Miami Gazette December 11, 1929 - November 12, 1930

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Ei~hty-S e cond

Whole Number 5881





Now We Know Why They Called Them Red Skins'


fly .

I ' ~oca~~ NOTES fROM J.n.S " ~ .,nonmR THE HIGH

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Now weare told there .is a s~erious questiol~ \vhd.ha the ,voo Sold Manhattan Island to Petel' Minuit J'cally ('\VnM it..



High School stud ents l ook a CO I.UMB , OH IO Under State exam ination Tuesday. The the Ohio HYstC'm · of locul distribuWe g ive Cedar Stamps, Cary's MI·R . Will St. J ohn was a Dayi ubject8 the exams are be ing given SAY ~ - LoSS E.... ,-Yoll T~LL Tlil: OLD STI"" To tion of llutol1l obi le lice nses plates, Jewelry Shop. lUll vi sitor Tue!!day. in are : Ge neral Science, E nglish, MAJ(l! IT Tltll ~£ G2.(.'.~Jl~ Ii GUYS,- \<1+10 Po You which is the g r eate ~t in the United Geometry a nd Latin. AND \lie'LL TItReW IN ~;<i TINK I ,ll.M,- JOH Iol D Stu tes, 19:10 Iicens(!s plutes. ar.e ·lIfr. an d Mrs. H. E. St oke s werc Mr.•. O. M. Ridge was a bu iness The se t es ts are prel iminari es for now on ~ule throughout 528 dl stl'l- in Dayton Tuesday. aoc.I'E·f 'fu to;. - ..... IIAT fJlI.OOKLYN 51LIDGi!,ft.I<1;) AS; visitor in Dayton Tll e ~d[\y. the state cxnmi nation which will buton;. 'l'h ese loca l distri buto rs, H'''',IS IT PR[-WAIl S1UH be given late in the schoo l yenl'. who ure uppointed by Sec retary Mrs. Nettie Kepler i!< visiting Miss Olive Allen resumed he r T he student sco ring th e highel!t of tate Clarence .J. Brown, are relatives lit New Vienna. schoo l dllti e ~ in Xenia Mond ay. point, will com pete in the Cou nty under l he directiun of Col- Chalcon t est. Th ose winn in g th ere tuke mers R. Wilson, ommission el'?f J. C. Hawke was a business visi· J . M. Tayl or, who hilS been the District exams lind finally go 1\10tor Vehicles, and they WIll lor in Cinc innati Tu esday. se l'iously ill. i~ gruduallv reeover- to Columb us fol' the State examina handle npproximu ly ) ,U OO ,OOO ing. . tion. ~e ts of plates fu r) 9:1 0. The plates J. E, Sparks of Loveland wus were placed on sil l ' Decembe r ~ st" t.he guest o f A. C. Spnrks on SunMI'. lind MrM. Wlllter Cast were The Sopho more Christmlls pronnd the motoris t wi ll be perm Itt- day. busin(,!lK \'i situI'K in Wi lm in gton g-I'am will be given Friday aftercd to li se them on und ufter De'l'u e ~day . cC' mb er i! 1st; midn ight December noon D ce mbe r 20, for the High Mr. nnd Mrs. A.. C. Sparks have ho QI and grad es pupi ls at the :l ), 1929, will ue the !lbso lu~e be en visitin g Mr. Spar ks sister in Mrs. Bryan Prendergast, who Sc deudlin e for th e use of thIS year s Dayton. has bee n ill for everlll days, il; new buildin g. Thc pl'ngrnm will plutes a nd tst'rC will he. no exstart at 2: 15 o'clock. rl'covering. All pare nts arc cordially invited . t ension grunted or pennated. In Mrs. J oe l Stokes is in Mc Clell an a dd ition to t he vurious agents hospita l recovering frolll a rece nt O. J , Edwards attended the through out the state, th er e will be oper!ltion. Mis~ Gibbons has eX llmined a ll fUlll'rnl of a relative at Blan· upproximate ly :10 .000 Re t !! of che!<ter l uday. school children a nd is now paying plllteR iSRued f rom th c Burcau of Misses ·Esther and Louise Henpersona l calls on parents, reMotor Vehicle offices located at derso n were shopping in Dayton Mr. lind Mrs. Seth Th omas and purting un usual findings. 60 South st reet. ColumbUS. In- Snlurday. son of OilY ton, were W1ly nesville di vidunb who huv(' held low numvisito rs Su nday. Th e Christmas Cantata will be bers ar' pe l'mitted t o retain s u~h Mr. Louis Fir es and family and given Thursda y eveni n g, December numb erM frum year to year, provld MI·fI. E lvi n Fires were shopp ing in Mrs. W. P. Salisb ury, Mrs. Har· l!l, at t he Gym. ed their reservation reac hes t he Xenia Saturday. vey Rye lind Mr. lark Sali.!bur)' The Ca ntata is "The Child Commissioner of Motor Vehicles be were Dayton visitors Tu esday. J es us," th e same on e that was fore December . I st. Ohio in coMrs. Ella Braddock and so n "'iven last year. It is plann ed tbat opcmtion with ?ther s~ates ex- Ernest were business visitor s in . MI'. and Mrs. A. C. Sparks spent th iR cantata be given each year cha nges regul at Ions WIth such Waynesv ille Tu esday . FridllY with MI'. and Mrs. Robert addiril{ new voices a nd imp ro ving" states and Ohi o motorist R in other Sparks an d family in Loveland. on it each year. There are about 75 states will be governed b¥ the Mrs. H. V. Walter of Lebanon , reg ulations in effec t in OhIO, as spent F rid ay afternoo n nnd even. Saws fil ed by machinery. Cut voices in t he ehorus this year. wiII reRidents of other states oper- ing with relatives here . cleaner, truer, fa ster. Roy Pigati ng in Ohio be governed by the Wa ynesvill e High School had an It, lit Madden's Lumber Yard. regulnlion s of their home states. Parker- The Nations choice in unsuccessful evening of basket ball . , . .. pen li. Select yo urs at Cary's Jewel. . Mrs. L. C. St John, Miss Thelma last Friday. State LibrarIan G~ orge E lltolt l Y S hop, Leban on Ohio. The first team lost to Oakwood Sl. J ohn und Mrs. Glenn Bland Mc CDrmit'k has co mpIl ed a hst of High School on the Oakwood floor were Dayton visitors Tuesday. good books for child re n whi~h Mr. · lurk Salisbury of Cleveby a sco re of 19 to 16. ma y be obtained. b~' parents wnt- lund, is visi tin g hi s pare nts Mr. The ga·me was a difficult aile, Miss Louise Treadway of Middle ing the Stute LIbrary . .~hey are lind Mrs. W. P. Salisbury. town, is the guest of her sis ter both teams played hard all the books in in expensive edItions and . Mrs. George Hend erso'n , and fam- time. Th e game was close throu~h­ Librarian McCorm ick state~ lhat Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Hain e of ily. out the first part, the score bemg in choozi ng books for ChrIstmas nenr Bellbrook were business visit ied at the quarter and again at one good book, can be read over tors in Wayn esville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Co rnell Mrs t he half. and over lIgain is worth scores of Oakwood took a lead In the Bert Hartsock and Mrs. Ru ssell inferio r bonks !IS reading of same Mrs. , Ralph Vance and son of alisbury were shopping in Day- third quarter but Waynesvllle ralpersisten ll y wiII develop a high Pleasant Plain were guests of Mr. li ed in the last quarter and the ton Tuesday. -----..:: standard of taste in t he present und Mrs. J. C. Hawke on Sunday. = ====- ~ -= ==-score was tied when Carl Hay gene ratiOn and coming generation. PROMINENT WOMAN Th e r egular meeting of the L. dropped a long shot through just Mrs. Jan e Wright of Spring- WAYNESVILLE A. C. COP TWO L. has been postpon ed indef- after the gun went off. T. PASSES AWAY initely The In dustrilll School Journal bor o, is here to spend the winter Waynesv ille Athl etic Club de. I In the overtime period, Oakon account of the illness of for the month of December, pub- with her sist er Mrs. Julia Dono· the leader, Mrs. George D. Mills. wood took a three poin t lead and lished by the inmates ()f the Boy's van. (ented Kings A. C. in first game Fo ll owing an illness of several Way nesville didn't make any more Industrial School of Lancaster, is by a score of 32 to 16. Sherwood weeks duratio n Mrli. Emma "LOST- A Chaperon," Don't points. just off t he press. It is issued by 'Mr . Bertha Lewis is spending and Frye were stars collecting 14 Wright, wife of Dr. A. T. Wright, forget the play given by the W . M. Wallace was high point man for of the school h h f hand 12 points r espectively. hllsed away M(,nda y afternoon at C. Girls, Wedn esday night, Decem- Waynesville, with 6 points. the class in pl'inting . . f S . a fe w weeks at t e orne a er In the second ga me Waynesv ill e under the supervIsIon a uperm- son Edward and fa mily at Miamis- . Athletic Club beat Kings Mills by er home on North Main street. ber 18, at the Gym. Adm. 15c and O'arien led the Oakwood scortendant A. R. Harsh, its various burg. a score of 27 to 10. St. J ohn was ST. MARYS .CHURCH Death I'esul ted f rom a stroke of 25c. ers with ) 0 points. departm e!1 t s in charge I hl''''h ol' n t man '''I'th el'ght pOI'nts i . of young .. p , December 15, Third S un d a'y .m apoplexy W d d which she s uffered last W. H. S. After Summers beat and dust an h ex}For best results . consign your 'and pIa 'led a ni ce floor game Th e Advent churcli sc hool at 9 :30; c nes ay. men who ~1T.e re~e vltng h G F T cellent tralhOln g .InI e sc OOth' ive stock to Green-Embry Co., boys m'l'esed very fe'" shots' an d Morning Prayer a nd a nti sermon at W While the family and Mrs. give your watch new life by hav· . ht' f ' d . I' d th . Many 0 f t e . ar t IC es arc wor o 4 2 Cincinnati, in care of D. R, Salis· t heir passing game was of high ng s rten s r eu Ize e sen - ing it thoroughly cl caned and oiled ElIiR, rf o 6 order. 10:30. ousne ss of he r condition it was at Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon Wallllce, If while and indlcutc that the boys bury 3 are making the mo st of the oppor. Rev. J. J . Schaeffer , Reclor. t hought that in t he CO UI"lle of time Ohio. o o Mainou s, c 0 o o Turner, rg .. ... ....... ,. 0 tunities which nrc offered t hem. Mrs. R. J. Adam s and children KI NGS MILLS A. C. s he would recove r, and the news o o 0 G F T FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST of the fntal stroke was a severe On aco unt of the funeral ser- Fromm, Ig hdye returned after a visit with o Thos. Edw. Batem!,n, clerk. of ·Mrs. Adam's parents at Rock- Rozz ell , r f . .. 1 4 6 Bible School at 9 :3 0 a. m. shock to them. vices for Mrs. A. T. Wril\'ht, the - Schuler, rf ........... .. 2 o 2 1 the Sen ~ te und . nabve of PIke bridge, Ohio. . Starka, If ... 1 .0 2 LOI'd's Supper and ser mon at 10 :- . Mrs, Wright's chief !nterest was meeting of the FriendshIp club - Hay, rg Emerson, c 1 0 2 ' 30 a. m. Ser mon s ubject, "The III her home a~d famIly! bu.t she will be held Thur!.day afternoon in county, IS spendmg many extra .. ..... .. . 8 o 16 hours in cOl:n pili ng a history of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hough and Robinson, rg 0 0 0 Lower Lights." Rnec ia l music. A was promm~nt m t~e SOCIal hfe of stead of . Wednesday, at the home Totals t he Eighty-eIghth. G e n~ral A.~e m daughter of Dayton, spent the Math ews, Ig 0 0 0 "Whitc Gi fts fo r the King," Christ' \ ~he commumty. ~ulet a~d '!n8ssum of Mrs. Walter Whitaker. OAKWOOD 0 0 0 mas progrl1 m is being aranged for 109 yet possessmg dlgmty and I . . bly together WIth blOgraphlc!" : week-end wi t h Mr. and Mrs. Vern . Lindsey, If ·G F T sketches of the 10 !lIbers, 133 In Hough and family. presentation C h r i s t m as Ev e. s~rength of characler, she .was , What IS more approprIate than 4 2 10 rf the d~ouse rand 31£ 10 thed .senatthe. \ . . Totals .. ..... .. .. '" 3 4 10 Tu esday, December 24. All who hblghthly est ehemekd byhall,. ets.pectJallly I a gift of jewelry. S«:e the beau- O'Brien, o 1 1 Rea 109. 0 pron .prece ,,!g e Mrs. J. D. Marlatt returned nrc ta king purt are requeated to y ose w a newer 10 !ma e y. tiful rings and neck wear at Cary'll Reigle, If ..... . 2 I Fertig, c ......... ... . publicatton of t.he ~ o urnal IS. also home Sunday after a visit 'witb WAYNE SV ILLE meet at the ~hurc h for practice Althoufh n o~ a commulllcant of , Jew elry Shop, Lebanon Ohio. o o o Bunn, rg ... . In prog . e s and It wI.1I be pubhshed , her daughter Mrs. Merle Kerns, G F T on Friduy evenin g, December 13 S1. Mary s E pIscopal Church, for I o o Ig . '. ... ... . in book form , pOSS Ibly ready for l and family in Columbus. Hartsock, rf .... ... ...... 0 o. 0 and aga in Sunday afternoon at 2 more th~n fifte en years sh~ gl!-ve Mrs. Earl Hockett, Mrs. W . E . Camel. 1 2 distrib lltiol! P(· brua ry first. Clerk St. John, If 4 0 8 P .111 You a re always welcome at her se ~vlces to that orguntzatl ~ n Cornell, Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite "Holson, Ig .. Buteman is aSRisted in his work by , Mr . idney Bloch and daughter Ellis, C . 0 2 2 this ~hurch as .a faIthful m e mb.e~ of the choir. , and Mrs. Warren Espy attended Ttl . 6 7 19. J ohn P. May nard, c!erk of the and Mrs. J eannette Bloch of Cin- Rnmby, rg, ( C) .. ... . 2 1 5 Chest er A W illiamson Minist er Be.. ng an able mu sIc Jan, her sweet t he luncheon and card party Sat. 0 as House of Rcprcsentnhves. I ('I' r nuti. wc!r e Sunday guests of Berry h I, ' ll 1g, . ... 2 0 4 ' . ' vOIce added. greatly to the beauty ul"day given at the Biltmore hotel, r th f th h h I Th e second team went to. Mason The Capital Ci-t y- is again in I My er Hyman and family. . - Fry , I"f . . 1 ~ LYTLE M. E. CHURCH {o Sh ~ ier;~~~fv~d bye ~eru~cuSband ~~~~~~:T~I~~~rth:A s~~~~!~i~n~f the and lost to the tirst team there by a score of 86 to 13. . the limelight on . accoun t of the King of Silverware- "Yourex : W'erwfod, c .. .. g o o S unday School at 2 :00 p. m. and two so ns, Prof. Alfred J. ! The Runts lost by a score at 20 numerous co nv"ntlon !l helel h~re I!t Silverware," Come in and meet ny, g ..... Preaching service at 3 :00 p. m. Wright , instru ct,?r in the depart- , Gr uen Watches offer the utmost this time of the year The cIty IS "L d Louise" the new pattern · at Ttl 12 3 27 Sermon topic, "Akin to God." men. t of Industr.tnl G. eography at I'n quall'ty value, style and depend- to 2. in gala attir~ for the' holiday sea- I Ca~y~ Jewelry Shop, Lebanon O. a a s .. . ... .. . ........ ~'rayer meeting Wednesday even- Qh!o Stat ~ UntvefSlty, and ~. ability. Your Gruen dealer . in Next Friday, Waynesville goes SOil and vIsItors are accorded KING MILLS A. C. lIlg at 7 :30 follo wed by teacher E lhott WrIght of the manager s Warren Co unty is Cary's Jewelry to Xenia to play Xenia Central special ~ttenti0!l and taken. on "LOST- A Chaperon," Don't G F T tru ininr c:ass, The Chr istmas pro· offic e in the experimental depart- Shop Lebanon Ohio High. Saturday night they go to U: SI'· Rubb er Company various s lght-she~ mhg tlours to. pOlmdts fo rget the play given by the W. M. Smith, r f ... . . ... .. 3 1 7 A'hraldm °Sf thd e S lJnda~ . SChoD ol willbbe menot °t f ~h e M Leban on to play the Lebanon High of in~ e re~t ~v IC a way s mc u. e C. (:irIs, Wedn esday nillht, Decem- Kuhlman, If . 1 1 3 e un ay evenmg, ecem el' nt e rOlt, IC I. - -School. _ _ _ _ _ _- - state lIlstltutlOn s alld the new alr- ber 18, at the Gym. Adm. 15c and Lindsey, c . 2 0 4 122 ut 7 :30. I F unera l serv ices \Vete held this, port 26 McClain, rg 0 0 0 Sara A. Bowman, l;'astor Wed IH!:day, nfternoo n in St. WILL BE MARRIED . - -- - - - - - . c. Ward, Ig 0 1 1 I Mnry'8 C hurch where a large con· , POST OFFICE NOTICE Mis~es Frances Henkle and " lIat, c Ol 1 VAYNESVILI_E M. E. CHURCH course was pI'esent to pay reBp~ct l Th . r M's Charlotte LOCAL BOY . to one who was a devot ed WIfe e ma rriage 0 Is t t HAS LEADING ROLE Sara Missildine were gues s a a We,'~nesduy; Blbl.e study an.d nnd mother and a loyal friend, Rev Mal'l\hllll, daughter of M~. and Mrs In acordance with a note from party given recently at the home Totals 6 4 16 pra~e.. meetln!t. at 7.00 p.1I1. Chol~ J ohn J . Sc haeffer reud the burial , R. H . Marshall of Mlddleto"'~. The Office of the Postmaster Robert Chapman, youngest son of C. D. Corwin and' family near WA YNE VILLE ~ractlce . at 7 .45 .,p.nt. Sunday" serv ice of th e Episcopal Church ' " nd Mr. Clyd e Eve rhart, son of General. . All ordinary mail service will of Mr. and Mrs. J .. B. Chapman, Lebanon. ~ undl1Y sc~ ool at 9.3 0 a. m. Morn- i and a quartet from the choir sang Mr. and Mrs. Fred Everhart of formerly Waynesville reSIdents Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis of Frye, rf, .(C ) 6 0 12 mg .worshlp at 10 :30. The 8.ermon two favorite hymns of the ! Corwin, will ta~e plac.e January 4, be suspended on C~istmas Day but. now o~ Columbua, had the Miamillburg, are announcing the Bunnell, If 0 0 subdect WIll be, "The Makmg of deceased I The prospe ctIve bride has been 1929. There will be no window service leadmg role-m a comedy pre.ented birth of a dau"'hter Mary Helen, Sherwood, e .. .. 6 14 a reat Life.". Epwor~h League , Burial'was in the Wright family employed in ~he office of Gardner at the office. and no rural service. by the dramatic clal8 of North , December 5 "at I-lam! Valley McMillan, rg ....... . 0 0 0 at 6 :16. Preachmg servIce at 7 :00 lot in Springboro Harvey at MIddletown . High school In Columbul. The 1 ' M Hockett, Ig .. 1 0 2 p.m. The subject for the evening _ __ _ ..=- • ___ Mr . . Everhart is a graduate of Man will be dispatched and infollowing waB clipped from the h:lsplta . , -Hay, rg .. .... ..... ... 2 0 4 sermon will be "The One SufficiWaynesville Hi&'h school and . Is coming mail. received and atored . Columbus citi%en:' ·n Mr and Mrll W E Stroud en- T 1 15 2 32 e!ltt dWay·"ttYCI ud are corjd iall Y inIMPQRTAN.T MEETINGS a value&d LemploYfl!eFof tk~i firm of until the ·fonowlng day, L ogan All speciala will be delivered on "Once There Was a Prince.. tertal'ned at dl'n- nero S'unday Mrll, ota s .. ... .... ..... .. . VI e · to .a en an d en oy th ese ong a ran n. I b the North High +-Substitution. services with us. Thc amount of money received • Chrl!ltmaa Day. . was g yen y F .. , Anna Cadwallader, Miss Clara -- - G. C. Dibert, Pastor. \ from livestock, milk, wool, eggll, Patrons are requested to mall d ramatlc departme.n t rl .. ay even- Lile, Mr. and Mra .. E. L, Thomas MASONIC NOTICE early. All packages should be in TAKES FRATERNITY DEGREE etc. as compared to the value of l n'!fhis Ie a ·modern comedy which and Mr. William Thomas. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH the feed consumed has a great inthe malls be December 20 to inIt first dramatic appeal' flu ence upon farm profit.. So the A special communIcation of sure delivery before Christmas . kl 18 rna ng s Mrs. Moses Cincinnati ' lle Lodoe No. 163 F .... ~ay, alice in Columbull. It ran a8 a le- Mr. and Mrs.Luther C. R. ofAdams and Mr. Howard Cook, of W aynes· 5 hSunlmor S d schedule-ht, 1\. 8 00 3rd and l kl'ncl and qua· !I·ty of live-tock'J Wa"nesvI J ... ... R. H. HARTSOCK, rial under the Bame name tn the \ son Robert of Dayton and Mrs. ville, has been pl edged and in- t un ay, "ass at : a. m. : theil' shelter, feeding, care ana ' A. M., will be held Tueaday even'o.lmuter Saturday Evening Poat and it baa Rowena Zartman of Xenia, .pent itiated into Sigma Sigma PhI. 2nd and 4th Sunday, Mass at general management during ~he : ing, December 17. Th.e annual inalso been produced In pl~ture form , Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver National Honorary Osteopathic 9 :30: next fe w months Is of keen Im- stallation of officers WIll take place under the name of Heart to Davis and family, fraternity. Rev. Lawrence B. Mollmann. portunce. . I at this time, after which an educaFARMERS PROTEST Heart,". Mr. Cook is in his Junior year . Friday, December IS, at 1 :30 tional conference will be held. At Mr. Harris, the dIrector, bas You "'et expert repalrlne on at Still College of Osteopathy, WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF m. Winter Sheef! Management the close of the meeting a lunch H I r 'njunction luit a very competent cast, .. I h t Des Moines, Iowa. Will be fully conSIdered in the will be served. ear ng a ka \ I fi W P icked 'ch does e·xceptlonally well for American and Sw ss watc ell a CHRIST Farm Bureau office, Lebanon. Mr. 1 E F THOMAS W. M. filed last wee y VI' arren whl Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon • . 'h I L d' L A K If h . r t . . HENDERS' ON S ' county formers who seek to from preonly three weeks' practice, Ohi St I gil BIble Sc 00 at 9 :3.0 a. m. o~ s '. . au man, seep speela IS I F. B.. , ec y. t ' t. t and federal officerR Well acted parts seem to be the o. are open even n . CAR 'DESTROYED BY FIRE Supper lit conclUSIon. Evemng will lead the conference. - _.. yen s ~ e vi h tuberculin testin rule rather thari the exception in Mr. and .Mrs. Ralph Miller, Mr. evange listic s~! rvice at 7 :30 p. m. l Monda·y, December 16th at 7 :30 I contln}lll1g . \ t ' 11 b h ~ this play. Sarah Antrim and Rob- and Mrs. Wilson Edwards, Mr. ~nd . Constable Joy was called to the Sermo n subj ect, "The Challenge of I' in the eveningl also at Farm BurNOTICE TO TAX PAYERS ~'o rk In l thl>j county, W\ Te ~ar ert Chapman, the leads, go through Mrs. C. M. Robitzer, and Mrs. the Cross." Special music. An in- eau office, Le banon, Beef Cattle \ the b oc~ 7 court nex ues ay, their roles smoothly, clear through James McClure spent Sunday with Patterson farm last Tuesday nigh t tel'estin g ch urch night pl'ogram Feeding will be considered. ~·r .. L. The Treasurer of Warren ; e~hr:;seerfiling the suit nrc Elias ile to the clinch. Mrs, Emma Barnett and E. V. wtahllere dantautomd. Obb fiha d b1eten ~o. eac~ Wedn e.sday at 7 :3 0 p. m. i P '. Mc.Can!l, beef cattle ~pecla!lSt, County will inaugurate this Dec- Ogl sbee Warren W. Rogers For____•• - • . . y !!s roy~ y reo was ChO Ir practice ' to follow. The WIll ltkewlse lead the dlscusslon . l b th t f ' 11' a e , , NTING ~Ilt'nhart \0 Cmcinnati. '. l:~er ddl~c0J:r~d . thiI\tthe c;rM~i- church where yOll f eel at home. I Invite yo ur friends and neighbors I :~t:~ent e 0:y~~8 due~l~o~n:aeh' De~;enH~nXR~h ' leB:~ok~' Van LOSES EYE- HU For better vision-for bettet' dleroewn °b toschoeth I ? nho b \C hester A. <'Williamson, Minister who may be interested as theh~e . tax payer. Accordingly the under. j _-:~_._ _ . - -- _ - men may not be here again t IS . d '11 t h r t f taxes , . . . ) b ' u weer 18 as een d S 'th 22 Wayne8- glasses - prIces reasonab e- est s tolen or whether it was in Mr. . t !l1ll'ne WI no ave a IS a 'hJ R ' , vii~~yR.°R. I , i'!'in 'Mc<;ie~an HOB;-' 8ervi~e-e.ons~1\1 D~ R~dOIP~hthe Hilton's possellsion at the time of LUNCH AT GRADE' BUILDING Wlcoe;~ty dairymen's· conference t!~:n~o:e d!Sh!~g ~~ ~~~8:~ttn: ROBB~ SABROAD ' pital, Xenida, rhecotverlntlr .ifrobm, IrIUenft- EdayyeSlg~~~~! 8tCa~~8 aYjeweyg the ~: has no.! .~e.n learned. S I' h 'II b d t th is .being Phlannebdl fOtf l~tdter partltof the treas~rer's statement, · " .Thieves were", frus~ated"' i~ .an ·. ' shot woun s t a COli h m 8 ' . of' '11 • : ,. all( WIC es w~ . e serve a . e 1thIS mont, a g wo ay p~u ry ·' _ _ .. - -- . attempt .to enter roM. D. ' "li'd'. ·· . a g eye and a right thumb ht hunt- Shop, Lebanon O~io.. ' .. . , , .MEETING' GUILD. AUXILIARY Grade School bUlldmg ,commenclD i.nstitute and a swine ,growers meet Sun$hlne, Ipn 'Jut ', Ji):iday li_lat;, ing occident near Ro][~a tNt 0 Fr'd t M and Mrl ; . 'Monday December 16• . Tickets 109 later in the Winter, Watch AT"r:~NDS . DRUG r,tE;EIJ'ING .- They had .ucC"eede~tJn ~tireilD'lIl"· I . . week. . .', : n I ay even nl' r. i d ". ... . ,.. ' . will pe sold illl the M~ther8' . Club 'local papers for exact d!ltel and. . ' . . . . . th~ lock 'on the back doqr bat"'w ere ':' . The , ybuth . was hunti~ ; with J'!:ltne'l'~~n;!, d:;:~~arl:~o~e M~~-··· 1ud~\~nlhary of FS~, room MOJ;1day 1I10rmng before full announceme~:.. _ _ _ .· · Royal J.,' Adams, local drule\st, ~rlghte~ed away \' by.,. ~,~um.. · '''',.c.",.'~~1 Ernest Gates, .19h, Roxa~, I.nm",ne M;:: Je~fe J!"IUn the follow- d.IlY y ~ter::~n Dlecet:;b~~ ~t ,s ch~ol , andfat~hrecess! hf~r thte cbon" . - " I 'was in attendance at. 'theltmo~Rtl!Jy who he~ tI,I.1D ,and ' "Ye j the · t . olated paTt 0... e coun·'·II' a u ' , M ' M ' 0 ' I It b ' , ventence a ose · WIS 109 0 uy LEAVES FOR THE SOUTH meetinl of the Miami VII ey . ex- , alafllll .. . . . from the nearest !ann hO: 'in~ g:.lliU :- )In''ana-in J~~a' and u;it. M~ L~e Hawke lunches ,,11 week. All. sandwiches . , all ClUb held at the Sh~ne Clul) 'l1he' BIUIIe' nraht ,- tbe 8pria;' SUlith :was climbine ·1~11~ ~ Hn_~o~k r~':;d !bl1dren ' Ml'. and the ho:e 'oaf M:a~eHa:ke~rgast at five .c ents. • ' Mr. and Ml'll. B. S. Howell left in Dayton last Thursday evenine· Valley It~ of, lIYJ1i4n " Bloc... ing hIS fdoh~ble-!r:~e t~e. ~:lse1J Mra. Thomas .Burton, Mn. Jennie .Election of officers . and P ay. -- - - last weel( for ,t heir '!lncb in ~r'_t..Adama waB. the prl~clpal. ) w:'B ~to a ..d . m~redhaDd"' · ah.~d dOt m Mollin and 1\£r. ·~arOri Sears. ment ot d.\1es, Subscribe for The Miami Gazett~ Alabama, to spend tbe wmter. · ape_ere v u ,: 0 . "'~ carr.. aWQ. rd hillomte .o wa.... '7



I .










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Mf °ie



., tift',

d(lr~c1 a d~l'd be givfln to the plain I


lind first mortgllg.... for the I'l'ul l'slate. It WIlS ordereu the amount of $ 877.07 be applied on the judg ment o1aim of the plaintiff. letlVing u bulnnce due by the d f ndunt the amollnt of $248U.88 to the New York Life Insurance Company. Also i.t wal ordered N.w Suit. that Elmer Wal'd, ,hall receive . Leroy L, Grl:lber Verlll.lll Cafl J, from Georle K, Beauden, defen~rtIICI', E. J . Beedle and W. D. dant, the 8um of S211l. with Inter. Il rwin, UM county comlilillonllri of ell~ at 6% from May 21, 1929, 'rhe Oll$e 01 The Lebanon·CltI· ,c ~.. Warn·n oo urit~ arid the Bnuru ot zens National Bnnk and Trult luntv 1l 11lhll ionel's of Wa,'l·tln C011lPl\f1Y . lof Lebun on .versus ~ -. HAPTER ' \. 1t he hfid stu r d t f llOlll the hoi l' )l ort'i !'.!l bewnir. .o\lnty, fol' l\) ~ney only. Amol.Ult Clul'll K eeve!'. Il t aI, was co mpromloft, nw 1111 the lIwe·t wl'ollg-h ari - , M 'l)1 'f It od ious to hl' I·i'\ I'If . wltll dUJlnell. $ 10.,J30.00 and costs. ised ami di s ll1i sSl,tl. "Th n IctJs have n rehonrsnl," ed ness of th~' v't rlln, sain t, Ment's ull th ' l'ev(,lting nllll ~CIl u f e\'il r" _ I ·TIIIl\~!\ 10.' , !jul'kc lind Frnn k Hrun1n Ih e ase o f 'fh tJ Nt'W York he suggested , cynicall y. But she heart hUll! 111 toll' 1'111> I} . \'eaINi. Th ere is rl'lll orse (, lI oug h don .IUOI neys. Lifu In ~u l'unc e ompnny, versus shook her head. ': 1 w~nt t o laugh, ' H r moth ' I' s.obbed: "What on l for a strugKling !\lIu l that knows .W,,!· 1 ('v ll o ld ~ . ve l·R u s ad J: Gc ol'ge K. B '!lud en, et a1, on .apTommy," she cried. 'Amu se me, purth cun I wl'1 te t he POOl' dur- it s own def 'al!' nn d bH~k slidin go s !\I.11I1 I.. 1:. •• / . Be edl H,nd \~. D. Cal plicati on uf d fendllnt, Howard 'W make me laughY" ling?': IJllt it is lI c)thin~ 10 till' r (, Il1IlI'R ~ WIl1 . a s c,uun l~' (, O ll1lmSS I O ll el'~ of Ivins, I av wal:! ~rllnted him to 'There's the new Chnrlie Chaplin Ml'm repli d: " Th e :\n ~wer is thut f(l ll ll \\' ~ a publi ~ hcd fnult. Wa l'l't: n C u!l ly .fo!· ll1Uncy only. fil e an swe r und cross petition, comedy," he SIIid. "We might get el\sy, J'm l('('linl(' t(, sl'n,1 him all T hill lell!'r wa s mol" hideolls AnlCl lln l clnllll ed $7735,00 . and in." the money l' ve got." than hcad lill(,S in 1\ papel'. It WIl S CII:;tS. Probale Courl Proccedin,. ",Let 's try," said Mem. Il er Illoth!'r Cl'ieci ti ut aguinst 111111'(' drr'adful th llt su('h a pill oried .lI al'!'Y I:h.rrotl ve l' ·us Cul'l J . Holby Rwung his car round. r obbi ng ne of hul' luv e!l to pav an pulllic shaml' as Il c ·tel' Pr v1l11 (, ·:;. 1I.1 1IIe~· . F.. J . Jkcdle lind. VI· D. Fannie A. Lowther, executrix of "TLmmy," s.a id Mem, "what is . other, 1l ~ec llll'.ci n cruel Shlllll'C t o , It nlC'anl that !<o lll('\\'hel'{,' lh er e C~"·W lll .. ,IlS • co unty 1'~ mllll s~lOne rs th e estute of E. 1. McVay, decomedy? l'nl Sick of all thpse crY- , tuke the hr: t bit of cak e fl' ol1l her wa s a llIu n in nn invi sihle cloak Of l u l \V aTlIIl CO,! l1t y, fUI •.m o ~ ~y ollly Cl'ascd. fil ed her il1 ve ntol'Y und IIping sce nes and em oting all o v~r the 1 daughl I' und Re I! it tu buy bread I1Hm ... l e~: n l' ss a lld ru ('c l l!.,.'s n c~s wh o ';11.1<I.lIl1t c11l1111ed S34!\.1. nnd prais(·ment. place. I want to be II com edienne. for her hu !'bu nd. I des pi sed 111'1' unci jeered at ~05~" . . Ella K. HolT lIcce pted the apDo you think [ could be one?" 1 "Y ou ' ll ne d it your Relf. You h(· t' sublimities Ilf plll·it~, . lI e I' · . I-.. II\" a I'd , Brand cnburg v rs us poinlll1cnl uf IIdmin,;stratrix of the "I don't think so ," said Holby, may not h:\\'c 1I 111}tlWI' jOll soon . h igo h ( ~t om l itiu ll s \\' ,'rr tl o ~llle d tu l ( '.1I'1 .1. ~llll l' !'. F: . J . Beed le llnd eslat(' of Anna Kroe ner. deceaswith scientifi candor. "You never You need clolh e.· and a .rest." I sllecring mlll·kf' r y. 1 \\ .. ,n. LCOI'W III. as county COIll- pd and fil ed her bUild in the sum made l1Ie laugh. You ' don't laugh "R {'~t and cill t hes clln wail." , A ft c' r a dll~' ill Lin g- 's sludio hc l JIlISS IOIH'I'S of 1,vatTen cl) unty: for o f $ 1700 with Herbert B. and O. much. " ,. . I Her mother kp pl ~ miserable. si· t C"I ~ hl'r tl) "'rhe n•.ggn r·s. Op e ;'~''' ' ~:C~ lI,\r - 0 onl y. amount cln lmed A. Krue ner as s ureties, Herbert "No, but Im gomg to! I thmk lellce for u long willie before s he ~ht' ha ci so Illst Ill' r Ol'l entatlO n l , ,12 11 .. 1., H.I.HI Cu!lts. Il oPI)('. !{ubl' l't Lewois and Gilpin if I ever love anybody really it ' cou ld SIlY: "Y our fu l hC' I' will nevcl' a t thl' la·d l'f t h., ,,' <fuetive vi l- .' GI'uee . ::;Illlpso n ver sus John Trilllbll' were made uppruisel's. will be a great com edian. Do you I accept money th a t yo u have ('amcd la inil' ~ . tha t sill' di d n ut fuint Sl nl l',,,n fll r dl vn l'~(' , churg-es gol'OSS Th e 1!I ~ t will und testament of know an)' comedians who aren't I fr om the pictureR. lI e'd I'Uther wh(.n Nl,d Lin l! Hllid : I l1e g-!t:d uf duly. Gencvi,'vp E, Wil son deceased W~I S married, Tommy?" , di e." " 1'\,1' lauKI1I'd lIIyself hunKI·Y. I I ; I.I :I~ .'O? I ~"'be, ~urren W: )JI'ulluced in COU I:t lind admi~ted to "Lots of 'em," Sl1ld Holby. "A This guv(' M m onl y a bri ef havel1't (J 1'diI1Hr ily !lnti a!lpetitl'. I ~II"(. I S . J u l est II . Glllhalll Zenas probate, Josephme H. Wmdross sense of humor keeps a man from pau se. he answered ~ illlply:'s g-o tu Ill y h ~usl" and ho ve a ( .. \ an l/t ,ren Il nd Rulph Brooks" \\'U ' appointed exec utrix, nnd getting married- or slaying mar"D octor Breth erick got 111(' into lJitc." Vt·I·:HI ". .! tlSl' PIt l'I l oelll'l'. el ul for fil ed ~~' l' bond of $5000 Wilh Clayrled long." this busine:!s by l1Iukin", up the T u you r h(lu se. 1'(',1 " :1111111", ord el'. ton W II1dl'os.s and Thol11 us O. Ml\dThey took in a Chaplin show pllck of li es that brought me out "Y l· . . It's 11 11 I'ig ht : I' m quile - - -. , d ~ x as sureties. Frunk St('ele. John and on the way home she snuggled here. Now he can mnk e up a few , alo nt, lh f' I'l' . .JlI st II Jnl' . \ l' r y Common I Ichelson III1.d Geul'ge Hawke were close to Holby in the car. Yet more lind save po or daddy fl'om SC·C lllol l'II." Gt'lll'goe Ai~h o lz defendunt was l lllad e Ilppralsers. . when he. spok.e tenderly .she ma~ e desperation." I !:ih., wantc'iI to say: "You t ell ~ llllltl'cI twent y da ys in which to L .. ~: ~I () unts wus IlPPotrlted an fun of hml, giggled, remmded hIm She sat down at once und wrot e l11 e II l1 t wh .\' I ~ h o ulcl go. hut why ril l' hIS a nswcr to the case agains t (jPM1.Ise Iyf the estat~ of James of bits of the picture that had th e doc tor a lett I'. t elling him I !'ihuli id not. And I won't." ! him hy Oella Aicholz. C· Iitic ,~eoI 'hd e ceus~d, m place of emused her. This enrngod him . whal he must kn ow a lready of hel' l But it ~ N'I11('d a silly litlle - , It \\' (1 ord er ed by thc court that alTn. r at way. . . "I'm going ' in for eomedy," she fath eo r's helpl ess n es~. Sh in - ~ irli " h. /llei-maidis h. pl'unes-nnd- W. I~ rank Rosell s hnll r ec ver AI~ l/I str utnent of wrlttn!l" pur!laid. "It's the only thing worth t·losc d u mon ey order for two 1ll'i - l11ish thinA' tn ~ay so she said, fr olll lhC' delencinn t , Mrs. C. Mc- pOI·tmg to be the last will and while. All this tears and passion hundred nnd I1fty dolllll's. he " All ri~ h t , " an d got int o Ling' s lIvain. dnmages in the s um of teotanllent of . MUI:quardt, debusin1!ss makes me sick." wrote a check at first, but s he wa s car. $250 with inter es t at 6 % fr om ces set wns pl'Oduccd III court for Holby {ought out in his soul a druid to hllve it put t hr ough thl' drive sh(' nirnost swooned, bllt not , Augu st 15, 1D29, probate. . . decent battle of self-sacrifice be- bnnk at Calverly Il'st he l' ClIthel' Whcn he su id. "lIol11e." to the I Maggi e Hoag land \\'ns granted r :hh fo!lowlllg estates WIll sta nd fore he brought him self to the 1__ n divorce from Wilde Hoaglund ~I I kearmg December 23, at 9 height of recommending a rival. . -the def ncJnnt bfJi ng foun d guilty 0 C DC 8. m. . . "There's Ned Ling; he's looking of extreme c!'llelty toward the J. J . Gallaher. adnllntstrator of for a pretty leadinll woman. He's plaintiff. The custody of the chil- the estate of Ida C. Gallaher, not Chaplin, but he's awfully fun dren wns given to the p laintiff. d ecell~ed , first und, ~nal account. ny in his own way. If you're so hell UPOI1 moli on of Lucy Ethel J. T. Flaek, admmlstrator of the bent on a comic career get your . hroll, for ulim ony, de fendant in e~tllte of dMarYd L. McCray, dcceasagent to go after him." thl' calle ent ered by Frank Shl'oll tJ, sec on . an final. .. "Ned Ling," she mused. "Yes, pla intiff. lhe court onlered the mo~ d J. I\~errtll ~one, ad~llnls~rator I've seen ~im I may make ~ try tion ,loc hl!ul'd Ol!l Saturday, Decem- e boniS non With the Will annex~d ot him a httle later." Utll· 7, ut !l o'clock a. m. of the estate of Thaddeus MorriS, But when she reached her home F.lijuh Puck ett was grunted a deceased, second acount. there was something waiting in divorce fr om Waunetta Pu ckett . Hurry H. Pen.ce. guurdian of ambush for .her- a letter from her the llefel1dant found guilty of L. Pence, minor first account father. gf'(I~S negl ect of duty. The care Milton M: Jack. a~m,ini s trator of 1)ear Wife, he wrote her mother o f th e child, David J. Puckett wos ~he estdut e h?f Chrtstilln S. Jack, -The Lord giveth and taketh ",i\'lm to th e defendant with the ecease , t lJ'd and fi,,!al.. away. I have 10st you and my plaintiff grunte d the righ t to visJohn W. Jones, admmlstrator of darling daughter and my lo~e. itation. Th e pl,a intiff was ordered the e tate of John H. Applegate Iines8, but I still can say. "Thy, to pay the deftmdnnt $3 per week deceased . first and final account. will be done." for the child's s upport. Ro.bert J. Shawhan .n~eepted the I think you should know, howSarah Ge phart was granted a npPollltment as ~dmtnlstrator of ever, how things are here. Otherdiv orce from E lwood Gephart the the estate of ~essle C. Conley, dewiae I should not write .you. But d '~\: ndant havi ng been f~und ceased , Bo~d III the sum of $2000 1 am afraid that the daughter l!u ,l ty of gross neglect of dnty was ~Ied \\ Ith Alton F. Bro,:"n and that was once ours might tire of It was orde l'ed the plaintiff shali ~d'~1" \ F. Gowdy as surettes. H. the husks of sin and wish to come receive her alimony $5 per week M' .c ray, John Sdcull , and. E. C. home repentant. beginning October 16 192!l during orn son were ma e appraIsers. Bitterness filled my soul hen her life and s hall possess as as The second and finul. account of I learned that she was leading a He macl, ber lit clown on a lons coucb and snu""led c:IOIC to her. her own prope rty lot No. 311 in ' the estate of Alvy F. Simonton, de life of riotous mockery, and when Frunklin. . ! ceased was approved. . . I saw the picture of her smiling -=--=--==--= In the case of New York Life J ohn W, Jones, admlllistrator of in wanton attire at the sliJe of I Ins urance ompany versus George tdhe estute of J0"ln W. APplegate\ that smirking French general, I hear of it. She instructed the quite. . K. Bes ud en, et al the court or- eceased, filed hiS first and fina had . it my heart to curse her doctor to make up another of his ' The J ap .showed !'I 0 surpl'lse. at 'aCcount. I wrow in my haBte. I repented scenarios about a repentant mem- the late art:lvnl of his. mastel' With -.....;.= _-:Inventories and 'appraisements m¥-hnrdness of heart and bowed ber of the congregation wishing to 1a ~ady. F~.vldcntly It was the fil ed : . ' my head in humble shame when restor.e some s to}en. fun.d s-:-or I o rdmar~ thll!g. M~1lI longed [or II She smil ed. He was more like Estate of Sarah J . Denllnger, .de I read your angry reply. I had anythl~g that hiS lmagmlllton mas k 01 n tire e cap: ?r a ~un. 1I prattling baby the more c nical ceased. " . lost your love Ilnd your admira- could mvent. . 1- - glanced about fOl \\eapons of he grew. His heavy head made her l Estate of BenJamm H. Mills, de tion . but that was deserved pun·' Then she set the wheels m defense. . . breast ac he and yearn fol' II baby ceased. ishment for the idolatry that had motion to secure an immediate enBut Ned Lll\g sa Id : "Some But he wanted only the froth of [n the settlement of the estate grown up in my heart to-you gagement with. the next to the sc.rambled eggs un~ bacon- some life without lhe body and the of Amanda M. Walker, deceased, wards; and for the mistake I greate~t comedian on th.e screen, wme ..W~uld ~QU ~ ather have red , dreg. . the net value of the estate was must have made is not giving our Ned Lmg, a reader of Impo~tant or whIte .- 01 ,a lIttle champagne I "Could .YOU love me just enough $18,318.65. erring daught~r a better care. books; a debater of art theo~les- , -yes7 Yes,. we II h.ave s.~me cham- and not too lDuch?" he pleaded. .I r: th case!1f J. A. ~ebold, adBut now it has pleased the but .above all a man afra,d .of l!agll ~~nutJve Cahforntan - but I If he had su id . "Marry me to- nlll1lstrator WIth the win annexed Lord to pour out the vials ot his nothmg so much ~s he wus afl'lud ' g o o d . , morrow!" he might have had her of the estat~ o! T. M. Scofield, de. wrath on .my gray hairs. The of love. She was hungry, b.~t he. kept then . But s he !had not his opin ion censed, plamtJft', versus Maf A. old m9rtgage on the church feU It was a period of dead calm on e ~~ her hand s pllsonel and of mal'l'iage. Sfhe hod played tha i Scofield, Walter M. and Moille R. due long ago, but forec10su're had and torp'id sea, and so Mr. Ber- pr't.;:~~\~at;d t~~~.y went into the gUtne wit hout t he name-endured Sthcofielld ,. dieftendt ant'bltllwas ordered been pbstnoned from time to mQnd wllli.ngl y arranged to "rent" . . . . • the ecstacy and the penalty with- ! e a(!",,1ll s ra or s a proeelld to time. We ' gave a .bene·tit to pay her to Ling, who wanted her at ~eautlful h~lllg .I oom: a. strange out the ceremony. She had escaped advertIse the real estate for publlo If oft', but everybody was too once at first sight. I oo~ for!l lown" n~ol e . h~e ~hat I public ~ hame by Ii miracle of lucky sale. . poor to respond, and it did not pay Meanwhile, ·through Claymore, she IIn~glll~d a .~IIIl onalre s .l<)om I lies lind accid~lI\ts. The hunger reThe Judge a~vise.d that Joe Hare:tI:penses. Terry pack was about to be struck tc! b~, J udg lllg Iiont what ~llhon- mained fol' the rewards of mar- ry clln be r.ecelved mto the Dayton The manager of the motion-pic- off in innumerable portraits and ulre. rooms she had seen In the riage, the honesty of II home, the St.ale hospital ture house here · Qft'ered to share showered upon a grateful world. mOl-li es. d h . ' t I I I grllnite foundation or respectable II', the settle!flent of the estate the profits on the show of a At ·the age of five be would com e lila e e l 51 (own on a ong loyalty. of aura L. Gibbs, deceased, the picture in which, as he had the mence his business career with a couc h and snu¥gled close to her. So when he pleaded with her for net valu e of the e~tate wa~ found US Impudence to tell me, my daughter salary of two. or three thousand Slh...., HcurJOu~ rather ~ha~ love that ch eat:ed and played for to ,be $8976.34 WIth Annie Dern played a part. But while it dollars a year. a e too . up ~el' . an iun and not foil' all, fOI' a kiss, for E!hs, daughter and Ranson L. would have drawn Jr.Ioney for One of Mem's pictures was ~gaJn .an~ s~udled It, talkmg III the Caresses, "he shoolC her headGibbs, son, as successors. curiosity that wou)d .not have re- shown , 800n after at a ' theatre in ~!"thel I~~e l ar~. m~,n~.erh he so~~: l11ysl icully as hc~ thought, but very sponded to a ChrIstian appeal, [ Los Angeles, and s he sat in a vast lin es IIss um.~ . ac se~ala e slInely and eahn1y, in tr uth. Real Eatate Tranafer. lelt that it would be a compound- throng. She saw with pride a fat, WII S hiS own ~o u~, . don t you Fina lly she yawned in the face Otto Koeppe, Sophia Koeppe, ing with evil, and I put Satan be- woman sniffle and thought it a ~~l~~ It'i~11gl~~s~Il'Yof~;Jllieg~t Qhuae:d of hi ~ pa ssio n a nd said, "I'll be Edwin Koeppe and Margueretw hind me and ordered the fellow beautiful tribute. She saw a bald.. ~ , . ' I' going home now please" Koeppe, to George and Edith Gray out of the house. headed man sneak a handerchief a~d YOUI' left ha.nd a~'en'~ the le~st (To be dontinu~d) .54.95 acres in Wayne twp. out and, pretending to blow his ailke al~~j yo~.II' face IS stIli a thIrd .. The. church is to be closed'. nose, das h his shameful tears away perso n. Before Me,!, qUIte realized how What 1 shall do next or how And ,that was beautifull to her solemnly ludIcrous a. couple of PINKY DINKY That Lett Pinky Out tak~ care of the little chIldren with II wonderful beauty. The papers the next day in their comedians cou!d be~lf anybody that 5tl11 cline to our home, the Lord bas not yet told me in criticism Bave her special men- had been lookmg-except Godanswer to my prayers, I still tion . . A marvelous thing to see and ,perhaps that Jap valet-Ned have faith that in Ht. lood time one's ' name In print and with a L!ng s head was on her breast and ~ he will provld. a way or call Hia bouquet tied to It. hls .eyes were, turned up Into hers She had but a little while to -h ke a bn~y s. He was In a newsenlnt bome, and I hope you • . will not take this I.tter •• a plel revel in this pertect award, tor In born pr!ltth~g humor. That was I for_ pity, a few days I letter came to her I secret of hla suooess. He was II «:;Q,"1e HFIli:I!!. I My dip 1. full and funn!n. forwarded from t he atudlo. ' ba~y with all a baby's privileges .:., over, but my cbief dread ill that Her heart plunged with torror of ImproprIety, se lfishnes!, hateful . ness, adorableness, unhappinesl! and want may bi lUI she read. I /l~en your picture last nite and He could revert to In'"ncy and your portion as well as mine and that I shall fall you utterly it meoa me sick youre awful in· I take hie audie nce with him, mpke after providing so IIcantlly for nasent and sweet in the picture old men and women laugh at the you all your daYI, I can onl~ ' pray and you lop~ like butter would , si'!ll1)e thing! that tickled their that my feara are the re/ll1li of melt in your mouth but I know childIsh he8r~8. And withal there loneliness and age and wearin.eaa, beter for I'm the guy who held I was nn amazmg sophistication. He And now may the Lord shield yo u up wen you WI!oS with that ! was a baby. that calculated and you with his ever-present mercy, other ~uy and took your weding mea sured. trtumphed and yet wept or at least give us the strength to ring off )'ou I dident know who and wnntcd. a l.ways, the next toy. understand that in all things he you wa~ then and I dont ~1l0)V I He . was thmkmg of Me!"" !ls his who he If! yet but 1m wi se to you n ~xt t oy and she wl!s thmkmg of knoweth best. and all I got to say is lve got my hIm . as her next child. , Your loving ey on you and you better behave I HI S .\Vaml head and. hiS br?w.n Husband As she read tbis letter and saw or else quit playing these Innasent eyes, hke maDI~ Just as It IS back (}f the lines the heavy brows parts you moving peop le make me Il qul'~ cent to SYI'Up, .and. )\'It)l the of 'her old lather saw the bald spot sick youre only a gang of hip- same go ld tlak cB "I\ntlng-~~y IF Y O V weRE were quaintly babYish to hl!"f in spite of his old talk. ~!JC" e·p.I~~ "I wunt to love and be loved f'H e; flAN ~ :but not to much. I'm afruid of WHV P.H~ . l~ve. It hil S hur t me too bitterly, -rp l,J T.AI':-\:? !-;ome of them haven't been trite to . "'(0 me, and that hurt me horribly. s ~ "'..,r,.."'" And I haven't been true to some of . ~ -~ them-:and that hurt. me still worse. I don't know which is ghastlier-to ' see a woman laugh at you ~r cry at ·r.0u. M;arriage is no solutIOn. [ don t see how it can . $H Ue' Earl, fO'r Your S.I. Oat•• , Guarant •• help ' being the .end of love. Love S.tIUa,.t!on or Char,. Nothinc • . ought· to be .free-like art and speech. Of course art isn't · free. ',. There',!! the cen~orshjp. Well marriage Is' ILke censorship. Everything 10U do and say and feel must be 8uh!"itted ' to the censor. Pia. .. N.o. "310 They thJB a free country and ~~~~~~-_-~....-:",~~~....- . . , . . - - - - - _ -_ _ _ _';" cellJ!orshlPs and' marriage I"


= -




--. -_


_-_,-. ___ -- __ I






















F~.. ' ~. Martin 'Jesse Stanley ; Auctioneer s w.

New' 8urli~gton;Oe

Pure' Buckwheat flour


ju.t received our fir.t .hipment of Buckwheat Flour of the season. This ill 'the lame well-known flour which we ha v~ handled in·the past.

Waynesville Fa~mer's Exchange Company _ _ _ _. _ ._ _ 1

- -----~ ------p

Iva and .Tam e. E. Wi lson to lI elll'Y Curi"y, lubor, $27.75; .T. S. Granville C. Fis hel', 85.!.I:.! acres in '0)(. lu I", 1', $24 .75 ; Chllrley Mor.'ntt, ri so n, lab ol', $ 15 ; H I.I I'l'Y East Turtlecreek. ,Allnll 1\1. and Benjamin r . Rig'- la hUl', $ 1U,50; Willinm Morris , gine to Clnra Keevl' I', 2 town une s )losb, $;10; Clul'ence Fryer, lub ol' 111101 ~ Ullpli l'~ , $63; William Slitt, rl1 D('l' rficld twp. 1!:lh,, 1 Stubbs Hamilton lu ' Ul1lP, $ 100 ; Muuroe ulld J ohns ton J!ll11e ~ und Minnie I-lusting, 2 .!lH I1w! c'l'inl, $a.24; J. D. Adul1Il! ulld ~u., g-I·ud t·r blndes, $5-1 .8 2; Th e acres Ullion twp. Hobert M. Blair to Chelsea A us- ' ig'ht I"('ed Generntor Co., ll uppli('s tin Coleman, 100.72 neros ill lind I'e pnil's, $16.80: TI'{)pi enl F'runklin twp. I'llillt a lld Oil Co., bridge puint Sebllst ia n . M. and Hell!n M. $8H.8 tl ; Monroe unci John ~n n: !\luag to Charl es Bryan, 1.5U acre>! s uppli es, $!I.&O; C. Uunald ))iluin Tleerfield twp . tu s h, n 'llt of offic tJ, $ 15. Edwin Hllmllll , by exec utor to Peny B. nnd Bessi" Si mpso n 11 8.56 neres in lIurlan twp . GREA SE STAINS ON LEATHER K E. anti A nl1a M. lillie to Edwin P. lind A m old K . StarBenzin ClI' pure turpentine rubbuck tract in Turlll'croek twp . Logan J. and Lou LVI.I Gubbal'd bed un grease spots will remove to Wulter R. Fitts, truct Nli. 10 in ~hem fr olll leutht'r without dalllngIng Ih(' surfuc('. It is injuri ous to Franklin twp. Walter R. Fitts to Logan J. and 1('UlIIl·I·. Lou EVil Gabburd, 30 ucres in Franklin twp. I .. ---- - - ---Sureptn and Ra ymond Hobel·ts to Lucy E. Smith, !1.!J7 acres in S U F FER clea rcreek twp. ? ? ? ? ., COI·tel'. M. Smith to Ruym ond ' and Sarepta Robel'ls 57 .78 acres Sr or.t3ch trouble relieved in in Franklin twp. 15 m:nule.1 INDICESTION Charles F. Brunner to Leonu -SOU R STOMACH - GAS Brunner, 17.96 aCI'es in Uniun twp - A C J D S TOM A C HHomeI!' und Mury Ii:. Alexa nder HEARTBURN - DISTRESS to David R. A hWlIrth, 110.55 AND PAIN AFTER EATacres in Wayne twp. lNG, any or all can be relie" George K. Bes uden, by sheriff ed by Dr. Slone'. Pre.crip_ to New York Life Insurance Comtion_ pallY 13 9.51 acres in Deerfield AN OLD PHYSICIAN'S twp, REMEDY Lar,8 Size Bottle, $1 Marla,e Licenle. 0, lend 10c for ,enerou. . . • ample. Lloyd Frank Riding, laborer of STONE LABORATORIES, Maryville, Tenn., and Miss Lorie Wilmin,toll, Ohio Glad9s Newton, of Lebanon, NoDepl. lOA vember 29. Thomas L. Taylor, printer of Cincinnati and Miss Betty Frances Lair:~o~oC~~b~ha;berlain mech- ~~~~~'!"'""'!'~~~~""!"!''''!'''~ ~----.-_. - - anie of FrankJin and Mrs. Floe !~• •" . "• • • • • • •II! Lambert, of' Franklin, December 2 Grunt .Meadows, factory worker of Frnnklin, and Mrs. Fannie L. Corn, factory worker of Franklin, November 26. ' RESIDENT R. Reeder, farmer of Waynesville and Mrs. G. ~ae Hartsock, nUl'se of ,.WayneSVille, No ..ember 27. . . Robert Clotarte Schmdler. p~ess PERMANENT LOCATION man. of D.ayton n n~ Mrs. Thirza Marie DaVIS, domestic of Lebanon.. Uti November ~7. LEBANON. OHIO Alfred .Kmdred .. fuct~ry worker of. Franklin and MISS Mildred Fe~n Eyea Examined Mmge, factory worker of Franklin CI ... e. Fitted Repaira November 27_ Ii • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Dr. John Zettel Optometrl-st 19 N. Broakway

Bill. Allowed The Office Outtitters, supplies, $.60; Tho Columbus Blank Book Mfg. Co., suppUes, $6.36; G. LClder man s pl\ $10 10 J F S ford: 1:60r, e'6; The 6hlo c'ent~~i Telephone Corp., phone rentll, $50.50; The Columbus Blank Book Mig. Co., supplies, $2.60; Bell Press suppues, $19: J. I. Holcomb Mfg., suplies, $10.95; W. C. Gilmour, inquest body of George Dash, $5.90; Mattie Gardiner, services as janitor, $20.90: Ohio Penitentiary Mig. and Sales dept., ta"gs $54.75; The Columbus Blank Book MIg. Co., s upplies $4,;. ~obert Gray, loading stone, $3; Georlre Terwilleger, labor, $16.50; S. E. Cutler, labor, $16.60 William Nichwitz, labor, $62.80; Sherman Wilson, labor, $23.26',




_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ..._,.. • • FOR SALE

-------------FOR SA LE- Poinsettias and all kinds of ·flowers for Xmas, Homemade candies, pies, popcorn

~~lIsM~sn.d dEOtUhgehlynnuts'JoLhenasvoen~srdeorn9

Third street. ·dl1 FOR SALE- White Come ramale, d . 2 Id Chspaye, commg years 0 , 115. Burnett. FOR SALE- Burbon Red Turk t . eyR, s rong, vigorous stock, toms $10.00, hens $7.00. Beauman Berry strains . Anna C. StinGILKISON son. Phone 28F3, Harveysburg, O. -dll FOR SALE-Poland China Male hogs. E. Evan8, Phone 470B, Lebanon, Ohio. -dll ·THRESH . ER SUPPLIES-BE ' LTS pulleYlI, bllibitt 'm"tal, all ' eu~" Injectors, luprl~.k!rl, s~'lm ~~.~ water IP.IlB,I, I.~" ,\81" ollflf~. packlll8', boiler flues, suotloll hOI, and t k rru1:' DO' 0 all pumps. ""i~ +l Kf.1il'f CO. 411l W. MIIII1 ~t, ~lInl", OllIQ. COME IN-.\nd lea til" Q"le~!. ChrlltmAs Oar".. . PIPE, VATV1:OQ .& n 1:OITTI~Ga .. ~'" ~H+" ~ ., to -For aU IIUrPQaflll. Bockl.~'. Ii~e of plumbirur and beatln. IUJ!" pl,ea are the beat. The Booklet. King Co., 415 W. Mllin St., Xonl. Ohio. ' I. ' d


5% Farm Loans


LONG OR SHORT TIME-EalJ terms. A1so Surveyin, 1lJl(] stracting. Wri~e and I \tIU~l and see yO ,Sam D,"ffe k e" ... . nesville, O~,p: ' . '. ' Po.,l" ~ , , . LOaNS .!lJ! . J.lvf!S~PJl1t, Cha~~". . Second ~ort~rf!.. ~ptfl'.1i99it~': John Harbln~,' ~rip.~,



Farmers,Attendon . Fanners of Warr.1!1\ IUd .4jQ$nh,. counties . mn obt,l.lrl ' ~op..,. ~~ CI,p . lon~ tj~e lqane, ~t II per oapt Iii- ' tel reat. Cost ·.of .ecurbiC· the "Dl'~ a very tel,onable, tJUoousli ~e F ederaJ Land Bank. For Information can p~ or adclreu • .~. D~AKE, Treuurer, phone' IJ





Lali.bon, Obi, '






hall no jUllt ground lor complaint if the relation II between the Government at Washington and the ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY bUsiness- in ter-ests of the. nation ~-------do not lIuit him, And the local D. L. CRANE hamber of Commerce which is I no t; nffili ted with the nutional OIIiee Phoue.~ ............... :.... No. organized is doing its comm\lnRwideace .......................... No. ity and its buaine.. men an injU1Uce by withheld'nl their opportunIty , to mek. ·thtmilivel heard In the council. of the nation.

---_.. _...---

I" •• "" el I'."o,"~ •• , Wa)ln, ..ItI. 1111'., e. Suan" CI ... Mal/, -


' z; 77'

DECEMBER 11, 1929



~==~=======~==~==~==, I · ~,------


I.I ' "


"This is the age of youth." - - - - - - - -. H ow of len we heal' that said, so metinH!s in exten untion of BUSINESS· MEN AND youthful exuberance which s hocks ' GOVERNMENT the elders, sometimes with the


.----_________! rso~~~~~ ~:~!~:t ti':~U!~rfd~~~~.w

EVel'Y age has been the age of In cull ing upon the 9 hamber of youth. Young folk s ure more Commerc e of the Umted States I vociferu so just now thu n they to summ on .the ~)U s me ss leade rs were before the wal' They get more of ~he natIOn Into co.nie r ence publicity, mainly because there P!esldenl H.nover hus.. g lven the are more mediums of publicity. highest . o~cl~ 1 rccogmti,!n to the But in all history is has been youth most dl!~tlnctlvely Af!1erl~an type which hilS inj ected new idens into of . bU Siness . organ lzutlOn. No t he world's t h.ught. which has pl'evlou s Presldenthns so co mple- sturted movements which hav e. in ly ~ndel'Rtood bu slflcss men. lind time, changed social and ecobU Sin ess methods. As a bUSiness nomic conditions. man he hnd Illude himself indelle~It was youth that settled Am erThe map s hows the route of Comma nd er Byrd in his Iril) 10 the d.cntly well ithy at forty. In hiS ica. The Pilgl'ium FathCl's were South Po le from Little America. Antarcti ca. and back. a d i, lance of c lght yeurs : IS Secretary of Co m- mostly boys in their twenties when 1,600 miles . The hu ge gray plane mOl!l1lcd th e fair skies al Little m o ~ce he gUIIH'd the confidence ~f they landed on Plymouth Rock. America with Com ma nder Richard E. Byrd. Bernt 13alchc n (fly.illg ~u s!n.ess m 'n, r egl! r.dl~l!s of their The pioneers of Virginia and IIIdI VIt!UIlI J.llll·~Y afll!lulion s ,as few Pl!nns ylvania were no old er. the plane); Radi oman Junc at th e wirele ss and Cap tain Ash le}' C. men III Ipub,le ollice have Fer .From the beginning, young McKinley. phot og rapher, surveyor and ge neral utility man . "Good ~_ _-.1.._ _ _ _ _ _ _.L...---1 Hying wea tht!r" made a finc. 'Ile etly start possible. bce~ ab le to. do. folk s hllve done things of which 1 he Prl's id ent know~ what .a their eld ers did not approve, "The ' _. . _ =_ Chnmbe r o.f Commerc,,: IS, what ~t only service lhe young can render ! mea ns to Itg co mmunity. whllt It the old is to shock t hem nnd so can do for its comm unity. The keep them up to date," says CHRISTMAS CAKE C h~mb e r of Commerce of the Geol'ge Bernurd Shaw in one of .. . . Un it ed Stul<~s whose component his plnys. A man or woman must One pound se lf-ra l~lng fl our. !lIX I parl s Ilrl' t.hl' lucal Chambers of be very old inde ed or have a very . oun ces of butter, NIX ounce of I Comm erce In every part of the poor memory, to have forgotten ' s ugar, four oun~e~ of curra nts, co untry, is the rep rese ntative of that in his 01' her youth the old four o.un ces of raiSins. two ou nce!! , Born to Mr. and Mr~. 1!1l 1"l'y ~v 'ry bu siness interest in. Amer- folk s se ldom approved of the ac- of mixed peel, two ounces. of H,, ~ ier on Tu esduy, December :1. a , lea. It ought to wOl'k hand In hand tivities and interests of the young. gr,ou nd almonds, two eggs, a li ttle duught 1'. with the Federal Gove~nment And when the young people of nlll~, . Mrs. Im ojl'u n Voiers was out of I S.lft ~he fl?ur, rub In th(l, school the lnUer part of the week ' Jltd~~~iiii~~!i5iIii~J,l,. for the commo n welfare. just a s today have become the parents of loca l Chan~bers of ·Co mmerce eo- I boys unci girls of eighteen or mixing It until the Il our looks like . utTering with an uleei'atcrl to oth . operate With their local govern- twenty, they, too, will be shocked bre!ldcrumbs. Add th e sugar, the • '. ments. Mr. Hoovel' has put it in a ' b the thin s their children will frUi t unci almondf!. Beat the egogs Mr .. and. Mrs. C ,E, GOI don were g d~ or wnnt gto do. and be~t them in. Th en add e n- shoP!Jln 10 Dayton Thursdn.y . positi on to do precisely that. THE LAST LEAF This is not injecting politics in. ol!gh . nlllk to mnk e a batter t hllt ,MISS Huth Ra.dford . assistant I to business ; fill' from it. It is putUncle Si Tinklepaugh suys he Will j?S~ drop from t he ?poon. home demonstration agcnt. ga~e I B 01 ' W d 11 .H I ting bus iness in to politics, or, used to reud u city paper but it Turn It II1tO a :-,'ell greased tin and th e 1st and :Jrd of the lessons In ' I . Y h ' tver eb't 0 mea rather, into politi cal administra- j made too much noise IIround the bake lit once 111 a moderate oven th e "Attract.lve Dessel'tH.': at an A SUhW 1~1 jnbe ·the re tion, Ilnd that is something sorely house. The headli nes were so big for abo ut one and a quarter hours all:tlay meeting at the A ICI room ! s e PR;.~( u ~in e oor. needed . he had to hoHer to read 'em - - .. - -Fndny. Th e atte nd ance W!l S not T h tg t 1 Every member of every Cham. liS llll'ge as co uld be des ired. A ehPUtvetltnen ~ ontehs r e~ol1 n(d b' ' h IS ' afCongrells IS " 111 seSH .lon again . TOLD THE TRUTH Th e so p h 0 ers 01' 1' e glou n e.1 0 f C,omme ree W h Ie mores put on I an exce - s e With hi ~ cu neo filiated With the Chamber of Com- and promises to do some more . ". lent program 'at asse mbly Priduy merce of the United States hilS a I fal'm relieving. When it gets ' Mab~ Is It ensy to learn golf morning. It wu s U hort and intcr- They say that In hi prime, potential voice in tho administra- throug h we shull discover that j or moton.~g?". ' . taining play. Ere the pruning knife of Time tion of lI ati onal lIfl'airs. Th e busi- good farmers manage to get along Bab One s Just liS .d lfl;icul~ 118 A numbol' of the children took . Cut him down, neo's mUll who docs not avail him- j so meh ow and poo'r farmers will thd o~her. In g,o lf you hit. nothmg, the Schick t{>st Wednesday mOI'n- Not a better mnn .was found s~lf of this opportunity by joining sti ll be hollering for help, same an. I~ m()tOI'lI1g you hi t every- ing. • By the r.rier on IllS round hiS local Chamb er of Commerce as always. thll1g. M. I M W M M thO Through t he town. -====-. _ ____ I. anr rs. . . a IUS -= . =-=--=---=and So n Don, Miss Mllrgaret Starr, But now he walks th estreets Miss Mabel Stnn a nd James Hamp And he looks at all he m l;lets appealing list of murders fol' t on all of Da r t on were Sun day Sad a nd wan , which the law has secured no con- g uests of IIhs. Amanda Starr. And he shakes his feeble head I read recently a book on the Su nday gu est s of Mr. and Mrs. o it see m!! as if he said vietions. But few of the gu ilty are W. T. J ordan were Mr. and Mrs. "T he y are gone." now alive. The natural destroyer A. Z. Hartsock and family of Th e mossy marbles rest of the gang is the gang. Mel vin. On the lips that he had pl:esed A wise old friend of mine told In their bloom, Mr. ·a nd MI' . Ho\vard Surfllce me that he wasted years of his life in worrying about the possible de- a nd so n' of Utica were guests Sun- A nd the names he loved to hear struction of his garden and tl'ees day of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ed- Have been carved for many a year On the to mb. by pests. The gypsey moths came words. THE ARMY WORM act in such an unchristian fashion and ate. The grasshoppers ca me My Gl'and mamma has said must be open to serious doubt. and laid waste. Finally. came the I p /) () I' ol~o~:Ydg~he is dead If the Eij!'hteenth Amendment And, if goaded fur enough, they army worms, threatening to conis ever overthrown it will not be will do something about it. sum e every leuf and blade of gra s That hiinc~::k~ ~,:!;lIke a rose by the. Wet!>. The A wonderful thing about the Whllt happened? The a rmy Drys will talk it out of the Con- universe is its ull-pervading law of worms became so bad thllt there stitution as they talked it in. balance. For every star there is was not food enough. Hence they But 1I 0W his nose is.thin. And It ~ests upon hiS chili some other sUlr to hold it in place. were undernourished and died, Like a staff, When one of them announces For every poison there is an an- without laying any eggs. Anti a croo k in in his back that the pUl'chase r of a glass of tidote. For every abuse there is And the next year there were "Hc·w I wish I cr,',!d Have Had Ami a melancholy crack wine shou ld be sentenced to ten some naturlll corrective. no army worms. In his laugh. years in prison, or that the army This Med:dne Long Ago," 'hould . ~e caliI'd out to shoot "Things refuse to be mismanI take much co mfort in thi t know it is a s in says This Happy Man. down CItizen!! wh o mnke whoopee, ! aged long," as Emerson pointed story. 1 do not mean to suggest For me to sit and grin th~. c0'!ln~on sense of ~,eople rebels out. "Though no checks to a new that we should sit supin ely by and , At him h ere; ThiS IS too much, they mur- I evil appear, the checks exist and and II1l0w wrongs to get · so bad But hi. old three-cornered hat mur. . . will appear. If the government Is that they correct t hemselves. We And his breeches, and nil that Th~ fllll!'fT!Ur IS PQt loud hut It ' crul'l, the governor's life Is not should whoop it up for righteousAre so queer! is df)ep . The luurmurere are not ~af(). If you tax too high, th" reve- riess and take . a p oke at evil. And if I should live to be give n hi IUla.lyltlltlOl1, o.!'I d they nue will yield nothing. If you But it's good to know that. The l a~t leaf upon the tree have little tal nt for putting their make the criminal code sanguinary after all, we have a mighty In the spring, thoughtll Into words. None the lesa l juries will not cotlvict." . helper, The law of balance is on Let them !lmile, as 1 do now, they ore cOlIsr.lous that a law I our side. The conqueror of every At th e old for. aken bough which makes a Christian talk and gangs of Chicago. It conta ined an army worm is the army worm. Where I cling.

The Making of a Home With a Its Accelaoriel. such as Lumber, Fancy Shingles and all th.,.t goes with the Home Beauitfu. For an eltimate on the 8ame. call










W. H. Madde.n &.CO.



Waynesville, Ohio


Dealers In everything connected with an upto-date Lumber YaNi




. . .


l I


DR. L. B. HALL Veterinarian ",

fi'ully Equipped for Good

• Fourteen Year. 01 EXPERIENCE

Service. DI8play Room.

Ambulance Service rI!:U:PHONE 7

1i.' Y OR NlqH1


Phone 76F4

DR. RUDOLPH .Sight Speciaiis SO Years Experience in Fittin Ilnd Making Glasses -a~


National Baall

Will Ora..




(9,) ~

WHAT shall we give our loved one. for Christmas? Thi, i, a ,flelt/on fl/'en perple;cin, m~mber. 01 'he family, especIally when the loved one, ~re ~ar a_way from home. THIS problem ought to be ea,ily .olvcd, lor lltel' will be tha,.ko:. lui 1.0. hear Irom home once a week. an.~ .n9flain. witt 84t~ isly ~~~~ ~gre t~a~ rf~wmf f"'h.• Miami Cl.zdt. fQr A

~fir'-!f~~ ~~~~f~

'f./!!~ r-~~~m~f~nC!~ ~fll 10 to them ever,)' @



~"fi§lmff! to

w,e4 and it will be

th,m ·liIty."two time, a year.

"ndtt to.. them lor a year.


- E.tate. S,.ttl.~ '

Wap...iV,. O~~o

Cary'sJewelry Shop E}', Thuraday, Satu No c:harte for Examination


INTESTINALSTAS, rnalDrity 01 humaatW.46" Ia .......

lOme "",IIlOllt .uthorlliea.~lmp'-L..."

"~INT nr .re, dhziD~ coated!neW, Pl!1 bad Ilnatb.llai ptta t!oel- ___

TRY When pail,l\' ltas dried on white OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS'W,~JDIlldeIlll4 _ _ _ lont the.yea, eta. A aat.. NIIabI•• apMdr fabri c, it ~ n be r emoved by spong0". THACMc",. V • •KTA ....· Y FOR RESULTS ing t nt} tlpot with hot apple vino!llaln.ble 01 all deal .... I. eoc ... •1.;1 gar. _ _ _ _ _ __ ._ ~=========~ AJ)AIpJS D'Y-A. • TG~ ( ~ ; 4 i , .t NOTICE OF APPOf~TMENT




Way.neaville, Ohio








Su bscribe for The Millmi Gazett.

_======= _ _ __




" How I wish I could have had Konjola long ago," sold Mr. R. F. Deal. R. It. No.1, Troy, OhIo. "Even after I had despaired of eVllr escape from the clutches ', of Indigestion and neuritla, thlll remarkable medicIne broulrht relief. Food always formed ga8 and bloating. Headaches constantly I tortured me. The neuritis pains were almost more than I could stand. NothIng- ever gave me more than temporflry rellef~ and I was dIscouraged and down-hearted. "Since I found Konjola, t\liuga are different. 1 could ' ahn08t ' feel the surge of returuhlli" health throughout my syatem as I took this splendid meaicine. My ap~~F ita r eturne'd and my dinsti~" was rest ored . The neur~ti,.§> iWi~! b,came less sev~ re IIIna t'hen thQ~ disnppellred c\>m1>~e-tely; r.o-da~1" ~ am we\l., h!'JlPY 'and enjoYI!lg llfQ· KonjA\a will always ree~1Ve mlr highest J>rai s~.'1 Xonjola i~ sold tl'\ WaYl1el\vllle lit Ada",. Dtrll, Store, and by all the best drul~gl : tH throughout th!1I entire seoUon.

EstiitC' 0 f C. Marquardt, decellscd . Not.fee is hereby given that Charles J. Mal'quardt hus bee n duly appoin ted Ilnd qualified as Exeeutol' of the Estate of C. Marquardt late of Warren County Ohio, deceased. Dated this 4th day of December, , t 920. ROOT FOR' AND CONSIGN W. Z. Roll h d 1 Judge of the Probate Co.~R. your Cattle, hogs, II eep an ca vea Warren CounQ\ OMQ to Norris-Brock Co., live wire and d25 - - - - - - - _.. progressive firm for the hllthest market prices and Ilood servlc •. NOTICE OF A~HffMENT Union Sto'ck Ya"ch, Cinclnnatl, O • Reference: Alit ftrst man you meet Estl\t: at ":i,~eil Creaw ell ,





is hereby gIven that L. M. - Henderson has been duly ap ~ pointe\l and qualified as Adwilliatrator ot the Estllte of .l"mel1 W. Cr~w~1I late of Wl\rf<!n County, OhiO, deceased, Da~ed tbis gOth day ot November 1929. W. Z. Roll Judge of the Probate Court, Warren County, Ohio

Dr.C. W.ANSON Veterinari4'n Phone 93

Waynelville. Ohio

Wife-"When you .have had enough cocldails ' you ought to switch to sn.r.a parilla, . dear." ~==:=:=:::;~~~~~==~ H.llsband--"Trouble is, ~hen -: l've had . e.nough cocktails I can't say sarsliparil~a." ." ---~.....


KEEPS TOBACCO. MOIST Place a slice of ~w potato in airtight . containers . holding tobacco or eill rarettes and the ,t obaceo nlilt dl"i out.,


Snook & ' Jord~n Aucti.o neer and -Clerk Phone 24

HCA.~vej.burg. Ohio

- -





VACCI~A TIO---., Nf With Depencl.ble Serum and Virua in.ure. both Sa.... ty and Succe ••

Dr.W.E.Frolt Harvey.burl, Pho •• SI



CON.T ATA. CHILDE J E SUS Mall a dreulnr of t he yolka of

'1 ..II. tllrbt lJ b..ten. 1·4 cup cold water. 1 t bl butter. 1·4 cup bot rine,ar, ~ . ta. aalt. Put In do ubla boil er stirrlni' all the while unt il th ickened. hre d a ha lt clb· )age; pour over It the dressing and aerve v ~ry ho t.

Coyle's · Q~:alltyMeat

.h' , "'~Values I. F';.

I Spllre

Ribs, 2 lbs 3Sc , Por~",Steak, Ib . . .20c Fresh Callies, Ib 15 ~ c Fine ' Pork R oast 4 ' tl) ' 6 lb . average.


!Fresh Side, lb . .. . ~Oc 'Frt'lah Ham.a, lb . . . . 22c

: 'W Hole

of ha It

Sausage, 2 lbs. . . ,


Ca.. of charact.n Ma r y-Helen Gr-een e J oseph- Ron a ld H a r din

LYTLE Mr~, Emm a- J arin ey

A ngel-Anna O' Neall W i e l en- Rob ert Cleave r , H al'· ~y Fur nas, Harry Bogan. S heph lds--R oy Clary, E dwin . MOl'l tt, Geo rge Edwurds. Pea sants--H clen nmp bell , Cleo MUll'tlYJ E lle n Guy, \Yayne S.m it h, Lor ni n H all. W iniChorus- Mild r ed Ames, f n ·tJ i\rmitage, Hele n B eltz, Pauli ne Brown , Agnes he~lO w elh , I ut h Cook, Mary rlln e. Luna ,Eu rnh'al't, Miria m E llis. irgin :n Foulks, He len F riend, Ev('lyn Go r do n , Grace H eRS. Lt'onu Ke llis, TIazel Nic kell. Lni" P ennin gton ;, Mary Sattt'l' l hwlIite, Mnry Suvu ~(J. EveIy n ~ ul'face . Am Iia Va n et'\ N lI ie Wlllki n ~ , Erwi n F.ll is, Erne. t Gree ne, Donald Gustin , DeR n Hawke, Burdette J ack ·on. Don ,John, Ge(lrgoe Milll' r C h u rl e~ Snvn ge, Pa ul SlivlIge, ,herman Tinnl'Y, J ohn 'ful'nl'l', Bllllurd Wal lnc' , Mnri on W hit ake r . Ke nn elh Fromm. Velmll Armitnge, Emm a Au lt, J ew tte 'Bluir , Ka th ry n Boger, Eve lyn Cartwright , Loui . c H e nde r son , Rve lyn Kerscy, Rosu Lee Mc-

Df Way n esespen t the last two w e).."1l with Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Clark and fa mily. . Walt l' Kenrick m nde II 1m In(lsl! trip to Lebll n on We dnesday . The Ladies A id of t he Lytl church en joyed a covel'sd dish di nnel' Wcdn!! . day lit the h(lme of ,MI'. Illude L ' wi.. 'I h bu siness sessi n wo s h Irl i n th e nft I·noon. Mr '. Iycle Wharton and duughl<'rI; ,E vu und l iriam wel'e s hup(.ling in Lebano n. Saturday. Ml's. llll' cncc Slllith c ntcl'lni n • cd M('vel'ul fl'i nd ~ to u comfort knotting \"riduy l'vening. \1 :~ 1


Mi 's , um Bowm a n, spent Wedrw sdll Y ni ghl III lhe home of 11'. und Mrs. C. L. Duk e and on Thursday ('all ed on a number oJ Lytle friend : . M I'. und Mrs. Wult r Ke llr ick in om pun y with MI'. unci Mrs. WlIlle r 'ns t of ~ ' lIynt' ~vi ll (! and Mrs. Wanen K nr iek, ~P' lIl Th u rl! day in lhe Gem ··ity. ~lrs. Melvyn Swunk und su ns of Duyto n slll' nl Ih e week-end with relatives her<'. Mr. and 'lr5. Ben lI awke, !Ion and cllIu g hle r, ~ pe n t Monday in I

I\'r;;. F runk Robi nson I R ob i tz~r, Erma Seul'~ , Mary K. \~' e l:c week-end ~.l ~e~t;; ~r Mr. a nd Ar ms trong, Mrs. Huss cll B~I.I(J ~l1 l III DaytulI , Wilso n. Roberl Et.han Lewis, Leo Swear ingen. , . Robert lIun t IS lInnrov lng nnd Round and Lo;n Evelyn Ni ckell , Belly Ha rl - ~~I,II ,be brou~ h ~ h o n;~ fr u lll lht' .steak, lb ' _' , .. . . 32~c sock. Mabel Dn kin , Mnl'y Est her M~I! l c l o w n hos pltnl \\ ~dlle5c1ny of I ! I La ne, Laver na Th om u!;, Gmt- t hIS wl ! e k . . ',C huck Steak, Ib 27}-2c rude Casey Marv Allen . Ber- . MI'. li nd M'·5. Kesll' r Graha lll nIce Grnh~m H elen Grec ne a.nd 1111 II/.:'II t(:.1' Ul' I' nJCC ~n d HlIlh I :Round Steak, lb . 27 ~ c Roma Ha rdin' Ru l h Early Ru th bu rl y W l'I'l' Sunday , cven IllK NlJt'~tH 1 ; Shoulder H ockett. Ru'th Hoyle. 'Cla rn of Mr . . and Mrs. hul'les Ult lwnH mi t h Don- IIClll' MI<JIIIHburg. , , Shockey Wilma Swiaa Steak. Ib . .. 28c MI'_ an d IIIr~. l,.mer y hnrleton , a id Fou iks J umes S h ect~ John Cut from Priflle Round Beef ears, J oh ~ Th orn . Oil, RAy mond ~[r. nn.d ~.I rs. ,.t:UI·!CS ' ha~lc~? I ~ Adam s Michnel Vin t Willi nm <lIld chil dren WC I C un dny gue sts ,~oaat Chuck, lb : 23 ~ c Hartso~ k J aco ue Ad!; ms Wa l. of M ... ~lId . I I's. I~ank harleton la ce Be r~ ar d larence hen ow- and family , iPrime Rib, Ib . .. . 25,!.1c <'th, Charl es ' H artso ck, Willi nm . MI'~ . Mu rt ha Gru hllm was shop. Wa rdl ow Il ln).!' 111 Dayt on 1Il nnclay. ___ . ___ .. 1'\t.. nnl Mrs. Wi lbeJ't • wank RouncJ Roaat. Ib.27,!.1c and R i ~hnrd Swunk cu ll ed on ShOrt Ribs, ;lb : .1931c ineinnati S u nday r ' lu t ives ill BUILDING FUND ev<' ui ng. Beet, tine for bake or boil Severa l co un ty sea ts in MI'. a nd Mrs. Herbert P res ley Ground Beef ~ . .' .. ..20c Seventh Ohi o Co n ~ J' ess i o n a l Dis- nn d fam il y of ne'ul' Middlt' t own trict will be incl uded ill l he al- were S unda y din nC r I.!uesl~ uf Mrs Pure fresh Beef lotlme nts of t he n ew Post Otll r Belle ::lcott n nd fumi ly. [Liver, 2 lb • . _. .. . . . 25c n nd Pu blic Buil dings bill for ,MI'. !I1 UI'~r Cal'nlony wo s ntel'$21 5 000000 now being pre pa red ta ln ed t o Sundny rllnnel' !;It l he I ' • 1 a~on. Ib ,.. , ', . , .19,f;2c by the 'Buildings and Ground s e ?f M,·. -and Mrs. Ev er lt Two lb. piece or more. SUllar committee of the house of Re- lark on Dayto n. presen ta t ives of which Congr css- ,M r~ . Hnr ry Gl'llhnm wns ~ hop ­ '''ured, r enl Bacon jri, man Charles Brand is a member. p 1l1g 111 Doylon on ~I ~nd H Y . iHama,lb .. , . 22}1c T owns a nd . cities in t he dis trict MI'. and Mrs. Wil ha m C o l~ l1l a n I Whole or Half. Sugar cured s lated for allottments are, Le ban- hat \ fol' t hclI' Su ntlllY .u mn er on , London, and Marysville. It. g u ests, Mr. unci ~rs . Bn.n,:, cr I guaranteed was anllounced today that if the Mayha l.n a nd . t wo c ~lIdl'e n, V1 V IIIO 'BrAll. Country" Butter. Oleo. present. plans are carried out a nd BIlly of H a ~ll1l to n. Mr . ~nd every county seat in t hat Con- Mrs. Hu rol d Ke lh s and son Billy .. ara.rine. Hom. mad. Mince .~ I ....t .. 'o(»),llert, Cake., gressional District will have a of ~ t. H oll y were afte rn oo n a nd post office building. evenmg ·guests. . .... Cracker.. .f .... b~i1k. Cr_m. Coif.., Pick. The Seventh District of Ohio T he Dayto n Pow~r and . LI~h t seems to have fared well under co m pan y ,! re exte ndll1g t hell' line Hon:t- ~~de Plea present ' ,plans_ Washingto n Co.u rt along SocIal Row oS f ar as t he House has only recentlv been hom e of Seth Furnas. furnished with a public building . M.r. an d Mrs. P aul Bl'own a nd C~l U•• w. ~.ll •• r Wilmington, Urbana and Spring ra nuly • m oved last wee~ fr om P.o•• No. , . field were taken care of-by having Stalker s Corne r to th e Baml p rop fund s alloted in lhe firs t p,os,t e rty here. office bill. Appropriations for Mr. a nd Mrs. M e n~ enhall Springfield will be made next of Hyd e Park, Cm cmnatl w ere. rno'nth S und l,lY l! uests of Mr. 1l1ld Mrs. Charles Cla rk and in the afternoon . "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'''!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!''~-- r.1 I mota r cd to Da yt a n to vi 8 it = .---- --- . Mrs. l~y dia Mend enh all, mo t her



, _.1.

e' .C;:h '. -~a-.~' 'I .•' . andles' '.., -.JI'ruIt• '...-. d NUt . ". ,. " , ' . . ' "


. ,'



~t:. O'




S~~~ial Price to Churches and

of ~~~ f~~derMrs. Walte r Clark moto re d lo Dayt on , Ky., and s pent Sunday wi t h th eir daug hter. Mi ss Lueile, and re port her doing nicely' s ince he r r ecen t op eration for anpe ndicitis. Mr. und Mrs. Al\ e n E mrick entertain ed to Sunda y dinner Mr. and Mrs. E dd Longac re , Mr. and Mrs. Kesley Gruhum and daughters Be rnice. Mr. a nd Mrs. J. B. J ones; Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Johns, Rev. Sa ra Bow man a nd Th e rle Jo'n es. H enry Suylor visited his brother Riley of nl!a r U l' bnna; and industrial pla nts in Sp rin -fi eld last week.


'f "


':Ba~n~rd: II Son Watnesv' ••e, Ohio , "

,_it -oJ .. '

'se('. _ '. _

"R -V '

, ~c T .-,·,·.

~l.~ ~liIdia.- Bed·· HIBh

... : .-~"' .' ,', Ga.~llne . -





_": ~


~ '.





.Easy - Star~lng and More Power. '1','



·· OC





W ontel'

Manicure Sets perfumes Face P.()wders Toilet Waters Bath Sellta Bath Powder Alarm jClocks Cameras Compac:ts Correspondence Carda Fancy Stationery Fountain Pen Set

Toilet Sets

Ivory Goods

F ace P owd er and Toil et "ate)', two for beau ty and c hal'm, packed in a l'tistic oriental pagoda shaped boxes. Just the gift to win 8 wom a n's a p PI·ec intion.

Genuine Du Pont pyraton sets pack ed in beautiful Chri stm a. b OXC$mnk es a r enl gif t to moth er or sweetheart .

Price $1.00 to $10.00

Priced $8.00 to $12.00

P.' W . Litc hfield · , d R bb th e G 00 d year T Ire an u cr Co mpany, Inc., says : " Did you ever s top to t hink that th e va lu e of a nything c\epends up· 0 11 its usefuln ess towards the de·



W ayneaYil Ie, Ohio

' ...



Artstyle Chocolates Thi s Christmas run be Ill ude s weeter and happi er A rlsty ll! Cho co lutcs. by Al' l ful ARsortm nt. J us t the piCCCR lovel's of tin e cu nd y ~o enjoy. Per lb.

SOOto SI.SO Gifts for Men Cigars in gift packages Cigarette Cartons Pipes

Christmas Cards To your friend s to whom you do not p rese nt gift, you should send expressions of your happ y thoug hts for them. W e carry a complete line of beautiful designed and e mhossed cards bearing sentime nt which com es straig ht f rom the heart. , Pri ced from 2 for 6c to 35c Boxes of 15 cards 59c Boxes of 12 cards 4ge

Comb and Brush Set Shaving Seta Shaving Brushes Bill Folds Cigarette Cases Ci''lrette Lighters Belt Buckles Watch Chainl Flalh Lighta

ADAMS DRUG STORE Open Every Nlcbt and Sundays .-

- --



Hev. and Mr!!. l ..casure are conductin/; re vival se rvices in the Friend s. ehurelt. ' Miss Ruby ,S mith spe nt the week e nd with Miss Myra Haydock at Wilming ton College. MI·s. B. M. McKay s pent last wcek with relatives in Dayton , Rev. Kilmer is conducting r ovivai servi ces at Sh81'0n. !!!"~~!!!!"!!!!!!~~!!!!!!""!"!!~~!'!'!!!!!! Miss Masters, Clinton. Co . Hom e Demonst:ration Agent, g ave an interesting talk in t he home of Ml's. D. L . Haines. Thursday. 0, .M. Hurley and family have moved to ,xenia. Clyde Ewing: is cat;.rying the mail on the Still' route while the regular carrier is laid up with sciatica. Jelly


,CLEARANCf .SAL~ . ON TIR~S T () make room for our Spring Stock. All Tires will sell at


Cigars Candy Ice Cream anel Pop at

} ' 2 ReHirn ..... . . ... . .... $4.00- ~


Z'x4.40 '" 2·i, ,Racm~ ~H!er '" .... ....... ... $6.00 . ... . .. . _.... : . $6.00 r.


One hou sewife finds a clean new vege t a bl e b rusIh th e b es t a~en t f ol' gath ering th e 5cum from Jelly as it boils. The reCuse clings ea sily to the brush and no jelly is lost. Of course ' the brush should be washed fr equently during the ~~~~~~~~~===~


2 · Arrowhead . . ...... . . . $4.00

Kern's Garden Inn . Z'x4-7S} ,

the not 1 process. - - - measured by Its cost of production but by its cost of reprOdUCtiOn. , COME ON FELLOWS For this l'eason, the most valuable - -thing Is tba~ which \lolta mOlt to "They say bread contains alco· reproduce. hal." "The world goes on for count"Th en let's drink a little toast." less ccnturles, but eacb IndivIdual - - --- - - - -human being , 18 here but n short NO HUNTING time. Vlleful progress 18 made by th e head or the hand of some human being. The thing which Is most We, tho undEtrslgned, allow no limited to that man Is hl8 time. hunting, trapping or trespassing P ractically every material thing on our farms. ca n be r eproduced . But an hour Cha8. T . Ellis w m~t e d ill the. life man Is gone. Chas. E. Michener f orever. This makes t ime value the T. S. Hardin . g l'eul est of all valu ~s . Davis Furnas "To ma ke lh e most of our lives, Gons Brothers We m.ust s o o rclai n ~ nd rcgulate Elias OglesbeEI OUI' tIm e as to make each hour E. 'F. Reifsnidcr a s produc Livc liS poss ible, producEdwin S. Furnas ing those t hin gs which mllke for the hen lth and huppin ess of mankind. " .


, Z'xi~.:.}

Z'xS.SO} '

NOTICE SOx4.S~}< .x4~,5!

Custom Butchering Beef and Pork


HOls Full Dressed, $1.00 per hundred

We pay from $3 to $6' according to ' condition and size of animal. Call us at our exp.ense.


Fertilizer Company ,


1 ReJlim . .. .... .. ... . ... $5.00 1 Arrowhead ' " _...... ..$5.00

1 Seiberling .... , .. , . .. . $6.50

3 Seiberling . . ...... . . . \. $6.00 ~ Racine . . .......... . .. $8.00 Arrowhead ........ , .. $4.00 1 Miller .. ........ " ... , '8.00

2 ArrOWhead ., .. , . , . . ,' '4.00 1 Rellim ,.... _...... . ... $8.00 1 Arrowhead .,., ........ $6.00 2 Miller - ... . .......... '8.00 ~rr~whea9 .... . .....:.$8.00 e 11m . . , ... . . .. .. , .. '6.00

JOxS.ZS} i JO~••SO ! 1 Seiberling .... , ... ; ... ,9.00 ............... $9.00 S1xS.ZS ! 21 Racine Rellim ., ..... . ....... '$8.00 S1xS.00! 2 Racine ....... , . .. .. .. $7.00

E. C.Phone COYLE 66

Late Classified Ads Dead Stock Wanted

FOR RENT " Wh y don' t you ma'r ry ' the doctol' ? '~ " Beca use Lhen I could n~ver per FOR SALE- Two Short horn heifol's ' seven months old also tw.o s uude him r was ill enough to need cows, one fresh. J . P. Cumminlr.!, !l trip to the se~ shore." R. R. 3'. . . dll FOR SALE 01' TRADE-Shet. When Cleaniftl c:1otbina land pony, c6ming 2. ye~irs old. A. C, Huntington, Sprlllil Vall~Ycl A bath towel f olded ' and place'd .Route 1. . -d1.... pnderneath fabri c from which FOR SALE- Llll'ge work teaml spots . are to be r emoved of tell It J M E prevents the 'formation of a ring ' and fres ers:e y cow. re. m' ~18 w!teri c1elll1in~ fluid, is ,:,pplied. ma F. Surface. Uoqte , 4. DJp a cloth In the fluid ; apply FOR SALE- Set of SOX3" tires, brIskly to t he spot,. and' rub Unchains and he.a ter fo-r Model , T till dry; Ford: Henry, Say~or, Lytle~ O. dll

---, . ...'='- •

Great inter est ha s been occasion Do your Christmas Shopping in WaynesvilJe, where you can do best ed alllo ng local h ousewives in the ann oun cem ent from Chicago of t he first prize winn ers in the National Canning Contest held recen. tty. Among the Warren eounty women who ha~ entries in the contest we re : Mrs. G, C. Miller. Forest ; Mrs .. Ralph Horner. Frank lin; Mrs. Harry Collins, Lebanon; Mrs , Fl'e dedck Starke, Waynes- ' vill e.


per g'a llon

.~",=.:.. J...



'V"'f:~ . • ... ' i~...

BC' uuti flll hi nge-lid l ox of .' lIpel'fi nl' ~ h ee t ~, eH nl s und 'Il \·el op<,s. A th oug- htf ul gift. .


, J p, human velopme race? nt IlndThill progl'ess value of Is ;::.::::=::::::::=:::.:::::::;;~ ,

Come at your earliest convenience. Examine our displays, and learn how easy it is to choose the right gift for everyone on your list.

Symphony Lawn Sttationery

--'--- - ..---



Christmas Gifts by the hundreds await you at our well-stocked drug &tore. Practical gifts, too, the o.nes that are' appreciated because they bring happineas, pleasure, charm or comfort to your best friends.

