estate of ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ She was only a doiryman's daughfonna.ace. You get the unrivaled value resultJ08~ph Nicholson be- certi1led. ter, but she knew her butter and egg \ Mr, and MI'I. Silas Bennett filed iDg from B.u ick'. unrivaled prodUC#on in the men. . applie~tion to adopt Dorothy AJberta "Haven't 1 seen you somewhere?" Durbin. quali~ .field. . ~----------~~--~~ "My pictures have been in the poCarrie Keuter applied for the Two Shows pers." Come in-ace Buick-compare it with otha' pJ:ovel, of the eeventh and flnol ac"Whot's your nome?" cO,upt, as guardian of Edna Keuter, ~- of price:""'then let the facts de~ "Lydia Pinkhom." .TJ!e .flrst and final account of iWlI • you to buy Buick... lIam Meehan as ex.cutor .of tbe es- ~iiillliiiiiiii iiiiiilliiiiilllliiiiiiiiii.. tate ot John Blue was confirmed. PAINLESS TOUCH SYSTEM SBDANS$U95 to $1995 • . COUPES $1195 to '1850 Court confirmed the second account , SPORT MODElS .1195 to. $1 S2 5 of Lela Voorhis aa exe~utrilt of the Where did you lind thi ~ wonderful Ali .....,..,: Do '" FlI"" ."hc..............._ ••oc 10 be ...uc.L eatate of Walter W. Voorhil. • fol~ - up system? It would g et mon'tIirt"O. N. A. c.~... JtIan.~. _ .......bla, .. .-Jlaltle. Court confirmed ~he flnt :and final ey o ut of anybody?" , acco~nt of the. estaje of Sarah Jane of1 s imply compile dand odopted the P~.ql\u&'h. . letters my son sent me from college." . ·Court· confirmed ' the firat and final . I '. - ~ -...- -. ~.---ac;coun~ o~ Milton S. Keever as exect'UNERAL DIRECTORS . utOr ~nhe eatate .'c·f W_ Oscar Keever NOT TWINS WAYNESVILLE. OHI~ ~urt ,confirmed the aeventb aecoubt-Clf.·Wllliam Chaney Ai uecutor -===== He:-i'1:hey sa~ radio is in its . in" of the eltate otJ[ary (lonnable_ , " Fully Equlppeid for Good fancy." Court confirmed the sixth .account i • • SemC8rShe--"Thank the ' Lord it's trot' of :WUliam Chaney as admiDl8trator Large DJapla,. Room. twins." . of the estate of Thomas .Tone.. '.. Ambulance II_-'ce . Fo~ D. Haines fled hIa ftnt __ Q!:ICYI "I just loanea. that singer ten dol~ fblaI of the. elt&te TIlUPBONB 7 _ n.U_ OR _ NrOBT BaIL account . . of •.ICII.u..... 1..... ___ .....!
Start -.The
New Year Right
ARTHUR BRISBANE The Noted Writer, Says "AdYerli.lna i. to ""aine.., what .peech i. 10 Ihe bumaD race_ "Sincere adyerll.ina may be Ii .....
..... Wroif ........
cd to the limb of • tree. il aoon bre.ka and fall. 011.
beart .. intemaut and eif.eti.,. ad. verli.ina from the mind." Repetition
the new.paper a. aD ai•• rll.i.a m.. di"m. Bruity m."" the moat power fill adyerti.emellt . _. , the lea.. tho ad.ertiaor ,aYa, the .. ore the .. iDd of the reader thinl...
ADd tber.'. an-
otber .d"antale of brevit1-wo .... that are priftted are paid for, wbll. worda a man tbinlu, you do net pa1 Eor!'
• Fi.. thina' are
to •••ry
ad~.rti.ementl tbe pubPic maat ~
made to ii, "nderatand it, b.lle.e it, and want it. If the •• are omitted, tho wbole thina ia a fail"r ••
• • •- - - Tbe 6~.. ad.ertiaement e".r p"bIi.b•• w.a an adYertiaemellt in color, end it wa, one tb.t ca
.er b. 1m-
pro'ved upon. The Srat ad •• rll.lUIleDt wa. the ra'inbew, aDd w.a put in tho heayen. to adnrti.e to tb. world t"at it wo"ld not alain be deatroyod "y a flood. And like all aood ad..rti..~
;Buick Performance
mn.", it hal kept ita promiae."