.. ..... SPEC.AL-

School Teachers



~~~~~'r Mi;~a J (lRi~1~lIerBe!\I~r~~ UaK1\~I\nd

All Pork, Bulk or Ca sing Prime Baby Beef


Do Your Christmas Shopping Now .. We Have Practical 'Gifts for Every One


, ' Z'xS.ZS!

2 Miller

. . ... . _.. . . .. .' .. '7.00

.. ............ $9.00 e.l er lng ,. , ..... . . ~ . $9.00 , S1x. 6.' .00 l~ ; :r~Uerr' . .,' -}:~2 Rel~erhng r~lIer $9.00 ,I'.". ,Sx6.00 ..... .. ..... ·.•9.00 ' , 2' RacIne . . .. . . .. . - . ~ ... ,9.00 . ' ! '• • • • • • • • . • • • ' .

,~", , I '" . '


.. .



. ' ellim .. ' . .. .......... $7.00 ,'/.



. .




l:~4Aor,~on~• ..Service ',S tation I ,


~hone 47 4. : ,: . - "" ,~" :, ,,, "

Wayneav.llle, Ohio


..,. ~ ,


Eighty-Second Year

Whole Numb el' 58 8



Chri8tmas Day to Be Celebrated


A •S'titch in Time

By A [bert T. Reid

Owing to the fact that next Wednesday is Christmas Day, the Gazette will be published on T~esday evening. All corrcspondentce arid other items must be in the office not latel;' than 12 o'clock on Tuesday, in order that the Gazette force may enjoy the Day.

COLUMBUS, ORIO- That the Christ-mas spirit is prevailing throughout the holiday season in tlie ofllces of the various departments in the State HoUse is attested by the erection of numerous brilliantly illuminated Christmas trees. Praise for the most pre-------~ ~ --- -tentio~s and prettiest decoration s is due the effecient and good looking ca shier of Secretary of State ~ Clarence J. Brown's office, Thomas Cf:~ L. Woods, ably assisted by a num. ber of charming young ladies em\ • ployed in the corporation depart.nn.~" ment. Secretary Brown has arran· 71'.:;'1.'-1.1 . ged for an exchange of gifts among employes the day before . Christmas, after which he will .. . :.: leave fOl' his home at Blanchester to celebrate the day with Mrs. Paul Savage wus in Dayton Sun Brown and their kiddies, Betty, day. Dorothy and Clarence Jr., affectionately culled "Buddy" by everyWe give Cedar Stamps, Cary's one around the office. Jewelry· Shop.

Th e Chr istmas Cont ala . "His Nntal Dny," by Edwal"d W. N 1'mnn , will be sung by the choir of the Wayn esv illC' M. K church, S un duy evcni ng, Decem bel' 22nd. nt seve n o'clock. !r. veryo nc is pI" dially invitl'u anu urged to · aHend .


NOlES fROM THE HIGH SGHUOl Th e hri ~l llla~ n ntat. n "The hild e :Ie-\l s" will lJe ~ i vc n by the High scho I. Thursday 'vening. Dacc' mbcl' I !J nt the gym. Th e ~: nl,h r.lU re IlU'S will ,'; "C' the hris lnlll ~ pr o)." ral11 Fri,tuy ufterno(ln, Deeemhl·r ;! O at 2. 1fi o'clock. All pm e n~ ~ Me inv itC' I to comt'.






vncnt ic :1 ('x lpnd s Chri stmas from F"ridny , Dcc embC'l" 20 to

Mr. nnd Mrs. T. S. I1ardin we rc :\1 on uay Decemb er :10. in Dnyton Monday . Se he.ol "ill 1l<' di :;m i ~se rl for l'\


Myel' Hyman's sto r e will be Years Day. - - - open eve ry eve ning until Chri st· Th e Bnsl,·t Ball \pnm s fi r W. H . mas. ~ . ~ uff r eJ tw o dpfNlls over til<! ., .., ., eck·cnd . Thl'\" li '~l to Xe nia Mr. A. K. Day nnd Rev. re ntra l Pri c!ay 'ni u- hL a nd to Leb· ))jl l'rt w r in Cincin nnti Jnon Saturd oy ni ~ h t . Iin y. . A nel\" lin e \lP was ~ t:II·te d Frid uy night whi ch di d not wurk "11' 5 • •r. Wilso·n Edward s wa 5 ,ut sn we ll a t Hr: t . Xenia mn up " ho ~ te ss to th e bridge club SaluI'- In point ~ lh e first hall' ~vhil c Way· ~.~ da y nftt'rnoon. \VHAT A HOLE I Mrs. C. E . !Anderson was in , ,.;v ille was hl ill ~c() r e l c ~" . S t d In 1021 when the law yas pass· D t OUl" boy ~ \)1'ucI' d UJl a nd played ed which gnve trial judges the a~ on a ur ay. A. F . Mell oh llnd fami ly and H. bet! el' the . ccond half. TIll' I1nal right to increase the minimum senMyer Hyman and family spent A. ornel l wer ' in Hamilton Wed- 'el, re was 27 to 12. Elli: wn ~ high tence for robbery from 1 to 15 Sunday in Cincinnati. nesda y eve ning. po in t man fo r W . II. S. wi h tl years to 10 to 25 years, the popula poi nts. . Mrs. Ada r:ourtney was shoptlon of the Ohio Penitentiary and lItrs. Ma ynard Wellz and Mrs. He ll I d t he Xenia boys wiLh 7 London Prison Farm was a total Clenn B1und were shopping in poi nts. of 2,039. Today it is slightly in ping in Xenia Saturday. Dayton Tuesday. SuLuTrlny ni~ht the boys wen t to exce~s of 6,600, of whi~h 4.. 660 Myer Hyman's store will be I Lebrt non and wer e dcf en d lJy th are mmates of the Pellitentlary. open every evening until Christ. Messrs Waltel' and Chas. Bur- hest High OhM I L am that school Of that number 868, almost 20. mas nett were husin e:s visitors in Leb· has had f or s ve ra l years. The per cent, have been Incarcerated . anon Th\lrsday . r,core Wll . 5B to 24. Miss Ruth Miller of Lima is ro.r robbery.. nearly all of whom, Ellis led th· Wayn<>sv i!1 /) ~co rer s wlt~ exc~ptlon of ~ few, must re- visiting her mother Mrs. Eva Mr. and Mrs. Webster Tinney with 8 "points, whil e Van Ness was mam behmd the pnson walls for a leI' huve bec n vi siling with Leonard hi~h 11 in t Lebanon man, Illuking . period of ten years ·each. to pay Tinney and family. 23 points. the penaity which society exacts, Chas. Burnett is serving on the W. H. with no hope of parole until the ex Federal jury in Cincinnati this Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Truax and piration of their minimum sentence week G. F. T . Mrs. . Truax 'pent Sunday and . With the natural increase of crime 1 0 FI'omm r.f. 2 Monday in Cincinnati . 1 0 2 Schuler, l.f. . the tax payers o~ Ohio must within . Mrs. Etta Printz and son Joe 0 0 0 a very short pertod prepare to. pay spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. MI'. and Mrs. J . B. hapman J ohn, c. 0 0 0 the. cost of a n~w: pellitentlary, J. M. TlIylor of Columbu s, spent the week·end lI ay, r.g. .. . whIch even now IS almost an abMiltenburgcr. lo g. 0 0 0 with Mrs. Elizabeth Baily. · J)IWi. , I'f. 1 0 ~ solute necessity. Several local Shr.iners attendcd 2 4 0 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawk e ell- · ElIi , l.f . ---the party at the Biltmore in Day2 1 0 lerta ined the J olly Matrons and ' 1\ nillou , ·c. The State House Park is head- ton Friday evening. 0 · Turner r.g . . 0 0 quarters for Santa Claus, and he their husbands Tu esday evening. "W' allaee, l.go. 0 0 0 will be found there every even in. Parker-The Nations choice in at his vacation, makinll' and sort- pens. Select yours at Cary's Jewel· Mr. Forrest C'rane anel dnugh· .. G o ing toys in the igloo which he oc· ry Shop, Lebano~ Ohio. . tel' Marjorie were Sundav guests Tot als cupies in the State HOQse yard. of Ml'S. Maude Cmne a nd family. XENI CENTRAL His habitation Is adorned with Miss Luella Williamson wiJI arTHREE BOYS G: F. T. countless arrays of play thinl18 and rive home from O. W. U. Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Hent·y Sntterth:! 1 7 r.f. . on the roof perches a ChrIstmas spend the two weeks vacation. waite entertained> thcir neig h bore Bell, 1 Michell, l.f. .. 2 3 tree almost forty feet in heighth, with a cant party last Friday even lost in the first Three boys we re arrested by o 4 2 Hurley, c. '" brilliantly illuminated with veri~farshnl Joy earlv Sul'lday morn· ing. Saws tiled by machinery. Cut game to Springboro in the third a o G Smittle, I·.g. colored lights. The baek ground is cleaner, truer, faster. Roy Pi&,- overtime period .by a score of 21 109 after one of them was ap1 o 2 the west front of the Capitol build tt, at Madden'S Lumber Yard . For best results consign your Price, I.g. pr hended about 2 o'clock, taking to 26. Bunnell was highpoint man Dalton, r.f. o 0 .' .. 0 ing from the pillars of whieh are with 9 poin~ for the Ten Kittens, \ gasoline from the Archdeacon ive stock to Green ·E mbry Co., '~ Lehelepty, 2 o '4 l.f. . suspended a number of Christmas Cincinnati, in care of D. R. SalisSouth oC Springboro colic ct· FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST garage. The noise created when a while Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis and o o 0 · 'rhompson, c. trees and also large colored plae- little daughter Betty spent the cd five field baskets and four free . . can 'was dropped and rolled down bury. . o 0 ' Ralls, r.g. 11 al'ds depicting St. Nick arrIving week-end with relatives at Clarks· throw for the opponents. BI?le SchGol ut 9.30 a. ~. the · sidewalk awoke a young 'man o o 0 in his sleigh drawn by reindeers. .ville. In the second game the Ten Lord s Supper at)d se~~~ n at .10;" I who lives near the garage. He Mrs. W. F. lurk ~ pent several · Tisley, I.g . On Christmas Eve Governor CoopTigers surprised Springboro and 3~. Serm,~n subJ,:ct, 'I he. Krng s . aroused his brother and the two day at the home of her daughter 12 3 27 oper's mansion andlawn will posSpeCIal l!lUSIC. On . Droeeeded to investigate. They Mrs. C. W. Younce in Day t on last Totals Misses Esther Henderson and came through with a . victory 'of Blr t~dav. sibly be the most brilliantly illum- Janet Cartwright saw ' "Strange 26 toll, ·Hartsock of the locals C~rtstma~ C'Ie ;,he BIbl e sch?ol Everett Frye, 18, of near Waynes. week. \V.H. he . AdoratIon found Everett Frye, 18, of near inated in the state. G. F . T. Interlude" at the Victory theater collected 10 of the 26 points. , WIll pr~sent Teckemeyer of Springboro had P~ge~nt, 1l WhIte GIfts for t.he , Waynesville, engaged in transport 4 2 8 The Y. F . M. will meet Sunday Ellis, r.r. Friday night. , . six points for high point man. K.ll1g pr~lgram. Everyone m- ing gasoline from the anks to a car evening. December 22, at the Wallac·. 1. f. 1 2 4 Plans f~r the new state office vI~e d. You are always welcome at belonging to Morris Hopkins 16, home of Mr. and Mrs. Rhoades ' Muinous, c. 1 1 3 building have been received by the Mrs . L. M. Henderson, Mrs. W. WAYNESVILLE thIS c~urch. .. . . . a former resident of Waynesville Bunnell. 1 3 .' 1 Hay, r .g. .' Commission and are now on dls- E. O'Neall, Messrs Boyd HenderG, F. T. Chester A. WIllIamson, Minister \ but now living in Franklin. The o 1 1 l'romm, I.f . play at the office of Charles D. son and Charles O'Neall we~e o 1 1 Mrs. Edith M. Harris is tbe · Schu ler, . l.f. Simeral ,secretary of the Com mis- Dayton visitors Thursday. Frye, r.f. " ............ ... 0 3 3 LYTLE' M E CHURCH youJlg men notitled Mr. Arch· 2 4 Bunnell, I.f . ... .... ..... .. ,. 4 . 1 9 • . • deacon, who i~ turn called Marshal ~ u cst or her brother and siste r·in· ' Turner, 1'. g . ...,...... 1 ~ion. Attorney General Gilbert law Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Mosher, Bettman is at present engaged What is more appropriate than Ellis, ·c. . ........... .. .... .... 2 2 6 Please note that Sunday School Joy. 'T otals .. 8 8 24 in the pl'eliminaL'y procedure of n girt of jewelry. See 'the beau- Hay: r.g. .... ... ... .... ...... 1 0 2 will be hel.d at 9 :30 a. m. next The two boys wit h Howard in Cincinnati. ncquiri.n·,,: land . by condemnation tiful rings and ne!!k we~r at Cary's Hocket, I.g. .... .. .... ... .. 0 ·1 1 Sunday. The're will be no preach. Wheelan, lB, were taken into eus· LEBANON H . S. , procedings, whIch may require J ewelry Shop. Lebanon Ohio. ·Ramby, l.g. .... ......... . 0 0 0 ing services in the afternoon but tody. Wheelan confessed that he 1Iliss Henrietta McKinsey of the G. F. T. about three montha to complete. ·Hartsoek, \.f, ............ 0 0 0 the Christmas ',proltrnm wll~ be and Har~er McInttre were con· Ashtabula schools, is expect~d a 21 It is hoped tilat actual 'building opFran" Robinsoll was called to held Sunday evening at 7 :30 come neeted WIth the robbery of the home Saturday to spend the Christ Presto ll , r .f. .... ... .. !J 11 1 23 Van N CB" I.f. erations of th ~ $5,000,000 proj· the home of his sister in Belmont Totals ... ....... ..... .... ..... 7 7 21 posed of a Christmas pantomime, Mason Auto Go .. and the Morrow l mus holidays. .Jphn ston, c. o 4 2 ect .may get under \'fay in the early Monday night where his mother and recftations and songlS. The Garag.e on Wedne day and Thurs· SPRINGBORO 2 10 4 sprang. h8,d suffereu a severe heart attack. will give a short address 011 day n~ghts of last week, w~en acYo~ get expert. repamng on (hl"'HI,I , r .g. , G. F. T . pastor · Hufford, log . o o 0 "No' room in the Inn" Prayer Cl'ns nes were tuken. Mclntlre was Am el"lcan and SWISS watches at 6 . M d M M d W lt South, ' r.1. . ... o o 0 1~ meeting will be at th'e hom e or Iarrested nnd r)lea~ed guilty to ~wo 'I Ca~'y's Jewelry Shop,. Lebanon · Yeazel. T.f . .. Director Char1rs A. Neal of the r. an rB, . aynar e z Argentine, I.f. o 1 Mrs. Saylo:r this week on Thurs· charges of . breakmg and entenng, OhIO. Store open evemngs. State Departmpr1t of Health ad· ::lIId ~h .. and Mrs .. Slcnn Bland Stetzel, c. " ... ... ,....... . o Totals 26 . 6 58 2 ~ day evening at 7 :30. Please note when arl'alllgc~ before Mayor T. vised 'ealth cOlllmis~ioners to get were In nnyton, ThurB.d ay evening McElfresh r g 1 n _ ... _' _ _ •• r _ an eady start in planning next and saw "Strange Interlude" at .' , . . . ... .. .. . . o Mr. and Mr!!, Burnet Butter- ~- ubstituti(l thiR change from Wednesday even E. Ro ers. HI' IS held under $500 ~11II ~er, I.g . ....... ........ . 3 eeason's 'work, on roadside, toUr- the Victory theater.. o 0 ing. Followin~ player meeting bond on each charge. Wheelan "'nI'th of Leban on and Mr. nnd . , ~ Belcaw, .." .............. . lats camp and fair grounds BBnlta: 1 7 wUl be th e t raining elaRs faces the sa me charges. Mrs. rnest But~th were CHRISTMAS""PRUGRAM ara A. Bowma~, Pastor Morris Hopkins,. a ~inor was I' Sunday guests of Mr. ' and 1'4rs. tion. He also calls attention ot the ' MI'. and Mrs. I>aul Hauk, Mr. Totals ... .. ... : ...... ... ......... 9 8 26 turned over to the Juvellll l' author· . Illl111PI Butterworth. public ~.o t~e fact that every n"HI Mrs. Harold . Williamson and Th e Hi gh scholll Ill usic departWA YNESVILLE Christmas seal .sold makes more little ' son of . Dayton, spent SunYAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH iti es. Frye was alsll bound over to ment "ilI ~i" c the fo \l f)w ing PI'O' F. T . , . the grand jury. . King of Silverware"Yourex secure the strength of child health dIU'" afternoon at. the home of G. . ~r3 m Thursd ay evening at 7 :30, o 10 ' 'Yedne~day: The. Ladtes . AId , ' The boys had broken into J . C. l Silverware," Come in and meet in through control . of tuberculosis, a their parents Mr. and Mrs, H. H. Hartsock, r.f. ......... .• 5 the g-ym : I) 7 SocIety WIll me!!t With Mrs. Stivers H(\wke's stote and pl'flcured two . "Lady Louise" the new pattern at childhood infection and an adult WimaJl1s~)fI. . St. J ohn\ I.f. .... .. ... ... :. 1· . .Joy to the WCll' Id (107) . Handel 1 6 ut 2 :00 p.m. Bible study and pra.y 5 gallon cans, one gallon measure I Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon '0. disease . .Dr. Neal also states that . Sherwooa, c .. .1•• . ..••. • ••. 2 o Li t tl e' T m \' tl of Bethl e4 er m~etmg at 7 :00 p. m. ChOIr and 1\ gallon of oil. It is thought if Ohio should carry the IImall· . After', Summer!! heat and dust Ramby, r.g . ...... ....... .. 1 · 2 hem ( 12 I ) Barnby o 0 pl'lIctrce at 7 :46 p. m. Sunday: thnt five I!'allons of oil missing M iss Ruth Cook delightfull y en· pox ,case average ot the last two give your watch new life by hav- Berryhill, I.g. .... ..... .. 0 Audience _ ~undaysch,?ol at 9 :30 a. m. :Morn- from Oakley Unglesby's filling terLained wit.h a six o'clocl( din net· '"'M.ullse tte" w~k8 . through a year, it would tng It thoroughly ' deaned and oiled g worsrl~ l~t ·10 :30 E 0'grth station, had been stolen by the and cards SaturdllY eveninl,!'l\' lpee. 8 26 Qllart(. lt~ '" Gevaert total 6.424-something' to think at Cary', Jewelry Shop, Lebanon 'Tolals ..... ..... ... .. ....... 9 eague a .: p. m . At : J.l. same parties. embe r 14. The gueHts were IS!les " Angels we ha ve he81'd on about, Ohio. SPRINGBORO 1m the Ch:nstmas Cantata, "HIS .. - - - - - -Kathleen und Nel li e Graham, and High" . Old Fr .neh Carol G. F, T. I Natal ~uy." b~ Edward W. N~~Grace Hockett, Mr. nnd Mrs. Miss Luella Williamson, daughThe Ohio Leltislative Reference o O. man WIll be gIven by the chOIr. GUILD·AUXILIARY MEETING Rhodes Blinnel1, Mr. and Mr . RU R. High School Girl. F. Matson, r.f . .. .. .. .... . 0 Library, under the dir~ctlon ot ter ot Mr. a,d Mrs. H. H. William- Teckmeyer, o 6 0 I Ch' t EI' Hark the ]:Teruld Ange ls I.f. ... ... .... 8 participate in the pres en son, will !Jr . reg~ ar rls mas program The Guild.Auxiliary of St sell Wilson, Mr. "nu MI'R. I Sing (111) ... . Mendelssohn , State Librarian George Elltott McNevil, c, .. .......... .... .. 2 o 4 1WIll be gtven on next Monday at M ' h h F'd . Furnas Mr ancl Mrs. Herman, ] 1 M'd' ht Cormick, is at the present time lation ot Handel's "Messiah" at J. n rI Y Matson, r.g . ........ ... . 0 1 1 17.:30 p. m. You ai:e cordially in- tary s e uDrc mbet 103 t ca me upon t Ie I nrg 't t"h S urlac~, Mr: Chas. Eastcl'. en'6aged' in making a survey of Ohio Wesle3'an University, Dela- Nixon, 0 vlted to attend any or all of a ternoon ecem er ,a e Clea r (110) .. ...... ......... .. Willis l.g. ................ 0 ·0 all state libraries and leKislative ware, this, Wednesday eveninll'. o 0 I these meeUngs. home of Mrs .. Lee Ha\,:,ke, Mrs. M ' Hy nan's store will be Audience . ·South, r.f . ........... ... ... 0 reference departments throughout Hawke nnd MISS Katherllle Prenyel .I . '1 CI' God Rest y ou Merry Gentlet P t O G. C. DI'b er, 0 as or. dergast , h os t esses. open every cvenlllg u ntl Irlst· Old E. nl.: I'IS h Caro 1 the United States. rhe number of \ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tinney enter- ·Bercaw, c . ........ ....... 0 o 0 mon '" . . . volumes, amount approxlmateed. tained at diMer Monda3', Mrs . • Argentine, r.ll. ...... ....0 . The me eting was opened by Mrs I mas. Gt'ade Chol'us size of stall' .and organization ot Rachel ·Cre"", Mrs. L, Wardlow ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Cadwallader who conducted the . T Sleep Holy hild, Old French Noel T otals ........ ....... ....... . 5 . 1 11 I serv.tce. . S. crlp ' t ura I quo- I, Mar ?Iohsses Annawere .... eehostesses Crane at andn G ·' d G I · each )j~r~ry is being investigated, and Mr, Frank Crew. Afternoon 1 t lana Summor schedule-ht, 3rd and (e~o 'E Lane rn c it'S . and the number and proj)ortion ot callers were Mrs, N9rton, Mrs. "-Substitution. . 5th Sunday Mllss at 8:00 a. m., ! tatlons were gIven an response to ah Y t F 'day evening Legend .. .... . Tchlllkowsky bills drafted 1Iy. each Legislative TruaxJ. Mrs. L, Werntz, and Mrs. The Ten Tigers met two t e & m s , ' ' I roll-call I rlS t mas par Y, rl. Quartette Reference service. This Is the Lon JSec~ett. from HarJllon Hall On the loeal 2~d .and 4th Sunday, Mass at A report of lhe Annual Meeting I at the home of the former. Lh~~! Ca ntata , "Chi ld e J esus" .. C10kcy first time that sueh a survey has floor last Tuesday evening. The 9.30. which was held in Dayton NOVem- \ refreshments were. s~rved. T Combined Ch oru ~lJs ever been attempted. For better ' vision-tor, better first game was won by WaynesRev. Lawrence B. Mollmann. ber 12.13 wus given by Mrs. Har_ prse nt w':l"c MarJorl~ Eanrnharht, , Benedict ion ... . ..... Rev. Dibert ____ e ....- - - glasses reasollable--best 8 Ell'19 . ' f the e d IegatRuth oug, Chn ral Response .... .. ... .. L u tk'an . - prices 1 ' D' R vill e b y a Bcore 0 f 27 t O. rIg, who was one 0 es. J CSahsbury, k M'II LOUIse d Lane Clyde servlce--consu t r. udolph the h'Igh pom . t man f or th e IocaI s WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF . f 0 ffi eer$ resu It e dane 00V'· I tre G .·trey' Elbin Q uarte tt e ' 'Vas The electIon 0 F POST OFFICE NOTICE E yes Ig h t Spectallst Tuesday: Thurs with 8 points while four men from CHRIST in the re.election of the old om- I Brom~d' '-' rnleeCn II Cec'I'1 Dnvis _'. - _ - - - ---day, . Saturday. Cary's "ewellj' Harmon Hall tied with two points . cers i ernal • on ncr, ~ The following ' adllltion~ ser- Sho~, Leb~~on Ohio. each. . ... Bib!e School at 9:30 a. m .. A I ReadinJ;s from "The New Earl Moran and Johnny Sears. CARD OF THA NKS vice is authorized for dlls "offtce. . t . Harmon Hall won the second treat m stOire for you. more ways Africa" were given by Mrs. Ron- i Train 222, Sunday December Gruen Watches offer the utmost iWc \\ iti h to t hank our friend s Mr. and Mrs. Allred J. Wright gallle -by a score of 21 to 28. The than one; Lord's Supper at con- aid Hawke and Mrs Susan Paine ·22, 1929; pouch closed at 2 :20 p, of Columbus. ' and Mr. and· ,Mrs. ~cote. wa!l very close until the last elusion. At 7 :30. p. m. we will i ahd the program ~Iosed with a in .Q.uality value, style lind dep en~- :lllrl ll civ. hbors fo r the 'mallY and m. Elliott Wright of Detrolt. ...Mioh.; quarter when Harmon Hall forged eele.brate the bIrthday ~f. our vocal solo; "Love; Light and I ablhty. Your qruen feuler ~n conf< ant kindn esses and help . ex-., Train 267, Monday, December who 'we~e called here on · account ahead for a victory of 7 points. Savior. A p rogram 0'£ re~ltatlOnl!. Peace"- Richard Wagner, by Mrs. 1Warren County' IS .Cary s J ewehy lellfied to us during tn t' illness. 23, 1929; pouch closed 3 :35 p. m. of the iIlnesl! and death of their lead, r _.. songs and .p ageantry !s bem.g l!IBn- Maynard Weltz, accompanied by Shop, Lebanon, O_hl.~ ._ ._ nnd after it' . u nh~ppy ending, of In acordance with a notice trQm rr)otl1er M.rS . . A. T. Wrieht, have " / ned .. Evel~7one cordIally IIlvtted. Miss Esther ·Henderson. our wiCe a.r id mother. . the office , 'of the ' Postmaster returned to their bornea'. .' RO,AD IMPROVEMENTS The church .where you feel at DurJn' ~ the delightful social NIC INSTALLATION A. T. Wright ~hd So ns genersl. . ,. R H H ts k F ' B H d '. '. . ,. , home. ". I .. . hour d~inty ref,..eshments were MASO . - - - ... - _ ._- All . ordinary mall service will Wa:e"t.hC:::' '~ Durif'lg ·their,. conference with Chester A. Wlllramson. Mmlster served. . . The officers of Waynesville CHRISTMA~' PAttYY be suspended on Christmas Day D. L. 'Cr:~e,OCh:ST MARYS CHURCH T.he folloWlllg guests were pres- Lodlre No, '163 F. ,~ f!... M., w.ere . " .: ' .. 1929. ' . _ ' . j~ K.!J .Hough alld Earl nomias at-. Governor "MY'1rs Y. Cooper ' and . .. . ent, Mrs. JQhn Fromm, Mro5. Lje installed at a speclal communlCllMiami" Chapter Nc!. 10'1 O. J:l. 'there will be no wmdow lIerv ce enaed a communication ot· the Robert N. '""Wald, Director' of High.. ... Fourth ~lunday in Advent, Dec- Hende~son, Mrs. Maynard .We tz tion Tue (lay night; Pastmasters S. wtll hl.'t ve Il' ·.Chctis~a'8' . aT v at the office and no~ rural 8erVice. Past. M~ters "' ot the 2nd . Masonic ,ways, held?~ Cplumbus I~t. week, D. L. Grane and K. N. Hough were Fridny -evening, · eoember 27. ,,(11 .; Mail will be dillpatched ' an'd i~­ di8trlct' at DaY.ton Saturday after~' Warren 'c oullty commluione1'8 ad- ember 22: Ohurch sehool at 9 :30. nnd M18S Esther Henderllor;a. . ' ~ ,viseC! .that highwayl ' ~nd othel' Morning Prayer and serm()n at - - -.- - - ~ ---. ' , the installing ~ffi(lers • .. ' . 'Jl ' memb (lt"!I.alld tbflit fa:mi1le81,i~1! e'XeomiT\g mall .~eceived .and · ato~ed noon and eveni~: ' , . .' . pubh~ im.p.rovemenlS would be )0:30." The Christmas treat for FINGER AMPUTATED Rev. H. F. Zle.rer of Centervl e, ' pected to att.end. Each 'flJmily la until the follqwlnl day. I4ttJe B~nny Furnas was hOlt at maije i :,tliis. "county durillg' -1930 t he. Ohurch school will be given Rllve an int~r('8tmg le!!tur~ on the , B~ked ·to bring ' sandwjfbe~ and All ' IIpecilila win be dell:vered on a ' aix o'S'lock dinner . In hO,n or of .at. llI\i.,stul~ated j:ost ot $260,000.- the Sundri~~ niter Christmas, :Dec~ . carr Hawke of. Dayton; 'Who had Holy Land, fiO~shtri ahted by ll~ Ii co vel'cd dish an~ :each on'. . . Christmas, D~f' .' • . the enu of one of his tIngers am. ures, i!ome 0 'w c 9h oW,e e- quested to brl"g a ten cent preselat Patronll are ' r:equesteil to mail his birthday anniversarj. The" '"'fo 0".-:- ' .'18'O.OOO.i)o for ember ,29. 'Rev. J . J. Schaell'er, Rectdr. putated last Bummer on account birth place of MlItS 0 1\.fY. A'f~er the , Dinnel: wiU ba se~'id 'atl 6 ' ~arly. Allpackaeea should b, in l1Ie~ were Anna Louise and Ben- county "o• • lInd '80,000'.~0 for . - - - ~. - .. -- , of an ..inj-ury, was obliged to! ll,avll lec:ture the members were lIlvlt~d o'clock. '; . . .. the mails by December 20 to 1,,- ton Hoek, Mr. and Mrs. HY!'J towfisnip roads. . . ' - - ft oJ cd t to the dining room, where a delie- I CommiH", sure delfvery bef!)re. Chdatmas Smith. and baby Glenn Smith. Mr. yd Mrs. Robel't brnaa, Barbara . Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Hawke and more ·of the nlea remov recen lol.\s oyster supper was served by .' ' -T- -,..: i 0 7_;:U:' Day. . Jr. ·.. . ' Ml'. apd If.... F,. U. LeVay were. J. P. Fro~m and iaml1y vIsited Iy. It ia now well and ~~. .I.e stewards. . SubscrIbe f~r he ......dlm. ." R. lL HA:RTSOC~. Postmutel' Jea.D alld ,Robe"'" ~ Dayton Vj8lton · MOllda,. relatives iill Dayton Sqnday. Hawke retartned to work MOII.....,-. ,..


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atitution tor Lhe ad~isalon of Richard J. Lewla Into the Inltltution. An instrument of writing purporting to be tbe last will and testamcnt of Robcl't Corwin, decea ed, wn pl'(lduced in court tor pl·obatc. Heal'ing of said will is sat ~or Be 'embeJ' 14, at 10 o'clock New Svita . a. m. De ~ . i h:. Blackford versus Wal Notice of e ·ta~es for settlement tel' Blackfol'd for divorce, alimony are set for hearing on December DONALD ~ILEV" A1ll1 injunction. harges exlreme D, at 9 o'clock tl. m. ('I 'U ,1t'Y. , Jos phin e H. Windrell, execu"'========= ,=-~.- ::,-' . - _ . . '_;_. J.'t'unk A . Ay · i-s VO I'SUS Susan E . t rix 01 the slate of Genevieve E. I I Aycl's of ' I au :;.j lve l· Iltl' ct. 01'- Wilson, deceased; filed her invanCHAPT E R XII. " ith him, and wifh nnyo ne e l ~e fiL hC'lIrt 1\ bad wom an; onc of ,w oud for d ivol' e, hal'ltes abo to r v lind ~\ppraisem nt. Nrrr Homr for Alliin Offi~ who nmu sed h r. IIlOSl' lIuven " l UI'l'H SCfi. .. j ameli W . S h umal'( laccep td sP lie ' e t he He WIIS so thwarte'd and rejectTom H,.,lb y ca rn e Il ack from the Tllen Clime 1'h P:l\.lse.. II II I'd , ' appointment of 'lIdrnini!<tl'ator of d lhat he s n t her home alone. 'I ueser br wner thn n , ever, leRs til1les struck th e movies !'o hard Common Plenl Proceedingl th ' c.·tale of Jo hn L. Grismer deShe was ~ratefu l for that. :<ubtl e, m ore unul.!!llable than evc r. that in the tit udi o~ I'h y becam o no . cea ~e d und ml'd his · bund in the She tOIled all the \\ohile at h er 11 -: .fought hard f I' h OI' in the tjllH': at all Juc.l gllll'n l III the 1l1110unt of SU Ill of $:100 ,i·ith . Harry Snell and own t chnic.. When she finishe<i SPlI'I · ,)f. th her o he was playing tlloMt of th e ltI ot ion-\J ictllrc fac . $711. U7 1, 11I" ('i~( lll y -five cents rI Iin- 11: C, Hulch e ns liS sureties. t he hOl't comedy with Ned Ling ',fl t the tlllIf' , a ll1!ln \\h llctC'd nn tori :; ' di ~:l!'l11eJ ,nU l't' y. ont! th e CiU . I1CY ~lnt1 Cl" t~ \~as rclcrcd In l'r.. llutchcn ~ lice 'II ted the ap~ he WIl S drawn ba~k to the Ber- lh e (h 001Y th nt the cove mlln i ~ !"(~s t of th l'!» neudy. The Bc'rl11uTl I fnl'or of Ih t! Il iultll lfl' A. 11. Tul'- poi ntmen t of udmini strato r of the moud s tudio fllr the principal l'ole \\'olllan'~ IlI eLi I. and that !lhe prefers . ·t uc.l ios kepl one compH ny a t work I l~"r, cuunty treaslIn' r . of Warren estjute of Fnll1k L. Hobson. deceua in Il big p icture. Sh e was ) ,ot yet a l?ov,' nil thl l1 '. to be caresserl t n ~ it W!\s nO,l 1 (' Ill' ~ co mpan y.' .\"~ I'SU~ L.eH.h Small , et u ~ , ed, and fil ed his bond in t he s um to be starred, but she was t o be l With a club. , . 1 SIll' \\'II~ stl'lckcn With lenor ns II \'11:; IUlthe l ,t' ld"red thnt un 0.1- of $ 1500 with Chllrl es O. Sexton "I atur ·d" with a young mlln B.u t th l'~ e ,hlghl:: advl'l:tJse d s he t' nfrontel! he r PI'Ob lt'llIS. df'!' 01 sull! be 1 :;~ ~I l! d t o lhe. shel·}.fl' IIl1d J os ph L. Day;' a s sureties. I live leland. who was spoke n of tn ctlc,; wero not t o Me m'R Itking. \ What cou lcl shu do nu\\,--not to tu ~(' II ~ I ~e prCllllsea deSC ribed m ' hurlcs O. S' xtn l1 , J ohn Hl'ndrieks as Tom Holby's successor. at 1"':I: t aL L~ ~ 11,l o ~J(' n ~ . Wh~n rye p. ~fl'et Iwr s hulll !', but to llluk e. 1l the pe.ll,tl o~ . . ' nnd T. F. I\fc 'omuck we re made Y ung leland fell prey to her grew too fiel c. s ho ~ ~I u~k hllll III I III'In ' 7 hc would have tu dIsIt \V,I~ 01 del cd that A. H. Tur- a ppra ise rs. ' grO\\~iDg fasc inations but he was lhe mou h With n /Jst . t~llt had continue th e in. tullm e nts oll' thaI ! nct', cou nt y ~,reas ul'cr I'~cover frol11 ccounts approved:EsLutc of Will ia m A. Sk idmore 80 much hel' bu s in ~ss rival and ~tout I11U ,.! e ri~ for II drIVing bar, ! "('''n~cie n cl' fllncl" \\ 1,Iidi s he harl ' i\ l.r-s .. ,~~ I~c 1-1 l~rnc! yet a l! ,the . S Ull~ their professional love scenes weI' .lIld sh ~ b l oug ht the blood to hiS ICllmed , t (l e.xpl·l·l I r ll11 DoClll l \ II I, . ::- - . l .~ jllul' ,lg htY- h\ e, ce nts inc omp etent. second acco unt. such duels for points that she nose \vll~ a slfl . h, of her elbuw. B I·l'th,'l'lC'k . S hL' ('n ult! nnt ('ve ll l ti l IIqllcncy li nd co, l,;. Ol.der of Estu te of .Joseph Burnes, deceas could not think of him ~ s an ama- I '.he I'lll ied lit 11l ~ awkward co n· JlU~' the ill , la ll nll' nts nn nunwrou s su lc was iss ued to lh e she nff. ed firs t find final account. te ur in love. Besides, . nn un - fu s~o n , bu.t lki C' ]"enfte l' she was out \'un iti.l'!:I ~ he had buu).:h t fol' her .I.L ~\: :~ s nrdel'.C'd t hat A: H , Tur· 'E ~ tale o f lurk Drunk, fe eble First Mortaaae on Real EAtate Security. suspected loyalty to T om Holb y wh ,:; ~ , he cll ll e ~ . , . se lf f rUIlI Ihe $hops. 1I,l!! I ~cove r [~0.111 H e b o~~ a ,Go od. l11 !J1(lecl . fUlII'lh IICC Olln t . was awakened in lier h eart by the E.\ cntunlly , he' !,!Icl him I;lgam al 1-1"1' 1( ,\' I ' ]"S \l'l'l'e a~ d,' f ut ul'ed (IS \\,nl, I t . a I, the ~ um o.f lji:.l.3,) plu F tu te of Hllth A. Chenoweth, The beat SeCurity. Nothing SaferretenBe that this raw youth was t he g-oldcm WC'dcltn~. unnlvel'sary h e r~elr, AU lhlll'S, (l('t(l r ~ . c1 iJ'edC, rs ! "I~IIL~~' (I Ve con ts deltqll cncy. 01'- .1 ~. · . 1 te nth account. Nothinl Better. , .... 11.( a n uld uc tor lint! acce pte d hi ' - 11 11 - - in ~( ell d of 1\1 ' I l"I'i'I"" Llln" d('I' ,,! sal e WliS onlur ed. \ I ecAeu ,;cI 't fi l" " I' ., I . 1 • , • '-" ,- ~ It \\.··I ~, litI'JU( Igee I LIIllt A . H . T IIr' ccoun sf J .Ju :-e~ l' McClelland om s succes or. · th M ' 1111 0 ogles anu liS COlli pun y ,IOnle . talk d );ovt'l'ly. ]~ ,t I H oIb y was ou t In e oJ ave "H o\\' 11'0 d I·f I" h .I N' I 1 '1' shllll I'"COV''' " 8 r ., I l ,,; lice 0 11m . . , ASSETS over 14 Million. Dollar. n e u. s e ~.1I11 on 0 (I nc hUl tnl kc d hard tinl C'~ ,I." ' . , . , ;' , ':. t:. .-u,"-. ,P U!! decl'osoll, first an d fin al Il'CCOllnt. Desert on location, and hi s abI rI d f h ' I'k a l'1l the pulm ·gloll med wa y. to bl'llu nKo l' Il l' lou de r tha n BCl'Ill und. , lgll ty · ll\<! ctn t ~ d cl l!!( tu~nc) I rOIl1 F ta t f Jumes Wier decensed sencte p e!l e th °tr , ltl1l fl e d S !th' loved by one llIan for fifty yeal" !" lI uving heard him tT O 'lk of c1i olls ,)" IHI l\IU~oll, ct Il l. Order of sule . I,Stl 001 fl' al account ' One of the la rg est and stronaeat auociasma l vOIce a m er ere WI "I cou l I lov f . .I d I t I l\T ' . . . \\";1' i ' 'll eu OIg I I an i In' . the murmurs of n eare r lovers. ,. I e"y 0u , 01 a lun I:ec 0 1' so on;r. ' C'1l1 a~'; I1 I11 (' d Iwr e"n· ' ';'; . ' , . _ Heth Greely was appoi nted an tio!!. in the sta te. She WIlS full of impati ence of :rom g l.ntllled.-. Let s g(·t rn~ rn e ~ l!"/l et \\' "uld 1;" t'!lnce lec L il l'I'm- 1,1.11 .l l.I". cu ~ (' .of :T.ohn Don.nell , appruiR('r (If the estllte of Ann a Why take Chances on Get.Rich-Quick t ,wd qUIt wa s tm~ so much tim e. o nd !:l'nl fl'l' 111'1' a ncl ~ h (' WI'nt, PI·(,' JI.,lll1t!f1 III ~. rO I ve.l slI R Th e. Stut e R K ' I' c1ece nsed in the p lace every sor. . HI 1I'0u lcln 't g ive up my career ' parl'd fill' the glli ll (ltill C 11 (, suid' II I Oh ln, del e ndunt III el·I'OI·. It was I: R l bet~~ i wis wh~ is unable to Schemes and lose all. She had fallen out of love Wllh rO~,a ll t he, happ in ess in the world.' I '" lik e :>'"u, l\ li ~~' S tl!c1ll o~. ' 'lrc.l(·I"{·d that lh e judgement of. th e 0 II (' I .C , herself. I don t SUppOSl' li lly woman , Yo u'''C' worked . hard. J fi nd t hllt l eoul·t Of. cO I~l m on "Iells be afhrm· se r~~ilc M('Lane accepted the apYie kindly IOlicit your patronqe Mannerisms that directors or ev I' gav~ up h er caree r when she th c exhiiJitol's ure wiri ng in: II. th!'rc be ll~ g no error apJlnren t . pointme nl of gUllrdian of J oe Harcritics pointed out or that she dis· got Dlurrled." " Give li S mon' Sterldo ll st ufl'. Wh y Ju(hpnent III the 8um of SI.64 I'y, Hnd fi lhd her bond in t he s um cpvered for hersei f, vexed h er to "How clo you mean?" '(I"n't Y" ~I sla r ht'r '! " Wh Llt t he ex- plus C'lghty-fi\:e cents d eliqllency, of S tOOO with th e Detroit Fidelity 11-IE distraction. It was a strange th ing '!\fost women have been brough l ' hib itors ' II)" K" S - :l 5 far as it cun :~'as ol'ue red In fa vor of A. H. lind S urety Co , to recognize in herself a fault .up 1. 01' n caree r of housekee p- I "We t'un't s tar yuu now. But I i urnel', ve rs us !1"a D. P omm ert, ' Th e last will und te tament of th at she detested in others and 1Ilj{: A father or moth er told them hf'li ev(' in :>'011. I wn nt peo pl e to ta l. 01'(11'1' of sa e was ordered. . Mm'quardt, deceaslld, was prowas yet unable to eradicate. Striv- what to do, ,a nd sco lded them know Y O l!, A 1111 \I !Je n t he ,,"ood It \l' tlS ol'ci e rcc.l that .A. H 1~u'r- duct in cou rt and admiJ.ted to proing to avoid these rec ur~e n t tricks, wh en t hey chd ·omt.'thing else. limps ClI lllC nIP in yo u mu ~t be l ncr recov I' f r oll1 William Sn11th, buto. Charles J , Marquardt, /lCTwo Offices: she grew self-conSCIous. and l Th ey lea rn ed how to mak e dl'essc~ !'l' ady for lh Ill , S" I'll go on Imy- '-'.t a i, the lIlIm of. $ 10 . 14 plus cepted t he tr ust a s executor. C. 19 E. 3rd St. Third at Broadway' peoroie said that she was getting a and, se w . :lnc.l coo k, lind t hat \~a s ing your saillTY an d ';,' nd you out ! l' lg hty-fi ve cents. delln.q ue nc y , and L. Duke. Earl hinn 'and J. O. swell head when Rhe was mos,t in a thell' ~u sln ess . Wh en they married on a tOlIl' of )1 ' rsQllul np pearnnces. 1 co~ls. Or(!cr of a le was ordered. IIrtwl'ight were made apprai 'ers. DAYTON, OHIO panic. What they took for conceit th er Just lIloved th e ir shop over to "Y ou [' lust pic Ill'(' looks like a l . lorn Iltld cl'b l'a nt was gra nted II The court ordered that Marwas the blufl' of a ~abbit at bay'. thelT. hu sbnnd 'H ~ o m (' . !l nd xpect- kn ol' k-n ut. 1'111 goi ng t,1 ta h ' down I divo rce from .Mardy Hi lde,rbl·ant. gfll'et E. Folk. executrix of the esA nd all the whIle th e longing cd hlm to provHle the mil' s tock Clive CIl'lund'l'; nilll1l' a nd fe:ltu re dcfC' ndnnt hnv lI:g been gU ilty of tate of Elias Folk, deceased, to dis . for a home a single lover a normal anu tell them whut to do a nd seuld :>'ou rs ilion ' . 1 want yo u to go ~1"O"s neglect of duly. The pillin- tribute certa in a ssels of the estate _ _ ._ ._ _ • average lifer alternated willi on- :o.m If they dic.ln't do it, or spunk East- New York anll 13llsto n, tiff WII S, r eslo red t.o her maiden to . aid executrix. . I sets of cymcal defia nce for th e en;t, , . Ph ill y. hi.. a ll the b ig citi .'" Il nd nn!l.lC! ot la rt: ar!les. The I'eport Illade by L. S . Shaw- s upplies, $3 ,80; Tru ~ t es "r Public $:1.4:1; Pon 'Y B. Si mp ~ on. labor, conventions. . But you d be hugging other let the peop le sec yo u when they 1 he ellge ot 1-1. • ono\'er I'~r- han g Ullrdian of Elizabeth Thoma s Affairs, light at fai l" ground, $1 .21 $3 1JI0; Philip H ' ise l •• pay roll., She was in a marriage mood girls before the cam~ra-und other seC' t he pictur e. 1s us E lm el' E. Wond erly was · dls- incompetent was cOT1firrned. O. S. Higgins, se rvi 'cs n ~ . ecre- I $ 16 .20; Ede n Terry. same. $203.and her heart and her friends gave m~~ would be ~ug~ ml' me." \ "Wc 'lI Ilay you r trll\'e lill~ ex . 1I11 !;Se d . • lltry, $30; A. D. Barkalow, ser- !l5 ; Hal'lan W hi tacre, same, $88.her confliscting cou nsel : Don't . AS"long us It dldn t mean any· pe nse: Ilnc.l so your mothel' cll n go I n t he case of Cla ra Son n Rea l Eltate Trani fer. vices as m mbers Soldiers' Relief, ! 25; H. Hoppe a nd Co., labor, S2; marry an actor! Don't marry an thing. " . :Il IO n,!, Of: uur /l:uc:t," \ r~u~ Wlllter Ackerma n, admlllls$41 ; The Western Star, dolt I Art hur Welglein . hauling gravel, author I Don't marry a business ::But It might co me to- " . "Of co ul'se!" Mem cl'i d . "A nd tla\u r o f th e estate o f L.emuel Albert and P hillip P. Cissell t o plncecards f or dog Warden, $6; V. $2.25; W eb Sim pson, labo r, $5.40; man! Don't marry anybody I Well, fO.r the matter. of that, a It's ncr so kind of y ou." So nnycalb, deceased, et al. It .was Cha!'\e W. and Hazel A . Miller, W. Tompkins, express, $.49; L. Eugene Harpel'. Slime, $10.15; Ned Ling was one of Mem's lot of huggmg on III a lot of Th e al mndon C' d suitors of Mem \ nt·tlered that a good s uffiCIent 104 .8 acres in Unio n twp . M. Leak, repairs, $11; Cincin- El'ne 'l D. Wilson, same, $3 .1 5. most abject worshipel's, He had homes-and outSide o.f them .. No , mllde II sorry squad ut t he a nta \ d e~d be delive red to Emers~m HarRoy W. Li nd Beatric e Schmi dt n ati Oil Works Co .• gns, $112.20; - -- -- --- - - taught her tbe mechanics of com- guaranty ever went With ~, arl'lllge ! Fe sta ti on. They s tared at her p e l , . _ pul~ha~el" ~J the premises for to J ohn S. and Sarah Richnl'dson , E. W. Payne Sales Co., supplies, ~ SAFE AT HOME edy, and helped her tragedy there that :vas good for anY,thmg, and wit h humilillted devotion . ' 10. ~l s~rlb Ul! on of the ' proceeds port of lot No. 847 in Franklin. $2 0 . 6~; Morrow Hardware Store, by. Without being able to laugh th ere s none now. We ve "got as BCl lll ond ~~ nt II bus hel of flow- \I ns or der ed. geol'ge B. Sni~er to. Sa!ab E . supph es, $2.20; Morrow Garage. at himself he taught ber to laugh good a chance as anybody. e1'S and fl'ui t t o her dra wing-r oom ! S mder lot No. 5 m Mameville. gas, $13.01; P. B. Monee, guard Mrs. Gordon (to husba nd who is at hersell'and at him. .'But what is we should fnll out? He snw to it t hat there were r ~ . Probate C,. urt P roc.eedinlfl . I ren e Larup to Maud and W~I- I:ail material, $47.60; Collins lis tening in on Sunday .eveninlt's He grew morbid .for h er. He Dl~orces, a re so loath ome." pOl·tel" to give hel' a good send-o ff ' j Robert J . Shawha n tru stee ha!,!l D. Luse nh op, 87 acres lTl Motor Sales SerVice, speeaome. ter, radio pr ogram) : " Tnmma s, cast away his fears of love. and his T~~Y re pretty populi:!', though , f or E lbert Nei l Shawhan under mOil . twp . 1$1; Waites Garage, repairs, $88.- ye mus tn't laugh like that on Sab· horror of 'm arriage and hiS sense T hey Ie mor!! decent than the . old Soon uftel' her arrival h the will of J ose ph W . S haw han, de M~r lam M. Henry, et !II to R. E ! 50; J. W. Long, gas, $17.44: John bath." of humor t he same time. He way- a nd di vorces al's as a ncIen t . f N Y k < ,t e cense d fil ed his ' first final d hm p, about 38 acres In Harlan Law nd Son suprlies $4 .37' L. Tammas: - "Lough, w umman I f h as the world Moses brought dow pupe l S 0 ew or were publish- I' . ' . , a n tw p T M h II 'I ' , ~10 . tl ew m to tempests 0 anger at er I f h . th ' n ing her engag ing eyes the bill ' ( llItl'lbuttve acco unt in court. I M t M B' d tAD . a rs 0 , ega services.. ; Th mi nister has just nn nounced ste m unresponsiveness and became a r~!lly eabvetn C'h e. t';!a s l ~dst sr ." board s '1 11 Ilbout town" \\'Ol'e nn' , It was ordel'e d by the co. urt that argtare 430ngel' . IrC'I 0 • k' Howard Corwin, labor, $100; Rob 11 collecti on and h ere I am safe at · cIoWn a t w h om 8 h e cou Id '.' hel' , . "- a p I' acres lTl earcree t·t W 'a id , t r ea t men t a t R edoLin , ham el" tragil: "Ces h '. t u 'd rl S sa h' l - ' no unclng 'Illd in pa1'llgraph (}Ica t'Ion b e ma d e to th e 's uper- ' t ul'pen e r, . not help smiling. wom rlS sal!ot lllgd ' about a' a nd ad vcr : i c'm~nt s he was cele- , intendent of the Feeble- Minded in- w~. d D II n t 1 $1137.71; Warren Urton, labor. 'ts f h ' an ever ge Ing a Ivorce at b d n .. l~m.a an . a. a s ... oger, e a $285; Von Camp Stone Co., grav I ~---~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII""'~~"' H h d . e a comic. eXI rom er ~Il. He only allowed a man to get ' rate . . . ';It so ma ny .othen wer e . =: to Blrd lc M. ~'lillta,!l s. part of lots $67. 07' Clem Bower ave I. $.75 .... - -------- -presence, swear!ng he ~ould It on one g round." I ~ISO ci a lln lllg lh e publt<; ey e I. ot~el' 274 and 276 In Lellanon. Howard Cook laGor' tr;18' Peter ~rJ~."U." 1! never see her agaID, and comic ~eHe took he.r in his arms, but n~w-co mel's and faVOrites 10 Im- to see Mem off'. For his last Bin Elizllbeth Sieker to J . M. Ear!,,- Benham, grav~l $3; Harold'Swen turns. But Mem would only BIrt Mem was not 10 a gambling mood )l l egnab le esleem. he fi ll ed her drawj ng-roo 't~ hAr1 ooth half of lot No.-2-7·9 1 • H - .1d---V-.-M t Y __ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tt::~'thdrew h.ersel!. She wan ted ' ~eople. wh.o ~a? come f rom Cal- fl owe rs- poor things that d~o;~ed L banon. . 'grav:l: $176.0·S; or K. . pe~~e~: to ponder a whIle longer. lelly.\~el e clll1mtng .Mern as a fel nnd lIied a nd were flung from lh e Charles S, and FaIry E. Baker g ravel $29240 ' Znin. Armitage . O~-c l tlzen and fee tha t t hey platform by the porter to Magnolia J . F lorig 12.07' labor ' $469 20' ' B~ugha M t ' RESIDENT W.h~n sh e was undet: Tom f~~~~ e r~o~~ilH~~~tl ~m:~ih~h!% ~ong oftet· theil' speil had been acres in Hamilton twp. Co., ~upplie~, $7 .10; Fr~'!:k S~e~~ ~olby s spell, she; was eaSIly con- cu lled upon lIer in person or b I fll en, the ,sad gaze of Boas as wood, Co., gas und supphes $20.12 vlnced that t he lden l partnership tele phone and set her heart agogY he !,n ed good-by,. haunted her. . Marriage Licenle. Van Camp Stone Co.! gravel $44Ia m.ey aD ID41 ...• doll of 1041:.,.tloo PERMANENT LOCATION was a n actor and an actress She The n'l ht h . . t . She had murmured to him, Donald W. Sellers music teacher 90' Kilpatrick-French Moto~ Co ha (I b.een 0 f a min . d th ' er own pIC u re what was ' " w hen I . ma k e .ano th er pIC . t ur ~ or of Spl'ingboro and Miss Klfthleen gila, and supplies, $490.71; Leban., l1li4 conatlpatloll Ilt actress s ho wn sheg ste pped out before ft1rY freqllenUy uf a nd director made the perfect com I scenled to b" t h Id . I two I m.lY deCIde to be se nSible, Mal'ie Hagelwood, bookeeper of. on Farmers Cooperative Co bUlOIII~ and Ia bination . Clu'y mOl.cha de I ft h'IS Lion a sse mb .! In conventh, en - if you• • ule . .. s t'I.II - " r" kl ' D b el' O. ' ., DOt a diuaae but a lede wor She f elt us t in , a nd II J! ra n In, ecem cemel}t, $77.50; lJarlan Whitacre, .,mptom . Dr. LEBANON, OHIO autograph on her soul.. as s he looked to the f art hest . I . [ sha ll be waIting.. SOld Boas. Foste r Philot, railroader of supphes, $p.76; Oregonia Bridge ' ,.I\acMr perfecLetl ~hen a ric h mlln fe ll lJIto h er in th I ' t ' . g : And he gave up WIth a groan : East BUrstadt, Ky., and Mrs. Co., steel fo r bridges, $7; CharEye. Examined • medlc:ln. for the orbIt ~nu wa nted to p~t "~ig blncker~lfi~~~ e sellt up un4el the l ':~an:y me a~~~way and have ~our Iva B ell e Mullenix, factory worker les E. Brad~ury, pay roll $201.60; quid< """" or Gla.lel Fitted Repair • .-aeh, It II ...~!!,~tly. money back of her, organize 'I he S he pa r t d th I'ttl h em ae l, to o. III put my money mto of F'l"Il nklin, December 4. A 'T Rettig same $220' Eden Remember Stedd e publicity . e I eman speee FI ' F. M. , Col'8 . . on Pd ro uc t'Ions, t hat Bernlllro nu's had . you r . company' . . . . I'll b nc k yo u t 0 • oy(I B'ISIlOp, l'a '1 l rOlld emp1oyee T"erry, snme, '.",318.60; Ine" and make pIctures ex.clusively writt r. h ' I ft 'd 'I l he limIt. of Morrow, and Mrs. Nettle Os- Iins,same, $228.85; V. W. Tomp...,.,.... Syrup for her. But he talked so large wonlJ~ d Ol h e l anl, a er wn.1 bOI·it, cif Morrow, December 4_ ki n's, same, $231.96: Fred Hu'mer "Welt nIlev. l our Itomaeh aod kIndred II)'mpo th at ~e fl'ighten~d off' her love. There US ~v at she had SOld. At Buffalo and at Cleveland she phreys Same $22&.-26: P. B. Monee t<>_ In the only l u re .... ;V. 60e IUId ,1.20 ThiS lov~ bUSiness was dl'iving elupping ad Cloudblurst fOf hanthd- paused to come before huge audiBilil AIIQwed same, ~82.80; Joe W. Davis same ~Mld antllllla.sntfof'" by Mem f ra ntiC. In all the pictures I , . un. . a sa vo rom e t ences und prattle her little piece. TI B k S I .8 2 6 . L I' ' ADAMS DRUG STORE she had played as in th t d 't ' olches~1 a tha t , s'~ eJlt her fr om t he i Whe n she reached Chic.go h Ie 00 hop, s up p ies~ $.65; .. 4 . 0, es Ie Shultz, labor, $~3_ .liE,. f h . Ih d' I e ra I I?I}S slage In to the wlngs d .. h .. s e The Western Star , tax statements 60; Harold V. Martz, hauhng o er glr 00 , ove wus a thmg And that was th ' t! oun aWUltlll!~ er a long le~ter and supplies, $860.60; Tbe , Book g~avel $28.62' Mason Lumber Co that carne once and nevel' came SI u' a from the manager of the movmg- h I' $ 60 E H S II d '1' t ' " I ·490.R bl" DOO again. Good women knew t heir ' Ie 11\ not I<no~v that one of picture house ill Calverly. He im- !! op, supp les , ; . . e an g. ral ma ~rla, '1" ; epu I~ FOR SALE true fate-motes at once a nd never the, to\~n S wea lthl.est men was p lored hel' to visit her old home Co., supplies, $34.30; The John- MAsph.alt Pavdm g Cho., tarvey, $~O; J 0 Auctioneer and Clerk swerved in their devotion. lolli ng III a fa ute UII do wn fr ont town and mlll<1!l on appearance at stoll-Watson Co., supplies, $24.25; $ °2n~~~ ;~ d 0 ; 50n, 8uppl!es, t hat will 'Mon;oe ~n aJmoebnston sup_ . Yet here . she was, passionlitely al:Onl~ stnhlaottehhe 'I 'Illbeauty and her ter- his th eatre. He promised t hat '$rhe B~bbs-MeWrril Co., supplies, - dIS Interested In .~I gentlemenH' " " evC' rybody would be there ' 7.50; he J. . Lingo HardWare I' ~22 "1' W C B d II') b • Phone 24 finding each of them fascinat " IS motlo hud been, Go after This was s uccess indee<I'1 To a Co., f;upplies, $3; The Sanitary p lU I, '" ' ' ' , - • erg a a 0 FOR SALE Young roasting just so far, and faultful thel'eaft~~ hat ~:ou w~nt" and brin~ it home I peal' in New York was triu~ph b~t Supply Co., s upplies, $33.86; O!l roat~i ,:~·.2U ,t 'mCP- kHenkle, eh ickens. Also 100.. bush ! of Instea~lssof giving h~rself meekly to"hll~~lfno~ boef~~ ~o~~ to ap~)ear il} ~er na tive village was ~fh~h ~f;'s s$~'29~:J~t\V~nC~ $lj~; Or~il1~ Phillips, :~e~$a~~ yell ow corn. Will O. Gustin: -dI8 t he b.1 ?f m atr~mony she was back fOI'le-' II t d M d a lm ost a dlyme vengeance. Gilmo ur, inquest body of Wiley. 60' -William Oeder haulin'" ...ravel FOR SALE- Large work tea m, debatIng Its advlsabili t II. e wan e e.m nn (1' b C . d . " .. • c • he went af~e ticability and profit Sh y, r hel'. He was willing 0 e ontlllue) J ohnso,n, $7.60; The Book Shop, $1 .71; Howard T. Cook, Bame, and fr esh Jerse y cow. Mrs. Eme IllU S e even to bring her home. x: ma F. Surfllce. Route 4. d18 ~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~ Th rc wn s n o difficulty about -=======-.:::====-=====~============== :- :-. SALE 01' TRADE~She t.- - - - - meeting Mem for a man whose PINKY DINKY by TERRY-CILKISON FOR NOTA"Y PUBLIC land_pony, coming 2 years o.Id~ , -~-------------. name spelled of millions honestly Takinfr No Chance. A. C. Huntington, Spring Valley, amassed nn d gracefu lly dispersed. NatloDal BaDk Route 1. -d18 Austin Boas came humbly to ~H -61'4 - ,"L.IP UP STAIRS Will DrawD - E,tat•• S.ttl.d I Mem to pay his respects, a nd his THRESHER SUPPLIES-BELTS PUT " 1l-4E PR,E';ENTS IN -nU; enOl'mous name made her tre mble puHeye, babbitt metal, 011 cups. W.,oeaville. Ohio PI"'''''''', MUSTN'T KNOWas her bisque daintness set him Injec.tors, lubricators, ateam and WE'LL <6oU/lPA.lSe, HIM aqu iver. He was shy, ashamed of water gauges, gauge ollera, his own lack of hero ic b eauty ; and packing, boiler RUeI, luctlon hose Mem was dazed to find henel! We pay from $3 to $6 acfeel ing sorry for him. Pity was a a nd ~nk pumps. THE BOCKI,ET cording to condition and dangerous mood for her. 415 W. Main St. Xenia, Ohio. fIe might have won Mem via size ot animal. Call us at' p ity, if he had not tried to win h er COME IN-And see the Gazette. our expense, from her Caree r. He was a monWith Dependable Chrilltmas Carda. opoli st by inheritance, and he PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS Serum and Virus wanted all thel'e was of Mem. Boas had one terri fic rival the -For all purpolles. Bocklet'. Harveys~urg in.urea both Safemuny-head ed mon·s ter. ' line of plumbing and heatin, .upis not hard to se duce a n actplies are the best. The' Bockletty and Succeas Fertilizer Company I'essIt from the Rtage, b'ut it is hard King Co., 415 W. Main St. Xenia to keep her off. T here is a courtOhio. ." Rhip that the pu blie alone can offer PHONE 8F3 -, and no one mlln can give h er · as HARVEYSBURG, OHIO much ,tlPI)laU5e as a , n ightly MONEY IL.t>ANED Harveysburl', ~hr~ ng s: That forl11 of polyandry I;; lrreSlstable t o most of the PhoDe 31 Women wh o had been lucky e_ n ough to ge t on th e stage or the !!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!:!!!!!'!!..!!..!!..!!~.~_~'!.'!.!"'_~~~'!"'!~~~~'!"'!~~~~~~~~..!!~~~ LONG OR SHORT TIME-,Euy screen and to win success there. terms. Also Survey in, Qd AbOn e da y Bermond summoned her stracting. Write and I "IJ1 call to his 'ew York office and said : nnd ~ee you. ,Sam D. Benkle, Way"How a bout getti ng< to work nesYllle, Ohio. . J11 again '! I've got a great story for yo u . lind t hey need yo u at the LOANS on Livestock, Chattela,- ' stud IO. On yo ur way back you can Second Mortagell. Note. bou,ht. make pel'so ntll ·al>pearances at John Harbine, J~., Xenia, Ohio. ' four or five cities, but it's back on , th e jbb for you , eh? That's right! , ·That's a good gi rl I" 'Ua Earl, for V-our S.I~ Oat.a. We Guaranhie Bermond Offered Mem neithel' Farmers of Warren a'nd ' adJolnbt, ~ase n or devotion-except devotSatlafa... t:lon or Chare. Nothin'c,. counties may, obtain money aD Ion to . ner publicatiOn. He offered long time 10iine, at 6 per cent ' ln. " ~ ., .' , '.h ~r (;0 11 qnd wages,' hardships and tere. t. COllt of Hcurin, th. ' ume dlsc~ntent, sle,epless malaise, and II very reasonable through The' ,. • bad pres' notices. ~eder.l ~nd Bank. ,·1'01' funber , Phone NOI 320 ' '. And s he could have Bung her' Informabon c'a ll on Ol' addre.. II. . ' arms about him and' kissed bim·. C. DRAKE, Trealurer, pholl. 81" ... .. Austi n BoIlS W~B at the station I' X t.ebanoD, 'Obit .







e y











Building & Loan Assn.







••••••• Dr. J0 hn ZetteI

SOUR Stomach



19 N. Broadway






CLASSIFIED ADS. ----=----------

If I

k & Jordan



b Oh Harvey. urg, io








OeadStoek Wante'd




Dr.W. E. Frost o.

5% Farm Loans

F. T. :Martin Jesse Stanley . Auctioneer s



'New Burlln' gton 0 t




hap!! also the harvesting ot crop•• The American farmer, already t he moatl Independent ot menf wll ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY be still farther removed from the European pca/lant hopelessly tied D. L. CRANE I Publilher to the 8011, ----- ~~- -----\ otIice Pbou. ............. ......... No. 112 Last Fl'idav vening. Dec )nber R ..,ide.e ......... :................. No. 118 18, Morrow boys and g ir ls eaJ\l1l up Ilnd flayed bl!sketball. After Sublcriptioll Priee, $1.1,,0 • Year two har fought games ?,{orrow overcame MasBie.\ There was also & ••••• 4. i po.'omcc at W."n ..."". an independant t,eam from Center';. fJIII., a.,,,1 Clu. lIIulllllaU •• '. The administration ofl criminal v.ille which played the Harveysjustice in America is a 'd isgrace burg Indepe nden ts, the visit{l[!I to civilization . The man who said nding with t he highest scnrc. DE Jj:MBER 18; 1929 ' that, is the Chie f Justice of the Th e weck ly picture shOw l;\!~ t =========~~"""=:"II I Supreme Oourt of the United Saturday evening, December 14, hites, t he Hon. William Howard Buster Katon in "Steamboat Bill, • Tuft, ollce 1;'resident of the United Buster Gealo n in "Steambollt Bill T Slates. Jr. " Many laugh ' were IIfl'ol'd(!d \ FARMINC AND INDUSTD.V \ We huve too many laws which th' peop le attending the show. -which are not laws. A citizen can I• I hn'rd ly go about his daily busin ess All the schools in Massie Town----.,.-...." without violating some law of ship will hav e tl1eir vacation sturt=--:-:-_~-=_-,._-..___,.:., ' whi ch he nllver heard and which in/< De 'ember 2& IInti endinlr JanWhat h arc1-~ urfa ccd roada and nobody obeys. In Co nn ecticut it uary 2. The High school will put on a motol' tra ns portation mean to the is ill egal to travel on the road or fa nn er is illu strated in the l'eport raill'ond on Sunday. In New YOI'k musical progrnm Monday evening, on wheat growin!i in Ohio by it is, or was until very recently, il- December 23. There will be Silecia l Churles. M. Pritz, Grain Exchange legal to operate a motor-propell- orchesLra numbers a s well liS S uperV ISal' of the U. S. Govern- ed ve hicle on a high wllY unl ess a chorus numbers. ment. Mr. Fritz points out that man on horseback carryi ng a r ed - -- - I th longest huul from field to Rug or lantel'n rode a quurter of elevaLo r is eighLy miles. That II mile ahead of it! round trip WUR a dllY's journey for Congress and State .Leg islatures I ~ louded horRc- drllwn team, curry- try to "make" luws. No luw is a TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS: ll1g from 60 to 100 bushels over good Illw unless the peol)l c whom t he old dir·t rouds. 'Now motor it uffects ugl'ce t hll t it ' is u good truck ~ muke it over cOllcrcle hi gh law. In Lhe cndy days of popular The Friends held an all -cluy It i .'l with pleasure that we wish each and ~uys 1n two Lo tllI'ee hours, carry- lawmaking people gathered to tell meeting ami baskeL dinnel' til lhL' , ll1g 86 to 150 .b ushels ~t a load euch otliel' whllt t he law was in chu r ch Su nduy in honol' of the l v ~ ry one of you tlte IWariest Christmas you have und wIt hou t havll1R' to Watt f or the lheir di stricts, the law heing ruleR birt hd ay of their pustor, Rev . ron~1 to . dry ou t . . I Of co ndu ct ngreecl on by co mm on , Amo s Cook. ever Ut}o)!f!d, and hope that the coming New J'urn.lInll', I1 t ,least In the staple consent, MI'. ' II nd lI1rti. Prank Wi lson encrops,. III beco nllng more a nd m~re l The idea thut a Co ngrl!ss or a telt ained on S und ay, Mr. lind MI·s. Ye ar will be fill. d with happiness and greater !l I.JU I!Il1I!/lS a.nd less u mode of Itv- LCJ.\'islature hilS a right to impose Her bert File and Jan El1en of !ng, as PreSid ent H.oov~ r once put an unpopulllr law is a r eversion to Wa shington C. Il. , OppOi t ~ nity than eVer before. It. ~ienry FO.rd mUll1t8l.ns that all i t he old myth of the divine right Mrs. hus. Gray s pcnt Wednesof the fanlling Clperatlons neces- I of kings. Because a law i8 old is day and Thursday in Dayton, slIry fOl' Lhe protluclion of any no proof thut it is no gooU. Times T he M. E. Aid mel Thursday Nev er before have prospects been so brigh t of the. grcat sLapl crop~ can. be I churge but t he luw lags behind. afternoon, donI! 111 SIX. dllYS wOl"kmg trme ! Lllwyers lind judges li ve in t he There will l.Je a hort hri Rt~ fOJ' confinued prosperity. The recent stOell mareac~ year, Wi th proper mechanicllI past. Lawyers dominate our leg is- mas JlI'ogram du ring the Sunduy oqu.ll?~ cnL un~1 trllnsportation lati ve bodi es, and try to make new Sc ho ol houl' at J onah's Run k :d flurry will soon b~ forgotten in the midst of faclh . qn .h ls own 6,OOO-acre luws, intended to fit present con- Chu rch next Sun day morni ng and fllrm m M Iclugan he has ,pretty ditions, comply wit h principles and Christmull serv ic e fo l1 owing. even better possibiUtes than we have enjoyed well demonsLrated (\he truth of prllctices long outdated. One Mrs. George Denny is vcry ill in 1929. that. . . . ~e8 of t hi s is t hat law nnd at her co un try home. ~Ith .the extension of electriC JustIce often mean two different T he Woman's Civic Lengue met service ! smaller and. small er things. POOl' me n anti honest men at the hOllle of Mrs. Bertha GoreOmll1U llltl s manu~actu rmg in- hesitate to go to law; they fear don uturduy oftc\'l1oo n. Roll call So, at t! time of year, it IS good, to forget dustrles are spI·ead ll1g over t he lettal technicalities which have no wail responded to with current evcountry, so ' t hnt the ti me may relation to justice. ents. A number of business mat our business cares and enter loyally into the co me ~vh ~ n nobody ~ho wants to All Illw . ought to be base d on tel's were discussed. The program work 111 mdustrl;' wt ll have more common sense and so plain lind con sisted of a Chri stmas reading Spir~t of Christmas. t han a do?en I11lles to travel be- simple that IIny man with an aver- by Mrs. Dorothy Hawke, a contest twe n. farm and fnctory. Whon ulfe sense of fair play could tell which wa s won by Miss Lucille ~h'! t tlme c~mes fnrmers will spec- wlthout asking a lawyer whether Tucker, euc h one present told We therefore extend to our many loyal cusl ah ~e on sl ~~le crops a~ap.te.d to he wa ~ violut ing the law or not. what the givin!! of gifts mean s to their localltres .a nd mdlvlduul Then everybody else would know the m, und Mi s Tucker gave extomers, our most hear ty greetings and best wishtastes,. and work m town a good it, and intelligent public opinion cell ent ideas on what hristmus I Pllr~ of the ye!!l'. ~oop er~tive mar- alone would k'eep a ll on the right r ea lly man s. The annual custom I es lor your" continued success. ketmg ol:gul1I1.utlons \VJll attend side of t he law or punish prom- of exchanging gifts was carried to the sh ipment and selling, per- tly if we overstepp.ed the Ii r.c . out Gifts were placed in U prettily - - - -~__ -- - . - - - - - - -decor ate d b~ and each Look turn ",ith the Season's Greetings, we are, in dl'l\wing . one by means of an Not a so ul would dare to sleep-- attached cord. The next meeting Very very truly, It was midnight on t he oeean will be Dec mbel' 28 at t he home And a storm was on the deep. of Mrs. Evely n Shumaker. Each I FAIRLEY HARDWARE CO. is asked to respond to roll ca ll by 'Tis a fearf ul thing in winter giving a Ney YCllr's 'resolution To be shattered by. the blast Mr. a nd M)'s. Howard Graham Henry Swearingen; Manager. And to hear the ratthng trumpet were in Dayton Friday t TbuJllder "Cut away the mast t" Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gillam n- I So we shuddered t here in silence, tertainqd · on Saturday, Rev. and FOI' t ho stoutest held hi s breath, Mrs. J .. P. Thor~bury a~d family, While the hungry sea was roaring and LOIS a nd Wilford Gillam. . And the bre/llfe r s tal ked with ' . W. P. McCurren, Roy Clark and death OtiS Lemon were home from Co- ' THE CAPTAIN'S DAUGHTER . shocton Co. over the week-end. As we sat t here in the darkness, Miss !Jelen Graham of 'I.'roy ill1d I By Jam •• TI, ..cma. Field. Each one busy with his praye rs. Mfss 1{athleen and Miss Nellie W e were crowded in the cabin, "We are lost !" the captain shouted Graham at Dayton ' wert! home over As he stagg.ered down the stairs the week-end. Mrs. Mary Haines entertained a Bu ~ his little daughter whispered, number of ladies at a party Thursday evening, As she took his icy hand, ~ "Isn't God upon the ocean Mr. a nd Mrs. Carl Blackford Ju st the same liS On the land?" and fam ily of Morrow were here Sunduy. FUN£RAL DIRECTOR Then we kissed th,e little maiden, The Freshmen ~ave a very pret. And we ~ake ~ beUer choo~ ~ progrum ~ ' a~emb~ Friday ~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WAYNESVILLE. OHIO And we a nchored safe in harbor morning. Miss Marjorie Stump, , WJ!en the morn was shining told the sto ry of the shepherds ===-.;"' clea~ _ _ _ lind their trip to Bet hlehem to see Wagg :- " Have any luck huntFully EquippC!cl {or Good the new-bam King. Then the rest ing li ons in Africa 1 " of the class gave a drama t ization GET gUT -\'f T~N Service. Tagg:- "Yes. I didn't weat • i _ of the story. The tableau nelll' the LR !:~f> r)i .~1)18r ~otlln . Imrlltl l'Jlt diner....JIJ Blljlppse. end, d.uring which Miss Claudia one ." A 11111 J l allce Ser\' ice wallel', 1 elln ~it her/) !Jn~i1 J Gray sal'J g ~!letlY "Oh Little Town of Betti !!hem" was beaut!stal'vc 1" , Wnlter-- "T'm I1!r;:lrl not, slr- f~1 .in.~~ell, ofIowi ng tllis 'Mis!! Tr';U:PH ON I': 7 Fourteen Years of Virgin 11' Tucker an~ ?fiss OharWe close at ten. lotte Tllofll/lS san!J a pretty d4e~ . EXPERIENCE ~ -------------------------• =:- --- --r'-~---




Township Schools




-+ J)

'-~""t (t

Cf)RIsrillil$ GR€€TlnGS










J E. M·cClure




-' -

Reltable Vacclnallon



Toleclo l.ady fi,. d Soullhi in Vain for Rr: .... :-Found it QUickly Mr. and Mra. J ohn Rye spent T/trough Now Medicine Sunday with Mr .and MI·s. HOWl\rd Beam. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Marlatt and son E dward and Miss Clara , Daughters were Sunday dinn er gu es ts of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Run-

Does Big Thhtgs" for' the,' Flock I


Tuxedo llggmuh mllke. w!nrcr egg prcxlucdoa rift! ddt of spring; it helps mo.ny he os to ser "ega.".day·' record.lo,' loog periods. It maiottlios health. ahoma. awll1dq



L tl 70hio

E ' rl as . :1.... Tuxedo ' , . ' g. m .;11._, , y






p-, . - ,

TIw TIIJmiIJ i..I. -/ TuedOAIIawba ' ''''''''Qkk '!W!IedoSlaftla, afaa\Ia '[undo Send 0D 'l'uddoGrowli!a ..... ~~ ca TIIPCIOPOIIkt1 . . . . - - . . . . ,


. T...edo


Waynesville, Ohio

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wardlow" Miss Clara Daughters, Mrs. Her- I bert Mar1lltt and Mrs. Emerso n Dill , were Xe pja shoppers Wednes- i dllY· '. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wardlow , of nell I' Centerville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wardlow. Mr. "n4 Mrs. E;.rllellt Nixon, of Da~ton pa)led on M1'8. Herbe rt ROOT FOR AND CONSICN Marlatt ~unday evening, your Cattle, hogs, sheep and calves Mrs. J,. M. 'S tephems' ~Ild Mlls. to Norris-Brock Co., live wire and Eart Marlatt were Vandalia shoppl'ogressive firm for the highest pers Friday. market prices and good service. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Osborn Union Sto'c k Yard., Cincinnati, O. and Mrs. Euphemia ' Toms spent Ask fir st man you meet Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill and sQn amy, Earl Marlatt, who has been working In Detroit, has returned MRS,' D. I.. BARKER ,to his home hel·e. I J. P. Reed passed away at his home here last Thursday morn. "Konjola is the only medicine ing. Short services were held at that did anv g:ood, and 1 tried the home , Thursday afternoon and scores of them." said Mrs. D. L. his body was taken to Jackson, Barker, 776 Walbridge avenue Ohio, with burial there Saturday Toledo, Ohio . "I was '· weak, nervmorning. ous, rundown und cOl'(lpletely ex• - - • hausted for two years. After 30 Years Experience in FIUln " every meal my stomach bloated and Making Glasses NOTICE OF ,APPOINTMENT Ilnd filled with 'gas . I derived little , nouris hm en t· fl'o~n what I was able -at-. Estate of .C. Mal'quard t," d eceas- to digest, and J. lost in weight and ed, . . \·ita lity. I tried medicine after ~ 'A ' ChNotlce III ~ereby given that medicIne; but none touched the,' . E.ery Tue.da,., Tbur.daJ, aries \1.. Marquardt has been spot. ' I Saturda,. dEul y apPOInted and, ,qualified as "A fr iend highly r ecomm ended No eha~.e for Examination xecutor of the Estate of C. Konjola. Well, Konjola certainly III!. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ,MOhairqudardt late of Warren County proved to be all land more than she 101 0, eceased. , .,' aid it was. Konjola lost no time in ~~~~~~~~~~~~==-:= this 4th day of December,' tIn " 'Z. R~ll , last, I had 'found the ' right A'~ N ' Judge of the Probate Court, I am i'eeling beUer than , . . .' . ~ d25 ' Wa~n " County, Ohio ill years; bettel' than I ever hored ' Chaewooloo. J --... , to feel Ill!:ain, and lowe this al to ,...,.-~·Didn·t ,vou consider Konjola,li ' YOUbe l' tuture, young man. when you Konjolu is sold in Wayne8ville ' Phone 93 em IzI,ed t!Jat m~m.ey1" , atAdam, Dru. Stor., and by alI

;. ';



' ; w.

1T"'-:'",W::: ..--.. --------·lIiim, 1'aeIIoDa&7

Phone 76F4

The Making of a Home With a Its Accessories, such as Lumber, Fancy Shingles and all that goes " with tb.e Home Beauitfu. For an estimate on the same, call

I "'a"'y'sJewelry Shop

Let us furo ilb-you a trial order, and you'n soon know. wb, ~cdo"is now selling te,o time. CiU,'a. 6" reara ~. '



• Sight Specialist

In this manelous mash ~ ingredienu that make e •••• tbae Dourish the heo, that keep hc;r system in ~ne ·condition. One 'ofthese ingte8ieuts is PURE CANE MOLASSES. for en....,. .ood digestion, and 10 stimulate '&hitU. ' ~,




pellods and lengtheo.'l producti •• we. :ruudo Bpm..b i. , &he wonde,' egg-maker of tbe age.








J:.~nhV1tc~ air. I bank." put it t he best druuia~s t l1roughout this ' II.·.,.g Into Yes. the savings ntire section. '.. __

Dr C' W

Waynesvillet . O'hi~



Wayne,vl·lle, Ohio

Dealers In ev...,itilni conneCted wtth . . to....~ Lumber Yard



poor woman came to-


heep l\lanag ement was to a sk for old cloche••" Mr. and Mrs. J. Harv~)' Saekett J. A. Cowan: l I, R. Harrla and dayHullban ly d iscussed by MI'. L. d- "What did you give y @ t ertalne d t he Wayne 1'1> Chas. F. C1888, Lebano n; Geo. man, ' pccialis t of Ohi o f colr s' Club at Grange Han Croll, FI'ankl in: Dr. L. B. Hall and her7" leg e, b(' Col'e a r epl' onlative group in Way nesville on t he Wife-"That old 6ult you've Thursd ay, Dec- E rn est Hal'LslIc k, Wayn esville atf W.arrc n Joun ty 'heepmtlll in umhe l' 1~th . had f or ten ,year and the dre8s I tonil d pa rt of t he hearing in ,tb~ bou~h t InRt mon th. t he Fal'l)1 But' nu office F riday Evel'), i lln)ill' on e wus r e- 1\fillmi County P leas ourt last a fte r noon , D cem b l' 13. Ka ufm nn l presenLet!. A' nusave A'll we take thl:' old c:alenda l' down fr om the wl111 aod mbe r of ,g llests w eek , wh ,r e a n applica tion for !Its ted t hnl f "Olll 18 60 -- 1 80 nlso mingled t h ir ,:tlad voices injunction t o stop t he tubercu lin ' put u p the br ig ht new one In it!! (}III ' 0 , we ~ ll na lun \!ly THE RIGHT MAN Oh io m ig t h leading sheep st ate I with til ) ~e of l h clu b membe rs, testing 01 cattle in t he I'm ion nnd tIm Ohi will I ~(I I hal ov I' sixt.y partook of t he llider ' d, Ove l: 125was being con- . She-" pa use t o, review the events 0 f th (l ld yc:a'J.' and ma ke wit nesse s had The man I marry must CO nUl1 l1e ' to hllv ' n 'pro \llin ~llt llumllLi us feast, t ook pa r t In the be n su bpne naeci a nd JudJo:e Jones, havtl an inconw running up to )JI!lll f or t he new, Fo r all of. 1I , 1029 br ougbt pIne 0 11 East!! I'n' murket s. Though ox 'hll ngc ' o{ at its mixhl'i!!tnlt ls g irts curly in t he case urged l:ioth sides least fi ve ('iphers . " t hl: n 'ks averag e !!mall in IlUIII - whi h followed!, lin d enj tura of j o ~' lI nd sorrow , of d isappoi ntme n t and \I cce lI . oyed the to ha ste n mutt ers through so a s He- "Ma rry Ino; mine's all bc~ thl'() ughnll L sou thwest rn hi o l!xce ll lit pl'QgJ'a lll, to cut <lu\yn t ex penses of the ciph ers. , Alld 19 90 waits at the door wi th n('W oPPo l'luni Lies for yet th ey cll n be Illude ret urn A 11 delig hte d in singing t he tr ia l. A Sim ilahe r case was lost I!I l)n ~ id l' l'lIb l o profit lind a hllll d- benu iflll Chr\s,t ac hieveme nt and . happin ess. i' takc t his opport u'nity to mll s songs, leu b y yea r or two ago, he expens es for 'O ll1e ill com t u Ule Il\'erage farm- ' l\( r il, LeMIlY with l\Ii ~!! H elon which were' 1'epor tcd to bo about sny th at my er if ,given proper care a nd a lll! n.l ll uwkc ~It t he pian. Mrs, ALEND ARS will be r :w cly for my n eighLt'May $ 110 0 und whicli had t o be paid by Li n, Priccs of shoe p Tu n in eir· a lsu :lll ng a be:'l Utiful bors and f riend, on aturday , Decemb el' 2 1. 1 also wish solo. the petitioni ng fa ml el's who los of 7' to 8 yoars ea ch. nn el , ,J\i d)!'c Dcchan t of l'OU a Merry r histmas a nd a ll tho bcst tha t life lhe tat e Spccinli's l cauti one d the , mad o th e SlI .of Lebano n wan t ed to st op t hc cattle testing. hil S to t he day. Ern e: t Hur tsoc k, ma nager of sit eep 1II{'n abo ut expand ing th eir l ite r fe nt ul'cl, or the program t okes Da iry Furm offer in lhe new year. , ncar Waynesbll ll in e~~ a t t his t im ' when we moy were n h ri st m a ~ r ea ding by l'I'lrs. ville, testi fi ed tha t cluring eir nnpOSRibly he at tit · peak o r t he cit,· t A. . C;o l1c tt a nd n paper on nu a l tesls with t heir herd th of about cl e with lowel' pri ces f oll owing. "Th' t hi l\ ~s Money Can ll ot Bu y," 160 da iry cattle, they hlld neve r h p arc t he ea siest ki nd of live. hy M I'. A. . Co ll ett, experi enccd tin y inju ry or disasslock to hand le beca use they ca n Ml'S. Re bece:1 Fu m a, a nd Cam- tro u!; l' suI t fro m the test, such as co nsum e a lurge nmo unt of rough- ily will e nt erta in the club in J a n- dec,' 'ased milk produc tion, bloody age und past u re. Alfa lfu ha y wus uary, 01' 'tri ngy milk, abortion or cows rE'co mm cnded as the id ea l roug h· I .~ - ~ fu iling t o b ree d, nor compla ints age which may ,S01'\"e alm ost en- I DEATH S fr om their milk co nsumer s, til'ely t o win ter the bree di ng' owes. I ___ _ J. A. 'owll n, likewis e testified ~ e)(t t~l . Alfa lfa, ~l o: el" soy.b~a ll s , ,T. p , Roed. a ged reside nl of Mt , ti S to th e vc ry favorab ."'!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!"""!_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!'!!'!~~~_ le ~~_~, .lIld mIx ed hay" 'Ie me ntI Holly, di ed at his home in lhllt an d I'CPOl'ts he IUllI gllther opinion s - - - -- - - ----- a nd nll o r t hes e f\ ho tlld beoned, ed fr om c u t vill ng c T hu l's da v , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - _ ALL BILLS OF SALE . F 1 lh e hU I1 .. 1rcds of f arn1er s of Turtle ru the r oll1'ly in order to in creafie , '.. ' ,h cldo l~~tln th~ uh~~~e crec l( t own ship, wi th whom t he ir prote in conten t. had -;1\ I,C(,~ e . , fl l'l'ungcd fOI', t h!! t est s ahdhe held . MUST BE STAMP ED The stute sl eeinlist ulso out- 1 11l1l !lcl ,IYwe) urte l noo,n a nd ~ h e bod.y thcll' cutt1 e durmg th e 100 per lined brie fl y th e Io uI' proj cctH ~,' a ~ ,taken .Jackso n, Oh,'o whet e cent test in g of this t ownshi All Bills of Sa le for Moto ' wh ich inchlde sheep parasit p. es , ru m In tc l menl \\lI S mn dc !ltul day . Co wan furth er explllin ed t o ~he , I we selcctio n demo nostrut ions J D k Vehicl cs ~ u st be murked with th e afcnd ' d ' court t hat losses fr om, bl oatll1g edi ng ,un d nnge ment' schools. ' , ~'1 :'s , W U ~I' (l n " , 1\ m _I w ~s in a co u ple of c.ases fal sely atstu mp "Llcen!:'e Iss ued" 01' " Trun- wool g rad ing ,llIu p repurat ion of n cc c ·11\V.1 ~ [I\ lt heTI hodme In St: 1fasse etD ers t , l'l uu ted t o th e testmg. f fer Issued" befo re 193 0 license es 0 1' t h~ ma rk et a 'a, ues a ormng, ecD L B H 11 V t ' nd !; ht'l' p l'}lIrg' 1 1 ,~ 1' 1 () , fo ll o wi ny~ llI Il sno I t , rt illncss '11 b d r " d t ,I', . . a , t h demons ~ erlnary tl'lItlO n ill S , S eve ra l o f II K p\ a es WI D' k' . e e Ivel e b f h 0 , S UI geon nea r I Wnyn esvllle , was e t hose (I 1'l' ~e n t far s igni fi eu the ir in. 1\, s. ~ In \\ as , core er !"a l r cudy o to V Iner. testif d y , t hl\t in a ll his . , ' . te n.ti o n ~ coope l'ute a lonl(' one rl ug . M ISS Nan All our meats home dressed r Ight, eld er p ra ctic e !l nd experie nce, no n or Ct; t o aVOid confus l.on 111 or ma rc oto T re nds " all sli ppery li S bnn ana f t he above li nes a nd :.l2 daug ht er of ~h c late W and inspecte d. Give ue yo ~r G o ~dan J, ,a nd ju ri ous e ff ect~ fr om t he T. inthe lai~ minute rush t o obtain the pllgc bull etin wus .,peels" - du e e it hel' t o design 0 1' B. tlist ri bui or der fo r Christm as ,pouln ew Icense tags, Secreta ry of to a ll who ca red for sa ed .f ree A rn (l n ~a ~J'Il:ht. She IS survlve,d testi ng in Warren Co unty had wear- are no insura nce AGAI N. T mc, Any by, .~e l hu ~ ba n d a n ~ t\~o da ughtc !s been not ed. To t ry all , home dressed. State C1~rence J. Brown, thrqugh other farm ers ac cidents . time a nd exwho \\'oul(l like MISS Dorut hy Dakm, In st ructor III pen 'es classifie d save Turkey s, Ducks, Geese g ommi SlOneI' C?f Mot or VehIcle s copy may nddr(> lists of witness es ~s irl quil'Y to a ,collegc Chicke ns, ~t Pullma n • . Wash .. , a nd IVcre halt" er s R. Wilson has broadca st Co un t A!rent ('[asR or s ubmitte Exchan ge th "1 hCl l'e for , t he good ca ll t he M~!'~ Ka t hl yn, !ilt home , °h':le slls tcr, sim ii n1' testim d who swore t o an appea l to aJI owners who have Far m yBureau ony. sec urity o f new Goodye ars- r eal , offi ce. Special . Frida,. and Saturda ,. 1II,' s ~1 ay W r~ g~t of t ,1.5 P aC,e , purcha sed second h a n~ caTS or Co unty Agen t Class did not honest - t A - !rClodl1 NiS insuran c . _ __ _ _ _ " ho IS spe nc1l ~ the \~ In ter III ta ke t he stand , but lift er hearing t ransfer red t hClr hcense AGAIN ST ~ k i d ,; a nd crashes . ' t. Pctersh Short RibsB eef,lb 1872C have ucg. . the e nti re Mi a mi Co unty clIse says from one car to a not~ er l ASS OCIAT ION HONOR S In F' acco rdanc,~ f b'l .wlth B k a r e,qu est of "It is II pity tha t the money, time, durmg the past year t o examm c We 'll demons t ra te .Goody ear su per Ine or 0 1 or a e the decease PI'lvllte f uneral se r- and efforts wllsted ~heir of sale befo re attemp tin fig hting the iority in lr ell d-Jn in ul' d carcn&! FORME R CITIZE NS vices were d,held in Roas t Chuc k, lb. 23%c mg to bill the h onl e at T. B , tes~ing can not be used to p,urchas e 1030 plat es , . e nduran ee. th e two ma in r eason!! fiv P . e o' clock, B b B ef W E~ d nesdllY aftel'l1 oon hun y its comple tion. Wit h the "A license can be tra nsferred why Goody II rf: fa. r out sell lill Y Jam es Stoyps, n W .l't , w as a nd t he bodyw ns taken to C!rla\1 do leadi rime a y e , f rom ng men in the medica l and CHI' t o another , reg, ard - 'cl ct, d pr'esl,de!" t ooff Va other make. osts no mOl'e t o buy the 0111 0 Can- PIa., Th ur sday, fo r cremati Prim e R~b,lb .... 25 72c less ofonemake on. vete rinory fields, endorsi ng the u po n pt<Y lllen t of a n e r~ ll SSCJCllltlO n a t t h and less to !'ide on Goody UI'S I fin ll l - - -r fee of on~ dol.1 ar. when sessl~' n of t he t ~"' (Hlay a nnu al contest a nd with the U. S. De t. of All sizes, types li nd p ric e s--t \l b ~" Mrs. Ge orge \V. P rntt died at Agricul t ure Roun d Roaa t. lb •. . 25c transfe the horsepo wer r at ln'g IS !n t he ven t lOn held , In a nd various ~tates und t ires. u mb us I.nat her h me Olld! 1 1il' d street Monday s upporting Should er !ID,me group. Whe n the curls of a I week: Acco rdin g to ol,Infor th e m.ovem ent!, it is l1l ot lOn morlli ng of III letes, hIgher horsepo.wel·, th~ owne,r reachlll g' her e. alm ost trag ic t hat a f ew dissent Rum p Roas t, lb . 24 1L C mu st pay t he dIfference m the It- Ot her officers F u ner",l service s wer e conduc t- ing people can thus delay its progchoge n wcre H. er! at the r csidenc e thi s aftc rnoon 7 22 ress " eel}se f ee, " Co mmi ssioner Wilson A. Ort', incin na ti, vice-pr esiden t ; R y. G. . Dibe rt officia ti ng. InPrime baby beef pOlllted out. Ii. R. Harris, Warren County Roy Iroll s, Iydc 0 .. s cretury- tc l' llle nt wus in Miami cemete Pork Steak , Ib r • • • : 20c ry, Gra nge Deputy after hearing two A" license can n ot be transfe ;r- t reasu rer : a nd ~h e fo ll owi nl/: .d!" ed .!rom on e owner t.o another. da ys of the Miami County testir ectors Evan Relehe lc!or fer, Inl1,lFresh sliced shoulde r . When a transfe r IS Issued, the cot ha ; C•• f on y says, "The grange has stood • Mc Donald, J r " E lYria COUNT Y OFFIC IAL DIES ' should er to shouldV with Pork Roaa t, Ib .1572C bill of sale ~u st be pre ented ,!In,d H. yv. Brmket·, Columb u s : Robert AFTER SI;IORT ILLNE SS organizations in heltling to other the stamp Transfe r Issued I S Blntr, Leba non a nd O. pave Fresh Callies " to 6 Ib average L. T ee-affixed. W~en a n ew or second gardEl:n , Oak. Ha~'b or , the way for the T. ,B . t esting and Doub le Eagles, All- ",cat her . . D. Willi s Humph reys, I feel sure that all loyal me mPork C~op., lb . ... 2Sc hand car IS bought, t he stamp ThiS elechon I S of particu lar m- cler k of co urts, died at hiscounty home bers "~icens will e Issued" help Pathf inder s to' is get marked this On work th e terest to Wny nesvi ll e people be· in Leban on ear ly Monday m ornRib or Loin finished ," bll1 of sale. Unless one of , these clluse of the fa ct t hat t herc ar e in g f ollowin g an illness of but appear on ,all bills of sale two men honore d by the state as- - -- - - - -PorkL oinR o••tlb 22~c stamps one week, Mr. Humph reys was bearing a date prior to Decemb er soeia tion who former ly lived her e stricl(en with pn eum onia Monda y ANNU AL BAZAA R 21, ] 920 licenses must be pur- .r- nd who :Ir e wwll kn own Saua age,2 Iba •.. . _.38c chased ~o mllny of last week. FOI' the past 51 or trnnfers made beore tbe peo ple. ' Pure Pork" B~lk or Casing ,Years he has b,ee n The annual three-d ay bazaar ted with 1930 plates will be issued." Both Mr. Stoops and Mr. Irons vadous offices in connec the Warren under the au pices of the Ladies' Bureau of Motor Vehicle s, Ilt one time were in char6e Spare Rib., 2· lbs .33c of The of the Wayn esvill e, Ohio county co urt house. Aid of the M. E. church was a sucthe Depart ment of State also I Wayn esvill c Cannin \ Mr. Hu mp hreys \yns oorn in cess, the society netting about announ ce that the deadlin e for t he while . Dr. Bla it', whog isco mpany, Pure Lard , 2 lb• . .. 28c use another Way nesville , Februa ry 9, 18 51- $2 50. of the 1929 plates is midnigh t t Warr en Co un t ia n ---'J known to His earl y life ,,'as spertt in WashHome Rende-: ed on Decemb er 31 and that the new ma ny loca l ,rcsiden t is ingto n township. Lat er h e taught - - - - - -s. _________ ______________ Fresh Side, lb .. ,1972C used prior to Decem ber 21. __ _____ ther e to Lebano n in 1878. He was Baco n, 2 lb • . .. .. . "39c setPractic ally all of the s~tes have N. C. R. CHRIS TMAS _ _ _ fn"Ci held in hig h t!st een through out an- absolut e deadlin e fOT the CAROL CONCE RT the country Sugar Cured fi~~1i.t¢~W-6l'1:T..:ffirA~ . use of both old and new license cral service s wer e held at Ham s, lb . . ... . . . . ,20c plates. More than 1500 deputy On e of t he anti cipated events t heFunreside ncc t his Wedne sday commis sioners and clerks are now of the Yulietid e season will be the afterno Callies, Christm ail Wrappe d on with buriaJ in Leba non employ ed distribu ting Ohio's new annua l cone I·t of , Christm as Car- eemet ery. Bean Baco n, lb . ... t6c tags. • _ • a ls g iven b y The Nationa l Cash - - ELECTRICITY Sugar CUJ:ed Reg ist er Compa ny. This will be ' PAINFU LL,Y INJUR ED NO HUNTI NG held on Sunday a fternoo n, Deeem, Countr ,. Batter. , i;".1a i::.II". ber 22. li t 3 o'clock in the N. C. R. Virgi l Rhodes, living on the Pat.. Coffee, B'r .ad, Cck•• , Ch.... Schoolh ouse, Dayton We; the undersi gried, allow no , with the terson far m west of town, seve1'ed fr ••b Milk. Cr_m, Pickhunting , trapptn g or trespassing public of, Day t on and t he Miami the en ds of thl'ee fin gers of his hom. m.... , Mi.c • . Valley ,co rdia lly invi ted. on our farms. right hand whil e tobacco M_t ' Cr.cke n Several talente d mu sical bodies S!lturda y. Dr, Marycutting Chas. T. Ellis Cook r ender ed will join in the prese ntation of this I first aid and later Chas. E. Michen er injured man , 'Conce rt. Th e N. C. R. Chol'us of was r emoved to t hethe ~a11 U., W. D.Ii••r T. S. Hardin McClel lan hos100 vQices, a bl'uss en se mble, the pital where Dav,is Furnas Pho•• No. II N, C. R, male quartet and t he vel'y well. it i ~1 said he 'is doing Gons Brother s fam ed N. C, R. orga n will r ender Elias Oglesbe e - - -- - ... - - - the cRrols of many nation s in a E. F. Reifsni der MOTH ERS' CLUB MEETI NG nfost delightf ul progrllm . Edwin S. Furnas , F OI' man y y ellr!; the N. C ,R. Th e Wayne Township Mother s' Christmas Ca rol Con'cer t has peen club met a t the Grade buildin g CHRIS TMAS PUDDI NG one of t he outstan ding musica l events oJ the holiday sea son. This Friday afterno on" Decemb er 6. Mrs. William son l!)d the ane and a half pounds of bread· yeal' ,s program bids fair to devoexcel tionals. A song by Mrs, Maynar d crumbs, six ounces of flour, one pt'eviou s co ncerts, a nd a capacit y ' Veltz wns followe d by n splendi d and a half pounds of suet, half a a udie ncc i ~ e Kpected. The admiss- papel' on "The N,l adonna s in Art." t easpon 0f sa It , one poun d an d a ibn is, _ _ ._ _ _ pr epa red and relld by MTS. Frank half of raisins, one and a half LeMay . Rev. G.. C. Dibert told pounds of currants, one poun'd of DISTR ICT MEETI NG t he Chri stmas story and a sugar, four ounces of ground ' alg roup of childre n 11'0m the grades monds, half a pound of candied The eightee Farm sang two Christm as carols. peel, one nutm eg grated, half 11 Bureau ll1 eetin~nth district be held SatDU1'ing the social hour dainty teaspoo'n each of cinamo n and a11- lIrdllY Dece mber will 1, 1!l 29. at 10:- refr eshmen ts were served by Mrs. spices, the grated r ind of a lemon, :lO a. m. at Farm 2 Bu rea u office in Efti e Lan e, Mrs. Viola Lawson , ni,!e eggs, one pint of milk, 11 LeiJano n. Th is district includ es Mrs Kuntz, Mrs. Crawfo rd; Mrs. wiil'e glnss crf grape fruit, , Preble, Hamilt on, BuUm' and N etti e Tinney and Mrs~ Bess. TinMix all the dry ingr.edien ts thor- Warrc:n Counti ~ s. ney. ..... ou~hly, then beat III the . ,~el1 t Tentati ve program as follows : 'l' - - .:- -. whisked eggs and grape JU Ice. ! r epm't and discuss ;", ' ion of Americ an Cover with 11 ,cloth and leave for Fa rm Burea u F ede ration m eeting I ANNU AL ELLEC TION Sish ' four hours. Then beat and,lea ve by membe a ttended ; report for four hours, Then beat III the and discussrsionwho of Ohio Farm BurThe annual electIon of ~he milk, and when .well meaten fill eau directo rs meeting W. K. \ Sto~kh o lders of the WayneSVille the mold, cover With 'freased paper Swan, district directoby r; report NatlOn a! bat;k f or the pUTp\?se and a cloth, and bOI five 1I0urs. from ellch county by' service mana ?f electing d.necto rs for the , gel' or secretu ry ; r eport of work lIlg ;yea r Will be held at ens~=======~.':.=~~~=_~_~_-:.:.:~=============-= - in ' county by coun t y preside nts; banking rooms on Tllesd,a y, their Janr eport by county agent; discuss ion uary 14, 1929, be~ tween the hours on membe rship work. of 1 and 3 p , m. . AU Farm Bureau membe rs are L. M. HENDE RSON, Cashier invited and ur~e~ t~end . • • FULL OF HAMBURGE~S

Merry C.hristmas


Chri stma s Dinner Serv ed at



Kern' 5 Garden Inn






You Ins ura d


Co yle 's ,Qu allt yM eat Va lue s

Acc ide nts -



slipp ery weat her?






Gor don 's Service Sta.










w ill








th e




_ _ _ __

'1IIellome 1//ilkout



Coyle's Meat Market




Fren ch Cream s, Cut Mix, Satin Finis hed Choc olate Drop s. per lb ~ssorted

Choc olate Cream s, per Ib


Engli sh Waln uts, lb


Fresh Pean uta, Ib

,t90 .

,b"y. 'Poul. It, ~y at 'highe at mark et .


price s

Clark ' Bros. Zimm erma n Build ing



Two weeks ' ago the boys met at Burton 's ' restaur ant after the baskctb all game. A hambu rger eating contest wa.s staged. Arthur Swal'tz el ate thirteen , 8 chocola te s undae and dran~t four glasses of water. Believe it or not, he was able to touch the floor with his hands withou t bending his knees.

Mr. a nd Mrs, R. D. Coll ett, Mr, and MI's. Harry Nick e~'s on and Mrs, L. C, Stanfi eld attende d the fun era l, of t hi .. aun t , Mrs. Mary Co ll ett , in , idney, Sunday . T homas Haydoc k was confine d to hi s home a part of Illst week by tonsili t is. O. E. S. INS'r ALLAT ION Miss Dorot hy Conar d 'of Middlet own schools , wag home Thursd ay The offi~ers of the Eastern Star a nd Fl' iday on accoun t of illness. Mrs. Wat'ne r Morris , visited rela- lodge were instan~~ d Monday even~ ing, Decem ber, O. Susan Hawke tive;; in Cincinn a ti last week. The Dorca s Soci ety met in the a nd Minel'v a Hough were the Inh0l118 of , Mrs, C. H. McKay on stalling officers. Thursd ay of last week. --- --- --~ Miss Myrtle Wilson, a pat ient of SPRAI NED HER HA,N D ' M. V. hospita l , Dayton is at home un t il after Christm as. Mrs. Thoma s Lacy of Route 1, Miss Ruth Curl'Y s pent the week met with a painful acciden t ,last end wit h fri ends 'in Spring Va lley. week. when she fell and 'spraine d • :Harold Rotiin son is recover ing her right hand. Irom a severe attack o( lIpl"sy .:. - , Mr. and Mrs. Fred ' H,dTey' of TRY Green fi eld were Sunda~guests In ' th e home of Mr. and Mrs J L. OUR CLASS IFIED COLUM NS C6nard . ' ' '" FOR RESUL TS





Boy Your Christmas Candies He~e


The Entire'Falnilywili 'Enjoy


, This ,1r:.::'lJl? Ala ddi n ,for Years


HRIST MAS in the ~e withou t electri city will be merry indeed some'm ember of the family bas the foresight to provid e that home,this Christ mas if new instan t light Aladdi n lamps. A gift of an Aladdi n means more than with one of th~ a m~ Christ mas too. It means years and y~ of comf'ort and satisfa ction in living in a home. It will ever serve as a. remind er ~ all the membe rs of the househ pUfect ly lighted old of the thoui! ltfuJ~ess of the donor. ~. t90. A1ad~ is ~ .one lift of gifts for the folka .back home on the farm.. Note its many desirab le qua1 ~ , . . A Variety 01 Sfy''-I or "IIPJU ""..., • ]


_II" it_l _ 01 Prka Within th. Reue;' 01 £-:10"•



Buma _ _ _ (oael 011). LlabtaIDl teDtI)o. GIft ot>tiD3.f1 I, AbiaIuteIJo . . . DoaiM f4% alt. The •• modem white Ulht equal to 10 [ moat economic al. of tdlllllhta. No odOl' ,1IriIok., aoi., or trcUbIe.1 Io pl• • ow ~.

.ey-, table, wadd·. bIaboat •

No Ifllerator to dot! ul,.'!t .;::::-. AQ ..

I" nickel ..... broaeIi.

. c..

a _ b md a DlllI,ute. that'. 1111. I, bracket ap.s IIoor I .......




'IWe Storti ia the Autho rbecl Distri bUtor ,f or AI.dcll~ Lamp e with' • FuJI' Un,. 01 . Suppliea for All MocWa Of the. Aladdin A~ys on. Hand . , ' "

Fa lrle~' , ... .. sa



B ar dw ar .e · CO• «

Eighty-Second Yeal'" _


NEWS ·DlREClofROM ~ THE STATE CAPITOL COLUMBUS OHIO- Interest Is being manifested in all 8ections of the state in work of ~he committee recently selected by Secretary of State, Clarence J. Brown, to "ive conslderatiQn to the new eled Ion laws. Secretary Brown is receiving comments and opinion'! relatlng to these lIiw8 <not only from the members of the committec, but from other 'ndividuals, voriOll9 civic organizatio'ns and even from judges of some of our courts. In addition to this he is receiving 01· ticiolly the opinion of the Attorn ey General of Ohio, interpreting certain sec~ions. The. D!!JCt meeting of the committee :wUI probably ,be held with Secretary Brown early in J~nuary.

= =; !

.,Bail to the


25, 1929

Whole Number' 5B8~



. Oak motor ~i1 at Fairley's.


F. D. Dakin day. .

WO $

The Sophmore cla~s gave a very g ood pi'ogra m Friday a!ternoon. Devotionals were given by Rev. ]\frs . O!icnr Smith was shopping Dib r~, follow er! by an interesting in Dayton Mond llY. . ta lk on "The Christmas Spirit," by Rl'v. Williamso n. Membcl'R of the Sophmore class \ ernon Ma inou s s[lent th e week t hen gave A play, appropriate for end in Lexington, Ky. the Chr i. tma s season. C h llrle~ Hnrtsock of Milford is vi siting relatives her e. Thursday evening the- Christmas Cantnta, "The Childe J esus" Dcnntur d u1cohol 76 cents per was goiven by the music department gall on al Fai rley's.: of the scho ol. It was presented very successfull y. the' chorus and Mr, and Mrs. E. J . Bu r ton of principa ls doing th eir parts well EI,vrill, lire s pen ding the holidays ancl the new sce nery was much with . rein! ivl's hel'l'. better thon thnt u cd last year. It is pln nn ed lhot this same MI'. 'lIld .Mrs. Vern Hough and Cantata be g iv en each yenr, addfOlllily \'jsitcd Guy Kible r an d ing new voic e. and imprflving on f;lIl1ily in Duyton un day. it ench timl'. Oak ln oLor oil nt Fairley·s.

in Dayton Sun-

A Ne\\ Y 'fi r- a ! ew C:1Ic nciar. T~r 'e hU J]uJ' 'd allt! f. ixly - !" ' iJriv ht IH'W day s (u]1 of n'e w 01)poJ'tunities, ' This j, in\' n ' O) 'Y time a nd s o let u ~ tn l<c sto 'k of OU I'-

Earl Conner and family spent Sunday in Dalton. ' John Gons of Miami University s home for the holidays.

se lves.


·.Let .u s cOllsid l' ?Ul' PCI' onal standin g in the \\'o l'ld at thIS m ll e:.;toll c of t llne-ou l' relations hip fo lho., ' n\'ound us. Is our s u pp ly of frie nd:;;h ip iow? Are our shelves bare of 10vlJ fol' our fd low m!1~1. Arc ~he~e but a few kin d words and t end'l' f ho ug- ht remainIng .. Is our stoc k ,of ge ntleman ly Dnd \vomnn ly c:o u l'~, (",de :; ex h ~u sted. Ju st how do you s tand at tl Ji ~: t im e'! Its 1930-a N·w Year, \ Let us s tart now 1.0 Jo our jJUl't ill n\aking tl l ~ Nt'w Year t!tosperou 8 a nd happy- and th e wo rll a butt I' p la clJ 0

Denatured alcohol 75 cents per gallon at Fairley's. Mr. and Mrs, George Henderson and son were in Dayton Saturday.


Mr, and Mrs. Everett Thomas have gone to housekeeping in DayWhile the bUllness section of ton. the Capitol City was in darkness a few days aio caused by an exploMiss Ola Hartsock, who has sion 'that destroyed 25 trunk' hnes been vilry sick with &'rip and com. ill an underground conduitway all plicationll, is slowly recovering. . 1\11-. anti 1\11',. Mllu rice Silver atlive In. t e nd ud the fun cl'nl of t heil' son Schoo l \Vas ' dismi. sed Friday, office suites in the Capitol building . Decembe r 20 , for Ch l'istmas vaca· hod plenty of electric current . For beat results consign your Stukes at Cinc innuti ~u esday. tion. until December 30. which is :furnlsoild by the state's Iva stock to Green-Embry Co own plant at th1! Ohio t;'enitentiary CinCinnati, in care of D. R. Sali8~ ~ a\\'" fil 'd by machinery. Cut Last Friday evening W. H. S. Hotels used fiashll&'hts and candles bury. clea ner. tru er, fnste r. Roy Pig==::;:::====-;;:--: met Otterbein on the home floor to escort their gUests to rooms and tt. ilt Mndden'fj Lumber Yard. an d won two 'g ames from them as the elevators were not running IN' MEMORlAM Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Tate of a number ,w ere forced to climb Dayton were guests of J. W. Ed, mG CATTLE MEETING Dr, J: T. Ellis and S. S. E1113 befol'e t he s mallest crowd of the as JIIany all ei&,hteen J\lghts of wards and family Sunday afterThe Psalmi'st very aptly nnd t AT LEBANON HALL an d .fa mily left. Mond ay to spend senson. stairs. Quite a few people were on noon. In the preliminary game W. hn stmns wilh ~·e i vc!l in St. : very comfortingly asks, "Oh, the top floor ot the .,.. I. U. skyH . S. forged ahead for a vi~tory Death, where is thy sting; oh. Louis. !!Craper, and were compelled to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stansberry Grave, where is th.y victory?" of 21 to 18, with Whitaker as high . Dl1i l Y at t.,Ic feeding, cow test- I walk down 45 flights of stairs. of Zi;mmerman, are announcing When one who i/l most dear to I ,g II s~oc i:.ltl on s, marketi ng a nd Mr . IIl1d Mr~. J. A. Shutts, of poin t man with 6 poin·ta. Thill game the arrival of a daughter Decem- us by the sacred ties of kinship other prob l!'ma of herd ma nnge- Route 3, entl!l'tained nt a Christ- \Va rather slow and not intere ~t. State employes who do not re- ber 19. and friendship_ Is caU~d ffom a me nt will be emphU!lizcd next wee k !llaS dinn er Sunda y. The guests ing. side in the Capitol City will spend The second game proved to_ be life of patn and sUft'edng that our VA YNES'VILLE M. E CHURCH by. ounty A/;,<mt Cia s , and local 1 Included 1\11-. nnd Mr. . Harold Christmas with relativel! and ' ; • - , dUl r~' llIe n , 1\~I!Il!ted lIlso by tate <::hutls and fam il y, Mr. and Mrs. much more interesting than 'w as Mr. anti Mrs .. Merle Kerns and tenderest care and ministratIons u~day scho,! ! at [) :30 H. m. 1 'ollege spcclIlllst. , 111 I'kclin!;, reo ' J oe hu tts and children of Leb- expected, The score was very close friends In various parts of the state daughter of Columbus r are Christ cannot assunge, We) can r eadily sce A number who di(i not take their mas guests of Mr. ana Mrs. J. D. l he tender hand of a loving and Mornlnl worship at J 0 :30, Ep- l pl'esc lltati ves and oth ers on Jan- ' anon, and Miss Mar ie Shutts of thro ughout the game, being tied , merciful Heavenly Father. True, ~or~h enlguc ~t (J: 15. P reac hing t ua ry J and 2; Mr.. l l'va n McK eilip, ' Cincinnnti. ' vacation during! : the su mmer Marlatt. 8 to 8 lit t he hnlf and 10 to 10 our hearts are filled with SQrrow at , erVIC S at ~ .00. The regular dall'y speclnllst Will a ist County months will enjoy the holiday seaat the end of t he third period The l the parting, th en- departure leavel\ monthly. 111 eetlllg' of the ollicia l Agent Cia. s and I cui officia\<; in Miss Doris Henderson, of Westson away from office work, several Mrs. J . Q. Gons and Mrs. F r ed !Icore remained ti1!d until Otteroeln hunting trips having been arrang- el'~ college, OXford, cAme home a vacancy in our lives and ' homes board Wi ll be held on Mondny at reo rganizution of the Warren !ng soc!u l functi Qn Wednesday of l11ade Ii fl'ee shot and then Schuler , e~ outside the lltate, by experts Frtday to spend the Christmas that cAri never ,be filled , but yet, 7,:30 p. m. On Wed!lc ' daY ,of next ounty ass bcillti on u n~ Iinin~ up lll g soeltl fu ncti on Wednesday of got two free throwe and made vacation. who enjoy big game hunting_ our hearts go out-In thankfuln ess "'~ek t he ~. F. M, S. Will meot members for the e ns umg year. last week, at t he home of the for- t hem, making the final ~ points for to God f011 grantfpg to OUI' loved wl t h Mrs. Slivers at 2: p.Jll. Un FI iday, J a nuary 3 a big mer. Despite th e very ' incleme(lt a 12 to 11 victory. , Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Emery and one · the co!,"fort., joy and peace G. C. Diber,t, Pa~tor . meeting for dairym en thr~ughout wenther the guests tilled seven Ohio's new state office building Bot h tea ms showed poo,r cagln&, Is to be of white sand stone and sQ.n: of Columbus, are spending the that we - fam would grant if We Wanon Coun ty will be held in tables fo l' "500." A deliciou s lunch a bility, there being only '6 field aecordlng plans presented by hehdays with Mr. aJ1d MJ's. C. H. were but able. ' ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Lebu n'oJl Grange Hall. Beginning was served after the games: gools JIlade during the Kame. W. the architeot and accepted by the Hartsock. Ida Francell, daughter of Henry S pI'omptl y at 10 o'clock, Mr. McH. S. made only 4 il'''e throws out and Mary (Murray) Graham was ummer schedule-1st, 3rd and Kellip wil l disc uss t he impertance Mr. and MI'!!. J. C. Hawke 1t8ve of 18 chances while the opponents buildIng commission, will ,bav41 an elevation of 13 ~tories. The build- . Messrs Wallace and Russell born in ,Mt. ' Holly, Ohio, M~y 0 5th unday, Mass at 8 :00 a. m.; of pasture and leg umo hay, and their annual fa mily dinner Sun- mnde 7 out of 16 throws. ' Ing will be 870 feet long, 80 feet Treadway of Middletown, are the 1862, and departed this life fro~ 2nd and 4th Sunday, Mass at will fig uI'c out balanced rations fo r day with all their children and Schuler WIIS hillh point man wide and 180 feet tall. It will guests of Mr• •·and Mrs. George her home in. W~yn~8v ille , Decem- 9 :30: cattle bei ng fod the diffcren t haY$<' t heir families present as follows: 'w ith 5 points: with Wallace' a house 2./iOO employes and will have Henderson. ~ \ . . ber 16" 1929,. aged , 67 years, 7 Rev. Lawre nce D, Mollmann. The proper ki{ld and amount 0 F Mr. a nd Mrs. J. P. Fromm and clo ~e second with 4 points. Andel250:000 aqua.r e feet of floor space.. months and 7 days. Sh e was one hig-h pI'ote in feeds to use with family Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee Hawke son of Otterbein collected 6 of Eirnt pa88enger elevators are to Myer Hyman and family, Miues ot a family of six. children- three WA YNESYILLE CHURCH OF corn, oat. or Qther fa rm grains and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray their cleven points before he was will also be explained, so that Hawke and fam il y, Mr_ and Mrs. put out the game on fouls . . be in.talled and the state library Stella Daugherty and LouJse so ns and tbree daughters-an d Is will 'be loeate~ ' in the toP. stories. ~nder8on were In Lebanon Sun- tb e first ot these to a-nllwer , the . CHRIST dairymen attending will be able to arl Hawk e. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph The building complete; according day evening. ' summons to the Life Beyond. Bible chool at 0 :30 u. m. produce milk at low ~r costs. Vunce und son, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. S. t~ the plans adopted. will cost On Septembe~ II... 1881, she was LEord'~ Su pp er at conclusion. " The object of t his meeti ng is Melvyn Banta, 'and MI'. und Mrs, G. F. T. $4,000,000. . • Mrs. W, P. Salfabury,' Ml'II. united III marriage to George w. 1 ~ e nlJlg ,e vangeli stic service '~t to ave money fO I' the dairymen" Maynn rrl Weltz Ilnd daug hter and I· Ellis, r.f, ' .. _............ .. ... 0 0 0 , Har, I.f. .. " .. ...... ........ 0 1 1 Hal've.y Rye and dllughter - are Pratt, and for forty-eight yearl(' 7.:30 p.m. The Men's Chorus wlIl says County Agen t ClUBS, who Miss Mary Hllwke. The th.i rd annual All Ohio spendmg Christmas with relatives was to ~im alt that ~ Joyal and de- I SlDg se ve ral special numb ers, In acid tha t , 'too many of the milk - - - - - - -_._ Mamous, c . .. ... ........... 1 0 2 Safety Congress will be held in in Cleveland. voted help-mate could be' gJadly I'espon se _to a r eq ues p laced ill checks go to pa.~ feed hills. " To CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT Schuler, t.g;. .. .... ..... .. .. ., 1, 3 6 the Capital City und!!f the aUIIPices .sharing' his jO~B ' and , ~orrows the Qu estion Box, t he minister will h Ip Wanen County fa rmers Iwallace, I.g. .. ... ... ..... .. . 2 0 4 of the ' State Industrial Commis·Mr. Paul St. 'John 'of Oakland, h!s pleasures all'~ lIisoppointrilents: pl'ea~h ' on "~ esu s nn~ t hE! !Jauou ," plnn to grow mOl'e and bettel~ Th h ' t t t ' , -From m, I.g. .. ... " .... .. . 0 0 0 sian on January 1', 16 and 16. Calif., and hfa mother Ml'II, Ado hiS successes ana reverses; 'a lways Heal thi S IJVe qu.estlon di scussed dairy ' f cd!!, Mr. J . A. Slipher, will 1'1 mas en er nlnment of ' . Nation~l1y known speakers in in- S~. John of Lebanon. were Sunday ready and eager to bear her hplf Tbere Will ~e a ChlIn~h Nillht fo llow McK Ilip, with a complete ~hethM. Eh' SuhndMa y sdchool wa~ held Totals .... -" .. " .. .... "." .. " " 12 du,trial safety work will partiei- guests of L. C, St. John ana of the biu:den'., , , progran~ , hl' l~tma s night at 7 :T! o. di scu ssion of pasture improveme nt In e cure on a}' evenlDg. A ' OTTERBEIN pate in .the progr!,m !lnd nuiheroUI family. . One daughter, Effie (now Mrs. You . WIll enJoy . this nnd ou r toget her with the usc of lim estone good PI' groin of mU SIc and recitaIn4ustrlal organtzatlons throug<h. '- : . E~war!J Cook), <lamo to blesl! and !,utul e churcq night programs. availab le nitrogen ahd oth e~ Lions was given. Santa Claus was G. F. T. out the lltate will btl well represen, Missel! Fra,ncel! and ElIll8beth brighten , t!,\eb;' bomll, and to be ~he "ch u rc h where yo u fe el a t fe.r til!zers for better hay and grain tll'cse nt and pJ;esented candy and Peteis, ' r.f. "" " ""--- -.. 0 2 2 ted. It',la the bellet of those In A~d ~r. George Henkle of Witten- ever, on e .alert ::ro~ the .comfort home. - cro ps. Slipher will show that orange!! to the younifer children of Brock, l.f. ....... ......... ., .. Q 2 2 'i, . \ " charge ·1tu.t th o comi,n g congrcssl berg .col\eg~, are 'spending their and happi_n - tit, h\!lr pal'(lDts. ToCheste r A. Williamson, Minister hi g~ e,l' app lications of lime and the ~c h ool~ An ~ffertng was take{1 Paul, c. )..., .. - ." .. ...... . 0 0 .... ~will be the best attended ot any \lacatlon wlth p~reDts J'dr. 1day, she is «;om-forted bY' the 'knowJ fel'lll u:el' will ,help cut down tho ~or the Ch~ldren s Home at Worth- Anderson, r.g. -......... .. 2 l ' 5 . et hel~ here. and M~, S. D. Henkle, edge ,~Jlat she. ,'hall dqne - all that . ST. MARYS CHURCH feed bills' latol'. I l1'gtOll , OhIO. and the Old People's Williams, l.g. ... : ... " .. . Q 0 ~ I ' • she c;ould for a lovtilg and devoted F' t s Dairy and markets and the Home at Ci ncinnati. · Stebritz; r , f. -.. ,........ 0 2 , 2 " . " ITS undny lifter Christmas business outlook for the industry I -_._- ,- - ..- -- ... . Miss Josephine Mail10us student Mother· • C H RIST~A" ENTERTAINMENT I ot the University · of Michigan is Most' o#- Mrs '·-n r '" lif Dec ember · 29. Church school at will be \liscussed in the afterZINC NEAR HILLSBORO Totals .... .. .. " .. ... .:.. .... .. 2 7· 11 . d ~ ' ~, ' ...~~. S e was U '3D "t h' h t' h C ' b • S b tit t' , AT THE CHU"CH OF CHRIST eIGPecte. "orne to spend the holi- lived on a 'farm. For 'almost thirty . , <> W .IC Im.e t e hrlst- noon, y represe ntatives of the -:- u s u lon ---=''--days With her parents, Mr, arid yeuI's she and het worthy com- pas treat will be give n. Morning I<~ur mer~ ~o ope~ative Milk Associa Forty.five· hundred -acl'es of land • - • .., . The Bible !lchool ot the 'W aynell M F' 1'3. Ray :aral~ous of Stony Brook pan ion ,r eSide., 0 ~fI~ tarm o,,!ned, K~~erNa~1 , dhl'mon at .~O :30. Rev. tlO n, C}ncmnatl and Dayton; T. I in Penn and Fairfi eld· ,townshi(> NAMED CLERK OF COURT ville, Chur~ of .Christ gave . a I arm. . '. . by the S: . L. Canwrl.g ht, and' en- Xenia w~l1l~ffi . of Chi 1st church, B, 1 e!ittnl{ of .cattle to be discussed ( havc been leased by a !"estern ' ,'. C»irlstmos enLertalliment Sunday , " . joyed th~ _con:tldenee, \ est!lem and R J J Cll\to. by v~tertn m' l ans, 'h ea lt h ~; ni nll'. c,ompany, prospecting for The Boatd of Warren County night to 11 crowded house Tbe Mr. and Mrs.. Me~Je' Kerns and respect; of their landlord to the ev." , Schaeffer, Rector. a nd I eplcsc,mtlltivos farmers, WIll i Z inC. Milling operati ns are to start Comm iss ion ers Inte Monday afprogram was ,ell rende-rerl and dau~l!~er of Colllmbus; Mr. ,!ul\es~ .~eq\lre, It. was only tile ' d e the pro g r~m. ,. th is mlln~h. terlloon announced the appoint. co,\slated 61 SO\:gs, l'ecitationl!," and ana M:r~. ~. M Robjtzer • Ihfirml~les 01 faUlng health and , F£RJ\Y qiURCH OF CHRIST ,The m(:~b,el s and cuhber " of) I nll't~n}e ago some ore from ment of George L. Schimek u exerclscs by l he t!hlldren ~ . mixed ~it M;i£s Be trleq were advallclng 'yean that 'c aused them Bib!!) $ c'h ool at !} "10 thi, speaker IS expected to btlnll , tbe Dublin stone qUl1l'1'y . owned by Warren , County Clerk oI., Courts to sts of Mr, _and quartet, IIolos, a piano duet and I D n~r too ~reak these tics and retire to .Election . 01~ ot!icers fo; th II, 11), ~nner attendan ae from all of : . A. Sm it h, near H ighland, wo~ 611 the , vacancy caused by the a p!lg~ant by a clqa of boys and . ar a , .. '. their home In Waynesville le!!s year. Lord" SU'PPI:I' nd se new . Ill . en cO\lnty. A ~ nddltlonnl allulyzed and fo und ¢ contain ! death of D. W. Humphreys. Mr. airl •• A beautiful !rOod;; plght-cx-I . . than a, ~ear ago; _ " at · 10 :30' I~ In '!o'n ~rf!1011 leatl! /'cs, t he J~el.lan o n Grunge will con ide l'able Zinc IS reported Sc henck was sworn in by Judjc erolse was giv!!n' by the primary I For' b,e tter vllllon-foJ' better Cheedulnes8, helpfulness, loy- ' Thing :! l nat Ha~e ~ . d AbJec~ pr ov Ide· n eareter)u lunch eo n at tn hav" been ~ound in othel' ncor- C. B, Dechant and assumed his I ~ 1l~le. - .,r~ceil l1!asonable--lleat al ty. devotion 'and Integl'ity were Speciai Mu sic Yo ,assr way. roo n al' d th~ Le~u n o n I" a rmel's by licctions. Inew duti es immediately. class. The churoh wall beoutitullv f\erVlc~ol1l1\1lt pr. Rudolph the the pasie pl,'lnclples' of the life of C(lme at t/lil' 'h ,UhtllC "ways wcl- COOPol'lI.tlve Co. WIll dem~lIl l!tl'R te l _ . , ' decorated and a large Christmas{E, es,gM 1JlleclaIiB~ ,he- Departed. She was never too Chester Al U M' • iJ-.'~ nilxlng .or a ton of u:.JlI·y fee <l --- --;-'''''''''.=-'---~ -. =- -==------, , -- tree added to the bl,lauty o( the daY, Sat\Jl'dlll' tired to smile or- speak' a cheery ' . I lamson, lnlster In - three 111luntes , . IIcene. . ,ShOP, 'Je~llnori > word; never too busy to help som e- -- . - ... -,-Chi"" n l~ o advises t~ t thi s "Yill $8.2S tJ The Christmall treat was dlstrlb- ' . , -' body; wlU! ,E\ver J9¥al t o hllr friends he. t he on ly such dairy meet mg uted at the Blbl!! scbool In ' thl,l , ~r. and Ml'II. Hl!nl')' Sattertb- and dllvoted to h\1r 'husband and CONTEST CLOSES t hl ye nl', so far mers are .u.rged to 11I0tnlng. ._ ' l-!yaltetmas ' g~ve '1r .. tUrkey dinn\lr family. She, lIyed, the Rihgt, 8S co me rcgEll'd loll8 of weo~h~r, ronds I " - -.. uhrts Eve With ..11 t~eir chlld- family. She' lived ,the Rijrh t , as F!fteen b(!a ll ~ifu l, 'Unbrc!l kflblo tc, HQ Is plsnn!ng a sundar con, . lien pre••ttt exceJ!Una bne aaughte., loved )jell <peigh~ol' as ,,('rllelf. tn)klllSt dell s Will lie given alVa fe r nee fLI' poultryme:n ·to be held .OharlesJl~rnett is home froID : Mi'!I. ' R111Ph Do' '~·oU. 01. Washinr~ What more can. be said' at the Ad a inS Drug Store wl1l'~ nt Lebanon Gl'llnge hall , ono week Jury duty In .ClnclnnaU. , It !\o ~. < ~. She. Will" most .mlas8d by her ! he votes ~lre counted of tar the late~, J a.nuary 10 and 11. . No • . ' , , ~ I • husban~" ~lll' daughter, thr~e grand con t,c st which closes C hris tm!ll~ admission fees nor <; oll eclions wiJI cl!i'ch'en, Mrs. Glenna FrY', George' Eve. F Ol' each penny ~pent in the bo tak ell, but the oommittee ,!.' ( and Ruth "Cobk; ewo BI.aters, Mrs. store during the time between wants to know in advance fo: h!lw ';ii""it-~~-~~7Tr:-:7~~""!'''':''--:~''':""''':'''''"";'';'''''''''';"",!,,,~'';'' Catherln~ Smltb. 'of Rbxanna, and Novem.ber 23 and December 24, Illc ny to pr!!ppr.e, so Class IS In,1 Mrs ••' ~nnle McCray of nenr each customer was entitled to " clOSIng cards With the announeeWayne~I~; aad ,thre'~ '- brother9, vote ., The litt le gll'Js, have been menta, o~ wh!ch the probable atThomas 'Grabam, of ' Xenia Wi!- working ha:rd and tbe nnmes of ten da nce 18 bemg based. liam ' Graham, of Lnle,' and the ~ucc essiu l candidates will be - - -James Gr:~bam t:of .Corwln , pubhshed n ext week. AMERICAN LEGION BENEFIT ,. T.P. - --- - ~ - An entertainment for the benePOSTOFFICE W.o\S BUSY .., .;~ ' of.l" ' I I " fit 9f the American Legion will bo , gjven at the Lebanon Opera We wish to' thank all our frfend~ Monday mOI'ning at the p oIIt- house New Yellfs night, January and n!lighbol'll 'for tljelr .help and sympathy' 'during the Illness and office was the busiest- day of the 1. A go od picture show, four I after ·the ,death " of' our beloved year. Eifjht;y. pouc~es ,of parcel special ty vaudeville stunts, 'lI "fife 'and Rlo,ther; Bnd J. E: Mc- POlit was recClved during the day clog dunce and singers fro m Leband t he oldcst carriers claimed it a rion and musk by S. S, Ellis of Clure for 'his efflelent serviceMr. , Gllol,'ge , Pratt and Daughter. was the larg'est mall in the history Waynesvf)lo are fenturell ot the of r ural m.~liI delivery. ' pt'.ogrUj1l that <lIU\ not fail to ...._ __ . The ~arrll_rs had th{)lt· machines please. The lidmisslon will be ' 35 piled high wi t.h Packages, besides cents tor 8.d~lts and 25 cents for ·H~ · BICl ' ~1';;NiNGS ' hu~d reds of Christmas cords . Th~ ch ildrep.', ~as heavy Tuesday' mor ning, ~, V.N B: '.S~\Jites' atten'd~d tho mllLI b~t fell c,o ns lderably shot't of MonDEATHS shqot b:n . the- J. ' L. ~enri\lk 'farm day's d ".vel·y. ,..:... , Saturday and came away with ' l1n .\ft(jf one week ,of intense suf,ap~!) 11'IId «1f.~oulny. For his good fe ring and three years of illness, eye he re~ebied two turkeys and ': SALE O~ , AuTO ;rAGS t l:Je. sp irit ..of Benjl\min Stokes t~ee WeI) will have enough Silver telo\.< its flight on Sunday po~I~,. to. l.ast hiw"' over. the Yule The ~ale of new 1~30 auto' tag-s night, , December .2,2. Buri al in' ~~e ~oHday. ~t',\i!ut. 'l,'1le poultry fire. gl?lOg , nb9ut· usual this priNt GrovQ cemetery on tuesday month: Last ~at ul'day, was t he first afferno~n. , ,' , .~ "; 8I1vu_.~ .• o aood.",;"i}~ , . day f pJ:' th IIIse of ~e w taJs which ' \ . ~ •- • • , , • T _ Jnust be on 1l 1l,l m~cHln.-es tly'Decep, ,1 CHJUSTMAS PARTY ' ber 31. < • . ' • r 'aml C~a,Ptet 107 .~ . , DIES IN BATAVIA' ' . S.. ill Wave a- Christmas 'part}t' I , • ) ,. : • Fri~Y eventng,. December 2-7. Ag , ' ' . . .~ •• ' IIJq,bers and their familiell<are e~W Qrd Wft."! received hel'e o("ilii. ptlct.etJ to atten'd. Each ~alnlhi:.;ts de~bbMlrll• .~'d.~llnd Butddll ' a8Jtllid to pring ~nd'Wicbeli ~&ita ~t'Uher in ·Batav~._ .Ml'8. Bard- a C!4Veted dis" and each olle fa re~ f remembered asJ!te qu_d to brillg a ten cent ~reient wlfe ~ a minister of lh. ~er will be i.erved at 8 local ~. E. o'c\liek., Committee










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COl11mon Pleaa Court ,6 . .AII Iii scheme s fOI' Federa l In th cast' of Jesse M. t wlI~t farm elief arc l)rinlll1'ily directe d vel'sus The 'Mas n Lumbe ey r' Olll«.. ,••• J.t I' •• 'offl~" .t' w...." ••• m. toward the prodl1clion and market- pany, ""'0, •• $.,,0"<1 CI ... Moll ftlu. , .. il1g !'f commo ditie which fi~ure surveyet ai, it \Vas ordered l t hat a ROOT FOR AND CONSI GN DONA t..D RILe Y" of the land s in the plainyo ur Cattle, hogs , sheep and calves in. intersta te commel 'ce, This tiff's petition b cOlllm ' need to Norris- Brock Co., live wire and I aves out of ranp;e great gro ups rUIli\Y 10, 1!)30, by th ; county I,lebDECEM BER 26, 1920 surf genera l farme l'G who depend veYOr to I' giHter title of I IAPTF~Ft Xnf. pl'ogres sive fir m f¢r the highest huve been lhe 'of lands. I A sn eaking s id e glance showed market prices and good service , s habbi upon oca I mark e t s. 0 nI y when ----The .' ord r ed Oscar Rasnic, wi ves eve r he re. he wouldest ............ their prl' rlucts or , never hOI' that hi s eye s were drillpin g. Union Sto'ck Vard., staples for plaintifCOUI't f to pay . to the de[enda nt, Cincinn ati, O. And so one mornin g th ey crosshll~~uelthk.·nQwn fame or eaSe 01' And when lhe upplnuse broke out which prices al'e estabhsh ed by ora Ras hic, the sum of $3 .50 p~r cd lhe Mi ss i ~si ppi and into CalReferen ce: Ask first man you meet na tional alld inl 1'Ilation al murk- \ck f or the suppor ~ at • the fini sh of the picture I , sh t of their min- vol'ly. Ot 8 d oes the bendit of geneml o r child. After lunch she found Dr. Breth heard hi R grout hund mak ing the As th)' Rt CPl1 C 1.l d wn from erick and had him TEACH ING BEAUT Y sc h emes drive her to the loud est thwuck s of all . Thi s was - - - -.f G Jovernm ent aid Upon mot ion made by thc d cfcn t lle .ll' cHI', IuO . tl1 .. 1"110 I and Cilitch IN THE SCHOO L \ reach Ulem. cenJelnl ... 1 ~ I .~a "I ,. 'y , "And," she " l· d, !l a nt, orn Ra nie wos granted cd. eukin g bli ss for he!'. , . I want to give you the installm ent 1 hellrtbr Yankee farmer s are so lving thi s twenty days in which to T he family rode home III stnte, • file ~ ans• The Revercm . - - - - -- - ____ ___ e pr o bl em f or th l Doctor Sleddon forgot, I of the Th conscie the child nce ren and the lHother loud money. em se ves. e weI' or othc)' pleadin g in the cnu se 1\' 1.·1"~ a ' felv yal'ds a"vay . fl' Olll thelll ) Please '">ret it to Il 'lPll as ·0011 as New Englan d ~ tates, produc ing six • in comme nt, the fa thor silent. . s tudying th e off-gett i ng passeng rs yo u can. And here's' a little~ Dr. Ray 'Lyman Wilbur , Seere- best les~ foo d than they conSllmat against her by Doris Ras nic. The old parso n hnd to think it extra.' e, Il wa s decre er! by the court t hat "Let's see if he kn ows us," tary of . the Interio r, points out h. ~ve . The t up a. I1a.1· a g::lInst doctor took all the out. Once al home, he 51.' nl th e bllls with a compet "nl' ckel'c(l the M pla I'~ intitT. Stefld{l Fl'8nk n 1' tIl n CUI'ioliS sml·le. She seemnd to foel h 'f puy to " · 'd A • ~. ' • Itlon from ou tSIde while at tilt' the de l' ' ndnnt, LucySchroll '11'h child ' ren up to be I and held Mem ~ ~ t at I w~ are eve I to rl Ethel Shroll, I'clap e to girlishn css. . ~erlca sal:le time rais ing th eir own stund lhe sum of $7,1)0 IS sardoni c perplex ity as she nnd her mothel' with glitteri ng Four teen Years of per we ek, during "Let's !" said j\1 '~m . of blotches on the landsca pe III the ards are getting belter mused aloud a long a well-th ought eye price!!. f or a long Ilendcn while cy lJl'fore of this he action defor h the Thcy kn ew him in stantly, of path. . k'l EXPE RIEN CE s ape 0 f b I'l1b oar d s, Jun li vered his ~ermo n : 'PI es, ug IYiI Un uer th "g.uI'd an<''' 0 f t h e ugricul - SUppOI·t of he lie wore the sam e suit roadside building s, unattra "If I hadn't been a 'fall en womtwo minor l! hildren tcOll h "n;c. ctive l ura l co mn.l.tle r of the New Eng- nn d her expenl'~es: hut! Icft "My him beloved in, arid wife V'e only und dau~ nn.' h [ ter, cou ld n't hav e saved papa's It wns al \l 01'filling stations and dirty and disre_ l land . CouncIl sta ndards 'I f or firs t- d r ed the plainlilT pay the uttor- c.hnn!!'e they I- ahom, ahem! I want to pI 'ad c ~ uld. descry was a .church from ruin. How do you ex- for Qualltv farm prod ucts ha ve been ney fees the forgive nes. of you both .. I fur th e defenda nt. pU!-Abl e aDproal!hes to towns Bf!d establis hed by law in all Il t~lc llI!Jre whIte tn a httle less plain it? What's the right and have been wrong hoad ed lind stIff of the M!lrth a A rchde:lc on was granted ha ll'. ~ltJeJ!, the movem ent must begJD states in the J!roup. . wrong oC it all '! " Eggs, poultry , II divorce fr om Will necked as so often, now I am nco n But he dId not kn ow t~em ut all. In the sc~oolB-. . ' The old uoctor shook his h ead: humbl ed bef(\re you bl1t fresh vegetab les and fmits con- the defend anl huving Archde in spite of 1111 been guilty Ita mused them to pass hlln by and Dr. ~Vllbur IS rIght. The school- formin g to these " I'm no longer standar foo ds l are my enough pr of ide. , '1'0 It , s hu neg s jus lect of duty . t come over me note 11I ~ cns ualll'l an~e at. the Sl~lart honey. to try to expillin house. Itself, s~oul~ ~e the most entitled to be ~tamperl anythin g thut when God said. '.L et there be I with the a!'l'ie Lee Lamb wa s given n ~~.t~~d th e pohte tuave hng ~ea u~lf~1 bUlldm g m Its commu n- official "New Englan SUIt of thll t happen s to us here. d Accord Quality Wayn esvill e, Ohio " li ght,' di orce from Elmer Lamb, the Ilnd lhere was .lIght, ~e m~ lty, mSlde and out. lts IfroundS l la~e1. In . the f !.I ~ I: Ifc, He had expecte d a changc ing to one line of thinkin g, your have had in mind Ihls g lol'l ous 111. t- \ of five years fencilll1t WlI S g iven cu 1 dy deof III IllS daug hter. but he ,~as prob- misstep should be the most. ath-actl ve and t hIS polIcy courSe wa s the divine plan. Ac- strume nt for pal'l raying hav proved itself. Lhe t wo childre n Alberta and ' ably the won- ~:--~============the best kept .. ~n Import ant part Dealers and cons umers brllccd for s omethll lg loud cording- to another , good can r ead ily pay Marvin Lamb. never deI'S of hi s handiw ork. OUI' dea ' ami ga udy. of sc~ool ~aml ng shou,ld. be In hi!;her. prices for pr od uce come out of evil. Of course" beari ng we Red eemer u ~e d Ihe pnl'l!ble for hi ~r :, . _. . . . . . . . . . .. . Margar et Gabbar d was gran te d . S? her , fat~er passed . such Intelhge~t appr~Clatlon of thiS label. her by. know it does, ever y da y; and evil divine lessons a divol'ce from Grant Gabba rd th e I \V ~ C II ~l S .. Stedd on. . lind it hns come t o bea,uty th~t childre n will grow up tUI ned and out of good. Someth ing of similar nature d efe ndant havin g bee n f ~ und haIl ed hun m a YO lce that WIIS as we can , andSo let's be as human me that if he shou ld wnlk the earth hatln!;\, ughnes s. could be underta ken in many other guilty Il l' g r oss neglect I ~ue of duty. f:la d ~ (' r and ~ore t e~der ~hun she us divine a s we'll ss that's about again today he would usc th e Thmgs like that are more im- states and grou ps of states. ever get Down mot ion p ict ures . With The custody of the ir min or child. knell • . ho portant that much of the stuff the trend of populat WIth hiS h ea~t lIere." of tow ns, Mad e Gahbal 'd, was gi ven to the boun~mg, whIrled (To be continu ed) with which scbool courses are the ge~eral ~armer'ion ar;d th , c y ~ear~ hIS He led her out to his woeful s local mar_ j plaintif f. Defend ant wn s ordered hU~ ~ 1 Y,. filled now. Most of t he book- ets arc mcreas mg everyw f('a ~~mg heurt g\ o nm~g. littl e tin wagon here. Bu t to pay $4 pel' week fOI' the child's learnin g the average person need s to take the fullest I thank 1 hee, 0 God . No\\ le.t- larrupin g through and they went SHE WAS TASTY ge of support . 30 Years Experie nca in Fittln , te st T,~ o u Thy serva nt depart In into the cemete ry, the streets, out to get along in t he world can be them calls for cooperaadvanta tion b etwee n In the case of Bess Squier peace, and Making Glasses compre ssed into three or four the .farmer s themsel ves . . Mem's only rite of atonem ent and t he Murray ve r5US .John Ho s Murruy . B~t neIther "Do yo u lik e Ihi$ c:t \( l', Mrs, years. The more intellig ent pupils backmg of the State authori -at-the Lord .nor h!s wus ' n g lance of rem or seful agony ties. I lhe reside Smith nce ?" o f the defend ant be~ f a.mlly granted tha ~ prayer . H1S cas realize that a nd leave school early t toward ' Elwood . , 's res ti ng place ing "Yes, unknow dear, it's <I!' licirlufl ." n, it wns ordered ser- WIfe. lu~d ~urned hme far back. I ry' to learn about the world and how t s howed her that the founde r of Uncle SI Ttnklep aukh says h e ','icc be mod" by publica "I kn ow Mamma \\'a~ \\'ro n~ tion. ~OOI ~hmg . She had never kno:wn he r fort unes was honored it is run by workin g in it. doesn 't know whethe r people are , The co ~rt ordered r."er y Tue.da ,., Thund a,., on ly by that u good til l ~hls yea,r Prepara tion for life is the real desc!,nded from monkey s rupture of bemg a ' wo ode n headbo ard warped and when she said you had n't !I1l Y Saturda ,. of not' l and suffiCI ent deed be dclivere d to fashIon able, the taste ." functio n of the, school. To train but If they are they've had never dared, sidelon g. descend N., ---ed charge a Chaunc for Examin ation ey A, Bes uden, purchas er never underst ood h ow, to ·Iook her childre n for life calls for com- long way. Monkey s. have "One last favor, " she mumble d sense e- of th e real estMe in the petition bes t.. . petent teacher s. It is quite as im- nough to keep . . . . to Doctor Brether theIr wick, " Get a deshu t by The New York Li re [n ~u l'unce }hdlng portant to have experts to take when they haven't gotmouths anythin g to ' Compa ny Vet:"us George K. Besu- Mem beggedunde.r hiS hI gh chm, cent tombsto ne for the poor boy charge of our childre n as it is to say. his forlrive ne ss for a ll and let me pay for it." den, . et ul. I.t was ordered thut the t~e heartac have compet ent help to look after s ~e hlld. caused hi!". "A ll right, honey," said the docsh erifi' PI'O C cd to d istl'i bute the S hH wept hes our livestoc k. Adequa tely trained . on hIS white bow t Ie, tor, And the car jangled N<,>w they are sell ing airplan es ~!I id sum f $10,025 .74 to those out of teacher s are not cheap, The meas- on Installm ents. Natura en twistin g a button on his coat and the gutes again into t he ecular pOUll ng out bel' regret for drag- road. ure of any commu nity's regard cost of a life insuran ce lly the titled. . poli'cy is g in g hi s wife away from him and for its cb'ildre n's future is the added to · the price. And that was that. New Su'ta cau 'ing them to QUllrrel ove r her. At the supper table the you nger Clev eland Man Say. He Fo'tnd he nid that it was a crime for children beset her with Questio Bo s Squier Murray versus John her to have ns. Phon e 93 Fint and Onl,. ReHel in New NOTIC E OF ,APPOI NTMEN T ta ken mother on East Glady~s was particu larly curious Ross Murray for divorce and cus- and lett him alone, but he protest and searchi ng in her inquirie Medici s. n. tod y !Jf child and other I'e lief, cd: · Estate of C. ~arquardt, deceasThen came t he hour of the t heaChar?e s gross neglect of duty. "D'you s uppose ed. want my tergoi ng. Nobody had dar.ed t~ WIlliam P. Abner versus 'Hulda littl e g irl travelin g mI those Notice is bereby given that wicked ask Doctor Steddo n if he would acAbnel' for divorce , charges gross cities all by herself ?" Charles J, Marqua rdt haa been compan y his family. He had neglect of duty, Thi s g laddene d Mem exqui sitely mnde u p his mind. He dared not dqly appoint ed and qualifie d as not. Clara Pierson versus Mame McIt s howed that, for Execut or .of the Eatate of C. her wanton . The fa mily tacitly assume d that KinllC'Y, Ac ah McKinn ey Kelly career, she was st ill ainll her Marqua rdt late of Warren County father' s his conscie nce or his pride forand Cora McKinn ey, for money eyes an innocen t child Ohio, decease d. who must bade him to appear in the sink in only. be protect ed fro m the world. Or' iniquity h e had so often Dated this 4th day of Decemb er, denoun B. D. John so n versus John course, it was, rather, the 1929. FUN~RAL DIREC TOR world ced. , Swiger t fo r mo ney and costA. thut needed to be protect ed from "WOOD MAN, SPARE Z. Roll The family bade him good-by e W, B. Cummi ns and Kizzi e Cum hel·. But she Judge of the Probate Court, not disturb his and left him, but had hardly reach THAT TREE." W A ~NESVILLE. OHIO mins ' versus Maxa and W. A. sweet delusio nwould d26 . Warren County , Ohio ed the gate when he came poundNorthc utt, Sarah A. a nd John W. The mayor come down to ing ufter. He flung his arms about By Georl. Pope Morria Heffelf inger, and An na Bryson , give Mem we lcohad me, as soon as he Me m's shou lders and cast off all Kenn edy Heights , Cincinn ati, O. cou ld push through the mob of his office. Fully Equip ped for Goon THE FIRST MAN s except that. of a father for money, forec losure of Vendor s Steddon children • 1 t bat devoure Woodm an, spare that tree! d chuck ling Service. : lien , ' ami t her relief, amount Mem and the ir mother . Mothe r:-"J wonder :who it was Touch n ot a single bow! "W here my daught er goes is ' .:1 r,ge Displa y Room . claimed , $5014.0 5 with interes t at that never folded his clothes when In l.0uth it sheltere The manage r of the Calverl y good eno ugh for me!" d me 6 % from Novem bel' 1029. be went to bed 1" "Inbul ance Servic e Capitol , with its eapai!r,w 'Of two nd I'll protect it now. He made almost more of a senThe Virgini un Joint tock Land hundred , brushed the mayo Little Lawren ce pulled the bed- 'Twas 'my forefat her's aside sation h and in the theatre than Mem. Bunk of Charles eon, a corpora tio n and claimed Ml'S. Steddo clothes over his head and answer ed ''1' 1': 1 F PIIO NE 7 That placed it near his cot; n"and his There was applaus e and cheerin g vers u ' Chw'les Jones and Laura IJrize. He had a car waiting j'Adam '" There, woodm an . let it stand, f or her and eve n a slow and , awkwa rd risM. J ones, and The United States a nd a room at the hotel in CBse the ing to the feet until Thy axe sha ll harm it not, 1 the whole Fidelity and Gual'8n ty Compa ny parsona ge was over ..crowde d. packed auditor ium was erect and TRY of Baltimo re:Mlll 'yland, The Clin- . Doctor MR. AXENT I CHIRC A Steddo n grew Isaian as clamoro us. That old fa miliar tree ton Realty and Loan Compan y and Ito stormed back: OUR CLASS IFIED COLUM NS . Whose IZ'l0rl and renown Sents of honor were reserve d "It Alva Hill for mon ey and foreclois a pleasur e for me to tell daught er sta~vs in her own for th e great star and the family Are spread a er land and senwhat Konjola did for m e," said sure of mortga u:e. Amoun t clllim- home." FOR R.E SULTS ' that reflecte d her effulgen ce. As Mr, Axenti Chirca, 1311 And woulds t tho u hew it down 7 ed $38 11. 80 wit h 0% interes West t per This brough t Mem s nugglin g to soon as they were seated Woodm an , forbare t hy strokel the young Sixty-fi r st str eet, Clevela nd, Ohio. annum from Januar y 28, 1927 to- hi s elbow. woman Cut not its earthbo und t ies; who flailed toe piano began "For four years I suffe red terribly gethel' with 8% interes t on $144.As their car moved off, wi th a to batter the keys, and Mem's RESID ENT { 0 , spare that aged oak -rz,~ lat- from rheuma tism and ohronic con56 Thoma fr om Ju ly 28, 1927.gton versus sudden stab h s :(If. Munnin b d El Now towerin g to t he skies! t ' t b t It s e em ere - es pIC ure egan 0 ow down th e stl·patl-on . For the former I fo und ;'. , ~ Isabel Likins Gate s., et aI., fol' par- wood ' Farnab y andrern u> Y'OVJIV the far-off girl . . .c.r5.£R... R..LGH T ely no relief and , f or the that he had loved too madly well screen. When but an idle boy She could feel at her elbow the absolut tition and other relief. latter I could get tempor ary re~ r.tORlIING .I0Il NICIIl JAI(l . in that moonli t embras ure. How rigi d arm PERMA NENT LOCAT ION . I sought its grateful shade; of her father underg oing lief. My general health suffered little and pitiful that Mem had martyrd om .. She felt it In ' all their gushing JOY Probate Court ·Proeee dini. wince as Jk1li8dier~ and I was becomi ng discour aged Here, too, my sister played. The court authori zed C. D. WaI- been I There was a toyish unlm- her first close-:up began to glow, over the outlook ." u.~.a. ~etable portanc e in her very fall, the de- her huge eyes pleaded to My mother kisse d me h ere; ter, admin ~ istrator him of the in ~IJ a estate "Then of P it was t hat my attentio n LEBAN ON, OK 0 - - - 'fQYR oUi"U,.. My father pressed my hand" ..... H. V. Walter , ,deceas ed, to sell cer- bacle of a marion ette world, But glisten of superhu man tears. The was attracte d to Konjol a by the Forgive t his foolish tear, ~AMS DRUG STORE , E,.ea Examl ell tain stoc ks or the estate at private Elwood Farnnb y was great by arm relaxed as he surrend ered ' to many sincere indorse ments of local But let that old oak stand, sale and for cash for not less than virtue of his absence and 'his death t he wonder of h.e r bea·uty. It tight- ~eople and I resolve d 'to see if Kon CIa.!!... Fitted Repaira lhe otherH e was a hero now with e.ned again when danger threate nt he price fixed by the court. lola would help me _ Well, it cer .iiI. . . . . . . . . . Romeo and Leande r and Abelard ed her and she could My h ear t-string s round thee clin g . . .. hear his sigh tainly has. Afte~ a ' month's and the other geniu!le s of passion of relief when ahe escaped Olose as thy bark. old friend I Real E.tAte TraD.f ." one treatme nt my rheuma tism is much whose =:!==~F!!=:==================~ shadow s Here shall the wild bird sing , grown gigan- peril his gasp as she' encoun tered better, ' and' William S. and Leota Wark to t ically long in had the constip ation is en1 the sunset of a anotl1er t hy branche s bend. Albe1't L, an . Auct ionee r and Clerk Old,Andtreestnl . . Urely relieved d . Catheri . I am ne L. convinc Seitz, ed tragic punishj pent foil' their ardors. I the storm still brave! He was like a child Jillaying with tnat within a short t ime Konjola A honifyf tlg though t came to .his first toy, h earing hlS And, woodm an, leave the spot; Lot No. 8 in Ridgevi lle. first f airy will have banishe d thuheu ri1atism Sum uel Phon e 24 H. S nider to S8I'uh F. Mem: if he had not died, she story. He was While I've a hand to save entranc ed. She ~ n~i re ly. Konjol , 8urely, has merit, Snider. 155.16 Beres in Turtle- would h Elve beeome his The axe shall harm it not. wife and hea rd him laugh with a boyishn ess as my creek town ship. experie nce " ,Ha~·¥eyabUl'I, l he mother of his premat ure child. she had never assocra ted with him. , Konjol a is sold proves. ~.~----Elizabe th a nd Forrest E. Much- She would have been a ill; Wayne s,:"le FOR SALE laughin gShe heard him blow his nose at Adama Dr., Stor., mOl'e to Peter J. and Vieda Noll. stock, materia l for ug ly and by 'all whispe rs with a blast that might have the best druggIs Tract of land ts through out this in Hamilto n town- about t he village ' .An d she would shak Subscri be for The Miami Gazette ship . en a wall i.n Jericbo . entire section . . FOR SALE or TRAD E-4, year x:::::= _ _ _ J ohn O. Baurer , Sr., to Catherold Coon Hound. See Wilson ine M, and Ferdina nd McIlvai n. NOTAR Y PUBLI C. Shephe rd Waynes ville, Ohio, ~. R. - - - - - -. .- Lots Nos. 9 and 12 in Ridgev ille. SaDta wa. certain ly ,ood to Pink, ~_ _- -_ _ _- - - - - . . No , 2. by tERR Y GILKISON ' .j1 Martin A, and Pansy J. Riley to Nationa l aank \ .. "" Elsie H. and Bertha E. Walker . FOR SALEPopcor n that will Ora.. • • Ellat•• Senl•• i 85. n ac res In Frankli n townsh ip. pop. E. W. Hopkln e, Phone MOM TOL.D MW! 1 Catheri ne M. McIlvai n to John 69F31. cou,",O IiAT AL.L. [ .d25 ' Wa7D.."ilI.. Ohl~ O. Bauer, 02.09 in Clearcr eek J ... , K.'ED lief townsh ip, THRES HER SUPPL IES-B ELTs 'Charle s E. Garriso n to James H. ~~ CHRIST .MAS pulleys . babbitt m.tal, 011 C:Upl. . _"'....,f/.,I/ PA~"N. _ ....... ,~ Garriso n . Tract In Clearcr eek Injecto rs, lubrica tors, . aDd townsh ip. We pay from $3 to $6 ac\ I COU water William S, and Leota Wark to gauge gw., oUen, ....-;....;;.;..... Alpert L. and Catheri ne L, Seitz, cording to conditio n and flue., suction hOIll Lot No.8, in Clearcr eek townsh ip. pumpi. THE BOOKL ET size of animal. Call us at Jeff and Emma llarris to Osa A. With Depe ndab le 415 W. Main St. Xenia, Ohio. Snel), Lots Nos. 56, 56, 61 and 62 our expense . Seru m 'and Virus in H arveysb urg. ~APPY PIPE,. VALVE S AND FIT.TIN GS insur e. both Safe. .-For all purpose .. Bockl.t 'e YEAR., rO Lto(6':t Bill. Allowed line of plumbi ng and heating .up-At.lD ·, ~ope ty and Succ ell E. W . Payne Sales Co., s uppli es plies are the best. The Bookle t$1.5 0 ; J ohn Law & Son, gas, $9.15 'YOU"~f! HA"'N<i King Co., (16 W.. Main St., Xenia, Bell Press, suppli es, $1'; The AS MUCH " f:V,N 'Ohio. . Woodro w-Wei! Stan age Co., supAs V4e A"e. PHONE 8F3 plies, $32.5 0; The Stakolt a Mfg. .NOW I Harve y.bure , O. Co., supplie s, $ 1.20; Same, envelH'A RVEYS BURG, OHIO ~MONEV L1?ANE~' ope s, $13,25; Lyle Bla nk Book Co. Phon. 31 sup plies, $15; The Leban on Lumber Co" repairs, $7.85'; Drs. Edw. ) and Robert Blair, service s at jail, .' $8; T,he J. W. Lingo Hardwa re Co, LONG ,OR SHORT TIM~E• ., suppJte s, $2.89; The S. Fred Co., terms. .AlAo Survey ing Qd AI). advcrti8 ement, $ 10 ; The J. W. Lin!ltractin g. . Wrl~e and 1 \fIU 'QIJ go Hardwa re Co., shells for dog ,a nd, ~ee you. Sam. D. ~B"nkl••. Waywarden , 85c; Wade S. Brown, supneSVIlle, ·9~lo, . ' i! I' J1~ plies, $1.2 0; Blair a nd LeRoy, haul i~g I{ravel, $63.36; Charles Heck, LOANS on , Llve8tC;~·'I:'~.~I.. dltchmg , p9.20; Leo Smith, labor, -nSltcond ¥orta, e.. I Not••~j)ou~t. $12'; Blair and LeRoy, furni shing ...ohii H~~~lne. Jr., phlo. ,: and piling stone, $88.66 Thc ' Prues Equipm ent Co., repairs, $15.10; So. C. Alexan der, sup.p lies, $4.10; Th e Standa rd Oil Qo., ,gas. a nd.oil $398.95 ; the J. W. Lingo Hard~al'e 00. supplie s. $76.99; same relWirs, $15.75 j The Sight Feed N~ Ce"riel1Utor Co., repalrs ;-16 68' \ Blair and ~eRoy., suppJies, Ph... No• .3tt' I ~6; B. ·H, MIlls, refunde r on bUild"~----~~~~:;'~T~~~~----~-:---lng'S on d~p" ' .D O.30.i.. .

S••• crlptlol l Prica, $1.110 a Y..r

-======= ======--ao:::=oo

DR 'L B HALL Vete rinar ian W



ReI·fahie Vaccinatio n


Phon e 76F4



Sight Specialist

--- --- --



sJ ewel ry Shop

--- -_ ..




Vete rinar ian

Way nesv ille, Ohio

J, E. McC lure



. _.




Dr. John Zettel


' ...


Optometrist 19 N. Broadway


Snook & Jord an Ohio'








Dead Stock Wanted




Harv ey,b urg , Ferti lizer Com pany

5:%'. . Farm "" L 'Qans


Jes se"Sta nle y Au ctjo nee r s



Bu'rIiQgton,;O '.




To 'our faithful .old frjend~. to our new appreciated friends alld to those whom we ' strive to know, we tender most hearty New Year's Greetings . .


19:50 It is our sincere wish tha the New Year season comes to you like a treasure-laden ship of old and that its cargo will make for more happiness for you.


Fairley Hardware Company -~-~..-I~_"_







Adams Drug Store ....

" oi ~~"""'

____ ___ ... ~

_a.,_III.'' _IoI __





Were we blessed with the talent of. a poet. we could not more sincerely convey our expression of good-will to you, than by sayi ng-A Happy Ne w Year.

The dollars that come in over our counters go out again in trade. But your friendship we have locked into the vaults of our hearts -our most dear possession.

McClure Funeral Home

Kroger Grocery

_ _ _ _ _ .. _ _

._O~ _ _ _

W-"'''''''''''._ ''_'''''''._ '__ .•


I~ I I' ~ V ~ II _ '

_ _ ~~''''~





\.. May the ship of Go~den Opportunities and Success dock at your port and may we be among your friends who wish yOI,l a Happy New Year.

Once more we .hanr. up a new calendar. An old year die. and a n~w year i. b~rn. It ill invoice time. It ia time to meaaure .profit and 1086, failure and iucceaa. All check up ~ccounta. What has been gained or lo.t in the malerial thinga of the world Begin the New Year by Warming up to an :de" or an ideal. Liiht the wick of enthuaia.r;n • .-c,....~I~~~ I .- .~I~~~ I ..-ue..~~.~~


...-_.- .. - -





· ~_D_I_DI

__ t_....





In with our stock we always count the greatest assets, the good-will of our cl.!stomers. So at this time it is befitting that we extend to you-our friends-the best wishes of the season.

Accept our season's Greeting in the good old fashioned way. We wish rou joy and happines~ through the New Year.

May the sentiments that .rule now, move us in our relations with each other through the rest of the year. Good cheer.

A. K. Day


------1-----3. 1

We wish you a Happy New Year, and express our appreciation of your patronage, which has made ours so . happy.

More pleasant than aught else,' is the knowledge that we may count on your' friendship tn the f"tur~ as in the past. A Happy New Year.

Ther. are no deol ees of friendship. To our business friends. we extend the. compliments of the New' ear. I ' I

Gorden's· St:rV'ice Station

Waynesville Motor Company.






With a thank-you handshake we offer you our season's greetings., assuring you that our friends in business are ' as precious as any could be in social life.

, II


Not what we wish you but the sentiment behind-the expression, is what counts, Hearty New ' Year gr~etings . to YOU,

When we balance our books for this year, we hope to list your good-will and friendship among our most precious assets.

Wakeley's Restaurant

Frazier and Campbell

D. R. Smith

1950. For your past favor-and with a hOlle for your continued friendshilh-we pause to send forth earnest greetings and Ii wish for a Happy New Year.

Waynesville Auto & , M41chine


1930. <..

J. C. Hawke



Wittl keen appreciation of' the pleasant : busine&s relationship you,,have p~rmitted us, . to enjqy 'in 'the ~ast we take thill means of wishinsi' yOu all the compli~e.tB" of the season.

Waynesville Overland Sales Co

"May a cheery, contented New, Year be yours....:.this is our wish for you, our friends

Happy New Year! Simple !;lut as sincere as the most elaborate wish ·we might. conjure' up for you.

D. R. Salisbury

Kerns Garden Inn


19:50 :JIPr'

It is not what you say but how you say it. So we'l'e putting all we feel into words-,-a Happy New Year. '


Wayn~sv.ilte. :J~a,tional , .Banki • f •

1950 • I


",. 'j'. "


,It is our h9pe that we may eontin\le to "erve ¥Qu in the future-not however with~ ol,li thanking )'ou for lV'our past favors-and ' Rau~ing .to wish all a very ' Happy and , ~G8perOUs New YeJl,r. .



." A sinc~te appreciation of

your patronage, past, present and future--so a hearty good wish-A Happy New' Year.

,Clark ~ Bros. Grocery

"Th~ · best we can "Is~ for is ~hat, 'until we wish !iJ~l\f~" · '. we · remain as goo~ ~da'l p



we have in the paet.;.. ',' ... c'"' ~




\ ,.> r,


19,3 0


) ; "W~J h'


0;1 -'



t' ,

Il I :

:1 ' j , I ' ;



. . '"

'Mo~t che~ished am~lDg the gifts bes~Qwi!d

iRY, ,t9~ passmg year IE! the memory of t!\e .pleasant relati.ons with those whom. we.Jtave beeR .priv,leged to starye. So it . 'is . lnQat ,': ::' .'j, aJn.(:Ctely that we wish . you a J{.eITY ;';. '. ,. Ghr.~w.f anq. a Happy New Year. ~ l ,e . ~ . ;

:, {

.,1;'.' ,

y;" : .,' ". ." .'. , I



COY,le's' ~eat.L "Store -, -

'-. I

, .... ,




: r: \<~ :<~ . :W:~'


1 -

H. Madde~ & CO~ '. )


To our friends of long standing- Greetio.Ks. To our new acquaintances--Greetings. And to those we have yet to mee.t and knowGreetings.

By using a whole page~ w," coyld not tell you ~it~ s.,. cerely how mu~J\ ' we .¥al~e your friendship, than"1n tills: s~alJ space. We wlah Y~u . the best that roJit~n. ' have in store fot .y:o~~ .:J:,,'~5 '


THE MIAMI G¢ZEnE ------------~-------------------------"--__n-I GRAND JURY W~ L By.. Albert T•. Reid




7fRo 11-1 D£POR1MU~T. SW,"fD CooK'~~' WlTf'lOUT ASKIN', loST PAPA'S GOLF BAUS. Q'DtJ'T IQEP 'tOUR illl14CS PI~EO


Weltf IMPEItTI'41:J.J1 To MA ... A. MADl A ft.Gl. AT If.A.UiE.~. D/01.l1 WASH YOOR HANDS AWD £ARS.

PUllED A lITTLf-. G{tu's

!fA III.. ,

THRf.W A STOIJE AT THE CAT . 'fOIt6£TS io ~o( ·~/SIA.· ANI> :YES. SIlt ~ . POUTS ..u.D Wtf'MPE~S WHf14 ToLD IT IS TIM!


REPORT O~. JANUARY 8 Jurors to serve on the grand and petit juries of the January term of t.h Warren cPUT\ty common plenl! court WeTe drawn by the clerk of courts on Wednesday Ilftc rrl Ol1Jl . Thc gmnd jury will eOllvell on MondElY, January 6. iVhilc th 11 tit jury' has been sumIIl\l neu ( U I' Tuesduy. January 21. Gland jUl'Ors are ; J. W·. Cresswell, Mu ssi e twp. ; J. E. Ross. Wu ~ hingl o ll twp; E:lmer E. Sheets Clenrcreek twp.; Wnlter Humbert. Clcllrcl'cek twp . : Cutherine J ordan Ma ssie twp.; J. E. McCarren. WURhington lWp. ;; J ohn Spaeth, DC ' l'fi eld twp. ; Ra ymond Le Roy, Frnllklin twp., Alice Hart!lock. Wnyn e lWp . ; Loren a Templin, Har Ian t\\'p.; E. D. Baily. TUI·tlecreek lWP . ; Leah T. J ones, Turtlecreek twp . ; Ruth Dechant, Franklin twp; G. H. Jones, Hurla'n twp. ; and H. G. Couk. Salem twp. P l it Jurors: S. K Cutle r, Hamilton {wp. ; Ed . Murshall, Union twp.; Mrs. Helen Seikcr, Clear· c)'c('k lwp .; Howard Ehlerding, Hamilton twp. : Bessie Anderson. TUl'llec reek twp. ; Walluee Scott. Ue erllclcl twp.; J. N. Huffman, Washington twp.; Curl Duke, Clearcreek twp.; Coleman McGowun, Washington twp. ; B. H.. Mill s. Wayne twp. ; A. J. Scheurer, Sulcm twp. ; Charles Zink, Hamillon twp.; Edith McCurdy. CI urcrcek lwp.; Pearl Ross Union. twp . ; J. Merrill Bone, Turtlecreek twp. ; H. M. Clark, Wayne twp.; Lidu Cowun, Clearcreek twp . ; W. S. Melumpy. Turtlecreek twp.; Merl e J.~arl e y . Wayne twp.; Lego B. Bryan t , Wushington twp.






Fourteen counties of the slate have ordered 10-year sj!rvice pine for their veterans of decade By Bruce Barton membership. 1'he flrst thousand • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~----.... of these pin s bas been exhausted . und two t housand more have been Awake ..!". l evidence of· Q nervous affectio.n Fiv.e o'clock in the morning. The :Whieh might be improved by treatordered by the organization depart ment, hum of a motor comes tn at my nent. A town ne~er ~ets anywhere ~.ane n Cou.nty has 97 mell)ber~ (nen window . . A realization that tha~ has an epIdemIC of ~onam. elhglble to thIS award _,nnd plans ~e new day has arrived exactly on buhsm. Maybe th!! to~ IS not lire now . on f oot to present them ltime. Other motors rattle in their nw.ake after all, I.n spIte .of its at u specllII progrll,!! at the Annual l oose running-gears; the growl- nOIse and gr~nd. . Farm Bureau meehng January 18. tlui treble of human voices add to My: lown IS I!-~ake, l~ you will - - -- - the evidence that tbe morning is Jlermlt persona.h hes. It IS alert to NO HUNTING on- the town is awakening) gr!,sp ~v.ery Idea ~alculated to Soon the blare wiJI be on, the ~I' mg CIVIC g?od to Its people. It rush, the helter·skelter, mad chase 18 not commItted. to a policy of We. the undersig ned, allow no for daily bread if not more-the every man for hImself and devil hunting, trupping or tl'ellpassing town is getting 'on its feet, .after a tiko the hindmost. Health! morals on ou r farm s. . nights rest; the swelling energy 'I;Ind mutual benefit are Included manifests itself' the odor of brown 11/1 o ur clemands as ,({ell as o~r ·hus. T. Ellis Chas. E. Michener ing bacon- the' aroma of delicious praye rs. It ma~e8 a town when 1\.8 T . S. Hal'din coffee--the snap of the electric people feel. like ~h~~. ?chools, Davis Furnas toaster, ... A new sheet is in the I churches society, clvlhzabo.n. aro Gons Brother s typewriter; thoughts come cheerily our in spil·ation. Good CitIzens Elias Oglesbee in the sweet morning air- toe make a good lown where good E. P. Reif~ nid e r town is awakening. 1,Qop le love to Slay. [ love to hear Edwin S. FUI'nas An area of concerted effort. the Il I' f~re llce to "the old home town,' - - contact of elbow with elbow th e where the wakefulness was purr of breathing in unison: the ge nuiJ~ e ! not pathologic. ubscribe for Th e Miami Gazette glow of the muni~ipul soul. EV,er y Incilvulu81.s nll~y. awaken- but man at his post.-'the day is on. ,the commuDlty sp~rlt must awaken =~~~=~==~=:;~, town Routine muy become deadly. A I berOl',e the town IS real. SO'!le of afflicted with routine muy be us might well study the habits of walking in its sleep- and that is Ithe prairie dogl




Savings Are Sale.'"



The 1929 Warr,e n county tax Half of all the work dooe ID tbt duplicate reveals that there is a world is done in the Uftited Statea, to tal of $45.558,800 in real and JaYS Dr. Thomas Thornton Read. Propersonal property listed for taxa- fessor of Mining in Columbia Ualtion in this county. The figures versity. The average Atneri:an does were public by the auditor thirty times u much work aa die aft======================== ~---~------== this week. rage Chinaman, two and oqe-half Of this amount rural real estate times as much aa the averllle ~ came from Midland Mich. , Satur- mas dinner wit h t heil' parents Mr. accounts for $11) 1189,550 and vii- almost twice as much as the aftrqe day to spend the holidays with and Mr . S. P. Michael. Several fr om here attend ed the lage real estate $10.144,610. Per- Briton. Electrically-powered machiDhome' folks. . Mrs. Mary Carmony will spend funeral of Mrs. George Pratt of sonal property listed amounts to cry iJ the an.wer; each Americ:aD worker has ~ equivalent of thirtJI, ChriStmas with her son. E. J. Car- Waynesvill e Wedn esday afternoon $16,224.640. Real Estate valul~ in Lebanon is five .laves at hiJ command. who do ~. Mri . and : Mrs. 'Charles Johns mony and family, at Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Cad Wurdl ow, Mrs .re out again after a siege. of the who will entertain with a f amily Minnie Marlntt, Miss Clara Daup:h- set at $8;522.410 and personal Dot have to be fed out of hiI earoinIa. at $2.051,360. · zI d b ·wip. . '. dinner. tel's, Mrs. Em er on Dill attended property raised on this $45.000,000 Europeans, puz e . y our proape~~- Mr!!. Ann L. Smith celebrateil Mrs. William Brown fell on the the Cantata at Wa ynesvill e High taxTaxes puplieate will amount to $962 iry have aUributed It to America. ,ker 86 birthdall on Saturday, Dec- ice Thursday morning and is suf- Thursday evening. 724.64 of which the state will re- natural resources. We 1mow better. ':mber 14 by a family dinner at fering with a fractured rib. Her ' - - - - - - .. _ ceive $20.501.98, the 'county $328 We do more work. daughtet;. Mrs. Fru.n~ Woolley. of 'her home here 031.39, townships $111,085.57 • . '. Dayton IS here carmg for her and schools $445,'698.68. and villages YOUNG '. Mrs. Walt~r WhItaker enter- also her father, whose condition tained the Friendship class of the remaiils the same. $57,407.02. Owen D. Younc told a Senate coat t(. E. Sunday School of WaynesMrs. Ada Chenoweth went to Lebanon corpor.a tion will re- mittee th:lt it will aoon be poIlibIc ,rille at her cO,u ntry home on Thurs Centerville Saturday to spend the ceive $26,196.78. for anybody to write a message in IW afternoon December 12. holidays with Mr. iand Mrs. Carl See the Duneun sisters in 'Topsy The highest tal{ rate in the own home or office and have it tran.' lrlrs. William Coleman an~ Miss Pickering and children. and Evu" ~t the Gymnasium Sat- county is at Spring'boro where the mitted in hi. own handwritinr. inThelma were Lebanon v18itors Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Smith urday even mg. December 28. corporation rate lSI $31.20. Hurt .... -t\y. to any point in the world. Saturday. went ·t o Dayton Monday morning Mr. a.nd Mrs. A: R. Harshbarger School District has the lowest rate ..... Mrs. Pearl McMakin, and son and will remain over Xmas with nnd MISS p~atrlc e Harshbarger $15.00. C I ear c r e e k Township All that needs to be done 10 accam&J:Ie now keeping house for Dr. A their .8on. Allen. and family. are. entcrtammg M~·s . . Harshbar- School rate is 13.30, the highest plbh thiJ iJ a .light extension of ~~ !l'. Wright in Waynesville. The Christmas program of Lytle gel' S moth~r ' from H!R'hland Co. in the countYb~hi~ e the St':1 dents lJt!na tet(!f1'apb facnities. Tecftnlcany . 'Mr. and 'JrIra. Ch~rlea Early, Bon Sunday school Sunday evening was . AJ)prolJnat~ Christmas, exer- Hall School Istrlct rate IS the u e~sy . aad daughter. moved last week well rendered and was 'attended clses were gIven at . Jonah s Run lowes.t 1.50. . Mr. Young'. predictions ar.e OIlwllys born a fal'lJ\ ,west df S'pringboro by a large crowd in spite of tM Church Sunday mornmg an~ at the It IS also pomtedl out that Wl,1r- entitlcxl to re5l?CCt'ful con~ldcnwolI. to the Emrick prop~erty ' liere. inclement weather. M. E. chu!ch Sunday evenmg. ren county. has th·e lowest .dehn- . He ia one of the \'IlJ'e men who COnl. Hr. and Mrs. W. F. Clark of John Paul Bolton is home for Mrs. WIllard .Bogun was ~ut of quent tax hst of any county In the L' b' bility with a "mes creal usmc... a . • ~aynesvme were . Thursday visi- the holidays from Ohio State ~chool again thIS week, owmg to state. • broaJ and statesmanlike view of PUll' ton of Mrs. Mary Carmony. niversity at Columbus. Illness. . . lie: affairL A. the bead of the inter,·.Mr. and · Mrs. Seth Furnas an rank Smith has returned to his Mrs. George Denny rcmams m HAPPY HOUR CLUB national eommi ..ion whie:h worlced children will spend Christmas with home in Osborn after spending' a very. poor health. out the plan for the World Bank to _elatlves of the latter, at Rich- couple of weeks here stripping his MISS. Helen . Graham of Troy-! Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite and handle war reparations payments he mond, Ind. 't'Qbacc;o. . . and Mrss Nelhc Graham of. DayMrs. Josiah Davis were hostesses . . . Mr: and Mra. Guy Routzahn, ,' Mr. and Mrs. Charles J ~hns will ton were home over the week-end. to the members of the Happy Hour has a reputation in Europe even gr~at­ a"d daughter Mrs. James Johns h ' Ch' d' 'th Mrs. A. L. Kennedy and Mrs. er than in America. He la a Demoad Wen ~nbam were Dayton eat. t e!r . rlstmas mner WI ' j R. H, Brooks entertained ov~r Club on December 10, at the home crat; otberwile he would have been of Mrs. Satterthwaite. vlaitors Frida theIr chIldren •.Mr, and Mrs. Glenn thirty little folks at a jolly party A Christmas trl!e, around the in the cabinet of President Hoover. Mr. .and Mrs. Claren~ GraIY Johns and family m Dayton. Saturday ufternoon in honor of . Mr. and Mrs . . Hllrr.y Correll of the ninth birthday of Edith Mae base of which were heaped many who iJ one of hi. warmest friends. . near Ferry were dmner guests Brooks. The children were very packages proclaimed the nature of Sun~ay of Mr. and Mrs. Allen happy during a round of games, the program and late in the after- KLEIN Keep an eye on Dr. Julina Klein, r ,E m l l c k . . . . which include"d '\linningfeet on noon a delicious two course lunch served in the dining room at Auiatant Secretary of COJllnICrce, the M~s. Martha Gustin I~ Santa Claus. going to California, was ~ provm~ after beln,!, qUIte III WIth poor pussy. guessing games, and the beautifully decorated table. yoUllC IIW1 from California: who haa The guest list included Mrs. bteo the · cenler of the business canbronchial pneumonIa at the home drawing . prizes (candy canes) of Mr. and MIR. Elbert W~lIace. from the Christmas pie. Fruit Mjaynnrd WeUz, who sang two ferenc:ea in Washinifon. Dr. Klein H~r daughter-m-law of Indlanap- !lalad with whipped cream, angel charming numbers. and Mrs. Harry i. a graduate of the University of OJI8 cam~ 1~8t week to care for food cake and cocoa were served. Satterthwaite. The Club and families will California and of Harvard; ~ ttudied her. .. . . . Favors consisted of baskets of I • . .,. / . '. ' ". spend New Yearll Day at the also in Berlin and Paris universities. M~8s LUCIle Clark come from the candies. Edith Mae's friends He kDow1 more :lbout international hosp!tal at Dayt!>n, Ky., Satu,rdav. remembered her with numerous Grange Hall. Cooki~ trade than anyoae else in America and IS convalesclIIg at the home of pretty ·gifts. her parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robert Collett, who attends CHRISTMAS AT O. S. 4: S. O. and, what is more important, he under.tanda ui'en and kn9WI how to Clark. Wilson's School in Dayton, is home make iodnat'rlal 'aDd buaineu leader. I· ~~s. Susa~ Saylor ~nd sons for the holiday season . higher in Miss Esther Underwood, who Hel,lry .~nd RIley en.tertamed to a Six hundred and forty-five pall toptber. He will • family <;hristmas dinner Sunday. teaches at Highland. is spending children of the. Oh io Soldiers' and public 1e1'Yice. Her sOll-tn:law, Mr. Nash, wh~ har! the Chnistmas season with ' her Sailor's Orpbans' Home here are ~---------.---..." bee!, hUntmg ' up ~orth, furmshed parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. wlliting for Christmas. BARNES Underwood.' veDlson for ,the dmner. . The Grand Arm), of the RepubADother maato watch ,,,> lic and the Womenl's Relief Corps BalllH, hud of the Cbambc, ,.mstill head the list of the organiza- mcn:e of the U. S: 14r. Barne~ bu tions that join in the great. an office in New York, but spendi systcmntized, annllal gift giving mOlt of hi. time on the floor of the <--I at Christmas. Others taking a Produce Erl.~"ae where he hal done part art the Ladies of the G. A. ~.. R., Sons of Union Veterans. Auxil more thaD any other one man or group Mr .and Mrs. Ed. Burton of ":. '~I~'-"~'~ ' _I'-'''-'''''''''-'':. iary to the Sons of Union Veter- of men CO .tablize the prie:e of ~rt Elyria are spending the holidays Spanish American War Veterans Crain for the benefit of the Amencao with home f\>lks. . . Friday evening. December 20 Auxiliary to the Spanish Amer!: farmer•. Mr. Barnes baa DOt made a . Miss Clara' Daughters spent the Massie went to Springboro and War :Veterans, American Lei- fottuftl fell' "lmell oirt o"f hi. what week-end with Mr. Elvis Michael owing to certain handicaps were can lon , LegIon. Auxiliary and the lo-ratiors and family. .. beaten .. . F orty and Eliht. ... ' , wh'clJ . _he took over' _ after .. Mr. Claraiule Croford and wife Early Chri8tmas mornin the th'e War. from tli~ U. S. Jooo~ Ad· and Mra. Emerson Dill were. Xenia The furnaces in the grade build corol.e rs will go forth to wa~e the miIWItratlon. He tla;S charied lunuclf shoppers Saturday. . ing have been repaIred and we institution with their story of with the duty of .eelq that Amerlcaza Mr. end Mrs. Runyon, Mr, and , will all keep warm now. Christmas joy. CraiD where it Is needed and that Mrs. Clarence Mlcbael; ' Mr. ana - - -... - • the price is fair to buyer and .eUer. Mrs. L; Lutz, Mr. Otto Mich~el and Monday evenIng. December 23, Mr. Barnes it one of the Preaident'8~ family. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Duncan, at Mrs. Carr's will be a big party OHIO HAS 19 'C OLLEGES mo.t intimate peraonai friendl, ~ Mr. Jeu Michael and family and given tor the High School. Pres---haps ihe II10tt intimate. Hi, bobIt7 Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Michae) and ents will be distributed. Everyone Ohio has 19 colleges and unlver is die U. S. Otambcr of Commen::e.. daughter Dorothy ate their ChrIst- is looking for a tine time, slUes of the 226 on 'the approved which be believe. can be made 1M list at the Association of American DICIt useful colSltructive force ia "Mamma', can angels 6y?" Universities, whose annual en- ·AIDoriCIID buaine... aDd he bu tba "Yes, dear." rol\ment have . a total of 83,7'8 hcult7 of makini .. baaineaa IIMD "But cook can't fly. and Papa students. Ohio State. the largest believe him. . called her an angel." in the state. is sixth In size amoDg "She will fly, dear." American universities and fourth 1I..I0RROW "';'7."~ ... - ~=-- =:::::..=======~:=:: largest of the state universities. Other Ohio eolleg:eB and universi WIIm the In.. ,. • ties on the approved list and their CID . .YlI1 dJIanpe W.' II • enrollment as given by Dean' ~.- l.caIIOD ill 1 .. Walkers follows: Clase, 690; Woos _ I I I ~ ' ter, 882; Denison 804, Meidelberg ~:.:: 375; Hiram. 327; Kenyon. ' 27·6' lar8e ... oL.... .... ....t _ _ -L-..a 111 Marietta. 347; Miami. 2027; Mt: a wDI ~ Union, 642; Oberlin" 1626; Ohio ~ a!~ .;.~&'"TIler: 2223i Ohio Wesleyan. 1825' _ Otterbein, 357; Akron. 1061; die ~ Of • lilt ~ . . Western College for Women, 3J2i :!'.~ ilia.. . III:i&a . W~stern Reserve, 3496i and e-..:......~. ~ ~_ .._ WIttenberg, 1071. _~ ~: ~


Ab olute







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. . . . . ·o f tJ.e' ~ l'V u ..,. ~ '~ . The annual elElction 'o f the of IIIIddJe..c:IuI • Stockholders ,of tbte Waynesville 01 I, p. Ail. II dNational bank .fol· the purpose to ~ die _ .... ~f 'electing' directors for the ensu- Haw 1.-" .... aot lid Ik. ' 109 ear will be held at their ~ WItb . . IIIOIIIIhi of. ~ bank ng rooms . oil Tuesday, Jan- ..... ~ crtiIIe4 ', _ odIenriIe W, Oae ' SP!AKlH6' OP Utm>LO WE~'" uary 14, 1929, between the ·hours ~ ~ a III.t a l of 1 and 8_1'. m. of bII . . . . . . . . . ~ THERE', 6QMI ft)&;"" IN "OtIS L. ~. HENDERSON, Cashier .~!..~_~ . . . . . '"?¥fN AIN'" NEVER MADe - -Miami. Gazette CUI ~.~, 1"~~ ~~~~~....~~~~~....~..........~..~~~~..~ ,: ,.,. " NCOM~'TA~ _'ORI~' Subscribe for. •The to . . ......". _ ........ ..

W,'.x..elville, )




Ohio ,




~ .

NEWS OI'REGT FROM THE STAlE CAPITOL CO LUMIH S, IIIO- S cr etar y of State , lul'I.' nce J . Bro wn has hll(1 a VL1I'y s uc c es~ flll administrat i"n .lu l' iJl !.: t he past ye ar and the recc ip l!> ()\' hi s d ~ pn l' L m e n l will be in (' )(c(' s~ o f th ose " f the precedin g ye llr. Th e totHI will poss ibl y a mo unl t" $ 14.00(l,OO() , tI ' l'i ve rl fr om co rp()I'uLiu n IIn ti automobil e li ce nse f e{'s Ilnd vHriu li s mi scellnn cc us sOllrc ' S o A pprllxim nt e ly $fi,OOU,OOO will be di stribul <'d t o th e 88 coun tieR o f th e state us tlwit· share of t he li c~ n s e pla te fee co ll ecti on!!. Th e admin ist ratin n of Sec re tary Brown 's d .. part nw nl will poss ibl y n ol be in excess o f $ 4 75 ,(lOO whi c h includ es ('xp e n ~ .' ~ of th e Burca u o f Mlltur V(' hicl ros , th o:e in co nn ccti on with clection offi cc rs, th e 1!:u t he r illg a nd publ icati o n of stn t is ti CR untl till' g e ne ra l a ctiviti es of S 'l'I'etar y Brown' s office

Whole Number 5890


Eighty-ThiJ'd Year

Ho w Our Unde Must Looh to This Guy= = ==s ~

\v n.e re


By Albert T. Rei.d

yd.. go i '1\: ?



N-n-n-!:!2 pJ~c~ ~ "

F or 19 30 Hunters and Tra pper s 15 Li ce nse see R. F. H a tfi e ld .

I ~~~;;l NOlES fROM . N . 1'. J o nlan of ,Ja mest ow n wa s


S\'hool was dismissed fo r New Da y.

Y (,H r ~

n Wa y nesv ill e vis it (u' Mond uy:


!\lid-te rm e xa m inatio ns will be gi\'c n in t he school n ext week, 1\l rs. lI arold Su rfa ct' i~ in i\lbm i Th l'Y wi ll . lu r l on W edn esday Yulll' Y hos pita l fur l l' ' Iltme n1. J ll nuar y 8 , and co nt inu e un t il Friday . Ii s~ Ge neva )) ' nling(' r of Da yt ( n . ~p cnt t he' week-pllIl wit h fl\l me Th e teach e r ~ spent t h eir Christf.)l ks . mas va cat io ns in th e following place's: " T ill", ly " uarguin ~ fll r " Wntc hMiss Ree der, W a ynesville ; Miss ful" lJ u ye l's at Cury's J "\\' l'lry He nd r~o n, Way n esv ille; Mrs. Shop Le bn non.' B a n LU, WHy nc'sv ill e ; Miss Shumaker, Sin kin g Spring ; Miss Bobb !\I I'. a nd Mrs. ,J . 13. hll pll,n 11 H i1l slroro ; Miss Hurtsock, Way\\' el' l.' N.'II· Yeu rs gU( 's t ~ ,' f i\l rs. nesvill e , Miss Campbe ll, WaynesE lizulret h Ba il y. I ville ; Mr. Bunn e ll, Waynesville; 'nd 1\1 ' n L C . I i\ l i ~s Lile , Wll y nesvill e ; Miss Meji\' r l • ,I - I ~. . .. .C rune ~ pentI I I" · , R I'd gevl'11' Ch ri ~ ll11l1 S wit h ,\l nsey e , M r . H a tfi eId , fami·l,. ill Dn"t ". . run e a n! Wa svill e,: Mr, St. John, War.. ., o n. ncsvl lI e ; MI SS V a nd e rvo ort, WIlm ing t on ; Miss Robbins , Frankfort W he n vou ne d a go i ft f or any i\I i:~ Squ ie r, Columbu s ; Miss oc cas io ll 't hink o f nr y's J ewe lr y T orn er Ma rietta; Mrs. Hough, Shop- " T he H Olli e of G if ts. " L(! L· Wuyne svi ll e ; Mr. Pete r son. Xenia uno n. :"II I'. robbe, Wnyn esville; Mr. Moom a w, honre and visited in R. II. H ll r t Hoc h nnd fa mil y a nd G reen fi e ld . Mrs . Le il a lIu rt soc k . p(! n t ,' un dav - --~ wi t h A. Z. Hu r tso ck anrl famil y lit FOUR CLINTON COUNTY Lees re(l k. OFFICIALS NAMED Mr. a nd M r ~ . C. M . Robil ze r a r (! s pe nd ing t he week in Col um F our county officials, one townhUH, lh e g uests of MI'. a nd Mrs. hip official lind one other person ' Me r le Kerns. were included in indictments by the October term of Mary Lellh nnd George Edwa r ds re turned linton county grand jury. spe nt the II' ek-e nd with E. V. l heTh ose d in alleged irBnl'nhu rt a nd Mrs. Emm u Ba rn ett r egul a r ity involve in the handling of the in Cin c innati. ' highway fund s and named in the nts were Harry Gaskill, W e ex t e nd to ou r fr ie nd s a nd aindiclme tor o f Clinton county; C. Clay custu mers heart y good wishes for toudi n T e rrell, New Vienna, Dennis II Ha ppy Ne w Year. Ca ry' s J ewelStephe ns , Port William and Frank r y hop Le ba non . Ri chardson, Wilmington, Clinton county commissioners; Harry MI'. and Mrs. T . P. F elt er, oC Moon, of Martinsville, a Clerk t he Ohi o MaHonic H ome. Spring- town ship official, and L. R. Frazfi eld, spe nt last week with Mr. ier , Wilmington trucking contraca nd Mrs. G. J . Smith. t or. Eight other indictments, not Mr. and Mrs. Cla rence Mend en- d elliing with the alleged irregular hull a n d son of Da yton, spent last ity in highway fund s, were also rewee k with their pa l'ents , Mr. and turn ed by the JUI·Y. 'I rs. Amo s Me ndenhall. Harry Gaskill, auditor, is charged with f orgery and uttering and Be tty , Iitlle daughte r of Mr. publishing a forged warrant in li nd Mrs. Warre n Bra dd ock, was fiv e cases. take n t o Mi ll mi VlIlley hospital Th e county commissioners, TerSunday f or u ma st oid operation. rell. Stephens and Richardson, were jointly indicted for misconMi s' Elizabeth Chan d ler of duct in office a s county commisMicldl et own an d Miss Ruth Chand- s ioners of Clinton county, ler of Gree nfi e ld are spe nding the holidays with th e ir molh e r and a unt. ELECTS OFFICERS

Mye l' Hymnn II,nd famil y we r ' Cin cinna t i visilors S unduy . H. B. E arnhart has be en se riou s Iy s ick with ptollluin e poisonin g . Wnlk e l' Hatfie ld ~ p e nt tw o <I uy s In st we ek with relalives in C hilli co the . Kenn e lh Kil bo n o f T ol"do, ~ p en t thl' holid a ys with Dr. und Mrs . C. W . He nd e rson. MI'. lind Mrs. K. N. H ough ut e Chri stm a s dinn e r with MI'. lind I\1rs. II. 13. Eurnhurt,

M r. a nd Mrs. George Stroud a nd so n arte r of Dn yt on, al'e Stule e mp loyes a rc ba ck on th e vi s iti ng r C' la tives he re , I, j ob nftl' r n C hr-i ~tmll s va catio n s ppnt w jLh re la t ives and fri e nds Em er son Ellrnhart and family and nrc ready f or th e wo rk mnp pe d Slw nt Ch r istmns with MI'. and Mrs . out for th e new ye ur. Whil e lhe re ./, R. Ba ke l' of Frllnklin, will be f ew ChUngeR, if a ny, in th e pe rsonn e l o f the vll d ous departLeonard F olk and Buford B erm e nt ~ , th e re \vill be a numbe r o f nora spe nt Christmlls Day with changes and a cti vities in conduct ,Jam es and Lloyd Arthur. o f offic e. 1111 indu cli ve t o n bette rme nt o f th e num e r ous de part You'll be pl ea sed with that Parme nts of stule a dmini strnti on . ker Du of old P e n or Desk Set h o m a ry's J e we lry Shop, Le banon . Busy tim c ~ were truly eviMI'. nnd Mrs. Em e rson Earnhnrt de nce at t he big [lenal in stituti on in W est pr ing st r eet d u r ing Christ- and childre n spent aturday a fte rmas holid n v w('ck. wh e n five noon with fr iends in Dayton. mu s ical orn c d y e ntertninments S:aws filed by machinery. Cut we re g ive n b y th e inmates, who Roy Pighad been train NI by t he d irector. clean er . truer, faster. ~'lae..-'(:,.;, . ft.e;d Mrs. Pre st on E . Thoma!!, wife of ttP a t lII a dden's Lumber Yard. .... uTOc...A$ T = 1\.. Warden Th oma s . Th e pe rf orm er s Mrs. t. Clai I' Fife an d ch ildre n all acquitt ed th emsclv('s admira bly a numb e!' of wh o l11 wo uld have n o of Wilmington. are the guests of tr ouble in sec urin g p r of e ssional Mrs. ,' usun Wilkerson a nd f a mil y. engagem ents we r e it n ot for th e ir MI'. a nd Mrs. Mye r Hymun li nd A. A. S. R. BODIES co nfi'n em~ t. On !!' 3, 000 C hri~l maB PETTY THIEVINC CANC pa ckages we re dist r ibu t ed a':ld fum ily are enj oying a New Ye ar's WILL PROBABLY BROKEN UP ENTERTAIN s pecial m 'Ills were served the pns- pa rty in Cincinnati New Yea r 's - -o ne rs , n o\\' num lre rin g al most Eve, 5 ,000. ,c oltish Rile M a soll S 0 f t he H ownrd Wheelan a nd Ray mond For best results consign your Price W'e re ar-rest ed in Be lm on t ive stock to Green-Embry Co., v icinity o f W a~' n e s vi ll e will be Ills t Sa t urday morning. The boys Th e an n u ul co nve n t iOIl of the Cincinnati, in care of D. R, Salis- inlereste d in t h e ann oun ceme n t that at t he concl usion o f t h ' bu suttl'llc t ed t he II tte ntion of police Asso cia te rl Ohi u Da ilies which bury, iness sessions o n the dut es na med a nd wer e ta ken into cu stody. The meets in the Cnpital ity on F ebru ST. AUCUSTlNE CHURCH poli ce f ou nd the ir machine filled ary 10 IIntlll , will ha ve a n adde d Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Duke e nte r- below entertainm en t will be fur .' ulllm e r sche dul e- 1st, 3rd and wil h d ucks tak e n fl' om Wheelan's feature thi . year in conduct ing a tain e d at 1\ turkey dinner On SUIl - ni shed f or th e memb ers in th e 5~h Su nday, Ma .-s at 8 :0 0 a . m.; g ra ndfathe r neal' t hi s place. Th e news papcr shuw, for which f oul' da y, cove rs b e in~ laid f or si xteen t e mpl e at Da yto n . J a nuary, 10th. "Th e P i r ces" 2 nd a n d 4th Su nda y, Mass at Loys we re t u r ned ove r t o th e WarIIwards will be Illutle. a silver lov- relatives. for Me mbe rs and wi ves . ~e n . co unty auth or.itie s after qu esting cup' nnel lhree di stinguishe d 9 :3 0: January, 2 4th. Address by '0 1. IO nm g a t t h e sherIff's o ffice in Day merit rrbb ons. The pr incipill speakCharles Michener and Camily R ev. La·wre nce B. Mollmann. t on . e rs will be li on . James Sche rm e r- ~ p e n t the Christmas holidays with F . C. Runkl e, Me m be rs only. ----S unda y De pu ty Sh eriff Huffo rd F ebrua ry , 14 t h. P ietro L avel'di, horn. f orm e r publisher of the Willaim Michener and f umily in WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF a nd Marsha l . P . JOY went to Memb er a nd wives. Detroit Press and an illte rn a tiol'\.- Pit t shurg . . CHIHST Kings Mills and arrested four MI'. . i\nd M ~rl - € laTk-n1' The Woman s IViC League m,t F ebruu r y, 28 th. Rev harl es A. ally kn own hum orist, and Uni ted B ihle Sch ool at !I :30 a. Ill. you ng men of that place, who , it Broo kville, MI'. lind Mrs, Walter · witlr Mrs. 'Evelyn Shumaker St a tes Senator R oscoe McCulloch. Our store is open eve ry evening. Brashnres, Memb er s onl y. at co n c l ll~ i o n. 1 is said , we re implicate d in the Clark and family we re dinner Saturday afternoon, In the absence March, l.tth. Neil Pa t t erso n Lord 's ,u ppe r Th e Ohi o Newspa pe r Association Yo u and your friend s are always l' nin g e va ngl!'li st lc f. \'V Ice I1t t he ft of gasoline and oil here gu est g of Mr. a nd Mrs. R olla Bol- of the president, the vice-president will' als'" me et during the week. welcom e. Cary's Jewelry Shop, Scotch Co ncert o. Memb cl's a nd 7El.' :30 p. m.' pecia l IllU Sic. Se rm on t h ree weeks ago. ' They are 8U5- t on Christmus Day. Mrs. Edith Lukens, prosided. A wives, Lebanon. short business session was .held Ma r ch, 28th. Concert bv lhe su hj ect '·s CII U SI~ J esus !';a id Sn. " peeled of being implicated in The portrait o f Th omas WorlhChristmas Day guest s of Mr. and the program committee enterMrs. R. S Walton and son High ~ch ools of Da yto n, Me mber Chu r ch ni ght progrAm eac h W ed- s ve l'a l chicken robb eri es nenl' nestl uy a t 7:;{ 0 p . nr. Beg inning King s Mills . and Mrs'. · W . H. Allen were Mr. tained us with various contests and ington. gove rn o r of Ohio during of D~yton, spent Monday and wlyes. Wh eelan and Eugene Drake and Mrs. Chas . Fishel' and f a mil y, music. Adjourned to meet January t he years 1815-] B 18, has been Robert, with he r pllrents, Mr. and Mrs. .Judgmg by the past, t he. num- with th e pro gl'[~ 1l1 of J a nu a ry 8, hung on t he s outh wall of the J . L. Hartsock. I' be l'S announ ced wII~ be 0 1 hIg h we will t l, I' e u p th e stuu y o f t he were arrainged in_ May or Rog ers Mrs . Emma Barn ett and E. V. 11 with Mrs. Margaret Tucker. Stllte Librnry ren din g room by Gospel nccordin e: t o J ohn . E very- COUl't Monday and were both taken Ba rnhart of Cincinnati. 1 - - .- - order and ve ry plcas1ng. State Libra r ian Ge rge Elli ott Meon e in v ited to e njoy t he st udies to Leban on in de fault of bail. ' a rse ll Swellringen. of Akron, HAD KNEE HURT Mr. Mari on Gord on of HarvcysCo rmick. G ove rnor Worthing ton with us. Th e ch urch where you Ra ym ond Pl'ice will be trie d beDEATHS fe el a t home. fore t he juvenil e c ourt at Le banon bu rg , MI'. Mary McClure and found ed t he ~lIlte Library in 1817 ill sl>ending the holidays with his In u m t ~.,nge to t he Ge neml As- parents , Mr. und Mrs. Henry Sylvanu s Hartsock, brother of Clwste r A. Willia mson, Mini ster together wi t h three of the other MI'~ . .J. E. Mc Clure were Chris tmas Charles T. Ellis had the IIgaboys . dinn e r g u r::sts of Mrs. SU SIIIl Wilk- ment of his knee torn 1008e while J L - - - -'Icmbly ill l RI R he suid : "The fund Sweuringe n and family. .1 K ' h Th h ' . HI,rt: ock. o f Wa yn es vill e, Wh ee la n will be trl' e{1 on fOUl' er so n nnd Mr , nnd Mrs, L. H. attempting to load a ho" ' I'n a matl e ~ lI bj r ct t o my control hy the ezm . nmpson, w 0 died a t IllS home in S pring Va ll ev . ST. MARYS CHURCH G I .. , In st Ge ncl'Ol Asse mbly , be~ ides h~s.. rs been ;,pend.rng !1 ~ew ~veeks \ Tu esday, necembl' I' 2 4, MI'. HUI:t. ec ond Sund:ay nf te r Chri~t- 01' fi ve diff e rent counts Ilnd some 01' ( 0 11. wagon. Mr. Ellis will be laid up pnying th e or, iinury -demand s upon WI t h re latIves 111 Cm cmnatt. re- sock had been I'n 'Ill hen lt h se\'el.•..11 (I f th c other bo ys will hu ve t o several days on nccount of the mus. Junu ur y 5 , 1!1 ~O . Church answer t o seve ra I c h arges, wh en P u t your Ch l'ls " tmas g l f t money accl'd e n l . it hus e nalrl cd me t o p urchase a turned t o her home here Sunday, month s, li t D:3 0; se rm on and Holy I ' . I . t G l I I --schoo l s~al1 but · vah:n ble collecti on ' of t tr' II ' t na comes up. 111 0 a ru en wa C I 0 1' so me ot IeI' . l" unernl servl'ces \ve l'e h e ld at Co rnnrun1. 0n a t 10 :3 0. h I d bl I books whi('h arc in te nded as . the nr. P.udolph- Eyesight Special- the resid e nce on Frida y and buria l R J J h ff R L is ope d lhat th e auth orities ( e p~ n a e watch. It will, be a Spent Week-End wilh R I t'v conlnll.'nceiYlC'nt nf a lib rary for ist. H e r e Tu esday, Thursday and was in Spring Vall ey cell1 ete r~'. ev. . . c a e er, ec tor . !ra v e t hl' g ang all I'o.unded .up and Ills t rng I'emem b ranc ' o[ t heIr good e a I ., t he s tale. " Th., purchase referred , ntll "rl ll)' . F r C' e ,examination . . FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST tha t th.:; p etty sl~alrng w.hlch h~s wi s he s , .ar Y'7 .J e~veII'Y Shop, Leb.Little Jean and Jane Hartsock ' to include d C09 \' olu n:cs. Th e Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon. Samuel L. Willialll son aged 65, . bee l" gOIng on f OI sOllie t1m e , WIll 1l110n, OhIO. V. e g lH Cetlur StalllPS tWIn daughters of Mr; and Mrs: portrait of Gove rnor Worthington died .lIt his home in Da yto n unday ~Ibl e S ch ~o l • . at ~ :30 a .. ~' be st (,p ped . . _ __ .. _ _ . R. H, Hartsock, spent the weekis in sepia tint and is framed in an Miss Mildred HartMck of MiI- evenrng. Fun e ral sc!l'v i ce~ were ~tl at l he N!' , \ e ar RIght. LOl d s • up ul'lnte ntlanl ~nd Mrs .. F . R. end with their cousin Mar y oval of brown mahogany. ford. who spent several days last held nf the res id ence , WC'dnC's Sup per :l!l d Il t 10 :3 0 n., m. NEW CENTURY CLUB wIth. a Catolyn Lukens at Harveysburg. IITI' C)( with Mrs. Edith Harris and day afte rn oon with hUl'iul at ~c r~o n subJect "BOI'Il AgaIn ," watch nr g ht . party Tuesday nig ht family, retumed to her home on Centerville. pe cl ul mu sIc .. YOIl arc alwnys 1'h(l Ne w Ce ntury Club met on t he gu cst H beIng all thc teaehers A success ful midwinte r meet'ng Sunday. wel come a t Ihl " church. Fri dl1Y a t th e home of Mrs J P a.nd Ill.emllerll of the Board of VIOLATED CAME LAWS of th e Ohio EducuUonll1 AssociaJam es We lls di ed nt h is fa rm h(" tl'r A. Willia mson, Minist e r fo'l' omi,,, Me mb l: l's answe r NI 't o 'I'oli ~",U ucfl : lo n of th e Way nesville tion wns hcld in the Cnpital City Mr . .nnd. Mrs. Walter Clark had h,ome ncar Dodds on 1\1 011<1n:-. - -- - c a ll hy gi v in g Chri stma H Cll tOIll S school s.'e m e ~, all reSIdents of t he past few days with several th(,lr dlllner guests on Sunday I, uneI'llI servi ces II ill be he ld t oLYTLE M. E . CHURCH ill 0 1he l' lu nds. TIll' program clln. SplI~g Va ll el, were fined $25 and th ousand teachers . pl'esent. The as M,'. and Ml·3. Earl Clark of Brook- morrow, Thursdny a f te rn oon a t , s ist ed o f tw o spl e nd idly pre pa red Mr. und Mrs, ~. D. BaIrd en- , custs ench by Mayor. Rogers fin e program presented included VIlle, MI' . nnd Mrs. Chal". Clark 2 o'cl,o ck in the Mai n Street Pres- , . ~.un(!ny ~~h.o o,1 nl .2 :0U p. m. p81)(' r5, "Chri stma ' Ca r ols," by l t e rlUln cd 0 11 Chnstmus Day , ~r. when th~y we~e foun.d gUIlty of iltw o special features of note, an and H. M. Clark. byte rran church at Le ballo n. In-II J( oIc hln~ se l.v1 ce at 3 .00 p.m. The Mrs . W. H. Alle n und " The a nd Mrs. O. R. Unglesby, MISS legal fo>\ h.untrng. It IS alleged that All-State High School chorus and . t e nnent in Miami cem et er y. pM t or WIll gIve t he fi rst of a se l'- F east of Lights," by Mrs. MUI y Mu rga r e t Ung1esby, Mr. and the men l dIsturbed. the def! or burAII-::ilatc School symphony orches M!', F. C, Hartsock and family . II" uf sel' m.o ns o n the .Pentacost a l S . F. Elb on, 1111(1 th e usual Mrs. N. P . Blatt and thre e children row of 8. fox whIle hunt.ll1g near tra with 5 5 s chool s represented. A of Mi1fQn!, and Ronald ~lIwke Ml's. Ida Ho ckd t (li ed at her l\f es~ ngc . ~el'm o n .. t OPIC ' f o r ne xt e>:('han~e I) f ~ift s, During t he MI'. <lnd ~lrs, Ne lson Wat~ins, Mrs Waynesv.llle ~her~by comltting an numbl!r of othe rs conventions !Ire and fanllly, were Chrtstmas i hom e on Third st ree t S und:w eve n. S llnda~ , WIll be . 'fli e Snur ce of soc ial hour th e Hostess a ll d h t' r as- Jane Wrrght and Mr~. Julta Dono- offense tn violat1On of the state lrooked f or the near future, which gu ests of !\frs, Edith Harris and ing. Mrs. Hockett had bee n' lin in- I P owe r . Th.e Ol1lcml BOIlI'(I I~ ill s i,tants served an n(1pe tl y. ing two- van . , g ame laws. . will IJring thou !<unds of visitors to Mrs. Laura Mosher. valid. f or several ye urs . ,'h!' is m ?~t f~ll o wll1g th e chu;cry ~,e rvl~e I co ur~e lunch appropriate to the The nre~1 pleaded no.t gUilty to the city during the winter season. . surVived by one daug-hte r, Mrs. 1 n~ :'(t Sundn =i ' Th e Lalh e. . A1d s a so n. Mrs . Maym e Hatfield and son s ~he chllrge .but were found guilty -- - - ..-Mr. and Mrs, George Mainous John Rich , and oll e son, Earl H ock WIll hold their Ilil da y meettnJ,( on C:u e~tR of th e hostc ss we re Mrs. e ntertain ed with a family dinner at the hearrng before Mayor ROIrof Scoville, Ky., and Mr. and Mrs. ett. l .Ja nuar y 8 at the home o f Mrs. ,/. B. Crabb e. Mrs . L. M. Fl e n(l er- S u ndu y with the following prcs- ers. They were arrested. by Mal'Funeral serv ices we re held at Duk e. Do not f Ol'ge l. ~ rayer mC' et- 1 son, Mr5. Melvyn Ba ntn a nd Miss l e nt : Eurl Dill a nd f a mily, Morris s hal J oy, o f ~aynesvl.lIe, and HU.bert Mainous of Hamilton OhIO. were week-end guests at the the residence this afte rn oo ll Il nd l In!.: nnd ten chel'. tl'[\tnlng class on D 'l ris Hawk (!. · Dill and family, Mr. lind Mrs. Freel Game Ward en Chfford Hines. home of Ray Mainous. burial was in Miami cemet ery, I W e dn esd uy (! ve l11ng of ea ch week, - -- - _ - J-!nyn e l' uf Le hanon: Mr. and Mrs. - - - - - -----SlIru A. Bowman , Pastor Cly de Watkins of Chillicothe, Mr. Met With Painful Injury - -- NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS Lewis Hoff of Mason lind Miss Mrs . Irene Rosnagle, wife o f Mrs. Otis Arthur has been called Kathry n Graham. T~e many friends of Mrs. Ella to the bedside of her sister Dr, Ernest Rosnagle, died a t her VAYNESVILLE M. E, CHURCH Ferrr~ who fell a few days ago and W ednesdny: Bibl e study and All tllX pa yers of Warren I Louella Carr, who Is seriously ill home in London, Ohio, last ThursMrs. Vi ola Care y entertained on sustll1ned a painful injury will be in Miami Valley hospital where day, foll owing nn extended illn ess. pra ye." meeting nt 7 :00 p.m. Ch oir ' Count y a r e notifi ed th.a t th ere she . unde'rwent a very serious Funeral services were held nt lhe p ru ctl ce at 7 :41) p.m. Thursday: will be a mecting in the Comm on j C hri s tma ~ Day, Mr. and Mrs. glad to know that she is gettine home Saturday nnd burial wus ill Tir e W. F. 1\1. S . will Il\ e et with Pl eas Co urt Ro o m in th e COUlt Lest e r Kenrick , of Lytle. Mr. and along as well as could be expected_ operation, MI·s. Dibert Ilt 2:00 I). 111, Sunday : House at Leban on on Monday, Jan Mrs. All en Hole and son, Harvey, Springboro cemetery. Dr. Ro snllg le is a brother of , unda y sch ool lit 9 :30 a, m. Morn- Lll1ry J 3, 1H20. at 1 o'cl ock p. m. Mr. and Mrs: Russell Campbell, of For better vision-for better glasses - prices reasonable-bast Mrs. H. E, Hnthawty of this place. ing wors hip at 10 :30. Epworth f or the [lUl'pose o f di ficussing way s neal' DlIyton; M. r. Ralph J ohn s and L(lall.' uc at 6 :1 5 p. m . At 7 :00 p. a nd menn s t o reduce the valuation family, Mr. nnd Mr5. Jum es Johns, service--eonsult Dr. Rudolph the nr. th e Women 's Foreign Miss i'o n- on r eal estnte f or taxation lind o f Lytle: MI'. and Mrs. Irving Eyesight Specialist Tuesday, Thur8 ary Soc iet y will huve charge o f taxcs th e reon . It is important that W elch. of Harv eysburg ; MrR, DISCUSSION CROUPS day, Saturday, Cary's Jewelry th e pl·ogram. yo u come 'and luy in your c om- P earl McMakin and son, Billy, Shop, Lebanon Ohio. . G, C, Dibert, Pastor. plain ts. ' . !\f'Cssrs . I~ rank and J !"sse Th omas. Unde r the leade rship of F ost e r Warren County Tax League _ ___ ____ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Elbon enter- and .. Margaretta . H eacock .. ·the The home' o f H . H. Williamson tained On Christmas Day Mr, and Friends arc holding discussion was the scene of a happy group on PAID $250 HERE Mrs. Fred Elbim and son of nellr groups at diffe rent homes. MACHIN'::. UPSETS -Christm'as Duy \~'hen their chilLebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Chester They e ve ry Friday eve ndren and grandchildren gathered . Ru se lI Jcfl'rcys , Hal've y hUrg, Cutler and son of Loveland. Mr. ing at 7 :3 0 and the subject unde r Mrs. Chas , .GrIlY, who ,drtve ~ f or around the Christmas tree and ate and Mrs , Ray Mills and Miss Lena discussion is "Why the' Church." o ne or three III n who w(' I'e Rned PI:. ~ . T. Wrigh t, sllft'e l:ed parnful d inner ' together. Those present $25 0 and costs and sentenced to Earnhart. . The 'next meeting will be with 30 .dn ys in jail in linton co unty 1DJul'l e~, whe,:! the machrne, a f'?rd I we re Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hauk of Sidney Chandler and da ughters r ecentl y fo r ope ra ting slot ma- sedan In wh1ch they were mltng' I Troy , Mr. ancl Ml's_ Rllymond WiI. On Suturday eVening, Decem- Januar y 3'rd. Church orga nizu'tion -chin es, \l' n. in th ~ Warren county \Vus el'owde,d 011' the Dayton lind Iliam son and son Robert, Mr. a~d .ber 28, Mr.' and !drs. Russell Wil- will be the phase d iscussed at co urts on s imilar Lebanon pIke by . ~nother, auto Mrs. Cha'rles Houser of Cleveland, son, . nee Mabel McMillan, of· Day- this time . . All interested pe rsons ~htlrg es. laH ot sesuitrlmCI' rv ed ] 0 days in the unday . cvenilll?', When Mrs. Gray . Mr. and Mrs, Harold Williamson ' toh, entertained tne members of are cordially. inv!; ed •. ,• . "'fanen coun t y • .ja il a.nd paid a attempted ~o ge~ the. maehme back , and little Bon IUcnard of .Dayton" the ·class of '29 of Waynesville $250 fin e foll owing t he last 's lot onto t.he pIke, It skld~ed and up- Miss Luella Wi11iamson and 14r.. High school. Games were enjoyed I11llchin e roundup conduc't ed in this s~t. She was badly brUised and one Jay B. Gooper of Ohio Wesleyan MAIL IS DESTROYED after which the hostess served a f1b. wa.1I .cracked. The· Doctor es- 'University, Mr. and Mrs. H, H. WIl ounty. Mn. Jo1m Coolidle in liltt delicious lunch. THe guests were =---caped ~JU!y..:-_ _ liamson and MiSs 'Gr"ce WUllamHaven Rat where tile diulKhter MiMes Nellie Graham, Mary Etta The first c1ass mail which is sonT'h' ' . V ·....•t i na R a1a ti' vel Govti1)or Trumbull ~. dinner for Guy, Rhea E)lIs, Boyd Hen,derson: thrown from the early mOl'ning Spenl SIlI-nd.,. Hera IS llame f a mil y group spent tht 10ft of the ex-President. . She Geor~e Henkle. Charles O'Neall, train :at Corwin, was destroyed - -- - Leslie Lewis .of Dayton spent Friday very pleasantly at the home sayadle TrumbUll women bave .... Charles Day, GUY !Jockett. fe.rry this mo"nin~. when the sack was Ke nneth Rid~e and family -of the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sault at ways .p rided tbauelva GIl beIaI .... . Thomas, Merlyn Banta alld G1lbert. caught under ~he . w.heels. The Grand. Rapid!!, Mlch" spent SunTWi. bOlur"~ _'. . _ Frye. letters were ~ut Into pieces, day With Mr. an Mrs. O. M. Ridge W. S. Graham.








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.~o(lllla )v. e~,tel'tnrnetl


I I '











E tah' 'ur Mary L. lIfcCray, deceased, econd and final. E tate of Thaddeus Morris, dec as d, second. Guardianship of Nina L. Pence, minor, flrst account. E ~tate of hristian S. Jack, deceased, third and final. };slat , of J onn H. Applel{ate, New Suih, deceased, fir st and flnnl. J n th CR~e of I. Q. J ordnn, as J ohn . Ruyn olds versus Maud R ynolds for divol'c(!, custody of ilss ignce for the b n efit of ~r .rl-. DONALD min o'r child and otber r elie f. itors of J. E. Mc nnen. plamtdf ve rs us The F deral Land Bank of 'hUI'I{(' f; cxtreme cruel y. Kute He ibe rg er v'~ rsus Churles Loui sville, tal, dcfcmdants. it was . Htliberg I' f Or divorce and othe l' ol'd re el that Frank X. Frebis be CIT APTER X I V. aken in cle nch of hnnd and Ilwk. ! s ht! left Los Angeles and her lovers relief. harges g ross neglect of mad e a party defendant. - _ _ ., .-_ \l'ard kiss. arah nudgel made admission thl're. duty. " Y u hnve builded better than lIfelll ran to the real' plutform L et· love wait, tn en, till Rhe hnd Bess Squier Murt':t~V \' ~ I'S US .J o hn fo r Wilhul' Este l Hudgel t o be reyou kn ow, llerhaJ,)s, my ehild- lInd a!,d \\ uved fi nd wnvt' d lengt.h en!ng mud the best uf herself. AmI Ross Murruy for divo l'dic e Hnd eus ceived into the Ohi o Hospi tal f or now I us k you to purdon me for bl' ~ l gn ~ l s of love t o her dwmdlmg then let lov not dcmund that she Lady lI f ('hiltl lin d other relief. epilcpticR. ing a sham d of you wh n I should fl1 lull}'. he n ote d the absence of bow her hra d IIn~ shrivel in his ChurgeH lt l' O S~ neA'l ·cl or duty . The Illst will Rnd testament of ha ve bee l1 pruud . Yuu \\' {'r e I1 sln ~ ~ \'J' sister Gllldys nnd won.da red nt ' hudow ; but let him bloom his best William ~' . Abner versus Ilnlda Wilfonl It Ey e r, deceused, WU8 the gifts that H('avcn sent you ns ' ,t. li S she we nt t o h I' draWing-room alongside. Abtlt'r fIJ I' di voj·c(" chargl's gros!; produced in court und admitted to Prohutc . Silus A. S to ck uccept d Heaven meanl ~'o u to u se them . ' Th l'rc s he f ound the girl enscon· . he w 'nderl?d who that , f !l ow neglect of 'duty. Your art ill sacred a nd you ean't, l ced ill fuiry trium ph, 8miling lik e of . h r dl's tiny would be- Tom lura Pi('rson vers us Mam e Mc- t he trust m; executor of the estute 'yo u won't, su ll y it in your Iif!' . I II pretty witch. Holby. muybe-Au ~ti n Boas, or Kinn ey, Adah I\ldC inney Kelly No bond r eq uireel. Edward Leisz, God forgiv e me for my unbelief hat on earth are you doing still a n ot her pet'haps ; or oth ers, and Co ra McKinn ey , f o r m oney Churl'S H01'ln \I and Augu st liarand ~e n d you happines and good- he",, ?" Men cried. bllugh were mad e apprui s rs. perhaps, including him! or them I only. " GOiJ1g to Los Angele!! with you. In uny cas hc (or they) had bctThe Illst will und testame nt of ness lind a long, long usefulnes ' In B. D. .J ohnso n versus John Frances K Parkhi ll. deceased. WlIg the path ¥ou hav(' elected." I II IIIY n ever be great tikI' you, but ter behave und pluy fair! \Vigert f I' mo ney and costs. That IlIght Mem kn ell again by I 'm going to huv(' a mighty good W. 13. Cummin s und Kizzic Cum pl'oci uC('d in coun lind admittpd to As for being a mother. let thnt \ hl'r old bed and ,on kn ees unaccu s- I t ime trying." wait, tn o. S he wns go in g to m ot her mins v(' rs us Ma xu und W. A. probate. tOOled to pray!'r implored s t re ngth : There w ere many questions t o the mulitud es fllld tell them s to ries Northcutt, 8m'uh A. Ilnd J ohn W. Chnrles D. nnd Viola T . Yeazel n Scm;-A,.,I ...Jl, to keep her gift lik e a chnlice, a t· xc hange !!ond Me m soon Icarned to soo th e them! He tfcltlng('r, nlld Anna Bryso n, filNI a pplication in rOllrt til udopt grail of holiness. She woke \vith t ha~ her ~ I s ter had flung off the The re . WII S fnr more in this Ke nnedy Il eights, Cillcinnu ti, 0., Phyllis Louise Bng-ford nncl f or a an early-morning re!iolution to be I chams that one or two nrde nt lov- dream thun vanity, fa r ni ore than fu r muney, forec losure of Vr ndor:; chnng{' of th e child's nnm e. the purest wome n und the dev out- a I'S had h 'ied to fas ten ab out selfi s hn ess. Th e hope of the world lioll , nnd other rE!li l' [ ,amount Th e last will nnt! testnm e nt of First MorteaKe on Real Estate Security. est artist that e ver lived. her. lay therein. f or the world can cla im ed, $56 1t\ .05 with int(, l'est at D. W. ilumphrey , dl'ccng('d, wn" The beat Security. Nothing SaferTh e next day she lett the town And when, wit! a Inst fultering never ud ~ unce fnrth er than its Ii',; f rum No ve mber 192!J . produ('('d in court nnll I1dmitted to w.ith all its blessings, no longer u reprollch 'h(' askcd her llisler if women . Nothinll Boller. , Th(' Virg'iniun J oint tock Land prulJUtc. scapegoat, sin lad en, limping into she ~ere wise to toss aside the Act' (luntR fil(·d:· ' he hud a sou l to sell nnd !t was Balik Olf 'hur1es~on . II corporution the wilderness, but a missi onllry devotion of a good man, Gladys ull her own, und she' was gomg to verslis Churl es J ones lind Lauro E state of Alli so n L. fipe nce r. de ASSETS over 14 Millions Dollars God-sped into the farthest la nds of laughed. mnrket. M. ,J olles. nnd The United Stute cen~ed. first lind finnl ncount. the earth. "Let love waitl The men have Estatc of Jennit' ,J. Chambe rlin, The dawn wns he rs to con q uc3t. ! Fidelity und Gunru nty Company One of the lariest and Itroniest auociaIt seemed that all Cal\'erly was, kept u s waiting for thou sands of Mankind wus he r lover and he r be- u f Bul t irn ol'e Murylund Th e Clin- de(' (' a ~c rl, first and finn!' tiona in the state.. at the station to wring h I' hand years, till they were r eady. Now loved. That onc-llIail ,Passion called ' ton Heulty 'and Loun' Company ourt IIpprove d th e report mude and waft hl'r salutation. let them wait for usl" love could tarry until at leuRl the lI nti Alvn Hill for mon ey nnd f ore- by W . Cheste r Maple executor of Why take Chances on Get. Rich-Quick The .. condu ctor called, "All . There was no gainsaying this. It btl' f ore noo n. clos ure of mortgage. Amount th cstut e of Amandll M. Wnlkcr, Schem.. and lose all. aboard! and hn t y farewells were had been Mem's own f eeling when (The End) c1uim ed $3811.80 with 6 % inltlr- <lecl'[lsed. est (leI' ann um from Junuury 28. 0. J . Ed"warCls was appointed ====='~-~~ ====~~--============== We kindl, IOlicit your patroDA,. 1927 t oge th er with 8% interest on an apprniser of the estatc of F. ',EGA'. NO ~I'I CI!l Malcolm Bi sphnm, dcceused, in Says Sa m- Snow and co ld $ 14'1.56 from July 28, 1927. plllce of Elmer L. Rogers, who is TI-lE woves would be welcome in hell, Thomas M . Manl ngton. Plnlntlfr. unnble to se rve. Common Plea. Proeeedin ... Th e court authorized Ralph B. Isab I LlklnR Gnt~:: et al.. and hell is weltom e t o them. In the case of The Brown Twen- Parks, administrator of the estutl! De fendant ~ . 'aRe 1'0. H291 eber company of Cincinnati versus of Edward M. Thirkield, deceased, Stn(e or Ohio. Wal'r~ n oU nl y. Com mon P leas Court. The S. Fred Company, on motion to di ~ tribt1te in kind certain stock Two Offices: of defendant, leave was granted of belon~ing to the estate. Isabel Llkln. Gntea. 2730 nlarl u RII .• Wllshl ngton, 0 C.: Will 1. lk ons. thirty days to file motio n. L. M. Henderson , administrator J 33 Gary Strellt. Whltn .. " fJllIg .. Sun 19 E. 3rd St. . Third at Broadway, Th e ca se of Willium Frozier of the estate of James W. Cres· FrancI8c"l. Ca lIfornia : George LIkwhose name is more frequently well. decensed. filed his inventory Ins. lOt Crockel ApI .. San F"nncIADA YTON, OHIO co. allrornla; li lll'vev LIk ins 750 spelled Fraser, as exec uto r of the and npprRisement. PI sIdle Avenu e. Sn n l~ rnn cIH " o: Cal· Elldbli.II"d 1887. last will of Carolin ,e Rogers. deIfornla: Maud t.lkln . Mong. 11:17 cellsed, ve rsus WSlrren Rogers VIn e St .. N.. Los ;\n g lea. 'flUrorReal E.tate Tran.fera THE CHILDREN'S HOUR nln : Jell n Llkln ~ Livings tone. 1~!7 cn me un for hearing in the demur S. A. - SL. Hl ch,"on(l. Indlu"u : H ol're I' filed by the defe ndant which Clllrence F. Galbreath to Muy ace D. 1. lklns. 3 Glenn BU _. WlnBy Henry Wad.worth Lon.f.JI_ chos wa overruled . Where by defen- V. Galbrea t h. 22.80 acres in Hamil phreys, labor. $702 0 ; Lesli" ter. MIlS81l (;husell. : Lulu r. lk lns Shultz, labor. $56 ; BI"i l' 11 11,] Lertosenbury. 323 \\'. Nnvnl'l'c St .. e,' 1, dunt was granted leave of 30 dl1 Ys ton twp . Bend. IndIa na : Paul W . 1. lk · Roy. labor, $281. 7U; Th e I\la'on Between the dark and the daylight South in which t o plead. and Elizabeth Murph y Le\\,zurn Ins 2116 Kunt SLr~"t. L OM AlIg ~ l ep. When the night is beginning to allrornla ; Mnr~' IllJJ B;rO,WII II OU • The court granted ilas Gud- to Harry O. Whittaker lind Wal- Lumber Co., s uppli e~, .\!70.!JG; lia r SLrong Avenu. EJkhlll'l. Indiana ' lower geon, defe ndan t in the ca e ter K. Hancock, 50 acres in Turtle- old V. Martz. labor, $54.75; Zuin loyd Jackman. Hlghlnnd I\nll "un: A rmitage. labor. $466.65; J . K. Comes a pause in the day's oceupa- sFeL against him by Fred C. Wellner, creek twp. Blvd .. Lo" A.ngeles. ClI llro rnla ; Spenc~r, labor, $62.06; Clem Bo\\,- , tions lellve to plead on or before JanuFred W . Jllokmnn , Bo\' rly Hills. Charles C. Trimble t o L. L. and yer, labor, $5.56; Harold Sweny. \ ary 20, 1930. . Mary S. Gray 75:65 acres in HamWhich is known as the Children's California c. George , W . Mllnln g Lon. Tonopa,h. Nevada; lalah L. l\Inn lngfurnishing and loading g-rnvcl, J Hour. The court allowed a rule aginst ilton twp. ton. R. n. 9. Bo~ 26~. Seattl • Wash$127.08 ; John Cas. furni shing ,i Wulter V. Jennings, entered by Ington : Ann" B e ll. I4 :W Ruffa lo Oren A. Strawn to Elizabeth and piling sto ne, $39.50; Ray wig ·.... C-=:..:.~~IIliIl.....WI~ I bear In the chamber above me Street. Franklin. P" nn S)' lvn nlll; Long Island ships c\rcsscd du cks Mabel E. Jennings, directing him Strawn, 79.75 acres in Wayne twp. crt, same, $45; Howarcl ook. JJ:dwn.rd. Be ll. 1~a 6 Burr"lo Slroet. t o CalHornia. Californ ia sc ,ul ' The patter of little feet, appeal' before the court on SatRolIlI and Sweet Cook to Harry Pennsylvania ; .Iohn . turke"s to Nnv York. Fl ori da ships to The sound of a door that is open- Franklin. urday, December 28, 1929 at 10 Cook, part of lot No. 208 in Frank same, $507.88; Ka rl D. Dakin. in1225 Seaview. BrIdgepor t. CBell OI1J surance for ca r, $17.90: hurl eR n ectlc u~ . DavId M. 8 ell. 11 minor. 902 train loads of celery to th e Nori h o'clock o. m. to determine why he lin . ed, J. Waggoner. bond for cle rk of Cedar nlll Avenue. Dallas Textls ; and Jacksonville stores se ll Cali · should not be punished for a conAnd voices /loft and sweet, J. S. Riddell to Lucy Moore lotHuth M. Bell. Us guartllan or P,,\llli fontia cclerv. Ne w Jersey rai .l's t e mpt for his disobedience in lack courts, $50; Lyle Blunk Book Co. , Bell. a minor. 902 etlar Hili AvJ No. 287 of the Mackinaw Addi- s upplies, $63; Jum cs 1"Olllen , serFrom my study I see in the lamp- M.nue. Dall ns. Texa s; Elllv.uhe th RIn ck Mr:!wherri cs. on ion q. cahiJar,es. hut of paym e nt for the s upport of his tion to Franklin township. . light, vices as janitor. $ 15 ; Penn !\l orH,unnlnger. IHti · 'h~8 tnot S tr c~ l. Jersey sullorban hOllse wives bu y minor child. Perry B. and Hannah D(lvis to ton, Hume, $70; W, C. Turto n, Descending the broad ba11'd j.'ranklll1. pennsy lvanIa,.;, Margn r t them fr on: grocers who in turt! bll) FUNERAL DIRECTOR George Ai!'hholz was granted Leonidas G. and Mattie McCreary BlaCk Walk r. 9r.3 ",1 k Slt·ellt. C· I I stair, ,·'ranklln. Pennsylvania : Bur ton A. them from Ncw York oty \\' 10 c, thirty days in whkh to plead in 85.62 !lcres in Harlan and Wayne coal for court house, $263 .0!J; Grave Alice, and laughing Allegra Black. Popu lar Strt·pt. GI'OVO ·It)'. ,alers. Wade Glenn , la bor, $2.20; Drs . ense against him by Della township, Warren county; 29.65 Edward Ilnd Robe rt Bloir, SI.'I·vi('('s W A YN£SVILL£. OHIO P nns)'lvunla ; Mllry IlII1.<: k DavIs. Thc F ederal Farm Doard siloulc the And Edith with golden hair. Aichholz, 609 WnHhlngton Avenue; PoInt acres in Clermont county. rend e red, $ 125; sa me. x-ray and' WashIngton. alltornla; ' Ma rgaret lind w~ ys to eliminate these round· In the mutter of the appointS. C. und Susie May Alexander hospital care, $140; The Ohio Law A whispe.r , and then a silence; Black. a mInor Apt. 12. G057 E:u clld aboui Il1 cth,-.d of food distribution Yet I know by their merry eyes Avenu e. Pltt sbllrg, P nnsy lvanla; Wilh th ei r C)'PC'I i\'c ir eigh t charge! ment of C. C. Collins as deputy to John S. Richardson lot 66 in Reporter, s upplie 8~ 2.50; P. IF'lIl \' I!:quipped for Good clerk , t he appointment was ap. Franklin township. iteb-I!t:cl(" HII\ck. u mlno.·. Apt. ' They are otting and planning to· Ilnd B. Monee, puy roll for If' mo. • Service. 12. 505i E;uelill nu . Pltlabur!;. line! pro fi ts 10 half a J c ~c n nnddlc· pl'oved December 18. Lucinda Miller to Benjamin Mill $54.80; gether PC nns}·lvJ\nln . wi ll tllk e no lice that men . The food supp lies of big cities Joe navi~, same, $106.D J R In the case of The! uoveland Mu acres in Franklin township. e r , 17 To take me by surprise. 10; V. W. Tompkins, same, $ 15 1.! .lIt;ge isp ay OOlll'rlt onoa9 M. Mnnlnglon on th e lltJl will some day be grow n in regions tual Building and Loan Company Catherine M. McIlvain to John 85; F. M. Collins, ·lIl11e. $3 17.20; day or Decembe r, 1929. rtI ell hI s p e l l · -I' . I '11 b Ambulance Service t w, e versus Eva L. Whitson, et aI, it 0, Buuor, Sr., 62 .09 acres in Clear A sudden rush from the stairway, lion In th e ' Oomllloll PI a. ourl adjacent to ,Ie l:lIIes. Eden Terry, sa me, $454.4:1; A. T. i wIthin nnll for the Olillty or wnr- \ ch ea per to grow wiloler vegetables was ordered that th(~ sheriff deliv- creek townshitl. A sudden raid fram the hall I r en and Stale o.~ Ohio. aga in st th e under quartz ... Iass in elct: tricaliy. same, $177.2 0; e hUl'les E. ,TEl ~rHONE 7 PH OR N IIOH'I er a deed to the plaintiff, the pur- . R. E . Bevis and Ruth M. Bevis Rettig, By three doors left ungarded above named derentlants I\nd othd .. I I h ers. bel'ng cnse No. 14291. a ll cg lng heatc hothousr:s than to l :!.U t em chaser of the real estate for the to Zoa May Munger 1.67 acres in Bradbury, same $1 n.55; Albert They enter my castle wall I that he Is eha own r In ree Si mpl e across a cOlllil: cnt. Nicholas, supplies, $ 100 ; Karl D. -----, s um of $1,800. Franklin township. of an undivIded Int reet In th rol - BUILDING Dakin, ins urance, $65.!)0: Frllnk They climb up into my turret lowIng described "eal ·s IlLte. to-wit · Charles C. Marlett, et aI, to Zoa Bursk, t:epair to too ls, $6.85; The O'er the arms ' and back of my Situate In th e Township or ,\Vny,ne' P LtC t P' d' May Munger 0. 16 acres in Frank· In the County Of " ·llrr .. n and Slllte The I :!.s t s land of the lund -worker rODa. our roc:ee In ... McClure Oil Co .• gas, $3.64: The 1I!!! chair; lin township. Frank Sherwood Co., gas ond s upor OhIo. 1l1Ht known 11' .. ,1 d" scrlbed against t!IC 1~ I :I~ ' ! iIlC is in lit e uuildThe last will and testament of If I try to escape they surround al$ follows ; Nbout eIg ht y (80) acres ' C. M. Robitzer to J , Wilson Ed- plies, $39.99; A. L. Kennedy, sup. ' . l ' 'I J ' . • D W H h d d , lI. , 111[, ru, l: '-Ire ex. . ump reys, ecease was of hu.d, belnl( North hanr or s. W . In g .t, me; plies, $3.95; H. S. Conover, same, Quarter or Scctlon 9:1 Tow'l\ 4 (cs~ , \'e o!1 f)"" r th e c o ~ntr)' and are produced in court and admitted to wards, tract in Wayne township. They seem to be everywhere. na nge fi , M . R.. S. In Wor,'r .. n )Q unty: 6till mou,\t ; _ [t hr," <"" ,. ~ ",:" " probate. Flora H. Gooch and $6.29; A. T . Rettig, garage rent, Ilnd ,""hl llh Is slUOtltell on the . Marria"l!1 Li.e en."'. $36; Harry Hill, gas books, $89.They almost devour me with kisses OhIo. BellbrOOk 'rurnplk ob out two IUlli out corr~"p(l'hlmg i n c r ~age In priJ. Miriam' C. ~cCreary were appOll!tRESIDENT Their arms about In\! entwine, one- lUllr mll cs North trom the town dU(li\'t:ll t > . III \1, IlI rd,a niz ~ d in- I ed executrIces. Dr. Robert Blair, GeorgI: Owens, factory worker 50; Eden Tefl'Y, pay roll, $85.05; Eugene Hurper, bridge repair Till I think of the Bishop of of Wayn'\8esville I'n lIald Connty. anll dU 5 t'r i(' ~ 1 !I , "h.'~ r, wa" known th e "t1Iar.llIlIn J ;t~rm . " , , cs 1'1'1 "'(1 I.,gl,,·, J . Ray Law and d Charle.s J. Wag- of Franklin and Miss Maude Hen- wOl'k, $18.30 : C. Donald Dilatush, Bingen The prayer or en tl retltlon Is (01' pruultdioll. goner were rna e. ap'pralsers. sle y, factory worker of Franklin. rent of office, $lIi; Blind Relief, In ' his Mouse-Tower on tne partlllon or I<l\ld r po es tate ' Ihnt It lS pcriccl ly pll s~, j, It: I" 'r" Accoullts filed:December 21. PERMANENT LOCATION Rhine! ~lalnllrf' 9 Int er Rt be set ofr io ,hIm 10u,es oi ally size oul o f slal.dal'li Estate of SamueD Bowyer, deCliffol'd Callahan, laborer of for quarter endi ng December S 1, h'ivcse; (d~i~):~ C~~~I~n,r,~~I~I~ ~r~e8~~~~ .zed. lIIach i !~c-p~oduced elclllcn t ~. ceased, first and final. . Miamisburg and Miss Dctava Kin· $879.09. ---~~ --Do you thing, 0 blue-eyed banditti tlve shares or the purtl es In sa lol whi ch any !llI sl illed worl:man can Estate of Oscar F. Taylor, de- dred, of Franklin, December 21. Because you have Itcaled the rea! es tllt \! !IS se t. Ollt 'I'n sa lol peLl - put togetha ulld ~ r com llClcll t dircc· c.ellsed, first, final and distribuRoy M. Roberts, paper maker, LEBANON, OHIO WHEN AND WHICH tion. and tor such ot her alltl furth el' wall, . . reller as Is Just. equitabl e nntI tion. l'la, tering is unucccssa ry , tlve. . of Franklin and Miss Hazel E. Such an old mustache 8S I am Ey,e. Examined 'Ilroper. . many wallboards on the mark(! 1 .arc . Notice of eS.tates for settlement Ross. of Springboro, December 21. Office boy- "Sony, but the I not a match for you all? Th e I. rsons above nllm ed will betler and mor~ economical. PamL- 'IS set tor hearmg DI!cember 23, at Lel'oy, laborer of Be.1led itor won't even read your article Gla •• e. Fitted Repaira tak e notlc tliat th ey are pa rti es to 9 'I k said action. ulld thst Vlley uro reo ing call be d ~ ne more efficiently and 0 e oc , a. m. . brook and MISS Sarah ' Chamberlln, Embryo writer- "But did you I have you fast In my fortress Charles. Stewart was appomted of Hnrveysbul'g, December 17. qulred t o a nswe r th e sa me on or :hcapcr by Sllraying. . tell him that if he read it he And will not let you depart, befor e t he let da y or i\fnrch. 1930. • Some day sOllle group of capital- a n apPl'ulset: of the est;nte of would surely uccept it?" But put you down into the dun- ~he~.dgl1l"flt wilt b ' t ak ~n [\ nst iSIS will financ.e a building project Rob~ l·t Corwin, dec(!a~ed, 10 place Office boy- ItYes; that's why he Bill. AJlowed geon THOMAS M . MANINO'rON. which will utilize engineering skill or Ed. Dunham who IS unable to won't read it." In the round-tower of my heart, Pe ny B. Simpson, operating Pt!lirnltr. d I ' I thA serve. Shaw hlln & Brown. Lf'ba non Oh Io an mec \a111ca processes as ~ Allol'n .. ys 'ror Plalntlft. . . automobile induslry docs. Then rl The following .accounts were ap- maintainer $37.75; R. M. Weidner And there will I keep' you forever, hauling gravel, $109.44; Harold Yes, forever and a day . • - • homes will be so cheap that every proved:family can own one exactly fitted Estute of Jda C. Gallaher, de- V. Martz, same, $14.40; Blair and Watch your expiration date on the Till the walls shall crumble to ruin LeRoy, same, $70.08; Fred HumMiami Gazette. ceased, first and final. And moulder in dUllt away. FOR SALE Subscribe for The Miami Gazette 10 its needs.

Are Sal.;"

"Where S




I "\




d6%co 0 m"o'' 'JI!J

West Sitie Building &Loan Assn.

J, E. McClure


!-!IIIl-_........... Dr. John Zettel



-_ ..----


- ..----

Dead Stock Wanted


We pay from $3 to $6 according to condition and size of animal. Call Uti at our expenle.

·W ith Dependable Serum and Virus . in.urea both Safety and Succe••




- ~ELLO:

JI MM"f ?


' " P'INK),I

.' -..

Now, What Did Pin!',. 1




15 T~IS





F.,T. Martin

Jesse Stanley Auetio.era ,.


Chicago is building a new .kyIcraper on land ~hich was bought for ;5.000.000 an acre. On~ family own ed this land for ninetY-lwo years. It cost Ihat family $2.50 an acre in 1837. The present value i. just two million limes that, which II not a bad 'profit, even if one's heir. have to wait a huadred years for it. More fortunes .have lieea made ia America br buying land and , han,,ing on to It than in any other way, The biggelt gains are ia tbe bigKut citie., but who know., where population will center • century bencet Except for occAiional ' apeculatlve ' land boom. nobody baa ever lolt money by buylni land .nywb,4:re ia . the United State.;1f he held it loa, enouah. . Somebody, lome day, will writ••' history of the United Statel ia terms of real estate: Tbi. country was sell led by landless men wbo wanted to 01l\'n a 'piece of .Found , ~,!1 coul~:! cto that in Euro,..

FOR SALE or TRADE-4 year old Coon Hound. See Wilson Shepherd Waynesvl11e, Ohio, R. R. No.2. .jl THRESHER SUPPLIES-BELTS pulleYII, babbitt metal, 01\ cup., Injectors, lubricators, Iteam and w'!ter gaugeB, gauge glus, ollere, pa-cklng, boller fluel, luctlon hose and tank pumpl. THE BOCKLET CO. 416 W. Main St. Xenl., Ohio.





PIPE, V ALVES AND FITTINGS -For all purposes. Bocklet'. lIrie of plumbing .nd he.ting IUppllel are the belt. The BockletKing Co., 416 W. Main St., Xenia Ohio. '

Harveysburg Fertilizer Company LAND

Dr.W. E. Frost Harv!8),aburl', Phon. 31

Thirty yean ' allo a loun lr miD with an inquiring min succeeded in sending a lignal aeroll the Atlantic without wires. That wa. the beginning of radio. Everybody knows some of the thing. that radio haa accomplished lince tben. but here iii more to come: Marconi looks for the transmia· ~Ion of 'power by radio before very long. Television-lieeing at a <Iii. tance-is jusl around tbe corner, al. ready here in the laboratory. A photograph lent acron the ocean by radio enabled the London police to catch an American crook the other day. Short radio waves raise the body temperature, 80 that we lIIay yd keep warm jn winter by having radio terminals on oppoaite aides of each room.


>C:=: _ _ _


Reartltrar-"But, made-m, the law require. th.t I .hall record aU previou. m.rrl •••• before I..uinl ,~ ..- - - - - - - - - - - - - _ a new IIclnll." Eilm Star-"Good iTacloulr And I'v. ,ot a taxi waltln, outBide I"

19 N. Broadway








LONG OR SHORT TIME-E.., termB. Also Surveying qd Ab. stracting. Write and I \fill call and lee you. Sam D. Henkle, Way. nesville, Ohio. ' J11



SA" ,CAf:-I'T


S% Farm ·Loans





"''I 'HO~&?

LOANS ·on LiyeltOck, Ch.ttels Second Korlse... Notes bou,bL John HarblnB, Jr.; X~Ja, Ohio.

~ITT,". "'I"",a YIA..,.&:~AI'tl DlbN'T KNO'ioi W.(AT -ft) '00

~TH~ SAIO·, f!o.~ ®ODN&.~S' · SA1'.e -



f'O.~ FO~


, _ ..... A _,. ...............~,~.

F a'rmers~Attenti on


Farmen of Warren and adJolntn, counti.. obtain mOlle, CUl 10118 time loana. at Ii per cent tntenat, Colt of eecurilia.' til. il ,very reasonable, through ne Fe6lerat Land Bailk. For further Information all or addreu II C. PRAKE, Treuurer, plaone II':


X LebaIlOD, Oblr





-------- - - - -



08idt Pboue ... ; ............ ... .. . No. 112 RMidence ................. : ........ No. 118 Sub.cription Price, $1.50 a Year , I1n .... d al Po.' o lfi .. at WQ y neouillc nhlo. u Seco nd CI .... M .. i/ Mallor

JANUAR.Y I , ' 1\130





.---I I



I ·

TIll' I Li ~h ~ dH lo l .·lllde nts WOI'e (' nl, ·1' ai u C't1 i\fllnd:W "\'(, l1 ln l( al a diml"r' p mt.,· hy th p lI iVi h :')choo l t Iw h l' l's lit t hl' u Lt l'lIctivf' country hOI11(' 0 1' M I' I'i. Lill ia n ,1Irt'. R I n!; tUl' k tlY. with " II th l' fixin g's m a d o ---~-: up th l' b:lnqul'\' \l'hi"h II'!I!< th o l'~ '1 . Il llghly l· s.i ,,~·\' d lo y. " II prese n t. The Critical Hour 0 1' 'I'C ut e oll:lI' nnd ~le p s tntl the ,hl'is tnllls I!i ft ~ wC're t'x~hlln),('erl . . , tr'e e t'! . . d ill in g' t h r· 1·\·I'lIi n f," . All l'el1 I't n ~ I:O th(' l'e c.hiltll'en and n ,,:onlon ' 1' It' lIe! id t inll' .Ulle! \ ' (> t' lI ,t· It 'aehl'l's hOI I I o u as k the eaptH in or l . I( Y . . ' waltmg f n l' him , so m ewhe r e In th l! , 1'",':11 t' ntel't:lln('I'~ . the traffc-plill ce to r e f I' to IllS ~ubul't. R·' A fa ithfu l lilli e WlIlI1all. I " . '. . 11I1· ~. UIl " hll(· ( llIh g: I\ '··I('II,.t r~cord s . h~ c o u 11 ( t c II you 1\ I mos tlllil n" 11 11 t I1(' 1m l IV ' S " It 1)(0 :. an, I I I ' t t Ih' II I' t 'l nll' th c' whi "tlc n f .'l '~Ila" ,·tt ('I !lIlIl H"1I II I" a , I' xuc tl y how many m e n UntI \\'. 0111en ,~11\..111 "". ~,,,nl''' , ., .. 1 1 . n (h\' " \'t'llit1~ w hi ,.1t w ·.s \\'1, 11 , .. tl'nll1 III h (llll'd: " Il o V"II think Ulat .. , . ... wti l he InJ ul·(·t1 o n I.h c st l'ect: n n i):tlltl v ill on l ha t tni itt'!" a l. ~ (·T/rll'rI. A t, 'I'at \ '. II S 1~ I\' t t1 .tl i any pm·ti cular day of th e yen l·. T;; th is till' pi l'tl/I't. that. i~ ill hi " 1·lllltll'l ·!t pl·I,,,e nl. MOI'cover Iw co uld t II you lit what milld OIL thl' nitil'ltl hult l"! 01' has 'l'lI r· ( ' llIis ll1l a < 1'1'IIj!r:lIll pu L huu l' II f lilt' day th e Il'l' obu bility o f h e tcl l' p hu T/I 'd lhat he " is kept loy Ih l' '''' 1",,01 at t l,, · <: y m Tu(' ~t1nwlltllwn h y I li i s inl' ~~ allti WOll't I dtl ~' f' \' I'ni IW \l'a~ II V I'Y l'njnYH ' acc id e nt is "realest. . . hI' o ul until \:.tte"'! ,1 .1, . ;111' " .1'. S n ttl" ;"'III 'al'l '" :tnd d is . I s nw on ly r !'('cntly In u m erhcul n o t's tht. twili"hl that. dra\\' ~ . it s l'il,lItl',J " i ft - f" lI nl t l1(' 1'1'1'. . . mnguzin<: a s Uld y of th e fI " ur e ~ I v ~i l a tl' II ss his \\'lIrl; lift lhe Illa." 1 ~I' (' Il " ri ~ 11I'1 ltin in "Till' fur , ll~e c ity of N,·w Y"r1\. Tht· enrly h H~hl'I' I.han thl' 1(·vl·1 ".r th .C' da y. s , l{ t'~ U I I',. (. t i ,, "" al lIll' '(: YI1l Sn t u l" mO,"l1lnl(' ho.ul' s uye compl.lI·utl vc ly I occ upalton? 01' dll('~ It ~ Ink hl ~ 1. 1:1\' ('\,(.n/lIl! .Jll n ll<ll" · I . s,'u l C', th e h . .. ht " ood In th ose tholl,·hls 10\\'(' 1'. III 1111':1111'1' "1'(' 11 1' ,'' . J . • . ,IS ,, h o urs ; m e n a nd w omen are cil'a l'- ti ll l" anti hll ~ l' r jo~' s? ~l r . an d :'I I I'S ('Iin t ('1 ,';1\' ('1' and h cad ell fr om the ni g ht' s l o ng s lco p, It ~ 1 "' Ill ~ til n1l' if I W(, I' C hirin" a l;oll oil~' t' I1\ t' l'la in" d with 11 fami ly a nti t l'aflic is not d ens e. Graduall y llIal1 I ~ l lIIlI l d lik,· V I' I' ~' mllth li. d ll " t·1' 11 11 (' hi i , ltllll ~ I 'u ~· . C;lIl·~ t ,: thl'() u g h th e m o rnin g thc IIc cidentR know \\'hn t th oul{ h ts un ' ill hi ,: illt' lu ti, 'd ~I I· . 11 11.1 :\I rs. A . T . 1'1 1,, 1('1'. increase ; and in thc lIftol'llo o n th e ntin tl. in th ai cl'iti t' al houl·. r :'o IL alltl ;\I n ,. C. \Y . BI· lI ll l·t! alld 'i fi"lll 'fio. mCJullt a lll l·ml·ngly- until. 1 s ho uld likt. t () k 11 II\\' , if' r,n,' cllu ld famil .\'. ~Ir . a nti 1\11';;. \\'ill,oIl' ... , ., Col. Cha.r1es A. Lillcll,crl;h ,Ult! his wife. the fonner Ann e Morrow, reatin t he lute :ritt' I·II oon. loe tw ee n fI\' e I" " k int o hi ,; stlul. ;IS thrllU l! h a S hll~ :'k "r lIlld :\Ii ,~ :\l ary Sh id"k c' r Ing 011 thei r jOLlrl1t'y ove r the A dlo na cliffs to Lindbergh Ca ve. They are o'c1uck anti , six. th e hi Vi hes t p Oint wi n d ll ll', till' l1,an wlluld s talld "f \·ilollitlg'IIJll . and Mrs. J.u l'inlh cs pl <Jr ll1g ule remai ns o f the hUllles o f the ancient cliff-dweller!. NO\c is TI'ch!lch~d , I h f ' . h Slr:ll r.;ht \1'11I111 Pll'lde·tllilltlt'll· th at l Stntl·, . lhe roDe Qvcr Lindy's shuulder. tv <helo-them over the rough places. h jltl.S tI e ;u.1' 0 c rl s lsjw e n I SV I Ut Illy . or I LI S I WI I t'III':I I':l"S- 1 W il li;llI. ( ·" II ,,' n. (I f C illl'inral i. t (: ,.ay s w ~.r IS ?~o r une, m e ll l nll'n t . . . ' .' , .' . " , \..-1, " \I" s \\,1 ,11 hn l'\\n her,.. d it." :11

Snook & Jordan

II . '",

Phone 24

t.,' arveysburg, Ohio


" F: \' l'n I\s we laud the s plen did efTo rls of th ese 'Iead .rs 01' industry," slIid Ill'. Juli us Kl e in . As!<isWilt Sec r eta r y of Cu mmt'l'cl' , s p eaking- or th,· },II R ine s~ cUllfen!ll (,CH in Wushi ll ),('t(} n, "l e t u ~ /l ot lose s idlt III' th e unl1l1lllcd hundl'c d s u r lhousunds o f ' Iitll e r(.lI o w s· in th e lJu s in e~s world - tho com e r ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN . yo ur Catt le. hogs , sh ee p and calves I II d groce r , tie sm u -t c,wn I'ug-g ls t. th e hurdwllrc d e al l' 1' in a Ill iltl e~t to N orri s -Brock Co ., live wire and wily . tht, WOntllll se llin g ' nlltiLlns.' progressive fir m for t he highelt th e I'c staul'llnl propricto r with u market prices a nd good service. n c i" hh ol'hood trad e . . . These Union Sto'c k Y a rd., Cincinnati, O. s nwlll'r mel'c ha nts . wilh th cir in nUIlI'l'a ble ~ to res whcl'o lou !!in css , ! Re f eren ce: As k fir s t man yo u meet in whatever vo lu rn(' t'ull slll ntl y t UI!l ,Iway fr o m tht,". benches und l In Ihl \\h"l !,f thl. h~ ' lIlc ss e1a~ . .Iis an ' (',II ,d !til Ill(' tlll' l l' /'(' ("' 11 11\· . hut p lc a ~anl ca ll 011 Thursday ::~~~~~~~~~~~-::~_~ pl'oceecl s f Lll'ln lhe backlo o ne of I t h e Ir Il es ks . T~e critacal hour, th e wh (' n tl1(\ r nutlll(' 0 1 thlnl{s ('aIT ll'': Il l'a l It \I :t ~ (·:tU , t." b\' a , t rllkl' i,,: t' :l fl c rn ot1 n. our Arne'I'ican bu s ine~s organi sm." e xpo;·t R. en ll It, nn~ they hll v e 1 us a! I\ ':'~, . Wl' t l' nd l o h(· a ~oll d HI" loi n , I'. . I 1'1 l ~ . . I ' ndid trib l e t o u I named It well. fol' In that hour dr"" ;oIlke In IIur 1l1l'lIlal prllcesst·s . · . Our ~(' h "" 1 h l' lll its anllual c lllss'Uof V('i~i:c~~ ~ ll1 ong whom lire Fllt'e plays hurd tricks witb bodi es W e ur'e n ot Sll int('I'(·s l in ~ t1wn . ;\1 1' ..:Ind i\Tr.s, ~I l' d)('rl Pitl: IInti l (,hri st mas l'nter tainllH'nt (In Tu('~•• e mu;' , who h uve be n f ce lin 7 In te l anti the so ul s of m e n . . But the c lll (' k , tl' ,k t'!< fi\' c Ilr n "e- .Ia llt · 1':I I" n, 0 1 \\ a ~ h"I)!I (l n ( : II. . A ILl »)" lInl l Pr" spe!'n us ;\ cw rla y n ft (' l'l1 o() n whi c h wus un iq u l' l li S ;{ th ey und theil' kinel Zti d no~ . I .often wond er about It. wh e n I lh ll' t \' , and \1'1' a/'(' n." ,1" IIItC' r t1 e rk s WI' /'t ' C !"' I'~tl1aS I ';~~' ),('UI'., ts loJ ,\11'. 1 \ t'lll ' I to ~ '~l;' II nti all thC' rpuril'l'< o f l\lud, pla i,,' is tlUl' lIli ss SlIdi ,' co un t fll/' much in the sc hem e u f SIt In my o ffi ce on t~ e fift ec nth or p lu mbers rII' mI IlI Onall' l's',v ItUl a nd .\Il s . I' ranl; \\ " :< tl n. 1 .' ~Iillmi Gazl'l l l' is thl' wish of W lll lt· y ( t hl' l ea dl t' I') fOI' h('r l'X· 111 R II"'h t s ") In'" 'lt fre c . ' t .h ''ll thin g s . Whut with chllin s tore s oor a~u.1 \I'~ t e h th e.......1 .... me n-, . furth ) . . Il u" ... ht . s· .\I i; ~ c'~ !'. l a r g'lIrl'l and l\l ab,, 1 your BCI' eh Gruv(' Curn' s pt)"'len t. c e ll e nll\' arranged progr a m, A u p~ni/lg- up ev e r y whc r e to compe t e o u t one afte l a n other III lhe offic e do \H lhlnk IIf th (' n. at th e crl lcal Sh l r 'Inrl 1' lI lIl'" I hmpi 1' 1 . m ong those fr um a di s tance wh ll Fourteen Years of with locu l mel'chunt n nd t he ul· b uil di ngs oppusite. Eve r y li e: ht h~ur . bptwt'c,:, liI-e and "i x. wlll'n i "; Yl(,n' \\' I: I:l' '('hri 't nl'l ~ n . .". )\' ow is a goo ll ti1111' to s uuscl'ib e \1'(1 1 ' f lll' tll!la t c (' nllllj!h 1.0 at,tf'nd , c:~i., t ~ :I f 1'l rs. t\ lllalld~ Sl:~'/' J ,)~ rOl ' the Ga zt'lte ul th e lJ ej!. in n ing t h,l' .eT/~ert.a ln m~llt \~· u~ ~llss I~(lith I EXPERIENCE t cntiu n of the publi~ ce ntered on ~napped off m ea n s a dc:~k pu ll ed I we are hUrl'Yln" fr " !" o ur w nrk'1 t th ' II I . ' . f II , " . I ' d own , and a mun sturtlllg away th e ho ur \\'h (' n th e II ~ htR 111'1' g'la rI hl' 11(' \1' ,,('al'. A Iso t o t:ll'll o\'e r \ \ 1) ll e y 0 1 NO I th Dolk ot,I , II ~ I~ t e r " la c ul g C O\\ S u l e (Olng, f h' k Wh l th ht . .1 t' I I ' I ' i\1 ' I \1 Ch r G ". I'u.1~' n aI, f Ill'\\' ' of t h e leacher n u wo nd er muny a s mall grocer or ,rom , IS \~' or . a o ug s ur~ In" an,;,. Oll 8 11 e Ol!r . ri ll S (tn t Ill, , I. u nl . I'S. a ~. ·" II'af. I ' . dl'U gg-i st h as fe ll as if it were nu m hI S mInd, us h e tu rn s up hiS tht.' lIccld ents o cc ur! a nd fnmily hlld :I " g'uC.'sts un Chl'l st . . . •. HouI' I'! L('wi s an d fami ly a nd l e l a Vacc,·nall·on u e t o try t o ke ep o n going . that __ lila , Ilay ~I I', lIll d l\lr~. Boh Stump . W . \\ ..1 1'1'I:Y and ~ . F:. J ~' lhl' Misses Nl'lIir- Mary a nd Mar j _,' t hcre was n't r oo m i n the w orld Il ny \ 11'. an d !\h ~ . Willard BI ,ga ll a nd ~ n /l \lcre !11 \\' a yn esv dll' on l' lldu y , (,.r i(' Da v is . s pent Sunelny wilh 1'(.lu ~I i" " .BIlg'lI li I' nll' I'tainl'd t n C hris tEllllt'l' Lnmh wife and ~o n, lI el·- 1 tlv es and fl'l(' nel s at Bow.ers"i ll ·. m o re for hi s ~il1d o f a b~ sin ess, o r at Il' f o l' him us II bu slIl ess m u n. m as oIln !ll'I', 1\11> B{·lIc F't·aly . Miss 1,"l't o f ('lJ rw in cume nve r li nd l\ li s ,; Anna Fl'un cI' s P \'I!' of . It I.S o n e o f th e e n collrag'!('rola h 'al ,\' . (.I,·nl1 alld L:l\\'/'e n ('c s p('nl Su n da y wilh Mr!l. Lamb's :Iar ksv ill, is s lH'ndinj! th'l' h oli- I WayneavI'lIe, Ohio mg s Igns of th c tllllC that . t h e I I'r.a l~" 110111 1' floll, ~ lI C! nry Mool'e and f u m- I da ys w ith h e r co us in !IIi ,s Luc il e Fed e rul Gove rnm e n t I'ccoglllze d '1'1 I ' 11 ' I . ily F!' IT is the importun ee o f the locu l Illel'CI U ,": ~ 11 t.I( ~' .(,~1.1 ().~· :: . roastIng a . . . ~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~ c h ant nnd that II mnn o f Dr. > I ' II ~ f d , ,~ . Lt. t I'~I k. Th t' Te l' !'Y f ami ly had t o r the ll' Wa.\'Iand J o rdan an d famI l y of Kl e in':; ability lind innu nce Th e \\' ''l11all' , Ci\' ic L,' a"ue m !' t ,Iinnl'r j!u"s t s o n S unda y 1\ lrs. l ll yde ~ul'k Ctlt;Jl' up and s p e nt Sun ~• • • • • • • • • • • • • • s h ould s lund ou t us the spo ke~ ma n ' with :\11·s. E\' e lyn Shumaker .\ l ah('1 F. Tt'I' r y "I' Duyton. K . . E. day WIt h th e ll' h Olll e f olks h ere, f or th{' s mall bu.s in ess ('s tnbli sh- Grat e ful Lady Tell. What New : Saturday a ~ I I' rnll"n . I n th l' ab~ ncc Th l, mp~iJll und f amily of t h is place Mrs. Ka t e .J o rd un an d fumily . • o mMedicine Did For H"roelf I of th e !":eslt!(·nt. til !' \' IC('-Pl' s i d e l l t . . . . . hunc ey Bunn e ll a nti wifc o f ' m e nt. The De pultn! e nt o f meree has bee n m aklllg a ~tudy of Son ;\11'". '·.d lt h L Ukto ll ~ , JlI· os id e t!. A ' . Geor"c MOOI e h ,l I etul n d. to n e al' Wu ynes vil1e w el'c Hu nda th e I'easo ns for . th e f ai lurc of And Her ~ h()rl hu "i}1('s~ ~I':,~ i(jn was h e ld hI S h(JI1I~. h e l:e a~tel: . s~p.endlng I ltu e..t. of Mrs. Bunn e ll's 'jl rotlHrr ~ pecl·a luclIl: .merchants 111 ~e \'era l co m li nd til t' prr~~ l'nm ~lIm rnitt ce e nter - ~~vela l r1a~ s WIth hIS s is t el In Cor- Bert B oga n. ... , . . ~ mUrtltlOs , US lhe first s t e p loward tUln('d li s Wi t h Vltl'llIU S conlests ancl \\ In . he lping inel e pendellt bu si ness m e n United .'tlllc s . e n at ,I/' W . E . mus ic. Ad journed t o m eet J anua rv TI,n 111 !l n y . fl'l·ends o f Mrs . Ell .•) Mary Alice Hnrn e ss of Bowers30 Years Experience In Fittln t h Id t h ' t i d h . B r oc; 10f T e nn es.~ Ce . suy s :I I \\' 1' lh . I rs. j\'I HI'ga re t l' uc k'C I' " F e rri s~ who fl' lI a f e w day s u".o und \' ille . Bel'n e da L ewis of Wel lmun o 0 ell' rut e un S lire III a nd Makln'g Glasses th e. nati o n s '!; p r oHpe l'ily . ' Fuct Hn d Th at the lI nre~ t o f th e worlel tol\1t, . I i\1 .. 1\ . ' d ' f l " .. ' 11 I . were Thul's dny afte rnoon vi itol's - at-lhe flliun's an' d:t e t o i~nol'!1nce day is h rgc l \' du e t o the fn(·t th nt . ,Ill( j I ~. t ot~ Chne nnd ~ t:I "t aine n pa m u IIlJU I' Y WI ue of. Ne ll ie Mary and Marj orie Da v is o f th o f acts uL o ut their own bu sith ' 1' 0' a ~e l\t; t e no ugh jl eo ple who d u ughll'l' alld_. I-.!~rl C lln £' . of na y- ~Iud 10 knnw t hat sh e is getti ng t1l1dr ", tnci e nl IlIJpl kutio n" says "~tnl) t o think ." I t llll . . ~J1 l'1I 1 I hnst ma s Day WIth a ili n g U l< we ll as cou ld be expeeted. J . LcE' Talm age a n d famil y o f ' ll ' d" bl ' .I ' I A . 1·,·laU\'('s here 'o ulh Le ban on were S unday D r. KI ('In," Eyery Tueada", Tbur.da,., arc H~ III Is pensa e I HIVe j!l'eut fUl t I III tI e lI1 e n·. Chas ))ill an d fti lllily o f X e ni a , gue sts of A. B . Tallllllge a n d wife Saturday I'ond work('l'~ o n the highwuy of ca n IJl!uI' Ie a nti h e li e \'l' if llwy lilt, .:II1 e1 !'.I r~ . Chas Gray an d 1111 , \' d into their new ho me h e r e and AUllt J essie. s u ccess. " Ant i he and his ass istII' ll ull ~top to think th ey w ou ld falnil~' ,·n.i()~·l'd "Fnn tligh ts lind near till' church on l ' u e s day af t e l'• __ _ _ _ No "har,. for Examination unts hll v c di sco vl.'l'f'd that m os t o f n ot olll y be 1I10re u ,,<, ful to tl1l' F Oll is" ill t hl' .\ I u rphy FridaI' c\'en n oo n . th e fuilurc s ure dlle t o ign o l'unce co untl'," at lar~(' . b ul would in g-. " Huro ld 1\1 e Ka y. and wi fe s pent o f the fa ct niJuu t their own bu s ibring happill c!' t o th e mas s : a n d , \ f I I' com f ort nnd cllns olation t u mllny \I{ri~ :I':.ltt r~. . ~I· .l n'll e 1I ld,l'en ~;:~~. Christllla s Eve '.'.'it h r elatives a n d , n ess. Only IIb l) ~lt fI\'e 0 1' S!X percenl of the fe l/lure s of n e lg hb':l r- , unhuppy .homes t od ay.. . " ilr l ' ('};';.., ~al. ~;; t)~. t ~~ s U t s :'!'il·nds in Wilm in gto n. Fatth IS lh e fOUI) dlltl on (If all y I 111, 1. mtl llllng . h ood s i o r eR lI l'{' t I'llcclible to c hu tn- , W e m e .ony t o r cpo l·t Ed Vunsto re cOlllp et ition; m u ny m ore Ilre thi ngs w o r th whi le , and thi s fai l h I Mll ry Ca/'ldy n Luken s e nte r- llI (o t CI' q uit e poorly at thi s writing . dU l' to cl\reles.~ n e5s in c r edi ts and ca ll o nly be hnd by th ose wh o ' tainel l h I' cou si ns .Jan " li nt! .Jl'un K . E. Th 'l llIp ~ I ' n a nd family en- I collections . t n inacc ura te boo k" st o p t o think." If w e s ho uld take 'I ll a r t sll ck O\'t·1' the \\' ck-e n d. le rtain ell on Ch ri s t mas eve ning fait h out o f a hOlll e 01' bu s in ess . MI" I 1M .. W T I 'd' k e oping, to in/l bi lity to grasp the C~. e ntiul poillt~ of g ood mereh!!ne it hcl' or bot h would so u n he I tc r t ai;I~ld ('Il (~~""l' .' :YI d.n 'I ~:- c nnlpnny fr om Dayton , X e nia and di sing li nd t o ine xp er ie nc e wreck d li S mus II lnn('t . I!'. Wilmin gto n. This is n gl' e~t work, 'and the Co n elition l; h U\'e ch a n ged but L~I1.a . II I~rt.sock. 1\11" (lnd 1I11·~. R Qs~ The , t Ol'k brou j!ht a co upl e of fact s di sco verec\ a nd th ei r impli JOSEPH ZEMAN hUlllan nutul' e h a s n ul. an d lhp ~\ili.t.1~~ and c~"~:lre ~ ~) f \\ aYl1ps- li lt 1(' o nes t o uur q uiet littl e cutions lire aVlli lah le to evorybody MRS. soo n e l' th e Ame r ica n pel)!) le I' cult , . I. and J II.~. C,lIr (J1I Dr:ath- n ei !! hb orh ood last wee k leaving a wh o will 'I<k th e Department of ize thi s a n d begin tu think o n s afe j l'al(e of Un'gll llHl. and M I'. lind li t tl e boy at t he Fail'child s h om e . ;\l rs\\1ilAmin"l I:J n Ihl'tso Co mm erce " f or litem . " T his amuzing m ed ici n e quickly s an e h: il es. Fe 1.l. l1 g th nl th ey have a. nl' ~ . ck li n l I C'l11' II( I'e n lind u li ttle girl at lh c Wi eu l hom e . ---- - - - - e nd e d tw o years of s uffering f or pa rl to take In OUI' GO\'e rnm l' nt, . Among th e many C hri ~ tll1a s ~-- - - -m e, " sai d Mrs. : Jose ph Zemun, o f I cui ~nc\ uthel'w ise . and tha t ~o be NOT ARY PUBLIC pl'C'Re nts ulld cards r ec e ived by K . • Euclid Village a s ubu rb o f Cleve- e fre ctlve th ey must Illnke !lo me 1111 I E. Th olll pso n and fami ly W IIS 11 National BaDk I lund, Ohio. My sto m a ch had bes~cl'ifices and self-tlenia ls. t here DOES THE WORLD loeu utiful chri~lmlll; ca rd fl' o m I ('ome badly disordered and my' WIll be less unre~t. . REALLY WANT PEACE? li ttle Miss Gem'va Ma e Routzhnn Will Drawn - E.tat•• Settl.d I f lood nev er digest od IlS it s h o uld . If they d o n ot, It \\:111 wcnken ~ lit' Oi el o f Lytl e , ma n y thunks Ge n eI'll. ~ Gus pa in s unel b lo atin g we re fol- ef!ec tlvenc:s o f ~he ll' l'O( Iperatwn , w."a... Ohio towl'd by t he m ost frightful h ead- Wit h th e' lea d e r shIp o f (J UI' cuun .l ry One ~ I a s s wat e r i~ not c nough - - - - -Mi sse. 1\1ay fl' ey li nd Mod e nia uc ltes . I wus oftc n forced t o go t o und will hnve n ~ e nd e n ('y t o hl'lng' - t ak e 2 gla ~:(·s a h a lf h our be- P owe ll a nd D(·nnis W e ll s s p e n t Th e ' a ' :1 1 n i ~ nl'lna ll1 e n l Co n - "ed fill' day.; at a lim e. Ne ur itis at- us to a sad e n ~III~. f or what th e fo l' C' br('ukfn s t. l' n u get quicker hri stma s uft e rnn on with l\Ii ss fe rene!' whic h is ub out to meet in t acke d my arlll S until I 'co uld n ot co un t ry n eed~. f l:om till' lI all,: o f ' anrl hette l' re:; ul t s by ad di ng n C Mary Kath leen Th ompso n . L o nd o n i ~ o f lI11 ll1 e nS(' ce TRY Auctiol1(!1'1' Manning o( l nil)l1 to th e wl\l)l l' \\'111'111. hut of m or(' :'ai s e the m and I W!lS practically Co n gress d O\\·!I •. IR lenlit; 1' wh ~se , littl e s illlplt, gl .vcI'I'i n , "alin e, etc., OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS (' lpl ess. pl!l.n ~ and poliCi es at:e. fi lled wIth ' ( kn o l\:n <I s Adl c rikn to nn e g lllss. W m;hil'gt oll T . P . g av e u s n shult h immedint.e im,lurt unce lo the FeR-RESULTS " I ne ve r g uv e u p my search for l'e lt g-lO u s. m O~ l ves . ~ h IS k llld of Unlike othe r l'e lllC'di c. , Ad l c rika U nit ed States thlln to II nv othe r a m ed ic ine to he lp me a nd finally leu d et:J h.lp ~vlll In s plI'e otl:e l's . t o I a c t s on BOTH upper und I.l':'. UI' co untr y. We p i ' cle o urselves on trie d Konj ola . In l\,! o ,,!~ eks [ h~\Ve. fillth III t.h em. an.t! \\' 111 g ive \l o \\'el nnt! l'em o ve~ o ld l)oison s y o u being th most pellC -Iov inl:' PI oplc ~u i l ('d ·cv!'l'ul pounds in we ight our len ders th e In spIratIon to earl'y i n eve r t hought were in yo uI' s vst e m _,.~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in th e wll1'lcI . y ot ..... (! sp e nd more und Illy !lto m nch ailm e nt had b ee n on. '" Adlcrika st o ps GA S an d ' Ollr m o n ey tod ay on militury and na val corrected. A wee k later the n e uri Is yo u r gren ter flllth 111 p rai se sto l1l llc h in I () minu t e s ! R(' lieves prepnrati on !l f or war tha n l:. ny lis pain ' left m e and I could u se 0 1' in c r itic is m? Stop nnd t hink! co nHtipntion i.1 <! hours. Adam. oth e r nution! m y ar ms ugain. My whple ge n em l - - - Drug S:. J'e. P e l'hnps w(' arc wrong in h eliev- he::lt h so improved t hnt I f ee l bet- -- - - ---~ ing that we love pelll:c more t h a n I eI' thn n 1 h ave in many ' years. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT oth e r p oople d o. Hon . Alu n sJ n Neuritis a ls o attacked my son GREEN COUNTY FAIR R E PORT ---H o ugh t o n , f Ol'lll er Ambassador t o Loui ~. aged 18, and Knnj olu acted E s tu le of Vern on I. Creswell. Berlin lIn ti th c n lo L onrlon. s ug- jud ns prom ptly in his case. J de ce a sed . G l'ee l1 ('Ollt v fail' in I !l:!!l mu de gestod us mu ch in his uddre ~s on !\hu ll n cover ue without this \9ondel'Not ice is h ereby g ive n that a prnfit II f $ :~ : 7R~,.~IO u cc tll'dillg to n ss uming lhe pus itio n of C huil'man ful m ed ic in c in our h ome." Hnnnuh E. C r eswell haR been du ly lhe annua l 1 ~'Jlo rt n f B. U. Be ll , o f the Commis. io n on InternaKo njol a is so ld in Waynesville a pp ointe d nnd q un l ified ns Admi n - t re a sur e r "I' th Grec n Co unt y ti o nal Ju sti ce and Good-Will of t he at Adum s drul< store, a nd by all istratrix of the Est ate of Vernon a gric ull Ul'a l ~oc i l'ty. , Federal Co un cil of Churches. the lead ing druggists in all towns I. Creswell late of Warren County, T Olal fa il' r ece ipts, includ ing a. By EDCAR W ALLACB Pointed out that the United States througho ut this entirt! section. Ohio, deceas ed . ba la n ce 0 f $38 .89 fr om 1928, I has managed to get into at least _ __ .. _ _ Dated this 28th day of Decem- alllounted to $ 18,423 .07 . again st one important war during every ber 1929. wh ic h t h ere w e r e expenditures of generation since the Republic was W. Z, R o ll Husband-"You accuse me of $ 1 4,G!>4.38 leaving a balllnce of , established, he said that his knowl- reckless extravagance. When did Judge of the Probate Court. $3,!J28 .89, fr o m which th e board , edge of European nations convin- I e ver make a useless purchase?" jI6 Warren County, Oh io paid off 3.500 of the PrinCiPal / ced him that ench of them honestly Wife-"Wbat about that fire of th e fairgro und s purchos e and thinks, as we do, It. people love extinguisher you bought a year g randstand dl!bt. Ed g ar Wal lace. mos t proli oj peace more than any other. The master writer of Datective Stories Subscribe for The Miami GlIZette ago? We've never used it once,l' T otal debt r e maining on the all :I uthors. wh o Ita writ ten nearl~ If something of that understandgroll nd s and 'ltTant!stand is $7 ,000 a h utlrirt!d d etecli\·c s to ries am' ing cif the peace-loving nature of has written the greatest novel 01 In three yea r s th e gra nd stand debt 'wh 05c late s t . "G lIl1lll a n 's n lufT. " wil humanity In g:eneral, and lome h ns been reduced by $12,000 . apprar ser ia ll y in thi s p .. per. Mr of his whole career. measure of belief In the good InWallace h as lat e ly visited Am erica tentions of nations toward us, ~Scene gets into the spirit of the DisarmaUSE CORN MEAL It is called "Gunman's Bluff" and we ment Conference, there Is h9pe that our dele'g ates may come back What better in the cold weat h e r will publish it serially beginning with II program, agreed upon by than COI'll-m ea l ? It h as s uch very ' nll which will reduce our naval valuabl e h eat-su pplying propel'ties . soon, bu~den and t hat of the rest of the Corn m eal m ay be s erved ill I world. and provide tangible evidmany delig-htful ways, and is v e ry 'I once that we- and the other coun p op ul ar in s o-call ed "Johnny Do not miss a single instalmentt! tries- do actually desire peace. Cake ." T o make t his d elicio us repu st scald on e cu pful (more if ' will thrill you! Puzzle you! AbSi Tinklepaugh says the way wis hed ) of Indian m ea l with IIbout thi nP.'s are g oing it wo n't b~ lo,!g one cu pful of absolu tely b o ilingsorb you! befo~e some folk s '11 ha\fe. to . begm water until not quite t hin e n o ugh paying lheir Instalments In msta1to s prea d, a dd o ne t eas poonfu l of ments . s ugar a nd o m '-hnl! t ells po onful of salt und o n -quarter cupful of They're m~ki.ns: th,e ne~ movies milk ; s preud with a knife in a bigger and , showmg em I!, colors well-got'ca sed d_ripping pan , mark and talking and everythin g, and in square. lind b r ow n in h ot oven now they're go~ng ~ s~ow 'e!,!. In of /150 cI gl'eE!S F. Serve h ot and three dimenSIOns, like . hvmg s plit und bu tter, as eate n. Or . statues. There are only two or covet. wit h a thin white sR'uee and three m ore improvements needed se rve wi t h a little crisp bac on . . tci make 'em perfect, aeems to us. One is to put aome ' senae -into the plots and another would be to bire ABOVE THE A VERACE a few real actor\!. Broke r- "I hAve bO\lght you 500 sha res of common stock, Gentleman on boat--uI don't mlldam ," feel at all safe '/' in this leaky j)ld Mrs. Fit"wa1ter-'··Well, I don't boat." ~ . " Advl ph M ~n jo \1. ranlO t~,; 1:'.'1 ~tar . r.cC(I ~·c ~in R f\(lI11 :I n ()ry l ra~tOl\ fGr want them; What on earth would Boatman- "uon't YGU WGrry. sir. If anything happenll ' I'n take appcndi ~ tll ~ ~'l t :l.t· .11 • . II,,'! lI, > " :t.l1ll !aol., whtlc Ilts W"'-', Kath..ryo my friends SII,y if they knew I'd got nn~1;hing common1" ~rver, cheers 1I1~ '\) It~ah:~"\;Il"1!. tbe blame.






DR . L B HALL Veterinarian





RI· hie P







hone 76 4



Siaht S


Cary' sJ ewelry Shop


Dr.C. W.ANSON Veterinarian



Waynesville, Ohio

I I 12 GIasses "aler, N01 T00 C'd H'p Constipation ..


._-- - - - -




COMING! A New Serial


----- -..----


From a M,ovie


- ----




.The Miami Gazette

----_ ..---I


THE MIAMI ~~~~E..,rE I

CALLED '1'0 CINCINNATI Wllli,m Schuler was can.d ' tQ Clnclnnlti Frida 01'1 account of t he IIlnas._ of hia mother.

.Miss Maude Hearne of Dayton Howard Burt on Cincin- with relatives here. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ray nati tod~y. II1r. and Mrs. Ke leI' Graham I Mills. and daughter Bernice were dinner Ir. and Mrs. Howard Archdea- guests Wednesday of the latter~8 Mr. and Mrs. .IJames Zell of con spent h'ristma3 with relat ives parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Yellpw Springs, we 'e guests of at Spri ngboro,' Albright in Waynesville. Mrs'. La.u ra Zell on Friday. Mrs. Edd Longacre accompanied W. N. ears ' and fnmily were Mr. Longacre to Cincinnati, where Mr. an d Mrs. - larence Rye gave Ohns. V. Adams of Union New \ cllr gue. t, of Mr. nnd Mrs. he. hus em l>loyement, and WIll Furnace, Ohio, is vi iting his bro- HUBsell Campbe ll of near Beaver· Sp end t he wee k with relatives a ~ami1y dinner on Sunday , ther R. J . Adams, and family, town . there. J. P . Fromm Ilnd !amil.y .pent Mr. Ora Warner a n d family of Rev. and Mrs. G. C', Dibert and r Mr. a nd Mrs. F orr le st Hough arid Middletown came Thursduy to Chri~t1l1tl with relatIVes In Dayfamily spent hri stma s with Mrs. dnught(\l' of Dayton were hrist· spend several day.s with her ton, Dibe rt's par ents at McComb, mas g uest s of Vern ' H ough und parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry famil y. . lIlrR. Glen Blllnd entertained a Ohio. Foulk s. . . few friends ut dill nc r Sa lurda y Mi~ s Fannie EUl'I1hart fill ed t he Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hawke and evt'ning. Dr. A. T . Wl'i~ht with Mr an el pulpit at church Suryday aftcrno? n family , of HlIrV l\y ~burg were un· Mr!;. Elliott Wright of lll'lrui t. lin ' Ilccount of the fllno ss uf MISS ¥r. a nd Mrs. Vern Amlitage dny gues ts of MI'. and Mr>!. W a lter sp enl Christmas wilh MI'. und Mrs. Bowman. an I! dall~ht ers spe nt, Sunday With ndcrwood. Alfr ed Wr'i~ hl ut Co lumbu s. MI'. flnd J\1 rs. lyde W harton e n· Mr. and 1\1 rs. Will Norton. ertain ed to C hristmus dinnel', Mr. and Mrs . J. L. Ha rtsock "You l'ex Si lv rscul" Silv('l'ware tMess rs Ll!e Greathouse and Morris Mr. and Mrs. Lon Beckett, Mi ~R spent Chl'istmas ut the home of : is the bes t. Co n,pll.rt! it wilh other Whurton of Duyton, Mr. Samuel t he ir cluug ht<> r Mrs. Robert Wnl· mukes before ~ lllrtln~ your lJattel'n EIlHllre n Beckett, Nt r. and Mrs. Smit h. Miss Ve lmll unnd Hermun und Ref,' I'nr you r'se lf its sterlin g ' l1Iilh. Ray ' onne l' an d Mr. Eurl Holland tOil in Dayton. were dinner g uests nn Sunday of , ,(uu liticR. Cary 's J ewelry Shop Leb Mr . nnd MI·s. A lbert Stacy e nMr. und Mrs . ChUB. Wrnfi!'ld nn on. Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Monger. tertained theil' children and grand· a nd M i 8~ Vera Price of Wilming· children to a fum ily di nne r ChristMr. and Mrs. Merle Kerns ond ton were Christmas Du,y .g uests MI'. and Mr~. Milt on Sheehll il of mas. . . d!lught!'r of Columbu s, Mr. and of MI'. and Mrs. D. R. Smith. Ce nt crv ille, Mr . lIlld Mrs. C. F. Mr. and Mrs. Walter K e nfl ~k. Mrs. C. M. Rob itz cr ond daughte r, I . Cla1"l; lind Mr. H. M. lurk of 1\11' 5 . Allen Emrick and I\11 S8 I Mis!'; De :l t rice, Mr~. Am clia Wil . ; Mi sg Ruth Miller ret ~ l'~ ed .to LVll c were the g uests of MI' . lind The lm a Co leman we re Dayton Iiam s, Me:'srs L. M: Pr intz. and Lima Tucsday nr~cr a :VISI~ With Mn;. T. E. Rogers :!lno Miss Mill" "i ~ il()rs Thursday. I Chas. Buell were Chnstmns dinner her mother Mrs. Eva MilI cI. Mrs. gurct Hogers, Christmas Day. MI'. a nd Mrs. GllY Routza hn had , ~ u ests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mi llt:r uccompa ni ed her ~!\~ghter for Lhl'i r Chri slmas g uests. Mrs. Marlatt. to Lima for un exlended VISit. Mrs. Eliznb th Blli ly en terta in ed Ma r v Boitn ott Mr. an d Mrs. Fra.nk on Ch ristmas Duy MI'. and MrK A man will oil ·a wheclbarrow Hnve your wntch ~ nd clock reo Dnvid DU nh um, Mr. and MI·s. Em· Un,\vlI lind Cr i~l ilo itll ott of Tippe becuus!' it squeuks but will let h~ s paired. old wedding r in gs. mod er n; mol' Bai ly and two c hildren of ClIlloe city. MI'. Ull d Mrs. J. B. Jones were watch go untouched because It Iz cd. your dllimond s put .m a n.e\\ Lebnno n, Mr. a nd Mrs . J . B. Chapdinner gue~ts Xmas at the home n oiselessly perforlll s its daily mounting, jewelry repall'cd lik e Illall and tw o sons of Colum bu s. of Mr. Hnd 1\I1·S. Huny Moore in duti es . Let use repair and oil YO UI' I new, silverware r epla ted and watches. Cary's J ewelry Shop L eb· bends restrung at Cary's Jewelry Yuu could'nt pu t Christmas or Dayton, Mrs. J~n e!\ remain e d until e"cnll1l(". anon. I Shop Lebanon. bonus mo ney to bettel' purpos!' or Thur~day Louella Swank spent Monmor e lusting satisfa ction than to dayMrs. in Duyto n. c hoos c' II diamond, a I·ca l.ston e 'Frank Wuo ll ey Hn d daughter, rim: 0 1' II watc h at le ur y's J ewe lry Shup. Leba no n. W e give Ccdur Miss Lo ui se, Mr. and Mrs . WilHam Wooll ey, and dllughter, spe nt SunSta mp s. day with Mrs Woolley und Mr. and Mr. a nd Mrs. L. M. Henderso n Mrs. William Brow n, Mrs. Brown and fam il y had US! g ue>!ts at a remailled quite poor ly s ince. a returkey dinne r Christ mas Day. Mr. cen t fall. Mr. Sam uel Williamson , a forlind Mrs. W . E. O'Neall and fa m. ily , Mrs. J . T. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. mer Lytle reside nt, died Monday

Coyle'. QualltyMeat I Values All uu r meats home dresst>cI. As wc arc doi ng ollr ow.n ~l/l llght e ring. Our Bee f . I ~ Prinl(' baby Becf. W (! IIlvlle you to co m!! in nnd see the qualit y.

Veal Chops, Ib ' . . . 33c Choice Rib or Loin

Veal Roast, lb .. . . . 30c Lamb Chops, lb . . . 33c Leg of Lamb, lb . . . 33c Fine Roast or Bake

Pork Roaat, Ib Fresh


Pork Loin8, lb . . . 21 Y2c Whole or Half

P~rk Steak, lb ... . . 20c Sliced Sho ulder

Pork Chops, Ib '" 28c Choice of Rib or Loin


Whole or Half

Fresh Side, lb . .. .. 20c Roaat Chuck, lb . . ZSc Prime Baby Beef .

.steak Loin, lb. . .. 3Sc Cround Beef, lb . .. 20c Sausage, 2 lbs •. . ... 38c Pure Pork, Bulk or Casing


. . ANNUAL ELLECTION Th e . annual election of the Stockholde r s of t~e . Waynesville National bank for the purp ose of c lecting directors for the e nsu- . ing yelir. wi ll h e h !lld at their bunking rooms on Tuesday. Jan· ullry 1 <t, H)2~1, between t ho hours of I and 3 p . m. L M. HENDE RSO N, C~h ~r






Campbell's Creek Lump

Sugar Cured Lean, . 2 lbs. or more.

Hams, lb .. ... ... 22~c Su gar Cured' Fre", Milk. Cream, O,..ter., Country Butter, CrMmery Butter OI_mar.ariDe CotCheeea, Craam Che_a, Picld.., Bread Coffea, Cak.., Crackan, Apple •.

Otho Hend erson, and Mr. Glenn =~~~~=~=~===== Frye.

Is the



Spare Ribs, lb .... . 1Sc Bacon .. ........ . 20c

Priced Coal

On the Market

$6.25 a ton delivered


can V.,

a nd Mr. and Mrs. Alva Scott ot Dayton. Th e ~econd and third lessons of t h e Nutrition cla8s ' will . be given at thl! Dl1 l:e home ' Wedne8day morning January 8th, starting at 10 :30. Aft ~r t he covered dish dinner, t.he Ladies Aid will me et at 1:30._ _ _ -4> . . ._ - - - t . . .

. .. 16c I

4 to 6 Ib average

Hama, fre8h, lb .

at his home on Philadelphia St. in Dayton, after a lingering iIlnes8 Mr, Williamso n was in the grocery business h ere- for a number of years. Mrs. BeUe Dinwiddie, Mrs. Leah Strouse and SOil, Miss Olive Dinwiddie and Pau l Savage of Waynesvi lle spent hristmas day with Mr. nnd Mrs . . Floyd Savage and children. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenr ick entertuined· to dinner Sunday, Mr, lind Mrs .. Carl Eaton and daughter, Miss Mildred, Mrs . .Joseph Grassi, on lind dau ght cr of Libe r ty, Ind., anti Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Binegar of Jam estow n, Mrs. Eva Hllin es of Dayton. A fternoo n and evening gUt! . ts we re: MI'. und MrR. Williljlll Hai nes lind c hildrC' 1l of Belmont


Wa PlaoDe No. . . .

Waynesville Coal and Ice Company

Coyle's Meat Market

Telephone No. 35F2

See the New Ford

hodles at our

Miss Bernice Hyman entertai n. ed Sa tu rday eve ninl~ at her . home a party of friend s ho m Cincinnati Lebanon, Xenia a nd J amestown . A del ic io us lun ch was served by the hostess. ;a nd a n e njoyable time was had. Mr. and Mrs. Eurnest Butterwort h e nterta in ed on S unday Mr. and Mrs. Samuel BUttterworth, Mr. and Mrs. Burn ett Butterworth, Mr. and Mrs. Carl F rye, Messrs. C. W, Frye, Glelnn Frye and dilbert Frye .


Now, more than ever,

the new Ford is a "value far above the price."

Moto.... Co. >.


~.hODe· 105 · ··

eo_pan)'. CllioalO

W a yriesville, .ohio

For sale a t

Adams Drug Store

Dealers In everythlnl connected with an Lumber Yard

. Wayne.ville, Ohio

_____ M~ ~d and M~. Mr. GI~ Ralph B~nd '"~=====~===============~===~==============~~ ../

and Smith,daughter Smith.


thought possible only In an expensive

W. H. Madden & Co.

Made /jy

~ :'I

A family gathering at th e home of Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Smith on Christmas Day included Mr. and Mrs. J esse Mengle and children. Mr. and ·Mrs. L. C. St . John, Miss Thelma St, John, Kenneth St. Phone 120 John, Mr. and Mrs. Harold

Is an unbroken sweep of IIne---a flowing grace of contour heretofore

Money back 1f not relieved Children like it

M,', a nd Mrs. C. Jr. Graham, nee Helen Duke, and llittl e daughter Dolores J ean, who have been located in Detroit. have moved to Dayton and are s taying with Mr. Graham's mothe r until spring, when t hey expect t o build south of the city.

curving tip of the rear fender, there

From the new deep radiator to the

With a Its Accu:sories, such as Lumber, Fancy Shingles and all that goes with t"be Home Beauitfu. F or an estimate on the same, call

Used as a Physicians rrcscription for Many Yea rs

Mr. a nd Mrs. Raym ond William. son and so n and Mr. a nd Mrs. Chas. Hollser, pare nts of Mrs. Williamson, who haove b ee n g uests of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Williamso n, left Saturday morning for their home in Cleveland.

Having decided to quit farming I will sell at mll resid e nce 2 miles North of Wa)'n esville and 5 miles South of Sprinlg Valley, Ohio on Statc Route No. 42 on Wedne.clay, Jan. 15, 1930 Beginning at 101 o'clock, the foll owing property: 14 head dairy cattle, Jersey and Holstein. 6 cows fres h with calves by side, 3 mul es. 6 h ogs, 400 bu. corn, tractor a nd farm impleme nts. T e rms made known on day of sale. · ALV,~ HARTSOCK W. N. Sears, Auct. W . E. O'Neall, Clerk.

sh.o wrooms

The Making of a Home

The Best and Cheapest Insurance You Can Buy A Set 01 New, Sure GrippingGoodyears on Your Car

._--.__.....- - -

NOTICED that your tires slip- skid- on slick pavement? Don't run chances of serious accident, on treads about a s safe liS banana peel s.

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. JJones attended the Christmas enti!rtainment at F e rry churc h Tuesday evenin,. Mrs. Eva Grahalll1 entertamed the li tt le folks of Lytle Sunday School to a Christm~ls party at her home on Monday of last week. Mr and Mrs. Charles Clark and H . M·. Clark spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rogers and Miss Margaret iln Waynesville. Mr and Mrs. Samuel Charleton spent Wednesday with their daught er and famil},' in Dayton, . Mr. and Mrs. An:en Hardly of Lebanon wer~ Christmas guests of the latter's mothel~, Mrs. Ann Smith. Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman and Miss Thelma attended the Rotary Club banquE!t in Lebanon on gonday evening of last week. Mr. Alfred Haine!1 of Detroit Is visiting his mother, Mrs. S . H. Haines this week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry F oulks had for their Christma!1 guests, Mr. and ~rs. Edwin Linneman and children of Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs Wilbur F ou lks a nd children. · G'eneva Mae · Routzahn is sick witl! a gathering in h er head and ears. · Mr. and Mrs. Alieni Emrick were dinner guests Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. ' J. B.Thomas in Center. ville. . '. . . Mr, 'and Mrs. Edd Longacre entertained t o a fflmily dinner Christmas Day. ' . Mrs. S •. H. Burrlet;t is suffering with a :broken bonejust above the wrist of her right arm, the result of .0 fall Wednesday evening. M'r. and Mrs. A. IE:. White and .BonB of Columbus spen~ Thursday and . Friday wit\.1 I\ll)r. and ~rs. Kesler Graham. Mr. ~nd Mn. Nash and 80ne of Canfield the· hollday. \:

Trade in yo ur present tires fo r the securi ty of new, suregripping Goodyears with All-W eather Treads- safest and 'best of all. Values beyo nd compare- becau "e Goodyear enjoys lowest cos ts t hrough a production . by far the largesct in the industry.



Here, . tool-More people ride on

Goodyears Let u. dell!onotrate

Also complete stocks of. Goodyear AII-W eathers---Hea vy Duty or Stand· ards--~and ~he matchleas low-priced Pathfinders . .,' .

the 2 rea.on. wh.),






Phone 47

Waynesville, a a • .Ohio I\.________________~________________~----~--~..--------------____~;.------~



Eighty -Third Yea.r



Whol e Numb er 5891





Takes Church .Office


The followi ng ~ t u I'Y' clip(ll'd fr ll lll l the "Eu~cne GUllrd " , u tla;l y I Th e f,,\l owill)! t\ flh~ t' l' ~ WC' I'l' in~ I a\l (· d :1t Gr ~lIl" l' :->1l11II'da y n ig ht, HCw s pnp er 0(' Eu!!c ne , Or ·gun. wiil .J :IIlL1ary ·1, iJ y ;\'I r ~. Em l11 (Jl' Bu ily be of' interest t,l t li e friend .' o f '1111'. ;) !ld ill, ". Williall l Lukr' n ~ , :->tate OL UM II U~ . OH10 lin d Mrs. HU Yll10nd Murlntt . fo rmhief J. erly of Wu y ne s\·illc. Mr. Marlutt W . 'I' homp!!o ll uf th e IiMh a nd ga.m e ;ran/.!'l· I,tli ee r s . Th e Iirst purt of this week .lias is the so n of MI'. and MI' ~ ..1. Il . divi s ion ,If the stllte in !!1l1l1 11l0nmg ~l asl l' l \\ a llac £> Ba rn ard, bet: 1l ~i ve n OVI;!)' m o~ t1y to revIew. MariaH , of F otu·th s treet . 1\1 1'0. liP th e work of the J1a~ l yoal', flntl ~ I J u \'eniiL' : .1. 13. Cr: ti,ll!' . :-> UiJ ul'dlll- 1 ;\I irl ,y<'llr I:xI~mi na ti o ll!l gtart t~. Ml<I·laU wall f(\/,Illcrly l\li ss Edna t hat his d epartm ent hil S )'clea R!.'/1 I I< Ll'. nay and will eo ntinu e thr ough FrlI Ze ll. u dau ghter of t he la t e T ho mI tl. OOO ri n ~-lIec k phl'IlSlln ts and (ll " rs('e l' (\·"i l I1nvi s, .I u \' . ; Hay_ ' dny . as 7,eJ I, a fo rm e r res id e nt : h ll~ ~hi pped lI ,fi OO ph l'llsunt CJ.(gs tu 111 "11 <..1 Brn,jd IJc k. :-';ub. th e farllH'r s o f the Mlate fll r hatch Chr i st ma ~ l' ve find s It.aynwn /l Ll'l· tul e r - Belt y Jlart sol'k ..J l1 v.; l\Iurlutt sm ilin g. for us dutirm an ing u II d e)' h ens; t he young ph easTh e basket ball t ea ms go to illury Hy e . :-';ulJ . of the E l k~ Chri stmas ' heel' COIll )! Ol'l e, W Fri<luy evening , Januar y Ullts arc to be re leased w hcn " Id Stcwlll d- Frnil k I!n \\' ke. Jl1v.; mittee, he has helped in putling 10. to pluy th e High School teams eH uug h t o look lifte r t h en~ s e ly c s . HII~c ol' Furnas. S ub. I liver the bigl-(est childre n's purty Chi " f ThOll/p.son has ul!\o dlstl'lb uth e re. A ~, i~t ant :-';t('\\' II l'< I, E lvin Be r - i ('\'('r " inged Iwre. Mr. Marlatt und t ed :10 )Jui rs of im port od liunj!'l1na ld, .Iu v. ; J. W . Edward s" ub . I h is comm ittee had charge til' th e ri an )Illrt)'id!!es and 125 wild Cu l.' Up t. ,r. \\ . Whitsid e of Spring . Ch nplil1 -- Fqln c('" Ellis , .I 1' V.; ente r tuinmen t f ur th e I UOO eh il,l 01'11110 t rapJl l'd t UI'key hen s 1.1 Ilt! 45 \ ·all,·\- visited the sc hool he re one Il " !," I, Cr c \\,. Sub . J .. lm 0 f((J,kdd l..:J' reil last Saturda y at a big Ghri stc<)l' k ~ ha ve bpen placed In th' T n ·" : :I.' (,' (,h :t1I,·s Hml A~:'"SV II H_ H "u ~ htyn. re· day la,' \\' I · ~k . He was espec ially JIl 1>1 Ihc' ui l <1lagr .. n l· . '" h.. rd urllcd ma s tn·c ut the Elk s tempi· and Htl o~l've lt gll me preserv e. C ,t ralri ck J a J mi " o{ 01 ·1" 1 ./: ,r, ! l' S (,rI.! .. ,n s , SlIl,. Fires, .Il1v.; A ftc'\' ~om r ellI U. S Amba,s ador 10 l~nlo: l ,, "d. in t~ rl·~tt' d in the iunches served. a p os t - l:ra r1l1al~ year ahroad, theate r progrom at th e Fix-i\l c- lom;.t 1 . Y Pn: ~ <) twu hllichin g "I' eggs, each he n , a l I . .' ' l .C. 1'.t:.t 'II·\' Itutl :·hli ·1 1' 1' " J lIV ha fa~cc , ;'JlPu lUt c' cI by llkllt H '.K)Vl' pt cd lite I' ha innansillp of the H I' '~ nt Mr ~. Will Al eiXande r. the ~ . . '. . . . . Ill'0 tlu l'illg appr ox imnt ely .t welve .ut ~a dy to take a j ub with Ill(: S tandard Donnl" . The enterta innH'nt was Ie. ' " cC<'t'd II... latl' Jallll'S \V G'"J/I III I \. ,rgllw,. lI anlln. ~'4 ~ J • •J , ' • l <)"k io th ~ schoo l at Spring :-;ut.. l ( "'II!~ I SS I On 011 In l~ n ~~ I I,," a l ) u ~ tlC,e Va li e r. duwn r put lin as part "f t hl' Elk ~ Ch ris t · I ( . I a hatc hi ng, the turke ys WIll be (hs- IU. ( . I II IIr I . tl r t <'''l!' the n e xt day to I" L'j " 'l' BlIfllrd I Il' " 'II" Barll l. ll I, rd ,1I1e! t.vodwdl uf the I' ed~ral C n UIlC l1 cy I Ie 'Ir. ma s I'hc e r w()I' k und cOllllllu nlt y ' " r tl'ib u ted UVl' r t h e " tn te. Prcpa rll. II ' • 1 C" I r " h ~{' r \'l' the' sl'\'\'ing of th e lunches . .Iu \' . I .. · Il l ,. I homas , :->ub ' III . A merlca. . .. 1/11 1I .lry m:lll In IurcIlC, 0 f CLIInst li S JlOS or years. . ( ;,:. ,; ~ -l\Ial' Y ('aroli nc ' LH"«n ~ , u soria I w"rk eac h YI'UI'. . tilln ~ lire be in j!' mlld e to r eceive a - --.Mr . Mur lalt has bl'cn a r c:irll' nl shipll lt.! llt of ~ rl o \V hi t~-ta il <!CC I' .JH V. ; Margar e t ',!Ok , Sub . o f )<~ lIgene for 2 1 yea r s an d has wh Ich wi ll be Ilb"rat NI III t he 6UORESIGN S HIS POST POlll ona I\lildred ~ali ~ b\lry, been in th (' pl lll1lh ing bu ~ il1 e ss nel'!! IW(! sel've in Scioto co unty and ./ <1 \ ' . : I'liltl Hi ch. SlIh. AT THE XENIA HOME most of l hnt time. Today he ha s udlll'd to t h e he nl nlrelldy t h e re, FI(JI'fI- Eilee n lI ull. Jll\' . ; Kuth· t he Murllltl Plum bing shop III 6[, 1 pO$s ibly numhe rin g over 100: Ra c1', r~ Ho g-l· r, Sub, Thirte l'nth avc nu e ea st. coon li r e a l ~ ll bein g proplga tcd L a d~' A ::. i ~ tant . tcwul'I l- R!. mn Th e re ~ i g n ation of Major Chas. " I was burn on a fann nell r with t he purpose of build ing up 11 :11 dill, .Ju v. ; l\Iil'illl!l I·. ! !i ~ • .'lIb. V. Burton ' a ~ superin tenden t of Dayton , Ohio. Ma r ch :1 1, 1 R88, th e breed in t hose counti es of t h e t h e Ohio So ldi('fs and Sailors Orllnu li ved ther e unti l I wa s 20 sta t e which ha ve beco me d epo pulat pha ns H me is before the tru stees. -~= :.":";' years o f age whcn I cam e west to e d. IN MEMO RIAM Burton ann ounced his resigna EUj!ene with MI'. u.nd i\lrs. C. A. WAYN ESVIL LE CHURC tion, effectiv e at the pleasur e of F or I !130 HuntcI' s and Trappe rs Brown. H OF Th l' Ohio state departm en t of Licens " Mr. Marlatt sll iLl . e see R. F . Hatfi e ld . the bORl'd, CHRIS T Ida LenHlr, daught er o f h I 15 \Vus with lI ull and S hum way flio er ,1. 1\1. Ta ylor is " ut after an convict ion was prompt ed by tbe ellu cntion has in the Pllst yea r aid. that h e has accom plishnin e years. ar es ill For n ess theof past sev eral 12 yenrs \\' c ek ~ ' durati Bihlt· t·d an d pl'omul !!ntcd many d~fTer- 1 un. e d hi" work of making School ut 9 :30 a . m. an d Adaline Rham ey Lemur , Mrs. Williom Dra ke did su bsti- he has been in bll s ines was the in stitu. ' [o r himLord' " S up per at conclu s ion. EV(' ent styles of Nlu cali ll nul actlvlti cs. t tllte t ea lOhing in Bellbro born Octobe r 19 , 1858, and de ti on II "real home." l! ok last ing evange lhtic sl'I'vice at 7 :30 nMI'. Iln tl Mrs. W . ~' . Str oud and Ohio is th e third ranking s late in wee k. I~. 1 ·l se . is decision will b e act e d upon Ill. ellllon s ubjl'ct, "'Vhat . 1~ pHl l e<l thig lif(, a t her h e ducatio n in t he United tates. ome in . On w{' r o Da yto n v Is Ito r s Sntur_ when th e board meets Januar y 15. For four yea rs he Wwas in ('~ o o( I pa rt nerabo shiput with . I LaITY W.· I)· n e~.,. · vI· 'le. 0 111' 0. Dl'ce mbel' 29, dny. I atson Il eath '., . ' Somc of th e ac{ti\'ities of t he de. pecl8 mu I ary s Ic. 15. FHEE- Origina l Dr. J uyne's and put up the Marla tt build in/-! pnrtmc nt sh ow u rllngo fro m p r ebecame superin tenden t 1930 Alm a nac, at Adams Dr'u g in T enth avenue \\'<;,~t where h e W it n ess thl' in stalllltio n of Il ur 1920, nt th e al('e of 7 1 year: . 2 FR EE - Orir:ina l Dr. .JaYll e ,s I o f Burton schools to the vocntio n of educa- Store. 11l'W oflk er - . Church nij!'ht eue.h mo nlh home 18 months ago when s Il llll 10 davs. 1 !):]O A lm anac , at Adams DI'ug Revth'e fo rm e rl y hau h is sh op. During Wt.'tI~I's tla~ a t 7: JO t ion o f th e adult who is phy~i cll ll y . J. No rman King res igned, J lI Octobe r;l, fH a ~he was unit th e past three yearl< MI'. Murl all l})'ucltC(' .f .. II (,wll1 ~ . II; m . . hl~\Ir h a ndicapp ed. music, both instru'I he chu h cd in mn r";age to .Jared E. Hoc k- Sto r e. after a di spute with board memMrs. Harold S urfac e mental and ,·oeal. broadcnstl n~ . of hOllle fr om Miami Vallwas brough t hus'beC'n in the bus iness tl lone. wh~n' yo u f{-c l ::t h ome. I bers over the p olicies of C. E. .. ' ett nnd to lhh; on wer e b orn two ey hosp ital At pre~cn t h is firm speciali zes In MI'. and Mrs . educati onal proj!'rUl11. s u perv i ~lIl'g Monday . (h est e r A. ,,\ Illtam 8on. Manlste r l' hqcl r ~ , P earluni Hocket t Ri c h u nd s pent Su nd ay with 1nrk Hogers BUI'cke l directo r of ed ucation . r esident ia l plumbin g'. I n spea k - ' of t eache r training , in ~ pect l () n of f l'ie nds a t Mid Imp rovdme n t of the supp ly of food Ea rl lI oc kett, both uf Way n esv ille , dletown . ing of this , Mr. Murlutl had occuthe \0100 Ohi hll(' h school s , Jlubl ic ST . MARY S CHURC H a nd cl thing and better educatJ . . Murray is seri o usly s ic k Hai o. sinn tl? c.nm me nt vn t,h ' r e mnrk aand pl'i vllte , c l tl~l'. cherk lnj!'. (I n ,'u- at the home Januar y 12, Fi rst u ndav afte r I All her life wa s lived Mrs. Laul'll Sears, of Bell brook, tio na l faciliti es have fulfilled his on the ral . chonl condlllO ns , distrIbu ti on Fd Hopkin s. of his daughte r, Mrs. ble .bUl ldlng homes tlUlt huvc gu n e Epip huny. hurch sch ool lit 11::10' farm wit h the ex ce pli on o f t h e Inst WIlS a business vis itor in W aynes- aim a nd it is no longer needed . ;IJI an t h!! past ~'w y ea rs. 8 ugene Morn inl!" Prayel and of $4 ,000,00 0 t~ fin unc ially hal~dlBurton said in his lette r of res. se rlllou at few mo nth which we r e s pent in ville Tuesda y. IS becolllang 11 city of unu sually fine at 10 ::10. capped ~chotl l district s, fll'Onlot tnll: ig nation. Mr. and Mrs. a III u\ll Butter . W lly n svill e . homes , he suys. of a progrum of h eolth .und phys- worth an d Mr, Gilbert Mrs. Burton Who has served as Rev J J (~ haefTe r, Redo r . . he W!IS a membe r of Wanen " Tim e ly" bargain s for "Watch His hop ha s done some contrac t· I ical edu cation . encoura glll g. of vi s- re lolives in Wilmin gto Frye vIs ited . . _.___ _ Ijlatron , a lso announ ced her r esigCha pter No. 224 n Order S unday. of Eastern ful" bu yers a t Cary's J ewe lry ing work, one of the largest co n· FERRY CH~CH OF ual in . [ruc t ion, SLI P rvls loll of nation . CHRIS T Stu!', a lso the Pythian i te l's o f S h op L eba non . tl'Ucts bein/! a ll th e plumbin g for ' child accuun ting. advi Ring on ele-- - ~ ....---- , Harvey s burg Ohio. Ilnd Farmer s You'll be pleased wit h lhut Pllr- the Eugene hote \. m en tary sch oo l J)l'nhle1l1s, dir eC l~ng . Bible School at 9 :30 a. Ill . Lo rd s Granj!'e No. . 13, ker Du ofold of Pen Way or n Desk esvill e, Set fr om M iss Luella Will iam so n returnMI'. Marlatt ha long been ae- uppe r and .s I'Il10n al of exten sive vocntlo l1a l ed u catIon DEATH S 10 :3 0 a. m. and atte nd ed t he ir meeti ngs as ed t o her Ilry' s J ewelry Shop, Lebano n. tive in work for the El ks lodge, Ser m(,n s u bj ect, "Th~ sch ool duties at Delain hom e rco nomics , !lA'ri culture . Langl! ugc of long a s her h ea lth permitt ed. wai'e on S un day. and besid e servinj!' th is tl'3des an d indu str ic"" iss uing of us I Ashdod ." Goud s peclul mu sIc. The Mrl\. J oa nno Ebright , aged 84 Mr~. Hocke was ' a faithf ul and L ocal college student s hav,.e r e- chai rman of the ' hrlstma syeur . state cerlifica~e~, cen sori n$!' of m oGhe 1' 1nflicer s recently se le cted to lead devoted w ife tt years, \di ed at her hom e in Xenia turned and t o their clusses after spend- and ~oc ial eonimll njty welfllre com m othe r and en Mrs. Etta Printz anll tion picture fi lms an d collecti ng son, J oe, t he holiday s with paren ts and mitt el' , wa s t ru stl'C for t he lodge t he church in 1!l3.0 will be forma L joyed he r ho me a nd her fri e nd s. of Dayt o n. s pe nt 'u nday with Mr . last week. S he was the widow of a nd di sse minatin~ o f educnti onnl ing Iy in st a ll ed at tlniS ~ervlce . EveryGeo rge W. Ebright , of the firm of ' he is ~ u\'viv e d by her son and li nd Mrs. J. M. Tayl or. fri e nd " for three ye /ll'R. resea rch . , HandlllJ & Ebrigh t, f or many yeara I one i\l\'ite~. You always wel- dau~htcr. three Irrandch ildl'en and Mr. lind Mrs. Mal'latt rcs id e at come lit thi S churchnre leuding dry goods mercha nts of . . . five brothers . ht'r husban . Mrs. John Caffert y, of frank- 65 1 Thirte.e nth ave nu e "aws filed by machin ery. Cut Wa eu st. They The Ohio stute arche ological lin, spent the week-e hester A. William son , 1\11l11st er precede d h er to the Greatd having ynes ville; the store being loca • nd at B e yon the cleaner d, have . two truer, sons, Mil o Marlatt is 1\ faster. Roy Pig· te u in the buildin an d ~istol'1.clI l !,o.ciety hus lau nched hom of her brother , - - - -March g now known as 24, 10 11. • H. H. Wiltt, at so phm or o in t ho Univors ity of t Madden 's Lumb er Yard. and IS mlllntu mmg It ~road up-to- Iiamso n and family. LYTLE M. E. CHURC H t he Mia mi Gazette office. Ollr hellrts are fill ed wi th 50rOregon , Beverl y Marlatt Is a stud- I . date p r ogrnm of actiVItI es: It ca n I She is survive d by one daught er r o\\' wh en on e who is most dear to MI'. a nd Ml'S. Forrest Hough Miss e nt at th e Thea dor e R ooscvel t \ I ,.u,t.!.a y SC~~~) ~\ ? ' 00 furnish a state-w ide servIc e both Emma Ebright , of Xenia, and 3"00 p. ~' I us is ca lle d fr om pain a nd su fT er- and daught Th e Loyal empera nce L egIon sch ool er, of Dayton to juven il e an d udult. It will tell will llI eet at Tthe , reae spent ling . e l,~ I~e ,I . p. on e so n. Burton Ebright , of Seat· . in g but we can I'cadily see th e S un day h ome of Mrs, . - - - .. - \'.ith Vel'll Haugh and tl e, WiiSli. . el mOil t OPIC '1 he E!1ciuel1len t of h8~d of a loving the story of Ohio, in a ll its essen- Geo. Mills FI'iday aCterno a nd mercifu l fal'nily . on, JanPowe r." Pray e~' I.n ~cttng followe d H eavenl y rutber. tian pha ses, so simply and so cle~r uary 10, nfter s chool. BIG CLEAR ANCE SALE by T cac hel" '1 r~lIntng Clas s. each Iy tha t all can und e rstand. Under Card of Thank. Mr. a nd Mrs. All en Hole and . , Funera l service s for Frank Mc. We~n esday even ing. the n ew p rogram t he MC,i ety will W e wis h t o ex press our sincere Dr. Rud olph- Eyesigh t S peciulBeg mnm g. t on;orr? w. llIornm g, frUIt, v~gctu b l :.s.' etc .A..15.d OIll~tlOn of H ' f Dayton . were S un- Grath , who di ed lit the Genera l e ndeavo r to coo penlte In every ist. Here Tu be m !!: colt hanks to esday all wh Thursd o wcre so kind ~I~,\n, ~~~~% . oOf W. N. Sears and Hospita l in Cincinn ati Friday ay a nd Janu a r y R, .lIl d contlll~mg fifteen " ct ~ fo r p ossible mann er with local a nd S t u rday hl lst Hos p Ital. These t o u in our lute b er envem ent , Fre~ ex . ti n days. Mye l' HYI11I1I1 wil l conduc t o ffel'lng~ should . f' y ' Ig January H, were held at the Mccounty histo rical societie s A con- Ca , J ' illa be b r ough t t o the r I L Sh Earle . Lab H ock ett (I a nother of hi s big clearun ce sa les . : home o f lIIrs. E. LongaC 81111 y. f cre nce of rep res~nta t ives' of vatiClure Funera l HOllle Monday after ary s ewe ry P~a rl H Ri ch op, e anon. ' The. tore was closed all day toda.y Fridu.Y ,J;ll\uar y 17 und l'e before no on. Burial waS in Miami cemeous colll!gel! an t.! univers ities In t h e .w ill be sent i\J. a~d Fa'milie s. J M C M EI . £o'or b est . In r~suJts order that cons ign MI'. Hyman your and hI S te fro ry. lll Ih er e to the hospIta l. s tate will be arrange d for t h e VerY I Th c l:"lnaB rll n~~ck,' ar c a;~K~CI~ge I effici en t staff of clerks couhl r e - I , I ~e . stoc~ .to Green-Em\;lry C!>., ncar future. when coopera tive t he birth of 11 dau hter ::iara A. Bowma n , Pastor . - _ =Ann Bar-_, ClI1ClI1natl, III car e of D. 'R. Saltsi Ul' ~ange the stock. un.c\ llla:k d o ,~n la ll s will bo disc u8sed -I h BI I' ~ .' I' L b pl'lces, and everv bury. p ",til be III VA YNESV ILLE M. E . CHURC H I gelist o f t h Fo ll ow ing an extende d iIIne8s, . ton, at t e III osplta In I' - readine ss wh en t het hlllg e Ohi o Co nfe r en ce, will I doors open Th omas Lacy di ed at hi~ home on . . d d be k w un on. ith us fr om Janua r y 1!l th to 1' > l 8 o'clock Thursd ay momin g. B e iRs Henrie tta McKin sey has Route Stat Treasu rel H. Ro~ .A. e' l .Wedn£ 1. Wedn '. dn.y . BI~~~). tu y ct'l.. ' 26t h. You arc cordiall y invited mght, Jan. t here ea rly a nd get your s hnre of I 111 aye! l11eetll1g t o ' retul ne d t o Ashtab ula afte r s pe nd- , ~a ry ~ . Fune ral esda¥ cel·tain ly hUlldl cd a few nl1llt?n a~ ( . I p. l\1 r~ . W. P. Snlisbu ry. Mrs. Har- the m. were held 1011 I come ou t lind e n 'o these mcetin great s ' in g the hli lida ys with her m oth er. \ III MIddle RUIl servIces ba rgains ofTe rred in ' l ~l'Ilct l ce at 7 :411 !~ . m. S un day: dollar!; acc,)!'r!ing 0 the fln a nctn1 vey Rye and daught church Saturd ay with us ' J y er and Mr. eve r y departm ent . g . Mrs. Alice McKin sey . statem ent of his departm e nt cov- I CJark Salis bury returne Su nday a ft .school e rnoon at a !J nd .. lD a. burial 111. Morn_ was in . G C D'b t P t d Thur5' . eri ng tra n cactio nR f or the year ~ay nJter Rpe ndlng ing worship at 10:30. The sermon Middl e Run ce mete ry. . . I er , a s 01" \ the holiday s .. _ . - -' sU.bject for t he momin g s~rvice e nding n ecelllho r ;1 1. 19 2ft., 'I'hcre 10 Clevelu n d . Mr ~ . . ~ . E:J1cC lul'e., Mrs: Mary COUNC IL ORGAN IZES Will be "One won by On e . Epwere t ota l l'ec!: lptR of $88.333 , 100ST. AUGU STINE CHURC H Mc lure, M, ". J . W. ,Edw~ld s ~~d MI~s. Ann Archde acon, mother ,~: ort 47 with t r a n!\fe r s from vlIrious h ~eague at 6: 15. Evangc: ltsS Ulllmel' ~ c h e dule-1st, 3rd and MI Our store Is open every evening . L:. Hi' GOdd ~n ,\ er e sh oPPI g of Howul'C1 Archde acon of The villagc cou nc il met in reg- tte sc;rvl ces .a t 7 p'. 111. Our funrls a mou nli llr, tn $26,1 B2.984. - Y ou and your f riontls this ~'e vlvll l Gth Sunduy , Ma!>!! at 8 :00 a. m. arc ; in ,e llla ues a~. always ular session Mondll Y ni ght and 01'place, di ed at the home of her. 4:-1 a nd a baln nce on haner t o start wplcn me. Car y's J e '5 WIll he'gln next Sunday I 2 nd a nd 4th S und ay, Mass we lry Shop, jtanized . Outside o f r outine bus- at ' . I~ o rnlllg. Janu ary 12th, a nd con- I . . . bu siness in t h e new year Jal,uar y Leblln on. daughte r Mrs. John McCull ough . In t;S, n othing of imp ortance was tlllue f or W~en yo ~ n eed ~ g l~t for ll,IlY-hrear Pive Point W ednesd 1st, of $23,6!l4 ,236.3 0. Of the two wellks. DoctOl' F rank 9 .•30 . ay morndone. occnslll n t hlllk of CarY .8 J ~,welry W. l ing Sta •• nto n, our Co nferen ce eva n- J R e·/. Lawren ce B . Mollma Ja nuary 1. The funera l serth e above receipts $33 ,524 !04 7.!J4 MI'. and Mrs. Wayne G. Lee of nn. S hopliT h e Home of GIfts. Lebvices we re held in the Spring boro wns coli ct e d o n t he $!'aRohne tax Duyton , Mr. und Mrs. John Kern , - - _ ., ano n. --- excise and $HI,O:l l ,241Al of t hat nn<l MI'. Il nd Mrs. church- Friday afterno on and in---=-= -=--:;... Ros8 Pattiso n of I \V'lk am oun t Wltf< tra nsf erred to the dl- Gc: Il1nn to wn were guests I i.(>r ment \\'U 8 in Springb oro cemeof Mr. MI', llnt! Mrs. A be rt I erso n tery. vi sion of hig hwll Ys for the build Ing and Mrs. George Kern, on Sunday ~, f I1Hyton , were / ' . , weekend guest . ~ s . Itnu nut It n ('nance 0 f st a t e ro ad s '~ r Mrs. S usan Wilk e r son lind film- I . I i· ,'· ..: J"'" 1'// !-,1<'_,,-= -~ - ,.-- --- --~ Bv and $ 1;1,9 8 5. 122 .96 WIP ~e nt to 4lll('rl. l'. R"I"•I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burton . ' Ily ' . Mrs. M. J . Osborn the vari ous cn until's and mUrMel- anI! Mrs. Jennie Mullen, died . . at her of Day. ' home het:e T~ esda y evelllng . Mrs. alitl es of t h e state, ton, had ' as the ir dinner guests, Little MISS J ean Mc Clure of I O~bn rn sufTel ed a stroke of!lpp Thursd ny evening , Mr. and Mr~. n ay ton s pe n t Saturda y ni~ht and I op lexy at 4 m., death f?nowu~g Head s of the ~ everal departm ents Fred Hubble and Mr. S und ay with her g randmo thc r Mrs at 7 :4 G JI . m,p.Funera and Mrs. l servIce s WII\ Mary McClur e. in the offic e o f Secreta ry o'f S til te , William Drake. be hel ll at the home of her brother Clareno e J. Brown, are anticip at. in gto n Friday afterno on in'g a very busy year, If the adF or bette r vi sion - for b etter at .2\Vilmin Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Wolf of o'clock . Burial in Wilmin gton. b1 . . n. Olarksv ille, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. b t vance busmes t 8 I s any crIterio g l us~es prices reasona e- es ceme e ry:.. __ _ _ • Stenog raph ors and typists in the Bowma n and childre n • ~e l' v ic e--eo n s u1t Dr. Rudolp h the corpora tion division have volun- Mias Katheri ne Bowmaof Frankli n; d Th n of MlddleEyesigh t Specia ligt Tu es uy, urs t eered their servIce s to work extra t own, and Chester FARM BOARD S MEETI NG Carey were day, Sat urday . ~ary' s Jewelry hours In order to take care of the New Years guest' of Mr. and S hup, Mn , Lehano n OhIO. busines s that Is flowing Into the O. J. Gray and daught er. In ord er t(1 help farmers of War oftlce. Secreta ry Brown anticiMrs . n!li ~y S nider has returne d ren County who kept accoun ts last pates greatly Increas ed revenue s A man will oil a wheelb arrow to t h e ho me of h er ·son F. R. year, t o fig ure out ' their records In the motor vehicle s dlvlBlon and because It squeak s but will let his S nide·r, ufte r spe nding three and to Rhow their profits or 108ses In other branche s over whIch he watch go untouoh ed because It lllonth~ in New York. for 1920, County Agent Class has has supervI sion. He has arrange d noiseles sly perform s Its dally . . arrange d with J. C. Neff. Farm to see that all busines s pertain Ing duties. Let use repair and oil your Put your Chl'lstm as gIft m on ey Manage ment Special ist of OhIo to hIs office is taken care of very watches . Cary'~ Jewelry Shop Lebinto a Gruen watch or so '!'e other I Agr'\' College for two meetin gs prompt ly and efficien tly. anon. d ependa bl e watch . It Will. be 8 1 next week. The big • =--- .. lu sting r em embran ce of their good i summa ry meetin g willcounty wide be held in Mr. find Mrs. Mauric e Silver and . wis hes, Cary's J l'we lry S hop, Leb-. Fur m Bureau office, n, Wed FIRE LOSS IS HEAVY Misses Blanche and Perle Riley to. all on, Ohio. We g ive Cedar Stamps nesday, Januar y 15, Lebano at 9 :80 a. m • I('ether with Mrs, N. L. and Mr. • • • r Eve ryone The fir e loss in the city of WIl- Hersche l Bunnel got a farm accoun t Th e Gutld.A .uxlltar y of St. .Ma- bo ok fromwho l, Mrs. Horace and the bureau office minl!;ton for 1 fl29 was the greatest Ada Stokes, Mrs. r y's church WIll m eet on Fl'1day a nd kept recordfarm Mary Bolmer , of expense s and In the history of tlte city, the an- Mr, and Mrs afterno on, J an uary 10. at 2 receipts during 1929 are C. C. EUIMII, artd invited to nual r e port of Fire Chief Harrf Elizabe th and Will o'clock with Mrs. J. E. McClur e atte nd this meeting . Euiasl were Am e. showlI. . weddin g anniver sary guests Of Dr. a nd Mrs. Bert Hartsoc k at the J F or conveni ence of farmer s in The firemen In 1920 made eIght and Mrs. B. H. Blnlr on honH! of Mrs. McClur e . Saturda y ' North western Warren County less runs thun In 1928. but the at Lebano n, ' 11)29 los5 exceede d t he 1928 IOS9 "YoU\'e x Silve rseal" Silverw are whcl'e tobacco strippin g occupie s by nearly 200 per cent. The loss is the b est Compar e it with other t he day time, an evening meetitl g Interes ting callers at the home to propert y In 1929 was $32,287 .08 of F. R. Mooma w on New makes bef~re starting your patt~rn w ill be he ld in the Mayors office, Years and the 10SR t o content ll was $18,- Day were Mr. Gordon a nd see for yoursel f its sterlmg Franl>l in, Friday evening , Januar y of 226, totl fire loss of $45,518 .08. Princet on 'lVleolo glcal ' Harold qunli ties. Cary's Jewe lr y Shop Leb 17, 7 :3 0 o'clock. The 1928 loss wa!;. $10,118 ,39 on and Ella Mae Harold, Semina ry, a n on . propert y and $6,227. 59 on con- stud ent at MIami l,lniverB a senior. ity. They QUAIL . BREAK S WINJ;>SHI~LD tents, a total of $16,845 .98. W. 'A. Johnsto n. o'f Cil1c inrlat~, r eported that another sister, No danlage was caused in eight Willa Nell, is a senior 8tpdent wus a busines s' visitor in Waynes in fire s during ·the ·year and two Greenv ille villo Tuesda y. Mr. Joh's t~n's wi,fe College , . Greenv ille, K ellar R,oak and ~oscoe Furnas alarms were 'false, leaving a total Tennes see. These young w aS, b efore her marriag e, MISS hap an uhlque exper~e people nce last Fri. , of 20 fires causing the 10s8. The were former High 8chool pJ.lpils Lula Terry, daught er o~ the late I day. They w~ of to Leb. avetage loss per..,fire was · $2,276. Mr. Mooma w.= . Samuel Terry who years ago' opera anon wpen 11 quail drlvJnr flew again lit t~e . ,.... t ed a grocery store here, wi.ndeh leld of their ~r wltb such ~~ .--• . force that the· *~ was broken ' Have your watch anp clock reMothl)r , You could'n t put Christm as '0' \ and ' piece Itruc~ · .J.h. "Fighti ng again - paired, old weddin g rings modern don't you know that well-be haved Ized, your diamond~ put in bonus money to better purpose or the fa~e, badly ~u~~i Hoak In . a new lI DOle. · 'c hildren do not hit anyone ." more lasting satisfac tion than. to mounti ng, jewel-ry repaire d Hke U,nt.II they amyed at lANno a choose a diamon d a real-sto ne the men thouch t • .tone B Qy-"Y es, I though t Jack was new, silverw are replate d and hacldo1M well-be haved and hit him-b ut he beads restrun g at Cary's .fewelry ring or a 'watch at 'Cary's Jewelry l the dam. .e, tiut in loo1line fort I wus ill-beha ved. Shop Lebano n We give Shop Lebano n. Ceclal' l in the back of the ear, the, fo.... , stam ps.' . the quaiL





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Comma'n PI••• Proce.din,. The court detprminpd the net I value of the estllte of D, W. Hum· f T B cale 0 • enton Scott phre)'s, deceased, is $6876.61, that .IA"""ldRnMt.oary Compton, et al." the exemptions ot the two daugh(] al'e g~anted leave ters bonellciarlell e ceed their to croa.~etition within two s ucce Ion and tti r ef ql' nre ex. days. d d h ' mpt from inherita"ce tax. ~t was or ere t at fier~lce. of In the ~ettlement (I f t h estnte su mmons be made b.y pubhca t lon, o f A hhil' C, VOOl'hitl, d ec a ~erl, th!' AI\'o Hill, 1I11. 1I(101r, de bonis non upo n t he de fendnnt~ In th ('nsc ut lI~l va lt ll' wus f uund t o hI! $~i),1 (16, Wllh til ... willnnncxod of Ihe t'stnte Thollla N. M~ tunlnp;t.o n versu s a;l with Chat l s .1. o nove r. oC Th oll)IIR JUlies. declliLli d, v · r us I!labl'l Llken~ Gate~ , (It nl. . lHl Jlww su 'cl'ssm'. Mury E. J o n",~ lit HI, f r n st l'u , Tit cOl,l r.t ,u1'c1 el'(' d t ha t Thl" ~nv . rd o ri es !lnd upprll i. nll.'nl!l linn of will of Thomll~ J am's, d • ro opl ' f; Bulldtnj( Lllan IIlid SOy· til t1: · PE RPETUAL MOTION '~vel'ywh('re the law is operative ('c;J~e d. E~talc of WilfuJ'l1 It. EYIll', d ___ In phy~ ic ~. IIctil1!, .and ,.'{'tlctIOIi nre (iruce R oflow venu s Luwrence IIIgs .'o mp:,ny, p~rchllsel"8 of ,th ' S ,1I1W dH~" g into the P ute n t qunl.. In I 'ct l'lClt y, If th e north Run ow fur divorce , a limony lind PI' n~ls S 11\ t hol r ,C Ull S Hgatns~ r eas('u. L~llll a nd for E\ nt h m'l r, .Se~" b( Estate Ilf D. W. flullll)hr "'R cI • Oft 'lcn. I'll Wu 'hin.rt,11I und lou k a t 1\ (' n d ut /I Inlllgn ct nltrllcts, t he so uth givenel a E.deed lJr(! mI ,J , ... l'lI :lor!y fl f mi no r c h ildl'l' n. New Home lor Mit;" Ollie. . . , C("l " Cu t h \' upplicllt ion !' thnt hu\',' bce n £! ncl I'c pe lI . , . Tht· ' ew Y o rk Life In s uranc c 'E · tn'l( Hf '. Marqun rdl. dec a s. Il lnd!' 1' (1 1' nille nts lin jl"rp l'l uul. Wh clI I. slurt ed 111 bU SI!leSM r 0. C. Gr ill' versus R .D, Drak • which were sold nt th sum of J'S ' Illllliu n mll chill('S. u: '0 to b e ~u lll c\\'h at wo r!'led by ..\ n ~IHI<' h , Gud 1. I<'ore mnn, Mu r y $340. Distribut ion of th e pro. (E~ta t" of I obl' rt urwi n .Ice all r uu wi ll ~l'\' sonIC \·t'r~' inl(cni. tI' " g oud forl un (' of the wl ckc~1. I ~ 1. 10'0 1 'mnl1, J f) hn Mur'in, Mllry eeed" ,w.el'(~ ord.erctl. ' ' o us d(!\'in's, Sill\' m e n Whli work d \~ n e h!dl a s Jurin, Burton EUl'Ilhlll·t und ,JI . . yh vl!l .Jus tice .was g ra,n t da ti . Th e cou rt nuth oriZl'd Fl o ru II. FOI' ins tanl'r . n llIachinl' lo b e ha r d a ,; l un d we rl' ",lid tWice a 9 dIVorce front W.lIham .Ju ;;lI C('. the t<:iC'h Ibe r g<' r. . McCreary ru tl ily lhc. puWer lIf ~ ",,\'ity. mu c h 1lI0ney. . OIl1PHllf V('rSIIR Lnw r en('c F:. defe ndant havlll g bee n f o und GUOl'll and l\Iiria lll I Ha w oth or ml'n Iif l th (' ms('ll'(,s Blnn he M. Ollik LInd the Itl. gllllty of gross nel\'lect of d~ty. ' xctulrkc~ uf Ih e ('stll t l' uf I . \/J. iroll hall H tlroppin ~ tl ow n a chute inlll the' g()U~ gl'HC('~ uf lhe bUMg all Z(' I1 S ' :llionul Hank of Willlling. The . ent' and clI s.lody of Wlllz~m Il un lphr('ys deceus l'd t e s el l lit :tn tl tUrlling II wh ee l. Tht. in vl'ntnl" "I' th ot machine th e (!nlde n WlIl gR M golf and funny i ll n. 0 ., f,)\' m o ney. amoun t clllhu . J .u s tlcc, .!r .• WIIS given to th e plll lll' pl'ivuli' ~u l~ certllin jwu:,erey of . flro"idrtl rul' IIvl'l'y thin g. li e l' ven st? l'~es. But ~ h ave see n th e La~v l' d ;(1 6.6:' toge ther with intel'est lifT, and lhe (Ief nch!nt . wa: o rd er· th l' estu t . Emma M . !\,.\' s ('x('cu trix of udtlt.d " bl'llkc to stop th e mn l'il IlH! " I (,ulllpe nsatiun ~et In ta ll mu h :I 7'; fTl' lIl N,wembc r 15, 192R ed to pay th e yl!lInliff $4 pc r thl' ('s tat l' of Milt;,II 'K{'y,.. dl'cea~ecl in ca se it ~h ulll" l'L1n So fn~t U~ t o c1C'11clly wo rk eve l' t o con cl'rn m~. f T£!l'IMUrc o f II1lJl'tgll ge a nd o th er I" ~k for the c hlld .s s U'pport. 'I h(, case ,o f Man e Rul e r ~C I'~~IR \\'I\S di ....,·tl'd t o ~ II c(!l'taitl LOlld,. beco l))\' unmanageab le . sl.' lf a ny mll r e nbo ut nll ybud y e ls£.' s r,·I ,I'f. Au ~tln H . \ est. e t III, wus d, SIlI I,.· "r th e " stllte. 11 (' ron:" t (,n ly IInl' thing that ~ L1 CC I'~~, R. 1. Tudd ve r s us 1\1 y r o n H. . In th£' SNlll'lII (' n t o f th(' estHtl' it l'l'ljuin's ju st as mild, .. ne rgy 1 hH v<, see n good fl' lIuws wh o L U 1H' fol' Illone}', Damages in thc sed . Cnmpound"J . Th e ~u~~ of Cl udda S hupeI' Yl' r· o f Sara h J. Il l.'nI inJ.:(·I', d"ceased, to lift tlit' hlliis liP aJ.:llin ~t /.: rllv ity th ought thcy wl're p el'f('ctly M(,CU Te ullluunt vi' ",5 0 nnd cosL~ , n S~m;"Anlll"JJ, ~us AI,vln.l:ihupel· WII : COllllll'Onllsetl th" n('( va lu e " I' th(' ('!; Iatc wa~ itS tlll':; d eve lope b~1 fallin g- dow n. IWI'lIu l'E' th c\ ' cnll ed thl' IJoss by hi~ Stutl.' of hio, ex re I. .J. W . . found til h,. $ 1~ oo. thut th e ('X, III ElIglund , be tw el.' n I G17 and Ii r:L nll lll e , , hr IirN I hy t h e sa me 10 rgan I'ers us thc s her iff of and dl!! llII sse d. ,Th ~ ('~se of J.os~ph o. Pl s h.e,r e /ll pti"lt s .if til(' hellc ticiu l'ies ex. 1tJ O:! , IlilIrl! than s ix hun dre d ~ep. b l ":~. I\'h o CLllIl',1 th l' lll by thl' ir fil'~t Wur r e n cou nty, ha bens co rpu s. vers u s CI!nt .H lnes " a s cornpro ml~' l' t'l.d th eir S U C(' e s~ill ns und till' a rate 1I 1'1"il' llt i un~ fll r putenls WCl'C nUlllc wh en he did it. Firat Morta.lre on Real Estate Security, d and di s mis s e d . . .~ Iltt, is l'xcn l(,t rrulII in hel' ituli ci' 11111111' 1111 pl' r Jl<' tUIiI moti o n 11111 . /1 nd [ lUI v,, s "n ili on j?row v('ry In the ca e of Malll(, Decker tax. (' hilll's. I'ic' h--and I k now t ha t thel'(' 111'(' The b eat Security. Nothin g Saferverilu s . L. J , Stuml)e r wh ose fir~l A rl'o unt~ fd('d: T hel' s t nnd - t his un e ndin g p ro. lIIun v I\'a\'s in I\'hich the Lal\' uf Nothini Better. num e IS unkn ow n . It WIlS OI'~er~,! Es tatt' of Surnh J . Ue nlin/.:l'I·. cesil"I~' us 1I Illug-n ifict' n t mOlltl . c'nlp('nHlit io l1 ran w ork wh e n a by the co urt that t h e plulIl/I:lfl d('c ell~('d , affid nvi t in lieu ur un 1llI'lil 10 thc' u lldlflng('l\blt'nl'~s II f llIan hil S thl' am bition t o be co me shall l'ecover fr o m Ihe ~I('fel!danl. accou nt. hU11I 1I 1l lI aturc. vl'ry rich, . ASSETS over 14 Millions DoOars L. J, S tan:pe r .t he SUIll o t 4GO . I,,· <lu urdi llns hip of Ll oyd a nd ar l A tl's t inlOnv t u llIan' ~ 1I1lfl lll' nch . It clln mak e him pa y in health. gcth er With ~nterest th e re o n III Whitnert'o min " rs, ti r;t a nd fin a l 1110 11' 11I' lil' f t'hat s unll' how. sOlli e. It cnn lllrn hi s h alli e inlo a C' OUlltOhe of the largest a nd stronae1t "Iociathe rate of 6 Y. per annum fru m acc o unt whel'l', it . i~ p o~si "lp in this worl d inj(. room . It l'un lIlakl.' hi~ children tiona in the slat e. Decembe r 10, 1!J 2!J, and f ol' costs, M. H: Os wald mad e nl'p li (' uli o n t" J.:l'l ~cllncthin~ 1' 0 1' IH,th in /.:. s nobs alld hypotTites. It cnn de. Why take Chances on Get-Rich.Quick In th e case o f Grnc~ Ro O"w in co u rt f.,,' tl1l' apP lJi ntnll' nt "r an E\'er,' man wh o giles d ownt o \\'n ~II'IlY h is joy in ~imp)e thinKS. SO Years Experience in Fittin verSUR Lamrene e !'t0fl ow, It ,,:a:; o r· II dlllini stratllr uf Ihl' es lale or t" hU:i illl'SS in the morll ing s hould An othe r , ~cnt lemlln di~coverl'Cl Schemes and lose all. and Making Glasses dered th~t h eafln~ for ullln o ny . Illl'y A, (ill sl in. d ccl'llsl'd . Hea r. p ass a P('l'pc tula l. mo ti o n mnc hin e t lH' Low of C'olllpl'lH\ntion eVt' n -atpenden~ lite b e a ssign cd fo r h eu l" ing 'is set rCll' J an uur y 22, lit 10 a nd b(' I'(' millded of its les~on , r e ~1lI ('rson , li e s tllt()d it in We kindly solicit your patronaae I~g Fnday, Junullry 3 , at 10 o'cloc k a. III. Th ere is o ne g l'\'a t IlIw that ru ns thi s f OI'III : o clock. > ,. It was 'JI'lJe l'('d by th e ('ou rt t hat th"OUKh a ll life. lan y lII"n hll vl.' Be n o t de ceiv ed ; Cod is n ol Ever,. Tu •• da,.. Thurada,.. ~n . the case of Th~ I eople s th £! Il'lt('r~ u f ndmini s trat iu n or c1i S('O\'(' I" " it; Emer~o n nalll ed it 111 0 J.e,l: f or whntlloe v er a mun BUlldtng Loan and Suvmgs Cu m· t he 's tute of Hos(1 . mith. deceased ' th e Law or Compensa t ion. so w('th, that s hall he al. a r eull . Saturda,. pany of Lebanon vers us . C . and be j?rallled to Howu r d W , Ivi n s, No char,. for Examination Ida. C~mpbc:lI of A tlantn. 0 ., t he who fi le d hi s bon d in till' s um of p lalnttff ,be ing th<' pUl'chaser . o f ,2 000 with lI urry Z. Urnv li nd the prem ises faT .th,: s um o f $43 ;1 3. C lad YH II. Bu crme ier. \V . S. Two Offices: 67,. ~herefor~ It IS or~l e rerl lhe Rockhill. C . F. Bro wn and Kar l D, plal!ltltT be give n a \~I'll of. po~· Dnkin were Olll ch. app ra ise rs. 19 E. 3rd St. Third at Broadway, session fo r the premi ses. DIstJ'l' bution of the proceed s Wa s ordered DAYTON OHIO Real Eatate Tranafer. Goldie F, Yates was "Hinted a EJlQbliJh,,) 1887 divorc e from Charles Yates. the John W. S cull t o Will iR m R. defendant having been found ha se, 68 .1 7 UCrl'H in Dcel'field g uil ty of gross n eglect of d ut y. twp, It was orde red that th e defen dant I!:lizube th G. Plll·ker. by excc u· Ohio Farm er Saya, " No' Praiae Too Fourteen Years of TRY be barred of all right o f dower ill tor to Emmn O. fi nd .Jose ph Mc· Creat For New Medicine" lit all. if ~' C) u wait t he r ea l estate of the pl a intiff. The Mi lle n, 0.5 1 ucr<' s in Ea , t Wllyne OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS EXPERIENCE plai ntiff was res tored to he r maid. t wp, FOR RESULTS en nam e of Goldie F , Dutro. Thirza C, Hill. by exceu to r to ORANGE PUFF SAUCE Edward Hill, lo t ~ 5 in Main e v ill e. P .... bate Court Proceeding. C I'll Alice Lille ll BecknlU n et PUl two egg whites ill bow l with ulli , to ' ylvia M, Litte ll. lot s Nos. few g'l'IIins s alt lind be"!t until v.ery The last will and testa ment of 16 7, 1 G8. 1 7 1, 172 ill Maso n, OLD BLANKETS USEFUL st iff. Add slowly while beating. Rowena Bennett, decensed, has Samu('1 NOl'Tish lo A u ~tin H, produced in court and adm itted t o V est, 12 ' 2 ucre in Ha milton t wp, Of co ul'se no o ne di sca rds a eonstantly, tw o·third s cup p ow· probate. Aus tin H. a nd Edith Vest to blunk et jus t because of o n e or two dered s ugar. juice o r one ol'llnge FUNERAL DIRECTOR Waynesville; Ohio Harry Z. Gray was appointed Mllri e Rider, '10 [Jcres in Hamilton wurn s pots. They may be g iv en a and ju ice of o ne le mo n . • e r ve a ~ soon as possibl e, as s Ullce will as guardiun of David H . Green, twp. m'w lease of li fe by ellreful darn. WA YNESVILLE, OHIO an incompetent, and tiled his bond Th e C. W, And erso n Building ing. By all mean use soft wool e n ,!'.epurate if it s tands. of $6000 with The United tates Company to Stanley UI·te r lots darning thr ad and be s ure t hllt Fidelity and -Guaranty Company as Nos. 23G 8. 2;~G!J. 237 0. 237 1, And you I' un yo ur st itches o l'er a con. ORANGE SAUCE Fully E,!uipped for Goorl surety. 2372 in Deerfi eld twP. s idernble po rtion o f t he good pllrt Cream one cup of butter with Service. The judge advise d that Alin Fl'ank Cro ll to A lbert W. and of the b lanket so a s to mak e a Auctioneer and Clerk Hartfelter can be r.eceived into t he Ruth M, Kolb, 36 nel'C' in Franklin D' I R da rn thllt will not d epend on the two cup s of -s ugar, add the j uice' o f Lange ISP ay o~m, Dayton State hosp ital. t\ p, , worn portion, A goo d p lan is to two o ranges , the grated rind of Ambulance Service Phone 24 .C eorge Gates acc~p~ed th.e a p . , Ceorge Wallace Anderso n to put the blanket into a . large pair one, und a little grated nutm eg. pomtment as admmrs trator de I The G. W. Ande rso n Building of embroidery frame s. If you do Mix lhoroughly and se rv e co ld. bonis no'!. of t h e estate of Van I Compan y, lot s Nos. 23 68, 2369 t his you Ca n make a very presen . This may be . used on th e abovc' .Tr I ~: rIl ONF: 7 Ii.n on N IGH'r Bruen Miller, deceased, and fi led 2370 2371 a nd 2 372 in Deel'fie ldl table dllrn . If possible the darn pudding. It is delicious with boiled ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • and o n steamed or baked pud· , ricQ hi.s ~o nd of $2000 with Detroit twp.· s ho uld be used ins tead of the patch din,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ Fldehty and Surety Company a s L. V, Moni fi t o Cha rl es 0, ancl as it is Sll1uoth and flatte r,Eva Hilde bl'unt ubout 83 acres in Often the bl an ke t is worn on ly , The court authorized Adam Way ne twp . MR . DELL ALLEN at Ihe edge . In that case y ou mllY c Dutro, executor of t he estate of Eva M. Rauc h to Theodo re find it bes t t o run a piece of thin Joseph H . .Corrington. deceased, to Ho nel'law, IoU; Nos. 2011, 2012 "Kon'ola has done ~vonde rs for flanne l the whole length of the st;!~l certain \!hattel !lroperty at a nd "'~ of Iut No. ~013 in Deer· " . )d M. 0,11 All farm 'I' blanket. se wing it down neatly , private sale at t he prIce fix ed by field twp I me, . sa l I. ~ en, a . . ~h bin ding it in with the blanket at the court. Ch . t ' . d CI ' T' t of PlCl'pont, OhiO, I s uffe r ed , w.l t the edge and then worki ng about Simple glycer in bucklhorn burk, RESIDENT E rl s an a l a Impo a liver tr ou ble for y eul's and tl'led II Hannah ,Cres we, accepted Ephrmn E. lind .J ohn Kibb ey lo t ., . .' . the worn pla ces, t h ro ug h t h e sa lin e, etc., as mi xed in Ad le l'ika the uppointm ent of admin istra· No 12 a nd pat'l of lot No II in llIal.n Y n[~e(h cllle~ ~~o ut g~:t~k~ ' blanket porti on lind the flannel, acts on BOTH upp er lin d l uwe ~ f trix of the estate of Vernon I. Ma·ine ville. . , , re IC. • r c quen . IIOUS a ~. . But often it i. better s imply to cut bowel, removing' poi so ns you I Creswell decea se d and fi led her H ·' k ' I B J t'. I t H B br o ugh t on headn c hes and dIZZY off a se ctio n of the blanket. It may never t hought were there a nd PERMANENT LOCATION bond in the s um ofJ 1000 with L J . t~ze ITa. I I t ' N' eR /14"9 . 0 F' k ' ,' spell~. I wus n eVeT free fr om I th e n be large e nough for n s ma lle r whic h caused gas and ther s tom · 1 . es Ice , ,J. 0 0. , III ran - , t ' a t' md was ubli"cd to . . . ROOT FOR .AND CONSIGN alter L. E lli s lin, co ns II> IOn' . . " , b ed, or for a useful bit o f a ddi tion. nch troubl e . Just ONE s poo nful M. 'Henderson and your Cattle, hogs, IIhee.p and, calves as s ureties Ralph Brooks Marion 0 A St t E ll th L \ r e_ul't lo cut hartlcs dally. Sound a l covering There are always relieves GAS, sour Ijto rnllch, sic k to Norris·Brock Co., live wire and Osborn and Hamilton Bogan were Sh I'en d ' ' b l'a~vnI 23 6 ~ swo~ . . ' sleep wus impossible . and my; es when ' a blllnket just large headache and co nstipation . Don't LEBANON, OHIO w:~~~Otwl~~ Oll . I) aCles 1/1 , ner.v 'R were .I n bud co ndl~lon . enough too t U 'k in over t he feet . take medicine which clenns o nly progressive firm for the hi~h e8t made appraisers. Eye. Examined An instrument of writing pur· ' A sho rt tllne iEl fter tak!ng ~ o n. and kne es is n welco m e a ddition to PART of bowe ls, but let Adleriku market prices and good servIce. J olu I. began to .f~el an Iml~lo ve . th e bedding. give you a REAL clea ning and ~ee Cla .. e. Fitted UDion Sto'clf Yarda, CinciDnati, O. porting t o be the last will a nd testament of Mary A. Spencel', de· Ma rri age Li~nae. me n t In my cond itIO!" I contlll ucd So metimes a blanket g oes along how good you feel! It wi ll s u rprise Reference: Ask first man you meet ceased was pr od uced in court for Law r e nce Everett Fry, fnctory the t rc:a tm e nt .und It . WIIS o nly II the ce nter f o ld, Th en it is possib le you I Ada.m. Drug Store. probate, Hearing i9> set for Janu· wo rk e r of Frank lin Ilnd Mis!! Mary short tllllC until my liver becnme to cut out the WOI'll section here , ary II, a t 10 o'clock a. 01 , Isu be ll GUrJ'iso n, uf F ra nklin , n~ l'l11a l a no ~he h eadach es a!1 d piece the b la nket down t he cente l Th e judge advise d that Wilbur De cember 201. di ZZY s pell s disap peared . . My kid· lind use if f or a single bed blanket . Mr. Staylate: "Sweetheart, is it Este l Hudgel can be received into John N. BI'u ce, farmer of neys became s troo,ng again and I It is a good plan to lo ok over possible for me to lenve yo u 1" The Ohio H osp ital for Epileptics. Fl'unklin, and Mrs, Martha Arch. s l.ept so undly at . No ?ne can blankets at this time of the year, Miss Yawnsome- "Oh, yes; I The court authorized Myrtle deucon, hou ekeepe r of Franklin, give . t!l o nlu~h cl'IO(lIt to t hiS great be fore putting them away :Cor think so I Dad may be waiting. f I' Bye rs, Sophie . Gallaher. Minnie D eccmbCl' 24. medICin e wlll ch brought ~ ea l th to Wllrm wea ther, and to make , a ny yo u at the front dU Ol', but the ba..cli c:- Augspurger, and Etha Yosto, ad · Ralph N. Bru ce , fucto ry worke r I!ll! uf~~r all uthe r medlcmes had a lteratio ns at' me nds that a r e nee. way is clear!" WANTED ---- ~--ministratrices of the estate of of Franklin a nd Mrs . Sylvia A . lull ed. . '. ' . c su ry . Cold weathe r comes quick Hes ter Douglnss, decease d, to dis· Ju sti ce, of Frankli n, December 26, KonJula Is sol~! tn WayneSVille in t he Ilutumn a n d it iR very dis. Teacher- "Why d o you insist WANT ED - Tw nty-five men in tribute certain assets of the estate, Albert G. Huntel·. cook of Leb. III Ada~a Drug .'.tore" and by n il cClurllging to go to get yo ur bedd. spe lling bank with a capital Men' s Bibll' CluM!> lit Church' of Edwurd McLane mad e applica· IIn o n a nd Miss :) I>n l Beatrice SilllS, t he leading ~Irug~r !s ts III ~ II towl!S ing out of ceda r or camphor onl y on tB"!" Chl'ist next S und ay morning. tion for th e appointment of a n ad· factory worke r of Morrow, Decem· throu~~~t t hl~e~l!: sectlO.n. tu find t hut it ne eds a day or two's Johnny- "Well, pl1 said a bank He nry , wearingl' n, T ea cher. ministrator of the estate of Georj?e bel' 30, m e nding' before it. is pre sentab le was no good unless it h as a big McLan e. d eceased, Hearing of ap· Harold W, A uge ns tein, e nginee r Sub scribe (or The Miami Gazette Thc chances !Ire that you won't d o capitaJ." plication is set for January 14, at of Daylon and Miss Marjorie A. FOR SALE 10 o'clock a. m. Mount, teach e r of Red Lion, De. ~====~=================== = . cember 30. PINKY DINKY by 'TERRY CfLKISON FOR SALE or TRADE-4 year Pinker Know. He Can Run old Coon H ound, See Willon Shepherd Waynesville, Ohio, R, R. No.2. .jl


"Where Savings Are S"'-e."



Absolu e ·S AFE y , A d

6% 0


Sight Specialist

Cary'iJewelry Shop


Building & Loan Assn.


DR. L. B. HALL Veterinarian

Reliable Vaccination

J, E. McClure

Phone 76F4

Snook & Jordan


Ha;.-veyaburg, Ohio



Glycerin Mix Removesl Cause of Stomach Gas


\t. .

Dr. John Zettel Optometrist 19 N. Broadway



------ - - --





Dead Stock Wanted

VACCINATION With Dependable Serum and Virus in.urea both Safety and Success

Dr.W.E.Frost Harveysburg, O.

THRESHER SUPPLIES-BELTS pulleys. babbitt metal, 011 C!Upl. Injectors, lubricators, steam and water gauges, gauge glass, oilers, packing, boiler lIuell, suction hOBe and tank pumps. THE BOCKLET CO. 415 W. Main St. Xenia, Ohio.

We pa y f r om $3 to $0 ac· cor ding to condition and size of animal. Call us at our expense.

PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS -Fo r all purpose8. Bocklet'. li~e of plumbing and heating sup. plies are the best. The BockletKing Co ., 415 W. Main St. Xenia Ohio. "

Harvey·s burg . Fertilizer Company PHONE 8F3



Phone 31





s.. v. Early for

p ....

N.. '

Your Sal. Date•• W. Cuaranl",. or Charg. Nothlnc:.

Pboae No. 310





PINk,,( OlHKY ~'N6~f;~/


5% Farm Loans LONG OR SHORT TIME-EaIY , terms. Also Surveying alld Ab. stl·acting. Write and I «11 eall and see you, Sam D. Henkle Way. nee,v ille, Ohio. , ' J11 . LOANS on Livestock, Chattels Second ~ortagel!. Notes bou&,bt: .John Harbme, Jr., )t~nia! Ohio.

~aliafa .. t.ion

Centerville, O. New Burlingtog~·O.




F. T. Mar-tin ' Jesse Stanley Auctioneer s




........ Th e. stock market gambler and . the girl who marries' 'an aviator are alike; They both take a f1yel',


f .a rmers, Attention ~LA~. Ha~ &I<:A~.

aUT ....e!<Hew W~ TO &.OOt(. $U&IE S,GHED ·





Farmen of Warre.n and adjoinin&, countiell mllY obtain money on long time loans, at 5 per eent Interellt. Coat of eecurin&, th. .am. Is, very reasonable, through ' The Federal Land Bank. F.or further Information call on or address II' C. DRAKE. Treasurer; phone 81': X Lebanon, Obi,

. I



'ydT~Y n y SU I p lI'i ed his tellcher a s he wa s a l'l'ut to go home. "What have 1 learned to-day, ~e~c h er?" he ailked . "What a curiou questi on I" the Mr, and Mrs, Carl B iac!kford and family of Morrow \Verl! h er,e teach er r epli e d. "Why d o you ask?' "W 11 ," . ni d- .' ytl n <!y , UtI) y' ll nnclay" want to kn ow ut ho m o," . Mr. and Mrs, A, S, Ooll ett and s on en tc rtained at ,dinner on SundllY lh e fo llowing ' guest s, Ml'~' , Snles l,lInn -"The ' ~ s hir ts simply MHI'Y Dos ter,' Mr, and Mrs, Wm, lau /{ h at the IclU lldr y, si r ," Gi ll um, Mr, and Mrs , Ropert Colll ~ tom I'~ "I knuw, I' ve h nd (It t of l ayton, Mr, Geo.' Denny and !; nw corne hll ('k with hr il' lsi cIP~ Mi ~s Ruth D e nny , MrR, Alice El'- s·Vlil. win of Gree nfi eld, Miss Hal'la n, William nnd ' Charles Doster, and PUBLIC SA LE J hn Denny,



- D. L. CRANE ..


Oflice Pbolle .... ..... ......... ... No. R'!Jidence .. .......... .... .. .. ...... N~. 118

Atwater Kent Radios

.. - - ----


Subacription · Price, $1.50 a ' Year in •• red al P •• to"i ~ . of Wa y n •• .,;II. "hio, Q. Sero nJ , G /fue M o il Muller



AUY 8, 1!I:lO

ll llvin ~


Wonderfully Reduced

- - --

s, old my fll r m. 1 wi ll : 1'11 lit publ ic 1111 1'1 ion at my I'llI'm 0 11 • I the \\'Ily tl ~ vi ll l' und Ll,ban f,ll pi I,,· , WE BELIEVE IN I' on NEXT PASTURE wAS THE UNITED STATES Friday , J l1 n,uBry 31 , 1930 eIOTTE R. THAN WHERE SHE W~) Bf'I{illnin g- at 11 o'c loc k, th e f oll o wing- p r o perty : T l' n hea d o f Il n r~~R- I Bl uc'k II ' I t 1 (iO() 1 f o r 1.!l2!) was m:l, I'C' .I 1·1I yl! :.II'~ " I I ' "f , 11'\JIg 1 \, I l'a l ~(If c o t t ll ~ Yl'ur ; >Jay 111/l1'C' li S j!nn d li S U y~:-tr h('fol'(" :H" ol'(l" ith !' lI lt Ly " , iell'. 1(; years o ld, in.:: t o rep o l'l H fl' o l11 l'very part of vJ('il{ht 1·100: l so rre l ma r l' . 14 1 th e co un t ry, Mcn'hunts IHid exye ar ~ o lu , II' l' ig ht I ~ (JO . t o f r,ul ill A ll ril : I " r u\' marC'. j(j .vcll rs old, 1 Pl'rLc <l a dl·('lin(' of I :' 0 1' 20 per.. 1I'('ig ht I~O() to foal in April; 1 lin y ' l'e n t. P !:lI pl t, w ho ll1ake it their Mrs, Anna Randall, a ss is t e d by !lIlll'l· . . . . ·I{ is t('red. 1l' l' i~hl I flO O; I hus in ess t o n na lyz(' ecu nomi c f o rMi s~ lI e l(, 11 Ran da ll entertuln ed in l-: I'a~' fi lly ('o ll1 i l1~ :l Yl'a rs " Id, . ceS ~ uy t h ut o n (' r ea son why peop l II de lil:-h t ful mHl1ncr at luncheon o n wI'iehl 1,100; I Iola c k m nl'c co lt. Tu 'sdu y, ])coccmbl' r :ll thl! f o ll o w- ('(lll1il1~ o n(' \,I'a r, ext ra lal'g.l'; als" didnt c ut d own on th!'il' Chri s tl1la s inl!: 1: lI li c ~ : Mr", A, S. Co ll ett. Mrs n n~'a l W ll nd c l' , 111(' I, i ng' ~ ('{lmrnny ~ h " pping aft e r W ull Slre(' jl s lu mp II , E, Ha tt <l n , MI''', Eo B. Dakin . hnr~l' . in fi n .. 1' ''n <liti o l1; ('I' ('r ylJll dy 11'11 5 h (·c nu ~e th e Prcs ide nt' s 1)U ~ i n ­ Mrs. W , W, W e lch, MI' ~, W , I~, kn o ws h im; I 1Ii omnll, Ih .Iad, . l' onl ess I.'o n fl! re n c< in Wus hi ng ton hud Og les bee. Mr~ , Mary lI uin (·, . Ml's i ng: 1 y nrs o ld . (·xlr:! goon d on(' in II , S, TUl' k(' I', til l'S, I ra Syferd. l'I l l's a ll j'(·s pcc ts. I' l.'s tul'cd public c o nfid e nc.e in th e Mrs, T , F, McGuinn, Mi ss lI url an. On (' ./ l·r,,(')' (' o w. (j y 'ar" o ld, 0111' ~(l U ndlH' ~s " f t hl' Nalion' s indu sI a nd M IS . J , E, W ilh am !If W" YIH" - " f th t' hc"t I C\'I'I' .1 1I' IH'd . du,· t o ~ lri~~ lind rca ss ured th e t illlid o nes, ' ~EW YORK f l'l's hl,n ill ,\ ugu ~ ; I , J "I ~ !'Y 11I.' ifl I' . Vis itors 10 !'\ew York Ihi" I, Ihat vi lle , If thllt is t l'u e, it is aj!uod nu g:s inh abi lanl s live a gay Ii fe . II " .. I 1 Mr , a nd Mrs, Ira :-<yfenl ente r - I ('''n~i n ~ ~, tn fl'('~ hl'll. in Augu s t ; u r y for lht.· ncll' y enr, T he £'I' <:sil:arl11. I ~ l p I ~'mc llt s '-: '.1 .f a r~~l \:~g­ wild OIlC, They a re WfI , ltg , Ti le t ainl'd v!-, r y hf) s l'i tab l y at s ix d e lll' s purpose' in culling bu s ilH'sS gay ety ,lIld wildllcss . is mu, tl y ,I a ' col I,'d"ck .Ii n llcor u n T.h u rs da'I' MI', nn c ' , 1 n( 11 Id,.1 mnl1l1l (,,,]Ir~ adll. I IOlld e rs lo di ~ (,u H" their plllns f o r I"r u nl-o f-t uII'1l Iisit urs . Ihp 'c hUll - un d Mr ~. 11 , S. TII(:lw r tIml 111'1', a nd I ~d\'lanl' ( ' hlnd" I' , ,I :\dr ll1l)(' (' IH OWMrs, A, S , ('o ll l,t t. lnl{ , madlll1 e. /i-It. l'llt. I Int (' I'the futun' a nd i n lIrginl( Gover- 1rl'd th uusand o f them ill tull'lI eve ry nall un al hav I,.'dde' r. 1 I ntl'rnanors lin d Con~ r css t o n 'celerale 'lay. Th e ,H erage j,l'eli illl c ..r lhl' rcal l\Ii ~" 1I {'len Ha n dn ll wa s ,ha rm- ti"n ,, 1 hay 'rak,·, I ,< id e· " (· Ii l'(' ry I' ew Y" rker is lIcarn Y (I'cllJck th all th e . p~nding of publi c fund s fol' in g hostess Thu l's duy ,·vc nill g. t h co r a ke , I Or " II'n :~ -I IlW cli lt ivaln r. I mads, w u t e n \'uY H, bu ild ings ll nd oli,llI ight. \\'hen N cw Y " rk~ rs gil ~ o KU I'~ ts bcing th l' fu tu lt y and hOlll c Da vid Ol' udl,'v 2-1', II' I' olk r harro w the th calCl' lhey IHlY chcap seals 1lI o th e r publ ic w () rk ~, wa s th e ho pe econ omi c;; l' l a ~s o f hiKh ~ c h oo l. and pla n t(' r. · 1 1I 0(l s il' l' co rn d rill . th a t th e res pon s('s wo uld prov e :0 Ihe balcony' llul-o[ -tr,WII f" lk s [lay Ou r bllske t b ull t ea m waH v ic- fl u t dr op and fer tili z~ r. n e ll' hay Ihe eX lJrb ita;\l "ri ces ill the pit. Very l'nco u rag ing us to a ll u y f enl' for l orious Fri day e ve n illl{ ove r t he IOPC, j!nlpplinl{ hn ~1 f,)rk, I se l of the futur e . That turn e d out to be fe l\' New Y orkers \\'ou1fllm ll w when' Ca rli '< le ll'am on th e hOl\1 e fi no!' :1O-ft. " nuh ll' l a. ld er~ . I I'0 W(, I' CO I'Il lIight club I,r h I' \\' III 1.:" 1 illt " to find a th e case . lhe sc or e WlIS 10 t o :3, Th e go irl s ,<h e ll e I' . lik e n e ll', 1 e nd g-ate . MI', Hoove r I' cognized t he tl'uth a spcal,ea sy. They Iii r ill )J "I\ VClrk lost, b l' Ollll c a ~ t 'I' dl' I', 2 set rope nnd o f W oodrow Wil so n's fam o us s tute ll lT:l tlS C th ey ra n tna~<L' 111,IJ!' e tl1 t1 t1C~' hns , Madden IJll)ck!'. fan ning- m il l, ful l s\'l of 1r. anu 'Mrs. m e nt that g'o nd t im es and bud there. but oli ly by wl' rk ,ng ha rd .. r nt l\1 onday in C in cinnat i with blnc ksmith lbols . harn ss f o r 8 s pl' thnll th ey did in Ihe slll all 1.. 11' 115 th ey tim es u r c us uall y the re sult o f th l\1 iK~ ,I e nni e Co rl ll' n ul h e r h om e hon;I·!'. mentn l attitudc o f til l' cr ow d, Bu si- : :.lI1e f ru;n, T n ge t al,,';,d tl ~l' )' ha \:e T (, I'IlI , - (; month ~ wilh ha nkaness n1(' n o f t oou y und c l'litn nd thllt tn live regular livcs. They brlll R th c,lf o n Grundin Road , Mrs, ha s , Gray , pe n l l'l'iday in blc· no l e, If t he nl tl sl' of the pt! o ple belie ve mall -to wll hal .its with tlll'!I1 alit! 1111 O. A, STR OW N, I t. hlll thin~ s arc ,:;o ing to go we ll , alorc th an t \\'o th uu salld rhu rc hes Dnylol1, Im' l Bro wn. AucI , nnd pl'nl'~ 5 lh nt be lief by s pen din g CI er)' Sililday, 1111'S, F . S , T ripp and Mrs, .r, ' (;u" Th o mlw Ml, ('I I'k, 111 0n el' as fr ee ly us evc r, t h en J. unch by t iea L a ,li e~ Aid . <I raI' ca ll e J o n fri e nds in Dod d" WATER things d o g o well. If the l11u jority S un'd ay nf t l' I'n no n, '1'11<'01 ,. " • .,: lllS in I h ~ .: Il rt l l\\ l'~ t a lld is t (mid and h I' ilnnt ubout Jlu r If al' in ir d ecide d to Quit fal'll1in~ ctlR es and in vesl m en t s. thinl{s g o , , ' . 'III ',1_ 1 in 1(12') 1>.1\ ,. II I... k cnrn Mr, and 1\11'5, has. Gr ay lI' e l' (, I lI'ill fie ll at illY reside nc e 2 I, j l ' \" ' r y ~ i ' t or:1 :I"' : I I~ I" badly nnd w e ha ve· hard limes , S unday ca ll 1'1'5 at th e hom e o f G, l11ilc' ~ Nor th of Wal'n esl'ill e a nd {; : t" 111' ~ , ', I \ ) r . t).o r The year I !l:lll hilS hardl y beand fam il y n ea l' mil l'S S.oul h of S p r ing Va ll ey, Ohio : \ .. I I' ",'; ;.. 1 1 It II.l r \a ·,,' ~ .d ,d gun , but nlren riy th(' out loo k seem s o n St ale Hou le No . 42 on t1 i:,: I \. 11:- , \ ' ,1 ' p,'ol, t 111 brigohter than it loo k (' d a c uph! of VV e dneaday , Jan , 15, 1930 fl ' "l' year tr mo nths ago, Th e public has r ealB 'g- inn inir at 10 o'c loc k, the ized m ol'C cU lllpl de ly a nd speed ily the right of anynne tn , ! . ' , f oll o wing pro perty: 14 head dairy lhlln h ud hecn hop e tllha t lhe Unit- Whelh": Ii " i. "' '''' 1'' I catl l ~ , ,J ~rs e y and H o l s l ~ i n, 6 cows e d Slate, is ~ till mov ing' s tead ily :\!a.. s.u.:h t:S l.!lIS h : t ~ ~I I ' " I I fl'(' ~ h with cn lv es by s ide, ~ mules . t owurd its d estiny, which i ~ that for drin,:rs, St) th :~t Jh . \\ Il I. , '. (; hol,(s, 400 bu, com, tl'Uctor and o f H nnt.i o n in whi c h ne ith er si ble in Bay S Wl ,' III g , I ,\ I . " . I. farlU imple ments. I pove rty n ul' s lllr cl'in~ s hall befall ,Jri\'c a car ull lcss a il e I l a ll,l klj' ,I . , T e rms mad e Imo wn on <lay of I eyc n th e l e ll ~ t o f il~ c ilize ns e xcept huw tu <Idle, "lid lhal IIleJ '" .• 1,1 , ale. us the indil' idua l hil1lself so wills !lIorc lha n merely hoJ w tll ,III il gl'a., ALVA HARTSOCK , it, W , N , ears. Aucl. 1 alld apl, l), tIll' brakl's: il ·nc,.IlS ,11 '1' '''' - - - .. W, E , 0' reali , lerk, :iati on o f th e b CI th aI thcn; ar" oi h" r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ • cars on thc road a s well as ped,'sI •t I ·ri ans. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT S(lme day nobody wi ll be allowed 10 BEAUTIFYING THE - -- i dri,'c a car in any stale wh o has not Thu t n ewspllper adv e r t is ing is ROADSIDE E state o f Vel'n o n J. Cresw ell , some se nse o f responsib ility to others, the gateway to b Her bu siness , eI _ _ _ _ _ _ __ a ~e d, I It i s the d emand it c reates t hat de cNotice i ~ h ereby ,dven t hHl ; ANTIQUES mak es adv e rtis ing pay, Ha nna h E, Cr eswell has bee n duly 1 Suece s~ ful bu. ine ss conc e rn appoin Th c n xt ste p in highway imAlmost any old piece o f furniture, ted a nd qu ulifi ed ns Admin- , prOl'e llH' nt will be to mak e the ch ina. glass o r junk. i( ;t is battered rea li ze the vu lu e o f adv e rtis ing istrntrix o f the i':state of Vern o n : an(1 use it persistently, enough, call be sold somewhere as an r oad s m ore nttractil'c , The first !\luny b us iness co ncerns op l'rate I. Cr es we ll late of Warren Coun t y, "antique," I attended severa l country m o~t irnpo I'tnnl obj ect of road .1l1CJiolls in N cw England !:ist sum- t hci r bu s in ess lit a loss durin g' ce r- Ohio, d eee a ~ ed, Out e d thi s 28th d ay of Dece m improve ment i ~ . o f co urs e , to mer and saw absurd prices paid (or. tain times o f th e yeRr, It w uld n ot ber J !l2[), ry f or th e m to d o so be necessa mil k(· il ell s ic r to f{et from one trash to whi ch mo st folks would not W , Z, R o ll if th e y allv e rti sed all lhe whil e J llrl;; ' of l he Probate Court, piace t o anot he l', But after that is give house - roo.ln\' Yet among them ins t ead o f once in a wh ile. there was alw ays a piece or two wbich j 15 . W a !'l'en County , Ohio ,lone, att en tion uUI: ht lo be g iven \I as a real bargain. I bid 011 a SheraTh e mos t f orcibl e wny t o sec ure to . lh e b eautificat io n o f t he r oad - ton t able, which might have been bu s ines$ is thro ugh the p rin ted IIIOTARVPUBLIC I.F.IO .\I , :\'0'1'1 ••~ s id(>. fifty )'~a rs 01<4 or a hund red and fifty, page, It is t he gl'C'atc t trade builde r in ex ist e nce, National Bank SC I'e l al stnll's hav begoun this 1>111 which was of value to me because Advcrtis in g hol d old trades, at- 1'h onl"~ ~1. ~ l a n lnf!"l) n . PlalnUf r, work , )q 1\1a :'5; l' hu se tts a ll n e w or it would fi t my dining room, was tracts n e w tmdc, an d 'increases Phone 93 "S. W'II Eatatea Settl.,d Drawn 1 ~l ih"t I.Ikt ,,~ Gnu:s, ('I nl .. I1 ~ ' cal~ti [t:! i: 1 dc sij:!l1 and sturdy in COl~ I l' f ent1a lll!'l. , ' :l8l1 N o. 14 ~ !l 1 I e loca l ed I' l1 ad ~ IIrc Illade w ide slrtlctiClll, and a mode rll table equally ales. N ow is th e tim e f o r evcry bu s i- ,'Ia l, ' of ( . h if) , \\':l ITf' ll Cou nt y . u m· e!l oug h tn pi ov id e f or a belt of fl OOO would Cl'St more than $200. I lIlull P I t'Hl'l · OUI' t. tro es 011 (,Hc h : ,d e an d ' trecs and Sloppl'd bidd ing al $175 and the table no ~ to ad ve rtise an d incre a se t h e ir 18ah I 1.1l,lns (1atl ·~ . 2 j:t~, nntal'in busi ness. shrubs ure plllnted by th e S tate \Iellt 10 a dca ler who bid $5 more, ., \\' ".hl " I-r" ' ''' II C,: " ' lit 1_lk llS, Eve r y dny pers istent advertis- 1101 I ~:I (; nr v ~l r ~"t. \'\·hl ln r,. nllll': .. . a" nurs ery, Co nnecticut hn g n State 1 1I~t he fore ChriMmas, rummaging e r s ure lea rn ing to Ror\' e lh e ' pub lic F I' llI IC h-l'O. i ' :I lI(ut'lIl n: . .... o nn· I. i k · Innds capc lIi\'i : i 11 I'Jn icit not o nly thi- ugh the a ntique furniture depart- better, unci by so do ing t hey are ro, Ill S. 101 (l'Ot' l< r' t ApL. Rail F" ':l Il C iM"lIr,,,'nl,, , t lll l've ,' LII<l l1 s. 760 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _........-;. 11 mcut of aNew York stOre in search planls tre es but lu ~ :; o u t :lwer- o f a goud mirror at a bargain, I saw incl'ellsi ng profit. l' I ~ ~i<1t J\ \'llllli ~. ~n ll I' rnn elsco, tt l, , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No bus iness can get by unl ess it If"I'nln : .\l alld I. U<lII E M OIII! • . 11 :11 1 gard e ns a t nppropriate in~el'va,ls this identical table. I asked the price. \ ' lllt\ Rt t N " I ~H~ \Il A(' l cf;, Ca li f o r along State roads. In CalifornIa "N ineteen hundred dollars," said the adve rtises the bes t in s e rvic e and n iH : ,Jen " J. f1 r'r l :-- I ,i\' lng-li l o n f' , 1 ~ 17, trees ho ve bee n planted along 686 quality. ~, :\ , P ' . IUdll llo n d. 1,,,1I1\1H\ : 11 0 1'· mile s of hi ghway a nd the land s ad- saleswoman. With s om e co nce rn s bu ~ in es , is a ~ ' f ' I ), I.lh:Jn ~ ~ ' n l ~ nJ1 nd .. " Till j ac e nt to State r Ollds have been A s lime gocs on, old furniture tak es still a s leep. It w ill stay t hal wn y 11",, 1,·1'. ~l nM" "·, ',h" ~e l l.': I.lIlu f.t k ln. 1 s UJ' ]1ey~ d for the purpose of pI IIn- ,m inoreased value, provided it is well with th e lll until t hey wake it up l :u~ ll " h ur\' ;{~:t \\.. , Sa Yarn-' ~tl'~ ( · t , ~Ol l lh B,~ n ~ 1. 11I 111:lnn , " "11 1 \\' , I. l kning ways to mak e th ,: m .m ore nt- designed, well built and in good con- by lulve rtising. Ins 2 1 1:; l<t ' nt SU',,· j' C I.ll!'l Aru.!'·)('f-I. j I ' nllt'o illin, :\t nl'\' L ikln !ot ItJ' O,\\' II , 111)11 tractive, Delaware , Illin OIS. Geor- diti on, The things that ollr grandHtl" I I1~' .I\ \ ' 1' 1111t', !-:U<tllll ' l . Ind latla : 1 gin, Mi Rsouri. Wisco nsin and Ken- mothers th rew away are treasures 10Ft nyd .la( ·lo Ho n . H h:lda n ll nnil Su n luckv a r e nil mnking a beginning day, T omorrow mllch of the junk that ~ t,t BI\' (1. , I. o ~ A n g, ' l :-I, ('n llff"ll' n l n : F'I'(\II \\' , .I a(')c llwn. 1~ , ' \'''-' l'1 y Il il l ~ , ; toward s imilar highway beautiflea- we discard may be priceless, l'a l i f o r l1 iu : (; "fU' ,:t'" \\" )t anln~ l t)n , ti on in some instances with the year, even in r:liny season~, New Y or,l< 'l' ltlltll m,t1. :"\(O \' nllll : h ::in h L , !\f a li i n K- ! Ir "l, I: . I L ~I , B ox ~I; ::, SnH ll l u , \Ylu~h­ cooperation of local civic bodies city It)ol;s a hc:!.! to the tllnc whell It Inl; tu ,, : A II nn FI,·II. 14~Ii Bu trnto lind women's clubs, For yellrs the 1)II!Sl ur~ w ils watcr fro m Lake B), EDGAR WALLACE . ~l" H t. Frnll l<lIn, P ~n n 9y l\'nnl n: woman's clubs of Florida have O ntanu Ihree huudred m iles a\\ay, Ed Wlud It I' II . 1·lar. B\l tf o. )o Stre~ t. F m nl<ltll, PC' llll sy ll' nnln: .John Belt. been planting flowen alone the Ph ilr,deij ,hia already hal to go into 1 ~~5 Seaview , Brlelg port Co n roads, New Yor k :tate for water. Inland 1\ ell ell l : Dn vlcl :'1. 13.·11 , n min or , 902 Undar an Ifmen<tment to the cities on frcsh-wa.ter lakes and rivers, ollnr Hilt Al' enu c. Dnll n8 . T ~ XB8 : n1lll1 :"r, n ell, ns ~" rnr.tlnn or nBvtd Federal-aid act, passed In 1928, :lf C Irtore fortunate, but the pol1u~ion :>f. n etl. n min or , 902 rednr Hilt AvGovernment funds may be used In I o f streams I'.' scwage ill increasing, f' n ll~, Dnlln s, T C' xn fl ; Eli7nhrlh Btnrl( p~rt fo~ such purpo!es on Federal- \ Evenlually sewage will be disposed = =-=-= . = =--=::-=:=- -: l:u nl1ln ~ r. r J4 ~S ( l1 p~ t n l1t S tr e e t , F" :lll kl ln, ' P C' nnsrl\' n nl n : l\fnr gnr" t o f ci'crywhere in reduction plants and !lId roads: c 01 The master writer of Dat'ective Stories II t!l .'k \\' n lll "r, n:.:l 10:111 Slree l, There I S m ore to this than eim- , sonner or later science will, find :1 way IF YOU WERE HERE 1 " I'!l III{ l i n , l' p nI\ A~' l yn nl fl : nlll'ton . -\ , all auth o rs. wh o ha s II'r't t c' C ! n ea rl ~ ply a, protest agaInst u g unes8· to I''' :'i iy sea -wa te r for dTlnklng purHln r k, I 'o pul ar Atl ' N't , (jl'O \ 'O Cit y , has written the greatest nooel 01 a hund red dc! cc til c sto ne s an ( Pt'TlIl~)' h ' hrd H : )I n 1' \ ' n lH,ck 1 It \'i~. :t'here IS, a dollars-nnd-conts vn~uo \loses alld so make a wllter famine By Philip Bourke Maroto.n 'who se 1;llc , t . "Gunman', I.llufT," wil :,0:) \\' il ~ hIJl ~ tlln f\ \'f' nur' : Po i nt 10 beautliul ronds , People who hv e , seacoas t towns impossible. of his whole career. \\ ' a ~ hln t( 1 n n , f ' n l ifonlll\ : ~f nnrar(· t appear scri :tll y in thi l' ~1r on th e m not only take pride In III H ln C' k . u. m in o r , .:\ p L 1 ~ , fi,O!1 ,j 1,:tll'11 11 Love, If y ou were here Wallacc ha s la te ly vi silcd Am erica J' \' t ' IIH ~I , Pit t~ l l ll" ~ , I '(" nn !o"~' h' nntn : them but cnn g et more for their I.5PECIALISTS This drenry , w ea ry daya n d I: r- h "'4,.':1 H la c \<, It mi nur , Ap t. building sites. Towns whieh the I kn ow a farmer who i, perhaps the If your lip~. wnrm and d ea r. It is called "Gunman's BluR" and we 1:!, ~l(' il -; Eu ('lid ,\ \ ' , \ n Ut', f' i l t s" ur~ , tourist uppronches through arc~- greatest authority on potatoes In the , Found s ome s weet word to I'C" U'")' )\')II1I 11 , wilt la tl e nollc(' Ih o.t ',· !II"l1 :1 .... ~ 1. ;\1I1 ni n ,: toll o n th .. , 11th s snywill publish it serially beginning tnJ:t, t~eeSt at~d b 0'd eb sl~es~o;h~;': world , H e gl:OW8, nothing else; rais~s tlay o f Dcce m!)c,', 19~9. rtl,' c\ ht" pot l g-a In I ep u n Ion an u them ill ~la1l1e rn Summer and rn Then hardly w ould seem d rea ry (I n n In t h., l' u IlHIl O Tl Pl f'l\ ~ OU l't \\'1111111 Iin tl rt ll ' th e ou nt v of \'-n.r These ski es of wintry gray. soon. bYE I ay ahead of Amer- Florida in Winter. He Is gelting rich. Ten :In(1 .. tlll l' or ()h l o, tlgn ili s t tt,," nl l/H' i' nHmed (le f'P1ICJ Rll t s n n c1 Ql hiea ~ iro;':aisi~l: Improvement. N ot I kn ow another farm er who ~as But you are far awayP I ' ~ , 11.' IIl~ f" :.I M(' ~ Il, 1 4:!91 , n ll e )!'i n ~ onl narc its highways tre e -lined "ban,doned evcrr ot~c~ cro~ to raIse How .far from m e, my dear? th tlt h e if: 1:1H" o,,' n f' f' in r (' ft hllOh' Dollnot miss a single instalmenttl It butYin so m e regions fruit and nut gladIolus, ,He IS ~c~hng , nch, One What cheer carr 'wlIrm th e day? o f n n 1Ir ldl vl " '(' tl Illl fl l" PR t In th p ro l ~ Il}\\' h 'la.:' (I ~C l'lh (, tJ I' <1 1 " Jo\ lat r-, t o -wtt : t . planted th o harvest from mall in ~Iallle spCClUllZes III pheasants My heart is chill with fear, will thrill you! Puzzle you' ~ ill 111{- l '1:nvn s h l .-, or 'Y ;l y n e , rh~sha i~ sold to' provide for road and makcsSCl'cral th uusan d a yca r on Pi e rc ed through with swift di sm ay In ~j111:\t tl lc c' ()U n l\, o f \ V;\l'l" f'U anel S tll,t.c' W I.e 't ce Th nt 'IS an economy J ftfty acres. I know hollf a ,Iu zen farm s A thought ha R turned life se re. or Ohlu, alll t' hn flw n "nil r1 (' !:i(' I' Uff"d maIO enlll1 . .. < • h' " 'd b t '1 sorblv ou ! ;1~ r tlll n \\~ !ol : AItOUl '-' igh t\' ( SO) Hc r e s h' h ni g ht not operntc so well m where not IIIg IS raIse , U 51 vel' of laud , b i'\ ln ,Lr ~ O J' t II h a l!t o f S, \\. , AlI:~ri~a, but th e re is n othing ~ut (oxes, They m;lkc 1lI? Ill·Y . .sllll~hc yca."s If you , from far nway, . "t I' o f , 'p l io n 3:1, To "'" 4, Should come not back, m y d enr; 01111 time to prevent u s from makmg ago I met a woman ID .Ohlo II 0 , ~as H:"' I((\ ", ~1. H , S, I.. \\' nl'rMl ('ou nt y, Oh ill. li nd ,wh tch ts _ iltln.le d o n th e e ver road bea utiful. earning a verr goo d IlKOmC ralSI!l~ If I ho more might lay . 1l"l lhl'o oll Tllrt'l,lk ' nblJu t · tw o a nd My hand on yours, n or h ear y skunks for theIr fu r, 1 kno w anothe. o ll ~- h n t r 1l111 ~K " o" t h .from th ~ t own That voice, now s ad, n ow gay, Uncle Si Tinklepaugh sa ys too man who grows only violets: . of "'a ,'n ".-I tt , In ~nfrt ('ou n l~' . n nd Caress my lis,t e ning ' ear; kn ow n' ",. l.h o "BII!! \'h!l111 F a rm ," much 'of a good thing is bound to I have ncver known .a spcclahst ~h o 'I' h p " ' '''el' of _n ,I {' tilton Is (o r make trouble, like holding five madc money if h~ gave ,a ny attentron pO l'tltl Cl II 'o r ~I lirl n \:t cstn t e : thot If yo u, f rom far away" ' ; nl-nl U's IIl lRl'ekl h e' ~,· t orr to ,hIm aces in a poker game. to any thin;; but hiS SIX;CI:"ty, I h;we Should come no . morc, m " til nLl ~()\,(l I·o. ll ~·: l hflt plo.lnUrr rnny never known one to fall If he had the hn\' o n (((WI'I' " co nrtrml ng th e r l\slIccdeartil' 8 1 1f" 'r~ of Ih p O-,·ti s In 80.10 Edgar ' Wallace, the . English essenlial re<:uiremenls o ~ industry, Then with what dire di smay , r nl S l o.t~ as Sf'l ou t In sn l'l peU. writer 'o f detective stories, says he common scnse, salesmanshIp .;U1~ suf. Yenl' joined 'to hostile year lion, n nd f ,,1' u h o.t h r n nd rurth e r will not attempt to write an Amer - ficient capital to carryon until his spe- Would frown, if I sholild stay ,,' rell r u,~ I" Jus l. 'I!'l U It aliI unll nrope~ , i~ story beeause he 18 not sutH ci - cialty made good. Where memories mock and jeerl 'rh" j,p "MOn" n bov na med Will e ntly familial' with ' the AmerIcan ln k e no teo tllnl thev n1' parties to But I would come away language to make his characters DRIVERS ~nr.t ' fl lion, und thltt ' llh~~_ure ~ e­ Automobiles kill more. people in "'alt'~ (j to nnswpr th e so.n1e u n or To dwell with you, my dear; talk -as Americans d\). If American to bGrOrn Lh~ 1. t rhw or Ma.rch. 19 30. unknown ' worlds writers were aa , wise ss 1t{1'. Wal- Amcrica than' :l..ny oth er ~ lIlg1 SO~lrce Throllgh or .tnugn'lrnt will ' b laken agul ns t BtJ:ayl,h m, lace they would n 'o t try to write of ac\:idcnts, faT, mqrc than arc ,kIlled THOMAS M, MANIN(JTON. Or ,sleep; nor. hope, nor fenr" stories about farmers until they by railronds, The ca~ls.e of ac~:dcn~s Platntlrf. hnd learned how modern formers ~9 usually inl!xllcrt dn " "lg. v. I! ha, e Nor dream beneath the clay );hnwhan & Brown. I,,·hana n. Ohio.' interpreted intli vidual libtrty to mean Of all our days that were. Attorn")',, !tor EI1alnUU, really act, think and talk.



!.--------- ------_. C.hl'i~tmn~ bu~inl'ss



MrR, Amanda. tarr s uffered a ,eve r!! attac k of acut e indigestion Tues day, S ho is impro ving, The gues ts of Mr. and Mrs, Jl e rbert al'!' an d s o n 'und Mrs, Ro se Curl' , to watc h t h ' old yell r oul w e re: 1\1 1' , a nlI M rs. R 0 1)el' t St nmp . MI', a nd 1\11·~. has. Gordon, MI', A , L U k e ns , un d t w o amI M 1'8, '" .. , duught(lrs , MI', a nd Mrs. Cl int Clea ve l' und l\Ii ss Itu th , Mr, a nd Mrs , HO lVard Gruhan), Mr, and Mrs. A, 'n S. Coll e tt. Mrs, Mary Doste r, W I iam Il nd Charles Dos ter,



Model 44 Electric Set


Regular price

Model 40 Electric Set


Regular price .. $117.00

Reduced price .. $,6.,0

Reduced price


Allen's Parlor







- -- -



- - --

- . ---

On all Furnaces during the month of January_ C,ome in and let us tell you all ab .. ut it.


Fairley Hardware Co.


Phone 32

Waynesville, Ohio






Waynesville, Ohio

COMING! A New Serial


, 1



The Miami


Gaze~te ,.






--. I


'I f(!tulld ou. loa" on un. al man-liThe ~ bir' .Imply day ana now oU If aikin, lIiI'lIln Ilau,h it the. Ilulnril'Y, ~ir."

,,1' I CUlLt omer-" 1 know. 1' \'0 had orne bu int!~, Clhallll'as \\'\lre I.y s, I want d to how y ou t hat I some come bll I \\ ith their side , m ade i n W l ynll~vll1(> du r ing t he th te WR , no ill-feeling between split. 1p ast w ck. ~Ir. Herbert B u('rk le of

for on



- -----__

l" fl t, h~ t :'IJ


cI1n ciil i.l" f tht' l • ' :1 ion nl Bnnk. of "· "~· l lI · ,,· illl'. in Ih(' Stnt" of Ohio . .It tilt' 1' lo~I' "f bllsi l1l's ~, " 11 1 l' l' (l 'll b ,~1' :1 1. I ~l:!!l.

RI'pll r l .. f I h

\r nY1H' ~ vdl'

tI'll l

t!j~I""ln t ~,

Kern's Garden Inn



HARTER No. 2220

1 ~.lInl


T ast d Deviled Ham Combina t ion Kimona Cheese

Burto n's Rest a urant to

11'. My r o n Banta, of L >banon, ha " a s),; urn d the nUil1l1gcml'nl of t he "ro~c r Ntore su ~ 'lIlJin~ Mr. Mllvnllrll W It z. who Wll ' nlll1UIgcl' fur' II lm ost lle\' n e al's n nd wllll during thnt tim' hos built up /I large p ll tru m'~('. H aving a pi u ·in~ p (" '~o na lity, Mr. W(' llz hall WOn l1u ln y f r iend)! wltu hop(' that lit lin d hi!! fumily !lIfty co ntinu e tu make Wa ym·H\· ill t heir "lllc!! Ilf r<'!:Ii(I{' ne!'.


Restaura nt a n d Co n 'f ec tion ery

I : I '~"n




. $ :"11' I~i . :h. .. 111 7.l

lichiirtln, wus mnd mnn alter of I the WAyn(>s\'ill M utot· olllpnny, tllkinJ! tlw pI nel! "r MI' . John

\IJ1ward s !If " h un ,lrC'd d ui l' YIlH' n fllrn t(' rs froll1 a ll part ~ of WtllTl' n ('oll nt y . nttendu d t h e Dai r ymen ';; Co n fl' rl:n C{' in Ll' h:\11 .111 (:rall)::'(' lI ull Inst FriJllY. T h e forellooll \\ liS d(,\'ot NI ttl 1\ d isc u s~· ion o f f(,l· d ~ an \1 fl·,·ding'. l; r cedin)::, 1I11t! I('('n,·ral h(' 1'(1 managl'J1ll'nt. Slim I' "I' th e I'~~cn tilt l s fcor g r o will l{ a lfll ifa. dl'\" ' r Hn t! soy lJl' !ln ~ \\ "1' " "",:t di , elb ~ I'd hy J . A. S liphl' r, During' IH iI,n lun C'l,,'o n . thl' 1\1 :10 \\'anl'n- Cllntl!!l 'oLl n t y Co w T est-

Mun c y h ac k if n o r reli eved

hil.JrCII like It ~IfUtI ..

. S.~ mu ch SCCrt·c y S\lr rO I:II,I~d the bu ilding of ;his latesl called Ihc " /-I II,I1 · lIo sh " II is ,Icsi gned to run at higher speeds




Ce~ 'i CoDJpany.



!o'o r :m ll' n t

Adams Drug Store

and Mrs, John Pro ud, o f Cin chl b ll'~,~·lIl'e -" Yll u loo k \'''I'~' mi RI·l'a · Ilat i. (li ll i r 1, ,,111\" , !'<I , q, I ~"' :I' ltl Mr: and !\frs . C ha rl es Ea rl y , Mr. W nllnce- " Yes, dm nk 10 I ;, ~ !{7:! 11 "" Id"\11 ~ fl\\ It t "t . and MfS, Walte r Ke n ric k, Mrs. J . mu c h cha lllp:tg ll l' a mont h IIg"." , _ •• ( 1. 1111. 111 1"1'1'·' .II I I\l l l ll ~ , (I'I\' Ott B. Jones and M l's. Charles Mull(' I1I. ," "j \. \\ 1111 t· ,,1It.' I .l1 H, · Bru ('e- " S lI rp ly yo u ha v(' g ot "'_ ~~ SfOlW ix a ttended til , f UlI{, l' ul of MI' ~ . "-t'I' /. I ~ , "l h , . . , :!·t,! I(II~ ,f';-1 ";10,,/1. ; ~ .'ol .lUI r i lltll hanks :H :!I )!l \11 A nn Archdeaco n at Sp rill gbo ro o \'C. I' th e (' ffl'd s o f lh aL l;y now,!" 1! • .j , · lIlP I'qll fLlld \\ 111 \ \1 Wallnce _ "Oh. \' cs : b llt t h" !Ji ll \'IlIlTCh Friday afte rn oo n . ....:. '1"1 ; I ~.\I·: I a ll .1 d ll ,· has ju st CU llle in ," I Phone 120 Waynelville, Ohio 11,,111 \ :---; , rr, l1 :--. lIr-1·r . , 2,:,on.oo iu),! l\ ,, ~ ol'int i u n Wu ~ oI'K:tnized . Mr . .nn d 1111'';. C ha r l('s ,J oh ns e n T ida l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ :";::, :.S i;. I t(· rt ll ined P l'iuay cYcn ill g thl' ful _ lowi ng g u c!:ts : Mr, nnd Mrs. Fra nk t.1 .\1l 11.1'1' 1 ~:S POULTRY INSTITUTE I\ ir f us a n d e hi ld r{' n, Mr. nnd Mrs. " upltll 1 ~t'H - I( p atti in . .. . $l I O,OOO ,f)O --- 1\lr a n d Mrs., Clare nce K ill l(' und (, I!l ud (> L" wis a nd d uughl l'r, Mr. ~ · tI ,01 11:-.. , . . .• , , . , . •• 5 0,01'0. 01 ) , li d" j.1, 01 11I',\ fll f' nt~ l. . , :!li, 77 . l\li ,T ht' \\' I1IT{, 11 uUl1 t y Pou ltry 1n - ' " hildl:(' n . "I' ne :! 1' S pl'in ~b o ro. we r e an d Mrs. 1. ('slie G my n nd s;ln . ("IJ 'I I1:itlnc:.: II Cl t 'tt I) UlRUllIl!! IWlng un·a n j.(NI lI nd l' l' the ~lI n , l ny visi l o r,1 of Mr. n nll M r ~. J . ~l a l1di l1&.: . ...•..... . • ,. :-I I), OOU .Ou d in'dilln IIf C" u nl,x A!{l' n t C la ss E. SllIith. Mr . HIlLI Mrs. Kesle r Grahllm 111 1" ll. ltal1 l{!-C. In d ll tlill gand PlllJl l ry r.xl(' n ~ l u n Sp(,cla li ~ l. , an d dallghte r in cll mpllny wi t h MI'. l" ! tl'fJcd !l11(1 1·:l..:-l h i ,,)'s· .. ' hl~, I{", u llI~ (:II Hj l t\g ,. .. :! . 7:!i . UO Ohi<o Stal c' lJniver ~ ity . Col u m bu s. Mr. nn " J\1 'r ~ . W rlbe l·t ~wa nk ' and .Mr ~. C. W . Al b l'i gh t . o f Wa y-. 1,.... ,II~tnd d to p.,HitH . " .. ... ::' 7G.!', :! !J.!tU ' wi ll lie h(' ld at L hll n o n 1I 0ll'I lIn cl M I'. a nd I\1r~. l\11'1.\,y n ~ wan~ I n.e'w dl e . nwtor(' d 10 Co lum b u s .o n Tim" i..h~ Jl tlR l t ~ , ... . . . .. . fdi,f.ClS . U9 F ddll Y ll ud Snlllrdll Y. .J anuary LO sle.nt Su nday WIth f n e nn s In MI- Slin day a nd s pe n t t he dlly WIth T,>\al . ..... ... . ... .. . $r.~~. 5 ~G.~ 1 u nd I I in ~L{! ad of at L t: I.Hl non I aml ~ burg . MI'. and fil l'S. A. L Willtu lind Gr(l ~I;!''' lI a ll ns pl'c\'iol! sly un.nuunc MI' . :t nu l\lrg..1. B. J o nes ntt e nJ. stJ n ~. . ~ta te o r Ohio , c o un t~· or " ' nr r e n . B't: J, I.. ,M . II cn (\ I!Csoll . eRs hl"r or t he e ll . II,.. npe n l ~j.( Sl'SS ItJll. Will bed ins ta ll atio n of offi ce rs at th e , i\I r. a nd Mrs. All e n Emri ck and 1I1 , (H· l'l · fI !''Uti d lIan )t. do s u l em nl y 1('111 III !J ::W Fl'ld uy morn in g. Gl'tln~ (~ a t W aynes vill e Sa turd aY Mrs. Chu r les J oh n!! s pe n t Mond ny sW ,·:tr l hal lh o a bovc slnl cm en l I s -- - - ('veni ng. in D II~·to n. lr ll~ lu Ih e Ii'sl o r m y kn owledge n lld I ,~ I I · f . ASSOCIATION WILL MEET Robert Bu rn e tt a nd Ca lvin Long ! l yd ~ Whart un an d Jnk!' R eedI,. M . H 8NDEnsON Cas hI er ~lIh . (' 1' IIJ f" tI :l n d fo4 worn t o b e fore __ _ aC f e wel'l: wor kin g in Sp ri ng~e ld (' r mad e n bu s in ess t rip t o Co ving1I1 f' t his 7t h tln y or .Jnnuar y. 193u. " 1lI (1 ('till ~! o f th e Pas t Mulro n s las t wC'C· k ut t he ir t ra de of finl s h- In n. Ky .. Su nda y ('Ye ning, und re_ Rnss II. Hill'lSO k. No lary Pu bli c. tllI·llcd Mo nday . 111<1 Pas l I'alrll ns A"sol' ia l ill n o f ing fl oors. COrl','c l - A tl cS I : .J . W'. WR IT E lhl' O. E. S .. wi ll Ill' he ld aL LebMr. :lIHI l\lrs. W illiam olema n Mr. nnrl Mr~ . A. E. Chnrleton W . F. CI.u\ H[{. :11111 1\ T h u l'~ t1I1 Y (·\'(' n i,,~ . J nn ll ur y hnd fo r th ir 'u ndny dinn e r g' ucs t s /lnt! 1\11'. a nd MI': . C hurl ~ hurl eW . H. A LLE !-I Dlrect or8. n, at (j o'c l Irk. Ea ch o n c is r c- th ' latt e r'" b r o lh e r a nd w ir" , Mr , IOn a l te nd ed th l' {une l'RI o f th e qll es t ed t o take' ~ "nd·.\' i 'h l'~ li nd fo rtn e r 's uncl e . Clin t harleton. ) IIn c cove red di h. A p r.,gra m will I Tll esd a y a t Mofl' Ow, a nd th e burfo ll (l\\' t hc "1I ~i ne ss sess io n . in l at Bla nc hes t e r . __ _ _ _ NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS M iss Lu c il e Cla rk r e tul'lled t o YOUNG FRIENDS MEETING All Lax --;lyer S of Warre n he r duti es S und a y !It th e hos pitul nr c n oti fi e d t hat t her e li t Dayt o n, K y .. aft e r co nval esc ing 1 County T h Y. F. i\!. w ill m(' t at t he will be a me!'l ing' in th e Co mm on lit he r h ome he r c s in ce a re ce n t homl' of Mi 's A da Grace Und e r- rlells COUl't R oo m in t h e o ur t operati on . Good g~ade cows have proveJ it. Pur ~ h .. cd cows have woo el Sunda~' c \·enin g. I ll OUSC at Leban o n on Monday , J a n 1\11'. a nd Mrs . S t a nle y Bail ey e l1 proved It, J erse ys. G uernseys, B ol"lei ns-every kind Cia. s h'!\(le r - Ma l'gn ret ·ook. ua r y 13, 1U20, nt I o' clock p. m . ter ta in ed a num be r o (y oung fo lks of cow h as proved t hat T uxedo D lry docs produce 1) vot io nll l leader- Ethel !ll e n - 1' 0 1' th e pur pose o f discu ssing wa ys fr o m Ce nterv ill e o n Tu esdu y c vde nh ~1 1 1. and m ell n ' t o r educe th e vnlu a ti o n ni ng of las t week. more milk at a lower cost per P O U I • • Rl'c roatiunul Ica der- Ru th Cook. on r elll estate for t a xation and _ __ _ _ _ taxes t hereo n. It is importan t that Mr . a nd Mrs. W a lte r Whitake r Thousands of fJrmers have . ee n Tn::cdo work wonQuali~y yo u co me Bnd luy in your CO Ill- moto r ed to Buttl ec r eek , Mi ch. , o n ders. Can you ? .Certainl y! Tuxedo is n illcd for your plai nts. ,aturd uy and r e turne d Sunday, EASTERN STAR cows. to be fed with rou ghage a ll.] g r::d n produced W a rre n ounty Tu x L eag u e bring ing th e lutte r's mother . Mrs. _ _ _ _ _ _ S amu e l Me r edith , wh o had bee n 00 your farm. Four different protein contents take riam i Chapte r o. 107 O. E . , ., t a kin g t reatment a t th e. hospital care of every requirement. will mcet in rel~ ul a r sess io n Mon t he r e f o r three w eeks. Mr. Me rANNUAL ELLECTION li ny e ven ing, .Tan uury 13, 'at 7 :3 0. Doo'twait! Start producing more milk at a lower cost edith a ccompanie d them to Lima , Vioi l!1 g I lc m u r s welc ome. quickly. Come here for the kind of Tuxedo you need. J (lse phine E a rn hart , W. M. T he a nnual electi o n of the a nd unday Mrs. Meredith was II1 inn ie Fromm. Se c' y. Stoc l<hold c r s of t he Way nesville pl aced in th e hos pital th e r e and :-IaUo nal ba nk J a r the purpose will und e rgo a minor operation in - - -.-of elec t ing directo rs f o r t h e e ns u- th e n eal' f ut ure. MASONIC NOTICE ing year will be h eld li t . tJre ir Lytle, Oh to banking rO Om S on Tu esday, JanR eg ul"' r com municatio n of Wa y- ua ry 14, 1929, betwe en the hours n esv ille Lodge TO, 103 F . & A . of 1 and 3 p. m. M., Tu e 'da y e ve nin g, Janu a r y 14. L. M. HENDERSON, Cashier Visiting and soj ourning brethren ar e welco me. d ProUi,1 Cotltt:tJljor E llery R o!lj flil<w ! 1!1J1 - 16%, 20%,24%,33% Mrs. L. E. Ha r t is recoveri ng R. H. Ha rtso ck, W. M, Pathfinder Balloon nicely fl·o m an ope ration performF. B. Henderson, Sec'y. F.H lalC or I tlu 1\1 Il o c k ' tt c1~c e l\" p cl ed in the McClellan hos pital FriTuxedo Calf '.!u tl ~ o tl ,·' is her b v J;lvt ' ll thnt .1 . O. $6.50 t: a r t \\' I' IJthl h Ul-4 h e n tJII l r nP llol nt cu day. 29x4.40 ••• Guaranteed for life •• olla.C.l milk ::Jnd m o ne y (o r yOu, The e l l ( t h ri ves on it. 100. nllu q UIlICriro ti as ,\ ( I IlIi J1 I ~ tI' HlU I' o r BOARD ELECTS OFFICERS 10 20 , pound co uoo or p."er . ack . !:Jel. 20· pound sock Mr. and Mrs. M . W. Kilmer of t h, · EsIII I ' li t I<la 1\1. II" e k e tt In l ,· 7.00 30x4.50 ••• ur \\' H r rt~ f1 'Ol1 J1t y, U hlo . rl c c a:; e tl. ~uburn, N. Y .. are guest s o f their ..iII.akc the place of 150 10 200 pu u,,~ . uf whole milk. The W ay ne T o wns hip Boa r d of DIll ed I ld~ i t h day o f .I alluar y S ma rte r in loo ks than many ~o n s and familie s. 8.35 29x4.75. Edu cati o n held its first m eeting 1!I:1 I,. hi ghe~t price d t ires- with a W . 7.. HO I.!. o f th e n e w year, l!J3 0. Monday Mrs. J . C. Pickin and so n have .111 11g-L' o f til t.· 1"'To lJllt e Cuur t. 30x5.00 ••• 9.15 botter tread for g ripping the nig ht, or~Rni ze d a nd e lecte d offi\\°ll. rl' p n ·o llnl y. 0111 " . re turn e d to Dayton after seve ral - - --- - ---,----~ _ __ -"40'_ .... cer f o r the ye nr. The old officer s days vis it here. r oad, It's a hu s ky, broad-s houl31x5.25 ~ •• 11.00 we l'c r e-eleet ed. de r ed tire ; its "hide" is tough; Mr. and Mrs. Le n e H olland and - --fnmily have m oved to their propits "body" is s to utly built of A I I O r c! 11111 li ce nn1e nd !tI ll S f'c li o n e r t y here. i!h ocka bsorbing Supertwist COl'd :.;" . :1 01 OJ'll III " 1" , 0 NlI . :11 fix III A' I he Pathfinder Cord l 'il fll Pt'Il :oi U l l flll :l n tl ,bo n d .o f M l~ rn'H' r ~ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scamma- a Goodyear patent. lOr Il ,e !l o Hl'd of 'l"r Il " l Ce s o f Pub lic horn and family have moved to th e ,\ rru I" d, It would cost you much more if B " il ol",l lI ln l' oI b y I lie olllle!1 of Engl e pro perty East 0 ft own. I he Vi ll a~ t · 1) ( " 'UY lh' Rv i l le . Stat e o f 30x3Y2 ••• $5.25 Good yea l' d id no t effect h 'e mMr. and Mr~. C. M . Kilmer and nhl( •. Mrs . Eli zll bcth S mith, of Duy~ ~t ' lio n 1. T ha t Hf'f' t ion N o . :1 0 ' ( 9.40 e nd o us sav ings by building 31x4 • • • ton, spc nt th e wl!e lt-e nd with Mr. () 1"'Llf,"I;H1CP :-\u. :.0 h,~ nmf' nd t;' u t o ~o n CUI·!ton left Tuesdav a. m. for "en d tiS r n ll O\\l ~: Th o c OIllI){' n s n tl o ll Mesa. Arizonu where Mr. Kilmer n early o n c-third of all tires sold and Mrs. Charles J OhllS, 10.10 32x4 o r N \ h n1t' nlh~ I' of th e b uar d "ha ll h o p e ~ to regain his health. to day. Cu r ef ully mounted free. Miss Kathry n Null, of Le ban on. h e n n d til snll) c Is h c r "by fixe d IH ILI lh cI I lo b Tw c nl~· fOllr The W. F . M. S. met at the 32x4Y2 ••• 14.30 wa s 1\ g u es t at t he home o r Mr, and IJ1 1'(·~Cl' O ll lll' M ($~1.00) p cr nnnum. I>Rr n h l e Tllylor-Lundy home on Tuesday Y ou a re in vite c\ t o see tlii s g e nu Mrs. S . H . Burnett last week . qu art. -,·Iy . Each in c mb c r C) f th e 15.40 34x4Y2 ••• IlOllrd _hll ll. h I'o r o entel'l nJ,; IIpo n aftern oo n of la st wee k. in harg a in. Mrs. J. B. J ones w!\s a dinne r th .. dU lles of li ls o ffi ce. g \I'~ 1\ IJon d. M r . and Mrs. F. P . Re e ves unci guest New Year's Day of MI'. and O:lJ ll ultioll ec1 f nl' lli t:' f n Ithif llI pe rf(f !'l lla IH~ p eJf ti lt" d uth·s ut Jli s o ffice. Ha n have moved into t h e Burnett MI'~: Alle n E mrick . . )o. ul-'J ('t t o th (' fi flPI'(I\,ul O'r Lh e Mit ro I' propel:!y_. __ _ _ _._ __ th e SlI lll o r FI \' e ' -t u tlllr'(l d Do ll a r s, Mrs. Will iam Co le ma n has. been in ( $flO(1. UO). ill with th e grip t he past we ek. :;;,'cllo n 2. Alt O" d l n n nc~" (I I ' plIl'l s o f U I'.t inI UI I '(' ~ i n ('o nf1 1t" l h o r e w tth Mr. and Mrs. A. ·E . Charleton n r' (' h(l l ' p IH' rC IJ(' /l 1.:-(1. :-{I·c l l o n :l. Til I. 0 1'.11 nan ~c s ha II we re Ne w Years gu ests of Mr. 1:. 1{1I f· rfl ·t· l a nd IJ(I III r ol' (, (- 011 u n·d u nd Mrs . Snmu e l C harleto n . urf e r llr t' ,·a,.ll, ·H l I. e .-lot! all o \\' c tl by . MI·S, Frunk Wooll ey 're turn ed Jaw Pa~~r-d In' CO lllwll ' th lM ~ evc nth The rev iv.a l services will begin Lo he r ho rn e, in Dayto n Wedne day, da ,' (J t' .JaU lJ:l "\·, l !. ;~O. . . .I a m " " 1':. )l c(, llI ro. h e r e next Su nday even lll l! .•Tanu, a fter spe ndl r~ seve ral weeks with of 'o lln c il ary 12. Everybody cord ially inI he l' pa re nts, MI'. and Mrs. William i\t U"!i t : Ita ~' tno ttI-'I',{I·p.;~. luHf"" ul n. t f i lid. C l e rk , vited. Brown. " I 'P I'I) I '",I : 1'. E. nuge r ~, Marol'. Ja nunr)' i . 19:10 . Mrs. Emerson Dill spent TuesMr, a nd Mrs. Wilbur Clark of day in . Le?allon 011 business. Waynesvill e , were six o'clock dinne r gu es t s, Friday, of Mrs. Mary CHARTER NO. 11617 Mis s Clara' Daughter s spent last Carmony. week with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hese n 'c Di s tri c t No , 4 Mrs. Agnes Swank and sons of Re port of co ndition of the Har- Wardlow. Duyto n, !Ire s pending this w'eek Mrs. Laura Reed and daughter, veys burg National Bank, of J anuar y 7- H. Car back, 3 mil es S o u th (J f Xe n ia. with relatives here, Harve ysburg, in the State of of Harveysburg; called on Mrs. J a nuary 8- R. R ossell , '12 mil e W esl o f Bea vc r to wn , . . V a n ~e S haw, ~ f Dayton, is visOhi o, at the close of bu siness, John Levi Monday afternoon . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burton , hi S hroth e r-Ill -law and s is ter Itlll g on D ecem bel' 3 1, 1929. J anuary 14- 0 sell r S tanfield, 2 mil('s S out h of Ne w Bu rlin gto n. Mr . and Mrs. William Brown , • 8 8, nee Dorothy Rye, have returned to I:I~SOU I :C E S .Ja n ua ry 15 -Harl e y Walk e r , 2 m iles W (',5 t o f lJar ve ysburg. I.on n s n n ll cJl "c ' Hlnt s . . . ,. $6:1.0 13 .[, 6 their home in Elyria, .Ohio, after () \· .. r d rnf l ~ . . ,.',. .... . .. o i . Oil having sp e nt the holidays with .January 22- C hns. E iche lb e r ge r . 1 mil l' W est of Alpha. t nl lcd Slate s GoVe l" lI l1l e nt t heir pare nts, Mr. and Mrs. John geC llt' il ios o w ne d .",. . .. l , ti 9 u .-l~ Janu ary 23- F. 1.. M or~a n - U a y S ha w, 4 m iles N orth of Wn yn e: ville Ry e and Mrs. Burton, of WayOlh l' r I,o ml s. HlQ(· k. nnd . n esville. s(W llrl ti e s o wnt' cl, .. , . .. , :!:!. ·. ~, 8,S ; Jan u a r y 2·I- Hall nah ress well, 'h mile. outh of HUl'veysburg Hankin g- Jl o lI :; \ • • fi . :! (ICl.O U Mrs . Robert Greene and Miss HOrqJ F II I'n ll ll " I;H f i.\: t \l1· e H. I;,:! HO.flO, I :! . ,IOO.OO .Ja nu ary 2 O. c ur Fawcl' U , 2 mil es Eu t f S pring- Vnll ey. Heil l es lat<' o wn., 11 o th e r Thelma Morgan, of Dayton, spent t hu'n h U llkhH! h I11HI(' . 0 ' . 11 e rl' IlI'C som e of o ur co mi ng Sal e ull leH. If yo u arc g oing to S undav with t heir mother, Mrs. H CH(l J'\' t;-' with 1· e d t! J'nl muke n ale se' u: arl y us we have o n ly a few dutes le ft in }'t:!b rLl H t! SfI !"\ 'C nn Ilk , " , . . , • . • r. , 1 j ·1. 0 1 Dora Morgan and family. al·y . , ee us fir ~ t nnd a \' oiJ ng two sa Je' s on t he sain e day in yo uI' UM I! a nd du ro (I 'o n1 hunk s 1I1, 73 !I,·I ,1 Mr . and Mrs. P. A. Runy'on a nd OlllAltJc " lwc k R an ll oLll t·r ~ ('c lion, us we hu\'e ~c v c ral s ules al·O IJ Ilt! W ny nesv ill e. ff vo u ar e l 'I I .r,O Mrs. Herb.e rt Marlatt spent MonCII S it tl 1118 • • •••• . •• • • . • It) k ill ~ for I'eal. Ho ls t e in Cattle don't fa il t o a tte nd ' Ha rl e \' duy with Mr. a nd Mrs. Jo~lvis MichWulkl,r's sa le till' 1:1t h .J a nu a ry n ext w(>c k a s he ha: a r eal he r·d . T oln l. .. . . " ... ..... . $1 2:J.1 ~ I.!H a el and daughter, DOl'othy, of n ear RClllembel' w' J!un l'l' nte e t!J sa tis fy ynu 0 1' c hnl'ge n oth ing a nd our I 1.1 A Jl'I'I.IT11, S .Ma ple Corner. prices are mor e l'casona ble than oth e r ~. CO lli e heur u s th al's (J ur best cn pl tn l )J l o ek .pnld In . , . . . $~~,. u OO . O il . {,. OOO ~II ndver tis m e n t. Mrs. Em e rson Dill a n d so n, BiL !-\U P pIUR " •• " . • •• ..•.• . 5 I 1.7:1 Iy. s pent New Year's Day with t 'n dlvld ed J!l'o fil s - n c·t. .. ~1I : ~S :l ~ I I h~ nUlnd O " p o8 lt s .. . .. . .• If you <Ire wtl n t ing to b u y a r eal farm 0 1' honie ~e e us. 85 :!. I Ott. tlll hel' parents, Mr. a n d Mrs. James 1'11110 d' p os it s . ... . . . ... : IIcr l o~t! to Wayn esvi ll e , $8 500.00:1 good F eder a l lon n . 8 1l cr es, S oward. of neal' Xenia. tl w 5 r oom hOllse. 2 ell r llarnge ne w P o ultry ho u e, E lectri c lights :r,o ta I. . . .. ... ....... . ... S I ~:l.l ~ ·I.:H Mrs. Mildred Weaver returned HUll .gas. lose t o Cenferville, only ~6000. , t rlt o of Ohi o. COl: nt y of \\Ianen. ~ s : to her home in Dayton after spen d 1. H, S. 'ru c k er. Cas!'ll er o f t :1e abo,e-nnm ed ban.k. do solcIlIn ly ing 1a t we ek with her mother, Mrs " wear th n.l lh e a bove s t atem e nt III Earl Marlatt. L1· lI0 to Ihe bes t o r my knowl"Jge TI:l1l..Ladies Aid will hold a chick, .Miss. Helen WQl1s, photographed al nn d be-li ef.H. S. TI '/(t,;R. Cas her. the office of the Clerk of Ala~da Su "scribed ll,n d II WOl'n t o before ensuppe r here Friday evenin$'. January 10. 1930, EV€lrybody IS ' County, Cali fo rnia, as ·she applie4 me th ts 7th 11Il~' 01 Janunry, 19 :10. to~attt ha d es Madd E:n . NOlary Pub l I c. welcome. ~ \V l'lu,·!l n gt o n. Oh io for her license to marry Frederick orrect- A Hesl : P ho n" 3~O S. Moody, Jr. Her nickname 'of '. D . COOK Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson and ' C. £:. LEVICY "Little Poker. Face" is borrie :out by Mr. Lewi's Murry spent Sunday ' W . T .. /or<lo·n . R~al ~t exJ?reaaion heri' afternoon ' in Bellbrook:. J)l reetora.

• H' , I drll ft 0,,/ t li lt ··.! !'-\ Ia lt, .. !" •• ·ll r


1~ ,, \"'rl H"I 'lI l

lll.· . . . ~ " II " 1 1







1\11'. lind 1\l rs. ChA r lcfI Clar k \\'e l'l' [) nyH,n vi ' itol'!; SlItordllY. .\11'. alld fllr- ~ . Lu we ll T ho mn fl . n f ~I iddl('lown, \V I'C s ix o'doc k dinnl' !' glll's l~ . Mo nday. uf II' ~. Belli' Scott lin d fun lil y . ~ l l' s. WilliaJ1l Bcrgdn ll i ~ ill wit h t lte gJ'i p. ~I I'''. F:dd L o n ~llcr(' is h ume n ftl' 1' II wl' l,k' s ~ tay with relative s in Cin(,innati.




, Records -Lower Costs

A, Full Oversize High


- _.- ---


NEW 8URLINGTO:.:.....N -+---~I-A-I..=;~~'O

------- _.- ---

~ Jairy





Gordon's Service Station Phone 47


Waynesville, Ohio




The Making of



a Home

With a It Accessorie such as Lumber, Fancy Shingles and all that goes with ·, the . Beauitfu. For an estimate on the sam,e, call

w. H. Madden "


W.a ynesville, Ohio

eal_rs In everythlnl connected with an upLumber Yard

Auctioneers and



Eighty -'l'hiJ' d Yenr


Whole Numb er 5892

'- - -

One Lets Go They May 'Get Sorne u lwre ~=

OL U MBU S, DlIlO- Secreta ry ; of Slille IUl'ence J . Brown WU B pl!!ased with th e ycurly :eport rUl'nished him lly the Cushlel' of th" uc pul'tm(' nt , Th omas L. Woods. It shoWM thut the t otul receipts of the offic e f ol' 1ll2(J werc $1,600.408 .:18 . which is un increas e of $:.I!1 ,5 17.5l OV('I' 1928. ~'he largest llIonlh' ~ bu sin ess wu s In January whe n $156 01 3 .05 Wll ~ co llected, while the 'Ial'gest intlivid ual fee was paid lly the le velund B1ectr ic Illu mi nating Compan y, the amount being $32,000 . Ther ' were ;),2;.\ 8 compnn ies inc orporat ed und 78 2 ui ssulvQc\. Numbe r of compan ies re in sta t ed, :1 13. 9 ne yo u!lg lud y typist made c.e rtlfi ed COPie S which netted the pfllco $ 10 ,444 ..71 The a buve (Of course does !1 ~ t . lll­ cJud e the Motol' Vehicle DIVISion, the fi nanciul stateme nt of that departme nt not be ing comple te.

========c=-=--=;-. .


n.Y Albert 1:



Mrs. Orville Gray is Mick with t hr oa t trouble . Mr. and Mrs. J . P. Fromm were in Dayton Tues day. We give Cedar Stamp s, Cary's JewCl lry Shop, .Leba non, Ohio. Mrs. Harvey Ryc is ve ry sick at the home of her u unt in Dayton . For 1930 Hunter s and Trappe rs License sec R. F. Hatfield . 15 Mr. and Mrs. George Kern vi s ited frie nds in Dayton MondllY evening . "Timel y" bargain s for. "Watch ful" buyers at Cnry' s J ewe lry Hhop L!!banon.

MI'. Jnhn St aley of Dayton. i,

po'jJ ding the wee k wi t h hi:; Maud Fettcr.

Mr. O. C. Johnso n of Port.

~11· s .

~ i ~ t (, 1

Mrs, Hobe rt Wli lt on o f Dayt nn , spent Monua y with her p ar e llt~ Mr and M)·s. J . L. Hurtsoc k. ,

Mrs. Harold u rface was taken M inmi Valley hOMpitn l lust Friday, for treatme nt. . [0


-- --:-=----- - -==-- - - - - - -

ST . MARY S CHURC H MI" . W. II. Allt·n was a Xenia .Junuary l!). eeon d Sunday vi, itc) 1' i u da~' . 1ft er F.piphu ny. Church scho(l l at .1::10 : Mo rni J . C. Huwk ... was a b usiness mun at 10' :30ng Praye r a nd iler. . vi sitor in Lebl\ non Tu esday. n -v, J . J. Schaeff er, Recto\'. We give Cedar Stam ps , ary' s FERRY CHURC H OF 'CHRIS T .J ewelry . ht' jI , Le banon, Oh io. "R!'nl hNH a nd S iste rs" Day in MI'. nnd [rs. Ma vn anl W('ltz he. Iti ll l .. :-;cllOnl a " !1 ::'10 a . m. L(. nl's. upppr :lnd sel':n on at 10:3 0 wc) e Da y tu n visittll'- ·Mon day. "..,.",,,n IJ IJjt'('l, "The Second R.. 1. Ada ms aU«nd ed n He' xall ('''"lill!! of ( ·hI'lRt." Th e in sta lla))1<'l'l il1g in ilay t on last T hur~ da y liun rt f n ' w (.tlie"I''' whi ch was unl1 ouncr·, 1 r",. .r a nua r y 12th WII S ~ \· \: ning. 1(· la ye( t :tnd will lake phlcc S unLit t le Belt v Brud(l ock i ~ htl ml' day l\l u)' lI ing ), ''" :Jr" a lw llYs \\'e lfm m Mi umi Vull,'y hosl'i LHI Hnd b '''IIIt' al lh l~ ,'hun' h, Cheslf'l' II. \\' i lli a ~l~o n, Mini!te r ra pidl y rccuv('I'in g,

WillIt is expect ed that. !l00 cbunty iam , spent Sunday fail' bourd membe rs wllllltt~nd t he Mrs. F. D. Dak in. wit h Mr. and

IInnuu l mce linll: of the OhIO Mnnugoe rs which \\'ill be held In the CUJ!ital ity on Thursclay and Fri cluy of this week. Jud ge 1. L. Hohlcrm an of Dayt o n, on e of t~ e most s uccess fu l fail' tnllnnge rs 111 the state , is pre ident of the asso ciati on. He is ulso f!{! cl'etary ~f th e big ~o n tgo ll1ery county f~lr and hus been one ~f the active leade rs in state [till' wo rk for year '. He wm; chie f a id e of Gover_ nOI' . oop'e r who. se rved the as. ociation as pres ldc n t for ~ e a rl y fifteen yea rs. One dllY Will b e divid ed in tI) g roup. meeting ! of presid e nts secreta nes and treasul'i es of fu'ir board s wit h u llanque t which will feature Bon. "~re~ W . Gree ne, Govern or of Mlch ljtan, Govem or Cnoper . . . Se na\orRoscoe W . McCu!lou ~h a nd Hugh Diamon d, hu morrst. Hon. A.. ~. . undIes membe r of t he State CI.vII Service ' ommiss ion . will preSIde at toastma st e r. Mr. Sandles for a numb er of yellr~ was preside nt of the Ohio Fair il'c uit and has given much of his t ime and in buildin g up t he pl'ese nt organlz a tion.


U fJid

Closing out three pattern s of ,' ilverwa l'e ut hulf pric e. Ca ry's J ewelry Sh op, Leban on, Ohi o.

Mrs. Emma Hamilto n has been vis iting ~ er son Harry Hamilt on, a nd fam il y at , Clevela nd.

- ---

LYTLE M. E. CHU RCH Sunda y S('hool a t 2 :00 p. m. PI'(' uc hin!!: Se rviN' (It :1 :00 p. m. Ser mon t a pir " L l't Go . Let God" . Pra Yl' r meet ing W' dilcsli ay e vening at 7 ::W foll owed by tea cher l rai ninl!: cluss. Will thos e who hu\'e donalio ns for C hri ~ t Hospita l please 1 cmc lllh ~ r to hav e them at the home o f Mrs. Lo ngacre by Fridny . J unu ary 17 . Sara A. Bowma n, ~astor

Ml's. J . O. Curt\V ri ll'ht enter taineu a group of fl'l e nd ~ with I "500" Wedne sday afte rn oo n of VAYNE SVILLE M. E. CHURC H last week. E v nnR' e li ~li e erv lces at the Wa y nesv ill e M. E. Chu rch. JanWhen yo u need u gift f o r any lury 1!J t o 26, condud eu by Rev . occas ion think of Cary's Jewelry ? ra nk W. Stunton " co nferenc e Shop- "The Home of Gifts," Leba non.

Saws filed by machin ery. Cut cleaner, truer, fastcr. Roy Pigtt, at Madden 's Lumbe r Yard. . . . H. H. William son and fan1l1y atte nde d tihe funeral of Sylvan William son at Yorkto wn, Ind ., today.


Mr . and Mrs. F , Raush Snyde r Russell Benson and s on and Mrs. Daisy S uyde r wer e F{Jehard of Clevela nd , are visiting gu est s at a dinner bridge at th e her purents MI'. and Mrs. W. P. Vu n Cleve hotel in Dllyton at urSali sbury. duy night. . Our s tore IS oJle n every even ing. For best r esults consign your You and your friends are always ive stock to Green- Embry Co., -= we lcome. C,iry's J ewelry Shop, Cincinn ati" in care of D.• R. SalisBANDI TS TAKE $7000 Lebano n . bury. ST. MARY 'S GUILD FROM MASON BANK Miss Opal Lewis who has been Th e Bridge club was enterta ined AUXIL IARY MEETI NG sick with grip at the home of her nt the home of Mrs. W. H. Allen mother Mrs. Berthn Lewis, has re_ last Saturd ay afte rn oon with Miss Betwee n $6000 and $7000 in turned to Dayton . Th e cash was taken by three unm asked of St_ J essie Clarke as hostess . H. Ross Ake, pres nt Ma ry's Church met on F rid ay tate bandits who held up and 'robbed Treas urer, wilt be n cllnd id at~ to afterno on, January 10, with Mrs. Or. Rud ol"h- Eye!l,jght Special Your Wife or Sweeth eart would . sue 'e ed h ims elf at the Repubh Clln ist. Here Tu esday , Thursd J . E. McClur e a nd Mrs. Bert appreci ate a beautif t he First-M ason Bank at Mason at ay and u l 35 piec e set I' " pl'imary election, having made the Saturda y. 1" Id-tenn examina tIOn s wore Hartso ck "at the hon·le Df Mrs .Mc- of dishes fl'om Ca F r e e . examin ation about 10: 15 a. m. Monday . The ,~iven ry' s Jewclry in the sch ool W edne sday. Cl:rr e. a nn ouncem ent . e vel'al days ago. Cary' s Jewel ry Shop, Shop. Lebano n, Ohio. All pattern s Lebano n. robbers esca ped in a large gree n Thursd ay and Friuuy of MI'. Ak' WU l; b(1 rn in tark county la!<t wee k. Th e meeti ng was opened by Mrs ope n 'stoc k. , edan, headed we. t on Rou te 42, Report ca rd s f u r th e ., in 1878 and ' cl'vcd two terms a s third six. Cadwa llader who condud ed the Messrs. E. L. Thomas , Frank weeks t erm county t~eds ul'er, late becomi ng I ~h omlls, A'rthur will be given out t oday turned de voti o nal ser vice . on to the road pa. t the Mrs. Verna Kelley Thoma s and Wil____ Scriptu ral qu otati ons secreta ry und t reasure ? of the h ~ m Tho~as atte!,de d the were fi eld, was the gue"t ofo f Mr.pringfuneral WLW broadca sting statio n and dis a nd C01\ch St. John is plilting the gi ven in res ponse to. 1'011 -0011. unton Morris Plan Bank, and 01 1\ I'e latlve at Plqt,Ja Thu~sd Mrs . W. S. Graham appeare d in the dit'cetio n of ba . ket ball t eam Into ay. Wecln esA and B A t the close o f the bu s in ess daS' night and Thursdllast afterwa rds preside nt und treusur er Maudes lY. .. squad s for the two He has also s erved as U me mber of !! Friday l 'ession th e program was tak en uP. ~:cpert watch, J ewelry re.A complej e check of accoun ts night. Squad A g oesgame the Ohi o Se nate and for several plIll'lng Ilt ~ary sanJdewelry to X e nia to J( ead! ngs from "Th e You'll New Africa be pleased wi t h ..sAop, ,will be necessul'Y to determ ine th e pla y .the team from 0 , S. years was chull'man of the .Dhlo Lebano n OhiO. S. 0 ' 1were given by Mrs. D. L. Crane, k er Duofold Pen 01' Desk extent of the loss' but it \Va es- Horne. Squad B Jllays a . Set from game on Stllte A mel'ican izati on AdVIsory 1I'1l'~. F . B. Hender son and Ca ry~~ Mrs. Jewelry hop, Lebano n. timated .that approx imately $7000 the home floor with Harvey Rev. Frank W. Stanton sburg. Mr. a nd Mrs. Ralph Mille r and · was taken, re present J. W. Edward olllmitle!'. s. ing practica Jly Eac h squad is earryin g ten men. family and Mr. an d Mrs. Ru ~se ll l all of the cash in the The program closed with a MI'. a nd Mrs. George W. Hawke evange list o f th e Ohi o Confer bank at t he . ence I I'e adlng by Mi ss Louise Hender son of Clarksv ill During the Pllst year. 406,O~O Sa.lisbu ry and family were enler- time. The loss is fully covered by e, Oh io, MI'. and Mrs. the M. E. Chu rch. Dr. Stanton In th e fi r st game after the holi_ I "~ (l n ' .You tiline" Be W~a~ you Aint." J. W. Edwllrd s and family, Mr. of at the home of Mr. and Mrs insu\'llnce, offi cer s s tat ed. hunting li ccnsCl' were Issued In is an a ble preache days, the basket h ~ lI players of \v. given In her own lI1!mlta thf' 88 cC)until's of the ~tate and W. E. Corn ell on Sunday . bl e man- Oscar J. Edward s unc! Mrs. J. E. pastor-e vange li. t. r and success ful Sheriff Fulkert h of Warren H. S. werf' defeate d at Morrow nero ~ ~ ~n encore MI SS H en~~rso n . McClur , lIl.OOO licen ses \'Je re issued t o cou nty lind Sheri ff Eppers on, of Friday ni ght by a ,'core e were entertal l1ed S u nduy Sundll\' R I'vices 10 :30 a . m. and of 26 to gave BI.lI y Keeps ~ Secret. Have your watch and clock 1'e- Butler county, immecl fi Rherlllen . There was lin elabora te at the home of Mr. a nd Mrs. 7 :00 p. iately started 15. Service on week nights ('-. de hgh~ ful s<!cml h.o~r d i~t ribution of fl ~ h b~ t he 'state paired, old weddin g rings modern - a se8l'ch of aUrond !; in t he vicinity I\t 7 ::10 . Th ere will be ser~i.ces The Waynes ville boys sh owed e nJ oye d.du l:ln g wlll ch delicIOU was Ronald Hawke. tl ~ h Rnd gllm e division . During the ized, yo u r diamon ds put iti a new of Mason , but no clue s had S reea ch ght t hi s week except Saturllee n Ihe effect of t.heir vacatio n and fre shment s were "Youre x Si lversea l" S il ver ware d llY ninight. ~ ell so n E ; 2,000 mat;Jre d fis h fr om moun t ing . jewelry r epaired like found Illte Monday afterno on served . . . co nduc ted by the pastor did not play a 8~0 0d as usual. ' ~u(' sts of is the the the wa t ~ 1 s o f Lake Eric and 17 7,- r ew, silverw are replate d and be afterno st. Com on pur wer e it with other Yo u a rc co rdially invited e The threl! men, a ll unm asked During t he flr~l ha lf Morrow MI ll. Mfr y L. Ada!!,s. Mrs to atmak es 000 fr (,111 the Portll 'te l>akes were bends reRtrlln g at Cat·y's J e welry and armed wilh ro\'olvc rs. entered before starting yo ur pl\ttern ten,1 tllI' sC meeting s. held a t welve to thl'ee lead but in nmd ~ eltz a nd MI ~ s MUTY. .May- un ci sec fOI' YOUI di stribute d in inland waters; there .:: h<; p Lebano n. self its st erling Leah t he bank at ab out 10 : 15 o'clock. the second half G. C. Dibert, Pastor. Way'ne sville EdwR_r_ds_.____~ Quali ties. Cary' s J ewelry Sh op Leb was also distl ihut ion of four a.nd ~ -::=:---____= 0::--= =- Four e'mploy ces we re in t he llank players improvedthe and sc ored a non. a half millio n fin ge r\in~s whIch - at the time. togethe r with three twelve points. ST. AUGU STINE CHURC H OLD.F ASHIO NED were niised in r tate hatcher ies. ~o cURtom el'lI. ORe of th e men cov ered Turner , enterin g th e game when . OBIT.U ARY Summo l' sch edule- 1st, 3rd and reple nish t he fish food s uppl y III the custome l's, another the banI> it was well underw ay, was hil!h WOOD CHOPP ING luk e Erie t hc division planted Gth SundllY, Mass at 8 :00 a. m.; e mploye es while the third OBITU ARY Flijah Thomas Lacy 80 n of up the money in the cash scooped point man fo r Waynes ville, with 311 000 000 , .. h ite fi sh which 2nd and 4th Sunduy , Mass at drawers seven points. weI" h ~t ch el i ll t h.! arti ficial fi sh ISlll;el and Joseph Lacy was born and froin the va ult which h Th e home 9:30: !'If M. and Mrs. e ( orced Earl Do ull:hm un led the Morrow Decemb er , 29, 1866 and died Jan- W . E. Ch esney, hatc hery nt Put_in- Bay. ZUr fa ct' , near Port William . wa nt e/tshier , scorers with nin e points. " r.: y 1. 1930, iijfeiJ"7 l-yea rs and S to-UP-CII. Th e lIl·assista the s ce ne of a joll " affn ir, in the en t hen rn was bom March 8. IniCked clays. He was one of a family of from, the buildin g jumped into a' Secreta ry of State Cl a'renc e J , form of nn old fashi uned wood 1877 nnd died JunuDr y 7. I H30. WAYN ESVILL E CHURC W. H. S. H OF eight childre n, all have precede d large green sedan driven by a Brown h ~S' CflB ed a secQnd meetcutting . la. t Frida y afterno on, DgCU 52 yenl'S 1 0 m O llth~ and 2!) CHRIS T G. F. T . , und er the him to tlie great beyond except fourth membe r of the ing of t he com mi Uee which he leud ership of F oy Hiney days. gang and E llis, f o o 0 Chas. Linkhll l't, nll ~scl Dun lnp und She, ~as the ~fth ('hi ld o,f Ge Ol:l!:c Bihl " !';chool at 9 :30 a. m. cently named to co-ope rate .w.lth " ne sister, Mrs. Emma Chenow eth escaped . ' Lll rd' , S upp!!r at conclus ion. 1 2 him se lf a nd assistan ts in glvmg March 5, 1882 he was united in 4 \0' 1" nk Howe No shot s were fir(' d and no at- Wullace , a nd E h zu C,~ lhn ~ . Her eurly Itf,' E ve ning cvan geli stic service at o 1 1 1 The a lTair ll.was plann ed in honor \\'as con sidernti on 1.0 question :! r ~lative marriag e to Martha J. Chenow eth tempt wa . macle to r ob th.e cu.- Mainou s, c pent In W.llmllll!'ton and 7 ::W p , m. Se rmo n subject o 1 1 of MI'. ZUl'fuce who is ill in a hos- lat('r ~ In "On to the new election code which be- a nd for almost forty-e ight years tomeI'S althoug~ o,!e man IS sUI.cI Huy. g Wayn csvill c where t;hc I the Fromm Oulr.I,i rt s [) f Eternity ,'1 The , go o o 0 pital in Xenia . came operati ve Januar y first. The he hus been a faithfu l compan ion. to 11l\ve' had $25 111 ca~ h in 11I~ pas 'r d uwuy. *Davis, f I inHtallnL i"n of ofl1cel's schedul ed o o 0 FI i.-nd s. neighbo r s. relative s a nd 9n .Sel)te~~C!· I flO!) she , meeting will be held in the Se\lfllltc lAborin g ha rd for an honest living hand. . . I was I ~ O r I n ~ t Su nda y ni g ht was posto 1 1 l1Us ine. s me n came from fill' nnd uI1lt e(.1 10 IlHlII mge to M. J. Osborn com mittee r oom On Thursd ay and for his family. Seven childre n In ad di tIOn to Mr· Chesne y, D. "J ohn . c pOl'ed II {' a u ~ ~ of s ickness and the o 1 1 r eal', with teams. ax es. CI'08S cut who. IS le ft t u lU ourn her death. , weath F riday of this wee~ . anyone came to bless their home. Albert I E . Heywoo d, cashl~r, a,!d Mr~. *Miltenb erge r, g e r a ncl will be a part of Sun3 1 7 saws. buzz saws and cl onution s of Besid es her hu sband she leaves especia lly intere ste d m e1ectlon of Pilot Knob, Mo. i Charles of Hora ce Drake and MISS Ollte .M an e · Turner , Ii a I day nig hts prog ram. Don 't miss the - I money. matter s' may attend the meeting Cincinn ati Ohio' Florenc e and Compto n, bookeep ers, were In the Totals !' ! tep-son , Harold 9 s born, . three I church ni ght service s each Wedne s Warren ~f Dayton , Ohio; Effie 'bank at the same 4 7 16 Every membe r of the threshing brother s Albert if they sd desire. W . E. Scott o f W~lmlll g ! da y at ' 7 :30 p. m., The church Cook, Harry Lacy and Edna Scott pre~ldent of thetime. crew to which Mr. Zurface belongs ton, Sam and CCollins bank, entered h~rle s Col!lns. of whf' r c you feel at home. of near Waynes vlUe. They ~ -----MORRO W durIng the h.oldup and was order.e d was present . Dayton . Sarah Flint of Wllmm fourtee n grand-c hildren and two to stand aSide. He complie Chesler A. William son MiniBte r LOCAL GIRL ELECT ED tonJ Bertha Thomp son of Dayton .gd With • great grandch ildren will mill! him the demand and was unharm B. Thomps on, 'f , .. . Just four months ed. ag o ,lIhe was - but not 10 much as the wife who Officere were Starkey Immedi , f ately called sumto S Dayton to attend the fu n1 71 Miss Catheri ne Glbbon l wall e- ha! shared his joys and , RIGHT ON JOB I lIorrowlI !!loned an.d the bank closed f or hus Doughm an, c era l of her sister Grace and six cted Warren County health nurse for so many yeare. 4 1 9 Fune ral service s for Mrs. Ray w e ek~ P . mess Thomp Inter while son, to g a checku p of fundi attend the f:inernl Ie 1 t the meetin g of I He loved the Baptist church and taken 2 ~ 1 Foley, weB-kn own r esid ent of n eal' of another The fir st petition to adorn .Tohn ston , g .... was made. sister Hattie, making fo r t~oe:niearMe~ical Associa tion attende d meeting at Middle 1 1 Kingma n , who died late Wedne sDirect or of Hig hways R obert N. -Run · WilI t . Robert hree lams, deaths Zwick, well kn ow. nand g in this family in th e In L~banon last Thursd ay. church when he could. folll' o 0 0 I day afte rn non at Good Samari tan Waid 's desk this year was one Widely soug ht gangste of southhel d Ibb h b en serving In ' - . Hospita l, Cincin nati, followi ng a mo nths. "Not today we see the wisdom ern Ohio, Is believed tor have eo ntaininl ? 648 nam es in the inMiss G ons as e be1ln 6 Total s d ....... Of h' ,.. 10 h h' 26 \ major opcl'8ti on was held from the W h a membe r of the gan~ and police that capacit y since Novem ber an t er est of the whole Xenia-B ullskin t e urt w Ie we must b ear. through no mot'e for Susie . - - - -.out this section were Im. • St. Aug ust in e's Church Saturda y Reeep Road, but primari ly in the interes t Is a Now the way seems dark and h train the has• proved very Hla falling School t ears Record I . Are Wefficient.1I1eSheHigh d' MJaa.ntr t I 1l1 0 rnin lt. BudaI was d f th h Id dreary in Minml me la e y no tlfl e. of that part of the highwa y from gradua te Ol h(' 0 is n e ot The dend, 0 up Record but aynesv . sleepin s of the g Wa ynesvil A d le ) Cemete ' h' . hi I ry th The bandits used a large green High' school ar,e luckingAc hool and receive d her training lit , New Burlhlg ton to Clarks ville, as Sus ie cl ear. n no I~ t IS 5 n ng . for the ere. . sedan bearing Ohio lice nse's num_ Miami Valley _h~P~tll_I_.___ e ffor l~. it is. claimed , are being Do close the shuUer s years previou s to 1911. That year But n~aOtt Sit. pp;pose glows be- bel' 203-924 . stolen I~ Middlet Sylvll n William son , brother of Her not own a card system macl c by pe rsons in t he vicinity of spi ri t will hov (' r a round was sta rted and In a wny you cannot know. grade r ecords huve been early Monday. ' m!>I'I~m H. WiBi a mson I~nd ~ form~r It is on ly her fra~1 od y will 1110ul_ Kingma n to switch the road from When_ the yean have soothed answer s the descrlp ttong.of The car It seems that previou s to kept. PACKE RS MEET th e old hi storic route and take it tha t time I es ld en.t of ~Vaynesville died at hiS der in the ground . .t he mayour sorrow k t . chine used by two bandits who th . t . f hom e In Yorktow n, Ind., Sunday through the village ' of Kingma n,' o ey w~~e ep III a .. regis held e l 0 up evening the . Januar y 12. Funera l g~r- We,e p no ~ore. for Susi traction office at which is entirely off the old ~tra il, Extfl n sio n of t he cor,! borer You shall learn Its better 110. Frankli n at 7 n. m. · Monday nnd S e sOd'b h" ' lc: • vices wer e held at the home t hiS, H er sufferin g now und where t hel'e is now a good Quaran tine and proper. fertiliz er to are 0 er . fh o~ t' l t I S r 1 ecol'd ~l officers believe tJhe same gan", reI~ Wednes day m orn ing and burial ! She is free from storms a use in sweet corn cultIvat ion were In nd t rials !'01Ir!. The road in q uestion was e all( s 0 some C.rd of T.... nk. umm wus at YO I=ktown. sponibsle for both aft'ait·s. Her bark has r euched the shol"e I'ecently adopted into the state's secr etary or some among the topics discuss ed at a o. n e who hn. d _ One of the men, beliave d- to charge _ • "__ O f that celest ial city We wish ' to extertd our heart system • . anc.1 t here i. said to be of the sch meeting of Ohio canners held ~t ool r ecords. If. It have been Zwick, was short, wore Who~e inmates n eve r die littl e oceu sion for a larm on the can be returne d Lebano n. Monday . Jam" Stoops, :Celt thanks to our, neighbo rs and a dark blue s uit and cap, the s\lperlO- MOTH ERS' CLUB MEETI NG And if we was a- tenden t QI' the toClerk love our Savior part of ' the petit ionet·s.- Xenia Van Wert, Ohio, !,t of the friends for t,heir ma:n~ actS" of bout 5 ft. ' 5 in. tall and ,weighe . . of , ·the We will meet her by nnd by. Gazette . d School Board a lI'enl SCJ'vlce can be . hio Ca nn ers' A sso~lahon, was kindnes during t he illness and approxim~tely 140 pounds . , death ' of our beloved husban d and rendere d to people who need their The January meeting Of t he chairma n of the meetmg . The thIrd , man was tall. red school records . father. Elder Adams. the ministe r Cud of Thanks DUI'ing the past Wayn e Townsh ip Mother s' Club CLASS MEETI NG -----.~ for hi s comfor ting words, Lucy cheeks, rough looking , 6 ft tal1 and few months four request s have was held at the Grade building . We wish to expres:! our apprecia , weil!'ned about 1'16 pounds . come fJ:om pe ople who were in , Th e program consiste d of de- tio'n of , the kindnes s and help expAY Emley. for ' her beautit uL singing , TO. OBSER VE 'VICTO RY One of the other m en was dark Waynes ville Hig,h School The "G lean ers Class of t he our neig-h bo1'8 for the fforal trivotiona ls by ,childre n from Miss terid ~d to us by neighbo rs and previou s bute and McClur e for his efficien t comple xioned, alsO wore a blue suit to 1911 for theh' credits. W e have Hartsoc k's ' room, a splendi d read- friends at t he t im e of our be- Church of Christ he ld their first was 6 ft. 10 in tall and weighe d been unable to furnish Having been ten yea~s .s!nce the service s. more than ing by Mrs. W. H. All en , instru- reavem ent. and heartf elt t hanks monthl y social a,nd busines s meet- . about 160 pounds . ing . a stateme n t that t he· Alumni men tlll music by Margar et Roge the hol'Jle. o.f. Mrs. Flora birth of natjona l probtb~tton ~nd MrR. "E. T . Lacy and Family . rs to tlie busines s men for the beau- JQ~e..$atThu1'sl,i A descrip tion of the fourth man record ay evenjnl f Januar y , t he introdu ction of the Etgh.tee~th tiful tlowcrs. and ,' show an interes them to ting have address b een by Rev. - - -- - ••- - - the driver who remain ed ' In the gr-adua tes. -~Amen ment i~to the -Constl tution Boris of Spring Valley. M. J. 0Sb0t:!l and Spn 9tH. Ther,e were. tiHrtelm ml!11lbel'8 car during the holdup, is vague aI_ , If you can present . Itftlir' the bU81~ess seaion of the United Stat" and the outThe Christm ag seal commit tee LIQUO R VIOLATION~ any in-----~" -though several assert that he wore formati on in this furnish ~r8. Em'-!la G,r oss gave an intersa t lawing of t he open saloon, Friday reporte d over $50 net proceed s matte1' it will be a brown overcoa t. tn~ readIng . ANNUA L ELECT ION _ ' - g reatly appreci ated. Janua1'¥. 1'1 will be ob8erve~ a~ a from the sale of seals. • . Of SS9"'l1lT ests in 1929 by Xenia . Mason was thoroug hly aroused The -remai'1de.r 'o.f tile eVlnn~,­ Nationa l and State Day by 1'lngmg police depp.rtm During F. R. Moqma the social w, Supt. hour refresh . ent 132 werl! for 'by the robbery and a crowd ' , was spent in gamell and relr8Jlll=f ments were 's erved by Mesdam es chnf!b and s4)hool bells ten 1l1Jnute liquor law' -....;.~ T!te o~elals of the Waynes violatio ns and 40 for gathere d at the .~Ilnk. No onesoon ville menta. Goldie Surface , Van Otlen; Bock-.! NatIOna l Bank were beginni ng at ,12 o'clock, noon. speedin but alll'e-e lected, Mayor's court c~lIl!cted I ?fficers were adm~tted to the bulldThe class will be enter&a lafd Suitabl e program s, will be given in fines g., The high wo'ters subside d this eU Ha1't man Furnas and Sattert h at t'he annual meeting 0'1 ')Ie Btock and costs ",810. 06. -lllg and no ,i nterVIe ws granted . at Mrs. .bertha Honry' , De mornin g and is now oft' tbe avenue wai te.' in the scbools and churcbe s. , holders Tuesda y afterno on. m.ontb. . Mrs.




Guilcl- Auxilia~y



._-=- __








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Are Sa," n"

\'lIc h und In aduit-ion ~houlu pay alJlngs ... o euch wt'ek {or the child's sup,port. In th CI\IIC of Rhoda E. anu Els ie M. Ic venger, versus H a ns L. u nd Vos ha May Hansen et ai, it "'/lS urdered t ht plaintiff's ~ hall (,'uver fl'o m the defendanL , ~he su 111 lIf $2 11 4. 12 wi t h Interest at Now Suitt 6 'I< , fl'om date, It was fUl'th e r Antho ny H, Walb'ul'g versus o rd ere d that the Ohio.PennsylvaA hl'cn "jo'0 1o: Fire Engine Company nia Joint Stock Lan4. Bank of -~--fM an appea l fro m J, p , Court Cleveland, nolders and owners of a certain note lind mortgage, shall ('l!. ITER .i inn ·:I'. oodnight." I Dant on WIl S n o t Ii t ning n o w. S. D . . totler, --- I 1'\1'() live touched at th e Carl to n l,\\'o SCtH. :t ' rOSM th e right cheek l ;.\hu'l n R. Mul to rtl vers us He· recover from the co-defendants, " lit' II ,1\" '!oi 11': n 'I1nl ry h im ' l hll ,Junu~ry nigh -ln u ~ h NI and I' li II h(' Ita I not he l' o mi stakE-n' l wi l t I). ".nd J o hn p, Mu lfo rd und Han s L, and Doshll May Hanse n .'. f.,'\ v" . w"nt J,H)j1 lnJ! :l\\'~l~' Oll ll from till' Th ' i(u '~ l i f\ 1l W:I " had th t, Gnnn('r :\\. o r\\, lfl . Dl'nk e ,:ls xilcutor of alid Ma bt' l C. Seile r, the s urp of Nil .. Hom" lor Mai" Offic, nl e~s th e def ndall ts 'Ih l '.' 'I. 111 1 'I~II:I I" II in the ' o l hcl', 10 t u uch IlKlI in in II monh' nl r" " 'lg' ni zed h illl '! I W;I' ~I \, " II yelll'~ Ihe In~t WI ll uf May. P. Mulfo rd, $ .1:!4:i ..l:! , 101 ' o! I:, x 1. 'f.'I·I ,' I hut nlnll'st nf cri ··· .. r.o lll{h I'm ti s they w (; r (': s in('" IllI' \' Ioa.l I1 ll't Ilall t o n had d('c,' n ~ ed und 1lurry I,. . .I)wllnfi , li S plly lh e sums dU ll t he plaintiffs ' 111, iii, '" I a bil 1'1'. h .. :t l' t · llchin r~ l'oad fo r one' h("' 11 l' i<-u ·II·,hnl'I ·1I lIli d !':llh,·!' lOW - Iru : t.·.· "f the Irust e rc'n t ed hy t ho within a days , th e n f ll re cl os ure "\ ',' I ,,,_ .,,,'1 - ny \h:1I'. " :1 !l""liw, Iit-:lI ' 1ll'1i 1\, <, the Ipss h"ad('d ill 1111"" .In )". ~ 'i llie , wili .,,!' Ma y I'. :'Ilulro r(~, ~ec e H s" d\ w ill ens ue. Th e court o l'dere d that the III' , 1, ,t I', ,- it II I.. :ln hat I fn\'Ol' ,I. tl) 1(' li'anlpl!1! with Ihl" il "rll l'S u.'. 'd ,I I'a ll hill l "th e ~" Id - i' nrll~ lII n 1I11t! o th er r e ~H!t. 1111 I" .. ;,j 1:, , :r II . Y (1lg':l f!l' 1I11' 111 '·Y llil'.l1 Sill il l' with w hi .. h "Clinn e r" hail"'') ",,~. " ill I h,' da ) ''; of her . :\11l'l' .ll on n tt Pl'l c~ vc r su s plninliffs, Ru e he l D, Bwoking, I" .:11 ' - " IllId i ., I,.. d 1t"'1 ., 1101 ha s lf l\ vlI"~ tnel l' \ll' rr m is f " rtlllll'. 1:I <l' illal i" I1 . II , hnd J,!r ll WIl II ( harl,·s b . I3l'lllle t t and bdwnnl E. LC l1lu ' l D. Bro o king and Hilbe rt S . Bru o king, s h ul l r eq)ve r th e s um ,,,,,I I \I.,,"" 1"11 1111 110111 '--: " ; I.ll kl' ~l a""b"II' ~IIW IiI'" lill " tha t 11 111.- , ,, 1'111 ' 11 11 01 dar k"I1,·d "i ~ hllir B"IHlt'Il, for (lartitio n, o f $ 1 t ogt'th e r with custs from n hl' wild,' rilll! ilia"" " f t:l' ,,~s ill g ~in" " tla' lI I,,· "" III ll i-l'l'r fi ikd ttll' l '11"" \\' . It· I ;111' 1':11111 11)111'1 II f i\ ugu s t J ('ntz. ;; nd pala!!.,1 Imlh ". If hp fl' ll lntll 1,"li"l' d . ~ , ri l'li ,, " "I' I.. ,ITY \, inllliln Common Ple.s Proceeding. I , ( ·;llillll'. The fo ll ow ing n a m e d per 'll ns ",.. ",I 'I ' lot \11111 111' \'" u n " .' rI' OI· it \ ' ,, ~ i n 1h' li" \'inJ,! Ih a t his 11 ,· Illlld,' till' "It: "'~ " lun g' afll'r IH' I th I' "1 I. I r.o J . · . ~ . I h I I '11' i i f n e ca:;l' 0 II lIu~ r •. , e nnlllgs we re ca lled to se rv e on th(, J a 1\u• ,Ill ~ \ ll '\01": h'l (nl~ 1·\l ln)i l lli . n~·.f1 \\':l ~ tlll~ !"i tlalg-ht -n .. -a~r ~1 t' a l t lro,\~' n 1' \1 ' 1' 11\1 II ' a ,~ ( , .~' t Y l' r~ tl S \\* uiteJ' V. J(lnlliugs it \\TU~ nry term o f . grnnd jury :.,j I ~ " " :1'., ,· ,, '111,' Ih,' 11 w"ul.J h ll' hw:ly .t " .lI'hl(·h IH:d I' IIll~ \\h, I ~'h h" I: I" 01 1'1," 1'1 :1. w' ''·I, h ll.I~ ''.'' Illl: ~~ I~' 1 " l'd"I','d that th l' dcfC' lId n nt shall ,I. E. Ru s>;, Elm e r E. heets, J . "" ")! "I ' , 1.,,,1 I I" I", .t li .·,. J1 nd al l 011l!'1 ' l.\ th ~ Inllllll,d II I dll\/ ' .11 ). II 11,,,11 ,( ,11 ,. 1101 .1,.1 n(l,"' tl' I,' l " T tt, ,. .f ""'ii . I' . , II· " I .. I' g'd. ',. .11'\' h, Ih. >-tl ,·,',·.•' Il l' a Irick plI~ . Il P ,li n I I~ ., l1m c. '1''''' F:. fll cCalTen, J o hn Spa eth, RayI·t,. '" ·\ .1 - 1'"1,, 11, , . 11,,1 , , " . . I ka\' llIgJ1I'lIhl n cC'of$! ' :! o wll\~t1\(' m o nd LeRoy, E. Bailey , Leah T. ,·III" ... d '1 I "r,,' l'u" nL: "" 111 witli a\'n· ' . f wh o Sl~ " S rull)! \\ hl""t ,. had. i,,11I ' 1111. ' I tAuI, lI'IIII . ,Jo n eH, HUlh \)echnnt , H. G. ook, '.' " . (,UI ll l1Il' r lI "·i . 11nI ', P I111' 11 I I' IT f Il l' a I'IIII .. n v f 1.11' II' 1(' 11' IIl1n . , 11 11 " l"'n·. "II~ II" I ~ ,· f aol.l ll ~ 1 ill J,! h iS '~ '1\l . ~ H.' Slll ~' " ._~I,' 1l . r .. 1ll ". 11 1."·I.I~ .r · 1 -'1 1 : I . 1"'"1"", ,~ ' :'~- I , I ".U ~III~~ , lli' ·h ild . Th e d e fe ndant wa il 0 1" Petc r Le\\'i ~ , Fl'lInk Drake, Cliff I I "It '" tl, ,III' ' ,\I ""1I111l' " ld "lis t III I . OI ~ t h.. d nlllltl.f.ll'I,d 1' .. lInd ~. ,In ol t lo , ~ h" "II.nt ,lItlll' tI I I rl ' ~1·' 11 ·' '11' : 1.·j·,'II.· !t ' ld 't il<' , ' 111" ' IWll ki nl!'. ah " ul. li i ~ l'r i n 'i l' :o 1 It'." II I' :;.'lIllalld )'''1'01 ', " "lIli d "lI l' e l 'I 'l<, I' l'l 1I IPh"y , Ilt' II)U unee fu e"'21!~ BI'lIllt , Mrs . 1'1 0. EUI!ISIl, J o hn · . ~, . , I. .,· I ' I tlu r IIi Un " ill S tl 1\l €, llt ~, n "" F .x and Zain Armitage. E. D. tin~l.' un ' I"', , "I' Ihl' j,!,'l' l ' al lad\', a ~ :- l' t:-: \\( 1'(1 all IU lnl: U' U al l' ' 1' 1 • IU:! I . . Snilcy wa s appo inted f o remun o f ~h l' II:" ~""· ·". 11l1 ,d . f'l ul ll l"~ ,',1' -uit. a {'ui LI Il'l,d v"i " :\lld 1'. 11' ,,([ 1 . (;u n.lll·r 11 "-" ,,, '" 11. " hn'lIlh .. d " Firat Mortiaie on Real Estate Security. thl' grand JU I·Y . f,,·iti ll. , ,'1'.1\'.' ... d " ill lid l'1 "I' nlilPlI, 1''', ",hleh 1111" ,' ha ll 11\"'1' li ' l l" , ,, ,,1 ,·,.. II"IU I hI " I':\ l'k r"ll The beat Security. Nothin g Safer,,,·i .1 ell:" ' II" . I (·allH. lh t' hn nd icnp r. ~" ' I' ~ ""I.· d It I' (',li d ,.lt iv,' J .. I' :0 1' I' r, ' I" ·" " i,,n. :;up, I' ., t I' b ' I h' I _ . .' ' . . . . I I - I III l' IIl\'u n IngC'r o n n ~ ll Jce W IC I Probate Court Proceedini. Nothina Better. " I d .. ,, ·1 kn,," ... H,·x \\:l ~ nih. I~ I " il'l!n. dark, ~ 1 1l1"t "1 ,.. . l il' I."'.' " Il' ha, I " I"'L:I1 IZ'" II ~ " C I "a s ha l .. Cul til th1.! OllH'l' [ 11 dl's, ,I 111" 11'1 ':.-'" I Ill' Il 01 : . "P I" " " hI' . I""' . n ["uk e rl' vc r tl'(i t 11 'tl It· qu I's Lo ui s lI o llpe IIccepted the ap1'1, 1'1\" ~. " 11<' II,' (·" tli,1 11. ,t LI" 1"',,<1 ( ,,, d k ll\'\\' wh ,,·,· . 11111 - k,'d " J,!UII, p p ra Ull ASSETS over 14 Millions Dollars f Ii r. I ,·II I .'d .. I' lid, "~,,. 'h'lhit "On ly ' It.' Sl"'n II Hll'Il ' ,f t h.· I"· ,, t 'l il t ,1,- ""1" """ h, · 'I:" 1I:1l11111! <lIl t th('re l · 0 '1 " . ' pu inlm e nt of adrninistrlltor of the. • '.' • I 1' 1 t k I · t' t it I I I I ,. . lllJl1 U l\' , U ungu I , .onCl'S8IUn f A I J k U I i. lIh(· i- n 1:""" f" 1iu \\' tIl:l way. I.~ '" 111.' 11I'1t' I II" II I:t 1l ("1 1\'1' I" '" ") I. : . . . l 'ln d I' ti l' .) II C" MI' S til('s ' ~ farthel' ill "s latc 0 n,rew, nc su n DOyl, 1'lIllter " lI\.! hlll' :ld .'· J, ·w,' 1 thll· f. 1. ,,1, ,· ~l " dd ""11 wa s "ItU""~'. 1 h e , ' "" L ' I ' ·b " , " ' .... t ,.I de l't'lts(·d nnd fill'd his bond of One of the lariest and strongelt .alocia· "11(\ \1' ~- '"I Io"l'll ilo rrllwinJ,! Th e y ""i!Pd ' i!il11 "CllIHwr" ·hp_ II lill·.!·iag-I' \\a s I,. hl' quit'!, a~d ~1l11 y ~(. Il S III l Ie lI Slnl SS llli tn ( , . :!II (J O with A. Edward H an d tiona in the state. llI" II"\' a ~ai n '!" ~ h, ' a s k " .I and hI' ('nll ~l' o f ""rlul1\ h : "'i"'l1ll1g ~ III :I t ' II )!lJ(, ~ t , \ \ ' , ' 1'1' til bu 111\'lled . 1I!~Of .. .... I ' k h,t 1\'11':<. Henri etta H oppe as s ureties. WI i lr~i l · d :1I 1I:ll lll flln a bi\·.' l'I e w Yur k (,il~· . It WII S snit!. loll~ Ii !' liad "1I 1~' :1 f. · ~\' lllinllLl'" !Jt, j'o l'e M II" (,(~~ll.,e, S1I, i 1I0\'b ' ~I a Notil'c o f Cl:!tatcB fo l' settlement Why take Chances on Get-Rich.Quick "" .. I,·I' ''t· 1,'1' ()III\, ' i)n I1tllllll(1 1\(, \'1'1' pro\'ed, Ih"t hI' wa s 1111' 1\111" : 11'11111,: , , 01 hi s Ira ln 1'(>S(' l' vu tt o ns--- I) n" l ~u nt H hls U. .so un l II R." C \I f nre se t 1'01' hearing at!) o'c1llck II Scheme. and loae all, " n . • " ., Jnt SS , uu t e r e IS n o ge t t tn g nway . , I h;"1 It ~(' IH' Il1l' . . . " .. _ . ~_ __ fr o m t he fue t that WI~ have UN!1l 1lI., ..January~, . . _ ~ h(' I ' ~ " kvd . at'n ' l lld at t ha t 1ll 0_ ~ I~,·~~ .q ,\;,~ : .' . ;_"'~ ~~rb mllkin. g rnth er hellvy losses t.1uring .1 he wmg e5ta.tes WIll s tan? 'YVe kindly solicit your patron.lre llI l lll, " ' llIc' how ~ h k n ew that . : ~=. ", ,; ~ . ~/'/'7~ th e pus t Hix m o nths, anti I alll f ~ 1 henlln~ Junual y 27, at [) ' l u l'ke .~· "d lIant"n. Morc ll was ~ afraid I s ha ll havc t o ca ll up on 0 c loc k a . m. THE II n t " hlng thclll: , yo ur rese r ves. Per ~o nlllly, " he W. hest ur M.apl e, executor of Lu"e . l\J lldtll ~n n came .t h rouJ!h . . , $.~ wc nt o n. ob livi ous o f Luke 's grow- th e cstate o f Alltson L. S pence, d e ·? th l' \'e. tlhull' \ylth .I"ng s tl'llics . I-I e I ~i ing I'e~' ntme.nt, "I l.l av e always cellsl.'d.! fir st and final account. lb..l p , u ~ c(1 to ~ t1'lp. hI S u\' erclI~ll and i~~l ~ ~jI " :;'" • be li eve W made a mi stake in not 1ull e Co nov e r, e xec utrtx of t.he lak e olT hI'" Sill, haL, whIch h .: .~r\..t,.:....-{ ~~I ~ r::-~~~" se llin ~ out to u j o int 'stock co n_ es tate u f J e nnie J. C humberllltn . almos l t~r,. w nt. an atte nda nt, an,1 ' ~":6' ~~~' '' ~~ '' ~ -I,' ""\'~Y'.. r~ l' rn, In pri vate banking bU Sin.e ss decea sed, fir st nnd fi.nul account. . Two Offices: t on k !,ne . tell. t owa rd the d oo l· .. As "'\. ~'/ 1~ :Il th e p e rso n a l secul'ity play' too big C le ment S. I!0wycl. execut or of 19 E. 3rd Sf. Third at Broadway he dId so hIS fllot sli pped sul·- h"~ .1..\ ~ ~ ., J~ a part fOI' illY liking--" th t:' (,,,tate of Samuel Bowyer, de\\: llY~ on the murbl e n Ollr und . he ~: ~~ ~:,.;Mercifully the ho use pho ne ce ased, fir s t ,~ nd ~nul. . .. . DAYTON, OHIO lIoul d have fallen unpl easantl y • .t,.~ ~".~!.~'" 1;<'\ " _ ~r~~:,> rang at that m o ment. Luk e s natchAnna M. I aylol, admtnlstrntrtx ~~I.t f,or ~he .hand tha l fi udd e nl y . ~ I~"'Y~I$- II , ~~ j' '1J edup the r eceiver und lis tened of th e. estate of ,:)scar F. Tnylor, ~ llnll~d l11s at m. f, .! ,~ .iJ WIth a frown. dec~ati!'d, fir s.t ant.1 final . . :he man w ho hC'ld him . m ust . ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ "Y e~, s how him in, ple llse .' And, Jo:;h e l Whl~ aere. g U~f(ha,! of .. hnl e been unusually st roll j.[ f nl' "'" I, 'C • JfJ~\ as he r ep lnc d the rec e ive r ' "I am Ll o ~ d and Cat! Whltacl e , mlllors" ' HAPPY MAN he, a l'!d in the most eir~)t'l- ; ";, (\,,\1 ! ~ ~II; s~e in g Mr. Mo rell and I 'do n ot first lind .Iinal n~eount. C lifford M.. lind ,El hl' l . B. Jnn el<' 1 LEGEND OF THE 1(18R fn s hl o n. hfted Luke Mn d d ls on -Iv . \vi ~ h to oe inte l'ru t ed " he said Chfi rl e~ W. Gtay, executor o f th e 4.76 acres In HatIu n t \\ p. --

"Where S



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West S Building &Loan Assn.



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;,p.u .:r

L.uke tUI'ncd WIth n ha lf smi le ·o f

~h SIl1RY alld f o.u nd him se lf loo king

Into . a oharc!. \tned face, t he co lo)' o f teak; in to two unsm il ing eyes, cxpr,~s~tonle . ':Thank you-awfull y!" I , a nt g .lad I wa~ h,cre. Fo}'tunately, I alway walt III the lobby \\'h n l ' 8m exp ect ing p ople t o

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b. 1.I""d.

3d MM'I,

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H c' hnd. been nil his life in th e firm fir s t and final . to Oh ver M, F.lbon I LOWIl lut In t (ll 18 o( 1\ K ing iii with n ~trung e. o f Madrlisn n & Sons nnd he did The foll owtng a ccounts were IIP- Turt1ecre~k twp. . I lwlnd\'. III I'ui n h(O ro n!'ult ed lhe f 'l Il ' d 'd·· h ' (Hoved:'Mary E . Hak!' s, by g' uRl'Chnn to I .. . . e J ~i~ik~e O~alh~ c~ln~~ t o .15gU IS IS Estate o ~ Jnm es T. McClelland, Elmer Collis 2 town lo ts in l\1iddl e- dodul's III a ll " f hl ~ ki ngd om. All " Th e re is sOlllethinir about tqat d e c~ ase d , first n nd finnl. boro, ahke lI'e ro baflle d, an d could find '\ fe ll ow thut I d eslik e' ve ry much, Estut e Of . Jose ph W . Sh!1w~an, Charles Guen.ther ~o , Mari~ no c UI·e . III desl'lIir, th King r eMr. Maddi so n. I hop e we a re n ot d.eceased, fil s t, final and dls trtbu- Burn, lot Nos. 6 and I . tn Mo r s Ol'ted t o his Jc ~tl' r f or con solation The man who h e ld him mu s t have bee n unu s uall y s tl'o ng ,for he g-oillJ! t o . cnr ry his acco unt?" tl ve. . row. .. ' ,. , " I IiLe rally and in th e mo st e ff o rtl ess fa s hi o n lifted Lu ke Maddiso n Luk e s hoo k his head and n odd ed ~ Ehstthate 0dffjJ aml es WeIr, dec ea sed, James Pile and F. W. Fl'I1n z ~0 '1 III:, t IW.IG o1hll ,) K tntI! II I ~'SI tlOh~e bodIl y und place d him on hi s feet. t oward th e door. - elg an na.' Charles W e llma n lot No, 2 5 III we , Sll l[ c J es cr, e 1m Mr Dunto n More ll came into an Estate o f Ehas Folk, deceased, Franklin. s l['C'p in t h.. shil't of II happy mnn." who bUll'lped off Lew Seltns kl, thut l n o sec r eta ry s hou ld (l e- rf orm th a t 'l l nl 0s'phel'e whl'ch he sensl'tl've ' final acco unt. William H ' Norvell t o Jnm es l . . h l'i l t h t l sacr 'd III E' gt ate 0 f J 0 h n B 0 I'tn, d ecease, d PIle " and F. W. F r tlnz lot No. 2 43. , OUl'll'rS were . li S I .Y s en 0 ev. , gang Iea d e r, a n d sO n o t orlous e d u t y .' i s• uc h matt ers reulized, was. h d night 1\11' Hora ce Bird 'th h t' I' t' N I c arge fil'S t and final account I'n Fl'anklin tWI) , 1 cry pUI·t .. f the ktng-d olll to selll'Ch his way through Lew's g unmen t o .That . . . , I WI os I I y. ever ess h e was • . t he safety r e presen te d by a ca tt le UCleCll\e, k nown as th~ pan'ow, hi s !;miling self, li nd laid h 's care. E state ~f Charles W . Presley, James Pile a';ld F . W. Franz ~ o fo l' II hUJ1IlY man. Th task, th e y Rob e rt Harris on, lot No. 243 th o ught. wns . Impl e. But e.vcry b oat which sailed from the Hud- was culled ~o numb e r ,342, Bro,o k fully brus he d s ilk h ut upon the lI ec~use d, first and .final. so n Hive r a n hour after th e police Street. Ass lst'd by Lh e whIte tabl e. Luk e did not filii to n otice I' lo r ence Z .. Drteve was np- Franklin twp. man. th ey found ha d unhupp!ncss r ese rves answered a riot call. fn ced Mr. Donlon Mo rell, he that he wo re a m o urllin ti e an I pOinte d e xe cutrIx of the estate ,of in his ~o u! - \'cxcd \\'11·1t !JUSln eS8 .'o bo~y had ever seen him with burs t open thc doo r of n bedroom" that, for so me rea. Oll~ was ~I I,'rances E. Parkhill, deceased . D. M ..... iaa e Licen.e. Il' Il.rril's 0 1' ~(' 'kill f,C to oUld hi s ~ pIsto l III England; but the d e tect I and there. he found Rex Le f e rre, furth e l' strain up o n his jang l d T. T . Bercaw and. E. C. Morrrso n 11 19;11bo l·. After (t I ng and falthlves who arres t ed hIm u yea after dead by hI S own hand. He la y on n e rves e were made appraIsers. Harvey W . onnol', farm er, of f ul : N: r ch, th ey fou nd a man who hi s return to hi s native lond fully , the fl (~(t l' , II revo lve r by his s id e: j " S it' d own will ou?" Hi!! man. In the settle ment of .the estate Leban'o n, Decembe r 3_1._ was hnP I1y a Ihe day was long. expected gun play and came a rln e d t he qtll e k -l!~cd Danty saw the note ner and vo ic~ \V e r: br~ squ e"- "Yo'u of Myrtle Gray, deceased. the net Ed,vard Mo r .. is G oo d, snlesmotl ~t ra!l~(' ) Y e no ugh, he 'vus n beggar Whe n he cn me up for trilll, nO- I sc rib b le d ill pe nc il On s mall s heets we r e a fri e nd of poor' Hex"· ?" vu lu e of was found to be $1032 ,16 of Cincinnati, und Mrs. Sa re lrla Th \' y off e red him pricelcss. j e wel b l? d~' cum~ n ea r hit;' not his prc~ty of pap e r town fr o m.te lep h one meso Danty inclin ed his heud' s~~row. that l he e xempti.o h of the wi~- Elizabth R ot h, factory wOI'ker, of in.l he n ume of th e King fottrrtT WIfe or hIS best frtom! Larr y Vtn- I sage biock, and hiS hand closed fullyy. ower, s.ole benefiCIary, exceeds hIS Franklin, Decembe r 31. . hlrt. . mun . Larry was a prtnce of con- ove r th e paper . An ho ur Inte r "Y es I was com letel in his successIon a nd therefore the estate Clitro'rd C. B eck('tt, fUI'mer, of " Gladly w o uld I '::-Ive t he King fidc n~ e me n, y oung, good-look ing, ' ~argar et. I. fe r re, I?ale and lovely confide~ce," he s lIid, "l Ythink I is exempt from inheritance tax. Oregonia, and Mi ss Re becca D. ~'Y s hi r t," Hl~ swe re~1 lhe beggarou the da f o llowin his Charles W . Gray, e;teec utol' of Co rwin , of Leba non. ,Junuary 2. but I huv c n t a s hIrt t o my back. pla USIble. • l In her SIlk e n neghgee, r ead the t old Th e re might be excel!e nt reasoll , m essage the d·t clive had not unfOl.Lunatc--" y g the es ~ate of Myrtle Gray deceased I \V o ul~ t hl', K,in g Ih:c lind b hn ppy why L!ll'l'Y sho~ld n ot WIsh to d~aw see n. Luke cut s ho rt the re co llection. filed, hIS first an~ final ·scount. . let him g l'·\' . o. f hl.s go?ds to the ~ttentlon . to hl",'self by uppea~tn.g Margare t Ila ding, I have lost. "Were yo u so much in his eonfi_ 1 '1. M. M~n!'tngton and J. C. B.II. Allowed need y, .for gIvIng IS It Vtng." tn co urt, no . l ea son why M~lhe POI' m o nth" [ huv e bee n gamb- denc e that you accompanied him I Hawke, admIni strators. of the . esThe W estern t ur proof s o f . ling. T ()_day r too k a . d eRlle rate to t he N o rthern and Southern tate. of F , Malco.lm. Blspham, de_ publication, $221.97; The L eba n on - -,: - - - - - - - - - - - - - s ho uld n ot write or d o so me thtn~. She . h ud ~ 'thousa nd Jlound~ tn s t e p on th e advice of Luke Mad- I B a nk three days ago whe n he ~ ease~, fil e d theIr mventory and Patriot, same, $221.97; The Office ~~~~ b~'c.~' ~.i;eoJ.dbl~t\;he~o~I~~ di so n . [:l e I~us led me to l'uincas hed a c heck fol' eighte~n thoUS' 1,IPf[:I~~eymE~n6·owan accepted the ap OutfitterB, service, $9:6~; W. H, . ' . . m o ney IS hI S g o.d. I beg . of you und five hundred pounds. ' . Anderson & Co., I CrimInal code. Gunne r ,se nt to he r, s he h~ d le ft not t o trust him . li e has le d 111. e Danty opencd his Eiyes wide .I· n P?tntme. nt as trustee under the $2. 0; The Dayton Stencil W orks t he lodgmg they had uPl e d. He from o n e act or folly t o a nother well·s imulate d surprise. ' WIll of Mar~ P. Mulford, dec e a s~d, Co supplies $5!15' Bell Pruss 4 J ci; nev e r sa w he r .aga tn . A fe w Gulibl e~BYo u . R ex' "W hy of co urse" he said . "Rex and.filed hIS bond o~ $000 With supplies $5: H~wa'rd W Ful: WANTED months b e f or e hi!> re le ase from . , had . l' h' I . th Marton R. and HeWitt P. Mul. k h 't ' f ffi'-2 pri ' on he heu rd th'lt she had died S he rea d the p itiful messuge I C't m a ( ~ Ive e3~ osses In e ford as sureties, J crt, s amps or 0 ee, op; in (t workhouse in'firlllttry. again and ng-ain. Luk e Mnddi son: I y, u n~ a vIse 1m to se~ you, Same, expense!!, $24.7~; Drs. ,cd. RELIARLE DEAMR- wDnted to man s he wa R Lo mlllTY in a [ und e l 5to od you gnve him u R e a l E.tate Tr.nsfer. wsr~ and Rob ert BII\I l' , medIcal Th e• G. unn e r ' s S I~lI' 1 ' \\'h e n IIe th e'k' hn nlli e H e b e l'lin~ Products In check f Ol' t hat IImount- " i;erVlces "'21' Kaufmans heard thI'S1 was a gl'lm aile. He alw~e . "D ' d I t II t'. t?" L k ' I' f" ~ 50 ; ~ . D . Thomp' su Warren Gou nty. Exce lle nt opI h h h t F o r two da vg l\Isrgal'et Le fel' I'C 1 Ie you IIU. U es Laul'el E, Carter by s heriff to pies or JI\I't: 1 ",4. w en noe w,wus J ' tI Ie man . ,s Th e P eop Ies B UI'Id 109 ' L oan an d so n " r~palr . s' an d I a or . at Jut, . ;1 por t unity f nl' th e right /llllll . Earnawuy~ nd nss mlheC( s miled hi UI~ h eart mu ved in a wo rld uf hideoll,s un- bl. f ue e yes d I' d no t leave g: of $60 weekly n ot unus ual. Wll S o ne "'reat throbbi ll \{ wound. reali ty , tl'ang~ pl' op le mte l'vlewed lI~~C' . . I ' \"h ~avin~s CkolllPan y , :i7 ncres in $18.35. M~nroe and Johnso n lllbo r In L' h " l' . d ' he r ' a ta ll big fr 'lmed man who e l tam y. '. y, what was , '1 urtl ec ree twp ., $3400. and suppltes f o r office, $5.46. Wr'lte fOI' frce catalogue . G. C. ro m pl'I so • ly s-ympathetic , ! . wro ng ". 1 !Ill. w th e e h ec ' k myse If" C. G ' C u le, l b y 8 h en' ff , 0 t Monroe all d J 0 h nson, Ia b or, $2 . 10 H e berling Co m(luIlY . Dept. 1886, .;.:- d ",0 e .came I O Lh It n , nn H t tn I was . strange 10 hIS , amp j22 uhe cou~'lse L k e Mardd?n e , heavy way II b:mk munagel' who Thel'e was an uncomfortnble The Peorfle's Building Loan and Same, $210; E. D. Thompso n , re- Blo mingtol1, III.. we re ,,1'. hi U ISO I1 was , ' ' . ..?" · C ompany, 211 aCl'es In . , ce lebrntin)! M een)!uagcl11ent Of talkell wildly alld inc olllprehefl- 11'<I,,U" "u., LI'nd th e n : . S uVlngs paIrs an d Ia b or a t court h ouse, WANTED -L Twe nty_fl v e me n In th ' h 't h I siiJly until Dllllty appeared und DId yo u see 111m s l~r n It. lls ked Was hin gtQIl twp., $4:i33'. ' $21.63; Drs. Edward and Robert ~en's Bible Cluss lit ot I,L u k e Iht' II~ne\,,' no Ing- - .w a I I al whi sked him o,f Luke d t! libel'lltely. .Inso n Kinder to Dorothy n. Blair, examination of children for next Sundny mOl-ning g urhou 1 ~1l111 \1cre .wa!; 11\ JI C\\k'e t) '~ X all" lhun ll" I'o'II S f 'lct 11alll~ e l'e- ' Uanty's gaze did not fill t e l'. rhle 81.97 acres in Franklin twp. admission to Children's Home, Chl'lst Henry Sweuringen, Teacher, ' IY Ie h II I' le 1 I lll e l'lCan DC y e p h' m nI.g ht ' 'Ind dny 'It her wenry brainU "I lim ,I .j' . 'I I d 'h C ity I ce an d F i e Ompany $8,. Fred . II 1 I ' I UI( 0 nol und e l ' T c ue 0, James, meat for l I f Itel h 0 e bsa e u ;ny lin! In d ~r - He x' wa ~ tJ ,:t d by hi ~ ow n hand eland Yllu," he said evenly. "I so w of C levc lund to James Frank Malt dogs, $1.30; The Franklin ChronICC 1'0 0<.;1.'1 ('tll" I' lc n p .! ndl · takn . 'Illd the mall ~h l! W'H ~ t ~ marry l h~ him en dorse ' it- " · by , 203.UO acres in Hamilton twp. icle, advertising, $3; Harold FOR SALE n. m. lIn ll el' Hy ne"ls III a '(' 11 1\ ;11an wh o fr ~ntic with ~nx ity' was (T o Be Continued) Citherine Boeddeker, et ai, to Surface, dama~es to car, $12. t r oom " n .h (' som (! oor. . ' '. ., . I "Wh ut was he lik l'- in a ppea r· ca l.hnl{ thre!! tim es u day nnd be ing FOR S LE-800 bushe ls corn . W, o n ce?" DHlIto n a ~ k e d Luke Mad. rc fu sed adml S~ lun t o. he r, wus the H . Madd e n. j15 di son. cuu se . Mo n ey was hi S god! PINKY DINKY Pinky Let. Pop Off Eaey by TERRY GILKISON Dant o n's voice so und ed a little Luke hud bet' n lit hi s office ~ince FOR SALE- 1926 Ford Coupe, in hoarse , as though he werc speak- eight o'c lock, un houl' before th.e fair condition., Call Phon e 53. ing from a dry throat. alTl val o f th !; s taff, and h er e .hls ,-" , 'K He.flc 'YOUNG MANJ - MOTl-lER .......- ·j16 "Who- the man who h e ld m e bearded ntllnllge r found hIm, T'EL.L.$ ME 'YOV"":! BEEN A NAUI,tIT'i up?" And ' when the other nodd ed s itting at .hi s tabl e , hi s head in his THRESHER SUPPLIESBELTS So'll NOW, I DON'T ~1t<.E -r,061',1E Luke w e nt on: "A dark_looking hands, hI S perso nal letters un,pulleys, babbitt metal, oil elip., YOU THI. WHIl"PING - 'FQR ITS fe ll ow-l thought he might be II ope n e d, . , c r ' . Maddiso n lookc d up With a start Ger man - two ~cllrs across hi s Injectors, lubricators. steam and 4501 NG TO HURT ME MO RE r ig ht ch eck- the s ort of wound as the manuge r entered, wate~ gauges, gauge glalls, ollen, iH AN IT '5 "YOOIhut du elli ng s tudents love to a c ~ " I-l e ll o !" he sa id awkwardly, "Is packmg, boiler flues, suction hOBe quire . 1 rem e mbel' when 1 wa s at the;'e onything. wrong ?': and tank pumps. THE BOCKLET '] here werc mnn y things wrong sc hool in Bonn CO, 415 'W, ltfain St, ~e!li~, 0hlq. frum the point of view of Mr. St ii es , t hat shr ew d man of affairs, PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS 1-10 laid II s mall sh eaf of paper on -For all purposes. Bocklet'. t he tllbl e a nd detailed the contents of th e documents briefly . ,li~e ot plumbing ancl heatlnl IUp" \-I (' r e nrc fo ul' 0 1' fiv e tl'ansactpiles are tb best. The Bocklet. ion~ that o ug ht to be close d to· King Co" 416 W, Main St" ~enh' day, Mr. Muddiso n. I am rath er Ohio. . ., w orri(;d abo ut th e m . The Gulanga Oil ncc o un ts s ho uld be settled. We mad e a ve ry con s id e rable loss MONEY LOANED th l' l'l'." Luke nodd ed impatiently. "Sutli e it," he :aid. "No me so age "5A'I pop- 'You H J'mnl- Mi Hli Lcfe rre?" ANYTHING BAD LONG OR SHOR:I' TIME-Ea.), .It was a stup id question t o as k, LE=.T '{OVR/5J;.l...F terms, Also Surveying '!lJld Atifor hI! had Il pri vate phone and he straeting. Write and I "'II call JUST DON'T kn ew t hat an y m essagc tha t came and see you. Sam D, Henkle Way. fl·o rn . Mn rguret wou ld be put .nesville, Ohio. ' thr o ug h to him direct. o-ow Th e . m a nagcr shook his head LOANS on Livestock, ' Chattelll, g lo o mil y. . . Secon.d Mortagell. Notell boulbt, . "A bad bus iness, s ir. I have not John Harb~ne, Xenia, Ohld.· poken t o, you about it becau se I r ea lize ho w badly yo u must be feeling, The Northern lind Sou t h. e rn have ' bee n on t he phone again ...... .;nn.. Pll:K,IIOIt""1"'" .Farmers of Warren ' and adj~inlh., this mOI'ning ' abo ut t hut c hec kTI\!~'S L.l'nLE WiLLI!. ",I'll. c9untieil may obtain mone, OD yo u l' m e mber t hey queried the ItIJOWS .... L.L THt: "TN"" long· time loanll, 'at 15 per ' cent In. s igna t Ure yesterday'r" .~erellt. Coat of aecunn, the ..lIIe IF He CAN'T Go WKSIU gentle voice was hUTSh. '.'TeII t he IS very reallonable, throUlh The HE. FeEL.... mllnage l' it is-·ail flight.'i . Federal Land Bank. For further L.~"' DOWN .... NI) "IcKS • " f told him yes t e rday, as a informatloJl call Oil or adm..' II. \lP .HI$ Me.e&-1i , matte l' of fact." Mr. Stiles 'wus inC. DRAKE, TrelUlU1'lr, p1loal I I . "y s, yes ," Luke's us ually J4




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I IJv]Plf.,. ES I'-Oi€rl(lc,'l'!. but tbe)' de-

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C~tl8 t fp lltl O"


In '

THP.-':.' i "". '5

' Il!G rTt.eLC": S 'lRUF \~ -n U:llt..,,,. j'llli "~.:rtio12



Wld bll'n''''~'.. '1i0<> ~ ~'i.20 botu.. I\(Ild by

ADAMS DRUG STORE - - -- -- -




Veterinarian Phone 93


Waynesville, Ohio


.. ! ~G£IIii!.lllIiCIli.ilQIIE:I-II'lI• • • • • • • •!A •

Z tt I Dr _J0 hnee RESIDENT


19 N. Broadway LEBANON, OHIO




Eyes Examined

Gl a .. e~ Fitted

VA CCINAT I0 N With Dependable Serum and Virus in8ure~ both Safety ~nd S~cce88

Dr. W. E. Frost Harveysburg,


Phone 31









=-_.. -





5% Farm Loans

qourS.leio thisN~­

orn .


It .will MI.g gem hagen pApt'r.

, (\~




Farmers, Atte.nti on


X LebiDOD, 0Jdr







mericam Distribu.te Immigrallt' $6,000,000

-------- -'---Publi.her


Office Pboue ......... .... ;.. ...... No. 112 R-.idence ...... ...... ........... ... No. 118 5ubec,iptioll Price, tl,SO • Y• ., P.,to /fl •• a r w.y" .... ,,,. (J./t/o, •• S, ... " d CI... Mall Malt.,


THE SONG OF THE CAMP By Bn ynt"d '1'aylo l'

JA N ARY 15, 1'930 ,~==

. _w





----~----- -~------- .

r t camas e toII Ame re riCo ca nrad fr omHube G e rmany yo ung nlUll. H e wu d ,c.d in an ' e lec tri ca l s h u p in J e rsey C ity Hnd in ve nte d tll(' fh'st 5u cce~s fu l r, oc ke t flu shIjgh l. lI e d ie d t wo yen rs ago . leaving ill s tl'ucli o n ~ in h l~ will tha t his estlltl' s ho uld he d uvid l'd nrinciCal'"I'rl 'Cooll',lrre (ornler Presiden t o f th e ni! "d St:lt CS (cente r) 1\ iti! A I: rl" 1 [':. , ::1;! h. former Gove rnor . pa II y IInl ung re I·Ig IOUS. e d tll'a t'lona I of New • York (l e ft) and Julius Rosl'r. wa l,l. erni",·" t .C:h :' :W~ mereI.'''.Ii t all,1 1'1111 " ' ,1h " 'I': ~I 'j h~ 1IHce II;,· e nnd chll ritllbl c in s titutio ns . to be been acting ~inc t: la~t .ftlllC as a con~rn i l·tcc to l'iek t l:~: ll'I lltll tlcns 1\1t ~' 1l a n: II I" ." . .: ' :JI PI:'C o f n: o re Ih.' 11 sell'c led Uv a cO lllmil tee of pro m isix mill io ll dvll.lrs I~ r l br Cu nr.ld !rubert {J u sry CI:)'. a Lic:lll all II;"": ,,;: !I I \'.. , 1:1': '-;" 1. .. . .. I'OC«~I nas hneuturR nt c iti I'II!: ht . '1'1'lese { amous CI' i 'Iu ns Il;l\ c n,,·t \. ry l WO wee ks .1i1'1 "ere 1l1l:1I111l. " \1> III 11."11' f,e I:: .· .. :~ . I'C . ze ns npp uintc d by hi ~ ex. .: •. ~ F or six m on ths thr e "pl'o mi- - - - - - - . - ~ -. I)




"Cive llR a s o ng " t he so ldiers ~rie d The outt' 1' t re nc h es g ua rd mg. W hile' the heat ed g Ulls oC the t a l11 ps a lli ed GI l'\\, weary o f bombarding . I T h(' l' t' wa ~ a pall ~c . A g ll nl'( l ~l1Hl n said. "W e ,.; tllcm t he fol'ls t o mlll'l'ow; ing may, ,lay Wi llwhile hri ngWI'enllu l{h anulh,·,. of Ro rrow."


Th ey IllY a long t h e bllltl' I' Y' s s ide ' BL'l ol\' t he Hl11 o k(' IIlJ.t can no n. Bmv/' h eal' t ~ . f rom Seve rn nn d fr om C lyde. And fr o m th e banks of., h anno n. f T he)' f ame. sa ng · of lova a nd not 0 F OI''' ot was Br itain 's glo r y: ~al:h "hea rt recll ll e el a l1 ifT rt' nt i I nll ll1 e But a ll sa nsz " A nn ie Laur ie."

The Making of a Home

nt·nt . c itiz['~s" wh ose name~ ~re ha ve was hin g mac h in eR, n early UNCLE ADAM'S COGITATION VU lce a f ter vo ice cu ug ht up t hc Cal Vin <;:oo IHlg\'. Alf re d E. mlth t h ree qua l·tc rs o f a million ha ve ~on g u nci .Ju lru s H use ~w uld m e t ev ' ry I e lec tri c r e frig erator s. The tim c 1 Ah want. btl!. lill ie h~u h. b" lnw, l' ntii it s t t:l' ti er pass ion tw o w c'· I.' ~ t nco ns lilc r th e hunclrcdll· i~ ('o mi ng an d cnming soon wh e n I Bu t Ah wnnt s <l a t little t o 1?lensa H ose like un anthc m , ric h a nd fJ~ npJllicati o n ~ fo r pu r t of th t' l t ht!sC and' oth e r e lectrical np p liun_ ' Bu t. LlIl du h. da d -? urn he r hi de . ~tr o n g $ lJ .OO O.O IlO whi c h Cu nr'ud .lIube l·L I I't's wi ll he I·cgurd ed· by eve r y body TI".. s(' hoo l ,w ill o b. e r v(' Vic t o ry I W u ~t~ ebbl'~ ~ '~~he see s, T hei l' ba ttl e-eve co nr es. inn. le rt: ,.'Vh eln. thhc~ , glHve htht'lr' fin a l in America a s of 08 graat !mpor - D a y Fri day •.Ja nu a r y 17 , by giv ing Dn,' lr " I'rl , 11 c1' nllm e he da \' <, not d ec.I~lO n t H 0 \ ~ ~ ( uy ~ ey. tan tc a il th e ba thtub, but It muy a prog ram in th e GY Il1. beginlli ng 1I1I1l1:\·.\:\( ·f: SII. I!!r. ~ .. n Il st .of .co ll eJ:: ~ s. hU~Plt ll l s.' nlref be IIn olhe1' hundr ed year~ b efor e a t !l u' c l(J('k. Vis ito r ;; w ill be Wl' l____ s peak, Orl{.!lOlZl1 tl n ns , lind Chll l·lt les . o n e V('rybody has th e m, ll,nd e ve n th e n cO lli e. .\ n (h di n", ... ,· nlll"n ,lIn ," ... rli" n Bu L as th e so ng g l'e,,; lou de r whi c h ~h l'Y hll d ugn'c d un a nlm._ l h" I'" \vl' IIIII'ob ll hly m e so m e' hom ns . . .:-;" ;1 "I (1 .. <1 111 01 11('" ;0.; " . ;11 fi'lll ~ I h,· A tNII' Up OIl t he so ldie r s ch eek ~ ~ E~ve l'ett S h I.llna k ~ r IS s pe ntI109 "f ' · III'IJI ~· n ::n. l h),'\n nf,(nd1'rtl" IJol1d m ht· r~~ W as h e d 0 tT lh e s t a 'l ns 0 r (J OWLle r 0 11 .Iy. In eac h CUR t h~ in sh - w it~ hout ba thtub s II". \1 1):1 l '('o8 r o:\If t· l'uLJ" t utlOn ~ to be be ne fi tte d WIll h llva . n fe w days \\'lth hiS pate nts. 1\11'. 1 '\rrnl.. ~ to I'!l ise f rll m oth e r so urces m o re U ncle Si Tinkl e paugh s ays all lind Mrs . .J. E. S h u mllk e l' .. I-l e p l an ~ lit· Il n'·.l ' ''"' ' ' ~ I,,' I h~ CUI!n<-t l of N ow Iris h N orll's eyes nl'a dim 111lln the u l1l~u nt thu s a w n rd~d t.o t he rul es f or di et ing he's e ve r to r e turn to C.lI lifo r nia. in !\ few l ~ \'I~l o)\' llI:r ' " ,or \\".'·l1f B\·l lI ,·, SlUIP or F or II s inge r dumb und go ry . tlt ·l11 . Th ll t IS th e m od e rn Am e rl - heard co me down to on e , and d llYs acco lllllll nt e d by h iS mot he r', ~ "· I I .. n I. 'r Jrn l R e'~ l lu n J'; o. :1 QC And E ng li s h ]\fury wee ps f o r him Wh o s ings o f Anni e Lauri c. ca n wn y o f g iv ing . Ill one y t o t hut's wh ,'lteve l' yo u II'kn I's n' t w ho will m a ke an ext nd cd visit. I n " Ina " ' ' .. Kf•. :!1 I,, ' alll 11.1 " e1 110 . .... ""lId :t ffo r o ll l/ \\',I1: 'f h e c() m lH ' n ~ 11 1 on w o r t hy Cfl U f\~S. t o I: ·q ulr.e t he m t q good fo r yOU. MI'. a nd Mr . . \V. p. McCllrren ' , r ":\f ' I, " ''' '1110 /, ,' o r ,:h,' 1..",,,1 8hn ll mu t c h l he g ift by mtl uclI1g oth e rs arc e nj oyin g t his w cek a t Atla tic I". :tn,t IJr " Sn n" I. l'<'~!!h)' 0,,' ,1 a llft . lee p. so'llli e rs ! still in hor. or r es t YOUI' tr uth a nd va lo r w earin g ; t o o'lv~ . . . t: 1II"' :i j', IIII · t1 IlJ tlf" I \\' e lll ~' f Ul1r ,.,. I C ity. Mr. McCll rrc n IS atte nding 1." IIn r, 1$2 1.,,01 ;II,nU I1l. PI1I'IlI ,t,' Th e br a vest a re t he t e nd e r'est, Th~ wh ole n~ id e nt Rtl'lk es us a s t he Nati onal Ron d Sh ow. 'I"' " I.·f'l )'. 1'::1,, ;' m '~ 1I1"e.. or !Ill' Th e lov ing are the darin g, p eculia rl y t yp ica l of Am e ri ca. J{M.. " . ;, nll , I, ·rO f· .·,, 1"1'1,," 111> 0 " Whe re ehe in th o wo rl d could n Th e W o ma n's C ivic L eag ue m et ' Ih .· "'Il I,,~ or ;,IH " frl ,·,·. gl \' f' " 110",1. . St h me 0. f l "OIl"Il IO..." "" rOIl' (1 111 perp!,) Or Immig ra nt nceumulate $6,000 a un1 ayf a tc, rn ? on fl t' th co r...·II'a fit Mil'" lILl,.,ps raltli!lu "f Ills l01, ne". ORANGE PUFFS 000 nnd more wIth ou t be ing hCll rd Mrs. Mnrg nr ' l ru c ker . The .bus l- ' 01'1"'" 'n II". II I'pr,,,·,, t n1 I ll,., ~'I "\ 0,' nf of? Conrll d H u ba rt's nam e neve r " ness sess io n wa. bri ef and t he p r o 11".' h,· " li lll o r I· in' 11 ,,,,,1,·,,,, 1101larH. S ift into mixing bowl on e and g ot Inlo th e n CWs pllpel'S un t Il he gram ve l'y entt'l' tain ing. ~ rs. , ' $;;:~~\'I,~:,· ~ \11 OrJIIll"'CO:B 01' P:1. •. ts WllS de nd . II m lld e his m oney Clam C o nno r read II pleuglng "r · 11",11";",.·,.,, III ro nniel hel'<'wlLh on e- fourth c ups pa s t r y fl our, o ne half s up o f s ug ar; add on e-half cup hon e ' lI y wi t ho ut i.nj u ring an yone S If Rb Pl\~e m 'L'Thl e LEigll~ t in th e Wi ndlow ," I " '·~,..'.\'j;:';l'· \ 1·l.:r1'·r','II;'''i-.,.rlllia nf' " h n 1.l m ilk mixe d with tw o egg yo lks. une Is e but rut he l' e nne hlng t he world Yea,. of u erinl From euma-, r. . u Q ~ IS gave a c ever 1011<,. d r (' 1 :,nol I". In rurce 011 al1d through h is inve ntio n . 1'hnt wns tilm Brt'.ulht To Happy rea d ing, "Wh e n P a \V a s a De l - ; "f l"r II,,· "l1rll"s t 111,,'1001 al lo\\,(·" by tab les poo n butte r , me lte d, and on e ·t easp oo n g rate d orange rind . l ",J plcall uO Ame ri CA n, t o o, and so New a. n d D.·fferent gatl' I '''I~a' "" 'fI Il \' I' 0 11 li e ,' 1 t,II s " \. n II, half . • • , End By .," a nd .Miss R evlI . I S tump r ead . Bell t two minutes , p our i nto s ix was th e prn t whic h pro mp ted hllll a n I.? te r es tln g . u rt~~ e co ncernlllg tin)' or .la nll :" 'Y , 19:tO. to ICllve t he b ulk o f his fnrtun e t o Medicine t he Swanee Rive I' a nd one con- i .Jnm ,'s P.. JIl l' lll "e. g r eused muffin t ins and bake as 1s t Oth er' ce rn ing t h e mllte ri a l used in a w om Pr"-:"Irl on I o r ('o,tI 11 (' 11 tw enty_five minutes. Serve hot Ii. • f d f 1.\ lI (·, t ; l:I1\'rI1O I1 I' . IIlllrJ 101. , Il' rk . with orange puff sauce. And wli!'re b ut in Am ori ea co uld an s a t e rn oon .re, s {l r ty yell r s ,\ OPr!)\' ,'.I : 'I'. I':. n og-P l'". MIl .I·O'·. J a no n find th l! s pect acle of a for mer ugo eo ml)ar d With tha t used t ouar,\" , I!Iao. Presid ent o f t he nit ed. Stlltes. t he day . Th e nam e of Mrs: R, T. _ _ ..~ :\,41'1'1(' 1': 0." A 1'1'0 1 N'r~IIllN'l' fum ous ex -Governo r of Ne w York Moore wa . a dd d t o th ~ l oll : Th e t iUld th e natio n's grC'L) t est me r c hunt n ext meetlllg . January . 25 Will be 00 0 1';~ llI l e o r Ida 111 l1 o{)k " 11 """I' BS N 1 :-.Intt ,· · 1M h e r~ hv Il lv 1\ lha t J . O. g iving th e ir t illle a nd se r~o u s athe ld .. at th e hom e. of Mrs. ~nnn ('a "1 "'rllth l h"s h" oJl d il l)' " p()ol nl ed FUNERAL DIRECTOR te nti on to ca rr y out t he Wis hes o f Hanls. M e mb ~ r <I re t ? r es pond nr,, 1 1JlIll l t rl l'Il u s " " m l n l. lrll lo l' o r o n e' of the 'co untry 's adopte d to 1'011 cu ll Wit!! qu ot at io ns fr o l1\ l;, ,' l'll4 lul to uf lel a lIf . 1-10 '1< elt 11\11' \\,," '1'1'11 ('oll nl ),. Oh io. ,It' ensell. c iti ze ns? Longfell o w. ' ''F or 20 years I t ook s oda for of nal WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ,1 I hls 7t h da r or Jalllln r y 30 Years Experienc~ in Fitting Whe re. for l hll t mll tter will you A number fr om he r e atte nded indi gestion li nd st oma ch gas. Then 1 !l!\H , \Y. 7.. nOl .T. and Making Glasses find a Prote ta nt o li ke oolidge . a th e f un e ra l of Mrs. RlIY Fo ley ut I t ri ed Adle rika . On e bottl e , .I ullg,· or Ih e Prohn l .. o \lrr, R omlln a t holic, like mi t h , and a W a yn esvill e a turdu y lllO rni ng. b r oug ht com pi te reJiel."-J'n o. B. - atWa ,.,. 11 Co unl y, Ohio. Fully. Equipped for Good Th e many fd e n ds o i Mrs. W. Hurdy. J e w . lik e R ose nw a ltl. working to.--Service. g th l! l' fo r th o co mm on welfare? ., . Allierika r e li e ves GA S and s our Th u t is typi cu l of Am e rica. t oo . • , W. oss um Will he pl ea ed to kn ow stomllc h in T E N minut es ! Acts on NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Display Room . Every Tueoday, Tburada),. onrad Hube rt. a live , was not t hut she r et~rn e d ho me. Saturd~y BOTH upp e r and lower bowel, reAmbulance Service Saturday e ve n Il nnm e t o th world at I/lrgll. fr o m a InClllnat\ h?sPltal wh e l e moving pois ons YOll never kne w E stat e of Vernon I. Creswell. No char,e for Examination o l1l'ad Hube rt dead has le ft II s he rec e ntly subnlltt~d .t o. an we r e th er e. Don't fool with m e di- d ecea sed . I'AY Oil NIGH' I m onul1l e nt m Or e e nduring than f or t he. cOl r~ctr on of cine whi ch clean s o nly PART of Notice is here by given that TI!:LEPHONE 7 brnss in th (l e xample his bequest IS gett lllg along th e bowels. but let Adte r ik n g ive Hannah E. Creswell haa been duly has s uppli ed of thc s pirit oC Amer_ nice ly. sto mach a nd bowe ls a REAL a ppointe d and q unlifiod as Admin- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ iea. MI'. and Mrs . Herber t Fite and cleaning nnd see how good you istra trix of th e Elltate of Vernon Jan e Ell e n o f Wa hin gtop C. H . feel l Ad a ms Drug Slore. ~h9~~sd~~~a~a6~. of Warren C ounty. ~~_ _- - - - - - - - - - H~NDERSON .- -- - - - - - -.we re S und ay g u ests o r 1'111'. and Dated this 28th day of DecemMrs, Frank Wilson. . I t MRS. KATE DEARDOFF NOTARY PUBLIC ber 1929. PUBLIC SALE BATHTUBS AND OTHER Mid-y ear e xamination s wel'e th e W. Z. Roll. .\ National Bank LUXURIES Remarka bl e , but true, Konj ola o rd e r o f t he d a y at s c hool this ,. Judge ot the Probale Court. February 13-Ch .. rlel Ki\>l ... --.-____ _ _ • seems at its best when pitted a- ·week. .. _ _ - - Will Drawn - Eatale. Settled J16 Warren County. Ohio February 17--Tiln " .."tlln --.-~- -a g ainst the stubbol'll cuses that Waynelville. Ohio Hll ve YO ll a b:lt h t ub in yo ur ha y e held on . Y,ea r after year, deI.EnA •• NO·.·I C F; PUPl-IC SALE We pay from $3 to $6 acho ? No thllt is n't Foo li sh Ques.! { all medICI!l ~~' l;\nd treatment& . me.. . " Th t Inc el . Take for Ins tance, the happy Th!! und e rsigned having decided 1'h01l11\8 M . :'Illll1l l1 ':Ho n. Ptr.l ntlrr, co rdi ng to contli t ion and t l':l11 to!'ul !bc l' U rnpst een.. ere~re pxperinc F!l of Mrs Kate Deardorff. t o di scontinu e furming, will s ell 1 ls nh !'1 1.l k lns G al ~:: 01 a I., fI!J1e n',11l1 0n hom es Ill . AmerIca I f ' L ' • th near Columbu s whll s ize of nnimal. Call us At WIthou t pa : l:t ul)s. a cco rding t o Lqe , !nuor· l · • . at public auction at his res idence p .. r 'nrlu nI S. t 'ns" No. H 2!) 1 /S tntistical Ahpt l'llc t of th e United sa ys, . . 3 miles Sou t hw est of Bellbrook, 6 SIII I,· or 0.1110. W It 'TI''' ('O UIll )', CO lli_ ' o ur expe n se. f; tllles, Onl y two ho uses' put ~ f "I. s ure am a slllcel'~ fl'l~nd of miles . W e, t of Spri ng Valley 6 l1'O n f lells COliI' I. th ree hllvc th em . A f!lw years ago ~ o llJoln . a,rte r ~hat thiS wonder' d 1( " ISlIbe l Ll1< lns o;" I P.~. 273:, Ol1 lRI'I" ml'1 ~s so ut h e a st 0 f e n t ervI'11 e an .. WaNh lnJ;rLon. D C.: Wltl Uk e n!j, /I S tim e goes. ll o l,o d y had bnth- I Lui med.lcme dldf!lr me, I WRS 2 mil es Nort h of Lytl e. on the Day I:~~ I:HI,\, :-{11·Ct' t. Whllll C'\' fl l<l g .. SI'" tulls. 'rhere was on e in th e White down WI t h rhellmatls m unalJ1e to t on nnd 'Vilmington pike, on FI ""cIN·o. ('allfo r nl11; (; co r ~p 1, 11< Fou'rteen Years of House wh e n Li nc1 1n wa, P r esidon t walk. and the ~Il~t I lloul4 get 11l 8. 1/11 " 1' l! k ' l AI)! ... 11 11 1"""n ' IH Wednelday. February 5, 1930 .. ~o, (·o. lIrul'IlllI : li n, \'e y 1,lItl " •. 76.0 uJ1d ""lIln P I '" idun t leveluncl liI'om all th e. medlj!.lIl!!s I trle tJ WIIS . t 10 '30 t h 'P I ~~I(lIe A ve n tl " !illli I.' r l\l!lllio ' 0. 0 1\\· B eg . EXPERIENCE ~lInmg a . u. m., e tromla : MaUd Ll kll"l :\,\ o llg. 113i _ -I"+-_ wantell, to have a tiocil '1 d o ne opt tn 1.01 1 l.! t l! :lP I'U y reliet, But wha~t""'H'~.fiI~/-~~ - - -Ilhw- - - r 1l0w III g p e r so nnl property : VIlli' :-{l.. K . I~<)~ ,," ~.· I &.•. Call'ror E F lI1t!mbers of Oo ngress (lll1A c dlfFe r.e nce when KonjQl1I was. Two head of H 01rses' 10 head 111 11 ; .J.·a n 1.lkh,,, 1. 1 \· l nl;'~ I O llfl. 1 ~ 1 7 PHON 8 J ap eeohes de noun lling tlt ~ bac! eX_ It o ~ ark. Just four bo~tleB, o f .Te rse ,v Ca . A , fl- . .f'\ .lt lq .. ~\" In,lIl1nll 11 0 " -HARVEYSBURG, OHIO Ilmple of luxul' v . whi oh the Presl- was able to w"lll a~ well as any .'. t'. lu ,' 51 head .of Hogs aS f'O n \\.1I1"" . '1fI \1 1. lin I! d .• ; Wln J 9 h 'ad ' of S hee p; Farmmg 1m_ h ' Ie '\ M "s~li, "tl ~lJ tt " ; l.ulu 1. lk lnli d nt wo uld ~e tl The fir st bath t rb one. KonJo}1I .11111 mMe than ~reo pl e l1l e nts ' FOI't\s oll 'Tractor; Hl\,t I C".~ II.hllry . ~~~ \\1 . !'In \'/lI" 'C . If'C.·I. with ti xl,d plumbing' WIl S instAlled 111 ft fr01l1 r~e"matI8m, It me . f 'I d I t f ' I :;",.. h Ii '"I. In 'l nna ; Pa lll \\' . I.. k ness. ec( . an a 0 (l In see - In " !l ll ~ I, {' ," su.•.Pt. [.0 " AIl ~"I .. ". In Cinclnnnti Ip85 thon 100 yeurs feel bettel' In every way. It I~ easy IUlleo us artl ~ l e8 ' ( ' ,,11 1'0 :-1111\ ; Mu ... · Ltkln s n.rn.wn 11 0" llgO and phy Ieillns d e no Ull eed the ~or nye to understand why Ko~­ . Seo big I>ili.- i tl r )JurticuliH8, ,' lrO Il I( AI·e ll ll,·. El kh a rt. 1I1 ,flll na : habit of bUlhlng 3 S h: j llriolls to J? la !s the "!ost.. talked of medl- "NOW ~AT IT'S COME. OI,.lT . RUSSELL ELLIOTT Fl oYfl .Io ckman , IlIgh"," d I\n ,t Hun · Waynesville, Ohio hellith. . cine III Am e nca. . • M.. t nI \' ol .. 1.0N AII g'.·lce. f',,!lrornl,, : THAT £DIS'QN Nij;Ve.R WENT R. C. Huin es. Au ctioneer. I·'ref t W. J ack l11H Il. 1l" V" r1~' 11 111 ", Tim es change lind luxuries Konj ola 18 sold In WayneSVIlle Hov Ing sold my f arm. I will se ll !:a ltrnr nl ,, : . (; "n:-c' \\' . ~l ll n l n ll: \ cw.: - - !£!!! multiply. T oday 15 milli on hOmOR at Ada,,:_ pru, Ihore •• and by ,,11 TO SCHOO /... '-T11E.Re'6' "LOT OP I tlnu pa h. !'O el'tltln ; 1.l nh I.. M \.\~t,, ~ -. • t "n. Il . I:' 9. " ox 2f;~ . Seatl\ . ,\ ,," h ,. have el ectric f1 utiron s, 7 JTlllIIQn t~e lelldlng drllgglats ill all towns sOts I\ROUNO I-iERE CI.AIMIN(i nt public nuctio n nt my farm on i n ~ I O I1 ; . ,\nl1l1 n e ll. 14 ~.6 'R "rr" l" 'TO Ge. aeNIUSeS-" tlIlV!! vaouum clellnel'8, 5 mllliQn tl1fougtlout tit III entire lIeCltion. th e Wa yn es ville and Le banon pike , i' ll·,· ,' !. 1-'1''' " Ic1111 . , .... ·'1n8y l\'IU'I " , 1':o ll' l\t,1 1i" 1I . 14 ~\l, lPIl Halo S trn.-t. 011 1'1'1111 1< lin. P'· nll . n yun ln : .10h tl 11dl. Friday, January 31, 1930 12:! fi ~ti t\ \~ '''.w . H,' tch {f·ptl r l . ' O tlSubscribe for The Miami Gazette n cginning at 11 o·clock. the 11I'~ 1 1\' \l I " .,,,\' 1,1 M . B pi!. 1\ mll"'t. ~ 0 2 Ct" h ....; H 111 J\ \"' 11 u e, n .. ll ~ul T,-.x n "' : f o llowing prope rty: 11 111 11 ~1. n e ll . "8 .,.1111 1'<11111) or f) ll \, lo Ten head of HOJrSes- 1 alll ~k M . B p ll . n mlnt'r t\oa ( 'utlnr HIli Av ,' l11al:o. 14 yea!'s o\d, w"l~ht 1"60U; n ce. 1).-.11 118. ~f:X"" ; 1':11r.l\bcth Hinc k l4'e r. IH Chp.!llnUI Slr ~e t. raised co,t thl ~ YI!81"; 1 puy ml\re l:unnll1 I-'rnnl\ \In . 'Pen 11& )' lV I\ nln : Margare t wtth !Jolt by ' side. lQ years old lJIaf'k \Ynll\ a r , 9 ;'3 ~Ik Str " et. weight '1400; 1 sorrel lUare, 1~ I.'r ll nk II n. P .. nn ll~· l v al1la ; Burton A, Hlac k . 1",., P\l 11\1' '1"" ., 1 Grov$ (' II),. years old, weight 14(10, to foal in I" cl1 '''II' I\'lI nll\ ; MM'), l l lll<lk DR\' ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN I~ April ; 1 grllY mare. 16 Yllars ultl, 5 f1~ \\' l\s t\ln g toll A\'e n" o: Point vour Cat tle. hogs, sheep and ealves weight 1400 t.o foal in April; 1 bfty II' n. hln I(' IOI1. (~!\ltlornll\ ; Margaret B II. e \(. 1\ mlnur. Apt. 1 8. 0057 EU ~ llll Norri8-Brock Co., live wire and mare, registered. wel~pt 1600 J 1 A\·~ nu o . PlUMbur". P ennsylvania: J. D. Martin of Richmond, VIl,. gray filly coming 3 Y(lars old. nn progressive flrm for the highest. ( 1 n e b c.' of\ Blaok. II. minor. Apt. P.ennsyIVJLnl~ 101' is the proud possesSOr o:f a ohec~ weight 1400; 1 black mare colt. 12. ~ o a, Eltelld (,"venue. Plttsbur&,. marke t prices nnd good service. for $200,00 paid him for an olq coming one year, ext ra IIU'ge; IIlao Pl\ nl1~)· I " nnla . w i I lake noti ce Ihal Union Slack Yard., Cinei.nnati, O. 'fh u m" " ~1. )\la nln",l on on th" 11th copper oent. The Numlsmatie Com. Ro.y al Wonde r. the Kings Company <lay of Decem ber, 19 29. ril ed hi . I) tl Reference: Ask first man you meet pany, Dept. 661, Fort Worth . horse. In fine ClondlHon; everybody t J. III til t il ... ('o lnllInn P t £l n s C Olt r\.. Texas, who pllrchased this penny \I II hi n "" II tv rill e o u n L)' 0 t W 1\ ,._ . J !!!!!!-"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!"!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!! knows him; 1 Mammoth Jack. com I'e n nnfl Sta te or OhI o. I\ga ln,.' i h,,11 p~.t, from 1\11', Martin, says there are ing 8 ytar!! old'; extra good oJJe In 1\1 ,.0\'" nall1ed ,lefpl1d nnl a " .... ott.numerbU8 old coins. bills and all respects. ~ I· S. hpln g- ens!) !'I o. H ~ l\t .. Uegll'1g IIl nl he I ~ I:h,' own ot' lu fe e .tmpl a stamps In c;lrculation for which One Jersey cow, 6 years old. one of nn umlt \' ltl ct;j I\HY l'(l~ l In th~ tolthey· will gladly pay big cash of the b est I eve r owned, due to lowlll l< ,l eKerll."", "\1>\ 1 P8 t kto.•. la - wit : TRADE JiJ HOME pre·JTllums. So that you will know [I'eshen in August; 1 Jersey heifer In t h\! 0" \1111), Of ,,' II!'"n and Slut" .. _ the value of old coIns and stamps. coming 2. to fresllEtn ' in August; ,\,,<>.w.nlihlp Wnyn e. l". \lIIIncl\lo ukno wn n'Rd or df'8 Cr lloe(1 ~~ and what to watch for in your Farm Im' plemen ts~8 farm w~ .. aofM 1'Vlll1l\> "' H; ","out <' Igllt.v (SO) I\c r l'~ c~ange, the Numismatic Company one, I new Iden manure 5prE\l\de r, ~ t It,nll, II In", :-Io rlll hall!' of !'l. W. .........~~~~~__~~~~~__~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _~~...r ..' u,lI't6r o r 8'l<' tion '3 8, T o wn 4. _ _ _______ _ Will s ~nd lor only 4et9 any reader Adrillnce binder, 1 I\dJl!llnee mow., l :nnlr" ~. ~ . n.. S. In Wllrren oll nty. , _________________.:...._ _ __ of thIS paper who writes them. a ing machi\IP. II-ft. cut, 1 rnter. hI . lind whlah III s llulll NI o n Ihe ;. lar~e. illust rated coin folder . 4e, na~iorial hay. teddel', ·1 tntel'n,,' l3e llh,'oo k Turllplk I\hout 1wo (tn ,l ol1 eC)lI,lr mile" NOI-th fr om t" ~ town scrlblllg some. of th es!! ",anted 11,,1.1 tlonal hay I'Uke. 1 !lide' qellvery Qt WII )· ,,,,,,v IJl I' In ,,,,ICI COllnty. a nd cle and th.e bIg propts to be mad~: rake, 1 Brown !!-row o'ultlvator, 1 known II' the "Bl8phnm Fnrm ." 'J'II 1)I' 1I~' e r of 81\1(1 I)etltlon Is lor Bettllf wrIte tl\em today for . thIS Davi(t Brlldley a.rowl'Oller harl'ow lli on . or . "Id r en . CHlltle : rh l~ t lar~e. folder so you can po~t YOUI1- and planttll" 1 "oos.l er corn drill, "Pll"L : , hlhilltr'e Inter".!. b s e t orr to .hIm se.lf ahd kno~ ,just: What ·to lo~k flat drl)p and fertIl :lzer. 'new bay hi llevernl.t y.: th a t pl n lnllff mn." " z;z ~ _..1 ;; for., Rem,e mller ·that· Mr, ' Martln.'lJ gr ppllng hay· fork, 1 set. of hnve 0. (l ecr ee cOi\(jrll1l11K' th e r 8D ~' ­ I!hl\i' II or lh e llll.·ll ee In 8ILi (\ knowing the value of bllt penny ·SO-ft. dou'b le ladders, t. power corn live r eo] e8~nt l" ns 8 t O\lt "n 11l1(l petimeant if difference of, $199. 99 to sheller, like ne~, 1 .eridga.te" tion. nnd fOI' SlI e h OI,II'lr Ilnd . tutti. r bim. Without knowing, )ts value .broadriast seeder, 2 set · .t .ope and r He.(. n:- .,- Is just, "qultlLb l e and See Earl¥~ for Your Sale··Datea. We ' Cu~ran':,,~ .. . . that 'penny might sHU. be in ch:cu- blocks, fanning mill, > full set of prop('r. , The Jle.rsone -Ilbove named will ·Satl.fart:loR or Charge Nothin~. lation, passIng tbro~gh the hands blacksmith tools, harnes8 for 8 taJcnol\ce thll t. ll\e:> llJ" parti es '. to of · tbousan(ls until someone llke horSes. ' • 8111d action, Rnd 'thl\t trll8l' '&r reMr. Marlin, ~bo knows old coins, Terms- 6 months with banka- (llIlred to antlw e r the u me on or before Lhe 1st. dllv of l\fI\ro h. 1930. recogDiz-ed its value. It pays to be ble note: . r or Judgment wll l" be taken again s t posted. Send 4e now for the ilIus• O. A. STROWN. th em. Pboae THOMAS M. MANlNO'l'ON. trl'ted eQin folder. You have noth- Carl Brown, Auct. . . Phoae No. 31" ...... M.. I . Pla.lntlff. ing to lOBe, l!verything to ,ain. GU\( Thompson, Clerk. ShaWhan & Brown. t.ebanon, Ohto, .......:..~_ _ _--...:.-------------------~..;,.~~ ,Lunch b7 Utica J,;ad1ea Aid.. 'A ttOI'l...·YS 'for PlalnUt~.



With a Its Accessories, such as Lumber, Fancy Shingles and all that goes with tbe Home Beauitfu. For an estimate on the same, call




W. H. Madden & Co.



Waynesvillp., Ohio


T k S da.lor Stom-

Dealers In everything connected with an upto-date Lumber Yard




ach for 20 Years

• Sight Specialist



Cary'sJewelry Shop

L. M.






Dead Stock Wanted


DR. L. B. HALL Veterinarian

Harveysburg F ertJ"I·Izer Company

Reliable Vaccination


Phone 76F4




Anthracite Coal w~

_Am~ hl~h',r~de. AnthrAqlte four ~ ..ood~r ,love, that we h'a vo had

h" v{'


$200.00 Paid for

One Copper Cent


in the



Peat Moss

The best absorbent known . for brooder house and chif;ke-, . ho~.e~. ..


W .


llle·' ' BlI.h.~I• .CO. .


F. ·T. Martin Jesse Staille.y Auctioneers u.

Centerville, 0,



New Burl.i ngton,O.·

Hyman's ·Great Jan1,lary Clearance Sale Now Going On Everything must be, sold regardless of cost . Now liS your opportunity to save 25 to 40 per ~ellt and m or e. All ne w a nd seasonable goods, ', such as Men's and Young Men's Suits and OVi .rcoats~ Pants, irts, ,U nderwear, Work Clothes, Dress and Work Shoes, Dry Goods, Rug.s,. Linoleum and Congoleum Rug s, DrapA!'y an J Wall Paper. Come and see us before buying else:where

. \




Waynesville, Ohio



T be H('a,.t of tbe Natio n 111 a B.owcr of Ice

LYTLE Pmnc is Mill !! r e nte l·tu incd se v (, I'al fl'it: ncl s to II bil' t hilu) pa rt y 1' '11 TU l'sdllY o f lust wel' k. r.l is ~ BCl I·thll Ril·1 of Farmin g t o n III. CII 111 l' I H ~ t w('e k to s pc nd t he l'C'nlllind"r of the wint r wit h Mi ~s Slit'll Row mun a n d wi ll nssist her wit. h tilt' rcvivn l t11 c('tin gR at Sprin g l", I'll II nd L yt 1('.

January Specials


Every Day Drug Needs at a Deep Saving to You During January

Mrs. Cla udc Lew is hns h ee n ill o f the past two wee ks.

:'''':~ I! t)',

like m ora l ~ . is a qucsti on of !;.ti :udc: there is no rul e o f un iv ~ rJ:i1 :tpplieat :o n.

o l e's ualityMeat alaes

!...!I.l k cs l'c:lTC is t he o ne uni versa l

. tll ldlvr u c c ~ u se he nC\'c r de ~ cr i bcs It;, hc roillc s. Ju lie t wa s fourtee n al' u IJ~:tutij u l : tlta t is all he says auo ut her looks . The Scandinavian <-a ll pic ture her as a w ajcstic blonde. the K aOi r as n coa l-b lack V en u,;. The Ju lie t o f th e Chi nes., nas ; !:Lll l ing ey es; to the Spalliard she mu s t ha ve th ~ ICIn g blac k las hes . oi th e co w-eyed Andalusia ll 11 oo r. I t is a fo r tun ate th ing for hu r.:a!\i ty t hat t. lstcs in bea ut y difTer. E ven th e mO\'ies ha \'c ,not been a ble to standardi ze: the feminine ideal.


All our heef c u t f rom y a rlin!! dry ' ferl ht\lly hee f steers. Ii onw dr !'~~(' d. W e invit .. yo u t o ,' (, tilt' quul ity a nd price

Stea k, chuck, Ib 28Y2c Steal" Loin. 1b


Club Steaks, lb Swiss Steak,lb C ut R, un d

fi lm

cho ice

33 Y2!= . 28 1 ~ C sho uld e r

Roast Chuck, Ib .24 Y2c Roast Ribs, lb . ~ . 27J-:lc B ored llnd Roil ed if wanted

Roast,. rump, Ib 251~ c BeefShort ~ i bs lb 22Y2 c

T hIS rcmarkdulc nigh t " g raph of t h<.' apito l sho\\ 5 llt ~ dl11'.IL rr~lIlcd ill tht slcu-cc\·tr Cll --t , hcs o f thc trces ill the Park ~fte r a r eten t hc~\'y storm in Wilshittgt oll. _ ..: _ _ _ _ _ ' POULTRY MEETINC AT


_ _ _


I, ul'~eon.

T he U. S. Aircr aft Carrier "Lexington" is tied Ui> at a pier in Puget So und, while he r clilgi nes are turning the d ynam os w hich generate el ectric curre nt fo r the cities of T acom a anrl Seattle. This is a good usC! io! a ship of war. It suggests 8 way 01 m"ki ng our Navy e:1m its

n e al' Waynesville mad e "-cq.. po. m ortem examinations of t h{' ! ; is .. Iso an illustration of what LEBANON A SUCCESS I ~evE'ra l b irds br o ught in. Wor ms, havpens. so:z:dimc. , ~ o water-po we:. F ine to Duke or Bdil t-: ~ r ul o:;;s and coccidios is we r e '1'a ':0111 '; :..,.,,: :,e.. l de g et their fou nd to he the chief diffi cu lt ies. n orn:: a1 .1Iun:<.,J:,,1 :'l.f1"ly of current Groun d Beef. l b . . . 20e I Me, 1'!,;. C. ~. Fergu. o!, an d ,J. Ge nerll l adoption of poul try e x- [rom 1t y ' lIo.c!~ctric V1",lt s wh ich the C. Neff. exte ns ion spccm h sl::< fro m I te n!'; ion project hns mcnnt a grad- cities own. T!lO l1 .. l!~ ... al dr ou ght in P li re rr !)sh Fl ef Ohio Agr' l. oll ege a s w~lI as uul incr se in egg pr odUction th e Nort hwi:> [ .ed uced the fl ow of FI :h hOl11o t1I' CSS l'c\ Pork ou n ty Agen t Cia s u nd loclli rluring t h ~ past ten yea rs . so t hat water and c ut ,dow n th e produ ct io n Fresh Callies , lb .16Y2 c poultryme n t h t'Ough out W ur ro n ov~ r $5 0,0.00 u tl dit io nal income is o f elec tricity. T he gr eat po wer Co un t y wh o atte nded t he two day bellllt recet\' ed ~ Y Wa r re n Count y compan ie; regard wate rpo wer as confo rence ut Lebano n p~ ul tr y m e n . . whic h s U.m co ul d be valuab le only as a.n auxil ary to Pork Steak, lb .. . . . 20c poult.ry Hotel lus t Priduy and Satun l N' '<lut ly 1tIc.~oa sed-if-ft1-c}t'e~I'ft-o'+",.,."....-n1= t s, whic re alreaJy gent'O e nth u sias tic in t he ir r epo r ts duce.r.. woult.1 tuke a dv a n tage of cratin g twice as mu c h cur re nt in Pork · Chops, lb . . . 30c we u to th e s uccess of t h e meeti ngs. t he In form':lt ton a n d he lps . o ff ered Amer ica as all th e waterpo wer put Ch,!ie C' eu s Hib (I I' L oin T h e o n fer e nce Roo m an d lu nc h_ hy the agncu ltura l exte ns ion ser- togethe r, ill most ca~es m ore chea ply. H am s, fresh, lb 23 }1c o n fac ilities at the H otel ad de d' vtce. to t.he p leasu re un d co mfort of th e ALUMINlJN Who le (, 1' half, . mall. lenn occas ion . T he la t est practical su gROBBERY AT FRANKLIN o Fresh Side, lb .... . 18c ~cstio n us gathered f rom t he suc The o mlllo ne st o f all metals, . W. Black . nia nng!!r of th e m orc :hfl l1 tw ice as co nl rno n ;!s 'iro n. c('ssf u-l po ul try fl ocks o f O hio as P·ork Sau sage lb. . 20c \V 11 a s fro m t he e xperim en t s ta- Ohio E lectri' t r act ion o tTice a t alum iniulII \\'a .~ a cu riosity at thc ti uns were outline d by Mr. Fer- F ranklin . was kn oc ked un co nscious A II f'!lrk 1'( a rly t ~1 ft·y. Clll CIlIlial of 18;6 and o nl y ea m ~ gUf,o n in h is vnrio us d isc uss ion s. bo und to II cha ir und his o Ric e rob _ int o gCll cra l cO lt1ln crci.t1 li St: whcn Spare Ribs, 2 Ibs . . 35c In add itio n to t hese ge n et'nl ta lks Led of $ 100 in ca. h carl y Mond ay th e harn essing. of !\iagara Fa ll s w hic h we r e illu stmted by t he ntOl'n ing- by two unma s ked bnndits l1Iadc th e elec tr ic furn ace cco. . 25c black board, t h . . s tute ~pcci ~t who made t he ir escape in a largc no mica l. 1\11 yed to ~i vc it s t r e n ~ th . Liver, 2 Ibs a lso uRe d e flu catlOnu l m otIo n I? tct_ sed n n. 1'. he ca l' Wli S lut e l' ide nti- its li ght w ~ i g ht lII a k.~s it more uscVI r:;: h d r('~sed V ea l ures fl'o m U. S. i?e pt. o f A ~ TI ~ltl·- 1 tied a s n muc h in c st le n in Mid - ful th an s ted in hundreds of lIppli t~ re a t .ti1\· _c pe r lo d ~,. a nd .s tmlla r l tl lutown Nl rli e r in t he m Ol'n in g cal io ns. Thl' l a rg c ~ t airplanes ;u e Hams, lb 23 !~ c ft ltH s t ri ps m co n nectIOn w tt h t wo I nn d \\'a' t hl' sam\! onc used by f our Im ilt of it. :-:Il)!:t l' CUl'od I (, th e r ta lks. Ol e n w ho he ld u p and robb ed the N ow a projec' is on toot te C:I !It (III fn~ h i(ln " d rl ickor y ~ m()ked Th e . rnai n e m p ha sis was . uJ1 ~ n I F irs t- Ma so n Ba nk a t Maso n luter aU1 0 mobile bodies itt o nc piece out sa l1ltu t lO n t h o r o u g ~ p.rcparallon m in t h e m or ning- . wh .. !~' (I t' hu ll' of aluminium. T ha t will still furTh e l'ohbery oec lu'ed a t a bout udv a nce !l 0 as to eh m mu te d tse'.lses r re d uce the . cost a nd weight of Bacon . . . . . . 21 ! ~ c and l.osses so f r c CJue nt ly. ex p ()r t ~ n - 7 o' c lock liS i\o1t-. Black wus a bo ut the motor ca rs. The li g hter the car, l" ' al' n tt e d. Old fushioned ce d. m poultry ~r o cl uc.t\O n. H Igh tcpopen t he offi ce for t he tiny . He the less gas, the less wear on tires. I I kl,f) I~" ~ n \ll ke (l. 2 lb. or inorc q ua ltt y : tock which WIll produce nn s wered II knoc k at t he locked Th~ tim e will come when a servicet~e I~ax lm um .nu m b er of e~~s wa s f l'o nt door nn rl wa s imm ed ia te ly able aut omo bile will sell for not Fresh Fish , lb . . . . . 25c hk ~w I · e. exp l ~ l ned . Tn add Ition to co nfr ont d by t wo unm llsk ed arm ~ more than $250, and r·un ·50 miles on D',llC, lc";' fi ll et.· their dl SCU: · t o n ~, Clu s a~l d F~r- ed m e n who st l'uck him on th e a gallon of gas. ~ u so n a lso J1rov l ~l ed ,?u ll~ tl n s .w I l~ hend . t'c nrleri n g hi m se nseless , Fresh Oysters }:o u~try. II ~ u s Jn g, Cu lli ng, .. Lound hil1l to n c hil iI' a nd he lpe d WAR SH 'Illtnl lo n In th e H atc h e l'Y, t he mse lves to $ 100 in t he officc Pi n t 35e Qu al't 70c "Conlr ol of In testin a l W o r ms." I sa f e. . TlJe only independent person, are F .. ~,} M· ilt. Fr c.h Cream , Fres h nn d nnother bu lleti n ~ ealing w it h. , T he CH I' wu ~ o b:e i'ved by se ve ral th ose who own land. The only "Pl?ultry f eed s lind I'lItlOn s," all 01 p c r ~o n ~ in t h e vic in ity of the t mc_ countries wh os e p eople care enough and Creame ry C, u ' Hry nutt- J. , 0 f!o marg a rine, \\' hlc~ ca n be sec ur ed fr ee by ad- (ion o-ffi ce but th ey wcre unnwnre abo ut them to hg ht for them are d ress mg a cn, r d t o ounty Agent of th e robbery a nd no a tte mp t was tho se made up largely of individual Chl<:'~ c , Cakes, Coffee. Class or calltn g at Fa r m B u r ea u m a de to f oll ow t he mac hifl(! . Black !andowners. Brea d, C r ac ke .. , When the common P ick l"., Mu sh, offiae . , WIl S l'elease d abo ut fifteen minutes peo ple WCl t peasa nts only th e landCo n cernmg the ~utu l'e o utl ook , later. Sher iff F ulk erth Wa s sum- o wning uo oi ~ s \\ ith th eir hi red so lHorse ra dish fO l' ! h ~ po u ltr y bUSin ess, Mr. Ne ff m on ed an d a n in vestigation be- di ers WCIII to war. sp eCIa list fr om th e Rura l Econom_ g un. 111 lII a llY states corporatl UII ' are C~lI UI, W e Deliver iea D e port m e nt g ave r ece nt fig ures ---- ~-~ --forbi dde n to own latld excc pt for to sh o w 4 p el' ce nt d ecrea se in th e Phone No. 66 t he ir OWII b".iness purposes. The number of old hens bu t 10 per AUTO COLLISION Gov ernment is trying by every poscen t in crease i n you ng sto ck ; 2 5 . SIble mfali U to get a U of the public PCI' ce nt de crease in storage eggs Mr s. Ipmm or BUlly of Lebanon lan ds into the handll of individual in 1D 28 a nd 21 'lc les5 than t he n ve wa~ brUi sed nbo u t t h e. a rms and " .\' lIe rs. That is the only safeguard yea rs av ernge; stornge of f r07.en ~' h n u l der s whe n t he mach ine driven fur tite nation's future . L:1nd is po ul t r y 45 % a b ove I D28 and 2!l o/c I~\' he t· h u ~ ban cl n nd one driven by th e o ne cOlllmod ity which is lima bove average. On t he d!'ma nd Ezru H e n ry of H arveysburg, col- ited in &u pp ly and unlimited in desi(le h e menti on ed the bu siness de_ I .ICled ne nr Le ba no n .Saturday even man ti . Soc..ner or later some other p l'e~si o n nnd so me unemployment mg . .;\fr. (lnd Mrs . Ba il y were re_ n:nie n will try to t:ake the land and lhe r elative ly low pr ice of I l ur m nj! fl 'ot11 a GI'a nge meeting away fr om us. If )N c own it aa pork pl'oducts, whi ch whe n we igh- ' at Hl1rv l' ys burg. The ir machin e indi vid ua ls we will 6.ght for it; if eel aga in , t th e abo\' (· ~ tati ~ lical S lip \\'11 , cOlupl et e ly d!'mo lished and it mos tly belongs to a few persons pli p , accounts f OI' th e r ece nt low t hnt o f MI'. lI e n l'~' ba rl y wrec ke d. of wealth we will let 1hem dl the pr ice of poultry. 1111'. Neff a s well - - - _ _ _ _ __ li ght illg and pay taxe:s ft' the new n ~ th e oth e r s peaker, also emp hasowners if the old OnteS are beaten. \j iz('d the imparlance of hi goh egg ACCIDENTS p r oduc ti n f or poultry profi ts. Mr. MEAT . H en ry Brownell of Washi ng bo n G re!'n county in Novembc r had C. H . with years o f experience in :j4 acc ld e nls. :r ime los. , 10 7 da ys. The food faddists have been 111J1I'kcti n ~ pou ltry une! egg s. poinpr(!aehing against the eating of le d o ttt that th e producc:m :, d i~ _ meat for many year!!. Except in u ·i!.>tl tol· and cons umer a r c ai l BOOMERANG /I : ertain ~pes of disc38ey intclllge:lt mutually depe n de nt u p on ea ch physicians tell their patients, to eat Mh e r . I J (: recoll llllendcd Lhat l he A , 'a!lroad l11"n Wll~ rea d y t o meat frcel". as n~.ture intended t~ey flll'ltler ~ (l nd Jl o u]tl'ym(' n s hould make ht !! ~ ~ tIIl l r un . Hi s wife in- should. Even In c;lses of high pr ofiu !'e a ll t h ey Clln, IIf the b('st :; tt' u o ~ed h llll to ~et h ' r some t UI'- blood - preSSll(e, • modern medical qUlll ily Jlo:;ib le , and sell whil e ill kl)Y errrrs to set. I n p H~s i ng t hl'o ugh practice is not to cut out mut but best oC co nditi o n an d to bes t a s mu ll to wn II . YO U'll A' co untry lad to ' count~ract it by the liberal drlnk" d va ntage pos ihle_ In so me ca ~es , ft p p roach d . t he e ng inee r and irig of the juice of· oranges or grapeli l' od u cer:; cun fi nd it m,S1st pr ofi - a _ked, "Do n' t yo u , wa nt t o buy fruit. table to dis tr ibute t heir eggs a nd so m e .b uz za rd eg gs ?" Stefansson, the Arctic explorer, s urpl u. p oultry direct t o th e · city Seell'!g an o pport Unity to playa lived for five years on, an exclusive co nsumers, at 'Dayton, Cin cinnat i jok ~ upon his wife, he gave the 'l ad' diet · of meat, as :he E~kim ll5 do, a nd other neurby co ns.u ming cen- a Olckle f or t h em. Abou t a month without ill effect s. ' T i,e Smit h ters, while others may find it more late r he asked hi!! wife ' S01md Eskimos, so Donr. I.1 ~ I:leIIdyantageous t o se ll ' lo~all y or to " ?ow are your turkeys -getting M itlan reports, cat onl.v I tlNIt ~ ".t! . Khip ea t to omm ission firms at a lo ng ?" ~at that raw, a s th ~y GO .lI nt kil O',' Pittsburg, New Y ork. B oston and "Oh, I d e('id~d it was g e t ting .10 W to tIIake a lire I . ot he r c it ies. ~oQ late f or t urkeys,. so I put' th em S ~ lIsi bl e pcop le ,\'i lll cnnt i l1 l1~ " Following M r. F e rgu so n's fin al l·n yo u)" lunch." cat ' wh:lt.c\' cr th ('" ea ll (1i~~. 1 ~Inll .Ir, lll k on ~ , nni lati n and , Disenses" a. rule will live jnt ,/!'H .lntl'llIll ll' "' ' a pou lt ry clinic wns he ld d u ring Wat ch yO'ur e xpi~atio n date on the h" ~~ thAn t h,,~ t, wfrp \\,n r,' ~ I'(l ul whiCh D r. L. B. Hall, Vl! t oril1lu-y. Miami Guze t t e. lileir d ic L.




Coyle's Meat Market



Mis F:di t h C ra m o f Lebanon was II wcoc k-e nd g'uest of Mi ~s EVil \Vhart o n. MI'. an cl Mr g. All en F. rn r ick, Mrs J. R. .Jon es find I'l l'S. C. E. ,Juhn !! SI>l' n l , jO'r icl ay in DuYto n. Ge nevlI Mile Rnut zal m r emain s quite poor ly , u nab le to a t t e nd :,choo!. A numbe r of men f"om t e nd (' d t he Tax lI1eet ing anon Monduy u ftcl'no on. i\l i s~ P ll ulineo Brown OVCI' nigh t guost Mo nd llY Il e len Enrly.

h ere at_ nt L e bwa g nn of Mi ss

MI'. an el 1\1 1' 5. C ha rl e!'; Gui t ne r o f nelll' M i n m i ~ hu r g were F ricl llY \' i5ito r1' of Mrs. Ke IeI' G ra ha m . i\l r . D(' nli nge r . a fo rm e r L ytle r eside n t , a t te nd ed t he chu rc h se r\·ice he re Su n day . He is n ow stl1 Ying Sit th e h ome o f Mr. und Mrs. R. . Hu nt. MI'. a nd Mrs. H e nr y F oulks II rjl r ecoveri ng a f ter a sev er e a t t a c k o f the g ri p. MI'. Ed d Longac r e, wh o ig w orkin g in Ci nc inn ati, . pe nt th e week_ c nd wi t h h ome f olks. Mr. Mur io n Gord on of H arve ysburg was a w"ek -encl g uest at th e ho me o f Mr. and Mrs . S . H. Bur-

~l et t.

MI' . an d Mrs. Clare nce S m il't1 a t'e on th e s ic k list. Al oe r t StaBY vi s ited his m oth e r. MI-s_ l\-h'lvi na : UlC)' in Day t o n lust wet'k_ S he is qu ite poorly a t th e ho me o f he r daug hte r Mrs . A. O . WiII !a m s. Qu it e n num ber of ladi es a t t e nd ed th e N utr iti o n and Aid mee tin g' at th e ho me of Mad a m s C. L. and Pa ul Duk e Illst Wedn e dav. Th e co ve re d di s h dinn e r nnd so cia l tim e wo re e njo yed by a ll present. Mr. a nd Mrs. Wnlte r K e nric k, Mrs. S_ H . B u ines a nd James Ha ines were ' e nto t'tui ned t o dinner S und a y at the h o me of Mr. and MI·s. ,J aco b Gabc lm a n in Dayto n . Fr ie nds he r e arc so rry t o learn th ut Mrs. Harold Taylor of n ear Ce nte rvill e , is in the Blair hospital a t Lebun on, and was o perate d on fo r ap pcndicits lust Sunday.

---_.. -

-.-- -

7fic Le nn cx Co uJ,{ h Syru p 'jOc R I' xa II Che t'l'v Bar k Co ug h ,yl'llP .

6ge 3ge 39C 26e.

50c Ri k er~ Wh it!' P iT'<' l nd Tu r ClImplluI ' d ;~ () c Hills Q uin ir.•' Tabl ts ;lUc Gr o vc ~ R t'o l1l o Qu in in e Tablets :15c Vic ks, !l In' (7fic 33e ; ize G!)c)


',O r

K l e m~n

T oo t h


ilh' Kl en zll

Muut h


Wn~ h


$ 1. 0(1 Lis t t' r in (' (IiO r ~ bw IHe)


$ 1.


n tt ~ k ll


PO\·.-dL' I·



3ge 23e

Ch;tlllhct'lllins '!lIn d Ln lill it 2fic Li, tt'l' ine T oot h Pa st., r,o·· ,' " IJ pcrn T oo th I'u ~ t<,

, 1 . (1,)


r tlcky

Tigl' r

lI a ir tun ic

5 1.2 5 Konjo lu To ni c S1.00 P e pto na' r o nic

41e 9Se

Candy Specials

$ 1.20 : y rup Pep. in (OD e s Ize 54c ) __

$1. • 0 8 .

$ 1. 10 Millers He rb Juice $ 1.50 A garo l at Sl .5 0 Pinkh a m s Compo und


$1.. 2 9 ~ Veg $1. 0 8 •

51.00 P u rtest M inera l iI .-


H el's hey Kiss pe r lb.


W rapped Crellm Curllmels. per lb.

3ge ~

Old F us hio n cd HOl'c houn d2 g e Dr ops pe r lb. F uncy Hard Fill ed Cu nd y. 2 lb. jil l'S


Mux ie Liquid Cr eam herri s, Ib. box


ADAMS The Sale Drul Store Phone 120

Waynesville, Ohio

The Best and Cheapest Insurance You Can.' Buy A Set of Nf.w, Sure Gripping GGodyears on lour Car

That automobile accidents are increas ing e ve rywh ere. Mos t autom o bile accidents arc 'caused by car eless driving. or due to the old duys when only horse-drawn vehicles used the public highways. Wh en horses were the motive power. there were few accidents. Of .course, traffic was light and There is quite a change trom the old da ys when few accidents. Of course, traffic was liihter and horses were intelligent animals, while today many of our reckles! automo bile driver!! seem to be s hort of the intelligence the horses had in the old days. ' - . Th e a utomobile is different; It is a thing that needs human guidance at all times, atjd when the driv er docs no t know how to man_ age it or doe s not know the, rules of t he road and is allowed to use the hig hways, accidents occur . Day by day we see, accidents ca u se d by carelessness that a lifetim e cannot repair. . Traffic laws are made to be ob ey ed. If they are obeyed there will be less accidents.

------- --

The banque t wa s a great success, And n ot u dr eary time and· glumThis 'add ed t o the happiness: Four of the speakers diet not come

Noticed thut y ou\' tires ~ lip­ Rkid- o n slick pa ve m e nt? Do n' t n th c hances of !le ri o u R accid e nt. on tr ends ub out li S saf e as ban nnll pc.cls. ,Tmde in your present tir eR for th e security' of ne w, s ure - gripping Goodyears with All-Weather T reads- sarest and best of all. Vulues beyond compare-b eca u se Goodyear enjoys lowest costs through a production by far the larges t in the Industry,

~fJ. iJ~Rfj"• • Double Eagle Also comple~e stock of Goodyears All-Weathers--Heavy Duty or Standards - and the matchless low_priced Pathfinders . . Here, to o !- More people ride Oh Goodyears Let u s demonstra te th e. 2 reUBnns why.

Gordon's Service Station

Late ' ClaSSified Ads·

,Phone . 41-

Waynea·ville; Ohio

FOR SALE ' FOR S ALE- 8 room house, elect.· . ricity and wl\ter, fixed for two families, priced low for: quick sale . New four room house with:. large lot on, corner close to school $12..00 • . W. N. Sears, Licensed BrOKer, Waynesville or 801' Harries Bldg. Dayto.~.

"Gunman'a Bluff ' the new..!eriaJ., begins in . , this ilaue of the G Izetle. Read It! '

, -,..'

Toilet Needs

Coughs and Colds



Eighty-Third Year



O HI O- A new CO LUMR U" rndi o sp 'u kl' I' will e nte rtllin th l' puuli' ove r W A I U, Co lumbus bl'mlllcll ~ tinl{ stati o n, eve r y Thu rsduy eVl'n in~ f ro m G:Hj t u (j:25 0' 'loc k, in th e pe l' ~() n of H(lIl ., II . E . C. H.owe, Ill l' nllJe r o f the Gen('ru l A ~sclllL l y fr o m Hllim es co unty nntl Sccrctury und Fi e ld M a n!l~cI' of Th e Ohio News pa per Assoc18ti un. The ahove tim e wil! be. se,~ ashlp as !I "New1!JJuJJer period and the tuknled yo ung leg is lntor wi ll no doubt detu il ma ny inte resting ('vcnt s . c~ p cc illlly of particu lar intl'rcst to t he me n und women of the ju urnali stic professiun.


, Whole Number 5893



B eCll use of the populu r nnUo nwid e reception of th e new Chcvl'o_ le t S ix at lower pri ces, the Chevro leL Motol' Company i ~ pt'epllrinB fur n volum e of bu sin ess in 1930 t hat pr o mi ~es to breu k all r cc urch of the co mpnny . Co nfid ence ove r the outlook for • banne r Chev t'olet yeur is wid espre ad in t he fuct o ry and deal!!\' orga nizatio n, This is the sta teme nt of Will C. S1. J oh n, loca l Chevrolet dealer, who ha s just retu r ned fr om Cinc innati wh ere he atte nd ed th e mumm olh 'hevro lct sa les meeting a no banquet. .,-

Civi l ~ Cl' v i cc exuminu tio ns will 1)(' hl Id on .I nnu ary 28, 2U , 30 and :! I , ul P orts mo uth, Co lumbus, Mar ie tta, Ca llip oli s. Steu~e~v ill e, Cunton, ZUIll'svil lc nnd ChIlli cot he ffl l' positi ons a li highway inspec tMr. lind Mrs. Maynard We ltz ors. h i~hwny s up eri nte nd ents .. n.sHistant [, Ill{in cers . laborer s 1IJ we re in Dayton Monday. chul'ge. brid~ e in sp t;c ~o r!'\ and G. II. E llis is very s ick al the tru ck driv l'rll. Th e pOSIt IO ns nv erIlj.!l· !ln lur ies lJaying $~.50. t u $7.~ home o f his son Cu rrington. Jll'r li e Ill . All eXa mll1atlOn s WIll We g ive Ce dar Stamps, Cary's lI c~ in prom ptl y at nine o'cloc k a. J eWe lry S hop, Leba non, Ohio, Ill. , local ti me. ---Mr. Olho Henderso n is in McTh e edu ca ti on al directo ry for th l! prese nt sc ho ol ye ul' hus bee n Clelllln hospitul f or t r eatment. cO ll1pil c.' t! uy t h ' stute ~tpartm e nt Mr. and Mrs. H , E . Stokes left of e du catio n. I t cont81ns names o ft he \I igh Sc hools of t he state Tu esdllY m orning for Fl orida. together with the ir exec utive offiMiss Cla ra Lil e s pe nt the week_ c erI', !l l ~o th e private and parochial Hig h Schoo ls. Th e Direc tory a lso end with her s ister at Washin gto n contnins the pe rso nne l of th e state C. H . d epartm en t a nd state ed ucntionlll Miss Dori s Fiala,of Dayton, was in stitution s. n roste r of the co unwee k_e no guest of Miss Doris ty. city. lind e)(e mpte~ village su- the pe rintende nts and assIstan ts, com- Haw ke. pl ete listing of vocatio nal h orne Expert walc h and Jewelry reeco nomics and ul?riculturnl schools pairing at Cary's J ewelry Shop, A li st of sc hools hav ing classes for Lebanon Ohio. blind, dea f and crippled is also give n . Mr. and Mrs. C. F . J oslen visite d Th e Ohio Pe nitentiary radio relatives in Cincinnati and Hamilbroa dcast ove r W A I U, of th is city, ton, last week. will go 0 11 t he nil' Tu esd.ay eve ning Th e W. M. C. Girls were hostesinstead of Mo nda y even tng at 7 :2 6 ses at a dance in the Gym last o'clock. Th noo n ba nd programs Sa turday night. from t he big in s titutio n. inleTs per seu with vocal a nd instrum e nand Mrs, He rman Surface ta l numoe rs. nre muk in g H hit und areMr.cozily settled in Dr. Mary proving very e nj oyab le to the ou k's bungalow. rndio a udience. Th e re will be th e usun l S unclny morning program s Saws fil ed by machinery. Cut o n the sec ond S unda y. of ellc h clean truer, fa st er . Roy Pigmonth, The I)Op ullltion of the tt, aer, t Madden's Lumber Yard. priso n is 4,733. Little ]\fiss Carleen Hough of Th e a nn ull i report of t he mem- Dayton , is the g uegt of her grandbers of t he tule T ax Commission nure n t.s Mr. and Mrs, Vern s hows sales of 95 1,000,000 gallons Ho ugh. of gnsoli ne f or the firRt, e leven months of 1929, earning a net Mrs. Maggie Burnet wh o has re ven ue fOI·the state in gasoline been slaying with relatives in tax of $3 1,5 32 ,8 49 .60. which will Ce nterville, has returned to her be used in t he improve me nt of ' hom e he re. , state highwn ys. Between January 1 IIno April 17 , I !l29, t he gasoline Our store is open every evening. tax \VII S three ce nt!! a gallon; after You and your fri e nds are always t hat the tax WLIS incrensed to f our we lcome. Ca ry's Jewelry . Shop, ce nt s pe l' ga ll on. It is es t.imated Lebanon . t hut lhe tax f or the curre nt year w ill produce revenues of $40,000,Mrs. Wm , Robin son who f c ll 0 00 . recently and ~prained her hip , is I ecovering. but is s till confined to Rec n Lurv o f State Clnr e nce J. her bed. Drown hus' ili SI I'eee.ived nn t!x tra ::;upply of 1',5 0U rosters 1'0 1' 1929When you need a gift for any I !J:JO . of fe duI •.t . ~ t!l t c und county occasion t hink of Cary's J e welry Qfli cers Bnd which also contains Sh op--"Th e H o me of Gifts." Lebvnluuble departl :le n tal information anon. Th ese rosters, a valuable nddition t o BIl ~ Iibrul'Y , have been in g reat 'fhe Loynl T emperance Legion de mand lind t he seco nd editi0n was ll ccessll ry. The roster of to wn ship will mAel. at. t he home of Mrs. G. a nd III un i<:ipal office for 1930_1931 D. Mills Friday evening after . will be r eudv for distributi on a- school. bout MIlY fil:st. They may be seMrs. Orvill e J. Gray is able to cured by calling at the office of Seer etn r'y Bl'own in the Stnte ue o ut afte r being confined to the hou 'c se veral day!! with. a very Housc or upon request by mail. so re throat.




A two story fram e dw elling nt occupi d Ly ,If;l lIl Wootl and hi.' nephl'w, Arthur WOOd, wns {'omplctely destroyed by fi r e early Th ursday morn in g'. Th e blaze \\'IllI tli ~ c IVI' r ed by fleighuot's at about R o'c lllck. The fl ames hat! !Juincd consid e ruhl" heaclway und all eff urts lo extinguish them \\'ere of no ava il. T he fire is believed to hav e be en caused by II defective flue . The p I'operty is owned by Sam Atk inson of Dny on .1nd it is s a id that th e l o~s is partiully co\'cred Lv ins uranct'. - Mr. W(IO U is a bluck : lllith at Dodds.


D o dd ~

WAYNE TOWNSHIP FARMERS' CLUB The W a yne Town ship Fa rm e rs' Cluh met wit h Mrs. Rebecca Furnas and famil y on la st Thursday. J an uary 9. There was a good at te ndan ce lind a ll pr e~e nt greatly e nj o yed t he day in thi s s pl ndid home. Th e program was of special interest. Prof. Me t zel . manager of the Mu se um o f Natura l History of Dayton. Oh io, wa s the prin ci pa l s peake r. hiking f or hi s subject, "Egy pt' and g iving a n insight into th e li fe o f th e Egyptians when their civili zation was at its height some 5000 yents ago, Mr, W . n, Lewis ga ve a ve ry intelligent discuss ion of the Pentacosta l A nnive rsary. The music guitar a nd harp furni shed by Mr. S . S. E llis never 'fails to delight. Th e ne x t meeting of the Clu b will be at .th e home of MI'. and Mrs. Omar Hollingswo rth ncar Or egonia.





LYTLE M. E. CHURCH Suntla v School at 2 :00 p. m. ~Il's. L(i nR'!l cre . Supe ri nte nd ent. I' rl'nchinj.( S"I vice at il :00 p. m. . 'el'mon tft pic "The ,Program of .Ie ' us", PI':1~' ''' r Meet ing Wedn esday {,V('ninK al 7 ::30, Will si ng'I S trv ttl alll' ntl Ihis meeting as \\'e ti t:(' gel ting mu sic ready for ~ IH' mcdings li, beg in F ebruary 9. I' oll o\\'inl(' prny er meeting will be l'urhcrs traini ng clnRM, T he p a~ tor is utten ding the Pentacostal Ct! n-=--,:.- '.;:..,:; te nnial th is \\,<'{·k at Culum bus. Let lis prily t hnt t hi ~ will mea n a s'p iriMrs, J o hn Simpso n !lnt! fami ly lila l blc:sin g to thc church ulllverhave moved t o Leban on. sal. Sara A. Bowman, Pastor 'ol11e to the Gaz etle offic e and Ict u~ print you \' sl1 le bills. VAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Mi.~s J essie Clarke vi sited Th e specia l se rvices n ow in fri ends in Dayton last week. 1,I·Oj.!I·ess llt t h ' Method ist church a rc being \vell attend ed . Dr. F. W. The co ndition of A. B. hane r Stanlt.' Il , eva.ngeli st, i.s milkin g a i:; reported to be some beticI'. . L( ood Impr c~. ron, a nd IS free from ~ Iap·trap methods. One o! th.e Miss Anna Lee Cra ne fell , Su n. ,;trong featur es of t he meetmg IS d ny, li nd sprain ed her ank le . the introdu ction of t he Pocket Testam e nt League. Dr, Stanton Howard Archdeacon wa ~ n bu si- ~ i v c s away .'o me T estam ents to n ess vi: il or in Xenia Tu esday. iJllY s nn rl g irl s each n ight. The c hor us c hoir is rende ring fine We give Cedar Sta mps, Cary's music. Wednesda y night is desigJ ewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio . nuted as "Fam il y Night," a nd a Ii ne New Test ame nt will be pres en Mrs. Carl Frye and MI', Gle nn tt'd to the fathe r hav ing the largest Frye were Xen iu visitors Monday. fam ily present. Thursday night will be Young P eo pl e's Night," Don J ohn has accepted a po- when the evange list's s ubj ect will s ition at the Adnm s Drug Store. h. "The God P lanned Lif e." All you ng peo ple of t he community MI'. and Mrs. L. H. Gordon we re are in vited. Friday night will be bu siness visitors in Dayton Mon day,



Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hend erso n vis ited Oth o He nd erso n at McClellan h ospita l S unday .

~~' a B~ ik1h~~titia:tPF;i~:~


FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Rib l Schoo l at U:30 a. m. LOl'd's Supper a nd se rmon at 10 :30. Sel'mo n : ubj ect . "Be Ye Imi ta tors ...· Good specia l mLl 8~c You a re a lways welcome ·at th IS church. Chester A. Williamso n, M ini ster

JuJ;: retu rned 29 ind ictment!! coveri nll' - -- a wid e vari ·ty of coses. Seve n \ A h . . II h' b o a I cases were ignore r! by the jury, 67 n on,?~ I~l. , a ~. ,. _ c n , m le \ Witne s. es we re e.amined by th e up .tor th.I,~ .. 1.)( \\ ~~k. . te.l m, ? f ju r y during the t hree du y sess ion p.uptl s I11llkll1g ull A s 111 eX!lmJll<I- commen ci ng J nl1uary 6. l l~m; a~ we ll a s : h ~~e l11uk~~ g all Ca d Kon in g was indicte d on A !\ durin g t he last . IX wee ks. . t hr ee cou nts, He wus cha rged with Presh mcn-D~an Ha wke, SI X th e th eft of ti res a nd hogs a nd wcell term, . a lso hau a petit la rc e ny charge ~~p h u ~lOr es-- Ve nJ enll Fox, SIX ! UVilil1st him. . ' Wel k tel m. '. . Three bill s were also returne d Ronuld . Ihl!·c! In , . SIX wc ek t erm apains t H ~lrler McIn tyre. McInnnd exam inatIOns: . I '. yr c was chnrge d with th eft in con Sel11o r ~ - Eva W~arto n, SIX , nection wi th gnrage robbe ri es !It weeks t e l:111 and exn mlnll li on. . : Mon ow a nd Muson last month. Cat herrne Bran str.a trl~, S I )( On s im ilar cha rges Eve r ett Fry e W(!C K S t ~ rm a nd enulI!' lIlatlo n . was indi cted on f our cou nts. Lola ea rs, e xam lllatl ~n s . , Paul Gardner was in d icted on a Th elma .St. .Jlohn" eXamin at Io ns, charge of car r ying conc ea led Irm a Rl ' h . .<'xo l1llnalt <? ns. . wea pons anit on anothe r charge in l\Iuyn ll rd RI ch, ,t·xamll1utlons. co nnection with t he theft of ,poul-,

" Tim e ly" bU I'gu ins f or "Wa tchful" buyers a t Cary's J ewe lry S hop Lebanon. Mr. a nu Mrs. Forrest Ho ugh of Da yton, nr e an noun c ing the birth of a so n Monday, J anual'y 20. Closing out three patte rn s of Si lve rware al hal f pric e. Cary 's Jewelry Shop, Leba non, Ohio. Messrs. L. C. St. J ohn and \V. E. Stroud attended a busketbull !rome at th e Co li seum in Dayton Tuesday night. Mr and Mrs. Ro nald Hawke a nd ~o n F'runk of Ro~te 1, a re spend109 th e we e~ \\ lt ~ . Mrs. Laura Mosher a nd son H ,\I r15,

In company wi t h · II' . .an~1 Mr~. 1 In accorde-;;;(' with t he la w tha t t ry ~eal' M o!r~w i.n O~t.ob ~r.' one h Oll r of each school year be , Ol ya nt Wtlh a l1,!~ wa.s rn dlcted on C hU B. I". Mos her ~ f .C ln cll1 n~t l , 1 g ive n over to a te mpe ranc e pro- a cha rg<: of ha vrng sold a slolen 1I'1l'S, Edith 1101. H arr l ~ IS spcndmg g ra m, all r)Ull il s at t he Hi"h chool auto ~~ob ll e. . the week in N~ w York City. Rev. Frank W . Stanton " ElrJah Ga bbard, Franklin, was , . h f . h ' h th b uildhl g lIsse mble d in the gym . . d ' d Friday aft ern oo n at 2 :30. In Icte o n a c u rge 0 ca rrYIng You' ll be pl ease d with t hat Par- "Fell owship N.lg t.,' w en e ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED De votio na ls were given by Rev. cunceul ed wel1po ns. ke l' Vu o fold Pen or Desk Se t fro m memb ers of ot her churches are All of the above n~ en ar e undel' Cary's J ewelry Shop . Lebnl1on . to nlinll y inviled to att,e nd t h.e serDib ert. Song~. "America t he Bea uAl' in te l'csting ~ocinl event tif ul" lind "Onward Christian arresf und II r~ held In custod y at vice. The ~e rm o n su bject WIll be, of the past week was the bridge- oldiers" were ~ lIn g by t he Il~se m - lil " pre!;e nt t lln e. Earl Eva ns , who ha been at "H ow About J e~lI s Christ?" T~ere supper given Saturday afternoon blv. , a nd "Speed Our Rep ab lic" . D~ fc ~ du n ts nUlll ed In the follow Mi nmi Valley hosp ital for treat- I wi ll be no ~e rvl ce Sa t urday mght by Misses Albert ami Marjol'le b hid 109 rnd lc men ts or c at the present t' ecover ing and relurned I bu t the re Will be an 0 \1 day meet. L b was sung y t e a( van c > choru s. t ' t lib 't d I' bond ' I to me n IS r . S I S d hId Bangham at t he ir h.ome tn e. A very in t,eres ti n talk was 111'1. e ~ . et y .un e, ' . ' his ho l e in Corwi n Frid ay . I rn g o n , un f ~lY. u.n ay 8C 00 .an anon. They were asslsted by MISS iv MI' FTan: A nclel'~o n PCl rest Cur.ter rndlc!ed ~or I church ser vIce WIll ~e .combtned Re becca Ban g ham and Mrs. Curl 1 gr en LbYb' . , '/!'rund larceny rn conn ectI on WIth Mr a nti Mrs Harve y Bu rn ett of in the morni ng', begrnntng at 9Ban <> ham r~11 . nn O:1.. theT lhe . h C" llt·e·rvl·ll e Il I'ld' 0 1'. and ' M · I'S• H • l :lO with ' und ay school period, This " . ,·.XI' IT ~'es con 'I. S t'II1g 0 f q uot J ftL of k a. saxo I' t phone I >,' . . ' Tw~nty-s ix guests were pres~nt tio,;s · frOl;; ' \\' eli -known athletes :.'. n I' IIlt .IC N. on a c !l rye E. I! ut haway Rll cnt Sunday with ', will .be f? lI()w~d WIt h n short aft~r f tncludlllA' a numbe r of sorol'lty 1·' I .t t 11 ' f th' of ISS~ lIl g c h e~ kf< wItho ut. un( 5 . MI' IIno Mrs. Franci s Ros nngl e o f, se rVice, 111 whIc h Dr. Stanton WIll sisters of the ho~tesses. a ~j( s HII ,passnR'~s ('. . In!! 0 .c i Or vill e :lrOIT1S, charged WIt h ca l' . ... b . Kive an ilI\1 ~ trated talk on "Jesus At t he conclusion of t he bridge , h:-tlmful d~ee tR. 0 ryalc ott cs, ~v:l e r ying cn nce!lhl weapo ns. , I ::i PIIOg' 0 1 0. Fir8t." Thl'rl' will be a baptismal Mrs. Frank Michael; of Wash ing- J.:'I V~1l by pUJ:l~ls 10 . th e SIx th, Gu ~ B rand~nburg.' c h arge~ With M ' . W C. St . J oh n and dnug'h- ~ervi c(' and receptinn of members. WA YNE TOWNSHIP MAN Myer Hyman and family were ton C. H ., wa s pre sented first prize "e ven th nn(l e ll, hth glad es, brea kIng ,HnrlV~'ll lel'ln R'. . I·a llrolld I tf'l~ ~use ~u'r y e nt ertaine d at s ix Dinn{' l' will b ~ e rv l'd at. the church . g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Saul Hur- in the form of a bride's bouquet 'l'u ('sda y II1Ul'nin~-Dr. Stanton. cal' at UnIo n I age WIt IIltent to o' cluc k dinn e'r Mo nd ay even in g, At 2 :00 u'doc k t he re WIll b~ a one RE. ELECTED PRESIDENT wich of Lebanon. at six o'clock fashio!"ed with tu!1e, in the cen.ter wh o is n ow pl'e llchin g at t he ~t eHI. . . I' t. .J .t CI Mi sses Co rrin I' Robbins , Alic e ho nr se r vice. Th e ~va n~~hst will , dinner Thursday eve.ning. of whIch wa. a tillY note bearlllg M .t horiist church. talke d to t he Th l ce In ( Ictmc n a~al s I'" 1' - Ca mpbe ll and Fl ore nce Bobb. .·pea l' up on t he subj ect, The Old Charles T. E11is us president of the words Miss Alberta Bangham . enc e Fryer churged WIt h ~teu In g 1 ' Rlljl,'j.(cd Cross. " A male quartette the Warren County Farm Bureau, For b r st results consign your and Herbe'rt Buerkle, F ebruary 16. Hig h :choo l p upil s on "Getting h n!~s a"'!l· abm: coa l h om th e , YO lII' W'lfe 01' Sweetheart would will ~i ng. Epworth L eague at . k G E b C th e Right Stu r t, " He gave a P I R I d C any · . and 0. L. Augsperger, a9 vlce- ive stoc to reen- m ry 0., Many felicitation s were showered tl hI int e reRt ing as well Il S ennsy ",ama III roo amp app recinte a beautiful 35 piece set (j : 15. C los1I1g se rvI. ce o.f t h e series president, and an address by L. Cincinnati, in care of D. R. SaliS- Ithe brlde elect, who is popular . ~ O[?uUc~i y tulk ii e i~vi tf' d Hi~h at r'lnl!enH'~' d ' h of di shes f rom Cary's Jewelry a t 7 :00 o'clock, when Dr. Stanton B. Pnlmer, president of the Ohio ,I bury. . among the younger s e t . . ~kil ~ol P~~i1s t e>' thl! spec ial service ' Jai k SIn 0ns, .charge WIt Sh op; L ebanon, Ohio . All pattern s ~v ill speak , up o~ the theme, Farm Bureau, featured' the annual Each guest was later gIven a f 11 Th d i ht s tea l ng pou try. . . I open st ock 'Ama ZIng Grace.' The pastor, all day meeting of the eounty or- I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hurley varl-colored corsage designed with or young peop e urs ay n g . I F Ol lr se cret bIlls wer~ also r e' Rev. G. C. Dibert, cordially Inl7anization held at the Lebanon and family of New Burlington, a dainty handkerchief, after which There i. -;- poster contest on t urned by. :h e gran~ J'drYb' le- ; MI'. a n d Ml's. B. S. Howell have vites t he public to all of these Grange Hall on Saturday. . spent Sunday at the home of Mr. the supper course was served . b' .ct exhibition fen dants wII b e arralgn e e ore r eturned to t he ir h om e in Port sel'vi ces. The meeting was opened by the and Mrs. Jos. Davis and family. Miss Bangh~m, who is the eldest ~~n~~~ra:r:leleS\~?ldi~ ~n It is open Judg~ DfCh~':lb Wednesday William fr('m Hurt'icane, Ala., G. C. Dibert, ~~stor. president, Mr. Ellis. Reports. of daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Carl t o t'h e public this ·week. morlll~g 0 ~ ~s _w:e _ ' . __ call1~d by the ser io us illne ss. of th e The monthly meeting of the L. Bangham, has been employed. us ____ la t ter's brother, of ClarksV Ill e , Se cretary C. C. Meloy, Mrs. HIIlIST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH ker l home demonstration agent, L. W . class of the Church of Christ music In structor at Crook SVIlle, W '11 B Ie E 1931 L1C"NSE PLATES ana Miss Ruth Radford, assistant was held at the home of Miss Mr. Buerkle, fOl'merly of Akron, is ayn"'V, ,e rea, ven _ ~ Dr. Rud olph- Eye sight S pecialSummer schedule-1st, Srd and demonstration agent, followed. Martha Cook Tuesday evening. in charge of the Waynesville Ford The bas ketb mll teams of W. H. . . ist . Here Tuesday, Thursday and 5th Sunday, Mass at 8 :00 a . m.; The service manager's report Motor Company. S. playe d two I~ame s on both Fri_ Ohi o's 1931 lice nse plates WIll Sa t urda y. F r e e , examination 2nd and 4th Sunday, Mass at !lhowed u substanti!ll increase In Several teachers and High • _.. day und Saturday nig hts of la st have a pe ar.} g ra y bac.k ground a~d Cary's Jew elry S hop, Leba non , 9 :30: Farm Bureau servIce work and School pupils will go to Dayton toweel<. I bl ac k lette l'lng accordmg to Sec I eRev. Lawrence B . Mollmann, was giyen by Lee ~. E~rnhart. night to see the Ben Greet Players INJUNCTION DISMISSED Friday night the tw~nty t~ry of St.a t!,! Clare nce J. Brow n· 1 Mr. nnd ~hs. Ra lJ?h Th omp son MUSIC by S. S. EllIS, ot Waynes- in "Humlet," at Memorial Hall. mcn of the tea m were dI VIded mt o 11 est ~ Itf \,m Il U . ~namels for both , and da ug- hlp!' Blll'bfl l'la of Clark sville , was the opening feature on In a broad and sweeping decis- A and D ~quads . Squad A wcnt t o : shade unr! e l llstl~l ty w!1I b ~ con - t vi ll e, and Mr, AIf!'ed Sta tes of WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST t he afternoon program. He was Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hender- ion announced Thursday morninj!; X enia a nd played t he tClI m of the ducted a~ t~e OhIO P enlt en tlU l:Y. I Vi lla rI' Chape l, s pcnt , unday wilh . followed by County Agent Charles Ron al}d Mrs. atho Henderson were in which the entire question of O.S.&S.O. Hom e. Wayn esville won I Com mISSIoner. of Mot ? r Vehlcl l's MI'. and Mn\. Lon Titu s a nd fam . Bib le School a t 9 :30 a. F. Clnss who gave a report of his in Xenia Saturday and visited Mr. the tuberculin testing of cattle is by a sco re o f ~!O to n, I Chalmers R. WIIs.o n ~a ld t hat the ily. (..orr!'$ Suppe l' at conclusion. work for the current year. Otho Henderson at McClellan considered at length. Judge W. D. Sqund B r emained at home and ne w co loI' c ombll.lIl tlon was seEve n ing eva ngelistic service at D. E. Dunham commended all hospital. Jones of the Miami county com- played Ha rveys bu rg. Wayn e~ville , l ~c~ e ~ . be.causc of It: contrast and 7 :30 p . m. Se l'mon sIIbjeet, "The Have YOUI' wa tc h Ilnd clock re- Secret of Power." Good special ten-year members · of the ,W arren mon pleas court at Troy, dissolved lost bv a score of 1 4 to 9 after a V I ~ ILrll t.y. . County Furm Burl1au for their rec Local tobacco raisers have been the injunction against the for- fa st a'nd rou g h g ame . Th e pl!lte~ WIll b.e ma.nufac tut'~ d pa ired, old wedding r ings. model'll- mu sic. Church · Night Program ord of service to the organization in Kentucky several days trying to cible testing of cattle in that Th e A squllcl had little trouble at t.he OhIO Pelllte ry as 111 iz ed yo ur diamonds put In a n ew each Wedn lisday~ at 7 :30 p. m. moJnt ing. jewelry repaire d lik e Don't mi ss this' special se rvice. and presented them . with ten-year dispose of their burley 10baeco. county and dismIssed the action in def ent in g Xe nia a nd pla yed a pr e vIOus l'ears. new, sil vc'rware replated and The church wh ere .y ? U feel at service pins on behalf , of the The crop is extensive thIS year brought by seyeral farmers seek- g ood all-around game. . beads r estrung at Cary's Jewelry h om e. . ' . • and is slow in moving. Fair prices Ing to , stop t he testing in that . Walla ce led the Waynes ville county farm bureau. , ., Shop Le banon. . Those prQsent to receive are prevailing. county. s cor e rs ' in squad A with scven Chester A. Wj\liam~~, , iiter W . C. T. U. MEETlNG . '\ r ecognition from Wayne Township . . It is eXp'ected that state v et er- poin ts, Mr, and Mrs . Edward Hartsock were: . Curl Duke, Earnest Butter"Yourex Silverseal" Silverware. innri\lns Will be sent into the coun_ Turn el' was hig h point man in ST. MARYS CHUR .. . A meeting of t he Woman' s of Spring Valley. Mt' •. Harvey Rye worth, M. A. Cornell. C. T. Ellis', .is .the best. Compare it wit~ other ty at once with the plan of co'mplet the B squa d scorin g four points. ~anuary 26, Third, S~n'da~ 'aft~r; . S. S. Ellis, Davitt Furnas[ Law- m~kes before starting y~ur. patt~rn ing the test as .soon as possible.. . The baske t ball scores will be Christian · Tempera nce Uni on will and dau~hte r Charlo tte, Mr_' and be 'h eld 'at the home of Mrs. , Al- II1rs. Clurence Rye and family . Eplp~any, Churc.ti ,s chool n.P 9 :811: . . rence Furnas J, L. Mendenhall and see for yourself ttl! IIterllng At· the heartng of, the Miami io'u nd on page 4. bright Tuesday af tertloon, Jan- were Sunday guestlj o'f Mr. and Mornmg Prayet and sennonat ·C. ok Michene'r, R. M. Hawke, and qualities. ,Cary's Jewelry Shop 'Leb county case several .weeks ag~, C. uary 28. 10 :30. , " Mrs. ehas. Rye. ·John Shultz, . . anon, ' . F, Class •. Warrell; county agrlcul. ~-, . Rev. J. i!: Schae'er, ~ector., ~ ~'::'::";:':":"'-. - . ' .. tural agent,_J. A, Cowan, Ernest' , . ~, Seren Williamson, wbo lives ~ :-.e -.L........ .' , . . . Ip celebration of -the birth!1ay. Hartsock, Dr. t. ~. Hall an4 H. R, A 'WORD OF THANKS . BUYS RESTAURANT MOTHER SERIOUSLY INJUR~. anniversary of Mrs. Julia Donovan Harris, all of ·1.l)ls county, were _ _ __ on tbe Vandervort fa.r,!,! R .R. 2, . IS RECOV!.:RIN" ,. "' . '. • " ,Ml'.. and Mis.' M. D. , Bnira enteJ:- present. Mr. ·Cowan and. Mr. ~ar.tWe wish in. thi s .way t!J tpank Maynard Weltz bas purchalled ,w as pleasantly s urprlsea Monday Dr. L. B. Hall receIved a mes- tained last Thursday with a lIump- sOl!k were . called upon to testify. all of our nellit.h bors and frIends the Burton restaurant .and cbn- n'i ght.'when. the l!eig~bors ~£Isem- . · Mr~. Rarv ·y RYe who was sage ' Sunday ev~ning stating that ·tuous dinner. Besides the honor A decision In a sfmilar 'suit en- !o~ t heir quick respon~e' ana help fectional'y and will take possession b!e-d ~t his. hOIl\~,1n CEebratlOn of , serious ly sick at the bq~e qf . . , Jlti mo!ber bad been ~erlously in- uest· there were prt\sent Mrs. ,Jaue tered in ~he Warren c.~unty courts · in e x'Un'gui hilrt~ the fire W~ic.1h Februar.y 1. • _ • ' hiS b1}'thday .arl:mver ry. C~rdll Buat in Dayton t}Yo weeb " jured In an , autOmobile ~cci~en~ l ~rlght, Mrs. Elizabeth Baily. Mt" early In Decembt;r 1S expected t l)reatened t o destroy our house _ _ an~ af:imptuou!l "efre ents werCl is ~duaJlY' getting be.ttet ... and was lying unconlldous tn • Fred Devitt, Mr. a'n d Mrs. O. R. January ~O, accordtng to Judge C. Mondo'y . ' eNoyed . .Among the guests thought s he will be able to • .hospltal at Ironton, Ohio •. Dr. Hall Unglesby. B. Dechant, Walter and Family Subscl'ibe for IThe Miami GUeUe MrII, C. Cadwal1ader of NOl\wood. t,!lrn to her home In a lew dQ.. left immediately for Ironton.
























llElilS :f!L EANED. I~ VW IJ

' .~ "Where Savings Are S a. -

I ~I};~' A:"~) I~~~, ~~~e!~=~I~~~:~I~tl>~~ duccd In co urt a nd admitted to .


probate . R ub r t J.

hawhan a c-

cIwnti ptodI' the t m ·tJ ohn liS W xeculor. '0 qulred. . Bratto!), W illiam I r win und EJ be r t I ro n s ____ IV 'r mlld(' IIpprai, e r e. Pearl M. Ru. ell. xecutrix . of New S u ih lh e tate of Fred L. Hu ~e ll , cI \\ ill i:l m Ed\\urd Bill i r lind Rob- ct'as d, filt'd her fir t and final oc· ( ' Il .\1 ill ' r Hl:lir I'el'~\l:l e r trll~e count. r' •. "lid, \'. f .. r r 'con;> ry of $:lO~ .00 In rO ur!!e \\ . n oo k ~Ied h iS IIppL!· I"I"~ . a n I o~ t ~ . ea ion for th' apPoln l.m n t of a HAPTER II . flll ll' l' Hh () adl '~ I'(' LUS Charl l:'~ j!uardial1 \Jf :'lllry E. Ll tle l, a n 1.11. ·'.>711e in whde I \lU '; lI'uilinj! in the I illl thtl \\ as "\"1 lou,lt. UIl' II hil(' ~ rl!et out sid (, ." i! ',. \'IIIP!y .. " i~ 111~ l:trl. If Lt.ut T, I r\ . f, I' llI on l~ y on ly. Amount It'gcd in co mpfilcnt. . HM o name was f o r~ d to it. I did ~,uke nodd ed cur I),. ,. _.' dH'ck \\ a~ f, lI.. l r y it Inl ~ h t ~cl f'lJlilll ,:d , . I.:WO w ith interes fr ll ll1 l ),n the ca;e of MUTI on R. Mulil -:.· "I '\t' ll'.I'''' r '_'::. I\I:! . lind " ,."t;l. furd H' r u. 1\ .Wltt P . Mulford, et lI u t gJ "II ~ R :It 1\ ch ", k f r that "D Mr. Dan k un h ':'1 111"1' .,.. 11 , he "',II t! . lh, IoIIL'l'ul>ed .. . :t loa I naill " ,.I' , I btl1 1 •• th t nt I have bel' n mnking in' l 0 y o'"! n ow 1m.' \\ I I , mll" l' It '1'1'." ell ' J U' n,' 1/ I .. \\. { '''ai ' ' .. "" li'lui duting "I th commi ,< '1("H' r s rep ort ' u H nm{'i · ' I fi~ld thllt he was headly Th e- ~'I :.rrow . nlll ·d. pllil In :1 v ,.. t.o i 1 111:1 11 'or ' Ult, I' in~ :Ij!(.nt o f W ar n ' I,! :\ution:ll Ballk. l ll1l' 1'1':11. e~llIle. c uul d.n. t be pr op. 9InuI·rolcl·~~ 1 ,' n a (I re lict West AIri· "A s on(' k ':! uw, Ihe ~,ortl Mlly,) r "1' 11 t(·I1· 1,,111 IIII' till h. ,\11' ... I' F,.lI1kli,: . \\ 'r' U" I. Ill' II " j)" lIrth. H ly lll\"ldt:d with u!' In jury ~ th~ 'Uld· mini ng s yndicate, I I m . I~Ul11lII l' . ..'1, ,',,1,1'. ''' '1', I 1; .111 thaI lll:tll ' , lin"l'r an go m os ~ -:- f Iu m u (Istan.:... ~ II. S . 110 : I h . Ad " P('II/Ih. Fl' denl I I'll Iue. lit' un· un R . an(I H e WI tt I·' . (,( the gha r ... ~ of wh'ieh you buught ' ut! n(!v(' ~' find m(' hUIj!1n In ".11 !,llnl~ " , lilliI'll t ha 1 w .. nd'T I 1."1 d Ilan k a ll.! Th,' I.l. ltl1l1 nll -Cit i. ~I ll lf (> rd ugl'e .. ~1 tu PUl:chuse th e less' th n 1\ "ear ago SOC I tv. 1 1'1' ha J nn£' drt·s~ ,. Ult "0> 11 '1 hn,,, k hll11 d " \\"11 in !i.l· zl'r. :\ati ... nal Halik. 1' '' 1' II1H I·" h.ll l. n. a l ,.~tat(' lit IL<; IIl',pnllscd valu~ , f " r has II ~l' ng , :. , He heen buyil1j! t h ..J~e shu r- s. se\'l!ni('el1 1'1'1111' . f a nI ' WloII' I I' i 11 1\\ ' i,',· .- ".,' I .'I' 'lIlI' ".' wk\.· ,.', " .' "'11, " "!',, .11" 11(.,1 11,. 1.11"~ I, f II' l' 11 .- ",'1.1 o tlll'r I' IICf. un.! pilld lu J uh n , r . Mulford Ill S h d h II yea r '--"n('C' (l it Il' ' . ICt' lIlnl'I' . " ., b on margin an t ey ave een I . I 11\ 1;1 h ~ a co II, . " . " ,' 1',' II,. -.1:'11 111",1'1 til.' ,I,· ('111(' .'\ IIII' UII C' I,'II' II1('11 --. 12 1. 15 \lith in. Tl'~ llecti\"'C pro po.rlhlOlI. d th I 0 n the ane"1 once .1' 1' . . fr""1 ~\ I " ml"'r I". I!I:!.'. J .. :) . lIrtwrlj! ti~~~ept(' I' . . sleadily d ropplng III I'a ue . 1 l ',10 u j:t"'(, k,I (, 111 \ .·IM~·t hl· n" 111 (, ut 11,',,1 . II· nl" -.,h . (1.. f t t of h th ou sand " > .. >U .1 . :-;. ' .. \h" ·" lI lll.lI . " ,d ll" UIl"In" " nPPulntmen l " lit mInIS r aor ' d . hi day PUI Y Oll I'll! e(, lI hl'nl"" '"I'1l1 " '1rI.· I ";'11" h, I,. 1.·.. 11 ... Iw " II 11 II k d '. . . '1 I I nd "r th ... nun\,· an.! '1~'Jto (If TIll' t he ('~ llIt" o f (a .' oc e~t , efive hun t!rt'd pounds th re came 1 th r de mand f o r II lllrg!' a· . The, parrow. WI" , SII1I (' g re w ~al d. "TI. ,· ('hc·.-k 1\;1' lila"tI .~ lilt' !'-1:J1I ('a ~ k,. C " . . \' (' r ,:t1~ L..J. .'tlllll ('ca~l'd , and filed h~ s blind In ~he ano " _ Wld(·r. I nd ~iJ.:I.,·d loy IIll·. .. 1"'1 fo r 1111> 111'1.' 11111 .1'. AI11\1 unl , unl ., f $:!U .UOO With P earl R,lCh 1I1 0un " I·' . ""I "tl'I'", I· ... k"ld t .. h · (r il11ilHiI "Ialt lll.d . $:) 110 . t:! 1\ It h inl"n.~ t all( I I ' . ,',. '" II ot: k·e l t . as sure t les. \J Lt 's hellrt sa nk though h e 'I " H'· I, l1um ,I ll III ur ~s'-lIl1 11/1 y . l'isiLle el'idencc o f his that's as much nn :!ny poll(:('l11an L"!a " l·~ . )11 . :'>I 'I(I"I~"n ." II(' - a id r,. III S l'p t< II1I ". !" ., 1!I:!i. and El ia s II ,{I es b('{· . J , L. M('nde nh a ll gll;t~,ri:~ti ' lO . T his mun kn ew more w a~ts tu k n,.,1I' III ... t allY body. Ha d ":-.;" wund '1 (jU /lII('1 lI a yn ·,. Ih illk. (." "t,.. and \\' . II. ;\IIlJ(!t-n l\'l're mad e a p. P ____ "I"ai".,.~. lhun he had d r limed cou ld be hUl'IIH:'Sl· . tillS Y"~l ng Le~"'n' ca~,' . I"' U' I" :t I! P ,.d f,·II,·1 .• ix 1I1"l1lh, · · I'n u r Mr. Mudul 'un. \ ou d un t wa nt t'J i\(' l."(,t ) ", ll ,d a :, f· I I" in' II ~1I" It \\a~ d('t:!· c:d by the court that k now' n , Ho~r e \\'(\"~ a cr l·cl ~ ~ '" . . " I ' ?, I \\'1 111' \\' 1 1' n C" mc n P ica., Proc:e"din g. , I .OU I:;(' . .. oJ , f EI m"I orell's affa irs whim might eas ily app '81 In It: . uPPOSt' . . p\'('t"L 1"'1',"". 1,,; a 111'. . l' hYI!J~ DUg, OTt., 0 uin and undo all those L ukt· loo ked u hIm, gtllrt l" ,L I 1I' ll' d ;" 1'"11'1' }1I111 ai, ,li t y,, "r TIll' ~ [' ~ (' o f (;" Ol'j.!(· .. !I·n\· ... rf 11',,:,,1 I' la e-c . Ohio . ca n be ud opted d h ' t I F irat Mortialle on Rea l Estate Secu ri ty, Imh 0 r f h 'IS " I ? Hull' on ('arlh do I co 1'11(' In · f r i"n ,1 11<' " I/ ul lin' I, · \I ll th " t hI! "'1'>11< A lIl!u~t .Jl'lItZ. l·t al.. WlIS !ol' Charlf.'~ n. a nd Vi olu T. Yea7.l'I, fiea ne .. . 1" . k· m·" I . I ]In( I (1)I11I'S I' . ''(.I P Iact'. T h I' e h'ld Th e beet Security. No t hin g Sa fer"I scdot'mes n ot 0exactly know what t o It. Il nl ,." "11 . ('''1111 '' " 1I1l""l ('f, ' 1' , 1IllW UIJ d I "S Mr, ' BIrd cuughl·d. ":\11.1'1'11':",l \\'", hlll'.11I " n' In tlt l' .-">,,. 111' ~1 [\ r i'''1 It :'Ilu l· n51m' IIU S ch:lnged to Belly Lo u ise g e ting' ' he slIid IoMr Nothioi Better_ you are ~Ugth e com' pa ny I'S a' ver" " W ell, vo u du ant! " nu don't. he hi : j!uanl . , " h" " .\\ II~' th,· :-:".11"' I' , d \I'r,:u~ I\(' wilt P. a n ti .l lIhn ' e ?~I mtereson tln ·'l, d "I ,appene, Jh ' I tu>sta . r e hll, ~l· '"\\ .> Kfll' 1. 1 \1 . I) la k' l'. a;o (·x · ,a ., . sliaht e a nd 1 was h o rrified when' sa . , .\ I"i f " '. ' . ( •II r Wl1I (J:tkll'~' M. Ri dge , xecuto r o f ASSETS over 14 Millions Dollars "That ', If.,· '''"''''. \\ 11:1 - th,' " ,·ut .. 1 .. f tl1l' la !' t will u f ~Iay I'. till' l'~tat(' of 1a hl on Rid ,,~ . d . ' ll"c arned that Re x had been ga mb- body an t h " ro om . I found thH ... ort h(' rn & ll~~ ling in th e shares. I give you t.h I' loose checks o n the I ' "fh tall-Ill .. ' "t l"l",~,pllrJ1\1"'~~ .lull·'Jl d. d"r ' a ~(' rI: and H ur r y E' · (· I- a~ .. d. fil ed h is first a nd fin a l ac . ,O ne o f t h e larlteat and st ronie1t llUocia· outhern Bank- thill's where YvU I I l' ~ t " . , ( '" wun . U~ Iru sll.' C of t he' tru , t ere· ('uunt , . t k full est permiSSIOn 0 ma e any In· keep your pri\'lIte Ilcc o unt. ain' "I kn ', w n .. l hlll!! ah o Llt ~1 "n·IL att,d I,y tllL' will of :'Ilay P. :\1 II I· lI an na h E. Cres well. ad m in is tra. tiona in the s ta te. vestigation you wishd" f h' it'! An' th i. "Very lei~urely he !.Uk l· \\'11~ l'IItI'I al'l'. "II .. \I:t < . a (" ". , ".c('a~('d. it was tl ecrl'cd thllt trix o f the es tate o f Ve rn on I. Why take C ha nces on G et·Rich-Quick a t oo k o ut u fat and wo rn leather frielld " I' I:,'x ',- . ,·r 1,,:.1'1"/'1,. ". 1""l il i" l1 "I' th(, reu l he , ('n':;w ell , d .. c .. nsed . filed her illl'e n 11 .:,,1 .. in favor "I' Ih e pi lli n tifl' and , to]'I' and app rlli sem!' n t. Schemes a nd lose all, I\'here he sat Danty t ho ught the casc frum his pocket, bid in fiat I'd la'h . I' 110;1 dl.-e ll)" 111111 . Th l: .".'"],"\\' ~i~l1t'd , ~a hl· n ·t! ddt IId .!II ~. Hl'witt a nd J ohn Th,. Ctl url II n lerNI tha t Charle!l oo d o n th e desk lind rummajr(,d in th e' signature tolerably We kindly aolicit your patro nqe forgery. Hewas hada thought so wgh. en ins ide. Afte r II whil e he.> fou f nd up thl' l'a I' l'l'I', I on I \\ hil'h tilt' I I unf'.' r- \i l, lf" rd all<l G. P. llrLJwn. Hurry .1 . Co nove r. a clmin istrat o r with t he hi h h k t h what he was loo king fOI' - tw () o ld tllllatl' ·. l· X "" )'l'ltC I~\' I t ll' ~ I~. ~l urJlh~' and , . H igg in ' we rl.' will annl' xed of the eslate of Rltexl' sba~h~r~Y~ple~te tChi~~ i~ ~h~ I'd sheets o f paper. evidl·ntly t .. rn natul l', li nd qull l' d Ih"1ll t.a"'~ 111 lIpl'"i n l·t! l'!J llIm is~ion crs t o muk e Alibi,. O. \' u r hi . tIl'ceased . di t ri d f fr om a schoo l exercise book . He hb J! ol'kl'lhn . k. 111(0 ~al1 c. I t wa s further ol'd"re d hule c('rtain a ~ Is t o sa id admi n. wasorhledht~/b~!~ :bl:~: j'~~geS~he~~ smoo th ed thesc flllt und Luk e sa w ":-'; "I. llriy I.. II'~ tr.~ ,, 11 1:('('." he l ha II w r it o f partiti on bc iss ued is tru t or . f ' a su cces ion of s iW1Utur(:s , o ne sai d (1t, ll ~· . ":\11 hand~ I\r ' II· I. !hl' '\l unt\, ~ herifT t o divide th e were no fiaws in Rex Le erre B und e r th e oth er: "Luke ;\Iaddison ~llin "t the nalllral J.{uurt!inl1~ of the 1' (,<1 1 ~ tlltl' proporti (' l1ate ly . Real E ,ta t e T r a n , fe r. essay in that dangerous game. . h - Luke Mad di on ." . ch ild!' n of th ,· 1"" 1' . I'll ue gl'lttng In lh l' case o f T he !\Iillmi \'ull e y . . " You realize what is wrong Wlt "Loo ks almost a s though you'd Id!Jng." , o;,l"d Pa per Compan y . plaintiff ' erne an d . Ol"'e mu llwood t o Two Offices: been scribbJin' abse nt- mindedly." II h ufr ,II ' 'd II If'nl !> hand ,UI.llld in ( ' !'I o r , AI fred . B mnt as I 'J Skll1 l .lt ht' 27 and l 19 E. 3rd St. Third at Broadway h I T he d etec tive'~ s hrew ecl eyes were wl'nl <,an y oU I \, t If' mOll!. ,1<' Il'(" il'e r o f A lfr ed A. S r e rc . d C- I - In ran In own s 1.11 .. 'e'wAretheY~~ecSkg!::tir!ge~~~ he on t he >,o ung banker. "~ut ,~t the d o(' r hac! hUI'(II~' ,lit. u l upon him I'l'nd('11l in erro r , it was c?n si dered .Har\'ey L',. Rye t o W J!!Jum. Shel. DA YTON , OHIO same tim e I couldn't Im llgllle u be fo re th e Il'! l'ph!)!I\! b e.1I rung, by till' co urt thllt the J udgme nt b) a.nd urtil~a Jane f:l e nr ). asked . business man like yOu doi rr' a n y· un't rfl r th (, fl rSl 11111(' SI" C.'" Ihe afnr,,~aid lJe affi t·med and the d e. ) Oli.o~ acre tn. townsh Ip. E" lIbli,nrd J 887 Before h e cou ld r e ply there k'a thing so silly! If you'll exe u. e t~ E' trllgcd~' Lu ke hl'arci (he \'ol ("e of f('ndant in e r r o r re cover fro m the Or~' llI e Parkhill to Grove C. and a tap at the door an d L u ke 100 e liberty. I culled at the . ortll e rn & Ih e W llllll'll hi' ILl\"t'd . IIIAintifT in crro r the costs expen- rllnnl e H Gree n. !'rBct of la nd up angrily . S o uthern Bonk Ye5terdal' after· "\\'111 Y" !1 ~ •• 1111' " ·ll1 " rrolY . dcd . . III Deerfield t own hip. "Come in ," h e said. noo n but they' were r eticentLukc~" ) 1(·1' l' IIk e w:,,: \' cJ'y !" w. ____ Cora · Hitenh ou se to Dea n C. ministratio n age nt . ~ 1 i50 .; Th e West 1'1 n Sinr . not icc t tl do R' own. I (' r H, $G.6U; Th(, Le han on Patriot, ":-.; ( 1':. if I may·-dar li ng, let Pobale Co urt Procceed in ir' Dak!n: I nl ot No. 36 of Ellio tt's It was t he apo logetic m anager. 'retic'ent' is a g ood w o rd- an' re· ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~------- I SH m e, '5 .5 U: P. H. :imp~o ll. ope!,"I a m sorry t o interru pt y ou , ferr ed me to yo u. But by on und I' 111(' COl11l' 1 0 y,,11 ~ n \\' :,. . . .-\ ddl~lo n t o Le~an on. at ing mainlain er, $20; Leslie Mr. Madd ison , but will you see Mr. h anded an' desp icable tr ick r BUI Ill'r !e n' l 1'0 1 ." d e~ l ed hllll. The la bt wil and te tame nt of Clmt G. C n st, et aI., to . P . Shu ltz. SU IlIl'. SIi!l ; Fred Hum· Bird of Scotland Yar d?" 'found t hat young Mr. Leferre cas h "Tfl- monow- u f t ('r th t" gh:L tly .I. C. .l o rdnn. decellsed, was p r o- and Ehzabeth . Maye r. Lo~ .No. 95 ph r ys , lub r. $:j \. 5 ; V. W . Tomp In spite of his self,p o8J!e8J!IOn ed a check the other day f or e igh- bU ~ ll! e. ", L uk' , dId J< ·x o\\e y ou duc d in court und udmitted to p ro of th ~ Mac kinaw . Ad dIt ion t o Danty h alf rose fro m his sea t. The teen thousa nd ." allY IlI DII<'y '! " bu ". LindH J o rda n IIccepted the Fro nk 1.111. . in s, payro ll fo r o ne·ha lf m onth , .87.35 : F . M. 'olli ns, same , $lSa,.· Sparrow was t he last man in t h e The un txpcct (In 5;; ()f thc ru st U' cxccu tri.x. 0 b ond r eCallIe R obm o n, by admr., to Ly 45 ; Edcn T e rry. slimp. $372.03; que,.l io n tllrew him "fl' h is ba lance oui re.d . Charl es O. e,x t ot:, E . C. dia EII.e n H odge n. Lot N o. 698 in A. T . R ttilr, .n me, $146 .6 5; Chas. and \\'h . 1I Luk ~Iaddi.. o n wus MOl'l' t. OII a n d Fmnk Watkllls were Franklin . $5200. E . J . Meinhardi, of C.hicago , t he , E, Brlldbury, Sli m , $78 .9 0 ; Jo e hurri ed h~ wa~ i \'a dubl v inc oher. , :LJ ,J1nin 'ed appraisers. J o hn Bahr t o Ruth Bahr. 105.81 wel l-known Rupture Shield Exper~ W. Duvis, SII I11(' , $58.5 0; P . B. cnt , fol' th l' "Hill e I'l' a ~o n' us ot hers An ins trument of writing pur- acres in Deerfield twp . ar inc ,ho l'(·. I, fur in the ci rcum - porti ng to be the last will and tesl\1 I1Y P . Mulfo rd , by sheriff, to will personally be . at the Mlam l Mo nce. 1111111 e. $:1 4.60; Eden T e r ry, . tanc t:,,- he though t oo quickly tulllcnr of J ames P . Reed , deceas· H . P. and M, R . Hulfo rd, 10.82 Hotel, Dayton, Ohi O, on W edn es· l sa llle, $7 .:W . for ~pc l'c h . . , cd . WitS pl'!ldu~ed ,in co urt fo r· acres in Turtleereek township. , day only, January 29th, fr o m 9 :00 I' - -- - - - - "Y e. - bll it i. n't "' orth di !'c· Hs· bl\ e, Applicatio n I set for hearlllg J ohn W. Parl ett and Cora Par- a. m. to 5 :00 P. m. Mr, Meinhardi i highly r ecom · injr. 11 (' \las reudly in sLl n·d. you o n January 24 . at. 2 o'clock p. m. lett to William Ba co n. Part of lot mended by th o u sa nds of satisfied ~ 1'1 I;n \'. :l .. '! I ' oj n ' t thil ,k t he p"l icy In the case of J, A, Re bold, ad- No. 2 98 in Frllnklin township. JI. lc:'i£P 'YOU"'~ i invulid ut d . . . . " lI1ini ... trato r of the estate o f Sophia Lawre n ce A . Voorhis, e t aI., to e usto merl?' Take adv~ntage of LIVER.. RI GHT Ht' h ~a rd the lu ic k brealh and .'"ul , decc a cd. plaintiff, vel' ·us ~1ab e.1 Thack e r . Purt of lot No. op portunity to see hIm a s he WIll n ot vi it any other city in this I r; RY M, .I\C and NlelO lAK~ grew panic· ·tJ·icken. Annu : r cutsch m un, e t aI., def e nd · I 6 in Maso.n . ~~ " C WlI " thinking o f. ynu - th at ant~ , It was () !'dered that th e ad' l Anna I;'n c ke tt, ~ t aI. , t o George section at this time. Th~r e is no I for con sultatIOn and ' .:. ' t !:OJr' '1 I t here wa s no need 10 worry abo ut mint ·t ralOl· deliver u good and s ur. , H . Prancls. Lot . os. 348,349 a n d charge be ) demon s tration. This Applia nce is ~;', , e~el.a , his affa i r ~. I! e ow . m!' pructica ll y , tic ifi nt tlel'd to J , W. Collin.s, I?ur. 350 in Franklin. f or men on1y . c::.:! ; :~'\"'~:J~ VV nothi llj!. chase r of the prope rly. Dl stTlbu · Callie Robinso n , by admr., to Ly Mr. Mei n hardi . 8I1YS: - - . . ADAMS DRUG STORE " \ iii yo u SCI' 111' o.mol'l'ow?" l tinn of the p r ocee~ d s was o rd e r ed. d in Ellen Hodge n . Lot No. 698 in The "Me tnhard l Ru pture Sh ield Hefort' hI' cn u ld l'l'l lly he heard , Fra nklin. not only re tllins the Ruptur e per· the click of th e hook being de- - - - : : . = = f ect ly, but it IIlso contracts the pre ~:; d. opening in te n days in t he average he d .. t!-cled so me reser va ti o n, Ma rri ac e LiceMe. case, r egardless of th e ize or "I 'ee 110 r ea 011 in th e world Sl, me g s tu r e of insincerity in hi s F d C E l f t k . . re . y er , ac . ory wor er, l ocation of the rupture. why the wed ding s houid be pos t- uffcl'. The "Meinhardi Ruptur e hield " ' d L k .. I .. \\'hy n ot?. Th ousands . of men o f Leba non, and MI s F lorence pone, u c . h' What·ton o f Lebanon January 13 has no u nderstraps . It is perfectly Th e hirleo us busines of co r oll- pill all t he ir property In t e ll' \ ' , ' MANURE SPR E ADERS sani tary, practically inde truct. e r'; inqui. it iu n wu s I) n Iy a day old wil'!.'s' names. It's II sane thing t.o an d an acc{Ju n tant'~ sbl temcnt ; d(? ke 'ps a ma n s teady and ,It B.II, Allowed , ible, and may be worn w h il e bath"MR. FARMER- We lire selli ng Mid~l etown Journa l, adv. n oti ce ing . Margaret Leferre could n ot un dersta n d herself; her O.... nb calm that the dl'lld bo~" !' a lTa ir:; wer i.n. , WIll muke us r ca lly partners. ~alt' l Huptu re oft e n c,nuses S.tom.a ch [unllr preurlers fo r $85 00 ll e WIIS at .the phone-a ea ' l a ssessment for road, $5 .3 2; Fra n k astonis hed h e r, Had she ever love d this s uav e mun whu s too e o re I'olved was ac ce pted and n l) deulll s 11'1.'1'1' a s k('d. as enthustastl c !lis. a boy .pursulng I lin hro nical, same, _5.25; Colu m- Trou bl e , Backache, Constl.patlon' i lind Stl O,OO and Pnckers f or $50:0 0 her? Ne!'vousness, a n d .other ul lme nt s Lib e rt v Spre.>ad~r & Mfg. Co. Margaret LefplTc cou ld not ~oml' nell' ~ nd dj~ h ghtfu l Id ea. bu's Bl a nk Bo ok Mfg. Co .. auto w hI c h promptly d isappear s af ter 'b' " . ,, ' . 2' . h k f . u nd 'rs t311 d hel'~e lf' h I' ow n ca 1111 I ,. Lu k" IS t hat y our lawye r s tateme nt s -1 5 50' Western Star the R uptUre is propel'ly retained. LI ('I t y, In(hano. )2 "Y es- I g avc him u C ec 01 ' '1" I cop ies of rates ' ., world he wa nt.ed to meet t h a t , ~1 ~t'Jni ,< h l'e! h 1:1' . lI a d' s he el'e r Invet I "• you re e~ II Ing . of taxation, $ 12.5 0 ,; T housands of deuths occ u ri ng a n· morn ing. that am ount.' . skI" thi s ~ U!ll' l' llIan wh u s tu(H I before ' . ' .. n ~cl('nce overwh elm ed .he r , G. Lede rman, s upplies , 60c; Co WANTED . The SpUl~row was ,frankly p \ hel', apparently agr('('i nj!. as II'lI h a . udd cry Jar; s he re~lized I lumbu s Bla nk Book Mfg. Co., su p. nually f rom s t r a ng u lated rupture L uke t h ought for a minute, be avoided. lical. . 'd thl . u~h I{I'X Wl' r e hi ~ dcarc:t ril l' the first tlln e the e nol'l~lIty of pli es, ~13.50; E. F. Sc hrader labor acan " Just a moment." n ds of deaths occurring ann ually - -- - - - He rose and ope n ed the door . "Did you now? Mu yb~\'l~uo f fri e r,d ·! . .'"mctill cs ~hc wa' IIfraid hl"~·. t.n' ae h~I'Y a nd. w~s t errifi ed . 1$6,.05 ; H . T . Conover, heater f or f r om stran gulated r upture can be REL IABLE DEAII>'ER- wa n ted to leading to the corridor. . like to sh ow"m e the coun te th a t he \\'fluld \'l·ad h ~I' loat hinK uf l . i es, H I! o n-- It IS Luke Mad· treugurer's office, $28.50 ; T rust ees avoided . hnn ul e Hebe rling Products in "I shall want t o see you agam that check? . k . him in her ey(' ~- -sh e wa s umazed , 1t ~Ll n Bpeak m g . . y<?u had the of Public Affairs, light at co urtSPECIAL NOTICE- All cu,. Wane'n ounty. Exce ll e nt op. about this check, Mr. Morell, he For a second Luk e was ta en a to find he ls If I lI ing- hil1l now, riraft o~ th e a ntenllPt l al .co ~trll ct? 1 hou se . 845.12; W. H ; Anderso n & tomen that I have 6tted h e re dur- portunity f r the right man . Earn. 'd . back. f with the ~I"('t1t('s l <:[\1111111."';5 and in W II , mclLlde everything. You Co Ohi o Code for pros attorn ey ina the la .. ten yean are invited ing~ of $60 weekly not unus ual. BnI"Why not see me now 7" :'1f there were" any r~ds~~ld lo r 11 lon c that I\"U~ sad ly sweet, tha t h5\\'e the lis L 0 r my sec~ri.ties 1 . . $7:5 0; same, sa me for commo~ to ull for in.pectio n for which Wl'It!' . fo r fre e cntnlogue. G. C. I t was a challenge, bu~ Lu)<e dOin g so, 1 could, h~, SUI y, he ~a \Y 11 0 1'(' U:itl n why the ce r e. ' C~, all; An d th~ cosh In. ban kpleas, $27 .50; Griswold Service will be no cbarce , ( Come in H e berltng Company. Dept. 1886, Madd ison could sense Its m · "but I see n o reason. b h 'l. h m on \' s houl d be postponecl. (,ve l·ylhrn!!. My Inte res t In Mad· Station gas $2 80' Karl D Dakin there a nd talk with the •• cullom. rs reo Blomington, 111. j22 B 'rd was not a as eu, e I I' " I' · , ( 'Ill no t mad I" . " . . . ' • , M 111 si'ncerity. . 1'..' , h hI ":' Iy 1. .: l al' Ing! ( ,"on 5 . • no , . premIUm on Ins urance , $4.60 Jo hn aardina ·their e xperience with "Mr. Bird has come t o see m e?n lean e d hiS hU j.!e arm s? n ~ ~ ta , e: H e tl!l,k her in h is firm s . and ~ hc l "Yoll a r c !" . Lilli' & Son, main t ena nce she r iff' s Appliance.) FOR SALE quite another matter," he saul. a n d wh en he spoke hIS ' Olce \\a did n il r o" i;t. Ruth er. s he rai;;l' d ' he 11' 0' .st.anding by 111m n ow, car , $ 150.63; Tr ustee of P ublie wh ite people o nl y.) vbg k qj vbgk " In d ue course we w ill i nterview se~!ol ,uvse' no right t o a s k- I 'm not Ill'r Chid li p- t it hi <. an d hat .. d hc r- I lwr fa r e wh It !' as death. Th e word s . Affairs, light lin d gas at j a il , $35._ PI_'e Dote the above d a te, and him togethe r ." Id t ~ t1f. Hu t h,· ,I II das kl.,~ wa ' IllS C ~Il\l~ l re mulou sly. . , 16!); Ivin s ..Jam eson D rug Co., su p' hou ... carefull" (Thi. "i,it FOR S A LE- Organ in g oo d co n . He closed the door on his vi~i. the so rt of a man wh o w ou a· nol i"' I: Ih"t \\,u , :t tultl: red CU ll'. o.u'~,(' mad, Luke - I dldn t l pl ies for jai l. 85c; T h e S , F red office diti on . Church of Chri st . f5 I mea n It. C0ll11Jany, s upplies, $33; Treas urer i, ('or white people onl,. ) -E. J . to r as the Sparrow was shown.1II temp t to'pull a blurT on a g e ntle- fOI·t. l\1ei nhard i, Ho m e Offic e, 155 1 N, B d man like yo u. I'll p ut my card s ~ n Id I FOR SALE OR RF:N T- T h e through the other do or. M r . Ir , I 1'h check was m et In . " I'h l' rt· i" Il ll thi ng in til!' wo r : (To be continu ed) o f S ta te, agricu ltura l age n t a n d ad Crawford Ave., C hicllgo. came ' heavily into t he room and the tab e I !~ t t o kn ow whcre WCouid not tin tr~ mak.· I::e a lillie I Stewurt prop e rt y 0 11 No rt h d favored every cor n e r with a long notes a n . . nt The r e' s a bird 1I10r£: . Ill, ."th 1,, 1' ) IJU. he was _ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ street, ,e lectric it y n nd water in scrutiny. those not es .... e n . . teh I' ve s ayin~. "If Ill une y ~ou ld buy yLJ U hou se . W. N. Seurs, Waynesv ill e. " H avin' a visitor, Mr, Mad· in Lo ndon hI \I~a l1~ 1~~t1~acag~s f or ha'npilll' s~ I \l nu ld begga l' myself !" PI NK Y 01 NK Y Wbat a Weather "Profit" by TERRY GILKISON THRESHE R SU PPLIES- BELTS r dillon ? I tho uiht I sa w somebod y got one 0 t e e s I 'he s miled faint"· at t h is. Here pulleys, babbit t metal,' oil cup., !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!'!!~!!!!~!!!!~!'!!~!!!!!"!'":::wasBut a ma n hnd rea druined y to b etr a y h is go d -_ -_ -_he he hn . In j ectors, lubricator s, steam and - .._.:._ _ _. . ; . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--_ __._. _ _ _ •' alwlI\'5 haled hi 111. She Rex; remembered water gauges, gauge glaas, oUers, ... , ha U:for.gOllC:!I\ phrases o f his little packlnr, boiler fiu es, suction hOle irritllted comments up o n R e x's and tank pumps. THE BOCKLET care less n ess in financial matters. CO. 415 W. Main S t. Xenia, Ohio. I H(' pu her a rm's l e ngth and SCI u tinizecl her :l little !'aclly. T he FOR SALE-2 5·hoe drills 1 pull o r !lnd he soft s hadow ~ dO!lb le disk, Ford Sedan , go od uen eath he r ,-yes gal'!, h er an un r un n tn gorder, a t sa le, J a nuary 31 ('urthly 1 (l l'eli I H' ''~ . O. A. Str awn , .j22 , ":-':aturally ]'I'e becn wo rried I s i('k . \\'helt u foo l I wus on the PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS • phllnc t () talk of in su rances-it - For all purposes. Bocklet'. 11"11 ': indec('lIl , I jUH dicl n't kno w li~ e of plumbing and heating IIUp. what t u sa \,- " pl!es a r e t b !Jest. The Bocklet··L u kl'. :11 e yo u aw f u ll y rich?" , Kmg Co., 415 W , Main St Xenia "Why · y ~, I ~ up pu~C ] alll. Th t' Ohio, '" hank i,n't d () i n~ t el'l'ibly well -o n i the tl'l1ding ~ id c . W e arc me r· II chant: a s \1'1'11, y o u kn ow- but 1 h,ll'e I'er hu lf a mi lli o n pril'ate MONEY LOANED L -__________ __ f UI·tune I th ought )' 0 \1 kn !'w.'· ~h (' s l11il ed faintly, . " I hal' c never as ked r ou. I'm ~--~---------------------~ -.- -- . --- . worri ed } buut- po\,c· !·ty . \r (' ha~'e : s , ~ - SA 'f P IN Ko" LONG OR SHORT TIME-E..,. been pOOl·.dp'peralel,·. ~I y father 'N - \ ":OUI_DN' T 'THI S t er'?ls, Also .Surveying /\Ad Ab. IC'ft us no thinj.! . !l OO t' dcal'. It must stract mg. WrIte and I «11 call ',··IlS A":"HE R.... e ~ L.OVE~'1 !..te wunt! rful t o be ~ o ri ch-t o a nd see y ou , Sam D. Henlde W.yha l' ~ cUl11 mand of m nn e l' - ncver A S C~KCH ~ Nc:.: nesville, Ohio, 'J11 to bc boi her NI abnut bili:. never t f C(' 1 the (ran ic url!c t o go out D,A..'! ~ LOANS on Livestock, Chan~l.. a nd earn ~o mething'" S econd Monages. Notes bought, Me \\'8 ;; rt'garC\ing 'h \' in · ope nJohn Harblne, Jr,; Xenia, Ohio. r d I:Istonbhm nt. " But I never knew , my dear how awful! 1 th ought you had an income?" I he sboo k her head . This time Farm~r. of .Warren and adjolnln, she was no,t acting. j CO/lo\IC STftl P ~ountl~1I may obtain money on " If III n r will J!:ive you a se n e long tIme loana, at Ii per cent In. TO "liT ONE< ,I MII\'1 TRY of s curit)', and of cour~e it will' l erellt. Cost 01 l ecurlnr the . .me BUT AL.L. I DO I. .IT ['II.,.-\\'hy. I'd gil' you contro l oi Is very reallonable, throUCb The A/'IO THI"'K. "very tent [ hove iii the world- " I Federal ~nd Bank, ' For farther "'NO Bl.INK. fA"t . ~eE~ li e ~a\\' her increuulou. mile Jnlormat lon call on or addreu II. a nd I\' II~ angry with himself, a . I I C. DRAKE. Treasurer, phoDe 81. _ _ _;;.;.- ...---------~------------.. ,,' though in that g('stufC of unbelief I . X Lebanon, Ohir :






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de!ku:~do~~~kd o~~e ~~~~k. °Fro~

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P' I I


West Side Building & Loan Assn.

thiTShceh~ct~!~ :~:oe: h1~~~·ad.



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"P_ D





9i" 'Umtf {'...













It ,



Anthracite Coal


We have the same high-grade Pennsylvania Anthracite for your brooder Itoves that we have had in the palt.




Peat Moss


The best absorbent . known for brooder houle and chicken house."


..' ·..)'EzcbaDle D•••llie Far-mers

? •


5% Farm Loans'

«Y~ D;",'"

~I NGL.e St-

--.. ...,

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F armers.Attentioo·


.lIoae IS

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- -.,-------


D. L. CRANE fubli.ber Offic. Pbolle ........ .. ...... ...... No. 112 R~.idenc . .. .. .. .............. ...... No. 118 Sub.cription Price, $1.50 •

agree with hi m or be ridden down. Onc of t he thin gs o ur fa t hers came to, Ameri a for was t o t: ha nge , a ll t hllt. It would almost seem a s If we we re losing groun d. Th e re is someth ing IIbou t clriv ing a car wh ich makes many 'persons u tter ly l'eckl ess of t h e ri g hts of other. Thllt these rec kless o nes fi r e not a lways ve ry yo ung and are not n ecessarily in toxicated, only makes t he sit ua tio n all t he wors e.

i n'.r.d at Po,t o ffl .. a t Way n .. vill. flhio.

fl. Socond C ia .. Mail /iloilo.


- - -- -- -.

- ----


J ANUAHY 22 , 1\130


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d 11 B uk t Edwar f 11 cam d e t tot ht his coun-f j l'y ' ro m 0 an u cage 0 died th othe r da y. a t 66. THE MODERN "MAN ON I f\Inix .hisH I's ixt y years o f liCe !!r-HORSEBACK " ica h I! set a n e xa mpl e o f in AmAm eri ca 1 I , n is m wh ich e ver y native-b urn citi . - - - -- - _ __ _ __ _ • ze n wo uld do we ll t o e mul Ate, Nu Ill Ol'e in ~ llil'i ng reco r d o f u A t a dun /tufllu s s ll'ee l co rn c l' in mUll's life hus e ver bee n writt .n N!! w York C it y wh"I'(' l w,1 s tree t- t ha n Bok' s own au l o blol!l'llph y. . .. f EJ I CH I' li n us CI'IlS'; a t Ull Hngle i n f l'ont 'B'Tokh ~ AO UmgehrtlCato"lzhaat~n UO pIli' (c eWal''lcn uf u S u bway s tat ion li nd- hea vy I I 1'1 ' . h II" cr osst own tmllk cu m plicat es an eve r y sc 10 0 Il ra r y; It S ou l , ue alread y di fli cul l s il uat ion, s land R a r equired readin g in e very coursc IIU'gl' s ig n in t he sha pe of' u t omb- in civ ics. Hl one. It r cud:! " Sac rcd t o th e It is t he fll s hio n a mong th e J\!t' IlI (lI'Y u f 1,8 .1() perso ns kill ed by Cl' iLics who sne c r lit eve r ything nu tolllobi h.' s in l h ' cily thi s yell r." w h ich has maLI c Am e ri ca great t o Th e nu mu e r is chunl'ed eve ry du y. belittle Bok an e! his wOI'k. He di d Il ncver g r ows s ma ll er; l he de ud mol'C t han an y other ma n t o mllk e d .. lI ot eO Ill !! huck t u lif e. Am erican homes more beautiful, Ohiu fil l' Ho rn e years mar kc d the A me rielln famil y life more attrac _ ~c!! n l' of evc ry flltll l ac id e nt on a t ivl' t o l' ~ tu b li s h n l'W und hi gher S ta te hig h wuy with II wh it e cr oss, standul'd ~ of good tast e lind t o It is re ported t ha t t he stll t e ha s ' t ur n the minds u f A me rica ns t ou lt und ll ll 'd t his p!'a ct!ce; t hl' c r oss- I wa r d th e Il pp recia t ion of beaut.y l'~ !l l' ~ Ull1 e t llO .t hlck In s o m e ~ p o ts. u nd c ul t ure In n il fo rm s. , All thl!l 1 hlH IS a Ht('p i n the wro ng d lre ct- u,; th e editor of u womlln s mag aion, WUl'ni ll gs like t hut Ill UY be di s z in c. But he mll d e a f ortun e lind •

u ~ullll)'

m o!l~ '


O,. na e Pie (' UP :UgH I', LH1I'-f ull r th le ll__ ,.. I : /loo n :ill It" till ~ U p ornn~ e ju i 'C' , I , tw o t nu le!!po lJ ns b ut ler, o oc,-thinl l l'(le l'!: f Ir fi H('~~ n ca rl oads of CUll fl ()~l r , grated r ind one o rang' ; I Victo r y ] IIY WUlI fi tt in gly obs t'v m d i ~i n (' I'cct. i\, .J- - Il nw:dng busi- j ui ce o r ?n e-half lemon , t h ree eg g ed at scho ol ]. r id ny morni n g ",h n n , ('xpiuined . I yul k ~. M.lx s ug ur, fl o.ur,. ~u l t and a p rog l'a lll wa s pu t on by th e whole .. grilled nnd ; ndd f rUI t JUIce, a nd school. Th e r wer e n number of ~ hat IS bdll'v' li to bl' a r eco rd cook ill doub le boile r te n minutes visitors I' sent. Next F riday in th e hi sl ory of t h~~ fi r pa l'l'd merl stirring u ntil t hick en cI, ancl a f ter: morn ing t he 7th a nd 8th grades ici n e b usine s is rl~ po rtl' d by t h wa rd occa' ion nll y. Add bu tter and will pu t on t h e n se mbI)' program , Mosby Ik b l edidnc Company , in- egg YO's eaten l'19o ht ; coo k t wo Mr . a nd Mrs: Chus. G? rdan a nd cin ci n nati manufaclure rs of Kun- ll1inut e~ , · a nd cool. P ut in b ak~ d fa mily e n te r tain ed at din ne r and . ' Jla ~ t ry c ru st. ,Cove l' wit h me ri ngue card!! Thu r. day eve n ing the f ollow ' Ju ln. •... wh i" IWd CI'C:l ll1. 11 iCI I>l1l<e in ing 'l'ues t.c; Mrs. Rose /In, Mr. In 1\ hours , during t he' wCl'k of 1II1)llt' l'lItC u\'c n unti l d licall'ly anrl Mrs. H . J . Cu rl' and Bill y, Mr . ,January I ~ t, 1:)30, ai'll rs fl,r hI'fMllC'd . , _ __ ~ a nd Mrs. 'lin t leav e r a nd Ru th . fift !! (l 11 ('"rillu d: o f - l< onj o lll \I' I' "Mr. un d Mrs . B ob Slu mp, MI'. a nd 1<'l:eive(1. Thi; W:\~ Hilt l h(' res ull THE H E ALTHF U L ORANG E MI·S. W . A . L U k c ns, Mury nro I y' n I " r u . pecla ' I SI.I II' (n.vC' I ' , IHit t h ' Pe l hllp s if yo u lO 'l k 11 cens us o f U!ld Esthe l·. MI'. an d Mrs. lI uward nll'l': pll urf'(\ In du r !ng t h .. reg- , t he frui t t ast rs of YIIUI' f.·:entIR yllu Gruhll m Mr, und Mrs . A" S, ' oll ett ullll' cou rsc' ', f bu slIl es:, when wllu ld fin d t11l11. t hl' Ol' unl!u wus 1\1 l 11 11\ 11)' l!1'(:I W I ICl I ("11 I , (I'.'II! I I'S. 1\1 [try DOIIt Cl' W I rallli l a ll( CQII~- "iI' n fil'!<t chnic!' in ~nme t hi c: like hu rl es Uostl' I·. pa n lt'~; !'ollv,hl ,to 1'('1I1('nI5h th 'lr l1in ct,V I )~ r Ct'nt 1If' t hl' \'otl'S . 1' .. 1' k f t I h Ou r grade ba ~k e tba ll team w us ~ cll' a .ll' l' 11 " ,Il l! t !! l1 ~ tl) ll1al' Y h:IIl" il would slII nd fa\' ol' il(' a t de f!!ulecl hy LC' banun grath's at :lnn,ull l In \' C,IIH"· I (,~. , 1 ('\,u n bu l i l' l odd~. PerhAps II u t. A t lI ul'n Hl n lI ull W edn esda y cvt'n in g('11l1l1C'n lllll! UPIIII, (f il S unp l'ccc' _ li nd rat e , Ihl' Il I' UIl};, ' i., :d lll ~t u ni· 011 Fl'ida y I've nin g both lhe hig h rJ e n t .d" l'tll'I·' f Mr. , H . M S,b Y ! vCl'sa ll y liked . "., ,·hoo l tln(1 '1',-I(I '~ tOll lllS' \" c' n ' t o I' I'C '~ I I' nt I) t he co mpan y ~ 1I1 c\: , - -ORANG E CAK E F ILLING "Vuy nes \fill r g ttl ~111 e~t th e' t c~m>l " T hl s 111l''',ns th:~t, 111111'(' th n n a th 13 II f t ' fC ua l't c r 01 a mil l 10 11 1 ntt h·s 01' 1 ' C!·C'. ') 1" IIUI; e a 11l ~ we!'C' VIC - Kon ioln UI'(' Ill,.. cl c,d II I onl' I' to ' Ull111'l ng t o till' bo il l WO CliP S of \ tOI'lU U ~ , th<'. Il' rud c s score b<'l ng- 1 t I,J" 'thl' d<' ma nel 'Hl el t h i!< I'('('ol'fl- wa t!:1' an cl t h,· Jrru t ed Yl'll ow ri nd to :.l lind h Ig h Mc h c~(l l was 14 til !i . I> 1:en l(il1 ," hi t (I f 'I>~ l si n ess wh ich' I of l\" ~' OI'Uni:l'S. Th kkl' n wit h th ree On Sat ul'd uy e v e nl~lg a ll thl'!'c Of I 1)« li l'\'(' tn be un hp"l l'd ;,r in tlll' l ,a iJll' ~p, "n~ " I' CO I' II ~ t u rl'h r ubl'l! d OUI' tca111 ~ m,<'l S p~' ln l!b o ro 0 11 t he nJ('r( h u ll d i~ i n l! "I' '~1(' di ci n (' 11111 V, ' lIl lIU UI in ha l!' a ' up o f 'ol d WUI I'!', hlllll e fl oor, fhC' hI g h sc hool boys be a tt r iltu t 'd t o two f:1ct (l I'~ , O ne . an d c ook . ~li rr i n g Clln Hta n t ly. T,d, wtl n 1:1 l o 10, th e grn ~l e l~o Y~ . l o Sl, o f t hrill is t l)(> merit. IIf th t' pr .c d uc. 1 from thc fire and add a ttlll of 10 t o 9 , a nd t h e g Irls lost <!:.l t o :l nd t ht' ot hl' l' i: t lH' ('(I n, isl c'lI t p owd,'I'(' ~1 lillg ar beaten, \," Ith th.c 7. nc w:o pup(' r a d \'(! rl i ~ i n~ hack o f .,·o' ks I I (h l ec e g~ '. St ir Ii nu l T ht' Mt' rl's Co m m u ni ty Cluh will f\ o n ioJrI. Ct' I'ta inl v ~ l1 c h a n (o l'ei e r, ' !'carl y e oo l, l hC',n ad cll1 tulJl('~ I " ' O n pr(' s~ ' n t "M y Dixic Rose .. at th e co m inl! f ru m \'I1 I:io \l 8 sec tion s o f of lHlt t el'. thl' ,1UIl'l' .)f f' IUI' OI': IIl Gym Th ursday eve ni ng, ,Ja nuury . lh e cou ntr y within Iw o d n\' ~ . is a ~t' S n nd Ulll' 1(, ln(ln, an d ('<101. 2:3. I' fine co 11111\l'n ta 1'," upo n th e far- Sp n'lId .'-H'tw , l' 1I Ih ~, b~' e l' s an cl . . ,' .' ,'. I' ru(' h ill~ e trl'c t o f t hc nl'w~pUpe rR (.,,\ ' I' \,: It h orunge ICing . , . Ml g~ r.:r Il IJo lle. S tu m p e n t~ r - Iha t t ar ry Ko njo la cOll v." . __ _ tallle d With u bIrt hday s Ul'p l'l se . par ty f or he r s i ~t e r Mir inm ut t he I I PUBPC SAL E S

I'cl!H I'r\i C'cI 111\' u y s will lha o f inCll ursc, m o t or ~ l", 1I bu t e nuu g h nre dri ver hi e t,s in th e e ~isesthoef unpardonath e un s uc- ' be HhOl'kl'C1 illto ut Il!llst t e m po rary I cesHful lin d t he IIl comp et ent! cu uti oll t o bl' 111 0l'e cure ful ut tha t purti c ulnl' spot. I Uncle Si Ti n kl e pa ug h sa ys as It is not me l'e ly for th e protect- I near a s he ca n fi g ure !t. out success ion o f dr ive rs a nd th eir pa ssengers mea ns wurkin g so hard yo u ruin heuI th so ' s t o m~ k e mone y t ~ll t suc h w u rn i n gs ~ re needed . YO UI' 1.he mn ll on ~ oo t still h ilS. fi ~st e noug h t o go t o FlOrida t o g1!t !'lgh tl1 on t he h Ig hway, a nd hIS life yo ur hea lt h back, I, us va lUA bl e a s t ha t o f t he man who r iel s. Out o f nil the imm e nse BiIl!l a r c pe nding in Con gTess to t ol l llf motnr denth s in 1929, ex t e nd t he Gove rnm e nt' s control neu l'ly n third we re o f pedestrinns o ver radio broa dcasting BO t ha t st ru ck by uuto m obiles. sUl li o n!\- from whi ch profan e or . b r oa d cas t . E. urope 0 b sce n l' Iangullge IS ] n t h e a Id f e u d II I d ays III the JIl !l n on horsebnck f elt tha l he sha ll lose the ir liceDses. Thllt is wa ~ sUllc ri or bci n"', !l nd t he poor ODe Ro r t o f Governm e nt control .. peo pl e who ha d n u h or ses ha d t o wh ich ever y decen t cit ize n if i'or . .-




( lrw




home of rno MrH.on.Clara r itts SlItU I'- ' ~JIl Y ufte MiriaMer m wa ge n,u: In e ly s Ul'p rlSl! d, She wus t he I'CCI PI e nt of a nu m ber o f prett y g ifts fr oll1 he r f r ie nd s, GlIl11t'S f ur nishe d am use mcn t a nd a t e m pti ng lunc h of f ru it sa lud , cuke , cundy , an d popcorn wa s se l'\le d . Th e hig h schoo l wi ll prese nt a pIny li t th e Gy m on Janua r y 30.


of a Home With all Its Accessories, such as Lumber, Fancy Shingles and all that goes with tbe Home Beauitful. For an estirna te 'on the same, call

~-~e'~~~':~~ ~;=~hi;rl~'or~~' ~ler

I Th e lInd (, l'ti i ~ n {'d h av i n~ d cc ic! cd , t o tli , cll ntinu e f ll rm in", wi ll se ll .. !It pub lic !luction a t his re"icl en c(' :j ll1 il c~ So ut hwest o f Be llbroo k, 5 mil es West of 'pri ng Va ll ey , 5 'I h f C ' 11 I I Ill i ('5 so ul ea st 0 e ntl' I'VI e ane Mr. li nd Mrs. H, Mott li nc an d I 12 lI1il s Nor t h o f Lytl e, on the Da y Betty .Jan e o f Dayton w('r a he r e lo n and Wi lm in;{lon pi ke. o n over th e week-e nd. W edne. d a y, F ebruary 5, 1930 " Waynesvm~, l'h ' B 'g in nin g Il t 10:3 0 a . m ., t he mer cury Ruddree dn :- . . .... ' I f olll) \VI'll g p rson!ll drop C'Friday nig ht took unci ar egiste . p rOI)e rty ·. t he low ma rk f th e seaso n Satur- I Proteclion for Food 1' \\' 0 hell d of Horses ; 10 hl'a d u d II Y m n r l1 i n ~. T e n d egree. below In most hom es th e kitc hen cup- of J er se J" C'atll , OJ I head o f Hogo zero was abou t t he uv el'age he r e. hUHI'd 01' pantry shE!lf is fdl d with 1!:II heatd ofI ' hlee p ; 1~a ntn ll1 g ]11111 Dealers in everything connected with an uph f I I .1.. ' I .. , . p ('m e n ~ ; ' 0 1'( son I'll I' or ; a r ---==-~ -Miss Grace ' S mart li nd Gerry 1. 1t e IIIll stap I'S \\ " I ~ 1 .\1 t· n ces- ness, f eed un d a lot of m iseel to-date Lumber Yard Loe we of Cin ci nn nti were , und a y ' UI'Y for th e pr e pa r al1 ll ~ of me.n ls. la neous urticles g uests of Mrs. Ma r y Hai nes an d Cu rrcC' , fl u 1I 1', s uga r, n ee, ~r l c,e R See big bill s i or part icul ars. Chas. Sma rt. and so o n, a re am ong t he proou cb RUSSELL ELLIOTT th ul need t o be on hand , a nd l hat R H ' A l' Th e Priscill a ' Cl ub o f Beec h most women keep in a ir-t ight con- . . a lll es , uc IO neel'. \ Gr ove met With Mrs . Berd a J orda n tain ers. Werln esday of Illst week. Th ose , It is j u l a s imp ortan t f Ol' f llo d presc nt wer e Mrs , CR ~h e rin e J a r- I cl ea n lin ess t hal co ntaine rs t he m dnn a nd da ug hte r MISS Hann a h, se lves be k pt in s p o tl es~ co nd iti on • • • MIX Mrs. fil a Mc Kuy, ~rs. Edith Mc- I T he y l!et a lm ost dai ly han d lin g nnd Kay ,Mrs. Ma ud Chn e , Mrs. Ella soo n th e out. id es arc mud ged a nd ' F.e r~· i s , Mr '. T a lmage a nd sist e l' !lll a r ked a nd u nsigh tly. Th e pa r licu, S Imple g lycerin, buckt horn bar k, Jlssle. of Bl'ec h Grove; Mrs . Mar y lar house wif e Wip E! th E' m wIth a salin e , e tc. , a s mixed in Ad lerika, -'--=--FUNERAL DIRECTOR Wilso n of L e ba no n, ~rs , Len a soap y cl oth bef ore xhe rie ts t he m lr eli eves con stip!l~io n in TWO ests of t heir souls, bea t u s t o Ii a r t Rock of Way n esvJ! le , Mrs. bll el< 011 t he. helf. As f or th in- JhoUrS! Most medlcllles ac t On only DO WE PUT TOO MUCH Hea ve n by an a ve rllge of twe nty Mary Ma nn on, Mrs. Viola .H Ar t- sid es, t hey shoul d be l hor oughl y lower bowel, but Adlerika acts on WAYNESVILLE, OHIO EMPHASIS ON HEALTH 30 Years E xper ienca in Fitting yea rs, They matured youn g, wor- sock a nd sons J oseph a ne! Milo o f washed and d ri ed a l lell t every BOTH u ppe r a nd lower bowe l, r e a nd Makin g Glasses ried mu ch a nd died In what we W il mingt on, and Mr s. Lul a EllI ~ , t.wo wee ks til insul'e 5wce lnl'HS. If movin g poisons yo u never t hought - at-A ma n who kn ows Scotland t old now r ega r d a s early middle life. A t wo-course lu nc hco n WA S m ell ~ ur i ng cups an cl spoo ns llre we re in your 3ystem, Just ON E , Fully Enuipped for G ood Mor eover, I have alway. ques- sel'\'ed by t he ho. tel's, Beve ral sub ke pt in thc conl a in er th ey should spoonful r eli eves GAS , so ur stom"'..., ' m e o f his experience with a ti oned whe ther they were truly j ect s were dIsc ussed and e nj oye d be w!lshed a nd t horoug hly d r ied nch a nd sick hea da che. Le t Adl e r::>~T\lCC. co ti sh sheph erd, re ligious, whether It is possible to by a ll. , Every, Thurada,." ' lifte r eac h use. I ika J;ive st omach n nd bo wels a DIAplay Room, Th e sh ph erd seeme d to ha ve an be relig ious In th e besl s ense if S.turda,. Miss E lla McCarre n of Dayto n ----IREAL c leaning a nd see how goo d Ambulance Service un ca nn y powe r over the sheep. one is sick and ruled by tears. Oatmeal Muffins you fee l! Adam s Drug S t or e. No charge for Ex.mination Wh e n he scnt out his own peculiar Old Sim e on Stylites believed clIll ed on Mr. n nd Mrs . W , T , J or : \/ AY UR NI(;H1 One cake yeast, one_fourth Clip -- • call every one of them , n o matter that it is the business of a saint da n Sundll Y .even ing. T r,;LEPHONl<: 7 h ow distu nt, I'a i ed his head and t o mortify the body. H e chained ., n'I' II: I': HI-' ,U'I'UIX'I':UEX'" luke wa rm wa t er. t hree tablespoo ns sta r te d stra ight f or home. himself to the top of a pillar, and sugAr, two ta bl espo ons bu tter , one The visitor be gged f OI' a chanc e became so loathsome that worms cu p hot milk , o ne cu p r ll llt' d oats. ERla l e o f 1,1 " !'II Huc k ·tt ,lpCCfi.ccl o ne-half cup whole wheat fl ou r :\ n li , '" 1M h ' 1'~ I , v J,;'l w' n tha t J , O. to t ry h is calling power s . He lived in his fle sh, and he did not " r I h' fl ' 1 ~' :CJ'l\\,l'Il-\h l ,h,," dilin'"lr ly nl}flolnt II ~--------------. c upped hi s hnn ds ove r his mouth attempt to pick them out because one - h a If cup ~ I t e l ~v Ite our, 'lIIcl (lllaH!i NI ns11 ell ,\ dm nlol' of ~ Rnd e mitted a n oise which to his he reg arded his sufferings as II on l' t ea spoo n sa lt. Boll t he r (l ll ed I IIH' I-: s t a l ~ (l r Idtt 1\1.... HuCk ult Ill ll' NOTARY PUBLIC oats lin d butter in mi lk one mi nu te of I I 'a ,'r(' 11 I·OU IlI Y. , uhl o, (\ r,cense (\ , own cars s ounde d exactly like the mean s of grace, Il nlC11 11 11~ ali dll)' u f Jall ua l' Y shephe rd 's call. How such an idea could have L e :o S t Il n d u n t l'I ItI k I'wa r m. D'I so Ive I In" National B.nk Not [\ s ingle sheep responded, been born out of the teachings ot W . :'.. I ~O I. 1. yea st a n d ~ lJ {! ur in lukewu r m wa ter ' J " d !; ~ or th r· P"oll n l (o ul'I . Eat.t •• Settlecl " Do n't be , discouraged," said the hea lthy out-d oor Jesus is one Will Dr.wn a nd combi ne t he tw o mixt ures, W a l'l' e n Cou n t ~· , Oh io, th e sheph erd . "T ry again . Maybe of the mysteries of the ages, He Cincinnati M.n Happy To Tell Add fl o u r pnd sa lt, a ne! beat we ll. Wayne.ville, Ohio there is a r; ick on e in th e fl ock and, mortified no bodies. ' He hellled The buttc r should b e t hi ck enough Wh.t New And Differont if so, he will list c n t o YOII, When t hem, built the m up, and senti 1.1::(; ,<\1 . ~U 'I ' H; ": to r1rop heavil y f r om .t he s poon. HIGHEST sheep Ar ('l heal t hy they will follow their owners on their way rejoieo ver a nd let ri se un t il lig ht, Medicine Did For Him CASH a bou t on e hour ,in n modera te ly Thornn s M , )l nll lll ",lon. I'I lll ll tl fC, only th ir own she pherd , but a ' ing. sick on e mll y go off Aiter anybody. I St . Puul, the great dI sciple, w n r nl pla ce. F il l \vell -grensed I sn t, r· 1 Liki ns l n l ~':,' e t nl. . PRIC I:: S Ever y on cc in u while som ebody , loved games, races and fightll. muffin pa ns t wo-third s full. , Let n"Cendn'll., Cus · )'; 0 , H 29 1 PAlO rise s u p to cri t icize us modern If it be a rgu ed that most of the rise a b uut f orty min utes , ba ke ;;l nl" of n ll lo, \1'arr"11 ~ -U" "t )' . C UIl!parc nb for e1 ,'voti ng t oo much I philosophCl's hnve been men of twe n t y-flvl' min u t eR in a mod eraInOIl P i c a . Cuurt. l " a lo~ 1 I,lk lnH ( ; at., ~. ~ -3 :, I1lll nl' l.. ' e ly hot oven . lim e nnd allN clion t o ou r child - poo r health , r venture to contend • " , 1. . \\ "~li i ll g l u n , II '.: W ill l.i ke ll ~. re n's, physiclII w ~ ll _b e ing. that the world has more philosophy I ,;:~ I :al'\' ~ tl·e ._ I . " ' I!l ul \' IH d ",:-. . ~ n n !· r all ' ls l' (). ('Hl l fu r ll ln ; r ;l'O I' ){t' 1.l k Sa ys s uch a critic : "Of course, t han it need s or can ever use. And , Orange Fro.ting Fourteen Years of In s. I HI \'n,,-k " 1 A li t .. San ' I '~ n u\cISi ­ the body is im llllrlllllt, bu t it was t ha t what is more important is Gl'Il t e d I'in d o n~~ or unge, thre e "0, ( 'allf.lI' nl a ; II HI ' \' C\' I., l h:ln s. 1at) give n to us not t o be exalted but mol' ne rmal, laughing optimistic EXPERIENCE Sa n I-:- r n.n IHl-°. al ~ tab les poo ns ora ng e j ui ce , one e gg PI r h')..I':tl1I tl l c , \M\ ' nt ' IIIHUH' , L!k I " " ~t IU\'. 11 :17 t o be disciplined lind put, down. To W(l me n and men, . . yolk . confect io ne r"S sugar. Mix V I'll' S\.. ;X " IJ"~ A II J,;'I' I1\)0. Cu ll Cn r PHONE 8F~-­ IllY so much e mphasis on the Health is prophylactic. A health g l'Uted o l'nnl!'(' l'in d with frui t ju ice ilia : .I,·lI ll 1 , IIt:l n ~ LI\'III ~ " l o n p , l ~ t l ph ys ical is paganism, Our right- boy would much rather go t o a ball R A, ;-;1 " IUc'hIl1 01'l0l, 111 (11" "(1 , Horunci Ir ! st a nd fif teen min utes. ae " Il. 1. I kl ll ,~ :I~ UI" II " Ilcl .. Wtn HARVEYSBURG, OHIO .. nu s an cest ors disregarded the park than a saloon. t rain in t o I!g f( yo lk, bl'll t ' n un t il , Ih ' :-. t .... " Mi\ t"Ij,t h\ 19 f' t t:-; : ).\l t u I .l k l n s body and puid a ttention to th .. ir It's the weak, nervous creatures I h.H~ I . nl l ·U I· " :l :.'~ \ V. ~ H\' n rl' " ~lI'e (· t . a nd lemo n-co lored , and Hdd RiftC' d :-: ' 11 th f t ; , ;, ~ 1. 1II I1 In l :l\: P Ilu l .'Y , L i ksoul s." who demand the stimulus of disconf('ctili ll e r's sugll r un t il of ri g ht III" :! I l=' I' (· nt ~ tr· t'(l t . L fl 8 A ,u,n ·l f1s. This is true, and it might be sipation . Ju st as the weak sick c (jm; i ~ t e n c y t o !<pi'earl. I Ill i fu . IIl u . M IU' I L l kl n ~ Hrn,\-\ n . 11 0 11 added that our ancestors, by neg- !;heep go 011' when a false voice :--; I n ll l ~ A VH I1I1 · ', E l kl tn l' t . In d ll\ un ; lect ing t)l eit· bodies in the inter- cu I\s. Waynesville, Ohio ::=:=:=:=====~=====~ 1" 1""'1 ,lo ,· k OlIl Il . Jl ig' hllllld n il I .·un-


.10,. the

w. H. Madden & Co.








Easy.'Q.Ole.k' GI ycenn.

for Constipation


DR. RUDOLPH • Sight Specialist Cary'sJewelry Shop



Dead Stock Wanted



DR. L. B. HALL Veterinarian


Harveysburg Fertilizer Company


Reliable Vaccination Phone 76F4



Whose songs gushed heart, Ae showers from the clouds of I Bummer, Or tears from the eyelids start

!I• • • •,:I1_IJI.. . . . . . . . . .~l


Dr. John Zettel MR. ALEX JONES

Who, through long dale of labor, Results are what count, and And nightll devoid 0 eue, Still heard in hlB lIoul the music Konjola can be counted on for resulte, Consider the experience of Of wonderful melodiel. Mr, Alex Jones, 225 West Fourth Such sonrs have the power to Street, Cincinnati, who says of quiet . Konjola: "gonjola gave results in my The resUels pulse of care, And come like the benediction case that surely astonished me. THE DAY IS DONE That tallows after prayer. For four years I suffered agony with muscular rheumatism, and J3y !iellfy Wadsworth Longfellow Then read from the treasured vol_ was in bed for weeks at a timll, umo IndigestlQn anq constipation I\d d~ The poem of thy oholae, ed to my misery, f;very mQrninll' The day Is done, and the darkl'\el\l!I 1~811 8 from the wings of nl~h~ And lel'ld to the rtlyme of the PQet fQ\lnd l11e tlre~ o\lt IInq Il x\la usteei. The music of thy voice. l'4edleine after medicine failed me. /is a feather Is wafted dowllwarQ frIend insleted that I take Kon. Frol11 all eagle hI' Its flight· And the night .hllll be f\lled with A jola; she said ehe was sure that muslo it was the medicine I needed. And I see the lights of the v\lIage And the carel! that Infest the 'Konjola Gleam through the rain and the proved to be just thatday , the medicine I should have had in mist Shall fold their tents like the Arab And a feeling of sadness comes the first place. In four weeks thi s And as silently steal . away. remarkable medicine corrected all over me ~ my ills. I have regaine~ an the That my heart cannot resist: weight I lostkand am feeling fine, A SLEEPER A feeling of sad!,ess an~ longing No wonder onjola is known as That is not akin \0 palll, the mee!icine with more than a A , foreigner asked, "What is a million friends." And r esembles sorrow only. , As the mist resembles ram. sleepel'?" He was bewildered by Konjola is sold in Waynesville the follow'i ng reply: "A slefper is at Adam. Drul Store, and by al\ Come read to me some pO,em, the best druggists in all towns So~e simple and heartfelt lay, one who sleeps. A sleeper Is the throughout this entjre section . That shall soothe this restle~B feel- name of a carriage on the railway , ing , in whicb a sleeper sleeps, A sleeper And banish th~ thougnts of day is a block Uiat holds the rails on AT LAST , -Not from the gra.nd ~ld ~astera, which the sleeper runs while the sltleper sleeps. Therefore, while "Hurrah I Five dollars for my Not from the bards subhme, the sleeper slepil In the sleeper, latest story." . Wl)ose distant footsteps ecbo "Congratul,!ltions, young lady. Through the corridors of Time, the sleeper CarNel!l the sleeper over the sleeper until the sleeper in the From whom did you get the For, like strains of martial m~sic, sleeper, by striking tbe Bleeper money!" Their mighty thoughts Bunellt under the sleeper. and there is no "From the express comp any. Life's endl ess toil and endeavor; longer any IIleep for the sleeper . T.hey Jos~ it." And tonigbt 1 long tor rest. who was asleep 1n the sleeper over - - ....- - - Read froin Borne llumble poet, the sleeper." Subscribe for The Miami Gazette

-,=-=== == =






19 N. Broadway LEBANON, OHIO Eye. Exominl!4 GI..... fitt.d Repair,

VACCINfATION With Dependable Serum and Virus insures both Safety and Success

Dr.W. E. Frost Harveysburg, O. Phone 31


Dr.C. W.ANSON Veterinarian , Phone 93

Waynelville, Ohio

th' l ' B l .... d .. 1.0:4 " 11 1,,\' · le ~ . Ca lirI/r u in: 1-'1'''.1 1\' .1.. dlll 'fl n, 1I .. ,·" ,'Iy 1I 1 11 ~ . ' ''' l\li f r, rn l n : ( ; .. n r' g-'· \\' , :\( n nln )..f t o n .

I '1'"" " IIILh.

l\ ~l' nda : 1.<l nli L . M nnln ~ - I I I, n, I: , I ~ . !). H o" ;:! , ji!. SCH(t I L', \\ ' H ~ h · , lrl/.t; t tl ll : ;\Tlna Ht· ll , l "' ~"i B ll f fa l o ~tn , t ' 1 , F r H I,hl i n , P " lIn R}, l \'r\ ni n : 1'; l w a r d )·h · ll . l~ :! t~ H" r fli l o !4l r' Cf' t, 'I F r ll rtld i n . i-'1,n nHyl vll n l n : .J u hn Hr- U. 1:! :Hi ~ 1'!\\·l cw. BI'II1I{I.· p or l. on .. n" I.' t 1.-"11 l ; I H\. \' td ~1. DI)lI , n 11Iln n r, un ,

I' Iinl' 11 111 A" c' lIu e, !lolht . , 1'.. ""8 : I:" U, )\I , Be ll. n ij •.- IIn r,II Il I1 ", t I"" " ld M , (1, ,11 . a mInor, ~O~ CQch.r 11111 A v," , e , Pn ll ns. T ex u s : f.; ltUtbel h RInc k I ICI ,nln g er. 11:18 Cht'SlIHIl Str on t, Fl'nllkll n, PO.lilti )' I"an ln : lIIa l'll't\r et IIlnc'k \\ .• lit er. 9:,:1 Elk St reet , 1'·l' a nl' II ". P'c nll s), ll'a nl n : nU I'lO I1 A . 111,,1'1' . P"p ul nl' St re·PI. (ho " " " Ity, Jic'nn ," ,' l"all ln; Mnr\' U ht~ k D n\'l~ , Gil !' \1·... h lll g l0I1 ' A" e nu ~: p oin t l\',,_ lilll l! lon. l'/l llfor nh, : :\f argn rpt HI" r-k , 0 II1 lnll", pt. 1 2. ~ Q 5 i E uC'\l d A ' ·" " lI e . fl lt lHh ll r g, f' ol1n. yl\,nll lfi : II n el n oli cc",,, Bl a ck, a m Inor, Ant , I ~ . a cl~7 I~ Cl c ll .1 A" cnue, PI lI. hur g, 1'6n Cl sY " 'un ln , wi ll tllk e notl a" Ihn t 'I' h(om " " M , :\111 lit 11 1:1 II m\ 1110 IlIh ,lay or O ·.. ~mll e l· , t O ~ 9 . rll,'d hi. pO ll l l " n I n tllf' l'Ollllll on r"'n" COlIl't \I 1I 11 1n n" cl Cur th e C-o unl y o f \\'n r r e n lind S llLt e or OhIo, ng nl 1l8 t th e nho "" nlt lJl Co.l tl orr ndn nt a, nnd olh'·I'H. !o " InjoC c n 6 ~ :0:1 0 . 14 29 1. nll eg lng l lint he I . Lh ~ own cl' In reE' sImpl e IJt

nn tl ndl v t t}.·d inl e t'P IH

ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN ,"our Cattle, hogs, sheep and caivel t u Norris-Brock Co., live wire and progressive firm for the hiihel!lt Ill lll'ket prices and good service. Union Sto'c k Y.rd., Cincinnati, O. IReference: Ask f\rst man you meet



- , ,,,,\,, . -




I n th e f o l-

c-~ t n t \. to-w tt : ~ l l1ln t c I n lh ~ To wll sh in Of \ Vn y n c . In t h CO U ll l\, nf \\' j\1' rt: n a.l111 Sta t f\

lo win g' fl es c r llH'd renl


kll owli nll d 1l"Hcr lll" il ", ,\ hOli l ,' Igll t )· (H Il ) """ " " : Innd , b"l n", :-: ol'lh hnllr of " ,"V , ~ lI !l r l " r (,r S"ct lon 3 3. '1'o \\' n 4, 11 1l1l 1jC0 5 , :\\. It, S. III \\' I\rr" n Cou nt y. 0 h lo. a nti ,whI ch I. ~ I l tlt\t rd on t he Hull il rook Tu r nl' lI, " I\b o ut tw o (\ lI d oll c- hn \( mil es :-lul·tll rr om t hl' h ,wn o f 'W'L), nel,\'l ll e In anlil. OUnl )'. lInd k 1]00\' n 11 M, th o " BI"I' lill,1lI Fllrm ,", T it., " royer ot Mil <I petition I" r-or Illll't ltinn or' snlll H R, s till e : th ll t !," tl nIIU's Inl ,I'"s t b ' 8 t ofr to ,hi m III " ,. mil l': t hnl [llll lntlrr mn y hilYV a doe reo con t lr!l'I ll1f\' tl lt' r es p ec~ tl ve shnres Of til I'lt rll es In snltl r ~ al s lut" UM Net out I'll sa lel p ~tt ­ t lon. an (\ for S Ul'lt oth er an d furlh er r e ll e r 11ft ts jl,Iat, eq ui tabl e u nci See Early for' Your Sale 'Datee. ,We ~u'.ran ...., er pr,y,r. . PIlI'son; nbo ,:e named w ill . 'S aU.fa('t.ion or Charg. Nothin'C'o tn k-I} nOllce tha t th ~. nr pa r ti es t o snlll .. 'Won , ILn <. tlta t t he" :],fe r equl r 11 t o nnlj wer the satoe on or b t orI.' lip 1st dfi Y ,or IIf£U' h, 1930. o~ Jud g ment w\ll be t ak ~ n agnln!!t th em' THOIILAS M. MANINGTON, P.... No. 311' t'b.,..N.. 1 Plaintiff. s hawhan & Brown, L e hanon, Ohio. , 1_....""'"~_ _---~~-.-"!'".,-..~~------------'"7~ A ttorneY8 !tor PlalnULL. .. g %.

.. C 011 10. fiR follows :



:-----------_._'-_._-- - -----

F. T.' ,Martin Jesse ~tanley



Centerville~ 0.- New Burlington,O.



THE MIAMI c:J.'lfE.~.'.'.'_~





p . .__________________________• _____~m __________. .----------~----------------------. . .

Myer Hyman's January Clearance Sale will posltiv:elY ena Saturday Nigbt, Jan. 25th. Now is 'y our opportunity to, Illa,ke' your purch~ses and save Dloney. Everything must he sold to m~ke room fot' new Spring Merchandi~e, regardless of cost. Now is your opportunity to sa\'e from 25 % to 40 (0 and mort·. All new and seasonable goods, such as Men's and Young Men'l Suits, Pants, Shirts, Underwear, Work <:Iothes, Or'ess and W or k Shoes Dry Goods, Rugs, Linoleums and Congoleum Rugs, Dl"apery and WaH Paper. Come and see us before buying elsewhere.


Waynesville, Ohio


STEAMED ORANGE PUDDING di sh plllc ed in a ~tl'l1 mcr o"e n I uoi li ll~ \\att" r, StPlI1ll fill' lIll huur Make bisc uit d ough and r oll it I nnd II half lind ~()l' Vl' wilh ~I ny into II long narrow sh eet o ne- \ ~ Ilucc_._ _ _ • fourth o f an inch thi ck. Sp l'ead t hickly with pee lll6l 'lind s lic ed OH NO NOT THAT BAD ol'anges, sp rinkl e with s ugllr and 11 ~"I ) O ;l't t e ll 1111' yllt1 ~ ot g r~te.d ora nge peel lind r oll up. thr.,,, new dr l'~~ l'~ II I 0 1\1' ' !" ~wI s tm g the e nds t ogethe r . Lay il S hc--"Oh no, I jUti t ~"l o ne ye s In a butte red pie tin o r pudd i ng lerday and tw o thi , llI o rnin g ."


\\. , II. la ,I' . r :\1 :tifllltl S ,



g » 1'. ~a\'a '( ',

F n.IIlJ11.

Price List

The Coupe The Sport Coupe

The Club Sedan The Sedan



















0 tI ::! ()





1 1I 0 0

lJ. 0











0 0 0




" 31 ill :;, f • Bl'in eon , • Lukes. (. • Bnlll. g " Roll'\' .

US(·tl (l.~ a Phys i ciCl Il ~ I I ',wri!Hion for ;\itt:!Y Y.:al's




.\ld\inl(·y , c · ' ll"\ l'1l ,"" n. j:! C(ll lin ~ ,




1',, 1.,,1 5 •- · ~lIb , ti t ulil \ n



2 0

W. II. S,

Eili ~ .

f Whi nkt' r. John~, c



Tu r n ~r ,


Bru dbur y, g · Gu s t in . f

.... HV !l~l',


C;, I

F. 0

0 I 0 0


0 <I 0 I

l " I. Satlille! II II I of SC:1tt le, famou. international capitalist and promoter Of good roads, i.' behind thl= Il r< .j~c t It, Inli id tile C(llInccting link bct\\ccn Dr:tish Colu mbia and Alaska wh ich will.make a continuous motOl'

4 ()




1•• , .. . 1.. ... I.! ... 1.

.. . . .... ... _ ...

' 1"'1 ..... 1

( " • • \~ _


JU IIlCS Co urtland M urray, age d a il'd ,nt tlrday nigh t at Prop e rty at th e corn er of t h ' 11Cl llW of h i" c1aughtc t·, Mrs. NOl't.h .street a n d Franklin road, o 2 E. W. Ho pki ns , tift ,I' an illness o f co ns Is tin g of a bo ut one acre \I f gro und, () room hOllse , was h h o u ~e, o R " 'vc ral we eks. 'I n tl o li e wa s 1I son o f th e lut e hades ha rn , , PO ll.1 t r y h? use , so me. f.rult, o o n rind Rlle n Che n o we!.h lVI .u nay and l'I.('c t rl~ hg'h ~! III a ll., b l~lldln~~ , . Doglln , ~ o 2 1' u cke l'. v: 2 wa~ wc ll r espected In thI S commu - \\ tl t e r In hOll. e a nd baln, \\ e ll , C I ~· Deb oard, c J o 2 nity wherc he lil' cd t h e g r eat r le l'l~ , a n~ pl e nty of sha dc; t hIS p url of hi s life. pro pc r ty IS prI ced t o sell, s hown by f) T o tal s 2 Mr. M urra y was a m e mb c l' of IIpp ointm e n t by W. N. Sellrs the K. of P. Lodge a nd t he 1. O. O. Ll ce nsc d Bro ke r. Salurda y ni ~ ht lhc tea ms we nt F. Lodgc an d Encampment. On e - - - ... - • - - - 10 Cl'ntl'l'vi il e and IeI.'! two g lll1l es l dn u ~ ht er, Mr:'. E. W. H o pki IS and Th c fi rst t eam los ing by a sco re I lwo ~i ~ l"I'S , Mrs. E lla Braddo ck of 4 5 t o II an d th e !'; ec o nd t ell m I a nd ~ l l's. E:lllma Grubb s urviv e him by a sc()!'e o r IR t n 10. Il uy le d \ Pun e ra l se rvic es w e l'e he lel at t he Wa y ne!'; vill· ~ r ll n: r ~ with f OUl' thc Churc h of hris t , Tucsduy points. a.rt.·rn ()() n . •. I~['v: Ch est e !' A. W i.I- 1 Th e Merry Wives Club met - - - -Il!Illl SOn ofllcllll ln g. Burl!l l was In \V't h l\11'. Ray R eeves o n WetlnesUe ll lJroll l; ce metery, 11 S. . II .~ . lay. G. F . '1'. '" Bo rn to Mr. and Mrs . W. D. llia m Re cll e r 1\ forme l' r csiTurn c r. f J o 2 Wi of Wuyn esv ill e. (lied s udd e n- LUI'kin, of Dllmas cuR, January 16 , Wu ll acl', r 1 o 2I d"nl a l t he home of his sis ter in n dau g hte r , Fran ces Anne, Mnin o us. (' o 1 4 i-iI yprinv:fi la s t F rid ay m O l'Jl i n ~ . fla y , I!: o 4 () 1 D eat h wcald, Rev. and Mrs. Kilm er spent u e to hea rl t r oub le, Fr olll lll . g II o 21 FUIH!rals du parl of lust wee k with relatives in s CJ' viecs W(,I'C he ld at · Sc hu le r,f I o _ Lhe Ch a pe l Mond ay aftern oo n a nd ·urdinia. T (} tal ~ 5 J 1 bU I ial wa R in M iami ce m ebe ry. lI AR F. Bogan , f H. Rogan. f S yf!' r d, c

EY SnU r.C;

( .J yC1\1 " ,



14 1


desired .

-- --- -----

Kilpatrick·french M otorcar Co. BLANCHESTER

S Jav:Il'; f Moh an, Mili cI'. v: Me lu l't'. lr · WnJkcr , r



Ello S. Co mtpon widow of the late .1. Orvillc Compto n, di ed of a ser io us co mpli cation of diseases Saturday evening. Funeral services wcre held in the Friends c hurch T uesday aftel'n oo n. In her ' dea t h the community loses one of its IlI Ost es te emed citizen.


:\ tJ

---- ------


-Say Thousands

Including Tuxedo Dairy in the ration makes amazing i ncreases in milk production, Thousands of cow owners say so. Experts are surprised at its quic~ results; iust a few days aod there's a lot more milk, Old-timers are astounded by its lasting effects; Tuxedo does lengthen the lactation period; it does build up the cow's health. The right grains. the correct mineral salts, and pure cane molasses, all measured and milled the Tuxedo way - t~ere you have the reason for this remarkable IUCUSS, We have it-for you,


·' do a'try .Iiuxe D Lytle, Ohio


Li l tl e Vin c nt GritTv, Box 187, thi s C(, mlllllnit v has b ~e n mad e a mcmu r o r S inbac Ra di o Club it i ~ a nn n unr(' d bv "U ncle Bob " .. - - - - - Wi l:o n, falll " u ~ ra; li o c n te rtain or NUMBER TEACHERS IN OHIO o f Stat io " I( YW an ll pres id e nt of lh ' r lu!>. in a l 'l t ~ I ' r ece ive d by t he y nlln ~~ !e r. In th(' le ttl' I' wa s Th e rc ar e 3,2()() men teach e rs (, 11('1" ~ l' d nn a U r:\(!UI'e club pin in e le me nlary sc hoo ls and 23,738 wh ic h t. hl' Ylliings ll' r is 11011' wea r wom en teae hel's, a tota l o f 27,ing us ('v iil c nl'I' th at h(' "bel ongs." ~O 'I i!1 all, a nd in ju ni o r a nd se n Th e club. whil'h ro n ec rns it~ f' lf lo r 11Igh sC.ho ols, t he I'e are 4,5.84 \\ ilh th (~ hl' alih li nd ha pp in csR of men teach in g li nd n c~rly tWIce it s childn: n-me1IlbC'rs :lnd fu r t h 1'_ t h,at lIlan y wom ~ I ". lo be exact, ing I!Of.d " e' h:ll' iol' li n d l(l v(' a nd R,.{?O,.H t otal o f . 1 2 , !l ~ 4 t ea che rs 11'(:, p('ct f o r e l der~ . was s tarte d by III .ru lllo r a nd se lll o r h~gh school s , i "Unc le Bou" last A ugll st lind no\\' I In !I ll , we have 33,153 women ha ~ II m mbcrs hi p of 10,000 in a nd 8,D48. men , a to~al o f 42,701. , ( vc r y secti o u of th e cO,unlry. Moet l Enroll ed In the publlc schools .are in ~H !Ire hl'ld fr oll1 Ii :3 0 to 6 :00 G36, O!l5 boys and 613,517 g l r l ~, every 1'u 'sday even iu g' fl'o m Sta- ' a l ota l of 1,24!l, 6 12. Approxlt io n ' KYW, C hicago. with "Uncle ~1l<ll('I~. 7D pe r cent of th e teach ers Bo b" a s' mastel' of c I'c mo ni es. 1Il OhI O lire women lind 21 per El)tertainm-e nt of special interest I ce nt li re m e n., , ' to c hild re n a nd t he ir oarents is - - • ~eeI1~d~d durin g this broadca, l t BLOOD 'tRANSFUSION

A""""OIIIIfIIJw&w7 RrtpdrnlnI-lfll', 20%, 24%,33%

Tllftli6 C4/f.M.III


~ •• __ .ak...s_foCJOGoTbeca1fduP.oalc.coo. . . . . . . . . coaoa OI! paper aacka. Each 2G-POuod- sack will .......... 01 15010 zoo powa4a of "bole aalJlL.

___..._____~------------------;a II

Kern~ s

Garden Inn



Bow it saves you money to put on Goodyears NO"' On t he coo l and W'c t r oad R o f w intc r, new Goodyear treads w car slower eve n than in SUIII III er, mile for mile. An es tabJis hed fllctl


• Sll·\· l' n ~ . J.:


Whipped Cream Sundaes Malted Milk I Ice Cream I at

Mother- "Hurry, or you'll be ' late f or yo ur mU!~ i c lesso n. Ha ven't you t hose s hoes on yet?" Junio r- "Yes'm, ull e xcc pt this .on e I'm putting o n and one more! t

You need s are gdpping on atl-fours, th e ~ c da nger o us driving months. Sto p s for t irc chnngcs llre m o re disagr'eea bl c, too.

1 J

f " ('o l'lw ll. ('

Waynf!avill .. , Ohio

uhscri be foJ' Th e Miami Gazet t e


10 ()

" L OII~,

Phone 120

Lee Earnhart, E, H. Kelte r, R oy J. Ross, and Howa rd Grahum from , W a n e n County w e r e among t he thirty agents of t h e Farm Burea u Mutual Autom obil c In surance Co m pa ny attend ing II Dis trict Sul es , Mecting at lhe Ge n cral De nv e r I Ho t el, Wilmin!t~ , ~ust we ek.






~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~ IBartl eI'. =

_ _ _ __

= = - - - -= ----=- -= - -- -

For Sale or Exchanae For Smaller Property


T ()t.lI l ~

1: . \..,_ ".

- --

IThe Safe Drug Store

ru:,,1 f nJl II ~lcx ico 10 the far Non h. The road w.ll pa ss th rough the Peace P ortal which st;lnds on the Internat ",nal (," "I1IIM), line The I\ci'n d~c r mea t industry III Ala ska is being fostered by the Government which OWlll





T. · 2 0 2

0 0




Consider the delivered price a s well a s the li s t (f. o. b.) price when comparing automobile valu es. Our dealers' de li vered prices include only authorized charges fol' fr e ig ht a nd dclivery, and the ehllrge {or a ny a d Jitional accessories or fin unci ng'

"Works Wonders"


O. limIt-: G. F. T .

R. Yo w.' II . f

5495 $525 -• $495 S565 $565 $625 $625 • $675

F', T


\\' . \' Cl w,' 11. f

All Price. f. o. h. Factory, Flint, Michigan




in Chevrolet History

The Coach


T l/ ttl l ~

Chevrolet The Phaeton

,,j,,,. .

' Hi,· h. l' ' 1I :lI'<lill .

The Greatest

The Sport Roadster


(; ,


I lJ

Sl'll\ll " r, "

The Roadster



\\·all:I<·'·. f




"Uncle. B o b" is now working on, Mrs, H a rold !=iuduce hlld a very plans whIch call f or t he fOl'motion : se r ious opemtion' a t Miami Valley o( a I ~cal c hapter of t he Sinbac I' h o ~p ila l las t . week. which was . Cl~b Jus t a s oo n liS e noujrh f oll owed by a blood transfusion c1Hldren ~ave e n.1'oller1 to m a ke it J f r om Mr;. Forrest Githens. Sev_ .worth whrle. ThIS club would en - I e ra l fri e nds ga~h ered at the hosuble nil of .t he youngster s I,itul today for a bl ood co unt and to itl't nc., uallltt!d w!th each other ~e 'o nd transfusion. Mrs. Surface and to have good times together. is s lowly improving. '

Mr. a nd Mrs. John Rye were Xenia shoppe rs Monday. Mrs. Fre eman of Dcar Old T own ' spent W ednesday afternoon with MI·s. H erbert Marlatt. Mrs. Euphemia Toms, Mr. lind Mrs. Rllymond -Osborn of Xe nia fi pe nt S unda y afternoon with Mr . a nd Mrs. Emerson Dill and son Billy. Mrs. Fl o r e n ce Barnard and Mr. Ed mo n Marlatt s pe nt Saturday eve ning with Mr. Joe Mnrlatt. ]\frs. Frank Kcllis is on the sick list. Mr. a nd Mrs. Harold Kellis and so n Billy s pent Sunday in Lytle. Mr. and M'r s. P. A . Runyon spent Tuesday with Mr. Clarence MichMl and ,family. Mrs. ' Chenoweth is spending a few weeks with her daughter and family Mr. an~ Mrs. David Lucas. Mr. and Mrs. Joshna Holland spent ,Suvday 'afte rnoon with Mr_ and MI·s. Lawrence Wakeley; - - -•• - - -- Watch your expiration date on the Miami Gazette.

E njoy slI'e ty ,at nn c- half thc s um_ mer cos t per mileand , becau se of slig ht tread W3ar, have tires like new when Spring comes. With the larger allowance your present tires will bring, vou get- practically free I - this sofety und freedom from winter t r 0 ubI e, if you trade now for new· Goodyears. Drop in- talk it over- or phone for OUI' estimator.

~4jfjijnlS4ii Dou'ble Eagle . Also complet~ stock of Goodyear


All-Weathers -Heavy Duty

Stand!il'd ~ and the match less low_price

Pathfi,nders .

~ Here, too I- More people ride on Gbodyears . ,Let ' us demonstrnte the 2 reSBOna why.

Gor don's Service Station Phone 47


Waynelville, Ohio



Eighty:Third 'Xear

NEWS DIRECT fROM -THE SlAlE CAPITOL CO LU MBUS. O HIO ~ Sec r et nry II f Stllte Ch.l l'encc .J. ~r o w n is huvi ng' eVlJ ry schoo l bus In t he state in spected in an effor t to eli mi nate a ll th ose which a re defec ti v . Com missio ne r o ~ Motor Ve hi cles C h a llll e l' ~ R. Wtlso n u s ig ned t wt.' n t.y- fi ve i nspectors to t h/Il duty "evC' rnl dll Y~ a g,o .an d th e inspection is t o be I'Igld a nd tho ro ug h in t he hope o f pre ven t in g s uch tragic aCC ide nt s us ha ve t a ken place an d wh.ich cost ~h e li ves of 16 ~c h oo l childre n d urtn ~ th e prC'sc nt mont h . Sec r:etar y Hr uwn also 8tnletl th a t an end avo r wuuld be mu de to have every bu s dri vel' in t he sta t e secu r!! n cha uffe ur'S li cc nse so thu t nonc but compete nt ami ex pe ri en ce d opcrn t unl co uld ac t in that capu city.

W hole N umber 5894


By Albert T. Reid


AT THE GHURr.HfS IN WAYNESVILLE LY TL E M. E, CHURCH ,' unun y ,'choo l lit 2 :0 0 p. m. :\Ir~ . . LI; n~lIc l' e, S Upl' l'inlc nd e nl. 'hu rch Se n ' ict' lit :~ :00 p. m. A l I hi ~ sC I vicc will be g iv C' n a Illt' ~­ ~a K (' [I utl\ th e go t' ·a t Pe n laCI s,t:11 · o lulllbu ~ . 1 hc Ce nte n nial a L th l/ il wi ll givp slwt ial Ill ll sic. Officill l btJU l'd f n ll ll \\'in~ till' sCl'vice. Praye r IlH:cli ng on W c dn t! ~ d~y (, V(' ninK foll ow('d by teacher;; lram illl< ci a,s. T he'se me 'li ngs arc v ' I'Y he lp ful li nt! ti re well atte nde u Un Wl'dll l' sti a y aftl!l'Il oo n, F e brua t'\' ii a nw etir; g wil l b held in he Cliu l' L' h bl' he l:t di t' s of' Lhe c hurch Ralph Virdell, mail pilot, \I ho (J ew T his i" o'l't' n l u all wom \I o f t hc 3t 20 1 mi les ptr hour bCll'.'ccn Porro I·olllnlllll ity . A ' l)ecially glJod proland anrl San Francisco at 12,000 reel ~ I a III " ill he J,(i"l! n and refresh1\1 ' nts " · I'\· ~ d . A silvc' r offe ring att itude. will bl' Kin' lI f" r miss io ns. Clime and heal' : o nlt' lh inK goo d . On ~ a l ­ u rdu y n ight, Fe hru ;l ry ut t he hall will Le J;ivc ll a play for thl' b('nC'fi l o f lh e church. Our specia l mect ings \\' ill IJ eg-in S unday n if,! ht, F e hl'uarv U. L t us pl'!ly for a I' ('a l I'cv i\·a!. 111'0. Whi !e hul'st of Ma inc"i llc will [l ssi" t and Miss Ber tha Rie l will conduct th e mus ic . ara. A. Bowmall, Pasto r

Edwa rd Bok, au journalist amI ph ilanthropist, wh~ C:II1',l to this country from J:l 0\l:l!Id a the ~I:t of si x and made h!l1~ sdf onl of the nation'i most useful Cllllens.

Stale Libraria n Geo rge Elli?tt McCo rmi ck unn uunces th e rece Ipt o f u valullb le add iti on lo th e State Lib l'Ury in "Th e Med ica l History of t he Wo rld Wa r. " in fi f t ee n vo lum c tw o of the vo lum es cont nin ing •t wo hooks, which is reg urd ed a~ a ti pl e ndid r ef~ l :e fl ce f or th iO'l ge nc\'ll ti nn of ph ys l ~lIl n s nnd "tn ti sti ci a n ~. It i!! the fir st com_ .... AYNESVILLE M. E . CHURCH pl ete medi "rd hi Rto ry of t he World War s o fa r prepn red lind is pr o\V t1n csday : niltle sludy nnd Buckeye Incubators at Fairle ys. no un ced by Mnjtll' Ge ne ral WilNexl Sun day, F'ebl'uary 2 , is prayer IlIcl' ling at 7 :00 p. m. hoil' li a m M. Irl' lnnd , Surgeo n Ge neral Gro undhog day. ol'a ctice at 7 :45 p. m. T hll l's day: Chas. Burnell was a Dayto n of t he Arm y, a!:il II pri cel.ess co nDis tl'ict Brntherhood meeti"g at vis it or S~ turday. l r ilJUt io n tn World Wa r hI st o ry. Mrs. J . C. Hawk e \VII S in Cin- the M. Eo hurc h in Blanchester. cinnati Tu esday. , evenal of t'he Way nesvi ll me n Mye l' Hyma n and family s pe nt a re plan ning to atten d thi .. nll'clGreu t pr e pa rati ons be ing S unday in Cincinnati. Mr. an d Mrs. W. N. Scars were irill'. Ai 7 :;)0 on Thursday ('ven ing mnd e fo r "N e wSpa l)e r Wee k" in FAR.M in Leba n on on business Mo nday. l hl' l'e will be an Epworth League t he ap ita l Cily Fe br ua ry 10- 15. We give Cedar S tamps, Ca ry's social held in the basement of t he A l t ha t ti m th ' Bu ckeye Press .1 wel ry Sh o p, Leba non, Ohio , F~QO Bu ckeye Brooder Stove R a t church. Sunday: Sun day Schoo l ASllociation, Ohi o Newspn pc r As,. FH il'leys. at U :;)0 a. m. Morn ing wO I'ship at ~o(: i atio n . Assoc iated Ohi o Dailies , Mr. Harry Shidak e r of Xen ia . 10 ::10, Epw rth Lcagu e at 6:15 . Se ll'c t Lillt o f Ohi o Da ili cs a nd As- was n bu . iness visit or he re Satu r W e g ive Ceda r ta mps, Caq"s I'rcaching sel'vices al 7 :00 p. m. 'oc ia ted Pr css Ed itor s a nd Mem- day. Jewel ry S hop, Leba n on , Ohio. 0 1'. Geo rge, I Ul' di triet supe rinb 1'.' will meet f or t heir annu al tcndnn t will be with 1I ~ and preac h ,·onve nti on. Th!.' !'c will be a Ne wsMr. nnri Mrll. W . S . Graham Mr. a nd Mrs. J ames Ha wke of lit t he ev ening' Re l'vicc. pa pe r Show in chnrge o f Professor visited r elati ves in Clark v ille on Lim a . a re vi ili ng I'elll tives hcr G. C, Dib er t , P astor, O. C. Honpe r o f t he Sch oo l of S unday . t his week. J onrnalism o f Ohi o State UniverJu st r eceived- Car load Red s it\! nW Brllin g of cup t o outstandVc rn o n Main ous is leaving Fri- , ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH ing Oh io Dnil y ncwspnpe r with a T o p Steel P osts, at Fairleys. day fo r Fl orida fO I' t he remn in dcl' Sum mar schedul e""":l Rt, 3rd and circ \ll lltill n of 10 ,000 or less and of the win te r , 5th Su nd ay, Mass at 8 :00 a. m. ; exce lle nl progr am ~'l o f s peaking, F. B. H ende rso n and family I instrum entnl and vocal music and were Sunday dinn er gu ests of Mrs. 2nd and 4th Su nd ay, Mass at Thoma s Mllnin gto ll of Dayton, 9 :30: a n address by a na ti onally kn own J , H. Cole man. was n busin ess vi: ito r in Way nes, hUlll orist. H on. Roscoe McCulloch, Rev. Lawrence B, Mol1mann. vill e Tu esday . U ni te d States Se nat or from <>hio A num l er o f stu de nts a nd THREE MEMBERS OF "Timely" bargains for "Watch- SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS w ill ap pea r on t he ope ning pro- ful" bu yers at Cary's J ewelry MUST BE LICENSED teache rs went. to Dayton Inst W ed GANG ARE SENTENCED Expert wa tc h a nd J ewel ry re- WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF g ram Monday nigbt. Shop Le banon. nesday eve ning to see " Ha mlet." pa irin g at Cary's J ewelry Shop, CHRIST put on by the Ben Greet Pillyers Lebunon Ohio. Bi ble Sc hoo l at D:30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. George Hartoock Th e Statl' Depa rtnw nt of Educa s pent Sunday with Ern est Hart Th e sen te nci ng of t hree yo uth L ord's upper a t co nclu sion. SunEx amin a ti on a nd lice nsing of at Memoria l Hall. t io n, located in th e State HouSlE! sock and family, Mrs. Ra lph Va n ce a nd so n of rlay wi ll be " u l1shin e Day" in f ul mem be rs of a gang r espons ibl e every drive r of a sc hool bus in A ll'rO Up o f Senior~ anel t heir for muc h of the pet ty thi ever y Pl ea!i.l1 nl Pla in, spent S unday with t he Bi ble hool, t he "Loyal SunAnn ex. is s ponso rin g a school of o, wh ether regul a r or a s ubsti- fl'ien<f en joyed a coa st ing pI~ rty that occ ur ed in t he co un ty durrn g Mr. Il n.d Mrs. J. . Hawke. shine" class p roviding a n at.tractt he a ir . presl'n t ing each sch ool Mr. W. H . Madden is in Colum- Ohi ive special program. Don't miss day in th c aft ern oon a on e hour bus this week attending the tu te will be in force t hroughout and wei n el' roast Mon day e\' l11n g. Decem ber, fealu red !l on of program cons istin g of leclure ~ on Lumbermen's convention. • •1 th e comm on pleas COUI·t on MOIl_ MI'. Ot ho He nd I'so n, wh o has' the ' st a te VI' ithin a short pel'lOu, Th b k b II t rW II d ft n oo n I.l a l·t e r McInty re I It. At 2 :30 p. m. t he . m e n'!! ph vsical e du cati on. notable CIVIC ca m 0 . . ' . !I V a e r . 1 , b !J i n McClpll an hQSl2ital fo r eh{)-f'us- w+H- met...t;---at the chu rch for e liS et a praclice. Sunday, Februa r y I) is and histori ca l eve nts, art appreciMr, P erry Hartsock o f Dayton, foll owing a gen eral order , is~ue d S. ~u ffered d efeat in the onl y lIo\\'al'd Whel!la n and Eve~ett trea t me nt, has return ed home. t n be "M cn's 'ight" an d a g ood , ti on and gcoln'a phy. Th e plan of spent last week with his brother Saturday by Secreta r y of State gam e played nve r t he wce k end , ; Frye, all. of nellr Way neSVille , these edu cational programs will George Hartsock, and wife. CI J B 'ow through Com- los ing to W ilmington Reserves I each rece ived se ~ ten ces of n ot Closin g out th r ee p.ntterns of th oroug h pl'ucLiee is desi t'ed in arence , I n R " 7'1 f Ilast 'lturd ny eve ni ng by a scot'e les ' t hlln one yea r In t he Man s fi eld Silve rwa re at half prtee. C. at'Y's prepa rati'ln for a great nig ht. co ntinu c lhr oug ho ut th e year and mission er halm ers . n I son 0 of 3 2 t o I G. re fo rmato r y. The SlCnte nce im- J ewelry L b Oh are broad-cnst ed through station ~aws filed by machinery. Cut t he sta te bureau of moto r VI' The "ame was very. cl ose du ri ng posed u pon F rye was ~u spen d e d b y hop, e anon, 10. , hl'i stian End eavo r !l1eets a~ 6 :30 WLW Cinc inna ti , ,., half, nei he r t('a m hav in g J ud ge Dec h ant b eca use of· t h I' e x. p. m. Grac P.en mng tnill'ht. on IS th cleaner. truer, faster, Roy P 'Ig- hic1es a nd b y th e latt er tran smit- t he fir st Mr. and Mrs. J, 0, Cartwright leader for S.lnday Alle tt, at Madden's Lumber Yard. d t y m embe r of the st a t e's mu c h of /1'1 adva n tage, Way nes- tr eme y1u t h of t he d e fc:t ~!l nt an ~ e nterta in ed s I' vcr a I L eba!,!on yo ung pe ople co rdiall y invited. H ow would " 0\1 lik e to check I te 0 ~ver . t b d ' ville led at the ha lf by 11 score of' uppon tt , e Cr eD co mmldenDall ? n h O I fri en ds at dinn e r Friday e ven mg. Eve ni ng evangelistic se rvice a t over $ 160,000 ,00 0 'worth of bonds Mrs. Edith M. Harris ret~lrned I inspection and enforceJ~ e~ 0 ~ '. 10 to D. I'oseeu or , on a I a~u s , 7 '30 p m Sermo n s ubject "Old The W avn esvill e tea m went to The three lads wer e a rre,.ted ~e Mrs. Ha rvey Rye r etu rn ed ho n~c Time P rc:;chers a n d W hat' The y a nd all th e cash in t he sta t e t r cas- home . Monday aft er spendmg a I A s yllabu s M th e opmlO n , r enIIry ? Chie f Exam~n er Scot t Hamil- , v ~ry plea s'a nt week in New York del' cd by Attorney Ge ne ral . Gil- pi~ce~ in 't hl! '!>econd hal.f ~ hile cember 15. ~ y ~ arsb a l ~ oy \\ho from Dayto n last week and IS Preached." Good specia l music. l on anrl fiv e asslota nt s fr om th e City. bert Bettermon the latter pal t of WIlm!ngton sC~)\'ed 2~ POin ts. fo und th em st eahng gasohn e f ro m ~l o\\' lv re co ve ri ng fr om her r ece nt 'h urch Nigo hl Prog ra m each Wedffi f <:: A tICI't ' to t he e ff e ct that ·, Ell IS 'yas h ~'"a h p o. tnt m'ln for t he Archd'dea ey '.din e. .5 .. '3 p. m. You WI'11 enn lC C 0 .. tll 'l" I (1 1' J "S. T • ! last week IS < • •• t co d n b garage. the ..,.Thnd nesday at 7:.0 Tracy ha\'e just comple t ed that , Mr. F ?J'rest Cra.n e . and. dauj:th( 1) An operator of a ~eh ool Wayltesvlll ~ w l~h 7 POlll~. ~\ CI I' In ,IC e y !,r~ . JOY t his !ie n ' ice. T he c hurch ~vhel'e ardu ous ta~ k. Tn add ilion the y te r Marj o ry of Cincinnati, were bu s, used to tran sport pupils to Mac Ne d, With 12 PO in ts, led Ju ry on t hi S cha rge a nd f or stnular I Li tt le l isll Miriam F ife of you fecI at home. . offenses< at Mason and ~orro w, Wilmingto n , is visiti ng he r j:t ra nc1hester A, William son. Minist er verified bula l' cos in 2 60 ina ctive gue~ts of Mrs. Maude Crane and and fr om school house. is a c hauf. the W ilmingto n sco rers. bank s a nd te n 'Ic th'e anll ch ecked : family , on Sunday, f eur within th e meanmg of Sec---~heel a n a n.d ~lcln tYI e pleaded mothcr Miss S usa n W ilker son, a nd . , . tion 62 90 of th e Ge neral . Code . W. IT . S. I!uil ty to t he indIctment whe n a l'- , f 'I y ST. MARYS' CHURCH all funch of which Trcasurer Ross ' Ak e is th e cust odian. For best results consign your ! and, as &uch, sh.ould be .reg.'st el'ed G, F. T . ' aigll('d bcfo r e Judge Decha n t li n!! . Iv e stock to Green-Embry C?, afte r having made apphcatton f or Ellis. f 3 1 7 last Wed nesda y. F r ye . pleaded Dr Ru d olph- Eyesight SpeciulFehruary 2, Fo u rth Sunday . t H' I D' t R b t Circinna ti, in care of D. R. salis- I a license and af ter having p assed Wall ace, f 1 2 4 gu ilty to t hc WayneSVIlle a nd · .t it e Tu esday Th u rs da y and lifter Epipha ny . .Chu rc h school at N {Va~d s~~~~~ulhat:c nO:mb~r e~'f bUl','. . an examin~tion as to qua1ifica- Ma in ous, c Ol 1 Monow c ha rges but . insillt~r! t hat Satul'(~~v . F r e ~ ,examina t ion !) ::\0; se l' l11on a nd H oly Communl set F r omm g ,'. '1\ b tions . ph YSIcal and menta, 0 1 1 he .had . n o con n c~tlO n WIt h Lh a ry's j we lry S ho p r~eban on . ion aL to:30. highway . Improvemen ts WI e Mr. and Mrs. James Hawke, of f orth in Sect ion 0302, Ge nera l Tum e r,' g 0 3 3 a ffaIr al Mason . T r ial 0 nt h!.' latter ' . ~ c a etrer, Rector. I - W hi tal; 1' , f .. 0 0 0 ch~,rgbe vd"as sefit f?r J a$n10uaOIO'y 28 Rcv, a nd Mrs. L . A. W as hburn mactI e dfurtn~h' t~e ~urr~~i~/~a~, t~~ -I..ima, and -M-.-&t1d Ml's. J · (}. ·Code Hawke, were dinner gucst.~ of M r. (2) Every p erson who is em - . Ricb c O O 0 , :lnu on wa s Ixe u at , . of Xen ia . atte nd ed se rv ice~ ut the FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST cos 0 w IC. Is .e a e - - - - - -$35,~OO,OOO'd tnclu~lnt g both c~h- 1\I~ d Mrs. J, P. Fromm on Tuesday. ployed f or the purpose of operat- I - GUstill g OO 01 M. E , Chur('h S und ay eve nI ng Rev tr~c~!On. an mam enance, I' mg a motor vehicle, and so ope r- ' I \\ .~ , fo hl1 I'" Wll S for me rl y pa stor of Bi ble Schoo l at 9 :30 a. m. eltmlllat lOn of a.number of dang er Our store is open every evening. te motor vehi cle must be regis Ttl 4 8 16 SERVICES WELL ATTENDED th ~ chu rch , L ani' s Suppe r and sermo n a t nus gra de crossings and t.h e plac- You and your fri e nds are always a sl h ff ' 0 as J 0 ::.10. Scrm o n su bject. "God's . ing of ~OO,OOO feet I of , visib~1i w('lcome. Cary's Jewelry Shop, te rTh/~o~ec i: ~s ef~i ow s : T he Rev iva l m eet in ~s whi ch \\ ILMI KG T ON MI' . a nd M I' ~ . Mc rl e Ke rn a nd Ownershi p." Good spec ill l m ; l ~ i c . l!uUt'd TIlt!. A contract tttrlg WI Lebllnon, " Who ever op erates a m otor ve hel' n in progress at th e d:tllg hte r (I f Cob mbu s, s pe nt. Su n_ T he F 'n y Chu r ch is plailning a be held January 28, for propo sed h' I a chauffeur wit hout G. F , T. ha Way nesville M. E. Church f or day wit h MI' . tl nd Mr . . J. D. Mar- )!;1'euL sa le. t he p roceed s Lo appl y ' h wa y . 'Implovem . ents for the ve Ie in e the as office of the , secre tary h Ig . Mqssrs. Vern Hough an d Ph I'I'Ip filing 1 10 12 t he pa st tw o w ee k~ wc re cl os·d on Int·t. MI' H. Ma rl a tt a cco mpan ied Oil pt'op e rty ind e bted ness. Th e McNe il . f constructIOn of 46 . ~ mIles of road- Kuhn left rhursday morninj1,' for of state the application require d McE lwe e, f 1 3 7 lastS u nday nighl. During l h(' la ~l t hem home fo r a sho rt visit. COOpl'l'uti un o f the peo ple is way and the erectmg of 493,279 Charlotte North Carolina, for a b law and paying the legal fee Williums, c 1 1 3 wee k of the meeting, Rl'v. Frunk earnestl y rcq ueRted. Watch i or lin eal f?et C!f guard rails, ~he short v isit with Mr, Kuhn's rela- t~erefore shall be fined not more Wolfe, g o 1 W . St anton, D. D. of FI'a nklin, Your Wi fe 01' S weethcart would fUI,th ~ r a nn ouncem ents con cernengineer s estImate for Bame belng tivea. than ftfty dollars or SI1spended Ba shore, g 2 o 24 , Ohi o had charge of the services. a ppr eciate a beautiful 35 piece set I t he time, pl ace and characte r of ~2,222,OOO. The 10ngeJrt strip is 1from the right to apply for regis- -Davi s,· f . 1 o o Dr 'Sta nton prove d him self an o f dishes fr om Cary's J e welry , t he s!lle. You are alwa ys welco me m Athens county and totalll 5,2 Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gordan and tration as • chlluffeur for one - Bailey, f 1 o bie pl eache r an d a s plendid S hop , Leban on, Ohi o, All pa t tern s I a t t hiS church. . . . • - - • Mrs, J. E . McClure were Clncin- year, or both." o o 2o !1lead ·McD ermick, c e r. stock. . 1 Chest er A . _ ~I~~~on, Mmlster open o o ·Mo ore. g . , • • oI Th e meetings were a\1 well atGAS OLINE STOVE EXPLODES nati visitors Tuellday. Mr. Gordan attended a demonstration of Good o 2 2 te nd ed , with good interest, On last Mrs. Annie She ehan has re- I DEATH OF PROMINENT ·Mu\1inix, g NEW CENTURY CLUB year Tlrell. Sunday, several were baptized and t urn ed t o h er hom e here after . On their way home from Day.. !) Totals .. 32 a lar~e class received into me mber llP(' neling ~e\' e l'a l day!\. in Ce nterMAN SHOCKS COMMUNIT~ ton where th ey hud been calling The New Century Club met Fri--S ubstituti o n Have your watch and clock re~ hi p In the church. " ill e with he r sO!1 -ln -Iaw a nr! on relatives Sundllr. afternoon, day at the home of M1I5. G. J, rlollj! hte r , MI', and Mrs. Cliff whe n about one mtle north of'. paired, old wedding rings modern- Smith. The following program was The use of the schoo l telephone lzed, your diamonds put in a new Charles Eft J ohn s, aged 5& Centerville, W: N. Sears and famn early alwa ys ca uses a co nsid er- HAS INSTALLED FOUNTAIN H ime s. very interesting, roll caB, current mounting, Jewelry repaired like yelll'S, promin ent citi zen of Lytle, ily were stopped by a Miss Landis, events, vocal solo, Mrs, LeMay, abl e loss of time to some one. new, silverware replated and ex Sih'e rseal' : S il verware a nd well -kn own t hl'oug hQut the who was wavinll: and screaming Royal J. Adams, propri etor of is "thYoU\' Club Women Have Done," Many times the bell rings and c b est . Compare it with oth er Co un t y, died suddenly at his fire. She had lighted her gasoline beads restrung at Cary's Jewelry "What the Adnm s Drug Store •. has add ed ntnk by Mrs. Hough, "Short Sketches ther e is n o o ne n elil'. a nd n teacher Shop Lebanon. ' e ~ be f ore starting your patte n' home Tu esday eve ning. stove and was filling the tank of American Women who have of a pup il must st op work to an- a n oth er feature t o hi s g r ow ing an d ~ce for yo urself its stc rl inll' He had anived b ome f rom the ;vhen the gaRo)\ne ignited. Forswer it. The n very often 11 pupil bUR in ess. H e has In stlll1ed a hundWritten Popular Books," by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ,Edwards en qu alities. Cary's J ewelry S ho p LeI offic e of the g rain elevato r, wh ere tunately the kitchen door wa!f White, victrola setections. During is caBe d f or who is in class in snme Frigidaire soda fo untain of an on. he wa s e mployed' a s boo k kee pet\ closed and not having any draft, tertained at dlnnet: Tuesday even_ the the latest type . It is of ltul!an some distant part of the buildi ng social hour a most appetizing !I t abo ut 5 :3 0 and afte r atte nding the fire made slow headway. Miss ing, ·Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robltzer, two course lunch was served by They mu st be hunted up, the ir mur ble lind has all the late st ImMr . a nd Mrs . Wil bur F . C l a r~' to the f u rnace sat down in the ' Landis had no telephone and the Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman, Mr. hostess assisted by her daugh- cl ass di sturbed und a general loss provements. entertain ed a t s ix o'clock dinn er Ilining r oom. Mrs. J ohns. who waB ' pump was hozen. The Center- and Mrs . Ralph Miller, Mr. and the Mr . Adams has made a wonderters, of tim e res ults. last Wcdn psda y, MI'. and Mr ~. C. in th e kitche n pre paring the evenville fire department was notified Mrs. S. D. Henkle, Mr. and Mrs. Man y t im e a pupil i called ful chunge in the store, adding W. Youn ce. MI'. lind Mr s. p , ., ing mea l. heard him co ugh and Il Guests of the afternoon were and arrived on the scene in ab.out Ronald Hawke. time to tim e, impl'ov e m~n ts fro m Mrs. L. M, -Henderson, Mrs, J. when it \vo uld be satisfa ct ory to Flory a nd Mrs. E . J. lar ke, all of little la t e r monn. She we nt t o him t en minutes, but in the meantime H. Sackett, Mrs. L. H. Gordon, leave a m eS!lag e 0 1' 11 numb er to t ha t make a first-cla ss, up-to-date Day ton, but he could n ot speak . S he im. neighbors had carried buckets of Newtown Brooder Stoves Ilt Mrs , Eloise Thompson, Mrs, P . be call ed bet wee n classes. drug ~~ ___ - - mediu tely summ oned help bu t Mr. water and extinguished the blaze Fairleye. H. Ze~f_._ ___ a _ __ W e wish' t o be as acco mmoda tMisses Evelyn Ca r t wl'ight a nti J o hn s lived onl y a few minute'S before much damage was done. ing as possible bu t a t the s ame Bea t rice Robitze r, M.essl's R o~' nf ter t he n t'l' ival of t he physician . DEATHS Mr. and . Mrs. J . L. Mendenhall Although the fire ,was ou.t ~he~ time we urg ·c parents and other s Elli s. Ervin EBi s, K e nn eth F romm It is t houg ht death was caused by W. C. T. U. MEETING t he department arrtved, tlie mCI- have purchased the' Seth Cook teleph one a s to use t he sc hool F ollowing an illn ess of, f our and ,John Turn er att,erd ed a pa rty a hear t at tack. .. dent s hows the need of fire pro- oroperty and MI'. and MrR, Cook litt le us poss ible . . months, Millard W. Mantngton I at t he home of MIss. Len a .Bell . MI'. Johns ha d been \ a pr> !l ra" t1~ have purchased the Dr. Stewart t ection in evel'y community. The W. C, T . U. met at the F. R. Moomaw die d III hi!! home in Dayton lost Holm es in Morrow, F r iday m ght. In the best of healt h and his property «,>n North st. and will home of Mrs. Albright TuesdllY I -.......::....- --- .... Thursday night, He was the .son SUdd en death was a se:ve ra , ,'lock move at once. Both sales were afternoon, January 28. The me et of ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MamngWhen yo u nced a gift for any to t he community. . ' ELECTED ' SUPERINTENDENT made by W. N. Sears licensed ing opened with a song, "America IS AWARDED T~IP His widow, who was Miss Mar~ ton 'and g randson of the' late Wi!- loc casion t hink of Cary',s Jewelry broker. the . Beauti~ul." Mrs. Milis led Iiam Manington, well known to I Shop"':"'''The Home of GIftS," Leb- gal'et Cook, daug hter of fh!!. la t e the devotiof)als. 'Prayer, ' by Mrs. MisS Edna Howland, former Karl 0 , Da kin, of Lebanon, inElisha and I A.nna CQo.k', ~d one You'll be pleased with that Par- Dibert. was followed by all singing surance ngent, has belln awarded oUf older residents. Funer~l ser- anon. · director' of Warren County Nor~ and burial took plac~ In Day fl \?l1 G~enn JoJ:m s, qf ~yton . surmal school, was recently elected ker Duofold Pen or Desk Set from "We t'raise Thee, 0 God." a ' trip t o tht! national convention vices ' . . Rev. J . . J. Schaeffer, Mr. and vlve blm, ,.• The program consisted of read_ of the Trave lers lnsurance Co. to w Monday s upe~intendent of Adams cQunty Cary's Je:-velry ~hop; · Lebanon. n· Ml's. F. B. Henderson and Mr, '0 . , .FInnera·1 service/! Will be held at ings by MJ'II. Dibert, MrB. Lloyd Ire he ld in B oston . in June, a s a A play "Mammy's· Lil' WUd D.vis, and Mrs. Wade; vocal solo result of his sales record for the Th . of Mrs. Margllret J, Edwards represented St. Mar.y's the residence in Lytle, Frida, schools. ' b h fi t She is believed to e t e rs Rose" 1Vill be i1;iven at Lytle Hall Mrll. Mills and a playlet given a remains h died at her ' church ' at' the annual conventIon a ft er",oon at 2 o'clock and IIlte company in this t.erritory. Allen .M~a'ra ~ Friday were lof the Protestant Episcopal ~ent be in Miami womta.n .cOohul~tYH~h~:~mS~rr~::P~ on Saturday night Febl'uary .8t h. the L. T. L. Mr. Dakin was high man among d en In _____ _ • . • 'Home Talent. Fine. Don't mlB8 i t. The next ,meeting' will be held the. 126 !f'rovelers' agents In this ~otmer Id inal{fanmia~ematery 'Tues. Church of the Southel'n Ohio ill er ~ II . McNama was a native of Diocese held in ColuR!bus Tuesday AIIJ.t\lst · l. . . en t ·' Admission 25 and 15 cents. Bene- Februa.ry 26 at the ·home Mrs. d dist rict in the sill e of lIutomobile r.rm- fit of Lytle Church. . MISS Howhm4 IS at pres t::'Be!ch Grove neighborhood. land Wednesday of thiS week. Subscribe for !J'he . lia~i1jty in5u~rance. Davis Furnall. clpal of' FOBtona High Scho~.











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_. -.-














Tl'ar), lit don't want inh·rTupt. the 1I11l0thp unt du euf,'11 ~I\ld Ill't.' bl·i . nl! Lt' t<IUlIt, a big"Nu thing,no, I don't to IN Lllwre ne E. Wl\l'd. j.ll1 l'dUISl' I' of away ton ight, n,ut for a dllY or two. the pl'f'm i ~i's In the l'a, uf . l\ , I want to b(l arone. nol to :lee yo u. My IICI'V S are in II t l' nibl<' s tate; TU1'n<'r v 1·~1I . •Jo hn i\~II ~I'II . el III, w a", Il'ivl'n u dr' ,'d 'llf Ihe Tt' ,,1 1'"~It'" ~ ~ 1 thi nk I am 011 t ho v"'l'ge o f Q Ditltl'ib uti on Ilf 1\1' )l1'O('l,('tlS uf ~.) ' , ~ ' hrllakdown," $ 1f.G wnll \'1'(1(,1, .. (1. "", _ As s he went on, h e li tlle n d . In he cu~e of . , II. Lurn I' with a growing sense of alorm and N .. w S\,{lh " \'er~us Elva 1, Pomm 1'1 , e nl, I d is may , A n d he was not thi n k~ 'rhe, Millikin National Bank of George F: Whitak e r \\I8 S pnfchllll'! . COPYQ'USHT BV eoGAR. WAu..A'~ ing of h lmse\ , )}acatur. 0 corporation organited er of tht: r eal estot . "I've been a selfish brute . Of Ilnd exlatillg" under the NationR\ The caso of A., l[, T U!' li r I'ersu. -"_. '" 1 c;;. - -. course, darli n g. I quite un derstl\n d. !laking La',!' 01 he Ul1ilea Stotl's ~~'~I~~~~~rth 1~~.~lgiv~~ allje~tl\~~l:~r I eHA PTEH III. I ('\Vinl! noddl'cI ~l o l\'ly, H e hod to the e 'c hild r en of t he poor?' He The ~onver ation, did not occupy uf Ameriell 1 I'SU, Noru 8 , T eoney TIl I'mis('• • wh o \\'n :l Ihl' pUI' 'hl\ ('I'. thl' al'!'{'~l'a ll\;(, of n lI\<ln wh o WitS 'oliidn't tlIl S \\'\!!' m e. 11 ", was dumb- \ five nllnu ~es of time; he c~u l d •• • (or m on 'y only for till sum oi' I n lhe case of Frl'd . \\\,l1nl'r , ~h(' ~ 1,(\(1 Ih('n', h (' r h!lncl~ Iyin!! a lld (,XP"C: l'd t.o he found out l fou nded . I' m a!\I'llY_ 1.> eatin' people har dly r ealtze w h ut wp~ .h appenmg $:1600 with in l eces 1\ lha t >lC- \'er liS .'ilas Gud ., ,1I1 dd 'ndunt j.tIlPI'"d, h" I' 10 'Pit h N.n1II1~ lIull'I~ ly :II :Ill ' mo rn nt. in Il rg uml' nl ," 10 wha t . h ~ was lI~ree l ~~, beforc I'o untat h r a t,' of 7': p.:runnum wa~ rnl'll'd INI \' ); I' ' lilt> 1111"\\'1'1' nnil 11101'(' qllilkl~. and h":II',j him ""\" ':. (Ow quid wou ld dv him l Il l' ~('e incd ralhl!r p roud of his . Ill! \~[lS Slttlllg ut IllS Wl'ltlll g tabl e fr olll 101 arch 15, 1~12H aud f r COllt· o n 'o rghl'foll' larch I : l:l:Hl.' \ '~\'llriJL' Ib" , llloll:'b "hid, ':1,111' "b id c:., ~l. 1-1 wnms II I~Hlll lh _ a~colllp!i~hmt>nl : not \\'it ho~t ~ t ll.l'lng bJan~ly at t~e te legru!,h Phone 93 uf th,' s ui. I th ' " f 1'h " t , f (lh ' Ir"m IIIl' ,,'IlI'r "lid Iof Ih(' "In. 1.11'"". lhl: ~Jl urtl'r ~av 111' il ~('t hI S \'umlll' ~ , ~\'cn If ht! ha d to lie fu ll1lS by wllle11 h I " li S t o Clln ee l The Mn rrllw Noli(inal Bunk of \,pr~lu~ \t ~~~\r(:1 \\' ~II,I!I' ; I,;,ll'nda~l~ 1'1'<'" I1lh' I", hlllll; "I' lilt' pllIJ11:' "ll' n'n' l he 'SplIl'I'er kno\l~" "'t,,.UL hi s tr iumphs , ~o mun y pl e U!;nnt urr ang e me ll\. s. Morrow, vun' us A. H. Turn er, pIL'~d~d nLH' jtuiltl., 'i'ria l i ~ Il~- dllli \lrn' ·,j. II Ill' l'. a ~llIri.· "I' " W h" i" Ihl' .·I ~ arr"\I"!·' " H er r is . t ell pL, und~, G iv' , th,at , 1)~lnt~· , " wUlt lng ut , Wu te rl ()o Ire6sur r of \\'a l'n:n cou ty f In ' . J f F 'b' ,,', r P I r,.,\ l ulllnlph "11 h,~ !lu-IH'd t:1 " . ,\ ~II' I\' ~1I111t' dllWIl d \HI 1\11', to y our fl'le llu. [ cun l help hlm l Stnt!o n \\Ilh a full VI w ?f the mon y o nl'y , Amolln t claim \ ,I);n(' \II c IU .. rI , , It( IXC t I "\"' \1 all' ~ l i'''I1 · - ! '' hi' "aid 1.1.\\ill)!"~ fll"". I much llI o r e. I'd likl' t o k no w whut l bu l'ncr,'11 t he rnu d _bnnl $1 10 5,90 wilh ir~l(' rest 011 $&52 .\15 [t wa ~ l','n:,id,' rr d hy I , ' , j!1I111(lly. "\'" d, .... 1. ,k, allo! IHI I'I'I'I, I "II , '" a !.U SI' a d(.' l'cli\'l', 13 il'\l hUIIP l'ns t o him. an d he cu n write pU "lll'ngel" hi ler thrllu g h. t o the from Jun uary Ifl, I!!:! ilt the rute h I 1 " fT 'I' j l\~. c' :U!t Ihrl in.' 1 '1111 \lh' l 1, 101 Bi ll l c'd l,: ',II 11.'1111" - " . Lo IlI I' Iwre " , p l:H fol'm, lI e saw th l' bIlITI(, I' close I 'll him h"I' \'lI ic" i'll lIlJci ed lik.e ' I al I Ie P'lIntl II'll1l ' , "ll'I"'" " h d h r tetram h . tI\I' (' III III-: IIflllol'll; ln III p r~e If It of rI v 6 perll nnuman rI wl' t h lnlt're~1 l ' tSt kL ' lB. '. 11' frI '1:' jIIlhtlolnfll ' I. U(,l· n.l dlh,oI. II I' r ernl'mlll'I'l'd Altw ,'o.'el ,)cl( J\1 nrgarel Lu frr e , an d tl're.ta l' I rl~tsO 7 lin $562 .!l5 from JU ly ~!J. 1!12!l III , Ol n nr .In ,. .lfll<, n l'I~ I' ~ F\"' 11 sIlt' I',," ld n "t 1'''l lli zl' Ih ' lt \1 ,' l",I1I'''\\' , \lh W'l' Ilclil'ilie~ ~l' ll lH'd fr .. 11\ It"r Cll l' u t lh " dou l' ot di ~ lIlJpeu l' IIlto th e dlll'knt! ss, nnd hUI'II I,' M'e ll",d l ltnl il \\'a ~ s he who t · f ton , a co rpt rntlOn, 1' " ov,' r r om I ' '. " r. , . , . t I . h ' I'lll' . " L'nil rate 0 f "pel' on nllm or I. d f I' h I . J I' . · 11(' wa ,: ':1'1' akllll':: 1'1 "l'hl'I ·L':tlh·. \1,'1'" IIl'pnrl'nt ly n ll l wh ,, \I y (,1111- thl' 1'l arrll·Lo ne l'e~l ~ trar's offic e , I li en \O llie ulllnllng U I e song. w a S s p"lI killl-:. . cost!l a n ti nil ot e r r ~li ef. h~ el\l:lnl~ " '. II I e~f'ln 02'g"'~ " I),. \·"u \lall I" ,,'l' :; 11\1111 [i l\\'d too ill'lll('st~. nn I Lukl,. waitillg ill th ' r oo m o f fo r Mr, lind Mrs . Luk e MlIdui~(J 1I "Apt! I II IlCCU SI' 11>ls 111)1) 1' rl e,nd Tbe Firsl "'ational Bnnk of I' Iln~, l " :.unll t1..' I' .j .I~H n'IIIl/.t! . I ,willJ.<'''' ~ Ih'~ :1.~1,,'d "I W:IS itl ;.j' I(' nH' ,,,l f fUI' thlll ufli('h l IUflwu to grel·t til!' 1, 11'1'1' (0 not allHlI1g th · pnsse nj! ' I' R, IlOv .. f f"r~I ' ry t" ad d th ut 111 Morrow, \' er~lI, A, H, Turner. for u,,!t l ,C ofis t. ('XI'I'n ul'l . n (Of'S raul \1"1 11.11'" ,1" . ' 1)'l ll'" t l'I' 'I,'II" tll '\ l h'l' l u\',' I' ~ ll t (' r c' l Luke dirl ntlt even trouhll' l () f ' II II I" . . h l',':lkil' ;111 Pllt,'rill·. " c" nlid ed • ., ,.,' • I 0'1 to' t t E' f I I II Il1Y to 11' U \1' . . . 1" " Wit li n \'1:' days (Of Plll r\' th('n l ol'l' .• A mounl money o n Iy. c I811lIel" " 1. " \\ i .. ~ \\' It .. i, 1\\":" thus\· CIlIl11110 1l' lllal'l' IWl'lalH. s 'e " 1I1'.. ;.lI'I' . a O IlC (', ,e IIrc n nc 1 " I V" II Ill' " , ,,,'a l,llI)::- of 111(, . . , .' 11 ' .. , ' ' h ' I h f (J~UI C \\ I ' n-u, ~ I I'will>:' , "h lll I h,'y I'flu ldll 'l PI'(\ \'I' I ,. I I t I I I ' 1 9 4 9 . 70 WII III rest at t e ru te 0 - Th f;J " I d I,' r"m \11' 'Iilr', ' "XI "" '-I"n I.f I" I I , S h e SI)"kl' 11 1)1 III 1111 o nl y un · ll' I'elllt' llluerel IIn l I' 'pIOn l'( , 11" ." Iid illllll'hi sl"' r. t! ca:e .. •. . , . f ' (I' 11/1 ~I\ g" ut flUl. ~1I n,e' u n ' . ' "I ' l '" d I' " ~ of 6 '." p I' annum lind wil h in t erest . 1'1 L " 13u ' l.' nI .'"\. .~. ('ny l ' ,n \'(' 1',d " l lI"a~I'rn"1l1 I", l"n l lll'rl 'd Ih.!t 1111' (,' lill (' 1"_,' II'kL' l.I' OIII" I'S. li n ,WI'I'c d th e qU l'Sll n ll S t hut weI'''' put l \\ant n ~ cc you , ar mg. S hl' ll l1 dd (· d , u sr pol'uli 1(' nln g I nt I(r" _(J llI p,ln y,.1 I "I • ,. , I' . ,. " , • I ' \\ .. 1 'I 11 " ' 1 · t· ,It t h he h egun . " ) f ~' ' 1\1. I k IIII w Ulllt "\, II U were 1929 and in t e r est lit the rale of 6 'c() un. (o t 1.11" WII S ~d ll~d anti .1 \\ II I.! \\ .1- n .. l, .In~ gil , I Ill' ":I '; In hI' r1l' :-1 ce il 10 me at t~) 1('1. . II I \I. 1lIll, ~ 1 ~ Il e e l .. ." . " , (, percent on $474 . 5 fr m Jul y :!O, I' , d coun . I' . 'h I II I nn £! , lti' upl)n her hnger, Wh y? It wu s dJfllcult to c\ 1 ~' ,'nnlln~ t o !!,·t I'''UI' IIl\Im'~ hack 1929 (tml s~e. . . , .. " . lOn , I f l . . f or co t l\ . ". h"" 11111 Ill. " 111 ' ..... I'lIfI .,an. 1. (.t11 ' O(,' tlflU' ' U pop , f lip , It was a ll o\,l'l' ~ o qUIckly lha t gU ise t 'h e S u ~ plC S wet. , that 'I'; why I •1' II' 1 11 11 I >:,11 "\I 'IUI you 11 The Frunklin National Bank,of [n the ca srof Roy !). BI III·kl·I'r· TI1l' 1'1'111 I\h .. 1',,11,,\1,,01 "lie ... · \.\\1 t l l'II' ~\I 1 ) IiU · ,1 IW ~hl ' \' lIl1 ld ""t bpl ieve t hll t the "I want you t.o Bign 0 lillle l LIl FI"\lll'I'. I want. ,01 il to happI' " Franklin, ve r~ u s A, 1-1. Tu r n cr, f o r s us, A ~lam und .l',l lIry \V l'it7.el, I,h t, illt" Ih,' r:'''11l "a 11I11 :tllol .p:;". "f ' 1llId " lOll ' ll' P 11 111. .. fil'~ 1 a('\ II f he l' \'c n!( Cllnc ' was docu lll e nt ." hc ~ui d gU il y , III' n' , 'lIpl'l" wh,'I'(, I hll\'I' fl'il'ntl ~ money on ly. Am o unt cla imed plallltl ff \\'[1. gru.n.t l'd Il'a l'e tu hl(' l'lIild. Ili ~ d, 1'1' "" I " \l'" hold In 1.,111-,, · 11'11 " . pu zz IL'd . il lS a ('· plal'l'd, SIJIIII' lleJ dy put a pen inl o So tha t Wll ~ it! Dunty had :l lI d ":tn \IWl't you 1. 11 ,'\','n tl'rlll ~ ," $ 4327 .68. with interest o n $216:1 .. an am e nd ed pellL!un. lh"1l1 a funi\( ' III".' hal' wa ... :rl l ll "~l oIU:l IIlI:IIII'l' L\'llh lhl: I' eli"uutab l!' - ' ,\ pau st', a ll d t lll'n : In the case uf '[ he IIr)/)' I Ttu bbc: r ;, ninlal. II I' gl"" II'd q uickl\' n- l! 1111111:1 II .wlt" called h lrn~('1f lI aynes --....--"-:7- -- -. , "(' 11\(, ., I a l1l g h' ill g YI.u nn 8 4 fr om January 2 1. 1929, at th e rate of 6 70 pe r annum and with in_ Co m pa ny , 9 1('Y<;land. O hI O, 1'~' 1'~1I~ ' I "II lid II\(' 1" " '111, and il altlw:'t \1'.'\ ,_ :1 -11J:!,hl I""',. but .Il hll d ~lI'~I' k P .:",," ~'~"" ' ~': .: :. ".. . ', ' -" ,I t " 1\ \ \ , .... I~ ~ 1Il01l 1' \' . Vil Li glll' l' il III 1l\C' it i ~ le~est o n $2163.84 fr om J uly 30, 1 Edwurd . . Z,e~I~lI1g, dl~'~J.! bU;I."CSS I ~('('I11 I 'd " I. ul,,: Iha l hI' ~\':l ' pri" ' 1 hllll. ,~ur~ ~l: thl'l r 1~l'Ief 1,1l1:"'I' ll''': ".'.~ 'f " . ' tl -- " . .~ mill l'. 'NI'! a p~:nIlY l'an yllLl hIlYl' 1929 at th e rotc of 67< p e r annum us th~ BIg DIXI e Gl\ra~l. u f 1- I'lI1k' ! ln>:' ,'I·I·r.\' arta'II' Wlthlll \'11' ''' III th, (drlton, Ih<ll lhl , 1l 11l1lH'1 ',, : ': . ' . , U lill !! nlll a l'l' III1Y! y fo r costs. , , , 1 m , OhiO, It wa s. o~' r1 p.r,(',d by thl' tI !!lIins lhl' n i:! hl Will' lI hi' III iJ.! hI 1!:\(~ ... llI'.Il\l,"IIl~r ~ :,,:.~ ('r.:t".'nl tl ~h l' \l i, l,..d thaI Ill' wO\l ld s pea k The Lebanon.Clt lzens NatIOnal co ~rt lhat CI~th~rtn~ Ll csl' r be ap' ('nter nlld l akl' H\\:I\' "1I'h 111II\' oIl.t I's ''' l, . hul.lI~ (It n ~cnl ~~mMI, .lnt! it Ilurin!! Ih,' ~ "(' Il 'l' thlll fllllow('.\.




---- --







Waynesville, Ohio







~:~:, ~n~o;;~:!tio~m:r~n:~i~:d L:~d ~~d~~eS~p~~e("t};e ~~f~~da~~~~)~~~; a ~ '~\'I·,':,I:~i~~:·~'ir.'.I.r Il·


I~;:::Lti~::lit" h':~ g~\::(~; ~I~II ~f f~~:I~~ I~h~



~~:~, \;i~slrl~;: ~~,: \';';I\I~(~.'


a 1'1 "fil. 1'1:,;:;'1 existing u nder the laws of the U n i- g l vl~g blind In the ~ um n f , 2:>00. II" h l,ltI Iii., 1,..;1.1 dl\\\' n\l'll l'd s "IIt" I' Sid .. ".f the IIl!>,I.e Wll~ har dl y t' o ll ~ i:lt.l'n t wi lh h,'1' pielun' o f ted S t ates of Am e riea, versus A, H R. ,Boys, C. E. Muore ull~1 C, W , nlld ~i d,'\\'n>'" III"killl!' (II' 1'('(.11\ 1 ~IL' Iyp" " " I1ln~ In .whom I~ hilll , But Ill' 'said IIl1thinJ.!. \1 (' wa s Turner, treas urer of War ren coun- Mung~ r were mad e nPJl l'al .(· rs t o u ndt'r his I,, 'a\ \' all.! ullli.!\· .. c. (, lIl1n(> 1' wOllltl cunftdl.' hIS C(lI11I11 I ~' IHlt ('1' (,11 lunki llj{ a! hl'l·. hU l WllS ty, fo r m on ey only, The amo unt appratSC the as, e l s nf th e t!r(r·nd- Itrl)w ~. ' . :,i" n, . ., s tudying l hl' plllt'r n o r thl' car_ claimed $8779 ,1 4 with interest at a n t , ' · l.i \.. I' II' " I'l,:tl, In YOIl I' ri\' lIt('. 1. ,,1;1' f{: ll 111 hi S pock t a nci loo k pc.t. Pn·sen ll y Itl' j,' rk l'e! up his t he r ate ot 6% on $4389 .6 7 from ~i r ," hI' ,,,id in I i, Itll~k:,. \ "it,t'. ,,:11 a fl'\\ pound nol l'S. , \ hra d , January 19,1929, a n d interest at P roba te Cou rt P r oceedi ng. I.ukl' )!'IUlll, .. d al lh,' m:rnager . , '.' 1 s.u.ll ~o~c, y ~ u , kn~\lh .M ,I'. Blrrl I " (; "I' r\ .hl'~," he sll id , II ntltul' n ed t he rat e of 6 0/. on $4389.67 from S Id 1\1 • I h :In d 'i~ n :tl l l d h i'lI I" I(,Ill'l' t h l' \ e I ~ \\ II . h~ uskcd li S ~ counl ed o n h: s h('el. July 18, 1929, a.n d cos~. p o inat~en~ ~}~d~n~~i~~;'<I~~ ixt oCf ~h~ I' ,,,,,nl. :tIl', ~ ill" Idl with tht' th~' . m nney. " SII,' IWll l'd th e ,I()()r cit ~(' o n him, T he WayneSVI ll e Natio na l Blink, e tat e of Ri cha rd D 1\1011 1' C de . g'1'I'u:l'sl l'eIUCIIl!II.'I·. [ hI' nll~n g'llnnl'd . I :1n,1 t h, ·n then' ~ume to her /I of W a ynesyille , versus A , H. Tur· c 'ase d und filed her 'bo nd i~ the .... it d ()\lIl, will YI'"'! " ':The ::)pa l'l' er '! sh ou ld ay so l I,·lI li 7.llIi ,' n that m:1ll(' 1t ~ 1' hl'lIin ner t r easurer ot Warre n co unt.y Af $ 100 'th J L '1'1 N" t laking h is ,' V" S fl' Oll1 I. llk"·S I II " s :lIwl\ \'s gOln o n about th e l'el·1 ~h(' l()vC'cI him • , ' ' s um.. W I , ('(' 10mpSOll ' . . h' ld . 'f th 'b t h . . ' F. fo r mo n ey .o nl,. Am ount claImed, and Frank V , lill as ' ul'cLies, fac(·. the 1'1 linr s lrl'tl'lll'd Ollt u t i Icn 0 , . ~ ~O,OI - U es W hy he grn\'ltlltl'C1 tn th e 'Il'!' $4 0 4 7.48 WIth Interest o n $2023 .74 C. Ii. ke t t wa~ uppninte d hand ,an,.I.~I I' (,\\, II l'iHllr tfJ hllll. l al\\,II~:s 11Ij!'g'1Il em,. He pretend ll ' :' ""nkl~"' r he could . .n (' ~' e l' t co ll : It trom January 18, 1 9 29 , a~ tbh~ rate guardiun o f th e I:'slate pe rs"n 1"'1\\ (, II.! , I t1~crc )o,t pr..e~h~e Ilith o "~, , ~ ! ~('e"'II'cI a hnnt ufrtll ~ h ."I'CII \1r. [.It't hntrl of 6 % per annum nn d WIt In ter- Geo rge Bec kett und til'd his bond :l' V I ~ llll r ;;:1 l o wn. 1I 1,t' ~,u l'I Ill . IRe ~_ .. c.~ I' ,., 1, ~IO t 1<1111: t , 0 RUIl'1l e , no III en . est o n $20 23 .7 4 f r om Jul y 23 , . th . f $ 100 . "(,unl1t'r' ~ C,,1 Ihrel:' l""n: ffl!' nl -- hl' WIl . . abo~t t o my me ,, \ " .I<j Hln nf I' ndlng' lhnl gros;. Wll~' t o 192 9, at t h e rate of 6 % per ann u m In Th~ S~~~,~ o rd e r'ell lhon Aetna h"in' a ~1I~P(,I' tP'I. " }!: :'ai l,1 ill n 1.lIt chH n~,'d hiS IlI lnd-;-:" o",. fei,lr r s ~ forg etfu illess. Wa lking slowly by and costs, Laym on execut o r of thl' estate of 11"\\,, hIlHI',,· \'111 ... ·. I hI' ~pal're l' wh. , ~o un t he croo k, I hat S !1I 11 y . . ~ the pnrupct, h ('ame t o II hnlt 1.>0M Ei ' hth C II' d d ," pllk" III' 1'1\1' him, but 111l' h 'uk If yuu can't do worlk YOU'\'I! g o t f or e Scn t lllnd Ya rd und eved t h al eo~~~y t~a ~re m i.OeS I~I ~SCI~ib~~ei~ 1 h,and ed. oul lhe. t,hrcl' 1I1110n, . Th e l~ d ,. S." III~l hing : rOll :[In't sta ~ve ' l With a s hud der, she fe lt t he ri n g ,,;lip upo n h e r linge r. G.othic buil ~lin l! in r uri ollsi y . Thtit Common Pie .. Proc:eedin K' th t'I ' tAP B ' tl ( , ull n" r , apllcalll1 Ir. th(' s (',,,",n~, '[ h n la~t line th e pm row s talted lug' de t ec tl\'e WII S the re l he pe I Ion 0 SlI1ge r l£' .. ' t n me lIuO.U I. t I't I say: h e r h ant,I a nd a sq u at {oreti nger war n ed h ·' 1'. On ly s he hod n evel' Sparrow- the Spa , rro w, who' rl, gll t In th e ca se of Osca r Ras n ic uer chase r whe r .u lo. n [lthe Ilm~unt J. nk(' ' nolld cu, . " 11: lI1g versu s Cor a Rasn ie, it wa s ordered ~f t he al ~ being' i~ uffi c ie nt t o p'ly " 11(· ha s g' t thn'l' 1l'''!' llts hill'd 'I.".,,, IH'I'l' , Mr. Blr~l. why don't s howed h el' the place wh e r e s he drl'ollled t hat s he wou ld bt! IIsked e el so muny wr ong's, cll uld hnrdly by t h e co urt t hat payme nt of on e the mortgage of A P B',singer'i luhO\' and is :IPP "ling'! I h"l'l' hr Y.fllI gIl afle r the c!llldre,,! nf the I lIIu st :;ign h er nam e, F o r u lon g to I'en ou nce he r mUl'I'illge pOl'tion dise ntangl e the pro hl e m wh ich hal! part of the n e t p roceeds of fu ll it was ordered t hll t ' he be r~~ get:; nfl', IJid hl' >I 'IHI ~'nll to 111{'·· .. , \ Ich an' ma ke ' em puy thclI' whack l ime s h e he ld t h e pe n! a nd when so soo n. ' deud e ned thl' mine! o f Luke Mlld the sale of t he t r a ct of la n d be qui;ed to pay to the plaintiff the s he \\'I' ote it wavored In ~ e r fin g_ . "W if e ! It ' s wo n d el'f ul- u n be- di so n. ,The " ~ hildre ll o f the po o!'!" gi ven t h e de fend a n t a nd t h e f urni amount o f laxe. due upo n su id e rs and , the sc~awled signature he~ubl e ! " .. H e :nll ied .nllrl hlt!, sly . He \\'II S o ne ture and househ old goods, T he premi ses in the s um of $!J2,f)2. ~ llIll ()f $ 1 ODD for h r ye:tr '~ su p- ' I:tbol'. $ 11 ~1.0 .1 ; Sa m D, H enkl r . looked lIke nothlllg s he h ad evcr A doc u ment? of th e children of th e I'<:,or, th~ plaintiff was ' r elease d f rom a ll A iii d t II u ti s urvey, $2 6,25; W. C, B erg- seen. " I wa nt yo.u to tra ll sfer so me nulural chll l'g'e of that bIg mll n . of the defendan t and t he ceoun ts e:. . P OI' . I I II -G H kl Leuvin'" f or Paris that nl ' ",htm o ney to me,',' he snid, ". I t is the 1'0 prot ect th,c c hildl'en of the 'm s clal Estate of Frank Bow e l s d eccas ! ' c , ~ arne, , I; eo rge en . e , " ... alimony was se t a side a n d vaeote d, d fi t d Ii I ' Rea l Esta t e T ranafers .:allle , $ 7 : W . D . Cu rd e l' , lab or , the Me u rice, 01' was it the Bris t ol ? m e res t formality- I've d Iscov ere d no r a n d punIsh th e wrongdoer, Judgment in t h e su m of $ 110 e 'E ~t a n f DCOt~nt. F k .J. , rthut' ShillH to Lu c-i llt! Flo I' ,. 120 : Wa rr e n rt.o n . same . $552; The r e WII S so me confusio n in h er th at I hove r a l he r less thu n J Who had d one wrong'! Margurct? with interest a t 6 % f r om t h e hS de 0 d ell~.nhe e rouen , I" J. K. S I"'IIC' I', ftll'n l'oh l'ng nn(ll oad - mi nd ab out t hese de tails '. a n y wav n eed," H e tried hard t n upportinn a ll n ee t ecea se (,Ig th ,' cr'ount r.. II! r "~: in li a r "" , t""", 111'. ~ JO Sh e t h oug ht qUlc . kl y. 1 '1 h l I date of decree was a warded t h e .' '. . . . h i ng !!,I'ayel, $56.(J[j; ~ H oward Cook, they did n ot matter if s he kept u ame to er, 0 lUte h r. lI e s ho ok plaint iff, Clara P ierso n , vers us Estdte. ~~ WIl son t Harlan. de- Th Eln~~~I::~ld .?l~I;~~~~ :nIdI-: COl~~ n ,nll', .:W l. !l ; linton Co u n t y he r co urn~e, T he two o' cloc k wed· "Very we11, Come to th e h ou se his hend and wulk ed ~Iow ly back . ., . ' " '" ' 0 " C; rave l (J . sa me $2 .8 0; Blair & ding hud bee n a n inspil'ut io n , he at lhree o'clock, " I lo wllrrl R111ckfriar~. Marne McKinne y Ada h Mc Kinne y cease , SIX acc<? un, Kelly and Cora McKinn e y . defen E8~tfi o~ T UlliS DubOIS, deIIfotll.lIl'.' ~,uu~, f.' .. IM I t Ld{o y, :u me, 6; Harnld V , went buck to he r ho use- L uke was He fOI'l('ot thtlt t h e bank closed . (T n be c() n lin u('d ) dants, cease, r s ~cc~u n, , C (j , ol . I): H, '.1 11 GI~n '.!n. ' ll' , i\-i!lI't z, ~a me, $ 173,25; Americu n co ming to d inn e r; they were to at t hree-thi rty a n d agreed, After Upon app lication mad( by . R. . 1,.1.1111' 1' Cl) lhl\ ~ to {ne"eve cng , I a ' . d' t I fte t tch ull it di d not greatly matt e r if I n t h e ca se of A . H, Turner, '(II'an of Gnorrre ", 1' 1 ,, 1' L t" N' ')Ii " n,1 " 0 'In M.... !'\)('grcgatt' 'o rp. ·tone, , on.:lQ; e ve IIlIIliC la e y a r 0 ca , MAKE S NO DIFFE RENCE count y t r easure r vers us Leah Beckett ' a.s gual . ~ .. I .... ~. ~ 110. -, u " ' U- i\ th e n i.... ht b oat fr om Southllmpto n ... t he check wus retu rn ed. It W tlS 11 t I 't d d t h t Beck ett, m lllor, a s km g f or the sa le d leboro. ' ~ o nr~r e & J ohrn Son , mate ri a l, $35,L t I me re ly II tl'an s fere ncc fr om h is S rna , e a, 1 w a s or ere a of t he rea l estate of hi s wa rd, Al1l\' t\ , C \ l\\all, deceased , to ,I .. ; ! a ~(l n . Ul\\ b e l' Co" salli e, u e s .o lce. was r e m u ? us" . , the sh e riff convey tbe premises to eaz:ing....wBs Hct fo ~eh~' . 'E, ('toWfl lr, .t al. Lot No, 14 S5 ·L23; Ow~ n Gross , s upplies. $59- ThcY, were a lone In her pretty. h~t.1e- _ pe l so n a l, al'Co l1~t t o th.e hank s . . A, L. King. the purchaser-tn~ d 't d ' d th t t ', b . L"I' 124 : J . W, Lingo Hardware Co, s u p dr aWing r oo m, a nd h e was sltt m g H e ~\ as , t ru e t o hIS methods, Sll:'wed- "Wi ll you hold this f -225 D' tTibut io of th e a n I was or e r e a no ICC e In C Mno n. r ,"" 1 3 ' C·· . 0 ' 1 'V b h ' I h' d h five minu tes lat.e whe n he wus fla s~ fo r me'! " s um 0 " • IS n given t o George B eck ett, C, R. ,J nhn O. Bll uel', st .. t o Ge( ,rg C" P I\~S, '1'0 ' . ; ,"~!nnatl. 1,\ ·o rk y e r Sil e. I S, ar m al'o u'.l . er. h ' . t h nil .. proceed s was or dered. , Beck ett, H aro ld B eckett. Clifford a nd Mamie E. Buuer, 6~.Oll ac r es ' , 0 " ~af!" $ 40 ,80; Kllpatnck-F r e'.l c h he was very. ti ll and u nYle ldmg , T h~w~r;~ th in erth~L :tI7:,~t~n~i~o~,r::~ Minis ter-fiSi l', fum th e pastor .' ~ The case of A , H, Tur ne r ve rs u s a nd Cr aig Beckett. ' in le:l l'cret!k t wp. Mo o r Car Co ., gas Ilnd s upp lt es, but he thought that he u nderstood t h h ,g d' d H h d Stewed- "Oh , thut' s nil r ight I Mrs. Belle Hear ne, et ai, t he co ur t E d ward Kn ocken huu er F r ed J ames Pi le a nd F W Fl'lln~ to $!1:1. 04 : Frank Sher wo od Co., t h l" .utt s Ie h\\as ~ esse. . h e a \' I k I'k . . , ' ~ "'6 80' J \ V L $9' L k ' b b· b l' .' h PIC u re( 1' 1' restm g m e l' n egou 00' I e a ll hon esl guy!" orde r e d tbat a w rit of possessi on Sears a n d Herbe rt Hoppe" were ,f, E, , nllth and Ed. Ha wth orn. Lo t , a,llIe. ,p.' " , o ng. gas, . , . u e I\ a s u Inll ove r Wit ex· Ii ee-in bed even ' he WllS n ot us be issue d t o C. L, Dye purchase r of made appraisers of th e estate of No . 6 3 in Franklin . K rlpatnck-Fre n ch Car Co " Chev- cllem e nt- he was lI ke a boy who gl h h db" I h J-1. G. Fi tzpatrick tn Mrs. Alt!in ~ 1'01 ,t . tru ck , $8 00; We ste rn ~tar, had r eceiv ed II new a nd wo nderful ~: ~~~::o ~ ke e~~; i~ \hl~ ~~~~ t he pre mises: Distributio n w as or_ A n drew J ackson Boyd, decease d. der ed, H oward W , Ivi ns and T h eodorc Fitzpalrir'k , All flf lot N". 11,5!11 ~upplle!i , $4 0; AT(!~ dellcon Sa!es pr ese n t" . t h t h h d h' fi t h k The cllse of A, H. Turn e r ve r s u s ~urtis accepted the uppointment and pa rt o f lut ' " , 20R in F i'ank lin ,o .. . "a ~ , ~4. 76 ; Gns wo ld S er vice " l. say, d Id yo u .see t hat qu eerI~'D e't ak · III ~ oc ;" Rebecca Goodwin, e t aI, a wri t of of a dm in istrato r of t he e·tut e of De l11l.1I'o e LOg'~ " ,. n to Ol lie ' B. , llll lon , s tlPpite: $1.50 : S. C, loo king mun standing on t he paveIt on ISs! me p e:~e't possession was awarded to Ar- J : Mo r cu s Cu rti s, deceased li nd Lo,",sdon. LuI No. 1 J R in Pra nk lin. AI ~x undl'r, maLe rm l, $4 ; Ka u fma n Ill e nt a s we, came o u~? A f ellow not a r eq des , I was 1\ • thur H e nderson , purchase r of the fi led her bond of $ 1000 wilh Lu cy E. Smit h to W. L. Jl a\' liS, ~llp pli ~l!, $)!5. 22; O sbe~rn 's Garag e, numed LeWing- a. thI ef of som e pe ~.em p or y cornman . .? pre mises , Dist ribution was or- Am e ri ca n Surety Company of Ne w 12 acr's in CIt.!arcrC'ck twp , l:)bol' o n tracto r, $ 1 h. l 0; Mun ley kl.nd, I won de r If he cam e t.o Why- what IS w r o n~, da~lln g. MANURE SPREADERS de r e d , ' . Yo rk [I S s urety , Wil lialll II. 01 nd ""f t.. ortez M. I~. Jam ·so n. g~l'age re nt, $8; L , I. p Ick P?c kets? 1' 1\ bet . he did ; ~ h e s hook her hea d Im patJe ntl ~ The g rand Jur y of t he comm on Th e n et val ue of t he estule of Smilh . 8 1. 01'\ acl'l'~ in \ ny n(' twp. [ ell cc.. labo r , 7iJc ; J no. La w & S o n, louc h hi S h at to . me ~s I came o ut.' Please te ll me w h ll ~ y o u wa nt. pleas , (fourt. r epo rted t h e~ have Willia m B , Stratto n, deceased was . H Ul'r y E, lind Li da K. owan t o f' lI PlliteH & repam;,$17 ,85; Jn o. S he was n ot h st e nlng, a n d. a f te r H er to n e .t urn ed hIm .co.ld , It "M R, F AR MER- We nr e selling Ma n ure prcad cl's fo r $8 6,00 b ee,n m sesslo!, 4 days, havl,ng e x- $3637.90. Successors t o th e estote ' Carolyn H. Rltckhi ll. Lot No, 1<\ Law, matc riul fO I: top, $3.90; MiI- he hud gone, co uld remember noth was ha r d, a lm ost, a ntago nlst!c. H e IeI' HardwlIl'e, pa in t, $2,50 ; Ba ng - ing l hat he sa id except som ethin g could ha r d ly be li eve t he e Vide nce a ,,! d $90.00 ond Packers f or $50 ,00 a mln ed 67 W1tn esse~ coverll} g 3 6 a r e : Howa rd B, Stratton, William ' in J. cbn nnn. L! berty S ilr elld e r & Mfg , Co. , cases, presented 29 bills a nd Ignor- I A, Stratton a n d Clur a slratto n ' l Curolyn II. ancl W . C. Roc khill hl~n 1II 0t ol' Co:' s UPP li e, . ~4 , 80; a bo ut R ~x, It was ind ecen t of him of h,s sens~s. , j22 niece. In Frallk A. Dil ntu s h, 0.:': 1 UCl'C ~ ill \\ e ~ c h & Dakin, sH!lle , $ 1.66; lo mentIOn the boy. Da nt y ra ng Stamm eTl!lg ~ I ~ e u sch ool boy, LIbe r ty, In d iann," ed 7 cases. The S, Fred Compa!'y, of L eb · H , C. Hutche ns , adminis tra to r of Lebanon , W :lI t"'s , Gllr~ge , r e pll ll'S. $ 19 ,8 4; h ·r. u p, ~u t she wou ld no t see o r he to ld ~e r IT} dlsJol,n te d sen te!,ces an on , 0 .• defe ndants III t he case th e estate of F'ran k L, Hobso n d eUavi d n. Bec k ne r til Fred W . Olego nlU Brtdge Co , same, $4 ,95; rec leve him . She must go thr ough of the SIt u a tIOn whic h hod ansen WANTED against th em by The ,Brown T wen · ceased , fl ied his In ve n tory and' ap- Dcichma n, Ion IIcre:; in IIlcm twp Fl'Un l~lin Motor Co. ~ame, $2 ; J . !low with ou t he lp: L u ke was com- a nd she .lis t ened an d did not Ci : lIa Dur ll s tuud I' 0 Regin u W. LlIIgo Hal'dware Co" tr uc k re- IIIg a t seven , At SIX she call ed bim s peak un t il he stopp ed . hof el Company of C mcinnati, was p r a isemen t in court gran t ed . addit~onal time to FebruT . M. Ma nin gto'n and J, C, Anlul. Lot I 0 , 770 in De I'fI Id pai r, I;lurts, $49.99;. Franklin V ul- o n . t h e telephone, a nd ha d on e "Ninety-seve n t h o u sa n d I' RE LIABLE DEAbE R- wanted t a r y ~~, In which t o fi le an a ns ...... e r , Ha wke . adnli nistrlltol's of the es. twp. _ __ ~alllz lll~ 0 , 'l:e~a l rs: , $9,65; H . palll ck y mo me nt w he n s he f eared po u nds," she said, "A te n t h of that h a ndle Re~erlin g P rOd u ct s 'i~ E ItJ a h Gabba rd ple!lded g UIl ty tote of p , M[llcolm Bis phum, d eCiaI'll Zurchc r Tart to Regin a ' . Conove r , s u pp lies, $1.65 i J , W , t ha t hc had a lrea dy . left hi s flat wo uld have saved R ex." W arre n Co un ty , Excelle nt opto the cha rge of carr ylllg co nceal- ceased , we re aulhorized t o se1l the A nla l. Lut No, 'iT I in Dcc di e ld I ra dl ey . a lc!,h ol, $ t ,00: . O. L. an d cOll!d n o.t be f ou nd . The n sh e He cou ld . only sture ut her u n- portuni t.y fo r t he r ig ht ma n . Earned weap,on s an d was sen ten ced to perso nal pro'lcrty at private s ale , t\\'p. Brown , I'~PlI lr S, $ 1, 50; OhIO COI'- h e~rd hl.s vO I.ce, , com prehe ndln g ly. tn ~ of $60 weekly n ot unusual. I Clam Zu erche r Ta rt to Re gi na I ugaled ulvel't ?o. , s ew e l'~, $249 ; ~Da rl~n g, Isn:t It .odd ? I can' t ''It was m ther dreadf ul to see a Wnte ..cor f ree catlliogue. G. C. t he OhiO State R eforma to r y at fo r cash . The court advised W, Ch es t e r \ A ntnl. L ot :-10. 77~ ill De rfield W: H. Madde n & Co., bri dge re- be lte ve It- I st ili t hlllk myself a s m a n ma k e a god of money, L u ke, H e be!'hn g Com pan y. Dept . 1886 , Mansfi eld a nd k e pt at hard lab0t! for nol less t ha n 1 year. ~ or goo Mllp le, us executor of the estate of twp. POl l'S, 1.t11;. Pe nn s y l v~nia Ru iL a ~~us t y old bllch elol'- " ul'! d . to kn ow th ~t fo r its sake he is Blomtn gt on, Ill. j22 ca use sh ow n , t he forg omg s~n- AmalllJa M. W a lker, deceuse d, to .J nhn u'hd III a~g i e Lo ng to Ll oyd Iliad Cn. fr l.! o n .patlll. $ 1.63; . Lu ke, I want you t o do some· \~ llhn g to sacrifice e ve n a young te nce w a s su s pe nd e d f or n p e riod sell certain slo cks belon g ing to t h e nnd , J ()~c phin e Gl'lice Ra ile y. Part O~~Ill' H , CUIII. bl'l<lge lu m ber, thlll g f or m e." Sh e fo und her voice hfe." " _ ~. FOR SALE of 1 y~~ , d b tb t d ecea~d atpriva~ ~le. .,f ~t '0 . 806 in F rIl nk lin . $_n=D=.=4~O=.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= It was co n ~ldt: re e c~ ur It was ordered by the court that =-- FOR , SALE-Organ in g ood cont hat t h e p lalntlff, T e Milhkin Lydi a Deck ('r widow of Granv ille Marri aae Licen .e. PINK Y DINK'( Pin key', "M.mor,." L.Hon by TERRY GILKISON dition. Church or Christ. f6 N ational Bank of Decatur, recovEer p, Decker , de~e8 se d , b ~ all owed t h e I fr om the defendant, Nora . Glen n C, I\latix , factory \\' o'r ker THRESHER SUPPLIES-BELTS - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!~!!!!!!~!!!~~~!!!===:: • 0 f Do yton, 0 n d Miss M1I r ie I E !i ZIIpulleys, babbitt metal. oil cups. !!! i beth Miller. of Franklin, HOW DO ~ou IoC.N ow Injectors, lubricators, ate am and Leo na r d Duie Taylor. farmer, of H Al CHR IS TOr'HepFran klin, and Mis8 Mal'tha M. water pures, gauge gla88, oller., ':OL. U~·H1 US N~"eR ;= ()R.~OT Roark, facto ry worker, of FrankAN'/THIN-3 C' (3 ' wAJJ packing, boiler fluell, Ruction hOle I li n, Janu[\ry 14, 'TeL.L.. ""',E ( and tank pumps, THE BOCK LET I Rob e rt. D. Kin p', bus transportaCO. 415 W. Main St. Xenia, Ohio. I ti on , nf Lebnnon. and Miss Mary N. Lack ey. b ookeepc r, of L cb ll no n FOR SALE- 1925 Fo rd Coupe In , I ,Iunullry 16. fair condition, Call Phone '53. Fi r man Kin g, bu~ tran spo r tat io n · j1l9 of Leban on , and Mi ss I sa b elle Cor win ,sten og rapher, of Leban on, PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS I J llnu a ry 16, • -For all purposes, Bocklet'l --hne of plumllinr and heatin, IUpBill. Allowed pl!es are t!:3 best. The Bocklet. \V (,R t ('I'n Slnl', n otice nf a ~sess · KlQg Co" 416 W. Main St Xenia Ill(' n t. Sf>.;;:,; Ge nrge B. Graft' Co ., Ohio. ", ~ upplil: ~, S:!.bl; Office Outfitter~ en., s tlpplir • . $:1.6 0; Bo o k Shop, = <-'« ll:' lId (\1' pnr!. (jOc; Sa m e, type MONEY LOANED papPI', $5 ; ('olu l11lHI S Blank Book ('n., f"I'ms for pr obat e court, $5R.5 0: ... D: H e nkl e tax p latcs, !S e.E..' IT 'SA'IS , -r-I G HT .:':12,50: Sum D , Il enkie, expenses. T~e;R E. _ . THIS S','Al'lIE :54,(1:1: W oonrow- \Veil ·Sta nage Co LONG OR SHORT TIME-Eae eREC T t: D TO THE ' pencils, $:'!,20: Warw ick' s grocery, terma. Also Surveylnr O F C HRI S T OP H E R, ---':'~;"':"'::" ~lIpp lip ~ . $ 12,85: Lew is & Drak e, stracting. Write and I -al call nl'aya g- , $ l.!)5; .lohn Law & So n C O LUMBvS ,/ and , ~\ele you, Sam D. Henkle, Way. ICHS f or stove, 60c; , ('l ip: 0111 nesvi e, Ohio. J11 • pany, s lIppl i('s, $:14.07; W a ldron C, C.i lm UI', Tnqu s t boll y f Lloyd LOANS on Livestock, Chattell. Bnker, $7. 'Il; Frank Chronicle, Second Mortages. Notes bou ht no ti ce tube r cu li n t e te d cattle" ,John Harbine. Jr" Xenia, Obi:.. ' $ 1.50; Dl1partm e nt of Agricultur e, tags, $72 ,9 0 ; Dr s. E d ward a nd Robe r t Blair, examination , $1; Edward Bowman, c r ushing Rto ne, ~ ......,. ""'III"''''' , 1M',."..., . . . Farmen of 'WarreD' d 'd j $3 , l 5 1 'Blair & L eRoy, hauling IT ~ """WI'\"'s """"IIW _ countle. may obt Ian a olnlnr gi'a\'el, $74 ,88; Frl'd Hump hl'ey. I..""UQ ~ long time loana a money OD IT. SUC'H /to TtlaAT litb ol', ~,10 ,95; H om er Holcroft. terest. COlt of 's::urh~er cent In. ame, $2,10; J o hn bons, labor, TIZV'Na '"' RUM ' A ""tL~ $1·.7fJ: Edwur<l G. Burger, sa m e, AI>tP MOVING OMI,.'1 , TWO . ~ $1.76; William Kcrmode, llSC of "eaT. " Pboae Informat ion call ~n' or wuter tnnk. $16; Hnrol(1 V, Martz O. DRAKE ' Treas b·' lallO l', ~11 3.7 6; R .. M. Weidner, ,X Lebanon' nbf U1'er; pone 81.















Cti,pa;? °

$2 J












Anthracite Coal We have the same high-grade Pennlylvania Anthracite for your brooder .toves that we have had in the past.

Peat- Moss

P'NI<1 D,,.Y-1 )'NGLES

for The belt absorbent known brooder house and ' chicken house.

5% Farm Loans dAI.


Wap•••llie 'F armers

Farmers.Attention 6

. E .......e· Co. '- .

,~edVe-;.3 L:!dor::l~ t?~~~ I;::






,'" r

• "

THF. MI.t\MI CAZETTE ISSUED EYERY W EDNESDA Y -------- ---D. L. CRANE Publi,her Offic. Pbou ....................... No. 112 R·.idaDce .................. ,....... No. 11~ !ub,crlptloD Price, t1.IIO a


6ft'.,."., Po.toRi .. ot Woyn ... I11~ "1110,


S .. ond

el .... ", .. II

M ..

=======......;:-=-;:::-=-=-;..=-=-=.-;;; JAN UARY 29. HJ30

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• \ I


.'- -- -----

I iMarried Woman FtaTS Gas

do 8 not conc rn the big cities alone. One of the favorate hunt_ ing grounds of the racketeer Is I)mong the dealers in foodstuffs. It hail been said that every crate of poultry, every can of milk, eV ry bushel of garden produce that goes into New York or Chicago pays tribute to the.rackeeters That may be exanllrated, but there is enough truth in It to make It hurt. . Everything that makes his food cost the city man more than he ought to pay is bad for the grower of food stuffs. The producer gets a small enough percentage of What the con sum er pays; a s it is , The effort of the F ederal Furm Board to reduce this " spread" and put u IUrge l' part o.{ the consumer's clollur into the furmer's pocket will huvc to tak the I'lIcketee r into acCOli nt as well a s the mure or less legitimate m'iddleman. Wi th farmen; ow ing their own marketing ma chin e r y. the ultimllte r etail di Rtl'ibulion will still be through indi viduul locu l deni ers, es pecially in t he f rui t , vegc'lab le, poultry and egg tmeles. The re is little doubt that. except fur t he rackc teeTR, most food HtI1'plies ('lin be. lind eventually will IJe, so ld in th e large cities for IOlVe r av el'IIKC prices thun now preva il while -lit the sum e time the gruwe r gets higher prices.


"For H years 1 ate on ly baby foo o vcry thing else fOl'mcd gas. NtIW' thanKS (0 Ad lel'ika, I eat II nything and enjoy li.fc," :-Mrs. M. Gunn, " • Ju st ONE spoo nf ul Adlerlka relieves all GAS so you can ea t and sle p bette r, Acts on BOTH up per • nd lOWe!' bow!'l re mov in g poiSOn!; YOU n(!vel' kn cw wer e there , and ,\'hich C:\U!wd yo ur s lomac h t r oub le Nil matte l' whu t yo u hlll'c tri f'll fu r lIl ll mach unci bow ' I ~ . _;\ dlel'ilm w ill J{ lIl'pri ~e ~'o u ! Adam. Drug S tore.


:\ 1I' 1' le ' \-:


- -- -- -.

J.E.McC'J ure

-Eats Only Baby Food

j'::--11I 1('

.. --



WAYNESVILLE, OHIO li'ully Eql,llpped tor Goon ServIce. Display

ROllI\! .

Ambulan ce Service T~; I E PIi ONE


\I'1'1l1 ;10 '1' \1':;\'1'

fir I 'I'" -~-I -I-I'-L" h '


dl""'a~ "+1 ~~-------------~ •

~ qt l '" Is h l' 14 · h v ~' h "11 t hat J . U. , ';,r l\\" l ll-: ll l ha:-; 111' \ ' 11 d il l , i\ P I'ol tlt' l l i IIl1d '1 ll n l lfk d .. ~ .' d"illIl~lIatnl· o f 11 •• , " : !'i I ;II' lI t 1.1 ;, )1. II PI' h, ell I n t l 'l or \\arl,n , 'qU ll tV, !I ldo d,n':ls 'u 11; 1\, ' d t ld~ ~ t ll d n\ .. f J lI IlI IHr y I ~ I :1 1\ . \1' . Z 11"1.1. .111t! Li' · of \11. , l ' r .. lo;\t, · "IIUI!, \\' a n "II " ' 1\ 1111 ," , f ' ld ..

Dead Stock Wanted

There .we I1 H many Iliffe rll llt opInion s un the subject oi furmel' 11Ic11l be l''; of them, ulmost. HIGHEST 1'1Inv;e nil tlll' way 1'ltf/y . fl'om un stinte d prui sll ' to bitter CASH dcnlln ciutio n. SO l11e wil! t ell you PRICES th ey are I,:ootl things fo r thc \ '!4 flll'ln e r, oth e rll thut they a re PAID I s:, 1.. · i I.lkilll-o . ;att' H 1'1 II I. ruin in!.: th e farmer. I ~ I f,., I' 1:1 f1 t .I • ;ltl Il I I:! 111 These diffe r ' nees o f ,)pinio n are :;1. 111 ' 01 " I liu. \\'1111"/1 , ' " I U l l \', l ' " tt l 111 1) " l'tl' :t1"l , '11111 lurl{l'ly II malleI' o f th e point of Harveysburg i :-:' l h d I. lkin s I : :lt' ·~ . :!7:'-, O n tar io . view , That the cuop ,'rll t ;\'e move _ 1:11 ., \\u :-l ld flg\III1 , I~" \\ ' 11 1 I.l h. t' JI ~ . me nt does tend to impllre the Uncle Ri Tinklepaugh snys he -;1:::\ I;, ,, , ":1 ' ," 1. \\'I" ln '" H I. I ~ , ~;1 " Fertilizer Company hist oric und c he ris hed individunl- went into II place that ca lled itse lf PUBLIC SALES II; · , ' ~.' ;.,'.~'. "':, ,~:.':,I.' . ; .• ~~:::,' : ~::;:" I~:·:\I:~',~ · is m of the furml'1' is true . For n a ' Rho ppe" the other day, and I ,' d , " HI/ r l l l l l ) a, I J a l \"'~ I. l klli ri. -;f.I, cooperuti e to ~ u ccee d ull (if its. fo un,l out what the extra "pe" I IH ' ~ ltl l t' . \ \' 1' 1111 ". :,an I' raU l'lNt n , ('a l • PHONE SF3 F "b . u"ry 17- Tim Barlon ,1" " ":1 ~I "" d 1., 1, "" ~I .",..: . 11 :1: 1I11'IIlUl'rS mu st ~ ublll ; t to stllnd- st nod f ur. Th ey meant "prices ex\ ' rll" ~'t , :-.: . . I. •. ", . 'I'H~ , · I\' :-< , °:111(1' 1" . 1I1·t!hmlion u f their (Jutput, us to eessive." HARVEYSBURG. OHIO 111 :1 .I,·ft ll, ,".< 1.1 \'iI,,("t .. 11 ". I ~I :, vuri etit, s, grade~, time (If hurvest lI avi n,::- r(' ntro my rar m, Twill ,;. :\. - ';t. I : " III'h , ,,d. 1,,11;"1"' . II " , · lind shipping und the like . ~ " fill' at ruIJl ic All ction , a t !\,I ap le ,,, 1" ", '''''1'. . I •. 1.11' 1,, · 1:1' )(01 . WI,, I w On e of the things we'd like to Tht lIi!.:h School Play "G o So ~I;,""" 1l""':1""11 l t, I.ulll ln>'· • _ _ _ _ _ _...._ _ _ _~_ __ Th e re is a t ype of me ntality to kn ow is whut hus become of the M:1I'y" will be "ive n ut th e Gym lI ill F arm . on lI Hl' vl'y, hlln:. l' ew 1:.. ".,, 1,, " ,,· :1:!3 II' , ~ : I\" "' " ' ' ,;l ......t. _ _ _ _ _ which even s uc h hClwticill1 regula- uutomo bil e sules man who UAed to Tu "sriu., (' ven in", " I. • . Hurl inl'l on road (Proposed Bull- ,;,," ,1 , 11"lIi!, 1,, >1 1""11 . I'all l I I' 1.,1 F ClJruary 'J I,· ti on of individual Actiun is galling. I'(l fc r to every car as u "job." ' .' Co U nit' 1 She ~ I;i ll Hi.,h\\,ay) , 2 mil l; SlI uth o r ,'"·ull(" " ,II, ":,la ""111 ';u",· t. . I.,," .. 111<" ,., Admi~~l()n chU I'KCl; lOc ano 20c . Suffered Five Yeo,n '" . ~I" r ' I.ik l" 1l,r ,I.\\I1 . 11 11 ' '1' 0 that kind "f fUI'm ers the . d l'.\·w Burl inJ,!tun. h l· '~ i' lr! i ng u t :-\lrflrn.: . \ \ ' I' lI lil', 1': Utilal't. Ind la ll a , Federal Farm Bounl progrum will Mrs. RU . 5ell Jefferis entertalne F ound New Aml Different 1.IU.::lO lI'cl oel,. o n n" ,'" ,Ia" klll'"'. II Ig-hla li d nll ,l ';lIn W omen learn to s wim s ooner I ~· T~u .. day, Feb uary 6 . 1930 ••·t . Ill,·" . LU i Ang-.·"" . ' ·al,r"",,, " . uppellr ridicu lous if not IIctually un than me n becau.·e men hav e to twe nty ladie~ Thur day ufternoun ut a sociul teu. , ew ing ca rp et Medic :,"e I d I T B 1··...·eI II' , .1 ill'k "'"11. 11, ,\, , · .. 1), 11 111 -. invu s ion uf the ir l'il{hts. tench them selv es. ' . R eg i ~ tere ,I er se y cull e. . . (·" II(" ,,"la . ' :,..... 1:'. 11' . ~1 " n ll' l(t l) lI . But th e coo l' e rnli ve mov ement is rug'.! kept fingers bu sil y e mployed. Tc ·\ ('d . A ~m a ll h I'd o f unll Eual Tuno lillh. I' f' \' ;1 d ll . 1, lnil I. ~I " n l nl:' qunlit" . 3 Oil'S, 2 H e~fel" . 2 1,, ". H . It. ~. I\'J ' ~';:! . <;call l". \l' II"h. no longe r !lo mefhing which any The plucllrd on the front door All'report an enj oy able tim e. on : AIH11l H(· II. f!trmer who wan ts t o get IIhead can of SlIC(,CSS is marked "Service." The Hilarity -Iub m et f or an ljull ~. .J Tru Lady's Ceci le 705G71 illt;t SII.,.t'I, I'- rallklln, 1"14'!ll\ lilI l1yBl1rral l\' II III ,,:" take o r leuve us he c hoo s e~. It is in o ne of the greatest CO\\' 5 in the 1':,) wllr,1 11"11. J.I ~ I; lI u rr" l" S, re .'!. IIll-duy session at the home of th e dedared poli cy of the Federal . Hog calling contests are only a Mr. and Mr s. Will Ker~e y an I cOll ntn.' . 6 y. ('<I r s old, to freshe n Franklin, 1',·nrl ")' I\·I\II III . John Hdl. .1 rltl g .. po )" t. -' O l1 ~ Governm e nt to giv e uid only to lot o f Hoo-e·e! family in Oreg onia Sunua y, RlIo n ufte r suI . She has a yeurl- 1"":!:.!5 OI!cUl:-:) .:il\' : liUtcW. \' I,1 M .it IJ •. II, :t ntl l1 <1r, llt'2 fUI'me l's organized into cooperaThe 7th and 8th grudes gave ing' son und a lI'onde l'ful 2-year old I'"dll r 11 111 A'·t·nu '. lill \l a6. 'I' """ s . tive se lling association s. There is an excel lent pr og l'am a t a sse mbl ." son. both in thi s sal e. Genevieve H IIUlil ~I . 11.· 11. " " !;'uu rtl lnll o r 1l1\'· I(.) ., . n~ ll. " mill OI' . 90~ l' edu l' 11111 A\,no reason to doubt that the policy Friday morning. Song by school 67-1548 is 'II n Oxford· Eminent bred M ,. nlle I)"IIII R. '1'"" ,": Ell wl,Nh HhH!k will be carded out until. in the "Old Folks at Hom e," devoti on III ( 'O W , 5. u. good onl!. She ha s 'mull HU III;I II I(,' r. In Cil PHllIlll Strp ' l, cou r se (I f II very few yea rs, all of I 'A S ou th er,\ I h ~ if e1' calf and a yearlinn',., dou"hter llk lin11·!llk . 1'\' ..I1I1 . MIHgnrH .. 11V,·u 1,"'1, r.N)·I\'II 0::1 III"Elk SlI'l'CI, Rev. Thornbury; pay the proflu ct.s of th e farm . except a T o nic"; duet. "Uown on thE' Fa rm in sale. Arl'ung e now t see these I' rl\nk lln. I'cnIl X)'I" IlIII ,, : llnrl un .1 . few lim ite d sp ccialties. will be .fllck Lee lind Geo rg e Sand e rs ; ca tt le sel l. F or future in· IIla ck. I',, !,ula r' SI'·l'd. Oro,'., ('I l)', hllndled nIl the way from grower 011( f(lInl!ltion su~ u l,, : l ()n M nn'f\ "I' IIInu lid, closing song by R(' h 0 0 I. "'1 !. Y ~ th e owner or SI'cll [' !' nsyl""n 1\'n ~ h ln~ ~: 11:l.'·IB. 'Pol nl to co nMum c r by furm er-owned coKentu cky Hom!' ." The ' program h e~t I' F olck. Sa le M~r., pring- \\' .. . h lllln ll ll . ('nilfor liln . ~l llrgnr~t ope ratives. for next Friday will be given by fi e ld, Ohio, J Clsey, clI1'1'ying 2nd HIli k. n 1I,lnn ,·. AI' I. I ~ , 50 ;, ; 1':o l' ll ti That is g oing to put greater culf. ,f er~ey. Guern s ey , heavy 1111.1 A\' ,· nll ~. l' lI r,.;. nn ")' I \,[l n la : lith and 6t h gratI es. Hell et Pl 'ellll sHin Ck. ai' ~III lno ,·. ApI. power in th e hund s of the organiRussell J eff eris met with mis,n!'in!!!' r, if not fr esh by clllY of I ~. 50n ; ElIell ,1 '\ VI' n u~ . PI llehtlrg, zed farmer s and leave the bi tterHeifers, l'e nn s"I" lI~Inlll \\' 111ll J,:'loll lnk e nnnotlc~ Ihn l J:~~~~~~=~~~~~=-~~ . sal Five e. 4 Jersey fortune Wednesduy evening w he n ,.. head of Horsesyearling. . T eam of Th "J1l1i~ . )'ianl th e llLl\ e nds in un 1I1111leasnnt position. he dropped a lump ,o f coal on his :~ day of Dece lll llcl'. 19 29. ril e' ,1 hi . pO ll 'ooner or Intel' the ultra-individ 't b i l} ~ . ;0:.:.: Match ed orl'els, 7 a nd 8, wt. t illil i n til l' C o mm on PI ~ntl C'O \lttt h· lIali stie type of fllrmer will MY LAND f oo t, mus mg I au y . :'::1 28 00, extru good workers, so und. \\Ilh in nnd (ur Ih e OUnl )' of \\'1\1' _ !II• • • • • • • • • • • • • • vanish, and IIgriculture all over By Thoma, Olborn Dayi, the co un I'y will II SBum e the aspect of other bu s iness, in which teamAnna Harris. Responses to 1'011 ~ '. '. .;.,'., Mare, 12, wt. 1400. good work er. Ihal h I_ t it" 'WII ~r In re~ ~I mr.h' cull were qu otlltions fr om Long,i '.: t' BI k M' 12 t 1200 d, of a n II nrllt'ld,· t1 Inlcr"st In ll... fol· work is the esse ntial elem ent of he is a rich and ral'e land; Oh, she' s a fresh and fair lund, fellol\·. Sel'eral bU '. I · ness matters t .: ' .,: , aC ale, ,w , • goo ' 1 ,, \\'lnl< deNcriI"'d r01l1 e. lnt " to- \\' It : success. " . '.'" . ...... wor k cr . ~i l \ltl l in Ih ~ To \\'ns hlll of \Vu yne . Doub tless the country will not She is a dear and rare land, were disposed of. A delightful Thirteen Hogs, Immun ed. G full In Iii 1. ' (H,nly o r \\'a"r (' T! Il nd Sll\ l'> < This native land of mine. IJrogram con. ist'ing of "Th e OriMRS H BA RNES bl d P C B d S b d "f Ol"u, a nd kn owlI nn,1 d " rilled ha ve so many piclllr 'SlIlIe and hot· 1-[ ." . • , 00 . • roo I>WS, re, a ~ f .. ll o\\, ti : Aboll l ,·Iglt l v I~O I a fI" K k Id tempered ··c horucters.. on !ts No Ill e n thlln hers are braver; gin of 'My D entuc y ome, R e~ . Duroe Sow, bred. 5 .grade "f Inn,I, hpln", ~ !'t il ha llf o( f>. W . fUl'm s, but do ubtl ess. also, Its He!' women's hearts ne'er wllver; by Mrs. Lula Ellis, Spe lling Co n· So ws, bred. All bred to full bl oo d ~i"nrlUI' <I r S"C: l lo ll . ~~ . Town 4. test by Mrs. Clam Co nner, l\lan y of th e actual experi ences H -h' B . F' II bl d J.J !tango f, M. I:. S. In \\ n l'r 11 Cou nty. farm s will provide a be t ter I'd freely die to save he r , a mp ~ Ire 0111 •• U hi ".l,,'II' a , ' d I", IIk h Is "illi a ll'd on the living lind a larger surplus for "Detour" by Mrs. CIul'a Mern't t, with J( onjola wou ld challenge be· Rhlr e Boul', co ming 2. 00 'lamp· Hpll I, TlIr ll plli ,' "hu "l lW O n1l\1 And think my lot divine. their ownel's than most of them Edj!'a r G~est's poe ms by Mrs. R. 'lief . wer e L'h e Betllill facts not F ee d- 150 bu. Oats. 6 bu. Sap- . 011(" h,,1( ltIily " r-;." Ih rr O!," th e t uwn do now. T. Moore, and. eed atal og on · kn own and verifi ed. uch!ln ex- I' CI S I lo r \\' 11\' 11 ·",·,11 ,· III ~ulrl lOll lllY, and She's not a dull nor cold land; ove r Impl ee ( ements--Except.wn . . • 1<110\\,11' til" "lIl sllllI(II' Fnrlll." · No ! he' s a warm and bold land: test b Y M·ISS Reva St ump was perie nce was that 0 f 1\[. rs, ' II . Ing Farming '1'1", )I a" , " ), (' r II I ""IfI !' lItl on Is ('Or Oh , she's a true and old land, g iv en. Adjourned to meet F ebru- Burne. , Glenw ood Drive , So lon nil\' goo d l111pl E' m e n t..c~ Mc Cormick I",rllli ,, " 'If ~lti ,1 1"'1\ oetl\l e: thnt • ary 8 with Mrs. ·Annu Hurri s. nea r Cleveland. Ohi u. wh o ~ aid: Who S' d 8 ft 'th t ' \,Inl nllff's 1I11,'re' l h e sH off 10 hllll This native land of mine, k er a t' !'at Ueerln~ 1n .Cl', Corn., Btnder . \~I ongue 11 \, : con Ilt ()r " t lll 1,1l'lntlff may There will be a guest s pea "I was terribly ill fo r ~ve yea,r. truck. Bla ck ha" "s":t' PI'n tI'~('llri.c 111{ thil rel!p ecTHE RACKETEER AND I Cou ld belluty ever guard her meeting. All members arc lind sp ent mHny month s HI h{lsplt- Ha wke Co rn Plante l' McCormick. U\'lJ glmrpg or III. purl.l ca In saId this' THE FARMER I And virtue still reward hE\l, reques ted to respond to roll call 'a Is. Nothin I ate would remain in Mowe r new Dunham' Cultipucker 1" ':11 ,·. lIll ~ n. 9 ,t Oll t In snllt pell. .' , No foe would cross h er bo"t-der, . h a quota t 'lun f ' . Hn l t ( 0" s uch o t h e r n nd fur"t'h er Wit rom s om e I my stomac l . Ev en water brought I new . Corn Plow 2-row, .IIlgle' lIull re ll er li S I~ JUS l, ~q ultn"l e anti ------. No friend within it pine . ;. ~', .: ~. . famous pe rson born in Febr'.lary. or retching ,sJlell s and nau. ea. I Row Co rn Pl ow. Wooden Hay IJrOper. The Men's Communit.y Club wa s bili ous and t e nibly weak. My Rake McCorml'ck Do uble Disc Th ~ pr'I'SO Il M ,,100"0 I1nm Oll will h h f ' 1 d . . ' . Ln k e. notl e ,. ttlHl ti ll' \' ar ~ p [lrll ~s t o ' f h d The newest development in the 0 . s e s a res an aIr an, staged "My Dixie Rose" very sue n erve s were. In such a stute that S upe ri or Wh eat Drill 12 hose. s"l<1 acUun. [l ll ll lI\in t he.,. :lrt! r eo fi eld 'of crime is the so-called Oh. she's true and rllre land! cc!tsf ully Thursday evening. Th ose my own fumlly suff(!r ed neglect as . practi ca llv new. Low Wheel '1 ull' c tl lu all"We" lh ~ "" mo on .01' NOTARY' ~.UIlfL.IC "racketeer," The racketeer is a Yes. she's a rare and fair land, tukl'ng part s in<:I1\d ed Mi~s Hcl ~ n a consequ e n ce . This is all changed " ' a"'o n ~vi th flat top 'Wa"on hefu.... 1,1", INI ,Ia ,\' of Jlfllreh. 19 ;10. Th ' nlltlve ' Ian d 0 f mill . e. . LUCille . . st SIX . wee k s ater f n... ' ''' 0th " ~n jnl. lh; nwill will bp tllk "," "galnxl IS Randall, MISS 1'uck er. Miss n ow. In Ju ta k'mg , with box bed. Gravel Bcd. ma n or u ga ng of men who pre y Nationa. Bank upon sma ll bu:;iness men by de- -- - - - - - .Claudia Gray. Karl Snell, Howard this ne w mediCine I f elt better Set of Doubl e Ladders. 2 TH OMA S M. MAI\'IN<lTCJ N, • E',tate, Settled mllnding tribu~e for "orote<:ti,?n .. ' LOGIC McGuinn. Charl es Doster, L. F, . thnn be f(J r~ 1 first became ill. My I Bed. -et of Double Ladde rs. 2 s haw" "111 &. nrc W II I ~hr~~~:'IO"I~'1 1) Will DrawD , If the merchantapproehed decltnes William". and H. S. Tucker.:..- s tomach does not tlrouble me and I Oli'v er Su lky Ridillg Plow s, Walk\t'to" Il',, )'s (UJ' Plal·~,tlrr.' " Waynesville. o~i~ " to pay, somethIng happens to hIS " . . Th B . M· . · . C· .I I ent what I pl ease of heart y foods in'! St eel S ea m Br eaking Plow. _ ~ __ _ __ store some nigh t; n bomb blows Moth e r, IS It correct to sa,Y e ~ptl St Iss lonalY Irc e , I 11111 no longe r hilio us and the Nisco Manure Spreader. Steel ubscr ibe f or The 1I1inmi Gazette out the front window or hi s grocer- \ that you \Vatel' n horse when he IS IdYllS cofrdlull y \Vel~on~,~ Iw.ed~hs- I helldaches and dizzy s pells are Drag HutTo\\' Oliv e r Gung Plow ies are drenched ' with kerosene or ! hi! ~y, 7" , ny a" tern~o n a 0 ~- tn_ e- gone. My ner ves hu ve beco me ' Doubl e Sho~c l Pl ow. ~ ingl ~ ls • cl eh~htbulll c~uni; y. hEn~~ n ormal and 1 ca n do my work With Shovel Plow, Chatham Wind Mill. I -some simi lar o utmge ma~es him ::'re8. dear.:. 'd T . k -- -. - see th e Ii.~ht. The ne:·t tIme the. Well. then, ,~~I ~mmy pI,e 0 rs, • assle. 0 e h' ,ro~ MS a I pl eas ure. I have not felt so we ll in I Cnrn S hell er, almost n ew. H or~ e • • .• stes rllcketeer comes around, he pays. Ing up ~,saucer, I ~ gOIng to mIlk. ~to.r<;r lIil lI~sls~iln\ th . e t,rs. ~'eal's. What a medicin~ Konjola ClipP(·rs. Mllny other articl es, not ' Veterl'narl' an The problem of the racketeer the cat. I llSSle 0 et ea e( e mli mn IS! How huppy I a m to r(' commend mentioned. to ordc,~' respo.n6e.~. to 1'0 .cn it! l\[i ~c ,llaneou s-Broode r House . _ ' _ \Ve~e Resolu:lons. De~ot\Ons Konjola is sold in Wayncsville ] Ox 12. crutch Shed, attllehed. Oil , Y wele conducthed b t .Mrs, b ~nue a t Adami Drug Store, and Lyall ,' Brooder Stovc 500-chick Steel WIth Dependable Fourteen Y~ars of A ".; ,.. • Thornbury er ople el g h i d ' d ' . II ' " rcSQ, Savrng.3 "Elizabeth 'It Several ba siness t e ea tng ~U gglS~S In a . towns Chicken Coop~. Dela val Crea m Serum and Virus EXPERIEr\CE tt . d ' osed of The throughout thIS entire sectIon , eparator, MIlk an s. Barr el ffi~r::: p~oe:;am l:las in cha~ge oC -.- - -- - _. Churn . Glass Churn. ~h ovels FOI'ks insures both SafeMrs. Anna Randull who ably ~ , SCoOP!;; Lot of Gram Sl,lcks and handled her subje ct, "Young A DIS. RESS SIGNAL Feed S:lci;s. P ost Hol e Digger. ty and Success People's Work in America," The Il al' ~ ess . Set Brass ~[lJunt e d hostesses ' ~:ervecl a delettable two- Sharpen up youI' pencil , Bre<;chmg Harn ~~s. <1 Sld~ ~ of cOllrse lunch. The next meeti ng Clear brain eell No. 1; r f1!1ln Hal·llI." ·S. Set ~eut hc r ~race will be F e bruary 26 at th e hom e Hllrn esR . Collars, Lili es . BTldl os, 1 Phone 76F4 Shoot UR in some funny dope, etc I Harveysburg, O. of Mrs. Marie Gray, For The "Pot," hy .gum , ,;0111 C House hold G ood~ I Waynesville. Ohio Our three basket ball teams . Term s mad e known on ,lay of Phone 31 wcnt to Caesur's Creek Friday Any thing, mo!;t any tlm c , ertle, ._




', "WONDr.RFUL" ... LAD'"






I.I"':.~~ .: ;: .~:~J dr~ftr~'n}br~l~td ~~?~' B~~~~ ~::~,y,;~I\~~·J~~~J.lld;~~\131~~;iiC~I,\,~~

a·r~red;~on~~~~~n~i;~C ~~it~ue 1\'rr~~


H DR, RUDOLP .S·Ight SpeCta..IISt


















Dr.W. E. Frost

Reliable Vaccination



N,,., Hom, lor II"i" Olll~.


SAFETY Fint Mortlralre op R..I £.tate Security, The beet Security. Nething Safe.....NothiDc Better.

ASSETS over 14 MilIjopa DoIIan 0011 of ~he larle.t and ItroPI_ ~. daPI In the .tat.. Why . take ChaDC~ aD a.t.RioIaoQaIck Scheme. 'and 10.. all.

w. khadl, IOlicit )'our



West Side Buildjng &Loan Assa. Two 0fficeI:

. 19 E. 3rd SL Third at ,BroMwaJ DAYTON. OHIO ....WM JIG

cvening , where the high school Needn't be offieiul·H. C. LYTLE I' boys and girls were defeated, but Du not have to sign ~'()Ul' nllme. Maltin & Stanley A uct. the grade boys won . .Just YO UI' own initinl. I' Wuyn c Smit h, Cle rk. I _ Mrs. J . P. Thornbury Ly :-.I e\\' Burlington Fri ends Sundoy School class Satur - ". Ch urch ed day her afternoon. ___ _ eo l MIS6 Margaret Starr. Miss . Nouh . nnd g !e Moore li nd As I am going to quit farming. RESIDENT Mabel Starr, and Jimmy Hampton RIster MISS Edith I earl and M.. M. I will offer for sale at my premises, of Dayton were Sunday guests of Terry wer~ ~atu,l'dIlY evem,ng u miles S. E. of Waynesville', 3 I Mrs. Amanda Starr. guests of K. F-:. 1 homp son WIfe mil l'S N, E, of Oregonia, 1 mile 1 and daughter MISs< Mary Kathleen S, E. of Brier Patch School House, K. E . Thompson ' r eceivcd the on PERMANENT LOCATION ROOT FOR CONSIGN sad news of the death of his Thurlday, February 13. 1930. cousin on Monday, Mrs. Sarah Beg inning at 12 :0 0 o'clock I'our Ca ttle, hogs, sheep and calves at her h ome in Dayton. She sharp. the following property: ' to Norris. Brock Co" live wire and LEBANON, OHIO leaves three sister!!, Mrs, Ollie Four Horses, 3 head Cattle, 20 . progressive firm for the higheat Bahr. Mrs. Lucy Nelson and Mrs. Hogs, F'arming Implements, corn Eye, E"amined I ma rket prices and good service. Another good woman gone to Nettie Gard all of Lebon on, Ohio Ollts, Hay and Fodder, baled Oats. GI ..... Fitted Repair. I Union Sto'c k Yard., Cincinnati, ' O. Heaven to . reop her reward when and three daughters of Dayton Straw, 70 White Leghorn Helld, Mre. Mary Barrett peacefully Ohio, R Roosters, Unito IncubutQf 180 • • • • • • • • • • • • • •_ :Ref erence: Ask first mon you meet fell to "'eep In the arms of Jesus Stone and Henry bought the eKg cupusity. on VVedne~ay afternoon Janunry team of mules at the Creswell sale - cc big bills Cor particulars 22, 1930, at her home In Lees- near Hal'veysbul'g 011 Friday. CHARLES KIBLER burg, Ohio. Mrs. Barrett would K. E. Thompson IIlnd family en- Martin & Stanley, Auct. have been 91 years old next month She was the mother of Ruth tertuined one evening last week, The undersigned having decided Murray of this plaee, who has the Henry Moore a nd wife. Charles sympathy of all, in .t his, her dark Dill, wife and ~o n Charles, Jr , and to discontinue farming. will se ll dn lighter M iSM Puuline. at public auction at his residence est hour, . RU :)';ell Mlcal of Dayton WIIS 3 mileH Southwest of Bellbrook. 5 o I say dear sister oan It be true here on SnturdllY looking after miles West of Spring Valley', 6 ---~~~~----------- ' And did our Mother die, . miles southeast of Centerville and the interest of his farm here, And to ,her loved ones bid adieu 2 mil es North of LytIe, on the Day George W. Davis lias returned And now lives in the sky. to his home here a fter spending ton and Wilmington pike, on Wedne,day, February 5, 1930 .. We are sorry to report the several. day s \\lith hi s' siste r at serious illness of Mrs. Henry Mil- Rume Illin ois. Beginning at 10 :30 a. m., the lard at her home at Olive Branch. Gle nn Dovis and wife nttended f ollowing personal property: 'We all hope by the time this ap- the funeral of Mrs , Mary Barrett Two head oi Horses; 10 head pears in print . she will be much at Leesburg on last Saturday aftet of Jersey Caftle; 61 head of Hogs Margaret Allen McNama who died noon. 19. head of' Sheep; Farming Im'. better and on the road to WellThe Davis children_ ate dinner plements; Fordson Tractor; Harville. ' . See U. Ea~ly for Your Sale Date •• :W,. . . <}uarant ... with their uncle. B:ert Bogan of ness, feed and a lot of miscellaneous art.icles. . Noah Moore was' out in ' his ne~ Wellmim on Satur<ia.y. . Satbfart.ion sleigh. on· Sunday. See big bills for particularB, ' . Charge Nothin ,: Little Miss Nellie Mary Davis is RUSSELL ELLIOTT Walter T'j bbles of Wellman takjng piano lessons from Miss R. ·C. Haines, Auctioneer. was the Sunday guest of the .Terry Sadie Worley • brothel'B here. We were' sorry to-- receive the Phone No. 3 . Rev Amos Cook of Harveysb~rg sad news of the death of Demas Scientists report that fleas can P ,DOIU!' . No. 7 attended Monthly Meeting here on Guttery of Lcbanot1. Demas was go without food for two weeks.· last S~nday morning. . Bot they won't. . born and grew up at thiB. place.

Dr. John Zettel Optometrist


19 N, Broadway




-------- .--- -.------

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer s '.




Cent~rvitle, 0. ' New Burlington,O"

~ .

Ruth R eeder of R ou t e 4, and 1\1r.


and M" . Em,,' A " hd.." " .".


~qJ.'{!" PC'l1 1 1

a/ _ •




wonde r whll t ca used the !lig ht of tim e ?" Bl'i1lin nt Yuu ng Se n iO I'- lt II Th e r e is on e type of pers~1II who ne vc l' ope ll)! his mo uth exre pt to pi-ollah Iy nrJrr d on b y the spur of put his foo t ir;t. But an oth e r t ype, the m Oin e\. ~ .. ' - - - ..!.--e qu a ll y obn lOO Il R, is t he o ne wh o sets hi mo u t h go ing and the n g oes NOT TONICHT, ' BUT SOME a way and lea v s it. ' OTHER TIME. PERHAPS The moon you see through the t r ees at night in the country is A C''1ntleman , find ing himself in j us t like th e on e you see in town but in the country the y keep It all an up-town re rftnuran t at Ijl t able' which was ann oy ingly wa bbly, calL s hin ed up better, it seems. Did yo u ever kn o w 8 preacher ed a waite r . " \V.i11 yO u put. ometh ing und l' w ho di d n't e it her preach over YOUI' t he t ab le, p lease?" he req u e. ted. hend 0 1' I rn mp o n yo ur t oes? II OIT Y, n ot lo ni g ht, s ir," cam If ~ o ln e L1 f these co ll ege blr s tltck led l h (! ir j b like t hey tuckl e t he, re)1I'y. "W e g ot to be careful. for Alm a Mute f (wh oeve r sh e is ), Th !!y pin ched two ,pIll ces in lhl s th cy'd bc a dnn ged s ig h t beHe r off. bloc k Insl wee k!'

1':1' ,,,1111' 1' 11 iro r M'\< Proclu ct io n "1"or I\hat i5 yOUl' life? It is v nn Iiu ti evap th a t t hen app tud enree th lI/1d 1" ' 11 I.illl'l' ('IuL, clllseH Fehl'u- fM li OI'. me, and th I r •I . 1''1. f (' d ..d rll away." Mr., l\('lti Emrirk a nd Mrs. ill~' I ,"" II II h (l1!)r h ' 'I I M Murgart't Jo h n , wer e Tbu rsday and rallllOI'~ inlcreHled in lh,is pr o_ ,108(, p our" nne url'nY, !'On din n-I'r gue.l~ f M r, E lizabe th r J'l'l't ' 11IHl ld r!!porl to ounty o f Churle!! a n d E ll n he n1l\ve th J unes. lu nay. was born in Ohio , Aug. .\ Il','n,t 'laRs 01' call ut Farm u st 30 , 1855 , and passe d awa at Mr~. Ed,'d 1,on""8cre sp e nt Thurs· B Ii b b I Th ~ h .. h l\1 M 1 . 1 ' . U), (,!l U o t ce y n ()I'e (at, e t he hom e of h is daughter. r a. • - 1111'S, ArOnh'i.nI a. obj cl of dub, is to enable Ed H opkin s, in Waynes ville. Furnaco, 10. I ~ 'I. ,h 'It f\ f e 0 v to Oh io, at 8 .45 p. m. on January 18, M". Edd H opki ns of WalnellI R J ,!. c!Olllfl !Inri family. n1! men .11"1 1 VC 0 m ol' SIS 19 30. Being o n e of a f a mily of vIIII' wa the Friday gllost 0 her . . . , • !' I' wh o <'li n proriuee pnrk at low<,st ~<' v II child r I' ll of hi~ p a r ents, but . duught4.'r, Mrs. tanley Bailey. . :-011'. :tnll :\Irs. :-Ol Hynllnl W· ltz. (.,,~l. _'" ~II 'c i:l1 req uir e ments ore t wo I' 'l1Iain . . 1rs. Em Wl u Gr ub b The L (lie!t Aid fi r e pr act icing :'I!i . I lo ri ~ Il a\\ kco ulld ,\11" .I?ny ll illI'"I,, !' II 1\ ' ttl IHHI Sl'~ e tc bllt 011 a nd Mr R. Ell a UI'odclock , bo th o f ror a "I/l~' lo be given at Lytle A Gosp el team o f yo un g lll'oplC' ""1101 '1 ,11 11 \1 (' 1"(' IJaytun \,I~ "o r" l'"rol li n!! ~all ~ 't ll ;'t" bull~.'till ., an d l)H~. ton, Oh io. lIull in the n or f ut ure. held en' ices a th e J.'ri l'nd~ Ihi~ afll'rnollll. illf,)rmatill ll Jll' l·tnin i n ~ 10 t his On J)~ce lllb e r 6, 18 2, he . Wtl S Mr. lind Mrs, E dd Lav oy Churc h lIl1day n n,ming". I I matt l'r froll1 Farm Bur nH " lIice. malTicd to Nun ie A nd erson, ' ' ,. Clnru H o'" , " .~ I I'. :1lld . BIIl1d . .Squil'c.~ a ll ' ~ta\t' I\idf' " n l'\I II 1I1{' Ilt f '\' ' ' N OV(' tn b c r . 19 .15 ' w.' t' Dnyl on vlsilor a t u rday, - M, I:SS . mnd . a fll t H\( I ~I r. \ \ ' rn~II's. Il 1I \\' n~h dllidren IS",I O W IwH.e ' \ ICII lh In Mrs, Willial1\ Coleman and Mis reSide nt of thl ' CommUl1lt y tll l' d ' . . ' " I. ' wit h ~Ir ,Inti ~\r,. . \' I'IlI S whidl ~'H'~ tll \\ar tls purchase t l'rrlllnatctl 1\ \,(' ry hllPPY mnrn cd WHO CAN TELL Th e secret of havi ng is g<!tThelmn were s hopping in L e ba no n S un da y at t he home n f h!'r lIi!'l' I ~!'l' n l ' tt(I ~' d~ II 'Il ~1 '1 ;\(I r "I' II ll'dals aWll n h'd t ll all fllrme r~ '1 Iifc. t i n ~. T o bu il d solidl y o nc mu st bl! nturday. Mrs, Lee Mon is o f Dayton. Bttr- ( har (Or " I Ill' " ,. wh'l make lhl'i r liUers \V l' i~h 1400 Co urt lll nd a n ll , "ni e Mu r ra y F iliI' You ng Fres hw ol1lan 1 "I n wo rk r r, . k ' d hil inl was mad e in t he cl' nlctl'ry hl· l l· I S' I Ills, wh l' l1 ~ ix l1I o nlh ;; o f a~l' . I.a st beclll1le the parcnts! of t wo d a u~h M C r s. arl PIC e rl ng a n c - W ednesdll.I,' . :'III ~ . Hellj : lI1i ll S\LI ,Cl< • I ~yr \" ' lIl' !i:! fll l' m('r~ pf Ohi.) e ll t ered t(.' rs, F lo r e nce a n d lara , th e dren of Centerville we re Sunday Hnd flllllil~' " f \\' il1 to n l'I !I!'l'. (111 . J d t h I tt afte rn oon guests of Mrs. Ada A ve r y inl c r esii n ,:: II)('I'I I II~ "I' l.i llll :lt i \1"1'11' t ill' ~ u ( 'sl;: id 1\11'. all" thi ~ ("IIn l(',;t. h il l o n ly fin' of wh lc I OI'IIWI' RUI"\' I V II\ ~ a n e II c r th e 0111 111u nl'ty (' ILI \) \\·!I-.· h" lll t 0 \'(' 1' th l' t op. . pl'ccudi ng ~ cl' fut her to t he Bclte r Chenow ~nth . " p,ro· .\ 11':'. . :'IllI uri n ' Silv(' r 11 11 ;-tatun Iay. \I't'n . I L I Ch r ls t Ina s la s t T tl dllY evening-. T he CliI ," and Fa rm B u r<'a ll (I ffiI III 5 a ll (, pu ~ III g uwuy o n Mr . un d M r s. har lc J ohns . :11'1' anxi"u~ III 1111\ . l' additi onu l en- l OI S. 'were Su n day d inn e r g uests of Mr. ~l'IIlI1 was put on. b~·. tllP ' \ \'. 'I . ~\I·. :IntI ~I r' . Clta;: . .I"hll" all d n ,llnll'lIt" thi :< \"l'a r. I II (,lIr ly life he unite d with and M rs. H e n ry Sa tte r thwa ite a nd U. a n d was very In Sp lI"lllj!. 1 h ,' ,,,1'_1;\1 r. :\ 1' 1 hu I' S llllln,' r w(' rt' Su nday ____ _ . _ _ F c r r ~' Chr istia n church. II n rl refa mil y, near W ay n esv ill e. dress ~~ the cye m ng- wus ma d" h)' I "ill n(' r g'Ul'st R ,.r i\Il" . II II d. ;\Irs. tllinL, J hi s ntl' ll1 be rs hip until th e Mr. a nd Mrs, S tanle y Bail y and !~'~n~:.ll1lcr. III h IS usu al fllrcl'fuI IIt·nry Sa tt l' )"l h\\'a it" a nd iallll ly. I t" HI. MI:. and M~• . Walte r Ke nrick atMI S Annl Con f Ah II In _ ______ . C"urt lllnd l\I u rruy waS. a ma n tended t h e fun e ral of Co urt Mur. . : ncr n • I , . .. u p r igh t in 1111 h is dCll lings ; kindl y ray a t W ay nesville last · week. Mich " wa s t hc gllest (I f t elnliv('s HAV E YO U R OLD -( ~~M~ ' in di s pos it ion , ,an d with brelldt h of here l a ~t wee lc II J , .,."., . h h' h t t Mr. and Mrs. Cla ren ce E a rl y Mr. a nd Mr s. L . C. '-lunfield COR N C RO P T ES T ED " :_ , ... . . ': 'i':~ s y mpat y, IS ua rt was 01' • a and fnmily of Miamis burg we r e a n d c h I' l\(re n ~pe n [ h k I . ~" .. . . , ', '1/'''' .!y' I liherty f rom t h(' service of hllnt c' w('e ·e ll( ~ , '" t~IA,~.i~: ··( ,: ,;; ~('1f ill ~ L' rv in ~ II I he r s. Sunda y e ve ning guests o f Mr. with fr ie nd s at De laware , Oh io. FHIIl )e r" II f \\'~lI l l'n (" "un(y wh" .' . ~'iI~~..;.v '... and Mrs. C harles Early and c hilMiss Knth e r illl' Il ll lland r e· 11', 1'" (" I i\' ~ of <.1 01 " " I'll f rollt I !1:.!!01 ~'r-It is wit h tea r-dimm ed "Yl.'" we d reno [urn 1'1'0 I turn e ? W e.d nl'sd uy from II J!lells- ('1' '' 1' \'1' ~ u"pl ~' "f gll "< I ~': II)' I,'--_........___..., . I ' ll 111IJ hi,,; 'b>j>i(' I',I f ot· h e is o ne Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Albrig h t o t ! a nt ':' ISlt WIth Mr. and Mrs. I' l"lIllk 11Ia l lifl . d a nd ~o \ln" ,',,)"11 J,!1',,'l n III ' _ ~' 1 11' 10 WI e ml! ' N . Waynesville ,,{e r e Thursda y din - P err lll , of Wa :-hll1.g t un C. II. f I !l2!1 are I'l·'ltt(". t <.: d (" 1)llli g sam ~O r). #QJjJ~ "N ot tu day we sce t he wi ~d o lll n e r gu est s of Mr. a nd Mrs, Kesle r Mrs. An na Mc Dill o f .JlI llI e"tow n l p ic, . Iu tIll" l,'al"ll1 Hun ·au (I f''l'~ ;! ~ ~V'ffl Of t hl' hurt whi c h we llIu >'t bCllr. Graham . wa s t he g u est. o f hc r d'.lul!~t e r~: whel"(' COlinIY . Aj!I'nt ( ·Ia,~ . " ill ~".'':''2f:~jf:l!~~;~:1.~l"i1 Now the way s('c m: da rk lin d Mrs . Loue lla S wank s pe nt W ed_ Mrs. Jas Mcin tire a n d MI S. I' rank j l un 1\ g',' IIllIII .II " oI l I(·~ t a~ Pol lt II I r~A -';K ~Af~~~ drea r y, netday in Dayton at t h ehome o f Ree veH Ills t wer k . II c"u ntY , I\·"II' - u.' \'I'y til " 'CIIIl" t:,.~ ilO:iDJ A nd no lig ht is s hinin g th e r e . .. n oe~ t hnt tI (' ~.c ri bc yo ur 1>l"esc nt tires? 1' rell tl s wor n Mr. and Mrs Willis Swank. Mrs. E m ~l l~ P owe rs and g ra ll d- ~ u nit- i(,J1t 'u""l y " I g"m l ~1' I· d l·" rn ~.J_~~~ B ut G ud 's pur pose g lows bes mooth II nrl s lippe ry li S ba ll !l nfl pel' Is. UlB nllli neat h it . , daught e r ErlJth Mno r e 11II\'e r e _ t OI' IlI'x l \·(·Hr . (' I " " . Itl'port" fl " 111 c ra c ks tha t lI ny m o m ent may . cllu se a b lLl w-out th ll t Mr. an~ M~s. Rudd Saylor ,a nd turn e d t o t h ir ho me in Dayto n . tlltfl' rl' n[ ~"lIl1til" ~ IhrnllJ.:h""1 Ohl " C01<-N STALKS Tn 1\ way you cll nn ut kn ow . (',o u ld ea .iily wrec k o r ditc h' yo u '! \ . a nd frUIII I)t lw l" 1:01' 11 IwI t ,: ta((''' I". : i ,:' ':l C invasion oi tlte E ll ropWh en t he yeu rs have sooth ed Soh of MIamIs burg we r e S unda y I, o r t he sllk e o f th e ve r y f l' W do ll a rs t hAt th (' ~ (' ne w guest s or r e latives here. in dica tt, thaI tl", s('\'l're willtl' r h a ~ c:\.;, ( .r:\:"j ...~ r hJs I'~ t \lp It. "vcry yo u r SOI'l"OW Goo d yea l'~ ~(' 1l for. why t e mpt F ut e a noth(' r hO Lll' .Mr. and Mrs. Forest Graham ~e l'i ou " l y injtll'('" th(· g-l' r lll i n~ ..ti(l ll !:In""r 1, : Ih:: co:n-b'r OWIII)( rQriPl1s Y Otl s ha ll lea rn it 's bette r is ." w it h I '\lI( I ~ ~Il , ~ip p e I" Y lind t il'c ,' ha nging" so di sllg r e('. and daughter, Dorothy spent Tues tI' qualitil's o f I !I:.!!I l' •.'rn so (Ias~ I "~ pr. l.l, II o f r.,., w 10 get r id of h is II b le? • day in Dayton the tormer attenalit! FIII'III BU I"l·a u nOI ,' la ls a rt' /111 - cur;l>1.~ 1k; u: tl h",le rhe iX' t in d lcck, Card of Thank. de d the cow testing hearing in xi ous t ll h1l\'e coo pl' ration (1/' a ll nel" 1l1l'r ntioll 3 for the: utilil 'lt ion o f YL'S. " iI", th(' ~ " li re first-r !1 <' v:' lu es-p os~ib l c hccn u ~c May we ex press our sin ce r e U. S . Court. . fal nl el'S whl) hll\" e"rll which IUlIY thi, l.l rl" \""slc for Ir.aking flap"r Goody,,:,,· b uilds nea rl y on ,-t h ird of nil tin's sold Several friends of Miss Wanda ~ be use d fo r ~('(' d ptl rpnsC's. amI aLo " su br.lI tute fe r lumber hav e thanks t o eve r yo ne wh o so kindl y t oda y . Co me . in lind ' hal" II look ? he lped us by wo r d or deed durin g Clark tendered her quite a s ur'1"111 inatinn tl' s t ~ :lnd ~lI (J tl !;cell perfecled. prise evening, the ocsee d co rn an' a i,,, l' nlp hll siz" d atI Now ca!,ilal in large amounl 1"'5 o ur re ce nt nee d. Mr. und Mrs. E. W. H o pkin s c8sion celebrating her birthday, II th( Fllrnll' rs I ll s ti tu tl' ~ l l) be hell been subscribed to fin :m ~ e induslrJel and Famil y. ne xt month at J\\ nsll l1 , Carli '! ,· an d which w ill cOlltract wi nb farmcrs for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitake r d ~1)l/6\NG IlllrvCYRb urg and ut t\l' '1 c :' le ns ive thei r stalks, a£ttr harve~t, Gend their and children villited the latte r 's Co rn 'Sh l)w~ an d II1 l" e t in~s I)cin g- own machines into the lfields to gather CHILDREN WILL BROADCAST parents at Johns ville Sunda y. Her \\ 11-1 ,tte / IIl'lll nl:cd .io in ll)' t hrn uc h th e them, and haul them to central pointt , mother, Mrs. Sam Mered ith r e , RA,IN/' j J Li ngo Il u r(\ \\,/l I'(' Cn. C '","ve r~ whe re they will be manu iac tolretl. Into Th e Anti-Tu b('J"c ul os i~ Leu~\Il! maine quite ill. . ( 0" Hanlwar!', Fra n klin . I O U n l Y u seful product •. Thi. will help COD- o f t. J oseph co u nt y, Ind., br ond H. M. Clark r eceived B t e lell'ram A ~<': l1t TIIl ~R a n d Farm BU I'~ au l erve the forests and wlll also add. Cllst a c hildre n ':; p l"Og ra m every from Winchester, Ind., Inst we ek, wo rkers. 10 eu r cx hi b it~ Ill ay be to the profilS of die com irfowW.. T hursday a ftern oo n f ro m 4 :3 0 t o of the death of his cou sin, Mrs. bl'o ug-ht ill hy a ny rll l' l1ll' r (1 1' CO l'n GAS fi p, m. f ro m st a ti on W S BT, So uth Elva Moorman. grllw('r in Warre n ("oun ~'. Al l who B e nd . I w i ~ h a cc rll1 innt io ll Ipst of their The International IRed 0011 ' t. Thursdu y I~ f t his week th e proWoodrow Le wis had the ' mis('lIn havl' sa nH' prepa r ing for the nut war. One oi gram will be furni s hed by th e 10_1':1 1' stl Il1!, 1" fortune of having his car badly =';e:: ran ic d nut h y C"unty Age n t ('I:t R~ th e certainties about the next war 011 c hilclre n o f th e Childr 4! n 's Builddamaged in an accident near \ at rHl (. 1St. 10 l11p let !! announc e- any la rge scale is tllat )loiton iU will inc of He al t hwin Hospihll ( n Moraine City Sunday e vening. He mc nt ~i\ling de tails unci ' tim e fo r be lIs.!d o n a larger s,~le than eftr tuburculosis sanitarium) a t S o ut h escaped injury. I b rin g i n~ in exhiIJil s w ill be a n · be for c. War is no !o:n~r an affair B e nd . Lawre nce Britton, so n of Mr. and Mrs_ Warren Kenrick "N O W THAT .,.. .... e""RE nouu ce d in ne xt wC'e k:; pape r or o f ki:1f;"s a nd hi red a.rmi:p.8; it i, wbole Mr. und Mrs. V e rn e R. Britt on o f PUT TIN' RA D ' O S!;; T$ <NTo of Route 5 entertained to dinner C-A c:.-,:; T"' Ek.~ ' ~ SO' · I E F oL. I\.S call h t· foun d by c a lli n ~ al any o f nat ions agai nst whole nations. )Th. ri s huw uka Incl ., is a pll t ie nt at on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George Big 1 h · abov(' plae('s 0 1" r onsu lt;ng ngr.rresso r in the next great war will t his hospita l, ... e v ER \NIL.L. GO H v M E II Reeder, Miss es Eva, Edith and Fa l'llH: r ~ I ns ti t utl' oflie ill Is. not wait f or tbe I:nem), to uHIIlhJe .. - • - - - :m ;lrIny but \~ i l! try 10 wi~ 'lut a PROMINENT FARMER DIES "hole cIty by cir;>pping potson gas 29x4.40 ••• $6.60 30x3Y2 ••• 55.85 fr om th.., c\%ch . De mas Gu ttel'Y, for many years \Mhdl thc Red C:o" is looking for pro min e n t in the farming ,circles 30x4.50 $7.00 31x4 •• . •• $9.40 is som e r.le3:ts o f detecti ng the mosl of t his co unty a nd of late y ears a mill l.! t~ tr ue 0 r Poi~f) :1 g;;s ill thl.' air I'cs ide n t of Le ba n on , di e d at his 28x4.75 • • • $8.20 32x4 •••• 10.10 i\ pri , !; t' i ~ .(A"iJ is o ff er~d to the h ome 01\ East Mnin street Tu es51i CCCSS i ul invent" r. Alld we call this da y eve ning f ollowing an illness a Livllized ..... o r ld I of sever a l years, Mr. Gutte ry wns Tubes at corresponding low prices 74 years of age. EMOTIONS H e was born in Warren county. AUber, fcar. wo r~y, eep.:r..inll.v lIle th e so n . of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew l;:~rc r, kill more ~.'vl c th"'l "re.:ll" Gutt er y. diseases. ac-_""Orcini; to ~. reDM' r(X·~ r..t ­ Fun er u l serv ices were held at Iy made ta th e N:w vrk .>,.c::.,.Ic" ,.v th e Os wa ld Funeral H ome Frida y of i'. lcd:ci nc. TIt.!'.e i! no 5UC:' th;r~ a ft e rnoon a t 2 o'clock with burial ;, 5 'Jverw '>rk, eith er of h<x!y c r mind in th e Le banon cemetery. '",l:Ic botly. ,g ive n ~uffiCJent nollrish. - -- ... _+---me nt, "iI' Qu it of it.; OWII ..c·;ord NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT \\ hen fati 6UP. !>c ~ome! 'too g>'eat, 1111<1 a Hight's "i':"rp will pur it !>a: k i!J~v :rirtl :lffain. Pr.:>bal>"ly !Ii) hU1:lan bl:inS .Es tnte of Mary A. Gustin, de- -.:'!'!'!'!~'!'!~~~!!!!!~~~~~~~ _ _ __ _ _ _~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~ ~ __ _ ~ has .ever usro his brahl to its full censed. Notice is here by given that W . ~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"'!-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Men .....hcJ have studied ca pacity. lht ~uL kct ~ay tha\ .1:1O:.t of us use O . G us t in has bee n duly appointed less thar. n qU:u'ter of our power of und f\ualifl ed as Adminis trator of th ought. th e Estate of Mary A_ Gu stin late n ut !'!t worry. jell~Oll.1y, feM uf of Wa rren County, Ohio, deceased Date d this 27th day of January losing's one's job, one's money or one's swf t!th....u~, creep in, ~.nd the U)3 0. W. Z. RoU \vhole picture is ch an"ed, The Judge of the Probate Court, emoti vnal tmsilll1 tires hotl. mir.d ac.d War~en County, Ohio. brx!y, w~ich cannot g() Oil \\:ithout violent stimulatidn. the procas Robert W. Brown, Atty. of c!ecay i, hastened. Moat of the dcath~ from heart dl~ and lcidney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT truub1e are the nsult of emotional tension rather than any real defect E state of E. ,T . Lacy deceased. in the pby.ical organa. Notice is hereby given that Martha J. Laey has been duly apLIFE p ointed and qualified as · Executrix \\olth all the talk about the In. of the Es tate of E. T. Lacy late of creased aTt'ralfe length of human Warre n County, Ohio, deceased. ' Ii fe, the age ot sC'fenty still retllaim Dated this 27th day of January thc norm;!.1 Unlit for the hurn;!.n being. 19 30. So Dr. wuit Dubiin, medical.head W. Z. ROLL ,I f"I"~ , .. t .. t.. ... ,...... .. . • Judge of the Probate Coort, ~nl", reportl. Onl,. '-exceptlonal Warren County, Ohio . .ndividuals Jive beyond 70, and in I\.:ncricil the ~ro90rt;on who die beNOTICE OF APPOINTMENT :wc:en 65 i.nd 70 IJ incre;'5in.,;, Yet the ,lV(;rage Amer!cmn lives lon~er • .han tho~ u! his father'. generation E.state of John O. WhItaker. l id, mu ~h longer than in W. erand. deceased. :J £ath:r', time. That i. bec¥use tho I Notice ie hereby giVen that L. llncs, e~ which u~¢tl to kill off bab. M .. Henderson h~s been duly apes, cltilclren and youne peopl. of both pomted nnd qualified all Admlnillc.xes .. re not so "revalent as former- trator, de Bonis Non with the Will )T. ' ann~xed, of the Estate of John 0. £ very American haby born today W~ltaker late of Warrep County, l~.S I! IcasonaiJle c~llce of livlllB to OhIO, deceased. 53, w~ich is the averal~e length of Dated this 27th day of January I , . hi t . 48'11\ 1930. ,I.f! 11l I d coun ry, as 'igaln,t W Z ROLL mO!lt of E,;rope. But the man who . . I :o:a~hee 53 car.not C'.c,.unt on mure th<ln Judge of the Probate Court, f fif tll:n yr:ara :no rc of lire with any Warren County, Ohio. 8S :!egree d certainty, and the chance. - -I arc tbat he will pus OIl in ten years. UNCLE HAM BLOW SAYS it on, E,'er e tt, of Ccn te r ville, .I ~ (," O n W dn esdll Y a ft e l'n ol1n , Ft,},I'ual'y 5, th e Lutlil '!' Aid \\ ill 1'1111'1'ta in to n .. ill' r T eu" III Lytll' chu rc h to wh ic h th 'v invite nil ladie"" o f t hl's ~ nlnl Unt' l l', I' nll wI' ll I (','1 1' 11111 .1 1< ~ktl nlo .. • . ' .1 u~t t't'~eiv"L v also e n tertai n t h e ladie of thl' f ' nn ul Fuiriey!'. Sprl' ngboro church at thl's tl' nle

~;~ S~~nk e:n~ach~lJ::~ Inr~ayt~~


A~~m~lgOfh 1'1I1~~




.. --







·A re Your Tires "Just,Getting



C i __




I f,ll,}

_._- ... ---


All Firsts---AII Fresh-•• Lifetime Guaranteed--·Carefully Mounted at these Prices Full Oversize Balloons

Oversize Cords


Gordon's Service Sta.'<


Don't Hesitate to Page Us if You Want Anything in Our Printing Line, Such as

Sale Bills Printed Stationery Statements Booklets Weddings Personal Cards In fact anything to be printed Use The Gazette as a means to advertise your wares; its circulation reaches immediate homes where advertising ' does the most good for you.

" .,



Phone 112 .•................", , ,

....... ..

.....•• ..


Phone '47, Waynesville, Ohio


The Making of a Home






Ge<Jloaiau of. the Dyrd Polo I E!;~Ji~lon have fOllOd ~I In Ant· ~ rotlc.... GreaJ. Britain take. o.:auion to) rern il1d the United Scate6 ti!Bt conI siderable parts 0 f the land th'e::e are I under the p.otectlon of the Briti.h ' 1Iag, Trouble ..mak~II, e,l~ciaily the sensational newsl,apera whi.:h prefer war to , pca.ce bec::!use war la more' "newsey" are alrudy pylng to lay the foundation for internatiooal strife. , . If W'C ever do to war agaimt Grc:!.t Brituin it will be over .omething far more important than a coal-bed lo~ted where ·the temperature is always below frcezina and usually 40 degreea or 10 below zero• Even if the coal were ,a eeellible it would not be worth fi,rhting ,over. Co::.! Is losIng Its imPortance in thO ~con()mic scheme of thinjrs, now that oil has become the prinCipal fuel for the, world's IlIvie. ai well u tM


,0 ,

m ...........


S ome people who buy anti-knock gasoline should pour it into themse lves instend of their car. The world pays a salary for what y o u know- wages for what you do. S ome f e ll ows think being shot at s unrise is g r e at, if they could only g <' t ple nty of the stuff. N ext to tbunder, the' loudest n oise is the first rattle in the new car. Divorces are said to be rare in Sw'e de n. 11hat's where so many safe ty matches are made . 'Yhy not h!lve one more. grea't natIOnal marathon to discover who can longe,!lt endure · the agony of attending strictly to his own business.

- - - -....


UNCLE ADAM'S COGlT.AT,ION Sum folks don' generate 'riuff kindness during the yeah to make an explosion on the Forth ot July' loud 'nuff to be heard.

With all Its Aceelsoriel, Iuch Lumber, Fancy Shingles apd -all th goes with tbe Home BeauitEul. For an estimate on the same, -call

w. H·.'tVMadd~n "


ayne.ville, Ohio

Dealers In everythlnl connected. with an up" to-date Lumber Yard

. .---------_rII'.

. ...- ...-~---~"""!"~~---~...;

Eighty-Third Year

Whol e Number 5895


I i ~C~ NOlES fROM . ~===~=~=~ '!li!PI!1!.!!!!!S THE HIGH SCHOOL

I Februa!!.__Tw~}fth



- - - - c========By Alber. T. Reid


Reprc sc nla tives of the State D pa rtm ent of Agriculture wer e WilliU11l Th o mas iR in Florida here la. t wee k a nd checked over for a f w II' ek ~ . S mit h - H ughe R boy' s Project M iss Bernice Hyman spe nt the Mr. nnd 1\11'.<. Wilbur F, ('lark book . we ·k- ' nd in Cincin nati. s pen t SundBY in \Ja yton . M r. Moomaw atte nd ed t he t".''/ .t?:..- ~. ... . .:::., W e g ive Cedur tamps, Cary's ellt'. tl'r Can' v hu:; been s ick S uperintend nt's mee ting at Lebanon y ster lay aftern oon. J ewelry S hop, L eblln o ll, Ohio. I ~ e"el'ul da ys lI'it'h thc grilJ , but to look upon him aa ,././ I Il t'ar the ;\ll'n'" c ltor \l ~ nt th l' Thi ~ Friday night Waynesville Mrs. Mnrl..",l c rite Campb ell of II igh .'chool meets Springboro Day t on , vi site d relatives here ~ , /-. I Church (t r C hri ~ l Sunda ~ night . II igh School for t h first and only Monday. the moet heartbreaking task ; ( ,r",r ;\1i s~ JlIn('t ('arl "'righl r(' ~ um( ' d busk t hall gume scheduled be t w e n lhe tw o ~c h oo l s for t he P.l:pe rt watch and J e w.e lr y r eI hl'J' s tlldi,, ~ nt W'e s t l' rn (' n ll l ' )('l.' 0l'u:.;.onntry ever gave ,/ l.aSIl n of I H2!l -1 U3 0 . Coach St. pairing at Ca r y'!'> J ew elry S h op, t his week. ' .J " lm ~a\' : thal h oth 5q uads are in Le bnnon Ohio. to any man ' J. .(, J\I u ~ .. n of :Vl a ~n n, ~ Ill' nt s hap ' and fo r. thl! first time s ince 1\1 1'. a n(1 Mrs. John Heeter of and who tried hia beat SlItlll"ll>,,· with .\ 11'. and ~lr ' . Em('r · xandnat in ns 011 mcmbe r s of both ' 'I\l ad , "ill he in unifo rm ready Dllyt on, we l'l! Sunduy gU('st H of S' ln ~ l ll ~o n . :u gi\'c everything for W. H. S. Mr. and M rH. Ge orge Kern. to~peace MI'. and ;\1 rH. Charles B ru dle~ Clime to this game. You will re., "'aws fil ed by macninery . Cut to rennite his eountry "11l'nt tht· w ·" k·enrl wi t h 1'['latil' ; c il'e n ot le s~ t han $10 worth of thrills for the small s um of 25c. cleaner, tru e r, fuste r. Roy Pigin Brown o. Waynesvi ll e H igh' s first string tl, nt Ma dd e n's Lumber Yard. ane' ' . the w"~n"llfa You ' ll be plt'fl . !'(1 with that rllr basket bull piny r s we r e given a Th c conditi on of R. G. Cr oss, ke r J) uu(uld Pen or !)l·sk Set fr om ha I'd test l a ~t Friday. eve ning, being ca ll ed upo n to p lay two who has bee n c onfin e d t o his h ome Cllry 's J ewelry Shup, Lebunon. g-arn s in the sam evening. scv('rn l we('ks, is .,>(radually imWa y nesvi lle wo n the first Rece nt (' fIllI·t (I cis ions are of proving, . M. Robitzc r is in Co lum bu. in tc r cst t o ev ry ta x pa y I' in t h is week for the Hllllual Fa r mers' gume with t h e 0 .' S. & S. O. home by a 8co re o f 25 to 10 but lost O hio CVl' l1 th oul'h t hey had no Two local m en will de liver week al Ohio State Unil'l' r. ity. ·th e seco nd to Mason by a score of S undny p(.'I'Ronal Inte r est in the proceed- brief adtlresseR at th IngH. One o f th c Ill Ost impo r lu nt Ili g~t , c l' vice of' t he Chul'ch of 1\l rs. L. 11. Gonion vi ~ i\I!( 1 hC' r 28 to I!J. In the opening g ame with 0, S. W Il S t hl' rulin J,! of th c s upreme Chnst. "ister Mrs. St. C lair Fife, and Cll urt thnt ~lllte insurnn ce fund s , I fnmily in Wilmin gton lust week . & S. O. H ome th e Waynesville hoys, in the opinion of many obser (If the In(lu str in l co mllli ~s ion clJ uld I . F or best res ults consIgn your not b ' lran sfe l'retl fr o m one I~ e .stoc~ to Gre en -Embry C~., MI'. and Mrs . Ch a l'! e~ Day and verf< pluyed the b e~t game of the co unty t o ant,l h J' t o m ect clefi c il~ Crn cmnatl, m care of D. R, Suhsso n of Lebunon ca ll ed on MJ'. ~ eusn n, di splaying be tter pass und 1\lrs . F rllnk Thomnt; Tuesday. work and coopcration than in As Jl result hundreds of wi do ws bury. previous gam es, llnrl children ha\' llllel t heir co mMI'. and Mrs. Ken neth Elzey " ay n esv ill e led at the half by pe llsation checks Slopped. The W e g ive Cedar S tam p!l , ary's !\ceo n!l decision Hto r s wo rk on the Iln d duughter Marjo!'ie were Su nJ ewelry Shop, L eban o n, Ohio. a score of 17 to 1. O. S. & S. O . rl idn't score a fi e ld goul till the n ew stnte In sti tuti on (or feeble day guests. o f MI'. and Mrs StOI e open even in gs. third quart er when the Wayneslll ' lo ued fit Appl c Cr ee k. It was Waller Elzey. e Reserves went in . 1I1leged In suit fil ed th a t the plan s M ss r s. E. L. Th omas. W, S. villW a llace who scor~ d fiv e field Miss Lu elln Williamson returnhod bee n juggled In fllvor of th e Gra ha m and W . E . Cornell we r e . led t he Waynesville boys in s u ccessful contru ctor . The court d to Ohi o W esleyan University bu siness vi sitors in Leb an on t o_ .goal col'ing 10 points. W. Yowe'll with of appeal~ kn ock l'd th e e ntire ' pro- on W ednesday, for h er final exday. three points was high point man Ject ou~ for th e tim e being. and aminati ons . no w plans are bei ng mnde to r eWhen you need a gift f or any for the O. S. & S. O. Home. In the Mas on game the Waynes Miss Ayle n Mainou,. was called IIdvc rtise the work when it is occasion th ink of ' Cary's J e we h'y probable t ha t more co nsideration hom e Frida y evening on aceount S hop- " The Hom e of Gifts." Leb- ville b oys though tired, kept up with the fresh Mason team for the w\ll he given to t h e lowest bidder, of th e Illn ess of her mot h er, Mrs. an on. major part of the game, the score Both d eci s io n ' nnve been s eve r e R. S . Malnous. Th oma and Catherine J ohn s, was died W e dnesday, January 29, of blows at t he p l·(.'se nt stAte admlnls Mayna rd Weltz has tuken pos- being" tied 8 to 8 at the half. In th e last ·quarter with about four Dr. R.udolph- Eyes ight Specialtrati on. F.: ffort~ nre being made t-o 5es~ i on o f the rcstauJ'llnL a nd co ntran sfer money fro m the ge n eral ist. Her e Tuesday, Thursday and f ec ti onary forlJl l' I'ly known a s t he minute s to play Waynesl'i\le led by a score of 18 to 17. F r e e . examination days on a fa rm n ear Lytle, In t he home of his n eph ew F o rrest Burton restaurant. revenu e fund to meet th deficit , nturdny. Ma s on, however, in the last half 18!l4 he . wus j oined in marriage _____ Davi , in Dayton. of 26 Oh io cou nti e!; in the state Ca ry's jewelry Shop, Lebanon , with Marg aret A. Cook. To this He wa s a lifelo ng r esi dent of In surnnce fund . bu t It Is Il r oph 5Mr. a nll Ml's, Frank Th omas run th e SCOl'e up to 28 to 19. Hay led the Wa yne sv ille scorers Messr s. Carsel SWJlarlngen and un io n was b or n one 80n , Gl cnn VA YNESVILLE M. E, CHURCH Waynesville -nnd for many yeal'R and so n Rob ert ate unda y din ied that us SOUIl a s t his Is atF or many yelHs foll owing hi s W cdn esJu y : 'The W . P . M. S. was .in the ?ra~ uge busineRs here . n e l' with MI'. and Mrs. Madison witb e ight p oints . tempted Ho me tax pay er fr om one Cla r ence Hawke c5f Hillsboro, Runyan with nine points wae f)f th e other 02 cou nties may ~ pent ' Sunday at the home of muniage he wa ~ a grocer llnd wil\ m eet with Ml's, Mary Mc- He 18 survIved by on e brothel', Ea rnhnl't o f Be lm o nt. high point man for Mason . postmaster in Lytle. For the past lurc a t 2 :00 p. m. Bible stud y I ,I hn DaVI S of Dod d s. object and fil e I1n In j un ctio n suit H~nry Swearingen and family . few months he ha d bee n e")pl o~e d und prllyel' meet ing lit 7 :00 p. m . f'uneral ~e rv ic es were held at to eheck slIch a juggling of state Mrs. Ma ym e H at fi eld att end ed J. 0, ClI rtwright and family en- a s book-kee p er at Earley s Elo- Ch oir prn ctice at 7: 1\ 5 p. m. S\Jn- the Church of Christ, Saturday t he mon thly meeti ng uf the Ohi o W. H. S. fund s. joyed a trip through Dayton's vatol'. ~'I e was a me mb I' of tho day: 'und ay school at 9 :30 a. m. 1 uj tcmoon , with burial in Miami e n tra l T elep h one o rpoJ'ation a t G. F. T . Wallace, f 5 0 10 "onll'.s I) '(Ol·n. the 1930 Il cnn-e new, ur t In stit u te Sunday after- MethodIst Church, jo ining und er Morn in g worship a n d communion cl'meter y. Le l)1lnOI1 last Th ur da y night. Il l" at tell tlIe PII Sto r at e o f R everen d P II tl on. se rvi ce at 10 :30. Epw ort h Leu,"ue Turner. f 2 3 7 tags have be " n p~chased by~. all n oon and Bwe re late d rf guests '1 1 3 Ohio automobile owners, the state with Dr. eck an a mI y. Tu esd ay eve nin g January 2Bth a t (3: 15 P . m. Preaching service Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Burto n, Mr . li nd Mrs, E . J. Burton of Schuler, c ......... .. ... .. 1 .. 0 1 1 Is getting relldy to manufacture Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Burton of 1!l30 , at the age of 68 years, h e at 7 :00 p, m. I I1' uth er of the late Je.sse Burton, Elyria, who w e re here on account Hay, g Fromm , g 1 2 4 o f t he deat h of th e f orm e r's grand 'he' plate< f OI' 19 3 1. Next year ' ~\' as ve ry s uddenly stricken, and G. C. Dibert , Pastor . di ed III t he home of he r son t ~ Elyria, were ca\1ed here the fir st few nts he h d gon t hI ' '1 ' ddl 0 .. 0 0 . .. . the y will be gra y and blnck , a of the wee k on accoun t of the In a mp me a e 0 ---a r ey In "I etown ,Monday m oth 1', return ed t o th e ir home • Ellis. f ' Whitaker, f ... .. o 0 0 combination of colors nev er used d eath of the former' s gral)d- hIs r ewllrd. Of nn upright ehul'llcI m orning foll owin g a str ok e of t oday. P. Savage, c .. 0 0 0 before. lu eh connlct Is aln'ady tel' and qul~t. unll ssuming disST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH apoplex/ . o 0 0 oxpI'essed ovm' th e color thi S' year mother Mr!\. Mary Elizabeth Bur- pos ition he WIll be greatly missed ummer chedule- I st , 3rd and Funeral ser vices were held at Mrs. Mary J. Burton , Miss La v- *Gus tin, g o 0 0 as the brown and white lugs wero to n. by the ll\e mbe r s of his family 5th undny, Mass a t 3:00 a . m.; lh e resid ence this m oming and one Burton alld Mr. Howard Bur- • Milt e nbe rge r, g o 0 0 u sed whe n Thad H. Brown wus MrR Mar Hopkins of Davton a ll~ ~Is bfrlehnd.~.. J f L I 2nd a nd 4th S unday, Mass at burial was in Blan ch e. t er ceme- ton att,e!lded the fun e ra l o f Mr s. · C. Suvage, g o rot efl s·n:.,amcs 0 d yte , 9:30: ~ c c retary of Rtate and a candidatl! a nI M"r anYd Mrs J C Ha"wke l d"H te r y. Mfll'Y 1·.Il zabe th Burloll at Mlddl e7 26 {, . . . an arry 0 vuyton. an one - - .. - . t l d' T Ol'll s " 9 Iarence, B rown, , left S\lndflY for election. for BrDwnsvllle, sister, Mi.s. Bertha Thomas of Rev . Lawren<!e B, Mollmann. own 0 uy. < . • present secr etary deCId ed to T l'xas, when' they will bo the Centerville survive together with - -- - REPORT AMERICAN O. " & S. 0, HOME use th sam . colol's and guests of Mr. and MI·s. W. B. hi . wife all son' Glen of D _ WAYNESVILl.E CHURCH OF RED CROSS IN COUNTY A 8p c lUl nll1 51CIl I pJ"OgrUIll wtll G. F. T. bro\~~ h a !\ b el' n 1\ m ost Mu Lh e r. They ure making the trip to;. anel' twg gJ'a~dchirri~en uy CHiRIST b(' re nd ere d by th e me n o,f th e 1 0 2 faml\r ul' color In rece nt years In by bus ' Funel'lll service \'8 held t h UI'eh o f Chl'lst. Sunday , I' eb ru- • tev e ns f 1 3 1 au to li ce n 3e plates. Tags next I . . the res id ence at 2 8m Fr 'd Il Bible . choo l at (I :30 a. m , The following lis t he numb e r ury (J, at 7 :;J () p. 111 . Th e pl'o)(,ram W, Yowe ll, f l 0 2 2 yellr ' .ill h ~ m~nufactu ..ed at l Have your watelr and clock re- conducted by Mis8 Sa~a Bow I ay Lord 's SUPP E' r s im p ly and scriptur o f membe rships paid . in t.o the \\'ill e"n >;isl o f so los . qUII I"lettes , Mc Kinl ey, c l1lan 0 O' 0 the OhIO pcn ::c ntra r y by priso n- p,aired. old w cddiill: rings modern- pastor of L ytle church Inter t a l1y o bser ved lit clORe Chri stian W a l... ~n Co unty Chapler of the chil I u ~('s and t\\'o serlll ll n ! R. y o well, g 1 0 1 ers at a cost of around 15 cents Iz etl VOUI' diamond s put In a new In Miami Cemetel' \Va neam'it End eavor at" 6 ::1 0 !? m. Lead t; r, Am e l'lcan Red Cr oss f or eac h of Come and he lp . m a ke thi S se rvI ce o llm s, g 1 0 1 each , Th e sull! . of the 1.!l30 tags ' J1Iol;n't inl!, jewelry repaired like Ohio' y, y VI e, E;than ~e\\,l s . i!.,'·> nlng evangeh s- t he fo ll owing town ships: I H ~ UCCI!S~. Ev e r yone in vile d. " Reynolds , 10 ,~. I~. S ~,nda .v F I'an klin T owns hip 0 0 0 has been ShOW1!1 g a deCIded gaIn 1 n ew, silverware r eplated and • tl.e at 105 1 · Bl:o wn . g '1 0 1 over any prevI ous year and ?f bends r estrung at Cary's Jewelry Card of Thank. nrgh t wtll he M o ~ s NIg ht. . A 1l 1'Ul't lecl'ee k T own s hip . 212 Mr. <lnd l\'l l's. Ca rl ll nnghum - MIll s , g . curse a nc~" I'ecord for OhIO hop Lebanon. musical nu;nbc l' wll1 b e (u"'lH;h~d 1 Harlan T own s hip . . 61 have iss ll ed invitation s to the 2 6 10 owned muchlnes WIll b e made I We willh in this way t o exp ress by a Men s Choru s. A sple ndId Way ne Township . _. 32 m!lJ'l'illge of their daughter AI- T ota ls Jlgain. Mrs' Ann L. Cary and daughter 0!lr s incere appreciation for all prog,~am of sh.~ r t ~ddress~s and Union T ownship . • " ... 35 I)'B'h l , to MI'. L. H. Bu e rkl ~ for - - - --F . n '6 8 ~u'jse and Geraldine krndness .shown us durIng our late .s pectal .mu slc . IS bCI~g arranged. , D erfi eld Townshll) 107 Satu l'day F ebr uary 15t h at " p. W. H. S, EASTERN STAR M~nrcoe of LebR~on are attendin bereavemont.. I You WIll. enJoy t hIS program. H a miltc n T ownship 3 1 i m. in the M, E. Cir ~ll'ch, Lebanon, G. F. T. tho Fifth Annual Chicago Gif~ MI·s. Margal'et .J oh,ns, J Chu rc~ IJIgh~, program ea~h W~d- C lca l:cre(!k T o,yn ship 4q Ohi o. Mr. Buhck lc hllR rllce nlly Wallace, f 1 2 4 . Gl enn Johns and PRIl1lIy. n ei<la) ~t 7.<l? p. Th e chul ch MaRsle T own !lh.lp 16 .takl'n over Lhe. \llan alreJ1lcnt of Turn e r, f " h ow nnd Eastern Manufacturers' 1 0 2 Miami Chapter NQ. 107 0 . E . a II 1m orters' Exhibit held at the - -- - - - - - where )0\1 f ee l. a~ orne. . . SlIl em Town ~ h l p Ifi :IH' loca l F ord ngl!ncy. Sch ul er, c 2 0 4 S. , will meet in reg ular session II p 'L{ 'I d, P I Ches ter A. Wll1H1m on . MinIster Was hinooton Town ship 18 Il av <r 2 4 8 S tevens cote· an a mer 1\1 onday evening, February 10, at H ouse in Chlcage this week. m .. 0 MAKING OF 1931 AUTO - -.FIfty cenJ:s o f eat'h memb e rMn, Ba ron r . Dakin an d Mrs. F'ron:r , g . 1 1 7 ::l 0. Visiting member :: welc ome. 0 TAGS WILL START SOON ST. MARYS CHURCH ship ~!I S been for~... aJ'( led to .the Madi ~ ,," Hu tc hin >;o n entert a ined ' ~Ilt s, f 0 0 ,Josephine Earnhlll·t. W. M, . 0 0 Februar y 9, Fift h S unday a fter Am erIcan Reel C r o~~ ,1\\ ~u !l h.lng- at bridge on Saturday afte rn oo n Ml lte n bu rger, g 0 Minnie Fromm, Sec'y. Mr: a nd Mrs. Glenn Frlnfrock Two hundl'ed and fifty thous- Epiphany . hur ch ~l' h uo l at !I :30. ~o n, and th e ba la~c~ IS l etUl ~ e d rot tht· hom e o f the latt er in Le b.! a nd two children, Gerald and 6 7 19 Pruye l' a nd ~e rm o n at In th e . I o~a l Crh a pte l for so lcl." '1'S I unon, honoring Miss Albertl1 l Tota ls ... Betty, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. and p ounds of s pecial steel will Morning \ and clvlhlln eh ef In Walre n Rang-hum, wh ose murriage t o Mr. - - -10 : 3 0 . · F. &t. A . M. NOTICE Floyd Oaughters and daughter be required in the manufacture Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, Rectal'. COT~ty. W .. C t Ch t Herbe rt Buerkle , manager of th e MASON Bonnie Jean, and Earl Daughters of 1931 automobile license ___ . e all en oun y ap er Wa y nesville Motor Co mpuny , will Campton, f 1 8 5 Regular communication of I of Toledo, Mrs. Loren Simpson plates according to Clarence J, FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST deSIres to thank everyone who en- be an e vent of next week, Runyan, f 4 1 9 WayneSVille Lodge No. 163 F. & and daughter Beatrice of Muncie, Brown, Secretary of State. , r olled ,as a. membel' of the R ed Butle r, c ....... ... " .. .. ... 2 2 6 In addition, G"iOO gallons of A. M., Tuesday evening, February Ind.,. and Ira.. Stanllberry of WayBible s cho ol at 9 :30 a . m . Cross In t hIS Roll Call. .... {ourex S ilversea l" S ilverware Ross g 3 0 6 11 . Visiting brethren are welcome nesvllle, spent Sunday with enamel will be used in pllintin'g LtId's an? serm on 10 :30 Chas. J. Waggoner, ' Chalrman is thE' best. Co mpare it with other ase', g 0 0 0 R. H, Hartsock, W. M., Katherine Daurhtera and daulh- the gray background and black sermon subJ ect, 'The \Vay That -. - - - - .. makes before st.nrting your pattern - Fox f . ,.'::.. .':. .......:.. 1 0 I lettering on the gray and blaek F . B. Henderson, Sec'y. tcr Gertrude. an d see for yo urself its sterling I'Wagner, g . ... .. .. .. .. 0 0 0 tap. The department of state will is RIgh t a~d Cann o,t bc Wrong," ; INJUNCTION ,_ 'lualities .•Cary's J ewelr y Shop Leb pay the . Ohio Penitentiary ten Good speCIal musIc. You are DENU~D BY COURT anon. Totals .... .. ....... . 11 ~ 28 cents for eaeh set of tags. Re- always wel co me at t his church. Chester A. William so n, Minister "- SUbstitution. quisition s for materials for the flH'nr~ntil - - -The tllmpora'l'Y l'estrtlining - - - - ,--_. ======= ;:=== = 1931 licenses Include 1250 tons of LYTLE M. E. CHURCH oJ'd j! J' Ii ked for by opponents of steel, 3500 ga\1ons of dark gray paint to prevent corrosion, 2500 Sunday St' hool will be at nine the. tuberculin test of cattle w~ s .--------------, gallons of pearl gray enanlel for thirlY in th e m orning n exl I' lln- d enred by Judge C. B, Dechant rn • the background and 800 gn\1ons day and [o r tw o or thre 8 \1'\< ys comm on pleull court W~dnesd~y I 0f black ename l for the numel'als. th er euft<'f and n o JlfternoOo n s!! r- I ~'· he.n he ha nde d down hIS d • Penite ntiery inmates will use vice. JnslelHi' th ere will be II .~eJ'- IOn In t~e action brought by ElIas 1 1 540,000 sheets of paper In · the vice at nigh t at seve n thirty. Oglesb~,!, et Ill., against the state manufacture of the individual Next ' Sunday wIll be the first authontJes. The case was heard In envelopes and 41,700 shipping of a apecin l meeting, Ro v. Whlle- court some, ~eeks. ag,o,. , cartons will be neceSSAry to send hurst of Ma ln cville will a ssist I 1 he deCISIon I~ In Irne WIth the plates to the various distribut- wIth thll preaching and Miss t~o~e of o~her OhIO courts where ing centers. Three hundred and Bertha Riel wiJI be In charge of SImIlar actions have been brought nlne~y thousand ah_ets of wax the music. Th ere will be service to prevent the test of cattle. paper will be neeqed tQ wrap the every night exce pt Saturday, Next Judge Dechant quo~ed frequently tags, Sunday Is the regular time for the from the recent .dec.lsion .of Judge --Lincoln Day o ffe ring for the work W . D. J on~s, Ml,!-mr. county. . in the Kentuc\t y mountain s. Let . The partl~s bl'.mgrn g the actIOn PO,-E-PRATT nil bring a large off e ring to Su~- meluded Eh~s Oglesbee, R~lp~ Miss' 1:.lIIle Pratt and Mr. Sid- day Sch ool nexl SundllY f or thIS Brook s, Warren W. Rogers, FOIworthy cuu se: Do n ot forget the est H,. Graha,m and Zenas G. Van~ey Pope were quietly l11arrled Satunluy eve ning, .Feb- Doren, The defendants . nu~ed In Lebanon Saturday afternoon , play next 9 f oJ' the benefit of the we re Joseph Moeller, veterln'!-l'lan Rev. John H. Lamy, of the Main ~h~~~h. T·his it at t h e Lytle }Ial1. ~xamin er, ,11. ~. Foster, vetermal'Street Presbyterian churoh, perSaru A, Bowman, Pastor l!lll examl~erl Charles F. Class, formin« the cerelTlony. . _ _ _ _ _ .. _ - _ county agrrcu tural agent,; W. H. They hil-ve the best wishes of STATE TAKES OVER ROAD . Fulkerth, sheriff; Perry L. Green, . the' ~ommunity. ____ state director of agriculture; C. C ..:The . Bu11sk iin-Xeniu·.: high~ay cCandles!l, chief of the division Mrs, Mary' widow of was originally. lIllade a stllte hl~h- of animal hu sba~d:y and t he PLAY AT LYTLE 'HALL the laIC Willi .. m Jenning, Bryan. way in 1807 and after· 122 years tbre~ !lounty commlsSI.o~ers. . With the court deCISIon agal!lst passed awa~{ at ,the home- of her A play "Mammy's' ' Wild t he state has tuken it over again, Rose" will be ~iven §t Lytle Hall 'The portion to be built, .as drafted the opponents of tjle cattle te,stmg dllullhter, Mn . Gra~ li.llrgreaves, In ~ IG-$pbantl "ci,h about 6,000 pound. ca.cb. They ~c:rc brouPt on Saturday' nilrht February Sth into the state ystem, extends' it is probable that the test WIll be Hollywood, Cal. Mrs. Bryan waJ alfamous ., Lot ~ele. from the laJarid of Guadelu~ and will be k$l la • tuk lor . Hom~ Talent. Fine. Don't .millS it: from Xenia through to WllIiams- completed in Warren county at most I I widely known as =~ purpotIIo ~ an ~ala the Cold w.ter~ ~OIIIMI die Admission 26 and 15 .cents •. Bene. burg, in 'Clinton county, crossing onc~ and ~he county placed upon huaband~ in whew ~ork she took III JIdhe .-rt for IIWlY VCUL ' fit o( Lytle Church. route No, 60 at Marathon. the accredited list.

COLUMB US , 01ll0Approximately 2,r,OO men hav e b ~c ~ undergoing' tests of the state CIVIl sC l'vi ce 'IJ 111 Illission during the Ilust two weeks for appf)intmen~ to pos iti ons in th e highway ~e rvlc~. Jl was th c la rg >~t cla!<H of uppllca nts eve l' l'xlI mill ed by the commi~si on, lIn(1 is cons i,lered 1111 in<.\ iclltion of l he number of un employed me ll ill Ohio lit th e pl'es~nt tillw . Last yea r . the cluss ~v~lch so ught appointment. toO p OS ItIOn s in t h c' hi)(,hw ay se r vice Wll ~ IIroun(1 I (j00 and lit that tim e se t a r~coJ'd . Thi s ye llr t ru ck driv e r ~ WCl'e includ ed and · this brought ma ny uddilinnal ap pli ca nts .. More thun 800 pro visional I1Jl po rntees HI'(, now sCl'ving' in th e highway ervice and they will b ~ rep la e :1 hy l' li g ibh'~ from t h,' li s~ .whi ch w ill be cC I'lilied uy the clv1l Sl'rvic!' co mmi :;sion within II f. w w('"k s. Gra din g o f pupe r8 will begill a t o n ~(' hUl sev~ rul weeks ';vill h e requir ·d tli complete th · tusk.

MI's. Bert Gdffy vi sited fri e nds in UticJ1 last week.

~~~r~ham Lincoln speak to hiB COUDt.r}'!neu today t--::" : -.~:--."\.. he probably woUld ask them r ~t? ' . "'\ '\ Dot io make a ~Deity of him







:Bl;,~:.~Yth. '"


S,m, I

D:~;T~:. " ,,",'

IN WAYNESVILLE ~~f;~~~1 ~~~rJ:~ r~~(theed ~~~ ~~














I '. . .


-' "


Monsters o/the SO'Uth Sea.


----_ ..












\ .





~......... 1'•. lute of J, C. Jordun, del'cutlet! It WII~ det nnined t hut thc' lIet " ahll' of (he estut of Emma ,Jun e Ill' hili, df;.lcCU cd, wu. $50.17.50



"Where Savings Are

fA 0M GO URr HO USE ~I~~~s t~t~,>~:;;n~r,;:~~n l;~:cel~~~o~:~:t~~)cl

~)~-~-~~---. ~OPYQIGMT

~tat ill X(lltl pt I hprl' ful't:' t he I 1'/ 0 11) i llh I'itlln('!! Lux . N S 'I I TIt(! cuurt a.uthlll'i1.Cd Lnw!' 0(' e w u, :. \ . \ 'ulI l'hi H, ' t:x culol' u£ th o~tute ByeoGARWALLACE 1;l'\t.I' '1I1' UI' 1I \, .. 1. U ~ Frunk . or Ludln i\1. .'CI'tt, dl'Cl'II ~ I.d, '10 h\l lll, fil l' di\'\ll'c ' . ' 11Ill'!.!'I' x_ !wll. :It 11I'ivll t ' .S/\ I , and f o r cU 8h. l"' rtllill hUlld s uf the d 'C('fIS(,I!. t I l l' I1 II' ,' I l ('lly. ' IIA PTE R I I. TIlt' mun p"I' rt:'d inl hi~ fa re . n,.~lnl! on II" COll ll nl'> , b UI yl \I Lm l' I I1C \ 'I'il!'hl \'e l'~ u ~' nti,' , II I' ,, : ttltc ~ for ~cltle mcn " Blinw), if i nin 't LI' . \\' hllt' ~_ g" tl! I'IIII'Y Sc vt)1I11l1 Y'H'li ~ tI'I1P'1 \\'l i ·~IIl, rU l' .ti\''' I' t' . (,h nl'g" e.t(- an' ,cl fill' !teuring Januul'y 27, lit f ppoHi tl' IhL! Tf" llplr' ~I tlifll\ hI' . ' .UI'-I111nw '! :\\ liddi~" n! Whll' ~ p"d IInd,·1' ~'( 11 11' tll'ln. 'I'hat's VO' " ~ ll'(' l1ll' CI·Ul· lty. !I ,,' 'I!H'k, u. m. 'f n .. d uA'lIin . Th eil' \III . II !1urr ll W p lU d Ll ing .!t",·n Iret' ·. Yuu L (' win g' ~" . " , (; il d i, Sh a ll't' r \'(> 1'. u~ Hnl ph Th,· fllllowi ng II ccounlR will N.", Homw lor Main Ollie. 'I' ll l.\I~l' it 1I111~' h '~l' III1'd t ha t l h e l : hnn·,·1' 1(, 1' d hllr<· ,'. lIlill\ ~III) . . in · ~ ulI! d 1" ' 1' IlI'al'i ng' !-'l·!tl'uary 17 . ut ;t "e N IlIlInilll!' up f' t h ' ~ trlln d - ~ h llul <l h01 l'c cll nn; ;\,,.1 ~ el' 11 III I' ")J' C"l k II'l'e l , WU;;I,' { it 'I Ami hi s dowl1 To.JiI'\, .' t lt" 'l : t h i ~ n in't ll1an ha d l'dl:l't\ a hlt ll' Clns('I' III .Il1 n,' l l"l1 a nti "II ~ t\)dy III 1l1l 1l 0 1' !I I' dnck a . Ill . ' . il'~'Y"1 hlld his file" h (ll'e. WhY l mY l'itch. " . L >\l ill,r ::I ' II " >JI"kc .Lc\ill ).! ·hi l,1. Oakl".I· 711. Itidg'(' , l'XC'lItO I' of 11111 ~ (' e h ill! a nd It, ll hi m nil t hut T w ite h<:' Innki-d hnck fUl'tiv"I\' '·lIl1).!h ,·d :1 11 ,)' 1',.1\ L:1' ,gl!'il,1 a).!lIill ~1 . - . - - , t Ill' (? t nl.C' III' 1I111hl" lI Ridgo, dl' 'e a 11:," hn p P'·l1t" 1. II 1\11 ~ I hi' ~U JH' I' II l'l' l' III ~ :<hllll ldl'r . . L llkl·. Comm r n Ple " . P ,rocccdinga , I'd, hl'~ t 1111£1 final. l hll ll!: ((, ,Ill. nul Illl' lI l. ul..' fa d" );ou Ih ll ll l! ht I II':!~ a dl'lI' I·I· 1 :' l ;Pt lhl' Itll ~y," ~ ai , 1 :1 . lIal'lill).! VI thl' ('aM' "f II t! Sla tl' "I' ul' , I 1" '11 1'1 !II. .\{u ssl·ll. ('x('clIll'ix ,If dlM 'n rp n11?,('d t hat I !I~ II'IIS !lot in!': " . . . \·0 1l·1'. " , s .... . .' I . tilt' "~ Ialo (I I 1,' I·!'t! L. Hu ~sell. d('_ 1 , n il!'. II " "n~ lh(! Il\n'!dc~t t hl ng l 1h,' thlnllp~ IIf lh., l11:1 n lll' isl('t\ 1. '11\.1' ;' \I IIIIg" I>a"I, ),111 rliit ' 1lIit,. \ U u. 1.\' I'll.J r ) . . . 1I11l1e PI CJ,e- I '·"II ~"cI. (l1'~ l lind lillal ;11 III nl", \ ,lll'~' I' n •'1 1""-l,1',' . l11111. . II t' ...::t\\' t IH~ /.!llllf ' ' l' lit' 1'lUI ' lI'a I" .(I\\Hn ' 1 l'HI\\' Pl' , ad,nlrl1 ' . . ~ tl'alol' . ... , IV l ,rl.1 . • In . ,\ 1' l1ll' . I'I" 1.. , , '" " Ifc "'<'lit vII tnwn rd Blnckfnnrs "T hai s wh at I , aid. t'\ n . I l s t e!'1 :l nt! fl ·lt a~ th"ugh" h"l 11''' 11 \\, ::I~~I'. "I II <,lh:'.' ,\,f l ~ lb . I. I I:\I'lr~I , (1f th e I'state o f Frnl1k Bow(' l's , dl" :I~' " ~t11 (.. II . a h:J~1 .~ .f ll l'e tlll! l lh 1I)!.h t, ~' ".U. \\'a ~ 11,11' II f (' (l nll"I" ~ fO lll' dal''' ,h" ll'" 1'1lI li-h .. d i"l(I " ,. ,!. . , ,I Il'J I I Ill. " q uI II.I S ""ll'l- l'l'Hsl'd . lil's l and finnl. , .1 11m .,lu t illn. ,Tht:'r~ .\\,lS n lo ng lilt. . 'I hl~ (h. "cd tnl' II ul 'If Hut h· lind th"11 :I l' UI'I"l" \\"'akll,'" (,111111' 1 I I ," < •. ·' LI · . " (' 1· .1 11'1 '11" 13. Un/!It'~ IJ~' , ni< ('xc('lItrix 01 4ul'1It:' Llf Ill'Ll I1. l' \\,~lIf lllg III bo nrd e l'hlth,' l\I -l1Il{ht. s:ti·1 I 'd bt'l' n (III hilll . alld h,. 1,"111 (' .1 I" I..!, '1. 11 I 1\. l.1. I '1 ~"il" 1('. '11: " I IIII ~. "f Ilw will \If Clifto ll \ Valdu I n".,,1, <'''UI'' ll 'lch ur r ·I \·n I nnlp t\'_ IIn Il ' 110...•. , 1'111 . '1' 1lilt ' s. w II~' I' Ill ,I ~a . .ln >1 thl' ""II :tll <l ~l'lIdll"lh , . ,l ip. .' \'('1 I . . ~ lrut ll.. l' l ~ \\' • d ~ III~ 011 . -II~ . , ' ""li 1 " lliI,' I. .' . 1 , " .III" >' . I H! I(' ~'1').· (l'('l'a SI" I. a ~ ndll1l11l w,'nt r,.)!tp g a long . thl' F:mbU!lk- Rr ou nd h(·r e . l ' l)nJ1II r'~ cl'lI \\'d al · I,,'d illt', a '1ItiJl~ t""ili" I; . lI i~ ': 1I1\ • ." (',\.', ,I1I,IL t l• . ';l tl llll il of IIf t h.· (· ~t!ll (' o f Alul'l·t Fox .1 1' _ el'osl'd . aCI'O llnt ' 1I1,,"t .: r uwd e d \\'1Ih humnnlty. way , lh ill l:~ t h" l ~" JlI l'UIII"" hl'l' l1 111 ,,1 1" "I:,'i"lI , illl l" "''' I' J \' 'I~ til" 1''';1' 11' ,11 111 1. 1~ '('(II~ Il Il~I~ " j' .,,, J. d .' . , . ·· bl , ' .· · " . .' , ,. < H' ,'a s,' " ' l' lIn ay II I' v l' r ~ lJ s l ' '. II " IIU~IUI~ IlII1I: u'~ol'ng\l :~Ilc!:k: t oPOSS"\\I.n ~t' nl ~: In).!' 1 ,I,f Oll l' o f hi S I{H n~ : , ,: lalt"I' 'JI)'! f"1'1 "I I'Ullll i ll~. 1111'11: I>"ic' Ta \'lo l' wa ~ st'll le d li nd ;Ii ~. ' . l-rt'"llk I' Il ull ll ls . ('X 'cutor and I .,0 ... ~II.. u . . d ! - (I agge(: I"ur ':11'!. h,IJ"" \, I,," - hl' d Illl" 1I . 'I . I LIU , (, (' 0 th p e · tate and und er the hN\ ff ti 'whll lo\' e ll them; Jt lrl s lh wh o ":\ '" M lllg? Y OII n ll'lI n ~ JI .I'i Jl).! '!. · ' 11' 1' ·" ll'l' 01 :"1,,.., .s< . ;\11,·1 II,' \\",1' Il'I't ""-, ;'l'"~ "" Il ' I'' ' 1' 1nc I' I' ,H'( I \\" IS gTllnL I \I. ill III' TUl1i !: G. Ilu Blli .~ , (ll·I",~ 'II'·,·,1 Ih . "G hRd f l\I In •. Onl(, t11<'n o r 0 CI' . Inng "111 uwa \' 0 t he I' o ltc (' . ,, 11111" \\ \l h S" I1 .. ' I illg' h' lt 'P I"I\\" . ' j' " . j' , \\' I " 1'1 Ul k- I fil' s l a rell llnt I nd w ere reatly t o mnke cvery ex plllin d 7111'. Ll' ,,·ing. "("l1n ll l" s I.. d III\' 111 1\ l'III"I, l ~ hl: ill)!' ;. " il ' ; \'" 1'i l'r rOt't t l: r 'I " \\. C'hr sl (:r l\i'tple l l I '" First Mortaftlre on Real utah: Security, ~II r ifice f or thenl . T o Luk e Mad- broth r got cllught t hl' IIthl' l' lI igh t \\ ith "' .,'(' IJI' "'. .. ·11 I h ~. 't1i:' k" I" liri' L Ir 'I' l·n . an H,\ III /.{ '''l' 1I III I' ,i,· ""~i ' nOll \I" th t'h mll.lit rnd The beat Security. Nothi ng Sa ferui s II evcry c~r thut d rl'w aWIlY and th l'Y g il l a ya l' lI dll\\ 11 T IJI,) .'y in ).! li ..:"1 ,,), tit,: . 11: "1 lanl". )!,I~I t,l"II~' 1';'l~' I'lnll" ('ll'lI l: Iy t'I"\"All'l , 11(')\(',j o f' ll1:, I'< ht(.' I)' \v~I\\,1 ~l~l~ wa s la d e n With h'lPJlY PCOI}lc S i red that 1' 1 UOI1 ' it " I' ,111111. (1 10 'Y .l· l III\( -'1 I . '. ' I so n .1 1 Nothini Better. th 'ir dllY'S work e ~d ed the re~ , Lu ke 'be lI'n llillll ly ' t u n ll " I'-1 I'l' rl .\l ilt"n HI"l'I.f, " ·d . c hildl"'n uf 11 11 .• "·,L'I' a ~ .. (1. ~Ixth account . g . () , II \\',, - t h,' t hirl,,\,nth da.\· a ftl' l' , ' 11". "':lIl' l.>, \I'I' l't' ~' " t l'lI ~ t,· tI t" th (' ~\ ....cllt'~ tc' r :\1<~p l('. I'Xl'C,Utol' II f c rcati o ns nnd plcR sure~ o f thc 5111nd. ASSETS over 14 Millions Dollars night before them. "C OI1l!' dllwn hcol'... .. lh,· tI":IJ'1' al'al'l'I ' ,,( 1.lIk .. :\1"d. I I'I'"lI tlll: I Ill' dl'll·n ~lllllt. WOl s 11 1'- ~I:.' " .. tllt.'...o~ . .h .. ~!I~(. tt(' 1' l'ml(' lIk· Old men, young men; girl s Th e l'Iuwlikl' hand ~ Ilf L,.wi n ) dl.""n . 'Ili d :.' day "f 1'.111' f,,1' hi, d':I \~'~ t" p:l)' tIl<' yla lll li ll till' ~ lIl,n ~t ·Ir" l l:.'.'I~(.d , 1).:I.ltl., a.c ount. . One of th e laraelt and stronae.t associaloo king trim Bnd smarl ' young caught him nnd ul'ugg,.d h illl dO\\,11 wlf,. , '1111',· II pul :l 10\'11 .. .1 t., I h,' ,· f ::;1\ P I' }' \H'(:k l o r thl' I'hlltll'l:n S tl . . ' 11' IlInl•. ndlll.lnl ~tlatlll' Wi t h . b' . " 't h . . 11I1l/! '11ItI ·II:'Pll il. ill I . f '::1'1'''1'1. . It' \I I all lH'xt'd 01 lh .. I'sbt" II f tions in the sta te. m e n sm o k mg Ig pipes, WI au nan oll' , i1 1 ·ltl , l l'~'('1. 1 1.lllt'. I ' ...... J.!' • "'lIl!" I". I ~ I "I'Y Vie lllria FI·IIIII· <I'l,(,'ell ' '' u newspaper ulld er their urm s ; be_ "1'111 n c rv o u ~ t n. ll!g h l ," h,' ~ai d. ,. I. " II , UII" ,L'In ), " sl' 1III t j(' (,:l Sl' u f Tit" Slall' IIf Oh io fil'~ l nlld tin'!1 '. s, . Why take C hances on Get-Rich-Quick bes pectacJe s tudents- they hypn o lind he re h wa ~ p c al;in g till' "' P! 1101 l' Ii .t lt al !I.I I !I'" ' S .IPI'I'I'Ll,·hc ,1 \( 'I~l " H " ~' ~l l' K i l\lll' y , il. \\'a s (' I" . ' . . . tized him, these great, blazing truth, f o r his \' oil'e UCCH IIH' II l illl t' sl· II-l oathlllL:. I \~ I,'l' . h l'. I I:~" "I'~ II ,"ll·d th l· d.(,r... nd:"1.t b t: dl "d l/ II')!" '" ~ .. I ~H'I BlI SI~I'(': a dnlln l~lrnt ri x "r Schemel and lose all. tramcal's. whimpering gas p. "Y o u'r(' a 1111 thl' 1' ''l lI t ." 1 " I' qtl,"ntlll l! tIll' 11"1l1 t l!l' I,'un t~ Ja il. UP OII PIlY· , th, "tat",o l 1·. 111111 1l ,1UIlC BI'l' hlll. "Are you waiting f or anybody?' £{enLlemnn, i\\r. i\l nd cJi -'ll1. You 'd I'" ll l" " ' Illd t \\' IO:I' had Il1lnty stu \, - Illl' lIt 1,1 all ;tccrued ('lIs ts t. , datI' , dl·l·l':! . l' d . ftr~L tI(' :o un l: We kindly IOlicil your patr oDaae The voice had a uth ority , thoulZh help a pOI'e fell c l' 10 ~d uwu\, . 1 pl·d h,' r. . ,~tld t lt at h ' he r<:l l·' I.,' d frum all ' .1. A. He un l.d, galll'dllln of FI'Hn· it was quite kif\,d .. He loo k~d up Yo." kn oll' what o nn o r is - he 'd . .' t \\'u~ t l.rn .. to \Inl'ry rill' \)unt y 1I:11~.tI.I~~· , ull d.!' I' . sn~:I _ u~~(I.. " I l'e~ I ';t l' kh.!I I, (I."Rt.and finll i. ' •. to meet the SUSPICIOUS scrutinY of klllfe you for t WOP(' IlI'I' . Bumping .1" d . I,tlt tl" n! '1l ll t· an ,'I IIl' 1' L:a U ~I' 1. \ 'I"l t I r~ \\ ,IS sllll~m e ~ by r!lC' I. '"t Will ,Ind te ~taill e nt o f a City policeman. The City police o fT, he calls iI- he', all Am erica l1 ' \\-h aL hrld . pllzzl l' d. Ulld til H,m l' th" ("'lIrt Lv ~l' I'V ~ tI pCl'lod 0 1, n u t I.IJlIl S I· .. Cn lemn". d ccea~e d WII S no n ot like to see men lingering at lea s t, h e" hl' ~ n in :in): o ng. '!l'gl'l'" l·"IllI" I' I.l'.d h(' I', W:l ~ Lh l' Il"~ tha ll I yea r III Ih~ , hl o State PI'II dU Cl' d In court ,a n (1 ndlll itt e d to lac I ltal !II 1-. Sltl l'~, th (' ma nage r HI' I'"I1H1t"I'Y ut i\ lan ~ hcld. 0 .. f I' prollatc. ('harle~ C. Bcnl'di ct. WIIS (,f :\ J.addi ~ II/I·,( Balik, hlld ~ h l' \\'n n" g' ond l'all~e ~ h o \\'n , the co un SUs- I apP?lntrd rXl'cutor. Nil b ond r eo I,,"t lcu lal' ll Il X I l'l~· . S hco g ;ll'!<sed. I'e nils. thc ~c nl l' ncc dUl'lng good , qU.1I 'II. ('hurl(·, J. Waggoner Two Offices: 01' kn('\\', lhat . J. lIkl· h/ld ti d .! hil11 lJt' h~"· lnl'. , . ('.llff Brant and . Frank Ring le I' of Iw r a ct, 10" \ \ bl' lI ~ h e hurl ' lad I~ o ll ln~ wa ~ sc ntcnc ed to \\ e l (' Ina(le appl'lll :::el·s. 19 E. 3rd St. Third at Broadway n ff(' rl'11 hel' rlll'ck it had b e£' n I h" impl'i ~ulI (' d in the c ounty jui l i . Th (' Cou rt a~ccpterl th e r es ignuDA YTON, OHIO alnli )~ l l )cn: nII'I PI' il ~' l'ef'usco d . 1 1(>I' ;w t1IlY~ an d pay th e cu, t o f I tlon tl' IHl pl'ed uy J os ie Whitu k e r what .he did rea li ze \V a;; IhllL the pn,s l·t:u tio n. For' Ku od cU lIse l /I~ rxr~utrix o f the! e5tnt e of J Ohn In till' I!ay;; h ' I li n ' ,.. )" . bl'l' II Ill ' a . hil II'll .. the " .. n te ne t' I~' a s s us p I1d· 0 .. Whltak l' r, deccn se d . Th e cxec u fa cto I' In LlIk t, :'.t add i ~ UI~'~ lifl', ,·01 dU ' " lgo gfllld b e hln' lo l' . I tl'!X was II rd e l'('d to fill' a ll al'c o un t a nd lu rg'l' ly ,J.·t('l' l1Iill l'd hi" a ctio n,, ' lIa l' ll' l' iI'Iclntlly was sc.n t l' n ccd of he r admi n is tral ion with in :10 UNCLE HAM BLOW SAYS Luk \\'11 " ill th,' hab it Il l' d ! ~:l p"l'a r to , ,,In' I Yl'a r III the Oh IO Sta te I duy ~ . Estatr uf Id ll ill. II . eke-It. dcin~ in to tIll' Iolue. I n\'lI r ia hl .\· iL' 1:(1 o l'llla t lll y aL i\\an s fi lei and I The Co urt dire c te d F lol'c n ce Z. (' e a~ed. : \I·a : . l' llI llI S p ain th at Sti ll'S had lhat. hI' . pay t he c o~ts of the I J)ri l'l·el·. so le e xecutrix f th Th e re port iliad . , I y C. II. WalGoinl!' IIUt IIf th t:' nite d :tutes r'l\'c d .a P'!SlCHrd Il lllif~'iIlK him p l" ~l'C Utl<1I1. es tall' IIf Frane cs E. Parkhill rl e t e l'. udmini tl'alor IIf th e e s tllle o f to gct II dl'il1k iH Iikl' ~oi n g out o f of thl' 1I11 111 111enl 1' (' UI'II o f his II l1 warri Wh "c la n was ti('l1tc nccd ceu sccl lo ~ el l lIt PI'I'Vlll n " I ' c _ 1-1. V. Walter, de ..:ellsed, was ap- ' II r " stauJ'ant til ~I'l 11 ~nnd\\'ich . . .o I r ('~· . T h, t' COll I try h!ld a t I) I ~' ('nl' .III th e Oh' -. I'. e- tl1in bond ' . "of th e c stal e .~ ., 11 e ' cer- provc d t h e cOllrt. I Not ell o ugh ,If nltcntion is puid (,ll1r .10 :stlltC fa sc lllul lO n f( ,1' Luk l! ;\Jl1ddi <o n. 11'l lllalOry at i\l ul1 s field , 0 ., and 1\1l1l'tha J. La cy was II . t I ,The lust \\'!II nnd t <'stume n t of t o cd ucatil1j( lhl' Jl C' dl'Ktrinn s . says n He . Kpu l;(' tlH' langua ge likc a ""p t at hart! labol·. all;). that he l'x cl' ull'ix o f th E' ('s tllt e PfoE E. T. Lu cy, dec e ased, wus pro· II big cilv Jlap e r. Perhaps n ot Eatl\l,.e 'h 11 0 WUIl'; OIl C or the few I P"{lh' c t s of P:o~cl~ u tIOBn. La':! )' decc<lsed . No bond ~equi'red' du ce d in c Ollrl and admitted to pro e n oug h 11 £ tht' lII hav e bumps o f 'n.1l: I ' men \\. 11) U."dCI:~ t oo d and : > •. I~ tIl e cn se ot , . , Ice en n eit RI)Y Lucas , Harold Whilu c re a nci buteo kn owle dge. ~' IIJo y c(1 th' pun cl l!t (~ o j bull fil{ ht . 1 11t' ~'er ~ u s Chat.les, E . a~d Ed· Geo rge ,Robinson were mad e a . . It wns o rd ered that . an au t hcn1' ht' Illlln o f the hour is gCllel'lll· . tri g , und he love d nothing b e lter \I ani 1-.. ~ ('.nnett, It WIl S adjudge.:! pl'lIi se r. . p tlcBter! copy of th e WIll of A. B. Iy Ol1l' wh o Illude evl'l'Y minute than t o reLi I e lo so m e lodg in,!l' in I hat IHII·tlt lo n of the estutc be \V 0 G t' . " S h e lter, decensed, and of the ord l'r counl f o r ~o lll cthi ng. Ctll'duba 01' Ro r.da un d, mak in g I~,HI(~ in favor of th l~ p lnintiff. E. Il'ato'I' ~ f tUh~ 1 1I \~a~ m arellad~ lIll s. of probate, b e allowed a n d a dmi tWe sho uld not fuil t o r<,co~l1ize that hi s h c,auqual'tel's , rOl' e the C. ~1 (l I'l'I SOlI , J. LeE' 1 hom!> o n and Gu s tin I,' ~ / e 0 fnJY~. t e d to r eCOl·d . p r os p e rou s lI pp<'a l'nn ce is due t o c(j ulltl')' ~ id c f fll' wc k, on c nd. ' C hllrll'~ O. 'exton \\ e r e II1nde com- l o nd I·'n t(hccease 'faSn5dOOtil e ~ hiS In the case of J. A. R ebold a s Jlro~ I' C' I'OU S IIppclIl'lI nh c is due t o . IC ~ n l' d cae. t t 0 . t I'll t or WI'th th e WI' 11 a n- (T1Vlng I .. "Here what's the idea J oe1" Lew ing's v oice wns a whin e . " This ,~' I I'I Cf; '.\ aH uI:e a s y, l IUl I Ied hn l 111'1 s·'1 01I.CI'"~ to (I 1'."ll J. Ed\\' . 1-e .Rum tI \V W R With 0 . ud m . illiS II mortgaged car over n ' " . that hope 1('l't. that in this grcllt ' .. cllle A. !la m es was grantcd a SUI'C i a l e s an . . ogers a s n exed of the es tate of T. M. co· bOllnd ed r ond o , . . gentleman IS tnkmg me nrou n dThe lender of t h e fOUl lau ghed, el'i s.i ~ uf his afTail's Lukl' Maddi. rJlv~' I','e fr o m A.lfl·ed C., the . TI~ccsi!l s .' fie ld, deceased, pl.aintiff, vcrs us The f ('lIul\' wh o nev c r mnkes a 'I . , s on had ~Olll' h" I, to th e sce n l'S d e l cn Ll:lnt ha Vin g UPl'n guilty of S tcwa r I at. \\111 nnd tes tament of Mary A. Scofi e ld . WId ow , et nl., d e- mi s take is 1I1\\'ay~ lh c fellow who IDd eclslvely, o~e. han d o n .th e, Smg, IS It. ~~ywny, It 5 n of hi . happ y holiday.. xt l'Cml' l! ru It y The plu intiff WH o' ;1 " .( I own, dec(' ns~d , was pro fond ant , it \\IU S o rdere d that ih e take~ hi ~ OI'dl' l'~ f !'L11lI til(' fe llow parapet, the s'Yu!1n g bl~ck nver s tu'. A couP,I,e of qUid d get lII e o ut . * .. ' . i ,.ss i:!, ned C ' I't· i 1 p l' r s 'na l pro pc,tl b~~~d ~\.'iC~Ul't lind ad ll1ltted to pro . ad mi ni:;trat"r deli vl·r decd s til the II'ho due s. below -:- espeCially n white faced of Londo n 1 M "r • r ' , • " • ,wtll eh s ha ll I'clain li S u limony, •. ' I ~o n A. Brown was a p· , pUl'chuse r s of two U'acts o f rcal man, WIth a tense face and a n al" I hllv e n 't got II co upl (' of h l:,g ~l\t kP~ncd u (h.twcr of w hcre u y t he defendant is burre d pOInte d r xecuto l', lin bo nd requir- e s tate m ost h orrifie d stare. p ound s wil h mc" sa id Luke i CI' Il'S;, nil ' (l'lt :l fnld ,d ~ h ce t from '1 11 1' el'lim I cd. Anderso n CurIes , J umes . N-no stammered Luke, "I'm He was n lreu'dy wea r y of the ~r pup ' I' alltl hllnd e d It t o More ll. I 111 the c 'l~e ~f Noro H ~h wke ' Hud e , and Jam es Frye were made Real Eltate Tral»fera just watching." cO lllp u ni on s hip and but f or t \\'II S II te l('g.I'Bm :lIldressed t o ve rs us WilL,~II' H awke e l ' 'II ' di s I IIPpra iSl' I's, . The policeman was lo oking at b e ing in h is' pl'c se ~t con di tion Margaret MlIddl ~ un: I II ibu l ion of th e flroc'eed ~' ~r t h ~ L . M. H e nclcr ~o n 11'1\ 5 app o inte d Mal'l hll Tnn o VOI'his to hestc r hi,,! curiously, as tho~gh h e was wou ld n eve r hav e ~ubmitted l~ YI~u (':In hardl y expec.t me to ~a l e o f r c a l l's tate in th ~ s um o f admi n.i ' tratnr de boni s non with ~. n n." Murtha C. Rapp, :~2.0!'i trymg to re m ember hIS hee. 1 b e ing dl'll ggc cl in to thi s f o ul littl e ('ome bn.d\ ~(J Y.t lu . I n 11 I ~\Y mo n' l $4 (j'j(' 04 was n 'd e l'cd I 'h c will a nn ex ed o f t h e estate oC ,Icres In T urtlecreck t wp. "I've see n you b efo re some_ stl'eet • t hs and T C Mat'lha I . tI will . I IUl'IlIs . t h y o u I I\\' Il h s ufTi - ' I'n' t'I'l e c }I".,c. (II.t TI,e 1\'1 a 'n n B U'tid I .J.o hn d O.' Whi tu kc r ' dl'Ceasnd ~ , . heRter V hS' . Ra pp\I to WANTED where, have n't 17" I " Per haps I can ca ll ut youI' c lcn eVH ~' n I' (I ('na) e yo u . to ing Loan nnd S'vi n g. C h Ie hiS bO llll of $ 10 ,000 with rln e . 01' IS, s illa tl'lll't n car "I dare say," sai d Luke, and offic e in th e mornin g?" L ewi n Jt's i<c cure," dl\' lI ll'e. I not c n tli'C_ \'e l:~lI~ Frallk p.a Em~l' ,(J~?a~? J o~ i l! Whitak e r .and Martha L. Butler vll le. . ---t urned away abruptly. voice betrayed hi a nxi ety. And Iy \\ Ithll.Ul m u nl y, t hcrefo l'e Mal I' i\I So ku d f t : II nd l' l'Hnn , s urc ti e s. , LIIUru M. Sllll o ~to n to Robert A . \V ANT I ]'I;G- tu He followed the hom eward- ~ th e n, as he remembered: " I g ive ril~ln~lOt wlth"u JlI "usan t co n solI!· giveil ;l' ~ ~ays I~~ \\~~ti~~ t~' i)I~~d~ Thl' fo ll owi n}\' aco un ts w ere ap_ KI';f ' , lot N,o. I In . [~e~'l'fiel~ tW)l. so 111(1 cn rn fin l~t:~c~. ~ ~~~I~~~l wending crowd across Blackfriars t hat te n p ound s t o the Gunn e r- " I ". .' " .. . ". I' l'o:'c <l :. oel T. ,F OX to ~VI.llilln: E .. Be n Mllngf'1' W Bridge, It was dark and cold, and 1 "You g nvc nothing t o the GunIt I\n. S I ~ II~" L I ~" co: ,In d hnd I·.state. of Alli so n L. Spe nc e, de- d e l',.36.76 acre pmt III MlillI1l t\\J" ny n e~vi ll e R. D. ,1. · f1 2 Probate Court Pr'oceedingl CNI ~ cd , tirsl llnd ~nlli. C le ll;lOnt co unty Il nd part III - - -- - - - - - - - h e str uggle d into thc overcoat n c r," s aid Luke co ldl y. "MI' Bil'd he.e.n hnn ul'lI HI.ill I al'l s at t·Ij.!·ht· which h e had been currying on told me a ll abo ut yo u ." I thl.'.¥'1 Ih,al 1l111111,',n g. . At·co unt.s fil ed: _ Estatc of .Ien Tile J . C hamb e rlin, I-Iu..i lltoll'twp. FOR RENT his arm. He rem e mbere d so m e- i Th ere wus !In emba l'l'assc d ~ illUt s .that, Hhl' ~ald . . lI e r I~sta l e of I ~llac ,J. Evun s deceas- d ecclIR('(I, tir~t n nd final . enry L. n nd frm a Bye rs to where in t h e borough that h e e nce I to~c ~va ~ li ght, hul lh e re . W<l S an I' d, fi l·"t anrl fi na l. I~sta te of Sa mu e l B owy e r , d e- rre n ~ B. U n g lesby, 2.1\2 llC I'es in rOI{ RENT- f.'IInn 100 IIcres, e ntered a l ittle coffee.h ou se , r ed- I "An y way, I'd like you to stay I a~ltal IlJlI . 11l I~e l' h (' l(l't. whit:ll s lt c I~slllle oc..lohl1 O. Whita l; e l' , d c- ('ensc d, fir s t and tin ul. · Cnl~h sl e.. n ea l' X(l nin , t o bncc o to be olent of burning lard, I wit h m e, s ir," !<u id th e man . 1' 1 ' had. nol 11l~1Ig- 1 1I1''' IHls" t1>1C : ce u!<l:d . i'il'st a n d final E~tate o f , 8scn r F. Tayl or, de ~ lIn Da VIS to The ~ovcl u nd Mo- l·n iHc d. Addl'f"s Chlls Kub Ic , At eleven o 'clock it b ega n to I cull ed yo u u busy ju st n ow, nnd 1 (.(l n S li l at l ~' n ~ ! AII (! thI S \\' !i s Jn v('ntor ics anc! Iq)pl'lI iseme nls C.CllS d, fir st', fina l and di s lribu . t OI Compa n y .• Tract III Maso n. O. ,' Iw ing VlIll ey , O hi o. *fl 2 ra in, a tine drizz le that v e ry s oon I you loo k like !I ·bu sy. ! f !l n y of l ~:tlk.(: .M add~s () n : . t,l~l' :dl'alt st -~ a fil e d:lIve. . . . L P . A. ,Kem pel'. to Ml,lrk Pm·d ec. --------------~ .==~soa k ed t hro ugh the light cont. He t h e m Co nn ers ~ee m e With a bus y ull! ~1 p!t~I ,"nd~llc l \\ ho had li ed I': s tat" of Franc es E. Parkh ill , Gunrd lun o f Ll oyd nnd Carl ot No . .359 III Frank lln _ FOR SALE was walking aim lesBly al ong York th cy' II- " t() ;~' ~ "I"ol . ltll ,n ~ . . d el·I'H ~e d . Whl tacrc . minors. tirst a nd final. Marriage Licenle. R oad ill th e direction of West min- I T~ey hud just turned the cor. • I IH . ~·.'I I<~ ~ I' ~ ~I'P l'ISl.' d .~h:~t , Y?,U ~~ccou nts Iil e d: . . ster. A man ahead of him was n e r mto u n eve n n arrower str eel, got thl H: . ,lid IbllL1)1l g- I u\els. I L s tate of Mary Vl c t OTI a Frank, Al e x H. Sm ith, s a les man of F OR SA LF. Jc r ey R(HI mal e h og Midd le to wn, un d Miss Alice Ruth walking m ore slowl y , a slouching und Lbwing s toppe d sudden ly. S ~".l~lttl~ L h: :"l' lh ll,~I~h~, he would d c 'lI~c d . ' Fil's~ and final. . March brcl!, clil{ib l to r egi. t e l' , man with h i hands in his pock e t s F our dark shap es, two on the l h,l\ l l: ",uIJI( ~~ 10 ~\. "e. \' lIlu.!! a ~ n \Vitn es~ at the in· Estate o~ Emmu June Bre hm, .I ay, of ::l r ego ni a, Junuul'Y 2 1. Immun crl. 1~ I' J1('s l Buttcl'worth a nd his cont cO.llar t urn e d up. I pave ment, two in t h e r Olldway, ~. f ~\ d,~~~ I:\ L I. ~n lh ~ ~e ~t. r q u es t. So h e co uld a fford to lie decea sed. ~ Irst nco unt, . (Continued on page 3) W uynesv ille , n. H. 4. Luke was wearing r ubb e r s oled co n f run te d t he lll . Luke s urveyed page 01 th l ro st- lI e lnld IlI l g ,H ot an d watc h t he hOllrs pas s and ' t he . In vento ll e~ and IIppmlseme n ts sh oes, and came up to t h e wlllke l' : them curiously. They a ll ~ee lll ed ~aw t1w ~l l~ l:tl)l<l'aph of a h al!'.~lIrd pa lo l i~ h t of the s un mo~(! ucrO S!\ (I I FOR SALE- Orgnn in I!'ood conb efore he was aware of his pres- ' to have caps dm w n \)ve r th eir eye:; .Illtl UI1Sh,\I e ll 1I 1!, 11. I had eVll len - t.he grcoon wull, a nd n ig-h l co m e 1 hc la s t w ill und t esta ment of diti on. C hl~r c h of C hri s t, f5 A COMPLEX PUN cnce. He ~uw the night wanderer I eac h h ad both hand s in h is t.1:¥ bccn tak ' lI III a 11!)~Pllll l lIc d. li nd the lig hts. .Jnlll e:; ~. Wills, d eceascd, WII S p r o· IUI'c h sid eways wi t h a s narl , s t oo p I [loc k ets. . ~I I.R e.l'~'s. W ' I'l' .'·, I o ~l' d: th e "I!o lo _ li e did n oL ca r e l'ea ll y what du ced In cou r t and adm itte d t o FOR . SA I..E~ S ingl e h ed lind forwllrd as though h e w ere go ing l "H erc, w hat' s t he Id ea, ,foe? " g l .lph .Il1 ~t >h"\lul the ('dg('. o l t.h<' huppened afl('l'. It was his Kix · probule . II. E. Will :; a cceple d thc F irs t P sychintris t : "That fe ll ow ~ prtn~~, wus h 5'tl1n (I •. coni o il to r un , ,all d th e n so m e thing in Lewi n g'S vo ic ' wa~ a whin e. "Thi :; h ~,d a ;I!W I!I ' h C~ ,~lillll'r 11I~, ,7hln. Il'l'n 01' ge Vt'ntee n dll Ys in b e d t l'l~: t IIR ,e xcc utor . No . bond r e- h ilS been an inmate of our a sylum cook s t ove n nci. fit'c!ells 'cooke r Luke's fac e or appea rance cheek- gc ntl eman it ta king me a ro und- ' 1J0 I OU 1~I1fJ IV .Lhl~ Man. d e· --hl' was not SlI l'e which- when '1 l1 l1·e d. J CITY Earnhal·t, H . C. f o r u lo ng time , ha sn 't h e? " Inqui re nt Gaze lle Offi cc. . cd his fli ght. I Th e leader o f the fo ur laugh ed llIa!lIt e d th c' h" udiincH. l ht' s ister ca lll e in. lJ arv ey and Ellis Iv in s were mude Seco nd Sam e Thing : "Yes , h e's THRESHER SUPPLIES- BELTS "Hu!\ol" he said hu skily, h arshl y. . S he g lan ce j! at th e !e tt e ess , (T o be co ntinu e d) ap P I'U Ise r s. (,n e o f our o ld est inhabitants." . pulleys, babbitt metal, oil cups, "Thought you was a bus y." 1 "You've g ot to hav e a bu sy . with and al\' thllt Il had l'ef erl'l1ce .to a Luke recognized him. yo u, have yo u ?" he snid \vith an !l1ul'der l~u l hao bee n COnl l111tted - - - -lnJectors, lubricators, steam and "You're Lewing a r en't you?" . o ath, "You lI in't sutisfied w ith m Sou t.h L o nuon, and that he PINKY DINKY gauges, gauge gIulI oilers Pinkey' a Peace Pro.ram I whose picture \VIIS s hown had been by TER~ Y GILKISON water packing, boiler fluea, lIucti~n hoa~ ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!!!'!!!"!!!'!!"!!!'!'!!!'!~!!!!!"!!!'~E2e~!!"!!!'~!!!'!!!"!!!'~~~- . present and had on ly escaped and tank pump •. THE BOOKLET death by the narrowest of margins CO, 416 W, Main St, Xenia, OhIo, W . ~I-, ...... LI-, P ' N><''1 • ItO .... Not evc n his den r est frie nd wo ul d M.Cl·.. ~ER T I&:1-1-5 MI! YOV PIP ,., hn ve re cognized Luke Muddiso n , FOR SALE- Seve n room housf! \ for t h e p h otograph had not been <S OOO DEaD -rOOAV on Third St. Centrally locnted ,(OU 611'Ol'PED -r .... o BOYS · taken until t he e leve nth dny of r~qulre of S, F. Elbo n W ay ne!~ · hi s detent ion In hos p ita l, and It VIlle, 0, . fUll ' had bee l\ II1I,cn in a very po or I light. FqR SA L~- Modl!l T. FOI'd sedlln III runnllll!' order. Price $16. W, Tir ey put ;,uk-e in a A. S urface, Waynesv ille R oute II. p r ivate \Vurd, lind on c morning ·fl2 they lef t a l ittle temperature · char t wiLhin hi . view , an d he saw PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS I that his nallle \\'a ~ Smith . , -For all purposes. Booklet'. , " II ow IlI np; hn vc I hee n S mith?" h~e of plUmbing and heatina ,upII iR \' Uicl' \nl' ' xtraol'dinl1rily pl!es are tb best, The Bocklet. ~ trtJn~ , I' c mc.llIu(·l'ing that o nl y KI~g Co., 416 W. Main St, ~enla 11'11' ua~ 's bcJor(' 11(' had n ot b ee n OhIO. " :l lIle lu s p eak H\.HlV(! a whispcl' Th e ~(I .. d , "atul'('d n u r:e g rin_ I IWU chcerfttl ly . " II' we <I (,I1't low \\' I' eop l e' ~ I MONEY LOANED I1l1nll '~ 11'.1' :.:111 Ih l' I1.1 S mitli - pre !'. 1 , lal.) .. Hril. " h(' ~ 1lJ( 1. "Hut VIJU 'l'l' -~U T '1" 101.-1""'Ii, ' ~"in /.{ til il c g 'Hl d, al'e ;l ' l. vo u ! J uc;-r HOW DID , alld Il·1 1 lis Y"lI rs ·.' '' . LI~KF.D LONG OR SHORT TIME-E8I You OZ TOP THEM I Il l' ~ It' )Ok h i~ 11I':lrl. ter,!,s. Also Surveying ajld "~M FI (, HTING 7 I "1\0. I dll n't think ~ o. Smith is Tt"iM stractmg, Write and I «II call a VI' I'.\· gilO ,) n:llllt'. h Ul'n e hv 1'1I 1l1C and ~ee you: Sam D, Henkle, Way. I'CI'Y n!l' '. p('n "I(,. Tf lilY lIal;le hut! nesville, OhiO. Jll I l'I'I' n . In ll h I l1Iig'h t h a e bee n !I , I, .( te l' 11Ian ," hc udded whim s ica l. . LOANS on Livestock Chattel. Iy. , Second ~ortageB, N~tf!. boUWht:· ,' i n'f l' t he y had III \. 'd him into J~hl) H,arbl~f!, J~., Xenia, Ohio. t.h e. pI·ivnl.e ward t he bur ly-l oo k ing . j p ~) licelll l\ .n w h o had loomed out of hl1; dreams, and see m ed par t of - Lhem had b en takCJll ~wa}: . That · clu:v th ey tho ug'ht hc was ,I\'ing 11 Farmeril of.. Warren alid adJolnJnK JJU Jiee mngis Ll'ate qad been" sum_ itt _""MlNATIO". "'""~ DI"",". countl~1I ma, obtain mODey on MIl ..., ct... '" f'L,trHT'f ~ mo neo Lo t ake hi d epo~ ition; but long time . loapa, at 6 per cent InI'W " .... UT dlUlIl ....... 'TH11ItT'I h e hlld 01(1 n othi ng whi ch wa of ~ere8t . ..ern of lIeeurlnK the .. me , •• 4HT th lightes t conseq uence or va ltl e 1.8 very reuonable, through The I"\'r ~"' ."01" TlHeNTY' M or.C(lVI' I·, h(' hil.1 heard one , (Icfederal ~nd Bank, For further _ ~ ... fIM • .".. .... ~.D6.:'"' ,twou Ctll'(:. Tl llthe mforPlatlOn , call on or addtaa II ,..;;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ld '~Jj'Iy llL lo be uof thel' . slhat lighf ehe.. t C, DRAKE, Tre".urer p1ioDe 81.' X LebanoD, Obtr ' -













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ibtesaenmSend!\ human progres!I., cienCe "no' t o thul. Mankind hU R hardly be gun it!! ullwllrd fli g ht in t he conqu (!st of mutter, time and s pac . In the !uhborutories·. n ew rrli RCOtV ri eR abobut • e proper t ICS II rna t e r, f ar e_ yo nd Any th!lt ha ve ' ye t b een up· pJied to human · n eeds , awuit the e ngin ee r s who wi ll trlln . late them in to mu chin es and d e vi ces which wfll e nabl ' us to . a s ce nd eve n hi g her t o ward th e s tnl'" o f our ul· timll te d es tiny.

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ISSUED EVE.RY WEDNESDAY , I ___ II I; : H( r , " t h,· - -- - - - - - - - - - 9 -- - - -- - - - -. (I 1 11 \, \ \\ I·u!.1 1 J.\. ( ''' I'I ~, /qlt I, ' D. L. CRANE I' Publi."lIr Mr. and I r : . Clint Clea\'e~ and f I 1~~/J ' '. l ilh ( hpl' ('1 , t' :'.1:.1\... .. OffiC:II P .. oull ... ......... .......... No. 112 The younger generhation accehPths MidRS RUdih entc.'I',thu II H'dti to (lin,:! r l,,~ I ~ y .:' I 'I'h , ruIl " " i" 1! (., \' , ' 11 ~ ., t t ill' I' !Ill commonil luce t ings w Ie an '/11' ::; on u I'!\ ay ('v 'nlllg I" , ~ illn i 11 go nf h i., 1'1'111<1 '1(.. I~' ni!. R-.idIlDclI ... .. ............ .. .. ..... No. · 118 t hos e. wh o clIn r emem be r th e time t he f o ll o win g ~ul' slR : II r. and , t'!j k . ".\I ~· ~ llh.II 'c ·1 t" 'I1I!"t i: Ii :. I . 11 (,.,· wh e n there were no te le pho nes , Mr". W. 1~ . Ol!l e",h e . MI'. and I t \;d~ .~ ~ . n Illl 1\' II f \, I I {,,, d t h · I, !h Sub.eription Pric~. $1.50 a Yllar no e lecl ric lights . no phonog raph s Mrs. A. S. o llcft, MI'. and MI's. l'l1H I;!C" "!' '~ l al ' l, .." , no . automob iles , n o moti on picBob Stump, 11'. a nti Mrs. H ow:ll'll OL D IRON S ID ES ~ i'I' I'" t h"l1 t\\ (, 1I' II' dl'"d ' l ·tl1d~ I:n'.,.,j., po.tome. at Woyn ... iII. tu re~. no ai rpl u n (!R, 110 rudi o, no Grllha m, MI'. fl ncl M rs. ha:;. 1J I' ~... \, I'llt up . IJhio , g. Sa.con" Cia .. Mail Matt . . s ubmul'ines , s ti ll r e gard u!' ·s om e. d o n II nti H1)b rt, 1\\1'. a n I MI' H. II. By Ol i\'l!1' \\7 'n d!'1l II cdll1<' ~ .. Tll l, .... . \\1 :11 11'1\"~' I ,t f J 1111' 1 what miracul ous, wh e n they s t o p J. Il l'r a nd Ri ll y, ~11:H. Rn ~ (' Ca rr :~~ , d . t1' i lL ' b ll t l. n 'd t ' j!" ;gl ~ dnw n FU h lllld ~ " ill PI I>, 1',,'·Ii.lIll1l' ;It ' .,to t hink ab o ut tnem. 1\1 r. and M r ~ . W. A. Lu ke n ~ , Mlll y ' r,.' I . "'f h !1 .' it \\,:1\'( ' <1 01 /1 hi ~ h . FEBRUARY r., 193 0 t ill n.'· ;\id th t' ('\H l~: .I;, , .. ii' Fifty ye ars ago wh e n anyone Uncle S i Tinklepnugh says CUl' uly\l. IIlid 1':l;t.'h"I·, lind ('h as . Atlo! ll1an~' :111 ('ye h,, ~ da m: ,'d II) i, ,:, li th , 11 :11 tl 'l "I' ~I."I,. " \ 11,', Y ; ·U,. V tl ____..=========,= ':-=~. I ~ ugges t e d th e possibility o f any of Ruth Mc Co rmick can go to th' Dos tc l'. ~ l ', ' Our Im" I, 1'l ba ll ten ni s los t to the s e things th e us ual ans wer Senate if ~ h e wants to, f o r i all he Thut ball IW I' in thf' s ky: was "I t ca n't be don e ." cures , bu t it sec ms t o him t hel'c's Ott e l be in o n t hl' h UllIe l\cJ tl r Fr i· I:, ·"""h il II ltll! tl1l' Ioal l l,' ~h/'lIl A hunol' ed years ago if a ny- (!!l ough o ld women there now. d ay e ve nin g . j I· Il li I t-:· J. i' I (,,' . " r And hlll' ~ t t h,' ('ann :,. , 1',>. 11' o ne had been rash e n o ug h ·Mr. and M l'!; . Il c rbert Fi tc a nd Till' nH'l,.. o l· (I}' l hp ftC('H Il :U ,' LYING ADVERTISEMENTS lu predict any of t hem soci· GruSH r uised with o ut s tln >lh in c is .Ja n ' F:ll c n "I' W I" hingt o n C. II. f1 ~IH') I - \\'\,, 'P 11> ,· t'I"lI,L II I' 111111'" e ty wo uld have luck e d him up in a co lo l'l esfI u nd s ic kly and s o is life ' \'l'I'{' gUI'.8tS of ,'11'. u nd 1\ l l's. fl U' - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - madh uuse for its ow n prote ct io n. with o ut laugh s. I"'llnk W i!.·on S :lI1 da y. Ill' r ,k ,·k . on ,',' :. ' " \:; ' .1 111 '1'1" " ,: • I , • .... I' "( ; : 1:-: un 11 1\' tl I.I:d'l1 \\.I~ ." l~:ld Tw o hundre d y ears ago· th e y - .. - _ _ _ 1'111'. untl 1\l l's. Ca r l Bl a cki'o l'd 1, 1, 1' 1. • i l Ji lla l h- k,Ji lll '111', d i l l e ..",·, The Fede ral Trad e Cu mmi ~s ion hange d men and wl)m e n.'wh o ,o,:cre a n(1 f ami lv o f Mll n 'o\\, Wl'n' bl'I'(' \\'hl' rt, k il l' I 11", \·"·l'll1i <l,..d rIll' I, tl')<1 Ill(' ':lI" '11l ,\ d l. l'Ik ;\. ·TII. · ,". I· , I' "'1' 11' .. I hn ~ tak e n an oth e r s te p toward mel'c ly s us p ec t e d of d o ing th ings S un da y. . \\' h ('11 wi ,,,I- 1" ,'1'<: hl1 ITI' illl!' " " 1' ~ Ill l " n ll \\ an d J ( . ", ! f~I\I' " )irl.., . truth in udv!! l·tis ing. It has oLtain · which ar c Illu ttcrs of cve "yda y ex· 1'1 11' . and Mrs. lI <:'r li "l't S lI e ll (, f th · lI o"d . .\ .. \ d' llll (· k d fr om II promin e nt cigarette per ie n ce noW . A hundre d yeul's l\1ontl' I'l'Y \\'e r l! \\'l'l· k-l' ncl g-Ul'sts All d 1<' :1 \'( " ,': " Il' \\ li il l' !I(·I ,,\\,. :-:1111 1' 11' I!'jo,·(·'· l' il1. 1'\I,·hll, " . "I· manufact urer lhe pro mi se n ut to be f o re thllt the C hur ch was exco m lI f "l!ll1ti vl's lll' n' , ,\ " Ill ll n ' , hall f,·{·1 II", ,:: t, ·,· ·" iUl". I'U' " il'" 11Iixl ' d IJl \ d l l I iI,. ~ ~I se uny lo ng e r a ' l a , ~ of mis le ad_ municuting u nd so m e tim cs exee uBill. Allowed 'I' ll!' J uni fl r ( ' I a ~ ~ II f thl' hiJ.:h I I ,' arl. h('Jp ~; (; . \ ~ lin ... 1 li,:ll t · II :11:1 tn Ore g o nia Britlge Co. , r e pair , (' h (~{)1 ,is R p () n sfl l' i n ~! : ~II 0 1:1, Fi d· Or kn ll \\ ill<' (''''IIIII( ·I'\ ·d k Ill l' : II' .. ! ;\ 11' 1 I I :1\I'd It· d{· · "I I ,\ I lug ~ tule l11 e nts t o . the g~ n e ral tin g m e n f OI' daring . to s u gge st e ff ect th at s moking lis partrculllr s uch things w e r e possIbl e. \\' or k $7.85 ; A. T. Rettig, s U)Jpli c~ dlel' s ( 1".lt eSt ~Il tli " (' YI.n , I hil I''' ' Th l' ha, pi(·, (,f lli l' , h"I'<' ~ h.l l J,,, \\ t·1 I ' I,. , 111 1t ,\ lIi ( I 1:. 1 ,,".: Lmnd o f e lgn r\llt,s p r omo t es S up pose , f u r e XlImple, that $ 1 ::lO; Frank Sh e rw ood Co ., s up - day ('ve Tlln)!;. h'bnl:1I:~ h. Aclml :' . " Iud, 1\ ( ,'I' II ',1'1"'1 " . d 1"\', I, . T h .' ,·:I!!I .. ,,!, ,hl' ~e a ! h ealth .a nd he lps women t o kee p so me ~ n c ha~ . .r epo rted t o .the p h I'S and gns, $ 14.52; Charles s lO,~ Chal'g l's If, :11111, 2:)c. l'l'nl l , \' i llJ,! 1\lI i 111 1111 1" \\;1 """ \1 I s l(' ~<Iel. . . . SpanIs h rn g uls ltlOn ot to th e w lt~ h Bladbury . gas. $1. 33 ; Light P ic II I hl' . Gth lind " t h g ra de ~ g :1\' l: .• 1 Oh, IH' III ' r l lian Ill'l , halll" '"d 111 .11; n . '\ I' r \. 111' \\ ',:, t., 1 I , 1:. I , \. " 1 hl! u(~v e rlt 'rng co ml>lal?.ed o.f find ers o f S al e m t hat a man SIt- Generator Co. , o xyge n burn e r f ull . s pleTiOl d prol!: ranl. at a~scllllJl y I· rl' Sh"lIld - i :, k 1... 111 ·;·th I h,' \\ ;\ \ I': l ' l I! ~ .. I !: l a t 11 III i 11 :!. 1. 1,1, ' ; ! '.\ III was . pu~,t l c ~llur ly tJ a gl'!lnt. Testl· ting in n c h n ir in Ne w Yor~ hutl, $'1.1. :30; Hudl cy' s gnrage , ligh t ~I,IIY 111.11 I' ':.lrl g'. S 'Hlg' hy, fi(· htlc ·1. !I " I 111 11'111<-1 ': ~ b ,", k t h ,· 'lIi ::hlY :-.\ 1'111' 1:- ' · ~ ll. A dalrl s Dru g Stor .... 1lI0n.'nls . s lg n e d by uctl'esses lI.nd In th e s pace II f for t y-f1v.e mInut es, bulbs . $ 1. 20; L. I. P e nce, re pa ir ,Aml'l'Il':l ; d l'vll tlOn l1 l: Kat l.!l' ,·n d('I' p l ilel:, ST IlIotlOn ,PI c tur e sta rs w e r e puLhs h firs t t a lked WIt h II mun In L o nd o n , ,u<iiutor , $ 1 ; FUll1 0u s Auto S up - ( d ay; so ngs 5 th .a n ~ 1 ( ;I'u d (:~ : , And t h, ·I',' ~ h f)lI ld hc' 1ll'1' ~I. I·. ,': e ll ,. I I ed, wnlc h were !~ c m ~lves .un· t~ e n se nt ~ m essage thr ough l he ply C o .. hatte r y , $ 7.!l5; McC lure "~.on g . " f. ~ : .I,. n~·111 .' . ... ;, h o~s ;-\"il til til .. Il l il ~ t hl' r h" I, lia J.!. 11 :' . \ 1. '''1' 1< I. tluthful und wh Ich , 111 so me,u,,' t o al?o lllt ne ar the South P ole , Oi l ('0 . , ga s, $2.5G; P ,'u es Equ ip - 1",III l> Sl ,) " . I "ln~ 1)..I\ 's ,' I III .1 1I .,t l ~1'1 ' \( ' r\' , 1; 1'l'adhlll't, ~a il , , '1' 1,. ".\1 \1 ,., " I':, ',I,'f. f'H I ( I cases, th e s u ~ p ose d uuth o rs had , fr o m wh Ich th e m essage was re_ tnl'nt Co. r e puirs, $G .:ll; Kilpal. a. Llt tiL· U" y '. Ldwln S~lIth .: ~" n," . An d r:" " 1,; ·1' 1" l h,' ~"d " I' , 1" " '1-. 1 ' Th (. !;g h:n ill $.! and th l' ~: al , .. I".' .. I 1.01,.':. ' i.,' " . , .Ii. n eVl'r see n bclore they we re pub· pented to a n l)t h e ~ mlln who w.a s IIt l l'i c k . Fre n ~ h Ml)tor Car Co ., "US , S,hud ows .. ~ l!Il'l s ; \\ h I) s \\ hOI In I' .\In h s hc d, alth ou g h 'they ucc e pt e d that m um e nt flYIng lik e a b"'d a 1" 2 1 1 ' 011 1' 0 CO I'r u"at e d Clll v"e l.t l'e i>ru !l ry, gill s a nd boys : dU1't I 1,1 , ,,1,. II ' . -.;. '.1 ' names. hu ncl~ed mll . e~ awuy a!l d a co up e Co ., c urr o se wers, $75 .60; L ewi s & "L eL 1\1l' l . 'I ~ ~e n ", ' 1 " W lll '~, L't .lImp -' - ~,",I · " 1\ ..I':.,·. , ', ",·"",,1, m o nt' y f o r t IlC use 0 fh t e!r ,,1l' ,I Th e U~ ~I'(' sses , t he CO mnl1SSlOn r c- o f mIl es up 111 the a,r; that the Drak e, ce men t. $3.82; Ede n T e rry u!ld lI uru!d l"lIck(' r: pla~' let lI u l' I·.,' . : 1. 1,,,," , . " .. ::'\. ":' , ' 11 S:(l3!l 0' A T R.tti'g I I·.x:llnl nall u n ~ , g' lrl s a nd iJllY S. v :".\\.,." ',,".1" \,,'111.., p o rt s. w l' l'c n o tcigure ttes mokers lilaninlhe sk Y l'ep h edtot hem esand did not s tay sle nd e r thlough l sug e lind th e mun in N e w Y ork ~ay I I) ' ~ ' " . C' ' . E' B C d, ext F riday morlli ng t he program '." "I,· ' . \ ,.. : ,I " ' h I II ' h . u me , $ 1/ 4.2 5, ha rl es . ra· ' 111 . ' I h " I I It I I NVr.STM EMT 'I , .,, ·, '''. ' I", , , , , · 1 .,1, th C S ill !) k 0 r th e r es p on d e n t ij ha d rc cci ved t e rep y, a III tree bur y , Slim e , $ 150 ; J oe W. Duv is, WI It: g IVl'!1 JY t. C " r( un( . I . ,I' 1" '-' , ,,' , ',. h' I" :<. : " ci~? I·ettes. " . .. quarte rs of an ho ur. ~lI nic, $6:l ; P. B. Mo nee , sa m e , gl'H ~l c s . , , .... , .,1,1"""., I' I I , In truth an d . .'n f a;,t . says th e Witchcruf t! So rcery ! Black $54. 0; Lesli e . hul tz, sa m e, Sl!",'r fl I wom c n at.l C ~1 ded th {'. ~. , ~V E N 'I :; :,-",·,I:: ' ·I·~·I." I ' ~: ' " PHO:-<E 8n :'~a~ (' CommI S~I ? n, ,. he ult.n. un d Mugic! Th e pi ou s auth or ities of $5H.50; P erry B. S impso n , sume . T. A. C on, ~t. 1I11 1 ~ b ~ I·". I" I ' ... " I "" "I .'. I. ", I , ., \lg OI t o m e n, s l e n<~ e l fingule s ~o 0 111' ea rli e r da y w o uld huve s ee n " :'! I .5 0', H o wurd Coo k, furni shin" du y, a s,'. ~ c l ~g<.lt e~ fl om th e \\ 0 111 _____ '01' .I, .. " , 1. ,1."" I ,' "1'1 . 1!1I\l \ · r:YSB RG. OHIO II' nlC l1 lId I' d t o f fl e hI " " C 1 ... :. :. \ ,-.\ . J.I II . ' I , j ' I . 1'1 1I • a . r Ill' 1011 . .'s n the hand iw ur k of lhe D e vil in s uch and loading grave l $2 17 .60' J K un s ' v' s .e agu;-" . ' Ten I.'" I' I. d< II, :. , ;i· ·" I' \\ , i. ull c~ses, WIll not ry ecessanly r c _ a manifes tation a s that which Spe ncer same $58.65' Har'old !l1i·s. Cha ~. Gray, :vIr~ .. ha~. C le ve land Lady G n ' n f' d 1,-- 1,' ~ I " '~.' ,',." I.' I. ~.---------.----" s uit ,11'0111 the S Ill OC ~lIl g of !'r,.es pon huppe n ed o n January 22 nd . wh en 1\1 " rl "! , ' san1e.' $87.75'., Ha r o ld ' G UI'd o n, a nd Mrs .. H() ward G rn ham , P Olln ·l s In T v;< W ee k W i:",." "1:. ·(c·: II " .. " .' , d t b I f c tt « " tid t th F' 3 0 ;:",,,h I'. 11 01 . III I,,,., I'" 01 \" 1.11. '_'<"~ .• ~'~ M~ "~' ·''''''''' ~ 1:' 11 S ram 0 Igu re, e8., Captu in Ra il y ~alle(~ up Lon~on Sweny, sam e , $42.08; E. P. Mil- at I'? ( C . ~ m ~c llng.lI e ' a rl11 Run Down " " ~ II ·. ". III "" .. , I, I ' , . 1. y I Co mpl e te;y Whll ~ev. e. ~ may b e a n~ o n ~ s per· on behulf o f .hls f1'lend A.dmlral ne r, gas, $1.80; Standa rd Oil BUII.:lll Oill Cc 1 hll:, da . . . " II I,, ' ,.. , ~ I .", 1.01, ,, . I· ...'" Ii'" s<,>nlll Idl!llS o n th e s ub.J e ct o f Byrd t o inqUIre what .asslstance Co mpany, gas. $297 . 10', Lee 'f r al·l. M.1. Il nd Mrs . Walk e l and '~1 "" II " .1"",, · 1.11, ''''. I""""., 11\ d . L t · ' IU Il; \ll , II IL:!.l.l!ll."\ : ;I:--Ir' I) tht Lt t h f t l f I f I h Clgl.II·(' (' ~ , I.' lie r em mns . a the Britis h whaling fl eet might el' & B ody Co. , t al lgll tc bracket, a ll1l y live m over r o m t 1(' 1' . ,. I 1:1, 0\ . I.", .\ " ... I, .. . ' 01,' "" th~lr use has become so w e lll1l g~ give in hr ca kin g a wuy thro ugh $1.6G; Maso n Aut o Co., truck re o Rllnd ull [ ur m lind !IT!'. '~n d Mrs . 1""'0\ \\. .1"· 1"",,. 1:.,·,1 . Ii ~nt e rsll.1 ~.hut_ l yn o b~~y uny I0." ge ll th e ic e noes to le t the Antarctic pai r s. $4. 08: Staknl ta Mfg. Co. , M. HI' f Stor 'lrh anr dkf u nlll y ha ve :I::" : :'~·I', ~·,""'." ,-,;, :,· :; :I: ' ':· I _:.~II I\.I ' ~ ,',',',,',','.':' II es . se ll ous. $ 10; G. L e derman. move ( r o m c .u . c.n s pr u)l el'ly 1,, 11 I: I: ., II. " ~, .. ;:","1 ,. II., ' .. . e . occas ~ o n~ ex pl or e r' s r e li e f s h ip get through, 'up pli cs, e ff ol l.s t u punI sh e lth e l th e s c Jl ~ , s th e n pllsse d lh e information on to s lJP plie~ $3 ' Sam e $ 47 0 ' to th c DI'. Ru nd 1l 11 CUlm. . '., ''' "' ' ''' ; .1""., 1.. 11. I I'. ,11.1" th e. s m okc r~. ~~It t~e chllm the Admiral. Yet the n e ws report W oo dro~v. W e i l: S tanlige 'Co., ~up ~ apl. an d 1\11'5. ehas. Gal·nc.r ' (1 :::,,'. 01 ,'.: 111.' 1,/:,:", I : ~ : I~:"~' ,."'. .", t..I!-t c I gurelte- s n.\O kll1 ~ .IS be~e. of this oc currence passed alm ost plies, $ 1. 2 0 ; Bouk s hop, suppl ies. and s o n ? f CO l u m.l: us \~ ('r ~ \~~' l'~' I', ," 1,1 ;11 . 1'111".1'" ,, :1 .. 1"1,,, ;:.1 1. hewl t o health IS nbs uld on I t.~ unn oti ced I $3 58r.. J h 6' n & \V.t C end g uest o f MI S. 1\ l al~ IlI1 c h I:::, :-; , :0 ', ...... 1:,1"" ' 1 ,' 1 , ',"face, a n d t o a tt emp t to uphold h.. b ' ' . .},o, $80 6°. C I s~nBl ok and Robcrt GUl'Iler. II' , I:, " I I,,, , 101 .\ 1 I: II " "" " ., .. , .






(; 01'- 1

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Nearly Killed by Gas

- Dru San ~

i.:_: t~ l ilC'

I I ,.... I .·~.':; . ',' ,.." ,

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News from' Court House

.V nted




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"KONJOlA B.t(T . r.


Ha rve:rs1:urg


Fe rti lizer Comp any


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Mf . l'b


s uc h n cill im by lying "tes limoni. \ f W e tt Ibvet'go t OU\ o f t~~e h a I SPPk Ie. c' bl uk us$20 .anJ a ls" is 1I ki nd o f s harp practice 0. II rl.u. rng s~c m gs ° I F oO rg'd an w h ic h m nkes one w ond e r h ow e Ither. DI.v lll e assIstance <?r the . un or a or an. . repaIrs , mu c h truth t he r e is in the cont en maChll1all on S' pf th e. DeVIl. We . $.1 1. 2 0 ; Penn Mo rton, Jallltor ~erb t f th h t f Vices $70' Jam es Fallen servIces tion t hat m od e rn bu s iness, e spec· oas 0 em. a s ac levemen SO l • . ' . ' .' . ' . : ia ll y "big" bus iness, is conduct- tho human ml~d. But the great· I a s Janrtor, $ 15 , \V. C. Gllmou!, tn· c d o n high el' s tandard s o f hon or est. m e n . o.f sC Ience today affi.rm quest body Of George W. ~11 ~on, thcl.r bell e.f t hat the hum. a.n .mmd $6.9 .0 ; MattI e Gardn.e r , Jamtor. than I't once IJr ofe ·se d. _ _ _ _ _ _ - -- derives Its a 1most Illrmltab 1e se rVIc es , $ 20 ;\V , C . G IIm o ur, po s· po we l' f rom sOll!e 'So Ul'ce which I tage, $5; V. W . Tomp ~in s, pa y e expe rIm ents ha ve not I' r oll , $ 130. 10; F. M. Co llms , sam e Th e d ll min e I'ing man re pu lses a ll· Iof th d " J78 40 Ed T $383 others. while the don.inating man d ISC ose . .. . ; en erry , snme, .. W e are performing n ew mira· 10. attracts th em.


'. '


Th ere ar c ~cve nl l cas('~ (, f l!: l' ipp in o ur co mmunit y. _ _ _ '

~ :,,;::.',' ..,,'I 'i,l, I i~ ,. : :,,~., "",:.;1,'.',"" , '1 ;. ...." I





.. '.; Re v.

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Mo rgan

" . 11 ", ,, 1,, .,1 1 " ~ ' · " .I.I1 I1 II I .I'" , ' " ,.. I'" 11.,". T. i- I. II " " \ , I ~I , .. 1:'"11dIlL'" I I::' I' " H'1I11 ;:11', ,-l I"I':JII I 1111 , '1 " ' 1111 .. ,· 1\'; 11 11;\ ,\Li lt",!" " r.e 1:1:111, \\, ,, 11<.· 1'. \" .:, I:II, ;: " , .". 1·',,,,,1<1 1,,. 1',·\\,, ",1"1 ,,1.. 1: "",, 11 I . • HI".I<. 1"1,111 :" ;:" ,,1. 1\1' .. ". " 11 ). t ' . 1',' 111", t ." '"". ~ I " 1' , I:1"·.' ,, I." 1'1.-. J;l r."\\ ·'", ld" \\',, "" i"'; I·'" I v,''''' ' (' . ,III " I"" . " " lI f", "I I ~L \I·:'::1!o I 11111, ,1<. " """",'. .\i' . I ~. :,1,',; I:" h" l P ho n e 9 3 . \ " ' 11 11 , · . 1" '1 1>11111'-. 1', " " ",1\ :1111 0 . :1 11 1 1:,,1 ,,·· . ,:\ Ina ·'le J\ II l i l l . ' , \, ,, I ~. :.11:. : 1:' '' '11" ,, " ~ "" ". I' ""I, ' ';. 1"' 11 '1» 1.. ""1,, \\ II I" " , ,,,oJ ,. Ih .• 1 '1"1 " , /'1 11 .\' ~I . IIII c.1 "II 11 11 II, ., I1 1II day "f I). , ""d ,,·,·. I ' I ~·' . ril.olloi p , . • , : - ' - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- ,, ·. 11 II , I I, ,, " " 1""' 1' " 1'1 . ,,- I' " " l ,dllll " "",I I" , III ,· ,., " "" ,., \,"1' , -..Wiii~lMlIlI~~W£i:'Z!ll'''.VI'lilW.r~ " ." ;1 ,, 01' I,liI,,· ;;'''1I, d, .!,·j' 1IId". " ~ ,,j, ,. t I' " ." : II.~ ,· . II <1:1'l t .. ;111,1 ,lb· , ' <' . I" '"~ . :,-. ;.:" 1I""i "II. "".. 11, "1 11.· 1- I ii ... " II ' !I , ( . ... , ,,,, ,, I, • lO r j ill 011.1 1\ ! t!, 01 ill l ' 1, .. t til l b . ( " l 1,, \\ I"" d. ,, ·,,1 . d I' " I .. 1: ,1 . . 1"' \\' 1l' >' 11" " 1,' '" III· T,, " 11 ,.1" 1) ,, ' 11' :11 "" . ' " II 1,·. ",, " '01 , "f II ,11'" .1,,11 .·' , I, .\1

o f X en ia

wa~ th ~ wcek.e nd gues t o f C ha: .

D C 'TV A SON .L.. . V e erlnarla

\.: Di ll Ilnd famil v and attend e d ('hurch her c o n Su nd ay m u r ni ng. . d' Mrs. Iia Mc Ka y .I S .pe n mg a few days with h cl' m oth el' and s iste r III \Vilmingto n. . MRS. WILLIAM ARNDT '11' Dodd , 1·holl1ao.~ Co lll· n"...,· (,.f n ~, ~ \\'a ~ h er e o n • untla y . " Koni " la lUlIll'd out t o b th (' Tw o Ill ovi n g s pn ssl' d t hro ug h I e~ t ill\:e~ lme nt [ han' ' \'('1' mad ," J • I ' • ' I ~O) our littl e Gr ove (Vi i Ia ~.., ) on f<:.l1 tl ~Ir R . \\ Il lr ll m ,\ r nd t . . \.I.J _ Wl" t 2~,l t h s tl'l' N . (' 1t·H ' land. " I S unday m or nin g. H omer Wi ca l a nd fa mi ly wil l ha\' (' ~ I)(' nt o r r ath r \\'lIs t ed. , . . I' 1 01 11 ' 1" , a lld Ii I t " " II .ilH I d .;, I II,,- d m ov e in a f ew du ys to Cl f u rll' n eal' Olany a d o lla r tt' Y ln~ t o fl n <il" P l pf , I ! 10 11" wc. \ 1"1 111 ' 1:..;·ll t \ ' .... 111 ~ I tr' ... Lumbe rt on . C lint on Co . t' 11I 1ll indig- e~ti lln un<l it ~ pain s , hu t .. I 1",. .1. 1,. 1",· ..' .. 11 10;111 ::1 ". \\' . 30 Y e. !' ~ E ~ p e l'i ~ n('~ in F :tt in g A . B, T a lm age, wife a n d s i ~ tc r no t hillg' hel ped n1(', I Wi.l!i := 0 ~ i ~ k j ,;~;~~~t. : ' I~, .,/ I :~'~~ I //1 '\\ ; ;',:~ "1/ ~"~~ /llllt \~ . I a nd :\1 : ddl1~ \ ;I II H~ e ' .J e~:; h~ we l'c L eba n on v i s i t() r ~ on :1rd llliH'l'ahlc all ove r that I d ll\... "Iii ... "" " \\ 1.1, . , ,~, I " :o I . .1 "11 1\,,: -, at-Sa t urd ay: rt, l ca re wheth e r r lived 01' not. ' 1:,·111 \" ,, ·1, T ill " I' lh . "1,,, 111 I\\,,, nlld nln · " .. II' 11,,1 : ,,,,, . • ~" II, r, ,,.,, III, 1"\\'11 y' J ew e l~ Tl," ) Seve nt ee n . a t t e nd e d Ithe Cotta ge M\'. .' y. t c m \\nto ~ cOl1lpldc ly · , f \ \ : , ~ I I " ~ 'I II" ~ I I: "' :l l d l ,, 11 1') 1\' , :l[l d J I ruy er m ee ting a~ th e l o me Of. Mr clo wn, nnd I . wa s wl'nk Ilnd tire d 1 t; I)':"" .'" II" . ·. III"I " !!II" I' M'" .. Evc,y T uesrl a y, T hu ,"d~ y , and Mrs. C has Dil l o n la st Fl'l da y · out a ll th e tlllle . I II ,· ,.1:" .' l' .. I ''''01 1" ·\ ,, I"n j , ~nl e ve ning,the m c etin<> WII S c a n. "ro l'tun .,'ll c l",} t he m (,a n '.\' . in. 1p1. :1r 1111 .. " " I' ",11 01 '. ,0\ " ' Ia l" I h al Sa t urday ,... la 11111 f l !'- ti l l . " '!" I 1, / " t , . 1' t l ' h I 'II No chnt· ~(' for Exan, i n a ti an du cted b y th e Rev. C. E. Mo rgu n c1 0 1 ~c m e n ts tha t I r end o f K OI1J ola I" , . \. 1111 1' liI ,>[ 100 al li i rf "l:" o f X e ni a, Ohio. ItHJ· nl e t o try th is Ill cuil'in c. To illY I1fl\ '· :t , tI. \ I' t' .·· .nflr lll i : L.:. II " ,1" ' :; 1" \'~ J . L ep T a llll a"'e wife a nd so n o f astoni 'hm cnt I bp""" ll n t o f('(:1 11\,· " 1\;11',·,, "I Ih .· ,,'" II." III ~, " I " ,.. ~ ::i, . r.,d,:-'la l " H"!"t l " ll l l l I s: d ,J t "' II . Soulh Le ban o n w ('re Saturd ay hette r \\'lthll1 a w c <,k. I n t wo w ce k g II" ,, : II"d f,, 1' "",' 1, .)11 ,,·1' "" .1 rll,ll" r ----~~~:_:::_--::-:~::--:::::-::':'.nig ht and S und ay m orning g uest s 1 ga in ed ten po und s. My digc ~t i" n 1, 11" f II .' t, Jll >1. ' ·" 1111,,101, ' ""d o f his hom e f o lks he r e. illl provpd I'ap i d l ~· . an d I wa s 1'1'.'1~ I ' ''I' . I ,,:-i I .II "; :l " " ' I ' JI , \ 1ll ,1 \\ ill I L 1 R. J. Murray and wife IV r e s timulated an d invi j!ol'll te d gene I" ",),.II " ,,,"1",,,. III:" ,10· " . 1"", 1" I I • • 1':: Sat urd ay ni g ht gu e~ts o f Miss a ll y. After a ~ ix \\' ee k' ~ tr entlllcnt, ",i " '" '11" ,,. " .,,, I". ,' t h.'·; .' " " ,. NOTAR'( F UBUC \' ' ·Y VI'11 e. ' g IJette r t ha n f o r man~' 'p l "d I. , ,1' ;-0.\ ., lh · 1 , ,' M ny J..~ ar Ian a t i l 'IC.;O I llIll fl' c I m 1"1. " ,. I I,. 1> 1 .I .• ' ' l \ 1.111 .. ,\'I, .' ,' I' I'. Mr. a nd Mrs. Sh(' n na n F e r r iR y e" I' ~ . A~I t ~ i s splendid . Iw alth I .. ,. .1,, 01 " ",, "' 1 ",: 1 I... I,ll" '. ,, '. " I o f Lovc lnnd s pent ~und ll Y aft e r . O \~· (' t o Ko n Jola , ~,nd 1 lI .d u r :'l' It Ih III 'l'II ' ~I. I " ~1. ~f ~ I.-.;': .,. ,:o; E. t ate. S e ttl e d noo n with Mr . lind M I's. Alm o n With n'-' 11l~' h ('~: rl. .. . I' la ll" r r ' W il l Dr a wn Ferris . K OI1 .1 oin n so ld I II \\' a y n ('~v li l4' :-=11" ,\ 1, 11 1l l\.o j ; r,,\· ft , , • • I' a:, . II fl l d !!, Brow f r al A ,! a m s Dru g S iore, and by a '-' .1 I ;,,', . ).' (,, 1' t' ''''Hllfr . M Wayne llv ill . . Oh i" ary . n 0 I~e~r 'e rn' the 1)1', 1 d l'llt.:~ i s t ~ in a'-' t o wn s. s pe nt Thul s d~ y nnli Fl'lday w ith 'hro 'j.!1l11Ut I hi s cn tire s rct ioll. ~ ~ pi inl ~· O UI · <: ,lil' h id " Mrs. Ca th e nn e .J o rd a n.


OLP ~1

,@>-S;g_.. Spe;c:~ !ist

~_ _- - - - - - - - _ - -.......- - -.. , . " " " " " .




_· 1


--- .- ..._--

Printed Stationery Sale Bill. Booklet. Statement. Weddings Personal Cards In fact anything to be printed

Th e ·Nntionu l Asso ciation of Merchant T ail ors announc e that a man can dress we ll on fr om $5000 a yea r upward. In th llt pronun ciamento many ~ hi o <ln ~ espec ially the muc h reli eved farm e r~ "will agree. By ma king th e old J ea ns over ugain, Gnd lIt1mi ni$te r. illg a f ew p atc hes, s cwing up the rip in the ove r a ll s. find wea ring the fr o ck coat , p u rc has e d f or the w e dding 10 Maw 2 5 yenrs ago and mak in g it cove r th s hiny spots on the S un day go·to·me eting trouse r s the Ilve rage Ohioan ca n mak e t hat $5000 a yea r cove l' the wardrobe co m fortub ly.


Use The Gazette as a means to advertise your wares; its circulation reaches immediate homes where advertising does the most good for you.


-. - ~--

DON'T yoU 7

I wish that \ve could li ve' the old day!! overJust on~ more; I wish t hat we co ulcl hit t he tl'alI' together----;As of yore, Say pall the yens n'r e slipping by With many a dream and many a . s lgh· SO let.' s chum together, you and I Just once Plore. .................................................. ' ..... ! •••••••••••• , ••••••••••••



Veterinarian F ou rteen Y cars of EXPER IE1\CE




------------._----·-- :DR. t . B. HALL

G le nn Davi s a nd fumily B ert PUBLIC SALES B oglln s pe nt Su ncl ny with Cha u ncy Bunne ll and f:l lllily n eu\' Wil y n es· vi lie . W . H . M,,(fil ..... .... .W c d , F e b . 19 S her man F e lTifl wife anti dnughte l' l\1i ~H Lu(' ile \\, pr(! ~ h o pp ­ h: \'e d l' c:,It 'd t n ~1' 1I li t puh lic in A' in Lehano n o n ~' lltuf'(lu y. W i_th Cepen d a ' le au :,: ion at Jll~' 1"I '!'" id en cl', f1n what Mi s~ Mo (It'nill P nw t' 11 s pent is kn own a s t h,· I' I' IT\' \V (' 11<.: r r um and Vin.. s ~e\'el'll l days wit h he r b r o_ far111 lit th e SUl!:al' ('I'cl:k h I icl :':l!. t he ,', lind si st£' r-in.l a w, Mr. and :1 l11i l (' ~ E a sl nt' Ce n t ,·l'\·ill, : • .~ . ins u resbo lh SafeMr ~. Log an P o we ll. m ilt·s \Y cs t o f Rr Ilbr ll,lk l ~ III iI<, ty a nd Sl!cc ess Hurry Thomll"" n , I{ . E. Tho m p- 'o uth of Whi te 's COl'r,\>r . :1 mik " so n . M. M. a nd W . H . T e rry w('r c No rt h o f F er ry Il " t ht! WiI1lli n!::- I in Harveysburg a turd ay after- Io n a nd D(I~·-t .. n pike , on noon. Me nday , F e bruary 17, 1930 Rob ert McKa y, our Sunda~' i3 fit 10 :00 n. m. th H a rv eysbul' g . O. , Sch ool sec retary r e port~ 26 at · f ulloeginning wi ng pro pll rty I unday I Sunday School on la st Or e pall' Mul es , ] G hel\ <I D ai r y Ph one 31 mornln'g , Cattle, a ll T .. B . t ested. 2 lIo zen ~ ..------ I i Re v. C. E . Mo r /:a n o f X tl n\n .. .·I I·bl oo d ed Wh ite Rock hen s , ~ - . - - .-- - - -- - .-. - - .._- and Chas . Dill o f thi s p lace fav- Harness, Fa r min g I mJl l eme llt ~ . ored us with II heltu ti tul d uet :o rn Husk er, T on Tru c\~, Bla ck . ' ~-~''l2~'1II.I!III!III.IIIIE5Dmmr.: "God is ~ \I11 o n HI ~ Thr one ," a t smith '1' nols . H () u ~e h o l(\ Go od ;; lin d I .~ church Sunduy mornin g. l1lanv I11 bc(' lI a n ec) ll ~ 1I1'\Iclcrl 7 Harold McKIlY a nd fnmlly epen t T e rl11 s mude know n on d"y uf I I S und ay afte rn oon In WilmIngto n , alt'. TIM BARTON R ES ID E NT ~ I ul'l l n &, .•-tanl e y, Au ot, AN EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS W a lt e r Hibba rd . Cl erk .

Don't He8itate to Page Us if You Want Anything in Our Printing Line, Such as



E. Frost

P hone 76F4 W a ynesv ille. Ohio --~- ·- ·

Dr. J0 hn Ltett e'



r w ill >le i! lit p ubli c l.Iucti ll n a t II P ERMANENT LOCATIO N n1\' r esid en ce on a rd st re l' t. ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Wa y n esville, on • I \' '' "l' Cattl e, hog~. ~ Ii!' c p an d ca lv PH Saturday February 8 , 1930 LEBANON, OH IO ' " t\ (O rr is-Drod: ('0 .. Iii" wire an d '1 'l'll j.( I ·f' ~S1\· i' fi l111 f('r h e hif,d1e?t At 1 p. m . I All illY hOll ~e h (l l d goo d ~ . T Cl'm~ Eye . E xa min ed '11 :1 ' h, t ;'1' l' , ,n.; 1.:' ,t! .,('" ·ice. Cl\ ~ h . I G !a .. c . Fi t t ed R epairs '.I" iu " S la c k y ,, ;·u •. Cin~ i "na t i , O. GEO . PRA TT 1I.imlill• • •EIIII!:III'lIiIlDII~~Gi7'AI · :: d" ':"'l1Cl': ,b h; f; I' ~1 111 :1n you Ille et W . N. cu r s, Auct . :: -_ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _.... _ r ... ,....-________ ._ __ _ _""

19 N Broa(1way


A R I am g oing to q ui t f:.ll'l11 in ~. T w ill offer f or ~ al ~ at my pre mi s e!', 5 mil e . E. o f Wayne s\' il1 e, 3 m iles N . . E . o f Ol'cg oni a: 1 m ile S . E . o f Bri e l' Patc h choo l H o us e,



~I ,.'


I , - - - - -- - - -- - --

F. T. Martin I Auction . . e . s

11I 1

on Thuraday, 13, 1930. Beginning at ' 12:00 o'cl ock I sharp, t he foll owing pro pel'ty : FOlll' H o r ses, 3 hend Cattle. 20 Hogs , Farming Im plemen ts, corn See ' Ua Early for Yo~r S;ie La te ", . V;' J " Oats, liu y and Fodder. bill ed Oats Satisfar •.jon or C lsrg ~thing. traw, 70 White Leg born H ~ ns. 8 R oosters, Unito In cubalor 130 egg capa~ ity.. . ., See bIg bIlla f or partrculars CttARLES KIBLER j Martin & Stanl e y, Auct. Phone No.2 . - -- C Subscribe for The Miami Gazctte' -------.-~-'-


Centerville, O.




t: 'l(





f OI,sl

J~ rJ~PJ1~/': '-=-==, -,;== ....=::;: .. :-=t!




The purchase of the Burton Restaurant , by Maynard Weltz.



ll '

:\1.111' L Ilh CJI '(11'<1 . 1(!11\ t c',1;'lIl;,l III · inl'iul1:tlJ. I




ll:Lttil!l~ · w 'n.


r.tu, Belle Dinwiddie ahd Pal.l1

I\vnge of Waynesviijo '~ere Sun· day dinn r guests of Mr, and rtlu Fl oyd . Dvnge and family. Mrs. Mu r y armon~' in conwan)l wilh 1\11'. and Mr . W. F. lurk of


For St.·Valentine' 8 Day Gi\'e

Artstyle Cbocolates Nothing takes the place of Candy in speaking the I.:.. nguage of love Chocolates the fa vorite

Waynesv ille s pent unday with Mr. a nd Mr. . . W. 'Younce and tiaug-htNs in Da ylo n. :'tI l . llll ll :'\11~. ' [) "I' 11 .'·IlHH1 lind ~11' 8 .•' o hn Hill of Richmond is !<() II ~II('nt :-, Ilc!ay ill CiI1<'inI1Hti. mak ing' an exte ndcll \'isiL wilh her daug'hlel', M r~. " th Furnas and '1 1('111\' WCli11bl'd i~ ~p l'l1di n ~ th' family. Artstyl~ will 1'1 '\Ii h Il'hltil'l'~ nt ll lj!'t' I" - ' lIlrs. A lI('n Emrick, IIII'll. hal'\ "" II, I llcl , les lark, !Ifill 1\11', a nd 1\11'5. \\'uller Ke nrick were Dayto n vis i , \\"nlhl' 11 11 !i,'leI ll~ a pos iti('ll lo rs Thurs da y. f0 7 ilh I h,' " I,' 'a ll I' uflli,:hing' Artstyle Heart-Shaped Boxes . 7~-lb. SOc & 65e Mr. lind 1\11·s. Albert tacy n_ 1' 1I 11Y. ill 11:1 ),1 "11. tc rt aincd t o a fumil y dinner Sun Artstyle H " "1-lb .$1.00 '&$1.25 day. ,\I I·s. 1-'. I ':~ Th "l11!!> ~ I H ' l li ,':lIUI'i\I ns. \Vurn' n 1\ nrick of Roule till I' I\ith :\11, :lIlrJ i\l r~. 1': l'vl'I' ll Artstyle Red Box , , . . 1-1b $1.00 " ~ p c nt Sun day nflcl'noo n with TI1'. ll1n , III' 11:\1' 1<111., I Mrs. Geo rgi unna Ji aines. 4ge Maxie Cherries, full pound 1 I MI'. and MI·s . Glcn n J ohns and , II'. li nd :\11':<. 1• .1 . ( : ra\, lind I chi ldre n o f Dayt o n sp e nt S unda y dUIl)!'h 1'1' W( ' ll' '·UI, > I,r l'I,iaLil" '''1 Town Talk Fruit Creams 1-lb 49c wilh Mrs. Mnrg'IU'c t ,John s and ' " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " , in VI''' nklin "Il SUl1dH.I·. g'UCRt. Mi s~e;; E Vil lind E t hel Ree der, We will send it to her wherever she may be, .\1 1'. I:. ( '. lI "dsl'''K :11l .! I\lt' ~. George Re edc'r and Mrs, El'Get your Sale Bills Printed at the Miami Cazette (,I' J\ l ilf '1'01, n . It' ~ll" d tl\· j.(lJ c' s ls ur lle!ol l A rchdchcnn utt'IHle d tlt e ~I ". I-: d it lr IL ,n I ' alld ralllll\, . ArtnCI) Bund o ncelt Ilt Middl e I t(l wn Su nda y uflernoon. 1" :11'.. 1(,111" la ' t" i\1 iss l\1ur y I~ vn I' I'Ilfley o f ~!I'I ·I. lIa ll I ...- 1'1\ ''( Tlll',duy. 1'01' , ('OlllI1IUUS is s IH' nciin J{ this w ee k "I'>(' '':llillll .111<1 11'< '01 1-111 1'111 , I wiLIt Iw r co u!<in. MI'~. Margaret Of All Kinds I J o hn s, \ ,r1, ' ptill'" Ulld :l 1"'1I1 11i l'ul lillc' I MI'. u nci ~1r ~. hurl es Guitne r 'I f " \( ' 1 \ d a\' ,'aId ... at (' ; ll'\,' :-l of Mi a mi s hur g' \\'('1'(' TUl'sda y vi ~ i Funny Ones -- Pretty I '. ' j,l, ~ ' ~h ll P: L. ,I , l lltllll. Uh it, .. . n rs o f ;\lr~ . Kl' s lcr Gmhulll , Mrs. SUSIlIl Snvltlr \VII S Ii w.eekOnes ·- Lovely enes :\11'. :lIld :\1 " H, I I. lIal't ~ "d, (, 1ll1 gUl' s l ,,1' M 1': and M I·~. RlIdd all d 1':111111 :.- ')I"n ' .' lIn d a ,\' II ilh ~I I' , Say lor and s o n lit W esL ClllTolI _ Any Kind You and ?>JI ; ( ', ":. 11""lh,,ral!l' , Ill'il l' Lo n. l tt · I.~nt\I:t. Want S ·vcrnl fr um hf'J'c at tf'nd ed th e I' 'v ivu l s erv ice HL Mt. H o lly SU Il · 1.1",l' ci IJ:" i< \\' )1 1' tHI ' C' n tn :\lc_ 1 day eve nin g. , (' ll l lal1 It '~Plla l SlIndlll ' 1'''1' an Mi ~s B e rnic e Graham wn s a "Pl'''11 ilO ll flO I' tlJI)l l·llCl il'lt i-. The S lInduy dinn!'!" gUl' ·t uf Mi ss Ru t h lall'-l II ',,"I·t i~ l ha l hl' i" g'c!LiIIJ,: Enl'ly . :' I III1~ :r ; \\ 1'11 '" ('all bl" I'xpC'C'lell. 'Iar'ence HUI'I1I c l and f a mily will m ovc to Will BergclaJl's farm a s :suo n !Is i t is vucated by Walter PUB Ie S ALES Frienllood lind family 11'. and M r s. Ke'~ l er Graham r.hrli . & Stan' y Snlc D. ~ e. anti Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Jones at tl'ndcd the fun era l of Mrs. Grah10',,1.. I Ii 1\larll,,, 1.1l''',' . !! ll1iles anI's unclc Johnny Cleve nge r at l\" I'Lh " r W;'I· n l's \,illlo. lhe U . B. Church nt Springboro 1'\ ·1.. Ii I I. C. ' 1.;: tl,', :! I" ill' ~ S. S undny uftel'noon. Phone 120 Waynesville, Ohio It's a dil'ty, l11enn job. That's why :\".\\., Blll')in ~to n ----.--1\11'. and Mrs. Lo\velJ Thomas , F(·h, 1 LI .n. 1 -: . <':.11' .<,s . :! Illil ('~ S. FI;l rk I.\,ryrl \ \'. i" hr. fam ous a..rchi: o f Middleto wn are now e m pl oyed - with h igh_grad e n e w Goodyeal's Cia I k,' villl' :~,' . "1 ,( ",, ,Jr1 ~ Illa l J~ , i :;:", ha w pro- at th e Lytle E levator. Mrs. so 10w-pl'icl'd--moRt people l'eplnce r'\, Ir.· I I ('u; I Pi c (( C' l'ing . 2 miles dll~d « I:IIC (\ 1 till' ·wClr:d'.' most Illter.. 1' holllas U>I book-kee per; tlhe ~~~~~~~_ _ • _ _ _ _!'--!"'!'"'"~_------..,--X. E . C,'lllt;rvi ll e. eSli'l~ Iot:,j.( Jl -, has h~c ll I, 'l/!l'li by position vacated by the death of = 29x4.40. $6.30 old tires thut have rea c hed the F'II. l l! \\' . ;\1. Cou k, at Re d Ihe ;,r,ci P I1! CIl tH,, 1t f"S1 -~lar h: _ -inha s . .John s. troubl !Som e age . This aves ex· -30x4.50 • $6.90 l.i o l1 . Ihe- BII" 'ry i\ cw York . III bu rld Mr, Ro bert Burnet was tendered F e lt . 1:1 - Il!I~. Kibler, Ii m il es S. "parll ,le nt hn ll ~ ~ ' wilh g-Ia 5 wall s 0 :1 a Rurpris c On Tu esday evening of pen!'c Ior Jluncture , avoids delay~ 29x4·75 • $8.35 E. Wu yn c' Rvi li c . prupe rt,' .. WI:C,( by th ch urch . A~ las t week, remindi ng him of his a nd da ngers. orne in and s ee 28x4.75 • • • 8.20 , F h. 1·1 >rhen Barnett, 'mile ~lr . Wrighl', clraWlll!!. shown hele, ill- birthday. T hose who e njoyed the I ,'. B IIbrook. <I i s . Ihe \\' ;: 11 5 will bl' o f plate f' t a~s, uccnsion were: Mrs, S . H. Burnet, thesc hand ·ome. hus ky Pathfinders 28x5.25 _ • • $9.90 FI"Il, I ii' - M r . R. J. The obo ld, 3 a drn iltill~ r,'CI')' p()ssiblc rill' 01 light. MI'. and Mrs. Ca lvin Longacre a nd - v!llu es IlInd c possible by Good_ mil e'!' N . E. :tHing-boro. Heal'), cllrtains 1\ ill in~n rc prIvacy. . ~o n Virgil Lee, Mr. a nd Mrs. RusI"e h. 17- Tim Bartt'ln . :1 mi les W. ,ell Burnet and c hildren, Mr. and yen l" world le aders hip in sales. Big k. Mrs . Oral Surface a n d childre n. II F nI)." Jlbl'l1l, I H- I 'n ile .~, S ptinj.! Valley :'> 11 s . Ru s~e l1 Be n Ho n and lilli e Mrs. C. W. A lbrig h t !lnd Mrs. I Fe b. l !I-- \\' . . latll, I ~ mile :o n hav e l'etu1'l1ed to thci)' hom e Ralph Stowe and da ughter were Wu y nC'_I' il lc in IC' I'e lan d a f te r a vi it with Friday guests of Mrs. Kesl e r $5.85 30x3Y2 F b. :! (I-- E1' n l·~ t lI ull, 2 niles •. 11'lali v s he r e. Graham. $9.40 3lx4 •• Kin g man. _ _ _ . - .-. ---;;"'" __ , 1\11', and Mrs. Ed ~ngnere F ~ L. _1 - ,' iC' ,LC! !Ianti h . 4 lIlill! ~ !II "-~ s pe nt al urd ay in Dayton and • 10.10 ~2x4 were accompllnied home by their N. WIlYll ':;v ill . \ ' ian hUl'ch sa le daughter, Mrs. Melvyn Swank and 32x4Y2 ••• 14.50 \ F ' mb. F~2e'II'Y,' 111:: blmiles N . WU Y ll e~ • chi ldre n . who s pent t he w e ek - end .• I·illl'. • with them. 1 'I F ,11. !.!1i -- AI·g u ~ ay lo r, 3 miles . ----Mr. Warren Kenrick a nd daughW, Uellh]'(\ok. I i\ l rH, eh.aries 11 IHI r so n and t e r Margaret and Mr. n nd Mrs. SOc COODYEAR F ' u. 8 11 L , \y , Fnu lknol'. 2 mil es chlldlcn <)j nea l' Lebano n s pent Walte r Ke nri c k Ilttended the Carefully Mounte", Guaranteed I,: , .li am i ~ h : ll'l!'. Sunday wilh hC'Y' falher 1\11'. Joe Armco Band c o nce l·t at the High TUBE REPAIR iVlnrch I .\ lllddl'n LUlllb 'r Ya rd l\ Ial'ia t t. Sc hool auditorium at Middletow n for Life Backed by Our Year Lal /!"I' : lll(' of :'I I I' . l ad tl e n's T he Laui es Ai.J will m e el Thul's Su nd ay afternoon and also called ," 10 'k, inl)r l" nl ' n t~ an d s ale of ' day F 'u I'ullry (ji al th e h omc of o n Mr. C harl es Thirkield at the Round Service. lu mb e r. 1\11': . E nll' l son Dill. Middlelown Hos pital. rr yc,u al e g n ing' l.1 make sa le I Mrs. Frnnk Da kin a~ d Mrs. The fu.neml of ~ h arles J ,? hns ,. ~.T'&R I ~n d r elll l,\' w ish to g-CI t h e mos t Jl erue rt MUI:latt, s pcnt Satu rday , he ltl at hIS late I'cs ldence, Fnday irs' t1ol l al'~ ,pc u . . Sal is l'a ' lion 0 1' no aft ' I nn un WIth l\-ll'~ . Free man of i aftel'n oo n, was attended by a IlCll r Old Tow n . large concourse of relatives and ehllrj.!L'. F. T . Mn rt: n & J . Stnnle , 11'5 ., Euphemia .Tom s is sp e nd- friend s. Mr: '.Johnn s wa s a high ly Auctio nee r . y I H I cw da ys WIth ~e r so n a~d res pec t!'c! CItizen .. of Lytle, w here Cenl pJ'villl' . U h j,) !' IIone !Jw. New lamtly, Mr. and Mrs. Em e rso n DI ll he had lived fo!' .~4 years , and 30 l:Iul'l iTlJ{t.o ll Plw n c ;!;! O and so n I3l l1 y. .. years of t hat t Im e had a groce!y , Mr. and Mrs. E l vlc Michael a nd here. Some of thoHe from a dl s Di ~ ,'nIlLilluili/!' fll rmin /!, I will i dn ug ht.el· Dor:ot hy, ~1rs. F l o.l'e~ce tan~e. IVh,~ attended the Cunerlll ~t;11 al l 11l~' sloek , fl'c'd anrl iml)le- BlIIIHII ~I, MI S. H e lbert Marlatt we l c. MISS Mary Eva Franey, l1lel't ~. Lot,tl t ed ~ m iles N. E. and MIss. C IIl I'a Daughlers s pent Co l~m bu s ; Mr. C has . Evans, C n 11'1'\'i 11 (> Oil I h" n l.' llbl'oo k and I"llday With Mr. and Mrs. Curl Sp nn g Va lley; , Mr. Chas. Eva ns A'I xll n rl " I'l'illC' pike , !I m il es S. Wlll·dlow . . Albert Hanli n, Bl~nchester, Mr. Da,l'l o n <) n lhe l!:. S . R<,ynolds ~I,rs . Clare n ce . !'aweord IS an~ Mr~. L~e Hawkllls and daughn Ull I' hlnl on dnvlI1 g a ne w WhIpp et and Mr. t e l, Wlilml1lglon, Mr. a nd Mrs. , ' , . lifford Smith ' is driving a n e w Abe Cook, pringboro, Mr. Will -- I Tue~day , February II , 1930 Grahalll l' uige. Hunt and so n, Blue B a ll , Mr. aud it IkJ{ l nll inl!' a t 10 :3 0 II. m . MI'. li nd Mrs .. EdwlIl'd Burto n Mrs. Israel SatterthWaite, Mr. and 011 ' 11':11 llul·,'c . iYCIIl'g old we le ca lle ci home on the account Mrs. Glenn Johns a nd c hild ren and I bJ'tI\\,1l ~ l lIl e 7 years old o f the clea lh o f Mr. Burton's Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Mr. Harry bo t h !'I' a I onf'S; ,Jc rscy Cow ; :30 ~ L'andl11 other. John a nd so n K en n eth, Mrs. hCII~1 f Ihll'lrc hogs, e ligib le to MI'. a n d 1\1[I·s. harl es Ling and Chas. thlghes , Mrs. Belle Coo !'C/!'lstCl' ; I'mrl tr',\' : l'c p, flll'm so n Lawrence l; pcnt Frici llY Ilnd a nd daughter Miss Bertha of Day_ ~ll1pl e lll l.' nl~. 701) bu. /!,o orl corn, aturday in Da y t o n. ton. JO II hu . ~o rt c rl l'l'l'd ( ' M il , tes ted MI'. Wi lliam Da ug h ters of MI'. a nti MI·s. Raymond Roberts h~' ~nllllt .' Jlg"'nl, HII Ye llow C lar- Co lulll bw; call e d o n his !lister Miss and so n, so u th o f town were ten· Ug'l' . ~ll lJ l " 11 :1)' :," r1 Il o use ho ld Clar a Dallg'hLenl Saturday aftcr- dered a farewe ll ' pllrty Friday l!o i" I ~, ll l)OI1 . eve ning by friends, a nd .l leighbors Lunch 1\11'. and Mrs. C l al'(~ nce craw- I'a s they will soo n be moving to Lil "' l a l '('{'!"I n " CAR L P ICK E RING for d and chiltlre n, and Mr s. Ne,w- F:nnk lin . The eve ni!,g was spe nt 1\1;rl' tln & Slalll"y" A uct. lo n C rawf o rd spe nt S unday With I With cards and dancll1R' and lun c h l hei r bro t he l' a nd fami ly, Mr. was served to the fo ll owing: Mr. - --Oll'i flg' t I, t h" I l'cent d eath of 1I 0llle r Crawford of Brown Co. and Mrs. Ea rl Shinn, Mrs. Stur_ m~' hu sb;rnci Jo:. 1' . Lacy, 1 will ___ . key a nd so n , Mr. a nd Mrs. Jacob se ll my fal'll1 ill ~ imp le ments and R eeder and family, Mr. and Mrs. hou l'hnlrl l.!'uIHI R. L ucated on NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT C. L . Duke, Mr. and Mrs. NewChc'nOll'elh Lalle 2 I,~ m il es N' I ----. berry and son, Mr. and Mrs. W. of \V!l y nc~ v ill c 011 ' Estate C'f Ma ry A. Gustin, d e- Harry Forlyce and family, Mr. I Saturdny Februnry 15 1930 ceased. and Mrs. ,WJng,lewich and i Bcg innil; g lit 1 m ' I Notice is hereby g iven that W. dren, Mrs .. George Reeder and On e Kencl'II l pu~ os'e mare 1 O. Gustin has been duly appointed daughter, MISS Eva, Mr. and Mrs. ~ar" 1 milk cow Chic kl'~s farm 'im and quali fied as Administrator aiM Sam ChdarMleton, Mr, and Mrs. p i 'l11f'nl ~, 'l nu ls. bUla-ne dn out: the Estate of Mllry A ', Gustin late r. an rs. James McDonald , til, ~ L(Illlll (,l'. s('vcnd bushel !f corn of Warren .Cou n ty, OhIO, deceased ~ndD daughter Mr. and Mrs. James I' <J u ~~ h o ld Guo lb Ro mCJ Antiques Dated t hiS 27th day of Jan~ary Ie o nald " Jr. M~sers Joe Mar· T (' I'I1lS' Cns h. . 1 !J30, qual'dt: Chfford Withrow Ilnd Ros- .~~~~~~._~ . _~~'!!...~_~!!.!!.!!..~!!!!!~~!!!!!~~~~~~~!,!! MARTHA LACY W . Z. R .. JI coe Wilson. __ k~~_!!..!!..!!..~~_~_ _~ Adm Judge of the Probate Court, - - -- .....- - -Mfll'tin & Slanle.v, Auet . WlllTen Coun ty, Ohio. BELIEVE IT OR NOT So wh y not encourage your baby cbicks to Jjve1 1';1"11(' 1 Sto tt. '1f'I'1e _ . __ . .. -- ~ ---an d grow up? NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Lawyer: "ThE:n you say t his T h" 1." ' 11'\'' Churc h of Chr is t T U XC(I0 • rarti ng lin d Growi ng Ai1mas h h e I ps you"ao d [e h mun W tlS drunk? chick s. Ir CUI~ mortalil Y figures way down and boosts ::' 11 1 ~pll fl L !'lIl1li.(' A uction. ~ uca te d E state of E. 'r.-L~cy deccased. Witness: "I do not. I m e rely profits w ar up. S<lInc ha cchcs of a huodred and more h ave , lll lll '~ \:: " I Wa y n ~s \' lll c, 2 N otice is hereby give n that say that he !lat In hl!l car f'lr come thro ugh without a si nRle death, while even in large 11 1! l c'~ N. (01 I,y . lo, ,5 ml l ~s S, E . I Mal'thu .J.. Lacy has ' hee n duly a p ~ th)'ec ho urs In fl'ont of an excava hal hes the muclill iry pcrCln runs surprising ly low.; 1 ".1 HI'IHJl'( IP l,. () 1111 1 ~. S . W . of I po int c d an d quolified a s Excc utri x tion , waiting for t he light to turn Tuxcllu SUlrling and Gruwing Allmash speeds growth! I C,, "tl' I'\ II I." at 1\1... l' rl c:l's Storc o f th e F.. talc of E. T, Lacy late of g r ee n. . I I nOlll or III CH. (' o f Inclcme nt WalTen Co unty, Ohio dec eai:fed. . d Tb Two pound s at eight w eeks is freque ntly reporte. e 1',' l'lI t h('!' ~<d , . wtll b" hel d al Mrs. , Daterl thi s 2·71. h day' of January _ __ 1.C'htlIlUIl I ," (,I~. "11 hll~lI1C l\ ~ .

The policy of th owneJ' w:ll be to serve and please everyone.


Your patronage wt!l be appreciated.

See next week's paper nouncemen

contest an-

What Shall We Name the



CUl1l',\ '

~ ------ I


fllllli l~· 1

:\I, ~.






1c to 2SC

.00 You



Mind Changing Tires on a Cold Wet Night'?

The Safe Drug Store

t:,ulJ Oversize Balloans


Oversize Cords










Sunoco Gas and () Penn's Oil and Sohio Gas, Greasing and Battery Service


The Making of a Home



Gordon's Service Station 'Waynesville, Ohio

Phone 47,

With all Its Aceessories, such as Lumber, Fancy Shingles and all th goes with the Home Beauitful. FQr an estimate on the same, call


w. H. Madden & Co. Waynesville, Ohio

Dealet:s In

D ead Chicks Never Pay!




~g~:nne~I!~~~soL1.e IS::hi~b f~~~fsSh!~I'c:~h~h~dCr~t~:


' R·ETT EARLY EVE . Lytle, Ohio

'. d 0 Star' t·Ing an ' d T,uxe G'rOwl-ng Allmash '.






Late Classl·fJ·ed Ads

W. Z . ROLL I l arg't'~ t " ~~ Cll' IlIl·nl (If artIcles .lutlgc of t he Probat e Court l J " C! I'I'!, dlJll;rl cd .by merc hunts over Wa t're n Count y Ohi o: I}III i1W; l' IlUnl les to bl! s o ld at Rohe r t W. Bl'ow n, Atty.' _ _ _ _ _ __ I uhllc AuctI o n. - ' - - - - ---WANTED Nl!1I' SPW ill~. o III fo I'll!, Si lk . Pilir \ \ '! / , Apr () I1 ~ , nr e~ es, 'Men' s I NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ----------a nd B oy's Liothing, ' El ectric - - -- .WANTED- To buy 211.1 lb. frying I. amp 's El cctl'i o 0 1' 011 1 o il OhickE s tate of J ohn O. Whitaker, chicke ns, 25e. Young roasting ,'II Watc r l;, 3 lo n COll i. Chick e n tl 'censed. , . chicken s 25~ per lb. " Will O . Reml, T oys, , e d Oa ts, Poultry Notice is h,l'eby g iven that L. Gustin. a n d t hous ands of arlicles not ' M. H nd e l'son h as 'been duly 8Pmcntioned . This will be a w · nd er- I poin ted an d qua'lificd as-AdminiR· F SALE fu l !;ulc . tlll'til1g at 10 :30' kator, de Bonis Non with t h e Will, OR · "I , p rompt;. . I"nnexed, of t~e ERtat~/of John O. L; dies wi,ll ,'e n 'c a rea l dinnel·. Whitak I' late of Wllrreh County, FOR SALE-Two 1.4 h., p; motoTs r~ l'e "y 110 welcome t o come and Ohio, decQlls·e.d . ' . 32 volts for Delco. Call 22F2, ~ p~l1ll . the day ond SCl C the SUl' - TJ llted this 27th day of January Waynesville. prIse ' of· thl' sale. 1!l30. . F ER RY CHURCH OF CHRIST W. Z. ROLL FOR SALE-Whjte Pekin ducks, MUI tIn & ,La nl ey , Auct. ,.Tudg of the Probate Court, all laying,. and ' drak~8. Mrs., }<'. A . W ighL& W. Hibbert, Clel'kll ' Warren County, Ohio. Thomas Hardlll, Tel. 83F3.


We know yo u w a nt ,' ou r baby chkks to live, and grow ! So come in fo r a ~upplY , or Tuxedo Srurling .. nd qrowin g ,\Jlmllsh. ,

Those who ( cd Icratch Stoins will be equally ] ucc.usful wilb TwtWo SraMin g --M nsh {or the fir t _ix. ceks- and rhcp Tuaedo Gl'uwing Mash.


l 'tl~·i.~Il!thi~~lI;.~,~·:,l sw;~II'lfiln(rnt~ \e~l~hl~ '1 1!l;IO.

IIt:lps di g estion, and stimulates thirSi


connected with an up .. to-date Lumber

1JOurSale io

th·i . NrWs.:


papt-r. It

witl ~ri"g /you ba~j~' -




Eighty -Third Year



. NEWS DIRECT fROM ~ THE STAlE GAPIlOL '_ · a~t?nin '





Whole Numb er 5896


'T. Held

r.O l. U. llH 'S . 011 10 . - TIll' s tati st iclll dl ,pllrt mt'nt o f Ihe 01'- 1 It ul'l' r l !'''~s i ~ uble II) . bl' uul \\' :IYIH' S\' illl' " ~ d m o r e rn[ll'k ~ lit:e uf SecI' 'lllry o( ~ la( c 1111'- a~ai n. :\"W Spl'illg ll:ll ~ I'll (;1'1\ ('(' L. "ll I h ,· \\iollinv ; si d " lIf lh l' en l' ,I . Bl'IJ\\'1I haR been hi g hly I ~Ill ilh· , . ',,';1 Friday nig-ht ",hl'n bo th fir s t cIIllIplilllC lltl 'd I y " I1lC'l11h ". flf II. 0 , ("01'111' 11 wa s ill J) a y Llln Bn d s('el",,1 I ('BntS \\' cm fr o m ,JOh ll s U Ol'ld ll !\ 1'11i\' I ' I' ~i (y whfl I '~" S :d u rd ay. :\11" , Ib \' ~I il l .; l\a - i n Ila,\"l lI n ~ 1' lln"lJ llt'I '. 1'ht· li r s t hy a score c CII(ly \'i si tl " !' t h ' Slale lI"U Sl' In ' Tul', d:1), . . "I' ::0 t" I (j and thl' :;' 'li nd h y 11 !,,, ~( •.[\!' dl \\' (ll' k ill C O I.' IlL·cliun ~\'ith I ~ I i~s n,':lt. l'i (·I' H" z(·1' i ~ ~l udy ' 1'11\'1' (.t. I ~/ III I :~. ~ talt " lt cfl l da(H n ·la tl\'" til el'l llle , illl! Illu!<ic :\I r~, ,\ . ( '. ~palk" \',',, ' In XI'ni ~ in Pa y t o n . :\"i(h ,.1' \V avll('sv ill ' teums had Th e dl' pal' tlllc llt \Iodt' l' thl' dll'l 'C l_ 1 ~at U l'iIa), a fl . ' i'lItHII1. ' 1111~h "itliculL Y in \\' illninK a R inn "I' S('('n·t.a l), Bmwn (,Ollt:lI~l H :\I~' \' I ' lI ymHn lind family vi ~ ited :->prinr.;IJo l·o Ill.ili e mh st u f h e r th . best ~t a(I ~ II~ : " l'('p'll·I~. U\'/,"I - l'l' lali n s in XC 'llia Clar!; Sali , hlll'Y \\a ~ II l'iI ~ illt',.,. 1I\llnt,. ill 1h I' I ~"t half w h en t he S Ullday , nll l,! r l'i:tl iv' tn L111' c1a"" I\t(':ltl ll l1 1 \'i " illil' in ( 'inriillla t i llldn~· . \\'n)' n,, ~ \'ill\' H ' ~(' rv(' R wer(' in. of crime s n nd (' ''III't adlllin istl'lIV,'e ' g i\' I' C"dal' TlIllI"1' \\Hs hi gh - point man fnr ti'\ll in ~lI ll1l1 'd illn . \\'ill~ HlI Ch , :J('- . .Ie,\\,\,lry Sh"p, J.l, Sl ul1lps . C'!lI'~"s ~ I r. alld ~I I' ~ . .1. O . ( ':lnwrig hl \\' )I\,111,,\·ill .. ' with uall uo, Ohil!. c ll'v f' n p oi nts . "(lrd illl! (,I till' l 1l1\'\'l's lly I'X p 11. 1 W "lt ' I )a~ \( 11 1 \"i s ilol' :"I t o tlay . ' I( k i;a ld \\ : I S Si" in~I",ro ' s hig'hcst '1'1". d l' part 1I1l'1I(. i ~ ('u nl illuall y I': " , E \'aIlS o f Pa y tun, WU 5 cu ll · ' t ' lln'!" wit h :-:C\"l'n poinl~. s l!'iv i l\~ l q ,·.. II"l·1 datu IJII (hI' illl! lin \\' aY II " :<\' ill C' frielld s Till' S ' .\11'. alld :'1". ()a kll' Y \ ' Il)!I('h l,y 1'1'I'\'lIlal1 ('(' II I' '· I' illl~. w hi ' h wUllld 1 Cny. \\' ('1(' IJayt o n \ ·i:"lil. "· .... ,:\ ! nl1day. I II ~I'i l(' of th .. hnndicu p of furlli sh tl l(' lIa ,is ril l: :t 11I 11 \'(: C ~'"I ' 1 havi ng- II ~)' 11l that is s l'(' {1 nd t o the p rt' lH' n , i\l' s llld~' 1,( thl.' 1' II IllIn :<i I .\11,. . , ' (" ) Adaill s of ))a~' ton, 1': <1, " "f.!l·IIl'·Yl·r of 1."I,a l1on \\,,~ 1""' 1' 'sl ill Ih e co unty, \ Vu)' n cRv ille (J1'1 .blel1l of Ohi,). I < !'I'II( SlIlI d:t.\' \\ ith 1\JI'S. . Olive!' ' :< \\·"Yll t·"ill e· \'i ,i lol' ,'atul'tla y , lI i/.!h Scil,,,, 1 IiI'S Ica lll h!l ~ 11 per, I'avk n t ll(:(' ,,1' ;,011. W inninl! 'j a nd 'l'h 111 th(' (' a l'i la l ('it y i" p o pul ur ' 1 L,, · lo_da l(' I1lill illl'ry at l'\'II S(0 1J 1", il1" 7 . Thi ~ \'l'ar's sc he dul e ha s a s n C'Jl IVl ' lI lioll (' il y is l'\'ici('I1 " "" (;1:1('" L . Sillit h \\' ill /'('I ·,·i\, l· a ,illll' jll in's HI \; 1'11,,, L. :-;lIIith · ~ . 1":l' n~ fllle ,,(. ti l(' hardes t ever by L1H' l:t r~ " I1UIlJUC'1' ItI'ld l'adl l , h ii'!ll ""( 1)( IIC'\\', ~ l'l'ing hil ls fill' I Indl'l'lu h n hy W . II. S . 111 0 1l l lt in l hl' )·f'ar. Th " I':t~ l \\' L", k S: llU ... !;I)'. ,\lr . ;. \\' . I':. :)':'\ellll (' n le l' lItillt'I' Th e la st h Unle I!ante wi ll be witm'": I''' a hll ll' d tlY- l'll, L111' lUI'" Ih e .J " II ~' :\1 :1 (I · tl lI ~ MUll day af l e'l' Flitlay nil!ht FeiJ l' u:lI' Y J 4 with Il'\'s t. fl'om :til at l ","lan(' l' ~ tand · ,\11 <, Flall k S 11 11H n, 1\ inl!~ ~ I ill s, ('"nil' to the game !,,,illl I, eill~ l h t, Ohi o F:1 1'111 Bu r 'a ll ":tug-htP I' ~ I i~s ~ l aL'lill1 ~ Io ,' rI'Y :.tlld Y ~ P(, rl t oday IIld " h el' l' YO U'I: sd roo l u n to vicF "dHal iOIl w hi,' ~1 ult rll<:l 'd : ill I, n,ylon. 1 1\11'. and )I rs. On' illl' .I , (; ra~ , I y. Hl'\'{'ral I hntlsll nd 11'11111 varJ('UH ' s p l' nt S un duy \I' il h 'r e IaLi\' ,·~ in ~(, \· ti " n H .. I' th~ ~la ( '. 'J\hl ' uddr('ss (;e o l'J;:t' B urto l1 h fl~ ~o l d hi H C larb\·illl'. Last F ridav ul'lel'n oon 0 film, o f \\(·I CII IIII' tlt' li v('!'I,d b y 1' 1' ' ~ id"lIt 1'1 ~ idt' n c(' 0 " ~I u in ~ lJ' eel to Oak'1' h' St n ' lIIn 'o f Life ," wa~ s hown J.. n. l'alll1t'J' ,vu s !Jl' lIlI e~cusl ! h·y I ·n ~dt,~ by. W a ll er H"ckhil l o f J. .. hano n >It l hl' Gymn n: iul11 tn the High thl'IJul!h t lw CIOlll'l", y of WLAO. , \Va l( II IHI Ri n<: ss \'i , ithl' in \\, ,,yn~ ,'dlou l and upp e r grad e 'pu p ik ~ Tit .. rllnYl'n l ill ll clo~c " wit h II !Ja n1'::' 1'1' 1\ waklt , \'ill , Fritluy. qU l'1 du ri llg' w lt i ~ h a n l'x ('(! II l' nt 1': li ril1~ /It Car y' .•clild Jl'w l'h'y re· ,l ewl·lr y Shop, Th e re ma ining 1! ~\nl(, S o f W. H . pro~r : lI l1 Wa " I!iv,, ". l' I11el'tai nl'rs LI' ),anun Oh io. MI'. and 1111'S. i\1. D. Hail'el su \\' ~ . 111'(' F elt l'uHI'V 14, Kin gs Mills, \' ei lll! furni ~ ll\'d hy (,nl' of Ihe lar- ' "TaJllin~ uf lh ' Shl'!.' \\" in X,' niu here a nd Febn;a ry 2 I , Otterbe in g ""t h(le,king- :t~ ' l1 ci,'s in th c ('nun · :\Ii ~ ~ Ik r ll ic" Il y man s pent th e ;\l ollrJay nig'ht. at :ltterbe in. Fpbrua ry 28 and (I'Y. I week" ," d. wit.1t f J'icnd .. ul Ohiu :\l lIreh I - T' IUl'nalll ent . --- - ~ Iat(· Unlv c l·slty. 1111'. and j\lr ~ . Wilhur Clark I{ichard A. F urst!' I', wl'lI kllowlI s lWnt ,'un dllY w it h l\.Jrs . Clark' s W. H. (, ,, Iunlbu s Ile\\'fqm p(' r m tl ll and ~ I iss(', Cl ara Lile and MnOJe m(othl'r ilt Lytl ' . C. F. T. wh tl r l' l\ id ('~ :ll W orl hing-I o ll. ,'C'. L.:r\l\\11 \\"1" bll s inc~ ~ visiturs in TlIln CI', f 1 1l 5 (,t'lIt ly nppei illlNI li S () IlII' mbt·!' of X l' nia S atunl:ty morllin g. MU l' tC'l' H ilwa I'd Wh e t l'c l s p(,111 Wall ucc. ( 3 2 8 (Iw Slat (' B ila rd of A,:: rkultur e S aturday with Mas tel' I Llrold ~'l lli n ou!( , c 0 0 0 and I!iv(' n (. h n I' I! e 'n f l h e . ~ll's. Lu('Y D in ls S t roud tI r Huute 4. 3 1 7 lI a \' " s how IHlrs l' fic' !,llrl!l1( 'nl. hu s nam - Oh i" , i ~ vi s itillg' her of R ockb ridg'e. daug-h te r 1'lrs . j\lii(~l1berger, g 0 0 0 ('d Wa lt.·r C. ~1,'1~. Nt' \\'lll'k Ban· 11. .1 . Adam', lIlId fam F . B . 1I (, IHl p l' ~ O Il and fumi ly and • Ell is . f il y. .. 0 0 0 kcr lint! r. . J(thn 1\1 (11' u n h 'IHI uf Mn i. ,J. II. CU It'lIlan were Leban on • Whilak er, f 0 0 0 1111' Cl'(\w(' 1I I'ultli~.h i ng . " mIHII~Y III', '1' . 1. Wa y of ' incinnn ti, INSEC TS AND DISEA \' is ito I'S Suturda • J1romn1, C y. 1 2 4 SES THREE CARS OF EXHIB IT I, f ~p l'ing- fi,' lcI a s hiS nSR IS unl!' . III wa " a visilo r , 'at the f'l'iend s ' ' .John s, c OF THE ORCHA RD 0 0 0 cOllduc til'J! l he I ~lll'~e ~h o w whle,h II U lll l' li n !:>lIndn~' m UI·nin g. . AT MIDDL ETOWN 0 W . N. Scars wu~ ca ll d lO ' Sc hul e l', g0 0 will be It " hI dlll'lI l ~ th l' s tut e fall' Gr('('nv ille loday o n nCCll un t of Both 111'(' 1 :\I I'H. Adrll Totll is hi ~ father' s illn c s. 12 (I f Dayto n, 30 On W s tiuy eveni n g, Feuru- , fl lld lire 1·l!COL:.'"IZ(>(1 natIO nall y . 11l , ~ pen Mun day with he r pal' nts , nry I !'lh,c dne P o u ltry m en und furmer s intel'fl'uit grower s. gal'dt'ne rs \ I II I " . G t h e h o l's e I1\~51J\~ ~S . I II 'I h , , 1(J apJI II In.("1 lY 1'. nIl( I·~. W e give Cedal' Stamp ~ , Cary's " ::;' , ra [I Ill. , PRING BORO po lllto and m e lo n I!rowcr s, and ull ' (' ~ t d ill gro\\'in. g healthy pull e t s ment of f'OI ~ t(' 1 Govcrn or Con pc l n (' xt s um mel' III order to 'ct J e wc lt·y :hop, Le banon , Ohio , . I ot he l' farmcl' s wh o hllve nny qucsh I I I' G. F. 1'. . ha s r C(· og-Il I7.t" ' I. I' , e ~nllnl , a h' h ,1 ' ~nd 1\Irl!. I! S t o r e '0 1'1'11 e venings . . 111; R ob' lions ab oul II( e l' egg prouuc t Ion Brown, f ~ecl s und <Ii. ('ases of 1 3 an d greuter hor~ c lJl cn of I he sldlo fOI npJlo lnt - \\, ('1111'. 5 ST. AUGU STINE CHURC H I'e cJ lnn('r I!U ('R L, 0 1 MI'. ll nd lh e (lJ'c h 'lI't1 ill gDrde PI'Ofit H in 193 1 ure invit d t . 'Rickul·d n or fllrm are . ( 3 2 rnl'llt d 0 11 7 f on e 0 f tllCII' o wn peo- , 1I t rs . L. ll . G'UI' ' esday. .IIlvl. led ' k , . . un I 'Iu e " 'II's. JlIIlC' ' I W I I'ill'ht I t o 1 is heal' t Lehman RpC'ndin MI'. 111. P. J o n es • • . UIIlIllOI RC WC lJ e, c g II ci'II'connect rons With tbe Poulo pic t o m~nuJ!e th (' hor~p shtl w .. 1111'. ' 3 ~, 3 r<I an d rna " , 'I E ' I ·b'. f.w . ' duys Ent()m() in Ce l llI ogi~t, r v ill e , thl! g u est Be ck, g ' und lIIr. {I A . L. :lth S unday. ]\fass at :00 ll . m.; I ~'I\li . ~'Sll~~m Fll r~te r IS a breetl c r und tl'll inc r ! ~'aws iii d by machin ery. Cut Pierslol 0 latn ~~~ Pox 11 .I ~ , o j' DI'. lind I'll r s. R ct'v!.! r. ' ff Pll l h ologist, of Ohio 2 nd und 4th S unday, Smith. g .. 0 of show, hor ~ I' ~ a nel one o f the elc une l . t!' u (' r, fa ster. 0 Mass at l ~i'\n PP De 'l·l.tIllC t ~~.) E SXl e tn Ro"J Pig- I A"r'l , o ll e ... " ", , Ext ' n s ion Dnlla rt- 9'3 0 ' * Burrough ~ , go o 1 P' 1 ",. fnllnd('l'~ lin d rIIrt'cl{I I''' 0 f th (' It, at l\Jad de nJ s Lumbe • ' ~ l' I' ' t • • d n, t ' 10 la he r Yard. 1I11·s . Frunce s N ichol. on, of the "I' 1 JlJent I IV ~ I Y o n o l1l'l'a rn~ th rOll" Th e meeting wi ll he called ll JJ O I ..~C A ~s ' 0 Cl. , "l Li on . ,,110 S . a(i (C 1 P e v. La\\,!'en ce B. l o lllllnnn. 1to ord u t . e r ut 7 ::] 0 ' o'c Oh' ' th N< \ . k C" Friends lI ome, \\ h o hm; been ill, T otal \ lock .III the u 3 10 16 0 _ _ _ _. e I!W or t'a l L ' 10 11YCI' 1'1l- is nbt(' ' t o be aboul - - - -. - . • - SII b S t'ItutlOn. 11\11 l'·· Ev'I',1 ,PI ie r1;l" lo1G' W ' ftDC~Jr- I I':"rmtBl~reau °etTil ce , ugam. . Lehbano n by WAYN ENT 1 0 t n n ant " r . ..l UI ESVIL LE CHURC H OF I 'Thl'~~CS~" l's o f e du cationa l exuy 0 ,IY- , lI un y ,,,ge nt STILW ELL SECUR ES PAT · CHRIS T 1 11111 \\' ,1'1' S tillduy 'g u c st~ of MI·~ . ~l'd f o r the State Il ~ S , w n aJ'l'a nItilt its and t\\' o-- I ' ctu' ---., f . Va le n li nes und n b ' aut iful line E nro II men 1 of Specia lis t s while Waynea viJIe School ) Ih'c r Duvis . ' fi lm ' s trips a nci C (){,Ie CU I ~I .01 of eve ry duy canis in Col umbu s las t week. at Ca r y' .. Grade S. A. Sti lwe ll ha s re cr ntly r e BIbl e Sch o ol nt !l':W a. m, w ' lI . . . B. G. T. nr I,on, p IC ut es JC\\'(o ry S hu p, Lebano n, Ohio. The mllin o bject of t hi s m eeting' Come and sec h ow- anll why- w e li" uB:~!limodate ovcr ee iv l' d a nit('d SLall's plltent o n 47 29 76 MI'. nnd Mrs. ~50 IHI!;. Ch c ny, o f ~a\,s IllS. • "i~ to di s cu ss ome of ar(' peo: ; . grow in g'. Lot'll's .-upper at con lalk R andl\fi: c th,~ ~oult ~\n ad.iu ~l:t hl,' ,r cn , "ck t fo r u ~c , Wilm in g(on . v is iled . Mrs . L~'diu o ur chi IY ., film s , li~s Sarah ,'mith was the din _ r ill RectR nncl di 111 de sk SP ( !' 1 Ite . Ilt'kt'l .autQlJ1a~- (,hnndl 2H ~~ ~~ hOlloi~S, 'l' It the Pnends ' H OIll!.! prub lems :.t ntl o utline meth s a s e elus io n o f the Biltl e Sch ool pel'i~)lJ. ( ouiill IO~is ~Il bl cecitng, ner gut'st o f Mrs . Bell!.! Dinwid die :\ ods f or (h\'lRt~aR " upper ut conclu s lnn I't ' ~r'i11 i" ldl\' l' e l lll'n R l o n \'c rttcnl jlo~I · 1 'u llilay. .. 30 26 67 b ' g,. cab~~ c~~n~ru l. lheir and . co "1 daught ntrol" II er Apple s cab anti the Miss Olrve all Su n - 5 hl'ls tra n I~nd C' a\' ol' at 6::10 p, m. Z c. I, tlOIl \\ le n 1(' J) ', ~:~ n 'I~. \\' 'It h CIrll\Vn . I 66 ' r. e gIv e n I ~D k essrs · du" . ed ' . P 'Il . t . \\ . Ide ' . 0 ur org-<lntz f';. 1" UlIluro, 6 s urvey ancl L OIS Th i~ i: Mr . .'(ih\'l·lI ' . Rc;cond pal. I'el' g u ~ o n ant mn~ on. I P:l' (' I. ,' j7 23 5 a 3 62 an ' 0 f J' i\lr~. J . D. Marlutt ha s leturne d Slal'e . h ' St l . , . . P radio I l'l' l'orts f o r its control Will i Soci ety is SIIII'('1l1! off s pl endidly 7 l'lIl u n equipm ent o f thIS Illllu!' I hn nt l' a rt I' Rp('n di . " . I~) " at c 26 18 44 nl\el s ll y (lU tI·y D e· ng two w ee ks be I!i\'en SIlt'ciul attentio n. Apple All Mr. and Mrs. Sherml ln Dyke 'R YOllnr: people in\'itNI. EVtln · : p.l~n~"t·, 18 21 39 'tl." ,he l.lOlld s a " lt l ('" l on <ltnlnld 'u" s': I~- 1 with h er daughte l' C I b i t k and u nd I fumily I'. and ill Mrs \ bloleh . Al vi , n San Dyke .l o I)f ' c IJ scale , ll f cudlin" I~rn ~~ In ' . \\'t.' ~c t islic RCl'\' ice a~ 7:30 11' Ill . . AI I Coun(~(' ~~ e ntO lci:ls~!I ,t~~Il(~de.~ 16 19 36 lll " P I? I' III l. ( 'n 11m bu s. mol h. peac h leaf cu rl , t h e Ori e ntal \ Il<\y to n . v is ited relative s herc' Su n '10 l\ll'. St t1w ' II. dl o IS t e mpora r lng' ~on~ l'e rVl Cl' . g OO h s p eclU 23 20 4:1 f . 'h p nc h mot h Iw toto blight and leaf I l'Ou~. I 'IIY I t.·1 I I ~ day. ( I I ' l11u~IC a nd a g us p l' l !'c rown. :ub- co n erenc('t' " e r e {e ,11 ec 11 ocl1lf'( a . 0 UlJI IU S. fll1l1llUn !) 17 26 .:-' 11'. anrl :'l1rH 0 1. ('I'll H o ugh a nd h op pers . bean bee tles, Ch III' I" hugs and JPC 1, .. 0 d o r 111" e n s wc r e WOI ked o ut The C( ~ (h: l l ht' n t' w ~IIC ;ei \~ til. JiJ'll h- l ltl ltll'l' n $!\cnl . S\Ulltlny 37 . nil. 'h l'ungt' lw o II1l1 cal'e I .chetiu I l '" I !<t wi t . h f ?III'. ba MI·s. cteria 16 F l . R. WIll 22 SnydC'r on ha mealon s r cturnl'l s n u nd Ill!!' nh ly b m Hllufnc lurctl WithIn Ih e program P3c h W e cJn ·s day \\ . . . t· ,. 111' l tll · " ,: Il ~. l·tjrJ'c~t H o ugh :md fam- cucumb ers may al so come in for at ht ops o r to hpl' hom e h ere uft e l' a l1 ('xtt'n - T i ::10 p. 111. T he chu rch w h ere . al 'J.~ nb' ~lI.n, ~_al e7 '0 gn ay. n 'a r f u t u r e . 304 306 609 .I y in !Jay( u n. e~~~ ueJ \'i s it with r c illth' c : in New 0 tal c o ns idera tion. Other ' insects and , y(ll~ f pe l al hOIll,e.. . . ~~~I'oc kc ID~~:~OJ /' T~ nll ' lt\? }IO ' nl di 1 ~I'use YM k. pl'tlblcm . Illny be brough l (h l'sLe r /I. . Wllll nmso n. MlIll s te r I' b Thi s s h ows a mate rial increas e '\' r' Fr d I hvnc'" o f [ eba non ' . 'I R ., '10'" < - <1'" ENTER TA!N ED r' l'Ul' t . "KATY DIDS" I 0' 1 I d , - . '. (' ____ '. ' . in th (' Wayn~sville sc hools. ~. ,lip. . C rllB ry g l'o w , In :. to :':0 v 'II _ I _._ I d '1 h 11 at Pal' 11':1 1 l:'~L' J~!l y n H~I\I" (/~1 of ?f/ aMun, ~r~ ~llllY HI " . bc e !,~ all( g~r c.n · o' Octo cl oc k. ber I !)24 th e re was 525 JlUP:\lid .lI clow n . I 1 nu )C /I 1':1 , e lnte rtste~ In dlf;~ \\'1 I , . [fl s ST. MARY S CHURC H onl'oll e d in Mi ~~ G race Jlflck,' tt. clltl' I'l/lin_ I~ P~~ 1l " UII. H~',U 1(' ome 0 the dis tr ic t inc1ud_ A( bot h places lhe tl'llin wi ll I ' kl! 1' I 'u iI( •.Jd Pen 01' J)(' s k SeL r s. l·I.'~'lI1 g ~ Jll'lng ap,P Icnllo n ~ oj fr o m 1Il~ the Oo unty ' Normal school. Sel'tlla l! ~ iilHl S untiay- Fl'IlI'u , i n t he Bi rr F o ul' D epot. I till' "K tnli , '" S'ltU I' <I-tV (' ·t'll M ) Ill , 1f.1t field. ~I )e C:lry '~ Jewelry Sh o p, L ebano n . II . . .• ': '111' ." n ltrllLc 01' a mm o nrum s ulph ate 111' Th e in c rea~e h as been handled I (j C I h . I and r e lativc va lul'>:> of Sllme. 1IlJ.'( al the hnnw 0 , llry J, l. ,lIld . Iurc I s. . cl oo l Ilt l'::!O; F or br:t 1'1'1Iult i< consign vour . _ - _. Mr. and !\II'S . Vv . . Ti ch 'n o l'of wit h lhc .. ume t e aching fo rce and !ll o rning Prllyer and Sl' l'mun at Enrl .H ock ett . ."Le l' II ' U lJ1 l'll~- 1 i\' e .loc k · to Grecnl'Y 'Co" lI al \' e\'~burl!, ellroutc t o Leuan o n t hc ~ ulll e tra ns porta ----- - - - - - , 10:30. ou ~ dlnnel' se rye d by Ru t h Hl(le~- r.incinn ati, in care of Emb tion. Natura lDEATH S ~Ile nt'" Hhort tim c in WaYIl(! svill~ Iy buth ul'e now D . R. Sali s· W F M SOCIE TY el t, . th eveni n g was spen , Rev . J. J ... chue fTe r, ne clo r. ve ry much crowIII bury. E.1 kl ' . I' . I l . I ' I l\l unda)' - - JlluYlng ca rd s. deel. Wh o r e an enrollm ent of 35 JU. ' . on' In. (let a II R w me ' . I Tho Re 1)1' s(' n.t we r e : Mr . ulH I ii' e n uu g h 1'0 mllke for the upper ., ill Lel~lI n(, n, .l \londHy mCll'ning', of . 11'. "olld ,,•.ll.•.... . J. U'utk ' ' I n s of TI WOIl1'If1 '~ Furc 'I" ign ~ . 1i~si o n- 1 FERF., CHURC H OF CHRIS T p:oma lnl' IW I"" nill~ f o lllJ\\'('d 1'1 I ,t! lillli1 o f 1'lTicien cy in teac hing we ., , . , M,'S. RU .. " II \VII ' on , 11'. and ~l l'H "itl,l he allri l\Ii~, Gl a elys Dill fll'Y 1(' bv MI. t.ll d 1I1t ~. CH II I nc • e Socidy of the M. E. churc h . h·III 'Ind ~U II (II PH ylo ll ~ pclIIe n(~ 1-l e l'lI1an Bilol!' Sch oo l nt !l ::~o 11. Ill. leart l l'? U , P . urfl)ee. MI'. .a nr! r.l~~ : o C L {! ba n () ~. \YCI'C !ruest · uf Sun ar e IIIIW avcraff ... ing 39 IJupils per Mrs. he ld an intcres( ing m e£'till !r 011 W :lIll ed·-i,O . ' I: . • \\'iti, MI' 1;1 I ~l 'r' d,nlll s ''' :l eh L' 1' ill ('nc h g rade room. Of Hhnde~ BUllnel.l, 1I1r" ,and l\ l rs. E ll 1Ii aYIlIc Ba lli" ld alld Illl'n t o alll'lld Bibli' l l MI'. (I)nkh ll \\'11 ~ St'cl'vtal son 'Y ~ , nf on F!.!uruH ) 1 h II ry Fifth at ' the home oC S chou I h l' r c Sunda y mornin! .. ' 1' 1111 1'" ill :;nnle r UOllls th e numbe r PII l'll nS, thf' i\l lsse R Neil l" (;nlhall l """iday ' r. Will thp Wal'l' 'n (, fl lIn(y fair It ' Hlr~ fol' . UII e n H ' . ,< Mrs. Mary McClur e, . P;""CS lh e IIVl'I'IlJ!'C sO thllt some Rulh ("ook , Kath lec n cr nhulll. , , )' L1 11 be onl' c,l' th e m'! Wrl v A s pl'l'ial . "I • 'IY CH I'~ Itl nd \\ us prnnlln Afte r sin g' in~ "All hai l the P 1'1 'I! I'll II I i.. IlI·i ng a l'l'anrrr'c e nt Fil l' r. S' t1 e 'I' hn',' riec ' Oak , un u. high a s 45. l\1 e~"'!< Chnrles I',a I bv lhe ' "'" u . tel'. an( I G,ll Y g lOut t IC " c" unll' ., t l :; ~ I r. n ntl l\ l ni, Lee Hawk e tl power 0 f ,ICHIS ' "allle . ' ' I 1 ' 1 ' " , ' . I ' .' , . 1) I·Ue.'. I)'t" Th e r e (' I"l le scrrp- III CII , wi ll 1I 0ck(>~,_ _ _ ' _ _ __ _ _ be ' \l' 'e h I I ' cons iderabl e on I11I :'S I .I I.111'(I" S SIlPl1L'1' I FUIl 1110 111 SUIl .In( s pllng s , ,amil y, ,II I'. unci Mrs . Ma y nard t llr(' I c~~o ll wa s I' I' " l 6s(n' ' I ic c ~. (' I I l'lh In <1' 1'II II'll)! an d l 1t .rch ~\\'in". Mr~., . 1l11i\' illJ! Mu rch l >' t but in ad We llz and dallght er, were Sunday and pmycr was uffe by Ml's. Day a n d S ' 1' 1111111 at llJ :: 111 . GO IH I Slwc iu l I ' L '11 ,( many I :'" )yl l' rt an (' lUI'" .at ~ 1 '~YIIlC Ii ntti e iti rcd by Rey. Illu ~ k anrl fl ~ (' l'lll ll n <:~p(! (' inll y fol' .e a~ '·I1.<,·s th ",(' It':wi ng- will balance n n thI S aft {, l'Iloull . BU l ial dilt~er " U .l~ o f 1'11'. and MI' H. lIl.'t.. ANNUA L INSPEC TION ' . Ihll . ,. (, eo ntin" ill. Bu t s ince the I mell. !'= l~ ".il'ct. ' ; \ 'h",r(' a Mun' ~ fl WlIS ' In Leba no n J r I all cemcle ry· I h e bU ~ lJl cSS !lC'8SlOn wa I 1111':. (,ha ~. SllIlIrt of Cin c innati . HrsL n r Januar v the e ld. I J\Ian ." ) <HI ar e alway s Wt'''' '' I11(' at ". UI'S I . numbe r comfoll owecl by a review of thc htext--,II The a nnual i n~pecti o n of Wa y I ~ Ihi ~ chu r ch . I :\1 I . Jlld~c ,I. A. Runyan , ch air ma n ea c ( o n : I·~ ., , ar y " \ I S 1I1~ in hil S c on'~ id e rab l y uut numncsvi ll (> Lodl!'e No 163 F & A. I I ~tnl." _ h il('r~ W MI'. and Ml's. L. M. Hender son . ~Joo kl ' by Re v. D I' b crt. A ' d lhose I '<lvi ng lhe district . l h e bOfll'd of the L('bnn n I~teres. :\! r~ . An na Cadwul lader and MI ~' e t 1" A._ _ i_lI_iilm ~on. Mini l e r of Citizen s NIl.tiona l Bank & Tr o.ll ncl at dinner today Mr, 109 Itel'Bl'Y progl'Um. was gIven. t111 ..' \" 1'11 be h' eld 'o n Wedne sday I, e ntdertlline sl Clara LIl t!, recently . , I In - - -- _... F ' l" 1!) at 7 '::10 , li n 11K'll'S.·F re d B . IIen d erson an d chul'ge of Mrs WhIte eonsistl llg . ' Co mpany, died eve nln'l'h' .. ' ell~all Y h " '1\ b .' . fa mily Mrs J H Colema n and . ulul'(\uy mornlll g LYTLE M. E. CHURC H 'I I ' 'f' . al f OI' hi s Iln home ' MOTI-I of in r eading LcbailO ERS' hy CLUB n L after eade OBSER VES r, After t e wor a reading \\ ~en by )·o u net''. f~ ~I,' unc WI I' s e r - l\J. 'I M" C' M' R b't e " ho l.t ,'II,l ess 'I Mrs. Leonar d Tinney . and demonvee!. orcaSlOIl Ihlnk n t. Car,v s ,Jewe lt .~. nd uy 1 I . an< ) c h onl a t fl::lO 11. Ill. ' l~ .. THIRT I S. . . 0 I Z r. , EENTH ANNIV ERSAR Y stra ti o n by Mrs. Archde acon arid 1111'Su I ' · I S h oI1--"T hc il ollle of Gifts." Le bS. L Olll!;ucr c f: up e rinLend en t. • un c ~'a servIce s were. lC II ~.· ~~. HHe~~f:~ ~:~,~~c~~.~: l at . "Yom'e x Silvcrse al " Silverw are 1\1rs. Con!1er . . . Th e spC'C'i lll m(,l.!linl!~ n rc on t hi s the r~s ld ence ~uesdn _ _ _ i~•., t he best. COlllp U.I. _ _ __ _ Th e thirteen lh Rlmiver sal'Y of .... e I't w;th y uJterno o n \ano n . ' other \ Foll owrng the prog 1'lltnd delrclOu ~ b M s w el,l' White . "r .\" ilh He\' .: . hurst o f ' WIth lh,· organiz llt io n of the Wayne mak t!s before starting your pattern refresh ments were tery lllterme nt In Lebano n cl!meI' (' I t · \ W ' W'l \ (·v . " l i n l e::: W CI serve r \. 1 1( n . y r s . MaIneV Ill e asslstllll!', MI~s Bert h:!' CALLE D TO CLEVE LAND and se e for yoursel f its sterling MeCI.ur e , Mrs. Hathaw . N. Sen l'>! und so n E ve rett Ilttl'llllc-d T\lwn ~l hip Mother s' club was obay und Mrs. Hi I in c h a r g-p of the mu sic. 1qualitie s . Cary's J e we lry Shop Leb Hal'1'! . I II Father and Son banqu et at : "I'\'ecl a t the regulur monthl y Th e re will b (' Il se rvice every I'ven , J o hn Klndl(> dI ed Mr, u nd . M!'~. Russell Salisbu ry. \ a non, mee ting, which was h eld at the . s u<!d enly 1I1 0.n I Lovehln d Tu csd!lY night. - -- - - -' ing at Mrs. W. P. SaJi!\bu ry and Mrs. AI I ::]0 exce pt Salurda Y' 1 (lay evenl.n~ at the h OI:ne (;r:lcJe' buildin g Friday afterno on, o f hl.s BUSIN ESS CHANG ES I"n Emrick left thi s after noon for C o III , (' ady n ~ the fir st. h a lf houl' l ~5' n Mr. nn~ Mrs: L. H. G o rdon and hurles. on Sacral Ro,,: . Mr and Mrs. I,o u Vinso n, Mis~ Feb ru ary 7. i~ gin'n tn ~ inging'. I l'lIl; :r a l servlc 'S \~,cre, hel? tins , .Ic~n 'Fergus on a nd ,\ pinno so lo by 1\1rs . Mabel Clevela nd , I'n l·e."" p On se t o a call l\lrs, Su~an Wllk I' so n slHmt SunMr . Tan sy , of Zimme Sara A. Bowma n Past o r ' u f te lnllon nnd bunal ",a~ rn the 1 -" ,t co ncer ning the DlItomo bil e accill- cl llY li t the h ome of .,, rman , the Lord's Prayer , ' \\'el'e St. C lair Fife' "llCsts t) 1 ld of l' (m leterv MI'. a "d On lit F Centerv eb ruary Ille. 3, 1930 at .l~ a meet_ lin , ": ' . by t h e aRsemb lage and devotio ns ---c nt of Mr. nnd Mrs. Leon Salis- a n d family in Wilmll1 \ . Mrs . . J. g-to W. n While . Mrs. on. ing Sunday of the repl'ese ntives of 10 of VAYNE SVILLE M. E CHURC . bury Icd by 1\11'5. Hartma n, opened the r W ilkcrson remain ed for a more the larger H ' JllS. H esto n of Springb uro, Eastern Fire Compan ies . I) _ _ - - -R I I I (;' . ht Spec'la l- m ee ting, and the followi ng inter_ extp nd e d visit. . E. L. Harlan formerl y of .the ' I S tI' U( 0 P l- I'. yes lg W e dne sday : Bille st udy and d'let I at jM'HI ':'1'V n II elO. h osplta Truvele rs at their Branch in the prayel' meelin' " 8 ', i t I'l er(' Tue sday, Thul'sd uy a nd csti ng program wa s given:- A VALEN TINE SOCIA L ut 7 :00 p . 111 . UI day mornrn g. Funera l service ' Miss Emogen e Becket t and Dayton Savings ' & Trust I S· · 'd ' . '" F ~ . e . c1(a minatio n r eview of the c lub's work from at t h e McClur Ch e Funera l Home ,atul n,. bldg. was 011' practlcc lit 7 :4" p , nl. S UI1- 111 r e t he first meeting , Mrs. W. E. MI'. a nd M.·s. Ray Conner of Day- made manage r of 'I ' th b .' I in M ' . ury' s J ewel the r y S Voorhe ho p, L ban on. es day : Sunrlny Have a hcart Hn d accept (lu r ton. and Mr. EarllIo liand of 0' :\1('1"1; so lo, "In an Old- fashoot ay WI ulla I ,am' N ew Insuran ce Co., one of the oldest 1'here will b sc h oo l at 9:30 n. m. invitati on to nttend It VlIlcnti ne I:lu riing'to n and Mrs. a Lincoln Dny 'pro- "(,l1le t ~Y . _ _ _ _ Sarah Mr. li nd Mrs . Boyd and daug h - io n ed Gurd e n ," Mrs. F'. U. L e H ear t Sucial F'ridav, Februa ry 14 Hill of Leban o n spent SnndayAnn ngcncie s in Dayton lo cated at grll nl ~i\' e n du r ing t h S unday at \l 03-!J04 fe r o f JJ~, t1 " PlIl'k call e d at th e i\luy; pla)'let, Mrs. C. M. RobitReibold Bldg. school h O\ll' , and an off e l' inl! will - 7 :30 ' p. m . at Townsh ip Hou, e. t he home of Mr. GOES TO LEBAN and Mrs. Lon ON ' Fri e nd s' HOllie Sunday to Eec Mr~. '1,1'1', Mrs. W . C. St. John and Mrs. lIowal'd Burton has taken ovel' be tnk C' n f o r IIlH Kentuc ky Moun_ ' Admiss ion 10c. B ec kett. Bl'anstr ator: " music on . I l , t he r,e present ation illian Snlllll, who is n ot so w e ll 1.. V. of Warren t!lin work . l o rnrnl! VI'c'nc h harp, Ml's. Grnce Furnas , After e leven years serv ice, MI'R. agll in. , County that ' was former ly con- 10::)0. We wil l orship at t h ose who Mllyme lI Duri n g th e social h ou r 'Stunts Mr, unci Mrs . II.u~\'il'ende E ' a~s ai~ ore d in' 'Mr, Hal'1an CONFE RRED DEGRE ES 's territor y CIl I'e to be bapli7.c d at t hi s s er- co nn ectio ntficld hal< se vered her , and daughte r .of Xe'nfa, Mrs. Ku~e ,the B"llnch n w ith the Waynes ville Mr. lind Mrs. Lindley M e nde~- were put 011 by t h e commit tee office of th e vic ll. Ep\V~rt h L C:Iguc lit G:1.5 p. {' Xchange of the Ohio Ce!'!tral I hnll after which dain,ty ments .anc! 1\11'. an d Mr!';. W. F~ Degree! ; confe1'l'cd on two can- Evan ~ I\h~". Susie D o uglass ond ,Tra,vel eril. . . Ill. PI' ' uchlllg SC I'Vlc.e a t 7 :30 p. m, T e lephone Corpo rati o n and goes . O'Neall wero amon g tho se who. weI' served by Mes dames Freda - .-,- - - - di dates f nLuI'erJ t h meeting - of Mi s 'Mil\nie Cook pI ' Sprirlg . C. G. Dibert, Pastor. to L c bunOJ1 u ~ as istant cashier I e n jo,ved Funnel 'S' Week p r ogram ~betzel, Myl·t1~ Edwurd s, Leah Mia mi Chapte r' No. 107 O . Eo S. ;\lulley; spe nt S un rl\lY . wl,th M.r. LOSES VALUA BLE DOG ---- - . :::.trou se , R. M. Hawke , and B . C. ~. in t he office of the# COl'por ation at at Colunlu us last \veek. Mondny Ili g ht . . F ollowin g the work tlnd Mrs . C. E. Anders on and -(ari!' Hartsoc k . IN AUTO ACCID ENT' '1 that pi lice. She will ' m ove her I lu nch wa~ served. ' . •.. 1, y. hou s ehold goods to h e r n ~w hom e " Frit.z , W. N. Soars' valuabl e , . The Guild-A lIxilia. r y of S~. , ---t hi s week. The attl'llcti vo home of ·Mrs. D. ,poli.ce dog, had to 'be Mary's Church will mee t on Frt• GOOD MUSIC AL PI\OGR AM killed TuesMrs. W. P . SalisbU l'y receive d UNCLE ' .ADAMi 'S COGIT ATION R. Smith was t Mrs. Hatfield has made many '(!ajy aft rnoon FebruH he scene of a day afterno on. The dog had been word 'ry 14, at thi!:\ morllin~r that Mrs. Le.on fri ends in thi s commu ' . ' delight ful 'socia l affair last 'Fri;_ sic1i~ sin.c e Friday nity who two o'clock at -the h ome lind on acount Salisb ury is in a hospita l lit No,r- regret A chorus of ' 22 men gave a h e r ' going, but their ,good Harl'i~, an d Mrs, Mo her. of Mr . Sce by you'a h papah , S'uh, dot dRY afterno on, Three tables were of his strange actions , it was walk, Ohio. -:::: mu s!cal progl'iu n at ·the ChuTch of hiivinR' suffered a wi he s will go witll her. aH de 'gllis all'! ' .~oin' to wear dey filJ'ed for "6'0 0' and after the ' thougb t advlsal? le .to call a doctor broken collar bone . Ch-rlst Sunday in Iln Februa ry 9. Mr!l, ~me1' on Earnha rt s ucMr. lind Mrs. O. M. · Robitze r Several chorus nilthtb !c<1(cil' ts longah dis wInta.h. , Am gam 5 delicjou s r e.fresh) llents were wlio 'diagno sed , the CllSe a r.abies. hile ' acciden t whim s he Qutomo . num ers.4 .q uarIt will be wise for dog owners hus band ' were returni and her coeds Mrs. Hatfield a~ chief as their dinner guests Sun- tettes, a trio and 8 80]01 pow"[ul I!:IAd to heah d.Bt- CIlU, C S j'ved jn two tour,ses . The favors, were well ng from opel'ato r of the local exchan ge. ' ' 'r t kIt h duy, Mr. l\nd Mrs. Merle Kerns rendere d, also Mr. At.,. V..... if dey had kept gittin' !\hortnh , all su~ges t'leO... St. V 11 Ien t me,w1e th' d e Q. eep c ose wa d . ,- . on elr Qgs Norwal k to their home ih Clevennel doughte l' of Columb us, Mr, ~r. Ilen~~ UII (lIe Of\('S would be WC8l'ill' brrnd tlaJllty r e el Rntl white cuPs flied for 8 while and c E. Swearing McClur t!l~, e w.s in St', L oul·. "'nrl Mrs. .T. D. Marlat t and ?th'o .if po!!Sib~e, pre- land. No !urtht>r T!<a rticulars of the with candy hOllrts. talks which were enjov:;.... b,~ J. vent. an epidem ic of the disease_ ~ · ash lore de wintah ",UII gone. tile " acciden t we-re leat'lled , OVCl' the w·eck-e nd. on bus.inos s_ .. "" Lou Printz. huge number preSent .








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In the ClUle

"Where Savings Are Sa:.;" ·

Clarence Fryer wa. Itntenced to I.rvl • rlrlod of 80 day, In the county jll Inll .tlnd committed until the costs are paid 01' .ecured to be paid .

New Sui"

Real E.tate Trall.leu Snrah Adaline' Perine to Ansel G, and Lu ci ll e Irwin, lot No 8 in Mason, ' Franc i ~ L. a nd Mary E , Mo r-

." L, Gr een VeL' US J , B. CostlIo for an IlpP nl. Robe rl Wilson Taylor ve rsus Sa ul ,chneitler, Hllrl'y ehn ider a nd Anna chn eitl e r Cor mon y, Damages in tl.l(! sum of $25,000 and ull furth e r re li ef. FTl'd G. Hill enbrand versus Prun kFrisb yB. 'Je~ticc, lI . B . .'est i~(I and the Pee pies Bu ilding and LOlin A s~oc iat io n, for mone v • , I Am ount" cluim('d $33a .92. ~inrley Wills versus C. L, Bra dley, for mon ey . Am ount claim ed $4 07.25 with interest at 6 "" pe r an num from November I, 1929, :lt1d co ~ t s. h'arles H. Ba temun vers. us ' WiI_ 'liam T. Kenne dy, et aI. , lind The People' s Building, LOlln and SII Vda i ' d $288450 ,th . t . t fo r ;~los ure of 'llIo rt~~ge ~~ ce~i~~~ of rent ~ lind profits lind 'equitable relief. --_ Commo~ Plea. Court

with ' Ih \· , hop J' '': I ~'' ' \ wl\y he ~ h o ~ld lose hope, tull y, Il l' ha r! d l'l·llIOl·d li l hundre d of " It', Iu I,y I hnd II(' l'( 11111 li n 1\ I' t h' ,lI hHIll\ :; : h(l hud been cergan to Alma , Ruffne r. 10!J, 08 1' ,' (' YIIII_I', ,~he SRH I. He l'll YS h~ 1 up for )'t)u t ,,-da~·. " ' ~ I\l' said "I' m I;ti ll . "f t('n~ of th o u~llnds ; thl're nC'Aimi; ~a~~~oJe!~:P·B. Ruffne r kh Lw ~ ;If~ '. J n rll)" n . ~Ol' iC" tt i n~ l h i n ~~ (\l II1l' I\"n ~ , Ii ll all pdt! th o u ~tlnd Or two C I b F A " u , ~ . 1,0"' .:1" , . ... 111 llO' '' . :"1 you '·,ll1ll'.. l his wa y., fol' t he pic king Hnd possibl y n ~~r~:~n H·a~~11~ond~~~p~sh, 109.08 A f ; ll! ml.. he l e p en ~ecl . r m Mr. Vha l ~ - you r - II : I I11L' ? g-l'l'll l'J' huu l if h~ pillye d th game ~ l \'~ he ~ 11\1:;tllkcn III I' 1 01' sn me- I Curi ooit. imp e I· d him Le) fo lio \\' ~ hl'l' \\'c1 '" . L. Enr! Hockett to Pearl Rich, blld,' (,lSI' " I I ' t I " ' h f l ' 1 9.83 acres in Wayne twp. ,/ . . " , , ', ., .., . ).e l'. :\ . t ie' ee rs t ~ I I{ t il t ),11 ' " \\' he n. ,In y ou e xpec t to I ave KI , hu p.lIlH ulnl l~ 3skc d f I , dl llgy s hee p he 11ll el I"'l'll [1' lllpt ed ' fM 'R ondu '!" Peurl Rieh to L. Earl Hockett, yCJn . li e ~n l ll th e' lllll n ~\'II ? \\'II ~ tcc t urn hne k, III li ll d a 11 1' \\' f'ln t" In I" co dal''' ' lime" sh slIid 160.23 a cr es in Wayne twp. "~:ll>l ,ell : I\ f r til'S . I It In I tell , h ~" c1 t o lif ' : " u 11 0 \\' hI' w ~ nt ~ Iuilk l y· . n qliic kly th':t t he reul_ L. Earl and E ls ie Hockett to 111111 your I1 n l11(' \\'lIs S m ith . bc- " l tl'l' th l' \\'0111.111 alll)l ,. t g:uly. " col' IZ('(/ ~h l' h a d Wll l'k('d it out to th e P ea rl Rirh. Parts of lots Nos. 6 ' IIU SfI il isn ·I." I III:It \\' :l ~ t l1l' 11I'·I'I.",lI e,\ I' I , \\' (' a ,.,, · h (' :'11'. " I\ ~ : " " 11 n s I am ce rw in und 8 in Waynesville. .. ..,. . ' . , . h" ) (s:. It I.l'. ~ I ~t. r --:-T III J:l1~: lIess elf Luke l\ bdcll ~" II : a c " n ~U III t hat I. u k, is in Ro nda I Hha ll go Martha Janette Mahon ey to f oundl) (, U II I' ~ " 1(:1 hl ~lI. c " l11 e 111 . 1I1 g' ClI ll(,II ; lI y a~ teo whal wo uld "h im ." Annu Rose. 18{1.04 ac reK in HarTh e 111,1111 \~ ho (lIm., 111 h . had hapPl' lI ne xt. I .. Exac tly wha l will y ou say to Illn twp, 11(! IC,r s~~ n hdor . illS Rhabhmess .. \t 'U \1) , ' I IIII ( ' <'.r .. . Ic~ r th ('l',' h:\ll him '!" Seth and Clo, M. Cook t o J . L.. WU $ ~1'!I(,v t'd h.Y a co llllr of ~ \I r h be en hu ilt It ~ nt :!l I' 111111<')( t o> till' 11 (, (' ntllel not r(l.~ist us king this and Geo rgill 33 Mende nhall. Lots No' f< ur P.l'l nlj h'hitet ·ss t hlH Luke ho u>" ; Ih .· tln OI ' \': e' l'l' f1l' lIIC' r , th ,' "l!~" l i" lI. though h .. rea li zed eve n :12TI;;ld d in Way nesvill~. Ill!, ' I.' ,I,t o r ) (,[' 11 b ~ght ~or duur!: SI'C'1I I, d 1" ' , . ': 1< ' 1'. ~11l' .'I 1)('.l1l' d li S hI' sp"ke t hl' wo rd s th at he wu s to Et~~ 1 °S~r~n~ 2~~~~e~~~ees ~engnsea~ th~ () C (,lI s l ~. n . as !l b o hod t he. VIO_ el nl' of th e ~ (' a lld s h" we'd 111 111 Int ,· g- Ill ity o f /I tn 'lica l e rro r Ill' S:I\\, 111' 1' st iffl'n : t.hat co ld lem twp. lent I~ ('c ktl t' . lI e wn~ a mall WIth a U 1' 0 "111 . t he c,.,."1 f" .. l co r whid l W a ~ l v~ ry 1:'mllll facc , ~hll\'pfca lurcd; ralh,, 1' ~1 :1I!i-:I' nl g. II ' I' XIH' ct l'oI til " ", k CIIIlI!' hack to lh be'! ut'f I atherine Ke hoe t.o George J. , hl~ .hel\vlly 1I'lclcd. eyes g i ll need ' SI" s l,nt t' thin g par t in il;u'ly Ull in . l ' \'t' :. < I U Grace Simpso n was given a Kehoe . 26 acre,.in Ham ilton lWp . Fir.t Mortsaee on Real Eatate Security. George J . Ke ho e t o Charles G. ru rtl ve ly 1 ~t :l nd I'I g ht hllfore he I "it illl{. lind it is 1'C) ~' i lJ l ,. t ha t. hati' . "T hat i. (' lItil'cly 1\ mattcr be- divorce fl'o m John S impso n the The beat Security. Nothin g $afer1'111,1,' (' SIl'u.thll y t~ thl'"bed.. . I thi ~ .bl' (·n t ill' tn s (' . hr' ~\'IlI Ic1 hal' l' tW " I'1l Lu k\' Hml nt e,' 'sh(' su id . " I de fendant havillll~ been guilty of K!! hoe. 26 ncr!!s in Hamilton twp. AlI right , Slstl'r. il lS VOIce de r llll cd th e lodg-ill J! a nc! gUil l' "I Sl' ha \, " il Iad , thi s nll'SS , I urn a f ruid gross neglect of duty. Th e eus_ J o hn S imp on t o Grncu Simpso n Nothin. Better_ WII 8 hIg h and hU~,ky . (Luk~ l'e mell1 ,1 wh e re. Bu t th,. 1",01 wa s lIl'a!. tl1l' ,,"e1 , nl u ~1 g- " ! (,lit of it." lody o f t he minor children was :.14 acres in Clearcree k twp. ber,d th nt L<o WII1/! s vOIce wa~ sheC' " 51)(111(';;8 : th l' fu r nitun'. In h i ~ cI "spt: l'IIti ul1 h~ blund~red give n t o the plaintiff. The de- un ~t~~~e to~lg·ac~r~ .rnLeotlt Ntoo . CtaOlv ll:nn I ASSETS over 14 Millions Dollars th nt WilY • . un cl wond e r ed if this tho ugh plain, wa s I1 l11pl l' . 1I 11 t! II " I!':li n. lendunt wa s order ed to puy th e was a rehll lve ). . s mu ll fire lJurlll'r! in Ih(. g' l'atl '" " YOti OWl' sO> lI wthing lo Rex's I plainti ff t he slim of $0 .00 per Wayne twp. One of the large.t and .tronge.t &NociaElmer E . Wonderly t o Henry H " Is t hIS yOlll' fl'l nel?" a ~k l' d "T o nil' the 1''' '' 111.'' , hI' (.~ p l. ,j ll , . d. 111('111 " 1' .1' . " lie' snie\. '" don't kn uw I week. tjon. in the .tlto. th~ ll~rs(' . ,. lti most lIpn l og(' t icall~... and Il' d hhn \\ hat ~' '' U' I" f l' t,ling abou t Luke. I Th e cllse of The McClure Gi l Eby. 129.36 ac res in learcree k ~~c ll!Un TJodd ecI. . ... ~o Ilnd('l'~tllnd that thiS Iuxtl ry W ll~ 1' " 1 th"('(·',, a fud t hllt CIlII 't be Co mpan y, v,:rsUis Albert M. Shu - t w£,. A. Hanison t o Hal'riet Bow Why take Chancee on Get·Ricb. Quick 1 hal s him nil nght, 111 ISS. 1I1l(l('rI11 RIH!ul. hlil1 'le ',\. e cO Ll ld h av~ sav ed mak er .wus dls mis!;ed . Scheme. and lo.e aU. The llU I'Se dl~app 'nred , a nd _ _ _ _ .l'0u r ill'ollll'r's life : inst!'lld, wh en : . ' J esslC Lee KE!nn on wn given n erm aster. Part of L ot No . 282 in Dunty look cd at. i\T:l I'g-a l'l·t in Iw f"und hI' \VII S ruin ed he houn- ' dlv orco fr om Ciluence H. Ke nnon, Franklin twp. Ihe man bent over l he b(ld . He We kindly IOlicit ),our patronage s mell m.u ~ty' lind un savory , as horrified I1I11f1Zl'IIl l' IIl. II is ('{' n - de'd him "ti ll furt he r i nt~ th e mire I the ~efendant having been guilty Marie and Grant Rid er to Thorn ~hough h" clothes had been slored s ternllti on was all11C1~t cU l1li c. II i ~ g od i, mo n(·y- ' , , of ~11.lful absen<!e for 3 years The as J. and Cora B. Riley . 40.42 III !l damp place. "Y o u'V(' I!iv"n buck ;:al l tlH' " )'l' t he gil VI' me eve rything" plaintIff was r{'stored to her a !=res in Hamilton twp . THE "J oe says that a s yo u didn't 1110noy he gnve you ?" hl! st um- " 1,,, sa ici qlli l' ll~': " nnd When I r~- I maiden name of Jessie Lee Garner a's~~r~.eorn . s911 ea k ~e' s g~~ng to make things ml'l'I' d. f ~ ~ ' d h im money. he went away ~n t he case of Alice Bennett right £01 y ou. "Why shou lcln ' t I '! ha ve wll lllC ut a wnrJ . Uon't you realize I Price versu~ Charles E. and Ed- ael'es in Turtl eereek twp. ilantcoll . t lw t hlld he go ne to hiS / ~ar.d Bennett on motion of plainb \\' ~' (-\' , had h{l gO lle to t he co urts tIff It wa s order~d the .renl estate Probate Court ProceediDa. Two Offices: h:ul ~I " done any thing- I must be Bold ~t pubhc auctIOn . It was decreed by the court that hll\'(1 /rIVC'1I hilll t he money back I Jack SImons pleaded n ot guilty Susnn L. Vandervort, executrix of 19 E. 3rd St. Third at Broadway' 1I ('t bpca us(I he had any legal right to a charge against him. Bond the Inst will of C. B. Vandervort, t n it I,u t hC(';lu s c I wuuld nol haVe ",:as fixed at $500, which wa s fur- deceased, distribute and transfer DA YTON. OHIO dlll'('d Ie) fare a public inquiry. He lllshed and the d efendant allowed certain stocks and bonds to said £'I4W;.h~<l 1817 executrix. ma y have ' bl'(' n m(llln . he may have to depart. hl'e n 1\' 1rilo ly crue l, but I 'cannot ' Rene Snell WI~S granted a divInventories and appraisements :'!I{ht ~ II(' wrong. with a nother. : o rce, fro~ Charles Sn~I1, the defen filed:_ ' hut IS Lhe conSId era tion whic h dant havll1g been gUIlty of gross Estate of J ame!\ B, Wills, de- Mills and Ross Hart soc k were \ Ili a d", ~l\ five' buck t he money to neglect of duty .. The ca~e and cu s_ ceased. made appraisers . .\fl·. ~t lies, ' ~ h e went On in II voice t?dy of the nll~0Z: chIldren wlls P. A. Runyan, Herbert Marlatt Th e court approved of th e reo I.t''? s tl'lI !:'e,'. more agreeable, almost g iven to the plaintiff, The defen- and L. M. Stephens were made ap porI made by W, Chester Maple, 11'I f' lId ly . We shall hav e to thresh dant was order.ed to pay '10 per praisers of the estate of James P executor of the es ta~ e of Amanda Reed, deceased. out thi s bU Rin es. of Rex -it'~ w eek fo r their suppo~t. }d. VValker, deceased. • WANTED In the case of Elias Oglesbee Herbert Marlatt, P. A. Runyan ,'('I',\' u~ l y und hurtful and I can't Application was mnde for the Ihin k of it ca lm ly eve~ now. Luke ~t a l versus ..Joseph Moeller, e t al: and L. M. Stephens were made ap· npprovnl of the final acount of mtl y ha ve so me explanation; there It w~s qrdered that the plaintiff's praisers of the estate of Malinda the estate of Minnie Hauck , d e- WANTING- lo Taise ilobacco, (lillY be a very excellent reas on appl"c~[lOn for temporary re- T. Reed, deceased . so me corn o n shareR. Robe rt ceased wherefore it was found the The court ordered Ralph B. sum of $600 with interest is due Monger Wa ynesvillc R. D. 4. · f12 why he I'cfused a ny furth e r help stl'lllnlllg order' be denied. ~() pour Re x. At any rate, it's my In the case of The State of Ohio Parks, administrator of the estate the estate from the administrator Jub to find the ll'u t h.", versus Stan ley Holliday the de. of Edward M. Thirkield, deceased John D. Hoff accepted t he apFOR RENT H was aln HJst livid with a fury Cendant was selntenced to pay a to sell at private sale, certain pointment of administrator of the he eoul ~1 h31'dly di sgu ise. His lipe fine of $500 !1 ndl costs and that he stock of the deceased. estate 01 Alexander Hoff, deceasC U~',I " c1 III a sneer . ~t~ nd c.o mmltted to the county George Davis, Harold McKay ed and flied hi/; bond of $0,000 FOR RENT- F arm 100 acres, "Yo u' ve give n back all the m,?ne y he gave you?" he ~ tal1lme [' e d , I,t scem s to .~e .t hat the result Jntl untIl fine and costs are paid. and Edward Clark were made ap- Bowyer, Wilbur L. Pierson and C, n car Xe nia, tobacco t o b e r f ~ OUI I CCOI ClllatlOn- - I Suppose In the case of The Hood Rubber praisers of the estate of Russell Bowyer, as sureties , C. H. Bowyer ruiscd . Addre!'~ Chas Kuble, I "Didn't '.... hat? .. asked Luke. e n oug h to live on," s hc sui t!. "Mr. that's what il !s coming to-wiIJ ~ompany ver~us Edward C. Zeh- J . Murray, assignor. *f12 Wilbur L. Pierson and C. J. Wag- Spl'ing VaHey , Ohio . ' g " qu eak. Don't be funny! whe n ti les, li S tru : tec of th. fun d i. be lo leave me 10 the lurch and put gn , ~t aI. , ~t was ordered that The last will and testament of goner were made IIppraisers. yo u co~e out! see him ." He slip- . ma kin g me a ~L!flh:ien t all o wun~e.' ~: wl:o ng with. anybody. Finan- Ilther~ne Le.lse r, receiver , herein Charles ~c hn ell , deceased, was Phed ~lldlrty prece of paper und er ' H e could on l y ga ze Ilt he r, ~ C l:t11 y. Itf! may r U.1ll me. Luke had a SEhdall gdlveCnozttche .to adll .cl'edllo~s of I produced In court and admitted to Bill. Allowed 1__ ____ FOR SALE t e Pl OW, a nd Luke hea rd fI well- dum bfo unded. A II his fine schemes . b Ig In uence III lhe City, and war : e. r!ng olllg busmess probate. Roy Schnell accepted t he .. r emembere d rustle. "There's a hnd been . blown away as a now th e s uggestion that I a.s The. BIg DIXIe Garage, Frank- trust as executor and gave h is Lyle Blank Book Co., s upplies, FOR SA LE fiver the~e for you. Joe ays he'll fealher of st am is blown by a l l." n: . unt:lgOn Istie "to him is mnking hn, OhIO, to , pr~e.nt t~eir claims bond in the sum of $12,600 with $35.7.5; Stakalta Manufacturing . . - One J ersey Ilnd gale. S he ';w d him t he tl'oub le l a big ~ I frc l'ence, for allowance wlthm thIrty d ays. Frank Schnell and Foster Schnell Co., s upplies, $17.10; W, L. E. ' S h ~ rlhor!l . cow li nd one J e l'sey look after yo u." hIS ~t~rprise s~e laughed. The ~ase of M[. F. Little ,trustee as suret ies. John Keller, Stanley Gurley, liquid measure rule , $50.- an~1 2. HClfers, and 2 ~horough " Gi>d .~Iess. him-" said Luke of speaki~g a nd ~ave him time to soberly, for If ever th~re was a recover hI mself, fOI' she went on : " '. D~~ton, s~e said, IIlmost 'g aily of LoUIS Goodn~lIn, vers u!< N. C. Myers and. George Jon es were 66: Ohio Ce ntral Telephone Corp. bre d big ty~e I olaTJtI Chma Sows t01ls for office $29.15' Same t t) fu rrn w III April, ulso J('rsey ?l,!ln wh"o wanted lookmg after, . " Luk e hall nevel' been in P a ri s , ; OL! Ie ,m.ukll1!5 me feel a pigl C.oru.m , et aI., was settled and made appraIsers, It s me! s lllee he went nwuy- some in- \ ~ u don t Im ag me I wou ld allow a dismI ssed. In the settlement of the estate rent" for office, $52.76; F~ed Pro~ bull. F~lI1o ry Be ltz. . *f 12 He I ft t~e hospital on a sunny terest d pe rso n mu t ha ve sent f1'lend o f ~ex's ~o s uffer because In t he case of Paper Products of Mary Grover deceased, the net ter, 1 loose leaf inven to ry reco rd, : FOR SA LE- Hedge line and aftel'noon, a nd co uld walk out I that wire, ( a lm os t feel us t hou gh of the help he trIed t o give me?" Compa ny versus Srere Brothers & value of the estate was $1107.66 $~6.44; Stakalta Mfg. 90 . , su pco rner posts. Inqu ire of Leo nDun to n More ll was puzzl ed . Co., et aI., court approved the re- with Harry Grover, brother and phe, $1 y. ~8; Same, supphes, $13 .- al'd Tinney Ph one 74 F2 · fI!) with out Hssi lanc e, or he had car- , I wille d it to be !lent, to g ive m e ried no baggage. He was s trong gom e excu se Cor th e lerrible way Why was she so chee rful? And port made by Alfred C. Brant, re_ WiJliam Grover, brother sueces- 25 : Wilham J. Pfianze r , lab or, ' . . e nough to walk, for he had taken I treute d Luke." he ~ lI1i l cd . " I th('~ he re me mbe red- she would celver for Al~red A. Srere where- S O l ' s . ' $4; Mary Hopping, rent office FOR ~A LE-Alfulfa hl1 Y. Inquire nn apprecinbl e a moun t of exe rcise l !<houlel bo uwf ull.v unc umfortable be In ~ o nd H .i n a f e w days, would by the receIver ~a8. _disc,harged The court authorized The Leba Co., supt. of schools. $30; C. j o f George Robertso n · f19 on the terrace of t he hospi tal: but if I th o ught my mo ney madc any I be ullItecl Wi t h her hu sband. The from any iurthl!r liabIlity. non-Citizens National Bank and Donald Dilatush, r ent for pros • . Court approvl!d the report made Trust Company, executor of the atty. office, $16; Waldron ·GiI- FOR SALE- .Folding bed, a g ood he had lost weight and hi s clo t hes clifferenec to yo u in you r sche mes, thell!gh~ mad e him wince: he was hung loose ly upon him . The mys- Danton. Happ ily, yu u'r e a ric h beglllnmg t.o unders tand how big by Alfred C. Brant, receiver for estate 'of Granville J. Decker. de- mour inquest body of Arthur A. Cln('. InqUire of M;rs. Sadie t ... d ous man to ld him to go to man ." a pl n~l.'. t hI S gi l'l had made for ceas ed, to sell ana dispose of a cer Sim~ns, $6.30 William J. Pflanzer So nn e!'. . . - fIH 6 Mrs. Fraser, nt 339 Ginnett Stree t · Danton nodd ed Kluwly . H e had Dherste ll l1\n his life . It was n ot like tain bond of th e estate at private Hre.PCal.r8Real'~, Ms,~pmpoll~.a,1 ~4h.a8151." B$r50·2wn; TF °h~}1 S~Ly~\g, . W ahnltde dPreakklens. duMckrSs'. ' . . ' s ale. > " ~., ... He pushed ope n t he doo r ; a t hat mor ning receive d a wm'nin /r an 0 11 101'1.'11 to all ow any women crack ed bcll clnngud, and after a lett el' fr ol11 hi s bunk e r, fOI' he hud tl footh old In the co ld thing he thle~ among other things, " he said Howard W. Ivins accepted the and Bunnell, coal f or Memorial omus Hardin, Tel. 83F3 . HIS tone was as. calm. as t hough uppointm ent of ad ministrator of haJl, $~8.80; Treas. of Public Af- FOR SALE - 2 fres h J erse y Cows while t here emerged through a bec n sp e ndin g llIoncy lind losing ~a ll cd a hell rt; but inse nSibly, and door leading to the shop parl or a : largc su ms at hi ~ fnv oralt' gamiJ- (01' ~Onlc n 'a so n whiCh he cou ld he were announcing hImself the Malinda T. Reid, deceased, and fairs. hght and gas, $13 .68; Ka uf1'. S. Hardin, Tel. 83F3 *f12 sharp-fea tured . wom en with brassy linlr house in lh faith that hi :- !lO t unde rsta nd, she whom he had I member of an honorabl e gUild. tiled hi s bond of $2000 with mans, supplies, $5 .22; George E. FOR S ."1 met your husband once; he American Surety Company, of ,Pellen a Co ., 100 Ibs. coffee, $27.ALE- The house with hair, wh o greeted him with all finan cia l position wOtlld ~oo n he Int e nd ed lis a dupe hlld become a 'th e s uperficial unilri e ndlin ess unns ai lab le. factur. It .wn~ a ll11 0st unbelievable t.rled to do !fie a service--I s hould New York, as s urety. 44; Ohio Central Telephone Corp three a cre s of land on Fourth which he discovered was the W it h !In eff o rt he recovered hi A.nd . WIt h this ca me another like to . do hIm one. Mrs. Maddison The last will and testament of phone rent and tolls. $6.45; WiJ· , Street, Waynesv ille 'Ohi o, late ly norma l attitude of the small ' balancc and fo r ced his voicu in to r~ll hZlltlO l1 that mome ntarily left ;<\galn she nodded . James P. Reed; deceased, was ad- liam J. Pflanzerj labor, $100.80; ~nown as ~he Susan E. Haines tradesman in t hi s ne ighborhood . a tone of indifference. hlln aghast. Sh~ was in lo ve with 'Mr. D~nton Morell is a friend mitted to probate. Howard W. Mrs. Margaret ohnson, care of omc. EnqUIre of M. Mayers, 264 " I am Mrs Fraser " she snid. "I'm not s ure t ha t you' r e wise . her husband! of yours, Is n't he?" he asked, Irvins was appointed administra- Davis Johnson, $10; Lyle Blank Delaware Ave., Dayton Ohio .. . C1!J "r was told to call' and see you,' Did you rQ ns ult your iuwye r ?" He had opened his lips to speak 'S'Yhes ,' she.saj~ coldly. "Why?" tor with the will annexed, and Book Co., supplies, $4.60. FOR. SALE- Single bed and he began, whe n sh e interrupted S he shook h l~ l' hcad . whe n t he re ca me a discreet knock e saw hIS lips twitch. tiled his bond of $4000 with s prmgs, wash s;tand,. coal· oil " In ma lle r5 of conBcie n ~e one <It , ~ h e do~ l' IIlId t he maid entered. . "I was wondE!rlng ... Mrs. M!ld- American Surety Company, of Maria.e Licen.e. cook. stove and fireless :cooker. him quickly. There 8 a ge ntl eman wishes to dISO~, wo~ld you think I was Im- New York as surety. .Bert Clevenger, farm~r, of Wi!- InqUIre at Gaze tte Office. . " Are you t he man from the h os- do,:!s nOl co n ' ult Iawyel's,' s hl' said qUIe tly . . se c yo u. mada m- u Mr. Haynes" pertment If I Bilked you why your Florence E. Hopkins accepted nnngton, and Mrs. Virgie Toole, F ' Jlltal- Sm' th? " It ~' UB d!fliclIlt e nough .even to , Had Margaret been looking at hu~bnnd left r ou ?" l he appointment of adminiBtratrix housekeeper, of Waynesville, Jan- OR SALE- Two' 1-4 h. P. motors . Luk e smiled and nodd ed . She hf t;d the .'l up ?f the counter. ma~e Il1ll'lh~l'nl cnI1V (, I'~:JtllJl1. H l'r h ln," she would hav e seen Danty's Do you th~nk you would be?" of the estate of J . C. Murray, de- uary 30. 32 vol~s for Delco. Cu ll 22F2, 'Come Ill . WIll you? " H er t on e attltulle WII~ a dca cl w:l11 bui lt fll ce j!0 pal e. s h~ asked qUietly, and saw that ceased, and filed her bond of Sidney Weslev Pope farmer of Waynesvllle. $2400 with Stanley H. Bailey and Waynesville and l'I1iss Lily Mnrtha THRESHER SUPPLIES BEL wus r espectf ul, alm ost fawning, . "I , across hi!< en . ... puth, anu at th e . " He ~a ys he knows Mr. Mad_ famt sm ile of his. . thouj!ht yo u't coming out mom e nl it se <:meJ un sca labl e. He (Ii ~ () n sh ght'ly," the girl went on (To be contmued) E. W . Hopkins as surety. George Pratt, of Waynesville, February 1, 11 b bb ' TS l ill to-morrow." \ had t o pla y 1'111' l illll' 1I0W ; his c un- "u nd hc wants particularly to Sll~ . pu eys, a Itt metal, oil CUplI. She leel the way int o a frowsy ning t old him lhal ~o Innj! :.t!< he yo u." ---=: - injectors, lubricators, steam and little pmt" I' ancl clo sed the door had h<:1' 011 hi , :- id t: tl1(·rc was no Da nt y 1'g-npe PINKY DINKY water "Y 1 ' tl nt her . Willie HeDry Greet. the Genby TERRY GILKISON . . gnu g(!S, gauge glas8, oilers, . ' IlU (\( n l l,,11 him I was here • packmg, boiler tlues, suction hose I _ _ _ __ __ _____ ___ _ _ _ . elld you'!" li e began, and saw the and tank pumps. THE BOCKLET 1(1) /( of IIsto llishm ent in Mar_ CO . 4 16 W. Main St. Xenia, Ohio. g :tI'Pt ' s fnee. '"


fl'l~:nd or ~OUI:~


",,,,hI'S to ,

·? ~l.I~l tllli aLill g


Alfred A.

aphrat him by Johanelon, Wiles and Sparrl, Inc.












Building, & Loan Assn.









'( l J

I To



"Do you know him? " II II . 1 ' c noc r e u, and glanced sig ni. , fi cI.',nt ly at t he g irl. . •lll St wa it a m oment outside I \VIII yo u '!" SR id Margaret nnd' whell th e ma id had gone andth~ d o~ r '~IIS cI o:cd: "Who is he?" He s uma n I don't wish to see and a mun I do n't think you ought t o see . H e's a crimina l, the fellow 'I Who wa s · al'l' csted that night at fo~ t ~ e Ca rllon. If yo u take my ad0;1(,(' you' ll !;e nd him away." S he ' h e~ i tated. " If he kIlO I\'S Luke- " she beIra n . ." Hc doesn' t- that's just a t l'l cl( to see you. He'll probably wll nl mon ey, and he's a tt dllnl{el'OU5 mun." pre y "Th e n yo u'd better be he re '01'111'11, he co mes," s he said, and saw by IllS con sternation that t his was not nn acc eptab lc s uggest ion . "I'd bclle'1' s~ e him ," ~ne ~:Jfd , "Will yo u W:.IIt in th e littl e drawing roon l ?" ~nown Ml1l'garct in that mood he could not co mbut; he agree d ' su lkily to , he r: r; u gl;e~ lion , und . was in the Ilttl" draWIng I'oom when he heard ' the qU Ick ste l> of the Gunner pass th e closed door. Ma rg aret was unprepared for ~, ~ type t hat came into the draw~ log room. ,The tanned, hawk face . had u sbrength and a certain reo finement which she had not exI> cted. ' " Are you Mrs, Madaison'l" dt:uwled t he visitor, at:Jd she i~. Phone ~S clrn~d h r head s lightly. "M Y l1m li, S.''Gunnel' H ayn8S~the police _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ ...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;;. :Jmc Haynes,· I'm a know jewel •

Anthracite Coal We have the same high-grade Pennsylvania Anthracite your brooder stoves that we have had in the past.

Peat Moss

for The best absorbent brooder house . and chicken house.

:"'·a yaelville . Farmers 'E lI,haage' Co.

, I

Hel6H HO .'


HERe co

THe New

","II) -




FOR S ~LE-Seven room house on. Third St. C.entrally located I f S ' rwulr 0 • F. Elbon Waynes_ VI e, . " ·£12 FqR SALE-Mode} T. Ford sedan In running order. Price $16. W. A. Surface, WayneSVille Route 6.

NI!"" llI'IIu .... ~ Y't

, ~ ..

...... . , . ,

'THE. . t'tova~" 'nf. S~l"







- ..



·f12 PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS I' -For all purposell. Bockl.t'. u~e ot plumbing and heltine IUp. pl~e8 are tb best_ The BockletKmlr Co., 416 W. Mlln St Xenil Ohio. .', MONEY LOANED

1 1~"'o

'(au . 'A~'1! t


e~T"'I!~ oR. ~'S!T'eq :p


5% Farm Loans LONG OR SHORT TIME-Eaey terms, Also Surveying IlJI.d Ab stractlng. Write and I \fIJI cali and lee you. Sam D. Henkle, Way- ' nesvllle, Ohio. In LOANS on Livestock Chlttele Second Mortaces. N~tel bouebt' John Harbine, Jr., Xenia . . 'Ohio •



F armers.Attention Farmers (If Warren .nd Idjolninlr countl~s. may obtlin monl, on lonlr time loana, at 6 per cent in. tlrest. COlt of lecurJ'nC the lI.e . I. very rellonable, throulrh The Federal Land Bank. For further information eall or adclreu • C. DRAKE, Treasurer ' p\OIl" 8J. X l.ebanOD, Olalr' ,






-::;:~~:;::;;;;;::::;;,n;;~::;:;;;;::::;=~ I", he ~



\ij~.lil~~f~'~.;~'~'~~.,'· Un'~:u·;~j((1) Iblo;:~hll~~::i.~N~~~~~ wInd


t ook my nand in shelte red nooks, ' ~ he t ook mY candy and my bookR; She took that costly wrap ot f u l', ,' he I ok t hose glo ves I bou'g h t fo r

------- ----,------D. L. CRANE PubU.h.,

~' ~ N a ti ve,: " ' ope, lomet!m ell It I ,: blows t he o th er wa y." great deal of fU I 8 is be ing ,Ollie. Phoue ....... ... ... ,.. :..... No. 112 s tirre d up In so me Quarters ove r her.., • I R·.ideac:e ...... ....... ........... .. No. ),1 iI whal is r e prese nted a s bei ng an \00 1 Ill y WO l'c!!; uf love nnd :.~ c,a l·e. uttempt to d epdve Am e ri can c it iShe took m y fl o \vI1 I'~ , ri ch ancl rll l'e Suilac~lption Price, $1.50 a Year ze ns of Lhe ri g ht o f t rial by j ury , , 'he took m y r ing w it h a t n d r in co nn ecti o n w it h lh e e n fo rce· 'm ile, ' inl.,.d"r Po.ruffle. or Wa y nu.m. nie nt of t he pro hibi t io n Inw. t o tl k m y tim e f o r quit e 11, 'lit/a, a. Second Cia .. M .. II Mallo, Th e f acts uf t he ma t t e r aTe TH E BRID GE 'w h ile; ========--=_'--==-:.;.-==-. - . ;-:. t hat th e Nntio nal Com mi ssio n o n f UN E RAL DIRECTOR . :, ,.' ~ (. d, Il ,y a ,;o · ~: '. ; O:1~ oh. tlO :.h y \ B y Fred e ri ck P e touo n Luw E nro i'cem e n t and Obse rv.; he nnk t hr th i n ~ s tna t I woulc FEBIW AllY 1:2, 1!l3 0 a nce, of whi c h H a n. G eo rge W. WA YNESVILLE. OHIO . \ c r tl ~ s lhc' fU <l lll ing I'i v('l' buyWic ke rs ham , f o rm e r -" tto rn e y T h,. (i1 t! 1,1 id)!l' IW ll ds i t ~ linw; " Il k 1 II lu ~ l co nf l·ss. 111~' py e - -==~===========·I Ge n e ra l of t h e U nite d Stat e~ , is fi na ll y luo k an o t h ' r guy . M \' f a th, 'I" ~ f a lh"r ~ hlli lt it c ha irma n, in n r e port t o Presi' I n ag(l~ t ., n,l! ag o. ,F' LJII .V l-~q lli p p e d for Go od - -- - - - -. de n t H oove r re co mm e nd e d lha t II United 'tates Co mmiss ione r s be ~e f\·jce . T he \' n('\' I'r Il· fl 111' t' 1I 1'1l1 ~ (·nd A GAMBLE , TWO GREAT JUDGES empo we r ed l o ac t us magis t rll t es 1';ls t wh ir' li t h,· \\' lll "r~ ~ 1I11 , · c1 . Lar.){e Di ~p lny Room . I f o r th e min o r in fr uct ion. o f t he I W I1\' ~ h"lI l t1 " 111' ,' \','1' wund,·1' Wc' " Iuyc·t! n A'Ul1Il' o f .ca n ls A rn lJlJl a nce Service - - - - - -. luw. tu re li eve th e ' press u re up on '0 s l.·e if we s hou ld wed; W Ill'II lIl'r .. i ~ nil t h l • " " I iiI': the F ed !! ral Cou r t s. "We think it :'il.,' thow.:- hl "he \V (J ul .1 oUL -wit m I ~;PIlI1N'" 7 I , ~ Y OR f\: HiI !1 Willia m ll owunl T a ft e nd s a i ~ po. ible to p r o vi de fo r !I h c arin~ Fa l1lily. fd, ' III I, :lIl d ga ... 1.·". That I \.: , u ld los l' illY hcud . life ti me uf publi c , se l' vic(' in his . . . he f or e a mugistl'1l te, IH'o vid e d Sm ;dl fi l' l d ~ "I' I' i('" "nd lI·n. l~ u l r won e \"ry ha n d , r etire me nt from th e ;'upre me l l'ia l by jury . . is prese r ve d t o Th .. ea t lil' i II till' IIIl'a, 111 \\' . . ' '' l il ~ h e \\'a ~ u " fell t r d. o ur l be nch, an d th e n UIl1 !! of lh l' Ilce used, " is th !! exa ct lan T he bi rd ,; ill ~ tl't ' al1l an d t r,·,·, w,"·" .. marri ('11 no w. a n d 1. 1· lll h ~ I'- ­ Charles i::van s H lIg h es is add ed t o ~ lIu g e uf t hc r e po rt. MI'. Wi c ke r '1:1 S llIT), th a l I clteal,· d. I The pa J,! t'unt Ii th ,' ~ ( 'il !"- ll n s th e rost e r ll f ~ I' eut A me l' ican s who s ham goes on t o suggest t hat in A s h L' :-:. 14 J\\' \ ' l\ a l' :-: )til b v : hu ve till e d th e pu~t wh ic h man y cases wh e r e th e ucc used pl eads n"I\\ ' I " ' " tIll' I,c'aks 'all " \(: 1I ~ r egard li S ~r eate l' th a n eve n lha t Ku ilt y n u t ri u l is nec('ssur y, and 'I' ll,' a ~. lIl'l' "I' t ll r' ,,1. ,\'. o f Pres id e nt, hit'! JU!\li ce of th e th e Co mmiss io n e r co uld save th e !:i upl'e nw Court o f th e Unil ed CO ll l't 's lim e by l'('IJOl'l ing th e f llct 1\'1 Th e dl'at! tl.H·Y .Ii \' ,' 1I 11 t! ling C'1 S tul t·s. , t o a (Iunlill ed j u d~ e f o r sen~ , t il ea ch ta llllll:lI' "Inr I'. T hi l·t y d ifTl'l' e n l me n hav e hee n te ll ce , Il nd thu l wh eT(' th e plell is . nl' I"!:':'s \" a t e " is !lilt e n o ll ~: h \\ ~t}l I;IIHII,' th ll ug-h l - til h" :\l't" n Pl' e~ idl·n ls . Unl y c leve n huv !! l'ce n " no t Kuilty" th e Cu mmissio ne r I h .. chd d l'l' lI IIf Ih,·,,· 1:1",·. - ial". 2 fTl;l s:'es 11 hall' hou r be- I C hief .Ju st ice , in c ludinJ,( Mr. co ul d hea r lh e ev id e n ce !l nd ' r eHIGH E ST ' \. l IJllakfa st. Y II lI ~e t qukk pr I -- - Hu g- hes. MI'. T a ft is th e o nly m a n port th e r eco mm e nd a tion to th e in OUI' h isto r y wh" has fill e d both Cou rt. " prov id ed fur t hc r t ha t if C A SH ,nd he l te" re!' uits by uddinl : a i tl · s in" !1: ' ·'ycPl'in. s:: line' , ,·te·.. I pos t s. lie l>r o u ~ h t t o th e S upl'c m e co nv ictio n is rc co mm e nd ed by th e PRICE S .k",,,,,, . " .\ ,11 (' n kn h' on e 1! 11l !'s. . Be nch a n 'ell rd s u ch U ;I fe w me n' COllllll is: io ne r. t he Ilcc used mn.y in Aml'r icu 1111\' " ma de. H e mude a within three days uft e r filing of l l1l ;k,' ot he l' r~l1l('d i es . Adl ol'it. a ' PAID " • ~ "I I 1101'11 Ull p" 1' llnd In \\'p" , (' til ec r o f pu b lic servic e . Afte r th e Co mmi ssio n e r 's re port. . . ,:e r ving his nnti ve city ns a publi c 'de mand l!'ial by jury." . bl)\v~ lin d 1'(' lI1 n v(" ~l d p"i~o n ~ Y" u I ne v ·r t hOll)!ht we r e 1<1 yo ur ~ ) ~ tl' m :It t m ey !l nd u j udJ,(e, he becu me , Those nrc th e re comm e ndati ons Adl c r ika , l"p s GA . a r.J ou r Hucccss ive ly , S ol ki t o l' Ge n e rnl o f whi c h so me o f those who are ~ l'llath in 10 min ut e R! H" lil'\' cs th" I Jnitl'd ~>t all's , U n ite d ~t a l es IlU:<f' d th e e nf o rc e me nt of prohib. C ircuit J ud g e , G,)ve rll o r -Gc ll l' l'ul ti n n ure tl'y ing t o t wi st into an 1M. Eo~, a ~~~~= credO«,. swinging out from the 69th story ,. ,nn'put io n in :l hO llrs. Ada,"a Se vere Ca .e Of Lo ng St a ndin g I o f til · Philipp ill,·s . ~ccr tur y o f l' f1' ur l to d o uw uy with tri a l by ~ Baak o( bWlldIlIlI'in Wall Street, Ito look down on D" u g Stnre. Ben"fH ed in Wee k. By Me d. War, Provin c ial Govl' rn OI' of Culm jury. , ~ ~ Tower..apd of the world. The New Yode PHONE 8F3 e rn Medi c ine th e n Prcs id l' n t o f t he Unite d The s iluati on whi c h wo uld be ~JVrf»olp= dac ~ of the pkt~ Le t us print yo u r s ~ l E' h ill s S la t es, nn d u f t!'r l' ig ht yea rg li S 0 ' cr eu t e d wo uld be simpl y e xte nd. HARVEYSBURG, OHIO -P ro f' l; or lit Yal (J u niv c r liitY' 1 in~ t o th e Fed e ra l Cou r ts th e - - - C hi e f J us ti ce o f the upr e me pructice whi c h p revn il s in all state PUBLIC SALES Co urt. a nd locu l judi c ial sys t e ms. Com[J MI'. Toft was fOl'tun ut e in being punI tive ly f e w perso ll accused of (I Ow ing l o th e recen t cl eu th of inde p nd e nt o f fi na nc iul con sid e ra misd e mean or s undel' S ~;Ilte laws 111~' hu ~ ba nd E . T . Lacy , I will ti o nR. Mr. Hu g h es. who s Ul' ceeds e ve r Kl't o' jury trial. It is the ir ~ (' II my fnr ming im p le lll e nt K Hnd him, has hud t o ma ke hi ~ o wn way ri g ht to de mand it, but how often Mr. W . C. Ti che n or ret urn e d O ur Fa r me r 'fI i: nst ilu te wi ll h e ho uRl·ho ld I!'oo ds. L oc ut e d on in lhe wo rll! . MI'. T"ft hlld th e d o th e y uv ai! them se lves of . thllt 1 hap!>y facull y of h oldinrr him self right ? Did a ny o n e e ve r he ar of a Frinu y fr ol1l Pitls lJu rg wh e r e he 11(' ld ut lh ~ Gym ill H a r veysb urg f:h e nowelh Lun e 2 ,<" mil es N. al oo f from pllrti san ~ trif e uml jury trial fo r n s imple violution d e livc red an address a t th e Wnl. O il t he I !J an d 2 0 o f lh i ~ Ill o nth . A W . of W uy nesv ille un S.tu r day, February 15, 1930 eve n his poli t icu l oppo n e nts ne ve r o f th e aulom o lJile s peed laws. for Pe nn Hil lel be f ore l he t we nly- g ood proJ,( ram has bec n plunned . We url' sorry tll re po rl u nl'ie di s pla ye d to wu rd him th e bitle r- e Xlll1lple , of f or fis hing witho ut thi n ] :l n n ll HI cll n ve n l ion of the De l:in nin g at 1 p m. n ells whi c h uth e rfl in s imil a r s itua- u li ce nse ? Yet ev e ry on e charged Rebdl Lumbe r Deale r s Ass ocia· J os l'),h Mo Pl'1' qu itt:' .r1J~lI' l y . at th is (ln e ge ne ml pllr pose m a r c. 1 li o n o f W est e rn P e n nsy lvania. \\Titlng. Mr. J' l l nol t' IS 111 h l ~ !l2n d t ion s hu ve !l ro use d . Mr. Hughe" with a ny ~ u c h min or off e nse could mi lk cow, c h ic ke ns , fa rm imMrs. Ada S. Pet ' rse n a nd M i s~ yea r. has bee n m o re o f a s t o rm-cente r, a s k fo r und have a jury trial if he pleme nts. t ools , b ul c'h E' l'in g ou t Grac e S m a rt o f in ci nnati we re Our LadiC's Aid m e t t hi ~ week fit, ~ t am er. seve ral bus hel of corn but n o ne hus e ver cha llenged his ins is t e d up o n it. S u n day g" uest g of \\I I" . Mllry with 1111';<. Edi t h and IIIl Mc Kay. de voti o n t o his co untry's inte r ests - - -,1. L. T a lmage wif e a n d son H lluse h uld Goo ds, ~o m e Anti ques. Th e sam e folk s wh o we re hop- H a in es und has. T . S mar t . no r ques ti one d hi R a bilit y us one T e rm Cash . t a me Ul' f r ll m- So ut h Le ba no n of th e r l' ull y g- r e ut luwye r f\ and ing a co u p le of years ago that MARTHA LACY The h igh ~c h uo l slud e nt~ gave S un tluy a fternoon til ~ pe n d a few jurist s o f America. His service a s I.. ind y wo uld mak e so m e f ool th e pillY, "LJ o low, l\l:lry ," a t th e ho urs wit h th e ir pal' t:' nts. A. B. Adm . Secre tary o f S ta te and a s n Ju s- break that would give them a Gym Tu e 'du y eve ni ng. The plot T a lm age, wife an d a u nt, Miss Ma r li n & Stanl e y , A u c l tic e o f til£! Co urt whi ch he n ow chance t o throw mud at him are was e xce ll e n l . t he c haracte rs w e ll J e~s ie L. Gur n r. IRI'ue l Ctltt , Cle l·k . head s hov e bee n step p ing st ones the ones that are now chu ckling pOl·traye d. Those t akin g part we re H owurd J acobs:. wif un d son tuwnrcl his p r ese nt exalted pos t. beca use it loo ks as if Admiral D o rth ~n Duvis , Mllrj o ri e Stump , Ral ph o f Sa ndu sk y nr c the guests I hove dec ided t o sell Ilt public MR HARRY C STEWART Phone 93 A ll the Chi e f Ju s tic e of the Unite d Byrd would be stuck in the Gl e nn ll Os bo rn, J ose phine Gra y , (I f .Jam es Jnc o bs and famil y a t a ud io n a l my r eside n ce. on what S tates h e Is uh ove and r em ove d Anta rctic ice Cor anoth e r year. Mild red Bc nnt' ll , Fred B og a n , W lim o n. is kn own a s t~e P e n 'y W elleI' from party stl'i fe and th e r e will Th e re is a pe l'v e r s ity ab out unces J o hn Tu c ke r, Dun'e l Boga n , Al x K. E. T homp on a nd fa mily e n - fa rm a t t he S ugar CI' ek ~rid ge. "W ond e r fu l is Ko njo la . lh e fi rst be f e w, if an y. wh o will not con- ce os ful . peo ple which makes Deski. Gl t' nn S ne ll a nd li ve te rt n il1e.1 (1 11 u ndllY e ven ing t hree 3. mil es East ot C enterVille, . 3 m e di (,i ne , u ft e l' fi ve yea rs of s uf cede that In naming h im a s th e th e m h:lt e s u ccess anr! g loa t over De bo llrd . a uto load s fr olll Dayto n, mil es W ,e. t of' ,Bellbro ok, 1 ~ll e fe l'i ng, th u t Lro urr ht III e r e lie f I!UCCCSSOI' t o ,Jay. Mnrshll ii. Chas e, th e mis fortun es o f tho 'e whom Dr. und Mrs. F . S . Tripp we l'e Q uite· nil epid m il' of eol,ls a nd o uth p! Whlte.s Corner. ~ IlI.lles f r om m UIl Y ills." says Mr . H a l"' ~' Fuller, nnd t he o lhe l' illustrious t he rest of lhe w o rld r espect, and s hop pi ng in W as hing t on H. Flu ha. sl ru k {l UI' littl e pluce. No rt h of F e rr y ory th e Wllmrng- C. S t c wu rt. 14 15 W hee le r s treet, Ame ricans wh o we r e hi s pre de ctls- t his pe rversity is t oo oft e n r e- r ece nt ly. W e do n't kn o w w ht' th e r t h l' ' on a nd Da yton pike, on C ov inglo n. K y. "I co ul d n ot ea t a tlo rs, Pres id e nt H uo ve r has mude fleet e d in t~ e se nsati onal newsOn Thursd'll y eve ni ng th e jun- G rou nd H o ~ suw his s had ow or Mc.nday, February 17, 1930 mea l wit hout d istl'(,ss afte rward. pa pe r s. th e b eet pOMsl blc choic e. ' ior class of th e hi g h c hoo l fi ll o n- not, bu t we d o kn ow we Elf!! sl \1l , B eginnin g at 10 :00 a. m. t he !Coons fe rm e n te d u nd fOl'm ed gas. so r e d un Olel Fiddle r' s Jubilee lit havin g wln te l' j u.;t l h t' s.nm e. I followin g pro pe rly I wa H s ubj ect to s m o th e rin g th e Oym . The ho u:'e wus Jl ac ke d M. . I. T or r y an ti w Ire s pe nt On e pair Mule. , 16 head Dair y s Pl:' lI ~ . Ki dney tro u bl(' cau sed and eve ry oll e e njo yed t he e nte r- Fr id uy afte rn oo n wi t h t he F.. . ' Ca ttle a ll T . B . t ested. 2 d oze n pll in R ncl'Oss m y buck a nd dist urb tu inml!nt. The fiddl ers j oinin g t he l unll o ll fam il y n ca r Wilmin g l on , rll ll- b l ~ o d ed White R ock he ns, cd my re. l. 1'h(' n ca r t arrh d e30 Years Experienc;! in Fittin ('o nt e ~t Wt' I'C, Wil Ea m H e nd erso n C lin t on 0, Ha l'J1 ess, Farmin g Imple me nts , \. 'l ope d , und \ s ure ly fe lt miserQ,nd Making Glasses Alex D es k e e · lo ~· t o ne o f his b e ~ t ' o rn Huske r, T o n Truck, Black- ab le. o f W e llman. 'um Hawth orn e ,,[ --at\' rll nklin, Mrs. J o hn Stnc ey o t' hor ses o ne day l a s~ w ec k , .it f(' n , s mith T ools, Ho use h o ld Goo ds a nd " I de cid e d t o lry K onj ola a ft e r Lov eland . Mor r is Brown of WIl Y- Il nd b r oke o ll e of Its legs III l wo m a n y mi sce llaneo us articles it W lI s s ince r e ly r e comm e nd ed by ne!w ill e, An dy Hi dee o f Cla r ks- pl a ces. T e l'lll s made known on day of a f rie nd. T odHY, after a brief EYery, Thuraday, vill e , T o m Co llin s of W a yn es vill e, Th e Mc Kay fami l ~' ultelllied sal e lrea tm e n t I would n ol t.!l k e. a J Oe Edwurds of Wilmin gto n, Mal'. Q lIa r le rl ~' i\1 e C'lin ~ at Spri ng Va l' TIM BARTON th o usan d d oll a rs f o r th e r e lief Saturday t in Burn s id e uf Du y t o n, " o od r o w I ' y on In~t Fr irlH Y a n rl. Saturd ElY· Mnrt in & Stanle y, Auct. K o n jo la has brought me . I eat, No char.... for E.amindioll F. C: ( le:1\'or . nul' c hle ke n mun , W a lte r Hibb·ard. Cle rk . s lee p and f eel better t ha n -in fi ve o llin s a nd H urr y oll i ns o f W e ll ' man. Pri'-es we re award ed as h a ~ bUill 11 m' \\' bl'llOdl' r h ou se a nd ye ul·s. P ui n s and mise ry ar c g on e. HONESTY AND BUSINESS rn ess e nte r.prlse, ~nd nm e f o ll ows : fir~t $7 , t o And y Hid ee. ' hopJ!l.l l 1; UO lit tie W . P. Roc k As I am go in g l o q u it fa rming, I n eve r y way I ha ve be ne fit e d and !I m e~ oul of t e n y.ou Will find an sec o nd $5 t o J Oe Edwards . lhil'd (' hI c ks. . I w ill off e r f or sal e at m y r esi- I o \~'e ~ve ry.t hing t o. Ko nj ola." . I g radu uted fr om coll e ge when Idealist. $3 t il Mrs J oh n t ac e y. Th e H e n ry Mo o l'!' a nd fa mil y ha ve denee, 1 mil e N. o t' W l yn esvill e . 1 Ko n) o la IS sold 111 Wa yneSVill e mu ckrukin g was in its greatest You. will find a man. who has pri ze in lh ~ hog calling ' co nte~t 1I1 0ve d fr olll th e T o n y Duv iR place Ohi o o n th e Ly t lll a nd W av n es- a t Adama Drug Store. and by a ll glory . I !ong smce ce llsed t';l be mte.restefl wont t o Ellis Os born. a nd in t he , to t he ir o\\'e fn l"m j us t n o rth of \' ille ' Ruud on • • I t h l' b e~ t d r ugg ist s in nil t owns ~OTARY PUBLIC The muga zln es !Jnl! new spapers ~n m~re mo!" e y-makmg wh o IS stay c hick e n calling co nt es t t o ~H·s . 1 th e J)av is flll' n~ . W"dnelday, February 19, 1930 thmu g ho ut t hig secti o n. nnd r efl' rn: cr s had fillecl our. youth ' IIlg rn b1ls.m ess . because of wh~t Be rtha W r ight. Oth e r e ntert a in e rs M r~. 1I1:1h(' 1 F . T e rr y one o f l~ e -- - - - - - - National Bank ful monds wllh so much (hst ress- 1 he wants hi S b.u s ln ess to dp for hiS were Ii' r e nch harps . Mrs. N e lli e ' m ut ro ns of t lll'Mu nt ' olll r y Cu. Beginning ut 10 :00 a. 111 . t he Cleaning LiEht Bulb. Ing Informati o n lhat we hardly I e~llployee s, hi S Ilommulllty, and I Snoo k and Mrs. Grace FUl'lllis j hilcl rc ns hO l11 e In D Iy t o n is fo ll owing propert y : Eatat., ... kn ow w'he th c l' th!! wllrld W1\~ II , h l~ country. . I g uil ; 1' and hnl' p , S. S. Elli s and J . s "l'ndinj! he r vaclltl on lit this Four hen d H orses. 2 heud o f Y" UI' elC'ct r ic Ii "ht t. ulb g w ill Will Drawn J d o not ~1l.Y thllt Imple e nts W .,ne.vI·11 e. Ob'10 s a fe pluee f o r us t o step out IIItO ~ It Bus intls(I IS C. V"IIIIII'S. banJ'o , l\1 e' lIe I'"U N 'lwA''ln IJIllce \.\·i.t h he r ho me folks a nd Ca I I t tl e , F U:'ming l\fl·.cellun e r u ·mIin el .IlF'ee lll 'ed hn \'e u n ex t rll s l)l.l~ rk le if , w he n per f ect. F 1\1' ,10m . IlI UII',,., [ n ell d ~ . , ~ , , 01' n ot. I h "Idrness G , d' . c lean in g t he m. yo u will use um' l 1 lin d J ohn S ta ce y, pl'Mun o, DOI'o 'hy th t th t I B d ut 0 say a e me 8 Nixo n . Each o f th e fiddl e r s and Th i " la c _. was \\. II r c pres ent e d 0 00 s. m o n ia in th e wate r. W e look ed Il s -rance . on al I t h e fell ows in coil ge whose fathers past ;.vhen th~ young man who th e oth e r e nt e l' luin ers r eceive d a al t he Olrl h dd lers Co n l es t at th e T e rm s mad e known on day o f had made mon cy. T o b e Sllre, the goes lI1t~ b usl!" ells needs to f~el pri Ze. Th ese prizes we r e d onu led Gy m in H ur veysb ul'g l a~t Thul's- ·a k . Lunc h o n g ro unds. fathers s eem ed decen t e nough old that he 1S nluklng n 8~lfish chOice by th e bus iness peop le of th co nl dny e ve ni ng a nd of co u rse Andy W. H. MAFF'IT - - - - --••• codge r s wh e n they visited u s at - a.choiee t~at cuts him oft' from munity. The junio rs c1 elll'e d a_ l ll id ce won th e fir st prize. Mal' tin & ley . Au c t. the fraternity house. But we felt se~~lce to hIS fellow. men. . " round $60, whi c h will ' be used fOr W. C. S milh, le rk. that somethin~ was ~ark and bad . Be not slot,~ful In ~usllle.s~,. sc ho o l pu rpo ses. in their past somewH ere. r.ald. St. Pnul, fervent III SPlTIt, • . .' , . _. ~. H avi ng r e n te d m y farlll . I will .The annua.1 Fallnol S In stllute 1"'\.,0/ .' \ ' ~(> II Ilt PuiJli c Au c ti on all ill Y A b . n was a being serv rng the Lord." With Dependable Fourteen Years of \Vithou~s~~~:~il'~l~e or intelligence . Many .a man,. building a big WIll be hcld III the Gym F e bruary .AlP1~ \ l ,J'?·;',Ti.] Chaltl es on Be llbroo k nn(1 F" I' r y ,1 like a slot-machine . YOll giv.e hi~ bu s iness III A.m e rr~a .. has, as a by- 19 and 20. ~;V "'. L " / road, :l Illi le~ N . " f L ~' tl " . ~ 'Al Serum and Virus ~ EXPERIENCE u nickle and he gave you a IIlckle S pl'llduet of hiS buJldlllg, stre~gthThe Women's Civic Leagu;-;;;t .:. ', . r ..' . '11--" m iles S. W . of B ellb ro uk. " mil os worth of goods. en ed, the character and !Ifted at th e hon'le of Mrs. Anna Harris .:.,.; . .( ~ .'J Ci 1'\. W ayn e~ vill e, on insures both SafeIf he t o ok your nickle and with- the. Ideals of hundre~s of hIS as- Sa t urday atfe l'l1 oo n. e Rspon ses t o Fricl\Y, F"brll.ry 21, 1930 ty and Success held th e goods, then he was a suc- \ Socl~tes, and helped III the r~gen- roll call were qu otati ons fr o m 0 1' B e~ lnn Ing ut 10 :3 0 sharp . .10 cessful business man. eratlon of a whole commumty. concerning f um o us peo ple born in ()II .:~.:,. head of "X h 'll T. B. Te stl' d da Iry We .know be tte r now. In fact, And .the .number of s.uch m~n Fe bl'ual·Y. A f ew bus in ess m a tters EDSO ; . WAITE • Cutti e, 3 head of extl'a g ~o d wo rk 1 believe It could be shown that - the . Ide~hs~s of. Busmess III were discu sse d lind th e mee ting S'f,a\, " Old a n nr sl'~. 40 head H og?;. IIn!"Hln e d the greates t force for righteous, Arneqc n- Is lncrel\Smg very fast turned ove r to the prog ram co mfur Ch ole ra antI Pn e Um Olll :l, 15 Harveysburg, O. ness in the United States today; la .. - . - - - mittee with MI' . Mary Doat e l', _, =.; Brood So ws, 25 fe e de rs. 5 rrood I Way~e8ville, Ohio nothing more nor less than the Uncle Si Tlnklepftugh says he 'a chairman She i!"troduc~d t o us OUI' I E wes, 2 4 Full Bl o od e d Whi te Phon .. 31 once maligned busineal!l, coun~y probutl o n. office r, Mrs. Hur old N . Rec k. e ,rit.or o f The Hoc k Chi cke ns . r,OO bu. COI'Il. 35 Business is the greatest ally and l heard about Chinese eggs thllt Hm·tllI1g of Frankhn who talk e d to O cca n ~ id c ( Ca lifo rni a ) Bl a de Tri- bu. Se ed Potatoes , Fordso n Tra cpromoter of Honesty. And more they bury for ten years before Us of her w c~ rk.ln t.he ~ounty. ~ e l' bUIl f', suys: . t or and Equipm e nt, c omule t e - - - - - , -- nnd morr. I have corne to feel that they eat 'em. He had some In 8 tal.k .'~I\ S ve lY mtClestmg, a,,!d .111"Did yo u (>VI;T ~ t " p to. lhmk th a t line of i1~lplem e n.ts , Hllrness and Honesty is, after ~lI, the corner-\IUnCh ' wagon over at Bingville the stl u c't!ve and her descl'I~tl on we can ll ot d u aw ay With schools I. uth e r artIcles. LIberal te rms. In' stone of all th e virtues. " , graphic . . 'Ihe program co mm.'ttee jus t beca :r sc ndllits ar e edu cat ed cuse in cle me nt w eather sal e und e r ' Nothing ha, s impressed me more other day, liut they d been dug up served light re.f reshment. AdJour- , und elln tlluch t he ir . childl'e n the ' s he lte r . than this: Get to the top of a big about nine years too soon. ned t o meet WIth Mrs. Osee Sn ell ) vit ul t hings of life ; we cann o t d o I PIERCE HARNISH On F e bruary 22. uw uy with c hur ch es becaus e Murlin & Stanle y, Auct. RESIDENT Mr. a nd Mrs. W. M. Mathias I>!lr e nt~ nr c r e li gio us and hav e and 80n Don and Mis5es Mabe l Bibl es whi c h th ey co uld r ead t o Th e F e l'ry Church at Chris t and Margaret Starr of Dayton th t' ir childre n an d train the young will se ll at Publi!; Autl tlon . located were Sunday guest s of Mrs. e r on es in t he c r eeds , doin~ away :1 mil es N. o f Wayn esville, 2 P'ERMANENT LOCATION Amandn Starr. thu s, with mini s ter ' a nd church es ; mil e~ N . of Lytl e , 5 miles S. E . Rev. L. F'. Williams was called we cunn ot d o uw ay with banks by Bellbroo k, (j rnile~ S. W. of ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN to the bedside of his Cathe r at l o anin~ llI o nl' Y 10 on e anothe l'. Cent e rville a t MI'. File r s Store • your Cattle, hogs, sheep and cal••• HolMate . Ohio Thursday. elimin a ting n e ceHsity for flnan. room 01' Iii case of inclement LEBANON, OHI'O to Norris-Brock Co., Jive wire and ~-------The 3rd and 4th grLldes ~ave cinl in gtituti o ns; W I! cannot do I weath e l' sill I' will be held · atMrs. progressive firm for the hlehillt Ihe progrnm at a ssembly Fr\dl\y ~Iway with merc hunts by leal'lling Jenni e Mullen s farm under she l- I Ey"a E.amined market prices Ilnd good servic •. morning, Lincoln was the th e me to .m!Jk tl IHlIlle - ~pun ,t:tarll1 e nts, I tel'. This , you will find to be. the Gla •• e. Fitted Repaira Union Stock Yarel., Cineillnati. 0· around which they built their v(>ry tu stlC furni t ur e :1nd any of · the , largest a sso rtm e n t of articles ; .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reference: Ask first man you meet Interesting program. Song by n e c e~ sl ti es of li fe whi ch mllke is I eve r donated by merchants o ver "'! $chool, "America the Beautiful." p ossibl e t o el iminate large scule vari o us counties to b ll s old at Devotional, Alva Albertton; Exer. manufa cturing a nd re tail me r- Public Auction. /t rade; Song. "Lin coln," 3rd and chants ; we .cann ot do away with Sa ' urday, February 22, 1930 . "The Life of Lincoln," Edjth Mae ne wll pape rs becau se eve ryone Be innin a t 10.00 a. m. prompt Brooks and Helen Rae Thornbury' kn ow!! th e; place wh r e t he y want Ne~ S:wing, Comforts , Silk "Lincoln Dramatization," by 4th to .~Io. ~U.S Ill ~SS . It cunnot b~ done. Pill:owl" Ap'r on s, Dresses, 'Men's grade; Song, '!Lineohi," 3rd and C l v lh za tlO~' .~us ~een bUIlt .as .8 and ' Boy's Clothing, Elec~ric 4 t h grad es; "Lincoln's Face Upon res ult of n. des\I e fOI b et te r ~h,"gs. Lamp'S Electric or Coal oil Chlckthe Wall," by 3rd grade. "Flag An t rad e IS'd ? n a deSire for e n Water s, 3 ton Coal. Chicke n Exercise, by 3rd and 4th grades goods. Ne c e ~s l~Y lS, mos tly, an .Feed, Toys, Seed Oats, Poultry Song, "The Star-Spangle Banner! au~mented. .d tl slr e . and thousands of arlicles not . b~ sch?ol. The 1st and 2nd grade's Ad~e rtl s ,"1l' rem1l1,ds people mentioned. This will be II ",onder~ See U. Early for Your Sai·e .n.t.e s! Wo Gu.r~nt ... WIll gIve the assembly program of th e Ir l'eq ulre m e"!t~, bu~. more f 1 r Starting at 10 :30 next Friday morning. - than that , advert ls mg ' creates u e. . , Satiafart:ion or Charge Nothinc:.< . The Baptist Missionary Circle ne\~ desires, ne~' trade, new pros- PI'r;:ai~s will serve a real .dinner. WIll meet wit~ Mrs. Marie Gray ~erlt1;' Adver.tls e and you wiH . Everyon'e w~come to come and Febr",,!ry ~6 Instead of February gr~w . _ _ _ slle.nd the day and see the sur19 ':Yh1eh .IS t~e date of Farmer'S,j . prises of the Bale. .. In9tlt~~_ . ' .. T~Y FERRY CHURCH .OF CHRIST PbODe No.7 OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Martin & Stanley, Auct. I



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J .E.McClure

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It will brlttg . paJHT.


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Cente~vine, O. New B'urlingt


Ph,,".. No.:

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F. A. Wrl,ht6 W. Hibbert. Clerka




-- ,



:011 I.llb (" '1"' , ' \\.1. quilt) ill --,\J.t- ;\\.Id ' ;\l11l'l!lIn IIl1d fu n\ily I ' ~~------........;----------~_:"~------------------, , WH, 1111 uQ'fnil!!ll 1.'"11,. 1 Thlll'~ II"1 l.lll ' 1<1,1 1'111 II jlll11.l1J II'J, ,.,r L~II.J , n ,<1"'111 Siln Ia~ ~Itlh Mr, ! "f ;\11'-, ~lal')nlld .JlIhnll. ,\11 \taT> FI,I Ft':t lll'~' l'\·tllt'lIl'd ~1J..I~fl tlllrl ;\11'" I" H, ,\I II' IIIa\\', 'I 11\1r~. i\ Ik(, :l1 "hlltl Il nd ~l'hild"l'n "'1 "1 \,1,"1' tillil1~" fi- ( "lllnl \Yli, _:1aIlH' ~J'I I , nil ~I'ck EII I I ('''IIIH'I' ,11', hilI'; 1I, n • , "~ I~i'" ]>UII1 \ 'p<' nl '" l'llnl',.,la~' \my I "lIf ,l hn II: 01,· ,I hU"II\I'~1 \\llh hl'/' lu"lI",,', ;\Ir~ , I."blil'· \Ir ••. r..,hn :'I1"ClIltlU)(i n f Fiv!' ~ \\i h a \"'1'>' :llll' lhronl :lnd is .1 111' t .. jJUI. "1I Thun·c!Il Y, '~Ir" ~' , . . I'. I. '\'1 < a dillll('l' gilI'I \\'l'dlH'. ,- h .. t >I't aul,' I" atl('nt! fll' hool. ,I,:' "t' 1\('1' "i.,("" ,\Il " <,: h,lIl'I's n, J , ,\ U:IIIIH, aLLl!nd\1II ,:l H"xu l l , b.1I I,', "1111 aU,'nuI·'I , I hl' ;-;th' (ll' i 111.0 I ing in Dllytun In 'l Tbun duy ~[ tI ton JI';,tha nI, gr~ I1c1!'olJn ~r TI: " .It l.y:l~ " hur 'h In th· Ilft ~ " ' l night I lilt', lind ;\11'" W , ,Graham, Is n oun. ' 1011 0 oj' r, he t hree 5(!locted fro m hi # ". - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :\11' lind :'I!r~, Enrl , Inl'k und , !!pecwl "~I on's Program" will clw ol . In Dllyl ol1 to enter the I cln;iKI~ l' 1 o t Dl'Oo lh'llle I el'c be prc!!cnted unduy at Fel:ry ! ol'lltol'lclll contest, \1 ",k.('IH I gUl'~ ~ 0( , )rl', lint! )11'5, ChUt'eh of , h r i$L , \\ "Ill r \'1:" k IInti f1l11li l y, :'orl ~. John Brown, 1111'S, Frank r IJu nd 2ge . I I> Thl'lma ( \ ,Ieillall \\'11 ~ a n 1\11' , mid ;-'1 )';" .T"" '\'nn~ ('Ill 'I' HlIlllt'l UII I! l\ 11'~" ll(lup;lu. l,l1l'k, b .,>; ~ ", "1' nidI ),:111,,1 \\' "dnCHln y " r I ni ll l'd rlll'l\' 1I It'l1lhl' I' ~ III' til(' £lap . ' ill' C'1·nlt·1'\ IllL', ",,!lI·d lin Il ssc>l I j'"a' K" lflh Hilt! ":I'~lti ),\ Il I':t1' ~It , li>l l 'huldl'lIll !-'1:llllu,V, ,\11 11 '" .. ILl ~11I1lIL' iJl'own an~I ,.i\l.r,; , Artstylf~ 1\ .. II\, [ ," ti ll 1111 rt ''' ,,\c it ( thp I, nt:!ll ds ,\ ( s, (' h"d." ( ' I;,,'k h,,, h"l' ll i ll ' \\',"tll'" ,',lI 11 11 n ill ,,1 1L'llrj;1 l1L:e 11 1I1'l l' I'J! :->uJ!d:~' ,_ _ _ _. _ I " I -.'I.'I',tI ,:t Y" III n ihIL' :->" ltl"d , ~l" .":\I' IlIC, hlli ng-, ' 11." ,\. h 1 ',h" I1 ,,\\'\' l h, r('tllr ~lI' d I'" ,'rr,\' ( 'hurt'll .. I' ( ' hl'i; 1, , 1.. ll. .. It. II, " III '\11', :llid ~ I I ~, tad ' 1-lb , $1.00 & $1.25 Artstyle :'!"l'illl-", 11 1:,1' ( ' ,"It-n ilk', :-:at l"r :'1 11':', Juli:1 ]1,," .. ",(11 ' u:-' ailll.,tl ! .1-lb $1.00 Artstyle Red Box , . , , d.l' ( \ 1 II I til!' . :, fl t· r . . 11~llIt l i l1 g' t lP h l' ui St'~ lind \\.h l'4; II ~i dt ' rald \' \'1 ~ 1l' \· Bl'tt\.' r at 1'1, g-, ," :11 ,,1' "iill ~II '" H. ' II " ,' ('<lI t :llIrI , h"h,, " WIt"11 ~ Ii(' t r ipPl,d IIl1 d f l 'li. ', \ ny 1'1 i l l' 49c :\11', :tlld ~ I I'~ . 1\1'\,11 Hpl1 nin g-l tl n ; Maxie Cherries, full pound I I':t ',"1,' , .' I I ' (1 1011" a IIl1l1d"'r tlf I"di,'" Ht- ,.t 1I1' a~, Ilf S:II,.l in i:l \I,' loe )..!'lIr ~ t : of H,' \', I I 1'1'1 ll l':l nd Falll'\' , 1-lb 49c :--1"", " [I u\\'>' !-'Y llI l" Town Talk Fruit Creams 11"1101, d l ilt ";-; 1 1" 1' 1'<.1 " ~il'l' " hy ~I l'" r, \ \' , II , AI II'II IIlI d I.. :\1. ,.r,0I ,\11 " I,ilnll 'r laH II l'l, k , :'II I", ,I, I-:. H :t ";t, y tl r TI,I ('do is , 1 111 " 1.,,,1 ,,,, ,\ ltI :tt lit~, ('iturch \\' t·" Il pn d l'l'~UII IIltl ' lId",] Ihe flll1('I':tI I I " .. till ,I .. 11 " 111'''' 11 , !'-! I'I ,' r ;tI larlll'" "I' ,1:ldg ... J, ,\ , 1,1I 111:1I1 at 1." I'all' " l th .. L: ~""I lit' liI: 1' !':t re llt ,; l\Ir, :t tt ri l We will send it to her wh erever she may be . fi ll II ~' Il l in).!I •• !) ,I :\1 :-- CI (·njuy <·d th (' 'I U l'~; d : lY afl t ' lll {\llll: ~II ' , C, II. ,1 1.. h uy, al t. '1'1111 11 11. 11 ( ' Ill' :'III', :tnrl :\ tr ~, .11 ''''(' H ill Hnt! , " 1.111'1'<' '\I I' :tlld ~ J r" ( 'ha r l,'" I-::Irly !ln d ~ I r", ( ' It:II'I," 11 :lIi" ," ](1 d:tIl J:1t l,It,!.!I"" 11'1\" r l'I III'II \,t! In'f'(' lIf(" I' 1 1·'It,l dl'( ' lI II "t'" !'-!1I11r1ay tlinl H' 1' t. 'r ~ I :t l ' \' I-: Ii zllh"t lt, ~Ii ~" l"w lt l ,1 1\\1 1 ~' t'a :':, rt ';o- ldl'lIl" t' [ll' ar l\1 ;\rlllt1 , 11 I ~\l , I ul' ,III', 1I1lt! ~Ir" :\ I il",.: \\' al· I IH " i" al;" ~ Ir,; , (lI i " t,1' P,\\i . \1"'1 " I ".!, I lind I'h i l iJl ~ ~ ' 1(' 'n( t il', ,, C,'nL, r" i ll", , h(lI' I "I1 ~ III ,\ elli a !'-!allll'tl a,1' IIft" 1 ;\11', ill : .1 'II" , ,1,011 11 l'I .. If. " f ill' I1Ol.n, Ih,' \" ",k "' l1d wilh llt(,i r " ,HI Cnltlt ,1!l1' Z~c F:tll l'>' l~ i llt l :U I \\ t' n' :-- i'\ (/\' 11\(' 1, dinn e r F ull I' illl ;, i ll ,! r"Il, i il' in ( 'in l'in llali, \'u."',, II ' lit" It .. lilt' !I f ~I I' , and I l nl' l' \'I 'l/ I' watl'il and ,,1"1'1, 1'(" ~I r " \\'i l liu lll,; \l' h" h'" (' a II \11' ., \\ t1lia ll l ( '.)I,'m ,"" paired, ,;I d 1I, , ' dtl i l1~ I' inl!:~ 1l10tlt'I'Il . Ilfl'lI "'l' l'l l lI ~ ly ill. i;.; I'l'cll\'l'ring ill I Waynesville, Ohio ' Phone 120 ~ !I' . :11111 ,\I I, ~ ' l 'l'a l'l (,'u r,nl'" IH,d, \'1/111 tli allltlilti . 1' 111 ill II nl'\\' a \\' illll itt C:I"I; hll>pita l. "I,: " Brand R o z, :\11 " hil lll"l' 11',,, (', tlIt·d I n :;ar· I ,,11 ,1 " ' "I).,dll"~ I hl,lllI" , uf :->1'1'111),:. IIltll ln lillC: ,ll" \1 It y 1'('l'lI""' " lik ,. 5 II ig h (; 1',"1 1' L.. ,Ill" 1. "1" > 1" ' 11 1 !'-!lI nd,,,' II lth ~I I', all tl nc'w ,i l".' l'Il'a l'f' r ,'pllttt' tI nllrl lilli :t ,\I" ll d;I\' It\' the' illlI(" , .)f ht')' , " \ ,\1 . " c 1,, 01. , W harl" 11 anti family, I I,ead .. n" l l'u li ).~ ,I I ( 'ilI'Y", ,),,\\ ,,11'," 11 •• 0( 1\('1', I'k~, ,\). " , !-"":1 11,, \1' 1111 111 ,tlill ,MI S": ;-;h,, 1' L I'IIlII\(l11,\1 i,· ~ I ary ,\ 11 11'>1nl ('li nd lid (,d il l'I'1 h'l 1: ;.. 1 '"'" , I:tYIIll!: il l III~ hl ' , ' ,' l 'i(' I' il l I Ill' I-' l'i" I "I' ~ ( 'h ul'dl \ , al th,' 1t""It' "I' ~ Ir , and i\l l''':. :--:lI ntla~1 1l1lll ll inJ!' , .fau lt· ... .J •• h/I .... dll l'i ll~' th fl ~ ( · l' i<.' :-i o f 'I'll" pi" ," whiL"lI w:t s )1111 on i n '" ""I il ' ~ ' 1t ,· I. " '1'11\ ' ," \I" ' rt' i\l ll nu:t,V Ih " ~1. I':, ( 'h lll'('lt h ~' Ih,' l, illg llt:11t 1 01 i I ' III I ' ~1I .. . 1:- " f' ;\11', :tn rl 1111''':, ~ l "l h"I ' (' l lIl. TII,'~d: I\' <'\'t'nill !!' 1 All, 11 1': lIlril'k, "as " " 1'>' illl "I'l'" ti l1 l.! 'lI'l d \\,., 11 rut



~I!s: I::liz:,ul'th ~ntith of J)n\l"n


For St Valentine's Day Give

Artstyl~ Chocolat~s

Nothing takes the ,place of Candy in speaking the I.;,. nguage of love Chocolates th,e fa vorite

February 10th to 15th 1

Mince Meat p . neapp e ' "',


Ivory Soap F!akes




3 "" Z3c

Queen Olives Fan. Sweet or C. G. Corn C a t up Shredded Wheat


"r, ,It· (;, . \,

----------------------------------------' 1-----------------------------------------

Waynesville, O hio


h l !' '..!'l'

t'1'l lwd

" Il jll y(\d

th e

tal " l1l " I,,>' al I. y lll' fl ail ;-:;1111 1":\' l 'II'lIiltL:, Th L' play wa s ' 1\t'11 1'1'1' 1.'lIl " d :tll d II nl'al ti U n1 nl'!l,' '' , i ,\11 ', :lIl d ;\11',' , Gl"lilt Ll' n ch o f l !'-! j 'l ill ~ I".r •• :,p .. n t SUll dllY wi th I ,\11 , :I nti ,\1 r.-, ( 'ha rl " , Mullin ~ , I :'Ili ~" I'au li n,' 1: lo ,\'n a \ll l'k ' l' lI d gu" , l or :'01 i s;,; li den ' 1': 11 1'1 ,', ' ;\Ir, :lnd , [ 1''', Calvi" L on;!:).: re ;tltd " ti l ' \, i n ri l r. (0 5pI'llt ,('v c' r al l I day , l<1 ~ t \I'I'(, k w i lh ... ,lali" "5 in Cincinnal i, I , :\11', :tn d ;\11 s, "" c' l1 Emrick a nu I ,\1 1'. nnd :\11'''' ('lyell' Wh:tl' lon III II I nI'L' " t tl lI oll ston , nea l' I 'iqlla :) ltilJ, 'f u(' sll;,y, lind " pl'lll Ull' day w i th ll1(> t"" l'Illl' r' s c"lI~ i t1,.: . MI', and :\,1 1'" , 11 1I rl ail \ Vhite, ~ 1 1', a 1111 i\[r~ , Gt·,ng" Da\'is, M ,', Hnd III ,', L, ':- l {'I' \) eity. "f Cilll: in · Il>lli -; jH'nt lhl' wl'l'k ·end with I'cla HI'(Os hl' l'c n nd ult entled th e pl ay at Ihl' hall Saturday ('vening, Mr, :IT'd I\1rs, A, E. Wh i t/! a nd f alllily ti l' C() llI mb u ~ , 1Ih-, and Ml's, ,Joh n Myers an ([ dnug-h ter of B el · mon t lI'(' re Su nda,V din ner gucst s (If MI', an d M l's, K 'sl er Gra ha m alld daughter, ~ll " ,I , B, Jon s vi:i tcd rula· t il'e ,' in Dayt on Thursuuy and Fri _ h" "I\'


lama Theater


Franklin, Ohio L as lately installed a Sound and Talking Picture Machine and invites you to hear and see the Best Sound Pictures in the Miami Valley. Starting Sunday at 2:15, and continuing to lOp. m., '



In "Red Hot Rhythm"

A Singirg, Dancing, Musical Comedy Open Every Night it;' the Year

Call Phone 200, We will be glad to explain our program you at any time.

__- ,


Bad TiDie 01 Year


lor "banana peel"

tread on your tires


\\" rn lrl.'a<l ~ "li ck a ~ bll nana p l't' ls IltI ,. pit.a l gat e litis wintl'l'! Sl ide in h"n' , , , , sl ip


th , ) ~ ( '

b ef or c Ih ey hnppcll,

Dr i vc oul, gripp in g th e r nad nn

all fO Ul'S, with th e saCI.'s\. an d h e, t n on·!<kid trcnd s " , , All . W (,::tt hel' ,;, Produci ng nl'nd y u t hi rd o f all tiruH h uilt to<luy, Goo dyeur cnjf)y ~ 10ll'esl costs , " , , J,'{ \vp s greale!' val u e ~,

Y uu gl't tr euds lha t grip

\.Jette r ,wear lon gcr , , , , Sl PEH· TW I ST


(; nr(;a ~~


ncu th til sla n(1 m or e rO lld·poun(l. i ng, , . ' at ordinary tire pric p!;,

~ISAii Double eagle

TIH' H1'1' i V a I Ilwl'li ng- c1nsl'd 1ll'I'\' fi ll nday (' v('ni ng- , i'vl i s ~ ~ l lH"n I H 1-' 1'''I.' man of n em' , Ol d' T OWn ~pc nt Su nda y with Mis g I L enna T\ C' llis, . lHr, anu Mrs, Carl Wardlow and l\1r , J Ilcoh Scott sp en t Friday with !\I r , anti Mrs, Be rt Ste inbergcr of Sprin g ficlu, ' Mr, and Mrs, Elton Evan s -and tlau g-hle1' ~ brjor i e ~pe nt W ednes· dll~' wi t h :'Ill', and M r s, J ohn Rye, ~I i ,,~ Th elm a Morgan of Day. ton spent t h e wcek· end with her j 'I II '('tl t~ :'.11', lind Mrs, Luke Mol" )(an and family, .vI r , Au,l l'C'y Cre w ancl family spent Stlnda >' with Mr, and Mrs, E(\wl\ l'd CI'C'w, I ~ Ir , anel Mr~, "" Ed wl1 rd Burton 1,,'I II I'I1<.'r1 t ., Ih ei r home in Elyria " f t" r ' Iw ndi ng u few days with th ei " parenls, lilt" un I Mr s, ChU l'll'S Ling and stl n Lall'!'(' n('e sp ent M onday in (' i nl' i !l nal i, • :'o I l'S, an d !'Ill'S, H erb ert Marlatt :111.1 s .. n Edwi n, 1\11', and Mrs, Carl 'N anll "lV , Mr, lind Mrs , p, , :\, I( un oll, Mr , and Mrs, S, p, I M i 'h:l (' 1. !'I l r , and :vrrs, .Je~s Mich. ; ,,/, 1 :,n d slIn En d. Mrs, Frunk J la k in and i\Ji s~ CllIl'a Da ug hter s attcn dp d rt ~tll'pl'i s (' dinn er Sun . 1111', E l vl~ !'.1i ch ac l neal' 1 dny on M" pl c IJl'ner.




- ---- --- -



!lc t',," lo,, -- ~ rnJm PEOPLE ~IDE (,(in]'


ill IIn( \\'(" 1) show ' you 2 l'c\lsons,

Gordon's Service Station Wa},nesville, Ohio - --_._-,--,





()1I I'

!ln d

I11l'ah :.lI'e

hom!' tI :'1 ~" l' d

]'P,l "f «lIalil y,

' I


Fal'm el's Tn 'ti t ute will ' be hold in, t he High school at H arvey sburg 'V c'cln esd ay and Thursday, ' Feb}".I' Ill'y ,1 9,' and 20, Thc office)'s nrc, ' Pre Idc nt, H owa r,d McGuinn; ,!lc r tar)" Mrs, E ditb Luken. ' ; Lady Cor t'csponuent, Mrs. Lillian ' uri', ' , A n a'tt"!lct ivll program has been 1II'I'll ng-cd lind the IItatC ' speake.,. arc 0, A, Dobbins, Cod rville. lind

I rs.

B h'j' (' u t

What Shall I Name My

Oil ,


I,~<tal<' 1, I""",..,.

Round S h oulder

Ib , , . ,

25 1 " C

Rib Roast, lb . , 27c H.. n"d nlld Roll ed if II'H nlL'd

( hal'l~'~ E , J\lhl1~, tiP-II


Steak, lb , , , , , , , ,

, 35c

Steak, chuck, lb


[~ ~l lItr

Ib , , , ' , , ,

or a

I' f Mary A, Gu sti n, li e·

;-Jot iCe i ~ ,her eby uil'('n th at W, 0, C: ust in hn ~ b('(' n rllI l y appoi nted and qll:t1ifi r d no; Adlllini ~t rator o f IH' I,:~t lll (' of :lTal'\' A, C.o ~ t i n lut£' or \\' arl'en Counly', Olii" , deccased !lale d Ihi ~ ~'jt h tla y of ,Janllu!'y I !1 'lO, W , Z. Rell J l lth! e nf the Pl'oba te Court. , Warren County, Ohio "


or F rying32c


Fresh Gr.Beef,2Ibs.45c Pork Chops, Ib 271 ;l C Hill 0 1' L l)in , chil i c cuts

N OT ICE OF APPOINTMENT Slice Shoulder, lb 23c E~lalc "I' E , 1', L acy d ecea~c d, Youn g' , lenu l'l', l ean ,\ flllie!' i ~ ht:I'l' h~' give n l hul Ib 171 / ,\I UI'l lw .I . L ac y htl, ' bel' n duly ap· II ' F res h C ales, , :! c p' ,i nlrd anti q tta l ilieu a ~ EX f'c utrix Y"ung s mall ~h()uld l.' J's ' , ,, I' tht' 1';~I :I It' " r,E. T . Lacy late o f Spare Rilbs, 2 ' lbs 35c \\'arr"n (' tl Unl~', Ohio , dl.'cca,;c'<I, I !al .~ d thi s ~71h <lny Il l' .)unllnry Hams, fresh, Ib 23 !:!c I!): W, . Who l e 01' Half W, Z , ROLL ,I ud ge n f t he Pr obate Co urt, h Fres Country I \\' ul'l'en C,I(lnl y . Ohi o, Sausage, lb , , , ' , 20e : RoiJ, 'rl \\', I3l'o~' I~ :~,l ty , 20c

, 29 .~ :!c

Veal Poclltet Roas t


Poun d Veal Chops, Ib , 35c F un .: y l' C'" I CI' l'ul ~ , H i h 01' L oi n, veal Roast, Ib "

, , 28e

lb ,

, 30c

Lamb Roast, lb, ,


lamb Chops,

3-pound box 01 Maud Muller Chocolates



Box 01 Cigars

' ('asP/I.

Round Shoulder

Fresh Side , lb ' .. Veal Chops, lb· Sho ul de r

To the one who offers t he best suggestion D will give a


Round and Loin

S l'.'; ~~


i < he'l'l,by ~i \' ,," t h,l t t\, ,J"ltn.; ha" hl" '11 du l v nppn iltl £' d alit! 'Jull ii til' '' aH I-:xl.'(' li. Irix "I' th .· E ,~ IItII ' \If rtwril' S E, .I "hn ~ 1,,1,· " I' \V a l'rl' 11 ('o unt\', : 1 )hi " , dl'""tl<l' d, ' I !at ('d I hi ,.; 101 h tillY of F 0Ul'1I· al'>' 1:1:\ 1), W . Z , ROLL .I ud" .. of tltl' l 'l'nuate ('(t lll't. \\' lInen ('011 111\', Ohi o ' S hall hall &. BI'\) wn, "\tl y~,'

Beef Sho rt ~ibs Ib 20c Fin(' I .. Dak p ,,[, noil.



:>; olk(,

Roast Chuck, lb 22' ,)c



,\1 i,.- Lu ll] Ewill lr It H~ .I'l'ttl rn ud 1'1'1' ''1 :lll ,~t(' I ,d,'d \'"i l wil h l'e l n· 1' 1I'," ill ,l allll' :,( \)W n,

' ~j al~" I'(l1

('rom prinH' b"by LlC't' f.

Stewing Lamb,

SI ipp el'Y I'on ds , , , , !';mnoth· , , ' a fin e in vitatinn I n era , h Ih e

COlyle's QualiityMeat V4illues

Club Ste,a ks, lb

M r , and MI'~, Thol11:ls 'cook find' hnh >' :<(1 n n f n uyt.o n sp('n t Sunda y I" il h ;\'\r nntl 1\lrs, J oh n Thacker :l nd f:lllli ly, GI~' nn J uhll s of Davt on w as a Mnnday g U('~ t ' of hi« n; oth cr, M r s, Mu r garct ,I ohns. l\[i ~~ Mal'~ a l'e t Cou1( o f , Wa >' n e~ vi l l e is sta ying wilh Ml's, .T ohn s thi s w eek ~lnd L;o in g l o ~ c h oo l. M I '~ , Sll~a n Say l or and son \f cn r y £'tl\.('rl.aill f' d , ~e l' e l'!l1 r c la . ~o til'e ~ t o Sunday dinll er i n h(,n',,' of l~;;;.....;;==;.;;;..=;;;;;..___.;;;......;;~~========;.;;;;=-;;;;;;;;;;-;.;;;.;;---=;.;..;..·I thl' IJi rl hdlty f,f lhe f f}rlllPrs' sist er - --'--'-i\ l r ~ , Willi am Crig ht ll n, Th o ~ c pres , - ---___________~..;.~~-~~~~~~~~""!"-.....- - - . nt 1I'(' r (': 1\11', an d Mrs, Rtuld Say. -~-~-~=~-~-==~==_ I lor 1I n d fa mil y II f W e~ t Can 'ol1 b)n r- ----- -- --'--'- --------. ---- --., ) 1MI', nn d 1\11'';, !faIT.\' Graham. Mr, and 1\1r ~, William CJ'(!ighton Hnd I Ri l C'.\' :';uy lor, I l\ JI' ~, 1\1 :li'Y ra l'l1I tl l1,V I'nte l' tain· eel 10' n f :l nt il>' d i nnl'I' Sunday in hon,)!: nf I hl• \'il't hdll" . of Evcl'ett ' rlmk "'Id j\ 1 1'~ , E. ':1. Carmony" 1'h o~" who enjo yl'tl th l' occasion 1\' (' 1"1 ': Mr. an d ,\I I'S , Pau l Flory, 1I 1 1' ~, (" W , Ylllltl('C' and d!lllghtcl', B l'l t>', ,\ I I', :Inti M 1',.:, r ell C lark l\ t r ~ , 1'11 1111 (, 1' anrl M rs, Pape of na~'t()I1 , MI', li nd Mrs, Cl a ud c Hi ).!g~ o f' nl llntlJU S, M", li nd Mrs, I~, ,T. Cal'llI ony so n lin d daughter of Slll' il1 l!'fi l' ld, MI', and l\'Irg, W, F, ' (,Iari, of Wa:,nl'sl'illc,

" acc idl, nt ~ "

The Sale Drug Store







1SC 10C

P,red Barnard U Son •





Phone 20






NOTICE 1':-lall'

(t ("(· (·(I~(l { l.

The winner to choose Just write your suggestion on a slip of white paper and place it in the ballot box inside the restaurant, or mail it if you prefer.



Contest closes Saturday, February 22nd at midnight. Announcement of the winner's name will be published February 26, 1930.




,I " hn


Whitak er,

.\' nlicC' i < hf' l' l'lty ,:dvl' n t ha t L. II I'nd ('l'~o n It a;; he,'n dul}' ap· jlo Jlltl'd an d f]t;a !ifi ('d as Adlllini ~­ tl nl lll', ti C' Ho n is . o n with I he W ill anll l'xl'LI, " I' tlte 1';~ lat c o f ,Tnh n 0, \\'hila l,(, 1' Illte o f W!Il'l'en Co un ly, Ohi ll, d ,'c"a ~ l' el. Dalc'd ll l i ~ ~7t h d ay of ,Tnnufll'Y I !J :.l tJ, W, Z , ROLL • .ru d ~e Il f th e P l'ohu tc Co urt, Wa l'l'('n Coun ty, Ohio,

I ~L

Fresh Oysters Pint




Home made M i nce Meat , Cakes Pies, Bread, Pickle., Cheese Fresh Mil lk, Cream, Cot, ta ge Cheese, Country Butter , Creame ry Butler Call U'" We Deliver Pholn e No. 66

Coyle's IMeat Market



GIR ssified F OR SALE

S A LE--Thl'ce I·year old Bar l'f' cI Roc k R oos ters, Tele ph one 44F3, fl2 FOR

f OR

SA LF:- -Fil'st class Clover B ig Red and no weed s, on Ill>' FUl'm 2 '1" miles Ea st of \Vn >' nl' ~ vill l' , B es t' kno\vn a ~ the DC'a n F:II'III, Shelb y H enry, R. R , l\ o, :1, "fi!) S c ~ d,


of a Home


Windstorms· Cyclones· Tornadoes Y ou rt (!VC I' kno\',' wh en th l' y w i ll


ht\l' c llti equate J NSU HAN CE in a fi l';;t

bill. it is mig hty nice to cla.<H

t!l l11pany lo


yo u r 1o~~c s , The y are mo rc pr cI'al ent in th e Sl'RINGTJME uut mny co me at

any sl.·a so n of' t he y

'a l',

r t will oltty cost y ou a fcll' d ollars 10 hav e amplc protec t ion in une of

Olll' vC l'y

With all Its Aceessories, such as Lumber, Fancy Shingles and all . th it goes ,w ith tbe Home Beauitful. For an esti; mate' on the same, call

beos t IN ' UHA NC r:



w. H. Ma:d den & CO. '?' ayne~ville,

~hio '


General Insurance,Phone



Dealer~' In everything connected with an, upO~io

, to-date lumber Yard "

',R .. Milnol', Pickel·i,n gton.

. ~



Eighty-Third Year

NEWS DIRECT fROM THE STATE CAPITOL COLUMIlU S, OHIO Secr etary of Stale larence J. Brown hils ca lled a meeting of u subcoinmitl · e of th e specinl election co de ('ommitlee, to meet a t his office t.his w ee k, to ~ive e(ln ~ id cl'O­ tion to forlll s in cun nec tion with regislrution, primaries and elect~tati s ticia n George M, ions, Neffner unci on·ice force ha ve been working on approx imate ly 200 f u rl1l ~, proofs of whi eh will be s ub milt(' d to th e committee by Secre tury Brown for approvul 01' consid e ration, with th l' probability that m{;!lIIuers will huve mallY sug_ geRtions to otTer in con nection with Slime ,



Whole Number 5897


Mrs, Lee Hawke hus bee n sick SCVe ra I days. Mr, and Mrs, W, 11, Allen Tuesdny in Cinci nnati.

~l lent

~ I r s , () ~ ('HI' SllJil h vi, it(,d f l'i(' lId" I in I.l·IH'I1(111 t"oJ ay ,

C, M, Robitze r wus a busine~ s viti itor in Ci nc innllt i ThursdllY.

S, I,', 1-: 111I , n i, I'('('m,.'ri ng fl" ' 1ll "r grip,



Mr , and MrR. Wilbur Clark ert te rtain ·d with a family dinn er un unduy.

>' , ' \ ' 1'1 " , :11 ta el;


:'11 1'-, IC ,J , ,,\ danl" ulld oIn ll)!1I in 1.,'II:"I"n ~1 "lIday,


Mi ~s Esther Henderson spent th e wel' k-end with friend s in Blan · chester,

.Jal11<':' \::111d,'I\,( rl ,.f 1.,,1,.

~ I I' '' ,

I illl {, II,

\\"il :--

;\1\"' 1'


El:pe rt walch and J e welry reM otor i s l ~ t ouring lh e southwest- pairing at Ca ry's Jewelry Shop, e rn pUl't of the state ulld \'isitin g Le banon Ohi o, ,'erpent Mound ut Peebl es, AdHms Milo Hart ~oc k wa s a weekcounty, will lie pl e a ~e d to leU I'll thllt a fine s hell e r hou se is lo be en d guest in the home of hi s grand erected in th e pork lind comple ted fa th er Gem'.:e {Hartsock. Ly the middle of Jun e, lhe con· Mi ss Doris Henderson of Westtract for slim e hll\·ing becn Ill te ly awarder!, Tthe s helte r house will ~ rn co ll ege, Oxford, spent th e be 46 by 70 fee t, "rustic" type week·enrl at her home hcre. of II ITh itccture with I'ubble Iim cYou'll be pleased wi t h that Plll'ston e Willi three feet in heigh t , round tilll'kcovered timb ers, dou- k!!r Duofold Pen or Desk Set from ble brick tire place. chimn ey in Cary 's Jewelry Shop, Leba non . the ce nter and II c1a pbourd roof. Mr, and Mrs. Roy McBeth of W'o rk will slllrt within a very S prinl{tie ld, we re guests of Mr, l<hol,t time un the new sheep burn I\nd 1111'S , F;arl Evans o n unday . at th e Stute fuil' grou nds, the Saws filed by machinery . Cut plans !having bee n approved by State Direct or of Agriculture cleaner, truer, faster, Roy Pig· Pe rry L. GI'een , If will be the lur- tt, at Madden's Lumber Yard. gest' ex hib i't building of it" kind Eurncst Harts ock and family in th e wMIt! an <l will c o~ t com· plete $ 1:30,000, The building will \ \lNC dinn er guests of Mr. Ilnd be 400 fe e t long and 208 feet J\hs, Geo rge Hurtso('k, on Su nwide with stadiul11 seats on each day. sid e a nd II dormitory o f 40 rooms Mr, and Mrs. L, H, Gordon were to take cllre of the ex hiIJitors Su nday dinn er guests of Mr. and during the 1I1111uai stute fail', Mr.. C, E, Gordon, of Harveys~ S lale LilJr:lI'ian George Elliott burg, l\1cCormack a nn o un re~ the catalog F or best results consign your ing of the Martho Kinn ey Cooper Ohiouna Libl·at·y Ilt the executive ive stock to Green-E mbry Coo, man sion in East Bro d st r eet, CirfCinnati, in care of D. R, Salis· IIlImed in honor of Mrs. Myers y, bury. Coo per, \\' i fe' of th e Governor. The Wendall McBeth of Springfield, ('o llection incllldes out.standing books of nil Ohio wl'iter~ and dis- lind M r, and M 1'8, Ernest Buttertinctive books IIbout Ohio, The worth s pent Sunday with Samuel purpose of the 1ibrary includes ac · Butterworth and family , quuinting the peop le of the sta te with the large number of Ohioans Mr, Francis Kempf and s ister who hav e distinguish ed themselves Miss Mary Elizabeth of Pandora, as writers, to ussemble the collect- Ohio, were ,week-end gu~ s t.s of ion in one place as a correlated Rev. G, C, Dibert and fami ly, unit, to hono those of the !\late Mr, Ilnd Mrs, Claud e Riggs of who huve co ntributed to the thought of th e world and to main olumbu s, and Mr. and Mrs, Paul tain a permanenl card catalog at Flory of Dayton, spent the weekthe mansio n and at the State ' end with Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur F. Library of works of Ohio writers, Clark.


I \1' ,,1'\'

I ~ hl'

\\ a YlI l '~ \' l!ll'


tl ll!;I),.

Ihllla ll \\'a" ,'onfhl (,<! t f, 'I" , t \\I,(,k lI'it h :'('I:llil'lI,

iiuu >' I'

. 1. ,,(, Earnhart (, f 1. .. 1':(II(1n. (l'lI S in \\' :I\' l1 l',; \' ilk "11 hIi S inl' ~" T ill'" day, ' :\ll ~ , I)" i~y S lI ld!'1' an d '\ I I' ~ , F, H, SlI id('1' w, 'rl' 1' :I~' I"1l \i , itors t o ' la y,

H(,y d 11 ('11(1<-1':'( ,11 :ll t!' ndl,d th l' (I,ed dilll!; "I' :I i'1 'i" IIIf III X('n i:1 1I1i~ nllJ l'ni nj.!'. H, .J. Adl\l11 ~ , wh l) II ,H; b(~ell s ufftol ing with IlIIllIl/lgn, i:, J,(cltillJ.( lic lt C' r,

;\Ii ~:, rumpul'11 is {Jilt of sc hool \lilh tIll' ~rif1Jlc, ~iX·\I' I' I'k tb;t" ar t' bcill~ gi ve n in Ili J.(h Selln,,1 t hi s wcc-k,

'I'll!' l,a , k('1 b<1 11 lC'a l:IS llf W, H. hl "t an qthl'r hurd game over the \\'(,('k'(,' lId. \l'h,' n t hey we r e d efvatl 'd J.~ ' I(in l-{" last Friday , \'vlli nj.!' I,.\' a S ~O I'l' of 2:{ to 18 , T h,' \\' a)' lI l's\· ill ", boy s were not 111 lIwir I'" st fOl'1l1 . Th ey we r e una lol (, f(l gl't tlH' Illlll down th e fl lIor ""d if till'\' did :' lI cc!'ccl in t hat Ih ,'" allll;,,; l invariab ly l11i ~;: ed I hl'it, shoots, ('( ,a<'h Sf. .J ohll stllrte'r1 th e subs \" ho pla~' <.><1 unti l lhe middl e of the " 'eo nd 'IlIarll' l' when the first I('am \\'(' l1t in , Th ough tighting r, alri fh .. \' \\'PI'(' unl1ble to make lilly h 'ad'way , The fina l ~cor e was :! :! t" IX in favo r o f Kings Mills, From m lind Mllinou s led t he \\'aynesv ille score rs with nine IH,int s. rtnnd olph wa s hig h poi nt man r,.1' l\in J,:s Mill s with nine p oints, ~,

w , II , S, .Jo(' 1Ja\ is ,01' Il al 'vl ' y ~bJl l'g, \\'a ~ ' G. F. T. a 11I1 ' lll l' S'; vis ltol ill Wa ynes ville 4 1 I\l onday, , Elli ~ , f 2 1 \\' hitHk('1'. I' 1 1 0 0 0 0 Tht, tl l1nllal i n ~ ppction of Wa y- .J oh,n, c 1 2 5 nl'sv ill " Ll)dj.!'l· F, &. A. M" will :\I il IJl OUS, P: 2 1 0 Ul' held t "n ight. :'Illl lel1b ' rgl' l', g f · Wnll oc(', 0 0 0 1 1 0 ~1 y l' '' l'! Th ol11:1R of nuyt on, "Turn er , f 0 0 0 SIII' fl t ~lI l)(la \' with hi s pal'l Ills 1\11'. ' ' Schul 1', 0 0 0 l\J n, E, 1.. TholiJas. " Ha y, g U 6 5 I" Fromm, g. Wm , ilaughtl'l's of C,dlll11bllS, 4 10 18 \V IIS the j.!'"cst of I\!t., nnd l\oJrs, II, T ll lni A, I,!'neli on tlay Inst wl'ck , 1 KING S MILL S M!', .:lI1d Ml's, C, M, Robitzel' l G. F. T. spent the weel(-(>nd in Unyton, the , . 's' 2 1 6 g Ut'sts of i\h, and Mrs, Fred Co le, MeDa l. ,lis, f 3 Randolph. f 3 9 4 8 0 Whe'n vou need a gift for any Hin es, c 1 0 ox, K 1 oCCJlsion 'think of Ilry's J ewelry FLener, g 0 0 0 Shop- "Th(' 11 01111' of Gifts." Leb:lno n, Total !J 5 23 OUI' I rrdcpc l1u r n t ba sket ball "- - Subs tilution. Refel'cc- Kinzig, t (,1I 111 def!' at cd Kin A'~ Mills in n j!H Ill C at Kingf-\ ~tl il1 ~ TU CRduy - ---.-. - . night , HELD MONTHLY MEETING


Thomas JP.P.'~rson, invenwr of the modern ploughshare, demon stratc& 'hl& '~'ashinatcn in retirement'at Muunt Vernon" \\'ashingwfl :t<' I, f" c n~m: 1 "Your ,will complete the w\Jrk my sword . began," BECOMES ASS ISTANT MANAGING EDITOR




to George

plou,h. neighbor. '-



Leve ring Cal'twright, ' who hils On ThuI'sday, 13th been lin editurial wri te r on th e [ [ the Wayn e Twp, FFllb:;~~::;, Club WB!; royally entel'tuined by M 1', Chicago "TI'i bun e" and a m ember of th e faculty of the Medill Schoo l and Mrs, OmitI' Holli ngsworth 11t of ,~~u!, n alism ?f" Northweste,rn WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF I theil' p leasant r UI'. 1 hom e , Unt\ers lty, , ~:1S l e. lgn ed, and ~\' ill CHRIST After a sociul t im e all pll rtno k , of a s umptuou s dinn el' of turk ey become aS~I~lunt managIng edi tor of The Nati onal Underwriter, nl u\(> School nt 0 ::lO a , m. . I ' I I ' ' I} ' , f I' : ~ I I'S, Cly dl' Everhrt!'t w:; ~ taken The Gll'aners Cluss of Church t a k'In~ h III ' new · POS"If Ion th e ml'ddl e ' Lord' 'u"III' r at 10:30, Ch r i~tia n I.Ithn(",~e 0 fal'l11l'rS 1(' 1 gO(~( wives t,lInJ.( s know 0 WllCh hel<l thel'r monthly, bu sl' ,s " so \<1 M,u1 <1l fr' t" wn Il o ~' Jllt l, t1 rU f l'sdny , r,' f CI'I"I',t of next month, , . I l~nd ea v? 1' lit G:30, p, 11'1, L(,:I,de~, well how to p r ('!lure, Th e I!lbl~s eVl'n l, n~ , or lin IIPl'I'Atllln III' uP- , n es~ a nd~ social meeting at the After gra du~tln ~ fl'om Pnn ce- EI'II~,a . Sear~;: F:vcntnj.!' tv.a ng clis tlc ' were deco ra ted in kel'ping with Sl pCntlicIl1R. 1 hOI1l(> of Mr~ . ~ertha Henry , " , Thursday eve nm g February 13th. ton n lve l's lt y In 1!)2G he bec!l mc I '('J'\ lce at 1,30 p, 111 , e l mon ~ub· 1 \' , 1· t' ' D ' T "T h V t' I () I' < I un Ines ay. '1 ()I D ' I ~ 'e to ti ny a re~or te r fo r t~e C hl cago '.' \'1- Ject, c ~vo ,I,onn, I'C IIHI I1 :,e: The Pn', idl'nt. Mr, 1, A. CO I'"J'R, 1\'('1' 11 \ I ~ ('u\ S - ". Thi!' \Va ~ a n open meeting; Bro, bune' and follOWing the pres ld en- of ,the Chul ch, Gllnu spl;c rul nell ca lled the' mel'tin' t o o rde r for Bost on Mas .. whe rc her Stohn Willia mso n allli mother, Miss The sta te now has 175 new Mrs. Phil Zepf of Cinciimati, tial campaign of 1[)28 was as- musIc. Church nIght prO)!1 Hm each un 1 M ' A S C II gtt If d Jam es 1 ~ serillllsl y ill in e Lucy Em ley a nd t he husbands of ' h h . d d" I " . h t ' " 1 d d t ~ '10 Th l I , , . 0 coerI' i\'[ ' LI sp 't al young attorneys, that number spent se vera I d ays WIt er par- slgn e to e Itona wrltmg, III t a VI (' n" H ny a f :. p , m, e prayer J ar ln e I 0 I . th e Gl ell llers being the invited huving been ~worn in a nd given ents, Mr, nnd Mrs. Geo. ,1. connection als o hand}ing t he church whe re yo,u ,f('el lit h n,m ~. 'I'h e' ro ll call wa s res onded g uests. Seve ral nam es were added the right to practice 'law, by Chief Smit h, Mr. Zepf joined he r on "Voice of. the People' depa,rtChester A. Wt1haJ1l ~on, i\llnl~ter I 10 e ith er by a quolation orPsuying Dr, nncl MrR, I., B, Hall will at- to nil' 1'011 making a to tal of Ju stice Ca rr ington T, Mars hal, S unday. me nt. Du.rl~~ the ! 028 campa~gn I fro lll Washington or Lincoln. The lend th l' Northwest er n Ohio V et( l' ~('\' ',llecn memb,ers pr ese.nt. everal day~ ngo, The se exponhe was gIVing partIcular attentIO n ST MARY S CHURCH I'ttlenflane u was un~uallv goo(1 for inary Con}fe r c'll cc he !d idn theTC A tier th e bU Siness seSSIon, Bro. h'o m' I't ' 'h ~ • when . ,grippe and dill,' l11odon' lote l 'at 1 ul c u , urs , ~o n guvc us urea d mg ' a t 'dth e I tIll" 0 • JnOlS po I ICS, reporting t e Fel nIH' : Y, 2;). Scxaj.!'esima Sun- ,thi~ time of year ' .-\\"11I1!I11I c nts of BI IlC k'~ toa e were me m b ers h Th e L , hT ·WL 'd wi'11I ' Iml~e t Fr cnt s of B1ncks~ o wll we re members ,ome of t e a e C \I <.I en I I AalY1 1meet.mgs througho':1 t the ,stat,; da y, Church ~ch (lo l at V :30; Morn- I colds are 0 nrevalent tiS t here 1 . . whic h was ve/'y muc h e njoyed by of u, class of 3G6 whIch t ook the Fehruary 21, after sc hoo , I wh('!e t hl.' two major ca ndldatl.'s ' . ' . '. ' d '" "0 Iwe re onlv f ou/' ab se ntees. " ' , ,. . , al l. hUI' exa min uf ion in J'll1 ull r y 190 c(\ me and hrlng du es as tlt~y must ·I for govern or ~p oke F ollowin g his tn~ I r .I~ (I an sC lmon at 10 ,;) , <\11 th " t I ' " your ex !lverseal S tlven\are The remainder of the eveninJr e Rev, J , J , Schueff er, Rector , A~, ericll \~,ithJ~[~s~ (Saclkett S~~g~h; is, tt ~~~'\20r~;lt\~~i~o~~~t~!ln~;~ was : pe nt in gllme~ a fter which ha v. ing fail ed. In clude'd in the list I fbI' PFa ld by ~~rc,h 1, a nd u pen ny h,g lh'ud uati olll from 'Eva nsto n, 111., of new iu.wyers in 11 husband and or ' ower ISSlon. I~ sC hfoo he wus at ~rmour Inpiano, after which Re v. Wade ~nnud e~e[o f~"I: ~'uurse lf i l~ sterli ng dcliciollS ref reshment were serwife, m \VOl' of a large city a nd a st ltute or one yea I' 111 the fire FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST M 'll er p ,t , f th O' ', .J ,', ' ~ , ' " \'e d, The class will meet at Mrs. : , " , I; B' I' I S I I 30 I , guve as 0Ii1 most (J e leregol1lu h M~, a nd Mrs., Leste r Kennck en prot ec tIOn engll1eel'lI1g c?uJ'se, I' .I~ ' :C '100 at U: a. m. church cxcel nt ta lk 'lua lit l c~., Cary's ' , J c wclry, Sho p I.. eb II' lie 0 s born next mont. probllt<' Judr:e, te rlam ed at dInner Sunday, Mr" ~h en e nte red the acaclemlc depart- Lonl s S uppe r .al1d Rc nnon at 10 :- on Abl'!l ham Lin co ln, ano n. - - - --A rc co mnHlnda ti on of expert~ lind Mr~, C. P. Lewhl of Center- ment at Pl'Inceton, gl'aduutll1g 30, 5c r'I11o n s ulo j('el "Humil ity ," I The Special Topic- liT he Fill'.' ' "J ? U arc :J I' me l" s Par.t in Pub lic Affail' ~" wa:,; ~II', ll ild MI'~ , .J. C. Haw k!' :llld , "WHEN JACK CAME In prison ll1unll ite l11 ent , asks thnt VI'II e, 1\1 r, anI I MI'S" James R , " cunl , IUll ' (lc" . MI' . Cart \\'llg : ht h a,s G OO (I ~ pe cl' n I mU SIC, HOME AGAIN" t he Lonrlon pl'ison farm be In- Johns, MI·... and Mrs. J , B, Jones, 1~e(\ I,l m ~ newspapey e nvlro~m e nt \\'ay~ w,clcunle at thl!'. church , n' ''s t "bly ha nd led hy Cou n ty ~ l l's. ~ I al)' H ~l pkin!'.: who !ta\'e creased to Its f\lll capacity and and thp MIsse:; Evelyn nnd Fran- rturlllg hiS e ntIre It,fe. He, Is the Don I mIss t he big ~al e Sat urday, agellt C h :I ~ , F. C l u~s, Some di sc~l s_ l'l'l' ll \'IS llInJ,: fl'l en d ~ Itl T exa~, are ' son of t~e manag mg editor of FebrunrY ,2:2, " " Rion fol lowed, CX]ll' ctl'd t u a n ivc hll me to morro w I Happy in ciced was the family that u stocknd e be built. around a ces Johns, largo portion of th~ farm land at·l . The NatIOnal Underw,rlter . . In Chester A. Wliltam ~o n, Mml ster , The meeting th en udjournerl to , I 'If Anderso n Ellis, of Socilll Row that in stitution also that equi P-, Mr. and Mrs. L, C. St. John and June, 1028 , he marned Ruth Illeer in Mllrch wilh Mr. und Mrs 1\1 IS, An na L, al'<! y of Lebunon \\ 11<: n' ".Jock" anived home last mont be made ' fot' the care and daug hter Miss Thelma. Mr. and Russell, ,11 gl'lldu!lte of N0.rthwe~LYTLF M E CHURCH W , R, Lewis a ll then lenv'i ng- fo r ha~ r(, l urned fr om ChicHJ,:o whel' wel'f,. aCtu)' a visit of several treatment of tubercular prisoners Mrs. Fred Braddock Mr. and l ~ern Unlve)'~lty ~choo l of Jou.rnalS I ' ~ " I' I' t 9'30 Ill ' t h ir r(!~pec ti vc homes and agree- Ishe attend!'d the "Gift Show," months in th e South ,' and that IIII' such confined in t.he Mrs, Percy Reaso n anl son Lore n. ~~J1I •• who" W:'S ~n ,the, ChIcago Lu n\:~I~:I~ •s~/1~::. in~e ll li'~,;, I.· Ne1~~t inJr it was goo d to have bee n th e re whi(,h waR 11('171 from io'ebrunry 3, ' ",Jar k is a pet ~\'ow take!! when penitentiary and in reformatol'les M", and Mrs. Will StTo?d and I ~rt~bn e I epo l tortih stuff. ~tnd ~U n ~HY at 2 :.1~ p. 111. 1)1', GE'o l'ge. I lind th at t he dny hllJ been well to 15. ,1',o t~nA' all d gl'o\~mg up WIth th,e e nss l~ Illlt our District SUJl cl'intcl1d ent will s Jl ~ nt. , J;:llis family , He IS three years old, be tran sferre d to the farm , War- r Oll Harold saw Thu~ston m Day- u c\ eCR m,e ~ n e 0 r,DtlreNc.d~t~!SM~f, t~eM~hlc.g.1 be with u ~ and preach and aclmin is 1h o Invi ted !!·lJl'~ls were Re \' , ,11:! \'e yuill' IVa,tc h ' and cloc k re- Hnd lor the past . ~wo years has den Thomas st~tes th~t th~ popula ton last Thursday I1lght. ~ion of the OhIO Pel1lte.ntJary has .!l1 y e'.\s, : I, ane I S: <I! tel' the communion, J)r. Ge or .c is and Mr5, ~ad c !\lIll er, MI'. and pa ,n' d, old ',:'cddlllg I'Inj.!'s mot/ cl' n- lIIad e ~ n tlnnlla l V I ~ lt ,to the So?th mCI'eased nearly 4,000 I!' the last Those il:om Wayne Township ~II?.ht br~ ~a\mgt 1I . V~ca~I,~n 111 a s pl endid preadll'I', Let 's all f nrne MI'~, Lee Ellrnhart .lIn d dauJ.(hLer I Izcd, yo uI' d,lam on d" put 1 11 a new I'clt!l"Illl1 g ~ack home 111 the Sprmg 1e eight years. The populatIOn at the who a t tended the reunion of the exkco 1 he HI'I'lva l of, the crow prese s lilts 111 lk n ew to heal' i~ il1l, Great i n t(' r ('~ t i ~ Mr, and i' l l'S, J. A, K!lputJ'l ck, MI', : lIIo Ulll ln,g. ,l(' wl' II'Y 1'C' IHliI'C' d ltkC' present ti~H' is 4,848 with new w nmen campers, at Lebanon on war at , Icago, being ~ huwJl in th e Jlrutracte d Illld M,rs, Chas, ~ rn dhllr y , ,Mr s" ne\\' . sl h'erwn l'e I'l'JlI \,t('d and Ilgl'S an ~arly spnng, liS the cr.ow arrivals dully. Saturday were Mrs, Maurice Sil---- - lIl eetinJ,[s whi ch c"nti nll e \lV('I'V .J ohn Sherwood, MI~s Mar y S,hel'- I,eacls r(' st l'\lIl ~ a l 1I1')' ~ .Jewelry I'a mily IS usually late commg ver, Mrs. W. E. O'Neall, Mrs. NUTRITIO N ROUND-UP night thi s wee k IJut Saturdu\'. Cot. wood, MI', alld ~II'S, Chas, 1 ~ l z l' Y Shop Leba n on , No rth , ' f Mrs. L . V , B ransV e d a 0 1':1 d or, tage pl'lly e r m ee lln~ ev(' I' ) ' ' after- :L nd iJaby, . . _ INCOME T AX DATES trator, Mrs. Morris Miller and Mrs nOO n ut 1.:30. P ra y for a great ' --~ , The annual round-up meeting re\'ival. I GUILD.AUXILIARY In order to give the taxpa'jers Robert Hu nt. of the Nutrition project sponsored Sa ra A. l3owlllo n, Pastor I' HOLPS FEBRUARY MEETING' in the First District of Ohio all asMrs. Thomas Chapple Burch of by the Extension Service and _ __ Y sistance possible in the filing of , ., . 1929 Income Tax Returns, Col- Fort Wayne, Ind., was privileged Home Demonstration agents will VA YNESVILI.E M. E. CHURCH , ' . ' The GUIld -AUXIli ary of St, lector of Internal Revenue, Louis l'eeently, to take a course in Con· be held at t he Gym on Wednesday bridge un der the personal February 26, at 10:30 a . m . Every S V(etdnes~llal y: T he'thLaMdle s WAlid :'rial y's Church met o n Friday J. Huwe, hal arranged a Iched- tract t WI . t t' f Milt C W k one having had ny f th k ' oele y WI me e rs, I " b ule for this work, Places In War. \neructOn 0 on. or, a 0 ewor ISbul' Clark at 2:00 p, m, Bible l aftel' noon F'eruarY" l 4, at t h' : 'j _ __ . ' " .'. ren County to be vIsited by Col- eminent bridge authority. Mrs. invited to come and bring n Slud y and praycr meet ing at 7:00 h o~e ,?f Mrs, Hanls und MI S. lector Huwe's deputies are Leb- Burch was formerly Miss Lina f:;len1' If ~ou Ido ' hot already kn ow p. m, Choir pl'actice at 7 :45 p, m, Moshe\. Th e (' ~I at" of th " lat,!! ,1 udge J . ,~C !l l Carn egIe LtJ;lrary. J:IIS . btlanon Citizen's National Bank, Wright of Waynesville . t e pans or unc ,ask the leader Sunday' Sunda y scho ol at 9 :30 a, l . Mr~, Cadwnll~d er con~ucted the A, Runya n wus estll11Uted at Itard table and equIpment I S gIven March 5; Franklin National Bank, in your neighborhood, A program n1. Mo;'ning wo rship at 10 :30, I devotIOnal serVIce, re.adlllg PSlllm $:!5 0 ,OOO when th e will was of- , to ~ he 1 0c~1 L egior: and the Murch O. March 15 Is the last day Dr. Rudolph- Eyesight Speeial- ~~~n~'hl~s, P~V~E~d01N~afr:ndfi1;'~ The sermon subj ect for t he morn- I. f()lI,owe~ by prayel. . I fe)'(' d t\,r l'rnbate in th e probate I'I1dlC? at hI S hom e IS gIVen to the on which a return can be received ist. Here Tuesday, Thursday and ing will be "God's Pi cture of a ,SCl'lptUI al quotatIons \V e I e co urt. . Moille Harmon Home. The large Saturday. F r e e • examination Fred Braddock Twp. lead ers. Man" Epwor t h League a t 6: 15 p I gl\:~n In respon se to r oll-cull. Aside frol1l a number of be- bu. t of Napoleon was also given In the Collector's offiee without penalty, Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon. m. EVllngeli stic sCl'vices a t 7 :06 [her e was ,a go od a~tendanc,e qu eRts of hi per s('"al prope rty t o to t he L~ lon post. EVAN S- P ENCE p. m, The th eme fOI' the evening and ut . the clnse. of a bUSin ess ses- I dalives and fri e nd", the ~ ulk of ~te m rJleven- I do . hereby ap, ' .~~ service will be "S(lme of God 's ~ lO n of unusual Interest the f oll ow Ithe estate WII ~ esla bli ~ h ed III trust pomt Chfl rle ~ S. IrWin, of Leb· Laid-up S\lrpri ~es .'·' You a re COI'- , m,g program II WlIS" r e nd e red: : for th e ben<:'iit of hi : . gister, un on " Ohip, executor and trustee Miss Mary Louise Pence and diully invited to attend these meet PIUI~Cl Solo, Alba - Eth e lb e:~ 1Miss Maie R';1nyan and othel' rtlla- of thLs \\'111. ~ nd l'eque~t that no Mr, Ernest Evans were united in'mg s Nox t, I11 l1 nuUY ,I . ' I"' C b· - I NeVin, Mra,W Kathryn hoII'"' th e. t ru st to cun- . bond be reqUIred evellmg, M' , k ' thTurnel, e Blue tives and < ·h :of hIm by the marriage Thursday evening at I'ual:y 2:3n.l, is' the I'egulu r night , I ss\O n~r y . ,or m , tinu e for a pcriod of f oul' yert l's. ' court li S s ue executor find trushalf after eight o'clock at the for the meeting or th e official Ridge: l\Jountl;l\ns- Mrs'"Edlth M. \ The large!!t bequ lst , to como out tee, and I ,d o e,xpressly empower residence of Rev. Chester William board lI u r,rJ ~; Readm!?: fr om Th e New of th e estate m tl'l:~t at the end a nd authol'lze hIm as such execuson, who performed the service. . G C Dibert Pastor Afrlca"- Mrs. W. H. Allen; Vocal of foul' y('a1'~ is thut of $ JO,OOO t o tO I' and tl'tl stee, to do all things Mrs. Evan R is the dau~hter of .., . Solo, "I Will Extol Th ee"- ear- thc L .hanon Musoni.c Lodge, necessary t o fully carry out all the Mrs, Annella Pence, of WaynesN URCH de B. Adams, Mrs, Mu ynar,d 1 A sc hol al'sh ill of $FiOOO is to b,e p1'ovisions of this will. ' Two masked men, shabbily No silver was taken by the men ville and has a host of friends ST, AUGUSTI E CH W eltz; Prog"l'es!< of the Womlln S es tublis hed at Ohi o W es le yan UI1\Jf. however, the said Charles S, dressed and carrying guns, bound who grabbed the money from the who joined in wishing her much Summol' schedule- 1st, 3rd and AU,xiliury-,~hs. Bert Hl\l'tsoek, vcrsity , Oelu wUI'e , Ohi o, at th~ end !I'w in, shall ' not survive me, 01' and gagged 0, D, Young, Assis- drawer placing it in their coat wedded hardness. 6th Sundny" Mass ut 8 :00 a. m.; . rh e Itn',llv.ersary of St. yalen- of fo u r years for th bene fi t of 111 the event he should survive me, tant Cashier of the Port William pockets, Mr. Ji;vans is the 'son of Mrs, 2nd '1l nd 4th Sunday, Mass at tine wu s filtlngly observed Ill, the \ \\,Ol· t h:< and need y s tud ents who ar:d fo r any t'enson Should, deBnnk, early Mo..n day morning, Young finally. s ucceeded in free Eugene Evans and is engaged in 9 :30: refreshments served . lInd dainty have graduateu fro\1t the Le. bal'\Ol1 clme to accept , and ,qualify ' 09 rifled the cash drawer of between il'lg himself from his bonds and furming near, Lebanon. The couple Hev, Lmw re nce B. J\Iolhnann, favo rs. , . . • hip:h srhoo l. s uch executor and trustee, or hav· $1,600 and $2,000 and , escaped, gave the alarm. p lan to resIde ' nt the groom's The follOWing VISItors were ix hospituls in incinl1l1ti and ing accepted and quali~ed as such , The bandits left t~e bank, and , Sheriff Gus Miller wa.s notified country home, - - - -- - - '-, - present : I'1rs. Mary L . Adam s, ' Dayton will ben efit by t he will of executor and trust~e, _sholIld 'de; headed toward Wilmmgton m a and a.dragl'}~t was cast m all sur· , , WILL TAKE NEW POSITION Mrs. W, E. Cornell, Mrs. L. M· IMr. Runyan . Th e Childre n' s H,mI- cease prior t9 the final brown colored Chevrolet auto. roundmg cItIes ,and v~llages. , " ' Henderson, Mrs" Mayna~d Welt,z, pital Cincinnati, is given $5,000 i of my in At. the close of busmess Satur· TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETIJliG ' Mrs. Kathryn Turner, MISS J eSS Ie Bethe~da Ho spital Cincinnati, $2- pening of an ' S. ' L. Beal, President o~ the bank, had Ic.ft the institu~ion on day ev~ning, $1,600 in ,bills was , , Henry ,Swe~lI·tngen, mo,nager of Clarke , Miss Betty ' Hurt~ock, 500 i Good Snn"~l'itnn Hospital, hel'eby an' errand and during his ,absence placed In the drawer, About $600 The an I 1;' W~yrl esv illc branch of the Frank Hawke and Jo'erree Pame. CiTlcinnllii $2500' .Tewish Hos- Sfiawhan' the balldits entered. Walking ' to' more WaB placed in ' the drawer Southw t nuaOh!"ee mg ?f t~e ~ilirly Hard~val'e. ,Co., .hus re___- - ' pital, Cin~inn~ti, ~2,500; Chl'ist this will,' and r ... JU""~ 'the Cashier's window" the two Monday morning and only a small C· ·t es .jrn 10 -Sh'Ortshlp Fall' SIgned and wtll leave the first of . Hospital Cincinnati $2500 and be required 6£ be men ordered Young t~i throw up amount had been ,paid <Jut, Presi· H~"u~ , Wll b beld at the Grange March to take a p'~siti,on in Middle Spent Week.end wiln Relahve. Miami Valley HQspital: D~yton, tor and trustee his hands. Failing' to' comply to dept Beal stated. :/ F b n e2 anoSn, on We~nesday, town. M,r. weal'l ngen ha,s made , I' f W'tt b $2 500, , . bim full power the com~nd they ' pointed a gun The robbery oecured ,one hour me ruary 6, cssions w,ll1 com- many ,frJI!lfds In Waynesvtlle- who George He nk eo , t en ~~~ 'Among tbe bequests from his cllny out and to lty at him and forced , him to ',ie on the af~er the ban" had opene~ fol' bus T~~~e pro;f at .10. a. regre,t hi81 leaying•. His family ~?lIege $pen'M ~he 'dee, end WID p(IoI'sonal proP~I·ty tbe most of hl'l tIement of my lr tloor, Illesl" . I me been f 8 f a,ssoc.latlons < are remain here until the close of 1115 parents, I, an r~. . I Hbrar" at his home is given' to th , the proviBions m ers 0 , th e Clrc.Ult. school. Henkle. ' , '



' I'








L e banon A tto rneU

' Leaves L arge E state


,P ort William Bank Robbed of $2000



m· 1









• .o!


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=~ _ -,' --

















---" 1 s ho uld he u lit.t1

II tOPlI cl. LIII' l' I\'ll til.ed \\ hot ,'h was in xCI' ll t'nt. pi rit hI' had !o· luek 111'1' W01'sn than "It's great idl'u t o lel H1U \, - ",' n t hilll tUII\\JlillK



ill1J)nti en l. An,) yct 11:8. Ma uLl lsu n ~elf be er n ill U '('1ta in kind .. I' I hav' /I very deep ill L 'r 'S l ill your Ca l'," ~hc suiLl . "Y "lI do n't kll ' \\. hu slJlln,\'s uffnir, . I hu ve mOllY whut I m .111- I II l"'~ ,V I' U cl o n' t !" Lad qUllliti e' , Ullt ,li:,;loy:ll tr is n o Tht y en .: . d i ':", II p /{, PUI'k. 01lC ,I f th el1l, Your hu " bllll ,1 ,,'e n t 111 :1(1 II ~ 1 1 W pl't ' h rc~ ~ J)(' al' I h\.' nUL of his way t o warn Ill(-, 11 l ,'d!:.e o r Ih(, ~id c\\'alk. :lnd Ill' II1vmenl wh~n he k iWI\' 1IH' poli ce found hi m~(' I! (' n.i ll .. i l1l~ lh ,. 110\' , I wrr coming t o OlTl'st m . It e\'er (' sperl ' I1 C,·. !:ilk \\U ~ \'lry pn'lty. then! wu s a wh ill' and wh oh' sonw thuugh "ld " I' thun hI' had th ll ll :.: ht. man t hat mun i8 Luke Ma ddi~o n. "Do y o u S CI' th:lI fu l Il1l1n (1\' , , 1' I ought n ol In ha\'1' lI~ked yo u t hc t her!": Th:l t '~ Ihl' ~1'u l·I'II~" . ,;'(,U <,\ urslill n alld I co uld Il ot vl'r y well wun t t o kc,' p tl\\; y 11'0 111 hlll1. xpect a ~ ati sfllctor y a n ~ w e r. Th e "Y llll ml'an Bird : " hI' , laI1l . o nly thing- I 11111 anxioll~ tl\ kn o w i S I I1~('!'(' d ' nn d I,:" kl'd I!"uil y ill II ... thi ti; huve yo u a ny Idea wh ere dlr n:t"' n "h .. Indl l·atl' d. vo ur h usi)u n:1 i ~ '?" H ~u\\' ;\1 1' . Hild . 110 , wa ' \\ a ll, · . "no you wi ~ h 1 0 find hill1 ?" she I ing w it h " \'e r y 1 II" '~ l~' ",i .. 1. I'lll II Il' chall ng'cd . 1\'11 111:1n \\ h" \I ,. ~ :II t Imt 111"111,' 111 Hc s h ook bi ~ h a d. ~ "nlillg hl'l',, \,11' "" 11 11 .. "f tl'" " II l'k "No. but I'd likl' t o kn ow I' X - bellc·h,·, hI' tli ,! llid I'c (· "J.:ll iZl'. uctly wh e re he i~. I have :I yt' .. y As I h,· h ""11 'h 111 1111'111 d alld s r)(-,cinl nason fO I' a s king th k Is eH nll' ua c k ( , 11 II(· ,,' h" r , 1<1,· .. I'll,,· he in Lon do n? " 'I rtliltl. s lH' s:l id su<ld"n ly : "Th,·I'(· will I" a ""' \\'l\i l illJ.: . S hc s h ook her h eHd. "H e's in Silai n Ilt th e m ume n t . Il('ar thl' ( " I\ alr~' /larra l' k,.. I Lut r ill af raid ( call n Ot gi l'(' yo u ho pe yo u cu n drh·.. ·?·· . t he address." "Alln ll", r tar'!" h,· a- k,·,j in a·' MI'. Mor e ll- is h ~ in f'ipuin? I l'l1li ~h lll 'nt. Parcl on 111(', Mrs. 1\I:1<ldi80 n . b ut I Sh ~ n, ) ,lcl ~ d . bave a r eusun for a sking you the " I wanl l o liT ' ,111 out." o ne que ti u n, ( hll\, c a dO,u bl illl,I,l l' I lI u ",he~1. ... porlant r easo n for ns klng lh e All th l< I ~ VI' I'Y IIlY ' ''' II "U :<. oth e r. Mor ell is th e kind of m a n he s ni d. 'I' h" t llr was w:tiling f" .. th"III. " t.hat n o d cc n t woman s hould know- " cl o"ed li ~hl (' III' o f E lIl! l i ~ h IIwh . ~h e walked t o th e table and pre ssl'd th e little onyx bell push . This tim e h e s miled . "That mean s yo u're going to turn m e out, an d I don't blum e you . I'm ufraid blundered this interview, which I intend ed sho uld be very discree t a nd dipl omutic . I pa r t.i c ularly wish e d to know whe re Mr. Maddiso n was -" "I ha·v e told you," s he said, as th e maid appea red in the d oorway. "A s far us Danty Morell Is con. cerned- " he began , Her hand point.ed to the do or. "I a m not pre pared to disc uss my fri ends-even with the crim · inal acquaintances of my hu s· band," she sa id, and s h e heard him chuckling as he went down th e stairs a s th o ugh at a very g ood joke.

1lI" III .

he WII ~ d oi n~' u!>sa ilunt a nd \n 1he rUl\'C-

Anthracite Coal




Stirrin, Tribute Made to .New New Suilt And Different Mecliei~e By \"a utlnl )il ,OtlllHlny . a corp· (I\'at i" n \'c;> r ~ u , Eu. \ . Pay ne a nd Grateful Lady. r UII I ~I i (' h<lel fo!' n\ \, n ey only. Th amollnl claim d I 0,22 wit,h in · te l ,,~1. fllllll Se pt mU"r 12, J !J 28 and COS[:, . T () \\,I1 ~ ~nt I . \ an amp vorsu \\' iIIiam I'. ,t ft;! g" IInl! n bO I'nh M. .. U~~ll, fOl' 1I10npy ollly . Th e !1I11 o llnt ('h d nll' d $:) l:! .O:i with in· l e .. e~ t fr u lll Ill<' Ullt.· herl·o f lind

have the same high-grade ' Pennsylvania Anthracite for your brooder stoves that we have had in the past.

"[II ive !" ~ hl' SIlUf'lP"11. nnLl llIe ~ dlllnil::tlh I.okl· ~I Ll ddi sll l1 ~ ' nt Ih l' 11, ' dilll" " 'a"illl-: fu r ll'lIrd. Th( ·\' (·rll,.;- t·" (l x!', ' rd •' tt'cet, COR b ; . .1 ,, \\ II .~ . .J : III1' ·H · ~ St rt, l't. t hWlll-:h C; ' o r~ ' E. l\ lill t' r v e r ~ u H L o ui ~ I ht· " .I rk . IIlld \\ ('I'(' <1 "1'1' Vauxhall Gabt.nrd. fo r cqoitau le rc li d. Hlld p I.!'f"1 \. hI' 1'Ill'l ly I' ' I\li z~ d .1 . L. (;1' 1' n v(!rsus .1 . 13. Cu-te llu \I hal had 1t''I'p,'n .. d. for ' U Il upp elll. "\\' lty dill ;h,,1 ("II \\ I..ra" yo u? Common Plea, Court h,· 1.,1.,'.1. "~h' 11 11, ";.11 .1 I had !1 r ow w ith Th e ca ~~ o f ' IInth L. Kit ch t> ll hi lll. "· " il" .,,:tid (':dlll l,\' . And ,Ihl'n ; v 'r s ul'; Mu riu n I!:. foi ill'hel l \\' 11:4 di H"I. !,n , I' ( "n l1\ 'r \\'11 " wI·" n" ,,· s hc . lIIi ~st'd a l the' cust s uf th .. plain. Hid . :" 111 \\ h l"II,'<I . " If I 1IIII It hnd ti fr . r!1 ~' \\ Ii - .11 " '111 Ill." :lnd ~lu rl ed Ihu.l I{ululld Ho birl " 'H1 pI lIu eu gu il 1."-1,, " 1" ~ I"I Y,. I . ~/.. h;I\'C' h""11 hllil- , ty III 111(> l'iln rgl.' of ~e llin ~ in t o xi . I. ' .1 \ " II " II "I\ . ,~ . cnti ll~ 1111 110 1' and wa" ~e nl (' nc ed II., - .111 1" '1' I". ", at .. very , hy l hl' co urt t o pay a fille " I' $750 f" d, ," ,11:1" (I" .), I'a '''l·tI . () II~ o f thl' :I fi ll (' os t~. It wus o rd e r ed if t he ' ,, 1'11"1' ' I 1,,· 1' ".1" '. alld III ~ hea rt d"felldunt pay one.ha/f th e fine MRS. ELSIE LOCKE 1 \ \. t> 1 ":'1" " r:~ - ~,: r II ~ ltll:W came and e o st~ , thut he he l'l'/ l' a ~(' d up 1!1 t.1 " t:~I ' , d I H H tltl).!' (., u tl1 m o n, u n J,!i v ing JI bo nd to ~t'clll'e th e pa y ;tI '.d " , h,' , (· "'" II .lIld h,' s tuPPl'd 1111'lIt .. r. the bnla ncl' . Wh e reupon "K o nj olu I'eli e vcu l1Ie of pain : ii I' \,\'ar' l I" h '., thl' hllnd wu" g ive n lind dc f~ llunnl a lld lIliSCI'y und hns g'iven m e .. ,. I j!1' 1 '/I ,l IC'rp . S .t· S Ulu . . rd \,,,,,' d. hc :llt h and s tl'e nl{lh," said M.r s ., . \ .. u .' ·; II IY ". I" " 'h II,\' I, u,;. I II ~u/(e In Ihl' case of Thl' Stllt(. o f Elsie Lucke, Brookvill e, ::>hlO, ,I (:'\ 1. II. I II' "i " r l·II llI ..,S .~o . n lghL Ohi .. vers us Co urtn e y lI uV:l II, nC/lI' Columuu s. "I s uff e re el. from ,. 11. 1111 11 I I , ' g "l hI' ·luff. h .. nd Wll s fix ed at 750 IIlld C' o,.: t!' · SI0I1111 C' h trou bl e and wa~ Sick ull ~;;~~~_~_~_ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _........_ _~!"'-_ :-It" II, nlld , .. ~". bul hI.' taught lI>'sigll ed ' fOI' IW:ll'ing Thu rsdllY. th e time. Th e rl' WlUl hUl'uly any. ~ _ _ _ _ 1:1 II II' a 1.'.:1, : . I I ' Fpurllary la . I [):J O. [ l hill/.!' I could c ul lh!lt w0l!ld no t Rup e rt Puul Hill. l'h nulfl'ur .. (If NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT . \\ ha' - 11111 . hI' as k!', s t .. rn y J II \\'11." () rll ~ rc(1 b" t llC (·OU I·t that call :;e pai n and nllsery 111 ,my \" k \ I 1 I 1h i l t o ~, I th Leban on ulllL M),H. l'ea rl • It' " . _ . . .' : II' I " '11 >:11\' l' a ca se T hc New Yo rk tife IlI s ul'an cc s tlllllllCh . ( \Va,.. s enr('!' y e ver WI - nurse of Wayn csv ille. Fl'lJruur>, ,I. I Lstn l,' "r 1'. 'lIllla \\ II I-:h l, de. , h. , ";1111' Ii '1I1d ' I' hl' r It· ::tther coa l. I CU ll1 puny s hall I'ceov r frUIl1 th e ou t a headac he. My s trength an d Curtis 8i~hup, lu borcl' o f KI Il(.:'; l'('a ~,''': . . d (,re ndanL~ . La wre nc e E. An~puch I'ncl'g y wer.. taken from mc , and j\'Iil ls lind Miss Lill ic Juhn slI ll , or l <JII(,(' IS hl'rl.lJ y ",IH' II tllllt . A . 11 1'1 1\1. Foreman . nnd ea c h of I fUl1l'ed I neve r WQuiu hnve good Mo rr ow. Fe bruary 6 . T . W l'i ~hl hll~. bl" '11 dul y UPI!u lntthem. th o s um o f $ 11'i .:14 1.58 wi t h h ealt h again. . _ ____ pd :11It! qll a llfled a s Adlllll1l ~lt'l1 . 8'" illt e r eHt ft'O ll1 .January 27, "My fn.t hel' h ad u e_rlv ~d wonder Bill, Allowed t, )r "I' th l' E~la l " ,)f EII1I1IlJ W l'i~ht I !J30, und costs . If nut puiu within ful. bcndl t s ~ro.m. KonJ~la. so vI . . Jatt. " I' Wa nt' n ('"u nly , Ohi .. . dc 1:1 dnys , thcir f Ol'eclO' ure will c n_ decl(lcd t o give It a trl~ l. If,!" J . W . Lingo Hurciwun· Sn: . sop · ('P II H.d. ~u e. I{ l::td I am th<~t I m~d e thiS decI s, pli es , 80c; J ohn Law & Son. I , Ii; ' ,,, t his 1:ll h da y o f Fcbru . (n the case of The ,tat e of ion! A lm ost 11l1ll1edl!llely my op· gas book. $9 .05 ; Stllkllltll IIHI! Cn:. :11' .1' 1:1:1 \1 Ohio vers us John Ridd e ll, t he jury petite in~re ase d lind t.he he ad· s upplies. $25; W oodl'\)"'· \V c ll . W. Z. ROLL I'et lll'n ed a verd ict of n ot gui lt y. aches vanished. Now I have been Stanage Cu ., bur docket, $6 0: .llIcil!e of Ih l' I'ruuutl' Co urt, Glady s Sidenst.ick wus grunted a fully res tt;>red t o he!llth . If you J o hn Bell. s upplieR, $1i; Dnytllll WalTl'n r .. u n t.\.. O hi n. divorce from Ge o r~e A. Sidens ti ck ~re s uffe nn(r Us I dId, get. Kon- Blue Print Co., blu (' prints. $11 ..1(; II F Ihll'wil Z, Atty .. Middletown, t he defendant haVing been g'uilty Jo la and e nJ oy t,~ e same health Stukll lta Mf~. 0 .. ,u ppli .. ", $2 0: O hi o. o f grosR n eg le ct of duty. The that 1 ~ o\v enJoy. . . L. M. Prince & CII .. s upplies fur 1 ca r nnd c us tody of the min or KonJ ola IS sold m Wa ynesvIlle f; urveyor. $77.7fi; W . . Gilmour ch illll'c n wa s given the plaintiff, at Adam, Drug . Sto~, and by nil inquest of Clem A. HUIl Ylln $.7.11 0 ' NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT whel'eby the defe nd a nt \VIIS order· th e bes t dru~glsts .m all t ow n s Sam e , inque, t Wil lialll Simki ns, 'u to pay $5 PCI' week for it' s s u p. throughout thl~ sectIOn. $7 .90 ; John Law & ~on , g ns f or E ~tut(' o f harl l'M E . John s, de po rt. st ove , 76('; Gris wuld Set'vic e ce ase d. Sentencing of R ola nd 'Robinso n Slation, Battery r echarge and No tic l' i~ he r by Kiven that \\' h n p Iell(Ie U g UI·It. y t 0 th e c h arge Hat'rl'son Mary E. Ril e y and rental. $1.75; J ohn Law & So n, S 1Ilarj!lIret A. J (i hl1 ~ hilS bccn duly f II n ~C' 'In g I'Iqu <)r W HS d e f er l' erI \Valter Fitts were made appra is. ;;upp lies und la~ o r, $70.86; k . tlJlpoi nt e d IInu 'lun lilil' cf nR Ex ee uFred Co. , ·uppli e. $50 .2 5 ; Frlln -. u ntil Friday at 2 o'c lock . Margaret walked slo wly a long .Jack , imon s alias Rob ert e rs. f lin Chro n icle. d og lice nse noti ce . nix o f thl' E ~ lale of Chllrll!s E . the a J o hn ~ latl' o f W afl"C'1I o unty, -phalt path. As s he did so s he Th e la~t will and testament 0 saw a~ car C Simons p leaded n ot guilty to the I d d 0 $1.50', Fred O. Jam es, b one". f o r Ohi!l, decl'n Hed. r·ming slowly al ong th e . Murtha Grec y, ecea se was pr . " 0<7." . $] .75.' V. W. Tompkin s , puv.' tan on the vother ch u rge again st: hlln and wa s . d d 'tt I t U ... ., P nlC'd lhis 10th du y of F eb ru. side of the road. duced m court an a ml e( 0 II $36 n5' F 1\1 Collin .A, sa " Ta k ,-~ a look at thu t swe ll w Olll ltn ! T hut'n J ean Curlay- the jai orde re d 30 impriso ' lli .•e nry 1~,ao . It was an electric brougham conl for days. n ed in t hC' county pro b1I t e. e th G l' e e ly accepted the 1'0, $11 1.40; .OJ,.. Edcn Terry, sa m(' $255 taining two people: ·u beautifulbiggest cruok in L und on , IIY dcar ." trust as exec utor. Gilpin Trimble, 60; A. T . R ettig, sam e $83 . 0; J oe W. z. ROLL Jud ge nf t he P ro bate Co urt. looking girl, fashionably dressed; ---Robert Le\vis and George J<napp W. Davis , san1C, $20.25; P . B. by her s ide, his fac e half hidde n There was nobody in atte ndllnce , I "l\Iy C od! " gasp ed Luk e MlldProbAt., COllllrt Proceedin,. w ere made appraisers. Monee. sa m e, $12; ChllS, E. hnwh ll n & Wa rrcn o unt y, Ohio under a broad-brimmed Stetson but with out h es il.lILi IJ s he s top p e d d i~(ln . " You "to le t hnt!" Inv e nt o ries and appruisements The last will and testmcnt of Bradbury, same, $14.95; Leslie Br own, Attys. hat, a bearded man of striking ap- ~he bro~gham and ga ve th e driver There wa~ umu se me nt in her filed;· George C. Buffinge r deceased, was " hultz, labor, $G1:I ; Fred Hum . pearance. Ahead of her was walk· tn~~ructlO~s .. " .". (i " f l' ~'ts >: s : h~ no dd ed . Estate of Mary A. Spear, de. produce d in court and admitted to h I b $2340 Ha II ing man, and by H e re It I ~ s he 5R1d: qet In. "Of eoursc I did. yo.u poo r s imp ceased. pro.bate. Maline . Buffing~r was ap_ ~1:1?~~' f~rni~hing ~nd: 1 0uJin~ hl's 5a1"'1'stou~looking a l'ather prdtty girl. As '. Luke s a. nk II1tO the dri ve r s seat A lux ita\) "'us pa sstn~ and s he Estate of Gcorge C. Buffinge r, po inted executrix. MorriS Hessett, I $4" 25 J K S u ~ heard the and put hIs foo~ 011 t h esc.II -sta r t er 1Hl 'i 1C(I 'It. . ' 1uw IY h'IS .grl. p on h e~! deeensed . 'I I. Howurd : . .Cookpencer. she overtook them s he Harry Mayne and T . J . R ley were grave, sume, $7.65; . fur• stout man say: lind she clime In aitc.r ~Im, slam· arm r ' h~xed . If e w.a lc h d th e tux l l Estate of C harl es Schnl!lI, d e. appointed appraisers. nis hing and loading grav el, $33. "Take a look a t the swell wom_ ming th e littl e Ll oor be hind. her· , . c ('~d e Il ke a ma n 111. a dream, too ceR sed. 1n t.he settlement of the estate Blair & LeRo y. samc, $27 1. 858 0; FOR RENT a - That's Jean .Gurlay- the · bif" "Grafton Street , ' s he sUld, In a s tunnt'd ( ve n to. t hink. H ~ could 1 The Il\st will and testament o f of Id a M. Hockett, deceased, the Monro'e & J o hn s ton. material for g:st crook in London my dear.' bu sin ssllke to ne .. Pull up opp os- lleVl'l' 1I.' Il'f' II IU Cr that Journey C harles E. Johns, dece a sed was net value of the estate was signs, $33 .G4; Sume, lumber, $ 17 .. :. __ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Those ahead of he'r s he r e cog- ite th e Reo n lub." . . bnck 1.. lImbcr t.h. II I' ha d crossed produced in court and admitted to $53,040.57. With L. Earl Hockett Harold Sweney, lumber, S I 7" I ' f< HENT- Co rn IHI(! tobnceo nized as the Sparrow and hi s com· / He thought s he was tesl lng hiS W c" tlll lllls:~r .BI·ldge when he saw pl·obate. Margaret A. Johns was son and Pearl Rich, daughter s uc- 10a ding- gravel:-$1t4; Mu~on Lum . I .JAn~ LlllcI, I1ddres~ ph on e Wuyn espanion, and, not wi hing to be ' driving ability, fot: h e h ud passed ~I nC'w;; hoy. With H \lluc~rd: "Dar- appointed exec utrix. No bond re· ces~ors. ber Co., g uard rail muteriul. $5.32 vll lt, .1, r . O. Box 1. . f19 seen by them, lIat down on a gar- I thl'o ugh three traffic .block befor e Ing W ~ s l En d .Ro bb e1'Y. He stood quired, Walter Kenrick, Albert In the settlement of th e estate Office Outfitter'. 1 L. C. mi t h ' = __ den, seat he r eyes following he brought th , mac:hlO.e to a stund d ea d s t ili . ~az l. ng o penmouthed at Stacey and Allen Emrick ' were of George E . Riley, deceased the typewriter. $77.:10; Tru s. of FOR SALE curiously 'the electric brougham. still lit a pla ce she IOdlcated , ~he .('ont"lIls bill. an d th e n he felt mude appraisers. net value of the estate was $120,- Public affairs" wute r r ent, $4: _ _ She saw the machine t urn at the l "Now ~ou und e l:stund," he In lu~ p.oc kl' t :In~ d r oppe d!l penny The court ordered that Roy 175. ]2. Successors are T. Hamer ame, light at fair ~ro unds. $2.!l2 , ._ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ Marble Arch and come .slowly ~uid, dr? PPIOIf, ~e r vo~ce ~nd spe ak fro m hiS, lre nlbl! ng ha nd IOto t.he Schn e ll, executrix of the estate of Stokes , Ada M. Stokes, C. C. Eu· Kilpatrick French Mot o r ar Co ., IFOR SA LE- Two ~oo d J e rsey alung by the side of the curb, and II1g rupldly, .. I m gO lllg 111 to see n ews boy s pa lm . .. ha rles Schnell, deceased, pro. lass, Mary T. Collett, Mary Sil~er" ~as, etc., $82.15; Lyo n Products COWH! ulso I bu ll culf. Eligible . . I li e d.l rcd ".o t Ino k I.n s lde t.he ceed t o a dve rti se the property fo r Friends Home of Wayn esV Ille, Co .• s uppli es. $ 12; ; Collins Mot or 1.0 H el!'l~tel'. Ph on e 74 1"12 1-'111'm. he watched with a detached inter my husbu n d . . the beMutiful girl and the bear i S he lo oked hun s tr!llght III the ne \\'. unlll he was In a qUiet s al e at public auction. William H. McEwen, Edna Mc- Sales Service, supplies, 50e; J. , J. L. Mcndenhllil. f26 ded man whose h ead was turned ey es. I ~lre'\' 1 hCIl he .. ead ; Charle!' J. Conover. IIdministra Ewen, Springboro Cemetery As· W . Lingo Hardware Co., supplies , l' OR SAL .t oward his co mpani o n . As they "If he ma kes a fu ss. I sha ll DAn l l'iG wr·;, T E U HOBBERY tor of the est.ate of Abbie C. sociation, Blanch e A. Riley, Perle $46.78; E. }<'. Scdrad e, labor, " . E- hrst cl ass Clover passed s he he ard th e man say:. pect you t o h e lp ~'C. I~. he do~~m t ' Voo rhi s, d.:;cea.s ed,. filed his first, M. Riley, Blanch e A. Riley, taxed $7.10; Roy Pigott, labor. $3.50; I e ~, ~Ig Red an~ no w,ee ds, on "This is all very mys terio us . make 11 fu ss, we II dll ve qlllet ly II I I M I P tt G ' I R b linlll and (hslrli>utlve account • by way of temporary order under Frank Sherwood Co., s upplies . ny I al .m 2 loi! miles Eas t of What does it mean?''' 1 duwn Alue \'m ll rle . ·treet. CnI:tl' t . n il re y ." . . 0 Inv entories nnd Sec. 5343 G. C., Perle M. Riley, $37.64; B. V. Smith, sa me, $1.82; !les t kn own a s the In an instant s he was o n her makmg for Vauxhull Bridge a nd Tul1:t llny ~ 0 1 ~:2 0 ,00U Dlumond til ed:. tax ed by way of temporary order. Waite!! Garage , r epa ir worl<, $40" Dean Farm . Slll' lby Henry, R. R. feet pale a nd shaking; she had T ooting Com m on,:' ~ec klucc Es tate of Edward M. Chamber. The las t will and testament 17; Cincinnati Oil Works Co ., gas. N o. 3. "f19 r ecognized the voi ce o f the bear- [ "Your hus b~nd~" he sta l1ll1l ~ I' ·d , ... . . . . 'lain, deceased. of Mattie Taylor, deceased. was $79.25; Michael Sales Co., repair FOIt ded man. It was her husba.nd. S~e. guvc hlOl .1 qUick louk of · t , j\ Id.'~1 ~ 1~ 7 . I OblJel.Yt ~t:,<;s~~m'r~}' 'I F:,s tate of Sarah Moon, decea sed produce d in court ~nd admitted to wo rk, $34.03 W . B. Squires, SA LE- Hedge, lin e and In the inte rest of hIS new, SUsp ICio n.. , « I \I~ ..' l l llllU Il u '. s, • F,s tute of Ella Cono ver, deceas. probate. bridge rcpllir, $2; W. S. Graham. cOTner post~. In quir c of Leo n. strange life, Luk e foun~ .it fairly . "T.hat IS \yhut you tell t h flat- ~anllY ~ Jewelry , s.l!op 10 , B?nd ed. . e $360 ard lOney, Ph un e i4F2 . "f19 . In C eas y to forget The splnt of udtIed th e re IS a ny fu s. I SlICl't. At Hhu ut ~.i . o ~ n wu ll-dt es_ 1 E s tate of ll e nry Wagoner, d e. Real Eatate Tra".Fera sam t •• -- - - - FOR SALEAlfalfa ha ltll' rc adventure was ' on him. Mat'garet What a fl att ie was s he did n ot Sl'" WO ll ian wa lke d Ill to thc s h,?p ~eased. f G J


Peat Moss


The best absorbent known for brood'e r house and chicken house.


Waynesville Farmers Exchange Co.


Phone z;

h,' ~'


- _._----







1- __






.a ll ~..




exp lain, and was g o ne befo re . he "lid ,, ~ !(, ' cI to 1."': . " ll(I wn so m~ plal,n I Estate of E. T . Lacey, decea se d. 'rhEe vaL~~el~~itsM~~~:1 s~e~i~i~~ PUBLIC SALE us k he r. He ke pt t h ~ cngll1c g illd rtll ~5 . W hll : l th e assistant. S Th e last will and testament of runnmg accordlOg t o h r In s truct- back 'W:I ,; tUI'Ot'u.. she mu s t have , Grace S. Whi tacre, d eceased and Loan Company, 47.B6 acres in I will sell at Public Auction at io',ls. he was gon e some tw e nly I bruke n H ~/a sR WIth a rubber·head ' prod u ced in COllrt and admitted to Hamilton twP. • The Madde n Lumber Yard, mmutes . PI' se ntly, Inokln g out, . ' d IHl lllIll CI·. Whe n he cume back, I D1'obate. Richard S. Whitacre a nd Edward J ohns on to Margaret Waynesville Ohio, on he saw ~er lurn lhe cO I:n er. fl'O ~1 he ,~(l u~lcI not .. o nl y th e \~o m ~n but Ml~r~aret L. I,aymon were ap. D. Anderso n, 62.47 acres in' Hamil Saturday, March I, 1930 Bond Stl ee t and walk \~Ith apPal' " . \ ", lu.1bl e dl.lnlond neckl~ce had p otnted exec utors. Eugar Ludlum, ton twp. Beginning at 10 o'clock prompt / c nt un c un ce rll tll\~a~'d IlInl . A.s !'h(: './I , a ;III.'lIl Pt!. ,li e fl ew out tnt? th~ A. J . Scheurer allnd Geo rge H. PatWte~?s~rn0iot ~~~hle: i~o F~~~~icr~ the following chattel property to s tepped mto t hc cal , a I1wn In hi S ~ ll l( t .Ind () \ l'.' ton k t he woman a s Andenwn were mad e aPPI·aisers. ,. wit. shilt·sleevcs (hutI'd around t he s h,.. Wll S e r'll:l! l'In g a moto r cllr. He S. T . Elli son fil ed his applica. burg. 4 good well mllted Draft Horses cornel', flew ul he r,. nlld J{1'IJ1P l! cI Wll ~ 1IlIIllcd l;.lle ly st ruck down. by tion fOI' th I' appointment of a Geo r ge A. Burton to Oakley R. 2 good Heifers, a complete set of her. by the ar m. S he n eu . to ·hl'l' CUnlPJlI IY"· who ~s uesc!'lbed I guul'uian of Ethel Ansteatt, con. and Carrie M. Unglesby part of Farm Implements, 3 Wagons, Harwrenc h he r se lf f l'ec, and IJd un: as :I 11111n u l ~1'('Ul ht' lgh t , With a fined in the Dayton State hospital; 10tRN . .O·. 2anidn HWealeYnneNsl'fciklJeel'l to Scott ness, Potato Sprayer, Hogs, B y y e F 'd F b 14 t 10 'I k K' h Ra d B .- fl a , d' rutahr . ' a f hOc,oc B. and Martha M. Pierson 07 ItC en nge an UI'Id'tng was 1l xe as e tIme 0 eartng. acres in Franklin twp. Materials. It w .. Funny to Pinky- Butby TERRY GILKISON Ernest Sheeley accepted the Ryman and Anna Ertel to The Terms made known on day of sale trust as executor of the estate of Loveland Mutual Bui1din~ " Loan Lunch served by Ladies Aid of I Mary I. Sheeley deceased. D. A. Company, lot No. 25 in Morrow. the Wnynesv\l1c M. E. Church. ~·.n~AT'S TI~E Wt-I- wH'f . . John Masonl by sheri/l' to Law W. H. MADDEN 1renee E Wara Iota NOli. 58, 59, I Martin & Stanle Y Auct. MA. .n:~~ PiNK....,? M-M-M"/ /< fa:l', well-trimmed· beard, dressed 60 and '61 In Maineville. E . O'Neall, C j erk. ' 'NHA·'· ' .-:u=.' YOIJ . FATH 6R... If in a gray tweed suit .•• Arthur Hamilton to Harry L. - - . CR"fIN wAS DR\\JtN,% "That's me!" igroaned Luke Rosencrans, 2 tracts in Lebanon. ro~? A NAtL ANO Ma ddis on , and ,almost swooned. . H -H - H E HIT Louis F. Coleman to H . Arthur '930 F l' Coleman, 150 acres in Deerfield .~ 1 'JtOn HIS FINGER. For a quarter of an hour he sat twp \MtTH THE and watched his tea growing cold A'ugust C. Jentz to Albert hi~ mind vacillating between hor. Goocey, 97.68 acres In Salem twp. '1'01' and amusement. He, Luke Florenc!! V. Mercer, et al t~ A. Luke Maddiso n, was a thief, a H. Pummill 9.73 acres in MaIne· gangste1'. an act ive member of an ville. ol'ganizutlon whi ch had robbed Henry Herzog and Katherine Tnffnnny's ! He knew Taffanny's Herzog to August Peter, 100 acres ruther well; h e had bought Mar_ in Harlan twp. Clara J. Kerr to Alice and Ruth guret's e ngagement ring over the very glass counter that hud been McClung, lot No. 49 and No. 80 Rmashed. He was helpl ess-the in Mason. James Smith to Pearl and John idea uf going to th e police and be. trayi ng his asso·c iates never occur. Shultz, 101.85 acres . in Wayne I'ed to him. There was only one twp. George R. Ro ssman to George t hing to be done and that was to stea l awuy at the 1Irst opportunity W. Bassett, lot No. 800 in Frank_ TH - 'TH' He had wl·itten for his check book lin. ,HAT'S Edwin C. Hogrebe to William E ' t o be sent t o R onda, a nd it wa.s a WHAT Rimple mat ter to reach Spain. Was llnd Clara Keiser, 77.08 acres in Humilton twp. ' it, though? DID/ With a gasp he realized thaJ he had no pass·port! . and without II Marria .. o Licenle. pasaport it was impossible to reach Carl Bryan Henderson, factory S])8in, of all . countries, where worker of Lebanon and Miss Anna overy man and women who passes Blanche Barr, factory worker of across the frontier were closely Leban on , February 8. . ser utiniz·e d. rf he had not dismisWilliam A. Morg4l-n, ' factory sed his servant it would be easy work of Dayton and Mrs. 'Mary," "" •.., .-._.. .v.U'<I.,, ~_,~_ to creep back to his flat one night, E. Darr, bookeeper' of Foater, THERe WAS A MAN IN I..'1NN pack a bag HDdi fade away Into a February B. WHO WAS SO ~)(CEEDtNGL'" ortin e ntai limbo. But probably HarrIY Palmer Dalton, uto of Bo.ton dreued In 0>10TH I III his so licitors' had the key of the mechanic of Franklin ,a nd Mrs. like that wom by Mila 1m. TWO" WHeN HE eS~A'tl!p , tlat. A new !)ope awakened. Hul- Martha T. MiX, housekeeper of ma in the pietIare wiU __ pic. TO DRINK. LeMONADE. bert had an apartment in St. Franklin, F~b!'Uary 10. . ttlreeque .iPtJ OIl the ItreetI DeJtt HE S 1..1 PPED THROUQI\ -nE James's Street.' He was a bachelor Henry .Wllllam ~anter, farmer 5TRfJ..W AND FELL. IN • and acce sible • . ~ of FrankhnL.,and ~lS8 Margaret L. Summer. wllen tJie Old CoIOl{=~ '-_-..;~_;. ~ ..;"" ;.;;.;,"...;;; "':.....;;.J;;.:,~ .;:.;';:;e...;.___~ (To be continued) , Lanier, ()of !"lankhn February 4. bratei the fft~ amUVOI'UQ":Ri

beh>nge d to a dim alm ost un belie v able past. She was of the s ub of dr eam s. He w e nt gaily to a rendezvous with a fair-haired girl on the fol· l owing afternoon , an~ was delig~t ed to find how sprmgy was hiS s tep'. ~ had ·Ihal'lll.y tak:en his place in front of the Guard~ Me m · orial when he saw un e lectr ic brougham approach and, catch· ing the girl's s ignal , stepped to the side of the roa d as the CHI'



c~ lJl(~


' V



,,=,-n..1L1LBN'T CR.'! BOUT T\4AT-








'. _i.


....... " ....




o· (lorge Ro bertso n. Of I!) FOR SALE- Fold ing bed, a " 00(1 on e . . Inquire of Co nn e r. _ "" FOR SAL~-Whi te P ekin ducks, ull laYing,. und dl'akes. Mrs. Thomas Hllrdtn, T el. 83F3.