Come In and Talk It Over With Us
Tbat i. wbat e .. abli.he. the .alu. of
Dr. John W. Miller
fint tbiDa in ad.ertiaina i. repetition.
iBUickLttxury· • •
.d.erti.er .1ut"ld re/Dember tJut. Th.
IB uickBeauty· • •
So, with
inliDcer.. ad"ertiaina, it .eoa drop. away. SiDc.rity com., frOID the
Wb.D the
.ep ce..ea to Bow throuah the brlUlcla
HarVeysburg Fertilizer Co.
Walter McClur e
. J. E. M.c Clure
Keetot Garage Lebanon ' Ohio
-------..-- ..------
lars!' ''I see--m~t be a tenner."
The MiaDli Gazei Way~esville, .;
Phone .1 12
-- cz--
C()MVa Mill! Routzahn is ill at t his tim . -,=.-=-. . •. - - = = ; T her mometers reg lMler ed ri'um 7 lint i, wa- 1\ 1'1'<: .. 1 ~II(' ( of ~Ir. a nd to 10 l?do\\' z" ro Ill'r c ~undny morn. M I'~. , • t. &llll' l'. inl:. T obncco hUl'n·. h l\\'1! Iwo n in Ihil! Mr. lind lIIrs. U. I\ g l c ~ liy W I' viL-inity o lrc' rin ~ t IHc!\ " ,,('un d Dayton vi s i tor~, h day. 1 0 1' tobUCHO. 1t".. und Mrs. ChIll' I<'H Chnrl c'lo n Mrs. A ma nda Maffi t spent Nl'w Yea r's n ny wi th Mr. [lnd Mrs. W . O. ate II nn ounl'i nR' Ih .· ~h' l h IIr .n Mon , 0 0 11 /1 111 Bt1wllr.1. UUller.
MI'. lI l1fl I rM. Spt h F.II·IIIIH. " 0 11 IIlId Miss Lulitiu Sc hu (znlllll, of incia- dll.u gh L(,r Wl" ', ' 1"1'10111 :1 I{tll'M tK of relMr. a nd 1I1'rs. !\Iert Blli rd saw th e all\' ('" In lli(' llIl ltIr" I, 11111. . "King of Kings" .Ilt the Stra nd the· M,'''. nO" ' lIo ,Ion£'" "' " t(l rtullI d )\ 'r a Iel' in Da yto n. T ucsduy. unch' Mr. "oIew 11I1l. lit Xenia, II Murrer T inn ey !wd fumily, o f ,len COUl'll' li t <Ill Y" lust week. will ow, Oh iu, s pe ll !. lhe wee k-enol with !\'11 ·~. 1" ,w,' 11 ThonlllS, Misses H e len Mr. nnd Mr '. ,J,) c ph Tinney. II no.l 11 uti' ~: lI rly ncco mp nn ied Ev('\,"It I':"rl>, III 'i ncinllllti, FridllY. The Loy,,1 T ~ mlH'rnnC e Legio n w ill 1\ 1: . II lId M . II l1 rry Grohll nl more meet at t he home of Dean Hawke.!. Thursday, .J a nuu!'y 5th, lifter school. Nl'W )'''''1' .lI n nn g uests of Mr. nnd nlr :t. Kl·:t h·,· Gruh ll m a nd doug hw r. Sih' er wa l'C? 1I,\\'c yo u seen t he . lilt·. 11 1111 Mrs. Edwin Linn eman and beautiful pa ttern s at Cary' s Jewelry ch ild/'l' n, Il f Dayton , were FridllY Shop ? !Sel' us be furl! buy ing. Cary's gu ,'s t~ of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F oulks J eweh'y hop. Leba non , Ohio. lIl r. L"" Mils on, of Ma son spe nt Mr. lind Mrs. J(~~ ph T inn ey had a s rllsl we~k wi th his s ister, Mrs'. Chus. their din ner Kl1c<b Iln Monday, Mr. Clark a nd hu sbnnd, and hi s ni ece, n nd . Mrs. Tr uax . o f Cincinnati. Mr. Mr ~ .• . H. Burne t and family. a nd Mrs. Leonard Tinney and famil y, 1\ji:<5 \o:'Ii . h rum, of nC ar Lc blll1l1n. Mrs .Lu ra Wcrnl:~ und dllug hter . SpOil t l lh ' h olid uys with Mrs. EVil Whu :·t,,,,. They vis ite d th o latter 's A Cler ~pcnding th e holidays at their ~lln Ul ,,"·. · .,t.s, Mr. and Mrs. Lel' r c"p~c ti vc hll mes. lIIigs Edith McKi bGre at hllll sl', in Duyton, a coupl e (I f bnn nncl !III's. E. .J. Burton ha ve re- dllYs. . tu rned to thdr duties in the Monroe lI1rE. Elizllbe th Smith, of OIlYto n. sc hools. Mr. 811,l ' drs. Amo s Cook und ch ilSunday d inllN Jr\l(,s t..