~~.s. S~ldie *m-

FOR SALE- Th e hou se with th ree a cres of land on Fourth Street, Waynes vi ll e Ohi o, lately known a s ~he Susa n ~~. Haines home . EnqUIre M. Mayers, 264 Delaware Ave., ofDayton Ohl'o .f19 FOR SALE- Sin Ie b d sprines wash ~and, I' I 8n.1 COok. stove and ti-relells c~:ok:; InqUll'e at Gazette Offlce . . THRESHER SUPPLIES-BELTS . pulleys, babbitt m.,tol, oil ()UplI. IIlJectors, lubricator~. ~tean\ and water gauges gauge glass oil packing, boil~r tlues 8ucti' her., and ta k . ' on OBe CO 4l~ pump~. THE BOCKLET . . W. MaIn St. Xenia, Ohio. PIPE, VALVES AND FITTIN ' For all GS . ,Purposes. Bocklet'J h~e of plumbIng and heatin&, IIUp. PKI!es are tb best. The Bocklet. I~g Co., 416 W. Main St., Xenia OhIO. ,



Farm Loans LONG OR SHORT TIME-E8IY terl!Js. Also Surveyin&, aod Ab. stractlng. Write and I will call and ~ee you: Sam D. Henkle, Way. nesvllle, OhIO. J11 LOANS on Livestock, Chattel., Second Mortages. Notall bougbt Jobn Harhine, Jr., Xenia, Ohio. •

Farmers, Attention Farmer-8 of Warren and adJoininlf c unti~8 may obtain money 0 ong time loanl, at 5 ,per Clnt Intere/lt. Cost of seeurinlf tb. .ame is very reasonable, througJi Tbe Federal Land Ban~. . For further information call on or addrel. II, . O. 'DRAKE, Treasurer, phone 811X Lebanon, ObiI'

















Publi.b.r The Ladies Aid of the M. E. It wou ld be difficult· to name Church met Thursday afternoon. Office Pholl" ................. : .... No. 112 a ny · single influence which is N. Floyd Templin of IRl'k ville R ... id"nce .. ....... .. ............... No. 118 doing hlore for the developme nt addl'essed the Men's Communil y of the yo ung me n and young Club at their regu lar meeti,n g . Suhac:ription, $1.50 a Year women of America into' useful Wednesday eve ning . His topic was citizen hip tha n the 4-H club "The Life of Abraham Lincoln." , ",.,.11 al P oolo illco al Way" ... iII . movem ent. This year it is estil]la. Music was {urni g h e~ by th e sehbol REASSUIR E A. MOTHER great ach iev m en , in !ici nce o r flh(o. GO ,,~ C i a . . Mail'M"II., ted that the r e will b e more t han o r oh csu·R. A temptm~ lunch WliS _ ___ bu ~ il1e ss , come t o pa~!-\ be('uus te n t housa nd 4-H clubl\ organized se,rved by the e nt'rtarnment COIll.' n:. !It,,,· 1',' l i t'~ I :~C :lhl1l ' hc" [Cll' " J:' ~ n fir:t har! imilS!i Iltiun , in the Unil d ' wtes. As th e min. mltte e . . . . , I ~o n 's r ta ding. lIl11 ll lll-: [lth,.1' thin~~ l' n ,, "~1i tu co n rei\'c Ih m . FEBR ARY l !l, 1930 imum ' num ber of m e mbers of a Mr. J (' nnl Graham , MI ~. DOI o- Slil' SU ~'~ : Mllny IIlcn hu\'l' bc\'n hit on th 4-H c lu b is ve. HIt mea ns 50.- thy H ~ \V ' . ' and I'S. Mane Gray "In ·spit .. of all r ('1111 d ll o r' ~ay , hcud b y a rallin~ !lpple. N{'I\' <) n. ========== - - " 000 boys and girls engaged in in - were. In attl! nu ance at th~ flr s l he ill s ists on I'('adi nl-: s t"l·il'~. 11 0 11' whl'n th e app le 11il him , had illl:t~ t ensivc, com pe titiv e effort for self reunr on of the Warre n , Co unty ('un I 'Cll ITl,(.t thi ~ hahi t'! " ination ('I1 Cl ugh t tl r"I'mulat e the - - - - - - - - . il11prov(!men t in the nelds which WonllJll's Cllmp lit Lebll n o n Satu l' , J.'l'Ul1kl y. mali nli l. I <l u lIot k llow. lu \\' of g-ravitation . 1\ t he (our "II 's" s t.and ro rH ead. day . . It is us ca~\' t o ~ 11I' (' a ltOI' o f Many men have been \tul'n('d by WASHINGTON 11 'urt, B und a nd H eulth . Th ~ I Ht u nd ~ nu g-rades gave a eating-' H~ il is' t il di, lI·I. \, h i~ 'I"ve th " il' wive s' tNI-kl!tt h '<. Wa lt had I At prese nt t here arc eight diff e r pleus lng , ~nlenllne ~rogl'i1;m at us- 1''' 1' 1-:11I1f1 slu l'ic's. . illl .l~inati Cl n pnllt.:l-:h til " ',II""il' C I ~ ' ----------- ----~--. ent c I II R S C S a f competition se mulr I'rld u}' morning. 1 hI' teach I Ce llt urie s hd o l'" tlll'rl: was any till' ~le UIll - l!n j.: ill l! . around w h i c h the 4-H clubs e~r~ wtil fUI' n!~ h the progl'um next l wrili lllr, , t<lr y-t <'i1,'I', c1l'ift,,,d aboul I.ol,k thl Ctul-:h the Illlg' e" ,,r hisTh e gl'ea tn ~ Rl! of Wus hington i ~ al'l~ formed; cor n , wheat, ca lves. 1'J'\dny III U I'll Il:'g . . . . fl'unl v illa~(e t o \'il l a~". g-atill'r ing tury, n nd WllU \\'i ll dis ~II\'I'r that IIp)ll'cciutcrl more a nd mOl'e kee nl y pigs. s heep, for lh e boys and canTh e cl ate oj th e Baptist MISSIon ' t ht.' pCltpll' tOI;..t 11l'1' and tell in g' th e I l'adc' :'~ " I' men hll l'(' 1"'('11 to 1111' 111 S 1<) I' I·l'~.· tllW.·n · (" \\h" I'u u ld dr.·am I-: I'I'at wilh each pa ~s illg yea r. Ull Ill·stor· ninl('. coo king, a nd sl'w ing h forb the a, ry MeetlOg I F has I bi.'en "c7hang-cd l h ' g irl s . nlth ough th ere nve cen Thu r sl ay, . e Jrua ry::; ut e Thl' 1<1 1'<' "f fiet illn is ," II ld as drea ms and (' u ny th ell1 (,u t t hc' iuns throw new li l('ht UpCtrt the und s tillurc many girl me mbers of home o f Mr, . Mart e Gray. . . that - uldel' th an 1'l'(',JI'Ul.r1 hi slOI'V, llI (' n of pu\\'erful. in l\.lI il-:('lIt illl' Father of h is Cnuntry. Greutn l! s~ the grain a nd liv estock clu bs. If T hc threl! mlSs lon ,~l' Y so crel1eS I uldel' CVC'n than cil'i lu1.atilln It ca n aginoti o n. ca nn ot ue d efined , but it is eus ily \IH!y did nothing man! tha n train wtll hold th e Ir mectlllg fo r the n"t I'l' I'o ll t"d o ut : il ~ I'II ot S I'UIl Becou se thi s is truC'. th\! l,dito !' r ccog ni ze d in pl!l's pective o f tim c. these yo ullg folk s in lhe most m od stu dy . of ~ r cad lllg Circle hUll~ s lit \ LlIl' k tO il far. of, a mu~nz ill c th at prints ~ t l 'l' i e~ (: 1'11 Ill cthod s th e clubs would be l he AId H oo lll WI! dn e~day, I· ~ hl'u , And \l'hl' ~hc,u ld Vil li wlint lo hil S :\ 1'('. pn ." llJi li ty lh il l Iil' 111 1I~ t The gl'l'ut(!:;L me ll urI' t hoHl' whu RP doin~ 11 g r eat an d vu lu ub le se rvice ary 26 . Th er ' wil l be a l:uVCl'cd l o ut it out;! . tuk e s(. riuus ly if h(' is n ny ~lt r1 " r li ves nlld WO I'kll huve in fl ucllce d I,ut th ey g o farth e r th a n that dbh lun cheu n ut lI oo n. All who ar c T ht. I-:I'L'lI ll:s t Tl'al'iwr thu t C\' e r mun ::t al l. Hl' is intl' w,tA,d lI' ilh the I!;reates t Illlllluer of othl'r pl'r- T111'Y ll'ac h thl' c le m e nts o f t ea m- inte r eH ted !I re \Ve~c') I1l(' atll' nd . liv e d slwnt ha lf IIi s lilll<: 1('lIin~ lhe du t y o r st illlu lutillJ.!' hi ' illl SO Il ~. MClI s ured by that rull·. lI'urk, which in t hc futu re. eve n MI'. ulld Mr~ . e ha s. C! ol'llan a nc~ ~ t (l ri es tu II i, d i~(' ipl,' ''. "With o ut ' Illi:i nation o r th o u ~ands (If childl'(' n l;eurge Wlis hinl('t un tOll'ers li B OIlC more tha n in the pa st, wi1\ be t he fa llil ly ente l' ta lnc d, Oil Su nd a y, MI a parlll, le ( :1 stlll'Y ) 11 (, t:tu g-hl III' Ill ot h ' I''; like you . . .... of the ~I'l' atest ftgures or a ll hi s- key tu s uocPils ful fllrmi ng. a nd lind .Mrs. L('ster ( ,u rd o n o f W UY- t hl' lll n uthing." Thl: ~(' s l"r il" ha vl' Il e may, If he ch ooR~s . llitl ,l ls h t o ry. li e, III l1 re th a n a n y oth er they incu lcute th e. pr.inciples . of neH ~ llI e . , ., tl'lIll Sf,ll'llll,d hunlHl1it y. . sluri('s wh os(' app ea l I ~ tl~ I h(' " mnn , c l'l:ated thc . n e~v natIOn li:uod s porl ~ man 8 hlp In . t eachlllg I~ d Bruwn IS In v~ry poo,!' health; On" It l'f'at st "ry wri tte n in our basl' r "i d e cd' thl' IIlIllt!HWtl ort - , whic h wus t(~ s (!l ItK Impl·.l'ss",n ' the un s uccess rul co mpetI to r s t obe l T.he members o! th l' ~ut l'l tl v n own 1·"untIY, " U n (' l~ T O Ill' ~ ('uui n' an d e\'C' n ~lch i :' lie a certain " ,,·t IIf ~~----~.....--------------~------~-~ UpOIl till' l'n t lrc .wurld . It IS nut guod I I) ~l'l's . . More Il11port.Sl~ t t hun l PI'''Jl:d hel d t~II'lr uchll·velllcn t S II H inl'd nt e ll 's h,'ar ts thnt thl'Y c·ircu la ti oll int:rea sp fo r 11I ~ Illal-:H · TRY zi ,w by ,,0 d uing'. 01' hl' llIay n '- in "\(·,, d 1,1' 1'1',,;\01 ;lrtd 1'lItl", II Ilil'I'C psc lId o· patl'l otll· b~)a s tr~lrl(!Ss th osl' . l'v e n, IS the !I.tress la,ld up o n : ~ ll'l' lilig ut the Gym l\l ulIllay e \' ' n "aid, "S la vl: r), IIIU ' l Ito. " to decla re II~ut t it " Un lted . St a tl:s exact cos t acco untIng .. 'lhe bOY j lOl!' . r;ullci ~ I"r i , .s will nol hurt your g-al'd eve r y moth e r alllOllj!' hi ' I'('IH I lIIuk e b'rl 'ak l'"", 111"1( ' HII I:t\,II' 1' ,, 1 OUR CLA SS I FIED COLUMNS In the world s I!;reates t l~ atlCJ n to - wh o hall l eal'J'~cd uy hIs. own 4-H . l\1r~ . W. P. Mc Cul'I'l' ll IS on th e boy: th ey llIa y, if hl' is th,. right ('I''' a s if s he WCI'(' hi s 0\\'11 III II lIu·1'. ~old day,. FOR R ES ULTS day; f,(rclltl'st nut un ly In muler- I I'luu record s Ju s t whut It cost to s lt' k list. . killd "I' a h o I' ins pirl' him tl) I'L'al an d (' I' en ' llIother's R" n <I " a y(,lI n Anothl·r I\'a y til :lI ld t o tlw h .. :; f I ia l thill gs but Kr e utcst in its in - ! I!r~)w a quul:tcr-u.crc of curn o f to .Dr . and M:". T. s. T ripI> e nt l: ~'- achi cv(' ntcnt .' · g"l'iJrot he r. ' of till' lI11' a l i, l ~ ' ' ('1 \ (. 'II IIIC'. s u~h !luI'llel' upon 11 11 1I.l(' -res t o f the rats.e II cil lf IS gOing to be a bett ~ r t~lIled lit dlnll l' 1' o ~ LlIlc(lln ~ ,\ 1111 I h ~~' wi ll d .. so meth ing else You 1J( ' ~d not cOllet' l'n ~' o ul',· (.lf l' 11l!pl l' alld (' a:, ti,l' PI'l' II! II'('d di s h Il ~: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \\' ul'ld . Ami ("ll·. nlltlllll.ul ~1'I' llt n e:;~ l.'II : l nl' ~S Illiln wh"n he runs hIS 1 11 ~thda y,' MI' ~ ._ IMallll e Fnrcmu n . f(, 1' him. 1'!llIally illlp Ol'tallt. Th[' y l becuu se you l'b oy l i"e !'~ LOli,,~.r; u t bnti"1i n tl ·. I' " '' 11I1I1'i,.."I1. ,e n 'l'd has bel'lI 1lI!((I ~ I)CJSSl,blp by the ' uwn fal'lO than I~ os t. furm ~rs are MISS VolO let I:o reman. l\~l's. Ed . w ill d~vl'lop his illlllg'in:ltion. I lIl'(' the st llries he rc· acle ~ thc' \'I~h l with·" " I' hili'" "1.U"l· "I' , t C'l\'l,<I Il'ud~r ~ hlJ.l "j ( , ~o r gc Was hington tou ay . And I'armlnli: Is o n Its way lI :w l:t n nnd MI ~~ I'l'ggy l' ls her o f \'.' 1: ha\'l' tOil lilll l' reli:ul' d f ol' k il' CI flf ~ t o l'i l:s--- d(i the y Hpfl l:a l frUI t fur dl·sS\·rt . It I, a l \\':t~' s dc _ . I' uli t it-ully, WII ~' hing t on. l!Hu b· to be more of a ~u sill ess lin less Dayt on. . , I the hiJ.!' h I'a lu e nf thl' imag illati on. to hi s imagi natio n un ib hl'st Ilil d Ii('i olt s, lind lIl.akes a , 1(' l1dl' I' 111",, 1 , FUNERAL DIRECTOR lts hed onl: t rad ItI on wh Ic h hus oj' u g-nmb le t han It has bee n. Mr. Wm. Dodds of In dllll1apoll s , w ,\ III, ' ri(·a n". W I' Ilrl' too matter hilr hest Hide'! I sc ~m s lIh stan t lal a ' II'l'IJ 1" \\'UIIlI ('r I bee n large ly re: pons i.ble for th.e TI!c.'·c still ma.ny rural co~- and Mrs. J ., C. Gr~y called on Ill'. !i f- fa ct. Wl' fl)II'g'l't thut all ill\'e n1'hu t is t he illipo r tant qu es tion I WAYNESVILLE. OHIO \ tion s, ul1 g'l'cat tii sCII\·l' ri(·s. 1\11 ! fIJI' yo u. I 1'1, ' a ulo lllohilc s litces,s II f ollr Amencun expel'!- lIlum t ll'S In th e Uni te d Stales 10 an d Mrs. TI'I(1p 1 hursclay. Th e R ~lph n. ~nook. Po ~t of I \ 1~ IIC' \\ " ":"'~'." . m e n III populur g?vl'I'nment. Th ,~ t \\'hi h th ere ~I'.e no 4-H club s. was thut t l; \! P rcs lde~t • af t er hIS S uch co m~unllle!? are backw~rd the Am e r Ican LegIon WIll g Ive a -=proml s!'d fo r n l'x t SUIllIlH'1' WIll 1,,t er lll uf offlc c Wa s tilll ~h c d , s hould by eomplll'Iso n WIth t hose whI ch sh ow al lhc Hal'vcys burg Gym. ! 1 I th o nl y (j\, (' fl:('\ f 1'11 11 1 t h l , grou nd F'IJlly E,!uipped for GOOI! ft \\' (' ~ u~d . CI' 1\. l'y -:-a~( " f' w:lI:m: wi th th ,. tu ) U . it i ~ l'l' IOl't(' r1 Not r£'t ire fr o m public life . [lnd tI~ke have ? n co ura~c d th e dev el opm~nt W 'd nes(\u y even ing , F eb l:u a r y 2G ~ e n·ice . ~ day JIl~ll l H ma~ be qU ite In~deQlI<lle' l ~ I P '. . no furth cr actIVe part In po h t lcs. of thIS prac tI cal and productrve A fin e pra,g rum, fl:al ul'lng 01'. Lange Display Room , On ly in t wo o f three in slu nceR ha s ml'lIl od of helping th e boys nnd Robe rt Blu ir. vocali st, Messrs So whcn you ar: p l u nllln ~ y,:ul luI\' e no uJ,: h . Wha t thiS eO llntry I this rulc bee n violuted. J ohn girls l o g r ow into be tter and Clarence J a meso n and Moyn aI' d ~ mell,lS, plan thcm s o t hat t he y I a n need:; IS a car t hat r:l n I un under Ambulance Se rvi ce Quin cy Adams ser ved in th e healt hier me n and women. Ni'x on, black fnel! ho~m o niea and ' ue adaptcli t o l' lther w:lrm or cold I u ten· l on trLl ck thaI i~ h,,~~inJ.: lhl! Ho use of Re pr esenta tives after banjo e ntain ers a nd Will S u e~Or the f ' t I t I' Ll'ld TJo:l.Io:PH ONE 7 I '.n OR N \I;H1 . b P 'd t d ' I . .. t '11 b . J II dayy~.ou ca n 0 1' in S nnce Ul\'C PI) a " h UVIll ~ een ~n ; act an IvIty . I.n our Uncle S i T ink e gIVen. om@ own lllne t he resl. pohtlcal of. . lepaugh says he . 's menlllg, p lam s , \VI toes d reu ~" f 01' po t a t a .~ n Ia cI, , with ~~~~....._ _....._ _ _...._ _ __ Th eodo re R ooseve lt did n o t e nd notleNI that WIt h a ll th e talking . j can n ed solmon o r ~ardl:, es. f,:,r with hi s Pres idt'ntial tcrm. But folks do abou t th~ wea lher :, obody ~ lunch eo n . If th e day I.S c htll y. m Ix J t he t ra di ti o n of u loo fn esR f r om in. Re e nt S ~o be dOIng anythIng to I l he Il oto t ocs \vlt~ whIt e ouc(' In t('rference with th e co ndu ct of his change It. tV 'IIJCV Hart I stead of mayon narse and h ~ at .th.em s ucceSsor" in ottice has guided (l t hor o ug hly. Nothing IS m Ole lIa lmeve r y' util eI' e X-P I·csident. I n the Mo st people lea m uy t he ir own ing th a n creumed potatoes. if th ey republics of So ut h and entral cxperience. Wise men are those Uncle J osep h Moore di ed ~f are good and h ol. You can th.en AllIel'ica, whprc lhig has n ot been who len rn uy t he experience of pneum o nia at lh e hOllle of hIS Meal. and Weathe r serve u c.e Re pa"ately, t o glvr th e ru le. n ulio nul progl'e ss has others. And a foo l is one who son 'he r e on F ri day m or ning. H e ____ the desll ed l aw green t o t he me a. been im peded by rev olution !; hettd- keeps o n moking t h e sam e old mis- was in hi: 92 nd year. Or for desser t. If th e day t urn s Phone 93 HIGHEST Chas. Ellis, truunt officer gave In these chn n ~eH bl e doys it is o ul wanne r than you expected It t o ed uv former p r es ide n t.s in dozen s wkcs. of cxamples. • • • us a s hort but pleasant ca ll on rathcl' harder than u 'uul lo plan bc, undo you hav e ltst ed u .!IteamCASH Wa shington liS a voung m a n Thu rsday eveni n g, a U O. K, th e m CIlI~ so that they will s urel y ed frUIt pudd ing • . ser~e In stead PRICES MIX" harley cull uguin. be sat isfact ory . For you may pllln f res h or . t ewed fl'Ult WIth cookie s sow clenrly whut ~ome' others did Ch ' de Su ms mad e a bu siness thrc e m(' uls that wou ld be de- or ~rac k e rs. . ' n ot reali 7. c. t ha t th e t e rril or y of PAID trip· t o Ha rveys burg Saturday li ei u ll . on a c ri.s p. fro ty day. und 'I o.u ~an always add to t he s u~wh il' /l the Briti ~ h co lonies oCCllpicd l he 'ea s tern fringe mu st be morning . th e c1ny may turn ou t t o be a stantlahty of !uncheon n nd mak e It pl'oleeted agai nst in vas io n by any Simple glycerin buckthorn bark , Severnl fr olll a dis tance alte n- mild . langu o ro us o ne u f Indi an mor.e comfortin g for a cold day .by other nation. Hi storilln~ seldo m sahne. etc., as mix e d in Adle rika l d ed thc C has. Kibl e r s ul e on summe l" a ~dlllg hot I'hoeo.lute . madc WI~~ emp h as ize th e RCI'vice whic h he nets on BOTH upper a nd lower Thur!;day. Everything sold we ll. I Or t he othe r way r o und . You mIlk. Yuu ca ~ li se cooked cere I L~ U voung ma n . r ende red in dri v~ i bowel, rem ov ing poison s yo u ; R. P. Barrett and wife of Wil-' ma v pilln a day's meal that wo uld on cold m orn lll g~. prepa r ed c.e re ~ 1 ing t he French out· ()f Ohio and n ever t.ho ught were there a nd mington were Su nday afte rn oo n bl' ll'mpt in g on a wnrm day and on t hose, mornlll gs wh ehn, It 1S the. l\Ii sR i ~s ippi Vtt ll ey co untry wh ich caused gas nnd oth er stom- J.luest s of R. J. Murray nnd wife at th e dny ma y t urn out t o be co ld . warmer. \ o u can serve ot tOllS t PHONE 8F3 Thul w as u service which late r ueh t l·ou ble. Ju st ONE s poo nful Long Vi e w St ock Farm. 30 Years Experienc<! in Fitting rend ered poss iblc the eXPlln sion of relieves GAS , so ur st om ac h, sick I' M. M. T e rry a nd wife were S un HARVEYSBURG, OHIOand Ma king Glasse s th e y oung United Stu t es to th e headache and constipati o n . Don't day eve nin g cull ers on A. B. Tal1":\ \ ." ".-1.'. IIE I' OIl'l' III' 'I'll": 1111\1111 IIF 1-:111 '1' .", " "":\ - at- · we sl\vard. Our march t oward th e take m edicin e which cleans o~ l y I mage and wife und Miss J essic L . Fur Fhu'ul ",'ur 1,: ... 11",.;; UI"1' ,· mh"r :th•• , 1t ...!U. Pac ific begnn with t he e nding of PART of bowel!;, bu t let Adlerlka Garne r. ~~ ~~~ --~--~.~~~tICary' \\ ' U) u" ' , 'un' nMhll l Ie II ru' ~, ' ho"l UIM,rh' c. \'·nrr ... u • ' 01111." th e Revu lution. Hud th e Frenc h give yo u a REAL cleaning and see I J a m es Tray lol' a nd famil y have remained in posses~io n of the Ohio how go od you feel! It will surprise m oved from th e Thomas Collin s Ie t·:. ' EII'TS Every Tburad.y, 1'1': : Ri ve r co untry nnd of Ca nllda o ur yo u! Adam. Drulf Store. ploce t o S il ver Grove. . 1:1':'1' \'1-::-> Saturday ;1\1 ' :-- - 1.(11';11 I.t " · ~' jl '\I' I I I~h' l' fir :! Ii :. mill s h.' \· ~" w hole lI uti()nul histo l'Y would have - - - _ - - - -George W . Davis made a bu slB li nd i lll f' r " :-; 1 ilnd :-\ lnhin J,.:; FUIlr! , ... ,. ,., . . $ :!OO O.OIl No,,, for Examination .\11 .IlIII'I' 11 " l'j ll:-; I ' :-.• . ., . , . , . , . ' . " -'{ rl ' ~ 1111 ness trip to Le ban o n o n SaturdllY be e n diffC're n t, ir. indeed. we had T a'\(' !-l- 1" · 0(" .· ' HI ,li:-; tl' jl IUlil lft lI r :! , ti -, 1',, 111 :: I I" · ~ .. i;'f; V :~:U U nny noti o na l hi sto ry other t hat of Bread Saute afterno on. is the ou t wnrd Rign I3ri tis h coloni st s. Oliv er Jacobs of pringfield. 4 no ~ f, . fll: 'I' , l al 'r !! :\" ,~ ., .,.,. , . . .. . .. " , . ' . ...... ' o f u t\t' u}lh y body . I~ H , s Was hi ngto n is the one Am e ri Cu t the crust fro m a thick s.lice ca me down to spend Sunday with Illt"r,' SI I'f' ~, lll :--:I :l1 P u n I I'I't d l ll · jl d l\ 1II , llt Cu ns li fHltlU1I and j :lli:{ 1 11 . .. po ~i l, JI '" I ntl', '(- ~q cun wh ose birthdny iH observed as o f bread lind brow n th e brea d III a his home f olk s h ere. t, ili u ~ n ".tl~ ,IJruf i u (·u .... :.! ~ . Oll :I: "! I!U', f,l' O lll fI!}lel' I Ji!Hril- l s 1\ hol ida y wh e l'e\,e l' the Americnn pa n co ntui n)l! 2 tbls. hot !he lted I K. E . Th ompson wife and !)irnf)II 'S. hl \lt c·h, 'M. ~~I:! Itn I 11 11 'It ll f "I.I tl I I I t I'f ; ll ~ . . , ' , . . , .. " . . . " . , . , " , . , ·Iallnv,· n.· .. ·: .' l! Aag fii e,~ . He is lh e o ne Amel'iclln butter. Re move and put In the dnughte r Mnry Kathl ee n. Alle n \ 'I!('alhJllal l-:duI' nti uTI H lld 1:"h"ldlil"tloll fHI' I tt ' lIl'. ' . v ri nlt ' '''4 und du llI Hilld H ud , ' l' il'ltl"d ('Ilild!' l ' !! (1'0111 SlilI, ' 11 11(1 {' . eo nce rn .ng wh ose ess(' ntial grent- 1'111,1 2 tbls. choppe d ham. 2 tblS' 1 Younker Wife and SO I\S, Willi am 1 t'H~ l lf I h,' '·Yl:S. NOTARY PUBLIC :-;. I :IJ"'T r1 lll l ' llt . , . , .•. " . . , . . , IlCSs th (,l'e is ' no 1 0 n li:~l'. th e slil:'ht- ~l ate d cl!eel!e and 1,f; cup crea~. and E~r l a tte nd ed th e, L ite ra~y e~ t dHrc rl' .: ce o f opinIon a mon g easoll \\ Ith ~)llt a OlI cayen n e, mIx I e nte rtnmm e nt at th e SpringhIll '1' .. 1,, 1 1; "\'\'1111, ' .... . ... .. . ' National Bank I he people o f t he nllti on which hc w ell und when ho t spread on the School ho use on Friday evening. ~();.; -1: 1·: \' J.::-.:t' 1-: : V'lIe l uble Syrup led to li berty. browned hot tOIlSt. which was vel'y good und e ntel',.:,,1 .. " .. 1'1")1, ,,, 1\ Will Drawn E. tate. S"ul.d 'n:-i,. llI<9 11 :1' h luOfl, hllnil'lh, '" h ilit1Wtn('+flQ and tai ni ng. es p ec iull y t he pa r t played ·' III" II II"l.Iun, I"mtn v i r-o r ~ f' d hu o .. n.nt·y III thl' W .),De.ville. Ohio uy Mi ss Be rnic c Mu rr cl whic h !'() T .\I , 1:1·:,' 1,: 11''1'>' ..... ... " .. , l' ·f ' . unc i Il (1·I·li tl !! I,f \l,' 1 ':J - h'l; n\~ 10 It'll' mind , iOe un:.! $1. ~ 1I hl' ''' ' !'' "1 .1 I Knri l'1JU ranll't!u b y WIl S finl', a nd t he reading of Will 11 /'.1..\:->"1': .. IA;-'; I·AI:\, 1. 1, I !)~ H:: I 11 I ~ i (:Cll i ' I ' a) Flltl tl .. , .... , .. , ., . , .. • ..... . . , .• ' ADAMS DRUG STORE ViJ1aI'S on the Li fe of Lin coln was eLo:.. ':'::1 1.11 H o nd ill\t' r"H l ao d Slllkl ll~ l' IIt1,) " , ... . . . " ." •• just splendid. M. M. T erry. Anto n Davis a nd T Olal H!l l n tH'" ... .... . . . . . . . . , .,. " ~ . E. Th ompson we re in W aynes-



Printed at the Gazette offlce this ye.a r have attracted great crowds to the sales. Better let us do your bills





The Miami Gazette



J .E.McClure


t ,ttl J





ANSON Dead StOCk Wante d DeW r ·· · Veterinarian


Waynesvile, Ohio

Glycer."o Removes Cause of Stomach Gas

Harveysburg Ferh"I'Izer Company


Sight Specialist



sJ ewelry Shop

A Clear Skin



"Where Savings Arc S



T o ut}

Absolute SAFETY Firllt Mortlale on Real Eatate Security. The beat Security. Nothinl Safer-NothiDI Better.

ASSETS over. 14 MiIliOna Dollar. One of the larleal and ...ociationa in the atat.. Why take Chane.. 00 Get·Riah-Qaick Schemel and 10M alL We kb,dJy eoIi~t yo... patroup


West Side Building &Lou Assa.. Two Offic:eaz 19 E. 3rc1 St. BroMwaJ. DAYTON. OHIO ..,.".W JW

H :l l :1 I1 C'(I

.\ -

Flat Fork School New. The Moore children were absent from school several daYB lalt week on account of the illness and death of their grandfather. Little Earl Younker was absent from scho ol on last Monday o n acc ount of a severe cold. Miss Edith Pearl Moore spent Thursday in Middletown with her s ister Miss Valora Moore who is in t he hospital there. On last Friday. afternoon we had a Val entine box which was full of va lentines. Clifford Huntingt on ' and Donald Sams gave out th e valentines as it was Donald's birthday. Miss Sadie Worley s pent Satur day and Sunday in Leba non. Junior Frost is still abse nt from school owing to a ve ry bad cold , Mr. Ellis was a visitor at our school recently. Those receiving 100 % in 8pelling this last · week were; Mary Kathleen Thompson, Edith Pearl Moore and Noah Moore. Those in the 1st grade who r e ceived 100 in spelling were; Earl Younker, Cliffordj Huntington, Suttle Moore and Georgie Sarna. Those from this school who attended the Literary at Sprh!~hi\l on Friday evening were; . Wlary Kathleen Thompson, William and Earl Younker.

11- ":1'1'1'1.11-: ": :

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'H !OI ... t~ Jo::"I-:S'l'S


Tony Da vis has b oug ht a fin e span of mules to u se on his fal'lll here t he comin g sens on . We ure g lud to repo r t Mrs. Kate J ordan bette r lit this wr itin g. WilY land J ordnn and family o f Hyde Pal'k ca m e u p a nd s pcnt Tu esday with thei r home folk s here. Mr8. Kate J ordan and famil y M. M. T e rry and kife were S un day aftern oo n guests of the McKays.


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, LEBANON, OHIO Eye. Exam ined ' Gla .. e. Fitted Re pairs

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ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN ,"our Cattle , h ogs. s heep and calvea t u Norris·B rock Co., live wire and p rogress ive firm f or the hlgh ..t lIIa rk (' t pl'ice!' an ti goo d service. Union Sto'c k Yard • • Cincinnati, O. Heference: Ask first man .you meet

19 N. Broadway

-lOti , : ·1

• • • , •• . ,

( :t\ 1l ' ra ) I' 1I nd .. . . . . . . , •• • . " ~ • • . . •. ., . • . . •.•. • ' •. H o w l I t1l t! I '~' Kt H Il,t Sl u ki n );{ )' lIl1 rl , .. .... ,

)la lnllt":

Phone 76F4 Waynesville, Ohio


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t' TA l. I>l SH I' I:S+:)II': ;';Tl-i ............ .. ............ .. IIA I.. \:O; (' I':. Ill ::" I':~ IIH: I : :llsl . 1 :I~n , ' r "tal

Reliable Vaccination

Dr. John Zettel

11 1:l ,rdl

H n llll l-l .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .

1- 1·,\ 1' 1'1''\ 1. ()1"t' I.. \\· ;





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Fourteen Years of

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Harveysbur g ,


1""' :! 1~ , 6 .

.. , Etl 1I1.'ali.) nal .. . ... ,.

'I:fli:~ i


With Dependable Serum and Virus] insures both Safety and Success


Dr.W. E. Frost

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See U. Early for Your Sale Dates. We Cuera",,,. Sati.fart.ion or C~arge Nothing.

. .. . , .. " . . , • . ,

UNCLE ADAM'S COGITATION I.b~ .1'I,I ·I'I'ElI; • ' n fl OO Ill) Old J08h Billin~ Bays dat BUCHon,IN! r~," b' .' ........ . ..... .. . . , ....... : ....... $. 1 ' . 121f>llO ,IIO 't' I " . Tottit fJlnbl llti cR ...... _ .... , . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . t;4 '~';' 1 , 6~ C~18 doan Bat 0 not makln mls Ii:x "~Il 01' · R., lK. • • • .• . , . .. . . . . . . • ..• •.•• • . •• • . •• • \ ~ke:, but it do t'Bi~tt DbUnhot hmahkllnI' SC-lIOD I OIsll'1 t p. O. A.tdr PRR, \Vnrtle~,\' lI! e. OhIo, Fcbrl.ln rr ' 1:1. I!13(J. • " U 11 ''l'r! Ir Y lI' rtlr~~.,lng "'!lOrl to I," Cllrr (.t. e arne one WIC. shoah'l\ nebber ret mahrrJed apin 'e , ' 1... M. I:LENDl!:ElSO N. l er" Boutll ,of Ed O ll .

Centerville, O. Pnone No. 2



Miami Theater J Franklin, Ohio


Where the screen Sings and Talka- The best ' , aound and talking in the Mia~i Valley Thur~ dny

nn \1 Fri da y, F eb :'u ll l'Y 20 lind 21


A slr' J:!i ng, ,


D O W~ E Y, in " L UCKY IN


I.f nlkil1~{ Iri sh 10 \'e ~lo r y in wh ir h th !!I'I' :11'

ny cllt' h y Iri; h tun ' ,song lIr.d


da n re~

~f' n ~n ll onn l

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W s te m pie lllr e in wh i('h :'I1 !lY 1:11" uCel'llI llfln il'd hy hi " b an jo,

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l\1 a ll~'

' :-; n.: n A Y, FEB HCAI{ Y 2:; Starl ing

'\,('ry ~u ll day a t 2: l f) , :\ ll d (' " nti rwi n!! 11'1 11 p , !\IARIE SAXl1~ li nd JACK E(;A:\', in THE BROADW A. Y HOOF ER ,"

A s ingin g , da nri n !! iLl\" THE MIAMI PRICES: ,

~ t " r~'

of u,:(' k



Toilet Coods of

Rexal!1 and Pureteat

, Icome,



~Iw Ili ll h, " dly ll1i o~(\ tI in th(l h.,me "il'l'l,' , alld \'1' Iwr 1111111 1' I fl'i l'IIc1 ~ a lld l't ' l:lt ih;~ , Btl ' wit h till' tll11ugh4 I hal Ih ,' I'< ' \\'ill h~ nil 1 nl'"'(' lo n l! d::,' ~ alld 11(';lI'Y nl "h L~ II I' I' !lill, II. , , ' 1111 j.!' il'(' h,'! ' I,uck tn lh ,' t IIII' \\ hOI l!a\' ,' he!'. kn"lI'ing I ha l I I ,' i- " ill- I 4: " d an.! d"l' th a ll I"i tl~, 11'1 ,1 1. :-:1" , \\,, ~ m'l rr i"d tl) " ,11 ,, 101 C , ~lI rra l" ' , :\, ,,\ , lIil,,' r :lU, 1 1 ~ t :.! Ii . :' h" I, ' av. ' ~ h(' 1' Ill l ~ hllll d , fll t he l',



I1lttlh ,·r. l\\ 11 "' 1. h : )' >


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,Adult s, 3 0e; Chil dren , lOe

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C OM I NG S O O:-'; "F LI GHT " Wnte h fo r t he: IIn o un ce lll (,lIt ,'f d ,I',' " C " F li g-h l " III Ih, ' lleXI i s~ u e o f I he (;a z <, l l(' ,

;1 111 1

( ;1\-1"(' 11 11

Come and receive at new low prices the products whose qualities has caused the growth in 27 years of the Rexall Chain hom 40 storell to over 10,000. Sale lasts the entire month of February.

Hu ,, ~ inll

fu r

l' I II'I ' ( l'~ l ('lldliv .. 1' ~ 1.PO vil lu e

2 3c

( : a uz(' l ~ ;

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1':tl l'lInt Hair T " n ;" Hui l' F ix

liH'-.I .. "k invita l iu ll


I", 1" "" "IIt. 'I h,' 1' 1',,;':1':1 11 1 i- a s f" lI ows : I ll" ' ning SIII .' Il,,' nl Prf'S, ' Ll " , d ,\, il'i, ,'''I Il,"n!>,,\\' (jultl'll't, I I"' I""'I ,If SI,, ' I" ' I:l l'y, TI'en SI\ I'I'1'


Har m o ny Bu y Hum; pint 75c vll lu e 49c


QUllli ty 1' oo lh Bru sh I'u lul'

J Ulllt,t,1 C r l' lIll1 ~ , va nis hin g or l',d d l'I'('Il Ill; 50c va lul' 39c Jo nlel,1 T ale, 2f>c vll lu e 1ge 1\ le n 1.11 S havi ng- C ream ; 'We val u ,' 29c

:; ue- vlllue39c

'~ ;

25c \9c

l\1 axixe Ch c rri cs ; pound :.! pou nd box

Li ggett',. Milk :l5c vll lu e

, 49c 49c 25e

l{cXIIII Mil k "f' ~1l1 g' I1l' s ill T ool h 1'II : tl' 19c alld 39c Kit' n z\) Ih'lll a l Cn' Ill!' , lar~(' t IIhl' 39c KI{, Il 'l.o Liquid , !I 01., lwttle 39c

S \'I\l unl lI ot·wllt{' !' !J olt l(' , 2 'quart; $ <! ,U U yu lu t' $1 ,39

Waynesville, Ohio

box of Ou s kn face p owdl'r $ \ :00 J o n4 (", I I, ace P o\\'der: 50c va lt .. , 39c


H,I'I'"lIlllill'1I1 tJ, !'1I11 4h, Ilf t: ' "H ll\itl l'l'~' 1 111• • • •• • • • • • • • • "\ !{,'porl Ill' :'Il:i nHg'l'r I', ~) , W il, ------------~------------------~------_ _ ~"' L._._._""a__ :-; (.1)). ){ :linbl' W (l uar ll' l. H(' port o f ' at io na l P r u d ~ l c (' I' S­ .I , I), Ha rpl' )' , r I A r l~' I'IH "'Il , '1'1 11' A' al iO ll a l (' A, ~ L('w u rt , ~ l'e, Nati llllal I'rtldu c(' I'~, Mess rs C h a r les a n d Walt e r Plastering, Chimneys . A ddl'l ~~ II. W, Al'e ry , F edera l Burne ll al'e e llj oy ing II II (, W \'ad iu, F a l'llI Board , l\Ir ~, Eli zau c th SllIith o f D:l y t o n Stuccoed and Repaired El l'c ti un o f I ired n r,., SPl'lI t Thursday with he l' s is ter I{('plll't of r, "llllllitt ecs , You nevC'r kn ow wh e n th ey w ill co rne, but it is mi g hl y nice to Paper Samples, Work ,\1 I' ~ , Ma l' ~ar C' t J oh ns, '

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



The Results You Expect -and Then Some

I ji s c u s..~i oll,

Tha"s why Tuxedo Dairy i ~ th e fastest growing dairy ~oocentrate! It has a hab it of producing beller results than folks expect. and doing it a lot morc quickly. Suppose YOU give it n test. It is made in 'four different protein contents - one of which will exacdy 6t the needs of YOUR cows on YOUR facm. Every sack of Tuxedo Dairy is a ~cientific blend of selected grains, mineral salts. and pure grain molasses, milled in the exclusive Tuxedo manner, Let us help you select the kind you Dced.

j\ l r ~ ,


A lic ~

I': y~ k e A n d cr ~Ll n ,

di ,'d lit , her htl n\ l' in I nd " I n~ t Thul'sd ay, , ' he was th e d augh · t e r' ,d' A n ~ :il l'll\ a nd L" " isa Dakin A n tram , S he> i ~ ~ u l'v i v(' d by on l' daul-\'ht e r J\ li ~~ L lIlIi ~e , E,'ck" o f i\nder ~ on


n:H. . i.;t('i ', ~\I l' s . Gl' O I'g'l! Denny

of nea l' lI a n 'l' y sburg, I"ull c ra l ~ l' r\'i cl'~ wc r e he ld in the c hap !'1 in M iund l' l' ll ll'l(' r y MOIl(la y 1II '>!'lIin!!" , M r~ , H11t h ~urfu c e , age d I !l, w i r" rt f lI a l'.)loI SUI fae'e , d i, 'd Sunday nrot ning- a t ;\li:lllii Vall ey hos pital fo lluwing' an ill n (,,;5 o f sev e ral m Ollths, I'u !l lJ !'!iI ~e l'\' ice s wCl'e McC lul'l' Fun e ra l ' lll' ld a l tht: I 11 0 m' Tu '~ d a v a ft <' l'no o n, Rcv, , C , C, Dihl'rt nili e iating, Int e rment \I' n " in 1\lial1li Cl' IlI C t~I'Y,

[Lytie, Ohio

Tuxedo Dairy


J6%, 20 %.24%.33%

Tllxu}o Calf Meal • •. I."e) milk and n\one)' (or you. 'fil e ca lhhrivcs on it. too. l ." 20-poun d corton u t p a pc r SACks. Each 20-puund !'ilck will take d,. pl ace of 150 ,to 200 pounds of who l. mjlk.




Rcqllj"m~JI -


Ca rn Nome PedunH!; min utun' uotlll' with e Vf'ry U')X IJr CI1I'11 NOlli e fnc{' I)()wdl' r $2 ,00 Du s ka Foundlltion C real!1, given IIW :lY with , l' Vel'Y

The Sale Drug Store Phone 120


()~o Shalll,, " " I\ l!~u ll ~ h a\'in g I. nl intr


A Prouill umlt:tll jor Every

79c 3ge

"h"<' lI lnte:


I' u Il'i l',t E psom Salt, on e P" lllI'1. :!:,(' \' lIlu l' 19c £'u rd , '~ l nu bbin!!: Akoh(, I, 49c filII " in l; 5!IC va lu e I' u l't' l,'>' t i\ ~ pirin; 100 tau _ 49c let :' ; 7U e valul'



Bi rthua y s ale

Hl'x all ( 'hnl'Y ll a !'k ( \' " g h ~ yrllp , fl U\' va l ul' 39c I\l' x,d l L:lxat i\e Salt, ,>tk 39c " id lit' I'l'ptlln:l , pi n; $ I ,UU vu llle 79 c

Th" f,fl h " 1111 11,, 1 1111 "'I II Ig- "I' I hl' 1'I"41 dll( ' ('I ..

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I{,' x.. II ( 'II H'I llll:ltl

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The Miami at Franklin Welcomes You

Ll' mnn Co eon Blill er


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\1 1(' tim l ! It l' tht"

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It n l'loony Cocoa BulleI' 'old l'eHIll 39t H a rm o ny Roll ing l\Iu ss nge Cl'ealll 39c


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II Y' i11' Wi a 1' 11111'1:' , bill' li r 3ge ;,11


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Blrtbday Sale I930



S AT RDA)" F lm l: AR Y :.!:! K J.:!IJ M AY :-1A RD , in " P A RAD E OF T HE W EST" A

le1ca U

I'ulh , IYI'I It-, cla l1 ~ hl\' 1' II f .1 {>hn :l::ld ~1 f1l'th:t ('nlllll r ~\ n, h," 11 in II Ull'ill':'" 4""lllt" I ndi a na , Oil I A I'I'il I ~ , IHllI, an d <1. 1'111'11",1 th i~ Iii'" ,," 1:,,111 11.,1',' Ill. I \1 :141 h 'I\' i n~ :'IH'1l1 h,' lall,'r I'fll't Ill' 11<' 1' lire I ill I h i~ '''ml11ulliL~' , R Ilthi,' , 11: ~hc \\' 11 8 fllmilinrl y I\ n o\\ n Wa o f 1\ kin d a nd g n illl \'CIl in t he davs of d is posi ion her j('r I1test ~u fferjn g; a1woys gl'ee i g h I' !l'ie nds w it h Il chC'lll'ful sm ile 1111\1 a k indl y wei .


Miss Kal h u'y n G r uh um wa s u \\'l'd ;·"n l! ~U 'st o f Mi s~ Emmn ,\u lt ncar Lebanon, l\h, and l\lrs, Frank l\Iilte nb e r · l!'e l' anu :'II I'S, l\h\l'th a Jan c Milte n 1)('1'1'('1' a lt .,nd ed the f un eral of l\ 11 ~ , i\l inni(' Milte n beJ'ge r at :\ Iialll b burg' , Frid uy, and buria l ,It S pl' i n ~ b o ro, Be nj amin llIith of Dayton ' Iw nt thl' \\' {'ck-e nd with Mr, and 1\ l rs, Ralph .J o IHl ~ and daughte r s, ," ul Frank 'lilith , Mrs , Edd H op kins a nu duugh· l pl', l\I i s~ !le na, o f W ay n esv ill e, W<' l'l' Sunda v j!'uest s o r Mr, an d Mr:i, S t anl e y Ba il y and atte nd ed s er\' i c e ~ al L yt ic ch urch in lhe (, I'e n ing, Glenn J o hn s or Dayton sp e n t Sund a y with hi s moth e r, Mrs , Ma r g-ure l J o hns, Mrs , r!lla Cops ey hus becn quite poo rl y f (JI' th e pa s t wee k, , Mr s, 1 ~ 1ll1ll11 Lacy is hOlll e again aftt'r ~ p('nd in g sev ' ra l w('e ks with M I' ~ , Th o rn il s Lacy n e a l' Crosswick, ;'11'., SlI ~all Saylo l' is ill with th e




See us.

WlOdstorms Cyclones-Tornadoes ha ve adequate I NSU RA NCE in







your losses,


Corwin, Ohio Vi sited Relative. In Cincinnati Mr and Mrs, W , 0 , Rap e r are spending thi:; wee k in C incinn ati, t ht! guests of re llltive s, VALENTINE SOCIAL Thl' y{> ung p eo ple of th e Churc h of Chri s t en tertain ed a large numbe r or m e mbers and friends of the Biblc Scho ol with an e nj oy· a b le Vall'nti n e soci al, II program co ns ist i ng of mlls ic, r eadings and a playlet, lifter whic h games a nd U l u nch wc re e njoy ed loyall,

Th ey Ilre m o re preva le n t in th e S PRINGTIME but mny corne at Rny s easo n of t he year, It will on ly cos t you a f e w d ollnt's to have a m p le pro tecti o n in one

f our ' ve ry b est INSU RAN CE COM PANIE

THE F. D. D'AKIN INSURANCE AGENCY General Insurance Phone 61F2




.IOSl' ph I', :'I I ,,, ,rl' , ~)! years o ld , BUERKLE-BANG HAM Watch yo ur e xpi rati o n date on th e The Miami Gazette ' di ed al th (, h " II11' I, f his s on !It Flat Fork, las t Friday mo rnin g, g J"ip p. Th e nlRl'riag e of Mi ss Alberta - - - - , FUlll'ral s l' r v iCl'~ \\'t' re he ld at th e Mr. a nd Mrs; Edd Lon gac r e and Bangham e ld est daughte r of Mr, rr===========~-""""~-"""""', I' l'~ itl e n(' l', :'IJllnd a v af t ernoo n wi t h :'I~ I'~ , l. uu c ll a Swa nk we r e Dllyton un d Mrs.' Ca rl Bangham of Leb. burial in i\ l ian:i :e : t:l (' I~_ \' ISlll1 1' S ill onday, a n o n, und MI' , L, H e rbe rt Bu e rkle, ]\11' , allt! ,1111'S, Rudd Say lor a nd ; was so le mni zed in the M. E, ",n n of Wes t CU l'r olto n spent I chu l'c h at Lebll no n , Saturday aft er R ES OLUTION ' S noo n !It fo ur-thirty o'clock , The S un da }' With I'e l at l v~ s h er e, , :'III'. 1111<1 1\1,1' 5, Edgar, Putt,?n, ~e l'vi ce was r ead by Rev, C, E. ,,' he l' (, a ~ , I n t he pa ~F in g :\\\':11' ;,11', and i\l!'s: Ceo rge DaVIS o f Cm· Bu e rkl e , of Pi geo n, Mich " fath e r re latIves here o f th e bridcgroo m, H e was a ssis. o r (lUI' !, pl"I'c d 13 1'1I1hl' I' ,1. C, ~' ,IIIIIUtl l' I ~ I\(~ d !'I l ulTa y, I hur~ day , , t ed by Re v, R. L, Cross, past or of OIH' s o wll rth y nf' 1Il'nlio n, so i\lr , an d i\ 1 1'~, F ra l'!k , R ob In so n th e c hu rc h , Iw lpful, I"y a l a ll d c hec l'ful. Wh o and }I r , Hn d :\11'>, Wtllllllll Bel'g F o ll owing the ce remony 11 recepde n ied hil1l H, lf ,;0 f 'I'\' ~' n lly , that dall I'lItc rtalll e d o ~ Sunda y, Mr, t ion was he ld at the hom e of th e he l1Ii ),!' ht ru lfi l, his pll' dg-e t o th e and MI'S, h"'I'!' ,t G It h e ns, MI', a nd bride's pllre nts, Afte r an informal u nlel' of II'hi(' h he \nl ~ a n ho n or · Mrs, Hu ssc ll B{, l'g',Ia ll a n d son , and weddin g s upper, Mr, ' a nd Mrs, The New Big m t:' llIlo e l' , MI', an ti MI", R ob in s on, a ll of Day Buerkle left for a motor trip Th !' l' cfo l'c , 131' it R c ~o l vc d, we a: t o n, , , thro ugh the South, u ro t hl' rs and s i"tt' I's of ove nant I l\ IOI'!'IS Whal'to n a nd frI e nd, Mr, Bu erkle is manager of the Hc ul' kah I. " d:.:-c 1'\0, 1 !I, : tril'e to I'red , zl~n n e l1 o f Da~to n , le f t by Waynes ville Motol' Com plin y, bl' a : fai t hfu l to Ih e dutie s i n· ' mot~)J' S und ay cvc mn g for St, I v olved up On us , 11, th e Olle who LOUI S to atte nd t he a ll' plan e s how i, ha ~ prl'c I'(k d LI ~, I th e r e, I H l' ~o l \'('d , Tha t Wl' .. hl' ri s h hi ~ MI'S, Lucy Fit e of No rw ood, quartet was: Mr, C, G, Dowrick 1111<: lIIory , lhat thl' c ha rt!.' 1' be d ra· and ~1r : and M I" , G eo rge Davis of Dayton, R ev, J, A, R, Couser pelt f(ll' Ih e allo lle d ti lll l' o f 1lI0Ul'll u f ,CII1ClIl natl s pe nt S unda ~ with and Mr, J aco b Couser, of BeaverI illg', t ha t Il l' l'x t (, lld III th e fa lllil y t h e Ir mot he r , M2's , En~mu l' oulks, town and MI'. J , p, Hayes. a memo ! " UI ' hl':l ti'l' IL oYl1l pa thy ill t hi s af· ce le brating h e r ,5th bllthduy , I bel' of this church, of Dayton and , fii d iu ll , Mas te,r E ve r e tt Archdeacon of L e ban on Pike. Ha ndso m e, husky, tough tiresW <' e p no t Ih,ll t hl'l r to ils are ove r, C~ n te"~ llIe spe nt the week-end Mrs, Allen Emrick was called to built for real economy. Values Wee p not thllt t he ir ra ce is run. With hIS grand parents, Mr. and Cleveland Wednesday on account possible because Goodyear sells G ud I!'ran t that we re st as comel y , Mrs" George lReeder" of the serious auto accident of million s m ore tires t han any oth\rh e n our wO l'k like the irs , is ' , :VI ISS Sara Bowman MISS Bertha ho r and daughter. Mr. er manufacturer, do ne .' I RIC] an d M ~s, Marga~et John,lI ai.d Mrs, Leon Salisbury. She reRE OLUTION COMM ITTEE were e n te rtamed to dIn]ler FrI- turned Sunday evening, accompan day at, the h o me of Mr, and Mrs. ied by her &,randeon Wendall. Mr, r ....b Stock-All Flrata-<iuaran. Kesle r Graham, Salillbury Is I!llghtly improved at te.d for Life-Carefully OHIO RANKS THIRD Several f ri e nds c'aUed on Dr, L. hili ho'm e in Lakewood, and Mrs. G , Br o ck during the day and Salisbury is in a cast. with a Mounted Fr•• o.h io ra nk s third in t he n umber o \'e nin g o n Tuesd ay of last week broken p elvis bone, at the hospital Ill' 11\ lor v l' hi c les IIccordl ng to n to e()ngra tu late him on his 80th in Elreria, where she will have to remal1l for eight or ten weeks. r"cl' l1t ro mpi lut ilJ n uf fi g ures Is· birthday. Mr, and M:r!!.~ Frank Milte nber• _ ••_ _ __ I s lIl' d uy S 'CI'l' IIlI'Y o f State CIaI" ge l' an d mothe r were enter ta ined ( ' !H' C J , Br own, Th e t ota l m o t or : 1'1I pul,ni o n "r Ohi!) h n ~ been set t o dinn er S unda y at th e ho me of ' " , I ,R:!ll ,R ii, w hi c h inc lud es pas· Mr, a nd Mrs, Roy Miltenberger at ! ' l' ng-{' I' e al' ~ , tru cks :lnd m otorcy- Middl e town , A la rge del e gali on fr om Mt. e 1<->, olly e huI'e h attend ed meeting , A I'l Tl' n t ta blc publis hed ,b y H ere Friduy e vening and the ir L. L , ?!cNe ll ~as remov e d to I "~ I ', l ( , r" al,oIi t s NI' w Yo rk State hminister, He v , Sca rff o f Spring St. FranCIS Hospital. Columbus, I' \\ ilh i! , ~ ! 1 2,~2:l auto lllobil es of the pulpit and I las t ~eek for treatment, He has w hil' h 1,!J:J 7 ,H () 7 are. passe n ger Valley ' 1H1~d pre ached splendid se rmon, been III for sev,eral weeks, , l' a l '~ an d ;ji; ,I. :l l H l\1'l' tl' \lek ~ , Calif Wila<Iine Kurfu s entertained a T~ e Co mmulllty Club market In , "I'lli ll ha s l,il !'i :' ,2:HI lI uto l1lo bil e8 , number Of , littl e fri ends to a birth ?C e llla , S~turday was ~ell , patron, \)h i" i ~ thi l'd , d ay party Satul'!lny afterno o n, Ize d, n etting the orgamzatlon near s Pl' lI ll y l\' lI l1i ", wi t h 1,762, 144 MI' II nu MI" ~, Raymonu Roberts fifty d ollars, lin d I ll i n oi ~ \\;il h I,G20,OOO rates • Mrs, W. V , L ac k,ey was hostess u nd s'o n of Rou t e 4 were Sunday r.. u l'lh and fi rlh, d inn e r guest s of Mr, and Mrs. to the Dorcas SocIety on Thurs• George Reed e r Ilnd daughters, day, , Misse» H e lt~ n nnd Ruth Early John ~resl e t. has moved to NOTICEI u nd Mrs , Lowe ll Thomas spent J ac kso n v~lIe, Oh~o " S':'ply , M d 'h ' , D t Mrs BIs hop Dickinson of Colum 0 c' A ~q(jl ~a21'aInr,'III~ , n Cd OgS,C Udnd Cl: '. °lnl aMY s COIPaTI~klngh'and a~y ~~iomo- bus ,,:a5 the guest of her son ,-('e , a :, . , n l l le en, 0 eo f " , ' Ad ' j 'f 1 t k 'jh ' b il e wre ck on th e ice at Sprlngam~ , am Wl e as wee, \. '~(I 'I dlJg~ fOll n" l'unni,,., a t IU I'g'e b o1'o Slltu f d ay, but escaped in- ~3 Mary Ann 'dScatmmr athh~rn"11 for t , '" .. . , , " years a r esl en 0 IS VI age (,n tlllci ,dtel' Fl:bl'u ll:y 13, 19~0, JUl Y, 1 ' J B J , pas.c;ecl away Thurs day from ::l nd (01' ,lO day s With ou t b e in g '. Mr, anr~ MI s, , , ones. weIde o nia Seven s ons and a Funeral serp l"p ' r ly muzzled to meet t he up· S unday dinne r g ~ests of MI, an dnu hter ~urvive pl'ov<l 1 of th!) Mars hnl un d County Mrs, L eat e ,' KenrIck !it Ferry, " g h Id " th M E nug- Wu l'lic'n will h e kill ed on Mi ~s Sallie Sm ith of Way ne s- vhlces hweS,e , de In e ' was" t Sh , , gllRI'd th"e childre n VI'I I(l c am ~ T m. be greatly e F,lgnt, t o , 'ar~' u !~s( i ay d an :-VI'1'1 sp " e nd cure II p a turd ay and p.will lin d l' il ize ns uf WO Y11 esv i'll e, t he r ema ll1de r of t h e wm ter WIth w~ rdes ec e 't f r om, our eommum y ., , ign e~ M 1':;, Be ll c Scolt and family. 011 sse , A male q UII.I'tet added much to . B , H. MI!ler .;"a,s "confineil to T, R, ~OGER , ,May or th e , crvic~ at, Lytle church Sun- hl~ h OlT!e With IJl"lp last week I Worl" S, Brown, Co, Dog W Rl'<lcn ,day eve ning a nd was thoroughly MISS, Mildred Carr IS al80 ill of l ~======;;;===. ._====_=_========~ , p, Joy, Mm'sh ul. enJoyed by a large crowd. The the sllme disease. '



I,, "It, I


Cheaper than Punctures, Delays Skids and Smash :ups



The Making of a Home

Pathnnder H. D. Truck Tires

Full Oversize Balloon

With all Its Aceessories, such as Lumber, Fancy Shingles and all th it goes with tbe Home Beauitful. For an estimate on the same, call

W. H. Madden. Co. Waynesville" Ohi~ ' -everything connected ~ith an upto-date L"mber Yard


3015 32x6

$21.10 $32.00

• • $6.30

• • $7.00 • • $8.Z0 H. D. All WeathZ9X5.00 • • $8.85 ' Tread



Big Oversize Cords



• • • 55.85 • • • IO.IO • IOa.O


3216 3216

$25.55 $42.45 $32.40


Gordon,'s Ser'vice -Station,' ,.Phone 47,

Wa,Yneaville. ' Ohio

s - " Whole Number 5898


Eighty-Third Year




_ _ _ _ ___


Great Team Work




COLUMBUS, ·01110 The largest fee I'eccivcd thi t; year in the Corporatio n Division of the office uf Secreulry of State larellce J. Brown was a check f or $39,000.00, paid fol' t ho incorporation of u new cumpany lit Ch illi cothe. Th e Mead Paper Company . Fees roccived in t.he fir Ht two months of th e yeul' 111 dicate that receipts will equal if not surpn ss those of 19 2!l, on e of the best yea rs in the history of the omce. Director Rob('\'t N. Wui d of th e Departm ent of Hi~hwar.s will hllve a co nll"llct lett in g ru esday f or improvements and construction work lit all .estimated cost of $4,700,000.00, the IUI'J:iest under the udmini stration of Govern or Myers Y. Cooper. The l'e will be '73 miles of new construction work 56!) milc s of sUI'face treating anu the e rection of 271,087 feet of g Ullrd rail. The la rgest. n ew construction improvement Will be 5.!l2 Illil es of t.he Muricttu-McConnel s ville road in Washingt ol;l coullty ul a n estimated cost of $286,840.

George Pl'1ltt visitor Friday.



Members of the Fresbman c1asa Mrs. Sam ut'I Butt erworth is on and a number of friends, enjoyed,. " chickcn roast at the home of the sick list. Mary Satterthwaite last 'Thursday For :ale--Alfalfa hll Y. See J. even ing. Huwke. Preparation for the Warren MI'. :In(1 MI'R . MYl'r HYlll a n ~Jlent Coun ty ora torical contest has be· Sunday with friend s in NonvCJod, gUll in the school.

Day tort

Mrs. Earl Connor was shopp ing in Dayton Friday.

O. E. Sta nd iford wa s in Lebanon on business M~nday .

'I'he R igh Sc hool chorus hal Mrs. Irvi ng' WI'Ieh (,l1 t prtuincd contata th e briligt' club !:iuturday after- Fta rted work on the "Rosamunde" which will be given noon, in several weeks. - --Do you r OWl1 dry c1clIning wilh This week will see the close of Nup thll, a:lc ga ll on, AdamH Drug the Basket Bull seuson throughout Sturl' . the state. All of the county t~ur­ I ~nac Lincoln of Dayton, was IUIIll \! l1ts will be held on Friday ' I he wcC'k- 'lI d )rut's t of 1\1 r. lind ,1I1d Saturday. III the drawing which was held Mr~ . J . 1-1. Smith. Tue,;dny afternoo n at Springboro .J ohn Frollll11 Hnd family spe nt W. II . S. drew Franklin for their Sa t urdu y allu SUllday wi th r la- fir ·t opponents Game will be called at I 1 a. Ill . Friday. The rest of tbe tives in Dayton . boys games Ilre 8S follows: Leb· MI'S, Emma Sherwood, who anon- Morrow at 10 a. m.; Harveys sp!'nt th t' winter in Lehanon, hus uUl'g- Kings Mills at 2 p. m.; Mason-Carlisle at 4 p. m.; Otter-. I crurncd t o her home here. bei n-Springbol'o at 7 p. m. The Clarence Allen lind family of above games will all be played on Dayton, spen t !:iu nda y with MI'. f.'1 id ay, the semi-finals Saturday nfternoo n and the finals Saturday und Mrs. L. D. hiles. eve ning. The girls games will be played MI'. a'nd Mrs. Chns. Reynolds of Spring Voll ey , were hO)lPing in between the boys gameS. Wa yn esville Su turelay. In their last scheduled ~ame of "uws filed by machinery. Cut the season the Waynesville boys , cleaner, tr uer, fa ster. Roy Pig- lost to Otterbein by a score of 28 , to 20. tt, at Madden's Lumb.e r Yard. The Waynesville boys outplayed MI'. and Mrs. Herman Surface a nd outpassed the Otterbein team we re wee k· end guests of Mr. and uut were unable to make tbeir Mrs . . amu I urface at Marion shots. The times that they hit tbe Ohio. ' basket were but a small fraction of their attempts. Wallace was high point man for Lou Planck lind family of Ye1low Springs, were week-end Waynesvi1le with 7 points, with guests of MI'. and Mrs. Russell Willimns of Otterbein, who scored 11 points. Mar·tin .

MiHS Cluru Lile spent th e weekend in Washington C. H. John Gons of Miami university, hOllle over the week-end.


Russell Bentley WaS in ColumOil business last Thursday.

uu ~

Do your own dry cleaning with Nupthu, 39c gallon, Adums Drug Sto re. Mrs. Earl Connor and Mrs. D. E . Standiford were Lebanon s hop-

pe l's Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howal'd Archdeacon spent. Sunday with relatives at Springboro. Expert watch and Jewelry re-

A state-w id e conservation con - pairing at Cary's J ewelry Shop, ferenc e will be held in this city Lebanon Ohio.

on Thursduy , March 6th. Civic clubs and women' s ·organization s will send representatives while delegutes of sportsmen's associlllions will be present. The convention is being ~ponsored by the bipartisan con servution council of the new Departm ent of onsel'vation. The Ohio State Library, of which George Elliott McCormick is lib rar iall , leads a ll other such organizations in its aid to rural ed ucation in the United States, according to II rccent su rvey by an official of the Un ited States department of ed ucation. The main division of the 'tate Libl'Dry acts as u central source of supply for eve ry sch ool Iibl'Dry In the state, furnishing through Intel'-librury 10(lns unu sunl and expensive books not found in slJ1all collectlons. The such cou\,°e. This r epresents an Incity circulation department makes direct loans to pel'Sons coming' to the libral·Y. g ives I"formation and acts as advise r when requested. The reference department takes Care of general reference work for rural schools and makes bibllo · graphies !lnd reading lists 0" various subj ects.

Miss Glenna Mursh of Dayton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butterworth. You'll be pleased with that Parker Duotold Pen or Desk Set fro Cary's Jcwelry Shop, Lebanon. You will want to see John Shultz carry in t he admiral's head. This cun be seen at the Gym March 7. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Ridge, Messrs. Kenn eth Ridge and Howani Gustin, visited relatives here Tuesday,

=---===- ----- -=-=-

1 W. H. S. ' FARMERS MUST HAVE Mrs. Amancln Maffit and son G. F. T. Mr. and ~rs . R. E. Homm el of DEATH CALLS FORMER Wilpur are moving from the farm NEWSPAPER PUBLISHER I SELECTED SEED 'CORN 1 6 Dayton, spent SU!lday with Mrs. a nd will make th eil' home in Ellis, f "" ... " .. " .... " ..... 2 3 7 Wallnce, f ,....... ,.. " .. 2 Hom mel's parents Mr. and Mrs. Spring Va1l cy. . 1 8 Schuler, c "" .... " .,," .. ' 1 A. L. Sides. John Marshall Mulford, form !'l' A ftcr running germin:ltio n o 0 The W. C. T . U. meeting will be Hay, g " .... ,.. ''' ..... ,.... .. 0 ed itor of the Western Star died . tests on 30 different lots of corn 1 3 Mrs. B. Chapman entertained at his h me in Hyde Park, Cincinbrought in fro m various parts CJf held at the hom e of Mrs. G. C. Fromm, g ...... " "',, ... 1 o 2 a small group of friends Saturday nati, Thursday, fo llowing- an iIl-Wanen County, County Agent Dibert Thursday IIfternoon , Feb- - Turner, C """ .. " .. ,.. .. I evening at the hom e of her mother neRS of several week s. Funel'al Cluss announces that practically rURry 27, at 2 o'clock. .... ,... 7 6 20 Totuls Mrs. Elizabeth Baily. services were held in the Commun ST. ~ARYS CHURCH all farmers in Warren County will ity church in Hyd e Park Saturday March 2, Quinquagesima Sun- hav e to g ive special attention to How do you s uppose it f elt to OTTERBEIN Well did you ever sec a pl'ize afternoon' and interment wa s in thy, fifty day ~ before En tt'r. seed corn situati on l his spring un- I ide in CI opalrll's private bUI'ge? G. F. T I'oost el' Illode Into noodle soup by the family lo t at Hopkinsville. Church school at 9 :30; s~rmon leHR they selected see d corn early Kenn eth St. John will explain it Bradshaw, f .,,, .. ,, .. , .. .. 4 o 8 the Ladies Aid? You can hear Mr. Mulford tnught school II and Holy Communion at 10:30. lust fnll and carefully dri ecl it be- in "We1l, did you Ever1" Williams, f , ." .......... . 5 1 11 ubout it at the Gym March 7. 1number of years, later going into Re\'. J. J. Schaeffer. Rector. f ore severe winter fr eezes the , lat1 7 •. . the insurance bu in ess at Colulntel' pal·t of November. Some lots Mrs. Myel' Hyman and MI·s. C. Stiebitz, c " "".".", ,,. 3 2 2 '\ ou,. like Luelle Salisbury, will bus. In 1907 he became edito r and FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST of corn were en t ire ly dead, es- M. Robi t zer attend ed a luncheo n An.derson, g .... _....... "" o o o 0 B'bl , School t f) '3 0 L I'd' S , pccially lhose which were hu sked and card party at the Gibson hotel Paul, g " Possibly- one Qf the ' most In be reli eved w.hen yo'! Icarn t hnt publisher of the We tern Star. He a .. ~'o 30 b late and cal'l'ied a high pel' cent in Ci nci nnati, on Thursday. terestlng and Instructive newspup- the PI' IIcher IS shootlllg traps and was appoin ted auditor of Warren S l e d 4 28 Totals. " ,., , ...... , ... " 12 ers i. sued by schools or journalism not craps, "Well, did you Ever." count y in 1~ I~ and served as post- \ j~c~;er"Our seS~!a~~sh i ~>' ~V~ o ~· ,~ o i sture~ E ve n though t he corn is that from the Ohio State Unlver M R I h V d " f mastcr at e anon for about one wis, h to express our heart-felt ap- did 'gcrnllnat e, Class found ~hat A unique 'erv icc is being plan- · -Substitution nce ~nM soC 0 I year, sity Pl·ess. It Is established in the PI rs. PIP. preciation to all who helped thl'u I mony of the sprouts were conSider ned for unday night at the ---did aSknnt f aDlIl, t r. an interest of new ~ Jlllper-making · in rSs. dar , In 1921 he ~ old his interests , co ntribution or purchases 'or in ably weake ned due to winter in- Chll h f Ch . t Y "t d Although Waynesville !lot H Y aw , e Of May on'd weMre uJn a I in. th.e W~stern Star and moved to I anv other way to make '~ur sale 'I ju ry. Even corn from differe.nt I'C 0 , n ~. ou nre, mVI e finish the seaso n on the wmnmg Ohio and is sent free to all newsC t r. an rs.. . ~! n cmnat! whe re he a.gain went th e sp le ndid success that it was ' parts of the s~me ear , sho~ved dlf to come and bnng your Bible. side in II majority of the , games papers in Ohio upon request. Its fI~c;ke 0 ed itorial!; and news articles are . mto the msurunce busme s. Thc procecds of th e sule wiJl en- I ferent res~lts m germinatIOn test.:ls Misses l"rances and Elizabeth Iet~~yr bPelafoYreed aSntrdond~lderveteraymwseltlhatno always thoroughly enj oyed and its d - - -- - - - -able us to ma teri ally decrease the and. o~caslOnalJy th e ll;lrge cobbe indcbtedl' c s~ or. the parsona'Ye. var.'ctlCs :\'ould CC;)I1t8ln .50 much Henkle of Wittenberg college ' win 7 out of the 18 games Illayed. Mrs. Merle Ker ns and aughter shop t.alk of edit ors and publishers came today to spend ANNUAL LODGE INSPECTION ... t t t th t spenl the week-end with their' . is more than III I,rcciuted by the ofheColumbus, remaindnr of the week with You arl! ulways welcome at this mOls III cer aln sec IOns . a puren t's mI'. U .. church. pur:ts ure of t~e ear ~ould germinate an d Mrs .S. D. H enThe following is Waynesville's "pencil publishers" of the eighty- t Mrs. Kern s' po rentr., Mr. and Mrs. One of the best inspectiOn meet Chester A. Williamson Minister sa ti sfactorily, while at ano~her kle. rcco rd for the season. . • eight counties in the state. J. D. Murlatt, il1gs of the Masonic Lodge ever ' place the embryos had been killed M E B ' W. H. S., 24-Carlisle, 6. .. . held here 100k place Wednesday "Winter inju ry has been du e to Mr. and rs, ' mest utter- W. H. S., 19- Massie, 13. Direc'."I· J. L. Clifton of the Th e:> nl~Ir' Will speak for Itself evening, February 19. Bro. Thiele LYTLE M. E. CHURCH the ex pan 'ion of water after it worth and M ISM Glenna Marsh .W .. H. " 20- Centerville, 22. 11epartnrcnt of Educlltion states Su ndEIY School 2 :00 p. m. Ml·S. fr oze the kemals, according to were> guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bur- W. H. S., 26-Morrow, 17. I hnt ill 19-1 ()h io Hi~h (' hools of- !lIttht at. th~ Chllrch. of I of Dayton, representing the Grnnd fering. vocutional agriculture cour- Chl'lst. You .are mVlt~~1 to brmr, ' Lodge of Ohio, was the Inspeoting Longacre s uperintendent, Chul'ch Class who is exp lnining these mut- M. Butte rworth of Lebanon On W. 1-1. S., 16- 0akwood, 19. W. 1I. S., 12- Xenia, 27. ees, more t hull 70 pel' cent of the yo ur ow!l BIIJle and check up officer, und th e E. A. degree wus Serv ice a t 3 :00 p. m. The specia l t el's fully at the Corn Show held Sundny. splendidly put on by the officers. III eting nre continui ng this week this spring lind at th p. vurious F arM M F C II k W. H. S., ~4 - Lebanon, 68. fo rm boys enr< lied ar ekcting on w)lat It Sill'S, After the work a deliciou s with increas ing interest. Severnl mel's Institutes. He illustrates the r . allci rR.·. . . nrtsoc W. 11. S ., 12- 0tterbein, 11. crease of , six pur cent over two ~~.essrs. HMyeAr H Cymanl)' CE' ML· 1lunch was served to about 100. hu ve b ee n at the IIltar nnd n il at- mntter by culling attention to the nnd children of Milfo rd and MI'. W. H. S., 15- Mol'row, 26. yeal's ago. In uddition to the 1\11R t en u 'Ing Ilave Ce It t h e presen ce of ones cspec la II y 0 b se rve d, on a II and son W . 1-1 .., S 20- 0 . S . & SOH dllY enJ'ol1mC'nt l,oJ)O boys w'ho Tho~ltzel' , d . CI .'ff lilorne . , tt . I d. Vi~itol's wcr~~ present fro III Da"~ F kMrs. Ronald R d Hawke andf M . . . 9~ o~~s .a n I ~n~s tend' e ton, Columbus, New Burlington, God. ' . 181m,> whereby buck ·t'l, cans 1',I'I~n ' Iwere ._un\IIY gUle~ts 0 rs W. H. S., 9- Massie, 14. have dropped o· t of High chilO! h our ay Harveysburg, Clarksville, Mason, Sara A. Bowman, Pastor wllte!'i n~ troughs, and autoplobile ~r It h Inrris anc fallli y. W. H. S. ll- Centerville, 45. - 'urj! enrolled ill yurt-time aoursea t e It- lrllneC~er.e!llOtnllo Franklin, Lebanon and MiamisI racJiat,.rs a r efrequen tl y bursted W. H. S., l6- Wllmington, 32. in /lgrlcu!ture. /:lpecialists in the even ng n IIlCmnl'. bur" , ft th t . .I . "I will follow you to the end s of W H S 25 0 S & SOH '0 work empha size the pplnt tllat" It U l-bl ' h tl . •• VAYNESVILLE M E CHURCH a cr. e . wa cr IIl SI( e. IS th Id" A I' P h " .. . . . 1' •.. ' . . . . , frozen durlllg the winter. I' wor, nge Ina op am, W. 'H." S., 10-- Mason, 28 is not: t)le purpose of vocational , F're d HU", e. w 0 recen y un· der\Yent un operation at Miami Wedllesday: Bible study and This expansio n and increased played by Lucile Armitage, con W H S 30 S . b "6 agriculture to keep all farm boys 1 th e resu It 0 f . . .S., , I8-Kings - pring Mills, oro, ~28., \ al'1 ey h OSpl't a, pr:l~cr m ee~ lng ut 7 :00 p. m. , pressu re os the winter fre - :,1'd Cl'l; II I ~ 0 ff or t ory ?'~ propoRn.I W..H. 011 the farm but rather to 0lfe1 to hrea king his arm last fall, is getChOir pl'actlce at 7 :45. Sunduy: ZC ci , likewise bUI'sts the cells of Well, did you Ever. \ W. H. S,' 20-Dtterbein, 28. ~QYs who expect to reml\in on ,the MI'. and Mrs. Ed Vintree of Day ~u llday Fc ~ool at !l ::10 n. m. Morll th e t iny grain s of embryo plants farm the very best possible train- ting along ver), well. ton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. mg worship at 10 :30 ; Epworth , in sid e the kerhel which shows up , l\filto~ Tho !11llson , who works i,n The following tabJ.,! shows the ing for ' thelr vocatlol1. Shoultt 11 member be church- George K ern, on Sun~ay. L ea~u e at G: 15 p. m. Preaching in no germination. Even though a b?kesho p Ill . Da~ton: h.'s ,I ndividual scoring of the team and mnuled for looking In a ~arbage se l'Vlces at 7 :00 p. m: I the freezing was not sufficient to Che\ l olet m!lchrne sto len from rn , t he total number of point8 scored, r.Jln ? Jll ~t hear Jane Burtis, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Kern visG. C. Dibert, Pastor, r·ltt irely kill the gel'msn, yet they front of hiS. place of e~ploy- by the team. ' OLD LAND MARK CONE Elsie Ellie. tell Mandy Morley In ited friends in Dayton Friday ' may he greatly weakened so that Ill ent, Some tlllle Sunduy night. Wallace, 76: Ellis, 69: Turner/ One of Waynesville's old land "Well, did you ever?" afternoon and evening. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH 11 he plant will n.ot gl'~\~ vi~ol'ously Well did you ever suppos that ,?1: Hay, 42; Schuler., 40; Mainou. marks is disappearing - the old "Yes, and he eats at the table Summor schedule- ht, 3rd and ~s 0!le sh.buld lik e. 'I hl~ dlfTCo! I'ence Will St. ,John PI'oposed t~ his ; .!G.; Fromm, 23; ~avI8, 8,: John, S: barn on Main street near ' High, 0n"s his hat on a rack and Forrest Hough and ,family of 5th Sundny Mass at 8 :00 a. m.· 1 III VIKOI' IS llhow l1 by Size and ap- wife out of a furniture catalogue? I Mllt ~nberger, .1, Whltaker, 1; , o'w ned by will Phillips, which, as an(l 11 ... Dayton visited Vern 'Hough and rl d 'h S ' pcarancc of the sprouts after the Gustm l' maklng a total of SSO sleeps in a bed and wipes his feet family over the week-end. 2n an 4t un day, Mass at corn is ge rminat ed f or about 8 to Tu st see them in the Friendship " , iar back as our oldest Inhabitants 9:3U: 10 days. I Club . play at the Gym Friday 'F he team . as a wh~le Bcored 88ecan remember, was known as the on a doormat." Ellen will inform Angelina at "well, did you Ever?' When you need a gift for any Rev. Lawrence B. Mollmann. Yet considerable encou rage- \ Evel1lng ,MarCh 7. ' ~g~~!d 40~~lle theIr opponenta'. Rogers livery stable. . Th e building was erec d for occasiOn think of Cary's Jewelrv WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF me nt was also shown in the tests " Have your watch and clock re- Shop-uThe Home of Gifts." LebCHRIST wherein several furm crs reported Mrs. W. P. Sa lisbury return the purpose of stabling the horses Rible School at 9 ::)0 n. m. eribs of 1928 corn , anu of early I home' Monduy from Clevelan, of the overland bus, the route paired, old weddinf rings modern- anO,D. AI Simpson and family of Cin. MI·s. E. C. Coyle is very slok Speoiol progl'8m by Beginners' matured grain from the 1929 crop I where she wa~ ca\led when h'er running from Cincinnati to Colum Ized, your dlamon s put in a new mounting, jew('lry Tepaired like with pneumonia at the home of Class. Lord 's Supper at eonclusion w~ich shows a. sa tisf!lctory ger- I so n and du~g~ter-in-law, Mr. ui'!d ci nnati, SPl.'l1t Saturday. and SUD~ bus. Chd tl on E ndea vor at 6:30 p. m. n1l1lation. Class IS anxIous to test 1,\'Irs. L.eon Salisbu ry .were ~&dly tn day with relatives here. For man 'years the barn ~II: new, silverware replated an4 her parents near Wl1mln~ton. Leadel', 'Lola Scars. Evening evan- samples of corn free of charge for Jured 111 an automobile acc1dent. owned and operated as a IIveri beada restrung at C!lryls J,welr,v Mr. and Mrs, George Hes!! ' of gelistic servic e at 7.30 p. m. Ser- all farmers who halle old corn or Mr. and M\'Il. Kennetb Elzey , s tahle QY William , RQgersanit Shop Lebanon, Springfield, were guestl of Mr, mon subj ect "A Better Covenant considerable quality. of dry alld What would yo u do if. your in- and daughter of Dayton, spent Jlfter his death was purchased RY after his death \'iSS purchased by The LoWval Sons and Daugbters and Mrs. J , O. Cartwright on Sun- Good special music. Bring Bible. sound 19~~ crop which l!'ay o!fer cuba tor got so hot t.hat It cooked Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter the late Frllnk Barnhart, father of the aynesville Church of day. Church Night Program each Wed- opportunities for seed thIS spl'lng. the eggs? Raymond Hatfield : Elzey. or E. V. Barnhart. Ot late ye~r8 Christ held their monthly business n e~dny at 7 :30 p, m. Leader, for 'All who have sufficient , corn are , !l"arly break~ ~Ip . th~. prayer. meetWhat would the churcb treaa-' , jt hl\8 peen used for different pur. meeting Tuesday evening of last For best results consign your Februal'y 26 Henry Swearingen ' requeRted to take two grains IIlg when he did It. Wel\, rlld you urer any if he found strawberrie• . poses, and now, it is anid, a gas week at the home of M\ss France. ive stock to Green-Embry Co., for March 5, A. R. Vance. Th~ from each of 100 ears sele~ted at Ever ." Murch 7. in the preachers ,~arbage canTalld oil station will take Its place. 'Gullady, Cincinnati. in care of D. R. Salis- church where yo u feel at home. mndom th~'oughout the c~lb and ' Ches!.!!t. A. Williamson, Minister send or bnng the 200 gram SIll!'Mr. ancl Ml's. Charles Meyers, "Well, did you Ever." . Many fin!! and vafuable hprllllll bury. _ _ _ ___ ___ ._ pies to Lebanon where tests WII\ Mr. Joe Thompson. Mr. Joseph "Y ourex Sliverseal" Silverware were stabled in the old building. is the best. Compare It with other ..... be made. Haines, Mi ss Marie Henderson Mrs. Russell Wells, Mra. Flor--- ~--Messrs. James Zell of Yellow makes before starting your pattern DEATHS ---and Mr. CIII'I Nnegel were gueS~S l ence Deaner ' and, Clyde Southal'd Springs, and Horace Zell of Xenia aJliid see for yourself its sterling ____ of Mrs. J. M. Thompson of Malll of DaytoriJ.were Sqnday guests of CAUSE OF PEATIi qualities. Cary's Jewelry Shop Leb were guests of Mrs. Laura Zell A. A. McNeil, we\l-known auct- WILL HAVE FROST IN MA ~ St. on Sunday. Mr. and MTS. Russell Martin. , , on Saturday. ioneer and collector of antiques. . Mrs. Ruth Sul'faee died lit anon. This swimming pool is for kids died at hi hOllle in Cent.erville, The first electrIcal storm of .the Sunday night will be "Bring I "And this is ho~e I !"d love to Miami Val\ey Hospltlil, Sunday, g February · 10_ The direct cause of Mildred Coo1.<. cele~rat~d her and not for bathing beauties" says SaturdllY afternoon. He is sur- I SeBson occured Monday morr,l!1 . Your ~ibl e Night," at the Chu,rch s~ bim ju~t once again," " Irma d vived by his widow and one son. "Old timers" ~y th~t, accordtng of C,lirlst. You are welcome Wlth- RICh~. 88 Faith Mason, in· the pia), bel' death was due to pneumonia, ',own ,and :W:ashlngton s birthday w'n S I , trou 1 in the form of Dea- Funeral sel'vices were held in the . to an old Indian sign. when a out R Bible but earnestly request- \ "weu, did you Ever'" You ean Mute pll;lurlBy and tUbercular by entertaining Mary Adams, see them both at r th'e Frlenct.hlp peritinltis. , Rosemary Bentley, Beulah Ber- con Ive~sl • Well, did you Ever?" Centerville M. K church Tuesday thunder storm occurs on the ed to bring one. Mi E S r b afternoon. twenty-fourth of F('bruary, frost . Club ' entei'tai~m,nt to be _..lven at DR, M, 0: HORNER n~rd, Ruth Conner, Reba Edwards ____ _ _ Evelyn and Jane Furnas and ss mma a IS ury of Spring Mr. McNeil's . brother, died ; may be expected on, the t~entyOur new 1 ~30 aample. boo the Gym 'EvenbJ... JIa-h ". VRlIey. was the ~ueBt of her bro- Saturduy night at his home nearlfOtlrth of May. H.ere s boptng all nre now on display, showlO Admisaion ,j l and 2'" Naomi Ramby• . ther W. Salisbury, ' ~aturday Wilmin , U night allid P. Sunday, gt on and the' body was sue h 8 i gns w ill f.al1. .. the new and up-to- d ate . THE NAUGIiTY WIND Mr, and Mra. Ernest Butter. taken to Centerville Tuesday Local orchardists tha~ the l'anging ih prieefrom 4c, ,.:Q:endelt'lOn Dr. Rudolph-Eyesiaht Specl'al- aftetnclon. Double services were peach crop in t his . sectlon Will .be '1'011 up to suit the moet , The- ftr"t ot Marcb baa paat and worth .entertalned wltb "500' Wed d I f I at k' ~ .. helel in the Centerville cemetery. a failure, owing to the severe Wln- lar' We' can give you the · gope, nea ay eyen ng 0 a . wee " 1st. He ..e Tuesday, Tburaday and __ __ • _ _ t . . ·pap· er plus A. 1 service D. , Without 80 much l'egret The guests weTe MT. and MI'II. Saturday. F I' e e - elramination e.r. /e A.n" , 80 we any I,t won't Dong Glitr Runyan, .Mr. and Mrs: C. E., Cary's Jewelry JShop; Lebanon, 'Ie Vj.i~iDr Rei.ti... - • Standiford. 'Tlll ,all our dope's UPl'8t, Mal'llb and ,MI'II; B. M. Butterworth ' Goae C.lilorai. ' But Jet It! blow, or eV$n s"ow. of Lebano~; !ir; alld Hi'll. Ora Dr, J. 'T. Ellis, Myel' Han, C. Frederick R b't f N Mt:. and Mrs. J. o. Cartwright The wind can do no damage Gustin, M1'. and Mrs. Rart Harvey H. Hartsock, W. C, /!It•.Tohn and York IClty .arri~ed zr!st ~Ight e;: Mr and Mrs, Carl Noble left and ~aught~r, EV,e lyn, we~e ~ To women fair, who wear bobbed Mr. anll Mrs. Walter.. Wella, lIr. D. L. Crane attended inspectipq spent IB two-weeks vacation with I Sunday for Long Beach, Calif. pxfor,d, OhIO, Friday lliab ~n hair. . . and Mrs. Harry _Emley of Dodds; of R: A., M. at Lebanon Tuesday I his · 1.a't her C .. ·M. D b't I' tid Tbey wllre accompanied bi Mrs. Saturday for tbe Senior r~eptloll And have no Bkirts to mana,p. lIlr, and Mrs. M. A. Coraell. evemng. ".P .I se, a Harold Noble. and banquet at Western CoU....-





















0'.' ,-



Sh elc)', . tlcf('ndljnt pleaded not

\ K~li1ty. Trial is ~et fOI' Wcdn~ day f bru r. :),6. at 1 a. 01, Bond tlxl'd at .100U.

fRO COURT HOUS'Eth~~ .~~~ l~~r~~tffre}i.




F.. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer's

bk dllng hUll mCf!,; a s W ea ver Auto l:illit"S ompany. recover fl'om tbe defentlanl', J . . and Ethel J ones. Ne w Su ih See IU. Early for Your Sale Date •. We Guarant'le tiUlll ' { $2 10 with interest at II. ven so n versus Jessa- 7 '1v per annum from October 24, Satiafa"t:ion or: Char,. Nothin.: • =============:::::;;::;_ ~== _ _ _~__ ~_ mine R.. Ih'itton, Mollie R. Shi ld ' 1!l29 a nd also costs. . OHAPTER vn I __ ~'., . . . .' 'the nion avi ngs . Building lind The. court considered that the . lh!l t kll:,d- fia 'hl He tried l'very- r lvol gang. It wos vital thn~ he L m o nl\pany a nd The George j)l aintlff, ,The First , National l h.I,~g. . . I should get uw ny f ro m Ginn ett !\! cyel's und SO liS Company, for Bank of Morrow, 0 ., r ecover from . Luke di missed from his ' mind ,,~'t he be n I.n , \'ISo n h~ fol'e:' Street wi~h t~e l~ast p ossibl c ll e- nl~ L1e): ~lII ount claimed $1188.2 1 t he d efen~ants, Joe .. ~cMmen, PboDie No. 32(l PboDe No. 2 hIS experience of the aftern oon . t. thY ,?f COLll ~ . He JIll t\, 0 , ~ny. lind If t ill S pi stol h Iped hml With In te l'e t a t 6 % per lInnum b'l~ry .Mc.Mlllen and Wilham Me That was something n ot to be s Ie c. ,es. . , It was welcome, from ovem ber 23, 1020. fo r e- Millen the s um of $303. an d also th ou gh t of without a shudder- he .Lu t . tl ld n ot a~k wh at ~ ~tretch "They want to see yo u- " she c lo ure 01: mortga~e, m ll r shlill of the costs. was whi stlin l{ che dully when Mrs !"lIght he: h ha d II \:ngu IIlea t ha t u e g a n . . lien s oth (' 1' r eli'if. I! ess Squi er Murray was given I, Frllsel' (,6111e with a p ai r o f b"ight Il ~I lin .p n ul ~u vltud c; . lid l hen a vO ice cam e fro m Lhe Lewl~ & Drake, IlIcorpul'nled , a di vorce fl'o m John Ross Murray, Burroughs , E. Y. Adum s lind !J anti :3 0 ill W oodvill e a nd lots new SCi~Sll I'S tn ('" lI eel the g ra y li e 1~ld o ne Stl' tch.' ~ll\(l Ihp f( >ll t. uf Ih, . nar row slnirs. \'el'~ ll.<; II 'II"~' J'l!u l' ph y. fol' th e ,'<'- Ihe defe ndant be ing found guilt.y Georg. }(napp wel'e !nud e II PPl'nis- N(H;. 2 0 :!.7, l!E! a nd 211 in West Wllod vi!le. tw,eed s uil he ha d disl'tlrd ed all cl Onln\ll n lc,lt lVc .!\11" . 1"l'lI S!' I'. " f "" I " 'o nl e M I. Sm ilh! " CU\, (' IY nf m"II l'Y, unly a n d attach- of g ross n eg lect of du ty. 'rhe sule ers. fl elilnh ,l lIck Ron and Dollie M. to brln!/: him a ]luir of brown '~hol" ;1 ~\'il lldl!' li P. .'," . ~lal ' l· ~I.' · ~ll'r -~ h e Thl'!'l' \\n:5 Ilwnac l' in l ll · t one. 11]('n l . :I' h ~ .UIIIOUIlL elninl('ll $ 16:3.- cnr c an d ~ustody o f Bo~ni.e MurAcco ullts fi le d:' . Lloyd Str ecker, o hid bd g hl tha t tlw y dn z- ,111 1 ~t:;I.t\ " ,<I t III 1,1 ~I I,~ ••1' 1:U~~'r II nl-: OI'C.11 Ihl' d" o r. J Wll h III t .. r ~t at G',c fr om I'UY was gl~en t o l h l' plaIII bff. Th.e E~ tutf! of Mary Elizube t h Col - JIl I~ k~ ()1I lint! ,;1I ( . !,~,'\ ch oP I?' d.. 1 \\ all! ~h e ~Illd ~harp ly. Ju ly lU, 1!J28 unci cos ts. dc fendllnt IS burre d ' of lillY dower lin s, . d eceused, fir st und filial. 12:-1 aCl'e~ ill Hnrlull twp. zled him . I\. Stallfle ld and Zula M. .. lin l' ~11)'S you'n betl(,I' I !I\" C , . ! )~nt)·: _ l;~ ,, ~:lJ d lJlCl'cd u l llLl~- "\\' h " <il l yllLl Ih ink YO ll arc?" . I 1.. W . C" H. nnd. C. K Nis bet , 0 1' ~nt~' I'e~t in lilly property of the uardianshil) of Ge org e L 'po'U I11P ('x ('('UtOI'8 of 1"lol'en a E . yo ur mu . l ll che ," she gugg~~l cd. I~" \\ !HJ ." h t . .. ~ . I Luke' heal' d u ~ru l11hling. Vll lce I p~rtll e rs, d U 1lI 1{ UU S IJ H!><S a s L. W . 1J 11l 11l11ff. . schak, incompete nl, third . "Wlwrc is ('on nor? is he on th e 11 ,.,.1 (' 11 11. - Y".u mu sl 11111 .1 th e ~la l1\ uf th e c1 00 r which se p AI 'll d ulI1pany a nd L. W. isb et III t he ca se of Madge Ratliff Inv e ntoric ~ ~nd npPl'ltiSl' lll enL.,> S tnllticld l?lItlll,' lo A. H. St.un fl eld premises?'" I h :I ~L: , h ca rd .n f 111\11. I thInk h e'~ , :lral"d· Ih(' fo.,1 (If til(' ~t:J il's frflm l COIllPa n y vers us Mo lli e R. S hi elds , Y r~~ s li nlon W . Ratliff, et aI, fi led :Ilutl ;/'" Ia 1\1 . u mp, 5.()!; ocr{)s in She ~ hook her hea<l. ~t ,JI;..ln 1.1."'" 1,11 \ y" .1 ('lin nt'\"l' r Ih , · I!"r\n r. Alld th~ 1I at Ih · b ec knn fo l' mnn l(>y only. Th e a lll ount hcaJ'\n~ of t hc plaintiff's moti on Estat of Janl c:; P. l1 e d, d e- V () ,'II'HI Iwp. Clinton co un ty a nd "1\ 0 , hI' pho ned m e ." t.l'I! , . H e l~I\' l ~ liP , \\.e~l, 1;1l'l\\'~ 1~11 m~ .I (· I·k (If thr· wuma n': hea el, he l"i "illll'rl Su'l .:l !1 wit h intcre~t fllr l em ponll'y 1l~~11l ony was set c('ased . 1.:I(i IIl' r e~ in Was hingto n twp, , f l'OI11 .JII I1U:II'Y 26, 1!l28 . for hca rlng on Tuesday, Febru'J didn't know YOll ha d a ph on c' th.t . \\<:1. .•• '.md I. . ~ I!o l a ~b l II i 1, 011;,1\ . d II",' (h ,w n Ih l: ~t HII:". Es lnte of MlI1inda T . H(!c d. Ile- Warrl' ll co u nty. hc snid in s urpl'i ~e. . I H'll~ ~I Olll . ' t. "'.' ,. I~ ~' and (,u n IH·.': 1 Ill·I·,· w'n' tW" . IlWIl III l h E' . 11 . If. W eaver d uing ilu s iness ali ory ~5 , at 10 n.'clock a. m. ' 1\ . II . ~ tll nfi ' ld a nd ZUlll M, ceased. Mrs. Frase r 111 iled crypt icall y I II ~~ nes u ~LlI til \101 k tnl!l·th l' l· 1':111.01'. \) 11(' swo t! \\I1h h l~ bat'k t ,l \\ (,:\\',; 1' Au to SHies Compa n y. Claff ord Whlt.:- wn s gl'anted a The court nuth orizcd Blanch e A CUII1 P 10 R. 'I'. S inn fi eld 10 acres e "We' ve got loL!! of thinj!~ h e ;' e . · ~.~lI: n~I·. !!. i ~'~ :' :-:~:II ~1 k ll:L W ~h(' lin' l h.,. nUll' 1' " i~ n ificallty ncar l'i \,' Lt'hanon, J., \' ~rsus J . C, Hnd di vorce fr on) {'Hie Whitc t he de- a nd Perle M. Riley a nd C. C. Eu- o f lund . part in Washin g t on and th a t pc.op le don't kn ow abo ut" h ll ll, . ,"\-I d 1 u kl '11 ~I <k l }. " hl ' d·l o1I" l rollt ~f"" grl'~~ to Ih e I~ the l .I pn l's. CIII.plOVlL f '1lIlan l ha vmg bl'!' n f o und guilty luss, executors of the e state of V('rnon town s hips. she said. ' f 1'1'(,111 he r l'xpn " ' IIID Hilt! 10 11(' - hOII'. -r hl'y w('rc \"(:~rctl a bl y dre~s Tllf' F irs t l'itll iona l Bnnk of o f ~r l:lS neglect of duty. The case Geo r ge E. Ril ey, deceased, to se ll ,J all\eS ' l1lith t n Roy S mith, !l0 inor She ca me back n liLtle latel' with h~ .l? al h(,l·ed th :: II .~~: I\(' ~ ~nl~ n , l·d. 1. 111; (. \'~~di ~.<'d t hnt if he had Murrow, 0 .: " el'~ u s ,Joe Mc Mill en , u nd cll ~ tod y ? f the lwo '!I ce rtain Lib erty Lo u n Bon d s of I he ncrl'S in ,'prin g Vall ey. a tube of sha vi n g 'pa st.e 'I br I 1' ~"O I\ of 'O\l1(' 111111"11.111('1' 111 Llw s {'e ll t hl' m In th e ~tl'e l'l he wou ld Ma ry l\ \ l'l\lI11 e l1 and Willi a m Mc- clllidren WlI $ Kn' en to th e plaIntiff. e.ta le at priva t e s ul e. A. T . u nd D e lla J on es lo Rov n ew Inthel' brush . d" nll( hl Pra ldlY (If l lH' un der ,·o\' ltl . 111:1\'" t1H>uj.(h l th c· \" lI'e re ucce nl !\1ill Ln cog n ov il \Villiam P Abne r was gi ve n a anll VI'~ t:I ' 11. Jnck son, 138 . l1 3 The IlIst· will nnd t estament o f ,an raz or . I y . t,{'rtlucil' . . . been apurchn s- I "No \I1~l. I' \, (· I an .l ' an~ . . 1'.1lrI'l' .' wa s, l'ert:llll L:1ckey ve rs u s Harry (1'IVOl'ce [ I'om . Hu Ida Abner. where- Demas Glittery. drccllsel!, wn!! pro Url'l'S in .'u l<:' m Iwp . . ' 1 d II I.I't , I', n,,11. l' which had cvidently l'd "ecenlly fol' whe h i ' o lll ~ lll'!l rd II I hllll .. !l l1~ \\ hal .t il nlllh ll·l).( SlIlI sIl'1' III ei ther f ll(·e. I.achy f ur div orc e. Chn r ge s a l'l' by th e d l.'fend a llL was f ound g uilty du ced in court a nd admitted t o H" y find V!!St A. Jnck son t o G. th e ca _c h'c' found it ~tiHe i~~l~~~~l l th!'Y . ca ll IIl1l1l Y. nl, \I': . , h, · f r" \\'11 . Une lI'a , tall nntl r a-th e l' sto ut. the ' J.: rn~" Il<'g lec t. l of P;I'(ISS n eg le ct . of duty. The probate. W. I1 I1lI Mollil" Brunhlll1l, 138.!l 3 i n oil paper. S ha vin wa s u uin ('I I 1.11 an l· (flll l '.' f I11l·III"ry. ' "t ht'r a ~ " ghtly "\lilt man, who I \ \1'1-: 11 G I'O\,('S V(, I' S U S Zeli a pa t_ I " ustodY of the c hIldren was g iv n The L ebanon -Citize ns National aC I (' ~ in Su le l11 t\l' p. Ih e de fe nda nt until furth. er ol'de~. Bank & Tl'ust CUlllp un y by . C . f u l process in s pit g o"f 'th " PI .;: 1ha d II. li n Ihe liP ll t 1I1~ t"IIj.(U(: · a \lorc [I S hig IH'ektie th e l'o lll rs Ilf rick rol' mo ney only. Lc ,,"i <l n ~ G. nlld Me llie Mcapparently t h e r es uit ,. IS.. ~!J _ SWL'II . 0 n l1l(,. Dan t"l1 :1" '1',·11 - a C"llI'alrY ,I' ('j::' lIl1 (' ni. I !\l:1,}ge ItfltliIT ve rsus C linton W. The pllli ntilf wa s ord er ed to pay Eu lllss. trust officeI', WIlS app oint- Cl'ell l' Y l o Dny tun Rudo lph Rh c n, facto r y for ",hel s t~l!Ie sa !H th a i's It! (J nn o !" t~ 11l,I1Ie oll ly lhe Th ~.' 11I1! lIlan wbu stno d w ith his Hall il!'. Th ~ L e banon-Citi ze n s NH- Ih e dd enda nt $6 p el' week for ed execut or . No bond r equi r ed ~ 5. 52 un e;; in Harla n twp .• Wa rbrought h im ome del t o mhn ()lI~ ~· r d ay aU \lul 11111\. ' . hm·I,. t" the til'1' 1"",c!'l,rI his chin I iOl!a l I:l utnk a n d Tl'u s t Compa ny \ t hl' (' hild\'e n's s upp ort. G. F. BI'own , ClifT Brant and ren ('o ullty und 2!l.65 acrel< in stood in the do orwao; n~ er S I he 1'0 II III SI· '·I.Il t'ti. to S WIIII hr- · t \1 hI ' lJ!"1 ast 1.\I1d l u"k ~d a t L uk e I t,f L<:iJan ")lI , Th e !'popl s' Buil di ng .l S t a t e of Ohio ve rsus Jake Em- Oll1al' Hollingsw orth were mllde Wa yn e twp ., C l('rl11o nt co un t y. he r approval a gape f or (, l. ukt' l\laci(\tsl!n S f'Yl'S . Dan - f l'ol\1 und e r hl:~ eyebrows. LUNn lint! Savi ng'S Assoc i!l tio n or bJ'!'e a li us J :l ke Emery de f endant a ppraisers. ll uI'l'Y Muun t s no John M. "Keeg "Well I ' h ld h t 01l Mur e ll - a ~1I 11hdp l1 ce. IO rl n. an " I ~ lI' ls Slll lt h '?" he as ked. L ebano n Ameri clln L oun an d Sa ,· 1 plcad d gu ilty . He was se nte nc ed Th e followin g acco un ts were ap !lll, luts N (1~ . 281i , 280 , 287 , 288 never 1,· 1. ,.n \ ' I . "'['h. 'al '. ' OC ,lllt\o11 . < . $3 50 an d cos ts . He was , sMrou SmiLh know n you sl .ave ' I f "'"X- COIlVIf'l?. I t \v "~ .S 111'CI'(' I IIIJ~ Is 1\11'. "... nil' tl" I, sa .l(I 1 . '-\ 5 .[ 'I II~~ A ~~. of Dayt on O. t u pay. nnd 28!1 i1l lJ N!rfi e ld twp. proved :"and ],U b et yo u' b ' t l ef~a \(J then. s u~ldl'n l:.- hI' bad th e ~ tllnnlll l? 1' la ,(' I' 11I·lmly. a nd J( !11'l Br own . fM tliv orce' ali~ 1 ord er c d to b e impris oned in the E sta te of Mahlo n R id{! (~ , d eceas1 wouldn ' t know you l,,, . es l Ien I r~i.l hZ~t1':1l that 1,11~nty ,11101' 11 wa: . "\\' h:' l ' S 1111' iri l'a ftf yo ur cnm - . 1lIU1I Y. B ot h tcmpol'U l' y und' pcr . W UlTon Co unty j uiL • MarriRge Lic"n.e. e d fi" s t and finul. A s to this Luke ' was oCl'fe ctl hl ~ , 1I·lf,· , .. 1.(.. t .I_rt .nd. ,. ? Ing' h ,'I'O a nti, pl'et('I,H\ing' yo u're I Il1 II1H' nt. Temp ol'!Il'Y r est rain ing : ,tat e of Ohio vel'su s John Lynch E state of Fred R ll ~~p ll , d eceased JI' hr He nry Mt lu r e, ngricu ltur convinced Wllat an e't . 1' y Wha t IS hl' lli, e III np p! II I ance . ,' IJ IlI l'UO ri y yo u re no t !' u~kt'd the ordl'l', ClI Ls a nd oth er r e lie f defendant 1)leaded n ot ... iJllty. first a nd flna!. rll orUlnar ( '.I1 l\I'~CS e xtreme cru elty. . set f ol' Fl'lday . Jo' .. lIl1 klill 11 1111 Mi ~!l Ruth E ll a change a . mustache xmud e in ay \ 1'I' l'I.a I IS a. m. F.. ebruEstate of "'rnn k Bowers, d e- isl y 1'1"< ~ \. . y , F eb ruury H. man's appearance I T o hi m it lent , a r . 28. Ound \~as fix e d aL $ lOOO. ceased, first and final. 1-; l'lI Ill'th M (' \Till P ope, luborer a t~uch of the sinister- he sLolld . CClm,!,c,n Pl"a. Court . St ul l' of OhiO Vl'I'SUS Eugene Estate of Albe rt [o'ox, d('C'en cd, <I f \\' :I:; n('s \' ill e find Miss Flol'ence ~azl~g, fnsc !natod, at hi s rc nect' Katl c .H elb erge r· was gl'~nted a I GII.IIg'an ,~ e fC!ldant I?leaded not acco unt. Ion m the mlrt'or. cll vol'cc fr om Ch arl es He luerger, g lllit y. 1 naf IS set l or W edn esE s tate o f Tllni s G. DlIB () i ~ , de- S Il ~ I: ll m' Sr hOllnOVl' I', of Harv eysblll·l-:. Fl' UI'U!lI'Y \ 7. . MI'S. Fraser s eemed mo re in the; de f enda nt havi ng b e en fo und day, F elll'uury 26 nt 3 o'clock p. m ceused, first. l' a lll 1·' ul Lun Hildebra nt. cl erk ot clll1 ed to be convCl'sa ti onal t h'ln g Uil ty o f g ross n eg lect o f duty. Bond fi xed at $ 1000. Estate of Wilson ll3rlan, dei\f IIiII P\' ill e lInll M iss Dorothy she hud been before; a sked him' i [ CIlS~ (~f .'tate o f Ohio versus W State of Ohio versus- Ernest ceased, sixth. . he was manied, an d b efor e he I\. W!lh ntl1 s, d e fendan t pleaded S h~eley , .d ef~ndant pleaded not E state of J enn l' l tl' FI'auc nk- PC:II' I L!lnge n brun nc r; clerk of Ki l1 gs iIIill s, Februllry 11. cou ld a nswe r unn ou nced he r se lf n ot gU l1 tlV. Bond wa s fix ed at $500 g Uilty. TrlOl lS set for W ednesday \lecht, d ecensed, eighth. as a widow. ::itaLe of Ohio versus MI·s. W . F e bl'unl'y 26 at 10 o'cloc k p. m. "~I'nes t Evans, flll'ln er of L eban E state of Mary Vi etor iu Frank, on a nd Miss Mury L ouise Pence, "At least, pra ctica lly " sh e H . 'W iiila ll1 s, d e fendan t pleuded Bond fixed a t $1000. decea sed, fi rst and lina!. 0 f Wa y nesville , not g uil t y. B ond fix e d ut $5 00. Stat e of Ohio v ersus Paul Garda m ende d the stllteme nt. "My hu sEst ate of Emma Jan e Bl'eham , h ousekeepel' l'dlrunry J 1: band got a lifer t wo yea r s ago." Th e c:nl'e (.f I·hll'l·y Graham n er, d ef e ndan t pleaded guilty. He decllased, first. Lu c rin~ Herbert Bu e rkl e F Ol'd .She wa~ quite cheerful au ou l vc rSII Luell l.l Murray G ~orge, et I was ord er ed to th e county jail for Guardians hip of Fra nces Park'till S CalalTIlty , and Luke I!:u t h ered al th e casc IS set fnr cun tlnuance 6 months. :Ind also pay the costs hill, incompe t ent, first and fin a \. d eall' l' of Pi ge on, Mich .• and Miss t hal life had not r un t oo s moothly [o'e bruary 2 1. at 9 o'cl ock a . m. .Jud gme nt in t h e sum of $369 . E state of ISl1ae J. Eva ns, deceas Albe rt.n Ma e Bungham , mu s ic f or the wo man. Stule of Ohio vers us Leona rd Wit h in lel'c t therein a t the rate ed, first and final. l enchc l' of Leba non , F ebruary 13. "He asked f or it" she said Urnke, defe n dant pl eaded n ot of 7 ~I per nnnum from Jul y 25, It was ordered b y the court t ha t "~hot a copper and ~ eal'ly killed g u ilty. 1['l'ial is ! fo r W ednes- I n2.fl ~ nd eo.s~ was award ed t~e Hownl'd W. Ivins and Theodore Bill. Allowed him; and n at urally, Connol' dllY , F'eh l'uary 2G at 9 :00 a. m. plullltiffs WI~ham IEdward Bi niI' Curtis, administrntol'S of the lidd le t own J Ollrll ul, ad ve rti sewoudn't stand fo r that. Co nn ol' B(llld WIl fixed at $] 000 . un d R obert Mill er Blair fr om the estate of J. Marcus Curtis, decclll;- men t, $5.08; Western , tar. same, says a gun's all d g h t for the h ead s tall' 0 l Oh io vers us Ernest def e ndant G ertruqe Lackey. " d. proc eed t o sell a certain bond $5 .t10 ; C0 1U111 Ull S Blank Book Mfg but not for th e unders. Fra ser was In Ch theester case Tof E . Carnahan pl'ivate sale . ' , C l' ' lind . JDora o nes versus Char- at John D, Hoff, administrator of , 0 .. suppl eS , $ 1. 20; Columbus les J on es .et al. Hurry Z. Gray h I Bla n.k ~ oo k Mfg. Co., same. $3 .50 was appo mted as guardian ad t e estate of A exander H off. d e- LeWI S & Drake, coal, $16.88 ; The " Stea Iy yo ur mittl" growled lile m for t h e minor defendants It ceased, ·was or~ered to sell the W stern Stl1 r, ~uppli c!; , $67.50; Yc.u "Do you aec. what you' ve d one?"r c p t'.led Sm ith, savage ly . \ e r eli. " Th is bird's got a g a t - wns decreed bv the 'court that property ut not less than the ap- Ba rrell Brothe l'S, !Hlpp lie s $12 40 have got th e cl ; k..; "He.' me ." " ?' , . wh at do you think t h e old woman Cha rl es Jories is no w the owner praa sed value. . . The We ·t er n 'tnl'; enve l ~pes $ 8' 'l,'he court a~Judged that E(he Dt·s. Edw. & Ro bert Bluir m ~dieui D:l~t ), . I vo ~,c en h\lll tw o or , 1Itll e mll.1I by the door ' with ex- we nt u p lo sec hinl ab out?" of the r eal eW:ite in fee s imple thrce t imes. : . . . trao l'di nllry rapidity . I M rs. Fraser flam e d at the in- subjec t to the lien of the mort~ ~1~s0'kI1~xecutrllx of tdhe ehs Vll te of I ser vices, $ 17.50 ; F ed ern i San itaIson,. ecease , s a e x!!- ' Hon Co., s upplies Sa!l' S A SUI he dc"c l'lu ed Mor ell III h er His big companio n silenced liilll l ' ult. gage execl:lted by Charles and o n With Der>endable ''.,3 .' T · · hom · ly· I l\n~lIl1g- (· . .Th(:t'(' wus n n ! "Y fl U ~ h ut up. T' ll do a ll t h e " Old . am 1. you fa t snail! We' ll L a ura M. J ones to The Citi zens cute an a ss Ignme nt of eertam w ill 1 1110i t P b'I' Aff ~ ner, "' , rustee of dnulJl :It ti ll t Ihl~ was t he man! ta l k i ~, Cu ll y, " he suid. "You see w h Elt Co nn or s ays to that! ~a l i o n a l Bank, an d subject to 'the bonds to h erself individual1y Serum arid Viru8~ The last will and testamen t. of I s ~ ; 1~<'I U11;b~~~·s'Bla'~tteB:~~nki~tg, Il was 1II 01'e v lta ll .y n cessl.ll'y · tha.n d id that j IJ to-d ay didn ' t you' I l1e' l1 b e h el'e in fiv e minutes." l'lghts of t h e h olde rs of said mortove: that h e sh ould escape t~l ' Sm ith?" , Verdi glance d uneasil y at the j!age nnd nQ le secured,- where- J. A. ~unyan, deceased 'yas pro11., supplies $ 1175 ' Th B ~ insures both Safem court and---ed ml tled to S hop.u lies 50' S' . e. 00 enV l rO l1ln (; n~ nnd' r ea ppeal' as " I ' ve dl) ne man y j obs," said do 01'. for e Do ra E, Carnahan Chest er T. duced probate Charles S Irwin was apI ' :~ pp , c . A . Stilwell, Luk~ MaddI son. . Luk e coolly. "Bluff," h e said. " Anyway , J on es, Ralph B. McHenry and ty and Succe8s . ' " '. mOlslen er $3 ' Drs Edw & , . . .. . H IS vag u e plan s b ecam e definite "Y ou're pret ending yo u're a Con nur ca n' t comp la in if we come Cha rl es E. McHenry ar c forever po m ted e xecutor. No bond l'e qul1'- Robert Bla" ed, Warren Wood , stanley M. Sel- Ra y 0 S II', exam~n. $2,;.. · I ~e cou ld ' eave the hou se t hat f e ll ow nam ed Sm it h whom our ur ou nd to m ake a fnw inquiri e~. barred from a ny claim. lers and Arthur Hamilton were B\ " . h O ,uth, p er Dr. Robert n~l{ht see k out Hu lbert, an d t ell gove nl or bro ll g h t over fro m Au s- W e're c ntitled to a bit of informaa It \yas ad j udged by the court made appraisers. "'3 71t;;0' T~,' roph obin treatment, him t h e. tr uth. . t l'ulia- n o, I' m n ot talking a b out t ion ." that Judgement of The United . .• . ~ , ,.. est ern Star supplies At n m .o'cl ock lhat nl ~ht hc Lew inj! : he was nob ody. Swan k "Do you wa nt to se e me nny In the matter o f T. Q. ,Jorda n, $25.75. " Harveysburg, O. Slate Fidelity and Guaranty \Va.' Jl r e plll·ttlg. ~o l eave wh e rt an kille d h im. a nd he'g well dead . But more'! " said Luke, and moved to- Co mpany of Baltimore, Maryland as assignee for t he be nefit of t he - - ... - - - - Phon .. 31 Ul) eX I~ec t{) d dlfh cu lly ll r os~. He yo u'r e 1\ ot Sm ith." h e pointe d ~ ward t h e (1001'. a gai n st the d efe ndan t, Charles creditors of J . E. McCulTen, plain Unci .. Adam'. Cogitation \~as Just abo ut to turn o ut t he finger t oi th e m an al t he do ol'. Curly S mith s tood squarely in J on es , f or t he s um of $1548.24 tiff, versus The Federal L and \tght wh en Mrs. F raser appea l·ed. "Th at's 'urly S mit h. " his way . with interest at 6 '70 per annum Bank of Louisville , Ky.; et aI , de 'Mah ole' oma n don e hab de gall She c~o se d t.h e, door . behind h er, "I'll RUY I am i" "W. e wan t t o know- I! b egan £:o m ~eptem ber 16, 1 924, be re- f endants, it was ordered that t he a nd f l o m h e! m u nn ~ 1 h e gathered The li ttl e man wa ~ qu ivel' in p; Ve rdi . Vive d III favor of the plaintiff and assignee distl'ibute the funds of to. ax me foa h a new coat dis wlI1tah, Dat 'oman shoah am funt hat s om ething' se n o u s had hap- with anger : he s poke with a shrill "You know a ll you're likely to u.g a inst the defendant. The plain- $ 1720.60 to tnose entitled. William E. Hazeltine and Mos'c ny. Ah b~y ed her a coa t when w e pe~: od. , coc kn ey whine. 10\0 \\'," said Luke curtly. tiff shall also r ecover its costs. B. Hazeltine filed their r eport for wuz O1arrlhed- jist aflah Abe Lin 1 T wo of t~e Le w1l1~ c.rowel a r c "Yoll've b e n us ing my n ame" He t o ok ano th er step forward uo~\'n ~,c l ow,' ~h e sUld ttl a low - he qual ilietl the name wit h a bu t S m iit h did n ot move .' Suddenly Probat" Court Pi'oce"dinaa 1928-1929. . kum fre ed lUi- and Ah kaint · foh FUNERAL DIRECTOR vOIce .. I have n t had a chan~e !o viole nt lI<i jc ctivc. L uk e's 'ha nd shot u p , gripping t h e A. T. Wright waS appointed adThe 'L ebanon-Citizcns National d e k love of go odness·gra sio'u s Th e s tuut mun by tlie fi re re o li t tle mall and swung him acro ss minis l rator of the estat e of Em- Bank & Trust Company, as as- lI1a e out whut she wants wid R ca ll u p Co nnor; t h e phone. 111 III WAYNESVILLE, OHIO l h ~ pa rl o r, and they came III be- hul,c d .him . the r OO Ill. Jl was not n mome nt to . h dI s. i~ne e of the assig nment of Ru s- , now one nll·eady. W l'lg t, ecease<, and filed f<)I,,, I kn ew whut was ha lll) '1\ . : ' Th er.(' !lrc lad ies pl'escnt," h e cOll1JTl'omise or to argu e instinctive "!u hi S bo n'd of $2400 with Am erican se I J . Murray, assignor, flIed its 111~ . . .. _ a .ld , WIt h such solem ni t y that ly h e knew he Wa!; ta kmg the of New York as inve ntory a nd appraisement. FAMOUS ONE LINER d sO l\1 el hm g hl1lde ') unclel' Luk e llilllost hughe d at the in- r ig ht lin e a s he pulle d the doo r S uretty Company J .... C Court ap!)\'oved the r eport made Fully Equipped for Good h :S.heu~ I~a sUl'e y. . oJ. artwright, R. H. by Th e Lebanon.Citizens National l on, alld ~vh e l1 s he .wlthdrew cong l'u ity o f t he r eproach. wid e open. ' Hart sock and D. R. Smith were Guu r·anteedtolastfol'cverandever. Service. l~ e l ha nd. he . s~w . that It was a "The point is ," said th e big man "G et· outside , both of yo u!" h e made apPl'nisel's . Ba nk & Trust Company executor Lange Di8play Room . m,~ll BI.ow l1.'ng Pi stO l. " , wh o. Luke di scove red , WIl S nam ed said. Garrett Cleven ger accepte d the of the estate of Granville Decker, '!..~~ -'!!'~-"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!".!"~-_ UI'g~Ut\ th~\! " ur ,~k{' she s,a ld VI_reli , " yo u was picket] up when Verdii shrugged his 'broad shoul- appo intment of administrator of deceased. Ambulance Service -- - - --- . . _-0 1,1 . on ,," OW W lat I~C'winl!" was c hi ved, and yo u got del'S. . h . ~ y. ho e state of Jonathan Clevenger Mary S. Haines, administratrix l ~~~ fe ll ow, ,~ I e aft er. ' . yo urs to , nnri natul'nll y Connor "Thnt' s all right," .he said. "We tdeccused . Bond in the sum of of . the estate W. A. Haines, de'fELEPHtlNE 7 nAY OR NIGHT ed. In my- ? h e bega n, b ewlldel- t hollf:'ht y O I\ weI' the 111an thnt don't wa nt any. unplea santness." $20,000 was filed with Ida Cleven ceased; filed h er first, final and "I . I" . . Lew m g was s upposed to me et o ff H e WU!! s mlltng when he came gel', Edward A. Kesling and C. di stributive account. pat ' n JIJU!,rf°c<et, ~he tS~dd"lI'n - th e boat in the Lond on Docks a breast of Luke ; but Mrs. Fraser O. Clevenger as sureties, E. A. Florence E. Hopkins, adminis- - - - - - - - - - - - - - n I~' . . 0 a s ,y ou I' e .'0 ' . A n ..1. ill st l'ad n f glling to me et hit~ ha d sli :r:ope d t o th e other sid e of Kesling C. O. Clevenger and Hugh tl'atrix of t.he e at,ate of J. C. MurFOR SALE fron~Ch~~lIh~I~liI ~Ie 1t~lo k t hle s to1 LeW ing p;ot cold feet, because h e the table, and s aw the life prcser- Kesling were made appraisers. ray, decea~ed, fil ed. 'ber inventory ~~""--------"""!I'"""---. hi s h' ) .k nc s Ipp e! .1 In lo tlHlu !! h t thul th e Cnnnor lnt wero ver h e carric (1 in his ri goht hand. W . H. Whitacre accepted the ap an,l appral~oment 10 c~rt. . FOR SALE OR RENT- 8 did II p\~: ~ t. The n ne t hll1g he IIflN him f OI' n squea l. But YOU'1'e "Loo k out !" sh e cded s hrilly. poinLment as guardian of Elva K. Reeve wall appomted hO.lIse On Fifth. Inquire I'oom sc e n~10~\'itl:S I~ to cha ll enge v.::.l ~ n , not S mith , and 1'1\ l:l ke m y oath A s the de adly little stick rose, Whila cre, minor and filed his udml.llI strator of the estate of L. SIdes, Tel. 76F2. of A. , wo memb ers o f th e y ou'v e nl' ,'('r u('c n to AIl , t l'nlia." Luke struck for the man's jnw, bond of $2 00wilh Clyde and Car~1e D. R~eve, deceased and fil126 ' " II ~III !" Curl y S m it h wa s quiver and he we nt ove r with a crash Frank E. Whitacre' as suretie!!. ed. hiS bond In the sum of $17,2OQ FOR SALE- Two good Jerse :- ::::::=::::--::::=:==:::=::::=:::::"':' - - -- - -- -- In \v Ilh ('o nlc n1p t. " That fe11er n Jl llin ~t the wooden partition The la st will and testament of With Ralph B: Parks and R. C. Cows.' al so 1 bull CAlf. Eligibl~ . ,_ _ _ _,II. ._ • • • •_ _~. CGLJI,ld ll ' t g lC' t a l iving in Australia !' "'l'h ic h slepnrllted th e shop from Edwal'd S. .Conklin, deceased Boys a s Buretles. C. W. Munger, to Re/!'Ister. Phone 74F12 Farm. ii . c Su( (l cnl y tu gged !\ news- t Ie pal' 01'. was produced m court and admit- R , C, Boys ~nd V. E. Moore were J. L. Mendenhall . f26 pa per fr om hi s s id e pocket. For u mome nt he was stunned, HIGHEST ted to probate. Mildred C . Coburn madc appraisers. • I "Do you ~ee what yo u' vo done an d in th a t time Luke had jerked appointed executrix. ' No bond reIn the set.t1ement of the ,estate THRESHER SUPPLIES-BELTS CASH . ' I fOI' m e? " he hi s~e d. und thrust the Ih e lif{)· preset'ver from the m,h's quired. L. 8 . Shawhan, C. C. Eul- of George C. Buffinger, deceas\ld, pulle ys, babbitt metal, oil CUplI. RESIDENT papel' und e r Luke's nose . hand (u leath er cord attached to ass and Gardner H. Townsley were the .net val~e of t~e estate was Injectors, lubricators, steam and PRICES Luke Maddison read the para- it wa s twisted around his wrist) made appraisers $3855.72, WIth Mahna Buffinger, water gaug.. s g I PAID A' . . . successors. k' .. , auge g ass, oilerll, g r a ph which th e grimy thumb of and h e had dropped it into his. !l Illstrument of wrIting, pur ~ pac mEl, boller fluell IIUCt! h the man stabbed. pocket. . porting to be the last will and _ and tank pbm TliE on Olle PERMANENT L In co nn ec tion with this robb ery "Come on, you." He beckoned testament of Ethel E Dunham de Real E.tate Tran.lera CO 415 W J~' S BOCKLET . OCA TION I!Ie pn li ce nre seeking informa- Curly Smith, a nd the little man ceased was produced' in court' for WlUi~m and Susan Flick t o ' • am t. ' Xenla, Ohio. I tto n concerni ng a man nam ed sidled nimbly past him. probat.e. Loren J . Hardwick lot No. 19 in PIPE, VALVES AND FITT N • I S mith who landed a few weeks ago Verdi was in his feet by now, a ertili~er NotIce of estate for settlement Pleasant Plain 0 -Fo!' all I GS LEBANON, OHIO fr~~l t he Ori en t liner Pontiac." little duzed, blinking with his pale Frank SCbwYtz~r to Smith and line of pJumb·purposdea. Bocklet'. Do yo u see what you've don e ? hlu e eyes tit the man Who had are se~ for hearing February 17, at 9 0 clock a. 01, Bertha ' M Binkle 78 acres in Ii Ing an heating IIUpPHONE 8F3 Eye. Examined I I'ep (.ateel S mith savagelr . "You' v ~ lmocked \tim down. Mary Inez Snider accepted the Franklin t~p y, es are t!:;; best. The BockletGla .. ". Fitted Repaira P;,)t ~ he d icks after me!' "A 11 l'i~ht," he sa id, and went HARVEYSBURG, OHIO trust. as executrix of the estate of Mrs. E. A: Carroll and Ida E o~ng Co., 415 W. Main St., Xenia, after his companion. Mattie Taylor, deceased, A. A. Gustin to Mary .Johnson, lots Nos: 10. i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r ocHkeISt.han d tl'ayed to his trou sers heavily (To be continued)



Centerville, 0, New Burlington,O.














Dr. W,. E. Frost




': ,',



Dead Stock Wanted

Harveysburg F Company

' ron ette D Jh Z I


19 N Broadway







0"', j.N)"H~~/ I


e A




WfI. . •


===-~~=-=-:======~- -

by TERRY GILKISON,u. baat Wlord. .(t-+(!r.'.y;;., Tl-I€RG- ( RUN A~D


Pl.A'i ~ STOP ~s~i"'t:a RueSTIONS': '(ov \><.N .D W C'lJR~OS'T'''1 KILl.E9 · ~,C'~T '

:=::!==MONEY =LOANED ===

5% Farm Loans LONG OR SHD.RT TIME-EBIIJ ter,!,!. Also Surveying and Ab. stractmg. Write a1'\d 'I will call and ~ee you: Sam D. Henkle, Way. nesvllle, OhiO. . Jl1


A~e,..'D! \J.l HAT . ,~ '11',/ "


LOAN$on ' Livestock, ' ChattelJ Se.cond M,ortagel. Note. bougbt: John Harlhne, Jr., Xenia; '.O hlo••





Fa;r01ers •.Atte.ndon·

ral,'m~n of.Wanen:and adjolnln~ countlies may ' obtllin mone, loni' time loana, ,at' 15 iper 'cent In.' t, ~rellt. COllt ot I"urlne tbe ••me· ~ 'fttIt 'WO~ ' " \iOOola , Is: vel')' . l',alonable, tbroUi'~ T.M-""I:ffl 'IOU · ' , F~deral Land Bank. For turt~er 8\rr 1'0 • • ,., tuiMtr ...,<~ ttl formation 0 ..11 adelren . . KNfW .,." loll'_ ~...~ i'l!\tKE, Tteaauier, pliont 81·. j n0!lr Oldr. . ._____ . ..


youap"''''" Aq' "''''W\f


ra,..., ,.

on or





- .<



"Where S avings Are Sale"


A most s ucceSllful Fal'mer~' In stitute was held in t h" Gvm Wedn e~d ay a nd Th'ursilllY, Our stat Ta xi Driver Dropped from 228 speakers. Mr!;. C. R. Mi lnor, of P icker ington and J ohn Grierson, Pound. To 140-Dilc:ouraled H illsboro, brou gh t very in spirSub.criptioD Price, $1.50 • Yea, T he ing and h elpful messages. Before' Famoua Madicine s chool ga ve a n e nte rtain ing pro~n •••• d.I Po./oNi.,. a / W,,)'n . .. III. Triu mphed. gra m W ednesda y m orn ing and oth S . 'c on d CI ... M a ll ",,,/I •• er i nteresting entertain ment by wus in ter sper sed I ca l talen t t Ilt oug h the program including FEBRUAHY 26, 1930 music by the school orchestra. The Bap tist Missio na ry Clrcll! served t he dinner o n W ednesday and the M. E. Lu dies' Aid served On Th llrs day. In th e poster co n te ~ l the win lie I' in the grad es we r e; ht Vil'WHY CHIN E S E STARVE ;;inia Duvis,$1.50; 2nd Anna Mae TO DE ATH ) Don ald, $1.00; 3...1 Howllrd MacI I Donald 7 5c; next fOlll' receiving *------- -----_. 50c, Robert GrIlY, Ali ce Gray, Hon old McCarren . and Kennet h Newspnper dispatches :1 few MeCarren. rn the high school th e I weeks ago carri d lhe startli ng I st we n t to ·hlls. MucUCll1ald. $1.headlines : "Two Mil lion Ch inese 50; 2nd Glenn Sne ll $ 1.00; ;j rd Doom ed to Die I" Josephin e Sha mb:l ut,:h 75('; next Chin n in in the g l'ip of a food three r ece iving 50c each \ 'Cd:l Be n fllmi ne. Milli ollS ure dy ing of s low nett, Mil dred Bl: llnC!U. Dn d He rstllrvution. H und re ds of t. housnnds ma n Storer. Th e post ers wcre have all'end y d ied !:Iince Win ter j udged by l h(' ~ta t e speakers. I n begun, a nd t he re is no hum an t he cake bak ing conte sl the powel' w hic h cn n save t he rest of pr iz(;s we nt to :18t IInge l fO I:d, Fint Mortgage on Rea l E-tate Security. t hosc who arc t h reatened . Elhe l l;; tUIll P, 2nd Edith Md~ay , Yet. China is mnin ly un agriculThe beat Security. Noth in g Sa fer) s l c1evils f nod, Lillian Can. 2nd t ure co u ntry. ' a nd its p<'ople are Nothin, B.tter. Lucy Clt!aver; 1st white cocoar ut hig hl y efficient prod uce r s of crops. J en n ie Grn ham. 2n d Bl! rtla Jordan T hey pruclicl' scicntiftc methods These w(l re iudged by MI·s. Milnor ASSETS over 14 Millions Dollars of crop r otatio n and fe rli li zlltio n MR. JAM E S H. MILLER and Mn . Hi lliker an d prizes wt're lin d ma inta in t he yield of a ny donat ~ d by l he bus illCRH m(·n . giv(' n piec e of gl'o und yenl' af te r I One of the largest and Itronleat uaociayeur. W hy, t hen, do the Chinese I "No w o r d ~ of mi ne can possib ly Mr . Burge of Fra nkli n jUd~l'd I he tiona in the It a te. st uI' ve ? . e xpl'(, S!; my g ratitud e for t he cOl'n show, prizes goin g to lI erThey !llurve becuuslo' they have I \\'on<ll, .. ful rl' lief a llt! hea lt h that bel·t Cu r l' a nd Wa' t er EJli " for Why ta ke Cha nces on Get-Rich-Quick no livestock . Thllt is t he explnnll I Kunjo la guve l11 e . ~ ' said MI' . Ja mes Yellow D!' nt. Clint ClcllvC' r for Schemea a nd 10le all. liun whi ch M... Ttl'nick W. Dunl ap H. Mill el·. e mployee of t he Yell ow White " I'n, to Bob St um p li nd U . S . Assi: tu nL Secretary of C I CI I . 'au ('o mpun .y. 18 16 Locust street, Fmnk Squ ires f or M ixecl COl'll, A . Il' . . h . o . la r cs A. Lindbergh · . s'u ' . We kindly IOlicit your p atrooaae . grrcu ure. g ives, Wit c nvinc- T e/lac hapi mo unt a ins of Califonua wh gere hP~~r In .hl.s camp in the T oledo. "My ease was so severe nd to Herbert Cnrr f " r BI' , t 'fen rng ur guments in favo r of t hat ' e IS practiCing with .. lide ...... that it was given up liS hopeless. Ears in l he show. P r ize ~ we re stat ement. ~ Before I was ill I weighcd 228 do nated by business flrm s and THE "The. Chinese lack that great l== ==============;===·============-=;= l · ound ~ but when 1 st arted t h e Parm Bureau. Th e officers elected resclove of food whic h is rcpre- great herds which graze on t he ADVERSE QUOTATION Konj ola treatment I ~veighed on ly for the ensuing yellr lire: Pres. "lIn! ha! ha! There'~ goes my 140 pou.nd s. My sto ma~ h was t he Walter El lis; V. P I' s., (; lint se ntlc'd by the \lllst herds and ope n ranges not i nclu ded in f ar ms leaver , Secy., Alice Wl'lch ; T res, fl ock!! of Americu," says Mr. Dun And more tha n half of t h e a nnu a l bl'Un d n w Stetson ha t r ighl in the ca~sc oj a ll my s u/fel'l ng. Everylap. " I n a land depende nl entirely vu lue of the fa r m pr od ucts of mud. Good y-" t hmg I ate cau sed untold misery Fra nk Squires, Lady Co r. Secy ., Two Office.: upon its plant crops for food . one Ame ricn is t he va lue of l he cattle - - a nd agony . My liver a nd kid neys LiIlia n Ca rr. crop fuil ure is likely lo mean fam- hot:'s. s heep, horses m ules an d . also fai led to f un ction pl'ope l'1 y. 19 E. 3rd SL Third at BroadwaJ. Horace Ha r vey d i e d F I' iinc. Our li vl'. lock ind ustries re- an ima l by-prod ucts ru ised on t he ru 1I0AO :\1 ' (, III ~EII" )1 " ~l l- 1 " ) was. a d is('ou raged man and a. prese nt a gre,lt r eser voir of food- fa rms. 1·' A ( ·J"' "I·: I ~ . ' ~ II n1·: ..\I .I" CS I,hysical wrec'k- when K onjola was day even ing q ui te sudden ly while DA YTON, OHIO ubbin g ~tU Jll P S in l hl! sc hoo l IItu /fs, Bomelh inl?' .wh ich we may --- - - - --S"n lf'oJ I)"op'i il nl " will h e ",o{~ .. I\'f',I ' ,·e, cummen ded. Eve n tho ug h min e gr was give n as the yurd. Apop lexy draw upo n in t ime of lI eed. und IJ)' II,,· 'I',. .. SL,"·" of II" "''',. To\\'n - I \IUS a despe r,a te CIl e thi S n ew * Hhl,,: WII"""n C"".IlI Y. <'IiI 10. III Ih · nwdicine went right to wo rk an d callsc. F un eral services we r e held build up in t im e of s urp lu s. A • I 1",rr l~ " ' 1 II,r II,,· I If·,.k O'! \\'/t.)' n ~ befo re long I began to f eel better Mon(hlY uftel'tloon III Springfleld la r ge CO l'll crop i~ curried a long a I . ttIe f orm 0 f h ogs a nd YOU CAN·T PLEASE 11 .>.: 1 p. H l tIl l' \\ H \'II( ' 8 \ ' IJI,\ M " lin prove d wonderfully. chureh, yeal' or 80 In I: :-:110\\t 1,,,,,,1 lI:lIlk . Wu)' n ."ili .· 111'10 '1 Y appetite cattle." EVERYBODY I " "III norm 1·:lIsl,·r " s\ n "un,;1 '1'1111 0 lind I sturted gain ing back my lost Mr. a nd Mrs . Chas. Gray and 1vll n"f·hlll ~ .. 1 9~". (ur Ih.· f" ,."ls hl"", . weight nnd strength No\\' [ weigh f amil y called on Dr . a nd MJ'!\. S. Before livestoc k became un es- ~ ' I t f I f l · I H' u OW " ,,,,, ,·lj"l .. m~f1 1 to I,,· lI H"oJ 200 1'h ' k h ' par 0 gen era arm ng In. l lap "' (ll nl e "an!'·, or Ih " "o\hlw of . In of t ut and you will J . Ellison a nd fam ily at West se n I t a 11 1I), n " "'ow nHh Ip. I llol won del' why I am enthusias tic Union Sund ay . fn!ll in e conditions were likelY to The world is fu ll of goodnal urLl lte Iru 'k I) I'" Irn cto r ('nlJuh" · of 'Ibout Ko njola" arIse an yw here, us they formerly 'd f req ut'n t yl 'In parls o f EJurope cd pnol)le '''ho t l. y to agr ee WI'th dt' veluplng 1I 0 ,'S(· 110 Wt'r lit. 0" \ . K IInJO . IU . ' . Miss La ura Mc Kinsey of Way nes II ~ n ,II'Il" ,IIl" ,, "'I:!5 Wll h' Ncn";fi",· )S sold rn \Vnynesville I a nd with in recent years over ex- every hody. If they have /lny opi n- Wchlll ' nl ; ""1 11 Lran or I" h" ""lInl at Adami Drug Store, a nd by all ville was a gu est over t he weeknd of Mr. a nd Mrs. W . W. Welch l ·;)' . " ~IiI)\'C I te nded a rea s of Indiu . where t ho ions of t heir ow n , t hey co nceal III \\'11 Ia LiI~ ":10" 1 lhe be!<t drul~g ists in all lowns lind Mr. a nd Mrs. E . B. Dakin. religion of l he people forebids the t hem in t heir effo rt to a void hu rt ~r:~,~~~~:.'·l.~~." " I,), lh ,' 'al 1'1, 11111" , t hro ughout th( enti re section. ta kin g of li fe a nd meat food is l ing someon e else's f eelings. Bu t Un " ~"ad"r with 8 (001 "Inll 0 " un known. t hey don' t get a nywher e. They o Ill' 1 ,. 1\\''iI'h 7 foo l bl ll(lp. M i s~ Helen and Ow en H arrill In t he nitcd tates th re a re don't ga in t he respect or t he coo- n ':;:~.II~f;. L:jhll'~~l"oJ ".II'·cr~· a~ \\"nyUNCLE HA.M BLOW SAYS : a nd fr ie nd of Dayton w e re here still lIgricultLIrnl sections where fiden ce of a nybody und t hey co unt Til l' 'rn'SlC(,s wi ll (lfr ... r In (ox. over t he week-end wi t h Mr. and === === = = = - - almost no livestock is kept, and f.o r not hing, or next to it, in the ch".Il !{e ( 0 1' an y on or a ll or L"I' n· Nowduy s, w hen th e' fe ller wit h Mrs. F rank Harris. arc lile sectl'on a~ l' n IIve!\ and aff airs of t heir f aml'II'es boOne , C "'llIlp",,· nl. a botll e says OCt ke d . k f A ., ~ J a - "RING OUT, WILD BELLS." . t hos cn \ h" nI" lon ~ o 4 1- " IOx "O h' . .' .a a nn ' 0 r etu rne d nllsslona r y lrom "t""~ rll . hl'l' . . - ~ 1,8 ; It will s tra ig hte n you o ut," pu n spoke at t he M. E. Chu rch which the farmers huvc th e hal'- fi nd t heir- com mun it ies. dest tim e to g'C't ulong. ~ne of H ow far wo uld a minister get .Wlth l ll Ih p,,· 1I111i1 ~ each "Itld r It IS qU ll e pos:; ib le he is cor rect. Sunda y m orn ing . By Alfred T e nny ."p lhe IlIO t impol'wllt part!; of agric- on hi ' miss ion it he tried to makp w ll l" ~ l'X I, O~ \I' " Lv ril ~ WiLl, hi s bid Wunt my opi nion rega rdin g Io n . . ullural education in Alllel'I' ca I' n hi s nlease everybody in CII,·,·rIIlK cuch urli "l e skit·ts comi ng back ? W II The Woma n's Civic League m et Ring out, wild bells, to the wild ~' " ""on . e . per 'lh " 0 S II S it d sk" l'rul,u";!i x will b · ' n !(' rJnj IlPtl "11- so nall y, I refu se to express itWll lUI'S. ee . n e a .u r ~y " " I h f t he past forty years hus bee n t he t e eong~ galIOn? The q uestion effort on the part. of Fedel'!l1 a nd a nswers It 'elf. :rhe pol!ticia n wh o ,,11 ""l' ur n il "'IIIlp"', 'nl nh" "e bul from wha.t t he old ol' boys at afternoon. The b usrn ess sessIOn 111mg clou ( , l c rosty ltul'ul Cl l' pllrtnlell ts' I til h tle rs 11.11 of hhiS constItuents and "hI',. "lfl hill"'Iu Illusl l'o m light, . stute alrl'icu ,.,·'I. cU"u I"'"l 1I,·/tc h k ln.1 or lp- the tow n hall have to say- my. ,' cluded C ta' report Hf'II b t h e P. . T . bA.' The year is dy ing in the night · l ip is t hat they are bOlrus I onven IOn a t I s oro g ive n y . , . ' und th e agr icu lt ural co ll eges. to ug,l'CCR Wit w ate ve r any of the m nl pnL CO\,," ' ed h, ' th.· pruposlI l get s elected a nd if -J'lt p -BO:II',1 of A nd a nother t hin g- I de t hose who atte nded. Th e program Rrn g ?ut, \\,l ld bcll s, and let hun introduce diversifi d farmi ng in lo t hrnks h. e doe. s he IS even mO. r e se ldom I hl"1 ." 01.' (. 1't 0 f" I"11'" 11 1<1,1. . to .hear ' t he. ap-flop of t he- coI .m mlttee rt';n ing dI e. ('(' \d on I'll 0o" f 11Trll th e c onc-croll J'egio ns. s te e .t . . fl. l t d gave an I ente d" . . It is sur prisin g to learn that ' leno ml nll t l' d ' . Th e bus m ess ma n ".f \\ " )" '" Town _hlp. Warl'e n pl ctt)· yo ung miSS, gom g down t he pay e an un umu s ng ra 10 pro- , Rm g oullhe Id, 1'lI1g 111 t he new , more t hnn two-third s of a1l t he w.ho wou ld let ever ¥ custo me r ten ev " " I),. Ohi o. ~treet with galou 'h es Ul' zlppel'~ grum. The name of Mrs. Lula Ring, huppy bell s, Ilcros!; t he W . s. G HA 1-1,1M flopp in g t he breeze. Th o so und I BOl\"an was a dd ed to ~he roll. snow ; l/l nd Includ ed in t he far ms of t he him how to ru n hiS store wo uld \~: -Al~~~~ ain 't so bad, bu t it loo ks so dod- A~IJo~ rn ed to .meet Wit h Mrs. T he yelll' is go ing, let him go ; United lates is devoled to grow- soo n be ,bankrupt .. And the ne wsMml11e Oglesbee Ma r ch 8. Ri ng oul t he false, ring in the ing feed for IIve stoc. k. 01' f or t hei r pape~ ed itor who did not h ave !lny .I . o . ' ,\ Il'rw II tr. 11'1'. 'Ierk, . Illl~ bu rned f unny. pnsturuge. Th is in ndditlo n to t he op mlons of. hls ow n but ran Ms - \ Ho nor ing t h e !J3 rd birthd ay of tru e. papet: to S Uil t he suppQ,~cd view s - - - --- --- - - - Mrs, Eliza Thomas, Mrs. Am a nda Ring out t he grief t hat saps t he mind, Phone 93 ~~~~~~~!!"!!!~~~~~~!!! : of evpryon subflcrlbers Slarr a. nd d Mrs. Hannah _ wo uld find h'1mof =-.his "' I X ,' ~(· J . \I , IIJ·;I·OIl·I· OF 'l' II E 110 .\111.'1 OF ~'.•I)l·C~··I·lf)~.. .·· ' erCreswell For t hose t h at here we see no sell m a sor ry " ,I X en tertam e wit h a dmn at t h e more; The re is one s ou nd ru le f~l' F o . FINl·.. 1 , ' rn . (,:,,111"1( O...·""' .... r :u ... . II),~II. h ome of Mrs. Star r, F r iday. Ring out t he feud of r ich Ilml everyo ne w ho is ambi ti ou s to get ." "NNI<, 'l'o""NIII" lIu ,"1 !iI"ho,,1 (JIM•• I.... \\' ,1\ , .... " ( ' ,..,,,.,. poor , along in t he world a nd to be a r eIt Jo:CJ.: II"J'!i SA-OS S3HnJ.N3AOV A-OrN3 Rin g in redress to a ll ma nkind . ~ pect ed mc m bcr of his commu nit y Il EVI;; N E: his state and his ('o un try. Th e r ul e T aXI' . - I.oell l L",' ), Icu lll. l\, p ()f ~ . r.~, mill s len) Wh at glori OUS a dvent ures boys Ri ng out a slow ly dying cuuse, ' s ons · h lIond Inl " res l IIntl Si nk in.. fo'untl " }<'or 20 yeArs I took soda Co r IS t 0 f orm h IS or er own opinions A ll oil, c,' III' ,o~ . ~ ... . . .... ... n:'~ . J between t he ages of te n a nd A nd uncient fur ms of parly indigest ion llnd stumach gAS. The n fo'm the m in t he lig ht of r easo n Tux s- Prvc•.e ol " Po ( \IISI~Ii:';ll~'n"~i '2.6;" ;l', il'I ~ ' i~ ;·~". ·. BI~t~dj~ t we nty hav e r eadinp: T HE stril'e; AM E RI CAN BO Y.- YOUTH:S I Rin g in lhe nob ler modes of life I t ried Aclllll'i ka , One bottle and cha ng!! the m only if reasonl nl ~~~",T~~';iq., 0;" ·I',:,:,:du,·.!·I;I·c· '0' ;. I·'·l · · · ·· ······· 1:I02!. 45 COMPANION! As If b y maglc ' l W it h swee ter manners, pu rer laws broug ht co •.lple: le relie!.'· no. B , a,blv cn r vln ce d that th ey wer e lJe I Hls ltur ~' In lf' I'll N I . . . . . '" ... . . . •. . . . • . :.! .11 .( this well-kn own magaz in e car r ies . . Har(ly \I rong. a nd th en to sta nd by them I:Ho Ie "111 (,'" fo:lin r :a li() II ,, 1 J·; II ';:;I·I ~nii~r; ·:::: : :: : : ·. : : ~~~~ :g bo ys t o distan t pa r ts of l he Rin g out the want, the ca reS, the . iku r eli(" 'es CAS a nd sou r curt ' A dler ~ e?us Iy b u t . fi I'm I y. E ven those rr ' E:-;l tal ' 1,;n j~ \' e nu c world , inlroduces t hem ' t o : 111 , . .. .. .. . ................ . .. . .. . stomach in TEN minutes! Acts on ~: h ~ dlFagrci! Will re~pe ct t he man ~IIN - I : I~\ st ran ge people. let s t hem expe r iTh ~ fUlth lc 5 coldncss o[ th e BOTH 'Ipper and lower uowd, r e- I t h ho neslly und ~lI1c orely . holds ~o ,34 .'11 1,' ur 'J' ~'L li oolc ' alili H,' Clllh.l of B . or K .. ..... . enc" qu ee r cu;·t om!l a nd reve l in trmes ; . • , 80 Ye ars Exp erienee in Flttinl moving poiso ns yo u n C'ver knew 0 ,an op pos rn g vIe w. An d it IS b eta nd Making Glasses Rill!; vut, I'I ng out my 1Il 0urn- I T u t n I ~on-.n () ven li e • • . . •. . . • . .. •. .. . . . . • '. . . -.- . - - , 3U R. :1I the adve nt u res of foreign lands. wer e ther e. Don't f col with mpdi- . ~el , ~o be re~pected than mer ely -at:, . I n a Ring le issu e, a boy will f ul rhym~s, cine whieh clpall~ onl y PART of oilla ted. _ . __ r O'I'A)' Il E('l!:Il ' 1'S S 16223 .3S buttle the frozen Northland wil h But I'I ng t he Ju li eI' nlln slrel Ill . UAI,ANCE:. .I ANL, AH\· ' '1: '1'~'2':I'; " " " "" " ~ " " "" " t he bowels, but let Ad le r lka g ive - -DO li I It' l r SI and Slnlcln g' Flind . . . . . ... . , . . ..... . sled Rn d d og t eam, crosS Indi a n- Ring out fa lse pride in place and 192. J 2 HAD THE WRONG MAN stomach a nd l>Qwels a RE AL hll un ted plains in a prairie sc hoonblood Every Tuelday,, l' 'Ial O" lal1 " .... . ......... ................ . -. 1 9~ .1 2 cleaning and see 'how good you er, zoom over wa r -t orn lands in The civic sla nder a nd the spite; Saturda; feel I Adams Drug S lore. Tolfl l I: 'C ' IVLs anti Onlflll "(' . $-IC 4) -r..5 -0 an Ilrmy pla ne or on da nger olls ltrn go in t he lov e of truth a nd .Th er e wns ~ hu sky durk y on No "harle' for El'aminatioD 11'.111 Ior makm g whiskey. A- I"EIl ' 'NA I. BEII V I E : I1I Sl\i;li,si':~I'I ':N;I;~ """" . riaht, routes ~i th ~ U . .S. ma!1 pilot, ht:nt Wild an llll als 111 Af rica a top Hrn!; III Lue comm on lov c of good. . ·'W h.nt's yo ur nallle? " asked the JI tim In 1 ~ II'tILl o ,, I. l\I ~II'h ~ " H l:J o II I'd of 1;:,l ll 0nl lu" ..... . . . . .. ,. . IhO.Oil t he swa ying bac k of a n elephan t, . . I Ju d"e. 2. '",,.k . . , . .. . . ' ........... ,. . .. 1 ~5.I)O go cru is in g in a ba t tleshi p, fi gh t R rng out old s ha pe s 0 f f 0 u I (11 s- =::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ :,.Jushu u. su h, JUdge-Joshua ." 3· 14. All olh c'" Atlllllnl su'3111.n S" lnrl;, ;; ~ ;, J· \\:.i g~;, I" "ll Arab raide rs 'with t he Fore ign Leease; ; I AI' yvll t he J oshua that made Jn Htrtl Clilltl -~f (jet Back gion a nd participa te in many othe r Ri nK OUL t he nU I'rowing lu ~ t of ' i,·i.HL Pdn c IIJtd~. 'l' C' Q 'h ers et c . W. ~OlU' Str~Jl fA t he su n sto p ?" A\Il ;d l lnr~' Agr'ncil's. . . . .... . .. . . .. . . . 1l l)~ I. IH t hrillin g exper ien ces th at com e t o gold; r •• "Nu h ~t· h-I' s e de one what ~VERY MORNING .nd NleMT T~ Up"I'llLion nf S,·taoul P ill ,tmai d de moonshine." ~a;OU~~,~H~o1.;r1.~W?6N~ BOY R i l~Td,out the t houRan d wars 0 , NOTARY PUBLIC 711:' .tl(, 4:! -4 ·1. .Ju n ltn r tl, Eug h l4 p rs a n d O t h e r I:': nlploy ~s .. Dr.1Iiadier$~ MalnL!'n" " c .. o( Seta .. n l I'lnn l- -=~~=--It i"~ such experie nces as t hese Ring in the thousa nd yellrs of H,,4 7. I·:rnph))·,·s (01' :'. lnlt,L(· nall e ()If llUihllltl5s. elc. Hi.4, U . National BaDia ".ILA~ ~ ~,etable S A MP L L Rpeclul S(H"Vtl'f speace . that sharpen a boy's wits. kindle " Give me Bome meat with lots 4S. Iocctu r i' l" . .... . ... . IIUIO = ~~h'i~rR., SYRlJ 0. Ol ho,' Specia l Se l'\' k ~ ~ ··· · ·· ·· · · · ···" · h Is Ima gination, stre ngthen his Rin g in the vali ant ma n a nd free, Will DrawD • E.t.t •• S.ttJeti of fnt on it. will you, mom , please. 56 .:.!S De6bt Son 'lce ~ .... . , . . ,. .. . ... . . ... . ADAMS DRUG STORE chal'llcter, develop his under stand T he large r hcur t. the ki ndlier ' $ 1 26 9~ . 6~ 'r ulll i Perso lln l Se"\' lce .. ' . . ......... . . . .. , .. B- SUPP Ll ES: ing of the world in which he liv es hand; Wayneavill •• Ohio an d of the people that inhabi l it. R ing ou l lh e dllr kness of th e 30 . ~~ ~. T"()IIlI~,l st m li o n Ortlcc .... . .... .. . .. . : .... . :1If; . 9 . eXl .,ook s ..... . . . ,. ..... The boy in who m yo u nrc in Inn d, -::::O::.~~=-=::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::~ 6. c h un l Llhml'" Buok ' ... . . .. .... .. . . . ::6, !d t er ested- that son, n ephe w cousin Ring in t he Chr ist lhat is to be. 6. Olher Erlllca Ll ' .. .. .. .......... ... . 1M2. l n .. - - neig bbor, or, perhaps, th e Bon of 4 95 . G ~ 9 j O. r: 1.\ ~,ln Ilo',s' . : :~~~:I : :':' :".:.:.::':'.: :' : :.:. ::.:. :: ':': '. :.:.:.:,:,:.:. N.S 4 PUBLIC SALE a business associate -would enjoy 13. -?o\I~il' ~ .., ')' i i' ., .. .. . ...... . ......... .. ..... . ·13. '" AM E RI CAN BOY '$ t l4~ . 59 THE - 1o!ATJo:IUALS 1~·bHe~i A iNTI~i-i.~N· ; i~" .. ... . . . I will !\ ell at P ubli c Auction at YOUTH'i COMPANION. An atI. BlI lIIlltlgs nnrl G"O ll ntls .................. .. .. . 90. S' Madden L um ber YlIrcl. tractive gift eard b earing your The 5, Ol hel' .... . . .. . . ...... . . , .... . 1 ~7 .G t Tolul Mat el'llIls ror M R lnl"nnn ~c'" . .. , • . .. . . 224048 name will be sent to th e boy if Wlly nesv i11tl Ohi o, on D-E.Q l I PMENT REPL.\ CElMENTS · .... , . •. . ' . . . vou r equest it with your order . Saturday, · Mar"h I, 1930 Fourteen Yeara of 9 1.1 0 Then every time the mailman 6. i!~t~t E(itil'PI~'I"I~t ' Reiil uci:',;"ci,'l~' ... . . ..... . . . , Begi nning a t 10 o'clock p ro mpt 9 1.10 EXPERIENCE brings the ma gazine to his door, the fo ll owing cha t te l prop erty to E-~Ojl; T RAC1' AND OPE)N onDE I ~ SE ltvicp,',. · · · · ·· ..lie boy wlll think of you grate- wit. 50.96 n~~n lt·s Schoo l Hu ll dl ngs .. . . .. , . .. . . . . , .. 41.56 ruBy. . T~t~t ~t:~ll ~' ...................... . .. ..... .. 4 good well mat ed Dro! t Horses 2.S5 17. A d"llrl lsp c .. ...... .. .... .................. , Subscription prlcell are only 2 good He ife rs, a complete set of 2 1.1 3 $2.00 for one year and $3.00 f or Farm Imp lements, 3 Wago ns, Har11.17 l=ffh'I,~ n~ .'~ ~: .:.: ,: .: .: : .:.: .: .: .:.: ,: : : : .• : : : : : : : : : . : : : : : : 24 .00 three years. Your order can be enP otato S praye r , Hogs, _. . TO lltl onlr nct nnd Op" n '01" 1'0'1" 'S~r'; I'C(: '. '.'. ".'." 151.67 teted at the office of t his n ews- ness. F'- !' IX EO C HAHO I';S. AND CO NT Htn l1'I ONS ' . Kitc he n Ra nge ·· and Buil din g paper or sent direct to the publish Materilll s. 3. In surnnce. , . r.. Teach ers R c Li ;, cn;~,;i. · CO·I;t·riimi io,; · ··· ..' .. .. .•• 100.iii 41 2.66 er s, THE AMERICAN, BOY- .T e rm s mad e kn own on dny of sale 'rotnl 1·' lxed Chllrges nlld Contrlbul·l·o·,·, ·':·· . " . . . r,13. 41 YOUTH'S COMPANION, 660 W. H-DEBT SERV J E : ~ . . .. . . . WayneavUle, Ohio Lunc h served by Lad ies Aid of Lafayette Blvd. , Detroit, Mich- t h e W ay n esv ille M. E . Church. .I. BOllda MlIL url ng 6 4~ ~ . 2. 111 1erest 0 11 BOlllls': : : ~ : : : : : : : . : : : : : : : .' : : . : "::.' 10 ,. "26& Service on your subscr iptio n will To-til...l OUT Oe bl !:!c,.vlt-e u. W . H. MADDEN 750.62 s tart with whichever issu e you I.-C.!\ iPl'(J\r r..,AY : ... . ..... . .......... .. .... . Mart in & Stanl ey, Auct .· speci fy, O. ~" l lIlr)lll nt Cor N ~ w Schoo l B " lltling ~ 13100 W. E. O'Nea ll , Clerk. ; . 6i?I~~)lll e nL for Olcl School BU II ,ll l1gs : : ::::: : 199:98 --....,-• TO l OI Cilpltn i ' oli ·1··;··· .. ·· ... .. . ............ 68.47 r 40U5 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT [, OTAr~ O I SBUHSEMI9N T~t1.l . . , , . . . ,' ... . ... . ... .. . . . $ 15982.0 1 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT BAlO\ NC(;:. 010: I9Mi3 Eil 31st. · i9iti~·· ··,· ; ,·· · .. . . . , .. Estate of Emma Wright, de. ' n ral F ulld ... _.. .. .. .. ... . 1'\703 l;I~nd lnl rest Ilnd Si nk ing f? un d'" . ... . .. ... . .. . •. ' . TOlnl Bn la nce .... • ......... ::...... 29G.~O , 433 .4 9 cease~, . Noti"ce is hereby given that ~. Tolnl DlsiJ ursc lllt!.ntll .nnd Bll la nce .:::: .. : .... : ., : :: : "I G41 5:50 T. Wrigh t haB been duly appoint' A. SE~SA S!!fE'I'~ A N D ·.,IABH •• TI ES ed and qualified as Administra'nsll . . .. .SUIlIlIi : .... . .. s. ..and··M .•. l:nvenlol" .. · :· ..··, ,· · ,, ·. '. ..... .. $ ~3a.i9 t or of the Estate of Emma Wright Lnnds (~ llll . Mel lnls .. . ...... ".... r.Oo,OO lat'e of Warren County; Ohio, de",ul llllnga ij ( Bt \ .. : .. . .... . . .. . ",. . . . .. ".. . . 1600.00 ElquJfllllell L ( 0 t8~ . ,' . . .. . ... . . . . . . . . • . ". '.•- ... , .00.00 ceased . . 'rotll l AI! O~ ) .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . l 500.00 . Da ed this 13th day of Febru· . 124 3S . ~' [.1''\ RlI1,1'r lES-. BC • ' . • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • ': .~ • . : • •• ary 1980. W. Z." ROLL BoT"otl~~ Erb~IlI'li""''''''''' ' '' : .. .. .. : ... .. " .. 128 . 7~ $ 1288.72 Iil:orc 1:18 or Def lc la nc,Y QCr"A ' 8" 08 t' .......... . ' .' . .. I ... ,' . , " Judge of the Probate Court, $l1HM 7 •• •• , • •• • •• • •• •• • • " ••• • Warren Count)'. Ohio. I'll hbOl . Dlatt'fc t P . O. j\·dd re•• Harlleyal.lur g Ohlp li'ebruar" l G 1930! B. F. Harwltsj Atty •• Middletown, ccrtl (y t he torelf'lln " repor t to " cprrel'i.. ' . " Ohi~. _ . __ _ ' .1. W. DAVIa, C l j~rk. Boud ot EducaUoll.

D. L. CRANE Publi.her ODic. Pboue ...... .~ .............. No. 112 RH ideDce .................... .... .. No. 118

""'0. ".



\ ,




Abs lute



West Side Building &Loan Assn.












rl.K ~'11

T""~I~e~ ,:(.~~,·ve.







Th~ fl~






Took Soda for Stomach for 20 Years

----_ ..

Waynesvile, Ohio

DR. RUDOLPH • Sight Specialist






Cary'sJewelry Shop




l Tlred.? p


---- -




DR. L. B. HALL Veterinarian


Printed at the Gazette of·' flee this y~ar have attracted . gr.e at crowds to the sales. Better let us do .your bills


ill 11:

Reliable Vaccjnation'


Phone 76F4

--- -------,,..-

. _...


"The Orange and Black"



Sent It,I by Mt'. Edgar Sn,i h, of Waynesville becomes t ~ e na me of the ' Restaurant- 'at the TrC:'lf11c Light. Mr. Smith will receive the Three Pound box of Maud Muller Chocl'lates by calling at the Orange and Blt.ltrk. OWing to the great number oi na mes sent in we are unable to than' each contestant personaily b ut thro' this annoucement we wish tn thank every partidpa nt for the interest they have shown in t~ L e contest. Cor(J iall ~' ,

~=-== '-:--?

:I1 \'~ I'H.

LYTLE In' .. J. R. J hn!l o nd Mr . y th:ll' lelo n arl! un t he ~ ick




Rouilzer 'und Ii t. I MYC'I' II. mllil "llended ~cOltjllh I TOIll r.lull- ni of Mt. I'ob wns Hite ;:le i I'ie : in incinnnli, Thur. _ (linnc i' g Ul':l Jo'I'iduy of hi!' brothel', 'h: 1'1('.'\ lullcnix and wil'e. ' ,\11' . l"r~ I Mohun untl da ughter day. Mr, an,1 1\fI'!I. R Q. I·O. S lind Ind MI's. Lndna Fox of Five inl Rp nt SaturdllY with Mrs. 1\il'. R, , !'USB ult tiel d 'th ' I• I',liLli' :lI'CY. n 1':11 of U11 aunt in Bl'uwn cuunt / Tim L:IILOI1 und family moved todl\y, frum . :::;ugnl' Cl'ee~ Sutul'dllY to ns lind family the Ide fllrm cast of here, which 1\1 I'S, Annie Gibbo . ~ [ ' Idl he hc pur(~has ed a year or mo rt! ago. spe nt UII d uy 111 'I Ie etown , t !II I'S, Forest Grnhul1l und dllughgu Rts of Rlll ph Og les by lind tel' UOI'rJ( hy, "11 nl the Ill sl of the family. wC'l'k wi t h i\ll'. nnd Mrs, !:ill!! I', . llIan ()yk{' in Duytun, and SHtUt'Iln you think u n e l\' ~ pape l' I'e ,la y allende,1 Ihu fUlwl'n l 11 1' Mr portu l' h,, ~ n rig ht to a P l' W in the Th ol11 llS0 11 there. ' (!hur~ h '! 1{"ba Iln.llltl\)ck. a s Mrs illr, Llnd illr~. J ohn FUll V!! I' of i\I IJ tl,·y, CIIII It-II )'O U, "Welt. did I I yo u E\' 1"1 " , C lI.m on \\' (' 1". ::;nt\lnlllY (!vC'nill g ~u(! sLs "f II'. IInli 1I11's. William C" I!' llIan Hl,d , Iiss 'l'1ll'lmfi. I\Ir ~ , Anlln ad\\'lIl1adt'1' and il l 1\1 bs ' I:uu e attended the fun I' , ant! M I'S, l!:t n'e .I' Gruham "rnl g('l'vk cs I'm Mis.~ E li7.:lul'Lh sp li t Thurs dn r in J)ayttJn . !I ll'. "lid :\II'~ , Allt' n 1':llIrick und Spahr in X niu 1I10nclay aftc l'I\o " n 1\11', 1111 I 1\l rs, WII Il l'l' Kenrick , Shuuld n min i: le r borl'llw 1'1'011 rhll rl,'s II lid II. i\l. 'lurk uttend .. d 1 t he, fllnN tt! of All ie 1\Ic cu I III I h e hI'll th(,1l '! See Haymo n lI at• !i!'ld, n,' I he 1IIi ll isl I', clo it in "W,'II, dit! YOII E\'I' I"?" at thu Gym illrIl ch 7, ,



- --_.

A hi ief S unllay lIig-ht ch urc h d(' l!s nut nIJ ol\' sutlkil'nt tim!' 1' 0 1' Ih e llihlc ( 0 peak " 11 tli' wl,o le r" alIl1 of n ' lig-iull but il \\'il1

Coyle's Qll1alityMeat Values

~ (, l'\' i ~u

hr i ng' out

"O Ill L'

il1tl·t'(' ~ tillg

f:u' ls

111uch m i~ ulltlcl'~ t() ro d 8ubj r c t S unday rii ~ lt l at I h,' Ch urch uf Chi i~ l.



T hi s

Don't daiS t!lese !ow·~r...iee qoodyearg w - tll ::heaji1 tires

~lr. un d, !\'II's. ,/. C. Ha wke I Ul n d home Thul' ~ tll\Y aftel' 'a l,lc' lI ~ant d Hit w ith II II'. lind Ml'S, \y, n. Math er d Brownsvi lle, T I '" a ~ , and !\I r. ami III!'!;, Thud Zillllllel11lHn of Pharr. Texus. Mrs Mary H (\pkin ~ Il l' llayto n , who lICcll llIpanil'd tll(' Hnll'k p's sou'th I'ema ined for :' 111111'(' exten ded vi s it with MI'. :lntl !III'S, Mat lieI'.

Round and Loin,lb.35c Club Steaks, lb

32x4 ·






S •• ~s 3015.00


Trade your tires thnt SLIP fo r tires that GRlP. Put Goodyear Double 'Ea~lcs or AIlWeatht'rs on your car n ow-sllve moneyprotect YOl!rself on s lippery roads-and still have " new tireR" for Summer driving . Come in and we'll explain why this is the best time "f the year to 'trade.

Gordon's Service Station Phone 47,

Chuck Roast, Ib , 24 j1c




28c Baby

Ground Beef, lb , ,23c Tw o pounds for ,j5(' B eef Roa sts cut from Baby Beef,

JlGouate" F u

30c , , 28c

Swiss Steak, lb , " ('tit from hould er BeC'f.

.cecll-AII Pintl-Corelully



ChlLlck Steak, Ib

.taIIUrd Lifetime Guarante.-I'r..b



Reef); tea k ' cut fl'Om Baby B ef

We cnn l'UOVB to yo u th::t GooJy ear Pl t hfind ers are SU I' E!ClOIt to mall), h ig h-priccd t.ires. Only GoudY(,llr, ll ec:alfic of huildinl; more t han % of nil t ires Rolli in Amc rica, can ofTer s uch fine tires for so little.



Do n't forg et OUI' dclivC'ry Sl'n' l e, W hay e al'l'a l1ged for a pl'om(Jt tl cliv,' ry on pholle c,dls. Our ments lire hOllle dl'ess cd ' und bes t of quu lity w.j th I'c:,s( ,nnble pr ices, Phone No. Gc.. We 111" handling a nice lin e of 'luatity Pres h ri ~h li nd Oyst ers for Lent ~lnc1 n good a~,'o r 'lmc n t.

reo '


iii ... and Mr8. Walte r Ken rick lind - Mr ~ . 1'l uineS l'ntertuined to dinl1llr Fl'iday, lIIiss SlIru Bowma n 1\1 i 8~' [lerthll Ri el, Mrs, A 1I1!n Emric/;\ Mrs, W, 111. Colemu n, MI's. lIlul'g"lI·"t ,J uhn s und Wend ('U SlI li s bury, MI'. and Mr~ . Claud e Lew is a nd f:ulli ly, aft or living nn the Stllcy f:ll'lll ["I' 1\ num ue r of yell r!!, m oved W e dne~ duy to lhl' HUt'ris fa r m o n Social Row , vacated by Pullll l' l' !:ilrcnlcy und family. l\Ii 'l\('S San) Bowma n and Berthn Hi ch werl' C' nL'(' rtaineJ to dillnel' l:l ~t week, on Tu esduy lit the home nf M r~ ,.1. B, Jones, on I'hursday with Mrs, Will iam ('I'I' i/dlloo n !lnd MondllY lit the home of MI'~ , Fl oyd Savage. !\'II'. nn d !\II's. Genr~e Gray, S r, 1\ ill l110v e to till' Stacy hom>!' vacatl'li hy th e Lewis family and MI'. ,11l l! Mrs. Lesli e Gray anel ~o n will 111')V C' in w ith Mr, nnd Mrs , Albert ~tll 'y , ill the nell r futul'e. Mr , nntl MI'5 . J oseph Miller of Spl'ing'uo r o and Witlium Haine s of B~ l mont visit"u Mrs. Georgianna II nin cs Thu rsdllY afternoon . Rev. Scar'lf of pringuoro preach ('(I lit Lyt le church Priday evening and a nll mher of me mbe rs ft'o lll lift. }-I nll y church attended the erviee. MI', und Mrs, Wultl'r K enrick lin d 1\Irs. W , M. Cole man were Dayton vi ~ it o r W ednesday. Frank Roge rs hus purchased t he Bunnell hous e a nd sto r e r oom com bined, ut Springbor o and m ove d t here Wedn esday , and later w ill move his sto re' goods fr om th e SiegfJ'iEd r oo mS. Mr. lind Mrs Low ell Thoma. of Midd le town have re nted t ho Roger s' property. MI', an d Mrs, Cillucle Lewis an d fami ly wc re tendered II surprise Satu r dllY eve ning at t he home of Mr, an(1 Mrs. ' Alber l tllCY, Tho se present were: Mr. a nd MI's. Will Null a nd dnughtel' of prin gboro, MI'. lind Mrs. Dearth S heehan and chi ldl'l' n of Five Point, ?til'. and Ml's, Frank Kur'fus a nd children , Mr. a nd Mrs, George Grllhllm and grandua ughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Grny, Ben Hawke and childrc n, MI's. Margaret Johns, MI'. anci Mrs. Geor ge GrllY, Sr" 1\h-, and Mrs. Leslie Grny and son


,!, ,, u 11111 \' " ", k for ~o m(! ~ II1' I)J'i s - 1 in/.{ 1'\'\'l' I"t io n,' wit /' ll I hl' Bi b l' is "lIu",ed t" " " '1I'II k flll' ils(,lf." Th is i ~ whill will hUP ll 'n Sunday n igoht ~It tit" 'h ul'eh of hr js t . ,






enterville churt'h Tuesday- afternoon, Mr, and Mrs, Floyd Savdge and fam ily ultellded a birthday dinner In honol' of lhe Illtt I' mother, M!"!,. Belle Dinwiddie, nt Wllyn 'svi lle . , 1\1 r. und M~'s, Chlll'les Ellrly an d chi ldJ'en Silent Su nday wi l h Mr, lind Mrs. liles Wntkin& neal' CentOl'Ville. Mr, und 1'111" , Hllrry Gl'aham and Mr . Kosier Graham spe nt MondllY afternoon in L\lban on. Mr, und Ml'.", Pllu l Brown lire both r ul s iek with the grippe, M r, and Mrs. Ed d Longacre lind Mr8. Agnes 'Swlln k a'nd sons spent SaturdllY with r eilltives in Cincinnati, Mrs. lien Emrick roceived word Monday thnt MI'. UII (/ Ml's . L on ,ali sbury a re both s lowly improvi ng sin ce t.h eil' recent uuto

Waynesville, Ohio




R u mp & Rib, ' Ib.27 Bone d nnd r olled if wnnt ed .

T his is one of the J:: reatest tr:we oi('!'. of :llodern life. Men Dre J'vl ~';Lti.lj.;' how to walk. They travl'l by taxicabs a nd street C91" ; t hey tl'llvel by aU lomouile; they project t heir p erso nalities over II telephone wire, But Ih ey d o not wulk. Th W' is :l double lnss in t hi s A I ss in hralth, first, Mo st of the di. eascs of modeI'll men originate in the inte st in~ . Por merl y men and wome n wal ked eno ug h to keep th stomach muscles firm, t he intes tinl's hea lthfully ag itated Now men and women even more so- s it al l (luy slump cd in , Ger ms "ettie U w n ins id e them gludl YI and ()eath, hi s work mn de ea~y f Ol' him, luug hs. Thel'c is another loss, eq ually g'l'enl. A los ' in m en tnl kee nn ess li nd mental wealLh. Did you ever ta ke a walk in the cou nt ry wit h . omeon e who knows l'l'll lty linw to wulk'! Someone o f the typ e of the n at Ul'u li ~ l L in nue ufJ, f or ins tan ce '! Linnll(,us walked into Oland, found t he Innd s of the furm ers ruined hy ~ an d blown from th e

Beef Short ~ibs Ib 20c Fine for Bake or Boi l. Pancy Pork cuts

English Cut Pork ROlast, Jb . , . . , .' 23 lL2c /~

Pori, Loin Roast, Ib

, . , ' .. "

Pork Chops, Ib



Splare Ribs, 2 lbs



1 ver



S. , , , "


Bacon. Ib ,'\lira!' cllred 2 Ib, p iece or mOl'e

23c .


lb , .


Frank,;_lb . . . , . . ,

I of I

bellche ~

' " 26 ,Y.;c

Pork, Steak, I b , , , ' ,25c


Minced Ham, lb , 30c H I! di scovered lhul the roo ts a n beach grass were long a nd firm:' he tll ug ht th e fllnn el's I Bologna, lb .. . . , 23c to sow lhat grllSS nlong the bellch' l Liver Pudding, Jb 15c !lnd so preserve their lilnds fr om ruin, I PRESH PI SH, HI.' walked into Th orne , -a nd found that II cel'tllin period in I Steak Fish t lb . " 2Bc every year t he cattle felt 'ic k and eli · d. C~t Fish, lb. , , 33c It wu s u c urse, t he pl'opl c said- , t he act of n 11g-l'y s pirits. ' Fillet of Haddock ra~~ t c~:i n ::~~~~~re~x!l l~in en~x i~~~ I' lb" , . " . , " , ,.2Bc wee d, a nd s howell the fal'mer~ how F.'esh Oysters t he work of nn(! la !.Jorel· for Ii few clays every scason wou ld root it Pint 33e Quart


NEW ' BURLINGTON Mr5. 1', n. Smith e ntertained t he S unshine Bund on Saturday. Th e 4- H Sew ing Club a nd families held a furewe tl social for MUl'gene und Albe rta Smith , on W ecln esd'ay evcning , ' Miss Marjorie Haydock is the j!uest of MI', a nd Mrs . W , D. Larkin und fllmily of Damascus, Ohio Mr. GI'UY is teaching for Mr, Bruddock in th e udva nced grades he re . . Mr. Braddock has been confined to hi s hom e by illn ess the pnst two weeks, Miss Virginia , Dickinso n of aledonia ancl Adams Dickin so n Jr., of Columbus s pe nt the week; e nd with t heir parents, here. Rev. Kilmer has been for ced to lflke II few we eks r est, on account of ne rvo us trouble, He and hIs wife ar c the g uests of rela ti ves at Sn l'cliniu. L, L . McNeil who has been 11\ f or several wee ks, died at t he home of his da ug hter, Mrs. Harley Carback, Saturday evening, Func l'lIl services were held in the Fl'ian us church Tu esday afternoon Priend s of Miss Eva MIll s tenderecJ her a showel' at the hame o f Ml', lind Mrs. C. H, McKay. on Satu l'ulIY, S he WIIS the recip ient of mnny u ~e ful and beautiful gifts,





Tremendous Baraalns f,o r You '-----=-="--- -=-= : :.- ,====

Take Advantage of Big Reductions The price of eve ry article on t h'is sal e has been redueea ' between 20 pel' cent Qnd 26 p el' cent, SlIle' ends Saturda~ ni g ht, March 1.

-- ------ --

--==- -=- -=-,,=-'- -Duska Foundation Crean1


Cara Nome Perfume

Given away with every box of Duska Face Powder. Choice of 4 shades Birthday Sale Price, both for

Charming Miniature bottle given away with e very bottle of Cara Nome Face Powderchoice of four shades. Birt,hday Sale Price Both for



Janteel Face Powder .. 39c Maxi xe C~erries lib, 49c Janteel Vanishing Li gge tts Chocolate Bar CrealTI . 39c )·2 lb. 25c Klenzo Shaving Cream29c LeReve Stationery .. 39c Rexall Dental Cream .. 39c CharlTIova Stationery.59c Klenzo Dental CrC!alTI,39c

Tooth Brushes

Puretest Rubbing Alcohol

Excellent acs -, rt 'lleni: all the popul a r s l yl l" swith colored c e ll u loid handles. Ev e r y brullh a real value, BirthdllY Sale price,

Unsurpassed for rub· bing away sorene88 and 11\ rr: (> ness, bruises and spr-Bi ns, full pint Birthday Sale Price


4'c ${.19 $1.39 $1.39 39c 98c

Rexall Hot Wate r n o ttle Defender H o l 'Iv" t e r Bottle Defender F(;l:n~ nin 5 yringe Gauzets, box of 1 dozen Electric Curling Iron

ADAMS The Sale Drug Store Wayne.vUle, Ohio

Phone .%0


Read all the Ads. in the Gazette 1#

Miami Tbeater Where the screen Sing8 and Talks - The best 80und and talking in the Miami Valley ThursdllY and Friday, F ebruary 27 lind 28 JACK HOLT , LILA ' LEj!: and


"FLIGHT" An nit talking Drama of the Air. A companion sOOrll-to tile picture of 11 year ago "WINGS", if you liked "WINGS" YQq are eure to like "FLIGHT"

,- - - - - - - ----,-- --

Sunday, March 2nd and MondllY , March 3, EDWOND LOWE and CONSTANCE BENNETT

Did You Ever


to Thin!"?





A dl'amatic story of evel'y day Life 'D. S, Smith, Publisher of The Fort William (Ont,) Times J oll1'nnl, says : a~ "Did you ever stop to think CIl "ele, Country Butter that buying lit home resolves itCreamery Butter, self into the matter of supply and pie. Ope n every night in the year and at' all times the best of price? It is pretty hard to get .-- ~-----------Mrs. Jones or even Mr, Jones to Picture Presentation Call Ua, Wo Deliver • bP¥ at home unless the goods rePhone No. 66 q Ull'cd are available and at a reas onable prIce, "I Imagine that every mel'chant should give a great deal ot thought to the question of wheth· er or not he Is 'hlttlng the bal!' of public service by attractively - displaying his goods, honestly ~~!~i~l~gt~h~m~nd adequately ad, liThe merchant who ,does aU it t hese things in full and then some ' is a real asset to his community :ou never know, when they will come, but it is mighty nice to H~me and reserves the best support In n11 his undertakings. He Is the Plastering, Chimneys have adequate INSURANCE In 11 first clUB eompany to PAY. stop-gap to the mall order house, Stuccoed and Repaired is furnishing a labor market, ill your losses, helping to hold Illbor .in the in. Puper Samples, Work du stries of the town and Is makThey are more prevalent in the SPRINGTiME but may come il'!g his t,own an attractive shollGuaranteed. See us. plllg center, Other stores wlll tolat any senson of the year. 10\0; his lead lind much good to all will result. • "It seems to me , w e often ask , rl It will only cost you a fey{ dollars ' to have ample protection , for a spy gll\ss t o .f ind the ' cause Corwin, ,Ohio in one' of Our very best INSURANCE COMPANIES. of our trouble when the real cause , . -~ ........----.:....s can , be found close at home; ~ ',!he real successes in building FOR , W.INTER DRIVERS up businesses appear to have been made by those who had the ' Idea '1;his tombstone is ' for Jimmy " , ftt\J ' of building up soniethlng wlilch 'price ' would , fiJI 'a need of the commun. ' Who dro-ve his car on slippery ice ity. Every etl'ort was made to fill -' an up- , Ftc t.a!ied to stop UPon a slope WANTED ' t he n~ed adequately and of course Re leased ' his ,clutch. Orash , Banll" the dollars Tolled in afterward as No. hope. , WANTEP-'-T0 BUY 4;v Ib, II certain result of the public'lI " - , Wayne.ville, Ohl~ Phone 61F2 young Pullet!;, 25c, 2 to. 3;v lb, approval." l Watch your expiration date on the ~. ......,.., Fryel's, ?Ilc, also , light and lieavy _ _ _ _~_iooiio--_"!~.........--~~-------__:~--' '-rhe Miami Gazette ~ f26 Subscribe for The Mialbi Gazette hens. Will O. Gustin.

The Making of a Home With all Its Aceessories, such as Lumber, Fancy Shingles and all th goes with the Beauitful. For an estimate on the same, cal1

In his walks he examined a nd catalogued 8,000 pl ants, vege.!, tubleR, and fl owers, lIow many plants, vegetables" and ft \>wers do you t hink you could iil enti fy if yo u were to see t hem in t heir nllt ive state? "Few men," said Dr. J ohnson "k now how to tnke n walk ." ' , B~ t those favor ed f ew enjoy a glono us und ~sterio us privilege. To discover ,vhere the violets fir, t bloo m in t he springT o be IIble to tell directions in t ~c woods, by knowing that large Pille trecs bear numerou s branch es on theil' so uthe rn s ide'-Qr ~hat grass grows on t he !\O\!t~ ' J(le of ant- hills and whortle bernes on the n orth' There are few plells ures mor e r ichl y sati sfying; none that psy larger dividends in he nlt h. T he man Who goeR in the co unt ry once a week is a better citi ze n t han the man who n ever does even ~ hou~I,1 his eyes see nothin g mOI'e InsplJ'lng on h is walk than u go l I' ball. r<:la bby Jeg' usua lly m ean flabby bra ms. ' If yop would think clearly, sp ellk t<!l'cefull y, wOl'k effectiVely, et o ut 1Jl ~0 t he co untry when you can- and walk, '


Br"ad, Cheele, Pickle., Olelornnl',..a rine, Cofree, ' Freah Milk , Cream, Cottage

The Miami


Franklin Welcomes You

Coyle's Meat Market

Windstorms ·Cyclones •Tornadoes

PA Pf R HAN61 N6



' t ' CI a La e 'ssifiod Ads

Waynesville, Ohio




17 ,~c

Fresh Callies, Ib





. 'Gener~1 in8tir~~e

--- ...

.' , ",-

Eighty-Third Year '


NEWS DIRECT fROM THE STATE CAPITOL COLUMBU S, Orn o.:.-Though the mo t ol' vehicle license season, us applying to t r uml( licen ses, is ,Yet in its curly stageR enough appltcati ons have ueen received to dat e to wurt'unt l he I>rophecy t hat the annu al r eve nuo which will com.e in to t h(l Bureau of Mo Lor V e hl(~l es during llw tw elve months ending Uecc mL er, I \)30, will exceed a ny pl'ovio us yc ul' in the hislo ry of the BUl·cnu. Th e u ~ e. 0 r t he we ight slip system. orIginated by Sec r c\uI'y of State <;:la re!lC e J. HI'uwn utt der whose dlrectlon the Burea u function s. was in 1929 res punsible f or a vast increa se in truck Ii ce n ~c receipts and th e total of th at ye ur b}ds fair to b.c alm o~ t dllubl c in 1fl 30. Th e wOlght shp I' V ~ t. · ttt prcvcn t!! fl'lludul cnt stat e· I;w nts being writt on into th e a p· plications and , mosL imp ortant . of a ll . ussures a fail' b lt~ i s of t ~x u \ lO n fOI' cvcry tl'uck ownc r. b lg an d little.

A Pictorial Editorial


.Whole Number 5899


A.1ber, T. Reid

01' th.e. I Au*r. ArtJsi, .a.M Colft,~~r, the f'u\ds its ~rta.innwo.t, illfOrrn.ation. ~

Rchool \\'as dis missed last Fri- 't day f ot' t he Warren County Basket Bun to urn a me nt which was held It Sprin g boro.


Thetc Cred.ion.s repro-

--- -

kAt pmpU'e.,! t4 tk.ose wh,o prod,,~

McmberH o f lhe Senior class are . g'o ing to Dayton Friday to have t heir p ictu r es tllk en, at the Cornwell Studi o.

(MII\' .


• IF SOME FO\..\l.S K.NEW W .... "T O T ... el\ FO\..K.S RI1A\"L-'f ,.HOU C. HT Aaou'f" 'er-~ -rH e 'f WOUL-ON ' T BE I

\\{. K . Henderson. who run s St .. ;v ll KWKII at Shr eveport, I.a

50 4N~IOI.IS _ TO £;Ie: NDTIC"P.. ~

lid ~ ay what he thi~k~ allout chai l :.. I '·S ;.nd other thIng s has 1)1' 0 10. ". 1 il.l· Radio Co mmi ssion to cu t " III I,. vla nit)' anti blaSlJhcmy. ._ 0 __


Ilig' h Sc h ool Flludents on the Hano I' Ro ll t his month are: Dean Ha wke. F t'e~hmnn; Verden~ Fox, . ", opholl1 ore ; Chal'les Whltaker: Juni or; ; Th elma St. Joh~ ana r;ath erin e Brunstrator, Sentors. Th e Wa rren County Oratorical eonte st will be h eld at Lebanon, ;\I urch 28 . Waynesville is sending cont estants frol!l each gToup. ; ~a c h lIig'h School In the Conntl is a lso supp ol'ed to offer one mus· 'a l nUllliJer . . T hc local cont est will probably lJe Mar ch UJ.

_. _


T Gilul'rt Pearson, New York , prcs'illelll of th e Natinnll l A l!d. u lJo n Su c i e ti e ~. will be the PI:Inc ipal spea ker at a Conservation banqu et to be g iven th e ev ening of Marc h 6t h at the' Deshler -Wllllick H tl'!. Columbu s, fo ll owing t ht' dll ytim e !lessions o f th e ConservlI li un conve ntio n t o Le held on that dute.This is n cull ed gnthering of nil llssociation s, leagues, clubs and othel' s polting and prote ctive org nnizations f ol' the purp ose . of formulating a . new con servatIOn prog rll m in Ohi o along lines laid down by legi lut ion enacted 'a t the r ecent session of the Ohio General Asse mbly. Governor Myers Y. Cooper, Director ot Agr ic ulture P erry L. Green and onservatl on Co mmissioner John W. Thom pson will be oth el' s peakers durin g t he conv ention.

Fran!.lin Boya' Win County Tournament, {

MI·s. C. M. RuL it zer is spendin g Th e eighth nnnual Warrt'n:' a few d l1Y ~ in Columbu s. C:o untv lo u1'llament was won bY;; Fra nklin wh en they defeated! Mrs. Hurvey RYe has been ill Mrs. W. E. O'N eall was L M3son by u scor e of 26 to 21. in wi t h t ons illitis. S pr ingbo ro vi: il nr this week. .he fin a ls whil e lhe Morrow gIrls won th e girl' ~ title. Mrs. Eurl Conner was a Da yton Wa lte r Shee hlln r eturn ed Fr i· Wayn esvill e who drew Frank· visitor Wedn·esday. day fro nl a busin (·ss t ri p to Luding lin a the ir first round opponent!l lon , Mic h. in t he t ou1'llame nt were defeated Grnn t L e wi ~ of Dayton. vi sited e of 36 to 11. relativ es here Sunday. D. E. Stan difor d attend ed the bv. Tahescor Wayn esville boys were out llIa tch lit Ridgc vill e last ghooti ng classecl a nd lit no time wer~ able Ralph Owen s of Franklin, was' , ·lI tlll'fl uy. to break through the Frankhn. ~e­ a visitor in Waynesvill e Thursday. f e nse while Franklin, who exhibitMrs. Mary McClu re an d Mrs. L. ed fi ne passwork, had little trou ble Mr. and I\Irs. E. J . Burton .of 1-1. Gordo n wel'e shoppi ng in Uay- scoring. Elli ~ wi~h 4 p,?ints was ElYl'ill, spe nt the week· end With ton .Salurd llY. Waynesvill e's high pOint m~n r latives. whil e Eaton of Frankhn, who PI,l.UT.~".""" Mrs Grace L Smi th is utte nd· cd up 16 p oints, led the Frankltn Expel't watch and J e welr~' reiug th'c millinc l'Y ex hi bits in Cin · scorers. 'd ou iring a t Cary's J ewelry Sh op, =---== =----=- - - -..:. - ---.-._ ci nnuti t hi s wee k. .Th e tou rna men t opened Frl ay ======~======T===~======~=. -~-----Ray H. Bull, a f ormer deputy Lebanon Ohio. morn ing wh en two games were Miss Jan et Cartwrigh t of West- pl ayed. The first game betwe~n STATE SONG CONTEST sheriff of Fra nklin county, now EDUCATIONAL DISPLAYS ern co llege, Oxford, was home Le hends fhe r ecently form ed State Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hough enAT THE RIKE KUMLER CO. [ I ban on and Morrow was a thrll· : FOR REAL OHIO SONG over the week-end. police f orce . wit h the ti tle of In- t CI'\ lIil1ed fri cI:ds fr o\11 Day ton ling ov ertime battle which Leban on won in an overtime period by ,J. S. Ba ker of l\1iddl c to w~. is a sco re of 25 to 21. un it which will be und er Saturday evening. On e of the most in teresting , nnd Wanted a real Ohio So ng. th e dir eti on of R. E . McCollum, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. H awke vis- und oubte dly the most edu calionnl Mal'yland has her fam ous song spe nding the wee k with his sIster Th e nex t game was the ~aynes s upervisor of execut ive buildi~gs, it ed their daughter and family at dispkiy t o ever be offered in the "Maryland My Maryland," Wis. Ml' ~ . J ose ph Evans. vill e- Franklin game, which was wi\) con si t of a squad of eIght Pleasant Plain Friday. Miami Valley will be presente d in consin has her stirring buttle cry won by Franklin. . offic ers and will patrol th e s ta te th e windows o f The ~ike Kuml er ST. MARYS CHURCH . _ Mi ss Miri am Snence o f BlanThe afternoon session foun4 Car house anti g rounds regularly on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shutts nnd Compan v. Da yt.on durmg the week "On W Isconsin." but Ohio has chester, was the wc ell-end guest of lisle girl s defeating Harve~sb,:,rg , duy lind night shifts . A feature family of .L eban on. J.; pellt Sun- of March 5th t o 12th. . Marc h 5·. Ash Wednesda.y, ser· neither 1111 ~fficiall Y adopted song !\fiSH Esther He nd erson. gil'ls, Kings Mills boys wmnmg of this innova t ion will be the in- day with r elatives here . In kee pillg with t heir gen erul ~ IC C at ~ :3 0 p. m. The. off e \'~~g for or even a popular Ohio s·ong. ovpr Harveysburg boys. Morrow · S tallation o f a visitot's' record and policy of constnntly p r oviding in' I' \'le hlldlre ~ 's I-Io ~pltal will be h' S I d th Mr a nd Mrs Marvin All en of girls won a ,hard fQught game informa tion bureau in the rotunda Mrs. Annn Cadwallader and te resting and educlltion al di spl ays, t~~ke n at thiS s.ervlc e. Mnrch 9. Along with the 0 10 eu an e W ilm'ingt on, ur'e announcing th e from Springboro and Mason boys where gu ests of Ohio may regis- Miss Clura Lile visited rela t ives: Rike Kumle r's wi ll u se t en of IFm;t Sunda.y III Ler:t t . Churgh Ohio Flag the Director of Edu ca- birth of a son , Fe bl'unry 2 L' sWlImped Carlisle.. _ ter their n a mes and addresses. in Spring Vall ey Saturdny. I their wind ol":s fot' ~hi s .unu su~l l s eh II I at !l :.30 ; Morn ing Prayer Ll on, J. L. Clifton, feels tha t the rc The night sessIOn was opened This r egistel' will carryon its historical re vIew. ThIS feature ISI an d . serm on !I t 10 .ao. Thursday should be an officially recog nized Ml' ·. J . O. Ca rtwl'ight entertain- by a hard fought game which went first page a gr eeting from GoverSaws filed by machinery. ~ut I held in conn ection wi~h th eir 77t h I ey? nlllg , Ma rch 13, ser vic e at 7 :30 State Song. ed a smll ll party Tu esday !light, to an overtime between Leban,!n Th e State De pa rtm ent of Educa mnking u p two ta bl es fOI' brIdge. nnd Franklin girl s which Franklin n r Coopel' and succeeding gover- cleaner, truer , faster. Roy PIg- Anniversary Ce lebratlOlj. Fllm Qus 0 cl ock. nors in t ll rlj., tt, at Madden's Llllllber ¥af4· s cen j!s fr om hi tory will be r e pro· Rev. J. J . Schnefl'el', Rector. t ion will conduct a state-wide con. won. Ottel'bein boys ~efeated You'll be pleased with that Par- Springboro, a nd Kings MIlls girls. duced ' in these t \!l'\ win !lows in a test for a suitable song.- Substan. ker Duofold P en or Desk Set from won over Mason girls. Then came The initial iSSUe pf !!OutdO~FS James Lamb was cl\lled to Win- most unique mannc;r. Lifelike fig. FERRY C::HURCH OF CHRIST tial pl'izes will be offere.d .a nd no Ohl'o." a ~ollthly tubl.icatio. n. 1-.n. e chest er , ' Ky ., last wj!ek, qn . al)- I uI'es correctly clad In the Qo stumell at 9 '.30 a. m . ! on e is barred. from subm . Itttng one Cary's Jew elry Shop, Lebanon. the mos t important game of the !'" fIt h Biblc count of the iII ness pare 11 IVfl. 0 f past d ays an d mo dId e e t 0 teL d SSchool IIncl se rnlon at ' that, treats tn a poehc '!'ay. ? f issued regulat'ly y the Dlvl!llPn t ournam ent. between lJebanon of Conse' rva'll'on, Department of . l likene~ses of th" national fig ures 0 1' 's upp er . 10h' b t h r worth In CIVIC Miss Hattie Irvin lind Mr. A. ar.d Franklin boys, Franklin win. t. . f ... 10 :30 . ubJ ect, "The Surprising 10 s . eau y, e . ' Agriculture , is now ileing distri'r MI'. and Mrs. James 'flnney 0 • they r eprese nt will b e used as Savi t) r." You ar~ ulways welcome educatIonal, and commerCial pro- N. Well er of Bellb,l'ook, wer e ning out after a hard struggle by 'uted tllroughout the state. 'fhl~ Covington, ICy·, were woek-end characters, Settings will be t thl h h gress. gue sts of !\fr~ . Laura Zell, on S un · : II sco re of 22 to 19. M' . The rules will be few . The poem day. Pj!riodieal ill d e~ ign e d to fprm !1 guest s of MI'. and Mrs. Joe 'J'in- realistic and absolutely authentic a · s c u re W. . In the semi-finals the next day, reellrd of the <jeparP.nent .of ney . .. as to perlad, Che ster A. II hamson, Imster ~hould have at. least three stanza s. Franklin and Mason bo:ys won out Hev. G. C. Dibcr t and fllmil.y over Otterbein and Kmgs Mills, agricultllre of . th!! sta~e, WIth ' Each window will f eature some Dr . Clifton' says, "The lyric subapeclill re f erencr t a t he progr~m Ml's. Lillian Smpll. who spent importan t epI sode in th e history L YTL.E M. E. CHURCH mitted, in orde r to be given con- IItlend ed the f un e rul of Mrs. DI- r e ~p ec tively. pt qQ II ser vlltlll n Qutlined \)y recent the winter lit the FrIe nds' Home, of o~r country, t.he. majority .of . S und ay school a t 2 :00 p. m. s idemtion, must be of hig h lite r- ber t's un cle at Mc ComlJ, Ohi o, toIn th e girls )(orrow »tate 111; 1 lution. YOul' address on ha s return ed to her home in Mor- , ~he dIs play s c0!lcernmg happenlgs Mrs. Longllcre, Supel'intendent. ary typc, lend itsel£ to musical da y. a nd Fmnklin were v\(:torlous over tn the Revpl.utlonal·y PerIOd. . Church Service at 3 :00 P. m. Ser. setting and treat of the common· Me~sl'~ . E lm er S heehlln and C. Curlisle and Kings MIlls. • post a l cu, d m.alled Lo The de· · l·OW. In t he finals Franklin defeated partl11 c ·t .~f A3 rlcI' It urer Hart onan . 'n The Landing of Columbus. IS mon ,"Ma n Prevailing with God ." wealth , her greatne ss Ilnd g ran- D. Sheehan a tte nded a Brown Ohio BuildlTlg. Columbu s Ohio. Mrs. S~s.le Douglass of. Sprl g und o~btedly one of the most Im- Pl'Uye r meeting Wednesday . at deui-." If a mus icnl se tting is s ub- I Swi~s catUe sal e al I'uy nc, Ohio, Muson. and Monow girls ca~e . will Ll'ing "Outdoors Ohio" VIlIII'Y" vI~ ltcd her cou sl.n Mllrsst· . pre. slv,e of the g roup. Columbus 7 .3 0. Teaj~ he rs training clllss fol. mitted with the poem, it must be today. throug h to victory over Frankbn reg ularly t o your d ov I·. Clo lts. And tll'so n, a nd famIly, I and hiS small band of followers lowing p"'ayer meeting. Official of equal medt. It is not necessuI'Y. g irl s and won the trophy. ~ st~nd . on th e new f ound s~ores. Board ll1 !letinsr following church however, to .submit music with Mess , s. .1. O. Cartwrig ht !~nd .: An drew A. Foster, de puty s up- v<cck. W. H. S. ervisor of the b;. rNlli of i,lr.l)ccti on For hr st r esults consign your illS shIp s float on a c~lm sea In tl~e . er ice l1 ('xt Sunday. The ~ pecial th e poem. The winning Song will D. L. Cran e attend ed a mec t lllg G. F. T: lind super visio:J of publi c <:> ffi ces. ive sto ck to Green-Embry C?, background nnd ~ndtans ~tare III set vice R cl osed last Sunday with a b e broadclls t pver sevel'81 radIo of Royal Arch Mllso n~ at Norwo od service. Several s tati ons lti Ohio, and Ohio' s Tt~'.'sdllty might. 0 Wallllce. f ........... .... .. 1 2 hilS issu ed, f U!" UH! lIl s tt' ,-,ctl ~ n of <':In <:illn a : i, in ca\'e of n. R. Salus- amaze ment at theu' firs t view of a c ons~ecl'ati o n "paleface." . yo ung people have d ecide~ fa!, 1,500.000 pnpils will he atrlll'dl!d EIIi!;, t ............ . ... .. .... 2 0 th e eXllmin ers of lhis bllreau and bury. . pel?'!\ Discovery of the Mlss- . Chris t a nd th ~ C~ristians have an 0lJPol·tunlty to lem'n the Song 0 0 their ass istants, a syllabu s of x · DI'. Rudolph- Ey esight Special- Schuler, c ............ .. .... 0 1 1 ietilJg leg is lation prescribing t he Mr. and Mrs. C. ·B. Morgan and IS~IPPI IS the theme of the .se eonq been stl'H t;'lh cned {In(l r eC P!ll1e, thi s Y40 :l r. At th e "!.atl!,na!. Educa- ist. Hor e Tu esday, Thursdl!-y ~ntl Hay, g ....................... ~ ' tjon Al!s colll~lon Meel lng n-Co urn Saturdll Y· 0 2 purpose f or which ·funds derived Ron . Mr. lind Mrs. B. F. Th?ma~ Window of the group I~prp s- crated . F r e e . el(amlnatlon Fromm, g " ..... .... .. .... 1 portrpys tha t event. 1'h!! Sl~ ra {\. !3QWmlln. Pastor bus . June 28 uly 4, ?ne o~ the 0 2 from the 1Il0tOl' vehHe and t ~!l~ of OilY ton, were Sundl\Y dlnn~r' sively Turn er, f .... ...... ........ .. Landing of ' the Pilgrilll'S on P.lyfenture~ of the conve ntlOTl WIll be C ury '~ J ewelry Shop, Lebanon . '6 0 J ohn, f .................... . 0 tal( law s, us premised from't- gu es ts of Mr. ~nd ~rs. .f!,se¥q mouth Rock !lnd tpe Wllliain P eril'! • the singing of this Song by 10,000 0 Cl< ion s of th e At~o.rney Gen eral and~ Evan~. > .f J. B . Chapman and son Mainous, c .......... ...... 0 gr!>up cnrry the !nter,!ste~ oilser- VA YNES'VILLE M. E. CHURCH Ohi o school ohlldren. mrR M'ltenb('.t'ger , g .. ..... _ 0 I) 0 fl'om COUl t d ell'l!OnS, mny be Ulle . . . . f! I't. .of Co lumb us. spent th,e.\ Rob vcr thlough th!! co!oDl7.atlon perWct!nesdny : The W. F. M. S. ___ __ • . _ _ As lhe gll s tax is dcriveJ frondw b Whrn y.)U n!!ed a Inft for IIn¥ meeting" witlt M·rs. Marlatt at wer k· end with . Mrs. Ch!1pman S Totals .... ....... _.......... . 5 1 I.i e parate pieces of It!gblati'r~ occasi')n tltink (1ar)1:s .l~wel~ iod.T~e first I'\lmhllngs of the Rev- 2is:00 mcther Mrs. Eliza beth Baily. p. 111. BIb le tudy and prayer DEATHS the purpose for ~hi ~h fl1 :1ds .~e~ Sqop- "1'lte !Iomfl !>f Glfts. ' LeLjol\ltlonul'Y War are evidenced In meetin g lI.t 7 :30 p. tn. The scrlpMr. and Mr~. Ralph Lewi s, .Mrs. FRANKLIN rived from each bIll may be spent ano~. J ohn Milton Sellman. died Tues- Ida Githen s of Dayton lind Mrs. G. are specially indentified. A list pf ., . the Boston Tea Party Tabl eau tUl'C lesso:n will be the 24th chapF. T. f . 4 purpos!ls fQr which, ~nder the law, MI SS MIOnte DavIs of FOl t whi ch contains ten flgures. Then. t CI' of Acts. The choir will prae- I day morrling. Februnry 25, at t~e V01'll a 1{ 611('y of Springfield, spe nt G h o a I'a nm, .. ........ .... .. . 7 !lny pf tlJese ~~ree sources of Wayn e, Ind. who has been vislt- follows the memol'able Battle of lic e ut 8::1 5 p. m. Sunday, Sunday home of his son Ortie Sellman, ID Sunday ~ith MI' . and Mrs. W. S. Hill where a handful of school at tl :30 a . m. Morning wor- Clarksville Funeral services were Eaton,/., f _................. .. .. 1 15 r evon ue may not lie invoked is ling .I'elhtlves here. flew by passcSn· Bunlcel' 1 I ! I d th e ship at J 01 :3 0. T he sermon au b'JElct held at the M ' . '" ' CI a r ks Grnham. . Van vyne, gc .............. 1 5 ,'" c IlUl'Ch In Matthews, .... .. ...... .. 02 also Included in the syllabus. gel' plane from Columbus, to t . co on sts sue cess u y repu se 2' 2 MrR. G. D. Mills, Mrs. H. H. Wil Watson, g ......... .. . _.... 0 'fhls compendium will prove of LouIs. on her way to Kansas City, enemy in the first ajor battle of for ' the mOl'lling will be, "Hap-' ville Friday afte rnoon . Burial was o 0 the Revolution. Ilill ess Guurnntll od." EJ)worth Lea- I ut Ciarksvl·))e. d M J R Wade at f ' 0 great value to city and county en - h er destination • The most significant meeting in guo a t 6 :30 with Mury Jo. Miller I ~~al:d~~t" ~Jll W. C~· 1". U. meetill!\,~ ~ft~~~~~~iek. ~.... ....... . 0 o 0 glneers, townRhlp commissionersl 2 2 city and village attorneys ana Mr. and Mrtl. Merle Kerns and our history, the assembly at which IlS leader. The topic for the even- ' . Mrs. Lucy Horm'ell, aged 64, n t the home of Mrs. Barberry In Fink , g ........ .. ............ 0 0 Ward, g ... .... ...... ..... 0 .0 others having In charge the re- daughter of ColumbuB, Mr. and the Declaration of Independenco ing. w.iII be '.'Making Good." Evan-I died Thursday. morning at her Oregonia la st Friday. o 0 home near Pektn. She had been Updyke, g .................. 2 pair or repaving .-.f streets nnd Mrs. O. M. Robltzer, Miss Beat· was dl'awn and signed is portray- gCl lstlc services at 7 :30 p. m. o .4 G. C. Dibert, Pastor. in ill health for scveral months. "Yolll'ex Silverseal" Silverware rice nnd Mr. Frederick Roblber cd in the seventh wIndow. Then roadways.. _ _ _ were dinner guests of M;. and Mrs follow two more scenes from the Mrs. · Hormell was the daughter C ' t with other 15 6 86 Revolution; Washington CrOSSing ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH of the late Charles Caffet.'ty. :~a~ees t:f~re ~r!~fi~eg Iy?ur patt~rn Totals .... .. .... .~. ~ .•~_.. _. _ __ J. D. Marlatt, on Sunday. CENSUS MAN INQUISTIVE the Delaware, ' and Molly Pitcher, Summar schedule-1st, 9rd and Funeral services were held on and see for yourself Its sterlmg of tlJe Saturday resl· qualities. Cary's Jewelry Shop Leb NEW CENTURY CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Qhas . . MY!!r8 q~ heroine mouth. The last Battle window ofwilll4on. de- 5th S~ndny, MIII1S at 8: 00 a. m.; dence withafternoon interment atin the the LebWhen th~ cen8~S en!1merat~r Cincinriat'l, ·Mr. pnd ?frs. f)hal: pict Perry's Victory on ~ake ~ril! 2nd and 4th Sunday, Mas. at IIllon cemetery. anOD. The New Century Club .mIt at hilS leTt tpe faflD hpm!! after IS ana !lallghter' p1\ The educational value of these 9 :30: She is survived by her hu sband, Sumlny dinner guest!! 'at the the home of Mrs. H. E. Hatl)away visit' in April, the fQrm operatpr Gate KY., ' Mlss Marie displays is ,"oat lln!lsu!ll since Rev. Lawrence B. Mollmann. Horme)); one home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F}'iday afternoon, February 2fl. and the farm of Madisoqvme, Mr. and these il'l qlstory have Mrs. Alma Stowe and a grandchild Sheehan were Mrs. Lillie Shcehan twenty-two members xe8PQndinll Frank 'Thompson of Mt. !lolly, been given tile ,"ost faithful In- WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF • - • Mr. nncl Mrs. Ralph Sheehan, to roll call with patriotic 'ielectlotta selves will know a lot more th!lir plant and its operntlpns tpan and Mrs. Milton Th!lmpson and possible. This entire CHRIST HowlIl'd Sheehan, of Roxanna; After a short 'b usiness. seliion . they did before. Thl! son and ' Mt oloe Thompson spent 01 hlstorial hlghltghts B'bl h I 9 30 NUTRITION ROUND.UP Mr. arid Mrs. Dearth Sheehlln and the foJlowing program was e ",ill tcovfertmhg Sunday wIth fyfrl\. f{ezjah 'J'h()mp- originally cost ten thousand Sp ecll'al abty The Nutl'I'tl'on Round-up for of Five Point; Mr. aMnd J'oyed: Piano Baske.t every cpnjlelval' e ~spec 0 .e dollars, and the Rlke Kumler " WISh I and son r .. M L .M "Th farm family amI .ttl!! farm tell. SPfl! Company has been exceptlonlllly ers Cla ss.. Lord's Supper at con- Wayne Towllship was held at the Mrs. a tel' ece IiI f F 'klin' of Roses, re. e ay:" M • Npt · oJ! IY Wlth'11 th ey w ant to ow clusl'on Chrl'stl'lIn Endeavor at · Gym Wednel!.day, Februllry 26th, and Mrs. Carl ro 0 ran 'Wives of the ,en, t s . , . . . .. 'Our new 19&0 Ila"'p)e ."'oot._';· fortunate In acqulr. lng It for this . . . II (ill Sta r ..... d !'tow many .ere afe 'ID t"e .,, showing all showln~. . .' . from '10 '.30 a . m. untl'l 4 ...n. m. were afternoon. ea ers. ~. D stiv • 1ra,tIty are now on dls_pla, ~ ,.. "n" 6 :.30 p . nI. VI'rgl'l Henry , leader Haw. ke,' . 'The Fr1e and what are their agel aJ'ld Bex, Parents and teachers,' are es- Evening evangelistic ' service at Games were played before dinner. . Mrs Mrs. SmIth. An Intere nif se ec .. , but how much of 1\ mortgage ethere the new and ' up-to ate patterns, . II d k h ' ld 7 :30 p. Ill. sermon subject After dinner Mrs. liillilker gave On SlIturdllY eventng I I' ion .. by El\ward . Bert 2n, d WU. I h tb th ranging iiI price from 4c, sin~le peel a y urge to ta e c I ren to "Mother, ' Home and Heaven." II talk tlt ' work of .the paat Keziah Thompson was comp ete Y ' read by 'Mrs. BalTy. . fl in on · the p aced" etrier arden r' 0'11 . ht servl'ces each tor the subJ'ect a ·fewspen htheef I Durin.. a bathroom an WI e ec C I'IghertS a , up, to Buit the most h partlcub t f see Each thes,e exhibit remarkable represents andisplays. episode Ch ure h Illg .. ' 'l - y' ear ..nnOd dwhen.. hb • tho e itsocial . whether the farm· is rented from lar. We can give you ~ e ~.. in history with, which every child. ne~dny a t 7:30 p. m. ~tle clturll to ' be tl',ken next year. There were ~rtcnds an. nelg ors i h08,tess, asslBtCl h Ao~c:'~g~ I the wife's grandparents or not. paper. plus 'A 1 servIce. • 30 is familiar and 'here the exact de~ wher~ yo~ feel ~t . homE!, 90 who finished the Nutrition ebv~nin~ 81~~h. ~i:ihd~ye ~Jrr.lli~~elnt.•~ The Census Bureau, in pr.e p!,ra- StandIford. . . a . ta\'ls pf eacq;.ct;urence wiil. be~\1nChester A,. W!lhJl!ll~OIl. ¥Inl.tor Ivork this year. About 60 were i ein;ve~ing was enjoyed and de0 tinn'l of ' the 193 decennial s~r\tey k" iI (0 Cled ,'n'_ "'ures" an..! ' settings. - -' - ~ ~ ~ :..-present at the Round up. A few u ts 'w served ' If t ..: Nlitlon's ~oP.lllation, iii" sene! ·. Mrs. Ne~?n W~t inS Ilrr,ng~';t b I I -t ,q . h" . d stunts were put on by the. mem- I~cious refreshmen ' e?!tesdam'; P.. 'sarit'n le blanlcs 8S Win a plea,sant sprprise fpr. a so .utfltf to , e r.eWEJ...lJ.., DID YOU 7" bers, songs sung, dlHRlogkue D.reChiles, Julia we Ing u d f .[ . . ak'n tli" ceJl'8Hs ban.d lal!t We~ne8J!!lY eYfnl!lg, tIle pr~8e!lte~. ThiS presf!nts 'an u"uwas Riven by MTS. ElSIe oe e t Izzle , b' R b t Baker. n!>ill itt!ntion haves occasion celebratlllllt. Ougl1t to fill the Gym Friday an'd Mrs. Bess entitlel! .. the'se r.f]anltB In thp .. qf 'lI, !In,'d ellltrb- evenlJ}g, March 7. ·It Is a. eomedy, 'IShbpping at Home. '. We . all a • Feorte 'Annie Glbbons E. • I. TIn families 8II'DossllJle lUI was enJ ~# I, • 1)1e,. ~l[::.i ' U d I .i full of -wholesome hilarity,. joiJrned after ' spend 109 . a very 't:an 'I EI . SUah , df!faited iiiforiK!ttipn ';al1" an4m1ril's. J)arJTlan (If Don1t let · anything . stpp you pleasant day, In a friendly ,get·to . ;r1'liamaon ". for ~ayenumerator' I1c 'collegte~ and re~IlY tpv • Mr. (lnll ,Mrs. eorge qrtrom seljing it, and enjoying an gether way. . ChPP M' ers Milt()n "rhQmrson" Way~e ew e'n ' t 'n achef! the ton of Dayton; ,M.r. an(l Mr.. · MEETINC 1.. T. ~L. . evening.of fun . . W looking forw"rc\' to mee!t as. ey , . ill farm The sample blank. bllve Ge\lrge WButrtldon ofdDfayt°iln; MMrr' The L T L '11 ~ -t t th . The play is slaged by the Friend e are ." d It t ' MiSses Marie Henderson, uey "' . me . t b f th Af/:ri' Henry a nl an am!,)" . . ., • • . WI m"" a · e ship cluJ>. ~~i":fu~Q()~r~!:!t-: at ~&e Achl"e:: I Emley and ~lr. Cheater William :, the land Mrs •. O. R ••Unglesby. Mr. and of Mrs. on Friday the - ment Meeting in Lebanon •. Watch :tate University, among D. Balrd, Mr. and "Mrs. and money ISIJbac:rib'8.1n The Miami OMette for the date. Don't miss it. _l _ el!-persons. . :---\ . ." .


AT TH[' CHURr. HfS liltit WAYNES'Vlll[[















h<lme'in~ker them~ abo~t


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of the l'lltate of Mal'Y E. Shaw, de et>alled , ftll'd her invcntory and appraisement. An instrument of writing PllrPOI ting to be the fR st \vill and testam nt of J nhanna W Illld. dcct'l\!Ic (\ was p/'oduced in court and a dmi tted t u p.robatc, Catherine New Suite od-y W IlS appoint ed e xecutrix, No Bond requ ir d Oe o r~ e Meloy, U. Early for Your Sal Oat ••. W. Guarant ... ey atx3AR WALLACIr The Pnll\;den t Savings Bank Gus Seiker and James F Q.\len were Satiaf.f'~ion . or Ch ra Nothinr. and T r utlt Company, versus Roy C, made appraisers, ====================~==========,-====-======. Alld el'So n, Florenc e C_ Anderson, Inventories ond appraisement! r nng. She ope ned t he door of her I 80n in t he wo rld who must n ot see Lulu E, Swan, Ross C, Swan for filed:, GHAPTERVlII, ' money, a mount , claimed, $3922, E state of Carrie D. Reeve der oom and listened : somebody was him ! L uke olosed the door with some talldnr in the hall below ; she 1 W ith her h eart beating a little wi th inter t!st ther eon a t t he rate cease d. Pho... No. dlffi~ultY l for t h e ~all of the man ' he.ard her footma n 's \'oiee a nd a fa ster, Margllret passed down the of 6 % per annum from March 15, E state of Mary I. Sheeley, dePho... No. J nl amst t he parti tIon had thrown deep on ~ and t hen so mebody 8ald: stairM: When ahe reached the Btre et 1929 t o Ju n e 16, 1929 and at 8 % ceased. "You ' d better go up a nd tell he fo und t hat t he dr ivllr of the pel' annum from June 15, 1929 un Estate of Mm::tho Greely, de· t he door out o.f. t r ue. Mr8. F raser w os ve ry pa le and her breath was t h e la cly. I ' mU Rt liee h er . . . po lice cn r hud s umm oned 'll t uxi , til 1)ll id, f or cclosur e of mortgag e ceased. co tla n d Yard." \\'h ich was draw n up behi nd t he : ul e o f property, defici'av c y, j udgeUpo n t he p et iti on of C. R. a ming quickly. 'I've n ever k nown th c m Lcw ings s hc sen l II l' maid down to find tc nder. Ille nt a nd o lhel' rl! lief. Heck ett , ~ u a rdi u n of George "I : nnyb, d y t h(' rc, llIis. ?" a ~ k l! d Ailam Eo GC1l hll l't n nd F orrest Beckett millOI', for permi ssion t o t o d o t hat bef ore ," he sHid, 'l out ", hut wus tIle Illlllt 1' , and in n wo uldn 't be SU'rp r ised if t h ey fe w m in ul(',. LIll' g'i d e;IIll C uac k_ Il po li ce oni cC'l'. L. Ce phul'!. uoing' business unde r se ll t he p rl' mi es. A. T. Prather, didn't s tart R fi re:" " It 's UI1 in j)l!c lol' f rom Scotl und , "Y 5, I think thel'e ill," she said t he nll l11 e a nd s Lyle of Ge phurt J e!\!\e Petre,e and Will iam Oentry T hey hlld ta ke n t hi!\ cour se o nce Yanl, mad um. He wu nt · to se e you h n':llh.l e ~~ I )" , " At least. Ihe in- BI'OS, o f Mi a mi s b ul'l~ , 0 .. v' raus wer e a ppomted 10 upprnise th e , ~ Jl l' c l t) r t hink .' ~o ." W. II. ·.,uk , Ited Li on , 0. , cugn o- rea l estate. Lef ore, Luke I arned to his horr or 0 11 a mn ttc l' o f impm l,ll nce ." Why s he sh ould Le anxi ou ~ tit " You 'd h 'tte r get inlu t ho CHU , "i l. Th e Lebnn on-Citizel,s National a nd amazc m cn t--t hat explain ed th e n ew a nn ex to t he hou e. al! ; he eo ulll not fOI' t he mOll1 e nt Ill i s~ . " ~ aill lhe jlulicc olik e r . " I av id E- Dun ha m. ve rsus Alb er t Bank and Tru st Company of Leb3S!l Ginne tt l r et wus ·obvious- und erst und . Lat (' r s hl' r Nllizerl S IlJl P( .~e MI'. Gurto ll exp cl,; u lJi t G. un d .Mury E, ~t ow , of F runklin a non, by C. C. Eula8s, trust office r fOI' nHJlH'Y, j udgment, f or eclosure Il ~e e pte d th a pp ointm ent us guar Iy Conn or's hea dqua r ter s. The t hai i t Will< th e kn 'lwledge lhut ,.r II fig ht ," place had ne ver . bee n ra ide d- f or Sco tla nd YU/ d Wil~ a cllrrier o f ,·[)o yo u o fl e n hll\'e CIlSl'S li ke of llI o rlgll l~(! . appoin l mcn t of r e- dlU n o f Edna Mu y Hopkin ~ , bondthe matler of t hat, it ha d ll t'v er un p i ('::~a ll l n c w ~ , III d that po>;s ill ly t hi ~ '! " , c"iI't' !' lin d eq u ita blp rcli d Ilmuunt cd uy tate ~ f Oh io. ·' ,\ ll. ,u t cv!' r)' oth l' I' day." hl' {·Ia int ed, $: ~I:1 5 3 . 3.j with in te res t . I ~y J. Merritt wns uppointed ad· held , a penny wort h of stolen prop- somet hing IIl Ighl h:I\' (' ha ppened t n crty. Luke . whit-h ~ I' nt her down t u till' ~aid ('h l'l' r ful ly. "W e're o ne of the t hereo n a t 0 % from Jo'euruary 19 , nll.l1I ~t /·ato /· of 1I1!' est ut e of Ruth F irs t he mu st s e J ilek Hul bert, d ruw ing J"()( lIll so quick ly. ' I-'I yin~~ S q ll:\rt ~." i l (l30 . 1 ~ l s Meni lt.. deceased, und fil ed ~hat sa ne ~o un g solici tor of his. ' I ~\; I S not II iI'd hu t a s t ranJ.!~ I' , 1 Appa re ntl y it wa S qu ile us ual .Jum es C. Co oper ve rs us Aug ust hI S bond 111 t he sum of $100.0 with It struck him that t he re WIIS a wh " lIltrlllluc ,'d hlln ~ c lf li S Dln R- fur l it(' Squud t u be ca ll ed to C. J e n l? ( ,) 1' cnnccilution of lease, J oh n J . Mnl oney and LOUIse C. possibility tha t J ack mg h t be olone io na l Inspe d nr (; ort on . : hui ldin){s wh l' r<' s uspected burg. tt' l1l pom ry a nd pc rrnan e nt injun t'-- M(' rJ'i ll as s ureti es. The telephone , of course I He I " I' m snl'ry to llnt h,'!' yu u al lh is lar~ we r e. Thl' y m oved wi t h the li on. . III th e settl('-ment oC t he e ~tnte stopped a t t he fi rst public booth tim e of nig ht. !\I rs. i\ la dd i ~ nn . " Ill' i ce lc'ri l)' of u fire c ng ine Il nd were of Ma r y Ra ndll ll dcceased, the net and put t hroug h a call. And h ere I sa id, "lJut wl"ve gol II n 'JH'rt ~ nl'l l a ~ a le rt. Common Pleal Court valu e of th e esta t e wall found to it was he was thank CuI t o Mrs. tn U ~ ll y t ill' " 'IT ilnl of l\h. lI ulI I1 ~ p ec t () r Co rto n waited until .. . . ' be $ 1027.65. The re are fourteen }<~ raser f or he r copper s. bc rt , th e Sll lk it u/'- J IJl' Ii C'Vl' he t < i\lurg'ur('l hu el Il' ft l be llu ildillg , W 11111.111\ E, (. ro hnl.ll wag ap pOl ~t S UCl' es~o)'s t o the estate . . The voice of Mr . H u l be rt '~ ~e r- ro ur hu s ban d's ~ " I i('it" r'! " a nd the n he rap peu ogni n on the ~· d as gila rd. to a 51st the she rIff , Hn ze l EUI'eal ow acce pted th e up van t answe\'td him, . She l1 0dd (I, and el l·t' \\' :l q ui ck pHn cl. I II t ra n s p ~ rtJ!1g C O U1· ~ n e y . Duvall po in tm ent of administratrix of the " I want lo speak to Mr , ll ul- hl'l·llth. . "O pe n t ll i,. doo)' , my son ." til l it e OhIO SlaL Pelllte ntllll'Y. esta t l' of Cas~ iu s C. Barcalow debe rt," he said, a n d t o his horr'or " Is An yt hing wrol1g - [ llI en n, T he bolt \V II '; slipped back , t he ,It wa ~ nrd ered by th e c o ul'~ that ' cC'a sed und fil ed her bond of $3600 the r eply ca me: w it h Mr. M lldd i ~o n ? " rlo OI' flu ng op en. Th e in specto r I,ube r t J , ~u (' ~ hl e be s ub st !Lu~e d with Louella Barcalow and Ad "Mr. Hulb ert is not in E ng la nd, "Nu, III lI ' U III , it's nOI scriou. - in M W n !nlln w it h g l'im y fu ce lind Il H party pl nll1tl.ff ~O l' t he pl ~ /ntl~s I Fi tzge rald as s ureties. F. W D: sir; he hu s g on e t o Berlin for a fact it Illay be 1I0thinl! lit nIl. But di sord(, /' d clot hing sl nndill g in the W . . B. an d Kl zzle ummzn s 111 1ho i~. I?red B. Zartman and Edward h oliday and will .n o,l be bn,c k t ill t h is va le t of Mr .. H t~l b(' I' t ' ~ ~\lI y s dO,i.l I'wny , lIud in stuntly he was th e'II' a C' lI lm aga zn st Musu No rl h- Fit zge ruld we re mnde appraisers next we ek , Who I S It s penkmg? t hat he lIud 1111 Illq llll'Y f ro m a : c nlt , C' t a l. . J ose ph F, McKinn e y oceepted Luke f or the m om ~ t WIlS stra ng ' ma n to-nig ht us to 1.ukc was tal, en n~ac k . He had . I !1 ;he c [l ~e o f he PrOV id en t th ~ Ilpp ointm c nt as guardian of sp eechless; whe n the q uestIon wa~ whet he r yo ur h ll ~ hu n d' s .!l ut \ \ ' (lS (, " pcel ed nn opport un It y of parI y- Sav lnJ,: s Bu nk an d Illlst CO lllpa n.y W/luu/- H, McKinn ey and filed h' repeated he had an inspirati on. o('cupied- hi! a lso !'ui d t hllt you ing ove n of tIl kill g' th e detective vcrsll ~ Roy C. An d(, l:son, et al. It f ho nd of $GOO with J ohn H. anld " Can you t ell me if Mr. Luke hud t h ke y to t he tl a t. " intn hiR c(JI\ fi de nce. Resenti ng the \~II S o rd ered t ha t nol lcc of t he ac· Grace Mc\{inn ev a, sureties Maddison's fiat is occupied- is his tlOn be .ma d upon t he dcfe nrJu nts 'l In th e mll tte l~ of H. . IT~tchin.R ervant there?" Ly pll uh c<lllO ~ . " admi nistrnt ul' of the estate of The tOTle of the ma n changed_ 0 11 t he I~otl o n of C h a rl ~ s 1 "!y Frnn k L Hobw n deceased pIa ' defe nda nt 111 t he case aglUn!lt hlln tiff. ve rs us Winn ie Hobson' et . "Who are you , and why do you want to know tha t ?" he de mand ed uy Ol11 nr .Rhoo(!es, lenve .of cO';ll't d e fe nd a nt ~ , it was order dd that Luk e rang off without explanaWIIS g /·ll llu r ty day:; 111 whI ch t he adlllin i!llrator proceed to ell tion. He migh t hllve t old th e man t he d efe nd a nt . muy fil e un SWl)r. ~lli,1 I'fOa l estllte lit private soleS who he was , but he was chary of Judgeme nt In th e slim of 161.25 In the settlem ent of the est' t confiding in servants, und it was ~ nd costs expend ed ~\'a~ re nd ered of Mllry I Sheeley deceased a.~ l particularly undersirabl e t hat he ,n lfll vor H e ! Hoi A Burrlarl E d F of th t eL pla G zntlffs, h t Adam. was f ound' th e net' value of 'th e Book Shop s uppl i('s for s u rveyor, s h. .au ld b etray his presenc e in Lon· '; tn ' Url'es . ep ur ver su e~ta te was 1880, that the exempt- $ 16. 70 Underwood Ty pewriter Co. he : Geo rge I believe I hear a don t o anybod y except to Ja ck_ \\ 'sII. C() ~ k , d~fc nd ant .. iOlls of the ben efi ciaries exceed l' type writer for sur veyo r , $!l 1.25 And then a though t struck him ,tute of 0111 0 vers us Cou rtn ey t heir s uccess ions a nd theref or e are P e nn Morlon, ser vi ces a~ ja nitor, LUI'glu!". H e : II-h. I'; cep q ui et. maybe and he called t~ e number of his Du Va ll th e defen d.a nt WIl S ~e n le n ~ c ~e mp t fr om inheri tance tax . . '"15 own fla t . H e wa ited f or f ully fi ve l,d t~ ue confined III the Oh IO pCn! Til e cO llrt d/'recte(t Seth E ' $ 70; James F oll en, serVIces, "': ; he can open th ut windo w. It's tbe . l I f I d h t I . Donll ill Dila tu sh. I'e nt f or office mmutes listening to the f a int buz z ell Ul I? 01' . year, an . t II Ie Grl!elv, exec utor of the estate of $2 0; Trea!>ure r of State, clot hing one we hn vl' n't bee n II ble to open ~:iJ~e call, and t he n t he operato r pays t I' costs of the ne t IO n_ M art~a bCredely, d e ~eased" t o sell Will iam Skidm or e, Lima State hos s inc e the pui nte r left. "1-' ' h' cPI'tam on s nt pr1Vate sale. \)' tal "15 46 - Miami Gazette adv m sorry , S ir, t" ere s no r eply Probat" Court Proceedingl '" . ' , ,$2.20 ; p , B. Monee, ., og ' nOlIce No. S uh! Ah doan' t want to fiy from that numb Real E.tate Tran.fe·ra . A. ccounts fil e d :Luke. made u er. slow way to the pay r oll, $126_80; J oe W . DaVIS, r ound in one ob clem al'y(llain ~, I'd Mall, and walked slowly t oward E, tu le of Mal'y J. Sheeh' y, deOn ey A. and Dora B. Yeazel to samc, $128,10; A. T. Rettig, !lume u hellp I'ut hel' keel) moh feet on Buckingham Palace, obliviou s of r Cli sed, fil1/~1 account. J a mes Purk s. tract of land in Leb $181.3 5; Bden T erry, sallie, $56 5.· term cot tll h. the rain which was now fallin g in . E~ta le o f Stanle y R. Chapman , a non . 15 ; F. M. Collin s, pay roll, earnest Ther e w s I th O Incompeten t second account. John and E rnest Sh eeley to $1 40,80; V. W. Tom pkin s, some. . y one _ Es to te e)f Geo r'" E - B ra d to be done anda byonthe tl' me .Ing he ..._e C, Buffilngcr , testam.•e nt of J ohanno ood, de- $169"05; ; : Ch or Ies ll eceased, ti l'rst and final. reached the, end of the Mall he Hu sto n Kindred tract in Franklin. b ury , same, "10455 '" . ; WAS - . co tt bad made his pla ns. H e had often The In specto r SIl W u llI an with g r illl Y fu c~ a nd diso rder ed clnthin g Esta le , of Alice Dit mars in com Cha rles M. Bryan t o Morie repuir t o guard mil, $2.40 ; Leslie remarked jokingly how easy it was standing in t he door way, a n d ill1l1l etl ialcly he was ei zed pete nt , sIxteen th account_ . , F lorence Edwards 1.50 acres in Shultz, labor. $ 62. 50; P . B, Simp· to burg le his fla t . Recently there ' E st a te c~f Sarah E lla Ml ch ner, Deerfield t ownship. s on, sarno, $30.60; Fred Humhad been erected a new fit-e es. Marga ret nodded . The key had sud(1 n s eizure he t ri ed to shake lleceased. lu st an d ~n!ll. I Earl Ridings to Anna May phreys, ope ra ting stone crushe r, WANTED $ 12.:1 5 ; Ward Lehman , supplies, cape at the back of the block in been in her possession since a fe w I off t he de taining hands, a nd in' Estate o f Ada Michene r , deceas Yeats 1.57 acres in Union t wp which he had his residence. and a- days afte r Lu ke's d epa l·lure. His ' the next insta n t was flung violent- \ ed, firs t an d finaL Augllst P et er to Ida Sel1~an $ 24 ; W_ A_ Lutz, blacksmithing, RE AL $1; Vun Ca mp Stone Co .• ston e, n AI ,E HS WA NT E D cross to the yard where the escape man ha d bl'oug ht it ; it was lit t hat Iy t il the fl oo r. omebody pussed I Es ta t e of Mary E. S ha w, de- 100 acres in Hurlan twp . 1 -: ll ~; IN f. SS OPPORTUN1TY. touched the earth was by no mome nt in he r desk. \ (h ei,. h a nd s scientifilcally behind \ c ea~ed, fir t and fin o\. I. N. und Alice Lair;. F. M. and :sa7 ,35; Hlirold Sweny, furni hing mean s diffi cul t . He could climb " I understand Mr. Maddison's h i ~ coat . 1he co urt orde red that ROY I Edith Harlan to Benjamin E. and lind loaeling gravel, $29.75; W. p. \\ I' cll n plnee several live wide the wall fr om the mews which ran abroad '! " " He' s got a gat, " said n voice. Schn e ll , exe cu tor of the esto t e of Margaret Ann Thompson 90.88 McCarren, same, $23.80; Harold 1I\\, ~l k men in a profitabl e busin el!!I at the back of the fiat; he knew "Yes, he is in Ro nda ," she sa id Thl) p istol was a ssed to In spec Charl es Sehnell, decea sed , proceed acres i ass ie WI\~hing1Qn V. Martz, same , $276.25; llarold sell ing direc t to consum ers in exactly how the window could be quickl y. "Y ou can ha ve the key." ur Gorto n. cITr. a I ol sa e or .e twps, ' k, SAl'i\ C, $<t52,2<l+-Elias Robin- YO U/' hOlll c Co un ty_ Wrile quickly forced. In spector Gorlon hes itoted. ' ''1 ca n expl nin t he gun" said Ford edo n of t he estate, to BeSSIe Ruchel J a ne Th eobald to Mar- son, same, $70.37 ; Anderson s for f1'ee clltalogu e. G. C_ HEBER" I'd ra t her like yo u to come a- Luk e_ ' Schn ell, purchaser , garet Wa tkins, 45 acres in Clear- Son s Co., guard rail material , LING COMPANY. D e~ 1886 m 12" long with u. , ma da m," he said. "I " I dure soy you can." Gorton IE. Burke was appointed I creek twp . $71.66; Stondard Oil Co ., gas and Bloom irigton, Ill. . Margaret Maddison wos prepar- promise yo u the r e's not the slig ht- snap ped back the jac ket of the admm~str!lto r of t he est u te of ~ · I Huston Kindred to Ernest Shee- oil, $250.89; J_ D. Adains Co. sup Ing f or bed when the str eet bell est da~ge r, but we ~o not .like a ~t o mati c an d detach ed the maga- I T , EllIson , d ccea s~d , a~d ~I e d hIS ley. :17 .88 acres in Franklin twp. plies, $41.03; Frank Sherwood Co, FOR SALE A!, instrum ent of writing pur- searching houses untzl t he re IS a l zm e. " Loaded- yo u' ll get a ten l bo nd ~ f $ 2000 WIth F/d elIly und l F.dith P. Warrick to Lorene W, gas, 17 .33; Victor Van Riper, porting to be the last will and re p~~se nta ti ve of th e own e r pres- st retc h f or this, my lad. Fan him, DepOSit Co mpa ny of Ma ryland Metcalf lot No. 3, in Springboro. gas, $20.71 .; J. W. Lingo Hard· ent. one of you: he may ha ve another." I as suret y. J . K Berca w. George Mary A. ScoReld t o Goldie F ware Co ., repair part.'l, $3.95 ; F OR S ALE- Good J e rsey cow to "Wh a t do yo u ex pect to find? In t wo minu les Luke WIl S search Cor naha n ond ~rn est Gorsuch Dutro lot No. 5 in Mason. . Prues Equipm ent Co., r epairs t o f l'l?she n in ApriL Wilson ShepI'll come with p)easure.... S~ e said. I'd a nd eve r ything was taken were mode app~81s ers. . Th ~ first Nati onal Bank of Wi!. tractor, $12.65; Western Star, herd, WayneSVille R. R. No.2. " You Cll n Watt outSIde 111 your f ro m him. The court adVised that, It would mington , 0 ., to Fielder B. Harris, Printing notice $1; Morrow Hard·m15 car, madam. What dp we expe.ct "Wh er e ~id you get this money be n ~ cessary for a guardian to be 83_50 acres in Washington twp. ware Co .., BUppJie.o;, 60c; H . E. Hill, to find? Well, ther e I S a posslbll. nsked th e If1 Spectol·. ~lpPoll1te d for Ethel Ansteatt , an Rov L, and Martha Hud son to r epairs to stone crusher, $1; W, FOR SALE- Two Good milk Cows "It was given to me- " began Incon~ p ent:e nt. . _ Kate 'Hurley lot Nt' 162 in Maek- W. Williams Co., toggle seat fOT 1 240 egg-Success incubator, 1 : ity that the ":,an who culled ·up intend ed burg llf1g th e flllt, _a nd we Luke, und t here W/,1S a roar of Ehzubeth Shaw, ·admll1lstra.t or inawaddition. ' crusher, $5.90 Alexanders, alcohol 140 Gem incubat or, good condiFUNERAL DIRECTOR wan t to be on th~ safe SId e." lau g hte r. Charles M. Bryan to arie Flor $4.20: Kilpatrick French Motor tion. J. B. Jones, R. D. 5. ·m5 I


[F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley




Centerville, O. New Burlington,O. sao

-_._---------- -----------




SALE BILLS Printed at the Gazette oflice this year have attracted great crowds to the sales. Better let us do your bills




The Mia.n al Gazette



--- ------








She wen.t upsta Irs nnd fini shed "Wh ut is t his?" said Gorton ex - - ence Ed\vards 150 s cres to Marie dl'easing, putti~g o n u ra,incoa t, am ining something in his hand. Florenc e Ed\~ard s, 1. 50 acres in !lnd accompal1led the p oli ceman Th at morn ing, befor e he had Somebody spoke from the lond- Deerfield twp_ mto t~ e stl·eet. A cllr was ~ra.wn left on his fatal expidition, Mrs. ing o utsid e, It was the ' hall porter, Mary Constable, by executor to FuJly Equipped for Good ~p, wllh two of three me n .Slt~lI1g Fraser ha d hn nded him a little who had called to discover what George E- nnd Flore nce E. Gibbs, In the back, and she wa.s inVIted blu c-cove red book. the commotion was about. The 55 acres in Harlan twp. Service. t t k h I b th d f h ' t wo d t > t ' s h e d o . a c . er pace y e SI e o . t e "A dn ving license, ch? You e C.C Ive wow re guar The Franklin Home Building Lange Display Room_ dr~~er. . wcre n't by ll ny chanCe driving a ing the door turned their backs f or Company to E . C. and Stella HenIhey came ve rr qUIckl y t o the CU I' to-day II/'ouncl about Bond a mom ent , and in that instant Bcl, 0,20 town acres in Franklin. Ambulance Service e ntrance of Luk e s fia t. . .' t /'cct; wer e you? " Luk e Maddison leaped. He was Buford and Aurelio Kindred. to nAY OR NIGHT "No! nO t,,I',1I com e up Wi t h ~ou,:' J.uko's heurt sa nk- within him. flome th ing of an athle te; had Shelton . and Lillie R Rose. lots ELEPHONE 7 sh~ sa id . ve only been m It And th e n he heard one of the de. played fOlr his fifteen at college, NoSl, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206 - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . : tWIce, but III pl'obably be abl e to tect iv('s sa y' and hod nothing to learn about 206 and 207 in Franklin help yO!! find :(O UI' way about. "T h ut' ~ th e fell ow! He had a the art ojf avoiding a tackle. He T. M_ Scofield, by admi~i8trator The lnspectol' sent one of his beard lh i ~ a ft e rn oon. I saw him dosh e.d through the doo~ of_ the to Goldie F. Dutro lot No. 5 in men t o seal'clt t he upur tme nl; ond rll'i ving wit It a wo ma n in th e park.' drcssmg .1I·oom, banged ~t t/~ht, Mason. th ~ p suddenly, he smffed.. He whi ~JJ I're d ~n m el hinR' to 001'- und ~ hot In the bolt os th e_ w e l~ht J. E. McCarren. by assignee to . Some body s bee n. s":, okll1g a , t'm !lnd t he in~pcc to l' nodded. All of t~:o men was fiung agaInst It. The Fil'st· Nat ional Bank of Wi!clg,~rh ere,.alld smokmgltl'l'ce nt- I the tim e Luke WII S thinking, Till S was no momen~ for cllu" lllin j!to n, 83 .50 acres in WashingIy, he sa ld_ I'apidly. That !\illlpl l! explanntion tlon. He fiung up the wzndo,w and ton twp .Ma rglll·et t oo h ad smelt the of hi s WII S no Ion ' er possibl'e_ If his legs we nt out alm ost In the " fam t frog!'a nce, At that mom ent he "('clul'ed him el f t o be Luke I same m otlo,). In another second Marrira Licenle. t~e detecti ve se nt .to look !It the Muddi soll, he must a lso explain he dropped Into the darknegs. He kitchen c~rne runnmg bock. I what he hnd been doin s ince he hod eolculuted well. The steel platLorin Mon:oe Moore, factory HIGHEST :'The WInd ow's bee n forced I" he ' di ~a ppe llt'ed_ The rea l~ation of f orm o~ the fire escape c_Ianged wo.rker of SprIngfield,. 0., and Miss saId. I that cll me with shocking e mphasis under hIS feet. In another Instant Olive Florence PrIce, factory CASH Again Gort on nodded. Evide nt- And he knew that below Margaret he wus flying down the steps and worker of Lebanon, February 24. PRICES Iy he expected to hear this. I wa ~ waitin ond ' would' reeo nize was over tLhe wall before the first Charles R. Smith, internal reve'Which ,is Mr. Maddison's room 1" Iiin; ins tan5 y in spite of his gmus. oC the det,ectives reached the head nUe ngent of Cin.cinnati and Miss PAID She pOInted. A k ey was already tach e of tbe escllpe. Armel1a D. Denmg, of Franklin, k Th e d etect . A man 'w as I oungung .. • · th e 0 ., February 19 • ,inserted in th e I oc. Ah ead of him was the open door .n I,,:e turned the. handl e, The door leading to the hall. To the right m~ws: he turned with a sbout a s . did. not move: It was b olted on the t he little room he had used as a ~uke dr0i'!ped. ~ut Luke waB off Bill. Allowed In~!de. . . . . dressing room . The window was lIke ~he wmd. HIS long ~tay in the Tbe Western Star, publlshing lOut yo.u com e, so n I he said 18 right above the first landing of hosp~tl,ll had thrown him out of delinquent lands, $93.68; Lebanon a oud ..VOice as h~, rapped on the t he fire escape. Luke hod a horror condl!lon, but he had a1\ the Patriot, same, $93.68; Franklih panel. It s a ~ op! " o f fir es. a nd it was his favorite technIqU e of a runner. As he emer Chronicle, publisbing notices, $6; PHONE SFa Luk e Mli' ddl!lo n, stondll1~ on Rmu se me nt to plan out how he ged from the nal'row entrance of Same, $6; Office 'Outfitters Co., ~h e other sld c of th e dO'or, hst e n- would escape' ft'om a burning the mews he saw a cl,lb pas8ing, supplies, $1.25; The Stolkalta Mfi HARVEYSBURG, OHIO IO~, h~ard t he words and gasped. build ing . If he could get to that and leaped on the running board. j Co., envelopes, $12.75; Office OutHIS Wife was ther e- the one per - !'Oo m.. . Il did not seem possible. (To be Continued) fitters Co., supplies, $1.95; ;The; ,





Dead Stock Wanted




Harvey.burg Fertilizer Company

Car Co ., gas, $104.88; A. Hoppe . & Co., ccment, $23.40_ FOR SALE- Light Brahmo eggs for hatching. from demonstra· tion flock. 10e pe r egg, $9.00 per PUBLIC SALE 100. Mrs, Chas. H. Gray. Harveys· burg, Ohio. m12 Having decided to quit farming we wiJlsell at public auction 1 1.4 FOR SALE _ Whl'te electn'c H miles southeast of . arveysburg , rotary sewing machine. Reasonon the Cutright form, on able if sold ut once. Inquire at Wednelda)" March 12, 1930 this office. .~ Beginning at 12 o'clock prompt FOR SALE- Snow White Bull, Three head horses, 4 head quiet and gentle . [nqu!J'eof E . J. Cattle, 3 head Hogs, Farming ~m- Lindemood, Waynesville, Ohio_ plemen~s, H;rness,. Filed, ChIck· · m5 :i~iesan a ew mlsce aneous arFOR SALE-Littl e Red Clover . Inquire of Fred Hubble, P~~liiE ~U~~l-?~T If' on Seed. the Bellbro ok pike. Phone & . RG T Centerville 72F21. ·in 12 Stllnley Martin, Auct. H. S, Tucker, Clerk. THRESHER SUPPLIES-BELTS pulley!, babbitt metal, oil cups. Re I Mo thl Cb ott Injectors, lubricators, .team and au ar n ., a_ e Tbat car of mine has every thing water gaugt!8, gauge gla.. oilen I I din g d d h ' packing, boiler frueR, 8uctl~n ho.~ Yet"~o~ th Ct~~s::ze I aes '. and tank pumps. THE BOCKLET I t 8 Ie k h r celve CO. 415 W. Main St. Xenia, ObJo, The la~!:tYf:~s ~sr: :o:::h. 0 th O bU ' b f . FOR SALE- Butr Leghorn eggs n rotIS all ram n beaten us 0 mIneShe'. others bad at three cents apiece. Mrs. J . H: For classy looks and time Shambaugh, Harveysburg, Ohio Bu~ one thing I'll admit she;s got, ·m12 Excluding sound and rattle And other cars all have the same-- PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS A rerular monthly ehattle. -For all Boeklet'. -- - - . line of plum bini and heatlnc aup"I'm going to wash my hands of plies are tb best. The Bocklet:. the whole affair," said the deaf- King Co., 415 W. Main St Xenia mute who had just finfshed telling Ohio. '" a dirty stoJ'}'." .


- - ..---

=============== MONEY' LOANED




Ment.l AritJ:1metic

NO - NO - NOW \.I~TEN IF , 61Ve YOU Fl\le PENNies AND






'(ou HAVS?



-<Au,a .1 OWe. TU 88'1

5% Farm, Loans




LONG OR SHORT TIME-Ea., terms. Also Surveylnl' and Abstracting. Write and I will call ,and lee you. Sam D. Henkle Way. nesville, Ohio. 'HI'

Ii. .. ;_ /*



THRI!ll ~eNT~/­

UN, ...E


_ '

.~ '

,\ "

8\11" H~ OI~Ni,..

.n M."....

LI,••to,k, Chat..,;,

John S."nd Harbine, Jr., Xenia, N.... Ohio.' b•• ""

;.,~" Fatmers.Atten'tion


1'''' TH

LCJNb floOR SI ,..-rl N6 \lolA" ALL , W ia".oN6

~_"_I!::;,,;;;"'_o..,.'.;u.;....;"_..';,; I',;".;~~L;.;;a;;.;-;...-,



~' I'


Farmarl of, Warren and adjoining counties m~, obtain mone, ~ on long time loana, at 6 per- tent Interedo Co.t of securini the ' ..IDe 18 very rea.onable, throu,h The Federal ~nd Bank. }nor further information eall on or· adelre.. II. C. DRAKE, Treasurer. plione 81. . X Lebanon, ObiI' '. ~ ,_ ,


HERE'S ·ANOTHER ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY RARE PROOF uF --------D. L. CRANE . Publi.ber KONJOLA'S POWER Oftice Phoue ........ .............. No. 112


R., ...................... _.... No. 1.,

Suh •.criptioD Price, $ •• ISO .. Year ~n' .... " et P.otoffice et Woyn .. ulli. ""'., o. S,con" Cia .. Moll Me"e.

Cincinn.ti Lady Relate. Remuk able E.perlence witb Tlai. New And Dlfferellt Mecil cine.

MARCH 5, 1930





.------------- ---------_. I

The three missionary so cities met in joint session Wedn sday at the Aid room for a revi ew of the study books f or the year. The foreign book was reviewe~ in the morning with Mrs. H. E. Hatton presiding. The devotional consisted of a repetition of the 23rd Psalm in ' con~ cert. The chapters of "From Jerusalem to Jerusalem" were very capab!y l::::td lcd by Mrs. Rae Thornbury, Mrs. Anne COSBurn, Mrs. Ida McKay anq Mrs. Minnie Olflesbee. Adjourned for dinner wblch' was a covered dish meal 1 and thoroghly enjoyeU by al\ lIresent. Mrs. Th ornbury co nducted the aftern oon devotional. The hOlll e ml 810n boo k, "The Cr owded Ways" was then r eviewed by Mrs . Mary Sy f erd, Mrs. Eval yn huma ker, Mrs. Mary Davis, Mrs. Edith , McKay , Mrs. Edith Luk ens and I Mrs. Oba Welch. A short discussion f oll owed lind a ll expressed I th e m ~e lves as heartily enj oy ing lhese annual mee tings t ogether. I Pa ul Cu t ri" ht is conv alcscl'ng I .... from ne l'vou s brcllkdowns a t th e home of relati ves neal' Chillicot he. I Th e ' Baptist Missionarv Circle J met at th e home Ot I\Irs. }1urie Gray, Thursday aftern oon , wi t h ' Mrs. J e nnl.e G ra hu", assls . tm ' g . Devot ions we r e in charge o f Mrs. , Nelli e Gillam. Rull call responses ' we're favori te fore ign missionary . • Seve rn l bUl;in ess matt ers occ upi ed OUI' a ttention , following which a short r evie w of " Churches in Cuba" was give n by Mrs . Marie Gray. Mee ting closed by sing in g. T h(' h o s tc f:~ C !l then ~er ve d dcliciOU K f r ui l salad. cuke. an d cocoa . Adj ourn t·d to mee t· with Mrs . Edith Luk ens. March 19. Mr. and M r ~. Clin t Cleaver spent Thu l' day w ith Dayt on r elnUves.


This is the t ime of the year when the man with an automobile wishes he had a horse 0 1' a good t eam of mules wh enever he turn s off the main paved roods. We have g one ~ lonll w!ly sinee G ~o rge W ashIOgton s tIme, when It took him two weeks t o get fl'om th e national capitul, then in New York, to his home in Virginia, on uccount of the bad condition of the roads. The reason why our national Can. blutiun es of thutCongress PresiMISS MARIE DAVIS sdents a nd provid Members e lected in November d o not take " My troubl e began with . bad office until the foll owing March is teeth a nd then stomach and kidthat it was figured it would take ney ills developed," said Miss all that time fol' them t o ge t to Marie Davis, Seventh Avenue the capi tal, especially if new Hotel, Cin cinnati. "M,y stomach s tales wer e ereuted west of the was so weak th!lt J c o ul~ not drink ev~ n water WIthout dIstress. My Ohio river! 'One of the first ac ts of Tho~as weIg ht went from 120 down. to 95 J e ffe rson's administrati on wa s to pounds. I walk the: floor In aginaug urate R s y~ te m o f national f ony from buck pa~n s, for sleep paved highways. But th e railroad I was out of lhe qu~ stlOn. I ~as pale was inv('nted al ong in th e 182 0's, I and weak a nd. l'!lpldly nearing com and r oad-building began to InnJ plet e I?r~stratlOn. I could not ftr,d guish; the railI'oad was go ing to a ~)e9IclO e tha t would h~lp. me, tak e its plnc e. Our fatti ers, RIght fr om t.he begll:mmg of gra ndfathers and great-grandra th- my treatm ent wl~h KonJolo, my CI'S continu ed t o p ull along in the health began to. Improve. As the The Am erican Legion put on mud until th e au tomobile made nccumulated pOIsons were swept a n exce llent show at t he Gym W ed better r oads imperative. Th e past from my syste m new health came nesday evening. Mu sic by the fifte en years have see n road- ba ck. My s tomach gre,:" strong and sch ool orchestra opened the probuilding dev elop into one of the I .began ~o eat nourl~hlng foods gram. The movie "Two Arabilln nation's major mdustries, and t.his WIthout dIstress. My ~ldneY8 grew Nights". was th oroug hl y enj oyed. Americ~n year's program is vaster than IIny better, .and n~w functIOn perfectly Lebanon's "Two Black Crows" that have gonc before. The palOs whIch formerly a.t tacked next enterta in ed with harp nnd The go od work should not stop m~ back passed a,:"ay entIrely. I banjo numbcl·R. Dr. Robert Blair until every farm home in the nn. gamed ten pound~ In fiv~ weeks. r . favored ·with two beuu t iful vocal tion has a paved motor road pass- shal! . al~,ay s praIse thIS master solas. Wm. uemening ac ted as ing 'its gate. Alrel\dy there is medIcI rye. . ' . accompanist and also f urnished '''rhe Landing of Columbus" KonJ ola IS sold In WayneSVille piano mus ic during the movie. some idle talk to the effect that "De Soto Discovering the Mississippi" the airplane will make further ex- at Adam. Dru •. Stor~, and by all An other number by th e or chestra tem:ion of through motor roads the best drul,l'glsts. 10 all. towns closed t he program. "The Landing of the Pilgrims" unnecessary. Nobody takes that throughout thI S entire section. "'William Penn's Treaty With the Indians" !'ort. of talk very seri ously yet, Ha rveysburg was well r epresen If yo u do wuuld y ou be kind enou gh but It may becom e an a rgument I'n ted a t the Dasketb a ll Tournament liThe Boston Tea Party" Potatoe. en Surpri.e t S . b F 'd Ie'.' ~ e ars or so against the approa pl'lng oro rl ay. to send in their name to Corn li n at IIlfhe Battle of Bunker Hill" - - -prlatJon of furth er Federal fund ii The Rik e- Kumler Co Ipnny . Wc arc for roadbuilding. That WIlS what Bake larlte mealy potatoes and IIlfhe Declaration of In.dependence" anxiou!:I to honor all Miami Valley hlll>pened when t he ra ilroad came eoop out the eentersj mash them, "'Washington Crossin, the Delaware" in, but we know more than our add a generous lump ot butter, residents 77 yeal's of age or older at ancestors did and probably will seasoning and two heaping tableour annual Old Fashioned Tca Party. Pitcher at Monmouth" ":Molly not be fooled as they were. spoons of grated Switzerland' ch eese ; add one teaspoonful of "Perry's Victory on Lake Erie" Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Run yon . Uncl e Si Tinkle pllug h says there chopped parsley and milk enough I ~ one good thing ab out this Ru s- to mak e the con sist ency of mash- Arthur Morgan of Mt. Holly and sInn attack on I'e ligion; it giVes 3 ed potato; beat well until light littl e Dorothy Michiel, of near lot of preach ers something to and fluff y, refill potato cases, rt;- Xenia, were Wedn esday evening I preach against without making turn to. the oven and bake untd caller on Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gib- 1 the filhng puffs and becomes. a so n and family. their own congr egations sore. golden brown. Serve at once, I . . Th esc are delicious with creamed I\~rs. Anna Hyman, of CmclllAfter rending the news dispatch- codfish or Finan Haddie Del- natl, was a week-end g uest of her es from Chicago, U. S. A., th e peo- monico. aunt, Mrs. Frank Hartsock. pl e of Chicago, South. Australia, MislI Thelma Morgan, of Mt. voted to change the name of their Holly, t ook supper W ednesday t own to Booth. after the founder Uncle Ham Blow Say.: evening with Miss El sie Gibson. of the Salvation Army. If that ~oesn ' t make Chicago asham.e d of The last . thing you want--and Mrs. Roy Pepper of Belmon t , Itself, Chicago, Kentucky, might ge t---in this lile is an obituary. spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. th.reaten to chnnge its name to If action speaks louder than Fra nk Hartsock . KIDII' George a nd ee if t hat will wo rds then our 100 per cent talk· - - -.-+ - - have any effect. ies. mu st be 200 per cent movies. No , folks, square pins will not SPEED fit round holes. They never did. It was little Willi e' s firs~ ride Here's our "Puzzle Puller" for . i~ II railway train, and the succes- this we ek : How long can a goose Ion of wonders had reduced him stand on one leg? The answer ; to a state of .hYot erical ustonish- You t rv it. . Mrs. Elizapeth Thomas of Harment. . OUf 'idea of a man going down veys burg is in her 94th year of .The t nlln rounded a slight bend in defeat in one with falling age. und, with a s hriek of its whistle 8 1 chcs. Chas. Dill, wife, K. E. Thompplunged illto a tunnel. ---- . - • - - - . son wife and daughter Mary Kath. There were> gllsps of surprise . . . from the corn er where little Wil- SubscrIbe for The MIamI Gazette leen were in Xenia on Wednesday. Several from a distance aUen ded th e R. J. Murray sale on Friday. j~ - , - - - - - ,- - - - - - Anthony Davis has been quite sick the .past week but is some bet- sick list tbis week . Undo Adam'. Cocitation ter at this writing. Flat Forie School Note. Chas. Dm wife and daughter, con tell poo' white . trash. .... Pauline Jack and Jim Harry Miss :ldie Worley spent Satur- JistYou de minit dey gits up Norf I l'hompson, W. H. Terry and K. E. day and Sunday in L~banon. and gita a few d911ahs ahead dey RESIDENT 'l'hompson ~re in Harveysburg Miss Pauline Dill was absent wants sugah in d oy cotree--jist as Saturday aft ernoon. one day last w·eek on account of upp ish a8 ee dey was quality folkses. Homer Wical family , have s ickness. 30 Years Experience in Flttln moved to his father.s farm near PERMANENT LOCATION and Making Glasses Some of the pupils are learning Port William. -"":""at-pieces for the oratorical contest Let us print yOUr sale bills Contractors Jacobs and Jacobs which will be March t he 12th. are doing some work for H. ' C. Junior Frost who has been ab. LEBANON, OHIO NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Moore. Every Tue.d.", Tbund.,., sent for several weeks with a very Eye. E •• mined Z. O. and Dallas Worley were a bad cold is back to school again, Saturda,. mong these hom a distance who We are very glad to have Junior Estate of Emma Wright, deGle .. e. Filled Repaira No .charre for E.amillati.D ceased. attended the R. J. Murray sal!! on back again. Notice is hereby given that A. Friday. The sixth g rade pupil s are T. Wright has been duly appointChas Dill caned on K. E . studying in Geography the Plateau cd and qualified as Administra_ ,~~~~~~-~--~~-~-~~~!!...~~~. -==~==~===~==~ Thompson and family Sunday States which is vel'y interesting. to)' of the Estate of Emma Wl'ight --.---- afternoon. William Younkers was absent late of Warren CQunty, Ohio, deJ. Lee Talmage of South Leb- one day last w.eek owing to sick- ceased. & 4anon was Sunday guest of A. B. ness, but is back to school again. Dated this 18th day of FebruTalmage wife and aunt· Jessie Lee - __ .. ary 1980.


HWashington Crossing the Del aware" depicted above is one of a 'series of ten Famous f!istorical Episodes to be seen in the windows of The Rike-Kunzler Co.

In celebration of their 77th Anniversary The Rike - Kuml el' Company has obtained ten Historical Tableaux which al'e l' epl' odu ct io!l S of famous paintings. These settings, showing actual one-third life size fi gures enaeting Famous Episodes in History, may be :seen in the windows.

The Ten Titles Are:

Do You Know Anyone 77 Years Old or Older?


Watch the D3.yton Newspapers and Dayton Shopping News for Announcements of Rike-Kumler's 77th Anniversary Sale! Radio Talks Daily Over WSMK at 7: 15 P. M. of Interest to Children As Well As Grown-ups,



Dayton, Ohio

Dayton, Ohio

"Where Savings Are



John Zettel

Optometrist 19 N. Broadway

Abso'l ute

SAFETY Fint Mortl". on R.l Ettate Seoul.,: Th. b..t Security. Nethln. Sefe"""':Notbina B.tter.

ASSETS over 14 MiUiou DoJIan One of the I.~..t aDd moq_ .... cia· tiona in the at at.. Why take Chaneea OD Get.RicIa-QiIic:k Scb..... ~d 10M alL

W. ~ ' aolicit ,0'" patroMp. ." THE

West Side Building & J.oan Assn. Two 'OffbI: 11 Eo 3nI St. ThIrd at ~J.







• Specialis

Cary'sJewelry Shop

Dr•.C. W·.AN SON DR. L. B. u:ALL V

Garner. Prof Hatfield one of Wllynesville highly educated teacher. has been making out little Grove a few special but pleasant cans. AJI . h R rIg t aymon come oftener and st.ay 101\&er. Chas. DiU and family were in Dayton on Thursday. Robert Mooney of near Lebanon at.t ended the R. J. Murray sale here on last Friday. It will be re: membered tb'at Robert worked here on the farm by the month for Mr. Murray over 40 ye:trs ago for $14.00 ner month. Mr. Mooney . t hF b 0)' h 00 d .. da'ys h ere and spen J8 attended Liberty Hall school here. R. J. Murray and wife are moving ' thi8 week to tbe Snider tarm. Better known as the . Bill Blain farm near the Creek. . George Davia. and A. B. Talmag. e were iii Lebanon Saturday. Wauland Jo ....a ana 1am'ly f J" LV '" • • I of 0 Hyde ·..Park were f 11-...' Friday~esta t hell' -nome _ ~... h_e~, ra. Kate Jordon a.nd family. A air.Hoa-Iand of near Day to n .. has moved on the Dean ~naban farm here. Mr: MichAel baa traded the farm to a Dayton man. Rocers Payll II a"~ed to our



Judge of Warren Countr, Ohio. S olr d rroposa ls will be r~e lv. ed I B. F. !iarwltz, Atty., Middletown, by the 1 rustllc8 or Wayn e TownOhIO. ship, Wnr ren County. Ohio. ot the offl ce 0 r t h (' Cle rk OIr Way ne ""'!I!'!!!'!!!'!!!!'!!!!!'!~!!!!!!~"!!!!!!'!!!~~~~ Town ship. at the Waynesville c: - - -' National Bank. Waynesville. Ohio. until ·noon Eastern Time March 18 1930. for Stnndard the turnlshlng }~e tr.~II~~I~ ~;~~~~~~~n~h~o ~~~d~a~~ . . Wayne 'l'ow.nshlp . On e tra ck t~·p.e tractor power capable on ot Witl;. Dependable de"eloplng 25 horse draWlbar and with IIcariCi er ll"tSerum and Virus mahment ; suld trn~ tor to be equal i·n e"ery pd 'respect with th erl)\IJar "SO" manutactur . br th e Cate insurea both SafeTractor Co . . One grader with 8 root blade or ty .and Success one .wl lude th 7 delh'ery (oot blade. Prlgrader r.08 to InC at WaYnea" lIle Ohio. '1'he Trusteelll ,,' III oIrrer In ~,, change t or any one or ull o r th e n · bove, equ Ipmen:t, . St~;:: c<;~~:~:r/o n No. 4 )- 2 .IOX20 With in th l:se limits eae ll Milder PLo.... -I will be expect ed to .rll e with hili bid ~~~~_.;a_;,;;• ..;...;.;.___..,;;;._..L, spec ifications co,'erlnl!' e'nch article -:;bidPropo.sal" upon. " willi. be entertalhed '. ~=~~~~~~======~ i up- 'on all)" or all eql!lpment above .bpedtl cd. but I~ 8~J)arate bId ' l muet ' . e ma ..A o u ponaCh kl n d 0 f .equ ' pio ' •. • mont coveTed b ) ' ·tlhe proposal. rh Board -(It Tru8tees I' serve. ' . ' NOTARY PU_UC the rlcht to re.lect ·an y or all bld •. oraer or the Board of '!lruat.eea of.By. TownJlhlp. Warren N_\i••AI B••• County. Qhlo. W. 8. GRA.RA:M Will Drap • • Satat.. S.ttl';'

'ro ..

. . etermarlao Phone 93

W a yoes VI·1 e, Oh·10





. ~w........... 0 ....


Phone ~7'6F4 Wayne8ville, Ohio


E . co~

Fo~rt~"n Yea ... s of

Reliable Vaccination

Dr. W:E. FrOlt







~'. p" ,

.._--- AIII.rican Inlt.ihalionl Nashnal Banks. Clateral Loans. Drllff Tellers, in!nmntion- Clerks.


; . , ' ...' ", ;e/, r


A chllin elevator ystem, not th chllin store system now mpiclly extendin~, had full control of the farmers' grain market in 4,000 1 cal communities a quarter of II ctlfltury ago, according to the Fnrmt'r!l Elcvutor Guide. nit d jill ~he chain contl'lbuted but little \.0 ,Ioenl communiti s, They built s mall pll\nt , hired few employe ,paid low wag , s, almost no taxes, kept next lo no fund s in local banks, and paid unduly low prices to farmers. They sapp ed the local community, ' Farmers, with the aid of mer· chants in some Instances, decided to break the chain, They uni ted aud handled their OWn grain, The '1lUi n was broken. 1<'lIl'mel'S' 'Ievators now have many s plendid local plunts, they pcnd [\11 opcrating- l!O tlts at home; plIy good sa lal'ies , pay their share of loca l taxeR, kcep their funds in home bnnks, and pay farmers h on cst prices. They al'e home community ouild cl's. Lucl1 l m el'chunts may so me day find it neCC!lsary to unite and u r~ l1k the !;tol'e chai n to protect thern ~ ·Iv('~ lind prese l've home ClIllllll Ulliti('s, A ha lf million for · IIIl'r ~ with their 4,000 fUl'lners ~t'\' at()l's ha vc s,lIO\I'n them ho\v, unlik ~


E, L . lI al' lan, of Dayt n, wa p A



visitor in town today.

Have yo \11' wu tch and clock repahed, old wedding rings modernIzed, your diamond !; put .In a mo un ti n g . j e wc·1ry r ellalrl!d like new silve rware r eplot d and beads restrung at Cary' s Jewelry Shop Lebanon . Mr. and Mrs, Carl Noble, who left here on Sunday, February 28, arrl vod at Long Beuch, Calif. , on Wlldnc !lday the :!fJ. Dr, und Mrs. ,\\" ll end e r son:H in r ecei(.lt of II lette r f rom t he i!" !\O n-in· lnw sluting thllt Mrs. Nob le stood th e tr iu s plend idl y and that ~ e l' h '£lIth Sl' 111 ' t o Ul' I'CI'y mu ch IInproved., i\lr Merle Kern s wh o has for se \' c r~ 1 years uel'n onncctod with Ihe La 7.lI rus sto r e, Columbus, has rt'sign ed nnd accepted a pos ition \, ilil Mnr8hall Fi elds in Clevelnnd. 1\1 r:;, Kcrn ,; and Iittle dllu~hter will s p end a few weeks with the fo rm cr 's parents Mr , lind Mr s, J. 1>. Madlltt., befur c going to her nell' home,

'vVhcn Pn' siJcnt H ov\(:r tl iS(l, \'l'rell 110011 lil l' fI ' \\a~ 11" , ch" ,,1 ('.r II .,' II I. 10""'."\ rhll tl rt''' ,III'I" g .'''':l1 1,;< fIsh in", ca1l1p at ~l adi "lj n , :\ ,' he Jl rtl\n i < ~(1 to "1J ' ply ,,1,1' II ha > )11 ' ,lIt l' lI 1,,,, '.111'<1 :11.,.1 , I ; ~, c.!IrI , IIle Vcst , heneH;1 m OIlIlI:,i ll L: I,I fi ll'" KCII II"k y, ~ .., I"OI IIII ;tl <' "f g,' rra C"I'q,:<' :ln d t Il !t: "d .. " l ll ",\'C"ly. it :\" hecll en J,:'a J::cd a~ tcacher.

--- ~-- ---


---- ~


Atln ...•• QuotaUoD "I want. n "nir of shoes, mister, so HS not to pinch my leet - the larger the uetter, afid never mind abuut the tl le:- and out." _ _ _ 1 '--

, Want that "Pi~k of Condition" Feeling?

Drug Specials RU~~lt~i~lcOhol

,.~ . ,:.'C

Nervino ... " , , " ." " ._ "

P' l etc h er ~


as t.orill lIind s TI nney and A IlIl u nd Crelllil


P e ue ' co T oo t h Pn s le

Pint Size

I PIIlIU T ooth Pu s t·

IU g'gish bloou s lo\\'s you up and mnk es you louk pal e und worn. Peptonu increases the l'(' d el) I'puelcs of the blood Hlltl invigol'lltes the cil'cula· tOI'Y s~'s t l' m, Soon you'll fee l 100 ty, fi t unci y our pink, healthy co lor will let the \Yodel know it. Peptollll is sold on ly at Rexn ll StOl'cs.

- - ---


AgAili~~rlll on "". "... ""I.J' Dr. Mlle8' . 8,0

Just try


__ _

('c,)l!"u lc Too l h rll ~' 1 lI~, n

1" 1


\V ash

,6c 41C 41c 41c 23c 3'c

KlcllZl) Dt'nlu l I'C ll1c and Toolh Bl'u sh 2.,C 8ue va lu e. Both f OI ~

Oflicilll~ of the Oh io Central Slll t e to ok t itl e t o the T " ll' phlln c o mpan y op I'nting I : :~, OOO Here tract of lund formerly chan l!~s Ht Lebnnnn and ot.h er VII · 1:1 pu rl of lite old Shaker !lettlc . , kJ7es In \ya !'l'cn Cu unt y. have 1'1" 1lt~ llt nell)' Lebanon , today liS II l'~IVCtI n utlce o f a tcnt!\tlv~ va lua· sit, [01' n n ~ w ,'tate In ~titlltion fill' Iwn placed on th e plant nt, HarM.i!;s Ill'mi te Gnlhal1l \Vu~ (J ut Fc~, ltlc.Min ded . Titl e pu.sscd to the VC'~~bll.l'g' III S, a'dl'e~bu l t o f ~he IIlvcni of ~ l'h'1 111 lu~ t w('c k on a rco unt of l ~Iatc with the f ormal tssuun ce of tlOlY pcublll,c ll Cut C'l't' y cnglll~er~ 0 ' 11 ,_ ' a vo uc he r for $200 UOO repl'esc nt ti e u IC . t I I IC S Olllnll~ S lOn. Pbone lZO Wayne.vlllet Ohio I nc ,~. . I . h" :' , ' Vtrlu e c1/l1111ed by the compa n y llce Mr, lind MI'!\. Lowell Th ~ m as l Ing t I\! pUle :Ise 'p . . in th eir r cqu (>!lt fur un increased lll o\'ed fr oll1 Micld lrtu wn Th l'sday , Unt Il, th'~ s ite IS c!cvelupe~ IIlto rate schedule waR $26,454 ,6!J I ~ Rtltulion for JUI]sdlclion ~ e~bl~' ~lnded, ' ' h 'I ~. "1 3 , IIGS • 7 11 h'Ig hel. th n,n ---------~---,~- ...._~---'"'"!'~--I t o' Iht' 1 " ).:('1'5 IWOrer!y. , Il ~Ill it Will be under of I,II-h Ie oj' I r. , T . ~Inrii n, ?f C~r~~r;:~~e' l Lo ng ,icw H os pital, incil\llali. l l~ e valu ~ computed by the commls 'J"!.~=~==~I \ ' a~ In to\\ n on ltu In 55 Y 'o me remotleling will b e don e to l.' 1()'l C' n ~meers . . . . OU I" Th ' I lId ie~ of Lytic ~h uI'ch sc r- I th e old co lony house imm diutely Pendmg !h~ deC ISion uf the ull~ ' \ld lunch !It ,th e ~ n l l' 01 MI'. Adler , to llccommodate 75 patien ts who 1111'S C OIlUI1l .SIOB, th e company IS ' U II lJu ylun pike, Thursday . w ill work the farm this Rummcr, ~"l1edlng th e advanced ra t~ sub· Mrs. Bell e Cuun lind dllughters. An exten sive ' arming prog ram Jvct lo I'l'fu~d should thell·. rcand M I'S. Eli zabeth Smith of Day· will b e cal'l'icd. out qu e~t for an mcreasc be dented , l on. were Thu rsda y e vening guests - - . ' - -- - - - - - - or Mrs , Mnrgaret J ohn s. VAN.TRE SS-M ILLS Chari s Early went to Cincin· WEDDING ANNIVERSITY Where the bE'st of sound e nd talking picnHti Friduy lind returned wilh 1\ I new F ord ' cdlln, A s imp'!e but !mp re~s ive s':l'e' l Mr. and Mrs, Frnnk Gallahcr h .ll'es ca n bO! seen and heard Mrs. Ilob crt Hunt attended the mony unIted MISS Eva Mills, celebrate d their golden wedding " Round. up" meeting of Home da.ughter ?f .Mr. and 1I-1 1·S. Fran k I Ilnlli v rSlIl'Y Monday. l'hur ,. da~' It nd Fri day, Marc h 6 a nd 7. Dcmon 8tra ti on work, of Wayne MJ!l s, of Spr m g Valle y, and Frcd 1 Dinner 1\"tIS se rved at th e MariRAYMUND HATTON and DORTHY RINER T own!lhip at t he G.ym at Waynes· L . VanTress , Bon of Mr. and .~lrs. gold Dining Room, wh ere covers C. H. VanTre~8, of New BUI hn g· were luid for twenty· fiv e guests. In "MURD ER O!'l THE ROOF" v ille , We dn esd ay. t un , ' The marl'lllge Wll perform ed I n cluded in t h e list of gucsts A mys lery story tnkcll from th e story of t he SlImc name Wal le r Fri erm oo d a nd family \yedne ' da ~', Febru.I\l~y 26, at 12 :30 I we re: l\1r, and Mrs, Corwin Gal . publish ed lately In the Liberty rnagllz1ne. a re mvving fl"()m the Bcrgdall u, clock by Rev: Wllitams at the M. luh er of Harl'! burg, Pa" Mrs. form t o the urfnce farm on Day E, parson~ge m Harveysb urg, Frllnk Forgy, of Columbus and S.turd.y, March 8th ton nnd L ebanon pike . The b "Ide wore a tan fro~k , MI'S, Meli sa Beall, whose late Wm BOYD IN Glenn Johns of Dnyl,.on was a gTcen ~~lIt and ta'." ha t wIlh hu band Albut U , Beall perform Sunday guest of hiR mother, Mrs. harmonlzmg ncces. ortes. e d the montage ceremony for "OFFICER O'BRINE" Margaret J p hns. Mr" and 1\1rs, VanTr,ess d ~- Mr, ancl Mrs, Gnllahel', An uctio n all·tul king Ilollce ~ to l'y, Mr, and Mr!> Walte r Kenrick , )Jar ted on n short weddIng trip • _ _- - 1I'1r. lInd Mrs. dUII'Je s Early atten· throu g h tlhe Enst. Th ey wiJI be at Sunday and Mond ,. y, March 9 a nd 10 ded the rimerlll of Theodore Cam p h omc to th e ir fri ends on a fa rm Adverse Quotation Starti ng Sunday at 2 :15 bell ut Ca ntl!fvllle, 'Wet!lIe· Q:JY , nenr New Burliilgto n. "Is that 507 I ai n't in no big VICTOR lI1cLAGLAN, ED BRENDLE and FIFI DORSEY Mi sses Sar a BOWlllun tln~ }J01'. ----- - . - - tush about put t in' on my 1930 li ... In "HOT PI PANS" t ha Ri el took dinner Wedne, dll,v cen se plates. You jest try and with Mrs. Clare nce mith, on W , C. T , U. MEETING ~:uk!~, me do it-yo u big old bum, A red hot comedy of sailor l a shore in Pal'is. Our patronll . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- -• •- -• •- - - - - - . ThUl'sday with Mrs, Wilb';!\' Th e W. ,T. U , meeting was l • - - - -will r emember these p layelll j Vi tor la l1 was the Hard· Boiled Marine, who played in t he " . <lc key ed World;" Ed ~~~~~~~~~!!"!'!!!!"!'!!~~~~'!!!'!~!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!~~~~~~~ F oulks. lind Fl'isJllY with Mrs. WII· held a t the hOllle of !'rI1·S. G, C, Ihun Bergd ull. Dibert on In t Thursda y afternoon :: - -~. Bre ndle p layed the part of the sw.: c\ g rocer in "Sunny Side Up"; Fife Dorsey is the girl w 'ro H!: ng- tlie so ngs in "They Mrs. Margare t Johns and sister, MI'R, Williamso n conducted the d e. Had 1'0 SEE PARIS." Now here lhey are a ll together in Mrs Elizabeth ::>mith, were six votional" reading the 5th chapter on e of the best comedies of the yeur, o' clock din n er gues ts Thu rsd ay of of Dan iel , following with prayer. TO-11tWl'e sents we advi se a ,1 II1I1I1Y lo attend th e matinee Miss Mary and P erry Cook in The p:rogram co nsisted of a as po ssible . ' Wayn esvi lle, in honor of the s ong, " L ea d on 0 King Eternal," birthday of the l atter, r ea ding, "Frances Will ard as a Loren Reaso n ot Wuynesvillc Young g irl," Mrs. WiJliam son; ilt fr~J1kHn Wel~omes 9U was Jln over-night guest Thul'l!day "AmeriC<I 's Uncrowned Queen," tlf Milo Miltenbe rge l' and to·gether Mrs. Wade "Willard's Memorial ~he'y a1 tende d the basketball Funcl an. Educational Agency," tournumc,,( ,1t Springb oro Friday Mrs . Dibert ; Frnnc es Willard the -- ~ --~ and Satul'dav, Master Organ izer," Mrs. SimpI The meetings at Lytl~ , ahyrch son; s ong, "Go FOl'ward." All r eI cll}~p d £:'rid ay evening with several pCllted t h e W. C. T. U. benediction lll;C ' 'j m ; in members hip . The n ext meeti n g will be held . b at the home of Mrs, Williamson ... _ i Willifllll P ence of · S prtng oro Ma r ch 27. Mrs. Siml)SOll, of Leb- ATIlEISM was an ov l' I3 jlndllY guest at t h e " ~ -~~ home of Mr, fllld Mrs. Walter un on In former member, was pres· The RUI.ian covernment's war Kenri ck, e nhuring t h e soc ia l houl' delig ht- against relirion may prove the spur MI'. und 1\11'5 , Mareellus '1'hac!)· f ul refre shments were scrved by needed to unite all Olristianity into 11m of Springboro visited over the I)Rste!ls. makinr common cause asainst the en· l:iunday with Ml', ;lll d rs. S. H. ." emies of God. Increclble as It sounds, 13l1l'lwt illld Mr. and Mrs, Oharles the armed and disciplined minority Clurk. "What are these holes in the which oontrC11s Russia has proltibited


Th e


Wall Paper,

ADAMS The Sale Drug Store


Our new 1930 line consisting of over 150 patterns in charming color effects, is carried in stock, and now ready for your inspection.

___. . ._


I' .


Come in and look over the wide variety of patterns for every room 'i n the house. You will find style, coupled with taste, at very low prices.




Oh~o '


se to sse Roll






The Miami





Read all the Ads. in the Gi\zette



Low 1930 Prices •


00 llae "lCl4l1 Lifetime Guaranteed



Mr. lind Mr8, hades Early e n· are knot holes ." L I' L~lin cl Lo Sunday din n er Rev. " They nrc holes ! Don't you into museums ~ factories, la killinl Funde rbu rg of New Carlisle, pos· t hink I Imow II hole when I sec /!lissionariea and CQnfisc;atil!l the proRtal' of the Dunkal'd church on one?" ~rty of , f~r. ~o .tmnnrt tI!I Miami burg r oad . - ._- - - .~---~r~, .





MI'. lind ,lIIr:;. Flunk MlltenbI)T· 1' PAL OF BOYS There been PIUlY ge l' n lertalned to IInriay dinner' wars in hiltory, but atwa,.. ea.cb ai<!l MI'. a nd j\h :;, Clint Dearth Those boyhood years belween lras professed the &,I'ttiq to be in tbt Middlelown, Mr. and Mrs, Edwal'd I the ages () f t on and twe nty III'e t h e name of Ita own God, The organ 01 r1 iltcnltc l'gi, r of ,Ealoll , Mr. , and impl'eMiolllal)l e years -t he forma- this anti-religlou. mo;verqent in Russia f..lI ge ne, ~rs, 'f l'lmble of Dayton tive years w h on th~ fJlndame!1tnl k a newspaper published In Moscow WCl r(l evenllig guesls, character of a bny IS molded Into I called "The Godless Onc," The • • . ,~ the pattern it will mailltai,n I .v~":ed purpose is to stamp out aU -. . - ~ thro ughout t he \'emll inder of hI S I religion and destroy all faIth. life. Unless Christianity is to confelf Th!l~ is why, so much im por- I failure, a greater war than the worle ta nee IS pl a~ed In th e factors t hat has ever seen is inevit:Jble, It will be • , ~" ,/e rll th e hves of ado lescent boys I the war of all Christendom agains! -- th e1r ,a ompanions, their environ· • the Godless rulers of Soviet RUliia 'Mr. IIIlLI Mrs. Carl Wardlow mcnt ' their "ead ing , the food they Mrs , He rbert Marlatt .a nd P4iss eat, ~tc. At this age is determined DUCKS ,Clara Ullughtcl's spent Wedne/S· wheth er t he boy w ill d eve lop into day afternO on in Xenia . a cl)e.e 11u l pr surly man, generous A !Joaton. man went bunting it Mr, an d Mrs, ,John Levi and lion 01', sel fislh , Int.emg~)1t or ,dull, ~aine. He ~bot niret)' ~lItk.. Th W ellingto n spent F riday with Mr, ambiti.o us or ind olen t . , p~eJ:~ day he pilid ~1.700 £,qr them In Audrey Cr ew und fa mily, Scpo,ol tellchers, hbrar!ans':h.. , f l!,,~11 £tales C",u rt. Thirt y dol~ Mr. Edmo n Marlatt spent the cout lea ~r8 anll others engll~ed lars a ~1Jcl<. tl fi'! is the fi~e rnipose'4 week-end wit h hi s sister, Mrs. III boy activities have found t at by the Fecles-al govcr:lment f9 r ~iIIi!1g Elvis Micha el THE AM E R J CAN BOY ,....., ejAer dUCKS, f, or which . there is no . YOUTH' S C 0M PAION magazine 'f •• M!. lind Mrs, E, Burton of is on e of the most favor able In. opell S~~;OI). ElY,l'Ia spent the week-end with t\uences IP b oy betwee n tel) '1l1)Q Too few huqtars ~re informell Qf theIr parents Mr. OI nd Mrs. John twenty can have. Its stories lind !lIe:: Fed~ral i:aUJe laws which r;otoc~ Rye, a r ticles ul'e a fOl'ce lor , good- miC' ratllry birtjs, Beforc f oin: ollt 1\11-. lind Mrs. p, A. Rup'fol:l wholesome, ali vc, inspiring. with a gun onD b rcc\ulrc:c, in most !<pent Su n day in H ills boro, The miRlion or so boys who read state., to ~e out a I looting l icell~e .Mrs. F r ank Dakin IIpent this ' m6lg'/lzine eve r y month con- and to be informed about the state with Mrs. Herbert Marlatt: sider it t!lieir ~Iosest friend , In it and local game laws, Any state same The Ladies Aid wllJ meet lit tile t hy find the ke'e n eat c ntel·tainm~nt wardr.n can . g ive full information }Jly~tery, ath letics, ahou! the Fcd~ral game laws, also. home of 111 1'S, H arold K e llis, Thul's adventure, day afternoo n. All mi!mbers are humor, .evel'ythrn!!. ~at d p.lI(Jhts !Jnlcss they .. s well as state law5 a re urged to be present. II Hvewll',c Amer~ca n bo y. It.s .enforced tlll:re will soon be no game Mr. Clarence Crawford and ~ ports artIcles by fllm.o lls coaches IcJt to 'h~ ' ,



GOUlI.\'C'.ar buildl more tlalln ~ of all tires £old ilJ Allierl~. EnJoyiDg lo\\'c'l COAl e, Good. ~~.~ glvflf ,reateel " .... UeI. For exaJllple-llw8o ">l106"d(lni - Cluperior to mauy hi gh, prh:ed l:Jakes-yet lee bow little YOU plI)' b ere I

Full O" cJ'8ize llllllooua


Big O,'er8lze Cord.a.




$ •• ~O -~

.7.00 ..


,.,.hI a1te low prtee4!


D.ere too More People Ride on

Trade ) '. . : . :!i'e tire8 Jor n ew AU.W f':dl<: '; o;',Uouhle Eagles Extr. tiberal trade-itt L . " r!Ulre-if ron ad ROW! l'iootb. of alil'P(!2'Y drlving ahr.ndo when YOII moat Deed the IAr~l)' grin o£ the , All.We.ther 1'rca.l!l. PUI D,ew Goo,l),earll t>n DOW and they will ,un be lihe p ew '£01')'0111" lUDUDer drivilJlL


S'e rvice StatiQD .Waynesyille, Ohio



The ' Making of a Home


b~~~lol'dP:~~ rn.~ay

with Earl

ami y,

al!d oC MI'.Xen Ia.Mrs. spentRaymond SU!ldayOsborn with EmcJ'son DIU and iamlly. !\fl'. E . J. Ru t herford of Le):l· a.n on has purchased th e ~eed property and mov:ed on Monday. Ml's. Emerson Diil was shopping in Waynesvll1e ' Saturday after. noon, ':. ----:- - - _ . i 'Gl'acious," lIaid t h e doctor " h ow did yo u get these awful bruise On your: shins? Are you a hockey player?" ."Oh no I jus t le d back my wile's weak suit."



a., Lumber, F«iner Shingle, ~u,d All th It , goe. with t~e ·Homo Beauitful. ' For an esti· on the same, call "

~,~dth!r;e~ho~ll~~~~~~ ft~n p~~~~~~ ~±~.~~~='~,~.~~,~.-~c~-=::::

s lOnal arHcles

r.r: d

bl ogrll pqcal

them inenly sclecli ng' tsket h e irches Iife'i.uld work. Its ki! anjllytical e~itorials, gui-1c th<'!l1 III their daily problems. That boy or young ma n In whom you al'e . int'!1"ested would have ~ world' of pleasure ' reading 'r H E )lM;ERICAN"' BOY YOUTH'S e O·MPANJON,. SubN: ription prices ,a re only $2.0 0 for one . yeJU' or $8.00, for t hl'#B y tcrs. Y our pr~er may ):Ie turned in at t he offille of t his newspaper Ol' mailed direct to t he publishers, l' H E AMERICAN BOY _ YOUTH'S COMPANION, 550 L afayette Bl vd., D~troit, Michlpn

Jllllts Acees,ories,


PAPfR H~N61N6 W H Madd'en a Co. . '





fII, ' , '


.. _

', ._ " ,



Pla.tertng, 'Chlmneys ' Woeyne.s~UI~, Oh.o Stuccoed and Repaired . Paper 'Samples, Work G\laranfeed. See tis. D.,..len In 'everything -=onnectecl- with ,an ' up~


A • C. SPARKf: ' •

w'l '

' -Ohlo .




Lumber Yard



_ 5 _

Whole Number 5900


Eighty-Third Year

WARREN ' C OUNTY TAXES REDUCED 10% ON REAL -ESTATE ==========r==========;===::::====-=---- --==========-=-=-::::--=--=- -




NEWS DIRECT fROM ~o~c:;1« SE:h:N:~:~::::~=:RYYS:':L,: William Howard Taft !AT THE CH~=C:~~NESVJLLE ~ ~~~, ~~?~~~c'r~b::at~~I~Ii:7~~.e~i:~ THE SlAlE CAPITOL '

CommitteeAppeal'ed Before tl.e Ohio State Tax Comm i ••ion

FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Bi bl.. Schonl al !) ::30 a. In. Lo rd' f; S UPP CI' lIlIti ~l'I' l1l o n ut JlJ: :~ O . S ub jt;ct "A n Jl 10 Dalc Crel' d." You ure a lway!! w(' lrome lit l hi s church. hest er A. Will i :\ lll ~ on . Mini st er

On January 13, 1930, a large am! progres,,; of on£' of the largest numb er of the tax payers, in the and must wid ely lIpproved stores co unty held a mass meeting at COLUMBU S, OHIO- Thc date in Southcrn Ohio. Elll erging from Mrs. Effic 'mith is ill with j\'ri p Le banon a nd formed a n organiza, Richu rd Camp bell is out nr tel' a t h el· l' -~ lit h yellr 0 f sucee. 51.u I sc rof t h "~ staln~ pl'I'nl llry election this . ' Iluge stor s l an d s as a vlng t h IS year fa lls on August 13. That week's illn ess with grip. MI' . anti MrS. Wall !' r Bak el' li nn. monum ent t o t hl! service thal ~ p e nt Su nda y in X nia. O. J. Edwards, of Wayne, was many peopl e arc intereste d in this Dr. T. I. WlIY of Cincinnati, was mu u e it popular with our fath('l's LYTLE M. E. CHURCH made president, a nd a committee . clccli on i s evid enc ed by the fact in Wa ynesville Saturday. - t he service that has assured its .' unday School at 2 :00 p. m. Mrs. A. K. Duy iR vi sit ing rela- \Va!! appointed to appeal' before that candidates are, t his early call success. 1\ll's. Lunl;acre Supel i l:~(: ndcllt. lives in Win chester. K y_ ing on Secretary of tate ClurC. M. Robitzer was a busin ess Realizing that their gruwth has hu rch . 'er vice at iI :00 p. m. Lhe uuditor, who was in accord visitor in Cin cinnati Friday. bc en made possible by t he public's Scrmo n Topi c "One thin g I know" Frllnk Hobin so ll vi. itcd hi s wil h the situlltion, and the res ult ence J . Brown for sup plies of derespo nl<c to th e company 's efl'orts At t his service will be bl1pt ism and mother in Bl!lmont Sunday. wa s thu t the auditor and the comclal'Ution of candidacy f orm s. with R. J. Adams attended a Rexall t o consta ntlv please, t he official s I'ecl)ltiun of members. Pl'll yc r the accomponying blanks, fol' cir- mectin g in Dayton last Thursday pla n at. each Anniv er sary to remeeting" . W C" nesdny cve ning folT . B. Bran n ock, Jr. , of Ci ncin- mittee appea red before the tax cu lation in the ir respcctiv e anas . .eve ning. po y th is patronllgc by offering lowc d l;y teac her tra i ~ i ng c1u ~· . nati spe nt th e pa ~t week with hi s comm ission in Co lumbus Tu es day ul ' u ~ u:d va lu l!s. Th is yeu rl y event •'ura A. Bowman , Pastor pal' ·nts. of t his week. Anti cipati ng this an d se nsing an Low-dow n prices on garden is klllJw n as t hc Rike-Kumlcr AnTh e tax co mmission heard the increasing intcrc5l in Ohio's elecl~ see d and seeu po tatoes. Bnrn ard · ni ', ('n~ary Sale, this year's being - -- - MI'. and Mrs. Ge orge Kern wcrc ion laws Sec retary of Slute Brown an d Son, IGA store. . lhe 77th. VAYNESVILLE M. E . CHURCH Dayton vi sitors Mond ay II ftl! rn lJ on plea of th e committee, and after !I short debute deci ded to reduce is n ow proceeding with a reco diti Pl'e pUiati olls for t his even t Wednesdur : Bible stu·t!y all d and l'V ning. E. D. Bail y and SO li of L eban on, h a\' ilq~ been uncl eI' way fo r some ... r~l y cl' lII l' et ln g lit 7 ::10 1'. \ll. Th c the taxe ' on' real estate in Warren catio n of Ohio Laws governi ng visited the former' s mother Mrs. t imf.' . All un us ulilly large sto cK of SCliptu re lesso n f or the e\'e nin ;{ ouk is sluwly l'eco ver· Co unty 10 per cent. P·a rry exerc ise of s uffl'llge rig hts. A fi:lizabet h Baily, unday IIfternooll ·se lo:c( IIl cl'cha ntl isc h:IS bee n usis Ac ts 25. "The nppea l to t i: e ing afte r nn ilIll e s of sever al The committee who appeared . ftlature uf lhls recodificatio n will sLi nulLd ull u( whic h wi ll be IIvailS upre me Court. " C hoi r pra ctice weeks' ,Iu rutio n. be fore the commission comprised, be th e incorporuti on therci n of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawke and abl e lit s u rp ri singly low pric es in ' at 8 :15 p. Ill , Sun day: ul .d Iy Auditor W. R. Lewis; O. J. Jllmi lv were dinner guests of Mr. tl li~ · tol'l~ - w id e sa le. oming as it I Kc huol at !I ::10 II . 01 . Mornin g W(JI'Low·cluwn pri ce. on ga rd en Edwards, Wayn e ; J ohn Shurts, atto rn ey ge ne ral opinions on and Mrs. Maynard W eltz, on SUn- does, in the midst of the S prin g WI LLIAM HOWARD TAFT ' ship nt 10::10. Th e se rmon su b- ~ee d and S I'd polatoe s. Barnard ' Deerfi eld; Harold McKay, Washthese lu ws, together wilh cou rt de- day. seaso n, t h i ~ sale even t offers an ' : .i ecl for th e morninlr will be, "The ond on, IG A slore. ington, and Ralph Brooks, MaRsie. cis ion s and special rulings ther eunusual opportunity for thrifty Ohi o today is 1lI 0ur llinj\' the loss Vip er in t hc W oo d Pile." Epworth In IIccordance with the tax com on made by scc retari es of stllte When you need a gift for any shoppers t o save on Sp ring pur- uf on e of he r fU\'orite ~on . . "':'i1- League lit 6 :3 0 p. m. Donald MI'. and Mrs. G. D. Mill s vis ited mission decision the saving in lia m lLows l'd Tuft, who di ed ('ustin is the lead er and the topic their occasiOn think of Cary's Jewelry chases II 11 d family tax es to Warren County will be duught I' since t he lust codification. Shop- "The Home of Gifts." LebTh e' sale will continue from Sat u rday night at hi s l\lll1le in is. "Grow ing in t he Art of Liv- in Piq ua S unday. ,' about $3,000,000 Wool growers of Ohio and ex- anon. Murch 13lh to 29 th g ivinl.\' every- I \Vl1 !<hinglon. He hll N ulwuys lived in!!." I': ;vangelsitic serv ice a t 7:30 Thi s decission Will n <lt effect. on e ample tim e to hIke lIdv!:\ntagc ill the h ~ lI l · t o f th e nnti.o n. hav in g p. m. Expert watch and J ewelry r e- lhc tuxes on chattels. hlbitors in sheep a nd wo.ol c1usMr. an d Mrs. Rarry J3urn~tt, of this seaso nable ufferi ng. The H n 'e d Ohi o an d the United ~tatc s I G. C. Dibert, Pastor. pairing ut Cury's J ewelry Sho p, I - - -- - - - - ses from other stales will receive (Mary T homas), are announOlng samc quality merc hund ise th at h1\8 ' ill mA ny ways. nR pr ~l d c nt' l Lebanon Ohio. ' with glad acc lui m th e ann ounce- the birth of a dau ghter , Saturday, mude t il e Rik e- Kumler Company ' as hid J USI ice un d in other ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH DEATHS ment that a spacio us a nd uP-to- 1March 8. fllmous, ~nd that hilS. made. this ca p 8.c lti.~ s. Summer sc hedule- 1s t 3rd and MI'. and 1\[rs. Harry Stokes a nd dnte wool el\hibit room is Included 77th Annl\'(lrsary p os~ lbl e will b - ' J [ IS t un, I a l T uesllay afte rnoon , .' . Willillm Th omus !l rrived home Mrs. William Allen, aged 79, in th e plani! for the sheep display I Afte r spending a we e~ w\th sold llurlng this Sale ut substa ntial wus m;lrked by the ntlend on ce of : 5th Sunduy, Mass at 8 .00 a . m. , fr om Florida lust Wedn esday. died ut her home near Springboro building to pe co nstructed this relatives at McComb, Ohio, Mr~. savings. I t hCl 'I ~!ln d 5 o f peopl e to pay the ir \ 2nd and 4th Sunday, Mo ss at Thursday morning. She is survived summer at the Ohio State Fair ' G. C. Dibert and Children reIr com me nting upon t his cllle- , IUHt respects 10 thi. nnt cd man. 9:30: . You'll be p leased with tha t Par- by her hu sband , two Bo ns, Charles ~rou nds in lime for use at th e \ turne d home t otilloY. bra Ion one of the ·xecutlves suid : lI i ~ bouy was lai d to r est . in Rev. Lawrence B. Mollmann. ker DuoCold Pen or Desk Set fr om land Walte r Allen and two daugh1930 fall'. In 1929 t here wer e 2\oiJ today, " It naturally gIves Th e Al'lin ~ ton ccm!'tcr}" III Wu , hm g 'l Cary's Jewelry Shop, Le bano n. I t e~s, Mrs: August Harbaugh and MI SS Mal'lanna Allen. ton s of wool on dis play tut with Mrs. Viola Uarltlll nas r etur. Rik e·K umlel· Cumpuny pleasu re to t " n, WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF the added eneo urugement of an ' I'l'd home nfte r spending the win - begin 0\11' 77th yoar wilh the CHRIST .John Caff crty nnd (amil y of am ple and well-p laced exhibition te l' with her sister, 1\'11'8. O. L. realizatio n that Its ~ffolts lo be . Franklin, wertl guests of H. H. . William. E. Brown, 64. died a t . sl, ace Lhis r('cord bid s fair to be ' Swartz of Knoxville, 1I\. of genuine se l'vice hav(, been so Bib le chool a t 9 :30 a. m. William son and fam ily on S unday. \ hiS hom e In !iarveysburg Monday. )1 I h Lor d'H Slipper at conclusion. . . d h Funeral servIces were held at the Bo on eclipse. The .new s ow room I . nt h URlnatlea y r eceivel by t c C hr ;~ tiall E ndeavo r at 6 :30 p. m. wi ll hllv n cupnclty oCtive tons nr. Rud o lph - Eyo~ight SpecllI- citizens of Dayton and of t he Mrs. D. E. Slandifor I was alarm res id once this morning with bulial oC wool 0 11 its displuy benchell. l is t. Uere Tu esday, Thursday and Miami Valle y. It has been PUI' \111n . Hel en Ca mpbell, lead er. Eve ning ingly ill Sunday wh en she s uf, in Miam'i cemetery. . Saturd ay. F I' tl e . examination sta nt uim ,tQ offer only fin e Illel'Evangelistic service at 7 :30 p. m. fcred an a ttack of a cute indigesWithin a weel, the State Depart C!l ry 's Jo\\'elr;v ShOP, I_ebanon. chan p iso LIt I easonllb lc pl'i\1cs /llId ::;orl11 on su bject, "The Value of a t ion. Miss Laura Lake, 21, died at mont of Agricul t ure and Its num t o combine it with a cou rt eous So u l." Good spec ial music . hcl' home on Rou te 2, Friday, C) tl S div ision s \ ill have a new home Mrs. E . C. Coyle. \\ono Wll8 very ser vice. This 77th Annlversury . Church night service each W edF or best r esults consign your March 7. F~."eral services were a nd t he \' HI·ied paces no w occll- I ill \lit.h pneumoni!l Ilt t ho horne of Sale is an ea l'll l!st at ~e mpt to rc. Pr otc ~~01· klnnCl' fro!,l WII- , ~~ Rduy at 7 :30 p. m. The church iv e stock to Green-E mbry Co. , : held Sunday III Evergreen Chapel . ph.d on the ba.-em lit floor of the her parentI! In Clinton co unty, has plly th osc countless oustomers who I1llng tcin Co llege gave an IIltel'est- 1 \h el ll you f eci at home. Cincinnati, in care of D. R. Salis- ~ eal' Peeb les, Brown County, bul'S tllte Ho use Ann ux by this organ- : rctul'lled to hel' homc here, very have mude it po· sibl e to rCllch t hIs I in l! un ll im;tructive \on lk to t ho I Cheat er A. Williamson. Minister bury. lal at the same placc. iznti ol1 will be turned over tO I much improved . ripe :lgcl. ' lIigh Sc h~ol lltuc\ents I U~l Thure- I Anna May, nine months old other depart me nts wh ich have ollt - . - - .. - • - doy mor mng" ST. MARYS CHURCH Mrs. Violn Hllrlan li nd MI'. and gruwn th eir Cjllu rIOl·s. 'rhe new 10- 1 The Oregonia Ladles' Aid Will. , . . . . I Thursday evening, March 13, Mrs. K. N. Hough spe nt S unday daughte r of Israel Scott, died WILL REPEAT PLAY 1 hc Seni ors hil t! their IlI c~ur~s , ser vice ut 7 :30. Rev . Philip ~uJl , with Mr. unci Mrs. H. B. Earn hurt SlItu l'duy . Fu nel'al services were cation will be th e flfLh fl oor of the hold a food sale, at the Fairley hEld Tu esday aft ernoon, Rev. G. rC'cl'ntly I' lIl ovl. ted Hartman-Ohio Hardware Store on Mureh 22 Pt tak en at lh e ~ o l' n wc Jl S.tudlO In ctor of St. Andrew's, cliul'ch lind daught er. C. Dibert officiating. Burial was building at th CI l'Iler of Ma in and fJ ::10. Home baking, chicken Thc Comedy. "Well, did you !Jayto n, Fnday. I Day t on. will pr each. ~1arch 16 .. Fourth treets, other fl oors of noodles. pi es, etc. m19 eve r?" ~po ll so red by t hc Friend. S IT . . I I Sccond • unday in Lent. Chul'ch Mis~ Ruth Cook spent th e at Middle Run. --1s hip Class of the M. E. Church which are alreurly occupied i>y the ' The High . t hoo .ntel: c ass I,clw ul at \) ::10 ; MOtnin~ Proyel' weCK-end ill HUl'veysburg, the Hig hway lind other departmllnts. \ Mrs. Lena Hllrtsock nas rO- 1 was g iven befol'e n full house ut ntl~ket Bull t ou rnamcnt Wi ll be und f' crm on at 10 :30. g u ~st of Misses Klithleen and Mrs. Frances Rosnagle died at The divisions of plane . indu stry t'u.rn c,.1 to the FJ'lend'~ HQme after t he Gymnasium IIlBt Friday night. pluyt:!d at the gy m W e dn c£~:ly I Rev . J . J . Schaeffer ll"etor. Npllic Gmharn. her home n ear Springboro. Sun/lnll mnrl(cling Inspec tion wlll , ~Jlenchn g n few weeks with Mr. Th e ver y s tormy night was a hlnd- even ing Murch 12. The SCnlor s . ___ __ .. I day, of pneumonia. Besides her lI1 0ve at the slime time. to t~e and Mrs. 11'11 Hartsook lit payton I'IInee to IlIOllY who In tended t o be ploy th e Sophomores, and thy \ Mr. and MrR. Stacy Burnet and hu sband. three uaughters, Mrs. !, orth caSl c·o.l'n er of the same bUild : Rnd Mr. IIl1d Mrs. Stacy J3urnet lit present. J unior:; play the Freshmen_ AumlR W . C. T. U. INSTITUTE l\1rs. Lena Ha rtsoc k s pcnt Fr.iday Harvey' Burnet of Centerville, Mrs II1g (In t~e {crllt fl uo r, Centc rvl\l p. \ Tho ~e wh o were there have been siun 1'Oc. with Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock, H. E. Hathaway of Waynesville. . Miss Luuru Rosnllgle L eggo H ou Id er east of WilmIngton. una nim ous in t heir pl aise of th e MI~8 GrllCc\o D Eof CincinR Throug h the ~ nactlll en ot a Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dunham plar with its clever, clean co rneljy. The local o rator Col i contest will of Au stl'aJi a, will address the War nati, and one 80n r. rnest osrecc ~t Inw permitting county com- l and son Earl, Mr. and Mrs. John I am of the splendid 11111111ler In be held at. t he gy m Wedn esdllY ren County W. C. T. U. Institute MI'. an d Mrs. Lindlcy Mende n. nagle of Leban~ n Ohio s urvice her Inies lollcl'S to I\I>proprlate funds Lemo n and family and Mra. which tho 'e tulting parts did their l·,:cnin l,' . MUrch 1O. Wlnnel'~ will wh ich will be held in the M. E . hall atte nded the annual meeting , F uneral serv ICes were held at for ' t he appoin t ment of county II- I Frnl'Rt Hurlsock lind SO" we!'e work. Wilt go to Le banon to speak In the r hul'ch at Leban on, Saturday, .()f t hc cooJlcrative milk prod ucers the hom e Tue~day aft~rn?on, Rev. plary Inspector!! the bee-keepIng •'untillY caJler~ at the hom e of Mr. Because of the many r e qu e~ts W~lrr (! n County cont est. Ma l' ch 15. at Dayton Tu csuuy. I.Rob ert Cum!lllns of CI.nclnnatl, in II1d u st~·y of OfilQ ha ~ bee n glveQ und Mrs. Hur ry Stok II. f rom lh ose wh o werp unabl e to . - -- The mornin g sessi.o n will open charg.e. Burial at Springboro. )freat Ill' )plus. Sixteen countle~ In l attend last Friday night, the plllY Th e Sp OI or pl ays have been at 10 II. m. and u covered dish T ownEhip tees W. S. Gra- - - - -the !'tll le huv e nll'cady a~alled ~ave your watch ~nd clock 1'e- will be r epeated this lo' riday , n ight. s I cted. Two pluys are being lunch will be served at noo n. I halll. E. L .Thom as a nd W. E. TURTLECREEK COMMUNITY thcmselves of this .l egal provisions : pall·ed. old wedding rlOgs modern- March 101, at 8 :00 o'clock at th e g iv\ n by di.ffCl'ent casts. "The The afternoon session op<:!Os Cornell made a busin ess tr ip to und bl' (.-h oJ1cl s m t hese coun- : Ized, yo uI' diamonds put in a new Gym I'at ~y ", wi ll 'be given one evening at 1 :30 lind Mi ss Hould er will give Cin cinnati l\1 ondIlY. HOLINESS CHURCH ; ies cun now ('bt ui n the inspection ' mount ing, jewelry repaired like I • - - . - ---un t! "T he Wh ole TowlI's Tnlk- a n address at 2. The public is co r- I nnd sa Cegart! of~ th eir colonies f.ree · I: e\\" silverware re pI~ted and . . . . il'g" , ~n ot h e~ evening. The dially invited. I D. E. Slandiford . attended a S nnd uy Schoo l a t 9 :30 a. m. of costs, according to Stute Aplar- hl'lHls rcstrung at Cllry s Jewelry I V ••• lIne: Relative. ch u; actel s h !lle not yet been Mif.s Hould er is a Qrllllant >'hoot a l Lonesom e Pine, Saturday MOl'ning Worship at 10:30 a. m. ist C. A . . Reese, whose hel!-d-qu,a r- . ~hop Lebanon. I dc' c,dcd upon. . speaker and a rpre treat Is in ~to re . His ~eol'e wa s 49 O?t of 50 und he Y. P. S. at 7 :00 p. m. EvenIng tel's are In Columbus. A warning I .I • Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lmton of Ifor th ose who IIttend t his institute reCeived several pl'lzes. Rel'vice ut 7 :30 p. m. In Isaiah 1:to all Ohio b e .k c(' pers not to After spenthng two months With , Wilmington, visitec\ ut the home !\lyra Pen ce was. severe l~ bUT'-'-_ .. --.--18, we tind these words, "Come tl'un sf er bees from one apiary to I he r dm .1! hte r Mrs. Grace McCune ' of Mr. and Mrs. Samu el Butter- Md by IIlco hol while wor~ln~ \11 1 Low-down prices on garden now and let us reason together Ilnother with out fir st Rpplyin¥ for i and Miss Ru th Millel' of Lima, worth ' today. Ith e labo ru to r y TlIesd!\~'. Subscribe for The Miami Gazette I seed lind seerl potatoes. Bnrnnrd ~aith l he Lord: Though vour sins and obtaining inspection IS a M!· ~. Eva Miller returned to· her unci Son IGA store. be as scarlet, they shall be as !lpring-lik e wal'll ing issu ed by Mr. \ home Sunday accompanied. by MJ's c ' : " ' : : ; ; ; - - = - - - = --:.=.-.:-.=...~-==-- -=--=., white liS snow; though they be Reese tPis ~ec~. McCune and Mr. W. ~. R l!l~ · - - -- - Th e Christian End euvor society rcd like cl'imson they shall be a8 . . I . of t he Churc h of Chl'ist, met at lloo1. God invites, the sinner to 1'h ~ Office 9f Sc<;retary of Stl\ ~e l A . R. Bluir a nd family who Better (;aU Dog =-=- . .. JJy Albert 7: Reifl ! lh c h(\ me of Mis!! Matti e Coo k co m .. lind r eus on with Him. For Cla\'e nce J. BI'own was well rll- left Waynesville in Decembe~ f or 'JJ 0 . Thu rtday eve ning of lllst week. He throug h Jesus Christ, His only pre!,ented at the. [ke Walton Lea" I alifol'nin . have r eturned and will . I begotten Son will wash away his gue meet held 1!1 ColumQu!l fl\s~ ta ke llJl tt] l::ir residence on the ! BrYll n Pren dergast pos.tal clerk sins. One of the greatest needs of Wednesday. ASSistant Secr :ltary I Elbon farm east of Lebanon. l o f th e Pe nn. R. R. With head l his si nful world to-day, is for .Tuhn Rclknu n a nd Cashi n ' 'fJ.amas I l.ullI·terR at Pitts burg. i ' spe ndi ng "i nners every-where to repent of L. Woods of ~his dIlPI\,:t!llent, l10ttJ 'fhe Guild-AuxiliAry of St. . a few dnys wi t h his f amily hcr e. t heir sin a and to accept Jesue of SteubenVille. calTled cl'edefl- Mar 's O~~l'ch' will meot ·on FriChrist us their personnl Savior. A ti~!s from the J effl!fson OOVnt,Yldll Yaftl.rnoon, March 14, at two . ·Le'Jn ~!l! i ·bur.y of Clt! velal'!d; :-iuv iol' that can save them from E IPh ~nd Game \eagpe to t hlf\ o,!tock ut the home of Mrs. J . W. • \\C h r~ \I'U S Inju r ed III lin automobile : h~ir sins, lind to take away the gathermg of I!arnj!st, thouJ!:h truth Edwal'(ls Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. I nccl(l ~ nt several we.cks ago, has desire, to IIgain commit sin. Why 'fu ~, sportsme!1 ' .Both of these of- Ronald 'Hawke and Mrs. Susan . re turn ed t o the: h os\l~ tal for. ~rea~- not, muke this coming ' Sabbath, fiCla\s, have, It IS explaine.d, take~ .\ Puine hostesses. ~e n t. . ~rs . Sa hsbury s condition IS n da y when you will be found in a solemn oath to ubstam fr?", ' Il11prov lI1g . ( t hc House of the Lord worshiplnJr balt-souking, potshooting and lim, I . ' . . . Him'l "Th~ Church With A Weldred vices which are taboo in the \ MISS Ruth !'di11~1 has· severed !II I'S. L. M. Hend erson under- ;:nllle To AlL" membership of this Ohio River her connection WIth the Li~a wenl an ope rll t ion at McClellan Rev . A. E. Houck, Minister. "haasenbund." Loco!llotlve works af~r serVing huspital Salurdu y morning. The __ __. _ _ _ _ __ in the ~apaQity of prlvat~ secrelatest report is that she is getting A . II state-owned lakes and parkS , tary for eleven years In. t~at along very well. ANN A MAE SCOTT except such of the latter as are corpor.atlon, · t9 take up slmlla1' specifically controlled by the work IrI New "~rk City. Ml'R. Laui'a Zell. who suffered Ann Mae . the youngest dauahOhio State Archaeological and His ' an in j ury to hel' IIl'1n when she fell I er of Israel and Edna Scott came tO~'lcal society ,have n'o w b een Mr. and Mrs. R. Ungle by un Lh~ cement walk at t he Gym to gludden the hearts of her partransferred to the custody of the cel ·brated . the thirt y-seventh anniFric1I1Y evening, is at McClellun (; nts May 24, 1929 and God called n 'wly created Division of Conser- versary of their marriage on Sun hotipitul f or treatm ent. II el' homc March 8 at the ac:e of vatlon, Chief of these lakes and day with all their family present !J months and 14 days. Her IUnen ' the parks surrounding them are as follows:- ~r. and Mrs. N • .P. Rev. G. C. Dibert gave an ad- ,ms of . short duration yet 'ber Buckeye. Indian, St. Marys, Port- Blatt and famIly of Monroe. MISS dre~s at the meeting of Unit One ~hort life had been frail. Father•. age . and Loramie. To those . will Mary Margaret Unglesby. of .Dayof th o Young P eo ples' Council of mother, three sisters and two brolIoon be added other large areas of fton; Mr. and' Mrs. M.. D. Baird and Religiolls Education held in the M. thers are left to mourn and mbs Impounded water now in the mak- Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Watkins. .~ I(\) E. Church at Bellbrook Monday her smile. Inll at Mt. GUl'.ad and at the &008. evcning. LOW-down prices on garden Card of Tba.1u evelt Game Preservc. Plans are also afoot to impound a lake of I seefi and seed potatoes. Barnard Charles Gray was injured last . We wish' to thlink tlre F1'tenda. considerable area in Jefferson · and Son"IGA store. I (~_.. Saturday, while stretching a wire neiJ;t'hbors and ,comm'unlty fOr:~h.IP county near Steubenville. fence On the Lester Surface fal·m. and donations, Also .t he Ladi s of - -- - - - - - -Mrs. Grace L. Smith was The ~tl'ctcher broke and . str\lck M. E. Church 1 and' Rev,. Dibe fOI;'. plcasantly surprised on Monday him , hl'eaking the small bone in his ki~d words flnd , Mr. Me lure "'O:rH~~~' . ~L'!.,! eVflning whC'n neighbors and his ankle. He was taken to Mc p lel for' his kindnesS! .._. ( friends assembled at her.Jtome in Ian hospital where ,the b~ne was Mi'. and Mrs. l$rael Scott aJld . !fh~ , March ' meeting of the ~elebration of her birUiday anset. . ' •. >,., Fami,ly. Wayn e '!fownship lfot.herst club niversary. !fhe affa,,, was ar.ranged . _ ~ __~ was held at the {Jr~de bui!~inlf' by Mr. Smith and the B.urpme was The "Ka~ydids" inet at the SUFF'E RED ' A ;"'sTROKE' Friday a1ternOfJll. · \ pomplete, put ~rs. Smith soon rehome of MISS Kathleen Graham Follow 109 the devotionals con· gained her cOJllP'O!!Ul;~ and a ,deSaturday evening.. After · a delight .. " M cJO; ' f ..l. h du'{!ted 'by ¥rs. Cadwallader, a IIi!1:htful evening W.• 8 enjoyed by \. ~ _ ful. dinner served bV the hostesl! • H~,,!.ra annmton, I? W" ~ program ' of :sonlts and' recl~t ons a1\ prf1sent, ,' . . .... 't he evening was . spent i,n PJaytn g ,\" ..... J!. ...wb., . . . . i..~ was given by fir:st, seC!ond an4 ," . . \ '600'. Tltose present were,. llr. a.n.d ~uffeNd . ' . attclte ' of third ' grade children, and Rev. 'OUf new 1980 oII/lmple boob , Mrs. Eli Furnas, Mr. and )Irs. whlcb ~eeUChbl. right aid . ,(:~beirter:. W.Jl1lalJl lI Pn ~~We ·AJl . Ill', ar~ now on 418pla~1 ~hOWing. all \ Russell Wilson, M1'. and : Mrs. taUie<\ 1ICt~ wh.~" to t(ll'esling tnl~. '. . the new and. uP: to-Clate patte1'ns, _ ,,f' }Ierman Sutfaee~ MT. ~nd M~. , reeent . w,o rd enlv by DurlJ;lI the· 'soclal hour dainty I ranging In price · from .tc, sl'111e ,., • Rhodes Bunnel!, the ltJisses Nellie I vil~_f1:n~...._ ' refreshments were served by Mes- roll, up, to IlU~t the most partleu' . Graham Ruth Cook. Gl'ace Hock~. o .......on dames Ethel Sackett, Jrma Bart- h~r. We can. gl·ve you the bellt of . , ~.~ . ~ ; , . t\&tt~ ~ ett and ,Messrs. Cbarles East~ be~,df ~ soc~ Donna Edwards. Anna WHo ! paper plus A 1 senice. D. E. "-""",,,,- """"" / ". and Guy ·~ockett. IOn 0 e liam~on and Ethel Michael. ~ Stsndlfo,rd. n...,.. • ..... . ._ ___







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In th case of L wis and Drake, court and d to probate. incorpor:ltp.d verl<\! Henry Mur- l Lotta A. Runyan was appoi~ted . (lhy the attachml.'nt RTllonted, wa~ I'Xccutrix of t.he Tel\htate. No ~~lId dh;mill.ged, \\... reby the atta.chntent requireu, J. Lee O,mplI?tn , J arCI"!L~ to be pald · by the pllllntltf. · ('nee Melampy and Ever t oneil I I . Tn the cml!' of The State 0'1' Ohio " I'e mad I! appraisers" \. r~us Brrllllt Williams, ~he deIn th settl.e nlllnt (I! the estate f('IHlnni plcllded gui lty, whereby 01 ' Mlll'y E. haw, decea~c d, the the s n tenc WUll suspended Ilnd 'n et valu of the estate was $2] O~. 30 Vears Expel'lence In FittinR'l1 New Suitt upon recommendation, of the.:19 Elizabeth Shaw, daughtel' IS and Making Gluses Albcl't 'G, Hunter versus Myrtle pros cu'Ung attorney, ' the de fen- successor.. . . -at-M. Fvx, . John R. Fox and The dnnt wus discharged. John H. McKmney, jtuardlan of P op l '8 Building Loan and SavIt wus considered by the court Wilbur H. McKinney, tncompetent I f L ba f r that the plaintiff, J . N. McConnell filed his seyenth account. . Every Tuaaday, TbUrl~a,., HAPTER IX. I nlt Illpt to get into lauch with the I b f I'e two. men, wnlking qui ckl y, ing~ ol1'lpilny 0 e nOli, 0 doing bu ~ in ess under the nam e of Inventol'les ~md aPPl'alsements Saturday '1 ,' )urrow. Thel'ewaS a c hance that OV(' I took him a nd [ II in one ,lit IIluney, umount claim ed $235.29 The t oll Ilsk t Company, shalt filed:"Puddington," he said , Rnd I he policeman was wro ng and that ench ide with 6 'It. in leresL from November recover ft'oni L. J. Stamper, the Estate o[ Jona thlln hivenger,' No "har,e for E.aminatioD · swung himself deftl y in ide. Bird was .still in tOWIl . He went t o "Hull o, Smilhl Co nn or wnnts to 15, 192!J 1\.0 Februury 10 1030 and def ndnnt,' the sum of $342 ..12 decea sed . . !~~~:~~~~~~~~~~ E VI·.d.l'.nt Iy th e d' . some th e t e Iep h one d Jr(~ ' C Ilr y. b u t t " ell .inte 10, wit h intcrest fl'om January 0 1930 C . Barcalow, )'Iver was m erch see you, 1 I !J30 f or rest the from f" I'ccloFebruary ~ur " o f mort. Estate 0 f C asslus _.__ _ _ __ .. doubt 11 8 Lo \Vh th r h e should was S \I n y Bil'dl\ ~hat it wa im He had n eve r set'n th e mlln >ev I f and costs d eceased. ----~ continu e. He went obout two pOS ibl(' t o tell \':bich was which. f ore. His tone WIIS offonsive und Kag.,. upon I'eul e~tal' un< or . . E state of Ed. . Conklin, decQos blocks und t.hen pulled the car up A nei then ·he rem emb er e d one of peremptory. qUilllbl c I·cli e f. · ed. bv the sirle of the curb. hi initals -an unUSUAl "Z" (MI'. "And who may Mr. onno l' b 7' fsabe ll Ga rrison Fry vers us Law Probate Court Proeeeding. . 1n the setliemellt of the eslate - "\vh ro have y u ~o l1l e from?" 1 Bird 's m iddle natll t' \Va. Zachar- ask·d Luke coo lly. "My nllmo is re nce E. F ry fol' div.orc ,ulin,lOny, Tvy J. Menitt, lldministrutol' of of H. V. Waller, decea~ed, the net he asked . "I can't take you, gov'- i!lh). li e 'cunneu th ' Ii t again : 1I0t S milh , it is Mllddi so n." aLt ol'll v fe e IInrl other rcli ef. t h ' es tllte of Ruth I ris Merrit, de- VU1UlI of the estate wus $3974.62 n or . You look 3 'l. if you were ,' \111-' and goin g into th e lelephon "That's ul1 right. s ir," sa id lhc II . : Hulchins, us Il citizen und ceused, mHd e applicution 'in court . D. Walt 0 1' , 8un, ill successor .. nin~ away fr om somebody." booth, gav' u nUHlbel'. othe r more r es peclfully, "but Mr. II SI II tllx puyer of tbc Vil111ge of 1'0 1' Frank und Lydin E. Hodgen to George Brewer nnd J. L. Hend el' Fourteen Years of "1 was," said Luke . At first ht' lhought his lu ck was o n no r d oc~ WUlll l o sec you Muson, Warr Cn County, 0 .. ve rs us appeal' in COIII·t suspected of hav- S O I1 wCl'e mHde administrntors of It wus not a m o men t to arg ue. In. . . prelly badly ." Chllrles lIurt so ck, chie f, N. A. ing concealed unu refused to de- the estate of Lizzie V. Brewer, d e EXPERIENCE " ..... here is he?" II ke d Luke Hamilton, hal'ies J. Waggoner, liver to administrnlor certain as- c{'used, qnd filcu their bond 'of H th rew 1\ tw o-shilling pi ec int o I "Y I'~ . lhis is 'I I'. Dil'd ' s ho u8e," the man's hand, turned down a said II voi ce, "hu t Ill'. ou l of t own " At the lop of Suvoy HillWalter S eiker, Willium Ranker, s ·ts of snid dec a se d .. March ] 2, $1 1,000,00 with Mrs. Mory Rudy, nanow street co nv eni('ntly near, Who is it ~ peaking'! " \ Ih e re gucs lh e ,'quud." cle rk , IlS membe rs o f .t he BOlIl'd of at lOa . Ill. i' set (01' hearing. Om e l' Bre wel' ond The Americun nnd doubling back, rench I'd the ' "ft is vita lly Tl l'ressary that I A cal' flashed pust ut lhnt mom- Deputy tate S UPCI' VISO I';; of E~ ec Th e · CO l/I·t urdered John D. Hoff Su re ty ompany of New York us main road. Here he f ound a tux'i ~houlJ g et in tOl1c h with him a s , e nt; ·the I'eel lig ht ciisup)1clIl'(t\ li oll s fol' Wa l'l'(' n Co unty, f ol' In · administrator of th e estate of ~ ur e ties . ML\nu~ Countryman, , jullction and a ll prope l' relief. Al cxnnde l' H off, deceased, pro· rtalph Green und Edison Tuylor mov ing [I t le isure, and a ddv I' 500n as p ~sil ll" " said Luk ur· al ulIg th e Embankment. who did not qu estion hi s bona gently . " Can you lell me where I "Th v call 'em hu s i ~s :In<.l th ey I .J I1~t'p h 11. Bukcl' v('rsus Blanche cc1'{1 to ~('II the property at not le~s we re made uppraisers. fides. . 1cnll find him'! " III'e bu ~y," said th e secolld mun M. Rak e r for uivorce Ilnd olher 1'( thlln its appr[lised va lu e. George Brcwe r and J . L. HenTh e cab dr{'w up at the elltrnnce " Who are you? " hit(!'l'Iy. li e f. C. H. Beckett, g uardian of d erson werc IIppointeu otiminisl'lIWaynesville, Ohio of Scotland Yard und Luke went ' " W il l you t l'll him it's MI'. Mud · They ui d nol go up Savoy Hill Monroe & John son , u partll e'r- Gorge Beckett, minor, fil ed his tors 'of the estate of Mitchell Brew swiftly down the d eclivity und in - disnn speallin J:t? I ha\'e bee n to bu t turnlll :I ~ id(' , pn ~ " '0 ,)n(' e n- ship VC'I'RlIS Warren R oge l's, alRo add it ion a l bllnd in the sum of (I I', ci ceased, and filliP theil' bund to the gl oomy entmnce hnll. A I ~c n tland Yaru . . ." tl':lCc of lh(' Savoy fl ole l lind up l(1J own a s W. W Rogel:s for m~ e y $ 120 0 .00 wilh Jumes Clevenger og $28, 000 with Mrs. Mury Rud y, li e fc lt n f udrlen c1mllght. TIl{' a ~t e l' p and n:lI'l'(I\V ~ lr ... ~ l. Th l'y only. Th e :tlll ount clalml'd, $:142. - and Cll/lrles r. Huffman as s ure- Om t' \' Brewcr und The American police officer on rluty challenged him and IIsked his requiremcnts. do or of the t e lepho ne booth wus n· tlll'n(' e1 to the right. I n with inleresl from June 20 , liC's. Cou r l furlher confirmed the SUI·C'ty Company of New York us "MI'. Blrd's been go ne for two jnr; a n un concern '<I mlln WU H .. Wh C' r(' is Co nn or'!" , 1027 . • sale o f property !Ind ord er ed the !'urctics Ma nu s ountryman, hours, sir. I think he's gone into ' standing nenr by, an,1 npflilrently ',[,Il tell you in a minute, wh ~ n i . guurdi tlll to produ,ce a suffic ie nt Ralph Green nnd Edison 'I' uy lur the country. Wou ld yo u like to 1 \ had no interest e it he r in him or I' "" got II li g ht f or my fll g ," snld COlmmCtn Pie ... Court deed t o Ihe purchaser, Frunk Bol- W I'e made apP1'l1i ers. see anyb.ody.else?" his conv~rsa tion. Luk e shut lhe , t he g lllalll'l' o f t he tw o. " John Lynch pl eoded guilty to , m~~ . . In lhe ~Iatte r of t~e tl'u stct'sh ip Jh e . court ol:dc r ed thut NaomI fIll' the he ll's of E ldr ldg:e P opt'o de. Groal1lng Inwardly, Luke ShOok l door agllln, and thell . to hIS an · 1 11 (' . ~ lI·.u ck .a malch, and. L~~ e s Ihe charge aga in st him and wns ' Phone 93 hIS head. noynl1ce, f ounl l t ~at whO(' ve r had i ? y~~ lB ~ tlll(' ll\' e ly \\'<' nt III It: I hill ' fin ed $50 0 and costs. Upon np- : B!lldwln, ~uurd l an of CTarence ~. ceased, the court apPolllte.u CharHe came out on to the Thames spoken for Mr. \3ml hau hUll~ up l iS al/ 1H' r~IIH· 1I1bcr (' d. He <11<1 not pli"lItinn lo the court, he WRS a i- I F'1~~ c r, nllnor ,to trnn s fer cer~1l1 tel's D. Mnpl e 1I~ trustee In plact' Embankment ot olle end of the he r receiver, Sti ll , that WLl 5 a slart fcc' l t!1C Jlllin o f IIny blow. but dl'op low to puy the cost g :lnu one-half l'eglRlerc~1 bonds to larence F,sh or the late R. P. Popc, \~h e reup~n Yard as Gorton and his Flying \ He almost felt a sense o f retid a s ped .llIn p l~' t" the paveme nt und e r I o f the fine of $250 and agreed to I (' I', wh~ I!< now of. full ~g.e. Chlll'ters D. Muple filed hl!~ ,bond In Squad came in at the other. Turn- he clime out on t o lhe cold em- th e 1I111'1lCt o f n rub bc~' cosh. pay th e b '~lu n c uf fine at lhe rate 1 A!l lIlstl'Umen t of Wrttlll~. pur- the sum of $ 18,000.00 With The ing lef! .. he walked towa rd Wat er bankment anti pursued ' hi s lI'u y t o· il lS h,,;II! 'I' US ~ Jliltttng wh <> n.he o r $r, o r ~ r month. portlllg to be the In st WII\ and Detroit Fide lit y and Sur<>ty om100 Bndge. At Charing cross\ward Wat erloo. came t o hiS sens s. H e!ng l C. L. ill'a rl ley was grunted twen testumcnt of Mary ~. Loer, de- )lony liS s urety. Underground he mode anothe r He had not gone twenty ya rds '011 til(' IllIl'd /10 01.' o f a Jo ltmg ly t1 nys in which t o file answer c Cll s~ d, wus procluced m court and - -- mtJ or . ('ar ; h(' .dl.srovcrcti after- I i the' ~a sc Ilgainsl him by Harley a dmllte u ~o probote, George Loer Real Eatate Transfera _ . _ wa rd It WI! S n lliling Poru wagon '\ ~ill s. \' apPointed,) execut?I' and. filed !!'I'A'l'EMflN'I' .' IU':C 'ElllWI'!ii .\ :\'1) 11l"lIlll "I': ~I ES ' I ' !ii t hal bore Inn oc uou. ly enough lhe The court ord('l'cd that lhe de- hiS bont! o f $ ~oyo With WIll S. L. J. and Mary J . Burnside to 01 III/ UIC "f II I ('s pe(·tu ble film of f tl t l' to W Ralliff pay to Mill ry anti I'd . S. Hurdy a s s ure- Chcster S. a nd Murtha C. Rapp, W .4 , · Sf.: '1'IIWX !' IIJ1' t~ro C n~l'lIccrs. T.h e l.wo men were th~ Ilpll ,;inti:':, Madge Ratliff, the l tic~ . James Quiller. Warren tract in Genntown. . .'or t .... fl"l'at ,·.."r " udl .. " ' r :11. I\I~" sq' lu t,tlnJ: by hI ll HI Ie ; one \yus . f $40 in full pllym(lnt of t e m I Smde r an.d ~h o mn s D. Fraser were Malinda J ordan to Whel'te E. n I $ 1 1:1 !14 1 snlO klnl{, un d t hev we re carrymg sum 0 and Bessie E. Schoonover, lot No. t' .. I . porury a I'1m on Y "~nd the sunl of I mudc appraIsers. h L F . d G 232 in Mason RE C'IilJP'J'RS ·.Rncl' Januar y I, 1 9~9 .. .. .... .. ....... .. 011 1\ onvel'!;11 IOn III u ow vO Ice. $20 f h week thereafter ara. rancls un race ' . General Properl l' Tu x . .... .... . . . . .... . .. . ... ~In ~~ " . . . . Tha t's whnt Connor told T JorLetc.s pl eaded guilty to' the Kauffman were made administTaAmanda A. Ma ffi tt to J)urv ey Clnl,;ner,.elllute'l~eln~rn·x"· ....... .. ..... ........... ' I~:! i~ , 0I11l' ," ~Hld one. "Dut then, Co nn or h . . ll.e t h~11I and '''liS fined ' tors of the estate of George B. L. Rye 92.28 acres in Wayne twp. ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN t lliS ' nu t WoU Id c1;:50 Ilrge ngmn I .. . d ecease d an d fil e d th elr . Hllrvey L .R"e "'own_ hlll~ Ca8olln~ 1'", . ... .. .. .. ... .. ), 1It) 'il l a I W.l yS lh oug It I d t For good cause ], 'l'lInCIS, , to I n\vrence E Refund . . . .... .... .. . ...... . .. . ....... . .. . ,. . 11,~~ ii :~:: Pllt up a sq uca!." 1 "h an h c S S. t of the fine wus ' bond of $J 2 000 with Frank Gross :l nol Gra ce W. llrolV lI , !l2.28 ac res your Cattle, hogs, sheep and calVll' to Norris-Brock Co., live wiTe and b~'t,<;'~'lf~ryO( 1~!:':\ l s' .: ::::: : :.:: : : : .: : I !tI , ~:, 1 Luke luy motionlt'ss ; his head s ow n j ~~~n~i~ty days and the l und Gcrtrude Smalley as sureties . in Wayne twp. ---., . I WUR throbbing, but he Celt no SU pe n e . once \ The cQurt ordered that Gertrude Hurvey L. Rye to Amunda A. progressive firm for the hl~lleat Il ~' I. .. ~ <lt hc l' dis co mfort. A prarently costs to be paId at 'M M . C. Cropper guordia n of George Mllffitt lot No. 16 In Way nc8 ville. market prlccs and Totnl It Cl'l pt 8 .... . ... .. . . '. .. . .ud service. - I:; I ~:U,11 n I I h OUI{ II h t' cou lu guess th re was' . In tahe. se on- I W .Cropper, ' . El . Iof ' bThomas .1 Likin s .Gates, mcompetent, may -( IV In . W cliver t 0 G race A ng- Union Sto'c:k Yarda, Clnc:lnnatl, O. Totnl ... .. .. ... . . .. ... .. .... . .. eJ D1SBUn~EMENTS: :1 bump Us big as un egg On his I~gtl n th >lIs tas;pointed Harold b orrow t he sum ~f. $5500.00 ~rom lin 8 1.05 ucre8 in Franklin twp. Reference: Ask first man you meet gg~~~~:~U~~ o~ 'g" s~m .. ..... .. .. ~~:~. ~:: s l\ul , .the blow hod not dmwn cWhn: k e ~tr Shultz and Clal'- i Th e Lebannn-Cltlzens NatIOnal Frank H. and Lena B. Strollll-en" rul · H UIiIlI I'~H . . . 1:':'.1:7 bl M d. IluR er , sOa1lp'p' ra'lsers lo set olf Blink and Tru~t Company to puy theck to Henry C. and Lillie Hale, P OOl' r ~ lIuf Th C t I Th th ence ye a t ' bl' t ' b th 'd 1'0 acres in Franklin twp. Medlcnl S~ r\' IC('s 9. 7 ;; k cfu r s apper: ere wa s e unu divide'. t he part and alll COrapper. Iga Ions y e SU I F"llnk 1:1. Sh.odtheck to Lena B. B I I I' . . . .... .. .. ... .. .. ........ Ifi fl.uo c rell 0 a gate be mg opened, Bnd t 'h' hproportion the arc cGel' eorge •• o~lfe'~ R~~I~~" H.' :.: ::: : ::::: ..... .:::: :: :: : :: : ;, 1.11 then th y went forward again of yeul e:stale 0" IC Y Accounts filed:Strodtheck tract In Franklin twp. r~n1Ptpr\' lilm" lo),pes .... . ... .. .. . . . .. ... . ..... :1O:i ll jolting ovel' uneven gro und; pres; en~'lIe~. f TI e Stale of Ohio Eslute of Alice Williams, deTh omos B. Hutchinson. et al to ROAD MAl INI TENAd ,CE -,".-,. '.fi,", e ntl y the car ~toppell Bnd the n t Fe cas etoC t ' r upon ,'ccom- censed . ,first and finnl. Assign. Clifford E. a nd Fannie B. T\lrner 1' t:.·r In I• . ,. . ...... .. . . ..•...... ..a 'or nn ,," ' ." . I t ff versus 'ores ar e t f N " C C . par· t 0 r In lot No . 200 In L ab anon. Loan . ... . .. . . . .... .. ...... .. . . . • .. . ... ... . . . HIII II.II O e nl!:me was ~ IU o . . d' . f th prosecuting pt- men a InJan . . orum, assignor Int erost . .. . .. ..... ..... ... ... ...... .. ...... . . ~ :'[' "Are you awake?" asked a mel'. atlOn 0 e . second account Frank ' B. Gregg to Anna B, WANTED \ . torney, a noble prosequI was enInventory ~nd appraisement Cook, 161.75 acres in Cleafcreek · ' 0 ' .0" voice. 1O Total Dishursemenls .. . . ... . . ... .. . ... .... , " "I'm uwuk 11 • ht" 'd teredo filed'tW Balun c e D~c;cm"'e r 3 1. I n ~1 .......... .... .. , •.-0 1°.-,1 L k . I' a rIg, sal Louis L ee was fined $600 and E :t t f JAR d . ttl d S C II' t J v . uti E;. . t d th t be stand committed s a e o . . unyan , eceas0 e an am olver 0 • TE D-Used tobncco Setter I ,h~r eby C rt lty Lhllt th l' nuuvl! sl ;tI,' nH' nt I~ t'·" e. 1 he:1 get ou l of tillS. Why was ~os s a n a.. '1 fi e and ed. H. Middleton, lots Nos. 214, 215, W A in ~ood condition. Write giving .1. O. AHT\\' J:1 C lIT, Township 1~l'k . you so foo lish, Sinith?" In the county Jail untl n The lu!!t will nnd testament of 2 16, 217; 218 in Deerfield t wp. del1crlption nnt! price to, R. B. A mild quest.ion from a man cOiis \~~~ ~~~~red that John and Clem A. Runyan, was produced in (Continued on page 3) lilith, R. R. No.1, HilI. boro, O. who, o nly .ten minutes before, had · S B' b de party defen-m 12 stunned hIm usu n le n e rna . H e found 'himself in a room n ot I dants in ~he case of The ProvlDE l. L Ett WANTED REAL on lv furni !->h U but overfurnished dent Savmgs Bllnk . and Trust 11(!, I NESS OPPORTUNITY. Connor wa ~ s itting at u t.nbl~ Company, a cOl'pOratlOn, versus W (' ('un place severnl live wide shuffi ing II pack of clll'd!!. He look- Roy C. Anderson, et a~ awake men in a profitable business sellin!! direct to consumers In cd up as Luke e nlered t he room, vOllr home County. Write quickly "Did you have to (;05 h him?" he for hee catnlogu e. G. C. HEBERa sked pleasantly, the re were grin s on lhe (uces of JJING COMPANY. Dept. 18BG The man who held Luke's arm the olher two fI'Ien. · Bloomington,111. <g rinn ed, m12 "PI is hi's servant a\1 righ t. Y ou "He wouldn't be sensible," he seem to !know tile whole darn l1llid. FOR RENT sho()t! T'm telling you, Smith, that "Sit down." Connor pointed to a man thlilt kllows Danty a nd the a hors(' huil' so fa against the wall, Lewing gang, and calis at Scotlap d FOR RENT- House on !\fain St. , and Luke was glau to accept the Yard to see his friend the Sparrow, Refl're nce required from straninv itation. "Trieu to put up a isn't a heln lt h y f e llow to have Ii-ml~ gel·s. Flora Berryhill. sq u('ul , did you, Smith?" round the houae." There wns nothing unfriendly There WLlS n long pause, and In Connor's. tone, but he did not th en he added: FOR S1tLE cease shutnln g the cards as he I "That's why you're not going to s p()ke. , be aro und t he house." , FOR ·SAJ,E- Two /rood yearling H e louked up at one of the men " I tho ught yo u were a man Polllnd Ohina mule h ogs. OIal'wh en you did that bust-yes, one thoughfu\1y. enee Ry e, Wayncsvilee. lllll! of my Iud s snw yo u get into that "When 'Is high tide?" flut, and saw you when you bol"Four o' clock." FOR SALE- Three hlgh-grlldo led. Dut yo u're nothing better Connor nodd ed. Again his dlll'k Heifers. be fres h in October. H, thlln.1I dirty ~q uealer. Went in eyes fell on Luke. O. Cornell, Wayne/lvi1lc, O. ·JI\l9 the r nrd n nd a sked fol' the Spar"You a good swimmer?" row, dId yo u? Is he u pal of yours? "Fair" said Luke coo\1y, yon SALE-Good Jersey oow til "f know him;" said Luke. "We'll give you a little dip tofreshen In April. Wilson ShepMI'. Cunnor nodded pleasantly. night" sai'd Connor. "Put him in lierd , WayneSVille R. R. No.2. It's been proved on thousands of £arms, Tbu'S:i~~ "And then you tried to get him the c~oler Horry :" -mIG Tuxedo Dairy it selling so last. Mak~ more Conn or' carried on a legit imate on th e phone- what was the QUICKLY and keeps it up! FOR SALELight Brahlna eggs s queal about? Don't trouble to tell if unprofitable busin e6~. He was n for hatching, from demonstTam e: I kn ow. r never trusted ),Q1I dealer in ce rta in building materTuxedo Dairy is milled iof"]OIW cows, to be 'fed tion flock. 10c per 'egg, ,9.00 per rrom the fi rst, Smith- I d on't 101 and barges came regularly but roughages YOM produce. F~ur different protein coa100. Mrs. Chas. H. Gray. HarveystJ' ust A~ s tr!1!ians.". at 'rure· jntervals to this wharf and tents take care of every requiremeot. burg, 'Ohio. . 1lI12 Ant Mort.... on Real £.tate Security. TJeSl)lte tlf s achmg heod, Luke were unloaded He bought ·and sold co~ l d not bl!t s",!ile at this libel. scrap iron, cement, any. comn~odTh. beet Security. Nothing SaferEvery sack of Tuxedo Dairy is a scientific: blead of FOR SAJJE-Little Red Clover I shouldn t thin k they trust you ity which offered nn Imml'ldmte Nothioa Bett.... ' Seed. Inquire of Fred Hubble, carefully selected grains and mineral salts, together 11 ~reot de:d, ~o t~ ey'!" he 4eke4. profit. Th~! wharf ~ould be, and on the B ellbrook pike. Phone W~th pure cane molasses. Palatable as well as wholeNot mu ch. sUld Connor. was hired Cor a fee. Centerville 72F21. - m12 ASSETS over 14 MiUio.... Dollars . He cut th e ruck into two ,shu , A few Jllaces from tlJe door of ~me. ~hy ~~? St~~ getting more milk and more litOg t hl'1'l1 lIt:ien tlf\cally, Rnd aU the s itting room tb.e v came to a11THRESHER SUPPLIES-BELTS ~r~fits r18~~ aJlf~~f~ t;9~f: lR for ),9~ JH.~~ of Tuzedo On. of th. lariat and ItrOQa_ aMociathe time hi s eyes were on Luke, othe r .. Luke could not help wop· p,1l11eYI, b.bbi. tt met.I, oil . cups. ~ato~~ , . . '!So you know the Sparrow?" dering whE!ther the litle chambe, tiou la th. It&t.. ,p~~~t'o r~! ,u~rl~~~o1'8, ilt~aw ~~~ That' s g ood. J'1I bet you know into which he was thrust had be en . watjlr gap,ge s, gaug!! 1!a!!IJ, qll!l~" Wh,. take Chane.. OD Get-Riela-Quick Danty, too." used before for the same purpose. P8c~inl, \>pller nues, liu~tion ljA'fI Luke slarted. It had no wind ws, but In other reSob..... and 10M alL !lpd tank pUlllnl. r~E lJOfJKJ!l'!~ "Dunty Morrell 1" he asked. spects wos curiously like a prison t,tle, Ohio Why had Dunty gone out of his cell. It mlll'ht have been employed QQ. 4lfj W. M"ln ~t. Jfe~l~ t Olltq, kiDdb'101iait ,.our patroaq. mltld 7 Why had he forgotten that for the storage of coal, but there FOR SALF.l- Bul!' Leghorn flg,!, Dunty '1"11.9 t he confidant of his was nothlnl~ In It now, not even a at three cents apleee. Mrs. J . .tt, 1HE w ife -that his one desire, In ~ed or a st.ool. In t he light of the Sham}laugh, J{arvcYB\>\lrg, Ohio ~o(J Jdng fl' ceuom f{[lm th e sinister man's electric torch he 8aw that l' nv1ronm e nt in ,VWlcfl be found the walls were of brick and white himsett, had been to expo.e ~nat wllAhed, Then the door slammed ~ ,.,.", ~t",.~"", It'fll~"';' ,~~, ~", U1f, ~1f 'PIPE, VALVES ,\ND FITTtNGS co nfidence :m lln? . Ul) him; he heard a bolt shot, and . -~!lr all p\lrpoBII~. "PChlll~" "Know Danty, toot" Connor's he · ;w~s left alon~ with .the unTwo Officee: Tllxedo CAlf Meal line ot plqmbll1i · "nd h"atln, 1\1'1: voic e wa~ alm ost Qdm!rin~. "And plea~nt l<.rlowl~pge that It would .....y.. milk &ad moDe), for 701&. Tbr mf Ibn... OD II" tDQ, 18 Eo 3rd St. Third at Broadway' pJles are · tho best. The B04l,"'\. Pi Coles?" . be hIgh tIde III five hours and I fa 2().pouad coltoa or paper •• c..... 2().po11D4 IKk Luke nodded . *at Mr. COfIOOI', in his amla!?}e Kin~ Co., 415 W. Main St., 'XeDle, DAYTON, OHIO wiI1 take &he place of ' 150 10 200 pouad. or ..bole IDIlk. II "Yes, Cules.-:.that's hili servant -waf, had planned "a .dip" for him, Ohio. .~l t Conn ors smiled broadly, and ('fo pe CQntjune~.) . . • . j§£l.







DR. L. B. HALL Veten·nar.·an


Reliable Vaccination Phone 76F4








Waynesville, Ohio





.. .. ... " .. .... .... .. .... '




PI: .. ....... ... .. ...





_._= .

" ,W here Savings Are Sale."·





This Concentrate DOES Make More Milk





Tuxedo Dairy

West Side Building & Loan Assn.





.~ .


You Can't Tell hy Appell..ance& .

5% Fa-rrn

tONG OR SJlOR~ T.'¥.~lil~ term.. AlflQ ~lH·v.. ylilr .aqd' .\ s trac<t1n&'. Wilte and I will .




and see yo", Sam ne8vil)e, Ohio.

A<:)AIN ' ?


Di ~enkle, W.,. .,JU

LOANS '!>.Jl' LI,ei,~Il1r, · Cllllitel" . Second .0rbt,!!I. WO~'I b9lJ"~" JQh~ Ba!~lne, Jr." I:er,a~, OIl1••

., -

Farme·rs. Atten t.i on

. Fanne~II' of "'arlen and _'dJglnlD, cl»un~!1 m~,. ob:ttl~. lrioal,. .Oft · 10'01 tl1rle Itlanl, at IS per teat la. terlllt., COllt· 91 ,ec!Urinl the "-• •••

II very re.lonable, throurb .'JIbe

, Federal Land Bank, ;· For farther . Inform'atlon caU on 01' .due. II,

DR~KE, Treaaurer, 'pllone 81. X L.ebaaoD, Qblr ~.. . _

i C.


born several hundred bo,. are jng human nature. No revolution, conltantly palling through countl no legislation, no "refOrm" movewhicb turn out the mOlt higbl' i ment, ever ~ave humanity a new ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY skilled mechanics and junfor enrln outlook n life. The right 1I0rt of - - - cers in the countl'~. Those wbo education can do ~hat-In time. D. L. CRANE PubU.Ia... have the w.1I and the intelligence It is wOI·th all is costs. to do so go from the Ford IIchool It is, worth' all it costs. Olic. Pbou....................... No. 112 to the great te~hnical univ.ersities R-.ICleDce .......................... No. 118 and become expert e!lJiheers; tbe ' Uncle Si Tinklepaugb $aYS one others never fail to find and hold reason some folo would rather Sub.criptioll Pric~, $1.50 • y .... highly-paid jobll. listen to a poor radio . program That is one purpose of educa- ' than a good piece of music on the &,. •• ,." o. "e.toNic ••• Wayn ... III. tlon"--to en.a ble Its reqipient to phonograph is thai they're too lazy "III., <II Soco"d CI ... Mall M."., developed his talents ·to ~he best ee to change .the records. nomic advantage to himself and society. Another purpose. is to en- . Som eb(l dy has discovered reMARCH 12, 19a~ able him to get the greatest pas- g~on in West Virgi!'lia with 30,000 I _===="~=> sible enjoyment out of life. The people and not a ~tngle telepho!Je. - - " joys which last are those which Just the place ~e ve been lookmg have their roots in the cultivation ,for. Sounds as If a m.un could. do \ of the emotional perceptions. Of ~ days work there WIthout beIng ·1 these , Mr. George EasLman be- tnl 1'ruptcd by people calling OUR LARCEST AND lieves, music is the most enduring wrong numbers. BES.T INVESTMENT So out of the sixty million doUars • - .••- - 1 which he has already given for . - -- - - - - - - - - - -. educationai purposes, nearly all of it hus gone for. the teaching of Taking the whole nation into music' and cultivation of the apCOnSideration, it is probable that preciation of music. we spend Illore money every year is no compilation availaThe Ladi es Class of the .M. E. for edUcation than for anything bleThere of the amounts of money else beyond the necessaries of ·life, which private contributors Sunday School will serve s up pe r in I food, clothing and shelter. Certain given for educational purposes in the Gym FI'iday evening, March · l t 14. A short play will be given Iy we spend, as 'a people, more America. George Was h mg on se later in t he evening. The fJroce eds money on schools and colleges the example when he founded and thun uny other nation. School ap- endowed a free school in Alex- are to purchase new songs · 11 books fOI ' th e church. Everyone propt'iulion ~ rank next to those fpr andria, Va., which is st I ~oing. is cordiallu invited to atte nd. highways in most communities, a- John Smith~on, the illegitimate ' head of road funds in many. And SOn of an En ·!ish Duke, gave hall Charles Madden transacted busi there is no other cause to which so It million dollars a hundred years ness in Dayton Tuesday. much money is given by men of alto to establish a great scientific On our sick list we have Et.lward wealth who wish to prove their edu catio nal in slitution in Americl\ Brown, who is \,el'y low; Mrs. Geo. right to accumulated mellns by the Snd lh sonian Institution of Denny , who is not so well at this their wise di sposition of their W a ~ h in )! t un . A hundred or more of time; Dr. H . E. HaLLon is very ilI.; money. ' Andrew Carnegie's Millions went J. E. Shumaker is somewh at im. Henry Ford has r ecently an- in ln ed ucational funds. not count- l)rove 'l from his r ecent illness; nounced that he plans t o spend ing the libraries which he founded, Mrs. W . p. McCurren is making upward to one hundred million themse lves educational institutions ~Iow inlprovem ent, and Mrs. Karl doUars on education. Mr. Ford John D. Rockefeller is estimated Shiduker is show ing ~ om e improvehus a very praclicul theory, which to have given away more than munt. Is that the avel'age boy ought to seven liundre~ and fifty millions, 1 '~T;;'h:':'e-G-l'a-d""e-D-u-Pi"""l~ afe putting on be taught 11 trade after he bas nearly all of It for education. n Ga me Frolic at t he Gym Thursgone as far in the general scho ols The on ly c~re for the troubles day evening, March 13. Admisas his circumstances permit. In the of humanity Is ed ucation. It Is sio n chal'ge, 10c. Proceeds to go Ford Industrial School at Dear- the slow but sure method ot chang fol' school purposes. Every one ",!"""!!!!!~~~~~~~~!,,!,,,!~~!'!".'!~~~~~~.. . -'!'"~~!!""".~~_ is urged to attend. - - -- -----,- - .-.---- - - -- - -. . ---- '-nevival services will begin at A~~I ! "I . 111;;1'011'1' OF '1'lltO (,,1.I!lRI< 0 ..' 1'1IR Jonah's Run church Sunday even\ ' II . I ,AGE Ol~ W A l ' SI':~\· " . I.F), \\' AItURN COVNTY. lng, March ] 6, at 7 :30 o'clock: Rev. J. P, Thornbury will be in "'ur the fo' I.'·MI ".· .. r R"II I... De"~Dlber III. IU~II. charge. You are cordially invitC' (ll\i80 I. II),\ ·I'E'J) !I'I· "'r.~ ~IEN 'r ed to aUend any or all of these OF-NEllA!.. "JLln'O10: Fl NflR : services. nl,hllU' C IInlinTy I. IU ~ !1 ... .. ...... .... ..... .. .. , 1I78. 94 Bet' Bl l1l s (<I I' Ih e YUAI·. ... .. ... ...... .. .. .. .. .. The Hilarity club spent a pleasO~64 . r.~ ·l'otn1. . .... ..... . . . . .. . . . ..... . . . .... • • , HSS.46 ant day Sunday at the home of !i:xpClltlitu res for I hey un ,' . . . . .. . . • . .. .. . .. . . .. •. ~ M I 1 . 07 Mr. and Mra. G. M. MacDonald Ilu lllnc(j P ee ",L e I' SI . IU 2~ .. . ..... ... .. .. . .. 1 6 16 . ~9 and family. M L'N I IPAI . I N I)USTrtl F:" ( \\' I\ll' r Work •. Eta. ) : /lul,lllce .Jnllunr · 1. I Q~D .. ,,, .. .... ...... .. ,, . The Woman'li Civic League was Il co lllls tor I h c y e Ar . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . ....... , .. mAde Qordially welcome at the '1' 0 111 1. .. ...... .. .. , .. . .. .. .... . ..... .. .. . E xpt!rulhur't 11 tor (t tl' y.'ur ... . .. home of MI·s. Minnie Oglesbee SatHp.lun c~ 'n c o mb r !\J. JU :! !J ..t • • • , •• •• • • ' • • ft92 . 91 urday afternoon. In the absence ~ PE JAL A. ~F:SSM"~ ~T NWI'I<U, ',110N VI. 1'108 , of the president, Mrs. Anna HarBnlu nt' (l .flln lll\ "~· I, 1 f) ~ tI .. HtdUl1r,> 1~" c "on lJ "r nl. 1!1 2!1 .. , .. ........ .. . .. .. ~ ft . ~S . ris, vice-president, conducted the Uni!III' n DI>('c mh r SI , 1 9~ tl III J1/'rlltlng meeting. The business session 1111,1 l.'lI ll~ lrtl lion I··un,ls . .. . . . . . . . . . . •. .. 2235 . S9 was brief. The program commitI'1VN ION I· SU;{ : ntl l'ln ~ (j JI\IIUIIr)' I . IO~' ...... .. .. . " ...... .. . .. . 804,U tee had arranged a very clevel' n Of' lpts f h r th e' ':1 ·1'1' . • 1756.17 program. Mrs. Oglesbee read an ~ n tl\l .. .. . .... . . .. . . .... .. .. . . . " , .... ,. 25CO ,70 mteresting story, which was comExp e ll dll 11l'''' ~ rl'll' LI\ " Y ",. , . . .••. ..... . • , .. . . . • 15'4'1 .011 Ill" n c I.J c"ml I' at. 1!129 111 Slnkl"/! Flln'l~ 1019.10 men ted upon by all present. Mrs. 'rnll\l Hnl,lll('e All FUI1 II . I) ~ o mh ol' 31. 19~9 8~55.09 Oba Welch read in pleasin'" manulMtn n .l1 l1 j( \\'0 ,'I'" Ill" I)~ ce ",h e r nl. 193U •. . . •.. 165.60 "l ner, "Darius Green lind HIS Fly. 1'r lUI . 118h 1)6 3t. \!) 29 l e xt'oO t. Sinking).. . . 2396.89 Cuh In ~I nk lng Fund" Dec. ~ I. 19~9. \addl . .. . .. 1019.10 ia' Machine," and a St. Patrick's IlNh Vl11ug Flilld a IJ c. 3 1. 1929. (In ludlng Slnklnl\") 3410.59 contest was conducted. Adjourned I M EM 1l:.\NDtr M , :!179.R3 to meet March 22 with Mrs. BerJ\IlIOunt. o f 'nlllri ca nn ll \\'n g l'~ paid lIu"'ng 19 ~ 9 .... do Jordan. I Ut1:NBIl ,\L . \ ' I ... ..\(lIC "'UNO!!. 1 ECI;)IP1'S : Harold Tucker suffered a frac- ' Cell ral Tn ee ... •.. • .. .. .. ..... . . .. .. . . . . . .. .• 3 86 .21 tured wrist at play at school last :1 4. 72 Chf nrctl.-. Tn xes. ..... ... .... . .. . .•. Thursday. · 729.H Mot r V hl e l !.I ee n s!' 'I'll " " . .. . . . . . • .. • . . .. .. 1199.00 GnSolltl ~ T n ~ e~ .. .. . .. . . . . . .... . . . .••. . . ..... . Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Law250 .5fi I n il " IU\n (' 'I'tI~ "g .... .. .. ... .... . ... .. .... ... . rence of Middletown, called on I :U,O 1"ln l.'lI n IIlI rosls . ... .. .... .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . .... . 79 .62 Inl el' ~ I all I <,pus Its . .. . .... .... ..... ... .. ..... .. fJ'i ends bere Sunday. 68.93 r a m uli" > l O I ' !L" 1'1'0 11 1' 1.1' .. .... .. .. .. .. ; ... .. .. J. Lester Starr, of Spring Valn U6 -t1 ' (' m III . .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. .. ..... 2. 50 .. .. '1'ol .... 1 'al s . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 2.GO. . • 2.50 ley, called and Mr. and ·Mrs. Chas. T o l ,,, He ' Ipls . . . . ... . . .. . .. ... . .. . ... • ...• 62f'4 .52 ra 9 y and family Wednesday evenEXPENI)(T liES : mg. IH.O O COU ll II--...<:nlnry . In c id utlli s . ~; tc. . ... . . . . . . •. .. 195 . ;; Mil l'O - Sal!\ r )'. Offl ,>" Il:xP""96. Etc. . . . .. .. . . . . Missel! Kathleen and Nellie Gra181.41 lork - nlnn'. Mh' " EX·llv n s e ., .Etc . . . . . . . . . .. . . ham, Of D!lyton, '!Vel'e ltome over 77.50 TrIlUSU1' e Sa !n'f' Y. Exp e nse. bole. • ••• ••• • .•.••• l.f' gnl Ad\' f!l't i n g .; ... .. .. . . ... . . .. . .. . . , . . • . . . 2J7 !he.r \VH~k-~,Pd lInp' !!ntertqined .the Marshnl .. & ll"rY ........ .. .... ... .... .. ... : .. 31 g: ~aty Ids Saturday · even mg. Polle . It J;lI hlr :l nd 'p~cll\l . . . . .. . .. ; .. . . . . .. : 2~I'V .7 MISS . U~!I Ooo~, at Waynesville, St {lli o n HO U6e . .. . . . : .... . . . .. .. .. . ...... . .• . , 1·31 .• Oth ,. I' II c (! J:; " p n ~c >! . ... ...... .. : .. .. . :.: .... .. Y{~s j\n QVl!fl1trht guest. U1 .8Q ~'Ir ~ AI' nrntUB . . . . .. ... .. . . ••. ... . . . . . •. . t · . . . fdlllS ldarel Starr and James 8.41 th o r Vir J) ).lUI·llll' Itt tJ~pell ~"1! .. . . .. : .. . : . . : . JJ6tnPtofl, of· Dayton,. spent SunSir l't H -p/l lr g . . . .. . . . . : . . . . . : . : : . .. . . . . .. . :: . : \~~pg I:Itte l !; I ~n hlt f. .... ... .. " .... . .. : : .. : .. : . , .. , . day afternoon with Mrs. Amanda la7i. ~7 SJI' e t I ,\ g hp r !: ......... .. .... , .. : . , ., .. . , .. . Starr, & .h \Vllt t.'r Sc r v i~.w . . ~ . ~ : . . , , : : ., .. .. : . t· • t . , ! t ' I I ' Mr. and Mrs, Fred Sherwood Ull Se\\ ( :1 un(1 r\rnl ;'l n tJ~ .. . . . : . ! .. . , 1" 1J8.11 11lJlldl llJ."'1OI IUH 1t ~ 1l(.s l ' •. • . \.1 •• • • • , •• • ,1. ( ' •• • , . Ilnd fa mily, of Columbus, were nU4.ft9 , '1'0 a l ~! ~p ,\Il ll llll l· II 'n r l'lli l ,. I'II·IHII . . . " . .. Sunday Bl1ests of their parents, ~ lH .G!I A.n (n tnt li rf\ lIgh t 'fi'O I· WHI·tt ., •. , • • . Mr.. and M. E. Sherwood. 83.72 . nunl Y '''' lI ll l, 1'1",,1 I ,Iudll t tl (1) . .. . . . . . . . . " .. , 66. 58 C08 l 0' E : ,lIn lltllll o ll (d ellu t d I .... .... .•.. . . .. •• Wnrkllw,, 's 1 ' '''''\lon ~ lllion (CINlueted) ......... . . '• . 03







t .. . .

, •• , . . . . . , 1 •



'. I t • • • • '

• • • ,



• ••


• •• •• • • , ••





" ' , ' , · · , ••

I' "

1 '


'I'r,III Sr"r t. Wil I ()l' V"".I . • . . .. .. •.. . . . ..• . •• ,.. 'rOl!\1 1~spell<1llll""8 " , ... . . .. ... , . , . .• ,.. .. WC~llK~

Hundreds of frocks. with smart prints and plain crepes prominent, feature details of the new mod,e. Each would be regularly priced much higher. Only wanted patternt! a.n9 colurs are included. . Sizes 14 to 48. An ANNIVERSARY special! I n.xp~nal.e

Oreaae.- Thlr4 Fl o o r

Chiffon Hosiery, $1.49 Our well-known GRANITF. ho.a , .. the identical hose that sell avery day for $1. 95. . Full-fashioned, and of lovely clear and sheel' quality from the toe to the d'ainty picot top. All wanted colors. Three pail's for $4.25. Ho.lerf- Maln Floor Silk Lingerie, $1 Delightfully feminine undergarments _ . . chemise . and step-jns ... made from excellent crepe de chine. Each garment is full-cut and well made: All are lace trimmed. Colors . . . pin)c, peach and nile. Would regularly be priced m u c h higher, • The Down.talr. Store

WOlnen's Suits, $21 Su its bid fol' unusual p pularity in th e pring Mlde. These of CO\' rt ; Tweed unci Basketweave fnbriC t! a re in navy , black, g reen, tn n a nd mixtures. Tailored ,;!J 'Jrt suits . . . with two an d thl'ee pieces . ~~ iz e s 14 to 42. An A NIVER AI \ speciul! W Olll e n '" ~u lt s - T h i rd

32-pc. China Sets, $3.75 A fine Dome tic Porcelai n set, PI' viding sen,ice for six people. Set H are colored deep green or yellow, a nd are hand some lv embos!"cd. Green on ly i; f' :\l'ril'(l in open stock. Thi set harmonizes well wi t h ear ly American flll·lliful'c. An excellent value. Ch ln n - I~o urt

An excellent selection of shirts. . in white, plain colors arid fancy patterns. . Collar attached, collar to mat c h, and neckband styles. Every shirt is cut unusually full ... the colors are iuaranteed fast. Broadcloths, Oxford Cloths, Chambrays and Madrases. Three tor $4.150. IIhD·. Iblrt.-Waln Floor

h Fl o o r

Boys' Suits, $11.85 Sturdy 2-knic:ker suits have been especially reduced in price for ANNIVERSARY selling. All suits are single breasted. Colors al'e brown, tan and gray. They are of the usual high Rike-Kumler quality ... and will be proud ly worn by any boy for chool, dl'ess or play. Sizes 7 to 17. 80)'8'

Men's Shirts, $1.55

I· 1<." ,

S lv re- S

~ " nd


Girls' Wash Frocks, .$1.65 Fine little prints are in two styles . . . waistline, anp with a neatly tucked collar. In a vHl'iety of CO\Ol'R . • • each guaranteed fast. Of a quality that u 'uaJly sells at a much higher price. Sizes 2 to 6 An ANNIVERSARY value! Lll r' I~ '

1·· r u <"118

T hird 1"luor




n811 ,OT

1I'I1 1 ~;'I ':I''''~'' , "\lltLlt: ~Iil IlV iO~ INDVS'I'Rllill .

W·\ lj·),W

Women's Dresses, $8.95

•••• • ,

,Air MA "I( ~ r 1·]l<I>eIlH.· ....... . .. .. .. ...... .. .... .


Saturday will be important to the entire Miami Valley Rike s great Anniver8ary Sale offers values worth coming many miles to obtain! Every member of the family can profit by attending this event Listed below are but a Hry few of the outstanding values ... there are literally hundreds of others, that, because of limited space, are not advertised here. Come to Dayton Saturday!




Satul"dag "aloe In

1-' Nil

Imct,PTI'I : ;1" .1 t'td rr XiI!! , . . 1 , , " ' 1. " " ' " . ' • •• • • , •• , • • "" "t~r n IIt!\-' S . . .. , .. .. : .. 0) . . . . . . . ... . . . . , . . . . . . Jnttlr.t Oil Deooslt9 .,' .. .. .. . .. . , .... .. .. .. . ... Othel' RGI:,' IDte • . ". ........ ... .... .. .... ...... T<ItI(1 Illlcc lp U •... . • •• . • . .•. . ... . . . . . . • . . El'XPENDJ'l' m~s: . OUlcn 1i:l<l}l ouse " •.. . . • . . .• •• .. . • .. • ... . .. . •. . •

Wng,)" l1f Il:IlIP1o)"' » .... . .. .... ... . .. . .... ... . ..

I;' uel lind, iJIgllt . ...... . .. .. . . . . . .... .. . . . .. .. . . Ilepnlra tQ RIIlldhl/itK . . . . . . . . . . • . . •.... .. . . .. . . ll~\.lnlrs to lI1Ilt'lI IIl I!1' ;,' And f'IJle~ . .. . . . . •.. .. . . .. . Olh I' pet'oll n K EXI 't·, 8 ~ ...... .. .. ...... .... .. TOlul EXI)cn(]ltu,". o ..... • . ... .. .... ..• . •. .. liINKISO.


GOO 00 l!-79 \SG •

s 'St


8 9 86 ' 19 - . IgS 3G U6o\ ao


32' 35

360 ' 4~


2209' 24 .

600.00 600:00

SPRINC BRANCH M.r. and Mrs. Edgar Poff and famIly of Centerville spent Sunday evening with Mr. Hiley GibSOn and· family. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nixon of Dayton. spent t he week-end with Mrs. Nixon. parents Mr. and Mrs. Fran.k Dakl~ an~ family. '

• Dayton, Ohio


Dayton, Ohio


this week in Dayt~n. MISS ElSIe Smith GIbson and is spending Mr. Roy family' spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 18.30 H~rold Rogers and Mrs. lijmma 1768.J7 Bill. Allowed Looms but the horror of the Gibson of Be.llbrook. ., . sbade, ElXPENDlTUR ES: Mr. ari{l ·1.frs. lIil}' 6ibllon and 1 Lyle Blank Book Co., envelopes R l:d million o f .I3<1n(]a . . . ..•....••. . . .• .. . .•• •• • 6$7.60 fnter st &n 'Bond!! ... . .. . ... . . .. . •. ... . . . . . .. . . fatnjly. sp.epfll" nd~y with Mr' and , for auditor, $6; Columbus Blank And yet the menace of the years , 3.611 Finds, and shall find me, unl\tclde-ntal EXllensl' Dr f=0mfll!s,!on . .. . . . .. : .: : e M~s. ' l:lv!s Miohal and little' Dor- I Book, Co., .budgets for auditor T Of' '111 lIl,,~el1<lltll 'es . . .. . . . .. . . . . ... . .. • . . . . W ·R!Ji· . afraid. With Dependable Ups of Maple Corner. . $9 6.&5; Lebllnon-Cltlzens National tO r .. ! r' ,' .. . . . rJ1:+ ~ M~Rlf~ . . RESIDENT Gj!f1!:rlll to Servl j: .• . .... •. •.. .. : . : . . . . . There have been several new 1Jank And Trust Company, rent It matters not how strait the gate, 1~°ft:8ft Geherl1l td SIlf<!l9 .... .. : . . . l . •. . . : • . : .• . .. l ; , ; • Serum and Virus Hald08 purchased in our neighbqr I for 8I\fety boxes for treasurer, ia~.oH How charged with punlRhment ~~!ler~1 ~o W!I t ~l' . : .. : :;~~.i:; ~~~I ,; . . . . I • , hood in the fast few wee~. . $2J O. Lederman, supplies, $3.110; the scroll, insurea both SafeMrs .. Ada Daki~ Ilpeq(last Fri. Ornee. Outfitters 0.0., supplies, I am the master of my fate, PERMANENT LOCATIQtt dl\Y WIth ' Mrs. MI~nt\! Ml\r\att of $2.30, W. H. FlIlkerth, sheriff, tl!il~ltl'" F~!I!'!! ~~."eal . ty and Success I am the captain of my soul. ' Mt. Jiolly. . . . stamps for office, $2; W. C. GiIAIIET" ~.'o\B'~'T'~, & . .. . . . mout:!, Inquest Horace Hllrvey, IOn 70 OUTSTIANDlNO GE1'!EThAT. BONPS ll/l lAnCC I'!lnkln~ F\lnds; ' 10,; uhio Oentral Telephone Corp- TO IIOA n MACHINERY l"A~U­ . (Payable liy ~nt!r.!\\ 'f!\~'.1!l'1l ",'11 ' Inv c otmehtll hel<l by l.EBANON, OHIO 168.00 Public UtllltlU j FAcrVRElR8 AND . DEA"'~llS Sln)l!n~ Fund Tru~t{le8 oratipn, rent:s, $64.50; Same, tolls VUI tor offiee, $38.1 0; Mrs. Mattie Eye. Ellamineci ,f~rra.;~.'.'1i' ~~~d ·&.~bi · .\~,gq ~~ Harveysburg, O. S,,"1e d proposal s ~'1I1 be rocel\'ed Idew!!;l\( ....... . ... .e3.ilQ 'Gardner, service at Memorial H'a II , CIa.... Fitted R.pairl b.\· th e Tru s tees of Wayn e TownPhone 31 IHal Bpeclal AlI,ulI$20 i :Western Star, advertising, ship. W'lrren COII·nt.\". Ohio. nl th e - '_ _ _":~;';';;;";~_ _ _- ! . (liont 'Borid"d Debt U8.0Q (Continued from p~e 2) $18.60, 1I'0t~1 O\!:l'idl'lIg office or the C I rlc d r WII ), Il C ""!!~~~~~~~~~~~!'-"! Totnl .... . • . .. . . ].180,"1) Bontll!ii ~ell~ '" ' " lQltlI,OQ Townshi at ·Waynesvlli t'he WIlYll _ _ _. . __ _=====~~~~~:==== Leah Small by sher1ft' to A. L :-:allonnl p.Bflnk. e. e s\'lIle Ohio. == _ Kine, lot No. 15. In Waynesville . • •' L04'1'INO RlrT . " until ·noon Eastern Stant1nrd Time MArch 18 1930. fo" the furni shing • Subscribe for The Miami .'Gazette J. B. Stewart to Seth and Clo, DH. 51, AccOunt. P.a:yable •••.• .177.90 the (olloi' lnjCf equlpmllnt to ,be 'uBed M. Cook part of loti Nos. 8 and 7 , Total OutstandIng In lh e maint e nnnce ot lhe roads o! . NOTARY PUBLIC d 'FloaUn&, 'D ebt •. ...• "'71.96 in WaynesvUle. Wnyne Tow.n.h'p. Daln·M .e Opera ~ n'fld on 2215 39 Orand Total OlJtatandlng . One track type I ractor capnble ot National Bank T; M. Scofield, fly adn I'. to J. F OonlltructionA I t i l . • 841 Q' n9 Debt 000. SI. 1~29 • .. : 19610.9ft tl ev eloplnc ~5 hOI'so pow er on ~flUl<J ,+,o\a l U!; 9 • ... . ~.~ . "'. ' . SJlu·~!er, · Pllrt pf lo~ NQ, 4 in Ma. <lrfl'WI!U\r and with BCAI'lrJcr atWill DrawD ,- . . E.ta'e. S.ttled ~P!!t . lAc hment: sn l d trac tor t o be eq u nl Wily n ll811lpe. Ohio ),!1\f ch 8, .~, to b tlPTrl!.c t " I·n ever)' " ... peet wllh lhe ":10" nie~"br' c!!rtlty ~'H' ~lIt.1ver:~Yl19lf ~,.f'flAT~'~~D,. VI11",e ?le~~ : {,;!lfrie Worley, ,uardlan of 14ar manufactur d by the Cllterpl11ar Wayn.e ••m.. Ohio lI'ar~t Worley to Wilbur Jordlul, , . lot No, -717 tn F.ranklln. . On e grnd r with 8 fOl')t blnd e or one grAder Tractor Co. /WIth 7 f OOL b lnd l'. Tolbert and · Esther Abn~r to Prl"ell to Include d e ll\' r .\· at W"y nelvllle. OhIo. · Veretfta B-.ore, P!lrt ot tract No. 13 ir~' FI1lnklfn ~. ~ ·The Truste"s will o!n.·,· In ". HICHEST change for anyone or u11 'or th 0.W.Jtt" R, Fitts to Trav'ls Barbov/! . e qulpm e nl. · UNCO!lfQUER,ED res .Iot No.- lOin Fta:nklin. · CASH One Chllmllioll No . • 1- 2 10xZO lone Crullher. . JQ~ .and Long to Ster- , By Willilarn- Ern•• t H.nle~ FUNERAL , DIRECTOR . PRIOES . Wlthin ' th 8 limits ea 11 hldd r , . .' \ lin, 't~d Dollie Eckler, II acres in be expect d to, til with hl ~ bl (i Fran,· twp. . Out of the ' night that covers me, 'wfll _.' PAID WAYNESVILLE. OHJO spi!<;lfIC1LtlOns cO\' rlllJr each nrl.i c lo . Hewett Mulfoid to · Georre S. . Black as tbe Pit from pole to bliS .upon. Propo.ale will be enterlnlned up· . pole, '. . . Perrine, 326.10 a'cres In UtJion ori a n)' or ",II equipment abolle twp. . . ' . I thank whatever .gods ·there be s.~. i~rl, .f ot Your Dat•• ~ W. · C~.rant";·. J ' IIpedCled. bu t 0. s eparate bid moisl Equipped · for Good be ml\~e ul.on nCh k l-D'd of q.ulpFor. my u:ncon<tuer~h1e souL' Dora. lilorgan to C, It and Belen " .. Satl'.!... t.lon or Ch.r..... Not~Jn•• eovC!'recl . br tihe proP!lsat .' Service. c. ~~Wford, ' ~. acrea in Wayn" tbe fell clutch . or circumstance tU1nt The B,oa~d ' of .Trustee, .r el ""ea I ,have- DClt ~inced'" nor orled the right .to i'eJect any 01' all bid/!. Lar;ge ,D laplay Room. . By order Of tb. 'BoarG of. 'l'rU.tet.a 'Hoon, John D Priest Qd . aloud. . 'Ambulance Service Charles R. Priest to 'CarrIe Worley Under the' bl~ldgeoftJnp of ehance ot Wayne T01'l'Mhlp, Warren County. 01110. W . . 8. ' dRA.RA'Y lot' No. ,716 In Franklin. My heal't; ~s blobd), but uli~wed 7 f!"~ N-. Sin . W. B. E. L. C0RNELL THOMAS "r.EU:PH~)NE ___________ ...: Cal'rie Worle.l to Lena York, Beyond ~Irls place of wtath and . . Pboae No.1 lot No •. '716 in RlaJdln. taan · J. 0, · CAR'l\\V~B'l'. Clerk. .mU


Tus cs . ............ . ..... .. .. .. ..... .. In'he rltnncc T Ill< .... .. . •. .. . ... . . .. .. . . . . . ... : . . 1 nlel'ost ou Deposits . ... . .. . . •.•. • • .. .. .. . . . . . '1'0 tal R celpts . . ... • . . . . . . . . ... .. . .. • ..• . . .•

154 2.60 115.27






News from




Dr John Zettel · ()ptometrist 19 N. Broadway


-=====:=;-:== === =






~iftOn C~ilteFYille, O. . New·Burlinlton,O. s



Dead Stock Wanted

Mother (looklnr over her boy's IhouTder)-"Your pt'l1Ing itt pere tl tJlrrible." \ . • mnll .. on-t'This i n't 8~&llln' 'aaon, It's A camposition." -


- ... - ... I






1~I' ye

of Oa lOR, spent lll \U llY with 1'l'I:.ILi es hC I'\'. Glenn

Watch you r e llil'ution dat on t he 'rhe lVfiom'l Gazette


~/lW .l fil d hy llI:lchine l'Y. ut clean r, tl'l1l:i',' ro tcl'. Roy Pigtt, ut Maud n's JJI.uuber Yard,

. JQseph Underw od of Harveysb urg, spent ul\da~r with Mr. nnd Mrs, Wolter IUnde wood.

Sunday dinner ' g~e6ts


t t'l l'



l\fl ~~ P\'inlZ,


Rcntri cc,

. M. R obitze r Ilnd 1... N .

50c Milk Mag nesia .. , ........



60c Rubbing 'A lcohol Full Pint ...... .. ..









Wall Paper· Our new 1930 line consisting of over 150 patterns in charming color effects, is carried in our stock, and now ready for your inspection.

: I .rl ~· I I:U1S S~"(Il>' lI ~tl . a , '(JUli g Ger:l~ , l ' l , rl, rce y" :!r;; I t'' !'ul l\', n ;. nt ~ .1 : !t&~ ;

11Iiit ;U,l ll!:l trCW-; :\\Jr.t h ~ f

;' li"' l'c tr lLt CI'i.\ Hf fl., i,' :!I'/~ :~·dHl l ,.. h on ti. ~' I ,L itl~ . The: t U\\' CI 3 ; I-~ H.'U l(" t :Iig il aw.i the ~f\:'

:,c,,'\,: Y...;}\ ... : '

h~! ' t

mocJ\!l l!j





II' lind MI·s. }·'run lt Rub inson fire l1 il\l' dl'ivi ng 11 new Ford e Ollp l!. !\II'. and ~f f!'. Hud(1 . 'uylol' li nd so n of West url'olto ll \'igiLc d 1'(·la l ives h('I'I ' .'un day. Mhs Pol ll I:n C' Brown of Woyn . 'vi ll e spent Ih !! \\'cl' k , e'ld with .\1is . 1I "I(' n I~ nr\y. MI'. !Inti MI' ~ . Edd L o n ~ lIcre ~ pl' nl .':,wuuy ('\,('n ing wilh Mr, lind Mrs. Melvyn wank lind s ns in Dllyt on. MI" and Mrs . Frank W oo!ley o f Duylon .· pent 'aturduy wi lh Mr. li n d II'R. Willi am Brow n . M,·s. Marga re t Joh ns a nd : iste , Mrs . El izub r th S mith of Dayton \ erc dinn e r guests Th ll l'fl lay at thc hOl1le of Mr, and .M r~ . Amo ~ oo k, nca r Wayne ~ vill(> .

Think felr a minute of what one man, st ill-a.ctlve in h is 84th year/ has d o ne to ch:an ge the world in a Single lifetime. He lTl4de the telephone a practical in strument. H e invented the incandescent li g ht. He invented the phonog raph . .. He invented the m o l ion pic ture. Imagine a world without those inventions. It is imp ossible, ,e xcept to those whose 'm emories, like rtry_own, go back to the tillie when Edison was known only as the inventor of the multiplex telea:raph. Now he has found. way to ,et rubber ou·t of loldenrod. not AI a commercilLl product but . . . war reservo rellouree. And he 11 .tlll workin,. "A maD, can't CUe 10 lonl .. ho keeps busy," he told me onc..



Wayne.yin!!. Ohio

an ·up-


Gordo"" s S~rviee Station

. Waynel ville Ohio


Miami Theater Franklin, Ohio Where the Screen Si.,gs and Talks


Thurt day and F ri d. y, Morch 13 And 14 BELLE OAKEn. in "SONG OF LOVE" . An nil -talkin g d rama or MOlher love. Sunday al,d M"n ~ "y , .'. "eh 15 and 16 J ANET GAYNOll fi !1(1 r ll !I'H LES rAr.nJ~ L unrl ma'l ·.' ,,1 her!:, in 'HAP PY DA YS" A sna pPY:mng a nti d unce rcvi-:!w o f tllC' old uays of the min. t l'cl >1 h·)\\,

The Miami Invites You To FranklinTheate r ' ope n ev ery n ight w ith t he Re. t o f Phot o P loys LET' S GET AC':1UAINTED Cut out this ali. and whell p rop£' : Iy s ig n d ' a nd acco mpani ~ by one pa id IldmiRs ion, wil l ud " l it oll e lo a ny sh ow. Goo d until Su nda y, April O. Nome ............ . Address, C ity

P. O. Box

R. R oute No ....

Mr. nnd Mrs. Haym ond Davis T;la t a dver tising is one of the a r_d . s on JIlr .. a nd Ml's. Oha r les "I could empty .every country greatest fac t ors in bringing ~,~yIS and chlldref.1 of Cineinnll t i, , church and ha!f the City churches,on ~ Lu s iness to n stort!, und hI! i!less \ ISlted . lIndny WIth MI'.. Emma Sunday mornmgs by broadcasting is w ha t every con e rn must have FoulkR II nd sons. , I better sermons and services tha~ if it is to live. . !'vI I ilr /. .; all but a f(~w gre.a t churches offer, New"pllpCl'S are lhe frl ' nds of I.. d r·fun< hr~, Vil lyll!lnt Co lema n the head of one of the great broad- btli:iness cOJlccrn p' they always ren "a t· · 01'1"1" t 1:11' " d t 0 me th e 0 th er de l' se rv ice. Cooper ' ate with them C, SlIlId . . ''IY dinn CI' cas t'mg c h' luns SILl , )1' U l\ : ' . ~ s. ,l t h ' l ln e Gates a nd day. .•• - th e gllin is yours. f~~(\~I:llh!:I~S ' :nd Mrs. W llk ley of : The timle IS c<?ml~g when smallIt i.. alwa ys bette r t o tl'Y f or a ~ < frs: Glady · Donl ey town churches WIU lllItaIl radio lets quic k turn over of stock at areas a nd 1\h.. Evan P l'lce t'J Ci ncinnati. and get thleir music. and thelt ler- onable profit than ~ slow ,turnove l" MI'. an d 1\I1's. . R Bine nr of mons out . of the all'. Th«:y will i a t a JIII'goe profit. .1UI1IUFtll wn , M I' and' M rs gJuc ob n~ed no local preacher, but , If yo u would r eview in your (;:II)(;lI oan, i'1 1'. · :Il' d Ml'S" W G WIll bc;come centen for commun.lty mind the business failupes you Hai nt·s ;lI1d c hi'dr" fI Da ' tOIl the name of ~ makin.,- have seen, you could ea sily see , \I e '.· Su ndllY rr Ue s t R of Mr.Ya nd It ~heli/~illffeht~Photfc~ ~ mor _ l tllllt. ~onsistunt and pers ist ent ad.l r~ Wa Ite I' I\cllrkk an d ]Ii<[, <:: an .p. YSlca. e. t hO elf com ve rtl z ln g would have averted many II. lI ai n e~; . ' '" mUllltles, to msplre t e amusemenU , f theSe cutllst r ophes. and elevat~ ·the educatioaal ltaDelGo od a dve rtis ing does much to T\\'c nt.v fh'e or more utten ded uds of dielr younlf folk. build prestige for a business and a I h.e MlIl'ch mee tillg' of t he Lad ief demand 1'01' their 'goo ds that will ,Aid , WedncRdtly afte l no on, at th e RUBBElt protect the life of the business. , hom e of Mrs, Sa m Cha rleton If you have \>ride in your busiRubber tlieu It. namo lieCaii.e Ita ness , udvertist! It and let the peoso.uth of to wn. Th e April m eetinR tiret use wa. to rub out pencil will b£' held at the hom e of Mrs. ple know about it. marks. The Spanish conquiltadores E dd Longac re. Bus in ess men w ho do not adverfound Mexican and Brazillau:hil- t ise in local papers signify that dren playing with balls of thi. pe- hey have not hing worth advertisculiai' gum, but it wal three hundred ting. yeal"l liefore it became a coaimercial ere are f ou r kind s of ndvertis product. Mackintosh. the Scotcb· ingTh : poor, good, better nnd best. Newspaper advel·tising is best. Use plenty of it! MI'. anll Mrs. Howard Stunley - -- +- ••- - a re the parents of a son, born M11I'c h G. SAYS SAM Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ly tl e h ave moved t o thell' property bought of Th.e worst thing about the deLouisa Compton. part.ure 01' wil~tcr is the high probubility that it isn't gp ne f oreM.I'. Dnd 1\hs. C. ' W. T ay lor and ver. ~unllly have moved Into the Leam109 property.


• \ .~ World" Oreataa J..ow.Prk, ,.,.




W. H. Madd·e n &., CO.

Wayne.vllle, Ohio

Special price in drurns. This is the Sunoco 011 Co.'s Nntional Advertised Oil.



Kle nzo ,Mouth Wus h .

Tractor Oil 10 gal. bu1k, 68e I 20 .gal. bulk, 6Se


'''--'--'''- - -

With aU Its Aceessories, such as Lumber, Fancy Shingles and all th d goes with the Home Beauitfu). . For an estimate ' on the same, call

. 7fte Lc nn ex Cough yr up


of '


$ 1. 50 Aglll'ol i\'\in !'rnl Oil



The Makin'g of a Home

'('ooth Pust e




IiOe Mi lk M:lgn eElia


Cleveland Man Bani.hed Stomach III. Of Lon g Standin g Throulrh Ne w Medicine

hi!' .M d M,.~. George Dn is, MI'. " 1 um g lad t o 'te ll what Konj ol an ,1 Mrs. Edga r P lltto n of Cin . MUSIC d id f I'm ", suid Mr. Harry Fritch ci!1 nali spe nl a f w days last wee k Ci?od mt18lc Is Increulnlln pop- ::OU4 Wes t Nineteent h s tr~et, Wit h relntives he re. ulanty, but there are more mUll- Cle ,'cl:lIllJ. H[ su!!,ere.d . t e rribl y I cians out of work than ever befQre. fill' severn l y ar:> Wi t h lIldlgestlOn . MI'. IIrd Mrs . . Glc nn Johns , r.nn I We are 'getting our music more and ,\ !y c lo r W(lS bad nnd I \\IU S ~ub­ U~ II t,l u ' !,t( I' of OIl .v tOll WCl'e six more by, mechanical methods of re- I jlcL to f,. lIuen t "llnd sevel'e ~Izzy o clock clllin I', g uests unday of production. . I spellH. It seemed that every~hllll( I Mr . lI1u l'ga)·C't J ohn s. First tIle pbonograIph, then the I ate cll used gas accumulatIOn 10 M I'. antI j\ 1'5 . Clnre nc e mith radio, now the sound motion picbJre& 'I my stoma ch a nd the bl oa ted c_ ' o.nmoved to Genntown last week have brought the very best music di lio n whie h f oll owed wns pamwhoI'£' they have purc hased a g r o- ... Iaved and, sung by the highest grad, ful a nd weaken ed my heart action eCl'y, of musical talmt, within reIICh of No medicines I tried helped me .. everyLody. The largest piano comHJlI ~t thl'e~ " bottl es . of th.'8 l\fI-. !lnd Mr~ . Kesler GI'n ham pany in America went into bank- splondld I~I dlclne, KonJola, dId lind d a u g ht ~1 ~ p e ll t Su nday nftel'- ruptcy recently. P ianos are still th c wOl'k III my case. T oduy ~ .eat noon with 1\lJo. and Mrs. J ohn sold, and always will be. There w ill what I please of t~e heal tlest l\IY 6 1'~ and daur,-hte r in Belm ont. always be youngsters with talent foods li nd suffer no dlscOl:nfort. I coming along to produce the good n? longe r bloat and t he pains h~v c MI'. und MI s . Warre n Kenr ick music of tomorrow. And there are disappeared. My appet.lte hilS Imhu ve Rold t heir farm on Route more "freak" instrument s being sold proved and the dIZZY sp.ells and 5, to MI'. tl nd Mrs, Romo R iggs · than ever--saxoph'ones, uktleles and nau. eu ne ver occu~· . .r a m III better anel llIoVNI Lo Cc ntervllle Tu esda y the like. There are probably more heu lth tha~ I \\as before m.y MI': nn d Ml's. All en Eml'ick en- first-class singers of American' birth stomach f!llied me. l owe nil thiS l ert!ll nerl Stltt,\I'day eve n ing, MI'. and trainilng, appearing in public to Ko n) ola.': . ' . '11 a DIS sold In Waynesvl e Ad Slore and b y all u nd Mrs. J . n. J ones, Mrs. Mar- now than ,e ver before. But the sec- . t KonJol gar'et Johns, MI'. alld Mrs. Chn r- ond-rate and hopelessly third-rate , a am. rUI. .' leH Enl ly and childr en , Curl an cl musicians no longer command audi- I Ihe bt!st dl' lsts. In a l! tow ns J ane, lltld 1\1' 1M ' ences. The American people have ' throug hout till S en t ire sectIOn. j I. a n< IS W a lter d i d h' h i ' I _ - _ - -K nrick, [ CI' cream und cuke we re eve ope a Ig er taste n mt18lc. served. Did You Ever Stop to Think?


26 c Colgate T oot h Pasto . , ......... ..

Phone 120 !\II'S. 1\1UI'.I' a rm ony spe nt , undny with 1\11". and 1\lr8. W. r. Cli\l'k ill \\'a.\' nesvj ll c.


ADAMS The Sale Drug Store

lI'a 1.o:e

j .

Mi llll : i ~ burg.

Sc' to 3Sc Roll



MI'. ancl M rs. Charles Ea rl y nt rta ir.NI to SUllday d ill ncr Ih ~ for mel': br oth",., i\tr. Chi re nee Eady 1,\ ift, nnr! 1'1' 0 daughter , of ncar Cent rville. M I'. 0 1 l I 11'5 . F' I'Il11k R nhin llo n 1ll 0 lOlll1 lo RU fscll 's Poi! t !lnd npell t th e wee k-end. Mr. und Mrs. Wilbul' . wflnk Rllont SLln d uy afle r ll rJo n an d cven. inl! \\ hh MI'. !\lb ~ l· t us SNu nk in

Come in and look over th~ wide variety of patterns for every rpom in the house. You will find styie, coupled with taste, at very low prices.

26c Liflterine Tooth Pllste ...................... ...

S luggish blo od ~l o\Vs you up und mnkes you look I) ule nntl \V OI'I1. P e ptoll(l inc rea ses the red corpu cles o'f the blood and invigorates t he circulat or y syste m. Soo n you' ll feel 100'/" fit and ¥.our pink, henlthy color will let the \\Iol'1d' know it. Peptona is sold o nl y at Rexnll Stores.

---. ~-----

Myer Hyman

$1.00 Miles N I'vi n

Pint Siz.

"Yollrcx SilvC'rscnl " Silvcr ware is t he h('st. Ol1)l'lIrc it wit h other makeg before bbll'ling yo ur pattern ntH) :ee for yO\lr~ (' 1 r its sterling llu llli Lies. Cary's .J welry Shop Leb a non .

t\ .\A to EEE -Sizes Ito 12




1\11'. alld Mrs. H arry Burlwt ur e happy over tht! ani\'nl of a I~ttl dllug h tf'l', Sutu r,lay morning. March 8. Mr. alld 1\11'5 . hnl'l(' ~ Cla rl: and 11. M. Clnrk Sil ent Mo nday in Dayton . Mrs. MUI'~ar e l .Juhn s \\'n ~ a week- nd J:!'u('sL o f M I'. and .Mr8. Alle n Emrick. MI'. a nd Mrs. Chal'l rs Mu llenix ntte nd 'd th e Fil l· of Ih i! form er'!, broth r . T om l\Iuli en ix, III 1\f L. Orab on Thl·usdIlY. Mi 's Mary ib\'ugoe i. now stay ing lit th e hOllle 1)1' Mr ~. Harvey Rye in " nyncs\,ille nnd go ing t o school.

$ 1. 2& }{onj In

Juat try

nnd M rs. , , D, Mndntt were Mr. £n d Mr . 1\1 rIo. K erns and daugh-


Drug Speciale

Want that "Pink of Condition" Feeling?

1\~I'S, C: .D. Mial'S is in Cineinna t l I'~ce lvlllg med ica l treatment She. IS aceonlpani ed by Mi s~ Lou ISO Compton. "

._ . __ pffendcr .must be I~O~d "I? UDlII n,' or. sh~ dlc4. That Isn t gomg to 4<) , thIs gIrl or lociety any ,8'ood. Th. man, used It firat , to water~rQot time when lomething could hav, " :!nh:J W eslcy E!lis, the ()Ide t cloth; • Gocldyear, ~he. A~erlcan, been done about her case wa~ whe. l CS ld ell.L .of the vII!age .an d .the fuu.nd how..II\, take tlie stlc~aness ou~ she wa~ a ~hild. .She !Jrew ur withf\s~ CIvil. ve ~P-rnn 10 thIS 11 61gh. while retammg'. the elaaticlty. out educatlQIL "71thout mora sense, . bOlh?ocl. hed s udd enl y. Tu cl!dny .A, very ItD,al! amoun~ of'com"!er. without any feeling ot. respollsibilCo:,en mg p'f In!!t ~vee k. Funeral sei - clal rub~er II wo~n III the t!mtecl ity. • ~ccs were .held 111 ~amestown Fi'i- States,·.;!Il \CabfofJ\la and Ar!zona, The onJY!'EaSon we put people III clay. IIf~ct'1100n, Lurial in th e where .!.t '.IS p'roduced, from the ,prison '01' ~ecute them is because Bo\\ ersVl II.c cemetery.. gua,yuJe Ihrub. Mo~t orlt camel we are afr;ud of tht"m . . Our prison Mr. nn d M.r!l Jess - . . from . the East ' In~les and ~outh population has. ' doubled in twenty havin r h e>jr ' h c'~ ' . c Ilhll al'l' America; i:larvey l"lreltolle is ,plant- years.. As we grow more pro perdl)corat d before ll~o~~re( .a nd.r - !nlf ~ m!llion acre.. to ru.bbcr trees OU8 we become ' more afraid of the , . 109 IO to It. sn LI~erla, .Afrlca. Unsli:tllecl cheap \ unprosperous. It might be a good Dc rholOas. fluydoc~ .and Robert labor II necellary to ke~~ the pK:lce plan to spend as much m~ney trying oS r !'l Wl'l e !!'uesta of friends in I of rubber down. A difference of to keep' people"out· of prtson as Wf prlJlglield ,over the week-end. ~U cents a pound In die p,!ice of _d now to bop them III iL . crude rubber may meaa a diff-erellce . , . of $10 in the price of' .,.toDIIDhUe tires. . 'fbe next will· be dllccw('~ . " r • of inll nJ,j


Low 19SO Price. Goodyear"ler

Fun Ovenlr.e• BaUoo...

Here, too! - More People


Ride OD Goodyear Ore. -ehouJdn'. you tiDd out wbyt

$7.00 29.4.715

' Goodyear. consistently .tlnd up better on our roads-grip bot. ter; ride farther, look better, live lese trouble, eoRt no more to buy, What'a more, we can PROVE the exact reuona. Goodyear builds more than ~ of .U tlrea aold in America! Goodyear 0 UGH T to olt'er rreater valnes!

$8.J5 CORDS 30x3~'

$5.60 3lx4 .



Fln&. we elel. and .tral,htea 70"&' nIDI - ~e" CfrefuJ11 ..oiin~ .~ Infla~ ne.,., tl~. W. ~J't "ther tlr~ to hest "IfYIUlta,.. ,.wol, we're alw~J~ "e" t9 watch your & _ntt bel, ,ojJ ' to I~ ' II, th, extl. Hl'rioe Goocij'ear build. llito


$10.10 TRUCK.



. $ZI.50 32x6 '

..,.Gordon~s" ': Serv~-ee ' :· Station.'-$38.90 --. -~'-'--- ~- ......



~ ~~!lIm:n::;::vl."

L' -,.

.... ,



r ... t

_b,-r_ . _. __-:-;--::-.

Willard Batt.rl~, Salti... .Ethyl,. P •••.aoll &fIiI SU.oeD 011.

Pho~e 47., _

W'a ynel viii e •. Qhio


Eighty-Third 'Year --

W hole Numb er 6901





The three act corned)" "W.ll You Ever?" spon.ored 'Ily the Friendship class of the M. E. church, w"a repeated at the G,m last F r iday night. The perfor o mance Was t horoughly appreciated by a fair sized audi e nce. Good mus ic was furni s hed by Mr. Geo rge Kern , l e no r , and th e Fires FAmil y o rchestra . Th e pI ny will be given in lhe Gym al Hurve ys burg n ext Friday night.

AT THE CHUAr.HfS WARREN COUNT 1- 'W. C. 1. U. INSIIlUIE ! AA:::l:m:~:n A::I\::~:noras NOlES fROM HElD IN LfBANON ~hheiSdf;elnf.O~c~~·~d:I:~eaywti~;~~~r~ THE HIGH SCHOOL FARM EDITION IN WAYNESVILLE _ __ __ I 1'I,\1,·r! Myers Y. Cooper sets April 25

wh ich s r){, c lfi e~ thu t a ll publi c And ~ I:lt (' clin t ~ c ho ol. 111 th e ~ lu t, · . \llli sl d(,' \" Jl I: III I(,HsI 1'\'()I7I'flm of bcal Orato r ical tw o h () ur ~ 011 that day , lo Ki vl' in" : Gym Wed n es day f,"n.alion .10 the pupi l, Ilild ~tu - [ryo':! l .IL the denls C olll~(' l'rlil1l!'t h l'\'tdll(' llllllin_ I ('\' e nlOg, ."'ul·e h I ll: It'I'l,i t uf f o r e~try alld tlll" duty of - -- Ih e plI bl; e t il prflleet t hl' bin l- , :1l1d URO P I. f or th e plnn t inK Ilr flll" ',1 In'es. Ali11l1 I'r (' ndL' rl!a ~t. ' Dilemma." Hilly !\1ell ll h, " Wo ul d n't It B e A SUl'pri,('?" ~ l{ox u' ('ur"I"n S ack e tt, "Th e ~ ~ l'III'1 I).'·'s .· I'I·llb l;'III.' · ., ~ ti l II I'V Frances Pee III', "T he ...... K ilty."


'r h ~ \" .. I.r e ll ( :I)I,nl" \\. ( ' ", • • ~ y. . • • . • • • • ' J1~ ~ tltUtC WH 6 he ld 10 Ih ' :ll eth ". d lst r h ulch lit Le " ahon, Sutur"u~' / Ma r c h I f, . In t he ab tic nc e n.f th d l re<'l~r, lh l! cou nty pr(>sl ~ n t, M rs. (o;vc,lyn Shoemuk er, pres Hled. / Mrs. Conove l' uf Ma ~ (jn. r OIlIn Ihis Furm I·:dilio n . t h(' d uet ed t he tlevul io ll ulti. A di 8 c:l ~ fU l me r w ill find lIlany s tol' il's I s io n of pla n of wo r k, Ihe prtlbl"ll1 s t u th e ·of nH' rchllnl~ an d firill s doi ng !' n f Incu l uni ffi lln " inI regard . li q uor I ra c IIl1t "u !'I nu s ev il" business in o ur midsl and t he fo ll owed MIS . Ruc hel lI anl in of ~ o ods t hey ha ve to nff£' r. W h it.· F ra nklin. vo ice d l he n onnlid c I{iseillary Tit. IIS. " Wh y?" these s l ll ri c ~ urc a (I\'e rt is ing- and PI u~ LI'. A d (' li ciou, l'ov('l'''d di~ h Chtillfltll' II a r tm an, " Dutc h A m ce ling- of ['he Oh io Educ a'd I . h f' lu nc h wa s c n joYl'd at the n Oll n !. lI lla t..y." pil i fo r Jy eue lI'm l'e pI'CH? n- ho ur. V'I\' IUII . " W he n S h e tio na l Co nfe r e nce is seL for th e S t..J h n ted, n o m an ha, w l' ittcn fl f hi m- , T hl' a fl e rn oon sessio n o p "ned \\'e lll Out T o Tea.' l thst wee k o f April t o t ak e plnce a t. O hi o Hl a t l' Uni ve rs ity .. All prom 'e lf or hi ~ b u ~ i n eR:' - every with a viol in solo wit h pia n o acDuri s Bt'c k, "The Du e L" Wull Pap er III Hyinan's. ine n t cd ucato r, o f t he s tale will sto ry hus bt:c n prepa r cd lJy n co m nlln in: ( ;, 1 hy lw o yo un g Ill d ies T o bucco ca n \'ll ~ u II Y lll an'~. n lll'1I1hy Th o mp~"n, "M r . No· 1)(' pl'cscnt untl pUl'li cipate in th e My e l' H yman and family 8pe nt staff .. f l'xpe rie nced u ,lvcl'tis- l o f Mil . .. n. Rc'v. M uy hl.'(' o f t he lody," pn:grllm. Uil'e cLo l' "f l'~ ducati o n S und a y in Cin cinnati. VA YNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH . I' I LeI lmr.on Uupli ch u rch, co n du('(Mr, . Merll' K t' rll ~ ' 1 1 ~n l ~!. . n,I.·I \ ( ' 1'.'1'.'1 11 " I.\;'ln s, "Anima l Crackin" ' st " ne ws- w n ters. , l'a d ~ V(' ry ,I. L. 'I iftu ll u nn ou nces tha t th e p, I h (. i(l'VO t lI, n . . an, I u IrU ll1pl' t in (,olul1lhll ~. . t' I·S." Wedn esday : Th e Ladi es Aid 'tld'yt1wy a r e' all ill t ·n ·slillg'. 1,,010 wit h pill ll O tlccoll1pa ni nH' llt by , ('a 1'01 Ludington, "On e T wo secu nd Eve r y Pupil T ellt will be Mrs. Emma Harv e y s pent last S oc ie ty is meet \ng ut t he c hurc h hl'l II A pr il 8th and th llt J 400 High Wedn esday a t th e Frie nd's Ho me . lit 2 :OU p. Ill. Bir,l e Mud y an d pr ay !\II'. and MiRs \Voods \\,a " w(' :1 I'e nSf't· Ravnll ,n F. lI a t field 1I11'! Three." , ' dcred. R c, v. G . C. \J ib: rt . o f I he glH yo ur t\ ~ hinj{ li ce n'l·. Ilp lty Mae I~s linger, " Th e D u el' Se h "o l s tlltle n l s wi l! be tc·s t ctl in el' mee Ling at 7 :ao Jl. m. T he les- ~ _______________ W llync, vi ll e M. E . Ch u rch, gllve a ll \1' 11 1.1 B "L ' ttl Boy va ri tl u s bl' u n t: h c ~. MI'. u nd MrR. L. H. Go rd on so n fo r th e eve nin g is Ih e 26.h excc, lI ent ad dr ess a nd Mrs. Os bo rn 1\l i ~s F I"l'e lu' " ('\a r k III' .'\ c'lIi .. BI;l el.'~ 1'« ~ rg' n, I e slJl' nt th e first o f th e wee k in Ak- c hapt er o f Acts. C hoir prac tice at Th l' Opl imi s t~ mo n t hl y maga- \'on . of Le bano n , r('ne!e r ce! a h(' :: u t iful wa s 1I Way rw s \, ilJ(· \'i ~ itlli' Sallll'E v~lyn ." 'hns . .. /\ Du s y Day ." 8: 15 p. m . S und ay: S unday schoo l ATCHLEY- McK1BBAN z ill(' pu bli s hed a t t he s tnte Sani solo. day. Bo hhy Il y mlln, "W he n Ihe Soap Il t 9 :3 0 a . m. Mornin g worship at I>llium ut Mt. Ve rn on . de vot ed to Gets in YuUI' r. yes .'" . 1 Gluc(· in Leggo 1I 0u ld e r of Au sMt'ss rs. C. M. Ro bitze r nnd L. M 10: :10 . The Re rm o n su bject f o r t he t Ilt' prev en l io n u nd cu r e "f tube r· Pr intz was in W orthin g t on S un- morning will be "Minding Our \ 1\1' '' Fd ' t l Mc Kil b' f I' tr'a liu, ill a n a ddress t ha i was m ost Mr~. Co rdia Tl'ullx hl\~ moved ill Tr p ~~le r lIal'(lin . "A Litt le Boy' s . I I . ) un . 0 - 1 11.'11I1l 1 kublc ~ Jlo k e a ga in st I he t o th l' Ban\; flat \,,,,.:\\(.,, hI' II I' . TI' o ubl~" ISS c u losis, has th e II PIJr uvnl of th e dn y. Own Bus iness." E pwo rth L eag ue . Ilornth y "T h e IJr Ulll1l1 0n u. Sta te Wdfa l'c De pul'l me nt llnd at G:3 0 p. m, Mi ss Hele n Ha wk e m:~ l y. of Wu.yn~' \, l lI e, an~I , Mr. (' vi Is o f u ~1' la n d wh ic h tend t o J \V M' II . . I l·r. I) ad U(,II. " S tate Bou nl o f Helllth a nd is se lfMi RS Aylee n Main ouR of Hnmil - is lhe lead er fo r th e e venin g a nd O. Cll! . L. ~ t "hl"y , ntto r nt:~ .. o f ~ "u s (' s o milc h un hu p p iness. A Un ion S il!' na l De mon s t l'uti o n E. V . Rt:if~ nit!t.!I· al«' nll," 1 th e< . Mildred oo k, " Th e lIga l' P lu m ~ u g tl\ill i n g. All co nn ect e d with tnn, ('all ed o n he r moth e r S unda y th e topi c f or study is, "Does Nushyill e , . re n n., \~·e.r ' qUie tl y! f l ' mu rned In th e .Trl m ly M . E. """1 ' , ive n bv foul' t he p ulJ licati o n a r e patie n ts uL th e aft e rn oo n. ' Sc ie n ce De n y or Reveal Gud It Chu ,s g, . . , mem b e l"s 0 f th . I' _u nc i'll oj a n ·lati\'(· in S pring- Tr<!e." rc h at C incinnati. M:.II'ch 12, Sa n itll l iUIli un d ~erve with o ut puy . l Ua U \,:,ay n e~ v "l e L. ~ . L. Th e. !fnlO n fie ld. ut urday . I I~ ' ~ t'nl lll'y Bc nLly, "T he Bu mb le EVll ngelis t ic ser vices at 7 :30 p. TIlt' Ill ll gll~ in e hns :.l2 p uges and Mr. and Ml·S. AI . Simp.son ()/ G. C. Dibert , Pastor: Th'e bride wa s 1)l'collli n gly at- S l g ~ a l . IS I h e N~.tlO nal W . ~ . r . u. 'I Bee," ('ue h i ~ ~ u ' co ntlli ns au t horative Cin cinnati spent Sunday wllh reI a tired in a go wn o f d('licat!! blu e I ll l lMiJ cII I pllhh . hed li t EHlO sl o n, F. B. H l'nt\(' r so n Ilnd famil y Hn t! (.'ath eri ll e Ludi ngt o n, " S he Disnrtie it's o n tu bert' ulos is as we ll liS I iv(' ~ he r e. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH silk la ce tl'il11 lll ec! wi t h luce hut " ' . Mr~. J . II. Co leman IIl11 t"I't' ,1 t il plum s 1t. 1t nc ws co nce rnin g th e S anit.arium . e h In Oxford S unday nfl"I·n OOIi. 1 l~al'() ld S tl'oud, "Tra in': · , Summer schedule- 1st, 3rd and ~nd' {J the l' 3 (' c(>~s ~l'ie~ t.o mutc h, 'h .r.1J..e l)1as~o r . o f t he .c hul'd A ca mpaig n is now o n t o sec ure · . ti b t'f I I t f \\ Ic h tie IIls tnute was hel • I" X- , I· rank I pi\lu y " Keep'l C hm b lll Ex pe rt watch and Jewelry reo 6th S d M 8 '00 d a ddi t io n ul gub,cl' i p li o n ~, carc of l.c al·.lt'll' ~ . eau I u Hlq ue 0 te nd ed a cOl'diu l g r eetin g. MI's . Sel'cna Kerrick of Davto n Rac he l "'lul'lln'll n "T he De ud L~~!~~n a6h~~ry's J.e welry Shop, . 2nd :n~ a~ih ~~Sn~!y, ' Ma~~ m~i ~II ., unuurs I'()~l". 'I' h tt I I d .. , Ihe ins titutio n. MI' Atch ley is \l' ell k n() wn nn t! . . e a cnlanc~ was gOOf . an ~ pe n l 5(' \'l'l'u l day: la sl w(,p\; with Pu ,sy CIlt." 9 :30 :' . f ' d' · I I VI Sit o r s pr ese nt wel'e the MI sses MI' a nd Mrs J M Taylor ---h as ma n~ l'I ~ n s. In a nt a roun< Null IIf Ce ntc l' vill e Mrs Anna' .. . . . . Sinte Lit. t'II ri!l n Geo rge Elli ott Whil e p laying Saturday afte rRev . Lawrence D. Mollmann. Way nesv!lI e. ~ h ' IS a Kraduutl' u f () H is, presid en t :)f liam ilto n <;' UW5 fil ed by Illnc h inery. Cut GROU P IT. I\l c ol' llIi ck is huldin g a seri es of noo n, Ru sse ll Stan s berry fell and WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Way nesv Ill e h.lg h ~c1W ul alll l, uf~er cu u nt y. anll M i~!; Gr ll l'l' Ri c hm a n. cl eane r , tr uer, fa ster. Ro y Pigno ri ~ S urfa c(', "The J1 ou ~e by eveni ng par ti es a t t he Li brar y o n brok e hi ~ ri g ht arm. CHRIST h,cr grlldulIllllIl fr o m \\ a ll e n S tat l' In slJl'C'lo r oC Cin ci nnati. tt, Ilt Mad de n'8 Lu mb r Yu rd . t ht· S hll' !I f till' R(,ud ." t hl' 'c(,'J IllI H ODI' o f t he IIp ito l . .. . Co unt y NO l'm 1l 1 sc hoo l. t ll ll gh t III Th e be n edi ct i II b MI' ·. H I. 1' 1' I) t "TI M WI building oppos ite t he Sc nnte c ha m Mrs. W. p. Sali sbury lind so n A S p r lllg SOCIa l will. be gIv en. by .t he gl'llde schoul~. F l~ r sevl:J'al . rl CI' c l o~ed th e n~('etl ; . s., ou ~ ZIt.' or '0 1', 1 an 10 ite r , !l ti II 1lI t'lI ns of calling att en - C!Hrk s pe nt th e week -e nd with th e Y. P. S. C. E., Friday eve nin g I years ~h c ha s be e n emp loyell a s . • _ __ ___ g Mr. li nd Mr~. Geo rgl' K ' rl1 anti SLllk ~ ." , ,. t io n t o th e I'endin g public of r elat ives in Cle veland. at th e T o wnship Ho use. S unday i eac hcr in t h. e ~ c h() o l a:t MOll r oe, MI·s. Ua i~y S n vdcr we re Wi lnlin Jl'- 1 Althllr c hu ler. ' L ill Ie O rph nn cha nges Il nd irnpr ovl' me nts m a de program as foll ows; 9:3 0 a. m. , Butl e r co un ty . I CATTLE FEEDING TOUR 1011 vi s ito l's Mo nday lIfU·rn oo n. ." I' Annit, Gle nna Woo ll a rd , "Noth ing to I hc· r e I'l'cen tl y amo ng w hich is a Mrs. J . C. Hawke and Miss Bibl e S c hool, 10 :3 0 n. m. Lo rd' s Mr. a nu Mrs. A tchl e y will, tUI' com p le t e n ew lib r a ry a ITa nge me nt Doris Hawk e visited r e la l i ve~ in S upp e r. 6 :30 p. m . Christian E n- Ih e pr ese n t, reside lit MOl1 l'oe . P r o ble ms of caUl e f eedin g will 01'. J . W. W a rd o f lI urveysbul'g" L uugh At." Th e meeting'S II r c pr oving pop ular Pl easa nt Plain on Friday. deav o r, Geo. Miller leadl·llg. ____ _ _ _ - ' -I h hi U· . ca ll 1' u (I n hi ~ co usin Fl'lin ces Ni ckDo ris W il de, " W h n 1\I a Wan t s Ie t ol'o u g y Isc ussed in c nnS t h' N .. uno li r e we ll II tt e nded . , :30 p. m . 8 Young P eo ple!!' "A I'. l' I ~., n at t he Fri~ n tl s ' HOIl1t' , ('II .O I\l C 109 . w. 7 I d ' th th t P . , . " n ect ion with a t our a nd vi sit t o I"t V Ou Y ou 'II b e p ease WI II . IIf' vice. Mu sic lind de vottonal s by th e GUILD-AUXIILlARY MEETING S u n day. ,I II un oc n, " I f. P U C ou I·'u W a rd e n Prest o n E. Thomas of ke r Duofold pen or pesk Set .trom abo u t fo ur fa r m s n e xt F riday . Be A Boy." th e Ohi o Peni te. n lia ry has Cary 's J e welry Shop LAbAnon yo ung p epple and a speci al serm on Mbrc h 28. whe r eby Mr . L. P . McMn l·'lll l'i e Edwurd ' " ur Hired l , tor yo un g peo pl e. S ubj ect , "A Th e Gu ild -A uxi lia ry o f St I Cann , b ee f catti e specill l i~t . will Mr. a.ntl 1\11'~. A. Z. lI artsock Gil'l. " · ~ ". r ecove r cd fr om an indis position of E . V, Barnnart Ilnd Mrs. Blind A Iley o r . a Kings highway." Mu r y's Chu rch I\l el on FI' i d a~; I cooperat e with Co unty Age n t a nd fa mil y ca ll ell o n til<' fOI'mcr's th (( oP k ' "Aft· u coupl t' o f wee \;s an d is back \1'\ e l S' h I' The church where you fe el at a f t ei'n oo n , Murch 14, a t th e home Class a nd W arre n Cou nt y feede rs. mot h er. M I'~ . Lc' na J\ al't~" ck o n 'I I . ur Ab In s , " II Il ,: C 00 Ihe hnrn ess bu sy with spring j\C- E mm ll Bar n ett we re In Wayne". " home 1\1 I A f h I " ll n' I'y ~ "lI I Se rum ~ , c o. ti" iti e~ at lh e big ins t Itution . In vill e 8 few hours Monday eve nIng ' . . of Mrs. J . W . E d wa r d s, r~ . s mo to t e colt e f eederR III'C " d . . r llll lin 1'l'iel1d, " What A m eri ca ~p i te of t he fu cl t ha t app l'oxim~t e· Ches ter A. Williamson. MinIster , E dw ur ds, !'I'\rs . Ronald H uwke a nd I in th e n orthwester n part o f W a r . Melln s." Iy un e hundr!!d p rison e r s hav e Mr. und Mrs. Harold William. - - - -Mr. u ~an Pain , h o~tess(s . I r en Co un ty t he to ur w ill on ly in- . F or best res ults co nStg n yo ur I MHrj ol' ic F. a I' n h a I't, "The bee n rece ntl y paro led Ilnd ovor a son a nd son of Dayton, we re Sun} ST. MARYS CHURCH Th e meeti ng WI1 S opened by M r~ clud e tha t sectio n. hut ull f Ul'merR lye. s t o c ~ .t o Gree ll -E mb ry C?, C; pidet· and Ihe Fly." hu ndred tran Rfe rred t o th e Lond on elay gu esl s of H H WilJiamson ~ Thursday, March 20 , service at Cadw ull ader who co nduc l ed t he a nd cattl e f eede rs in othe r purlS of ' ClOc m natl , In ca r c o ( D. R. Su ltsHugh O'Neul l, T he Old Ha y " 17:30 p. m . Rev. Dr . Phil P o rt er , \ ucvoti o na l se rv ice. / Ihe co un ty who a r e in te r ested in bury . Mo w." Fa l' JlI th e pop ulu tlo n of the pr ison und fa mil y. co n t inues l o In c r ense and now r ec t or o f Christ Church, Day t on , Sc ri pt ur lll 'luututinll s wCl'e t h i~ ma tter Il r e in v ite d t o Join in I Rur huru Gnty, " Some body's nu m bers 4,877 . Mrs. J oe Tinn e y Mrs. Leonard will preach . Third S unday in Le nt, gi ve n in r esponse to r oll-cull. , t he to ur which w ill I!Itnrt f r om / Mr . and Mr s. Ez r a H enry a rt d Mothc ... " Tinn ey Mrs Cordia Truax ' Mrs. I Marc~ 23, Ch urch school a t 9 :3 0; A ft e r (he bu si n c s ~ f or t he da y Farm BUI.'ea u oft1 ee Le bn rt on ab out da ug htu r und Mrs .. W a lt ' r Elzey MIII'Y Burto ll. "Th e Boy a nti The Conv ocuti on ex ercises w e r e h eld Ho wurd Florence, and Mrs. 'Ralph Mo rning Praye r a nd serm o n ut had b ee n tran sac t ed th e p rog,ra m 1 12:30 a nd me tlt at 1 o'cl ock at we r e. Dll~·t tl n . "" Ito r s al u nhlY F lag ." t he Illtte r part of t he week at Ohio Truax we r e s hopping in Dayto n 10 :30. was r en de r ed liS f ollow s: PllIno Ihe far 11l of O. (. Au gspurger , a f te l noo n, Cecil Hartm a n , "The A r se nal at Stut e U ni versit y Chap.e l w'he n a Mond a y . Rev. J. J. Schaetrer, Rector. Solo. "Love's weet L o ngi ng ," ah o \l l ~ Ix miles west of Leba n o n . Spr ing-fi eld." Miss B e tty Ha rtsock ; Hea di ng:! __ - . - - - . Mr : und Mrs. J . O. Cu r tw r ig hl FranccH E llis, "T he Sea." class of 170 w e r~ gra duated mark ing th e e nd of t he wint e r qu a rte r . Dr. Rudolph - Eyesight Special- FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST fr om "Th e Ne w Afri cu ," M r~ . nnd da ug h te r Mi ss Ev elyn vis ited Fl ore nce P el1 rson, "Moth er' s Th e sp r ing se mest e r s tartt: d ist. Here Tuesday, Thursday and Bibl e School at 9:3 0 a . m . Ronald Haw k e lind Mrs. B erl Hart IGA DISTRICT MEETING Mi,s .Ja n et Cur t wrig ht at W e~ter n Glasse);." F r e e . examination S om e speciul f eatures every Sl,1ll- soc k; Two r eadi rg'8 by Mar jo ri e co ll ege S und ay . Nr;rlllHll Ml' I'icl ilh, "L it t Ie Mo nday of this wee k a nd thc Saturda~. ~c ho o l yeal' will e nd the Cary's Jewelry Shop. Lebanon . day from no,,' till pentecost . Edwards, "His S unda y lothes ," The district m eet in g of t he Wi ll ie's II ea ring." "D euc on Lprd's SliPpe r and 6 ~rm o n nt lind "Wh e n T eac her Gets Cross." Ind epe n de nt Grocer s' Alliance w us Mr s. Tr uax has muve d he r Juan ita Bnlnnock , last w eek ' in Ju n e wh e n th e summer' t e rm will begin with ~n tls~i~1 M,'. and Mrs. R. J. A4ama and 10:30. Subject, "A gr.e at Virtue." Plano S olo, " Moo nligh t · Reve ls," he ld li t th e st or e of Barn a rd & Son beAu ty s hop ttl th e :ECOND fl oor B rown's o u rt.~ h ip . " IIlll t ed enr ollm e nt o f AQOUt l1l5g. fllmil)' spent SundllY with rela· You are always welco me at this Miss Be t ty H artsock.. last W edn esda y evenin g . Th e at- o f t he Bll n\; Building. Pt'l'llla n e nt Leah KIlJltz, " Wh e n F a th e r De liciou s r c fre h me n t - we r e ·ser tl'nda ncc w as g ood a nd th e mee t· W av e~ $5 lin d $7. P layed Base ba ll. " t ives lit ·Rockbrldge. Mn: Adams church. Chester A. Williamson, Minister ved during a d eligh t ful s oc illl ing wa in te r esling lind cn t hui asMUl'gal'!'l Hogers . " L nchin var." Can d i":;. tes f or otfl oe are secur- und c hildren r e mained for a week's ho ur by th e hostesses Ils'i t cd by tic . LiLt le Mis:I Mary Ca r o lyn LlIkWilm a Smi t h, " My P hil oso phy' inl! tJ1 e ir bla n k form of de clara- visIt. t lo n of CII I1 II1 'IIICY both here In t h e Mrs. Be rt H a r tsoc \; a nd Miss Ma ry - - en s , (j f lI urv eys bur g, ' RpE'nt Ih e Rll t h lI oc ketL, "Ke n tuc ky Be ll" offi ce o f SeC l'e tlll'Y of State ClarMr. and Mrs. Bradley, Miss ELLISON-BENNETT Leith Edwards. RAPIDL Y RECOVERING W( l·k-l'IU! wi t h hel' g ran d mother , e nce J. Bl'own lind from the Lu cy Em L':! y lind Miss Mattie l\l l'~ . Le nu Hal'tsoc \; . G IWUP Ill. Ilo ullt~' B oard o r Eleellons. Cundlo l Cook wero guests of Ge orge WoolMiss Ruth Bennett of Harveys· CERTIFICATE" GRANTED dut e!! f o r ~ I a t e offic es will file th e ir lurd and family in Da yton Sunday burg, and Mr. Bert ElJison of " Th e many fri e nds of Miss Ann ie It I!\I C C IJ'1 l I I. Illa Ric h , "C ha l' io t Race From dec laratI ons ac co mpanied by pe tl-\ afternoon. Kingman, were married in LebU. Bro wn are r ejo icing over th e . e v. HIl' • rs. ' . . .1)e r ,. Ilnt Ben Hur " li o ns Ilt leas t 1,000 s ignat ures of anon, Wednesday, March 19. They Genntown, Hart, and Uti C.I, of fuct th a t ~h e has so f ar r ecove r ed , c~li"dr(' n u nd .1\1rs. l\I a~r:ce S"~~.r , .I o hn 1'u nrc l' "The Blac k Horse qua lified electo rs of the candidates I When you need a gift for any will be at hom e to the ir friends at t his coun t y have been g l'Unted as to be able to wulk. on the pOI'ch M ~ !;. LnulII Zcll li t l\k - 1Il nd The R id e r'" pa rty. These sign at u r e e to occasion think of Cary's Jewelry Klnllman. til'st-elass' el em e ntary cer t ificates. wilh th e aid of he r cl'utches. ,Ie an os pl ta l Mo nday. i Mal'Y J o liil e r . "A r e n a S ce n e suc'h pe ti Llon s must be secu r ed Shop-liTho Home of Gifts." Leb· _ ___ MI·s . Willi a ms art d Mrs. Doan o f f l'om 9 u o Vadis ." from among cleeton In at lea st a nun, . . l d Mn Tueke r of L Qul s!' He nderso n, "Spartac u s thirty counties ot the state. The Minllc~o ta , we r e g e u. ls of 1\1 rs. to ,the GI~dilltors. " sig natur es when completed wiJJ b e At th e annual meeting of the B~--l.J;n'S Mu ry L. Ad ullI S o n Monda\'. I. r he \ \' 1011 1' 1'5 fro m each g roup fil ed in t h e olnce of Secretary of Mia mi Valley Milk Producers asUUU""". _ r-." RJ Alllert. T. n~j~J . Wi ll g o t il Leban on li nd speak in State Brown; candidates for sociuti o n held in Dayton last week ({ . II . Hur t so ck a mI famil y and t~e Co un ly co n test , Ma r c h 28 . MI'. Ca rr o ll Dea th erage \\' e r e CHII - \ " . county offices will fil e their declal'a C. E . Michene r was eleeted a di. ti o n s an r( petit ions with local r ector of the association . cd to Cin c inna t i o n .'u n da l' on IICI hl' hoy ~ of Ihe S mith Hug hes Board s of Ele ction . co u nt of t he dellt h of ""VilliAm d e partlllen t ha ve bee n t esting -- - - - -. Mr. li nd Mrs. Max HollingsRil ey . . ~cc rl eor n (o r fa rm e rs . They find FINAL CONCERT AT N. C. R. worth (n ee Florence Wool\ard), Ihal whe rt' ~ee<l \ h as b ee n g athe r e d of Oregonia, are rejoicing over the Fas hi o n S ho w, T h u l'sduy even- ('a rl y, wl' lI dr ie d a nd ca red fol' arrival of a daughter, 1t1 y inK, Mar ch 27 , at 8 o·c lock. u nd c r t hat Iht' ge rmin a ti o n t est wili Th e final Sunday afternoon con· Ml\rth n, Wednesday March ar 12, t he lIu s p ices o f th e M, th e r's lu b lung ' f r Ull1 V8';" to 100 0/<> . ce rt to be given by The National 1930. ' Fo r thl' bc nl' fH of t he Wuy n t! ti\' ill c Il o wl' \' c r, wh e r e it hus bee n crib Ca sh Register Company tor ~~j! Se houl Bund . Adul ts. 15c, chil d r en p ic ked o r pic ked f ro m t he shock. eoPle of Day~on lind tpe Miami I 5 c ~ n ts . . he icst w ill va l'y g reatly . Mrs. Chas. /:loutpgate and Mias alley wiII lie presente4 next Sun ay afternoon In the N. O. 1\, Mattie Welch of Morrow. called on The S mith Hugh es department Mr . a nd Mrs. J ohn Lamb and Schoolhouse, begjnninlf ",Itl! " Mn. Ma_IY L. Adami at the Mr. an d Mrs. T. C. Brallnock were sp l'oy-mllchine will start this week !prty·j\vjl mlnutl! piano concert Friend's flome Frldal afternoon. d inn e r g u ests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray A ll wh o have s mall orcha rds ' and presepted by Loula W.ldejnaJ' Mrs. Adams wal quite sick tor Ma in o us last Thursday. Mr. and r ow cro ps t hat they wis h to have several dllY' Iliit week. Sprague. one of the mOlt talenM,.~ . W . E. St rou d w ere a fte rn oon !Spruye d by t he boys in'ge, ted mus\llillPII In the Middle West. s ho uld co n s ul t E stl e H age meyer calle r s. "Yourex Silveraell!" Silverware -1\11-. Sprague ill preparing an ell' ,1' ca ll he ud of the d ep ll rtment, is the belt. CQmpare it with other ce ptlonally InterestIng program Mr. and Mrs. E. C. C ra ne an d ma~e~ befQre starting your pattern f or t his occasion. Thursday evening Ma rch 27th ch ildre n and Mrs. May Coo k of The additional feature for the and see tor yourself ita .terllnr Dnyto n , spe nt Su nda y with MI'. ha s bee n s et a s th e da t e fo r the qualities. Cary's Jewelry Shop Leb Ilfternooll will be the return of und Mrs. D. L. C r a n e . Tn t he a fter jo in t ba nqu et of th e H ome Econ ~ th e Sidney Boya' band of Sidney anOD. noo n Ih e Pllrl y m ot or ed to Sprin g ollli cs IIn tl S mith Hugh es depnrtOh io, II collection of younjl' artieta me nts. fi ( lei Il nd coil ed on fri en ds. Mr. and Mrs. W. E . O'Neall wh o have been heard once betore Mr~. Lee Hawke, Mrs. Maynard 'lit the N. C. R. School'house under Th e Coope r at ive soc iet y o f St. LOYAL GLEANERS MEET the dire ction of B. O. Worrell. The Weltz. Mrs. Edith Harris, Mrs. Ma ry's C hurc h, will mec t nt th e In tler has had many years of ex- Catherine Coleman lind Mrs. D L hom e of Mrs. Hurris II nti Mrs. pe rience in the line of band direct Crane visited Mrs. L . M. Hender: Th e LOYIII Gl ean er s ' class of the Mosh <:, r on Thursday a H e1'1l 0on li t ion, being director also of the Ohio SOn and Mrs. Laura Zell at Mc2 o'cloc k, to co mm e nce th e Le n- C hu rc h of Chris t, h e ld their CII!Ilun hospital Mon~IlY ~fternpop Kiwanis Banp. t e n sewing f or th e Childre n's hos- !l,0n t hl y m eeting . Thursday evenIl'his organization's aPP'paranlle pitu\. A full utten dan ce is desire d m ~, Marc h 1 3, at 'the horne 'of Mrs J. ~. H!lw~e JVas VerY Pll!aBAnt\y at the N C. R. Sphoolhollse l!js t Minni e Cook . Aft er the business surprised on ~und*y, the alra I' yell}' gllve Miami Valle y' residents Our n ew 193 0 ,snmple books· session a d elig htf ul social ho ur was being arranged to Qelebrll~e hls It sPle nli/' d qpll ortu!lity to estimate ure now on dis play , sh owing a ll s pe nt durin g which d e licious r e its mus elll wortp and aU WhQ birt h4ay ann\verl!ary, A sumpof St I he new aAd up-to-date pattern s, f res hm e n ts, ' s uggestive tuous supper Wall Il dellght. f ul heard t'he band pI' for e w!!1 WAnt rangin g in price fr om 4c, single Patrick's Day, w e r e ·s erved. Th~ featu're of the occasion .and was en t o hear it nglliJl. r oll. up, t o s uit th e m os t ·particu. n ext m eeting will be held Apr' j As plwllYs there will pe no reo Joyed by the followlng :- Mr. and lar. W e can give y o u t he b est of 10, at th hOlll o . 0.£ Mrs. F red Mrs. J. C. Hawke; Mr. and Mrs. . servation of seats for the fol't.h· ra pe r plus A 1 service . 0'. E. Lawson. ~ pmlllg program, and ot coune no Carl Hawke, Ray lfawke and tam~ta ndifo rd. a30 0pl\1 L e wi , Sec'Y. ny, Dayton, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph admission will bl) chArged. The en • tcrtalJlmenl will pegl~ promptly Vance and son o~ Pleasant Plain, A su rp r ise was give n Mrs. L. MOR ' John Fromm and family, Lee K. Beltz on Sunday, Ma rch 16. . RIS . BROWN WINS FI~ST a t g:45 p, .I'I1. _ _ ...- - - Jl4IW~ and family, Mr. and Mrll. Those present :w ere Mrs. Dora ~"'l)'"--MaYII.rd Weltt: and daughter Yeazel and daughter ~udrey qf A t · th e Old ; Fl4dlera' meet1D~ h Eleoted $ecretar,' Anne. . Le ban!)n, Mrs. N or q B Qyer,'; Mrs. in Gcnnt.own 'J'ull8day nWllt'T-Of elected . He rbert D. Wl1Ilam ~ r ,?settu Neel e y . of Dayton, Mrs. Illst -week, MorriJj ,BrowD wU a",~ Bl'!c'retary of Lebanon Lodet! No. - Have your" watch and clock reKate 'B rnnt, Mr. Jerry Coleman. ded fiirstprizel 'wlth Woodrow C»I26, F. & . 1\,. rd. at the regular paired, old weddinr rinp modernof Franklin.. ~r. apd Mr!!. Edgar Iins of Wellman, IeCCilld. and ~d. ' meeting of the lodge on laet Fri- Ized, your diamonds put in .a Dew Brant of MIamIsburg! Mr. and Mrs I l!'a r H e ndento '/Of Ba~e. day evelllng. · Mr. Williams suo- mounting, jewelry repaIred like Roy P r icket and chlldren of Ur- ·thlrd. Among oth. . · ti -ceeds the late Ed. S. Oonklln, who newt silverware replated and bana, Mr. and "Mrs. Emmett Bell;z in the conce rt .as I'll serVed the lodge 8S seC:i'etal'Y f or beaol restrung at Cary's Jewelry of WayneSVille. . ' "Furnas, Ji1reDch harp.. • .... . . . more than 130 years. Shop Lebanon.