~ of Mr. a nd dren. 11 t' WayncH\,ill e. were Thursday Mrs. Leonllrd TinrH' Y we re Mr. and dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cha8 . Mrs. MUI'I'e l Tin ney and fa mily, of J ohns. Gle nwill ow, Mr. nnu M r~. J os. TinMr. a nd Mrs. Eme ry Charleton ney, Mrs. Lu ra W e rnt7: and daug hIlnd son, Churlea, motored to Penster nnd Mrs. Lawso n. a nt Plain , Monda y, to see Mrs. Last Thursday evoning Mrs. Marne Charl.eton's aunt, Mrs . Anna Berger, Hat.tl eld was t end,er ed a pleasant s ur who IS quite ill. p rise by a bout 413 members of th e Mrs. Charles J ohns. Mr. a nd Mr!!. Patriarch Miita nt and Llldi cs Aux- Allen Emrick, Mr. and Mrs. S. H . iliary of the Leban on Cllnton s. An Burnet. IIIr. and Mrs. Walter Cast oyster suppcr fas a dclightful f ea- and Mr .and Mr!!. Walter Kenrick Discontinuing farming I will sell ture. Mrs. Ha ttl,cld wus th o ' ~ip saw "Abie's Irish Rose" at Memorial hall. Dayton, Wednesday. by farm and chattels, located on9- ien t of Il beu ut ifu l um brelln. hult mile N. of Bellbrook, on WulMr. and Mrs. Edd Longacre enterMrs. J . W . E dwards enter ta ined lace Berryhill farm, on Friday afternoon, ho noring Miss Hen tained to a family dinner, Sunday, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10. 1928 rietta McKinsey. The guests were The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Longacre Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert At 10 o'clock, the folowlng : 4 Mrs. Ronald Hawke Mrs . Ralph Milbead good young horses; 9 head of ler , Mrs. C. M. Hobitzer, Mrs. J. O. Swank and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Swank and son . . T. B. tested cattle, 88 head hogs. 11 Cart wr ight, Mrs. James l\1cClure, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Sides enterhead of sheep, Fordson tractor and Mrs. J. B. Chapmon, Miss Elizabeth taine d to. a New Yeur party, Saturplows and all larm equipment, 600 Ch andler, and Mi.ss McKinsey. day, evenmg. The guests were Misllbu. corn and other leed. Mr. and Mrs. James McClure en- es Edjth Huseman and Edith Side8, At 2 p. m., 5IIme date, the farm of tertained a sma\1 compony New and Messrs, Joe Campbell and Ralph 140 acres will be sold 'At public auction, 76 acres in high state 01 cultl- Year's eve. Those prese nt were Mr. Hommel, of Dayton. vuLion. very productive ;66 acres in and Mrs. J . B. Chapman, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Chures Johns a.nd blue grass pasture with wood land; Mrs. Ralph Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mr. and ' Mrs. Walter Kenrick, in Hartsock, Mr. a nd Mrs. J. W. Ed10 (toad springs, plenty water yea~ company with Mrs. Charles Hough around, fences aro good and build: wards, Mr. and Mrs . Ronald Hawke. of Wayne8ville, and Dr. and Mrs. J: ings are in good repair. This farm The dinn er guests during the W. Ward, of Dayton, were pleasantsells free of 'appraisement and a woo- Christmas season of Mr. and Mrs. G. ly entertained to New Year's dinner derful opportunity for some one to D. Mills were Dr. A. S. and Mrs. Wat- at the home of Mrs. Coon and ' daughget a home as owner is leaving for kins and son, Willard, Miss Olive ters, In Dayton. Oklahoma. A loan of $9800 can be Dinwiddie and Miss Lucy Emley. Mr. Lester Gray and Miss Cleo arranged. Terms, $600 cash on date Another group' was comprised of Mrs of 511le, balance on ensy payments Grace Deem, of Springfield; Mislrldtr- Stacy we r.!! married at Lawrenceburg each f ollOWing year; 2 good . orchards ry Doem, of Pipta Stone, N. D. ; Mrs. Ind., Thursday, December 29, where they were the guests of the former's and plenty of frait. Annu Deem Ar(: etsin~er, of Southuncle, a few days. returning home E. C. HARTLINE. ern Minnesota, daughters of the Martin & Stanley, Aucts. Rev. R. K. Deem, who at one time Sunday evening. Mr. Gray Is a. well Centerville and New Burlingbn. served three years as pastor of tile respected farmer of this community, Phone No. 2 and Phone 320. local ' M. E. church; Miss Eizabeth the sop of lofr. and Mn. George Gray il\S StaCY is the youngest daughter John Weaver, Clerk. Stewart, a friend of the Deems, and Lunch on grounds by D. of A. Miss Lutie Vandervoort, a sohool ad- f Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stacy. They sodate of Millft Mary Deem, who In .' ill reside with the former's parents at tholr farm east of Lytle. Mr. and Having sold my farm, I will sell ' 11 ' very sucecllftfllll teacher of music Mrs. Gray have the well wishes of at ~ub\ic auction on the premise8, and art. ~rs. Argetsing~r's son. their many friends here. a miles N. of Waynesville, and 1 mile John, and MISS Mary Deem s adol?ud S .of Mt. Holly, on Federal Route son, George are students at Antioch No . 42, on college.
either w-agon or truck W .e are now eq 1I i ppcd to service and are ' also In a position to furnish "Good Coal Always." W e have the sole agency for
A semi-Pocahontas, that carries everything but complaint.
Public Salea
F ·ER.
t· Ezehanie your old stove , Ior 'whole-bouse comlort
l through the remalakable t. "Enloy·.lt·Now,t L
Club Planl DON'T put Uf> any longer with half·hearted
heat I Don't shake and shiver through the remaining months of winter I The "Enjoy-ItNow" Club makes it so easy to own a genuine Estate Heatrola- ~the original. beautiful home.heater that keeps every room in the house com. fortable even in zero weather!
Make a mombenhlp
deposit or onl1 ." to Joln the ·'EnJoy-lt.N.,.....· Club. nu. c!&paCt ..w be awIled .. the flnt ~ aD pour &.tat.. H.atroIa. •
Gee &tIOC!Iet ......nt 01_ 110ItbII NDIMId. JOUr ok! __
, . aaJo, R .. uola
1ImIr7, _. eDiIIaoI,
fr'IIID . -
wtdIaraI ~ lAo otb« QDUI _
Tbe~ ."11 '18 alHad, lie . . . . " - PII:I'IIII till IIeJrI.. 00 eoa.eaJ••I
,lohll Wall u i ~ sl1('mJing t his week in illCillllllti. One hu ndl' d lind tifty children at Karl n a(h'l'nvr ull d wifo W(" '" in St. J OHO plr I'V llll nug in Dayton en· Hu rvey ~llU r~ \ •.• Inl'~o!~ 'l. .i "~' l' li II l urk"y' di nn er o n Christmas • ' . TIl y . ull d 2:; 0 inll1a tes in the MontM ' "~ ~ Ia,.y .