COLUMB US, OB I T . H. Lllllgl ois , nu Lio nully kn own ti Hh Cu ltllri st of Ann Arb or, Michigll ll , wh u h ll ~ bee n connected . f O.r c ul t u l'ist of An n Arb or Mtc hl'u ns£' r vlllio n , igu n Divisio n of will cume to ColUlllIJlIS in th e nca r fu t ure li S c hi e f of th e inla nd ha t che r ies of t he Departm ent .of A gricu lture. Cha rl es M orch c r s , 'o n o f Hen r y Mo r chel's in charge of t he Lo nd olt hatc her y , w ill b e a s· sislll n t t (l 1'1'11'. Lu ng lois.

- --------

LYTLE M. E. CHURCH Sunday Schoo l lit . 2 :00 p . m Church Ser vice a t :l :00 p. m. Ser · mo n t opi c "Th e Gond S he pherd" Pray er meeting Wedn esday nt 7 :30 p. nl. f oll owe d by tea che r lraining clUBS. We a r e studyin g the di Hco ul'8es of J es us in Prll ye r meetin g . Ten yo un g people were r ece ived into t he fe ll o ws hip o f th e church lust S unday as a res ult of OUr sp ec ial meetings. Th ey w ill be r ec eived inlo full me mbe rs hip al Eas t e r. All servi ces during th e in te r ve ning wceks befor e Easte r will ce nt e r around th e otrering of Chri Ht o n th e Ir ee, f o r t he sin s of th l' wo rld. SlIra A. Bowman , Past o r

Ma ny Prominen t Bus~ne .. In teresh That A:d In The Pro sperity Of This Section

'aOC 'Pel"Y I . .'






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p.. .





C\l" °h




_ ,4.- ' ~~ .






A RELIABLE JEWELRY STORE n." hing t he aH I'ngc' Ll' IIl)t1(l n, ThiR , t ll,' k 'o n l>is t ~ or rl' , ~O Il Il u~'s , t ha t t lw y hs'L(! II) 0"· e \' r y ':01\(' ' hahl e' . Ii Ill' II I' ' lil\" T~ 1.1Imd ent ir ly upon the firm sell· whe lh er it be fn l' a W dd inl!:, Birthday. Graduati on, Shower or Ina it to give them what they what e~ it llIay bel h y have a want, I1S jewelry, To this filet Is suitab.le g i ft for \'('ry occasio n, due th.e wonde rful fu ccess' of The. e GIFT S RI'e selected from C RY ' J E WELRY H r located t he tho u ~a Ji ds of v:lI'i t ie!> dis· l' la ~'e d at t he G I ' T f, XllllllT in th Ba nk buil d in g n t Lebun on , whi,'h i held at hicago tw i' a p hone 17. yoar, MI·s. a r y ~l'h' ct~ olll y th e Th iR is nc of l h pr q~ I'I'~~iv(' b I>t li nd most II 11(1l'l'Iltely p ri ct' d s tahlish ment !< \If th is secti on t h .d Gi ft ~ fr 11\ Lh SI' Exhibits whie h hn~ Ic,n!! bl'~ n kn own H!' nth' of s ll(' I\ t~en<i s , In f ad y o U will filll i the mo~ t relia b le nnd "Ili ci('nl I' \, e r.\'thill /: froll\ (;1' ,.. t inl! eal'\l ~ tll ShIres. Of course CV l'rYl1nl' k nll\\'~ th f' hi" h I!' ra dc chil,la and chin;!' that Ih is mod('r n SUII'C i~ h . a d· Wll l'e u ~ W(' 11 a ~ II (,(Imp ld ,' li lll' i,f 'Illurters fur Di am o nd!;, ''''a t ch l's "YO REX S I l. \ ' 1': 1{ ~ E Al L" tlf a ll lell d in!! ml\kl'~ , in l' lucJ i n~ S I L V Po l{ W A H f., LEATIIEH t he Fa m o u~ G R F.l\ \\' A T e ll , GO U l>, for IlI d i<!s a1' I g-e nLll'11Il'n. ,Ring,', Go ldwllre an d e\'e r yth in" CA HEY' S ,IEW ELHY S II O P is tha t pe rt a in ~ t o am odc rn an.1 c om· kc ' t ab reast II f th,' tillll'~ in t h .. pl ' l e 'gt ock o f jew('lr~': wa y of je w... lry fl lllll t il(' f:let t hat CA R "f' J E WELRY' S H O P d ol'~ i\'l rs, Cu n "; n th ' nds t hl' ,1t' \\ l'It' rs not conlin I' its d enl ings to je we lry llt ly.' r s \':;\ h ibi l ,hat is h,'I,1 in us it nlso has the m ost co mpl et l' Chi ctlg-Il. F'I "111 th .. \'ariou s dis· an d vllri (' cJ Iill e o f GIFT S .. f a n\' pl ay, of III l1d ' rni :~ ,' d j('w(' II' Y ~ Ill' st Ol'e within a goo e! many mile!;' u'f is in a pos it ion t " gh'e th,' public Th c I l' i,

E''''li - ih' ~ a i. (uI,t ill n, ni l. Rl (l OLl'H. l lll' f.y , lKhl • p, I'i a I iii , i. II t I A nr ' J E W ELRY SH OP thr e days a we k, Tuesday, Thursda r LInd aturda'y . Dr, Rud ol ph ' tests th eyes wit ho u t t he u e of DI'O li~, LI nd ~I in ds the I n se~ ill his pl'ivate lablll'ato l'Y u ndol' hi s own pt' r on nl HI)IC'l'\'islrln, Th e wat h ' 1' pai l' IIe l' uri 11l e n t i. ill t'llllrj:te u f 1111', Gerll lcl E~ I I', wh", Ih r l1 u)!' h his yell r ~ o f expf'l'i · l' n 'I' , i ~ IIn ll gll al ly pl'o fi c il' nt in t hi: lill e nf ",, 'r k. Il l' 11I0 d e l'l1iz",~ old jl' \\' '11,), a nd is nn l'x pl' r t (' n· )!' r n\'cr. \, i:ito]'s ti l'!, a lways welt nlll l' al Ihi ~ intl'I'I',;!i,,)!, Hl1d u nu s lI lI l slo n ' und fi nd it " gollod placC' ful' g-if!:; Ill' g-ift idt'lls a nd till'.\' fl'el it is \\'cll naml'd " T ilE HOME OF GI FT S." r ll u n rl' cu nli " lI y in" it "" til drill' in llnd a"'Iuain( Y"lIrs('lf \lil h its \'ar io ns u p· lo . d a l l' IiIH's "I" Illl' rl'ha ndisl'. and w,' sugg",,1 Ih i. :l ~ an " I'P"rtu l1\' li lli e t il S" lll·t y" u r Gnu illalipn e if!.

Mi ss Shirley Carter Cordill , l)t"3l1ti· ful yOll ng Vassar graduate, h(,llorcd by heinE: chc<en queen 01 the r~\' cl ~ al New ( lr1calls' fam ous Mardi _Gras rcst'iv it ics, . -===::.-:--:- - -==..---.:

PI'Ill'! ir ull y ev uyone in th i - se(,· e xlravtl)!,nnt daill'ls Are ,[ftcn made well thn t you mllk ~uc h an in· tion \\:\1 0 J1 gel' ' I!~ any familiurity by th ose ~\'h o do ' not produce th!' vcstil!:ution be/Ol'e you spend your HATCH· money {or Chicks, for it is the with poultry and the raising of goods. The Lji:BA 0 poultry knows that the Chicks ERY do es not n~Bke extravagant Chick that is going to make the that lire ha t ched at 'THE LEB·, claims, they only .claim to put A ' 0. HAT CHERY, located on forth their best efforts in . the fow~ lind you want the best to Mulbery St. LEBANON, phone hatching of , their chicks and start wi t h und. the n If you g~v e 1 0 , nrc or lI'0od s to ck, strong a nd always cn l'elu'l t o selcct the eggs th em th e carc th y should recelVIJ fro n; pediA'r cd or ~e l ecl e d stock yo u are cun lid!'nt t hat you will melturc rapidly. claillling to produce have a m oney producing flock . This hick Hatch e r y has been th er b y Chicks o f twenty-one This Hutchery do es cu stom r J.:u rd d' by poultr y misers and hea lthy farm I'S a s high grad e and mod,'r· I luling vllr ieti ' s thut gruw r apid ly hatching at vcry moderutc prices , The LEBANON HATCHERY lIll) , in pr ice, In fllct t.h ey hav II! · and ;,.,uch ma t urit y n~ ~OO It (I S any hi ck:'; t hul nl'e p l'o duced by :lny ha ~ striven in t he past und will \\' IIY ~ (' nd eavored t o produ ce ,th hesl Rub \' hicks and th e ir other hat che ry in th e middle weSl. co ntinuOl'to do so, t o give to the Don' t huy Chick s fr om It hatc h· cu s to m 'rs chick ~ t hat th ey are will (' usto me l'ti ':llwaY8 co me bnck each ~' ea l ' 10 patrll lli 7.c and s pcak ,' ry un li l yo u ha vl' c hl' ck ed up ing to ba ck wi th th ' il' I' putation a g.lod wo rd fiJI' lh eir Chicks and Whlll th ey huve "rouuc ,<1 in th e U S bu 'iness men and wi llin):, to pa ~ t, th e g ntd L' o f el{gs they usc I ,t th e ir 'hi ck,; be re prese nta· uUHin l"ss meth od;;, E ver y propri et ur of a hatchery and if se lecled 1'1'0111 st ock that tives o f t1wir future bu s in ess s ue· cJllim s hi s t o be tho best. Thi! most nrc heulth y Hnd . well kl'pt, it is cess.


HARVEYSBURG FERTILIZER CO OF THE GREATEST IMPORTANCE It is o f th,' ~rc a ll' ~ t impOl'tance th at thl' most ;;lrict \'(' goulation s al! r ~goa rcl s sanitati on he ouse rv ed, ~llIn y comlllllniti e - arc pla ced at 1\ d i ~ advlllltag' f' in th e enforc pme nt "f t hese r(~ quir('m e nt s beca use II", y have no iqclu stry which is ri (' \' ot ('o I,. th !' co n,)l'rvlllion or the (luhl ic ht'alth exclu s ive ly . In lhi s res ped we arc fortunate and wisl'l t o direct our rea ders' 3tt,,"· t i,' n t o t he HAR\ E\', BURG FERTILlZEH COM PA NY ut Jlnrv eysburg, P hOlH' ~F3, t H A RVEYSn RG FERTILi , ZER COMPA NY r e nder ~ prompt a l'<I ctn"i e nt servic e ttl th e publi c in gen (' r ltl loy t he Re lllo\'a l o f Dca r! Stock, \vh'ile t he dealh of live Rto l'k is all in c id ' n l to ulways li e n 'grl' tll'd., t ht' imm edillte reo


111 0vIII

With the hundred s o f 'U g('d Ca r a nd il i, ve r y diflkult I.. tl l't "l' t 1l1 "d" I· . . \ I, ,, :1 llul11h(' r ,' f Ihe lat,' r ' Wa.hing Wool ... ill l'lH ' I" ,·:,,' d l · al'~. Mark e ts " through out th e coun t r y tlt " w,' a k Sp"t. .HI I IIt, 1IIl''' h anl' s rn 1IIIIIh,l II lUll 11:0 > 1"" ' 11 >aid "I' thpi!' d,'al \\' ,,"k ll ~ ar l11 l' llt ~ II lld II cce5· today it is ind eed next t o im , (I f a "l sl'd Ca ... .. I ~ it then' flll't' ~,, !'it'S (';111 b l, nllHh' to luo k we ll i ll ~ ..; ill " l' ~ l , d (' :11< ' C:l ll h,' 1'1'a nd w('II r \\'l,1l if Y u re me mbe r II poss ible to d et e rmin e wh idl a r e gnod uu sines!' jud~(' II1L'nl tll huy p·,'at .,,, ill r " ~11 1 II til 11I"ir I'('pllir few s impl e r ull's in la un de ring reliabl e, honest and tru stw ort hy . A a .. " l'd Car" frllll1 II n.. 111 whll d. tW I llI lo' nl. }l (,I'\' (l nly (!x )l(' r t th l'lIt. ;o.: l' V('I· pPrlllit woo ll'n arti . perso n buying a used cal' t od ay ha s a rl'putllli lll1 III ~ l.lhI.' !ll1d who 11I,'challi,'~ :t IL' " l1lp I O ~' l'" n nd (lil ly l·1 s toJ bl'co ll1e bndl y ~o il e d, Ill! must either 10 ea mechanic o r e lse will not miH('p r " ~ I'nt j u ~ t 10 mak,' ).:' 1' 11 U in" Jlllrt ~ arc in ~ tlll l ,' ( l. th eir l u b " i n ~ , t w i ~ting or an y kind of he must rely upon th e word of It salt'. dlllr)!u ar<' r' igoht a nd t hc work ~ Ir e nu o u ~ hllll ti linl!' is like ly to the d ealer whom he is go in g t o Th l'r,' i< nIl mo"" r,·lialol<' fil"ll1 111 ", t ~ ki l lflilly dn n(' a lld th (' j ob ~t r"tc h and othe rwi se injun' t he fa br ic whil e it is wct . As wn ul<, ns buy fr o m and in mllny r ases he thml th t, 1,11.1':\'1'1 1(' '' , 1-' 1 I'::-';{ ' II 01 lin'l ,II \\' lI l' n jlIIlnlisl' d. T hi- has be 11 acco mpl ished by l e qui re II special t mp crnture of g ets a "Stinging," H hos so MOT : ) H CA l( ( ' U., I" O'all' oI III they 1 should Ilr" adwHY . muc h "doping". to conte nd wit h , oul II L E B,o\ :\' U:\', Jlr"gl' l'~!' i\,l'ne ~s an ,l no misre pres· wute r ill Inund I d r ing, ' 0' I r. WIllf thllt it is hm'd to d et ec t the weak II h fIIle I O,), nn. I an lIj.!'l'n cy a l !'ntat i" n an d th l' l'e is no t" pu rc h. neve r b,! p. ac e A In II tu ' \ , . " .\ ' 1 I " th e r fa bri CS, . t empf'rature 0 spots, \\ I I r,,' LLI': Uil l ('I' I Ill' 111 a 11 · 01 :' ( ' 1' of II ca r fr l"ll Ih is cOllce rn, :t bout 100 degre('s F'ahrenh e it will Th ere are many unrelill ble delli , a~(' nll' nt o f WILL ~T ,J() II:\'. uu l will sny, " T il E KILP N rlU C K prove ~lI ti s facl o ry, e rs selling " U ~ ed Cars" lhat try ('u ll al tll" ir l 'sed Ca r Honlll . F llt-:N C' II MOTOR (, A R O'R. ni ~ so l\' c II mil,1 ~o ap in hot t o put it across on the pU l'c h a~e r , T hey ha ve a lar)!l' Stll k flf la te w(m l i ~ a s goo d as th ei r hOlld ." \\nl\·r, t hen a.ld cold wllt e r uQ til ===-===============~-~~--____~_~~_=~=====~===~ It h e t c mpe rature is luk ewarm be· fo r(' yo u imll1 e rs(' th e garments. I' rcs!' I he 5ud s thro ug h th e fubric HE un t il t he soil is n ' l1\ ove d, u ~i n j! atl · d il iu na I (· Iean s oaps uds if neces· . 1Lry. De s ure thut th e rin ~ ing wate r i ~ t he sa me te ll1p e ra tuI'c as Littl e ne cd be said nbout the ACCREDITED CHICKS FOR THIS SEASON th a I used fo r was hing Card c!' ne::; \'n lu(' o f a first.c lass Grnin E leva in t h is re'l)(' ,t i ~ l i k (' I~' t o cuu . e l or to lny commu ni ty, The El e· Baby Chick s for thi s sea so n tha t co mes fr om pure 10100(1 and TON nnl! XE N I A, is equipped wi th th failrk to shrink o r hard e n. f\ f le r wa sh ing' kl~ i tt e rl garm ents vnl r s tand s us th e co nnecting arc "Rea l Baby Chicks ," is o f· sc ie ntific m:lting, Th ese chicks will th e \' cr y bes t of In cu bators and PI' !'~ o ut the wnt l' r und g nth I' link between the communi ty nnd fer ed the Farm er and Raiser of develop rupidl y into prolifi c lind Broc l! f'rs a nd ," ren t care is taken the IOgct hl' r lH'fOl" re movin g with th e r h i(' ks, to se that th ey th m m f r om the t uh ~o liult t he\' outs id e wo r ld. This i particu lar· Poultry by the TOWNSLEY pe rfectly s haped fow l!'>. arc in Ihe Lest of co nd it io n be. . Hatcheries locnted at LEBANON, feal u re o f buyin ~ for bing ge nt out. Peo pl e wh o \\ ill !l ot be stretched i.Jy the weig h t ly tru e fol' t he farming class or An olher chicks fr o l11 th e TOWN LEY have boug ht he re have hae! e xre~ (, f th" wa te r . POl' th !' 1>:1111<' I'c a so n th e co mmuni ty. WILMINGTON and XENIA, The day has po sed when any ne\'e r hnll ~ t hl'l1\ up whil .· Ih yare Th e farmer and chicken raiser H ATCHERIE S is th e sa ving o f le nt !'ucC' ess :llId I h ~ ~' can re f.;> r a ny wet . 1 '!iI ~ c each picce betwee n one doubts the im portance of a tim e and tro ubl t! o f se tting hl' ns onc wh u d ou bts tn num l' rou s s ue· ,!,u r ki ~ h t owe! O n a tlllt, clelln SUI'· pr ospe rou s fa nning populat ion in run s n o risk of hatching chicks. lind continu a lly figh t ing lire , mites fa ce, ~p re !l d l ng t he ~ Ieev es 'out c e~!\ ful chkk e n ra ise rs. , t rn ig h t Hnci ndj u tin g t he lines the cO l1\lI1un!t~, Everyone knQw~ H e can buy his you ng chicks from and other infecti ons co mmon to Th e success I, f Ih' TOW N LEY to " on fOl' 11\ til measure men ts , that . th e fflrmmg c la ss . Is !IS 1m· this H atchery, can see what he he n hatch ed c hi'C ks. HATC IlERY ha s bee n ma rk ed and Afte r yo u ha ve YOUI' chic ks i ~ th!' n 'su lL uf t hl' ir health y chicks lak (' 11 be!'t)re la u nd el ing the gar· pu r'tant to the well bemg of th o buys an d thE' ref ore can se le ct co mmun it y a s II ny othe r g r oup, Strong, Healthy Chi cks, In fact hatch ed nnd read y t o I'uise ~ve r y stl ld and lh(' fuel t hat th ey have lI1ents , F ur thi s rea son; thc m e mbers of these are the only chicks th at a r e pr c!luti o n should ue e xercised t o alwa ~ S lI sI( ed fa il' p ri ces and g iven Q uick Cl eanin g for 'Bath every far·seeing community com hatched at the TOWNSLEY he lp pro duce f1 e~ h a nd I he best or ~e l'\· icl'. bine to insure · the prosperity of Porcelain strength , It is essen tinl that th e HA T CHERIES. Call a nd ha ve 0 tulk with the hl:3gricultul'lll group a l ong with ~ I o i s t n u cloth wit h hot wa er The eggs that used for best f o od should be gi ve n the m mllnag-e r, You wi ll ob t.'lin some the pros perity of t he community the ll di ll li ~ htly in g u 'oline and hatching these chicks are se lected t h nt the y ma y hav e a ll th e advan · va luabl e info rmati o n as t o t he r:tis ' 0 factor is more . fro m the best known breeds of tage tow8I'd THpld g rowth a nd mao ing- of chi c ks f rol11 th e l11 as l hev r ub ove r pOI'cel a in; or disso lve as a Wh ole. sa l soda in wurm wate l' a nd wash im portant in accomplishing t his hens and tested cockerels, This in· tur ity, ha ve ye:II's o f ('x pe ri e nce in th~ tub and bas in with this solution , THE TOW S LEY HAT .IIER · Hti ~ ing of Ilo u l t r ~' a nd will be Both me th od!' .. c mo vl' so il q uickly th un th e gl'a in ele vato r , a nd the ures strong and healthy chick s, elevator ope rated by EVERETT with s trength and vigor wh ich JES at LEBANON, W ILM ING· pl ease d t o cOll rt' r with you, ulld lea ve porce la in g lb tcn ing, EARLY, at Lytle, phone Wayn es·


o f the curc ellS is alwJl Ys d e~ ir!lb l e Dnd s hou ld be accom · plb hcd at th d cllrlit's t possible llIome nt. Nu matter how fllr frolll town .\' o u may live, you nee d only to inform THE HARVEYSBUHG FERTILIZER COMPAN Y lit H A RVEY S BURG and dis miss thi! 11Iullf'r f rom your mind, fO I' they have \\'o n th l' com me ndati on of lIlany fanll e rs II lid S oek men I hrou/:hout th e ell ll1 lHll n il y hy t he promptn ess exerc i" 'd in I e ~ llOnd­ ing t o th e l'a llH, h'IVill):, lInt only the mu st 111 0dcrn lurgl' nuto tru cks fo r th e .. e movu l f l':.trcusses , bllt the mo st de pcndn ble. , Th y se rve th e pub li c in II d o ubll' rapacity, for th ese ca rc us·

scs, \\'hidl w('re forl11erly waste III nt e r ia l Ul'(' nlllnufnclll1'el l into hi~h gmdl' tankage whi ch is so ld to thl' puhlil' lit fi~ur es substan· t ia ll y Iwlnw t h,, ""' lI ~ k e d by muny other firl1l ~. Thu s till' hi Ie Iln d l v"I' y p, rli on of th c ca rcass is ('O ll ~ l' r v ,' d . ThiH plnnt is U11I' of I h(' most IlI lId(' l'n in th l' ,' ,lUntry lind iA up· to· dnt.1' in (,I'ery I'al'ti<:ulllr. They plly nil tl'l cph ll l\ e chll1'gcs untl we u rge our rt' nd,' r ~ thnt when in li e d of the ~ "1'\' ic(' of an etlici ent coillpu ny o f , this kind they call HA nn:y B HG I"ERT ILIZ ER COMPAN Y, Hnd you will lind that th ,'y \\ ill be most prumpt ill ren· rl e , ing- l' t1ici e nt service, Ju st tell th e ",p(, lnlor t o r{'v(' rse t he chnrgee

EVERETT EARLY CONSIDERS THE FARM ER FIRST vi ll e 2!l und Cen t e l'vi lle 82F' I ,I, is nn outstanding ('xumple o f a busi· ness orga n izlltion which ex ists for the g ood of the communi ty it Rerves, Th farm ers have been ind eed quick to appreciate this. Raise rs o f grnin ill this commun· ity kn ow thnt at t hi ~ ent erp ris ing Elevator they will , be pllid the hig h.e. t mark e t prices f or their wheat , corn and othl' r grain s. Mr. F:arly kn ows the gra in m al'· ket perf ectly, lI e has mode it It lire study , B)/ knowi n g when to sell the gnain hl! buys at the greatest lid· va ntage. he is ab le to oiTer the highes t possibl e price to the £lIrl1l· e rs ; furthermore he does ev e ry· thing to aIliiW'l1i'e fnrmer the be n· efit of hi s kno\vledge or t he grain mal'ket. This oft(' n work s t o the benefit oi the farl1le l', If they be lieve t ha t the farmer w ill pl'ofit by hold ing his wheat rather than selling

it !It th l' time t he wheat is thresh· ed he will be IIdvisf'd to d oso. F'arlllers IIrc ,,\lick to a ppreci· nte such se rvice, They tr ust t his bu sin ctis man with a pl'oll'ress ive outl oo k. SUch service to t he far· l\Iel' has g iven t.hi s Elevator a rep· utati on whi r h has ext end('t1 for be yond th e limits o f this commu · ni ty; farmers ure wi ll ing to ma ke !t,ng huuls to mnrket Iheir gr.sin with Eve rett Early t::le vatol' at Lytle. This ElevuLor not nn ly sJl r ves th l' fRrm e r by furniShing a mill" ke t f,,,' th(' grain, but it s upplies hi lll with Ihe best comm erc ia l feed :1v::ilabl e ror his li vestook. Seeds, Poult I'Y F eed and Ground Gra in s are al MO so ld . T he llIanagement nre among th e ups anriing IndivIdUals In Commu. nity clrc l e~ , lind lire prominently id e ntifi ed with every movement 111ok'ing to th'e betterment of the commu ni ty as Il whole ,


Lamb Frittera


/I. littl e cold lamb and a few


~ IiC (' .' of bacon, on e egg, a very little whit e sauce, f our ounces of n o u~ pcppel' and s al~ one ou nce IMPORTANT TO THE COMMUNITY of butter 01' fr ying fat. Firs t mak e FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER n batter with the no ur, butter, one , . gill of tepid water, Dnd the wellThe town that prov id es t he m ethod ll and t hl' sllsta ini ng of Th e " uy n l'!w lil e Fa rmers Ex· , bca te n whi te of egg, Let thi ll . farmer s in the eou try surrounding thpir r e putati ll n (01' " Fair and c ~l an)!' e d(>(' ~ not co nfin e its acth'i. stand while you prepare t he me a t , We, fee l tha t we should deVQte have prepared themselves in the dence of t he pubJic- n confidence with a market for their Gra in and Hon etit D e a l in g~ " with " T he il' tL s t\l de,a lin g' in GI'ain, S(! cds Mince t he lamb lin('ly, sea son it ! C(' ~ ~PICUO U S s pace In this larm most approved and modern Jllan~ they s in cerely apprecjute Il nd will Produce in on e which will have at. Custom e rs " ha ve won f or th em II a nr! P"c d ', Coal, F encl' and F'ar . 1 we l,l with ,Pe ppe r and . 8a it, a~d ed lt l0!1 t? the very efficient and ner wi t h Ilu~o·driven fuperal tained t he grea'te:rt meusure of promin c n l place in O hio, Th e I11 l' \'l;' 'lI ppl ies, as l hey hand le ' mOl5t e n WIth a ve r y li ttle .whlte conSC Ien t IOU S work that has won equipment und today are at th~ do tne ir utm ost to mllin tui n, . far mors in t his communit y hav e btl'j.!e quu nit ies of Fl our, prosperity. SHuce. Plnce some on eac h sh.ce <?f I for t he McCLURE FUNERAL head 01 one of the lIlost modern _ Through professional work of The facti that THE W AYNE S· come to und e rs ta nd thut nt. the Th e Fl nur whi ch 's II I I' uacon a nd 1'011 up. Now ~lP m I HOME here at Wayn esville a and · reliable und ertaking estab· the highest ord er they have morf' I ,5 0 .1 Jy t li S nou r , an d then p lace them 111 the IlromirA,ent place a s one of the Iishments In t hill section of 'the ited the success that they have VILLE FARMERS EXCHANGE, establishm e nt or t he Wayn e 'v ill e co nce rn I a \ , 1 . \ Oil ,\VO l Wllh thous. butt er P l'ep!ll'e a d eep pan of . d ' at· Waynesville, phone 25, P ays the Farnlers Exchonge th ey ca n a l- ands of IHllls(' wi v('s in til 'I sect' 10 '1 ' ' f t 'h I'ft h· II t mos.t. modern fun e.ra l dIrect ors Iln country, uohl eve d tal' a s Is genern1!x.., known " Io n 01 III g n, • en I eae 10 ou I b I . h ' t' f .... hi T k ILh tIe I present· 0 Highest Market Price a t all Times ways g,t t he Highest Murk ' t and ~I [~ S pruved Ils wOl'th under a ll wi t h pien t y of batter adhering, em a mer~ In t IS se~ !On Q oJ • ", 0 .....,--"-.>1_ eap 'p ace w some of t he 1~l'ge8t f\ln ifJ'alll o r .-hr.ings many dollars' worth of bUR i Price , ~ e it' 'd ealin gs he r COl1 rh tlO n. , !lnd fl'y brow n. Drain . dish , and Th ~re IS no vocation requlrmg da y de mllnds the McClure Funer- t his section hav e been eonduoted ness to t his' town and aids in no will ' be calTicd on in a bll s i n ('s~· We IOIO W of no oth er firm with g al'l\i sh with f resh pursley.· fo), I~S , successfuJ, prose cutio n II 01 Homc hus bee n established to most satlsta ct orily and consclen. small d egree in making Waynes· li ke and n strai g ht· for wa rd llIan · II mo l" 'c nv in })1 i'cpulat ion f ' -- • greater natural aphtude t han that pl'ovide an establishment with ev- tioll!lly by them, ville a live and progressive commer ner and that th ey will I' cllivl(' filiI' and h o n ('~ t dea lin gs th~~ TIPPED l of t he m o<, ern fun e,ral di~ector ery modern conv enience for the We, wish to g ive prominent ';F ull VUltl l' f(JI' Th ei.. Grain anll cll jllyed hv n ' "', cial center': ' . a nd embalmer and thiS part Icular conducting of funeral services mention t o the modern l'qulpment Produc tll." He nce th ey The Wayn esv ille Farmers Ex· Oth<, r ," .. ,. lL ".vne ~vtl l e Far· T rav eler : "Did yo u ' find. a roll i ly ap plies · to these well-kllow,!1 within th e confines of n r eal mod. a nd admirable work which has won change kn ows their bu siness fr om see k no further mark e t an.1 ns a III! IS Lxrhan g-(' at Wa y nesv ill e, containing $50 under my pillow?" I cpresenlati ves of this valued pl'O' ern home, furnished in a manner f or these well-known lind time. this estaulishm l' nt is the a ll d \ \ 1' ins i:f t h;ll th e ir ' po li cy the groun<\ up. The application of result Por t e r: "Yes, suh; thank yo u, ' fCHsion, Through untiring and thnt rctlect~ the home atmosphere tJ'led funeral directors the promthe progressive up-to·date busin ess Rce ne o f co nti n ued a ctivit y me ri t. Jlatron aj.!(' . suh ," eo mm endnbl e efforts they have in its truest sense, Their sym- inent posit ion in which they have progressed .until today they pos· pdthetic understanding of the merited and to compliment them I scss a clientele that extends over needs of the hour and their con- as profe88ional and business men many miles of t errito ry. sidel'ate and effiei,tnt service in who are thoroughly abreast of the It is needless to SIlY that they the past have merited the contI:- times .





A farmer I!pends many hours of hard labor in taking care and raising of his live stock for market, After his hard efforts have been put forth to have his HOGS ready for market, in the best possible cond it ion, the question that a rises, "Where is the Best Market?" There are many pla ces to se ll stock hogs man y individuals and firms t hat claim to be the b ellt market availabl e, but thi s is n ot always the cuse, Every farmer and stock raiser shou ld inv es tigate the ad va ntages off.!l'ed him by the ll t ock bUyt'r, Is hI' sure he is get· ti ng th e hig hest market price, is Iw ure that he i. r ece iving fair and honest treatlll e nt"! He shou ld take int o co nsid eration th e reliabiJ ity of those he se ll ~ ' his stoc k to, H a ve th ey bee n in bu siness for y at>!, have they acquired u rep u tll t.i ll ll fo r int 'grity and honest deal· inus ? " Take n il t hese requirements in·t i!onsid eration 'we are nleased to bri g before our farmer readers til _ reliable allu hone!lt st ock h og or FEEDER · BUYER; FRANK HUSTON. ,668 S, D etroit, XENIA, plC)n ain . 012 marketing 8 SM«!1at tor. the fal-m,r. They . . . buyinll HOG ~or:' years loeaUt)". We have made in-



quiries among the farmers of thi in Is Important, ' but section and we ha ve heard nothing breathing out is much more Impor but praise of the fuil' d ealings of tant, . ' GOOD EQUIPMENT MAKES A GOOD FARMER BETTER t his . finn. Th e courtesy thut is Rend som etime Ii book by amlin always s hown t o th eir patl'ons, in like Thoreau , or John Burroughsj The GREENE COUNTY HARD. formllti o n gladl y g ive n b y th em ll ~ or Stewart Edward Whlt e-one or tillage Implements, plowl!, binder to t he condi ti on o f the mark et an d the great open air writers, WARE CO" 29 . E. Main St, twine, cream sepnrators, teed th e hi g h (! ~ t price thnt th e mnl'k pt -.__. . _Th en, while the impression of XENIA, phone 71, is a store whose grinders, hay and corra machines, wi ll sta nd DO YOU KNOW its ri ch, bounding optimism is still slIccess may be attributed to the oil engines, tractorll and manure 'f h ' . I strong UPon you, pick up a book effici ent and satisfactory service spreaders, 'etc. "'rl'tte n by one of ·."·he- Ru·al · an It " IS re n d ' HOW TO , BREA THE? ~ on enng t h e farmers of the Not only th A I' t f h . e 'crvlee t ley a r c gi\' . in J.( I t l IS communi ty relieves thl' far · novelists, l)r by ()fte- or'ani' 1\IIodern county. . , e une qua I y 0 t e mel' of 101lg hauls and t hey ar e . longhaired writers whp b elieve B lines th~y carry, b~t the, unfaUing r ece iv ing' thl'ir : ho rc oJ t he bu si. I once hnd the misfortune that realism neces's ariy means elievin~, i~. the gre~t '8gri~ul- courtesy and conslderntlOn shown ness, kl ow Il l'l'sR imist. There was some murder and dru!lke!lness anp ~ural posslbll!tles of thIS ~ourlsh- to the farmers here, makes this The!'e is a !'easu n fol' this. Th ey eX~ lI " l' fn r his pessimi sm, He wns .' . prost it ution, . Jn~ community .the orgamzer of firm popular with them, The kn ow the ir bu siness , t he,\' k nl'''' " . n:" ru" e h esl~d chnp ~bl'eatened I ' Wh ut u ~Iffe rence! And wh~t jthls .stor e petel'mlned ~o !)stahlish a "farmers be pleased" lJas alwAY8 " makes the ~Ift'er,ence? buslI\ess that would meet j!Vllqr been the slo~!ln pf this elltabljsh. t h t' ir mark ,t an 'l lh ey are ' 0 \ \1' 11 \ \ It h t l~ IJl' r c ul o:' I !I, kno wn by th e fa r rr e l's '10 11 H OG I Il l' had g iven hIm self up for H o r,t , d:lugl! The r enllst WIll tell you that It demand of th~ f&rmers jn t~e way ment, rai ~ ers of thi s vi c i~ it ' -t hat the Wi !. . }'Ianchesler! is b ecau.~e he thinks deeply, while of farm mac hinery and farm illlThe GREENE COUNTY H,o\RlI have 'th ir c~nfidenceY" 'nd y I' Un e l1IJ'{ h t s~) II1 ~body indu ced I lynO ':~h J.clund, tl the opt imi stic writer thinks sup· rlcments. As a resul t DO firm In thi s WARE CO at XENJA doe • • < c ons!! - 11m t l) /:0 t o /I s ll1gll1g schoo l or" start: Wit llJ Ut erlicially I t f h ' t ' ' s more o u('ntl y (hey I'l'CCIVU I he ir ship. A ,vcar la te r hi s chest was 'fill ed ide.!tity. , ' , ,par 0 t estate is be ter equipped t~an merely sell the farmers " m e nt ~ a s t he fann l' l's know full lJu. t: there \Va"' a .slJar kl e I'n hi's eye - - - - - f As a , m!tttte !, °tfh fnbct" the dthlf. to meet the needs of the farmor, piece of maChinery or implement Cl'ence IS no In tr rams 0 f e h t tb b It..,e stand' H • we ll that he ca n no t ~o bette r e l e. hI laughter cou ld be heurd a city -. - - - t ' but ' t he ' lives W a ~ver ey roay e, e hos a service department that wh 1.e unrl g et l he 'or vic(! thut he l, lo ck away, ', YOUI' st omtleh muscles ha rd aguinst i!e~6tth~dep~hl~Ltheir think urd hnes t~ey carry, the honesty wat~h.e8 t he particular Implements r ece ives a t the hand o f FRANK ~e ha d learned how t o . breathe. your belt, : ing i!p much ' sS' the depths'ot'their of the de uIJngs, and efficient Q~sl- or machinery untfl It haa proved H USTON .AT XENIA. b ~et:l wh e n ~o u practrce deep That means that your dlaph- lunla . .' ' ness methodS have built up for th.a li it will give satisfactory ser. We .are pleasud ~o. mention them d~e~o~Jt{fJ e,x~~c, yo u pl'obllbly /:agm has ,!ltraignte~ed .d own and .'. T~ ' 'corp':'stle8 of the ~l)e arc th~m . a rep"utllti,on ,not limited to vic,e, They have a (ull line of rey <?ur. red a n.d fecl~h oxygen: the- COl'- thiS particular Vicinity or country paIrs on all makes of FARM 111 thIs Fnl'llI ]~d l tl o n , Proud t o t ity. Yoo ix~a",ln Llre lu'hgs <:apll . .l IS massagm~ ~be t~OP met:'tion that t hey . . kn ow t heir t he really importa~~~a~t es;; ~~; !~~~ a~~i thl~he 1~~~~~~e:~I~i1~~~! Ruscle~, onfle ' other<are 'paTe and The G.RE~NE COUNTY 'H~RD •.. MACF!INERY. The " 'GREENE bu sI~ l'. ~ u n? all wh o have. business breath in.g is ?9 ne ' with ytur Ydln"'ti l"l.~ .' ? ._. ,"fed ' With , cigal'ette. 8mo~ and ! WARE C,O, IS bet ter k!,~~n to the C~U,NTY' .HARDWARE' CO.'s dell it ngs With. them will l'eceive ph~aglll-a big:. tint · muscle tlult 1 - When YQu . breathe ll\lt do· !t ge~.~s, . ,. " ? " t f~rmers_of th,ls and ~dJOmlOg co~n repaIr department is olle~of the ~o urteo u " fIli I' lind hon e t trent- f Oi m. t he fl oor of your chest. !' r orclbl y, with t he stolnac h ~IUS41IlS 1\or ,what, a,fter .U, 18 1tt~, t tl~s ~han any dealer. III any town In mQsf 'complete in this seetion of men t. In fac t · the I' is no better.J And t he a bdominlll muscles a},('. like a horae , sn onrt ing- but .,,· ,a sks , an.: 'Q}cJ.. ~Jll!k1tIt; •. QU41 tatiO Jl • thiS section of tbe state, 0UI('). They art! also lIistrlblltors 111arket f Ol' ~llIck !Togs PI.' F eeders : t h,e ~Oys ~o~ need to · t!ain it yoU ' o\>t I he s no rt.· . An;~lf!s~~rst:{Ie 1nterval between The. GREJi;NE OOUNTY HARll· for the Studebaker Whippet and thlln FRA K H U S TON at h~a g~ e ,most out ot yoor I ,Your stomllch a nq . intestines ' · ~ . and ' another- he wbo I WARE CO, canlu ~verythln&' for Willys and the ...ell XENIA, -. , ygo~r lu... ntil I I ' W1hll be fotc~d uPdag~mst. th dbi!,,- °nlnc ~:~!\rAn ths only bBll lives," the farmer, harvesting machines, known Trucks ' naa ~ u )IOU .,ee P ragm agnU) an given I1not e a:", )/_.uau. .... .. ' - - . . •





:Ji: 1m





SPECIAL FORD SERVICE Huulizlng Ihnt not the fir~t C !it h ut the I:E.' I vie ' l·hnl'g t·. mali C' fin A lil ollluhtlu lUI exll'HVUl-(nnc', lh e \V A NES VIL LI~ M TOR O. htl l'!' i n Wa y n e~l' ill e, pho ne l0 5 , Ihe FOHn II gl!IICy, hUH /ta in ed itll JJ '1I\r1 Ul" ily b CUlI se il I: e p ~ th ' sl' l vie!.' c hnlgc); 1'0 1 auf o oWl"! 'I S in Wllyn e. v iii at t h (J I UII'~,t l11inllllll1l " Le LI S kee p YO lll c llr ill I' p a il u nu it ceases t o he 8 11 extruvagence ," I th e s loga n o f t hi S m od · ' I n an d uII· t o- th e- m lll u te galllj!c a llcl FUHD S ERVI(,E S T AT IO 1 Thi S ~l' r v i (' S i al loll hll ~ n Fr ·c 1\ ~ p II II Il\l' nt II li d 1',xa lllll1 i1tlllll ~pc'c lII l F lI l'd Sl·I·VICC . ¥"ur Ca l Is IlI ol(cd over at 1111 1' lilli ' F, Cl' ur ('hu l'g"e IIlIcI l'oU all! lLl lri Ir a ny I ('plli l I ~ lI ("ed,·d. T h l~ lIIay Hav' J IIU Itl ill h II I th· Il) n~ 1'11 11 . The llOI IlII Il ,lll ll n ~ ' · I\· i lt· i, Si ll">!,, a 1" 111 lI f l h,' pol in o r lhl' Illlinugl"

llI ell t o f thi~ gU I ug'!' t!l HI' I' e l h e I' uhlt v ill u ll y lI'ay it Hit. Ii Iil' in ~ t.h nt :\ hU l'lill l';s i" JllIII ' ~lI ulld l y sla l~ li sh ' d in th i!; wa)' . I f ~ () UI' ca l' I ~ i n II ' I' (} of repllirs t h '· FlI nl S I'v icl! : lll n hl'l'« in \\:lync :;lill ' h llv' eVl'I.V d l'l uil of l'q tipm e n t !llltl s kill l1 d W(lrklllOIl ttl ~ive yo u r Il u tumollih' ",hutev" l att~ ntl o n It /I cd ~ . 'I'1 ,is Se rvi ce include- e ve r ything" flo l11 m il kin g Ihe SI HllIl'" _ ICjl ui r t o comllle l <: ly "v,,"1. IlI lirg yo u r 1' .11'. li cit, ton \·o u CU ll bUI t h " (' f"1I 111nu ·, G() tll)RI(' 11 T1RI·:S. Th ey 11I1I't th e E x "u ~ i v l' '\cc'n <: \, f' l l (; O : )IlH IC II Tlln:S ill \\ II Y ll l ~I !Il l' ,lnd I lt llllt. . (;OOH IJl C II TlltI ~;-; .II ' k nollll 1,,1' th ~ \l' ('x ~(' JlII"llally 1" l1g hi t· nil' \VA \ l'\ 1.S \ II .I. E :'Il0TOR C O :11 . 11 h!l- II f lll! ,l lld c'''"l l'l ell' Itnt' 01' "'hI" I I' a ll ' l:lJ,:/lId l, 's' o f

\1 hll

POll'\ you mil


III 11

d of

ll",y hUI' c' i . . 11. L. II 'rul'l't Buerklc ton k full ChUII!~ lIr t hi s I ell l c nl't'l n .l:tnllllr~' 1 " It ~ t., Mr. BlIel'kl , WII , I' nl n1t' r l~ l' l1lplo j" tI ,b y t h ' COll,lri h Puhher :0. llf A kron. 011111 111 t h e T Il~E Divi SIon which e llllhl u hll11 t o g-i ve yo u F acts III l egU l" ds to GOOD RI H TIR E. II Il ,&I so spent ] 8 m ont hs a s Bffi ciI' ney r::xpe r t for thi s co mpany unci hI! wtl l A'lndly gil'e ~ r,u a n y aclv lce ,oJ If! ( >11 t il e . at any t im e I n I.ld 1\1t. J3u t!rkl e IS 11 Vl'ly cou r tl'!lU J,:l'll tl 111<111 an d I\ n l' \lh o is 11,1('1' l nl) h us l' t n give vou th e hlnl'h l Il f hi" kll"w l"dgl' r~g[lIdlll t.:' (;()( UR IC' II Tlln:S 0 1" FOUD . t\ HS. II ,· cOI'di:III), Illl' ll eH th t jill II lit' In "!I II nt the W A Y N I':S· V ILL E ~ I ~ ) T O I ~ ('0 u n tl !Jecom e 1,l· t t l' l :1(''1l1Ullll~'d


\'GUn!man ' s I Bluff

GORDON SERVICE STATION THE POWER TO PASS-THAT'S SUNOCO GAS Wilh th e ri e of I h : autom nhll indus tl'Y to fi I'st p lu ce IIm o ng thl' Indll lflC ~ of u nation, with autl' mollil s by ful' th e prl' d o lllll1aling mean s f t ran portati n , with n il thc l'e hft uri s ' n un e nth' l y new ul.\s ine~s Oil IJi slnhu t i ng a buS\lll' ~s w hil'h h ll m ade itse lf nn indi ' p en s i!.> l!! factor in ev ry com· munity. The r e ure visi ble eV idence - o f thi s o n eve l y hun d No bus in ss is m ore pl om inent in the al"l'ln~ Ill i ddl (!- \\'e ~lel n ci t y Ih all Oil di s· tl"lbllLing, Hnd \\' e kn ow Il r n il belll'l l e pl ese ntatlv(' "f lhi ~ b u ine s~ th u n Til E GORDO N SE ll · V I E STAT IO Ilt. W . \)n t:~iI"IlIt · . Ph ol1 e 47 . Oi Il"Ibutl)l o of SUl10CO 0 I' I I' l! n,n .~(iI I 1:111I ,I ~ .• IIn oeo , I .I~(

109 lind TIl'e H pairing. "BL ~~ :UNO 0' nA ::l r,lN!:;. th' PI' d ue nf till. CO III Illl n y, ne lis nu " Oll xl ng t ~ pll1"k IIml II fJ wa. tJul erowtlillg' to k p It. I·tl nnl ng. By Edgar ",pllace I . fil II fl·l.'c v.lpu ll zing is nlltul'm - IlI ld '1" 1111 ",undit.ioll s t~lki n g Ihe ~ ~ " '-' "-" .- ~- .- ,-".~CI ' n l.i fic.llly CU ll ' ,t PI·OPO I·t IO\l o f UII' that III 'u ns th!.' ' Iean, VI'y, All BUI !ling EX IJ l o~IO II lit True EconHA PTER X. pmy ItH Idedl Stur tin" M i>;tur e I~ It Ideul Running !\lixtur(' R"Hd~ IIhkl' fOI hi' f.tillt (',l IlIlIt "I' l arg:1ret found se ve r u l s heels lhe iillllg Spnd.; 01 th· hi':" il 's! or nr.l!.'llllp I' on th fl oor of putl' (,f t"\llnC ' ·ll'·l g .1 Lukl';; I·UOI11. f:: 111' pIc ke d lip on e, It 11 ,'\l'I < 111111,· '1I1or, lh l) . \\l lh I fa el It a nd gfl ~ perl. Th e d ult' hud !Jt'('n 'cl'nw led ill \l ll th e lop lillO, I" t(I 'r ('fit I t on )',lI, Pllgllil' . u nd il bl'gun: g il Y" II l\laxlIllulU 1ll ll'II1g I '" m J\I.y <11' 11 lI u ll,CI'I, I um III a Illos t 1<llt II'lth')lIt lll .. lnr nl ',lIln,'", "f tl.'l"Ilbl the tl eluHI" ~lll' Itl 11 .... ·1' "I' (1111'1)" Il wa~ L uk(,'s "Ti t ingl It wa s LIII, , " ho hHd h ee n Iho r e that ' Su hlo H I ~ h 1 est 1.1111'1 Gas. \\ II h "1II· lllg ~. :\1I( \l illy h "Bl u ,' ~\l II' (; ,lslIIlnl' "I 111 !!h li ll.IIII) . IIlg: lt. . hI' f Oli lld an o th I' s h ee t I its ~t:, t l !l ll e o nv cll lc' ntl y I.. fltt'd, 1)( tli t' ~"ln I I\IIY I' .!lII.' ~ 111.It '0\ l'1 (' <1 with ~ lIludg('d \\' 1ilin ~ thi S I (;0 1do n I ~ III {,PHHd 10 ,;e r Vl! lhe hilt _ tl ~" W:I ~ ad dl I' ~s .. d t o t he ~o liei tu l II lutO Il ~ l s III the Illll ~ t (' tli e ll' n t 1111111 :-; nlt Hllh '11 1tlltll" pt'1I lI11ll:1111 t' ~11 .. () IHlt lilt' lIlI ee ~ clnlV l ' d Itll (' ~ were IIl'l' pll ssi lJl " . GI/rd ,, " ~ SI'I'I'I,'l' tI ~p l' l lI l , IIp lili Ih,· (i ll!litl I "I Iitl lI 11dl·Clph. IUIJ It· li e had c l e llll ~I' S tati C/I I is It {'u el lilla l'lel'~ fOl Wtl - yllU \lSl In \ \lUI l'J\J.!'11l1' Balteri l's , G udyear and ·It,·I,, ' I II ~sed them Ollt . 1~l'l rI (' nll y Il liald II I' .1 l' Ult' 11 " 1111 , tI (III allti I", h, .. 1 , al duwn t o w\"Ite a Il·t tl'r Mill t'r Til ('~ alld Tuhes. TIt el' an' llIo lC oI "l~ 1':"1;( <' thut Ill! \' llll'l t .. Ilu lu l·lt. had mad e t\l() II I· I . I I '"' ll' ll l pt>; and tlwn chan ged h l ~ Illind. a Su N llIlJlp N to, u yOlll' <a l .-, I·l'a, till' Oi l, l lt l' "m""th"1 lllL' I nglll{'

1 '- ---,----I

,:.,-... .




Ie s .



", til I·un . R nlClr' and fn' re motorI. tl! lIllPI'N'llIle Ihis fa ' t t h e y al' m Ol',' and 111M insisten t that o nl y iI, P nzoil be " Rllnoco" MOl ur IW Ul'(!d 10 0 thl'ir case , ~nd thllt vigtla nc' PflYs i n 111!l ny way!!. :\l lIny l ilt Ie th ing", a ll imp d rtanl, l'Oll t IIUUt ' to th i 1t'1l 1 ope ruLi o n o f uu r moto r; Spill k plugs thllt till n ot f o ul; s nug pis tons, and u ll bea rings, cums a nd valv es free f l ',m fricti oll - all this iti poss ible I, y 1I _lng "SIIIIOCO" M o tor 011. '1'111'11' i_ n .. hard Cll I bo n in "Sun""n" 'I"tol (lil. The hig-h grade oil an d l!fI , ,, lint· and a ll ol h el' lu bri(:t illg pl l ,d utl~ IIrt" se rved Ic, th e 1'1Ibl" \I Ith that Ilt lit IIIC'lIV c o Ult· , <v Ih.1 Ilwk ' ~ Gonion's Se t'vi cc !'tH ll 'l n SII POptlitu' Wh e n in n eed "I' nt' II' III I'S ~:t ll at G o rd on s , we ,1,", ' 1' t o lell vu u what Ihe \; " 0<1,·,111 11 1, (\ " Itil c l' Til e!1 lire !IS li lt I ,II t na l1 0na ll V k IIlJWII. The \\' 111.1\'" 1I [111(,IY i- l'ec' J1lcl to n o n e ,1 1101 a - r,d' Titl' R l" jlait ing 0 1' 'a r ( ; 1 ,·.1- 1I1g ""U Wi ll find them m ost ,·!lit·I"lIl .111 0 their PI iees ve l y

Il \I ,IS so Ilk I' Luk t' h e co uld I -----~~~--~~---~----------------- ----------~......11 '1 1'1' I " ' bt 1he t e mpt atl ull off er ed ill' II sh " l't cd' nu l l' Jlllp l' l - he ' Ill u - t \\ 1 It" ttl 'Ollll· bud l' , h e h"d. " f[.ll lo ld hu . I. ukl· h ud I. l·pn hert·; L uk« was OUR RELIABLE DRUG STORE l ilt' lilli/d ill Bu t wh~' ? S Ill' tlll n ed 10 thc· d l!ll't" tl l'!.', and It \la , 1111 t he lip of h e l IOllg ue t o Thl.' modem lind p i og l e S< II'l' nn UG STO II E II !\ <.; IT" h a nd ns ;; nli ~ factul y a " if yo u !lit!!.;" t he l el'l' la tlO n Wh l' lI h l' ~a lll l 'It'~rIIJ I lIlIlI ' 1\111 lit fill, ,, 1 (·x · "111\1 III 1"I ' on tit Illukc a purSO Il!(' lltlll g that ~ tl'llek s ra·ceh f rom IIENHY REID DH UG STO Hl': Bl,udway, at ano n , pholl e Til I ly II ~ ~ "" 1 phl' sit 1.," dl' - II ,". ,h" , ,' hcl' Itl'" " li e mu st hal" " ~C ll 11 pre tty li RA, I ~ a tw e ntl e lh centur g e sl .lb· I II atl dl t ilin 1,1 lhl ~ lh" 1 I ,ll 1 I ,I I)" n 't ~ , n d tu d htant firm s or b.ld lIla ll . that rI! II 'i w- one of uu r It " h lll c n t t hut Is strt ctly up· t o·dat e ( " Illp l~' (' hilI' ,ot Ilt ul!' !'und'l"\l's IIUll ullul II IS 'o nvC llI nt fo r y o u llll'n 1'C' t'JgIIIZNI hllll .IS Ihe ("hup dlltl a n II1s tltut inn that IS con du ct· Dnd III lO1l11 'lII O'1 ...: I It dn d til ("Ill t u Lt'b UIiO Il Ju st pho ne \I til' \las dtivllll.; a ('H I thi S attel'(· d aln n g m o dern lin t'~ . cu n y ing- ("1111 1'1 ~ I' t hat I ~ , '" Ild, .\ t 1 .tli " I' m.1I1 th e tlr d~1' th e lI e nry Re id n" o n \I h e ll T 'lfTu Il II Y's was 10 IJhed . !I II'" :-:1 0 11'. at Lcbu n' l n , lind Ie li e gun' 0 11 o f Ihe sh o p as i~- It'aelcrs III Ihe VUI"I L) US 1111 S lit th ~ it, Jlatr(ln ~ . 1 hI S ~ I' il"t· Is al II I \·:\(I'ltI.l l ll l ~ L\ 1\ , Ih ,· g(Jll d ~ b)' mall aft e r the taJlI s a pun'h III the ju w- " p l· n o d. " Uul that '~ im jlosslble!" . he A fu ll 11111' (I f ]){' p ndab l!' Dl"Il!!,s f or ulll'\AT I I:'\AL) kllt< lIll ;l1 1·. P · 1"" 1'( li t the Mde/". \ \. 1I11' plea se d to be abl e to :\1(1 IIldlgnuntly "Thl li Jllan - " IS of coul'se Ih e I 'Hd lll g f ulLirc WI NE: and 1'011.1.'1' \Ii I \I !.l .S "Ah. SOU'I' I' !"l·.l d ab out it III th e "I' t he p lac!.' 11l1d n o mutt " l \I hat T h' II t·nn I lid IJrug '10 1' , I '" I ;1 II11 S up ·to · clute' e ~ t a br A hp .lp I ~- H b (,,11 d ed mall. That's ' y ll u m:1I' need Ir\ th e hn (' o f Drlllt~ 1.1·1,:lnon. I Ju"l .I ~ 111',,1' !I~ IOUI' 1. I I lltl' 11 ' IHY Re id Dtug l ight, mada l1l. h ·'R tuk cn h l ~ hl'al d l ul l you have to do I~ t o go It l.'rl' n lll il br , ~. .) h i- 1111 ,Ill ' (h ,t' I ill ,'"II' ;It L 'ba n oll, whic h is o n e of "ff th l; ,dll' l lIl nO Il J . hn soll·-I hnt· ~ alld YOUI .eve l·y n ee d Will ue lake n J'ar~ ,, 1 I'o> t ('n:t!Jl l'~ Iltl ~ 111 1I1~ ' 1 . 1'. "cI Tl S~I't~ anu Il CI edit to Ihe OOIC<' I- , .11I h lll1 dll VlllK \\ltlt . , f f h "IIENRY RFID • 'tol'e tu Sel \ 1.- yl~\J :.1' llun\ l' llll'nt- III I ( \ I d lll unit y n gi l l 1.I1o und th£' p alk ." " ,lie U or t e ~ • Ag,lIn ' 11I"e"h d iet! u n her hp s "'I I\l'\" J.:llt hl' l t o' l1Igh t "Mr l;,"tOIl' , !l1 !.'Hy cl'ltain ~ h e 'lI put up n - lilica l I \It.·a n t o suy , , hc ' l l t e ll Ilh lJ h e r l't) IIII HIIlI On "a,. FIC,m .tli .1ccounts h 's !I m a n wh o', bt'l'n ' YEARS OF EXPERIENCE A ND RELIABILITY "1 11 Hl'Oli1 II"llh /I g-ICUl dcal In the pa ~ l )clll' of t Il O." She 1\8- ',l Ullll e(1, 1)('II II t\ l' I Cd , " he CO UIII only ~h.t1\(~ hel h ead ill There ca n . be n o. q ucs tion in this n ~en In lhe co mm ulllly \I h u hllve .il ong Lh j, It ne Th e l1l et h d s t hllt Dr. An s on l o_·l, 1 pro t s t. nge of lhe hI g h pllc es of hogs and' gll' en the matt I' dO "1:! stu dy I ~ 01'. " It t ou ldn't Ita. e 1/_' t' n til' ' uLhel li ve s to ck, that th e Pa l III I S '. W . ANSON, a t W.l yn '< I til e, U ~ l' 5 ,lr(! Lhe lI ulh o ntl es III t hIS ~,II '" :11an ," .,he ,aid .l l la ~ t. l alld Stock Rui se l s s hould u se j 'h o n (' !l;{. ulld who l ep r ~cIlI ~ th ' Itn~· . al\ d lh won d erful res ults he A COMPLETE LINE OF WALL PAPER AND PAINTS . . UII 10. k "o~~ " hlm - lh' fdlll,," c vcry efTOIt t o th e m , a s the bcsl th I e IS III th c JlI O f l:S~HJn,1 1 IS p l od u c lng' 15 the w nd e r a nd II It" I. li S It,- I (!. T it· de Ll'ctlve pnc e o f eve n a f ew m ea ns mu ch t o lif e of the lUlllm u1lll y. ,ldnlll'at Io n oj HII. W e wl Rh to ell ll the utlentlon O LOH OH : II A Dr. nnd t lw y un' Oi'l, Ilt'r I~ Ihe r e nll l'O!lt' a s we ll loo kt d ,Il he l ke en l)', h' ' th f I II L' l' k t t In the Annl1l1l Farm Editi o n w e . ".\ 0. nil." - lIt' -.:l ld 11.1."t. I,. " I li n III e way 0 man y 1 0 ill S I"IlIlII e l'S u ' n01l'1l I e pu II IO n I b I' f o r e Illal k·e ••. ove r th c c o un t " f our r ell( Iur " t (l t lIC "L' A I• MAN GU AHANTt:b:O NOT TO HA ' K 1"' I ~, d In Ih,' III·t of hUh1l' de· II!, II' t.j-,(JY~ hl . It" \\ o uld "be '.' s uch Io s t S h o u II( th ey (Ie ry iL l'"~ t ('.,L·tl I Y IIII~ are plca ~e c l l,> g' lve ment ion to pr, !'uper nnd P u int S l ul e, o n ' o ulh OR, PJo: I·. L T h .. li ne (If O ILS, I Il:t ll1 ~ IHIIl I' u n:unag-l!1 a n (xt l l\'l rd iIl UI\ ~u ln e ld n ce I I mg. t il Ill' \1'lIlHlcriu l l e ~ ult s pl udu tc d An so n Li nd hi S nc t ivltl S 111 behnlf STA l KS lind \ AHN [S II ES arc th e \\" . Illl p l('a "c d 10 hc IIbl c In " ]' \"(' I'.o t an 1',lea ]\1,'. G ·OI.t,) n SC Ien ce hus made Great Advan - b~ D r. C. W . Anso ll fficl e llt. lind I. f I'nu; m g lh e !<t.llldnrd o f !tv e Bl oat! lI" u l' , L1':J3ANON . ph ll n u ll :l L I h k 11' I I I h f U u e~t Iw t t e iliaI' ' ct \I orc " a ni IIl1lg t tl I (. tl t l('ntlon , () <lUI kn uII !: h im ,. TIl(' dl' t eli (. -hll t ccs III t h e prop e r care and pl (, l ('n' C.dlRC ll·nll ClU " ~l' rI' I C' , u nci Ull' re. stuc k in the co untry and CO \11Tlti 1 -~ talt li s hn1l.'nl car r ies i n h ' l'\' ul "tI rnll 1\ III bl.' ~lI rpl is!.'d ut I ('lHII'1 ~ till' . s tU I c. al L1~ BA l\Oi'l t h ~ df1~ 1' lo " llIncl h el a s ~he "nlk ed . lIO n of c ho le ra a lll on g H tJg~ an d JOI("lIlg "n!I' t h ' filet that they m ' n(\ hi S WO I k t o th ose of our -lOc k "'11' o f lhe lal"j,:e~ t dl sp la)s l.lw pll ('e quoted II n ti tht· anll.lIl1t III l h l<. o ur 1' ,HIll Editi on. an rl \'tl ll o"t 0 1 l h e 10fllll " I h eu r d hill1 lo th ' l Diseases am o ng st oc k : nnt! 11:11t. l,t1\t n at1 vunl.ll.;c til' th e I c:1I11' I s wh o ha ve n ot h e rctofQl'e (If ' Villi !'a ll"r lInti Palll l tllll ti n· I hu t ('1111 he s;l I'I'd eo n ~ idc l lllg th e \I III l1luk<, n(\ nll ~tnke III ca ll1llg at L ·lIlng ti l(' S ' I ge nt l h .lt h e n'; l.; ht I' I'C111 0Ht Ilmong th e plofe s<lo mti " lI nd el ful ad vances 111 sC lenc' IlIl"t ~ I ih ll1ed th e matte r. e lud e" l' ~ u ry s had e :1I1l1 1'0101. qll .!lity g- I\ en Th ey cUlr y U COI\1- t li l~ <,'t.· h l .. hnll'nt and l'e l ~c ting l be the full oll wh '\ ns knif ed t he Th e i l' are a nlllllbc l' of es tabli s h "It'le lin e of S II ER WI N- WIL- ~'''U I \ ' 111 1 l'a p"I' and P Uln ts. lII,.ht a ma n ,n amcd L ,·win,. was IlI l' nl s throughou t th e countty LIAII'I PA1NTS Th,· Kaufma n 'tMe at LEBA. ktll cd If Ihat ~ t he CII ~C , h " s o nl y ~. N n ISII CH rll' CS U complet thllt muk " It n l o int t o carry a The managel' is thoro ughly up- " IlI1e lIut IIf hoslll " t:.! 1 '1 few II-I .. YS . " st oek in th is lin c Ihllt is goo d lo to-date un d e ffi cie llt ill rega rd to IIf HI::AUY III A DE ' LOTHING . h!.' o n el d t he. o R)(:e l so m c • ,; , . ' n'o nc),; h e r (' fu ~cd It WIth great I'Jll k III hu t t he " Qu ulit y Is N o t ('" lars an d s hade" thnt go to cor- WOHK CLO I III'.S , S HOE S, firI1l IH'~" and esc OIl ed to h e r t UXI Th(I('. " I·e. pond wtth d eco rnti o n s of yo ur D RES. GOODS, NOTIONS She was I mll1d e d bv th e flll e' MIGHTY OAKS FROM LlTTI:E ACORNS GROW In thiS Lll rg!.'. Fros h and W I! homc and th e y li re n eve r to o b lls y IIA RLJWARI~ . I·;T C. In fac t th ey : when s h e r e ach e d he r h o u ~e, th aL S t·l ·rl t'tI S t()~k of WALL I'AP I~ R 10 g- i,' !.' y o u th e be nefit o f yeurs of CHn su p p ly a lmost .w\' n eed of s he h a d b ee n lwo hOUl S ab e nt. y " u 1'. 111 fll1 d ,\Ill' [lCSIg"1I !llld Pat.- c· :-'pl.'l·} nc c t hnt they hav e acquired th e av(!rn ge /l O ME. Their mer. , She WIl S 1I 0 t shocked: it WIlS too Th e manage m ent o r th e ~ENIA try uve r, howev" l, hll g l <)11 n h I' X E~ I A II ATC Il EHY, w h en they I ~I 11 YO II ma y Wi sh. H ele IS lhe in Ih e ir vocation. (hllnclt:e i ~ (I f th ~ HI GHEST t r cmcn d o u s a dl , co ve l~ 0 pro 'luc c H AT HERY. .outh White man , le[lps and bo unc ls as I hl' Cr,lInll Y ~l ntl tllIll! pn,pll id t o youI' d o-or. Thi S IS lhe tim {' o f year \I h e n Q A LIT' lIml o ld at MODER- " 1l1 0tll,n al l~ hl'nO !ll e lln of th e co I1l- 1XE:-lIA , phnnc J\lnll1 475 R , hav e h as Jt l'e n settl(' d till and I hi pop ul,l I IIi n ol he ~ atl ~ft · r! With cheap, \11C h'II I'I·" t Kitch e ll P:1P (' I' t o thl' n\l,~t ('xpen Slve, nt JlrtCCS t haI will n l\l hOlll eR wll! nl'ed 1('· !leclll·nt lll g' ,.\ TI:: PRl r. E :, Th e K .lIlfm a n 'I ~J~d~I~~~ klb,d' k .~ e bcce )tetl ~Ulkt lulway s h ud II notion th ut th.e sehn - tion morc den se, b ecau sl' It IS COI1l· 1'11111 1' , tf)ck. \lit n at l ittle 01' no -l.l nd ~II n llw tl t iolt . ~' '' I lt unci there IH n o til'lll b etic)' .' lm(' " l! ll t'I'!.'~ lit QU I ' K SA II-:S ' .Ill CI , .ulgal, 10 ( - l tLlC !.'s they us ee! to c opy In tC! I1l hn ly kll uwn that thlc ks glOIl " xll a (",1 rllu ea n o bt.a ln "Chicks" 'MA LI PRO"'IT 1111·lch l t l IJl'bnllll1ll'l ·collll~ahllIohn c,,- old copyI book hwCl e abo u tf lihg h t. Ilito nll'at f ast I , II Ith les. ex· !tal,' hl'd Ilnd en l e r! rOI' pro p e J"!y I llt lw I'AI~T DEPAHTl\-n:NT 1 1\1' II:lr~ d tn se r v(' .v "u than th e and .., ,. lo na e Ilr le s , Wit t. (' of ca llJu nlll e~s " ~ O ll 1\111 tintl PAI NT . (I f EVERY l<A U F 1AN ,TORE at LEBAN· mcans a lu!"!!,,' \' o lullll' n f bu s lll e~s. or a se lenLls t wh o had h!\JlJl c n ~ d 1 II Il'Y h e leve t at m u ny 0 t cse l.en s e <illt! I',om I cq ulIllll l' nt thull and thnl arc plOduc ed by Ro c ks utlll'I' Il v(' ;;to('k. l ' lI l1 t'ls al e luy· IIl s p c(; tL' d li n d <lPI> I'ovl.'lI by the ~==------~=====-:===~==:=--:========~-::==~== lIpnn :1 new a nd lilt !"cs tin l.; d, s (' uv I Old rul es fO I s uccess hal'c I1 l.'vcr - - - - - - - - - - c ry, Lee n Inlprov cd o n , uno n eve r WIll I1lJ,: a t !j til ~ nlont h ~ o f agl' anrl Il IU ll" J,:l' ll l~ nt of th ' X E N I A HCI O WIIS u n imm e nse hllp p l'n- be. They IllllY be o ld-fas hion ed eggs HI I! In blg'/!,c' l deman d :lIld I If\T IIERY Str o n g li nd s turdy .. Ing. 'f o dls pl uy anJ,{c l" 0 1" hUl11iltn- nbout so me thi ngs but they tllInk brIng h p i tcr 1"'ICl'h th un ('I " I' Iw· .• ' h lck~" silch II: arc hatched at III like Y04 Io n \\ollle! be nhs ul"d. On ~ h us no It IS eve n IIl Ol"e [leee.·sal·Y t odn.y ~o l ul'l' . S,\ th (' dll<:k(' n I l u s in (',~ IH till S h!lt che l y IV III regnrc! f ~ I' a se ns(' of dece n cy g- IV' J (i o un ee: to t/l e pound, Ill) h lln g"11l1-( II I Ill ll l't' acLunl pH, fl t (/11 III IIn Cl y. LET 'REIF" SOLVE YOUR ELECTRICAL TROUBLES wltl.'n. /l eellng fl'Olll a ll ellrlilCluuk c Ine hes to Ihe YI\l'd and 4 pecks t Q tlH' back lu t o r uig fal 'm t han lillY TilE XE N iA HAfJ'C HEjlY . .In rl It:. tutnbhn g wulls . XEN I A wck om e v is ltol'S to lheil' ' he we nt to bed; and s u ch is t he bu sh e l. This In t.he way th ey ot hc r e l'o)l. 'rh e fo ul)dati o n of s ucc ss In lh e cst ll blt s hment !l nd t h ey will be Th e lighting of your home r e- fOl' the hgh t. lhey Jlrovlde, Ill e rlt I (' In tl v(, to eledl"i cfl l wll"lng the sC I'e ni ty of n r esolut e mind st arte d (I ut to do bU Rln ess aile! t he /l e cls y Oul' ttl -te. One s h o uld se· MI' .. R e if and hi s a ssis tants ar e ll nd Il hen the work is co mpl eted t hu t . h e s lep t dl e aml essly In the wond erful growth they have lit- po ultl'y bus in ess Is the q ll ultty 01' " I"ased to c XlJ lnln to yo u the m~th e l e trl cal s pecia li s ts who will g lad It 11'111 n ot. o nl y be f o und pel f edly m orni ng ",hill! s h' wus s ilting at Inin ed is PI e lty good pro of tha I he " H I nt aTe ijelectecl o r! II s('(1 hy them ill hatching I ct the lig ht fixtur es ulIll th e Iy help yO ll with th e e lectl'ical "n ll :-facturv . bu t will confo l'm to b l" cu k.fa st came In!!pectol" G o rton; thl' wo rld IS full of p eop le lik e Bel 01I' YOLI plncc y Oll\' 0)(1 1' 1" fo r " 1I1(' KS" untl if yo u are u per. ];Imps fOI" th e ll' ho m o With t11 (, plnn f or YOlil' n ew h ome 0 1" lhe the I' ul c's of til!.' und e l'wl"lte l s and she l iste n ed cu lml y to h is co nfe ll- lh'l1\ 'Inti wh o still lik e to cl eal "nABY C HI C KS" th(' 1'1! shlllll,l bo so n wh c, b pa rll e ulal you will tiPslO,~ ,o f radUrl l , . wi t h f(~ lks 'wh o h ave no l forg ott e n tl I easo n for buying wh c r e you d n PI ('clU l C tlH' il Id e a of I r y lng to be s um e ca l'c that they choosc th e plslll s for t he hom e y o u nrc I"clll od Will be I elf ' cl ly sa f e, Dis ta n ce h o uld not p l'eve n t yo u Ill s t IW lce a s cflref ul a s lhey r eally II·IIt? H e II:I S n co mpl ete Un c of 1' 00 Illuch cn l' e cnllil t be taken 1 he f ellow I an hk e a ha!' e. H e the · 1 (' Th I in t e llOl fUlni shin gs. e lI ~P ay ... Il\U ~t hu\'e bc e n n t lutn !.'d a thl"te " , o ld -tim e I"ule fl. ~ o un · fro m o btainlllg " C hi c k '" £1nlll t he n(·l· d he Ilbo u t every littl e detail of IU IllJl ~ and flxtul"e s lit H ::>W· npp h n n l! l! s nnd flxtllle s nnd will with affnil" $ of Ihl ~ kll1d. aR fir e. he soid "['Jll pl·(.tty sure n O~I' 1 hi' poultry lt us lIless t hl' A"O anywhcl c "ilhin II r e a so nabl e o ft e n I'e s li lt f m m IlllperfecL wil'- that h e IS the fr llc;", who 11'11 " = ARD REI F' S ELECTRICAL d lstanc!' t o g-I VC a n est llllut('. Elce- inl('. H e hil S le:l l'n ed all o f t h e k nife d in a ga ng fight in SOllth S IIOP, Mulbeny . tl"e e t, L e banon, Ill c iLy is n o longe r a lu x ury- it littl e IIllricaei eR of thi s busine ~s LI~ nd on L ewlll g" lIas loll ed ." phone 183, offel's yo u many slIg· is n lI ('c e ss ify A hom e that is und h :lR had :t 11'111(' expel'lc nc e in "W11I1 was I.ell Ill!!? " she usk!'d ge sti o n s. He not only handles Illlt e le cllicully wire d i s cut off e ve ry bl'llnl!h of t he Il o rk. Th ereGorl o n s hrugg ('(1 hiS bl"ond houl ders, Fixtures and E lectrical Supplies , from th e co mforts a h ome sh o uB fore, he Is compet e nt to. hand}e "Nobody 111 particular, although EXPERT PLUMBING AND HEATING SERVICE but he makes a specialty of House have. e ve!'y featurc, of the bUSIn ess In, he gave his nam e to a gung, The Wiring, also, This well known concern. and the. m ost effiCIent and s atisfactory real leader o f the crowd is a Y o u Will find here, too, all the He confolms to the present day the man who directs its affairs has manne r. A'c n tjen1Un named Danty More llWha t the arterie s arc to the h e wdl tuk e th e co ntrnct to entire· d e mands in lighting and lIts into made qUIte a study of all thl} probAs regards el ect rical contracting th o ugh he hl' ,,,]'t taken any very bo dy, a plumbing s ystem is t o the Iy install th e plumbing sy stem in fixtures f or n modern vapor heatthe sc heme of modern building. lems J:onnected with the wiring of wirin g and so forth he is in a po- l actIve , . ' " h o me. This comparIson is indeed yo ur h ome. H IS wo rk is guuranteed ing s ~· t c m In the home. Scientists have long agre ed that the mOlt Everyone now buys lights fix- house and general electl'lcal bus- sltion to take care of all work, She had put down hOl' cup, tures as much for the decorative iness, He is conversant with the large or small, In the mo s t, com- H~, snw how wh;te her ta~e wa s. not farfetched. Bpth require care- and hi s pliees t h e m os t rea so na- h ealth y kind of heat Is that s upvalue they lend to the- home as laws of the state and city govern- petent mannc}', Danty Morell, You don .t me~n ful and expert Ilttention when bl e poss ible co n s ist ent with th e Il ieu by the vap or system and hot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr Dun~n Mo rell who hVM m they need rep~r, U your c~c~a- h~h qU~I ~ of hi S H r Vlc eL H b wat er. Half Moon Street?" b d excelle nt WOI k and hiS n ever failBORDEN ilves ypu exp,rt ser"PernliPs I OUghtn ' t to have tory system is . a, you are Subscribe for The Miami Gazette said that, but thought Mr, nlrd doomedo j if the plumbing system ing s ervIc e togeth er WIth th e ~ if.l" h vice The propf!X" installation p~ ~ hod told YOll. You kn ow MI'. Bird 1 of a home i& detective, you are grade ma te rial s which h I.' liS S Va por or hot w!\ier furnllell II -~-~-~--J h:fe you don't know Mr. Morell I neve r at peace. have earned f or him a r epLl tat lOn t h e job of no apprentice, It rllSTUDEBAKER-DESOTO-PLYMOUTH " kn ow him very well," she RA YMO!'lD BORDER, THE a11 a sanita ry ong ln ecl' n Ot e xeel'ct· C! 1I11'C S t he most careful knowleqgc sal ; h e r voice wa s st e ad y and she PL UM BER, N. Columbus, Ave. d 11l thi A se ctIOn of th e - tu le . o f th l' p rinc ipl es of heat and IOIjt{ The .JOHN LAW & SON GAR- SOTO hu s CI enled a Nationnl intel' l If you v i~ lt t he BO n rlEN t'xpe ll e nce to furni8~ an a(lI wa,s s mrlillg". "But you ma y r ely on XENIA ,phone Main 6 ,1 t mak es It I Ill) dl l'c r et lo n, lllspecto l - T fe el h b . s to put a nd keep thl! PLl..!M BIN G !:ill OI 'S ~tOtk 1'0'1111' '1 I1 Hlntance WIth tpe prllctlQ81 pljAGE on North Eas t St., L e ban o n, cst with its man y improved e ng- In-I lIlm ost ll ke a S ro tlanfl Ya)'cl offi ce I' lu s lne~ t f youI' h o use In you Will see Ihe re lh e B ~~S 'l' lhnl tH ti s whi ch d ete rmine th!! successce ring f ea tures lind th e fact that it IJh o n e 66, hal'e the agency for is t h e LOllest Pl"ic ed ETGHT in the my self ., p Un! )I ng ~ys em 0 . clln b e bought ill t he lin e "r fu l o p,' I'ation o f such a system, She had h e l hHl1 cl:$ ( oltl ed ill he l' 01de l'. ' I b I 'I' h Ii lIll ee I~u mou s Cal ~-the PLY- world today. It is pow e l'erl by an i N" €'dl css to say, the e nVIable pell I LIp so t hat h ' cn ulcl n o t . c ' how BORDEN THE PLUMBER a ncl P um Ing ~ llPI' 1(', u xlul .~ MOUTII- DE SOT J lind STUDE· B IGHT CYLINDER " S ILVER ale o r th " lut e~ t cI ~ .. wn a n d h,ll'l' u (uLlon o f t his popular RLUMBER th ey w e I e t I'em)III ng, I his e,11p I(J :o;ees hfive g BI lI elI th II t ,.. BAKER, DOME" ENGINE and hu s Illany i "He IllUY, o f COur fiC . hllv e tur- mastc rv or th e ir trad e which only th e 1l10 ~t 111 nJ! t' l Il se\~ n l. tfk lIppl ill n ha, bee n achIeved only by dotng The ..e three cars represent the o t hel' feature s which w!.' (' n n not I P!?d ov pr R n ,!w len f ," RaId GOI'_ 1com es wi t h cnr e rul s tudy nnd IOI!~ l!C ~ tn IISS lIr !! tht'lr ,· n n v,·nh' IWe . 1l\1 "l n e~s 0 11 /I fait' and honest. basi8Bl'~t an d I1WA. Sc ienllfica lly balnn c 111'_nll1l n beca u se o f the limitation I ton, u.n eas lly .c o n ~ O IOU K thu l h e I expe ri ence If VQU huve plllmbing You 11111 ai sil till d ,111 dl sp lu y \oJ I'eo pl t! Instinctively fear sanltar)l e cl Auto mIlQI I ~!; 0 11 th e markl,t to- o f Hpuce. • I had aid th e I~ l o ng t hillg'. (, ollle t. hI y~U n ~e d look n o fUI th ('! t hI s h,lIlse t h; · In te ~L h;ltcll clI png-i n ct!1s becaulle ot 'their fees, , of t hes e fe llow~ tl o. 1 kn e w th l're 's I OU e s, I ed pl um bin g s up pil e" . All th o, .. con(In y T hc ~)J.: 'OTO and PLYIn ndlllti on to the se two wond e r'I'h l' ll! Is not Il home In this 'o r be~n 11 0 c l)lTlpia lllt aga inst h ill1 at to have them el.lm.llllt. , vl'n lent· t's "h ie'" t ul,,· L1 wa~ 1 t he Su rrou n(ling communities" wheTI' M U UTII I ' v e that cie ntift c Eng- flll CII I'S th e JOHN LAW & SON t h e VBI'd fo l' a ve l r lo ng time. 1 If y ou a re bUIlding !I hf) n~c conin t· rin g all d P.lec is ion W o rkl11an- GARAGE lit Le ba n o n, also ha ve Morell isn't hi s nome, o f cO lll'se- T s uit him. He will gladly a d VIse yo u dl udgery f" OIll kl te h n kO I k. S I1lJ( ~ t hiS finn has done work that will shi p t h u t IS haracteri stic of the agency fol' t he l ong famou s fOI get whut I ~ I' a s, bul the as to the very best that clln be o lt- whIch e ontll l1l t h l' Iutest. co nv e nI e nt no t vo uch for the r.easone,bleness STANDARDl ED S TUDEBAKER, Y ou nil kn ow t he H RY" L 8 R Sparlow--l ml~ 1I11 f.1r. Bird ~ n IWIl tailled in the way o f a plumbing d cvl'c to make s u c h la k · a s di ~h of the charges and \:he .big quality Q ALTT Y. w('nrI rfu l recol'd ~ that are h eld by oI t he work. W Olld el'ful f e lllo w, n.. nlyf He "an Isystem fot yo uf home. If you \V'i ~ h \I'a ~ llIng less a nn oyin g . T he PLYMOUTH, at its New the STU DE6-AKER of Its wondertalk the hind, IeA' o ff I) donkey , . ,. =====~======== ==:=~7~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=~ L ow P r ic e is now one of the Low- f ul .perfOl1llanCe, ea st of hanclllllg, The y SHY lIe" th e c !t: vcr est co n- 'I -. death in its most hideous aspect-e s l Priced Om's ' 1\ the ·world. The etc., i/1 filet the TUDElBAKER is fid e nce man t hat ev I' o llet'utrd In . . I tl b 'lJieved IInll s() m~h()W ~h e wus IIplc to Fo p e opics. H e was face to' f~e )IIit~ Eudop('. P rl~ap'g h ("s made beheved hllll Imp ICI Y. - L k "ith probl e ms which t h da y Il ll- It \\IllS i'mpossible to }nlata p 'rIonne ll 4 D o or, "5 PUBso nger SEDAN a "Real Buy ." I n o uP'h m oney to retire" I him wh en he told h er that u.e f tWe " ' ould hav e tel'rlfil!d \te l', Of ' t t' d t -'"'''L ' n O\l s 'll:; for $626 F . 0, B, FactWe s llggC!;t th at you cal! at the DlI'hton 1 0 1'~11I H (),~ hn d p h . l nnd houn~ ed h~!l: brobtl)er: ht o-hh:ds th" a' t n'~w g if t f< h e wa s un no n - ner S til n lon- an Yll or ..... 1 .. ··o\·y. Il r d HV'e qulp ped wi t h weather , JOHN LAW & .. ON GARAGE at . c ome to kl1Qw him? Sl1e fried 't n , d eath, be h eved hIm",: en e_ a sc iou s--sh e co uld only 1\eel the b;l~h~a:!rl~~ ~~~~jall~I~OilcuPte4 1 prl ( f in ~ IHi l-(!xpandinl;" ~ 'wheel L e b nn o n a nd hav e t helll g ive you , trace b lu ;k t.ije fl" nd"hlp. Of' producldd that note wTltt-en o n t'~~ effe ot. hy d l aulic ~es, has a 45-horse- the full d ctm l ill \l'gu r d s t o difj COUl','e, It WM ' hln' brothel!- hel' s mall sheets of no~epaP llr-thl During t he houl'S which LUl\ (TO be contlnued) po wel' hlg h-co)"pres io n ngine, ferc nt prices mr\d t! I ~ , etc. Th e y I }loor b,:ot h eT--wb o hud ' Intredu- at least was genllme, . for . Ie Maddison had spent in hi s prison ~ \ c ed him, R ex knew so man):' kn \II her brotherls wrjtlljlJ,w rId hou~e. It. was elJl ioua t hat b e fOI (' ed fl' c d lubrication nnd is are always glad to give " Yo u any ROSSAKB ' qu ee r nc c )ple I ... tru sted I)imShe was viewing 11 new , ~hould think m little on se riou s Subscribe motlntcc! on rubber: wltile the DE inf()l mution you desire. T~ of Scat. . ahe had truste(i Da rity_ She had or viewing if from II new anglo I '1'1,,' ( ' III C ld':N IlOI S I:, .I l 01 - all " Pl' I,lt"ti h~ Ih ls IIl'lI kllOlll'1I XI'N I A . r,:.! 1 \\"st S t <:nll d St. ",, "IPIl I1 V t!t al tlll ~ f,,:twl" Is ll" I't 11· ln,. 11111 1'(' "tl "nUlln 1111"1 111 1111 ' 1,111 1111 ' ~1.1I11 I ~ I I) Is ,,,,,. tl r th c· l l ~ t od ay IIlId pr of.(1('~" al o ng I III ~ Ill s tltull"l1 ~ t hat h.II·" l1latlllltl il- 1111,. IS IIlIlt l(" lIla" y n ouc·I·. llJl e in IIII I<-t! III lh ,' t1 e\'l' I0!J nll' n t of thi s Ih .. clIlll nlulllty w lll' I (' tit.· PI"" llill" 'I' ' 1·,· tIOIl ,t! the ~ Iat(' allrl hil S I's- kllllll ~ th ut h I\i ll r l'Cl' II' C lhe p l"'l a ll ) hl'('11 I n ~ IIUllll' ll ta l III III .! . !tWht"l pnel' , fO I h i" POlllt l l'. illg the p"Igles" !If tIlI Cl I(",d I:g-I.;;; and othe!" 1' l"o du l'C 1": 11111111 g- In th t' Cllllll1lllnit ) Anot h ~ r r l!aturl: "r till S I' I' I ~ s"nll'c " I' Ih " T h, (' III (,KI': l'\ II O I '~ J.: fill ' sall , flll't ol Y ni,Ill!~ Ih(' fUllll el"s I,it h a l11u s t .,,1· C lII ·I\ l·: . 11 0 S f-: at XENIA " lal'tago'liu s m a l llt't fDl l h" 11 J: gg t h,· ('III II·tl'S I· .llId 1I(l'III1II1Wtilltlrlll IIntl PI<ld~ c,', nn, 1 th elr r o r e op t· l · IIhlt'h 1ll:llk's lIlt' 1I dl' a l ln~ \\llh I he Tll i.. est.lhli - hl1'l'nt Is ., ll·S n il Instl lut iol1 l i ~ IIr !:" I l·.ll I' r o<lIl<:I'1 ('(, IIIIOII1I1'n l I'l1l u C' to the plI"h~ ullder till' di , ('c tln n II I' (<ll1 lp,· tel:t 'I hl' II' p llt'e~ al e f ill I1W \(' LI Vu l · lo u"nc"~ 1I1('1l a nd th,'~' hal'l n,,· ahll' thull w UlIld bt, ~ UCllfCtl b y th e oei,ill',1 With th(,1l1 on ly <; urh a:~ I -Ill·UPIi.' II thl Y ha tl t u ~ h l " l·be· I!ln b ,, '\ th ey CIIII dt·,,!'nd 1I1l"n til 1111l·ll·. ril l' II Is :l I' e ll kll o wn f,ltl I l ndc' l Ihe nl n,t cn UI"I(IIII" 'el\' l (' . Ihat t hi S (l. nCI·1I1 Pays Ihe T op of 'I'hr v .11 (' a h,. \~ ~ w tl lt llg a n d lh t: !t1l'kl' L III <I II lllll es 1(',l tI) In /!"II'C YlIU Iht· I ,tlt: ~ t 1111 r · ; 1/1 ' of Ih e l ('cog-llI zed prln 11'1. k('1 quol:ttll. n s ,llId Ih" s(' " 1~llI lI g "f l a l'l1l111g- nl o ll~ ~elt'n lili l: !t nt' s t o t il 1I1111 1.; ('t the ll pl (Jd u Cl' ~lt u ul t! dli V I ~ t he 1 11I ~ 1I1g o f I'ou ltl")" and UI' t III t ou t h \\lth th em LII' CH t oc l; It IS b ec all ~ e o f t.he \\" " afe pl l'I1>t'tI If! '0\111'11111 nt l·xce ll e l1t ~l! rV I CI' lI lld lh e d eK lI·a· lhe (" III , I\E Il l) S I: aL XI" . 'IA hi e nUll k,·t nO''' 1tl l' d loy wdl hO llses " n thl' 1I0 , ltl o n th ey hold Hlld Iha t

I Ill' 1\' 1I·1t.llo ll' 1I01\(·ic s h.II,- Illll1 l I' d \" "1I :tit a " ult·d "I' I"t l·\" lI ln;.LlH' Ill'si .. I' 111'II\ n "'lIl :tlld thc I I k I 11K "', 1 lila I II JIliN" HI II I tl lllt' S 110111 Ihl s 111111 rl l(' IlIul1 a gl'l ~ ,.f the (' 1111 1, 1': l'\ II O t . S F: also hal'\" 1\1 l"III1I1U·l.ltl n 11ll' A INE X (;no· C' I': l{Y Ilh" IC ~" 'lI wil l I,u)' lI othlllg Illlt qu a lity Ht al l llln,'s F ll ll n \l lll/t "tll ,H' 01' .'.lre 1I1·.N lll . I {SO~'S rllI Cttilll'S 01 1\\\"1\11 III S Il H I ~ \' E POWI' 1.., T Ill'" hun 'ldll ptl d Lll!' , u i,' " I st' ll lng al 11 "l1a ll I1HIl/till . .h they fllndl' he ll l'\'l' In QU IC K O:; ·\ I.I: S .Inri !-i M.\1 I I'f{OF IT ClIlI .II thl" A I \:\:X (;rl ()('[R' and ~l't! Ihr ;1 SP tl'''''~. 1'11<')" u r I' doing t' lt 1'1' thill g- th l':' (.Ill to P I'ol1l1Jf e t h r' hUYlng pf I tr)~ I E 0\\':"\1-:1) ~ T()J{E~ il L LI·: A, llw ll ey Li ke n '·UI of lltl' CII\lIIllU nll .l , I lik e wal< I' th.11 fl o \\ ~ 0\' ( ' 1' II d ,lIll. Il i~ C"o nc 1'''1'' ' ''' 1". \\ It, " '"11 h<ll l a n '>\ ' IHr llullltl' lun l' III 011 I\WKII. all d d"n 't f ,,, gd to (',11 1 .11 lhe .\ I:\1.X (,HO C I': RY at X I': :-; I A Ilh( 11 II I Il ", d 1, 1' (;nCJ I) 'I' IIJ :\(, fi T ~) EAT


















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ita. Tb re is no glory in bein, allowed to talk, WhRt thlJ)' want ISSUIW ~~ VERY WEDN ESDAY i to be pre\'en t d from talkinlZ . That RiveR them II high dcgr e . Ilti. fllctiuri lind gives ('olor to , D . L, CRANE Publi.h er tlwir c1ai.m th!,t fret' !'.pel' ·!, is Ih)1 ,'h(' C'" IIL>U :-;\ II'a l' C:""P \\'a~ ti ll ullowed In thl.s country . So wh e!l s t'n' ,>i 1t1' I'U\ r"~II\'lty on ~e PhD u ............ ........ ... No. 112 :\1"11R ~ .idC\n() .. ....... ............ , ...... No. 118 th(>~' fnunc!. 11\ Nl'w Ynrk, ('hl- .IllY night. ",h",n .· i~!t) l·n ~OUpll'" ~lIg" unci elsl' \\'he!'(', Ih ('y ! "uill £' d o wn f r ""1 ll n\'lo n 10 JlOI' w~ re n ot Il'oi ng Sub. r'plion Pri e, $1.50 a Year WI t h. th.y b~egan toIII b e illt'~rfe l' (>d lnkt, of Ihl' );"nia l ' h(\. pilll iity. thrpw IhlnJl:s lit All enj"~'ed Ih () ,I<:)i i,lllS l' hil' klo" th .. I~() I~(' ~ '" I he e!fort to provok ' rna: t cI in ' th alo lll'K :lIld I'gj.(S j'Q,toHi ~ 01 K' 'I''>' t'ul. " illc !'e~ahatlOn .lo wlllch Iht,y ~o uhl l b oi1ed in s u lta !' wllt e r" t h t! fla\, o l' ,If "'1'1'0.4,. 'er:o nd Cia; . Mo i l 4'0 "" . JlQII,lt ~ l'Vlden c of Ol 'pr('. !Hon . \\'hi h ca lln 1 nlkllll\' hur ts n o b ody unl ess Ih e oth e r W'IV .. ~ Ill' .. hllli,,!:'11 in al1~' fro rt is mad" t o sll pprclls it. Lik e : .. , . . . MAl{ ' 1\ 1\1, It/. (1 riynllm1 tt' ,th ese IIgitllto r s Ill" Il l' . 1 1.• • •. t1n L.l\!~l . I \! 1l :1111>- II'! II t1l1ru~~ r o u s o nly wh c n confin d ' l \-CI'Y err til'."! " I>llliltllln, ~ ufTl' nllg­ -- - .-- - =====:->-== -I Gh'l.' th e m 11 c han e t o IpL o f "tea m fl'l)m ~ustnt l ~. hy ullking theil' h nels off, it they ~ l l's. :hu". G onIo wunt . 10 , li nd t h l' I'C~t of tlw w Ol'itl 'l f!'(lm an [l Und, ul' n i ~ rl'cuvl' I'i! )1!' j!1'i p(1l' I wil l g'O IIbo ut it: bu ~ in . s with ut . . ,. . LETTIN G OFF STEA M , hothc'I' ing' with tht' lll. Try t n Jlll ss 1.1a 1'1'1<:1 t 1 u('I,,·1' lind H ,,~' I "(] 1H' 1 h th 111 lind n !!,oo d many 1 . .. lal'k ~ I I PIJl· d IIway to L .. l>lIll li n _ _ _ _ __ • h onest but s tupid peo pl e will be r.u e~d:JY find \\ ,'1'.' marnl" 1. On g- in to wo n del' whethe r afte r nil \\ ed n : lh.IY they dl'pal'l d for E\' I'~' hll 1l111n bei ng hlls II l'ight t here i ~ n't so methin g in th iI' , W nlh o ndlll j:t, wh el'c R tlY. 1: 1 e l1l -, claim that t o ~!l y whft t ht! Ihinks , ani! HO long they are being perse- I Jll o~1 d Ilnd wher e th(' y. will mllke U~ in sn~'i ng il he dueR not dil'ectly r uted . And that is the im press ion th c II' hO':le. Th e b. ~t w I ~ h c;; .o f lhe t hie! e I er~ til crime 01' ofTen ·j h ey arc trying to convey. c o mmulll ty go WIth the m . public rI . ce n cy. nob ody hll 1\ r ight ~!r . and :'£ I's. H er h<'l't F ile and t l, ~ tl'l' him (1'11111 ~ r e llkinl!' hi !l J an e Ell e n (I f \\' a~hinl.rt(ln wl.'l'e III i nd. Stlnduy !-('Ul'st ~ "f :'.11'. :.Ind ~11·s. T h:n is tIt I' S\l111 nnd s llu1\ltlnc l' Fr a nk \\' il ~ (oIl. 'Willia m Mitchel l of Elizabe th, N. J.• and hi, \\'Ift-, who ~l'Il'I,ral [If lIl1 l' ('UlIsJiU ll io na i ~ \HlI'IlI1IN' o f l' d tlH' 70th annivcr s.ary o f their marriaR f on Mr. Mildlt'll'~ 92,,11 t'1'('('().>n1 o ( s pe()ch. Th f' l'e is hlll'lIl y S\in d :I ~' t1il1l1f'1' 1{1I ('-I.< "f ~!r . !lilt! 1.irtlllla y. MI ~ . A . . . . C o llpll wl' I'e ~II' , :lnd " I "'r~()n li\'1llg wh l> d (lc~ 1101 at 1'111' D o rcas C lub m e t w it h Mr ~ . l\ l r ~. 1';VI'I'I' l t \ ·ilbl'~. t il11C' yl '1I1'11 (PI' lilt' 0p pu l·tllnity t o nillv :lnd . Mc Ka y o n Thur~du y. H on n lol. ~II'. :lIld 1\11" . A. 1 .· I1:1I·, h "I,:t ." IT Th e I!(' tn ~ drop hy I.'XI) I'('ss ing h! ~ N. . 1· l'i'·a l,· fu lI l' 1'11 1 H' I'\'icl'S We r e When tt'ue hl'_II'l s 1I\\·ny IIp,,flO n pf t hI' way t w \1' ,' 1'101 I. lIul'/!l'I' ;\I i" IlI ·a l l'il·I' . :11111 lil' \\' ith H ,'d Rl'v. and 1\1rs. Kilm c r hnv e re - H,dll ' l'l (!lnd I·"" d ud,· " \\· I·d "" ,\lav ·,.lI l,tl "f 11:lytr ,n . IIfl(' t'l1o,>n I'UII. :llI d "f tlH' Ill'llpl,' \\'h o have And 1'0,,01 o nl'~ Ill'r fl o wn. I urlled; Mr .. Kilm er wh ll hn, b CI' n 1'111' Ed 1l,·,'\\'I1. \\'h~ , j.lIssed aWII )' 0 , \\'ho \\'ould inhabit :I hnnd ill I'lITillinJ( it. i ll . is m u ch improv e d in hculth. ' ~II'~. ('k'" ~l lI l1 II lb~' . Cra~' IlllIl' ni alld ng. (J:,u~h · . A },! o tlcl many }J 1\,'ple 31 't! fnnn. I 1'hi" hl l'ak wo rld llIOTl L''! . It'r, Alkl' alld l\ :lthl" " 11 "p, ' nl tic s on' 111l' sllhj ,' d o ( s l' l' akin g Miss Ma ry Cnlll'lt i ~ ill1prllv in ..:' ')'u l', oIlIl' ;\11'. :l n d ~II ' ''. O. ~I. Hid l!' o f in 11:1\' 1"11 . tl" ' il' Il,illd". 'I'h,,\' Iu\,\' t l1 Ilttract nicely fr om an o pe roti o n I' l' rfor- ' WII ~'ll (' ~\' ill. , ('a lll'd . U II Ill' . and . at McC IC' lIan lI o~ p itul til "11Ii oll '1 " th':I11""I,,(' s, a nt! to '''(' d ill T h. · (; :1 n il' F.r"li,· p ut O il 1,.\' th,' ,\11". F. S. Tl' il' l) :-:lIl1c1IlY . TIME LOST :1 1111,"' Ihll:" ill auth urily, W IH'11 Xenia Saturdn y. ~l'lII !'" T hlll " " I,,~' " V "llln~ wa.' V{'tv (' nl <'l l a inin l! ~t r l d iI fl t ' : t t :-01 1111 II flid a ls tr y 10 s U)JP1'l'Ss t hem . MI·8. II a rllld H"blnso ll i ~ s p e lld - \l'a ~ 1·lIal (· d r,, 1' "dl",,1 th l'~ I' \'o cifero u s ones nrc hnppy . in/! n!'(·.k ":-l ow . •Jllm'·. ·... ~ " id [IH' t<',·,r h rr. II f ew dny s with r e lllti\'l'~ in ". . II I)I' ''\'('~ Lhlll th,' \\' ol'l d b nil Fl ol'idll. I I IIl"u" p,' 1' Hli d pla y )ll\',' n b,l' I : "if YOUI' fllth(')' (' lin tI'l 11 pi u 'r ,f \\'I' o n~ . Till')' 1111111 I' d ill tc l~' h L' co l11 o. IIIL' r. I. ( '. (,I,, ~, "I' th,' ;\1. E. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. M. G. Philips nnd Sun day S,' in tl1 ,11' mind s und the mind s o f I \\' 0 1 k ill fine hnul' llncl y lIlIl' Illull" I' h,),,1 F ridav I' \','nill)[ Wa' ~ li th I" lIk e th e m, m ur tyrs to th e Oll of C ill c inll uti w('l'e \\'I'ek -I'nd \1', II ai ,·n d e d and I I;"I'" r un d o il i ll onr hOllr . h ow lOll! : I ~' pnjlly,'d g u ests of Mr. nnd Mrs. G. A. cnse o f II' e speech . '1' 1 ' . . Philips I wOldd it t :lke them III dll i[ tll II' S"nl " l' ~ \\,1 ' 1'(' \'" I' Y 1,, !'IUTlal'! Th e r e is ol1ly on e inte llige n t . i~ "'('uri ng- ~II'. \\' . C. Til'fll'no l' t o . ~c th c l' ? " way to h an dl e ~ uch pe ople. Thn t The Fl'ierHl s . un<I llY . ch llo l £'n- I talk lit a ~~ (,11lIJ I .\ · F l'idll i: t o IN th (, IlI' tnl k. prest'I'\' " o rd e r joyed ~' 1I1 o rlli ng'. "Thl' e houl' ~," a n swer ed a b ox social n tt h e church lI i ~ IIII'll- \\'II'S "1-'t. AlIl' il' in th c crowd that is Ii ~ t e ning t o nt," /lnd JUI\1 P~ Friday ('"ening . I " (," tinting t h e l i l1ll' I Ill' h""ul-( h l lIut rlun1['I'I)U ~ fllct s th p>' \\' 11.1 111 th 111 lind I HI~' n o atten t io n wh at .. .--ub" ul thl' fO l t whidl I ll e n ll l /!f'n!'1' I h ey ~ IIY. A nd thnt i1> t he WilY In \\'a st.e in !lI'gu in g. " a l l~' knll\\ II III u s who I,,'c within whi h the ommun ls t d emo nsl r3TRY so s hort II d is tan ce' from Ihe h is- THE LAST ROSE tlons ea'rly In Mireh w ere handl e d OF SUMM ER lI'l' i ~ IlIndll1: ll' k. in' most Americ an cities and else---OUR CLASS IFIED COLUM NS where in th e world. J) 1I 1l't fnl'j!'C't thllt 1'(' \' ivlI l s(' I'By Thomas Moore # That didn't s uit t h e Commu nvices ar c in p n1 gTc ss a[ .J on ah' ~ 'Tis the la s t 1'''' 1' FOR RESUL TS of sunlln "r. RUIl Church lind thnt Y O Il Ill'l' in- , LI.f t hllHlllJinl!' llillne; I'Ilc ,1 t o lit t('Il'i. ' A II hl'l' IOl'l,ly ClII11 panilln s MI'. IIIH I ;\ll's. ('has. II . tirn\' a n d AI'!! fa dl' t\ a nd g'o n£'; flllllily attend e d a pal'Iy ai th~ :\ " tl o \\' l'l' o f h (: 1' ki ndr (> d . h Olll e " f ~Ir. and ~11 ~ . Clark " an N" 1'0H'bud is ~ h , H o rn Sntllrdl lv 1'\·..,nil1J! . ill h Ollo r Til r c!i (·t[ " "l'k ni h l' l' hlu s h ~ . of I> (l n Silll p ldn s. wh,) is htlllll' on HIGHE ST Or gin· ~il!' h r,. 1' sig h. fu rillu g- h f rom ('oas t Gu al'll SCI' CASH I v icc I' ll nllt leave t h Ct' . tholl o n c o n e . :\1' PRICE ! ' 1 ' 1 I. • I pin t· 1111 t h c s t em; . I'~. ... . 1~" 11 1)[lry cntc,rt.H ln- Sincl' thp IlIycl\, are ~ I ecp in /! PAID cd he r SlIndny :-i l' hll\,( dll'" I· l'lriay £' s Ic I t'li i.1 with th e m e V(' IQlng u O . J . II . . T hu~ kil1dh' I !;catt el' =::-~:-:---~-~~~~~~ I Thj' ICll\'e~ 0 '('1' th e het! \rh l'r~ t h y mat '5 of tht!'dcn Li e ti ('(~ llth'~ " and d lid.


ur j





"Wh ere Savin gs Are

--- ---- --


.,.,.,..d,. ,

•---- ---

N~ .. Hom~



/0' M,, ;n Ollierl

A bs ol ut e

. _-- ----




lE T T

6%o Co",,,ou,,,/~J


Setn;-A" IIu.ul,


Fint Mortaa ge on Real utate Securit y. The beet Securit y. Nothin g Safer Nothin a Better.

ASSETS over 14 Millions Dollars One of the larielt .nd Itronae lt .I.ocia tiona in the atate. Why take Chance s on Get-Ri ch-Qui ck Schem es and 'lole all.



":Ne kindly .olicit your palron aae



West Side Building &Loan


Two Office .: 19 E, 3rd St, Third at Broadway DA YTON, OHIO

Dead Stock Wanted]

' P




Medic : ne


Eg g Re co rd s Th at St ar tle Ex pe rts !


'1'. ,


Stomac h




And Built Up Her Heah h

I.X \\ \11111 ': :\

I' \ 11 ' 1' 1'1'''''' ,. I'I.I·:




hlt \ ' "


\1 ~




W i:1 Drawn



( I)f'





til t' o' l' l -


,\ U




Harve ysburg ,

19 N. Broadway I.EBAN ON, OHIO Eyea Examin ed GI ... e. Fitted Repain


as r ot1h\\, !oI: ,\ h O\l t


Vete rinar ian Phon e 93

' l gi l ly

Way nesv ille, Ohio

rt ' f:\ t, f na nd . IU'l n L{" t he 'sorth ~. \\ '. I.. ~\l a l' tc r of ,' ('(' I l un 3:\ . l: lIl1J=I ' :., ~t. I t. S. I n n , '1)111\ \ \ f) hlu. : l l\ ,) wh ic h i s

\ \


Eatatet Settl.d

- -- --

- - ---


ROOT FOR AND CONSI GN )'our Cattle, ho gs, s hee p and ca l\' ('s to Norris- Brock Co .• l ive wire and progl'cs sive firm for the highest FOR RENT mark et prices and good se rvice. Union Stoc,k Yard •• Cincinn ati. O. "'OR RF. i':T - I' i\'c roolll . with Referen ce: . As k fir s t Ill An y,? u meel l,cL ric li J!h t s Hnd wnl (' I'. G ood ;ra rd e n . JlII·s . .'\ m c lia W illinlllR. In 1 \l

~1,:i;i':;?~:~f~:i~:;;!· ;~·.~, ;:~ II.I~~I~~:I:j~~;~,?~l:I, DR. L. B. HALL PAPER


" J: I~ p h alll

F a rl ll ,"

I n~;I':,I" !;;·.'.' ~d~~,'t''';'· IIIII:,I;." ,,,I·:i~~,~1 o't~I: ~ \ l · ~I1

Lytle , Ohio

: rt

th ~



Tuxedo Eggmash

1vI~,:) .


SOH N ~El'l


F fllI l'


I,\ n · lhlnl s u f }'f\ l rI


Four teen Years of

tll 'I JJ'n i :uu l \ ' n l u o ,

Reliable Vaccination


Phon e 76F4

\' ~

F. T. Ma rtin Jes se Sta nle y Au ctio nee rs


• Sight Specialist

See ~. foerl), for YO\lr Sale Da~,.~ W" C\.Iar ant ...

5athf ar t ,ion or Ch" ..,. Nothi ng,

Cary ' sJ ewe1ry Sh op

Cen terv ille, O, New Bur lina ton·,O. rho... No. 310

-_--'---=-=~,=--=.= = = = == =:;;;:o:::;:;::!:


Queltio n of I







Eliquett ~


PI t ' Ch' Imne ys . Stas erang d , dR ' d uccoe an epatr e Pape r Samp les , Work

Guar antee ck

See us.

All-E lect I'ic Hatc he l' Y. l! I IN1 <iing- bree d >!

II I' nUI'c" bred b ully Chick !; h al'c h l! d

in fumiga ted lncul!al ol's,-R hatch '~ eh Monday anti l'hllt-~dny . <;,wcinl IItten t ion paid to u:lto m Ha tching'. Open ull dllY Sunday t o thc pullIic. I. O. O. F. II II II. phone t:~O, .1 32 r.. Mulbcl' y Stl'c('t. tf

A. C. SPA RK S Corw in, Ohio


SALE- Thre c

Hf' if(,I' ~, be fr cs h in

hi g h-glnde '


O. Cornell . Wnync sville , O.



Equip ped for Goon

Sen·lc e. Lange Displa y Room. Ambu lance ServIc e



·m !!l

FOR SALE- 15S ('/! g h ot wutel' incubat ol'. Will lak e $10.00. 01' ten hen s . Lnwl'en c e Shephe rd, Waynes ville. Ohio_ ·m 19 THRES HER SUPPL IES":'-B ELTS . pulleys , babbin metal, oil cups. injector s, . lubrica tors, Bteam and water gauges, gauge glaes, oilen. packing , boiter flues, Auction hOBe and tnnk pumps , THE ·BOCK LET CO. 415 W. Main St. Xenia, Ohio, PIPE, VALVE S AND FITTIN GS -For all purpose !. Bockle t', 'lIne of plumbl nr and heating IUp"lies are tho best. The Bockle t• King Co., .115 W. Main St., XenIa. Ohhr.

._---, -,-"-;, ,=.=--=-=='= ==- === === ==

by TERR Y GILK ISON WELL~ ""HC;N~ ""'0""" .... IF




nU l

- - -..--- - --=---= --=-=- =



\~TENTION - L p b111J(1n

L·",I .. EXPE RIEI\" .'CE \\' . II. l~l "r."F:nTH I"" Irr II r W a r l"' 11 (;fJlIIIIY. ' lh lu . " , ~ I'" 'r ed frll1l1 to lll llch tI'OU- klln \ ~' 10111 & BI'o wn. ,A Ll )' :-C , nl e b le r I' 11101'(' thll n tw o yea 1's ," s/lld 1I-11'l;. G(.'IJ I'~1' .'o hultol1 , JI' .. 23 0 -Setdwl l!\, uIlU '. ' i 11 c innutl. Ncal'ly cVI' I,yt h lng- I atc fo rill 1'c1 ga R lind hlolltl,d III V ~ tomach \\'I liuli n (' , I.a w!-I(,n . Pla i nt i ff ll'lTi b ly. The P1'l'~ ~ ll1' C ' 1Ig'l1 in ~t my hl:'n l't .. (tl'n llIa de nl e t1iv,zy and .\r, ' hi.\ p . Il n,\ ~' , 1 II' f f' I11lanl I :_· fnl''' FI'lt nt( \\ '( I ~ jl n, ,J, of I' , of ~ h"r l of un'nth. 1\1" Ih'I' I' wa s slug' Wayn esvill e, Chio -'I a :-:~I . ' T I'\.\"I ~lI l r ' . \\· :\I'/'. ' n j 'O . lJ'i ~ h nnd ~ u bjl'c tl' d 111 1' t.) biliou s , ti ll n . u(tllcb and h \'," l nch c~. 'o n stipati o n b oth t'H d m c se \'c reIy and n il tlt p Il t ll d :l)' IIf )lar ch .0-\ n ., !~. . . . . . . . forc e d 111 ' t o U ~I' tntha rtic s a l- IH:!lJ . . . .... ~ald .I I1.!ot tit ' t;> I S~lIl' d a n un it-I' o r mo s t d uily. ,\ tt:II 'h lTlI ' nt III 111·,\ :\ 1,,)\' .., n c tl o ll , foJ" I h t· !'i on, o f t ) Jl p H Il lldr. 'd nnd T r· n "That \\'as Ill\' con dit io n wh e n I I .(d lar ~. tS IIH,tH) I , anti on :\Iltrr h 17, begun to take K o nj ola. What a 1:, :111. jl1 d~"nllf ' I1L ( \\' a~ n ' ndl " 'l " \ rliffe r en ce I (J d n ~' ! F oo d no lo nger i n (a ,'(JI' lI f lit rl:lilili f f :l lh l o rd,"l r ,0: ,-11 :\ t t nehc ('" PI' OIh- I' l .\' n t P llh l lc ferm e Tits a nd cau ses gus. and t h e t(l ,\ U "I \u 11 h eart pul p il/lti on hu ~ Ko ne . Bilious J \\ i l l u r/t'I' n t P'tll Jlic Rall" th e Ilttll cks . headac hes Bn d di zzy s pells Pn llK (' ()I'tl P I' I n If ltrvl' ~' shtlrg,o nOhio. al'e a thIng of the pa st. Constip a- (.11 :\ Jl "11 \~ . 1!';1<). a l T ,y" o'do , k In , 30 Years Experie nci! in Fittin ~ n H e rn ao n or sa id day-on e tion di sa ppellre d .withln a week lh HIn ck J ers e ,. :0"' . tl"e \'ears old and Making Glasses Btter I began wi t h this medicin e I g ivIn g n go'o'd rio\\' 0 '( mIlk nnd to --athave rained ten pounds In weight f r oshe n tn Oct o he r. snld cow t. nt·Inc h ed an e \ [n t he care or th e Ca nand am in better h ealth than I ~ tn b le or ~ln 88le T o wn s h[p. T.hl. cow have been In years." t. be Ing 80ld to BBI I. : y the Jude· ment an ,1 COal. In the aho\'e enl.l Konjola is sold In Waynes v!lle Eyer,. Tu••d.,., Thu,.dl ll'. e lit Adam. Drug Store, and by all • 1 d cn"~ . Sa,u.da y !'lAXTF"ORD T.V:-;CH the best drtlg'g l t · in all townft ·L' o n ~ ln 1,1, ' :\fllls. tp ']1o wnHhlfl. No char •• 'or ~xamillatl.tI, l\lI'o llg-h o n t (hlF (.ntire ~cct t on. " 'n rt' on Qu nt y O hIo. ; • • • • • • • • • '1" ' .11 1.

'lIfll} l

Vete rInar Ian

"l'I1U\1 8· I

1I II II d," <1 11 lf'I)ll.t!Il. 'l ol1nr ~ w ill 11,,1 h~ H,,1.1 ,:,\1' I ~ s .· l ilt'"

lIlI'\ 1' 1,,· ,




Il atr' n(



With Depe ndabl e Serum and Virus insur es both Safety and Succe ss

Wayn elville . Ohio

.\ p r i t. . \ , t'. 1 :1::11 . •\ l I n t1 'c- l'Jd t It. 11\. 1)11 x:I : d da~. I ilt' rljl1" \\' f l\ ~ .l oot" , ll,. d r l" a l , ',.:{n l. · t o- \\II : :-'itllnl,· til Ih,' TU\\,I1 ~ hl r of \\' ;I\' l h', III 1 11 1' l ' u lln l r or \\ an 'en all .! ~tlt1t, o f 1I1i1u. Hilli kllflW Il anll

T flWIl\.\, I.

A~'fTHINl:a, I~N'T IT?



\ ~.

"u V uf all . ,thjll. on t l 1 1' l'I"b \' IlII~d ~ In \\' :t \ ft Towlls h; !'. \\ a n ' ,' 11 I 'UUl1l Y , I thln , HII .\ I " ' ,.' n)" th t:' :! h;t ti ny of

\ UII. «"", Lan iocrease yuur /lock product ion. S,,,nqu kk ly! We huy.: "l'w"· UO Ej(gmas l, (ur you.

MOM... IT'~

lU I !III• • •a-~:• • • • • • •__


( ;al" :-t., t-t al.

\ ·; t ~ I ~ .

I will .. rfel'

:.\lI, l h'

"":-:('I ' IIII 'd

f>OL\'T ' E A\"WA'I~ TO I;A'f " THAi'l l<. YOU· f'OR..


Phone 31

1.. :11 t' l L i ln ll :O: l:a t .. ~. I' t n\. , ', \!4 E :"(1) , 1 1 :!~tl I ' , \ I I Ip l ' I,d U ll f)nl, ·,. of l'Ia\t', dil l, ;~:-:~ kd fl' . , fII ~aid t ·~JlI r l. In t he

['ormul ,1 nnd mi !!lllg I"'oceu es make Ibis IJij; SIICCI;SS. The lu w ul .l .,t 'J" cliu EggmDsb include s ingredienl~ Ih r.t make <: f.' ".1, 1 h ui~ , ' I:<:ulth, one iogrcdi cnr belllg P URl! CANE 1-: . l.'.. :. ... , u '''uxcJo di scu 'cry.

.- .-::. _ _--:::-__

~ !\ I e

Nationa l Banle 1' '' '''':1:''' 1.11,

T ux cuo [gg musll, the marvelo u, ker, is the vital f aCtor. in Ih o usuodli ol astound ing /lock records . This is bei nr, pr vc d eyery mon'h~yery week; when tbe ra tion is han llcd 10 Tu.xedo , egg produ.C tion immedi ately ill' crc a~ c,! AI·. d~r. Ihe im:rease b lubfiuln dll--c{t en amazIng .

Pbone No.1 u s prinl yo u,.

Dr.W . E. Fro st


Cincinn ati

ElIlI6/j, h.d 18.7.

Harv eysb urg Ferti lizer Com pany

,'" ~llo n 1l1ay I f ,.\I o w, \\' h l' lI rri l' n d~ hip s d er a y , AmI (1'0111 L o \' c's ~ hining circle


I ~A'I ",-HA NK '(OU" WITH. M'{ FUL.L .... AM , ' OR RUDE .?




5% Farm Loans LONG OR SHORT TlI\IE- I~n!lY terms. Also Surveyi nl!' and Ab· stractin g.. Write !l nd I will fall and see you: Sam D. Henkle , Wa .v ncsville , OhIO. J I\ LO A NS (I n Li <'cHock . ehn II (' I~, Second Morlal\'e~ . Not('~ hnU$lht. .Toh~ Hnrbin c. Jr" Xenia. Ohi ...

Farmers. At ten tic, 1 Farmer s of Warren and ' Ildjolllln~ . countie s may obtain money oll long time loans, at 5 per cent Interest. Cost of' !lecurin g the same Is veby - reasona ble, through The Ji!ederal Land Bank. For further inform ation call on or address M :::. DRAKE , Treasu rer, rbone 3141 X. Lebano n, Obir .



und ell ~ t~ . He WIIS commi t to the county jail. Ern est Sheeley pleaded guilty to a ~e cond ..:hltrge and was fined WHAT YOU WANT, WHEN YOU- WANT IT REPRESENT'S STRONGEST COMPANIES $600 and costs. He is now in the ' For more thllo 66 yea'rS _ t he I , county j lEl il. ~.ingo .felt tbat Mr. ellers, better Th ey Illaint.ain a complete equ,ip ____ On the matter of Ins urance lhe wlI I'd 1elho ds t his Ll"bflnon 11- non ' a nd' ad j(, 'nin g territory the ham'e ,Lingo's in Wa'rren CO\lnty than anyone el~e he knew, could· ed .service station with competent Prob •.te COllrt -Proceedin.. of Lebano,n and the t erri- d (JI'wl'ilel' has cll rn ed an nvi b e S61'v ioe QC u.nd rwriters of expetory for many miles around ' have 1\t.' putlltion a nd a clientele that is r ience, reliability and ellpert in· hall meant the plaoe to buy the sUGcessfully take over the re8- mechanics. latest and best In hardware and ponllibilitiell of ,the m,ement The importance of this cannot· Upon a pplicatio n of H. W. Cline come .to look at the KARL D. DA· st eadily increasi ng. f orma tion, and a number of the implements. of' the business, and be repeatedly ?e over·looked. Keeping everybo~y for the admi~8ion of Winllt.on Cline KIN Insurance Agency, at Leba· . His wide ex perience in t he In. most prominent companlea in the said that he would' rather 'junk it' In good working order. when they nn allege d mcomp~tent, mto the non phone 153, as this well known EUra n<:e bu si ness ena bles hi m to nation . the Ka1'l D. Dakin Insur. Mr. Lingo bega" business in than have it fall in t o the hands of are busy Is k eeping th em pleased Dayton State hospItal, March 11, underwriter represent w 0 rid co mpetentl y advise hi ' patron s as an ce Agency is given the public Lebanon in ]864 with Mr, Charles liomeone who would not · keep i~ - and tha t i!l wh a t t he service de. a t 9 o' clo(,k a . Ill. was set as tin1e known compaines with an (' n vi· to whi ch poliC ies is best Bui t ed f or metr op olitan service of the very Irons- as Irons ~ Lingo- two up l o its r eputation. ' pal·tm e nt d oes. for hcal'ilng , able reputation f ol' P)'omp tm'; s, th ir needs and l1lean . tlntl whl'th. hi gh fit cha racte r, MM ore than 16 years have . pllssed La.·t yell I' t. he Lingo 0 ', wel'o L Th el\ ' fl all~ willi lldlld Le lament or Strength and Reli ubility , el' it is Heal t h, A(:c id cnt, Libili ty 1\\ r, Dakin has th e country agenyeu)'s Inte l' tuking ove r Mr. Irons interest in the bu in l'sR. From th at r. Lbingo has bee n gone for th e leml ers in Ohi o in the salt? of IUCY I .' ~ o rlll C, ecea se d . Wil li pro But.. the succ ess of th e Ka rl D. of AUlUl1l obi le I n sul'lInc ~ t hll t I'O U cy for t he Ohi o Farm ers Insurtime unW J unuul'y 1. 19 14 th e YhlJ!ldl's - ut Lingo's is still th e Mage.· ti c ranges and also leud er in ( ue,e( III co uIl· t nnd admitted t o Dakin Ins urance Age nc y rests not ma y d Rirc, il co.n~u ltati nl1 ';'i lh :t nce Compa n y. It is n pl easure f or us to direct c ntinucd the . bu s in o 's as ' an in - I'll qUllrte r!! f ol' hnrdwal'e, s toveH th e snl e of Estate Heatl'olas in prouute. hm' s ll onn e l a e e pt ed a lone In th e ra <:t Lhat he r e pre- Ka l'! n. !la kin I I1~ lIra n ~' A ~(, Tl cy, nnd impl ments. town s th e size of Leban on. th e tl'U . t a~ e xecu to.r , .11 0 lIond .re- Iscnts well kn own com pa:' i(>l', but at L Lan on will in s ur . \' Oll \\··Illl YOU I' nttnnt 'lo n to thi s progress ive dividual 'nte rprise. H e was ulwa vs W' t l h h I W b t K b SI ~ a hard lind untiring wor ke r a ~d f I. I t e c unging methods of It is alwu ys int eresting t o kn ow ~~ lrrl'ck( ' I e s e!' II' y , ~ I a8 : by the r ea son (I f the fuct tha i 11 · aC l' Uratl' and 1'I:~ll n n"I,; prir,'d "llsine~s firm . lIn tle r th e manage· time Ibegan to tuk e its ' toll So a rming, Power Furming tUking t he personl' l of u Co mp!II1 Y with ,"' I o~ am F:d . LCI z we r e mad e a P- is th oroughly co nv c l'H unl wi th l' V- l'lJ'll l t'cti"ll. Th pl'l' can I' I! 1I 11 'IUI' S- ment of Ka rl D. Dakin, at Lebllth!lt January I, 1!11 4 havin ... 0 1'- tL~ (' Plnee of hor 'e farming, the ' whi ch yo u deal so her e is i ~: p r~ll~shc rs' f II . 1, 1'y f efi llll'e oC th e bllsinl!~'; i n t io ll in I his t:1l 1i ~hti'llpd " K' , " 1'; ,, _ non. and th e ins uran ce agency as C° fmpany ganized th e J. W. Lingo Hat'd~vllre ' Ingo secured the Stanl ey M. . (' lI e rs, Pre~ . & Gen, C I U O\\,lIl g "cco unts were which he is engage d and th roug h c ryone S hould Oll'n III SllJ'IIIH·'.... li ne o f lh e most desirable fea t ures . IIlrcncy 0 the Inte rnational Mg r. Ilpprove£ :.. his H onl'st a nd Strlligh t Fu r, By offe ring t he peu pl l' (,I Ldw- f ' h ' 't C'ompllny he relinquished lh e Harvester Co mpllny'!; line of Elias Ogl cH bec, Vi ce P res. !;;sta te of Wilha m B. tra tton. 0 l IS C rn rnunt '!. manllge me nt to StaTile"• M. 'e l, mac h'In ery lind hllve built up a I I " ti ~~-----------~============ J ohn W. Goddul'd, r I ccea se(, 'I rst, na l lind tl istribule r s who had been conn ected with d fib ec., . reas. t' · L f ~vu n c r u usin ess on Farmllll & A " l ot Ive. h 1m y ellrs ue or e, bul who Ilt lh ul rra ctors und trllct or machin e ry. ~s . " gr. Es tale of J ohn O. Whi ta ker , detime wus Illunllir in g a hll'ge Lust Yl!llr th e sal e of tractors How urd W . Ivins. Directo r. c(·ltsc d. fi rst Iln d fin II 1. me rchandi s ing en le rp r i ~ e in rcutlwd th e very solisfactory J . W. RunYlln, Directo)'. (ju st t-: ~ tat e of W. A. Hain e!', d c('as MARK EVERY GRAVE Ilnoth e )' pu)'t o f the sta t e. Mr. lotal of over 60 units, delld and pluee nol fill ed) , (' d. fil'st ll nd di stri butive . .Estut (' u f Cha r les ' E. Monroe, ti e cl'lIsed, fi r ~ t and tinul. Th e s ubj ect of marble an d gran , Th e i)' d i:< plllY rOIJ I1\ ,s at al l liu n about every r.~ ta le o f Abbie E. Haseltine . de it e monuments und mal k,' l'S a s tim l"s 1'1'"l t'I(· \\ ilh " fill!' ~ .. h'c\i" n g- I' C\V l l . l' xcmplili erl .Il th e I'stl1bli shml' nt of fin i~ h e d work ready for the cl'used. first re porl. ('en t uri('H (,f reverence f o r our EstillI' o f Mllry El izabe lh Col- uf C IlAHL~ S W . SC HWA HTZ & le Ul'ri ng', "I'd lhr(l ug' h lill il' 1I111d - ,It-ad ha\'e s ta illped with their ap· li ll H. d eeea~e d , fir st II ntl finll \. ' ON, 20 -22-24 Mec hanic street, e rn and equipmC'llt ' nn :;j~li n ~ (I f proval t he en du ring marble and EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING . Guardiansh ip of Geo rge Lepos- at Leblltll, n, phone f,U, in II m l)~t th e I n ll'~t lin d m",t illl l'rll\"" d,. - j..'ra nitc m(' ll1 ol'iols, and to depart . I , huk , in (' ulTIllI'te nt , fbirtl. g ruc eful and plensing 11I1ln m' l', v i ce!" an.' l'n ab l(', t.IJ till \ 'n lil' tll'- fr ol1l th i ~ agcd f urm of honoring With II vi sion of "GRF:ATER T he l'(' i;! no ('staLli shment in ~ nah.le Il R to c nco urage the beaUIJ - 1 In vcI&t u"il's ond appl':ti sl' ments li nd befol'e mnkillg your finul ~I" de l' qui ck ly a nd .. a t i ~ f!l(· t ~ r y. ,If Iho ~ t' whn hav c "passed away" THING S" alwuys in mind. TIlE t he cu mmunity that hilS greater hC~ll l o n anr~ ex t e nslOll of home lill'd :lec ti on it is to YUUI' intc I'cs t t o By thl!ir ~ 1 J(! l'i a l (·qU lIlllll.' lI l f,,1' would 1)(' nkin l o uc kn ow ledging a LEBANON LUMBER CO., W c~ t " 1':stlllc of S. T . El1i~o n . dl'ceas- co ns ult this reputuble firm. (,lI rv ing lind Il·l1 l' r inj..' th,'y ca n wa ning in te r rsl in th e sentime nt Muin Sl. lkbanon. · ope l'ate Dil l' influ ence fo l' hettel', up on the a n ~1 e nte r pri se. rh e munageme nl exte nds t o th e I'd . The y arc prllcti cli l Il1 l' n in till ir pr udu ct' \l' ork of unll ;.un l a r ti ~ t ie whic h ' I'r ()ll1pt~ (J ur love and revof the larg(!sl Lumb er Estu IJli sh- IJU ildin!l' indust ry. ~8! !II C I:~ of thi s secti on a. corelial Es illte o f Andrew Jll ckllo n Boytl lin e lind through the il' yenl'S of merit not hl'i'I:lof"I'l' ill tai nl'd at L' r l' lI ce. me nts in thi:< sec tion of the la t e CU lilrul'lol's have come to know e xpe rience hllve gain ed a 1010\1'1- ~ lI c h II minim u lli pri el·. Th ese ~i ll'nt se ntin e ls of sto ne nnd hav e lIe cfl me all import!!nt 1hut what eve r they des ire in ltl V IIUtlO ~ In cnl~ at .t he lr YIIl'ds de re ll sed. J::~ tu le of J oha onu Wood, de<:NIs edge which will be itl\':ll ua bl e to It i:; th t· SIII l' !llli lut\' " f 1111 at hav(· f .. om t illl l' imm emoriul been fact OI' in till' d l' v(' loplll ' nl of the 1h(:i r business clln be s ectll'ed from lind any Infol'mutl on W ill Le g bllil y g lvl' n. no m~lt e: wh etlwr yuu wish I'd. you a s t o what i~ be.H titl!'d in sO lll e tim e in lifl' to ~"(' lIr" Ilw u~ed t I) m il r k .th e last resting pIa. comlllUIi ity. '1'1110: LEBANON LUMBER CO. ACl'o unls fil ed :th pir line for your parti c" I:! !' nl' d mo: t uPJlropr illt c n H' <1n ~ o f Illu rk· n s of t he dend , ' a nd the carved While it is Th e LEBAN ON with II kn owl edge thaL it will be of to Iou y at thl" tim e or nnt . We are . plea c d in this Farm Est ut e o f Mary A. S pt'or~ . df" Churles W, Schwlll'tz & So n co n· ipg thllt ~ n l' n' d ~ Jl (lt II lwl',' t l1<' Il)v- "tones in usc toda y form the mlln LUMBER 0 .'8 obj e ct to oLtai nil t he II ig'hest Gnid e consistent with Editiun to giv e' comme ndabl e mcnC nMe d, snl e bill , duel one of thE' Inrge;·t Ilnd nH,st ' d I) n c~ IiI' in d,' rnal ~ I ee p , nn d ifl'stu ti un of thi s e ra's desire to filiI' and hon est l)rofil fr om th e il' pri ce, ti nn to th e ~EBANON L U ~BER E ~ta t e of Mary Grove r. dec e!ls- mudt.l'I1 es tnblishm enl s of its kind what co uld bi: 1ll0l'!' PI'l'lll ,1Iw nt l! ontinu e t he t raditi onal custom. exte ll>liv e denlings in LUMBER , LUMBER, LATH, DOORS, CO .• an.d to In ~ure th e publiC that cd- first and fiMI. in lhis section, anrl 3in ce th ey fil'~1 and Ill. li ng th an thes Ili a d JI fi nd Whe n read y to purchase a man· BUILDING MATERIAL ll n d SA SH , INTERIOR FIN I S H t~ e y Will re cel~e the b~st of se rIvt Mull enix Ph ilpot was made or- ened th e ir doors for busin css g)'flnite s tones wh ich. by t heir ·.I nHm t o r mnrker get in touch with "EVERYTHING TO B UILD ANY DUILlHNG PAPER, R80FING, TH lNG," lhe guiding influ ence ( J f a nd "EVERYTHING TO BUILD VIC ~ , unci a~y Info~matr?n th!lt is ~u Uldi a n of Stanl ey and Carl have borne the repututi o n U s th e ve r y ~ il e n cc, inspi re with respect t his old Il nd relia bl e firm. Charles this company will always be the A/\,YTIIiNG" a rc furnished by de Irabl e Will be ~I~e n III a most Mulle nix, minors, ond filed he r best plaee to purchllse Munu .' all who view t hem '! They ur I' tru e W. chwllrtz & S on, at Lebanon, co~rt eu u ~ and ? bhgln g Illllnn e r by bond of $:(;00 with Mnrgllret B. ments and Marke rs of ull desc ipwill he pl eaJ:!e d t o figure on your determination to furni ~ h the High- this Jlrllgr e~~ i v e firm t hIS firm S officl e nt empl oyes, and Minge unu Minnie E, Evan s as tion s. se ntin els wh ic h throw a pl·otec. n,;cd at any time. est Grad e of Goods Ilt PI'Ices 80 By purchasing t~ advantage Reaso nabl e that th e exte nsion and wh e n th e marke t is rig ht and en. I\' C anly wi sh thut th er e w(lr more sureties. Th e co ur t approved of th ,r(l1.)(!llutificaUon o( t he community pl oy ing t he most experienced help such firm s within rour midst wh er e cOllld prog r ess rapidly in lel1ps und t hey nrc IIble to offer this High " Evel'ything t o Build Anything" port of ~ Il l e ma de by .John D. II off, a dm inist rato r of the ~s tat(> bounds. Grade of Goods at prices so Reas. can be had. II f A lC' xand er i-I off, deceased. ~================ THE FIRM WITH THE KNOW HOW Real E.tate Tr.ntfera











Th e OU E- rbe in Home t o Stale of SCHRADEWS TIN S HOP, at ti,m nf FUI'l1:l ce~ th ey hnve hud thal cl ops not lea k or ru st through Ohi o, 2000 acres in West TurtleLe banon, phone 287, Elmer E. experi ence in t hil:\ Lusin ('ss a nd in II fe w dllYs. creek $2 00,000, KEEP YOUR HENS LAYING All kinds of Shee t Metal, Cor· . Jam es S. Bunn ell and Eurnes t J. Schrader propretor, is gaining in g iv e th ei r cu:;t olll crs the Le ne fit Bunn e ll . (; '7.83 ucres ill H:llllilt on po pularity each day as its work that in s ures t h ~ ir patrons th e b'st ni e's, S kl' lig hts; Ve ntilators, Valof ~e r v i cc . By givin g fir s t - c l ll ~s I('ys, Euves , . poutinlf, Ridge Rolls S<:icnce has add ed an oth er con- other ha nd hic ks Hatched at the savinI!' th e co r e and worr y af hen twp. ve ni cnce for th e fll l'mcrM of l his MILLARD HATCHERY are hatching. Russe ll J. Michll el to Louis is known to be reliable and th e work a t rn ode ml ' pr ic es t hl'Y a nd Ge nel'Ul J obbing are executed Our o ld er r ead e rs con rem e mber Murko 13 2, 75 Ilcrcs in Massie twp. fac.t that it has the reputation of hll ve bu ilt l heir uusiness 0 it ~ by th e m pro mptly a nd in a worksec tion of 01110 : ' ''fh e MILLARD ll cliith y and Free from all vermin. 1l1l1 1l ~ hip Illanne r at · prices most III this a ge f Science and Mach t he Crudl e, t hen the Binder, the illls Ri chardso n to J ohn H. and I lJ~ lllg an , e.xpert Sheet Meta l pl'ese nt hi g h s ta ndard . HATCHERY, lo cated nt Oregonia in l' r y everyone should take adPr o ll1ptn es~ !l nll good wnr k (' x- 1'l' II ~ o nabl e. Scythe a nd th en th e Mower and Addi e Bi!wgal', wegt hllif of l ot I Firm c o ~trl~utes I~ no small .d eR, R. No.1 , ph one Lebtln on 471 B "nn tu!!e of every possible conven· ll1 !l ny o the)' imp ortant farm im- 54 in So ulh Ll'ban on. I gl'ee to Its Illcreasmg populnl'lty. (')( ecuted on tim e arc th e wa tch- . Mr. Sc hl'uder at Lebanon is veThe fa rln c.' in ra is ing chickf for ien ce and labor saving device that p!em ents from time to time, tha t ry co urt eo us and affable and will Melbourn e Sullivan t o Lawre nce I They huve ins ta\1ed many jobs wo rd l:! of their busin c::;:<. th e mark et or ho rn e, run s no risk prov es itse lf successful. This helped to redu ce the labor und . S hllwhnn, tru ~tee, out-lot No. I I ~hat comprise som e of the liig Th ey have a compl e te lin e of be pl e a ~e d to llssist anyone with jn the hatching. 11 e cnn se ll his lIatc he ry ~ aves labor and mAny expen se of t UI'ming, Now today I in Lebanon. i ~o b s both m Lebanon and surround r ·pa irs on hund at a ll li mes a nd lh eir plan s. We complim ent them eggs and puy chicks. H ~ecs wh ll t steps for the fllrm er's wi te, who th e MTLLARD HATCHERY at Margnret E, Gullaher to Robert mg country. The~ e speak for th e m be in g cx pe rl )'t' pHi )' me n cun rem- upon th e promine nt position they he buys and ther by elln ~e l ec t in most cases is the one that hU8 In OREGONIA, R. ha vl' obtained in the business life No. I, is h er e ~ S , li nd Marga ret E . Co rwin tract selves and by thei~ re co~d the.y edy a ny lroubl e in a sho rt ti me, " Strong, He(llthy Chi cks." 'l'hen c harge the ha tching lint.! lhe rais- to cl o th e "HatchIng of Chicks anti I of land in West Turtl ec reek, Wh e n it co mes to Till anti Ga l- of thi ~ section und upon the mod· are known and the Ir bu sm ess IS IIgaln he do es not have to se t one ing of th e chicks. All the worry of keep the Hens Laying." vanized Ron fin g th ey usc the best 1.' 1'11 and sllt i~ fu cto ry work which z I Clint D. Corwin to Hubcr A. increus ing fr om yeal' to year. hen after another, at differcnt eggs beIng broken during the When it comes to th e in sta\1u- ma te rial Il nd onl y pu t on th e kind th ey (' xecute . .We are please d t o be ubl e t o 1 a ncl Willillm T. Ll oyd, 9 7.43 acres times, but ca n "Gct Hi s C h i ck ~ " hal ching of a few Is done away brl~ b ~o~ ~ur read en ~~ I l i llm T . L~yd , 9B .9 3 u e ~ s ill ~~~~~~~~~=~=~:~======~~= ~~=====~~===~=~~~~~=~~ from MILLARD HATCHERY any \\'ilh by machinery. most up-to-dat e conce ecreeand k twp. rillY Ilnd just wh e n th ey urc wnntAs to the financial feature of aiding in bringing this rnsectwho io n tiso Turtl Heber Adll P errin e to Hued, hu ving your chicks hatched by this th e fore as on e of Ohi o's largest bel' A. Ll oy d, Samu el W. Lloyd Another t eature is t hE' 8m'Ing of firm, during the time required for poultry producing secti ons. l a nd Willillllll T . Llody, 97 .4:1 acre~ time nod troubl e of se lling hen R hulching an~ brooding a hen will QUALITY BABY CHICKS Wlltch f or MILLARD'S HATCR ' in Turtl en eek twp. lind continu ully fi ght ing li ce, lay eggs to the value of $3.76. ERl: Ad. in this paper. It will upmites and other inf cti ons common You can buy yo ur "Baby Chicks" pear each week with an interest. Bill. Allowed We are all alike about this Bu- diffe r nt lots of chickens. At fr olll t he Howurd Hatchary. to her hatched chkks wh l'r e on the at the MILLARD HATCHERY, ing message for you. Th e Howa rd Hatchery, at Frank W. W. Williams Co., s upplies by Chick busine ss. We have all this Hatch ery you can be s lIr e lin. mllintains one of the most of getting st ro ng •. hu sky c hi cks $8 .65 ; H. S. Co novel', same, $4.50; found out that it is quite a nuijust lik e yo u would hutch f OI' mud ern and best equipped hatch· Hadl ey's ga rage, replli!" , $]0.50; sance and care to run a small ini n ~ estu blishments to be found yourse l r. Smith Jackson, r e pairs, $4.50; It i:; Illil ch more Hati ~ f 3c t o l' Y l o an~wh e re. Qua lity First always, . J oseph E. Richardson, damages to cubator und then have to run it THEY HAVE WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT gate, $5; F. M. Collins, supplies, a couple oC .months or more to g et J,:l' t ' YO UI' C hic k ~ al rca d y halc hed r a th er lhan quality is the foun$1.03; Franklin Vulcanizing & enough chicks for the !;.e ason , at th e I-I o wal'd lIat chery. \I e re dat ion uJl on which their business Tirc Co. s uppli es, $3; Frank Sher- Then If we set he ns t,hey Will not YIJ III' orti er will be J,! iv('n 1"' l'sonlll hu: b 'e ll built, and is assurance It is without tloubt f1 ece~ . ury S f.RVI CE STAT IO N" In thlft Compl et e Stock of Parts at 1111 ' wood Co., s upplies, and gas, $62.- all. set at the oar,ne time and the a tte nti on alld Chi ck:; t hat ), (1 11 10 yo a of l he utmost care and attlmell. In fact, they live up to '15; Kaufmans, supplies, $5.07; chi cks ,keep cO~ltlg off the nes t re ce ive fr ullI lhis co nce l'n cu me te ntioll t u yuur order and the dethat a ll\rg!l s~o !l k of goods he sCllli on pf Ohi o, EVERY AUTOMOBILE PART their slogan, We Have What You Waites Garuge, r epair work , $3.- from time to time and what . IS fl' OIll wel l bl'ed sloc k lin d w ill li vcry to you oC hicks you will cl\l'I'ied by the A ulo I-'ar ~!l Dealer cnnled by this estbllshment i8 ot Want When You Want It. 56; W, B. Collins, repairs, $6; worse t~an to ~ave so. many dlf- g l'ow to s lrong, husky t hi (' k cn~ if hc pro lld to own and which will if he Is to be SIl "CCIS: fu l urd k e ll.)1 Ihe "Very Best QUlllity" Consi!. da y by day grow into a flock Thel'efore the FAMOUS AUTO PI'ues Equipment Co." supplies, fe n nt Sized chicks o.n the plac e, give n the PI' O P C I' cal'C, puce with thousandll or CUKtomerS. t ent with the pdce Ilt which each SUPl>LY CO. is conducted along $1 .0 6 ; Web Simpson, ,bridge re- the larger ones runnmg over .t he The man age mcnt o r the lI o\\'- wh ich \\'ill be the e nvy of your In t.hls prellent day of hurry lind nrt';c1 e is sold and guaranteed. the ' Une of "Real Service." pair, $]1.40; Jo:rnes t D. Wilson, sm~lIer and each bunc~ of chicks urd Hatch(' I'y s pend th e it Uti li! fig n e i~ h-lroTlro'od and a source of in· uring how they can g ive th eir Pll t- co me t o ' yo u. rush Il pntron demands that hili The FAMOUS AUTO SUPPLY The proprietors are willi known same, $3 .50; S, E. Cutler, same, takmg extra cal'e and t!me. This Hntchery also does custom (:011 for a Bolt or Hub CliP be CO. has everything for All business men and progressive bos- $14 ,B'7; Elmer McMullen, some, If you buy your chicks ~11 at l'OIl S lie tte r chick s lind not huw given QS careful attention liS Ma kos of cars. PISTONS, PINS, ters for their home community. $5.25; John Doughman, same, $6 .• once at the ~IOWARD HA rCH.- muny Ih ey can grind out like II hatc hing. You can bring your though he wel'e buying a new c r RINGS, VALVES, RING GEARS, Th eir establishment is one of the 6(;; Charles Morton, sume, $7 .B1; E~Y, Frunklm.. Phune 349, you fucto l'Y at t he exp((nse of indivi d- q~g~ in lind hnve them hatched at th i ~ Ha tc he r y at the most reason· Just such careful attention In PINION GEA RS. STEERING leading "Purts Service Shops" in Lucius Crumer, bridge repair, Will save the .tlme an~ worry und ual utlenti o n and quality. Now i ~ the time to ord c l' vour t! ble pl'il' cs cheaper thlln y·ou can little details und alwaYfl render· I NUCKLE BOLTS, SPRING this se!!tion of Ohio , and in this $7 .87; Wilbur Berger, same, $9.- exp~nse runnmg a n tncub?tor or ing the most courteoull has won BQLT, • TIE HOD BOLT, AND our Annual Farm Edition we are 65; S. E. Greeley, same, $88.64; seltmg hens, and .then takmg th e C hick ~ nnd you can selec t no' !Je t- du it y u urse lf and at a lot less for THE FAMOUS AUTO SUP- BUSHINGS. pleased to compliment them upon Ohio Corrugated Culvert Co., whole season lookmg after all the l e r pluce t o buy YOllr hi cks tha n t illl e a nd llI oney. PLY CO., located On South BroadThi8 concern docs an extensiv e the metropolitan service and the sewer, $U 1; J ohn Law & Son, 1 way Lebanon, phone 141, the re- Auto Partll and Accessories busi- Quality and Satisfaction that they DeSolo Sedan , $790; M. B. Hyman ' putation among automibili~ts as ncss lind is the firm that has the Ilre r~ndering t he public at their & Son, sup:p.lies, $68.32; Trus. of 45; J. K. Spencer, f~rnishing and 1\ being the "REAL PARTS AND rep utation of always carrying a establishment at Lebanon . p, A" light llnd wllter rent $70. , loading, $26 .93; Mason Lumbe r 38; Trustees Public Affairs 'water' Co., guard rail material , $31.78 ; HEALTH IS WEALTH 'light gAs at jail, $75.73 ; Dr~. Edw. ' Van Camp Stone Co., stone Ilt & Robt Bluir examining chi ldren fair grounds, $9.40; Franklin I tl' r ' l' t ~ $13; O~wald 'Fun el'lll Home bur~ Chronicle, advertising, $18.75; , n . lI S grea t a~ l! 0 spec I? IS s d fici en t methods of treatment III HIGH GRADE CLOTHING FOR' MEN AND BOYS. i I M'~ "']00' W Columbus Blank Book Co., blank In Vnl'lOU H profeSSIons, the sClCn ce the high grade of general satis~ingo ll'Jur~~~ar:S' aihell~ fo~ statements, $2.26; Bangham Motor 'Iod f Of stllco pathlY ~IIS p.rlog ressed w? n- f nct ion expressed by his numerous ., " . eru y Ilnc IS stl l pr o gr es ' ln~ pali ents among whom are people u anv stores handle men's has made the Clothing Establi8h. dog wurdell, 85c; Same, sup'p lies Co., supphes $11.30; Columbus ., . p'dl DR · J A YOIl J::R of th l' highest standing in the com ~n ~ 25<: ' V W Tompkin s pay 1'0\1 Blank Book Mfg. records of re. " cry III I y. ~ ~ ... .' . Olothes and Haberdashery and ment of HORN & DAKIN 110 $17i 45' H' . 'd C f " h' ' lease for recorder $37 .60; W. 11. Steele Bld g. XF.NIA, ph one MIl I.n munity . quite a number of thelle specialize popular with the men of this sect· • . , owal 00, UrntR tng 0' r $ 60 1334R a well -kn own Oste CJ pllth lc If yo u s uffer from Constipation, '. low prices. The trade has learned ion . New Suit. :trdd kOllding gravel, $13\3.0; Har- Anderson & 0., supp les, 7. • Phy si'c inn and S Ul'gl'll n, h a~ kep t I nd igestion. Nervousness, Irl'itabil. that the class of goods handled my HORN & DAKIN'S full i1ne of Oren Strawn versus Elizabeth o . weny, . sam e, $79.0a, J . .W. ,. pace with th e tim es, and is n ow e n it y, Buck Pains, Constant Tired. many of these firms Is of inferior Clothing is High Class and gives Strawn for divorce and other Lingo Hal dware ~o. , repal~B, Murlar e LlceD.e. j oying a lorge a nd in c rellsin ~ nC SH , Sl eeplessness, A s t h m a, quality and wi\1 not hold their the wearer the "Cast of a Gentle· proper relief. $1 63'H33;dSurn e, SUl)phe!,} 8$2 5;FMII Enos Wilford Gillman farm er putronage fr om the c ity and tho Hl u<lder Trouble, Colitis, Kidney . James E • McClure versu s E 11I- er Aarlware, ... 5r"'4' ; am- of Lebon · on and Miss Ruth ' 1)1' s c.a se T rou bl e 0 f any · S h UpI' th roug h one season. man, "Wh a t h as b een sal'd 0 f th elT S I same, C Lor- I s Ul'I'oun d'Ing t 1'1,'t l ory. , ·, Rectal ' Theref,ore it is with a feeling Clothing Department is equally ma, McClure ' for divorce, with a ous u 0 upp yo., supp II'S, .. , . L b M h B The moss-covered Id e as of ycs- ({ind. Piles, (bleedin"', itch in", John Law top material $3 15' ame Wolfe, of e anon, a r e , . ' h ' .d I th ... of satisfuction that the <:ustolllers true of' their' selling in "Gents , decree barring the defendant from Michael S;les Co' supplies Clarence S. Co11ins, salesma'n of tpe rda y a,re t rtotnd us~ : dan e t k e e t c. ) Fi ssure, Fistula you should · enter the establishment of HORN Furnishings,,' Selecting their stock Iherr giht of dower in ond to certain Cincinnati Ball C;~nk Co, ;uppiies South Lebanon, !lnd Mrs. A. Mar- hro.grestve JJ1~ 10 0t ' 0 n~1 a de hllve u thorough examination by & DAKIN, S. Mulberry St. Leb· with the most extreme core, they real estate in the plaintiffs' peti. 33c' W. P ' McCarren ga;a'g' e rent garet Niswonger, proprietor of t elr p af· ee .. y atlo P Ihn g H . 11 '1 Dr. J. A. Yoder, a Specialist in anon, Phone 3BA, realize the ser· have secured an arrllY of the mOlt tion delcribed and"barrlng any and ,. , , f S h L b vance 0 sCi ence 1Il t ave ate1el Di scases of the Rectum. vice Ilng quality extendea this exclusive designs In Shirts, Ties, all rlghtll she may have by descent !~81;B ,H~I (~. A~imps~n, exp~~ss, res~~u ra;~sse~ Clar~ut mech~n~~o:; the modern development this A \~'ay back in IB74 the science ye~r, will be extended when the Under.wear, HOlliery, Caps, and and distributiOn ,or otherwise, in ... , . ", exan er, supp les, Y .' H . E popular Osteopathic Physician has of Osteopathy was discovered.· next sellSQn "pproa~hes. other clothing essentials. and to his said property, tempor- $4.95; Victor VUI) Riper, gasoline, Harveysburg and MISS arrlett h' kept thoroughl:y llbl'east of the Eig hteen years later, in 1892, the L ;. t ralnmg . 'd . . f '" tho II This we II k nown h oUlle h all Tnis stOCK is made up of re- ary, res an permanently "9.84' '" , E . IP ' Mililer , gas . ' $280' . , Tuc~r, of Harveysburg, ,M arc times m~ t usteopa IC co ege was found chosen Its Iltock with a view to presentative goods, article s ' 'of enjoining the defendant herein Baker Mfg. Co., suppltes, $1.70; \ 10, . . ' . , Th~, re is not, !Inothe\' unit of the cd at Kirksvi11e, Mo, Today giving Its customers the "Greatest nlltional reputation. The man who fr<1 m interfering with the plain. J$~~n5 LCa~v .& S?nO' 'lr.ewpair wocrk, f ~:;~~fi~ ~~d G~li~:A:~eC:I~~~: field ' of r eseal'ch that has made there ure numeroul\o recognized k Value Possible." When It comes 'is particular as to his personal ap- tiff's business or from purchasing . ; mcmnatl I . or so., 0 . , Ii greater progre~s than the model'll schools throughout the United to ready-made-clothing they have pearance can find just what he and charging to the account of the gas, $65.60;; F. M. Colhns, pay roll cell, stenographer of Frank 0, Iscience of Osteopathy. The -grellt. States. The ell' "re course 01· ,tudy the Leading Brands the Clothes needs at this store. And now we plaintiff her'lin any articles of $11-7 :80; Eden erry , same, $518. 1March 6. • _ • est professional scientitic mind' of in the Osteopat hic Coneres ill now that are High Class and which are come to the matter of Prices. It merchandise .whatsoever and for 05; A. T . .RettIg, same, $162.26: ' the world Hiat have developed. completf,!d in four years. 1t is the so complete as tQ Style, Cloth and has always been the endeavor of such other fu~ther reliet, in the Chas. E. Et~adbury, same, $224; TIME LOST such material progress in this only no-d ,"'g ;profession that is Price, that the most particular can HORN& DAKIN at Lebanon; to premises as may be proper. Joe W. DaVIS, same $110; P. ~. , leading profession, and all features licensed in all states In the union. find something suitable. secure a fair: and honest profit, . Monee, same, $122.60; Le.she "Now James" said the teacher receivin.g the country's approval, We take pleasure In this Farm But the . 8uj:ces8 of a dealer In but ·their business 'principals nevet COmmOD Pie•• Court Shultz, saml~' $5~; fterg ~. Simp "if you; father' can do a piece of are now available to the residents Edition ·in directing your apeeial · this line rests not alone the permit an. cxhorbitant one •. They Leonard D . . son, sa~e, 4.5 ; ~ • aI', same work i 'One hour and your mother of this section when : they co.n~ult attention to..DR; J. • YODER,::at price which he pays for hIS gar- have prOVIded the ~trade with a to a -'chaa;ire rake ..w~ ~?un~ rUllty I !~5.7~, WID ~ ~~rgdall, s!m;, can d:: it in one hour how long this a~le ·Osteopathlc ~hy8Iclan. XENIA, and, a88urln&' Joa, that ments. He must be an efficient representative stock of ioods, ·ln State of Oh , agliins Im .y The", 1; 11m • en e" same, ",4;\ uld it take them t~ do it to. IHis years of study, wide exper. when you consult with him 10. buyer well ver8\ld in the St)'le8 of which You can have ,every contid 10, and was fined $800 W . .R } Howllrd, material for Kuard wo ?' Iienee and comprehensive kno.w- will be honestlY' advlaed .. 'to what the Day, and 'wlth a knowledge dence, a'ld articles of ' dress ' that ~:e'c~~s::. ~~).was committed to I'ail, $26.~8; W. ~. Mad~en & cO"tge~!!;~r~e hours," answered James ledge h.a:Ve i~plant~d con.ftdence in step,8 to take to pia ~h,. _ _ , ard r';lll dnatel':al, ~6C, ~,e~~;~~ "counting the time they would his rapidly Illc~eal!lng. elientele.. rapl.d ret!lr:n ~ D.ormal httith . . ' of the 'demands ' of his customers. ~~nders. t~e charater of your!ltErnest ySheel I d d 'I Y ul It Is this teaure <if the trade that tIre indiVIdual. ' jto the char- a",e i Pt eh~ e 'd ty . umbeFr ,0., 32u3~ der"d l_ ':'8' w.ate in a ....... iDIP" . . A well mented trIbute to hlB SPirits. , . • ~ .. a ns Im .an Wa., Davis urnall, I s. D' , , ,




















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"wI :\t r.. I'im , t i \J' ~ h al1 " .. .

l l, 1\ II P I' l' ~undllY an l"lIl1o n ~'I'e I~ ",' ~".,.. ~ln1'\ ;\I, ~r. hnll nnd 111 oth(' 1'. •

I '.. :

th { ., au 'il keep on liking


'I' nhlll'CI1

1111\' 11:< lit

11 nlun' R.

:ilr' ('I. d ' Whl11l " n "lIei c1a u gh· Mi ~t-' Il c\ l!n 11 wk(' i~ vil' iling t I', :l1i.:I E Vil. tHi it'd on iiiI' . lind I'l)inti v<'i; hI \\ c~l(,l'vill(>, Ohlll,

111" . ' \.11' lI ell ~ll\iLh ut Ci' nntu\\n S n t ll n lnL r Rnll' l·t A'liHIll R nn~' tlJ n Rp en t l\h·". ~ 1 1;I~nl'l'l .1 " hn s ,,"u s II Sllndtl~·. with ~I is gl'andniot hcl', Jlinll l' g ll e ~ L \\' 'dncs day of MI'. l\lrs. Olll' c r OavI , ! nd :'Ill' . Hurry M cGinni nt WilY, B k it f D ' n s\'illc. MI . s Emo gene ~c e 0 11>' ton spent Sun day WIth h er p arcnts :'orr. and :\rrs . eth Furna I1nd Mr. a nd :'tirs. L on Dec k et t. Mr . und l\il's. J. B. Jones attended hl' (JO P l'n!i v e milk me ct in g in :'II I'S . \' io ln H!l l'ian is s pen ding Dayt n o n 1 u e-doy o f la fi t we ek . Ih i. \\'(' r k wilh 11 ('1' ~o n, :'III'. E. L. .\1,·. n il e! .\1 1". . Clal'l' II Cl' II U"II1l' Il ' II " rlIl" and fandl y in Dllyl llll. Ilial fa nd ly III ,,,'('(I 10 th ., n.. nrd all ;\1,.. lind ~Ir ~ . Wilhur F . lurk fa rill III : t \\' ( ' l ' k. "l'l'nl Sl ll , d ,, ~' w ith ~ I r. and JIlts. i\l l~ . :'I11l 1y Ul'lIlony i n q' Ill ' t. \\'. \'Ilu nc ' lin d fallli ly , ill na y · \,1I1l~' wilh Jl l ,·. and ~Ir '. W . F. toll ( ' Ia l k II I' \\' ''YIl l'S\ ilk ' 1Il·"t Sun· dn~' with !III'. und :llr~ . c . W . :Ill'. and :'>11' :<. U "y rl navi ~ and Y " UIIC I' and d:lu\.:hll' r s in IJ uytll n. family r ('\u l'IlNI 'l' lI " SdllY l" 'l' nil1 ~ :'I l il'ia lll \\' harto ll a \\' !'l"\;' af ic' r a \· i~i. t of sev('ral dllvs with r l' laliv ,'s at W llirell, Ohi " . . " 111 1 g' 1I ••" .. I' ('lara II I."\\'i " "" :-';"" i;ll Hllw. ~I rs . Oli n'r ()a\'is, JIll'S . . (,hll ~ . 1. ,111t- \\' d a d in ,· "urru ~ i ~ ah· ()' ''' is a n d dll uJ!h tc· r . :'II an' 1·: li 1.ll · S, II1 1'1" '11 ~ "III ' !l 1 " II "", u nt.'lf ill· IlI'th. JIl l'S. ('1.\'<1(' Eve l'll!irt , and l\1i s ~ H,wl,.. l P II\'i" \\'('1' (' " h ,' ppinj! in X " ni" Tu esd ny . :II, II d ~ I r ". :'11 ,·1- ), 11 S\\""lk " "" ;,, " ~ " I' I la ) 1" " ' 1)(' 111 tl,.. \\' all l'lIpel' al II Ylllan's. ,\t', I, " Ihl \\ ith li lt· lalt ,·l's p:1I" ' lIl s . 111 · 1·' ·. ; :II, s. 1\ ", 1"1" Cl a llam . ~I,.s . .T. __---_~------_ . I: . .1" ," " all d M" 1·:.1 .1 1. '''1g';ll·l (> '1"'11 1 Fr id a .\' ( \'(' lIi ll'-! with I1 11·s. I:, II 11,,1'.' 1,,· :. lId r: llllil), .

Today wallpaper arth:, sand c .·af tsmen have brollght really fine patterns and color harmonies for walls· within easy r each of every home. The cost is surprisingly low. We have a pattern for every tor m in your h ome and 150 patterns to select from .. A I carried in stock ~ nd ready for you in five minutes.

I' .



. .




--Kenrick haA bC' sn upp o lnt

Th e Happy I·I oul' Club ' h eld n Wall I' mo st e njoYab le nlec'tillg' oil Tu c~-I e(1 rC n ~ u S ('m ul\\ crutol' of "Dis day , March 11th. nt th hOl11!' of , trii>uti u n nil!! Mllnufncturing" in M, s. Rhode s Bli 11I1l'1 I with Mrs. 1 th~ following town ~ hi\l ~ of Wanon I('huuncey Bunn e ll and M iss Mllllill1 l COllnty, WaYll c, Mfl S~ i ..... W nRhin/.( . ill Blinn e ll, a~s i s tunt .host 'S~ . tOll, Su \(' 111 , H a rl an, Cleurc "l' ck i~ flt'1' H p l eusi!1~ pl'oj!ralll lind anti Fnlllklin . Il l: is lIUW ~"ol'k illl! SUClul houl", a d el ,c,ou s tW lI ClilIr s .,. \\' avl1<' lin d i\llI S~ t(' t ow n shI ps . IllInCh \Va s erved. . __ . _. _ _ • -1\ll's . .Io hn 13. ({ ich lind Mrs . 'l1dic Rea su n \\'l'\'(' g'ues ts of th .. Watch rO ll!' exp irnlinn date on the ~ OCCIl8 i(l ll. The Miumi Ga7.ette


In addltlO lI ttl the mC l e tesl lllg o f " l'(' d (·,)('n nlld the de s ignation ltl' piaN'S wl1('I'(' satisfnctul'Y seed eo,'n ca n In' sec ured, th~ u sc " f Vlll'IllUS du s t s f ll r l!'c ntlllg' ~eed ('orn t il (·Iimill:ltl· mold s nnd r u ts \\'ill Ill' tli 'cussed uy Cu unty Aj!e nt ~~-----------------~ (,Ias~ Ilt L1, e sl'e d · cu r n IlI cl'l, nj!s n,ow h l' il1~ h e ld I hl' u u~h o ut the Ollllt V. \-'''1'' V (' al's nlllll\' farmers "uv e d " I' <' ndl:d UJlll n ihi' ir aui li ty to de- I Il·\·t dl"u d ,'a I' S hy ,' xumininj! the . g'l'I'III S " I' a f l' \\' ears wilh th " ir I po('kd kllil'l'. 1I ,I\\·,'\·l· l'. d ur ing' th e la s t f,' w \\, (!(· ks, Coullty . A~ent Tht~ Iliggf>r, IIl1ndllOmer 1 ('l ass n ' lHlrts that II h ll'j!l' lIumbe l' ' " I l f ('urn gTuwcrs f n llnJ it ,*ery dillieult to pil'k out the (('o od lind II'!! for cxtra STY I.E, ntra mileall'e. bad ea r~ in t il<' :W' (!llr exhibit. :l 1,.s. S . II. lI a i ll" ~ all d ~ll' s. I n a n'Cl' lIt c OlI1,' sl , I!rarles r il l! ('xt rll rond protection. Your car looks \\' :till '" 1",,, ,. 1\-1, (,1I 1i(,d 1)/"1 ~ ll'~ . fro III ·10 to AO Iw r cent with th !' s mart e r on thl'sc bigger, han dsome r • .\ l in' T ,·i.. I,,·,· " I' 11:1" L" n. and av ( I'a~ c on ly s lightl y over GO . Ntroag cr New Goody('a r a with thei r .\ 11 ". ~I lill i,' ' IJlIkl' , Th;II·~ d .l\· , at , Clas s ul'gl''' thaI ali 1!1 2!1 cOI'n hI) ex t rn·t hick All· Wrather d ct· p·cut. I II<' I](, IIH' of ;\l l's. S;l 1I1 I I l' lIkll'. ! t'llrl' l'lIlly t (',l<' d upf" r e plllnting, tr('ads , the outer blocks of w hich are 11In iess it WIl : ga th e red cll rly IInc! ' 11'. :ln d ;\11". 1. 0\\, 1' 11 Th ' " 11 fl S t' n pri ~ nt cd down into silver-str ipcd "ide. dl'il'ri uef nrll s ev er e fl'e<!zcS lale Il l llli lw d t ,,- Sunday dillller t h e ill Nuvc llIue r . walls . De sure to sec th ese really 1 :l 1I( ' I '~ l'"r <' lIt " . alld g-rallri · l'n t hl' r Cuu llty Aj.:"cnt is u lso ('x plainst unning nt' W Goodyears before YOII .\11' . and ~I 1':<. 1, ("'1'1((' W c·1I('1' and inc: a "(; I OW lI ea lth y P ull e t P I' Il' ','",n k \ \\·11(·)' ,I f ( " ·l1ll' l·v ili e . agllin hu y tir e>!. NO IN C RE .~ SE IN ject." ",hNe coo pernt o rs will b c ' PRI CE ! :\11'. ( ·h a,.l l's 1'::11'1)' i ~ " fl' duty li S furnish. d a.Jj.e rie ~ uf cin'ula,' let· ~ al"Slnan "I' t h l' FitI'I Company in t CI'S a nd b lilletin s d cu ling w it h \V ayn(·~ \· i l l<, . •m a(',," nt of illnes!;. hou s ing, f eeding, an d the VlIl'i us Jll' ob le lll s pertai n ing t o m anuge~ Ir. and i\i l s. Wa lter E e llrick. 'lIl'nt of the fl uck. ;\ II ~ . S. II. II nilll's u :ld ~ " 11 and 011 I n addition to t h m ee ting in ;'III'S. W. 1\1. C ,IIl' llI a n . W(,I'(' dinllel' MOR, E ' THAN ONE MAN IN ~\I .· ~ t s Jo'rid :IY .. of :\ll's . Id:\ TtliS fOWN KEEP':; HIS RE- W U R hin~t n T uwn shi p . alunche~l e " an d Mason t hi s ,week. Cla ss un .' Ncw st.yle Path fill,ler s, s uperior to many UlIl s l "pl,(o/' a l S pl'ln g'lml" .. . IIl1d ',n : Lt 6 10N IN HIS WIFE'oS NAM~ n uu n c('s sc h 'du le for nex t week u" , hi' a l l (' I'no u n atll rd t' d 1111' H(lgoe l' ~ I h igh· priced makes . "alu es possi ble befull u \\' .: Monday E ven ing", Murch 2914.40 ~ al(!. cause GuodYl':!r builds more than \4 (Or 24, Chape l of C hil tire ns build inA'. a ll tires sold in Ameri ca. All firs ts;\11'. :In d .\11'''. Ir vi n 11 1ll'llman l Otterbein lI ollle; Tuesd ay evcn\I'll,· ("di d t" :'Ilarlisonville Iu:<t s tandard lifel inte guara nt ee. Careful in g" , Mul'ch 25 , Gymna sium , H a r\I' ,·(·k ')11 a ·t: (t unt. o f till' i llll ~~ ~ and ve ys burg; on Thursd ay E ve ni n g, n1o tllltinll' free. tI .'lIl h Itf Ihl! I'll e r':; fath 'r. N t>ah Mal c h 27, Mni 'lC'sville Grunge, Ll' is. (Op(' n m eeting ufter 8::10) . 3014.50 2815.25 1\II~. Ma r~lIl'l' L J o hn : 5p n t Su nda\' \\'it h Mr. ' and 1\11':<. J. B. DEATHS Th omas in Cenlerville. Tube s ~I I"~ . J. U. JOII S is s pend in g Foll owi ng- lI.n iIln e~s of a f cw thi : w C'l' k with lier , i~tl'r, Mrs. day s durati o n, Mrs. Charles ~ hutts Also 2814.75 2915.50 ,) " hll Zi11lIl H·r lllUlt. in lJayt on . tli ed al h er home on Fourth sLr el Mr. and [,·s. F ra nk \\'ollll('y t hi s morn ing Ilt I o'cloc k . Funerul Priced and fami!\' , 1\11'. :lnd Jl II' ~ . Wi lliam servicc s wil l be h e ld in the M. E. W ,,(o l k-~I a nd d u u~ h (' I', of Day ton c hu rch P r iduy ufte rnoon at 2 Low w('r ll .'lInday gues t s of MI'. lind o 'clock. 29)15.00 '!rH. \ VilIi ll m BI'o wn and Van ce 3116.00 S haw. Dr. H o ruee H at t on, of H a r vcysI burg, promine nt Mnso n nnd well W u ite r Kt·nrick, i n compa ny krown t hro ll\Cho u t t hi s flection , 'with lIlr. lIany Gray (,f L pbnnon , - - -=--2.I tl ie dllt the G ood Samarl tun h os· nwul' II l' u ~ ill (, ~s trip to l:iI'I'ing· pilal in C in ci nn llti, cady this fi ('l d, \\' l· dn t'~ rlay . • m or uing, Fim cl'a l sen'ices will be l\ l l'~ . ,I. B. J d l1 (" , 1\11'. and MI'~ . , ht' ld in t he chap cl a t Miami ce m CI. () h l r 1\(' l1 r ick , Wes H nhum and tC I'Y , Friday I\f~r2!.0 ~n~~'clock , ( 'hu ri t's r-; ad~' atte nd e d th e s!l le of Willard Batt eries. S oh io Et h y l, P c nnzoil a nd Sunoc:o Oil. _ Special this Week Only Frnnk H,.g' r ~ lit the I1 ld Si e~ fri e d I;'" :to l'!;' in .' lll' i nJ.;b o ,·o Fr iday. HIGH TESTING COW 1\1 r. nnd M r, Spe rry 13o itnolt Mr. L. W. N is bet, L oveland, , Hnd C' hild \'('n or h l' istian sb urg head d t h e list of W a rr en Co un ty ' w('re Sunua\' al'\I' I'/1 001l and evencow te stin g u socia ti (,n in th e hig h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ,' ing g u (' :<l s ;,r i\ l r. and Mrs. Guy Veal Roast, Jb . 27 ,Y2c r cow for nl ilk production during .,;I Ho ut )m hn and da uj!' hl e rs. Veal St~w, Ib . . . . 2Sc 1JunuHry. His r egiste r ed Ho lste in 1 Mrs. Be ll e '('o t t, J\liss all ie I pLoduc~d 1714 l b~, milk and 56.5 Smith, 1I1isse s H e len and Ruth 29 JA2c Ibs. butterfllt rlul'i n~ t he m ont h. Veal Chops, ; Eal'iy 'Were lIlonduy ('vcn in g MI'. Ni:b e t is on e of 10 f ar m e r s gUl's ts 0(' 1\Irs. E lla Cvpsey a nd I i\I , s. B .. n lI a \\'ke. Veal Chops, lb . .32c in Warren Co unty wh o keep milk record s nnd whose h erds are tested Rib and loi n . Th e t\\' o adu lt S unday Sch ool m o nthly. by MI'. Clifford Dumford, (" las"eli m e t a t lh e h om e' of MI·s. officin l t e~te r e mpl oye d by the as~dd l, unA'll'l'e 'I'hursda y evening soc iatio n w hi c h also co mprises FRESH SPRING LAMB li n d o q,(anizcd with i\'IJ·. .] al11e~ e ig ht dai ryme n in C li nton Co unty. I " n)'es, . l' r cs .. Mrs . ,1. B. Jones, Stewi ng, Ib . ... " 25c The object of th e a ssoc iatio n is to I.!::ie .', . , u ltd Mr. arl Duk e, TI'ca s. (' limin a t e a ll unpro fitabl e cows and to-dat~ .... Roast , 27 ,Y2c feed ing th e others more systematica lly accord in g to thei r. produ ctChops, Ib ... . . . . 29 ,!-1c ion so as t o get t h o m ost e ffici ent lind econo mi cal r et urn s . Chops, Ib . ... . . 31 Y2 c · Offi cial rep ort from the joi nt county j:ow testi ng associat ion for C' Leg Lamb, lb . .... 33c t h e lasf yenr s howe d a tota l of MI'. anu Mrs. William Ryan nnd ubout 375 cows on test hav ing an Mr. lind J\1r ~ . Ru sse ll Martin of aV i) r agc pl'oducion of 7801 Ibs. of i3 c lmont ca li (' d On MI'. a nd Mrs. FRESH KILLED PORK milk and 30 6 lbs, of butteL' fat . Ell1l' rSOn Dill un d son Bi ll y S un· Th e mon ey valu e of t he produet day (, \·(, IJiI1 j.( . Chop8,Rib,Loin,lb~9 Y2 I wus $203.47, p er cow produced at MI' . ulld JUI 'S. 1';<11'1 Crawford and a f eed cost of !flO. HI, leaving a Pork S .:eak, lb . .. 23c falll il.\' and · MI'. lind Mrs. C lul'e nc e net r et urn of $113,28 per' cow f or Crnwf"rd and falllily ~pcnt ,unday l/Ibor lind jnterest o n investme nt. Roast Shoulder, Jb.20c afle'p()o n wilh re'latives n ear D ay A mun g t h e 34 Ilssncintio n s r eporton. . ted for 11128 a lld 1H2~ th ro ugho ut Fresh Callies, lb . 17 ~2 C Ohio average profits above f ee d i\h. und Mrs . Juhn L e vi un d so n W ellingto n hav e J'eturne d to range t r om $88.09 to $180.20 Spare Ribs, 2 lbs 33<: I cost the ir hom e n ft e l' sperld ing a few Warren County ranked 25th in thi s days with th eir da u g hter Mrs . j Sausage, 2 38c , res pect, 1 Ellswort h Smith an d family. MI'. and Mrs. C harl es Lin g en,20c Frer.h Side, II) GARDENING PROBLEMS . tertlline d theIr dnught er from Day ' t o n on Sunday. . , , .. I Sweet corn, potatoes, melons, FRESH DRESSED BABY MI'. l111d Mrs. J o hn Ilrc and Mrs 1 cu cumbers And various other garBEEF Emerso n DIll WCl'e XenlQ M)lOppe t;S ' c1e n proble m s will be dl, cusle'll by Snturduy. . i E, R. Lancashire, horticulture Chuck Ste~k , Ib .27c , s peciali st at conferences arranged MI'. and Mrs. E lvis M laha e l and by Cou n ty Age nt ClasB in the A SO·BORSE·POWER engine makes Bure oC amplo pOWl'f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " " ' " dn.u g' ltt.c r Dorothy s pent Su nd a y ROUJ'ld.- Loin , Ib . . . :.i5c " Farm Bul'cuu office n e xt Tues d ay, With 1\'/r-. and 1\Irs. Herb er t 1\1arfor the 6eld work, for the belt, for every farm job I March 25, In t he forenoon, vari elutt and SO n Edmon . Roast ch'-1ck, ~3 ties, fert ili7.e r and improv ed cul!\Ir. nnd Mrs . Fred E l bo n of that requires pulling, pushing or stationary power. tu r a l m et hod s f or most efficient L.cbnnnn ~pf' nt 1'u esduy with their Roast rump, lb . . 25\1 pl'miucti ofi of swe e t cor n will be A high.teD8ion magneto with enclosed starter coup. daug-hl Cl' an d Mrs. E. J . Ruth sc us sed jn I!onferenj:c with ca n· (" 'f" I'd und fUIJl ily. Rd Shoul. Roast,lb.26c di ~ing insures easy slarling. It makes no difference how ners Il nd repr l!~ elltjve g l'owers :\11'. Hl)d Mrs . Frunk Bratto n of the Cou nty. . ~napp'y Jh~ p1orning, the starling Bystem on the ncw !! nd eiJtl d l'e n of Dayto n ca ll ed o n Short Ribs, 18}·( c Il'Ie11d s he re S und ay eve ning, ~ Fin ", for .Bp!-te 01' D()i l. Fo~d'Wn will operate easily!

Sf: to 35C the Bo 1









S1."UNNING ne\v fh-e YOII ollght •.0 s.~e! «';oodyenr U"·U,-y nuty

low 1930 prices




Coyle's QualityMeat


Valu es

.The · Making of a Home With all Its Aceessories, such as Lumber, Fancy Shingles and all th it goes with t'be Home Beauitful. For an estimate on the same, call




Phone 47,

Churngold ••..•• 2Sc

The rove d Fordson A sri cui t u r a I ·T rae tor


Dealers in everything connected with an upLumber Yard



lb . .. , . . ..

develops more power,



and starts easily

aU the Ads. in the Gazette








The Tri State Butter Co., Cincinnati,'O.




Waynesville, Ohio

lb .. .

Waynesville, Ohio

Butter Fat March 14th to date


Gordon's Service Station

·w. H. Madden & Co.


\Ve also offer efl6iJiii-l1Wmd«



--- ...




lb. . Y2c

MR. FARMER "-------... ........ ..


Advertise 1JourSAle in tbisN~ ..

papn·. It

wi_l bri~g

!IOU " ~n - ~.


lb .

Gro. Beef,2lba for 43c

Late "Classified



. 24C

2 l b. ri cec or Illore

WA rtED- Hou se W 0 r k, or p.. ::< llton as ho u sc keepel'. 111q UI1 (: at 1\11': . Cal'l'ie Dakin's . • m HI Vr\ NTE: D- Lady 01' Gent to ru n c rea m statio n. This wo uld make 11 .C IOU s id e lin c with So m e ot her bU Siness. i\.dd l·ess Eunlight Creame ,'Y Co., Washington C. H. ; ' Ohio . a19


S llI(.k,e d Meats, Sugar Cured, Old S I ~ l e Hi4l k or)' Smoke

J ersey cow , Will be f r esh in April: Gienn jt l'1l 1y. H ltl'vey ·bul'g. m2G




Wh o le 0 1' h a lf

Coffee, Bread , Ch pe.". Pic kle ' , . C ... k". , Oleo, Bulle r, Milk, C ream, Cracke r s, Hrfl. Cl' , R elir~, Houe'" r ad ish, M ' nc:ern eat

.SPRING BRANCH MI'. and Mrs . H a rold Roge rs lInd E mm a Gibso n of B ellbrook !' (I nt Sltnday wi t h Mr. and Mrs. I-I il ey Gibson and family. And t he ufte rn oo n callers wer e )II', Roy . m it h and family, Mr, and Mrs. Lawrcnce Wicklv a nd' Misses Maud an d PI'ovie ·Bi n l.\ham. MI'. and Mrs. Th eodore P e pp er of De lmo nt was and a fter noon caller of ' Mr, lind Mrs. Frank Hartsock,

MrS. Emma G ibson an!! IilUe - .- -- ---'1""" g l'a nd da u g h ter E s t er S mi t h hi Call U •• We D eliver • . p ending thi s week with her son Mr. Hiley Gibso n and family.

COjle:~·M;~t hlarket I

Mr. and Mrs , Jo e Penniewitt, Mr, Ed Hartsock was 'Sunday evenin g caller of ML'. ILnd Mrs. Fra nk Hartl!Ock.

Come in and see the Fordson Agricultural Tractor. We want to show you its new features. There ar(l l<i pltogether. We want to show you how easy it starts lind how the motor '"ounds, W6 want to give yoq II booklet ~hat describes in de taU ~hi8 farm tractor, Ask for a demonstration. I ~--=-====~==================~


Lebanon, Phio


... Eighty-Third Year


'NEWS DIRECT fROM THE SlAlE CAPIlOl OLUMB US, OHIO, Th e Capital Ci ty will UC host ~o dcl e· ~uto:; f'rom th e eighl y·slX Elk Lodgcs in Ohio ~ e xt !3 u.nduy, wh en the champion rltu a hs tlc teum o f the stule will be announc ed and whic h will ulso . e x e mplif~ t he dtual up on a class o f candidates, one ueing sd ecled by cuc h lodge. F ullowing the dinn ~ " t o, be se rv ed al th e Elk HOlll e In Eust Broud s lreet Sec relnry of :;t.atc Clarenc e .1. Dr~l wn will d('!iVl'!' the addr.e ss u f wl'!conll', th e res ponse he ln g ma de by H on . William G. Lambe rt , f ' I t!v~ land , I'r,:,s id ent of the Ohi o ~: Ik ~ Ass ociat IO n.


To Head

BaCk on the Old Job==-======-====-~-=-==-

~ "

Who I N umber 5902

ilAR H 26 .1930

W'orld Ba11/{'

B)' Albert T. Reid



\\' innpl"s in loca l ora to rica l al'l' li s I oll ows : I-'i " l :\1 ildl'l d C'ook, ' Primary " ,,'1 i(l n; ~ (·l'''n d . Doro thy Drum monel; third. !loris Bec k. Fir, t l{lIth lI oc ke tt, in In t er 1lI (liall' J!1'OllP; ,,<,co nd , Arthur ".' -"h uh'r: t hire! :\l lIrjor ie Edwu r d.s. F i I ~ l. LUll i~ (' H nd e rso n, tn , I ig h ~"h,, " 1 grou p; sec ond, Mary ;', I .. \I ill l'l' : thi rd . .Jll hn Turner. I ·o nt ( · ~ t

~c' h ,' ,,1 \\'il l I)c d ismi ssed Fl'iday " ·I'·rHu"n. ~I ar('h 28; f or the' W q,rl n CHllot \' (ll':clClrica l co ntest, at Cales \Y . McGarrah . CIl:1i l1l1.lIl nf ' ."I" 'llll n, ~\ sl' hno l bus will take Ncw York F c,:er;,1 f, CS"f\I' Hallk II lpi l,.' whr, hllV l' nl) othe r way .to \\'I t'o has I" :,, r !lo.c n I.:: 111' .101 11l~ ! " I t lwl'l' 1'1" '" III' charge. AdmlsBank'- fOF 11Iktl1:ni t·n:d ~ ' ( : l ; ' ~. " 11 : -; , i" n t c, the l·!)nte ~ t. is 15c and 20c. c,talJl ish cd lllll k r Ihe i' ,, " ,,~ l 'l .lIl "il h hc;ulqu art(rs ;,1 Ba sel. SI' ,t[er ia ll d. Th,' IWO e!c'paI'1111c n ts o f Vocal ionll l Work U" ys fronl th e Smith11I!-{h,'~ (·11I ~~ . lind girls fr om the ).,1111,. tic Sc·it·n (·" c lass IlI'e g iving I IJllnqu e: t thi ~ eve nin g for Iw i!' I'an'nl ~ and t":1l:h(' r:.

. Rcv. Daniel A. Poling, D. D., Pres. Ident of "the World's Christian E rl' cleavor Union. who 10101 till' H OIISf Judiciary Committee that modern young folk are not Ihe drll, v,'ds they ha vc been rejlrq<'lltc!l . .

H on II. E. Howe. me mber o f ,lhe \lo use u f Hl' I)I' ~s(' ntult ve s and held mUII;l!.: ' I' of Th e Ohio . New ' IHlpl:r Associutio n, ufte r ha Ving. hat! h~ ~ 'h e ad'lul\l't c r~ in the Ne ll House f o r th · Ill st two years , announces Il chung .. c~ f locati on l l:' 17 5 S.o u,t.l~ II ig h ,,It·el·t. 'J'h ose hav lnK bu ~, ~css with th l' a ssoci ation u~e re'l ucst ed tu chanKl' thdl' IIlHihnK II s t~ at o nce.


oca ---~ . a _'P~ni.l!!f-


Direct or o f ~du cati o n J , L. Jifton has mui~cd to ull sch o~ l - wperintcnd el\ts In th e stote a I~ es~ Imge calli ng atte ntion to G o veB~~d T obacc o canvus at Hyman'R. M yllrs Y. Coo pe r'l! Arbor a.nd II Duy Pruc lamation a~d willeh desN. p. J orden of Jamest ow n was ig nat ed Friduy, April 2&, us th e time tu carry o ut a progr.a m 111 in Wayne sville Monday. conformity the reof. I?lrector Myel' Hyman and family visited Clifton requests cooperat IO n .of pupils und patrons it;!. cO~1muOlty rcilltive~ in Xe nia Sunday. proj ects uf beuutlhcatlO.n ~f Ladies' and childl'e n's new lawns , shrubbery :lnd r o nds ld ~s In preparutiun for th e . NlltlOnal s pring huts at Hyman' s. Education Associlltion to be h.eld Fu und - Ear ring. Owner ca n hefe Jun e 28 to July 4, dur.1I1g which tim e th ousunds of tOUrists have it by ca lling at this offic e. will pass lhrough our state. Adam Mell oh and family vis ited This is "O pen Hou se W.c ek ". at r elatives in Middletown Sunday. th e tate Librury and Llbr(lrlRn Mrs. Cordia Truax spent SunGeorge Elliott McCoqnick is busy r eceiving hi~ gue tAo Governor day with he r sisl er Mrs, Howard ooper \va: scheduled ~o open the Flor ence . program Monday evening, speakJ ohn Stans berry a nd famil y of ing in t he Senat' hamber. There will be other noted !\peaker~ each Middl et9w n, spent Sunday with evcning lind a IlrOgrnm of .lIl stru- relatives here. mental mus ic which will be Expert watch and Jewelry reo broadcllst through Ohio ~tate Univcrsity radi o ~ta ti o n WEAO. pairing at Cary's J ewelry Shop, This marks th e 11 3th yefl~ that Lebunon Ohio. the State Library hilS been In ex· Mr~. Russell Ben son and little illtence. so n Richard of Cleveland, are

~ I I' .

Mnc'l n1a\\' attende d the su o

1'( I'intenlll' nl~ rou nd tuh lt' meeting

It l) ay t o11 Fr iela y an d SaturdllY·



TuiJa ('('u l'an v u ~


IIYlllan ':-; .

Th e cantata, "Hnsllmunde." will I, ' J! ive n by the II iKh School vocul .:I)(Iru~ Tue sday C l'lling, April 8. lit th e GYI1l·

Ver n !) 11 M :li IlOll ~ 1'l·l lIrn l·d 1' 1'0 111 FI "l'i da 1.,,1 Frida ,' . 1 - - -. . 'cfll lct, f(!vl' l' case~ whic h have Th r- \\'. ~1. r . (;irl , ~ p'ln s , ' r c d a h.. ell re porte d , al'e be ing worked e1all (" at til!' Gym Sallll' (la ~' nil-{hL j uut Uy Mi i<~ Gihuon s in visiting . thl' sc hoo ls. Il is enti rely sa fe for I Mrs. MlIl!g i, ' RIII'n"1 i ~ ~ pt' nd - a ll Jlupil ~ t o l111 enci school without inl-{ 'th!' \\,\.,, 1; wil h 1'l,1:ltin's in I'l'ar or ta king t he c\i seuse.


l'l'llt ~ rv illl·.

High Sc ho ol Scho lars hip will be held April 18 at L eban on II I wh ic h pille e a county t eam wi II be se lected t o represent 1\11. lind 1II r ~ ..1. B. Chaplllan Ilf War ren Co unty at Miami college.

~~" " I al 10C'al i\ l asllll ~ attl'Il ,l l· d in ~ i' l' di on at N( II I\ Ul'li l1 l-{ton lu st W c' d n l! ~ d ay n ig- ht.

====-===-==--____ __ ____ _

PE~~~ES. F~UI~~





~~;;~~~ll,I~~\~S. BI:':i;\n~~~:. l:<


Th c

" ,) ntl' ~ t

M r~.

Th l' follow ing report o f the at1(lldHn Ce of t he sc hoo l was taken MUli lIl c Elw el' of \\, ilmingt', n frn m t hl' Miam i Gazette files of ~ 1'C'llt Su n,day with hi ~ J!rand . I ~H:l. The rcpor t shows quite a All problem s pe rta ining t o npTh'e March m eeting of W3)' ne lll lllh('r 1\l rs. Ol i\'(:I' Ilavis. d iff ere nce fl'om th e lll'esent enrollpies, peaches , and vuri ous oth er T ownship Farmers' Club w us h Id ment, which is a lm ost 600. fruit ll, berries. etc. will be dislit Ihe comfo rtable hom e of MI'. You'lI h e pl euSJ.!rI wilh th ul Par· Pr intary .- Enrollme nt, 49 boys cussc.d at a se l'i es of farm orchard a nd Mr .. W. R. Lewis neur King- ker Uuofuld Pen 01' Ilesk Set fr om 26 gil' l ~ ; av e l'a g e daily attendance m ee~lI1.g. arranged through the co· VAYNESVILLE M, E. CHURCH mlln o n the .1 3th, of the month . Cary's J wclr y S hop. Leuullon. :1 :l; pe l' ce nt of altendance 68; Ope l8:lOn o f ~o unt ~. ~gent I~s Wedn esdny:- Bible !'; tud y and The bCllutlful da ~. the.lurge at. la rd ies 4 ; vi: itors 10. ~ nd F. H ., Beach, ?I~h <lld Sp~~ lal -, prayer meeting at 7 :3 0 p. m. Th e tendun.ce, the bountiful dmn er, th Mi s ~ Lll1' ilc' lIal'k 1) f Il ay l un. S('l·o nd ury. EnroJlment 48; 1St • .o n ~ I'dne scla) and 1.'hu~ sd~ ~ I s~o n for th e l vcning is Act 2 7 . 1 ~ l'l c ndld .I)1'o,gru111 lind the chal'ln . K y " ~1'l' lll tiel' W\·,· I; ·el1d wi t h her hoys 7, gi rls 2 1; av e rage daily atAprrl 2 a.nd 3. Th e meet mgs ~v llI Flid uy:- C ho ir prl!ctice III 7:00 p. m g h o~ pltllhty of the host a nd pan' nls ~Ir . a nti ;\11', . WHiter tc ndan ce 42; per ce nt of attendSU]le rintendent T. P .Keal'l1s! of visi ting relatives he re. be a.t varl~us far,llls wh e~t! tY.~I C.U I , nl. The cho ir is pra cticing' fo r a \'ho:.t ess a ll contribuled to he suc. Clark. a nce R; tard i c~ 3; visitors 4. the division of Safety an~ l-~ygl ene o,rchar.d pI obi ems . a~d dEmOllstl u· Go d F'riday :Intat a. and 1111 the cess o f the meet m g. In tcrm ecliHtc. - Enrollment 36 of the Industrilll CommISSIOn of Mrs. C. M. Robitzer ente~tained tlOn s nre unde r \\a~ .. At sOlli e of membe r:< arc urgeci to be p rese nt Am(l n~ thc gucst s Jlre~e n t wcre ;\11' . a nd :\II ~. Nl·lscln King (I f boys I:J . Kirls 23 ; uve rage daily Ohio re]lorts 1\ totul of 261,9~1 t111' J OJl.Y Matrons ~nd the II' hu s· ~he pl~ces d(,l1lonst~atlo ns .of pr';ln - : o n next Frida v cvening. !:i und ay:. He " . Th orn e, pa stor of t hc PI e~.b~·· I\n igh~ tt " w n. In,( .. \\'(' 1'(' t ill' ~lI t'~t~ aUe ndllll c 3 1. ; per C~l'!l of attendaccidents fil ed wi~h the COll1nl1S- bunds 1uesday evenmg. mg WIll .abo be glv.en . DIS~ uss lon unday ~chou l 'lIt n:30 a . m 10 rn . l tclill n church o f Wilmington , Ohi o o f :\'11'. lin d ;\1r~. Waltl·r EI 7.cY ,anc~ 86; la nh es 2; VIRltors 4. sion in 1929 whIch r epresented and outlln.c for a"all~ble llI~roge~ ing wor~ hip al lo :a o. Th e ·, uu.i ect ' l\~I· .. und Mrs. Ogle~ by. of lll'"r Munday n iJ! ht (,ra11111w r Em'ollm e nt 33, boys 1295 fntalide 5, 35 p ermanent Mr. !lnd Mrs. Paul Flory of Day- and ~prnymg ,for vallous dIseases for the mOl'ning will be "The XCI'IU, MI'. and 1rs . Shllluk ·r. Mr. . In. girl~ 14; ave rage da ily attendt~tal di~ab ilitie8, 2,58& lemlanent ' ton were w~ek-e nd guests of Mr, and lIl ~ccts WIll also be taken up. Gl ory of the Imperfect," At thi s und Mr:. L!! wis ., f n l!a r Kingm a n , I\lrs , C. 1\1. Hobi t?e \,. M," ..J. D. ance 27; per cent of attendance 82 partial disabilities an 2&7,984 land Mrs. Wilbur F. Clark . :renta.tlve sch.edule for lh e meet- . erv ice ne w me m ber ' will be. re- ' Mr . Oglcsby on the cornet uccom · Ma rl att. M!'>;. MC' ri l' K rn s un d lIigh .·('h oo l - Enro llment 33. accide nts of leRser degree . In udIngs, III p~rt 18 as ful.lo,~s.: ce ived into th e church, and t hc p as pan ied by I\lr8. Shidakl' l' at th e dauKht I' .J ua n we r e Cinci nn a ti boys I ~, gil'll' 15; a vc rage daily atdition to the 1,2!J& fatalities, MI'. and Mrs. Buerckle Of LebW e9n esday~ April 2, 1l.30 .a. m' l tor will bap tize th ose wh o wis h t o IPiano played two solo s, and Mrs. vis itur!'l l\l ulldny . t l'nl\an el' ;!!I; pC' r ce nt of attendothers lost 245 eyes , 44 arnlS, 47 a no n have rented ro.oms In the D. B. Under\\ood, n ellr Harve.ys- , be baptized utlhut time. Og l e~by gave two rcndtngs and a llltC!' 88; tn rdi e,; 10; vis itors 7. hands 34 legs, 4 f eet, 1,86!! whole t home of Mrs. Ray Mamous. burg. Care of mature bearmg I Epwo rth L cagtH' al 6:<10 p. m. vocnl solo The Holy City, The~e 1111': . I'd l' !' Uell1 i' li n d f:lll1i ly o f T ol,,1 - Enrollment 19 !1, bovs. finger~, 1,038 parts of ~n~ers and . I trees and d evelopment of you ng Th e topic f or the eve ning is numbel's were much enJOyed. R e\,. New Vielllw and :\Ir~. Nelli ~ 10:3; girls Uti; overa ge daily attend 111 toes. F our L'f the VIctims were <:aws fil~d, by machmery. ~ut \ or-ch.nrd. . " Uoes Sci c ill~e Make Prayer Less Th orn e .mad e the . of the Keple r ",.e n >, . )! ue~t. · II I' M rF. :IIlCI' . .Iii I ; pl'r cent of atte ndance, totally blinded, Olle lost both arms clean er,. tl u~r, ,fllster. Roy PI 11'1..30 P. 111.- C. , L. Du~e. about of More Effec tive?" Iday lakll1K .for hI s ' s ubj ect "T he Ollv l' l' nU \' IS, ~ lIncla y . 8 ~. and one lost both hands . I t, at Madden 8 Lumber Yard. 5 mIles west of Waynesv.lll e: Care Preachinl7 service li t 7 :30 p. m. \ Church in the Com munity ," He '. J . GRA HA M, Prin. . . and manage ment of bearmg pench Monday (;vening of n ext wee k is ' urged cooperutio n with loca l I M : ~ . .J. II . C(o\('m :l11 a nd .. ~ I I'~ . n. .._- -,s for pro]l sed highway . ~~v. G. C. Dlb e~t and famIly orc~ard and young IIpple trees. , the r eg'l lar tim e for the meeting churches. giving the nee ds ~If th e L. Cr:lll ~ ~ 11"l1 t ,:\l lI nda y al t~l'Il'. lon GUESTS OF RIKE.KUMLER C ddT s- vls~ted . the form er s par,enL'! at <I .~O p. m.- T. M. Bantn, abo~t o f the officia l board. chul'ch su ch a s m oney , the lim e o f lin d l'\'( 'lllll )! 111 I.l· I'lIn !l n, Wit h improvemenl s t o be Sawal H' . hU~y OhiO CIty. the first of the week. 4 ~lles e ast of. Lebanon . Fr~lt The Wome n' R F ore ign l\1ission - individuals, energy und g OCld-w.ill . Ih!: ir ~ i s l l· r. :\ l l's. II. \ ' . Wal tl· l' . OLD FASHIONED PARTY day, M a. ch 2&, by tate . Ig W StOI age House With u e of II1 solite II I v Socie tr will meet with Mrs. In r(' turn th e church should give I Uirector Robelt . N. ~:11;rst~1~ Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Raper and I and bal sam wool: Raymolld Conn cr, on n e xt We dnes spiritual refreshm e nt fe ll owship Mr:', II. i':. Stal1di l' " I'e! !llId :\1 ...<. M !'!'. Had,,·1 Crew was an invitbring the tOtll srnce h $9000 Mr. a.nd Mrs. RalJ?h ~ru!"x Thursday, Ap~d 3 .. 9:00 a. m.duy at 2 :00 (J. m. i with Chri stinn lieo ple, f (' 1I 0.w ~ hiJl ' F.:l rl C. 1111('1' ca n l· 1 li n i\lr ~. L<lu l' n ~ CI gU l'>:'t at l h{' Olrl . fashioned Tea tohOeO.YIetarl'sUtl~etop~l~i~rye otf ~h e d~parC sp end 109 the week m Cmcmnatl. R. E. Moon ey, 2 1!'lles n o r~~~ est G. C. Dibert, Pastor. with God. development of hIghest Ze ll a!lel ~II : . Ll'l' IIc' lld ~ I'~ "!l II I Party. give n by Rik e-Kumlel' last I of Lc;ba non. Prunrng, fertlllzrng, 1ic. Ill s in life training of young I\I !:C Ic ~ l all h() ~ p il ul Inst \v ('c lnl' ~ (L y W dn t'sday , a s one of the features ment to plaee these contracts ear y When you need a gift lor any s praymg, etc. of an average farm ST. AU,GUSTINE CHURCH p eople and shou ld be a min istering ' of the cele bration o f their 77th , • h'In k 0 f C ary '.sJ ~,we Iry ore h ar d .. G ener,a I f arm ers. wou I" so that work mU ,. ' be got~e d nunder to ~.ccnslOr,,' .y j'uctor in the community. Mrs. S ' Inw C; u r ~ lll' h, !II r. alld u nnive l' sary . he \\II\S accompanied Wfl'j at once i!~n tmun~~I~foVyOl~~ent Shop- '1 he Home 01 GIfts. Leb- be espeCially rnterested III thiS ummel' sche dule- 1st, 3rd and I Mr. S lias O!!,lesby tlliked up on li s. William Gnrs uch and huby o f by Mrs. Rouer t l'e w who rcports r~h ev~ the ~re~ 5 im rovements anOD. group, 5th Sunday, Mass at 8 :00 a . m . ; the spec iul topic- "Labo l' Saving neal' Dnyt on. W ' I'e c:1 l1ing on t he IItIllir a ~ most charming in sItuatIon.. rhJ e ce.!ent mil!s, . - --- - 2nd and Sunday, Mass at i D vices." j fl'i u nd ~ in Wa yn c~ vi l\J ' Hllcl ,·i in il y !'\,ery detail. A good pl'ogram was effect. ralh~n 5, b . k lants FOl'fest Hough and fnmlly have OBITUARY !I :30 : I In April t he club will mee t wilh S untluy. . I(iven for th e enj oyment of the quulTles.. I'cfln erl:s ~i ~:~nl Pmanu: moved from ,?ayton into Mrs .. L. Rev. Lawrence B. Mollmann . 1 Mr. Dnd MI'!'l . A. S. oll ett 111 1 (, Id f," k ~ and I'cfl'eshment were • M. He nder so n s house on Thud I their he rn e, "Th e H oi.. in t l1l' Mi,'s r.1l1 11la lI ('ig l1\~' ay: \\'h o hilS ' (' l'\'l,e1 b \' waitr l's)'cs in ~ olonial steel .m~ll s und q P factul els. street. Elln May, daughter of Jame s WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Woods." I u ~ t l'l'lllrll!' d fr olll 1· lul·ttl a wh" I'I' cu~ tUIl 'I) . . . . \ . and Eliza Miranda, was born in CHRIST --- - - hI' ~ 1' C' 1l 1 t he "i nl £- I' . \\'II S :1 dlll ,n'l' 1\ 1 ·~ . ('I eW is 84 years old and The OhIO State Arc,haeologlcal Mr. and Mrs. Weller Hames and Waynesville Ohio January 29, . , c ,' " g u c~t o f Mrs . Edith I l:l rri ~ and lhl' oldes t pe l'son pI'e£ent was !l8. flnd Historicl,Il Sodety s Mus~l!" t:C t' g~ter L.india Lue spent Sunday 1873, and departed this life Mareh S nlb,le Scho ol a\I .~O a. ~~r.d S I CATTLE FEEDING TOUR I flllll ily on SU lld ay. and Library IS located at the It- I evenlll g With Mr. and Mrs. Earl 19 1930 IIge 57 years 1 month 20 ,upper at cc~n 30slO n. t. ~ un I he n uvenu c entJ'llllce to the O. S. Conner and son. . \ days. ~n.(lcav oh I~t J :. n;. ea el', (;'1Itl(' of va l·iou ·; a 'l o' difT 'runt I Jr·· and Mrs .J C. C" IIt·tl :Inti . . . She was the third of a family of It?.a~et . .c.n,r~'t ~ '3~nlllgm cSe~.~ (un iit y ard havin~ bee~ fe d d if· dll~I~I;t(, I' and ' 'i\ li ~~ lIIary (,,, lle ti CHU RCH SERVICE IN U. grounds It is said .to. be the fin e~t and la~gest bUIlding fo~ MISS ~mma Helghway 1!1 ag~in , four children, of whom the parents gC~l st~c b"l.el~lc~'Th e 'Ba t~~ ~ f ' th e fo rcnt combinal ion ~ of f e('d wtll "f !Jayto n. W '. I (. v i s itC\l'~ nt thl' CH ARGE OF YOUNG PEOPLE such purpose In the country an scUlpd In her home on Third and two brothers have preceded :lto:C , A , p. be Ra e n by all farm e l's a nd catLi e home o f '11' an d M{'" .J. (' . was built at a cost of over ~a~o'l- street after 8j>ending the winter in her In death. .0 y Pldrll.. d ro uslll~ I o ng s~r- I fe ed e l s on the t cur next F'l'Iduy j Ha wke Sun'dn y n fte rn oon.· T t Ii I f th 000. There are 30,000 historlca Gainesville, Fla, She Was married to Chas vice an. goo spec la musIc. Morch 28 ' I\' n y. ve y o ~ng peop e 0 e books in the library, over 16,000 Shutts, February 20, 1895 . She Church Nlg~t program ench Wed- , Scheduie of the tour starts at Law n nlC1\\'!?rS shn rp ened uy Chu]'ch of Chnst rendered a volumes of Ohio newBpa~frs ~n~ ~ev. and Mra. Thomas of united with the Christian Church , nesdfY ft t 7h30 . Th e church whel e I 12 :30 from th e Farm Bu reau Of· E lcclIllkc en pr ocess , sam e meth od ~llIsdca l J?r~~rJtr a~ 2t~~d church a valuable collection of storlea Sprmgfield, called Sunday to see when a young girl, of which she you ee a ome:. M' . t /icC' Lebanon assembling fir st at a s u . etl bv Inwn m ower manufa c- u ay nlg , arc ~. f manuscripts. Th~ museum h~s Ml·S. Mary L. Adams who remains remained a member until she reChester A. Williamson. IIlIS er I he' farm of O. I. A ugsberger on t~l'e;, . E iectl'uk c('n ~~'~t"l11 turn s ,h e I ~)rogram bconslstdd












Ch L

Ii r s8




three divisions wIth , a . Curator 1111 cLnsiderably indisposed. moved her membership to the ST MARYS CHURCH t hI' Greentree road about 6 mil es l o ut pe rf c t CUll inl-{ IlH, WC I'S. Try ~fv ~~f c ~o(t ~um ~r'. a P uet. Y charge of each and It IS a p?~U ar Methodist Church in 1924 d u r i n g ' . we st of Lebanon . All ow ing about me. R oy Pigott. Ie Isses, race an OIS ennmK: mecca for thousands of VISItors Mrs. O. M. Ridge and MII!9 the pastorate of Rev, Washburn. ThurSday. March 27, service at l one.half houl' for eac h place thC\ t,on, II 1111xed quar~ette by Irma every month. Emma Heighwny were guests of She spent her entire life in Way· 17 ::l0 p. m., I~ ev . Don Copelund , oth ~r scheduled stops includ e in 1\11'. a nd I\1 r~. GC'org'l' 1l 1l1'l!'c'lcI{. 1~1e.~lr~: Leutal SwLearmgSen, ~eorge 't • - -DI.. and Mrs. Tripp at Harveys- nesville and immediate vicinity I c~rate of hChl'lst Church, Duyton, \ the r cgular order, Maurice R oui· 1\11'. and :\I!'s. He r mnn SU l'fa l'l' I S (;ri~p~~ll'e l\~~adingeo Eth,:~arL~~i~· burg, Wednesday of last week. Ith the exception of two years wtll preac • . so n, Ed . Stoutenbough, L eonard , pent Sun day WIth !lIn'. J\( nrgnl'e I ' , . ' . ' FOREST SEEDLINGS in Xenia. . . M ~rch 30, Foul'lih S~!n~ay III Hathaway, and .Carl ~ .. MiJJer. Mr . j Th omlls. who i ~ ill III th e h011l.e. of I ~f~ '1 t~.1 Y .st praye~, Grace ~enOlngGROWING SCARCER Dr. Rudolph-Eyesill'ht SpecialShe leaves to mourn theIr loss, . ~ent. Chu ... ch school nt 9 .3~, MRorn L. P. McCann IS ussIstmg County I her daughter ~I 1' 5. J umes Grtf11th ~~~:. f Sf 01 • theThvenll~g. fa! ist. Here Tuesday, Thursday and husband, four children , Howard, !lIlg Prayer and Slll·mon,. With .ev. Agt:nt Class in this matter and in Piqua. IS . , t) a. . enl s . e mml, er, Demand for young forest trees t Saturday: F r e e ' . examination Ernest, Clyde and Irma and three Carl Nybladh, of Ch rrst chul ch, will be along at all plac es anrl 111 t heS\ e r 'jklham.~1nBfnve a tW~!'ty from the state nurseries, to be Cary's Jewelry Shop, I.ebanon. Jlrund children, one sister Pho ebe Xenia officia ting, at 10:30. ' th e la st plaee t'h ~y will spe nd as ' Mi~~('5 An nie U. unrl Manl!' T . \ ~l~n UKI' ta, h 1,1~d Alley or transplanted by farmers reforest. Miranda and many and Rev, J . J, Schaeffer, Rector. much time a s the interl'st demands Brown with Re\, . anrl l\f]'~. ,I. .J . c~ 'C' ci~ng s fo/~hway, a serm?n ung e in their woodlots has been . so The mfant born to Mr. and Mrs. a host of friends. in o rder to discuss the variou H Schaelf\·r call ed on l\lr~. 1.. 1\[ . , A!-t · thY ' 't t· Yh beo~h· he~vy this year that several of Earn.elt Earnhart at Miami :Vall~y She was a devoted.- wife and FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST pr obl e ms and question s brought Henders on !'I\l's. Ze Jl and Dr. 1 d~r e I£VI a Son ymn y e the more desirable types have al-, Monday, :was burled III mother eve~ mindful of the ,!e~ds Bib le School a t 9 :30 a, m. A up uy the farmers and cnttle fe ed- fan at M ~(;lcllan ho spital, Xenia llhe Ib~~~'dictio°n. weal'lngen gave ready been exhausted., and the MiamI cemetery thIS afternoon, of her family,. and always, Willing "Surpl'ise" progl'am that you \~iJ1 ers on the tour. Sunda y Il He rn o,'n. ,_. - - - - - - - supplies of others are limited, says to help her frIends and nelghbol·S. e njoy In nclditi on to t.he surpri se, ", ur new 10 :\0 SHIllI',le UOllks Fred Barnard, H. A. Cornell, . the time ordinurily t ak en up by URPRISED '.I ESCAPES SERIOUS BURNS F . W. Dean, extension forester. "There is still time to order some and Dr. C. W. Henderson left Card of Thank. Ithe study of lhe lesso n, wi.1I be ~ePLEASANTLY S a re now fi n display . showing all types of trees, but delay may Saturday morning for Florida. voted to a "round·table ' di SCUSSion t he new lind up.- t o-t1ate puttern s, Mi ss KlItherine Prendergast was ean waiting for t~em for another They expect to be gone about two . We wish to t~ke this oPP?rtun- j of Pentecost co ndu ct e d by Miss In appreciation of the faithful ranging : n p l'! ce from 4c, si~ glc bUI ned On the arm and about the mear" Dean Warns. . weeks. Ity of expresslIlg our sI,!eere Anna Nutt . Don't miss this unique service and fri endship which 1\11'. roll . up, t o SllI.t Iho most purt!cu · head Tu esday morning when she Y "'frees still availablll for 41s. tha!,ks to all. those who so klll~IY I service. ' J hn Adams r end ered the local la l·. W e ca n g ive yo u .the bl'st o f atte mpted to light a fire 'in the tribution for farm reforestratlon Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conner and aSSIsted us III every way durmg The LOJ'd'~ Supper and sermOn Waynesville Farmers Exchange paper . plus A 1 'SCI'VtCe. D. E . kitchen range, Whil e the inJaries include Scotch' pines, ' three-year son Earl Jr. and Mrs. Chas. Sat- our bereavement. . .at 10 :30 a. m. ,ubject, ' " Th during his employ the~e, the· t!lndlfol'd. 1130 wel'e very painful, it is thouf/'ht seedlings aI)t;l three-year trans- Iterthwaite spent Sunday in Lima, Chas Shutts and FamIly Lord's Shure." Good special management togedth~1' 'Y,lt!1 the Mt l' ll'zah eth] ('wis ""I S pica s they are. not serioua. lind th t Miss plants; Austrian pines, ~wo-year Ohio, Mrs. Rebecca Wolcott - - music: You ll1e always welcome at employees planne a surpn se on , . ,. ' . . Prend erga!;t will :lloon seedlings ang t"'r~e-year trllnll- , and son William, CELEBRATIN" ANNIV.ERSARY this churc'h . . Mr Adams and on th e night of (lntly s mp,!s d on Mo,n~!lIY c vcnlng from their effects. lants. blllc~ wllhlUtS, one-year ... . Chester A. Williamson, Mimster Fri·day Mar~h 21 ·their plans we re in. ce lebt'[ltlOl: of . h«:!J"Ull'l hduy a n· • - - -. -. -. . ~eedli~lI's; black locus~, o~(I-year Prof. Ralph Patin and, faa:nily of carried out In full' detail, and Illversa r y which occ lllTed 0 )1 Sa . ' , seedlings; .req oak, wblte oak, and Cleveland, and Mra. Burleigh A. K. DIlY is c'e lebrating his LYTLE M. E. CHURCH '· "John" and his family were urdu¥ th e 22. Af~eJ' n ~ehghtflll TWENTY-SEVEN .yEARS ACO · Cartmell, of Delaware, were wel- fpurth an.n lversary in Wa.unesville Sunday chool at 2:00 . ..... m undoubtedly greatly surprised. evenmg spe nt soclIl.lIy,- lce cream . ' 'II " 'Ite el .... " wh .... lied ta f Mt .. A I U b " I' • Those who participated in the a lld c.ake were enJ~y ed by th e . ' . .' Price. on the treee II UPP 0 I8eB nn e • y puttlrir on another of , his Preaching Service at 3:00 P'!1'. I t ccasi-on were'- Mr and f oll owmg:- Mrs, L e WI S, Mrs, Etta The markets pn Thursda1. Ma), Icome .gue8 . fro", the state nurseries ranee lan.d Marne T. Browne, on Friday'. money-saving salell. Prayer mE~eting and t Jl-cher tram- PMeasaCnhaso M.lfthener a~d son' Mr. ' Surface , Mrs. Ru. sell ~ e ntly ,. Mrs : 14 ,1 903 Wel'e: Eggs 12-c pet doseD irom $8 to $6 a thousand. They . . The patrons of thie store are as- ing class 'o n Wednesday evening at rs • ~ 'R b C M K h Th Butter ] 3 to 16c per lb' Lard ~ must be ordered on application ·Mr. and Mn. K, N. Hough 1n sured of a cordial welcome and 7 :30 in tlie ~hurch. Please note d' Mrs Raymond Conner and 0 t . I'OSS, rs· eZIll omp. : B,' • e .i blankll whiCh can be obtatned from company with Mr; and Mrs. Ralph ready and efficient service. ' The prayer nilleti ng in th~ church in- i:mily' Miss 'Grace Hockett, Mr. \ son : Mr. Leslie Beck, Mrll. L eRoy per lb. ; ,C hIckens, Co cm per r the State Department of Forestr), Widener of. Sprmgboro mot9red ule sta1"t!J tONorrow the .2 7, and stead of j:n the homes. as former!y Guy Hockett, and Mr. and Mrs •. Chiles, M.l's. Julia BeT5,a!", . M~s. Wh~at .72c ~u.;: 42c • at Wooster. Ohio. . I to Olncinn~tt Sunday_to visit the will conltnue fifteen days. Avail this winter. The Ladles' Aid wIn H B Earnhart and daughter Chas. An'derson, Mrs. A dIe SmIth bu. , Irish 0 a oes, e per D.i ____ _ _ , Ia~a:'s daughter, MJu Thelma 70uraelf of the opportunity to', meet on April 2nd. with Mra. ,Ung . At seasonable hour delicious ' Mrs. Robe rt Baker, Mrs. Anna Hay, $8.00 to $12, tta:











Sublcrlbe for Tbe Miami Gase\te l:t:rae:

c:~:aeisatta~~t aH:prr::~ :I:::d~lJIe of the many bari'l\inll acre.

A. Bowman. Putor

a ~:treeS!:~n~~n?:d, ice






i.fc: . and 1W~~.n?ia~:~ ~~:?E:i.,:!e1;e.:f:: . ,~~g~~e~ ~~t4f':~b!~·te.::l ~ •

F 1= MartlD · Jesse Stanley

l'CUU'lt~ fillld;. Estate of C. B. Vandervort, de· callsed. fi'rst and final account. Guurdlanship of Earl V. HerjJst. • e inSlIO , first and final. E~LUte M H 'ster Douglll!ls. de · ceu. ed, lil'~ t and, final. F;s tal f Fronk Hobson, deceas d final. . Common Pica. Court Estate of Amanda M, Walker, U. Early for Your Sale Datu. W. Guarant .. Be tty Co burn was "ranted a deceased, firet an,d 1\nll. S.tltfart.lon Chari. Nothinl. divorCle from Frank Coburn. the Invento rial and Appraiaomente -d fonda nt having been . guilty tiled:· HAPTER Xl, li vid 011l1l on the other, idE) o( the. was the und that a Ollm mnkeso,f oxtre me cruelty toward planEa~te of Mitchell Brewer, dela ble how quickl y th e Gurt n er wh en h is climbing-so m body tiff. Th e care and custody of cease " . 'j'W () block ~ or ro (' k !<nl t II: \',' put co uld drow. wi t h ,,;hal e1cyi li h nC' 1 \\'11 .' goui ng 0 \ '01' l he gate. . • l)a~id .' 'o blJr:n, \l'a ~ gil'cn' to ,th~ E st3 tc of Lizzie V, Brewer. dePbOD. No. , Phon. No. 320 1I t h ' '\ . l' 11ndo l' t uke ' ~ II"s 'Ind ('u l'nc y hc could .. ho ll. I 11 (1 ~Ilt Luke 0 11 th Kr lind pru p p lUlllllff , un til fUI·th Or co urt a ldOl coo~e . I \~ i th ~ k~; lrl' Ill' 'tlw ;IIl' l1fl~~\;,\ ,_ .. :' ~Y h:~t' the f~~, ':" he g'1'c!wl t, ,1. PC(! h im again ~t n Willi, lind wc nt \ TIll', d fcn ,ti :lnt : W~IS orel~'rL,l! ,t o dEs tute of Mattie 'ray o r, d ecens il II 'Ill t\I" of 1111, 1 1 hl ~ hll'<l In)C. Sl} I 111<'011 1I thl llj.!' lU i nO lsC' I 's,l ly low tl r I th e I'ntrnn ce plly:$5 J),'r \\ E'L'k f" l l lll' clllid ~ SliP l e ··E l \ ' , j II II 'c I, ( I ~'P l'I'~~ ., , . , yuu " , f' l h ' , . I ~t . l ¥ t . I\O I'l • ta e o f George B, Francis, de - - - - - - -- - - - - - '"r ll,':>I. TIll' nl h" r b l o(' k ~ 1I',' r e ' ". , . ,, ' , 0 . l lUl e . , ""P1ll/:, 0 g(' ,1 \ " " ~"Ilse d la,,1 " II tup (,' ~'n n l\ l' liflt'" lh l' I l lIh~ c e hlll1. " lill ie !! t1H' dIll · "kylltH', hI' ~IIW th e hllllli und s hellli Upon nllltio ll o f th !! l'Ol1\nll ~S lUn I E -u't of I I E J h I Work s 0., $6.74; Weste rn StilI', witho ut "Clll ov ii,!! th e skin nl' h,,;!\,y "hall,,'wound it ('a n ' fllily :1- IW.... "1111 ~:." '\'Y t,1 h u tt III , a~ I dl'l'~ of t\I'" l1\e n ab""l' till' ~ut·. It (' I'S i~ th L' ca se o f Th l' I1Il\ ~, . I. ceus~d' III I' :; '. 0 ns, (e· tux notices, $5; R, F. Kindel & Co sce d!;. Bur ly cuvel' the fl'u it with ,,,jl lld and ul'" ulld till' .<a ll. fa"ll' n- ~1l1.C,1 1,Il' fon '" , 1 \I' lI~ "n ou ~h; I\l' nN,d H' " no m UI·e. I\l:tnlllng-tllll ",' I'~ u s Isnb,' I ' l.lkm S! Th e ' court llirec t e d J 0 art· pens f or s h e rifl!'s ,offic e. ' $5.40; wutel' ulld cook s lt,wl y until til(' i ll~ I lot, l a~1 til',. links \\ ilh 11 pi",' ,· I \~ h '~} .. ,lld Y"U l'lInlC' hL'n ' 1,, 1'. 1.C'[ul'nlll g as Ilulc k lr us lit' lilli e Gul,,". I.'t ul . when' lIy th ' l' ~ tate' wr i ' ht admini strator o f'the' e ·tnle ()fficl' Outfitters, Co .• ~lIpplies . 6 7c uppl es ur' " ' I'Y t e nd ,'I'; dr lli n th e m :ln~' id l'd· . uy I' 1\1 . II oc ' k e t t. (CCea·e J I t a Cu IUI11"U. " Blullk Be,ok 1\1f". Co .. thruug-h :I j ('.ll y u:lg UVC' I' nig-ht. .' Iv \\,lIy. tl~kld llll' "lll " r ~:Ivag-e- I to I I'"th ,'h pillc ' 1'1'1e ' \l'h 11 ' II' . heI whnd ' l 'left_ ('o I u lt!I not ,'thhe di ." . t· llIetes t" : aI nd, 10 I' I!I ,a l. u "' I' \1' 1·1' ' . n il" dl ~ ,'u:<H'c1 t h"lI' gl'l ~ h' wl' rk " , ~ l '. I I C l . 11 111 elOi I n ~u u H' ll c ~ \11 11111 IIlJUI ~ 0 li t \11 UC, sell a t pri\'ut e ~ ul e the p rso nal I' upplies . $3 ,50; West e rn ::ita 1', T o oll e p int o f jukl' lin,,\\, a . , I.hl' GUlllll'1' I.. uk d lip at lIlC tlllu ~ ly UIl, 1 I-! IIIg'('r ly U(lw n lhl' the l· "rnll1i :-;~ ioll"!'S 1·(' tIlI' II Cd th ei r ' . ·t f tl ' t t, s Ullpli Il. $1 2; Co lumulis Blank pound of j.!'!'unulutl'd ~ Ug'U !,. Le t lI'llh llli t PICI.,U.'I1, , , Y.'II Wllll t t.) hl' l'Hl'dul eel,l,m g.. . . I ~1"Ii' t cllla rd th l' \l'H l l' l'~ ThC'l'(, Ililprai,,(' Illl' nI o f $ 450() , Thl' ~hcl" Ilrllhc~ %o~rt I:~c~\:dc'lh(' detailed I' $1376 C lh · juic (' (' lI lIll' t u a huil. uddin" I tUlgul un - wu uld h" 11 1'''lItI' hl'!'e. I I l'l':<e ntiy t {LaUla ~ R'II ey a. d mIlliS· ' · BookRl'um Mfg. s upp IS, :. til. e s li ga r. .·ti l' until th (· ~ 1I g'UI' is ... 1, el" I~" II' 1 _11'1' CII','I' II I~" f l"' r , 11 0 1'1'.\' 11'ltll' II ' J\ L'XIll' I IIII ~' . ""hi'' 1 s:tlll . lh ' I ' k I I' ' itT 1wa g ,,!'d(' l'cd t il IH II C '('.1 with lh e S t'l .1 emen 0 L. e r, 0., cl eaning .a n d ,.r e paIr· <. i,l ( '''1111 ,, 1', "'j'i "h I('n • H) IS \" liI S 1'1 '1,1. l ll '. I \ IIlI sa (" tr <'l t r l' x' o f the es'atc o f GIII-"'a I th en he,,1 rapidly until ... ll' n 111111 cll,,.. 1' 1l I I I I,I,,!I ~ . . II ' I l' ~· I' S. (ISCl' rnN I \. ' I( ~ ld 'inf:', $28; L cwi:; &, DU k In. I n c. , Slip Ij IHO I\'('1. a hil -- " I 11\1 . tigh t 1' 1' \'\\11'11 hl'C'ak , I U~\i I ~ '. II I I ~ll:IJ>l~~' 1\", 11 IIIU\,l'( u eH'a S I~' nn TIll' p lal'e of I'(·s iden cc o f Char· IW cy d e c!!lIsed t o be u rell ~o nable pill'S. $1.47; Drs . Ed\\, . and Robl. the je ll y I' fl iHt:< is !'l'lIch,'d, put in th ,. "lilt ," . 1' lIll 11:l!lH'" 111 1'11. 'SI\l! l' l\"1 Il' \'I ~ "I j.!' II" , . !t ,~, L l' wi~, cl l' fl'ntiallt in lh l' ea H" exhib'it of ail tit, p e l'~u nnl 'pl'oP !! r- BiniI', medical se l'vjc('s ot jail, $14 ' luOlbl e rs HI1~s cu L AI I:I,t it \\' I\S I\n,i ~ h ••cI lind , ',' n , n il nl<' to 'I Ij:!h t, :tll d th e n tl'l l' cI 10 Il " hlld l·"n ~ lcll'l'('d I hl' I'"s, ibi l. of. II. ::i, St.,' ve nso n. v"r s u~ .f"gsa· ty o f th e dl'cca~e d . C, Woldron Gilmour. inqu est r\(lr ~ tl:lIl!'h t (,ll{' d h l~ bnck , mill e H , I:lnlt n n, et II I. be lliA' unThe judj.!'c lIc1viSt'd thnt LewiR Mllrtin Bishop. $7.\10; . O. Saul', Apple Prcs e rvel "l;.: Ib:tI ol d plunk t " IllY hilll klloll'n, it Wll S ,,/'tlcreel that no tic e !\IOOnt!!'" CII II he re ce iv e d intn the nntirab ie vacci n c fOI' Beldine ,' n ," I", " ,"lIlIlan,h 'd, lind th e b ig , of the lI'li tlll be madl' hy publica- Dayton : tllt e hos pitol. Saul'. $26; Ml'i< . 1':. B. K ehoe, These Hre madl' o f so ur upp lC's ~, ' r nf til " 1\\ ,. w :t1kt'd t o lhc ci<lO r tlO n, 1 1lventorie ~ lind lIpprai se m e n ls dinn e r s for ju .... rs. $6.50 ; Western pa .. ed. ('orecllllld 'Iu!ll't e re d , W,· i ~' h "I'~ \lulll'd II ,I I' n. On moti o n of thl' de fcndallt , . fil ed:· Slar, s uppli es. $8 .25; M. E. Ross. th e m ulld u ~ e !J oun d f or pnund or l "l 1ln,,,' SII \\ him slart bark /1I1d Frullk Fril" by , Bu ir d J e:< tic c lind E" tllte o f Mury M, Loc I' d l'c ens , s tumps, $4; Brown and Bunn e ll, g'l'll nlllate ci SU/:'fll' und Il ppl ('~ , '1' .. hi, f,, ~,' \I'r lnkl '. II . B . .J l'~ lie(' lhirty day" IIdditioll· cd • c oal fo r Memorial Hall. $28,46; l'Ul'h IlI.unel.of apl'll'S lIlI o\\' 1\ l' IIP "\\'hOl's t h1l1 7" hl' H~k e d s harpl\' a l lilli e \\'a ' gran t c'd in wh il- h t o tstutl' of De mll s Gulter v d e· Monow GurU):~C' supplies. $8.83; o f lI'atc' ,· lin d till' j ui cl' el f tWcl Th,' illa ll wh o W!lS in th P3 s~ag'" a n ~ \\ l' r in Ihl' rn~ e lIj.!'ain s t lh('1lI by cea sed. .' W . W, Willinlll s Co .• s3me. $57.13 Icn lll ns nnc! Ih l' J,!Tull' d rilld u f o Ill' \\ alk .. d 1Il1" th .. r' ''' l11 lit hi ~ leb. ' Fl r d G , lIilk nlorand . I A ccu unts filed :. Oregunia Brid~e Co" r epuir~. $4:1· Boi l lh e ~ Uglll' lind wIIH' I', add ti ll' 111' (' , ( '(oIln " l' ~:III' hi lll lind : h,)\\' ('<1 I In IIII' .. lise coj' J c ' ~' l' L. tew l\l't l GUlIl'di an s hip of W illiam J. MiI- 26: )~ . J. S t er le. "C'pairH In clalllag- · Ie 1110 II nne.! appl es and sim l1l('1' ulltil h i ~ I .. plh li kl' an nn/:'ry dn~ , \'('rs ll " Thl' i\'I"''' n LlIlldw l' CO lli ' , Iikin. Ilt inor, es to f"lI"l', $8; Munroe & Johll' Ih L' !lppl l'~ nrc: tend('I', SC 'u l il l.)a l'~ " lI ull o, ~ull n (' r ! What t hl' h e ll p:ln.I' . ,·t al . tlw nn!el' lhal th e l Es ta l e of ,Jose ph II. Corrington. s tun. s lnk e~ fol' s un'l'Y0I'" $.I n, alld put ill n pI:IC<' un li l wn f'( t,,(!. Ul'<' Y,lll dOIng urn und h!,l' e? " "Il' r k In s(' lId \'l'gls t ere d m lli l lIIud c d rceHsed. Thes l' flrl''','I'V(,S nl'(' d .. li c iCl us ~'all' n (;lIrllWr lIa YIH's looked fl'om Ih,tl' lI lhl' r 12. IlIZ!), be lI'ithd\'lIwn P Oll cons illel'ation it was found Real E.tate Tran.fera with s pie l' or frui t l'ukC', ('n nn ,,\' t o lhe unc o nsc io us mun o n I II wa s , fllu' t~ c r Ol'd,'l'l' cI thnt th e t hot Clifford Ross wna not dis- -- -, lh,, _ fl oo r. , ur\,I.'Y b e \\'Ilhdl'llwn. chul'ged fl'om th e Day tOil tate . Ali.,., J, Buwmon, t o Geol'ge W . Apple Dumpl'nll "Inl!'e n io us bUl n ot or i)!inn!." It WIIS (' o ns idere d by th e ('ourt li us pital lind therefore the and Mury W . Curd e\,. 11 8 lie res in l ' thn.l ,Tuwn sen d D, Van Camp, gual'dianship remains in effect. Washington twP. 1'oul' lurge lnrt :11',111 1',' , o ll e t('a he drllwled, hi thin lips cu rling in I.'o nt .mpt. "Yo u're dropping him in plmnl.llf', .I'I: ('ove \' fr o m th e d efl.' n.It was orde\'l;d t~at Winston , J a mes Mo~ion Cochrnn 10 SI,IO? 1I o f I!r?lIl1d CIIlIl :1 nlllll, one th !' riv er, o f Co urs e , 1I1ld thl' wul,' ~ dall t ~ , \\ tl ltam P. and De bo rah M, Clllle ca n be received mto the Da:y Frank H, Wmkl r ·11 1-8 3Crel! teas poon (I f sn it, on.I' CliP o f ~ lnlt' w! 1I di so lve th e snit, th e dlUins !::\lllg-l:l'<'. thl' s um of $5 12.03. t o n Slate Hospital. in Turll ecreek twp. , bl'end cr umbs . fpu r ,'/:,gs. Pun' an,1 J ohn . ' c hray wus 1ll3de a Roy Mount. Ed. Beachler s-nd .Juhll H. Booth tu Oliver, 'Y. clwp th e IIpple's ; mix with th e WIll. fall off, nnel the . ve rdict will be Death from 1l1l sudvelltU\'e ,' pUlly d c> f l! ndunt 10 th e cnse of W . Willinm \Bas ore :werc m ade ap. Morns east holf of I t No. 102 III cl'ulI1b~ . Beut \\'h it(' ~ and volk s or What a pity!" n. and Kizzie Cummin s versus prai sers of the efltate of Geo rg e L e banon, e~gs ItPlI l't until vcry light: Add to "\\T hat' ~ th e pity. Gunn c r7" I\l lIxn No rth c utt. et nl. B. Frnncis. deceased J o hn S, ond Snruh Richllrd ~ on to th(' cr umbs. yolks, ~ IIIt, ('innun n asked o nn o r. , It was c'o n. idl'red by the cou rt Th e co urt decreed.'that The Leb. E manuel IInll Hatti,' Back, lot o. :1I1 c1 lIutm eR; tlwn ~ tit, in th e "That I hu ppe ned to butt in," "You're dr o pp ing him in th e r;v r, of courae. and th e water will di •• thut th e plaintiff, 1'he Maso n aon·Citize n s National Bank and 847 in Frnnklin. whit"s t:flrt' fully . Mix . Ruke In II said Haynes. "Wh o's th e victim '! " so lve the sa lt , th e chain. will f,,11 off and the verdict will bl! 'Denth IJuilding Loan and Suvings Com· Tru st Company. as trustee of the Horry O. a nd Vi oln G. Whittn- w(' II-g-rl'lIsed lll " lIld . cll \'l'l'C'd for "There's n o victim," ca ic! (' o n. fr om mi sadvenlure,' What a pit y." pa ny uf Mnson, recover f"om the trus t c r eated by the will of Emil ker to Walte r J . a lHI Pearl J. thl'el' h O llr~ S(' I'\'e with 1 ~ l11on !lOr lOUdl y. "Thi ~ poor fe ll o w i~ d efe ndant s . Frllnk P. u nd Earla M. Runyan. decenscd, proceed to Hotchkin 50 a c res in TUI'lI ecrcck sa u ce. 111 a!ld \\te' r e la king hint til th l' ctl r r,\' if 1)11' with;\ lil l ~ ah " ut bt'inJ! ity nf Il'i\\'in" L uke to be di ~cov- 1\-1. Emcr~ th ~ su nt of $ll16.76 to- invest, not to exceed $2600 of th e twp. - - - - - ----hos pital." U h unk l' l' h e ' ~ go l a IH'I'''I' ! I. uh e"'cd by thl' po li ('I'. :111l1 had 1'c:j l'C t- g:c(her wllh tnte r est at $ 1.44 per funds now in its hands. in U. S . W, A . Powe ll lu W. P . .nnd Vc rInd ipor nnt pOl'rn l ( Ii o. m , ) _ Th e Gunn e r n odded. ~" llI e' thilll; o f "t lll:I.. .. l'eI thnt pl all . Il l' ow(' d 1I d " bt to WI' k fr o lT! June! 1, 1(129 nnd Treasury Certificates. nOli H o bb ~, lot No. 414 III Fronk· whut do you m eull II y bri ng- ing, "I th o ug ht yo u m ight bl' pick(;ulllIl' r II I1Y I\(,~ b('11 dOll'n lind Ihi ~ IlIl1n-- he co uld not Icu l'e him costs. It wos 111 - 0 found there is Th e la st will Rnd testament of lin . , my doughI e r in III thi ~ tim e '! hng him," he ~aid. s hook hi ~ IWlld I\( rcc!, i'nto L ukt-·" face. t o di ~ ell \' er,\' and disgrnc _. If due MII!' y M. okup from Frank p , Milton M. C ulp. e1eceased was proEmnnuel and Hatti e Blick to Filiming yo uth-. \\' C' I1 I 1IIII'e to l an.drepcllt.ed: " Ing ni Oli S but n ot Il l' recogni zed lhe :< II' e pi llj:! lIIu n what Con n C! 1' hwl ~aid W!l S tru e. Ilnd Earla M. Em e ry, by reason of ducell in . court and admitted to .J ohn S . Richard ~o n. pnl't o f I~t ue at wOI'k n t ~e v c n, ongtnal. No lIl.a rks of vi o l nce a ll in s tan tly . I ~Iuddi ~n ll , in his 'upc it y n f hrig. the n ote, th ~ um o f $1500 with in probot e . Alice O. Culp accepted N , 83.3 and all of lot No . 832 III t~e body . nothlllg- lu s ho w thut he " I. uke ~o nlCtning o r ot hel'. l' h'! , unci, \\':. :< a :< much wunlNI hy tlie tl'rei<t 1I.I Hl' tn at th e rn1e of R'lr th e tlll st a s cxC'cutrix. No bond Frunkh(1. dIdn't d rown , a s p o ple d o drown. Wh el'(~ fl it! you pick hi m lip'!" As po ll.'l' a s Co nner h im!\elf. ' from Aug-ust 1!1. 1\129, a nd th a t r eq uir ed. R. C . Boys. T.' E, EarnBen Hurs t to V. T , R ouerls part by .occi,1 nt . . I'm sorry 10 have hc s Jl o ke h e he ckCl n e d oll e of thC' (To IJ' co ntinu ed) POYIlI nl th ercof now s tllnds secur hart and C .E. Moore we rc millie of lots Nos. 124 IInd'125 in Frank !\p o ll!!d your UIIlUSl'mcllt, uut yuu'll m c n. "Tak e that c ha in ull'," he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ed by th e llI o rtgage c luim of the apprllise r s, lin tWIJ· have t o let him go." .. sa id, d e fe nd ,lnt . Ullles the defendunts ' D. L. and Lena Brnndenburg (,0 "Why : " asked Conn or. Th e man g llln c d un l'lls il r al , hull w it hin 3 days caus!! to plly to New Suile Eelna and Ben Hurst. lot No. 108 'bl/B ecau se, " s uid th e Gunner d e· his ch ie f, but nn no r n Oll!l ed: IT'~r~;;(.:;':::..:~· .. thl' p luinliff th e SUIll MO founcl cine M M T ' 11 EI" h in Franklin. II e rate ly. "1' 01 in it! Yo u don't "The troubl e with YUll Gunne l' j !' "'1 ~l! ~ "" -' ,' ,. " ', -<'" 11 wilh in tl' rest ut $ I A-! pe l' wee k ary. r o\'l 0 versus IJa R. Wilds Gilchrist to Charles S . catch me as accessory before after is thut \' Uu will inLerf(.re wilh '<" I' 1.' l~t ~f\i'" ~~ij f l'o m J un ' 18, 1!l2!1, then fo reelo· F. Trovillo for divorce. cus tody of and Omll L . Irwin 0,326 acres in or in thl! act of mrder, It's n ot my (Jther Il ople's ~rart, If rou wlln t ~" ~f1 ' . ur e \yill he e~ecuted. min o r c hild, s upp o rt fot' minor Lebanon. graft, Connor. Hemove that in· to know wh o he is, he d id t hat joh / \ (,D~ ilI~; l : c. OrVIlle M Ol'rt s wa, {ou l'd j!'uilty child and oth e r relief. May Be ll W ood and Pearl R. teresting app~rntu s. ': t o- d a y in Bon d, tree,t. " , r!:\("~.·, 1 I ~~;; I? th!, .i ur y t o th e inrlic'\m e n t f o r to ,Robert A_. King, 81.50 Connor smtled. HI S hand dropH e n,lat ed "Slllith s " IJI(I/! I'!:1 phy I! cal'l y lOg c(l ncea lEd weap o n '. Real E.t.te Tranafera acres 10 Ulllon twp. ped quite naturully out o f s ight Gunner Hoyn es kll 'II' h~ WUS ~'tJ I ' ~ He wus .o ~dered ~Ulpri son ed in the : ' Louis A. nnd Minnie M, Nunllst below the le vel of the table, s peaking the truth . H c 11'11 . puzu. : o un ty Jlll l for 50 ways and that, , Rt. Re v, Boyd VI!lcent, D, D. to P. A. Kemper. 10l No. 24 I In "If you pull a gun on m e." SElid zle<l, but no t )!r atly, II " hud li\, .t! I h e pn y th e cost. ' ~I . hop. So uth er n Ohlp. trustee to Frunklin. the Gunn ' r . not a mu s cle o f his too lOll/:' nll thE' Sl' anl), unci shadLavern e Wright wa s gl'ant d a 1 he Church FoundatIOn. of the - - - .. - - - - lean body moving. " I shall s hoo t UW)' s ide (J f l ife l r) hl' " ul'1H' i ~ell at - - - - -- - , !'ivorce (rom 'Dinzi e Wright, the ' ~lO ce ' c of Sout hern OhIO. ,Part of you through the stomach. 1t'1I take an v t il in)!. Men ha c! liv('d douhle ' THE TWINS defendant huving bee n guilty of 1Il -lols No s. 141 and 142 m LebWANTED yo u five days to e1i e. lind it's a lives bofo l'e; b ut chi : was th e kind c xt!'e m e erue1ty . Plaintiff was unon. . . ' \' ery painful death by a ll accounts . of doubl e li fe whi c h I'l ay n es re.·tored to he r former !fnme of Mubel R, Van Landmgham ~o I shal~ th e n go OUt nnd e xplain to Iho ught be lo ng'eti to thl' 1'('31111 o f By Henry Sam brooke uigh Lavern e Sm ith . W .. A, Chenoweth. 71.37 acres m WANTI!:D- Hnullng, As hes hauled h ~ pohce \Vh:y r shot you. and there im ug- in utive n CJv ili ~ ts . A banker I ' . Guy Brandenburg pleaded g uilty Umo n lWp. . . away and close t s cl eoned. ChllS, Will be n o flowers f" om co tland who HlIlu scd him clf in sm:1~h -an cl \ In [urm and f~atol'e, face and 11mb to a charge of breaking into u T.he People's BUlldmg Loan and 1110 Ton es, W a ynesv illo. ~Ya rd." g ra b r 3ids was wicl ly ficti onal- but .. I g'1: W so like ',ny br.other. . railroad ca r with intent to s teol. Snv lngs Company of Lebanon . O. On c of Con n or's a ssistunts poss ibl e. I hat folks got toklllg' me for hIm and was sentenced to the Ohio to Chester. S. and Martha C. Rapp, FOR RENT m oved a ste p toward him, Th e r e might be he thought 3 Ancl eac h for one .an oth er, . tuts Reformatory at Mansfield. 37 ,acres m ~urtIecreek twp. "Loo k he r e. Gunner- " he b e- woman s omewhere in th e back - It nuzz led 011 o ur kIth a~d kIn. for 1 year. For good cause shown Karl W. ~Inst to ~ven Schuyler gan. mildly e nough. j!'round . Wh ere wnmen t ouc h life , , It reached a f earful pItch. , the s(>nte nce ' \'as s us pended up on sma ll .t ract I~ Washlngto,:! t~P. FOR RENT- Five room s with Hayn es's Ii t hot out so swiftly the in explicabl b"collle almo:<t I· o r o ne of us \\'a : b orn II . twm the co ndition thnt said d e fendant .Lucmda MIller. to Benjamin P. e lec tric lights and water, Good that t he man co uld n (lt counter the daylight-d ea r, Bul none of us kn c w- will ch. be imprisoned in the county jail MIller. Y.a acre 10 Blue Ball, gard e n, Mr~ , Amcllu Williams. b lo w. He went down \\' ith a crash. "W hat al' you /:' o ie\g lo do wi t h f o r DO days. ErIC L. Carpenter to Lee Webb, ' III 19 The Gunn e r sloud m otionl ess. him'! " Ils kuJ a nn oI'. a s the m a n One da y , to m a ke th e mutter Upon application of Opal L oh er. lot Nos, 3.153. 3164. 3166, 3156 =-=--==-..;; ,.-_ watch lOg. s t ooped uml with : ca rct: ly a n (·f. wo r se. ty lind upo n the filing of a peti- I and 3157 !n Deerfield twp. HATCHING " Bot h h alld ~ in s ight," sa id Hoy fOI·t liftccl the ullcun:c iow\ Luk e .13 l'fn re .OUI' !lam es werc fixed. ti on , a writ of habeas corpus was ZelJ!! Wllson . to Jesse Mentz 10 APPLES A STANDBY n es. "La y 'em on th e tab le. Cun n or onto the chail'. ' As we we i c belliA' wns lw d by nurse granted in the case of in re;- B e r - j ncres In Franklin t~p.. . It s ometimes happens that there He had no weapon io hi s hand , The Gunnel' did II lI t onswer lh e o W .. g'~t o m~l ~te IY l1Iix~d. , nice and Lo ui se Burg-cl: returnaule . ~elJa WIlson to ~Irgll and .Marle are more apples in the house than ATTfo:NTION- Lebllnon AII·Elect ric Hatchery. 21 leading breeds but none knew belt r thun th e questi o n. In stea d. he propo unded Anrl .thus, y'! U see: ~l Y flt.t e s decree Fridny, March 14. at 2 p. m" I Gloves lot No.6 10 Franklin. you have immedinte use for. Even one lI f hi!' o wn . I 01. rathel. nu rse s Whllll , . On motion of th e. plaintiff t he I if you have a good cellar in which of pure-bred baby C hi cks hatch ed "lI ave yo u any ~ Iu h in this My uroth e l' J ohn got chl'ls tened CElse of Gruce Tarvin vers us C, N~w /iujtt to kcep apples in barrels, it in fumigated Incubators -a hntch nnd Thursday, pla ce? " he as ked a nd l' IlW n loo k A \li eI , t ' I ' i .t I h' Fulton TOf'vin was dismissed . j\4artin H j!ss versllS ~ep Qole, sometimes 'happens t/lnt th/l ap· eac h MontJlIY of ulonll com e int o th e impcl'tur. III g o ell . cnec 1m. In th e cllse of Nora Burke ver. Mildreel Cole. The Millmj .yaHey plj!!! show sign!! ' of not· keePing a ~ Specilll attention pnicl to CustoJl1 habl e facl' of th e ot he r. TI ' f I I' k I d s us Ma ry Schilling. et al . it W/l~ Building and J.olln Asspciation f. or well as expectep, More over, therj! Halcping. Open 011 dill' unrlaf fO " S lu sh ?" snicl C o nn ol' quickly. 1I !' at:1 I ' e n es~ (!ven (ogge o rdered that th e b:Jlance of '974.- money. foreC!losure of Judgwnent. a. reo t,' ,m es, wh l n, a surpJus .o f a,p ' p' l"s the Jlublic, I. O. O. F . HIIII, il~one "No- why s hould II' I"~ I don' t uelll My foo t ·t l'PS When at chool. 2,1 in the hnnel s of the s heriff be , ... , 10 th, " J1l1j~k. "t can .'e Ii "'Oil, gl.:t f. q~r 180. 132 E. Mul,lIe ry Stre ·t, tf in lhnt kind of : luff." And I was II lwuys gctting flogged. distribut ed to those entitled t o The am ount "Inlmed ,424 with In· .. "'.. H I' F QI' J o h n turn d out a Cool t erest thereon frc;>m O~tQber l7, ~ .rensonj1,.,!e price, pr Il motpr trill FUNERAL DIRECTOR "No fo rged French bankn ot es?" I t i t' f 'tl I ' fees and s hares, 1929 , III tile oountpy m"y make It nos I'n I'll t lC 'III CS Io n. rUI ess y. ~ ~ " , , ,..' Th e G Ulln e l' ",-Il ook hI' 11 !Id T o c"c y ne I k In re:· Ber nice and Louise Bllf- s ible fpr YOIl tQ puy a l::Iar"'a,' n WAYNESVILLE, OHIO a nti cipation of lh e nmm'e l'. ' I' 0 ' nc w, Probate! Court Proceeding. apples from some famler, ''It YP4 "Whll d o YI) U m can , Cllnner~" "Whal would yo u do. if yo u were ger, for habeRt! Corpus. have more apples thaI) you n!led FOR SALE-'I'rees. Sl1rubs. Vines 'I' () pro IIIC. h ?' The cou.rt ordercrl thnt .J. 0, M ' L I ' mmedlately, remember t"'o A Sll'Iil l' Ii l III) t hc ~atllri n ' fncC' lind Evergre ns THAt WJLJi ve t lit yu u wcrc you.' CAlrtwl'lg . h t Ilumlrllstrator ,1 " arroage icen.e "", t th\lre • liP' of lhc lire several ways to prj!serve " You a s kl'd Ol e wby I l' umc h re GROW, d e livere d to you ' llt whole. Fully Equipped for Good and I' m t e lling- you. The y'r(' raid- 0 I 1.1 d h estate leln M. Hockett . d ecea sed, Albert F. Bell, sten}f.rapher ot pies to good a dvantng' e. Here are sale prices. Equippe d to furnish Service. in" I on lv lIl' C ()tid ~ e e r es(' mu alic e turn e t e (J istribute eel·tain bonds nnd notes Maso n and Miss Ida . La Mar • so me thQt may prove of u se tQ plants and do all the work . iI de· ... ," ClJ l' Illtll' C"ht. " , 'q ,,( l Larll{e Display Room . lo know il a n ho ur 0,"0. I lhou /:, ht 0' .. IIm ong the di stributees. st cllogrn pher of Mason. March 12. you: s ired. Call 5611'4 I. C. L. Du~e. I'd c"m' nl () l1 ~ a nd te ll \' ou 1 . f ClUI do mps tl c ,lrf e. , It wall o rd c red by the court that Vil-gil P . Fryburger. elect-rlcan Wnynesville, Ohlu, */I 1Q Ambulance Service d u n't k n ow will' but thal' i< '11Y To 1' 1'. ~lI m ha w. my Illle nd ~cl bride Mantic Binkl e y. e xec:.ttrix of the of Cozaddale and M,' S8 Rowen,Applea .nlt Pillc.ppl. .• .. FOR SALE- Qood J ersey cow, l" 1 '1 B eCllm c III ," brolher's WIfe . I'.H OR Jl.:IGHT nut ur c hclpinj.!' pon t' crooks last will and testnment of Jaco b l'ELEPHONE 7 Will be fre s h in April. Glenn W. Il l' sa \\' the t hl''''' 1\11' 1\ I-: I; n'('e al In fll~t. yell l: .afle,~ y~ar th e same Binkley , d c'ce nser!, proceed to sell Bill. Allowed To every tour pounds of apples m2!1 ~------------_ on e anoth (' r, Iln d t hC' alu rm in A )~ lIrtl Ill!. ~nkr , \\ e n t on, - the rcal es tate at private sulc at u ~e · onc good·sizcd pineAPple. Pare Fealy, Hllrve) sb ul'g, E. D. Thompeon, eupplies and quarter and core the apples, Imd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:- I Co nn o r' ~ fa ce wa~ pa t en t, And wh!!TI ~, dlC'd . Ih e sexton came r,ot less than the nppraised value. _ I "Wc h nd a pa r cel 0 1'1'1' fr om And bUlle d brother John I I Upon co ns ideration of the court labor. $7.60; Miller Hardware, after removing the ' skin and ' eyee THRESHER SUPPLIES- BELTS pulleys, babbitt metal, oil CUP!!, ~• • • • • • • • • • • • • Pari he othe l' d Il Y. " he said un .. I it wa d~! ter'mined thnt Leoney spoons for Memorial Hall. 90c; of the pinenpple, grllte It, Mix a . easill·. "Hany , get it up." SHE VETOED HIM ' Singer. wa,s not the widow of Vel" Kaufman's Store , supplies. $9.69; pound and a qUInter of sugar And Injectors, lubricators, steam and I Hi- lo ok e d at th e huddl ed figur e , mont D" Singer. deceased. and is TruB. of Public Aft'airs, light, eas a quart ot water, stir over the fire water gaug"s, gauge glalS. ollerl, of L uke. (How fa,t ean you .ay it 7) ' f rot entItled to any property, and water. $13 .47; Bobbs MeI'TiJ1 until the sugar Is dissolved, add packing, boiler Rues, suction hOle "You're making a big mistake A tree toad loved II she toad I wherefore the COUl·t ordered Ralph Company. manual for pros. atty., the grated pineapple and bring to and tank pumps, THE BOCKLET 1 ab out this bird," h e said. "You Thot lived up in a tree: R, Singer, the admini"strator to sell $16; Henry p, Carley, hauling the boiling, point Carefully slip In CO. 415 W, Mllin St. Xenin, Ohio. ~tone, $15; Clarence Garner, load the. apples (which have been Iff ' IE' t him get Into I h e hands of the She was a 3 · toed tree toad. 'I the real estate. "5 , police, and he' lI p ut lip n squeal But 0 2-loed toael was he. The cQlIrt decreed that Ethlyn !ng stone. $4.66; . Sam Cutler. lay- preViously boiled tl!llder In water FOR ~ALE-Syrl\cuse 3 horse , lhat'll m a k e yo u dl' uf ~ " The 2-toe<l tree toad tried to win Cl a rk. administratrix of the estate tog wall, $9.46; i John Doughman, and drained and simmered a fll\\' , -.yalklng plow and a Hnmi\ton 30 Years Experience in Fitting of Thomas F . Penders. deceased, to labor. $11.20; Sherrr~n Wlleon, ,momenh). Then can the mixture ndtn~ plow. J, P. Cummings, R, S t oo p in g , th e G u n n e l' Pllt hi s l The s he-toad's friendly nod; And now, while apple. are stili R. No, 3. and Making Glasses ft!) a rm about Luke ;\Ind.l isn ll tl lI U 11ft F o r lhe 2-lned tree toad loved the sell the rcal es tate at privntC' sale labor $12; Monroe & Johnson. cd him ' boelil;·. H e turn ed :Jnti /' g-rDund. al n ot less than the apprllised guar r!,ila. $66,12; J, K, Spencer. good, make use ot them Bllver"l -ntfurnlshlllg and loading grave!. Umes a eek tor dessert. They are PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS s t" ode lhC' l1 l1g-h th ,. d O. II·. tln\\'n t he That th e :I·toed tree toad trod vlllue. · -For all pu·r poses. Bocklet', nan o'" pa ~!;aj.!' (> , !lnd inl o the' un · I' But vainly the 2-toed trtl e t oad The court ordered that Law· $74.80; James , Con~s, guard raIl as good now ns in the a!ltumn If line of plumbing and heating sup. Every Tu".day. Thuraday, lidv \'an l. H(· had 1111'('[1111' 10r-l1tl' ci tri e dIc n ce Voorhis. exec utor of the posts. $3 .60; Kllpatflck Motor Car they are nicely cooked $80,24; • C!l ~n'(l l" ~ van. alld h wa ~ n n t l\l' li e co uldn 't plonse hH whim; es tate of IL uelln M. Scott. deceas· Co., gas and supplies. plies are t!:~ best, The Bocklet. Saturday point nf h " i ~ tillg' hi, l,uC'll e n into In he r tl'pe tunt! bower cd. dis tribute certain seo urities be- Bangham Motor Co., supplies and Apple Jelly King Co., 415 W, Main St" Xenia Western Star No charI''' fOI: Examination : its int l!ri or \l'hl'n h e h eul·d Il ' Wilh h e r V-toe power longing ~o the es t!ltl! 1I1ll0ljg tpj! repairs, $66 ,7 1; Ohio. ' Wash apples and slice them suppljc!!, iHl~.~5; p'n~tRn St~nci! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5· steadlthy ~crnpl ng II~H in st wo od. It Th e sh e- t oad vetoed him. c1ls tributccH.

Auctioneer s



Centervl'lle, O. New Burlington,O.

, .,f













'. pF! U Iii '









J .E.McClure





DR • RUDOLPH . ht S,peaa"-1St • S



I Sh ' 'J C arya ewe ry op





w HA'T'~ ~H6.

. MATTER.,. 'CAR.l.. I.. 0 $-1'




by TiRRV

Pinky Has the Right Idea

. -- - -- ~ToP eRVIN'

---~__r .-----------,..~- -


-AND COME ON WtTH ME. l'\Je 60T AN I peA! we.'L!L. A[)VeR.TI~E FO~ Hr~


--(e.S'M, we'D I.IK6 'TO ' HA'IE: AP PUT I~


nIt!: ' "lew~r.~,p~A,.

f46H'" AW,A-...,




5% Farm

?~D;.",•. JINGLEStr ):



LONG SHOR'T 'flME-Ela8~ terms. Also BUl'veying and AI) • ,tracting. Write and I will call 'nd see you. Sam D. Henkle,' Way. 'lcs,v iIle, Ohio. ,Jl' .

I:.OANS on Livestock, Chattels, Second Mortages , Notes bought. lohn Harbine, Jr., Xenia. Ohio.

Fa rille rs. A tten t iq n

'-Io4EJ1.& V~A,.

. A (10"




~ ~~IP"D


.IN'TI) THea '

" ... 0 ATE UP ALI. 'THE PIE?' ." lIOII"~, i4K1f ..~..,. IJMlIl_

~armers of Wat:ren--and adjoln!n, :ountTer may obtain money , on lonlf time' loane, at 5 per cent In. erelt. COllt of securing ' the lame s very realonable, through ,'Tbe' "'ederal Land Bank. , For fartlle",' I~form.tion , call on oraddreBl II, J, DRAKE, Treatlurer, plione 811t Lebanon, ObiI' __





THF. MIAMI GAZETTE - -- - -- -- --





-- -


Nati~nal Outdonr Life Show to he S1ag~d in Columbus

W dn csdn y g \j C:;Lll o f Dr. (l fld Mr s. P. :::l. Tri p p II' n ! M ... lind Ml's R-lldeace ...... .... . , .......... •... No. III ~~~----- .. - --===:;-~'-----~--;;;;;:-:;:::1 Ro b e l·t Gep ha l'L of Daylo n, Mrs . O. M. R id&,e and Miss E mma Sulfer~ Two Yllar. From Kidney SuLlcrlptioa p"ice, .1.&0 • Year H e ighway of Waynesville. "ilmeat, Grateful For ~ellef William Dos te r was completely ffice • t W.yn ... m. , surprised wh en a number of relaBrou,ht By New IMed icine .s.eo,ul Ct... M.II M."., WORRYING DOESN'T PAY ened s eve a l years by the t ear of t lv e and fr iendll g ath e r ed Th\1fs. bad deve lopment/!, most of whi ch da y eve ning to r en1ind him 01 I) ls Oli his WilY back to a col!eie l'e· n ev pr C(,tt l'l·e d ." birthdny. MAR C H 26, 1930 uni o n, one of my fri ends stopped Even v er y wi ae m " n, IlA th e ir The l' r ic n lil: hip IIl~ f t h 111 " oft' in t he littl e t o wn wh er e he ha d vear A h llv e Incre llse d, have s ufl'cr otl E. Ch ul -c h al Wny nes vi lle s l aged -" spe n t hi s boyhood. from the ev il ha bit o f f earing t he .. W ell , Di d Yo u EV l']"'! " ti t th a "H ow is bus ine 'Il'/" he Bsked a w~ rst. ~' h e !lcv. 01'. Cot t o n Mathe r G) III We dne slluy e \' c n ing tind er - - -- -- - . luca l me rc ha nt. wh o (he d t wo hu ndre d ye u rs ago t h e u u ~ pirefi o f t h ' W o m e n' ~ civic r " Awful ba d," wa s t he r e ply. in Bosto n , wug t he must !!.mine n t L ellgu c. It wa s t"llII r n ughly enjo yed WHAT'S THE MATTER " And w ha t 's mo r e I d on ' t lik e gradu ate of Harva rd and vIr t ua ll y I D r. H . I~ . lI u tt on !lasHed a wny WITH FARMING? \ th e o utl ook.'" l h e f ound ' r of Ya le . H lO . h nd £!m 'l y W e dn esday fll o l'l1i ll l! f Oll ow - I I "Wh y n ot ?" co urag e and a won d erful fll ind. I ing I wo w ' e ks o f ill ll ess. Fu ne ra l "Wl·lI, t he r e 'R e le me nts in th e Y et in .h is old Ilge he Vie .\ve d t he "e l·vic es wcr e ~ (J n d uct<:d F r iday l'it uuti o n that mig h t d eve lop a lot futur - dl ~ c o n ~ 0 1 8 t e l y. H e cond u - after noon C"O Il1 Miam i hap I. With t he agricu llura l se a !' n o f o f t r o ubl e. A t. leas t that's th e way d ed thn t G d hud broug ht t h e , Th e M . E , A id t e nd e re d H a r riett I l H30 heg inn ing' to ge t un,l e r W il Y it loo ks to m e ." Pil g rim ~ ac r oss th e OCl' u n l o "a T ucke r C lu r k a IllI rc,' l ~ h o \\' ' I' lit t he e yes u f t hc' na l io n li re f ocus ed My fri ll nd lig hte d a cigllr, and N e w E n g la nd" f o r !1 very 8peci ll l til· A id .Roo m ,'atul"fla y e ," e n ing . , Ull on ng ri c ultu re a nd its p rultit' m s lean e d ove r t he co unl e r. • pur poHe . but thal lhl H p u.r p(,H(' ha d S hc rece lv c.'lI U n um bel' o f hu nd- I nnd p u s R iu i l i t i< '~ u ~ t h l'Y slO lri o m "G e or ge ," ~uid hI! familial'ly , o h vlO us ly be en Ilcc o mphs hed nnd ~ " Il1 l' a nd usef ul gifts . hav e bl'c n hl'rd u f ur . · "th ose lir e almost e Xllclly th e sam e lhul t he wh o le c o lon y wo uld I rs. Edi th L lJk l' n ~ oi>elll, r1 he r , F or th l' tir ~1. tim e ~ i n ce th e eal'ly wo rd s I us ed to h ear fro m th e " ~Oo n c om e t o n llu ght." ho s p itu hl c ho m e W edn l;:s<i IlY uft ~ r - ' d ay s w he n we W ('I" primurily lin s t or c kclO pe rs wh e n I was a kid T~l e clllll n y ~ h u w H no : il: n o f noo n lind we lc o me d Ih ' Ba ptist ngri c ult lJ rul n a ti u n , uig b u s i n es~ he r e tw e nty -fiv e y e ars ago . I've eo mlll g tu nllught. uu t th en! ar t' 1I'l i,;s ill n.l ry e i,'c le, Mr s. Lu ry ( 'v lll m lJ u, . ( :-- 1' ''' I I. ,IIX I" " " " lll 'll, la nk wi ll I II capne it y nlld fln a nc inl int lO r est. s arc tuking bee n a subscribf.: r t o th e lo ca l d o ubtl l'ss a milli o n m en in it to- C leav er w a s uss ista n t hlls tes". IIIl"s . di n n ~ fro m til<" 1l1:I\' k 11. /1 ,I' :- .. "th ,I' 1( 1) t li ll S 1,1' wn tl' l" ha s bee n in. un in te r l'sl in t h(O fu r m e r' s pro b- pa pe r e ve r s inc e 1 left, and m ost d ay w ho a re lus ing th e fun o f E t h (' 1 Gilla m co ndu c t ed the dl: \'O- , f'l llk " la h'd h)" Y ,," ,, ~· I 1" .·( 1(", 1 II ' W " f t h ose 0 Id Mo t re k ee pers huve ().I e (I lh e .ll' curre nt su ccess be ca use 0 f t io n a l, her top ic b e ing .. b s t he r ... A · t 0 f V II' I C nt s f r o m a no l h CI' p Oin ClnlHl, I!ra", I. I'll "flit.· "I',.,,',. ', , 1:1 I'd fnl" till' 1.)1.: ro ll ing featul" es l k . I t ' f th th I I t h t th ' f I. fl. ' MR JEPHHA KING ~ .,"d (,t h !'r a q uati c e ve n t s . i'ncl ud· t 0 HI' II I I t h a ll t h e Ill cre (IeSIl'e )/Iv e a en Rpec lli no Ic e 0 e e ' r em a sli m e tn g u n 0 1'- n Ulll uCI" u u UStn '~s IIl n tt c rs \I·,' rc · Wil l" 11' ;\11 , ·1' IIr t ltt. 1'\,01 nl ., I " r II,•. m c r cha nd is l' t il hi m . Th lOY. a r lO he- s ize o f th e ir estates. How much l un u t e ma y be II bll llt t o huppe n. I lir o u "h t t o uu )' aue n tiun. T he les\ . . inl! 11ll' "lis t In/! co nte s t open t o VIlli \\,<" t , ( ~I I ' "C"' ,I r..: I·r, "I " \·" r y an..: I ,·r , 'I' lli' l'x hib ition w ill g ill ni ng 10 Sf'e t ill' p o s~ ibil i t y t hil fll o m'y t u yo u think th e y left ? Be" O ne -f u u rth o f life is int e ll i/! i- : lI n "wa s " L l' I, '!! r , , ' li y IIII·s . II. E . "A),'Jtl l t w o y e a r: "I! O 1 IJ(' I' :JI1I ~' b Ie , " SUII ' 1 M of' k R Ul h c rfo l'll. "th " lI a ll un, but o win g 1 0 h el" ve r y II fll· Ictec ' I \I' .ll h k I·u IlI' y tf'PU II' ", . I Ul(·lJl I! II Ud " ' I' r· ~Hpll :-. ',.1 ..·. \\1 1.1 IIt· " 11<' 11 !lady fl"II I1l I t o 10 :;10 p. m. a g"J'l. cll Ilul'l' ma y , I(' vc lol)' int u an tW l'p n II Il Ull d r ed t lOui sandd an ac ti n ' prn fitllhl e indu slry . t wo hundred thou sa nd each . And o lh e r t h re e-f o urt hs u n int e llig ihl e I'e c ~ n t bl' l'lo'a \' (' nH' nt t he s uujc \,'t , ai d M I'. J " phh a K in ~, H" lIt ,· :'\ 'l.' lI J1 illJ aI H. f U I' 1"·"1·' r . ·, l'III'" lin d A IlI " I1~ Ih t' l' ~itihil s wi ll be a r o r flfty YNU'!l Ih e fOI'm e rfi o f IlPl'l" s th e funny thing- e ve ry dalkn e~s ; a ncl o ur ".u rll e st duty is wus han d led b y Mr ~ . Itu e Th orn - I . H IJ II.ll1 d , l1 ~ a r T il lc·d u. " I ha d ~ () n l! bird: . li, h Ih "u "" IIIL, ,.1' t l" 'f) 1 ~ r" lIl \'a r il' l y "f d i ~ play s of lIl e l'the U nite d S tutes hll ve bee n c r ying pe nny wus ma dc l)~.lll o f bu ~ iJ1 e Sl;es lo c ulti vate th e hault of no t loo k- ' hUl 'y 1I 1HI Mr;; . Ma l"i eJ Gr il l' . T he II" n b ly ,.., v(·re P II IJ1~ 1I ("t"(f,~ I h(' - 'uiorf ul d , sl' l a ~ ' . \\ II I I, ., , ,·t' n ' hn n!l i:;" nn d ,'q uipm c nt n s~oc i atfld pu vl.' rt y s o p £' rs is l l' nLi y t hnllh c r" ~ t whic h. we n ' always bli d and always ing (H uund th e co rn er." I hUli t l·ssl's served dtd iciou s ' s alld - , \11 11 11 o f 1l1~. back , Th i,. pai n it l" in Ihe (' ,oI und, "s .\ uol"" r lilli, \1 ith t l,,: "l IUI·ts and co rnmer"ial of the pc uJ1l e hod jus l abo u t u n th e ve l'/,\"e o f ge tting e ve r so Those uf us wh o d o not lu ok \\ie ill's ~u l ad ca kl' u nd COC O II in 1l'll nl!' ~ u bad t ha l I O!'t " ;1 f ound it Mll r ch l fl I" Al ml ~\ , ,· ,t 11 ,., . ,'' _ I I . , , I . I .. CO lll (' t O I.> I' Iiev e th e m. Th <: farm er IllUl'lI \V O l'S ' . ar l' ik c y t o g (· t an un exp ec t l' d !l ttI Heti v., St . I'li tr ic ks Da y c" lor . I n (' Cl' H~ aI Y In r e mll ll In I l · 1 1 , 01' t iu nal Ou l d" " r f. t1." 1.:, 1,, 1'111"'1' i u l" ~ uit s ,. f l h,' hi.. " o utd o rs - fi s h' l'SS I I S u p posC lh a l . I' f groves t ones b ump Cl ccu slona ' II y , b u t h ow mll Ch M rs . G I'C ' ne u f j'I . .In lh e e YI's 0 f t h ,) u ve rllgc b t1 Sln , a rtmsv I' 11t! IlII l I d ays 1\ t II t 'lIn (' un. I \\'UI I.' 1\',1,· ,1\1 t s tas.:.' I·u hy Il ull t"I". T I"ad, r-"I' I:1I' I1<" r :11 ..:. "uati ll l!. " lI lJ1p ing . f UI' fJlrming, th l', q U ~~ li o n. I '. Iid 11 11 1. kl1 ,' \I·. fl ullt il1/.!' an" t raJlp i n ~. Su me of the mnl! in til!' c ity , W I! ' a poo r dub tul J lh l! relll truth . nin o ut o f t e n f aHI'l' w e tra ve l 1 And what a lot Mrs . Alil' l' O~, b o rn w e r e "'u ~s t s . · I" I'/!" ~ t ma n u radul"c l ' ~ .In th ('se s tl"u ~g I \II /! f o r II b are exi stenc e , II f t I1(' 111 WOUII ( b ea r u I in e to this 1.1101 e. fUll WI' h av c 'ueCll use of ·t h e Cup tllin unci Mrs. C ha B. ..Ga rne r , II' Iln l tI . me a nt t .. c n Joy u .n ll! h I II I nat lf/ Ilal SPil l'I,,)) ' II ' " lil a..:: /,i " ., . ~ h a rt- Imn~p n u r y b UIIl PH l h a t we m I58 1 The l' x h ib' li l,n I,,·in" ", t h., \111 ,1,11 ,'1·, " ' II1" WI·11 IJt' !'( ' I IJ·e ~(' nte d . ' g f Ol" e c Ius ure a nt I t h e POO l" e nou e c t : " Th'IS man •51 I'f rlI ClI1 I e was l u nd s il n u f Co l u mbu s \\'" I'l' \l' tlc k. r e f I'('!' Ili ng s Iee ll. I I,. ~t \\ l lg h l u nl I ho use cv(' r y do y o f his life. I I l' n d g u e~ t l! uf M rs. Mu r y F in c h und becam e te l'l"I u ly r un d"wn [J ); ti 11 1'- ness tu th e cil y. Il "':. :t!" .. wl l h th,· lI un lc J'. 'f' ra d,'r .T l'Il flP I', s ponso r Th !l t wu s th e n UluI'1I1 rc uction - -- -1 Houen Gll l' ne r . c'Ju r a g ed . I s pirit of I h l' gT,'a t " I"' n 'I'Hl', ,< , and "f th l! e xh ilii ti o n. is u d ominunt f ro l1\ . th e I(,ud o ut cri e s · o f th e William M onls . n ea r W nyn csT he Jun io rs p:J 1 on a n ex ceJpli on : " Fro m t he ve r y s lurt I< o n.i ola t.h r ill s w ilh rOllln Il L·'· " f ti ll' 1I'''fI - le ndl' I' a nio n/.!' na ti ona l outd oor ville , I a ll y tin e m u ~i C II I progl"llm a t us- wll nt to t he so u rce o f my tru u IJlc·. , hne, th e li un l , I h,' Il1 ll u ll tnln t l tl ut 1II:Jl!a zine s. It is rell d in th e ho mee f u n ne l' lo bbyi st s In Washingt on wh o , w helh e l' th ey Inte nd t o do Am o s Cou k . o f H!l rvey~ bu rg, s ~ m hl y Fl id ay m o r ning. "Am erku ' F o ul' bo ttl e ~ c omp le t !:'.!)· c ha ng e d s tr ea m a nd l lw g j" ri" l1 < fa .,·lIlflt i.. n " f t h tlW"lJli l~ DC uutd oor folk and s o o r no t . co nv ey d th e Impressio n Wm Down ey , o f Lin co ln . Nc b .. · \~~R a;ung by th e .s ch uo l: ~ ('voli o l1 ll l my w)lo le o utl o ok u!l Irfe. I neve r j of th e w ild frt, ,, lifp " f hL' \\" at ,·r · in Ih \' h un li ll g' lodgoc s· in Mnine. <he th ll t Ul1l e8:-; so m et hln j:!' WIl S d one were S unday a ftern oo n co lle rs ILt C lr ve lJ e hoUl.· d, IIls trum e ntal trio, hav (, an a che 0 1' p a lll a n~ I s ll e p ways and ,"ir "i n f" l·l',·I.". It 'Ie 1,(, . . , I) ult h e ll J) a VIS, C ha ~ . M IIC L)o nald ~ ou n dl Y th I'll ug h o u t th e nl ~. b y tl1e G overnm e n t a II th e f ILrmers h t I , I". Sp() r L s ll1 e n ' ~ ...Show o f ' Sh ') \I' ~~ in Il hhlll g cnmps in FI UI·ida. t he motor Thi s plac e wa s well represcnLe d th e Mc Ka y hom e he r e . wou ld ha vlO t o ~o out of bu s iness. at th e Orlltorical contest aL the ~ MI's . Ellu Ferrill call ed on Ro bert Mc KlIY; two J" eadin~s . n ot s uff~ r fr om co ns tlp ntI O!I . tI~ e s trucl iv ' l " t ' ,. , . . . - \(J ~ l r i H ts ' l(' ~l LS in AI'i;', t he w OlfThill n eve r was th e cas e, a s any- Gym in Horveys burg on Friday friend s he re. I" us c y a t t he But " o n d "The ba ck POI11S are g one . my kId ne ys I . e , III I ' ~ lng. <: 111 , rl fll lllJ1 >;. ,·r ~ shll l' k III th e Roc k,es , the traphod y wh o kn ow!' an ything about evc nin g .Th e re w e re 25 speake rs' Mr~. ": 110 Fel'ris caIl ed on Witl1l'SS" by Mil d l'en B enn e tt; ~u ncti oll pro pe l'lI y IIno ~ 11 111 W rk 1\Iore tha" .00,0 00 S'1 U.ll'l' fl'et <"If i ll I" s cabi n in A las ka. It is pubf" .. minl-! kn ow s. Th e r e lire poor which. w e re ve l'y g?od. especIally f r ie nds in Dllyton Sunday . I slJ nlf "Com e . B~ ck t o E rin." In ~ eVlo' l"y du.y. My e ntIre. .sys~" m I fl oo r Spuce WIll be II sed for llIP ex - , Ii s hcd in 'Ulll lll bus ., fal'l11 Cr R cvc l'y wh Cl' t,-;"poor in bO,th th" pie ce by Ml s~ Glllnna Os born , ' Mrs . Kate JlI r dan a nd da ughte r Juni o r Cla Rs: vlu h n dU e l. l) olUl hy h !l~. be t n budl u p by th l;; g l l!~l l I Sen!eR o f th e word . 1 he re are dlll- o f lIarve YM burg. which was Miss Hannah. and 80 n. Frllnk , : Da vis, C ha s ;\I a c[) n na ld; p ill no nw ti lCII1 C' untIl I ha ve l! H1n ~: 1 111 ~. .~~~~~!"""""!!!!"""_ _ _ _ _':-_~~~~~~~~""!"'!~~~'!""'!!~ grunt e ed fa rm e rs e vtlr ywh e r e , who oro n olln ce d by many t o be lh e cuIl ed on Mrs . •Jordun' . b rot hel'. s olo , l\1 a r~' An ill ett,' And re ws ; s un g we Ig ht a nd s tre ng th . I am .m ' ?" I talk p01) 1' wh l! n they IIr~ relillY I bes t o f nl\. The mu sic WII S ju st Chu s F oley, Friday. I ·J, u ni o ~ ' la ss; son g "The Dear est cell e n t h clllth f or th e first tim e 111 L l'l Il S p li nt yn II I' a l,. btll s a g' OOl~ rl C II~ be lll'r off thu n mos t l fin e. Mr~ . Kut e J u rdon da ught e r. S p ot IS H om e" . IJ ol'fl the ll Davis , I Kun Jo lu IS Ro ld 111 Wa y n (' ~ \' l ll e I of th e Ir n e lghb o r. ~ . It ha.s IIIWIIYS I A. J . Ellis. f o rm e rl y of this Hannah, sOI}S Ge org e and E d. were C la ndill Gr l~y. C live De liourd . un.1 a t Adami Drug .S:ore, and b y ull -:~-.~------:----be('n th e fa rm er K prlvllog e to co unt y, (lied at his home In Fair. S unday c all ers on Lllwre ncc Hober t McKa y. I l h ~ ues t dru~g l s t: . 111 all t ow ns g' rumbl e obout . the wl'u t he r and mont Ind a few we eks ago He BJ(lwn and flllllily n car Wayn es. Mn . . W . P. McCurre n r e mai ns th ro ug ho ut thl ~ f'n h 'e ~el' tJOn , th e co rn -bor er. a nd th e bull-weevil , was ~n u~cl e of M(lsdames Ollie vill e. u n , th e , ic k list, M r~. J oe , D!lvi ~ is RESIDENT lint!. th e ~t h el Pl:s ts thot m ll ~ e Buhr, Lucy Nel s on, Net t ie Gard, Raym on d Bi ~ h o p alHI f r ie nd. o f ~Iulte ill, Ro lic.l't .G <ll'd oll IS s ufi erngrl c ultul e nil e o f th e m ost e xclt- of L e l.>nno n, and K . E. Thompson, Oreg onia call ed on All en Younker IJlg With tOni'tllt t.IS. a nd Ma y nul'd PUBLIC SALE , Ing occ u put! ons .In ~he wo rld. of this place. and family Sundli)' evening. Frost ha s dlpth ~ l"I u. . . : , aut th e g t! l1 e llil I un of fal me r s C H H tl t d f . ·1 H . . Moore and family had f o r The T o wnslhlp Ornto l'l ca l on r will sell a t fl u bh c llu ctlO n Ilt PERMANENT LOCATION g e t a lo ng, pretty Wil li, c on sld e rlrm WC1.~ s h~ppl~; 1~I\V?In:;~gto;nF~~ their Sunday dl~ner gues ls Isaac , t Fridny e· v enil1~ mark e d th e ill Y ho me . EI~Bt of ~ pri n gb ~ r ~I . .o n onll n o w thll t 1\ Il o ns ~ruotlve da'y J o nes ond family Miss Val ofu fil s t pubhc n Pl-!e8lanc e o f th e th e Ce nterVIll e r uad IIlIJ(J1Jll ng pl' ugrlllll o f Governm e nt Rid has . . Fuye Mo ore of Middle town Sil Ju nio r ~ sc he s t rd. The ir perior- I Ro ut e 73 on ' b een ad opte d li nd Is actu a lly in W e are glad 10 r e port our SIck La ml.> and fl:mil y L e onnrd Moore man ce is \'e r v c re di ta bl e. T he sen- I ' I .EBANON, OHIO prac tic e . th e :c ri c8 o f the farm all bette r a~ this writing. and so n Glynd e n' of Wuyn e~villo io r u rchest r a ' a ls o f u rni s hed music, Thur, April 3 , 1930 ~ E,• • E .. m;n.d lobb yis ts :I re hus hed IIn~ th e r est ' . MIL yor. ~ll son, of Harveysbl;lrg K . E. Thompson ~f this place wu ~ In th(' cu nt est in th e lo wer grade s Beginning al I o'clock p r omp t. or the cu untry Is. beg lllning t o IS li e !lutlf~lJlg .the t~ wn by trim -I an afternoon calle r . MIlI'y C a .uly n Luke ns w on fir st I the following: w" teh l hlo' fa l'll1 e l' With great Inte r 1 m ing up th e s ha de tl ees al o ng the Mrs . K . E. Thomps on and dllu g h a nd WIll .. (' pre~ en t Massie in th e I Two h ea d of H o rt;cs . 3 hea d : . . . .G .. la•••••e.". . . . . . .R.e.p.a.i.r.·. . e ~ t. s treets, , ter I\U 's Mary Kathle en wc r e Sun- c ounty co ntest; l\larjo r ie Rh ode s Cattl e 100 Chi ck e ns F m mi ng li ow will lhe form e l' d e ve lop a~ ,J. Lee Ta lmage and fanllly , o f da y afte rn oon callers on Mrs. ~\' o n s ~ c o nd a n d Bill y CUfl' . t hird Im p l e ~ en ts. F e (·rI . llllr~ ess . H ou ~ e n bus ln e,ss l11lLn ? He hus five hun- So ulh Le bonon, came up 'On Sun- Alice E'. Terry . fh ·ge pupils ar e a ll fr om Hur veys l hOld Good K. d red milli o n dollllnj o f G overn- I day ~ft ~ rno o n to spend a few Miss Valora Faye Moor e. o f bur~ sc ho ol. In up pe r g rod es Allen Tl' rm s mad e kn own on da y o f JlI e nt fund s with which t o try lhe ho urs \\ Ith .th elr f.ather, m e ther Middletown spent la st we ek McKa y of Fla t F o rk wo n fin:t lind s'lle eXY0r:!m e nt of being hi M own lind aunt, M, ss Jells le L. Garnef: with he l' h~m e f olks her e , H. C. , will go t o t h e , co unt y co ntest ' " F . E. R 0S NAGLE lllldcll e ma.n. In addition to thnt. he W . M. , Teny lind wife were In Moore und family. \ J os e ph Os bor n of Hi c ko r yv ill e Sa m S impso n . i\Llct. has u baSIC cupltul of II grent many , Daoytollssunday I\fternoo~. Le onard Moore vi sited George £e co nd , Do r othy Free la nd · o f Ha l'- (' has . F itts , C le rk. !"lIIlo ns o f hi own money Inves~ e d I ur unday scho ol seci elnry re- Lumbe rt and wife at Hamilton I \'l'ys burg third, I n t he hig h );: e hool In t he . 8 h a re~ of the cooperative port:d at ,Sunday Bchool and Monday. Gl e nna Os b or n won fir~ l and will P-lastering, Chimneys mark e ting a ssoo illtions-, lind that chlllch Sunda~ m o rning. g o t o th e coun tv co ntest Marjo l'i l' WHAT A CHANCE Stuccoed and Repaired The Pluny fri ends he~e .Of Littl e Flat Fork School Newl 't~mp s eco nd, -and (, Iiv ~ Dcb oa rd 80 me of lh e biggest Investor~ in th e land hav ' added more mllhorlll Irn~a L e wis. who has .been so third. Th e Judges w ere Mr. a 1l1 ~ Paper Samples, Work t o lhu t c a pi to l h y buying th e bondll , serIOusly 111 at her hom e In South Those fro m thi sc ho ol wh o of Cu osa r ' s r ec k and M,'. S tin g ley C he e r up! und d e be ntures o f th e - 'natlollal l Le buno{l, are sorry 10 know that w e i e s peakers at th e Oratori cal of Adams T o wns hip Yo u huv e tw o c ha n ce . . Guaranteed. See us. coope ruth·eM. ~ h e Is not g etting IIl0ng . a s we\) c ontest at the H arv~y ~burg Gym Mr. and Mrs . Roy CJ.lrk and On e o f gell ing th e ge rm , The g-reul e st dllnger of the a s we wish her .to, but we ~Il h~pe were Anthony HU!ltmgton , Alle n fllmil y of Wa lho nc!illg we re ht' re A nn on e o f n ot , tal'mer jU Ht. now seems to be that ' by th e time thiS appears In print McKay, Pauline 0111, Mary Kath- ove r t he \1' s k -end , A ncl if yo u g et th e germ other pe llp le wll ; sw ing t o th e op- that she will be mu~h better and I leen ThompRon and M\lry Ethel Mrs, . G. Randall and I\fi s~ Yo u hl\\'e two chance s, poelte view of him and think he on t~e r ood to WelJvllJe.. . Sa.m s. All e!l McKa;y won first H e len Rand all wer e sho pping il"\ On l! of gettin g th e di s e a ~e Corwin, Ohio IS. making m on e y ~ o co sily that it . Clint Jackson and \\'!fe of prize. He wll! s peak In the county Wilmington S aturday a f t\lrn\llln. And o ne o f no t. mIght be II g ood Ime for them to ' Lun~bert o n , callec1 on the Davis contest ~t Le~anon Mareh 28. W e Th e Wom e n's Civi\l ~~ I\g \l e was And if you g el th e di "ell s (' go into . fall1lly Tu.esday afternoon. . all h.ope he. wms th ere. t oo. we lcom e d by Mrs. He rda Jordan "! Yo u hav e tw o c hance M, - - - . - • -S,!m Surf.a ce and Wife, of \ MISS Edith Perle Moore .W;\I\ S at!l r~ll;V a ft€'l'no on. The bus inesR On e of (lying JUST F LhlN OLD NC,RFOLIC ~(ltl on , OhiO, ~ere. Saturday absent last Th~rsday !Inri .Fqdll Y s es ion wus brief. Mrs. Oba W elch And ont! of not. gu es ts o f t~e Dav!s family, ?wlng to a S!!~!11 e f old , I?ut IS bat'~ reud a s liot c n AI'd If yo u die -we ll. yllu ~ ti II John Wr!ght, wife \lnd daulJhtllr In sehopl ~ga!!1. "One Swall o w toial\es P have tw o chances. Ba sebll}1 playe r (oq .c~r p.!llt- Irlll gru n d -dou~ht e r formerly qf We h,l VI! !lI1oth e r !Jew fi rst Th e money IIIl1de fora tii : nL!~n~"e form .dul"Ill /7 sq\l !\1e r n tfjP) - rsnlt Or/ge n , attenlllld \!h\lrch he f4! 1g rader, Kenn ~th L , HoaglAnd . by 'eaQh memt,c l' in t.he pas t mQ~t~ thiS a!r exhll e ra~ln~~ . . Sunday mornl~g: . . Paulin e Dill called on Ml\ry wa s tu r ne d In and the Ill et~ o d - - - - - - -- -' Porte r- No, t::1./1, thiS !lU' N o!!o, GeO! g~ W, PllVlS, f}1 j!nn Dav\s , Kathl een Thop1pson Qn S\lnrlAY reqO\ln t\ld. M;.rs . Eva Muo D ,,,aid l11 fo ! ~ . !lpr/ ffl !!;y w er~ ~Ilnr/I!Y guests of. evenln~, won the priz(' for ma~ing t.he most .-:--===-~ _____ on the IImo unt invc ·ted Adjourned t o me eL with Mrs. aernlce .Dakin, April l2, . tN 1' ,\lI't' l 't' IO N ,," ,'lIl1t,; S ('("UIOS rl .!': \!'!. Dr , ,ann Mil'S, W. B. Oglesbee ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN and toi h,s Nollj:e Cu t right wor e shop your Cattl o. h og s, sheep and culv"8. ping in Dayton MondllY, t o N orri s-Brock Co ., live wire and Mr. linn lMr~, Ha rold Gillmll Thomn . 1.11 I:,: r;J\ U ·S, P' II I. progres s ive lil'm fOf the highellt vis ited Re\, . .und Mrs: N. E. Ben. 1-,,1 ,.. 1 I. : k i ll ~ G n " ' ., " 1 n l. ma ,. kl't p ,. i c ~ s nnd g ood servi('e. nett in Wilmi, ng~ o ll Tues(lay after CAf.; I·: :-;". 1 1 ~ :1 1 noon H v \' I n tl ... o f n n n t' dl 'l' (,r Jo( alt ·. I Union Stock Yards, Cincinnati, O. ' ., U H T .1 111\ iSJO: lI(iU (1' 11/ 11 ~ " i c l ~· oll rl. I II t h .. Hef e re nc c : As k fir st man you meet M 1"" an~ ...,.,rA. • • ucker :l 1.,,\ · p ~ tnl C 1 " n ~ I ' , Hlh l 10 11111.' dll' . ' (' I were III Kentu cky this we ek . I .·d, I will oN"J" f", . ail'. \0 , \\ '" .. ( Sunday g u es t s o f Mrs, Mory I J, ! , I.j j, · UI,,·I I,. .. , 0 11 I! IU \I'·'·II'!H'" I n · . C ' . T OW lI sh lp . \\:" T l ' /I t 11I 1' lt \., H ~ln es Ilnd has. f::imart were. , <1 11<1 • •• " ~I,)J" I II .'· 110 .- ~ I "' ",," .. I MIS S Graee S mo rt, MI'. Gel'rY .\p r il. .\ I' .. I no : . 1 I" " "'1".·1, " . Loewe, and Mrs . Evnn!l Smnrl of 111 .. on . nl ,1 01 11 )' . ,h ,· r. oI l.)\\ "' ~ d ., · " , d 'I LI H "1"1"1 1,," ,1 1,,·,,1 "M llll l' ,0 · 1\ I ' . C Inclllnlltl an .. r . . ,. any urnSlJll n l, ' III lh " 'I"'" w " .. 101 I' .. f ,hreys of Middletown. \\' 0)' 1,.. . III Ih (' COll nl )· IIf \ \ ,, '"!",'" Mr. and Mrs A , Z. Hartso ck " " " :' ,"' C <I f Uh l<,. I\nd I, ,, ,,\\" :! " "" ·S d f oI,·"c ri l,, 'd n ~ fo ll o l" " , .\1,,, ," ··11:. 1' 1), nn.d f am II y wI!re un ay n ternoon Ik(I' .\ .... ,.s "r In n,l, 10,' 1"" I I .. ;-': ,,,,hl - __ guests of Mr. and Mrs. W, T . J o r - holt o r ::.. ,,' . Qll n rl er .. f S.·, , t"" :1"1. F ou rteen Years of Offi~e rhou., .. ........ .... .. ... .. No. 112

,,,,.,.4., "111., •• '."0

= '-_.= ====


I._------ - --- - _ .







Dr. John Zettel

- - - • - .. -- --






. 19 N. Broadway





















I i



~Chl'istian SCIence Sanatorium in Californa



II -----~----------.. - - - - - -1DR·VL. ~. ~ALL

" It\'"



M.•·ISS M IIrgJ!1 r et Storr an d Pau I Smiley of Dayto n were Sunday gu est s of Mr s. Amanda Starr. . Th e B aptlst . L ndles ' of H'arvey sburg will give on April F ool party April 1st Ilt th e T own HalJ. Ad . . 15 P d f IIIS810n c. · rocee s or new song oook s. .


' , " ,WI I

HUIIl! \ '


: 1.



With Dependable


\\' n · ,. •. " CUII ll t )' Ohl" , ''' ''' w 111 \'1 ' ." il ll rd,·.1 " " l h,' 1I.·llhr .. "k '1' 11 '''1 " 1,, nl,O lll t w-o u nd oll,·· h"l f 111 11"H :-: .. : I II f, ,,,, lh.· To wn " r "' ny,,,,",·111.· I ' ~ ,·" ,, 1 ( ' .. " "' \'. n nll k lJ (, \\" n " " ··Bl s ph nll1 Fnrm" Sit 1,1 ... a l "" lui" hI" I , ,, ~ ,, ,.," " . la r l,' a pIJl ll iSf'(\ u ntl t· J' o. ,1 " 1" .~ r til< ( ' 011,.1 li t th e R l lf l! II! .. nll r I h ' " I Io' a llo! 1. 1.. '. !t' " ,d ,', ·,1 , '1 5 ,,0 0111 !lo l!n r"

Serum and


1-\(, 111 '(o r l fO~ p t ll n ll foI ll l d fl l l l Jl'Zli s e d va l l i e

w i ll IIlI t "

all d

l \\'fI - l h il' d ~ Ij f 'r " 1' 11 1:-4 C'lllo'h


While all ~4,'~e· of q~e'ie c~r~prf\tlOf\B pr incorp·o ratlon already filed wtllj ar~ l~dep'e!ld~l\t fr-PID ~ '!lg~1 PQlnt pie ~ecr«ltary pf· ~tRte o~ OIlI~C!rnlll' pI view th«!y Ill" "I\~el' tllQ control jlermanent trusteell took Ry~r on anq ~upel1Vll\loQ . or· 'fhe Oqrlstinn M~rcQ ~6 tile Qw'l \ersblu of tlltl prolt Sclenoe ftoll:r!\ of pJrector~ The California property, ~nown 11.8 flfly and building!! ",hlell AI'O ~o llC}pommpdaie the Ctlrlstlal\ Science Arden Wood, III ri thtcilly Ulllbered , aeQevolen~ AssoclMioll for fllClflc 16 acre, piece or foUltlS lAnd eltu· Ooast. The AS800latiol\, whlcb will aled 011 the edge of 8all franolsco, open Its dOOfS to guests Ilbout lh~ ItII g\lner~1 \ocaUol\ being betweell ml«ldlQ of Mil)" WII.8 estab!llIbedlll Twill Peaks and tho Ooean. The ·auol·dance with Seotlon 8 of Artlcle Sanatortum Is IIheitel'ed hom .the I of the Manual ot ' The MOl"her prevailing winds by the 11111 which . Church, The Fll'st Church of Chrlet, formll the prIncipal topographIcal ScIentist, In. DOBton, Massachusetts. teature of the property. No public The Benevolent Allioclation for roads or ways cro811 It, but paths Pacific Coast Is the third large char· wlll be I\rr~ngeq fl'!te~dlng !rolll ~he nabl!l'lnstI~~~lo~ Q!lIal!.!W!~4~!I !fhe Sanatol!1HIll lilrops\ ~b! wpods, IIfl' "1Ii,1. r!lvlne ~p.the~ ~(j~~nllll · ~ tn.V88~­ maklni Jq;n~ of pyel' .1000 0110: Ttle Cht!e· whlc~ fU~ ~QI\Il ~he eaat IJmpIdflry, ,The ·SunatQrl"m, idelligned b), ttaQ Scienc,! lIen'eyolen~ ~II\QCiatloq, l~te4- IQ Ollestnur mil Mw., WII-II Henry H. G.!!tteI'IIOn Al'cbl~t. 18 " conorete ehartered In I91e, and The OIlrlat!an ot ateel '" and reinforced Bulanee PlelUU\llt View Home, . 10- done In a modernlled Breton style. eated III Conllord, N. B., in 1925. ·wlth hleb central pavUlon. tall

-. SAN FRAriCISCq: plldeI:8r~lcleli

* 'ea."",

CllUiSl9 ~rllncll wlndQwB and Bteep· 81011inl:1, red ~lIed roof. It wll\ con tal" Ilccorqmodatlons for 120 guests and assoololea. Wlthll\ the IlUIt tew weeki a substantlal piece of property jutting IntQ the prlncl11al tract, tormerl), held by tile City of San }o'rancllco for Bel\oo\ purpOll8B. hlUl been purchased to secure IIdditlonnl Quiet unll freedom trolll uutBlde dlsturbancell• . The Board of TruBtees of lhe Slln F"ILnclo~o ·lnBlitutio/l will be In conSLant tlluch with The Chrlatlan Science Boal'd or DI rec~ors lUI are the · Boards , of the ~wQ New England l!1Itlt~~19n!l, The ~hl'(..e 'fn!8t~s ot tile new cOl·I'.( lr\ltloll Ilre- .,rll. (}eftrude M. G:888. Uearge D. Gr!ltnwood. anel Mal'vln R. Higgins. Wllllon D. Clal'k hns been appointed Manager·Trea,.. Oliver \lrer. All or these, omeera bave of been actively Intereeted In Ohrl. Uan Science work for man), )'e&I'Io . United

Judge who

Cbicf Justice


Reliable Vaccination

Dr.W. E. Frost

Phone 76F4



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J ,, ·f f..'n da r1t F rn n k '" \\' II " l"I n , .I .

)"\ t - lI n(' \' ,

' i\f n...:~ lt l

T n \\' Il folhl




" ' a l ' l j , lt

Dead Stock Wanted


I 'll .

Ohio. r) 1l

Lhe II Lh ,I" ,·


~I n " ('h

l :f:W SHirl ,h l!.c ti c(' \~S llt ' d a n


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,' tlP I' o f .\t ln ch Il IlH ll In tlH' h ll () \ ' " lIe· t l f1 1\ , f () 1 t lt l' ~ II I II of thl \ ' If l u HlI', ' lI " li d T 4' 11 Ilo ll n l's. l $ ) Ill.0 0) . u u ll un 1\1UI '(' " I i 1 ~I :t U. tl Ud~·I1H.\ II1. l\\tI !l I' ! -nlh ' n ' d


I W i ll o rr ~ , ' o t P u l') 14! . ·a . l~ · 4) n th l I f.t1 nk c..::or n(l l' , In fl n l ' v '\ ~' M h u r g, ()1\ 1f) ~'n A'Jl rll I . , 1030 , II I TW I , 0 '1'1". k In

a fl e nl oo n




d rn":·-(t n '"

il lnc" .l ll r~c \· C ,l \\'. rh' e \. 11.1">< alii ~ "- hi g n go'(J<l n O\ \' of milk II till to fr phe lJ in 0 Lph" r. !Itt 101 Cow Ip 'n t11.ll"lJ f' d o nd III t!1 "" Of I h(· Co n.-Iuhl !! (If ~"l 8~ ' ~ '1'o wn •.hlll. Th l. /· O w Is be; n ~ ·s o lel to HIlt! S ' y ti l" J I III "'m tl nl und c()" l ~ In LlII'- lt ' 0 \ ' ,' " tlt!q'''d c n l'JP,

90 years old, the oath of office tQ


Phone 93

Waynesville, Ohio


ll (11 \' 0" u r Ih u 1-'1" l nt lr r n u ll OI'lk r j' '"iA,ucllon. 0' " " lI ne. l" ,,1 P rop" r t )' a l I ''' I ' I I (.~

t,h e




\\· lIl l·n," ('. l.n w.n n. P lnl ll Jir f I h .1f tl!' "

Waynesville, Chio

Phone 31


.\ r c l1 lt-,


insures both Safety and Success


\\' I t. Jo'I · I.I,EIiTII \\' IlI'I'e n C Oli '" Y.' )h ln H ,'o wn . ..\tl y 'tl , 11 I G

f-:h"I ' i rf n r

!-' Iw" hu n




, Harveysburg I Fertilizer -- Company !

SANrJ' I.' O lm l~tN H

e on s tJl!)I.' :\1 1~ "' i ~ 11own ~ h ll) .• Warre n Ct)unt)· Ohln. alG


Will Drawn


• Eatat •• S.tU.cI

' .-

Wa.yne"ll'ille. Ohio "







Wall Paper


.====== --- - ~I pI I ('jl 'l/{!r~()VJal I


that vou will keep on liking Toda y wallpaper artists and c .'afismen have brought really fine patterns and color harmonies for walls within easy reach of every home. The cost is surprisingly low. We have a pattern for ever,y rocm in your home and 150 pattern. to select from. All carried in stock ~ nd ready for you in five minutes.

., L o - .-


F' o r best I' suits consign your I i:!; Eva Whart on ~~ :lb. ent ive - stock t Green-Embry 0., fl \1 111 ~l' h \lol 0 ." :Il'C OUIll of ·lIne,.. . \ inc innuti, in cure of D. R. Salis. M i~s Thl' lmll ·,.Il/ II1:1n SfJ li t L nci if'l'l and ch ilrh' ' II' bur y. \ ed n l! 'dll~' nighL w ith 11': a luI p ring h Ht~ lit Hyman 's . Mr. a nd Mrs . Wil b ur Tinney, II IH,J ld Kl' lIi · lind son Bill~' III M l . 1 Mrs. J o' Tinney, Mrs. Rob ~ rt. Holl y. I J l, h'n 1':1 111 l:I o lto,~ I'c lul'n ed to W erntz nnt! duughtor were s h op]\ 11". an ll 1\1 1''; . Al be rl S Ul CI' 01111 hi o S tllt ~ nil·c .l·~ i~y MOl1(!ay ping in Dnyto n Mo nday. I! ~ . 1\\ lI rgll r e t J ohn s W I'e li:lyt o n I a ~t(' r ~J' 'IHll\1g th (' ; ;Pl'lI1g vHclln n yj~ il (lI's o n T ueRduy o f lust w el' k. 1 \I Il h hl ~ por nl~. :II'. Rnd Mr ' . 11. B, Enrnhurt ;\It·. 11, 111. lnrk ~pent unday \ '1\11" and 'M rs. . Wil bur r'. Cla rk a nd daughter Naomi E lle ll vis ited wi t h his d a ugh te r, Mrs. Art.hur entertained on Ul~day Mr. J, E, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Earnhnl·t in Wlilkin s and family n ellr center- \ Garrc t.te. of h ic ag:o, MI·s. Frank Dllylon S unday afte rnoon, ville. Garre tte, Mrs . Gen e M itc he ll and The W . C. T, U. will meet at Mr alld l\tl'~. \ Vilbur Foulks d lluf!'htl· r nnd Ea rl GlIlTl'tte of St. t he hom e of Mrs . Anna Willia mso n an d ch ilrl rl.n Il er(' S unday ~u esls Pil l''', 1\1 1' . Il n d ~" .~. Pa ul Fl or y o f Thurs day nCterno o n March 27. at o f ;'Ill'. and l\lrs. C hu ri c:< ),;\,ans in Day(('ll. 2 ,,'<·Iock . E ve r y body COIllC. IJn y t oll , E. L . Tl! u mn s , Will illm Th omas , 1\ lr ~. Ed. TlllOl1l US o f fll'ar \Va y(;uy R uutzahn und D. L. 'nllll! atT1t'5v ill e ~ I)(' nl t hl' wl: "k "' lld wi t h l (' n ct't! in "p('c t io n o f t h t, Mas onic 1\1r. :In d :'.1rHo !l a r ry B UI'II l! l alld 1,1(1", a t Mn so n ~nt llrd a ,V ni" h t. c h i ld rl' n. , " "

ill,. . li nd 1\1,. ~ . ~" n ~ Da yt ll n l'l' lnti v l' ~ lH'n· .




1\1 i8s Ra eh!' 1 Davis , r.frs. Ol iv(,r Ilu\'i" 1\lrs. Petl'r Demi s and Mr. ~ I :lx ~It:E lw\'e v isited M.. ~. Ed P enl'e in Le hanon Su nda y CVl' nin~

1\ti ~s B(' rni ('(' Grahall1 ~ p c nl W d n,'s day ('\,(' ,till /!: with Mi ss RlI nlll !I nulin ne ar Wnyn ew illl'.

5C to 35C the Roll



Rl1ymond F. Hlltfield spe nt dllY with his m other Mrs. Mllym ' llutfi Id lit Lebanon,

:'I l e l\'yn SWllnk !lnd ' (11'lIt SlIndn y with

iiiI'. a lld I\I, s. J . C. IIl1w\it" M,.s . I.e,' Hawk, ·, Mis s lJoris H awke, Illol la l d an d ])1';111 II nwk(' IIltend c· d a play at PII'Il"uut Plain Frida y

1\11". /I , l\\'nr d ( '" lIi ,,~ .. I' Zalll'" v iII" ca lk" ti ll !'II I'" S. II. lIa in l" Jo'l' ilia.l' :.If\(, ,.noo n.

C~tle Tunney. retired \\ o r: . r~ l'h a rl1pidll h l ';l \' Y" , : ig llt I t4tX l'l", ;11111 hi · Ilife, furmerly M iss Pull y La\1lie r, al ~\i a ll\i "hcre Gl'n ' h;.s 1"> , ,)\'(" "< :\1 1". a ll d ;\ I I ~ . GI('lIn ,1 " hIlS an d Mr, a lld ~ Ir~, RIlY Cu n ne r unci fr (\11\ hi s rccc nt kidm' y operat ioll , ('hi l drt' ll (I f l>ay lor1 Wf ' l"(I d i un Ll t' l\1i !-'H EnlO~Qn(,' Rllckett of Duy l u ll _ _ . '~ ll l"t~ o f ;\ I r~ · MHl'gUI'l' t ,J " h ns . and Mr. E arl 1I 0 ll u nd u f N"w ORATORICAL CONTEST J Su nda y " \'l' n i ll ~ . : PISTOLS l Buriin/!:ton s pent n unllllY with Mr - • • •- • •- • • • • • • •- -• •- • • • • • • •- . . .\11" . Mar.\' ('a r.ll lUny 1: 1l11' l' lll int,(~ Th ~ Massachu sc t"ts legislalur~ is and Mrs. Lo n Bl' ckl!1t . The IInnllul Wa .... e n Co un ty Or- I ~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. h e l' I,r .. t hl'l' 1\11'. 1·. ltIl l" t,a rrt'lle. " I considering a bill 10 p roh ibi t the . ~ Chi (';q.!'o th l' firs t (I f thi s weC' k . f t f ' t I ' th ' the 1\11'. a nd Mrs. A. A. LII110n of alllrica l C ll nt r~ t wi ll Iw h e ld III th e ; , ma nu ac ure 0 pl:S 0 S WI trI W ilmill),!to n, u lld Arnuld Linlon L(,ban nn Op('r!1 I " HISI.' o n next . I , Mr . lind Mr~. All,· \)akln of ""Ill' , T h,' I." di <" Aid . w1l1 hy l·1l 11·r · state. . ' . and family of C leve la nd , w e r e Friday, Murch 2R. I ta.lll ed a t tll l' II' Api'l l Illl' din/!:, Ill' xt No where else 10 the. wor!d are plS- · glll' ~ t " o f Sa mu('1 Butt er w orth ,Jud)'!,' s h llVl' IWl' 1I nnl1lCt l nlltl t Il(' I:, dg- wood , l\lr. Il~d Mr ... Tr\,11I Mill \~ (' d"l'~da ~' . at th l' h.. nw III' i\Ir~' 1 tols sold so freely 3;S III th is coulltry. I and fnl1lily SU llda y afterno o n . l'IIlllmi t tt.(, will l'on ~ i s l u f H. V. l" I'd Mrs. Ma ti II' l\1ul( " ~'d, J)lln And nowh(' re else III the world are I·. d 1,<JII),!aCI'l' . Hl'u r , s ll pe rin telld ,'nt lIf sc ho u ls III 1I1d n et'v e~ lind (,I cd.a !lakIn . ea ll~d \1 1' a nd 1111'- l <'sl(' r Il,' il~ (I f there so many murders. Rine s. and : "Yourex S ilv c rs eLI" Silverware Mi a mi s burg-; II. C. Au ltman, RUJl cr : u n I\hs . Fl'fIllk f) ", n nll <l fa mil y t . P' ~t.uld · is th c b es t. Compare it with other inlend e n t of ' (' h"" I" ill Gr e n Frid!lY nij!ht, ( ' i;"' i;, na t i SpI .,;t· ~ ~ ,; da \' with · Mr. shqtgunJ afe ushd ~or . ,. I'd '\Ir ~. (' all'in L " n ~al: I 'I' ,in d SO n afe rn a e Th' ~ttng ~n y I, makes befo r e starti n g y?ur patt~rn CO'Jnt y ; a nd O. K. 1' I "b :r~ l · O. , up e r I Mr. Hnd M rs . Jlil l'Y GihRon IIlId i . . . I 0 game. Ill . t at . e on y . and see f or yourse lf Ils sterling inte nd ent o f th e () . S. & S . O. fa mily s lJl'nl S u ndllY with Mr. lIlId .ill r . a nd i\ lrs. 1\ 1',1,, 1' (,ra~alll , purpose .fo r w~lCh a Plsto! 15 made qualities. Cary's Jcwelry Shop Leb Hom e cho ol al X, ·nill . l\hs r l:!rnnc(' C'rnwford alld fam "'1 1 ~s BYl'nll' l' an ~ 1 l\ 1 1 l'~ HlIlh 1',url ~ 1 o r used IS to kill buman beings I. I annn. Mus ic will h e fu r 1i ' hed by th' iJ \' ., ' ;I " urpri Rc dilll1<'r r ur Mrs, Yo',' re SUI'd ll), a t t~ ' I '!' I "' n g:u<, s t ~ ot I . The . kn.owledge that one carfl~s a M I'~. Vio la Hurlan h as returm'd (,() l1lbin ('(1 or('h('~tra or lhl' Otter- C r ull f"rd. :'I II'. II lI d .:\\r~ . \\,11 IIII II I II rk ' nt' ar pls.tol inVites attack. Most shootlllgs t o the h o me uf h er dll ughte r , MI·s. h e in 1I 0m e un d MlI ~s i(' Towns hip 1\'i1-". J': m l11a Gih ~ nn is vi sitillganse fr~m the fe.,r that the other Ha r o ld E arnhart, .after s pe ndin g II llil!' h sc h no ls und ,' .. the tlir!'c li on h e r 0 11. Mr. Hil ey Gihson IIl1d fam I' ,1I·lIIl' r sv llle . When you h av~ News, or when '\lr s. 1.':l1Inlll r.a l·~· rdurn ed home fello~ WIll s~oot first. The unhrm~ pLaEullt we e k With h ~r S~ln , Mr. of Miss H e le n St(' ,·e ns. il y. Ornl ion s will be I, i\'('n coml1wn c ' . you w a nt Printin g of an y kind I.a s l Wl'l' k u f tc r ' l'l' lId i"g th e' win ' ll man IS less likely to be shot t an IS . E , L. H ur la n and family, III Day ' () 'I k tOO • 1\11 11. Ada ()lIldll spl' n l las l Fri · I, /' w it h hl' l' d Ji ldl·t·n in Duy t o n. the .g un-t'oter. • • • tOil. ing promptly nt I :.1 II C oc 1'1'\ · (h y wilh Mrs. Minni e 1\lnrl ll tt of d ay l1_f_ t ~_ ' r_n_ oo l~ _ _ l\1t H o ll y. Mr. and Mrs . K . N. H ough 'RC, ~I r" . S .. II. lI ain ('s and so n s p.e n t IRISH M' :;. Iinro ld H ogcr~ of B ('II I 1',l'lda y with 1\11'. alld i\Il ~. Wilham u.... fi d f Ik co mpon y Ml's . Ire n e M cC urdy a nd ( ull' man . vv'lt:reveryougoyoucan n 0 '1 dR' PLAY AT HARVEYSBURC bro ok ~ f)cnt Tu l'sciuy wi h h er . . of Iri sh descent. And wherever you ", r . . nn Mrs.. alph Wlden ~r of b l othl' r Mr. Hil ey Gibso n Bnd fil mMI'. nnd I\lr.l'. Frank Tho ma ~ of find them you will find them with a Sp n !1l! b"':o on a m otor .tl'lP t o ily . . II !'!II: Wayn (:s." lIl e \\' ' I' > e nt l! l't. Hilled finger in the political pie, Politics C lnClIlll!ltl S unda y t~ Vllilt the Th (' Fri (' nd ~ hip or t he M. III S ~ln da y dlllllllr .!It th,e home of and fighting seem to be gifts with I lnt.ter'ti dau~h~ er, ~ISS Th c lm,a E. church s tage d th"ir piny, " W ell 1\11. ,llId MI.. LO\lcll 1 hOl1l lls . which e"ery Irishman is borh. One Wlf~ er;er, who IS taklllg n Nurse S Did YIlU I':v<'I"1" ul Har veysb urg ~~~~~~~~'!!! -~~."'!' .-'!!!..~~"'!'-.,......-":-~'!!! -~~ ----~-~~~~~~-~~~~. :Ill S. AlIl' n I': lI1l'ic k and g rand- of the greatest leaders of th e Amer i- T.rmlllng Course nt Ge n e rnl Hos- last W c dn es da y ni ~ ht f.o~ th e b en · ~lI n a nti 1\1 1'''. W n it e r Ke nri ck ac- can Revolution was General Sulli van. I.H la l. efil of th e W o mell 's IVI C L ea g u e cUI11Jlll n ied . 11'. Kenr ic k to lI udun A McMahon was a Marshal of of t ha t pinel'. The IlltelHlunce wns lind ' ~d c m T owns hip Fl'iday. I France. and afterwards Presi dent of Hnve your watch a nd clock re- goo d Iln~ lhe performa ncc 'was , cl R hi' Admi at 0' paired, old w e ddin~ rings modern - ," e ll l'ece IVe(! epu IC. r L Ulv" ll Tho I110 ".~ '1 ." (lu l'le .o ·l ck at tI Ie I' ren I Ize d • you r diamon( s put in a n ew ---- - FOR SALE thi s tim e . Hig&ins is one of Olilt's nalienal 11I 0 untin~, jewe lry repaired like I n b t B . d h'l heroes. eO'Reilly sl r~et i~ Ha~anol. II new, s ilverware replated and O. E. S. INSPECTION M I FOR S A LE- I 1125 FMd " upe in . s. 0 " ': UI n e t nn C I - named for a Cuban pat not of JfI ~h beads res trung at Ca ry's Je we lry good co ndition . \ViII ~ e ll f o r <In·I', 1\lrs. K e~ l er Gra ha m Ilnd descent, One of the member. oi the S h op Lebanon. Th e fir st thr ee ilates o f t h e 21 st $:l5. 00 . Phone 53. daught e r .w c r c Saturda y nft e rnoo n French cabinet which took offi ce in - - - - - .. _. - Districts I.n spel't io ns are as follow s j::UC. lti ul Mrs. H a rry Burnelt. February is named Helmesse y. 1'1'01' ROAD NOW CLOSED Leesb urg, Ma rch 31; C lark~v ill e . FOUND Apri l 7 ; W ilmingto n, April fl. The r,l l . F.1I11l1ll Lacy enle rtl\.in ed to dirion has it that the Obregons of I c nlllinin~ dates will be announced dinnel' l\·l onday, Mesdames ' H e nry ' Mex~co were reall)~ q'Bric,ns. Three Th e L eba n o n -Da yto n pike, State ut the r egul ar m eeti ng of O. E. S .• F o ulk s, William L on g and usan PresIdents of the Umted States have FOUND- Wrist W atch . Owne r ca n have ~ IlI1H' by app lying- t o Olis Su vl o l'. been of IriSlh stock Men o f prac ti- Route 4R, will be r eco n s tru cted April 14. cally unmixed I ri sh descent control porth of Ce nt erville this season . A rthul'. II MI'. and Mrs . Wi llia m Col cman , the governments of New York City ROOF CAUCHT FIRE rk is to be co mm e nc ed immediW o e ~t · rtain rd MI'. anti 1\11'5 . ,Ju mes I and Boston and of maay other WANTED ate ly and the d e lour on the road R.u; haJ ds o f Daylon to S und ay American cities. . A sma ll blaze, ca u sed by n spark - - - - - - - -dinn e r. . The secret seems. to be in t"be Irish- becum e effect ive las t week. man's innate ability to adapt himsdl A co ncr ete road will b e built b y whie h fell o n the roof at the hom e WANTED- I b uy y o ur ('hicken s, Mr . E d Longacre returned un to his surrounding s, a quality which o f C has . Shutts Friday , waR diR- i H om e ev ery ('vening nnd...+,a.iny th s tate from Cen terville t o th e ('overed in t ime t o be extin g ui ~ he d I fla ys. I ii bu. co rn f or ~ a l e . Will d ~~y . aIt e l: scvera l day ~ visit in many other races seem to lack. InCIn!l ut t. Oakwood corporation line. before a ny great dnmage was. done I GlI ~ lin. * m26 Mi sses Be rlh a Ri el and Sa ra CHINA Bowman w e l'e di nn e r gues t s Wed The North China Republic seem. ne sday eve ning o f Mrs. W. M. Cole mlln and pl'ay I' meeti ng was to be on the way to firm establish· ment on the basis of democracy as we held he l'e al ~ o . . unde ~stand it. Thaf part of China 1\1rs . J-IHIT Y GHlhum, Mr .. S usa n has been free fwm war since 1928. Say lor and I\1rs. Will iu m C r ci(!h to n The name of the o ld city o f Pekin mot o re d to W c~ t Carr ollto n Thurs has been changed to Peiping, which people ride Good, day a nd Mpe n t the duy with II1r. means "City of Peace." The leader' ltnd Mrs. Rurld Saylor and s on in of th e Nationalist party have inau",· aftlr ho n or of the hitters 5th birthday. rated an educarional program lookmg . toward the establishment of a consti, Mi ss Chuab c! le Hun t, one o f tutional, representative government. Lytic', most e s timab le yo un g ladIt'may take China a hundred year., i(' ~ wh o i ~ making go od in t he and probably will, to lift itt people t cac hin g field, has written h e r p a r to the levels of civilization aI we e ll t~ , MI'. a nd Mrs. Robert Hunt, understand it, bull theJretent moveof t he vi eto!'y of the girls lias ket ment is tile most hopef ~f ~ 'wb1cb hul l team, o f whi ch Hh e is conc h at the Glenm ont schoo l, ancl carried have been undemlkm. ~ a~vay lh e trop hy in t h e H o lme s coun ly t ournam e nt recently. SALVATIOH , Fifty yean ago, on llardi 10,18), six young women dressed in It'rangelooking blue bonnet. with red ribbolll across them and wurini blue capes lined w'ithscarld, landed at Cutle Garden, They wCl~ the advance ward of ~ Sa1vatlon Army, sent acron 1\1,. . and M,.~ . .)"h n Rye s pent the Atlantic bJr General ' William I Su n d:l~' II it l! t IH·ir daughler, Mr , B!!2th, ~t ~kcd lOll of a Jewlab l':lt ll n E v all ~ a n d family. Jl:l;;;"brClRr, to ~ ... militant Mr. a l: d ~Ir s. El v is Michl~e l and Christianit7, with the aid of the ball 1 , daughte r, f) lI rotl1y, s p e nt Sunday drum and the cornet, into the .IWIlI . WIth Mr. lin d Mrs . He rbert Mar- of America. la tl a nd so n, Edmon . I They and the:it ,uCceuor. have . Mr. and Mrs. Be rt Ste inberger, reacl1ed dClwn to mell which the MI'. and Mrs . Jam ('s Steinberger churches bad never plumbed and and !Ill'. lind M rs . Th omas Weber l lifted thousands of hope1e.., weak and li aug ht el' spe nt Sunday with and niiaera.ble human beiniJ iato a ~Ir. [lnd Mrs . Ca d Wardlow. new nfe of faith, hope and COUTa,e, ]\.J r. and )til's. .1 u mes Sowar d No othe! orgalllization or ~ !O ~ I Jt ' nl S unday arter n o on with Mr. endured 1t~1f to our lo~diers . m _ an d ;'Il r~ . EI1I C' r~o n Di ll a nd so n , Frl!"cc as did ibiD Salvationllu, WIth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . _ - - - - - - - - - - , !:lilly. dleir human, rlmpl~".elile.. helpf.u l1 . neal. No omer r-eIJglous or,ani.;:ltiOD =_=~~-~-~~Mrs . lar ne e Crawf o rd was today holdJ the ['upeet of allinte1l1g il'(!n II I:P eut s urpri se Su nda y, lent cl:urch t>COl)le .. the Salvation wht n aiJ u ut t \Vcnt ~'- s ix of h er rei- Army doe.. It hal proved itaelf lho _1d delays, bother, risks-th:e expense of puncture:; " I i \'(- ~ all d f ri e nd:, brought their friend of the poor and the unfortu~'1d bl~wouts-thefle worst driving months of the year. • I, a ~ ht , a nd s p e nt the dny . Those nate. Ita leadera and member. have P"t '';I'llt were ! Mr. a nd Mrs. C has. justified their faiith by their worb. I...oosts httle to put on ,afe new Goodyear Pathfmdcrs ( 'r ll ", f ord and d.a ughter, ot n ellr ••• - better tires than many high. priced brands. Low I 1laytu n ; Mr. and M r s . Earl Craw- CORPORATIONS priced because Goodyear builds more than 7.J of all , fl)l lI Hll d fam il y, Mr. and Mrs . H i, _ - - - - - -............ S\o t: ~ires sold ' in America. ~ these quality bargains. I(,y Gi lls()n and family, Mr. Ilnd TIte bUlinces c()rporatiaa, the IhareII MI S. Le wi s Mo rgan and family, holden in which have no ' 1iablUty for AU Prall Steck-AU FIr...-c.refU!ly Moullted Free-Llfetlme Ouara.t" Mr. 1. " (\0'1 .' M urry, Mrs. Em - the company'. debt. beyond tho ilia G ibs on, Mr. and Mrs. ,J ohn amount of their Inveltment, il onl, I LI' I' i Will fum ilY . Mr. and Mrs. H al' I ()() year. old. . In' 1830 the Comt,]d RUJ(, ls and MI'. and Mrs. ClarmOhwealth of !.IIassachulettt enacted <'n ee 'rawford and family . the firs~ law pe'mlitting manufacturera . M,s. El1Ie r so n Di ll and so n , to incorporate, . Today more than Billy, W('I'(' X e llill s h () pp e r~ Satur- nine-tenths of the nation'i businels, ,l ay. Reavy Oaty Traok Tire. aside from farm1t1g, is done J>y or M I'S. N e lli e Burgetl and so n through corporations• . Corporate farming is tHe next step, Kenn.Hh , Gmndrna Burgett, Mis~ M m .llI E! Burgett and friend, of Day' Farmers are lea r ning about corporaton, pent Sunday with Mr, and t ions and corporate- . management J\1.fS . Haro ld Kel lis and so n, Billy. through their sellif!g .c ooperatives. ~ I------------~-~----:'------,---- --~~--~- ~..,;.--..:.. several Sections' ca rR-orations are oper.' ating farms successfully, .FIFE ,IN ACCIDENT The most impc) rt<U1[ thing we have learned about b usiness corporations .' St. lair Fife in an ac- ill 100 yea rs is tlbilt th·e ir SUCCCSJI deWillard Batt,erl~., Sohlo Elb,.I, Pea.1I011 and SUDOOO on. c ld nt near Wllynellville the past pends alm ost entirely on their manage. W~()~-(' nd , t~c cur which h e was ment·. They do· np t run themselves. ~ll'IvJng leavlnl!' thl-' road .and turn- And the succesS' o f c:o~porate farmW.~a m g over a 20-foot embankment ing will dcpl:nd ('n tirdy upon the farmlJli corporaMr, Fife eHeaped withuut i njuries: management o f




l' \·(· nin~.






spr The


T e Iephone '



The Miami Gazette









Late Classified ,Ads =========_.- --








Are YQU Going to Build a House, Barn, Shed' or Other Buildings this Spr ing?

Here, too!More on year Tire. than on other kind•


Why "put up" with such delays 'l-It cost~ .D little to r~'ile on safe Goodyeal'" tirc~!



W. H. Madden & Co. Waynesville, Ohio



Dealers In everything connected with an upto-date Lumber Yard



~ ~



Full Oversize Balloon.

1JourSa.te io this N~'tJVs~

papPr_. I~ will Hri."



j Bil

29x4.40 S6.,0 30x4.50 $7.00


S· 6.~O

30x5 . SZI..S.


--------- •

Oversize Cord.

30x3! $S.60

.28x4.75 .8.Z0


.Gordon's Service Station ...W.






Eighty-Third Year

........ :-

Whole Numbel' 5903


--- r. \




The Peoples and Drovers Bank, NfWS nt~ECT fROM IWash ington C. H" capitalized at $125, 000, was closed Mond ay by e r of O. . GI'IIY , tut e , uper- ~ THE SlATE CAPIlOL. Iol'd 111i<' nllt' nt o f Ho\' BANK IS CLOSED

Seldom Gets Credit

Ohio motorists may soon have a standard color combination for their lic ense plates eaQh year, if the ta-te bUl'eau of motor vehicleB decides to f ollow New Y ork and r nnsylvania in adopting two colu l '~ pe rmanently, accordi ng to i. GOVERNHENT BY FACTS Paul Ack e rman, of th e Dayton Automobi le clu b, wh o said Salurda y that t h e cl ub is uqdng ( uc a (Erlitol"~ N \l lt! - Thi ~ i!; th· tll'St mov .. , o f a ~e ri c 5 Il l' fi Vl' a l' licle ~ by 1\11' . Slod ! britigl!. Next weck , "['I'Uh i bil ill n Up tt) Nu\\'.")

----By Albert T, Reid

B an k ~ ,

~!e(']lIr !'

P rl! ~ id(' nl, Ill n d!, n o s tat .·m c nt fI ~

1 I~' (111' l' l' IJ~U I1

\\' as hin g l ll ll, n. (' .- 1 Cl1 nH' l" W:ls hin!!ton til ~l'e I 'rl's ident 11 011\' ,,1'. Jl e had jus t l'o ll1pl c ted hi s tirs t y('ar in that (,Ricl'. I wunt.etl to as l! him pel'sn na lly whal he bcli l'Vl'd IH' hud aCl'nJl1plished in that yen r , whnl he hllpes or expcct~ to :l l' (' IIlllpli sh in his I'l' ma inillg y~al'H at th,' hl'lId "I' the Gllvc mment. Tlw 1'1' (' ~ idl'1l1 WII '; f r ank n C~8 il~ e l r. I II till' cuurHl' o f 11 c() nv c r~ iI ­ Wall Pup e l' at Hyman's. li .. n wh il' h sll'd('\wd lin lowortl two IICl llrs h.· 1I I1 R\\' t'n'd II1Y ('\, co ry quesMI'. and Mr ~. J . C. Hawk e . pl'n t I ili ll with ~ uch fullm" s lind sUl·h ~u ntJHY in !Jaylun , p l'l'c i, inn 01' d l'Llli l lhat (I1H' (If my III1I1 Skt·d qlll's li"l1 ~ UII RWl' l' cd ilsl' lf , Mr. lind Mr ~ . Myel' Hymnn werc That f\1I ('stinn \\' os : "))Ol'S in Ci n c innati ove r Su nday. rl l ' ~ i (1t;1I1 II IH~' !'I' n'Hlize whal he is up a~ain s t '! ' Mr. und Mrs. Geol'l~e Ke rn wel'e Ann Ill/' :I n , wl'r is: " Il l' d oes," in Il aytlln Monday ufternoon. , · in ~· e th.· llli l 'd :-ilall's bccanlt' Miss Lucille Squier s pent the a nllt ilill \\' t' hav t' had jll:l tw o bll si nl'SS 1II1' n ill till' I'rl!s i,Ic' 1I1's d Ulil·. w ek-e nd at her home in Co lumbus Un!' of 111l'm wa s Ge urg e Wu ~ hi ll!!(1111. Thl' "lher is He rb ' 1'1 lI o(}\'f'r . Mrs. C eo rge Hartsock is spendGt" rg(' W ashi ng- Ion hud won illg thc week wilh r e latives at fl ll ll llcia l indt>pt:ndcm't' .in bu ~ ine ss Piqua. lH'forL' Ill' IW""1l1e I' rc;ud " nt . 11 1'1'-1 I""l II ,," \'I'r ~ tal' tl' d O il his own Dr. un d Mrs . C. W. An so n and with not hing- and fl 'O Ill n lar~ c ~ o n Richard ~ pent Su nda y in Il l' upo r tiona I in co me wu s indl' p" n- Co lumbu s. d(' lIt ly w alLlI)" at fUl'ty , H ~ got h is inrl" pl>nnl'rH:l! Olll o f lhe. g r ound, ' Expert watch and J ewelry reli S (, e(ll"g,· Wnsh lllg-t on dill; Wa s h pairing lit ClJry's J ewelry Shop ill~1<1I1 a s 11 farowr and de nier ill II L ' bunon Ohio. ' land, II l" '\"1' li S a min e r. And , lik(· G.'urKc Wa sh ington 1 MI'. an d Mrs. Abram Cook of agulIl, lI e rb e l't 1'l o llv~1' t8 lin ell- Spl' ingb uro wc re Wuy nesv ille vi siKincer, (ill'S S aturday, In o tlr lin1l' It is u· new expllr. . if' lIc." ttl havc at Ihe ~I Nld o f tlw Ellis McClure and family of atll,lI a mUll ll'llined III the o p ru Spl'ingbol'o, ~ Jlent Su nda y with Ml' lhlll or gol' .. n\. c llte l'p l'lses, aCCU!h lind 1\1 rs. E lme r Shel!hllll. trllncrl 10 thc 1lI11nagement IIf PII!I1 Hllli m o nty lin a lurge sClIle, Mr, and Mrs.~. 1<, Day are In ov OIH' d oes not have to agre e with Ing Into the Ellsworth Sherwood M I'. Hoover's y ln t of view n or In- r cs idence On Third Btre~ t, dorsc t he Jlohcle~ of his purty, III ,·"cl'l!nlz e his lIbili t y 01' ev 11. to con You'll be plepsed with that Part:ed~ his g l'(,lIln ess In t h e sphere of ker Duofold Pen or Desk Set fr om hl 5 IIfe' R w or k. And that sphere ary's J ewelry Shop, Leba non, i ~ thal o f th e ud111ini~tratlve engln Mr. anti Mrs . G . F. Brown oC eel'. It was ppparcnt l hat such a man Le bnllon, were guests of Mr. /ln<l mp, t h nvl! II dlf1'l'l'c nt ap I}rollch to Mrs, O. R. Ungle sl:>~' , Qn SUT!qq~, the prob l e m ~ of admi nistration than t ha t (If (h~ politicia ns who Mrs. Rod erick Bar~e n, nile, have pl"l'vi"u ~ ly fill ed (he Presiden Frances Jllnney, of Co illmblls, tin l offi cc. MunllJ!'in K the II ffair s of called on friends here la st Frid!lY. 120,000,000 o f th e ric'he~t a nd 1lI0FL pr ospl' rou~ p ClJ ple in t~e MI'. Ilnd Mrs. Tom Carr IInl! world I,crhaps mi g- ht not se em so dpught c r re turn ed Sll nd ay after mu c h (life r e nt, to him . from m a n- hav ing s pent the winte r In the ul:ing the uffHirs o f a big corpora- Sout h.

fllr th(' d o:, illK II rd ~1 ( ' (lI.I ' ~IHlj S , 0I 11 0 -·Th e s n t W 1 \\"0 rl'lIl' ~ ugn thl' b:tl1k "a ~ hl·ld up and r .. hlll'd o f $:!50,O t)() in (, l\ ~ h , t ur in alld 1,Ii zziuti which v i i~ed and !"(' curit it'S, nlf .s1. IIf ",hi/ ,ft \\":1:0- Ohill IU Rt wee k, I"('Lardcd s prang ('Il\'l'l' ,<I hy in ~ "run {"( · . Ti' L' .... h- hO U K~ e lpuni llg in til(' !-itnle H lI £e ]lark. L" nol s~"p l" g-a r ti co n er' .lIn '! a ~ ­ 1... 1" w~r(' l1 e\'CI' IIptu r ~,J , ,islanL ~ :11'\' " " \\' hll';y seU m !! out "ud arnln~ing flu\H'r b e d ~ , . ~o \\'i n g I,••d fHt' n p\\ l il Wll ~ . ~ctt lnJ! O?t !1"l'l'nL'I' )' and g-dt ing lh e pluc e In shape f',r I hl' inRpe ·tio ll o f ~he th\J u ~and ~ IIf Il)uri s t~ w ho wall \' Is lt Ill' Ca pi tal l hi s ~u lllr,' 1' .

'1'11<' 11l',,,I'IuH I' t l"'~ o f Lhe Fi sh & I> i\'isi .. n. IlOW under ~ up e l'­ : i, iu n " I' Ih,· Hllarri o f Cons e)'vailln. will "" IHI lo t, localed on th e if th fI (,1I 1" "f tl1<' J·l:trtmHn building '1l I"lWI' F" ur th and ~1 ain s Lre e t;;, ",111'1"1' th· Ik!'Hrl m t' l1t o f Agl'icu ltUl'e wi ll a bo ],(' localed. Th e I' llInt &. 1""",1 l li\'isio ll will he 10'a l l II ,,11 th l' fi rs l flu o r wilh the .'nlranet' nn F Ollrth ~t l' ''' L The Anim al &. 1I 11 <I.antiI'Y Di viRio n of t lH' Aj.!ricullllllli d l' pa rlm c nt wil l!l11ain in th t, ~ l a tc' il ouse Annex for th e prf'sl· nl. Th ~ va cate d r (1omS of Ihe rI <, pul'tll1 ' I1 t \\ ill h." occupied 11 t hr !It.'ar fUt u rL' by the Fire ~l llr ~ h ul' s d " partml' nt. ulillH'

Wall rap c l' Hl IIYllllln ·:. I·: . C. Coyle Wa s ill Ci m·i llnaLi TU l'sda y, Mr" Lnlll'a :-iid, ·~ \'is it.,,· iVlon!l ny. Hay

Ed\\,lll'<l ~

\\ :1 ,;

a Il:\\'t un .

"!,l'nt I h., w(' I,k ·

e nd in ,' \, Pari s.


.\I rs. OliHr n avis in Cincinnati t lH llI Y.



, hlll' !,il1!.'

C. M. r{ llbit ze r a nd I.. :\ . P rinLz Thom as L. W" od, cll s hi c l' in l h e were Piqua \'i " it ll r ~ S lInd :>y . 'ltl ice o f Sec re (an' of Slate 1111'nct' .I. !:lrown. ~' hairl11l1 n of the Mr . !Inti 'ir s. 1\lnrk Hng"I' ~ ~ ll (' nt ,anqul' t (',Im ittl'l' of The Stute Sunday with r l' l ati\"(' ~ at \ tkil. ";l11p loycs ' Bl'rH'ficinl A ,~oc iation, na~ ca ll ed n nlf'el inl! "f hi s a s.J .. hn Frrrl11l1l lln t! fllllli ly s pent ;ocintilln co mmitt e 'l111'n 10 11I'I'ul1ge Sunday wilh 1"(·lali\, (,s in ])lIylllll . '" r th l' :inn ll al ban '1u (o\ w hic h will 'I' h(,I<I at li ne o f lh e local hole ls Mr ~. F. B. H e n de rson a nd duug-h 11 11 Sfltu rd ay ' vr'llin l'!. May ;~rd. tl'rs w{'n' l )a~, t"n vi ~ itol' s Snturday Governor M yr rs Y . C" opt: r will b nitC'l'no o n. he' PI inti pal -sl' t' !Ik~r a n d a ll Ir eli\'l! . (IItl.' o fli c('l'~ will be honu rLittlE' Naomi Elle n Eal'nh :lI' t is '<1 gu es t ~ . Arran g-I'mcts wi ll . be l' u nv a leseinK afler u S(,ri uu s ill n ('s ~ ma ri e 1 0 1' 50 0 Ilr m or e pilltes . of grippe . .



\o'o ll ,) \\' ing t ht' close o f ihe Rpl'ing Mrs, J. O. DrtwriKht entel"tuined the britlgt; club ,'atunl ay , el1le!o\t'l" of Ohio Stille niv er s ity a s ix \\'eek ~ cours e of inlltl'uction !lfternoon. viII ol1(' n III th e Pranz Theodore NEW CENTURY CLUB \ Mrs. Bcryl McCombc l' of Duy- S lone Lllb Ol'lltol'Y at Gibraltar Ion. is v isiting her l11 ulher, Mrs. Island at Pu t-i n-Bay, for inve ·tiga The Ne w Ce ntur y c lub m et. ion o f t he biol ol!')' of th r Lake reSeth Cook. '[i,m and f or coul'~ e . of instruction Fl' iduy afte l'n o un ut thc hon1(' of MrR. Maud Crant:', with Mr~, Mr. H. B . E!ll'nhul' t H·ntl Mr . K . in zoology, e nt om o lugy a nd b ot any H ani s as host ess, N. H ough wcre ill Co lurnbu s o n Th e is llll1'l clll11pri s ing nin e aCl'es, Nlne\"l!n me l'l1bers uns\\' el' cd ro ll was fonl1!'t"ly th hOI11 (, of Jay bus in ess Thursc!uy. ctl lI wilh I r l ~h quotatio n s, The Cr,o ke, the )!re ut financi e r of the The canlata "R08ll1llIlnde" by . s pcclul topicH ' fur' the dAY, ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Mr . an(1 MI S. Pnul Everharl of Ci\' il War p l!ril d. Durinj! th e wal' of 1 12 ornmodor e Oliver H. Schubcl·t will be gi\'en by the 1 ", icily- Is land (If VI\'ld Boauty High 'c ho ol chorus TuesdllY I'VCIl - and Crul11blil1K Glon'." b y Mr ~. Su mmer s chedule- 1st, 3rd /lnd Franklin s pelll ,u nda )' wilh Mr. Peny used thl' hi~h es t point of the a nd 1\1 r.. Fn,d Evel'hflrt. in f", April 8 lit th~ gym. A 11 lUI CutiwllllnrJ C' I' , und "In scct~- 5lh Sunday, Muss at 8 :0 0 a. m .; is land as n wHt ch towel' l o observe Beneficial nnd Dl'struc tive ," by 2nd and 4th Su nday, Mass at C larence EdwlIl'ti R and fami ly he approllch o f lhe Brili ' h fl ect The Slute In sl)(' ctor tlf !:jehonls Mr ~. J oh n Fro ll1l11, we r c p retic nl e rl l 9 :30: we r e Sunday gll ('s lR (I f :III'. an d ' nd Ih \' Hullle of Lake Erie was \'isi ted h e re yesterday, in /In Int eresting :lnd in. trucliv e \ R ev. Lawre nce B . Mollmann . foug-ht in th e ncal' vicin ity . A la r~ e Mrs. W. E. Stroud and so n. oil pll illl ing of lhc baltic hangs 111 mannel', Montiay IIfte rn ou n th e ~c ho () l During I he ~ ocia l hO :I1' a tleli l'i- WAYNESVILLE CHU RCH OF lI'Ir . Meryl Gray, who i. home he r ll tund a of th e tatc H o use . . wa s ca ll ed to the gYlllnasium lo ; Oti S iwo-courR.e IUllc hl'o n WIIS I . CHRIST fl om Oxford, ca llcd o n his un clc witn ess the uWllrding of VUriOUM s(' r veu to llI e lll he l'R and l h ., follo\\,- 1 . . Dir ector of lIi ghwa~'s Robe r t N. hu !;. GnlY Tu esda y evening. 11 0 11. , ' honors to Hig h Schoo l s tudent, \ lnJ(" j[u esl,": lIIr·s . atherin e C ule. . Blbl~ Sch o ~1 at ,9 :30 u. Ill. , peWaid a nn oun ces a co ntm ·t letting I wlln te rl t o find oul. W e havo MI'. a nd Mrs. E. J. Burton of After giving du e hon or to Ruth 1111111 , Mrs. J. n. Crabbc. Mr~. J . c lal Bibl e. 01'111 Will be pr~ sented of 4:1 'I, mil es of g ra ve l cons tructbeen talking so mUch, in Americ!\ Elyria are spenQiT!g the spring Hoc k et t winner of th e orat orica l H . Sackett, Mrs. J. W. Edwn rds , by th e Pnmary. Class, ~0"~1 s SupH owa rd . Hurl ey a nd family of ion at an ei<timaterl c o~ t o f $2, 167a bout P " h uHin csR Gove rnm ent"l vacati on with r e latives here and a t co ntest for upper grades a n d MI'~. R, 'I. Hawk c. Mi.; ' Emma per at concl,uslOn . Chll sl1.a n En· New Bul"lmgto n, we r e wee k-c nd 7:12 .52 on 1\ pri l 8t 11; al so 178 lhat r \\' I\ S c uri ous t o discover Mt, flollr, , Louise Hend e rso n wh o placed lI e i~hwllY, Mi ss l ame Bl ow n. and d~avo ~ at, 6 :3.0 p. 11; . M~!l e Pine, gues l s of Lloyd Davis ami fnmily. mil es of RUI' fnce tr Nlt ing l'~timated wlll'th(' r II man wiLh 11 practlclll, I ~et;ond In High School. The boys ' J ('ss le Cla rk e. I~ade l. E,ventng e\ angelastc .5er- l a t $75:1,UO 1.<1 . This is t he la rgbu s in ess point of vlew co uld get MI'. and Mrs. W. N. Bears w ere a ll the first bu~ketbllll , squud rc- - - - _. \ ~;I~if nl. 7: 111 ••Sery:tl!1 ~ub~~c~ S:aws filed by machinery, Cut f'~ t letting th is ~'e a r lInd more t han nll'IIY with it in rcallty. called to Rossburg Ohio on Thurs I celved their aWHnI letter s, . e 1Ir. ( • 01'111 In , e Igl ?n. . cleaner, truer, fast er. Roy Pig- a tio;>Ol.'n c nu n ti e~ will tlP n efit t he re Th el' ha R b ee n a lot 01 loose da y, because of the Illn'ess ot the .Kenne th Frolllll1 cllptain re- TO HAVE JOINT MEETING , Ul1lqu e feature of t hIS e rvl~e w!lI, tt at Madden's Lumb!'r Yard . hy . The wOl'k wil l ~ (ar t ea rl y and cClved a three year letter. Carl . . , 1be ,II J apanese 'o ng by, g ll·lf'. In l ' .' tll ik t o the l'ffeet that the Presl- former's mother dent IJ('CIllISC he hus never been a l ' Hay r ece ived 1\ th re e yea r le tter Ope n m cel lng of Fa l mer s Japanese costume. Church Night Mrs Lllura Ze ll wrrtes til fri e nd s \\:ill ~ i vl' l'lll l'lu Yl11 c nt to II large IJo lilicla ll. Is bing bamboozled, I 1\11". Groce Roge ra and fri e nd Ralnh Mnlno1l 5, Edwi'n Sch ul e r: Grunge Salurd ay cyc ning, April program each W e dne, day a t 7 :ao I thal shl' is impr oving allcl ho pL's t o force o f labor . h Ol'nRwI"~lcd . he ruddl e d and Miss al'ah Berman of Detroit, I Erwin Ellis, Ballard Wallace, J oh n 5t h. I I), m. The c hur ch where yo u f e l soon get home fr ol11 1\11' le ll un h os Th e tilll e fnr fi ling di ~solutio n of ff'f!I f' d by th' Miss Dora Stiles Turner, Milo Milte nb e r ger r'eThcr(' w ill be a juinl meet ing of JlIt h Ollle . . . .. I pita!. cu rp o ra( io ns in o rti e l' lo avoid the /o!c ntr y who inhabit Capito l HIli. Monday and Tuesday, ceived tw o yeur leUers . Don J ohn I he Fnrm BU.l'eau IIn(1 the Grange , hester A, Wllhamson, l\t1nlster Don' t )OU b cli eve it, He,rbert ' and Mari on Whitnker r ece iv e d II ilL t he Grunge hall o n the abov e - - --MI'. and l\lr~ . 'ha ~ , Ho ug' h nnd n , c( · ,;~ il~· fill' fi ling' un nu a l reH oove r lI ot rn ly knows what is \ Mrs, Emma Hamilton has bee n one yellr leLter. dale ut !I o'clock . Bus ine:~ session ST. MARYS CHURCH MI'. and MI'~. K N. lI 11ul,(h !'pe ll t p O lt ~ f il l' 1!1:lO, Hll d paying franhi ~ e tax es for Lhe yea r, expires g~ing, on, but, why, nnrl who i!' b!'- r.pnding s~v~ ral days with her son, Following the uwurd of th c lel - o f Grange fl' lI 111 8 :30 to !) o 'clock. I Thul'sday, Apr il 3, ser mon at fi un<iuy with Dr:. Hntl !lh ~. .1 . W, cMalt',h :1 1~ l. ,·'·e r ela ry of State hllld It. Ami h e kn ows, beUer t~an Frank Hamilton. o f Newport, Ky ., t CI'S a n Interclll~s Ba s kct B a ll 1\11 Farlll Bureau members , 7 :3Q p. m. sermon by R ev, Her- W a rd, ' lar e nce ,1. Brown advises that all .;ome of them do th e mselves, Jus t l and I'e l/lt"'es in Cincinnati TournRille nt C up wu s awarded to Grllng'Cn, ih.~ ir fllmilies an(1 nlLl n PIlj!e , r ector of Sl. Puul's whi ch Senatol's arc going to come ' t h e Senior <; Iass of '3D, who won fl iends 111'(' c Ol'dially invited. 1111- I chul'ch, Oa kwood, Mr. a nd Mrs. F ste r II ac uck. el\l·p.OI'aI io n !; conte lllpl a ting disbaek to Wllshi rr~to n and which ' Mrs. L. M H e nderson returned the class tournamen t Chis year. portant subjec t ~ t o he tliH(!USs~ d . I ApI il 6, Fifth undllY in Lent, enl' oute frotll Indiana Lo th e F:as t so illti ll n ~ hc IIld fil c ()n 01' before arc go ing to bt' Klip)lcd ge n t ly into l hon' C from' McClellan hos pital The trophy call be see n as the . - -- - Ichur'e h school nt !l,30; sermon and called at t he l;;'iend s' 1I 01lt e , thnl rlule. politi cal oblivion. Friduy. She is gradually recover- Seniors n ow ruve it 11ropdl'y di sH oly Commun ion at 10 :3 0, aturday. Nobody n u otes the President ~n in after a sefious oPf!r'ltiqn,"'" plllY1!d in th eir h om!! ro om: . w, C. T. U, . MEETING Rev . J. J . S chaeffer, Rector. 1'h" Stat· De parlment. of Edu~a Ie s he has pe r so nally preparf!d t ~ \ . Th W ' C I I t' Tom. 1 .1\11'. has. G ray , lIccomJl:lI1ie d b~ ti o n is o iJ"e rill g II prize of $5 00. ~ tlltemc n t for PllbI h:ntl o l1 . . P . Dr. It\lqolph- EYllsight Spe(!i/ll- h 'fldheWBad!l~etdBall ABlln~llue2t will be I p ' rancc c (~li~l~l ~l et ~~. ~hl:h o m e of ' FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST hiS dau g hter I\1rs. R B I\~~I' , \v~I ~ fn r t h,' poe m 1'01' a ~ uil llble Oh:()l news paper m a n W10 e nes IIY PI'! ,1930. M I'. Anna W .illlal1l~on Thursdlly l Bible School ut n:30 a. m. Corne al Mc l e ll a n ho pltal Tu e, dny f I t s Ol1g. After t hiH haf' been selecte d 1 h opes. o l ~t. H flfe Tqesday, 'l'h~r!\day ap!\ e have IIn other c hance to talk tQ h!m , 'aturdlU', f r e e ,examiilllthm AbQut forty boys are cxpe~,ted 1:0 ' , rt;. M , I 27 Th IItt ' n - rnin 01' s hin e for thi ~ in a nother of t,reu tm ent. lth e r' will be 1\ s imibl' compe titi o n \v.l'ite~ w,h a t the Pres illilnt says to Cary's ' Jewclry Shop, J,ebanon. . be presen t. I ;LnC~~'~~~~ l!u~~lc t:n d ~ mo: t enjoy our ~pecilll dllYs. Sunday is to be I F b It " r I for n mus ical ;;ctting. Th.e sonjt' hIm III confidence. Bpt YP\l ~~11 ' ~ " . a ble m ee ting WlI S held, Dues were an April s how E' r in the Bib.le . '01: l'st res u s CO!, SIg'~ yo u I will h e I' a t ured at t h e National s ti ck a pin in thi~: On S.utUlday evening, Api'll 5 pa id un ci M rs: Mills Kuve n report. choo!. Each person pre~ent Will I~C .sloc~ .to Green -bl11.bI Y ?, fl:dtl eulio n mec ting in Co lu :nbus PreRili e nt H oover is no po litical )\11'. lind Mrs. Clifford Buzick there Will be he ld a joint m ee ting (If th e S(ate in~LiLutc h eld in cOllnt l' d as a "rain drop". Invite C ln clIlnall, In care of D . n. Sllhs- .luIH' 21' I .. ,July 4 , which will atamateur, anti ohill!ren 01 SIdney, and Mrs. of the Grange and F~rm Bureau Columbu s h s t we ek. ns muny peopl e a s yo u can. then bury. Irnrt t hr; tl sa nds of peo ple to the He docs not pillY polltios with a )\1arglll'et aurnett of Piqua, were at the grange hlili. ThiS will be an Deli ci;u.' refrc!lhments were cou nt you r "I'ain drop~" a s th ey Capi t a l City. Th e poem mus t have bras band 01' a big stick, There Sundpy guests of Mr, Ilnd Mrs A, open mee ting after ~ p, m. and all se rved by the hos te ss. .ifa ll in," for a so uvenir will oe Mr and 1\Irs. Earl C0 l111 c r all d tWIl ~tnnzll~ and l1lu RL be ~ublnitted Is nothing of the playactor about L. King, ' who are Interesl ed In poultry p,ro - \ Miss G ra ccio Leggo H ou lde l' given lo the one who brings lhe f~,II~1 Jr., anll Mr. 0 , E. Standifo rd In lh e Depa rtmcnt no l late r than him. The arts of the politician duetlon . or the seed corn s ltuat!on will be in the Cuunty the week most . A spec ial program appropri VIS ited I\1rs.. tundiford al Mc- May I ~t, address Mi ss Edith M. which appeal to the emotio!)11 are Misses Janet Cartwright and are InVited to be present. MOVing l b" A ' t'I 11 S 'I ate t o Ihe occasion is being ar Clellan hospi tal Sundny. Kell e r, SlI!le S up erv isor of Mu s ic, totally foreign to his nature, It Doris Henderson of Welltern col- plcttuhres atnd talk~ will be given up- me;~~~~ \Jrl be i h el~1 P~~~~Ughl:~~ ranged. Lord's Supper 'and sermo~ ' S I' b - - - -- - - --Is Impossible to Imagine him pOll-lIege and John Gons of Miami on eSe wo tOPICS. h C t du in her sta at 10:30 a. m . Sermon s ubjeet, 'An l urk , Q IS ltry retul'n ed lo Ing for dramatic effect or engag- University are home tor the sprlni t e o un Y r g y. Antidote for the World's Trouble' Clevel and S undll Y .after an exRED CROSS REPORT ing in verbal denuneiatlon of bls vacation. The joint banquet of the lfome - - - - - - - -- You are always \vclcome at this t ended visit with h~s , parent s 1'11' . political opponentll. But the man Economic and Smith Hughes deSCHOOL BAND BENEFIT church. · and Mrs. W . p , Salisbury, . who 'orJZ:anlzed and admlnlstered W~en you need a glft for any partments given on Wednesday _ __ _ Chester A. Williamson, Minister 1\' d At the a nnual m eetmg of the tho Berlin relief and made Ger- occasIOn think of Carl'" Jewelry evening \V8S well attended despite ' . Mrs. H , C . Coleman, '11' . an Warr e n Cou nty Chaptel' of the man?, like It, who I'an our own .\ Shop-"The Home of Gifts." Leb- the bad weather, Counting stu- .. The Stylc E :xhlblt and program LYTLE M. E, CHURCH Mn. Fruncl s Coleman of NoH r - 1American R e d Cross h eld at the F ood Administration and per- anOD. dents of both departments thel'e I g!ven at the I,ym last Thur. day SIS h I 2 00 wood, w er e, gue st s of Mrs. J. . mn yo r' s office in Lebanon. on sunded u s that sawdust W8S good were about 140 present night was wel\ attended. , C h'u~~~ nYSer~I' n~o a~t S pP: ~', I Colemun Sunday afternoon, ', last Thur·sdny. a.' fter,noon" Chare to eat, who as Chairman of the SuMr. and Mrs. T. C. Harlsoek Estle Hagemeyer act~d as toast W T~e S~O\\:- hPon~r~~ ~y Ithb Sc "moll topic" ti The Sacrlftce of les J . Wagg anet \\a 8 relected premc Economic Council which and children of Milford, and Mr, master and several students, ~y ~~ El~ ns IP I J 0 hers (; u , ~f~I'Y" Midweek service Wednes. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hurold Beckett, chair man of ~he \ocal unit with Ilbsolutely ruled all Europe during ' and Mrs, .Ronald Hawke and 8011. graduates parents and faculty an e O l.e r un ~ o!ln so nf day cvenln 8~ the ohurch, fol. (IrmH Shutts,) nrc annoul~cln,g t.h ' C. C. Collins, . treasl\l'e~', and th e e ight months between the Ar- Frank, were Sunday guests of Mrs responded In u vel'Y crepitallll! : b:~~fi~f of at~o \V\~~:'~~\Ir, r~h~oi lowed by ife a c hel' trainIng c~ase, I arrival of. ~ son , Mo~dO;'~ ,~II~\~ICh I ~I r~. , Lucy Lutl, exec utive secmistice Ilnd the signing of tle Edith Harris and 'ami~~, " mll~n el' ~onsidering tre very s hprt hand. A n ~lI{ SUI;l, to' lle "u ;e d to Thl' young people are espeCially ' :31, at thell home n ca g , Ietl\r~. ,.' Trealy of Versailles, figprative y notl!!e glv\ln I:h~m. buy un iform: , wa~ turned llye!, ~o inv lt(' d to this service. A SPrln g- \ . II' . DI . cU, . Ion cen~ered, around the ~,s well p,s literally ,ha~ t~e ~:. _ . Forr!lst flpugr and f~mi'y ~re . t hal (}rgnnizuti o n , bo ro tlhllrge s upper will be held In "Youre x Sllverseul. S,I,lv er\\ are pOl·.tS, ?f t he val'lou~ oft\cer~ were tlons of the world eatIng out of. hIS dmner gu~sts of Mr, qnd fl!. The Spring musi c pI:ograTrJ _ _ _. h bu se ment of the S rln boro is thc best. Comp~re It \\ Ith other IIctlv tl1 es of the chupter durmg the






l't h.erwl~e

polltl~u~l l\Iich " vi~lted










Friduy evcnlng Aprfi 11. 1makes before startmg y?ur p alt~rn pas t ycn\' toge ther. WIth the pro· Ii"· I I 'ti fr and see fo\' yourself Its s tcrhng gral1'l f01' t h e com1l1g year. R eLy~leIO~~I~h a~fJi bee ;~:se~~. om 1qualities, CarY'R J ew clry Shop Leb ports of t he variou~ aft\~ers w e r,e Grange Marke t at Grnnge HaH Sara A . Bowman Pastor anOD. rpad and appro ve d, th e treasurer s noxt aturtlay, April 5, at !) :a o ' . r eport showtng a balance of $"256.the Warren OOlmty schools, will Tire. 1I>t number will be folk o'cl uck . Ev erything good for )' Ollr VAYNESVILLE M E CHURCH Mrs. Lillian S mull , who IS we ll 30 a t th e prese nt Lime. attend the /State Educational can- Itlaterlal by children from Miss I Sunday dinn e r. . ' , kn ow n h ere huv ing, spent sever a The sec l'elar y's r e port for the terenee to be held In Columbull on Reeder's, Mias Henderson'~ Mrs ' We wlluld ap\1recinte . your Wedn esd a~ : Bible study and I winte r s lit th e Fri'lllls ' Home, i~ year ending Mal'eh 3 1, 1930, tolThurs day, ;FrIday and Saturday at Banta's and Miss Hartsock'~ plltl'onage. pruyer meettn g; at 7. :30 ,P. m. The criticlIHy ill at her hom e in lows : this we"", . room-, .. lesso n foroftheAct, evenmg IS theChoir last M~r'I'oW .. It " - -. - - - • eha pter Friday: Buillne.e, Mal.'ch t 921)" , $198 .64 47,00 The 2nd number, Dutch Folk • Our now 1930 £ample book. Dance . by Eliznbeth Hobblitt and Haa Been Quit .. III practice at 7 :30 p. m. Sunday: Mr a nd Mrs. Wal ter Elzey e n- 0 o natto ns" gl fl · S , ,e t c. 626.69 are now on display, showing all Paul Hough with a chorus from ---~unday sc~ool at 9 :30 n. m. Morn- tertai'ned at dinne.r .unda:>, hop ot'- Membership receipts " .. $872,04 the new and up-to-date patterns, Miss Bobb's, third grade. Ever 'tt S('a l'!l, wh o was confined rng worship a~ 10 :30. The ~heme ing Mrs, SlIrah LIPPIncott's birth- I ranging In price from 4c, sll'!gle The 3rd number will' be a min- to th e ho use !a,: V(!1"l\I days on fol' the mornrng sermon will be dllY anniversary. The guc~ts were I roll, up, to su\t , the most partlcu- )Jet by Rosemary Bentley and count of illne~. , is out again. ,"Thinking His. Thoughts," Ep- Mr. ' and Mi'&', k enn e th ' Elzey and Diaburaemenla lar, We can glV!! you ~he beat of Murrell Thomps on with a chorus ____ _ .___ worth League at 6:30 p, m, The daughter of Dayton, arid Mrs. . 1 h .I $263 00 .. _ . A 1 serVIce. ,D. E. from Miss Campbell',' s fourth grade - - .subject for ' discusslon 111'111 be, "A Lippincott Nat lOna eay<\uarters I .. ·.. " St d f( d Serville of ' Wonhlp For Those . ' Stationary, supplieR, te e" HOME TEAM LOST an I or , , a30 The. number a Scotch num- Cnntatn "Rosamunde,;' arl'~nge!\ Living In. a World' ot Sclen·ce." Mr and Mrs Earl Bogan and ' phone, o,tc. '" . .. .... .. ..... 30.00 M Ch ' And ~ , b e r, by Burl'\ett and Max by Gottfr ied F ederli im from muslo Evangelistic Ser.vlce at 7 :30 p . m. faml'l'y ' and Mr·s. ' Maud Hay of Compe.nsatlon. loahS to exrs,. as. . er..on g,lven WIth a chorus from ...·IS.n b y 101 .. rL, l Thl 8 WI'11 b II . a surprise on Sunday whwas th rt 'Stephens Sh t' ran k S C h UIJe G, C, Dibert, P utor, Cl'ncinnati, Mr . and Mrs, A. 'se~V1ce m en , .. . .. ,. ", .... , The ndependent bll8\l'f!tball <I I I en 1. ¥oemakel" ll lind Mr, J:!unn~1I'8 6th S\llIg by High 'I~chool pupils, Bo an and fam' t' ly of Franklll\ Ceo r,tl,Bed records ... ..... ...... . I re,a ti.ves ~nt' .r en~B, brtng- &TAde. ---- - • II' I 11 f nO tearn went to Bl!lpmingallufl. ~wo mg weU.filled gas\ets, ~'lIem, 'l'he 5th numbe.. l' an Irlllh num-. Th e enti~ cast will , comprise Mr and Mrs Jos Wolfe and grand QIVI Ian re e .... .... " ,.... " 'Aft rayettJ! county last .Frlday lI i gn t bled. at. \l(!r lr!lplfi!· to Ilelebr,ue Jier ber by Mary' Burton and Barbara eJghty nine pupils Crom the school T.kin~ Tl'eato1ent in D&ytOD da~ghter, Mr, 'pnd Mrs. .~arl Secre~ary's salary... .... .. .. . y ...... and plllyed a gj1mj! With ~he Elders Mrs, Harvey 'Rye, who has been Reeder of Clarksv~:;i\ieere g8~:;~ 1 16t5r.'l . Ford, In II" tournamllnt eompolICd b!rthday allflVCl'8IIl'Y, A delicloul Gray with choruB from Miss Lile'. lIyslemihete ~;iI\ b~ c;onslderable expel'se attJlcncd there will be. an I quite sick again, Is in Dayton for of Mr, and Mrs, J, . , Balance, March 1930 O;1~8 of Independent playen, The bOYII dml'!er was allowed by It pleasant room, BOClal tUne, ·Part. II, will be 11 Iomant:ic Ildmision tee (pf 26c and loco ,treat.menL on SUDday. 1Cl/lt 27 to B3, '.

hand , who !Is Secretary of Commorce for s even years told the busin~ss and industrial It)apers of Alllerlr;a wher!1 th~y gpt oft'. qnll mad~ them I~ke- IL--an d htm,nust of necess ity be mas~e~ of the supreme art of th~ pOI\tlcllln, the art of underst.andlng people anll making them wllnt to do what he '\'ants them to do ' And tbls Is a , sand ubtlIn er th and higher politics e long runtype moreofeffective Ilnd 'l11ore elldurjng In Its- resultB, than one er two men have ever hl'ought to the White HOllso, (Continued On Page 8)

V~fn Hough ?ll Sun~ay., .P.¥ ,of the Waynes ville schools will bl! Kl~ler an~ faml!y of payton, ¥:,ef~ give!,) at the gyni April Ii at 8 p : Ill: afternoon guests of ~he ~oll,glls, Part r of the Pl'ogl'll m will be mlld~ up of work In song and f olk F, B. Harris, 8"perintepdfi!n~ of danCing' by pupils from the grllde~.






I" .






' ~


lWJ IF f

' ~~~~~~~::_IIi......... . , __

,l', '1EWS GLEANED ~~ ~~~~~ed1 t~8r/ T~ffRft~~~c:h~edfll~~ F~ T.- Mar~in Jes~e Stanley i fROM COURT HOUSE ~~, E~ R~l::t:;I~ G~O:fI:s ~~~:~ Auctioneers I I


hi ,; bo nd in t h e su m of $ 1000 w it h D e t ro it Ii ~y a n d u rety Com-

w e re m ade 811pTUlsers. Ac e u n t' fi lud :-' Assil? nm nt of R u ssel1 J , Mut'C O PVQ 'lClloCT BV WALLAce Co mm o n Pl ea. C ourt r ay. as!' ign o l', sa l e bill, U. Early for Your Sal. D,dea. WI) Guarant ... 'I' ll ase e tht! omm e rc iill GUlI l'dian hip o f R h e a H oust on Sati.far~ion or Charge Nothint:, _....::::.':'::-._":..:. Pap I' P urchll5e Corp or a ti on v r 'u s H edges, m in or, fir at and final acI - - - - - - 1I111rv E , ~i gfried, xecu t ri x was c ou nt. I 'll \ I'T] I, ~ II I. ;, hi ~ 'III'S. l\1\d in n minute ~~ke " Ie p, His h ead WIIS' still t hick, ' his compromised , a n d di missed . The cour t confi r med t h e r eport h at'd th{' 'joll f the b~,at 'tl'lkmg m o uLh tn s \l'd li k e a lime k iln , but POll a ppli catio n of Eli za b eth of s a l es mad e by Blanche A . R iley I, , " th ,' ~".J! t 'Ill' I •• • 1\, n ," .:lin l th st n l' , ' aft r a co ld wash 'at t h e k it c h en Str a wn, d f c nd a n t i n the caus e P e rl e M, R iley and ' C , C. E u la!!!!, Phone No'. 3ao .. 'an y ou gt!t u )'!" The Gu n - , s ink h was near t o his norma l a gai n t h e r by Oren S traw, th e e xoc~tor of t h e estate of G eorg e Pbone 'No. J , ,,11.1\' ,'I,ll 11." 1\101 " t' 'Ii \,lIt l :",.' 1',al'll IIy 111'1"5 hnntl gri p d Luke's wrist '('If; li n d over a cigarette and a co ur t ord ered th e plaint iff t o pay E. RIley, d eceasd . i ' i Itt l .... II I l,~~. L" h ' ~ [ln<l d l_\ Li m l O R sitti ng p osit ion c up o f t ('a h e told the sto r y fr om t h e d e f l;1 ndan t t h e s um of $10 per , Notice of esta~es fo r settlem ent I .\. ,,~ , "I' the' 11\.:lIf W ", h th (, h ou th., ,, I, he drew th e s tart to fini s h, and th is ti me r e- week d uring r)(~ nd e Il CY o f t he ac- are , s e t for h earm g March 24, at ., \ I 1 h, ,' I t ',I I,' ~Id, ;' n f:l\ in~t lite !;tt' PS and ~ I'I' \' II noth inK' ti on, 1 9 0 cl ock a. m: !'I () "' II ' I~ Em e li e B ur g e r .an d Wi Uia m 11 i .\111' I j,' 11 • ' ,' lIll' III la n d I l t ok fh'" \l1inut(' ~ o f l ,' a h(' told tJH. _l or y f ro nt st. Irt The COll r t o l'de r d t hat James T h e la s t WIll and testll m e n t of Bu rge r to CIllud e Ro~~, lot No , !J 8 , ,.i " ,of' 1 .. ,1'1' ''' I. u \; ,, · r,ll 1.1 f ,,1 11\\ hi"" to fini~h , IIl1d thi ~ titn (, r e, fJl' vl' d E , 1\l c 'I u r e, p lai n t iff pay t o E mElhe l E , ,D u n h am , d ceas~d . wa~ " I" ., " ,i " I' III :" hIH'l' ~ 1;:1\' (' IIlldl'l' h im lI nri It , n"t hin g. ma l\1c ' lure <I l· j' ('n ela nt . th e ~um o f p r od u ced tn Co u rt a n d adm it t ed t o in S ou th L eb an on , , \I' lIl la ll' (' . I," " K '"', 1' ",lnLlI" Ge o rg e li nd Edith Gray t o VIl'II" 1111 1,. I' \\:t ntl'd "II till' ~lIPI"I\ ' 1 lh " l hi:; CUI1I TIH' Gu n nl'l' li~tt! l1 ed is ~ il e n ce . $ 15 )It'I' w eek as a lim o ny duri ng probllt e , Raymon d H, Du n hll m acAr_' IIi, ' l ' I ' lt th"" -", r l lrl' IH I:tlll gi";a Pri nt z &'1..) 5 II CTl'S in Wuyn e t ; ' .. ' h' 1"'l\ i" n " lIlll cI I-: i\~' hi m, "'"hin!! no Cl) llll'lIl u nt il h(' hn d I lll.n u n cy o f t h e u etion a nd a l 0 ce p ted th c l r us t a s e xecuto r , Th om Ht ' ( U JP t' l' a nk \\ I I:-- nll . •1, uf I ', (It 'I' I 1·'\1 1;' hi, "Si "n th l' ;;II ' P': ," \. llllnl.l tlti " d linj,.' h~' 11. • , ' , f1a~' t h e (,ou J\ ~(' 1 fee s fo r th e d e- ' a s ~~? tt, E , J , Beedl e a n_d C! iflo n twp , .\ l a ,"'~ lt \ T tlW II :lIII I'. " ' ,,,"r ' · " ( 'u. Dll vid S p eu r g t o Rob e rt J , S h aw ;, il" III 01 "1' till' (;U IIII " I' , alld LIIf.. ' "b~' y,'d, " n ,d y o u tt' ll ( o llnor thi S Rtll r v!' 1 f n dunlo ClI I\\1/l we r e mude ap pr8l se rs, ~ 11111,. ,, hun trus te e , ,I lIer e::; in ni o n twp , II ' I:' '0110, .1 ":\11 \\' t r\' 10 ~tnll d," Luk.· III1 t1 d,·,\. . ' I n t he ('ase of 'l cl'rill Proc t e l' Acco un ts fil ed :l{o lH' rt J , a nd E IJ1Iil'u S hawhlln, I". "I" a "1' ' til I' l1Ii 'll1 l < 1.\1\; " ~ at .. y ,> , Xi' pl t hat nntura ll y B a ll ver RUl'; Will R , L ewis, lIudito r I:: state of George C, B o fTi ng e l'. ( In t ill" II1 1I dl\\ h f M ar<'11 .\ I) , , , .,., I "' , c', ,1' ,," <"Il, 'd up, hi~ fa t" III hi> lund ,. , \' 11 11 "l.[h I did ll' l ~peak a lJl' ut I1IY upo n re ceipt of 1I m an da l e f r o m d ec~a!;t'd, fil' st and final. to Nellie Ad n rn s , 4 ucr,'S in Un ion l:. :~v Haiti ,III ;o( LH ',· 1 ~;'i l1l · d no I l rd ., ,' c)f .\ ttU t· l l fll, · ot I II Ih, ' :tl." "" a t' l llI lI , fO l' 11\'11 lit,' (;U I\ Io, 1" ., I'llicl' 1Il't' lI "- \\ if\.' IIlId Ih · -- 1l1 0 nl'Y. W hy do yo u the court o f appea l!', lind ~ t hllt ' bst a t e of Ma l'Y I . S h ee ley , d c - twp. I! and lilt.' 1"IUI I1 (II \lll t , 1I III I d r . ' d 1111 " ')" '11 "" I,'. . · "H id dl'l11U l'r e l' is n ot we ll tukl' n ceased, finll!. Ull I IH J1"I, I$IIP 1/ 111 , 1I11d lilt ) l n l' , ' h 1 7 , I' ,. dl" t ".I hi ll!, IH :: " . JlIdg l lll ' lI t \\:t..: II ' n d f' l't' d '1' 111' 1'(' li r e til l' IlIUII\' PI'II11I (', (; U IllH' I' lI aync ~ (lur"ed h i ~ lips, and OI' CI'I' ulcs "u m e. ~ ssign lll e nt o f ' J, E, McCarre n " Licen.e. Ma r r iage .' r 1\1" I II r U\' lH' III' til. , " Ia l ll ! ll( IIlld IIrd,'," 'I' \ " :til' , I' I a",>i ll!! (1 1' ('1' lh " t'l'i'(l.[t, 'ltl "lellSe " I dlln't kllUl\' , ('<01111\)1' is a pre t Ar l h ur H il l \V IIS appo inte ti a a s s ig nor, fir st an d fi n a l. In Ii t' l l ul!HL ' ! I I' d l 'rv l" , ,.I\' at "lIl d l e H ay es Dlllt oll . g rocel' of F l'lwk - " \.le t 1011. IIh' , " 1:1' ~ ui d . "W ,' itad bl'l('\' I(l't t,I' bad l11a n , Yo ur only hope is th ll t nWllIbc r o f the S old ie r' s Re li ef E s tnt e of Stewa fd B r ow n , tlc' I w ill U rrl l l' Ht I 'uld i ,' Sa)" lilt t ll (lin a n d M iss H " len Mild r ed Milton , " ,Ii ; .' (: 1111 III' h,·r"I,' it ' ,' l il:' h t." 11t,' ~ "l' lIt dowII f o r II ~ tl'\' tch- hy C o m mittee, l o luk e th e p lac e o f 1 ('e a sed, fi r~t a n d fi na l. J ~ arl l c C\ ' ,'I1 I " I II Il a l ' \',\ ~ ,.. IHII' ';· . 4'l li " . Ill' n~, i " l ( d t lw l " tll'- lIn(" ' n s l'i Cl u ~ which il1(' ll' l!ant \l'lI r el I m can 11 Arth u I' Ba rk lli o w . wh o:;e t e rm had , E t a t e, of A m os M , Rand. de - uc co u ntu n t o f Frank li n , Ma rc h 22 , d n ;\ :, d l I ';' , I !. :t l l, II t Tw o 0 ' . ' )1\ 1 I< in Cll rI j;l et ch e r I ng l'am , sh oe cob- ! th' II rlt' l' lI l1ill1 1'( ",u It! dH \' -·-ldl, ' I('rnl I, f tlt'nltl s(' \'I' itu d t', If he !!('t~ ('x p il'ed, Th e t e nn o f AJ' t hu r H ill ; cel) sed, fi rs t and fi n~ 1. . ,1.: 1'1 ' }. In 11 11 \\ 11"111 to J' is t, to hi s fel'!, inc in nil li und Misg An nll I dnl'l< ,11'1'1>1 " \ ( ', tW , (h' l' \ , 'J lI' !'i "Id , 'h. I I .. , ,I , ;,n d ~l' itlt I' ~ pt)k,' a ,; lh ,' y ~lillll1i.'d H\\'ay \\' ,th til i,. Ilnlic l' raid , ~:.t ppo ,'- will conti n ue u n t il A p ri ll , l!l ~ a , rh e co u.r~ lIut h on ze,d th llt Th e hi r of .,: a j.! ,;IIt! rllI\" ur 11 11)1< lind t o f) (' [] ol'd , of Ol'eg'('t tl in, 1-:r'r1\. "i nhl'll In th e case uf J esse 111. S t ewllrt L eb:l n o n - III 7.e n s Natlon u l , Ba nk Louis.. 1,\ 1;11. hi l'U ... h "d Ih .. " t l' l' " fli !!h l unl il th,,)! "llIl'I'Kl,d inl! lh ('y lind I",thin/.!' o il th e p l'l'm III II I' ttllo" " :-- al" "II\\" l!i :d , ' \ l ' I, • !,' t" II ~ t :1 1 ~ illI ~ h \I ith 11ll' I'IJutpath , TI)(' p('o l'lt' i,,~' '; IIIId lik,· u 1' 0., 1 I 1.[1Ive hi lll I'( 'J'SUS Th l' l\1,, ~o n L u m be r CUIlI - ' nnd !J'ust Co mpany g ~ urd la n of MII I'l' h 24, 11\ ( I, · -d ; 111.1 I II t il" ,:11 '" (It I II " " " 11 s ia l ,! " " I ,\ 1:t ~ ,.. I " ~I· II \\, II .. I " I' "l'l d :-4 , ' ,I\\, "d . " , III; 01,, \\ n - \\ Ill> \I',' J' e hUI'J'yinj!' a t l'tls> t h., pl,' nty o f warnillJ{ ('p nn or is the pa ny , l't a 1. . il wa s IJ l'fle J'e'd th at Ida I, o rk n C' J' . Jamps , mm OI', sh ~ 1l 1M I .. . ;I ~ ~. dd til :--:\lIH'~' tl" , JlI d ~ Iii \{ I ~" IlI v l, liU!l- lI oti cl' of th Clll, sl,rl lit' Illa n whn wo uld in v('st i. ~ un' ('y o f the l i,"' ~ nn d bo ulld a J'i l's l' xlH' nu n ' rta ln SUln S ~ f Ill o n e y 111 Bill. All owed 1I11 ' nl : l lId , ' " .. 1 ... III t 1,.- !l ho \, ' 11111 , 'I. '" \\, ,tid I" d,,\'- ;\fltl g-I ipp i n~ hi s " ., Ill\J;tn itln h ,\' till' I l.[aL,' tlte 1I1 " sl u ll li ke ly sto J'y i f he I Ul' lIlu cl e uJl on cpI'tai n " l'~l' J'i hC rl l th l' pU J'c ha~e (I f fUl'l lI t u r e , II ,,!! t'u~ ' ·. :-; '\:\'/'1-'11 1:1' 1,\' :\1 ' 11 Ii, '" ,',' I, I), ' h \' \\;," a ,'Ill, thl' t,UIIII('\' Id l him .1011'11 ttl -! t houl.[ ht 111('1'1 ' was a ch a n e' o f la nd in th e jlcti t ion w hi c h III'" in It, was o rd e r ed t h at F rank a nd T he B ell Press, RUP , $4, Jnm c~ ~"'Jl ::I HI ' I' ,\t a,l"i"'l ll" 'nl l\\'II ~lI lp, I I, I. ,,,,,,,, 1, ,,',,\\ a \lard T" " ll'Y Stl'C'l' l , W h l' n Ill' saw 1ll 1i/ll' Y in it. And th at is !!o in!! t.n dl' fi ll,il !.' , The sUI'\' ey will u e CO Il1 - LYlha H odge n turn a ll _th e prol?e~- Fu llen, ju n ito r se l'viCl'~, $ 15; P e n n " ' :l l r l ' lI , '"tl lI l \ lli lin , n l \i " ", " I'. ,,, 1: " '! ' I'II IIIIt. : tltt , :t ~ I .. wly 1lI 0vi ng- cull h ~' ha ilt' d til\' , 1l111\;' yUlI l' r 'apPc'lIl'anl'c a r u th e r mt' I 't' ~, 1 011 A pl'i l iti, u nd co nti n ue ty o ve r to Ivy J , l\fe l'rtlt. a dmlll !s Mo r to ll . sa m e , $7 0 ; " Do nn l" '" \' ", . ,I f/ 1I1J.:' " ,,01 II " u ld , Ill' dn\'!'r and hun .II ~·d )'uk,' in" iul', d itl ieu lt mall('l'," un til co m pletl'd an d l'l'po l't ttl till' t l'll to~' o f t he es tat e o f Ru th I I'I ~ Di latu sh. re li t fol' o ffi ce. $2 0 : ", • ,ii' I tilll, ,,, ,,, r.,t y, ' ''My fl 'it·nel';; a lJ il u nd e r t.h e 11 (' lit a n (l lh ~ 1' ci!!lI l'dll.' 1111 (1 CO Ul't , ' Men l tt, d l.' ce ~\~.Ct! " , K uufmlll1l;, su pplie s , $ 1. 74 ; W , C' . II, ,01;" 1 Ii ,,1 ' '''' 1' , "",( 'H\\' , 1",- \I' ,'ath l' r ." hl! ('xp lainc-d lo t ill' cu h- s t lll'f' " pus t hi, J{lI I'S t. I Th ~' L I·b:l/w n - C iti 1.l.' ll s Na ti o na l Lc o , F , \VoJ(' ,t\lkl was nP1>0l nt e d G ilmou l', inC)u eE<t u { Ri c hunl !low'"'' I', 1 .• .1 " " It d 1."11011111 1: I'I ,( g-,. ''':I n with a 1II11 il (', " Ur i\'\:. Illt' tn i' Te ll t1I l' wh y YO UI' w if (· h u tc d Bunk u nd T r us t !n mp a n y wus n lilYlllI lstrator of t h e {'st a t e o LA I- a rd. $8 , 10; M, A , Bur ke. r c pnirs a t 'I, .. : I,.· • , .. .1,( , " I \Il"he hi~ ,(1'" Lenn ox St r et't, CleJ'kt·n wp ll." ,I 'OU -- you r uthe r' ,!f OSS ('" III'N t ha t ma ut' part y defl' nd ll nts i.n t he cu, e ~ e l' t I,J, l'ock l' r , d ece a s ed , a nd Me mo r ia l H a ll. $ 11 ; Ly le Bl un k II,,', , 1\ III II <i :tlhl1 " :", II I' t.", k ' !II"dl' l b ui lding' '' ill L{' nIH'x SU '('(! . pllrt of your yal' n," 1of L. W, outl;S, li'1uidll tin g ngt' l\l hl,I' d hi S bo n d In ~ h e ~u m of $750, B oo k Co ,. s upp l ies , $8 : .T u llIes I". , ,- ,, ' '1111' I, \, , "" 'I'~I1){ 1\,·t' I' I' Tht,\,(, \\'a ~ a la l' gl' hl oc k of ' I. ul",' wa " s ilent fo ,' II lo ng t ime, .,.f T ht!, W al'\'t! tl N ali~ nal Bn nk o f wl,t h ,A " p , ~ U~ II1 f!'e r a nd J , S, F oll e n . se rvic ('s us Iuw li iJ l'lI rian 'I,. , ', Ih' I, ;01, lit , Itll p.! hi:; • I' nl ll kir n. Vl' I'S U ~ 1I . S , Deart h, Lu Gl o~n l ck l e RR s Ul etles, qu a r l e \' en d ing Mardi :1 1, $ J 25; 1:.1i 1111 '; \\,,','1 ;1I,d d!l,llI'd it ill tlw ' (' li n [) l'ul'th , ~\I1 d Ad a n 'u\'th , e t II I B lind I'l' lil' f {un cl,qu ,lIt t· 1' (" Hli n)\, NO INVESTMENT ',II' "I 'h, 1IIIIllol'llnj.! Illan, Lu k l' I{oy Wil ~n n w as gra nted II di N ew Suit. Marc h a I , $895,7 :'; .J oe Da vi g You ca n nO\\l open 0 shoe depart. ~'I\" '. d · :,1101 I! 1'1\;IIIl,t1 , lind th e VOIce fl 'o m ~ e lla P u l l'i(;k \vil ' o n. pay r o ll , $ 13 :1.6 5; p, B, Monc t' , lIIent witho ut investi ng a doll ar, t .!ln III" ;,1101 Iii, "~ I Il' J' illl el\t . , t h e d e f end anl having been f ound He nry MU l'p h y ve r s us Lewi ~ & !lame , $ 35 .80 ; C harl es f:. Bra tl W e pro vide stock on cOllsignment II ,· h. ·., 1' I ,h,· I",,"n illj.!' ""i"" o f Ihl' !!u ill y o f I.[ ro~s n egl(' ct o f dut y. Drake . ]nc_. e t a l for m on ey o nly_ b u r y. sa lli e , $282,7 0; A, T , RN ti!!,. : b asis, Shell·ing. ad verti sing, an4 ,,"11 a th, I." (' In of t l,,· 1,0111. Th e cuse o f VirJ{ il G\' o \' l'~ vcr 'u s Emma ~I ,K eys , a,s executrix of s u m e, $257 ,50; Ed e!l T erry ; , n C'Nspa per mats free. ",\I~' 1i";,,1 , , ," Z ellu Ptl t l'ie\; \\'tlS se llit!d by t'h e th e la s t WIll of J. M ilton K eys , de - $642 _\1 5; F.. 0 , J o n e ~ . ~ all1 t' , $ (iU; " 1, ,,,1' . '1Uil' !" hi ,;~ ,.tI lI ay n e!" parties li nd W fl~ rlis mi ssed . I cea sed vers u s E IIIl_ K ey s C,?ok, F , M, Co llin s , sa m e, $ ,16 .r:; 0 ; V, W We Pay 15% Commission ",I "~l t:,',k ll l:': )11 11 til I.o "dll n BI:idg-e l It) th e cnse o f Wi ll ia m R , Le w is ! Ruth E, Co ok,. a mlllor, Marga r et T o mpki ns , su me , $20 ,1.55; $ 17 U,P rodll ct is of rep utable mllllufnc, 11111'>, n u riltor o f \Y B, rl'e n C n un t y, pla in - A " Coo k, Il. min or, Ern es t E. ~ook 38: Blair & L e H... )" f ur n ish ing t ure, Styl es sta ple, prices cstob-I h' I'.· \l a" 1111 all , WI'I' , lind t h l. 1 t ifT in e 1'1'0 1', VE: rs u ~ Me ni ll pr octl' l' l' ml n ol" W a n e n K. Coo k , mm or . li nd londing gra\, l! I, $:!!l7 ,!lO ; lisil "d 0. lead iog values. a nd line R u l1 . dcfC' lIda n t ill error, it was c on Emma M , K ey ' Il nd A m os ~o o k , F l a nk Sh e rwood ell gus a fld s up l ;uflll. ' r ,,/'o d dl'" \\' ilh hi ~ he e l ut d esigned for regular fa mily trade. 1,1 11IL'",d,1 Ii II) \ Inl( l'a!)':lI. ' ~ i l l r e el I'll' t he co urt that t h e t o co n s t ru e w ll1 Ilnd ot he r I'e h ef. pli es, $3 2,4 6 ; \y, 10', 11:I1' (J c r. bdd ge W e take full responsi bilit y for " I) , ,'" '' h ('l'l' n1<"I" j u dgm e nt l'e lHl erefl by ~lIid c ou rl l r e pair wor k , lS O,:lll: Do n"I, 1 Buritem, which may not lIel1. Orre r "y, - , J hl'a/' y"u \\' ha t h us ~ le r C\'('I's('(1 a ll d t ha t th plu in tiff Rea l E.t.le Tr. n.fero , per, s am e, $8, 75 ; I!:ugc n t: lI u r per, o pen to those who now o perate • 1.:1)1'" fH d',' " In e r r l.!£"' l' ~eo ve r f l"o tn t he def en. qn nlc, $39.90 ; Su rne. sanl e . $3. 10 : alore bu t d o no t CBrry f oo t we ar. 1111 ,111\ :' did 11111 I l'\lly , uut pulled , Innt in (' 1'1'01' hi ~ cos t s !ln d thu t l C hll l'!es B . Mnup m to R o sa L es lie Sh ultz , opel'llting main For particulars, write th e ( ' URC b e r e m u TI<I (' d t o th e ('0 111 - l\f ~ U P tn 1 0L~, N os, I ~ " 19 an d 20 in tain e r, $65 ; Pe rry B. imp so n , The House of Hubbell . Inc •• il io n p le as ('('t urt with in s tl' u r t ion , W\ l1 o u ghb~ 9 Add it ion t o So u t h sam e, $5 0; A . \y , BUI'Iilc , g ua rd 6 48 Huroll Rood, Clelleland , Ohio_ t o ov e l'l'u le t hl' dc mul'I'l'r L,' ban o n, mi l pos t s . $25 ,50; Mon ro e & Joh n W a lte r L. Davi,s t o George son, g u ar d ra il material, $6~ .'I4; I n t h " CIl S ~ of R h o d l~ E, lin d Ej~ i e 1\1. ' Icvc ne'er \'el'Sl1S I-l a ns L Droege 2, 57 ncre s In T urtlec reek Harold V , Ma rt z., f u r nis hing & lJ : ln~"n , l't Il l. it w a~ O/'dered I l": nt twp, , , , loud in 8' g rll ve l, $ 30; J. K. p t' n ct'I' rh e L eba n on -C itize n s NatIO n a l slime $ 15.3 0 : H owal'd Cook. sam e a d ee d 0 t h e pr e mises be d e li \'t' r l' d 10 th e pl n intifli th e pure'hasc l' Ba n k & T ru ~ t Compan y of Le ban- $3 6 8, 0 5: Lewis & Drak e , In c" wh o h a \' e IlsslJm e d pay m e n t of a on , 0 ., t o C liffor d ,and A lma S olzs- coal. $1 1.50; W es tel'll S tar, p ia ' "Te ll me w hy y ou I' \\' if hated yo u." \ nlO1't g lll!'t' o f $29 6,17 to T h e O h io- ma n" 100 ac r es m N or t h Sale m ca rd s , $12 ; W , W , W iJ lill ms. Ryan , ", , ' , Pe r nsy h '!l l'ia J o,i nt S t oc k L a n d twp, , I'olld drags . $ 177; E. D. J o m's, WANTED 30 lenn Experie n ce in Fitting and f o r Yl'llr, th c' Gu n ll ~\, ha d h ,1l1 "I d," t th :nk Il s vC'r~ d tlll c,u lt Hank o f CIl' I'e la nd, Ilnd they I CI.~ra L eaV it t Murp ~y t o E, ~ , s u ppli es, 4~; .J. 0, Adams. & Co" I hi!; S CI'cl Iwa d quartprs in a fa irl y l o u n d (' r ~ta n d," he ,5a lll. .. h e l a v e 01 Iso pnid th e t ax es ' tEr:' l lc k s mall trac t In, F ranklin l'e pll lrS, $26,05 ; P e nn , ra il road . a nd 1\Iaking Glasses , s u ppl ies . $!J, 72 ; Oreg on ia Brid g l' W A NTE D-lI n lllin ~, '\ ~ h s hau led large nat on t ill' j.!'rollnd fl uo r , 1t thlJ ul-: ht I ,,-as I CSpo lIs lb le f or ~ h e l til xes in th e r ea l es tllt e in t.h e w p _ - Ilt-' \\,11 :< a plaet· to ..... hil'll he 1'('.t' Y sel- deal ~ of he r u r o t her , li e sh ot hlm- a,mo un l (I f $4 2 6 ,85 , ,Th,e cll u rt co n- I ll JI~mes Pi le a nd F . W. F,:ra nz t o, Co " repa irs t o e quipm e nt . $9 ,64 ; I\ W IlY nn<1 closets clea n d . h a~, I dom <1l11e, and o f wh ose eX iste n ce s el f. , sld el'cd th:tt t he p la intIff w l' r e en0 ani L , a nd Sa~ll h E _ Dea n M orrow Hard wa re Co _. s upplies J Oll es, W ay n esv ill e.' a16 ' t h e pt,ji ce WCI'l' irnol' anl. It was " I.~!!t \\'h~ dltl she und e,J','~~lI\d t i tl ~ d tll a cr ed it in ,said .iud,gme nt part t he ~vest portIOn of lot No , 9!lc ; , P ru e s Eq u ipm en t Co" t ra ctor Every T uesd a y. Thu r . da y , r e pUl I'S, $35 ,87 ; J, T. Gre gg, · his pi ed ' a t ''1'1' . J(';t\IIu s ly prc~e r- t hat! I' ll' .<t~t c d t he G un l"! e l , AI- awa rd e d th e lll preV IOus ly 111 th e 7 111 ,ra nklrn. HATCHING S at u rda y I v e d f il l' CI11CI'!!('ncil'!', Il l' ha d s lept Il,wln~ thut [)anty Mn r eil is a ve l'y n lm, of $ 18(; ,,7 , wh e r eby it . was R LO UIS Ke lLle r . , ,by . ex ecu to rs t o t r a ct or r C' pair s , $3 ; E, R , G r egg , No cha r g;e f o r E x o m in a ti on I h ere t\\'o nil!'h ~ lJe !'" r ' . li n d the p la u Sl hl (, !!en l1 e m:tn. sh e wou ld con Fld e r t: d t hllt t he pla illti fTs r e- ,? b er t llT)d oUl se Hart man 10 1. - bridge I'epu ir, $1.75; Law re nce wonw n ",ho l'>lm e in daily h ad hnrd l ~' t a ke hi~ ba r e wo rd," He cov e r f r o m 't he de f e n dnnt , t he 5;> acres m Cle arc l'eek t~~ . Feal y, sa m e, $ 12 ; WllitcT Varner, A TTE N TI ON- Lt' ban nA il -E le ct ri c H lltc h e r y, 2 1 lendin g' breed s made t h bed , pon t h i: he luid t ho ll.L: ht fur n m o me n l. t h en a s k ed a l11 0ullt of $ '19 55 ,3 1, a n d e xecu- N Ge oDrge E - HI a UNto WIlh a m Ilnd same, $2 6 ; L. W , Lall1l1 r. IJ l'idge Luke IlIrldislln," 1 ~ u(l d en l y: " W h e n th ut boy s hot ti un i ~ a war d ed , a n , eart h <?t. o . 16 6 of . the lum-be l', $66 ; 1.. G, An de rson S on s o f PUI' -bl' II b a b y Ch ick h a t ch ed v A ddI tIOn to F r ll nkhn,. " T lwy I11l1s t huvl' g ive n yo u n ' him~c lf .;Ii d h leave an y 'm!:"sa ge Ma ckll1 a 'M Co " sam e $865,76; Ohi o Corru gat in fum ig at e u I nci.r bat o f'!<=trhntc h J esse ,e nF M ond ay and T h urs d!lY , , t.t o E . l l' ll" la l' .... I' d ose," h e said , " l ' II I Ut' hln d? . Proba t e Cou r t Proce eding s 1 0 t z tokO Martin , c d C ulvert Co" corr. sewers, $ 6 52 eac h I " " u cr es 111 ra n I111 twp 40 C E h ' ' pecial a tten tio n paid t o C u st o m nlllkto you ><O Ill C euff e e ," Lu ke ~h oo \; hi!; h ea d , The court ord e r ed that l e tte r s of Sllra h D o11 H . Old b g ; " S e r woo d , l ubo r , $7; -E , H at (' hing', Ope n a U dllY unday to , W. Kn a pp, sa m e , $8; K ilpllt r ick- t he pu bl ic, I , 0, 0 , 1.Uk l' ,·huddel'e d . " I h eurd ot' no n (' - n ol' w :!s Ilny- anci llury admin is trat ion u pon t he J ORe ph Old b , en r Yd P e nl Ha ll , p ho ll e "C oif l' - ug h !" I thing lI1e n t ion d at th e inques t." ''''I''t to Maettnh euwrg adn S eahr K ' g - F r e nc h Moto r Car Co,. gRS. 18 0, 132 E, Mulbe /'y S tr ee t- tf , ' ' h 1' 1 h 1 " W I f d th l d ?" ,,~ an ara IPP "Gave II yOll 111 t nl, (Il t ey 10 o un ,e)o y , lot No, .11 a nd th e ea st h a lf of l ot • • • FUNERAL' D IRE CTOR Th at's pro buhly w hy yo u're n o t " More ll ~1' fl S 111 :,h e roo m a n d N o . 21 in Plea san t Pla in, FOR SALE d t:ad ," mu d e t h e d ,SCOVt' I'Y, Luk e s hook''' h is h ea d , Me lvill e J a nd F lora R Y WA YNE!i VILLE, OHIO lI e pulled do\\'n the u liml s ~(':; h e GU!lII CI' n ~ dded, " I ,d on ' t b,el iy e h e wrot e ~ l e tt~ \'. t o C hll r les Vi, Sch eu 14 4 'acr~~ 'l~ S PRAY I NG IS AT HAND- Wh e n ,f tlr c he l it th,? ga H: th n, gO ll1g , A ll d IIl',me,(ltat el y a ft e r that a~ d If dId It wus ce rtlll n ly IltS- Harla n tw P . ' ~-- -==-;::;= in need o f a n ew sp /, ay p um p, Inlo t ilt' little klt~hen , h t' llI ad e Cp f l M I R. 1\l ad dl o n s mann e.r c ha n g~d , t l o ~ed, , . H a nn a h Okr e nt t o L o uis B, no /lIatt e r h ow IlIr ge ot' s lIlall , I'N l' A II' I' ITICI N F ull y B\~u ipp e d f or Coocl f ee , , \ Of co u l'se. you , we r e n t ,m~rrJ,ed 1 en IlIl11 u tE'S l at ~ r "th e Gu n ne r B la k e m o r e t ract in Le ha n o n, s pray h ose, n ozzles . co mp lete WAIHI EN COJIMIl N I' I.E.' !', 8 e n·ice. , T h t, _Gu n nel' hau ke pt ~lO u~e I,n t hl' ll , 1JI!t t hat IS l~ {uet, Is n t It? le ft l h e ho use ? n hi S q ue s t. Juli a CadwlIJlade r t o R a lph K e lp um ps , l ea t h e ~s, rubb e l' pac ki ngs, L D' 1 R p lact's a~ Wi d e a par t a s BIHITl tz I~ I f t hat IS ~ fact: It. ,llI ea n n t hat Iy, lots N o , 34 and 35 in Roac h es etc" 0 1' r eplllr lllg of th e m, clIlI on a l~e I fl P ny oom , fr om Mun ic h, and k n e w h o w t o l Du nt y tU I' I' led Hom e eVid en ce to t h e H n ~ n ef< was n ot ' prepared f or te l' , T h oml\ s Llk l1l 8 GII~ 8, CI 01 , THE BOC K L E T -KING C O 4 15 A mb uJan ce Service Il,y w that d t' li dou s b eve ra~e, y.o un g la d y t h at was q~lIte , su ffi ; t he kll1dn e~s of ~argaret's w e lJ acob Ilnd E li zabeth Man e z t o V~ . \y , Mai n S t. X e nia, O h io, " hen Iw cam p, hal' k Luk e wa~ S l ~- c l e,I.I ~ to m u ke h,c r p lay t hls"tTlek-;- co n,! 1' , In ,n ~e n ~ e It WIIS II httl e Th e Vi rg in ia n J oi nt Stock Land Isa ue l Likin s Gllt e", pt Il l. 1' ~; l.f:I'H():>II': 7 l i,n on ' I{i UT lt ,nl.( '.'" ht,h e l ~ "l cl' of t h e be d , hiS L k~J\l n o t hl .IIn l n!!' h er , bega n e ~lbar;a;S I; g, H'k h!l(~ co m~, no t \ 0 B a nk, 13 1.1 2 acr es in H llrla n t wp B )' \' Irlu ~ or Il II ;~~~~ N~r I:!i l, FO R . SA LE -:-3 -pi ecc livi ng r oo m , _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ INI t! III IS I U II'~ , U· ' . gIV e ~I 0 !iee 11\ o rilla .Io n , t Rt, R ev, B oyd Vin ce n t 0 , D ' ,l Illy Is" "ed rro m 91\ 111 0 rt, In t ho s Ui te; 3-plecc be droo m s u ite ' that h e B is hop Sou t h e l'n Ohi tr~ ste t' a bo ve Rla tl! ri cas", ond to m o dtr ck victr o ht;; ki tch en ~nbi n e t , wh it ~ , " A cou pl e of a sp 'l'lns o ug ht t o , H e sa w a n ick el' o f amuseme nt was v lt ::tl ly necessary -::=--==-=-==~=====~ put Yl111 ril-:,rht," ~a i tl t h e G un,n C' I'. m,t,h e IlI UIl ' S, ,e, yes. s h.ou ld not betl'l1~ the, fact, th at h e T he Ch urch Fo und a O t I.'o n o f e theo et!. I will orr 'r for sal e. 1)), way or porce lllln top: 4-p lece break fast i t tl Y I hi ' h L k publl a ll 'lion, o n th e 1)I'''1I118e 9 In . ou u r e . "~ , ~"y cO"'! IlI UI11 CU, Io n Wit u e Diocese o f So uth ern O hi o, par t of Wl\ l' nc T ownship , Wo r r e n Co u n t )', ~e t, green and black; whit e e na m el l an(,I we ni 111 st' al'C I\ o f' t h ' I e willt , P ' 11t,1" " W ell , noL ' xu c tly," dra w le d the T 111 a frmtl ,I was ve l'Y r ud e t o in -lot s Nos, 141 an d 142 in L e b- h lO O'n lII o ndny t he 218t day or ICO box; con i ra n g ll, goo d bake r' L u ke l!1I.11 e(l dow n th e medicill e, Gmm e l', " !" V'e I( iv e up b lami n g ~'O U t h e lust t ltll e yo u ca m e , Mr. a no n. Apr lI. A. 0 ,. 1930, Al 1 0 0 ' 'loc k a . c oal o ll sto ve, I nquir e a Lt hl s...a4. a2 li nd t hl' n ful' t h rir st ti m e be c a m e peop lc , The r e' n o pl'o fi t in it." H a~~ 11 s o" ~ h~ f a id cs sh;! f:a t (] I) WII ,M abe l R, Va n L a ndin g hllm t o ~~'rt ~~'d ~a~II~1 ~~rlilell~~ -,~W;o wl n~ d e- fic e , 'on se ifl us of Iti H bt' n e f ucLo r, li e fl icl(e ti fl' th e a s h o f his be hmd h e r li lt Ie d esk and r;ig na l1e d W , A. C h e n ow e th, 7 1.37 a cres in Sit uat e In Ih e TO'wlIahlll or "A I' 'n" yuu G u nn e l' H ay n es'?" iga r etl (' ca l'efu ll y in to his sauce l', to h im t o ~ i l. 'ry ou I'at he!' hm't my Uni on twp "" aJ' n .~. tn t h .. CO ll nty or Wa r r e n FOR . ALE- Trees, h ru b ~, V ines Il n d Everg r e ens TH AT W IL L ' "s Building L Olln and ...a1"sCrlb lld St nte or fnll Ohio, n ndAbou kn o( w,'nt!-t'lr nnd " ' "I OU cu n .l rna' k e tl Hu eII 111' a ~ I(l' lI, { e n r e- f o~ rl II' II.[H :1,,0:: : a - " I s 1 h t' SI' t l\ t ('(I, T,he P eople e,] Os oW H: ly II av ll l'!< ' s llI il 'd , ap pCIU'lln n ' ; y fl u ca n' t e v en get - "01 fri e nd o f m in t', w ho i5n 't fiO Sav llIgfi Compan y of L e b anon ( 80 ) A (' r es or IlI lI d, be ing . t he Nor t h GROW" deli ve l'e~ to y o u lit wh o leLO Hond o li n d be s ure y o u'll I.[eq llIu,eh of II (n cr d a fo h<' \\'n~ ," sh e t o C h este r S Ilnd M a rtha C R'a pp" !r' Ulr or s. w . QUUI'l CI' of S " "ti OI1 33. s al e pTl ces, Eq UI pped t o fUI'ni ~ h " T h: ,l i IllV !l a me, " , . h 't " h ' I "Y , ~ Il i li n I " . ., OWI1 4, R a ll g~ r" lIf, n. S. III p}nntR Il n d d o a ll t h e WOJ'k . if c1 e" Wlw l' l' i~ o nn o l' ? " aw ny Wi t I. e !lUll, OU ve· d , 3 7 acres in Turt\ecroek twp_ Wa , r pn ' oull t y O hi o, :ln cl wh ic h Is A)!lIi ll t hal C'1 'y pl ic s m il e. g o t yu ul'~ e l f lIIi xed up w it h t wo l : hE' G,lIl11'e r no dd ed, , K a rl W . Minst t o Iven S c huyler, s ltua tcI' on th .. j:l olillroo k 1'utn pl k e Sired , C~ IJ G6F4 1. C_ L. Du k e. " 1\ 10 I\ ( ho lll two 11 11 .1 I) n<, - II III( IlI IIc8 North Wa y n eSVille, O h io, " In jai l r hllpe II sai d the G u n- I ha d g a n ~~lc \' s-C nlln o l' :ln d MOI'- I • T ha ~ t h .. hf f' t n t'WS I v e h e :l r d sllIa ll t rllct In W ashl" to n twp ' " h.e sa 'l d , " I w us . Iheunty, To wn["HIor kW"" nes vtll 1/1 THRESHER SUPPLI ES- BEL TS 1](' 1', ". ,'o w", l\I I', Mad di so n , tl l'e y ou l' II" .' ,.f tl l' ' u 10 ~ )! t 1m,?, Luc 'mda MIller to g Ben j amin, P . ""rom Id Co nl; wlI as e t ho \ \' l, 1l (, IH, ugoh to t ll l k? " Il l' I'OS(, lIllIl paced up and d own I II httl e IIII pt I 'LIn l:1'It , I I' e n e mbe r Mill e r , 1h ac re In Blu e Ball, "B ls ph nm FIlI'IlI." pulleys, bllbbitt me t al, oil CUP!!. Luke lo oke d u p el1 ge rly, t he s ma ll r oom. his eyes nU l'l' owed , I a s k ed yo u wh y y ou r h us b and left E ric L , Ca r pe nter to Lee Webb, 1 ,,~l·)~d,,:; ~II~~ , ::dll~~n d~~s o~dll:rn ' o~e~~~ injectors, lubricators, steam and "Y nu kno \\' m e t hen? " his brow co rrugat ed in t h ou g ht, I you , I :lIond cr yo u di d n 't s cnd f o r lots No! . 3153, 8154, 8155, 8156 C Ol i n II I th e !Ulll ot F ou r Th oua- water gauges, gauge glaS!I ollen " I k n e w yo u t h ~ fir st tim e 1 saw " I t' s Co n n or tha t 's w orr y in g me ' the poli ce ," and 3167 -in Deerfield twp. a nd r tn Hun dr ed ( $4 S00,00 1 d ol'ar t u 'r\lId 11 0t' be eold fto l' less tllon packing, boiler flues , lIucti ~ n hOI~ yo u , Th e l'e ;s Oll e t hi ng I W!ln t t o 1f h e's hel d f o r trilll, th a t p roblem ! "D,? y ou k now where my husZelia Wilson to Jeslle Mentz 10 as'k \'o u - ii'l it tru e , th e st o ry thaI is ~e ttlt!d . If h e isn 't, a nd sup p ose ; band IS n o\,,:7 " she ask e d, Ilnd w h en acres In Franklin twp. w~;~:,, ~ tn~h nl d Ilp pra lsed va l ue, and tank pumps. THE BOCKLET CO. 415 W, Main St. X e nia, Ohio. Co nn or to l d? Th a t yo u w er e in yo u com e bac k from R ond a , h e' ll h e sho ok h IS h ead her h elll't s ank, Ze lia Wileon to Virgil and Marie \V H , FULKElRTH t h a t s m ash -and-g r a b r a itl a t T a f · be able t o trace nIl yo u I' move- I S h e h ad a v a g u e id ea that this Groves lot No. 5 In F r anklin. S h ~~ ~r lr r of ' '' ar r ell C9 un t y,Ohl o, FOR SALE- T wo P o la nd ChIna fa nn y' s ?' ; I ll1e n t. s, H a v e y ou go t yo ur passp ort llI!!n mig h t hD,v e com e into touch Bertha Bone 'Ilnd M_ B. Hatfteld Il l' an & BI'own, Atty ~, a id broo d SOWs , lm mun ed , w ill f arLli ke n odcied . J-[ c ~aw Lu k e thr us t h is ha nd i n ' \v lt h h is b en e1fnc to r . t o Claren ce Nelson, lot No. 109 in .. ~ row a b o ut ApI'1i 15 , V ii I MYe rll Will Be .n Old M.n R , D. 4, Wayn esvllJ e, Ohi o. ' .a2 " I dro\'1' th e ClIl', I had n 't t he s i,d e hi 5h il't, a n d ,I I lo ok of b la n k I "I c~ n t e ll " you \~h ere , MI'. Turtlecreek twP . ~ li g'htest id l'a wh at lh py wa nt ed d l ~ l11 ny co m e t o hIS f ace, ' Morell IS n ow , he said, Wit h a Mary A , Spears , by executor, t o F OR ~ALE -Sy racu se 3 hOl'se 111 (1 to d o 0 1' wh nt il \\' as al l nLo u t " I' ve l o~t It so mew h ore ," t w! n k le in h is eyes, "bu t tha t' s n ot N ettle Adams 4 acres in Union , ~alkmg plo w and a Hamil t on u nt il it w a s Loo la t e, " I Gu n ll ~ l' H u y n es' s li ps click e d 1m g Olll g io h elp yo u ve r y mu c h. I ' v e twp . "Lo ok h e re," said a mlln t o th e ", ' () vou' r e t.h e bea r de d ma n? " pa ti e nt lY, ' come io r ep el!i t my im p e r t in pn ce, Ida K . Shetter to Ge orge E. forema.n builder, " ca'! you give m e ridin g plow . J. p, Cum m ings, R _ a9 m u 'ed t h e G u n n e l', "T ha l certa i nl\' "If yo u losl it a l K eel' s Wharf MI'S, Mad d iso n , A t t h e ba ok of my Hall, Jots N OB, 16~t 164, 166, 166 a ,defimt e date on whi ch this /lou se R. No. 3. is a m azillg', 1'111 n ot Askin /! YflU to Ih e n yo u'r e in th e so up," h e sai d m ind I've g ot a 1I 0 ti o n I can he lp 167 and 1 68 of Mackinl\ w AdAi- will, be co m(!l etet:i? You sel!, PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINqS exp ln in- " " Th e re' s on ly o n e t hin g t o do an d yo u :In d YOUI' hu s bu nd, who, I t ion to Franklin. . . ge tting mar rle d wh en it is r e ad l/ . - For all purpos~8 . Bockltlti. ''1' 11 ('~ p lai ll a~ ~0 0 11 a ~ my h ~ ad t hat i ~ to ~ct YOUI' b a ck. have rca s~ n t o ,b e fi t' v e , is in S p a in', H a n s L. Mansen by Sh e riff to f o r oe c upan ~ y." . , hne of plumbing lind heatinll 'sups top s s pl ill in/!," j.!'!'OH Il N I T.ul<e, Th (' fl" s UII l1t h,' l' t h ing ; I wlln t t o lI e smd t,hlS d e Jibel'llt Iy, hi. Rhoda . E.· and Elsie M. Clevenge r " "R iglt t ," th e fo r e llllin re plied , pl~es are tb best. The BockletIt w a H lIftcr t wo t ha t ufte rn oOiI H"~' th e lelll' !' t h~ t t ha t bo y wrot e eyes ch a lle n gml? h c r~, \'e al e stat e In Clearcre ek twp you leave it t o m e , I'll see the Co., 416 W . Main St "enlwhe n he Il wo k e f r om un une as y I, l' fo /'e he s hot hllll self. " (To bl~ co ntlll ue d . ) $5000. ., j o b's spun o ut a s long a s poslble," Kmg Oblo. ·,4 ..,






' -)1e, 0 ' New Burlington,O. Centervi







j, , "




Sat)ll' l



,:. Sight Specialist

Cary 'sJewelry Shop


J .E.McClure






,7 e



















---,-- -=-::-====-====


DEN T I? !



What El . .. Could H e Say?






f1E N€£OeD

OH - He



5% Farm Loans SAIO-

LONG OR SHORT TIME- E a IlY terf!1s . A Iso Surveying 'and Abs t rnc t rng. Write and I will call u nd ~ee you. Sam D . Henkle, Waynes vtlle, Ohio. Jl t . LOANS on Livestock Ollatt!!lll Second ~ortllges. Notes bought: ,fohn Harbrne, Jr" Xenia, Ohio.

Farmers,Attention Farmt;lra. 01 Warren lind adJoin In&' countl~1I may obtain money 011 long time, loans, at 6 per cent tn~erest. COllt of seeurln&' the same IS very realonable, tbrou&,h The Federal Land Bank: For further jnformat lon ' call on or addrelll 111 C. DRAKE. Treuul'er, phone X LebanO.D, Ohl"








nlllll' Lhltu do ·t. t tu hilll. l!1!!!!. Gon Kt l'urli" n \\-\lrk, ex!'cpt I Il l' . viII).!' hilrk in hi:; wi\'(!1 .in n~idc nli!ll building, ill much 1e hnh', tlllu"t ri 0111' huml into hi~ ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY ( uhaJel f IUI'L yt'HI'. RUII ' lIuUding tl' tJ~l'r pod.. l t 1111<1 a n"l\l' I'.' hi" • - - - - - eu n tl'ucts I L in JanulIl'Y anll r'\'lo' I 'l'i ~ itUI" qu '~ lilJn . willwul till' D. L.' C~ANE I • pUblilber l' l lIary arl! . 1)2 Jl('l'uellt I!V(' I' J !l2!1. , 1ij!htl'Ht Ii it.ati(," :tl~tl with !' . dl'-I Olli Ph N N"w IJllllcllllJ.:' cfl ntrllcls III th e I'C- ~Ie' 01 tl l' tll li thnl IS l'> UI'I "'l " III~ , . ~e . oue ... ............... .... o. 112 (md W I'k .in MUl'eh Wi:' I'J! the> hi glt- Ont' A"(' LS till' iml/l'I'bl< iUII u f :1 111i ll (1 R·I.dence .......................... No. 118 est ill e ig-h \. IV eks , unJ lire ex· whil' I, fUIlI ' liun . like U w l' lI· uilt· r1 Man Suffer d Terr ibly- Ceuld Not pc 'Lad to ill CI'IlIl " US IIt nl'tgug nw e hinl!,' !l ilt' 1I1 , ' wifLl~' , anti with Work- Ne w Me d icine Won Sublcription Price, SI.S0 • Year money b 'CumeH 111 0 1'(;' fl' ccly n VlIila pl' l'(ect lIccurnc:y . He hilS Lhe facl ~ bl . Hailr ud s have orlier. our f OI' th 'ft' in hi s heatl, nb u ut d tuil s o f .• Quick V ictory at Po.loflice at Wa y n ... iII . m o r e ruil s , m ot I COIllOtivcS and I G o vNnmllut and udminis trati o n - . - - - 1)11/0, ... S.cond CIa .. Mall Mat fer a lmo·t US mu'!y II W CUI'S liS lu t I whi 'R m .os t jl n ' l:iide nlll . w uld hul' n BIN A DA I R Y ' lIl', and railroad pll~rolls ,for had to I' f(' 1' t o nn 11 Is tan sc Crto! F bl'uul'Y w r c hig her thon in tllr y f ~ .,~, ~ (I l' ' :~ r 1'1l1nl, . t ,., Cillo"n" K, ppei APRIL 2, 1930 F bruury 192!J. Th e commitments W e talk ob o ut fact und th ell' l u>' .• of the I'o ih'oad s call for spe nding I import u n ,Th e Pr s ille n t ha s a p~ 1 Whll t' s l hi s dull l o w n t o III $14 0,000,0 00 m ore for th e yea l'. 1 pOinted n d ozen I' m o r e c o mm ls, H(l hil ," r.o1 ere S hi pyards are activ e, employing I i o n ~ of e XJl o l't ~ fo r th e p u rp sc \\' h{)'. g ~nc I 10 ng 'I,) see , - - -- - -- - . 28 perce nt m o rl! men in Febl'u a I' Y; o f ,lil1tl il1l! o ut th(' f H('! ~ IIboul. l \' · i. h i'0 1' t o III !II"? I than in r ' 1I' \lal'~' a Y(':l.I' ago I) and \',u li ll \l ~ .go \'.~ l'n ll)('II t:·d I' l'lI b l ' Il. ~ . W Ill'I'('" al l th, ' j ,, ~. fl ll d m irt l .. GROUND FOR 10 P!' I'C 'nt more thun III NII V(! ,ll · 1 hl' l'l' wd l b · 11\ 0 1'( ' ~ lIch CIII1'lIl1 ~ ' :\11,,1.- IIfc. tI 1I('U\' l' l1 (Ill (' HI', h " ENCOURAGEMENT he r ; . I s inns . Th l, fan s w h ich th l' Y A":.tI hl1l' A h. thl' Y ha l'!' ~, n(' \\ i h I h, l' , I ' 1 c l ' Jl.lwne xpenlhtcres for th l' llnd c .. llatt; \\,1 11 ~ IIV ' th" , PI','s ld l' lI t ' 1\ " IIIn Ad ai r ! - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - . Yl'a r Will I'lIl1 $66,000 ,000 au o l'!! un t! l' ''\' N'I :t1l y . SII \'I' ( II II~r ('''; ' II I \ l.t)2 !!. Mlire . ra~i \1 sets were ,'old I.(I·e al. «',. 1 ".f 1I11~l' a n d ~~·r \'l'. a ~ I Wh a t 1I1:l<ll' tl1(' r\ ,;sl' llIh ly ~ lIiJ l l" ! Th e fir st detail ed rcpI)rt of th c SIlI Ce: I' W \ UtiI' ~ than 0 Yl' ll l' a go , 1I j.! lIl d· III I' Inll'lIlg'l'n t 1" j.(I <lall')n . I t .. llln Ada ir. Nnt ionn l Bli sineSi\ 'ul'vey Cu n. E1cctric lig-ht an d p o wer c " mptlll· Thu e i ~ ~ lIl'h 11 ' lHl ~ S III' l'ul ,li ' \\ ' ha l m :tt l!. (Ill' ha ll ~o (i lll "! f . t I I t I' II b il's :trt, clllTving o ut th e ir 11I'0Illi:;e h u,illl" s "H n t ill u :t1 h ' l"I S, ill A" 1{.. I,i ll Ada ir l'e~(' c uppu ln et . U ~ '11 . Y t o ~ JI('nd $()I).OOO OUU I\\ U I'I' thi ~ th ' IHIg!1 till' ( ·o ng' l·t·' " ,;ll\ a l mill, ~" \\' I,a l \1111' 11 I h ~' pia\' lI' a .' II ". I'. Pre s id e nt H OtlvN' IS e nCOUl'Ilg lng l Yl' n r lhall b s t . I rnn and s tl 'e l II~t' I ' lI a n.v dl,ta il " (, I' a"" l i l ~ i " I I:ll i" n \\'ha t ' IlIa '''" 1l\ ~·. l lI'a ;:t ~". ,.,n r , · ·~ til l!vl! ryb otly ex c l' pl chroniC I' t'o' put IS Int' I' I\ ~ IIII.::, Aul o nlObti e IWlng' Pllt liP Ii. t l1l' I " ( ·~ \l It· III . ..\h. it t ':r~ p:l r l ill g' 11'11\\\ " ifni ts and th o s e w ho for Jl l'r ~ clna l ' l)I'cllluctinn i ' P I'ocl' Nling ut nlle to ' thnl tIl(> n'.'nil"r s la n d in g' ma d lilll 'l 1\" I,ill ,\dai r. o r fl oliti cal rea so n R \\' uuld lih Lit I lIlIi ld '1. 001),000 cars thi : yellr .• ,1' t ill' (; " \·" I'III1 J(· n l ha ' 1I " t th(· IllHke co nditi on:; UJ.lIH.' UI' wu r s e tll all \~ il " I'a y .... ll s in the industry fo r l il1 a : fll." d in'I' 1 a nd t !t ' I/'II tlA"h in · :'\011' th " u :t IL fa r fl 'III' , Illt·. th<,yare. l'l' l,ruIII'Y :!I) pel'cunt hlg'hl' I' t han \" " U.g '.' l lo n ., 01 " \'t' I'~' I1').(" la t il " 1l 11,) 1: " loili Ad air. In many lin e R of indu s try, ,Ja nuary unu 28 perc(' nl ubm'(' LIN' ad \\\lIll , t I'>lt ll',' p r" I' '''al . .\ nd n,, \\ I IW\, C'I' "" I' MR. J05 7PH C . MEEKS huil'11,un Bnrn(' s r('port s , c(lndi · 1 (' UJiJl' l'. Farlll illll'lelll(' nt " is al)(llit .\Jr. 11 0 11 11' 1' Ita , 1.: :l11" ,,., ,d ~ llnH , 1 n o hln .\d llir. lillns nl'e actually l, e U e r th llll UII'y l ;, p" l' cl' n t ,,0'. T ext il l' s 111' (' fr t) m ' i l1 t l' lt· ~ t ill g f a c'l~ a holl t th, ' ).'",I\·t ll \'(·t h lil l I I" \,l' ,;() \\' 1' 11 Wl' r e a YOHI' ngo. In the f ew \\'hl'I'l' 1 r"ul' t o 17 pel'cenl bclow n Ol'mn l " r tIll' I' !'i ' id (' I1 ' " j o h . \\'h" 11 ill<' ~I i l l ill Illy lu·.u·t , hall ,, \\ .·11. i ""I , ,]a 1o (' lIl'ti l(,d )11( ' HI 11 \ ~ h tlwy are n I so good. th l' d iff l'n' n t'l' 11',,1' tIll' seas o n . U""k und jllu prin t (-' e d, ' ra l (; O\t' IIIII1(' lIt 111( 1\ " " I " I. \ it . I ('. 111 11 ,,'(' 1' r,, !':! (· t t h:1t I 1';"' 1 iJe th r t hall in I ' n \ ' 1 Notch Back One Man Driver betw ee ll litis pyl'iod Ilf I tl:jQ undl i' ll.: "':I S tl\'U pC'rel'llt I(l'e utc: 1' l hnn I \\' II , lt ",g-t lJ lI in .I " h ll A .hll ' ·s :lIlm ili l 1:"I ,ill .\dair. a i" _\1 1' .1 p h c . ~ I (·, 'k , .· :': : I . th e corrOSplll1t1 l1 lJ( IWI'IO U of I!I:.!!I la s t Y"ar anu n('\\' l<p :lIH' I' p r "dllct · i ~ t : II' ill ll . (· Oll j.(rt·', :t nd ;01 1 it s ;!t ' T Il: II II l'vC'l , 'I' ,,] , d ,1. " 1",,1' with every 100 posts i,, 11 t lll'l' c 1It'1 ('(' lI t hiI!:IH' I' in F.·v · t"l' h(" n '; :1IIoI' ''''' :.!:d, 1" ' '''' " 1" all d \\ 'l' l l"I lIlll' lin . }H. l'(' a ~ a i l1 . is Vl'I'Y s mull, and is dil1lill i:; hillg-. 111"1 1 ' .\ .a l ~ I ~ lIlf l' l'l· d fr ll lll Cre dit is j!('lt illl.( ea ~ it,1' l·\,l' r y· rll:!ry . I h .. 1' , .'f ill l' nt , t" t'X" clI\(' a ll II f tit, · H.I ,!! , Ad :t i r ~ I h ( ' lI )11 (\ti ~ 1l\ that did ""t ~ il, It ' III whcre. A lhil'u IIl1J l'O lung · t('rm TIll' s' arc not gen pl'a li7.nli o n s I,, \\ s 11\t'1i (In t h c· h lll , b , h'lI l :I ~1 ;t O' \\", ·In l il£' IIIlC l' n ) f ll (. : t:.~· :till . " , \' I h ill l! I tli ,·d . Til l' ,,~I, " , Hll d bond s IlIIVC bl' e n llI ur!,l'l(,d thi s o r I!'UI'S S l 'S . TIIl·.v nrc s pl'citic . ,1' I :!.-J. T" d u l' th l' I'I' a l' l' :: .lIOI) 1' 1' 1' . H, ,\ ,ill A dair! ' I'"i ll '; >'1 l' !! ll' d t il a tr"I·t 11 1.\' \\'111 I.. 10 I'Totch Back Posts Winter than lus t Yl'al·. \Junk rat l's fa ds. Th cy a r c s() lIH't hin ~ t .l s h ll w , ~ ' n,' " II ( 'lipi( III II ill. hil t till' I I'c , · l l h~· \I"lI lb l in v; ililllt!. I'I oI y . l.'i l' lIi!y I 1l:11!'l d , h " I",i nl nrc s l ca dily d eclinillg'. Sav ill ~ Lll llk t" lh,· l! l'ulllt.11'1' ,\\'ho t! ('c la l'l' s th n t 1'. Xl;C'lI l iI'l' " I' I':II·tllll'Il IH, lI 1' t n ' UII I '1" ' 11 1'< in t h,\' (,,\' (' Ii (!.< ~ l: ll l d, \. !t , l'l' I ,.,lIId 1\ lit WIIl'k . Th II Ill\' every Saturday dupll s i( s UI'l; in(' rt 'usinA" ill the r.lI s t. lhilll!~ :11'" I!:CtU II I.( W ' ))'S I! ins t e HlI o f in >:' th, ' ,\ I '" Y .In rl :'\ :I\·Y. " 1l1 " I II ~' 'I'll ~ I'( " 'I Ihy lI a!.i \· I: lall d. I. I< Ii ' .. ' I ll~:\ nll' " O-"l'll' d :1 nd IlI l:' Lif e in s ur uncl' l" Hllllanit,s \\'rul,' :~ , hdtl'!' . A s II IlI n1tc r of co ld fac t . (' 1\ 0, 11 01) (lC 1' ''11 < I" :l d n lin i<t (' I' l hl' I:" 111 11 ,\ da ir ~ I' , 'II t';1 Ill\' fI' II!) ! k . p :;; J.; n u n d l)' . 11I'1'C l'lIt 1111>1'(' l,u s ill l' s s ill F d l ruary lh i~ <.: .. unlry hil S n(,V('I' I" ' fllro c x · la \\':' I\'~i · h (' o " l!n ' s ~ h:" in ~ l r ll c . " I\IIt ' i,, 1a 11 11 ' · 1' ,'1 -1' 111 ( '11 " C·" ai d thull o n e yea r earli e r. thi s ju s tify . I " .. lil·n c I' I So w iJ (',s pl'ea tl n dep r e~· ' t l' d t it" l'I" , id c·1l1 t o (' nf ll n ·c'. I. I tH ! 1 r.P '(' 1' ,Io.: H \\' lh t' l' , ) I I'· ~ · . I d V" i,' l:" I II find tlllt \\ h a t it w. ult! ing t hl' C'stillll1 t e o f in c r ' u He t! in · ~ i ( oI1 fr .. nt whil' h recllv~' r~' b l'J:::l1l 'I' \\' I Illy t Ili lt .' a ~ m a n .\' pp, qol e. in Ho l,in A dai l': .I " 1'1 I 11 ,1 . 111 ill : l .1 f(' I\ 1\" k, v(' ~ lmcnt I 'e s erv' ~ in th e ir hund ~ ' 1 ~ (, quickly. It slnrl ' lI in lhe f:a s l. P I'l 'l'I. l' t ioll 10 pop u lu t i.. n . :t rt' :'\11 1 I pra y 1'(, 1' I h, t' , I" n'. 1\ " lI j " l:I c OIT l'e \ (' d Ill )' k iu l1 l'.l's. I:hliidillJ,!' lind 101111 a ~~ /lc:illtitlll ~ I~ ' " nd 1'('1'"I't' l y is (' n n'inA" in thl' E u: t 1I 1·.,(I!" t" rla y I ,·nf.oI·c I' hI' inw ~ I{lthi ll Ad a i r : T hl' l1 t hl' Hc h" ,. a ll d ,,:r i ll ~ It l'lillll I ' (lort iUCI'('as c ti dc' plIs il s. More fa rm hut the r(>c ~ tab l i. hm e nl o f th (: n ul" 0 Il th e ~ tlltult, h l)ok ~ , a ~ ill \\' h l ll h il I! \\,l" l' fa r ill :' l' :I I", s , . \(:1'(' . CJ n e 1,1' "III ' th e' \, di ,· I O ll n ~ arl! b(' ing- Ill u cl e , but thl' n' i ~ h iA"h Ic vel uf indU Hl'ini and CO ll i· , / p l r(' r~ tlll'!- d:IY. !' 11 11\,. () f t h a1 b ;\I .III \' IlI ad (' 1,,\1 ' t" 1I 1l' . a l'lI,' <l 11 d Hr. U l" d:! )' I am 1'1 :" " of o IIlllrk d fallillJ:: o fT in f ll reclo ~. nH'l' l'i al " tti" it it·s III'C /lc nel'a l d ul' , of CO u r ~ l' , Itl 1111' J.!' 1·o \\,th (I f J: UI ', t ;1I I th ll l!;d 'l ti l' I I" ',, . 1!.lll ti l ' . drlll a t1l k i' >11 . :\I~' ap· 1: "h;'11 A d ai,' ! u ... ·~ lind delinqu(' n ricl'\. In s tnlllH'nt Jl r o s l' l'I'i t y which w' WI'I'e (' n joy· the na ti c n . 1' 1'(· ~ id c · n t ./ .'ITpl's" n ·, 1" t it .· is fi lll' . li n" I , Ic l' " f' IIlI lIt!l y. ~ n l es UI'(' lip 10 Ill st yeal" ~ und PIlY illl!: :1 yellr 1l!{0 iR buun,! to ov(· r · ad m ini ,' t l': lfi ,' n ~ I'll nt (·d 'oldy II ,1" lI ,y \\', I k da . I~· Hlld (' n.i"Y li f(' m(' nt~ II I'e b<,ingo kept uP. Publ ic take t ilt' WIlVl' o f d e pl'l'~H I () I: <,ve r )·· UO Zl' n o f so I'lIt l' nt ~ : tuday \\' c' (' tll ll l t o lil Y hc 'art a J.:' aill, ': nrl 1\(' :ll th II 11 l' f' n~ain . No wondl' r utilities hllv!, v('r;: un II prugram o f .wh e re I> (' for(' t1lf.' Su III 111 I' I!I Ol'er, 1!I': III t I U ),(lIiO Jlatl'nt ~ n yvar . Hilt f( " loi n :\dn ir; I ani l' lIt ilu " ia ~ t il' :Jh ll ut K"nj,, !:! ." n C!w co n s tl' uclinn \\'hich will rUIi lIn l l' ~" nil s i~n , fail. I., t of I hI' burdc' n UI'OIl t he P re " i :'\"\'(' 1' III I' :. rt llg n in, h "I' i" la i ~ n(, t II ·Cll l·l'·n ll '-- t h .' n ' H.,Ioin Arla i r ~ i, nIl ' ~ u c h t hi ll~. bul whc·n t .. \,<' 11 den l an ·1 11 1'''11 Ih .. taxJl "Y l' r ~ h' tl lI (> for ~ ix t 'l I'il! ht \\,\ 1,1; , \\' ill PI'I, d , : c 10 tIll' h Ul! c' j! l'i st o f law ,; whi c h ..\lId if IJHl II !- t ilt lI rt I I'Ul' :l llI az in v; l·e .' lIl t ,. Thl! foun t It·s, h. I\·e "Ill y ~ " lI t ill1 <' IlU ti I' l'II "' I1 !' fo r I , h;Ii I h " ~ t III ,;la ll t. t (lI l. \n d wi ll \l l' d 11 1>11 , · Io ' lt \ ·O i l. ha\' in g- 1)(' ,, 11 I' na ·l (' d . !tlll l " "I " I ~ .. f illd o l S C I1\(' rl ~ (I f KOll 1{(l I, in r\ d ai l' ! . j ,oI:1 h:!'; ,' p I ",'l' n t hul il nlllk c , O li l' "I' t l1l' ~t' I ' i, '" ( :I\ IJt ~ ill • UI' g Ol' l'r llnll' lI t nl ~ y ~ t{' m i" t h ha lIii " ,.. " ill 1' \' l: 1l t h e I11" H s tublo "' n 111' Ir' vi "-);! ! i nn h,· l,n n fi n n. ('a .: p ~ I'll ill ~ , >' t l a te; !'fl ll\( ' h " d\' h:l d t h 1... . :II .i ,I:.I is ~1I 1d in W.I),lle" ' ill,' r l"" t illn a l id t II ( hat it '", " uld bl' ' I Ada m I Dru g S t o r e , nl\ d lo yall ni c' l' f,, 1' th l' (;1 1\·,'r n l1\l' lI t l) )1 1'''' 111' Ioc, ,, t t li' uggi ~ 1 S in nil t OW Il S 1\lI, u g ho lil thi s I'nti l'c "l·(.'lion. I' id c' fr" t' Il Il,tli t' n J at t l' nl io n a nd h ll s p it ali ~ lIti\ln f eo l' l' \' l' r ~' ,,('(c rall ' '. u f a ny war, m I"n/l n. h u mi f! h t S~ h l),, 1 \\' I~ ~ (,l iH ~li ~s l'l.1 J:~ l' i d :~ :\' Iii'£> and l'('g'al'd ll' ~~ (1 f l Ilt' II tl S (' of n lt ll ~ O(l ll f' )l I ~ •• ( ~' Ullt ~ ()I d t ll ll ' h is ill ll ~,; o r di sah ili t y \\'t' an' a l. eaJ (tlllle ~l. ~I IS S .(.l l:' nn ll ( hl , rn _ _. __ I' ':1<1\' t :lk inl! (': \iC o r' ('\' I' n ' I' l' tc'r. l'l p n 'a' nt C'd ,Illl' h l14 h ~ l' h (" d :l nd - .. - . - . _. I a n \~· hl) . . tli ~ll l, i lit .\ · ca n he: ill Il II Y :\1 :1I y ('arli lyn L. ukt' n ~ . t hl' 1t ' \\'I' I IOf th e nth e r. II c is in j! ond t r ainin J:t j d . /lJ'('e lo hi }; lIli.lit"I''' S ( .... I l' T:\J ' I ( Continued fn .11\ I' al:l' I . ) . 'I U Il , . 1. ' 1 f" • 'I " "(~' '111l ! - Iw t :I '; 1!l1 athl·tp 1!:1I1Il j4' In lo a \'1 \,(' . Bn l th l ~ n \I' )l I" IJ \'e wOlil d t . 'k . I l ,I sll n;; 1:1\ t· m lll' ('( 1" "11 t 1<' " I' ,,· n · I {' .• ~ th e I'ollt esl IJut t h (' ~ tlI · U go c (' U rnln · m ,l f' It Il1 rll ll l H' nl u po n n l' 1 \ I \1 II er b nd t 1-l nol'l'l' ,' IPI'r o a ch<' .' . . I ' h .In t e il Igcnt ' b 1I . lII ' ess .S'dll\ tn t n l'"I' C.I. I,(. (\ t' l'\. I) .. (, a ~ I' 0 f PI'" ,. \l' 1l111' s in\'ll lvcd in running the In!! III W li e I' PC'l' SIl'\' IIIl Ill' I t til lit'. I' rll bl P G e m nll o f'th e' lnit d S tntes men ll'\' tn keep thelll s(' lve!'. I l','n il £! <il' l11 II t ia . ha rd e nillg o f he' "')' . ' I,~'(nl l"t" III 0 Pl' l' Y " II ·.ft , t ove rnn,..1 ' ' . I " II . -, Ilin " r l' " 1I the pre" id <' llt of '1 r;:rl'ut ' 0\' 1' 1' t h l! radIO o n e g{' t s ti l' 1 1l~" :.1I' t IlI C' ~ . P l1('lI l1 l<)II ll1. ~ "' 11 po x , In ' ' ' TI . I' I Come m and lc:a n1 the c! ctnih: and why bxa~ ~ Il l' cOI'(1uraliun :lJl II~ou('hes ' p l'l's~ i u ll (hnl th(l rl'e~itlc n t's vo ic c ,"I' u w inl( .t (l I' n :l .i l ~ IIr <lil Y o t her a il. . Il·. :"' (~I' ~'~I1' I) I ~ S .I~:l ; l' ~ it:c 1-'1~ 1l !lsm e,s bll"i n N'>; J'(lh il' Ill S AIIO i ~ rath e r h igh· pilch ·d. nllllo~ t a 11I" ll t \\' hl ('h IlIll.: ht ulfu c k :t n ~' I11llll 1I 111qu, pl. l)g L',~II. ,' I ~I . L ,11 I ~ I I· hi:; o~Yn , ,, 1/ h ". . t . In co n verS'lli(ln that illlpres . wh o h 'l(l <, \'C l' 11' 111' 11 'I unif ll lill Il ll day 1111)1' n 1Il j.!, . t a r Spa n gl l'(1 li a7 Notch Backs t c st <::(:! po'; t s with the t hu t is th e nll'th od (~ r l fC e ll ~l~el e l . , .' n<1 1; . n 'l '11 'I'L i:; n o t l\ Vlb l"lIlt ' lint l('l~ i f h Inti 1o (:t' ll in P ' I:f ' ct 11 <.: 1' , " \\'[1 " ~UI1).! I .~' t Ill' - ChilI .!: tI ,·· EIl"'in eers Ol'nl In acts. I IC'Y , >III 11 u.t " . . . , . , l \' It ' 1'1 J o< ' I' h i! (> C r ' " J.\ 6-Plus Vah.l C's ';I~ nr['n t c loo!.;cr hred , hog.... ' 1 b ' ' k \' (I i"" i. IUl' ks the I'( S ()Il>lIlC ,' whi c h JlI' n ll h fOI fift".' .\'l' a r s n ft l'l' hi ~ "• 1 11I( ~.1It t· ·t . l " p h1 ll ll 'I"' ' ,I ~, I , ,"'I d o n 'l bUIl<l b It( gl'H Y J:'u e. ~ \\ O l I ,,' ~ 'Id l ' 1'" tUlltl c l with e motion s or nJakl: ~ f o r u r a tol'i CIl I ' II' l·t. BUI iL 11\ l i l: l r~' ~ t' I' \· i \· · . . , ' ,' , . ' (: : ,t :~I .. ~~ '" I,:: 1111 111 UI C e . 1. .. . ,10 tight, stock - ight f ' n ;.:('S. Ol(l... . t it ' U ulI'iton' ru t h er t11un II t e ll n r 1'1' iUCtlll l o n\'('I' q lllCkly ' 1)) _ . )1 l. • . • 1 erec t sky s'crape r~ by se ntl l11~11 ' . 11. ' ·th tthe d e:p 'l' tOI\l' S pI' dOIlIIlI '\' r:. in l l:cI '1 c I1\l11 i ~" i') n (.f Ilhvs ic i;n ' Il': ll d a ;\I oth el G .lt l t' I hyn :" H lI d . 'llrlsnYllIgumong e n A" m e I S, \\1 . ' " " ~.. .' " " 1 1 '\J ' ol\ ('( " ) II " , , POLITIC!i '. p . ' I ' I h ' ~elf tin~ in eo n vl:r~atwn. :rn d :rctUIiIIt'S. TItI' Y " ;lIll'd wIth' 1. II " r : 111<" II \1. 1. IS nn " t o whl-ch the .1 S it t ' fm I Th P rc~iilcn t 's clelll·. blue l' \'e ,' t hl' k n n wn fllc ( ~ III' t h l' J1I' I'S(, 1I1 (I I' "(' nlcd tht' 1\·ll1nl:r. IHl ~ BOl.:lI n P re, idenlal politics alway! be~om' a topic o f connrsation in any Presl call ed I1I Y n~t('nf~l n~ . t lUI ble s~~: i : 11' (> gxed upon h i ~ v is ilur a~' h e llum10 e r of \·(' l l' mll " . lh e il' III o bah c ]\.ue ~. Da rre l Uog'l\n a ll d .\ le x I) l'.' I cun get a l I e ,IC ~ , nn~ . b' t t ' lk s they arc <I ee l) .~ct e yes th e :1\'(>\'11 '" lu n 'el itl' nn tl thc 11l'oba . 10 . . (ranJ,!'l' lr , . n ., ~,)u!"1 \\,;1.' It t'a n l !len t' s se,'ond year. Some ";;<;()l1ie art that h e hilS a ll the fuet s, a o u .1 , " .... ~ . . " 1 I' X' ' I't th l' 1" '1110 :-il" ,(·h \Il' x iI: ll lir.g Ul at Mr. Coolidge wou!d iikl ' . ' . II Hnd nr- b o n y pe n thou~e of the f n r chi'H d h ie 1J1 l' J(l l'n~L' 0 1 d ls" nsi' 01 dl >l lb: · ' '. . . ~, . any eng~~e~;T; t~e~/ ~~~~per per. projectin g c o n s id erably ub o l' c the it \' u m Ol1g' th e l1l, a nd th l' 1)I'('~c n t L"lkl)t Ttlh: Illan o I ~!, :'I chi A. ll·x to run ag':lill III 1932, Mr. Coolidgr S ranglt;S th th ' o n e corr ct so lu Ifill!! upp er eye li ds And th e f o r e · l'(;~t u f lt os pitll li7al io n IH' r pa1i e ni f l'" .1. ll \\' H ~ ' :: ' 1\'\' 1'('(1 III II is reportrd to ba ve said to a frien< l " I~ -:. ue . , ::;CIII/! tha t there ar~ only two possible p.n' s pec Ive, e n h d . t', ' ht' f th ' I, \VI llw\' "' 0 'II o f th s' II I'CIj!11 cn g oe~ s Wig 1I11 rom e P (, I (,IY· I II . ,.. ,1 . e ..e .. \ , .. .. " 'k't h ' 'I" \ IV . HI . n. k didates for !hi: Presid~.m:y next time t Ion b C'('omes Il l'pli r ent tn e vcry· I eye bruw , '1 long way up bl'fore n f a cts l nbulll tl' fl and pr nJcc\l' r1 It ,I . :l1 ~ .II I.: 'I : ' I > • •~ , \11 ' 1<':, GOES ON THE SMOOTH body. . " it roes I CllI V f\ backwa r d a b ruPlly wherc ti J,! lIl l' d o Ul th at th e Fchl' l1!. 0 \" 1' ~,! C \\ S. tha ~. bOgd ll .lIld Ji\I1\ C ~ H cr~ rt Ho(\\'~r and "some Dem· THE OCr31." The R epublicans have alwaYl Thot IS tr u e o ~ fa! u s g.. . : th e nndy hllir bcgin ~. Th t'l'c i ~ n o w hi c h it \\' a~ e x l r c m l' ly (' a~~' to C llla.lll. , But it t~ke~ an o, h e r klll~ "f ablll~) ~ ign o f t'hil1ning OV('t the d l1me of s (,l1 t il1l (, lI t iil ze , \\' o ultl c n. t th' t ll X.l\I.I ~s lI c l.c n G I'a hu m ,o f TroY. :H~'1 renomi nated their Presidents and musl 10 con n,l ,e olher l1c o plc- D b lI.d .>II' Ill\ll\'~ r's h e a d but u littl e pa ycrs o f lh" United, tates so m c . J\!I. ~c s Ku t hl N ' n :Jnt! dill cl o so in H oover's case, whether the> of dire c t ur s : . ay " o~· ~~c C~l1gres: p:1 I'(' h o f glny is ~liseel'llilo le 011 w liut m o r e than ~ !X Bi ll ion d o !l!lrp GI':'h a l~I, ~t ,Da y t on .w ~· rc ,h.f):~ I ~ lIV~ 1 li ke it or not. So tile only point wort!: Lel II ;; PI illt you I' sal e J,i II ~ of thc UnIt ed t.lte s- th at th !lcl t ~ IllJ1lc. I a l th (' !t) \\. ~ l ll !lS~ lul ,' c'!ll11putatlo n th e .\\ l' I.k.elll!. M, ,,s :-'! C!lll! \\1 11 dl scnssing i5 who will be the "some Democrat. " fncts nrc fact s and lhcref o re t.hH t l II~ . I' 'Ii I I \ 11 .1 tl, ·' t \ " '1" tll'l t ~ I , f·,I· II" t Il'It I (>1) ,:1111 f u r u few dIlY~· . " ,t b th Is mDlln e rI S (I~n I I CCD I ( . ~ ~ ', • • ' • • , l; . h , ' rI ' I , From h~re it looks cerrain that it the so lutIO n red I~IU R e e .. . I ' I '. ;. I 0 .' ll ~t Y tp n r Pl l CC of Il'14 I,. lalt')J1 \nl ~ , ~IIl C o t t l l Oll s In . t l ~ CO lli I igllt Ol\ e. This i 1 plll' ll c ulUlly tr ue ~ . It \ ~ ut ) -.11 g j!cr.e: II. 11\' t il es () ('( n ee I'll if mum y \\' (,I' C 1'(, l1d 1'(' I Im pa ~~ l bl l will not be ~I r. Smith. It also loola wh e n that boa I d of dll'el'torH- or IIna g lll hllli RllI PJllng n nyb ~ d y o n Mr !fo'onr h l.IIt! V(" t int on ly uy the s n ('\ \\' ,, 101 111 l a ~ ( week. Tht: cerl;Jin that it will not be Governor ~'*5 1'5 of l l ~e bu ck, 01' . any o n ~ ~utsl de of I. Ii·t· 'II 1 [.' . d' I CYIVf.J ~ I'\'i("~ aL J Ulluh' R R UI Ritchie of Maryland, Both ar( C o s-:ha b ce n in lhc. hnbit 'k hI 111 ~· t pnrllclIlnr In tu:nnte pcr· t uy ln l lr.g ou L .1 tl C act s an , . . .' J I' , . , runlllng thmj!s b y g llcSS\\ lI l , scn· I f' I r'l II ' h'll in ... the GO\' (, rI"lII nt 's c Ollrs e \\ (' I e tcmpI,r ':lIl y ll~('ontl nu d lIn wowed "wets," though tllere are olllel !'I e ntl!> IIn ( UIllI y en IlIg " . , " Ih·lt II ' CO'Ullt · · o n ·' rea ~o ns gi l'en why they will not be timent an d omo t 1011. , I i,i m" bv hi s ftrt n a me Jt is t o o by tlwl1! clIn Cove rnm e nt cxpen. e l i ' ~ '. . That is Presi !ell ' H oow r s hnl'li·" : . t:h " : " b c I'C tl u 'c d a nd t he b UI'(l ('1I on th JI~I'. , E '1l Y I11lth and linn serious contende r s. Many people ar~ RESIDENT l11uc h of n s t l illn on . b H d aI R in f!lCtli The e 11l101gma· . . . . . I' ' I A.t th huhlc' s PI ~s!!d a way o n the 00 1 , looking carefully at Governor Frank· es t JO. e I d . f t. ti on It eun' t. be d o n Yet th c re tIlXp,l~'C I R II' IC\ (' I . . C ~n "lt) f \V" I li n R Qosevelt o f New York. Gov. truth which the nssemb e ac s . '. . " f '11 1'1 ' I nt e o f pl' oe r ~~io n at whic h F c<l- ' UIIlI e "n e. l n:; . . ROOT F OR AND CONSIGN I'~veal is. t~ e o nly trulh h e: rc:cOA'- 1 i~\1 1~1?cslp1:;~('~~ It~~~the/~I:a~ci~~ h:~~ ' end ('xp e l1 l'es a n d Iw r.n ne l ha\'c 1 . ' [)\l r S" h ,', 1 I) rc~ el'~!·u. ~O I.l1?l!I~tl Roosc\'elt is "d ry" but has a "wet" I your ~altl(!, h ogs , ~ h cc p Dnd calvf'8 nlz ~ n . 1.11 party orlp ni za I ion back o f h im. . 8 J ob :\R h e sees It, t. to 1 . 1 f t l 1' ''I'I' \\' lll ' n t llO Il 'I ' t 1')0 " 'l " ~ 'l Lth e \\ ll h 1I ,u t of OU~ t u~lIl. lUlnls hed ~ ., h 11' ( m ollOns lilt( 1'1' pe r cc con I·t) I ,., . , ,, <" " . tI 0 PERMANENT LOCATION , to Norris · Brock ·Co., li\'e wire and get nil the fn cts obo ut every fl U I I . ' I I' 'tl I d' . (' I'd of Itn"th~r ('entuf\' everl'b dy I11U ~I C:1 1C '~ I'U l l t y 1'a loll,:a l 5 ule Sll 'ges t Qwrn D. Young, othe n Of the Gov e rnment, then ~o c~, n. !~!,l (lUt III ~ e ~ !I~~ WI.I Ill) I , I ~C'I III ihe 'United ' t at es \\'o tlld be n n ('':I "t (~ t. Th.ey \1' I·C . IIncia th " thi nk he has too close a co"nA~tiOfi I p r l) ~I'l·~~i\· e firm f o r t he highcl)t . 'suad c or otherWise 111\' s mg publi C a l1ml S h e I ~ dl ~c u ~sin g t i C . t . II till (I.'t lllll tlf I h t' 11111 <1(' in s t l'uc\"I' Others art m al'l;t:l pl'ic(' ~ und good se rvice. v.mce, pel . h I' " th .e m in rthl' li g h tI of l I' C:I lC! uV('1 nmen 1\ 1'I:-;S . II. ~ ,I(n. . :-it . , w ith power inte rest s. [lress upon Co n~r c~ s . t e po IlI c, . _ ~o n tlnp· ' ___ _ _ _p n_~ r _o . , -__ . l, ;'., ' ~n · . wh ispe ring "Kcep nn eye on H a r!,) ' Unio n Stock Yard. , Cincinnati, O . I .EBANON. OHIO iun s lind the p eo pl e thot Lhesll f·l l d In , .. , t~ un( n o n:; m.D e l S \ II. I . \ andl'1 V(II .I' I of C I:lI'k s Byrd." l3 yrd is a dry De mocrat whe I Hef e rt ~lI c(,: A~ k f,r s t mnn you meet Eye. Examined uro' th e fnct s lind thnt th y point to gr ow :xc ab(l,u t . I t tH ~()t PUBLIC SALE ,,;1I 1' rn ll ,\I 1111 J. I~. Cn1\' S Uliday . hil S jn , t retired f rPIII the GOl'e rno r· "O llnli SC1111 hll r d t il IIll Blrllle hll)l b C' (.' () mmg . . . . I to 0 11 I Y one su nc unl ., • . . . ' bl . - - -- . . .~--ship oi the dry Coml1'('I\\\'r .1Itil ) ' Gla .. e . Filted Repairo tinn of the flrobl e m in hund . I :, Ilgry,. 1..1:,t It I ~ I lllflOS~: e to lnwg r \l'dl H(' ll at public a ucti o n at Virp,ill \;/,. He It • ne \\'~p; i1Cf rna :1 and To do t hat tnke s s kilful team I lIl e . hlill bawll~ /l , Otl~ nny o ne or my h ome. Jo:n~ 1 II I' Spriu Kb u \'O, o n NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT 1 br, ' lher Q!' ;"rJllliral Byrd, L'Ie ex· work. Don't run nway with (he , 1(1," "1 /: .1I1lY out\\ o HI ~Ign o f loss o f 1 h l' C Ilt ·rvill c r ood, udjoining , , . ~ idea that Mr, Hoov e r ha s an y l ( IlIP~!. , . . t Id ' , R o tltc 7:3, on 1', s ta 1e 01 I/ "m te E. H a tt u n , ~lor~r. 1 1t h C r e 8 He is co MI , H oo\ er, \\ e aJ e o . IS scndt' c(, ll sc d ~u:~~~in~v with °C~ng~·css. That i; I Si.tivc to crillcis,? I wou.ld put .it I, April 3, 1930 N~ licc' i" he r e hy gi\'cn thnt L idn T 'N c .::1:1 bliJ'Je Ol good deal of lh~, but Herbert Hoover is ddTc l'.onhtl y . Dealing nl\ hl~ hf~. III B egil1niJ~go at I o'cloc k prompt, II. B otto n .hn s b " e l~ du ly u pp o in ted traub;/! we growers on ! he _ I drivin the team . fact~, e cannot t.o e ra e IC 5. th e foliowlfI g : I !llld quail h ed a, 1',x (' clItrlx IIf the ",odd·wo~ ide efiort to avoid slIr[Jlu s Fourteen Years of An! so fnl' ns 'hi s hands are not R e m e mb e r thllt h e IS n quak e r , I Tw () huud o f H orses , 3 h cnd Estate nf Hornc(! E. llll l ton late of f.:t. ac.c.ortfing to Professr,r Jl1tn ~s L With Dependable tied b legis lative res trictions, he u n~i Ih e 1llt'1ll b c l's of the SO~ I,ety .of , Ca ttl , 100 Ch ie k cn!;, Pm III inl;! W ClI'I'CII COli n t?" 011 io , d cc(' u,{'d. boyle of Cornell UllJver~ity. nr~ goes ahead on hi s own IlIl t intlve- 1 ~rl('~dt hl\f\~~ °hne Of th e ! t . gllldj I 1m pl ull1 (' 11 ts. F C<'ti, H !l I'n(' ss , " o u ~e )llIt ( d t hi s ,l l Sl \luy 0 f i\ l orch COlU'Lllption in the U!li\~d Stat~~ hns Serum and Virus f 1i t f\ I' ut nil facts - 1111\' lu es 0 l e t e nc m oni tio n 0 h o ld G (IOd8. J !iSO, <1e.:.l~ed 2'J per ccllt, Pr,)fcssor BoyJe ju~~rnBI\~c ;~~~~c~t of the We!!- I St . .r~lIn~s : ilL I ~' \',ur yell ue ye a T Ol'lll s I1I1\d (' known tIn (hl ~' W. Z. ROLL insures both Safesay,. becausc wowen-and men, to()tern Union or the Stee l Corpora· nnlll\l~ollJ; nllY. I~n~ . ' t' t . Ra le Ju dg'c o f lhe Pro but(' COUI t. are af raid that eating bread wiil mAke ti o n does I' . ,ou~' e l' IS !lon s l Iv e 0 ml5' (1'. E. R OS NACLE \ \':11 r e ll C " lInt~. Ohit) ty and Success '. gets upon I'eprese ntntlon s, lL mnl,us him Snm 'imps n Auct a16 them fat. Th e . nhpresslOn one . writhe to be lied about But honest '. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ___ _ The ta!~e :If tIll: ultimate constl:ner entering the Presi~ e nliul offices, \n I fl' ie ndly c o n s tructive 'cl'lticism he ' Cha . FItts, ~r~ _ .- - - Is the controlling factor in every lirot the \Igly o ld structure known a s wel co l1l ~s, \\:he n il c~me from' l . " U e Illu , l be f e e lill g the heat of industry, Shott skirts injured tt.c the Stafe, Will' aJ)d Nnvy lJU\ldil~~ I ~(l UI:C ~ he b e li ovc!! to be s ince re. Th e n th e r e wa s the Sco1(' h man j u s t now." teJ:tile maoufact'urers bui made for· H arveysbu r g . O. Waynesville, C h io aerOS8. th e street from the hWh I My es limutc o f him in thut r cspect wh o b o u ght tht' cnr b ecau~e th e tunes for the silk 5toeki~-weavers. "\\'h e rc is he li l'i ll J.!'?" tl o use , js precisely thal o f t e e x' i cunfirmed by men who are I c lutc h wa s thrown in. " lJ e '~ n oL" ¥alters of dress goods the world over Phone 31 combined to establish a new filShion _ , _ _ _ _...;._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..iIlC lltive offices of a big corporatl ~n t In the old White House offices In _ _ _ __ _ __ _ with longer skirrs. which is beginning ~ the wing which recently burned. to make headway, It will be h arder thore WIlS a different atmosphere for wh cat· growers, mi);ers :Old h:.kCf! under previous Presidents. Anteto convince womtfl that a n:a.<onablf .. rool1ls wera u !!lInlly crowded w!th amount OW fat makes tllem wore atpoliticinns seeking fav or s, o r Wit h uaj: tivc. . w ithQut an etJgint is the Phone 93 touri s t s h o ping for n chon~e tn development of aviation, in s hnke hand s with th e ·PI·esldent. the Lone Eagle is makin§ new. Tho gen e rnl effect wa s cocia! and Egg. Too fre.h w_____ .•• He ~lIs hit slider OL 'Anile floliti ~n l nnd n ot thnt ~ f bU S II1.CS~. ;n,U.-~..I,U ::. Pr es iden t Ho ove r"; office tllll\'ht Wnitl' l'- Y ~ . ~ ir: th Se nrc t h e . IJe that of nny big bl;l iness ,man very I e ~ t ogg ~ \1' hov e had tor HIGHEST exeent ·trat m ost bllt bUSln e~s '1 Yl'n l'. CASH Dit\(' I' O1 en ~ oOicc~ 1I1:C more elaborately Oh! W e ll, b rillj! me HENDER~ON lWO thHl you've hnd o nly. ' ubout fUI'nish c (l and d eco ra te d. PRICES NOTAR'{ PUBLIC B e h'itJd n bIg d esk n the win: ~ i x m ont hs . PAID ~ow s ide of t h e big r?on~ the. Pres l National BaDk STA'I' I~~I I!lN'I' d nt sits in n big SWI'{ ~I chnlr. As. }Ie daBS to ~ .. c·c t his visitors one Will Drawn • • Ed.t •• S"ttleil S(nt"' Il",nt (;C~ W" r a hIJ.. n~(i I ,. !lOCK thnt he ..IS n big man. Six feet lllan'q:\""1\l nt or t he Ml nill t naz l'lll" ,,"11I'I _h ,I n t Wn \''' .... vtll f' Ohio. tI~ Waynesville. ' Ohio · eXQctly, broad 0.£ shoulder, deep of " (Hl utr tt tJ h,' th .. \:t.:. l DC 'ongrtH~g ,, ( c·he ·t he weIgh s aro und J 186 A ugu !!'t 2l', 1~ l ~: pounds, and mighty l.ittle .o r that I' ulolt s h r. n . t,. I'(l lW. "'"'ayn es· . 1'1 11,'. () h lu : :-O[:.n aA'l' r lind Ed ltol', I) TRY is fat. In bis fict~r. es be g!ves the. 1 t >. Crane. '\\' n),nes"lI l . hlo PiJONE 8F3 imflresslon . 0 bemg a btt oft. 1' (' !''I<lhot(l, ,'1:\. " ' "·{A"L);,·(·g ltn(! olta OUR CLASSIFIED ~U'lr.. s " urlt .., hold"'I'~. -=- (, n". But that round face isn't !at.. The HARVEYSBURG, OHIO "'",w'" lu and ~ lI hHcrtb .. t1 b rOI& bony structure behi~d it IS broad rue till. I'" do ,· or AprIl. lew. . fr'o m cheek·bone to, cheek· bone, ~ ~~ 1. ?L ll" n.l l·rso n 101011101'\' Putrlk FOR RESULTS from the angle of one jaw to that

I,t will·p~y you to


.buy your



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April 5th alzd April 19th During these two weeks we are featuring the 'greatest offer on steel posts ever made







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Dr. John Zettel



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Reliab!e Vaccination

Dr.W. E. Frost


Phone 76F4



Dr.. C WAN SO N .

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Dead Stock 'Wanted

WaynesviHe, Ohio

L. M.

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-Harveysburg Fertilizer Company


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-- ---""" ~:~ ~",

THE MIAMI GAZElTE The .Ladi etl Aid :i\fl ciet~' will meet at lho hOlll e o f 1\11'", Lon lIl'te r !! Thurs day uflt!rn oon. 1\11'. lin I Ml'!'. I oland and daughL ow e ll Th Olll li S I' t ur n d to tll' GIIlUYH calI d on ·Irs. 1-1 r work Mo ndn\' li t Early 's lI' vll t or b!'l't l\fa rIli tt IItu l'dll Y venin g . lIn e l' n wct!k',s iIIn e!\s ..


Just received a New Shipment of

H. M. lark fl p('n t un dny in B lib r oo k. The 'farm er s al ong oei'll R ow are n ow enjo ying electric light : T he line is completed and p ower wa s t urned on Friday .

llI1 B.;~:" ~'r'£:'::';:'.:.lI'lt,L~',:~_






"E Mr. Hlld MI' • . \'v. ' . in Duyton ,t oday

. L. )o~ylt'l' o f Wl'iKht Fidd . ThiH Illtlkes a t otnl of $Ll:! 7,500 wor t h IIf property lls ndled in til(' Illst s ix llIe nt hs by W. N. ours, of "ay liopkins, Id st !lon of Mr. and Wn)ll ~"iP ' ,llI d 8 01 Harris Bldg . . Mrs. FJ d Hopkins 0.£ Waynes",m , 1)1I1'l on ,Ollio . wa!! sll lelllniz d in Dayton, , aturduy, Ma rch 29. The young coupl NEW EQUIPMENT wellt immediate ly t o h ouse K P_ ing in their apart m e nt on North Th e t rustees of Wayn e t own· Main str eet "'liich they had alroady furni shed. ship have purchased a ca t erpillar Murray is a graduate of Way- tructor und a grader. These improve m en ts have nesville High 8chool and Is a_young man of excellent character. He has bee n needed f or some tim e , ant! many friends here who wish him the trust ees will now be able t o and his bride a prosperous and keep the roads in better conditio n. h p" life " ap" . __ • __' __ HOPKINS--BARTON

lroud w ere

Stephen Williams was a Dayton vilst or Saturday. Mr. a nd Mr . H erb ert Marlatt Mrs. Met'le Kel'ns and daughte.r aDnd hson , ECMinlOnd, d M1\l ss pCloAra and Mt·s. C. M. Rhobitzer wedre In Mrs. C. S. Smith of Genntown aug tel' .sJ r. an .x·s.. . . Columbus over t e wee k ·en, and Mrs. Allen Hardy of Leban· Runyon, Mr, and Mrs Ervm MU1. . on were Thunday dinner gueats of ford and family, and ~!r. and Mre. The eondltlon ctf Mrs, D . E, Mrs, Ann L. SmIth, Ernest Nixon of Dayton, s pent l Standiford, who submitted to an Subscribe for The Miami Gazette Miss Miriam Salisbury of Sunday with MI'. and Mrs. Frank operation at McClellan hos~ltal Sat REAL ESTATE DEALS Cloveland ca me Monday t o ' sp end Dakin, . , urday morning, is said to e favor t hi ~ weC' k with her g rand -parents Mr. Hile y Gib so n fi nd f ll ll1iJ y a bl e . " A relll still e tra ns action was li nd ur ot hel', Mr. and Mrs . All en spe nt Saturd a y in B II bl'oo k . MI'". F.url onnc r , Mrs. has. cl o~ct! III~t Friday u t the Wintcl' F. nll' ick unci W t! h dci l S a liRbury. . . . d L " R ve Messl's D E . Standifo nl and Nutional Bi\llk, Dayto n, be t wee ll 1'111'. a nd l\'h~. ,S t an I 'Y 'Bail y f r.dllst·g l\11l~~1lI 1!1 an I' WI S 'tl roMw . , Jam'e s 1\1c C-lul'c' vis it(' d M I·~. tandi ~I;~~Itl ,k b~ih ~~I~;n~~II~v i~!u, \~h~~l'~Y' \V"~ I'n~ ,~ n t(' I· t'II· ll n(1 t S u la II' e l'.r 00 ' . •~ll n ( a y (lTllH' 1' ,WI 1., r. f • ~ 0 II I Y I nn l' HII 'I Gib so n lind fll ill ily. lhe ! o r rI 'a t M'c Ie,II u n Il o~' I)'ll l·.11 Mon U,lay MI'. Null sold hi s well-im p r oved , ut Ih e h om .. o f Mr. ll n" Mrs, LllW- II ft~ l'I1n on cu ll l' I'R w(' l'e Mr. a nd aftc l'I1oon . relrm ollRistinJl: of lao UC1'eR 10!\I I' S Fre d 1 Ul'll l' of [)u vlo n Mr .1 cu ted on th e B.. llbroo k · A lexand ers r enc e E lli ott a t Ce nt erville . , Ol'd Th ' L, T. L. \\'ill meet hFriduy Mrs . Willi a m Co lclllan was "cuJl and Mrs. ,Iurt' nct' . Crllwf I v ill e r oad ub uut 2 1• mil es no r th l'tI t il C illl' innati Saturda ,\' b" Ihe of till. 1I u ll .' ' . !\II'. lI lI d l\'\rs . .l ohn aft e rn oo n , AI) ril 4. aft e r ~ c 00 h fit l' ust o.f C I!ntcrvi' 11 r, rl'Ce ,. lvlIlg f 1'11111 d nth of he " n£' l)h l.' w , 1\H. Pro, ud, 11 0 11 '1 Sllc n t .,Tu ('selin., wi l h I\la'. unl! He d Brick c hul'ch . orIf the w('ath er Id Mr, W(' llcr' as purt pH YIllC'nl 27 [~t3rlj ~11l1lil$ ... ' Fre dl' ri(' h Hnl! du uJl:ht e l' o f DIl Y' is c old th ..~ Ill Ct!tin .... will be e Hert' S of va I Ull bl e Iline I unproved Ml'. and Mrs , Chllr1 (!~ Mull onix t o n fi nd Mf'. 'u ri Ch cn owet h o f li t th e hOlll e of Mrs. Mill !!. with mode rn ho use Il nd lilIillJl: staANOTHER HOME eURNS tion 10cIlteci in Ce ntcr villl'. A SIH'llt S und ay with I' lulives in Ne w BudinJ~ t u n. Lawn m(l \\'el's s harpe ned by ver y unu ~ ulli feature lIbout thi . S p rin g boro. ,011 In 1I000000.an4. '" If lit ,00' fin llUllIlIr.<I II~ .... (ar I oUc'o Mrs. J ohn Hill r eturn ed t o h er Mi ss The~ lm a l\1 or g- an II f Mt. El c ctrake e n pr oce~s , SRllle meth od trlld e wus that both prop el'ti('S da" ,a ... propaty ... 1_ aft 111~ • ho m e in Ri chm o nd las t week llf t er H .. Il ('~' s pen t Tu esday wi t h MI' . an cl as u ~\' d by la wn, m owc r llI11nufac- Wl' I' (' cI 'ur of inclIllIbran c('. Whil e 1making li n t'x t ellfl ed vis it with her l\ !n~. l\il ey Gi bso n li nd fa m ily. t ur e l's. El eC ll'lIk cc n syst em t~l'Il ~ th e e xar t amoun t o f eonsid eruti on Fi... ocnt DII.rpocMJ, aU .....,. - - - - . ___ ----ou t pl'rfe,· t cutting- mowe rs. rry~ i ~ no t rllllli co publi c it is knuwn t o dllu Jl:ht e r, Mr s. St! th FUl'na , a nd macb ..I...bll pniprty Ia I brle( tIIM. Ill e. Roy Pigo tt. b e uver $55 ,000, Bo th pnrties in , fumi ly o n Houte livC' . Yoa ow. It 10 roo_If 10 be u..tall, I ~ e ver:ll I'ood s uro und hN(' W C ]'(' D EATH Ih (' d l' al w'( 're l'e pl'(' ~ C' nt('(1 by W . prOtf<ud. How IIOwd TOIl lot 0II0q..... , i'linrwl' gu e 8 t ~ o f 1\'11'. lind Mrs. N. f-I l' IIl' S ' and Rnbl. M. Pin e o f co mpo.... w:i tOf YOII. I... If '011 _ IJ lock(·" with sn ow drifts Th u r sday . , W. P. Sali ~b ury on S unday w .. re 8 0 I 1\ III'ri e, Bld)t. Dayl on . unhuulOd 01 oadnl .....,.." a f tl' l' th e sn ows t ol'n on Wedn e sday ; Dr. Gi bs on F a n '. ~ge d !1 2 , fnr 1\[1'. and l\h's. Ru ss ell R c n ~() n und till' I' snl l's bl'o ught aho ut 11v I ~r ve l'tll y nll's U res !!1 nl o f the slI n Miss Mil'illlll al b bury of . lA .. "", _ _ _ • Mrs. Alb E'rl S tn cy s pe nt Monda y Fri ends ' l\ om c . di ed at McC lellan \ '(' 1 ' I. ' 1' 1\1 ' I 1\'1" Ru "s"ll th est' gt' nU (, lll e n in tht! paRt Illllnlh "...,... ,., ........t-."" ,,, ' th 1\11" H ., II B tt I ' . .' , " I'v e .Illl, I. unl '1 s. ~. , 10 c f I I IvnfIIrIt _ . ~ ," I S. Il SS C urll C. IV 10 IS h os pll a l, X()l1Ia, Hturelny ni g h t.. Su lis bury 1I11t1 family . W(' r (' II • · a r e arm own (>( >y . !II. \ Fun (' r a l sl'r v iccs, in cha rJ.!e " f !1 pv I ' Warr en Kenrick, IIlt:ate {1 2 If.! lllil~ s Miss Romn Hanlill of Ill'a r Wa y- J ..1. Schl\dfl~ r" .re(' t. ul' o f S t. l\) 'll'y' s l, MI'. and Mrs. Pllul Hauk of So uth o f Ce nte rvill ' . t o Romo nnd , h h I I Irl L I f' & Le nn Riggs of Be llmont, lind a n esv ill e sp ent th e wl'ek -e nd with c urc , alH ' 1(' 1Il g' O( gl' ' . Troy who have r ecently returned .15. a{'I'c flll'lll 7 ruil l's no rth of Insurance Miss BI' r nite Grahum . A. 1'11.. o :~ SOl lth C,h a r le ~t ~I1l' 1 f ro lll' Millmi , Flu" and Mr, and Da v tn n owned b y th e GC'm City W (,H . hl' lli In th ~ White Br ick Mrs. Hal'o ld Willialll son IInri Iitlle 'I Waynesvillt', Ohio \\fI' S. ha rl es Ande rllon of Wa y- Me etlng I'l ou se I h l ~ afte r noon , In - ~ O ll of Dayto n, spent S unday with BUilding and Loan o f DaytO n t o nesvill \Va ~ II Mo nd llY a ft ern oo n tCl'lll en t wa s at S pring boro. th eir pal'ents, Mr. ll nd Mrs. H. H. gu est of Mrs . !\Il en Eml'ick. ----- - - - - Will ia lllso n. MrH. li nd MI' . E d Longacre and More Bad Luck l\lr ~ . .l osil" Whitnk r, 1\'1isses Mrs. Cil bert Swa nk Wl' I'C sh oPIJing Kath ry n Torn e r, Lauru McKins ey , in Ha yt o n Mo nday, Frie nd- ll ow m a ny m {> ll work Flo r en ce Bobb, Edna Shumaker. Mr . and Mrs. Kesler Grahllm en- in your offiet' nowllrillYS; MI'. Frtl{'- Sa m M;ss ildine , Messr s. Ballard WlIIlllce und Mllrio n Whitaker t crtllin ed to a family dinne r Sun- tUl'e?" da y th e f ollowing r elatives:- Mr. MI'. FracL ul'e - Oh, n bout half s pent the w eek-end in Mllrietta at lhe home o f Miss T om e r . IIlId Mrs. C. L. 'Albright of Way- of the m. n (' ~v ill e , MI' . a nd Mr s. Arthur l --- -Whi tt! and ~ Iln ~ of n lumbu s 1'111' Mr. and Mrs . B. Loesh nnd chilli nd I\1I·S. ,J ohn Myer Mlind dllu~h t el: SERIES OF MEETINGS ON I dr en tllI.d, E . C. Crant! of Dayton, o f Belm ont. lln d 1\11'. H eml ll n AlbSHEEP DEMONSTRATIONS , were V1 ~ lt o rs at the home of Mr. lind Mrs. D. L. Crane Sunday I ig- ht o f Day ton. a ft e rnoon . Little J ohn Ri chard Discussion and de m on st ra tions Crane l'etlll'l1ed to Dayton with (I f ~ to lllll c h w orm control in sh cp, th em after spending several days docking ll nd ca slruting Illmb s, with hi s grandparents. li nd co op era t ive Illllrke ting- of \\' 001 will bE! f ~ llture d li t a series Have your watch and clock re( f meetin gs n ex t. wee k. IIrrll nged paired, old wedding rings modernl\fr- ~ . Marie Hoag land and by Coun ty Agent Class and Farm Ized, yo ur diamonds put in a new little d ou g htcr Betty s p ent Satur- Bureuu o ft1.c illl s in cooperntion mounting, jewelry repaired like KuuO'mun , 'h cep new, silverware replated and tlay with Mrs. H oa g lund's home with L . A. S pec ia lis t unll J. r. W a lker, S ec 'y bead s restrung at Cary's Jewelry fo lkM in Da yto n. Ohi o Wool P ool. 1\11'. K uul f mun, Shop Lebanon. Chlls Dill and wife sp ent Friday Ohi o' s . hee p s pec iali st, will sho w ~- - -. in Xeniu. ' . the Ili tes t equipm e nt anti HIPl'lies A CORRECTION Mrs, Mary Harv e v a nd Mrs. t or tr eating she ep f or pUl'as ites Elh el S mith , our H e llo Girl at an d will dem tJ nsu llto and discuss [n t he report, of the Young Ha rve ysbur/r we r e s hopping in ~am e a t euch plac e. which was "St olllll ch \V o rn~ s :Incl p a r a ~ it es P eopl e's program Day t on on Friday . cau Se grcu t er injury t o Ohi o shee p giv e n llt the Church o f Christ on M. M. T err y and K. E. Thomp- me n th a n do d ogs, yt! tt hcs c lossunday e vening, March 23, two ~ o n We r e in Lytle on Tuesday. es are g en e rully n ot ~ o Ilpp u r en t 3pecial numbers were overlooked. T. P o we ll uf nellr Waynesville lind trugi c" suys. 1'111',. Kauffman , On e , the opening prllyeJ' by Miss will o utline a syst e m Lola Sears , the other. a saxaphone wu, ca ll ing o n old fri ends here on who of manage ment a nd treatm e n t solo w ell rendered 'by Louise aturday. wh ereby m o. t of th e $75 0 ,000 Zimm erman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E sty Smith and her pair of losses might be s uv e d. And fm'- Mrs . ____ Chus *-Zimme rman. '4' _ .... - ----new ly born twins died at their ers who , hav e b een se lling bucky home on the Chas. Cook Farm near and und ocked lambs will be MASONIC NOTICE Harveys burg on , Tuesday night s hown how to get fr om one t o and were buried .on I1riday at three dollars in c r ea se d ep e nding Regular communication of Way Woodville , Clermont Co., under- upon th e time of mark eting. Th e tak er, Hanna of Bla nchester had docking and ca strating w.ork is n esville Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M., will be held Tuesday evening, charge of th e fun eral . part of II ni tion -wide cllmpaign. Apl' il 8. W ork in M. M. d egree . The marke t outloo k for wo ol Chas. Dill wife and dllughter Ross Hartsock, W. M., ~auline and K. E. Thompson wel'~ will also be briefly explain ed at F. B. Henderson. See'y. each place, and plans outlined for In Dayton on Mo nday. cooperative selling. Under the __ .__ _ _ - - - . - - -- ------- ----- -----_ ~__ . Ju st 42 years ago last Tuesday guidance of The Federal Farm - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Murch 25th we had a big snow board, the Ohio Wool Po ol has , storm greater than the one we had been mer~,~ d with thirty others on . lus t Wednesday. The snow was into a Nati()nal A ssociation, all of 8 Inches deep, bllt it did not last which will 'be explained by Se cremony days, and just 17 years ago tary Walke r , who has traveled lust Tuesday was the greut Day- extensively thr oughout the Un it ed to n fl ood in 1913. tates, and re cently mad e a trip The longest word ever sent by to Au stralia to study sheep cable w~s b~payalepowoqutuyuwa­ managem ent and wool marketin g yugeyuklyuhyuwuzuzubazuca, who systems . These will be the on ly such meetings in ' 7 arren County can pronounce it? this y ear, so eve ry sh eep and wool ,Mis. Paulin e Dill called on Miss grower is ul'ge d to uttend . QnesMary Thompso n Sunday eve ning . tions and local problt: ms will ulso 'be cons ide r ,ed . For those who wi sh Miss Lucil e Fel'r is spent Wed- to market wool c oope ratively, bags n esday night with M iss Virginia will be available ut each of the Jeffery. places. MI'. lind Mrs, Sherman Ferris Monday Ap, il ~, 9 :30 a. m ..llt we re in Leban on T, hursday night. Cllrm of W. E. Slant vn , 1 mIle North of Springboro. Mrs. Cath e l'in e Jordan and Mo nday April 7, 1 ::10 p. m. S. S . family had for th eir Sunday after- Ellis, 2 miles Southeast of Wayne s noo n callers. Lawrence Brown and ville. family, Ed Jordan of Waynesville Tuesday ApTii 8, 9 :30 R. m , Mary Brown and Thomas Hicks of farm of Harrison Bevan's, 4 miles Ferry, Wayland Jordan and fam- S. W. of Lebanon on Route 42. i1y of Hyde park. Tuesday- April 8, 1 :30 p. m . • Coleman McGowen on the "Guttery" Farm in Washington T owns~ip, 2 mill!s east of Mathers Mill

---.- ..---

- IN-


A xminster, Brussels, Velvet and ,Congoleum


MYER HYMAN W aynesville,








R '


They Live .... They Gro~!


The Sunli'g ht Cream Station

Is now open six days and nights a week and in charge of Mr. J. W. Young, who is ('xperienced and will be glad to greet you. Give us ' a ·trial.


Tuxedo Starting and Growing Allmash


at e



In lives s aved alo ne , T IIl(c d o Slarling and GrowiDIS AU. m ash saves th Oll :,''' .!,. . d . . !la r ~ f" r pO:Jltry raisers every year ! Countless 1'''' 111 r" l./r". S h''''e proved that this life. s~ dng mash aa u:ll ly DOCS cut the monaliry cate down to r ock bonom. Not only that, Tuxedo Staning and Growing Allm:18b s peeds g rC)\lth :llmost unbe li t.:vn bly; it puts chicks :It a prO(lt puin l in sb>rl Cll'J ..,. - 2-pound broilers in 8 to 10 weeks, and pull l!ts L , in,; at four monlhs. No wonder 1'"", ,) s.lks arc g rowing by leaps and boonds! You can 't beat r ~ , u ! ( s ! Lome in - and get a staning supply of Tuxedo Slnrt i n~ IlDd Growing Allmasb.


E H fi ld

You can have tlle same sucCess with Tuxedo Starting ] Mash, up to six weeks, tben Tuxedo Growiog Mash. These masbes are fed with scratch graio ••



Sunlight CreaDlerie. Washington Court House, Ohio

Have your Job ,W ork Ptinted Here



Are You Going to Build a House, Barn, Shed ,or Other Buildings t.his Spring? SEE

W. H. Madden·'& Co. Waynesville, Ohio 'everything cortnected with an upto-datt;t Lumber Yard




Hili ,

TueEday April 8, 7 :30 p . ni. Farm Bureau office Lebanon. Wednesday Apr! j 9, 9 :30 a. m. r.k and Mrs. Elvis Michllel an!! at liany ~chne1!'s, 2 aniles South Dorothy Is pent Sunday ' with -his qf MOrl'gw, _ ~~~ ---pare nts Mr, and Mrs. S P. MlohIII: 1. • . STArE OFPICJALS ,.", Mrs. Emerson Pill and son ailly QHIO PEP'::R~TION and Mrs. 'foms spent Monday eVlln ing in Xenia. State Treasurer H. Ross Ake Mil'. Cla rance Crawford and and A ttorney General Gilbert Bett fami ly, Mr. Lue Murry and Mr. man ~ a ve ,c on8ented to ~ peak at .and Mrs . Lue Morgan and daugh- the orga nization conven tio n of t he t e r Thelmn attended the funer'a l Ohio Fede:ratlon of Men's Bible of Mr. John Blair 0'1 Xenia, Satur Classes lit Middletown April 5 and day. G, it wa s announc ed by the con 'len Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Marlatt tton committee today. Prominent church laymen also and son Edwin llnd Miss Clara Daughter s, MI'. opd Mrs. P. A. to appear on the program are:- C. Rutlyon spent Sunduy w ith Mr. H. Gundersdortf, of Baltimore; D. T . Brubllch, of Philadelphia ; Frunk Ollkin and family. Guy P. Le~lvitt, of Cincinnati anrl Mr:- and Mr'/!. Ed. Burton are S. S. Lappin, of Be~lrord, Ind., all spe nding 'fI w eek with t here par- vice-pl'esidents' of t he National " ents Mr. and Mrs. lonn RYIl, F!'dcration of -Men's Bible Cla s~e s . J. E. Sturgis. of ,Ci ncinnati, eIPMrs~ Mildred Weaver spent t he ~~e k-end with her m'other Mrs. Inent autbo,r of hymn s, heads the musical program of vocal and in_jarl _Marlatt. stru mental talent. ~. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tate 01 Bell- ,-The convention Includ es sessio s brook called on Mr. and Mrs. p, on Saturday afternoon and -evenA. Runyon Sunday evening. ing and Sunday n't'ternoon wltl! Ii banquet SlItlll' ~ ay eve ning. This Mr. and Mrs. Earl Soward and c nvention is in lin e with the. son Warren ot Xenia Mr. and program of t he national fed c l'ali on Mrs . John Zimmerman oC Dayton, to organiZE! every .state in lhe Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Osborn ot union. Xenia spent Sunday afternoon Reservati tiJ n!l !I re coming ill from , with Mr. and ' Mrs. Emerson Dill all section!! of Ohio indicating an and son Billy. attendance f al least 1,000 men.


The Telephone ,

When you have New8, or when ~ou want of any kind-

Th, Miami Gazett~


.Eighty-Third Year




TR .A.~'TOP.






'f he W ayne:;vi lle 'Bl'lIn ch of the

r.(~I~~~.lIng e;I'i Nal l: ~~~01~IC' p,:~::' r (tl/~liil ~.~ ! nt W:\\'!I ('!wllIe on t h(' ,


Whole Number 5904







- --- Falnl o f n ..J. r.:,I \I':1I'Ib a d jo in in g __ . _ _ Thc S pring mu sic prog nl m of Ih Po we r hou >,(' , o n Tu r : da~', WAYN C SVILLE CHURCH OF U P T O NOW II .- PROBATIO ,the Wuyn e s villp ~chno l : wa s p r es - Ap ril 1f, . Thi < 1\ ill he nn a ll. l1 ay COLV l\IB US, OHIO- T he first c nted at t h e Gym Tu es day e v c nin~ I11ce l ing, w i t h n)l,v in g' p ic tur e" ' CHRI ST prima r y an d e lecti on to be h eld P res id e nt lI uuve r will U!iC c v\'r y unde r t he d irec ti on o f Mi ~s S qui e r I ducatio n a l tal ks' a nr! ple nty of Billl , c hlJnl at \I ::W :I. Ill, ul1 d !!1 the rece n t ly enacte d Elect. Mar- ' L o r d ' ~ . UP IH I' a t ('1111. ehri 'rill n 'l'h n fir~t IJUl't of th l' I)f' O~ r'lnl i'I'Ot! thi ng-,: t n eat, Ira io n Law: of Ohi o will t a k e plac:e awful mell l1 !; in the pow ., )' uf the _ .. < I h'dl ;x l ill ( I'll h . ,.' I I t (l '10 A I I l cl) n ~ i ~tf'( 1 o f 8(\ nA' ~ tin t! fl, lI, rl unc ,, ' " 1 ,' S I:' , , r am pl " n I .:.n, c, vOI r /I l:, P. Il l. ' 11." .' 1' Tu (':.; . A \1J1;u !l1 12 nnd Tu es .• N~v­ 1'1 cs iu (' nt uf th.. ni tcd S tut es t o inl-( by pupil s of th.c IC'II'er gra d I'''. "" 111 g- r ulI'l'r. w ill 1,1' p re~c n t t n A rl11 "t l·.. nrr, Ll' ,:()' ·r . E\'l'ni n!{ p\' nll dllb 'I' 'I , re s pectivcly. S e c re tary of e nfOTCl) the Prnhihiti o n l a\\' ~ uncl Th c cunl a ta "RosamundL' " ar- ' 1' 11 , ho \~' hI' dUl'~ it. 1j< , li"ti c \ l' I'I' iL'I' nt 7:,:10 1' . 01 . , ' r:lule Clal'cllc(' J. Bl'ow n , by virIl,ngc d from mu s ic I 'F '" 1 h" I'ul rl"y ll ardware· Co" . h.we 1l1O n s ullJ ed, " A \l,n nl' AI '\1' 1' 1' lU lul' of h i ~ Ilf1i t ', is t he ch ie f e le cto th'r I,'"uern l nimina l law s. SC hlliHl I't wa s !' ung by lIi~h ;;elh'~I~~ 1 hf', :n ~n l 'l ing- t lw,~' . !lll'l,.t in )!s il1 l u lJi. f1i \' ~.I t Q UI's ti .. n" . (; ,,,I ~ I ' l' ; i a l in l1 o fTk ~ 1' of t h e s t n t l'. H e has a!1. II I' tl oe~ noe \,XPl'l· t t o ac hi ev pupi ls, ' . . I I hl' lr dl fT(-r(' lIt Il'c;(il It·.· WI t h J;:1:ent mU RIC. I h e dl u l' ch whert' you 1(l c l I n ollllL'I'd tha t Frid a y, ,I un e l ~, Will '10 0 pu rC l' l1 t l!1Ifu rc e m e nt. Il l' d oe~ A la rge n u dil'l1c c lI' ill1l' s~(I(1 t h e :,I!"C("" , Act ll u l dl' J11 u n ~t .r a ll on , li t 1;" 'lll . . . . . b l' the I st ri ll Y bef lll'e the ll l'lmary " t il what Ilel'cen tag e it pl"H lueli u n I \\' It h If' l·t llf'('~ a n.d m(JI' IIH~ Ilitt u n '" (h c ~tl' r A, William so n, Minis te r fill' t he Ii li ng of d e lar a ti o n R of 11()t knlil • -. --_ . }'h ,,' ll d h(, nf Il1t ' I'Pst to ('very c a nd idllCY. cu n be I'nfuree d. li e know s t hnt Th l' annu a l b u~ k l' l . b a ll bllnqu et f WI1!p r . (', f'l)l(' 11 11 ,1 IIri g ~o ll r fil m · 1 ST. MARYS CHURCH 10 U" /, is hUlI1l\ nl y iJ11 IJl1Ssibl e, in W Ii S give n a t th c Hig h sehou l b uild fa l1ll!.\·. I' o u r ~l'act (l r ~ will he' (In T hurs drty e ve nin g , A p ril 10 , Thl' nnlluul re po rt of S tate th ' CIl SC o f thi s 01' unv o th e r la ws. ing los t W ed nes ti!lY' e ve nin g . Th e t he [wid, pl n wl ng ii , ,!,." I1 t1 2 [U I'- , I n ie" Ilt '; : :i ll. Ap ri l I;L ,'un ia y Aud it o l' .I II~ T Trac y is n ow in ten nl",' t il " r o il'S, u n d(,!' cX IH·r t gU ld a n c(' . ,Th e' . XI II ,f(.!·e E a ~ t(' I' , 1"; 111 Stl n . h I' ha l1 d ~ (I f t lie prin ter and will nl n, nl ul. ." I·~ ,If th n Th e I(' n co m mandme nts nrc no I I t II ,. I I I , ! 'lOU f 8(':II'd "f Edu cn li o n und a f ell' C(' J11 " " ~ trH Hl~1 11' 1 ~(' 1<' '. r" 111 d llY. C hur c h s cho o l at !I :!30 ; 1\1" 1'11 I he r efl dy f il l' t! i ~t r i buli o n in t r e lO fu ll y ulleYl'd uft(' r : " y e ars 0 f l i" n us W(, I'(, 1)I'ese nt a nd (- I1J· o ".'(1 In a. 1)1. ; ll ,' P: 111 , SnUVC'lI ll'S a nd l l"g I' m :.' ,. ::!l '1 ~l' rl11l)l1 :1 1 I () ::!O , Vl'I'Y " ,' a)' fu t u r{' . A Hp ec ia l effort att e l11pted e nfo rcement.. But . ~I S ." p rr zl' " WI hI' gll'l' n s . I . \Q S 11111(1(' h I' AU ll itu!' Tra cy 1.0 clJ'o rt tu e n f o rc c it Will utlhz l' t h" till t' 111 pnu ~ ('r llc d b y Mr s . Du v i ~ ; " .',' " .. . , . ,1" ',' 1:' IIl US; ('. ('ol11pi ll! the' I' 'po r t ea r li c r than I() O POl' cent of thl' fac ili l ies which Short tu lks W(,t'c g il' l'n by Coal'll ' 1 h: I :l MII Y lI al<!I\ Il\.V ('(1 . • R ('v . ,J. J . S('h ue lfl~ r, Heclol'. t ho law p uts into hiti hands. Bul 81. ,l o h l1 . Cu pt. K('I1IH.'th '(0'1'0111111 , Il1g t 11 '1 1', 1',,1 YI';H 111 lIy n c,sv I C ' u ~ ua l ull an·"unl o f th e inte l'e s t (I f 1.'e·'''' I·a l f IIC 'III' t 'l na ar"~ S: S F• ills" C . '"" Dradbul' ,Y nn(1 hUlle up 1\ g llocl tl'll UP n n ll l FERRY CHURCH OF ,CHRIST . : ~ lakl'n in l11 !1lle r s pe rtaining to 101)',', u~ ~u " th i r Illllit ,,1(,1'(' lind \\\,o)'(·hn us ~ ar r .' , tux a t i"Il, \I h ic h feat ures t he r cI" n. M' ,(l l11aw. : ~t O (' h d wit h fl1 ll11 g, " , d ~ \If n il " II l bl> ' Sel llI ,,1 li t !! :,:0 a I~~ . 1 . ' . I' ull y on ly ab ou t one'u- o f til l' port.. I L ' ljvp r s fi nu flC ia l tra nsactfu rc (!s n ee dl'd 1111 the Job. Alloul killds TI1l'i r r 111 1)<'tont 'a l ' 11 ' Aft pr th e ~ h u wer, t he l'Ull lb' ,,1 . . ',u3" , nlU "' U" rlo ll" I)y the slute 'l'h l' Hlg-h ,tho( ,1 bust lIull lC1I111 '1' " " "mc ' Out' "All r il S ho w"r" SI' I'\' il'I' " 11 ' _ CI1"rll:l . 1" 11 11 '" Acuna. Tec.:))t l) i" I1 " of (' aeil div b iu n und depul'to I' ~,~ " S' D \ . • 'I d B ' ' _L iff(' a \\,a l·.- I ('adv til ~..,.. r l'(' VO II Il II ," . I . . ",I rl I' . . " . nild :13 ';: by 10 cII I p o l i ~e. ~eca,u se IT I~ o"au .. 11 say, new TIIIN' pla yed Muno\\' Hi gh seh ou l te am ' u tl" l\' v'o u r n ('~ d " in nil ·Iin.'s f l' da y II'ns 11 s plendId ~ \I l'ees!\. T h iS C:h lo . t l1 ~ ' d" '" ll IP,P1I1CS, w f an.l1~ 1l1l'nt of s ta tl' 1'ul' HI20 , a nd a ls o the e nf orcem l! !Il li f Pro~lblllon IS tI '\ rnba ss'ldor to Ihe lJ. S ., pays official lit Morrow FrIday a ftern oo n. Th e i"mll;':.! I: ' '1111 im ;1(, 111 s . II !:; und a.l' li e wi ll huv!' II "Rul nh nw" . cr l1"t:I'(' rl'S' () f Pi n:. do th whlel th e tll X Il upli('/\tes of every c ou nty l l' ipllrlit e action o f natI onal , st llt e : is!t to the President a.ttired in th.. , (·"r e was 10 to J in f llvo r o f , "I n k .. ' ~1I:' '11)1111 ~I~~"t 0 b sell' iee . An oth e r ulliqul' p r ll gra m . II 11' (1 \,<11 i rurn tll f fillt' r, of 1'lI1cappl( i n t he ~tl1l l! as we ll a s the indebted and local lI uLhoriti('s . iul! dress 4 n iform of his rank. Mol'I'ow. PI'I~ "~'(l t ~ut hcit. ~d (' m ~l1 ~ tl~:t tio~ l .. e e \\hi ch cllls>, Ili ll . hl' l he bligh t · k~ v~s It ~~ \'cry delica lt and costly II !;~. A ~ s(jlm as th e l· dition is off lhe p ress t he bookli will be It ought not t o be n ecessary to . II" ,,,t 111 1{ 0 11 th e 15th. "lit cu l.or )ll t he l'u ll1bo\\, .. Lord 's tl1l> drc, .. 15 wo rth $1,500. Illu il e d l o s t u t l' uffic ia ls, l ibraries Htnte th e Pre!!idenl' s pos ition ~n Th e c o mmen ce m e nt I n v!t a tl(,n ~ __ _ __ ~ _ SUP P<' I a nd . el m o n a t 10 :.JO a . m, I a n<l CO li n t y o ffi tc l·s. ha ve al'l' lve d IInu are be ing ui : tl'ibSf'l'm o n s ub j ct. " T he Fl lI \J\\,~!l i p" . ,-I'>rohibjtion e nfo rc e m e nt a t th IS tim e . lie hU B s til t ed it himself lIe 'J among th e m e mh r ~ of th(' , WAGGONER ENDORSED i Gn"r! !'pecial m u. ic. You !\l'l' :\I ~ I often e n ough !:'Ind c1e arl ¥ e nou g h. g ruduntlng ' claSH, ' -- - - _ , I\'ay ~ w ('lcumc a t t hi:; ch urc h. S t a t e wid e in lerC!s l in t h e "open B ut th e r e is U I~rge elc m ent of - - - - - .. - - At a co nf " I~C'I1 Ce of th e ch u il'm l·n I C hcs ler A . Williamso n, Mini st e r ho use w('c k" o f th e Ohio S tat e th l! po pula tioll o f the U nitell. Stu~es INSTITUTE a,n u s eCI:I· tUrt(' s of. t h(' Seyc n t h Library u, l' vidl' I1 Ced in t he r oste r whi ch is a ccus tom e d to (\ts co\l n t W, C. T. U. GROUP 1 (' . n g- l'(~ ';'~ln l1nl n l ~tnc t h l' lrl)ll LYTLE M. E. CHURCH <if v i s i t (l r~ w ho we r e e n te r ta ine d t h c 's tat e men ts ard prom ises of I SPI ifl g fi e ld . Ohi'l. F'I i'l a y. C'h!lrl e~ ,'-'lI n d;'!y Sehll,,1 at :l :00 p . 111. dU l'i n l{ thl' (ll'ogl'a m, ha s ca use d poli ti cian s, jl nel in tpi s -ele m e nt Gra cc lo Leg-go lI o ultl el', trav e l ~ l' . J . WU I!l\'oll €1'. fo r ll1(' I'I ~' !'llP riff of 1\1 1·s . Lo ngnc l't' , S up e l'intend e n t. Geol'j{ I' Ell io tt McCorm ick, State lire to ' b e fo un~1 many ", ho t:jo Ilrjd le cturer rrotn Au ~ lrnlla. wIlI l W n lrr n C(u n ty, wa ~ (' ntllll' (' d fo r I'l eac hin g Ser vitc at :: :00 p. m . Li brarian, t o f ormu lat e plans to I1 pt r ea llzc thut t h e mu n n o\\, ill __ , _ _ -=- be th e Kp c ak~r ut th o gro up In- 1h(' ofiicf' o f t T.• . ;\f nr~ ha l i n t he SH mo n topic "lI n il t h e Kin ~ " I ma ke t he eve nt <I n annual affair, tl.e White ~i()u se is a diffe r e l1t - - --- - . , tltu lll, co mpri Re d o f \Vu yn e l' lI1 co, so u t he ln Oh io F cd er ul d ist rict. I P l l' a ~c not e thut th e cove r e d di ~h __ __ . it "'Uti a n no un ce u today li t the kYnu of ma n. Miss lia rvey" bu rg nnd Orej:\'onlu W . . Co n A're~sm lln Bran n WIi S a lsn ~ U P I }(' I ' whi ch W lI S to have be e n -. ~ - lib rary . It wa s e 'limated t hat m ore . Presip ent "H oove r ha s 11 0 q~arr ~ 1 Li zzie ,l oy is ve ry slo~. 1'. to be he ld In th e M . E, e nd o rsed by Ihi s lIndy , li S II'~ II li S ,It S pl'i ngb ur o on FI'ida y ev e ni n g J ohn J " n e~ hil S It ~en s ick . l'V ' ra l t ha n 2 , OO~ Ohi oa n s vis ited th e .Iiwith the right pf a l\ Y mall t p 1I~ 1 MTs. Cljus . Anderson In church Wedn e da~' , Apl'!1 16, at GOV CI', 'O I' ('''op''' r. Char il', BrlJ", n A p ri l II , is c ha rr ged to Thur~d "y da n , brary dUl'1ng th e fiv e-day p enod tute f u r th e r e pea of I1ny IlIw Le ba no n lIturdn v • Wl\S ~O a, m. Sh e., wJlI add r ess th e a nd oth e r R ('pu bl ic}\ n ~. now hold- I I'e n ing Apri l 10. All m emb e rs . l "n~ l ell e r~ o f comm e ~dation a,re whiph lie does no t approv e , in clu d ~ !;(: hoob whe n elH the oppOltunlty I lnl! " tatl' otlI C(,H . I) f l h(' c ha lxt! al\ d fritJll ds ur I' InS pecia l- Displuy of cloc ks. See ~,e Jng r ec e Ived at the hbrary dally Ing ' ~l\O 18lh Amendment. He 111l (i~ CI k F EE affords. . . ('un,idp I' Hb le fi r('\\'o r ks 11'('rc ex· vit(, 11. !\lidwl'll k ~tl l'l' i c e o n W ed - f'U!'y's w ind o\\', L e hll n on Ohio I lh e. prog rllm, broadc~~t from n ot believe th a t th ey 1"\11 fluc cc e,l, $:!4.0lJ Ban jo oc R. A c ove r e d di sh lu nch Will .be pl o ( ('d when MI'. A rt hur T " d rl. o f l1 es tla v eve n ing In th e church . ' . s tat IO n WEAO of Olho State tor 14 !!lateH ca n block It. Cnl y'lS J wc lry S h op, Le ban on , O. ~e l'ved al ~h c noo n hour a n d .M ISS 1 Springfi C' lri. ashd p(' rl11is~i'o n of I Youn g pe o ples' S !'I'ice a t th is S t e phen W I 1Jil\l11 ~ attcn ded the Unive rs ity, in cl ude d ad dresses by H e hilS s tate d h is own vi ew a s J , P . Fr omm and family w er e H ou ld er Will add re~ th e pubhc at t he flo () l'. lI e o p posod t he cntlo l' e- t ll'l1 c, teach er t raining class f o llo w fun e rul of ' hi s sister at Xen h I Gov ' 1'110 1' Myers Y. Cooper, State S.J f 2 .~ . m. In t he e ve nin g nt 7:3 0 "h e I1lc nt of B ra n d. ric lari n/! t he . lng. TU C'lls ". . , <, I L ibral'ial1 McCo rmick an d for mer o ppo "e <1 t o 'l t S r e pea l. H e in s ist.,s. D · ". ' .- , . C . B . G a Ib rea th • u lso ~that il is his d u ty under hIS In ayton , un"ay a tern()on . ~VI I b e t h e s p eak . e r a t ' a m mee t :Jct lon W R~ u n ra it· to H on. B tl fI'Y ,a r a A. DownUlll , Pas tor o t ut e L 'II) 1'Ill'lan oath to Ilnfo r ce the luws . • \n g' a~ th e Churc~ of C hn t . (;1':1111 , o f :'p},in!!, fi eld and 1.. T . Mrs. O rvil le Gra;' ;J n u M I'!.!. hHs 'l H e c o n id e l's it his uu t y to d e- i ~ ~i~iti~Ig ~·e : os1~~/fM?~~c~.n~~ MISS H o u.lde r IS a w O lld~rful , 1\f!\I'sha lJ, of XCn !!l, wh o we r e .con- VA YNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH ! A nrl e r~on wer e lIllY ton visi tnr ~ T he lettin g o f co nt l'acts f o r mnnd of o ngress tha t it g ive h im D sll.eaker an d has a ple a sant p el sn n- ~ l dl' l'I ng e n t N II1g' l h ' co ng r c!l5i\o IWI W c(l nesdu y : Bible s t udy nnd Th ursda y . propose d highw a y improvement by better tools t o work with in carryay. altt.y, _ _ _ • ~ ~ _ ___ n\~e. (WilY!! I' mee t ing nt 7 :3 0 p. Ill . " ' 'tu~c Il ig hw a y Dit'ec.tor Robert N. ing out t he F e d eral part of t he llehind time? Be on time. Ge ---- ~ - ~ - -OUI' l e~"o n fo r the evcning wiJl be WC' gl VI' Ceda l' Stall1p~. Ca r y ' ~ :-VUld Tuesdll Y, Api'll 8,. amountjob of e nforc e m e n t whi c h h ilS been 1111 nlarm clock at ~ :uy :s J f \V !1 ~\'Y W. f : ~~ Pt1EE 'f'lN~ C RUSHI:: P BY TRACTOR 'I t he !1I'St chapte r. of H ebrew s Th er e J (' wc lr'Y Sh op . .' t (} r(' n p ' n venings tng to ove r ~2 , OOO,000 w il l attract p ut up to him. h o "p . w ill .b two c h oir , r e hearsa ls thi s I many mate ria l .me n ~ nd co ntra~tThe w eukricss of tpe posi tion o~ The Miss ionary 'ooiety o f th e ",',,<,p h T .. Mu l'l ll tt, 6:j' YN\I'S-I)ld \l' eek; o n e On Wednes day Ht 8: 15 Mr. a nd 1\11':;. Georg e Ha wke (I f ~'rs l o l he C up ltal CIty , Co un t Ies the prescl,t propo nc'l ts ~ 'Pr ~: Mrs, Lydia Vand ervoPl't Vf M, E, Oh\lr\l h m e ~ i n r egular I!C i!- f lll mc r, \I'll'; l' .lta Jl~' injur e d S a t- p. m. an d ano t he r on F r ida y a t C la rk Rvd le , we r e S tJnd u ~' gu ('sJs o f , !lI clU<l I' di n ne w I'ond co n struct!li~itip !l r e peal is the Ii' fa l t!lre (p Le ba ll on, WII S !I W !l¥n~sville v is. sion . on Wedn esday afterno o n l unl a y /1 ft cl" n oon wh e n 11 t ractor 7 :3 0 ]l . 01. Sa lu rd ay : Th e Que n M 1', an d M I'S. J. C. Ha wk e. l.o n a 1'(' .A s htabn la, BI'own, tecogn!zp th ~ !act l~a~ ~h e t houglit itor today.. April at the ho m e of Mrs, Ray- : w hi c h h e wu s c r u nking cru shed E 8th e rs wi ll m et'~ with Mrs. han ce , En e, Fairfield,. Franklin. 01 tljfl w~ o le Clvl.lze~ world , mond Conn er. Th c d e\'utlon l! w ' l'e him a g llins t the Willi o f Ll Fh rI o n be rt at 2 p. m. un llay: S unday Watches'! Be : urc t o ~e" t h 'l11 Gellug a , H u ncock, Harrison, 1:1 01 ~IlS ~ ~e n c0!lce.ntra~tng Qn tlll!i I Euste r MiJli'te fY fo r (I ve ry OJ'l (!. I g- ive n by I he presid ent, f ollowe d by th H oward R Il!! e r" f al III n"rt h o f Scl.loo l at 1I : a () :1 . Ill . Mom in /!' \l' or - a t .Cary 's J cwe lry S ho p, L e banon,, N oble , <?ttawa, PauIdm~. pro~lem of I lJ llor t Faffic J:egul a- Reasonflble pr. Ices on fi ll ha t s i th e bus in ess sessio n . Rev. Dibert Lehnn o n. H e die d S u n uay 1110 rn- Fh.p at J O:3 0 'I' he se nnon subj ect Ohi O. RIchland and S CIot O. Co ntrac~8 w!1I tign P'y 11IW for at leas t three Grape H Smith ' /!'tlVc II very interestin g r eview of in g . , 11'1 11 be "The T rlllmpni a l I::n tr y." [ " u h n b e le t f o r s urface treating. In g enj!ra t ions. Ru ssia Iln{ler t h e ~~ar ' . I one chapter o f the text boo k. aft er ! li e was bndl y c ru s hed /lntl i n ud- F' '1 wol'lh Ll'agu ~ nt 0 ::3 0 p. Ill. 1I11 ~ Luul lIe T re'ld way o f Mirl - tw e nly · t h r ee co un t ies amou!lt!ng )l~d IIb il1is)1ed v p{lka long be~Qr.12 MI ~s Minnie Davis hus acc ep ted which t h ere was a s pecia l Thank dili on r ece ive d injuri es t. o his he~1(1 He nry S~l y lor IS th e le ader f ol' d l.e to \.vn , was , t h e wcek-e nd gu est to ove r three quarters of a 1I111hun ~he w o l'l!1 wur. Fri\llce pla ced !lb- II position In the Y. M. C. A. lit ' Offering prog-rum pres ent ('u by Mr. Mat;latt ha u be e n wo rkillg t ~ c l\·~ ntnl-(; . lInrl t~c subject for 0 1 MISS Be t' n lcc Hy ma n. do ll a r s. Klnthe unller t he blln and Is n ow A s htabula, Ohio, s ix membcrs . at the Rog e l'S place ab o ut a m o nlh. dl Rc uRs Jnn \~'1 11 be 'Faith and 1\ > try\n~ to ueve lolJ p p liln to IlbolAl\'oodly num be r was pre se n t aturday al. 12 :45 p .m . h e we nt W o rld o f S C,lenc e" . , . I ark e r Duofo ld pe ns a nd pe n On F rida y , Apr il II , t h e D epa rt hlh cogno c. Bc lg urn h us aboltshed U nmatchabl e bargnins _ 100 and th e social h ou r was very en- into a she d wh e r e t he f a r m lI'll c t or G . C. DI\.l.el't, Polltor. cI I ~-th - b (:!sl. Cary ' s Jew e lry m e'n t o f Pal'enta l Education will hard drinks, Swed en's "90then- a larm clocks o n sa le. Cu r y's I j OYllble. was h ou :ed and cranke d i t, u na . : - - - ~~ 'I S hu p, Luban on, Ohio , h old It Lead e r s' in st it ute for burg sys tem" of controlling the I J ewelry Shop, Le banon, Ohio, --- - - - ware of t he fa eL that th e m a ch ine ST. AYGUS"INE CltURCH . . lend e l's now in se r vic c, for prost traffic in liquor is am ong the m os DEATHS was in g ea r'. I S UI11I11.'Il' sch e dule- 1st 3 rd and \I11' S. Mag~le Burnet ~ p(l nt t h ' pectiv e le ad e rs and f or chairmen ill mou ~ of g overnm'ental. ~f!'0\'ts For best results consign your . , F un eral' :;- (, I'v ic('s w e r e he ld llt 5th Sunday Mass at ,'wee k-e nu wllh . MI'. and M rs. flf pare n t eri ucatio n co mmittees, in this dil'ection and was IllltJate~ I ive sto ck to Green·Embry Co., Mrs. Mar~ E llis , ~vlfe o f the OKwuld Fune r u\ H orn ll th is 2 I d 4t h S I' . M a. m. , S l:Jc y Burll'et 01 near F erry. Th e Tnstilule \Vi II be he ld in thc-, 11 grea t m a ny y e ars a g?. ,Am e,n - C incinnati. in care of D. R. Salis- A,nderson ElliS, of SOCial R o w, n f t e l n oo n wi t h ' b uqa l u t Spring- ~ (. an un( I\y, a8ll at . , Auditor ium o f th e A rchaeologicnl can s generally n rc famlhnr With bury di ed at the hom e of !Jer paren t s , p or i!. , , 9 .30 . S aws fil ed by . machm ery. Cut Muse um f rom 10 a . 111 . to 3 :30 p t he vil1'o r o us n nd var iou s meth o,d s I . . l\1r'. ~nd MI'''. B. F , rr\ lll , III WIlY. -- ~ - - Re v, IJIIWNl nC e B . l\Iollmann, d e allcr, tr u 1', f nster. Roy Pig- ; m ., ac col'uing to an nounc:em ent which ha ve been ' a dopte d a t ell!- 1 M ' R J A I s "h'I,1 nesvll} c , early th\s; . We dn ~sday FEAST OF SEVEN T ABLrQ - -. - - - --tt, nt lIIadden's Lumb er Yard. llla dE' by Direct or of E du cation J. ferent times by the Canadian t 18. d 'h 'me ITah ndn" C .f! i1 r~ n m or llln g , f~ ti e ra\, ~ erV I~es WIll '\:Ie ~ ~ . ",.. WILL LAY CORNER STONE L. C lift on. provinces as well as the ' cfforts r~ .~r n e' th AduI's, ~y ,a l,t:r q, he ld at til e hohi¢ 'on S-oc ial R o\,' , Mr, a nd M \'~ . E lliot.t Wril! ht 0 ( 1 of numer~us (' f th e Unit'ed S. tAtes. G;~ve~~rt ~tnS pfil ¢l1 S at , Fri~,ay ~ftel'n<!on .at .2 q'do~~ . The Lad ic:; Aill of U;e Ill. t:, E us t.e r n 8 tHI' Locig e No 55 F . D<.>t r o it , s p.(' nt th e wee k-e nd with A c h('c k in th e amo unt of wh ic h had re ~\ll tc<! in I 7 Q 1, 'p£I'c;~n ~ ' ,q. ~\lflal wl\1 ~e In ~Iuml c!!n,eter~ : C hurch wi ll hold T he F e a st of r~e , & A. M., IIf F r alll<iin , will hnvc t he ll' fa t he r fll' .. A, . T . Wl'igh t, $ 1,398,.)37.50 w as cas hed by State of mpl'¢ pf th iS 'o~ lltry. ,lte ogr~p ll~ : Evpr y ~oy. ;ln~ gi1'l n ee ds I\ n . . . ' :5eve n T ub l,e s o n Good F l'iqay In churg'e laying' the corn er s t o ne wh o has bee n qU it e Sick. Tr~asur r. r Ro ss ~ ke 0 11 April firs t cully, !:iemg u11 I'lteqts "nd PU~ -I a lar m c lock . A ni~e gi ft fo r tl\e ~u!la ~np , \Y\l, C~ uld In f an t of t he base m e n t of th e l,hul'uh. '1'hey I of I·he lI ew Ca rl is le s choo l build , Thi S check was In payment of inl)o~eS !'~I' Y' : oef-ol'e t1! e .E !ghtej: n - gr a duute . ' Cary1s Je We lry Sh on I MI'. ~11P ~ I'~. James McDonald. of will serVe fr'o m I> t o 8 o'clock p . Pl, I iI) r 011 SUllduy . AJ)r-l 1 1:3 ., unde!' ~I I. :t nd . 1111'S, Myel' Hyma n and t e res t and prin cipa l duc on th e til Amenp'mcn~ w~ s I} ~ o p te~. 1'l1e L eba n o n pjlio . I't R:O \ltll 4 •.{I!ep .Tue~d~~ 1ll9rmn l{ !')pcc iul pillns ha ve b ee n nlade t he directio n O.r Dis trict Lecturer, MI. MIlU ]'.(,·S. J., M. . R o blt7.c r n t- Wo\'ld War: f unu on lhat .da te. f'pl!!es , socia l, !l con~m l <: Il nq pol - I ,, \ a n.d was b Uried pI MI~nll ce l11,llte \'~ fo r ch il dr cn . at s p~cilll .pl'ieell, 100 E; R. A m . AI.I Mnsonlc bl'ethel'n tend e,d Ea!lt e l'n S tar IIl Spec t lon a t Total bonds o u t s tan din g t o date iti.c ~d, wh ie ~ ~a v e ml!P !!- tp e ~hl:l\I' 1 Mr. anu Mrs, C has. Anderson in t hIS Wel'lnes dl\Y m pl'mnQ', conic and b q ng the fa mily .' IIl'O WIll be at Carlis le by 3 p. m. Blanch es t er Mo nda y eve nin g . l a moun t ,to !li 6 ,? 50,OOO which "'Idc (llove 1ne\ nt, fo l' Id~I Q ~~ - COl11 tlan y with jldrs, Qhas. ~h~W ___ ~""""'___ _ _, I Easte r SUllday in 2 0 am,ou ll t wil l be paId by October I, pon, will \'el!u t In upho m g .e a'nd Hnr l'Y Shaw of Orego nin W!ll'~ Apri l . 1!J3 2. E~ghteenth /I mendm en~ or. sub- Dnytop visito,'~ MondAY, ' , Be I'endy; g E' t your Eu st!!\' Hu t ::Itl t utlng Aome oth e!' fOI In of \('glll . n ow. G ra ce L, Sm ith. The um o un t of . gas()linlo! r cprcllliion . Al\(! tho a l'lVQCl\tea of Diam on d s, wa tc hes, necklaces, n _ == .~. , " , ta xes certifit'd to Treas ure r Ake 1\ c ha ng o ~rom th e present S>'SW lll n e w line of jewelry ~o wear with MI" rs 1'llllc na a nd i\l n l ~ arc t by S UIte Audito r Tl'DCY March 28 \vould s tr e ng hte n their ouse im- t h ut new East er outfit. Cary's .f': du~~nl'll ~ , who spe n t. thl' w ln t£'1' WII S $2,302, !J 17. 30 an d April Ille nsely If tllc}' propose d 1\ wor~- Jl;w elr~r Shop, L e ll"non, Ohio. ~l t I ~ lrll Y Belic h, l' lol'ld a, nf(' s t ay t he re st ill remuinod to be collected IIbl c plal\ wpwh enlllrl!()cS theil' Inll' III .Dayt on a .f(' w w eeks bef or c :S·I J 2,282.60. Th e Fc br'u llry tax un lvC' r sal claim t hat t.he 8&1001\ Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Stanley Ea r nhart I ('t urning t~ their h ome he re'. of t he S t unti!lrd Oil Com pany was mu ~t never r eturn- and 11 the o f St. L o uis , nnd J. M. Earnhart $5 48,8 4 J .44, ot he l' contributing ere W a tc h n e ed repairingW e hav e 611 Ioon I B t 0 b C k e,p t away t h of Lebanon, were cnlliilg on ' WayCOIl1 (l a nl.eR b' e ll1g R efiner s Oil Corp m ust be the stronge~t so rt of legnl n esville fri e nds Tuesday afternoon a n e xp e rt r e pairman , A ll mate r ial s ora ti o n, $ 186,286,64; C ities Serr pr e~s ion.. ' u!<e« Il IC t he he i't - us in g ge nu i ne I' ite Oi l Co mpan y, $ 12 1,781.00; 1\h, Hoov e r dId not WI'lte the Bla l Ufu l 'Silverware and 35 Jlart ~ 011 Iy fit Cllry 's .Je w l'l!'y Sh op Su n O il Company, $82.026.56' Eig hte nth Amendme nt nOl: dl'a~t piece sets in C hinaware-open L eban on, O h io. Sto re op n eve n- Pur e O il Co~pany, $96,385.92; the V olstead Law. But In hiS , stock. Choose your pnttern at ings; Pllragon R e fintng C ompany , $74seve n years liS a memb e r of the Cary's Jewelry ' Shop. Lebanon Mrs. Ediib Harri s, Mrs. Laul'll l23,76; Canfield Oil Company Cabinet 'hl! was in a position to f P- bhio. ' Mosh cr, M,l'. HUl'I'i s Moshe r, Mr. $43 ,!J8i.!l6; Hi ckok Oil Corpora~ " Tai!le th c etfeclivene~sL-or I*ck 'i ' ' bia Re. t , f p_ G hi fif lind M1'5 . H o nulu Hawk e and son l ion , $,1:1,11)8.12', ' Colum . , 5t --"--0 ' ' " e ' . . ~verll . e ,~ Mr. a nd Mrs . fr!!d Hubble and Fran k , MI'. nnd Mrs . F . C. Hart- fining, $28,14 1.52; Ft'eedo m Oil !Ich!ncr y r~r Pro h \bltl ~n !lnfor~e (u mily' !lnd Mr., !lnll Mrs .' Wm Works, $ 23 ,559.36 • mMt, a.nd he to()~ ()ffic, e a s Pr~ si- I Dl'Ilke w e r e gJ';sts of Mr. lind Mrs. sock, daught c r Mil(lre d nnd lio n H r I lilt I Chlll·le s w e r e Sundll Y gu es ts of rfnt ~It \ a 1:. UQ !~ e rs ~n( tng O. L. Atchley at ' Monroe Thursday MI'. and MI'R C harl es F 1\I1)~ h(' 1' ., EASTERN STAR p . thtl tn~gnltfl e I\lld .cpmplex!EY evening. of Ci ncin nali: t he ot ca sion b ein .... o th e prpblem and wIth dcfinl~e ' ... i,leas of what was n eeded ~o Miss Henrie~ta ~cKinsey ~'" ·tMhe hbirthuay anniversary of M r. M iami Chapt e r N o . 107 O. E. S. l a scroo 8. wm"rrive ' wos e r. n~," -\ke 'th e F ed e ral enforceme, n~• t h e A spt!lPU will meet in regular s es sion , Monmu'c hinj!ry fun!!tion pe~ter, 'if Satur!lay to spenll the ~pring Ou r new 1930 s amp le b ooks- d a y evenin g, April 14. All officers p~rfel? t1y. vacation wit h her mother Mrs. ure now on dis p luy, , howing all li r e urged t o b e present. Visiting , . MI'. llopver ~~s nomjnllted fl.)! AliCe MclE.inse¥. the new and up-to-date patt ern s, m c mb e rs welco m e. t~o r pesld/lnoy or a platfornl Le bunon C hnpt e l' N o. 343 exI'an g ing in price from 4c, single ~tii ~ h peda'I'ed in nO ambig\lous Lawn mowers sharpened by 1'011 , up, t o suit t he m os.t pnrticu - tends a cOI'dial inVItation to Miami enforcement of this provisi<!n f) f E!ec t rak(!oD process. same method lar. We ca n give you the bes t of C hnpter No'. 107, to be their t~e eo nstit\jtion." all used by lawn mower manufacpal>er plus A 1 service , D. E. g uests Afl'il 15 at 7 :30 po. m . . !,fr! Smltlils Phlttunn (lalled tor turers, Ele ~ t rakeen system turns Annua inspection of Miami Sta ndif ord , a30 till;' Ilonest elTort to ~nforce the out pertect cutting mowers. Try C hapt er No. 107, April 30. . Eighteenth Ameudment." me. Ro)' Pigott. Jose phine Earnhart l W. M , Mr . nnd Mrs. L ee Hnwke, Mi~ s There , ill no natIonal dlt'l'orenclI Mi n Di!) Fromm, See'y. . . DQ I is Hawk e a nd Mrs. M. L . of opinion on this phaSe of the MI'. and Mrs. Burnett ButterPar- hall attended the funel'1I1 se rsubject. worth of L e banon, entertained at ictls of Mrs. L ena T oops , a t t he . In other words. Mr, Hoover took dinner &un4ay, Marc.h 30, Mr. MAN DIES SUDD~NIY ilL E . Churc h ill Wil m in gto n Monoffice" a s he belleyes, with Ii clear and Mrs, Oscdr L. Atchley of Mon ,t a v l1f.1e rnQ on . ' In term e nt \VlIS in mandate from the ' ~ eople of ,the roe , lind Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Drake M ia mi ce m etery . Mrs. T oops wa s 'Uniteg States " to' enfor<;e th ~ and son. .. t he da ug hte r of Rev, a nd Mrs. S. (~en~~ ~me!:ldm4)rit , nq th~ . I;.>. ha n ce llor of n eal' Xenia: ' ' .~ . !t~' ~j!d) ~y: pon~~s:~ ~~er~' I;>jufllO!)ds 'p~licctl¥ !:Ht , ' eJ:, "np, ~\l!tt l~ 1lI pre, , n~ ~o - seleeted {rpm the Diinnonit ' Mrs, Maynard Weltz and' Mi :s' S.lllifIBtJing' . '!J ers the most Importan't . illS , e ter!s stock oj perfect blue White Dot,i Hawke were joint hostess.e s IS Defore : the , Amet;ic~h people is t~e !!toneS. We c~n ~"e yo'u morley t o a group of 'fri ends Satul'dily son 91 cry""mal~ty an;d dls~ and' a'tve ~ you . quality: Cary.'s ~ve ni ~ g, at ,t he' h9 m e of .the latt!)r , w e ~. , p~e~,len~e . ~o Ipw.s of an .lp':l~s- lCHvel17 ~l}pp, J..E!b!1,nen O~, Cards " provid ed ,(. entertainment' b ur,al an.a J1~opIJiI~iop- ,18 n~t t~~ pn!v , . '. . . .' " -. " and ·delicious "l'efr eshrrien ts were -"~""""4 ",!~ ' ·..;r,!~"-"'r""'. e njOY(ld., The I!'uests 'we,re Mr!). , E\ ' pr'I!!1= ,~.I?r~~.~~ . ~.r. · ·"nd . ~r,. !S!'"1 ~h!1no" an~ , t!0~ ·lJll.por nt lie l'f!!g,,~p,1I It f"mlly,' ~r. and ·Ml't!. ~ax Extet:. · R . Mooma)V, - MT!'. ; Glenn .B18n.,t1. , f:lflllOy deti.uce from tbe empliill\ ,s. and . MT_ 'lind 1fT Isador, Fabe a,,1l .Mrs. 'Melvyn Ban.tll, MiR~e!l DoriS , · \V~iPh. lio laj(l pp o.p. , i~ his. ,nalll{: fal\llly, ~rs; Jeanne~te Bloeh.. ftf · Herl(le.rson, Evelyn" Cartwright, i lI ber e-, ural· a!1dr.esll' !lnd In hilI ftr~t reg. Cincinnati. .Mr. and ~1'8. ' Jacob Al1C\n_ AliCe G-on ~, ~a,th~yn' at ' ~t'~zi~ll! ' ull1r messase to Coo·grese. Kohlha,an of Blanches ter. were Torner, Margaret · Vanderv.oort,." nt l:QO , p. . guests 01 Myer Hyman and Ed~1I Shuma'ker, Sara M{ssildlne, en and any (ContllJued ,On 8) famil" on Sundaf. .Thelma St. lohb, Conine Robbln$. Lare urc~ to'













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M ,..phi '








Where Ideas are Born










., IS

Dm 'nnff

H orace E. Hatton, decea St>d was pro duced in court and admitted t o pr obate. Llda El Hatton wal appointed exe CULr x. No bond reQuired. Ed. Dakill, W. C , W tl lcb and Al Mo hler w re made appra IsI er , I n the! (>ttleme nt f th e (!!;bte o f Willia l\] ·a l' I·. Ii cel\ s~ d. t he neL COll1 mon Plea. Court vl.\luo of t he estate wa!! fou nd to See Ua Early for Your Sale Datu. We Cuaren'''e I u ,5 5 4'.04 . 'ucces.o l· to t he Sati.fart.ion or Charge NothinG" _ _ __ I 1~11 1' gO.ltl CIIU. e ~ho\\'n ( 1he de- esta e i ' R ose ' arT. widow. - -. --_. - - I -f(' I\/lu nl, WUI'I'e n l{ og'CI'S ~ I ~o Accou nt fi led n nd appro\' ed: d' • I kl1 0wll a s .V\' . W. ~oge l'St wns ' E;:tate of Mary E. Shuw) d e. HAPTER X IV. l!i an eXLluor ma r y re I ed up . . " ' ' gl'Unle<l l hll',ty davs m wh ich to . I fi t I f1 I 'llH, ·t for n stru ng~r to make, ~r, ·: I.~ ~~,IS your broth 1" 5 hond pi ud ill the ell!;e 'flg"ui nst hi m b.y cet~~;~l r~f ~1~cellD\trn 8rs dceeas " But- " " he began . t ll:1ynes, lind I don t kno~~' whether wrl.tlllg . , ~ I o nroe & J ohnson. 11 p~l l' tn rsh ip. cd "sixteent h ' Phone No. 320 Pbone No. *I "t b('li e\ h's in Spa in , 11 n til nhglttcn yo u 01' not. I ~he nodded. Th e CO I\\'t 'Iffi l' med t he "nle ofj ·C • o' I '· f t hfl' n e A I 11 I • h was silent·, uut she realized .1 ould "ou s we nr to it 1" '1 '00' 1 1 0 'Iatn I ' n< tlln cn~e o'f' Ne\.v f luardlaEnl~ 1I~. °th· 1 3 <1 1 e ! ., ' • ' h ' b ' ma n 1\ III • [111111 • nn l TO ,on· th l " . ; b' II Ik d t ' " v . 1' . , . ' . h' 1" t I ~. , . . ..; u ., . · re( a n ' IZUu C 0 cy, n1l nOIR <I nn, ca ll he '! lid if h ' ;< a gentle· e ll , UII I.1 g 11 IUP Y" wa e 0l! d !s . m s Ul e ~l!>. 15 . \ C 11l ( Yo r k Lift! 1 11 ~ ul'lln ce CO Ill)Jn n y , til'sl. uccoun t 1)I!.I n a t Illrge in Spain. lllkinA' long o f t h . r OO l 1. H ayr.l :~ picked up. hI S I hundre ds of pl' ncd ~d n o<~(:s f l'OIll v e r~ a s Lllwl',:, nl·.c !'. A uspnch, ct Gu ardianship o f Wil bu!' II. J\fc. h i\; ~ lhruugh the elluntry, he hnt f l om the fl oOl a nd r ose, t h mk' l hllll, and I couldn t po. , Iuly be III t o t he phllntllf In sUld ca~(' up· K" lh t s pc n: clln ' ! 1)(' bll r,;lin" T a lfllnny' ;< or ing the interview was at nn en d, mistllk en." 01; it . uiel of II 000 The' ~ o ur t I; y" InfsaAncl'.' ~e~V~·lll l " a;o ulen ,;, a'" I lI'i lh 1\(' 1' 1 l\I'l' nt ~ , Mr. li nd Mrs. n 'k · tt . t . h ... b " \\' h f d ' t~" . . ' u ~bh. ~ 0 I ce f I 1 .11)\ ~ t l ( ~ , .., l · (' lt i n ~ h illl s(' \ r mixed up with B u t . 11\ .11'('(' n!lIlu c, s (' \\a ~ v C . 0 ou n I. . . , fo und lhat th e dainu; o f B urton ' , I fi .. d f I Hil ey Giu ~/1I1 Hnd fll lll ily, C" nn cl , ag llln wdh a hltl e l·nn·lnpe 111 h er "~ I I'. M on,1I f ound It 111 R ex S E:arniullt und C II ~i chel ucrger l C( 'A I ~t un l naf 'N " (' C . M r~. F l'II n k \) lIki n sp(' n t Mo n· r . d . R h ci' , . . . ' s s ll!nment 0 l 1l113n . , Ol um · <1 I " ' 0\\ , Mrs. lI!lId<li ~u n. t ' m g oinj! 1,ln . room . OUl , ca l (' )C a a SCI · o f t h ir lTI o l·tgagc lie ns, m ust . < .' r " d' l d ay l'\'e l\ i l\ ~ Ilt l\1t. 1I (, lI y. t o a 'k y{ u that illlp rlinent qu~· " 1'1Il lel li ng yo u so mething that vant. n \' ('ry Iru ~ t\\'orthy IIllln , alltl stand wh oll v un sal is fied. a_Ag,no,. sec~t 1.:lc coun . l\l i ~s Ma ry 0 11 It r('turned Sill· ' I\1 J'. <llI d MI'~ . ' II III'(J'I<I rt ol('(!r~ li.ln 1111 ,IV(' I' IIgllin : t' xllctly why noboely kn ows but me and IT he . IIW the nnl l' bt'fnr(, 1\11', 1\1 0 1'1' 11 Wh e l:e u ll~ n . it all l)t'arin" t o th e Ecc ou ntsf 1·et ~ · 11' 11 d . 5 urcla," fr om McClelb n hospital. Hnd 1\11'11. ~:mlllll Gi " ~o ll spe n t S un , N II " h 'd "\\' h . put it i hi ' OC \;N " ' " t al e 0 lI n a . I , ecea. el i,1 your . hu ~ b:lnd Il' ov(' you'. 0, Mo r e . ~ e ~ !I1 , ~II lilY poo r I " n. ~ \l . :'1" co urt t ho t th e d e fendant , uri 1>1. d fir st, fi na l Il nd d i ~ tribulive. whe re she Ilussed sue 'ess fu ll y <l ny Wit h MI', anti Mrs. Ilil ey Gib· 110 , I d on t IIH'lln that. 1 kil O\\, why b r ot he~ shc: l hllll . e,I.f. tim; not e was , , ~I. ~hdn t l ead 11, . of"c~ ur!<t'. F oreman, agree d to, p~~y the lIl urt· 'Estate of Bert Drak e, d,'cellsed, thnluj! h a se ri ous opt' ratio n . son IJ ll d family . hI' I ft ) ou. I;l ut why <1\(1 y,Il U !'ucJ' , f uu,nd 111 hi room, .,;c . ttll th;.,Gunne l . 1 he !\('\'. ~lIge> de> bt to t he plalll tl ff !1ll ~1 t h.' re fir ~ t ilcco llnl. l\l i ~~e~ Myru Haydoc k anr! \ iolu Little Billi ., Sp itth' l" i>4 o n Ih de> nl y lea vl' him fiat ~ 1 don t kn,o w , he took frum t hl' env elope t\\O I a ~.l . I m,ea n .. . .. IS a ba lunc e d ue t he plurntlff, t he An in strullIl' lI t of wr iting pur. Curry w(O r(O ho m(' fr OIll Wilming. lIil' k li Mt Lhi ~ week. that ; I' ll bd YOllr h ll ~ b llnci d n e~n't t~ l (' p h ?ne s h~~ a nd ~as l·d them to ' 1 don t thlllk .SU. H.e, u n l ~ s~w ; um lI f $4700 . 1:.! whereby t he sum lli r li ll j! to be> t hl' la s1 will U ll rl t l>1l Co ll ege fo r Spring \IIH'ntion. MI'R. H lI l'old R tll{('r~, M l' ~ . Em· ~ II (} '" thut . ~,nly r ou know - a nd h un . Gu n ne r H Il): ne~ read: . I th (' no te , a nd 1\11. M I~ l e ll hide . It; llf , $ 10,707.41 was .h('ret ,? f or liP ' ~ ('~t a l1l e ll~ III 11 l/l'Uce E. Hutton. E l'lIe"t Nickv r~o n Is at hOlll e mu Gih ~ () n und M l' ~. Hil ey Gibsu n he . Gun n ('~ ha d, <t n t\lnUZl n~ p ll ~d o n the plaln ll ff' s Judgment d e>ccased. was Ilr(lduccd in COLlrt fro m Mi a mi nivc rs ity for S pring s pc n t S Ulld llY IIf1cI'1I11t' I\ wil h Hoy ila nty knu\\'~ . , I Margaret dUI h llg. I htl\e I,os t. he W!I S s llcn l; me l she renhze d for mo n ths I hllv(' bee n gamb h ng. III m ' I~ . Il l' could fl o m th ut I!I!>'. a nci fi r st mor tgage cin illl . f" b l' vac a t ion , S llI it h . ll nd t: hild n'r1 , a t lhll l moment j u. t why she hnd T o·day ,I t oo k a del'pe rat('.s tep o n ~ ment ,' lav l" r l' p l· ;l.t.ecl ev'e ry wo nllll J udg me n t in the s um uf $.1.. 0 1 pI n a l . _ _ _. Mi s, Mur jor ie Haydoc k ha s reo nol ti l'S royt'd Rl'x' s Illst n ote . the ari\'lce> of Lu~ e Maddlso':l ' H,e t~ l' Ie> ll !:' l" t hcre was !1 0 n('cd f llr 700,13 wilh in t e rest a t H' ( pl' r New Suits t urn ed t o hl'I' h01ll1' a f te r U pl ea s· . . ant vi ~ it with r l' l u ti v ('~ in DU lI1a s· Wa lch yo ur (!x pi n da t e on th e Sh e hAd kept it t show Luke so m e> ha~ led me t o r U\ll-- mone>y IS .hl s hIm til lake 11 CII,PY, and 'he handed IIn nllm f r om Murch 17. 1!l30 und l day . Hnd de ma ml fr o m him th e e x g-od. I beg of yo u not t o t r ust h Im. I It !Jack t o th e' gIrl. ('psts was I'e nd ered in fav or o f th{' l\: ew Yor k Llfl' 1 11~II I'll n CE' o m· ru s. Ohio. T he Miami Ga zette plan ll ti o n shc should hll vc a ked lit, ha s h'd me fr m one act o f l plaintiff , Nc w York Life Insurancr l puny I'('rs u, J ohn A. LIJ ~v ry , ,Mary M r~ . J . 0 , Kil me r wus cll lk d t o fur " .h l·n it cume to h er. It was folly to nnothe r , God bless yo u . 1\" man wa ~ tl'd less time Il r f' f. C'o mpay l·e ..SUfi 'al'l M. !-" 1l'l' mllll A , Lll wr y a nd Nan n iI' r. 0 ~ o n .. Sardinia 1 1l~ 1 wee k by t he ~ (' r io u s h('r JU . lIficatlon- th e onl y one Rex. fort than Gunne r Haynes. H i~ an d I.llwrcnce E. Au spach. de· I nell for 11I?n('~' , UllIount ch~l nl e d illn es~ of her mot her. "hI' could hl1ve f or her co ndu ct." I H e rea d It t WIc e a nd th en look· mc th o(1 reJ1 I'l'~e nt e d t he \'er\' ('c- fl' nd a n ls. ! $·1700. ,10 wl l h In1crc: t al ~(, P('I' . Hl" ·. Scu r f o f ~Jll'i n ~ Va ll ey ono n1\' o f lo boI'. H e was sati~fi('d C. L. Bra d l"y wa s gra n ted 15 Hn nUIll fr om J an uary I . 1!J,IO. fo re fill ed t he pul pit uf th c r r ie nds t~llt Co nn or had carried UW!lY his days in \~ hi ch ll! Iil e> a nswe r ill th,e (:I.l.'~ lI l:e, .o f, m o r~g,a ge ~nd sale> 0.: ch~l:c h S u n d ~l Y. . VIctim . but wa~ w r o ng w hen he a s. cast' agulII st h im by lI a rl ey E , I (al e~' d e~c rt b e d III t he pet I I h!' W, I'. M. S. held the ll' FOR YOUR STORE I l IO n : , M,ur~ h lllllllg uf lIOns, o rd~ r monthly mceti ng lust W .. dn esduy s oc· iflt.e(i ))a nt l' Mor~e ll w it h t he \\ ills. abd uctio n. . I In lhe ca,'e of th e State o f Oh io , uf Pl'l Ol'l ty o f pay ment costs her e in li t t he home o f t he pusto r Rev. NO INVESTMENT H ca ll (·eI u po n Conno r uut lVas \'Cr~u s .. J uck . Simmons Alia s ; cxp \! ndc d ~ n t.' 1111 future legul a nd 1' (J1·ti~, i~ Sp,l'inJ! VI1 ~l cl:" t old vag ul' ly t hut t he llIu n hlld Rouer t S llll o n ~. 11 WIl S .. rdercd t hat I e qul tll~ l e ! .. lr e f. , \ ' 5. P aul B. !\lIS'; ! hyll is J ell n S nll th o f Co l· You con now open a shoe depart. !!:one in t o t he co u ntrv. li p di d not (hl' defl·n dallt be rl'l ease d. he hav· ,An lla Vlln DOl cn . umb u ~ IS t he g ul'st uf h l'r gru nd· ment without investina a dollar. attempt t o see k a n in tervi l' w wit h I inl! , c f\'ed the t (' rlll o f j ui l e n· 1 I\l lchue I for mo ney . .8p (l O lll tm ~ n t pOI'cn t: M r, a nd Mrs , W. . S m it h. We provide stock on consi&nment Dant \' More ll. but aft e r a duy tellc(> lind E'ntilll'd 10 a c redit of of r ecell'cl'. li nd ,eq UI tab le. re h e f. Miss Ma r y Hay wHnl o f Xe nia basis. Shelvlna, 8dvertlsinl, and spe n t in a vain seul'c h of Con. sjl ffi cient t im<: t o have a, ba.l n n ~c ~ ,mou n t clllllll ed ~5~~ ~ lI d ~nte\'cst wa s t he ~,· eek·end (!u(' ~ t of Mi ss ncwspaper mats free. nor's whll r f, made h is \1'tlY t o Ha lf of t wo days time to c\'edlt hi m m f l um Augu st 28, 102.1 at 7 ,. . Hu by S llllth . Hayes ~acy vers us ecelra Thomas Haydock anfl Ro bert Moo n Street wutc hed t'h e ho use fu ll o f costs adj udged aguinst Wa Pay 15010 Commi •• loft u n til he Raw fi rst Da n ty a nd t hen him . M ~cy f o\' dl vo r cc. . . Bea lll llIulol'ed tn namascus last Product I. of reputable manufacPi oles leAve T o get in t o Da nty's In t he caSe o f Anna Vn n nore> n rh e Love lan d . 1\I uLua l B u ! I~lll g wct' k, b ri nging back with t hem ture, Stylet ataple, price. r stnb!lol was II very ~imp l e ma tte r- a versus P a u l Mic hael . J . T . Rile y an d Loa n olll pa ll l:' VC\,SlI S W ilham Mrs. W, D. Larkin Ilnd ch il d r en . lished. as leamna values, and line key blan. k, a piece of lu mP blac k' j was ap point ed as a .rec e ive\' f or H . . Ba ker. .Ne l.h e .C. ~ B ak ~ r , 1\1 1'. La rk in j oi ned t helll on Frid uy. de'Jigned for r~ular fnll1i1y trade. a q uarte r of un hou r spen t in ~ h e d e fe nd ll ~lt , conditioned lIeeo r ,) CI~n ll e!j . Trun ble, Ah ee I . :l'Im - - - - We take full retponaibility ror Gr ~e n Pa rk fi ling- the so ft m etnl Ing' t o luw, III t he ~ UIl1 o f $ 1U,OOO hI e , L. f.. Gray. Ma ry S. Grn~ and item. which may not .ell. Offer prod uced him 3 n ent ra nct! " Wi t h The Detr oit Fide li ty . a nd C. F. Ga lureuth for f ,? l'eclosure of open to those who now oprnlte • On('e ills ide t he fl ut he ,;roce>e rl. S urety Comptlny ~I S s lI r(' ty , The mo rtgage II moun t c ia lin ed $3 156..tore: but do not catty footwear, ed at his l e i ~ urc . H e wa ~ not al a ll ruu rt f u r t her appO inted Pru g h and 09. For partlculara, write a n x iOLl S a t th e t hought of Danty's I I' r ~gh , of Dayt.o n 1I ~ at t? l'll eys. tu The House of Hubbell, Inc.• Real Estate Tranofer. ret ur n , H i ~ hatred of Morell WIl S I II ~S l st the rece ive r III hIS dUtil'S. !\II'. lin d M nl. .I.ll' Pl' nn~w it 648 Huron Rood, Cleveland, Ohio. in o ne ~e n se ill ogiCfl L T hey had Geo r!!:e WiL on, Ti ll!.' Roue rts and A. II. 'ta nfi eld t o Zul ll M. spent. undny wit h MI'. und \\frs . bee n f ri 'nds a nd part ne rs , t ho ugh W ulte r Pouse 'Wcl'(~ made IIp- a m p, 5. 65 a cr es in Ve rn on twp.; F rn nk H a rtsock. h(> had lu!\ l R.ight o f t he mHn a nd pra l e r~ t o appra ise t,h e a s ets In Cl in to n Cuunty n nel 4.35 a cres in Washington twp ., Warren co unt y. t he partn ershi p ha d br oke>n off. He PU ~S()S~ lo n of t he re ce iver . had no di rect proof o f the uu pl ic. In the . case of T. Be n t on Sc ott J . . . Ridde ll to Ra lph Hall lot ity he ~ u s pec t ed. C unn er Hay nes Vl rs us Nrn a May Compton , el ul. '0. 175 in F ranklin t wP. hn!! loved that fea t her· headed Lnwre nce A , Voo rh iS, exec u t or II f T. M. Sco fi e ld, uy Ilcl mr" to little wife o f his , an d whl'n she till' ('stn t l' u f Luell a 'l'ot !, deCE!aS. Be rtha E. Cl'll me r, pa r t of lots had d isappea red , never t o become ed, wa s mnde n part y defe ndant. Nus. 11 6 an d 11 7 in Maso n . WANTED J . Byro n Ri cketts t o Sallie Nixmore t o h im l ha n a record in a P ro b a'e C ourt P r uccr d"-nco on H ll r pe r, 2 1 ac res in Washingworkh ouse r egist er , a t r e mend ous W A NTED- A F ur d , nlesmanpart o f his l if e had bee n cut awa y Ion twp . . Pl ease Inq uil'e Ilt Wnynesville fr om h im, H e migh t suspect Da nty Aecf\ lI nt ~ fil !' tI :. J. W, Roge rs t o The Springfi eld a 9. Mot o l' Co. as th e cause of his agony: he had GUllrrl i:l1I ;,hill o f Opal tl nd F ra il . o\'ings Soc iety o f Clat'k Co unty , Had Suffered Trn Yrar.- AII Ehe " t rac t o f la nd in Washington no clear evid ence th at the stor y et's .Jo l'tlnn, minors, fil'si a(' co u n t WA NTE D- Hauling . Ashes hnuled Tried Failed Before New the man ha d to ld was un t ru e. GU :ln'i lln h i!' If · \ 'irgll Lllmb: twp. away nnd closets cleaned. Chilli. Da nt y ~ a id th e> g irl h ad d iea p· m inor, first nCC Oli n l. Lon St uley, lrust ee o f Willinm (ll(} J ones, Wllyn esvi lle. Medicine Came To Rrocue. Notch Back One Man Driver pea red, nnd that he was a s ig nor· Estall' of J ohn All i ~o n . decea s. F loyd S mith t o J ohn T . Harbin c , a nt of her whe reabouts ns he r hu s· ed, fi r: t amI fi na l. ,Jr .• 11 5 ac res in Ha milton and with every 100 posts HATCHING ba nd . Yet, f or all this, the suspic Esta t uf Hal r y W. Gu st in. de. 'a le m town hip. , ion in Gunn er Ha ynes's m ind ce>used AI' ~t and fin a l. F n y Smith a nd William Fl oyd ATTE NTION- Leban on A II-Elect Il mounted t o a certaint y. He was II Eva E. Mc Kay Ilccepted t he 3»' mith, t o J ohn T . H llr bine , Jr. 10 Notch Back Posts r i (~ Il ntc hc ry, 2 1 leading breeds j ust man. a nd so long as th at po in t me m a s gua rd ia n of Ka rl F. 114.8 ac res in Sa lem and Ha milo f pu re· h re d baby Chick s halched proo f wa~ missing . Da nty Mo rell nnd He len V. Mc Ka y. m i n or ~ a nd Io n t wp. every Saturday in f U l11 i ~lIte d In cuba tor l!--a hatch would co me t o no ha rm . fil ed her -hruld_iu th ~l o f $400 ol.-Albe rt B , B1'I1nde nburg to enc h Mondnr and . Thu\·l!day. H e mad e II quic k b ut th orough with Karl D. Dakin and L. S. I J ohana Bescnd osky about 3 acres S pecia l atte ntIon pllid t o Custom in Dee rfield twp. ('xll minu t ion of t he two rooms. S hllwhan as sure tie. . Ha tc hing. Open a ll clay S und~ The re we re lette rs which had to be Alva Hill , a dmin ist r o t or o f the Car l M. F or emnn, by sheriff t o the public. I. O. O. F. Hall, phone scann ed, pocketbooks to invesli· e state of Wa llllce L . . Ba xter , d e- Th e New York Life Irrsurance 180, 132 E. Mulbery Strtlet. tf ga te , dra wer s t o be ope ned a nd ceased ,was a uthorized t o sell t h ' ompa ny, 55. 25 in Wayn e t wP. sear ched, but in no ne of these did ehatte l pro pe rt y of t he estat e a t Willia m T. Stri okland to Le na Ha y nes find th e sligh te t clue t o publi c sale fo r ca h. a nd Chal'l es Bi hop, lot o. 1 in FOR SALE Luke Ma ddi so n's prese n t plac e of Th e Le ba non.C iti ze ns Nati ona l Pl e>a sant Plain. imprisonm en t . H e did find t he not e Bank and Tru st Company , of LebF re d O. and Harri et B. Meeke r F , R . ALF.- 1000 Pekin ducklings ~hi c h Conn or h ll d sc r ibbl eel , g iv. a non, s ale execu to r o f th e es ta t e to Robe r t J, and Marga re t M, Gil· w(!e kl y. a t reduced prices, Cusing th e nd <lr!!ss wh t' re Luke was of Demas Gutte ry, d ecell sed, was les pie r ea l esla t e in Franklin. t om ha t ching a t low cost. Started staying , b ut no more . Ther e re- d irec ted to sell and trlln s fe r 4 H. H. Co ud en to Tom and Tres· chicks, Laby chicks, Barred and mllin ed only t he sa f e, whi ch was shllres of stock o f Th e Lebon on- sie Clll l'k, lot No. 73 in Morrow. Whit Rock!!, S . C. Reds, White :W, W. ShUTts t o Charl es C. J ell not so much a sa fe a s a s teel cup. Citize ns Nll tt ional Ba nk a nd Tru st Wya nd ottell. Millard Hatchery, boar d fa sten ed wi th a spring lock Compan y at private sa le. lot No. 8::1 in Un ion twp. R. D. I , Ol'egonin , Ohio. Phone - the type t hat is f ount! in m ost Clyd e Wh.itucr!!, executor 0 f t he P. A. Kemp er t o H oward L. a nd Le ban on 471 -8. a3 0 bu sin ess offi ces. T o open this was estate of P,hilip Whitac re, of th e Sara h E . Dea n lot No. 8 67 in a ma tter of five minut es pa tien t estate of Philip Whitacre, deceuse d Pra nklin . SPRA YING IS AT HAN D-When MRS. ABE HOLMAN ' was ord er ed t o ass ign and t ra ns· work . in need o f a new spray pump, Th er c we!'e f ou r shelves Ilnd fer certain sh IITes of ba nk lind Marrialfr License no ma t t e r how large or . mall, ea ch WI1 S crowd ed with le tters, ind ustrill1 stock am onK th e di . Le wis A. J on es , machin ist of "l\o£y exp er ience with Konj ola spray hose, n ozzl es, complete bills, and cur ious so uve nirs which h-ibutees of t he estate . Bla nche Xe nill a nd !\frs. Goldi e B. Brown proved to me that this is, indeed, pumps, leathe rs, rubu er paekings . Danty ha d coll ected- the eup- W. Brown. Fran k E. Whi ta cre and of W ay nesvill e. Ma r ch 25. th e mas ter me dicine," said Mrs. etc., or rcpairing of t hem, call on Albert E. Hnig h, machinist of Abe Holma n, 23 8 South T orrence THE BOCKLET·K1NG CO., 415 board was in such 'd iso rd e r as only Clyde Whitflcre . a man wi t hout method could create Ella B. May, adm inistra t rix o f F m nklin a nd Mrs. Julia Ha igh, of street, Dayton , Ohio. " For ten Main St. Xenin, Ohio. years I suffe re d dreadfully from On th e t h ir d , helf .h efound a t he, est a t e of Charles R. Ma y, d e. Fra il kll n, Marllh 3 ~. wooden box . t he lock of which he cea sed fil cd h e>I' inve ntory and a p. sto!!,aeh ~ro~ble. My health was FOR SALE- a.piece living r Oem\-_ fo rced. Th er!' we re pap ers here - praisement. Bm. AJIpwed rapIdly IlI!ppm!; /l way, aqd no ffll!tsuite : 3-piece bedroom suit.e; bundle of I tte rs t ied up wi t h J. B. Ba~:e l' was ap po int ('d ad . ' . t~: W~lIt [ dId tP . prevent . i~, J victrola; kitch en cabinet, white shoe laces, bits of old strings-- minist rat or of t he estate o f Mary Bql~wrn Law . ~~blil!hlng Co. fail ed . t!> th ~ ngjlt medICine. porcelain top; 4-piece breakfllst th ere was not hing r omanti c in C. Bak e r, dlecea seci anri fil ed hi s ub 'crlpllon Baldwm s OhIo Code, Ill1purltles. In n~y system mAde me ~et, gree n and bl~eK': white e namel Danty's dispos ition. bo nd o f $ 15 00 with .l ni t ed State~ $9;60 ; Frank Morg lln, labor, '1.60 feel slugglsp, tIred Iln4 wp r n Q P ~· Ice box; coal Oil stove. Inquire The fi rst b undle di d not interest Fidelity and Guaranty C ompany a s Waldl'.on C. Gilmour, Inqu ellt Em· Every melll was followed by cram lit tpjs office. - 1'9 him. At th e s ig ht of the writing on s urety: ma Seve r, $ ~.60 ; Mrs. Mattie : ~Ing pains, m.isery, and a (eelip!\, the second his face went gray. He Frnnk C , Ande rso n was appoin t Ctldn e.r, jalll to r . services at l of heavmess In my stomach, lind FOR SALE- Trees, Shrubs, VlneJ! brought the box in t he dining. e d acimini!<t r atoT of th e estate of 1\ emorr: ! Hall , $20, Ralph Wels , I had about abandolled hOPe! 01 and Evergreens THAT W.lLl. ro om and Sil t d own. read three of Emma Se ver, de cea sed and fil ed la~ or,$o , G\ H. LalYm~n, guard I e v~,r seeing an otllel' well dll),. CROW, delivered to you at wholeThey have not only saved money but guarth e letter s, glanced at t he others, his bond of $2 000 wit!'! United 1'811 p osts, $6 0; H. F .Rlce, guard Tllcre wna but one WilY to. find sale priees . Equipped Lo furnish and very ~ I owly and d eliberately States F idelity and Guaranty Com rail p osts , $24.~O: W. JI. Madden out about K onjola, the medIcIne p.lants and do all the work, If deanteed for themselves trouble-free, hog-tight ti ed them up ag ain and put them nany as s ure ty. O. K. Brown Jos. & Co., g uar~ rail mater1al, $28.80; I . heard so much about, and I de- Sired. Call 56F41, C, L. Duke, and stock-tight fences. baek in th e box. As he did 80 he P. Rawles and C. C. EulasB were I C. D. Watkms, stone, '5 . ~5 ; Mon- clded to try It. Well, Konjola II Waynesville, Ohio. t a 16 caught sight of a scrap of paper made I :oe & Johnson , guard ral! mater- the very medicine that fit my ca~ e I ,THRESHER SUPPLIES-BELTS exactly the sIze of that on which The last WIll and testament of lal and supplies, $105.70, Stand- In five weeks thIs wonderful 11 b bbltt tIll Come in and learn the full details of these Rex had written bls last message. ard Oil Co., gas & oil, $270.66; medicine banished all my Ill•. Now pu eye, a me a , 0 ClUp .. I He took It out.-yes, It was serawR. B. ~Gllmore & Son, supplies $1; I eat hearty meals wIthout the Injectofl, lubricators, .team and offers and why only Notch Backs assure the led In the Bame handwrIting. But - - -- - - - - International Harvester Co.', 4 slightest distress, and simply feel water Il8U&'OI" ,Buge gla.. , ollell, the message was unintelligible. It the advicc 'of Danty Morell. The , new trucks and 1· used, $11,896; great. That's why I am so enthus\: packln&" boiler fluel, luetlon hON best fences put up in the shortest time and ran: man is a common swindler. I was Same, speed?meter adaptor, $3.~1 aatle a?out KonJola." . . and tank pumpI, THE BOCKLET with the least trouble. Danty Morell. Th e man is a warned agaInst h im by Luke Mad- Same , suppli es, $?68; IndusU:lal .KonJola form s no liablt: It con CO. 4115 W. Main St. Xenia Ohio. common swindler. I waa warned dis on. H e has led me to ruinTractor and 'equlpment repairs, tams no alcohol, nor II single harm ' . aga in st him bymoney Is hi s g od. I beg of you n ot $30.59; Robert and Viola Whit· ful drug, A couple of bottl es usu. FOR SALE- Syraculle 8 horse And then In a fla~h he realized. to trust him . H e has led me f r om acre, damages, $1,270; W. 1I. ally brings a mazing relief, but a . walking plow and a Hamilton ! He hlld an extr!lordlnary memory, one nct of f olly t o another. . . 1Madde n & Co., cement, $10; Har- treatment of from six to eight I'Iding plow. J. P. Cummlngl, R. and could r epent almost word for That wn s it! n a nty hacl found Ian Whitacre, -bridge lumber, bottles are r ecommended lor com- R. No.3. a9 • word the supposedly complete mes that the first and last of these 1$200.40; J . Henry Kipp, same, plete and lasting results. PIPE VALVES AND FITTINGS sage Re x had Ie.ft. With these ~crnps mad e a eomplot e messajte; 1$10.80; Ohio Central Telephone Konjola is s old In Waynesville, 11 B kl " words add ed it would have read : he had put the second in his pocket Co. tolls, $87.67; Sam'l, rents for Ohio at Adam. Drulf · Storr, and or a purposel. oc et I Margaret darling, [ haVe lost. (It still bore marks of belng l variOus offices, '$52.75; Columbus by all the hest druggist! In all Il~e of plumblnl' and heatln&, aupTHE FENCE GOES O.N THE SMOOTH FACE F or months I have been K'ambllng screwe d up). Blank Book Co .•. supplies, $.4; G, t?wns throughout this entIre sec· P .es are tha beat. The BocltletTo· dHy I t ook a desperllte step on (To Be Continu e d) . Lederman, supphes, '7. tlon. Klnl' Co., 416 W. Main St., X.ala,



F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneers


.Centerville, O. New Burlington,O . .







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:~l ndIlY






Many shrewd Farmers

have already taken advantage of this GREATEST OFFER ever made on • • • •








There is still time for you but only until APRIL 19th






==== =:==--=======




~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:==~~~~~~~~===~~~~~~==~ PINKY DINKY One-Sided Conveuation , A



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WA1- · .A · P'ALpGUE








5% Farm Loans

PIAL06l.'te. 11'



• LONG OR SHORT 'tIME-Ea., terms. Also Surveyln. aDd A6stracting. Write . and I will NIll and see y()U. Sam D. aenkle, Waynesville, o.blo. JU LOANS on ' Li,vestock, Chattell, Sec.ond 'M ortages. Notes bought. , .ro~n Hatbine; .Jr.,Xenta, OhIo,' ,



'F.armers.Auentlon UTT... WI""!. ,,\~6 !~IlJ~, ~, fl4'T!1l .o;A'-\r I £ ~\'/~A.N

• e,-"f' 'TH~"

",",1(£ A.PPI...·

\,.0 t.t.yP'OPf WHEN EVI!Il TI-Ie:2Its. ~'1


'Ho~eN /

Parmers of Warren .and ·'a'djolnlj,' . may obtain mooe,. ' Oil long time 10aJlI,' at II 'plr Clot ta~ereat. Coat of lecurlne fh. "..PIe Is very realOnable, throu,h ne ,Federal Land Bank. For further Information ·t!lin on or addrela ••

~ counties


DRAKE, Treasurer, pUll. all t Leba.oD, Obi.. _







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Ira C. Marshall) 6 times World Champion Corn Grower, wiU tell us how"he does it .

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VV aynesville, Ohio'



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THE MIAM I GAZF.TTE ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY - -- -- - - - - - D. L. CRANE : Publi.ber Office Phoue ... .. ....... ..... .... . No. 112 R-.idence .... .. ...... ... ........... No. 118 Sub.cript ioD Price, $1.50 a Yea'

.. .





.:.. •

-;a~--:--sup;::=:rime l wa~ ~o~~~-t~-~et-:orse ins~:-d or'l lTh e fu cts :~:u~Ohi~;ion, s'o better. Cong'l'css hud. afte r nearly far U~ the law~ on th e ~ubj cct go

mupi t y whi l' h i~ blatant und easily di s-. co verab le. when men in t ru ~ te d with public funds squander or steal them. t he r emedy of th e ba llut-hox docs not always seem ud quat e. . The r!!. is an ot her rem ed'.'.• , howcve r , a nd one which does not savor of lynch law nor contrave~e .the r iKh\ of .every ~~rsdn. ~ rmllnal

lind the respon sibility upo n him fOI' their enforc em e nt are conc er n· ell. ha ve n ot cha nged sin ce Mr. Hoo ver became Presid ent. II I' has no opti on, as he sees it . but to go Ilhl'a d ~" nd u"0 the best he C!ln un de l' th e laws a ~! t hey e xist, meanlime a sking Congress to change thu ~ e law s unl y su far a s ne.: essar y





Estate o f Horace E. HaUon, deceased . t :\' 1'.0\ 11 '1' 1'1' 111 ~ Notice is hereby gi ve n t hat Lida \\' ''III1I': ~ C ' II~DIII:Io "I.K"!' . H. l-lLltton has bee n d ul y appointed d )'fi d E t ' f th an q ua as E.xecu X 0 Estute of I Heorace Ha t tl'Ion Ilit e ofe Tllu llI as Li I,l n. L:a l.' •. "1 .' ,1 Warren County, Ohio. deceased. \S Dated thi s :l Ist day oC March IM' ... ·I I .i k l n ~ ' :/l I,·s. ( \ ~\.; ... 11 . I .I ~!" 1930. B y \'11'111{' of all ,,,'01.- 1' or . ,, 1,'.

• Sight Specialist 30 Years Experienc <! in Fittillg a nd Making Glasses

- at-

court. f~~e~'~'P i~/I: J}lein~~'~~i~~ ~h~C~~~= ~~eceti~~[~~.e the bas ic 1m\' more Jud ge of the ~~o~~t~~~rt, ~1:.1 .~.•}~~~~';~/~:::~: .. ~i:',I,••11 ~;~"::;l: (ll~."(!~ ~ It tak. es a. st out heart to expose vice . That pl'ogres is ..<poinD on. The Pres iden t has nol risked t! . I \\'11 1 oN.·,· rur Ka I'·. I" "'" )' of E very Tue. d ay. T h un d .y, ,., Wanen County , Ohio. ..lJuh li<' ''' '''11,,", un II,,· 1'1 ·.·",1. " In corruptIon In 0 ffiIce . I t ta k es cour and men of a high standard of Co ng- ress to chnllge t he basic a16 \ \ ' a)' " T"", n.h ll'. \ \' ,, ' T (' " ' ·"" " IY. Saturday age to tell the truth up.on a ny ~ n e du t y are r epl aci ng the irrespon- PI'ohibiti on law . Whal he would I. hiu (I " .\ lo"dllY ~ I" . ~ I s l <Ill Y ' ur a t ell. the Isk wh ch 'b l .• 'f C hId h 't ,1 1' 1 ·11 . A . I • . 1!I:lII, J\ l III o'"I"ek a . No charge for Examination APRIL 9, 19 30 m n 0 rry .r S I SI e on es . uO I ongress s QU c a nge I • III .. u n "nit! <1 :0 \' . I h,' [u ll o\\' lnl{ ,I." surround whoever ~n es t.o check For a third Iinc of control, th e m odify it to permit th e sa lli of snlh 01 r" ,, 1 . ·~ I II \I · 1., . \\,It : .= .."",=====-~ =--=== ~ luwlessness, fo r he IS deahng with President is urging upon Corigre~s light wines and beer. f or e xamp le CHARTER No. 2220 ::; lI u" I,· 111 II.., TO \\,I1 ~ h l!, or Hpse n' e Dl llIrlc t No 4 ,~\:.r:{ '~·;; 'I ~n "i lor' II );~":" I ''' ;; ~ ~, u ~~ ,:or~' ~ 3 men who ar~ not governed by t he th~ considera ti on of all of t he or r aise th e permitted alc oholic • r ul es to whIch the I'eformer must border patrol and coastal protect- conlent of beve rag es, i ~ 11 questio n R f h d""CI'lil P,1 ,, ~ r .. II "\\· ~: A Io " " 1 ., lglll Y • I adhere. Bu t e very n ow and then iVe ~e rvices into on e. There are whi ch I cann ol a nswer and which eport (l t I' con di tio n of the IRIII _~ " "" H of ",,,,1. 1,,·ln t; l h,' l\U l'lh VIGILANTES- YESTERDA Y \ som e newsl>opl!r . man . performs fiy e dlffe renl units now e n<>aged M r. B oovel' himself 1)l'obahl" Wayn esville National Ba nk , of 11 " Ir o f : . \\' . /,J Uilrl (] 1' ,.1' S .···lIn n ~ :I. .. J \11 -t . I tall ~ t · ~). ~t I t S . . . in AND NOW I hat 801't. 0 f OU bl IC 8e rv l~e : ,y aynesvl'1e.1 'm th e S to t e 0f T\\'tH'l."fI il ' .... 11 (' '' ''"1 ' Old". a ll .1 wlli II IR 1 in protecting th e borders of the wou ld- n t a nswer excc,pl in t he • ometlm es ~e !oses hIS lIie,.a United States again st the entry of light of t he fa cts at th e tim e us Ohio. at the close of business, M IL II .. I I·d " II II,; , 1h-lI hrfl uk T'"'npl k C' I llett dId m Canton, OhIO. 1 !;mugoo led goods. They are the th e" might occu r. o n March 27, 1!l30 . "\) 0 II Lw " a lll i " " ,·- ha)[ ", I h 's l"or t h ------------ 8Don .Me h f D M II " J rrOIll I II 1' O W II ,,[ Wn), nf! lIv lllf' In ut t e name ~ on e ett, ne\ys . Cu st oms Service. the Im migratio n What his pe rsonal opini On of I HESOURCES sn l,1 L·" ' " lt)' . ,, "11 k "o wn :tH the In the ea rl y days of an Fra n· pape r man. will. sta.nd for e ver. m I ' rvice, the Coast Gua rd, .t he th e Eig hteenth Am e ndm e nt and Loa ns and dlscoulIts .. . .. $2. :" H 3.'U "BI II J) hulll Vorlll ." cisco when th great gold rush to t he annu ls of hiS city as that of P r ohi bition Unit and the Narc otics th e Volstead Act is I d id n ot . as k ' Ovcrdfl\fts .... . . .. . .... . ~ I i r.' Suid ... ·,, 1 ,·~ I : l t .· I" .. h C(' n '·C gtl· . w h 'Ich b egan In . 1849• a ."mnn who freed tizenst from hl·nl thu~ \ United S lnl e ~ (: overnm cn t h'·,·t IqJIJI'a <1 ,· (, or t he C a II'f ornlll I . I it s ciC . ' S(IUlid . ' " . When he u·'e".~ crl·bed . s .. curlt le. own ed .. . . . .. f" ' . .~ O" , "O I"r l· uU nt llli".·u ,' ""ull '" lo'r of 0,' FOll r 1'h'"It!. : was in fu ll swi ng . t he makeshift cllml!la mlsru e. B!l o ~ .IS Each of th e e has Its separute E ighteenth Ame ndm ent. us an ex· Oth er bond s. sto e k ~ nnd :.' nd I' !\',. 11 11 11,11'",1 ($4 r./J C).?1I 1, .'IOll nr. govern ment mach ·ne I'Y. broke dOWn bulldmg a monumel'tt to Its hbera- f unct ion and not a man of one pe rimer.t "n obl e in purpose" he "(;c llrilles own ed . ..... H~ . ,r. 8 . ~ G . 1I1c\ \\ III lI ul 10 , wId If.)( les. l hll n 't f' I' , . . . . . ' . a llnk l,,, 10 0 11 " 8 00000 ' 800 .. 00 1\\ 0-1.11 1, 11 " " r NIII II II I'P ,' :d se li , al llc. so completely that t he town was a t t I) r. I n th e f ra t ~ r r. 1 y 0 Journa I m of them wlllmgly docs anyt hmg to did not gIv e a b lank et endorse- H' . ' '' '1 . I' f t ' '1" '1'11' . '·/lsl.. ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN th e mercy of croo k ~. murdere l s, 0 011 Me!l ctt's memory will live help the others They operate u nder men t f or all time. What he was ~~~~~e n~' lIt~' . .~~ ~ '.~ ... ~ ~ ~ 1 ,:: '!l. !I ~ ' .' \\ . . II FI: I;I{ I.;HT II vou r Cattle. hogs. sheep and calves and bandits. T he citizens took the fo r a ll times liS a marlyr to the different chie,fs with different indicating was t hat the f, a,sibilit y CaRh ll l1li tllI (' t rom lj'UlI,s 2'1 ~;;:, -, :1 \ >; 1 s i,,' " rr (Orl 1\ " " " ~' t l ?'" ' I)' '' hlr 'to Norrl·s. Brock Co., live wire and . t II I hell' ' h an d s, t h ey organ- [ pil ' and wO I'kabl'II'ty oC the preL'ent S Y .A _ Hl'domrtl rund with u . ' . ,n '" 1111 1 "" lu\\'II . • l )' ~ . II ~ Iuw m t it tof public . I!\e rvice t whichb mU Rtf methods. , ~ S. 1 r ~ on n S \l rl' r Iln(\ Ilu (> progl'essive firm for the highe!lt All of these the Pre. sid ent . be- t e m .has .y et 1. 0 be Jll'ovc.' d a.nd rrol." . S. Tr ea s ure .. . . .'" IO( '.. - - .. - - -• ized a 1'uper·g/l\·e rnm ent, a Vibil- aC,ulI . e evel y lo nes mem er 0 ft h f I \ ma rket pl'ices and ~ oo d se rvIce. t h I II anee C·omn:i ttcc , P' pu IJr Iy eu cd c CI:l . h eves should be co nsolidated Into that It has I~ O t ye t nd -a a ll' .t rl a . I , h.·, A M. H ~ . . . . . . . .. . . . p ....Il .. L t u. print yo ur sale bills its Spanis h equiva le nt, ' Vigilantes, More r ecently the newspape rs R single Consl GUllrd bord el' patrol \Jut I beli eve. also that untIl the Total. ... ... . . .. . . . . ~ :' I ~. I I (; ~ I; Union Stocle Ya rds, Cincinnati, O. lind c1euned up t he tow n. They of Scranton . Pa ., exposed a con- I which would guard th e ca na dianj Governm ent ha s had II full 0PPOI'. Referen ce: Ask first man you meet hud to hang a g ood many und Bpil Hey among gamblers a nd pub- and Mexican borders as well liS tunity to demonstrate the best it . l.IA'B1LI rms rhoot a good many more before I:c offi ~ i~ls, ~,nd several " promi- I t he seacoast. H e . has as.ked Con· ('nn do to en! olee. l.he present l aw~ . ~::~~\~,~ S~ ~~ k . .~~I.~ .I.'~ : . . . $ I~~..~?~ ~~ . they fini shed th e job, but they nel't cItize ns of Scranton are · gress to authoTize t hIS. What un opportun ity \\ hlch ~r. Hoovel t' udl\' I(l ed proW s- oet. . . ~ 9 . :. n4 . ~ 7 clea ned up th e town a nd turned its und er indictment in consequence. I Co ngr ess will do is st ill uncertain. hus not ye t had a nd will nol have ' CITculallnff not es o.ut . government ove r t o hone!lt m ~n T~e NeW Yor k's. Evening Journal,'s I If t he President gets the authority unt i1 Congress g ives him .the .bette r DlI~~ I; ~ ln:;a';k ;': ' i'; . I'u',ii,i g 50.000.00 • ~ • CErlifled an d c n.. h lers· RESIDENT who could be rell d upon t o admm (1isc\c. 5ure o f vIce and graIt m he s'eeks he feels con fid ent that tools he has as ked for. It w ill n ot ister justice adequately. I Atlantic City is a nother example. t he flow' of Import-ed liq uor ove r have had a fai r trial. Furthermore CIl €1 k s Ou ls tand lng. . .. 72~. OO In most of the large cities of I Ct. lumn s could be filled with l!l- the borders can be checked dow n the states mu st take their share ¥f~~:" :I r- ;~~ ~I~~l t8 . .. .. . . . ~ ~q I A' i'~ ~ t he United Sta~es today· /lnd 111 1 tances where llewlIPlipers. often to a tric kle. He has n o liIusion t hat of respor l;ibili t y if it is t o hu ve Ol h.... Liah ilil'II'; ' ,' :::: :: : ., •. 14 '92 Fourteen Years of n~~ny s ml!-Il e ~ communities cnn- , fi j!hting . ~l o n e , have 8ltved their i t can be stopped altogether. We fi u ch It fair t r i u \ ' , - - - -PERMANENT LOCATION dltlOns eX I ·t In respect ot Qrim\! COl: IIlUllltJes from the clutches ot have had laws against smuggling By t he e nd of Mr. Hoover , Total. .. . . -- . . . . . . . . . $!,n.H O. 26 EXPERIENCE and malu!ln'l\nistration whiph mllke organized crl.m e and corrupt of- a hundred years and more and · t e rm, or befor-e, We will have a Si nle " r Ohi o. Count)' or \\·n,·rell . 8<: t houghtful citizens at t im e/! \\1011- ficials working in partnership with still smuggling goes on. England · Iot more facts on wh ich to bas e lIC I. I.. M _ Hond prMOII. CaHh l,' 1' or the • has tl'I'ed for a thousand years to I ce ptance of or f urth e r agitation nl.o\, c' llumed I.a nk . dt) solemn ly I .EBANON, OHIO del' whether a revival of th ~ old th e crimlr.ol s. ~ '\'c ar thnt th p a ho v p 8tn t(·m ~ nl t ~ Vig ilantes Is not called for. When A f l ee press, the friend of l stop sm uggling. but still some for the a llH'nt!m e nt of t he pre~ent ·tru e to Ih e b~ Ht of Ill y kn owledge Eye. Examined over a kno wn crln,llnal Is turned every honest citizen, the fearless illicit me rchandise gets past rev- I Prohibiti on laws. My I}ersonlll be· II ll d b ~ l l l· r loose by a complaIsant judge, f ce of eve ry dishonest one, is the en ue official s . lief is tha t one of th e facts whi ch L. !Il. HENocnSON CIl."hler Glaue. Fitted Repair. '1 . ' 11 h b d b h t ~ u hIH" r!b (! cl and ~\\' () rn t o l lc f o l"e I when men pliid to police a com- mo d ern VI g~ ante . "It is not to be expected t hat WI . ~v.e een ~r o ve y t II me 1101,. ~ n<1 <.Ill), or .'. nrl l. l i' :W. iill• • • • • • • • • • • •llii = any criminal law will ever be fUll Y\ P'rOhlblt lO n ca,:! .be e nfo r~ ed as noss II. Hnrtsock . Notlll'}' Publi,·. enIorced so long as criminals exist, well as any c nm. In a l law IS ever orrpct- Alt esw t : . H. ALI.F:S Waynesville, .('hio laws th ey will enforce or citizens,is the way Mr. Hoover has phrased en f orce d . I th .. In k M.1'. H oover J. o. AI:TI\'I :I, : II T elect what laws they will support." it. Ishares that .beh ef, prOVIded a.lways w. lo'. CLA III{ . About all a President can do ~ And if Congress does not tha~ the d,.ffer-ent states WIll do Dlr~C lOl'. · \., ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ with the citizens ot the country as strengthen his arm in the matter the II' parI In thl! e nforcement. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n whole is to point out that they of protecting the borders, he ha ve an obligation to obey the go ahead an ddo the best he can HOW' TRUE CHARTER NO. 11617 With Dependable laws as long as these laws are laws with the existing forces on the ' __,_ __ Heser\, o Dis trict No. • Serum and Virus But his active efforts .at e nforce- b o r d e r s . ' A little fl y fl ew thru th e flu e ment o~ the law are aImed at the I The next line of attack is his Where al\ the family had t he flu . Report of conditioll of the H ar(Conti nued from Page 1.) insures both Safeveysburg National Bank, of statement that there is no hope Of Th e fl y fl ew thru the fluey ai r profeSSIOnal law.breakers. . Phone 93 Har\,eysburg, in the State of He. taek!ed thIS problem In the real enforcement of the cl'imi'nal And took a chew from eac h one ty and Success there. I am going to qu.ote her e from w~y. m w.h lch he tackles" every ad- laws-and there are many besides Ohi o, at the close of busin ess. Wa:vn~sville, thePres ldent'8 pubhc utterances" mlnlstrat~?n problem. First get prohibition- unless Congress will All had t he flu . H e caught it too O il March 27, 1930. emphasizing the point that he stIlI the Iacts. . ' do something to lessen the conges- From Une\e Tru. Aunt Lou and ItE SOUHCES . The way to .get facts IS t.o en- tion in the courts. So long as boot Sue holds the same vIews. nnd <Ii _cO llnl .. .. . .. S fofo.n~ ·1. 2 Q "I have been elected to enfol'ce g!1g e experts In. that partu:ular leggers; narcotic sellers automo- And once again fl ew thru the flu e OLoans ·1tt -:, 3 ;) " fU'U ra ft s .. . . , . .. . . .. . . Harvey.burg. O. UnI ted Slates O()ver nment and execu.t e the laws .of .the ~o~n- kmd of facts t? dIg them out. On.e bile thieves, can be sure \of a year t o pass it on, flS a ll fli es do. s(, > cnrltles ow'ned .. . . . . . try." Mr_ Hoover saId m hIS m- of Mr. Hoover s ~tst act· as fr~sl- I or two before they come to trial Phone 31 bonds. stock s a nd . Qugural address. But h e recog- dent was to appoint a c~mmlsslOn they are willing to take a chance. ___ _ Othel' ti e e urltl e s owne d . . . ... . . 2 1.' 3G . ' ;~ NOTARY PUBLIC nized ·there that the prohibition headed by George .W. Wickersham 1 The fourth line of criminal law Ha nk In g Ho uMe . . 6. 200.00 F n rlli l n re-itl xt ure8.6.200. 00 12.4I 00.00 Inw can be enfor'ced only with the to invest igate and report the enforcement, as the President sees ., ;OTICE National Bank ro O.OO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ neal e8tate own ed oth er cooperation . of the public. "The problem <!f law. enforcement. lit, is reform in the method of proce - - - tbll'n bnnklng hulIs(!. . . . Will Drawn - • E.tate. Settled measure ot success that the GovIn t.he meanttme, he turned his dure in the Federal . Courts. This \1'11111\1" ( ' . I.a \\' s(' n. Plalntltr Hes .... ve with Federal ti .onn 00 n osen' e Bllnk .. . . . . .. . ernment shall attain", he said, attention to th~ .personnel of the has been strongly urged by the \." !).4 ~:.:. ~ i Cn8h a nd dU O " ' 0 01 bnnks Wayne.ville. Ohio "will depend upon the moral sup- Federal ProhibItion Enforcement Commission of Law enforcemenl:l·. "rchl p P pnn"y. n..tll lid all t ide eheck s 0. n.1 ath er Th'IS wo h t·Ion 0 f cour t Ilerure .1. or.. nP. ('0. or Outs 4.2.' cash' Items . . .. . ..... . . . e i ques M:l6!l lc1' 1'11111< TC) \\' II\\,11 >hi MO p. il .\\'nn port w hi ch you, as CI' t'Izens, ex- Unit . :1. 1" Ilth e r A8 8~ t i' . . . . .. .t. , . .• tend." Oll e .of the greatest obstacles procedure is now before Congress. Ohio. "The du'l:Y, of ·citizens to support to effielent enforcement has been IIt is too ,Soon to predict what ConTotal. .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. $11 ~ . 90 :I . n the laws of ' the land Is co'equal the c haracter. of the men, or many . gress will do about it. Th ere may On I h ~ 111 h (la), of ?>farc.h A. D.. LrABILITIES with the duty of their Govern- of them, orIginally engaged to . be no astion at this session . But 1~30 Ruld Jus U",· I S8 " ~ " nn ' ~r d c r ot AlIn nl ·ln Ih ~ "bo\' n ·lI un. ror Cnplt,,1 ato('k IlaloJ In . .. . . $2 i,.OQO.OO HIGHEST ment to enforce the laws which .ex enforce the law: II} the first few I Mr. Hoo".er does n~t expect every th e chll1(' ~lllil of 0 11 9 H tl n (\ r ~ rI find T " n 1st. For our citizens to patromze I ro ears . '?~ Prohlb\~lOn the term one of hIS reforms to take eWeet Oo lll1 r". (S II O.IIO) . '"1l1 un March 17. ~':,rJ:I~5ed :pro ill,j,:,:, n ~ i ::. 5 · m.~~ CASH In o. j '111':111(' nt 'wn" J' ndcred n o mltlj,l D('J)ORl tH .. . . . . . .. ~ io . ll1.n . " the violation of a pat:ticular Ii\w . on prohIbItIOn agen,t be ~am~ almost . over night. . 'FUNERAL DIRECTOP In (I\" or th e .r la lnUr t a nd ord er Time" .. .. . . ... . . 3 .I M . O~ PRICES the gro und that t hey are oPPQsed a sY!1onym for dl8hon~sty and cor I wish ' to make it clear ' enough to Rcll nll n' he.l ' P" Olw rt r al Y>ul,lIc to' 'It is dc!\,truct ive of . the ve:ry r l;ll>tlOn, . ',l'he ., temptation to con- that when Mr. Hoover takes a AUction. i·otal. .. . .. .. . . . ... .. .. $11 S,9 0:1.3 7 PAID . W A YNESV1LtE. OHIO I will o(te l' .Ilt Publlo Sillc on th e basis 6f .all .that protection of lite; nlve at vlola~lOns of the law was , stand on any .question he stllYB put. '. . or OhI o, Cou nty of Wnrren. b8 P,nnk Corn c l' In Hun·.,ysburg. 011 101 Slatc' of homell and prOperliy whi~h ther, to.o great fO.r many of ·them to He does not ehi'lt his ground, be- o'n I; lI . . So 'Puck er, ClIoshler or t 'l l! April 17 . 1 9 ~ ()O. at Two b~clo ('k In . rightly claim ' under other Il}w~, ' wit hstand , . ~n~ many got , them- cause he .does: not · take ' a .stand ' th e It ticl'n c.on or Ralll oily- one abo ... e ~ n ,un oJ "bank, dO .oleuml ,y sw ar t ha t the abov e sllltemcnt Ihe s!,id on · 14arch 4i. 18~9; ulfcitl, ·selves . apPolllted beoause . they untll ' he f eels sure · ot his ground . Rinck .lcrIH' \· ow. th'c years old true to the beRt of m;v' kn owl .. lge gh'lnK n go'o'lI rlow or mIlk' a nd to zens-$lo not Ilke a law then duty as wanted the opportunity to sel.1 out Some folks say he is stubborn •. fr csh " In Oetoil T, sni t! cow la nt- lind belief. - H. S, 'CU IU£R. CaHhe r. , said on )larch 4, 182{J. c:If Oltl"~nSI~he GoveTUfnent to tbe Illicit hquor Tha, t doee not Imply that h e is ta ~ h e tl nntl In til" care of til" Con~llI ed nnll sworn to betore do !lot' like a law theIr duty Q!! Interests. " , deaf to argument, but It .takes Mtllhl e or ~I(lssle Town hlp. Tbls <lOw meSuL8c thi s -; dll~' or April. 19 :11). . Is \' P; lIg s old to satis ry th e JuiJghonest men and 'Yomen is to disSo:I!>-ng as appointments to the faets to move him m~te:tlal1y from "' hnrles Madden. Notnry '~ubllc. nl and CO$ts In th e "hove cnUPHONE 8F3 COurage. its violatlonj their right l!l ProhIbition and other Jaw enforce- I- eou.rse onc~ set; facts which have l\ cd e0.8t' . co rreC~-:Att .. F. MeO- I~N . SAII:'I'\O'OI:O J.YNCH . openly to work .t or its repeal. Our , me~~ torces were ma~e under developed 81~ee ,he cbattered hill tlARVEYSBUR<;, 9HI0 t ";I.EPHON t:: 7 C: D. COOK Cons Lnhl" M'lII!U!le .-21ow nll\lp. whole system of Be1f..~vernment ·pohtlcal preeeure and WIthout re- course, or wlilch 'were unknown to A. 8. COLLETT -W arren Count)· Ohio. DU'eatorL wUl 'eruldble If oftlclala elect whal gard to fitness, thi!! state of thin.. runt when he.set out. • al6 ' po.'om. . . 1 W"ynmlll. IJll lo, ca. S.cund CI . . . Moil Mo Ite.


T~H~tl r~~~\~d~' i~o pulblici~~. m

nine yea rs of the old system, a uth orized t he Exec uti ve t o pick t he enforcem ent pe rso nnel in the slime way other Government employees lire chose n, by examinat l'Oll as to fitnes~.~ and ,~ Allaract nr. Mr. Hoover believes that this is a lr'cady I'e ' ul ting ,ill improvem ent in the efficien cy of th e Prohibition


Cary'sJ ewelry Shop








r. . '.



.. I




Dr. J0 hnee Z tt I


DR L B HALL V" eterlnarlan

Optometr.· s 19 N Broadway

Reliable Vaccination



Phone 76F4



Will i

- - - ---

-- Dr. C. W.ANSON






Dr.W.E. Frost







Dead Stock Wanted




Harveysburg Fertilizer' Company







ted as a permanent basis for dl'TELEPHONE APPRAISEMENTS cidinll; telephone l'ates in thesl' , Monl}


tqi-l :\~Q!II:~~i~!dn~~~'R~~= ~~ru:C~r~'I;I~ I1

The Pub1t,'





OIt\ll~lrl Illn today . pin cri l l' ow 1I . u rl! \lIt C nn ill I' ntory M.ifl~ [irillJn ' aliKlllll'Y r etUltllb f 1'1.' ofl\<'IUI. ,f T~e :)lll o en- l and appl'llisa l by' (l1\lInission n- ;," t h e r h01))- in, ,1~\'l\lllnfi


n ' ~

~ ~


.' - -- Irnl, fol phO)lC ,orporllllon, n > t ~n- \ ~inocr~. The '\ lephoil c cnmpany ~ul\day. I B I H lntl\' li . ,. ·nltlt' of te l(>pho nl' . plnnt ' ''II .. d tn oil' pr "CI.t",' rit 5200'.1.. "II' nne] Mrll. hnl'le ~ ,l:Jl'k MllynUl'd W eltz, ant O~'t onI 1\' "1 ' , ,. f " . ' , . dt'I'~" rl wt're in Dnylon t tlay . A \llll lllI!lln~ ex' :ll n " ." " VI'I w, 47 ill th il' I'o que ~t f t.. r :Iclditio n \1 51 t' ll . Fl'idllY ill J'hWton. :M Il~tJ n Hlld \\ II n cs vllle, Ohio. rev 11ue ' , 11''; 1~1nl' iV1 rshllll i~ on th I 111 B t E ' h "I't Th I.' YII Iue if. unpro t s t,~ d \ 'th" . .lis" t. . " '1r ts.. Ut' 11I1 S"llll'(lllV . alll .. I III It Th(' plant at )fa 01, "',I: nnpl'lIi ~ :i 'k ' . lin . Jl 1I'IOd (I f lllln~' doys \\JJI be ad o 1'- I'd a l $25A05. Q2 by " nginc e r s MI'. IIncl Mr~, ~e h I'ul'lla~ at- \'I~ ilt·d . rl4111tives here " , ,\'hieh iK $22 :18.32 lellS than t he t e ll uet! th~ flln~I'lI I o f J)I·. Glh.~\\n '),1 no Banj o Clu ck FRE I': . va lue Clllhl1(,(~ by the l e lt'ph(l ne Furl' :It Wa YlI ' VIlle la ~ t \\ NI' \\' c II' Y ,'h o p, Leban o ll , 0. 1' CIlmpnny whIle th e exchan~' Ht II I! Rday uftcrnoon. Wuynesville appraise d at $27,432.- ' A lurg.'e cro wd enjoy~d t he soR e' G C Dibert and family 90, a diffel'ence of $2 1,925,34 les:; cia l me ting of the Ladles AId at 'iRited' l'~ll\ti~ cs at We st tin ion than the value claim ed by tiit com- the hom e of Mrs. Ed l,ongacre \ d y pany, Wednesday afterno on . n u . , I" I A . fin ~ 1 rtlling on these l'eques.t s F'rien~ln her!' lire :~I I'I'Y t o l el1~n Mis,:; lI e l em H aw k e hn~ re turlled I f or In I' n ~e tele(Jhone , r~ tes. WIll of th e 11I1l1' S~ o f 1II1 ~, Ida ~ro~n 'lft q' II pl l('!I ~lInt v is it with I' c lnIJtJlT bE' announcl' d bv C O l11ml S~l O n m e l11 ul the hlll11e u f Iwr ~o n, I·. n ll's t t' C t W es l I'v ill e b!'rs in th 11 1'0'1' fUlUl 0) a 'cording Brown , in I nytoll. IVl'S a . l' . t ~, llIl nnn ~unce!l1enl by . Ira E, MI'. nnd Mrs . WilborL. SIY~llk ~)I ill tinll' i!< wcd d ing I inH' . I :-;pr~nkl. , Sup'·r1ntl'ncl ".nt u~. ~n - a."(' s p.e·lId l!lg ,a fe\~ dll Ys WIth I ,III \\',Jdin ~ ring'S til (':ll't' Y'~ ,h' \\' e lr), \ ' s tl~~tl(? " o f T Ilt' PlI bh c tllltl e~ tl\,(:~ In III Inn:lll. Shil l) L.-Il:\I,., II. (Jhi" . ' l"l1lnllS~ l o n. Se vt'l' a l t ronl 11\'1'(' Htl"lIdl' t! Ihl" , funl' l'ul tlf rll1 (,1' 'I ' I .l'11--~, II I, \"01' , 1 AI' •.~, hd" II' ' I 'C .' I. lITII . I II.IIT Y IBrown ' I I . a. ,f" I . ~' I I e I' S IC PUQ,LIC SALE l' l1l',lIl I " II I.' Ihil l' l1t , 'l1ll' l'llIilll' II t " daY ill ('"Il!' ll l 1{~lxHl.. na, lul'sdny . 1311 1'111 I WII~ 1 11'1:~tio\1 "f 1I1<' fUI'II1I'I:' '' bi rthday . --- " . nl 1\IUllUl Ce nH.' t e r y. ' . 1I11\'1I1gsold n~y LlIlll I WIll s l'}1 lfl'l1 l' Y (; . S:I\"UI' \Vns II \\'l,t: k- :1'''1 1\' 1.'1'''111'). con dul .wifttll IIrok. of .-ioko.a knOW'1l to m:!n . 1,lt pl1b lic aluctH,,\n" II. on \O " h at IS'I /," d " 1I t: s ls of f l:i(,l1ds ill Ilt,l1 f"u l1 ' l'l t . " 'Il WII as t H I IUI11 rill l III' f liiu ," S( , ,' n tl 1 cn l 111 (,l1lhl' I'" :1I'l' li bb tl1iol . n.1turt' , ~r.onilC . i. fn llll :1 mil (\. SIIu lh l'a ~ l o f \\'a v· ~Ir" , Salllul,l l 'hu il " l " n is q uite 11'IUlillg' til l' ,SI1l'illg 11I1'( 'l illg' "t' ruplJn ,ibl. (or 'PPloxim.ltl., lI l'svill t,. lIlI lh p Wll ynl'svill(, nn tl til und is ill lia YI"1l Ih is \"l'l,k al hl' MHlIlll \ 11 I,y ('lI l1 s lstl ll'Y ,. f norl ... mill inn dolla .. in 6n 1'-1 ( h \ I> onel , (' 11 ' lll· ".· 11 r{I' I", Mn ,.;u ll ~. 'l Il r kO" \,'l ll , rurly ! It >l,iu. ~ywhtrt withour hl' r dllllg'hl l'I''' , IIncl "r th t, l'a rl' 0 f "~,' I·I ' ." wanuDg,. Friday, April 1 t, 1930. a 1111 ylo ll I' lc pi('itl ll, MI' , and ~ I rs. Bcg-inning at 12 Ill. pl'omp th e ~: IllI'I'\' (' haliL,t " n li n ' ~ l aYIl1 j! lit lI1I'~ . II . H, Willi!llll ~ o n . Mi ~l\ (,R ).J.,,,,*, IINA An inlUT.11('J f II " ' g (,'1 ,' "' " .'111 11 I .ll c lla Will i:l nlsllll lind &1,',11 pn>Utl vow -11*'" tI o .l'In ; Ilw ir ,h"1I1(' ill Ill' r :l1I ~I ' 1I 1·I'. '" ~' I ' I ' t I' ("""K"W/ 10., IrTlI#f'I '('hl'ee h!'a>l lI urs(' ~ . 10 hl'ad '1" I '\11' IhIT\' Sl. i " ll' rlh l i l' ~II"~ lhl ~~ r t.' tnlIlI'JlI' " hflttl'lll"f d~ to vow ' ,'I , ,1111 ,~. , . ,~ I>' I l I I '1' 1 \ 'Inci C,utt Ito, 18 h l!l'P, I n" II Ilgs alit l plJ{S 'mci 1';rl\L'st UI'{) "'II Il l', IJuyllln vi.or I II ~ ' Ulg', "" 1,I'('t I', '1',' , Fanlling Im fll E' nwnts , Hnl' n (' ~s. · ,I Wil'li'lll B ro wn .. ild wife Il ,' nl th e \\'('(' I"I'llll With 1\11', nnrl \ F C'e d n nd Mi sce lllln('o u: , ~ :I:l day afl~rlll1C ' I!. I;\lr~. 1':1\11 Il all l, aymon • , Terlll s Mild !! Kn own o n IJay o f , ~II'. 'a lld ~Irs. Stu nl ey S"ul h IIlld Sale . ,I ~ [r . I1 nd II lrs. C has. A nd ('rso d n childl'en "I' MlI ci C'riJl W(,rt' SUllu:JY I nsurance . HE NRY . ,J OHNSON dillll(' r 1! 11 1'~b Il f Mr. lind Mrs . Wil. IInti MI'. GC'ol'g'e 1I11l't~oc k 111"'01'1' Mnrt.llI ~ S, tunl e y , Ail e!. \ ,(l'lI1l1n and ~, Ii ~s Th'l lI1 a: til i' iqua :'itlnduy. i\lrs. 1I:1l't ,;c.)t' k Waynesvil IE', 0 h io W. E. 0 Neall, Ink . ~II'. and ~ll's. \\ :1111' 1' Kl' nn c k, who sl)(' nl lust \\' ,'ck willi J'l' l at i': l'~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!'!!!'!~!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!~~!!'!~~~ M r s S, II. II Hin es an d SO " .J a mes, in l' iqlll1. I'u tul'n eci hll III L' IIlth . , W C'I';' S un duv aftt' m uon gue~ t s of th e m.

B -IdKeep Your UI -I als Y4O'UIIIID - Y4e . rs . ,

' It'


, ' ,


I u';.y',; .r


' I

. j4




Many a builc:1ing-old in point of service-has be ~n made to look young in years with good steel roof. ing. Channeldraio is steel roofing at'its best-made to give a life-time of trouble-free roofing service.





E Hatfi eld



Ha S Found Till -STATE I'~;,:;', Uniformly CoUrte0 U5 "" Fa.·r SPEA "" FROM 15 YEARS' A» EXPERIENCE


Dear Tri·State: want to thank 'y ou for the very sarisfa ctor}' returns and hon orab le treatm ent we have rece ive d from "a u . th past 15 years. You have )





been umforml y courteous an we would n ot think of shippi ng elsewhere. W I'II soon b e a bl e to h' ur gu I resume °h Orel d Rarl.sbllpmTcn~s back to te e la e nState. ( • d) signe • ' . Mrs. Josephme McNamara. Thou sands of fine dairymen have found, like Mrs. McNamara, they come out ahead by loyal, d ependablc patronage of Tri-State.

't8 ~ e


T h<' Jc'J!~() n

Special Easter Eges and Fancy Ice Cream

;', ill~




:.0''' '''''_




I , _ .~..:~.~~J' L""'ii]~~~!&. I ''








Place' Your Orders Now for

•• Tbe 0 ra nge




Wayne.ville, Obio

Phone 14

.'\IY U Scott in t>ay;\11' L. V. Bl'ck ('nte l' tninul his M,', . Mal'g .Ir ' t ,10IIn s was cu 11 • S undny s c hull l class wilh Il fine l ed tI, Uavloll Th u l'sday by th e ill· dinner al I\ [' rn '" Gllrci'n [l1n , ncss o f hl'l' son. GI/'lln JI;hns wh o IIl tl ndllY I!vcn in~. TWt' lIty boys t inn fl ulll lheil',!<tunic s at Wilming Th e MO\l I'l" ~ cul it' d e,n 1\ E. IH'-a~ mo!! t fr equf' lltly hlll l lll'nS\\'a ~ ;;tl' lckl'n WIth pn ClI lll onHi W t·t! l'njllyt.'d th" "Cl'""io1l with t he ir Ion Collt~c. TI1<l~'JI ~1I 1I alld fllnd l y SlIn day lo he i ~ ",(' Ilin" whllt ~ h e thinli ~ 1ll'>!II.I~·, iI. 1r . .T ll h.n ~ i,: Crilictilly il,l tl!ll ch('l·. Th l' W . ~. T. U. m e t T h ul'~ duy e\l t'nln~. s ill' i ~: I'ayi ng- rOI·. ".11 1 1>' S II).: IIt IY IIlll'l'Il\' (,lI III II 1I~ , I ~I II f St k >I 1l'l'nl)lI ' l1 WI'll I jl'I I'S . G . 1\1 . If"1 :hn · TI, ,,, 1'~ ITY f:llllil .\' had fill' Ihl ' ll' SI1 ! " "'~t' ~' ou as k for II bottle 0't LIllie. "II'. :~Ilt rs. un'~' \1 e~ , nl" \ Donule!. , ullclH\' ~l,,'s t" 1,1)11 I1l'nn n all II ll d I i\ la yolll: r tl ~e lind you r f,{1'ocel' illfers :'III'. lind illl' Illv ill L on gac re companl cd by , Mr. I:.n~ !lt H n l't~ T he> C. r. C. c1nss of th e w ifc I;nll litth' 1':1111<1 1\ lay nutltl s 1I ~ lI" s! i l li tc 11I1H'lt' rl l1l t'rC'ly " Sa l,n d and , on s pent S un duy wilh Mr. lInt! 1'1111 0,. left Sund ay f Ul J"nah's Hun Su nday Sc lll) nl 11I l' t of .\ (,lIia, K. E. \\'If . II I I '. i\llIy!t1l1lui,. .. mus t !Ion and 1\l l's . H n~' l1lond\'i " in Ci n - p::Jttl e ",l,pk. ~t.l·h., whe l'l' ,~II'. with 1\[ 1'. and ;\Irs . A IIJI'l't HOllgh and claulthll'l' . Iary I\alh )l'l' n Ill' , lain 11 0 1 I ~ti than flO pe l' cent of ci nnati. S tn kl's wil l t ak e treatm e nts, I he Fri rlay e \·(! ning. l his place. 1 ,'1101 1' \ t' I~(.' llIblp oil lind it must ~Ii !'~ Edi l h anel l{u R~t'll CI'OI11 o f I lart ;;Il('k ~ I'('t urncd ho me i\! ImclilY" ~II' . a nd MI S. lla"'ey Carkl c k .1. L" l' Tall11:J I!(' wi r" 111111 ~(I I1 ' l" l n lHill III leaHt 'i!J PCI' cent of II '\ n' t. II il Itl~' I W(' I't: ~ .IX u , CIoc k' , I'In· rlll (I ;;')II S h U\'" m ove d. f I'um tll ,~~ ,\Il' I,'J't Ll'e C!lnlc' "I' frol1l .'o uth (' oll ll,illll tion of th .is oil li n d e''''' ..... ncr gU L'. t s W elil1 e;;dn y of i\ll s~ Eva I\li~s L u e llu Williams oll nn d a Blilckf')ld Pl tJ p<'I'lY to th e Cool, I.l'l JII ll ll n in th e ir m'w Fnlll' Du nl' yo lk. Salad cirC'~!< ing mny ll(}nlllin Whart on . co li 'j!1' fr il' llll, ~I i~s "'c la CUp !'c t f" l'lll . Cht' \' l'lIlc l S,' dnn nn S ;IiHIHY IIntl m a n)' in ).: r l:'cii c llts 1('8S ex p e ns ivo ·I Mr. li nd' i\lr~. Rudd Sa ylo r and of Pti~t~I)\Il·.R'th' P !l., f~ p : nt ~hSeljal~l'ln"t~ 11'.. Lawra V. Heed, Miss Fl o... t oo k A. B. Talnlllj.! l' \\ If!' Hil I! Mi ss thal1 o il und el('j.! yolk. These ill' th ' . nil w el.c " . l ' 11 ' . ,I C., I M I'~. Etl lire n ot injurious tQ ,~lIn ' Inv pve mng gu C's t II 0 f vllca i\I' ,IIlnd WI 'I " IIe III II m e\\1 "011 amon d R e (>e. ~ If' 1 Sn'l'th , • J ess ie L. Gilm e r t o \ 1lI or l lmllgo$ g r cdients 1 I MI'. anu ;\1 l' s. Har r y L. Grahum. , I I. ,111" l ti. . ". 1,1Ill.,. ' and Mr s. C. H . Gruy suw "The a t Lync hburg wh !!r!! th y celtlo ; h cal t h , uut if yo U PitY the priCjl Qf Mr. IInll :'oIl'S. S tanle~' Bail l'y , T,h,:y \'(: 111'11\1[11 'I" OhIO W l!slc ~lIl1 \ 'u!!u holld Lovl'!''' at th e MurJlhy bmted J . L(' e's hirlhelllY wllh Will , Muyonnnls e /llld J('ut a l e~s'vu l unb l e Mr, and Mr~. SI' th Furnu ' :lnd L Illvc rs lt y o ne ~y. :\'lo nuay aftE'rn oo n. Tlllnlllge lind family . pl'oduo t YOII are not gelling YOllr chilcl n ll att l'ndc 'l the' ,Ju niol' p luy I r~. W, M. lITothbs un d SOil n10n ey' K wOIth. A pinched · ln !Jottl ' ,hri stia n 1~ I , d ":l \' () r . 1\- I Oil, i\1' I. I ' t Uri' 1111 d J 1111, ' n,v Flat Fork Schoc l New. fltlvt look I lar. at C ' n t I'V '11 I II , a t UI'I Iay eve lllng. ' Thl' l ' ISS IIi' Hue tl ring ('xtl'lIct I ' b mny I Th b Irvin Frien d r et urn e d t o 1iami · ciety o f th Wayn s\' ill ' hurch " f Ham p t o n o f Davt on w e r e Sunday !IIiI' Hu!'~ hbergel' lind Miss gel' Inn ~ p !lIn ott e . e a el Univ~rsity, II nd ay ev ning aftel' Ch I isl met a t U.'e F erry .Pl\rstJ ~!lJ(',e gU ' l'ts of !'I'I rs l ~\l11 l1nda Starr. StllY!'1' of Wilmington College I I1~u . ~ S~O\\ th e !Ictual IIl110unt. of spending- II we e k Spring vacation Th~ll'~day, e \'e l)II1 ~, A prll . .1. rh ls ) JIll' ann Mrs . W . T. GOI'n llll e n· WC I' vis it or lit OUI' s chool on ""uld 111 ~uc h. iJuttle. As!< unllng with his pll r ent, . MI'. ann Mrs. : !l el ty I ~ c u m pos' d 0 1 )O l.!nJ(' tertll i'n cd ut dinn e r 0 11 Sunday MI'. T ue~d a '. Ieq ual fJulIlI.1Y In the , two bo.tUe~, Robc r Fri en d. jlco jll fr 011l hot h the WII::Jl('.wJl h· , :tnd !III's. A. Z. Hurtsock und chilThe )I'lllt Fork sc hoo l bal<e.ball the labe l.wllI t e ll whIch quality IS Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Trlmblc mov ' 1l!1 (\ F IT Y Ch ur ches. . . dr e n Sara Kllthryn, Loui se', Ke n- I a m will p illY th Hicko ry vill c Ithe be ttcl buy. ed las t wee k from No rth er n InclF I " ... In . c \V II ncth, J o~('ph, and Mi lo of near choo l tea m o n ThursdllY after-- - iana to th(' fal'm of 11. 11'1. Clark , , : ~' ''I :,lIl'1n'I. I. . . . .. !\[(' Ivi n. , no o n April 10. • rece ntly vac:lt t'd by Cha ! les licl sll n .. nd,H , ~ .• . () lll c ll !\ 1~I\ ed l lIndayutnnerguel; ts o f r,1I-,und Hev, Tho rnberry of Han·eys. ,<:'!;r:; i" ~~-:> .1........ ;::;:-:::--.. · mith. hOI1~c ur~,d'I~'. dcl~ll l~1 U tw o \\ eek s Mrll. has . Edwards weI' MI'. nnd burg wa s bnc~ to O~I', ~chool li n t;~' 1~r r\\'~'.~ ...;,';.;or ,-:;! ......"'~ ~' , , Mr, and 1\1 l's. Fure Ht Graham t .UI of S!ob" . rhe . ~k lled ';I~ j\l r~, Em. ors on EUl'fnce und dallgh· 1Tues day t enc hlllg' rcirg lou S edul;u, ' . ~h~ ~~ ~ . a nd fumi ly wcr'e ,'lIwlay gllest~ of Walter KII on , at ,It 81 nV I te l's 'Ind Mr, Iln d 1\I1'>;. H o~vnrd I ti o n . ' f . "~ Mr. lind MrR. William Dyke and Mrs. Ruth, Janney ~nd dallg;h:c l' ~,l Surfac e und on, 'l"h e pupil s of this s choo! uFe .: : , (~ II~~UI: c hildren 11 al' Farme r s ville. De lan,d, Fred, H a\\ k e l~t ~.'mp" 1I11.. and Mr~ . .l'; lll e l'son Frazier having their s ix wecks ~c~ts tliis p' ' I MI'. and MI·s . James- J o hns nnd Cl em BUlnett nt M1I11111. and Haro l" I'mzler of Dttyton week ~ t' . " c nt th wec k·end with Mr. and \V r e ' unday gu e t s of Mr. tlnd Eigtlt puoils are making l'StlIl "J, [l Mrs, Huny J ohll s und so ns' in If yo u want a watc h for the Mr .. Karl, hidake l' Ilnn tamll¥,. Bonne t Sue)' pos~el's. ' _ nn yto h. , , gruduate, f or fin e tim e· k ec ping D r.. and. Mrs,.' F., S. Tripp wt!re The pupi ls "'.re h.avJng .. ts Charles and Mer erhth WhItak er qua lities and b eauty Gruen ' hoPPlng III WIlmIngton Wedllcs, of keepillg their haIr (lombed anrl EII'e the proud POSRcssor of a new watches huv e u prc gtige acknow l- day. keeping their hands was hed wi t l1 _ P o rd Road st e r prese nted to them edged eve rywlle l'e. W e Gru ell , Dr. anu Mrs . Tripp vis ited Lif e Buoy H ealt h SOIlP, Rnd by llY t1le ll' ' a un t 1\1'ISS A nna Mere d'th Ell\'in, and ot 'S he. r Carey'~ mak s ofJewell'. dep cn\·, r.l, ar k8YI' 11 e t hO k ' COMPENSATIONI d'I1.le "' IS wee. eatlllg some k'In d 0f ' cer a I 't h reu .. < u __ _ _ _ mOI'nings out of ench week . of Cincinnati. Mr. nnd MI'~. Ed , LOllgac rc and Sho p, Lebanon, Ohio. Earl YQunker, C lifford Hun . , By Rembrandt Pealo Mr. and Mrs. ,I. B. Jun es took a tington Pauline Dill, Junior . motor tl'ip SWlda y to neur PortsWm. H. Fult on, Jr. and Mis~ FI'ost, 4,nth ony Hunti ngton, N oah 0, don't be , so rrowful d a ritngl mouth and f:)even a:ye~ , Ohio. Ella R. Payne of Cinc innati were Moore, Perle Mo ore and Mary I A.lld don t be sorrow ful, pray; Mr. Lee Gl'oothoul§e of D.~yt.o n unite d in manillge SlItul'day afte r Kat hlee n Tho mpson had 100 per Takjng t~e yell I' toge,the l:, my dear was un O\'CI' Sunday guest of MI" noo n at the FelTY pars.onage. The cent in spellin g every day Illst Thcre ls n't more m ght t han day. und Mrs. Jyde Whul·ton Qnd f~m . couple we re accolllP;Unted by Mr, h week. . . . ily lind Mrs . J . G. Collin s, ~frs, Col· M i. s Virginia Cro. d ied as S e uttie Moore was out of school ' TIS, rainY weat.her, my darling; ~fI's. Su~an R. Say lor spent t he Iins being t h e (frOQIll 1S .!ljstCl', ~I" IXivel!, with 1.a~:11!~e~r"lbY cvening last week 011 nccount of 1\ so re 'I'im'~ woves they heavi ly. run; we ek· und wi t ll fri en<is. In ·S prl·ng FUlton . ' .be(!am!t1 IIcq!Jallltcd With e IlI.1I (IV!,!Irglnlu . ' r~ro s s 0 f X e nla . 0 l,' n"e But tuklllg the year together, my h lB ' b .I ,. M ISS Vall ey, t e. mlnl st~r n Illn I'll ge, . ,:,a.. .. " " , · ·tt .• 1 . ' ' ... Allen Younker has kindly let dem', - -- - - .. - - ulllting w Ith t.he church dUl'lI1g , who wblj~1 !ah~ldIY t!nJ , ltc ( I.n .~~ U8 usc his fie ld f OI' ba se ball There is n't more c lo ud t han s un. h Bro. Wil/iam ~o ll' s mini stry th e l'c. ' :IulOIl1O Ie acci en ,on , e pr!,.. grounds . ~ fi e ld Pike thr.e c m ile!! No~th RI Th fi d died lit the McClell!in /ios plt!ll p n e rat nn s eeollli groge We nre o ld folks now, my darling, OUI' hea ds lIJ'C gro~\lj n g gray ;' , OPERETTA PI idllY ufld her funcl'a l w\ls !angu3~e cla ss enjoyeFI dra,nati~I h!' ld at \lie Firllt M. }~. hurch III 109 the Thl'cp poatl! Qnd ~P~iill1l- But tuking the yenl' ull rOH n 4, I M rl ft nndus. . ., Ol¥ d 'aF' ' ' " "The Sunbonnel C il I" uy I Xl'lIia nst o n IIY u ernoQn Kenneth Hoglund f' r (' ll' DIlY" You lvj ll ulw!';rs ~nd the ~~a~: MI'. and Ml'!;, L , M . Stephens. ' l i t 2 o 'clo('k. Burial was il) Wo o!! ' cll tel'tnincd S unday Mr. and Mrs. Mas, Ie H !lth ,c hoo l at HL~I'VeyS- lown cem etery. Mis!! 1'0S was II t o n is a new pupil in OUI' se ho I. burg, Ap r il 11, 1 93 9 nt . 8 0 clock. high schnol s t\lden t unci ,W ill! a Se'lool Wl\A di~lnissell 011 'l ast We hllve llad OU1' Muy, my liarlinlf Earl Mal'lalt, MI'. anfi Mrs, ,James .StlldEllts of Mass I' J..lll;'('h School fa" ol'I'te of a ll w ho kn c\v h'e r. FriClRY afternoo n ro r th OI'utol'lAnd our 1'08e5 10llg IIgo. ' Stephen s nond Mr. and Mrs . J ess II t th tt I ' L b I Devoe . ~~' I presen (' CO~~I~ opere 0, The Hoaglund family e ntertain. Cll 'coni est Ilt e anon, AI en Me- And t he time of the year is 'comjn,MI'llnl'" ]\·[ ur latt and .". on The S unbonnct Gill at th e (' d [\ lot of Dayton company on Kay was the speaker from our illY dear, n"\'S, . , " schon l u uditorium Friday t'ven in/l, S I schoo l. I~or the s ilent nl ht and the Edmon !lp c/lt .t ht' wee k·cnd with A '1 11 t . I t ' I 'k 0 . un( ay. 'l'h . h d '1 snow. M d 1I1 "'I ' ]\" h I d I?rJ ,n elE(" 0,. C OC , '. Vel Ml'f . Mary Murphy and ~wo e SIX!, gra e pUpl S nre du\;gh;cr D~';~th~,YIS ,IC ae an I!hl rd~y st~dl~nt!; '\YIII"bl:tkelljla'c~tl t:, Tbhyc daugh'tel's , Mrs. Mrs . F lorence ? ul- study ing A si a for t h eir geograp hy Q.l ea IIlg lU .e s.... \\ I ce ·u iV!l n Mrs . H e len H eck of SpnngPuuli ne Di ll wall out of sc ho ol But God is God, 111Y darling, K Mr. unci Mrs . en n e th ",own!'t', th e fo ll OWing stuuents; · Mar y An - Ii II: Charles Fol ey of Wilmington o n last Monday . 'J! t ho night as weIi' as the day I Thurman T omilson, Mr. and Mrs. nette Andl·c \\.' ~.· , V. c u.a ' " Be nnet~.; , .w.e T,. JOI'do n a nd ,vl'fe of Harvoys ' Al len McKay, Chas. Dill were And we feel and kn ow that wo Cal'! Frye, MI', anrl Mrs , Raymond D h P CI t! G " t f h I f I can go O_l'o.t u nyl, • n:.l 1:1 I ~y: • burg wer e Su nd ay afternoon ou 0 s e 00 a part 0 nst week T Osborn un d IIfrs, Euphemia o,ns J C:Lj ;1!ne GIllY, l] 1 11.l1u ~, ' ca llc r s on Mrs, Cat herine Jordan on uccount of bei ng s ick. Wherever He leads the way. call ed on Mr. and Tlfrs. ~mers.on Josephme . ~hllmhn'II,('h , Vlrl;lnla and faml' ly, Eac h family of our school on t k a paIr . '0 f wIn . d . h t ,my d ar I'mg, Dill and son B1Ily Wedl)l!~day T uc k l!r;. V IVlan T uc k c r, ."L' r~!' I'" .,.'1' ,, Mrs. E'lla F e rris, Mrs . Anno F' I'I~. Iayoo ow CUI'- A Go l I 0 f ' th e mg night. . /Za n ; C live Debna rd . Hen c l Fcn's and Mrs, Lulu Villars at. tain s hom e with them to wa!'h f or Of the night oC death so grim I 1\"11'. lind MI'~ , J ohn, Rye 'and MI', C harl o MnciJonald, Ropert McKay I d th 1 I' " ,. ' d ' t th the windows. . The gate that leads out of life Dnd Mrs . E, .J , J3urtOIl were Day- a nd Gl u111" "'n"ll ' tent e e ,aues , 1'\1 a yet!e p 1' 0 C' M oo re of 1'larveYl!burg ....ood " 'I'fe, ' "'" ~ . I f M L S ttl .. to nM . B ' tt The Eight grade iJuyo; will furThur!- ca me tio,\Vll day Ipij t wee\f."ond Is the tpat leads to Hllm., I. an r~, Jeorge Iii 1)1) n'lIh " mus ical /lumber I.! cl.wec/l I . I' " left us :lome ihtere!lting library ~~~~~'!:::'!!!'~~~r.!:=~~ and MI'. Rnd Mr~. Burton E8rn~ 'IIC't~ . (ny a tCl'nOOI}· . bOQks. _ . . . , :: _~~ ".= , " ...--...:: ....~._._. , hlll·t celll" '1 o n 1'('latl've u h ere la st · " .1 th Eurnes nn on ' d Th' e, pl'oduJ!t I 011 IS Klven j.ln.,er . ~ . , t C. •Ma ,. ' R un..l tl.'t wd'e d .--- ~ ~ ~ __ __ Sunuay , I f h .' , a nd two rlau g lJtlOrij u P' ap, '1 M E J B t dll'eet on 0 t t; m~"'l c SlIlle l'VISO I' Gle nlla n eu l: Wilmington W [Ii M I·. ani I'S . ~. . UT on re- 1If1~ 1I H \l ll' l) LOll Ise St.cvenM . f II 01 . , I S lInd. ny nte r po.on ea el's on . erpl tllI·m·d to thl'ir hom e in Elyria after pcnding !I week with theIr - - - , • - .. Davl/:j Ijl)d family· . , . Oh ief O. J. Bail ey of the FooElI! parents, G~O l'ge W, paV I!', IIfrs. ji;41~h and Da il'y Divisions sounds Ii n'otl) Mr~. Emerso n Dill und so n Billy DLlvls and two d.nug~ters lienl!! of advice t~ Pllrchasers ' of foq51 SPI<f1t Saturday in Xenia. , Mnl''y and ~Ill'jorle a nd ~I'S. !.. stuffs.. l?/lrtICjular/y rrlUp/ e IIYl'u P. . Mrs . ~ ila s Ro land spent Thurs· B, 'J alrn/lge were shoppin g Lpb· at tillS time of ttle year, J'Ie Joj ns FOR §AL E-Two story 6'" r ;Rn'; day with Mrs, Frank Thompson. anon on Satur~8Y afternpon, Federa.1 autJlOl' iti es in insisting house, two porc}les, ' !!e llar, .KaF~ - - - - - - ---Mi ss N e llie Cutright return ed The Ladles AId m el ilL the horne that purQhasel's l'read-th e-labl!rll.'J age, these lJUiI~ing!, ~r!! ' fleJflf Tuesday from a two week 's visit of Mrs, A. B. Talmage and Miss The Federal tooll li nd drugs Act new, a~4 Il I!~e8 pf grj>unIJ, 0t_ UNCLE HAM BLOW SAYS with re'lutiv es at Chillicothe. IJCSSle L. Garner · last Wedncs- i strict In requlril)g that' labels of B/TIJlII fruit, 126QO ' tpr A !c\ The Apri l Fool, Porty put on by day ufternoo n . shllil n ot mlslcad onsum\lr!j 1I~.tO s ale, tile house "I(lne IlB n 'l1ot ~Q ' Every n ow and tJum some o ld the lau if's of the Baptist Church H; F. McKay, wife lIpd two so ns the quality, or oon8tluent8 of replaged tor ~hls Amount; t)\t~ roosler crows about building more Tu eRlla y e vening , was a very en- ! Ro bert. and Donald, Herold ~c- fonds and drugs sold In containers, pt:opel'ty Is about Olle milt! fro'm hurd roads to meet traffic d ema nd.s jova1:)ic affair tho the inc lcment Kay Wife and son A ll en and MISS C!>n sequcntly, a purehuBer who W~ynesvllle and shown by Ill' - Why n o t fix up the one8 w e wcnt-he, 'Jnild~ thc attendan ce I Lota Lewis s pent S und ay at reads t h e lab el cure f ully ane! in- pomtment only, W. N. Searll ox. have now? s ma ll. Dover, . . telligently can make sure t h at he cluslve agent. a9 Ai/I 't this a funny old place, af"Sunbonn et ' Sue" j~ the tit l,!! of Auction eer Carl Taylor of ::====:-:=~=~=:--.'~-.-_============~=~ tel' 6111 'ril}cC fer ' instanQe, t h e rh e operetta to be g lvt!n by thl! ' ,Jamestown was hel'e last week. ~_~ _ _ _ ._.. __ ._~ ___ n ew flivvers with theil' folding high school at the gym Friduy evcn buy ing stfl~~ : buc ks canying s jx to eight pers.ons ing April i 1. Admiss ion Cha l'ges il Mr!:l. i\luuge C lin p calle'd on Mrs and then comes a long a fine big 35c and 200. Patience E, Tho/llPIlIl/l nO l:;uturcur canying a lady fair and he, MI' s. Howard Glaham, Mrs. C;hal' d a y . . ' puP . Yell sir, Barnum was rjght. G Ol' do n tlnd Rob e rt ,Go rRon were I Chus. E llI S of L ebano!,! gave us The best place In th e wo rld fQr ' Dayton vIsitors Su\;.j.Jrday. I u short b!lt plea~a nt caU. on Suno ne of them No TippIng sIgns, to Mrs. Her.b ert Do ·tl!l· I'etuvned ~ny mornll)g, whi le on hIS \Yay to our notion Is o n a cllno~. ' hpm e Saturday from the h05pltul ( nurftl·· " . d' P" rovl d ence has so de- ",,"er c' s' he submitted to . an opcl'llI , Tht!. DesJ< were shopA k.In I' . k' L b4#e family .., t'd ft d 't th t th fi h" d h tion a w.eek ago, S~,c IS ma Ing pIng, III e anon "'4i Ul ay a e r. , a e s. m . an o use Sll tl sfaet"Wi jninrSlV plent, nppn. , . c r ee .1 cleaning season s , ~9mclde .." R ' 0111 l' ' , ' ita at This Jl I~ce was well represented Poor old Doubbln had hIS fau lts . ev. .. amI! IS QU . . ' t· H . :b ' S ' , , , and ' all that, put he wasn't called the - M. E. parsonage, R v, 'J'h~)I'Il- ' a alveys pr.8" .aturda y night. secondhand the da ' fter ou ' bob bury 'conducted the eve nIn g 8crvlcf,! ~IerbeJ t .1. (:)a111 (Ii lfarV!!YSbtlrg~ w~.,. vp-u ~v" N~w~, OF h ' . t loh I Y, /l , y . for hilil :Sunday. . [made a bUll\neflB trip Jt!!r!l on Sat- '1 1m a e lIa ' ='""' I MisR ':Relen ' Graham of Troy I ul'day afternoon. ; you want Priptl", 01 an, kl" .. . ..' ,ltnd ' Mj~s Kathleen Grah~I11 ' of I Henry Mo?res new kitchen is "You must. find living In the , thlyti;n ' ppe nt. the l"eek-end near completlon, '. , e CiLy drelld~ul, after spending your home. ' . . I Jr. G: Clark of. bebano~ ~as . life up tp n.ow so pl~aantly In the Miss· Be~trlce Harshbarger, r.fl s, here last week tunll;tg pta!,o s. COUlltllY. What do you miss most?" I'Marie S;lor!'r, und Mi I' Evelyn Howard McKay and Wife spent "My pocketbook· and my wat.f:h." Tuck,s r enjoyillJ spring vaca- Thursday in Wlhnh,gton,


Writ. lor T06. or Fr•• Trial Co,..

Tri State Butter Co


:l11'~ .



Price this week, April 8 ....... ... .. ..... ....... ...... .


Life-Time Serviee

This is the kind of roofing service that will save you money. Let us t ell you more about it, Channeldrain is made of the more costly COP-R.LOY, the Copper Al. loy ed Steel .•• and yet it costs no more . than ordinary roofing! The money it saves you in repair bills will soon pay its cost.

•• Black

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It's stunning-looking on nigh Quality at Hork-Bot toni Cost! Gnoclyur Pathflnders Lifetime Guaranteed


O\'Cr~j ~e


car, t.his

new and bigger Goodyear HEAVY DUTY Baltooa. The extra-thick All-We ather Tread armors a sturd y 6-11ly 8UPEH'fWIS'f COR D ~!l r­ cass-to gh'e extra endurance, K · tra miles.


Costs YOU no more , than ali ordl·

30x.J .50



lIerc, 1001-110~ people ride on

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..,_~..:...;;._____...;:. Tire8• ~ 'on auy" 'o ther kind '



· rv.-ce' St'atl-o-O Se ,


W ayne.ville, Ohio


Late CJassHie~ A~I






nar" heavy duly;

$7.00 , ,HIi\'





Have you seen it?

~fIllO li~e 'B~~;1ch o~/~ lil~t '





I .'

!' _.






The Miami Gazett,

-...-- -

.Eighty-Third Year

Whole Number 5905



NOlES fROM K~;~:;h~~~;:;lp~~~uh~;;E;:~:: i DEMONSTRATION OF ~carl ATlHE CHURCHES THE HIGH SCHOOL ~~::~;~~;'~~~~i1~<~~~:Il'~£:I~~' THE FAIRlEY CO. ~ IN WAYNESVillE"


lIig- h Schoo l stud ' Ilts on the Zilllllll'rlllan was en joyed . 1 l ' U C'~ lIuy \\'u ~ an ide !! 1 dny for ST. MARYS CHURCH II o nol' R 011 Ihi monLh III": Heading Mrs . rO RS th£" dCllllln stmtion given by the - - - - - - ,-'April 18 . Guod Friday. Three U J II S . I . '11 . I t h e "" 1S > I liurs -- I~ va" Whartun . Bel·tha \' I" I(I 'I 1 I huur s 'I'vicl' fr o m 12 to 3 ' p. m. In two "." ellrs or so, President S on 11e P~1 III'I'Y 1I I"·'l ··e.' .,f 1) "I~' I ' l n \·I·., .·'· lncl .'''I·S. . · . mill IS I WIt 1 ,' I cr" 'rh eImil , l. •JtllI n, uth rin e 1\1I) ('a• . .,0 I . "I's. & . ren e Hail'd I"fo'nirl d eyd fi IJmpllny Id A I h0 . .1 . c., c ElIs L!! r Duy. April 20, Church Hoover be li eves , the prLJgl'ant of g l·lp. Brun stl'lltor. USIC. 11l1'1II0nlC U ' I"ano J:.. WIlt' s l e . t an car your a t'('luli ves h<! I'e SU lI"" y. choo l at~' ::10. Festivul music, tieveloJlin" farme. rs' murketinu h Mrs. Furna: und MI·s. Reu!lo n 1111 ~c cl'owII hac! l!at hl'l'cd at th e .. .. M h II I~ I . b' Sop omll l't'S Verdc-nll Fox, V ncu.I S n I0 E' I H I ' II d t h e company. t ogether II I h· (. on . IIt Wu !! shop- Holy Communio n and sermon at ~ ull'l , e l' the direction . . ar~ a L .. ar an was M ad US1l1CSS A nnu 0 ' N eo I I, R uno ld Hu rdin. I' I I I .1 ce n ..'1 I·S. J . O . ' IlI·twl·I/o{ , ol'galll' z'ltl'Oll" 10 :30. of the 'Fed el'lll Furl1'l Board wi ll VIs itor in ebanon on ay. ,eullng . {ut 1 'ulisbul y with the fi e lcl men of the Case ping ill I lIyton Frid l y. Rev. J . J . Schaeffer, Rector. hnve begun to mllke u dl!nt in the Th . I Pianu . 'ul o RUlh Conno'r TrnCLor Co., slHrted the dem o nRtra agl'ic ulturul situlltion in the United Special- Display of clocks. See ~ elllU r c nsg lJla~'s arc to Saxophtln e and trumpet duet .... .... tiun at once. Th e 40 ,acre field hlld MI'. and Mrs. . :\1. Robitzel' St.utes. Cary's window , Lobanon, Ohio. b~ ~~ven }~ur'(l~y .~~d r:l'ldu~ LIIl~i ~e Zimmel'lnun .!Ind Ruth be en plIl·t1y )1lowell, but with the spcnt Sunday in C()lumbu ~. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST It takes tim!' to build 1I11 a ny III/Sht.. Aplll 24 ~. :~5. 1 he l at~y Snits uuI'Y • fOllr u 'act ol's in the demon ~t l'atio n Bi ble !'o chool at 5 :30 a. m . You genuine bu s in c~H. It is the pUI'po ~e Mr, and Mrs. Ed Cook we re in II til 1.',(' ,~l ven (I n 1 ~lIr~d.II Y ,eve ~lln~ Mrs. \ · ... rn 1I0u g- h will l' lIterUtin it wa~ an extreme ly ('agy ttlntle r Bo rn to, ond Mr H. 1'. n. Law are con liull y in vi ted tll attend out f. the Farm Board to coolJerute Ridgevill e Sunday aflel'noon. I~.fld 1 hl' W.hllie 1 own s 1 a lkln g I th (' t:luu May 14th. t o fini s h the fi eld . ~Oll Api'll, IOl h a da ught " I·. I ~ pl c ndid Ea ~ t e r program. In adO F rldal' evcrllng. Both plays start • I A ' , I , h f " d . h . . ditiol1 to. uth e r ~ peciu l featul'e~ of with the farnH'rs t.o build up solid ,I " ;ht "1 ' k , i>urinj.[ Lh" soei,,1 hOllr Mr l 1I0l1n H ulle 0 . nn '·. IC es $:! ·1.00 BllnJ'o Clock FREE. I l ll( U C Ul . c'. I·. L . . . .. ' . nncl coffe(' \\'a ~ ~e rv ed til the la r"e . . t' f W . A. Woleo tt o t Lpn a , Ohi o. inl('l'<! ~ t. II pU1{ean[ will be presenIlilll' ketmg urgulllza Ions, lIrme rSeut~ IIlIlY IJ resel'veti at ."1 ,1 I:; lUI) was a~ ~ , sted by M l'S- • •,., bl ' " Th ' . 'd t "b owned a nd fanner -controlled, Cary's J ewe lry Shop. Lebanon, O. Ad lll1l~ [)rug Store any lillie Tu cs- ".:lIll !!S And"rso n, .lIartsoc k, Wa\l ... .~s. ~ "1 ,lg.C .'M, ~~e me . . U e ha s been vI:l lIn g I'l' iali\' l'>' h... rl· . I \(.~. en titled, "The Daw n of the , . Third Day," Be o ne of Ferry's day 22. uftcl' 12 to 'cloc k. Adllli s. (us t. and l{lImby III ~e J' vi n r dai nty I. n ~ ~f the pleuRlng feattill s o f Ihe which org nnizations ca n give sUlbWe g iv e C('oiul' S \ll"llJ ~. l.ary · ~ I'(' ell l'li brl'nking erowd and witility in their markets and e limin Mr. und Mrs. Orville J . Gray ~ ' , .~ ') ' .• I :J< ' 1'l..rI·e ~ hl1lent ~ . occnslon . a te wllste ill Lhe .marketing sYRtem vi Hit ed r elatives in Clark sville SUll . 1 III I. _"I: .In l . •)e. _ ___ ---_ After thl' lunc h hour the crhwd J e\H lry .' hop. St (II'C op"n ('I' l1inK~ nc ~s o ne uf our fineRt programs. which will PI'l'!!C rVe the initiative day. was IUI'I!'e ly aUj!mented and There will be a !thort nddress on Jlij!h Srholll bllsk<! tball and lr·a(·t NOTICE TO ANGLERS hrouJ!ht thl' atte ndan ce to over and character uf the farm e r and Mrs. Mal'Y lI "pkil1 ~ o f lIayt on. " Imm o rtali ty" at the concluFion the control ()f his products. Mrs. Ralph Mill(·r entertain ed practi ce ur~ being carried on thi ~ --- thC' 800 mark . called u n Wuynl',,"ille fri en(b 'un, of' the program. You are I11way8 Already the Board hal! pl'oeeed- the bridge club Satu l'dny after· SpI inl.: un" " r g l'ca t hand icaps. Th e Locn l angll'l's hav bee n in u At hulf-pullt une t he work was da". ,w elcome tit thi$ church. cd t.o th e creuting o f Ruch mllrket. noo n. bn se bHII purk which we have USC jl qu " n~llry in re ga rd to till! new law I r<' Hum 'd. It·u . . Marshall, six tilliOs Ches Ler A. Williamson, Minister ing ol'ganizutions in cotton, grain In the pu ~t Renson s has been clo,;(·d for hRhlng'. The lall' is ex plicit 11'0' Id champ ion corn growe l·. gave Ed. Dakin t. f Hal'v l!),s burg. wn ~ livestock, wool, and ~o m e brunches Behind time'! Be on time. Get t~J u ~, so we at'(' fnreed to pra('- and t he re : hould be no contrlJvedsy a fine on how h eC~ nt e to be a bU R inl! ~~ vilO ilor in \VII YIH' ~ vi1 h. LYTLE M . E. CHURCH of fruit indusll·Y. by com;o li (lation un alal'm clock at Cary's J ewelry lic e on gl'(, und s bllck of th e I!ym. I U ~ lu II~ Ilwani ng. chlll1lplcln ;<0 .many l1mes , and today. of the chief coopel'1ltive marketing Sh up. Th e Il.' is pl £'llty of ground thero l MI'. C. E. Hin es, gllme protector :J ll slyered que~tlo n ~ t o the Sl1 li sPI'caching H' I'vice at 9:30 a. m . orgllnizutions in those lin es into fOI a bull diam on d, if the hill ~ ;tnd 111:1. handl'd us t he foll owing whic h faction of all. Mrs. Laura Zel1 is vi~ iLing at Se rll1t)n topic "Ftlreglellnt~ of Imd~finite n ntio nlll orglln izations, .....tlefki~eSndEvgeUI~snt O~fur!larc.eandwaMs rsa. guBI"c'(!s we re flitlhken·' f hU :' \iI,J,c'IC'n luk e ll. fro l11 the c~de: I hnlLclul,.enl' \ahPI'c()hst-~nriovinhgIco nrt('SltWUkS the h OI1l(, of Mr. flnd ;\irH. T . II. tnl·lnolletalailnYd·" bP,~ca(~en n[o,ltnel"ehanugnedaOyf the st oc k of which is subscribed "' ~ , , ' c a use 0 e II I Ion 0 ~o me ll) n a t h I'OW l IIl C IS fa stened" " '" e ng am 00 ~ell in Xe nia. , ~ •. more s hrubs on the g round it I to 11 ~tak,' (' 1' othcnvise fastened fil'st place, and Loll' Lutz Reco nd. schoo l Ht 10::10 a. m. Mrs . Longby the cooperntiv(!s. Those or- H(' rl1l an urface. ga nizll t ions a re alreudyfunction,. .. . will be neces!\ary fpr ull track t' l Ih e. bank nnd n t h ~ld in t he I Dan n o~ket was the lucky W. H. All en wa ~ co nfined to 1118 ucre s uperintend en t. A class of ing lind the Farm Board has flr~l1gtlme IS time. eVl! n ts to be I'un on th e r oad in !luno. ,t . hecollles II set hnl'. which mal! gue Ihe numbe r of hume 'utul'oa I ' d ' _ ~e n young peopl(' ~vil1 be .rece ived Ill uned to t h em, 101' purposes of I ~Veddlllg nngs Ill. • arey s J ewelry f1·O';l.t of the ·chool. I ' an illej.[al d ev ice. 'triclly thel <:1' 1~ Il IS rUdchteken consumed when I cO llnt of i ll ne~s nne un a} on nc Into ~u ll m e mb r~ttllP. at ttlhl!lIIEasMt~dr extending fuciliti es for handling I !Shop, Le ban on, OhIO . ,' 1f tecn years. a~ter Ih e building aw ~ l!Y S:- Th.,t anglin~ co ns ists ICing e. . . , . . • morntng s~rv lc e a ntne II' y. I l'ommodities, and for conduct of I of the H. S. bUIlding is it plls~i"l« In tak Ing Ii. h by line in hand or Guess 'ng fin 11 Jar of staples , Parke Duof Id . • d , week se rvi ce Oil W(·d nesday at the thcir bu sin ' . s upwal'd s of $ 150,MI'. nnd Mrs. Robert Cro ,5, t hat th e Wayne T ow nship district 1,,,1 ill hand ." GI~"ys O:,lto.n r €cei " ed $7 worth I ci ls- t h rbl'~ t.u ~~~~ "~ .}~~. ch ur~ h at 7 :~5 p. m. The teacher 000000 . Me~sr~. R. A. Cross and L. C. St. do cs not have enough mune y t o C. E . HIN~ Fi ~h and oe Ill crch.ll1dl se liS th e firs t pn~e. Sh 1 L eb Oh ' : ' e el y ll'lI lll1ng cla R~ follows. , . J h S d . S d' . I I h ' , ~ . 10. S . A B Those and olher re forms mu st· 0 n spenl un ay In ar IIlla. even eve t e grou nd back .o f th e Gume Pl'ol l!dnr. 0 t h H. P! ...I;\~.S. 1.!1 th I'·~ contest . lIIere.. • " I , , anon, ara . owman, Pas t or III.- FARM RELIEF








be brought lIuout by the ownel'- ' gym. ,anrl mak e II !'eal athletiC field I - - - - •• - Ray Ml1In ous $5 wo~th o f merchan Mrs. Alice McKin sey und duu ghship and work of the furmel's Enws tiled by machinery. ~ut th q ' ! Do YtJ U !hmk fift ee n yeul' I S ' II1 H ' . 2nd; L: N. Printz, $4 wOI·th t er Miss He nl'iettu W ' I'(, in Wil. VAYNESVILLE M. E . . CHURCH themselves. The Agricultural Mal'- clcaner. tl'ller, , faster. Roy Plg- of u ~e l essn esR IS. enough? Or do pent W "rk-End at Re.rrvolr 111l' l'c hund,se, 3~d; Floyd Lynch, m ingtun Monday. W e dn e~ day : There will be no keting Act. place the powe r to I Lt, lit Madden s LlImber Yard. you pref~r t o let It he wlisted. I ..~, 4th. e l tlhchael . 5th; Lnw pl'llyer me ~ ling this week because do these things in the furml'rs' l 1111'. a nd ;\l l's. W. B. Squires, ~e ncl' [)avl s, Gth; Pntnck Dllnley, MI'. und Mrs. Ern(> ~ t Bu t t e r- of the ml'e linl! at the Chri stian hllnd s. Ne ither dirertly nor . Rowe rya ~~rtrnan !ln~ Wayne T own ship is to hold aMI's. M libel' ~l"UP. 11 1'1 Cou k. \V . ; th: J. A. Lake. 8t.h; Ralph Blg~S. worth cal led on fri ends in Willl1in~ ' church ut which Miss Gracio through the Federal Fllrm Boord famdy , of Xenta. VISited, relatIves I Summer Roun d-Up in an effort t o Rup (' l', Lloyd iJav is. J csse . !Jt~, . Kobe l t Adams J Ot~, each I e- ton Su nday uftel'n oon. Hou lde r of A ustralia will be the do<c s th e Govcl'Ilment of the and f l'l nds III Wuyncsv ille !fhurs have euch child e nt e rinJr schoo l T~ I!lnas . MI' . and Mrs . Carl Frye, ce lvlIlg $ 1 III rylerchandlse . . ~p(>llker. The c hoir will practice Un it ed Stutes lIs~ume respon s ibi- I day. nl'xt fall 'fre e from remedial d e- MI:~ Murgaret Dod o, Messrs. Chus . \n .:he hcvenl~g a !'ed ucallonhl Mr. and Mrs. has. hnmbe r. On Wednesday at 7 :30 p. m. arid lity for the s uccess of the new I . feels . The I1 r o ject is being S )o n- and GI('nn FrYe spent th e week· p.IC .U I e S o.w I\ as g lv.e n at t e of Dayton, were Su nd uy guests of ' aguin on Friday at 7 :30 p. m. marketing syst m, 01' authorit.y to Mn'. Emmu Barnett lind M.r. E. ored by Mother'S Clu b & II dalth end a t the Rese r voi r. \\a~ehouse Ill. the Gustin burn, at J . P. Fromm an{l famil y. INe xt Sunllay is Easter; The day say to any farmer or group of Barnhart wel'e Sunday dmner Dept. A II pare nt who will have a large ~!Jm~er of people on which we ce lebrute the resurfUl'nlcrs of any region or slate ~ests of Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Ed .. chiJdren c-ntering schoo l are - - - ---I ~ve ) ~ r present, bllng1ng. to u close 1\1r. und Mrs. J. . Hawke spent rection of our avial". We are y what crops. they shall grow, in ards. u~ged to lalk wilh ' Miss Kathryn OBIITUARY ~val:.~g ~I~p~~r t.~c J;?lrle .~ard- un~a y with their daughtet· a nti planning to n~uke this a great day. whut quuntlty, or what prIce they . Gibbon s. county nu l' e. 1 y I ayne VI e. fallllly ut Pleasant Plain. , Prayer meetlllg ut 6 :00 a . m. shull get f?r th em. But ·th l'o ~gh For best results consign your The Round-Up is backed ' . ' - -- • - i S und~ y school . at · 9 :30 a . m. the . ~c? n om lc contr~1 of mllrketmg i~e. stoc ~ .to Green-Embry C?, by . the fat lonul o ngress of P a l'M .1l1 y. Be llc Mills, da~ghter of ATTEMPT TO DEFRAUD Watch es ? Be . ure to se(' th em M.oTlltng worshIp at 10 :30 There faclittles m!ld.e pOSSibl e by ~he five ~IlICllInatJ, III care of D. R. Sahs- ents I~nd T ('f1c hers and has been BenjamIn alld Sarah ,Mills, was . at .Cary's J ewelry Shup, Leba nQn, WIll be specilll Ea~ter music renhundred mlliton d ollars whIch the ury. he ld In all Pllrts of the United bot'll n al' New Bul'lmgton SepWh e V'. P .I t C t OhiO. 1de r l: d by the chO ir. The pustor Fal'm Board is a~thorized to lend ' . . . Stutes . Th e'o children who will t embe r HI, 1877 , di ed April !I, 11'. ' h n f h Ice r~8J( e n al ~ I will preac,h a hort sermoJi on the to properly QI'glllllzed and pl'op el'ly h M~s. Net}lh Kel?lel 18 staYlnl;' at enter sc hool fOI' the first time this 1 V30 at the ul!'e of 52 year~, 6 ' c~ 1~ t e' l altlOtUlwB:ink JP IIlIluel Butterworth and Gil- 'Res ul'rectlOn, lind there will be a manage d farmers marketing Ot·- t e . orne 0 , er sister: ~I'S: Oll"er fall, will be given Ii complete mon t hs lInrl H, days. e mal as , e neg ay bert Fr e visit d A A L' . d bapismal se rvic(' for inCants or gani7.ati ons, farlll ers who unite to Davlhi durmg ner VISit m Bos.l physical ex.amination . The\' Iwill In) 8 Ufi she wa s manicd t o An- I $kO~~ lllg d he found f I~h chbec~ of fa lllil y 1n Wil;;ingtoll' S~~~~~ an I adultg. The do or'S of the church Iwail themselves of the financial ton, ass. be weigh ed n nd meas ul'(';1 and tiel son E ll is and to th e m were born Srn~ :h o nA~n e oDe uSll1ess . will be open and new members backing thus mllde available will '. ' . son, Bernice, ' b() r~li 0 h e. am s rUf go . but Miss H e nrietta McKin d ' Will be received into the church, 1 their weight de ficienci('s charged. thr e , children - li J nd M~rgarelt , 1'he parents are given a copy of who di ed at the age of 26 and tw o 1 G~~s~~ ~n:te~an~tr~h~l have an advantage over those who EdM,ISR:r ~~IIl~na r'M · Mr: J. O. Ca rtwright w~~~ L~b- Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. Miss adhere to t he old methods, com. II ar . s, IV 0 ave een With r e - the result o f the cxamination daughters, Thc,lm.l and Lela , II'ho, Ad U . . . o. r. ano' v' 't . T I ' it /I elen Hawk e is the leader At peting with each other to sell atlV s m Dayton returned to their and the family physician is se nt u with the hu~ba'nd, sUI'vive her. H er f ands' th ~on lIl vestlga~lO r .. 't ,wad i n iSI 01 ues( a~ u e rn oon. i 7 '30 p m the choir will . sing a their. products. home he re, Friday. copy. It is urged i.hat the de f ct.' fathe r and n~other, three sisters, I a~~~lss to M~oA~llon,e, c~~ :a~ne k ' Mrs. Veo Adams of Dayton special ' I;:R'ster selections. There It IS not e~pcct, ed tha.t every sin D' d t h .kl . be taken care of dU!,ing the sum- Mrs. . W. PIl1 ~ , Mr~. Frank Co le I and had torn' ,out ~n~ che~k spent Sunday or la'st week ;vith w}11 al, o be shown Stereoptican gle farmer m the Untted States lamon S, wa c e8, nee aces, a mer so thllt the child can e nter mall II nd arne ' Mill ' and one hi h k . I' ' th h th M or D ' pictures of th e Easter tory You will join in theSe organizations. new line of jewelry t~ wear with school i,n t he best. possible hellit h. brQth~r Wilbul', who resi des in an bio r~ jSSwC t was dade. ~aYk- \.\ I .er mo er, rs. Iver aVIs are cordiall y inyited to ~ttend e If they were able to command the jhut I ne Ea~eb outfi t . . ury's Dr. Charl es A. Neal, Director of FranCISco , also mourn her loss. ed by . Th~ ~ir~~~~ H~~I aCo~ Mrs. Claudc Rigg!; of Co lum- these meeting. . o utP~t of 40 PCI' cent of the fa!,- ewe ry S h op, e anon, OhiO. ~he Stat,: D~pllrtment of H ea lth, Columbu s. Ohio, in The Hunting- bUll, spent hlst week wilh her parG. C. Dibert, Palltor. me~s. product, ~~ey would b~ III MI's. Eloui e Thompson and Miss 1 en thuslllstlC about the plan. H e Card of Thank. ton National Bank of that city ents MI'. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH JlOsltllon to stllb lllze the agl'lc~l- Murrell of Cincl'nnatl', were week- says, Health Department. officials \11 • h t th k . hb There is no clue' a:; to who tole . tura market: Many. farme~s wlll have ~ll-eady noted an Improv n e 'WI !? O . an our nelg ors the blank nor whe it was t k M F C SUll1m er schedule- 1st, 8rd and wllnt to contmue to 5~1l . thelr Pto- end guests of the form~r's parents ment m the ~chool heal t h where. l'l'ie nd s and reilltives f or the kindn a en. 1'. I rrest· rllne an d daughducts through existing agencies, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. SmIth. these Round -Ups have been held ~es: Ilnd. sympllthy I> hown u dur- - - - - - - -tel' Marjorie of Cincinnnti, spe nt 5th S unday, Mass at 8 :00 a. m.; but the competition oJ the solid I and loo k forward to the time wh en mg the Sickn ess and death of o ur l:)unday wi t h Mr~. Maude Cra ne 2nd and 4lh Sunday, Mass at !l :30: . farmel'-owned organization . with Mr ..and . Mrs. Ronald Hawke had I all schools inspections ' will be ' b loved wife Ilnd mother, daughWEDDING ANNIVERSAR,Y and family. R ev. Lawre nce B. Mollmann. thc existing individual agencies as their dmner guests on Sunday materially decreased due to tel' and s ister. In ce lebra tio n of their GOth .M rs. Oliver Davi R left Snturday The Family will undoubtably stimulate these Mrs. Edith Harris, ~rs. Laura I proper physica l preparation of weading anniver!lary, April 5, for an extended .visit with h ~r son ex istil1f',' ugencies to greater se r- ' Mo he r and ·M r. Harns Mosher. th e children fOI' entrance to sch ool • '1 M A ' [) H ' d 'f Mr. Jllm es DaVI S a nd fa m il y uf WAY.NESVILLE CHURCH OF 1'". , _ allle~ un wl .e , Bost on Mass. CHRIST . vice foJ' the farmer. I· M ,. The plan brings about a closer r e- . . their tllble males 111 the mam . 1'. lind. Mrs. R. E. White, M~s. lationship between the parent. and . The Ag ricultural Mark eti ng Act tions will be g·ive n. Where there 'is dining rQom of the Maso nic Home Bibl e . 'chool Ilt 9 :3 0 a. m. A IS not a Pllnaceu for all the ills the R. C. Wlllte and daughtel' Bettie, the family physician. This is esne ed for tl'e a l ment t~e caSe. I~ill a t pr!ngfield, were treated to Ul1 ll1 atchuble bargain s ) 0,0 urcal East er prngra m is being furm er is heit' to. If there were I of Dayton, were callers at the !;ontia l since the modern physician be I'cferred to the fumlly phYSICIan th e e nj oy ment o.f a large cake a larm clocks 011 sal e. Cary s plunn ed. The cu tOlllary lesso n per nny such panac ea it would have 1 hom e o~ Mr. and Mrs. Waltcr is charged with the responsibility The conference will b~held in se nt from Co lumbus, in addition J e welry • hop, Leb!lnon, Ohio . . iod will be dev oted to a brief adbee n diseoverctl and Ilpplied long Elzey, Sunday afternoon. of placing his patients in the best the Grange hull, Thursday, April I to the display on their table of til' 'ss suitub le t o the occasion and ago. But it is a long step toward I . . pos. ible condition and of giving Paronts ha.ving children whose I thlee bea utiful boq uets sent by l Mr. and Mrs . Chas. Gray, Mr. to Ea tel' songs and readin~s. the goal of putting the Am erican Watc h ne ed ,repall'lng-We h~ve ndvisory el'vice which will assure 24. gc hoo l entry is .planned for next .fr·iend s of Van We rt, Columbus nnd Mr~, E. I~. Earnh~rt Ilnd chil - Evel'ybody invited. We are prepar flll'mer on all cOIl:II economic basis an· expert repairman. All mate r l.l1ls lhe continuance of t hat state." shou ld get. in toUch with Mrs. and lndiunapoli'!l, comprising roses dren, sp nL Sun da y III Frankli n. ing for a great attendance. Lord's with t he manufactures and busi- \ used are the best- using g.e nUlne iek children will not · be ad- fall ness men of the nation. parts only at. Cary's ,Jewelry S hop mitted, as the conference is not a W. E. O'Nea~1 as eac? child must cllrnations and tulips of special the guests o( Mr. olld Mrs. J. R. sl!PPCI' at the co ~c1.usion of tlie , 1 beauty. Baker. BIble School. Chnstiafl Endeavor In agl'iculture just as in manu- ~ebanon, OhiO. Store open even- clinic. No treatment or have a de'f inlte appointment. II I tl:30 p. m. Consecration Meet· facture, there must be an ultimate Illlgs. -===-o~c:=c==-'"",,===_ --".Ev ry boy and girl need s an ing. Leota Swearingen, ' leader. adjustmcnt of production to dealarm clock. A nire gift (or t he Evening eva ngeli stic service 'at mand. Farmers cannot go on proMr. n.. -!3. Earnhal·t has accept1I: l'aduatc. Cary 'l; .Jewe lry Shop, 7 :BO p. Ill .. This also will , be a dueing a slIl'plus an dhave expeclu- ed ', a POSlt.lon as Branch M!lnager Leban on Ohio. unique Eust e l' p,rogram, featurtiona of finding a profitable market , (,f the OhIO . Farm Bureau !n Coling 11 pageant, • Sunrise in the Therefo re, the Farm Board has u.mbus .and IS. now. 10~~ted.Ill t~at - - - - - - - -......--By Alber, T. Reid Mrs. Myel' Hyman at III Mrs. H. G~ll'd e n," nnd spccial music. There tnk en up this question in its cam_ ' ~lty. HIS family WII\ JOIn hllll With B. Eurnhart in company with 1\1 I·H. 'I wi ll a lso he a sermonette by t)1e . Jlllign to reduce both wheat and m the next month. Ra c Fred Brllfman llncl MI'. Sol· Illinistel', "A Walk in the Easter eott~n aCI·eage. In these two com. . limen Fred of Lebllllon ntlc nd eL\ Twi ligh t.' Ch urch Night progr~m modlties there have lieen tremenMIS, Mt!Ile Kerns and daugllter, O. E: S. ln llpection a t ,J umestown 1 e ll~hWedn es day at 7 :30 p.' m. ho ~ave been the guests of Mrs. dous shifts in the last ten lears. Thul Hdn y eve ning. . Thl! I:hurch whel'e you ieel at In wheat, the opening 0 the ern 8 parents, Mr. and Mrs., • horne. great semi-dry farming area of D. Marllltt, l.eft Saturday to JOin B eautiful Si lverware and 36 1 Cheste r A. Williamson, Miniater northern Texas, western Kanaal Mr. Knns In Cleveland. '!where piece sets in Chinaware- open - - - - - - _0--and appllc:a'tion to it a ' largl! they will make their future horne. stock. Choose your pattern at. I NATIONAL EGG WEEK R' . scale mechanical farming, has' deCllry's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, vel oped a wheat are where wheat ' ,J. WIlliamson of Elyria and Ohio. can be produced and Bold at a pro- ~arold Williamson of Dayton, ' Poultry Industry pr9clalms fit for somewhere around 76 oents Visited t~elr parents Mr. and Mrs, I Dr, A. T . Wright entertained '~Il~ionrl egg W cek' . The Nation a bushel H. H. WIlliamson on Sunday, Harwith a family dinn er on Sunday." ou try Cou.ncil. of the United • Due t~ dIscoveries in mechan- old returned to his home Sunday MI'. and Mrs. Alfred WI'igh t or S.tates o~ Am~rlca Issues pro clam aleal devices such LIS the combine evenIng. Raymond remained for a Co lumbus Mr Ellil tt Wright of hon deslgnatmg May first to sevand tractor,' tog'e ther wIth develop more extended visit, .. \ , . ) I{'11t h 1930 as "Nation I E D troit~ OJ'. E mily WriJrht and . .. a gg me nt of met'hods tor retaining I . · L d' d M W . h f' M Isses y la lin nry rIg t 0 IWeek. For ' th fifth . t' moisture, there has been created f you want 11 watch for ~he Springboro Dr and Mrs D udl ey . I' consec ,1 Ive y4!ar practically a new wheat- produe-. grad~ate, for fine time-keeping Keever of ' Centerville. A'ftern oon the umted s.tutes will puy homaie Ing area In this territory and the q~ahtles and beau~y Gruen visitors were Prof. und Mrs. Curl - t o the Amencan Hen and celebrate (>xpanslon of wheat acreage In I.\atehes have a prestige acknowl. I d ' f I : t he dev~lopment of our great theso localities has been greater e dg'e~ everywhere. We sell Gruen, so n am son I"re dl.e 0 Co umbus 1 poultry industry in a truly nationthan expansion of CanadIan acre- I ElgIn, and other makes of depen and Mrs. Jan e Wright. HI way. "National Egg Week" age. Therefore the farmer In' a ' dable watches. C~rey's Jewelry DiamondH _ cut _ rnas~ itCuOt'ro'e . to b~ n g~eat nutional locality which cannot produce' I Sh.op, Le~anon, OhiO. selected from the Diamond CU'.- I . . n. paymg trIbute to our wheat for less than $1. a bushel is I ter's st ock of perfect blue white ~1~llloind~d a quarter dollar p~\ll­ faced with the economic competi- · Mr. and Mrs. David Dunhum, stones. We can save you money y stry and commendlll~ tion that he must not disregard. . M~. and Mrs. Emmor Baily and I1nd give you quality Cary's eggs, the product of tlle hen, to The administrution has advocated children of Lebanon', Mrs. J. B. .J e we lry Shop Lebano n Ohio 101lr . great Ameri~an consuming hillh tariff on fiax soybeans and Chapman . .and sons of Columbus, ' . . public ,!S onli! of the most com~ other c.rops which ~ight be a'dapt: Mr~, JultB; D!lnov:an , Mrs. Jan'e Mrs. W. E. ,Standiford is g radu- fole~he and vatual:ile foo'd - available ed to r eplace wheat in these Wrlgh,t, MIsses Tnllen.a and Mar.. ally recove ring after an ope~ation e human race. ..' 1 localities in competition with this garet Edwards, were dmner guests of u se l'ious nature at McClellan new low-cost area, of Mr/!. Elizabeth Baily on Sunhospital. During ' her stay in the DEATH Of vital importance in this con- day: <' ." . hospital she has been cheere'd by nection is the President's view of t.he f ollowing 'f~i~ndlf and rel.aJ.esse L. Hilrtsock. a Iifelohg a strong tariff protec~ion for lI. surprise dinner in honor of wh.o have VISIted hcr at dl!- and highly respected resident ' agricultural . products, so ' as . to the birthday of Mrs. Elijah Oasey ferent hmes :- Mr; and Mrs. WIH this comrnunity, died ·at nis ' give ~he ~meric!,n farmer the sub" ;of · B~lIbr.ook . ~as enjoyed Sunday Bradley, Mrs. F. H. Farr and on FQurth . st!tues 'wlth which .he . can replace by tlie foqowmg;-, ,Mr . . and ·Mrs. :rhomasPierc~ ~ on Tuesday evenW~i1e , theSe' grellt. shifting commod.i ties: Roll~nd · Kbpe, Mr. and ,Mrs. ·:Earl mg, Mr. Chas. Satterthwaite, M\,s· ·1 been imll. ajJ~'d 1'be outloQk onth.e :whole .for .Qullrl.ey jlna:. son, Mr.. · and' Mrs. ,B. Earl Conner, Friday' afternoon; 8~rl'Cultural Ii iii the long view op. F. KlnJ. and · s.o n · and daughter of W. A. Wolcott 'of Miami county. timisti~! as t~e admin istration sees D~yton, M,t.. and .M rs . .Clem :P~neMr. and Mrs, John Rye, Mrs. EaTI Mr . (Confillued ' On 'Fage S) C ,\ and Mrs. EJija.h Casey, .. Conner and son, D. E; Standiford ' n.l"cn.'r _ _ _ . _ _ ~ '. ra asey. and son, and dau,hter ' and James McClure, . Satul;'da y : ·o( Bellbroo~, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey afternoon; Mr• . Olla.. Rye, 'Mrs. Drinldq Jam~i~ Cln. .!' ·CaI!OY arrd children C!t ,Falmouth, Earl .Conner, WrtJ. W.oleott, Ja.m es Jesse Alsop, 41. "died ThUl'Sda~' Ky •• ,?tit. ,and Mrs. Milton Th.ompMcClur~ .Monthly ~ternoon; ~~ froJil creepiq para"IIIi, ' due to 80n, 'Mrs. . M~ude Adamll, ~arlon" Ed. Oook, " Mrs. F. ll. Farr, .Mrs. the rel!idence t)J'I• •~~r~l.[i drinkitia adulterated Jamai e4 Robert. LouU!e. and 'N()J:'nla .Jean ..Earl C~nner · a.nd D. E, Standlfot:d. ~'clock and burial w.. ginter. are 30 other. eases Adams. Mr. and. Mn.· Howard 01} TueSday. 1cemetery, . in the city.-Sprinatleld New... Dalton ()f Waynesville.

I 10.














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F. T. Martin Jesse,Stanley Auctioneers





dy, nephew, Wi!lillm F , Cody, nl'ph e w, and J, Pl)u l tIdy, neph ew, , U , \ alter, IIdmini~trl\lol' of lhu ('!4tll t,(! of H , V, Wnltc:o r, II c (IS ~ Il, fll eu hi!' fir!l~ and fin n l Il C uUllt, otke of 8tat ~ [ 0 1' Sl'tU ' !\len t I III'C s(o t f I' h aring April 7 , Ilt !I . u'c lnck a, m, See U. Early for Your Sale, Datu. We Cuaraqt .... I Comnlo,n Plel.. Court G (/l'g-e h l (' nhr llc~ !\cc('pt ~ ,the I ev .DC3AR WAL.L.AC8 In th ; a :-ll! of Ann'! \' an OUI'l'1I ui>p intment as gUlIl'di an ~I Eh7.USati.fart,ion or Charge Nothing. 1 , " I, GI Vct", US ruul' B, Mlcha(' , e nn I~ e tll 'Ill . nc \ hl,t! nbl'o"ck nlll1 Ol' $ 1IInl II ===============:=====-,..:~ .:::c-';_ '-'--~ ._- -W~ ' ttl, wa s appointed n n a p- hl,ed hl1:l bOlll1 In th l! ~ulli .of 0 II , If' ,W I " , wIth Marga reL lind H ' II1Y hl 'nHAPTER XV, "In th t case I Ulll g in~ to d Il(' looked lit h I' ke€'nly, plfli se r III puc' 0 ,('urge , I ,H hl'/H'k us ~ uretie ~ , ' what r was trying t o nv li t!," she " There ' s II lot of mystery abollt l by , IIft!'1' l'ctU l'n (>( t.he !lPP I'nJ8«;- 1 1 ida Ii i[ ntto n cxct' lI ll'ix of the It ('ame as om thi ng in the nu - I ~a id, "I am going t l lhe polie , t hi. hll sbnnd llf YOUI'B, MI'5 , Mud· l m,e nt, the ~ollrl o rcil'r(>u thnt J, ~' I (> slate of H Ol'llc;' E, Huttu n, lIe Pbone No.7 Pboa. No. 320 turl' of a shoc k to Margaret Mad- ; und 1 s hall charge ~uu with SlI! UI . \ di l<O n , nnd 1 think yo u' re in some RII y, I' eel"er proc(' d ~hs'll .n t~ l ccll'ed filed he r inv e ntory Hnu llp- _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ili~on tn dis over h w co mplet el,y ing the blank check, and le!lve it kind o f tr oub le. I'u like t o l,dp per so nal propcrty " e co ur pra'ise ~lent l' hangr d w~re her feelings toward t o Mr. t;i r d t o cor,nect yo u with you. if I ('uuld:" , fUl,th er ap~ro~:-c,d, sm d ~lI l(' u~u ~t'~ I The Ilet' vlllu e of th e ,,,lllt uf . -~~~~....-~.. ~!!~~~~-~-~~-!"-~~~~.!!"!!-!'!':r~!!'...~~!!!!!-'!!!!!!!!!!!!~~-!!!.~~~-~!!!!!-~~~~~.. t he mlln with w ho m she had pass- Luk e's dl suppearun c ," he wa gu tn g to spellk , bu t he dCl ed ~hl' l ec~CI.\ ~ 1 to huld the p l.O Mary E ' W eer deceased was I'd throllgh s tages o f tolemtion to l She half turnetllo th e d oo r, but he ld up his hnnd tu slup , he r. . ~cell~ tn tact u ntil t'ul'thel' proceed - I (f)'une! tl~ be $2 1':15 ,27, Wh~l'eflJ l" p , Lcwi~ , fM div(lrre nnll custody 1se ll T ., Spencer, I trnile r f Ol' tool likinp, lind fr o m l,iking to n so rt he cuught her by th e urm , I "n o ll ' t t ell 1I1~ ull ythln!(' until IIlg , ' , ', til exe mption of ,th e dis tl'ibutul's o f tl ll'ir two llliu(J1' c hlldrc n, , Cll r , $25 ; p, B" Mo ne "pay roll, I\f plI~ . i\'e uffectlon , and from I "For God 's sake , Mnrgllret, con - r have lold )IJU Just ho w m u ch [ : In th ' .CIIU ~ t' of 1; Be nt on SI'O~t l ~xceed th e ir succ'ssionl< u nd th llt Martin A, Bis hop vcrslls LOUIS $28.80; The Wil so n Pal?t, $[1.thAt ngain, in the catac lymli c 'ider what you ' re doinK!" know," lie tiek d 0 0 ' the [lIotS on , \' I' I'SUS NIna !'I l ny , olllp t o n, ct 1\ "ll~ n r esult suic.\ csUlt o und succ s. Bish, p, Edw ard Bisllll P, und Mur- \ 7fi ; H, S, onov 1', s uppltes,$20,Ll,vlltuti on of f eeli ng that her She saw he wa s I'eu ll y alnl'med; tho fingers o f his hanel. "I know the C\l urt ,:,rdl'l'l'd th a t th,:/ru stee , .io ns 1I;'e e~e mpl from in herilllnce KIH(' 1 \3i ~ h up Il na j!lnllll! ,1 05(,Ph \ 9 0; Vun Camp' Stone Co" gravel, l hrother's d nth had b'roul,\ll his vo i e was tl' ' mul uu~ , hi ~ who le yo ur hu slJalld di. llppeul'od th e day I pay cerlulIl accuunts, \\' Ie 1 a r c t ' , lI lld , ar ril' Zink , J ohn ,~lrIk, a n- $ 13 ,73 ; The Mil so n L~mber C~'I nbmt, lo the bitterest loathing, I uit' suggested pallic, fter yo ur II1l1rriuf,(!', I kn ow t hat clu e, IIl1d thtlt,t~c l'e!11ll1nd l' u f th ~ 1 a~l ' wns cl etl'rlll ine(\ that th n et n it' Zi nk H e ll1 ~l cy, nllcl I hlld Hem- c!!~l.nt ancl guard l'Iul mate flu F or th!> fir. t tim e in her life l "I weal' t o y ou 1 do n ' t kn ow thore \\'a;; 1.1 burglllr~' Ilt his Oat, l p l'ocec ds be dlvldc~ III equa l S~IlI', I val ue f the> estate of IJeOlosthellcs ~Ie y, Edith ".i nk, widow." ,f C'1~1!l'l eR $2,L6~; ,I ohn ~uw & on, gas and Mnrga ret was in lovp, and in love wh('re Luk e i s- h ~ wa s on a and W~CII the Ilt, lice arr ivl!11 to ,N ina ~l a~' OI~lpt~ n.' [ un o W el' l', d(~c ell~cd, WII ~ 1 ~Ht -1<l, Zink, dCCl'n",'d. Edna ?, nK luIt, I ~ upph .. s , $ 18 ,;34; Th~ Morrow WIth !10m thi ng wh!c h was neither uur~e, , I the~' rec 'I-(Il lzedlhe IllU Il wh o hil t! W~!t~ ,,~d ~) I hc I.) . ~1~ lI1 t~. ,I thn t the I!Xl'mpUII/IS .,f t Ill' di sL nhll and h ' lI l1 Tuft. ( 'III I'll Zl llk Akcl'~ I GIII'lI ge , gag, $ 14.!'G ; lite Mllrl'ow , I, he, ~O U~,l " I:~JIHII-((!d,~ thn~, t,h,e, lI ' P, ,'x(,l!cd thei r : lIl';.:e s~i,)n s and all d Wyl il' AkPr~ W ilb lll'!Indl\J lfl'Y , Fced .lInd Supply ,Co " gUllrd,rulI n lIIemur~' 1101' a n Id ~a, but so me- \ ~UII Il ~J1' had hIm there, :rh e been cllllcl: rnt'd In II robber } that thin)!, "hich was to h('r us rea l as sWllle uldn't t i' ll lIli' that Mllcldl ~o n l flflor n l}l)n , I know that IIllt ung the "ldlllt ,IT, I o ll ~~l Lut c" 'l l ccl'C 't l tll'lt 'IS II r esu lt <'lid l'stll te and Zink, min llrs lind I{IIYlllUlld Zlnk l nlll te lutl , $8 ,H5; 11~ e Frll~k She,r11('r o wn hand, Sh,e had g,aine~1 that , hlld f ig ll"J :lyhl' c: k , ~, II h ' told ,llll, ! thi nl.(!\ ~ tul(' n . fl'lIm , his flat , \\!I ~ II uf , d cf('~lI lnnl . f C",eVIl~}~n~ I s u ~'l: ;;i"ns 11;'(' e~~IllP t f l'uln ill ' f,, 1' part ition, I wood CII " g il l<, $ ,1.1.87; Phl' KII sense of t> ssesslon whIch IS th e was that he jump ed Into the t'lv c r pa s~ pnl'l - I IIltl!I' Vll,\\'('d hI " se l'- J)I~\ln S, thl' s u m u ... !. "i) ' l hl"it'IIICI.' ta x Ma rlhn .1, LIl('y \'l' rs us Iln\'l' y J1ntl'ick · FI'~ n c h Mutor Cllr Co" J!:as "If " uw n se n ~e and unde rstan d and go t nway or was d rownc cl--I allt SlIbs ''lut'nlly, alld he tu ld Il\ e b .. lnl.( t he Hmll lln l of II ~I' r ~a lll n O.L~ 1'1;1' f u ll o \~i n j! Ul'count: \\' e l'(' li p La ty , "t III 1'01' 1':ll't it 11 111 of I'l'ul und, su pplie s, $:lO7 ,4 7; ~oudl'uw ill/.( of hl'r ohligation!!, h(' co.uld d on'L know whi c h , Thll t's the Lruth t lll'l'e \I'ns n pn :spll l' t in Oll t' uf lhl' togc t llt' l' WIth a CC rll !'( , Intl'rests I ' ,1 '_ ('stnt l' a nd oth l' \' rl' lI d, WCIl ·S tllll lll-(l' (n " ~ upplt e!l, $4; l CI llI.t alford tn waste time in out [ kn e w nothillj(' lIuu Ut it till ('Oil ' drawers " I' th' d l's k , No\\', if thioJ'C'1J1l ("'i lllpute d lit fl'. r ' IIn- l pr\Es~t~i(' or ~Iarv Gl'lH' I'I', d I'C l' a ~J "si Wh itn k,,1' Vl' I' S Il ~ IIlIl'olcl DI'~. Edward unci Rub e rt BIniI', w iekod erru rs o f th e pnst: in t he nor had found him , ! ~ \\'enr t u yuu ' U",r e wc n' any l'hallc (',-unrl it nll m :I'o n, N II VI' IIl be,l' !I.. t!I:! !I , lind , I 'f' ,t, I f' 'I Wh it,,); ,'r i\!arill" W hita ker, 1l l lll l' diC II I ~e l'vit: !!~ , $:ll; Lore tta ' ~:e m ~ lO ne II f ,l h ll ~ l' IUII " IIl ~ tIC t heo- II I~lI, ,I u,r th ~ c o~ts II'. ,lnL ifIll. I pl' l' 0 I', \" I~' l\f h cloys that f o llow e d h er mind 'Yas thi s iR th e t,rut!" " . ,,'t e reln ., . •ex : pend , I.. d, II,Estate of ,1'lsl! lJh II. Co l'I'i I1j!LOn , llIi r ul', L,, ~I , 11 l' lIci C' rso ll, !IS III I- J'\cyll u II:, 'v. ,', nSR, exocc upied WIth schemes for h ~ lJ'lng l "Where IS Cu nn o r ? s he II sk('d , I'II'~ thut II 1'lte l'S Illl~kl' " Io,t of , l ".~t,1 \Id~ Lll c k c~ ~' ,IS ~H~"tCI ~ ; tI"I'c used , first. l1Ii"i~ tralnl' tit' h.. ni s nllll wnh the pcn. e fill' hydl'o ph oulll treo tmc' nt him nut o f the morass In whIch h e "I d on't kllOW , lI e WU R he l'(; thIS mu ncy fJ'(J111 thut thIS lIlun IS :\11', dl\O IC" fllJIll l!ul r~ bLllckc~r thl l F stnte u f }h'~ Lel' DOUgltlSR tl l' - wil l llnnl'xl'd III' Ih" ('stlltl' /I f J"llll $4.GO; H"II Pr" ~8 , ~ upp[i es , $20; ~truggled . Ill o r~ing und told mc: abullt L uke , 1I1,lIdd b "l1 , till' bl'~t pClOpll' t " hl:11' d~~"ndu r!t , h~vlng , c ' n, (j un e l' ,' a~'l' c l. fir s t an,i fi nol. ' 0, W hital,,' I', d('l"':\R ,'I[ lin d Th e Wu odl'll w- W l'i l-Sltlnllj!1' Cu" s up ~ She diu not hear from Gunne r g~ll lng away Thut IS, all the; In· 111m IIrc thl' )i"lIc(', I kn ow 111m I-:u lil 01 gl oss negle ct 0 1 d.lIty , • GU ' II'dilln ~h i p o f F a r! \ ' 1I 1'rh~t l\l imlli ( \ " lIl'l .. r~' A," ,oc iati,'n u pli r" $ 12,50; Hamc, mechnni(' !il' n H oynes u lthough she stayed up f orm ation I h:.tve . J dilln't beli(','(' \\'\'11 l'nllu/.:h til "t' s llre h e wuuldn't . ,J uhn r, Hey nuld H WHs ~ I "e ll a . " " fi ·~ t I Iin"I ' l'''l'p,oJ'atioln with it ~ pl'in~'iJla l pln ce I~('c"n lel' , $;111; Sall1 ~, Rupplie!l, $2; un ti l , n ~a rl Y t\YO o'clock the n e xt hi m, lind probubly it'~ u li e hl" h,old up : r lltfllnIlY' s; If it', II qlll'S- dl ~'u,rcc fro!:1 ~l a~'11 ~t,l'yll:"~\o;"lh ~ I ' ~";II....I, ~ iHlI~,. L~~~ l~ltl':I (. Ilppl it'ntio n o f d (, illg' hll s in l's, at \\ uY II (,Hv lIlt: Sam!' ~ul'pll cs, $,l ,75; Stukalta morning, haVin g the teleph~ne told lIle," ' I tlon "I Inlpl'I',on:HIUII - ,we I'a n , bl' d(, f', I.'dll, n~ , ~\I ,ng" l~ln ~UI, t) ,?, in Ctllll't not tn ta ke IInd t,l' th i' will alld Catll('l'ill!' Wh iLHkl' r, fnr I' n rt l Mfg. Cll" ~ UJlplii'S , $6 . 15; John~(l n Rwit r hed thro ugh to her, bedSIde, H e sa w she was uncic ' ldcd,anci 111111'(' than 1I ~(' ~UI. ~\:u n t yelll t l' lI l~~I, lllle ~ 1 ,u(,I~~: Ih ~ 1~ l alnt ill .. ,\:; of E. T . Lucy , del'ea~ecl , ti ,' n of I' PIlI l" tllt" :I nd (.1 111'1' reo Wlltso n 0" pCllc il s fo r s urveyur, Nul' did the n e xt day bTlng news.' eage rl y so ug ht t o tllr n her I l'lI m nlC', M,',. Mllllch. 'Jll.!' j.!nln Lhl (U I ~ 'lIl.tI <':1.I~tl d y uf th e CO llrt nnd e1ectNI n OI til tnk" un- lil' f. $~ ; Ll' wi s !lnd [J l'llk e, COll i, $135,S he \1'0 out when Danty cnlle d, h ' r inte nt io n , H e hall n u dJl ll bl. Sh , \\'H ~ ,i ll' lIt. With :1 ~ h ake of t ~i1d, , Lo well , , llff~Jl'u Rcy no ld " d,, 1' thl' will of ,J uhn 0, Wh ita An' nna (' . Il anll'1' ,'er s lI " Enos 2 1; Baldwin Co mpany, s uuc, tn a nd having no occas ion to go to thllt s he m 'ant whut ,' h(· had :'a id , hi, Iw ad Ih(' detective tonk his d ' - , \\'1 h I' Ij(' hl o f vlSILatlO n a ll o wl'd t,he, k r ' Iil-cl'a!<e d , \\, i l ~()11 1' ,\1' Ihllllil gc~ , II 1ll l) Unt Baldwill Ohio Cod e S(' rvic e , $10; Ill'r check book, s he did n ot dis'h e did no t k now what II) do , pal' u rt', cn l",~' ing with him the I dl, fc ntiant. !\laud H, e ynold ~ "U S 'hm'lt" S Irwin acce pted th e (' Ia im ed, $:1:10 , Wuldro n r, Bilmo u r, inqu est, cover his th eft, " Cou ld yo u find lI f1yn(' ~ f I' , ui t I,f ' 1 lJ th l'~ lind fI Vl'ry del'p- g runt e,l th e c u s lud~' uf hU~l!nl" 'IPpo intm'e n t'u s tru stl'e und el' th ~;~t h c r F:o), Itachlll'ds V(,I'SUS C h u~, BUIllIl,II , $7,:~O, Aft er s he discovered it, !lhe me?" selltpd convicliu ll . R eY l1 o ld~ , ~Y h(~ r c ~ y the d e f t' ~lht ~ ~ I'U ~ t el'eated by the will of J . A, Ell11l'r Racklll'd ~ , 1'01' divorce, --called on him, "Find H uyne s '!" he alm u~t It was c uriuu s c.'; ncide n ce t ha t ~ ~1l11 ~ el a ld $ .o ~ Ill'r llI o nt u I RUlfy an decl'flse d No bu nd r eo Chal'~"~ ('Xtl'l' IlH' dll l'lt)'. l'usto uy Danty heard her voice and wos sho uted , , . hl' s ho uld have bro uj!ht those cr um t (. C 11 (: ~P PUI' , 7 quil'l'll. ' . , of chi ldn'n, Illllintc' IHlll tl' I1l1 d oth - YOU OLD, MEAN THTING, YOU coming across the hall to meet her "Y o ~ d on ' t,lmag1n (, I wou ld corn· pled g!ll'l1lC'nts III Ih e hlluse whe n, ' 1 111~g l,n ~ nt " I~1 th,c ,~lId ,of f~!9 I Tht' L banon·Citizen s Nationnl 1'1' r e li ef I'l' q 11 l'st ('d . before the door was closed. mUnlcnte WIth t hllt fe ll uw, do you? ncu tly pueke d away ill a n ew 11111 cost s, " !1R a~\tu ( e "! ~v o r Bunk a nd Tru st COlllpllny of LebLu r('n llarll; ol'k St,' plll' n l\f. T h \' Wl' re si ting o ut in the "This is an "unexpe,cte~, pleas· , H ~.'g II dan ger,o ll s ~l1ln, M~ I'gllr('t." 'uitcasl! in hl!r he dl'oulll. was the of the 1~ I,f~,"II~: ; a~llI~~: li d Cf:l~~ nllon hy S. C. E ul ass, trus t offic er Br an(' lind r. 111 1ll:1 PI'II,I l' 1', tl'ust"es , nltl f H.(i,!ht. . urer, Margaret, he Said. I s any- ! i rs, Muddl~o n, hie sa Id col dl,Y c hanj!(' o f j!lIl' llI e"t~ ~ h c hud Ill'. pany v I ~ U S au IIC ae, e II I a ec(' rtcd t he appo intm e nt it S tru s of the ,hul'eh (of ( ' h l'l ~ t LrlJannn, "And," sh(' snid ' proudly. "if thing WTong?" I " H e's danj('(!I'fl lI , you, (j ul-(I~tn,~ ran ~ c'd fo r Luk e. (Ia n t. ' " ' t el' o f lhe tru st created by th e will 0., eX(lul'l e, to IHIJ'{'II"", und I'n - I)OWl' I : V co mes wp'lI f ll ce it to. S~e did not ans wer until sh e was til hav~ II n y deal ll1 J(11 WIth hIm. I She was pUzzled as to t he a r- . , ]n th ; c~s~ o ~/·r na. 1 \I,lln ,DOlo ~ of Grallv ill e p, Dec ke r, deceas~ cI, ('u mb e l' real ('"llIt (', ' gc,t hc l': '" , l In hIS room, , I He dId not nttempl t o .d ny the rung c m c nts she cllllld mak l' that ,'e.. ~,u s 1I11 . I I C.uIl~ " ~~ ~\ :j S I Co urt approve cl uf the r e po rt o f Forrest Lutl's, "" I" II S C II 'vl' land " Oh ~ wcl'lllt'nrt." he answ e r e d, "Before I tell you why I ve theft of the c hecks, \ would be nl os t conve nie nt. She de - c1 ~ r d ~hat J. T. RI! ej\ l ec~t or II c ' slIles nlade by L, S, S haw hnn, D(}\Vn~ cog novI t. "ju s t th(, ' ll1cl'(' ~il-(hl o f y our face co!"e," she said, "I think it ie onl y ' "Y,:, u d,o n ' t kn o:;" wh I'e Mr, cided 1I1Lilllut Iy upl/n Il'a\' ing' the ')~bh o rt zlJ to, ~~! P o~', !lrC\ ,!~ j!uunliun of the e~ta te o f Elizll --- wOll le! ~('lIl'e t,he wolf away," fall' ~hat yo':! s hould know I have MaddIso n 18 lit all? i s uitcase a t u I'llilwn y cloakr oo m, ( ,~nne , to , :I S~ I ~ t IIlI In IS Th omu s in'competent. Marriage Lice"se A " II ~vc r sinc!' he hu, been wonleft Instructlons'that unless ] am I He ac<;epted the corrected r ela- Th e tic k et cou ld 1)(' se nt to Luk e IlutleS a s r e('el\c t, , Accounts fil e d ;' In th e casc o f H nrr y Gl'a h'Wl ,J (l hll W, Willi lll1l<, ill ' !,"'l't nr of d,c l'ir'!! "h y s he r eturn ed th e ring, , h ' h' ' th t back in my house In t re,e- q~arters l tlll.~ S IP WI o u m~rmur" us soo n us he wa ~ di s co \'e l'cd , S he ' L "II 1\1 ' G' ..,,' t E ~ tat e o f J o hn Nich o llls Ge ige r, Frllnkl i n, an d Mr~, Erllc' l Vil'''ini ___. __ _ of an hour my butler WIll rmg up No, Mrs. Mllddlso n, I VI' n o waited f or th ni)!'ht 1 0 CIIllIe t u v r ~ u s oue a Urril} c Plge, ,(' d eceased first and filial. .... Mr, ~ird and tell him where, I have , il!ea, ' C0':lnor',~ b e n looking fo r ca rr y this plan int o e ff ect. , n,I, . the , eou l,·.t fi~dS," t,hat t he ~Iu\~. GU llr dian ~h iP , o f Mildre d and Willinm s, of ,ntllk lin , April 4 , Exactly gone, ' hIm a ll mght, , , Th e night br oul!ht it ~ proble ms tIff hilS no 111 tel 1'5t In th e ~I CIIl , . unu I r win herbet, minors, second He frowned at this, Wh e n sbe r e turn ed hom e sh e f or Da nty Mo re ll. Tha t afte rnoon PlI, and thllt the def(' nd un t, ~nm u e l and finnl account Real Estate Transfers "What's the idea 1" he asked found the Sparrow waiting fo r he r aft I' Marguret Maddi so n had left ro:, Murra y IS th(' o wn e r 111 f e ' A pril I !), at 10 'o'clock a. m. was Murie Flor('nl: c E:dward s to " What mus t o ne do to have harshly, "That's an e xtraordinary on the, doorste p, ,The s ight o,f a him , he n:lade U dis cove ry which !llmpl e. It was further f o u!1ci t hll t a ~l'\ igncd (01' lhe hcaring of t he Robert, tunll' \' , tCW!ll't, l. 60 aCl' e~ bl'U Uliful hUlld s ?" way to behave--why the dickens , large kltbag at hI S f eet s urprtsed turn ed him s ick with app r e he n s ion ~h e ~ef~ndll!1t, A: L Wa~km s, hh ~ peliti o n for Ild option o f Ednn in Dee rfi e ld ti\,p . "Nothing," H e hnd los t his ho ld on Margare t; a cc~lu m I'Igl~t 111 U pat t of te l Giles by Ro bert and telln Bis hop Ormnnd H . und Co rdn E. W ood- ~~-::===~======~ ut nny m o me nt s he might go to the l~rc mlses by \\ay of le use ,a nd op- , Tn the settl e ment of the estate ward to Th e F irst·Muso n B a nk of po li ~e, a nd just thell h e wus most tlOn , " . , ' of J onnthan Clevenger, dec e ased Muson , 0., 8 1.50 ac r es in DeerUI'!XI OUS n ot to l'e n w ncq uaintnnce Th e ,CCl UI\ or~l eJe cl H o~\ al ~1 ' : ' th n et valu e of th e estate was fi e ld twp, WIth Scotland, Yurd , Things had IT:. I:n~~ , ,~unldllln Cllffotd ;:F; fo und to be $12,875,O l. S UCC!!SRob el'l B, und Cnrolyn Gilm o r e j('one bad ly With him; he owed a 1~ln s " I C C~ I V 1', o f Thl. Vnn H o . Il ~ , SIll'S to th e estate are : GOl'rett to Mary l'i'lcKilllll'Y, Adah lind ve ry large s um of mon ey which C~ mp~m y d efl ndunt :n. IIl,e C:lUS~ I ve ngel', brothe r, Jose ph Cl even C lint Ke ll y, lot No , II und part o f WANTED had t o be pnid i th e ' ity on th !ll!;lI l1l , t them by Thc_ Kutz- Kasch gel' n ephew Lue lln Gurrell grund lo t No. lOin Roac hcste r " following du y ; al~d no w, with lh: UO I1l'pal~Y, t~ pny t~. the l!enel: 1 nie~e, Eli7.~beth Rickal'd,' nie ce , Ella S, Whittl e t o Willard p , add ed p o~s ibility o f police inte r - tll,'c ll to l H ,I ~c cn r d Ih v l~l e nd of 5 y, 1Susannah W oodward, ni ece und nnd P ea rl Klab e r, lot No, 5 67 in WANTED- Hauling. Ash es hnuled v('nLiun, his pos ition was pcri [ou s, !n. t~I,C . ell 'e of, ,~ hc e B enn ett AJ!nes Hedges. niece, Franklin. awn y nnd closet s c lea ned, Chas , Dnnton More ll was in so me wnys P:I~ ~ ;~( rs us , h !l ~I (!s , ' ,and , Ed: The court ordered thut Duvid T , A, Mee han to Willinm E, J o nI' , Wayn esv ille, al6 II careful .mun, H oweve r ex travn- WU I d, E, Bennett" In o l,del t ~ cl eva I, R, Ross, guardian of Clifford F, Meehan, 20,25 ncres in Frnnklin gant he nllj!ht be, he hud l'ese rvecl t,he tit Ie o f th l e;}1 1', tntc>, It \ as Ross, fil e d hi ~ fin a l uccountin l? lwp , HATCHING for him se lf a f nt nc~ t egg in cash I ~un d nccessnl!y to probate t he whereby t h e g uurdinns hip s hnll William E, Meehnn to T , A, which, in s pite of a ll temptntion, ~v J!1 of Hn\y,enu Bennett, wh e re by I tCl'lninnt(', ' Mee hlln, il6.;35 acres in Frnnklin he hnd n ew' l' t ouch ed, H e hnd co l- I,t W~l , c,nl1 ~ I,d I' d tha,t th Pl'oba,tc The court approved or th e pas t twp, ATTE IT ION- Lebllnon All-Elect Icc te d thc Ill o ney that day fr o m COUlt be p::ud $9 ,7 5 J. r~m the'pI~- e xpenditures of Mllry C hapman, Ella", Whit.tle to Willard P . ri c Butch e l'Y, 2 1 lending breeds ~wo of thl'ee :lcco unts which h e run c cc~l ~ of th e s?le, > P,~II ~her ~ItS~II- , gUllrdian of S tunl ey R, C hnpman, nnd P earl Kla.h~o t 567 in Frank or P ilI' - bre d baby Chicks hatched In a n a s,' s unll'd nllnw. Nothing was butlon of the ploceed,s \,as 01 llet cd \ an in co mpete nt, It was ndjudge d lin , illJulIligated In c ubator a hatch needed n o w bu t t u [ oll ow th line , t hut t he guardian b e u llowed M, II, Jn c kso n to Helll'ie tta. each Monday alld_ Thursday, of j'etrcnt he had plann ed. The l'e Probate Court Plroceed'ngl $75 pe l' m onth, out of the pro- Sin!!'h, 2,62 a cres in FTnnklin twp. pcciul uttention paid to Custom WII S a s mull aCI'Odl'OIllC on th e oUlIn the se tll e m'ent o f th e e~ tale ceeds of th e eslate, for hel' mainAmandu Ro ss to Annn S, f1nlcning, Ope n all dny Sunday to had found it ex pedi ent to finance of J ohnnna W()od de eeasetl th e lI et te nllll ce and s upport. Brooks, Mary E. Blln ey nnd Pearl the puLJlic , I. O. 0, F, Hall, phone th e s mnll company which own ed value o f th e cstllte Wit S found to W e l'1 01', lot No, 3 1 in Maine ville, 180, 132 E , 1\I111bery Street. tf .... the nirplan cs, und by t(,l eph one he be $22072 ,57. Sllcce!'sors to the New Suit. ' John T ownsend He nders on to "My hll.b_d'. n,am e 7" .he ••• ped, , al'l'~ l'! ged his flight. Thi ~ was e tnte arc Cath er in e Cody, s isler, Ern es t 0, Lewis vel' u s Hnzel Alice Hende r son, tract o f land ill FOR Rf:NT I facilItat ed by th e filet thn.t the Turtl ec re e k twp , shouldn't you ·be back in three- her, and when he carried it into ; c?mp,~ny . hod recently ncq.utred u -- ~=_______ 7' - Mnrle Flo re nce Edw:lrds to Rob quarters of an hour?" the house and into the little s tudy bIg I ebullt m o noplnn~ whI ch , was " I've had a bit of a s hock, nn([ I flap lit the back of the h'Ire d ,ca r e l't Stanley tewa)'d 1.50 neres 1t1 pon RENT- Five rQom li wj~h e lec tric lig hts and water. GQIlQ "Whe re are the remainder of on the ground f1 001', she was to I cupllble of :1 long f11f.:',ht: Dunty, I'm n ot perfc tly w~!11. You kn ow ill whi ch th ey were truveling, and Deerfield twp, garc\e n , MrB, Amelia WllIlllms, tf those checks that you stole from have a shock, She did no t recog- Who h,nu d eC Ided UIJo n SW ltzel'iand th ey're uftcr those 'I dtes ?" peered along the darkened r oad, my check book when you called nize the crumpled clothes he t ook for hI ll fir st ~op, gnve o rd e r s fOl' Co nn Ql' himse lf wns n ot p!lrlieu" What's t he mlltter with you'!" Bill. Allowed the other day?" she asked, from the bug, ~he stl~l'lIge ~[ pe tl'ol Ilnd n oce~s it- lal'iy happy-Ionking, I! l'owlecl Con n or, M, B. Hyman, Ruppll es fOl' jail FOR SALE She saw his face go red, "The clothes we re found in the Ie,s fOI the j c~urn ey , H,e ce rtulI1ly " I knuw. Th ey'v e sl opped 0 " There's a cur, a two-seate r, $1.59; John Law & So n, malnten"I ,don't know what you mean,' posession o f u river thic!!, wh o dId not ~ntlc lputc lIlklng u com- ch ec k I se nt to th e bunk lind huH following u s," , unCI! of shel'iff'!I CIII', $87.23; Drs. FOR SALE- IOOO Pckln ducklings he said loudly, "I steal checks? wus trying to se ll them this morn - punlUn WIth hl,lIl , b.ut he was n ~ t the bu sic ~ in London nro l ooking "Why shouldn't it?" de manded Edw, and Ro M, Blair, oxaminll. weekly, at requlled prIces, CU8what nonsense you're talking- " ing," he said, "He didn't know thut th e only paOlc-s tl'l c ken mlln In for him, They kn ow wh o it iR, tun the o ther sarcastica lly, "Do you tion, $1; F, 0, Jam(,R, meat tor t om hatching at low cost. Slartod "You came Into my house and your husba nd's name WII S ~titeh e d London , I- that's th e worst of' it. You're in want th e road to yourself?" dog s, $1.70; ,J oe W, Duvls pay chicks, baby chicks, Barred "flit yo u were in my sitting room long in the insid e p oc ket." Danty Illude a ve ry quick senreh this, Danty," A f e w minutes later, whon 1'011, $173,110;' Charles E, Brad- White Roeks, S , C, Reds, Whit" enough to extract ten checka, One "My husb~nd' s name?" s he 'foT papel'S which, [eft be hind , "W e 're both in it, aren '~ we?" I ~anty lo oked back, the cnr had bury, same, ,$333,60; A, T, Ret. Vi,vandottcs, MIliaI'd Hatchery, of them was brought to the bank gasped, turnm~ pnle, "W he re I mIght , huve awkwnnl con sequences s narled th e ot her , "I' m g e ltmg ou t dl sappenred, ' til-(_ s am e, $249; Eden Terry, snme R, D, 1. Oregonia, Ohio, Phone to-day made out in Luke's name did he get th em t" and hI S firs t utte nti on wa directed of Lond on to -nigh t." The pre parations for the night's $069 , 65; E, D, JO.nes, BRme, $295,- Lebano n 471-B, . ,,30 ' and signed by him. On my instruct " That's whnt I . want to k~ow, 10 the little box in which , he ke pt onnol' laugh ed raucou sly, journ~y were not, eas ily mnde 55; V, W,Tompklnfl, sume, $293,ions the check was not honored," The yarn, he t ell s IS thut las t ntght th e most dllngel'OU R of hIS corre"Ye.u' ve got II fine chunce of The pIlot had only jus t been com- ~5; H OnlCl' Holcl'Uf~ road s urvey- SPRA VING IS AT HAND- When The color left his face" he picked up a man ",ho WIlS wet s po,nd e n cc l ire b,'o,tr4ht \th is into the getting out of London, unl ess you muni.cated wit!1 He was on a holi- 109, $22,50; W, C, ergdoll, sa me, in need of ~ new IIprlly ' pUmp, "Not honored1" he stammered, throu~h and who had come out of dining room befol'e he dis covered lake n raW 1'," And th e n, s ud - day 10 the Midlands, ~3 , ~0; ,Pel'l'Y B. Simpson, operat- no maltel' how large or amall, and in his embarrassment he be- , the rIver, and took him t o a that the lock ,hud bee n forced , dellly: "How are you going?" "It'~ a good jllb we came, or we Ing mmntalnet', $50; Lealie' Shultz s pray hose, nozzles, complete trar,ed his share of the guilt," house, We've s ince verified tha t-- With all exc lu11la ti on h e threw up It' was on th e til~ o f Dnnly's mil!ht h[lve been in Queer Street," sam e, $06; F, S, Everett, labor, pumps, lellthel's, rubber packinp, • I'm less interested in the che<;k thou~h from the ~escription I've !he lid,shook o ut the contents - tong ue to ,i nvent a Imeth od of es- slIid Connor us . fhey ~vere driving $14; Morow Sheets, labor, 88c'; etc,. 01' repairing of them, call on than in my husband," she saId ' had It eouldn'L pOSS Ibly be Mr Mad rh e one packet of l e tter~ that he capc , but Ju ~t now Inc needed the bllck, "What tlme dId you say Blair and LeRoy, fUl'Ilishing and 'JllIE BOCKLET-KING CO 415 quickly "Where is he?' , dison, who is s till ahroad, I pre- had bee n mad to ke e p wn s gone! associntion of Cunn():r, Con nOl' was you'd he h ere~" loadi ng g l'ave l,' $110,75; Zaln W, Main St, Xenin, Ohio. " He sil'ove vainly to recover his s ume?" And the littl e telephone slipn ot nbove using a gun at a pinch, "A bout midnight," Armitage, same, $846; Howard FO ' selfpossesslon and forced a ,8 mile, Was there n note of sarcasm in that also had di sappeared. and , mor eove r , huted Gunn e l' Hay "What are you looking for?" Coo k, snme, $144,88; Harold R SALE- Trees, Shrubs, VInes "Really my dear girl- " he be- his voice? She thought she deHi s hand s we rc shaking s o that n c~ asked Co nn or t e n minutes later, Swe ny, snme, $20,40; Harold V. GR nd Evergreen:< THAT WILL gan , I tected it, and very wi se ly did n ot he could ~a~clly ho ld th e popel's he "I'm going ,by a irplan e from "Th e little cnr~" , ,Murt?., ~anlC, $75,75; J, K, Spencer OW, delivered to you at wholele prices, Equipped to furnish "You'll address me as Mrs, Mad- answer, was cXllmllllng. Th e re was no need Elford ," he saId, "We've got the HI! Jlushed hiS companIOn Ilsale sam e , $5 [; Franklin Vulcanizing d ison, if you have to ad dress me "The mall Raid the clothes we re to ~pec ul!l te up o n th e identity of ' Gunnel' to thunk fo r this , He nnd , peered, ancl Tire Co" repalrs ,2; Trustees P, andts and do all the work, If de. as anything," he said, " 1 want you given to him, but thut of course is the mall who had f orc ed th q box' i squ eulel!. " . "There'~ a motor !orry: Tas that of Public Affairs, light at fair we , Calli 56F41, C, L. Duke, to return those checks; I want you I the usual yarn, I have reason to Th e GUlln e l' had bee n seen In the I "H ~'s neve r sto ppe d squ ealmg," got anythm!Z on u s ? ' h e demanded ground ~, $1.82; L. W, Nisbet Co, aynesv 1111, Ohio, *,,10 also to tell m e exactly where be lieve that they were stolen whil e neighborh ood: Pi Co les had told I said Co nn o r without heat, "Where , Danty sa id ,nothing, No man s upplies, $1.25; E, S, Whorley' THRESHER SUPPLIES-BELT9 Luke is," the owner was in bed. Cnn you him thllt, nnd it had been the Gun- do YOll land in yo uI' flying ma- could know the terror that was in supplies, $2; S , C, Alexander sup~ ,pulleys, babbitt metal, oil c:up., "As far a s I know, he's staying throw any light upon them." ner who had mud e this sea rch and ' chine?" his heart, Behind him stalked the plies, $5.l'0; H, S, Conover' new i wus a convicted thief named HayShe shook her head , It was a found the documents, ' Danty Danty told him his destinatio n , grim shadow of ven~eance, and I concrete mixer, $229; M'onroe nJeetors, lubrlcatol'll, Iteam and n es," the man answered roughly, pitiable confession, but she knew Morell saw death grinning at him; "That'll do for me," said Con- every second he expected to see I and J ohnston, guard rail Materia l water gaug"s, gauge glal8, ollen, and to his tlurprise she nodded, she could not even recognize all hypnotized Into sheer inaction, nol', He looked at the papers on the hawklike face of the Gunner $13,60; Waites Garage, repair packing, boiler fluee, suction hOH "I thought so, too, I went down , old suit of clothes worn by ' her When there came a knock at the the tnble, "Having a burn,up?" he peering into his from the darkness work, $53,05; Hadley's Garage and tank pump., THE BOCKLET to 8ee hIm-but he had 1I'0ne, I husband, It was the suit Into which outer dool' he leaped up from his ' asked pleasantly And then: Danty did not go near his flat, supplies, $9,30; The Galion Iro~ CO. 416 W. Main St_ Xenia, Ohio: think Mr. Haynes was surpriaed to he had changed when he broke chair, a shIvering wreck of a man, "How much stull' 'have you got?" He telephone~ to Pi Coles and they Works and Mfg, CO" blades and FOR SAL find that he had gone, and I'm into his flnt, not daring to open to the visitor. Here Danty lied, He could not met In the park, PI bringing with ' bolts for grader, $132,715' HoI. , E-Bii Bronze Turkey only now understandin&, that Luk. "What do you make of that, Mrs He calmed himself sulfteient\y tell tpe tr.uth abou t money, him an overcoat and wrap which thaul Transportation Co, ~xprese e"ila, Mra, J, H, Sackett, Waydid not go of his own free will, Maddison '" to go to the door and demand who The eonference was a brIef one, were to be Danty's sole lugga~e, 35c; The Ore&,onia Bridg~ Co re neevi! 1', Ohio, a18 Then I thourht he ma): have wanShe shook her head helplessly, was there, and when he heard They agreed to visIt the aero- His servitor he rewarded liberally pair work, $11,22; The Fa~ous PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS dered out by himself In order to "It couldn 't be a Bult yOUl' hu s- Connor's voice he could have cried drome that evening and make tlnal There was nothing to do n,?w but Auto Supply Co" supplies, t24,. -For all purp B Itl' , ('~cap(! association/ with Mr, Haynes ~and gave. away, because the date ald\Jd 'for joy, preparation fill' th e tr joul'lley, Th e to pass the few hpprs ~hlph !I')- 18; The Pl'ues Equipment Co" l'~. 11 f oees, oc.t. But the check explains a great It was delivered ill wrltte.n on t he "Whltl's the mntter with you 1" 1Journey thro ugh lhe subul'bs into tervened before ~e left England pairs, $12,34; Franklin' Mbfp-j: ~e 0 pluhbln g and heatlnar IUpIleal. Where Is Luke,7" tub, and It must have been a ' lI s ked Co nnor, when thoy were oute!: London wl,1s a sH,cnt one; forever, , 00" Chevrolet Truck, $~j)2,99'; p ~e8 ~r~ t a : ~at. 'f~e POCl~~t" I don't. know," m o n t h ago," bock in the room, J now und aga In Ounty h!ted the ('l'!> be c;ontmue(j) H/lrt'y Hill, gas ~oci~·s, $9P ~u~- ~~1:. ,",0" w, ~afn S~" ~~~,~,




Centervi ' °11e, 0 . New Bur1°log t-on, 0 .





















.16 °11


Sir Walter Pinky'. Letter






' "

_ _...;.~O-:N...;..:~_V ~9A"~P

5% Farm


LONG OR SHORT 'l'U"~Jila ' terms, Also Surveying alld A~ stracting_ Write and I will 01111 and ~ee you~ Sam D, Hellkle, Way. nesville.. Ohlo. ' 111 tOAN$ on Livestock, Chatteta Second Mortale.~ Not•• bouehL John Harbi~e, Jr., XeDia, Ohio•

.Farmers, Attention

F!li'me~s of Wa!'J'en aild- adJolrillla countIes ,ma, obttlJl mone, Oil long time 1oane, at 6 per, cent In. tereat. Colt of ..curiri• .~,.. ~ " .. 18 very realon_bie, t)WOUlrta : Federal ~d' Bank. fu .r infol'l1latlon eall OD or &delft.. ,C. DRAKE, Tz:eaeurer, pllone


X Leballob, OJil..






~~!!!!!!~~!!-.-~-~-~-~~~~!!~!!~~~!!!!!!~-!!!!!!!~~!!~~_~-~.~~~..~!!!!!!~~~~~J~~~~~~!L~~CCS2~~~_~__~,~_~~~~~_ ~~~~~~~~_• .~__ ~_~~~~--~~"_~,,,_~~"~F~'~-"~~"7Z"~


higher than It Is now, It was easier i Mrs, Emma Gib on and grand chil- • It Wil li easier. too, because the dren we1'e afte1'noon calh~r on preponde1'ance oC immigration In Mr, Hiley Gibso n and family. 01 Old.TimrHo'lucw;ves ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY the fh>st half-century of our nuMr. and Mrs. I':vin Mulford lind -~---- - - . . - - tional life Willi of those who spoke child rt!n alld MrK.. Raymond . M ulD. L, CRANE Publilber lh ~ same tongue and so w ' ro not ford spent Sunday with Mr~. under the dnuble handicap of Frunk Dl\\dn and family . O Bi c:e Ph oue ...·................... N O. 112 having to learn at the same tIme a About forty fri e nd s gathcred R-.idence .......................... No, 118 new lllng-uage and new set of at the home Of. Ir. Hiley Gibso n idenls ' and ijocial standards. on lust Tuesday eve nin g and wel'e Sublcription Price, $1.50 a Year • Except for a f ew !lho .. t-:;i~hted cnt.el'tained wi t.h mU l'1 ic by th e intere ts that would like to open Huppy Holl owH from X nill lind ' .... ,.d ... po.'om • 01 WO)l" .. ~iII. t he gutes and le t in a fl ood of N ew BUI'lington . ""/0, •• Second Cia .. Mall Maller ch eap la bor, th 're is no substantial The young p eo ,il , . society me t opposition notlcl1ble anywhere t oa t the h orne of Mrs. Frank Da kin day t o the restriction of immigral ':n P l idllY ni:: h . About f" I'ly l APRIL 16 • .19 30 , wel'e present. t ion on the basis of national !]uotas. It is only fuir t o tho 'e who Mr. and Mrs. Lou Ri c hards and aI" already here. which included littl e daughter J essie Lou ise Of ! all of us, not let the country be I lJuyton culled o n MI'. and Ml·. . - - - - - - -. swnmped by mOI'e newcomers in • HII ~ Gibso n and fa mil y Sunday I a given time t.han can be welded in I >ven ln g . - - - _ _ _ EDITORIAL u I'ea so nable period inLo th e mass \vhich makes up the American peaKEEP THE FENCES UP I pie. - -- -- - . Th ere is such a thing. h owever, n. being too tolerant of the alien In n broad se nse everyo ne in who comes here. not with tb e the United ~'ilates i: of alien de- desire to become a good Am erican Daby ch icks soon £>:1)' Ih l'ir ow n "'By on Tuxedo Sta rfing scent. Even th e Indi a ns ur<> of a but with the purpORe of evel·throw ano Growing Allrna , h. Pm Ilt cm o n th is (c(·d al 72 houn ing Am e rican institution s and ami W'1f h ,hem /-t"Il"'! stoc k which , Illude rn scie ntist!; bc- Europeani; th is country. Th ere Ii e ve, calllC fr om Asit by Wil Y of is nn [lctive nnd wurld -wid e moveN o lo n g waits. A few weeks mo re nnd moncy is coming ia Bering StruitH_ Wh e ll we spl!llk (If mcnt, centering in Mosco w. f or nli ens, howe vt< l'. we menn no t only thl! rli ~ rupli o n o f every govel'll{rom s<.:lIinK. fln c, " lump cllck"r.,t,. IIr C!(!(S fr t)m 8,nhili()us r t Jlatural than thai Ih'e t!~rly Ar:,ericOiI ! lrt' llst'~ile after a What i. m9 pullets. the neW CO lll e l'~ uu t ul ~o tho Hc who. ml: nt in the wol'!d . Ils propag anShOlild nam~ . tl,e d~!iK'1 sh(\wn a'i>u,'c til; "Easln ~-~--=----.-although the y may ha ve uec n in di s t~ are perhnp f< les." active in wfDte~ of qullt-rnalclng, --o many. old qUIlt (Je~ lg"S !b "Jn rn "Old Patchwork thi s counll'y for .\ .. ,,,·S. li\'(' t o t he United Stutes thlln t hev a re ~IIYlr .. bThiR' i ' <>neE, 'F'Inlcy The Tux" u" ("rm u!., do cs fhe ,,:ork! Grai ns corrccrly (mstt.) , ALL PASS 5 th('lllselves, r(' llI ill tl lI'lr }o;ur(jpcun >lsl' whcl'e, but th er(' are t oo "many ...,ullb y u th ~r()und a nd lIl ix<.:d; bltJ(ermi:k fo r "isc ~ li "e 'Y ' fe ms; cud lung-uuge. hauits. cus t om s and o f th em here. liver oi l (or ~r"rdy bo ne, ; a·,d P URE CANE MO LA SSES point of view lind d o not uss rnilate We hnve developed a m ethod of By Theodore TiltCln for enc: rgy, (II ' ap Pl'file , . :Oil..! f. )f nortll." ,hir,1. with th e res t uf th ,· p. ,pI c. in uring life, liberty and the PUI'Their childn·". b · ' II II , Allll'ricn suit of happin ess to our citizen s I Onel' in PerRin rl'i gnf'd akin f'. . Folluw th l' (, )' Mllpte of Iho llsa nd s o( sllL:t:e~'(II I poultry Mpecrl ily a!,~o J' b t1.H: A ml'ril' un o ut- whirh wo rks he tter t oward that. • W.ho. upo n hi ~ . ig n('( I'inl! niH' rs; 8"( YUlJr Tu edo SI.,n in g ll nd Grllwing Allmash look on IrfC!.. ThiS IllU Y (like tw o cn ll tltun lhl' systte m in vogue anY- I I 'Grll vc u a rn:l x illl tru e an d wi H·. {ro nl us. gcne.ratl ons III t he l~lUr~' cO llgested wh cr p in the wOI'I(,1 so fill' . We I Whi ~h. if hl· ld u(· forc th l' eYl!s. r') rcl~n - I~~guage'l c.ts " f t he Illu >l de ma nd of e'<c ry new imI Gav e him cO llll se l li t a g i an t'· , larg I' .cltl es. but It IS . a sufe : lIligranl thllt he s uLJ Rc ribe t o lind ' !\·I f' ~· "r~. G. M . M u<:no~nlt! IIn(! Fit f or eve ry chun~(' un" rh:lll c('. ~~neJ'/llr zll~lO lI. thl!t Ihc thll'd I!c n- bc('u mc II pa rt o f that system. If , ..I~a~ . . M!ldd.t:lI . we re Cln e,lnnatl l SII." 'mn w~lI·d ~ . IIl1d the"c arc !.lwy : Cl utlOIl of .Alll e l'lcul1-bol'll urc as he do es not he is not II goo d VI "ltor" 1 hUI S".lY. In th~ ."\C I11n g - - -, "c.;l'l! n thIS ~ha ll pa ;<~ away. Lytle, Ohio good . AllI c nclln s WI Illlybody. A merit-u ll . I f he tries to overturn I J\~I'. Muc Doll a ld a ppeare d 111 n rp- . . . ! It I' In cr ' u s l1~j:dy t1iHi cull, how > t hu t system by a n y meun s but th e 1 cltal at thf' . Cl m' lnn al l ('() Il ~\' rv (\ - Cou,d not EnJOY 8 Meal - Now Trnin ~ o f ca m Is t hrouKh t h l' sn nd Fr"ed Of Sev'ere Stomach Bro ught him ge m ~ f ll ol l! ,'a mari,ever, . to Amel'l eanizc th e. uli c n legal one of vot ing nt t he polls. t ory of mU ~ I ' , wh,e)'e he hil S I)('e n speedily. Whe n th c proportIon of he is WOI'se than a bad citizen; he a tud !' nt fo r s"m e tllll C. !IT;. Mud. a nd; the old sto ck .t o the new was much is an enemy of the natio n . d (> n W[l S n gu esl III th!' I:el'l lal. Dllorde.. I FI" ct s o f g all ys throu gh t he ~ea~ Dr. a nd Mrs. F. " Tn" p e ll ter, Bro ug ht his pl>a d s to mulch with --~=---- -,;:-:" ---_ tained a pur( y of f r icnns f .. ol11 th se. Dayt on Sunda y aftt' rno o n. But he counled not h is Jrain: ' [ The W"man's ivi e Lea gu e n1l't , T II'!I SUl e. of the min e of Ill ain ; If you feet.! sc ratch gr~in s, feed Tu xedo] with Mri). Bfe l'lli ce Dukin Sa turd llY , ',' What is wealt h '!" the ki ll t( wOllld Srarririg Mash for rh e first six week s; Ihen aft ~!,n olJ 'r. F ollowing th e uu sincs: ' sa y; Tuxc:ou Growing Mas h to euly malurity. . !<C~~ IU" a sho rt pr og ram wus gll'l:n "E.\·e n thi s s hull pnss I\wuy .' · hy t.he children (Jf Le8J! ue mem• _ _ _ _......_ . ._ _. ._ .........._ _,.._. ._ _ _ _ _.:.~•.:,j":. bel s. R criLa ti u n ~ b y Al ice Hogan In the r cvl! ls of his cou r t aNI Kathl een Gray. Pia no so l" by At th e T.cnith 1)[ th e spo rt. Charl otte Th () mpso ll. J'('citation s Wh en the pnlrn s of all hi s guests: by Eleanor Cla rk a nd Edith BOl!nn I Burn cd with clapp ing ut his jC!;ts. H e. am id hi s figs and will e. vocal qUllrtl't Mnrj ori > Shu lll ll kf!), • Wlltch your exp irution date on the Virg inia Da vis, Charl otte Thom Cri ed : "Oh, loving friend s o f The Mia mi Gazette mine! a s, :lnd V irginia Tuck!'r. rccitalion by Alice Gra y. Ligh t r e fre ~ hPleasure com es, but n ot to s tuy; 1:\ 1'.\ WI' ITI"" me nts wer e servpd by th e pl'ogrllm Even thi s sh all pass awa y." utes ul\,der a hondlcap lit be t. Our died und er the ne w (ariff. The co mmit tee . Ad jj ourn (>d to me et it. The movement from the fal'n! pork sltuatinn and th!lt of fl'uits April 26 with Mrs. Evu Mnc DonFighting on a furi ous fi eld, --- to th e town s und citi s is a and vegetables may al so be ex- a ld. . nc e a juveJin pi erced his shi e> ld ; 1'1 ",""" I.' k l :~: MalllnKt oll al ul. Illl.lural forc c operating for the pected t o improve from the same 1\11'. and Mrs. W. A. Luke ns an d Soldi er s with a lo ud lament 1" ,lI.l· 1 1.111 111 . ' 1Il I,·S. "l Ill. benefit of those wh o continue to ca use. daug hter!; and Annu MacDo nulel Bore him bleeding to his tent ; , 'Mi l': r-; " 11 !1I 1 make farming th eir vocation. The The work of the F a rm Bureau we re Da yt on vi sitors aturday. Groaning from his tortured sid e. loll' "1"111 1' ur "" ,ml",· .,f "".I '., st eady increa sc in t he nation's hri s brought som e bitter criti cism Mr. nnd Mrs. Wulte r Cast nnd "Pain is hard to bear." he cried. dil ly 1• • "1' " rru' n ""Id ,'"lI r l, ,n till' ' I . uhu\'(' ~ l ttlU(' ~ HS t ·. IlIHI l o Itl t' lIlJ '~ ' C l · t I t "Ion IS pl'c pon deJ'OtlOg popu.a y III flom the g rnin deale rs who have Mr. Hnd l\hs. O. M. Ridge of Wny'(Bu t with patience. day by da y. "" . I will o ~r .... r",' ""it,. I' l W>\ )' or : t.he cIties. The g e ne rul .upward ee- ; objected to the building up of nellv ill e wer e call rs at the home MR. C. H . BOOTH Even this shall pass away." ~' Uldi C ,,,,,·lIu II . UII II ,,· l,r,,"ti Htl" In onomle standard o f hvrng when farmer owned orga ni za tion s of of Dr. and Mrs . F. . Tripp this _ ___ ~·. I J' n e '1'''W II "II Ir •. II' art' ~ 1I ' ·"lI lI t)' . 30 Years E xpe rienc<! in Flttin maintain ed by in c rea sed buying the tYPe provl' (led I' n the mark et- week. ' T owel'lng . . h bl IC ' square" l h lol " II Mondll )' lit.· ~1 ~ I , ,I,,~ of ' In t e pU A prl. ,\ I,.. I U:W. .\ l I" ,,,·,, ... I( 'l. a nd Making Glasses power on the part of th e people' ing act. They are pr obab ly more Mrs . has. Gray wns t he guest "" olljo ln quick ly a nd thoro ugh- I Twenty cupids in the air. III •• 011 Kllld ,Ill)'. ,I ,. · futl ')wl nl{ dc- a t-genel'lllly tends to e nlurge the ' 'cDl'ed than hurt. The whole or- of Mrs . W. M. fathias in Dayton Iy prov£'d ilself the mast el' ! Rosc his slntue curved in ston e. ~1! 1 ·.IUc'l ,·.·,,1 " ~ I :tl p lll -.\y li . d enland for f'lrnl I).r0 ducts In . t 'Ion ha s b e ~ n cl'eate d f or Th urs d ay. ' n the KIng - 'dIsgU . .Is ed unkn own 1\'11\·n,' :;ItUIII. ·In III111, . lit ,' I"wn nr ' all gamza • mecI"ICllle " , sal' d M I.' C . H . B 00 t h • 1he f',,"nl\' .. r ~ ltIIl " "rr~1I Hnes. And lhe vanous indu strial , tho benefit of th e farmer to . Th t! operetta ." unb onnet • ue" ,~ Ii H l! nd rsun I:o ad, . St ood be for e his ~cll lptu'red name. and ' ~l:'l ' vf 'Ihlt •. 'LI'oI h ''')\, 11 .,".1 e nt e l'prises fo und ed upon the , brrng a bo ut n grcut meas ure of gIVcn by the hIgh sc hoo l at th e No \\ ord s of nu ne cnll d(>scn\)e , Musing meekly "What is fllll1e'l . I "~(' ,· I1,, · d " " fo llvw ": AI,u ll l .-I"I'l), Every Thurada." 1'1' r r ( t b I' d . f h' I d'd • I I;U, .. \ '.T'"H or la n d, hto ll1 g' lilt· :": o llh U Ilza Ion 0 urm wa!! es can e furm re lef. Gym Fri ny eve ning has b('en my pl'U lse 0 1' t IS sp e> n I rem- ' Fam e is but a slow decay; ha lf .. r :-:. 11' . QUal'l,'1' .)r S,',II .. n a:l. Saturday r!!asonably e xpected to grow and , Th. e act provides. for the pro- ' voted b.y fal' t he best e nt crta. in - . f.dr. For u lo ng tim e I suffel'e. d Even this shall nas8.nway." '1'""',, 4. If""" .· :" ~I H . •' III 'd I ' r f h i " " 11I I I No ~harne provl e an en arglIJg outJ1ut or I l eetlOn of t~e olevutor men and me nt gIven he re for a l o r:~ tIm e. r om sto ma c . t,ro ub e that r es IS- St, l'u ck with pal sy. sel'e anel old . ' II ,,' , ' 11 , ',," 'tl_ ' " it ". :tI' d W I eli 's .. . for Examination the farm e r. othe l·s. lhllt If the marketing 01'-1The cas l of charuclers In cluded t ed every medICin e and treatm ent Said he with hi s dying breath. ~\:6',',' ~'·~~,~:nn,I,:\··o ~,I,~" II,I:I'i·rul~ I ;~~I'N~~~i; .:.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . We increase our consumel's bY t gan! ion s wish to tn~ e over th eir the entire hilth . chool. and .n ~ e~v l T t ~ i d . . Gns l~l o ating a nd sev re "Life Is' done, but what is d ea th ?" ( ,'o m Ih,' TOW II "r Wn YI1l·B,·IIl.· III .I,500,0~0 II year, tll1d we are not bllHlI1 ess they must g Ive edeqllate fro lll the grades. MI s Vlrg lll1a In d lgc ~ t.l o ll p. am.s f oll owe d eve ry The n, in ans we r to the Kin". Hil i" " ,," "1 )'. "lid k l\ l' \\, 1l as lI, · lh e l!mO~n · t O~~) a~ d an u.1 J1~op e l' comp e n ~a ti o n s. et c. T uc k' e r as "s I I t ' " " "' U~"IsIpl F a rrn ," . lnCrea S Il1~ . un b onnct .. u e .. W';l!! meu I. Cons llpa t IOn a d (l'r 0 my Fell :l sun beam on his ring, tl llUfi 1' • • ,tI .~t:lll' I,,' S It",." n.", ubrought Into ~u l tl vutl on except !n There I ~ no tendency on the part ve ry /l ppeahng' and wlllsome I.n ml cry, ~nd I wus without hope of Showing. by its heavenly ra y. I"rl.\' t'l'l' I'IlISNI II,HJ"I' o,·,I'·r o t lh ' the very spec lIIl ca se of wheat III of either th!! farmers or the Farm her r ole . pn e dol'.· not permIt I eve r seeing un oth ,~ r well tiny. "Even ihis shall pass away." ('Ul,rl >1I till ' RII' " "r F UIII' Th o ll Rthe last f ew yeal·s. There lire, Board to do inju. t ice to anybodv o f the mention of each indi vidunl- ! "A s I read daily of the health ___ • __ - - ~'~~ 1;,II'I'i 1,~ ~tH ll~ ~· lIS:. ~c:r.~e·~"I:..:\~o U~~~ broadly speaking'. three classes of The primary purpose is t.o build I IY, but 'uffi ce It to allY that eRch alld happin ess that .Ko njo lll had (,," a -Lltl , d " 'Jf ~Il ld ''I)I"a 1M':.! \'l""C. land Crom the a~l'icultul'll l point of the farm up in strength so that wa II . tnl' In hi.' e)l' he l' part. brought t o RO man y Colu mbus citi- : NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ' T~ rIll H (·,,"It .\\, . II. 1~ \1 I,I, EItTII view. ,t he farmer contl'Ols the d estiny of GI nn l Snell. who was ca!lt a s lh e ze ll s. I realized I would be making SIt" I'lrr Of \\' fil" ' " '' f' O,,,, ly,' 'hl o. There nre the completllly \:Inpro- his own crops. ' (' onstab le. met wilh a painful ac- ; a mistake not t o give it a tl·ia!. 1 i . Sha wha n & li m wII . ,\tI Y·S. 1116 1 ductiv e Ipnd s whi ch do npt enter Adlrlinistrntlon· by emotion I. as cid I1t Thur:day • . which made it , hCKan t1~ e treu.tme nt, IIId .that wos E state ot lloruce E . Hatton. ipto the equation at all, the 6rst- rep ugnant to the President as legis 1 impo ~ibl e f or hlln to perfol·m. !' the. tUl'lllng pOInt fol' KonJola went d ecc a~e cl, . . SALE- At th e SUlIll' li me rate tillabl e lands , which CliP be Intlon by emotion. H e wanted the but hl R part wns very ubI)! por- l< tu \'.' 0 1 k. l\~y system WJIl; Notice Is hereb y gIven that .Llda FOR llnd place, we will olTe l' for ~ a l e mad e to produce ('rops eoonomlc- I facts. T elegrams were scnt to se, \'- trayed by Supt. Moo re. "Th e ol1n clean se>d and con stlputlon banished H. Hatto ~ has been duly ';lPllolllted 4000 slick" and u uuut 200 a lly , a nd the oaall ed marginal (>1 !II hundred or th e le uding agric- villc Chorus" by the boys o f 7th 1'rhl'n my Jig ~ ti O Il wa s I'e to'l'ed. nnd qualified as Executl'lx of the bu. o tfobacco ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN C0 1'n . IlIn(\s, on which cro\ls can be l ultural eOQpel'lltive a s ociations and 8th gradeR mad e a decid ed a nti n (l \~ I Cllt thre':! heurty meals Estate of Homc e E. flatton late of your Cattle. ho gs. sheep and calveR ADMINI STRATOR I\'rown, to bl' S lIl'<>, but only at a l a sking direct questions- whether' hit with their lIppeal'llnee between n duy Without the slIghtest ~Istress Warren CO~lnty, OhIO. deceased. t o Norris- Brock Co .• live wire and hi~h co::t 011 the best lands. they th~ught the new law Rh ould the acts. K~'I~j(} IQ •. the n ew and . dIfferent Dat ed thIs 3 1st day of March progressive firm for the highest Th ll tcnd e lll:Y In Amcrlca hilS be adnnnistered by men of exMr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett en- melhcrn e, IS a !;YRt emahc trent- 1 fl30 . Let us print yo ur . a le .bill s market prices and good service. W. Z. ROLL been tu dt:elo p th lllle mnrglnal, perjenee In \!ooperaUve market- t e rtain ed the Wayne TWI). Far- m (! nt take n a ftelr I11l:al;; . Quickly I Union Sto'ck Yard., Cin~innati, 0, lan~I!, on wht(lh the farmer oper-, ing of farmers products and me r's Club at "Hole-In-The-W oo ds !-,O CS t? th e sO I~rce~ of t~ e ailmen ~ . Judge of the Probate Court. HeCerence : Ask first mun you meet tes under a hunclicap at best. Dur ,.\·h e thcr' th(loY should not also have W edne sday. Th ere \\' about GO ~lcunsulg and lnvlg~rutlng the 811 Warren Co unty, Ohio. - - - - - - - - - Ing the war ncroago of marginal . a l e adln~ bu s ln e~s man on tho pI(>s!'nt and a ve ry enjoyab le m eet Ing ol'ga!, s. a nd . gIves abundant aiG Illnd s under cultivation wall great" Board. The unanimous reply was ing is reported, und glol'lo us relie f. A very pretly wedding occurred Ko njo lu is so ld in Wayn e. \'ill e. Iy Increased. All of the signs point that t hnt was eXActly what was to the grndual abandonment ot wan ~ed. I Wednesday at 2 :30 P. 01,. at the ._ hio, atAdam. Drrui Stor~ and by , XO'I'IC ' IQ th es!! marginal lands, perhaps I These cooperntives have been in home of Mrs . H. E. Hatton. wh .n a ll the best druggis ts in all towns their reforelltlltion, and the con- bu sin ess of marketing the pl'oducts her daughter. Clnra Jane. wus Ulll t thr() ug h out thi s e ntire section. RESIDENT fining of ogrlculture to . t he firilt- I of t heir m embers long enough to ed in marriage .:with Renssew !'r ___- - ' .... llI ln'" ' . l."w ~O It . Plalntltr · \'6 closs farmland. And. with the know thnt the _problc",!s involved Gainer of Cincinnati; in the presArchil' 1' ~lI n e)'. l)efOIHhllll caption of some cOll1paratlvely call for the hIghest kInd of ab- en ce o f abou t 20 guests . the Rev. It nrur" Fm nll \1·II Hu n. ,I. o r P. of sm all tracts which need only II'- i1ity and acumen. The President B. F. Brown of Duyto n officialing, Fourte~n Year. of MIl ~8 1" TO\\' II Rhlll, W on .' " ( '0 . PERMANENT LOCATION rll1.'ation to put them in thot class, ' then dispatched telegrams to the t 1\11'. J. ' E . Shumaker arrived Oh l" . EXPERIENCE aU of the ready good farm land In I' various associations asking them home Suturduy from a plellsunt , _ _ On lhe Illh dll )' cof :l1:"rpll A [l, tho United States Ie under cultlva- to suggest men who had this basis three months spent with Mr. and ........--. In, Milici J u. ti c· 1""1\1''' Ill' , ....11'1' " r I tion today. There is no natural of experi nee. Five of the men Mrs. Ev(> rett ShU(l1llker Ip Calif.Mr. a nd Mrs; Il saa~ Starky and Attll I EBANON, OHIO P lull f' nt III UtI' Hh u\'c UI' lI O Ii . (Of' incentive therefore to the ex- I nppointed tu ' th.e Board were the ornill . . ehlldre.n of Spnnl{ HIlI spent Sun- th o Slim or O n e H Ullfl r "11 Ul\tl °rt'n Eye. Examined tension ~t agricultu~al operations fiVe who received the largost num· i MrR. Emtnn Cline . James Cline. d~y WIth 1111', l sulah Kerns and 1' "I I Il ' ·~. ($1111.001. "n" on 1I11l" c !t 17. 1930 . juftg nlt' l11 ,"'u s I"t-' Ild e rt>u Gla".1 Fitted Repaira but rnther a strong pressure to ber of r ceoplmendatione from the and Mrs. A. Mueller arrlv,l!d here 1 mece and ,!e ph e ~v. i n ( n ~ ' o r o r th e Plaint i ff lind f.rth: r curtail them. existing cooperative associations Fridny frolll Californ ia whhe Mrs , Mr. E .. I'. ~ e lf nyder ha ueen til ~' 1I a llu (·l lf· tl PIOIH· I' l ." at P ld. l iC The tariff on form product!! that were tbemselves the actual Cline and James spent the past IX 011 lhe SIck hst . Au alio ll. o tfer' a t P u ldl p S n It, l in 1t1t' _"""". ."""". . . . . . . . . . . ._ _ _~~ which will 'keep the virgin lands of represe ntatives of the farmers. ' months. Mrs. Mueller j oined them Mr. and Mrs. Th eodore Pepper HHJnkwill C'O f ' Uf ol " ln 11 !l1 · \· fl ~' ~ b\lr~ . OhiO" tho growing younger nations from ' 'I'h ere had to be representatives ' about a month ago, of Bellmont w\! l'e Sundny callers Waynesville, Ohio competing In our home market , from some sections of the co~ntry ' Hr. and Mrs . Her~ert Fite and On l\1.~. a~d ~fl·s. !F'ra!,k Hnrt~ock. will produce prompt results i)\ , where there were not suffiCIently Jane Ellen of Washington C. H : MI s. GC!OI gc Daklll of Dayton !,; I\'III ); u t;l1 od (Iuw of mill, nnd 10 many lines" the President believes. strong cooperatiVes and the Presl- were Sunday gu ests of Mr. and sp~nt . und~y Wllh heT so n Mr. fl't'~h l: 1I i n O l' l Qil. r, ..:; uid enw I s Ill We have been 80 long accustomed dent 'added to the Board Mr. Mr . . Frank Wilson. ~llbur Dakrn a nd fa mIly of C"OSS t !H I I .. tI :\.11(1 ttl th e l 'nre u r th p C o n IHalil e of MUMl-' l e Th\\ l1 !(.hll) . rrhls co w to think of the United States as a Alexander Legge, whom he in_ _ - _ - - ---WIck . . With Dependable i11! so l d t o Hulls y tll M JI Hlgyoung nation which it Is by com- I duced to give up the Presidency of Mr. and Mrs . Ern est NIxon of iIIls en1J('; ' and COKts In lhl' 111)0\' 0 ,H ill· parlson with Europe that we I the International Harvester ComTRY Dayton spent the week-end witQ, \l ~ d e ll ~ . Serum and Virus SAN1WOHD LYN C H overlook the much y'ounger na-' pany to become its chairman. OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Mrs. Nixon'.s parents M.r. and Mrs. C OIlBtalHe Majs81 e 'l'OWIIK hlp, insures both Safetiona In point of development, in I The Board is truly a farmer's Frank Dakrn and family. ~'Ilrren COllll t y Ohio . Phone 93 RI6 the 'Southern Hemillpllere, and I board and its purpose is to build FOR RF;SULTS Mr. Belburn and Wayne Smit~. ty and Success now the strona-elt competitors In up farmer owned, farmer conthe world markets for the aa-rlcul. trolled organizations for market· ay~e8ville, tural staples. Ing the farmers' own crop. The dairy Industry Is an exam~le - - - -. - SU1J SlOp Sbinillg of agricultural operations wh ch , "S6 you were held up ~nd robHervey.burg, O • have had ' the benefit of . a high tllr!ff for sf:v/lra1 years. ' It Is toa~~ bed last night after bragging that Phone 31 a highl)! '~04risWilF condlt\pn you couIp li;k any man on earth NOTAIlY PUBLIC 8J1d Is capabll! of c!>n~l~era~le !!~~ hands poV'P ~" Pfl~81!l,i. W ~ fife i~pol'tlnt{ bed "But he ~ipn't give me a chance. National Bank tPPIlY, hu~ It 18 the . P.a:eflldllqtlll ~xpe~t!ltiQn ~ttat t~at :w!ll "e re~\l- He m!l~e. JIlep\lt · 'em up." Will Drawn Eatat •• S.Ut,d






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28. J9lO. ••ot&I ecUpte o(the rUIl will be vi"ibl~ in the Western IIId Northwestern lIt~tes, at the

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the Miami Gazette






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~i •. ,,"

ann lft<!.' til ' £TINC OF HOMl!

K,)thl 1' 11 , ' EXTEN ION COUNC IL ' IH,k, j Ili«' GI'/I. _ UII ~ horll,. Gr/lCI' ([ (' k tt ami l\h', { 'hnl' ' Ill S Ell 'tel'. Thl' II n~\l(1 bXlCn~i (l1l rutill ~I of , \\ (ItTl' l1 \ U~lIt~' nH',t , fI th ~url1l MI' . lind I r!;. J. U. J o n o!; at e ll' • -:- . ' [lU I' n ew I H3Q _" amp le boo ks " .Hul'flll . Utll 'l' o n I, I'ICJ!I~' Api'll II d eti til l' funol'lll of th ' fonner 's ur now o n di~p lll. , h Iwi ng all ' 1 ('1' .wYI!II( . IJIIl I \ ~ ,fill' th . J 10111(\ r, IIl' ill, .1 '$l.'ph ;'Irlll'lull , ul Leu. ho Lewis Iln J Phil ip ll "l,kin: th' Jlew and IIp·to'll nt ... Plitt 1'1\', ~ lllo n _lraLHllI ~\ ~lI' k 11\ th :\ non \\' l'dnl'sdllY, w I' Dllyl n \' i ' itoJ' ridllY. l'allgillj! in pric fl'll1n 'IL', . ingll! \ ''',unty flll' \111' ('11I1\l11~ n'~II· . I 11 . i\l.lnrk S(, I'V(,O on th p lit roll, up. tn ,,'uit till' lII ust palticu· . I' h l " 111l'l't1IlK np',:('d WIth ~II' . . I .iur~' at Le bunon Thu'l's duy and $24 .00 Blln jo .lock FREE. Inr. We e/111 A'iVt' yuu th' he l f I Cl'OI'!;1I1 ,\1 ' ndl' l~hall III Ih . "hall' In Fridll)'. 1)1'Y'S ,Je\\'('l ry Shop, LI'l)lln o ll, 0 .. pa per lliu li A 1 !< I'\'iet'. I). 1'; . ~ho IIb~l' Il C' oj Mr ' . •J o hn ,Iack' i\ l r~. l\lal'A'lIl'l'l J I)hn ' SIHmt sevc l' . a30 ,rhe utllcel's 01 cled f o r t~lC n;;u· j u l day '" Ia Kt w c'.)k with h e l' so n, l ,' l!Inltiful'll. .Mr und ~rs. R. A .. ki ll1Jll l!lA' .. r -' I lnH' YC:lr lire , Mnl. '.Kntll('nn .Sa!·, :Ienll .Iohn s and falllily ill J)uyt o n 11 , tt ul lIa llll ltn!l ! ll wn shll). C hul!' i\lr. ,j o hn s . w ho hn l' been quill' ill W llmingtun" were ~1Jl's t, o{ Mr, lind Mr ' . W . R, GI'l1ham SUIIJIlY Illal) Hntl !rl,rs. ~~ I s l c Ross . or J-l flr- wil h Iln <! ulll o nill, is ~ I o wl y I' ucove l" IIfLern oo n . , BUYS A PLANT I la,), .T ow n ~hI Jl' ,:;c~I'.etllry ,. : : ing. "I' l , " I h pn f~, ll n \\' l.! d dl~cu "s HJ n o ! th ' , [\\1'. a nd i\1r~. W il li lllll' ( '" Ielll un Lown lll OWl'l'S Rhurpl'lWd by Jlllll es,' 10 Il~, ," f 1 Ill' Slt'op s Lhre l! prllJ('ctK til h e elll'l'.ll:d III t!ll' and M i ~H TIIl'llll:! W('l'l' dinn e r ElectrAkcell PI'I1(,I'SS, sa il'" m .. l hlld , Pn c- k,nA IIIIIPII II ~' , nt VUIl W l'l'1 n. l'!,u ll ty 1~l.'xL . yell 1' . ('1I 17.l' I1 Sh lp. dilll1('1' glJ(' s l~ Su ud av. (,r 1\11', llnd H~ u ~ecl UI' I(\\\'n m W(' I Illanu fal" , hil S COl1lp ll'te d :I .d (!u l 1\'!lel·C.'.'Y I", . ,II!'(' (I f ( lolllIlI!! :.1I1r1 11 01111' I·'UI·II- ) Ir~ , 1\ ;:ll'nlu 1\ 1,lli" [;nll ~() II \l illy, lur 1" . Efl'('lru\.co'l! ~~''' I ( '111 tUlll S purclu\sl,d l h e , I' ;II'S & NIl·hol " ,~ hll lj! , . It lIa" d""III,' <I I" Iw in lhl" llt Mt. 11 "l h ·. lIlIt Pl'ri,'c t (' ut lin K J)J \II' rs. T ry L' u !lnill~ p\.nllt : t ;'Irol','al, H! i'I , (;ltl~ ( II H hiJl :llJcI (';\1'1 ' "I' Clo thillg ' FUllI'rnl '''(' I'I' icc I\'U!:' he ld for , Hoy Pigvtl. ,,: hll· h IS I.o,·n t('d n il th c· lI ()~' klnl! I rllJt:=l'b III S I' ptt' llI [,l'" and Ud, dll' r '\I I'~ . Andc' r s" n 1~ lIi " Frillay afler - I , ~. nlll'Y 1':1I11'I):\d , 1.ltJtw~'~ 1l ~ ppCI' and whl·n thl'''' ha ve hl!I'11 c t)UI- 1I00 n. at 111' 1' I;ltl' I'('s idc ll ce , o n I t ll' MI""('s B I tll' Hild I Ilflll ll y Sllll d ~l: ky and i\l l1null. I I.le SLllu ps pldl'd l." s tal I th" ( '\l llIllY · Wld " Sol'ial Ho w, S .vern l rr ie nd s fl'l) nl i )' o une.. " f Dayton. hun' 1I1'en i PaC'lnng OIt1I.lHny ,,.. l\Iakln~ ('X Il' lI PI'f··JI'c t 111 .January, hl' rt , attl'lIliL'd I!UI' ~I .· o r tlwir ~r ll ndJllll'l.'llt S . MI'. sivl' Impro v' m 'nl s ill ttll' \'all .Thll ~l' tOlln s hills \Il1,inK ('ili 1.l'II" ir . alld M~ ~. 1I I'I' IlIan SlI d o l' hi d I r~. W ilhur Clnl'k. Thl'.i r JlIII' -, W''1·t plant Ihls yl'HI' l o inl'I'I'a ,e " hlp . I\IIII~"L ~ al; t, ('(\1'1' 1J 1' ·(,I .. ~hi ll ~ IInll , 111 1 1, [ Hl'l lllllllt ' IWII L Sunday ' I' nl ' . ,II'. a nd ~Ir!<. l o ul uus Lhl' o utput so a s l\, bl' ab le 10 " ullll' n ~ ( Ulllp \\ iii b L• u ll (alll p liLh h" Intl l! I" ~ p'1I'(' lIt " 1\11' . nil Y UlI ll1"' , whu hRve lll'l' lI I'l' ry si l·k. : tuke care o f Lh,· I:Hj!C' dl' lllfllHI fill' Il uo k, ~I i ddl l' l ll\\' n , 1'1''' 111 ;\u gu ~ 1 " Ir~ , W illian , L;'nJ.«. ' " . d afl' I!lllrlU ll lly J'(' c I'\·l' rillg. I l he' t l'u d e tI~(' y h'IV I' l·stahli ~lll:d . , :!fi tu :!! I. ,\ ('Iln~p (' l('l' to ~11' .• 1I1d '>11':;. (, hlll'les i\lu ll ill c x ., . lind th ey d,'c ld" Ii . 1h,'y cull 1/.1 l'a ~ ll y ' p"'.n h ' 1'1'tI/.(r:\1II IIII' 1111 > wa ~ ap - \\'"i), S unday Kll l'SIS .,1' Lil (, lall l! r '~ n ulh \\ :11' 11.,"'.\:111 ,' and l·~!, rY l se li. th l, output of a." "Lh" I: JII('lO!·Y. pll lll l t' d, :'.11'> . 11 .,1'1), 1 ~: IiI1H'I', lI lI cit' IllIci :r un l, 1\11'. Hll d i\l l's. ,I.. hll (.' hll !·\' hl' ~ o f hl'l. t a l'!) plulIllIng' Th ls J ,1 0 r nl l plUll t lS l' qulJlI H' d l o r :'Ila s" " . ~I."' . J..d . 1',II'll' I' , 1I1a llll'lll,', 1I 11~' I I\ ' r al l ' r IJallll , , 1':>1 Lil li !.!:!,. I'l' Il' ft l'a l'l y ~1 ,,,"ll1v un llsu!ll pr~!!,l'IIlIls.l\ nd lItten d a.n ce l~lIc klllg eOI' ll IIl1d 1ll'!IS, but 1\1 1'. 1\11" ., 1'.1 - 1," H II :~ , B ulll·I'\·IIII·. :\Irs. ~ri V I'~ ~O l' I'.3 ~t I' Su nday m ~ r l'l ll1g' . Stoo ps .sta t c!:! t hey Wilt nOL .l'1l~k :\1:1 11(' (, !'IIY. 11!1I'\'I'y,ilu rK. lI lId 111 111'11 ill}..:" fill' ('illl' ill lla li \\hl 'I'\' h~' fh ... \\ ayn s l'Ille C hur c h IS u lso p a s th IS year on UCI' " lInt ll f lh,' an d, j\J1 ' ~ :\ udl'l',V I h"lrd" lf. Frank · lIa ~ (' llIp lov nll ' nl pJ'eporinr. II Ilf'ogram f OI' th l! eve n - la t£' lI css of th e ~(' a s" lt. hu t will run lill t' OIIl Pl' is l' t hi s C<l11I111 III "l·. 'I'i lllll <lll ' Bal'l:1I1 \\' II S (,H III ',1 til !n f ~ .1·\lCy , f ~a turinJ? II pag u nt , f ili I tlln e o n co rn . TIll';' lull',' thl,il' i\. (',ti ~I' " - hip 1"."II.mill'·I· 1\'llS T , ,J ,, d, , Su nda y (, II :l1:"IJU ll t " I' liI (' '. II nl'l ~" In th Gard(' n." j' "WI~ .w a~l!r ~v.ork s sys ll' llI Hnd nwkl ' ab o al'l~"l/ l tl'd t''', n ~ I ' ~l/ll! .. r :\Ii " d " alh "I' hi ~ s isll' r. • .. ' . .. Ih e ll O\\ I ~ h gh t und powe l: 01 Lhl s Ad, ·IL- K" II , ..\ ~s t. Slat, · 1.",,<11'1' SI'\'PI'"I 1'1''' 111 h l' l'!' ~IL en dl ' d tirc' Katydllis WCI'l' ('ntcr- plant, USin g' nul .ul'l1 l gll s 10 1' f u .. l. . ,f · 1111111(' I l l'.II1()II ~l l'aL.llln W llr\;,' S""ial /l 1I' dill !.! :llI d "(11'(' 1'('01 di - h . 1 h(· IUlfll'd at I,hl' ho rn e of M.". and M.r I The bU Siness ,) 1 uu th plalll s ~\' 1I 1 .\1 1'.<. 11(·1111 1'II ~ tl' I', h ,ste l' Mr~, d illlll'!' at Ill(' 1\1. I':. l'i1lIIl' 1I 111 1 H erman Sur fac~ Sl\tur~ay ev('n· U" conduclcd at I Il l! V/ln \\ art lI any 1.01 1:" " L, : IJlI~ II H lind M, ," A , :-;p r iIlK " <l 1'1I Thllrsday (·I·,' lIilll!. Ili lt. AfLt'l' . a d'.;lIghtfu l, dlnncr s(' r· offic e. II . B"n d . I'l'allkll n. I:III ~ co III IIl1tt ,'l' Thl' fHll1ili ('s 1,1' ("harl\'" 1':al' ly, \\'111 111 ,·,' 1 '.'" :'I l a.\· I " , I1t l lll' 1-':11111 Flank 1\ lI l'f/l s a ll d ,j ll" V int Wl' I'I ' : \' pd .by MI SS F,v(;lyn S !lrfoce, ~h(' vve nll1 g \\'II S s pe nt III p la YlII g Slur,' :lu n tl wt'. II ·I " :ls,'<I 1'1' 0 111 qUal'l' llIinl ' SU lll)," ' . "500 ." Th os!' p r esl' nt werl' MI', OUR CLASSIFI ED COLUMNS I T h,,: ,· 1! 1'I '~1 ' 1I 1 li t Ihi ,; Ill/' N ill/.( ,\1,'. "n d 1\11'''. F o ,'l's l tirallll;II ' FOR RESULTS \\, .. r(': M '''H Ad l' I:' KIIl'II . A ~s 't. and falll ily l'lIll' l:lailll' l lhe 1IIIII' rs all d 111 1'8. Rhone s Bunll e ll , Mr. ulld , 1! ' ''11'' , 11 "mll ll ~tnl tl"" l. .. a<l" I·, MI''' . pan· lI l>'. ~Ir . and ,\11''', S herman (, .. .. I·KI;, J\Il' lIdt' niln ll nnll l\ l r ~ . L. 1>.I'k" or I lu .l'lon lin Sun da y. V;. H l'all ~ tral"r. W aYIlC Tp; 1\JI·~. .\l ih' l!S l\l illi('I' lIt 11 1'l1. ll' l' , li nd \~ I. "'~' I ' lI alll;l': :l!I! i Mrs . •Je l!l lIr I rf'll(! .'Iad e or Piqu a 1\'1' 1" Sun d uy I (" ,III,IlIl . ~Ja » Il' I 1' , !\Irs, Els,e I!tll'"l s o f 1111': . :. II. lI aine' s a nd f{,) ,,~., and ?I II'S. , .l ll hll G!'iA'l'r , li ar· ~ I r. and I\fr~ . W altl']' K l' nri c k. Ian I, !. I\T I'H. \~ a lt,, 1' I ~l' l\ nl " rr Hnd ),11'''. 'l aI'K:lI'l'l J o hn s " p e nt 'lIl1 MI ". (hllrll' ~ ~\ "hl(!r, l' rankl'l1 Tp. cl oy with MI', lin d i\l l's. Am os 'ouk , :'.II'~: . 11 , 1,,". K (· I'I ~l(nlt- . .c1t·"!,~'I'cek a lld f:lln ily 11('11 1' Way nl'sl'i li l'. ' I I I',. Mb. ( hilS. (o ll k I'.ast (urt ll' Mrs. SllrnuL,1 C ha rie tull unde l" \';I'('k , i\11·s. Iklla F" s \(' r and ;'I I I'S. Wl' nt lin OIlt' l'utioll fnr tUnl o r at I~ll~h l',nn '! 1:1.11 n('~. I1l1,d i\11'~. !;:d , SL. 1~ l izabdh ho;; pila l Thul'sdll Y, I I 01tr' I, 1l 11ll1lhllll I p. ~h e n ~l' ('(l l1g and IS reported a s lA'etli llj! al o ng wa s " pe l.led " 'lIh :'Il l S. ( , (") I'/{ III 1\1<' 11 nil·elv . MI'. C hul'l(·to n and l\l rs' j d r: nhalJ 1/1 lh " c hai r in th(, a], sl' ll ce .Ialll' ' C'harl etnll vi s ited h l' l' Stln dllY "f ~ II ,' , .Ioh n .Ja l' k. 'I'hl' sl' l' \' i cl' ~ at Lvtl" c hul'ch : ____• [,:1 \ '1' he [' 11 c llallKc d the f Ol' e· 4 . H CLUB LEADERS M EET ING nuo n s d Ul'inl(' th " s unlmer nHlnt h,. , l'l'l' ac h inj.( ~e l'\'il- e at !) ::]0 lind S UII A t the '''';'In izati o n nll'" l ill A' of da y S ' h oo l I1t I t.! ;:30. ~ . II ('Iuh L l!lIdl!I'~ 11l'ld !'t'cl' nt!v at i\ l rs. J oh n 1'(' wc ll o f Franklin is t h e Warn'n " unty Farill Bu i.l'uu ru w sto yi n g' 1\ ' t he hUIne of he r uRiel', mllny IllIl11l'l;S of intl' r c~t to daughter M r~. W il~u l' F ou lk : and ' Iu b m e lllb('J'~ we r e (Ii:c u ss!'d, fllm ily . I , F o llowing thi s fI l'l?port o f t he Thum as 1.\'l u lli n cx of i\It. Ol':lb is I dull c omm ittee which met in th e v is itin g hi s hr ••th e l· and wif , Mr, Drive wtth freedom. A sensible plan tr Ilhd Mrs, C lw l'll.'s \ Iu llin ~ x. o Ice arli e l' ill th e da v wn: g ive n MI'. un tl i\ll·:. L t:~lCl' Dc itz (,f these daY8 of low tire prices, is "New hy !VII'S. Ed ith M. lIiIli kl'r. co un t \' Cin c inna t i and MI' . and l\ l l'~ . l\ll~ I - ' h Ol11e <Il'l)l nJl~t I'Hti,' n age n t and Goodyears aU around." Come in for I d b i d vyn S wank nf Da yt n :pe nt ' u nf~ II~:~\~s: y eu CI' . Ur i fl y it is as da~' with 1111'. nnd ,\Irs . Cu lvin our Special Proposition! Our fu)) F o od " Iu b IV I'k ' .h L o ngacrc. 8ervic:e bac:ks up every sale! h II b' In t e co unty i\lr, a nd i\11 '" .J , E. Li r. n emlln " :1 limited t o proj ect sulld -ch il drcn o f lla.\'lu n w cr o W e d - . h uilS for ve r y dllY and m ea l Jl repa ru t io n. P.xhibit s in f uo d club n e"c1 ny (vc ninA' gucst.s o f the lat- ' wo,·k wi ll be by cl ub s I.~t l . t h' l U"S pllll' n t~ iiiI'. and ~I I'~ . H nI. .tn I'.V Fo ul k s. " u let u y individuals, Clo thin g club wOI'k wi ll hav e T\Ven t~' 0 1' more o f th c. you ng l h l'ee projects- Kift s girls lik e t o' p c(),P le o f ~y ll e c hurc h e llJ oYClI u , mak/> . . ~ UI1lI1l C I· c lo thing f or g irls SOClUI m C,l! lln g ,i\'~ Il ~dIllY cv.c nl~g ~It! a nd wlnl e l' {· Io t hin g fo r girls t.he h o m ~ of 1\1 1. a nd MI S. J lo "d , Th £' s ubj ect ma tte!' tl'a'i~ing ' u vag e . , . Waynesville, Ohio r e lg hton , S u· sehoul f o r fon d c lulo leade rs will i M ~ ~l ame R Marl.ha he h c- Id at th e F:1I'I11 Burea u o Oi ce 'I ~a n ~~ y l () r, J C g~ I ' L l) ngacl'~ ' Lou l\la v Iii. SuLj 'ct nl'ltter lra in ' ' o ll u Swank .alld M a:rth n ( , I'llha n, Guaranteed R~pajring s chon ls for c lothi ng" (' Iuu l e ndlc~~ ' we r e en t.!!l'talll ' d Thul'sday ut t he will be held by d is tri cts 50ll1e t ime I I~on:c r 0[. l\l lllS Sa ra Bow ma n a l urt l'!' lh e middl e o f M:.IY S Plll1gbolO. . T h e cunlp thi ~ vea l' ,,:ill he I e ll . MI'. Hnd Mrs. Sta nl ey B ~ ily a sat amli H oo k' lit IIl i dd l c to~v~, I ~ I~ ~~d b ,V MI SS D~~a H o pk lll ~, e n · throug h th e I(c lI l' l'Il: ity of t he l Clt<I.lIl c d at th e ll hll~l e undll M iddl eto wn Scollt o un c il w h o Lv cnlllg ~ l gro u p of fnend s f r o ll! Iru ve g iven I.he URC uf thci l: cn ) W.a y n csvl lI (,. Th os e prc sto nt we r e ; to t h e rural U!lYs lind g il'l l! f l.~T Miss es Ada G~'n ee and. Ru uy pale Big Oversize Cords FuU Oversize Balloon8 AUg URt I t u 2:f 11 LJllde l'\\l ooci, Evu ~cMI~lan, bth e l A r t c !' sum di ' cu ss ion' l . d I\lendc llhall , Hlith romhn so n. MAl' 29114 .40 , dd e d t o ilO l(ttll c' c l ~b t o u:· b~~!' gal' t o(lk, Ad c lbe l·t Mc Mill a n , 30113 ~2 ,JU!l,o ~O u llll .Juli e 30. e n !I~ d , . ,M ?ss r~ . H l' /,h c l'l, McM lll u.n , .' h e o tTi C('I'S nnd l e ar\ l' l'~ Ill cc t ing ~<l. wl, e n.ce , I UI nil s . MI. .lI nd M I !:!. 30114.50 32114 ......... WIll be he ld af H:l rnlOll P ar k L e b- I Eh FUI nilS, MI. 1111(1 MI S. Rhod es an o n a s u Sllal, Oil Sal urday' .Ju ne WB~ nl lI e ll ;\lId 1\11'. und M I·s. Rll ssell 14 . ' I so n. 28x4·75





Kern's Garden Inn Easter Menu


Values \V


Regular S'undavDinner, $1.0()

hope it wi ll ' n ot ' 1'I1in to s poil yo uI' Easter b u l 11' 0 do pl'ed irt tl ~ h we r of SIll! 'iuls f o l' yo uI' Eu ·tC I' tabl e ,

i" rlliL ocl\La ii Dressing ROlls t C hi ck n lIfn s hl' d l o taf.llcs

R oa sl Pllrk

En: I!' I' Sa hli Pruit Pudding



C I' ~ 1I 11l

Ired T a

l'll k · Mdk C olTl'l'


Ma shC'd r o tlllo es r C'll m e d P CIlS

I il1 l1l !.l eA n s lind CO i'l1 (' lol'!!1' L(' o f Rlilis



Special Easter Dinner, 6Sc

I ll \, ~ 1'

LeA f Rolls

, )

H ead L ett ucc wi th Thou s:.II\d 1 IlIlId Dr ssi ng Ice C renm

Frui l Puddill g' lee d l' ('a





11 ' "I1 ~ su gar c un'lI find S ill o k, d I h l • .. 1.1 f ,, ~ hi ,," ,' d W!ly wilh

II il'ko'I' Y sm l,kl' . Regu lar Ham •• Ib ." " ........ " .. 23c \\' h .. ll' ,»' half


Pi ni" H a m . , lb . "" .... ".". 19 12c ~I til Ii lb . a VC l'l1 J.,Cl·, stllu e {' l H' P II' " UI' 11 11 111". 13 ,'"f I' ut rrnn l qualil y Baby Bl·l,r. H Ollie ti res. ud.

Price. on Molded Red Tuhee




a fre sh shipment of thi s well kn ow n cement.

Wayne Chick Starter O r your fav o rite fee d mixed from the co ncentrates,

be st




ORCHARD ACTIVITIES Pra nk H. Ikach , !1sRist e d Co unt y Age n t CIa g in a se ri es of orc h ard

Lehigh Portland Cement We


gru in


Genuine C. C. 8. Pocahontas an d

mak e-

ni c

t hat


c ut

it will

so s ur·

Fres h C a ll ie., lb . ........ " ...... 18c 1'1Ir k Cul~ fr o m yo un ~ Pork Fine f ol' Roas t Pork Stea k, lb . ............ .. : ..... 25c

Phillips Bldg.

Waynesville, Ohio

Pork Loin., lb . .. " ....... .. ... 29 ~!l c Wh ole 0 1' hnlr, s mall, lea n. Pork Chop., lb . ..... .............. .35c

A pril is th e bc ~ t mo nth to buy your coul.

Notch Back Fence Posts TIlt' be: t an d m ost con vc nient s te el pos ts made.

Miami Theater

Pure Pork.. sa u aage, lb ....... 2Oc Fres h Country Eggs, doz ... .. 24c

Franklin, Obio

Home made Ham loaf, a ll kind s lunch meata, Pickle •• Chee.e Mayonaiae, Butt er, Country a nd Creame ry ; Milk, Cream, C ..,ttage Chee.e C.offee. .. Cakes, Bread, Oliomargerine

W herethe Pictures Sing and Talk En. t e l' SU E

un dllY lin (1, Mo nday, April 2t) Ilnd 21


"The -Golden Calf" A s inging Mu s ical Ct' l1lel,l y Dral1lll, of

Legs, Love and Laughter

Late Classilied Ads

You will sC'e th ese s lurs who pl!\ycd in the mu s ica l co medy. o f "Sunn y


ide Up."

They are

a ll

bnck again in a n o the r

pictul'e thnt is s ure to p lea se olir pa tro n s.

F O R, ALE- :l·pi ece living r oo m s ui l c: a ·p iece bedl'oo ll1 s ui te :