\ 11111 ' I I' A II dr,'w ~. I. I ~:" ll1l'I'Y C ullty hildl'e n's Home . liP nti1l1 g ~o\'\'t'a l d."ys 1\ Ilh 1'l·IIII IV,'s Ilay ton, \\'hl1 Pll j)y d hriAtmas. Gif~ llnt! frl" luls 'H':II' :-;"Io,n:l. \\'I'l " pln",!ol Ul'llU Il P lIine Christmas M iR " ~~ ~'I'IlII CC ~ ,l i t "' " :lld 1111<1 1Ilin - ,' e c S whi ch \1' rc deco\'ated und at lIio J Il"uli clI lI ~ oI 0 11 ~1 1I1'y J{ alhl " I'1I I I p. Ill •• Sulul'day, th e children were ,\' h ol11"oU I1 Thu r"lillY uft.crlluO Il . aW :1 kc lI 'd iJy carol H s ung by tho Oo o><h' ,· ,·Iuh. 'Ph" children looked 'at Willi," Ti bbal s an d i'lIl1l il v ~ l'l'llL a !'l'lIy of ~ i" I~, liul they we re not disMon dny " f In"t II' C('k wit h 11' .. T ih· t l'ibul,·U un l il Sunday morning. Open UU I6' t1nu J,: hlc',', 111('1., ill Cin cillll .U: htlll1·ti ",,'r' co nti uct('d ut lhe institue, Th " ' l' li t e Il I'P I'I1Xill1utc'y 2!lO(1 ""t- u n SIII Hlny. licl{illning at I) u. m. A "rang at I hl' Su h lil'l' lI ulI1 0 al n.. v· chi ckell ,linner with all the trimmingll tu n. wh u wel'e I'cmembered on Christ wa s se n 'ed to t he inmlltes of thli home. !:; ullduy noon no special promas OilY . Ou r school l'('~ llll,cd il~ du ti· ~ Oil g-rnm wns g ivo n a s entertalnmente L'el'1I prese nted nt the Homo du'r Tu esday m o rn ill~ wi l h U Hlll nll . nttcll- hud ill)( 11ll' past week. . dall ' e, o n a l'C oull t (If ~Udl n l'1I 1L1
IHorning-. e ig ht bl' luw zel'o.
G(!lJ rJrc D/ I\' i~ II nol rln ughlC'r. 1\1 1'5 . TWO IDIOTS Mury MUlln ol1. U1'1'i\'('d . af cly in Hu mc, III H.. 1111 W Cdl1l' ~ " "Y o\·<' l1il1l{ . A nKr y Plut' n l- " My daughter doell wh el'c t hey wi ll visit MI'. Dnvis' s is· not " Hil l to bu li ed to an idiot all ter li nd fnmil y. her life." Rev. F.d BOl{n n. wi fe I1 l1d daugh·u ilo ,·- " Yes. sir; that's why tel'. of I·'all Crcek , Hi ghl and co unty . W Ill-lt III t uk e he r otl' your hands." w here the Rc\,. LlOI{III1 hus t wo churc h C8, were W l'Cine~ d 8Y g uC"ts of Gle nn Dllvi s Rnd flllllily. GONE HOME Will C. Ker sey. II1 l1il carr ie r for Route 1, Orego nia, has storIed 0 11 his 27th year carrying our mail . W C There once wn a guy namod Flynn, have neve r heard a word of co m- Who bragge d he could drink booUelf gin; plaint against Mr. Kerse y's servk e So when otl'e rod a nip in the pust t wenty-six years. He took quite a sip; lIl re. Alice E. T e rry Ilnd W. H. T er- Now the angels have welcomed him in. l'y, K. E . Thompso n, wife and daugh-
Waynesville. Ohio
Phone 25
7 \ r. of tni a place Mn. Sue IlartiJI IIf prlng tlllld, and MI'II. Mabel F: Te rry, of Dayton, spent New Year'1 wl! h WIll . 111. l'h nmp80n and daulfhte ,·. ill Da yton. .
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1928 Beginning at 11 o'clock the follow Ing: 6 hor ses, 19 head of hogs, 1 Jersey cow. farming implements, harness; a lot of feed and some housohold articles. II. A. CORNELL. Stanley 8: Martin, Aucts.
----- ...----
"'-Our--P-.-rac-N-:'-~-2-3Z,-P",:,TI~ .
cea~:~~te of Charles T. Hawke, de-
Mr. and Mrs. Will Ross spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. WaIter Kruer and family_ Miss Helen Kruer spent the week· end in Dayton, as the guest of Mr. Harry Kruer and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Kruer are quarantined on account of their son, Rich' ard. having scarlet fever, in a light form.
Notice is hereby given that Helen M. Hawke lind Frank ·U. LeMay have been duly appointed and qualified as oxecutor s of tho estate of Charles T. Hawke, late of Warren County, Ohio deceased. Dated this 21st day of December, 1927. W. Z. ROLL, Judgc of the Probate Court, Warren County, Ohio. JIl Wllrren County, Ohio
Mrs. James Wicle is home again after spending three weeks at th~ home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wade.
------ ...- - -
A busy man was using the tele· phone. . "I want Triangle double·two, double-two," he said. "Two-two, two.two," repeated the exchange girl, reproachfully. "All right," said the man, patiently, "and get me the number and we'll play trains later on." .
Financial Report Of Wayne Township for fiscal year, t927: RECEIPTS
"I presume your daughter's education was quite extensive." "No; expen8ive."
FOR SALE- Trees, Shrubs 'Vines and Evergr eens THAT' WILL • GROW,. . deliv~red to yo. uat 'wholesule prIces. Equipped to furnish pls':lR Ilnd do . ~11 the .work. if de,Sired. Call 1i6F41,. O. L. Duke, ' a~svl e, hlo. FOR SALE-Sow. and pigs, aleO ' pop corn. . George Woollard, R. D. 4. WayneSVIlle, Ohio. , Jf,
- - - - - - - - - - - -___c~_
LOST-Blanket off of truck. ill WaJ. lI~e. Piader P..... I.... at Smith I G~. .,..
The tread of the Goodyear AIlWeather BallOonTire is semitlat and scientifically designed to give maximum traction and resistance to skidding. Another big advantage is long, slow, even tread, wear. "Cupping" and uneven tread wear, so common to many Balloon Tires~ is eliminated. Come in and see this wonderful Tire. Mf•..,•• k.'g_ Ultltflltltl""'_ _ _ _ _ __'.'!.1II\_11lI · _lt_l .~q;:l e
~;C' ; ;;;'lCI zt.
I tt
Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105
Wayneaville, Ohio
F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneers SeetUa Early for Your Sale'Datel. We Guarant... Sati.fart.ion or Charge Nothi~.
Centerville, O. Phone No.2
New Burlington,O. PbolMl No. 32ft
General Property Tax ........ $9,978.28 Special ~'9sessments ...... ... ... 111.27 Inheritance tax .. ....... .......... . 112.06 Fines .. .. .......... ...... ........ ........ 133.21\ Depository interest ........ .. .... 247.48
Mrs. John McCollough is on the sick list again. Mr. and Mn. Eugene R088 spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Will Ross. Mrs. Simon Lighter hns been sick with the grippe and is not much im, proved at this time. .
Late ClaSSified Ads,
Better Traction •• .. ·Longer Wear
Total receipts .. ,... ... :, .... .$l·0.682.82
Dack-to·school time, IIll'aln...,..,ae"", ing time for mother-new dre.,time for big and little sister! And how proud that young daughter of ;rours wll,1 be when she weau thl. • mart, ntw .o res. to school for the very first time I In the convential navy or all)' d~~lrcd material. }{ay hI! obt~ined ' ln' sizes 8 to 14. Size 10 r~qulr~, s Z yards of 54 Inch plaid material · for dress "and 1~ yard. 'Cif 54 inch plain material for lacke' , _. " No drcsamltklng experience is needed to' mJlkp. Design . No. · 1236 If you use thelie patterns which are individually band-cut of . heavy A fit In ~yery size I. all:>r:o.nr~'
delivered to any of 25c. In cuh mentioll
EXPENDITURES Compensation of trustees .. .. Compensation at olel'k .. .... .. General . Bupplies .... .... .... .. ..
748.00 260.00 64.66
POOR RELIEF Medical services .. .. ........ .. Burial expense .... .... .... .. Other relief .............. .... ..
127.76 166.00 108.69
Road maintenance and repair Labor and materl.L ...... 9,741.69 Road machinery: ....... ....... 1,611.00 Total expenditures:...... ,'12.825.78
~~~~. J.~.~.~:~ ..~.,.'. ~~~~:: .. 1~:::~:~~ TotaL .......... ....... " .. " ,... '18,409.74 ExpenditUl'es . ......, .... .... .... 12,825.78
Dec, 7,
I herebJ ' eertifJ :\tbe abori report to be correct. . . , J. O. OARTWJUGBT.
0Ia., W.,.. ~ ,
, I