The Miami at Franklin Welcomes You

~~~h~~aC;, n~vh~eOdeil~~:~ii~cesb~~~~

I fast set. green u nd black ; while e n am e l ice box; Inquh'e at this Sunday Prices . , . . Adults, 35c; Children, IOc m ~e ti~gs , I' cce ntly~ ~v!lo l'~ in tli~ Wm. Lemn l' o f ' Har'vels bul'g olli cc. a16 Pl OP, ~ p lu ll ln g, 1crtlh zut.lOn, SOI l Sf! il L la .,l WE!(,k w it h l'elnliVt.' K lI e l'c -::~'=======:-:::===== l11 ~n.lg ll1 e nt , 111 111 SIl/·nY.lllg w ns T he DOl'clls lub m el at t he De. - - - -- -Startina at ~:IS and conlinuina to 10:00 p. m , PO lll iNI . OUt. . IJ (! lI lO ns tl'lltJOn s a nd Il tl vn n h nlll e t)11 , 'hlll's(la". . ~ g.. ('('" p ies C ouncJ il of R c. S ubscribe f or The Miami Gazett. e 10... gl' Oup (II ~ C U S < l o n s 0 f 0 1" h :ll'd probY"ul1 Ii gio us E lill culi u n o f U nit N o . 1 le lll s WC I '~ hl1ld li t th(: f:l l;m 5 o f B. Un d e l woo d, Ma SSie 1 o \\lI s lu p; ' Il1 tilt lhe I~ ri c ll d' ~ church he r e on CIII'I Dulc e , CI ' !II'c l'(> c k Town ~hip; MondAY ('vl'ni ll g . T hc b:l n ncl' fo r ~t'-------------------------------------------------'!'""-----------------------~--------­ ~. H . B:lIIttl: Ro bt. M~ on e y and til(' b('!;t n lte n d :\ l1l'~ vcn l to Suga r '1 he OLtl' rhe ln \I ome, 1 u r t\ cc r ce k (' 1'(, I( ell ul'c h. T o wn s ~1I P: II o ~vn I'd Eh le rdi ng' s orMr lin d 1\1 rs C A Dickinso n c ha rd Iii Hllml~ t o n T o wn s hip .. and T . C.' Hu y do c k ~ "d ·E. it. L Ulll pk ,n at thl' YOUII!? 01 c h n l'rI ~ of W~ltacre a Lten d tI th o C in ci nn at i C le ve la nd I n.l ot h e rs o f H !l~'l a n 1owns hll>. Spe ba se bnll g allle a t C in ~ innali o n I c ml den~oll strn t l o.n s or co o p e rative ' ':; un day. tests '\\ ere ou.lI llI e d a t m ost of I R cv. an d Mrs. Kil mer are g u es ts th ese , p la c es . . S lIlc e th e peach crop of relativ cs in Sardin ia this w ee k. WI1S 'flnt e l' kil led. es p ec lIlll y h eavy I Mrs Dora Hill of Ceclerv i\le is pru."lng wa s I'e comme nd ed thi s v is iting l'elutive s hCI·,c . i"~~n ~ to ope n UJ1 th e ce n te r s and I MI s : J esse Hill spe n t the we e k Many a .building-old in point of I sired l t he n e w frUIt area s a s £I e· e lld wit h f r ie nd s at Mar ion, I nd. service-has been made to look S(' . . . Mrs. S upin ger i!l lit h o m e afte r . ve ral o r Lhc Il'aulIlg orchardI st s lh e ",inter ~pcn t in Davt on among young in years with good steel roof. of '. ~VI~I' I'en <; OUll t" a r c nl ~o CO- I' her children .' ~ P( l atHlA' . w,lth .Cla ss .a nd the MI'. and Mr". H. F . Compto n, ing~ Channeldrain is steel roofing ;.~I~t~ ..:P(· C I ;l Ir H t~ I~ kl- e plllg sP !'IIY Mr . and Mr~ . F . D. ~O Ill ~ t O . ' ul!d at its best-made to give a life-time .0 ,, ~ ,"lld g e n e l ul o rch ard -alld Ison att en d ed a fam Il y dllln e r III I f~1 ~1 iI ':,cfl unl boo k.s, C.has . S. Bak· MidaI etow n , S unduy . of trouble·free roofing servi (' I. " a lso coopc l'a llll g In th e stat e. • _ _ _ _ _. ' \v ICl c ~ pl'f\y s e r vice by gath ering f'cab IIlr(' c t ed a ppl e leu ,,:es from GUESTS OR FARM BUREAU be neu th Ill S tl' ee~ t hree tllne s JH!!, - -- - wI' l' l, and Imlilin /r th e m imme di. ! Invita tion s a l c o u t t J"' t he :-1 4 IIt('I.I' to ,t he Uni vc r s ily spec ia list. Ill e lllb( j·s o f the 4-1'1 Blu e Ribbon clu b, for a party s porl $ol'cll u.v t h c Wart'e n Co uIlI " F a l'lll Burl.'aa l o HALIFAX NO ATTRACTION be he ld <It l\II'~l l) l' ia l Ha ll, Thu rs · day, Apl'il 2 4 , at 0;30 p. m. ' , ' ' B. l'I~ h t. R a~' of c hildren often T his c lub c() n s i ~ts "f t huse !{il'ls i !I!e p ub lis h ed III daili es and Illaga. , anu· hu y s wh o did o u tstandi n g I 7..ltIes a~d t he following co nvel'sa. j w o rk in the 4 · 1-1 Cluhs o f Wane n l l,On w lii ch too k p lace b etween Mrs ' Co unly III t year. Tlw m emb e l's hip This is the kind of roofing senice that Chll!i, An ~o n a~d he r two.year l in th e c lub is d ete rmi ne d by will save you money. Let us ~ell you mote IJ ld 89 n , RJd)?r~ I ~ w~ l'thy o f space s co te card \vhi ch s tre ses a ll 4·H's, I Mothc r: . . DIck Ie, if y ou do n ot H oa d, K oa l't, H a nd a nd Heal th of about it. 'Channeldrain is _made of the I Lllhave, J Will bundle you up a nd I C lub W OI'k, Th o:o admitted to more costly COP.R-LOX, t,he Copp~r Re nt!. 'y'~ lJ to Halifax." me mbership 31'e to b e co n g t'll tlllaDI c kI e ;. "No' go Falihax n ot tie d . loye,d · Steel • ~ • and yet it costs no more ' know wh ere he li ve : get the;e no. ' .. . .. _ __ ho dy hom e , Dickie b oy stay here," -- .' r . than ordinary roofing! The, money it saves ' eedl ells to say the you ng man ' . . . . I you in repa~" bills wi~l sooo pay it,S cost. I' mui n d und e l' t h e parc ntal r oof D l.:ha r d De n n Ison, .Pl' p11etOl' o f . "T h e Liltl Thea t er ' tn--Y n llw ~ ~ pring!!, ' has b eel} n am cu d ur e.n· H'Bher Rate for Poetale d n nt in Lwo IIlt)l' d/lmage u Its Po. tmll s.ter . G e n e ral ' Walter F. for $500 each, filc!] by Ne ll e BenBro wn, s p eaking ati a m eeting of ning und My r t le Brown, bo t h I h J:3 ro nx ~oard of Trade , advoca co lo r e1, w h o c ha~ge. t h at 0 11 a~, led lller~aS rnA' the I'ate 'o n first counl o f race pl'eJudlce th e y w e I e clus . rn811 to 2 1·2 cent. to e radi- l·ofu !!.Cd admiltancl' tn lh e th e at('r ,Cillo the $6 0,000 ,000 . deficit in .hiB J!'c brunry ll2 .--Y(' II Qw pring d eJ'llll'tm e nt .. --Exchange. .Newa.

I =============================;;


Keep Your Buildings Youngla Years



- --.. - -


L o D1 se ed adapted t o this te rritory,

.Far"'~rs ·

E ••lIa_le CO. Plaoae.· zs



!I !


Seed Corn



Boston cut Roa. t, lb . .. ........ 23c


Red Ash Coal Raven ,>


w ill


Veal Chop •. lb ..... .. 27c and 35c

= ==== ==--=--_ ..

- --

YO III' mow·

pr i:;c yo u .


. $S.60 SI •• IO I

fill1 ~

bri ng it to us lind WI'

Veal Roaa t. lb . ........ 25c and 27"


': -

i l1 ~ tdHI

dl'ull gt' ,

s harp e ning,

Le g of Lamb. lb . .................. 3 5c F il1l' f o r H oa~l.

Gordon's Service Station




La mb Stew, lb . """ ... ... " .. ... ,25c

Phone 47

ElIcbange SpeCials


Bee f Roa sts fr m 22c lb . to 28c



~' Oll l'

ing a pll' II SI"'c

Ground Bee f , f or lo a f. 2 Ib, . ..................... ....... 45c Be e r lIlId I' ork mi xe d i r want ed. ~ Lamb Chops, lb. ,,28c and 35c

service at low cost


ll l\vc

. l nIVl' l· Sh llI'P l' IICU by lII:tthill{'ry milking mow

Round Loin an d Porter HOU le s l eak •• Ib , " .. . ", 30" Cut fol' fl' y in l(' 01' s \\'i ~H


$8.ZS .$ 9.Z0· $IO·ZO


Bl ock Ham s, lb . "" . "",, ..... :. 25c F I. IL II l1d ~ I; i ll 1'\' 1II III'I'd. \Vh " h ' 0 1' half.

- - - -TRY - -,

"new car" tire

Make La...... Beautllul

These Prices a re for Eas· ter WeeK Only '

Al· .

, . -- -






Wa,•••vIDe, Obi.



Eighty-Third Year

, )


-. - - - --,. --_. -- -:sz g!!e~ 80TH ANNIVERSARY



Whole Number '5906

- - -- -




NINEty : l

s Ylll\l R Col. P. Ve nu!> le ha~ b('e n wOI·k inj! at u j \\' e l (' I' ~ bench , I.esillgG\! u q~e




ton. Mo. ApP"IIprilltt' program ~ were _. COLl IIHl U:-; , 0 111 - Tha t the Ka w, nt \' 2 , whe n 1I10:;t PHSO IlS ~iven and large cong r j!;' Li ll ns Bureau 0) 1' ill lItor V ~hi c l e R is the D,·. A. T. W"ig ht WIlS Ii Day ton Bu t what a" (' da ys and m onths and, ith el' arc wi llin g tu rc t ir e fr olll were preSl'llt at th e \' I\rio u ~ low I Gifl s 1'01' th l' U'l'!lduale~ ut fa:te st Kl'Ow i,w b rnn ch of t ~ e I have wriltl! n in t hese impres- vls,to .. r Fri d ay. years,. r,o life's wOI'k 01' f lO l'ce t1to d i' so by Ch UI 'C h es 'on"~. a . t el' D ny. Th d ('('- Cllry ' ~ J ewelry S hop.,., Lehanon, O. s tnt e' ~ g uv('rnmc lI t a n d t h a t In sieJll s, gathered durin g con versaWh en Io vet! a nd gOlle fu r a~l'? I ' I h d' . . r I I V n l'ati o n ~ \\'e l'~ ('Inh oratp and bea u1!J2!J b u l t\\ O countiel> of t he liun with 1' l'e~ i ll e tlt Hoov!' r, of th ' Mrs. Amancla Ma lritl is visit- On e long', lo ng drealll .u l' j e,y s unu I ll l ) SICa .lItI ICU~ S . U a nI' en - tiful. Mr. lind I\lrs. L. II. G')l'Il on w('re ~ tat e ' ~ H ~ h(,wed u dl'c\,e:lsc' in Pre~idcnt's e ngineering mind, th e ing 1'" lat iv(' s in UH)'ton . teurs \ !hl~) l e lC'I'!)llln S .a ~lIv(' I )~ e ngalge(! ,a tl A su nl'i, e ~('rvic wu, h('lcI at lou ~ill t'ss \'i~ i t() I" in Du ytn n 1\1.. n - pn~,e ll~l' r ear ,.•wnenl~ip in t hat I That mel U ~ O il ou ,· way. I'; ell ,nK. glvong . ~IX . un c . e 'g It th M. E. ch u rch with alollu t t hirly da y. vCllr ur(> th e ~alr e nt po mts o f com Mr. IIncl MI·~ . J . O. Ca rt wrig h t hll u,'s a day ~o. th e Intl'lcate Job o f ' in attendancI'. SpN'ia ' m usic was ' i) I'l'hensi vc I'('port o f t h bur eau 's min d which d Cllllllleb facts unci a ll the fac l R II ' the bas is fol' G<ovc' l'n- s jlcnt .·undIl Y ill Midciil' t ow n. Alld y C' t, thi s p ilgrim RgI' ml'IU1 ~ \'ll ."I' IJ;III:'n~ llild uthe r to sks I'l'ntie re ol a l the 10::10 ~e rviCl' IInd l Orv ill e Gray 111101 Chas {\nd e r - nc tiv ities madl' thi s w ee k t o Sec r emore g" I1"~ \~' I lh th.' s work . bapti sm wa:; a cllllini ~tel'!' d t u 1" 11 11' . on \\'e:r r Cincinnati \' i ~ it ,i l'!\ MOil - IUI'Y 01' , t nl!' Clun'nec .1 . I3 l'1 \~n menta l IIction. No bette r illu su 'atinn of tile " f We g ive Cedar Stumps. Cary's Than th e p a ~~ i n~ cof the duy s. I· ul' II"ly-s lx ycar s " Ion 1'1 Ven c llildrl' n. EU:;tl" s(' l ectilJll ~ , s ung nu y. by (' ol11111i , i" n(' r Cha lme r s. R. \VIIfe'c tiv(,lIes!:I of thi s l11t'lh od rU II b ' J ewelry ::>hop. Sto r e open eve nin!{: It IS thl! el l' Olll'lItlll' Y sc hool :.11)1" h tl ~ bl'CII tn'a~ urc' r of t l~ e Lex hy til (' choir lind st C'I'l' '' pticall p i,·tslIn. In cOlllllll' nli nK on th li< re l)O r t fo un,1 th a n the chcc kin l!; o f . t.h (> Fo r a li!,(· c, f hi r-:- h.·r WIIY -' . lng-tOil ~ .'.h u lJ l bOlll'd . He 1:; ti.lC UI'l' S o f. the Ea ~ter story told!>y rvill e Gm), :llId famil\' ~ p{'nt SC'cl'l'tn ry lI f S t at l' Brow n po ints bU Rinc:s cri s i~, which wus prec,p.,tu Mrs . •1. H. olemall is r ecove: r· ~, I d(·, t ac'tlH' .111 ' mher o f t he Lex- th e paRt or, Rl.'V. U. C. DIber t , f(·n- Ea ster II"" with 1'l' lati'v s in with pricil' t o th e huge in crea lie in tl'cI last Fa ll hy th e speculallv ' illK from II scvc r l' at tack o f br Oil . What g'luri o us a ~pil'util)n , COIlIt' In KIlI n Ma su nlc IIIdg' v. Colo nt' l Vl' n t Ul'ed the e veni ng se rvi ce. 1·'la nklin . . ('" vI' nue shuw n in 1!l2(1 over t he ch iti s. Whc·n th ll u ~ ht s tu us r eve al able ~ " " vc cl thr o ugh th (· fOllr At the C hurch o f Ch r ist Ihe pre ce din g )'l'a l' ill an amou !'t .of c m sh on tht' !)tock E xc hun ge .. l~v('l'ylhinK \Va~ set fill' II b ll ~ IIl C"5 Th,o..: nu lhi llg' n c: ~s of ea rl hly juys Yl' ar ~ o f t hc' Civi l W ar o n thl' J,l:ll't Bible ,,·hocd pe riod wus give n 10 MI'I'. !\Iy e r li s man an d dllugh- OVI I' CJll(' mil li oll c\ .. lI f1rS , t h, s III, eleprl'ssio n whic~. III tht· u sulI I Mr. II. B. E1II'nhnrt of Cillum 1 h" ~u lll dh , nK I1I' ~H III' t hl' I'PIII. ,~r tht, ' ~nfl' c1 l'n\('Y U I1 ~I' " (; e!'. sO llgs awl rr·citation s by the in - t el' M; ~, U I' l' lI i~ I' Wl'n' in l 'in- ,; pitl' o f th l' fu et that nu in crt ase COllI'S" o f s uch things, would ca rr y ou s s pe nt S unda y with hi ~ famil y Stc·d,ng' 11' 11'('. H I' l' lol, ;;t(' d III terlllcd ia t e cillti~ . Thl' R (' ~ UITcctio n ci n nHti Tlll·sclny. hn~ be e n mad l' in th e working pe l'Th l' pa"" in g ,If th i ~ ea r th ly ~ pan L( xi ngll,n ilnd wa " a ;;('cll nc! lie'u- IIlf,ssalrl' of J es us, given by Mr . ' flnnl'l ed' thc. hlll'('UlI . During t he th(' hanl ship o f 1I11 1' 1Ilp lo YI1lt'nl o f herc. oni lli ,, " s feJl' twu yt'lll''' ur n~ol'e I~H 1\II'lI n s Wllll d' ''II S th in gs to all '1(' l1ant lIn dc' l' Capt. ,JOI' More- \lull ce . wu s followed hy til(' LOlTl' s J . M. Thumfj 5ClII lind \ O. 'past yenr to ta l rl'Vl'nlleS o f $ 12,it did in 1 ( I ~U - 2 1. A. I "'~'tc th!s Watc h es? Be sure 10 see the m Wh o kn uw th e t ruth o f huw 10 li ye la lli l, wllU C" l1l1l llln tl l!d a n infan try .Suppel'. Th l' att end a nce n UllI ben. d HU]1(,I' saw the bul l ~a llle at in - , !) 5 1. 2:!~.If3 WPIl! coll ' cled hy t he " lid IJl' r<'u (l y fIJ I' th e t il l!. "'''lIpany l'l·l' ruit cc1 hNe. Co lonel I)vel' 140. Th e evc nin g pr ogl'll ll1 cinn ati Saturday. j IJUI'l' ;\U , cIIllIpn "ed with $ 11 ,840 ,t he c,i ~ i s i ~ paHscd, b.UHlll CSS IS a t Ca ry 's ,J cwelry !)ho p, L eban on, Venuble parti c ipated in th,· Balli,' wa s op~ n e d with Scriptul'l' r«'tl d ing , ~r,8.0 ,1 in ] (I::! R T h sille of licen s : s d efi ni t e ly on the \tJl s~\'1 ng, Krellt Uhio. \\ he n tht· IJri,Ij!I'Il ull' cu ll s , llIay ,)f Lex ingtu n, o ne of th e principul li nd SCI 1110llctle by t h e PU ~ h ) r, Mrs.'. W. 1I (' ncJ l'r~ "n is in \(0 - ;1I .. ne brllught in $ 12'l4:, ralll s of co nst n,clllln on both I Jl uhli c and .. " ri vl.•t.· .a ccu unt arc Owe n, -son o f Mr. IIl1d Mrs. H. II . OUI' lumps be b riKht . I II g'aKl!fl1l'nt. ' o f tl1l' \\'UI' in Mis- (,h ts ter A. \villiulI1 so n. A pag.,ll nt Cle llan hn sl'it n l. "L'cllv, 'rin g f rom 10 in til(> pu st \'('a r a s ag_ti nst. $ 11 ,(; III wing li S t he mid ·d llY s un' ;'uli r;' ".::>unrise in the Ga rd l' n ." re presc n a reccn t op(> rati,)n . , (j ;17 ,:10 4.1if3 in '1(,::! H, Th e follow ing Llnd!!r way , iJank c l'('(li t >! un' (':IS ler lIarts oc k, wus s ick seve ral dll Ys 1I10lle v is 1)('l("innin j! 10 paRS fl'~ely las t week. F llith ulldauntl!d, with Ii eav e ~ in ['" I,.m·1 V('nu hl e CIIII1(, t o 1\1 is- tlllg the g:lI'd en, lind to 111 1.0 o f I ICIlmparali\' " fi gur" ~ !lholl' t he r eIIJ('ain - fr om hlln d tu. hn.n ci , m en nl'e . ~ igh t, souri Lv ~ t C[lll1 lo ollt in th e filII of J es us, \VU ' giv .. n loy 21 yll un g Mr, and Mrs. E. ,J. Burt on of ~ pecliv e incl'('llse: mude in the val'i KIJing bac k to th e n' JobS- In ~I. X ' Myel' Hyman and famil y W I'C :llay 1\(' Wl'lcOIll(, the ca ll . "we ll 1838 ste ppin~ up on Ih e slute 's su il "'uies of th e Bihl e schoo l. The Elyria , spen t the Eu~tl'r vaca tion . ous c1n ss(! s u t' 111 0lll r ve hicles: months thl.' Ill aj ur pllrt o f th (' palll c gu eH t!l lit a dinn e r purty in Xelli :l dOll e. t ill' fi rs t time at old Liberty Land- c l os in ~ , n.~lllber was ~, message in , with r elatives h er e. 11!l2U, Pa SSelll!;el', l. r,60.i2 1; Co m . ' Fl'i.dll Y I've·ning. - . lrs. A . D. I·bi nes, iPJ(' ill. C hl~' Counly . Ill' WII S lou.r n l'o ng, Lif E' of J es us, by n qU III'mer ciu l ~06.5'it\; Motu rcycl es, L,is nvcr . lt is fI vcr ' bccause PreS Id ent at. t ll'a In \~al'l'cn County. OhiO. tel. I Mi R Mabel Lllwso n f Spr ing- HOO; T l'ai l cr~ , I V,2 -16; '. ideca l's , S ixty y ears ago ::>utUrcill Y April \-l.'S f!llh (',", r hO~llas B. Ve nalJ.le , . A good mu sicu l progra m wa~ b,ro s pent th e wee k-end with MI'. I, 60. 1!l28,' PU~He nA'e r. 1. 45 0 ,Hoove l' cll ll t'd the bu sin ess a.nd in - I Springt illle is wedding tim e. dustl'iul lead ers of the Nuttoll to : Wedding r ings at Carl'Y's J ewelr y ~. Bro. A. U. lJ ai nes wa s 'unit ed ' dlcd In Sl. LOUIS .o f eh.o le ra III glVC II a t St. Mary's Ep iscopal all d Mrs. Wm . Drflk e. , f!!l4; Comm ·,·cial. 1!l R,70u; MotorWashin g- t Oil lind d emunded thal S hop, Leba no n , Oh io. In Illaniu g<, t o til(! on who s till IB4!:1, a mllllld y whIc h w'pe d out / church. ~ r . M!ly nar,1 W elt z gllve l Icycles , 2 ,O r,! I; Trail l' rs 14,605; they t ell the facts u~ o u t. lh e slt~a !"Illi lillldy, lin d fl l'oudl y We would IIlnlO ~t on e· fifth o f th(' p:lpu lu- ~~ ~p l e ~ c ! : d rendition o f Ree f 's , Mrs . Ada T empleton of Dayton , Sidecurs , 2 ,Oli(1. Licen se plate s in tion ill thrir res p('cttve IIldustn cs. Mi sses Ruth T omlin son a nd SIIY, I'ccog nizes the d ('fi nili on of t lIOn o f t~at cI t y: LatN: . olun.el AIl t' luIU .. f or the. ".ffC'rtory , h1\~ b p~ n a guc~ t in tl!c hume of , Ohio ate plu~e(! in th.e hands o.r Nuthing of the so rt had ever Hll t h oo k we r e shopping in Cin- t hat o ld hOll1 ely but exprc8sive Ven,ub le \\ ent t o St.. LOUIS, a nd . III ,Ind the c holl was abl) n ssl: te d hy F . n. S n yd er ann fam,ly. d ep uty C(l ll1ml ~S I U l1e rS 111 the va rob een d one be for e. In pl'(t/ iou!l ci n nat i lust Satunlay. ~vo l'd , wife, in it s broadest m ean - , 1853 c~~e to L.exlngton, wh Ich I Mr. Geo l'ge Kern, t enor . The I US counti es at II cost . of times of economic dis turban ce the Illg ' . . ~ In cc ~.;I S bee n hi S h" m e, Almost I t' ctor, Rev . J o~ n J. Sch ae~e r . MI' '. Mary F~. J[ ~lrI'i ~ of l a r~ R- e ig ht ee n c('nts p e l' se t. of whIch public ha s been le ft to g uess lit th(' 1\11-. and Mrs. Cha s. Gray we r e Mrs. Ha lll es has passed 80 a n d Imm ecll,ltely C?loTH!1 Vena ble met prench l' d a s p lell dld serm o n, whI ch v,ll e, IS spendlll g. the we k WIth amoun t t C' n cen ls cover. the cost fllCt s, and it has alwuy s g u essed ! ,'Ulldll Y gu ests of Mr. an d Mrs. J . B ~o . lIain es .hus pa ssed his 8~rd C h !!I:I~~ Grrmes, w ho t o?, wus wa~ foll owld by H oly COlllmun - L. V. Brlll1 s trntol and fa mi ly. o f m un ufacturing a nd packin!': a nd th elll as. wor se than thcy were R. Bak el' in Franklin. milestone- wIth a ser en it y find ' a Je \\ d '. ' Thcy entere d Into a ion. eig ht cents t he hUl'cau' g cost s for Thal is \vhy it hus tuk en so l0y!g, c h('e rfuln ess that is i n ~ Jl iJ'ing I pn~tn e rs hl p unu ~ r t he ~ a m e of - - _ . ... - - - ~lt's. J useph Ta sco of Detroit hHnd li n~ and . hipp in g. Th e Ohio in th e pust , for recovery tv set Ill . Mrs . Su san Wilker so n is vi siting Eli ch, with so m a nv y ears to th e i~ I frlrne s & Ve nabl e , wh ich w~ s BANTA-IRONS s pent u wee k with her pl1 r (' nt ~ MI'. Bureau o f 1\1 0tO l' V e hicles is genTh'e puti e nt, wouldn' t be lieve that he' ,' daughte r, Mrs. St. Clair Fife, c r e~lit, co rn e t o tlie Legi nnin g of l . n o ~~n ~~ro ug ~ o ~lt , Ce n tru l MI a nd Mrs. Lo n Ti tus and family. ' e mily .co nced ed to the mos~ he was ge tting well. theIr Lst nnd 84th yeu r wilh ' ~O llli fo, alm ost. ,I ha lf centu ry. Th e murriage of Mis:; Eva eco n ollllcnlly co ndu cted motor ve hl This tim e the fuels were actually and family, in Wilmington. m e ntl11 fa c ul ties IInimp!lire d und I (The Kansas 'Ity, (M il . t ar). Irons, daug hte r of J o hn Irons , a nd Mr. und Mrs. Thoma s Bur to n. of c le bU"euu in th e Un ited Slat s, Parker Duofold pens a nd p e n- k een f or the wo rthwhil e t hings of - - .. - - Mr. Myron Banta, son of Mr. and Dayton we r e Satu rd ny evenlll g worse thlln t he public im ag in ed they were. But bril1g,ing t he fa ~ t s c its- the best. Ca ry's J ewelry th e p l'csent tim e ; n either will 'Mrs . Bert Bantu, of Leba non, to ok g uests of Mr. a nd M,'.. Wm. Drake / '1' . . . . f S l' R Ak to light n nd nssembhng them. Ill- hop, Lebanon, Ohio. wlls te much of t hei r time on plilce Easter Day, April 20. Only ' . h l eas], ell °t t~l C ' t()S~ 12~ eluding with the facts o f wh at had th o~e sordid. d es lructive lines of the immediate relative we r e presMrs . LydIa Chandler wss th e us mal ( ou. ~ II eme n s. 0 . nlready hll ppene d,' t he facts about MI·s. Halph Va nce of Plea sll nt thou g ht. e nt to witne,'s the ceremony whi ch /! uest of Mr. 1IfHI Mrs. Gco rge ~l at e ,\nd NatI onal ba nks I." OhIO, what was going to hap pe n in the plain, visited h er par ents Mr, lind 81'0 H 'l in e: s . . I th M ' w as Jlerfo rmed by the Rev. J, H. Hartso ck at s upp er Saturuay even II1formlllg thrmy t hut he WIll open ne!lr futur e!, had precisely the ef- Mrs. J. C. H3wke, on Saturday. ord er, ' F;brua,·~01ll1e869 \ec~:in'gC Lamy at his r esidence, Th e bride ing . , b!dls 0kn M onda , A~,l'il 2 ~tl!t at twth o f or u(I PO~ ' S 111 hlld b. ' , . I () C oc ' p. f m.. f -nct \I'hl' ch P"es,' dent Hoo \,nr was attractively at t ired in blu e $3200 00 M' . C e a m em e l of Wavn sVlll e Lod ge an t icipated lind hooped for, th e Mr. and MI's. Otto Seibo ld of No. 163 a nd st ill 'hold s his m e mcrepe e ns emble suit with ac cesSO rFor best res ults consign your a m.o ~nt 0 d ' t ,!.t f' lJamtlh e °dner est oJ'ation o f public co nfidence Cincinnati, \v er e week-end g uests be l' hip in that loci e. l\fl's. J-Iuines ----ies of brown . ive st oc k to Green -Em bry Co ., se l ~fln a n cy I ~ l ie . llill s'. ~ and the di spelling of "panic" talk. of MI', lind Mrs. W . O. Raper, wi th her hUS b!ln~, j oin ed Ml nmi FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mrs. Banta is the teac her of the Cin cinnati, in Care of D. R. Salis- P? '\ tn r e ll1 u ~hs fO\VhLh P ~h;~di S o~ If I w e r e ca lle d upo n to list th e Chap te r . No. 107 , O. E , S" of Bible chao l at 9 :3 0 a. m. S ome third grade i~ the Lebanon sch oo ls bury. , ~:,~~ ~~~~p:~~~'~e 'a nd a~al't from outstanding achievements of MI'. Mrs. J. C. Hawke and MI·H. !Vay n es vllle, a s charter me mber s thi n l.! s peciAl eve r y Lord " Day . Mr. Banta 's mannger of the I sta te f\1nd ~ it does n ot. disqualify H oove r's first year In office, I Maynard W eltz were busin ess 111 189t', Mrs Hnines being the Lord' s S upp er a 'nd serm On at 10 ' , Kroger groce ry in W ay n esville A. F. Me ll oh. F. B. He nderso n I. k h' '1 ' " .. ~ t f d- f . ,pI' S I ng fi e I"u M omay. I fi r8t Wort 'h y 1\1atron ' . Chap' . . a ll d. HA . II a tt , .1 M I' un St dI'om th 111 k I ' wou IIl pu t th l. Ii rat, a I- VI"~ I t ors 111 of t hIS ao ubiect " A Chall enge a nd .-a , F 0 II oW1l1g t h e ce r em ony Mr. and . . C olne . enl Ieo . liS- ab' duun r B0a lu kay S t.<, ., . n ttlOu!\'h I g a t h ered the ImpressIon t el'. Finding himse lf at the age Pr mi se" Bask,~ t Dinner ut 12 Mrs. Ban t a left [or a s hort mot or O lli C Lodg :It Ha mIl ton Fnd ay I ~I'n g . b'd t~ atl et l e qu es et In Q C u t 0 f ~O ' . Th e.y WI'11 .b ' n I'.,"ht . mm Inl! I S h eO a e tamoun eth u t th P re s Id e nt hlnls If l'e .,<7IlI'd " ~ aw s fil e d b y mac hi nery. / WI' th o u t. t ht; h ea I't h to muk e ;W , in . co.nnectio n with t h e e very-'1tny e at l lom e t o.t h elr, 'f1uire d tOI!~t l' Swith he ra te r of lho success of hi s e ff orts at beller cleaner, truer, faster, Roy Pi&,- a new 8t3,·t ,In life, n~ d with o~t m embe r elln VII ·S. B I'C? J . F .. Gor- f!l e ~d s III t he Ir newl~ furnI shed in te r est t o he pa id. international rela ti ons, in cluding tt, a t Mndden's Lumber Yard. fund s , he tUln ed to h,s lodge III d on of J a m estow n \\, 111 he wllh us apUltm en t o n West SIlv er street , Mr. and Mrs. Maynald W elL the Naval Arma m ent Reduction th!! h ope ~h a t both h e and hi s wife and spea k f oll ow ing th e dinn er l ebllnon. I~ nd Mr. and Mrs, Wm . Drllke Conference, as of eve n g re ater im MI'. an d Mrs. J . C. Hawke vi s- Illlg ht . still -~nd something con hou r . H ear thi s ftll e pe:ukel'. You -- - I FP.e nt Monda· evening ~e rn eal'1Y ll scoreo yeal's the portance . In the l ong run th ~t is ited MI'. and Mrs. A. D. Haines at stl'U ctll'e til lif e to d o. A a re- are a lw uys welco me a t this church mm gt o n cham b e r housing t he member s of p.roba~ly true, but the bus lnes the Masonic H ome, Springfield, sui t they wer e a dmi t t ed as memChester A. Williamson, Minister CLASS MEETING . . the lo\\'el' branch of t. he Gen eral !<ltuatlOn at h ome to u ched us more Sunday. bers of the Ohio Masonic Hom e • .T o the . dehght of h er friend s, A sse mbly is to have a comp lete immediately lind directly tha n the in June, L91 3 , wh er e uil t il th e LYTLE M E CHURCH Th e Glea ney' lass ?f the MISS Anme U. Brown. was IIble to und t horo ugh ove rhau ling. The fore ign s i~uI!tion app~are~ to. Mr. und Mrs. Burton Earnhart .of lust three 01' fo ul' years, both p. h' r • " • .' 0 church o f .Chnst held theIr m ?n- atten~ Ea st e r servIces ut St. clus t l' chan dli cl's, insta ll ed a half ng In passlllg let m e mterject h e r e Dayto n s pent Easl er unday WIth hav9 bee n ac tiv ely e mpl oye d. Bro. S I eac centu ry IIgo . BI'C to COIllC' down ane.! . se ~:cce a~ 9.;3 a I~. lilly . meeting Thursday evening Mary s church. the fact t hat Mr. Hoover never ha d Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Earnharl and H a in 5 in the laundry and other e!ln On .,,?P~C lin (' ntecosl e A pi'll lOth at t he hom e of Mrs. be r placeel wit h a morc modern t he slig htest d ubt about th e out- dUllghter. a ffairs, including as i ~ting hi s wife r e peat ed . MSundu y sc h ~ ol at ,L~:- Fr e~1 Law son, .Afte r th e .b u sin ess : GeorJ!'e Coo.per, who is in fail - . >lyst elll o f e lect.ri c lig ht ing . The come of the Lond on naval conferin the care of the boys in th e boys' 30 a . m. 1. rs. Lo~gac: e s up erm- \. eSSlOn , lin enJ.oyable .soc lal hour Illg health, was tak en to the War- , wind o w d l'llperies,' which has enc l'. H e ex pectEd a t hree-power II. H. \\ i1liam so n and fam ily at- cottage. , ten~ eDL !l l!d~v ee k ~e r v lce 0 nW ed- was sp ent clunng whIch refresh- I ren Co unty H om e, Tu esday, f OI' e xcluded t he ~ ulllight f or age. will e ngrceme nt, bet wee n Great Britain, : t ended th e fun e r al of the former' s I Mrs. H:lin s wa s g ive n c hllrge n~ sO ayT \ chl~g ~ t . ~h e c hur~h at !lI el'ts. we r e se rved, The n ex t m ee t cur e and t reatm ent . be a thing o f th e past a nd ' inJapan and the U r. ite d St1ltes, and , 1, 1'0t he r, C. W . Wi1li~m so n , at Cin- ' a s m ll trOIl of a ll the b oy. who, uno ' 7 .3,. ' e a.c e l . t~ allllllg class f ol- mg w,ll be he ld M~y the 8th lit dividual d(>s l(s, wh ich many famou s anticipated that th e differ e nce d nnati, Saturduy, 1 til the building of th e ir cottage I l o~'mg t ht.s se lvlce, . . I he h ome o f Mrs. Mlldr e~ ThompThe W. C. T. U. Will me et at m en have occ upi e d, arc beirlg reb etwee n Ital y an d Fl'ance mil!'ht . occupied quarters in the adminis: . A bea utIful Easte l mOrnmg ser- s on. Opa l L eWIS, Sec'y. the ho me o f MI S. E ll e.n COl1n e r fini sh ed at t h Ohio Pe nitentiary. prevent t hose Imtion s fr om joining Mrs . Clara Woollard, of near tration building' s he with her hus ~~ced \~U~ eld . ~ d1e\ b Y ~he - - .. - - - Tu esduy ~ fte nl(o o n , Apr! 1 2£1 lit 2 A n ew carpet will be la id, and the at this I illl (, to m a k e it a five- Orego nia, spent several d ays last I band wa placed in 'chal'ge of the ' F e.c s l s l~r~ an : O ? II y t H ethn WEEKLY DOINGS AT I o'clock. Ev er y hody Illv't ed. '- i d ~\\"all~ An ti cei li ng will be repower pllet. He }S .not at a ll con- I wer k with Mr. a.nd Mrs, Walter first gl'Oup of boys to occupy the I .' II ' n a( n~1l erla y 0 e . . d eCO I'll! ,d . Wh !'n comple ted if cerned over the flll ltll'C of Franc e Roberts and famIly. present juni or b oys' cottage. S he JOy tf t he OC~I~sl ~n. I T e.n t YOfnft THE HIGH SCHOOL A new bn e of Jc\V(' II' Y fl 'OIIl , ~om c I) f the o ld t ime member s and Italy to come in, but is very ha s serv ed a s Hou l!e Matron in p op e . \,,,:rc l(.celve( III 0 u whi ch yo u ca n 5(' 1 ct II hand 'ome could r etur n Il y wou ld never l'ewell sati. fi ed with t.he agreement I Mr. und Mrs. E . L Hurlan and charge of the main building and ,"l e mbel S~IP. A B P t W ay n es ville High School is pr esent f or th e grad ute , at at·y· s cogni :~(> the plu ce. T he work is arrived at. It i ~ tI Ion/! step toward daul!htf'r of Dayton and Mrs . 1in 'variou s othel' capacit ies sin ce ara. owman, as or proud t o an nounce the Ilwal'ds r e': J ewe lry S hop, Leban on, Ohio . be in g done under t h e supervis ion pel'l11anl' nt pea ce, a ~ he sees i~. V!ola H arlan spent Easter Sunday that time, including t.hat of supply - - --eciv ed by • enio l'S from W. H. S. , of SC I'j~C:lIlt-lIt-A "ill S A . E. Robin.B.ut t o get bac k to l)\Is lll c~s I \v lth MI.. nnd Mrs . K. N. Hough.. I matl'qn in variou s depal', VA YNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH in the "e n el'al Scholarship ConMr8. A. L. Kenn edy of H arveys- SOli who IS ncar four-sc I'~ yenl's. of crISIS.. .. and In charge of th e mending. W ed ne day, t h e Lad ies' Aid is t l.' . t f or High School Seniors givOD Inug.,-Me w the ~2 4. eluJje elael< a~(l bu t IlIQr (! !!ne rgetoc, - agIle, It IS r n.o secr~t n ow to R eautiful Silverware ana 115 They occ upy one of the ,'Ica san>- me etin g at th e church at 2 :00 p . 111 at Le bllnon Saturday April 19, I which was ~iv en away !It a r y's vlg()\, u .3nrl s prig htl y t han most ~ny that the. s lt~ntlOn a s It e xi:;ted piece sets in Ch inawal'e- open es~ rooms In th e maIn building, It Prayer meetin g' nnd Bible study at Out of twe n ty- nine contestants, J e w(' !t'y hop, L e ban on , Sat urday men 0 f s ix ty. m ,th e b ell'mmng o f No vember stock. Choose your plit ter". At bt lllg .located. on the third fiool' 7:~ 0 p. 111. Choil' p J,;lI ctiee at 8 :15 Burd ette J nckson from Waynes- night. 1929, wa.s fal' 1110l'e seriou s t hAn C~ I':: 'S J ewel,'y Sh Oll, L ebanon, a nd oveJ'\ooklng the Mad River p. m, S unday: und ay chool at vil le won .fir st place I.n th e county. I T he l'ecen t s pI'ing rllin s have the public dream er,) of. Empl y- Ohio. vlllley, and affording, on a clear v :30 u. 111. Morn ing wo rship at Be rtha FIle I' won th'rd pille I' a nd Mrs . Clnren ee Dunham , Mrs . hael' t e nd e n cy n ot o nl y to stimu late m ent had bee n ri ecreaslng for sev- I dllY, a beautiful view of t he city 10: :10. Epworth L eague Ilt 0 ::.10 p. Cuthel'ine Bruns trator and Arthur Eur neRt Eurnhart, Mr~ . J ohn th e g rowth of th e ve'lvety luwn of e ral lllonth s, Industl'y WItR slow lnl! Mrs. J . B. Chapman of Col urn- to the north 1Ind east. Both arc 111. Evangelistic s,ervices at 7:30 p. S wartze l were givcn ho norable Lem on , llnd M ... lind Mr8. H el'mul1 t he 'tll te H otl se Park but als') to ('ow n, productI on wus rl1 l\ln ~ off. bll:l, WII!I h ost ess to the Jolly Ma- sti\l active, attending t beir m eals 111. Monday : Next Monda y ev('n- m ention . S urface ~ p ent S utul'dllv lind S un - brin g out t he 'hrubb cl'y and plants Th e crush III the stock market trons Saturday afternoon, at .the regulll~ly in .tlI e lIlain dining room in g Ilt 7 ::30 is th e r egu lar tim e for . A certificate of award is to be day with Mr. ' and Mrs; Hal'l'Y in II pronounced mllnn el' e nhancfhl'l'w n parly 4 ,000 .000 n' cn out of home o! hllr m other Mrs. Eliza- und dlspens m g cheel'fulne~s and the me etin g of th e officinl board. presented to contestants . wh() Stoke R a t Batt.l e Cr cl' k. 1I1lc h. 1\1 l's. ing th e he1l uty of on e of t h e state's {ohS. and ha d a d e finIte reactio.n . on be th Bally. happiness ~o al1 who ar~ dlspo~e d G. C. Dibert, POlltor. placed 1st a nd 3 1'11. Th e h' ~hcst DUllham r ema m ell for a f ew t1a yg. mo. t pl'i c!' less po~sessions. Fl ower ~e . nrleCls of :farm commod,t,es. to accept I~.. Commentmg on the - - - -20 % of the. group r ecelVmg . beds hilve be en arra nge d ovel' all ~\ 0 1 st of all, bank runs hael sh~r~ed Lawn mowers sharpened by m~n'y bleslimgs t.h ey have been ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH honorable m.entlOn. . DlIllllond s perfc;ctJy cu t parts of the gr ound s a nd wh e n the 111 nn .Iess than twenty-four CIties, Elect.rakeen process, same method pl'lvllcged to en,Joy, t hey enumSummer schedule- 1st 3rd and ' Any ~e lll or, wh ose sch ob st.le sel~e te d from t.he DlIlm ond C:o ... r lants blo om the park will ' indeed a!1 d w.lth all of the confidence no~- as u sed by lawn mower manufac- erated that of belllg a member of 6th S d M ' t 8 '00 ' sta ndmg 18 excellent and :-vho "'I II tel' S stock of p e rf ect blue whIte be \vO l th visiting. A uthorities in SIble III th e soundness of the Fed- turers, Electrakeen system turns our Home under the conditions un ny, aoSs a . a. m., graduate at the end of th,s school st ones, We ca n s lIve you mon ey cha rlre ha ve de cr eed that ther (,1'01 ~eserve Bank ayate.m a money out perfect. cutting mowers. Try they ~re thus late in life enjoying. 2nd and 4th Sunday, Mass at year was eli&,ible. .. lind give yo u quality. . Cary's ' shall b e no h'e!lpn ssing On the la\v~ slt.uatlOn . was developmg which me. Ro), PIgott. as belllg .one of the greatest: And 9 :30: I The tests w~re obj ectIve ' ~nd Jewelry Shop, Leban on Ohi O. \ at pre se nt at least, on account of ItII1!'ht ea.slly have 11:0t out of hands . may ':Ve Just add that our Sill cere Rev. Lawrence B. Mollmann. covered essentIals of the Hll1:h I . I!' I' as~ seed wh ic h has be en sown in and whIch the Federal Reserve J, F .. Gordon IS to speak at a hop.e IS that w.e m~y all.have Mrs. - - - -School c~urse of study . There were Th e Loyal Tef!ll?era!1ce L.e"'lon banen pla ces and in a few weeks, banks would have been unable to' basket dtDner and afternoon meet- \ HaInes and hIS WIfe WIth us for WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF five subject groups and each con- has been partlclpatmg m a wh en the n ew leav es open on the cope' with. ing to be held at Ferry Church ot several more such anniversaries to CHIUST testant was required to take a ll . memb er ship contest , with a gai n I stste ly sha de b-ees the park will The r esponse wh~n the Chri8t Sunday. Mr. Go~don is 8 , hell? and inspire u s. - Ohio MaB'bl S h I t 9 '30 A o f th e five groups. Th ~ groups of 35 new embers: The .banquet I he th e m ecca for ' lavers of naclent called the busmess and m· preacher and Farm Institute Lec- SOniC Home Notes, in The Ohio l e d c 00 ~ I'. I n . m · I w ere: Mathematics. Enghsh, His- serud by the 1 0~lIlg SIde was t ur e h du strial leaders into conference turer. Mu on, Columbus, Ohio grea~ an I!'ro~\'rng Itt e s~ 00, tOl'y, Science and Social Scienc ' , greally enj oye d by all. Th e pres. was complete. These men had done . Lord s Sl:I pper sll!lIply and sCl'lp~ur- I ' ence of the mothers add ed much - -- - - - - - -- . bu~lnes~ with Mr. Hoover before. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wright of ally . . observed at . conc1 us~ol1 . Juniors and seniors of the to th e: pl eas ur e of. th e evenin g . BALLOON ' S LONG TRIP He knew who the key men" Columbus, Mr. Elliott Wright of DEATHS Chnst~an End ea vo r 6 :30 ~ . m. L eo Smith Hughes departm ent took the were, and t hey were the ones he Detroit, Dr. A, T, Wright S~\'e~trlnge ~, lender. Evenmg evan stilt I' scholarship test in agriculH ele n Marg ure t Gons nte rMn . Ed:, McFarland, 60, di ecl at I e h~~lc se~~lce at 7 :30 p. m. ~ermon ture o n last Friday. All senior tained with an East er party ,atur I A R~ 1!l:l0 wa s su le day at clllled together in Washington . lfe I Mrs, P earl McMakin and son Billy 8skerl th em to undert.ake new pro- were entertained at the home of he r hom e III Harveysburg, Sunday s ubJ~ct, H ~artl ~ss Home~ . Good papers will be graded by state un- ' dll Y a fterno on in .hon or of her kl el aexa r~gb s~lo r e at Fr~edonia r'l'ams of construction work and Dr. and Mrs. Dudl ey Keever in nt R :25 a . m .. fr om effects of a \S\?CCIIII musIc. Church Nlg~ht ser- iver>!ity officials, sixth birthda y 1Inl1l ve r sary . Th ose a IS s. to} a o n was gIven to 1 present were Betty Bl'Ucld ock, e veryo ne who purchased an ice they promised them to him, When Centerville Sunday, stroke of apoplexy suffered at 4 a. vIce each Wedn esday at 1:30 p. they had all be en assembled they . m. . , m. The church where you fe el at Ml'. C l'Ilbbe acted all official sheep Mary Eva and ":arre n L eMny, cream cone," . . totalled the largest amount of If you want a watch for the Survlvlllg are the husbllnd, two · h ome. . . . . judge, on Tuesday 'of last week, ' Roxi e Cllrolyn Sack ett, An n a ' Wuyn e Fltzm?rrls filled one of money to be spent for labor, mater graduate, for fine time-keepi ng brothers ,Jesse Clark, HarveysChester A. Wllhamson. MinIster ot a contest between d'epartments Louise Benton lind Monilllia Hoak . t.hese ball.oon s Wlt~ na~ural gas amI ials nnd supplies that American qualities and beauty _ Gruen burg and ~d. Clark, Oregonia. ----. , of Clinton county. 1 I ~.I eased It Ilt 9 .0 clock p, m , ~he business had ever spent in the watches have a prestige aeknowl- Funeral serv Ices we,I'e h e ld at the ST. MARYS CHURCH The boys of the Smith Hughes C. E. Mi chener spe nt last f'.lI1d tilt tha~ 111 s blowl!'g course of yearR edged everywhere. W e sell Gruen, Harveysburg M. E. Church, 'I:ues· Sundav nfter Ell ster April 27 d epartment are displaying n ew 1Thursday al the exp eriment, sta- 10'1' e a s , n prl 12th whIle President H~'over is particularly Elgin, and other makes of depen- clay m.qrnjng, Ch urch s chool Ilt {) :30' Morning pin s indicating their rank in the tion at Woo~ler, whe r e u sp ecial s.o":"lIlg clover seed. D ean Walton , vratified over this wage situation, dable watches.. Cal'ey's jewelry Burtal WIlS In Miami cemetery. Praver. festival mu , ic a~d sermon ol'ganization of The Future Far- pl'oj!'ram had b ee n arranged fO.r ~~lIlt~ t the pad'cl"al1h~der farm : He askerl ·that t here be. no reduot- Shop, ....eJ>anQn, Ohio, . at io '30 mers of America. feed d eal er s, The latest ex})en.u . 0 own oun . t IS 'bulloon, iOIl in wages as had alwavs acClifford W. Williamson, aged R~v j J Schaeffer Rector. ments in live stock feeding were wIth. Its accompa lly!ng tag:, ~P' companied th'ese slumps hitherto 6? , of Ervine, Ky., died in t he hos_ '_ '_ ':'_':- • ' Th e de partment spraying ma- , discussed a n~ explained. A large p[o~l.mate l~ 620 mil es from It..<i . Wage reduction bring hard shIp The bIrthday of Mrs, Chas, pltal, Wednesday, April 16. FunchiM has been busy spraying 01'- number of fe ed m en wel'e present s al lllg p Olll t . A le.t ter sent, ~nd and they decrease the consump- Hough, Sunday Afril 20, and the eral seryiccs w!!re ~eld Saturday SCHOOL HOUSE ASSURED chards. , Spray s for scab, np,h ids; I from al1 pllrts of th e state. ~he .ret;;rn o~ the ballooll to ~etlon of ~n ods' including farm pt:o. first blrthaay 0 little' Naomi a nd burIal was In Ville Street Hill and bud moth, and for appl escab' l . onla. ~oug t a prompt r eply, a)~':l cjticts. It Is the first bus lneSl! d p.- Ellen Earnhart. · Friday April 18, cemetery at Cincinnati. Attorn ey Ge neral Gilbert . Bett- curculio and red bugs now ready A. s.p ecial m eeting of ~he GUIld· a .clipplng fr~m the Freedonl,a: prossion hi ou'r history that had were celebrated with a dinner at . He was a brother of H. H. WH- man has approv ed the legahty of and bud moth, and for apple scab, AUXIliary of St. Mary s Church. pall y .c~mm enhng o n the ballo,on II · 1100 been accompanied by drastic the home of the former, 'Saturday' ham t on. . bonds of t he C!lrlisle ~chool Dis- I, curclllio and red bugs have' been l will be held at the !tome of Mr~. ong J ~ _ _ .. _~~ wnge redu~t1(mll. . April 19. at 12:00 o'clock, noon. . - _. _ - - trict in the amo unt $76,000, .applied, They ·are now readY ,J. W, Edwards on THursday, AprIl " " ,: I,: " Those who enjoyed the hapjlY , oc- GOES YELLOW SPRINGS These bonds w,ere purchased by I to start the petal-fall sp~ay which 24. Lu~cheon at. 12 : 3~. After I MANY THAN~" (Oontlnued On Page S) casion w.t!re :' . Mrs. E. L. Harlan' the Ret Ire ment Boa!'d of the. State is to cofttrol scab, codhng moth, \lunCheon the ~eeting. WIll be a~. .and daughter Margaret of Dayf:on, C M J h ' h h b' Teachers Retirel'l1ent System, and Ted bug, leal spot brown rot, cur- dressed by MISS LOUIse MeCun.e, t~~o~;:~=~ - .- Mrs. Margaret Johns of Lytle, Dr. "'ej~ht ~!re:t ~~ Wa;nesc a'i) ee~ are being issued for the erection. of culio and SIUg8. . . !"reside~t of the ~om~n's AOht tl NOTICE alld Mrs. J, W. Ward, Mrs. Viola Roxanna the past two y:~r: al!n la ' firepr oof elemrenu.ry anc\ hIgh • _. lary, DIocese o.! out ern 0, Harlan, Mr. and ~rl!. K, N, Houah be tran8ferred to Yellow 'S '. W1 scho,ol building, The corner stone FARM WAS SOLD and Mrs, LOUIse Sand~e. Vice Wednesday. April 30. will be the Mr. and Mrl!. K. ' ~ . .Hough, Mr. the. challKe takin eft'ect MPnpflII , ; of the new building , was laId on . ' Pre8i~ent 01 the Dayton CQnof ,the ' last day for ·llstlng cllattel prop- Mr, and Ml'Il. 0 . M, Hough and Thl'o~r.h his ' e~urteou ay 1. ·the 6th, The JJiipham farm, was sold b y vocation, Mrs. Mont!8reat, CUllto- 53·54-55, They erty. . Mrs. H. B. Earnhart and daughter Mr. Jonns haa made .ma: l~:~d~ I • - .. SheT,i ff Ful1terth on Monday, to d1an of the Book .of RemelJlbrance ing, 8Ild We wlll J. C. HAWKE, .AueI8or. Naomi Ellen. in the community. Y Subleribe for The Miami Guett. Jaccb Scott Jr, 101' ,3000. will alllo be present. , .frOm .th.em from time to IV. THE BUSINESS CRISIS














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A ('~uun ts filed:·


F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneers

IO:I</ n fl f fi nny B . Thomp. o n, decI' u"cd, first ncrounl. GUl1relian :hi ll f Alb l'tt'oy , rockl-J', ~ " c o nd lie 'ount. Common P! OIlIl Court E Mllt .. o f OehHls h en s WI' I' I', ele See U. Early fo-: Your Sale Datu. 'We Cuar~nt .... BY WAL.LAce Th ' '\I\lr t cOJ1. ide t' d that lhe l'e c used, fil's L Ilnd finnl UCCtlllllt . Sati.fart:ion or Charge Nothing; _ i~ du,' 'I'll ' I"eue l'u! :~Ilnrl B. nk , o f ,8-:tute f Mary ~~. W eer dec as-=:.::;.;-=.~~ • ~ ~ •- ~ Lnl1 i ... \~ille . Ky., the. Ull1 of $2 1 1.- d, hr: t ann finrd. . 1 ~ IlAPT ,R XVI. I "Yes, it' m " sa id Lukl:'. sp u k- I wilh ~l'illl :atisrac iun. " Wait J I with int ' re ,t at th qitl) of ~ Estute o f Hllnnllh J. Hunkln son, I in~ (01' the firs t time. I hI"." P(,I' (, pnt from Jllnuary 1, H)30 d cern s II, fi r.t und finn\. He tl'lc h on ed to the hnngerand, lI i~ \'oice so un ded pitiably weak. 1 H e wlllked b uc k to th e e nlrnn ce fl'lIm th' , defel1~a t:)~, Lu lIa J. r\\ " ..Tholll Psonl lc d ~ n ,!-pPhone No. 31n Pb o ne No. , lelll n.ed 10 his I!1Itie.fa~tio n thllt th He had bee n turned out o f the pol- o f the unlidy liltle uel'odromc and Oenrth , wh ich clal!!' I sec ured by , P Icat lO? III pro~rte ~rirh e a~po~nt ', Iut hod ar ri ve d, H w ould h ave ice station-where h e had b ee n d - ~\ipp ed some hing from his pockl't. ' a first tllort gal!:e hen held by Th e ment 0 a gu~r an 0 Ice to, es .:I,~d t tl Ilfh' n ce lhe h our of his tained on :l cbarge o f \'agrllncr- I He had no t long t o wait: Danty ~'ederal Lun d Bunk up on lh e, pram !in al 1eged I~competcnt. ,H carIng tltlJlfltlure , but he knew that for in the early Plln o f lhe Ilfternoon l u nd Conn or turned out of the rO<ld I ·es. It \\' I\S further consld~red 18 set for AplIl 18, at 10 0 clock a· I that t.h~re Is a,ls~ due The L eba- , m, . . I,ne :IP mus, keep fuith-Connor II I d had not e aten ' ince the 1lI0 rn- ngnin. '.:lS n dll nl'! c'ro u~ mu 1, anc! he hnd ing. He made no ntte lllP to ex"I. that YOII Hi~l!'in s~" s ke d non- 11zens :-IstlOnnl Bank lind I A~,c~ un t app.r~v~d.- . '. 11<1 r1c~'1rl (, let twv 1;11(11lli g!'ow ,)\:lin hi; n ' lI d. h \\' 1\' 0(1 til' d nan y. "r. th e pi lot here- ?" Tru st ~olllpnny o f L llbnnon , from 1 \\ IllIam ',r. Milllklll , mm or, thud :n th(' l,hlcl! u f Oil£', \ ann weary lO cart: " e n ' I1llleh. The "E\,(>I'~'hudy ' ~ her~ inl' ng IH,', the d~h'n,ILlnt: , Luella J , lI!l.tI AcI~ ! ucc?lIn~. . " dne ('I' twitI'. ,,~ hI' lun f e d ab" ul ~oft luxury of thr padd .. c1 ~ca ts !laid the GU l1 n r. ")Ion'l lr~' any ~I : Deu r th the ~ Unl o f $,137.83 GlIO l dlllrys hlP of Stanley R, I, '~< ir' '' lll~n "d ttl r{'{'IS o f P imlico, dulled him tu lothul'l!Y: he was funny bu,;i n ('~~, I)nn u r: ['\' ~nt With Interest ut 8 p I' _c !'t !rom hapmnn, Illco mpetent, seco nd nell,. h:1(1 h,· impre~~ion Ihnt he was nodding alm ost hd , re lhe car y ou cO\'cred, and l h ' n" " :I ~ ilenc ~ 1' :'Il nl'ch 2G, H130. which Clllllll I~ s count. I,,·: !,~ h.,ll I\\'('d; bU I wh n once I l'l:'a hcd lhe Embankment. lin Illy !:UI1. You'll hull' 110 mnr,' I cUl'cd b~· a l1lortgal:!'~ up on the 1'~lIl l . he \\ ,Il k .. ,' I""' k in desp(>rnte bold" All rijZh l d o n't wa I,.' hilll," s aid than tl 'pl op ' and yuu' ll Ill! in 11,,\1 ~ . ' ,:·ta t l'. ~·.' Cl' n d nl~' to thul <!f h e New SUlh n~>~ I n Int."l'view the man w h o Gunnel' H aynes in !] low \',li N'. " \\' ('\1 . wh:11 n,' xt '!" H~ k~d r.)n_ I I.. t.tlel'al Lall ll ,Rank of Lo.ul s\'IlI t·. ' ?I!al'!!,I1I·(' t P. Tn ylo l' VC I'RUS WiI- Younll Clev e lond Motron G IRd 10 \;1, f" I. \\'Ill~ hilll. he fnund it ! " Il ,' was arrp~ted this morning. nflr, "" IItul'ky , \\ h t' !' ' [01'", . It. wa R Iwlmi, I' .r. ( 'OIlWIIY an d Franci s L. TeIl Wh a t New Medicine Did \\'a~" ! ,'I1,· ,' ly in" ffl' n~i \' ~ trrln - I'\'C' Mlly ju ~t fll\lnd Oll t: Olle "f "1'h,' 11,,;>; i~:t lOll)! \\Illk bllck . o l d.,>!,,'d, th a , ullli'~~ ~h'" Ju dg-nH'lIt l C"nwa~· . Anna \' .. anrl Willia m j.'PI 1" Itt" 11 "lghltorho(,d wllll W!lS li lY fl ilnrls IlIltl 1111' , T h(· p"li ,'" 10 h" 1I"III'l'~ 1 0\\'11, l1nll '~~ YHlI',·(· I .. LI IIl1 I..' IlHIII .. wlt.h ll1 fan' da)' ~ . Ri , hl'p, lI annllh N. (',.I ('r, Jul ia For H er " f sa l' wil l Il,' (,xecul ed, , I p e ndl"". 1'I II'I1IIIS ,r·' , P t' nd (' I'R, 11 (':I),;n"" I .. , find it ~Irl'l' and II nUI11 - an' Il)oki nl! f .. r hilll. :-; " llll·hlHly !tad 1111' inlt'lIil,(l' lll'l' l it k"I'p yUill' I,!' I'. ':l' n l II wire t · lhc SPII I· TI' \\,. I " II H- "II I'. I f \ " 'U ' " , ('1,·\',· 1' \'"u'lI I'UI) I h" JU t'." I·..turned th,' '~"lI l'S In \','a~(' d. H"bert 1',' nd"I':", 11 minHI' ----prcI il W:l~ rrit' nll (l nll l ),. \\'llI' n ' 1' 111 uir:iid Y"" h:I\"' II'i :I ~"a l\(·t'." 1!1I' l'a ~I' or Thl' 1I " II:tn~t B!lkt, I' Y, 1,"I\' "" II and Iwil' of Thom H" F. Ill' had \\ lI rk III d o- yen !!' ful nl'(' yr,u taking him':" hI :.. 1011 d . :t ~ hI' -a \\' Ih,· 1('01 tnil ' (1IIlIi' an.v "f lla~'ton, ()hl ll. Vl' I'l<lI S P(' " d ... r~ line! Ju li!' l'en ti,'l's. J o hn \\ (. rk - :t d la,· eOlllpleted thi!' in u .. Holl,,· ... ~ hl! ~:titl, lig!.1 " I' Ill' "HI' i1Iodng I'llpidly ' \ · \!.I 'n,, " Emlt·y , el aI., in fun.r o f \\' T a~' I " I' , h u~blll1 d 'If the plnin:I, St~ I", n(·a ~ \ 'lI uxhall Br idge . Sh~ wa" \\Tnppillg II rug al,ltut aWI'~· . " Th l' p. Ii,'" aI'(' c,.l1trollillg l hl' ,h' fl' I1(lnrll~. I ti ff ftlr pun it il lll ami (,ther I'eli(> f . .\l:Iking :l \\ ilil' .!e t ou l', h!' real'hed hc· rlli ll r> tl fi, g-UI'C' ill lIw CI>I'II I: I' ', f lIJi ~ 1\, ro .!rol1\1 ·. and ,I'Oll '\'I ' a '; lIow l 1t 1"' lnl! llIildl' t" '.'PIIL' 11I' t o tlH' 1 Th (' r itiu'II H nti rntu l. Blink of t hl' c('n /,111 1J",.t offi cc' anti hand ed til(' ('a 1'. II "k,· ', ('1 1l1/ "·,. of gl'llinl! :t\l'tI~ , " 1'.""1't I hlll lh ,' pl!lIlltlff. II. S, W illllillJ.rt"n V" I" II, (' . L. Buugh, in the t ,h' l!r!lm nddrel'\~ed t o In "You ' ll hll ve a polin' l1lf111 wa il . """II' ''' It" illg a flil'lIdly liu l .. ,'I, \ ,'n 'oll lall ~ l'I ' I · ~·I\'L· d f l'n ,". the 1'" .. Il\"n,'~' , IIniolint r luil1lC'd $427!1. ~ IJ"~I"r Bini. Ill'an: illg un thl' mal. NI', yuu'li tilk,· him f, ·llo\\ alld 1",I"ing' 11- : i, tha I \\h" ~ " ,'f,, "clallt, JI' ~~ amlll' II , Rra l toll • .I:l \\ith inll"'psl fr o m Aprit 1.1, Th(· Illun who Wll i< ('u n ce rn d ill to Elfn rtl, W hHt' ~ thi H'!" '-,,' .U'I',' t,lIill\.: u- I" 1, .. lil'\' ,'·:" Ih .. :- 11111 I~f , 1:!1:I ,:l:,. in full s ali ~- I!' !l (l il t IF; fnl'l,t:III Hul' of Mortt il(' T:drllnn~' robht'ry was Luk e II I' kil'kl'tl u)!uin ~ t Ih ,· ~ uil<·:tq, ,11 " " I,·.! (' "nnllr, !'1l'11011 ti t Ih/, ('(, p r "~IIIS~" I' Y 'Io. ty"" : A'al!~ 'ill /,I'al e~lat(', sa il' of I'('nl Mllddi stln. H e i ~ a lt !'mpting t o IIn ll s hl' exp la in(·tI, :Ill.! hl 'IIrd lail n " 11",, '1 lnlk walk ." ><litl tli t' ,t \\,,~ funh,'r (lral" I'l,d and wllh 1·, t :lIl' l' lC , A lwlIYI< think twi c,' II ,for e you lellv(' l."nd ,ln to- ni ght. Jli ~ wife ch u ckl~. Cun "r ~I\' I · "I\' " 1'1\1 III,l ill III\' 1111' t:nll~l'nl I,f th e d,·f,' ndants . sp;' ak Ulitl tlll.'l1 lulk t l' yu uTself. nnd Gun n" r Haynr s are aware of "Y\l U Ill u~l h e n thnu~hl r .. :"I,·r , 1,,·, 1 1,' III1"'!' ':-;' il!lt. 1' \, .. J\I 'al'1i~ - 'I'll" l '~'ion ~" \' in !;" , Buiilling ancl ' Marriage Licen.e th d ubll' lift' hI' hu! been living. ThaI's l he vcry thi ng h, ·'" I'('qllin' :llh' loI'oIlli , ,·t1 I \'t>u ld ll'l kill \,,, 11, 1.1)1111 (1IIl1IH'IIY. (If .L1l \·,·llI nd a lld l ' f II ftw tilll P~ chu ngc. The n,'o'rI/ !' , ignl' tI it with his ow n na m e. - not til -night 11('l'h"I" . I,ut in Ih,' I,ui i \\ flu ld n'l I:o: k" " 11,'" "f ,; I" t Th (, ( ;col')!l' j\1.. ~, 1'1' and SO.II ~ ('olll- <:; It l~' [' l~ll h, IIdl;l'rr~v")f'~ ~ I"IO~ n"k,'" .'\nll'!'i r llll, s Wllying nnd L:lt" u~ wo s the hour. h e knew Ill ornine. W ,, 'rC' \.: " illj:: I" Elf,,1'I1. t" 111111-." Ilil' d l:ll1l!t' 11I~' llIind." ":tlIY. t ha t IlwlI' rl'll;',' pl'lltanll ~ be ,','lIt > J .lIl t,)l ~ k :lnl . Ii<~ / lie li e s tllll1l'inJ,t lind yipl'in)! in II wild thnt th l, te legram would be Ile - Do ,you kn ow it : It';. thn'l' IIU:II't"I" .. .·\ 11 right. t;UIIlll'l" . \\',· '11 g,', " dl~ l~lI~SI'd. I BI." hllJ1. I~ou ~~ l ell!'!' 0 I Ill!!, "II Ill'" is nll 10nl('I' I' t llll,'d II savage. liv I'(>d. II I' w('nl back to m eet hi s' o f lin h ou l" ~ !'llll, anrl if ' \("/'1 ' 11;"11\' f"ull.! hi< Cl lI:tkil1" ""iec. l . 11", Ca,,~ o f Th (> I'ro\·itl n [ Snv ;\II" ~, Api'll . . . I the . .. R k I '1' (' Th,'~ (' pl'I ~on 1'lIl ts S lOW compLlnion in m isf I'tun!' , f ee ling lu e k y \\, p 'lI reach 11"'l'l' he' f,, !' , Iv.'u " ( ' ''IIIP " n, { '''lI llftr , TIll' (;unrH'r Ing~ an ' ant r ll ~ t , ompallY RET f dllll~(q· of ludd n/< up f(dlow s wh o mOI'C' chel' rful than he hud felt !111 of the bi""'c's l 1'111 ': that (>\'('1' c lilll- \I" ,tddll 't 11111 u,: ill had - " I \' I.' I" lI ~ fl uy C. And.c l·s',)n, (; t Il l. was l en l s tate ran. era I ' . ..... II nrc u('eu s t!IIlIL" t'i ra ISlIlg II row dny. b~tI (J ut II f Thll llH's mud, I "I found Ihl' IHt(' r ", nanty." f u.r s(> t l I~:I I nn( I CIl ~mlSS (.I Anth"ny P e dro t o Dominick S ill' lenned oul o f tht' wind o w ~"i" Il a.\·III'. ""flly . " Yull kil O\\, I Salll 1'ln k lel1ll1.n Wll~ nind e n Pt:IIl~ i . ;'!1. 47 HCl'eS in H a ri an twp. whe n 111l'Y rl ll n't ~ t ~c l'vic e. It \\'a nl:nrly e le ven o'c lne k Ihut alld ~:t\' . dil'l' I't inll" I, thl' (' hllll - jm;t h"w n,'al' )' 1. Jj al'l.~ to (ltl' rnal r~HrtY defendant III the ('use. o f J. I M aso n Lod)! c N o. 209 1. O. O. AnII'I 1':ln m e n, il is ~uid, spend nig h t wh e n Margnret had the cal" (feu!'. I' ,'sl . dOIl 't ~' tlll ?" : I'.. ,r lJ hr~ sn n V~ I'~u S J. p. Keath- I P . t o Ninll B. lIud~on, pUt·t of lot MRS. ANNA GREEN $ 1,001) .000 ill imprll vinJ,t th !' ir bellu bro ug ht t o the d oo r and Luk e 'S ! 'TI,uldn't we drive· 011 t ) 1)1)\' (' 1' I) unt)' ::Iid n l,th ill l!: hI' grabbed (~IV " 11 c.:I·U~~. r~ l b('rt Crowl' . M. W . No, 'I and all o f lot No. a in ty . Th " I"" s no ('vidence in s upp o rt Euitrase depo site d Her inten l i o ~ nnu )!et on b"lInl lht, bont.'!" sh' t hC' arm of hi s !'l,lu,·t:11I1 friend and I r.HI nhn rt. DrugR, J Olieph II, Fed - Ma. o n. (I f Ihi s \'Ilrn, howrv,' I·. when one wns t o drive th e ~at to the low r ;" kN I urg ntly. a lm o, t dru!!,gt'd him back til the deI'S up ply ompony, J esse and T rre ~~a M. lIamlin to l ' there n ot hope nnd en colll'llge I (H . k ~ :1l> iJllt und seC8 till' res ults . Cunn",· II l1y n c, Fho ok hi ~ he ad . , I'tlHtlway. T huy wII II;\!,1 rapi dly , .Judgm e nt ill t he. um of '. !13!>a ., Effi e Stansel, 5.44 llcr es in Frank- ~Il'nt for s~ffe re r~ who. al: ' s~ archA . 1111111 t OWIl is ont' where o ne Ilart of Villie r s treet and se nd th e c haulre ur with lh e s uitcns t o the ·'N ... thnt won 'I work. Th(, SPill' I II:ltk I he way t hey had ('0 III 1.), aod :l ·I , tngeth s i' wi th in t el'e~t th 1'(,(1Il lin t wp . inK fOI' I'c h e f from th Il,r Ills III ,!:he . o f th e Icudin);' t i t i z('> n ~ de plores cire1oakroom . S he came ir~t o th e I at the rute of 6" ; fr om F eh ru - l ,J ohn B. h ec lcy, e t a l t o Hu s ton WOIAs of ?\:Irs. Anna (,reen , Si ll! · CUS(' R 1I1'l'IIU~C th e y take awny so Ro uth end of th e Strnnd und lhe l u r¥ ,I n. 1 !I :l ~, a ll\ oun tin~ b.o th Kindre,1 ~rUSt of lanti in Frunk!in. urtls avenu e, levl'land, who mu ch IIHllley. car hlld so me difliculty in making I pnncllml and IIll rest n Ihl. llille Lula E. , wan to Evn B. Tlce , r ece ntly said: "K o n j, la \\'us th e _ ___ - - it g way throul!h th e n 't urning to ·!)<J :1 I .28 \\' a ~ Ilwarde d in fav o1' 1102,G.j acres in Hamilto n twp. fil'Ht m l! <iicine of n il I tri II Lh at th ea tr e traflic, but after n lo ng of 1,1ll' pbi ntifl' Da \' id F::. Dunhurn Bertha and William M. Wyat~ gave lII e nny 1'f1lief f,,"m Ihe l11i ~- UNCLE ADAM'S COGITATION wait it turned down th e st,' ct toHl:'lIIlls t t he IdC'ncillnls, Alb c l'l to l\IlI~ 'I tl un ge rman, lot s Nos. I eries of indi l!e~tiolt llntl sh a t te red ward the Embankment nnrl at u UNI :o.l a l'), 1':, Stn\\,. IIl e~: pUld :111£1 111 Dee rfield t\\'p. n el'v('s. I ha d to fOll'c m ys' lf to NO'Ill, Ah dllt!s ll't lI"e not big s ignal fr o m Margaret th e cha uffwil hin thrt'l' days . or de r o f sale 'o mh Ell a French, to Stanley M ellt, lind my stoma c h r e be ll ed at wtlrd H. N u' m, uin't Jones st reet. e ur stopped the mnchine. will b ~ i,su ed anti Ih IIn·mi se,: Ro ld I B.nd Mury E. W a ltz, 2.00 acre in thi s. r:;"ood wa. not pro pe l'l y l!ige:- Jon es s tn' t't lIllI nbb 'I' dar jist two It wus l'!Iininlf hea~ly; th r e In the. cn~e o f T . 11('nton ~ co tt 'I urtlccrcek twp. . . ted , ,and my neves becllllle offec ter! l!l llc ks, IlCI'ZIlCtly pllrlllyzed to dis were few pedes t rllms in ti ight and Vl'rsu ~ . Inn May Com p tnn, ct!l l.. Th ' l\1utulll ~ull~ltlg nnd L on n A the wee ks pu ' d., I lo!;t s t IId- streel, l\1 u ' m . II am o nly d e srnartthose were hurrying t o rench th!' th e 1'.lurt apPl'ovt'd th e fi ft h lind Co mpu ny of Mlumls burl!, D. , t o i1y in weight a nd s tn'ngth. Al l'c-Nili:l:n hs dut try t o us c big shel ter of the Underground stu fi!'HI arl' un! PI' ~ I'n c d by J . Wal'hllllcli . Frazee , part of lot o. "Hut how c1ilre l' ntly I f eel now w rcl s , tion. he pulled a lhe cntch of I'e n W nor!, SUl'vi\'illg tl'u ~tte . 011 in Frnnklin . s ince tuking a tl'eutlll ' nl of thi s the door to ope n it , that the chau----- . • E;thc l Jung to ~eo J, rtn~) Rhea r ema rkable Konjola. I ha tl n o iu Ll tTe ur mig h t more easil y tnke lhe P rob,,'e Ccu rt P,·oceed . ngs S mith lot No. 07 m Fnmklill . sllch a complete chllnge cou ld come Wa tc h your expimlion dute on the s uitcase at hel' {eet, when, out of h,lI1 s 11 01 anti , e ('cutor o f the I Ma!y A. No r~o n to Jt?hn M. AI- over one in AO s ho r t !I tim. My The Miami Gllzette ~he sha dows, came a shabby-Ioo ke , latt' OI f Lu('Y 1. HOl'mel. deceas- co rn 1.43 n c.1' R 1n Was hington t~p n e rv e' are cLl lm, my diges tion and lI~g figure. He must have seen her ed. (il. rI ' h i ~' in vl;!ntory und upFran.k Fnsh,Y and H . B. J estr~e appelite ure n o rill U(!. !lnd I urn chfflculty, for h e turned the handle plais m onl In Id' r. bate. to Bu!e ,JestICe, 1.29 acres III s leep ing fine. And how much betbe~~re the chauffeur co uld descend In t hl' c!t~l' of The L e ba no n-C iti- Prnnklall twp . . tel' I fee l in every way! To me Thank y ~ u,O said Margare t, l{' n~ 1, ti,) nnl Bank ant! Tru st ~I oyd and Jose phane Grace K onjol.a is. w o nd erfu l, and r inand hand d h1tl1 the piece of s ilver 0lllp3ny. aF :l ss i ~n e e fol' the be ne- 'Ba iley to hllrl ~s C. F~a,zee, part dor~e. It w.l th nil 1l1~ heart, s he had r eady to pay the luggagelit of thC' ('rcd itol's o f Ru "sell J of lo t o. 806 an I;r~nklln . I It IS loglcul to b ellev thut whal r oo m attendant. I :'Ilul I lll', plaintil1' v t' r'~ US 'I'h ~ Fed : ! ~ crth F. and Wilham Wyntt to Ko njola has done 'fol' ot he rs it .wi} 1 HATCHING As. she did so s he s witched on (>I'a l L ~f1'l Ihnk (. f L o ui 'ville, Ky .. ~ hffo l'd .Mnth e rs, lots Nos. 5 and I do f o!' y o u-fo ~ eve r . . Th!s I ~he light. F t)r a second s he stared For n s('co nd s he :tured into th e Unf<hu \'(' 11 fae(' and t he grimy figul'e e Ill., deren'l:lnts, th e co urt 01'- G In OCC I field twp. . el!pe~an\l}' tru If. KonJ~la IS given AT1'E lTION- L ebano n All-E lect In~o t he un s haven face and the "Luk e !" shc I'nsp~d. d t' l'etlth c plain liff l advertise th,e I Albert lind l:Iattl~ Constab le !o fall' tran l und SIX t o e ll!h,t bo ~tle s ri c Hatchery, 21 le llding breed s grImy fig~,re. r en l es ta te fOI ' sn l\, t o be solei nt I~n:~o ny PI' . _o!J.47 acres In are I'c<:olllm.~n~s a fUir tl'l~l. of plIl'c-bred llllby Chicks hatched L-uk~ , Ii . aspe . . his ow n molh el', And iI, a s 1 be- llIu :t have go ne a h und red yards public uu ction. l llLlllllrl twp. , Kon~ a In I so ld III Wayn e~" llI e. in fumigated In cubator s -a hatch He was stricken dumb wllh row's a good fell o w but h 'd sh op hefnl' onn I' ~loppud ' In vc nto ri es and apprnise m e nl s Bill. Jiht Abd ms dDru8. Sto~e, anld b y a, II each Monday and Thurs.!1ay. amazement, was unable to sp Ii ve, Mr,. Mare ll, o'r whateve r h is. "I'm not g o'ing to ' s tand f Ol' til ed :, Allowe d ~h e ehst t rtuh~glstSt' . ,Ill alt' tow ns , p cill l IIllentio n paiJ to Cu stom or .:nove. " " pl'ese nt nam e i." ha ~ blowl1 - ha s lh i.s I;il'd- " h b(>gRn . w he n u ' Po sta l e of Gra ee . WhitR er!' deStllkulta MfJr. Co. , s upplies, roug ou IS en II e . ec Ion. II l1tching. Open a ll day unday to Luk e! she saId Ilgalll_ told th e s tory of Tatfann y'svOice behind h im sa id : "Wa lk!" cellsed . I $4, 40; J ohnso n Watson 0 . , s upthe public. I. O. 0, F. HIlII, phone Then , as he shrank back, her overy boat wiU be w atch ed, Dc - und he obey d i!:stute of Hannah J. Hankins n pli es, $2 0.40; M, B. Hyman & Son I 0, 132, E. Mu lbery Street, tf NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT hand s~ot o ut and g r ipped him by s id es, th e r e is n't one till duyii~ht Wh e n he ha'" ~een 'Ih III well Oil decea sed. ' ~ h oe and overnll , for jail, $5; J . the coat. . that we c ould pOl'(hly culch. lhe ia' way. the Gu nnci' Slw d buck Fl'a nk BrundO Tl was uppointed W. Lingo Hardware 0., Rupp lies, FOR RENT ."Come III ,for God's sake!" s he There's on ly one chunce, and tha t rt, th e CBI'. Luk e wa ~ awa ke ; they ' guartl.ian of Eth el An steatt c on- $2 .!l0; Monrne a nd J oh.nson , la~or E state of Thoma s G, Fa 1'1', desaid b.reathlessly,. and half drag- is for Mr. MaddiM n to IlppCH r in were talking tOg th e l' in II low ! fin ed In th e Day o n Stale H ospital, I $6.40 ; W a ldron . . GIImour, tn- eea:ed . ged hIm to bel' Side. Spa in , where he is s uppose d to b e. to n e , he and thi~ ~trang-c bride of , and fi l(,d hi R bond o f $3000 with quest, $7.50; • amI', mquest $7.50 Notice is he re b g ive n that FOR RENT- Five ro oms with e lectric lights and wllter. Goo d ~t that m o ment the chaulreur [think tha t can be w orke,l- unlf' ss his , a nd Gu nn e l' lIa ynes t hought A an ri ca urety Comp ny, of Snme, in!]uest, 57.50; Same in- Raymond G. Farr has been duly arrive d. Mr. Danty Mo r ell has got t oo fal' il delicate t,) leave lhc lll and in- , Ne w York as s urety. : quest, $5.3 0; J. W. Lingo lbrd- appointed and qualifi ed as Execu- garden. Mrs. Amelia Williams_ tf .. "!?r!ve o n," ~h c said ~urriedly. ahead oj us. " . t.el'v icw t h pilot. . at.herine \~ LlKc r wnH npP.oint t;d ware Co., supplies, $2.05i Carl tor of the Estllte of Thomas G. ThiS IS u- a friend of mIne," !,!e p~ered forwa rd ngn lll . ,Hl! f o und the Il1 l1c hinc waili ng, s-:ulll·lhun. o f Frances !tncl Vlrgimu I Apgar, pe r Dr. Rob.t, Blair, ex- Fan late of Wurren Cou n ty, Ohio , FOR 'SALE S he on ly hop ed that t he mun You ve got a (ur coat on- ' With two \V '!t I'V mechan ics and un I Ho ke, mlllnrs anrl fil ed he r bond pense for hydro phob ia tr~atment , deceased . could no t see the ~carccrow who thnt's eoo d. YOII le nd it t o yuur impalie n l p illli , and to th .:. lutter ?f $2 000 with n il ed Stllte Fid e l- I $;n .20 ; Eugenl! Diss, same trea~Date d t his 16th day of April FOR SALE- 3-piece living room was sealed at h er Side. husband. H'II look rnth e!' s ill y, bUl he gll Y new in ~trudi o n s Th e Ity and Gual'lInty Company, as , ment. $46; Trustees o f Publac 1 930. s uite ; :I -piece bedroom s u ite; ;;W he r e s hall I go, ,r;nadam?" n(l~ o dy will s ee him." . , I lit her IIl'gllm nt he e mpl oy~ d wa s s u r e t y . . I Affairs. light anel gas at ~ emorial . W. Z. ROLL victrola; White e lectric se wing To- to t h e hous e . . he saId. Wha t ur e you gutl'l: t o do? ' 1I vc ry cff f>c li vc o ne. 1'0 1' t he uil'It waR det ermined by the c o ur t hO.II, $5.80 ; H . E. WarWIck; s up -. .Judge of the Probate Co urt , machin e, new model; 4-p iece break . " .I man fq; r'e('d e h .c rfull y to a ll C n- tha~ th e n p value ii i the e t ate nf l pll.C's, $ 1. 7.5 ; Owe n Gross, guard . As .the chn uffe u~ chmbed buck l she,aSked .. Warre n County, Ohio. fast set, green nn d ' black. Inquire lIlto hi S seat, a thIrd figure ap' I'm gO Ill~ (Ill a n U1rIJlllne I'Id e (Hli ons. J os llih Monow, ri ,e ceas d wa s I'nll materlUl $22.33; Morrow Lum at-th is office. • a23 p eared. He came running down the I to ni ght, und he's going wit h lIle , " I "l c'ln C 'lI'1'~' U I' (' ' t "h $853.6,' t hLlt th e e XPlllpt inn!' o f t he I ber Co. cement and lumber, $39. 18 ADVERSE QUO'T ATION st ~eet. like a man purs ued, and he said. "A s f o r you , 11'R. M ati- I s'lid "'The;'!" !'1 I Ie . 0 1 It!! two n ieces, xcecd their s ucces- E. B. impson, repairs, $3.10; E. FOR SALE- I000 Pekin ducklings grlPIJlIlg t he hnnd le of t he door, I di son, yo ur work is very s imple. , lI<lt l\ ~lt ' tUn' u : 1,11 0 ( I ICU ,y s ions , that l h stl cc ,lssion of the P. Milner, gLlS, $12 ,09; Oregonia , weekly, lit redu ced pdc s, C u sl l C,a ped o nto the running board as ! ~ou' II . ' r eturn to L (! ndon ; YO U'lI i)!,' hl t~ip hL~lrlr~;l s I~fe t!lone "thl s Leba no n P u hli c Librlllry legLltee is Brirl):te C o. repairs to eq uipment, "Give ine 5 gall ons of oil a nd a tom hatching at low cost. S$.nrted ~he car moved . She thought at first lac a Iattl - 1 h ope It wOII 'l hurt ' t ihfic d C hi s . Illles. exel1l\)t. and lhe eslate and th S4.50; l >eba no n Lumber Co., s up- quart of ' gns . No, I don't need any chicks , baby chicks, Barred and It ~v.a s a policeman, but then u l :v,ou. very much nnd leav e for lI :tvne~ \\'c ll~I1I I1Ck c~lhe: G~ll l1cJ mc~essi on s <I re e xempt fr om ill- plies, $4 .50.; J. W . Lingo I-~nr~war~ watel' in r adiator 01' battery. and Whi te Rocks, S , C. Reds, White pa s ang street lamp revealed th e SPIUII to-lllfll'l·O W.. If I Clln't get int;' I'I'u tc I h ~ ,u ,t car a n hc ntun ce t nx . • ~ .. s llpphes , $58.31; Cmcmnatl please 'nev e r mind 'bout cleaning Wyandottes. Millard Hatchery, dal'k fnce of Gunner Hay nes. hlln there niter I vc landed him in I intilllat ~O ~\. ' .~"~l.'(, th ,ln us uully The cou rt orde r ed that Mllntie 0 11 Works Co., gas, $11)6.49; ,T. W. th e w ind shie ld. No, I don 't want R. D. 1, Oregonia, Ohio. Phone "Don't make a fuss," he said, ,ns FI'n ne c, I'm n Tlutchlll a n. " e , t' l. II lU ll , Din ld y ex ecu tr ix of the la st will ' .Lin~o Hal'dware Co ., truck r epairs one of y.(1ur fl'ee leat her cushions; Lebanon 471-B, a30 he blund e red in, .$lamming t h e Th ere wa ~ 11 , il (,l1 ce, and the n : . r \' c a lilli e . ~C: I' :~ P o f pape r to l un d tcr t:'lIl1 cnt o f J nc ob Binkley, l $2 9.52: W. A . Scott, bridge re- hav e one in th e cal' t hat t he missu5 d oo r b hmd him. " I've chased your kn ow [I bett I' ,way.'.' s l", snid l ~ l v l' ~' "u \:~I en.' t ~, Ii !!' h l enough to d e(,paslli. pl'o te d 'to dist ribute . pn.irs $2.85; Oreeonia Bridge Co" mad e herself. Thanks." SPRA Y YOUR TREES- If in car from the Haymarket . Who's qUietly, " I can JrO With hllll ." I l end It, l\11 ~. ~!,((llh ~o tl. It c on ce rn s $ \ (,00 th e procee ds o f th e sal e of I'e mfor cecl s teel, $108.57: Wesn ee d of new spruy , pump, Inrge this?" T o h!'r s urpri ~ e , l he GUIlI Ie I' did t he , lcHt h o f yo ur hr ll th c l'- I'm r ",a l es tnte. t cmte rn Star state ments, $7; C . ,_ .. or s mall , spray h ose, nozzle s. co m lIe peered forwar d and she ' not combnt thnt s uggesti o n. so ny t o I;r sn hr u lu l, bu t r think The la!'t will and testament of I W . Vette l' r epairs , $2,50 , plete pumps, leather s, rubber pack heard him whistle. "Perhaps you're wi 'e," \\'U S hi you u Uf:ht t o. kn()w tha t the man Geld'ge C. Ri (' hl e deceased, was ings, etc., cnll On Th e BOCK"Is that Mr. Maddison?" comment. , wh o I'lll nc' d hll11 wa ~ ))ant y, and- ' produ chl ' in -court and admittecl'tol LET CO.,415 W .. Muin St., Xenia, Th cy cam e at lust to a dal'k anrl gue ~~(' d t hat," she sa id prohate . , Ri,hto, Che~ie I .ohio, tf ~~~'!'!!!!~~~~~'!'!!!!!'!'!"!~~~-,- bumpy road. and th e re thl' ca l' "'liS 1]1lICtly, . " Tho ma s B. Hu tchin so n wns a p- , FOR S AL E - Woodburn Ye llow ~ topped by t he Gunn e r's in stl'u ctIt wa ~ s tIl i dl'l zz lmg I!nd the pointe'" lIdll1 inistl'atol" d e boni s non Vi s itor ,_ There' s nothi ng th e Ion s. He gol down and pointed int o (' IQud ;;. \\'I! I' C lo w. bu t n.rlt her of . with th e wi!! annexed to the estute matt er with th is cou ntry. All . it Sweet Corn , t ests fiB '1'e. Otho Henderso n, R. D, ' 3. WayneSVille th e darkness . l h.e l hl eC' Jl~ ~se n g-e rs .e vlllced t he ,of S:lp hfro niu J. H utc hinso n, d c - I need s is n better type of settler Ohio. 1123 -r-_ • "Pull. your cal' ~)\Ie l' th e re a~d s lagh tes t.nnxl ety a ~ , ~vlth a roar of I ceased, and fil ~d hi bnnd in t~e and a decent water s upply, shut off 1111 yo ur ltg'htR," he sa.ld, lhe, enlfllles, the big , s um of $700 Wit h L ea h L. Hut.chm Res ident- If you come to thinK THRESHER SUPPLIES- BELTS With Dependable a nd when t h iS wus done and WIth SW( pt Int o th(' d a rknes~, lip lind 011 Il n d Fred S . Bone a s s uretIes, of it, th ose are the only drllwbacks pulleys, babbitt metal, oil CUpll, ·rus great troubl!' Ihe ' car had bee n t~p, thro ul!~ the thick mis t .of The cour~ <.I irec t e rl Gnl'l'ett Clev- t o Hades, Serum and VI maneuvered .over th e rough A' I'O Und cl o ud s, untl.' . th ey. emerged With engN, administrator of the estate - -- - . - ...- -- Injectors, lubricators, steam and . b th S f a nd the engme had ,be i! n shut off. I he mo on I'ldlllj! I': a clear s ky of J onllthan Clev e nger, deceasea, water gaug~!I, gauge glaas, ollere, Insurea 0 a ehe Cllllle back to the j!ir1. We're a hove them and b lll nw ing white to se ll und trnnsfe r to. l he purA Difference packing, boiler ftuell, lIuction hOI. ty and Success he!'e fir st," he . aid. "I'm bllnk- t:l o lld ~ b en eath. . chuser certai n bonds of t he estate , and tank pumplI. THE BOCKLET ing on Danty being cautious - look THE END at private s::Ile and for cash, The Girl- I found t hat book CO. 416 W. Main St. Xenia, .ohio. Lights were .comi n g a long lhe Jewel St. J oh n accepted the ap- you len't me frightfully dull, road fr om the directi on of Lond o n pointment a~ ndministrntrix de Professor', I thought you said \\R ~Me FOL 6e(OM& PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS It WIIs a cal', which s t o pped H hu nBri(!)rl' isn 't Who ll y use less Sar- bon is non of the (>Rtat;(' of Mal'y E. ~hcre wns a I)aughty problem-in -For all purposes. Bocklet'. ReFORMe~~ 1~ · .e,O THe'! CAN ' dred ,yards away, and then aft!'r J • •• • • Duwn ey, deccuse d , a nd fil ed h er It?" Harveysburg, 0, line ot plumbing Slid heatin&, .up. n while lu rnecl LlTo un<l . f ill fi s he rmen IIl'e pllv11eged to 1 ho ntl in the ' ~ um of $ 1 OOO ,wilh Ru The Prof- My dear young lady, TAL-K ABOU~ "lllIN6~ C)~(E-"4T are tb belt, The Bockl.t"They're wa lking th e r e~t o f the f(' (' d th o usnnds of mal't'ietl m e n dolph . t. J ohn and S, L. Mont- r :aid there was a knotty problem Phone 31 FOL-k.~ DON't. MeNTt Ot-l 1/ plies j o urney," l11urmert!d the , Gunner who (J nCe ate ro aSl he e f. ' g o mery a~ s ureti es. 'in it . King Co., 4111 W, Main St., Xenia .ohio. ' ,

~:e:::......_~ a .0C3AA

Centerville, q', New Burlington,O~

























" I" "









-==========. ~-

PINKY DINKY THe. """Me. OF "I·O .. II'l.. !'-I E '''' CANAR"i all~ Oj "!N~'1 t(



Tweet I


O~/ ~O '(O'J CA~L. '<OUR SiR.{)

poe? ,hAT, ~'TANP FOR ' J~SEF"H OR FOR






.5% Farm Loans

we DON .,- K.NOW! 'THAT'~ WH'! WE CAl-L.. IT JOE! I

LONG OR SH.oRT TIME-E." terms, Also Surveying aDd A6. ':Itracting, Write and I will can anp see .you, Sam Henkle, Way. nesville, Ohio, Jll ,


L.oANS on Livestock, €lhatt.lI. Second Mortage8, Notes bought John Harbine. Jr., Xenia. Ohio; ,

, •

Fa rme,rs, Attention

Farmers of Warren~a,d ' adJoln'ln, countiell may ob.taln m.on.y OB long time 10al1ll, at Ii Pt!f cent laterest. COlt of lI~al' the ..... Is very re.aonable, through The Fed.ral Land Bank.. , For farther lnfoI'lnation call oa or adar.. II. C. DRAKE. TreaauNf, PHDt 81. X Lebanon, Obir '






, - - - -- - ----


U ,S E -


MI'. am i MI' F . A . ~. (·vll e ll . l'IIl·1\. Publi.her W. M. Gillam , :In(l } I n;. ' . II. ompal'e d wito the l'eat of the OJlic. Phou ...... : ...... .......... No. Gruy nttend I Spri)l ~ ~ 1 1' (( li ll l! OIl wOI:ld, he nit d tat 8 i on Easy R·.ideac ..... ....... . .. . _..... ..... No. 118 ./nnH's town Thul' ~ tlll Y tl' t. Th thought is f\~ggested Mrs . Rd . 1\Iac 1"lIl'Iand tii ed .·unSu'b.cription Price, $1.50 a Yur by the propo!,al of th\! Bri is h day 1'll01'lIing', fulluwing- a f ew Govel'llm e nl to increllse the income h"u rs IIi' 'i11 n e~s. &" •• ,.,1 at Portoffice 01 Wayn . .uill. ' Luxes which they d o not have in When you have Ne ws, or when ill ' llI (' mb I'S "f the l ocnl W. flll/o •• r Second CI... Moll Malter England, s u c h li S the tux on real C. T. a t e nded th ' . nil -d a y you want Printing of any kind estate improvements, but -o n the 1.. (·· ·· :" ff ~ Wayn ~I'i ll e W dn eswhole We carry a lighter burden (iny. ' · ~ • APRIL 23, 1930 of taxation than any other nation The . I. . cla~ s of the Baptist ,=====:==== A recent report of the condition S unoD), • ch ool ITl 'l at t he h om e of ~ of the workers in Continental Eur Wm. Il nd 'has , Doster Thul'Mday ope reveals the fact, amazing and €l' cni n lt. - - - - - - - . IIlmost shocking to U8 but a commonplace over there, that the vast Th e i\lu ~fi i e Twp . undllY. ch ool MOVING TOWARD majority of wage-I!arnel's in co nvelltion w ill 1)1 t·t ut J o n ah's PERMANENT PEACE t France, Ge rmany and so m e other Hun ~hlll' t h Sun la y All ril ·~7 at 2 I I parts of Etll'ope n ever ea rn e nough o'clock. . -I - - - - - -. to buy clothes for their families II Mr. and MI S. W . A. Luk c .. s (' n and fhemselves. · Whole communi No more l>utt1~s hips will Le ti es dress from infan cy to old age t ('rta il' ed at dinn e r a nd CllI' ,[ S a built by th e Ull ited ,'tates, GI'eat in seco nd-hand clothes, made for Th u , sdllY c\'P11 i fl·~ . Britnin, France, Ital y 01' Japan ue- anci wom orij!innll y by pel'HOn S of RESIDENT Th <:re i ~ 'I ll ite a 1.,1 " I' <ic kn ," s fore 1 !I:!G. Th' )Hl! natilll1 s had tll(~ "uppe l' c lass(!~ . " Th e seconu in t hi ~ C" 1l111l 1IlJi ty . IIgreed ill 1!J 21 '"l !l t e ll -yea l' hand (' Ioth illg uu s ines s in America "buUleship holiday" By lIlutun l is ulmost ex tinct. Even ill th e Th e C l'Il !'- U :'; ( ' l1 tJ n .r' <-11. , 1' , .1, I', agreement t he y huv e exle n,l{'d the pCHlrrs !. districts o f th e larges t Th o rll),ul·Y. h t l!fln h i~ "'''''k ill I h l~ PERMANENT LOCATION holida y fot' lIf1olhl'J' nv c yeurs. citil's ti l<' "nld clo th es e mpol'iulll ll" I :t' lI' lI s hip Fl'id,,:, ll1 ,jl'lIill j.( . Thrce uf tho s e five p OWl' rs IHlve which use d to fl ouri s h are now 1\11'. a"d M, s. H" y ('lark an d IIgreed t o di:;!>u:;!' of c"rla ill Hpeci - larg-e ly J,(iv'n ove r to the galhorillJ,( ' ,- ' · I ~'I . ' S" "(1I1l :l 11 l~l1 t h l~:\tJ n ;\ ~ J l"Co rJn ic k . wh o dc.:fc:;t tcd Sr na to r t'am i!'! " I' W:" hun din g ' Pl' lIt I he fi ed fighling- ~ hipl\ n ow ill {' (l nlllli s~ - of o ld c lot he s for expor t t,l marLEBANON, OHIO inn, thu s rcdu c inl! th ... ir nuvi rs he- kets where the peo pl e III' too poor I ', ' " , ... I ~" Ille 1~ " P II1 ) lI c all n" lllill :lli fJ l1 (o r L' ... Sc nalo r ( re m1 Illin ois. II' l·l' k: l' I.d h" ... ·. Eye s EX:J mined I()\\- th eir presclI t s t r engt h. Frant e to l,u y new cluthes, w'hile the sons ~\l 1i I,,·, 1"llIllal, fll l' nd , ,\ 1,1'(' I<'''' <' \'c lt IJ II ' \\(, rlll (, i , 10 1 ) TIr~ man I\l l s. I':. 1\1. Villa r, i ~ \'l'ry ill at ~l . l"l n ll ,k oI , f,al ..,1 I,.,d "U II IIi. ,c;1I U l'c f hn l at~ Itu , t..and !1 ' I ' Ii ' dllc (, n Mapl,· St. und Italy ha ve 1I 0l yl'l COlnt· intn ullcI dau/-rhtcrs o f th e o lu people, . 1" Glauc o Filted Repaira ' that ag'l'et'lll l' nt. as lhey huv(' some \\'hu Wf'I'e IlI"uught up tn s pend n o ~'II ." u r ~ I ldi ll M lC () rJI.1 iCk, MI'. :lnd Mr ~ . A . S. (' ,dll'lL ~ l' l' lIi n)\ltl.'al difrel'e nl"~s ill re ga !'d to th e : Ilwnl'y fot· n e w clothes , dre ss in FI iday in 1)".I' tl1l1 . HII I,,' rt aC (',I11 1\l t'd lt f' I' l'l1nf'an S<'11 10 ud)u Ht, but Ihl' IHt e ~ l fushion . I ' : I I alli c'd I i1(' l1l lIu nll' fu l' t ill' ' 1IlIlIlIl' l'. thcl'" i ~ little doubt (h at ~vel.'tual~ y Thi s is n ot a conditio~ broul!ht will Le the C;"vl' l'nlll C' n l. There - ' ~ _'p b uth of t.hes e nutlllll H will JOin In nlH,ut by the war. It eX Isted long l f .. I .... if Ih e rl' WI' 1',' n" (,thel' l'on- ",,, ,-. ~ III'. and MI·~. F. S. 1'1'il\, 1 ,' n - I I \"I't :ti 'lc d Su nda~' ;l1t·~ , I I:t1'1' it-l I In s lllkmg warsh Ips. . so far as Euro p e ~oes. I t is ca. y to u f lil),' u 'nllll' nt t'l ullJ.i1l a ll I[\~'V .Il t I' Sl'a powers in b(iful'c tht' war- has a lways ex is ted 1 s id e ra l lOll invt,)n·d . it is dUI y .• ij i,·:_:._.: .I) 11: (JI',·Il IIlIl. l\1i ss Virdl· t 1" ,, 1'1: 111 a 11 . Nil "" I r ed uction is a it,ng' s teP I ulld('r~ tllnd with what h,) p e fuln e~5 1 flf il s powt'rs with th e fore-o s l MI'. i\ 11'111 ('.'< " Fis h,·I' . :11 ... :oI l'S . t owa l'(1 'nl. ",odd peace , Europ ean workers look fOl'w ard to ! which Ill'!' cal'l'y il1~ tht' ~() tlllcl ( ' Ii \" r \ ' all 1I 0 rn "f lJayl n n . C( IlIpll·tl' rli~arll1llment is. in thl' til(' iIlU'" du clion of American in - ec' ,lI olllit-al po lic y in lo dTee l . PI' ' se ~t s lag I' or r iv ili ult iOIl. im - , du s trial nll'th od~. which al'(' base d III hi ~ cu ~t ("llaI'Y way. hi ~ IlI;s t practical , bUl nil ove rl1llls tcring' (' 11 making' the wOI'kers into con- dt·mllntl wa s f" r f a l·I , . He fo unt! MILLIONAIRES HIGHEST n!lVY wou ld n ot ll1uk e f or P'1llce, s umers by giving t hem high e noul!'h I hll t th ( r (' II'a s no I'l' :l lly II"I)(' n -~~ . I (' Ithe!'. Our pUl'puse would be wages llO they cu n afford e nough dahl~ nalional quI is ticl s o n 1I1l f.-Ji.5?SiiIi . ' CASH s us pected by a ll the res t of the to bu y n ew s h·oes. Th ey s till do not elllp luvm('nt Th,' ]) ~pu l' tJl) c: nt of A ~ k IIlllh Sully '.Jal ti£' ')~I'''lh n ile 1 PRICES wor ld if we continued t o mllinlain believe the .tod es l h ey h ellr fr o m l La bo r' II'!I S doing the he~t it could _____ II) s p(·11 sal ,,-pe rd lah. , :-;h ,· d'lIl' ; I 11.' ld ~11l'r, (liftah .~~'.(: .tl led to . a ntl vu l rOI'~e o ut of PI'opl~ rtiun to thi~ s iue ah,?ut Ameriea~ wage- und e r a systelll which pndcyt ·d PAID INDIi\N NAMES 111ft L~ d, g l unl s ~ "t llll phu<lt. 1 our cOIl!lt-llI1 c a nd o ur IIlle l'cs t.~ workers ow nll1~ automobtles und the national unt' lt1pl u Ylllcnt SltUUo n the sea. I'!lIlios. tioll fr()1ll fil!tll'C: s furn'i she<i lit l'I: g fU I' ah(J'It a hll uah) d at !;pl, lI :n "Cl'r'luinly the wuy of pt'uee lies It is eas y to und ersta nd ,\'hy, lIlal' intervul ~ bv l'cpl'eH' ntllt~ve . S. tlone gCtn(' nut "I.. : lyle. n e ith e l' in ~ h e rattling of the s Cllb- with the gl'eat mass of people industl' ieg in r very line. But there By Mr •. Lydia 'gourncy 1 T\~' (J k.l1 ll!h~ s o ~ t~1~. r~,nd '.v ~ l:e barrl n o r III t he abantionlt1 (' nt of unalJ le t o (lurchase even th e n e- I,,'v!:r had heen u nation a l ce n s u!\ ! Ye O'IY th a t the v hav l' I'll ~cd a\\'nv wlllking ,du n t~1 1~.lh~u~1 tl.l cr SI d fen se," :'I/li d Pres ident Ho over, c('!;~iti ef; o f life, as we und erstand I o f unelllp lnYIll (' nl. an d h .. ~e i ze ll l 'I;hat nllhl<.: 1':\('" and brav (' ; . lind fOUkd a I )!)t (: II I w. n . (' till! a nd he added, lest h e might b e ae- them. Europe indu s tries lag the opportunity whi"h th dec e n - Th at their light can, '('s IUI\' " v!ln- Onl' I llho a ll ;1l k a~ , SaS8(,( I t h' ~u s('d o f "Pa c ifis m," whalever that behind OUI' ow n. With mal'k ets nial cen s us to bt· taken in Aplil ' i ~ hl:d HI) o r I untl e 1 I ht' fit CI', anI PHONE 8F3 !S, "Le; no 'a li I! Il! istake llI e; there limiteu to the ~ mall percenlage of l off e red. t di sco," !) r for th.e first Fro m off th l' cres ted wav e ; : Lotll!! .,~· as l'.~l[~ty. 11' I thi s Alte l "'u l ~,~ne u (1.1 B'~I t ' IH II prIce no nntlOn can aITord to the wellithy and th e export trade lime exact ly what proportion of TIl'll 'mid thl' f ., r l.~t wh e re th e y HARVEYSBURG, OHIO pay f OI' peace ." how cll n it b e otherwise? persons usually e mpl oye d regular " 1'()a ll1 ('(1 , l' he~t II IHI'Sat ' . o~ '~l(1\\ 't h l • -=-===-=- Iv were o ut of w .. rk on Apri l L TIlf' rl' rin g'~ ' nn hllllt c l" ~ ~h n uL; m'""',,\~ m f!o:nl! (0 ~:V I I ~ nl !lthis year. Th ose figure s, wh e n com - Ilut theil' namc ii' on your wRt(,I'~ , I'!lad · I. mt/(h, o m/( tOthuy '1.1 1 tlthCnltll~\- 1 ,. t · ·h · l ut 1'(1:11 lS In e cou n IY. II 1 1(' , P iled to use th e Pre s id unt's ow n , . . I e ilia,' no wa s I " . b' I ' all the s te' llll ~hip " e nl!ineering phrase , will co ns tilute 'Ti o wh e r e Onlal'i()'~ hill"w Ill " I eh~ Wh I ' . ' th' k' o "datum e." on which more ·til;e oc an surge is curl 'd: l ev.e r.r,t; mg. at, 0 )OU 111 0 accul'ate estlmatl.'S than have Le e n W hel c stl't ' ng' Niag'al'a' s thllllllcr~ LhuBt: I k i t h ' . r 11 possible in th e past ca n b e based at ~vuk e I I . 00 ' ec a I ~ c? l~pa~~ c,n. ( I.S Elinore Ulm{r', 16, at Chicago, fr ' [)U n t int rval : . Thu !' t h ro'e l'h , . h o f t he 1I'01'ld' I!alug lng:r, II n.lI "I <,pI led, rmp o ~- vho poscd a s ~ boy fo t two years ' 11 I . I '1 1.11 th . t i C er o . . . ' s lblt~ n lll t d o It. WI a ways )e a V1I1 II e e .1C ua W here re d l\Il ssuuf'I bl'ln )::eth ' " . " Ind got away wrt h it l~n~il a sc hool facl s u bo ut uncmployment in stelld Ril'h tribut e fr" 1l11 th ' We ~ t. Why nolo III" ltindpal became SUSP I CIOUS_ , 'of irr e~pon sih le , w hi ch And RUlIpahllnnllck s w~ell y sleeps " 1 wtlnt se . run dunng the I ,\ lI1~e r fl'~1l1 On gr en Virginia's breas t. ,1 0 "fellrs Exp erienc <! in Fitting the departmenl at L n bl1J" s ('s ltm- Y c sur th l' ir cOIl l'..- likl> cuiJins . WHICH WAS WRONG ? nnd Mnking Gla s~ es ate o f 1,250.000 out of work .lo Tluit l'lu ~ t l' rl' d 0' 1'1' the vale, - att h e Fed e ration o f Labor's Clalll1 lI a v(' fl e d uwav li ke wilhered Subscribe for Th e Mi ll nli Gllz~tte that 3.00D.000 wOI·k'l .. wcre withIClIl'el; , Father: H e r e yot! are, s teu lin g onlinu d fl'oll1 Page 1) If th cons umel'. thnt is to say o ut job!'. • Be€o rc the Al u t umn p'ale; me lo n s aga in . Don't y o u kllow it'~ h Every Tuelday, Thuraday, the workers- are out of work they MI'. H oo \' r' s thoughts on ullem- Llut th (' ir m e l11 0 ry li v e th JO VOUI' aJ{ui ns t the 1<1\\. Whel e tlitl you B esides ca lling on bu s iness men, ceaSe to be consumers, a~ lea st to ployment d o not stop there; ~ow-~ hill s, ' . hide th e m '!" the Presid~nt culled On the Gov- the exte nt that th!)y a:e \.\h~n th~y eve r; after. nil , th e persoll ch l~fly I Thl' ir bapti s m on on your shore . Son: "B e hind the Kti ll. " charge for Examination ' n ors 'of stalc. t o d n what they are w ,?rkll1g. and .gett mg high .pay I ca n t: !'O ed IS the man out of a J,?b. YOUI' e verlasting rh'ers s llI'ak cou ld lo stimulate new Jlublic und 1 ~ l s ure III wl.'le h ~o spe.nd It. , II e has de legnted the Se cretaf'le - I Th e ir dial e ct of y o re. I works a nd th~ ~es ult hl! been It IS th e .Pr esld ent b elt ef thnt f Oll1lll e rce ancl La b o l' to c " oJ1e~- Old Mississippi vl'Nlrs it ~ largely appropnatlOns fOI: s uch pUT at .Iea : t nlO~ty percent ?f th e ole with emp loyers and the AlllerlWithin h e r lortrll v crown , anti t o oll hi ~ famil y oUI t o ulifllrposes. than eve l' b .fol'c III Am erl- II1lIlJ or IIldu ~lrle ' ~f th e n atl.o n are can F derat i n of Labol' to. fintl And brand Ohio be-aI'S it niu" cIl n hIs tory. And th IS hu,s b ee n sup- t h Ol'ough} y com~lI tte d to thiS ge n- out more about t he whole ubJecL Ami ci hi s YOlllIg r enown: So it seem!> that el!ch. of t~ e bU Ri plemented by th e Pre~ldent's own ernl 1)Q !tcy, which throws Adam The s ugges tio n has been put for . JIlne ticu t ' hm; ",rathed it n~s se ~ which J o hn Snlllh tried un I initiative in , e lliarging the Federa! Sm ith ~nd .th e othe~ old political ward t hu t indu stl'Y cou ld be ' so 'W h er e he r 'r~u i e t folia~e wav es, th. Ride hus been. ~o ? d to the ~eo­ Gove rnm e nt s pr ogl'~m of expend l ~con o mlsts. lI1to.lhe discard . Except lI'ani 7.ed that every. I~'orker c ould I And b old Ke ntUCKY bre athe: it pic who stayed With It 011 full tlm~ l ures for co n str uctIon for 1030- In the tex~t1e mIlls. of th e outh the be g uaran lel,d a mlnllll UIll yea l'ly hoarse J . . P e nn ey tu ld me th e oth e l 31. .. te nd e ncy 15 steadily upward as to income: Throu gh all he'!' [ln ci 'nt caves. day lIbout u yo ung man who The PreSIdent IS more ke e nly ~vLlges und d o wnward as to .workPel' hup~ n ut that program pre - W'lchu s et hid es i ts linger ing vo ic e might ha ve b e n on e ut hiS ftr~l nware than al'e many m e n i!l pub- II1g hour~. Even th e. N t;w England ci se ly, but someth ing o f that \ \ ithin it s I'oc llv hurt, I paltner~. Th e yuung man I'l a~'l'd Potatoe. lic offiCe o r the sco pe and . Impor- ~otto n ml!ls are beglOnll1g to I'eal- gcne.ral nat.ure whi ch .\\'ol.' lt1 auto- .A. nd A ll egheny g ;'av es its tone the tromb o n e and was co mp e.ll e d tan.ce of th n ew eco nollll c, laws IZI.' t hat hIgh wages make the work mat lcally Ins ,!re Il It,'~ lthood to Thl',~ ugh (Jut hi s l(lfty chart; to ICllve the s,t o l'e ea~ly e very 11I~ht A t thi s I inn' of I Ill' Yc·UI'. \\'h(' II. wh~ch have beel~ developed 10 th e consumers an~ that a whole na- , ~very ,,:orkcl' In .the Untted. tates l'I'I o nad ll ock, on hi s forehead hoar, bucau e h e ~lade. ftve d.o llurs II nt·\\, potat tl l'~ ar c 1111 yl'l .a I" Hl tle.' R OT FOR AND CONSIGN Umted Stlltes sll1c e the wur. The lion cannot remam prosperous un- I 1 beheve lhe Idea w hi c h I ' gr w noth seal th e s ac r ed tru st . w'l'k by tOOling' hI S h orn In un (,r- of curs alit! uld pIIlat " l'" a l e pel 0 old theory that labor is. a com- less labor is steadily employed at in~ in Pres ident H oover's' mind. It y . " .'ntain s bui ld th e i'r ~ onu - ches lra : Il e is s tili t e'nd ing store in hap~ at. [Iwil' p" .. I'I·st. th (: d cI'!' I' ~'our ('a.ttl e . h()l!~. ~hec.p and. calves Illod!ty t~ be bou.ghl u;; cheaply as good w . a g e s . , is if! e ntire accord with h is co~OUI n~l~nt . the daytime !.lIId tOOling at niJ,(ht. t' I)Ok S(l':, .'." It t h.a t 1 11I'~" ', I~ IIllI c h lu NO I'I'I ~- Br(lck Co ., li ve wlr~ and posslblu, 11' n bUSIII SS I~ to be s u cPIl:Slde. nt Booyer s hope, th~re- eeptlon of Gov e rnnJ e nt al' lin ::lId Th l ugh rc destl'ov their uu st. Mr. P c nn ('y IS the h euu o f more potato I RI.' t' t ,- . . \\ h" I"II s III II f(·w 11I'0~l'CSSI\' (' finn for the highest cessful , has b e c h proye<1 utterly fore , IS that h e ~vlll .bc ab le to bring and ally of ind us try and bu si n e ss . t . . than eig ht hundr ed s t o re s. w Cl! ks. p lal ll h" dl,tl pl) lal<I('~. dre.~- lIIark c t pr ices !I nri ~ood service. faIlaeiCl 'S, he is convi n ced. Th e e x- ab ut 1\ eO?r.d~l1atlot;l of Govern- a conception the value of which - _ . - -Th e re are men wh o have made :L·d With I,u t l e r a nd pa r~ I,· ~. wd l ! Union Stock Yard •• Cincinnati. O. p eri ~nce o f AmericL\n ind ust ry so mental uctl\'1~~es With . these r.e- he de m onst rated when h e entered f ortunes by l'lI nning bootblack bt' sl'I'\'l·d 1"' l'ha p~ l'I " r ~' d llY. all d Refere nce' A ~k fir~t man you meet far, with the jlolicy of pllying hil!'h cent chan~es III e~on omlc thought understandingly in to th e co nf e rs t a nrl~, by buyin!! junk fr o m auto -I wher ea s lila , hed il ll t al ,, (':< I llrl' (' . . wages, in e r cnsir g lhem a s raJlid ly and pract Ice. It IS as n!uc;h the ences whic h ave rte d what w ould llI ob il e fuclor ies , and eV(' n by m o nth" ~ll!O 11111 )' ha l'l' I)('('.n '.'" a l- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ as possible, while a t the sa me tim e GO .... c lnm e n t's conccl'O a s It IS tha t oth e rwi se ' lave gone down into c,.ntr act ing with . ;1 city to c~ lI cct m os t dady nc ' urn' nl'~ " lhl ~ I ~ I h ,. short e ning the hours of labor und of IIldustr.y. . hi story at "the panic of ]030." its garbage. Alm oRt a ll ~ bU~I~ess "Nl 'o n 1,,1' p" tat u Vll l'll'\ y. giving the worklllen lhe benefit of . It w~,n lts plnce on Its ?w n m~r___ _ _ _ _ _ _ see lll s tu be :3 good bUSin e ss If a _____ t he ~a vings wh ic h call b e effeeled rts, WIth out any matenal assl!>man give~ it all hc's got. Scal!oped p ".\at oel by the USe of n:.J t, I lilLie ma chinery tan e e from l he. Govornment. If the A mule has 2 legs on B hind, But the side-lin is the slide, ' cull o ped pOlul n 's a n ' nne n f hav e r csulted in making Am e rican Gove rnmen~ trIes to r~n counter to And 2 he has B 4; l ine. the bes t WIlY~ uf sl'l'vi n>: t l1<' l1I . lallol' into the IIlI'gest group of the ~conomle Inw~ wh~ch !flake for U 1 B h' d R 4 U fi I Th C' I'e are t\\'o "Do d II' :II.'~ to consumers to· be found in uny co ntll1u ~ d prosperl~Y, It ~vllI not ~e stlln! 111 n, " nu 'l'o n 'In tIle \vOI·ld. .econ omic laws whI ch Will fall; It What th e 2 B hind B 4. Rcallop Ilnta t oe . . Oil" i~ I 0 ~ Ii t" Fourteen Years of • thl' l1l I' ::\W fllld pul thelll ill a I,utt"r e d bilking- di~h wilh I' lil tl ,· fl ou r EXPERIENCE . . I s prillkll.d het\\'c e n tilt' l a.\' ,· r~ . Th ('I1 SLIDE LINES C"'l'I.. - - - - •••• ----._.. .- - - - - - - - - • • • .----- ~ ~ c u ~ o n Ihem wilh salt and p eJl ' 1 ~.-----.-------.--;,,-----. ---------~----pe r an,l butteI'. nnd C,,\'l'I' t h'llI with milk. ('o.lI k thl' I1\ ' ral h, ·,· ~ 1"wl ", Th:s i: the bu s in e ~ s record of rIJr u n h " tll' In th e OVt'Il --·OI' unlli I J o hn SllIith, who i ~ now fa rly-o n e. I he p" tal",': lIl'e d u lH' . ' He Rlur tl' d work on a newspape r , 'rh e oth (, 1' way of ~ ta ll (J pinl! an d wh ile he wa s thel'c, he tmnsIhelll is I, ) hoil th l' lll alld It·t th ('Ill , telTt'd inl n the bond bus in ess and , Waynesville, Ohio enol. lh!'n r h"p th l' nl III' l' lIt th l'll1 ~ old illfiur:ln('e on th e s ide. 1 into ~ ll1a l l dice. put in a hutt e red . He i ~ now se llinK wa ll -pa per , ,. ,ji ;;ll . ('IlV,'i' with mill; . ~l' H "'J n wel l ' ....~~~.........~........._ _ _ _ __ whieh, a ccording to him, is such a a nrl IInh : I"\I'I ~' \fll t il thc·y ar C' 1 po o r jnh t1ll'tt he h a ~ to can.1' sa mI'ich llnd (' I' ('alll~' lind 101'011'11 "" top. ' S h e find s h erself sta nding on a cor~e r. in a ~t rang e c!ty. A handpl e~ o f fl oo r -wax and a patent at· I Cl'(' Ullll' d potHiH (.' =' ur p al s o go od so m e young man offe r s to help he r. She IS t ernb ly ufrlltd. She .I'uns tachment fIJI' nHlialur~ in ord er made uf ,.III lin es. Ag-ain th e l'l' ur e oway and find s curious people who h e lp her. to ,cmployment 111 .n to kee p gning. I ~ eventl \l'ay ~ or r a nking- th e m. On,. strange place. There a man out 0 f h er old life discovers her. S h e IS John is hon es t lind hard-workis to mukc a KIJ od e n 'lI lli ~!llI te and I af raid of him and run s away again. The handsome young man find s ing. Hi s co mpl[Jin~ about th.c hNll th dic('d III' ~ l i (, t· d p () lal 'I ('~ ill I her once more, They fall in love, but still she does not kn ow who m eager return s whi ch the bU SI- 1 the ~ a u c ' . Anulh <: I' i ~ Lu dic t! Ih (' 1 Phone 93 he is. n e~. w orld has given him caused pot.atoes, 1'1 ,11 th e m in H" ur . a nd a fl'iend of min e t o make an in: lh.e n h eut in 1I d ouhlt" ."(oiier in vestigati on. It revealw the follow 1l1llk to C II,"CI' thelll . I hl' !lo u r ing fact s: t hick e ns tht' Illilk . i! nl h ~ " rt ~ ~~~~~~~:=:=:=:=~:=~~ . O n e o f lhe me'n who started on ~ hould \1'(·11 ~ "a H "I1l' d. the news paper with John Smilh is n ow pllrt o.wner of the paper and Creamed P otatae' has an incom e of more t han CreHmed p otullles I1W I' I h('n hr· tw en ty-five Iho\Jsand dollars a NOTARY PUBLIC poure d int o a bu llered, shall ow year. dish and bro wned 11 f,'w m o ments National Banlo: R ea l-estate has stea dily advanin the ove n 01'. carefully , in the . ced in t h e city where John S mi th boile r . Or th ey IlII1Y 1.H· pou l'eu into Will Drawa - Eat.tea Settled played with r ea l-esta te a s a s ide8t~rt a di s h Ilml s prinkl e with buttrred line, and a numb e r of real-estaters breadcl'umbs anti grated chces e Wayneaville. Ohio no old e r or snlH r tte r than J ohn, arc and then bllked ulitil they are now very well-to-d o. brown. Min ced llar~J ey. IlIIlY lils " be ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ Both t h e ins umnc e bu si ness and sp rinkl ed over cl'eillll e <l potatoe s the bond busilHHlS hav e prospered to add to thl.'ir tll: le and up peu l'- : - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ __ in J ohn's old town, providing a utoance. i mobile. and comfol-table h ome ' Vari o us ~,,,t s (I f fried potatoe f> I for' seve rnI"m e n who were former.Jy .are t 'mptinr; at l his tim e of t h e I his colleagues. yenr. You Can i"r n"h fry raw As for wa ll-paper, I myself hapFUNERAL DIRECrqp potntoe,', 0 1' Ilan fry boil e d potapen ed to b e ridi n g with the sales toes. Yo u clln make latticed potamanage r of a w ~l ll- paper company ·toes . or Germun s h oe stJ' ings - I WAYNESVILLE. t)KIO ! II few ,days aftm' h eoTi ng John's . ()nce the reader begins "Miss ~hat is, fin e ly cut raw p o tnto es story. · . . ===-:= _-7"" cooked like French frie d. Vou. can Nobody From Nowhere" · he or "I und erstand yo ur busmess IS fry boiled potntoes in thin slices sh e will n ot be }(a.P py until the disII pOllr busine!s," I said. "Does · Pully Eqllipperi !..1Af with a littl e onion. und thus mak e I c.IOSure of indentity of: ,the .mysanYbody make n rell lly good thing a sort or Lyonnai e pot!lto. Service. terious "~ve , Par!lons. Eve_ry/lut of it 1" '. body will be in 'suspense, hoping -. ' The point is, if ~he o ld potato~s I, DflJPlal' Room. Said he; " .~ I d Adrian Meeker IS 'for the. happy outcol)le of ' th.e --71Y' . are '!lot now very .g~od and t h e n eW I Ambulante 8ellVfe~ t he best answeL' .'to t hat_ He workThe "Mary Sudik" oil' wen whlcl potatoes are stil.i expensive, to . love. story whieh runs through .thlS \ cd f or u s as sal4!sman fol' twenty the old ones 111 n way to bring T' 7 )' remarkable serial. ( yeaTs Hard territor.y his was, too. t h reaten, t be.5 afety ofblOklaholDl i cook ou t their best floints and minimi ze ELEPHONF. I.,y OR own ove.l h' , I . Fa .- ••••••••••••••••• The ~ther da l'etired with one City by the 011 sfray ~ • • • • Fa • • Fa • • • lilt tow~, gael ,I ~lIorll 1.0 cap.ito· t e lr worst ones. • ~ ..... hundred und ~hou~llnd dollars


The T ele'phone


The Miami Gazette


When She Was



Dr john Zellel Optometris ~

19 N. Broadway





~he ~ I!'r~at .

r- ;:'-.· ·. --:---_



(·;·lf,~r~ .": <I·.I·,!;~·I~ I:~ (~\'~"~ ""'·~" '~\i~::;~·',:\'.:~fru·~~U··

Dead Stock Wanted












Harveysburg Fertilizer Company






DR. RUDOLPH • Sight Specialist



- - ---

Ca-ry'sJewelry Shop


4~ ' -t .... J~ 1 ~_Satu_rday-.J .,..... ....::


01'- 1




DR. L. B. HALL Veterinarian


II Wh~re Oil RAn Wild I




ReI·IahIe Vaccination




Phone 76F4

A Beautiful Young Lady Who Does N9t Know Her Own. Name

DeW ANSON' r... I V t· . . e erlnarlan

, I



Waynesville, Ohio




This Stirring Mysterious Story will in




J. E. M·c C I ur



....... ........ ...••.....•.•..•.. ................. ""\..... ...... .....




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· ExcbQIIge

~ h s h il) ii1 nl

a f




,~ I\

of \hi ;; weI! kn o wlI


I Ill'


I" "


'I f


W a nt, Tob acco P rod u cta





Wayne Chick Starter (1 1


K, K Th um p n a n d J a m s Gray brou k Rnd MI', a nd Mrs, E, J, BUI'11111lld a IJU1'ine~' t r ip 10 Wilmin g- t un o f E I~' r i a, ' f r , un M I'B. E l mer H ous t on u f O n Pllre Food L i,t lUll 'one du)' lust w 'e k , ---(, HilS, Dil l wif e li nd da ught e r ll\' lIr Tro y " r) en t u ndllY e ve nin g TIt(, 11\Inl ,' kn,)wtl a ll '''1'1,.. 11 01.· St' llIlll' hi ll 1 4(i by 'en alor " n d 3011 . lin d M. 1\1 . T t' I'I'y Ilnd w i! wi t h 1111', :" d 1\1 1' .. Eme r so n Di ll i n lIw \\ 'HId,," untl IIUllld f ll". nt(ll1l p r OI)O, e. lu p lu (. l (Jbne'o l\1 1'~, Ali' T ~IT Y. \\ " I I. T e r r y , lind so n Bil ly. ' 11 \(\ 1'1' Ihall a 'c ntur)' f I' illl g<min l a ll ll t ObuCCI\ p r od ll Ct. u nd I' l h e \\,C I'(> S un day I! \'(' nin g gll ('. ls of K . MI' . lIurI [I's. E lv ill Mic h a e l and hU ~ l' i lulily. w ilh M I', :ind Ml'l', A . ('()nt rnl of t h c na t iu n a l f oo d an d E. 'l'h0 11l p ~o n lind f tllrti ly, daughler Do r ot h y s punt Su n da y Eo C, '1l)le hll ~ in. lUlled lin :. C 1I!'l\ 11~ hosL and h s t e. wUf~ d l'll l!' act on th e plea t h at t h e A . B . T8~m age wife a nd J. w it h MI'. lind M r s . ' H e rbert Mal'II r ri I' frij!;I'I'lIt or in hi s moa t the ne of th A p l'i l meet m g 0 helllt h of th e p eo ple is e nd ang r ed . Tn l ll?age Wife lind so n and 1\l1s8 IlItt a n d 80n Edmon. Illurket. , 'Wuyn6 T o wnship Farmer s' lu b It also pla c es t he co ntr o l and J essIe 1;. Garm e r s p e n t S u n day Mrs. Mildred Weaver o f D a y ton on Thursday A ~ril 10th 1930. d ce nsori ng of advertis ing of these afternoon In Xenia a n d James· spen t t he week. end w it h h er f )1 iss D oro\ h)' Hart 'ock °E Ove r fifty c ub thnember e an pr od ucts w ithin the p o w er o~ t h is town. M mot her eMIrs, EDa r l M ha r latt. I Akron, tlpent 'IIturduy w1th VV. - . gues t!! sat, down to t e su mpt u o u s bUI'(\au M rs. Mar y Dill ca ll e.d on re. ~Iu ara ' a u g ters s p ent ast StI' o ud lind family.· noon-dny melll. • Pas ag~ of t h is a ct wil l m e a n a P a tien c e E. Th om p so n o,n Mo~day week w it h Mr. a n d Mrs. C a rl , I n th ~ aftern oon, the host lin . . , broad e xt cns io n o f bur eau 11\ spi te of t he. bad \\ ea t h el 61 Wardl ow . :'II I'S , I.. II. (';c)rci o n !lnti MI·~. l10 unc d lhe II1'0 !!'I'!InI whic h con- "cli·c power in th is depart m n t. , a tl e n de d t he ~ocla l , n last Wc ed . Inel Mrs. P. A, R u nYOn .1_ 1 1':I1I11\;1 l\1('('lu\'(' W(' I'r \\'iltl1il1~lclll 8 i ~t('d o f lll~ ic on .lh r p hon oj,[nlph' l crl~l:te1Jj r!!led 4n the ligh t o f t h e ' ne~(l ay C\ ' l1ing n,t t il(> ho m e 0 , R , e d o n fl'.ie nd ~ in B ell brook S u n . I'i ~ it "I'~ thi ~ "f[(·l'l1u o n. I \1' (1 ~ pl c nd l d I'll\ dl l1l!~ and a s un g grow th o f bure)\uc'o l'l\CV ill go ve rn J, Mur r ay I1nd \\' ! fe III Sun n y 1 9c cJll~. e v c ntn g . '. ' .1 lr,\' l\ l i ~~ J ~U lI : "SSIJIl1, ~.n~1 II m en l unrl it~ IIS~ U lYlp tic;n u f p o w e l' 1"111' 111 , 'rh .. e\'el1tn j! was s pe nt tn lVII', anu Mrs , bme l'~on D ill un u , n, I'll 'I' ll :III', alld :\I r~ , 'Fl c,y d IIl lls1 1'1'1 III d l' ' U"~l\lIl i, f l' al'lnt t h is w ill u l1 do ubll\' l11 ea n Ih a t g'H lll es a n d ou r ~rh o() 1 tPac h e l' l s? n Bi ll y I' nll! \·tai n ed at Sun dil~ Ilall){lt ll l ~ " I' ·1\ ,I,·d .. . Ap l'il I ~ C , :I l ' n,\'I"l1l~" by :II I' . Wi ll ium Ti '1 - I lwr" will fn ll ow d irec t s up e r v is io n Miss ::; lId il~ W rI ,' ~' wo n Ih " !!old e n ulnn !.' I' Mr, a ud Mr~, Rll y m o n d Os" 1'1\ ' 1'"\11111 b ll Y, ' " h by :\11,,11. l' 1l"r I' lI u l'\' t'y s !lu r", of alld iIl L" I' f ul' c n ce w it h t he :td v I' p ri zc' i n I h ~ m odcl l'(j ll l 's t O il he r I bY I'1~ II IHI M l's. E u ph e min T o m s o f , TIH' ' ~ Pl'cill l tupic wa~ o n ti s ill J! p" licie s an d depa rt me nt s of Scnlch te rri er do~ , , Xe n lU. ,\1 1'. :,ncl ,\1 1' :, \\" I' , S:di ~ I,(lI'~' :lt "Bini" o f Ohio lind Theil' Valli" 10 ~(l nlC uf th e nalio n' ~ g r ell t b u ~ in e.!) ' 1\II'S, My r tl e I.l bel·up MI SS G lad 1'111', and M I·s. I~ ut he rfo rd and t, 'lId " .! I h,' r UIl"llIl " I' :'oI l.. I·:d..;\ll' . Ih,· Jo' u rn tt' I'.".lIllcl I\' :l ~ ah ly hundll'd " I'gun izntill n s, It muy IIb o ue in - I ys T ay l(\\' n f Fl'ull klt n and MISS s? n H lI l' o ld e nte rtnrn e rI ~t .S u n d ~ y I,' al land :11 1I : 11' \, ,·~' - I, u l')! , ,,11 1 1I{,~ b\' ~ I r~ , .1, W . Whitl' , ,\l l's . Gl' " r gl' t e l'l)I'(' t d t o ~)(lell d in t o ad \,l!rti ~, Ge lH'\'1I ~U1 n Re ll of Uuytu n lind ! dlnn e l' 1111', II IIII Mrs. Will ia m F. I. ~ 'lItilh uf W II ,\' n~ ~\' ill ~ al s (I ..." <I\'l' 1111 in)!' il)!, pncil' s anti ('Vl' ll ill l " Ill' WS- C lovi s Lt:' iw illJ! w er{' SU Il CIa y a f te l' I)o n. 1\1 1', alltI M ' r E~ l b o n (Iay. rs.O l Ive 1I11 ' 1" lin).: ta lk o n ll il'(Iti, jl tl Pl' I''' lind l1I agaz ine s , II110n j!Ul's ts of K, E, Th n ll1p ~u n l an ~1 {' hildl'~n Do nn ld, Durward and I ;\11 ",. FI"", i,' ('al't ' ~' . ~Ii ..;,; L lIl'~' ~ II thi s hL,tl utiful Apri l day in It wou ld Ite illla j!ill e II an d f am ily, Will iam o f Le hnn o n , Mr, Ilnd Ml's. I I'',Ill II'\' alit I ,\( r. ('1 1\' :-,t , . I' (. "11"' 1' Ill" \\' " "cl s with h il'll ' S" lI ...'" HI I ,," )(,u : mo r e tlan " erll U, :t n d lH'o vocl1 th' (' W ,. M , ,T e l'l' Y ll lHI \\'I' f,l' IVc r u . C ~ ' , I'' ,' C, 1'lb el't lilt(I so nR' L.ll f', oy. n il ' I I • I ' 'It I" 'I 1I,·II·t ,,11 \\' 1\ " o nt' 111 1'" t il It .. l'i.' lIl l' lllbt' r!.'d b,lI '" I I ~' t I \11 II f M d IIi W Ie. II "1'" 'tl H II" " \ 1:- ,, ' II , Ih " ' l' "l'l'ti L';~ ' ' ,: )(ll'll ~ i o n o f p owc r ill till' nll lio nal ~hOp )l 1 1l 1C 111 . ' 111111111 ,I ll .,a ut'( a y 1 'y I 11I !l1 0 IIso n ~ n 1', . 1. uU. r ,\I "lId:t~', I _ __ _ . g'II\' t' r n n wIlL T h is bi ll (''' Itfin e~ thi s l n f t l' l'I1 ocl ll , Wa l'w l(' I\ und so n I'o l'('sl o f Kl ll g s l' xl " II" ion " I' P" w l'I' In fO Ui!. d rU)!H1 Mr, lI lI tI ]\Ir~, I I. C , Mou l' (' lind Mill s, . . ' '\11'<, Ih ' 1'11l :1 I.. ,w i, " I' Iluyton. ' 1\1 t I ,(' WI.S C.1'1111' f 0 1'1',II~lUI l l.' C H URCH G AV E P AGE A NT a nd t , d)llccu, Wlw will Jl rNlt' cl LIlilt I fatl1 ily hll d f o r th (' il' S lInda y g ll('s t s j ' a s l'I' " ", 'nt :'1I 1I" a .,· lIith \11 ', a l,l d \ I I ~, -____ il \\' ill 1I 0t u lt illl ll t"l y li(' l' x t l' IHIL'd Mr, :lll d Mrs, F:llll c l' L umb a n d s un It o ir (' ou l, a j!HIII a f~{' 1' h e lll g cO.n \\' ,,11' I' 1: ,, 1" ' 11 - :111 " f:ll1l1 l,\' :11101 () n "'. a ~ ll · l'. 'lIlH I /I\' l1lornl' n t.: 11(' I ' , " 1 U, to a ll I.ull SIIll' SS :1 ('[1\'1111''' '[ li l' rirl' l't li nd Mi ss Th l' 1m H M oU l' e ","Il'( I t 0 h I ~ IIOlll e ~V I t h p l re u l~ lO ll II " ,,, 1.1'11 i- , F I'I'I' \' ('hlln·h ,,1" (, h l'i ~t B ibll' - - - - - ! o f Cu rw in . 1\11', ),;Sl1l l'l' Will is . Mr. 1 III I', and Mr~. I, ra n k Kc lh s and \\' o lf "I' :'eh,:,,1 ha-I I h,' IlIr){,' ;;t atl('nJann' .fl!~S J 0nkin s al1t1 lh l'('C d llught~ r~ ~llI lIg h lC r~ Lulll. ,~lIth ~ll1d L I? n,n ;\1 1'. ;11 101 .\1 1" . . ) .. " ·,,h it ha " had fclt· Y":lI'S, T I1l' JlIIg'l':lnl, :'IIISS('S, I\l att lt.'. A lr et' and LI ZIZC' ,IJHI 1\11'. lin d Mb, H~ll o l (1 Kd lr ~ ('I", k, vl llt' ~ ""Ilt :-;ullcI:t,\' a f tl'r , "I)/I\\,n "f th, · Third 1lL\I'" wa s l .l l' lIk in R. Aiel( all d .Ju li u s Ill's ki t.' K , :t lld .' '0 11 R , il ly SPl' Ill S Ulli lu y Wl l h I ( Bi t '1," .11 \11'111 ,\ 11'. ',lI lt1 :\l l s , L il li Tit u s ' 1'I'l' ~ "IlI(· d 1II1d(· 1' lit" din '(' li " 11 (,I' E , Th o lllp so ll a lld 1I 0 wlln l Ja co ),s r(' It I\'l'~ 111 t' m o n , :11101 1':lIlliI .I' , (; lIn' (' 1'<' lIn ill){I IIII . prl'" irll'lI t of I "I' Ihis Iilace. l\Ii ssl's Aim i l. II ll d Mami c . nnd , I r \\' ' II l Ilt .. I' i Jo:p - iit' n 1'1 l ' la,;" T h,· f"II , 1\" II 1\1 (' I Ir k ~p (' nt Su tln ay wit h II. C, IIl cto l'l' a nd fam ily a r e M l' s~(' rs II nrl'Y 1.tIII I I' III'iti R UIl ,O Il "''' ' I'' tI 11)( III /l' I - " a\'lI csVI c' 1 " ,. . " f' 111 ' 111 ' I ' I 1\" 1,',,'1111(";' (;I'all ).:'c" IIltl' II o1 (:" C ll'l" IlIg \" I III ~ PC' ''Pl' P"I!I"" ' ''~''('I I '' r , "an d ~ I r~, Ar lhur W ll t k in ~ al ld l'x pcctln,K 1'l'l lI l l\'('S 1"' 111 H , e- " f 1.I:lY l 0 l1 SPl'lIt S unlay Will .1'. 11111111 ( '''l lIlt\' 1'111111111\1 Gran~,' :It l, "l s I ('"nlnA'It~II. :'olal'y. I·. tta ( ,II Y, falllilv lwal' (,'l'n l col'\'ill (', I(,wn thi S \\' (' ~k , 1I,II d 1111' S, Juh " 1.(''' 1 nl1d 80 n W el,\I ill'" ,." , 1:,,1' :-l"lu J'Llay, ~~)' I"I,I I'.(: n ' l" \ In ll'lIa I:'.'~. H ~ r ~hll ~I I ~ .•J. B , .I u n ('~ is ~ pL' n d i ng II M ,~, a nti ~I ,.s, S llt!c k M (l r~lIn "11 , 11I1j!I OIl , _ lilli , I .l tI Il uhlJ le , H Il,,;~ d l ,111.11 lin I (I' \\' dal" w il h 1\11' , a nd 1\1 1·~ . ({n y , tlll'tllln e d Wl l h a n 1'.as t '· I' part y Ull 1\11',' and Mrs; CI1 r1 W~rd l ow l!1l · n ('d IF~I I SulndS~~1 dllln II' Mr, A 1I"l' k 1",,(· , WII\('h, o r r i lll,( w ill ~{,lItlll~ 11 1 1,1~ ~~ lt" H u~111, } :'11I11111It.:1'11"11~ . 1IH1 ll d L1~bu l'n lit X c n ia, S U.l'!dIlY ev'·n, i n ~. . I ll' l' lt IllM If ~ u n . , ".lIl l! 1I ,, ~, A k' ' If L ' b . . I ll ny Da VI S hilS tl'a d ~ tI ir iS t L'a m :l il l I'S, , 0 ll' l' ~ I I t'S li n , , ~o ns Il(> "fll" (" ' ill l"" by Ill ,· " il'i ull d I,,,y " . It' .l l'u ll e Uc' I· "x . I·. v.1 , \ Iay A II !'n . ~llss Au d l ey tln sOIl { { o f 1l11l 1l'S l u ~I va l\ il1l bn ll fu l' n a n d M r , Jacob S t'ot( find fu mlly. ).:.I' : .. llI ;II,' . IllI Y il a l (' lt I' Y' ~ .Jl·w l' lry 1 ·; \'l·l'l·tt II l1ll t L · I'. W llh l1 l'l1l lI u h b l ~. III/ (l n WIIS II n Y " (' I: Ill ~ h,t J! UCHt W ed t,'a l11 o f h OI'St'R . I Mrs, Etl WII I'll (' r ew HJl (' n t th e Sh"I' , 1. (' \': 1111\ 11 , Ohio , V i l'l~i n ill . l. al'kl'Y. 1-:1:11111 SNll's ' l nl'~(II~I~' (, ~.fl " M: S~ hiW.u \'tlbll1r'toVtl t l\1iSR Ma r y Kathl pe n Th o mpso n W('(, k-l' lId al h e r ho m e h e r c . l\Ial'le 1'll1 t' an d Lo la Sl';II'S, Ot he r " I h,. IUtu el 111 1 I 0 , Y o ~ ., ,' ,' . ~II' , 'III,) :l1,.s . P hi l ip Z"pf of 1('at LlI'('S of Ihl' )l1't1)!, I'lIm W!! l'e, u , n nd l\l i ~s M:u 'y Hntl, Pu rr y Coo k u l ~a ng. a b eautifu l so l c~ , a t t h l' ,l.u s tC I _ __ ('illl'illllllti ~ p(nlt S IIIItllI Y \lith 1\11: :- " ",, by ~ I ary E tta (;u)' alld a du c t ~\'a ym'~ " iIl we r e , rhursdll Y ev en: ~t'lI' I(:(> s Ht Ih e c hll llh on S Ul1 d ny iI.c ·ph' s "a lt nt.. ~I r . :.lilt! ;\II ~ , Irv I"' l'rv Thl"II'I~ and F u l'l's l 11Il! ~uesls o f Mrs, l\Iu r)!,are l J uhns m o rnin g . , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" C('()I'''(' .J, ."'IIII' tll . . , " ' l . I' 'I' } . I It B ' b l ' ', 1'1' ''',: o f t h Th e mll l1 y fl' l(>ncl" o f 1\1 1':, l1 a .. " i\hl'tlll th~ Inllt.'1' nUl11ul' l' C Il1I aXIe ,I' u I ~ ~ - ~,,~ , ' h . ;II~ t ill: ~(' I'\' itt, and IIl'in" lI ~I'd a" , I.~' lle S unday Sch o ol m et ' It ~h,e M c K ~y ~\' II\ be ,:\llI d t kn o w ,t ~l l ~ Ir,', "" Ill·, t I'.:lr llhar l IIlld dill· tlt l' in\' it'dillll h\,l1In t" w hich h umc of M rs. K e~ l l' r C r a ham P 1'1- ~ h e I ~ co nvll lescll1 i{ flolll h e l r eti l ('n lIr a r li ~ l e. ",c 'I'e Sun d u~' din " "\'t' nll I 'L~sJll1nd('d' i (llI Y l' \'l'li nin II ItH'5S. . I ""IllNI C. h 'Ie k' (' 11 o n lJ'I:C lI 't # 1111'1' g'(/('sh II f 1\11' , : lIItl ~Ir ~ , W , E. I ' ' . M I'. nd g, Ml's, C l,tarle, Ea rl y a n d ce nC,tl yd e u m s c e l l, b~ , u t l' d hi s 3 6 l S

I l[lJerJ'on~ l


Le-high Portland Cement We ha,,~ , ju t




1!'I'1l i n

C'O lh ' pn I : i tl':o',


Genuine C. C. B. Pocahontas a il d

Raven Red Ash Coal



:\ 1,1 il


Notch Back Fence Posts



Th (' 10 '''t lind 11l "~ t C' otH'1 !l iL'nt s t ep l po s l s mal l."


Seed Corn L II(' ul

~~!' d

adapled 10 t h is le rr itor y ,


Waynesville Farmers Exchange Co.


'I .


Pbone 25 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


_ __




Specla. I Sunday O·lOner


Stl'outl und ~o n.



c· hild r e l1 w ere S undu y din ner a nn ive r sary o n In s t ~nd !lY, Mas h ed P o ta t oe R . ~ U l' s t l' of lh e lu tle r ': pu r en ts , Mr, M 1', a nd Mr~, Ed ~r1 so n o.f n eil I' 1, G I' N' n H(' an s Sa lfl d >"i s~ Ernllt:l \l (' i~hllll ,\' WI1 R t he , lI ll U Mrs , Mi les W a tkin s o n Yank ee L e bun o n cll lI~ d 0 11 K , E. 1 h o mp Ro lls din lH'1' )!IH St cd' 1\11'';, A nna (·a d · T he \\' ('a lh (' I' II l l1n nti "sl' d h is S trcet. ~o n tl nd f a mily o n Su nuu y e ve n Icc 1'(' 11111 o r Pie wall:ulL-r at Ih l' !' ri l· nti s \l uml', pl ll"n", ticlIlion s T uesday lI iJ!hl ' MI', Hntl 1II1·~. Be n Haw ke. a n d 1IIj:t. , ":astl'l' Day. \\' h l' ll It l' said t h e Ih e r m o l1l c t f' 1' f u m i ly a nd Miss H ele n E arl y l1I O' ,Th ,; man y fl'l l'n ls of Lulhe l' F e r WllulLi rl'"i;; I,' 1' ab o ut. :If, de J! rces lo r ed to Ci ncin nati S u n day . !'IS ,IV III be . ~,O I'l' Y 10 k,n,l1w tha t ~e , I\ l r~ , .I, V, I lart~oek anti lla u~h - I I' bO\'c, 'I' ll, l11 erc llry w c nl d o w n to l 1\11'. and M r s, .'e th F urnas a nd IS ,Ir: II Cl'It lC!tl ('o n cl luo n at th iS tel' J) ol'lJ(h~' : of A I,II'MI , 51'I' n t th c l t~ (> f n 'l' zing' p o in t ~\II c1 I hc' n some, ' e h ild rc l1 atte nd e d II fa m ily dinn e r W I· ltl~g. " \\, (' ek-i' llI l Wldl 11ll' 1!' ~1':tnd nltlth l' I' 1 1lL'1'I11C1 llll' l("'S l' egl s (c I'ed a s l o w Ea s te r at th e h o m o f MI'. li n d Se\ e ml f l om th! s pluce a U e n- I ;\11''', 1':111111:1 S h t'I'\\,oo ll , 1 :1:< 2U. li nd waleI' o n. th e o ut ~ i d (' ~ Irs. Ed , F urn as n l' ur Wlly nes- d,ed th e fun era l o f M r s . E d. Me in th e v ill e . !. a r lll nd at Hllr ve y sb u rg' o n Tu esI II liZ!.' sltlid , Ol'chal'llist' \\ ' :il t' h nC l'd r C' Jlail' inj:t- W ha" I ,o u n ty who built $l1lu d"c fir es, l Mr. and MI". J ose ph G rns~ i. SOn d llY, _ __- - lin expe rt I't'iHli1'111 nn, All maler ia lR IIlUY sa ve btte f l'ui t, wh ic h in il s a nd da ug ht e r of Libe r ty, In d " tJ ~ ('d aI(' Ilw Il('sl - u !;ing ge nuin ~ :!dvan(' 'il ti l n l c, wo ull 'lIL h erwise we r ' di nn e r gu ests Sa tul'd llY a t part s o nly :1 1 Ca ry '!; ,It' we l ry ' ho p Ill' Id ll er!. t h e h ome of M r. u nd Ml's, Wllltl.' I' hi n. I'tll1'(! open ('ve n- - - - - - - -- - K e nri c k. L(' bllllc> n. in!,;s. MI', alld Ml's . Gu y R o u tzah n u,nd 1 will' ta k e in 'Woo l III M ill's Saw c hil dre n s p e n t E aster S u nday WI t h VI C T IM OF :F IR E :'0 11', . li lll'l'Y S tu kl'S un du'\\' nl MI', n nd Mr s , J o h n R yc ente r- M ill, Co rwin, Ohio , on t h e latle \" s moth e r , Mrs. Mary n n ll )l el'lltirJll , Munday at Bnltlc k --' ---I' " I B o it n ott a t Tippeca n oe C ity . tai nc rl a t S unday din n e r. MI'. a nd TU E SDA YS AND FRIDAYS J ' I11 ' 1':' ... .11 Ilel.. 1\' iii F" l'I lle l ~' M s Ma r gll ret J o hn s wa a w el.' k. ( ' n l>k, ~ l id1. Th· lal eR t I'C POl't i ~ , . Ho wurd B e ll,m of n,e nr Xenia Ll ig h 's t a~ h Prices Ill :' 1\l lssldlll (> , a nd ' n I l' ~cst o f Mr. and M I·s. C h arl es Mrs I hul s he i, gl,tli ng lll " n~ ve ry we ll. \\' 0 1 ke d 1,,1' MI'. a n d Mrs. E llo n bl'a n s Il nd I c. who was 11'1'1 1 k ll l' \I'n he r t'. was o ll e eH ( gh W ' v :ll e d a u g h te r MlIrjor ie o f n oa r B ell- W. J . BAKER f th . I' f .h P ' , ' a ug nea l' lIy n es ~ . Corwin , Ohio 0, e VI C Im s 0 t e e lll t nt l!, r y Mr a nd Ml's C alv i'n Lon ga e l'e MI'S, n, E. . tund ifor d WII S fi r e B ~ Co lumbu s l\I nduy eVC'I1 II1 j:t . li n I :o ~ s pe n t ' S und a y with MI'. br()ugh bO nl e fl'om 1\1 Ic ll an ho: , ' pitn l (Ill Fri"a .v Ulld iH g' l'a d ually ":J Il(~k' W :I S ,-'ent to t h e pe n f I'0111' (l n~ I\~ rs, O r a l Surfac e and fam ily. (II] I', and Mrs , K es le r Graham and I'('covering aflel' II r ecc nt Ope l'II' ;X PIlI U. wh( r c, he had hecn fo un d j:( url t y of foq,( rn g II ch eck, ,un d wa ' I It · B ' ot I' d to C o ll io n. do ing :l two y~ars' t i'llI e . H is lime ~1~~I:Uls eS'unde;~I~end sp~ net the day Our II l' \\. 1 !1:lO "amp le boolnt had a lm o t c xp~r~ ,_ ____ w ith MI'. li n d Mrs . A, E. W hi t e a nd :1rc no w (,n di ~ p l u~' , s h ow ing all s on s, t he n e w u nd up -to· date p a tte rn s, DO YOU N E ED S E ED CORN ? Miss Be l't h a R iel l e f t Mo nda y I' ang i n~ in p l'i c f ro m 4c , sin g le m o rni n g f or h e l' hom e in Ill in ois, GEIS......H.ONE5..T.......EFFICIENT ro ll , u P. to ~ ui t th l! 111 0s t p urt icuPa l III ' r s wh o a r e n o t yet s up- a ft e r s p e n ding l he wi nt e r wi th SERVICE AND ClfECKS ' 1111'. W e can g ive yo u t h e best of p li d wit h seed cor n, a r l! nga in Mi ss Sura B o wman . .. HAVE BEEN O. K. pupe r p lUR A 1 se r vice . D. E . relll in d f' d l hu t Co un ty Age n t C hiSM M l's . Mu ry C a rm o n y s p e n t SunM r. Mu ll oy saw the possibiliStan di fo rd. u 3 0 lin d Fa rm B UI' a u o ffi c ia ls have d ay in W ay n esville with MI'. find t ies in Tri-S tate Di rect Shipfor the pa st se ver u l m o nths bee n M I·~ .1 Wilb u r C lark and grandAM E RICA HONORS HEN ping Plan nea rl y 20 years ago. carry ing- o u t u s ur vey a nd a seri cs c hildr e n, of m o difi('d pa pe r d o ll ,t est w he r e Mrs. C lyd e W h a rton a n d da u g h His support has meant a lo t in by up wa rd s of 5 0 cd b s have been tel's, E va and M iriam, s pe nt Satgi vin g steadiness to our developl(JcatctI t h ro ug h o u t t h e co u nt y U1'd ay in L e ba n o n. m ent. w he r c C(, 1'I1 g'c l'ln in u t c' fa irl v sat1\11'. II n rl Mrs. A ll e n E m r ic k , iffaeto l' Y. L ess t hnn o ne -h uif 'doze n W a nd e ll Sali s b u1'y , and Mr s, Ma l'Dear Tri-State: W e are en· c r ib, t est e d 10 0 p e l' ce nt, pI'ne ti c- gur e t J o hn s w e re Dayto n vi sitor s tirely pleased with our checks. u lly a ll o f t hes t.' be ing o ld c or n Mo n da y, Would not think of sellin g elseCU 1'l ie d o ve r fro m l !l2 8 o r II' r e S unday vi s itors at t he hOllle of where, for T ri-State has served fr o l11 I !J2!l co rn wh Hc h wu s fi el d Mr, und Mrs. W Hiter K e n r ic k w e r e ~e l ('cte d vel'y arty la s t fu ll a nd _MI'. and Mrs. W . G . Ha in es a nd us honorably more than 15 ell l'c f ll 1\ ,V dr ie d b ef ore l h e se ve r e i fum il y o f B e lm on t, Mr. a nd Mrs. years. Just now w e ,are short of " nld sp e ll t h latte r pa ri of N()v- C . R. B inegar of Ja m est o w n and cream , but don't worry-we'll c m hCI·. Mr, a nd 1111'S . Russell Binegar u nd soon be back. Y ou r pa tro n, " W e s ho ul d t nk e n n c ha nc e wi t h chi ldr c n of Hami lton . ~!!ed carll lIli : yea r " suys o Ull ty Mr, a n d Mrs. L ow e ll T h o mas ut- A M. M ulloy, Butler, Ky. :Igc lll C la ss, lif te r II n um be r of t e nd ed II card part y at t he 110 m e of j udg ing c o n te~ t s w he r e b y g l'O u ps ' MI', /l nd Mrs. Mlll'lo n, H owe ll n ea r Over 80 1 d:lin'!P1l1l s!le fif of fil l mers Ilv el'age d onl y a little S pring bo r o, Frldl\Y ev e ll ln g: to p a troniz e T ri-State n:gu l ~ly, o ve l' fl O p e l' (' ene, 1' hl'i " uhil ity M I'. a nd Mrs . Forrest Gra ha m , ,to p ic k o ut t ir e d ead a n d li ve cnrll in compllny wit h MI'. a nd Mra. f l' o l11 1I ('o ll~ l'l i utl o f 2 0 whic h he S her m a n D y ke of Dayton, ultBn exhibite d ut a numb elt' of t o w n s hip d ed . t h e f un c l'a l O.t Mr. D yk e ' s , ; L m cet ill g~, F II1'I1I CI'!! I :u s li t utt:'s h nd a unt, Mrs . Har ris on Ro o ks, a t A I'8HIPPINC 'DIRECT NET! MORE EXTRA MONJ'Y C .. rn 'hows 'u .. o u g h u u t Ih e Illte CU ll um , Frid ay. THAN AJI!Y OTHER WQRK ON THE FARM w i n let'. Th e r c w e r e t e n n ew m e mb el's A lis l ha s Lf c n l'ol1i l' iled g iving adm itt ed to Ly t le c h urc h at t he 11'1 ( ir t' r.:1 n l(" a dd ress a lld a PJll'oxi- 1 Eas l e r Rervice Su n day m OI'n i ng . " I !.f [ 1J: :!t c ItJc.l li lJ ll o f f ar l11e r s wh o .M r. an d Mrs , J . B. J on es and Price th is wee k I \III I II \ hm'e CI ibn o f se ' r! c o m wir ic h i ~ jl'vll'S' S usa n Saylor attende d ser vl April 23 , ~ ..... ......... , . " l t, avn ila hl ' to nil w ho ('u il n t th e Ces a t l he W a y n es v ille M. E, 1ft I Ir j { I N~I I" I F a rl1l B Ul'c uu Il ffil' e L e bun o ll , sp c hurc h S un day eve nin j( /l nd e n- I "'O~ IIn y o n e n eedi n g seed corn s hould j oyed th e p ic tures sh ow n by t h e w l lte , te le ph o n e of cull fo l' t h i ~ ' pas tor , irl ol'll1n ti o n . N e ith e r t h e C o u nl y I' MI" 1I,IId M r s, Frunk W oolle y A ge nt Cl r t he Fal'lll Bu r e a u officia ls a n d fami ly of D ayto n w ere Easter .,~---------------.;..---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _•• II I'e u<! l u :t ll y b u y in g li n d s e llin g P.'u est s of Mr, and Mrs. William Fllcd CO l n b u t m e r e l y furn is hin J(' Brow n , t hI! lis t w h el'e S8me ca,n b e secured Th e uct ua l price d e pe:nds upon th e 1 hu .vel' li nd se li c I' th o ug h n o U l1 l'ea~ c nll u lc III ices arc bc ill g a s k ed thi s ~ p l' i n g .. K ILLING FR:OST






1i@(j)Dn~~ -

SIJccinl PJ'Op osilion on AU Around"

-- - - 47

Gordon's Service Sta. ' Waynesville, Ohio.

IV atue Extraordinary!

Balloons 29 x 4 .4 0 . ' $8 .25 SOx 4 .50 , . $9 .20 28 x 4,75 . $ 10.20


f'.a/h{.i1uIK, Big Ove rsize


Cord. 29x4 ,1jO 3 0x4 ,u O 28x4.75


Ships Direct 'ifteen Yeal'1 • • • Still -a Tri"State Booster

~. ~ ev..- Goodyears

I CiG';j~'iWi 'i FuH Oversize

$6.30 $7 .00 $8.20



Keep Your Buildiag's Young ia Years Many a building-o.ld in point of service -has beeD made to look young in years with good steel roofing. Channeldrain is steel roofing at its best-made to give a life-time of roofing service.


TIS r tate B utter


- - - ....



~ :-----

Make La~n. Beaatllal

Mr. I ssa c K ea r n s a n d ni e ce a nd n e ph ew s pe n t E ns te r in Wil m in g ton . . Miss E ls ie G ibso n s pe nt t he week-e n d a t ho m e with Mr . an d Mr s . Hil ey G ib so n a nd {amily . Th eee wer e abo ut t we nty-fiv e gath e r e d at t he ho m e of Hiley Gibso n to s urp r ise Mrs , Gi bso n o n he r birt hday. Those , presen t .... e ~e Mr, and ' M r s J ess S mith of Bata Via MI' . an d Mrs . Ed. Ho ug h M;r . a nd Mrs, Ih ro ld Rog ers, Mr. ' C ar ~ h 11 0we t h , Ne~... B u r lin gto n , Mr. Ray S m it h lin d c hil dre n, Mrs. Emma Gibson , M rs . L edor a Morga n und c hHdr e n , M r . a n d Mr s. J a m es Mili CI' and littl e so n Harry Jamcs of Dayto n , Mis ses Marg are t I\nd He le n Marie ,Gibson of B e llb r ook . Ml'. T headore· P e p p e r c a lled o n his s iste r , Mrs . Fra nk H a r tsock Mo nday afterno on. - - '

ARBOR DAY A l b OI' DIl Y has bee n fixe d by proc lJ1 mnti o n .. f Gu ve l'n ll l' Myt' l's 1 y, Coo pel' f o r Ap ri l 25th. nil I :'ch() (J I~ o f tlt r slllt" li r e o n le l'e d by I law t o d Cl' ote at lea s t two ho u r s in I th a l d :.,V 10 cO l1 s ld era ti o ll o f tree l)bnLi ng , nlltu l'l' s t ud y u nd con se l'vlltio n . Arb o r Du y prog' l'Ill11S ntn y , be hu (1 fr ee f l' o m t h{' con se l'va t lon 1 Di v is ic n. Depa rtm e n t o f Agricu l: t lir e, Col u mbu s, I - - _ .. _ -

This is the kind of roofing service that will save you money. Let us tell you more about i t. Channeldrain is mad'e of the more costly COP.R·LOY, the Copp~r Allo.yed Steel .•• and yet it .c osts DQ more' dlan ot:dinary roofi ng ! The money it saves " ,o.u in repair 'bills will soon pay its




,H OW! H ave M ower

Fran k D ak in a nd Mr, S hu tts o f W ay r esv illc w ere calling o n old fr ie n ds here on Mo nday afternoon. Mrs. H e nr~ Willa rd 0 f Olive . B r a n c h ga ve u s a s h ort b ut ' pleas· a n t call last we ek.




Sharp e ned




m a chine r y making mow in g a plea s ure ins t ead .o f a qr ud lfe. Ncx~ tim e

you r JI!(IW.

e r n eed s s h a rpe nl,nl', bring It to UB I.lnd we


--- ..----


/,. " !

Wayne.vllle, Oblo



_ II

Pboae 14



R e membe r w he n y ou a r c d r i ving f a t }'o u're no safe r tha n you r ti r es. Be tte r bc on t he bes t ! Goo<ly ea r offe rs in it s latest 1!130 t y pcs the fin est ti r es ever produced. Com pl ete r a n ge of low Sprin g prices.






K' ern s Garden Ion


th is Spring at Big Savings •..

(; 10m,'

65 cents

~1I1 make it out, n ice t hat" It will ' sur. p r ise



Phillips Bldg.



Waynesville, Oh'io


, t

Eighty.Third Y'e ar






Whole Number 5907

30, 1930

COUNlY-Hi-- ,






Oil April I !i, the se niors of t~e M, E. CHURCH Th e Se nitiI' ch s ~ Jlla y ~ w ' I' > The Warren 'o unt y I~H l'ln High ~ ch o o l ~ o f the state of OhiO Preachini-: SCl'vi ce at H :30 a .nl. I-:iven la ~ t Thursday and Friday Bureau enterWti nt'd the me mber s were gi vl' n a Sch olurship tes. by S '/'llIon lopic "Thl' Fell u w ~ hiJl of (!H' lling:s. 'l'h" p l ay ~ W " I' (, put on th(. ,tal E' lJepHrtme nt of Educaof th e 4-H Blu e Ribb on ' Iub at Miss r],Ull Lil l' "I,n llt th e I I ' 1' 1,' . we ll ulld w 1'\' highly I'lltcrluill ing. Steph en WiIIllIlllll llpe nt Sundny thl' Ull l)er Houill ," . ' unda" Schoo l • I All ~l'a l " 'III I h (. vym w( , )'(· 1a.-k en (I ' : t io n. at 10 :ao ll . nl. Mrs. Longucl·e. ' (· nd at \V II ~ hin u t() n C' .' H. .: la S I , " W .I ~ III" I 1'1 II'1 'II' Ilk "1i ' 11l dinn ' [' on Thul'sduy. April 2'1, at with his sister in X"lliu . Th" War" ('n Cou nty school Rent SUI1L Yuun" 1'" OI)les' Dibl e Jla s); Loth 1111",;. werl' !layt o n vi~itllr " 'I' \I (·,,01 lIy. 'l l\1el1lorilll Hnll. Thirty -six g Ul!s ts J o IIn F'romm amI f a nll y ~pe nl ... their n' pr e~l' lItative ~ lo Lebunon Sunday with relutivt!~ in Day tun, on Monday (' vening at 7 ::IU lit th e MI', and Mrs. W . S. (jr:lhlllll -' -sa t down to a hounleuuR re pa:;t church. We IIrc ~ tudying- til" Lif t' ' Iw nt till' w!!ek-l'l,,1 in 1):Ivl " n. The .co unty t!'u('k nll'l" i" 10 he (' has. BHI'i> l'lll l II f Puyllln, W!1 i' ttl tnkl' the te!; l. There were 29 ' ('() nt (·~ tant~ . Three 1)lnce!l were which cons iste d uf rua ~ t beef. u f Ch!'i dl in thi s dll ~ " . All YOU fl l-:' I . l)tI th nll('hts. II Wayn,' ,.; vill" \'isito r Thll!'stiIlY. Gifts for th g radua tes nt I all llwl'd, C ' rlitlcHtes being given mashed potatuel<. escallope,1 corn Ca ry' s J ewelry S hOll. Lebanon, O. peo pl e invited: Pray 'I' Il1 t' l'ling 011 1 lI1r~. Lydia Chand l"I' hal' return . " --- - . ~ . • MondllY eVI'lllllg at ::10. Pl e ll ~e ( d to) h('1' ""1I1l' III New Vi,.tllill . ' Ifl!!h Schll,.' 1 )luJ.llb IIll ~.ut , .oln Mr . a nd Mrs. (' :11'1 N,,]'I ,' a l'lil'l'd f,)l' I , 2 and :l in ~ tandin~ and apple a nd cllll! ry sulud. rolls. " hOll ll t'llhl e me ntion pO>!ltions. II "!:iubscllpliyn. Ca ll1P.ulgn . I he hnnll' lust \I'(,(' k fl'Ll rll C:t1rfornill. note (' hll llg(' 101' l)1 cc linl-: 1'1'0111 Welt COCOII, ice cream lind wafers. The My el' Hyman and family vis it ed Il ('sduy 10 Munduy. Th ; Ladies' ~ Burdell e ,Ia ck~o n receive d 1st W:\td ... ~ '! B,' : UI' tn ~ f' C Ih c l1I Jlurp ose ".f thl ~ IS t? n ll se fund ~ ~o tabl es were tast e fully decol'llted in , 1.elnti Vl'!! in Spring Vall ey Sund:1Y, Aid \lill nllN I ,n W " dn c~ f!uy. Ma y , UI ('II"~" ~ .h'wl' ll·Y Shop. I.I.lJU non , ~Ial' t a rCIlI1lf; (Iuh. A ll' IlII IH W" llt·,. \\· il ~u ll . who h'a " he(ln placl' ill lhl' cuunty, Be rtha Filer green and while with Easter lili es . 7 with MrH. Lu ey, Th e l'''l-:lllal' Uh iu. co urt .mllllt' . h~ ':'lUJe Hlld muney \ ' <' I' Y s kk . is ~1I " l ll lI l l\' ...·cllv l·rin K. :lnl plan'. Arthur Swartzel and und candl es. Thl' dinncr .\Va ~ preM I·S. W rI.1 Nllrtol! . pen t the lIl eetinJ{ of th (' omciul bonn! wi ll Cat hlirin<! Hra nstralor each reIlIu ,,1 b(' 1':Il:<ed 10 0.1't\~1 t o have pared \ly Mrs. Edith M . Hillik er. ! week-en d Wlt~ her s Ister at Lud· he Monday l' cllj'n~ foll"wi ng Mi :s ('~ Allllil' and !\Iaml' B,..,wn I Ill' ('tI ~lrt. ,to. l'UI1l IllI """'1I ~o Iht; \\' " Ki n ' ( ' ,,01,,1' Sl lIn ,I'''' Cary' , ce ived honol'll bl" mention. On Sathome dCmOll l:ltl'llliull 1ll-:eTlt. uss is- Inw I"alls. OhIO, pmy",. nll'e liilg. ' wcr e J{l1 l'sH: o f fri l' n(\:; in ('I' nll'r- "ch o ~ 1 1:< off ered by th ~ (,r .,\\t·1I .J l' wl·l r)' Sh'll' . S t,,,·,, "1" 11 l'\lcni nl-:~ urdH Y April I!! th e sc hoo ls of the cllimly ~ y ~ l clll were nll owed to I"d by MI'H. lIul'ri el noland . Mrs. Sara A Bowman , Pastor ville. ~llll riIl Y. Puhll Rtlingo IOI1l Jla ny. Nina C,' mJltnn. lind 1i R~ Marie . Par ker Duofold pcn:; and pen, . Th e llIU)!a :'illes fOI' \\ hich ~ l1b j\li ~'~- Il u,.a Sl ilt', \' is iled I'(~ I H 'nt e r :\ "irnil :u eon te Kt tu select a Benhlll1l. and 1'\C I've t ! by thc Misses. cIl s- th !' bl~s t. C.ary· s J ewl·\r·y VAYNESVILLE M. E . CHURCH Chnrl cy Gr ay a nd Unllt' rt Wc r nl z s('!'ip t iong ale offered. ut l'I'I('II1 11 r ti n " in Sl'rin~ \ ·,,1I1'Y. W(' dncsday lea rn to l' '' "lpelt' in a district meet Marlha Prc,;ton, Mari o n lIillihl' Shop. Leba nun . OhiO. Thel'c wcr .. abClu t 100 co ntesta nts Wl'nt (III II ti:<hillJ; tl ip U. Win - 1" ices Hre: "Ladi e!'l HOlll c ,I , :I I'. ,J . I': . :\ld '!UI'· ~ p l' lll Su nd ay from thl' lI i~h ~c h o o l s of the a nd Ollie om ptun. Wl'dnesday: Bibl e Rttilly nnd ehl's t(.... F rida y. nal ," "American." "C olli c rs" a nd Follow ing Ihe dillncl" short MrR. Lee Huwke lind Mrs. May- plll)'U llI('l'ling Ilt 7 :3 () p. m. Th e "Farm und Firesid e." wilh his brotl1l'r ( '11 11 and fOl1lil ~ co unty , Eal'h sc hoo l was a llowed tulll s were given by Mr. has. T . nUl'(l Weltz nnd dnughter were in II·sso n fOl' t b,· evening will he th ~ two C')llt('s tllnts in each subj ect. M .. ". C. Truax an d MI'. ontl Mrs. ' ~id th e ) 'ou ng pe( pl L' in h:1 ving in I>n yt nn. Ellis. Prcs ident o f the Warren Xeniu Monday afternoon, Ther!! were 10 be 1:.1 members Ihild l'huJlt() 1' o f H"b l'ews. Frida y : Ra lph TI'UHX \\' 1'1' s hopping in th c' ll' tcnllls club by Huhscl'Ihlllt,: l ]o'OH SA LE (h ll){c orunge cnl fmlll tht, l'UU Ilty tin this district Co unty I'llI'm Bureau II lId by Guy Ch nir p r :H~ t i{'e a t 'j ::i O p . m. Sun- C'incinlllni Monday. t Ul' one 01' more of th('se mugaM,·s. J ohn Thom son has return- du y : • ullday sc holll i at !I ::!O a. nl. zi nes. They are ofTc l"d lit Ih ' sume and lin e p" s l ~ . Wa Yllcs\,i li e Fal'· teum, WU YII (': vih pupils secured Dowdy. As,;'t :tute Cluh Lender ed aftel' a week's vi sit with he r the majority of places. Cutharine . fr om 0. . U. A committee con sist FOn SA LE- Osllj!c range nd prices a!5 th",}, lIl'e so ld anywh ere, m ers' Exchunl!c 0. Mllrnin g wlll·ship at 10::\0 Th e Bl'!ln ~ trut o r. i'i(' ni or Engli: h, Beainp: of Helen J-Iarri s. Gertrudc daughter in Oakwood. Dayton, Th e me of Ih e morning' wi ll be and lin e po~ts , Wayn esv ill e Far- and th e pupils are hll ping t o mllke MI'S, ,I. L. Haltsoc k is R p e ndin~ trice Robitzer, Junior English, Whita cre, Edna Compt on, Gor"Going u Littl e l~a l'th l· I'." Th e I11CI';' Exchange n. a cO llll1lission on th em hll'ge enWhite go ld Gru en LOST th e w "k with he r duughte r, Mrs. Ronald Bnrdin, Su ph omore EngnUl-:h 10 sta·.. t the club. Com1!llln iOIl of th e Lord's Suppe r don Marcone t and Clinton Reylis h, Bes!;ie W oo li a rd, Freshman Htlbcrt \~ lllt(J1l . in l1u yton. nolds wcre appointed t o confer wris t watch. Liberal reward, Call \\'ill al so .be o b.;;el'ved in th e mQl'n ]\11 8. Lura W(, I·nt7. Hnd daughElIgli!:lh. Rona ld Hardin LatinI., with the leall ers in drnfting the 105. Wayn esville Motol' Co. I ~~ Hcrvll:e .• F.p\v o l' l~ • L ea g~c .n t tc r Lead a vi ~ ited Mrs. Ohlllur . Studen ts fr om Wayn e. "illc . . . scor e cnrd which will be used this 6 .,,0. p. m .. rh e sUhJ.ect. fOI dl l<- nJllll l c~ ill Daylo n SaturdllV, . HIgh School macle a showing·to bl' You will /hlll cnll (ll)f;t s to fil Vel'dena Fox and Rebecca Duncoming ycar to determine me mber- ( i\I1 S~ AbbIe . Gl'Uham of Spnl!g- cu s ~ l on will be I'mtllllg God ! . proud of in the Scholarship Elim- , yo ur neNls lit t hc Way n '8vill r hal11, formerly Waynesville lied ship in this club. Th e remai nd er I bor o. !s a few days w.lth Throug h. W ors hip. At 7:30 p .. ,m., MiHl< Bel'l1vce I! vlllan nttl' ndetl a inalit\n 'ontest at Lebllnon Sa lur- Fanners' Exchnnl-: ' Co . for 1st place in 2nd year Latin. of the evening WIIS spent in gumes l'Ihs. usa n Wilkerson and fomlly. t~ c r c WIll b~ , ~ o \l: n st creo~ tl~on di nncr dan c;' at t'he Sinton hll tol. day. The tests we re given a s a ! Verdena Fox. Geometry, and and contests, pIctures of , . hd ch en of MI SS.' Oll in cinnaLi !I'I undur night. tryout fur the selec'tio n o f COilllty I .'pringtimc is well tl ing time . Burd ~ tte J ackso n, Amel'ican HisSaws filed Ily machinery. Cut Lands." ThIS IS 0 fin e set of Plct•. tcams t o go to Miami UniverFity Wedding rings lit Car y' ,; J well' Y tory. Those present un the occasion Uth el' ~c hool s . in the county are were Mr, Cha'rles Ellis. Mr, a nd cleaner. truer, faster, Roy Pig- ~,rcs . bringing out Ih e fact .tha.~ 1 .Jeli!>e Tli il ma!l, Harry Pl'UtCI'. Sa turday to e nt!!r Ihe dis trict c n- ,' hoJl , Leban on. Ohi o. tt. at Madden's Lumber Yard. takinlt nut ice of the excellent Mrs. Lee E. Earnhllrt. MI'. Chas. th e re lire . no h eatl~ en b~bl es . , Curl Sl' l'vis , Hnd A . C. Blair, were te t, . ' " F. Class. Mr, Guy Doydy. Miss B~t t~le c ~vlJ'I)l\m t' nt .'n whi c h ~he at the R .. ~ rVHi r ov I' Ihl' wcek -end Of the thll'te!!n pORl:ilbl e firllt Ml'~. Ralph . \ an l'e lind !I,on , of stanlling of Waynesville pupils Mrs. Re becca Furna s und er- clllid placos, WaynesvIlle students took Plea, unt PlulII. w ' rl' Su nday and have already begun bidding IS I'Hlsed delennll1(,s the kInd Marie Benham, Mrs. Nina Compwent a serious operation at Dr, l ton. Dr. Mary Cook. Mrs, Edith of man o~· womon th e. chil<! i~ til l Y (l U \l'i ll find end POl<ts t o tit seve n and tied ". ' ith KinJ!s MillS j!'u e, ts Mr. and Mr!<. J. C, (01' sOllie of our strongest teachh ospita ~ in Dayton last FriDills HS. Two of the III have been offered M. flilliker and the Misses Edna become ..... ou ure cordllllly. In VIted yuur need s Ilt the Wa ync!'"ill e for another one. Jlawk e. a better salary than they, are Compton, Jane Cook. Eleanor day, and al\\ ays welc ome to come and , Farnwrs' Fxchange 0 Twol co nteslants were scnt from j , ', . Waynesvill e to take each s ubj ect lIfr. and Mrs. Hobert !:Iurt" n . of being paid here. worship wilh us, Th e W . F . ·M, . Clark. Lucille and Ruth Geo rge, It is too bad that teaching is a Georglanna Hause, H elen Harris. l'lofiSm S \NVI~tlhlieMCI,.uatnridghMt rhs.asChtaklen ! S. will m e\ next W cdn sduy Ma y i\1 M L Aj d M e xcept i.n Am erican History lind 0 'trait. arc vi Hi tin g th fOI'11101" S r or es 7tl t ') 00 'th M R b' rs. UI' y . ( am !; nn I·S. J k tl I ' t! M M 1 B t o a d profession. and the only one, in Jane Knnpp, Helen Jackson, Lou el aKibler and is assisting t th ' I a -: p. 01 . WI rs. 0 It- Anll a ndwallad el' vis ited relatives Burdette ac son was .Ie on Y1 010 .'<'1' I·~. 11I'Y. · Ul' n. n which ·one must quit nis job in In and Martha Plank. Sharma ReyH. Sundu . v lifter Wayn esvi lle contestant In that fan'llly. a e ze· r . in Wushington H d Frien s ome, G, ·C. Dib e rt, Pastor, s ubject, o rd e l' t o I'pceive a promotion or nolds, Hele n Rothman, Th elma noon, . For best resul ts consign YOUT an increal< in salary, but such is Stephenson, Evelyn Tufts. Gunelle Weis, Melba and Gertrude WhitaMrs. Elsworth Hard in and ST.' AUGUSTINE CHURCH The friend s o f Mi ss Lelia GithTh cni or class of Waynes- i~e. stoc~ .to Green-Embry C~ .. the ca~e, n . ., of Da ,vt~n. will regr t to he 11' vil le High school presented two I CIncInnatI. In care of D, R. Sahscre. and Doris Wh ite and Eula daughter of Ci ncinn ati spe nt the Sibcy; Mossrs, Clinton Reynolds, ~v;dk~~h~r wri!rati~~~' Joe Tinney, Summer ..IIchedule- lst, 3rd and thlll !lhe is very ill. III Miami Val- plays at t~e Gym last we.ek, .On bury, NATIONAL MUSIC WEEK Pnul and Edmon Nixon. Gnrdon 5th Sunday. Mass at 8 :00 a, m.; ley hospita l. . mght under the dIrection 2nd nnd 4th Sunday, Mass at of MISS Kathryn Torner, a three MI'. and MJ'!<. Hurvey Pinkard, Marconnett, AItun D, Hoff. Elmo National MU !'! ic W eek. which il!! A new line of J'ewe lry from 9 : 30 : . • . t ·I...'1 r. oneI Mrs. HowKro ener. a nd Ellsworth and Lyle Patsy. " was 0 I C'InCInna Mrs. G. D'. ~·Iill s.· Ulld Mrs. T . ,J. act comedy, 'The. which you Clln select a handso m e R L B M II l t d b th f II g cast· nrd Florence and Mrs. , Truax !\fay 4 th to 10th will be celebratBenham. re s e nt for the graduate. at Cary' s ev. awrence , 0 mann. 'a. rr attenu e.d th e W. . T. U. in - Is age y e o OWlI1 .were Sunduy dinll el' gu ests of Mr. ed for Wa ynesville and communewe lry Shop, Lebanon, Ohio, s tltute .held III th e M. E. church at Bill Harrington .. Arthur Swartzel and Mrs. Leo nard Tinn ey. ity, by the Waynesville Sehool WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF I"rnnkhn. Monday . MI' ~ . William Harrington . SELLS FLOTO CIRCUS Band. g iving their first open air COMING TO DAYTON Miss Mary Knoche and Miss CHRIST Thelma St. John 11'. and M,·s. J. 0. Cartwri~ h l concert. Wednesday, evening May Ruth Kinney olf Columbus spent Bibl e chool at 9 :30 o. m, A -- - Gral;e Harrin~ to n. Bernyc e Hyman a nd duughtel' Evelyn were dinner 7th ut 8 o'c1 oc k in Corwin. Ohio. Evel'ybt>dy .shdu Id celebrate Sells Floto Circus, .considered by Monday with Misses, .Annie and good school where you will really SPECIAL MEETING Of P~triclu Harrin gto n Irma HRiCh guests of MI', nnd Mr. . Bradbu ry Marne Brown at the Fnends Home learn something about th e Bibl e. BIlly Caldwell Warre n unt . Puo le in Ci ncinnati Su nda y ; Mu sic Week in this way. "Hear manr the greatest s how in A m e r - . " a glad-hand school where you will THE GUILD.AUXILIARY To ny An<lcrson M,'s . 1I1'IwI'ight rel1l ::.lin ed f or a mus ic, mak e mus ic. enjoy music." In reportmg the Easter Program ' meet with a royal wel co me and \ . Burdette Jackson few day: llR a house gu est of Mrs, becau se mUl<ic uwakens the gentler iea, IS coming to Dayton on Saturday May 10 and will present the uf ~he Feny Church of ChristUt\st lenjo y the rellow:qhlp. Lor<l's 'up,. . Sadi e Buchanan . . " feelings of t enderness and love. P oole. world's greatest Western cowboy, week we inallvertentl¥ failed to per nt DOn luslon Chris tian En A .speclal meetIng of the GUild- I . , Grace Pennmgtol1 Did yo u kn ow t hat we have the ~urch Franci s Patri ck O'~' lah e rty Tom Mix, and his equally falllQHS m e n~i o ll one ~h armin~ nUll1ber, a I denvor at 0 :80 I;' Ill . A pec'lal ~ uxlilllry of St. ,Mary' s 1\,( 1', ancl Mrs. Will Swa in.e of youngest school band of its eize, in ~~!el'e '!'~a~~' \\~I~P!ppt~:~e a{a~~\lrys readmg by \\llml1 SlTllth, Iprogram In chnrge of the )1regi- I \\ II~ h~Chltl on TfhuMls,da y . APIII 2 4" ." Frank Bradbury Pl..nddlon, I ndi'ana wer e here for the state or Ohi o '! ., dent Lois P ennington Mi~s at t c ome () I. .J. W . .E(1- TTlp Bu sty , Donold Noble the week-e nd to ultend t he all-day Three chee r for t he ambition performanoe of Sells Floto Cir{lus Miss Nellie Boerster. Mr. I Elea'no.r Wolfe, whose ' parents I \,v.ard~ , which \Va qUIte well at- I Prologue, Miss Virginia Ha rdin , meet ing at the I, l'iends Ch urch. and knowl edge of the Waynesville tl f N d I It' nd ed I his season and ,viii be supported L cn B Ily the grfolates t collection of elr- o.r oers er, 0 orwoo • are well-kn own miss ionaries to A . I I h . l ' On Friday nigh t under the di- MI's, Swaine gave 11 very intel'e t - IIchool child ren, There are about CUll actll ~ver assembled under a Wllbbr Hawke an~ fadlly, Ith HM.r- l lh e Philipp'in es, a nd who has n e ~gant dn~ e~h m , \0 ·rection of Miss orinne R obbins, ing talk on "Priso n Rerorm" Sun- 30 ch ildr 'II in the band ·taken from Ihe first to th e e ight grades., The "blg-top," Ove r one hundred fea. ~~~s M~;' W:I~~r U~d:~w:od r. gpPh~nl,t ~ost o~lher own life !n the \ ~~~r~~ ~~eail'::~~leenl.~~ M~s~ °.rmW: "The Wh ole T own's Talking." II day afterno on , va lu e of mus ic in the education ~ure actl! wlll be In th e big p r o . ' . I IPPIl'eS \~I I speak ut thiS En- Edwards 'MI'!>. Lee Ilawk e Mi ss farce in three act.<;, was presented c1eavol' m chng and the general :.., , . ,. h f lI' ,t, kl t h .' ' 1\ of th e child cll nn ot be overestimagram, Tom Mix and Tony wlJl , Watch need repairing- We have bl' I d ' 1\ . ·t . ! E Kath enne Prend!!rgast a nd Mrs ' by t e o oWlIlg cas .A nec ace. wa c , or llI1g WI ted. us it lifts him to a higher bring ucforp tit public all the lin expert repairman. All materials ~u ~~a: :1?;ti~1l .~r~i~~' ~: '7 '3~en- Ronald Hllwk e, " H enry S imm ons Ma ynard Rich be ap preciat ed .by the gi~1 and hoy level· of li ving. und opens to him ... ... . I graduate, Buy It at Cary s J ewe lry aclvantagl'l! which otherwise might fam ous (lowboys . and cow~lrlB used are the best- using genuine rn ~ Sel'l~on s~bj ect. "Ba'\'Ti e;'~ ' Mrs. Cad,w.allader opened th~ af- Ha rri et S immons . that were wit~ them on the SCI een , I parts only at . Cary's Jewelry Shop Broken Down." Good s >ecial mu s ic tel'n~on es IO n wlt.h a devoti onal I .. LOUIse He nderson Shop . Lebanon. Ohio, not have bee n his. Everybody featuring the ft!0hst hthrllhngMoi f Lebanon, OhiO, Store OJlen even- Church Nighl PI'og raml each Wed- servIce. Hn~ th e n .'ntrlldu ced the Ethel Simm ons... Helen Hartley Th dT f 1\1 corne to t h" co ncert and show tne cowboy s tunt~, WIt t e great x l ings ' I t 7 .ao s peaker. MISS LOUI, c McCune of Chester Binney , Edwin Schuler ' I' COli I Io n 0 rs. H. E. ch ildrell . t hat yo u appreciate the • neSl ny a ,. P: I,ll. . . olumbus Preside nt o r the Wom- L tt L th e t okes, who ulld erwcmt an opera · efforts they have mllde through head!n!!, the hst, In the three dngs and Iwo Friends of MI'. and Mrs, C, E, Chester A. Wllitamson, MlI1lster , !l1l 'S A ux;'l:iaI'Y. Diocese of Sol uth- I e y y Mllry Kllthn'n Wilson t iOIl at Battl e CI:e. k. Mi ch .• last hurd st ud y to give to Waynesville eJ'll Ohio, and M,·s. Louise, undoe Donald \Vift . Morr'i s Marlatt week, WII S ver~' cntr c}) 1 fo r . ~{' ~'e rlll ol11un ity the yo ungest school stages will be found. a complete Bratton of Dayton have received new program of cIrcus. stars, ! announcement 01 the marrlnge of ST. MARYS CHURCH of Xenia. Vice Presid e nt of th e Roger hie Ids . Kenneth Fromm (days •. ~ ut late r l'l'p.QltS. Indicat e bund in Ohi o, . Ma y 4. econd unda y after Dayton convocation. . Lila Wilson Gertrud e Hoyle t hat It IS very muc.h ImJll oved and head ed by CervlInte, pan\i,h acro i their daughter Mildred Catherine Somcthing for ou r community bat~; John and .Gertlude Shubert, to Mr. Rex Keith Miller 011 Satur- Ell tel', Chul'ch ('hool nt, 9:30; ' . In the tal~s. g iven. t he differ en t all y Otis . L? la Sears her famdy and fn en.ds aI" hupe- to be proud of. aerla! gymn.osts . Mab~1 Pelk,ey, I day, April 26, 1930. Rermon alld Holy Com munIon at lin es pC AlJxlIl8I'y work were out_I Annie .' .... . , LOUI"e Crane ful of her speed y r ecove ry. . Our I'allying ca ll: the SI lver gil'l Of. the sllv~r whIrl; I Q:30, lin ed in de tail, and the Advance ' ,'aclie Bloom .. Mary Shockey ,I '. . , . "Make Music yOU!' FI'iend lhe S~hwarz S lstors. EUl'opean Hev, D, p. ' Holt and his bride of Rev. J. J . Schaeffe.r. Reelor. Wurk of the church was ably pre- Taxi-driv er ... , George Cook Mrs, J o~~p h Glthc,nH rlam ed FI'om Youth to Death," equestrulIls; K IlUII, the Jap who thl'ee weeks called on Mr. nnd Ii ntad, Prologue Mis: Eva Wharton, I th e foll!>wrng to .d mnel unday, ~alk ~p st!lirs .on his head; Ter- Mrs. Walter 'Elzey Saturgay aftel'- FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ' lose al.tenti on was g iven and ' . . • d c<:lcbra~~ng- the bll't~day of MI'. rll s thlrtY-~lX LIberty. horses ; ~he npon, Rev, flolt, fl former palltOI' Bible . chool at 9:80 n. m, MI~!I much inter l dl plnyed, , The Both c~sts. \~ el e w~I.1 ~electe GIthens. Mr. a.nd, Mrs . . Iycl e Cox , CORWIN MAN ATTACKED Three Thrill I'S, a flYing act With of the local ft{, E, Church is 10- F.I W If d ht f M CO l\voc n~ iull meeting at MIddle- I ancl the chal ~cte rs weI e cleverly Mr, and Mr.. FOlrcflt Githens. ond no con,lpetitioll in their darinfr ,I\nd catef.l at Carth~"e: O~io, ' ~dll~t~. L('o8Ii~' W~J}~ \~~II~knowr~ town. May 16, was announced lind I port rayed. MISS E~l.'lyn K,e~sey MI'. and Mrs. J.: lw y.n S t~bbs, o f As Hirum Moran was going to sensational stunts' the bqllll)nt .. IIInl iii' i t th 'Phil" members urged to attend I r e nd ered vocal so los both Illght!'!. Day tun lind Mr, Evel ett Glth l.' ns, hi~ home in Corwin about 9 ·W · d f '1 f " I t /. . t 118 onal' Cll 0 e Ippm es. . Sh .a!'! accompllnied by Mi ss , k al' ami Y Q ' aerla sal's; \VO Lawn mowerll sharpened by will bc wIth us and speak on A delightful social ho ur brought , C ~ . ' . . ' ! 0 cloc Tuesduy eve ning. he was at ~erds of elepha~ts, find " bljr Electrakeell process, Sllllle method i"Ll.fe nnd Mlssi nn:. In the Phillp- to ~ c\ OSl! a vcry pleasant a nd Beatr.l~e Robl! tzer;. . , t d both ;)ur new 1~30 sample . books lack ed by a man at the Little tifty del) menagel'le ot rAre Ileasts li S used by IlIwn mower manufac- nine~," 1\1i~!! Wo~f e will display Jl rCi littible afternoon, Lal ge aue Icnces gl ee I.' nre now on dlglJ lay, showll1g aJl Bridge. MI', Moran managed to of the Jun~le, tUI'CI·S. Electrllkeen system turns PhillpJlino costumes and demon_ __ __ • _ _ (lCI fOI n~ __ .. the !Ipw . and ~p-to - date patt~rn s, elud e him. and after arriving at .Ovel· cleven hund,red people aru out perfect outtlng mowers, Try strate Philippino customs. Don't rnngrng' rn pr!ce frolll 4e. s~~g'le , hi ~ home called Marshal Joy, With Sells floto thiS seas(m, The me. Roy PIgott. Ifail to hear her. Lord's Supper onrl W. C. T. U. MEETING LOCAL SWIMMING POOL roll. up, to RUI.t the most pilI t leu- The man proved to be an itinerant ne w tent WIll seat over ten thouB\sermon at 10'30 !I m Sermon CTION lar. W e can gIve YOIl the be st of , pNldlar. He was taken to the lock1u A 1 scrvice. D, a!,d pep~le and two Ilho,WII wl\l be Mrs, J. R, Wade and Mrs, G. D, . subject "The AI\-S~ffici~nt Christ A n interesting meeting' of the UNDER CONSTRU pape up. whe re a nother man showed up gl.ven dally at 2 and 8 .•The doors Mills nttended the W, 0, T. U, in· ', You a;e always welcome at this W. C. T . U, was h eld at the ~ome M R bitzer' tun I or . a and as ked to sta y nil night, which Will be open one hour earlier to al. sUtuts lit Oregonlll last Friday •. A church of Mrs, Raymond Conner, With a ~or~ on tie . ',0 t . I request was granted. low patrons to enjoy the wonders splendid. program WIIS given. ReChe~ter A William30n Minister good IItlendance. Mrs, Beck con_ , ~wlmmang pyol andl s?vtmen b~~orr Mr. and Mrs, Se re n Wi1k cl'~on The first man appeared to be 01 the menagerie, presentatives ' were IIlso present ___'__ ~ _ _ ' ducted the devoti onal s, The sub- III pl'ogresSlnJ! ane 1', 0 I ~eg e ntertained at II 500 party. th e ' very ill, and the Marshal called Dr You, who have enjoyed Tom from Center and Harveysburg. ject of the evangelestic depart- i hopes to be ~eafY the openm , following J!uests:- Mrs. Alice Cad- Witham, Several cans of "eanned Mix 'a nd Tony on the screen, can NEW BUSINESS FIRM ment was discussed and "law en- abo~t the mld~ e 0 une, waUader. Mrs. E. Hunt. s on and heot" were found on the men, now see this ~ne American cow- \ Several members of the local fOl'cefent und what women can 1 he pool w!1I ~e one tO~ t~t daughter and Miss Frances Roe of Both were crazy drunk and during boy' In real hfe· and watoh him Ohapter O. E. S" attended inMessrs Vern Simpson nnd Mark do in law enforccment," was r~ad fi~est of Its km~ m thfr~~ to Norwoo(l, Mr. and Mrs. C. Grey. th!'! ,!ight , they became. violent, and his group 01 cowboys tn the spection at Lebanon Tuesday night Rogers have purchased the service I by Mrs. Conncr, A beautIful Will have ad decline oft Ik 10 I\fr. and Mrs. Keller Hoke and MI'. breakIng wlIldows and domg other nush, Tom Is said to receive the t Mrs. Elma Hul\inger, o.f Spring- station in the K, of P. building. of du ct. "The heart that was bro~e n 12 foo~d an '1\ a cem~~d ~n There Roscoe Furnas, damnge at the lock-up, largest salary ever paid a clreus field Worthy Grand Matron of J ohn Lon and will conduct a for me" was sung by Mrs. Whlta- W.I e WI surro 'the \ . ! Marshal Joy finally took the ~ta~ and the tr~mendol}s crowd8 Ohld, was the inspecting officer, tilling andggreasing service station ' ker and Mrs, Beck, and a pleasing ":111. be ; s~arate PO?I\ ~or k ' t Mrs. E.d ilh Harris . 1I.n~1 M, ss men to the county jail. which seo him dally, bear proof of d do auto re airin \ duct was r endered by Margaret klddles, . res water WI e c Emma Helghway, are \'l eltll1g MI'. - -- - -- ... his remarkable pOI1Ularity amongst Diam . on de _ perfectly 'cut _ an Both yO, ung ~en h~~e been em- Rogers and Mary Esther Lane. at .th~ rlgh\:ebPertu~e'tea~~ ~c~ , and Mrs. Charl,:s y. M.oshel' o. f old and young IIhke, selected from the Diamolld C':" ;- ployed at the Waynesville Motor . Mrs, Whitaker and Mrs. Beck ~ulldl"~S wIn ~ddlti~n:1 features ' Edwards Roa~ •. CII1Cll1nnt.1 nnrl wl.1I CLINIC ROR CHILDREN ter's stock of perfect blue whIte Co plant several years and are \ WIII be hostesses at the next Ihueet- co.mll mboe aateplaay'ground .01' the chil-'! attenTd thcdse l vIce at. Chrlst ch urtt h l h t W ' , ' r . h' h will be held a t the ome WI 1. , nn Ie A clinic for pre-school children h urs ay III Orll IOJ!, W e ll



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I g~~~;I/o~~~~o~~~~r h~~ aY~~~~ ' ~::'~eJ;:r~'J ~~~j~~~SO~sh~i~1 ~f ~\~a: :~~~i~e~U~~d~~~ ~~;~:r~ Cl~b~'

BIRTHDAY SURPRISE J::rlSgiVsehe a IO kt Mr, ~nd Mrs. R. A, DIlY and IOn ewe ry op, e anon 10. at t e entTanee 0 t e . a par. been a worker and- booster for hIS \ outhern Ohio, , Twenty four children were exa~pale of ¥Oljtgomery Iloqnty were of J . E. Fr~zler. and WIll ,erect a BALL GAME SUNDAY hOllle town . . Three years ,!go ~e ined by local physicians and delig)ltfully surprIsed Sunday, Mrll. Lester Gordon lind Mrs, building whICh he wlll eqUIp for a started an Ice plant !In hIS mIll If you want u watch for the county health commissioner Dr, wnlln II jrrOUP of their Green ~';'8m~t MJI~:~rFIf~v~~e ~I~~~~t~! service station, , The Minimis will initiate the new site nnd h~s made rap~d a~vances graduate. f or fine time-keeping Blair. Reports of findings were eou~ty frlel~sd and relatives eam~ Sunda 'afternoon Mrs Susan park on's field Sunday bY ]' ill the buslI1ess, supplYll1g Ice. not , qualities and beauty - , Grucn s~nt to parents and family physi'M1:s. t:~y ftol h~raB~ir\tJ~/~"hii~h Wilkelson acconipanied them BEE KEEPERS POW WOW playing a game with Spring Valley on!y 10c~lIy but to 1I number of watches have a pr('~tige acknowl- ClUns. . occurred the past week. Those home. after 8 visit of several . club, Th E! I'e will be severa l new nelghbonng t~!:"_ e dg~d everywhere, We sell Gruen. 1 p;arents are ,u~ged to consult present were, Mr. and Mrs. Chall, weeks duration with the Fifes. ' The Clinton Honcy Producers , fHces . on t~e. teal)1 and a good ElKin, and other mak e~ of depen- their o~vn physlclan~ for recomSparrow and 80n Bennie of, Cedllr' .invite the beekeepe rs of Warren game IS antiCIpated. The new fie~d EARLY MORNING FIRE dable watches. C~rey s J eweil'y mendatlons concerning any deviJIe, Mr. and /'drs. George Day Ruthann. Tomlinson Mr. and and Green county to j oin them in will be cDllled Wayne park, and IS Shop. Lebanon, OhIO. fects, _ __ _ _ __ ,_ ':" alld . dalighteJ' , Georgeanna of Mrs. Eli Furnall Laura~ce and Ed- an old time basket picnic and, pow all ideal place fO,r ball games. ,The The fire department was called . ' , .' O~born, Mr. and Mol'S. Wm Day, win Furnas atte~ded the funeral on wow at the home and bee-yard of park is located nel;lr t~e old dlum- to the home of R. J. Adams o,n .M'r s. C, M, Robltzel', Mr., R. G, BURIED AT WILMI.~G:rOI.'f Mr. lind Mrs, Forrest Shoup and Monday, of Wilson S_ Doan, who Joseph Sears, neal' New Burling- ond.s where the M'Ull1lS first made , Mai.n street. at about 4 :30 thiS MI,lIer, Mr" : D. Henkl e and Mr~. . . J. daughter Catherine of Zimmer- passed away on Friday at his home ton. . thell' name fumou s on Oakdale morning, where the back part of Elizabeth Bail ey moto r~tl til. ColFuneral services for JaM ,P al'lt. man Mr. and ·Mrs. Louis Day Qf In Indianap~IiB. , WiI.s~n S, Doan . MI:. Fred VI· .M",th and Mr, park, ____ __ .. _ _ _ the building w!l8 on fire. ul)1bus Tuesday lind t09k dinner , ne~, 67, ~ho ~ied in the flt:e .,t the l Xenia, Mr. and Mn. Theodore wae an emment mInister of the V Il'ln I Argo Will lIkely be thel;e, SUPT BRUNER RESIGNS The blaze IS thoujtht tt;» have WIth Mrs. J. B. Chapman , In. the OhIO penitentIary were beld at tl'Ht Massie and son Bobbie, Mrs. So'Ciety of Friends. Time, next Sunday,. May 4; 10 :- · started f~om an ', outside SWItch on aftern'o on they attended II Brrd~e l L, E, LUKens 'Funeral H~me in Goldia Harper and daughter 30 a,m. A splendid opportunity. to Aft-cr ~ierving 'as superintendent I the kitchen, and the flames reach- Party Itiyen ~t t)1e Elks Home y Wilmington; 'Friday a(terboo~. ~, Lorene Mrs, RosS Se,8s\ar Mr. Miss Eleanor Wolfe of Cincln· learn -and have a good tIme dQlng. of the Washington C. H, schoolsled the roof, which · is Jin and the . Ul1lVerSI~y . MC-lthers . Clu~, Budai was made III Sugar In'OV and Mrs, Sarah Buck and . Bon nati B.ible Seminary will speak 'at so. Pack your 'basket' and SWArm for the past five years, Claude A. which, no doubt, prevented : e ~he~e Chere nrne :undrttd g~ests, eemeterY. . , " .. .' pr n . M?IJ '.J'hom!J8, Mrs. Edith CJ.lmmings alld Ferry . ~h!lrch Sunday JTlorninjr, out, . . B!'uner j'orm..e~· superintendent of l destruction of the ' house, ' t r ~8. t~ ~l;fe . ~> • • _- .~ . . . ' ,. ,;;::.' !!hjldrel! ~ar.jorie. and WaJ!ller, May 4, Ilnq at the Ohristan J!:n- - - .. - ... _ - Waynesville -schools, has teMer.ed .Adams loss is 1l0 t great as. mos ,0 i pr!z . n rs, I er e e -MEETING-' IS POS-";;-"" pnd ~iss VIola Stalfs all pf James deaver serville of tihe Wilynesville EASTERN STAR INSPECTION his resignation to the :Wasblng~n the houljehQld goolis was carned prize. • ... un....., tpwn, Mr. Wm . Stover of Yellow Church of Christ t~il same evan_t O. H. board of e(iucation, rhe reS-lout. ' " Ral h B tif I S'I d 85 :rhe regular, · m~=r:.:.: ned Springs Miss Fa~~ Buck of King. Ing (It .6:30 ,P, Ill. Miss :Wolfe'e The annual Inif':ctlon of theignation wall acceptea and will The house 18 o:-v b~ p ,eau u I vllr~ar! al) Wi e 'TownshiD . P s. B in local ohapter 0, E: S. will . be he,ld Il beeome , eff'e ctive hat lthe Midlls, ' Ilnd Mi,ii,obr:'rt wo;,s an daugbt ers, ""u . an . ar ene ti h d . w ng tonight. Mrs Rae Filed Brafman of the current e 00 year. m 'id b ~ 1 rtl cover Ca'J'y's Jewelry ShoP Lebanon the ft.l~ meet of Loveland and , Jrli-. and Mrs. E. rst- an information on the of Lebanon 'wUl be the 'inspecting Mr. Bruner has not announ~e4 1bB! is S8 to e on y pa y . Ohio " olle' week latei n, Bogard of Lytle. Philippines in an Interesting way, 'officer. ' hi:; plans for the (uture. ,e d by Insur!lnce. · · I






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h 'al'i.n IUlltr fil ed :-


-HOUSE .dl.~~~~II~d, O:ri'fr~~elilJ~:r E I·.

April 21.

F. T. Martin Jesse Stan"tey Auctioneers .

Ol' c k:. r. RO ";:;, ' ,n -

tat of lift'nrd '·lIll1l)(!\('nt. fir!'; t nnd final. E!lltltl: 'o f Guorgc W. Larrick'. Comm n P ie", Cou r t Il e('('l\s d, tlrl'-t lind Anal. . 1'; ~ l atl' of MUll Ka u fman , d . :lSSee U. Early for Your Sale Datu. We Guarant .... It II I, nl ll :<ilil' l·,·( 1 hy the \·IIUI·t d. fir. t ane! finul. Satilfa.rf:ion or Charge Nothing.. E :Late o f Willilllll 11 . ~l'lI ' 1':< , d t h nt 1..,\\ Is' 8: nl'!\kL·. In '., 1" COVI)r I, nl t ill' r\ef ' n rl unt • . H III'y ,e!.'used. fi l'st and fi nu!. tll lli r ll i iJ~' '. Uram. the s um lIf I\'!I M ulle nix Philp ot gUl.Il'dian of _ I . --~ I :t fj ~ t,~ I b It\"nJ.: t.h",' nnlou nt d ue un ~tanh! ~· unci Curl l\lul1c nix , mino.·s II \ I'TEI{ I. :I cl·l·tuin . nnll' ",it h int(,I'l'sL COIll- li le d 11(,1' pctiti n Il!lking f or the Phone No. 320 Phone No. '1 __ _ I "h Plld, I and :l C',,'a lll 1'11 1:" Y"U "tt." I'll t ,., I ". _'-, , PCI' alln um f I'om IJ cc- ~a I e () f r eu I esta te. 1" Illle oC hearing .. i~ PIJ",d('I'' 1' 0 11'1 CI' . •, " g' uncld 1I1t (, lh, ' mir · . '"tllllh-t llndiJlj! hi, L,', u.n.! h i~ 1' lllIH' I' 2,. I!12 !t ami al so ('ost~ . I;; Sl't f ill' May H, lit 10 o'c lock 1.1 . 111 " . . ' I~ ~" " '1/1,1 1111<' 11 lli,' " \{. I'll I' . II ·. J lh : in s jl l'C" ,"n j!' ;! I', ' 1\l'1 n .. 1' 11 ' 11011 (1' 111 ' . hI' y"ull~ 11\1111 \I'US ,J Ud~Ill"1I 1 in th e . Ulll or $ ·\0<1 ." The In ' t will and testum e nt of , III 1!:l1I. I': ' " 11.11 . h,w k ro f SlIl·PI'j,;,·. ,· h.· I. ,.,j, !'d lih , 1':, l l" ' I' 1,1"' l'lI lwlll",,1 h\' IIH' lIaV ·t7. ileillK Ihl' aJll o unl u l' II no te l Zn(' Rctha White. deccu.ed was ' ~ , II' I.· :1"(, h,·,'llll· 1 n \\,It 1 iJltl' I·,~ t (,,11ll1)utt'd ut :!, ~ \lI' l' pr ol - -r-- . - - - - -- - ---- '. ,,," .1 " ·,·· lu; l1 . It i. I'" "i l, I ' I hat. ",h, I,, \',,!, ~11l' \I'll', . Il lil 'I·, \' '',1.' I,,· "111' II r' I t' . I Iu ced in c ourt und ndmitt d to - -'Ii II h: ',! bL't'n a Itllllh IfH, ' l" ' appil II In \.! ' 1 0 ti n d II n thi ,,~ ht ' !ld"lIl lIa .. h illtl l 11.1111(' a~ .... lI. · ),,'anl hi s 11 1""l h flltlll 'u\"~ l llht:' 1" 2 :~, I B2U l pl' uuHle, .. " In IIth(. hUlld \ II I I . h t. t I" '1I. HlIII ('CI ~ts \\'a~ aWllldl'd in f.IVnl' "f l T h(' In~l will lind ' te~t.anll' nt of N Celia K Tho .... •.. .• ,\I"' t\. . .'1\11I' 111 f ' " i'.'''' "I"" ,. - In,,' . ('I f ,,' ' . II I' I1:1' I I" "' 11 II)~' 1'1 t mp. t 'on Ltob W ill iam ., "., II ' " ft . 'II , I,.. "1' "()C,;(.t~·! ,'''"1 ' 1' .. h •. had :-; " IlIl 'lhll1~ 11.1' 1I1 1111~ IIl th h,'I' . . 11ll' plai ntiff. Th,' ('ap it:!l L lllln l Juhn \\'. nunhlll1l. d('cc!I~"11 \VII S • 10mpSOll rue III ,e nnon . " , .. : "' ",, tll:!1 !llIyll.ill,! n')/Ill' . Th C' tiay 11 :1 " :1 ":lnll .. n ,· ill .11·01 II '1:1 ' II " Irill,', ,·itll ,·I'. f' lI l1ljlHIlY Il "y IInti Zl. l1 u prodllced in co urt and admitted to J . E. Bl' rcllw to Margnr ct II ' hI' \. ,,",1 ... 11" " '" "fI I1"• " II "':' " I" " I. " \ " 'lI k' nol\' \\"I1"' 11. Nus. :101i . :10 7. :108 , "' " ,.\\ I,'"''' .. . ' ,.al' '. p I' I la tl·. E va V l)unham WIIS np- B(,I'C II\I' .,. I".\" 'er . It ' !!'uck li k. a u lI •.. "i, ,"" II ,,<In /.:1,"'11 Ill .. ·." · . (I ' C J . t I and ;JOti in :- . I •. ,l,;; ,.d ",tl! ,'I I t. ~- ,ilk "" '1\"11. lI ith "" , ,,,,, .-, 111 I",,'" . ,1 III' ,'hllil ,. II " I 1" , '\l r"l·i~ ,· at .\ \. . :\1 !l ..1I01'1' \I.tlpll' fentialll . J uhn lIC'cutrlll. No on boe nd reLu la B. RUlldy t o Robl'l'l L . and Thl',('I'l' op l" s ' .1311i1 d - l qpo~1l Ull'c d('(. l'harl es .1 . \VuK" r, Kllri . . 1\': I• 1,11:, 1' I l1"t nnl t h"l ,.1". InI l .. f t h('f llli l' I " .I' ,waill I ,... tl .. ,.!,." II!,. , I I,IIl!!"I"'" 1' 1' 'I I" ., t i"lI ,'1 11,1 /Ill! I .01111 IIIHI :-;a\'in~s Cllmpanv .IC I 1\1 "B ' . B 1'(I\"n and ,r. ('. Ruw l ':; u WCn I'(~ d y . pllrt .If lot No. :20 in 1\1u . I lI.t II II' It ' r\' , h, lIa ' . 1'1, 1 I l<' a,' I' " II "I, 'II' 111" " 111 a 11111 ' 1' . tl ·II,I1l! Ill' 1lI11 , t L,I,an l' n . 0 " tlH' ,·a' " .. f Anti l·n\l· lll11dl' u Pllrai1'c l"s. ,lin . I """ did 1.111 ' Ve il '~ n il " w i,., ' , ) 1'I t \\" .nt .' · Ih,·.. . . 1111" 1,,·.. Il", I ' '. '1'1ll' Kl. r I F l' ldlll:t1l \'(' 1', \1 " ..\ nnet~l· l.i S"'II·. ' ,.t Albcrt GII,'el·.I· t o J IlFC I)h all"u " • • "I", " ,·t ' ,• tl ,,' I " ~I I t "\1,, f' t11 I"l n nk·. A nd l'r~lI n . 'l ll ,III·111· !;. tl".I, "iI' I" Inir 1), ,101 , I ' 11 I II , I I \\ lI!, lIK1l1 I hi ' Fanlli e HIlJ.!e r s of I::li z au c lh , N,~ w 11 • ' ,1,., I" ,, ]., III h,.,. IlIllllt'dialf' f(' a l\;I't.~. \l' il l, ,'. 'r'I'I'l!" I ,':lt~"1 I I':'~I ' I " " ':::1 ~'I:III'" 11Il!1 JIll, '''I~ al. WI" d i' l1Ii';~l' " f"r wu nt IIf till' of th l' c" tlltl' nf F: IlI Il1 U Sevl' r, J I' r H'Y, no ucres in Sa ll'llI twp . . '''".~:- ..; !tv " ',,, .. 1"'i,lu,!I "n ~' I'l'I'1I t. ~· •. all I :,, 1 \lnn:.llll;.] I"i l .I" ~ I cI ,: II'l . h ,. ":(.'':'" 11 \f'tl' l' U"'III y.-. 11 ' IIllll. - I pr""'·"lIti"n. de ce aai" s('ll. lil l' U in l·,mtu r y and f~ S . II A. and Jl;' llIlic B u e l'k ll' t o ( '. I. . Br lldlel' lI'a ~ U' I'anlc ll It'/lve nppr ' llll'nt in hico>! urt. j . ,\\1' 'Ii' •. ; '" 11",' 11 111' IIf 11 11'1'. A, "hl' I' .t llln, ·d Ih .. 11111'1" 1 \,. I, ·, . ':'''' 1' 10 .1' .·' I/.:I>t. Hil l I' \,(, s ",'n t" til l' :In,\\'I' 1' ' in th l' l'aH' a '''lins t It wa s ci ete rmined by ti l(' CO lll't ',ste 0II IInl S. M. BUNkie , n il o f ,., f ,. ! ,1111\1 1, o f nlt'll an.! th ,. I,:I/! , h l' .I,,,' 1"' 1',.01 I ;;, ,111' '. \ " 11, Ilit Ih,. 111 1.\ ' IIy II al' Iey I'... \\"III , . ,..... I Ililt tenet h . ('stal e o f lot O 1· . t'\I . ,. 11",·t ' " t" IIlln l' .1111 I11111 ",tlUI' III' t he ' I a nd Itt ,t ha l f o f lot NIJ . ·h l·l'. a nd all \\,':1- W":lIill l!:1 11/'1· . I1 :1II ·h . ai,,, "f ,'1" '1 I" .,·1 dlllllH! ' l'lI l" 1I 1111'>'1' I" "t In th(, caq· (If Th " St il t !' of O hi, ) .J.. hn tll' l·ca sl'd. was $ ·\000 , IU .. to R I ., I:' , j, UI;II .\ .. " ' I lh.1'( ",' 1" imp ""ill " I,ll" " . I'ari , lIl ah,·. ,," " (',.Id 1'11"""11 i,and. " ., 'In ' l tll'lt 1lI·lk,.,· I ' '1' I ' rI . 0 u nd D. .Il" II:.l ,I.,,,. wi l h tl aun l i nl! lI in. :-;h,. t"uk il (ofr . 1/1<1 ,~allIiJl\.d i f , . ..! tha i I j, n'"" \" ~I " :I' h'" . 1l1· ~ I 'I 't ,;.e a}I"ln I~, r h \'I . ~·l'I, )lle" Slate tl·In~t tit· ")( l' m"ltl'lhn s." f th e b~nc- a n d Plo~~il' S. Clav ilJ Ilcrl'~ in 1 eI, " :.•. ,,1.')" T h,. ,l/'t'!' t h" lel n .. ,h . I'a 1' '' I' lI )1y. It h"I' , II .. illdi"id ll :II 1<,:"" . . 1111 '1 I h •. nC;, ' h L' t " "' tIl . ''\' h(·I". . " " if I F,all, 'I III l:lIWI''' I, . I nd . IClal'll!; ('xrl" " t (' II' SUc('('ss lon s FI"lnklill twp ' .lllk \ '. :-;titl. (; "11 1'/1:" E.' ( 'u rn a - and thll l 11~ 11 I' l!stti t ~ai d ('stat' 'n'IVII1'111II C ', 1111. Gr'lc'" t il 1 .r:,' , tl ld rl'l' ''j!ni zl' : y(' t ,hI' " Hld.. ill j!" ',f :.ny I, ind . . " \I n,' (·' 1111\' I' II C C . (. • I ·, I . . . . .. .. . f '. . u < < Hoff " ', .. 1'1." :11 f"" linl! thnt " h .. 1'\'111. '' AJ.:aln s h,. h"I' a lll" """ ,, i"lI- " I' t II. '1"1'.'1" i"1W' ' 1. ,:I Il II C11 1':1 n\(ll llt'n l A. 1.ln \\' . ..Tn .ck,·1II' .IIIanl III Ill S, ''r~l' 11 SUI~ "s~ tux l o n ~. .lIe I' Xl' ll lpt r o m lane GI' l) l'g<, 'Ind ( R. ';'('I1" lln t C"It' ('(Ix : I .1illlll'l'i tance s 'Ill < n l'II IIIrml1 t ll' I' B'lU • c l' , 10 ' 1. RO ' .) I 1, I\.t "' 1'." \\',.11. On::I :< llInltlly "11/, 11.\1 , )! llInl·' ·'. H.·f, ,,,· , he' ha d ~ ' ,II I) 111 '1 w wt was . h (· 1I1'11'r- . . . I'· ' I I · I" I . '1'1 · I· ·t ·' 11 ' I "t • f '. . _! ,' ,.,II.:lt I\\l rd .. IItt('r .. d in th l' t iIl H' 10 1'1111 hl ' I.,.lf 1" )!I .tlH'1' , h, lI'a l <l, IIIIt! h n" 'l' If, th •. stran.g,.~t .. ;'t . JI.I,"\/(.. \HI? ;lI:\.~\~. lg':I,elllrlf" >"I . TI' m II /'(, "I~' :"l(lt~~I1I~llnt .o. : EdWI n 1\1. KpI'r. I' t al . to Ali ce ll 0 thl . alld t h,'''' l'll' ul'l\' rarl'il' d I"' al'd a ' ·(lICl'. ' I' l. " ki nU' ill H(' l"' lll s 1, .. ,11 he. had ,'\','1' ' l"' n in '1 "i l'i" II( , "1lInl 1) t ." I ; l , 0 ;'I1.1 ' on · I '1 II . I ." 1111. \ ('Jt "IIS' .I. "Ia " and Ruth l'I\cClung. lil t Nu. 80 in '. "I·"~ .. It h,.ld . . . '" s . IISl' P I .. U I'I ~ II .~ "lI)' OI' .. I' the !'I U' lie'll In (" , un an HI l''.lIttt' I to ~1f1~ (In. Ih. \I Illla n ing t il h (' r hraln', hil t IIf Hu th .. ril\,. 11 " """ ' 11"k,. t.1 h"r '.11111 II' , n u t I " .'\ , 1" 1h 'III',..," " I' II n g' . n I l !".... . 0 " •I t I: ,\'II 'll. h t h (' ( " illt' ' r W Iluny thll lltH. IIf" I'IlIlIge HOJ.!a n , pr"butt,. " ' 1'11'1"" 111"'-'. l ·t a l ' lIy TRY ,) "l '" f l'"It" wi th I Ilindf ;-:'I.' na '1J..1 Drake ' I h HUYlIl un.d G. t hll'l' f ac. h j Salllu,·1 P , " l !""k ,.,j tit IIl. r u nd :< h ,' f"ull d h" r,, :lf l"" j( pi l' ",n. u, 11'(.11 :" ·h·•.• it.'lt i·,," ai ' l' \'1' ' I "t ttil l.' "'1 :rI Kt"I't 0 1'- ce jll " 1 t N (; lI;lI ' t I:X"l'U uri 1I \.t_· I" 1 10 Lc·\) a nd Zilla BI'II I;,.I,.n · 1 t•. ; I' III1. thi ll ~ . s. hl• kn (' II' W ' II illl! III' inl o th C l'~". S. " I' " 1-'IIJ.! P" I'1(',· IIIII w IIII ' . I ' 1 ' 1.1' . . , ( l' l I t 1:.1 H: . l.' (' III ant ~ up o n ,·sl .I ,'. 0 )" n l l e qull'l·l. ., t · bul'!.:' lul ~ No< J und I) il [ ' . k L:'. lil t l'~" I'1 JlllJ ~' pllt hl'ti l: ~ I' I \' in' IIr Ihl' II r d .. r 11I'ol'l'l'd tIl liam Al le ll . .J ohn r artwriKht I1nll 11' 11 t \·,.( · .. ~ I ' I un I'1II1 l it -ug h, Wlihl' fI!-- d O lll to ill H man. ali,,1I hl.'rs . plq'Son!" Thl'Y wel'(~ H er IWlll t ,; t, ),)d ,t ill. tlw n lll pl .\ ' · Iilli<. 1" rlh ' I I I I k pas, 1l'"i~ llIti"1I an d hl ah' act io n .J " ~1 1I II II'tk" f~'tdl'l' mad e nppra iHlirs J al'tlb. Binkl (,y t o Sy lvl'stl'l' Free OUR C L ASSIFIED COLUMNS ' a' ).. l.'t1 qU l'~tion~ . . taken' so me- uropped. . . :' . 1'1 1 0\l'n tIt! \ II C n ' ·.Cl·ssary til PI'OCUI'l· I ". Illon cy t o t I'(,'HIII S I" :llIun 2:~ . 5R II cre< in ),1-11'11 t · wh e n ' . . perhaps surro und ed " No." s he !;:lid qllick ly. ";-: " . III ' . a l'ill!.I ),· hU""lnl! HIIT (t llnd · , ati , fy t ill' ,dd iKH ti oll:' dill' p lai ntiff " f W illilllll lll'l'. Burd tte <F . M;h l'l FOR R E SULTS uy II l'I'nwd. Every ins tinct o f co ur e' n ot. " IY. a park whlls un,l('\' all d by "i l'l u e fir the " ix Cl' I'- , d til' ·t und finn\. to H l' nrv W. Re\' ore I 09 \."1 n II to a " ol'd such 8 d e"Oh II 1.1I1!. " 'ulul','" \\" ' 1' 1:. U fountai n, :J tHill 'II hy "!l id of J on l's. d ecl' a se d, Hamilto n twp. . II II's III .' , • a ri),!ht,c\'es " hco o "aid ll·. It'll til ' l.' .' . :lIlf I h U II IIJ ZPIl bench- "'ll I IJ"Jl IIIlU' . 1. •,I" pm (' nt. .'he mu t be so natu ral but with n hl' rCllsi fa ("1', datI: (If i\u l:'u , l 20 . , '; .IXI h acco unt : Ma rri a L' '. tl h I "Th hl '. I it with a nod . I tl :! !) . IIm t1u niing t(l 25.000.00 de· A!I inst rum e nt o f writing, pu"r. ., e ' ''e n .... h t' III 1'1' al' IUn, lut ot r s wo u d oug you IllI Kh t tl~t S')/Ill' - . \\ I! l' /ln t ~l:lnd he l'!! . L et 's go ' I'I ilH'1I i n plu in t if'l": Jl l' tili r, n. I' ll/ ling to b e th e III~t will and Je rames Williams Bar n hart. lab· cu ntinu" to ignorco h e r. thin ' fr u m that pur. e.'· IlIt " that park." hI' t N J. in : ____ t(,,,tanH'n t o f Zoe Re th.! White la t e Ruth NOTIC E OF APPOINTMENT , of Leban o n /Inri ,'he t~en becam cons cio us that . She hud a f edinK thllt " h' w as I ,I!~. I "Ill' 0 1' all ,.td,' ,. h,. " th(' I'. 1 P te Cou r t If 'fu,.tl ec rcek town ship. 11'11 PI' O- r~ "zubeth ~untz. flldory work er. she strllll!h tene rl , and, wa lking t o' In d ead ly p e ril. An(,th r llI o nw n t. . I h" n Y" U l'an t e ll me wh 'lt' s ,. \luced in co urt fo f' jlf'obllte. II f WH ~n e!<vtlle. April I !J. th extrrme e dge of th e curb, look- and h e w o u ld be l adinl! h l' l' nWIlY wr u ng." • 1 "' " tll'C. II r ". t :ll,'" f(ll' .. ll leIn th e cas e .If Ethlyn 'lurk, ad f . W it's. lab o re r . . . f · E . tnt,· of 'I'h')nHls G . Farr , de"d . up an d d own the street a s if t to b e a sked qlll·s ti o n. s lw '(\ IIIdn' t II , ."lll,' cd f"rw:tl'll :.I S h e spok _ JIIinis tratrix /If the estllle o f Multlevlll e, lind 1\'1iss Mi ldred (,(,l1 s[(I: . . a dy. tl.l! , h e. wllu l.1 g" with ' - - _.. Th o lllus F . Pend er s, dl!cellsed, o f Mo r row. I N ot 1,'1' h erebv g tvc n t h ul W:ll lIn /! f or a cab or a n omnibus_ answel'. . . Shl' mURt k •.cp Hut the r oa t! had no trolly tracks ' C lea rl y, it wou ld not d " to Ii". h ,lll . li n d , III' '\'l' nt. in s'. Tha i " . .. plainLifl' Rob ert E. P m iers , H . Boger , CI1,,1' 111 1'1'. of , Hllyn' (lll d G. Fl1rr ha s bee n dul y to ld he l'"'''' <he h o t l'l. I ('a n K" buck et al def(' nda n t s Th ' COUl't or- Utica, and Miss VI'lle "1l Hay n es o f Ilppo inl l' c1 lind qua li fi ed as E x eclI:lnd . th e o mnibuses--there we r e . j!e r t h c l'e muc h lo nger. a nd wh e n Illul' h .. hunc '. l OIllIll\'U S s. and she f e l t a n ' odd uno t her cOllie and ('()ul d takl' . t hlll mu ch' llIl anI lIo k . a l th e der ed that th e u'li minis trntrix de- Ut ica, Apri l 2 .1. .. • 01' ( f t he of Tho lll llR G . reli f at s ight of the fam iliar u n f h l !) I clIn fet JrI touch Wi t h m y J liv er s utf'i c it;' n t d eed s t o C lar(' nc<! Myron J . Bantll, groce ry ma n - Fal'l' late o f W arrcn Co un ty. Ohi o. wieldy objects - did n ot stop for Ilnuy lind n en l!!;, If I huI' !! uny. BI'own und .Julin Pcnders purcha - <II(' I' o f L eban o n a nd Miss EVil del'PII ,,'rl. . pas. eng r s in t h e m idd le or t h e I II "l~ pp~~e I !'IUS: ~'~""e so m e . . . .. I crs o f rea l est llte. Dist rib u ti on of Ir~lls, tea che r of L~'bl1nnn, Apri l \lnt e d lhis ] 6th <lay of A pril She read t h e ir . ubu 10 "Of 11 t )_I,cuurse U thlllky,-,so . 1930 ' tbhl oc esek. gave her no hel sign p, tsho g ht u· have ," h e told t hI! prllcee d o f the sale WIIS ~rder- 16 . . W. Z. R O LL .

Centerville, O. New Burlington,O.


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they I d to a deepen ing of t h e her. "But y o u may b e all over thi s cd. Bill. Allowed Judge or t h e P robate Co u rt frantic sense thot sh e kn ew a ll ue (o/'(c! y ou gel. d.o \\'n t own. '.' N w. Suit Warre n Co u nty Oh io: about thes e p laces if onl y sh e H c . :111' h e r bps ['e lnx In so me e a Add ing Mac hi ne C o., ----- - ' could remembe r w h at sh e k n ew. t hin g lhat was !llmo!'t a ~mile. Lewi ~ and Druk ('. In c ., a corp- rcpall·s. $~.55; The Sta kaltu Mfg., He r first imp ulse w a s to ta k e th e "Thllnk yo so mu ch . I'm trying 0 1a ti o n organized lind exi sti ng Co., supp h es, $2 0 ; E. F. Sch rad - Wotc h your expiration dat e on th e , ... ~he su id , ri si ng nJ e r' the laws o f the State o f Ag ' . •Co nk li n The Mia mi Gazette next omnib us, to go as f Br as I't to kt'c I) ti tea ' I'· er, e ns cy upplies , $1.25; dEd wou ld ca rry h e r , Bnd t hus gain ::B ~h ~ I" kc; " but I want to get to Oh io. ve l'. us H e m), an d Emily S. ., pre mo on a u Ito r s bond t im e to pu ll h er self toge th er. But thll t ho te l as suo n Ii ' I can, and Oram, f or cog novit. 15; T he W. H . A nd e rson Co' sh e t h is. S h e m ight b.e luuk mysd f up. · it a wcird Th Capitll l Lou n ompllny ver- s u ppl!e:(, $ 10 ; Barrett -- h crself aga m- any minute. and ill n '! " IIdued, wilh s om e- s us Roy and Zell a Wil so n. for c og- s upp lies, $2.40; The Staka lta Mfg t h en s he wo uld be o n f a mil iar t h in g lIlut 11.1' h · lf a IJlug h llnd n Ol' it. Co .• e n velo pes. $26. 75 ; B arett B ro gro un d; w h erea s, if s h e w an dered ha lf a sob. "Where th e T h e Mulun l Bu ilding an d LOlln Ihers, sel! r eh wpl'ran t s. $2.4 0 ; T he • f rom it. who co uld te ll h ow far (;nl la n.I ? " Co mpany of Miam is burg. 0 ., vel'- E .. B. T hlrk ie ld a n d o ns Co., su p - - - - -. .- - - - - - - - - HATCHING sh e might. go. or w h ere? T h ere li e ltd,1 hl'!'. "I II gct n tlu dcllb ~ us lift on G. Ale xa n der, f or ph es, $4 3.50;. R. L . Harsh ba rger was II c h a n ce, t oo, t hllt sh e hud a f o r Y( IU ." h l' m o ney. nm li nt claim ed $7!lB .0!J Illbor un d }lomt at ja il, $9.6 5;' companio n w ho had temporar il y As l h :' y waited tOj.( e th e r lit th e with 7 "It intereRt fro m Nov mb e r T ren ll UI'el' of S tate,. c lo th ing for In - - - -- - - - lost sig ht of h er. or who wa s in' l e u r1.J hI! 11"1,,· ,, 7. I !J2!J. forecl o. urI' o f m O!'lgage mate at O h IO h OSP1WI. $34.44 ; P . AT TENT I ON- Leblln on AII ·El eet .. \V ill Y". U Ii·t Ill(' go wiLh yo u·? I an" l·qu itub le l'eli ef. B. Monce, pay r oll f or mon t h. ri c H utc h cry, 2 1 lead ing o n e of tho se n ear-by shops and hlld asked h e r wa it. _ . No, s he lIIight lie (If so m e u sc . But o f 1 Ne w \' or k Li fe In s urullce Com-\ $14 1. 20: J oe W . DavIs , $405; ('If pur(' ·brcll baby Chicks hatc h ed m ust r e m a m w h e r e sh e was, o r \ COU I sc fo l' you tn d e rid e ." I puny ve roi US Ch ar l(' s A. H e ck. E E. Bradbury, sam e , $35 4. : in flllllignteu I ncu blltors--a h a t c h nea r t h ere , Cor a t ime at least. A n E' mpty c llb apprllclwd lind Plum:! B. H ck I1nd David .0. . (e n e ny, pay roll, $704.3 0 ; E . enl'h Mo nday nn d Thursday. A passing str a n ger gave h e r a . t oppe d at hi : sjgnnl. HI.' h ('lpc d lie f o r mo n ey. Amount c lui med J pon s , su m e . $4 0 2.8 0 ; V. W, Snrcin l atte n t io n paid to Custo nl th e to $4707.a.t wit h interest at B , fro m 1 kln s . s.,a me. $42 0.40; L eslie Hnichinl!'_ Op n a ll day Su nd ay to q u ick a nd curio u s g lll n ce. Wh y? " Anythin g wron g, Mi ll ?" She f oun d h erself I. ol'i n g in to th e e ye. her intI) it . h e q ui c k e n e d h er }lace t ill s h e o f a bi g p clice.m n n. \ t he driv e r. · n n d d back from , Mnrc h 1, I D2}). fo r eclo sure of u .t z, Bopel:afiii'gmai ntai n er , $60; lhe pu blic . l. O. O. F . H all, ph on e reache d t h e co rn er; stu n d ing the r e the bal'ehl!udl'l l. accepti n g 1ll0l'tg-ngc and sa le o[ r ea l es t ate. PEedrJ. Y T . S lIl1 pSOn , sam e. $62.50; l BO, 1 32 E. Mul be r y treot. tt c lo se to t he cu r b, s h e looked up gonc s h e tUl'ned away . choosi nK a· 111 11/',· . Ill'r s llt' II CC a~ di sm iSi'n!. . de sc rib ed in p e ti ti o n, m a rs ha lling en .e r ry , p~y 1'011. $ 178.2 0 ; FOR SALE and down, as i f wa il ing f o r II Cl'oss-s tr ee t o n lin til J.! l H e 1I' ci 'I n wiLh s l l'id ,'s adapt . ' ·No,. Hh e cried. t !n, i ll f li e n s, order o f. P! iol'ity o.f ¢lIen KGlb ler. brt,d ge re paIr, $3.50 ; bus . fr om under th e l>fhc('r' eves. tn h 'l s hol·t s tcp s and s h e p le a se . I II nlth I' hav c yo u With me nt: to set up hIS .m t e r est m s lIId '.' same, $7 .20 ; Pe nn L ooking down at he r h a n d s . she She had walk ed half n iJl oc k 11P I I" pt him. rea li zing \HC'." I prcmiscs. i f lilly. or be forev e r MOl t o n. Ja ni tor $70; - -- - -- - -- - - - - - had di 'covered s h.e WlI' carrying a l fore .Sh e to h ack t o '.(,·" . n tilt. ,·h,, "s. u l'. the mom e nt ' '1'111 o f thul.." he sa id :ls ' burred. he r ei n e xpe!'d e d a n d J a m es Foll e n , Slime, $ 15. FO il SALE J bu y Ilnd so il s ma ll bag. In It, s ur e ly there see If th e p u li cema n h a d f tl lill lVe d I II!.IL s h.!' ' 1:1 : to tnt. t he ul ok hl f; p lacc b C>ll d c h e r. "But all furth e r legal and cqul t:lb le re- - - .. - - - -c hicken s n ne! r et a il. I-l ome ('ve r y evl'nlngo. W ill G u stin. w oul d be cllrds, or a note-boo k or h er. H e hu rl n o t . but :onw Oll t' I' L'c hll n . II Ill' had s uddenly le ft h I' I lIlIilk yo ur troubl es wi ll soo n be li e f. !e tte r .o r s om e oth e r cl u e to her , hlld; and even a s s he tUI'n l!d the , I" . wU'J! ·1 have fdt th:Ji hc!' last "I'e.r." . The State o C O hi o, o n r('lutio n o f FABLE OF THE SOAP · 01 14 Il1dentlty. pur~ u r s p ok e, hllp e had .c 11 11 t' . too L1ll1t h(' hlld S he wa s b~onll ng mnre hopc - The P eo ples State Bll nk of I ndilln dre w farther a,:"ay f l'om "Par d o n Ille. But elln I h e l p yn u I he r !lilly ti l' :vi ih t he l ivilll-( f Ii. t o? Sh hod th e feeling 01' o ne npo lis , In d., v ers u s F rank V. Stitt, TH ERE once wus :I mll n FO R ALE- 3-p il'ce li ving ro om wa lt m g group u nd WIth t remb llll g III ony way?" he lI : ke d. i 1I(\\ld a ro und. h(, I·. Sh · like n 1I·.h".' from th e !Jottom of a blac k Geo rgI' E . Car na h a n , H. . t u m- ST ING Y u nd mean. !m lt e ; S-piece bl! droom sul to : fi nge r s ope n ed t h e b ag. Like m ost j She stu re d a t hi m with an up IIl,eI 1I' ll'Ili (' d dd ld to \l'h o lll n lilt .. whi eh he has f u lle ll , se es. u ' min gs, Geo r ge Cole, A. W . Tu ckcr , WH O read II big ad. v lct ht la; Whi te I e lect ri c the wome n ca rry, it w a H d i r u s h of unge r . M u. t s he 11 (, houll - , k llld : h('l oI II of . l ight at its mout h. Yet lind R. Mou nt Cox, a . indi vid ua ls IN a magaz in e, ma c ne. n ew m oe ' 1: 4 -p lece bre ak v lde d IlIto two compa r t me n t s -a d e lle! by lht! inq u is ilive . or ,I rive n ha nd . I Gllod Samar itan was li nd as me m be rs of t he cou n cil · of IT to us f a st j:(ree n li nd bl ac k . In quire II ,· 101ln d O il II h ' ne h so IlllstH kl' n ? I t h e v ill ug e of M:lso n, W llrre n A h tUe funn y ; · a t t his o me c, · (\ 23 c e n t er one, closed, for b a nk- mad by soml' stl'eet l iznrd '! But till' 'notes and co in s. and t h e r c ma ini ng l voke was I.I n ug l'ec ah ll' un l! . an d ,iI,sc tl ' th l: f o untaill Ih al its fl y"Th!' Garla nd 's II nic e old I Co un ty . J ose ph L. Davis, Mayo r T HI S ur \. s a id " W e ' ' FOR S E '1 AL Majcsllc coal rango , s pa ce fO I' misce lla n eo us possessio n s t he face at which s h e II)(.kc(1 1Tl J.: Jo Jll':I ,V ran,,· allll Pst to th!.'ir f ec t hol e l." s he heurd h im ay, with the o f s lI id vi ll age, nnr! Non a F .. Drake ' W ILL save you mo ney. he snapped ope n t h e ce n te r co m- l llI atc h ed it. It was th tann ed. All.\' j.!lr \. t(J ILI hpl·s(.lf. c:u uld IIlllttt:r .o f- factn sS that wns so Bogan. as c le rk of said v il lllge, fo r J US T bu y OUI' True 0 ho les, In goo d c o nd ition. partm e nt and 5UW a r eassul'ing. f lC ' o f II yo ung thnt 1I\l'Y, 11111I1e ,l, cle' an .cut, ' rlIlK· "To my. mind the bes t p e tit ion for mll nda mus, MondllY soa p ; P r ice, $:15. Ap ply to Harold l y ,o[ blink-note!! a n d SIl ve r l ili a n III t h e nudd lc tw ent ies . with t) pl c.1i A 1111'I'I Ca ll fll ce. r t he. I ',r the of trp e- th e ki n d 1 SEND t h e w rappers in S mi t h, · 030 lla which s he did n ot tak e t ime t o t hi ck brown hair !r o '1I1 fl' al u l'e!' ".hl· h('sit ntl" 1 10 :pcnk. I l ha lI;.;e ll lo be fa s hi o nabl e be f ore Real Eata te Tra n.f e ra WE'RE h o n es t f olk FOR SALE- I 000 Pc kin du cklin gs eXlIl11i n e. he clo sed it with n t hro b a n d unu s ull ll y h' a,'Y cy hr ows: " " W hal hillel ," ;; h e IIs ked III la st. th e ('ity m ovNI away fl'OI11 them." N A H t R I ID d AND we w ill se nd you wee kl y, at re du ced prices C us· I' It of ( at least sh e was S h e h lld ' 1' h im a m o nK tho sc w(' I'e yo u o f just now7' H e sn", thllt he WII S not lis len- F Io "i' aT 0 0 II':" •• !In A LL you. need. to m h atc hi ng at lo w cost. Start ed S not destitute) a n d p ull ed ou t t h e n ear he t' whtl e s h e wai t d for the I 1I 1!. 1I'1l1·I1NI hlnl se lf n ot t o s h ow In/!, H!lrl he Ileclded t o ris k a s mll ll l'n t - Cay l i6 acres III Frn nk - I TO a si x-room ba by chi c ks , Bn rre d and oth~t' articles in t h e pu rse, omni b us. I ~lJ 1:!11IS(, II I Unytt1 ing ~hc ·o id. l exp,el'lm nt. I \\ p. . HOUSE Indeed ." WhIte Rock s, S. C. R e ds , White 1 he l'c were on l y t hree- a h a n d"Pa l'do n III 1', h l' rpeate d, 11IlII I \\ 1h)· . t h · (.:lrla n d, " he t old . 1)0 you kpow whll t city YOU 'I'II G i .a nd Btoll H E got t h e soa p a nd Wya nd ottes. Mil.lard Ha tch e ry . kerchief w it h ou t ini t ials . s till in s h e saw t ha t hl' hl! ld his sI l lilY hat Ie I'. . " Th o hOll' 1 wh et'e you're In h e nHk ed h e r . . ~Ol,g~ a ll( . I ma a u er, 4 . I PAID t he fi-e igllt R. D. I , Orego m a, Oh ;o. Phone th e f ol d s the la und ress h a d it'o n e d l in h is hu n cl. "You e m t o bl' i I " tllpPl nU'. I hllpjl l' n tn be 'l h l! r c "N o, not e ven th a t." g n lOnltl? K A ND sa v ed t h e wrapp el's . !l3Q !n it, !l small pair of n ose:glllsses som.e o f tr ou hlc. " See ing- lhl' t l":: ". '.. is New Yor k." M' 5 'r • li n e I tQ In II Ilk case. mar k e d WIt h t h e I pun ic m he t' ey 'S. hI' atltl l' tf h:H ily: . I m ",u lldl' rlnj! If y ou ca n he . Oh .. . N cl\' York !" Shl' II .IU 1\10n g( I . lot No. H!J In I ra nk AND th ell h e marj:h ed f OR S ALE - In p iu n C hi Jlf Motpr name of a Illllker, a vani ty l " A w e 'r\) £ltt h !' sU lli e h .. lel Il lls takt n. " , he fal te led . ' I d on't u II lrhted f ace to him. d Z ' 11 B ' db " I RIG H T ou t t h e d oo r cyr:!e. Inqu ir e at th is bux, contaln lllg a m irror, a Ch!l111 - ' [ th o ught yOu m ight let me h e lp , I , nll' mlll ' \' y o u." ·1 hu t 11l (' IIr. S t o •vou , Cl'.1 Il o n. ' .T aII mage, a I nsnm a t Ul g tl o A N D we nt and orp er eq .. ~ (I ll \\'lIuldn ' t." h(' cheel fu ll y ti l es n ' t it'?" ract n HI M so m e JTI ore SrR~ YO U R 'fREES- If i ll



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lI dml ltefjd . ans wering th e sec on d I'e "Y H e r fac e s hadow ed aga i n F I Har ·s t J L T H E ho us e is lIlur' N 1' 1 o . am es . A ND t he mall k lI's t. "Y ou'v e n ever eve n a nd pu c kered li ke a ft' ighte n ed B .. I lou k e d my way. But I' m n ot m is- child's. " B u t I do n 't kn ow j us t 0;0 '-' n ots os. 3 and 4 m L eban- ' AND his wife do t h e taken . And 1 saw YO :J s itti n g in wh a t it mea lls-w h eth el' l 've been e MS I . I BEST t hey can :fohnt m e la st n ig h t, e njoying I h ere. or wh et h er I've just read iot TO live In one rOOtne I d R os e." I t's on e of t h e ' nbout It." I M d C M ' ran n . FOR here ' . the dope I p~~~ of th e mu sical comed ies. isn 't "Yo u w ero on Fi ft h A venue Ilnd a~lanehe ~1!g~t' Gelort,e~,J' THE other tour art I !. wh€n ,You w ai ted fo r the bu . \I kl . I' ery, 0 . ,0 . FULL ot loap 113 I F I .S h e dre\\' 11 qu ick breath . Som e "Fift h A ve n ue." S h e 1 n ran I n , . _ _ - __ i thlllg Cal' d own wi t hin her ha d reo the word s, but vag u e ly . He w e nt Charles O. Frate: to WIIU.m 29 i to that. a s if a to u ch e!' on t al kin g . point ing out t h e city 's 10\BS 3Nl's'F12 'lao,181 , "I A1iebra- A system \Vaatlni' I co rd hed !lt l'onllh' "lbl'lIted 1 landmark s, h oping t h at one ot L" ll t F I n ran I n wp. ¥ me, . I \' t ~hc Cllll id n ot ' r e lll l' mb e l" 'Sh' th e m w o uld "ring a bell " a s he I I a n ar ey t o C . L. Ra ns ome. Classr oom-A place where Ilr. nn courage lind It ;'p iil l' d IlI c ntllll y exprcssNI It; II a ln pcres In twp. Ilorance Is displayed. p' When you have New!:! , o r whe n . . ) III t o tru s t y o u ." she : <he hard ly listl'n e !). S h e was gto l. E C. f ht Des k- Plac e of . comf ort d\l rlnjf , . . ' .",,1. .II Ith a d etis i0 1l t h ut Illude 10 \\,1I1J': he r own refl ection s, and : . r man 0 s os.. B, 80S?, studr· . 1 45 , 8 14 6 , lind 314 7 In you want PrintIng of a n y lund hI, , 'OIC' I1lm o. t hu rs h. n o \\' hc Il!u l' n ed w hat t hey w Sche dul e -Mlsery's tim e tabl". vP , ' .1')..:<1 . .. d o." Aguin h is t o n e was •. ) huvc II hor r o l' of becomi ng e~i Ie ddtJ . d . Re p ort ()ards - Ta t tlers . . I h I ~ (O f un o ld e r broth r , and cn. e'." s h e said in a sha kin g vo lcc. e r t oCEar J .. n M~dar~ ~ MC lcbh enCa le n dar- R eco rd of !l01i~aY8, . :11.::"'11 >llI! nwt the LJuic t r ega r d of , " Is thcl'e any way of l earni n g wh o ' . . an re . 0 u r n • _. ' . I hOI' . bruw n eyes, Th .. y I alll withoul Ictt inj! ot h e rs know or In-J ots Nos . 143 lind 144 In o • I held " " ~ Usp IC I(j n. nu curios itv I w hu t ' s wro ng ?--w ith out "i'cull y \;~n on 'I ' .. ,Yo ung ~j}n ( d iscu ssi ng Dareel's . II t llO o bt l'u s lve sym p athy: 1as killg III lhc I m ean . " . e k al'd by I III go ing t o be a s urgeo n 'I . . _____ t Yllll urc right abo u t th e I T o h c c')ll l inued) b u rg. lots Nos. 1 a n d in f or m·e . Too




The T eIephone ~flon dcd ('al}t'~1




rep~llted '

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MO;HE R --- --------

F~~~k~r~ mu~hc~~~iL' '~~';k'.',~ot


n ee o f n ew sp'rny pump. laFge or sJTIall, spray no zzl1)1I, 'COJTI plete pumps. le ath ers, rubb er Pllek Inl.r et c ., calion Th e l 5Plo . •CO .•416 W, Main St., )[cl1 !'.l '




H ~e orn, Ohl euon, R. p.

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pull b i.bltt 'H f" • In'e eYI,a'! Illll a\, 011 C"JlI, oton, atllam 'tnll PlUff', aauill Irla.. , 01111"" packmlr. boiler "uea, bQ .. and tank pumps. 1'HE BOOKJ,~T CO, 4lfi W. M41n St. ~enl~ OlllQ .." . V.\J,Vf,:j; .\NP FIT1'lltlGS -FJlr all p\lrpp81l11 ijo kl t' line of plumbllllr ,.nd are tha belt. The Bo"ld.t-

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~Ilatin~ .~p~

pI~ea Km. Co" Hl) W. Mllin


St" :X.ntll '


5% Farm Loans





Pinky Takes the Cak e

W ;:: i_.. , fo 'l ~ l "' .''1 ( loOT 1\ £''::', ',ER I DE 1\ \NK 'i NO, A~K YOL'r:t


J-~lirilin r~tn ~'l°Orargaret

Itl'~S~~~u~o t'eeWd~I~IIZ11~

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N~h st~ l~ulusttlr'l

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d"H' ndah l~ G The Mlaml azette ! ""~.r(·n ==..,-.,,~__




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add~.1. illlptl l~iv('I)':




LONG OR SHORT TIME-EaIY ter,?!s, Als o ,Surveying and Ab. sb'actm ,,_ . Write and I will eall and ~ee ~ou: Sam D. Henkle, Way. nes vllle, OhIO. . III ' .


LOANS on L lv88toolc, Chattel., , Second ~o rtage.. Note8 boulrht. .John Harbme, Jr" Xenia, Ohio,


" I -H~Ta RavOLVING DOOfli .~o al LL

L~ O\)

~ou CANr'LAM 'liM WI;4BN VOU'RII MAD .. - . " . y ~y ;II tlINfU..


Farmers. Attention Farma n of Warren and adJolnln. counties may obi.. l,. mon., Oft long Ume loan., at 1\ per cent In~er ellt. COllt of l ecurlnlr the lam. ~ rryl re"!lona~le, throulrh Th. e e ra Land Bank. For further ~fJjW':Non call on or addreu II, ..' L b E, Tre• • urer, pbone 31.· A

e InoD, Obi..



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th e g ru elling t wo years o f tra in ing lit t h e A r m y a v illtilm flc h oo l u l K By F ie ld, t h m o. t diffi c ul t t r lli n ISSUED EVERY ing ill t h w OI,ld in u s ch oul wh er e u nl v one o ut of t e n wh o e nteer e ve r D. L. CRANE Pu~li.her 1,\ Is t h rou gh I'h e cu ur ' . Lhe n a y eu r' in the ha zll rdo us ni g h t fli g ht s Office Phou........ .... .... .. .. .. .. No. 1,12 of the Air Mu il belw ee n S l. Lou is R ... idence .... .. .. .. .... .. , .. ..... .. No. 118 lind 'hi cngo. Wh e n n m o n hn: co mc t hroul-{ h tra inill j! o f t ha t ort h ' hus I(! ur n cd his ,t r a d e . In" 'a d II f e n vy in!! L ind y , eve ry yo u nj:{ A m er icll n s ho uld luke at PO"fJ(fi~ . ot Wa,)ln h im li S a n exa m p le o f w ha t h e muy "";0, a. Se c ond C /o •• /t'gil MOll e , ar hi e vc, with ou t m e a n ~ of influ e n ce. l.l lit sim p ly th ro ul\'h I)Crs iHLunce u n d t he hu rd work w ilho u l A I'HI L :10, I !1:1O whi ch a n y su rl o f s uc ce~s is imI'tlssill l!l' _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Lehigh Portland Cement




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n f r (ls h s h i pme ll l of l h is we ll know n co m (·IIt.

1'1' l' .'ivr tl





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Wayne Chick Starter

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Th e " L" nl' E ng l,'" h:H' Illad e . - - -- - ano th e r Ion)!; j ump in t he r ccl lrd s Tll lSl' 10m ):Ip an es e, gi rl s. s!' lrc lcd t o b r in g to Ih e U nitcd Stales an expressio n of their nadon', .I{~t· . T h" w(,lI keH spc,t in th e n ew u f aviatio n, C o l. C ha rl es A , I. in d Il tldc for th e :I '51, tan ce gl\'Cn at t he time o f Ihe g rc:l1 ea rth qua ke. were chos en as the most beautiful maidens b,' rj:{ h. \V i ~ h h is you ng wif ., a s " C' lIl n ", ic, wh ic h we ha ve bee n o f t h ~i r cu un tr y T he (dri er WUIll :1I1 o n t he le fl is lh eir ch a pero n, Mme. M !lt sudaira. The girl. 1rC!. hupusse nger a n d na vigut u l' . fl (' w fr OI1l (!\'o lv in)!; in Al1I e ri ca s in ce t h e wa r ,1 " " " ',, ,·,- V, ,, I,i",, Mi •• " 'll";\' " T,, \c .. rla , M iss K im ik o A s hin o aud Miss Keika N:!.mahura. • G I,' nd ll le , Ca l ifu rni a, tu House v!! lt "'li S 5<hllrp ly d iscl ose d wh e n th t' F ic'III, Lon g I ~ h,n ll , in 1·1 hotlrs a n d fi nan c ia l cl'll ~ h o f la s t F a ll th r !!w 45 n, inu t('s w it h II ~ i n gle 1>1 i!' f sl op mil lio n s u f wlI,::e-eurn e rs o ut o f at W ic hi ta f OI' fu c l. Thi s hl!uts th e work , Th l' pl'in e ipl c ~ on whi ch I l ra n s('o n ti nc nta l l'I' I'o rd o f Capt. Am e r iea n indu s t r y ha s bee n rc-' F ran k M. lI u w ki n s b y n ea rl y t hr e e bu il t c,a ll f il l' co ntinu o us e m ploy - I 1 h .. ur~ . nl l'nt . If l h., wo rk e r l ~ t o lH' also Th e L intill e rg hs tl l'w <11 a h e igh t th.· p rin c ipa l co n s u m e r , I A s w a s t o lie c xp c<:l,'d , th e alo f fr o m I U,UOU t o ] .t ,UUt) f l·.'t-Ill u r" t hun tWtl m ill,s II I' in t hc a ir I(-nti u n o f i ndu st r ia l , le ad c'rs is ~ I i "" Na n C"lI e\t, :lSS is tl'" h y m os t I,f t h e t i lll !! , T hat \\,u " th e nil '" j.!' I' ing f ll l'lu;"ed upo n the proh- Mrs , l. id " Ii all 'Ill, \\',, 11'" 111 (''' tll !! l1 lS~ l'I' t' t .. f tlll' ir SIII" '.1. B~' fl ying l;.tll Ol f in ~ ur i n g ev(' ry w o r k!' r ',s j ob IJl' l S o f till ' Bap t ist ~ 1i "S i(J IHII '~' h l),!' h , Co l. Lin dbergh 111' l i,' \'cli. he 11 t t b 1I c n ~ xl st e p If we \\'"lIld avo id had I,'path ", r ".l ll', II' - ,Il ",l'a t omu I. "l !1< Ill'!' c ha nlli n ),!' e" unlry 1 c 1ll~.l1'. nt~, .lln 1 t he ' s, LI: n ra , w e hCi' ,'l'c llt.h' '\'I"~ un" ,, ' l a \' aft ... rno o n, R el iu n s c lose to t h ... g ro un d . Il l' hold s hu vc s('t , f o r . ours(' lve!'. It IlltlY s pu ns, s t " roll c;,11 wc re " Favllrite lh nl I hi ~ fl ig ht h ilS (\ I' l11 o nsl rllled s" un d d llnw n ca l to su m ... . lout i ll ym n.-,," l\ l r~ . :\ nn l' C',ss lIm [' 011- 1 th a t lo ng-di s tlln ct' tts in g in t hl' thl' l'(' are .hu '"! d r cd s , am o n g th e dU l' tl'"' tlt P dl'v otill nal , h e r t op ic fu tu r e will b e li t h ig h er al t ilu d l" hl'a ds of b .l ~ Ind ll s t n .('S w h ~) h l'- I lwi nu " Mll r th a, " S(' \' ('ra l uU ,<'l nc,ss' n t hu ll ha s h ('(' n c us t Ulll ll l' ..V, II l1 d I.' l' \'(~ t l111 t, w a y ~ ca n an ',I Wil .., 1 , l b ~ 1 111 :1111' 1" \\' (' 1'1' " r uug ht t. .. t 111' al t " n - ' , _ . th !!lC~ fo r(! su f t' r unu mo l''' ce rta ill , 10UII II , at le ll sl In l h e m a j o r Ind. u ~- ti " n o f t h ' Ci l' c l(' , Miss Ma l' H Il " - WHEN 5 fHE, TIME TO MARRY? An y !l y e r wi l l t e ll you t hu l if hi s tr ! "~ . t o !!u ll "nn t e<-' e ve r y w o rk e r a Ian g:I\' I' an l' xrl' II t' ll t I c~so n o n ' - - -Fruit Sauce e n g in e is g o in g lo go d ell d 0 1' rntn! m ulll Yl!ar ly IIl COllle. sufficI ~ n t l " l nd i llll ~ '" Mrs, ('a ~s i ,-' r ,)li e tt tl ' d ' I O Il C(, (lid . ill Y vl' ry b('s t til pre- ' Whi p a e UJl " f e n ' a m 5<o l i,1 I1n d I fttld int o II (' up o f f l 'sh 0 1' prl!a n y th ing e lse happ c n whk h m ight til h ve on co m f o l't a bl y, n!l d whl('h i\l r' , ill al it' Gra\' 1'('(,,; en l I'J t~ o \'e ll t II ma,:n ug c" ca nse a c rlls h , he w oul d ra l h(' r b e III onhn a rl y p r os pero u s tlm cs WIll p lu \'l c l " F: Lit l! ' ' i\'l ni I W ho W t I It IVa!' l:l1m Cdl1,l l' ly ' a f t ('\' t h' sP l ve d f r u it ru b h ed thro ug h a t w o m ile s u p t hll n on l' mi le , F r o m bl- !! e a ti y exceed e d . I [n t ;) A II T he Wo rld " Th e h O<tes:~s wa r, T he YO, u n g ma n cam e out o f s ie ve and s Wl'll n ed to His t e , J a m, th (' g l'('/ll!'I' h eig h t he h a ~ II fa r , Gu ve rn o r Ro us ev t: ll o f N ·w se r \' d II t (' 111 1li'n. tw o:co' ;'K t h.· til \11~' WI t ho u t u, Ju b, II .. o,wed marma la d e, ' " ' jl! lI y mll Y iJ l' u · ... d wid l' r ,:rlidin K I1n'lI in wh ich t o ' ,.'rk In MII I'ch . a pp om t c ll :! co m- : l lI T'(' h, (;11l's ts o/th / nft(' rn (lo llu i n _ IIIC so me mllOt'y . which wa " m e ld l n ir. :' tl'ad o f t h!! fru it. a nd t h (' ~ tifan g lc d own t o a s ufe la od ing , und l11 ,t tl'e t o cll n ~ \(l c l' "!I lo nl!' ,t! l1I e du lle d Mrs .. Ra chll e l ('a m I t' li ta l. I w o uld /rin d I;' h l~ \, (' loa n e d h' f tI h if h e h us t u l ukl' to his pllra ch u te I" ,,,,ra m f u ,. Ind ustrlU l s tub ll lza- I I'I' l l ebtl l'O' Mr o A l'e E p ,>, Off 111m m u r c to g e l a slart III hU ~ l n e~s !ly bea t~ n \\' 1t ('S II 11: t ree lh diff f 'I " .., I ' f I ,. "" " 1e . ' \\tn 0 I t I h kif I e gg s may b (' l,"e ll in ~t t'ad of t h e e t e l'l'ncl.I'rr 0 II m! (' 0 1' s o IS t lo n a n r p r c ve n t lon 0 u ne m p oy- G r·" cl'fi c lrl. ~Ii ss B ('rt hll ('o ll e t t ) ' 1 \\' ,e n " a s ,l'1 0 1' a oa n t t) crea m, ,/\I ~I O~ 11 0 ' I, c rl'n e(' lit a ll. Mo!!t Ill e n t." I n it ~ fir st prelimin ll r y I'!!- a nd Miss No rlllll .. f W il mingt on, ' fi n_:~n,ce ,h iS . 11I 11 I'fl lI g C. [ r ... f u,s,' d; , aV lnt lo n /l ce l! le nt s hn p pc n w hl' n , ]lOl't 'th!:; c ommitt e stllte ~ th at a n d ~ II's. H e rl11lln 13 l'4 )"'n , 1_ ' ' :~ ;I rt'T I':l Zy 10 ~ e t ma l'l:l e d" I Golden Sauce t he p lnn e is t Oil clo se t o I hc !!rol1nd 111 0 t'(' t ha n tw o hu ndr ed of th e m ill. fh ('l'c arc ('Ill/u g h d,!ll c u ltlt's Hu b t o a C, ('ll lll ha l f II CliP of t get o ut o,r tl'o ull~ c . , lllrgcl5t cOl' pu rlltj uns in th e U nite d !\II's . E. !'II. Villars is rcc"v l'l'i ng in kCl' pin g 11 l'II a r r ial!" ha pp y w it hBut th e tnt c r cst rn!! lin d rcu ll y , S ta ll'S h uv!! wor ked (l u t pla n s fo r f rom h L'/' r e c!! n t s e ri ous il ln es;;. (l,lIt a d d ing w o rr il's ail ou t m on r y. b u tte r Hl ld bru w n sli g a r. h e ll t i:1 a I m p ~ \' ta nt th in g ubout t his la t e",t st l' ad :,l- e m p loy m e n t I~e ~' ear T he " il!' h S c\wo l t oo k thpir Ol e r- \ IHI ha \' e 11 11 1 y!!t dl'm o ll stra tl' d d o u ble boile r. and nd d g ra d ual l y e b eat e n y " lk o f nn e 01' tw o " I I. I " S u llh n nn('t Su e" to C I II~'k c- ' t ~ at yo u cu n IIlllk c a s u ccess III'" c t hgA' a c h, e V1e l1l c nt of t h e yo u ng mU ll a r ou n d, ~. Cook s lo w ly unt il thick , wh os e In t im ll l e s a ff e c lio n utel y L. F . Loree p r e side nt o f th e \'i ll T u t's d a\' c \' e n in g li f e . ye t yo u p rop ose h l l t h ~ l y t o ~ a\l him " Sli m" Lin d be rg h. is that ' De lawa r !! & H~dAo n Rail ro a d , to !d ' . . un d e rtake th e \'t'5< po ns ih ili t y o f tw u s t i, r in g co n sta ntl y. a n d seas" n t o It ,d em o nst ra t es aga in ' th a t his th e I a ti onal Metlll T r ad e s As T he W o man' A C iv ic Le ag' u e me t l Wail a w h il e t ili you ha ve mo r e tas te with win e o r le l11 o n . Add a pOSit io n liS t h e s u p r e m e alr'm lln o f Eociati un . t h e ol he r day , ho w h is . alu rll ay a f t e rn o o n with M rs. Evn , j u dg m e nt !l nd su m e ~ a\'ings . Th e n littl e s p ice if de sirC' d . t h e wo r ld I ~ n ot m CJ'(' ly lu ck. rOlld h as provid e d f or continu ou s Ma c Dona ld . A n u m b e r of bus in ess YOu ca n sl a rt rig-h t ." Th o u sa n d ~ o f e n v io us a ncl laz y (' lII p loy m en t and f or t a kin g care m atte l's w ere .Ili sp o's ed of. T ~ e , Th us I s p o ke out o f m y ag ed Lemon Sauce PCI s on s di s mi Rs e ve l' Y lI chi e vl' m cnt ..r nU' n wh ar e di sll ble d or oth ~ r- pr o,:: ra n.1 comlll ltt,e, e prese n te d III \.vl sd o lll ; a n d h e loo k" u at 111 Ilit.\,, rc n m o n e-t h If ' d Cli p 0 f b u t t e I' h I) f w hi c h t h cy the mselve s are n ot wise unabl e to w ork, Mr, L or e e pa n to m~~le t . e : e ven Ages o f I lIl g lY, u n d b() l'r()w ~ d t l1 (' m " ne y w it h one cu p of s u g lll' a nd a t a b le eap ll ol e a s "\:.te,k." Tho usa nd s of voic ed t he m ost philos oph y of mod W oman . whI ch tnclud ed B Il ~v- c lse w he r e , and was mllrried a t ~p(,O n of fl o ul'. Add o n e IIml on eyo ung men" be h e ve t h llt If t h ey c rn in ri ullt r y wh en h e 8ald : "You h oo d , C hlld~ oo d, Gi r lh ood, Mald- on ce. h al f c up s o f boilin g wa t e r 8im Re ce ntly I. v is it ed his h ome , lI e l l11 e l, until sm ooth and add a i e m o n c ould on ly g ot t h e br ell kll" t hey elln r;e t m or e out of changing t h e e nh oo d , B '· ld e . Motherh ood , and ~ co uld do wh u.,t Lind y has d o n e, l r lallo n ~h lp betwee n t h e mcn and Gra ndm ot h e r " Mrs . M lIl'ga r~t Tu ck has lh n ' c c hil d r e n, H e OWnR his w h ich hlls b e e n' cho e d w ith out 01' F ord, 01' b rll Bo n, Th nt Is not th e compa ny t han ou t o f th e ap- ." , acc o llIpa lll e d a t th e rJl a n o b y ho ll :e. li e ha:., II rcsp on tl ib le p osipp I tr u e' o f s u re ss in fl y in g 01' In Il ny p,li ea t io ll of no w ma c h ine r y and Mrs. V io le l M on re. sa n)!; a ppropri- I l io n and m on ey in th ba nk. All pee lin g , I'em oving lhe see( s, I,th e!' humnl1 ac tiv it y . I new p ro ces s es," I at e s el ect !on H, Adj o urn e d t o , meet in Il l!, it is as hu p py n f a ntil y a s I • Lltlcl y'~ SUCCCSS I~ d u o to th e Th e lim e may b e close r lhan May 10 with Mrs , Ann a H u' rt ll, R e ' on e woul d wa n t to k no w , FoamIng Sauce fll ~t th ll t he di d n o t ', hi l'k th~ hl\rd , I anyb od y yet dre am s wh en s uch 11 ~,non ~e!; ~,o l'o !1 ~ II" nl'(' t o co n cer,n I I h:!ve III 0 vis it ed in th ' h om e , C r e a m ha lf II c u p of bu ll er wi t h gri n d ing dl'u dg-!! I'Y o f a lo ng AP - t hin g a s un empl oy m e nt, ex ce pt o f Moth ('\' li S It IS so neal' Mot h er s IIf a s: lecc ss ful ma n o f fi ft y , \-I e a c up o f s ug ar li nd a dd 11 t ea spo on pr cnt lees hlp In o rd er lo mu st e r his ; t hosc wh o d o no t w an t to w ork 01' Day. I ll id n M ru ~ h intu ma t rim ony. Fa l' o f c inna m o n , Ad d on e eJ('g we ll Mr a nd Mrs RCIl G a in e s o f f r o m it. H e accu m u luted mo ney beate n a nd . ve ry g ra du a ll y , o n e n rt. Be cau tle th e Jlu b li c hlld n e vc r I lI rc unabl e , will b e unkn o wn In ' he a rd o f him b e f or e h e fl ew th e Am e ri cn . Thilt . will b e th e l on~- Ci ll ci~nal i ~pe ni.· S u n dll v with '1\'[1'5 I lInd , ca r ef ull y on hi H I!Uard . h~ c up of b Oilin. g m ilk , Se r ve imAtla nti c , I1Illny f orge t thllt h e I es t s te p t ow a rd th e econo mic mil- Lid ll Hatt ~n ' . loo ked ove r th c w hole f e min in e ~ ex m eclia t e ly. s p e n t y ea r s in 111'c pnru tj nn. "burn . le nium which Ilny nllli on co u l d ' f o r man y yea rs . ' I sto l'mln g" in hi li ow n pla n e , th e n : t ak e, M. iss Mab el ' S t :\r r !lI1 d Jam es I Thu s ins u re d w ith wt' a lth and , Hllrd Sauce _ H a m pt on we r e uv e r -llIgh t g u es ts w i: do m, h e p r oc e ede d at th e IIge I , , ' atu l da y r,f M rs . Am a nd a S tarr. l o f f o rt y-se ve n t o pi ok himse lf S often a c up o f b.ult e r WIt h t w o . I ' h 1\ t a bl es p uo n s o f l.)(l lhn g wa t e r and . , . f r h Wh os e prid e IS va In an d s ump t uMrs , G, M. Ma cDon a ld ape nt ?O IH ani ·~ Ill p ty e~Hl ed littl e a dd g raduully t wo cup s o f b r ow n ( 1 1I~ . \ Fr! du y \\t il h h e r M is t e r , Mrs. Will A IId y th e m!l l'l' llIl{e ~hoW H s uga r Add g rat ed nutm'eK t o fla vor . K e ,·scy . In Ore gonIa, I ill~tn 8 0 st r ll'ln ; it s ur(' ly ca nn ot 'bea t 'until li g ht an d e r e urn y. :ln d All day th e ir fl oc ks en oh t e nd <'lh i • _ • I s e r ve co ld Ea l'n ellt u:rtlc le,s a r c writt n ' A l ni ght , th ey tak e th e ir r ea t; 1\I Ol' t' I]ul ~ t thlln wh o s end et h a b c, u t th c n e cess it y for milking R' His ship un to th e East, : mnlli age d iffi c ult. Youn g p e opl e ,ce Wh e r o go ld a nd pea rl arc plc n ty : 1 sh o u ld ~ e cO lll pell ed .t (l wuit, t h e y 1 R ic e . h ~ li n la !'ge a m o un t o f · sa y. untIl t h e ),' ha v u t un d ~ a nd ex- !'t ll ' e h 111 ,l s milk e-u p. If yo u u s e Bu t A'e ttln g very d a inty , . pe l'i e n c e. t he coa l cd so rt. it h a s va lu a bl e For [nw ye r s lind th e ir pl eadin g, I It se ill S a ~o und a rgu m e nt. a nd v il a m in!' p l'Il p erti cs . It is lac k in g They 'st ee m It no t a straw ; ~ y ... t s u c h I' e,.tri ctiou. wOll ld ha ve in fut a nd ill p r ol e in . , So r ic e 'l'he y think tha t ho nes t m ea ning _ ~ pn've nt t' d th e m a rri:lge of Th oma s " hu u lrl a lways be se rv ed. if it is I ~ ,.,1' its e lf a law : I L in co ln nnd t he birl h o f Ab rah a m. th e m a in stay o f th ,-' m etl l, with T ; [E QUIET LIFE Wh once con scie,nce judgcth plainl y \."\' T h(' y wo uld ha ve ke pl pe nnil es s f ou d eo nl a in ing- prote in and fa t, Written a \: ,.,ut the year 1600 by The y spend n o money valllly , ~• Hnwth o!'n e fl'o m .co ntra e ting o n e is a g ood a ce oll1punit;J e nt , o f William Bvrd d t h.e fin es t l1larn uges o f lite rary m ellt o r egg! . Ri ce puddtng IS a • 0 happ}, wh o thu s livet h! hist o ry. Th ey wo ul d p ro ba bl y h a ve I we ll -I'o und e d dis h. B oil e d ri ce What pl ea sure hav c " r e LIt princes Not car in g much f o r g old ' post po n e d , i ~ n ot p r eve nte d. !l1 01\t l ~e rvc d with butte r li nd s ug ar i s 1\'[ore dainty t o th e il' ch oice 1 W i! h cl othin g whi ch suffi ~e th l u f t he haPPiest -uni on s t ha t h ll V6 g oo d a ' a h (,ll r ty d esser t f ur c hl!Than .h e l'~sm e n ,"'.ild , who cal'el l'58 :r.o k ee p him fr om th e cold . ta k en place s in ce th e beg innin g of I dl·l' l' . a nd with pl ent y o f milk t o In qUIet hfe reJ Oice, rh ~ ugh pOOl' a nd pl a in his diet th e w o r ! ~ . , d l ink a nd so me f r uit w o ul d Ill ll ke And f o rtun e ' s l u t e n ot feu ri ngYe t m l'rr y it is , a nd q ui e t. .' 0 h a v in g bee n n w ll te he r o f I a n I' x c e ll en t m eal. "ing S w eet in s um mel' IIlt,m in g '! ____ • _ _ _ ___ we ddin g s f o r mllny ye ar!!, I find Here li re so m e wa ys of c ooking 'O\,~, AAf. ""t..I)(IOU~ m ys e lf le 8s im p ressed with tbo ' ric e so 't hat it t e mpts th e appetit e The ir d ealings IJlnin and ri g htful, Iris h Cub-drive l' : G'wun shllke 1D. -.T 1l) ,.op THi't·. j ud g m en t of ma tu r ity lind mo re lind 81l tl s fi es it: A re vo id o f Ill! d ecei1 i . Y tlr~ I~, ye Jllotil ellt e n r id 'cor.pse ! ~e.vm trlND OVT HOW MUCH con fin e d o f ,the Impul Res of - --rrh~y n e ver kn ow 110\~' s pltefu! <Olmfid e!lti!1ll y t p his pllsse n THE yo u t h, Rice S(),UP i t IS t o kn eel and wa lt ' s::cr ) : I t w a s ttJ e ' orse I was spnk - ruN YOU elt.N HAVE AT Y F o r whut i mature judg m ent, Pre Jlul e a whi le SIIU CC u nd Whil e On fuvoril e, pres ump t.uou s , in' t o IlllI'!lfl1, flM7'I'\'gM f1I' ,....e. l.ADDER 'I, 'I an~' \\,a y , but t h e t otal of OUI' di s- il is cOI)k ing le t a ~ lic~ of uni o n nPfl o llltm e nts and worri c , our s imm er in with th l' milk, S lmin K_"- ___ ---"'-bUI n ed fin ge n> lind our f e ars ? th e sil uc e lind cOl)l b in' wi t h equ lI I -' tJ-~I,",S_6--,,!!,,------""'-"'---";'---------------------Ma turi ty hilS j udgm ent whi ch parIs o f nI ce ly CO Okl'd ri cc I\'ru e l, IS t he w isd om o f Ilge. b u t yo u t h m a d e by bo iling ri c ~ vcry slI ft in h a s in st inc t whi ch is th e wisd om pl e nty o f wll t e r . Thi ~ SOUl) ma y bL' I o f Ih ~ Ilges . va ri e d b y' ha v ing II large r p ropo r t io n o f oni o n and ull o\\' in lZ fin e ly m inc ed on io n t o remain in lhe soup. Cooked acording t o th e fir st [ dir ection . it makes a delicate soup f or invalid II,

Genuine C. C. B. Pocahontas nnd

Raven Red Ash Coal




Notch Back Fence Posts



Seed Corn

Waynesville ·Farmers Exchange Co. Phone %5

Th e tim e iR h l' I'I' wlt(' n W() m c n arc' g e l t in g 14 1(' 11 ' , wal-{P S 'm lls l ev(' ry Sat urda y n ight.

1 She Busts Bronchos

Dead Stock Wanted






Harveysburg Fertilizer Company





J!"tl. It'

I :






Miss Grace Runyon Ch eye nne. Wyo .• wh o has bren Rcclaimell I" ~ world'~ chaml,ion _ w o man rOil"," ridC{" '

:10 Ye nr s Expe r ie nc <! in Fitting

a nd Mak ing Gl llsses - ut--

Cary'sJewelry Sh';p Every Tu es day, Thur.da~, Sa turday No c harge ror Examination


I I .

• Sight Specialist









___. 1.

Keep Your-Bulldl.DIS




ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN I \'o ur Cllllle. ho gs, s heep and calvea _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I[u Co ., live wire nd N u r ri s~ Br oc k

I'r uKi' (' ssi ve fi r m for the hipellt market prices and g ood service, Union Sto'c k Yard., Cincinnati, O . I will t ake in W oo l a t Mill' s Saw Refer e nce : Ask fir st man you meet "fill , Corwin, Oh io, on TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS - - - --. Span'.1l Rle • . High es t Cash P ric es Chas. 0111 and wile and K. E. Prepare plain boiled r ice, b eing Tho.mpson and wife tran. acted c8I'I!fui to have kerna ls dry and W. J, BAKER Corwin, Ohio buslIlesl In Xenia o n Thurs day. mealy. Have ready a sauce comThis plaCiI was well r e presented p ose d of st e wed. canned or trel1h at Hl\rv e~'s bul'g JI\Rt S aturday t o mllt oes , chopped on\onw, and a ny evening . ' ot h e r sav ory v e jte lllble fan cy. 'fh ll Phone 93 , ' , I hllsi. o f th e ~ lIuc e b ein f,! sle wed t 'o , W , M, .T e rr y and w lfe - s pe nt nJ lltuee, it is quit e p os ib\e t o var y Thurs dll Y III I)ay to n. .1 th is po pular dis h by olll.nging t h e Mrs . lIa Mc Kt\y hil t! I'ello v e r ed \' eg e tabl es add e d to giv e f lav or, With Dependable f r o m he r r e lllSnt din es . ' fo r .,x a mpl e , an oth e r lIdditi o n th l'l l '_' ' co moin es d es ira b ly Is veg ll table Serum and Viru8 Sev eral fr o m t hi s . ohuroh Ilt , (l yst e r . 0 1' o krn, insures both Safet e nd e d l\1 onth ly Mectrn g lit Ha l'v' l - - -- - - ,- - r ey s hurg o n S unday, NOTARY PUBLIC ty and Success Bill ie Carl' of An lWeysbuI'g a t e National B.nk dlt,ne\' with All en and Uon a ld Mc- ' Ka y h er e o n $ unday. Will Drawn - E.tat •• Settled Rob e rt Mc Ka y, J ose phin e Gray, Harveysburg, O. Waynesville.Obio M a r~' n e t A n dre ws t ook a stat e l es t in H i ~h ' ch oo l s ubj e c t~ in Phone 31 Le ban on o n Saturd ay. Li 1.l:ie Wilso n I ~ s p e ndin g Il f e w ' d ll Ys wilh h e r s iste r Mrs, E lla Fe rri s oC thi s pla ce. Mr!l. CIl~h e l'in e J ord an , da :lghtel' ! H a nn a h. s ons Ed. li nd Geo rge FUNERAL DIRECTOR , t s pe nt ~\JI1dny ,w ith C harl es Owe ns I and wi fe a t Franklin. ~ESIDEN'f. MI'. C ha rl es F oley and Cle m F,) ley cu ll \!d 0 11 th e J o rdan fa'I'i1y : ::::-=.....-~ S undll,y aft e;r n oo n. PERMANENT LOCATION Flllly Equipped , f~r . GoOd OU I' S unda y S chool worker s are SerVice, ~ making plans f o r Childre ns Day in , th e n ea r fllture. Dh,pla, .Room. ---- ~~ LEBANON. QHIO. Ambulance 8er9lee

- - - ---





Many a building-old in point of .ervke-bas been mado to look young in yean witb good steel foof. ing. Chllnneldnin is stoel roofing at lei ,be$t-made to give a Ufe·timo "I trouble-free ro06ng service.




Waynesville, Ohio



Dr. W. E. Frost


This i3 the kin4 of rOQ6ng service that ,..,111 save you money. Let us tell you more abo"t h. Channeldrain is made of the ' aore costly COP·R.LOY, tbe Copper Al· loyed Steel,.... and yet it costs no mote than ,ordinary roofing! The money it saves 10U in repait bills wiU ioon pay its COJt.




Dr. John Zettel







PIaODe 14

W_,.a..yIDe, Ollio

l .....~................~........~..........~....~................~...................,J

....- --

Little Willie (at t he - circus): "That ai-n't n o rhino,c e rous, that' s' a hippo potamus. Can't you Bee it aio't got no radiator cap?"

J. E. Me (

'I urf>

19 N. Broadway Ey•• E ••~ined

GI..... Fitted




l).,y OR


THE MIAMI :;ll'uck in tht! IIb- ill W lIynesvilh; hS\' ing spent sev 'U I' ~l'\i'I•• .'I ,L;: I.ogan, ' ,i,I;!; L(>l'l\ il). 2 n h y u piecl' uf irllll willi I,'rnl willl\!rs at' th Friend s' Home, :'11 .. (,)1' \' .·hid,'. and .W: ) 1:11 ilOlI, I I,!I:! ; :'Iletlina. 'eh hI: Wil li work in/,: 01\ hi :; tli 'u lit hel' h01l11l in Morrow, M.onLO F R ENCE . ' IIIlll1ni~ll'L" hi' llUlttnlUhh,· 10"" "I' Iii :!; ;\l,·I'\·I· I', . :HJ; 1.1IUllli, la,day, the 2 th o Futl'ral t! ' rvlccs '11 ' I I' I II lllll'n" tl\ n :'1: ' : ~11I . k in '· uln. 1 ~,.7 1 ; o It"w/I , f~1'1I1 la te • ntul'duy. -____ will IJ held nt MOI'l'o\ on Thuri\PAINTER, ~1;··t(:II~H\I :~I::;~~~IIt'I~~: I ~,G! ~I Ii.H(i I: l·l·~r;'· U.IiOS j, e irkawuy, G~1r sL Lillian mall. w II known day, !\IllY 1. mnt'lr \1' 111 ft'" 1/\ tIl<' '' fltl' wh ll .. In :1 '5; l' ortlll{l'. 11..3!! ' ; PI" bl, P PER'IiANGER . . . 1!) ;!!1 tl1"I'I' \\('1" I, :1r. ,:I!!!1. 'P.' n li.OIHi; l ' llt'Halll. ) :121; R ic hlund. H"'jd"p~' ,,11 llll' iJr/los 1" 1• COllll i e~ in thl:' BtfllC! ('!leh han:! 17.G26 ; rt ~s~, !),'j32: Salldll:;k~, COL 'fB F~, HI - 1'11(,. J\li ~ "\'Ill' 25.0(10 pll ~ e nf/:l'r cal $ I\~ 11 yoo; Cl()l'O, J 6, .14 ; eneea , 13 t Ilr fhnll , tl ra l re po l' of the motor " ' hi 1~ . f\O I!l)\\' '': uyahoga 21H,317; 118111- 1:1:10_; 'he l.b ~:. 6, 743; Tuscarawas, p • • • • • • • • • • - - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Phone 15F2 POpulllt iu l1 in . hio flom 190 0 i1ton, 112,4 2; Lucas, fll ,21l7; 16, 0 'I; nlOl1, 5,181; Van \V.ert, and includeing 1 fl2f1 , h .. be n com Franklin, 89,4 ,1; 'umm,it, 6.3_ <I; 7. 0 0; \V II.nen , 6,752; 'Y".shmgWA YNESV ILLE, OIiIO luled u)' ' Chlltlmer R . W il. on l\I1(1 :'I'Ion gomel'Y , ' 7.06 ; Stark, 03,- t,o n. !l\., 0:.. Wayne, 13,2,3. WH<u bmitt<'d t . ec r t ry of i'talc l ' 0 ; :'IIHho ni l1~. 40,043; TI'~.Il1- Ittlm,; . ~,'p9 r ; Wo od , 13,78 1 ; Wyun ~' ~ ~ hull, 2U,!11 [); Butll·l'. 2[;,0 0-1. 1'. 11\'11 do l. ;' ..):):1. -----~~~~~~~---~~~-~-----'-- ' l ·l.n l·(l UlIl. i l'~ han: It' ~~ than f,.._ - - • - - . IltlO Jl:t ~~ "I1 ;!:"1' (,:Ir~. they h ~ inJ,! H EA DS WELFARE COMMITTEE r---:-=---__ _ __ _ _ __ _ ' \, i nto lt. 1. ~H:! ; :\ I H r~nn. · :;tOI1; 1 1,' 1 ;-;'''d(>, :t, I ',!I ; ~1 .(1nr".·. :U17,; Cllr-I _ ._ --


E. F. ·






One Cent Sale

1. Ifir:; I: r"lI'n, , I. H:l l; JHI·k~tl l1 . • 1:11 a ~ ~h:ti rn lil ll II I' thit' !:,c nel'al Ctl l\1 I 1.:If,;.: I· i "" . :!. :,!I ~; (;"lIill. 4,1 ~ ·1; Il1ill'l' \l'hi,'" \\'ill makl' pllIl1 ~ (' II I' (; .. :.11>,11, 1 .:!I~; 11 :lI 'I' i~li n . 4 ..I 'j .I ; , l h " (' ulI ll ti' s l':lr Lit-iI'Bting- in the ! flll d,ill~. ·I .·pn; " ' '''11('~. ·1,:! I ::; Il j,l ri l· t. Child W ·Hal'(, C o nfc !'- J ~I " IT "\" I.:!:! ~. I" !,l' 111'1" ~I :I\, 2tl. J!1:{O . in I ( 111,, ·1' • •, lI l1t ll · 1 1 ~ !. · d ,d l ,h" I,,· ti,·- 1., ·1,,, .1< >11. 1l1l,iL-r lh~' dil'pdiUIl tJf


R eg ular Sunda).' Dinner, $ /.00





Sunda~ _ . D._inn er,


~:d;lt l "I II' " ,11' ('111"

Roll s Ilnll C,'lke'

a rt ' ..\11 ,' 11. lilt' P II ' i ,;j1l 1l " I' (,har iti l's , Stu te 0 (' JI: II ·tllll' nt 1)1' 1·lI hli,· W" lfan, .. '1'11(> I~. I : I: .\11" '11 . . ",,"nl i,·s il1"'II"l'" ill Ihi s di~ll'kt 7. 1.;-:- . 1:, ·111 "' 111. 1:, .',,-,:.: ( 'hal11 - .•1' . . 1l1·. , I\ I1, BUI. I''' I·, CI,' nn tl l1t. ! ', "1:' 11 .1:.:.11 :,: ( '1:11'1,. :!I.~I~H; CI. ·(' ( · lilll"l1 . 1: "1·,'11, ·, (;1'1"' 111' , Ila mil tl l lI Jl1 . 7. 1H l~: Cl i!l l (l l11 n . 17;,; (' ,d - ((In , )I (lllt~IIItl , ·ry . 11,· ..·ld ..• H lld

~1 'l~ht' d

I'. " tl .. , ,<

~:. I :1d

l. imll B"'un ,,


R (> I1 ~




II~I ;



1l' 10i'



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11 :, 1;;

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11.·1>1\':11" '.

this Week, May 1st, 2nd, 3rd

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IjI~ y pal' s old, l i\'in~ " 11 tilt' , I

, n t' l~r Sp .. il1~ .~I'· ~, I('llali "O ~:

1."1,,, I :! J II ": Jill " I lall' :\l on dny Ill t"l'n tltl l1 1)1 I. i ,· k i ll~ . 11:,-1 inl"ln:d ill j llri l'~ I'l'l'(' i\',' ,j 111"'11


Lebanon. Opera. House

I t


R. c. A.





Perfect Sound Equipment

We 111'(' n olV eq uipp e d with tl1f' l ate ~ t friglduir e apparutu s, alld e.lll· l\I ellt~ IIl.'e !J ettcl' k ept than in tlH' old it't.' way, are ni (' <' r nIlVOI'('" IInti PI'(,KCI·Vt.' d, IIllti lhc consunl\~ r will find the IIwlll tn ~tic r l han (·V{; !' .


~,:!:! : :: ..\ , hlnlolll" I'.:: \i :!; .'\ \l~liliz, · .

1I1111" "Il:1. I~' -,~.!; ( · ,,~11IJl'1' ''1. 7, - \\·arn· lI. ,-Jllti: ('1 :1\\!', ,,d. ~1 . '71 11 : 1';lrl, \.' , 11.- ,

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I"" ",·II !!.,,.

17.:: I;,; \ , h l alld .

Thursday, Friday and Saturday



;tlh' f",.


( ' hick .. n






--=--- -I


- Coyle'. QualltyMeat


ern s Garden nn Sunda .... Menu 'I i~·~I: .;:1~~3';; ~·~::;1\1~:~;. "i.\g:~( 1~:ll:.';I~I;1 il.:J;~:~~~:t.?:.I :~I~·\':~;~iLn,~~,".J~~~~~~ :

'1 .t



IIIP I h\'i. \. n

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( '1;111'''''' .1. ·' II!'\\'II. '\Jl"



Ith i~~I r~.liIlH'.·L vdi ..


v,'ry ill It


V cal Roa.t, Ib , ... .... .. ......... 25c S h o u 1,1,,1'

It is a profit s harill),{ plan of ad\'crtisill),{ . YOLI bu y I1lle itpllI at 'I'll(> Hegll lar Pric c alld for It' we will gin' you all ot Itl' \' of tlt e Sllml' art ic le.

VeRI Pocket Roa at, lb . .... .... 22c V"" I Chop., lb . ............ .. ..... 27c Ve,,1 Sleak., lb .................. 32c Veal Chop., Ib , .......... .... .. ... 30c Hib ur loin.

Be low w e li st 11 few of the many hundre d of ite ms we ha\'e 0 11 sa le. 5 0c KIt'llzo D e ntal C rea m

... .. ..... .. . 2 for SIc

$ 1.00 Lig )'{etts Chocolates

..... 2 for $1.01

PORK CUTS Frc.h Calli ea. lb. . ... ..... ... . 17 ~ c Pork Steak, lb . ........ ... ........ 23c Engliah Cut Roalt , lb . ......... 22" Spare Rib., lb ... ................. 15" C oo d, llI eaty Fresh Ground Saulage, 2 Iba. for .. ...... .. .. . ........ 38c I' u r e P ork P c .. Chopa, lb . ............ ..... ... 331' Loin Roalt, lb. . '" 28"

50t' PlIl' et es t Milk Ma g nesin .. ....... . .. 2 for SIc 1

Yilt! h" ..·" ~" nH' tin' iI1 S lIl'a IH·". I·: \'I ·rd L End y had hi ~ Buick "I' ,· " lIl·<I·; I'e' w I lC , u ~(' h" l d, ' r~ l!'l11p t c ar , t .. I,· n la ~ l T UI',day ~i g ht whil e . .. fi ' 1 parkL'd 011 S('co n<.l S t . III Dayton. I ill<' hI' >;(l IIIg' wlth"ut nn y , 1'1' .111 - , So I'ar hI' ha : he11nl n fl thing from Wednesday and Thursday, April 30 and May 1st LlI.II)1 ·,·. B ul "llIoI lg h that ~ the it. I 1''',Ilt. r l\l r~ . Cl yd t' Whart o n Ilnd <.laugh One s how at 7 ::\0 I I' 'a d, ·~l ru l· I(\ . , Ii i ,' 010(" atl:H,k I 11' 1' M is~ 1;;",\ Wl'I' C Day t un vis itors Harold Llo yd, in I . ' I . " W (' dn (· ~ dIlY. I \"1 11' '''111.· all d \"U fill' .\IIU 1'1' Mrs. Ann L. Smith. l\11'~. S. H. I "WELCOME DANGER" hu l I'arl l "II )' in ' lIl'l' d, y ou \\ill Burn ell and l\L,.;:. a l vin L ong'. III" . . .. f" rg' i\'t' .1 ' lI lI',,-1I' f'd' I:O( lak- II 'rc alld su n viH i t.~ d Mrs. Allen I illg' " Ill ~ lI fli"i (' nl p"dl i't'lio ll wh'n fl ul''')' in L"halltln ' I'hursdo y, who I '( II '1 I I I ' ha ~ I>('('n quite ill f il l' I.hl·(' " week ~. , Fridar, May 2nd I l '\' U I ," ") l ' , l S J Y l a\"l'. 1(' 1:' 11 I It r H.~, tJU itl' a nUll1lJ c r fr U ltl here en- I For y~ur prc ,l cc t.on S" c I jo y (· d tlw ",las:, plays at Wayn esC e o. M . Co han'~ I ville Gym Thur, day and F'1'iday "qTTLE JOHNY JONES" (·\·(' nilws. • O r v ille Phillip ~ spe nt FI'iday Insurance with MI'. nnd l\!1'>'. Willia m Witt e r,; n ('al' Midd let o \\'n. Saturday, May 3rd Mrs. Murg-arct John s s p c nt Mon Two Shows, 7 and 9 p. m . dav with 1\11'. and Mrs. Glenn .I o hn s and chi ld re n in Dayton. Gary Cooper in --,...-----~~-""! MI'. lind MI'!;. H c rb c rt Sc hwytze r and ch ildr en of l\fian:is burj!' wcre "SEVEN DAYS LEAVE" ~ unduy evc ning gu(!sls o f MI'. a nd i\[..". Cha rl es Early and famil y. Eva Wh a rt o n and Mi s. es Wednesday and Thursday, May 7 and 8 _ __ Wand a C lnr k lind MI'. Warren ll unt f rll m this community a l'e Ann Pennington, in FOR SALE a ll1UIIg' the g' rnduat e>< at Waynes vi ll e thi ", vea l'. "TANNED LEGS" FOR SA LE- Tw o fr es h cows, o n e L iltll' \Villadine Kurfu s is out .J (:r~c y Itrld one .·h ort 1I 0 rn. J.P . o f s(' h ool o n a ccou nt o f illn e ss. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . " . , Cumm in gs . H. It :1 . )TIl l MI'. and M rs. L owd l Th oma s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: rnterwint'd l\l~ and Mn. Ralph I' ---- - - - - -_.- -• Dy ke il l' Pllyton Sunday.


40c Cast'a d e Lin e n En\' e lop es .. .. . . ... . 2 for 41c

45t' Cascade Linen Pound Pap er .... . , . . 2 for 46c 5!le PUl'etcRl Rubbing- Alcohol . .. .. . ... 2 for 60c 50(' ,J o nt ee l Face Powd e r . .. . .. .... ... . 2 for SIc 6!k Mi 3 1 Anti Re ptic Soluti o n .... .. . .. . 2 for 70c



69c PUI'et est Aspil'n Tablets . .•.. ... .. 2 for 70c

Chuck Roa.t, lb . .. .. ........ ...... 23c Bo ' Iin, Beef. lb . ...... ... ......... 18c Short Riba B"ef, lb . ........... 20c Fine {or R()a ~t 01' Bake, Steaks Chuclc, lb. 27c Stealc Round and Loin, lb. . 33c Swill Steak, lb . ........ ......... .. 29c Ground Beef, 2 lb .. ............. 45c F'rcsh ground LiYer, 2 Ibs. fo,. ....... ..... ..... 25c H~ma, Picnic, lb. . ..... ...... 19 ~ c Sugll r c~r e d small Bacon 2 lb . p iece or more .... 23c Sugar cut'ed.

25c Tooth Brus h e" .. ... . . . . ......... , 2 for 26c

And Hundreds More Bargains

SATURDAY ONLY Your favo ri te ice cream soda water made with true fruit flavors and whipped crea m, reg. pr'ice, lOc

Satu 'day Only, 2 for lie

Special O:r..'iR Service All Cars Washed


Cars Polished- Body, and . Finishings


Special Alemite and Service: The following all for ONE DOLLAR Alemlte all over Service Crank Case Adjust Shocks Check Distributor Check Plugs . Check Clutch Pedal Check Wheel Alignmellt Check grease level In transmission

Fill Battery Check Starter Check Generator Check Lights Clean Sediment bulb Check Horn and Wiper Check Grease level in differentia' Test Air Pressure in Tubes

All thl. lor All Cars Simonized for

S~ .00 •

Phone 120

Edward Lolat nJ,!lIcl"c n tclavs with l'e IV E'R IIIs l1l' C in l'illnati las t week. MI'. !lnd Mrs. lal'c n cc King and f amily of n Cll1' chantz park, 1 ~ pen t . 'u nday wi t h the l utt~r's pa r ents, MI'. and Mr ~ . •Joel Sm llh. 1, MI'. an,1 i\!t·s. Walt e r Ke nrick, - - - _._ - - - - - -..... - ! • • • • - .............- • .~--- .. MI S. 8'. H. Haines and son und MI · ~. Willi u m Cole mun motoreu to Otterbein li nd M o nroe llntlay. Littl e Ma t'i on Smith. no rth of t o wn is ill with the measles . !11 .. ~ . A. B. Trimbl e, a r rived at h er hOlll e here on the Cla rk farm Ifl st w(' ek, fr o m no rthern ,Ind., wht't'e ~ h (' ha: been caring for h er mllth er who has beE!I1 quite ill. 1 MI'. li nd MrR. Ma ley Brown and c hildren and J\h s. C hal'!es Earl y , took a II lut o r trip to B1nnc hestc'I' I lIIll1 vicin il\' Sunda.v . 1~(lb~' I ' l (Jllke, s~in. nf MI'. .and MI'~ . C. L. Duke I ~ In Ye r v pUO I' , hl' u lth at thi s tilllti. • !\'II'. (IOU Mrs . 'Wllhort Swank nnd Mr. ~In d Mrfl. Melvyn Swank motored to Pitts!Jm'J', Pu, (lver tho w~ c k -e ncl. . ' ~u lldn y dillll CI' gnests of MI'. li nd Mrs. Cha:!. C ln)' l; w re: Mr. lind ' Mrs. Milton S'heehull, o f Ce n t('I·vili e. MI'. lind Mrs. Elmer ROl!e!'~ Hn d Mi ~s Mlarg-llret Rog-ers of lVu yn csvllle, "rid H . M. Clark. MI'. and Mrs. J ,e ~~ Hun' is an,1 fnmily ('nt.el'talnerl to Su nda v dinn er. Mr. nnd Mr ~ . Alfred Rro"ks und fllnJlly of Hl!I s!Joro, M I'. und MI'!;. l"(,[1II 11 B .. ook~ lind MI'. lind M)'M. Cl.tI'ol'd Brooks of Dayton. Mr, and Mrs. ;roseph Githens and son Evel'ctt entertained to S unday dinner in honor of the 1 frrme.!" s 74th birthday, the follow ' in g guest s : Mr. and Mrs. Clyde I Cox, ( MI' . and Mrs. Forest Githens i fi nd MI'. ana MrS. Elwyn Stubbs of , "tlyto n. Evening gotH'sts were: Mr. : and Mr ~ , Cli/rord Morrie af Da y, ton. ' I Mr. ;tnd Mrs. Wilbur Foulk!; and i (:IIII (II:e l1 and 1111-. IiIlO Mrs. H enry , Foull<~ were Sunday guests 6t MI' . anrl MI'~. Ora .Warner and famIly in Middl e towll IIIHI called o n MI'. and I'1I' R. Han s ford 'l'ewell . in Franldm on t heir '!VUY home. Tire !lP fo.r. ·the ~~aso~ ~t 'PlY pri~esJ J..a~~~ ~9.3Q Mr. ani! Mrs. C lyde Wharton G\}ofiycarsJ WorW~ .gr~atest valu~ becaus~ find daughters EV~I and Miriam WC I'C cl'tr:rlaincd to Su nday dinnc; GOl'fiyc.a r 4!njo),s eost~ by b\lUd'ng ~IL. nt t h(· home of Mr, Sa muel 1.!ONS MOllFJ tir~ thaq ~n)' ptller tqqtPlln1, Get Snll l,:!: h o n ~ ~ g_h~; GGt~!~irthduy




for a

.T rOllble free

'n"'"Sulll'~~ pi~~i~,,~b'e D"'villg

Take advantage of this Eco.n omy Plan where · there is complete Ford Shop I NEW HUnUNGTON E.quipmellt and the' workman knows the car. 'fhe

~l o nthly

.W aynesville Motor- CO. .. 'of!



~~.~• •~.~._ _ _~_•


Spechl) Olre.. on ffllew G.qod),AtB aillllr:quDd,'"


Waynesville, . Obi~




'!J.ll 6 Ply

. CHEVROLET30x4.50

it s

SpeeJal8 A. W S.

meeting- In the Annex S a t ul'(luy aftc rn o n. Robe rt and Ru!J:), Smith, Ruth C llrr~' and Thot:l~aH Haydock, m ember s of th e Scn lor clafli< a t tend l·. ~1 the th eater party · in Dllyton Fllday evening, at w hi c h the class were g uests of the faculty. Mi ss M~ra Haydock and Miss Mnl'Y S kllln er \Vlere w e };:;;end ltue!'t s of MI'. and 1\111'$. T. C. Hay-

6 1)ly $'12 30 . 30x4.50







.'Gordon's ' Service Phone 47

dO'k find family. ~h;:; . W. H. Reev,~.


W,,-),nenille, . Ohio


32114 ......... ,.... '. 10.10 32114 ~ ........

. . is co nfin e d ~o h£' I' hOll\ e by in j uricl! re ceived .In a fnll. . MI'. nll(1 Jl.f1:s. C. .1\. DlI'kinsoll, I';. It Lu ITI III in Anll '1'. C. Hay.~~~_~~_ _ _~_~~_ _~_~~_ _ _~_ _~: dock m nLored 1,1 Ci b MnnnU to .ee~ • th > ball gam 'ulltlay afternoon. . "


S un :;hin e ' Bund

.e~'«t ,,,,1It

29x4.4C} 3011,..5Q 29x4.50


FORD and


toyle's Meat Mirke




Call Ua. We

Wayne6vUle, Ohip



Full line of Lunch Meats. Oleomaraarine, Creamery and Country Butter, Milk, Cream, Oh.eeae, Picklea, Bread Cakes


!~••••••••••••• J • • • • • •- . - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - -• • •~. f'eveMrs. l'al



Raymon F Hatfield

Late CI·assiHed




30llS 32118


..........: .. .~~,oo f


Eighty-Third Year




THE HIGH SCHOOL! . ·tu d enl S of W. II. .' . IIgai n l ~1..:~~~~~~~~~~~~1 I1Il1de a l'c l1I al ka[, le go od ~ h o wing l_ in th(' DI ·tl'iN SdlOlal'" hip ~t)n - I(' ~ t al Mi a mi Ull ll'e l's lt y 'IItll l' la y. I " H. II II l1ll >lqek ha ~ br e n ill ::;il!ventut'n cou nti es Ifl tlw so ulh - w ith t"n ~ Jlli ti~ . \I 'st e l'll s'ct lun I f OhIO se nt t eams, tllll' tNl n sllld"nt~ Iw in g MI'~ ~Ilrnh J o y WU R a bu s ln e. R H,' nt fr um adl co ullty. S CV n o f , \'i s it e, HI Le buno n Munila y tlll' WU IT"n ('uunt y CUllll' ·t nll ts , weI" rl"~1l\ ' Y" YIIl·SV lll c. Ll'bulIOll 1 M I'~ G" lJq,: ia (; o".l un a lld duul{h IHnk ed fin;t In Ih ... cXl' lllp le d vd · 11' 1' ha ve Ill uve d t " Xl· nl il. luge. lind Xeni a III ~ t III th l! c ity /lrtlll Jl, Th e CII':IlIty tC'H IlI I Hnkl·d aS I Mi ", He inlt', o f Da~' toll . iR ~p(' nd foll o ws ; Ha nllit ull Co unty fil s t , In l{ SU IlI I' t il11(' lit th l' F,i"ntl s 11 •. n1<' Clillton n nd !'I c bl e ('o unties tied I fur St'C(IIHI, Wal r e n t'o llnly n .. xl. Mrs r. l'Iltl' i\l eCUIl I'. s pent Sun· fu ll owed by Adnllls a lld Bruwll , dllY \\llh h(' 1' mOlh(>1' Mrs. Evn 1\l il · cou llt y. Ulll () f <!:! I con t (' sUlnts IeI'. Wayn e T o \\n ~ hiJi ~ tud e nt!< nlll k as fu ll o\\' s. E. I.. II n l'l an. o f Daylo n . Wll ~ a Cll th{rin l' Hra n sllnt l,r - I. En g· hu s inl'ss Vi ' llo l in \V uvn" ~ vi ll e lishU t'IV. Tu esday. ' atl'l ~ e Hob lt7,er- 2, Enl{hs h


Su erintende~t .To Af Go To C~lllacot h e

HOME llAM WINS BASE BALL GAME lo('al lanH \V i I IH'::~ eol u I ('a l bll ~ ' bil l!' ~ allH' .'u n day w lll' n WU YI' 's vlll l' d" "l alco.! ~PI'lI1~ Va lley ~ -- U. Th e gallI C' wn ~ a Jl lt ,·h.: r ', du !' 1 fl' um ht' glllni ,w t o (·nd. \1 1th L" th pi tche rs 1'1 tt' iv'lIg- l eal b.lck. the fi e ld

! SUI" 1 ; Ill<' 1\,] Ult "f ~ cho(, l s. I·. R. \

MC' (' lll uW. tl·llll e ...·d lu lh. [3 ":11<1 I,f

Th ~'

hl ~

n ·"i)!' n ::1 1 , II 1'>l uoati , n III


MAY 7, 1930


r. C H U RC H \'Jcd " . ~ (!H\' Th" \\'. I· ~I S. i ~ 1I 1l' l'iI' Ig' i\'lth . l r ~ l:u[" L:l.l·" al :! Un 1' , II I BIIJ !t· ~lu tl ~ IIl1d 1,!.t\l·1 I1w" t 1Ilg' al : '11'1 }I . Ill . Fl ld:. y : ('hpil pi ac l ;" ." .. :111 1'. III Su n· li llY: SUlld.1Y "( hl) ul II. \, '10 " . III Next SlIlIdll \' , ~ 1\1" I hl" " l;t ~. 'I'h" 1I1O thl~ l ~ w,lI h.I\',· ' 1"11 .' 111 .'1 1\1' .. r I Il l ' S u nd ll\' St hlH.1 l'ia~ ~ ,· " I nel 111'1)[ 10111. l\1ullllnK WIII <III I' II I 10 '· :\iJ '1'hl' 11,(·,,,,· fo, thl' II ll1ll1ill):' S(' I III " " \\,111 h.· "M(ilhl'l' ". TIt"1 t· 1\ il l h, 1111 Slll1ll a ' ·v,·""';' " 1('1: III ,h I' ('II') I ~h h C"'lIu~ c "r t ill' B :I ~ ­ , I.,u" ,,"· ~ 1 ' 1 "lle a t th t' (; 1-' 11 '. r.. C. fl ilJl' I'l . P !1 ~t o r




1111' I C'~ lI l al' IH (, ,·tlllg l\I ollday III )'.hl :1I111 ",II I g u t.\ (,h ll,l, u lhe wh,'I'(' he 10 ',,, :tc(' (· pl(·d t hc' I' .. ~ ilt fl n I,f Pl'l n' 11'.11 or lilt' .IU IIII'1' II lgh ~ ch()lI l. n I',, ' iti ," th:ll ('a ,T Il'- "·"IHllI s ilJi :i. I II' ~, all d 11I )~ :-. iIJilit i ~ ·"'. :-: 111'1" 1lI l l'lI d f' n l ~1'l(lI n ll\\ {'IIIIlC t il \\' :,YlIl'sv1 I1 c 1'1'11111 (' hllli cotll(' III ~ ' · I'I I I,d H' I' . I' I;! ,!. and dU'lll g h l ~ a,illI;lI is tlall"n hll' . I,\, hard ant!

Fu r fi ve illlli ll ~s n(' ithl'l' 11' .11ll ' (·" I ,·d In W:lyn.,<\ ell e's "X l li illll 11Ig' I allg'dll' I ' aeh, d x('cIJlld 1..1·,t' ' ''I Ull 1' 1'1'111' l."v(·I .I' ~'J I /I tll (l· I ,a ~" II I, t hl' 'lill y " "'' ,.1' thf ' g'.IIIl .·. " ·:I(·I,, ·d t lll l'li 1) 11 >l s a ~ 'IIi I'(' :llld s(·" r(·d o n II h ig'h f'l v I.. left ti " It! 1,\ H"u g'h I'c' k Sa lll·l lll\\ ai t< · g"t /I hl1 III I hI' "(·,, nd IIlnlng-. , (" /I ,_(' ,c' 1I11 " lI S W"I Ii ),I " ughl th,' T h,· lill" UI' \\' :1,\' 111' T ' ,\\I\~ hll' <"h""I - lip I" ,

Number 5908


.1 . I . F""H III "lid f ~lnlll\ \\('re III Ila yll'll .l\I ,lIIdIl Y ' lI..:ht. . I';. C. (' 0\, 1· \I;" n !.U - II"·~" \'I ~I' t o r In ('ill (," I1I1; ,11 ~I flltd a ~ III'. II 1'1' \'11 tlU I.

\' v l Y

E 11 " lha wH \·. \\ ho hll" .. I(

l-: ,





I, l'

(,() J. tr :\IB I ·S, UJIIO - With the 1I,1\"nl , I: " 1" ' IIl~ Ih ' /'l' CI) lll es 10 the nllljll l ·ty of "I I aU l"llll, L!le " wnl'l'S Ih ll ll gh t ~ " f II 'I' kc·nd to ,rg throug h ' "1illng l'f, lInlI y.:< id,·,. . thruugh leaf\' lall '"' a nd ~ unny fa rm lands. 11' t h" fUlIlI" lou " i ~ a trifl e dllll{Y , II nl' \I ('al' 1:I"I' IC' Il.I {· nt III bl il1lant co lor ~~h" nH' and o f :I nWl'e 1110 d..'III \ InLH)!'\, 1< ~ U)!'j{l's t l· f l. 'r loi , i~ th, ' S C'''~1111 .IlI t" -a le, t h e s til l e ,,\ C'I' hH V" IUIll)1(' d hy lellp" and I" ' UI"" wi Ill n lh,· PII ~t f·w wee k!! find lhl' ,,101 dlan" l has bee n re l"g'1I1ed 10 11(' "". p ,,~sesl> ed · ' car

.\11' . :111 01 ~I I ' (; 1"" 1{' KI'I' II \\,,' 1', . :\(iddl"tll\\ II \ bltld ~ T1I4 t ..tda\ aftt' l ~ (' a ll) g u l y. A ~ : 111 PX.l lll(ll,·, Si..d(!!i of 11 " "" I llllt OIll OI'I II" 1,,, lh IWW a n d u!<od, aCl"11 d inJ! til n ' po ! t :-l cO I1)inJ! to :'III alld ~I " ..\ h . 11,1\ "I, I\,' t! SI'(, I' (:I I'\' " f ~t al (, Cllirenc c J . ST AUCUST INE CHURCH fll"lIti " in \l elf,,,d o.;lIl1, l:t~ :11'1 1'" HI ""'''. 'lh l llll!!h h l~ Burt'au of .'1I11111l<t1' , (' he dll ie - h t. 3 rd and 11 ,'011 . 'I :\I"t<l l \ '1·111, I, H. hall' d o uhlf'd in \\, <\y:,\!-: S \ 11.1,1-: . l h"11 P"'S"1I1 h i~h , 1:1 nd ll ' c1 . 1I 1 ~ \'II IUlll l' III Ih ,· Iou ~ inl' <" c(! l1ler~ of nth S UlldllY , Ma ss at 00 R nl.. 11 .L· I' I I '.'f'. ., , E 1t" I ~ "itti'''1 \l'U S I'" uf·I .. lIt \ , ~I, - (;"' " 11 HII ,t! ,, " \,t I',ankll l' . . lhl' ,.. tal t· ~ In l l ' .\Jlli l I<t In C, lum ~lI d a lltl ·Hh S UIllI IIY. M a~s at wa s .1 bU ~ IIII' H ~ vi , ;t ' ll 111 \\' ,'\ II I'S lou H , d O Il(' .HI .11.' 1 ag C' o f 18 U t'a rs 1I I II I "I I,t, d I,v till' B ual" . III. MisM Olivt' Dinwidd ie nnd Mr R. ~e h ulr:l' . " \' .:l U : vi lil' l ' l dll~. . HI " hl' llI)!' s(.!d !'.It h da y R" na ld Hnrdin- l , Englis h II. L ea h S tl' OURe we l l' s.h opp ing in !l o ug h, 11\ 0 I () () • W 00 II al'l I- 5 . E ng 1'' S1I I . _X (!ni a 1\10 nday . I R, •'j J'( I, (I 0 0 I 1\11' Moo maw u nd Ioi ~ 'slllll:1 ),I " 1 11(,1' . I a\l /'t'nce n. ~l tJ l1ll1 nn n . 1'111' Ill' ail s I hu t I! cl' nse tra nflI>> s~ te i\ (1II11 ~ ll s Idll Kc·IH·.\ . II f \' ''.\' 1011. \V:I " fij I'S mus l I,,· IIHldl' 10 \' I h,· (O wners In Latin 1. R Ol1l1ld Hardlll tI ed Su t tl' l·t hwui l r , 1 ~ 1 , I 0 II I w ifl' huv(' 11l'1·/1 In[' ·I'C'~ "·d and :.ct . 1 WAYN17SV-I-1 Lr. C.HURCH OF Ih e w('('k ,(,,"1 ~ tI " ' 1 " f ~ II " . ~1 1I ' ~ hll lll t h,' Iol d :lull> t il the n ew und, \li tb u pUll il fr o lll Adam s co unl y Mr R. . W. H e nd erson was Hn,l~c,~ k . ~1It1. 0 0 I) tl I &:.."M('(,lul't,. L'lthel iltt"nIl I JllIIII~ 0 1 th, o ugh f OI' fi rs t p ace. bro ug ht home fl'OlIl M<: Cleli a n h os- Ramby , I f. (IOU () i,,· 'n church . soc·ltd a llti (' i\' I,' tl f' CHRIST 19'1I 011l ntl' lO t tI\l' law, but fe w a re Verdena F ox - 5, G~olll et 'y. jJ ltal lust wee k. E llis, l f. () II lJ 0 fll ll < und th (' v wil l 1)(' nll ~"cti Ly n R,hl e SchcII I at \1:10 :1 . 111, Burdette Jackson- 4, Hist ory. Lungd le, p. 0 tJ I (J • • • M(l th l' IS will hHvt' clJ ll1plctl' (' hll lg C :'vI i ,, ('~ 1-', :,Il C,·< Illld Elizaheth lopinJ! pro lll"ly tran s fel l ed l1 S pres Con~ id ()r in g th e large nUl11be r Several locll i Ma so ns nttend ed Love ly. (. I 0 1 0 I HI'~I' ~ 1\'(· I (, .. r fllend <. wh uoe bl'SI I " f th e Di ble ,( ho o l ~ t·l vicl' . a 11 IIkl l' o f WIIII' lIh"lg ('0 II (.!! , . \\I'f( c l·lll(·d loy Ihl··IlIl11llll c, u!le eu d l'. If ~' \J1t I l lIm, f, ·, YO UI 11('(onse plntes 0 0 I) I \\'i ~ h l'~ will g o II Ith III ot hr l' ac llng al' H u pel'int,'~d " llt . h .. m)' 11\ l'l th ,· \"·l·k· PIIII of eontel!tants taking th e exam ina- the unnual IIls pect ion at iI nl'\'e ys- · Burn('t l, :ll'd, tio ns Wa yne!lv ille s tud e n ts made uurg , at urdllY night. ._,. ___ ___ . a mother tl'lIchinj{ 'ach d lls~ ('tc. Cut frolll \,o u,· o ld ( al' t il the n ew with out n ' \lllll s f ~ r slIp b.·ing' obtuin ed a s ho wing t o be proud of. T otal ~ ~ 2 4 j A l'Ilu\'e nil wi ll Ill' givl' n t o th{' S aw » fil ell hy II1llchlnery . PRIZ E S AWARDED IN ,d ,l e,t IIllll th e you n)!' e~ t !TI olht'rs .. Ie ll ner. t l'u l! r, fa ster. Roy PIg· fr ol1l t he Bu , eau of !\t otO! V c hiElich of th e seve n Waynes ville I W e I{ivc Ced ar Stam ps, Cary·s ' · - Hntted f,w Adull1 ~ cle ~. Y"u aI', · ~u bj ct t o a m in imum h ~norabl e J e we lry Sh o p. LeLa n o n. Ohio, l - - - -JlI· ('~e nl. II o nol' 10th " 1 .' ul1 da y . , It, lit Madd e n' s Luml", .. Yard . conte,s tnnts r eceived ti nl' nf $ ~ 5. 01 ders have b 'en is.·PH I N(; VALLE Y CORN SHOW COUTEST Lord's 'up ,,!'r at co n clu <loli . 'fh (, l'e , . me nt Ion out of 22 1 pupils Who lSto r e ope n eve nings. tuuk th e tests. H R E ----' II ill be n o C hri ~ tilln Entl e ul'll l' 01' l\Irl'. Lau l ll Zt·II, wh " i< s tuyi ng ~ Ul''' I hil t no o ne be pe nalized in , Born- T o Mr. and Mrs, H oll is D k If 4 · )1 Co rn C lub 1ll (,lI1 h('I !I fl'tlll ' eve nlnl{ S{' r\'l ce at th e c hurc h as with l e lll tiH'~ I\t Xl· lIla. wu ~ hl>m l' thiS munnel' un l",,;; th l' violatio n of t he la\\' b wi l fll l und int ntlOna J. Miss Vandervoo rt und Miss l Em ery, (\Vand~ Hartsoc k) of U .c , , 0 0 0 U al l pUlt~ of Wallcn (" ' lInty g'at her we a r e di s m!~s ing for th p Bllc : a l- fu , a s hu l t lilll(·. FI HIII ~ cven ing. ~ n il i ~ up t o all pureha c rs o f ca rs Robbin s s pent the week -end at Co lu mbu s, a dau g hter. !La in e,," .2 n(L. 0 U 0 '21 I'd al I he Llnj{'1 lIa r d wlI l'l' StO I(', aUI ('a t e ,eyv lces. L~t's ull uU (' nd. , , . Ath e ns, Ohio. I . 1\1 e ndy, .lld . U 0 0 Su lunl uy nrtc ,n oo n unll " I' [he d l' Churc h Night ~ e l'V l ce <'lIch \\ e dTh e L r. I:. \\111 1111'£'l al ~h p n t' \I 0 1' Id. [ u ~I'e that th e lel('a l Mr. li nd Mrs. Clare nce Alle n O.ll1ptoll. I:<t. 0 t O O r('(' ti II of ('o unt\' Agc ll t Cla~s n sda y at 7 ::10 p. 111 . Th e e hu l'c h h Ollle u f lh l' (u nn "l ellll ll" e n 1'1'1 ' t , uns f pr is llI ull e prompt Iy n t ~r. an~ Mrs; F . ' R . M,oo maw 1n lld so n, of Dayton, s p ent Sun_ (WlllIs, ~, , 0 () 0 0 un ci \1 <' le gi\'('n bl' i~h t uno shilling whe r e YO ll fee l. at h ome. . da y. l\I uy \1. IIft e l sc hu ol All cume ,n1<' uf pUI· t h a ~ e . VISIte d fn e nds In Oxford Sunday . d ay .wi th r e latives here. I La \\re ns, ~~ . 1 0 0 0 do ubl e-bladed pocket k n l\' e~ by hestt' r A. WIlliam . on, Mi nIs ter . . 0 0 0 0 S tHnl e ~ 'ell e , s. manage r of th e ' , Sel' til{' g".nu lIlc buttel:ny WIIlgCtll(ln '. 1 ('hnllllers R, Wilso n, l even.·, cr, Supt. Mille r ! hillocothe in- I Spl'lngti me is wed d in g tillle. No~g l e. If. 0 \) U 0 t'om l, un~' . :1" aW:ll'd < fOI' I ht. il' ex. 1 ST. MARYS CHURCH IlIctul';S lind .Iew~I '·y ,III ,tll ~JllaY!lt C.o m nll S~ l o.n ~ r of th e Mot or Vespected th e Waynesville sc hools We<lding rings and g ifts at Cary's ~~~v~s, 0 () 0 0 hi bit,; at hb co r n . ho\\' la Kt F e hl'u , May II , Th ird . Ulal ay nftel' Can·y 5 .J ewel! v . hop . Leban o n, O. h.lcll' Dl vl" lOn o f the offi ce of las t Tu esda y. Be fore leaving, he ' J e wel r y S hop , L e banon, Ohi o, !lIr. r . 0 0 0 P III \ li nt! for s uccess ful c"lIl pleU" n Fa sle r Mothers' Duy Ch urch I . I S(' cr l' tul'\' of Stat l' Clare nce J. he F Cl ry plll sn nugc IS h{'lng B, /I\\,n, nllw o n activ e dut y IlS s taff offere<l to S upt. Moomaw t he " o r' thl' UCle corn pro ject la st yea r. " h I' t 9 ' 30 .' M ;' p .. . PrinClplIIship in t he olunior High R. J . Adams and family are '1'otn l. 0 0 2 \-\'hll(' (IISLl'ihuting t h e prizes. 1\11'. ~~ 10~ u . " t iO'!1 ~rlllng l 'l~ e l l pa ltltl! d an d ns 1I "l' Lilld e l' WilY cf) l1lll1 ande r at tl,- Ohi o P e nite n School a t O hilltcothi which :has pl ellsantl y located in t he Nuomi · -Ba tted f o r Nogglc S e l1 e l ~ a lR() co n{:!" al ulated th e .m( f{cr.lIl:Jn In S h " tf R ,t fo r le ' lecol'a lln !! th e IIl t{·I'ICol' o f . tiUlY. \l it h Cololl el Ro be rt Hllu ~ev ente en Element nry t eache rs nnd Hock ett residence on Third street S E' b W IJuni ll r corn g l (, Wl'r R u po n th~il' ace \ . . . c ae er. ee or. th e chu rch. 1111'1 h o f the 166 lh Infuntry in lwelve t e nch e r s in grades 7-8-9 . . ~l1lmal'Y - . rrors, Y uy - c 'lIllp li ~ hl1l e nts and urg d that FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST cO l11ll1a nd o f t l oo ps on duty, has nn 1\1r'. MOOIIIIlW h a ~ acc e pt e d t he ofG raduales- select P ark er Duo- n !'lV ~lI c, -I , stl'lk c-?,u t: , 3: . th !'y n:)t onl y' conlinu t' t he lll ' Ives, ' . ( . , . F or u('s t res ults co~ s i g n yo U! I e nvmh l ~ t'" vice. I'cco rd of which fel' and prest'nted his resignation f uld pe ns and p e ncil s. t he bes t . E lror$- By S pllng Vul ley , 2 ' I I t tl t th .. t a l' I'ltlo n"l n ' w ' BIl>l e S c hool a t ,) .30 a. Ill. Sun - l Ive s l oc k t o Grecn -ElIlbl'Y Co .• I allv u n,· nllJrhl jU,lIy fee l p roud . ' n at t h e IIry's J ewe h'y S hop, Le bunon, .0.'' trIke -o uts 0 . IU lO1''' t hie~ ~e (, u , d al' ' . M0 th erR'D ay. A.c c o reI'In~ IY In . Clnll . atl.. III . care 0 f 1) R S I' , , (1.1011('1 Wll . su n e ntc r e d t he s ert o t h e B oar d 0 f Ed u catlo IIlclIlb ~' veal' 1I ~ pl(' dged ~s Is • n IS· rcg ular m eeting Monday cvening No player was wa lked and . (' l' th l' futu re as th e th e m e f o r thc IIl t e r estlng I bury. I \' ice in I he W llrid War on Augupt. Moo maw Is leaving WayMaynllrd W eltz a nd family ha ve o~ly on e .rea chE'd firs t ~Y b~ing ~it 1 ~~:~I;:;: !ltI~f~\o~.'. lind g irls tI;llt h~ ~('cia,I, program \\!11 be "M o t her's l " us t 5 , I!JI7, u. a cap t u in in the nes vill e ut a t im e when t h e school mDved Crom th e Bank tlat to Mr s. " ,Ilh a pI tched bll.lI, attelt~\\IlIl te .Ian ned t o Il1Iike th e CMn . how li n BIble. Fl owe r s WIll be pI' sc nt~ d ~Ir . anrl 11" .. Ca rl . S herwoud ~ ign al .eorp s . li e was prom oted to is at its best. The la rgest Sen ior Am e lia WilliaJTI s, hous e on Tyler \\a 5 the. ~ I ~t llll . of :, ho ok. ~l e l lVe:e d :Inn ua l afTair in F e bruUl y lind to all n~ o th e rs pre;en t and a !lP.ecln l spent S unda y wIII~ [ ~t'lr Jl ltr"nt~ a nHl jOI' . eJ.ltl'llIhl! l' 5t ~ of th e l>y Ren t's pltchmg fOI S pring I I I I II f ni ' h cCI ' h priz(,H ~lI u ve lllr t o the old esl mothel' In at Mr. a nll Mr~. M, ~ Sh e r wo od. In sa me Vl'a l li nd t o H li e u te nant c lass that has ever gradila~d is street going out this year. The scholastic . Valley. ~~~.u th(, I\h:'{'~ hi~\{'~t wi,~nel's IIn;1 ~ e nd a n ce a nd t th : m o ~h E'r briryJ:- 1 Ha r vry s bUlg. ~(\I o n [!f in Augu s t o f t ho f ollowi ng sta nding of th e Hig h School is N. P. Blatt a nd fumi1y, of Mo n, " . . a )!'(.od pocket. knie to a ll others In.g the la rg~ · t fan ll ly. 1 ~l e Re l'Vlce , )c'ar and \las a.ssi gne~ .tl~ h eadroe, wel'e callers at t he h ome of . 1he MIami S \\111 play Ce ntel- who fini ~h th (:' \\olk und er dircct- Will clos~ With th e,o Lsel va!lcc or \Vat e h 'H!p d .repalrlllg ? We h~l vc fJU lll·tl'l'S of Ihe .l7th D,VISIon. He high e r thall eve r before. Under S upt. Moomaw's s upervis 0 . R. U ng lesby a nd fa ml'ly Sund"y v, lIe ut the park un duy. May 11. 1 f C t A"'ent CI" • I the Lord s S upp e r nnd Il bl'l e f ser - a n eX IJe l' t r l' pall'lnan . Alllllutel'lHI R, llll rticll1ated in en"u"e ll1 e nts over P C d ll ' Io n 0 lJ un y... • ., ~~ . S tl' , I S I I . .. .. io n th e gro und has been im- afternoon, l ome fi n . e nj oy le l!'ume, a s yo u C l a ~s II' 1I;.ts fift l'(' n boys a l_, lIl o n. , orn,e lin g s pecta ever v UI1 - , used Ille tIC JCSl- USI!' J1; Kc nUl ne scas at YPl'l's. Lys, Me use , Argon can dnv e III to th e park and wlltch I IPI I I tl 1 "~O' , day ti ll T e nt ecos t. W omen s CllIss PHtl> only nt Cary K J e w(, lry nc 'Inll lh e dc\fe ns ive seclor of P r oved and mad e one of the most 't • .so nage V" , . beautiful in the state. S hrubbery M,. I\Se8 Alieo Jane a nd Ivalou th e gnm e f ro m .yo ul. o\\. n ma c h'lIl e. ' I'ell( f 'y. nro tf'l l 01' I le ' ll . ,'I . :11'1'1' .] a I m ee.s a l Ile pa, 'yE'(In e,,-. ' S, hop, 1,(, Lanlln, 01 11.0 . ..C'.,tnre o pen. Blltt·llIut. ht'lnl{ awarder! t h e Be land h edges are also being planted Russ um, of Dayto n. were week-e nd A good ga me IS a. SUI ed. - \ ~o I~~~~ ~1~~ll~S ~~~,n~ Il~l lll dd'le('~ off d ay , Muy 1,1. You are a lwa ys I .\ ' ningl>. g ian Cr oix de Gucrl'e a nd the at th e grade building. The work is guests of Miss es Trille na Il nd 1\101'- . a t! ulh'e rs in !.l<1estcd ~o h(" 'cH n l w(!\co me at t hIs. c ~ul·c h . . . , . I lcrench Croi x d e C u err e with a border project, the shrub erry ga l'et Edwards. . ' l' nll a bulictll1 Ilnd 1'1'1'0 1'11 h ok Ch este r A, W, llI/linSOn, Mlrtlster ~II and I\lr s . sta nl ey Sel! ers o f I S il\' e l' ·tal'. li e wa i> ho norably being plllnled around the sides, so OFFER PRIZE FOR ' which is furni s hed fl e e III a t! wh o L e bllnon. ~Ir s. Mary Il opklll S, of di sch uI'gect I y 1.It ' \l'a l' depu rtment t hnt it will n ot interfere with the L. H. Gorrion and D 1.. ne OLDEST McGUFFEY • . II ' I. YTLE M. E. CHURCH Day tOil, MIS'; Ann ie . Brown and o n May I :3, I !I I D. nlo nel Wilso n play ground, a t tend ed in sp ection of'a Ch:;ter I c nToh~ thillv-one wh" cHlr ie(1 nut Prenc hinJ!' Servi ce at 9 .30 a. Ill. ~ tS~ Malli e T . Blown WC I'C Sunday was su b~elJu e lltl y co rnrniss ionad The patrons of Wayne Twp. of R. A. M. at Morrow la st wed- I work III 102!) e xhibited a Lin go· s. ('I' m on s ubj ect " l\I oth ers of d tl' n"r .~ u e sl s o f Mr li nd Mrs .1. II I II.' uh' IHI~lt ('0 III Ill' I In the S ignal schools very muc h regret Mr. Moo- nesday night, Have y,o u U McGuffey r ead e r in Fe hrll a r y a nd wh, eith e r \I on a l Men" unduy Sc hoo l lit 10 :3 0 a C , Ha\\k e. R e~e l'vt' Cur l's AUKu s t 14. 1919, maw's leaving but wis h him s ucLr speller tn yo ur I)ollle ? If so, you ca sh prize f ~l Jl ueke t knif e are, m. Mr~ . Lo n~!\cre, . upt. Youn g , ' a nd w a ~ call {'d t o acti ve duty to cess in his new fi eld of work. For the 1930 Graduate- boy or l mllY be t en d olla r s th e r iche r f o r i Marie P rd ge Franklin first P eop les' Bib le Clus, meet s M O ndIlY~1 Ca r~ ll J e welry Sh o p. ~I" Uall llhl, lank frolll DC(I' lI1b(, 1 5, .1 9 19, to g irl- a Gruen watch. Your choice it! . Euge n e B atne~, 1\1a. o n, . Seco nd eve ning a t 7 ::\ 0 Ilt th e church . O hIO. Is (~ I~~ " ever~ L'v,>n ln g-;t, e Augus t :! 1. 1no, alH! a SSIgned as of othe r watches. Cary's Jewe lry . Here IS I.lIe do ~e: In t.he Med- I'I ncl J ea n Burdge, Third. The oth - Pray er l11 eetillj{ Mo ndav eve n lllg Ill ost Int e l ~ t~ng ~to r.e In L ~ IIol- memLe,' flf th e (,enel's l Staff GREETING AND TRIBUTE S hop, Lebanon, Ohio. lIluh Ath! e tJ c Clu b,.n C hI cago o n ers uq follo w!; : Harold F ox, W ay- at 8 .:10. f oll owed by T eacher n Oli, .full, IIf ~ I fl~ unu s l!~d a nd. II ~ (IIf1 R (~ f Ihe Wal Dt'pllrtm ent, beFROM KANSAS CITY the evenin g o f ' Fnd a y, May 16, I n esvi ll c Ralph Bl'lIns t rllto r and TI'l in ing Class. pro pi ra l ~ for. ( , rllliu ntlt )lI. B.1 ~t . Inj{ , e l' l'v~ d f, om duty February Little Misses Jan e a nd Jean th e O~io oc ie ty 'O f C hi<:ago I ~ to Frank 'S \~al't zc ll , w ny ne'sv ill!', ! < S ura A Bowman. Pas t or (lays, Wl!d dlligs. Al1nl vc l : arr '1', ~ 1 .HJ<!1. At th ' pr pse nt tim e .he . " Hartsock were g u ests of lhelr hold I t~ a~nulIl McGuffcy IlIght Lew is H off . Gordon Marco net.l. _____ _ _ - - etc. IS a 1rI l!lllb('r of the ~ tllfl' o f AdJuFrom .Knn sas Olty, t he H eart co usi n Mary . Carolyn Lukens ce le bratIOn In hOll Ol' of that g l'eat and <\ Ib e l.t ~c hutt e Maso n Nol'I tont GI' Il ' I'a l A. W. R ey nold ~ . of Am e rIca" I gree~ yoy and the a t HlIrveys burg last week. 10hi.oa n ,.fi rs t 1\ prof essor in. Miami mlln 'P oc" M ~ rro w , Bu rd ~ tt e' Jll c kTRUCK BURNS , T h~' GlI,ld -Au.xi lia ry ro r ~~. reade~s of The M181111 Ga~ette' l U IlIV t'I·S lty. at Oxfor.d, .Ohl o: anci l ell n Robert J cffri es . Iri s and l Mal'Y l> eh ul ch wil l nll'· t on 1,1'1; ·I' ht· " 1"' 11 , ea~() n f or black bass EspeCially do I , greet the friends , Flancis Ros nagl e, fnther of Mrs 10 leI' pr eSid ent ,o f ClIlc mnu t l Co l- MOI"lis Goodman, Phili p Eh llng. 1 A l ar~e truck, loaded w it h Iday lIf((·l'noo n. May \1 . at t.wo 0, in Ih e 1 ~la noi fi~ hill g dis tricts ?,c the lato MI . l~nd Mrs. S. B: 11 . E. Hathaway, is very s iek at , lege- Dr. Wilham H. McGuffey" Free mlln Mill ard, Eve r e tt Jon e", t ill1 '1 thy and clove r seed, ho use- clllck at the hOll1e ufo ~1 .' s. C~ lJ r~c. d ApI II :Hl a nd t~ e y may not [hompso n and thel ~ eldest daug h , the ho me of another dallghter, I ~he first. great p opular educutor I Kenn eth and Edwin J o ne.. Ovid ho ld ~o o " s and ot he r fl'e ij{ht, 11 arboc k, ~Ir,. . lI al buck li nd 1\11 l'S nga m be taugh t u ntil .J un e 16. t ~r, M. Lou Thompson Wayne~- Mr!,\. H ll rv ey Burnet, at Centerville In the MI~dle Wes t, .wh ose readers I Green, ll nd Raym o nd Nay lor , l bo und f or Cle ve land, ran off the Emlllu He lghwllY, hus t esse". Cll li e (~ 01 s trawberry ' basR . an.d Vi ll e . (formerly. CO'rwrn) who tS . !I.nd s pelling books mfluen ced th e , Orego nia . EdWi n Miller, Leban o n" road n ea l' the Spring Brandl c rappl l!~ IIIU Y be tll ke n but It IS my 1l1~the~, ha Ving married Rufus . , B<luu tiful. SJ!"E!l'ware and 35 hves . a!1 d churncte1's o f sev I'al ' Myron Nixon, Frnnklin . Chllime r br idge north o f to wn la s t ThursDr. . Rud~l l p h I ~ nn e~ ~s l g~~ unluwful 1'01' on e pers<:m to take M. Emety, an attorney, from I p,ece sets In Ch1l1aware _ open gen e t atlons of citize ns. For th e L. Bl'llnd en burl!', Miami. burg, l dny. ~pecla ll s L \~ I th 30 years ()Kpe.11 Il C~ more lha n 40 of each In one day Senecn KIlnS,aII, In 1877. slock, ChooRe YOUI' pattern nt celeb l'atlon, a r enl h o n est-to-goo~- Frnnk Du Vall . l\lilllnis burg, Jnmes i The ncc id cnt hap)) ned whe n th e : In th e fi ttlllg o f. I{hL~ · es. I I yll l/l lind th('y mu sl n ot be JeBs than six My father tI fa mily lived nfar Cary's J ewelry Shop, Lebanon, 0, ness cou n try sc ho ol of old days IS H e nclri':, IOlrk:;v il1e . Thos. and s t ec l'tng whee l broke. Thc truc k ' e ¥" R arc tr.o ublllll(' yo~, cllnHult inc hes III I ' ngth . Blu e gi ll nnd ro ck Loveland, Clermont County, or plnnned, with sch ool .sen.ts, blaek- G urdo n Pos tel . l?oste rR. Ly le an(11~lI ul?ht o n fir!'. and. with its con- ' hlln lit JllI' Y s .J e well'): . h ~, p. , ~cb ; Ul\~:; OV(, I' fiv e JI1 ehe~ in' le ngth may many years. . W Mrs. Cn l'oline Chenoweth was boa rds, school be il , dIstrIct s u per- I Vilgil Ru sH t'1i LeLan o n a nd ORcal' t e nts was e nti re lv dCRtroyecl Th e anon. OhIO, Tu csdn~, lhul :;d a ~ alsu ue Luke n to th~ number of 25 The Thompsons hved In arhen I ca ll ed to Mllrion, Ind., 011 accou nt int~nd ent, etc, Fo~ th e night the ~am ~, MUI r o\~' . "r iv ~'r e s ~uped injur y.' .. \ a lld uturdn y. I " I' each in !l ny o n day. Fishing County. until ~bou~ 1884 w en of t.he illn ess of her sister, MrR. soel~ty me,mbers wl~1 becom e l>.OY!i • _ _ _ __ Th e lruck wHch " 'ns o wn ed bv " . . , ' lice nses s h o uld h~ procured when they j Ollled th e Ir .chlldre n In Kan- Abbie W('lIer whose deuth oecur- agalll, takmg pnrt III clllss r ecltuh CI I d l' f " . 'I Wlw n YO II lJu y Y" UI"X :-; 11\('1' IIs inl(' n ' e l' and ro d the cost of 'I ' ~enera I I'Ive ove r th e OI'ITUARY eve s er wer , .ne..• m 'y ~NI I" .S 'IIVCI.\Va l.(., YOli III I.v th (. b l ' RI ~ 1! 1Il (' Iwing $ 1 Wit h tl' n ce nts a d .oIL I'ed on S UII d'ny, .on s oneI III :> ' tthe(\ Cf nt e ntan s It tSran s'll(l full s n s, , ~chool day!! with the McGuffe y . - -- - , , .' I ., . . •. s rl vl'I' p lated tnb l('\HlI'l' lhilt lIIa n ,lIll 0 llll1 1' 0 1' t he lr ce nl;c cl e rk. I well r em e mber hearmlt ~Il e Ga~ette eagerly r ead ea~h week, What s hull I give to the grndu- r eader and s p cHe r. Geol j:!(' Cn op l'r. so n o f William Ins UI cc_._ : a nd llIa c ~in l! can III od uc,' . Sold willIe my gra ndparents hved, and ate or bride? The gift tables are Am ong the nativ es of W a rr en n nd Re ttll Coo pe r. WII ~ b orn n"1II' I',.nl y by .Iew (·lrrs. C::lty ' ~ J l'w(, ~I' Y ' Slule Lrillari a n Geo rgc Elliott ean . l:ecall many nam ell. that are nlled with happy sli gestions at co un ty.w ho lire now lI1~mbers of l n CI'~(v ill (>, Ohi o. in th e :>, ('ar 1872 MAKES GAIN OF 24 , S hop .. Le bm,lOn Oh, o. . ' )( C I U ~I Vl' "l('(: ol'm lck stat e;; thnt ihe re is a fnmilllll' to you, and It almost Cary's J eweh'y Shop, ~ebllnon, 0. Ihe OhIO Society of Chicago and \ dbtl'lb ut" r~ III Wun!: n ounlv . lIIalked inte ll'st eve l ywhe l'e in th e d depa rted t his life Muy , 1s t, see m s ] have kn ow n the!,l. Storp open evenings. who IIr(' exp ee te~ to take part III 1ll1 n!J:JO. Wh en ah o ut 10 01' 12 vC'u rs ,. . ". • I , . ,I<' \,e lo lYI e nt and imj)l'oveme nt of M¥ husband used to VIsit Wa.ythe "M cGuf1'ey IlI ght" program a re l ol" h,. Ill<'t wit h !In Itcci ticnt \" 'I:vnc~vl lI,e ~~ !! ,c XJl(,lIell ced ~ I (, ludl11a n E lhs ~ ~l~ sold IllS, .• ~~ ho ~1 h l>Jary se r vice , b ut that a nes vllle, and kn ew Dr. J. T·fElhs. Mrs St Clair Fife of Wihning- i lhe followmg : C. M. CartWright, whil e h elp ill f! With a IlH,WIIl g' m :l- }IOJl ul'dtlO !" 1I~~l ea S( l o ~ t~e nty Jl, u pe lt y In ('r,,~sw lck lu r.""'g'(" knl1 wled)!'e of pl'e;;ent co nditions urlllg . t' pll ~ . .' ecll;e Ilf- n nd ~ II~IU l' e lcr~ l! n o f nem A I J!~u . , a nd IIceris mll ~l pl:ceetle any pro'- I was but three .yearsko Oagh~' ton ~as the guest o'f her mother of Waynes vill e; Cly~e L. Clenvel.', ' (' hin c . wh ('IeLIY h e lo" t hi ' le f t 1\1'111 oU when M~ t~el' took me bac to 10 Mr~. Susan Wilkerson last W ed- of Harveysburg; Clifford C. Hat- ju ~ t b[.!.. w th (' eHIC' \' . cor ~~ g t o !Ill announ cc mc n Ill.''' e , MI' '·.l lI s will ~Illkl' ~I S hom e wit h , ' rllm o f deve lllpllIenL A m e mbe r for a VISIt, ~o do I110thremcmber nesday and in the evening atten- field, of Lebanon and R. C. Stubbs Dul'ing the '!lfl " Geor~e u nci his IHflblll c Ly 1.1. Stht~lIY·I . ~ UJ.>~tI V l so l l hIS ' U II C. P. hili,S. :o;a ll! WII S llIad e I ~ f t h e IIhrary s taff with n ecessary much about It, yet ave never d d Ei t St' t' of Morrow t I t 'd ' n Wa ynesvdl 0 t Ie cen s us rn IS (lstllC . t hr uug h W. N Sell l S IIf wavn eH- \ I·t· ' h I I t '1 d t ceased to hope that sometime I e as ern ar rnspec Ion. _ __' _ . _ _ pfil e ~l ~ oCIl.,e I h b I f Th.' preliminary count "h o w ~ vtll e a nd Rill lI al'ries BI 'II{. ' Il ny- 'I ua Il cullOn s as wen ~ e HI e 0 . ht ctUTll a nd vi3it the chilqwh(:, e ~ b ey ., p~ n t t e l l IlflC e 0 thut Wayn('sville now h a~ n pll Jlul 1l t "on d ul'! II s ur.v e y covellllg school h'~d serenes of my parents: I want Mr. and Mrs. Lindley Menden- YOUNG FRIENDS MOVEMENT th clI' .I ,ve '. iiI.; l' ll l e'.l t g . lIn ·1 lUll ti o n of 6!J2 as compared with Ijl.i 8 1 (lll . IJlJlury se rvice tuday. schoo l librao h b d h' h hall, Mrs. Anna Cadwallader, Mrs. o nly S ISt~ 1' pI cc elkd hun In tl ea tl 1'120 Il e~ an d s tatc h bl'ary. Informato see t e eech trc.e~ un er w II'. Mary L. Adams and Miss Mame The regular m eeting of th e Y . II numbe r of y canl a~o. III '. 'D '.· H k . I. . Th e finu l m £'c tlll g of t hc Moth- ' t ion t o he so ug ht in clud es number .M0th~r p~ayed,-v:rlt ~e wood Brown. a~tended the funeral of F. M. will be he ld Sunday afterIn sp ite 0 f his physical han d; - • MI~s thOIl~W IlW e '~In surl t~ '"el ' er s ' CluL " ,11 Le h,' ld p, i lay ' o f ~ehuo l alld publIC IIl>n\! ios numIIl.WhICh s e rompe , - t e covere Mrs. Llihan Small at Morrow last noon at the Friends church. The <:ap and h l8 lo nely lif e. Geo r ge rep olts ~t . a~n e WI e VI ag e IS , aftern oo n, May 9, III lh e Glllde hcl' u f chi ldl' e ll ha v ing access to s bl'Jdge .she had to 'Uros to go t o Wednesday, following new officers will have mllintained a che e rful !'<p irit and th E' firs t l dl st~~ct l~n30 ?rr~n . co unt: bui ltl ing, An cxc,llt'nt Jl I'llj{rilll1 th em, bo oks lIvullab le, library staff schMool m 'faYhnesvI'de'f' d charge: Elizabeth Furnas, pres- thro ugh Industr y and thrift WHS to eomp ete I !i ce n su ~ cou n . I has bee n a n ange d !lnd rep ,I t~ f or 'II'magl'lll c nt mode of s upp ort in any 0 t e o n~n s are Lawn mowers sharpened by . . . . never u burd e n t o soci ety. Honest, - --- - the y eal will be g in· n. A II m e m- {'o'1lI 0 a nd ;x penclitures. This' inscattered or g~ne to theIr reward Electrakee n 'process, same method dent, Paul T omlmson , vIce pr~sl: tl'uth.f,;,I, t l ~I stworthy under ~1I ANNUAL INSPECTION he rs fir e ul'J{,·(1 t il be prescnl. fO llllul ion would ma k e possible yet ¥oth er still 10.v~s to re.~urn as used by lawn mower manufae- dent: Ethel Mendenhall. sec y. conditIons. It ma y well be sa td nn et1i cient )llan for the propel' dis lfcaBI~~a~~, f!>r a. ~~~'t to the ,~Id turers. Electrakeen system turns treasurer, H e rbert McMillan, r e- . thllt hc WIlS faithful t o perform a ll If you wllnt II watch f O I t he tJ iiJutinn o f trave llllg libraries to omZe. '11e I B Vl81 n g t my d SIS er out perfect cutting mowers. Try POFt::~ces Heacock from German- du ties und eve r loya l t o his f r iends Th c allnual inspecti o n of Miami grlld~~t e. f or fin e l imc-Il ce pln j! suppl e mc nt and s upply c ommunit III anesvl e, a presen an as a e Roy Pigott ChuJlter No. 107 O. E. S. waR htdll q ualrt lCs and b l'autl' Gr u e l\ l'10'S with o u t serv ic e until local Ii surprise to her I dedicate the fo]- m • , tow!.'1 Pennsylvania, who is active f Th I. IHs t W edn esday eve ning. The I'n- wutch es hav e 1\ Jl I'e~ tlge uc kn(lw l· 1 • II' b t bl ' h d in Young Fri end's work in the Cai'd 0 an". 1 II G )I'a l'l es COli ( e es 11 IS e . lowing. Pgem, P'rimitive Baptist Meeting at East wl'll be '''I'th u ~ f or th,' s meet k II h . d "peeting offi eer was Mr ~ . Ra e Fred l e dg~d e \' c l'y\\h l' re. W e se rl1 e n, .--- . - - - - The Middle Run church on th e n I \\'i Qh t o t han a ,W 0 a Sslste 'Brafman of Lebanon and I'e- EIglll , anti otht:r mnk cs of dep<' lld Mother Bellbrook road, Sunday, May II, tilh1g e' cAh!lurlcuhneaht "n'oilol n b, e 'alsle rvyeOdunagt in any way, durm~ the i11n e!\s and I'csentati~e from thirte~n chupters : ab le watches. C~ I y's .J ew~h y COMMENCEMENT ACTIVITIES J .H. K H a t he..r'time the d ea h ora of lGeorge 0 . t Eld e r Who was it held me to h er b reas eaton of untington FI iends and others interested t ar-e Coop ; andof [o r th e t fl off er- were prese nt. After th e work re- ..~., h op, I. e b an on, Oh I.
































And sang a happy song, W. Va" is the visiting minister. Regardless of her needed rest AU da.y services with lunch on the O'r if the night was long? ground. All are invited. Who was it held me by the hand , Lest I should run and fall What is modern? Visil Cary's The dearest one in all the land Jewerly Shop--hear the birds sing Was ever near to call? enjoy the mus ical powder boxes, 'Twas Mother and see gifts in novelties as well '. as . jewelry, watches, and diamonds Who was it watched me t hrough '''The Home of Gifts," the years . , That I would never stray; Professor Amy, qf Ohio WesWho was it que,ued my foolisH leyan Univel'8itYI . a fo~mer princifears pal of WayneSVIlle-High school, And' klssedliiY tears away? ' , called . on friends here ' Thursday Who was it as the years rolled bYtllfternoon. Prof. Amy was enroute Knew ~ust the way to l,ead from Cincinnati, where be' l\a~ atTo banish e'!ery bitter .slgh tend~4 the conseeratlon of BIshop And make hfe 8we~t. mdeed? coad~utor, Henry Wise Hobson, ot 'Twas Mother the plscopal Diocese of Southern Marie Eme!')' G~orge Ohio.

u rge d to come and stay all day.


Mrs. Lou Stib bs freshm e n1s were served. - - -- - ~ - -- - - -

t~la"nesvl·l'e "'"


School~ ~

I~·l·n ,.'"

. -

High Jump, over 105, b oys, William Abrams tied 3rd, Ipoint Jump, unMr 86, Carl Cook, ll rd, 2 points. Broad .lump, 85 to 105; Charles Thompson, 3rd. 2 points. Broad Jump, over 105; William Abrams, 4th, 1 point. Hop step and jump, 86 to 106, " Wallace Bernard, 3rd, 2 points. Baseball throw, gIrls under 96, Louise Abrams, 4-th 1 point, . Baseball thr.o w , girls over 95, Merle Planck, 1st, 6 points.

ibs., Broad




- =--=--=.--=-=---

the Grade 7 rack (up

Waynesville Grade track .t eam' 50 yd. da sh, g il'1s under 951bs., I L . Ab '$ d 2 points 75 ~d~secillsh~all~i;'I: I' ~ve r 95 Cup. . ttellbem an ng~ 11 s Jane Cook, 4th, 1 poi nt. we re tIed for second WIth 32 100 yd, das h, boys over .105' points, Le banon n ext with 81. William AbramH, 3rd, 2 pomts f 11 db F r 'th 28 Th Potjl 0 Race girls u nder 95' Mary owe y .ran '~ ~' 'th' W e Button, '3'rd, i pointS. ' orenoon sesslon . en e WI ay Pota to Race g ir ls over 95 Ada nesville leading by three pointlf. Planck points .... : , . . Tho)" kept increasing their lead Potato - Rac:e, Boys under 85, during the aftel'noon. . Carl Cook, 1s t, 6 points, BO)'8 60 ),d. dash, ' under 861bs., High Jump, 86 to 1'05, boys, Eldon EUt.s, lit, 5 po!nts, Waltucc BemaIC!, 2nd, 3 points.

scorc~~!J poi~ts t~ t~ithe ·G;:.dt

=- - -=--


---- -

- -

- -

The bacenillul'eate service, for , lhe c1uss of 1930, will be h eld in TEACHERS ELECTED , th e Gym ne xt Sunday night May Ll, at 8 o' clock. Rev. G. C. Dibert Wi t h lh e cxceptio n of a i(' w of t h e M. E. church .will make the cha nges, t he salTle corps of tea~h- address. Tile Hi~h School chorus ers was e mpl oyed for the connng -a~d Mr. qeorge ~eJ'n, tenor Bol~iBt vellr Ilt t he r egulnr m eeting of t he Will f urnis h m,USIC., ' . ... ." d f Ed ' C ee t e r IS"· 1-111 tioaJnM~:~~sh~Yg~t~arSu~t. F.ucn: takeo;I':::: i n~:~e G~~ ~Jl:-'11ri~ Moomaw tendered his resi.g natio n. day Illght: May 15 a~ ~. o'clOck. whic h wal! accepte'd by the Board. Dr. O. A . ;:; undbu~g 0.1 Wlttel\)l)",' Miss Worley 'who h as b een teach- t:olIege WIll be the ' 8p~e" .... ing at - Flat Fork, takes the .phice music w411 b e fllrnished ' by a,.Di"e of Kenneth St. John, reSIgned, <Juartet of. Ross ~ounty. . ::r MUSIC will be dropped thi yen, . The . ~nnual reunion Miss Squier music iMtructor the ' t he ,Alumni ~lon past two years will enter col1e~e. held on Satur.dIt~~~~ No actio in regard to a Buperm- TI~kets lor the banquet ..,...,...,>."' .... tendent, was taken at thiH m , eeting ,sate at the post office. ,

D :~I'~~l~t'u~~~<lr·~~~.el' N EW~ GLEAN[ f I I fROM COURT HOUSE • tnin

- - ---


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tir, " Idol , "' IIII1L!ttld". I "':~ i."1.; ,",. j,,,,k " I I I" ".\.;,-1 •. , II,. I" t, ., II"' , I', ,... . . I,. "1' 11. 1 1\, I ,II .\1 I" '" ' ", .., I th{' I..... I." . ,' 11 . . 1'111 .,1'" I , " h.", kit I' ... 11111',. ), ... 1, I"" 1':1/.:' " 1\1 h 11 ;1,'" .1 I ' .' 1',, 01 ., ." 1,,1\11 '1 ", l " -II.tI, · · 'I1\·· hll\~. I'l l ." k {{ "I,,,·,, II. \1". \ I", t:dk .·, 1 h,' 1.ln a fin~l'r .' .,. 'HI: .. \,1, , .. u ."1 :1I.rI "h.l, 1,,\\11 th, , 11 ,, 1' It-I .. r "1\ 11"'. !til . \.1'1,1"',1 1. '1 1,·11 1'1' II , ' , "' I"I"'II· ,rl "II"'" 1' 11 "1 ,·, " i It· · . ' ' ' ' i .!I,d II ., . ', " l.I~k,·.1 ., -. 1,,1 , .'.", d d""I " 'r 11"\\. f' ,lllld Ih,· 01 ,', 1 ,·, 1 , I'h'l\ I' ll , ,,11\,' II .11 rI ".11))' th, I 1\:ln , .• 1. l",f"I ,· l !r ,' I I I, I k I I "I p. I't. 1'1,,"1' .· ~,," .Il ! ,,' t" • ,' 1 ' II. .1",. It:,·., ,'1 .. " ' 11. .1I ,d If 1!r ,·I.·, " 11, ·1" Iii "." t h .. g'I , ,[ '~ "I:o i lll:t'1\ 'I, "," II, th. 1",,"1 I II d l •.•1. :111.1111 1( :r 1r"·IlI I~. "1 1I:, t ', ',dd. " (,,\ "I


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Centerville, O. New·Burlington,O.


:11: 'ti l ' "ll,t\~' nil" td h I I 'I ~J "''' ' 1 " \ \ II :,1 111. " , ,:,,' . .1. \IJ\\' ,I. I' \\"ldt! ",III, ,I,,· ""tt, I .. I' Iii.· \\ J ~'(d' I' ut U IIlIt I f I ' , It It:,III I ', ,111 " :1"' 1. " d ll ... t- "HJ!,g l~ I' I I....• ,. . .: ,I'.~, :;111' ':,', 1::~111~:'; .:: ', 11, . ',. ," 1" Ii 1'11'1 h ,,! '''''.1('1 '' . I '1 I I,I " 1 \'. ' 1,.1, I II I III ' , I~l ~d'" t , \ 1 ~,,:t 'll t . I I ' · ... 11 n" ,· ' d~ . I, ·.III!'I ,; ,. :1I.tI i 11 I, f , ( II,,· ", , , 1' ,11' I." '" lOr! .11 :' tT, '

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer s


_I"k her. but for):,' . J"nkin, . th ('f APn: 1 11 ni/!h t l'lerk. wa 5 h{'re wh{' n . 11(' . . ,I I li,·]'. tin l.i II/! i: I "rri "l CI , d hr('(' II i.-.lll. 11"0, 11 nd \ .: ... .. " 'II "/,,. 1,01" " \\ t . , l\ tI,· I Ill' ,I1,'n'l p'W mil h 1\ (I' nti " n h ·L,,,' : , 1' r \till 1.( • • ,ul .. ( h, · I'ub 1':111' (' ,Il ... -aid "hI' 11.1" I" :\vi!lg II " '! . k II,'''' Ihl I•• 1,·1 :11,01 ""II. tI, xl 111, 1'IIi l ,-. , 'li P!''' ''' Ill' ' I I \ . ii, II , II ,1.·I1 I)!' I I l • I·' ,I" \\.' 1"1' I1l1n,. II(' \I!I ~' 11' .. 111 , n · .. ltl " , ' .. I ".d . J. ' .. II .. 01,·,1. ""." h, \'lIo1 ,' d 1\llh " 1.I>f!'· Inh'l,I


R. were Th , court orde!' d that L),diu P. VlIllllt>rvo rt ex eutrix of the est.u.le of JIIUl e '. Vandervoor t. I('cl' u:f,'d. transfel' to h ersel C c r· stock!' f th _talC and t hat The in ·i nnlll.i Gns und E le tri c (,'u ml lilnY u nri The ' Ohio 'B ell TeleCommon Ply e .. Court pho nl! ('om puny be authorl' z ed lo See U. 'Early for Your Sale Date •• W. Cuaran'·. --~ ilclivt' r trnn s fe l'. accordin~ y. Sati.fart.ion or Charae Nl\thing. .Ruym o ml ,. F'IH I·. e xec utor " f 111 11ll' "a '~ 1f Thul11l1 i:l 1. l\1HIll ng l,," ""1 "1 ~ 1":lb'l L ikin~ Gale~ the csln tf,' of Th o l1ln ~ I. . FIll'!'. d,!,l .. I. II I\.'~ 'i nl ·I·{·I t hu L t,h· c('ns cd, fil ed his ill\'e n to.I'Y anol u p ~h , · , il l' ,·,'n\' ·y n (,,"c,I' t o iJa cll~ ~. JlI·tli""IIl!!nl. ~" II t. l'UI' ' 111>;('1' of th pre n1l8c.. A ' cou nts ti led:Pbon. No. 320 mon n anyth ing '! " lI e ,,:nll' I i~tl"b uti ~. " pI h e proceeds in the uardisn o f Clur e nc e . Fis her, Phone No. J an" tlll'r I'llI'd a nd " he n'lId III n nl1lou~t 01 3000 WIIS 01'(1 red. minor, seco nd and finnl. lo w 1'I)i(' I'. I rWl1I ~k ncs \\,115 s en t nee,! _by E sta te of Ma l'in ook de c('nse d, . I h· " (1 urt tv par :\ fllH' of $2:. 0 . ~e \'enth a cco unt. ':l Ii" [\, (\ I" r'"nll,·. ~ 1I11,'! I I l b" . '~Ii "$ I-:"j :-: "I)u<l l' . 11111 C II~tR tl n{ tlat .1~. I' CI!m ll1l.t. Estllte of Mary E. El lis. in co m pall. . led ,. t.lll· ('.o unty JaI l until salll p ete nt, lhll'c! nccount. TRY B. Tro ul, nnd F.tlw l '1'. A nl'l teatt. ~ " I\'hu·, · ." , iw , 11111'11 t r"n,ll1 t ,·d . t I . ;1111><l ln I ~ PIII< . . _ . I':~hlt t' "I' Vl' l'IlO n I. ('I' ~ w e l1 d e- bv Frank Bra nd o n. h c r lega l gunr .lIld I,,,.kl·d, .a nt! 1.. ,,":.' 1 .:11 him I II Ih{. ('a se o f . llIv l L. Ell I;;" " . c" a H ~d 'a l ' bill pe tilion in partiti oll . OUR CL A SS IFI E D COLUMNS 1\ 111> /I "III I"I IIIIf! f;"·I·. \\ d, ,..~ \11 1'1 B Tl' u u l 'lI1d 'Fth I T All I C ' 'J. I " f F;.,j \'e r et t L ore n clian, W a lla n. Pa lmt:1' \' ('I'SUS E dnn i' 1I1' ~' n ·t ' · . • . ., , ,, .U ll!' lan l' ll)1 0 '11" . f I I ,t,·"tt. h,· 1' /,a l1k Brnlldnn hC 1' 1 Ktl IIlP " mln u r first 1\1\(1 fllllli I'e- MIIY Palme r fil l' di vor{'e." FOR RESULTS . 1111' \ t a ... 't n il t' II Ill'lun lY ~- l \'~at )..!'lI ,,'rdll\l l, thr (' ,' tllnlni s!"'Q on)nrt. I i ,',I I :t III 1,II'r '.1:,I:~',an l!., I1t , qUilltltd 111:-- \ \ t l ' t) :.lI'Po il1l 0 ll. ,I. E, B(II' ("11 \\' 'I , A{' c~) unts filed :. 1,1 "llh., '1 11111 • ~ "Ill.l. 1 (' . II:! ' ('l\rl1 'lhul11 '1 nil ~' I'n ' t (' r I' f R I K . k Rea l E.tateTran.fera "I) ull'l tH ' f,lgh" I ll'" hI.' b t .(! 110 \ • ( 4 c:; I lIa I'l 111 n ~ 11l) 0 {,I'tln e nJIC to 1 " \\ ' II . I - , (;"Isuch tI, ' ·llll .. :ll'l1r Itl pr (J pl'rI~ l fl'I' blc ' I11I1Hl eti Rcc{l nd nccllunt II c llry nlld Mnry 13. Bittl' r NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT g,". I ,I,· !!" "':..' "" 1 j')(,,:lIl1l- "i" d .. t il " 11I'I' rnb"s " I' mak(' " th l' I' F: ~ t nt(' of .I a·c~h Binkll'\' dl't:e',,- J C,f1 1l E. iJ o ldl'rfi Id G t, wn uCl' e~ 'H 11. ,"II " ," I,' 1',,1 Ic' I I" """ llIl' ";,I\ i~flltl llrl' I'l·tllln_. in f llllll {, ( 1·01 ' lir~" t n nd fin a l .' . . ii, Ph' URan t Plain . 1~, ""tl' I •. I, f' ·1·ll i' III 'I".., G. leal· r. d e. "\H ....... \\ !l I.. 111'1\ !lll ' an t H \ li U . ' 1(' N . . I' . I ' all " l'l'r "' ~ "Il J(' nL ~Ialt FIlI l'Y l\tl ~ mlili p lin 'IPErllis 1\1>ll':l-:l e :\1. Hlld Ellwlll'l . u- {,l'UR(' d . ••\> .". 1'1"11' I I '1 ·.~I"I·lal ' . II 11' 11 Y"U 1. 1 'j[: liO il ('lIlJ(1 H'It. PI' "1 1-" \1'\1 \\ \l't) r (; 111 1'" rHII II"" I \\a,. ,.," " " RIledf1 a C' I' (,f tll C "".·t 'l l " ot' L1:.'lh"'" l r~., ) lln - II)c t u I .CC ,'L'.. N \tuf , , ) U t' l lll'" 1 Nllli<-l' I ~ hl' rl ' iJ v gi ve n thut .·fl. ,i d"r,,·11I'nu u"·h .... ,,1:dtl w n.ll1d 'I" ·"I I'·'·!. 11·" nll·II\\'I"l1ll'" "~'I\\" h1alll · d ,,(',·<l".{·d. in p lace IIf J... J . \\ aY Ill' tw p.. TInYI11f1IIt! (; . FIiIT hil S h l' n du ly l ' "11 111 1 " " pcrllll" I I i It · , . , '11' alit I lal IIII':I' 'el'n 1':1111' "ty I,·I'( o "1' I' Vl' J u:!"I,h III n" ,; to cu I, · II It V"\I " ' 1'(' I I IeI who 15. \lnnul e.t" I ...,E I1 II11I1 S_HlIss. tl IR"t" llo 'l III",1 'In ,J IIII /III· IIr.I·'. 11 1' *~ ';'~e ... " 1'/' f ~' . . " I gl' ''~'' n .. g l'c t " ,u ty . 1(' n t I,' llIatt,' r " f !-r'cd A S nil"' r Ill ls Nil S. ~, unl <:;0 n('u l' uu 1 t OI' of t h{' E ~ lnl,· (If Th () l\In ~ G. :::.IIIf! ... .' ''' '. ':~I!~ : . '~1,"':. a~' ~:::~I\: ':\1,' alld I'u,tlldy pf t ill' l\Iil1111' .. h il guatdian (, f Mnti ltl a J. EI:t! p. f, 1' I. l'1J ano n. Fa n Iut., \-Vanc 'n Co unty. Ohiu. ~Iu "I''''I1I~ 11't.:1 l \l({11 III .' .I~ 100rl' n . 1':I'I\\a ~Ia y. Elda Me dru nll t! a ppl'o l'>l 1 of "a ll' o f til<' p r so n nl (;" 11 1"'/' I\lIl nll'~ t" Geo rg£' I. Yllc h ll,'rl'll "f.,I. t 1:1 ". 1\ ,. 1111 l' U(, II \\' 111 "" 11 ar,·. ) I I' . f' II . .. . t tl I .. I 1 , I" " '1 ' .. I' · ·I· o,n '"'" ' 00 ,) \\ \\ ,I~gl\"11 1I Ie p r"I't'l' ly . t\(' c.l urt c(!nfirm~d ~ u l d .liO tH' re in Suut, ,e)a nOH . J)a ltd thi . l(llh du y of Ap r il '~: . " . "" . 1', ' J u ~t \I \('1.." . \I,' 1o\IIIII t ll l'. "lth right (, I' li ~ Itati o ll l ~a"'. L"u b l' 1\1. S"rodill u .t u Robe rt S . 1'. /." 0 . "('I ,'. ".11,' 1'111· ,1 "ut "II" . . . I ' I II I I·. .. /.:III lIt, ·" th,· d"f('nd<llll. 1 hI' eu u,t All Ins t rum en t of WI'11Jn l? pur- S I'\\'lIl't 1. ,8 , IlT!'S In De el'fied l , 1:.1 '" I I I I I' I I ...' \V. Z. nOLL g II ,· '-to ll ;ld hi, r.III/ -I' .l'l· alld tak - ~ " I " "I't"'lr t "';(I' {' "I~ ' ant Ih" If~:1\' lth'" 1'0 1'1 III t")" I' I' Ih,· I ~.:;t ~'h'ill nnd lt ~ ta I t\\'I~. , .\ I I 13 ' I I. h fT . J ud~(' of t h" Prlll'!lt ~ Co urt . I f l' I I I I' I' .,111 I '. - . P" I 1111)111 01 ~ ' "11 ' nl (J r 11111111 < r •. S " ppa l' I <l l'I'. If II , '., III ' ''P !H ill. u )' S en Wurn' n Co unt y, Ohi O. 111': :\l al'III'>>lIl!"'1 :11'1 .l lI'l '.lt ,hilrll" II ', ,111'1''' l t. ", ,1 ":1.' flll' - l'l.:r Sl'd. wa ~ pru du cecl in r urt· nn d . t tl J a('u b S. ·cv tl . llhollt 0 acr es 1''''1 ,' "" 1" ' 1; I" ·'j." ,. tl1l'. 1\1, :11\' " ,) th" 1 ',ld"I!' d t .. pay th,· pl:l1 ntill"s ad lllllt"d 10 "r" hlltl'. Elizil Shl'p-' in \ Vnl'll!' twp " n.~I ~'· I , .~ ' 1'" l'I' I'l' ."' 1. I ' :t IOIl I"Y fl" "'. IH1I ,i U("'C I1tl'd II\{' tru~t li S I.' x(' lI - ' 1\I 11 1:y I': . Carl t Ll Chllrl ('~ Tayl o l· .

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, I1 '1 ~ I11 ' I,. "1'1"''' . ' ' I'I ' \\'0 11 . t I:I ~ ti 11 111'. t 'a I'I x. T.n OI' F e lW,'I' t" I .(, Ro\' nll e tt ' and , r. I" t :;. l\ llS. :!G.::!Ii . a l1d :!'i in Middle I l'l\d 1111' " '0I"1i 1" "I "'IlI{'thIJII': I:i<t " ,"',1. Prob n l e Court m I. 1'111 m il'" B enppru ,' f Ihnt '0 1' 1. ',\',' ":1 11 [:d l llll " " I·. w "I 'lill y{,U nlak l' nu ( thl' t "'I'117" T h ,'n 1" II " mb" 1 t ba I' m Iw l'(' I.. I ' Th . hi \ " 11 I l IsC' rs Ol~ . , t Frunk \I u ' hes , t (':111 I\ llmp s wa " aPlllI int£',1 I ' I "· <k~ B" '" IIn(ll {" tlllll l' n t v fl l __ II·_A . K e l1'1w l FO k l' t (! • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ \,,1,·,,1 tllll l. :111.1 I'll I, II \'''11 "h:oI Th,· .. 1.·l'k \\' a~ liI·g in nin or t .. I hink l., <, .· \IU Ihl't '!I~ "." II,· ,ai d '·"l11 f .. l'l · I I" ,. . I' . , . ' /'l" l'1'I 1" "pau (11\" , ('ccase , 'j ') " 'Ic rl'~ In . 1"1111 11\ wJl I I 'I ' ·':tltl'·, . , 11,,·1'" mlghl I,,· nll,n' ill th l~ t.han ' "",,'. " 1 a' lI \'''\11' fli"nd 1I 11d ~:lI: lI tl!llI ,01 I,,' t·I'c tI L" I'l'11 Ka l1\p~ ... IIl OII '1 : .., . " , 'F' '" k ( ' h 1" p' . t " Y ,," Ih ill!, "f ""·lIlh,,!), ." ,h,· .'I' I/I·an·d (I ll Ih,' ~ !lrf :ll'l' 'I'll(' hn ,l·h.,,· (' . 1' thl'-I II 'l1· . If 1"11 "ill lI1 in " , IIlId lilt·d hl~ !rllil d of $ 1 :!110 \\'rt \lb'~ ' I,ll CUl.'l t n ~d ,lId l11l't J"hlfl '" .. ,u r'I "I'~ 1' 1£,::\ WANTED l :1"' u,,, d 111111. \lIth 1',11 'f; :tnd :lgain o.:lI\" t·, fact' I,,',k .. n It ,: 11\0, I h ;\\'" nil·... II \\ 1 ' hald \(. "1'" thaI "ilh l'l'Il!' 11 l~ idl' l it\' a ll d ~ U1'l·ty tN n pr" t "tlC"t l a rtt'lct I . l')pn u d- , Pl\r(~," I llt -'11° '11' " kll1 ',rJan m . ln t o u - , 1\1 lurAl!~ I.>''' eC ' th,'I" \\11, .1 f"i nl ~l/ )!f!I' :; ti lJn tl f :1 111:lllI· ~-(,r. f" I't CX I'I'{'''s in n. lin d h p . llI"k " I' t (' II'''r III hl'1' '·r''''. "~r l'lll - ' olllpan\, a ~ SUIl'l\,. . t 1" a\~l!p Ie< , 'I.' I'U ;;t dlls l'Rx el'C ! o l~("Y!CI' B I :II.(,UII . I) 1,'1 nllol ill. I ' watr II tb I f ;1 I,ru" t I \. 01 I' 111 .. \ , '. n il' I ' at' "\ al\\ ml. n u t ", Th !" (II " . t t .~ WI' 11 ~tal1lI Hrrx . ' ., 0 I' )on{ r eq uirI e. 1('r!"l 'rll"Thl'l'l' g I:tnt·,·, I :.It I11~ , 0\\ Inl{ (" a 1\1 l ' F. 13 . f"I\l'y. . I tn :\f\'' Il 1I1':1fi Id. WANTED-- A gill Iw tw cen 18 an d :W. f UI snll cit i'lg A A A . , . . f" I' ht'Bli ng ;\Iny I II a l ~l o 'cl "" k a. ()~>. \ . : . . . 00 1'l' IIn ~ . . ' . '.. ar n ',<' ISOIl rea 's ntl' III " 1'1' Ie " .1' n .. tntel' >If a s l11ilc I1I l! m l)('r~ hi ps. Mu ~ t huve r e fer1,' n lIIillut l' la 1' 1'. hll'I' I'\'{' \' wh{'11 .~~~~ . ~1 m. ha l t I Ire m ,ul e .Up pr:\l sel ~ . t"p . , , 111!' <:I,·rk. h:1\ in C' 1:1 "I.t('d hl'r "ith } .' \ \. ~ . J): IVI~ II. Hvs,,: ~ twrdia n of ClifA.•: rount s Il'.lverl.:'. T I·. anti F:the~ ' .' .:l lk "1 til H~t I'lle e. Apply MI'. Be ld on. Gree n ('vIII l' lI t l't{'ogll i H' n 1.u\ "tl t -. - -;?i'\: " . 1,,1'.1 I'. Ro.~. IIICOl11p('t~n t fi ,.~ t I ~.~ tutc ".f l') !,=Ila :\1 1{ h en r . m u m l . n ~d Gnlt , 11 0 fT, 40 ._8 COUT\ ' ,. Aut ol11t1bil' A ~soda ti o n X l'ni:t. Ohio. m7 Il1 l'lI l lrlrlill)! h" I' IWI111'. urn"I! fl;::~, ~ :::~'''''' -to ' an d linnl accou nt. . j d"?!;~~d. hrs t an d .fina l. . a (·r .. s 10 !\l Oll twp . hiR IIh P"P t ioll "I' th,· l1\uil I'll k t (l ,,. : . '~ " I II ')\\ ani W . I vi n R. adll1i ni tr>lto l' .1 'fi'~ e u f dA~n ¥Ich e n e r. dccl'ast II ht'l' th (' rl' W"I{' nil It'ltl'rs. It .,.-/;-:' ::.... \ 1 , .. f th e c ~ t ate fl f Ge o rge W. La rrit-k Cl 'F stl ~t F n\. [ H b~' d Marriall'e Licen .... FOR RENT Wll S II hl'al' Y iJl uw. but <ht. lef tht' ' .. ' -,~ r! ron·ast· d . lil'~ l a nd final. ". "I efi U I ran t" o . o n. eLlnl'ley Lu ~ a s. olati ollar.\' l.ngin I k . Ih ' . . . If . I C' R . f f h cea (!( . /11(1 aco un. r . ~ 1£'5 \\1 ou t Sljrn s o f It s efTl·rl. ()\\lIl C . I . eXel'l lto l' 0 te l" t t f A I 1\1 W Ik eel' o f Lebano n li nd Miss Martha Th e hutel Wtl ~ !\t rn ll~ (, to hN. : (,,,t .. l(' of W illiam H. S ' ll e l'R de- d e{'~~ I~t~ ~! " t Il1jnfi a I" n (' I'. [I'e n e Y('azl'l, of Ldm n un. Apri l 23 POR HE NT - O n,' (' Ill' garage. In Nothing ~ h l' ::In" RUl!!!e,;t,' d thul ilrs t unci final. E . t~ t ' IrS an( nla B J Charl es mith, ( c ulur('d) chuuf- <lui re of MrA. Vi >In Cnre y. · 1117 RI1l' Iuld (Jv{'r heen th c !'!' befun'. ex TIll' Ll'I)UIlOn-Citl ze n s Natio nal (' ca s~rf cfir~t ,;;d'vfian l row n . c e- f"ur of Lebnno n Hnd Miss Tillie e e pl thl' IItlllud· of the c ll' rk He I I Rallk a nd TI'u ~ l COl1w",nv. exec u ' ~ .' f Jnal'; M C "!ln e Sto n E', (c o lu lI,t! ) or L(.b:.lllo n . HATCHING had gu n e t il the mail I'I1ck w itl; hI' (,f the I'R tal!' of Gnin\' i1 h ' P .. R :i;s~.nn;tnt 0 I fi ~'I c arr(' n, A pri l 24. ns. UI'Bnl' C o f o ne who knew t.xaCI- \ I; t'ek"r. dccl' a sl'd . fir st and final. .1. ~E' ~l;. ADm I ~f ' A TTENTION-- Le uanon All-Elect Iy what h e wa s loki n ~ f or. !I nri h e l :h" rles L. Kaufman Hnd Arthur . .~ jl ~ . v . I~s I . Rand. d e· Bill. Allowed r ic Ha tchery. 21 lea dinJ! breed s had nl~o I'un over II d oz n letters ~1. PI i,·c. '· )({,Ctl t o r s of thc es tate tea~c( • .' st ..I~I n . Ihat hnd just bc('n drt 'PPl! tI o n hi ~ .. f ~Iux Kaufman, det'ca~e d. tir~ 1 II ~~nrdlU~sh IP fi~ tRhE'!; A-{ ot, ~to n W . 8nd L. E . Gurley. s ea ls fo r o r pure-bred buby C hi ckll hatched d('~k . On II seco nd th ough t " he anrl finnl. e _g es , mlll or ,. IS an t. TIn. sellle r of we ight lind m e a s ures, in fumignted Inc ubat or s- a hatch turn d back to him. . W ill ' h ecl! . guardian o f B e rtha F,~ I ~\t e o f Th."·z~ . .11111, deceas- $5 4R ; The Co lumbu , Blan k Roo k euc h Monday and Thurs day. u s tom "My k('l' , please." I\ c' n\ ick feebl<'-l11illclct! . ~ N'ond ac· ('d' , fil s t a nd dls trlbull.v e. . Co., s upplies, $5; Bllrret t Broth- Speciu l attention paid to H e' took 11 key f/'Om thc l'G ck co unt. Es tate . o f H al'l'Y W . Gus tin. de- arM, s!,ar!l h wllrrunts . $2. 40 ; Peters Hatc hing. Ope n a ll day und ay t o n nd hlln de d it t o h r. and wh e n l'IllI ntit, Bi nkley . c x cutrix of the cCll.s ed. ,ft rs t Bnd fin a~ . Cartri d ge Co.. sll Ppji es, $5.58; th e publi c. I. O . O. 1". Hall, phone :;he had f ound th e wJ' iling- I'{lo m .!<I at{· Io!' ,l lll''''' ninkley. d {'cea ~('d, d Efi~afl oJ £ o~n A lli son, deceas· B e.1I Press. pl'\ ,7.50; 1--: M. 180. 13 2 E . Mulb ery Street. tf n nd sat down at a tab le sh e I, ' k d fi rst a nd final. e, I ~ ~n ~n . P r ince Co.meta)r o tapes, $/i.811; III (h(' I1llmber on the bra~~ tu[(,. l\fI "111 I Bal dw in, J!ua rd ian o f . GuardlClns lup. of Opa l and Fran- Woo drow-W ell Sta nllge Co. , /'l uClFOR ~4LE One hun d red a n d tw e nty -eigh t . 0 "are.llce ''1\. F ishe r , min or, seco nd ces J o rdan., mm or s , fir t acou nt. plies, $1.45; C. Don llld D jlatuah . the young man lI'ith the nice facc ' '' Memory may com e back at any minute, yc·u know , 'IS sudd e nly as Iliid !ina!. Th c n et \alu e of th estate of office rent. $20; Frank Wlltkin a. ~\'as ri g ht t hat far. Sh~ wa~ a r cg. i it le£t," he aga in reminded her. , II W:1 S deCI'N'ti h y th : COU I t that ~UCYd ~1. bH $.fo~13 O~eceds~~ t \~hS burial of James Dumford, $100; FOR S ALE~TiKer Tobncco set . tCI' in ~ 00 (1 co nditi o n. W. E. I. eter d ~lI e. t at thi s h otcl; a nd 1 " ( HI 'I "a lllp~ . as f!U!utlw n o f Ev- .o_u,n ~ ~ . nn ~ ~ J 05. L. Davis, s ervices as menl the h otel itself. though a t l'ifl e ' remi nded o f the !Ii~h (I f tilll e. " It y ou k n i' \\, . as s lIdd enly a~ It Idt. (·r et t Loren Kamps , m in"l' b£' per- c~e m~tl~h S of the . benefidJa{~es bel'S of burial commitlee $1; Dllvid S troud, R. R,, ·1. \V lIyneHville. ·m~ 1 pu!{se, w a s r eass urin g in app e al'- ~e ' m s tll b e Tilpol'l," he iodifTe r - h e' again I' nllnd c! h (' l'. . IIllttc' l I,) .~ettle th e clatm for dam- exc el' . 1 ~ lr ~ dcee~~on.s n . . ~t B. Pickerin g. same. $ 1; Mr R. Matanc e an d atmosp h e r e I cl nlv !'I Ulrges t('d' " "nl' o f ho~e Tn "t l'aelv he r hI' pu ~ h t' c1 hl s j age~ rtKlIl ns t th e Dunon Orea d n~ ni CS \! • sa l eS e ~nh s ucees· ti e Dnrdn er, e r\'ic ell Ilt Mem oria l f · h tI I h ' . , . . , I f I d ' ti d ' h ' . . . I C f rl 0 f . '~ I o n ~ Hrc ""mpt r o m 11\ c rttanc e h II '"20 W R K FO R ALE :.I-pie<lc he droom H r .IIg t e a r a d cau scd h er ~ m a ll lllwn ~ o n e nt' n'l' l cnr ~ (I un· can Ill' !' r un el I ('~ t!, <lnl . ComJlany, \I nYlo n. .. I' an In t.a n ,oj> : • e r s oy, compell8a s uite; vict rola; Whit e e lectrl(! to pas h I' nc w acquainta n c e in I I ('s~ one livcs in th " I1I.·· I went (jn tnlki~~. . . JU I.~· s u ~ l"i ll ed t o the !laid m in o r. I ~'I r ' R Whit t I th ti on and damages . $ 10; Henry s will ~ /\Iuc hin e. new model'. 4th I' lobby a nti he ~tcpped a s idc t o TIl\' yllung man s lro ll" nWHY I "'1',1'1{' lIa lllllt o ll. 1 h Umvcr[h t, COUlt c Ilfil'llH!d th e s a lc t . or 0\ \ . C acccp er e K er!ley , sam e $10: A. J . R ettig, . make wav fo r h er raising h is h at . m l,ty C)(C" I)t fl)r til(! g irl , ~o he "i tl' lu i,· . .. 111' rea d n lnud . and rep" rt by J. O. ·a rtwright. a Im in- ' Zru lRas tehxec~vtho rt ofdth e estdute °df I puy r o ll. $367.50; Zaln Armtta"'e piec e hrea k rUNt set, ~ree n and . h . . ' ' . , . I-I I h '1 I " 1" I " . f" . • oe ea n f I e ecease an f" h ' .., , block. fol(l\n g half b ed . Inquire a t conv nt lO na! courtesy a!< he wastl'd no li m o hu L w e nt dlr e· t t o a (' ('( t l' p ' ne l ' I ."(lIC 11- IS I :Ilu l 0 ,,1 ' state o f Ida M. I fi l I h '. b I f $iOOO 'th i urnl s Jn g a nd loa ding gravel. dId suo • h e r es ponded with an al - In to th e "Tlting I'on m. 1t wa s t'ngo" t o t l1l' I1ddl,·"S . • ~ . gil ( h red H ocke tt. d eee a sc d . erD Ii, o ne °d E I h .uura $ 1423; Leban~n-F,a.rmers Co. thi s offict'. -m1 m ost impe rc ~p tlbl e l1e~lItive s ign. hcr and ~elltcd him lO;e ll' in II c h a ir UJl th e Lhl' P. ca l'd ~ wllho.ul co m- ~ Th e I'Cpo~t f s a leB !'I1 ade b~' s~ll'ctil;~ a D aK' Br'o w~ en CmE~~ one l'lItive Compa ny , cement, ,~,- pon ALE- R ef rl~erator, PQrcllbu t h e ~aw It a nd app r oac h ed his be~ ld e h e l·. m t'l1 l lind dro pped t h 111 IIlt o her Emnw 1\1 . K eys. execulnx o f the '1 ' 1 A' thO H ' 'It' ' . 60 ; Clinto n Cou nty Gravel Co. laililinell 10 0 Ib ca~nQi ,ty U sed f r 'le n d R b I 'I ~ ." n IIr~ nll~. .. Ilan (I. '.'ag . t f J . M'Ilt o n K ers . d d a .• s I ' an{. a mi on \\ ere f urni.Sh Ing ' '; hut little. Will • ~ . o. m so n . "Good aftcrnoo n. . 'I e StJ leo . .I' ur and IOIIlJ.11 ng. . ..22.50 scll. c -ellP. J. W "Who IS that g ir l ~" h e asked hc lJe~!ln . "I::\'Id enlly I hal' l' n r oom III was app rov e d. maTh apprn~ser\h . d H Z H ownrd Cook. s ame, $78.20 ' 1'. B. Whi te W ay n e svillll a ually, nodding at th e s light r e.'he drew a quid, hJ'eath. th i, h " tc'I," ~ he ~aid . :' Perhap s : A~ in . tt 'ul1l e nt of writing- pur- G c cou au r o~lz e'd Hare? . M once. g uard rall posts . $7'; Vun ' . " [s that it? " \\11I' n I g" til It I ~ h a ll. lind _o me pCIl·tll1.r:!' to be t he la s t wil l a n d . r~y. g~a r I~n 0 11 al'l t . ' bre ';t Camp Stone Co .• g ravel, $16.24: POR ALE f buy /lnd sel' t l' ating figure , a s he lit th e match h e had a sk e d for ani np"No. bu t th:rl ' ~ Ihl'\' ea ll pap('l' s II I' o t h er t·lu~.' lTI my lug- , t(',.;tam e nt of J. L. lJ Hl't~oc k. lute InfC ~t? eKc nt 0 gt cy .a l~ S~n'k Walter Varner. rail posts. 176' ch ickens wh o l e~a l e unci retal , plied it t o n cigli r eLt('. " . h s it~ at y u u h EI r ' 1I lh t' h utl·I." ~3ge . · '. I ~) r \V a~' n c town s hip , w as produced nnd Ba nkni~Sord~i t o ~~ny cert~i n Th c B arrett Co .. ' tarvln. $52 . 19: Hom !' eve r y evenlnlC, Will Gu stin. the ta~ l c n exl t o min e ," . h e lunked . con(u s(' " Illul Ptll-- I ll e l n k('d at h i" watch an d c n ~u - 11\ COlll:t f or pro batc. , . -. f 'd t t Th e Maso n Lumb e r 0 • • lumbe r .JllH R O ~)Jn. on glll-e him li n und e r- , zle d . ally adde ' l that he hlld a , uglo:.<'!'l!on , A; E. Ic ve nger and Ellzabelh cxpens t's 0 sal es a e. and cement. $7.28; Th e Ohio Cor. . ., s tanding I-:rin. I t d '" n ' t m{'an anythlll): to '" rTlak l'. Il l' had hl!l'll tillnk ll1 g L Schli tt wc r c mad e a dlllini RtraN S· rugated Cu lvert Co. se wers. '221.' 1po n ALE PLA N'I S S wee~ "Easy tu louk nt . i ~ n' t s h c? JJ r ' mc, ~he bleakl\' IIdlllitl t' d. "hu t hard. . . t~)J'" o f th t' Cl'tate of G c rtlude H ew u.h 10 ; W. H. Madd en Co. • guard rail pn tat oes. nll kind s o f garden nallle is Pars o ns I think - Mi ~~ E~' what l1lal; l'~ \'(lll think It I" n't "!t· s ,!1I;1rtf'1 . flf SIX ." he !;ald . j·.U stlllllll, dec eased li nd fi led th ' ir El ea no r Van Tres s Smith vc r s us and lumb er. $28 .6 0; Monroe nnd plants nnt! Bermuda Oni onf\. P nrso n. At lenst it ',; li S mu ch likco right ?'" ". UPp',~ (· ~I' I' dill<: h(' \' l O g l! t~l'r bu nt! of $20 .000 w it h 1\1 . R. Dcn ve r Frank C. Anderso n, pelitlon for an , J o hn ~ on. snm e. $67.20 ; Blnlr and Onio n" 20 ce nts pe r hunlire ll. llAi thul o n t he l'eg is t£'I' n. like :.tny"R (.t· l\u , e I hllPIl l' n I" knuw II at -e ' ·I' n. ' "U IIIU ,., t eat s('nlcth rn a: li n d .1. R. C le vengcr as fl urcti CR. tlc ('o unting. L e Roy furni s hing and loading mil t' s NOI·th of Wnynesville 01\ t~ing. S hP begin s a w ord with IlIH.' littl,. I~rench . " ~' ''U kn l, w.l<, kN 'P li p yo uI' str e ng th Eu gcn ' II . F ost e r. Th o mas B. Expal'te: Sibyl L. Elliso n. Nina g ruvel. $166.45; J . K. Spencer. Ferry r(lad. Strou se Bl' oth ertl, R. big d e nl' letter unci goeR on with a A ~ ~ h ' wnit{·"· unc o ll1ll1'l, h(' n<l - 1'111'11. II ~· .. u . hal'en 'l f ound sa me, $569_50; Van Camp S ton e R N 6 w~vy IIl1 e. But wl"l'e cn ll ed h e r 1I1 J!1~. hl' t oo k a ('alrl 1'1'0111 the' a ll)' oIl1 (1 '{' eltll'~ In your ruo m. 1 ,'. ___ "_ =c ___ =. --- - -~'-Co., gravel. $59.8 3; Main ev ille IF' 0... ·m21 MISS Pn rso ll ~ (' I'e r s in ce !!hc eame dl" l; 1'1\"'<' WI·ot,· a lull' (1 11 It, and ~ h."1 ,,,k I', IU til I ~t 11\ ~ I'l nk up th e . . ' .. . , Garage. !luppli es. $5.35; Frank OR S ALE- Big Bronz c Turkey on~ sh l.' ~In . w el'~ to it." 11l' ,acldt't1 laid il IIl. fll l" ht.1". . h('~t I'''' ~ l'111tl t~i s t '.'~ t".wn. lI nrl"h ave t h,~ ~n . ua l all' .:If n ne ll1ukrn~ an , anllllunced. t hat It s m erel y a S he r w o od Co. , gas and s upplies , ~~J!s. Mr~. J . II. Sackett, ~ayplll losoplll ca ll y , " so I gue.s It'S nil "Y oUI' ~ ignnturt' 011 th., 1"' I!I ~ t('l' 111111 {,(fme hell' th l ~ {'\,·Illng. I{',ctllng. <'!1 11 • .".l H 0 hu m an. n. hc tl.!l1Ipo r!l ry mat!e r. H e t old you $GI.07 ; Mrs. Annn Do ughman, n eslI ll e , OhIO. m7 l i~ht." is n' t I" 'ry I" gib l ." hl' l'xl' lained. 1 ;\ R - he hegan Lo prou· ~t h c WB ~ ri lst ll1gu l ~ hl'(~. I~ l' IL t e t hllt, hlllls{· lf .. '( o ur Ill ,,;mory ma y gOl'ag-e rent. $84 ; Willia m Schnell. FOR SA l E- Ind la C h M "Wh er e 'R s he fr o m~" "an i th . htlt 1 11('1 pi!. int e l'p r(' lNI rn i,, 'd hi . hanel. I pa (I<!I't l~' to Ha1l111t n ~ pr r ll lll ln· rcturn any m inu te, 01' It may n ot s uppli es 80c' E D Jon es paid for I I n h ie f otor. Thl' YOU ;Ig ll1an lou;,g ed agnins t ~'~ u:' nalllC a~ Pat·~" ll s. Bul thi,; is ' ·'.l lI s l hea l' Ill C thl:o ugh," he ary I:l'ci~ul. a~ k 'I :\ few l ead ing co m e back for so m e ti!!l e- pos~ i- j s uppli es: $1; ' O reg~nla B;Jd, e Co., eyc e . nqu re at t js office.aSO the d esk in th e man n e r o f !l \' i ito l' what it loo k ed likl'. D oc. that bCg"l!e{1. " I kn o w a IIttl . about qucs t! o ns ! a n I lI\~ d 0 n. thor,?ugh ~I y. n ot f or !lev era I days •..h e optlm repa irs. $34. 20; Ki1patrlck-~re nch FOR ALE- IOOO P ekin duckling. ~ o the <¥ y. talking w it h o ut mll h m ean nnything'! " s uch C:ll;I'S. nllt! n., y th.o l'. IS t hat l e~nm lft.:l (1 n I)f IllS l)atJ e n~ In II I. t.'cn lly adde? o~selvll1g. th~ M otor Car Co.• gas and Supjll\ ell, wee kly a t .reduoed prices. CII!. Intercs t but to ki ll tim : and t h I ,he s h ook hCI' h ea d . nc, l ha L \V II l!. ~ot to o Impl'es- q~!~k change In h el exp r ess ion. $429 .26; Indust rlal Tractor Equip tom hatching Ilt low (lOSt, StllTt d 1 y uu will I? 11 11 I' ll':hL ,n a dny 01' I llIan IVCO c1.l! rk. ~oo.dhtllnol·ed ly bore w ith ' "F.\'id ntly y o u kn,w F re n ch: tw o. or II I a f ew !lny" I~t thc : 1I ~ ,I 'f~ l\[ I~" P n s vcry . ~s ~ expected •. he "wn n ~ a n} e nt Co., s upplies, 11.25; Interna- chicks. baby chicks, Barred Il:d htlll n o thl n~ clse to 110 a t t he did n 't vou '! " I m ll~ l. I m nn to ~ t lln" hv t ill yo u n. lI e h elH o lll:lgcd --th e ~ hilt! d e- ntll e w lth you. at ntg ht, he \\ e nt b o na l Harve!!lcr Co. r epairs $9 _ White Rocks S C R d Wh 't 11\0111 nt . "[ tliink I d n. )' 1\1 l\lJl l'l' I'\' RUI' > arC' . Bu l I wal,l t o find a r e i ill- clli d t o a d op t t he liotl'\' nn.m e o ~ . ': and he Will se nd a go od ~lne 3 0; Prues Equipme~t Co. t~aet~r WyandotteH. ' Mill' I e t hi. <lThnt' ~ an oL1ll'1' qll,' P I' thi n ~.' · a b" ut whnt [ knllw nn d \\' ha t I I.l t, 1l1~\ll. a n<1 hnv!' him ~l'e YO II . I f o r . hel' -hut .wh e n he. fo un ~1 hlm - wlth l~ a n ho ur . H,e kn ows .of Jus t r epairs, $1.57; Penn RaU;olld Coo, R. D. 1. Orogonl:,rc Ohio a Ph~~~ }{ I)hin~" n I'l'mem/lel' d. "I cu n ' t d on' t kn ow." ; an d g ,,'e hllll nil tht·. flleu; we !!{' It a l.r; I.l ~ WI. h " "!ll ilt o n In t h t~ (' l'lght p cr s on. I II s.tay With YOU freight charges, $1.36; Pruea Lebanon 471.B. . a30 make . ,HI t h er 11l1mc tpwn. excep t ' " '{' hen Il.t Ille 11' , ito, it m O l(' n o l\' I; n.o\\' lind s ho w ~ tm m y o wn h~ot('1 \1~ I tln.1!'- I ()nlll hIS mann ·1' W .1S till s hc CO:Ulles. S h e IS an under - I Equipme nt Co., Bu pplies, $1390; that It b«g ln 1\l t h :-: . 1 mea nt t tl cleu lly B ~ I inl r- I'pl' C! 1 it. Il o (' ~ thi. CI dl·ntl l1 ls . so that Ill' l! 1o:ot m e a ct . l . :, c.alc -fl ee. . s ta n.'hng. tactful . wo mlln. an~ s he Hadleys Ga rage, tire repairs' IFOR SALE- Two fresh COW!. one , a!; ~'n u1' t u ns· lo r :'Inri fdend. If j I t ~ a l'H~ e .OI~I' c lln t ":tf·ly l'e alt zeR that ~he IS en g aged s lmplY i fiOc; Karl Dakin ins ura nce $50- J £'r sey and on e S h ort H orn J P ~!!"~~~~~~~~~_ _~~...~~~~~~~~_ _~~~~~~ _ • ~ {I II in ~ i:, t. W(· w il!. wu it t ill 111 01'n - 1~l: Ik(' any .pr ~(II l't i o Il S a bo ut." h<' 11 a co mpanion." 162; Oregonin B~idge Co., 'bridg'e C ummings, R. R. 3. " m7 lng to ,.(, Ilc! fOI h Ull . I f yo u ~ erl- c "nf {' ~s d . I f ". e. kll l" \\ whut hnd W h e n h(' s ~opped s he ro s~ ~nd material, $466.51; Sume. repair " 1I ,,11' " "JI' Cl to a d OClO r. '" CUU S(' ti thl: ('on. !r U,.n . or what th wa lk ed to a wlIld ow o f her s Ittlng- wor k $12982' Compressed wood SPRAY YOUR TREES- If in I \\'lIn' l hn \'1' Oll l' . I !l 111 1I 0 t go ing t o puti nl' ~ PI' 'v ln us lift' lias Ile t·n . we r oo m. \y he re s h e s lood .for a f!10 - Pres.' Co., b-ridge fl oo ring. $191.52 1 need of ne w spray pump, large r l~k 1 " ~ 1I11!. I,y l)Hi(, l nll~nc .'s . any C ul !.1 d ,) ~O llll' Itue: ~hlg: and .)11,' ment With h ~ r bRek t o hllll , s t an ng H oward Cook furni shing and ' or small , sp ray hose. no zzlE'S. com. ""ufi d"lIel' p.u Illay h,I\' l' in m c 1\I:1n S l!'U('.' R "'!Juld he "b ou t as o ut CIt I he ':lIght. J-I e had too mueh , load ing grnvel. '$ 19.55; W eb Pimp_ l pletl' pumps , leath ers, rubber pack Ilut 1'\,(.' ."imp ly g /J l t o t e ll YII U goo:,d a~ Illl oth,e l' s. un t! l' rs tllndlllg t o speak Qr I!ven s on, bripge lumber, $7.62; Be ll In'!'s . etc ., cull 0 11 . Th e BOCK. ha t [ I hlnk WI' o ug h t to do , nnll JJ 1'1 I'~"ru l hc~llh see ms to UP to npp r oach he r, B .u t h e couJd B~l<er, damagf!s: $500; " EHga~ LE:r CO.,415 W. Mam St., Xenia, .. tll !.' n Il'l ,'C' L1 Illake vn ul' own d ec i- )!ood . S he ~ a hl g hs l l'Un g . tem- I w!lt c h her. nnd h e dId. A. Ludluin s am!! $IOQ ' Ha :1 Oh, P· , i"II" ,!-1;1I St't' that. d.on·t y ou? I 1I~ 1''[I!'"'nta l crea.lul'e . but ~h e h~s l Sh~ was ve rI' s light lind girlish , F. Wlllfield. c on;pen sntlo n ~~~. \l ol tloln t wo r th\' nl yo u I' tnl ~t dlg- nl.t~ alld J>OIRe . cvcn In thls l l~ nd In th e rather dim hoom the dnmages, $2p; Edith J!:. ThQm 80!! !fH~ES~EJt SUJlrqf!S-B~VfS in if I didn't d" it" (·Co n d lt lOn . a n d I ' d w!lgcr s h e's k~Pt , IJ l-:ht fr'o m a g o ld-s had ed bulb near !\ame, $150; Mnl'garet Oa lllfue ~ . pulleY8, bab~ltt mllta). oft S ht' tirew u deep ~ i g h that \Va s h.e rs l' l ~ pn·lIy ,~c l l III hand a ll n er her A'nv e h er b obbed bronze·tlnted s ame , $26; Woodrow- W ei l S~'l~ : Injectors, lutmj!atPra, .~,,"un !tll,l !t lt l f f! groan: . 11.l f c. I III A' u e~s ~ng t h at ~?l11e big . hair the effect of a halo aro und h er nge Co" s\lpplr es, $65; Sa e' water galll,I, SlIuge slau, oJ I"". When you have News or when l " It, nll1a~lngly kllld .o f y ou to .I olt cII lI sr r\ lhl s-~o met hll1g that s ,:!,nll head. Rer ~I tuatl on moved $40. . '" , packing, boiler flue. 1l:fj!*lon h ' , I lakc 1111 t h is tn . uhle. I " o nd e r if J us t ab out se nt h (' r off h e r h enrI." h ll.l1 profoundly. Life was a queer - -- . - • - - and ~nk pum 'rIfE BOC you want Printing of any kind 1 1' 1' el'l' l' hnd !I n lItta c k !ik<' thi s ' On t he whol e, thC' ir ta lk lefl th ' t h III I!. he t old hl'msel! as sol emnly CO 41/1 W Bt ... · KJ.Jl'J.' • 1, ' ·floY t-. f; (, mehn \\ I f ec i t ha t T G Oll d Sa ~l1al'ltn n g.ln.d . . h e had I as . If the dl.s covery ~ad. been Yes , suh! Bnek In ouah dayan" . 1\ n . ~enl~, Olll". ir aI' n · t. I kn ow YOll are be ing a s lwrc d hl ~ r e: pons lblhtles ; n nd l unHlu e. La st I1Ight at thiS time h e time teechin ' s koo l wus a real h on- PIPE VALVES AND FITTING ( ;0,\<1 :-:lIl\Iaril.l n. An d" ~ he s lo w'" lal e ", in l\l i ~s Pnr so n' s up tair~ hadn't known that girl WAS on es-to-goodn ess Aunt Agnes j ob-a II I :lIll1littC'd , " I 'u l'l' flse you arc righ't s ilting-rn.(1I11. h e 1!1I1'C' h er a ~- el1l'lh. Tonl.ght s he was his big~e!'t c!,l' eea h (whatebber dnt am.) Bllt I' or a purpo,sel. Bockl.t'. :lb!lllt .,(' ndin !.! f ,, 1' tht' SI1!'cia lbt." fuUy cd lte j rep ort o f Cllrflck s !ntc r est. hiS grentest res po nSlbll· d~s ,day anI time It am only /I step- I~e of plum~inl ~nd heatina IUp~l r I . " ·I' I... n (:. 11'1 il' k . wh r. eolll t' h" lon, . Ity. pIn ston e to gettln' l!1arriahed. Jt p .Iel are th .. beat. The BOClkl.t. dl"'I'IIl'1i in al ""'ht o'clock w ith " " . Ihi'lk s, nf; I do." he r obustly (To be continued) shoah /1m! Kinl Co., ~16 W. Mal" 9t ........ .. 0"111. . .. '! ~ .., , _M_ ___

i." '\1;.













l I








· l




I \\

... Th e T e Iephone .




e»" •.





The MI"aml' Gazette



PINKY DINKY ! YOU PITC. ... LeT 'YOu~ DAD oSoHOW "'fou HOW TO ,,?WAT . 'eM au'T', E\-4 ~

O.K . PINK,(


pinley Take. the Cake ~H 0 0 "





- -- -=--===-==





MQNty "04"~D

5% Farm Loans TlM~~a


O'V5 R. A



LONG OR SHORT terl!lS' AIIO 8uJ'v.yin~ aud stractlnlr. Write and I will GalJ a nd sec you. Sam D. Henkle W.y. n esville, Ohio. ' JU



LOANS on Livestock. Chattel., Second- Mort.,ee. Note. boucht J obn Harbine, Jr., Xeni., Ohio.

Fa nriers, At~cn ti on

~ITTI,.~~NV '!OK~N1'AKE<.

~T'" eATlN(r It "MI'''''''~ lotI- "T~ "/III' ATE AND


' TI~


60T '" HOQRI'D .-roM~C~A(He:: '

Parmers of Warr!!l1 *lId .4jllt n hl, countiel may obtain . mODe)" 0" lonl Ume loane, at li per · ~erest. COlt of see urine is vel'7 re.lOn.ble, throUD • Federal Land Bank. Por 1.. ., Inform.tlon call on or ~ddq1! .. C. DRAKE, Tre..UNr, ,lion. . .


X Lt'taaoa. Obf,








GAZETTE I" tl1t~s.

In mnny, if not mo s l of I h\! ~e cont 'Ats I he W eI. ~l\. Dry Moths-..-:=---=--~-"""!""' _=-_~ , .: '". ~: i ~s u e will be lhe pHramo llnt o n t'o ISSUED E 'V ERY WEDN ES DAY , Whut evel' e lse Nu ional Prohi - - - - - lill ion hns ac co mpli s h eI , it h n' Publilber dun' pl'ccisel y what s uch fal'- ' M ,'. ;111 .1 1r!'\ , ,Jo hn WnlhH:e !If D. L. CRANE se ing s t ll t(> ~ m n a!! Pl'es ide n t ('inci li llllli :11111 ~ I·. anu Ml's. I (,bOffic. Pbou ..... .................. N o. 112 T uft und Wilso n Il l'e di c t e d it (Ort .o ll e tt (I f Dayton We!' Snll1 1'R-.idenc. . ............: .......... .. No. 118 wtluld cI,); it hUll 'ut lIe r !Is pnl'ly dllY cu ll ers ut " I-l,)l ·~ll1 -'l'h(l- WI,,)tl ' -;i ) lins und thl'oWII the wh o le polit- IWllll: of ~l r. IInu 1rl>. A. ,,, ColSublcription Price, $1.50 • Year i,cu l A)'!\tclll (I f t h e Un ited '- tates I tt. . ~~~~~~l, \lito CO li fusi.m. And lml e,' thi' l .. I " . Y(!tIl"lI c l 'ction :; 'Llles thl' (IU est io n . ' cI~n o \vH\~l l s llll :sed Fndll Y for = ~:;~i;~~.a~e~:~';':!rQ·'::W~'~Y,.';:~~~:' which if; u ll likl·ly, th r . i~ an ex. the t ulily }. le ld meet. _ ____ , ce lhmt c hltnc e that the ~o le major J. '" 'hUH., und Wayne ray I ~S U e in th e 11 xt Pre identia l mlld(' I' Ili i sine~. trip to Scvl,il By J me> M e nt er r.c ry I' lectioll wi ll be th at of Proh ibition Mil 'ulu l'du y. TIl!! I'1' I~ II 11 '1\\'1' 1', I l litt le II ower, APHIL 3u, 19:JO F o!' n othing less than a c1 e ar·('ut . , . Wi th si l\'{!1' crefl t an d golden eye, I . _ " nati o llull efe r e ndum whi c h will ti e ,R ev . J. P. 1hol'Il b ur y \\111 d e- Thu\. wele()l1lt!s (,,'I' IV chun " i'lf,( t " 1'11Iine with o u t eq ui voca ti o n iu ·t II I' I' th e, BIl CCa II\UI'l'H~e SC! 1'1l10n to hOlll', . . \\ hat tit ... peop ll' of t h e Unite d ~h e dllss o r I !I:JO S lII.Hlu y eVl'n A nd II' ••, t1ll'l·S co n I Y s l,~' . , • lutes II)(Jay I' ca ll y des il'e li S Lo lng', May III at lhl' M . .... C hlll'ch. I PROHIBITION I cu ull'lI l 01' SUp\I)'I 'ss ioll u f tilt' MI'. and Mrs. W . M. M ath ia!> 1I1lt! Tht! 111'" U",' 1' 'IW:1U li ,';" or Ihe ficl t! I I 1, llqU OI' tl'u tlk will. ~ lIti s f:r th ,· .n r - S'oIl 1/(01 1. or 11 :1.1'tOil lI't'rc SU lida y I n ~IIY I,ut ' Illil-k ~ lIl' c" s~ i"n s h ill('; • _ __ . _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ • r1ylll Il,h'ucal"s l' lthl' l' II I 1'1'0 111111 ' J.:1l1'"ts 0 1 MI'';. AlI1und a Stu 1'1'. I ~II"" ,,1'1 " 1 ]'al' " 111I ·il' 111111111''' .\' il'ld. 1 III In o_ r __ il s • 1·1· . ' ,' 1' 1II ' .\. 11 .. II 11.,1I I Il'I' 11' ,1 " . ' . , _ III'al. _ "'11",,1 Wi ll 1:losl' May 11,. Th" I r e, ld e nl II I1t/vPI':; "pP ('1I1 III 1 ('''Ol Il H'I1Cl'llle n t l'xcl~ic e~ w ill . Ill' Co n g l'l's~ f o r l h e. 11I11111" h ul( ' \la s· • h v ld ill til l' (; YIlI (111 thl' c-\'('nin~ !lut tlli ~ s mull f)"W(,I ·. 1' 1 ~ :tl UI'(> suge u~ h ·f .slllt ltJlI l~ l'S I~II" d III l I I' l\·l lty I r" Th e l'Ia ~~ 1'0 11 i ~ 1\1 ;';,: \\,1 ' 1Ik" I', I . stl·~',n,gt.el1 liS h lllll~ III• . lht' . ~'n , I SUCCESS .1" "'I,,, h il1l' .Slillm"au~h. ~.1i ss ' ''' dll Ill' 111101111 ,; all, s ial'S ttli'll' f U I C~ I11 ~ nt .. r th . I ltlhl l'lthni l I ' I U"l1nl' lt , ( ,1(' 1111 SIII'I I, )o' l'pil BIIg:III, ClIlIl'''',., IlI n, lilli' S l'I'1I1 0\"'S " II !,"HSl hl l' d ll u"t , I~ • • lIlid 11 ,. 111'1' Ell is . \\'!'l'athes Ihe wh ,d l' ,·il·,· I,· o f lhl' any ('Vt!l' !'eall y eXis t e d, a s t .. whet' )" 'lIr, el' Ill' lIut 1.' " i,., ill l'tl l'Ill'st ill IllS .. y I III I'. alld :'> 11". \\ . Ill. ( ;il lal11 ""1" ' 1 (" ' Il IPlllli llll "I' Ill\' ~lIn. des il' l' t o 111111", til l' "<l I'Y" lal\' s d ·-. 011 (,11~"ln t sny ll:11 I1 n ~' ma n Sunda\' di n l" ' 1' I! u t' s b "I' ~ I I' :11111 f l' .,tiv(O. ", ",·(·(·",, 1111, so lo nl{ u S IH' is 1\1," . 1I /1l,oId ( ;II lalil alld f;l/lli ly. II " IIIII{ ~ Up. 11I Ih l' lap ,If :\I :1Y. To. :.I ~itat i (lll fill' th· n'p l'ul .. I' ,lIil'I' ," ~ui d lIl l' lI ea d o f onc of T h, . 11111111:" l,anl)lI,'1 II f l\ l a ssit, ,),,, ~IIIII Y :\1I~rll ' t ~.\lI' I "1:. it .; PI'IIl1llolll".n , ba St· t! II p OIi ~ 1 1t· IISSI'I" :\ n"' l'i"iI'~ gl'CIiI illdu s tl'i ,''; l1oL lt,ng T "I<'II .• " il' II II! II ~l'h, ' ,,1 .\1 LI III III will " (' 1i :1I· 1I1' . . lr~"11 .t lw t ,' t l' Ul1 ll1l t Ill'. "loll 'liT :01 Ih ' I :I)!". II I' IlI N ln t thall IInl' llian I,,· 1,,,101 :Il l ill' (; YIII SlllU l'd :,\, "\·,' n . 1\ 'I.:III1~ 1'.1I 11· ( ;(;'''h'' ''IIII~ 11I ~ wUY . I' I'SIt I'nl. s .1'I.' S I"II'I ~ '· IS 11111 I.t ha s IIli~ ht IlI a l", n hlulld ~ I' Olf"I' I ] l\1:,y 17. ' . ", II In" s t! ""1ll .,'1 , lll'IlI S. J lot h ad 11 11I1I' I' han l'l' lit 1' 111 01'1"" u ll chut hud ' 0 111' IJ 'f, " " . ',. .. . . I ~ f I It! III. n il I11llt .\II ~. \\ . I . ;\1,.( :1 11" '11 , ' :11111' \\ 11 111 11 1111' ~"l'd (, 11 ~ ,·"l l " I·.. d I' IIlid Ilw n t und e r t il<' s vstl'lII whil'h ('till' t • ' . • (' t' ] 11\\' :-;lH ' ('t' S:-; \I H' h·,t! bet~ n \. \\' I I I' . I I " , Kress lias IInp tls ,'d Up O Il tlll' 1·. xl'l'lIT h' l ... I " " . ' . " , fi' " ""11' , .. 1l" >'UY, a t ,' r ' Jl(' ullin~ I , lal" S Ih L' ' 1I't'I·t "al'lIal l" l1 s tiv('. II " a s Ks thllt lh (, I'r" h ihition lilt 'II \\<l S (1,( lIln g II lJ) ett~ 11 1' I. \\'II \\'l' I ' I., \\'ith 111'1' illI'· IJan" ill l I,,'d; . , lu\\, Ili a 11\' 111(' 11 \1 hU llI t hl' (' I 'l (' I II ~ l lIt hl' t ral1 ~ f t!!'I'I· d . fl'IIIll t hl' TI'~ al'ds' a s " s u r c(>:R ful " '" h,l"lI '''"11 ~' . .\1" "" : 111 '." ,·"n s "'· l nkl ' ), IIl1r,d I I'l'as ury, wh el'<' It "bl'luu s' ll'. do l'S' ,I'"' I til u I wa. v a b OLi t th c nHH."I ? A I 'I""IJI ia l, ' .'1,,1 1 1" 1 ". 1111\' . " " 1 '_ III h"'lIoi " I lh .. d t'ad. ' Vl'S . :l .~ . '"' n nl .Lt' I u n",: l~ tlw » eplIl'll1lt' l1l 01 I.' ill<l th" 11I1'li wh ll fl,.' 1 that lhel' l' It 'l'" \\1 11 I,e h( ' ld in th" I'arl"" ,, " "., . . . ,. Ju s ll ~(' , II hl'l e It d ll's 1'l'lllillC hal'l' SU('l' (. ded in d"in ~ a ll tha't 1'1' 111 1'11(,,, IWl'e 11I' XI SUllda y, May I III \\ ,1St. ,11101 II ", ,,lIl1nol,. I IILI. ulld th.u l nll'nS UI' U~ Iw ad o pted t~1 .1'.1' 1' - Ih"y e\' (' )' h"p!! d 0)' tri c d t o d o and 11 . . \llaln. . Illil t h e s ll l'e dy Inll l tl f l' ro hli llt ion \'''11 I'n l tI h . I I' I l ilt' )1 .. ". li as hut a : llnIl111 ' )' i'l'lgn vio ili tion ~ in thl' F e d e)'u l CIIU )'t S' :1'1 I I Ill' u Il JlP II's l nll e!1 a ll\' ~'" ;\11' . Hil d j\l l'~. 1,'ll'd :-:1I,' rll·" " d It , 1011111 111, ' I,uds IIl1h"I·d" .ll' i' I' · . , II '\' l11a\' I!( In t )(' 11' ' I' '1 f ' I 1 I '('1 I . I" ' thal 111111'(; 1' 00 111 Ill' pro v id l· d in hU 'i'll ' C l IU ve . s uc ecI b th h anI! ll llil I ' " ( " UI1l It" "lid \1 1' H' 101,,\' 111'1"' 1' I II'~. F"dl'l'ul Ilri Ko n" f o l' thus,' ""111" 1" \ " , ~t ~ ~,; ' n CI I'J~ I'I ~c l '·s .. ut cy ave nn d ~I " . 'Car l ~hl'r\\o"<1 hf '" . " . ''-.-. ltl S Ul'I 'l' ! ll ' t In 1\' Ull' . . . --- - - u n der thIS lu\\, ' thatl h e Bord er I' a <'u .• ·ff... · h' n", \' '' 11' 11' 1'1'(' \\'('(Ok,,,"r1 gUL' ~ t s "F , . .~ ~(' .. ss nll'an ~ ul (' ren t t 111!!5 I I tril l bl' IInifi ,d Il n d mlld e m Ol' e 10 di ffl:l'(' n l pco pil' lind 'lI m e time~ t,1<' I' rnr,· nt ~ . :\1 1' . a lld :'I I I'~ ..,1. diecliVl' und thut all ad e q uate Iht' mall \\'hom th e' \\'''I'lil p lti l'H hl1 ~ ~h '· I'\I'o f" l. s lutut e ~e a d o pt e~1 f.ol' th l:' c~ n trll l :u<ccd e d ill l e>J dill)!, H hap p ie r lif l! ~ I I' . lIlId :\11' .. A. Z. lI alt ~ () , · k a nd of I,h c IJqu.1l1' Il'afh c .Ill the )) lS ll'l ~ t thl.1l1 hn ~ th e OIl\' wh o m t h e w u rld fall l il\' "I' M.. h ·ln 1I'l'l'e glle~ t R Sun I o f Co lumbia , .fu l' ~vhl c h C" ll gl'e ~5 IS 1'11\' i .~. A 1111111 whll uV l'r tllkl'S his day uf I\ l r. lind 1\1 1',. W. T . . r.. rolan . the loca l l e~l ~ lll t ll' (: blld y.. idl'llis i~ n o t RlicceH!' in lin ' t l'u e ! . , ' The Pl'e~ ld c llt I" clltltle d to ~e n RI! of t il e Iv o' l U I ' ) ' . na l(' ~ ;. \\ .. hh ('" lI l'd ,,11 fll l' I1(I~ She Wouldn 't S u rviH h' h d I'. I) fR~ OUI IH' I' I' lhh \\, ('· k . I I I t al cq u a c t oo. s wit I IV K . III 0 stlll1 dnl d ~ g r ow Ht PHd il v hi~h l'l' 11 " . , t h l' wOI'.k wh ic h Cong l' p~s III IP OSl'S \\, "ppn'lIch th e m we" so o n luse .rane a nd .J NJIl lI al't~ or k WP!'(O up ~ n hl~l . If th e p op le of th.e til\! ZI:~ t o f stl'iving t o attain Ih c' m (HlI·I·· nhrhl !!UP,., t. 1If. Mil 1'\' ('111',, U.n.' te u Stutes r eu lly want. Proh, - lI 11d in Ihat s trivi n". 11 0t I' ll t h n 1)"11 I.lI ken ~ W (' dn es cJ a .v nnrl Iltt"II(1 T " lIl'h" r : ".1,,111111\' , if ~'(l ur btl' I I h ,., ~ < ', . fal h e r l'II I' IIPd $.ICl '11 w(,l,k alld 11 0 11 I' n o rc e l ,\III {~ve II11Pl'I'Rl'- o\'~l'tak ing, . Iil's h al' l'in t'l's, and I'd ~ chllo l o n ThuI'sdnl'. ~II·';. I· i'llllk DIl. klll n",1 ~o n .s pent "av e " o ur 11101111' 1' 11.'111' . \I' II',lt \1' (1 111, .' e u that fad up o n tht'lr I' ·pI' CSI' n · now h e r e c isI' II k I I I 1'" J tatin's in t hl' e ll ut, and H o us e II .. . ·' · . . ;\I I'~. \\ Iilul'c1 B('Kan wa . quil,' ill 1(' \\'CP · ·~ n r WIll WI' so n-ln - IIW s he hu,, !!'! " p . ' 1 t' " th • IS ,I <0 111111(1n IlIlsco nc ptl u n ,11','r t il!' wl, .. k-f' nd :l!ld d"u J! h ter MI'. aod MI ',. 1':I'IH'st l J o hnn y: " il eaI'I fnilul"'," l e~ l l e n s al'llI "! l'se 1'l'~ p(Od s lhal the Ilt'c lumtion o f I nd epI' n -\ _ ~ _ ____ I ~')(lIn (If !)n y t on . l u do HIJ. dl' n ~e d eclares hapllin e~s t,) hI' ~!"'!'!!"'!'!!"'!'!!"'!'!~~~--_ _ _ __ . I f . o n !t r ~H!l fUll s the f ael will b e IUIII\!d by th e ad- o n e of the in alienah le rig'ht~ Of l EGGS - A WONDERFUL FOOD i\ l iss EI ~ i c G ihs on and Mi ~" M a r ' = voca t es ~f r~ pea l U R }II·n~ r. th at the hum a nkind . Th e I'i).{ht which lh e ,~ - .. - - - _ I PROFITS pori(' i\h'l'l'c1ith :,;penl u t ur"n v peop le lil t' tll'l'd of I rlllllb, llOll nn d ('oltlnists so bo ldl y c illillleu wn s th£' . · I',!!!!._ ffl!' \ I talllin ~ and II alth ' l1i~h t anu SUII " .I)' willi Mr. :1 n;1 do n ot want 'n,f Ol'ccmc nt. . rig', h t to pu rs ue huppil1l'''s . And th ' I IS t1~(' SI, glln .whic h s hou ld II I\\'a~',; $8D~7,~'(dpr~¥;~Ofn 192rnth~~~~ Mrs, lI ile y G i b~lJ n un d famil y, lIh·. an d Mrs . Frank H urt!lock t ' Onttht: ,!'.Ic·Il , thut pU.bllc S(' Il - , ma n (I I' II' man, wh o di sc (' \' I'ls I'I! In th l' lHlnd s and lI ea n s o f the first pro!iul'J lt! year since 19'.!6. c I~,"ged .RIIl I·e th' . l'ar ly in li fe th~t lh e n ea res t 11»- "Vt'? ' AI1~ l' 1'I1'an h o u s e wife f u r In 1927, when tite {ar:lorv w:u shut s r,'n l Su nda y wllh Mr. nnd M I·~. ~!nh~ lg eWe n l11 e l11 0 nt l\oIl ~ udnptl',1 pl'cuc h to hllpp1l1 cs~ , i ~ th o ugh a back o f It Il('s l he lWCI' t of d own for six mc)n lh. whl'!e new rna. Th eodorc P e ppe l' o f n eur B el lt h, e , elS h ope t o Will man~' co n s t a nt c nd eul'o r to d o th e iob eco n o my and cunll, l (' t en('s~ in th e ~.. . • n ul"lOk. vlctO~1 s . at , th e '.'oll~ th is ~· ~al'. in h n nd, li S well u s it cu n be d o n e fam ily d i e~ . " . \-I,lI1ery fur the production of Model :h ~ rc ~I e !:i~~utn l'; t il b' ~o m ~s n eUt'cor to s u ccess, n o t u n1 y . ' I n th e " .g~ t h ~.r(' IS wra PI e ll UJl A was being installed . the cO!llpany MI'. lin d MI'H. I rvin Mullfol'd a nd e lectc ci In l !)dU , ·t.L , nH~ lllbl'I'S p f 111 h iM o r h c !' imlll e <.iilltc occu pa tio In a lI<;al c C! 'OlltHII1Cr, the ('()nt(,l1t~ lost $42,7B6,727. In 1928 while tho t hild r' n MI'. a n d M,.". Ernes t tIle !-I o u;;c !, f Rl' )1l'!!sentnti\' ;; lind bul in t he bri. ad er sense of Iivin~ of whi c h have Ill'l' e r been Illuc hcd ll1arket for MUli d A was be:n, built 1'\i)( .' n of Day t o n sp e nt S unday /Joy !'! rn o r s In nllll'c lhan hulf lhe , u ~ ucc l'ss f u l life. o r pu llul ed by lhco ha nd o f 111al1. ~p, tbe company lost f72,22 1,498. afterno u n wi t h MI'. IIn <l Mrs . . (l Il C (If t h l: mus t II' I/ ndc rful f <lo d ~ Those are a:nulng iilf1=rts. No leu FI'Hnk Dakin nnd family. _____ -==- -=-=- __ . which natur e n r ll\'i d c:,;.- Iss u e d II\' JDlazing 'i5 the F ord report of caah OD Mrs. Emma G ibslI n is s pe nding - 1'h[' Nat i<lllu l P ou l I'Y o llnci l f p'r hand on Dtcemher 31, 1929, totalling ' 11 f e w dny s in Be llbroo k. use 111 CI nn ec li o l1 lI'ith " ~a linnlll f3 46,9J7 ,49t'l M o st of this II money I . Egg' We 'k " !I'l ar 1st til 7th ill eills, on deposit, subject to check. For many :\I ~" and M!'s. H iley Gibso,n a.n r! ,ve. years Henry Ford has carried a iar&er duug ht e r s !:it e ll a and r uulm e , I cash balance than any ttIaD in the ' pl' nt Monday e l'(' ninK with Ir. world ever had. 1I1d I\1I'S. Lllwel' ' ne e Wllkl ey. F I' Ul'l ~ I'n long Yl'ars II f· hard. , O n~ )' a closed c:orporation like thl., uni nt e rru pted ~ tlldy, \' ('!1r~ 1111111e In wh ich all of the stock is owned kUI S ub scribe f o r Th c Mi:lm i Guzette 1110rc cl llliCul\ h y th e n ecess ily f (l l' one man, hit wife and hi. 1011, can ~ tJl f ,~ uI'P ll l ' l : unci tilled so m e tim cs do business on such a ba!i.. In other w it h qu o~ lIon ln g ~ , M h hus sce n corporations, stoclkholders demand dil!lI s co ll ege c luss-l11 u les m ovi ng for - tribution of asset! in divltiends. Mr. ward. to t h ei r p lac o:; as w e ll paid F ord once told me that the (ealon he , !,hysl,c1an ~, un ll h e lln gerll1!t s till bought out his other stockholder., W~A'f rt:IAKES A JOB 0000 less ' f'cc ul' e. His c xp e l'l l' n c(' wil l In . !: ,HlIII , Senator Couzcnl and the Dod~ ---co unt for lIo t h jn J.:, bc cuu 'o It 1M Y ct with whut rUsli lt '! Brothers, was because they wanted One 111 0r ni~ g th c e!e vn l or stll l' - expe l'i ~ n cc that lln y otlie l' I11 pn can li e hn ~ nrqull'o(1 a s p ecia li z u di vidends and he wanted to use the ter WIl S breakin g in 11 n e w elevator ' gu in in II \lo upl e.or dl1y ~. 4 t1'lllning II ll(' h a s on ly a f c w o lh e l' p rofits to enlarge t he business and robo>" 1 ll ll l1Iay fr 111 tim e til til1l(', f(JI'oe m e n in Nl'W York possess. duce the cos t of production. If ho . At n o o n the n l' W hoy WlI S ron · fi n il1 ol' c nsc in h is PII Y. But t hll inII will br,gi n li fe with an in · had not had such enormous cash re- Cincinnati Man ' Deacribel AmllZnl~1!' th e (!ur 111 011 0. li e hlll i on 11 c r el1~e wjll n o t h e IHI'gc, Wh y? come (,I' :ol'e rHI th ouRancl s ; he will m g Experienc:" W ith N e w I,IlIliorm, 811U I\'l: B ISta rling Ilnd Beca usl' h e Il lll nell t he joh In flllY bac k h is e lili cll ti o n !l l d e bts in <1 s'.)urce' he ('ould not h~ve


A.'ways Plenty of

___ •






II':' .

i ..








W'U\':/ E.,













" topping with tho f,Jo nfi(ic r)'oe vf U lW(1 days , A nd In lillY ot he r tWQ co upl l! o f y('al'~; In t e n ycnr's hi s I llnys t he compllny ca ll finll p lont Y in c(J I11 C will b e t e n s of th o us and s. VI!terli ll . Fro m upiJtl' nti ce t Jlro r efl~ l (J n u l o f m e n wh o will lelll'l1 Ju s t IlS fa;t F ou rte e n yellrs o f hi s lif e w e nt In II coup le of h ours . I' u d takt! th e job ow n y fr o m him. into th e l11a ~ to r y o f hi s p r o f es~ i o n . Whut t h /lu).{ I' t ~ al'c in IIm t you n g Rccl'nl ly r m et in n hlltl' 1 r(1 ~ · Hut h l' n ee d h ove n n fl' a l' of l o~i n~ f l' lI ow's h e nrrl a : h I' 1'r ccil' cs his in t~llIra nl u fli en d of I11ln (' who hit s what he ha s g'u in e d . N o lither man st l' ucti oJ1 8 ( ru l11 th o g l'lly· haire cl ju s t come b!l(lk I'rulll Englund c un di s plac e him , (Oxce pt at t h e ve t e l'll 11 ? l "llt,1' t nking s pec ial w(l rk In" ~UI'- ('\I~l flf f(lu l'lern y e llrs o f w OI·k . H o w 'un h e ru il l O look Cor- gery u l1 d l! 1' S(lme or t hc g r ellte~t ' Anti when he s1I Id It he e pi to llli . ~c tl the phllos oyh y of Bus in ess. Wl\rd nnd ,. (> in Ih p o ld e l' 111.1 n n m e n In th l' \\,0 1'1(1, lctl.ll'tl of hl ms, lf twenty yeal'!I . H .. is th l r~y-o n ~ y.elH8 QI,I ; It. I Th e job t hat thc ,l:'o rl s Hell f o r r Ill( now , l id f o ult eo ll yeul' iI ~ lII ce he e nt e re d ,two h OIII'. ' t rainin g IS w o rth ju s t f'/ e is ta~l~g llP 1\ low. pule! j o l1- ' cu jl ell'll, Ilw hat it ~o: tl!. fI jnb with n o fu t UI'C, Tw e nty "'0 1' te n of t h ose rourtee n yetiI'. On ly t.h a t j o b Is w o rth mu c h yenrR f!'l1lll now h e will be Jl\8t hI.' hus b een In m edianl s c h o ols , In ' ,wh ic h hn s tiNI to It t h e price tag w\le l'e h e is t(J · lll1y - on ly OII! CI', h Mp ltllls, anel III (ol'(' ll(' n c o untl'l m, o f conlllllnt, unc e a. ing s tud y Rnd with n g rus p 0 11 t he Job sO l11l;Jwhut ~ tlll:y ill g. ',work,


I "


Keep Your Buildings You... ia Years M~y ~ 1>tP.I~Qa-Qld iQ ppi~~ Qf lervi"ce, bu he~Q m~~e look


the ": l'islS wtlh: h !hc a bun :.ivnmen! o f the o ld ~1 ') ,1er T ,: "'\l S ~d.. AI i: wa., the :oss of $lJ5,iJOI).CJOO in two " V/I wa ~ a mere in cident.

Medi ciM-



Sight Specialist 30' Y enr~ EXl1Cl'i e n c<! in F ittinaI1 n(1 Making G lnsses - nt-

Cary'sJewelry Shop Every Tu esday . Thuraday. Sa turday N o charge f or Examination

Wl\ YNESVILLE. OHIO Rully Equipped for Good ~ervfce , "

ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN yo uI' Cat tle. h og s, s he ep and calv ... I to N o r r is- Broc k Co., live wire anll TELEPHONE 7 I ) .H O f( NIG"~ I pr ogr ess il'e firm fo~' t h e ' highel t ----------...;1 ' .anu ' goo d servIce. . " 1 I marK e l 1l1'lces I Un ion Sto'c k Yerda, Cincinnati, O. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hef I' e nce : A s k fir s t man you meet

Ambulance Service



hiPft;f Display Room.




WOOL! .- - - - - - - -

I will tukp in W oo l III M ill' s Saw :\1 ill, ( ' u r wi n, O hin , Oil TUESDAYS AND F RIDAY S


~a.l~;tW...:rf-- , lI ig lw ,' t ( ':I f, 1I l 'l'kC'~ I •. , a m p r o ud t" c him r i'lr in nll li W . J. BAK E R Corwin , Ohi o IOOD • ~--as IlII' ho m e , f o r it is the hOl11 e 0 ( , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Dr. C. W.ANSON Veterinarian Phone 93

Waynesville, Ohio

mlttee of the American BoouelJer. !1r h a nd IIv.'.r WI'I'l '. out " I "nl'l' , Association hal Itlected I library af lin d th e pOl so n ~ 1!1 m y ~y,; I (O ~1 With D d bl five hl!ndred volumes which ha, b." I' II!!ht o n rh e ulllati s m an,1 n C' l!' Iepen a e NOTARY PUBLIC beeD preLented to the United States t l ~ .. I g o t 11' 0 1' . e e ver y ~ ay. losl n).{ Serum and Virus for tht 'Vh:te House library. we igh t n lld streng th . DIZZY S I"' II ~ N ati onal Ban." Un'!t'ubtedly many additions will .1.'1(1 h I ac h es wore pari o f ill Y insures both Safe~ made to thill nucleus, and some 11 f t, . I ~ aln s l ack ~ tl my. b o tl y lind W 'ill Drawn of the hoole, wHl be Ie .. read than m lld e It 1I 1 111o~t IIllJ1M. lhl e f o r Il1l' ty and Success others, but there are many amonr 10 (1 0 my w o rk . . Waynesville. Ohio then which wilR never die. In the . "B ut lifte r . e l'c l'yt hllig C'll;e I list ar~ s uch Ifreat American classic. lrl c ll. , h ad f.ul c d. I s lartetl ~he AI Mark Twain'. "Tom Sawyer" K o nJ o lu t l' e atm e n t. A f,t er takl11~ \ Harveysburg, O. and. " Huckleberry Finn" luch truly ~ev(' l'n l Ir " ttl e~, . 1I11 ~ " ~'s tr' l1l lIa ~ • c le an sed and l11v lgoruled ; t he ~,.r~at bc.cka as Bunyan', "Pili.rim', . po i!« lIl!> w e r e s w ept aWlIY and a ll ...:._ _ _ _.;.P.;;h;.;o;.;.n;.;e;..,;;3.;1_ _~__ ["roereu" tad King 5Jey 's "We.t- my ill s di sa ppeared. I 11m f rc e o f I t\':\ r<! Bo" ~s well as m""y oi tho in clige",tio n, c1izz, · s ll e ll ~ li nd HIl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "rell: t.inodes, b iographict, boob pain s .. Life hu s once Hgnin beco m.e 1 (;f travf!i '1lII 01 roe\ry, .in addition w orth l ivin~ li nd I knl)w t hilt It to lite beit of the works of the w as K o nj o ln a lo n e that IIllld e it ~;i~~. s of ~c cay. p oss ib le f or m e to e nj oy ' gl o riou s \ • leavln i Q 'l t the Lt'I ode n" , wholO h e alth again ." h o f Konj ola' s in~ re di en~s, ... ork ~.ill ha s le staud t il'! tut of RESIDENT : ;me, Ilnd :i~nlti n. it ~o honka mora 22 of whi c h ur.e the j ui ces o f I t~an twent)'·/lv·e y:arll old, this 11. , nat ur a l plants c ombin e d with 0' h e r brary c"ruliina ",jThl ... Hsell all tho I'e cognized, m e di c inal cl e m nLs tlements of a ,,: vn.;:'!f'te. 1tell·round· h ns a s pecia l d u ty to perfol'm on PERMANENT LOCATION ed education, :!. ctr. thi Dk of no· the ailing o r g ans. M'any who have lJ~tter way to bring up )'OUDS folk. gi ve n it a fair trial ( ;;ix to ~ig ht I to a h igh Du:"isro of morall, honor" bottles ), h':lY.e de.('lal'~d th ere IS nl) cour:age ;md .:I:. ty tnu, to turn them other mediCine llke It. LEBANON, OHIO loo~e when cllli r\cu iD the tompan, I K nnjola is so ld in Waynesville . of tbe great mut~r. o( literature. I Ohio. at Adami Drulf Store, ~nd Eyel E".mined _....:_. . by all t h e best druggist in 11 11 GI ..... Fin.d R.p.irl It o wns through out t his entire ect- II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subscribe for The Miami G.zette ion.


Ufe·ri.... SerWce

~ap' p',,~Un!Jr-y fQO~Qi I The mo~Ci!y it save •.

rrs; B. MADDEN U COMPANY ·Plione 14



N ea r!:,' IIIW "I the 30,OCO() ~I ..;;.t de..tllS ic i1 uto'11')bilc a r.cI.:'ents ill 1\ 1.1:' erl~ ..ccur ",here 1 : 1r: !l wa. y~ cross rQiIrm,d tr:..cks on lhr. SIU1It: grade. Somt .talcs li ... ~ e Ilea-un work un rfl)l1r~1U$ of eliminatini ~ ve r:t i I ... tie Cl'1)5iin&, compcili.,p' \I;c l'l,ji:olu1s tt' paj moat of the ':')51. The Federal G"vernmtnt is takin, an activt plirt 111 this .!1)o'\oemint, in the case! of rOI.,:11 whkh ue bu!lt with Fed:n! ~l<1 . Since !!'17 4,676 ,rade crollin,. hive I:ttll dim· inated 011 Fedelll} Aid (oad&.. It I, not a!wRY. neceuarJ to huHt! a brld~ over otbe railroad or ...ubw~:i aDdu It. Only 99S of tbt&e ct01lin,. were eliminated in dUK WIl1; the olhf:r~ . were abollshed by tho Ibllp1e IDWlI rtlocatlni ~ .. hlahway ItNI'. One of the thlDrl th.t i. PtIIr to


This is the kind of roofing service thai will save you money. Let us tell you more ., about it. Channeldrain is made of the more costly COP.R.LOY, the Copper AI· ·Joyed Steel ••• and yet it costs no more


Harveysburg Fertilizer Company

J E.McClur€

Dr.W. E. Frost

fO" lp ,tpaif hill. will loon pay itt



0uut6 at .I~_ _ .. KIln ,;'" la , th e l11a, te l' 1l11·di r i' ,.," I 'fllt u future :PtIIldlDtl Wftlluth ~uid Mr. A.u g~ ~t~ e ye ~, . I:1 :~ 1i C la y p'1.ntJ of ~ reading matter fOr st l' el' t, C l11 c m nUll . • I, (I I' s,· ,·(>n their I,oicuri hourI, II allI. A eom- yt'u r s I wu.~ in ill h ell it h . M ~ ~ t Cl I1l-

young iQ yeara with good seeel roofIns. Cbanneldrain is steel roofing at its best-made fO give a life-time of trouble·free roofing service.




. . . lIMen ba A.-,Ica It.

Dead Stork Wanted


Waynesyille, Ohio

Dr. John Zettel




19 N. Broadway


. / ,,-_..:..._ _ __


N I \'

iI&io_..._,.., ,


L 13

S eera ;)1 hy Dinner I l' " ' . 1ul, ..., . :1\ II., l'lw' '"I' \11' l' ~[ • H.. I'1l1,' wit h . J I'~. '\ '1I1· lill W il ,,1'\\


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th~ her:;ic 1I1l>:n ers 0 1


Phon r 11 5F2

Wayn es ville. Ohi o


Phone 115 F2





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·Ill ' ; la s t.

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Authorized FORD Dealers Bangham Motor Co, Waynesville Motor Co. l'h OIl(' 1-10

Pho n e




~ Ir " El izabeth Sm ith ' of Ou\, It "n wa ~ a )! Ul'st Thul'sduy o f Mt::;. ~ I argllrd .r nhn ~.


Make La~n. Beautllul

Q lIa rlL'd~' )l l'eling- "I' ~ I I'., I:: . .J. .Carmony of Sp rin~FI'i (' I1tI ~ (Col l fen ' IH'(' G roll!' ) w ill (j ' Id \' I ~ JtNI )11 : nlnth l.' l', Mrs. Marv me d at. W aYll e ~ \' i ll l' " " i\IIIY I Oth ('al'lll o tl ~' fi n \Vedlle!'dny . . W a llel' Clark s p c nt Friday in a l III a , Ill. Lun c h willi 1.(' ~' (,J'\'( ' d :I t n'"lII . t ll (' Gl' 1l1 city. Two 1·'ril' lld " f r Pll1 Ihe I~ast lJl'e D 'lIli e l ~ 1 1', nll d Mrs .•J esse Harri s were ('" pcele d t o he IH l'se nt ",hll l' o f \\'a ~ h ing-tt 'tJ n. call ,! lo Bl'thel., Ohi o Su lurtluy ' I' h ilu- morn ing' by t he death of the for. ,\lId r: l u tl ce~ Il l:utu t k , dl.lp hia . Il le' r 's m oth e r. Funcra l service and T h Hl' I.'riends will j'(, ll lain ove r buria l wa s he ld at B el he [ Sun day S u nd ar. , a ft e rn oo n. 1111'. a 1111 Ml's . W . F, ,Clark and TRACTOR TURNS OVER ~ra ntl · daughtcr of Wa ynesv ille W(ll'e Sunday afte rn oo n g u est s o f Gl l'nn LYlln s uff el'l!d a ~ pra i lll' d l\ 11'~. :'Ilal'y Ca rm ony. il ~ '.ld ~', " ~d, .,1Iwr l11i Il O!' in j u l ies i MI'''. W . M, 'o le man s p e n t 1 hUI S(. a .I': II he ll Iw J Ulllpl· tJ 11 fT ti llY n ft t' l'nol1ll at" th C' ho m e of Mr. a t l /lldnr which hl' \\"a ~ o )lc l'u ting and l\ 1 1' ~. Owe n H iggi n s in L e bun thl' Puttl' I '~O Il farm. T ht' on. at "!ilc hint' sl ru('I, it !<tump o n n hill, Mrs. C. Albright of WaynesSid " Hll d tUl'lled o vel·. \'llI e WIlS u Thursliu y g u es t of h e r d aug h ter. Mrs. Kes l e r Graham. PU lti Ll C SALE i\11', an d Mrs. Glenn .T o hn s a n d c hildren of Dayto n w e r e Sunday f!u v in g- sold my farm . T w ill se ll afte rn oon gue. t s of Mrs. Mal'garet at rublk Auction all m y c hu t c l!!. .J o h ml. lOn wha t IS kn\l\\'11 liS t h e o ld Mo n gel' F.u rm. s itualed " mi les N Ol' t h Hil ey :ay lo r will att e nd . ummer iiI' Le banon, (I n Da Ylon-Lebano n ' c hoo l at Wi l mington. Pik e . on S la le RUlIle 48. o n ]\[1'. a nci Mrs . hade s Quil n e r of Wed nea da,y, May 14. 1930 n ell r i\li a mi s ~urg w e r e entertai n ed CV llln ll'lIcing- ut I ~I I) ' c loc k " harp . to Su nd ay dlnn e l' ut th e h o me of J. E , MONGE R ' Mr. an d M,.,;. Kes ler Gru h am. -, - • - i'llI'. find Mrs. H aro ld K e llis a nd s nn Bi ll y, were di nner ~ u ests S u n O . E. S. NOTIC E day o f Mr, lIn 'i Mrs . W . M. Col ernlln a nd Mi~s The l ma . , Miami Ch aptl'l' Nt). lOi O. K S, Mi ~s Edith Cram o f Mt. H!'althy II' II! 1I1~l't in re ~ uhll' " e ss inn Mnn day l'v(·ni l'J.!" ~ln y 12. a l 7 ::10 . ~pent th c wee k -\! 1Il1 with Miss Eva Whart o n. Vi s i t ill/! tIl ~ l1lh c l' s wl·lcu llIl' . Jn sC' I'hin e 1': 1II'n hll l' t , W. M.. i\11'. n nd Mr ~. A lva W . Sco tt o f 1\1 in n ie F rollllll. Sec'y, Dayton w e r e e nle rtained o n Sun - - -,- - - - - - dn y a t th e h o m e o f Mr. and Mrs. "~l (' l p! TI c' l p ! "m )!o in g und c !"!" Walter Kenrick. (Vo Ice "n ba nk:) "Wail fl minute Ml's. u san S av Ior nn d M r s. , ]' 11 ~ (l IH' !IH! • n d. J!l' L inlo my WiJlium CI' i~ hto'n called on hat.lllng. s u~ !)~dJ>';ng' ~~' lIt.." fr i c nd ~ in S pl'i n gboro S u n d ay.


,\I ia:tIi


y o ur


g rou n d by same mac h ln cry


u sed


t he

focto r y·





• • lONE DOLLAR S , ervlce S pecla

------, ---


W a yn e aville. Oh io

_ _ _


o n the B llJn ~ lrn­ l l' l' f~l rJll.

I._____ j



, QUltl' a num b('1' or ~ c h oo l pupils f rom h e re utt(' n<i ('d t he Fi e ld m e et III. Ll'lJatlo n Friclll.\'. ~II', lind !I1I'H. C h n ri es fcDnrgh lind ;\ I r ~, G(' or ~e Mc DHq:rh uf lJl'"allil II'l' l' e di ntl c r gue~ tR li t the homc (, f Mr , and !\Irs . W alter Ke nMIAMI QUART ~ RLY MEET IN G I'ick lOll TU f'~ d llY o f la s l w ee k.

L. V. Branstrator


th( ' ~'

L e b a n o n . Ohio

Waynesville, 0. , I

c,1l3rnnt('('Il Tire n l"!1ai .. il1/l:

r.1 ')II~ m ·: n t

\'h( \Vt' ~t " r,s 'l iled 4>y S<.'C reta!")· of W':lr Hlt~ I .22, • It ~ l .. nJ ~ on a ",pe(';'\[ plot del!i ca!cd f o r the p urIn tn r. o,uokee S/ '!P, Oklahoma.' T he statue ' is 35 ,hgh. on a M<?:.l r b~t 15 l ret hieh; it weighs IZOOO nds ar.~ C?sl $.:~('.OC'O, The sculptOr . :Bf)'anl Baker' i. h,.,w n be~ld~ lI, ' • I


14 . 25 14 .60 14 .75 15.00 15.35 1.6. 50 16.95

Gordon's Service Station

Tnis Lro.1 le

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:-;"'1.'1: 11)" "j' ~111'" Clnl'l'TJ('C' .1. II r"ll n hll ~ ann o unced Ihl' app"inI I1l 1'l1 t of lI o wllrd L. ('h l' II I' \', 1.' l'aII I-. Iill . t·" p ub lit-an und .Joh n i·:. II lI ldl' lI , i\1 'J1:r. 1\\'. de mllcl'at, ;~ s Ill' II' 1t.l l' l1lh~I ·S " I t hl' Wa l'l'e ll ( \l lInl.\''d lI,n 11 "a rd. :\11', I.' hl·lIl·V ~ lI CW ill m"k" tl,,· se nOOn a t th e L. V . "I'c d ~ ]I" . :,\ , .\ . ll a milt .. 11 who ha s ,, 1'\'I,d li n the Hlla l'd manv l'l'll l'" BYAn !>tr a to r F ynl ' ''I'. Jl o ld ('n S lll'l' l'l, d ~ i' 11'. 'rlia" ('~ II , lI ;(rt~ I J ('k \\'ho ha;; ul'l'n O tl th· $ 10,0 0 I r In s u re Living Foal 10" "1'<1 a 1l1l 11l1H'1' II f ye al·s.

$ 9 ,35 9 .50 1 1.45 10.75 12 .85 13 . 25

~)1('I ' i:l1


:Kentucky Nightingale Jack

ofl". ' I·(·d!

( :o )'c l C;J/'c'" '''' :!~!;o(

l'a r in and II,t U ~ fix it lip RIG H T .



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Pad,' I1 ,'" lI .d lli' , 1'1 Li , \\ if,1 Il~' I h l.t t H t; .lll· ,..,. .... I).tld 1 , aP :J lil .. I", . 1' '' ,, 1" 1 I f " ';,\11 ('" 111 •. iii ,] ;1 1 :IH 1t"1lI" " I' ht'l' \l l u~·h/( 'I. .11 1>. ~1. I.. 1',11 ,ita II. ,a 'l lid .•• ~\' nl~1. 1I 1l11lt' 1) l'(' " IJI'iIl I1 ~ IIy .\JI'~. • ' ' I lIi)\L: ~I, '. II:li, ill \\;1 . ~!; \l'; I1'~ I'.. II:J lh:lII:l~; I'ltl , <I .~('ll'l·lill ll . ,,( "'~I' '1' \1" tl a ' I'! ,' ( ". ~ I >,, ' 1':1 1~1I ·, i all ~1 .. llI d il" , .1 's 1l '·Hld .. .. ~ lrall an d ~I r'. 1':111 11 " ;-; "rill ,' , a ,( H.. t. i t z('1· D urill,!.: II " "' iul h. ' II • I l ll p:-; , 11 l; t'qlL!' " I>:dd n td' 1);1\1, '1. t,l llll" rll ~ 1 \' I' · "tI\ ' • llJl lt' h, llIn \\' ' . .. II ~i ' I"I. ~II . I) , ( '.1 \J ill, ,,'I' ":.. tt!\ d \ J 111 4 111\\ \ I \ 'I ~ an d ( .d1 11\\ . 1' 11 ', '1 0" :11 d _II I' Id lltJh' l . • ' .11 11 111,' ':11. " 1". ~Ir ~ . .1. T . \!:i 1'1:11 1 I l:Ji ll l' , . .. r 11:1 ,1 1, II . ' l i 1'111 111' 1, .11" . 1-:"11 11;1 II :d, lI l. ~1 1·". I:. \ , ' 1,' 111 11 1; 11 r l\i n'~. l' IJIf'\ h " , ,1 1. \ ... II " ~,. ,ti l \\" . I,' ( " " l III. ~ l l s , .I . '.1 1 H"I" .I III II"~' , 1\ . ' / , IlI'ld ,,' IL I ' r:tld". :11l,] :'Il r" .\1 , .-\, ( ' ,oIl1l.11 Ill, .\1"1 '1 1111 I, 'Ill' r: d 11 " il l., Til . ":1\ :11": , '1"1 111 ,1 /1 nnd 1' 1 t ' tl\ ' II I \\ 1 ... I I I .\1 i, i II I 1 t" II/ I, \' .


Ti1E\11 I I, :(" J,. I ' r.


i\ i,'S


r." t! ' IJ 'I "


~ . .J. . 1.,,);

Ga r~,~ ·' .j

_ _ _.._'


Ii, ,!


Farm lfl' Hay: " That Jonel! boy who used to work for you wants I me to give him a j ob. Is Ihe I. • • 'I • .t Kt ady"!" • r dtd It, "I~h e d lli (' lady. IJ e(, ,U'lIll [" :- ' t I : "Well , i f he WBS (·au. c - I rl1lJ III n o t lift th e table.' fillY st ntiil' r,. he'd be. moti o n less."


"t;d' II • • 1, 1 111 P ,.~t II I Thl! Ifu.. F 11 , I: tl ,"" i,'" Wl'1 I 1,,01,1: III' :11,' ( ·!In.·· I, uIII'!',,1 11 "," (,


1t:1I11 ' h,

"YllU hit y~u l" hu blind with chl\i l"/ Prav te1J 11Il'. why did I it':" •


on Bicyc le



m o bil e Tires--


Waynesville, Ohio


All Cars Washed


Cars Polished- Body and Finishings


Special Alemite and Service: The following all for ONE DOLLAR Alemite a ll over Service Crank Case Adjust Shocks .' Check Distributor Check Plugs Check Clutch Pedal Check Wheel Alignment Check grease level in transmission

Fill Battery Check Start er Check Generator Check Lights Clean Sediment Bu lb Check Horr- and Wiper Check Grease Level in different ial Test Ai r Pressu re i'n Tubes

All this lor $1.00 All Cars Simonized for


a y nesville Motor • '.


Waynesville, Ohio'

Diamond Brand Hydrated Lime Diamond bra n d. c h emically pure h ydrated . li me Does n ot c log t h e n ozzle.


s prayi n g .

:Osage Orange Posts

M I'. a nd .M I:~. Clll vi n Longacre

O sage om nge e n d an d lin e p ost s to fi t y our n eed s.

MI'. anti Mrs. C li fford A r c h r1 l'aeO Il a,nd so n o f Pa du ca h , K y .•

Lehigh Portland Cement

rA:;'~it'i:~-~f"M:;~i:l ~~:1 \~,~t~; 1~11;'~i~~ssf'~~i~!\~n~:i~ k-

,t T ownsh·Ip SC h 0018 I,

"'_ .U_ H_ "_ "............ nrc nlaklng an extended v isit at , • , t h(' h o me o f t he latter's pa l'cn ls, The S,' n jn l' las" of ' Ma .' " ie : Mr. and Mt·s. Frank M il te n berger. IJ i ~ h Sc h uu l wilJ (ll'c' c nt th e Mr ~. Lydia Pin e , ag e 84 years 1ll .\'~l l' l Y - CO IIH·Uy •. " C ~'e(' Jl Y Cre ~ t" II \'(! I'Y h i ~ hly res p ec ted citize n of :It t h t! I·cll"./) ! aud lt (JI ' I~11l1 at H nr- ' Ihi ~ co mmunity, passed away a t v( y ~ hlll ' l-:. I'nd ay eVC lllll g', May fl. ht' r h n lll C In Lyt le Sunday n oon I at R. ,, ·clcc k. Th e C'll s l w ill c.? lI ~is t nfl c !' a co upl e of wdeh ill n ess. S h e I " f \0 e da B C'l1 n ctl . .) o:(' ]1h el1 (· S hal11- 1 wa s til(' w idow of t h e late C ha rl es hall,!" h , j\Jil d l"(!d ll c nn~tL, Dorothy : P.inf' of Su<: ia l Row. and is SUI'I ~H\' I " , ,G le n na Os bo l'll , G lenll l vlvcn by two daugfhters a nd 2 SlI e ll , "rcd Bo ltan. H e' ll e l' E ll is . SO il S . MJ's, MIII'y Marsh nll M rs. and C hal'l c~ B oga n, Alic e Br·n ek. Wi l liam Pi n e a ~ d Rev .J ose p h Pine. A fr cc l1lu ~ ictl l concert will be ~iven uy th e l\l a ss ie l wp . . c· hools REAL ' NEWS Monday eve nin g', Muy ] 2 at lhe g-y mll asiuJ11 untll' r the s lll; e r v isio n " f th e m us ic dir c ctor, l\l iss H e le n Th e grass dO,es n ot see m to b e S t even s, Th e JlI 'ng-ru m will c o n ~ i s t us gree n as it was w h e n we ,, [ vocul dll c t H, ins t rum cnta l Ul~e ts s p la Rhe d ba r efooted in t h e dewa l'd l ri o, . s (' If' cti ofi s by th e Jun 'o r but neither nre we. a nd S e ni o r o l'c h e ~ tra and al s o L oafin i . ~ (J m c 'l umb ers h\' th e tOY ha nd ta kes a kgc~ s al sC le n cte. I t lr ea ll y .' . '. <n , 0 )RerVa n • a na yti cal ' ' . J11l11n and ma n y years of e . l he ,JUl1 lOr· -Se n lOl' B a n q u e t e n ee to I . h' xperl;1 ill I,e he ld at the gymna Sillln I h ow to s i ten:~'1 ~ereth' w h e n and h1a y I fJt h e m os t a u t . _____ 01 th e s eat o f a pa ir of t r o u sers. " ._ _

, , _.. ___ u . .( .. .


------ ..----

Take advantage of this Economy Plan where there is complete Ford Shop .t~qulpm ellt and the workman knows the car. I 1r'


I '



Th e Alumn i Banq,u et will be l " Gill s o f t h e ~ay o ld ni ne ties w h o IlI: !I.' aL t he g-ymna s iu lll May l '7 , I tn o k t he cak e" at t h e co un ty fa i r I I he Hac c alalll'at!! se rmon will ul", kllcw how to bak e o n e. ~) l' pl:l'ae he,cJ by I v. Th o rnillury A '!'l o ws G e m : T h e rollin g-p in ' ~It th e )I. . F: . hur c h Su ndn y eve n- thl'o wln ~ c o ntest was w on by Mrs ' IIIK. May 18 at 8 o·cloc k .. C llII,. lc: Up sall w ho t h rey t h e p i~ , C'xac tly 76 fe e t. M I', Charles Up Th e M a ~: i e' t wr. ' sc h ools wi ll ~1.l 11 ~vo n the 100 -yard dash f o r have .1 ~ch oo l' p ic ni c lit Harv evs- IlHll'1'le d men. I Lur k IllY 16 . Th c r e will b e ath le'tic c O lJt \!i;t~ , fu r a ll sc h oo l c h ildre n . I n ~~;;=======~=========~

Ith e

afte rnoon t here· wil l be

I baRcbolJ


gamos ,:- li e will be b etwoen. t he clJu nt,,:y g-racl e boys and I th e yIllagtl boyl Th hli g h ~ c h oo l buy,,; will lds u ha ve [I g Ulrt t!.

c llI m c'n c Ill cnt Ib,e .<held l,Jol'Hiay venin/!.

_(1xe rc i~es


Ma v IV. 1 hc Llddrcs, will be gi ve ll by Dr.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r I pal'Lment J '· Jl . Dnvi~ f l OIll the S4ut' of ·r~dueatio n. ',.

D o-



h ave

ju st

r eceived 11 f res h sh ipme n t o f t his well kn ow n c e m e nt.

Wayne Chick Starter 0 .. yo uI' fuvorite feed m ixed fr o m


b est

of ' g r ain


con cen t r ates.

Genuine C. C. B. Pocahontas and

Raven Red Ash Coal Apr il is t h e b est m onth t o buy your coal.

NotchBack Fence Posts T h e bes t a nd m'oat con venie nt steel p ost s made.

Seed Corn


Local see!1 a d a p ted to this t e r ritory.

WaJaesvllle ••r •••• , Baoha••e· CO. Piloae as


Eighty -Third Year


1_~w_ay_n_eS_Vi_lIe_'S_n_Jr_a_du_,a_tin_g_C_la_SS;:_L_a_rg_e_st_in_S_c_ho_o_l'_sH_ist_o_rY_----'J NOT~~Ef~~~H'SCHOOL

NEWS DIRECT fROM THE STAlE CAPllOL COLI !IIBt S, O IIl O - - Sl!el·C' t.ury ll f S ta li' C I" ...·nce ,I. Brown 1111IH""ICC H th at fu ll 11I"HIli cL io n of 111 ,IIUO Ii 'l' II SC' plat, , ~ p e r da y i ~ II 0W lInUl' 1' \\' a l ' in t hL' l u~ s hup o f th l' Ohi" I'l'r;i t l!lIl in ry w ith 200 CO llvi c t~ nl ",ork , S ec retary Brow n ha s o l'dl'l' e d !!,1l0(),OtlU pllll.,s munu fIl Cl UI'I' d fllr 1!I:II . lhe eolol' to hi ' Iw nl I ~rllY willa 1,lu l' k nUlll c r ll k \llI (' t" th l' (,,,riv ~ ,'I('!'lion (,f th l' ('olo\';; by S(,C l' l:U lI'Y Brow n, the "lIl'1i es l in t he his to r y o f th c BUI'l'au (I f MIIlllr Vl' hi('l e ~ , it wa ~ p ,,~s i hl l' t o beg- ill I h(' Illilnllfa ctul'l' (,f th(~ I'l ul\' ~ thirty dn>, s enl'licr Ihnll in any pl'l' viou s yell 1' , Sll th ut t he dl·lay ellll ~ (,d b y th e rN'(' lIl fir e lit th l' Pl'nit l' lI t i:\I' Y will in n o way effl'c! th~ p lae ill g- o f licl' n,,!' (1l:lt (:S o n ""Ie " l th t, u ~ u/ll l im!' , D l'~"l1tlH'1' fir" t.

Whole Numb er 5909


E X:' l tl innli nn:-: \\' t.'re giv"n in the t u. oI "y,


I' hilip 1I 0 pkili s \'i s i";!' Sa turda y,

~ l'il ",, 1 \\'I\S

M, S, (' ha s, Gray wa s

ill Ita y l u n S at un l"y,



( ':0111" ill " 11I:II I"t l':&I ,')' t o)" k flr s t I,Ie"'l' ill ti ll' ( ''' llllty Tl'll m Divi ~ jon ill ll\(, Si al/ ' S. ' h"III I ~ llip ('li n e:, l in 1': n K l i~h I V, g'iv "n :It lll lumhu H, ":II II' 01" -,,. 1{",,:oId lI al' d in to o k :11'<1, ,, 1:1('" in J.: n~: l i :,h II. W lIl'l'pn ('() unt y . .: t ,' i,d fll', ill t h (-' s l.Jl t.."'.

~h o ppin~


,I. p, FrulIlm nnd family v is it e d l'(' lati \'l'" in !la yto n . 'unday ,

.I , C , II cisy o f Dayton is s p e nd· ing- U f" w tllIYS with 11'11'. and Mr s , I,', II , !Ja kin,

Tlw l' IIP l\\\ :lrdl,d to the grad e , d ,",,1 f .. 1' \Villllill~ l s I pillce m ' h~' ('t IH I I \ \ T I :\(: k I1H 4,.' t is IlO W o n di , ,,IIIY :I I ' Adnl1l ~ IJI'II~: S tOI'!', I

W l' Kin' Cl, oIal' S tnlll(1 ~ . Cal' v 's .I"w (' ll' >' S hop , Le bltnlln, Olt'in, !--i tUI'I.1 "pe l! e\'cn ing ~. ~ Ir ~, IIlU,"t· t!

Slirn h Lip.!,i nc nlt in to the rOnn lS liv e r ;\Ii a llli Cazette (,lIi~ e,

1'1", ,llIn,,,,. :-; "ni 'l l' h unqu e l was ' "PI \, ,'d ' II lh,' ~1:t s"n ~ ' hHnolle t "' ''II to \' Ih, ' 1-::I ~ Il' rn S lHr, after ' I,ltidl ..-;II"'i llt.: \\:1 " (' n juye cl lit the

ha s th £'

(' o l'l1m e nc l' m c n t exc l'c ises fo r Ohi o Stnte U lli vc' I'si t y w il l be h pld M i s~ Ella ElltI"y of Dayto n . o n Tu es(\ u\' , Jun e lO t h, lit 10 <n"nt Thursdn~' !lllli PridllY \I ith ,j' eloek n, il l.. ul thl' l u lis(' u m at 1\11-, and Mrs, J , M, Tll ylo r. Ih (, S tutc Fair (; n, lI nd :, Th e en· rollmen t of th e Uni v(, I'si ty i, !~" Spr ing-tim e is w e ddil1~ tim e , MOU and 1.:100 of th e s tud e nts Will W eddi ng rings a nd gifts at Cllry'~ rcc ei ve diplollln s , NaillI' o f t he J e welr y Shop. LebRno n, Ohi o. . comme nc'men l urator and pro· gram of thl! \v eek's a ct ivili es will Mrs. Mlll'y Mc C lure , Mrs, Emma be mud, p uhlt c the Illtte r part o f McC lurc a nd Mr ~, th e week by I'r es id (' tl t G, W . Hight l s p e nt th e w ee k·end L, II. Gordon at the Re se r· mire, I vo ir,


Ba " " " I:IIII',':' I" ~ l'I'\' il'e \l' c r e h e ld at thl' C'\,111 S lIndav (, v(, lling, Re v , " il"'I'1 ";'Iiq'l I,d Ili (· ad dr ess . R e v, W illialll "' ''1 n ~, i lq ed in t h e se rvic e ,


('''111111o '1I(''''' ''' lIt (,)«(, I... i ~e: will be hl'l oi Th Ul's t\a)' "\',," iIlK fl t 8 .,' e l(l ck ill lhl' >:>'111, F "l lo ",inK is the pro· ~I'Hm :

\ ' oeal (""W \,IU Quarte t ~ ;\I u s i.. Th e llpilu l Ci ty h as e nter t a ineil l For best re s ults consign your In vu c:lti o n t h o usa nd s tlf v i ~ itlll' ~ during the i ve s t ock to Green· :-;:1 111 111 1,oI'Y Embry Co " Bertha Fil e l' cut'l'ent m onth, a nd IIUlll ero u s d l" l. \ Cincinn at i, in care of D, R. Salis· Mu s k egati o Tls fr o m the ~e\' eral co n · Lury. Il l', C, A. S undb e rg ve ntion s han! v is it cd the C apitlll :'>\ IIs ic bu ilding, vc r y f ew b eing' impress ed Harry B ogan un,lcrw e nt Vllledi( ·t o r y, ('nthe! in c B ra n ~ trat o r Iln with the al'l'angc nt c nts ~or h Oll>; ' opcral.i ,; n f o r acute 1' ''l' ~ I, ,,t ,,ti''l1 " I' IJipl n l11a s ' ing state of1kinls lind thClr s taff of S t. f.'rnnci s h os app e ndicitis Ilt pital Co lumbu s , S, S. 'Ellis C' mploy es, All .. h w eve r, were lo ud T u es d tly , May Gth. Ili s tr ilJl lt io n " f lia RS H o n o r s in th e ir pruise o f t.ho b eautifu l F, R . M oo maw pu rk s urround ing the Capito l a nd P or th e 1 Gradua i\l u:lic lhe e xcell e nt C1l1' e 'w hich it re o ~ irl - II Gru e n watch, te- b oy or Y o ur cho ice l3 ~ n l' dict i l' n c e iv es frum the lu nd scap e !!a l" of o th e r wllteh es, Qllllr ll't·- C"yl Cary' s J ewelry lea r y , 1s t t enor; d eners . The u nl y thing to l11ur its S hop, L e bano n, Ohio. , Wnyn e~v ill e hh~h sch oo l will g radu~ll(' . l h u h,r~ ('~ l cln~~ Pry,)r B. Timllll) Os . 2nd tenor; ill it~ h i ~tnry at co mm cn cement ex 'rc i se~ T ""r~ d IlY. 111Y I f). n~ht, : beuutv ut prcse nt. is lh e crowd of Lo ul s~ Il e ndor~o n, L eo F ir s t r ow , left t o wea rin g-u n. Ir ma Hk h, S lIl1l'rill tendenl F , n, Moo m a w, 1 ~ l z :t Ru l c liff', l s I, ·buss ; Charles P rinc ip u l Mi ne l\'a Ii n ugh, Arth :lr Swartz!' l. VII'f{lIla l!u l'(itn, H e le n Hartl ey, S l'c o nd r o w: T h ·!tnll "re~uiar8" huld,ing down th e MI'. and Mrs . .J. R, Baker of Cal t l' I'. :!nd ba ~!! : .'t. J o hn , Al be rl Brann oc k, Eva Wha rt o n . Edwin Scli Mrs. Ch aB. benches und e r the s ha de tre es. iti er. L"u i ~t' ra ne , p r e!! lFrankli n. s pen t Suturda y night elent of CIIlRS ; Ke~n e th From m !, B e r t ha Fil er, 11 0 11 lid Nobl" Mary .'hocke y, Third Carll' r , a(·,cn mpan i ~ t. r ow: Hobcrt W ilson, C:1'a ~l' B!'an s truLol', Mo rn ., M,urlut t. I' a u rlh r o w : I :tuline BrO\nl, l' e nni llK t o n. Calh e rin e and Sunday with th eir pare nt s Mr. Dire ctor or A e ronuuli cs J o'hn M. lind ~Ir s, Chlls. Gray. Hay, M~ry Kuthl'y n Wlbo n, Do r o thy lI l cClain , T o p I'I , \\, : \\'Bc rll ycl' Il ymu n , Fra nk B md b ury , A udrey Alkin ~(m , E \'[·lyn Kersey . Cur l a l'l'~n H un t , Gertrud e H oy le , Burd e tt e J Ile ks" n , Th e Senior c l u~s picnic will be Vory s hus comple ted hi ll firs t nn· L o in Coo k, \\ unda C lark, G e orge Coo k, tll yra I' ellce, Muynar Sca l'~, Murgar el d Hic h. h " I'1 Fr ; dll~' at LeSt)ur dsv ili e Lake nual rep o rt which hilS b een pub · Mr, a nd Mrs, W, F . Clark w er e lis h ed in book form and is ready in J)a~' ton S unday afte rn oo n. t o fo r distl'ibu tio n t o tho se who muy see Mr, and Mrs. C. W , Younc e TIl(' for l y·seve nlh a nnual rebe inte r eN t e d and wh o apply for wh o htl ve been v e ry ill. u n io n and hanque t o f the Wuyne s· same. It c o ntllill!; 62 )luges and v ill e lIi ~ h S dlOol Alumni A ssociat ouc hcs on th e o rganiza tion of th e B e llutiful S ilv e rwllr e and 35 l eI' of J o h nat han ti o n \\' ill bl' h , ld at the gym, fll1d M" rtha Bureau , tog e th e r with all a e ron - piece se t s in Chi n awlll'e ope n Sa lurd ay niJ.:'ht, Mu y 17, at 7 autical informa tion n ecessa ry in Rt oc k. Cho ose your pattern Ilt o 'c loc k , licens ing of aircraf t Ilnd pilo t s, air ClI ry' s J e welry Shop, Lebano n , 0 , Ihi s lif t! Ma:; 3 , I !)!IO, making and air-w ays and ail'po rts Wus mnrri ed , to G eo l'gc H , ' ____ Mrs , Edith rd', Ha rris, OBITU ARY Mrs, Dr. Cha l'les A, N eal M, D .. LUllra Mo s h er an d Dakin. May 4, 1'860, T tl thi s union Mr, Harris The Miami s los t a close g a me to which e xten d ed (1 \'1'1' Dil' cto r of the S t.ute De pal·tllle n l Mosh e r w e r e SundllY 68 yeurs ST. AUGU STINE CHURC H dinner g u ests entcrvi ll e S unday hy a 6 to 5 fi ve "hilch'en wcrc Ly dia L ouis a GalTets o n o f H e nltn urgc~ 1111 co unty filiI' offi o f Mr, and Mr,;. R was b urn. 1\';0 o f SUnimo r schedul e- 1s t, 3rd Ilnd o nald H a wke lind score. Cenle l'ville to o k th e lead by born AII~u st :l, 18 4ft and died May wh o m with th e hu s h and ha ve pre· 6th S unday , Mass cials t o get un e arly start in l ook· so n. at 8:00 a. m,; sco rinK five runs in th e fir sl. \ ceded he l' to the ' grou llfIs sam'tat'Ion. ing a ter ""' _ _ ' 4, l!l:1O al t.he aKe of 83 y cars, , 9 th'Iru,I nnu,I 4t h "mmngs f r that ' wa s II avin~ li ve d h eGr reat Beyo nd, . nnu.1 It ~tating \ m o nt hs , a nd I da y , e nlire life in 2 nd Ilnd 4th SundllY , Mass at the c o unty IS und er MI', and Mrs , Paul Flory, of not until the , ixth thllt Jlr s, Ru t h UlIuK h erty wa s q uit the e locals S he wa lhis ,; b o r n a nd grew to young commu oblignti o ns not t o e xp ose its p eo· Dayto n. n nd Mr, nity , s he was loved and 9 :3 U: nnd Mr~, C, S. sco red o ne run, and lhen in the res ~k ll th is w ek. womanh n o d ill Cc ntl'U l P e nnsylpIc t o di Hell He , Direc tor Neal abo Riggs o f Co lumbu pecte d by a ll wh o 1 1Ilew h I', Rev. Lawre nce B, Mol1ma nn. s, were week. c nt! \ ge ve nlh s co red f o ur m o r e to ti e : \'a n ia, ~tates that th e re i~ a b undant gu e,' t s Alway s r ea d y t~ le nd a helping ' - ---S, M, Se ll ers of L~ hann n, wa s in I Sh (' wa s Illarricd to ~prill~ tonic ull a s unny hiJls ide. Clark. of Mr, lind Mrs. W . F, th e cOllnt, but 'entervi lle Cllm e hand in tinl<: o [ n('('(1. an d he r WAYN ESVIL harles T. LE CHURC H OF W lly nC'~ \' ille MII "duy, bllck in th e e ighth, lind sc o red , greates t j ,)y w as Pine Ull F l' lir llal'Y 6. 18 68 with in ('aring 1\,1' in fa Iho n g tWIlILk DO n t,~e s~o~~ CHRIS T 1\t u 1\1 " aEnothe r rUin t o bwi,nthe blball gh~m,c' l tho,,~e sh e luve d, wh o m , hI' s pe llt f or t y yea r s of S \( e 0 t c s r oc U!lII g I', lin l Ribl 1'5 , R. E. White of e S c hoo l at Ii ::!O rrol's n, an< nl. no 1\Irs, l , ' c lOg a e t o It III •., he hpnlth officinls reporte d 10,571 OilY t Oil and MI'. wu~ th (' o ld e"t of five G d ' pc 'i ' l mu ~i' , L o r d" Supp \! r ' , pent C l'orJ.:ia ;,. ' rd u n ~. f x e ni a ' l IfHl rJ' I(1(1 li f l' ()II far m s in t h e s outhMorri s of Ca lif.j th e pinches los t the gam' f o r t h e today In \\ ay nesvtlle , 1'1'1\ pU I'l .o f Mll n tg-o mel'Y county, li ving- g-e n eratiu n s, a ll rcmale~, in a , 'luo ~c1~sr n i'h~re caseR of !wu det r"Vel' t? the <! e. ornia. were enllers wil~ nt the b e no ' ho~e t of loca ls, Elli l'l Ilml I~ove ly coun,ted diP Cl line li nd a s hurt Ohio, II cr hu s banll p USHed away In purtm n t and f ClI' th e fir s t thlc e 1\fJ-, and' Mrs, Walte t im e heC hri ~~ian ' F:n;l ea vo r r Elze ;;crvice y ~lItur. .· unl for I Mi a s~ double und thlple r es p('ctlve · 1 for e hl'r d eat h, she I's Tl ili<' I,Ia a nd JI"I '':''''''' I Eel · ' I~)~,R , lind n I~alf m o nlh s of lh e presCl~t duy uftern o on, held h e r I e v e n ' nK Ev e ninj! ('Vang eliSlic \ WUHls Iy to take the l o ng di s tan ce great ~reat g." il nd.d I hcy wCl' e lll£' pll re nts o f five yenr 6 .35 !I cascs have been, OffiCI ' a ug hl c r in her ~~l(vice a~ 7 ':au p. nl. Thi s :;e r~ic e SHtU! l' n t('/'tallh 'd the bl'IIIg-e c lu h day uflern uo n, hOllors , " ('h ll dl'~n , : I o" 'ph A. Pin ~, of Buri arms lor a, plctur~. ",ll y reporle d and no on~cl\~ es· will be What s haH I give t o the grnduIII charge o f th e ludi e: o f WA)N ESVIL LE , , ' bank, \\ a:;hln~ton , Alic e Brock Was unit ed WIth til(' Qua~'r l th e e huI' c h . Sp ec ial umute the "umbel ' n ot. l e p o ltell. a,te o r ~rid e 'l The Illll~ ical num - ~I r. :lll d j\lr~, W, I , .1"rd gift tn~les are A B H 1I A E , c h~lr('h ~o r, ,m a n y , y~""~. , wh~ch tJ n of ami lal~' i\lar~hull of Lytle. ~Iarn fill ed "'Ith hIlPI1~' s uggel5tlO n!S at Bllxte r. s, s , bel'S a nd n tableau , "Th e Old RUI!· l lIarv q:~ IJ\I."~" w~' r." 1!1I." ~~ ~ (\~ l\I r, . wh" I) 1 I 2 0 fa l ~h s he f,"lhfu ll~ kept till U hfe g-ed Cr(os~," dI e d .. I ~ ": fan r~ ~Ind C. W. Co rp o ral iOI1 f('c s r e ceived f o l' ~hc Cary 's Jcw e lry Shop, L e banon, 0, will fealure th e ser- un d l\lt s, (h .l~, GI "~ Yo 1 u. ~da~ , Hartsoc k . 2 b , 4 U 2 Pill e o f nedt L; ti e . 1 h e y we,re the 1 I I , Sh ~ leuvea to llI ou rn her , loss vice, C hurc h N fir s t fOlll' Illonth s of the y ear Ill· Store o pen evening s, ig ht ser\'ic c Gons. I b, eac h , 4 0 1 . 0 0 two dnughte r s. 1~ l1e ~o n, o n c,~ l st"r W ednes dn v at 7:aO II'(' n ts ' , f fOUl ' childre n, the office of Secretu ry of State 1', Ill , The .. M ~', :Jill! 1\11'><. I. htl ,(, a n (1 ~'1I1 " f I.!Tanfit'I L (,vcly, c, 4 0 2 I 2 o ne bro th e r. SIX gruncl.c lllldn' n, c hll rc h wh'ere Mrs, L UIllII,n lIall an d M~rgaret C larenc e J, Brown, !IInoun ted to VII U fe e l nt hOI11(', ClIlclnn RUl11by, uu, r , were f. g' u .. "t 3 ~ or I Mr. 0 lind 0 V . 0 J E. " 7 PIIl t' ,of 13urhan k Wlls h!ngton , Tracy, employ ed at. the grellt !;nlnd ~hilt!l'e n, o n e ~I'l'at $4:Ul,OOl, a cco rding to a r e p ort H h I f 4 0 0 1 o l g ,rput gralld ,c h".1 n n d mun y r e la· 1 C hes ter A, \Villiam so n. Mini ter, Mr,,; Mye l' H y nlOln, Oil .'llilday , I MI'~, lI enry MUI'"I~y o f Cent,el:v ille, maoe that oUicill 1 by, Cas hi er ic e plllnt, s ulfere d a pllinful in· L~I~:d~le: , 4 1 jury 0 0 2 1lives und' fl'l cn d s, 10 111 0 and l' a l;! Pill of William s· when t he handle of the ice Thomas L . \Vo-o ds, The lar~e s t fee ST MARYS CHURC H Ell' Saw s filed hy m ac ilin ry, f 4 2 2 () 0 I BI ,t I tllWII Ma ~~, l ,hc I'e Ul' I , ' tl t b' I al so two paid in wa s by the G oodyea r Tire c l'nne flew otl', striking him o n the , IS, c . . .. cl e (J un c 0 r , tl' U!) 0 fn~tC' 1'. ~ l.e Roy t! PIg· g- r ellt·g-Itl od c h ildr e n, R obert MurJ 1n , T( ;~ , 'May 18 ,l-'o urth S unday after, tt, u t Madden ' s Lumb Adam s , ~ b, & 'Rubb e r Cornpll ny of Akron, the head. 0 0 , u~ lc.lItsl n, es u s , ,I e" pr Yard , phy anrl K('n n e th Lynn Hall. Eu ~ le r, C hurch sc hool n t !J ::.IO: amount being $30,500 , thc second . Burnett , 3 b, . 4 0 0 4 0 1 hf 11~~I (l wS h"t' of ~hl'l ~ IH' wa s th e vou nf,!e:t of the stlHn mlllti s Mo rning Pra ye r and ser m o n at A. ' F. Me lloh, Wm. Drake, C. H. Total 1\l largest wa s ~24,000, paid by the r a nd I r~ II '('" I"lI1n 36 5 n o f fivc !l ('h iltll'c n ~ o f fRUUC and Louisa I e t il llat II live. to :30. ' Illinois 'Centra l Railrou d Compan y lIm tsock, Frunk, Fred and Ray· Nn rw'o od, w 'r~" n \;er 'nig-h l g' Ul'5ts GUlTelSO Il ti ll nf whom !) 6 When ,,:e at de ath must part, have passed Rev , .J. J, Schae ff ('r, Rect o r , ancl the n ext Ilirgesl alllount $ I 9- m ond Braddo ck and D. L, Crane at o f Mr~, J, I ~ Cui '1111111 T ues day , I uwuy ; ' X('cpt o ne si~ter, Not lik e lh e w o dd 's, lOur poi n: ~rs. 000. paid zy (he Meade Corpora - tended ' Masoni c Lodge in Dayton CENTE RVILL E I Mury I·" ()UVI S, P e ndl e ton, Indiana Bul o ne' in C hri st, u nd one in FERRY CHURC H Saturda y night. OF CHRIS T ti on of Chillico th'!. Grarluu t e: , ~(' Il'cl Parkl'r 1'\ B R H A E nuo- I Sh (' \Va , I' cu l'l'd in the t e n ets of the he urt Bibl e .'c hool ot !J ::W II , Ill . So nl e .[' .j(\ jl l' n s and pen ei W D ls. Ih e b e s t. S(ldl'ty of FI'iC' nd s , but in middle f 6 2 2 0 0 W e part tu m cc' t ag-ain , ' nlellt of t hin g Watch l' p cc ill need l eve repairin ry SUlldllY g? We till have Cn ry' ' s J I'o l' Depart wn, w!'lr The State ~' S h .. ", L l,ba ll nlt. D. lif(' unit ed with th e C hul'ch of H B tt r2. b. 6 0 I I 0 0 I FI'Olll ,"O I'I'U'\' 't (I'11 1111(1 I)U 'II1. t E(IUC1,l tl' on 1'0,, fo ste l'I'ng h ealtll and an expert repairm an. All materia ls M' Hopkil ,'entc:c os l. "BI u e I"bb" UI'n e , I f. ,1 o n CO il te l ("'II'I"0' t ' n' 'VII :.I s. " 'II I 2 0 2 1 An I0 ' in we , s hall • , be fl" , '" , I I I' ' ylne ovI I physbicul e dffucatti0un • II tUhnion h~~-l ~!~,~s ar:nf~e ~~st , )l!I wc e c, n men ,I " aTiu w ome n ~ t lII' l ~ ' \ ,, ' e rn II O1lK h an. I C I11 II• r e n "1': Ca~~~g j~~~\~ye O;Bllnio (' n,lS~, IIlg een e eee )c t 'f.' , leve t th !'OUI!' h f al th In 3 Ui 0 I or U 0 e I gene A nd ~)~d~ct S h I ~ L \'c b and I~~i ~nd h r sh ip· f ' undu y, Come Hurding hTl and s , t 1 h b, e ar th e 4 deta ave 0 il s 0 0 0 '\ Illnd M I' S. I~~' I"'~'SI 1I :'UKh ~'nol ~111I1 . f lll: ILf°l' d ,J 'l>U~ progrnm of the state, permitt ing r e i pn ' Lord's S op. upp e l' and s !!rmon at 1tl :· / r cn w en' ,,('il Ia V I " ,tll r~ , ature f , who gd 3 b ., 0 1 brond h e alth care and physica l ac- evening s.e Ilnon,' 0 io. Store open D h n y , I~ I e 1' a 1 ,ranso ' ,I!' n 'or many , ' an by :lO, Sermon s ubj e ct. "A Gr ellH' r " .,0 r , . ,, 4" 2 I 1 01 , ,I I opelI un d er th e lI ~,~Igh uu t_e~I~lty. I th l' 111'0 In lSI'S a nd hop e of His tivities to be ueve thun S o lo, m a n ," Th e mixe, d ', Iu ar. ' Pummil 1\1 l, c s,s, d M H M r , S an k d :\11''', I d ,I,o Re hn eder 1.11 mb )1~,'e ( ;OS,' !H' 1. s h(' e xp ec t e d t o see the 4 1 I 0 0 Slime auspice~ and placing them. tette, which wa~ so e nthU!;l(l s t lc HII Y pUI'<' h lI" rl I lll' r , an I 'I I'l'~ " I,l'lln' o n 1'1llr(I eh 4 0 0 (; 0 GUILD .AUXIL IARY MEETI NG , r wilhin th e reach of every school Mrs. Ernest rs ,HIII'any to es an ' M M' . II , t nn(I th e Io v e <I o nes gone b e· eceiv ed lsock seve rnl returne wI'ek d s ago c IC,laoe. will s tl'ec>t p, , fl:o m the h £' lr" o f th e IlIl ' f u.II' s trl' Ct. H eliith and physl'ca l educa hO,me () r e, , Sunday from, ' t th' M h ' Th Y d , Battle Creek, Stanley , I. f. I fl ul' E llI S 0 0_ _ 0 _ 0 1' _0 _ __ -· \ W (' are t ha nkful that h er p 8 -- ry Th e tion is a relative ly new subject in Guild IIlJ( aw e lc oIS Auxilia seal rvI ce. of Sl. Sw!ly~ ou an'. U · IC. me II e, con Itlon thi " s ch urc~, of ~rs. Totul ""~,~ wa" pellc~fu , " 3 5 6 ') 8 '~Mary's Church mel o n Frida y l ' , . ' Ohio schools . Its importa nce as a l Stokes! which was. a sl a~d that "There Che s ter A , Wtlllam so n, Mlluste r ve~y senous R ev, IIlld tilt s, G, c.. DIllelt ,\lid \\., " no llIo a nll1g' lit ' ' I afterno nn, May !J , I!JaU, at th'e part of every school eurricul ul'lI l fol~owll1g ,an operatIO the bar n, IS gradua l· Wayn esvi ll e .. , 00000 I 4 0 0- 5 hOllle ' fa,m il)' s pe,n t M o~day and T l,,'~dl~Y, \\'hl'n s h l' put o u~ to cannot as yet be evaluat ed. The Iy Improv mg. o f Mrs, G eo rg(' Hll rtw ('k LYTLE M. E. CHURC H I '~ ,It h I ~ e f o';nll' I' s, Illot h e l' at Oh lu .. :\Ia y w e 'ay wIlh sea." Centerv ille 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 - 6 M I ~, Hnrbod e an d i\Ii s~ Emma. 1 laws of Ohio provide for one nu, e P~almist. f' " ' h " , ' S ., 1 l '30 ( Ily. \ an \\ l' rt ( (I, H I I LC,t my m O l~th be filled WIth Thy is mod e rn? Visit Cary's i dtrlu c k out: McMich ael- IO. ' I e .le Ing SC I Vl el II .1. dred minutes of stu d y an d ae t IVI- J What n , m, Lans' e1\lg, lwa~<.': 1OSllclssd'cs, pl" lI t.YJ'er week to be given every boy e~er Iy Sh op- h ear ~l' I a nd h Wllh Ser a mo Thy e n, !) s honor ubj ec t, "Pef\tc~ost lind all the 1'1 11' " '1(1 ' II', W ,'l ltnr FI1.'''· a n d (Ia'" C.'l ot Ill" Il ot off' H( wll !l " r the birds sing U -:- . l . •t 1',<', b' t e ' an I'n the ll'me of girl through out the twelve e nJoy the musical powder It . ,. ' .. I' , " pe n' ce' ,. r EVllnge l'I ~ m . .. S un d ay .S C' h . "J ' ' , boxes ~ 00, mplr e- Pre ndergas t. II ~Irs, Sarllh LipPlllc e,tt, s pent Time of grades. ~lhecl;~g SUII· h ol d al<l': I c al, fo "l ~ r~lIke ~ PJ' me :Io n n o t when my f 01 , 10 :ao a, m . Mrs, ,L o n~ucn', S upl. day a fl c rn no n and, see gifts in noveltie s .as wei game 1 :30. with l l o ~'e d tb c ~~t:~'r () . t. 0 Ill . 0' _ __ _ _ __ _ _ . 1Young Peo pl~s' BIble ,class' m ee l s and f a mily, in DlIytoK nn e h El ze ~' s lr l' ng th fllileth. " as Jewelry , watch~s, and diamon ds Next Sunday at Wayne Park the n. S he S,,' WIIS Y o PI f a ' ~' timid r a nd retiring , , ' , Mo nda "The Home of Gifts." ning at 7, 30, Vlrgl !" la , Miamis will try and g et back in l , s pos itio n and will be sadly ~ I :ptun: ~u o' ~lloni1 \\ e l e g ive n F o ulke-sy. e ve GRADE S WIN FROM UTICA lea~ er. Pra ~e r ';l ee,lIng l S eC the gcnuinl' h ull rfl y \l' in ~ di ' the ,lin column when they tackl e InTlhcs pon sc 0 mi ssed by h et' family a nd fliends . 10 -fCll , John Lamb has sold h' ' I Monday e ve ning at 8:.10, SubJcc t, pictul cs and jew!!lr " th e m ee t 109 ' v ('I ll di ~ (llav at d t R ISAproSPe~ t y I t h e f ,ast WIlmin pro grllill (0 "p ntec ,t and Witnes s inj{" gton A, C. Thi~ I o f t hce nllvton Coach Bunnel l's grade basebal l on F ran kl m roa ,0 Commo ' cat io n Sh at ' the 1 C °Ss A B ' 'Pastor ' Cul'l'~ 's J ewelry , op , L I' I,a no n, 0 . Card of Thank. • , mlth club IS rated as the bes t in th eir C h "h f team took Ut.ica int.o camp by the of Dayton , who WIll I A' ' M ddl ara ,owm nn, take possess · \ vicinity and have so me very go o d t(l'~~ sco re of 24 to 3. Part of the boys Io n about Jun e A c t o this ~ 1\I~, time we wis h t o express 1~ I ~CC~~~IO I::e ,d I an~i first. Sale was baH players on their roster This d Ray Ha wkc and fami ly. .. f "u r appreci atio I '. t , had jus t had their picture s taken : n: ade by W. N. Se~rs " , I ' I, n !lnr! thanks for VAYNE SVILLE M, E. CHURC H J)a yto n , and of ,Wayne s· promise MrR. s Ha to lph be \'an c r and the sympal hy and h o ne of th~ best ' el~~~ efir;~(JI~~~n c~hll t el's o f th e as membe rs of t.he winning track VIlle and 801 HarTles e lp of frienda W edn esday : Bible s tudy lind ~IIn of P lea s ant Pl n in Bldg, Day· , games l of the season, so don't mi ss ' t .1 b k "1, 0 I tPlh' C ' t , R p ~nt S un - a nd neigh bars . 't f prayer m ee ting' at 7 ::10. ~ullda v : day wilh 11'11', und tell~l. C 00 k ce Ie b ra t,e d b y ge tt l' ! lton S UU Y 0 0 , .oa. s " .Mr~, , e ,J. _ lY _ ', H _ 0 awke _ S _ _ I T I, he Family , 3 hits out of {our tImes up, while g ' h i t ! ) ' 30 a m "'l!re ,r ead by Mrs M. ,une H~ s c 00 " a Dnve to the New Wayn e Park : God," ' , ' " 'I Abrams came through with a H .. ' _ . 1M ' , K th ," Edith ' ,' , , , , ' P Lawn mowers sharpen ed by Sep the gllme ill I' ather s dny \\111 be ohscn ~ d, ,,\t t h e h ome of h I SIStO I M1 ~, your car. The de~,I1~\ ·t.~!~ cse I~S udi:~ Se~\~~~e re~- b o homeru n with two on Charles Electra keen process th iry the Sunday school lind Enrl S way n e,. n enr , same method new grundst and HidK evi,l1 e . M iss ' MEMO RIAL DAY SPEAK ER Thomps on )litched a fine game. g ," t 'r e h gi h mtn. e , preaclun l!' as used by lawn mower manufa c- the near future . will be ready ill se rvI ces. and the La urll Summery~hlr~ ~t'i ~'~'i~~ t: ~ qu es bOI~ fat~C1 s will have c harge of the dinn e r ~~l c K In, ~y e n tC rllllll NI at turcrs. Electrak e.en system turns _ _ undu~' 'M rs , .I""i,, _ _ .__ i: ~v\icl~ Il11Ut o~k UI~IIC m e m e l l e ntll'e progr,a m t. ! H o n, 1'rancis Marion Hamilt on. Two buse hits, Cook, Gons, Ber- out perfect . cutting of t)l e Sunday ake!', Mi sses F'l u I'I:ncc ~obb , \Yhi mowers . Try , Edna f o rm e !' Wayn e T o wn s hip residen t D " nard., th .I? I 'h ' d r ' sc hoo l. Mornm~ mo. Roy PIgott. , worshIp at ~0:30 hum BACCA LAURE ATE SERVI CE ib us uI~~f;es hn~cn!)t~C~~ere Ka t hr yn '1 ll l'lleL' li nd and n ow n Judge of th e F irst Three base bIts, J. Thomps on, Dis~~~~:I'e/ IC' Jh c them e for th e '!10r,n},ng, ~I,H .be Lucill ae k'r, quiel'. [rict ? urt of . Appeal s, will be the Abrams , Mrs George J Smi th and M-iss Man, lhe Masterp lccu, Miss Janet Cartwr ight will as- heTldh e baccala ureate ~P\\I? I ~h service was J Home Tun. Abrams . 1\il'mon ess ie' C lark e w~re guclIts of the l e!lg~e at G::{U p. m. Evange al Day orator ' lit 'Wllyne s· , sume the role of Friar Tuck in the Is tlC Cu ry' s Jewelry S h o p. Le banon, vme thi s year, Sunday ni!5'ht in the gy aftenlo on Struck out ,by C J, Thomps~n, 11, senior class play, Robin ' ~ervlces at 7.30 p , m ., ' Hood, at with a large audlen~e present . ,R~~ Ohi o, is open every e v en ingt h by ' Bunnel l 7. e ___ ._ _ _ _ _ - ~ ...~--, Wester n College , G., C. Dlb~rt, Pastor. m os t intlll'esl ing s tore ill L e Oxford , Chester A . William son, of the b a · Walks by C. Thomp! lon 8, by fit:st , publ~c perform ance - - non, full of gifts of whlc~ ~hur~h of Christ gave the invocannd ap· Bunnel l 6. ELECT SUPER INTEN DENT HAND BILLS BANNE D Will be given 111 the Ernst Natu,r e tion and read the scriptu proprla te for Gra d LlntJ o,n , ni\thre lesson _ ._ _ __ ___ Theatre on Tree Day, May 20th. ' MOTH ERS DAY Rev G C Dibert of tb M E' days, Weddin gs, Anl1lve l'sarles, Th W ' I ' t At a ' s peciaj meeting of the d' chu;eh . a~e the ' addre e . , • ' , ' .. e ' I mlllir o n or mance pTOWayne Townsl iip Board of EduC!.!l- · Mother s Day was approp nately , etc. DEATH If you want a watch' for the bhe dir~ction of Mi::' i:u~~er vldes a fine ,of $1 to $60 ~or each I tion Tuel!.da y nig"tl 'Prof 'J W observe d in Waync;s villE! churche s, Mrs. M. A. Cornell , and daugh- , Lotz ~f Forrest , Ohio,' gradua te, for fine time'- keeping Squier, muaic; instruc tor, a cho~J: wa~ elected ~~:~:i~g un~:I~d1 :iilB as:ri:tP o~~~r Mrs. Alice McKins ey re'c eived qualitie s and beaut.y t~d~ speCIal sermon s b~I!J~lgIEenC~~ ~~ le!, Miss V elma arr,un~ d a sur-,I Gruen from the HIgh school sang two vertisin g m !\tte'r of any k-ind from ' the SUP'lrm tendent of Bcohoobi . word, last Thursd ay morniri i:. of watche s have a prestig pas~o~8, ' At t e f ·Ch·· t ~h' for ,Mr., CornelI In . celebra - cee,d. F. '~. Mooma t h e acknow l. number s Mr George Ker t h . th 't f W ' I und the Ohurch 0 w. _who the death of her sister Mrs. Emma edged everyw here. ns • e tion of hiS b)rthdllY anl1lve rsary, l ChIllico the B$ MiSsn~nlor, ~useto ...o . ousl!; l!l e clfiY We' sell Gruen, accompa~ieil' by °b Princip al s had charge of the Church which was nloat success Egbert. Mrs. Egbert died at the Elgin, and other makes -' neenlm mg I I IS an 1nJury, a te azarI d- mother fully car- Junior High schooL ' of depend - H awe, .very- pleasin gly sang k program s "It and an annoya nce to the public SC hoI 'd • home of her daught er Mrs. H. R. able ~ tu d . ht 0 , Ab t Pr _:.- _ f L t Was For Me," by Charle~ B. and the same . _ watches . ' h TIe Cary's ou. o~ Jewelry a r ay n1g. i~1 hereby declare d t~ O. 0 z com. ~"J' Graham in Kansas City, ?do; , ' , ~wenty n/!Ig bors and friends ou Shop, Lebano D, Ohio• . Blount. enommend .ed be .. public nui,sanc e." . and WIUI, .41!ded "..,....~ Sublcri be for The Miami a.sette Joyed· the occasio n. .1.' Ion.• list of applica nt..


MIAMIS LOSE TO pn"Jenc('o~~,:~~:~I.kin. dnu~h. 1 A1 THE GHURr.HES IN WAYNESVILLE GENTERVILLE TfAM ~\ii~nt~'I",wat(j , bY8~ :j n!~~:i J~~i;:.\:d


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cea eu, venus Warren R ogers. on lIlotion plaintiff was gran t ed leave to fi le reply within 3 days from date. T he CBee of L, W. Coatee, Iiqul· dating age n t of Warre n National Bank of Franklin versus Enoch hUlllberlnlll w o, ettled and dis· . I mi!\sed. Common Pleas Court . F' Gulurenth. defe n dOl,t in See Ea~ly for Your S.I. O.,tea. We Cuarant",. t 11/1'1 nlder d h~' Ihe court t hu L the CI)~C M T he L oveland Mutua l Satiifart,ion or Charr. Nnthing. Ill\' pillinlitf :\ /' w Y'l rk Life I n· Bulldllll!: and L oo n Oml)UlIy ve r II. nlail', Nell i e I , "rn nl't' CompallY, " hull r,'c n ! r !>U iI \\ illiullI ' fll) 1I1 1I11' ddl' llllallt>', Nanni T. (J llke l, 'hotleg C, Il n d Ali ce ~. 1 0 '1>'111"11, J o hn .-\ . and Mury A. ~1' ll1lb l e L. 1. und M al'y ~. ! -- -- - -= 11.11\\ r y. ('a c h of lIlC'm, the . lIm Gray /lntl .c '. F Gal~r en th.' was ( ' 11 \1' '1' 1: 1\ 111. hn\t~ had. 1I 0II l'\' ,' r. thl' IIltl , epi- I t lo n t h at IJ/' II " lIlll 1. [' \\lI ~ tll1~ lib "f .. ·1. I t!. H wllh II1Ll'rC' Rt li t R' ; I l!lun l ed thllty .by" In whI ch to Pbone No. , PboDe No. 32('1 ",d e. ~ l'e l1lPcl In h:II'til'll SO Ill,' halt - tillH'. hut he pu ~h d Pil ot hl'l' eve n f,. u l11 April ~(i,. 1!I.all lind c (,~L" 11 p letd ' l .. , f D .. ' 1 F: n h I' o 1'111 I' d pUrp(l Re. fur Shl' II' 'nl to· b"fo n ' s h(' ('""I d 11\\) \,' III 11 11 1' -iell' !t ~s P 11101 \\ Ilhln .1 dJly~ fl"l11 enn lI e C . I~( u , , 1\ II • lin a lll I', I , ,, ,,, I 1111' " ~:I ~ t ly \\' 1 1;I,~ II'nld t ill' inlll' l ti n." wilh ,\Jlll ir o f ThC' 1'''(II n h.HI till 1., ,,1.. lI f hll\,- ti l Ih ' 1' <1 \11 I' " f' lII p l w ll "ha ll 1·... I·SlIS AII)'!'t ( •. lind Mury E. ~~'!'!""___~~~!"'_ ~_-""'-~~"'!!-~~-~ ~~~~~~~~~~~!'!. II ... . , '. , I' "" I. ,lIld " II I" , !illl< ' I" .o lllth\n II<' I'l'cull,'d latcl. I n~ Itl' n lIn "," uIli li l II. r .1111 _. 10.:'111 1 '11 ",I' d : nd Older uf ' 111(> is- Stll"' . It w::t s o rcl erl' d the i , 1·;, . 01 '1 1 .1."'1 I' " If I' " U \\111 l' Xl·LI'.I' n1<'," . he T he ", ,, rd. of Ih,. 11111" '; Ill Udl! " IH'd , he' l'lff pl'ol'c,'d t o nd l'e l' tlse t he !\l ay (I, lit 10 o'clock u . m Bill. Allowed ' (11" , . 1 . II" 1,11111' alld ~I ' II I S Hill. "1' 11 1II1lkl' !<[)1Il Illl'pal,lth ln, h lll i ' \\JlII{ II l' o und 10 \\:lld h"1 I 111 thl ' 1':l!H' "f li ar I'}' Oti~ 1\1('- sale II I' 11t'l'll1lses a n ti ul~o emp l() y I nv e n to ri es and UIJPIUlR£' llI r l1lR Wl,,, tl'lll !OHlII', II dv . r OJld pet i. " ll el'l" ~ l it " \\'a, , Ill Idl, " " hr C1UI1I{ \('l s Us 1':lhl' l Io n Il lltl lt,y , ,ln audlOl1eer. filt' d'I lu ll . $&.7 11; W llodrOW- W ' II .St o nI , -1./, 1, ,'1 . II, 1111111. · Ih al ) " U IlI r I hl' Ilur~c . r ~UI'PI'~I' SlllCl' ~ lw ." I. "d " I. ' "II "f · hl)' k, i~ 1' lI nllnl-\' ~ Ill' III 1I <I 11(' mlldl' 1"' 111 ' "tlltl Il l' hat! IWI IC' I't! Il ll oliwi ""'" l'l "I. II \\',,~ 'Hdt,,,,,, th at til l' cn m T h e co urt orde r ed th e !lh en ff l o E s latl' of I,: t he l r.: J)ullluini . ,\t" 1I1{l' Cu. ~ lIjll, l ies $fi 4r,; Lyl e Olank " I. "'" II/ o/"It! ., III ~,' I ["II"lil .. N .. ple,(s,·t!on'I~' I ." ~ lw \lilha ho ll lin th l' ill s ld,· It I,d 11(' 1I ',tll ,, "lJ"lIll"\I~dandthn l lhe~onveyapr() IIl'I' ,l eecll o h UI l l'!< ~ 1 eefl~ed BOllk C"" SUlJplil's. $2&0; O hi o ,I' ,1\ 1'1)11 I h, -, ,.", . " I II . ",h!lt - " tld "tI a ~ h e tUln,'t! tl! t:lI,l' up IllS f l " lll he h l' d l"" 11i and h., h" d :tnw l/dl,t! 'l" ' I' lid a~counl be Ufl- Batl' man, purch",el of th e prenlls Esl at e of Zoe ({ ell tha Whit", ti e - ( 't'ntl'll l 1','l(' lIh o nu CII. I'l' nt :! for \' I \\ l _ 11 . ' t I!lui.: ... \" \ll \, un \(-' . " I' d I athl' I' yo u \\ l ' l e hL' rl' t.lkfln f p l go l a ntl. I thal it \\ d O:; p.ll t pI 11\ l·d t'~ In the cuSP .~ f ,harl,cs H. lJatc- cen~ed. o rl1 cl' K, $r' :! .7 G; SnuH.', to ll:-; f utI, 01 " , I' ll 1, 1\ ha, I I1 I·. 1'., 1' \\'hl'n ~ h ,' (' <l /lll' s Th l· rt·· ~ "'Illl' II )!:hl II f thl' adJ OI/IIIIg: ' Ult,· and 11 ,1' .\ l. ld/.'I' I'nt l tfl \\ll~ gTantl'd a llIall vl:rSlIl; W ,l li a lll 1 . K l' nll erly, Thl' (,,, uri npPlo\" d o f t hl' lill i" IIf1ice'<, $~1 1. 20; W. C. Gillllour, i n'" ,1" .. \I I h 1.11 11I !!1!:'!!;' . Yel Ii II' rnLu/l' 0 11 thc' uhl ,' Ihllt IIII1Y II,(·/; , d . ;-'; 11 11' hl' ~a\\ Ih u l th ,' h" lt ' (/ 1\' 01'''' f" " 111 ( lin l "" \\' . I{a t ldi', et .. t a l. rh e co u rt f 0 1l1l11 tha t the If'purt o f 11 0 \\,1111 1 'V. I nll H, ad- qll e~1 1'r1ich uI' I TIl'O Il, $7.70; Sa m e I I , I . " l , ·t h. ... I .,1I d l'l\ rl ~' III I l'l'{' -1 Y\l II," , hud nOl l hl.~'n ~h "l T h" 11\11'" (' Iwld a l lh. ~I l f('nd, lI11 hal III)!: heen PI'oc:\ds aflHIII fr ullI, sa lll ~~Ie . wu~ ntllli s tl atnr o f I hl' l's Lut l' uf ,J ~ ntJlI l's l o f fo'lInltl r ' I.l lackb urn , , ' hl' mude u h,' ,p ll.II.I (· /.'l'sl Ulr l Ilt' d"" 1 ,1.1 .• 1. ' "'l'ali ng' ,I g' lllltJh C I"und g' lIl lly 01 ){ I USS nt'l{ ll'ct o f ~u l"t1 ~ nL I I Ihe wxc s, cos ts I\l arl'u s rU l t l". dec clI,,' d $;170; I-', ('d 0 ,Jume~, m en t f ol' ' ''' '' I , " ·1:1 1 ~" IlII' llllil' . [ to r ' " ., I .. , I Ill' nC' q Ib1\ ll n d t,mnrd the lIJ,(ht "tt'laWII, and "I a ' lilt- ," I'I' ld " r ",I - I I ' Ihl ('~- tI \11.1 1I.\llIlti thl' pla ln tltf. A COIll- ~'.I Ih", ~n"e,/ h e 1ll 00tgug'e clnln~ o f Juti g:l' a,l~ v ! s ed thllt LI1\ u" V\\g el d o~s, $ 1 2 0. W II. Fli lkert h, qunt ' ,', ,, I. ' . . " , 11, \1 1:' II llIl h ~ II U hat! "i , appea r e d throlll!h Ih(. do o r I"nd h" ld . I'll'll' ",,'l tlr l11l' nt of "IIII1I1IlY, d lll\ 1' 1 .J ~I: I,c o p le ~ . RU,I ~I~ ln g. Lou.n ,~ I1~ 1 c.u n h(' I ~ (.e lvl'd IIlto the J)u y t o ll te rl y e Xpt'n Me , $(J :I l fi ; M. B. Hy Ill/! Inth he l' lI"dl ,,"n1. I " 1·. lI s /I·- L thlll)!' "' LIl(' \\"l\ld.' h" /I1 1 ,rl' ~ t" ,lIId IJll l pc rt y Illten' s l- ,1" .1 II SIiIt . !'<a ltl \ ,t .lle ,HId HIICCl'~- Sta te lI o~p l IIII III UII and ~o n, t' lolhing fill' j a il, " " , , ' , .11 I IIl' hoi !'!." III,' I I' , ,,,,· II I' hi l l I II my II c~eil'l'tl'd amnl{lI7.l n (' .dl r \\ nn I '1II l·tI"I!. "~h ( pn,·h l" !. ,,, I.. 11 111 h,l\l1I1:' \) ( "n ''' III ('d I",t \\ 'l' n Ih ~ li n ,I ppill'atlon lIp OIi the Jud~e- I It wa ~ del l'l' lIl IJl l'(1 thal t.he n et $21)0; Tili sl ee~ of Publi c Affail", II' ] .. f " 1111111\'1' I I\('nl , ,- y-c hIl1l to th.. relldlng:. lalllp lh l llll~h Ih.11 uoo r lIlId tl llI lI ).( that plllinulf and 1!t·I\'lIdHllt . It was 0 1- 1I1L'nt lIf Jlllll~luff III th l' am o ulIl o f va lue of lh £' es tntl' o f W ilh a m II. i1 l{ h t ull d ~ns ut. Jail. $3 0 .!IO; Sanl '" I!!II' 1 IIIIhlll g:. , Ill' ~onfirIlH'd. a;,d l'ontentl,t!I\' ~lIt d,l llI l. Sh .. 11 <' ; 1',lck ",, " .1 .. 1' III a r eal s lallc.I" " . l d l',,' d Ihat til(' Jll lI lIluff CO Il\'l') t il !l fifl S r . . I S (' lI c l , d ecen'('11 \\ ,,~ $ .j() ·17 6:1. tUl l' Su ppl y '(I. , S IlPl'lie~ fo r juil, ' 1" , I h , I " " " , nlll hlll ', II I hl'lp 1I1l' , \l Id\' II fl'\\ fel'l 1111111' , 1111 Ihl' IIt lWI Hilt! I', " io:tl d l I{ tl l ,11' 111' With o ut the ti C'f"IIt! a llt ull he r rlKhl H a nti ill Wh en'fll t.' I~ wus l'o n Sld t' l ed Ihat thl' e Xl' llIptl o nS o f th e.ben e li ci $27. ;;0 ; T'lI St<'l'S o f Publ ic Affairs , • I',' "I ' '' ''' II ll1nl') It ~ 1\01 nllleh. _ \l I ~' "I' th L' tl IlO I. an d Ihc'le lilt- II l'i l\ l:' _""11 by a lII "II" Bill h"'l (l'!l·' t;.;, bl' \\ U~ o f qU ll ciU 11Il rll'ed, thd.1 Ihe plall1~If! . rel'lll· ~r f! 1I 1l1 lh e lilies (·x c('('d thl'lI' s ll.cCe"RlOn R alH I liJ.:'ht nl co urt hllU~I'. $:1 1. 75; \V . C. I" 1 "' 1,,'.11 \\ i1 I" ,. I1It' thl·l\ ul'h ' VIl1l'th lng sll tr s f"dlll\ In b(, lnlC t1 111<llthlrho t l' l llIlI '! I)"y" u t hllik Il/th l' l ("lIl "~ I,\tl·o ll nl'dby lh l· r1 '- tl l' ll·"d~lnl ", \\ 11 11 :1111 1 . ,'''I' nn NIY , thnlll s n r es u lt. o;a ld t' slut £' nnd \3 C1'J,(d II II, rou d s ur\, ying, $ t ll.2fi ; 1II "!.lI hl ) a ll I hllV C' her S(' lIl1lwl II wa~n'I ' s l r" nl{l' Ih.ll ' h.· d I II I'g-I ' t Ih,lI , .. fl'l\dallt I' lailllltf wn~ 1',,>'I,\I'l'd l u Huth 1,,' nnl'rI\', \\ e~ll'Y \\ Ru tl ey, SUCC l'SSlIl n " nrc ('xe mpl f r o m !II- Su m n II l' nkl e, SU ll ie . $4R .7 fi ; II . "., th , \\ " ,~./ .. !I " !1l\ . e lllll1t'~ hOi" , hI' Wll' 1 11l 1l1 1' 1I ~('ly 11111'11'<11'11 111 1 '11 ' < ,.\d .II11 ' I.. ok.,d Ihllug:hlflll hll f",nll" n.IIII(' II I' r.ladl-\'l' Tilu s .I ,tlll t! ; A: B,lll t'Y Ilnd JU!I1 CS BIl! ley h e lita lll' e t a x. M CI k $ '1"0 ] I V "S ill ' 1Il\J.dIl. Thl' l d (, :t Il ~IIlt' (,f ,\11 1\',llal lllll/: "rd,l s and InJ IIII ~- -:t Id d l' fil' I ~ l1ey u plln hi " OIl/:I!l!\ I , d~'h'ri~;k: ~:: :::l~: ;J;,. aro~I;I ~I,C($::!G .~P,; 1 111 11 ' ,1 II,' , 1 111',1(' ).( 'I" d but nllt h.' r he mu ,(, d AnI .)\/1 ' \llIlI ld I,,' l! .oIl! , ·"II' . , hL' )!lInliy para IIlt~'Il''' II' d III /I J,( lri III th <\I lI:ll' II" '1I1I 'I'1 thll')!, \\h '1I 'l hy'Il' n ll t n,,' - II<)n , h pll,tll fon: h'I ,lnll'd l\l'r,· tll ,- JUdl-\'lIll'n t III t he '11 111 of $2~ .1 ~ ,13 1 New Suit. Ray Swil-(l',I , f Ulllis lllllg und pi ling I'hl,I' I·d 1.I I" h l For 0 f l' w I1III1UII" 1I1"' l' I I1I 'II " -ol\ .. d I I WlI :' co n,lul'rC'l1 hI' lh e ~ (lurt t "" " IR '0 L t l G I II " t11 111 I I"al'('( I (11' 1'1 II 1 Fmll II " " ' . ~ I I I I' ff 'I'h, I~ ~ I a l n II \ VI ' k . I . t S () n(~ , .p L. ; V t' gC , gus , h!' I'a,utdl~ th oug ht al" ,lIt Ii "1 II I' h ... I I,('('n ~ Iarlll/: dO\\11 1I11,('(' . III Ih l' (',1 ' 1' o f \\ II. '1!1l1 hl ZZ11' tllli t il' pai n I ' ._ ( .. ~e r, .1 l' a • li la ' er, a \\'If ll \\, \ e ' ~ lI R $ J.!Jtlj ,' lIm. ., n. il e nkl eUt'd . ex p e n se, " I ),111 ],, ·r" I I' IH' ('ould ~pl'ak h('r \\'11I1e h(' tllrn t'd lh(· P,ll'l" o [ Iht, In)!II' .Il a bilk \\lIlln/: s lan d h ut (llllll11ll1 ' \'L'r- tl ~ ~1 'lxa :-'; lIllh II UlZ. LIIHI \:i ll,nk ,"~ LOU I ~\llIe. l e~uveIICh '"l e~ Se~· ('., and \\:Ift' .and . WIl- I $2:1; 1, lIpll t l ick- Flellch Mo t ol' Cur I.", <1,11 " ,,11'.1 and ,hi' Ill' nl li n . 11I:,)!aZln ... Klanclnl{ lit jll tlln'~ and n,,\\ Ill' c. llI g ht .1 hUllt -ul')!'e.t/l'1l It ai , /I \\IIS <ll'(I('l'o! hy I IH' lOUlt f!"tl1 th~ d ~ f~n d anL~ . . C h<lll~ . A. h u m !S(' ve l ,ln d Hose Seve l f or C ~ hl'V. lruck ~, $ 1825', Sta nd lI(\n'l ('aIT \' ml' I' I'IV t 'ltln~ ,of 11l' lIlilln" I, n IiiI' t .l ll l' n\ "I " I"~ II I' th aI lIn l.. , t h(' defen dant shnl l PII\' l.r·ls m c. r, .J l' lInl ' F. . C,ns mer, LI'v,- P<l l tlt lo n o. [ " '1 h . 11\""1'1 ' Oi l llCn lind rooll d,, $!Hi!l.Ii6; III In a , .,,'.\\ "I " I k' h nIP I' I' f I I 111\'(' ,\,.. 1I t1, . " II n pa g- (' (, f Ih,' ma l!:I - tilt· I' ll· .. r ~h"tl·1 pupe r. lO Hll h"rt. J )lul'l'hl(' tht' > \11/1 of 1'.ln ti !\ at/Ona I F arm L II UII A ~:'lI c l aThe Wa Yll esl' lll(' Farmer!' E~ x- Ill'll Ph ilip el".,c; I.gll~puy $1)5.20; 1I , m C'r . m tl l\'ldU- Il' hu nlC e C.lmpun ;.r IIl'Oljl Ul'UlIo lI (,r- EU g' l'n £' Il llljl<'1. blldJ,(p reJlair~, a III II/! ~ I"... ,· \\Ith II Ira~nl'd nU I -e ~ I nl' h" h d d ~a\lKhl hi' (' I'e anrl h,' "1I"l l" 1 '1' "H'llllIU, " he' lned . .. 5iHk ,1:1 \\ILIIIII:': d,,~> J l u m elltlY tllll1. l\I al'lh,l A al IlI l.:h l and ,I !~')'(' IIIIIIII~t coming 1/I')!,11l t o r eud, wilh ft'l'qlll'n /!Iall .111<1 IH( ked II], Ih,' (·n\·rl" p c· . Th C'n ' UI ,IIII h i, ('hulll n~ fuund du t' . Lh e n ally, i\l u rlhu A. llr~ g nlt'r, exeC U,lI·.IX , g unl zeu and dDl/ll{ bu s lIl e", IIn,l e r $;; Frank WUl'lllo\\', lumbel', '.,\ l·' ~ 1I1 " ,nlng-. ~ h e j1 l1 lnt<,,1 " lI l . I "," lit II,n c lo.,·n(1 (10"1' 1111,1,111 " '11' hi s L·XI"t·,> lOl1 l' hall~etl. It Il'a ~ ad - .. rd,·r IIf Hal e will be Is~ued. l ' p (l\l l nf I h e ~tal e "f C eo~Ke W Uns- th e law s of th e State o f Oh iO ve r s I 1..1 .. ~ ~ , v dJh E dRh I $ 11 7. 78 ;Weste rn ' tllr,\' o uche r . I ,U pl"' ' '' t I I' II tnc ·. a~L" II nl{''1 ul "n fill' so und s In th(' 111111'1 111 " 111 dll ",,·t! II} I I1Id o i ('11l 1'll /; , 1I1.. ll o n 1,[ dt'fendunts ,\I " xa and \ V I nll' l. d <'c('as(' .0 n . an e na liS ·'r ank R. nyd t' l" fOI m OIH!\' o n. l h l~." 111)' m ll l.l,"'· I"t'~ ''' . h(' hud II lrt' udy d'·IIII1I1 , t l·,lll"1. ' \l h,ll' Ii "I 1 <1 11 tind tha t ' " t he A . :\ " llhllItL ,\I'l' /:Itlnll'd filtl' l'n Lt: I111 II l!er , J ol,lI1 W . und . I du A. al11 0 1l n t cl nirnl'd $:I:W fd \li lh $ 27. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ II "Oil I 11 (, <(l okI' with ;' 1I 1· h 1\ \\a- n t hl~ hai ll t L" tI" arl )lhll1~ 11 11 1",· d '·mal/d"d . Sht, hud hr:~'1\ d.):- III "h ich In filt' an~\\'(' r Arll u lrl and. h eqe;. A Ke nn edy. IIltt' r(' sl fr o m ,J lln~ury II, 1930 , r \lI1 ~ l cl" , n . Ih a l ,hI' blightl'llt'd hI' ha lll'<. Il l' !Je"lIllIe IIttl'nlivl' til "I Hndln)! Oil th" Ih,..,-h" ld. lo nklllg l h(, of Alb e I t G Huntl' l' j lhe s lim fl f $40 .IG ti 1) U nl ess " ,lid cus ts and o th e r r e ll f . More Favorite Song. ag:'III1 . " 1 hl' Garlll n d', <lIlllln "r ' lilL' .Irticl(' he \\ ,1, I:t'ndI IIlC. thl' n <I ,, \l n Ih l hll il. hut turn e d hll('k \'C' I "US NIYlll e :'II. F o x. e n l wu s \\llIlIn :1 dll\'!' fr om ent l Y, th e n E I('an o r Vu n Tr ,,~s Smith versus 1.111'., ~\I(' -1 11 1 In effl'e!. lind lh \, '11' . Inl,' rt!~I(ll. und till."'" :th ~()r" I!'1 inl" lht' 11)" 111 at lht: ~"un tl 01 h is dl ~llIi ~s(· l!. f o re cl n~ lIl'e will en!'ue. Frunk C. Ander~()n , )I t' tll illn f o r The Priso n e r ,,' Song- "Lel's do I' ll'\' r l'/b,lIlabl ,,," hi ' \\I'n un . ' In th,· ca~ (' of Alina Van 0 0 1 e n a n acco un t in g. Ih e Br<'akuway ."

F. T-. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer s u.

Centerville, O. New Burlington,O.





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~11c hn eJ. t he

tlnle o f

Probate Court

\Valln R. Pa lnlt!" ve rs us


Co ll ege Grad sung- "Thut Pre.

pl'l!sentaliu n { f c l alm ~ uK,lInst d e- _ _ . ' . !\lilY Plllml' l' f or tll vo r ce. c io us LI t tl e Thlllg Cu ll e d Louf" fenda n t 1\l IS e xt e nded lu ~I IIY ~::; . b,' u \ . Dunhnm. ex cc ulll x o f The V lrg lllia J o int ' tot'k Luntl l !\ir- Min ded s on - "M Bo nn; e J \,:10 1the es tat c' o f J uh!1 W. Dllnham, d e - Bli nk , o f C harl estoll, a cnrporatlon FI;cs Over th e OC~Jln" y y In th(' CIIRe of ,Jam ('!< G. C oo per ccase d filed h (' r m".e nl o r und ap- ve l su" Wal K ·IIJ ~ , Eva K e llis , HalJl ll~l ~ ' o n g - "AII by Mys e lf I (, I - US AlI~U SI r. J e ntz. It 11'11" o r - Jl l a\ lle nH'nt 1/1 CO Ull. J o hn L. Hili. Ai lS M . lilli, Ma rion in th e Moo nlight." tl H 'd th ,lt ~ erlaln matl e r s a lltl ulI n t h e se t ll e n! e nt o f th e ~statc 0 .• a nt! Haze l L 1/111 fo r m o n ey Ford so ng I 'I1 G e t B y. " legllLl llns b(' ~l l icken o ut o f the o f \Y argat·t E . ll1 to n. d ec euHe d, It u nd f u r eclnsu r e II f m ortgag-e . R' " I C 't H 'I L pl'tiunn. III w hi c h IJhll ntlfl' eX- \ lI lIs detl' rll1l~ ed . that th e CX ~ IIlI?- Am o unt c lnim e d $2 07.8\J \\ Ith in - ' in~ CTha ~o ~;u-; " an I' jl eav Ce l' l ll und sa id llI ot lon i o\e r -rul e d t lO ll o f th e ril Rl n butec £'xce c ds h ,s te r cst ut 6' ;' per an ll um from c pt COl rt . "M F t is in a~ to fi ll ti th e r ma t ters co ntai n ' 1!. l su ~cessl o n and t h e e~tlltc nn.d su~- I, Itl2U an d with IIl le r esl upon Yo ur IH an~~",f?- y a e In the (,lise o f Tlwma", 1\\. Mnn- Cel'\SlO n a r c ('xe mpt fr o m mh e rt - $ 105 lit 8', ;' p e r IInnum from S ha e ff e r 'ink so n~-"Am I BIu e in){ toJl I'ersu s Isube l Ll kllh G ates wn ce tax. March 1. 1030 lind fo r $7.50 and . e l a l. it wa s Ol derI'd th at. t h e N ot ice IIf esta~es f o r se t tl e m e nt f or $ \ 8 .6 0 Wllh inte r est at 81', per ~~:-:~~::-:::::~=~~~==~ she I itf con ve y a d eed t il .J acob . al C se t f o r h c ann g May 9 , at 9 allnum from Janullry 4, 1930, Scn tt. purcha ~c r of th e premi ses. o'cl ock a. n~. DI !'t.ribuu n f th e j1 r ocee d ~ In the Anna l\f S n oo k .a~cepte~1 th e apam o un t o f $ 3 00 0 was ord e r e d. pOlntm e nt o f admll1l ~tratrtx o f the Real Eltate Tran.fer. I n lhe e,lse (I f W illiam r n lz ic Y', eSloa t e of lilla I'd Fil lm o r e Bla ckJ umes 1\[ . und Ma r y E. BelJ t o wh ose n a lll c is m on' fr e quenlly burn, de c ease d and fi led h e r bond Malll\l e and Merl Davis lo ts Nos. HATCHING ~pe ll ed F ra~ I', a s e XeCIJ l lI I' of t he III the . lIm of $:~500 wllh J. L es- 50,5 1, 52 li nd 53 in Dee rfi e ld twp. lu"t \\ 11 1 of Cll r o llne Roge rs, d e - l e r 1\luI Co rd, Ehzab eth Mulford , Mary B. Do n o n to Geo rge E . - -- - - - -- - -- - -- - Lilill B. Mu elle r and Irma A. Hall part of l o t No. 623 and all of ATTENTION- Le ba n o n AII.Elect Sntl u k a~ s ure t ies . C. D. Curw in, lot. N o. 622 in Franklin. ric Hatche ry. 2 1 l eadmg breed s Mutt F oley anti E. J. Beed le were H. n nd Go ldi e Whitaker, to o f pure-bred baby C hi cks hatc h e d con fid(' ntlu l note . for his wa s a n matle appluise r s . l athias nnd Elizabeth Wagn e r, in fumigated In c ubators- a hatch I hunes t lI<1 t Ure and h d eSi red to A cco unt s a pproved;lot s No . . 32, 33, 34. 35, 36, 37. 38 e a ch Monday and Thurs day. tll1.~. , ea~'," hi s u o li a r - Ill. pa.rt,,, nt l eu~t. · F:stat e o f H. V . Walter, deceas- 3!l, 40 lind 4 1 in Os ceo la. SpeC Ial atl£'ntio n paid to C u stom \\ c mu.\' dl RcoI'e r that I ha ve 1 " Is t hi s Miss Pars on's l oo m ? " vOice. .. I I:'ol the f ee hn .. s lr, he s a Id, eel .. fi rst ~\lld ~nal. . Annu S. Brooks, Mary E . Haney Hatching, Open a ll day S und ay t o I'll!" awa~' fr o m /I hu~h:ln d and SIX I she inquirerl "I'm Miss Adam s . \ "On th tabl . lin t op o f thl~ ht- ~hal s he wa lk ed .o f! b e clluse sh e q llard lUn shlp o f Mildred a nti and P ear l W e rn e l' t o Mabe l G en- th~ public. !. O . O. F. II a ll , phone c~lI~t1rl'n. ' ~ hl' Slil d Irg ht ly . b ut I th e nurse . D ocl o r Ca n/(~ k s ent m e. li e Iwap of " tatl on ary. It loo k e d I rhdn't w ant t o gl~1! n o ~dd res8 I rW Ill Sherb et, mill oI'. , seco nd a nd evieve Murtin lot 3 1 in Maine v ill e . 180, 132 E . Mulber y Street. tr 1t'V lIl g him II definIte effect Df "Y e, of co urse. W e have been hke a ll the o th e r e n ve lup es, f or ! he l (, If t hat hndn t bee n Il, wh y final . B e ll e H earne, by s h eriff to C. brealhl " " n e~s a nd te n sio n. "M ~· In e xpe ct in g you" the nam e IS w rill en o n It ve lY wo uld s h e cany th c m lhings ? ~ h e l Estate o f .J o hn ichola s Ge iger, L. Dye , lots N os. 4'trlfrld 47 in F no~er\l bllhe~ may be crY in g f or me "Docto r 'a r rrck t o ld m a ll fuintfy, with a hllrll penC il ( didn't !{Ive m ~' my qu a rt e r Jest th' d ece a ~ ed , fir s t and fi na!. Aval o n He ights. OR SALE th l,~ !11 1l Iute. " ' " abo ut the case a nd g av m e full in I nll ltce It till nllw ." sume, li n d I'd bet th a t quarter ,~ h e E s tute of Gush! D e mltt, decens William T. and Ruth K e nn edy POR SALE- 2-ro w Co rn' low. \\ hnt n J,( hal' tly Id ea ! h (' be- s t r ll cti o n s, " th e nurse wen t. o n. "It : Il l' held th e' 'nl'elnpe too k a cau nt lh e n e xt corne r. ed , first lind fin a l. by s h e rrff to C harl es H. Bateman w it h tractor hitch , and h orse gan, an d . tnpp r d ab luptl y. As if l t on k SI m e t ime. Othe l Wls r cO llld " Lo l'lI! I \\i ~h I darcd t o op n Hamilt oll I'e turlled 'lo th e waltE t.nte o ~ II I1ITY B. Thompso n , 59.75 ac re~ in Harlan twp. ' hitch. J. B. H ess, Sprm g V a lley, O. she hu d ·:~ugh . h, s t hough t s he hnve bee n h e r e soo n er. I s upp a. e it. " h(' multl'll,d IIlg n ul'S ' . It was easy n ow to piece d e cas ed, fir s l. Ruby Hurwleh to Fire mlln Kin g 106k<'d at hun \\Ilh su dd (> n in ten t - l s he'S in h er r ool1l. " !lh e s ugl{est ed . 1 li amllto n hur l I cI fr o m the roo m t og e l he r the b ll s o f th e p u zz le. 1 I n t.he s e t tl e ment of the es tate in -lot s Nos. 206 a nd 203 in L e ban- FOR ALE- I ce bo x. For in • . n(" s ; bu h wa, on hi s gUlIl'd " Hadn't I bette r go rig hl 111 !I nti At thl' h o t(>1 Utii CI' clt' ~ k h ~ a s ke d Mi ~s Pm so n I'tad ex p ene n('ed un- Of Granville P. Deck e r, tlece!lsed, o n . formullOn ea ll On OI'V)lI e Gray. agalll and h);; d ls lll' ming- sm il e l'e pc. r t?" I fm' n ilJlltl'h allcl li t hi s Ciga l e tte l ot h e r panic, h a d decid e d that sh e the n c' t va lu e of the es tate w as Fran ces Bre nd el t o J o hn M. and m,14 , IYlntshed 'Iny ~ US(1 ICI 0 n Hh e mIg hl I Mi ss Adam ~ gave th e door p o n e l With l'U I ful l'n~\la l nl'~". wa s beco ming' "a cdse ." an d had $3 372. 79 , t ha t th e e x e mptl?n o f Be rth a B. Fox s m a ll tracl in Deer - FOR SALE- Tige r T o bacco seta so ft bul d ec ided t up, lind when I " li as l\1i ~ s rar ~ (Ins gU ile? " he fl ed t o <\1' id tha t horro r. Of the be ne fi c iaries e xc eed t he Ir Sl;lC , fi e ld lwp. . l e r in goo d c o ndi tio n . W . E. - S he r eee ive d no I epl." s h e r epeated uskl·(j a s he dl ('\\' in the first ' 1'0111 51' s h e wou ld p ick up II cab ces, io ns and t hat 11. s a res ult. sard C. E. and Sa rah A. Dumencl to [art. h e r II Io n/! ti I e s lreet or ta k e l'st ute an d s u ccess Ion s n r c exe m p t Farmers Exchange Bank o f L ync h S tr o ud, R. R. 4, WayneSVille. it Without em phas is ca lh ng c lull r1\' ! 1Il0Ulhful o f ' l11 o kl'. r "Th e 1I111' e . MISS Pa rso ns. Mav I "Y e p; <he c h cc kc,d out ' Ill ost an , (J n L' () f the SCOI C o f cabs p lYlllg UII I from inhe ri ta n ce tax. burg, 0 :, 75 acres in Har lan twp. ·m21 co m e In? " Bllt when t h('rc wa s n o hn UI a~o : ' lhl' c le l k tn ld him , a nd and UOWIl l he n e xt avenue. on ly n In th e m utte r o f the es ta t e of C o rte z M. S mith to Walter C . FOR SALE - 3-p iece bedroom r espon se to thi:s, sh e t urn ed and , a dd e d wll ho u t r ll ncc,r. "W vlllen ! hloc k awny. By thi s lim e s h e J o hn T. Wild: pres um ~d, deee~sed ,tahley, 81.08 acres in Wayne twp 8uit£'j victrola; Whit e electric c as t. II quest lo n illg /:llIn ce ul lh e mak ' "!I' til'l'd" mi uht be III lI a r le m 0 1' on a trll lll , it. \\'I\s. decre e<l th~ t n otIce .b e gIven Ross C. a nd Viola L ewis to se wing machine, n e w mod e l ' 4 I yo ung lIIan. fl amtltun ,,'s leel 1111 (' Ibll\\' 0 1' bound west .0 1' so uth. I n a n y CII HC ' I IC: ard J o hn Wild t h at !f h e b e L e wis V. Kelly tract in H a milto n piece break fas t set, green 'and s he \\' a s d e llllltc lv g o n e . ' h e wn s alIve, he mll st produc e 8atl!'l factory lwp. bl~ck. folding half bed . Inquire at 1 "G o in ," h e nUllUlg- d t o UI in g th t' d es k " \\'h , ? , lJ ut thl' r e ~o mew h e re In th e dud;- \ C\' ld e nc o n or befo re :>\ug~st 2l? , Lalll'a and Grover Young t o WII thiS omce. -m7 I o ut. und s tre ng th ened Ih e o rd e r I With a n Impera ti ve ~estu re. "Oh . IJecl.! us e I beY 'l ~' nl \\,a YR ne~s. !"hat \\ o uld .beco m e o f her '! :It 2 o'c loc k p. Ill , whIch tIme IS I !iam S. a.nd Leota Wark, .22 acres SpnA Y YOUR TREES-If in HIGH ES T Pl a inl y M ISS Atlalll ~ wa s Ilut th£' c hall KIIII! Ihe ,,' 111 111<1,. rh lll girl Anyt brng , e \' crytilln g, m lg hl hap- set f OI fina l co nfi rmlll1o.n of the rn Lebanon. typ e of nur~e wh o Hen'pt ed 0 1d c r ~ said wh e n ' he ca ll1 l! thnt s h e W(l M pen t o h e r. dec r£' e thul J o hn WIld IS legally W. L, and Clara E. Pierson to need of new spray pump . large CASH from eVl'ry o n e wh o c h".e 10 gi\'e f) nl~' t:lylnl! " ne n ig h t .. he Htay d li e llI us t filltl her , of co ul·se . cl (m el. Mal'.y A. and Claru B. ,Pie r son or ~mall.. spray ho se, nozzles, comPRICES t hem. She h e~ lt ated, and lap ped a UII !'e duy:;. That lIas :tlll'lghl - lhe Thn t w cnt Ilith o ut . nying. E ve n if Ho bert .1. S hawha n a!,d Mrs. sm a ll t ru ct In D ee rfie ld twp. pee pumps ,. lea th er s , rubber pack t hlrtl lilli e . S tIli I ere ivlIlg no rc- lo nKe r lh e hHl" r . Bu t l o niJ,(hl s h h is inte r. t had be n less l han It Ethe l BInII' were appo m ted as Mudge Titus to C lin ton W. Rat- Ings, etc. , eall on The BOCK· PAID p ly, s he turn ed th kn o b a nd en- htld II co~ pul 111 h er ro o Ill• •fo r a wa. ' . I.le cOli ldn ' I ~t h e r , in h e r n~ e.mbel s of the B oa rd oC Co unty liff, 17:1.55 acres in Union, Salem ~~:r CO,,416 W . Main St., Xenia, l ered t be b cd-ro o m, leaVi ng the wOlllan f!'le nd wh was tn VIS It he r cond itIOn . va nish In to the un - VISitOrs to s erv.e f.or the full term IInll Turtlecree k twp. 10. tf tl OO I' ajar be h Ind hcr. H amil t o n re- an~ ufter I't! . ti lTed up 1\ chamber kn ow n . li e hud n ot been rc s pon- of 3 y ~ar~ b egmmng May I, 1~30 Willa Haggard to Dalt! Dunn, FOR. SALE Hand wash mallIained c lose t o th e op n tl OI r , mlllli and It po r le r a nd g o t ev'l'y- Sibl e at fi l's t, bu t n o w. . . B e nJamm E ge lslo n was a ppornt- 95- 100 acres in Lebanon. chme and wringer. Frank Miller bu t he di.1 n t look ill t the roum tiling fix ed she c hange d he l min d It e m a <l e his r epo rt t o th e cd a I! ua rdilln of . H at h el ee n anll G e rtl'ud e Lac key to Clyde and .m14 [)cyoncl It. I ns l end ht! "h ee led ant! Hgllin a nd c lulII<'li o ut. S ~£' le ft nurs e. 0: H. Egl.eston, mm o r s and til.ed Mudge M. Simpkins, 75 acres in FOR :<tll r l.' d har d at th e OPP OSll C Will I. a do ll a r f(lI t he chumbe rtlHlld a nd " She paid h e l' bill an d che ck e d Ill S bond m t h e s u":' of $440 With Uni o n township. . SALE I buy and sell tell lll lC hlm ~ l'lr the r~ were n ha lf lhe porle r . thou~h," he adde d for- o ut 11 11 h o ur ago" Fid e lit y a nd DepOSIt Compa ny ~f LOUie H. Brown £0 Ruth Isabel H chIckens wholesal e and retail PHONE 8F3 d oz en l'ea~O ll S \\ hy l h e g ll'l in th ' g:lvlngly. a nd end ed, o n another Mi ss Adam s nndded . Mar y land liS s ur ety, whereby It Brown, Edith A . O"own and N o rorne every evening. Will Gu s tin: Inll !! r room Ill llCh ! 1111 hil I''' h"at'd afl e lthou ght, " K lcl' gi rl" ", h e wou ld," Rhe co nfirmed. was agr eed by t h e co urt th~t the man H. Brow n, lot No, 2 in Leban ·m14 HARVEYSBURG, OHIO t hose thl ee dr c ICl, tl ta p, Jlamllt on p ut o n the hat h e had H a mi l ton Stl n in ed n erves s nup - g Uilrd lan h!l ve fu.'1 a ut~orlty to on. PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS \ M I ~S Adam ~ I cappeal· cd. alld bee n, ca n yi nl{ an d dc ~ cen d ~ c1 t h e p e ~ .. . ~~tl l e a cla im agam ~ t Air. R.ed~e. William C, K ersey to Maggie M. -For al\ purposell. Boeklet'. n o w ~ Iw wa~ oiJl'lou s lr Ih ~ lu rl)('d. hol('t ~ fro. n~, ~t(' (l S l o lhe s treet. If It \\,!I~ cc rt~ln . th~t s he tlon .Stl les Com.pan y. for lIIJunes No ble 2. 17 acres in Oregonia. lin.e of plurnbing and heatin"sup. "We mu sln' l a ssll me til" mu ch,' " Cab, <Ir! as ked t h e ci oo rmlln, wou ld \\ hy th e devil daln t Cur- ,\ s usta m e d by. s!IId mlllors. ·S . T. a nd Mary L. Ellison, phell are tb; best. The BO.ALle~ ~ h (' s aln kmdl v, wllh all und e r- I wh" kn ew him. I n ck W!U'li m e? " he bro ke out, H. E . Wills. exec.utor of the she riff to Sibyl L. Ellison, et a . K ~ ..... s tund lng glante at h iS ag ltlltecl l "Not ~' e t. S 'e! h('r , . a lln ?- lind Imm ccllately ap o logized ngu in. I esta te of James B. WIlls, deceased by s heriff, 10.6 acres In Deerfield Ohinl~o. Co., 415 W. Main St., Xenia, face. " YOII ~llld s he \\ Us f l'lghte n (' d del'!" - " II nl11 lit o n put a do llal in· "Co me o n, we'll ~o u ptow n and . was o r dered t o lease ~ne lands of I twp. $4400. and In ~ uc h C{i n(b t lom, patl e nls do l to th e llIan' ~ hand -"cllf l yo u hap - I tnl k to 'a rl'lck. Yo u d on't s u p: l d r;cede n t t o The Umon Cent~al S ibyl i. Ellison and Nina B. l'tra nl:'e things. I' l'e looked ou t o f pl'n to h em t l\(' n dtl rl'~~ i\lr Sg Pur- pose he h as g o ne to bcd, d o yo u ?' LIfe .Ins uranc e ~ompany !If Cm- Tro u t to John C. Aunker, 1 town FOR SALE PLANTS _ Sweet potatoes, 1111 kinds of garden the' w lndllw," s he /ldJed calm ly; so n ~ I:'a v(' h CI tH Uman t o nighl he as ked irritab ly . c matl, a s securIty for mte r est lot in Mason. FUNERAL DIRECTOR B e rmuda Onions. an d al{H ln h e fe ll h l ~ ~ealp pl'l c k w hen , h e Il' ft '!' I M, ss Adam. ex pressed h er agreed a nd to be accrude. f or payTho ma s M, anti Minnie W. pla?,ts and "ThC! r e ' ~ n ot h ing wrong in t h e Saulltler ~ pocke d I h(· 11 0 ll a r and t h eo l Y that D o ct o r Cn rrick c ould m e nt of a m ortgage. Stamp e r , to David D. and Angel- O~lOnl! 20 cents per hundre d. 1 % WAYNESVILLE, OHIO < tr (' ~t. Of r our'e s h e may hI' som e II,o k l' d " y m p,lI lH'tlr I n nt have do n £' anyt hin g so in co nAccou n ts fil ed:ine Patrick , s o uth half of lot No. 1'l'lIles N o rth of Wayn es ville on Ferry road, Strouse Brothers, R . II h e r e .. Ise 11\ t h e h ntel " S he dldn ' t tak ( n o cah here, oide r ale. It wa s mu ch m o r e like ly E state of Albert Fox, d eceased, 677 in Franklin. - Il l' f Ollnt! h IS l oiee sil." h I' I ('po ltcd . " It \\'as fu nn y, l ~ he th o ught that t he phys ic ian fir st acco unt. Oenjamin F. and Sarah A. Mills FOR SALE- Indian Chief Motor"Y u u ' r e perfec tly ~ ur e ~h e b n 't l oo' 1 0 1' s hl' lI ~ lI ul l )' tlo es. Bes ide s, l nll g h t have dropped in at hi - club Estate of George P. Downey, d e to Carne H . Mills tract of real Fully E~uipped for Good cycle. Inquire at this office.aaO III thesl' r oo m s ?" he a~kl'd . t o nlu ht s hC' \\'a . eUlrvll1' a li t tle o n hi s way h o m e , t o hav e a c eased, firs t a ~ d final. ,estate in WayneSVIlle. ~ervice. THRESHER SUPPLIES-BELTS >:UI C " :'-1ISS Ad lllll S hand -b ag- lin d H bi/{ uu ndl e . BUl i lubb er o f bridge \dth ~o me fri e nd s Estate of Elrzalieth Thoma s, tn" QUltl' Laroll'e Display Room . s m il ed alls t elel\' ''(' v(' looked ill wh en I !'< ta rte d to get !l tUXI f o r As a n Ur"1! wh o a tte nd e d mlln v of co m pe~e n t, fir st accoun~. Marrialre Licen.e pulleys, babbitt rnetal, 011 CUpl. th e c loset and (I I e n lIn de l the bed.' he l eh ' \\lllk d nff . shuk m ' h e r hIS p atl ent~ s h e kn c w so mething I An IIlstrum e nt of wrJtln~. purInjectors, lubricators, Iteam and Ambulance Service ":\[ lI Y I I,' ol,? " he,,,I" of t h e hlliJlt~. She even kn e w the porti n g t o be the last WIll and William N. Hill, tru c k driver wat~ nug,s, puge gl'" ollen " Of Co tll SI' . If \' OU Irk (· " "Whl l' h way did , he r:n " " nam c o f hiS c lub, and m e n t ioned testamenl of Charl es E .. Dec;k e r, of Kings Mills, and Miss Corolla packing. boiler ftues, suctl~n ho~ p ~y on NIGIfT Tld .E PH ONE 7 H e r' mnnn e l I1I cl' l v co m bi ll e d wllh ' "T hilL \\ ay.'· Saunders IlIdl calcu Il. d ecea sed, wa s pod.uced. In court Be lle Snider, of Twenty Mile and tank pumps. THE BOCKLET , il S pi ufL' 51O I1ul ('(1 111 tesy an In t lllll1 Ih e s ide st ll'et. Il lq voiet, <ank t o a I (To be conlinued ) f o r probate . Hearing IS set for Stand, April 30. CO: 415 W. Main St, Xenia, Ohio. )'lIlI a Ilig btl !." . . Ire wu~ tulk ll ll{ Il/.'Htll ' t tillH' . to k el'p hel' P,I/IiC nt h'l~ t ill th" I . I , nu,','" (·l1l11e. U.h. ,," n dl'\i!J <h l< ltua t lon 1 lilli' I I :->h.(' t.lllll('1 bUl'k t il til!' Wlllfl,,\\', IlIlnRlnlr hel' hllnd s 10 · J!'<lhC'l' with a n C'ffeet of rl l'!'pL' r:llI 'lII t ha t ulal 1Il (' " hllll. " CIIIlII' no \\." he IIl'g l· d . "k 'c p <I(>ucl\" A \\'hol(' lot dl'p c nd~ o n 111:11. Th e 1II 0 lt' qUI tl~' ~·ou tnkl' till S. till' no nc' r .' 11 11 \\III . /: et ove r ~t. Il l' H!-!,I e,·s thaI th e thmg to do I!' to Sit 1I1.:h~, J~I ~ t li S ~'o u'l e d nll1g' alld k t IlI tjllln es COm e fr o m Ih~ u ther ('1111 If your family and s d o n t kn ow wh e r ~ yo u .a r e t he.\' II ha~' ' tarte d nn mve~tlga· tllm by .thl ~ tllnl' . bUl they'r(> prob !Ibl~' d01l11{ It carefully." She stoo t! ~till :lnd :;tar ed Into the e1l1rknl'$s. Suddenly s h e turned bn t k to lhe rOPli1 \\, It h a lillie IllU!!h that .bl·oke th r o ugh th e Ir li e f o und hi s voice "You' re p e rf ectly ~ U1 e sh£' isn't in the s e He!"uu s ne>'S like a gush n f a f OLln - rlloms?" he ask ed . "Quite ~ ure , " 1111. ~ Adll lll S s mil ed /lusterely

I .













Dead Stock Wanted





Harveysburg Fertilizer Company














- -================



Fly Right on the Ceiling, .Eh?

\ 1 ~AIO IN



5% Farm Loans


LONG OR SHORT TIME-Eal, terrnll. Aleo SurvJ!yin~ ~nit 'Abstraeting. Write and I will · eall and see you. Sarn D. Henkle W.y. nesville, Ohio. ' J11






·FLV · "M.I'A...",,~,~(j

LOANS on Liveetock, . Ghttela, Second Mortages, Notel bought John Harbine, Jr., Xenl., Ohio.

FarmerstAtteotion MO"K~Y _MAA& -:">14. fAC£ ' WI-OO' •AN AWFUL-'· CA+-


.... pn .111

NO~& ANP lINeJ BIUIWf HIGH :'- ' MA~ir OUR BAIJ't efty I



Farmers of Warren and adJolnina counties m.y obtain money OD long tlrne loan., at & per cent Interelt. Cost of aecurlng the .am. IS_Iery reasonable, thrguah TIl • F_eral Land B.nlC. For further Information call on or adclrea •• C. D~KE, Treasurer, pboae It•

X lA .....OD, Obi,



- ------ ,

Drug Trale to Share ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY --------- Inter,est in Drug Company

--------------------------------. , ...

Mr, and Mrs. Chall. Madden sp nt part of this week in incin-

nat!. Th e

R-.ldeac, ................. ...... . ,.No.



THF. MIAMI CAZETTE D, L. CRANE alii.. Phou............ "...... " .. No •.


Mi ~ s R

Kathl(' n and



~l1i p




Grllhilrl1 ('nte l·tai n d th "Kn t ydids " at th ' il' IItt'l'act.iv COllntl'Y !!h.bacriptioD Price, $1.50 • Ye.r home Snturc\ay c vening. MI·. ami , Ml'!;. Ru s ~~ 11 Wilso n rcmllineJ ovor 611,.retl., 'Po.toH;ce a' Wayne,,,ill. nigh l and Sund1lY. New stream1ine bodies. Choice of nttractive ~olor/ll. c.. Second C Ia •• Mall Malte,. AtljtlstllLlc tront 8cat in most bo(ties. " C r oepy I' o!;l" wn s S 111 (>' lhing difl'e n:> nt in . th e w ay (If Fully enclose(l, "Hellt four.wlteel hra~ s. Four Houdaille tloubl(·.acting hytlruulic shock absorbers. Se nior el uss pla y ~ . lL was Hta l'C c ri MAY 14, 19:3 0 Friday eve n ing be f o l'c n v c ry III" pl'C!ciuti\·e audil·n ec. Mu s k \\'II ~ Bright, clltluring Rustle s Steel for many e xtc rior meanl parts. Chrome silicon alloy valves. -· ---,========::,=-=-'"'·""'==-~·· I fUl'ni Rhe d by lhe s chool o rc hcs tra Mi ss lI e l n .' t e \' e ll ~ , dir 'ding . Aluminum pistoJls. Chromc alloy transl1lis ion gears and haflS. Torque-tubc drive • Mrs. has. Gl'n y wa s ill [) ny l on •I T hul's duy. A LAND OF OPPORTUNITY I l1trec.qllart~r floating re~r axle. Extensive usc of fine steel forgings alld electric welding. 1\11'5 • • J. P. T hlll'n b ury Il l r l'I I t.nilll'd the . 1. C . c la s~ o f t ill' .Jonuh's Hun Sundll v S('l w,, 1 Fri . Morc thun twenty ball and roller bearings. Triplex shatter.proof glass windshield. da y CVl'n il1\:,. . It i!'! t he fashiun to lunll'nt lhut ivlr-s LIlUI'II Shid a l<t,1' and Nathlll1 Fivc stel'l- poke wheels. 55 to 0;') miles an hour. th e r c arc no opp o rtunitie ~ Idl f lll' Gra y f'('lum l'd hOlll l' S Ull d ay afQuick ac('clcration. Ease of control. lh e nd ve nlur ous yo ung 111 II . T hnt tl' l' s pell d ing t hc will t(> r with th.·ir has u lw uys I.. ~e ll th e fa s hi"n . E very child re n. Mr .. till.! Mrs. C lint t;rllY Low first cost. Economy of operation. Reliability and long life. Good dealer service. genel'lltion hus its qu o ta o f yo ulI gs li nd fllmil y in A Ihu q u(' l'qu (', . 'l' \\' te l'M wh o b ~ li (' vl' th a t in th e " g ood Me x ico. old days " till a m a n h ud t o ri o 10 MI'. and M I'~ . .J. C. Cl'a\' \\('t"( ' ~nin fame Or f o rtun e was tlJ far e MOSBY sho pping in Will11in~t n n \\' (: <llIl'Sfurth into th l' wor ld lind take his G. H. day. pic~ o f th e ,!,olden oppnl'lu ni ti (js G. 11. Mos by . rl'cs id e nL und MI'. n ll d I\ l l's .. Will Wri J! hl. (I f \Vhlc~ ' WCI'C IYlnK at o llnd loose f~J1' C e n 'ral Manu~er o f lhl! Mos by Duy t o n. \\'('1'(, :-';u!lda y gu .. ~t s cd the hl'il t co nH' I' . to utilize. But II I ,\h.di~i n (' ' u mp any, un e of th e Ilr. :l ll rl l\ l l's . . w . fo.. ()~Ic~ h (' l· . eve r y . ~en C l'lltlnn, f Ol'tUlllll t,ly: ", ,, rld's lar ' ('s t manufucturel's of Mrs. W . ( . Walk e r and I'l\t s~' th e re IS U goodly p ~ n: en t ag(' o f pl'c pnn.d r0.ll'd ie s , a nn o unced y's - L oy, " f l>ay~ l) n. ~ rll· nt ~l!\'(' l'lil da\' ~ YOlinK m e n who n·"ltzc \l'h"t has l e nlay that eas tcl'n bunkin~ in - Ihl s wc ek \\' It h JIl l'. al1d !\Ir~ . A. 1.. u lw uy s ueen L~· u e •. ~hut we .make tLi ' , ~ ts hud hou g hL u min o r ity Kl' ~lll' dy. .. . UUI' o wn Il!J r! O!tullItl(!S .1I11t! .If W(' holding in till' cum pliny. Th e pUI'-1 hI' W li man ' ~ (1\'1 1" 1.1 ·,uj!UI' n1('1 hav e the S '~ II: lt . lh!" Inl·I\Ig"!' ncl' ~ ha s(' how e v ' l' will in nn way uf - Sn t ul·dal' .n ft'·l'n"" 1I \\' llh ~11·" . und th ' dl·lv ln g WIll I .. s u c~ et'd I fect ;he ) I'es 'nt cont r u l 0 1' I1Il1n - 1An~lII. lI a,l'l"Is. . th ere are 1~H 11I!11~y . ~pp () rtunltl e~ llIa naJ! l' n"~nt of the concern which I· I' II·nd " QU I~ I' I"rl >· 11l." l' lt ng" r on1I 0\\' li S th r l E' eV~ 1 \"!l l'. I I'cllItlin R in the h ll nd s of MI'. M(J ~ h Y I ':l! n cd Il t lit ,· I' rl e n d ~ Ch llrc' h h l' \'l' Th e o nly ril fTere nc,: het we en ' A 1\I.,'grarn of e xplln s ion in thi s Su~ul'day . . o n<' . d~eadu and lhal which. ~ I·l·ce d . cnlllltr nlld in f oreig n m urk ets i f hl·. l Jac(' :1 lnlll' c Ht<. ,,~ l'l"Inon wtl l od It IS . thnt th e ~Jl Pol"l un l t\ l'~ ur r will I)(~ in a u ~lIl'atNI immedilltelY' 1 be 1Il' llv (: I'(·d by Re.v I hnr nlllll'): at of II dltfe rent kind. und .(' \Iery I Dil'(,C l OI'~ nrc G. II. Mo sby , t he Ill. ~•. c h u rc ~ :-';lInd n ~' e vcnlng". mun mus t find ".ut f o l' h llll ~ l'I[ ) I' e ~ id(' n t u nd genl' l·nl Illunllger; Ma y 18. at . 8 " (, \. ~l' k . (urnlll (' nc (' what th . n ew klllcl I, . A n cw~ "nJl c r {V. T . May nard . vi c -p r (,R icl e nt ; IIIl'nt CXC' re lst's will b r 1\1" n"" y t;'an o n ce a ~ k ed . the lalt' H lI ~s ('1I (,hnd es M os b~' . 'ecretal'Y und e~· ~ nl.n ~ . JI1a y 1fl , lit I 11(' ~ dll~ o l all · Sage .. wh o .h ed In the curl y par t l l'('uwrcl'. an d' C. O. Ro 'C, I !!~al ' d! to rllllll . The Hl~dl' l' ~s WIll. bl! of lhl!! cp ntul'y ut th e ag e o f !IO, 1coun se l, a ll o f. Cinci nn ati, Ohi o. giv e n by 111... )la ~· I ~, nf lhc S lat., wh eth ,:l' . thl' r e. w e l'e a ~ . man y 01>- 1T hE' He lcd e d Ko n j o lll d cnlcr in DepartmcnL " f .1·.d .lI clItlo n. POl'tUllltl l'S th clI as \Vh l' n he was a " ·ayn e svi lle in the Adam s Drug The a n nual plCl1l r w ll.I br held y oun g man. H e sllI d .th e r e w('\'{· 1S tore. on t ~c ~c h oo l g"nJUnd s F!' ltl u y. i\l ny more, und w~e~ q,Ue S l~o~,e~ I, a ~ ~o 1 T he ri ~ f' o f th e M o ~ by M<; di e ill e I G.. J'h c r ~ I '~I ~o ~I' I ,I ,(,v •..n ls whRt they \Hr hi ,a n s\\ ~ l c d ! r Olllpany and it~ p r o d u ct IS o n e il,S 1~1 f OI.Il:CI ~(I:rs: . (l 1l~ ~ \~I l h he ha d f ou nd the.'e \"'.S ~ (J",I I (If the marvel" o f the Ilw d iclll, )IIllI. hu ske l Il nt! .e Il J n~ t ill cia ) . m o '! c y to. be m.~cle 111 bU YlIlg lIml l nl'lI/! and bu sin ess w orld. S even I .i\l lss M.abel ~.tal'l· . 1~1.]l 1 .J:~I~l ~~ sel}.lIlg ra llr o~ds. yea rs a g o G ilbe rt H . Mos b y hlld un ' lLlIlI pto n <Inti. MI ss ~l al~ .lI ct St,III But h.o w IS the yo unK m an llf l idea. 1\lr. J' Los uy had bee n wo rking : and ('u ul SlI1ti ~' , o [ Dayl on. W,," I'(' to d ~y g Oll1g to 7e.t . th ~)I ' O p~~, :·- f ill' s 'vt'ral m edi cine c ump anies. M o thl'r' ~ nu~' g" u e st s o f 1'1 11'''. AIIl tunlty t o buy n IllIh oad . a s ke d li e kn ew t he uu s i n 'ss fl' o ll1 t op to IIn(ln Sla rr. th~, rep o rt e:., I lHJtt"II1. H e dc cid d t o s tak e hi: MI'. lind II'~ . Will . ~dT. o f Day If h e 11111 ~ , s l1lurt enough to f ortu nc (if $2,0 00 ca n be ca ll ed a t on, 1IIr~ . AhCL' Schl o n!.lk e l' nnd find e m, he , l1ln t !'1Il.lI l't f:no ug h t t: 1 furt un e ) tlnd his . en e rgy on thi s ~n n , . Robert. H IH~ . I\lr,;. GI :ltl):s I1Illk e m O l1 e ~ out Of. em, sUld t he idcll .. ~ 11 , ann d with t h e bank ac- Hobct ts on, of De t l oll. JI1l ch .. wt' l,e I. coun t o f $2,UOO , h e rented II smull S und ~y g u est s of Dr. and Mr~ . F. o ld mu~, With u ~1Il. . Th e I epo rt e r went a \\ ax ~o n\ In,; room, in s talled laborato r y equip- . T I IP P. TOE NEW FORD TUDOR SEDAN ced t hat he h Hd . uee n kl dd('d . I1lcnt ab out large e n ollgh to fit up Mr. a nd IIIrs . Rou er t Moo ney Buy lind selI rllliroads ! Wh at nn 11 11l 0d ern kitch e n ette, attached \l and 1I1rs. n g l!"s by. o f Lebano n . old ,f ogy Ru s sell S~~e \\'u~ , n ot to t\\' o uUl'lle r gas stove . and g o t ca ll ed an 1\1r. Ilnd lI11·R. J. C. Gray I:ea h.ze d thut the rllllrollds w e r e all rCHd~1 to op ra t e. S unduy. Rond8ter • $135 Coupe. De Ltuc Coupe. 1550 CODverti.bleCabriolet tMS 1500 so tl/fht.lY . h e l~ t hllt nob ody but.a Mosby h/l d ulrendy 'd evi sed the 1I1r. a nd Ir~ . H e r~('rl File and l'''ael(J,n • Three-window Fordor Sedan 1625 .....W Tudor Sed un 1500 multl-nlllll o lJalre cou ld d ell l III word "K onj olll." Th e n ing l'cd ie m s J anc Ell e n, o f Was hllllrto n . H .• th e m. But less th~n ~wenty y.cll rs I had lo be boughl; :12 of t h·ese, 2.2 ~ve re 1\~ ~a >, . g u es ts of MI'. Spurt Coupe 1530 Dc LUlie Sedan • 1650 Town Sedan • 1670 late r th e V an S \\ ear~~gc n ~I o th- . of . them roots and herbs. Thls i <\I1 e1. MI;.~ . ll nnk Wll s ? n . '. ers of Cleve land .. sbutlllg wl.t holit p urc hu :e put a large dent into the 1 h ~ , l h Ulld 8th G l nd es enJ o ~ed AU price. J. o. b. ')errol •• p'u./ and deli"",,.,.. Bumper. and _pare lirlf adra. at lou OINt. H p.e nny , bl' mt o the mlll'oud ca pitll!. Mos by wus g e neral, mixer, a \Vem e r roas t at M o ~ga n H ole VnMatrIO' vecli, Cumpony p'on 0/ , ime po,."""'. 00." ... ,w,h., J'urd economy. bott ler. lab e le r , and m ost eve r Y- I ~ ~llll'~ d ay . a~ler n:)() n. T ~l s was the iJus m ess nnd Ill . t e n ye~ r~ ~I/l Ve b. come t~e o l~n e l s of n lallt oad S) - thing; also he WIIS t he sales man- g l llnd fl n.l le o f ,\ s pe ll mg contest. tem WhICh , If . th.e Inter-Stn t e C OIl:'- ag e l' und t t'lIveling rep r e s e n tative. 1111'. und 111 1'S.. Walte r Cast \\'er ~ m e rc e . o mllliss lon approves Wh e n th e firs t balch of Konj ola atlll:du y e ve nm g calle r s ~t. t he plan, . WIll be th ~ o nly s ystem 111 e merged from the busy little two- home of Dr. and Mrs. F . . S. 1 npp . Am e ncan str~ te hm g fro":! Coast to bUl'Iler st ove Mos by made a qui c k lit.... nnd Mrs. Karl. S hlda k er lind Coast They ~Id not bc \\ml the lll ck ~ hir t fr om overalls to a one hun- I family wCl'e l\I o l~e r ~ Day gU~s ts (I f oJ)portu.llIt y, but lI'~nt ou t and dred d ollllr s uit of clothes and had I? f Mr. a nd MI·5. Em e r s on FraZ Ier, fou~d thCl~ . opportuntty. . . . I t he first s hipment of K o njola se n t III Day~ _ _ _ 1 he othel da y A. P. G IU':'n.1III t o Mun c ie Indiana and the career --I Let th e n igh t w in tl s tO llch thy n~nounc e l.l t hat h e . was r e tl.rtng of Ko njol~ was lau'nched in a drug brow fl om bu slI~ ess on hiS 60th bll'th- I sto re in th e Hoos ier s tate with I W ith t.h e hellt o f m y hurni ng s ig h , y ~ ay, earlr III M.a : H e s tarted w.ork I Mos by, ~o l e own e r and o rigina to r A nd m e ll thee to h 'ur th e v( II' RESIDENT 111 a frUit stOI~ 111 .San FranCISco of th e m e dicin e, a s the original O f a lov lhat ~ hllll nut di e ut t.he ag ~ o f t\\ e lve. At 34 .he had Konj ola Man. Till lhe s un gruws co ld, s~al te d t he Bank of Italy III that I More than t e n million bottl es And the s tnrs ur e uld. ~ I ty_ A t fifty he \~m; the co n.trull~ have bcen sold s ince the in ceptio n And lhc' le av es of lh ~ Jullglll 'nl 1Il~ h .ad o f th~ l ar~es t .c ~alll of (If t he bus ine ss. These a r e staggerBook unf o ld! PERMANENT LOCATION b!lnkM III th e w.olld . Glallllllll f ound inl! figure s but arc easily e xplain Salmo.n Croquette. Ill S o ppor tunit y where o th e r s, c d when o ll e know s MOHuy alld his My stc'ps lir e ni J!htl y dr ive n, ove l' c ontcnts (I f ca n of less keen, h U.d. d eclared th er e were f lrcib le c ha r acte r . Hy t he fev c r in m y b re a s t. no opportunItIes le ft. ( . unt il y o u hav e -tw o c up s o f LEBANON, OHIO T o hear fl' olll thl' latli' c 1l 1'I'ath e d flak ed lIl eaL Add o ne- half c up o f Am e r iclI has a lwaYll bee n th e ----- Th e word s th ul ~h:tll g ive !lI e r es t. Eye. Exam ined t hi c k whit c sa uc e, one-hnlf CLIP ' o f Land of Opportunity. It is still th e Opcn th e d tHll' o f th y hcar l , PUBLIC SALE fl o ur nnd one cup o f milk. Add o ne Lalld of Opportunity nnd , pl ease Gla .. e. Filled Repa·ir. A nd ope n th y chamb ('r 11 0 111'. -t e llspoo n o f le mo n jui cc with sa lt Lady Suffered For Years from In- Anl l my ki . s c's ~ h ull tr Hch th y li p ~ God, it will Illwuys be th e Land of I will ~ ell lit Public A u ction at I and peppel· lo t,, ~ t e . Co ul and Opp ortunity lor evel'y fnan wh() is Th e lov c lhat ~ hall fad. · no IlI n r ... oille.tion That De fied Every CroqueUeo . s hape, then egg and crumb a n dfry intellige n t e noug h to r ecog niz e illY hom e on Maill St., on Ti ll the. un I:r o \\' ~ (·(,Jd, Remedy Put to the Telt OpPol·tunity wh e n he Sees it and Croq uettes may often be used And th e s tilI'S Ul' l' o ld, S.turday, Ma, 31, 1930 indust ri()u S c nough to work out hi s f OI' utilizin g le ft- overs. 1\I or eo ver, Potato Cropuette. And t h(, I Cll v e ~ (If th · J udj{lllcll l Beginning at 1 o'c loc k the fol- they a dd · an . intere sting and un own d estiny. Huok unfo ld ! Mi x two c u ps of m a. hed p otalow in g house hold good s : ' us uu l note to!\ meal, and IIrc • Ki ng Clermont h eating st ovc, plU:ticular'y I1pp et izing . to many toes w ith tw o ta bl espo o ns f butUn·c le Adam'. C<,gitation ·le nnon t runge, P e rfection o il prrs o n tl. In ~ umlll e r , es pec iHll y, teI', one t ell ~ p o on of ' Hal l unci a litAdverte Quotat ion YE's ' m, di s um s uah a f unny ole henter. H oo~ ier Ki tchen Ca bin e t, tlll'Y nl'e tI ligh t a nd atl ractive dis h li e p~r>per, cele ry sa lt, a f e w drops of o ni o n juic.~ . a ncl ch o pped nars world. When L was a kid most Oak Cupuoard, Icc Box, Lawn Icy" if cunvenient. B eat w e ll lind anythin~ 'ou ld do f o r a youngster Mowe r lind Garden tools. l el'!! h e is j ud g e. I pi C' k l' ti him Chicken Croquette. add tw o egg yolks.. F orm into ANTIQUES Walnut comer _ . to ride III to see his best gal. Now up 1'01' . pcedin' w hih' drunk. /I I! 30 Yea rs E x pe rie nc e in Fitting e lren a young sprout can' t afford a cupboard, \valnut bed and waSh-I' I\'lix a cup and II half of c hopped croque ttes. d ip in fl our, egg white sidc-swiped t1l1'C(' cars o n a nd Making Glasses a nd cl' ulllbs und fry in d eep hot stand ; 4 kitchen chairs. le ft-over c hick e n with a hlllf cup aute rmoobil - he's clear outaluck. ~ tr (l et , a lm os l ran (lV('1' 11 lilt'" 6- a BRYON C. PRENDERGAST of whitc s uu cc made from four fa t . bc kllse de gills won hub nothin' ·to year-o ld gir l, lind lil'ld( t' t\\'</ lig ht W . N. S cars, Auct. table-spoons of butter, one-half do wid him. p osts ." "I'll fin e yl,u $ 1. 25 , thi ~ Pc·tato Croquette. time, yu un g mall. " Every Tuesday, Thurada" P.o ur II c~\) o f ~ca ld l'd milk ovel' Sa turday eiKht oJ:,.. nine s liGes of stil le bread. No c"arge for Examination udll tw o 11l1J1t's po onF s ugar, a pinch \ of Fu ll. Let s WlIld t ill bread hug tak en liP milk . Mi x and press out cxc r ~~ milk. I;'n nn into bulls. 1'011 in s lightl y beate n egg white a nd fin e c rumu s und fr y in d ct' p fat.

------------------------------ ~


.-------------- ------------.









Dr. John Zettel Optometris ·



19 N. Broadway




Sight Specialist

Cary'sJewelry Shop

Keep Your Buildings YounginYeaits . Many a building--old in point of service-has been made to look youog in ye~ with good steel roofing. Channeldrain is steel roofing at its best-Ipade to give a life-time . of trouble·free roofing service.

• This is the kind of roofing service that will save you money. Let us tell you more about it. Channeldrain .is made of the more 'costly COP·R·LOY, t~e Copper Al~ . Joyed Ste~l •.• ~ and yet -it costs D~ more than ordinaiy roofing! The money it saves ),ou in repait bills will soon pay its cost.

w.-H. 'MADDEN S .4 ______. . ___Plloae " ________ . .,___


Egg Cr~. quetle.




Thi s cn lls f o r s ix ha rd b o il ed M.a. G. E. ROSEBOUGH I!ggs. Th cy s lt u ul cl bl' coolell a nd ch opp pd. Now ct, ok tw o tabll's"Konj ola is the best Ill cd :c in e I POO\H; o f butt c r and o ne tnbl es - e ve r tried, lind I tri e d so man y in poon of min ced oni o n in II fl'vin g an e ffort to escape fr om illdi!('csI)l\n until s li g htl y browned . Then ti un thai I had ab o ut aba nd o ne d add s ix lev('1 tabl es poo ns of HI, ur ho p (' (,f evcr s uc cccling ," s ai d Mrs and a bout tltl'ce-qulIl't 'rs o f a cup G. E. Ro scbough, 4 7 ' Sycamo re o f s t ock. Let this boil a nd th e n I st r ee t , Da yton. Ohlio. "Knowing ndd 1\ tabl RJlIlon o f po und e d SIII'- th e puin and dist r ess th at wa s s UI 'e clin es a n d th e eggs. Cool and t o f o llow eve ry m e al, I at e j ust e nshupe lik e t'~g s . Egg a nll crumb oug h to kee p m e going, and ntl t urand fry in d eep fat. ally I lost w e ig ht, s tre ngth a nd --- - -. - ~ v ituli t y . Th e r e w e re many day s wh en I was too s ic k a nti weak to d o lilY ho us ework . My compl e xi on WII S ye ll ow, and I was in poor c o ndi t io n g e nerlllly. "Konjo lu WIIS br oug ht t o my at tenti on by endor8ements of Dayton people, and 1 finally matl c up IlIV mind to try it. W e ll. I certainly' hlld a fine s urprise in s t ore for . me. My app etite bega n to improve lind .I foull d that from day to day I co uld eat mor e and s uffer leRs. -_ Improvement on steadily 'lind - -- --==-==-= whe n I had kept fini s hed my ninth

Phone 93 ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN you r CaLLIe, hogs. s hee p und calv(', to Norris -Brock Co., li ve wire an d progressivc firm f or t he h il('h e51 market pric es lind good Sl'rvice . Union Sto'c k Yardl, Cincinnati . o. Reference: A sk flr fi t IlW n you me e l



National Bank







Book unlo1cp·

Will Drawn

I will lake in W oo l at I\ JiII' 8 Saw Mi ll, Corwin, Ohi o, Oil TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Highest CaFh Pri ce. W. J. BAKER Corwin, Ohio

. bottle of Konj o la I WIIS abl e to eat anything 1 craved. ·My complexi on Dependable is cl ear, and I am. feeling s imply By Bllyard Taylor g r e ll.t. " · .. . Many express amazemen t at th e 'Serum and Virus From the Des er t I c~m e to tt1 ee speed. with which KOh) 91a ·w o rks. b' h S' f On a s tulli'on is hod with fir e ; . It docs. but a c ourse of from s ix insurea ot a eAnd the winds are le ft ~ e hind " In the s peed of my des ir.e. to e ight · bottles is strQngly retva. nd Succesa oommended. Konjola is both a J . Under t hy wimdow I stand, medicine and. a tonic, rich in upAnd the midnight hears my cry : building po·wers. . r love thee; I love but thee • . i8 sold in Waynesville," With a lov.e that shall not die Ohio, at Dr•• Store, and Till the sun grows cold, H·a rvey.burc. O. by all ·the best. druIJgisbi in all And the Sta1'S an old, ion. throughout this entire sect- ' ...._ _ _ _ PIMa _•• __ 31 _ _--.::-.L. And the 'Jeav'es oJ the Judgment towns



- -- - - - - -



Waynesville, Ohio


E.t.te. Settled

Wayneavme. Ohio



'~' HoME

.,, 'tOWN·

THE MIAMI dAZE'M'E .Kne,.. Too Much



l1u In,·s . Inll 11., ~'''U I hin k hlll/I\' "IH'lI!!h 1., h' l1lwful in

Singir:rg In the'~------__

A II IIIl~l'tI'VIlI~

h:l\' b01'1I CI . 11i\11 ' ~. Ed ilh ~1. II lIik,·I', Warn'n "';"'_B,. Alber, T.,Reid Ihl' Lh .. Il'll't ( ' llIld \\ d; 1',. tllIl)' hll lll(' d "111 ' ralio n 1II!'I'nl . It . thi III tt.'t'" hill' (' (f ilfl'I"'1I . II' h i. h WIll hl' i" makill r plllll$ 1'0 1' 11 Pl'Cljlll'\. f o r I: ,y h 111,1\ I' llt1l1I!'h'! " 'lIy , 1 Ill' ld In L,·lIaIHHl. ill l\ll' IIHl I i"d l'ditllshiv' Ill' fUl'lIitu r :In" t'()I II nll . Tups day. ~IIl Y :! It. 1:1:10. f .. ulI1 ~p'u lill!{ or 'dmi .. s III lIl' CIIITi"d (In 1""1 ",.,' In t pI",· .. 1"" 'I1\I><l' thl' 10 0". I -,.h l I 1"'1' \\ .t.,,, ",u.'h. ~I :(JU a ., 111. tu 4 ::i 1', 111 .. a\'l'lll'llin~ Ihl·.. u~dwuI Ihl' t<U III tlll' l' 11 \Unthl! by ttl .11I dgl' (,hnJ'I~: Il cell lilt, Ju\' 'n- tht· wUlIlon illLl'1 ested in I' 11 0vntI ill' ' 0111'1. Lllbllll II 11 , g-Cll I'al Chtlir- in/o: fUI'n itu l'e. ' ardtl hlllbee n . I nIHil of tho c Ollll1l itwe t.n Ilrl'lIllge- scn\" t o 1200 \\'oml'1l in th ... co un ty rvill ,T. Gl'J1 ~' n n d RnYl1l o n(l I11l!n~~. Pl'llct.i 'n llr .:WO pel' ·'~n.8 in- u~king' . fo l' elll'(l lI n)lm l s . Anyo n e B I'!ldclock. attended ~ I a l;(lnic in~poc .:Iuihng pubhc I)Jhl' ta IH lind cltl z(' n ' intel'(,Rterl i ~ Il Hkeel .10 ret urn th lJ liOlIi at IUl'k ~ \' ill M o n day n i~hl. intI' .ted ill till' PI'I!~(' rvntinn of ('ul'cls OJ' 1~J\I' e nam!! al the fo'l~l'I11 , Ihe lalill e . lin' l·xpl:cll·d to all('11r1 BUI'(·au o Jhc e a ~ soon · :\ S IHJSS I"1 e \\'h 11 YO\1 b\1y " Y IIU I'P!' . ·i h 'o l'. I tl\l'.l'lIllf ' r.' lle... . . . ol'd,'1' II!UI lim e :ll1d IllaC' (',; o f s .. al" Sih·" l'wHI'f'. ~'(lU bll~' I I\!' b ps l ! 1 h.· Clll~ lI l1t' s ' l1clud .. d III th' th. s .' nll·.'11111..'>1 Ill:l~' be sel t tl /1<' ~i h' l'l' plaled tahlt,w, I'~' Ihat 111:111 1.,· 1.:111 11 11 , l(Ollft'J'(' I1~: :\1'(', HI"\I\ 11 , ' ·' .. lI ndal!· IIHI: e i llll' I'l's tl'd , and 1ll:H:hilll' (' :111 1'1'1Ir111l'('. Solt! ' HU11l:1·. 1<'1'11111111, l·ay.·II.,. (;" 'l'/I. " lily Ly jc'w.' ll' r ". 1'lIry'" JI' w,.lry I! Hnl1ll11l1, ;-'1~I1I1I!'IIllll'ry, l' n'loI, ' .\ ' 1';11 "!.:II> 011\ T l',, 1 !-'h .. p, 1..·1'11111)11 Uh i... (' x,·hl>in. 1 (l'llllln .111.1 \\ all e ll . . oIl"tl'ihlltlll'S in \\':\I'J" ' 11 (""lilt\,. A 11. 11'" lim .•·llI'lI l1 11'111 101' "'I'\.\,t! " . .1:1,.1 , . ' :iI Ih .. .\1 '·II1'",a l 1I :i11. 1I11r1 a , 1 ''1'1' 1~ I~l' lll t:-; ~ II ". !{alph " I ill",'. ~I I'. ( '. ~1. al ill\ iialiull t il Ihl' IlInl'lll" '1I 1111 ,,'1' , . 11 "j,il Zl' 1 alld :'>11'. I·:. Y. Bal'lIhal' t IIII!' '" l'xl"lId"d Il' llillSl' \\1.'" art' . . " , \i ' il"d ;\II ~. 1': 1111 11 :\ ll:ll'lll' ll :11 111.1:\1 01,' til :\11,'11 01 Ill. · nloll' )."l1~ ,II' I .\ 1,', \\ , 'lli11l~1: ' 1I ( : ( ' " 'l1l.l.' \\' 111 , illllillt:t .. n SIII1 r1 :\\" al'l"l'Iloll'lI, ,,/1"1'1'0111 11 " ' ·~' I"II.· . 1.. 1' ,,11I .. h I'n ~ .·.·I .·)"al. , _hI ' !1 :,tI, I"rlh.l".\' I ' hllr ~ , ,\1 1'-. l3al'l ll'11. \\h,,' 1',,11 "' \' ('I' al l'ITal l"Il " ,, 111'11101 h! . mad" 111 ad · da~·.' h .. I .. th., . - - - - - - - - -- - - - - Ih l Y~ :I/.:1I lit tl\\' h"'I1.· III' 111' 1' ': "\I ~ ill \' I~Il"" wllh .l llrk.' ( h:rJ'II' ~ 11!"hanl I hi' I. adl' , .:\111 1111 '1 :~ I. /111' 1)1'. SllJi "\' b in \\'dl1l ill~ I " 11 ,11111 "~ 1.,·haIlOl Il. .~ll'. /(,01"" :1 1 (l1'\\111. ; h"'I1" "f ~II " . 1·. lI lm" I.a ('.\· I h ll"" i1Jj ll"'d h(' I' had;. i" " Iill ",,"fill. 'd l.r' ·~ III'· '. 11 III Ih, ' \ " nllllllllltY day II fl 1' 1'11 111111. . ;i!i!!ll. . . . . . .. . . . . . .I!! ' tli Ih,' IH.d , 111.11 it is 1lIlI\I~ht , h •. ( h'·'l,oI ll11.\I II n .\\·IHIoI'I11I' IulIl'h- . .\ 11. "li d .\1 ,.,. l' I:lllk n "I!'.,.", .. f 1'" ~'· ltin).!' nlHI1g" \ ' ",' \, \\' 1,11. , ' lin :-; !It' al,!, ,' arid )\I ~ 11\ .:"I Plt · lll~ 1l1l· .... ~ ~11I · ln~.ljl J I'H W"l' t' l ' aIIIJt~ Clfl Int-I"I ", . I' a go.' ., hll "ld IIlIl 111""".1. h"n' 11I.,,,la l·. . TIi.· " 1",·lId, ·1 III'II/.: I'llill whirh ha ~ ,II'. "lid \II'~ . .1. ll . . I U lll ·~ a lld PAINTE R. COMM ITT EE T.O MEET 11""'n :\I·l il ll).!'l·d 1''' 1' II,, · ri al' \\illlll, I :'II I'. ;11101 ~ I I" . \\' a ll ,' r ( ' llIl'k ali.'n · I __ _ _ lit' !-, Jll'('ial int('I'(I~ l t il 1I1t ' ;I1I;(' I" :4 n f t dt ' ,j ( ;I, t n~l' at !-'pr in g- " alll Hll PAPER HANG E R 1 T ill' ('(l lllluittCt, Hppll it ltt ' d hy thl' nl( 'n' ~ } : r\,il'l' elll ll!'- .. ,J\ III l l l' il·;t II T lI l' !" clil Y ('Y l ' ni J1" ,II:' I:J:-.t .\\,l' I' I~. 1: . .. ·101,·11'.· 11 11 1h, · HI :11I - l r:1 · II "'lI,· EX N' UliI' " ~III)lIll iltl'l' al il'l l J." ~I:.'n I. "" I,' : and " 'lIlIlI" t,,'r, lind ,\I I'. allol .\ 1,." . ( harl .,s I·. a.' 1.\' . ""," 1" ,, 1 Il l(" ' lin~ to !'PllIlullll., plan, ril l' 1:.1111.' 11111> , I hl' ' Ill'ah"r" IIII' I h ls allol d:nq,:hll' l' \,' ~ I I. ' d lhl' I'"' n~("'" 1,, 1' fa 1'111. :1 I'n. 1jl' l'l in l'i tizl'll ~ hi'l t ( I IU1 J.!i\'t, rt I l ;lJlfll l"'~l' " a n '; .\I I~. I. l,h · IH .J. I II.I\(·\p, J:ll' P~1 I,. ~tr l~" ilt :\1 1H 1l11 Ph o n e 115 F2 ill Ih,· l'lIl\lII~' III'x l fall I\i ll 111\" '1 ' J. ,n1!·. ( ., lulI lI,u~; ~I IS~ 1'llIn' " l'1' I \ :dl,' y 11"" " ,lal :-;llIllla~' "fll·I'Il" " Il . III 11ll' Farm Bul' 'a ll J ,tl itot' 1,' l'i da.\'. 11 (':111. P Hn[lll; :II ",,, :\1 l' I' IL: ,\ , :I I, '. alld ~Ir ". Ha n n.·1' :\1ay.It:IIII , WAYNESV ILLE . OHIO .\Ia y II;. at 7::IU p. 111 . ~ I i . " :\ 'k" . · ~I'·" l ah.:" . l)a .\llIlI; :\ 11,." ~.Illnl:l all rl 1\.' " l'1,,1" ... · 1l 01 . II HI,.IIIII II _ • • • • •.r• • • • • • •. : , h-: "l'h. as~ i s lilllt ~ t :l1l' 1•.:,,1, .1'. \\ill 1:.\1111. X"IlI:l; .1.1:11'1.\' II. " " wl'tl. 11',' 1',· :-;alllrola~' "\I,\lIJlI!' :11,,1 SUII1lll'l'l wilh Ihi ~ Cll llllllilll·.·. Th "",' 1',1,\'1'1:1; .\1 " ,-; 1·.llza.II,·l h l. " lll!'. ( '11 1- d:,y 1!'J", I" III' :\11'. alld ;\11,.. \\' . ,\1 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - on l lw "lIl11ll1ittt'l' :t l'" ~ II":. :\ . II . II 11,)I1. S, : 1<,.1,.: 1'1. ( " I: ~l'If1. ' Ilaytllll; ( " I"l1l a n, B" IIII . Mrs . I':. II. F lls t"I·. ;'I I I'". 11 •. 1- ,\ II"S \ ,'1'1;1 SIIIII I!. ('IIl'lllnal i : 111111 ~ Irs. :\1;1I ~lIrd .llIhn, "" Id 111'1' 1 I\l' rill ud l' ulld l\ 1 /'~. lIarn' L,dl a l' " , ' \"1 ,,,", ", h"I's II I 111111'. ~ r''''''I'.I.' s l lll'l' 1';'." 111 I .. 1':1 1"'1'1. \\·a l· -~lal'l' l :t ~ t w.·,·.k. I hiS PI''' I,,:, l y IS 1.1111 WAYNE T t"'I1 I1 t'l,tl'd \I Jlh 111£' d\\,,' lIln~ ,,1111'11 SERENADE BRIDAL COUPL E , . P. MOTHERS CLUB " I'S, .I "hll" s l ill oWllS. . 1 ! \I I' s. SlIl11ul'1 (, hn l'll' lll ll 1'I'IUI'I h., l\ l a~' IllL'('lillg' p f til<' \Vayne 1I1,d III h,· 1' 11(1111 (' fl'l'l11 I\ li allli \ 'alM I I I f 11 l1 I " C) j I T IJ\\·n·'1!1' I' II~". \\':t ~ Iw ld I~ ' Y .I I I1spl. la I . ~II l ur(II~· I () F('111 )('I'S II j"n < ' I"II' .'1l' ,)' ln \n11' I~ I " I I1.,' r ~ p<'l'lling. '~ I ' )( gIll " '1I.1~ 1" I' . ,In . al Ih e ( , I'adl' I,UlldJll1!' 1'1'1 .1:1\' aflc l'- shl' IS slll wl\' IIII I' I'()\'I nl!' . :'oI l'. and M' Will mAIo e the lealo n at th e L. V, : r s . . II' O ~ anta . , 1111.' a y ~'V"" - 11111111. i\1 rs. W iJlialllsun I" d 'thlo de- Mrs . E. A. C'hnl'l (,tu n .... lul'nl'd In Jllg ut th 'lr h<."11l' O il ~\ l'st SIII'c l' vllti"n". T h(' J1rll~r:l1ll l'o ll s i>ll'd or llH'i r h 11111 l' h('re :lfll.' 1' :t til'l' wCl,k s Bran8trator Farm fll.Jl llwlI:1! lh('11' \'('~ u l nr l11u s i(·. by Eile e n I~II II , and a pap .1' .,I<lY at Ihe Chnrll'lnn hunll·. I slil' l't lod gl: "~RS I (, n. 1 ~r gUl'M~ c nJOY0(1 prl'l'H r l' rI alld ren.1 b\' ~1J'9, J. \V . SIr. 1111 11 ~!1'~. E <I, I L o n~ul'rl' look ~------~~------~---------------~----~~--------$10.0 0 to. I n . ure Living Fo,,1 <I .} lrl'a j W Il. I',1 . " Ill' . I ,. [11')\ l 1\' t I ) I rll I,' nnnpll 1'l!'oi 1 " h l tat . th e, SWC I't \ ~Shop . i Ilfll'J' U \J . "I :I( B.1 1tl~ I\hc r e u lt~l ;ta,II1 C, fil~~ ()f1 iel'r~ C'1l!l'!I' d fll t· Ih(' c,lJll ing ~lln d ay wh(' r c he w ill ~ p ' nd :I \V n lt~' r K ('llrick \\'(' 1' (' 1111 \' l o n vi ~ i tl~ dll~.1 IJ I1\ C. " .(nt) - I C YI':JI' 111'(' :- :llr~. 1':IIl'11 III 1111 l' 1' c<1u p le of II'c l'ks w it h hi s ' on Inl'~ lu . " dIlY · ~ue:I.~ t·~Jl)Y l·d . Ih l' l:\· ~' I,'~nA'. PI'('s! dc' llt; Mrs. E va BU l'nl'lt. \'ic~ G le nn Brol' k a nd !'Bll1ily . 1\'11''': 1.:1 1\1 ... lIlld MI' R. . Gl c l~n J o hn ~ and Phon e 115F2' I l\1rKI~"~l~a :~ .n,1l.1~1.1J.:1I (if th e pn'. ldl' nt ; 1\l l's. \ 'a n on ,·n . Sf'CI'l'- C; , Rl' oc l; I\n d :II I'S. ~la l'Y !llal's ha ll dll ldr c lI ~ WCl'e ~ IX 0 c lock dmn e J' Waynes ville, Ohio 'JCII l ug. I J.: l iltll~. t a l'Y; Mrs. ~inll St. ,10 h n , U' lIccII 11Ipan il' d them In P l'mlll' l u n. I!' u l's l s Sunday o f Mrs . Marga r et urel', Ind . an d ~ pl'n l th l' day with t hci r .l o hn s. LJul'ill K tIll' s(ll'illl hour I' c fr e: h- ! aunt and l'ou~in~ . :'II I'S.' Mal' v l1av iH I S ewl',,1 fr o m h e r e utt e n d!! I the O1 c nl~ wC!'(' H' I'\'c d h\' Mrs. Chas. ' and 1\11'. li nd i\ 1 1'~ . Amo ~ 'e nde r- ltu ccahlul'eule se r v ice at th lJ Gym Z imll1er man, l\ll'~. l~o" lie Beck wood . al W ayne~\' iIle S u nday e ve nin g. ~I,r". On' ill (' Gray, Mr . ,I. R: All e n 1~ l1\ri c k m ade a bll s i lle ~s Thl'. n l'gani 'l e d adu lt cln !' of \\ atie , nnd i\lr~. Or ul1 lm<l nd . trip to C incinnati Il o n day. L.r tle ~ lIn.dIlY ~c h(1 0 1 h e ld th ea' so- - - ~ II' . lind Mrs. A. E. Whi t e o lld Cla l llI eetlllg at th e h o m c of .Mr. su n f<. " Iumb u s wt' rc S atll l'd a y n nd il lr ~ . . II . Burnett Friday VACATION SERVICE l' I·011111J;.: cu ll e rs at th e h omc of Mr. ('veni ng . and Mrs. K e~l er Gruhllm. Th.)!'o from a di s tlln ce wh o ati\l r~ . ,J ef;~ ie L o ngacre Was n t e nd ed th c f un e rul of Mrs . L y din . Th e Ohio Fnrm BUl'eau Vuc atlon . c l·v icc is beginn in g itll seco nd I! u cst i\l o nd ay of Mrs . Elizubel h Pin c o n W edll e day W I' c: MI', J o ncs·. u nci Mrs. -R o be rt Pi ne an d daugh~c?so n, uccon l i ng t o n o t i('e rel'rtr~. C lyde Wh arto n and da ug h- t e l', J\ll'. L o ui s Pine, Mr. unci Mrs . cf' lv('[1 by ha :; T Ellis p r es id ent of oon the \Vul'l' cn Co unt y FUl'm BUl' e'ltl tC I', i\1i ~ Eva wcre D ayton s hop - Ar l hur Wil"o n, 1\1 1':;. D e ll e a n(1 duug hte r, Mi s B e rth a , of D ay Th e ' cl'v ice ha s tW Q obj ects:' t~ P CI' Monel ay. JI'Irs. S u oan ay lo r, 1II 1'~. H o n y ton . ' JIll'S. Su san Coon Evans and promote vllcu tion am o ng farm, f~1 lk s und t o e xp lo it Ohi o a s H V'l~U Gra ha lll and H e lll y S aylor s pent da u g h te r of Cedo rville. - - - --tlun s late. T o this cn d t h e r- Saturday in Da yto n . Hnvc . your . mower 1\11'. Ilnd MrH. K s ic l' Graham ~ i ce .wi ll h.e lp .fal'm fo lks pl u n \U catlO n t ri PS 111 Ohio, o utlin e u pe! da ug h tl'l' Be rn ire w!! r !! S un g l' ound by s omc mochin uri r o ul c~ . . furni 8h ho l e l and to u rist day !!, u o:t~ o f M... an d J\lrs. cu mp h s L~ , Hnd int e l' esti n J{ dute Albrig-ht in W ny m'sv illc . el'y l\!\ u e d in the Mrs . Nell ie Emrick. Mrs . !IIUI'auuul I'egio n o f th e s tate. Th e This iR th e l"",t w oek o f OUT gu r ct .I o hll s and Mr. and Mrs . fllcto ry. ~ c l;~lce l ~ fr ee . ever offered here! " l,h oo!. M(, l't lllg th c Ev e ning Train" is MI'R. Eth e l S mi t h our "Hc llo to bl' th c Fa rm RlIl'PUli Kung bl'oa d Thcse btes t 1930 G () od" at I-Inrv eYH hurg att e nd ed ~a "' t OVI' I' W A I V , G~ " kil ocY cles at _________•_____~ I Gil'l, t hc fun e ral lust wce k of Juhn H. year Hca\' y Duty lIr c;; \111' !l :;) 0 p. Ill .• Fl'id uy. May iG. ' the lis t Inr s f unnin ;.: loo k" , Th 11 111 p. o n in L e bo n o n. Mrs . Mori e J:(01l ~ lund and son, extra endura n"e 111;11 c::: :·u Ke nll et h, a nd daughter, B cttie HEALTH COUNCIL mila ge_ 0 n I y h ~ CUS l! wer e s h o pping in Dayton Oil S a tur Goody ear b"lus i'i l 1 L. MET LAST WEEK d RY· LIO r.;S MOl m t in'~ , tlr.(l M. M. T e rry and wif e s p e nt enjoy s IU I"('f; t cu.;l s, "r~ unday in Xenia. Wuld n C. , ilm o lll' was I'e ele ctNow HEAVY DUTY such vn l!u'!' p: ' s ~ ihll' . ( " r :" Lon Brannon has sold hi s place od a m c ndJc l' o f t h(· Wa nen Co unn e llr the church here nnd b o ught in - ~ ec th:1I - cn:n:·a. ·' t y Bonl'd or H ealth for llte l'lll of f"oO'Ijji'iUiii th e John so n pro pet'ly n l'ar th e i 5 yeurs at /I meeting of th e co un ty th e m w ifh ~ny o U:c r {,r .: ! Fri e lJds Church in Xenia. hoalth cll un e il h el d at the Le ban S pee i a I p l' rl llo!:: i~ i on on J c fT Th o mpson of L e ban on was (~n l-!" ~!! I lu s l week. Thi ~ t'u un ci!, complcte selS_ . h?.. c on e duy las t week t uning c~lIl s l s ll ng IIf l hc ml'YO I'S o f all New HEAVY DUTY p1Un os. v l,lIu~~ In .the · cou nty tOg'eth I' Heavy Du!y 1 ubel 11110 Mi ss Mary K athlce n Thomps u n Wi t h t he chnll' nl l' n uf th e townsh ip e~.iJ'i'iAii L.....·-Priced pla ye d thc Ol'~all a t Lhe churc h b O~lI'd s o f I I' 1I stc l'S. eac h yea r apNo Mileage Lmita h erc la s t S und ay for Moth e rs Day Waynesville, POlll t u ll e )lll'll1 bel' of th e cou nly s e l·viccR. BOlll'd IIf lI e ul th. MI'. lind Mrs . K. E. Thompso n Th l' W UIT C' n :ounty B oard o f .. EXPER r iRt:.E MOUN'r 'C " UfETlME CUAUANTEED nnd daughtcl', Mary Kathleen, lI ea lth . is CUll1 puse el of Arthur s p e n t Frida y evenin g with Mr. and Bryant, F'runklin ' rk J 'f Ell' · 2(Ix ·1. 50 $ 9.35 Endurance, \..:uality. GCil uty ' . Mil l~, W ay n es vl' 11c; E" lm e r BCl'caw MI·s. A. B. Talmage and Miss :Wx 4 .5 0 9 ;50 Pr"eo at lillto r v'. Lowest Level J e ss ie Garn e r. ' s o n; AI~I:e d W atk in ~, Su llJ ln' twp.; 2Rx ·l.i 5 10.75 Guaranteec1 fi re it~pcllnn~ We are glad to r e p ort Lwe is Ci "lll n UI·. Leb ullon with 0 1'. 2Hx5.00 Kimble who ho s b ee n quite poody 11.45 E d . Bla ll' us h !1 1th ~O l11lni s io n cl' , all s pring, in much bettcr at thil! Phone 47 :J I x5.21'i 13.25 VEAL. writing. 4-H FOOD CLUB Our school will closc o n Thurs Veal Chops lb ..... ......... ... .... 23c day with a w e in e r roas t. . Venl Roa . t Ib, " ...... .......... . 20c Uobel't McKay went · to Colum, Th e fil'~ t m cel in g' of the 4 -H bu s o n Satul'day with the s cholarI' oo d club n1l't Satul'day May 10 Veal Bt'eaat, lb ..... ..... ....... lSc s hip team of Wanen County. at th e GI·tlng(' 1I.ul!. ' Pocket Rua st or Stew 'Ph c Mannon family, of n ear wel' c 'Ph c fo ll o willg o tn cers Veal Steak Ib, . ............ ........ 330 Wilmingto n, cam e down o n Sun~ I ct:le d fol' tIle' ~ Un l nll'l' : Pl'e~id c nt duy t o s pend the day with the fh c hlla ,/o l(' m:lll; v ice- l' l'cH iri e nt, Gl e n Davis {umily. Mildred I· :tu l ·, . 'PC I'. ·t ·II·Y I.0 II . ' W. T: Jordon and wife , of HorPORK CUTS . "~I~h; II'I~ a s ur('l' , i\lal' jn ri e Fl o rveys burg, Puul Brown, wife and ence , J1r eH~ r CpO l' ll' l'. Mlll' v E s ther Spare Rib., 2 lb.. 25e ~wo so ns, of Lytle, w e re S'unday Lall (';. c hee r le:l d,l'. Marga r e t gues t s of Mrs. Katc .Jordon und Cl'a \\' I 11 I'd ; PI'Og' I'!Itl1 co nlmil tcl' Fresh Callies, lb . ....... ...... ... l8c , fumily. .lal\l' Coo k. E vely n F llmns L ea h Fi n c for Roa Rt I Miss Edith Worley, of Lebanon ~lInt z, Lm 'l! rnli Th "llIa~. Ari~u Le e ra n e. . pork Steak, lb. .. .. ...... .. ..... 23c cam e over Sunday eve ning to 1 s p e nd the evening with h er sis tcr, l{c fl' es hnll!n l s WC'r e ~ el'vcd by Sausage, pure Pot'k:, 2 lb. . . 38c Sad ie. . 1',111' ~ Iub advi sol', Mi~ s Eth e l K. E. Thompson made a bu s iPork Chops, lb. "" .... .. .... ". 30e l'I! c nd C' nhull. wi th !\fa r y Est her ness trip to Wilmington Monday. Rib 0 1' L n in r :a l~e an d Vil'J~ ini ll De nlinge r usDowy S mith, of Lebanon, was s ls t lllg. Adj o ul' lle d t o lJ\ eet S~t _ Pork Loin Roast, lb. " ....... ". 27c dny !\Iay 24. ur he l'C o n Monday selling autos. Bo.ton Style Roast, lb. 20c

ph 11'11

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f liT

Special Sunday .Dinner' 65 cents



I ' G rd I Kens r a en on \\





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KentDCkY N-Ight'mgaIeIL'" Jack

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. B L ,V. ranstrator

Have your Job W'Ork Printed Here


Greate ~n

.Make La~n. Beau.t iluJ








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, (p.aUz/1!uJg



\Y. .

---- -------

Gordon's Service Sta. Waynesville, Ohio


'EM FAST Rapid, uniform growth of pullets in the summer months and complete development by October 1st depend on getting birds to eat enough of the right kind of feed. Pullets cannot mature properly and :;tart to lay successful y in 'five to si~ months without consuming an abundance of good Growing Mash, such asWayneAII Mash Gro\.V~r,

-----.- --





BEEF CUTS o f t he WO Ill~ns cam will be h eld at th~ Short Rib. Beef. 11. ..... .. .. .. 22c Pirst, a clean pen. Next, Tuxedo Hog Ration. That's the I 11 1 m BU"C'~ILI omcl! o n Frielay Ma y Fino to Bakc 0 1' Bo il way to iDsure the health of tbe brood sow and her litter. Mrs. Nellie Lackey, who. has I fl. at 1 ::3 0 p. Ill. Th e w o;nen ;s Tuxedo hlUl in it just wbat tbe sow needs for her own Boiling Beef, lb ... .. .... . " . ... 20e been spend ing the winter with rela CUIllP will 1)(, h e lt! I he la. t w ee k in health; and it helps her give her litter a good start toward tive s in Indianapolis , hus rcturned A. (J ~tI~t at CI1IIlP 1I 0u k , th e use of Chuck Rout, lb . . .... ...... . 23 ~2 c to h ell' h o m e , 'h erc. ' quick growth and top-of'·the-market prices, \~ hle h Iw~ beell givcn to the 4-1-1 Thc Do rcas Society met at the Steak, lb. .. ..... ................. .. 35e ~Iuhs an d W Olll e nuf Warren Ce lln For the health of yoW' pigs - for yOUl' own profits - feed ho m e of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nick Round 01' L o in y by t he l\llddl eto wn Co uncil of c r son o n Wednesday. Tuxedo Hog Ration to the brood sow. IUld to the pigs t he Ho" 'c o ut ~ 1h . . .', . .. e c;o mmltte e Steak Chuck, lb . .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. 28c li ss Jeanette Kincaid, of. Sartrom the time they are weaned. clln s l\: tln g' o f l\lr~ . . W a lte l' Deal'- ' dinia, is the gues t of Rev. ond Mrs. Swiu Steak, lb., .. . .. .... . " .... 28c d;"f. M I·S. HI) .\' R oss, Mrs . Hart' In two proteiD cootents, 14%% and 19%. Also Tuxedo Kilm e r. f fl!I11CI': 1\,l l's. Emma P ortc r an~ Grqund Beef, 2 Ibs . .. .......... 45e Big Forty, a 40% protein feed that beaucaokage eVf:ry way, '1 ML s Edna Lehl' ha s returned :\ll s. !\Ianc GI'ay will plan the I Get a supply DOW. We have itJ . fr nm a pl e a sant visit with reI 0Liver, 2 lb .. .......... ... ..... ... . 25c p l'ogl'ulll [ o r th e ':Wornen 's Camp tives in Michigan . . Aryy Wu m c n in Warre n County . Bt'ains, lb. ...... .. .. ................ 15c Patroll S of the grade s chools here \1:ls tlln g Illore info l'mllti o n about Y o ung Be e f I cele bl'ated th e closing with a bos~a l1IP can obtain it fr o m ' th e I ket dinner, l ast Friday . . a,"nl Bureau. office or from any J Mrs. Wallace Edwards and chilLytle, m e mb er of thi S commi ttee. Pickles, Cake •• . BI'ead, Ccffee, dren, of C leveland ure guests in th e ,home of Mr. ond Mrs. E. J. Chee.e, . Butter, C!liekens, Inw ood. . GLEANERS CLASS Cream, Milk, Ivan'l ioe MEETIN~ Mayo·nDai.e and Potato Th e · Glean e r " class ~f the S.lad Time. Changed Sillee Then fOIl PIGS, SOWS AND HOGS C hllJ;c h of hds t h e ld th' I monthly m ecting May 8. at t~r l "What heavy, unwieldy things TIJI TflXtJo U., tIl PnJs: . ~of~~~' Oaf Mb I'St' Mb ilc!l'ed Thompson~ 1 Call Us. We Deliver. Phofte 88. the ~}d-~~dshlth'oned weddl!lgj rlnghs Tuxedo DaIrr AU-.hq 'tmredo ChId! ' . ~ 0/' \l~lnE'SS SeSSion, a w ere, sal e . young gJr catcCTua(>cJo Chop Tucdq ScanI.,. ~c. TWledo Saatch . . mos t e nJ oyable social hOUI' was C~y'le'sMeat ing sight of her grill1dmother's' ring [ Tuaedo Boa Rulon TuedoGrowlqMuh.. Tuxedo DenJIoper s pent. .\ <.rYes d eal'," was tbe reply. "In TwreclOE..-h.. Tuudo~'- -.""..., ..... .' 'Ph e June meeting will be held my day they· were .made to last a r II t t lIe horne of Mils. Gladys Dalton ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~_ _ _s.l!letime." ---~---"'~"II[III!II-IIII!!I1----I!111--~ -~.-";.:.II!" ,


l1~el!li ng'

~~() n.ll11ltt ee







-..-- --


Wayn.e sville Farmers' Exchange Co. Waynesville, Ohio

Healthy Pigs Help Pork Profits



.Tuxedo Hog.Ration




" 0





Eighty-Thil'd Year

Whol e Numb el' 59 LO



I Unusual Family Group] LOCAL SCHOOLS






CO L UM BU S, 0 111 0, Th!;' me t-


ili g of me mbers uf ounty Boards fl f Elec t io n til ue hcld in til t:' H ote~ De ~ hl e r l3alll'('"111 in thi ~ citS' on Robe rt Arm !<irong Thlll'scl ny lI ncl Friday, May 22 nd r('luli vI,;o'in Dayton. Hn d ::!:.Ird, ,'ull l,d uy ::lecrctary of Slute ' Ia rt·nee ,J. Brllwn. ( 0 1' the l( cn neth From m and Boyd Hen(If in s lJ'lI('tin~ those de rso n IJ re empl oycd in 'Dayton. pUl'pOSI' p l' ~ se nl un the pro\'isions of t.h e I1f'W Ell·cti II Codl.' . wil l nol on ly Morri ~ Sherw oo d of Columbus , be helpful lind pm'eeplive to the WIIS home fol' a short visit Tu esduy otlicia l!! but ' will 1I1su have faro' eV(, lI ing. I' 'uehi ng l, ff l'c ts thrllugho u~ the We g ive Cedar Stamps, Ca r Y'5 stflte tu nil vuters whu deHlre to furth ' I' c llli~htcn t hemselves on J ewelry Shop, Lebanon, Ohi o, (' Icclio n matterS. Thi s will Le Stor(' open eveni ng~. bl'oug ht lIUIIUt uy hroudcl~8 till~ n ~e lH.' I·lrI r .. vi ~ w of the E.lect l o ~ 1111'. nnd Mrs. Frank Cook Coti e by Sl'crctll r y Brown I' n F I'I · d innl'r g-uel1t s flf MI'. anti duy (' v e nin ~ MIIY 2:ll'll, frolll 7 : 1& CII I'I Se rvis on Suntia y. to 7 :4 5 o'cl ol'k: OVl'r Stuti on W. L. W. of Cin cinllati. und e r lh e a us M"n' i ~ !::lherwood hnR accepted pices o f th e SellO nl of Th e Ail', II pos itio n. with the Moor c -Ro ~s throug h the courtesy of lh e Slute Crcam ery 0. , nt Columbus, Departm en t IIf El lucatil)n. All Q aws fil ed by machinery. Cut d eetiun llflicill is "f Ohi O, lint! there are In ore thun 54,UO(), ul'(! ld enn er. truer, faster. Roy Piginviler! to " li Rt en in," us well .a s tt, at ·Madden's Lumber Yard. cundidllles lind t he f!e nernl puh llc, t o tlt e first radi u cast of this nllMrs. Pau.! Flory, of DlIyton, ture pu"s ibly eve r hl'ld in th e Is pent Sutu rday and Sunday with United Sta tes. 'H'r parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F . Clark. 'uperviso r o f F: x(!(' uliv e Build il1gs R. . McC'1 ll um has annOllnMI'. and Mrs. Roder ick Bard en. ced p lan s fill' th e bellutifying of of Co lumbu s, have been visiting th e Stllte I-Iou s park und Kllrd ens Mrs. Ruth Jann ey a nd duugnter, lit the ex ecuti ve man sion oecu - Miss Louella. )lied by GovcJ'llor M~'e rK Y. Cooper li e is hav ing 22.000 plunts truck.ed For bcst results consign your in from gree n houHe!5 of slate 111- ive stock to Green -Embry Co., ~tituti o n s at Ga ll ipo lis, Athen s, Ci nci nnati, in ca r e of D. R. SalisMuss illon und the Deuf nnd Dumb, bury, ,'eli oo l f()r the Blind, State Hosl\Ir. and Mrs. W. C. ,t. John pital and Fee bl e Mi~ded of th e lIpitll l ity, u ti lizing cu t.l ings o f a nti daughter s pent Su nday in the guests of the f or 1I1811 ts from lal't yea r, WIthout a Ridg-eville 'd h uollur uf expense to t hc ta. x payers mer s a ug tel'. of the stut . Thcr e will a lsl) be a Mrs. E mma Barnett is recovel'la rge consign ment fr oln the green


~~~'~~I'isi~;hepi :~~~ F(~l;r ~r~~~e~~l :I~~ ~~~~~'n~~e t~ffheec:\~~e \~~. Ji~~

• eni or C lJ nt c ~t \Vn ~ held in

Comm e ncemen t Exerciael .

cv ery co unty in the stilt ... li nd an y Thirt y - ~ix "l'ni"rs n' l'e ivcd 1.IiSe nior' wa s t' ligiL le lo ta ke th e - . IJ I (} llln ~ . at Ilw [j th a nnu a l com t est which cons istl'll of five secli ons. Ea ch R'cti on WlI S ~i\'e n l\f ~. II nd :'.1l:-- .~ . C. .1-I:Iwl;., vi~ il e d nH' nCl'na 'nl wlii 'h. wus he ld . in the ·15 minut('~ 1" lInswc' r th e '1u e~- r elatI ves at SUb lllU . lInday . CYI1l \;I ~ l Th ll r, l\a y ve nIn /{. A lio ns wh ic h cClv l'r .. d thl' e ntire }) I C' I f I h shurt pru f! rlll1l "f Ill usi c WllS g iv en ('<,U I'SO IIf HiKh s('h oll l. ,'1, g o:n l! ra l au 0 l', 0 luvl"n, \\'tl s t I' I It' 1 wa s th e contest tha t in nl\ abll ut w~ ('k - e n d K lI l' ~ 1 or ('t!('il ()a vk "dll r!' th l' 'I a s~ , t w urges II tiftt'en ~ ulJjec t : were ('ove red. The I h" hi st .... y o f t he. chorll , marched Mat hematic!! paper includ ed urith lI'lrs. Will. II rn dll'v s ufl" 'l'l,d li n in unt! I ,,,k Ill' i!' places 1)11 the meti(', II IK!'bra. lind g eometry . Th~ attm:k (, f II Cli (. i 'ndigl, ~ tl 'l n on stnge. lhllilsdtoOI·Y111..~.o vUetlh·eer!r' ".. Wu,oJ.~I,~IL'".. A \.. ~lre{.I·iJ'~Ja"nt Suntlu y. ,\1 us i{' hy til<' '1unrtet tl nd the inv , U ~. ~ , . ~ as exhau stive. Mr . LIn d ()tt" ~l' l lI l l oi . nf Cinci n- \' ",'a t i" l1 by 1(.·\·. C. Wi lli a mson I n !'Ll elt countv II fir st ~ ccn nd Illl li, slll'n t ~ u n(\ay __ it h :'II I'. an ol II'ns i',d l', \l'l'd \'y Ihl' sa lutato ry lind thirtl plu ee wa ~ ~e lect c d lind Mrs. W. O. Rup,·r. ~ i Vl' 1I by Ilt- rt hn Fi ler. Afler tir e hig hest 20''; of th e Lu la ncl' Ul1u ll1L' r ~ 1. l el'1i,, " I,y t he quurtet were Idl·(·n hon ol'aule me ntion. Mrs. W. n. HUl,l' r was 1'11 11(,11 t n Th e Ht:lt wu ~ di vid ed intu fiv e dis Cincinnati Muntlul' 111 1 ucrll unt "f Supt. ~ 1"lIl1la\\' intr oduced the lricts wi t h o lle of the Stllte Uni - t he i lln l's~ of hl'r ~ i. t el' . sIH' ak (' r. Il l'. C. A. Sundberg, of versili cs as a center. WlIrren Sprin gfi" ld who to ok fill' his theme coun t y is in th e So uth W ':;Iern \) i~ lI1r~. W. F. (; orsul' h of n ar Dul' " T h" La r)!,!'r l. iff· ." Dr. Sundberg triet or th £> Miami Uni v"rsity li S tO il, was Ih e gue:;t of ~I l' . a nd M r~. is a fl lIl' llt and hi gh ly en t I'ta ining th e cent er. Th e grad "" fr o III the L. ~. ::it. J ohn In:;t WI,.·k. "I' '~I kl'r, all d h Id t he I'Upt atten ('o unt ies lI'e l'e 'ent in to thc uni v I' ." lion " f Ih" IlIr~(' au dil'lI ce. sities when' lh~y wer e graded into MIRS I~ s llll' r 1I .' nll l' r~ "n fl ttr ntled T hl'I·;.! l,d ictll I'Y wus g iv e n by u fi rst ",,,cond and third, un d 20 <1( til(' Si )!,m lJ Nu dlllll' l' " t Mi ami ('a l h'crin " Hn ltl s tl'at ul', a nd S. S . hon orab le me ntion. The. e highest Unil'l' r" ity . at urdllY n i~hl. \ 1 ~lIi " , I~I ', ill,'nt o f th ~ Boa rd of were th en ent to th e State Ue11·.ducllLron )ll'e:;c n ted dl plomus to :. fiv e )!,l' nl'rllli ons, .a ll resident ; of Wayne ville, and in dir ect pllr t me nt of Education in Co lum . (> t hl' ~ en llin (l lJ u t ern y win g Aud rl'Y Anll A'tkin s" n, Mary 1111 1' III th e Ram e family , ar e Rho\\'n hl'r ewith. Th e y !Ire: Mr8. G. bus whert' a fil'st second und third pictures and j e \\, l! lr~' 0 11 .Ii splay nt ('" thl'lint' Brnnlitrator, Pau lin e W. Dnkin, 8 7. grea t-great grandm Jtlwr of Ann e E . Weltz, age 9 and 20!;' hunorable mention wus Car ey' s J (' weir y Shup, Leban on n. Brl) wn, l:- ra n t:I' ~ Wanda la rk, monlh s, senter! in her lap. Mrs. D.1 kin' s gra nddaugh t e r, Mrs. . L. selected f or t he state. Ma l'gill't'l Al1na Con k, R. Louise Ha wke, is RlandinJ; nirectly behinn h ' 1', and her muth er. Mrs. 111. L. Th ~ G~ n eral Scholnr: hip co ntrst BIJl'n - T u Mr. li nd Mrs. I' I'cn it: 1( ""1 111' H" l th" O. .Fil te r , Virginia PUI'sha ll , is standing behi nd Mr .. M. F. Weltz, Ilt uthe r bf th e bllb y. i \V II S cond ucted in thi s way : All Tinne y, \la yto n, li t Mianli \ allt·y L, '~ lilll'oIin, Ilel en \l orot hy Hart__ Icounty high ~c h o() l s selected a hospi hti , i\l ond uy , MIl~' II , a dllu gh Icy. ,\l ie l' L"u ist, \l end e rso n, It cam consiNting of th eir tw o best t el'. G ' rtru d., lI '1y ll' . Frll nk . BrlldCORN CLUBS AND OTHER pupil s in t hirteen of the high l b ur y, W. All,~rt Brann ock , George <. school subj ects. Th ese pupils went Mr. and Mrs. Vl'rn Houlf h ~n d E. r ll ok, r; enncl h II. P romm, I CLUB _, ARE ACT'VE th e county seats of the -tateand ' so n, Mr. and MI·s. W. B. Squir es Carl II <lY . Wan " n C. Hu nt, Frank l to in each place 11 co unty team wos I s p ~ nt th e week-e nd al the Reser- Burci ell e J ac kson, Ucr nyce Hyman




BhY. and girls fro 11 10 to 20 sl' lected . .Thi s. cou nty .team went . s. . I . to the ulllverslty me nti one d above y ea ~s ttc rl'~t~~ III gr~wl~l~ 4 81~ a nd en tered into competit ion with aC I e 0 c ~ll .n . as par t 0 t e -5 0 th e other t eams o f thl' di strict f or Club I actfl\' I~l e S can sde cure I team undo indi vidual honors WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF pount s 0 IlItrate 0 f so II or s u -1 I:' I ' 11 d ' .' CHRIST phal e of ammo nia fr ee () f charge ' . r.x empte( vr age: an cllles sent f or a S 1eciol demonstration on a III team s ~ Is o and all competed on Bible Sc hoo l at !) :(l0 a. m. half-lIcl'~' plot according t o an _' eq ual baSIS fo\ co u.n ty a nd gr oup

F:vc lyn K ' r~('y , Ilo rllt h~' IIl c lain, Myra L,)uella I'(' nl' c, Gru ce E. 111.". a nd Mrs . .Iuhn )lymond. o ~ Pe nnin gto n, Irm a Pauline Rich, Xenlfl, we re call t·l':; at th e home of Ma r y ~' \'(' I y n Sh'ICIH' V Th , hna St 1111'. and Mrs. Hob ert Cl't:' w Mond ay j ohn . L" ia • Pear l ' 'Sear's Ev~ . ,. ' . . ., eV(' lllng. I 1~ I!zl1u ~t h W on, MUI'y Kathryn . . . W, lljon, Morn s M u rlu~t , Do n u l~ H. Th e .\ - 1-\ Se \\'1 O,g lub w!lI , N ~ bl e, i\I ay na l'(l ,J. Ri ch, Edwm J, vo ,,'.


Lord's up per at conclusion. nlun.ce~~e n~ . bJi'ee n i~u~~~lm~~\~I~~ 'W~~;:~ I~O:~~yl~:~~~ ~:~~ ~~i:c~~d ~~~('~~tetr~e ~~ir:,:y~f tI:~ ~· J2:to~t S~yh:~\?il~~:~:t1Jh;b ~ :~a~~e{Vil~~~. R. vari('ties. _They will be pla ced In cinnati Tuesday evening. hri stian Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m. . ass 1\ . 0 II~ . . and won tt~ hIg h p lac e 111 the &late1 :30 p. m. flower b ds in the. lao te Evenin.. evangelistic service at tt on WIth th e nI trate agenc)!!,;, contest tell lal '''e I b u~' bl~llI oTh e Barretl '0 House " ground s, t he m~n s lO n I\[rs, W. . St. John, Mrs. T. J . 7 :30 p.., m. erl1l on subject, "W ho I C~,un, f which firms ar'~ <?ur 10cII I sch o,?1 made a ve ry Th e I'ri endsh'ip lub o f lh e M. W .. r e G,ven Honora ground s lind b0x. es for wl.nd o w Smith, Mrs. H. M. Carey an d Mrs. Has . inned?" Good special mus ic. I i :ivn~ lI~OOO ° pounds euch . This is !<atl~ factoI'Y s how1l1g, wh en ~ur- ~':. Church, m et nl the' hom e of , Supe l inlen .l !' nl Moomaw; disledlfes nnd t e l ntt~e", lcmbr acll1 gth a Dell a Venabl e spent Wednesday hurch Night service each Wed- I ~ continuati on uf the work started IdAetthe JSBckson' 1 Bedrtha hF II.e 1', M r~. Vern HOllgh la~ t, w edn es- I tri buter! honol'R t ,l lhe following l vcntabl rIlal1R I 01' w len e with relatives in Trenton, Ohio. ne 'day at 7 ' 30 p III The church la st yell I' wh '-'n both th e II Love con- B rt ur wartz I e I un' h at enne da)' a ft 1' 1.noo n. l1I el1l I)el..s () f tl1C C'III."S. - F o'I t he . bl 0 co . , s. .. . cern s likewise furni shed a half ton ranslt:ator p ac ec III t e county heSl gl'n rie s through out t he four plants lire m 00 111 ,. .. . . Bellli.t lful. Sllv,:rwa,re and 35 where you f eel .1It. home. .. whi ch wa . . furni ~h ed by County ~ s Selll ors- Bur.dette , an.d 9ntherErn eRt Rogers of Toledo, was Y~II ~ Cu lh erill e B\,~lI1 strator wa s Chesler A. WIlliam son, Mllllster A t I . t 40 COl'll club melll- 1I1e a lso placeu .m lhe Dl stIH:t. ca ll ed here Monday on acc ount of award ed a ~c h o lurs hlp to Defia nce I.he crn~lIn a l. populatIon at lhe pIece sets 111 Ch1l1 awa rf - open OhiO PClIItentlUry hilS .~een u'c- stOCk; Choose yo ur puttern at b~~n in a~u~'en ounty . "Th is In t he selectIOn. of the Wurren th e se l'i o u ~ illn ess Of hi ' fath er, ' coll ege and one to Wilmington du cetl from 4,lIn, ~~e hIgh water ary s J ewe lry hop, Leba non, O. ST. MARYS CHURCH wOI:k was sturted two years UJ;O county team of thIrteen members, Mayor T. E. Rogc'rs. \ college. . mark everal weeks ago to apMay 25 Fifth Su nday after h I I If dozen or more Wayn esville sc hool pl aced, Cather Ber thu hie I' lind Thelma St JJ.r oxim~t~l y 3,000 at the. present Mrs; Marguerite ' Camp bell of Easter. hurch schoo l at 9:30 ; ' bo:~lt~ieJ ~t" ~-U1: with excl!ptio na l ine Branstrllt.or, Beatr ice Rob itzer Mr . F () rest ~ 1'Il: n e a!,rI daugh te r J ohn ti ed f,lr second place i~ lime. 'lh.'s \~~S accomphshed bY , the ~ I bb o ns .Hotel, Duyton, spen t Morning Praver and se rm on at rei5ul ts" acc() rdinl! t o loca l agent Ronald Hllrdlll, Verd~na Fox,Bur- Marj on e, of CIIl Ctnnatl, were SUII - gl'ad es lind Defianc e college gave trun ~ fe r\'ln g. I!,m a,tes to other 1SUt Ul day wlt,h Mrs. W . . ~' St. 10 :30. who sa ~, "This i ~ a new and ad- det.te Jack son, Be ~s le W oollard. day glt e. t~ Il l. th e ho!n e of Mrs. each o( ttl cm a scholarship. "tate penal lIl ~ tttu~lOn s a.n d by ~h e I J o hn . and lIttcnded Aluml1l In the Rev. J. J. Scha effer. Rector. vancedYidea in fertiliz er practices T~ ls t ea m p,laced tn t he contest Maurl c'. ran e lind fumll y. i:lur(\e'tt(' .J ac kso n having wo n parole route. Whil e qUIet reg1l18 eve nlllg . f h' h. t t et rnl:; in corn pro wtth Cather!ne Bl'an stmtol' a nd hig h place in the 'oun t y General und th e . men .haye . .to ( . FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST dorcli~n eSL;s~ ry e~1' ave rage r e- Ronuld J:l ar~lI1, a nd ~n the checkMr. and l'iIr5. Ray Huwk e. Miss Sc hlllarshiJl. was a ward ed a fu ll MIRS Marga r et Doty and Mr. . . . u . . '. " 5 club memb ers up of . In dIVi dua ls III t he . state Mill'\' Hawk e of Du~' t o n, Mrs. scholar: hip t il apilal Un iversity . work, pTlso n dISC Iplin e !s .mamtained by kcep ll1g the mIlitiame n Glenn Frye, of Dayton, were week Thhe LIght bealeTrs Cladss meets Phol ts ~I om o.ver - 'e of over 12 ' Catherll1e Branstrator was hIghest Rallih Van c(' !lnd son uf Pleasanl For her hiJ;h mark in t he ' tate on duty. Prison guards a nd so l- e nd guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl ~t. t eMParso2n2ageS' hdurs ay e,ven- bS °hW!!1 afn II1cl'ea es ucr e with a in 12th year eng lish. P lain we re we ek-end gu es t ~ o f MI'. ill Se ni o l' Engli ~h ather in e Brun· t t' d every hund red ' Fry an d attended alumni on mg ay . un ay servIces; us e S 0 corn PI' · J H k . . h' (IIers are s a lOn~ h II S i. ' d . ht Bib'll.' Sch'ool a t 9 :30 8 . m. Lord's net cost of $7.80 pel' acre after - - and Mrs. . . lIW e. :;tl:lItor WII S gIven a scholars Ip to feet on the outSId e of t e WII s. a ur oy mg . '30 . f f tT d W Illen be l'l,( O This is . deemed ~ecessary after , . . ? ~~;.~~~ a~~b ' ~~rm o.~ Ke:\ n 10 :~h~ ie~i-f~tngcoc~st at 75ce rp~:.zeb·ush~1. FARMERS CLUB . Mr .. a nd Mr~ . Harold W illium soll Lola S(!I;rs mude II r ecord of the mumty of the mmot es followYo hat shall I g ive to the brIde. S I J ., P .g g. .g bt' d t '1 and little so n of Duvlon were fift y- thrue words Ile r minute for . .. I' All h s with Th e g ift tnbles are filled with Feasl and KeepIng the Falth A ThIS extra COI'l1 waK 0 ame a '. .. .. . Ing t he pnson 11'C. s op . .. t . th t f r fertilizer of only The Wnyne Tp Formers' Club ca llers at t he home of thetr PIII'- frft ec n 11111lUtl.'8 and L C Sm Ith on l' xception lir e operatiig k ad ha Pllh sUgc~thons at Ca:;:t's Js~e l - o;:~~n'ho~:e ~~I~i~ c~~du~ted b~ ~~~I'~~I~ bC~~~hcl.° A few farmers who spent n most enjoyable day at the ents, Mr. and. Mrs. H. H. W ill iam- :ryp wri te r l.~' '', g-av ~ h~ r ~ ce rtiflI sunl 111.'(1 th.e men. are Il 0 W Cb~l ry op' . canon, 10. ore rvangeliRt J ' RlI~m of Cincin- are endeavoring to get ma ximu m I home o f Mr. and Mrs. "Frank La- I1;0 11, and family on Sun da y. I ,cate of ~p cc tUl mcr·ll. R e. a I - open evenings. • ~Jl ~It nIght. Ill .thell'. ce S. ~ati. Let's attel;d as fre uentl as com ields are planning to lik e- May with Miss Hel en Haw ke as . . . Loui se lI e.nd e r 'on had tu ken •• ltlltlon ' \v Ol k l~ belllK pushe\! ~o Mr. and Mrs. Min. Michener 0 'sible You are alwa :: welc~m e wise aress the ir en t ire crop this hostess on Thursday Moy 8. M ISS Lu ella Wtlilamson a nd second place In th e County Orator Ifl pitl completion an d the bIg itt this ·church. y I 'e~r. A few of whom are p u rc has- I After the s umptuous noonday . he r rooll1 mate ~p e tlt th e week-end ical contest anti Evel:r n Kersey had pnson shou ld be nrc I>roo{, and Ron I ~ fl Monday morning f or Chester A. William son Minister ~ng f ert ili zer attach ment s for use 1meul th e club. meettng was held . at th p hom.e. of het' pare nts ~1'. , IItt~nd cd 'very H('HRIO n .of ~schoo l - -- their ho ~n e in Pittsbu~g . Miss ' t heir corn cu Itivntor ' so the u pon t he lawn In the shade of the H. H. WIIlralllson,. and fam il y. rlu l'l ng her entire euu rse In 1.. leml'n Seen' ta ry of . ~tate IlC~rende Ji ~utb Sah~bu:jY d ac~~pal1led them LYTLE M E CHURCH ~~ateriul can be IlUt on with prac- I stately tr,ees, t.hat cnmbined 'with Th ey reLurn ed lo O. W. U. Sunday Itllry li nd ,lIi f! h sc l~" u l a nd were B)'ow~ has notIfied. a . oar 8 0 or an ex en e VISI. . ' .' . . II no extra cost at the seco nd the beautiful vIew a nd t he charm · \ . g- Ivcn. s peCial "! ' nl l(l n. HOll omble Pr'cach mg ServIce at 9:30 a. m. lIe~ . y r ,., Iing hospitality of the occupa nts Mrs. Mat·y McC. lure uIHI ~rs' l m entl o n Cl' r t dl ~a Le~ were a lso ElectIon thlll Il ecla!atloM of ca,nditlucy mu~ t be fil~d by 6 :30 \ Watch ne<'d repuiring? We have Subj ect, Mem oria l Day. Sunday ('uclv~ 1O:e' orts a'bout 20 names make this hom e so attract iv e. l Emma McClurt' were in W iil1llng- g iven Ue rth n Vil eJ' and Arthur SS o'clock, ,F'l'ld llY eve!, ~ng June 13. an expert r epairman. All material s ' Schoo l at 10 :30 a. m. M!s, Long- 1 onP t he corn club li st for i Mrs. LeMay at the piano and t on Friday afternoon lllld ~ 1I 1 1 ed on SWlIrtzc l fnr th e ir r ec" rd in the NOlllinutr nn by pelltlo n mu st be used are the best--usi ng genuine ucre, Supt. Prayer meetrng Mon - a ~ea y er land s u ests t hat her sons lind Master ElIrl Co nne r Mrs. Emma Burn ett \Vhf) IS ~I o w l y Co unt y c() lI lest. fil ed by Friduy September 6'd be- pal·ts only a t Cary's Jewelry day ('ven ing at 7 :30, fo llowed by t hi S ~~m ~ ~' ho are gginterested I with other instruments formed an I r(>co"erin~ fr olll . th e eff 'cls of U Good mu s ic 11"11. fUl'rth;hed by a ing s ixt~ days prev.l ous t o Jhe ~te h~p.' Lebanon, Ohio. Store open Teucher Tra.ining class. Let us n ot ~h o uld :~e him e:end their name orchestra which furnished xcel- fil iI. ~u u'r t l composed of Coy t . Cleary, of electron, whch IS ay, 0- eventngs. forget to b,rlng the amount of l ' i ddr ss or ' cull at the Farm lent music. first tenor, P ry or B. TImmons, vember 4. The polls WIll qe open ' . day's servIc e for World servlce \ am . ~ ~ e as Isoon as ossible Rev. Dibert in his impressiv e Cary's J ewelry Sh OI), Lltban on, second t(' nor, Elza Hll tcli tle , fiT!!t at G::.10 o'clock u. m. IInd ke~t Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pace and next SU!iday a s t his is the last ~hl eau b~lle~in s ' and circul~rs' can manner mad e tile addre!ls of the Ohio, i.s open . every evening- th e b~s e. Chul'i es Cartel'. seco nd base open ~o 6 :~ O p. Ill ., East ern S ta n - family .a nd Mr. and Mrs. F. M. undR~ III May. 'rhe Young. p eo- l\\ ~;~tain e d. . day using Mo ti ves ." n4 Motors aR mo st rnt er~st! ng st or.e In Leba- wIl~ Mrs. h url~ !; Car t el', accomar~ .t lm ,:, ess there a~e volers Cole and family, of Dayton, were p)es Blbl ~ class Will have .thelr so- be I ddition t o C()1'Il club s. Class his subj ect and brmglllg out th e no n, ~1l 11 o[ g Ifts unu sual anti. up- pan1sL waltlll~ III hn e t o cast their ball ots guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. M, Robit Clal me~tmg Monday even rng, May. a XiOliS t o offer every boy importance of hope in all our proprl ate f ~II' Blrlhlln~~, \\ ddlll g. \ in whIch cllse. the poll~ . shall be zer on Sunday. . 26, TIme and place announced l IS ~ so. PPOl'tunity to enroll lives . ' A nniv crsarl e , etc. A I AI . R . kept open untIl such wUltmg voters ' later. ~n tgh ";'oJects which ma y apTh e speci al topic "Little Kn own nnUB urnnJ eunJOn 1 lll have voted . , Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Michener Sara A. Bowman, pastorl er t glv to t heir int.,r- Trees and Shrubs of Thi s Com. Pruf. Vi cl or Hi es of (,,, Iumhu :; . Th e forty·sevcnth an nuul re, . . . ate and so n of Pittsburg, and Mr. and ~;: ti1~::t~~~0~lubs includes work munity" was well h undl.ed by JI:Ir, g ave a sh ruuuery d CIl1 0n ~tl'lItlon nt union o f the Waynesvi ll e High Fewer fata ht,les III the st Mrs. Frank Rosell, of Lebano'n YAYNESVILLE M, E. CHURCH with i s ca lves sheep an d poul- Ca rl Duk e. Mr. Duke IS well In· t he home of 111'1 Du~ ~' last V'! ' d ~ SC hOll I Alumni A ~~lIcilltio n was were repo l'tc~ I~ the monthy of were slipper guests of MI'. and Wedn esday : (today) The Ladies tr n~f 'c rop~ projects involves formed uJl on trees a.nd shrub.s and )1 csduy. L!ltl~ \' hl' \'Islt l' ci Miam I held ~aturtluy lit the GYm, March than 111 ~~her /an;ar .~r Mrs. Chas. E. Micl\ener on Sunday Aid Society is me eti ng in the p!t.lIto es an ti gu rd e n in addition to told of many beautIful speclm~ns Cenwtc.;ry, ,hi gh ly C (JI~plt:l' e n\"lg' with mon.! than lW o hundred February, accor mgo 0 u~eth church at 2 p. Ill. Bible study and th e cO I:n described above. A few that are native to thi s comlllul1lty. \ lhose In. C IlIlg'e o.n t e ~'vl' preRl'nt. e Th e High school and Grade prayer meeting a t 7 '30 p m clubs have already r eorgl1 nizeti a nd Am ong the guests present was ment .belng mad(' rn th e gl.oUIl s' l Th, ba nquet tables were decte ndcnt Thos. p, Kearns.o Divisio n of ,Si~ty a~d .Hygl~nOh~! school tellchers gave a picnic sup- Friday. choir practice 'a t 7 '30 p: 1 nt' in their enrdlrn ents a~d with Mrs. Ross of Oklahoma City . Mrs. \ c!\peCIUI~y t he "hrub be,'Y 111 thl' l oruted with the I !I:IO class colors' o ~;;lIss~~nh 0 8 18 per at the Gym. last Wednesday m. Sun'day: Sunday school at 9 :30 the closing of 1\1:hool, 'boys and Ross. i ~ a sister t o MrHI W .. R. new sec Ion. f!l'f'I'n and while, and a de lectable t he Industria Th e numberlWas. ,w Ie wa less ' evening, honormg, . Superinten- a. m. Next Sunday will be young irIs will hav e mor e time to devote I LeWIS and she made a v.e l y 111 I t \V O-C OllI'S.' dinn e r wall served by nd le~s than Jan u'T~: four oun dent and Mrs. F .. R. Moomaw. people's day in Sunday school JUllior Club uctiv iti es. During teresting tulk up on her cIty 8ntl Lnwn mowers shn rpene tl h).' ~ll's. I-Ie nt·y Salterthwui te a ssisted t~an February. ~r. y-seven c . alId the young people of the the last few we'eks 4. H Club pro- ' slate telling of the . churcheH, l Electrakeen proce ss , same mct hod , u).' Mrs. Josiah Davis. 13 ?av~~ Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright, church will have entire charge of jects weI'£! explained by the Ischools, people and great 011 wells \ as used by lawll mow er mllnufn ._\ "I'I', iti ent Van Retallick, in a tIes reported f ataittles'I the first for t h e year, eavmgfirst Mrs. Hllnnah Roge~s, Mis,s Evelyn the classes and program during the Coun lY A ent in visiting a num· of Okla~ome. . . . lurers. EI('c t rake.en system tl~l; n ~ \ br ie f IIddl'eSS, extended greetings, with clear r ecords for the CartwrIght and MISS Altce Gons Sunday scho ol hour. Morning wor- ber of sc~ools und increased en- I Two little gIrls, ROXie ClI rolln e out perfect. cutting mow ers. fry an d I vII cil ll an d r(,lld in ~ of last three mont hs, _ _ _ spent Tuesday at ~estern college ship at 10 :30, This will be a rollmen1 is anti cipat ed this yea r . Sackett and Mary Eva LeM.ay me. Ro)' Plg()tt. . Y.l' a r~ minutes by Mil dred Cla rk Oxford. The occasion was "Tree" memorial service in hon or or our G'rls Club work including work added much to the program WIth . . 1, 111 1y, f(tll owed. CHURCH OF-· CHRIST PROGRAM Day and the senior class play. departed m embers and also of ..,;ith clothtng, . food, r oom and r ec ita ti ons. . . MI:S, Mllud Cran e ~ nt e rtalll('d ~I I'~. i'iY ), 11 Huwk c LeMay, in a our honored soldiers both living fl owers und er the direction of \ Th e next club me etmg WIll be at. rel'!tlves after com,!, cnC'cl11 cnt ex- hap py il Ia nn eI', welcomed th e class The following program .Mrs. Ruth Janney and daughter and deqd, Let us make this a great Mrs. Hilliker . Those differe nt t he . home of Mr. and Mrs. J . W. e rcIses Thursday night, hun ClJ'~ I~~ of I !1:1Il li nd th ~ respo nse W,a9 . at the Church of ChrIst MISS Louella arrl~ed .home last meeting. Epworth League at 6: I b should lik ew ise appeal to all WhIte. ; her dllu g hter LOlllse. Th os e P! (l ~ - I n hl~' g-I VC II hy l\fJss Myra Pence. ~~:day eveninlr. May 18: \ 'FhurSdaY from thell' wmter home 30 p. m. Evangelistic service at ~ i~ls~ ~f Warren Cou nt y and Mrs. • - ent: Mr, a nd Mr~. H.f~l'I'r AszlInl!'. , ~I b~ .Ann a I\leredi!h gave a de"All Hail the Power of Jesus In Dela~d, Fla. ~h6¥ . w.ere ac- 7:30 p. m . Next Monday evening is Hillik er, home agent will be glad FRIENDSHIP CLUB MEETS IMr. and Mrs .•Brrt \il et' , ;\-!I . 1l 11t~ ":cl'lptl on. of her' tnp Ilb roud , and . . compamed. by a fnend, MISS Flor- the r egular time for the meeting to furni sh full informalion. Mrs. George Stl'oud an d sII n. 0 1 M,.s. EIslt! Hawk e Weltz, ably acN e" choir ~'Wh o~oeve~ Meaneth Me," Scrip ence Larr.l more, of Decatur, Ill., of the Official Board, On next Wed ~ ~_ ___ - -The Friendship club 'of the M. Dayt!m: MI'. 111101 l\~r" . LUlhl'.l· compnn ied by Miss Kat hryn' T?rture Reading, Matt. 7 :1-20, Mrs, IWhO remall1edovertheweek-end.nesday . an~Thursday.MaY28_29 . E .churchmetatthe h o meofP erklll s anddoughl e l. a ~HI:\I .l s :J1 C ~·. ~lIl1gv (. ryp l clI slI11{ I y. AnlllW Iter Elzey ' the Dl!rtrrct Conference will ' be FARMERS' GRANGE M _ Vern Hou h May 14 with Hurry Wad sworth of Bell ertu\\ n . te l C:tll1g anu amusIng ta lk, by Rue er Mi~s Martha Cook ' If you want a watch for the held in Hillsboro r~. bers an~ uests pr~sent Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stroud , 1111'. ull d Dinwiddie, co nclud ed the pr ogram . .. ~y the One Next to y'ou," Igrad!l~te, for fine time-keeping G. C. Dibert. Pastor, . I" .t· , f Wynes 40 nem A ~hdeacogn led the d~- M I'~. Will Str oud and snn" Mrs. H (' ~p nndin~ lo 11 requ'e st for re. m qualttles and beauty Gruen _____ . Th e l egu.1I mee lI1g 0 ,a 1 . rs. .r d' h 26th cha)- Otho Hend erson, 1rl\ld c Si roud murks , upt. F . R. Mornaw g-ave a Ch t Prayer Miss Lucy (Watches have a prestige acknowlST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH vtll e farm er5G GranK'H ~~. 'l~s vot\OnsMb~t;;ea mg t e l I lInd Gilbert Frye, If \\' lIy nesl'I ll c. "hol' t t:tlk, foll ow ed by bri'ef acer or y , edged everywhere. We sell Gruen, he ld 1Jl the ran ge 11 ay ,tel' of a ew, . . we . kllOw lcdg-cme nts by C. S. Mool'e Emley." H 1J ' B e u He Elg in, and other makes of dependSummer schedule- 1st, 8rd and 1930. . . ~fter the busm~ss se~s l o ~. Whe n you buy "Y ou r 'x ~ Il ye r- of Wa shington , D. C. and Mr and 'FrS:nces able watches, Cary's Jewelry 5th Sunday, .Mass at 8 :00 a. m.; A fter. th e bu slIl.ess .~esslon a e nj oyed the followmg pI ogllim . seal" Sil verware, you buy th e be ·f MI·s. Willi a m Mi c h c~el' of PiUs" SOtlOr I lOM~ 1'Irs .ove, Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. 2nd and 4th Sunday, Ma88 at fl oral trIbute was gIven m mem.ory Vocal duet- Mrs Whitacre and silver platell tllbl eware thnt llI a n burg. ' 9 :30: . ,?f Mrs .. Ida Hoeket, Georg~ RIley Mrs. Beck. : I and ma c'.'ine can pl'oducl'. So ld Th~ sil ver cup won la t year by Gu\lady. " : D - Mn be too . Du~t- :Some ay. n%ott and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Duke enterRev. Lawrence B, Mo\lmann . and MIl to n Keys . ~ er:nbe.l l' who Read ing ...... ... ElSIe Stroud onl y by Jewel ers. C~ r y '~ ,l cwc'!I'Y th e class of '28 , ...vas awarded to Lllte,w ~rs :rit~ai~IPpe tained at Sunday dinner Mr: and • _ • had passed away wtthm the last Reading .... .... .. .. . Mabel Fa"r S hop, Lebnnon Oh iO. exclu 'IV(' th e cla's8 of '29 . The '}lresentation M~~Wh a. ert h Gates Swing Out- Mrs. C. J. Graham and daughter, year. , k dReading ... .. .. Irma Hartsock. distributors in Warren County. WIl S mlld e by Miss Ruth ook and d Nel e "eehoir Mr. and Mrs. Paul Duke and son. RECEIVES HONOR Juanr~~ Bra!l~oD a :deab; Duct-Mrs. Whitaker nnd Mr~ ' 1 th e cup was accelJted 'bY Miss Rhea war ~ver,. 0" 1 Le ~ i Mr. and Mr:s. Fred Gray and daugh . .' ing on ln emOTlIl ay 0 ow _ Beck. . Followifll? co n ~m ncelll Il t exer- Ellis. . . . ~el\~mlfl~~ss saeior With Me," ter c ~r. Nathan Gray l!nd Robert MillS Fra nces Henkle, daughter ~n eXbce l~n ~ tab~b°"t th~ ~mMsu~. After an absence of several clses Thursday mght, ~1'. llnd M\'~. RnYIl1?nd. Dnvl. ~ha'irll1an of . ue E I nd Mrs. Walter DUKe, c~lebrating Jhe birthdays of of MT. and Mrs. S. D. Henkle a Ject y . . I er 0 e . count . of illn ess our.. Myer Hyman er.l ter tu1l1 cd ,' Ut-O!- th e nommallng committee announ~isS Lucy ~ ~y n ' their chIldren HeJe~ !lnd Robert, two-star . student at Witten/l~rg Ohurch. C bb d 4 H CI b w'll mon~~s ~n ~~ry Rye met' with us town relatiyes, 111 ~{)I1o r of th eIr ced tbe officers for the comlna' ~,ey. G W 'th . .. hoir ~. ,.,>. Cdllege, and a member . f th J •. B. ra an. ,u I pre~1 en , '. daughter MISS Bernree., T l1e guests year and t he .' foUowirrg were













'i I

















Sol!..~·~~: M~~ter'sl. VoTc~,

.. cMn. R.t- tdut,ns. "Rock ' of A,es" I:\n mlme, Misll /dnelia M~Y Mrs. ross, E 1 VhCnlce,. Miss LU~R' 'Ml'swearinosmg Y e m a , · gell.. . .. ' 1 Cl08IDg son~. . Take Me as An" congr~gatl~!,.: Al V nce BenedictIon, au•. va a .'


harer:M~~ ~B~~ing~~ea*.en~i~; ~1~~aIOfre!~S~{ti!~C~~t1rh r~ceivea fUc~~e n:e~t~!~~~ng~: ~~Orl!r'us ag~~~i~g Clara Lile, Miss Mame .Brown, Mrs ifo~or Day ~anquet. She~:~~¥:~ prov~ to Yli u th~~ It WIll be an O. M, Hough, Mr8~ K. N, Hough. actIve with Theta Chi Delta na- .evenmg we _ ~e!l~ ' Mrs. A, K. Day, ~r. and Mrs. · t ional chemistry fraternity i' . Frank Elbon, Rev. G. C. Dibert. paration for the state-wid~ c~n~~:i Mayor Ro ••.rl StriCIr.eD Messrs Curtis Tomlinson . and which will b, · held at Witt b M T E R r uifered a Stephen ' Williams attended the June 10. Mi!18 Henkle is en erg ayot " l its~nda ni bt Weltar.e Conference at Lebanon ber of Chi Delta O'm egaa :e!llj str3~e o~d ~~rb:;n ae ioJ. co~di Tuesday. fraternity.' cia t atin IS sal • on.


hou~da~:~ :~de.d~:ght:r~ ~~~. ~~r~r~,loc~ ~~~~!~~~t; :~~t~Me~~1\1.~o~

the , social was Sh~~~:n by ~r~wford, Greenbaum and daug-ht r, .Mr ll . J, preSIdent; 010 . Hartsock, HCI't~ ,.H c ~re~nd Armitage In serving Bloch, Mr, Joe Bloch, ~11~. a'.ll Ross ~artsock. treasurer. ~ug f h ta Shallat and son, all of Cmcmnnb ; ' The a8~ mbly· joined in dam ty~_m.!n_. Mr. and Mrs. Lpn. Hyman and t he. High school song and daughter, Mrs, Abe Hyman an d mainder of the evening was Miss Tr\llena and Miss Mar- dau~hter, of Xe.nia; Mr. a nd Mrs. over to dJlnc:ing. . garet Edward's visited Mrs. Emma I I. Bloch. of Spdng Valley, and I Music WU1l furnished P"rllet.t I" Wllmingon Friday. Mi88 Louise Henderson, orchestra, of Dayton.



chI ul'e

of l1lorta-age and equitaule


Probate Court Kath erine Pre ley ac:aeptell th~ app oi ntment 1;1 gUllrdian of Ch"8. \V, PI' Hi }' Jl'" und fii ed h I' bond

r. Martin

Jesse StanlE;Y Auctioneer s

Comlno'n Pl eaa Court

of $2000 with '1)11011 tutes FISee U. Early f.or Your Sale Date •. We Cu araht ... d elity and G'uRru n ly \>mpuny us hf Th' L 1VI'!nlltl .1u · Ul'et\', . . S ati.fartion or Charge Nnthinl:. (unl Bu rldln$! unci L oull oJ1lpu n y I The In t "ill ami te tament o( ' I' I'I'''U~ (,ha lll'~ . ,· Imp. o n, l' t 0 1, JlUr les I~. D ec kcr, cl ece n.ed, Wml "" S rh ~ I1II >.l' " Il ithllul pr 'j uci'il- . I jll'ocluc ,t! In II!Ult unci adm itte d to -'I'll\' las (' ti l riw :Iatl' 01 hili 1'1 0uate . Elr l'y Df'I'"lick IIC pt l'd --, -- I"hl" .I" hll \ 1'.11 sO il 'I' h(' rlt:- the tru :;; t as ' (,X(, Cllto r . J vhll \V Phone No. 320 Pb ()ne No. , II \ I'TER IV. I ~,I ( like thl~ 1',,1'1 millutc o u n· (l ,'-PIlL! III~ ;,II IIl' lOlil Ll'. y, It f(ll1d.lllt 1'1. :,I1I \' d .n l't I;urlt) t o th Gv dd.l r d, C;hnl lcs J . \ \ IIgA'un('l' 1111 l ----. I \,'d Bllt . . . \\'hl,ic co uld he \'1" 1111- \ IC',II th" h., IIll s ,h,nl'P o inl . i l'l \;II/-!I· .1 !!. IIIl ~ t 111111, \\11\' I' I'I)I,hca l , ./ a1l1e:; Qu il icI w e l c apPointed ap. ____ _ ____ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ..: II' , \, ;:111,' "'IlIHillt'd ill till' t :1X' RIll? f, .1 hI' 111'1 fllillng"~ rl'c pg ll lZI' Ing- I, for .I un l' '1 . lit \1 11 d tJ l'k pllll S I'I~, Ib 111 1111' ,',d, eI.lll r II hil l' II 1l1ll rl("II lick' " cl'lh 1I',1f' III th (' Fill : hilli. lind El e 'IIUl!' ht t t'! "ilu lh(' hi " .1 III Hllt l blind lix" l ilL ~'j[i(\ l The Lehan vn ('lllzell~ Nolti o nlll III \,,'1111'1' tl,' "lIh·h" lI ~I' , \l1Ii II." , t, lf BI O:uIIl'IIY, alld thl' l ull r 01 hlt l·t I'llIll' hI ,l lnl'l!'l'l ft'" than th ,' II \\',b n ld" II'd thai ~el'\ ll e "f l BUllk ulld T l u ~ t CU 111p Jlny Of L'b. Edll 111 ?II Cllllg' to Ca n' t F oo l E m ' I n •."", " ' .. '111,11 1 I ('{ " p IIln I h" rlt~· CHft ll' Iv I l nnllltuJl fl"l11 · hlill /-! Inj! lu,tlfl.·d. IIhll e lIith '" l1 l1l111 n" Ll' IIwd ( UI Hl ll Anno! Z",· IInOll, 0 , by (' C . Eull1 S~ , bus t I 'n I I 11 .. \ \ I) ' II t 1 I .. t \' IhI \\,, 1'" a l '1,'1'\ ... "' ~ Itl ,' '" ,'1~ )1 "~ s t " ,HI al Ihe .' u l·b all imll',l' lIl" ... 111 'lll ll l " Ill' l l' li si I· ka ~ I I'" l ls I,dd.'nl.I.ln I t hy I IllllI,IIl'II ' I " lh ce l , ,\( 'cI' JJt ed th e a llpo lntm e llt B 'nJI~ 111 In , tlU ~ t ' I III I t. al:l e>; Tw o (1I 101 ... d j!l't1l lc nll' ll w e r e en1,1 t ... ,1)\, \\ h, \t I ' ~ I 111 f \ •I• ' nl I II H l n . . . 1ll ', lIlv l r(ll , l'IIII I f" l "1 , 111, 'nl(,l1l, II)I) I,ln" IIh,lt I Ill' tm Oli llt . l Illl~ht tl"lI, lt'l J1 <IllI .) 11"11 ('nCl' "'InK o f adl\lIll1~tlntlll o f th e 1'~ lllle o f I lce lll l'hi II~P c.' I I to p:n gl'd III Clln l' cl~l\ tl o n II h e n u ne o f " : 1 ·11""'I , d TI", 1;,,,.1 ~"Ill ' Jrl llllH' 1 IlIxinll, ml'.IIl I .. h" l T Ilt' Y"lIlH!' I lt' llI'h · uIIl.lllllll\l\lllt' :111111 11 lIg',l1l1 <1 11' 1' 1 \\ Illi ll lll F lIull t. d l'c(':t~('d (h 'lllel. IIhll" 1· IIII l' I\('(' ,',' IHO' s id " I :, (1 lIel l'~ In th e m 1'1'('al1l c \ c r y I1\IlC I . ann o y (' ." tllt',j ll\' Ih,' d b""\" \\ h.ll a dal1 lllt' d h.':IIIJ,os< " u l'ld 111 .111 " 'lIld .'dlll IIIlJ(h 111oI1' t' L1UIII h\ ,lal1)(" II ;\1 (\ 11 1- " ed bl' the SLat ' " f O h lu ). \ V \ V. l ' II,ll'I l'S ~I ll 1'1.'11 1" . hy thl' 1ll'I , iHt t' n t attl!nllOn o f a d , ,[111 '· , urpI.I-!' II \I.IS! Th eil' \\:\ s :I IlH11I1l in thl' a lill .l · t't'nt Ill' 1",jl'lI' lh"II' Ill· .' I" 1 ' - " 1·':11 1 1I ",k"11 011111 l-t(,rI lIl" l: kl'r \\JlItllkl' r II (; CII "k lind LeonaI'll I h c lfh ,ldl\\'p. I II tl ,I I,H.s tel '1 u I· HI)('C V. : ', ;, 'tl;:1 p. 1 I'llt - dl',II'Pl'aIUIlC" -kl' :I fat 1111'1111. "hl(' 11 s(' IIllI',J t il ll'llll'" .lId,,1 11111 I h, Il ht ltltl nf 1\1' 1.' ,1",,"ll1tld JurI' lIl11l1ll1~~ IIlII' l l\IIIUIlI ~ \\ (>1'1.' appolllll'd IIPJlI'lIl s(' r s I \V \\ ' h . It 11 111' , \)l!"'I 'fi e ld "Hill' whut kilt' 0 ' fl y am di s? " ,'11 ,- ""'1, , , hi " \\11 '1' .. 11.1ll1l1· 1I.:l l"'llIlg d" "11 ilt him T hi, " :lUI,"n d"\I,I"pl'd III hl'l' ,JU I IIII.:' l'I" fil l \\' al l l'lI (" IU ll tl ullll l ~l tl llTh ,. III;;t 11111 a lld t es tllment o f f l) l d, 1:>.1.1).1 lIl'Il" lit "Dat 'a 11l 0 hos>;-tlr." , ,tl,,' 1_1'11 1,, 11 Ihal hi- (',11 I,ll's,· t " WIl 1\[1· :\11 I\lful plnll' fil l' ,\ 11ll' pa - I 1.11 h "llI ~ m ,ld, h{,1 qllll 'I I"" I' . .\1 111 I, 1!lll It lI a ,:; ,)ltJ.o It:d r.1l11ll 1l lI e l\l·Y. decea~ed, wa l< pro. 111'1' " \\, hnt 1111\ u h llss. fl y , ,1I 11\ ? " II." It I_ 11'1" II-dd ., j "1 thl' 'Ill', 111'1"1 .. ,, g-1I1 In h ,' ,d ll l1l. III Il./-!hl h,·, ,1'1II:i1l):: IIl' I II" ,Ind m"lln~ till' • "m I111 -- I.II"'I " j11 11l'cl'd til d u II I 111 COUlt and admitted t o "A hllss· t\1' , 111 1 II f1y whllt b u z· ',,101 I. ,'11 lilt' tU ln .. I' the "1I ( ls~ :\ "uI/lh' f)'l ,lll :\ ,, \\ hl'll' , 1, ,\\ II I~' Il'l'l ,Hill lulf l\'II' Us " l'l ~o n ~ hil I', 1' 1II bat .... Fll'd i\1 H e n ry \l a R alJ. Marroagl~ Lie","a"a botll e i I)!I ·11I.t' ,Ill h:d Cl'lIf . ,,,'d thllt ,h., " Alld 1"" h,1\1' If'Il11'mIH' ) C' ,J IIII.:' '1l1l1lllil.II ' "I1 " or l'll'c\n l s In P,' IIlII'd l'XCc UtOI' N o bon;1 r e. AIlH' 11 A II CSI' Il ,',"Il\J.!'I· "ebll ZCR ' r o und ('Oils 'n' h uss(', 'n' j o ck'" ~I , I, It thl' f I yll il hI' "llIh'd , I \\' W s~ " 10 n ~!'\cs--- " h'lc!n'tI " I IILIJ.!' hl Illudl 1ll 11 11 1l\ 1111 11,IIlIl' ,"Ith b tlllll" . ,ht' .l ' 1.hl, 11 \\ ,1111'11 \ . IIUIl t I '1 U II ... I .. _ I1Ul't" . I I e nlY pilc kE' 1\ l ll f\! I PIII III)('Hllu r J' Ie I May "You Olllt l11!1klll nut f o r t o cull l,k ,le'lll l' ,II I III l't f l"llI Ill ' 1''' ' kt'l . "\ ;".1 ' " h(, 11Itlllhl' d It lI iI" Il S In .1 IlIl( t s h, l,tllll\' tlll ,d I" k" ppl 1 " " '11 11.'. l1ll' lk Sll' Jlhcn 1II 1IIIIII11 10n and G colge (;,)111 (' 1 \\'1' 11' , M I It c llll:111 " ;:tnl:I:'S 1:I'tlO l'e I' '.,' ' lllg It ,,1\'1 . r ill h"Jlltll-: Ill'lt H I' l all' l H'; <1111 h., hnd -t("11 11 HI,llll' ,lll d I,. III III ,I Plattl tl' tlRI\"~ Illlidc llJlplaJ se l S. I F .I1~tl 1111 I i G I ('e n l11 e"N110u , jUl:kl'ss.", mllklll ' o ul fcll' to 111" 1, ,"I ' l iLl.' III II" llt~.rl'd Slll Cc' hc \l'a~ 11 \tlV Il lLl,' , '1' 1", IIIU Il):: p"rlll 11I1 1I"\ (' 1 11 11. II I Ih l I'hllltlt 0 1 hn - t of Lt'l ll1· An tn s tl'Ulll c n t o f \\ l ltlng pu r. , IlIll : 11 :, n I~r F :':~:kll11 ' Muy ca ll yo u I nil1IIII't IlIckaM . but YO II CIIII 't fl , . ": 1 1I1 11l'k " 1"'llt'd Ihl' ,'n· hCl I' l 'l' I I·.'tI ll nlhlllj.!' IIIIII HI,II ,,1 "'lIl II. 11"11, n. 111' 11' [\Ulhn l\ ~cd t o l' n c u m po rtmg' t \' b'lhe l a ~ t IVlliu nd tes t . f,l ctO I~ II UI CI l , "·1 " ,,, I' t" Ill.IIII\,d ,I hLIllk -hl'et :<\ s If IlIlln SlI ll' t n It a lall1lln~ , f"l h'I\' II .. , ('1l1"nll' 1.. 'I\lU Il 1... 1 th .. <111l11h I~,,) pel~\, by IIlO l t- :Il~l lIt o f Gl'ct rge Coo p e l, latl' I! f 8 I lI a l l'l'\' s t OI'(, lll fl nllA' e l fo o l d e lll h os~· flll's:' . ---.--, I " "I a hall k·nll l l.' ror nll'lllll" eal1lt' t" hllll . 1\ (, 'll\\ h e r tlll'I11 , ,,' aj.!'II'l. l lIlc' Ill' Iill 11<1\\ . "~ ),!.I i!' l' 10 lhl' I I'"plt's Fltlllcltng \ \ ,lI rll' T UlIl1 s lllp, wa R pl odul:e <l III fAII I'~n ,. I I\i ' 1\111 , I R I"lj '; I I' , h, h ' \( 1 1"'1' 11 III t he 11111 1, .Is Pt' I 11'111' <I II ,uddl' 1l I hd l Il l' 1..', 111 ,Ill" S,lIlng-s r"lllp an v of ('''Il'l t 1111' plubute . Heanng IS R... t 0 A' HnOIl II ll ' I" f' ILll.el Uncle Ha n, Blow Sa ya '1I,lIt'. I,' I,ll' lh ' 'llll'l lI JlI! and ," h, had "l' \'11 \\lIh hint. ,1~ -hI' .had flu,Ii.·" ,11111 -1.1111I11l',.,. I It \\,IS 1'1 ' I .' I 1.111''''. up o n tl I\, t lIlll :;. ,1 1\, I,~ O l\· f III "U) 'I .2 I , at I 0 0 ' C Ioc k' a . m. , M K('el'er e ullnon, II, ,11'1'1",d 8 uflo k k' l'I' IWI II ugNI to III 11"" 1 ', 111.1 lI an1lltnn h.lll IIlth Ihl' d llct" l . thlnklll):: ( I ,·dll"l· . It 1I ,Is 1111)1,lIdllll1\I.I.·. hl, .. dlllllil 1\11\\ 1' 1(' I ,l l irng-. wli~ l l! h y J !'c Th ump:;on wa H appointc d , ny II UI ,,", h,)(' )1ltdlln'j t he ' " ! I)' 1I11lPllkl,d • I 'IIll' u III I" UI\ I' , III II I" 'I' u fl Icten t '~llnlln I he U [.1<1111' "'Il'a t , /-!al1\(' I t'~hard ab o tut I,,, Ih t' lll III' . dl'ari1', dl'I' lIirng s w if tll' .11. .. ",d hll1\'I'1I 101,1'11 11' h l l. Iollt tlH' If'" l~l(, atul o f tiI e es ttltc" l of UIII " AII "'\t'" ~anH' II lll " It'S o fi nd "t \ I h tI. lh" -l' ·' hI' 1l~I<l d 1"II,Jtil'd 1'," uut "h " lrltllg 1 , 1 ~ 1" In I.I.t lIa ~ th .• t 1111 til<' 11111 nil lit h,' " r IlC PUll h ,I' .' P Ill I' u n, I'xpt:ll ~e ( ,lIti .' {'rlllt, cl cccn :-\eo . IIlid r1 ecl I I' I I t p lol' 1\ I J"I III ,; Il1tll 111< plllkd ~\llh: '1 ,1111. 11'11 111 i hat w ou ld hu\(' up did 11 .. 1 " ' 111(' 11111,'1 \l,ld "lll ll ls,III'"' "I t'lImp ldl " n hI s IJlInll (I f $,,00 WIth FlI e W . und Eden Ll' II' Y. pllY l o ll f ll l' 1 ' 2 Is ltl~'" Wltl \\ II I 1 .1 I tI f1 t'sh ' : I 1''' 1 p.llllh' llIft ;Hlitod th ... Ir o llg(::;t ""Ill, a llu Ill' 11,11)1\' II " LIII ', III r.llll 't . " n. ' 1'1 .., JU II l'l' pnl·t cd th " t Lu cile Thompso n li S s ure ties . llI o n t h $296 130, I' B . . Io lle t', puy. SOlll l'O !H' hu g s nit! H' loo k 'Il l ).! lIt 1')1 ::l1d s tlolled s t eadi e d SIll' \\ lIs 11 [\,,1' l'II)!,l'l l :v,' 11 Ihuugh "1\' 1 tlllllY \\11111'<"('S h,lv e bcell "((' ount:; apPluv e d r oll f o r . mo n lh, $ 140; fl. 1I 0 p ' l ci/ II/ I ('d s t",klllgs Ilk e s luok I I' Iii tl ,' 11 11111\ 11\' th (' l)) 'l lIn e r \\Ith h e ; hack t o a blank \\,dl. I,ut hl' III lIl ' l'tl 1t,1I1 1'(( ' 11 a I1WI' (' 1,111 If f ,-,.11 (' I III )! I I (,lis"" . Jll e· I,:, tate II f 11IlIlnah.J Il u n klll' I Pl'. lubo l $ 4: MO l rnw Lumb ll l 1' 00 11'1' It I on' thell' e l t'n III fI' ll IWII I s s ill' had st'l (: lIt , , 11 " hl' lI ht' I.lsl sail It. !tll ll s"1I1 "I\ 11I li s :Ind Ig'11I> I cd Ii SO il, til ,t li nd fi n u l Co s u pp ill's, $5U. 15, Th e UI d Oll t f) II U A lin . h .III "III 11 It'lltl th lill I t II , ' , G Ull l u, " a ns h II> 0 fAi"ucrt L (' l OY III ' .olldge j C 0 , 1\' 111 I"uHC d "Ct·, t I WI !' arl' l'W 1ll C! l ll'lln 1 ' 1R Wb 0t l "pl'lIl'lI nell, wllld",,, 0 1 Ilf l' l u lI hI' n"t I t ll l'11I I"' 1\', I II lit " lie". I I "ll ~ f ,,(llIlI I I\,1 t II Ie' r 11111.' 111 11 s, ., 11'1 ' '1111' 11 11 olle l' lsl' ca li I' ll hilll a nd hI' ha d j.!'II I1l N I in 1IIldll . aft" 1 f,)u l \(':1 1'" F Il' In .ht' tI"" nf 1.1\\ fOI th l' 1('g-u l,llIlIlI of (" Hi ll' ('I'o c ke l', min o l s ccon d . $ II U a4; H oward r .. o k, fUl'Itlshlllg hllvc llut ,,(' I'n 11 11 1;lIt 0 Il1 0) l l>, lt 1 .'1' :11 Ihll l , Ill' dldll't I t'l'\' lll' s tnl;llillg. H l' lI o uld fillt! h !! 1. l of eU llljilII1H'lIt- P(lUI 1<lIt h 11t'1 I I pill s hll:; " 1'1' 11 fai t h fu ll l' k ep t E state o f \V ee l', and . Illuding sUlld ulld s tllne, l plent v IIh o hilI \:, n,1 8l'ell olle soo n 'I' llIe,,<lg'I"'" hl' ll>ked Il l' ir-an(' d f r' \'\I:tld <1111 1 gall' t n , mi nd 1I,Is \\l)lkll l):: cll',nl) .tlld a nd "" nnd t!nal $6:1; Lebon on . . . , ' wi nk q he • I I 111ll' wlll llng dt'l l'!! r tlll' ntitil'("s o f I 01 plIlI I' Silt' hud III P.. ' " Inten d, (\ III'" I ,,' ," d :t)!lllll s t t he fll ll (J II'II):: I'.~t lltl' of lI1tlly \V el' I', deceas ... d , t lve Co Cemcnl, S~07 10, L ' V. r.1 1' 1 ~ s llllt l tl ,tlll 10 thl . I .. til III I lirh )w l('clge Th(' II II on \lh .,,1' ,tldf 10 gI'l ,1\1,1) fllllll thL' hllk !. \\ lIh' I Jll'I-lIn s .Iohn I Lilli' u nd linal . Cu., llIate ll lll fOI. Ill idge, il n rH ll\', fet ·,It ,n.l '''' \\ '1- III 111l' "ILlin~ . I·uo m U Il\' Of hI S fri(lllli s. [ "ut k 1111 II Ill):: Ito" , Ill' IIlb I!'ulllj.!' til Ill .Hl d , I'a ul l· fox , \\a l[('I' B. H',g-"I s I'_st ut(' u f \"lIl1a/ll Can, de. $8 1.1 4: Th l' Mo rl'l)11 I'l" d und .II1l hili out 1 1111 It. curs n I n II' I pad lll g u I'd hun' Wh en EI'(' Ic ft h (,I' In hl' r tI.) II :'Ii II II ,hi' ""tllzed that lhl" and \\ In,I. ' 1l II C/tI1 l' It II l\s III · It'as l'd, fil s t Ilnd fin a l. Supply Co., undge I'CPIIII' ml\t "' 1'1111 th e _ _ _ 1"';'111 It. alit! I lind card 0 1 ho t, l s ltting·roo lll I\ lI d II nt In to I I 11th (lluid hl'l f' h .,1' and thll t II"II'd lhlll \\ II1"t OI1 " . (,111H' be o f Isaac ,l o nes , d",cea s ... d, $<1406; .101' W. paYloli [ 0 1 IIU .·'t ""lIld hal' l' ~UllH'to th SIt· hl'r b (, lli oo lll. S Upp u~(' dl y 10 gct ' IIH1 ' l l'sL It.I IS h , I 1I,l dUll lh hlJ' 1)(,- (I1l l1l1lltll'd til Ihl' IIl" tlt1l tll) l1 f O I I ~ I Xl h IIl'cu unt. I,I~ month, $ 177 .75; V . W. T o mp. Don 'l Th r w il i n th e Worl.. 11I1~"OOlll door ," H.lmtltol1 ;;011 1 I'lmly fill the nurse . s h(' ahsent· tW«('1I thl.'l11 II hll h " (llild l'na lll<' t hl' I1 lsan l' . Accuunt" fil ed' . kin s , pu yr o ll fo r I" m o nth, $ -1 04 . "l' l "h,llJh," C'al'l lc k t Ol) k nno th e l nllncledly Illpped ov<, r a PIOJl' ct- hl· r L" k c 'J> III tOllch 1\lth hl111 ' It \ I . " 1lIr1 "' l l' d th a t n Oll Cl' n f A"' lglllll l' llt of NUlIan C . Cor u lll 25 Ed e n L e l'lY, puyrn ll .fo l' • A m L1 11 k('I' WI (ln e h I ~ so ca ll ed be luru" IIhlle H ll ll lll t Oll sat " ttll Ilnd 11111' e nd o f th e co t ~ l ll' had o rd l' l l' d i\1 ('lItal l), s h(' <, on :-\ldl'l,d II . plan PYll dl' nc y of th e actloll o f N e ll l " sS I!!,ll o r thllllnnd tinll!. I month, $ 662 . 25; A. L, Rett ig'. pa~~­ (·tlu se of \ls 11I1'(' ntOI'. wh ost' name ),! lu'" ll1lly watched hlll1. ITh e littl e e p l:;ll d u Ulld ' lltllcd !t e l \liltll' h CI Ili u ln SUllC" \)\ SCIIIIIs lv ) " Ik L IF... I Il !i uran~ ,' r"lllplIll) VCI. , I,, ~ tat" . of LU l' lI n 1\1. Scott, d e . r o ll f or • 1II 0 n t h , $28!! ; - C h a~. I~ \Ill S l\1 u ll ck n l'Y. " TllIin IIhll t·. h ac k o f It'I" h e drctld u f thl' night, ad s he' s tood l' plrJ - ler d w ha t tlt e port I WfI , ~III' ~ U ~ A. li t" k, and rlllllla H II ce l, c('a s ed, fll st u n ti fi n a l d l tllb ll tl l'e. Bradb u lY. pny r o ll for . m onth, m utl t'led. "Jus t llll n lc '! I n her ' ~ t3nng n t lh ' co t a s If uln' ally In)(, :tll d Da Vid 0 L I' S /t C' , be mude upon GUlll'dian s hl l? of hurl es W . $:J65.U{) : H urley Clev(' ng e l', lubor, __ .. ('lI n, IIl)On s he mi g h t l'a sil y h al',, ' s hl' sUII Its ucc upanl UIl'll'. It lIti S IId o ub lH h l" . hI' as" ul'(,d h CI t hl' th,' dl'(C'ndllnt " Ch:n l('~ alld rlullla Pres l ... y Jr, mmor, fi r s t. $8 ..10, P er ry B . • Impson. lubor I nullle 1I 00lid cilme 10 hun at an y 1I" ( k h) publicaLl o n L es li e Shultz, labo l , l E Rtllt e of ~o phla Soule, d e· $65 .00: I 111111 utI' Till S, !.hl' knell, \ql ~ pus· n (' lI a AI ·hh o l7. II <I ~ /!,1"1 nll'd U ceasC'f1. fllst Ilnd finnl S05 . ; The OhI O o rru/!'ate Co - Y'1;~·1J.1 s lb l". SlIu nt' l III Intll' hi' o ug-ht t o dlI' OIl'l' from Gem!!:e !\Ic h lllllz. the I E s tatl' of C hariI.''' R. May, de· !! ... ",e r !! , $640; Bla ir and LeRoy, ~~ 1('.1111 nume li e mlg'ht l eco ll, t/ (' fe n ria llt h:II' lng Le ('n fuund gull· ('(,lI sed, sale Li ll . s uppli es a n d labo r . $ 1:J2.08; J . B t ll ll, If h e dill n ut 110 11' rl' m e mb e l t~ I,f )!IO« ncgh'l't nf du ll Thl' l Rl l' hal(j Ne lso n wa apllOint e d Poe, s upp lIes and la b o r, $4a 60 FOR Iil ENT I lill' IlI , the n n ll lC" uf Iht.' fll l' nd ;; t o 1plllllllt ff \la s I"'~lll l (' d to IH' I fOl ,n ' l lIn ap Pl 3 1se i of the ... s tate of Mill. T he !\Ia so n Lumber 0. , guard ral i ",hO lll he had cllI'n ed th os(' n tllCS , \ e l' nam e of De lla S llId cI Th e aid Fill III 01'''' B lackbu l'I1 , d ... c cas· mntena l, $2879; Zain Armitag e, FO R RENT- On e CIll ga r a ge I n. Ihl' nllmes of fll e nd s \I h I) had CtlU I t a pproved o f t he ~l' tt l e 11l e nt ... (1. to se rvc th e place Of Matt fu rl1l s h lng a n d 1011liing gruv e l, quire of Mrs, V~o l a nrey. 1112 1 111111 1' t il Sl' t.' h e l', ' pl <n dl' s of t he aJrl'lcd to b\' th(' pldlnillf n nd til" Fo ley. wh o IS unab le to se r\'e, $ 1643 .25; W H. Mudde n and C o . lift' ,hl! had Illed in Ptltil' - all o r f (' llllant and fUlth !:' 1' u ld e r ed th' It lias decl'l'(' d by the co u rt that cement lind ~uard I'nll s . $36.88 WANT E D !lny Of wh lc·h . wh e ll h (' t o ld them InjunctlCl n he letof o re gnt nt ed to The L eba no n Itize n s NutlOnal H Ill o ld S w c n cv fu r llis h lll g umi lo he l . could b e the clu es s h e .he dl'~o h NI I t \l'U" furLh<,1' ~1t'- Bank und 'l'ru , t Co m puny o f L e b- load tn g grave i, ' $ 140.20; J . K lI ('c d d. y ()~ . lrt tho I.' gc~tl c ula t ln~ l,I oed h I' til<' COU lt lhat th e pla in. allon, l' xccutors 0 1 the e s tute of S pence r , fU ln is hing and 10lldi ng /lll d nnl 1I1'1.' 1·cll'a n hllnd~ nlllrh t t rlf unci defe nd a n t ellc h co",:ey t il J o hn M. Brad ley. d ec('usecl, pro. gra\'el , $635 .80; H aro ld V. Martz W A NT E D- l I,i, h. p. Gaso li n e E ll gine lit guod r un ll in A' orller. li e thl' sl nngs thtlt lI ou ld l ead hel thl' Ih e r qU It c laim d cd s In I'e· cec d to "e ll t h e r eu l es tat e at p'l'i· fu rni s hlll g and loadi ng gravel handl c l', Pho n e 76F ll. ba'k Ill t O the nOlllla l \\"0 1\(/. gU ld to th e I ... al (' sta l c b c lo nging I'ate sale. $9.76; Owe n Gross, rail posts L. W. m2 1 "\Vhllt I ~ ~'O UI name?" s he abo to I'nc h, fr N' fr o t'll (lnv rI g ht or Notice of e~t(ltes f OI se ttle· $12 .65; J oh n Bllhr furni s hing anJ lupt I\' fl . ke d hlln. c la im l' ne h ll1a~' hav(' in t he r ea l ment nrc Ret [0 1' hearing May 12, loacl tn g s ton e, $40.80: Mo n roe and "lIl l1l'ccl C IHllp (' nti (, I, mnt! e nt fJ lfi· ,!; a t e o f t he othl' l' by dOll e r . . lit !I o'cl oc k a . m. J o hn s t o n, p osts, $7.96, J oh n Law HATC H INC ('\Il'." h e t o ld hl'r 111 t h e lase of H 1I 0 ll e'e n, I l l . Th e COll l't author ized Maltha M and 'on gns u nd s upplle!'; , $2<1.91 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ " Ll slen, i'l£nrcel ," s h t.' 1111 1. s t ill l'I' I'lI s Alfl d A ,1'1'1'<'. J T RIl ey Pall\1 ~1 $Ole e x ec utrix of th e estate W. H. ~[ c H cll1Y' s upp li es, $8 P ATTENTION- L e bano n A ll -El ec t III 11I ~ o ll'n hln g ullp: ('. " LI~te n a t · I I'C('I I r hl'n.' III Hclvl'PcI t he court l ,,[ Mar y 1'lIlmer, d ceased to sell ' B. Mo nc (', s uppli es, $1.50; A. C ric Hatchery, 21 lead ing breed s tentil' e l,·. I huv c a plnn a nrl pe l" I th a t th", E' lllpl n)IiH'nt o f cOu ll .... 1 IS a nd trlln s f e r ce r ta in ' erulltles be· 1 F o rdyce , labor, $1.50; The Ci n ,) f pUlc.bled baby Chicks hatc h ed 1 c innati Oil Work s Co., gas, $66; in fum igated I n cubato r s- a ha t c h hll Ps you cfl n h e lp Ille. If you can, r eC(,SSl1l,. wherl by C. \V. Ellilltt lo n)!,lng t o th e estate. I lin ow 1"11 \I III . f Ol we w e r e lie· \I.I S ttppoint ed. A . E. C levenger and Ehxa b et h Ellst End GUl'Uge , repair s , $7.50 each Mo n day and T hursda y. qUUln t l' ri In Fl'a~I C(!." She stopped 1 Th e co urt ol d e l c< d t hat n Jll o p e r E . c h utt, admi lll. t1utor of t he L. I P e nc e , w e lding Oll roa d grad Specilll ullent lon paid to C u t om 0 11 d S d t With II g- es lllll' hIS eager a!;~ urall ce d ,(' r! be convey rl t o 011\'1'1'. B. csl llte o f Geltl ud e H . Eus tman , de ('I', $2.50; Paur-1\uh n T il e Co 11 tn ' "And yo u hav e rem e mberecl my name 1111 thI S ti me '! " ~h c a >;ked, IO (Jkl'd Llndcr:<tundlnp: ly at h ls ' Jack~on, puroha se r (If thc pl'enll~es censed. fi led th(,lr Invento ry a n d labor $5' Le e T ra il o r a nd Bod y Co th~ cl)~b~~. nO. F~YHall~ ;~on~ i n II \ Oll~ e which s he va inly tried t o keep s teady Illig- ht('ninJr fa ce . flnd went o n; , in the case o f Th e :r.laso n Bull lhng , apprai s(' m e n l. I nc. , s~pp h es, $2.06; Waites 18 0 . l a2 E, Mu l berrStTcet. tt I " B e" HI ~ s , I \\' 111 (~ f cO llrse pay \' 01\ ' L oal1 a nd ,'al'lI1g':. Co mp.ln, of A n Ills tl'ument of wl'iting PUI' Gar'age, repni r work, $41.26; Th e been IIfl'llld o f me, and of the HI p lac e, the e hl\m~ ellll:titJ h a d " el l 10 1 a n y llllt£' and IloubJe Mason, 0 ., vcrs us l'l'ank P. Emery porttng t o be t he la !lt WI ll a n d Kll patlick-Fre n ch Motor C a r Co., Il UI'·C'. to o, !.ut I got a !lt r o ng im· g o n e . Ihe r oo m lia s 111 ol'tie l . and yrr u gll(, t o m) e r Vll' c . I Eada 1\1. Em e l\' and M illY l\I te s tament o f Flo l'c n ce Z. Dn t've l' p:as un d s UIJPlics , $63 1. 83; T h e J - FOR SALE }11 e8s tr)ll that s he h a d confidence in I th e. o PPOSIt~ d ou r o f th e h odl'oo m, " 1 dl's il III I. ave tlll < h otel. 1\[ '11' :rr kup nl~tl'l bu tlO,n of the pro· late of D ee rfie ld town s h ip wa s p r o- W. Lingo Hal'dwarc Co, s lIppllel', he l wo o d O. gas FOR S ALE CI S Y yo u" li e s topped and met Ham il · which led m in a l eal' hilll of t h e ce1.'· ghc ('(lnllnued, "and tfl find a c eed ~ In I he s um o f $ 1 100 . lia s ol. l duced In co u rt, applJcat lnn wi ll be $:1 14 10 Th e F tnn's e \ es WIth a s udd e n kee n ly ho t e l, wa s ju s t c los ing on t h!' n l' W hom(' III thi, Cit,. I must. o f d e l e,l I t \I IlS f\llth e l co n~Hl e l'ed fo l' hearing o n Ma) 15, at 10 and s uppl w s, $6 1 52 ; S. F . C~rey, o n e, rres h. W. P o w, a good H ay. R. D. pro fess'iona! loo k. "You f e lt that, 1II 0 d est e XIt !) f the. po rt er. S h ... ('(lII I SC, s ee thl' elc l k !l nd pay hllll ! b r th e' cnU lt th at t h e pla int Iff 1(" o 'cl oc k a. m . l e pmr", $:1.50; lIIai n c \ lll e Garage, No.2. ·m2J dIdn't y o u?" s t oppe d the man WIth II wOlcl, a . when I )::0 B ul lh l'\(' 1I1e l'c a ;;o n;; l co\l!1 floll) th e defe nd a nt s Frank 'J:h eco u rto1'llered lhatHel'sc h el repIIIl'S, $ 1 ; J . D . ArllI l1l S Co. , I'e"Y c , r d l(l. I t t o uched me ve r y r ead y hand m e 'halllca li v l each ed IIhy I \v1 ~h no one t o kn ow wh e l c . ~. and Ellrla EIllC I'y t~e s um .o f \Vllllllm s, ndmln is t rato r of l h e puil s, $20 l a , S. C A lexa n de r , s up FO R SALET ig e r Tob acco setmuch. It·s Oll e o f t h e t h ings that In to h e r hand -bag f o r h... 1 Jill I 'e. 1 a 111, e x c (',llt yo u \ \I ll I alll , ur c I ~20(j 1;7, th e a mount s lill lemaln · esttlte of Ed na . Hopk in s , de- pll eR, $70; Th.e O l cg o llla Bridge te r 11l good c o nd ItIO n. W . E, make;; me f l'e l that I can't let h e r He \la s a y o ung Frcnchmall, and can tili st. ' Ing du .... ,Judg)ll l' n t In th e s um o f ceased, to make t o the p u rc ha se rs , Co. repair~ $14.35 H . Co n ove r d own ," Hamil to n u dnllttcd . "I've a s h e cfl m e back Ill t o the l oo m Th e tl'll)!ll c , s he wa s g l.ul ttl o h· S I 5R:{ :l;l W.IS .. d a ld ... d Mary Ehzabeth a n d H . P. Ma lone Stei n , ~upp\J es, $23.06; S, Co n over Stro u d, R, R . 4, Way n esville. " m21 ~ lnlp l y g o t Lo find her a nd be s ur e In an!"wer t o her HUl1lmon R hl ~ se r ve, le ft hlln aitl1 0s t c: p (l(lc hl~~ .. nf S uk up In h{\J' cr'oss p e titio n a s ufl i('lent deed f or t he p r e mIs e s 1 B l ulI~ loade l $3230' John Ln v.: s he's all r ig ht: ' ('xpectu n t s mi le s udd e n ly b I O,ld ' l "Wha t I clln d o f OI Mllcl e mo ls· lIl!'al n ~t the cl l'f t' li d u n ls It \Ins RO ~o l d, fr ec from th e dower es. a nd So n , gaH, '$3.04; ';Be ll Press, FOR £A LE- Fl'es h co w with Cal'llck n odd e d . e.ned Into u look of plea sed r ecoglll e lle \\,1 11 b e '.' 0 11 (, " wa s nil h e c o uld o ld eled th nt Lhe Val lOUS 111 0 rt· tate of Ro lla V. Hopki ns, wi d ow er pos tca lds , $8, T h e Weste rn Star, h eifer cu l f. Ot h o \l e n der so n , " I t' ~ j! (l lllg t o b e a big JOu ,t o tlO,~ . , ,, ' ~) lIn)(' n ut, hIS h la ck CYe'S :II Id \lIth ~H!r('S se t liP 111 tillS llctJOn be I C· In th e c~se of Iva M ull e ni x Phil e n ve lo pes. $26 . 50; L. M. Pri n ce Co · 01 21 lind hCI " h e prcdlcted. "And I m G oo d e\'ellmA', macl emo lse ll e , I intcrl.'~l. j leasod. po t , guallh a n of t h e est~te of repllll'i:i $ 1050 Mary E Hopp l1lg' 0 Hrroid It', s a job wh cr<' J can't help h e s 8ul WIth th e of a "Thank Th e il l (' l1 me, firRt. ---,' ta n lcy Mu ll ... I11X, e t a l. p lai n t iffs office $:10 ; Drs . E d ward a nd you much. Lef t to hers ... lf, s h e' ll ' lo nely pCI so n who s e~ a fnmllwr d o yo u k n Oll fI p:ollcl pl ace ~vh ele New Su, h ve r s u I va M ull el11x P h ilpot, Cll r l Ro bel.t B lutr, lllcchcal servic gl\e sanato llum s and Iloctors and fa ce III a strang e land; <l n d h OI I ean gO a nd. I I\:~' ? - o n whl cl!' IS . lIIu lI elllx Sta nl ey Mulle ni x, de. ~:17 60 ; J . W . L ingo Hardwa r e Ce~ sewing Ill llchme, ne w m od e l ; 4. nUI ses th e WId est kmd o f b e rth:' l a ddcd 111 FI'e llch, l'ath e l' bl a nkly, place ex pl.'n ~ II'C' . s hl' ad ded "A I L The i\ lwml sb ulp:' B~I!(hn:b and ! fe ndant s, it he ing necessary to sell s he lls , $2.40; J oh n La w and Son, fl:~k, ~~i:i~gf~!~r Sb!d. ~~eq~r:~t Th c r e see med n othi l1 g more to as he cu~ght h e r e xpress Io n of I plac c !; ll11pl , llncl c lc un and I e· 0 .111 A SSOC llI l lI.lfl of Il lIm ls u r~, t h e pl'e mlses in t h e petItio n , it wns IlIUlIltenu n ce of S h enff 's car, .n v but f o l' II moment 101lge ,· they s urpl'l se , B u t Mad emO Ise ll e doeS I ~ pect'lhl(" Ilk(, t h (' li tt le h otcl you 9·, C,ers us Vlrgll Gloves a n d Ha l - I 0 l'd e red t hat Ray E. Kratzer Lu- $11497 ' TI' ea s u rer of State cloth th IS o ffi ce. . m7 eac h o th er un ce r tll in ly. Then n o t r e memb e r m e ?" s p e ak o f In I Ie f OI mo n ey, c lun Bingiman a nd Geo r ge Pfh lu . Ing for' inmates Dayto n h ospit a l S PRAY YO U R T R EES- If in H am il to n s traight e ned hi s sh o u l· " N o doubt I s h o u ld d o so." Eve , h ' t oo l; II fOJ g'1 anted t h at the cnlalm ed ~373hO. 4 :' Weith mterest m e r appraise t h e real estate. $60 I ' T I'eas u r e r ' of State s u pport n eed o f n ew sp r ay pu m p , la rge der~ wilh ~ gcsture hi s lIlt imates a n swered in h is o w n t ongue, and littl e hote l III r a l is hnd these quali t e reon at I e I'u t l' 0 7 per cent o f i n~ates $308772 ' Drs' E dward or s mull , s pray h ose, n oz zles, co m . hav ... l cc;,g oize d us c h oract- 11gai n h e s nlli e d a nd brighte ned t ies , and UPPlll'c nti y wa rirrht pe l' a n llum fl o m ;\pl'l l 1, 1 930 a n d Rea l Eatate Traa.fera a n d Ro b e l t Blair $ 7 plete pum ps, lea t h e r s, r ubb er pack CI 1s t IC o f him in o f fina l I "JlI St w h ere did yo u s ee m e ? " s h e fol' Mal 1' ('1 n otldt'd a n d !rave h im · ' fb I' r.Judgl11 ... nt . fO! t h e s um of L . W . W ith a m to J L es t e r Mu l. Sol Steve ns Post' G. A. R . etc., ca ll o n TIl e B OC K uske d I s el f t o o~ te ll l lltlOu s t ho u g ht 1$90 .)6 and fOI Jll( lA' m e n t for l he . I d II "25 G ' '1 I . n I <'CISI n . H b y II e h II I-I Ill'1'1I III t lIe CltV ' I ' tl Su m of $2'1 8 !lnd f o r clo s llI e of ford, 15a 0 3 aC I'es in Deerfi e ld t w p la a y a owa n ee, '" ; l a nl'l Ie L T CO., 4 16 W. Ma in St., Xenia, "I ' ll t.l c kl e it," he ann ou n ced, re 'l e eg~n t 0 ex p ialn, y o Ill U) esfl. 10 n ' '. ' Le wl" H e l'get to H e nl y W ard a n(1 T hursto n Post, m e m or ial duy a l. Ohi O. tf ferl' llIg t o the "big Jo b." and h aJlP ll y , e n c h antcd, It was ha lf a yell i . and h e had little I mor~l{ugc 1~1 ~ ~l ses anti eqUl t u?I C Rose H l'rgc t, 14 .51 acres 111 F r u nk lowa n ce, $25 ; J o hn K e ll P ost, "Culld! " s~\l d th e d oc tor, heal't' , e l ... a r,. by thl. unexp('('terl e nc o u n· linoll le rlg-e o f c llh e l hote ls orlrellef !l n d co t~. . ... . lin twp. m emor ia l day a ll owa nce $26 PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS !Iv.''' A Ild keep me pos tl!d." he a d d· t e r w ll h u f ortller' patro n , and lodg lllg-h u llses : hut n o w .>he re· .J ~~mcs I.' i\I~ll l l s v,el SlI S A nn ,\ H ertl y and Kate Boyer to J a m es Ra lp h P. S noo k Post, m~moriai - For all purposea. Bocklet'. I' d n ot q Uite so h ea rtI ly for perhaps for e,oe mg, too, lIg-r eea b le m c mh c r'(, (1 so m e thIng !\ f rl ... n d of I Z I'*h M OI II S fOB d!i ll rc e . Ba nd MY I t IC L H e n d1icks 153 da" a ll owllnce $25 ' Ru sse ll M e. r t I b' d h ti ( ',,'rrl ck IIII S '1 m u n ha rrl .dl'l~en bY' P015S lb lh t ies of f ees III th e nell I hi S. hc t o ld h l' l , \I'll " th ... la nlt o r of e IIi ll tll u l UI dlllg and L oan 35 ac r cs in Un io ~ twp , .' E lfl e s h Post ~l em o;la l day a llo w. Ife 0 p u~ mg an ea ng IUP. III' pl 'letlc!' m e kn o w i f I lIssocl1ltio n . T hey WC1'0 s tllnd ll1 Jr a (/I"vnt o lln hu use which had I CO lli Pli n\' I, el"u, lIIa l'Jrare t A, a n d l ' Be rn e r 'to J a es C nn ce $25 A m ericll n L eg'ion Post p ies are beJlt, The Bocldetc:Jn be' o j allY lise" neal t h e entrll n ce h(' had u sed, a .n d littl e of t \\'o or t hl'ec .J o h n . 11 1 The Recess , T cste;man, ' 5075 nc r es in HamIl: 'clay u ll o w nn ce, $ 15 ' A ' King Co., 416 W. Main St., Xenia, T hl'v s ho ok ha n ds. WIth a I{ estulc s he th e ll' h Im o vel I tlf)Jm' ll Hltl ll1l!'I'oom. a bedroo m, CO IllIJ.lny,• .,r01 money. a m o~nt to n t\\l P, D. Ba l'ka lo\\" sel vices all me~ ber Ohio • . , Bet te l' go a lilt Ie 11101e fu ll y 1Il - the .thr es holcl an d out. In t o t h e ha ll even a bathr(lo m, and o f a IH'le o cln lml'd $Fi .,21i Wit h 7 r r , In tC! e, t I F I ede l ic k R o us h nyde r t o of Sold Ie r s. R ... h e f Co mmIttee , to) a ll t hl' d e tail s o f h er leaV in g th e clOS ing' t h e doo l be hll)(1 t h e m I I 1' 1~ rea ~n nnbi c. . II Ol11 J anu::\1 y 2!) , 193 0 l ore Car lto n P. R o u s h, 8 7. 23 aercs in $1 3. 66 ; O. S. H igg ins, se r v Ice a s F OR S AL E PLANTS _ S w ee t holt!l." wu:-\ C"III Ck' s fin n} advice. It wa s In Pa \'l ~ the y had m c t, . I~I'" cam p til ". pr n mpt Ilecls lo n. Way n e twp m e m bcr of So ldi e r !! R e h ef Co m p o t a t oes, all kinds of gard e n " ln t l'l'v IeW eVti l y one who cou ld I t h e pOl t cr ~ xp l ul1l ed, In thl' h tll e " h e \\ c nt ba c k. Int o the bed ro o l11 Marga ret A. Jo hn s to E lbe r t a nd mi ttel', $ 20; Th ~ W es t e rn Stal: p la !lts and B e rmuda Onio ns. JllIss lb ly hav(' Sl'c n h e l or ta lk ed Hote l Vo lta tr e o f t he Qual Vo)l ta' l ~nd ~ ('tul'n~d WIth a s heet of pa p e r l\I!\I c ... 1 t o oll th e bu nk . ~ote a nd Gel trud e Wa ll a c e 0 .22 a cres in W. le ttCl he ud s , $ 4; The We!lter~ O~lOns 20 ce nts p e r hundred . 1~ to h e l . Th e y d c. q u ee r things w h e n l lre ?n t h e left ha n k, whcn p e nu l .. sio ldy pockete d it . Hi s face wall \Val' ne twp. Stal e ntry bla nks ' $12. 5 0. FiliI'S North o f Wayn eSVille on th e y' l l:' 111 th ll t s Latc." emo lsell e had s pe n t the \\, Intl'! W Il le lhe ndd l (,ss ror me , ~ he ve lY l<e r lOli S. It IVa 'l odd - n il t hi S. S'y lvia A nn Litte II t o L o ue lla L R c rry r oad. Str o u se Bro th e r s, R. 'H e c o uldn ' t he lp mu ch ," Ha mi l lI thl ('c- n o, It \lO S fOlil 1'l'a l S ago d h'('c t ed, "nnd VOU I' fu ll name , 100 Thcre "!I ~ much in It he did not Dak in lots Nos 167 168 17 1' . N o. 6. . m21 t o n I (' p o rtecl to M ISS Adam s·l \I llS n OI SUlPll Slng that i\1url CIlHI I I w ill g tl and 10 111. lit t h <' hou se yOU j t j " h I I b th all" 1~ 2 in M ~ , " Americaneae FO R S ALE


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!'Ui~" S.~~~0j;.,3-W~Ue b:r:c~~k

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'ex~11li~~tions me~or. In~s,

IIpll l lm cnt~

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Mad· I ·ln ~! .l

" \\' h ell' s hall I hav c th e drive l' se l le d Id n o t rl'/llellliJer h11l1. h ' v" I\lIk of If J d n n o t :<ett le thcre, t ake yo u?" , humbly :"Imill e d li e hlm ~(M hlld I ~I' I I I le t )OU kn OlL Un l es~ you S h e Ka ve hlill h O' I nrldress and t hen been of an unImagInabl e hea l fl o m me, co me thel e . at he o'lld the chau ffeu r III adl'ance ull llllpo Jl llnc e n ui eVl' n h~ 1' I cl~h( LOlllon ow evc nlll p:. I deSIre on a l; udd " n 1111'1ll00Y. but m erely a wa ltE' I ' S htlv i to havC' a lon g ta lk wllh yo u. " a ntuu nt du e f o r tl 1I'l{ht's Sel Ylc e . Stil i, III that low l v cHp ll r lty, h e S h e took t h e s lip he gave h el' I t 1I ,1~ 11 c ()lll fo tt to lI utrh the ta x I- 'had da ll y s een Mnd e m o l 1'11 (', and l Hll d h,Illt/(·rI hl lll fiv e cloll al~ .1h l a nl~h t o\lan! Fifth A Vl' l1u e . IInce o r tW ice ha d d on e l' mall SC I "nl'nll, ntIH~ I ," sh e \lta m ed , " T, Il l' h, ld 11 fla n tl c wl-h t o b e al o n e . VIC..." for h e r s u c h a call Y n " t ('si am 1I1l ~:!n~ you No( a \lord to 10 uI'glO hl ~ qu est a l unce. In a to her fne n ds . ~ an y OIl(!



th~ w~lter,

-=-=c-=---PINKY DINKY

~:;l(p~~I~l nIBu'~

he 1~1\'~lodt s~I~~le t h! la dy 10 t he best of h IS abilIty. El' c I>llcked in s eve n m inutes. he was nut o f th e h nte l IIvent l·. t h l ce mi nuL es uftel' had left H amilto n . S he wa lke d aCl O~~ 10 th' n e xt a\'('nll(' and t h e re p ickN IIiP a tnxll'ab (To be co n tinucd)


-=::...--~ - - - ------::.:::=:::::..


WII I'la~e L BU:x~~r to E d ard E Rbo~ t 33 ac r es m wH a mil : t Jo~ep'h a n d Ka th ri N

Vahs is P hll a d e Jphia n . B osto lllans call it vaws. But G otha m 's haug h ty bon b o n to S a y vaze, and s mil e b ecau se nlld T I' u s t Com p a n y 373 2 acres Ou t W est-say, in C hicag o, In T u r tl ecree k tow n s hip ' That hU lltl ing , hurry ltlg p luc{', Mil es B eac hl e r t o Ed~ard B ea c li Th e na tive s speak so odd ly, le I pmt of lot 3 111 Franklin t wp. Th e a ctually say- vase.

L~bunon.Citizens Na~ionaiB:~k

- -:======~! ==================~=================


E as y Enough for Pinky

P,N ",., . o-! ERt:'!i Qv~"I ION


'''' H AT TlME')_ TWO?

' cycle.

Baxtcr, to n twp

y ER'f GOOD.'




THRESHER SUPPLIES-BELTS pulleys, babbitt metal, oil cups. Injectors , lubric:atorl, IIteam ancl


wa er gaugj!s, gauge glaaB, olle", pac king, boiler flues, suction baH and tank pumpl. THE BOCKLET CO. 416 W . Main St, Xenia, Ohio.


5% Farm Loans



InqUi~~d:t" t~i~le!m~e~~30

LONG OR SHORT TIME-Eat, terme. Also Surveying and Ab~tracting. Write ' and I will ~l lind s ee you. Sam D . Henkle, Way. nes ville, Ohio. J11


LOANS on r." ;veatock, Chattela, Second Mortares. Notel bourht lohn Harbine, Jr. , Xenia, Ohio.









Farmers. Attention Farmers or Warren and 4'djolnlng co unties may obtain mone, on long time loanl, at 6 rer cant 1Ilt erest. COl t of securing the .am. is V!!ry reasonable, throug" The Federal Land Bank. For furthe .. ill formati on can on 0 .. addle.. II. ~ DRAKE, Tre asurer, pbone 811X x..'..non. Olal,



nlil1tocral·Y. He now lives at ' FOOD CLUB LEADERS MET Oxford, ' )n the shadow of the -IS-S-U-E-D-E-V-E-R-Y-W~E-D-N-E:-S-D-A-cv- -torlc unhtersity. ond runa a little Five of the six food leaden of II theatre where hG J>roducee olir' 4-H club In Warren County met - - - - - - - - - - Inal play" at the Farm Bureau ot'l\ee on The · mue!o ~tudent8 our D. L. CRANE Publl.her In another l'espeef John Mille· Thursday. May 111. This meetin, Mehool illve a very enjoyable relIi Ph f\ Id ditren from the traditional \Vaa wen attended and the work eltal in the Auditorium Monday o ce ou ................... .... No. 112 \l ooti he Is a teetot~llel·. "Irisplra- for the coming tnonth~ discussed. I'vening. The to y ol'chestra WIIS an RealdeDc, ........ ............. , ... No. 118 lion must come f"om Q man~s own Th e prujects in f Oo cl this yeoI' lnlel'e~ting reatm·c. Th e junior 01'otd and n ot from alnohol." he .a r e \imi~ed to two, "f'ruits f or ehestra mllde Lhl!ir seco nd public lub.cription Price, $1.110 a SIIYS. He is now 56 y e ars old, with Every Da y" und "M ell I Pre para- appeamnce lind s how r e mul'ka ble cv:e r y ex pectation , ()~ t~veny y e~,'s Lion ." Many le nders r epo~t an in- PI·ogI'C~S. So lo . cluet!;. trios, oc&,,1., • .1 al Po .'olfi .. 01 W .. ~ n .. ull l. · mil!, of PI'09 uctrve. h fe , d~nng crease d nr!ll!men t fo r thIS year. tett~ . lind c h n ru ses made up t h e Many a building-old in point of Second CI ... Mail MOlle. which c \'er yth rng he \Hl tes WIll QC . I.t was c1 ec ld ' cI to mnke the e~- rc~t Il f th e p l en sin~ program. service-has been made to look l'agedy reud all ove l' th e wo rld. hl?lt!< lit th Wa~"~n (J un ty ftll r Th ,I, Il y W fl rk(i r~ • cw in!!, clu b ~lll s fall c lu b eX~ liJlts. rath .. " tha.n h,.lt! their o rgan i:(a ti o ll meeting in young in years with good steel roof· MAY 2 1, 1!I:J O ITIdl V,du il l ex hibIts. tll eh cl ub IS I th e H o m !' Ecnnomic:; r oo m . at uring. Channeldrain is steel roofing • • t o choose a central then~c. · nnd da\'. ulld r th e dil'l~ ction of their ~==~======~~======~ I I cany . It thro~l!h th e exhIb It. 1t IId\'iso r. MI·s. Dor othv Hawke. The at its best-made to give a life-time I THE SUPREME COURT I was al so ~ e cldcd t u h~\·c. t l'~lm following olli ('1'" ';vc\'{' "I('c ll' d: ~ d('m o n stl'a~lon s at the c llnlln;lll.D n IVl al'jLlrie :tUIIIP. pre::; iel e nl; Virof trouble~free roofing service. I - - - - - - - - - - - - - I·?~t('~t thl!' ~ umm ~r and n o Ill · !!,i Il ill I)a \'i ~ . vi'C'- p!'('sid"nt; Anna POETRY AND LIFE I clJvldual d C lIl o n s trutlon ~ . Mac!)I1""ld. ;;(,<:I'l't llry . trl':1 ~ u!'('r· I Th ere ure two e qually ho n est Th ('!'(' le ad e !' ~ \' ot(' d f o." ":- Ul"." Rt !le'nll Pa\'i ~ . a ~si~ tant' ~e('l'e tarv ~ • ____ _____ ___ _ _ _ _ ' I)" ints o f v ie w held by llI e n o f 1. u S date fill' ('o unt r I'lrmlnat!IJn .. S . I ' I '· • . t t l ttl ' '1'1 h t I. 1Illl'Iam. I UIlIP, r t'c\'('at\(Jn e r. difT"r i"J,{ co nvi c ti ons. in t he mutte r co n c S . ) U 1I ~ WI 11.\ ' (' " ve lin d Ali c {' Kath le (." a nd (;ray r en f t ir e· q 'lulificulion s of a Jus lice of aPfJ'rnvc d hy th l! loUlIng Ol'ub por t r~ . Th l' next nll' (' tin~ will be Th e Onn nlln ('e ll1 e n t that .J II III th e ~uprem e Co urt o f th c nited le aLll" s. 'T I ft 111 20 a Ma s etit-Id ha s Iwe n appoint l'd I' Ul·t Stu t e s. One view i. thut n o mfln Th o." fl r .. ~e nt w r re III rH. Omar u. '·~ ' a y II cr noo n, . II Y . • La urcnt .. o f England. ~ u c('l-e dill~ " ollill;~worth . L!' lllin oll; Mrs. (iI~ll1ty.lunc!l .. w.a~ .". r \'~'I..,A I' N' a nrl th e Int" Rll lH' rt BI·id!!'cs. r l'\' i \' l'~ ill Edith Luken s . I'l arvey s ht'l l'g; Mrs' j K,llhleell (tI,I~. I('po llel .. t('r'cst in I' (lI'II'Y a s a fllC'IIIl H of l'XNillu Co mpt o n, M a~o n; Mi ss Elhc l Th,' a llnu a l field IllN·t and bas pI'I ·s, iu ll. us w,· \1 a s in lhC' 1I11('i (' nt Me nd enha ll . v.' lIvnt·s vi li and l\1i ~s kl't <linn!'r wa s h <) ld o n th e sc hou l nm ec o f P oet Lalll'l'al e t o t he Kin !!' IIluri,' Be nh" I11. · L,·ballo n. I groun ds Friday . N um erous fi eld of Englllntl . _ ___ _ _ _ _ - I!'\·('nb. f,iI' wh ic h pl'i1.(·" had b N' 1l This is the kind of roofing service that Th e ea di, ' 1' P o(' ts Laul'l'a l l' \\'('1'{' d lt nlltl'(1 by hu , int's,; people, t llok will save you mon€y. let us tell you more a kind o f Itlorili l'" I'vya l lliin s tl'l'is Old Time New. liP lilt' for('n lili n. A bOUlI l l'lIuS din wh o were s UPP llsl·d to ~llund t he about it. Channeldrain is made of the Jl i, lory' s musl di sas trou s ea rth - n r r was ,l' I'\'l' d , cafC'ter iu ~ty lt.· , in pr ai se uf th e K inJ,{ lin C\'l' r y jlII Sk. II,: ' ul'l~ ,1 in China in 15liG th e n t· \\, ki ll' he n un~I.(·r thl' !!ym. li t s iiJ le IIct:lls io ll. Nutul'ally . th e n"emore costly COP.R.LOY, tbe Copper AlqllH t ( th e noo n h ll lll' . I wo lIasI- hull ess ity f OI' iJl!ill!!, it so rt o f lyrica l wh e n 8au.OOO !(::.!p~ ~..!.ill l'll. J.!am l·S were the f eat ur es of th e loyed Steel ••• and yet it costs no more "Yl·s -. rnall" d id not attract th e l a ft"1'1I110 n 's program. Th e m .... n hi v; h est !!,enius. an ti th ' n' Irll\'" than ordinary roofing! The money it saves W"'I IIV",)' th e high ~ ch()ol bo ys lind \) p(' n f e w ho lde rs of that till!' ' the lI u r veys llurg gradl' bll Y, won . Wh I I S~ narnt'~ an' nnW rl' rll e nlh c t'(·d you in repair bills will soon pay its cost. "J IIvc r th e rural iJoys 17 to 6. But wh e n Que e n Vi ctol'i n ' appuin - I t('d AlfrC'd T t' fln ystl n a s I.llu ... ·atl· a I. MI'~. C ha:;. H . Gray s pe nt FriIIl'W s tyl{' was sC'l. 'I" ' lIn :>"" 1I redoy aftern oo n u t t he Farm Bureau fu sed til writ.· IHIl·try tit ·ord.·r . H,· office in LeiJa no n fit a m ('('ti n!!, of did COl1lp O~C s O\ll e V('I'ses in COIllth (· W o man 's amp ·u mmitt ee . I. N. Mi ll e r. C iv il war \' el(' l'nn nl e f11 () r utio n I~~ . ~~~l1t!4 ill LlH' life of Owen J. Roberti Grateful Man Strongly Prai.e. ,li l.d at hi s ho m e o n Eas t Main s t.r r(' t early Thurs'd ay m orning. N e w Medicine a. He Tell. of ---;:F " s hou ld he ap po in te d t o th e Suf l)lI o\\' ing a n illn ess u f ~(' \' ral " >.; l"'l'llle Be ne h wh os e view s o n Hi. Experien"e m o nt h's dur at io n. Fun(,l'Ill se r\'i,' l's s ucial IIlId ecollomic questi u lls d u ".•,... .:'•..~.(~,. '~.. w (' re he ld Satu l'da y aft!' rtI oon. , n ot (' onform to th ose curre ntl y . . I Th e Massil' Town s hip IIlg h he ld by th!' Kr o up wN c h h uppen s n r . th ey lIIay I,,' (' Ul III l llrlVl-~ and , 1 111 " ~ I . ,. \.1 \ .. , I II' 1< fl l " .... 1ft " 10 1.1(> in contl'o l o f the U nite d S(' hoo l alulIllli bunquet WUR 8~ rv c d s pli t. llip III fr ill "r l,all "I' Hllil fl'Y 111 1 ." " Hi t " .., I ' H I ... .... '\ I ', ! ! ' l'l.! Shltl's SC ll a t e nt · lh e tim e. Th c in the sc hoo l Audit o rlulll ' 1IIul'an ~ \I' e l' to this , thc oppos ing view. da y e\'l'ni ng . Th e tubles w e re Or' n ge Frill e .. is that IlI c n o f c hurnc ter and in bcuutifull y ap po int ed. carr ying 1"('1' 1 two (Jl'an!!,t';; an d ~ l' l' i ll' at(' tegrily d o nut pe rmit th e ir p erout th e l·la ss eulors of ) !l3 0, green intn ·t-(' lio ns. Make an IIp''lIin~ in s ll n'.d "pinions t o el e t e r th e m from an d white . A d " lednbl e tW o-cuurKIl Wi '·'I(·h sel·t i,," jlls l lal'!!," l'nllll!!,h til interpl'l·ting the Co ns titutio n and banquet wus enju'YI·d . A pleas ing a dnlil IIf pa ssu!!,' f,. 1' ~(· e d s . whit'h ' til!' laws pu sRed thl'reund e l' in the prog ram o f mu ~ lclll numbers and r ho uld hI' I'e lll ,, \·,·d . !lip };P I·ti ,ll1 ,.. light of the iJest traditions of th e ~h o rl t a lks \Vas pr ese nted . Thl} illt ll iJatl,·,. and f,y i n d CI'p f ul. Luw flll d th ,' D('nch. hu s ine~:; lIl eeti ng r es ult ed In th e Urllill . [IIHI s prinkle with 1',\ \\'dl'r('.1 !\1 l' 1I have bee n n o minated for foll owillg otti ' C' r s being e lecte d: RESID E NT s uga l'. :-;" r'\'(' hot. with l,ralll{l" l hc Supreme Co urt ill OUI' time, Preside nt. H(' le n Ra ndall; vic e - - - - - - - - ::::...:::; - :-O H lI l'l' . and confirmed by the Senate, pl'('s id ent, IIt·ber ElIl"; ~ec l' etary . whose known so cial und cconomic Mll rie Gray. treas u rer. Ma ry MllnTHE BLUE AND THE GRAY Pim ie nto Fritt e r. \' it·ws were totally lit varia nce non; chuirman progl'am cOlllmittee PERMANENT LOCATION John Mue6eld wi th th o~e held by th e maj o rity of Howard McGuinn; chnirman lunch B frllJ,,:i. Mile. Finch . Ornin ('a nn cd PI!"1 nt or~ fin d till' Se nate at thut time. Th e cns(' cOlllmitte e. EVil MacDo nllld : cha ir. Y ' .' WIP l' a ~ llr )' as fln ~ " hl l·. I II~e l'l 111 t' och a s mull s li ce of AlllC r ic}l l1 royalty, but th ey rank alHong his of Ju s lice Brand e is Is in point, But ma n r ecep ti o n cOlllllllttee, Herb ert By th e flow o f th e IIlllln d. "v er. . Wh ence th c f1 t'et s o f Iron .havc r lll'esc. Sp rinkl e wilh sa lt and po or est w ork . But T e nnyson wus ther e was more t o the r ejcction o f Ca lT. chairman Bo \\'('r committee, LEBANON. OHIO th e great cs t poet o f his dn y. o nc Of .Judge J ohn J . Purker by t he SenLulu B ogan. (l e Ll . pUPP PI' IIl1d. dr c:o dg c w ith fl o ur. Eyes Exam ined the grcateRL wh o eve !' wrote in th e ute t ha n that he d o e nol see Wh{'\' (! the blades o f the grove- I Sa ut,· in butte r. (il'st nil e s id!.' 1111,1 . Ellgli ' h lang u nge, a nd he gave to I<o m ' things eye to e ye with th e Capt. Chos. Garn e r. of Columgra ss quiv e r th e u o n th ' ot he l' unt il thoro o l{ h l ~' Gla .. ". Fitted Repaira thc title of Po e t Lourcatc a n cw Illa jority of the S enator" . The im MR . ADAM KASPER bu s , wu s' the gu ('s t o f hi s m ulher As lee p are th e rank s o f th e hcuted and c h ('(' ~ (' II 'g ill S t., 1I1.1t. d ignity. pression was created by Judg e Par and brother over the w ee k-e nd . d ead :S .. rvl' n il squnn's of b u tler't! R obe rt kl' r' s o PIJOnents that he wu~ too I' rof und Mr~ F M Rnun o lds Und er th e so d and th e d t'w. t llas t. g'I\'ni ", ht'l1 wit.h pal' s l ~ \' . O r T e nnys'o n's guece. SOl', . I'It e rary coger f or the ottiee, thut too many "K onj ola certul nll'. did more of St Be . rna rd .,. . ~J Wuiting th e Jud gmen t Dny, ' dip in butler, anti fr~' in del"p fat. Bridges. was regor cI Ctj In M.-s.Floyd A ndc!'• circl s as II flr!\l -l'lItt· p o et. b ut h is pUI'l'I ~' pa rtisan cons ideration s en- f o,r m e thlln .on)· m edicin e I cve r , . . . . 'E th e'l MunnollU ncl eI' the o n e. the Blu c; d h fo r so me thin g s onl... of X ema, MI ,'s U nder th e oth e r. th e Grny . work has n e ver had ,t h (' popu IIll' ter ed into hi s n omination by the t TI e my se ~r~ d ' . ' .. Id o f Ti ppecanoe C it y, H oward ColuPPl.'ul thot T c nn y~o n ~ had . F e w Presid en t . Tho ~ c cons id eration s t o re e \ c me 0 n Iges tlon. sa letl and daughter. Mr . anti Mrs. A . k 1\1 d M E t From the s ile nce o f s orrowfu l o f hi!'. p oe m s nl'c .kn owll at all in al onc mig ht not hav e prev e nte d his r..t r : Ad ~ m Ka spc r , ~200 "Y. e8t Z H t Amerr cn. For that mutt e r, f ew of nominati on. howeve r. B cyo nd r Olty thIrd s treet, Cle\eland. No I\ian:~'nso~nd J~u'~lller, r·~ndrn~~ . h o urs The d !' ~lI l a t(' m O l1rl1er~ go . J o hn Mase fleld' ~ po em!! al'c kn ow n , them was the (fesire of the in - mottel' what I ate, no matte r h ow a nd M r~ . W . W . CO SS UIll . o f Wi lo.n . thi s Hid o !J f t he wate r. Th e only s urge n t ~I'OUp ill the Senate ~() IIg~ t my diet. after ever.y Tlleal came mington attended t h e Alumni Ban - Lov in gly laLle n wit h fl o W (> I'~, h Vlng Engh;;h poet wh ose w ork give PreSId ent H oove r a s lnp III gus . and pa1l1s. ~o nS l1patlO n , t oo, qu et Suturday eve ning. Alik e f o r th e frientl llnd t he hilS had American popu larit.y t he facc. That is pa rt of another ' add ed to m.y nlls ery, IlI\~ I WIIS f o(':30 Years Expe r ic nc' in Fitting comparable. \V.ith T en n~:~or:r'R !S c hupt er in the political history of l w? :n out, tll'cd a n th e ,lime and G. M. MacDo nold t oo k pal·t in a nrie r th (' !io,) and th ' d c w, a nd Making Gla sses Rudyard Klplrng lind Klphn g IS t he U nite d Stutes. which. wh e n ml se ra~l e be~au 5e my .5) . t e f!1 .was choru s r e citul at the incinnati Waiting the Judgm e nt Da y: now and o Itl man and probllbl e w!'itten, win de ul with th e effo rt fill~d Wlt~ p Oiso ns Ilnd ImpUriti es. Conservotory o f ,. Mus ic Frida y Will make the selllon Rt Ih e L. V. a tUndcr th e ro~es, th e Blu e; A f1'H; nd. told m e about .Kon- eveni ng. w ould n ot hllve acce pt ed the p ost o f the Se nate to c ontrol the e ntire . nde r the lilies , the Gray. Bran.t.ator F a rm o f La urea t e lJve n if it had bec n Gove rnment. JoIn and III s l st~d t.hat 1 t.r~ It. 1 The Alumni a ssociution will ho ld offered to him. And th a t wns out Prcsid e nt H oo ve r' s nom illatio n hlld lost all. f!~ lth 111 m ed lclll e bu t a f ood sa le in Mrs. Me rrill's 1'00 111 Sol... with an . e qual sple nd ll r Every Tuesday, Thursday, $10.0010. Insure Livinlr Fonl o f t hc ques ti un . sincc the king 's I o f Owen J. R o b e l·ts of Philad el- \ he wus so . Ins is tent. t hat I . made o n Sotul'd8v aftenl oo n an d eve nTh e m o rnin g s un -r ay~ fa ll, S .. turd ay appointm e ll,t was made ? n th c. ~e- : phia in placc of .Judge Parker up my n~1I1d . to g ive. K OIlJola a ing, Mny 24. All ,alumni m e mbe r s ' With a touch impartllllly t.end l' r . No c hRr ge for Examination com m e ndation o f t he prrm e m11\l5- !;ccm~ to havc bee n h is p e rsonal chunce . .1 he l esul ts e xcee ded my are usked to contribute so mething I On th e hl o:s O\11 S blo om ing f nr tel'. and thc l)Te~c lIl Prim c Minis- s elec ti on. uninfiu e nc (' d by p oliticul l expec.ta~lOlls, fo~ t oday ~ny s t om- towurd the sale a mI the Jluhli c is all:


Iteep Your Buildiags YODDg ia Years


""'0, ••

.------ ---- ---. 1






Life-Time Serviee







H. MADDEN Pbone 14

Waynesville, Ohio


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Kentucky Nighting~le I • Sight Specialist Jack DR. RUDOLPH

Cary'sJewelry Shop

ter . Ramsay Macd onald, is at orld!; ,or t e lTito ri a l co ns iderat io n s. Of j 8ch 18 p~rfo.rnllng a ::; It should urr ed to come and secure Ji(ood U nd e r'. t.h c so d , alld t~e ~e\\', . . with his pre decessor. Stun ley Bald MI'. Ro h ' rt' 5 qualifi cat ion s a s a and Ce;>Ils trpatl o n hu ~ bee n thorough tllIngs for unday dinn e r Wlllting the Judgm e n t D.lY· win who happen" t o be Kipling's (!'reatlawyer there are no tw o opi n I)' r~lre\led. I do no t w o nder. t~at . Bro idered . wit h gold , th e Blu e:. brother-in-law . iOlls. ~~nJ o la has more ~han 1\ mIllion The foll owing perso ns he lped Mellowed with go ld , th e Gruy. John Mnsefield is n different - - frlend.s. ~ ca.n eaSI ly unders tund Mr8. Ida H{)we c e lebra t e he r birthsort o f poe t. Englis h t o Lhe co r e . why. ~onJ ~ l a IS the. m~~t talked of. day W e dn esday at he r ho m e ill o when th e summ e r call t'lh h e hus cxpl'eRsed !n his poe ms a Nc·t E .... y to Nurse m e d, c llle 111 Am erica.. . Da~t o n: Ca~s i e oll ett • . Mary On f or est and field of gru in. d ee p s ympathy WIth anLl und e \'A baby e lephnnt w C' i~h s from When . tuk e n f or SIX ur e Ham es. Rosahu G o rdon. Elrzabcth With an equal murmur full eth standing .o f th e w o rkin~ c la sses 160 t o 200 pound s at birth. wee ks. K o n~ o ~R. th c. new ond dlf- Penncy. C leo J e fferi s , Cleo Kirk. Th e cooling drip of th e rain; and thl! 'under do~s' gcnl'l'u ll y His ' - -- ___ - f e rent m ed,l.em e. wl.l~ work w ? n- i Evulyn Shumake r, Dorothy 1.l awke U nd e r th e s od and th e dew. youth Wl\!; gpe n t 111 povc rty, one Can't Plea.e Everybody d c rs that \\111 a stol\lsh t.hos.e _\I ho Carl Ge ne ~.Iawke, Luuru hld uke r Waiting the Jud g m e lll Day '. almost says li S a trulIlp. He sl.!rv ('d s uffer from th ,: stubb?11I Ills of Emma Ellrs; Kathryn Mahun . W ('t with the rain . th (' Bh,,' ; beforc lh e must as n ::ni lor. found Thi ~ j o h of s u);plying th(' peopl e t he s toma c h. IIvc r , kidneys .nnd Ida H e ndrick. Minnie O!!'l e bee . W e t with th e ruin. th e liray . him Re lf l'<trand"d in Ne w Yo rk and with th e good s th ey wish, of th e bow<:I~, and fr 0111 rh eumatIs m. Oba .Welch, Sumh Wright , Ann u l!.a1'\led his bed nnd b oard by aet- very quality they des ire, of styl e rwurrt l!, an~ nerv0 ll;sness. . HarrIS. Marga r e t Tuck er, Mary No m o rC' shall th war-('I'y sever. ing a. a porter for- a friend ly up ' t<:J th e minute, llnd' s atis fyin g KonJolu IS sold \11 Waynesville Harvey, Bertha Gordon. Be rdu 01' t he winding rivers be I' d; 'nloo n-k ee pel'. Yet his poe m, all us tom e l's, so me o f them un - at Adam. Drug . Sto~, and by "nil ~or~an, Emma Clin e. Rub y tump. hey banis h OUI' ullge r forever "Rey na rd t h e P ox." brou~ h t him r ClIso nllbl e 'eno ugh, is not nil the best drul;fglsts . 111 all . towns SusIe GilIom, Mary Tucke r, Wht'n th ey Inurel the gruves of the in stunt approvlIl of the English I uses IIl1d pic, after all. t.hroughout thIS entire section. Myrtle Thomas . .Tcnnie Groham. our denl! :_____ F loren ce Daugherty, Maxine Under thc sod an d th c d ('w . Daugherty, Walle r J ordan, .Jam es Waiting th e Judgm e n t Ho y : Clin e. A bountiful co ve red di s h Love and leo rs for t he' Rlu !'; m('ul WII S served at n oo n. Tcars a nd love f ur th e Gr.lY . The baccnlaureate s ermon was Tel13:-=...-----~=----By Alber, ReUJ d elivered t o the ~rnduute s S unday ev(> ning by the Re \,. Th ornbury.

Too Tale the Census

L. V. Branstrator

Phone 115 F2

Wayn eSV ill e, Ohio

~!!!!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!!"'~~~~~~~_ _ __ ~

Dead Stock Wanted




Fully E(!uipped (or

GO(\( '

~en·ice .

Lange Display Room . Ambulance Service

tT~:I.EPIIONF: _____________________ IiA Y O il NII; ~I'I 7




Harveysburg Fertilizer Company

IOr.C. W.ANSON Veterinarian


Phone 93


I will sell at PuiJlic Auction at my ho m e on Main St.. on Saturday, May 31 1930 Beginning at 1 o'C\~ck the f o llowi!lg househo ld goods: KIng C lermont hea ting st ovC'. Clermont range. Perfection oil heater. Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet. Oak Cupboard, Ice Box. Lawn Mower und Gardcn tools . ANTIQUES Walnut co rn er cupboard. walnut bed and wushstand. 4 kitc hen ~huirs. BRYON C PRENDERGAST W. N. Se:trs, Auct.







The Junior- ~enior banquet was se r ved at lh e attractiv e hom e of . Mrs. G . M. MacDo nald. W e dnc sday eve ning. Tw e nty-four were. s l!ated lit the iJe autifully appointed table. the de cu rations and f ood carryillR' out th e clas!'! colors of ' green IIl1d white. F o ll owing th e ~lInquet u thealer J.I!lI·ty wn. e nJoyed.

- --


Fritlera Tempt Sprinc Appeti .., Fritters are one of thos e app('tiz ing s mall t.hings of the ~ublc that add an air t o an otherWi se rath er ordinury nU'ul. Here are some good recipes for fritter' s for any on e of the th r ee m eals.

ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN your Cattle, h ogs. sheep ond ca l v ('~ to Norris-Brock Co., live wire nnd progreaaiVe firm for the hi!ll\('~t market prices -an,1 good se r v ice . UnIon Sto'ck Yards, Cincinnati , O. Reference: Ask fir st m a n yo u lIIeel


Waynesville, Ohio


National Bank Pea"h Fritter. E. tate. Settled Will Drawn Dip halved can n ed peach e!'! in sweetened fritt er iJutler amI then I will take in W oo l at :'11,11 ', ~a \\' Wayneaville. Ohio fry th e m in dc e p fat. Drain them thuro ughly on brown pap e r. mil Mill. Corwin , Oh io. u n them in powderer !lugar and se l'vc' TUESDAYS AND FR IDAY S them h ot. 1.1 i!!, h st Ca~h Pr i ec~ W. J. BAKER .Corwin. Ohio Chee.e Fritten A rId grated cheese to frille)' bat t er drop by spoonfuls !Ilto th e h ot f d v~ fat. drain on so t pape r an s er ~ w 'l th a l'l ttle gratcd cheese 5pl'ln}lIed over each. Ap-p-Ie- F - ri-t-teu

NOTICE OF AI'POINTMENT _____ E S t lite o f J. L. Jiarts ock, de ceased. . N otrce is he reby J!'ive n thnt Addi e A. Hortsock has becn duly o~Dointed and qlJnlified a~ Executrlx M t h p. F: ~ tlll e of J. L. Hartock late of · WOrrE!n Cou nty; Ohio Pare and: cor.c ~e~eral . apples. deceas ed. ' C ut cross wIse III thlll s ll ecs . ~o Date d thi 16th day of May each will b.e ,doughn'lt s hll pecJ... DkllP 1930. I in lemon JUIce and ~he n s pl'ln e W Z ROLL [ with brown sugar. ClllnamOIl and Judge of the Pr~b~te Court . nutm eg. Finally dip in th'\lSU~1 WarrCln County'j Ohi~ I fritter batter. and f~y qUIC dY IIld , hot fut. Sllrlllkle WIth pow ere suga l' just as served. Which Do y,)U Prefer? Ba.aD. Fritt .... $weet things ar'e best tasted at Bananna should be cut in the tip pf the tollltUl1, and bitter round slices about aD inch thick; thll1CS at thl1 back: 01 the toni~e. • <



VACCINATION With Dependable Serum and Virus i'naureBQoth Safety and Success

Dr. W . E. Frost· HarveY.burg, O. Pba •• 31

, .( " )01




.S lqtpson

W illill lll 13r0wn, wh o has been ~<'II!i Ill'd l o hi s bCIl for t h e plI ~ 1 t WQ yl'lll'~, hils b Cl' n ll1u ' h WIl I'se Deal~r8 lhe pu ~l ' w e ·k. i:'1'\'I' ru I lir r s o 1I11 a t l e l1ll cd lhe S hl'uLJlll! ry mcoting- III th e COllntl'Y ', \ {l home nf 1\11', lind l\1r~ . uri Duke \ dne. dl~Y aft ·I·noon . . Sal'llh (' 0 rri Ill' FI II'llU K o f R u ute f, hll ,. iJc e n Ilu ilc ill w ith lh e nlt'u s, le K I he pa ·t wl·ek . ak " II. lIIis: Edith 'rum of MI'. H eu lthy s pont Thul'lIduy und F riday with Miss Eva W hart o n and o n Friday t hey ultcnded the cluss picnic at I. cSo u l)i . vrll e Luk e . n ellr Hnm illoll 1\11'. nnd Mr '. W illiullI 'o le lllun nlld ~ I i ~ s T~hlm a wc r e L ebll li o n I'i:; it. o l'~ TIIlII·s dav . . .. f t h , {; 1'lW,U n lld - B cttl' R ou t. za hn SIH'lIt ~ l"' cI'al d ay s IIl~l wI' e k with t w ir g- ralld - ilw i hc r . 1\[rs . Mary g " it ll oLL at Til'Pl'C lllI 'H' city. i' l r. li nd 1\I 1's . .1. U. ,J (lnl' ~ w ('1'(' Sunday u f tl'l'lI"<t n g ll.'. t s u f 1\11'. alld ~ I rs. Carl I' il'k ,' ring IIlld fU Ill il.l · II I'al' ( ·" li tl' l' l' ill('. :\11 '. nn d 1II1' ~ . (' 1.1'<1(' Wh n l't o n :lIld d:lll g'h t cl's w('I",' S unda y din 11( ' 1' gll( 's t ~ "I' ~II'. nlld Ml's. Jllwl · -a t i ~ tl lI ("1'11111 II lid fal1lily at 1\11. $lIlJllne Polh, rJ, 'hu g lll ~ : o j l!""I" ' " I ·... ·.,l ,,[ \ . 1, ; :1 11.1. I;!.k:ng t!I~ k .Hlill).: part ill ialll'>!i. ai'p lc 1I ,·:"thy . p:l~ca nl a t Win chcstt'r. ''' Ii ch al " , )" mhC'r ; III SUlIllnt:r ill lh t l!eaut iful " a lk~' uf ~1,,' n .ln( l ua h . .~Ir. II . 11 1. Cl a l'k alH I 111 1'. and ~ ll's. ('Iwl'll's C IIIl'k WPI'I' call .. d to S P E CIALIST .MAKE S VISIT PR E PARING FOR CA MP I " ·" .I·I1(·s l·ill !' ~ 1 ,, "r1 HY l11 o rllill g' by AFT E R THREE Y E ARS ----t hl' ,!' l' itlll S illlI('ss o f l hl'il' hl'llthl'l'in · lll w I-:l n1l' l' Holte rs. , T hl' \\" 1/111'11 " Camp ~o n lll1 i ll"(' I I1 I'l i1t tl,, ' 1,' i11'1lI BUI'I'all .. Irk .. " 11 I ~ I r. al1d 1111'S. Walt er Ke nrick \ ' idll r II . I 'i,, ~ l' xtl'lI , io ll " I) '(' ial ;\Iay I I; til IIl11 k" I'la ll~ 1' ('1' II1\' ' I all' I 1\1I'S. 1\1OI'l'I.S 111'11 0:11 11 I ,'I'. I (! r ntPh o ne 6SF II I i~ t, II s~ i s ll' " c "ullty Ag" ' 111 <'la ,s (·,lInin t! (':111 11'. T lli s ('allll' \\'ill II\' I"nd"d Ih " A lull1lli at ·Pl'i ll g' i.J Ul'lI WA YNESV ILL E . OH IO \\'i l h II ",,·i,·s "t' I'H,.,I 1ll" "l ill )!" lin d 1" .1.1 "nll1l AUl.!Il s t ~ ti til ~ !I ill , S:llll l'day I'ven ing' . .\ I rs. I\ lal").(lIl ct ,J llhllS and ~Ul's t . l l·i,., il s III FU I'1n 11 11 111, ' d " llIoll s l l' a - "I u s i" l' III ( 'a llip II Il"k. th(' l3 t1 y - - - - - - -- - - . - - - - - li o ns ill Warr e ll ( '"unt,\' Ills t SI' (l llt C':l 1I1 1' "t' Ihl' 7Ili d dl l'lo\\' 1I ,\I r s. El izabl'l h • mith, of DII\'ton. W,'dn" sd av , I\l ay I -I. Th ey nll!t at ( ' '' lIl1ci J. ~ I i,s ,\l lIry Lon)!, \l'hll was \\'!' I'(' oYl'l'-n ig'ht ~Ul'sts Fl'id uy lit i, til< ' h" Ill('s o f Ed . M un'(,11 W :ls hin" ... III C'a ll ll' IlI sl ~" ' al ' i ll 1'!11I1')!," o ( /,\" I h~. IlO lll e II f '1 I. r. a n( I· 1\ ! I I'". Am l}s l in n tllw ns hip, Chas. I'lI l'k,·I', S al "1lI IT ' 'a t ill ll \,·ill th"r,. a t!ain Ih i s . Cvo k n e al' WaYIH' S vi lJ l~ . I t c' \\'I" hi p and Carl Pili,,·. (,kal" Y"III'. A pl' II J:ralll " I' hnnd" " I'I;, "," i\11'. lIlld ~In'. ;\I~'l' l' " ~' l lI:ln "lid A lI umher (If rl'1 ut iv cs amI (' I' I' <,k t o wn s hip. \\'hl 'I'C' plan t ill)!~ " I' " 1' /l t ill il. ~ \\'il l1 n lil1g. \ ' C" I" ' I'" 1I11d .\1 1'. anri ;\ I l'~. L . II. Il lll' r kh' \\'1'1'1' I' l' ipn (h; o f th e j!rlldulIl('~ fr om he /'(' na nll'l y . JIIi slil' s E l'll \ Vhlll't o n u n d HIt/·u l,!."I'V IIIIS mad" 1I1'"l ll 111I'l' l ('limp 1,' 11'1 ' pl'nJ,.( ran1 ~ l\'t.rt' plan n ed ( 'i ll l'i nn:lt i l' i ~ il" I '~ lo da y. \\' anc III CIal" k all! I 1\1. 1'. \ Varrell ~ · I'II I ·S.· ,. \,,... ,. I'll '1('(' " 1',1.\11(''' ' III 1.1·, ln .s· All ill 1I,," 1I1 ill " . th is y<'a l: w i.1I bc' <\ II . " • . :ln d ~ u)!'gl·~ ti " n " ,,{fl' r"d t il " l' X- Ili ll l ll llg' 1i ;.11."", (,:1 1 " XII lI llJl all' "1 fu r . .\ 11': I·. I. 1I 111·t s,,(' k and fnnllly 1I 11 nt~ IItt c ntll'd the Co nlln'lIt'c(" 1', 'a l1 l1'" (,h ic k <:' n lI ' n , inn ~ p cc iali sl s. l 'i"IIII',,:, .. r th (' nli t h "", d C'~i l' i llJ.: I t. III ,\ I dfol'ci , \I' ,'I'l' ;-;lI1HlllY !rul'sl s u f lI1('nt at \ V'IYll csdll c GYI1l Thul' s .\ 1'1\' 1' " tat ll P" pl a c l's ~ h ow ,' d qui t " li n illl p !''' '',,It \l a s \' " 1,,,1 til s" lId "" (' ,,'''man ~ I I'~. Edith 11;1t'l'i" an d family. day e vening . . '" . . 1': 1i HU HSl' JI, MI'. anti Mrs. Gu y I IIll'n t fl'nll1 til,· 1'1 01 11 Ii 1I,l.'" durin/! til S lat,. ":Inlp till' fir" l . wI '"k. in l ,.\ ~ p:l/,:I ).:' II ~ " n T O:1 ,t th£' fir~ l Ihr ('l' ,·('al·,. . .\ l t ill' 1' :1 l'i- .111 1.1'. t il h l' llIl! 1.:1 1''' IIll o l'lnali, .n ' S Pl'lllgtlll1(, IS w e d dl n)!, ( tn ll'. Huu lzuh n Hnd MI '. a nd Mrs. 'J um es .·,dad IIl1 S p lnCl's ;'I I I'." Hi,,' 11i1111,·d '' /It'h :I nd in" pi r ll t ill ll 1''' 1' t h e L'UUll t~' \\' ('ddin)!, r in e:s and Il: if'ls li t ary 's J ohn s cnj oyed a thre e <iny fi s hin g H i ~ t:llit ~ ! plant II1H1 give il:, " I" 'c ia l .. ha l'n " ·1' C lIIllJl. .1 ·w,' tr·y Shup, L l.ha l111n, Oh i(. trip t.o HII ~:;e ll 'ti P o int l a ~t we ek. i ~ t il' s n ~ II) s huli l' a n d s llllii g ht 1',," 11'. a n i I . I l's. J . B . J o n es. M es. .. . ' . "' ' . '1, h is (,HIliI' i~ II pI' II to a. II Y Whl1l:ll1 I '1 I t: \l unt I' II" h II (IC, t/'cs to at - I .\1 1':' . \\ :I It e r \, III 1 !l1II ~ n neI c I11 I- calli I IK ' II Ui l'l' llll' . lrtS. h i ' hc· igh t' ,If I g' l',,\\' t h t I1, II I tll' 's J l' 5s ll' L u lI~a c r e an d E va (1\""l'Inll: a l lt S . \'te . s" t llit os C' t ,·n<l. thl' f ('(,' i" $ ;1.;'0 ;i s f (l l'm'r\ y . d/'l' lI o f l\ ill~ Il1 I1Il, \\'l'l'l ' J:U('" t s o f Crahulll, 'n' r e Duyto ll vi s il o l's Mon pl'c~l! n t c·"u ld hal'(' 11 1"'l tl' l' i<l"ll Ill' r \ 11.1'. li llI' ." ' 1 • ' IlI' li g 1lI,"rm . I' . I ill IIlIl ~a l\ •\1 I" . F'\u II I .1'"1l 1e~' an. I CIIlu)!, hl e l' I IllY· . ______________ , what lu u., ,· fo l' il1l1 11· O I· i llJ,.( Ihl'il' ,,1 .. 11 111 I 11 '11 111 1\11'''. blllh ~1. 111111 - I" d a y. i\1 1'~ . . II. liam e!> DIllI SO il, MI'. fal'lll honH·S. Th e y al "..i ~ t " t'l'l' d in kc'l'. II nnll' d t' I1l ,)ll s trnli ', n ag'clIl 0 1' and l\ 1 1'~. W a lte r K e nri ck were, u n till' a (l" r n OO Il at till' h'"ll" n f L. fl'IIIl) Hny "f' til£' followillg" clllll lllit ~ I I'. (;CUI'j!C Ihl\·i" 'lind Histe l' Idll Y eVI' nillg d inn e l' j! uests 'Of Mrs. A . \ 'o" l'hi R 1I ('al' ~ l a s" 11 "h o "llIn - t l'l.' : ;\11':'. Ho~' IV,:,s. lIa llan T ow n - ~ll's. Hils a \\' ''11'' 1' 1' o f 1)i1 \' l o~ I E va H uin es in Dayto n. n l' ci hi s 0 \\'/1 s che llH' nr fal'llI h ll ll H' s hip; ~l r". lIany I'alntl'/'.. l\ l a~on; \'I"llc . . <l 1\1[>. I . I·;. S t u ll difo l'd . las t Mi ~s Sal I ie S ' mith h ilS rcturn e d . t o her ho m C' ill WayneSVille a fter int)1I'O"I' lllcnt IHI'~ Iy ihl'ou g' h lh,' 1\11':'. ~ l lIril' Gray. II l.1 n ·l'y s hlll'f{; Thu l's day. U,;(! o f ('ve l'~l' ee n 5 . :'II I'S. W alt l'l' I)r.-anl " tl': 1'I'" nld ill. 1 ~ l' e l1ding th e wi nter w ith Ml's . Rull C' t ins pe r tai nin g- to Rl':1 l1l i, lI l' l\11'~. 1':111111:1 P odl'r, :\1ainl.' v ill !'. I 1\11'. all d Mr s . S a u l lI u r\\'il'h of Belle Scott nlld family . PAINTER, 11 0 m ', R () ~I'~ , 1 I 1\1 1\1 F I Iur k a ni I f y in g lh c Farm Pe re nni a l ~ and o tllt'1' ~illl ilar mut ----- - I .(. lan o n . \\' (' 1'1' dinn I' j!ue st!; of 1'. and l·~ . ~ar PAPER HA NGE R leI'S wel'c di ~ 'us~ (! d l1 nd an\' on e! D EA THS 1\11'. and Mrs . i\ l yel' lI y m n n Tu cs - daugh t e r of Broo kvill e were guests e ls e wh o d e!< ires a copy (I I' in 'f ol'ma I dU~' t·\· ... nin g". o f Mr. lin d MJ·~ . W a lter lark 0 11 1111' B rn n ~ trn ­ and . family nntl atten dcd Ollllu I' far m. That is why MILLIONS MORE t im\ 1\ I Ilng thi s I ihc s h nu Id SCI' Fun e ra l ~el'\'i c('s for . Fl'an (' i ~ . S. 1\1 00 1' 1' (I f W us hing-l o n, D. ml'nc !'m en t at Wayn e s ville Thul's Coun t y Ag'e nt la ~' Il l' c a ll al t he i R () ~.· nn)! l c , I)• .I'1.·'l r s o ld, lif e long C'., \'i s it d \'(' !at h ' ps and f' ··l e nd." cla.1' evc n in .... people are Goodyear users. We Pho n e 1) 5F2 F a rm B ur eau offic c . I e llt.o f S ' I' r! ng- I )(>1'0, we re I1e II C hl)l'e o y c r ( hI' \\·c e k · e nrl and a ll ' nd~" 1\11'. nnd Mrs. C harl es Mu ll e ni..x can prove WHY before you buy! at tw o 0 cl ock Sa tu r day afll' l'Ilo o n (' d the alumni I"un i .. n und 1\11'. and Mrs. W a ll eI' K e nric k WAYNESVILLE, OHIO :Ask for the Supertwist demon:It Spl'inKh o r o Univ L' rs lllist ch urc h. all e nd e d th e funeral n f Francis S ub scribe for The Mi a mi Gaz ette... ' c· . b . n Un. a I wa s 1111\( I(' III ,.., pnn~ 0 1'0 1'1 11'. a n d I\l l's. 1I 11 1'II ev ltyC hnrl 'IS Hos n ug- Ie at the Universalist stration. ~~~~_ _~~~"!,!!~~~~~~~~~~~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" Il:(,ll1ete I'Y. . lh e ir dinn .. r guC'st · o n ·S u ,ida.\' I\i ~. c hurc h at ,p l' in gbol'o at urday ~- -_. .I i\lr. Ho s n;lJ~ l c di e d W. dl.les ,lay I Hn d i'l rs . Ed. II l1rls oc k of S~ l'ing nfter n oo n. I' A A ~ f ll'l' n oo n li t th e h Olll e o f h IS ~o n- Vall e~' , Mr. lind ~ l l's . 11I 1'c lle Rv c I Mr~. S. H. Burn e t fell from an on " ." ' " A&' Il l-law a nd duug'h le l', Mr .. alld MI'!;. Hll d (' hildl'ell, lr . a nd Mrs. h lis. lIu t ol11o hile C)/I C evening la s t w ee k I Ha rvey Burnell,. Cl' lI tl! r v !l~ e whe r e Rye, f.1 lld in j ur e d h e r s h o u ld e r and UI'I11. h p hnd 111l~dc ~11 ~ h." IlI C SInc e th e Dr . an d Mrs. Rudy Seige l and Superior to many higher-priced tires. A value only d of . h l ~ '~Ife /lin e w eeks a g o. i\11'. li nd 1111'S. II. B. Earnhart ~o n of in cinnati were Thurs day • t> ur v lvllt j! hll11 arc o ll e s on, Dr. IIlld daug'htel' Naomi , M I's. Violl~ v ue s;l s of MI'. alld Mr s. William the world's largest tire builde. can olTer. 1'.:\I·nl' s t R ()~ n agl c, o f L o nd o n, 0., lIarl un. 1111-. n lld Mr . . Robert Cl"w L ong, RECEIVES MORE MONEY ON Hnd t h ree ,tllIu fl' h l~r:~, Laura HUS- Ia rtd P hill 'as Oa-VOar Wheel '-rleM 'nuk \\' e l' e S unduy SCI' I'al m e n f ro lllTippeneano e lIu glc o f C II1 C\ l1nali; . MI'~ . 11. E. dinlle l' g-Ul'st~ of "':\ll's . Anni e Gili- C ity ure ca mpin g at t he Lytle EVERY CAN OF CREAM Il lI thll\\'a y of \o" nYI1C~II llI e , a nd 1111'S iJo n s and fami ly . c h ul'e h, d igging lind packing Balloon. Hi&h Pre •• ure MYl'tl', to b e so ld , part of which "Gentlemen: \ Ve can't affo rd BUl'nelt. . ' . 'v\ hat is mod e rn ? V i ~ i t Ca r y's ~ o e s ( 0 the o ld cou ntry. 30x4.50 $7.00 32,,4 to quit Tri -Statc, fo r we ge t so $10 .10 · W il ha l11 E. E ll wo ud, uA:c d Ga" J e wel'l y S h op- he a l' the bird ~ s in g _ _ _ .. _ _ _ __ 8,20 28x4.75 mu c h more f rolll ro u t han se ll- IIll'd ('a l'ly ~~ o ll •.lay nll, rnlO!!,. at t' n joy thc mu s ica l powdel' b o xes 10.60 33x4 8.85 19x5.00 14.30 in g to sta ti '\ ope rators or to . I ~l· . h Ol11c ('~ h IS nl l'c e i\ 11 :~. WHITe n an d s ec g- ift , in n ove lti e s as we li 32x4 ~2 ncarer crcameries. Y uu arc a l- S UI fa c l> I· lilt ['1'01 1 Sl.rVIC.":S w e re ,as j e welry , wlI ,t ehe s . and d i a rn ond ~ hdd lh ls n Hl I' nlO ~ li t 10 () d uc k at "The H Olli e of Gift s " . ways so reliable on the cans a nd th l' JI1"Cl u l'(' FUll e r al II vme and your policr . "i\ n)'t hi ng r-Iot bu ria l WIl S ill_ M illtrli _Cl! IIIC'lL'r y . ~. II'. a/ld 1I I r~. W ._ )1. AI.len and MI'. BUl'tv n Earnhart e nt e l'" Ri !;:ht, \Vc l\ Take It Ri ght," ~ '. . ., ' " • 1\1I. nllc I " l r s ..1. O. L m·tw l·u:, ht saw · f \ . I . \oV ,! ,d , IIJ{~ H.! dl(~ ,] S unc1 uy till' p lay "Se ve ntC' I' II ," presen t e d (a ill e d. und ay MI'. a nd Mr~ . Ern est s urc is tru e. Tri - ' l a tc 's fairness g is a by-wo rd in ollr ncighho r- Ill .lit B,t Iml honl !' nl'a l' . l1 ul'veys- . b y th ' seni nl' e lns. of Ce n t rn l fl' I r.lIl'nhart llnd fll/nily, Mr. 11 111\ Mrs In.")!' . . 1·.lI~ pl'a l . ~l! I·V .I :I'.H , .In char~e ~Ch fll) l. .X e n ia , las t Fl'iday nid~t~ Mnd i.·o n Earnhlli·t. AftE' rn oo n calh ood." Y ou rs tru l y , n f 1I.I IVl!vs hlll g 111.1 Sfl 11 It· LIlc1g-e . MI"" O lI ve' '\II " n I" I I f tl E le l's WI' I'e MI'. and Mrs. Gl e n Shel· ,re Il l' I ' .1- II t • I I Ie 1\1e ( ,'1lire I''lIlI e l'a I li ~ h. . d t' pclI.tlllc ' ' nt ' . d irl! e,! cled I 0 lI Ie' ' I/l g'- t on u II (I f D ay t o n . l\i(rs. Fannie Sewcll. \I, 11 ,, 1111 ' Ihl ~ Hft 'I'II UO II lit 2 V'dOCk ' j , 1C Jl lI y. I\1rs. Ed. Burto n h as returned HI/ri a l ill I\ l ial11i ce l1l C'lc I·Y. , ~ II·~ . Am.HI Ga dwOIllad e r, M r s . h o m e f or the s ummer. ---_ - bJ.lh lI ar.Tls , Mi ss Tri ll e n u EdMI'. a nd MI'''' 1~ lvis Micha el s pent The producer who sell s his 'f ~'lInd ay with I\lr R. Micha els pUl'e nts II \\,1II '( ~S . "'ss BA SE BALL SUNDAY i\1n l'g-lIl'e t Edwa rds , MI'. and Mrs. lI erbel't Marlatt. c ream to statio ns lI f1t Oil ly re MI·s. W. II. All c n. Mrs. Lee H aw k e '1 . . I\l rs. F.lI1ll1 U JII ('C lul '(' Mi ~~ EmiliO Mr. un<i Mrs. Raymond Os born ceivcs less for his oiv n crcam. 1 11' l! all1 ~ betwI:" n . t h e MIUIll IS J/ C'ig hwa y An,l Jl II 's . L . Ii. Go rdon s pe nt S undllY with Emerso n Dill he also sets a lo\\' er vnl ue on all .lnd t he A. C. u f WII I11IlIg'lon wh lc hr atte nd ed t he 'o ll vocatio l1ul . t- nnd ' fam ily . .butter produced. wa s s c he dul e d 1'01' ,' u nda y , was I illg of t he 'W o m a n 's A .y ~ee MI'. and Mrs. H oward Beam c nllcd olf o n ac co un t o f w e t h e l<i in t ill' C hUl'c h ur i IUtr y , s pent Mond ay with MI'. and Mrs. lIe R ye g r otl nds A . ' . n '1' 111' . 1\1'I< III sec nsduy lon nt 1\ IIII di t OIVn , l •as. t " 1' ' Mr •• Sewell'. fin e letter illu"rate. why olle r 80 Thou( d o\\'n S ha ll1ro ck s Thul's lY 1'. a ", d M 1'5. P . A. R unyon sand Dairyme n are on our PaJlroll, wi ll Iw h (' /'(' Su nday. lIl ay 2!l. This " , s p e nt S unday with MI'. Hugh is II s ll'lill ){ I('am IIl1d will g ive t h e MI' nn 1M ' W E C I P n r s h a l of Urbnnnn. . Writ e lor Tag_ or Free Trial Can. M illl11i H a hard butLle" 'lv c 'a f . "1 I ~. .~. ,o rn.el Ml's. Burge tt of Belmo nt is y C 0 I111' OUl a nd st'l' th,' 1!1I1l1 C. ~IIC fo il :';1.1 y dl~n"~ lSunlMla WIth s pe nding a few we ek s with h el' ___ _ _ _ u In ~ PI es c n .r. a n d daughter Mr s Fl'Unk Ke llis !'rk e lhi ~ WI'l'k : M.I·s. Will. M lc henl'r nnd fallli ly o f I M I'. and MI' ~. John Marlatt s pent I\J ay :!U . WERE GIVEN CERTIFICATES Plt~~uu rg. , MI'. a r~d Mr s. Ru ss e ll S und uy with hi s fath er MI'. J osep h -;-- --:1Salr~ I!~II 'y u nd fal11l~ ~' : Mt': li nd Mrs ' Ma l·lutt. " , , I hi f() lI o l~· tnj! PlIpris "f Way n c MO l rr s Co r ne ll, MI ~~ V c ln~ a co r - I MI'. and Ml's. Ca rm o n C rawf o rd r(}w.n~llIp I1 Ig'h ~cli oo l uel u w the ' ." e ll. MI'. Ru ~se ll .,toc ks tlll, Mr . s p e nt S u nday with Mr. Crawfo rd' s CO I·nl' lI. ~11-. and mothel·. l:.ert lh C'llt. es "t' Iligil I'unk h y th e I ,Ind MI S. B .. Stute. IJ 'partl!l c nt o.r Education:- Mrs. Hal p h JIllll e l' and family, Mr, / Mi ss Mildred Weaver of Dayton ~ellt~'l cC R o b lt 7.I.' l', 1ft 11 t h yea I' a nd Mrs. W a rre n Bradd ock and sp e nt the week- end with h e\' r b n ltlt s~; ~o ll lllc l H ard in in 10lh rI:1 t1g'h l e I'. moth e r Mrs. Earl Marlatt. r ~'l) I\\' .' h : ~ and La t in. V('rd e nn ---- -. MI'. A l' thur Morgan is slow ly improv ing from a serou s accid e nt )'o x III Lattn and G.l'ol1l e ll·y an d qor o.lhy W oo ll ar d In 9t h yea\' Y . F. M. NOTICE wh ic h happened last Friday. J~ n g lr sh. Th e r e j!ular m eelinlt o f th e Y. F. M. wi ll b e h eld at Raymond SEALED PROPOSALS CIGARS WERE STOL~N Ill'udd oc k's , ul1day evening, May , . ,.. 25 ut 7 ::lO o 'clock. Yo u ar:.e urged Will be r eceived by the Clel'k 'of M . n ..Ba ll'll ,' Su ns h1l1 ': lnn wn s to co m e lind bl'jng- yo ur f r i c nl! ~ . 1)/ ok e n 1I1 tO . M?I'Hln y ni g ht, und L es so n lea d e r, Mr s. Rh od es Bun th e Village of WayneSVille, State ~v e bo.x es o f c igars w c re s tole n. nell; De vot ion ll l, Ruby Dn le U nder of Ohio at office of Village Clerk ,rhe t hl c.f j!ull1 c d e ntron ce by pry- wood; R ee l'entio n , Ad a Grace in T ownship House until twelve o 'clock n oo n, Eastern Standard 11I j! a \\'/llelO\\' npe ll . Fin~ e 1' prin t s U nd e rw oo d : Time on th e second day of Jun e on Sl' \" " 'u l al'llc:II'S l o uc he d . wC l'e _ _ _ _., , _ _ A. D. 1030, f or Eight thou sand laIH·II . Th e y will bc se nt awa y and Hav e your mower Two V e ry, Very Good Ide.. U. S . ~allon s o f a ~ood gra d e of nlll Y hc !hc I1l l' a lls o f intl Clltif yrou d 011 to be !lpphed h ot to the ing th e' m l ~ c r pa nt, N ot h ing e lse in g round by same machin , s lr ee l s o f the Village of Waynesthc Inll wa s tuken . .r"~(1 col,le ge )J l' o f e!,s ors w e r e ar- ' vi ll e, Stale of Ohio, under the e ry . as u sed in the g.u l~~ o ~ c tiny tfbout , whut t h ~: dircct ion and superv is ion of th e \\. e l ~ gO ing' lo d o wh e n ~h ey .. t~ - , S tre et Co mmi ssio n e r of sai d ViIAUTO COLLISION factory. h e 11e ~.I~~(>d. firs t . 9 I ~ · Iuge . Application of said oil to pe snld: It req ui r e s (, to 12 weeks long~I'l h lli' Mllrgll ll, o f 1\1t.. H o ll y. IrI,e. to h:J v? !~ P()s lt to n H!> ~ lr e ctl~1 I c() mpl et e d within fift ee n days of s uf1 "I'(' d s C:I.I 11' \\' u u n ds and s li ght o r ,w mph,lIl age. th e ll I \\ ou ldn t th e s igning of th e contract for er LO d evelop pullets on grain . I (: "l1c u ~s i C\ 11 lI f th e bra in when th e b e b o t he l'ed by le t te r s fl'ol11 the same. a lone t h a n on Way ne All Mash . , Th e bids may be for either 1.'U l() 1II 0b il e, ill w hi ch he wa:; rid - pu !;e n t~." . f hll ve a b e tter /Ilea ~h lll\ t hat, wnrk 0 1' mater ial 01' for b th' ·.f IlIg with J o hn P e l1l:C ll nd .J o hn G rowe r a nd gra in, .R ye, WU~ . truck by II ca r a t t he sat~ t he othl' r. " T amgo mg to g~t I f()r bolh each I\\~st b e sep~rateiy .a s wu rd e n of a s,ta te penl- is tate<i, w it h t h e priCI!> . Wi se pou ltry rai se rs mature IlIt er~c ct /0 11 of the incin n al i p ike :I , lcntt!ll Y, ~h e n r wou ldn ~ hav e. to Th e Co uncil reServes t he right and /{o xllnn ll r Oll il. Pl'iduy. their pullets early and get their . o n Bieyele and Auto'I' ll' P (' n ee lII:1 ch in c i t h o llgh t be hoth e l. e~ by nlum l1l commg of r e j e cting 'any or all bids: I Eac h bid to be aceompanied by Big Money Making Egg Harvest ' l o have s tall ed o n t he pik '. It wu~ b uck to VI Slt." mobil.e TireB--7 Imdly da m aged b:\ l' MI'. Pen ce and • • • two s ure ties. Bidders to use printi~ ~ctobcrand November. MI'. R yc w e r e n ot inju r e d.' STRUCK BY AUTO . e d fOI'ms, a.s no other will be reoeived, ' .. Mr. . P. R ou s h s u s tained...m i nol· By Order of Council of the Village of Wayn esv ille, _ And Thi. I. Why, Eh~ ;njul'ies wh en h e WBIS /!t l'uck and RA YMON F. HATFIELD, "Wh d . kn o'c: t<e d down b y an a utomobile Clerk. "W eD 0 y'o ~ s a y ~ e IS II bi rd? " la!lt Thurs da y . Mr. Ro uflh, who se m28 li , h e IS. c blCk en.-hearte d, eyt'R ight is impa ired, was pu s ing I gt o n . to e d, h as th e hnblts of ~ n t he hOl11 e or MI'. E d Cook, who at ( 'IV Ilk, S 1\0 we~1' swalloWrtail t he t ime WIIS buck inJ' hi s machine Whatever trouble Adam had Bldg~ No man in 'days of yore ~I)\~~;~.~"~c~inga'lik WIth wings;" ~e ~s l o ut o f th~ I!al'~ge u n~1 di~1 n~t ~ee is II pe l'fecl juy, " a g oose an e 11I!e former In tllne t~ aV OId hlttmg Callid say whe n he had told a joke • hln). "ltve heard tbat, one-be[ore."


Firestone Tires and Tubes, F.irestone and Rod Bar Batteries, Majestic Radiol, Paragon Gas

and Oil


A complete line of Accessories- Repairpairillg and Greasing on alt makes of Cars

Sweet Potato Plants

All work is Guaranteed and .It Reasonable Prices






D. H. Hockett's

Rogers & SiDipson

60c per 100

Pbone 17 Waynesville, Oblo



Special Sunday Dinner 65 cents



ern S Garden Inn

Costs I~ss to





' 1'''''''




LOW SPRING PRICES big, full oversize, lifetime guaranteed Pathfinder





. ..



Gordon'. Service Sta.


W aYDe.vill~, Ohio



About your Job Printing. Bring it here and let us worry about it. We like to worry over a piece of work.



The Tri State Butter Co.




----- ...----



Make LaW'ns Beautllul HOW'


will your /!.ullets .rtart to u"y?





Waynesville rarmers' Exchange Co. Waynesville, Ohio







Waynesville, Ohio


Eighty-Third Year

Whole Number 5911


Dav Program-,-·_·_···


Those having flowerR for Decol"ation Day are requested to bring , or se nd them to the Township House early Friday Morning, May 30th where some one will be to receive them after 8 o'clock. If you have flowers and no way to deliver them telephone anyone of the und er signed committee or notify eit her R o~~ H. Hartfioc k of Geo. ,J. W alerhou ~e and the y will be ca lled f or. Mn;. Edith M . Harri s, Mrs. H. ~. Hathaw ay . Mrs. S. F. Elbon, MrA. Cat he rin e Co lemall.


Th e exercises will be al th e cern t ery at 2 o'clock. and the following program will be given: . Music lnvocation . . Rev. G. C. Dibert Lincoln's Gettysburg Address . . . Miss Ruth Hockett . Music Oration Judge Francis M. Hamilton M u:-\it! Ca nnon Exercif;es und e r the ll l.lpen'isioll of Mrs. MelVy n Bant. a and Assodates .

The Mia mis are back in the win ' COLUMBUS, OHIO Secrec0 lum n by defeating the Middletary of St.ate Clarence J. Brown, tow n hamrockH by the score ot chief election officer of Ohio, was 8 to n. Things lOoked bad for a highly gratified with the Interest Stephen Phillips 01 Lebanon, Pur e Mani lla Hay F ork Rope . while as th e Shamro ck!l pounded manifested by members of Boards was in Waynesvllle Monday. S4!e J . . Haw ke . Lansd al e's ofl' eringR f or five rUn!! of Elections from the 88 counties h as mBny Inning~, but In Waynesof the state aL the m eeting recentMr. and Mrs. C. E. Anderson Lew . tibbF; of Lebanl, l\. \va~ in villes' of the fifth Hough .ly he lll in the Capilal. CIty . \~ith were vi sit ors ill Dayt on Tu esday. W llyhp 'ville Sfl llIrdnr . ~ tart (>tl th ball I'o lling by dropping apllI·o ximntl. ly fiOO e lcc tlUn Ofil Cl:Ils lh., bu l l in t ill' r<lCe f or a home run Har uld Eurnhart rind fnmily in attend a ncll . The vi s ilors were ;\I i:~ Ber lll l'l' J-iI'lIlHn is vi s it ing alld l,,' the linl!' th e dll . l cleared welcomed by Guvt'rn or CO(l \Je r moved to olumhu s lnst aturduy "E'J,~ti vl" in Clncini':1ti . th e sC:'Tl' lI"a,' lied tit ;; all. Wayne!! und the e lec ti on I fIW ~ o~ Ohi' ~ wcre \·ille . ("(,u ntt:t1 nnt' in the 7th and 2 MI'. and Mrs. W . H. Allen we re di ~ cU SHe d by A ttunw y Gt:n er.'~I .B. ·tt r . M. HouitH'r Wil l' a )'u si n e~s in th l' tHh lo win t he ball game. man, Sec retar v Bro wli. S lall ~tl c Jan bU Hiness vis iturs in LellHn on . Mon \'i ~i t u r in ('in ci nnati lI ll) n(luy. 1I ,)u!!h t " lIk th(· batting honors for Mu sic Vy th e · WaYI1t'svill e Sc ho ol :lI nd Geo. M. N('frn e r. li on. Ebcr N. da y. Ih,' da~ iJy I!:dtinl! 2 home runs Dillon. audito r of Union co unty El ill l' O!!It' SI'l'l' lI nrl Frd Gon . and II s illl!:l.·. El lis lind Gons also 1\Irs. Vi olu Carey is very sick at lind e lect ion board mcmb ers 1I 0 1i . WeI"(' in CiIlC'in nllLi Satu r day. hit doubl es. F . A. St e tst.l n of Lorain ~ounty. the hom(, of he r sister Mrs. Jam es I I )l· ("tlration dllY Ih e liamis will H on. G. R. Kimball of Sum mi t. J u hn s, in Lytl e. Mrs. Gra cl' I.. Smith was a bu s i play Spri llJ,: " a ll ey at Wayne P'a rk li on. Mayo F c~ l c r of CUYllhu!(lI. m 'ss viHi tor in \)a ), IIIn Mo nday. TI,.. gllml' wi ll be call ed after We give Cedu r Stamps, Cary 's 1-1011: Harry L. Fede rll\an of LOCAL BOYS RECEIVE l\I ell1l1l'in l se rv ice,; arc ove r. Hamilton. li on Daniel C. !1 ,'owl' r Jewelry Shop, L eba non , Ohio, Sund ay af t ernoo n nt Wayne My er Hym ll n anti fami ly viR it d Store open evenings. HONORS IN JUDGING of Montgomery. Hon . Geo. C. Park t he Miamis will cross bats re lati ves in Cinci nn llt i Su nday llnd Barns of Clintun. li on. Geo. H. wit h MiS\l\1i ~ bll l')(' . This teaJl1 Mond ay. Mr. Donald Allen. of Dallas, Shu£ of Stark. I-I on. John F. IWIIs ts of "I '1lI • ~ pel'dy playets and Eightee n bOYf; together with J ohnley of Sci oto. I-ltlll Loui s S im - Tcxlls. s pent the wee k-end with Mr J . W . Lutz, new SlIlll'r int.·ndl' nt n )(,OI ,d ~allle i ~ in ~ t o r e for those the Smith Hugh es instructor aton!' of Cuyuhoga . B on Harr y N. und Mrs. W . H. Allen. of sc hou lH. W lIH in Way n ·s l' iII .' wh u al' tlll'rl' . tended th e unnuu l field day and urtis of Lu ca:; and Stute S l ' lIl1t{J I' Tht- sc ore : Mund ay . D. Clifford Ridge of Indianapjudging cont.eRt at Ohio . tate Pllul M. Hl·rb(·rt flf Co lumbu s. :\IIIWLJo:T O WN The following I'e ports from the University on Friday and Saturday Fair Planl lI o n. He rbe rt H. Mengerl, of oUs, is at the Mayo hospita l in Mill !II" S. Ma ry l\l c lu re a nd Mr ~. <\ B R H A E c hairman of th e various commitOver 1700 vocational agriculCo lumbu s. politica l write r for the nesota. f o r treatm ent. Er~ kin e R. Hayes. Wilmington Emma Me lure spe nt Sund ny with . ' . . ti s of the Wuyne Township ture students took part in t he 8th Cinci nnnti Enquirer and other 111 1'(al",l\ . .!nd. ll . ·1 1 0 1 1 trllp oli tu n \Ja ll crs. s Jloke on the Several me mbers of the local O. Mothen,' c lub f or the year judging , contest and ~he educ!l- Fair Secretary, has s talle.d making r ela ti veMat ·cnt t' rville. Br Wl' r, :Ird. b. 5 1 1 4 1 al"l'angements for the allnual f ai r th'nll! "Tel ing the World Aboul E. S. attende.d in s pec~i o n at I D2!J-30 have been submitted for tional tnps that were In cluded In II' . lind Mrs . . J. B. Chapmlln .. !JeHII. I sl. h. 4 1 1 o .0 which will be held July 2!J to AuElc('tion s. " At the c1ns of the lIul'veysburg Frtday evenillg. pUblication. th e program.. . of Colul1lbu s. : pent the wl' (! k-c nd \ . La\\ son . I' .~. 5 2 2 5 0 Th e serving of hot lun che s at Wayne Twp High contesting gu st I. seco nd day ':; meeting Sl·cret8 ry with Mrs. Elizu beth Bail y. . peck, c. 4 0 1 o 0 Brown interpre ted the new c lecMr. .and ' Mrs. Er~est Earnhart the Grade building began Decem- .iu~ging t ellm!! were as follo~s: ' "unl!~r. c. f. .\ 0 1 o 0 li on IIIW8 by broadca st ovel' !ltntion a n.d clllldre n of Carhsle. cul!ed on bel' 2, and san dwi ches Decemb er Dairy Cattle Ronald .Hardln , Cedarville Exchance Bouc ht :l 0 0 o 0 Sp ringtime is w('dding tim e. Pumm II. I. f. WLW o f Cin cin nati. to a ll CIIlC- \ fn e nds he re Saturday evening. 16 and conti nu ed until April 14. \ Estle Hagemeyer, Frank S~artzel L. Lnws,. n. r. f. :~ I) 0 o 0 Th e edarvi lle T eleph on e Co .• W edding rings und j!ifts at r.ary·s 41f.. month s. Bills for that tim e and Ralph Branstrato r; Ge neral tion officilils in the sLa te, the r e bc. TlllImp>'on. p. ;j I 0 4 1 of which Dllvid Bradfute was J ewe lry ShQJl. Le ban on. Ohi () . inl! nVE' r 54.000. lIundreds (J f qaws flied by machtnery. C.ut am-ounted to $752.20. $388.67 f or Liv e 'lock Warre n .Hunt, presidcnt and F. B. Turnbull was th ousand R of voters 'lil'tening in' to cl eaner. truer, faster. Roy Plg- free lunches and $:.16:.1 .5:3 for sand Th ,maR Sheets, Ronald Hardin a~d manuger ha!> veen old tu Warren G 13 14 3 Mr. a nd Mrs. J . W. Edwllrds e ll - Tutals eC I'etll ry Brown's la lk al:;o tt, at Madden'S Lumber Yard . wiches. T ota l receipts for sa nd - Frank Swar'!z el; orn and Gram Safford. of Troy. 0 .• head of the t ertain ed th e Jolly Matron s a nd wiches were ' $604.66 leav ing a - Ar·thur S warlzel, Carl Hay, inde pclldant t el epholl.e organiza learned m lIeh II f in t eres t regarding their hu sband M Sa turdu y night. WA YNF. SV ILLE Mr. anti · Mrs. Wnlter Johnson profit of $241.12.' George Cool; a nd E st le Ha~e rm~e r tion of the stllte. th e new decti o n law s under which • ABRII AE Lucille Armituge, Chairman The poultry ~ n~ she ep Judging Ohio ('Iections will henccforth be (nee Ethlyn Ross) ann o unce the Alph e u!; BUKan ulHl family nr c ontests werc limIted t o one boy Itirth of a so n, Dean Edwin, May 5 2 2 1 0 conducted. F:. Burt on. s. S . each from a department. George Clarlu"ille'l Ancient Treea C l llr k ~ v ill e. wer e S unda y )('uests of l!3. 1!J30. f) 1 2 0 0 Turn r. r. r. Six Ilairs of s hoes, either new or Beckett re1>1'eRe nt ed W. H. S. in Clarksvill e can well be proud of Mr. u nd Mrs. Orville J . Gray. <1 2 2 0 0 Ohio Vctel"fl llS of the fllmou s Gons. 1st b. Miss Anne M. Rog ers. of in good repair, were given to the poultry judging and Erne st her fine shade trees- great, .5 0 1 1 2 Lovely, C. Rainbow Divi s ion will hold their needy children . ,60 garments. be- Cook co mp eted as s heep Judge. SeE' the glmuin e butterfly wing SJl I'illll'boro . was the guest of Mr. 4 1 100 spreading maples and elms that annual r union in the Capital City IIntl Mrs. Mark Rogers s everal days sides hose. shoes and overshoes On e add€!d llttraction and oul- Cll st th eir s had e over the entire pictures a nd jewelry o n display III Ellis. C. f. 4 0 1 3 1 011 Friday and 'aturclay, June 6th from the clothing box at Grade stnnding feature of the tw o day village on hot. summ er days. Cnrey' s Jewelry Shop. Leba non. O. Hurt!;ock, 3r<l . b. 4 0 0 2 0 last week. St. J ohn, 2nd b. Ilnd 7th: The women's auxiliary building. program was the awarding of Many of the trees. whose branch4230 0 will III. 0 hold its meeting at tha t M,. ~ . Martha Edgington. of Los Houllh. I.'. Floren ce Hopkins, tate Farmer Gold Keys to boy s es overhang th e streets. are Mrs. E mma Keys s uffer ed an at. 30 1 2 1 ! im e. A m el1lt1riul s ervice will be tack Lan sdllle. Jl. Angel es, Cal. . was the guest of Clothing Com. who have outslandinl' proj ec ts and Chairman of heart trouble last Saturn early a century old. Th eir po. ih e ld in the late Hous e Park on day. but her condition is improved have show n high scholarship, ex- tions along t he streets indicat e Mr. and Mrs . W. H. Madd e n las t T otals 38 8 13 9 4 SntunlllY aftern oon at 3 :30 n'c lock at this time. Financial Report of H. S. Lunchel ecutive nnd bu siness ability a nd all thllt they we re planted with II vi ew wee k. Judge Benson W. H ough. former round int erE'st in genera l activities of sometime making a beautiful 012020001 - 6 coml11nnder of the 166th Inf. Reg. Frank J ordan - o f Beec h Grov e, Middl e t o wn Receiph Only a small percent of all boys villuge of Clarksville, and that For best results consign your Wayn esv ille 000 6 0 1 20-8 of the Rainbow Divisi n .will dewas tak en to the Good Samaritun $ 10 00 of the departments of the sta te timE' has arrived. liver an nddress alHl the l06th In- ive stock to Green-Embry Co., In Bank Nov. 2, '29 Two Base hits: Gons, Ellis. ihospitl1l Suturday ni~ht , for treat210:99 were chosen. It thus indicates 11 Cincinnati, in care of D. R. Salisfnntry band will r e ndcd a mus ical November . Th" ee Buse hits : C. W. Lawson IlIcn t. 191. 94 I'ecognition or very high honor. 150 Craduate. bury. December program. H om ' Huns : . W. Lawson, 307 66 Forty bour boys w~re . elecled to .January. 1 no M i s~es Mary Leah Edward s and Hough (2) . 23637' this degree and were seated on the Wilb erforc e will gradUate 150 Mi s Emma Heighway attended February Stolen Bllses : Miamis 4; MiddleA 11 but 126 me n of the Ohio commencement exercises at Leb252' 30 I : tage of Ohio State University stud ents on Thursda y, Jun e 12. Mary Jo MilicI' are s pending th e week with Mrs. Emma Burnhfll't in t own 1. National Guard hav ~ been .rele~sed Dn on last Thursday night. H er Murch 171' 80 chapel, where each was pre. ented President Shaw of Denni on April Sacrifice Hits: Miamis 2; Middle from duty at the 01110 Penlte~tlary niece was on e of the graduates. 6 4' 80 with his key a nd a short sk etch of University will deliver the ad- Cincinnati. May town 1. wh ere the y huve been stalloned _ _ _._ hi s s pecial accomplishments was dress and Guvemor Gooper is al so Str uck out by Thompso n- 6; Mi·s. F. R. Moo maw and Miss followin~. the tragic fi.l'e :in which Beautirul· Silverware and 35 $1435.86 give n. Gov. My ers Y. Cooper wa.' ex pecled to be pre sent. . Doris lI awke spent toda y lit Frllnk Lan sdal e- 12. 32 ~ co nvicts los.t theIr. lives, and piece sets in Chillawar.e _ open Total sched ule d to present these keys U mpires. Prendergast- Myers. fort. Ohi o the g uests of Mi R~ 0 1'~vhlch rcs ult l'd In mu t my of !he !ltock. Choose vour pattern at bu t. du e to his having to att.end a Wcrk To Startcor 1': Pierce. Inmates. All rep?r~s .a re .nearl!lg Cury's Jewelry Shop Lebanon. O. Exren.ea inne Robbins. fun eral. Hon. Harry D. Silver Tim e of ga me: Tw o hours complete and d lsclphne IS falr' N o v e m b e r , 1929 Work of hard -surfacing tate $210.94 s ubstitud ed in a very ubl e mun; Orville Gray, Air Boga n , Cha B. Iy well established, th e shops and Mrs. H. H. Williamson and daugh December 188.5 1 nero Two Wayne Twp. High sch ool Route No.73 f!'Om Wilmington to opcrllting as usual with te r Grucc spe nt sevel'al days ' January, 1930 .. . 210.16 boys. Arthur Swartzel and Robert Harveys burg will start , within a Anderso n, Harold Osborn and ALPHA THOMAS WARD except.lOn of the woo le.n und c~t- Illst week in Delaware and attend- February 264.68 Wilson wer'e nam ed with the 44 few days, highway official s here CheRter Carey saw tlH' ball game 'I n CI'ncl' llnllt l' · unday ton mill s. A check of tnmate~ le- ed th e closing exercises at O. W, Mu rch 181.43 w h 0 were th us h ·Ig hI y h on ored . have been informed. In the early momin g on May 19 veal ed that th er e are 2,75D pflSOn-!U A ril 220.36 Honorary State Fal'me r Keys wer e h' h f ers insi~~ the \~' !Il1s, wi~h possibily . . M~y The W. C. T . U. will meet at I 1930 at IS home on teaI'm near 1&7.69 presented to Dr. Ray Fife. State County Bankl to Clole Supervisor of Vocational Agriculthe home of Mrs. Susan Pai n e, I'~ arveysb urg , where h~ ha~ spent 'lln I~d.dltlonal .f1V!! or SIX hundred I Mrs. Laura Ze ll returncd to her ~ \y8\tlng admiSS Ion irom county \. home here Sunday from Xenia, T otal ... . . $1427.99 llfre and to Dr. J. Q. Clifto n, . All of the banks of the county Thurs day a fl ern oon. May 2(), at 2 s l~t~'-flve yeal's of hiS life t.he State Director of Education. Will be c)o!led on Wedne sday af- o'c lock Everyb ody conli nlly in- sp mt o f Alph a Th omas Ward left JIIII ovel' the s tllte. where she has spent several weeks. Amount in bank MIIY 24. ternoons throughout the months of ' t d . . its ea rthly teneme nt and returned '30.08 Mi~ s Sarah • mith is staying with 1930 . .. . ---Jun e, July, August and September VI e . to the Go'd who gave it. . The office of Treasurer of her. . 12.2 1 Check s not r eturned according to an announcement this Mr ~ Annu Ca dwalhd er 'md Miss Hl' wus the old est son of WII" FINE SCHOOL CROUNDS Stntl' Ross 'A ke prese nts n sc('ne week. They will ~e c losed alJ day Clunl" Lil e. who :; pe~t th~ winter , lium. and MLlry}Var~ !ln~ one of a of activity. On May first there is Whut shall I give to the bride? Net Bulance 17.87 Memorllll Day, Fr,lday Mny 30. at th e l~riend R' H ome. have I'el urn I fa mily of ~IX ch!ldlen. The cert ified to thc .Trcas UI·er from the Th e gift tables are fdl ed with Donna Edwards, Chairman Rece ntly we had occas ion to . . ed to their ow n hOl1l e for lhe lather. moth e r . one sist er Almira, Tax o mmiss ion of. O.hio, a ~u- I hnppy sugaestions ut Cl.lry's Jewelvisit th e 11igh school building. and Acceph New Poalhon su mmer. lon c bro~hel:. J ohn J., have . preplicute of nil (lomestlc and foreign ry Shop, Lebun on, Ohio. Store while there Superintendent o f . . ceded h 1111 111 death. Tr .... aurer'a Report corpnrntions incorporated und er I ope n eve nings. Grounds G. J. Smith conducted us LeVI H . Luken s, agricullurc He was Lorn May 6 1847 and the hlw!! of Ohio There are approxi Reeeipll through the campu s. We w ere sur- agent of Clinton ~ounty the last <?ar~:'s J ewelry Shop. ~, ebanon. at the time of hi s de~th was 13 mately 24,000 domestic and 3.000 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Lee of $135.91 prised to find there . the mo t rare two l;'e.ars, has re~lgned to. accept OhIO. I.S open. every evelll ng- th e days past his eighty-third birthday foreign companies, the combined Davton. wel'e guests of Mr. and Balance, Sept. 1929 20.75 and expensive shrubs, flowers and ~ Pos lll.on a~ vocatIonal agriculture mo. t mter est!ng stor e 1\1 Leba- I Hi:; alfl ict ion was a severe one Dues .. revenue from which will bring in- ' Mr' . George Kern Saturday after12'.0 0 trees t hat could be found. Most of tn st~uc _or In the Waldo school. non. full of glf~s unusuul a nd. ap- but he remained Ringularly sweet · Donntion to the .Stut.e .Treasurer $4,&00 - 1noon and evening. Mrs. Lee is 11 Carnival 99.9 6 the shrubs and Howers were out Marlon County, he announced Mon proP.TIate f!lr Birthdays. Wed clings and patient through it all ready to 000. Thl' tax IS due a nd payable s istel' of Mrs. Kcrn. . . Anniversaries. etc. ' go. and only waiting ror the Lord 76.74 in their full bloo m a!ld beauty . It day. Mllrk et on or before July 15th. InasmUch j ,il> r emllrka ble that so "much has Mr. Lukens WIll leav e hiS office to tuk e him home. Wh en he felt 5.60 Misce lllln eo us as each company is entitled to a 1\11'. and Mrs. Frank Long and been accol\llpli~hed in so short a here ab.o ut June 15. two weeks Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Hawk e, MrR. he was go ing he talked freely 607.20 Sandwiches. period of thirty da ys frum dute 1M r. alld Mrs. Clarence Long and pnor to the elose of the farm .John fromm. Mr. and .Mrs. about the Glory La nd. believing 75.61 time. statement is Illail ed in which ~o daughter of Columbus, were Christmas Seals With t.he he lp of Supt. F. R. bUl:eu u ~ear. A mu ch needed va- Ray Mills, Mrs. V~rll Armitag e that there he would find easc 77.60 Farl11ers Wife make remittance; they must be III Sunday visitors at the home of H. Moomaw. wh o will soo n leave here cation Will be taken the foll owll1.g ,l~nd Mrs. C. 1\1 . Ro.l.lI.t ze r IItten (~ed from hi s pain . happiness and the the mail not lute r than June 16t h . fl. Williamson and family. $1111.37 MI'. S mith hll s work ed out a system two wee.k~ before he goes to hI S F"URtern Sta r . Ins pE'c tlOn at Ma son lI ssoc iat ion of loved ones. and over Total To accomplish this, services of adof planting lhat will, in time, pro - new pOSitIOn . . Monday eve lllng. lind over aga in expressed the deditional typisls are required who~e . Wntch need rcpairing? We have Expenditurel duce fine res ults. . . Mr. LU.kens IS a grad uat e of the sire thnt nil meet him in that better duty is to co mplete the 27.000 an expert r epairman. All materials The IIIWII is in g nod condition Waynesville schools. Lawn mowers sharp ened by land . statements by the above date, us ed are the best--us ing genuine Advertising $ 11.75 Lind on th~! whole the Campus is --- - - • -- Eledrakeen process. same method He was malTied to Mary Eliza which is the deadline for mailing parts on ly at Cary's Jewelry Miscellaneou s 10. 1G good to look at, and it cnn truthas used by la\\ n mowe r manufac- beth Lippinco tt April 22, 1868 .and slim e. Shop. Lebanon, Ohio. Store open Christmas Seal!! 22.87 fully be said thnt it is one of the NEW CENTURY CLUB turers. Electrake.en syst em tU,~ns during his illn ess he had the tenevenings. Dr. Kilbourne 10.00 prettiest in the state. HAS GOOD MEETING out perfec~. cuttIng mowers. II'Y del' cure of his aged, dev oted wife ProJlosed highway improvem ents . Am . Optical Co. . 6.46 _ _ _ me. Roy Pigott. ,w ho had been a lov ing, earnest for contract letting May 27th, M~s . George hsh , Mr. Tom Mrs. Ina Bilker (wages) . 129.0 0 • .. and faithful helpmeet for more totaling $6,099,128.46 · is announ- : El)ghsh and famIly. of Bad Axe. 1L. V. Bran strato r, (milk) 111. 68 1 4-H SEWING CLUB • :rh e New Century Club "!ct . Beglnn!ng unda y. Jun e 1. el' e n- tha n s ixty-two years, sharing the ('cd by Highway Director Robert Mich., and Mrs. Emma Wolcott of I General Expense . 664.19 I I' nday at the Crane home wIth , mg . ser~lces Ilt the r. C.hurch o f jOYM an d so rrows of their lives. N. Wald. This includes 97.72 miles Lebanon. were guests of Mrs. I Balon hand . 246.27 Th fi .t t' f the 4-H Mrs. Anna Cadwallnder hostess. Chnst WIll start at 7 :40 In st ~lId n f I 1'0 this uni on was bo rn two chil nf general' construction and 42 Laura Sides, Friday night and " S .e b me~ ~~;d 0y May 23 \ Twenty two memb ers respond- 7 :30. Christian Enlieuvol wdl b,'- <lren Joseph died at the age of miles of surface treating. Larger ' Saturday. . Tolal $111 1.37 a~~h~gh~l~t' of~ renel Bnker. ' ed to. 1' 0 1\ call by desclibing thei.r gin. at .6 :45. Thi ~ schedul will b~ ~ ix ~ears. The daughter, Oscena itcms are five miles on U ~S. 40 in .' . Jessie Hyman, Treas. The f oliowing offic ers were favonte ..Ma y fiower. A. short. busl: maintain ed dUring the s umme l Squ!res, a gra n~ldaughter, Isadora Licking county. five miles of the M1ss Phoebe Mtranda and Mr. elected for the s-ummer : I n.ess sessIOn followed WIth ~he elec months. 8 4lllre8, two sisters. Mrs. Van Mansfield-Gallon road in Richland qhas. Shutts a.tte.nded the ~elebra- WaynenHie Pre-Ichool Conference 'd J C k Vice- hon of officers f<?r the commg year I Doren and Luura E. Ward and county, four miles of the Cleve- tlon of the sIxtIeth wedding an- I' . . P~esl ent, ane ?o. l as follows : PreSident, Mrs. W . H . Rev. and Mr.s. G. . DIbert, one brother Dr J W Ward toland-Sandusky road in Cuyahoga niversary of their uncle and aunt Ch!ldren exammed d .. .. :... .. ... 24 PTresldent, Je~ FurnEsth SeCrrary: Allen, Vice-president. Mrs. G. J. Mrs. A. K. Day, Mrs. C. M. H ough, gether with' the ' ag ~d ~ife su~vive and Erie counties, three miles of Mr. and Mrs. J. L, McClure, in ChIldren free from elects 1 reasurer, ary s. er ane:. Smith, Treasurer, Mrs. W . F. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archd ea con , him the Lima-Sandusky roa4 in Allen Cincinnati, Sunday. Children 7 '7f and more pp resB reportet:'tt LOTI~el HoC~~" Clark; Secretary, Mrs. J. L. Men- Mrs. Maggie Burn et, Mr~. Vlllar.s· was u member of the Harveyscounty and three miles of the Urunder weIght 11 rogram comml ee, e ma 0 denhall. Mrs. Josie Whitaker. Mrs. Leslie 1, bur lod e F & A M for more bann-West Jefl'erson road in ChamWhen you buy "Yourex Silver- Children 7 '7r and more man, Verdena Fox, and ~elen Program for the afternoon con- Beck, Mrs. J. W. While . Mr~ . Mau- tha; fift g ea~s and la~t ear was paign county, A half million dol- seal" Silverware, you buy the best over weight . 4 Beltz; Refreshment committee" slsted of two well prepared papers ric e Silvers, Mrs. Fred Ke mmerle, resent ea ~n emblem in ~oken of lars will be expended In Summit silver plat~d tableware that man Children, defects 62 Evelyn Furnas, Jane Furnas, I "Our National Herbarium" bv Mrs and Mrs. J. P . Fromm atte nded th e ~is long an I faithful membership.. county for improvements and and machllle can produce. Sold JoatJ .Carr. I t t F'd J' J. L. Mendenhall and "The Indian District Conference of the M. E' A tru e hl: sba nd a kind father $360,000 in Hamilton county. Ex- only by jewelers. Cary's Jewelry Defects A d Journt!\ 0 mee f aY'1 une as lin Artist" by Mrs. Ruth E . Church at Hillsboro , t odllY· good neighb or ~n honest tip6th penditures for highway improve- Shop, Lebat;ton Ohio, exclusive Tonsils 91 at the ome 0 rs. rene Janney. . . ' right man has gooe to his re~ard. ments for the first five months of distrtbutors 111 Warren County. Teeth 4 Baker. ___ __ • During the SOCial hour a dellcWhat Ii< mod ern? VI S I ~ Cor.y s , ___ • _ _ _ the yea1' reaches a grand total of . . Ears . . . . . ...... .. . 1 ious two-course lunch was ser~ed Je~erly Shop---;.be ar the sllIg - -$19,264,700.00. Mrs.. Edith M. HarrIS, Mrs Eyes 2 LOCAL GIRLS HONORED to the members and followmg 1enJoy the mUSical )lowd er boxes. 4-H FOOD CLUB _ _ __ _ _ Laura H. Mosher, Mr. Harris Hearin:g .... ._.. .... .. .. . . 1 guests Mrs. J. H . Sackett and t~e l and see gifts in novel ties. as well Mosher, ,Mr. and Mrs. Ronald VI·.·O 1 . . l\1is~es Emma Heighway, Jessie , as j ewelry, watches, and dwmonds The Wayne Township Food Club Ha wke .and son Frank were Sun- Po~t~re'"''' ' ' ' ........ . ..... . . .. .... 1 Mi ~ses Ehzabeth Henkle and . Clark, Clara Llle, Annie and '''The Home of Gifts." DEATH met at th e Gra nge Hall Saturday day guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Feet .... ..... , . ........... . .... 1 Jeanette Fox are n~ong the char . . Munlc Bro'\\'n~ l\fay 24 with eighteen members Funeral services for Wilbur Mar Hartsock of Milford. Master 'Frank Sk" .. ...... ..... .... .... ..... .. ..... ... 1 ter members of WIttenberg chap.- -- - - There will be !<pecial radio s er- I)res ent. The first scoring on tbe la't t, who was killl:\d when he was rem/lined for 11 week's visit. In ...... .. ... ... . ...... .. ... . .. .... ... ter or Pi Knppn Sigma, honorary vice at the Church of Christ, Sun- Food Hllbits Score Card was taken CAR STALLS ON TRACK struck by a tractioh car, near , Nasal . Obstruction .... " . .... ... -.. . 3 educational fraternity, and will be day, June 1, at 4 p. m. A Majestic .by our club adviser. . . Medway. last WednesdAY evening, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith have 'G~::J: ~ initiated soon. . .. . radio is bein g ins! Illl ed for the ocA .. '11 b hId' t th . .h P S · MrR. Mart a eterson, Pt:rng I caslon . through the courtesy of PICniC WI e e a . e were held at the home (S'f his par- moved into . the McClure .!roperty Other dei~~ls''''''''''''' '' ' '''' ..... .... 6 Miss Htmkle. who .18 actIVIty Vall~y, suffered severe br~ls~s Ro ers & Simpson. The program Grade Sch091 BUilding. WeCJnea,day ents, Mr. and ·Mrs. O. B. Marlatt, vacated by C!arl Johns an family, Note- 7 % and "n~'o'~~ ' u~iier ' ~eight edit<,>r of llhe 1930 Wlttf;nberlger. receIved when ~h.e au~omoblle In to 'te received is an international June 4, at· 4 o'clock. .' Saturday afternoon, 'Rev. G. C. who have moved to Yellow Springs is a defect 7 0/. and more over and secretJ!lry of the JUntOI' C asS, which she was rldtng With her son, broadcast over the coast to coast . The next meeting will be' hei;;l Dibert officiating. He leaves a wife Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Buerkle have weight is a' def:ct was recently elected to member- Tlche~, 16 old, was str?ck ~y net work of the Columbia Broad- Saturday June 14 at tall" PfII... and two children. Burial .was at taken .up their residence in the . • _ _ .:._~ ship in th(! Press and ~ournal. orMiddle Run. . Ben Smith home on Fourth street. gan\zation, honorary Journahstlc a f~elght tram at a crosslnlr In casting system, under the .ausplc~!! Hall·Mar~.,Esther tane, SPTrlhngbvalle~. . d' 'ng stalled of the Church of Christ. There WIll - - ...'"------ - -........_ . ,-' RECEIVED FURTHER AWARD fraternity for women. . e oy W 0 was rt':l t f be a solo by one of the churcr's , If FOU want a watch for the· . -, --- -~ - - - the ca~ on the tracks m hrond 0 greatest singers and a sermon by ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE grllduate, .tor fine time.keeping S.ince· last ·week's notice regardPOST OFFICE NOTICE the train. He then opened t e oor Geo W Knepper.. minister of the . '. qualities and beautf Gruen ing the showing made by pupils of and jumped ~ut and 'his mothe~ High St': Church Ohrlst, A)(ro1'1, . Dr. and MI'I!. R. W. Smith an- watches have a prl!lltlge acknowl- .the local schools, certldcateli . nounce the. marriage of fhelr edged everywhere. 'We sell Gruen Came in for Bertha Filer who 'WIIJI Waynesville Post Office General was attempting to follow him . an Ohio The public is invited to aton ' the runninlredboTbard 'th,!n tend' this service 'or to tune In at gl"oUDd, d~ughter Ruby Mae to Mr. Vernon Elain, aDd other makes of ·depend: placed 3rd In Senior standine. She- Delivery Window will be ,?pen, from was the eoUislon Clccur. e ram home j bad cut in Malnous, on Saturday, Decemb.tJ: I,lble watcbes. Cary's Jewelry hal been awarded -II Wittenberg 8 to 9 a, nil. only, Memo!'lal Day. 21, 1929. . . Shop, LebanoD, Ohio. - scbo!arebip. R. H. Hartsockl Postmaster. WIS travellnJ slow








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... -----










, ,')











......". . . . . . . . . . . . . .










~fWS GlfANfD

fllOnlty only, AllloUllt ('la lmed, 417, with Intorel!t at 8 per \!ent II r an num fl'or '

May 1, 1930,

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneers

'J,'h e l.ovelll,nd Moto r Compan y VOUU8 WAshington Corringto n a n d E llzllb eth Corrln,ton, his wife, H a nnllh Leltc hl w id ow of William ,Laitl' h, Il nd Julia P. Le itc h a nd lind Ge org e \'i,' . Le lt h, heirs of W II See U8 Early lor Your Sale Dat~•. We Cu.".ntea CO ni mon PI " ... C ourt IIUIII LCit h tl ceased , slIid pllrli s . 'U.t l' .. I' 0 1Ii" \' .' rl' U ~ SlImu e l a l'e livi n g- aIH I o r th e h i .. · of su il! Satiafaction or Charge Nothing I 'J" 1'lI\' dl , 11 1' 1.... ,,1:1 nt , pll' L1d e " n~)t pa r ti es if d lid, to quit ti ll. 1 ~t1iJ t\ . n o nd hx(' d li t ., I (l UII and 'flIP \ il g lll ill J o int ~t()c k /,u ud I I Il ll l' \\':t ~ a,;sl glll,tt In Ttl cs dn y , L~ a u k 01 1 1I1I' 1 e~to n , II co rpu,rn . l ~l\ n , Vl'I'~ U ~ II r l,lI Y nlt.c l'th wtl,lt' , J UII" I i. I SLIIl' ., f ( hio ve l s tls Vl'sle r I... ·fl n c '~ N. , Sa t te l· \\'1~lt · , L a ll Phone No 320 . Phone No.2 l h ' l1I \HI" 'lI ul I: \' c's ~O l't. h u l ~ 11t' S( n "l' , f du l ~': ~ h nlU ~l "kCl' P up \ 0\\ ,icY. tll! f (, IHJ an t , II II'llll c d guilt y EV I n:~ u ntl E r ~ e · t .EVU Il H. ; 0 1' t'H 1'1' E R , . , hud a fla n~ II f fl'lIow - I" e l' lI ng th a t 1"' 1 , tl"n l! lh " 'I1~ Il al1l ill on hll d 11(1. II l1 d \I II" ~" n t" I1l'rd tll l he CU lIlI l y l nlfllH Y nnd f orl c!IIN u: e$ I"{ Ilt~~ \" ~l'lI -111' r"~ 1 h,·t! I h l' b uil ti llig "U I IHi ~ ,· ti h e l. IIl·I,· \\ "s an " lh.·, vi-"ti Hil i Ih,. ,." " ..... \I ll" g" " ti Ih e jil l! f" ,' I fl tia\" a n d I'IIY th e (·o s ts . )!u)!e .. AlIlll ll nl t~ l ll1Iel " . I • , \, , 1,,' 1' ,,1"1 t' !I\' I' ~ h l' \\, Il ~ 1I 0t \l h" WIIS II I t1 n u lll l·. 11'(;11 \I ll - (,I'I ' I' . tl1 lj.!' g \I'U, f ;' I'~ h "'t it \(· 'I f' Ohl, l n ' ISllS L Ylll' di " i wl l h It tl' l eSt :1 t \ P;la ~~lIt Pt a~l _ _ - - - - - - - .. J .It 1",1 fl ""ll hiy i" lp r,'~st' ti b) i . 1 " 1)"n ' l hI', al ,·t! if ) tlll lWn l hl' l T il l' \11t h \l hi (' h , h., 1\\ 11,,111 an ti el) ti e U" \ln1:l n, b<olh ~ tl lI l . r o m ,U ll ~: ,. -·s li n, . 1 'I' he lus l Wi ll unci t ('s ta l1l e n t u r l NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT II I''', lin ,old " lIl1 Cl ll r ,.. 11 11 01 n lI llI" - ,''' lllln' h nllH' III fnur til t il<' 1lI 11I'lIill ' 11" 1'1,, 1'1\11 .01 I h~' " 111111\" 1,1 ~ 1, 11 1''' \ ''.1 I'It :ull'd ~ u l l ty 1I11 r1 PHdl \vlI ~ " t' n _ l lll t l! II's tfIlI OIlI!ji) ',' -. ,O 'bll. IP e I I C'n ~)~lt I annum 1,1111 ~ (trn CI ., F lon'nre'1. Dl icl'l' l' , ti ec (,u ~~ l , W itS • , , 1.,I II" I\'.! .. n,' Ill, il fal' l'rI u n u p" n th, ' j' llIl,, 1 !l' nll' ml tll'lI t t, a"". Ih a l II \I ll_ II r.•nlllt ·11 toll" II' h"1 I t,I1" ' " I t " I1(' III1P I'I ~ (l lI l" I In I Ile i I f ' I () . . _. , u I tt " I E <la tt' 0 1 I, b: R Oll nllgl e d e ~. n ' t Sltl, " I":tlt· :11111 i ts \I· lIl d .", ~ " :-;11 .. \\' IIII ' l hn tl1l'1 "" ll n fl nl' iI :IV' :ihl' lI1 u"t ha l',. III '· IHII .·" 111 .111\ (·"lI l1t \· jai l !'"r :: I1I11nth s a nd p a v il lite II \' * 1> ' 11' II " ' I p\'udu 'c ,1 in eo u l t till lit 1111 e (I , ,. • I' , I :11 " I ' II '1 I I II . I t 11111:1 , . U \" ' I's ll~ ,0 UI ~e " . In ,hllt.' AlVi n II. [l 1'1t''' !' 1' \l' US up · ('ellsed . . k I ""I ,·n III , · ).!l ll' l1 I I <'l' ~ un, I· l ll ll ' ~ . "1 • ,,,',., .-' It' " ,.,' p, t l I\ \·" .. r ' IX " I!'II 1 "I':t" I ,,~t, III Ill' pu" t -0111,' II' ' ' ' ' s. \\ I(' I ( I ~' , Il' j ,l1 ,,(' 11 ( ' 11 - 11 II I' I I I I' f 1 t ' {1 " " "111 11 1 No b UIl, 1 l eNo ll ce IS h UI I' hy give n thut ' ''llIh~, f tl,," S' IUlI ',· TIll' IIII PI'l\\'- ( ;·II I"hl. " 1,, 1 tlll'lI l , 1111 ,1 ,,111>1 • III 1':111 -: P " "I ' ,', ', \1 .' 1" ' U" I"'IIl" '" ""ll ll).!' ~o n tl l Il( I' " " 1~1' \VOIII'Cl!VII:till IU,I. I!!,'II ' "n 'II ll' ,' ., . . " Iy ap ~ " \' ' I' XI' POI' II. l I lJ I·' Il' e " \\' IIo li 1• . • " . Ma IHl III n t lluway IulM b e en uU 11 11\\ ' III Ih " l' IIII", lI e ,' hall \I :h b.' I1. \', n . d",·.! :In.! \\ .Itl'lll' d II UIl III 1"' 1 'U lll ll llo;" "U' 1I 11 11 r1 i ~ I' l 1,,·ha\ lu l'. ,.{n .. 1I . a. ~ " '. I .. 'l'l ll l! l. ,. J ' • I I I fi d AtI · · \\' 1 Ihlll1 tIl< bUl ld lll/.:'" II lIl\\'l1 l d \I!! h II l1 h.III PY "~ " '. Ih he tll lft ,." " II " f h,' r 111(' 111 ,, 1 !'('a {'h I;, ~' t l1o' l St al l' (I f O hi ll \I 'l s Us .J " I~H'~ fr."'.n d, Ed\l' n.l'd, ~ 11\.~l! r V (' I'~ U ~ 111110 Bt' I" 'uw und "'l'I1n k G" , ~ ur h W CI' pO llIl ~. a lH q un I~ l li S mlllIS"l IlI l~o nl Illu d t' IIflfll ltis "I ". tlllt l'l X of Ilhe bs t ll t e o f F. E. .1 pII' 1 It \I, , ' cl " u n ,11 111 dH' Cl ful. III .\I "s lla \'l'n pllrl ~ \\ ,Ik ,' Itk l' a 1I1l'1lI 111\ " I" I I" " ,. III\ 'a l-. III th " " .I"h lh., n. dl·rP lILlant. pll':1t1 l' d ~lllil y If J 'I~ CJ~' II lsu k l1( \l nd'l ~ lI1 f l ., :1 . lllt I \\ , \ ' M' ll I t ' Il1' l ' CI I tI I \' l' ,\1 . .I n lll' ( IVOI'C' 0 (. II I !l n l In t he ,·" , e " I' J B Blt kf e r" utl - n I I.H l ll," . 1\1 arL'l'!o\ I· f rH.' rH I Ilit\ tt l j! I U\ I' I i g' . I , ( Iii I" ,,'I I ti t III 1 (.1 4 i I:\\ ~ . ~h t' ~ :I \\ l !jdu)!h '1f. P I' clt d ",h t l :-; Pl ' I I' ' cu s t " or O oh~ n uglr I 1(It l' Iu f Wurl' n Co unty, 1II II II~t l llt .. 1' or Ih ,· "s tnte ". 'n ur y Ill,' \\h" -"'11, '.1 11111 It', pu lld l' d t ll ti ll' U' ''~I' '' ''I I I.. · ( ,III Ilin . I s "' lll l' " t hl' - 11I ,1i" 1\ll h \I -llI flll l).!: I·., ,,f. d III ,k t 1it· ( "' I\1,, ~t a l l " l ' " r IInll .l t ll I Y· III o l tw l' I'l' Id . ff LI I eC I l·IIl\ ~ et .~· . ~tt d y f M ~".' , . Il.l d 111,' )ot l:! I" " k n f li n e \\' h v \' I~ I ' 11 "I' :t lI'au IHIc".I'" h"IIl(' . .11 11 1 >, h l.tiL: hl \\,11 11 :I ~: l l n'i " " {,I ""y -lllll. 1jl. 'Il- lipld . li n d 1' :1\ 1111' ClOst;;. )o'1J1 ( '. Bnk"I', d ecl'a ,,,'!. "IHl u t l . ve \'- , . l\ {' I li S 1 U 0 uy, .i-H·I , Itllltl l1l! t!H' ." IIt's t il>' 111 "111 11 1'. " I :ll u ln lll ll ll', h.1\ I, h " Il .! III In t" \I ,'" l' l d, :I"aill - t il I ~I"'" ('all'" " h ll \\'lI. LIlt, q ' lll e ll ( (' t tl . Proba1e Court ' us T he 1'1''''111.''" UU l ldtll~ 1.0nn I.IHO I I ... II I' I I II ll d S,1\ illg ' CO IIIPIl Il Y of LI· IJ1I lI o n [' Donll id IJll ul u ~h , A.tty. I Il n k I l I f 0 \'la t. tl d r ll d ll n t~. T it ,' C\l Ul' t O\'W. Z. nOLL '11I ,r e. W"l e " n" l\l O vllcH nl "lIli I' .lIH I " ' pe n tlah l" fa n' h l t,uj.!'ht 11,·1' a biil' lIl hnlld ,,·a l·h.·.! >It 111ll ,·, t It· I I' " llI lnt"l v " _/I S S U ~ IJl' IHe , .,,' " 1 Ifl !' "l~ 11l. l lll pinet: hI' U ~S U ll't!:l 1I aln ", '1 11l [.II'·l'a lol ., H' II ~" II I' 1" \llIlti " ,111'11 t hll t \la ' 1I 11 1, lh (" " ' I "1' 1I 1I ,(" ' lI ti ll l ll n tha i dl'fl'lIIl ~l llt II : ' <1' 1 ' 11 ' (' 11"1\ 1~ I, nC I!llI Bl'k ~ I' dll,_ ,t '; l cII Ill ll t Ill., 1"111 ('s t il I,' be s old Jlld ~p of t he Pro blli e Co ur.I, 'h,. l htl l \\ \t il .. hi" f' ~,. " 1l!" U'" Illl' l. il ).! I,' Hu l " I" ' n " h,· h,l d lur- 1.,1' 1I11' II ~ il - t hn l \1', ' 11 ' 1111" 111" S I'I\{ ' (.0 (III) ' III t ill' (,!l u nl y Jil t! . I ~ ~ U C tl f H1~ 1\ £0 1 . e c C Oh . , tIo sell t h wh l' l e b •v. A. \' Murr Warre n _ ount y,- 10 . , 01)'1' \\ h" t '1111(':" '" n I h(' s lII lI lI nl' '' Lll t' k I " he l' a pa 1'1 1I1t'lIl a li d \I a ~ ~I II I''' . 'III I' " ~ I I 11 111 1I ' II II ~ - I, t\ 11( .. Ill' i'l I'I l l I' Il':\( IL" I )('UIIt y t o Cl'l1 "s(' (\ \\a .g a uth.o l'l zcd ' \Vell. , W . C. ___ __ - - ~;lll'h,.1 IIn oi the hl)(' nt: \\' s pll flt' r 11\\, \111 )(, "L"11 1 h"l IIl'I !t " " IlI. PIl'- ill " 10 \1 .11 01 h" 1 .' u l ,', 1' ti ll hLICI, lh l' th .II)!''' 1\)(,lI ln" t h, lll II l1d \\ I\s Il' u~ e ~ l a ll! n l pllv lI l l'~a (' Turto n n nd I\I I' I\' IO 1II 1(' ~ we r (' hlln ,II I' -h I' (,lIrr l<·d . 0 11 (' up a l' l !I1 " nt I pa r inj.!' f" I' lh e IIIj.!'hl. lhl' J anit o r , lt~\{ I 'l\I ". . . " ' IH" lIeed to I IH' Ohi l) ~ ta l ,' He · "' e d l' l'l l' l; W~ Hinkle, tl:u ~ l e e of llI ad l' app l.lloCI". NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT I L l ' " II t he ",ru u n d RUl li und Ih,' ha d thll l! )(, h tru '" I UI1I l' " un 1he 1 \ II h ' h I I \I ' h d thp 1" llIlUtll r v al ~ l a l\ lS fil'l d . f o r 1\ Pl'!'- I hl' I·, ta t l· o f (, e u .,~e R Sl1ge. de,,In. I "r. I Iw t op th ,' hltl e l' t h l ('e ~ 1'1"I·tn c IIghl S \11' hll th I (>I) Il1 ~. - hI' Ii I,'I,;~ -",~', .1I 1':: ti ll: 1,,:,1. a;I'.1 :i Il Sl., ,, I" " ",I' ti m" Us muy 1)(' d c l." I·ll1in l' d ( .. tlt' d : \\~a s ~hl~ho rt 7.ed ~ er'l{l o r'1~ Real Estate Tra nsf e rs Es l llte o f A liee II . n osnag le , o,r ' iI . • ,. . T 1 dec l.'lI ~e d . Il,)! ht, 1111 und Il o e le \' nt ur Th e Il lll ln d ,·t! h l' l ~ e l r t hai s ill' \1:1 I fill' ' ''''110- ( I h i, la .- t \I \l h ,on,' IIf 11 \' 1h e n oa ld u f A d lllln l ~ tlatll>l1 lin: USS I)! II . e , \\ U I ~lIn ,1 11 111)." rllllln o f l hi" u n p lou kr d Ilu l saf" l :1 1011 1'. W hat ('\ I' 1 lh,' tl .' II j.!'(,I " Ih ,. f ." t ' \l 1'1 ' J , h . 1\1 ,t. I IIl' I" :an d thllt hl! PIIY t h L' CII~t ~. ,I I/.:hl"r0 l R ,lilthhul (.~ f ,! r ~II~~ 11 01\ 1·. tlll·1 M Il c l')" s I ll ll\o: y~ tle eu No l k l' i" h e r " h y gi v(' n th at " ' Ir th,' pUlk . l ho u j;th. an,1 th ere IIf he l prelS" nt ' '' "I -I' . " h.· ,·"u ltl ( ' , l II "I Il : lit"ln .'It . ,' \\~., I" h ll1l I II thl' l ,I ~(' II f Ann a Va ll DOI'l' n l.rulI ~ e r II n c ,e In (, lI1n. lt I a n , , I U.:U Il cr C's III h'e llI l'l \lp . Mllbe! II ll th ll \\ IIY hu'~ bee n cluly np \1'1' n k ll Chelll' tl l! 1I,ll lII u c h 1111'j!r r not h'l\ l' n ' m'lIll"d ·lI llOl Il).!' th ,,"· I , , It I . • ,I • . . • " \' '' I ' tI ~ I "1lI I n 'I11('ha(l 1 til(' COll r t . vlll l' bun Be ill c le ph o n e Co m pu n y W . r . lin d \ 1' 1'110 11 Hobbs t o . I I . I'fi ' I AI . . •• . ' " • to l h,lt l1Iudl SIll' ha d hr" ul! h t \I Ith .. , ,," I II1I ~ 'l u thOll ze d to t r '\n s fe r l h e r I ~ II I I N III ill Fran k pu mt". II IH 'lil a I P ( us ( mmI K,h ll n a c lll,et . "Ith a )! a ~ s t o\' in il l ,d\ll lll s h · \la ' ",I ,aM. " A nd l h l· 1( hl'l it p"llcll und 1\ rt" !' h"t.", ,lI' ,, "d t' I'l' ti J . I. HI e y . .1·(' Ce l\·t' I:. 10 ,. ' ' n h I' k . f " " . ." In. OIV (' , " 0 ." l1'lIll'l x nf th H' E tlll e o f Allee H . \\ h~ I" t he ) uu ng lu dy co u lu ma k e I \,' 1\ ;: 1I1a l' c(> l, who ha d ,'n,'l' kll~) \1 nth ,. h" t .,!' < Il nl .. 'a Ie I'. f rom \I h ll' h pay 1111' ~ 1I111 o f $! ) I .1,1 to ', . .J. 'Il; le on , C : 00 s o t Ie c o mp~ n y . I IIlI. . Ro~n a l!l e la te o f W n n e ll County . h· , . Ift e III l he m Ol nl n'" If s h e h I' 'I nd \\h o u t 'In y m Oll ll'n t Il II"ht I I .J ll n ~ " 1l III IltI\,lll l! n l 10 II mOl l g aK e rh e lI(t \ a lu (' o f t h e esl u t< o f ::iel h Il n d e ln Co u k t o J ohn 0 1 I I ' c, . . ' , ' .' .. s hl' pa lll : lak lngiv t" I'I' ,dT th,' W III \ ' e L Baxt c r d e c 'l1 s 'd wns I u I '15 . .. , . W y n 'sv ill e l in. I eCl'll . l:e . lik~d : n pp e llr IIlth n - h lll lll ).!' l ul' In ll' ll 'IHi n te r! IWllli ln)!s: Thc n Slt l' pl' n - "11 ~I c a s l~ I e).!' ,. I" I f O U~ ll tll Cl o b'e "" O" S:" O \\I·'t ll eE{I"" lrd' (,)11 111 , A " 1l~"l cS In ItI e' D'\v 'I{1 C. I)o nlll" l)1It\ l tl ~ h. Att y . T he y oun g tn dy u cco l11panl ed he r wh o s h e w a s, . , .. (o l a .lI uthalll was gra nt e d 11 , .p " " •• 1 .! l'l' n ." rfl\ln 0 , W Z nOLL hi m li p th\' ee Ri g lit s o f carpet .d " I mu s t be an n ll1a ~ln g "plinll- t ,d .. d I h ', c linl' f<. . I d iv"I'l' P fro ll! 11 :lIo l d ~lI lIl h fl ld . t he ' E" , !3a xte r, I.t l'otlt e \'. U~ s ucceso r . . Il o hn es . 7!1 'j (j Il t' I'l'S In. Wa y ne twp Ju ug l' o f Ih t' Probat e Co urt ~ t ai l's u n d ,lp pro\'E'd t he npllr t l11 c nl wh e n 1'111 m y ~ ' If ," _III.' Il'I le rtcti ~I ' I .' . \ 1 ' 11 ' 1 11{l 1 I d e l I' n ti ll n t hll \, ln!.: IH' pn ~\l il ty o f l I. he C{l Ult OI'U e l'l' u th ut 1I!1 u ppl' Mu r y E h zHbc lh Co lll n ~ . h y exec. W ' t Oh" ra t I h t op Th e p r ice a"k e d r il l' th c \lIt h a d ('e p ~ i g h ' . \ , ( , II . I II II I I ~ I (I~S n ('~d e('t o f d ll t v T h e " Ia lfl ' l'atum be Ill ude t u th e s Upt' I·\I1tend - . ut OI' t o A . 1'. B II ~ III i: (' I', 3 .6 4 a c \'es u r re n o un y, 10 1001110< WU~ r ea s ona b l ~. It wa s an u n k'lrId tl'l c k s he hn d . r· II I'i!' 1\ (' 11\ 1' fol' "1'1'111 1111' u' Hle t IlT \la s g ive n e xr1u s l\'t' c u ~ lo d y uf ' e nt of th e D u~,t~ n Stu t e H os pi tal In Ha rl n n tw p. - -- - - - " I' ll t a k ,' t" Eve d e c itled ' If pl~\\ ed h e r Goo d ~a lllal'illl l1 b u l ti d , I HI1I n" lh .l l n u t I l1Iu~ l n ll t till' ,hil dI L'n. \l he l l' UY lhr tl dellel. l f o r lh e udm lsslO n o f J e llnett e A. P. BnSlng e l' 10 Gilld ys II lI d W. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT , . Il a I'Ian 1 ca n 1II0ve III n, ow. " s h e. httd bec n dl'l vl! n I" II nnt!. ~ h· I I.... . ' \ h·tr , d ...n t<o I, I'1"11 ' tI).!', .' 1" .. h" O\l::t ,'\01 e r1 ' lp lI \\ :1 < tl l'd 'I'l' (I t o pa y $ 15 per H erby " . W . 1\1 II b r y" 'l S . G'I U~ l ll ~ III "To- nig ht ?" The ja nit o r r e - d id nul r e g l' t i At Ihe Ih ll Ughl l kll1o1 a.n (~ 1 1I~1l' ! V lin lit{, • n 11\l.t.k fu r th e r1l1l dr c n ~ ' "l\P Po \'t. 1 h e co u rt approved Of ex pe ndl- tw p, E stll t l' o f J . L. ll u rts ock, u evenled a nLltu ral s u rprise at thi S o f th e Cul'l und hL' 1 pa ll 1(' , d ullw d k n.",· It I ~ hl' < I nr 1111' t u he 1l 1 1l 1~(, Ray Il n l' I' i ~n n \\ 1I >; uP P0 inl cd Il~ l\ll' ~s 111 t he ulll o un t of .$54 III Curl DIllI C,u 'olill e . chau b lo Lil (' xp e diti o n. Doc t or s lInr~ es con s ult"t l"ns. ' 11 11 I l"wI ' f .. lln d a ~ .,f c. q UI e t. 1('- 111 jt ll :lld 10 aSSI" t S h l' l'l ff Fu lk e lth s e tt ll!m C' nl o f II bua rd bill u nd h e L. ·t I11 n n, lots Nos. 72 nntl 7 3 ccase d . No l ice is hr l'c by g ive n thut " R ig ht n ow" Ihe n ('w -com e r I'e- 'Ito nu n;s - tllI'l'~' \l U' 11 0 L'IHI 1" ' <1' 'rtllhl .. ,,1 1I l't' . \I hl" " I Cll n Wil t III t l'a ll: po l'tin j! Ro be rt Pi ll t o $3 5 .0 11 fo r c1 0t hm g f o \' Geol'ge L e- in Uee rfi e lu twp . the p os~ i b l h llCS Hami lltln ha d ..-l Till')' ~ U\ t h,ll I " "~( ' \V ho 1'(0<'0 \(' 1 :\l lI ns tie ld . ' p oschn k, in co mp ete nt, pr oduc e d in C. Roge r N is b el I II H nl'l'y E. I Ad dl {' A. Ii u l't s oc k hil S b ee n duly Pl' llted ' " fl o;"" a b o ut yo ur r l f-I'eDces ?" in Ilw tl OIl wh e n h,' (·I1 I1 .. d In tha i 1111 111 II laps e' II kp I1Iln e d o nllt l't~- I J lI lI l ' E . BII l' kr wa s allpoi n l etl co urt Ly h iS g ua rd ln n, H url' Y L. H u rlll r hc l lots Nos. 20 13 . 20 14 , lI (1n o inte ll u llel q uu lifi l'd a s .~ x ec u­ t r ix IJ f th e Es lute o f J. L. Hart"My r e fe r e n ces will b e t h e ]1s yc hiu l ri t. 11)0 '111 111' 1. \I h.\1 h.l p l,.. ne d In t h <' In- l ib ('(l u nse l ror .Jo hn A. 1'UI';<o n s III UU lm od y. 26 15, u n d 2 6 17 in IJ (' d iel ,1 t\l'll m onth 's r e nt 10 ad van ce and I'll Be tt (' 1 hI! 1111\ \\'h (' I'(' Hnd f r e t . 1\'.11 . :-'; 0 I , hl1 l1 wri te ou l Iii I' ,IC- th c u ~e aga lll :'( h llll by th e Stu tc I No ti ce o f es t~ t es COl' Re t ll em ent Jum es nnd MUl'lh ll lI o pk in s t o lioc k lute o f Wan e n County, Ohio , pay it t his minute" E ve'l ou k out I han III Ih e p U\l c i "I' (' \1 II the bcst (I,"n l II I' IIUI lIl (' d 1l1 1!' a nd pul Il "' f Oh io. alt' se t f or h ea lin g on Mny l U, nt Th e leve land, Ci n ci nn utl. C hi - d e(' e n. c d . Ilall·d thi s 15th ti llY of Mny . _ / "\\,:IY \l' lth ~' {jtl r ('u rd A n(,I . \\ h ~ :1 Hobe l'l W . Hr nw \I \\'II S e mp lo y ed !I o ' c loc k a . 111 . eng e, u nd Sl. L o ui ~ ~ u ilwllY 0., 1fJ:J O. .. nt I1 I~P I' l r '1~ 1I 1 11 . ' \\1 11 \"ll l' ~ n ~ co un Rc l f o r J ohlll B e rg e l' lII t h e l It wa s o ld e r e d . ~~ t h e fo u r t th at 2.5!HI . llc r es III }o~ \,!ln kltn twp . . . W . Z. ROLL i.....W.L an d 1<11 ~'u "0 . ,1I1 ,j I I V tu t hunk <, lise e n l el c d u)(' Hln s t him by th e l he Le bll n o n-C lt:tze n ll NutlOn a l Cehn E Tho m poso n to Willt n m Ju dge of t he Pro ba t e Co urt, ~1111 f\ 1"Pl·I' ly. . , .'l nl(' o f 1110 , Blink an d T r ust Co mp a n y, of Le h N, Th o mpso n, 2.44 IIC l es in Le b W nl re n Co unty, Oh io . III I h e l1I {, :l n lll1."~ d Ull ,t \' ~ rry The Cl\ ~ e nf O lg l~ May H a ~ e ~, uno n , ' x e cu~o l' o f t h e astute o f an un! 9. . .: blt tl 111 . An d ple .1 e d ll n t tI ~ to hy h e r n ext frt e nu , Edwa rd Ka ise r .J o h n M. Bl a dl ey. d eceas ed, pro· Wilh a m T . C,)l e mH Il t o Cn \'n e L . v e r~ u :\l ilo H~lY es , al so k n ow n li S d u ce a d eed to Cla re n ce N.e lso n, D UV IS, lot No G1 in Ma. oll . IIlId I11C No Room For Him i\l o,,1 g:I',lt cf ll ll y yo u I'!,. i\1 t1 0 Wats o n, IVII S di s missed w ilh p u!,c hus e r. of .th e .rea l estate 111 peFra nk P. E m e r y, b y sh e riff t o Ev e P rso nn c Co ut p\'ej ud ic e. lltlon . Dis t ributIO n of t h e . pro - Oli ve r B. J llc k ~O Il , 2!l lot s Il1 F osJudg e- The t wo lIl e n w e r e tight The c us e o f J . L. Gr ee n ve r " us cee tl W /I S o rd er ed . t e l' p a r k, J) eerfield tw p. Sh< a lOll )! J'llll'llt' l' up - J B. o<tell o w a s co m p ru mis ed, Th e c o u rt a p proved o f . ~h e r eF.dw :l \'d N. Bea 'hl e l' t o Miles ing Wi t h c ha irs. Didn't yo u Iry to t o w n. ::;h e l\\u ~ l nllll l th ut 1C'1te l' in s d lle d nnd di smi sed , POl't ~ f sa les m a de b y Miriam. C, B eu chlt' r , 9 .6 1 aC l'es 'in Franklin est ab li s h p eace? WI Ln es . - No, th e re was no t. u 11 I' lI , t llf l he cil.1 lC llI nte f r (J Il1 N oti ce o f the pe n d in g of th e s uit lIl c \, ea r y, o ne o f t h e e x ee utrl ce twp. Wh l' l e s h e live d , [ .. I' o f CO UI'Re o f th e Love la nd M ot o r C om p an y o f Ih e esta t e o f D. W. Hum p hreys , Arthur W a n d Emma W . third ch ll ir. . Fre n c h t o Ro b ert Kin g r e ul esta te Il a mi lto n wou ld I <, ga rd th e post- " (' ISUS Was hin g l on Co \'! ing t on a nu l d (' cellsed lll a l k s li S c lu , ~. A f te l lha t s he n t h (' r was o rd er e d mlld e by p u bli rt \VII S d e t e rmlll e d that the n';!t in Le blln o n. ub scr ib e f or The Miami Gazette l ou k a l ong' wa lk in 'Il t \' a l Park ca lio n, t he 1 es id en c e of t h e d e f e nd- valu e of th e e ' t ate o f ~ta nl ey C!lf M e rrill Procto r Ball o f Wlllind bUlIj! ht h pi cessa \' y h ous e- a n t be trl/!' , un k n own t o p la i nt iff. tOil H uwk e, d ec~ as e d. IS $ 1~5 0 ,.37 lillms bul'g , Vu., t o E D. Thompson h ul d s u p p li·s un ci ::I f e w lI\ agaTt was con ~ i d e l ed by th e cou r t t hu t th e exe mpti on s of t he dlst nb- part o f in -lot No. 28 in Leban on. ZIII " s . thut lhe p laintiff, J . B. linge r ma u ut e e rs e xceed th e ir s ~ ccess l o n s and Elizabet h Lun g e f e ld t o David A f lel a ll this Il Wit S on l \' cl eve n r e ce ive f o r 't h e r nt er- C rt les O il lhat n 5 n r es ul t SUid es t nt e and H n l rr. ('~ abou t SO a cr es in Wayne o' (' loc k and th lOll ).!' dll Y s U'e tc h e u n nll>u n v, I' CO\'e l' f\' om t he d e. s u c~ess lo n B a r c exe mpt fr om In t w p. G eo rge Alre h olz t o De lla Snide r be fOic h ' l /I ;; lin ap p al lln J{ IJ lnp k fc n d ll n t ~ T a yl or Brothe l S, Robe rt l h e n tnnc e lax. tn be ,fi ll ell . H uwev e r , th e ~ e wa s W . T n y l ~ 1' a n d J . A r t hur T ny lo l , l In ve nto r y a nd a pprtllseme nt · 101. 43 ucr es in TUIUecreek twp . MONEY LOANED \Ia rc!'1 S \' I ~ l t In lhe ve!1 1!l g to I th e SUIll o f $ 0 3 0.0!l Il n d cosls. fil ed : E state Of Chu r les E. Dec kWill ia l1l B. Fu rtiag e , tru ste e t o loo k ~ o l'\\' ll rd to, a n el , h e k illed t h e T h e CUlle o f Fru nk A . A y e \'s e l', decea e d. A rthu I' S m udb e ck, 5 70 lots in " D on ' t be s care d If yo u h eal' h e I' cu min ' h o m e lit fO Ul' In th e mO l'n - s~ .l1lln ).!' l\' un (lI el'lI Inlervu l by . a ve rs us S usa n E . Ay e rs \\a. dis The co ur t o ld e r ed t hut C hnrte r s Love land pOl'k, 111 De erfie ld and LOANS o n Li ves tock, C hattels, in' ," the jnnitor r e m e mb e r e d t o a du V I ~ lt 10 t he Jlubll c IIb l a r y. t o II'I' I I~ m issed . D. lI1 ~ p.l e h e ap ,?olllt ed t o. tuke the Sy mmes twp Second Mortguges . Notes b o ught .I t a ~H J,l c ~h I e l h<; R('co un t Of h et In t h e ca se o f 0 111 I' Rh oad es dep ()s~ l l o n o f E li zabet h NIx o n Butt Sarah Ella Fren ch, et al t o Arl11 e li ng 1\ Ith Hallll ll ll n. ~ h c w rote v rs u ~ Ch a rl c ~ L . F I'Y, up on 111 0- o~ Mlddleto.wn, a ~"'Itn ess to th e thur W . French, re nl esta te in Lcb John H a rbin e, Jr., Xenia, Ohio, h e r purs e , holding th e name of inte nti on f' d . tl' a ll g e l ~ . Mar c e l in r eser ve, If s h e e ould f o r Th e ni g ht WIlS u Lad (In C'. F or th e lI" ld fa ct:; fl'OI11 t.h e t Ime oC th e lio n o f d cfe n dll n t . leave o f cu ur t \\'111 of Elmira Coolidg e , d ecells ed. an o n, the present av oid m e ntioning tha t, h o u r s ~ h e la y s tdl lng 011 1 IIl to th e 1I1 (:nl(I I'Y 1 1I p ~ e, p u t l ln g rl uw n t h e , is gra n t e d t o fi le a nsw e r . Acco unts Ap{lr ove tl : Arthur un d Rulh S madh eck t o s he pre f e rre d t o d o so. Th e f e \l er b lae kn esi> o f I h e n UI'I' OW CO UI·t p ls nc1('s w ll h o ul C I~II1Il1 ~ n t , . sl1 ve 111 1 Ole n S tr aw n wa s granted 11 tli E s ta te o f C lifford F, R oss , in - Carl S chaub, lols Nos . 5022, and LONG OR SHORT TIME- Easy who kn e w of h e r Garla nu co n- whi le pa n ic e n ve loped h e l lik e u n Ih e IIlntt e r nf l-\ a Tl lll tu n ~ k lll dn(' s~. vo\'ce f r om E li za b t'th S tra wn , the co mp e t e nt, firs t and fin a l. 562 3 in Deerfi e ld t wp. t e rm s , Als o S urv ey ing and Ab. icy fug. £t t oo k n il I he 'ollrage she (,I n a n Irl1 puls e . ~ c I n c! ~ d ed h iS d e f en d a ll l h nv ing been g ullt v of E ~ ta te o f Geo rge W . Lal'ric k, ti c Ar t hur und Ruth S m a db ec k to n e cti on the better. Writ e and ( will cnll The j a nit or h esitate d, 10 king hu d ,u ll t he s tre ng lh of h e r ~ ou 1. C hic a g o a ddl'l'~s. 1 h I' w n t lllg k e pt g r us' n eg lec t of d uty. Th e co urt ceas e d , first a~d final. Cnrl Schaub, lot.'! Nos. 7 2 nnd 73 s tra cting. nnd sce yo u .. Sum D. H enkle, WIlYher ove r again Th e n wi t h a s hru g to ho ld o n to h e rse lf. At int(, I'val s h et· o,c.cuPI C'd f o \' I1 lm'(' tha n :111 I IIPPI"ovc d o f t he sE' t tie m e n t o f all E ' lllte o f WllIlllm H , Se il er s , d e Dee rfi e ld twp. J 11 of h is t hin s h o ulders h e took th e sh e s Wllc h ed u n lhe IIgh l nnd loo k ho u l' I h£, 11 gil l' I l' lI d fOl t \\ " hOUI S. p ro pel ty rights an d cl ai ms betw ee n cea Rcd , fir s t a nd fin~1. A rthut· u nd Ru t h S mad bec k t o n esvill e , OhIO. e d u t he r wat c h E rl n s m ight ha vu 111';' 1eel U1'1' I ~ 'cl D ~ Clgh t th ut th p l!llntlff an d d e f e n d ant. wh e r eS~ta te of Granvill e P. Decker, Carl S chuab, lots N os . 72 and 73 olfer and th e ca sh. Th e crumalness of th e trnn act- p llss cd 8 111('(, s h e Inn lw d la s t . hut "V l'llI ng, \V CII 'll1g Ill S bes t ga l'- b y ea eh IS di . chnrge u fro m an y d ee~ase d, fir s t und final . in Dee rfi eld t wp. ion m n de E v e ra th e r th o u g htful. l th ev ha dn ' t. S om e limes It wa" o n ly tn (' l!t~ n ml , a h l/!'h ly e xpr ctant ex- l u nd 1111 chum s f o r 1~ lilll o n y or s u pE.stat e of Mu x Knufman, deAl'thur and Ru t h Smadb eek to Still, Marce l had t es t ifi ed that t h(' n n hOiIl . 0 1' e v('n hll if on ho u r. . pression . S h ' ha d flet' ld ed t o t e ll pOl l. U p o n a p pli cation t o the cea sed , firs t and finu!' . Carl S chuub, Lo ts Nos. 3288, Fnl'm ~ rs of Warre n and adjoining plnce w as r esp ectnbl e . Wh el! t h e bla c k COU I' t W. IS g lO W hi m th c tlu t h. I t wa s .a I' ls k . but COlIl' t t h e d e fe ndan t WIIS I' CHto r d ~stu te o f Be rtha Ke nri ck , f ee ble- 32S 9, 3290 , 329 ] , alld 3 292 in e o unlt ~s may obtain m oney on Sh e went t o tli e d oo r Wi t h t hc III g gray s he hClIl'd MISS Ih l\ c n· I ~e \I<lS nll't'a (!y p fl ill y III her co n - Il o h ~ \' fo \'m e \' m lln e ' Elizabelh 111 In.,d e d , second. . Derfi e eld twp. long time loan s , lit 5 p er cent injanitor, Lo g e t his linul m essage pOI·t' s r e t u r n ; at I emit s ltl' us- hel e l! e!:' , u nd It w~ s fll'oba bl ' th ut LOIlKc f c ld. F. stnt e Of C lnt'ence N, Fis hel', - - -~el' es t. Cost of se curing the same IS ve ry r ea so nabl e , through The Stn t u o f Ohio \' e l''IlI S V es t er mlll o \', .sec ond and final. . . Marriale Licen.e. u bo ut the d elivery of milk a nd Hum eu th ll l l h e . te p!; \1 1' 1" h e r he ha d bec n. q u c" t lO ne cl ab (,ut h el. l oll s in th e m ornin g . n"i g hb o l's 's , and th a l it wa s M,S' Be lt(, 1 Id , hlll i h.a ve Iw ,fa c.t s t h n n Ows lry , d e l' ndan t plead ed gu ilty A~ II1 s trUll1ent of WTltll1.g PUI'fedcl'al ~and Bank , F or further Willinm Butte rr, labol'err, of IIlfOl'matlOn calJ o n or uddres s M. .. I C'I! le t yo u h ave a lIlUe ))u ve npo l't'f( d oo l: thal wa s I·H·ldlng In I!II" .hl s G.t1 ltc IlIlag m n t ltl n too t o t he c harg e a ga inst 111m, Se n- P? rl1O g, to b e . t~ e lus t Will a nd co ff ee, t oo ," he g r aCIO us ly d, .. t o l he urg e 0 1 1\ n e I'V "lI ~ I; ('y l11u ~h I CIII . . e ll c e \V Uf! d efe l'l ccl. IL tam e nt o f Lllh.1l1l J. S m a ll, late N orw o od, and 'MISS N e tti e May C. DRAKE, Tr ea ~ urcr, phone 3 LOc ide d. E ve 's w n t ch b o \'e Ilut tit £' th ell r y: I li e lis t n cd \Vll h tnle l'~sl. b u t S t a t e of Oh io ve r s u s Snmu el ~ f S al e m t ownship, was p,·o.duce.d Wild e r of Oreg o nia , Ma y 17. X Leb a n on, Ohio. The r e w e r e tw o !lpa rlm cn ls o n I q.u a rte r -p a st fn u ~·. She d l'C' w a d CI'll \I h{)ll \' w.ll h ou t u." ,! ('r" ta,l~d !n g. an d 1'1'(1\' 111 0 , n o p len e n tr l'ed by de- ! III e o ul·t for probate, H earing IS th e flo or, and a s th e man ta lk ed Sig h, turn e d aga ll1. li nd h n p ed t ha t (,hv lou s ly wl.t.h I clt ef. 1 hiS II t lie f e ml a n t a t t his t ime. Co urt fix e d se t fo\' Jun e 13, .1 :30 p. m, Bill. Allowed WANTED the do or of th e opp o ~i te o n e op e n - t he g irl f elt belle I'. W it h t.h e n p- IIla ttl' l' r x p lu m e d ye ry we ll th e od d t h bo nd in t h e s um of $\00 0. . It was d e termin e d that the net Frank Harris, r e fund e l' o f tax, ed and a g irl cam e o u t. h e was a proach o f (l aw n SHill o r t h e hl.1Ck· I Il C!iR u f ~ :1 cJ c ll1U1 ~u ll c: Bu t o f .1l S t ule of Ohi o ve l'sus F e rman va lu e. o f t he e tate of Edna C_ blond gi r l, y oun g a n d rath er n ess lifted fro m he \' Sp 1\'1 t. S he cCl tmntv It wus a t l'l fJ e, o ve r 111 BUl'I1h ur t d e f e nd an t. Plea ued n ot l H op kll1 s, d ecea sed, was $2417.11 $1.77 ; The West e rn Star, adv. f or pre tt y, with v e ry r o und c h ina -blu e slep t. 1a f w d ra ys . liS l\[n ~l e l.\ IO I ~!l ll e ha d ): uilt y. Bon d lixe d at $ 7 50 and th.a t th e exe mptions, of th e .dis . bids, $5.70; S e ymour S, Tibbals, LARGE NATIOJirALLYKNOWNTh e s un wa R s h ill ing wh e n ~ h e ".U gl!l'~ ('rI. il, s opl lml!< 111 e h ee l'e d trinl W1'IS s et f or Jun e 4 L!l:10. tnbule es ex ceed th e ir BU,ecesslOn s same, $10; Fre d Procter, 13 bind- ~AN~FACTURE will s tart you e y es. S he wo r e ev en ing dress, f ll r too e l!ll:iorn t e for h e r en vironmcn t awok e, untl u li vely ta ttoo o n t h e E v ~ . w h il e ~ h c l'ell lt z~( 1 I.t !! so ure c S ta t e o r Ohi o VE' r RUS ',John B er - and tha t u ~ a res ult saId estate e rs for county auditor, $42 .81; II! bUs lll ess f or y o urself. W e fur. n early everything. Many but it was hel' co lor a n (I e xpress- pan e l o f he l' oU t(' I' d oo r , hll d a s I\! n ll l un c t·. lIIlI l eel a dlTll U ed t ha t ge l' d e f e nd n n t pl eat" '" n o t g uilty. ~l nd successions are exe mpt from George L. Sche nck , postage, $10; II1s h The Columbu. Blank Book Mfg. make $50 to $76 weekly profits. inn t hat c au g ht nnd h elu Eve's broughl eRca p e fl ... 111 an es p(! c ia lly hI.' h 'I ~1 n o l a ~ .v e t f oun d h e l·. nLlll1 e, BII~d fix ed $ 100 0 . T r ia l WI1S a s- m~ c l'llan ce tax. ll tte ntlOn . Th e color w a s a blu e- unpl en ~ ant ni g h t nlU l'e . ' h (' ~ h p p l· d b u t hi S II1ln,\ \\tl S u usy o n It. Nor ~ i g ll e d f o r Ma y 22. rh e c o urt ordered .that a reas - Co., supplies , $ 18.25; L . M. Sco- Steady repeat bu s iness. Write O. C, HEBERLING whIt e , and the look s he cas t n t t he in to U wra pp e r, ulI !t? c k ~ ,1 lh !' I' d o ni I l'olll d !Il' I' Cn,1I' mL l'l' ~ h l' n Ll mc ? f Stul e o f O hi O v el'su ~ Lyn e d e n onabl(' fu e f or s.ervlce t;entlered fi e ld, s oap f or jail, $5.65: Monroe quickly. two s tandmg th er e wa. a lm os t d e!<- a nd co nf ro nt e d Lif(' .IHn ltOl'. · lI e ('al' ,III ) 11 1 M,lrl l 1111 " "c· 11 e s f ri e nd s In W ilso n a nd C lyd e Bowm a n. e ach th e estale of Ce lmda Griest , de- & Johns t un, SlIwdu st (or sherift', COMPANY, Dent. 1886 B1oonnng75 c; Bl'opha Slusher, per D. Robt. ton, III. p e1'8te-- n ot at a ll t h e Ida nce Of n rl e d a tray whi c h h e ld a l,lhl es- · l'ull <. But Ill' \l Il:< t hll1kll1g o f pi 'n d etl gull t~' . S e nte n ce waR d e- ce a s ed b e uJlll?wed. . Stll nl ey F Rtehl e w as nppomted Blair, hydrophobill treatment, $37. e u.riou R ' tra n g e r. b u t t hc unc u n - p oon {!f gl o und co lfee III a (' u Jl . a Ih ('~ e I hll ll! ~ co ns la n tl y. a.nd v e l Y f e l re d. SC IOUS a ppearan ce u f u n c w h o \V u!; d ab 01 b ut te l . n nd a j.!'la o<s Of m ilk ~ lJo n . . . r n t h e I1I ca n lt m c , If S ta t e o f Ohi o v e r~ u ~ .Iam es e x (' ('~t o r o f th e es tate o f Ge orge 20 ; Roy Slus he r, s am e treatment HATCHING Rutre rin g ph y ieul pa in . S he m ove d ~ ith nn eg g n a n a d d ed a l l! net - I Mad( lIl o ls (' lI p 'I, \\· I ~ h. h e would .",hn ~o ll , cl e f e nd u ll t. Pl end ed guil - C. RI ~ hl e, d ecea sed, nnd fil!-!d his $37 .20; Brown & Bunnell, coal for s lowl y. h old ing t o th e s id e I'ail a ~ Ion . ' II I II (' tn Le on , Wh o ha(1 b e e n Mad- ty ~ e nt e n ce W Il S d e f e rred . bond III th e s um of $2000 With Ed Memol'ial tJall , $14.88; Waldron s h e d escende d lh e s tu il's, und r eE ve ga ve hi m a d o ll ul' H r ue- e molsl: II ·'s \,(' ,11 WH il eI' and wh o l '~ h l !' o f Ohi o v e rs us Ro bert nu L. and Harr y Homan, ns sure- Gilmore , inque~ t b ody Ben Black- ATTENTION- Lebanon All. Elect s pond e d t o th e Ja nito r ' s offhand se \'ve d i t fo r hi S le ll ie ncy in thn l \\'a~ n" w \\ olk lllg' III a b go hot ul on Pi t t ' d e f e nd a nt p le ude d guilty t ICS. Clyde Whitacre, Edward burn,. $6.10; Mtller HardwDI'e Co., ric Hatchery, 21 leading bre eds g r ee ting with un inarticulate littl e mattc l' o f th e I l' f l' l e ll Ce, b u t (h e ({ ue ti l' la P al x. He would br l!' s c nte nl:e li as d eferr ed. ' Darby und .Dean Culberson were s.upph es, $2 . ~0; Trustees of Pub- . ~r pure -bred baby Chicks hatched. lIIu r ml1r. . s O ll1 e~h m g d ec p \lll hln he l se n t II ' Le~ n l o tl' lI hlll1 a ll h e l'c m c mWilli am L . Suem e ning W!lS np- mud e apPl'!llsers .. he Alfatrs, ltght and gas, $2.75; III fumigated Incubators- a hatch "Who \ 8 lhat ?" E ve nsk e d wh e n wal'lIIn g s ig n u l fI s h e hund e d It b e l e u II bo ut t he y u ung lad y of f o ul' p ointe d gu a rdian ad lite m f or rt was determmed that the net Ben. Sort~r, labor, ~104; Pennsyl- each Mondar and Thursday. sh e hud dis app eared. ov el'. A yo ung: p e rson I n h e r s lt lla ye ars ago . . . . , I Wilbur Mary and lRnymond Zinck vulue of the es tate of Zoe Reatha vanta RaIlroad, freight, ,107.10; Special attentIOn paid to Custom "Miss Ivy Dnve np ort. She has' ti o n and with less t hun t hl ee hun - I "Bu t . th at "w llI tn!(e tw o wee k~ ,' l mlnol's: d e f e ndan t s in th e case of White, dec e ased., was $4614,67. J. D. Adorns Co., grader repairs, Hatclting. Open all day Sunday to that flat. Sh,: da n ce s l\l a cabare t" dl' e d doll a rs 111 l h e \\ o l'lu l1\u <t ~ v e. Cl lCd , . t o w ri t e a nrl g e t n Ma l tin A. Bis hop ve r s us L o ui s Dis tlll~ t ~h e e x emptions. of the b~ne­ $104:19; The Oregonia Bridge Co., the public. J. O. O. F. Hall, phone but s he's a ni ce gil I, Jest t h e sa me learn n ot t n pa r t \\' 11h a ny of l h o~e I e pl :. , ev e n If h e un s l~ers a t once . " ho p e t al It was furth e r ordered fictart es exceed their s ucce:sslOns r epair wor.k $9 .S0; Mnineville Gar 180, 132 E. Mulbery StTeet. ' tf .~h e ain't w el l, th o ll ~h . S he ' s bee n doll a r s to n lI ghtly . TIII H on e Pl'o ved , t wu \\ e e ks mOl'e o f .thl s l" Ih u t Ge o rge Ga l es, Ch arles Moore lind th~t as n result said estate a}ld uge. gasolllle, $40, 42; Eo S. Don. Sick a lot late ly, a n ' I t luo k s t o m e ' a goo,1 In v {'~ tm e nf. Ma re el wa H ovel wh e lm ed. H e li nd Pa l'k Pnl'dee were a pp ointed s uc.esslOns are exempt from m· age gasoline, $40.12; E. S. DonFOR SALE like she's s ic k aga lO t o-lIIght." " My n u m c 's ' m it h. " t he j a ni t or had fO lgolten thut d etail. co mmis s io n e rs to divide I'eul es. he nlnnce tax. nell, fI\-st estimate on ' eo ntract Evide ntl y the Ja n iLO I lik e d Miss v olunteCied . "Gu s ~ v ou w n't I " How e \'or, p lea s e tl o it," Ev e . tal e if ilO~s ible in proportion withThe last will and testament of $200; Marion Cook, same, $180: Da Ve nl)Ort . H e was st ill l ooking h uv~ no t l'o u ule I e m elllbe l in' it " ~ Igh ., " Th oul! h I hope t o G?,d l ou t Injur y t o the value th e reof. J. L . H!lrtsock, deceased, 'Yas pro. Marion Cook, in fu1\ of contract FOR SA LE- 2·row Corn Plow with tractor hitch, lind hors~ lifter h e r Wi t h sY l1lpa lh e t~ e yes. Wh e n S ml lh hlld re lu c tant lv d e- s h an t n eed It wh e n It co m e~ ! duced III court and admItted to $7~; The Oregonia Bridge Co., reo "But I r eck u n sh e's g ot t o gO ' an' pu rt e d- - it had IIl so beco m e c lear S O lll e t hl ll~ about th a t ex c lllll1nprobnte. Addi e A. Hart~ oek W/lR pUlrs, $260, 52 ~ J. K. Spencer hitch. J. B. Hess , Spring Va1\ey, O. (Janc e j est th e s lIm c ." he add ed I lh a l hi s \V II S 1\ clllll IHlnlo n llb le Ro u l twn m a d e Ma l c e l tak e a less New Suih app ointe d executrix, no b ond re- bridge lumber, $180; The Oregoni~ tf phil oso phi call y . - she PI e pa l'e u h m III I'l1kfu s t li nd . c hee r y VIC'\I Of he l' s ituati on Il S U lli ve l s a l ('rcdi t Compuny, a (wire d, J . O. Cartwright, W . O. Bridge Co ., material for lIuspen- SPRA Y YOUR TREES-If in "Poor girl! H ow can sh e da nce?' 10 h e \' (, wn J{1'e a t SUI'I) r1 se , nte It. h" lef t li e !. Ct1 I'j.)I) l a t lO n, ve rs u s J . T. Ril ey , 1'e- Wh e tzel a nd W. S. Graham were s ion bridge, $120,86: Monroe & need of new spray pump, large Th e yo un g p er so n \\ ho h au p a ssed She had cook e d it und e r a jog gin g . ( '1' 0 be co ntinu ed) cl' iv<1 f o r PUIII B. Ml t hne l, f o l' made appruis ers. Johnston, s urveying stakes , $23.75 or small, spray hose, nozzles, com. pumps, leathers, rubber pack ------ - ===== =========== =!:::::= plete Inga, etc., call on The BOCKLE!' CO,,415 W_ Main St., Xenia, PINKY DINKY Pin)cy'. Idea of Saying Nothing OhIO. tf


Centerville, O. New Burlington, O.

,,1li"t'''' I'

W !












5% Farm '" Loans


Fa rmers, A tten tion


I .








PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS -For all purposell. BockI.t'. line of plumbing and heaUnc IUp • plies are th:; beet. The Boekl.tKin~ Co., 416 W. Main St Xenia Oblo. '"


~A"" AN...,-rt'\INEtI




..... atft4M ........~-..., ..... OU~

I.,,,,,,,,,,••\IOq4", AOWI

. TCIOK A tPAoa ,fiNO HO. ~ ' .. ANT ". .MoaN .v\'1. O~



W... " .. 6ft.., uP"fO A M1tH 'N1!I!1H ..


FOR • SALE PLANTS Sweet potatoes, all kinds of garden pla!lts and B:mnuda Onionll. O~lIons 20 cents per hundred, 1 JA. mIles ' North ' of Waynesville on Ferry road. Strouse Brothers, R. R. No.5. -jet4

THRESH~R SUPPLIES--.:BELTS pulleY8, babbitt metal. oU cap•• Injectors, lubrlcatol1l, Iteam and

water pupa, puce ElIiu, onerl. pacldDc. boiler flnea. auction lIo.

and tank pumpL THE . BOCKLBT CO. 416 W. MaiD SL Xenia, Oldo.

- ---





____ !52 _ _ _





Igreat annoyance to persons whose - - - - - - - . . . . _ - , . . . . . . -_ _ 1 names happen to get Ott the mailISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY inll' lillt 'of the firma employln" it, Even thoulrh there Ie no leral ob- - - - - - - - ---..,....- , lIt1'l1tion to pay tor or return the D, L, CRANE_ 1- I Publl.hel' l'IOods ",nt' them flon approval" OIliICl Phone" "'I; :;;o:;" ....... No, 112 ' mOllt persons will do one or the , . other thr'ough {aur of appearin&, to R"ldlence, .. "" ......... . , ..... No. t 18 be dishonest. . Whil e, o l'dinurily, we do hOt. Sublc,.iption Price, $1.50 ' a Year - - -- £nle,.J al P o. ' o lli ,·• • , Wo y n ... III. Ohio. a. Sccond CI . .. Mail M<.I"e,





:'lillI, CO!'\vin , Ohio, on TU E~ DAYS

AND FRIDAYS lII A'qe t Cash Pt'l ~ "

W. J. bAK£R'

lhl. lad,. Suffered Mor e than Six Yean with Dread Ailment -

f!tvo r the pa ssing of m ore taws for the l'eKtrictlon of the 'publi c, th e ~cheme s whi c h are b e in~ worked fo r f OI'c illg m!!1'cha ndis ' ull On unwi ll ing- c us tom er!; a l'o n Iluis!lnco lind o Ul:ht t o Le prohibited:

MA 1 :'H, I ~.'l0


I will take hi W ool Ilt Mill'. Saw

Corwin l Ohltl

New Medic: ine,


IN PRAISE OF EARTHWORMS t('n: ifierl if th 'y were to I('u rri that thi s boo k mnke~ n o mention of the If till! enrt hWOl'Il1 R were to puh - except io nal melllbe l'~ (I f th (· il'


!is h a ma~llzine, S(l m e dl'Ulllatic }.~~~e·ir~~~ "t~~ w 1~~':~d ~:sO~~ ~~cnCreel)(~'\~; __ • • !luc cess s tories wo uld be recor d ·d. IHlldin~ bi~ )ish , al' e di s miss ed b y Phone 93 It lI' o uld tdl, fur exa mpl e . th,' him os 'J ( s mall impo rtun ce. I . I FRIDAY, JUNE THIRTEENTH l'e mnr kuLl t cu r eer o f J o h n ' G . Bu t th e I(T<?U t milss of unkn own I I ~V O I'l" , Ho rn o f . hum b le !llll·onis. wor ms , wh u sp end th e ir wh ole liv ('~ • 111 du r k Rlll' ruuncJ 111 !{S , h e munug cd ' b en alh thl' ;; urfa ee o f obse rvati on / THE DEADLY AUTOMOBILE I • I by his o wn Iltr(~ l't s t o pu . h hi l1l st' lf , h ll hui ls as I h(' m Ost importu nt I ------------- - - - - - - - - _. Jr yo u sh(luld be run ovel' b}' an uP. tn l h(', s ~ll'l uc~. Th el'(' he \\'II S ICl'cll tul'eR in t he w o rld . llut" IlH)hil ll. 01' if u buildin~ s hou ld sH I ~d by I: ol'tun (' In thll. fn l' !?1 (I~ u If f Ol' 0111' yeul' llwy s h ould Th e cos t 10 th e peop le of the fall on yo u Friday of thi S \,•.:ee k, r o blll. willch snatch.,' d hllll high In: ('en~ (> t h eir indu ~t l'iou~ digestion t f /l U t Onlll 1JI' 1Il lie'ci - l uhlli eI th e ' guy whoI inve nted th e t oIe thtion e c loud!'. HI S lut Ill UIlH'nt It'llf U III't (>tI .,L' I aI's 0 , II' brief w h'l oft of Ihe . . mold f an I ti th eir in 1 ce~d ' nts in I H:!tI WIl K IllOl'e thnn $850 ('u lc' l\( Ilr-- It i ~ FI'ilay, the I ,3 th, l: vu u~. . '. ) .1 e I Kllnl stl l'l'lng 11 t Ie gr~l unt . 110 000000 uc co rding' t o the chair- I tll c d o ubl ll hood uo da y that bl'lngs las t ed the VIS IOII II IIS ~ plend.I ' 1. In ops w o uld g rll\\, . anti a nim a ls and , f 'th t · :1'· .. ·.1"11t · t 1'1 '- dr e ad to th ose who wlllk Il ro und U1' It woul d tdl o f I· rcde llc k L . nll!l1 wo uld dIe. llIan () e III,IC II (C lu ~ i; S II S · ·W 1 " h W ' IR '(rk ' · 1 , I t h III ' k t hal n IIrWln . ,S b 00 k on it's o f the Nationlll Rtred und Ilig h lInd l' R .ludd pI'!< 0 1' piny lud e-a nd .o rtn .' I 01 < . I II '. 1Ilg' h'l o n g wa Safe t Con fl'l' e nce. Mr, J . H , see k WIth blllck ca t ~. qUlc l~ .o n e (ay II' le ll an up e~vl~ l l':lI'th WIII' Ill.!< s houl d be. II part .o f :111 Y'·lI r.'; \:: x}l l'l'i Pl1 cc ill Fittilll{ y I ee. y II' IIUS" tosed hlln an(1" gl ll l'Y. Su ' ,- nil' l'<llI cutlO n . ailing WIth t ht' 1Il P al'me au IIHIli··t y II' e T lI oll'evcl' , WI'. will hllve o nly 'one . . .. ' tot,fa nl<' lib . II l1d :\ Iu ld llg C;la s~ I' ~ u ot e "tates t hu t '1'IOGO Ill' I'"UTl S I huu rl oll da y thiS yea r , alld If yo u I ce~R IIUS lit '. n( c( • ~ Pill~. a s I, s plrl llg hlflgrap hl e~ o f th c' gr '1It. It at ~cl'e ki-Ued 'i n nw to'l: 1~t:Cidents ' l a~'t 11 1' (' flll'tunat e ('n'ough t o escape I often Ih,l' cus('. 11(' Wtl S Illlpull'd \\'(,uld t (, lId I" tl" lch us humilit y. eur lin in cr~a (' o f 1:1 Jlt'rcelll OVCI' I Old Man Jinx .Iune I:!th yo u a r e Up OII n fl s hh ',oi< ';In(1 can-l e d a wn )' W e hUlllflll l.oeing-s wh o walk gil C AR Y'S J E W E LRY SHOP Yl ".)R' all d n eur'I v (011 I II tl 1(' IIl1m - , ill luck fo r th e remaind e r o f I '}'! Il11lller~I t·d I Inf u rlstrullg\! ) " .' O• I to Le 'rl I L c lc- p l' uudlv" u~ nHlI1ar('h~. or th e world EV eT Y Tu Thuraday u ~ ; of deaths fr o m thut cn u ~ e ill a s far a ~ Friday . full 0 11 the I:lt h m e nt. ll'rl' 11 >1 I l' cn p( . lit 1.lot . ~whllt !I1't' WI'. an~' lI'uy'! l3enefi MRS . JOSIE ANKRUM Sa lurd . y ' ' f Ilr In . 1"" 0 tl " ... t(· 1 uf the m o nth, I be f ore h(' hu d dOIH' thc bIgges t Job (' lUI II' S of the worm, with o ut II'h os e 19 20 . A n d so .J" I ~ l~ , Lust year th ol'e w ere thr ee 1"1'1. e~l' l' , 1' I I ., L f I Id I' nc."evcl Jy .1I1 } m em Cl' n "111'(, 11' (' COli no t 11'<' a ye UI'. " I II(,V (' I' lI hall fl'llr II cllrili " of flltaliL\ es is increasing No Charge f t. r Exam ination Th e~e f ut lll ' m o tor al'el (i l' nts are days t o co m e on t hi s unlu c k y du y. hiS ("mll y . Thl' fO I't~ne ?e lan d ~' 1 As .fo r fam e . . i~ is :, timulnting. ugHin , thank,. tfl this n,.\\' Ill edil'in r n ot II pec uli ll l'i t" o f IIn y particulur dev uul'f'd 111 111 , lJut It IIU S u hlg a n d lifts Ih l' Spirit uf th e c !'Ow,1. K . I ,. ' I M ' I .' , !\ ' k ' , J •• ' , .. . _ _ _ ____ fortun e. I Rut s hu ll wc d espu it becall se t o unJo a , " '" , IS. . (.'~ II . II I UI1l , :< ecllon ,? r of an~ class or , SIze '~ f Ttl th e rot he!' worlll s Ih ~ se st o ri ('s mo st of U5< it is deni ed? -14 I' n'st'" lI ~t l'l:'l·t, t. olunll!ll.s. , . cu mmunlty. 011 til(' , wholll. tI~ e l.~ mi g-ht be di sI'II ur uj!i ng. " Fame is Bcn lat h thl' ~llrfllc("li fe is cur - I "I ":a s II I'lctll1l III IH'U n I IS l or u... ~ f c we r .o f th e m In th e . la~gcl f or th(. few" Ih ey would s av. ri c'd fOrII'llI' J b" til . t ' ' d ove r SIX ~'earH. Th l' PIlIIl " I II my ' ~~ Itl "" " . , J e s us a lll ~ L k J I' b " f ' , I If 1 W ' II k h I L ~ ~ , thun. .III the counlry. ,,lIstrlcL'! ' , "No thing- eve r happ e n s to u:. W e loyalt y t o th . IllUS, . And wh o s hnll a c an 1I~1 i\ IHl e . n~ 1 (J , I ma e t c seaOO n 01 I .., , V . In (l1 0l'011l01l to p opulullOn . . ~he jU st ~til' '11'1JUlld aw hil !' nnd rli e '" Id oubt thllt there u re P " and I co uld find nil re lll' ( I II h(' NOTARY PUBLIC Bra n l tral or F nrm tehn~Ptlltio~1 ~lJ. . , :i'rl'I~~s a d~ivifl~~ 'It 'WOUld s u r pri se th ~'m til kn'ow fU I' IH'y{\ nd .. :,11''k(Jni~II:0~~;sll~~ Illedici~(' J tri ed, Th." I,'" w ': I'('I I~ays w ~ tl o u 0. , ~I ~ 1 . '. I that. H b'II,k was wr lt!,en ubuut 1 111'''''' - whi c h t h ey ma ke In ~ ible- at a tlln C' Ihat I W,l~ e til Nati on al Bank wOI'm s bv th e g'1'('lIt sc ie n tist Dnl'- urC' bel'lInd the vis ' I fI, , wo rk. My ne r ves wert' so raKg C'd po li ce m a n. ~" I I h nil HIg'I1ul lights ~ll $10.001 0 In l ur e Living Foa l be obeyed, IS !1111C'h gl'('ut~ r than .1Il w.ill . Th ~ i r s urpri ' C wo ul d lie in- " ' "rIll S"· , Io n of Ihe a nd j u mpy th a t s lec (l was o f I e n Will . Dro wn - - E.tate. S e ttled crowded traffiC, a s l' vCr lIlotd l'l , t . ' . , l o u t o f th l' lIucs ti li n . ancl my ge n WAYNESVILLE, OHIO know s. • = - ---= -=-erll l health su ff e l·ell. 1 hN'am l' subStali s t ics compi led by th £' Ne '1" lIlt f . j ect to fr equent dizzy ;.pelb and t braska tll Le Press A~soc iution fo r . ~i~'(' 0 t'st s ~Ild I'ead lllgs I~as had abou t giv en li p li o pl' of e \'l' r Phone 115F2 W ay neo ville, Ohi o 1929 s ho \\' that in thut stat e, wh " r e ~1r ' nOI' ( \$urnhe, t",T mee t I':(Rlth , se e ing II nothe r well ri aI', 1 p opul ut io n i!l le ss co nce ntrute d TO THE RAINBOW Op( sn' It'ol . <'Il c 1°lil t' ubn e f1 4, ,c"Mv attenti o ll \\'u~' finall~' al- I "'!!!~~~~~~~~--"'--h t 0f ., J " 10 ea 0 (' 'wonte I • , . ' . ' I I II f th t un In amo s n II e r es b irds !lnd th " h u ' t ' t me t ed t o KOIlJ o la , It I~ allla7. lllj.( I th e H at e;; and th l'e are on ly t.WlJ By Thorn .. Campbell Alf"ed W urd d ied at hi ~ coun~ Ir a I ~. whot hi~ l' pl en did m e di in,t' did ~~~ijj~~~~~;;:~~~~~ or thr ee r ea ll y lurge po pu latIOn Triumphul arc h. thut fill' s t th e sk y trv ho me last ·ollday. Funeral serl\Ir~, Mary Doste r , 1111'S. W. M.~ f o r m l'. Afte r I had fini l<ht' J the III cente rs , th e r ' were :!6.!! moto r the s ky • v ices were co ndu ctcd f rom th Mr - COs~ um. and William nn~ter fift h bott l . every pain a nti ac he fata lities .Ias t yt'~lI',. b~s l dl'li 12 3 Wh,' n sto rm s pre pa r e to P3l·t, 'Iure Funeral Hum !' W ed nesday m otore d t o Clevelan d .'ljnday hurl le ft me. an rl n eurili~ w a~ o nly P? r so ns .dl sabled, lTl .J,6.HI uUtOIllO- I u~k n o t pro ud Phil osophy afternoon . , whe re . Mrs. n o~tpr and Mrs . cos - I un unpleas an t me lll ory. T oda ~' 1 bll e .ucc l(l e ~t~, . T o t CDc h me what Iho u al't ;Th e lucii('s o f t he Bapt, s l Mis~ ill no;~ ~m wdl att c !lfl t hl' . Northt'rn Bap- feel b ettt' r than I hlll' e for yeurs ' l HIGHE ST Eyery ~'lC.tll1l o f a 111 01<11: a cc ld ury Ci l'l: lc will ser ve s upper in Mrs l tl s t ·o n vc>nllO n thl" week , Th ey; My a pp et it e ha s improved and my e nl IS a vlctml o f so meb od y Ii ca r e- St il l seem, a s to m y c hildh oo d' s Mc rl'ltl s' r oom Saturday e ve ning' l will be IHI~s£' ~ U('~l~ .uf Mi ss Mar- ge n e rl~ 1 health h u~ been l'esto~t'd. 1 CASH less ness. Out . of . th e , s ig' hts , June 7. B e s ure u nd attend, t ha I1nd ~1J~s GnH'e McCu ne' whlie UnheSita t ingly I Indors e Konl.o la PRIC ES numb e l' of !lcc lIll' llt,~ In Ncblaska A midwav s talion g iven Th, " t he r(,. Wlillulli "e turn e d ho m e the in th l' ho pe that oth e r s SUffl' I'IIlK I~ s.t yea r by fa r t he m ost w~re 1'01- F o r happy s pirits to IIlight (u ~~mellce!nen~ : x l' r cls~~ fi r st Of th e Wt' e k. will be led to ust' it." PAID IlslO ns bet ll' Cell ' ~b\\iO cll r s. 1 h ~I'e IS Be twixt th ea rth anci heaven. [h~ ths~hc~~IK '~~ c1i~~~i ~~~r\~~~d~~ MI'. an ti 1\1\-s. Will. Dau g htcl'tr I . KlI ll jo la is I~Ot u 'cul'e- u ll --th '1'(' n ever any (l OSSI reason or a Wh e n o 'er th e g r ee n, unci e lug e d ' l \ . fi h a I 1\1, ' " , t. f M ' , IS no s u ch thll1g. b ut when tak n ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN collis ion exc pt car e lessness on the e arth . eve l1l ':lg, 1nJ 1.1. T e. s tIlge WU !J nd M ,~x H e . I\.el~ ,gue~ s " ,1" 1f o r f l'O Ill s ix tn e ight \\' cc k ~ will you I' Cu tLl !!, h o~ s. ~ h !'l'" nn d culve ~ purt o f o ne dri ve r or both. S ixtY-l Heuven's ove nant thou did st bl'uutlfu lly d ecorated . In th.c c lass an . IS.. O\Ulld Glaham and MISS p l odu re n lllazi ng I' e~ults. The t o NOt' ri"- Bn'tk Cn ,. iiI'[' wirl' <lllri thr ee o ~ th e d e ad in Nc bruska I~cre s hin e. co l'.' rs gree n "a nd . whl !e With th e N e ll,l e lhls ·w eek . co untl ess thou sund ~ o f indo rsc- progl'm:~il'(: firm f o r l ht' hil1 hl' RI P?destnan s, s truck by cars: Thll'ty How cu m e the world's gray f a the rs .clus~, 1!10lt? ~ s In LI~e-, o . th e . BIII:y .a n s pent the pu, t week m ents of Ko nj o la htll'e prove n thut 11ll\~·kt.t pl'l(' e~ and )(,,,.,,d , sel' v!ct', nlll e d eaths \V ere of moto l'l st s tryf o rth • E~rl In II Illt~ le tte r s Inte l tWined In Wilming ton with his grand- it mak (>s good, , Union Sioek YArd ., Clne,nna" , O. ing t o 'be,at ,a tl'llin aC I'os~ /I l'ail- ; T o wlItch t hy sacr e d s ignl I Wlth g re e n f,Ollllge: Th e class, c om - purent!!, Mr. and MI·s. Will . S lik e r. Ko nj o la is so ld in Wayn esl' ill e. Ref eren ce : Ask lirs t man you m e t PHONE 8F3 road cl'oss ing'_ T we nty-s ix were p Olled o f J os e p~ln e S ha mbaugh, Ohio at Adam. Drur Store, and b ~' k~lIed. while s)leedin~. Twenty- fo ur And when its yell o w luster s miled V e da Bennett, (,Ienn .ne ll , FI'e d A numb e r frolll o th e r p o ints at- all the best cll'uggists in all t h£' HARVEYSBURG, OHIO dIed III s klddlllg ncc llient s . Twe lve O' er m o untain s yet untr od , 13 01!'.1I1l an d H be r E lhs , aC,co m - t e nded the annual in 'peclio n of t own - th ru ug ho ut this scction. deaths r es ul ted from trying t o I Each mothel' he ld nloft her child pa nl ed by S upt~ M o o~e, Pr~sld ent Ellst e rn Slar h e re Fridll Y e vening. pass ImDth c r cal', without SWing- I T o bless the bow o f God. of Board o f EducatIOn, 1 uck ~ r, Th e Baptis t Mis~iollnry Circl e ing wid e enough. minding heada nd Ih e , s pea k(\r. Dr. Da vI ', ",ns co rdiull y \I't' leo med by Mr~. PUBLIC SALE lights f orced 12 7 cn rs o tr th e road. Methink ll thv jubilee to k eep march ed III to th~ s tmlll s of t~e MIII'Y Dost e r an d Mrs, Ann e Cos-



- --- -



Waynesville, Ohio



Sight Specialist

Kentucky Nightingale Jack




L. V. Branstrator



O ('

DdS kW d ea toe ante




Harveysburg Fertilizer Company




k!lIing ten perso n s,. '!'welve we r e Th e fm;t:mad e anth e m rang' kIll ed by r l'c kl eRs drIVing. On ear th delivere d from the decp The r e m edy for lhis ~nCl'eas in,~ And th e 'first p oet sa ng, toll of d eath o n th e htghway IS partly ill !l11proving t he rouJ s , elim N o r cve r s hull t he Muse 's eye 1natll~g bhnd c urv~s un ~ dangerous Unroptur t!d greet thy beam; CrOSSings , but lIluml y In n <;-101ler I Th eme of primeval prohecy, supervis ion of licenses to d~'lver8. Be s till the prophet's theme! T odllY 'in a f ew s tates chIldren. O1entul inco mpe t e nts, c rippl es and The ea rth to the e her ince nse irrespo ns ibl e pcrs~ns ure f o rbidd e n yi eld ~, t o e ndnn ger the III'ef\ o f oth er s by The la rk lhy w elcome s ings driving cars. In m ost 8t!\t~S, how- 'I Wh e n . glittering in th e fre~ he n ed fi e ld s. e ve r, anybody n;ay commit, man~ Iaughte r by tillS m eans .wlthout The s nowy mushroo m s prings. res traint. H ow g lori ous is thy gil'dle, CIIRt ' • - - ---O'c r m o unlain, t o w e l', und town, •I 01' mirrored in the ocean vast, I I UNORDIiJtED MERCHANDISE I A thousa nd fath o m s down!

Ioyc hes tra, . lll voc!lt!O~

by Rev . WII- s u m to th e ho m e o f th e ·f orm e l'

I will se ll nt Publi c Au cti o n at

Ilam ~ . . Th e Icass I\ as p re e nted by W edn esday aft ern oo n. Miss Nun my ho m e on Ma in St..

ISneupe rll1ten den t M oo r~, Veda B e n- Collett led th e devotio nR. Th e b Ull itt gave the Sul utlltlOn. follo\\' cd n eRll ' sc~s i on brief an d Mr" waR

b~ u co.rnet solo b~ G! e nn, S ne ll, Rae Th ornbury gave an inte r esting! plan o solo ?y ~o e phln e S ham- . lesso n on " Burm a ." Mrs. Coss um

baugh, u nd \ ale<lIcto ry by Glenn , had rece n tly hen r d a !'('tul' ne d misn e ll. Th e . orchestra gave I sio nary from Burma a nd sh e gave unothel' selectIOn a ~d Super- so m e interes ting f ac ts fr o m this mte nd e nt M.oo!,e lIltroduced lalk . Th e hostesse!; ser ved a t e mpDr. H, H. DaVIS, audito r . of ling lunch o f fruit a lad. cuke and th e tat e Depa rtm e nt of Education ' co ff ee. Mr~. W a llnce Edwards and who . a bl y addr essed the. a ssem- duughter Ca ro lyn of Cleve land bLal!'e. H . S. Tucke r. WIth we!1 w er e guesl s, Arlj o urn ed to meet chose n r e mark s prese nted th e dl - with Mrs. Mary Denn y, .Jun e l B. plo mas t o th e class and a sc h o l a r - ' s hip to Wilmingto n College t o !\frs . Uda Halt o n has b ee n quite GI ~ nn Snell, a s ho nor st ud e nt. Rev ill but is makinj!' 80 m e im proveWilliam s pronounced t he bene di ct- m e nt. ion lind ~he o rche s tr~ played again . T cnche rs emp loyed f o r th e COIll t~ e mu s Ic was, furl1l s hed by co m- ing ye al' ar~ S up erintende nt, R. T. I As fl'c s h in yon ho rizon dark, umed Otlerbem H om e and lIar~ Moor e ; High ch ool, Mrs. Lillian As y o ung t hy beauti es see m • "eysbu~g S~hool Orche~tra under Curr, Mi ss H e le n Randall i 7th and ,. , As whe n th e cagle from the ark th,c <lll'ectlOn of MISS H ele n 8th gl'8des . A. R. H a rs hbarger ; 5th ,!,hel'e IS, 1\ bill .u E! fore con~r,ess , First IIpol'te d in the beum : und lith grades , Miss Winifred McSt eve ns, whi ch wo uld, PI'Olllblt the.malhngll"or, faithful to its s llcl'ed page, Mn~. N. R, Thoma s of Bedfo l·d,. Elwee; 3rd a nd 4th I(Tud es, Mrs, of merchamll se to pros pectIve cu.s-, Heaven still rebuild thy s pun; In<l ., wus here f or the funeral of Imoj elln Vo i,ers ; I·t and 2 nd t?mers wh o have . n ot ordered It. Nor let s the type grow pale with Alfred Ward a,nd r e mllined a s hort l gl'adeS' Mis ~ L ucille Tu ck e r. }> 01' ~nany years, It has b ee n the age, . time with her sis t er s. Mrs. Mary M '. . pra,c tlc(' of ,:ar lou s eon~ erns to Thllt · first sp dke peace t o man. Ward Ilnd Mrs. Sadie Reas on. r. and Mrs. WlI.lnrd B ogn n utmUll o ut hOSie ry, necktIes, pl'r__ 4 _ _ _ _ , . , t nd e d th e lurksvllle comm ell cefuml's, greeting ca rd and the like The Woman S C IVI C, L C'agu e m e t m e nt exercises Tues day evening. to lists o f p e r so ns likely to ac cep t aturday ll ftel'll oo n WIth Mrs. Os ee I nI'l Shirden , a neph ew of . M..,; , TRY and pay {or th e stuff rather than Harlu,n. Res pon se to ~o ll call were B o .. an \Va 011e of the g raduates. OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS fav orIte fl owe r s. BUSiness matt ers " , go to the troubl e of returning it. fOR RESULTS were disc ussed und il plea s ing proJ olly W orkers Sewing Club-met This practice is the source of in th e ' Hom e ~: conomics ro om Tu es day aftern oo n, Plan s were mad e f o r n s hopping e xpedition to Dayton lind for un all -dllY ~e wing to be he)d at th e hOll1e o f our ad vis o r . Elizllbe th and Ev e lwn Cal'l' of'Reach----.;.....-~-- - By Albert T, Reid sel've d cak s a nd lemonad e. Alice Gray, r eporter,

.-------- -------.




.And She's Out


~~CJ,~~, . " .... c. ••

TL .......


fflr. Wilkins h a d a d oll nr so h e g'u esse d he' d pay A little s um he' d borrowed from a g ~nt\ e llllln named Gray i Th en Grav he took that d o llal' and he s aid; "It see ms to me I'd be tter pay thut littl e d e ut l owe to 1I1ucAfel! ; Then MacA fe e th e do lla r paid upon a bill to S.llal't; l3y Smart 'twa puit! to Thompso n und b~' Thompson paid to Hart. And so that co in kept rolling as a . very bu s y "plunk ," U nt il it iluid i ndebte dness amounting t o a chunk To more than forty d ollars and it may be rolling yet, And 'all becau se thi s Wilkins th ought h e 'd (lay a little debt. For 'when a dollur' l; started On ils dE,bt-destl'oying way, There h nlrdl y is a limit T o the sums that it will pay. Mr. Wilkins Imew a kindness that he might hav e don e for Gray_ But he wafm 't feeling kindly so he thought. it wouldn't "pay." Then Gray, n ot being graceful, said, "It really se.e m s to me I've don e s uffici e nt favors for that blaste r! MacA fee." Th ~ n MacA h ,e felt ugly and he took a whack at S mart, Wh o passed it on to Thompson, wh o pussedi it un to Hart. And SO no ' n.ct of kindness was don e through all that day But .many an act that rankled in a most u npff!aSa nt way, And many II suul was longing for 'the help to fit it.'! .need. And al\ because this Wilkins didn't do a kindly deed. For a dollar or a kindnes!J, Rule is I3tOI the same, 1 say j If you wisb to Ret it rolling,


it on its way,


Saturday , May 31, 1930 " l 1 ' I k tl f I 1 0 win~lllhn~~~ehao ld g~(~d~~ 1e 0 King Clerm o nt haling st ove, C lermo n t r a nge, P e rf ect ion oi l heater, H oosier Kitch e n Ca bin et. Ouk C upbollrd, Ic e B o x, Lawn Mower u nci Garden t ools. ANTIQUES _ W a lnut co rn r cupb.ourd . walnut bed and washs tund . 4 kitch e n chair!'. BRYON . PRENDERGA : T W. ' N, Sell rs, A ucL ___ _ _ _ B

With Dependable Serum and Virus insures both Safety and Success


Dr. John Zettel RESIDENT


Dr.W. E. Frost



'19 N. Broadway

Harveysburg, 0, Phone 31



Ey eo Exami ned


Fitt ed


Whil e walking th e 11 00'" with th e baby- " A 11 Thl'ough th e Night While pee ling nn onion- " W hy Should I ' ry OV !' r YOIl'!" Whil e samplin g your wife" hi sYOUR I. cuits - " Rock Of Ag(·s." While luning in on Ih e ra di o FUNERAL DIRECTOR HOME ,.• il e nt Night." When borrowing fr olll n fri e nd WAYNESVILLE, OHIO - "Th e n You ' ll Re me mb er M('." Wh e n loo king into the j!!lS t ll nk ' h h d h Wit a lig te mate - " Wh e n I'm Fully L<:quippcci for Good ,.,.,../11 Go ne Yo u' ll Soon Forge!." S'l'rv ice . Wh e n r,0 u ('an't g et Ce ntml to a s nwer- 'Some Wh e r e 11 Voice i~ Large J)i ~p la y Room_ Calli ng," When driving o n a railroad crossAmuulance e l'vice ing and getti"ng hit by a l rain - ! T e lephon e 1 . Day or Niaht "Somewhere th e Li g h tR lire S hin Ing." l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:-_ _ _ _-::~--~:_~~~ _____ ._ _ _ _ ,..




E McClure





Keep Your Buildings Young in Years Many a building-old in point of service-bas been made to look young in yeus with good steel roofing. Channeldrain is steel roofing at its best-made to give a life-time of trouble-free roofing service.

This is the kind of roofing service that will save you money. Let us tell you more ,.bout it. Channeldrain, is made of the more costly 'C OP-R-LOY, the Copper AI. Joyed Steel'. •• and yet it, costs. no more. tt-an ordinary roofing!. The mQney it save.s JOU io repair bills ~iU sooo pay its c~st.

Llfe-rinae Servfee

(I COMP .... W. ·H. MADDEN . .. . ,




Waynesyllle, Ohio




A Solemn Warn ing To Motori Is




:eth It'\II'I\(J~ (I f Routt, 5 . is 'lUlU' ill II ilh nH' II ,' l e~. H . ,\1. (·Ial'lt. "'pc nt, nd~\y with r('lalive's 111 Be ll1,I'o,lk:' ~I i~,;. ;\I IlI'Y ul1.1 PIII'I'Y ook o f· ST. MARYS CHURCH \\'a~ 1IC'~\· i ll., Wt'I',e \V (', hJl'~ ,hIY uf t .. r ' .June I . ' undAY aft r A RC n s ion . . . I n" .. n 'Ul' st~ tlf '\ Ir~. i\~nl'l:l\rct OilY. Chllrch sch oo l fil fJ::HI; 81'1''\II'~ . .Jltlill 111111"\' 1111 is \ 1'11 1111{ .I"hlls. . 1\1110 IIn.1 H oly o mmuni o ll at t'l1't·I,d .< In I ntli:JII:lp(lIi!>. · · \r allel' K"llI'il'k mude (\ bll : i n(,l\~ 10'::3 0. I I I ip 1Il ( 'in<'illnali F ridll Y· Re I'. J . •1. Scha e fT 1' , Reclo r . Rapid, uniform growth of pul. 111'. .1. E. H l'llwn "f X t'ni:t. wu~ '11 Ill'. I. . (; . HI'Ol' " rl'U1 I'1H! d Frid ll )' \\ nYllt·., I·illl' \"1~i( " I' ~1 "lIday. .• nfll'!' a l'i" i L 11·.ith h is sO.n. Gle l~ n F E RRY CHURCH OF CHRIST lets in the summer months .and [ll·" '..1k . :lllI)tl fa 1J/ 1'1)10 • ell (!n l ..' l ')• '''' . 111 . " e • I mtly ' aft I'I Il ,hnl1np , J) It ~. , .. , 0 .1. complete development by Octo1 \. 11'. un, I :11 . k 1. " ' \I'I~ S I ' Mal' k HI""'I" ,... . I i ()f"lule ' ~I" ." WII S ""1 .) '1 1n ' ,. Iln(1 " 1'1 •. .SI l ' ( Ig-e " .I n n n ' IH'111 , lIlH a~' al I/ o nlon. O. i... t I." , \IN' " ' II( glll' ~ t II I 11'111111 in t l'I' 's Ullg liltle p luy let. Lord '8 ber 1st depend on getting birds· \I h.1 1t', II. " J 0 3() S S I~ I' . I \I ' I \1 " I,' ·, k I' l ' , ·, l1PPl' r lin ~l'I' I1I"n al I :, l'1'to eat enough of the right kind ,upt. . . ' : ~1' HI.IlIt1 \\" \\' u~ a !tU"I . , I. 11 111 . I ~. 1.1.11 . ,0 lIn ~O Il I III<JII ~ lI ujec t "Call'llI' hl'is l ncss \,1~11'1I" 11\ ('hi lli eo lh e T lIl'~t1ay ' 11I'1It I I: ,' "'.·.·k -l· nd h"llIn g" a l the ;md th e I'o s'" " You y, Il l ' '5 I' t:-'l' I'\ IIIl. .?' o re ,. \\U) of feed. Pullets cannot mature ~I . ~I ' I 'I \ \' A \\'u1co lJl e at thls church . . . rs. F.ll1 e t·Roll ~l uso n iti vt ry ' , I. a ll( ,\ I'S. • . Swunk o f Ch t A W ' ll' M' • t properly ~nd start to lay sucSick at l he hume of hl'!' si - t ~1' l!!I~· t '1n w ere T hun;day evening es er . I lam so n, 1018 e r :'II I'S. J oe l' <!nnewit. ' gu es t s of th ei r n ep he w , Wilbert cessfully in five to six months I Swunk nnd wife. LYTLE M . E. CI!URCH without consuming an abun'1I nll!!!.1 B lI,ttcl·II'o l·t ll und G ilbert ~I r. und )l rs. Allen Emrick and , Prea chi n ~ s~ rvice lit 9 :30 II, m. Fry e vl,lt"d lelnlivc, in \\, illlli nl! ' ~rnnu~o n an d )11'8. iI'ia l'gllrec John s S ermon tOPI C ' Th e P ersonal Q ues dance of good Growing Mash, on 1' Ul' s Jiay el·('nl nl!'f. \I {. I'.., SUllday dinnl' r g"t1e:; ts of i\!1'. l tion of P ent ec ost ." SundllY S choo l and ~ I I' .. HIII' I'Y C o rn\' 11 n eul' at 10 :j O a . 111. Mr ' . L unl{ac l'c, such asWayneAlI Mash. Grower. I C. II. 11:11 t ~o('k <If ROt! (' ~ . Ill . 1,'(·l',"Y ' . . I Su p!. Y"ung l'e? pl llS ' Biul e 'lll ~~ t l' II<I,'d a '\la ~'lIIie nll'l. till~ a l \\·i l. 111, · \ ,)J IIl ~ I 'olk ~ :-;lIn\I Il~' S dl llu l , l\1\ ~I O IlJay el·(lII ln g'. Pm YI' 1' rol el'l1II II1I!t .. n . ~I ,,"tllt,l' "I· l'll i !l~. I "Ia ~" 1I1~ ·t al t h ,· hOl1l t, of i'lli s" \, il'- I inl: i\lo nday c I'{·nilll!'. Thc Lnd iv>I ~ 1I1 11 1 I· "u ll", ;\ I ""d ll~' "\'(,lI in):!, f <l l' Aid \1111 l1l el't on \"l't1I1(' ~dlJY, Jun e ~ . I'. 111:lt l nlld l'a/llll .l· .. I' '.\1 "1\ ' ,111 il' 1,"~ill" S~ a lld "' l'i,,1 n)(' l' til\~ . ·1 w ith 1 1'~. F oulkes. On Satul'llu y 1'''' '. 11,' 1,· gu.· , 1s "I' \1 1'. alld ~II ~.I ;\1,·. all d ;\I I·~. i\ 1:.·I\,y n ~wank .J Ullt· i ill th e lI igh Sc ho n l Audi O. It 1· 1I).!'1 •. ,.. i , ~·, " 11 ~l1ndll\,. "li d S"I1' o j' I hl ~' I" n ~ 1ll' 11 1 th" w('(, k t tr riulll a l Sll'inguol'o w ill bl' gi VI' 1\ • h (' I·.·. II l' clltI'Cost.a I. l'a!tl'Hllt uy the fOlll' l W a y n e s v l l l e Farmers' . . 1" lI d ,wlth th t! l.Jtt.,I''.' '11 ,.. 1.""1" ' 1' il ll,I If IS"Il. " I' l'a;I " . \\ . '~ I.,·~· 1I"lIh<l111 I ~ IlHIVIIl I! frnlll l'Illlrches 0 1 S pl·lng'b o r o. '01 ,: 1". (llll " . \\1" Ih.· \1·l" .k'l' lId ~lIl'St ~al'al!" S I" I'lll't o f Th ll IllP~OIl' ~ I Su ra A. Bowma n , P asto r ,,] 1{1'1·. :Inti '\II·~. C . l'. J) J!,,·rt. plop l'rl~': . Exchange . , . ~ . ,\II·~ . :-i. II: 1I :J ln l'~ and S II Il ~ p l'n.1 VAYNESVILLE M . E . CHURCH • . .\I I~'(,'~ r l'llll' ll a and ~ 1 ;)l'g;)I'<' 1 :-i. , I II!d;I.\· Wllh ~ II ·. an d :\II'~. \\ . ' W edll es day: Bibl e ~ ludy and I':dll'all l, 'Pl'lI l I ··,. idil ~' \\'i l h' ~1. ( " I.·l1l:ln. praY .. I· m l'cl ing" lit H:()U p. III. The ' " ' I' '\I I'~ . \\, . Il . H U~ ~ III1, in 1l;I Y. :'> 11': al!d ,\ l l's. ('h:Jrle~ (;lI illl l'l' Dis tl'i ct ClInfl'l'l'nCe i ~ bl' i n~ he ld l,)II . II I ~lJlIllIl ~ "UI').!' ca ll1·d lin 1\11'. and in H i ll sbo r o o n W l· d n<, sday and ,\II'~. KI·s l{·1' (;I'<lllIlnl TlIl'~da y. Thlll'~dav of th is w eek. 1;'I'idny : . ,\1 1'. all d .\11 ,. ~1"l'I' i~ ~h"I'I\' II (,, 1 . ~I I'. E . .J. Ca l'moll Y of Sprinl!- Choil' pl·.i c Uce il L 8 :011 p. Ill. Sun"I. 11.1I'\', ..\ " IIlI I ·~ . ~ P"1I1 IW" dlll' s fI •.'l d \\' 01 S II dll1 n l' 1' J!1I ('sl (of hi s da y: SUllday sc hon l at !I ::10 a. m . Ih l' II I',.j, II ith thl·il' ~ " II (,,,r1 uild 1l" 'II1l·I'. 1I1 1·s. 1\1 a 1'.1' Carlli o ny Tu es- MOl'II1ng wo rs h ip al 10::10. ~pdllY l·\'l'Il IIII! . wlIrth L('ngIH' al G ::lO p. m . C h al'. ju~' to rt'mind dnvers that their luck d~sn'l al ways hold. 13os ton has 11'1 fl'. ~II'. and i\11'~. :\II (1 n Ellll'ick. les W hitaker w ill be t h e le nde l' und Slut warning signs like thi s at street intersections. Last year 3$,000 people .\Ii -, .1 .·illI I. lId dill (!t" n "n d i'l l I'. \\·.·IIIft. 1I SlIli s hl1 l'~' an d i\lrs. 11 1,,1'- thl' " uujc ct fllr di cu:siun w ill be . . 11; I1I'Y ( ',,"n'l .',j' 1l"~ · l lIn. \\'Nl' J!1I1 C'1 .l oll!I' a lt e nd"~1 ('() l11ll1l'nc '- "J::xtondinK OUI' F r iendsh ip. " ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... -were \ autOlJlobi\es in the ,UQilCd S tal<;s. •!J nn ~' 1' 1f1ll·"tS 0 1 :'I l r. alld '\It~ . Ray . lII l· lI t al Cl'III (' I'V lll e Saturday e l'cn P r eac hi n g :;erv ic(' al p. m. " . . I llIolld ( "1I11l'1 ', o n S un day. l inK. G . C . Dibert, paSlor' 101'11('.1', ~a ~' Ihat fl(!hl hIt ' ,1l1 s t 11l'MI'. and i\I l'~. \Valt I' K e nri<'k ----Ne ws Comm e n ts I J{un. 1' h y h;]I"' I1'[ "" lI l'cll'o! th"i l' . .\ 11'. !I 1101 :'I II' S. .\I ),l' l· !l yman , llI ot ored tn Li berty In.'1. ~atllrd llY ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Hencllinl.' in dai lv I)'1P I.' I" 'R oc k et fel's f1" yet. I d,Hlght (' I', Hl·l'Ill l· ". ;11 111 s() n Ho hbv IIl1d " .. e lll the dllY \\, Ith MI'. an d Man H e aded fOJ"H e~l'en li e is I - - - ;~~I.I! .\1 " ,< Sl ,;!lu .llu lll!h tl·J'ly, we;'~ ' 1\1r" . (;111'.1 Eulon Hn d ~1r. and !\II'S. S ummor sche dul e - 1s t, 3rd and headed ull I' ight- uut the h enri- I C ha n ged O ccupa t io n I ls ll u rs In \\ II IJI IIII! I o n :\londay, I ·J "S0 1~ h G I'I.ISH I and chlld~·en . 5t1,1 S lInd ay, Mass at 8: 00 a . m.; w l'ite r got mixed o n th e d es tin aJ\IJ. u nd Mrs . Il l'.~ I'Y I· uu lks, !\I I'. 2 nd a n d -Ilh S und a y, Mass at tion . . T he g irl \\'11" h"{'nll1l'S 'n a cd . .\It,: :111 01 .\ 11''' . . W. W .. St:hal;(l11l1 n and j\o~I'H . Wil b ur I' o, u l ~ s a n d ch il- !J ::1 0 : D ptroil W o man G e l R $25 0 ,000 [0 th e c"lI l I1lIlI1 nt l hl' "t!~i~ l~nl!: ,tl ltl s' ,n a n d , MI ~S . L I' LJlIa Schat~- I tllt' n s .. e llt Su nday \\,Ilh Mr. ami R ev. L awre nc e D. Mo llmann. Verd ict in Drench o f Pro mi s e. At. of \\'inlpr 1llH\' ~h ift 10 the' so h . 111 .111, pf ,\IIICiJ .. " II \,li ll·. 1I'(' I'l' \\' l' l'k- i\1! ". Ora \Varne l' li nd fl.llnlly lit -=========~===== I hl'l'e f(l ulltain cl<'l'k'now thal "1l1\11l1 ~' I.'i·" i~l~l(I l'~('\\'ln·~I CHURCH OF _ • IJC~.l.Il'S[ S of ~II·. II l1d i\i l's. \V . O· l l\Il~;'.I 1 I. UI.1t j I..H. \\",1 Il e l. \VIII' t a k (' I. WAYNESVILLE CHRIST . . ' and funllly "pent Sunday wit h t he . , .'.11'. Hilt! ;\II·S. :\1. n. Bai rd had a s i latLC r' s pure n s, MI'. un,(Ml's . :tlm BI1,Il' , ch oo l nt fJ:.30 a . m . Lo r d's H nve , th"1 1' '.PI\"I~ 1-'1 iuay u nd Sa turday. u (· 1 Ml'l'l'dith al Joh uR vi l1 e , ISuyP I' , 1I.t, c onc lu ~ lOn . j\~u ke t he yo ur m owe r TRY ' I I' f"rnll' I"S hr" lhl'r l1 nd wif' 1\1 ' I 1\11'. and !\II' ~ . .J o hn K 10t7. o f Cill. i.l~t L oltl ~ ~ay .befo r e . F e ntocust gro und b y slime m achin OUR CLASSIFI E D COLUMNS Il lInd ~,I'·s. Harmon d BUil'tl' c in nati spen t \V edn('~day and 11 I!: I' al day. jJt;cl~11 I'lIdlO pl'ogra m l n diallap ll li ~. . . I 1'hul'~llay a t t he hOI11~ o f 1\11'. and at 4 p. 1II. h!'lst la n E n dell vo~ ~ l -of the ery a s u sed in the Mrs. W. i\1. Co le man . ~ : .~5. !J. nt . . ~ve nmg l')v an ~e hstrc FOR RESULTS MI'. (;r ll\' I' Da\'id so n. MI'. alld 1111'. a n d l\l l' f;. Chll 1'1 es Ea rl y, Sil l vice at 7 :4<> p. m . (I lease ~ o le facto r y. i\~l ti . L es ler Il lll'kn 'ss anrl so ns so n and <llIughte r we r e d i nn er ~ ~ a n ge Of tr m e ) . Serm on s ub jec t , .( , (,Tie li nd n o nl lei \\'1'1'0 ('a ll pl'S !It gtl o~ l~ Sunday of Mr. IIncl Mr: . ~ hll M essul:\'e o f Ca lva r y." Chur ch lhe IlIJlHe tlf I l'v. C . C. Dibe rt and I ii s "''' atkin s of Yankce St. Nlgh~ s e l'Vlee ne h W e dn esd ay fam il y , u n . l\I " ntia y . ' I I'S. i\11I1'g'l1ret J o hn ~ , MrR. A I. eve nI ng ut 7 ::l0 p. m. The C hu rc h len Emrick. IIlt·s. J. B. J o n es u n d whel'e you feel ~l t. h om e. . . t\11'. :1 nd ;\ i l'~ . BUl'n elt RULl er- \V on dul l Sa lis uu r y s p e n t Mo ndllY Ch esle r A. Williamso n, MinIster .- worlh C! f Lehan'ln . lind MI'. anu in D.a yt o.n . . .." - - - - i\.1 rs, 1·.l' llesl Bul\.l' l'wo l'th w e re MISS Sara BO\\'Il1£1 n. Mr'. S u san Watermelons FOR SALE i'illllduy . gU('sl g "f S amlle l l Saylul' nn d H e nl'Y S aylo l' atte n- - . . . o n Bicyclll nnd A utoFOR ALF:- Pi a n o . in I:l od ('o n<ii - Butt'I'\I'o l·th l1 nu fal11ily. d .,d the: Stat , 'o nv c ntion of Rel i. . A n?lhr aJg~ me n t m, favo l o f ):!' I Oli R I'.dncatl on at lI <lmi lt o n I , .~ nte l m e ~ nsIf . t he \\ at, e rm e lo n j mobil e Tiresli o n, be el, v anit y and chifToroh . Th e (' () ntiiti o n o f Mayo r ' '1'. E . day. Ian n eeds o ~ IS t h at .l hat .t h e y *jl l Hoge l's .. who wa s s tricken w it h l \11'. a nd ;\II's. Morri s to n Hu nl. of l are g<?od so ul ces of,tw o I m Jl o lla~t l nquil'(, nt G ay. tt(' oAic c. f'al'alys i ~ nJ(J l' C' lhun a we e k n):!'o A \uuul1ln und l\liRS C larnbc l Hu nt v lta mm s, ~ nnd C. a n? cO.n ta m l~O ~s .· ti ll ve l.' . s c ri o us a n d litt le hop~ of n eu r Co!~m ,b l~S a re !,llaki ng an ~~ ~~ec<:sabl e n m o unts of VltUlIllllS B W A NTED . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ IS e n te n n rn .. d fo r his r(,l' o very . extt'ndlld VIl' lt Wi t h t he ll' pU I'ents, ~ _ .______ _ __ _ WANTED- I "U~I cliirkcns nn d l M I'. an d Mr. Rubel·t H unt. · Phone 65Ft1 calI anti g e t them . Wi ll GiJ stin . Ceol'g'(' Gr ee n , a fOl'lI1 e r 5up e l'in Mcss,J's. G uy and L o re n R o u tzah n H oll y spent Mo nd ay a f te rn oon *j4 , t l' ndcnt o f . till' WU .I' n es vi ll e sc h ool. ~ p on t lInday at B lac k L a ke, fi h - wi t h' M iss E I ' ic Gi bs o n. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO I ~"W. SlIp(' rll1 e ll.dent u f lhe sc h oo ls. In g . . MI'. a nd I'll rs. )<'; r vin Milfo rd and Wilynesville, Ohio Phillips Bldg, '!!!!!~~~~!'!!!!!~~!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~ _ :It ". I111 0 I' I! . Ohln. I\'ns t o u !;tma,~ tcl' . Mrs: V IO la . a rcy of W ayncs - fam il y of L eba n o n spe n t S u nday at th~ an nu.ul. banqu e t o f l he \'d le, . IS 'Iulle III at the hO I1l <' of w it h Mr . u n d M I·s. Fra nk J)n kill. alun~1I1 a sso 11I~I (l n at jJl'ingbol'o, he r ~ I ster, 'I I's . J ames J o hn s . Dr. nn d ch ild re n . 0 11 Sat ul'da y 1111.dll. Au s t in of Day tun wa s culler! to se ll h el' F r iel ay. Eve r ett E nrly made u t r ip to Bryan r!, en d c l'I!'H ~t is h e l'c lh is 11·.' el,, 1I111kJl1g pl'l' paralio ns to I' e~ Ea s t . t. Loui H Fl'iday to cla im h is mn~ hi s fmllily to Pittsbu rg, aut o m obil e . which had bee n stolt' n l'co nd Htl·ee't . Day t o n ju. t II hel c th e y. 11'1 11 mllk (' th e ir fut lll'C fro m hOIl.l e . 'J:h el l' l\I[Jn,l' fri e nd s l'e):!,I'et a mo n th ago . Police located :it I h ' II' g\l l l~ ~ , hut wi ~ h th e m success I hHI" a f ew d a ys a go a n d not ifi e d h im. H e I'ctul' n ,ed wi t h th e cn r lind hapflllH'ss in Ihe ir nt'\I' ho m l'. Sunday w h ich W!lS i n goo d co ndi ..... Ilio n. -- - - ANNUAL MEETING







I'UI" ' llt~






Waynesville, Ohio

Have yo' ur Job Work PrJ" n t e d H ere I .





Lawns Beautllul HOW'




Sweet Potato Plants YOU WANT

Late Classified





sun- ,

D. H. Hockett's 40c per





--- -

- ..


'I'h e anllua l m eet illg' o f th e lot oll' !l e l:;; Of. ;Vl iami Cl' m e t ' I')' A s~oc lntJO n wlil be he ld i n Ihe chap e l Mo n day , ,J.un e. !lth, 1!J30, at 2 }I I·~. E lm I' ' u I'1'Y a nd Mrs . '1'. o cl oc k. At (hi ' t ll11C th e r c w ill be H uydoc k W Cl' e nmon!,\' l h e g ll e. t s o f to. p!pct I wo lII e mu cl's of t h e B OIIJ 'd h,o no r at ~ he Mo th e r " T ea given o j 11'1I s l ee~ an d rt • eel' tur\'-T I'(~ '~s_ by th e Alp ha P h i Ki,1 \l pa so r o ri ty tll'o r a ncl co n ~ id e l' IIny uth'el' b~ ;i - of Wi lmi ngton <)1I ege und ay n o:;s 'prop~~' l y ul'o ll g hl befo r e lh e afl e J' n o o n. ;::.~el ll\ ~ .. I hI' BOllnl " f Trustees A I'ecept io n wa:, he ld a t Ul e I.. clt lJ OllS Ihal the lot o w n e rs be F I'ic nd s' C hurc h Fr iday cven in g i ~I'~~h~ l 'u PI'~'sc nted at th is m eet- ho n o ring' Rev. a nd !\f r s. Pm'Us and g h .11 t hl') Illa y h, C'ur th e reports lh e B o y ~ C l a~ . o f t h e S und a\' o f t l' .\lNII"S ' I' t !('S. " ' .~ .'let I~ Sc h ool. w ho w e r e wi nn e rs in .a J . O. CA J{1 \~ HI G IIT, C ll'I·k. II1 c llllJel'~ h ip c ontes t. Re v . a nd Mrs. _ _ _ _ _ .. j ..l i ~ 1. C. o flin , of Sp ri ng fi eld , wc r e I IH't!scnt u n d de lighted t he 'CO I11 I pa n y wit h ~eventl l11 u ~ i cu l se lcc-' Carrot Croqu e ttes l io n s . S {, 1"l )c . I I . I R l'\·. Hntl 1\1 rs. T ilfo r d, of X(,l1i u ' ro t s B~ :I ,1.1 1< IOJi some .I·(lu ng car- '\'I.' r y p l eH ~antly l' nt c rt:.ll in ed l h e dr' ;;'n II. t Ji~ a bout ha l f d o ne, thl' n I o llInlun ily C lu u o n T uesd ay eve n 1 ('l1: j ll~hCl rf" '1III d I!'rntl' I h ~ n l. Add ' in g. I\11·s . Til fo rd r e nd e r e d s eve )'a l 1/'1 11'( (' t "~/ CI·.... U !11 t o I,i nd th e I n eg r o s p il'i t uul:; in a ver y impl'cs1 l'~I C h tU ~~~ 11' 1'. w llh one egg' to ' s ive manll (, l' ; he r hu s ba n d gave o n I su it t o tl '1 t~(! Ill I)(lu l·C. s ugar u nd 1in sp ir ing c halk ta lk a nd "I eu sed I 'f ir m f Il. ~ " . ' <',t awu y. W hen {Iuite th e a ud ience w ith som e cl ever ven " Olll! IrI to CI·O(]U e tle. , d ip in tril oQ ui s m . i~: ~~:I J I.n e . hr el!~c),ul11b s, r e p ent- I Mi sses Mae Mc Kay a nd V e m a g I n ccessa r y . F r y Co nklin are ' t h e g u est s of Mi ss : in deep f a . Mu r y L e.wis , of N e w Y ork City. - - - - - - T hon18s Hay dock, Ruth A. SEALED PROPOSALS Cuny, R ub y lin d Rob ert Smith w ere m e mbers of the graduat ing Will b ' cluss n t S pl'ing V a ll ey Hig h -scho ol. t h e V iII e r ec ei ve d by th ~ Cl erk of Ru t h A . C ul'I'y was g r a nte d t lie of Ohi ag~ o~ , W a.v n e~v Jll e, S ta t e s c ho la rs hip at Wilmin glon c oll ege. ill T ~ ~ . 0 ce o f Village Cl e rk I MI'R. W. C. S mi t h, Mrs . Elm e r " 'cllleo~l n s hI P H o use until tw e lve C u r ),y a nd Mrs. T . C . Hll yd ock T im e o n /I~r:)en • . Eu~te rn Sta ndard pl l!asn n t\ y e n tc ltnin e(! th e se ni o l' A. D. l!l 3 s ec.o n ~l. d ny or J u n o class an ~1 fac ul ty Wit h a threeU S G' 11 0, fOf E ig ht t h ou san d eou l':;c dll1n c l', W e dn es d ay e vening I' ~a d' o ii a t o n s 0 a froo d g rad e of of last we ck. stl'e tll of °t~C ap pli ed h ot to th e . .R .. E. J o n es s,!stain ed p u inful I'i lll!, S lllle "fV ~h ~e of W ayn es . m.1 u ! l e~ o f t h e hip a nd s h ou lde r di l'ec t io n I 10, . . u n de r , th e U,\I l a ill ng' fro m II s t e pl a dd e l' a t ~t "e "t 0 <Inc. ~.u porV I ~ lO n o f th e h l ~ hc, me, W edn esday eve ning. 1:Ig'r. AJ1P li~~~~s~o~~rs;i~ ~iidl V~I- - - - - - ,- - - - cO llJ pl~te~1 w it hin fi rtecn I 0 e f the ·Ignlnj.!' of the c t (ays .a snm . ' 0 11 ract f or The bids ma y be f . }VO.l:kb· o r mule j'iul, (I I' f~ l? rbo~"t!I~~ ---0 1 ot h eac h l'IlU's t b ' M d M stil t ed, I~jt.h the price G sepa l'u te ly 1'. n n r s. C lare n ce Craw: Th 0 . f Ol'd lind childre n of M t . Holl y f ~ p,un cil r ese r ves t h e r' ht s p en t Tues day ev e ning wi t h th e .0 F;:~hC~~g ~n1 o r 1111. bids . . ' Ig Intter's s iste l', Mrs . H il e Y-Glbs on. two !llJl'eti s. D i~d:;?~~ ll1 pa nJ ed. by M I'. an d Mrs . W ilb ur Dakin a re ed (o/'ms as . 0 u se Jl1'I nt~ th ~ p ro ud pa r e n ts' of II s on. I'cceiv<'d. J no othe r wlll h c M.I'. nnd 1\[I·S. H iley G ibso n nnd Dv Orde r 0 • , famil y spen t S undu y wit h Mr. and • Of W ay n e u~W II of t he Village .MI·s. Rnl'o ld R og ers' lit Be llbrook. RA Yri-roNV J Fe. H . MI'. and Ml's. Burne t Nix o n of '. ATFfELD, Day tnn sp e n t S un,l'l ay with Mr. Clerk. and M1'9. F'l'unk Da kin and family. m~8 Miss Thelma n of Mt.


Thousands Depend Upon This Feed J"uxedo Hog R ation does lbe feedin g jo b be tte r . It make s s turd y bo nes . r ich blood. and sound, firm fle sh. Beca use of th e pure cane molasse s il co nlain ~. it i ~ g reatly rdi ~h e d Il od e asi ly di gesled . In tw o p ro le in content s. 14 1;&% and 19 % . Ahu '0 4IJ 9b p rotein fe e d to repl a ce tankage - Tuxedo !lig Fo rty. G el ),o ur supply in lime.



Tuxedo Hog Ration . l OR PI G S, SOWS AND HOGS


'Fhe Tuxu/o LJne of Feeds: . T uxedo ;'lIm.shes Tux. Ch lck ] Tuxedu SI. rling Mash.. Tu xc'lro Scratch .

1 u~ccJo Egswu ll c.t

TUl:cduG rowin·J:Ma.shc5 TU l ella J) 1.'\'C,., lup('r T uxed o PoulJry l'aucnc.r - d ud many Olners

TU~l.'do it u k n.liun



MAY .•

En.j oy your trip without .a





They know Tuxedo Hog Ration keeps the broo d sow b euhhy. They know it m akes fo r bette r litters. T hey kno w i t makes good, so und po rk faster a nti chea per .

Tundu Dliry 'fundo hop



DON'T WORRT ~~cj':lf your Job P~inti~g.·g .it h~re and let us worry about it,' We like to worry over a piece of work.




DRIVE IN FOR A FREE INSpECTION OF ALL YOUR TIRES!' We'D look them over. cheek the air an!l test the wheel aUlnmeai.


H. Duty

29x4.40 29x4.60

$6.30 6.90


30x4.50 28x4.75

7.00 8.20

9.50 10.75

2 9x4.75 . . .

MEMORIAL DAY SPECIALS Goodyear Top Dress ingpcr pint

8. 3 5



3 0x5 .00


3 1x5.2.5

10. !J 5


] 3.00

15. 85

Go odyear Tube Repair Kits


.. ,, " 75c " " 25c and 35c

Kant L eak, guaranteed to stop le ak or your. money back " ...... . .. .... .. ...... .. SOc


For Speed, Ease and Safe ty. use Elba Eze- it cleans and polishes in one operation, per lal'g e bOllle .. ....... ....... ... .... .... ........... : .... $1 .00 ,



A full line of Tubes. Delco and Willard Batteries.

CORDS 30x3 If.! 0 S ..• . . . . . • •$5.60

Slino co and Sobio Gas,


Sunoco and Pennzoil.

• ••.•••• , •• . • 10.10



Gordon "$ service '.Station Phone 4'7

Guar •• 'eed Tire Repalrln! .


~ .

W ~YDe.ville, Ohio I

Eighty -Thit'd Year





Whole Numb er 5912

I .

PlANS 10 OBSERVE AT THE CHURr.H(S · IN WAYNESVILLE iFr~l:~l~:~~~rn ~~~vi~~Sthe\Y~~~wt~;~~~ I CHURCH'S HISTORY .





wh 'rl' U la q:re cro wd assemb led to I pa~' I~l'ic' rl'spe ct ~ t." th os!' wl~o OLUMB US, FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIS T I had g ive " up th"lr Il vl's 1I1 0 - T he n e w for th eIr "a l c h ul(~ h ., f . hri ~l i, EI cli on Laws IIf Ohi o a r e no \\' . .. . country . Inl y t \\O v ~ te ran s s ur- . "Th e IU I IN'orati on IJay th e Miamis took Fe ll' Y I,; pnrt lc lpatHlg- 111 . . th e In . .' \" co,lilicd and ready for di ~ tri buLiun 1" h' · d th Spri ng Valley in ca mp by the JOllllng t e rnn t i ~n ul 111 o n e a f th e m a~t UlllClu e ohse r va nce o f. th e- ' VI. V(' In 'v ayne IJwn~ II', an J l' ~ e l'\' ic f by cnetllr y of tute (;Ia r!! ncl! .J. " . I( e game in th !.' . h" I')OOt' l ' thd ' A _ last me mb e r of .\\ . R. Hal' l l ost h ist o r"es ofeverC hriplanned ,.:c·OI e n I to " 111 a cos c h UI C S . . II IIr stendom . It is Brow n, wh a CUl'tifll.!s thllt th e laws. a~ . n ex pa ssed uway dUring Ihe P'ls t yea,' The ? Ineals , w . ere behind tra one run tl tu t ill the way of : " ecia l pu b l i ~ h (J d in bouk f •• rm lire til l" J u .t wh , en .' h t l hey ' . w 'd" en t 1 ta Aft bal : in plal1l11n the last g j or It s greates t doy musiclI l numb ers is be'ing pre pal'ed ' . 'b nIh \\llg hulf Of th~ !Ith, and Hartsoc k and I'cet co pics o f lh,' e n ro ll ed uills o n SI de ( . d tlCI .Jun e 8, This day mark: th E' nin" ,." . 1' - !nu s\(~ . y t e sc h Oil PI'b un B ·bl. I C .' c I IU I a. L' '1. ,' :W u. m . LOlt an [ ,o "el " th .. fil's tm e n ' up "a t on base 1e t ee nth · till! ill his dlk c. Th l' book is di hundre dth hirthda s InVO('at IOI1 hy Hev G \' ll f th e Dibert I Sup per unu Re rrnun at II :OU . M' ' . . ' vid d into 3 I <:'l.ap t,·rs und is til<' R th 1'( kit' ,. " . . '. I d ' J (' hurc h, allu the church lit' and' lI. uuj.!h enn ne cled f...or a home Sermon s ul,j" ct , "Th e Churc h T ha t Chri st ,ISSI" U fuci r . ... un I" to ~~t break most cOlll plet e tl'xt bl,,,k upon the (:' , t~tP ~,n UJI the ball game. I, around th e wll r ld are al ' tis. U l j"i ning ill I' . I" t " \\ " ' . I ell( Ili o n. " Alluth~ . In co n se s ll'cllO nr ll ul1 ell e '-~,,,, , . o u tile Addres~ ~e , y. uurl( th (' concert ed and unitll'd nwnl ur· c1 eC'l io n IlI\\, s II H pl'l'vllil ilig in Ohi u r n u f . a lwa ys w,' !com e lit th,s c hurc h, S I'IU:-;C: \ ALLEY ... , d Ch " lh ul ClIn be foulld, . . , . ' wI. '· M'lOI"S1er musIc ' C h es·t CI. A \\"I 11 111111 a ll , al lm a n '1I1\\fI)l' h t l/l '\111 '1111 111 11 ' S th · ' e n' i('('~ A B R H A E ._ ____sO 11 , I , . , ., . I I rll(I l! CCII tl.1I! ~ Pl'lI k 1' 1' , I'' rancl' ~ i\1 , , " • I . w ill bl' ~il1 in New Zeu luncl. ",IH're C,01111' tl n rf Wurd e n PI'l· ~ t o n 10:. 1'hol11u s o f Ii. 2 2 0 I , lI al1l1 I , ltlln: J udl{e ~.f th \! CO lll't u f a p are t " L,' f ,. und th e fi r ~ t 2 I 2 the Ohiu P l.llliLcnti al'Y rcp o r ts th nL chur .he,; LYTLE M . E . CHURC H 2 1 p~a l s, CI.n ClIllJa t I, a nd ,u fonner o f C hri H Laure n s, " w e~ t nf th~ ' Int ern at ('xcell cllt progres s is L.,i ng Illud e:> io na l I'r Nl ·hin g S(' e ut \1 ::10 II. nl. " ayr e 1 .. wn ~ llI p lJUY, wh o !l'uve da tl! Carl'. ah 4 I 1 1 6 Hanford MaeNld u, former head ! Suliday S,· ho.,, 1 arvic line, It will th ell Le (\ II. 111. ill r cs t ol'in g tli ~c ip linc ulll ung t he l 10 ,:10 a. m. Mn; 1I1l • •• ·xce ll e l ' t a ddress. . Blair. c 4 J 1 2 0 . Sa lurduy of "'e Amerlc: I' ntml an Stnn Luloa who wUl , L onl!lIcl'~ . SUfll. Y"ung I~ .·" pl l's. I hi' cannull tlard tin,,' , inmlltcs (I f th(' p l'i sll n, which \VII S . o 0 ' Tcmnus ec, i My 1''', II. ·1 I'XI't'I· 0 I 0 ~r s. ('() n ~ l stin ~reemt Am ericu. the Th(. United sl' rvi('c of 1' 0 111 - ' Q,~ of the Repu~hca~ N~tlonal I I IlIk Slam a' Ottawa Bible Class i'lon<lI~y evr lllllg . <It Ing o f dnU s I,w d s hatter ' d fulluwin g t he priso n tir e o 0 .. , If ,I fl ower U 0 ;; trl'wlng , mem ol'ati o ll will 1110\'1' wes t ar lind I Comaun te, . whose rellgnatl ~!'. hlI. ~.!: 17 ::iO, pra yt' l me etllll{ fo ll "w l,~g" ~Y th c IIttl.~, on ~n s t el' Mu nd a y, April 2 1. If the o 1 on II elt- Huff, cf 5 1 . l 1 !lrI~ u,nd e r .t.he : ul.H . . . . r: . the wUI' ld a s Ih l' hour o f 11 II . nl. pIdId when Conc'reaa ~_ P d .. Nationa l gllard ~ lI1 .. n o n duty f u r Th e Ladi e~' A id will I11 C~t \\lth \ I. IUn. u f M I ~. Me" YII .adJOliml. ~ Hain ps, 2b . Santa , \\ e r ~ Sund uy al'l'ive ~ . .JUjJlIlI, A us tl'fllill. 5 0 0 o 1 thl' PU SL fi vc w('<'ks hu v(' bt.' e n __ M rs. Fuu lkes o n ~ ~d." cs d uy . P ~ n - I be autiful u nci Impl' __ 'H..,,· \'~s, P ~ ~ ~ 3 0 ~S~ I Ve and ('o u- China, Ru ~s ia. Grellt Brit ain and withdra wn n nd ul d .. r is hoing lIl;lin t~ C()st l'a ~I' lInt lit Sprll.ll{bo l'o Hlg~ e l u ~ ed th!' P l' o gl'l~Il1 o 1 NOg'lde . ~s .. all hinds 1.11'(' t o purti ci paw. tnin ed by th e regulal' ins titution . chlwl Slltul'da y "v cnln~. ~un.(! I 1 he Wa.Y ll c 1 uw.n~h lp. Sch uu l 41 7 Th e ~o lll e chap t e r of SCl'iptu l'l' 9 al gUI\l ' d ~ , in creusl!tI by II s ubs tan Ly th e f ou l' (' hul'c he;; o f ,prlng- I ba nd. Of thll'ty . ~ve PU! T .,tu l 8 8 CIJ ~, In han. d- (A ct s 2) will b e r ead. Th c SIlIllC tilll numb el', Ill ude n ecessu ry by bo l'o. ~ om(' n l' ~\: unif o rm s , m ade th' So llgS, includin g "My WAY NE,'V ILLE ov r· cl·owdc d (· onditi o ns. As SIlO II Faith Lno k~ Snra A, Bowma n. pastor l ~r;; t pub lic ap p e~ I'a nc ~,a n ~1 A B R H A E ~ld i U P tu Th ee" lind "AII Hail th e li S a ll I'e puir;; n (.w undl'l' way have go.,,1 I Turn('r , rf wo rk. 1'111 6 1 000 bee n compl et ed, b twee n thl'ee UIIU VAYNE SVILLE M. E . CHURC H I s ho u l l have .th e h eart olga nlzutl un Power of J esus' ' amc. " will b BUl'to ll. :~ 4 2 2 3 2 y ~ upp o rt of s ung in 1111 IlInd s and in all lall f OUl' hU l1 dr ed additi oll u l pl'isone rs W edn esday: Th e W. F. M. " 1th l' commu nll Y· Hart sock . :Ib ·1 I 3 2 1 guag('s . The globe i tu be g irdl ed will be I'ece ived wh o a r l? no w beis m e etin~ w it h Ml's. WiJliam so ll Luv cly . c - -- - - - 5 I 0 0 1 with a tw e nty-fo ur-ho ul' servi ce , ing hdd in cuu nlY juils OV(!!' the ....~~~t.:.~~~~~~~'-~--~ at 2:00 thl sy. m. Bibl IJ stud y and ENTER TAINE D WITH SHOW ER H ou~ h. If 5 t 2 0 0 e ndin g in th e ch ur c h<'R uf Christ ill ' slate . llray el' mete lng at 8 :00 p. nl. s un- , SL J uhn . 21) !.I J 0 2 1 Hon olulu. - ----. . I , ----=--= I duy: . unday s c ~ ao l at H : :~ () II , m. i'l l'S. Jack Bolin and Miss DUI'is B UI' II l'l . P 4 I 1 2 0 . . B. GlIlbl'ea th. editor a f th e _ Mrs. M. W. Silver' was a T.h e . W.II~' nesvil .l e ~ hul'c h (If Dayto n' M . ol'l1Ing wors hiP. I::lli ~, cf ~ll J 0 :;J U. T~e, Ha rvcy I{IIVC a . hO\\'IJI' for Mr. an d .hl'l 8t 15 JOIning In Ohio Stllte A rc heolagi cal und His- ' vi ' ito \, Tuesdu y. 4 1 I 1 0 WIth , th e me for the mornm g se rmon Will Mrs. torical . oc i ty PlIYS li n a ll ll'erin- 1 ' n Barv e v at the f""m e r 's (h sclp l e~ r~und th <: wo rld ~1111I th. ! Ha y m nnd Ed\\'lIrcls ha~ bt'en Humby. I h 4 0 0 0 1 . l I he "P e nt~cOS l!l1 Power. " W e 1"1,11 h"m l' Alvi th,s quil l' ~ ick . , t.ion t o thl' n cw~Jl!\p I'S a f t~c slate 6 ~i ss J ('~l!ie .C I ~l'k i~ s p e ndin g aISOt!ecc l\'('II.b~wr~nemberS:' hat th~~ 1 Th in Cc nt c rviil e on May 2~1. bwor l.d-glrdl lng HCI·Vlce. EV t' ry m e m . ' T oLai s .j8 !I U 10 (or the s l, le mlld cuopCl'IltI o n li e· the week o!-\c 'prese nt were Mr. lind I e r I\iasked , ~o al: ra~g-~ t udbe 111 C mCll1na tl mee 109 11111 preR. ! .Juhn Lidd ~· . o f !layto n . Wil l' in l wayrW~V. i Il El ap 1•. 1' uny \\ () cme , Mrs AlVin HUI've\' Mr and Mrs corded in cU l'l''' ing a ut th e new l 1 n 1 400 00 3- 9 ent. en \\ (I \\ o r . un ays to be baptis ·d. Epwort h Lellgu e ut i li C I-Ial've\' 'pr in g Vall ey ') 0 11 0 2 0 201 - 7 'm;(' dau'ght el' Mr' al!ked t o arrang- e t o IllY uft' are town Fri ch\' program of e•nlargem e nt und or P m Evun"e li ·tic Henr y Wnldl·o n. of Dayton , was ,7 ''00 ser 'ce thllt l t . . ' . , ' ' , ' . , . . . ' . S . .. I S d b VI h - . . . a , lind t Th Mrs . Ha ye: Kee ver and Mrs. . un(,ay an ' e e way ill th e Ohio tate Mu seum , l n vis itor in Wu y nesville , F,·iday. I' p,esen . No out ~ \\' e n wlnnll1g I' c,omF or all kind ~ of Int<' rnatiol1 ul n1'1r1e run s w I' selv lces at 8 D'b t P t located in Frnnk Ha r yey o f Lcban o n; Mrs. mlu n~u n dtllbl: WI~ be . Hig h street at Fif' l ' k~Pt s~lI ead HlII'ves . tt'r . n'pai I er, rs, see as tee nlh avenue . Th e Society iss'; cs J. or. C. Mal'y S hiua ke r , Mr. "lI yn e Shid- n l t. e uy or t ose Hnwke l 'I:-I o'me rUIl R lI o ugh a bllse hits M r. and Mrs, W. '. Graham w o .can not I nker J) k or Willllin ~ton ; Mrs. Lena pOSSIbly lay .off . Eld e l's will 2 b : . h 't the . Mu;;cum Ech os, a , m o nthly visited r elativ es in S' rt Hartcany Mrs. J . C. H awke und l'tli ss so~ke . Clal'ksvilJe, ST. AUGU STINE CHURC H lI ~e I ~ . U on , lIa r tsflck, W U)'n csvill e ; Miss Bes" I th e . CO~~11UnI.(ln ' lito th~ pu~lIculion so pul.Jh s~es The Fridny. h o !n e~ a f , DOl'i Summe s lI awke r schedul Wert' in Ih~, t" n t il' e- 1st, 3rd and l Shidakc l' and Mr. Cra wf o rd , of th osE' Stru ck o ut hy Burnet t, 1.1. by OhIO A r c hllelogl cul und. HI t o rlcal \\ n ale I or s ut 111. ' till Y. 6th Sunday , Mllss at 8 :00 a. m. : X-e nllll MI'. lInd Reeves, O. QUllrte r~y , b o~ h uf whi ch h ~ve a M I'S, . ();o nu"~ ]"I ills Oli ve All e n attend ed the 2nd and 4th S unday, Mass at l Hon'e y lind dau g htel' o f Cl11clI1nali la r ge c lI'cula ~lO n 111, th e Clghty- 5I' ni (\I' cla ss piny at· Tro S t olen lJIIse. 1\I illlllis 7; Spring IN MEMO RIAM y Tu esday 9:30 : 1\Irs. Ye n Adams or Dnvto n, Vulley L ~r " and M,·5. St.'lcy, Burn e t and eight countie s Of th e Stute. eve ning. s pe nt S und ay R ,with L Mrs. B ,. i\'e M r 11 Um p ire, son . . H' lm l' l oill d :Icsse Prende rgast. . hest " r , Mts. • In I"ving mem o ry (lr Glenn Da vis. ev. awrenc e . 0 mann. Lou Harlan a nd d~~g ht er Vi villn Wade, twin so n, The beautill catio n o f th e Stute Sco rer PIerce. Miss Elnora who pu ssed away s of Dllyton , H ous e Purk by the plantin g of WIIS th e guc!<t oPerkin u f Tilli e ' u f g am e 2 hours 16 f Mis!! Ma ry Cran e WAYN ESVIL LE CHURC H OF m Cente r vtll e. ll e liclOu s refres lu'- one y elll' IIgo June 6 . Robe rt Arm !;trong has a pas iti on n. inut~s. fl ower beds over th e s paci o us and lust week. ents were served by the hostess es Ul th e Cha CHRIS mb e r of T Co mmerce in The velv e y lawn s ha cans d mu ch yo u ng coup le l'en· ivecl u A prec ious . A great day is pl a nn ed in large numbel' Of beauti ful prese nl ' A v ic e we one fr om u s has gone. Dayto n . fa vu rnbl e com men t Qn the part o f S und llY the Miamis b eat ~ia~is­ MI'. and Mrs. le ve W eddl e , of comme maratia n being loved is still ed of the J 900th vis itors wh o nr e attracte d there Dayt on , were gu est s o ___ ---burg be hind the mnste rful pltchmK A place is vacant in o ur heurt !; f Philip H OPMr. , birthda a nd Mrs. y of Mel\'yn th e church. Banta vi s· Sever a l daily by the e laboml. e syst e m o[ kins, o n ).' I·i day. Whic h nev e r can be fill ed. numb ers will be pr ese nted durin g . GOES ToO MANC ite d ft'ic nds in ' Lc;ba n on Fridu y of Lan sda le who had 16 s trike outs • IlIn dscape ga rd e ning which makes HESTE R We often s it and think af yo u. Th e sco r e was 5 to I. eve nin g, the Bible Schoal peri od which be. Ihe park one o f t he s h ow pluces of When we are all alone. We give Cedar Stamps , Cary's gins at 9 ::10 u. 111 . und MIAMI SBURG during th e Newtun P . Ohio. Th ousands o f bloomin g J ewe lry Shop, Le banon, Ohi, ' service which follows . Lo rd 's up- !' up e l'intcnu entBlat t wa!' c hosen as For me mory is the o nly thing Mrs. Lt'e Haw ke , 1\f i ss Do ri s lind pla nts on th e luwn lind sco res of Store open evening AB R H A E uf th e l\lan c h e!'te r That g rief can' clIlI its awn, R. pel' at Do 11 nald :0 0 foll o wed by 8n ad- Ohio, ~c h u lJl s fur the cuming te Hawk e wc r e Du yt o n vis i· Jink, 2b box plunt!< o n th e ledges of th e 4 0 0 1 0 rm. One year has passed and how we dress by Henry wearing tuni Tu esda y. Capital buildin g forms a very 4 0 1 1 1 ' Ju sti~c, :3b mi ss you. M,'. and Mrs. Gle n Moy er of t his con secl'ate d "layma e n. Hellr Th e new instruct a r g oes th e r e with n" preac h, a hig h r ecomm e ndati on, having I Friend s may pluus in g lind Iltlra ctive · picture Kulama zoo, Mich., <I 0 0 4 3 Hed think the wo und has Mrs. Row e nn Zartmu n, o f Xenin Wnynelss' Ib und s hould be in~l'ect e d by all who ~II·. and Mrs. Elmeral'e guests of He is lin in spiring spea ker. C hris· se r ved in th e sa me clIpacit y a t 4 0 1 heal ed heehan . lia n Endeav or at 0:45 p. m. Lola Wayn e:vi ll e, Wa rren s pe nt Friday with MI'. and Mrs. IH . Blackb urn I', p .. 3 0 0 2 1 huppe n to vis it the 'u p ita I City . 5 0 ears, leader. Evenin g evanl!e lstic fi ve years und at Mo co unty, for Little do Ihey know the so rrow, Fred Everhu rt. \ Bran cob, j·f 3 1 0 0 0 nr oe, Butl er , That li es w,thll1 OUI' hearts conMI'. nnd Mrs. Ernesl Earnha rt I service at 7 :46: ermo n s ubj ect, co unty, o r the pus t s ix yea l's, I'e- cealed Dr. Charl es A. Neal. Directo r of and children , af Beetol, If .. . . 4 0 0 0 0 . . . , were I " The Messllg e of Penteco st " G ood signing fhi~ Mr. llnel Mrs. M ye l' HYll1l1n nn d TI)dd. cf t he State Depllrtm c llt of HeAlth . , Wllynes ville v.iaitors Carlisle pos it ion there t o ac- ' As we walk an~ong th e IIvmg .4 0 2 1 0 Memor ial Day ~o s pecilll n, Bubby mus . s ic. p e nt hurc lhe h w('e Nig k-end ht pro- ce pt th ' leadel' hip in sc hoo l ar- ' Sca rcely knowm at R. Bluckb urn wam s Ohioan s against typhoid 2 0 0 0 g. where we tread gram ench RU 's W 'II ednes 's P oint. day at 7 :30 p. fair s at Manche t e l'. f e ver us th e SUllun el' days draw Bonn e tt, 1 b . 1 0 0 0 0 W e may lau gh With those aro und ee th e genuin e butterfl y wing m. Th e church wh 1'1" yo u feel at n our, th ' disease being more )licture! ! and jewelry -. us The 4· H Se wing will mel· t · T ot a ls · prevela nt at t hut tim e. Patie nts Carey ' s J ewelry Shap,on display at , ho me. 33 1 6 14 6' But o ur hea rts are with the dead. at th e hom e of Mrsc1uh Le banon, O. hester A . William son, Ministe r . Irene Bak e r, lire warned of the dangero us HAS BEEN ADVAN CED WA YNESV 1LLE Sadly missed by all, Friday, Jun e 6. period during co nvlliesc en ce and . AB R H A E Mr. a nd Mrs . J . R. Wade , and Mrs . Chlls. lind so n and ST. MARYS CHURC H of the IIdvi 'ability of fecal tes ts Miss Elizabe th Day J. M. Th om)) o n. wh o i!l work 5 1 1 0 1 F a mily . TJlO mas , of LebRt'v . G. C . Dibert and family, Turn e r. rf ing in a Day ta n bak e r y. is taking ufter full rec overy. Dr. Nenl wurns 'n on spe nt Friday 0 8 with v isited friends reilltive _ IJu~e t g'3~.hi ts~nday. ~hHI'lh a s pecial , co urse in Fleic hman :S s al Pand ora, Ohi ll, E. Burton , 3b Ilgains t convllie scent 4 1 1 3 1 carriers here ' TAKES SECON D PLACE l -c lO a a. . ,SCI mon lin Mo nday and SS Tu esd ay 0 y Tl'Illl1l11g Sch ool thI S wee k. . Hartsoc k, b "tati ng that abau t 33 per cent or · ThIS ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 co mR~nl0.r Jntsd~~~g~r Reclor Love lY, t I L 0 cases continu e to dischar ge tyco ul'se is an IIdvlln cem ent in the IIfrs. D. II. Hunter W in publish ing th e v. . .' Hay Hawke:> and family, o f Dny- ~ o uBj!h, If 2h , . t rade of bak ing, and will lead to file. take pride phoid baccili l or a period of three by Miss Linquis t, of accomp anied ~ 2 1 0 "'5 ite 1 clipped {rolll i ton, were we e k·end pringfie ld, - - - -- - - - - gu ests o f Mr. 1 .. urtfon , so mething be tter in th c futur e , as t~ o~Chg ffne \ Tatler" weeks. During the past year 93 1 calle d on Ml's. F . :3 0 0 0 0 a SCha ' R. ol M oomaw ' l lInd Mrs. PROGR J. . Hawk AM y e. FOR 4-H WORK Ellis, ca&es wel'e r e ported to the d e part- 'I ' aturday . c all wh o t a ke the co u rse 111 ust be OO 1 0 e ablf-hed eyer week b t he ment, 146 deaths r esulted . wcll \' (' I'sed in bilki ng . IThOl11as, c <I 0 1 0 1 ptaPdcr fau ; C h ffe y Ju iar y col' . Mrs. J. W. Edward s WIIS hoste~s Lansdll le, P2'Miss Re becca Dunham And Miss 4 0 0 0 0 s u en a a. y ~ To exp lain pl.ans !lnd program s :... _ . to th e memb ers of h(, 1 b rid Civil ge R. . Service Adam _ s, u _ Commi ssioner s Katheri ne Lollar a f Leha n on , were for 4-H == ~ ege , Fontan a Calif. Ma? LOUise c lub, . aturduv aften1(l on. 1 ~york ,WIth Lives tock, crops ' -3-'- -5- - - - : -Ralph W . Emmon s and A. IS til e daughte~ of Mr. an~1 ~~t week -end guests aC Mr. and Mrs. ~!'t ~ng~heerm.g Clu~~ · Totals . ar1d /0 ..!) 7 3 San dies, with office' in the Wyan- Walter Sheeha n. Mr. and 1\11'5 H e rb e rt Lucas and } . A. Z:tmCl.madn·h fo;;m. ~ sch ool Mr. and I\Irs. ,I. B . Chnp llI lI lI and Wayn esv ill e SIS In Ce o~ganl7.a I~n 3 1 c U s O.n, o f Springf. ield, dotte buildin g West BI'oad street 1 1000 0130- 5 s pe llt S unda y . ent~, a r ecclv.jl agen . e r Irs , so n, ghroldu.p~, R obert. o f ou!' Co ' bl d lul1lbu y f s . s pe nt th e Miam is burg d . IS With Mr. and MI·s. R ab~ rt C r oss. g In . 0000 0001 - 1 I' 0 mg a serleS II meetmg a y n es YI e , anonun ee IlSS!!n1 . C an s m co. t we<.> k-e nd with 1\11'5 . n on-a.5J ames RoskeIl oy, , ?f Eli zn bc-lh Typmg 5 7 ware ls per mlnu IIcal1io, operati on with club leaders in. b T .. d d I 16', e B il the i'1I-s Carl'i e Sanbor 'truek n hus uut r et ur.ny ..... n s II e with on lv nine errars. Mnr y Lou a y. coi~~~U:~aCII~:;:~~d,to bfn~~~;ti · ~:;I ~~:ie\\ Il n d J:I~~~ aant~e~~"d ' variaus .commu l I by Blackbu rl1 2. nities .as announ - ed ta' the F lr iends Home for the ' Zimme of and Toledu .. on Tuesda y and Wed- I Men;ol' ial servi rnlan , qhaft'ey junior, won M r~. .1. ces 6 . e re H 'Friday uwke li . nd ~ed Ho y 2~elow. Bays a~d · gtls f~oCI J 0 sumllle l' aftl' r, s pending th e winter ! sS'ecothd mpire , I~rende l'gast. n esday JUli e 3rd nnd 4th for a pld<:e . ~n C~a~h 1 EJ! CI~~~ ' Hawke and fami ly s pent Sl1tu .0 years ar~ e Igl e an , . . ass in Broa klyn, N. Y. . rday S~o rer, fEGle rce . 1 h . ou ern IVISlOn a 40 minIS anxIOus e to n!J mb er , af p os l~lOn a m ~ta' te sergIve v. . the with m 1111 Dr. an opan d M r~. Ra lph B ea utiful nnc e TIIlH' 0 are and 36 portuni ty to take up some lin e of ame, Annual State Schaols Typew rltmg our vIce WIth salaJ'les rangmg from piece s~ts inSllv~rw PI M ' 1\1 t PI . . St M.r Ile I Contes t on the C hlnawa 13th re floor ' open of th e work nnd son, which lit has been diversil led easa n $1,080 to $3,000 pel' annum. Full s tock. Choose ~' our II ln. I . . ----- - - - - . . rs. arle aCYl ~. rma Hall in Lo pllttern at furtb'er this ellr Angele s The I particu lars of these monthl y exnm- Cary's Jewelry , Miller, of, at:<l Mrs. Robert I C't . I y . wh"h wa he ld last'Sa tur l Mr. nncl , Mrs. Ch lls. Shop Lebano n 0 4 H CI bY ' f illation s can be sec ured by apply- ' Gray. Tuylor of ClnClTlnatl, were guests cdontesl , Mr. 4-H RADIO PROGR AM . I~O " s t d I06 ' und Mrs, Emer~o n Ellrnhll rt unll . d . t u ' progfr~ , h':lbl~te mgs , af Mr~ . Oli ve r Davi ' I C .. s ,Memor ial \ ay, IM ay d 2'1~ r epretsetn e . b emolls ra t IOns, aIr m sex IIlg to tie Oll1ll1 lSSloner s. d I I S D' a n : children Day Mr. and Mrs. J. O. C artwrlg e njoved a picni c dinner t prizes tours cl ub camp and other schoo s an I con ('S /In t s . club 1- , t B . ' P . k Y II . Sp' nils " Boy s and gi rls • .parents . and ' 1 "'ded into two c1u s~es ' . - - • '. . . th e cunlest a . nn( I th elr gues S, M r. lind Mrs . l'ecreatl r y~lTI or: eSo w ~ II .. ' , wal'kers ure aga m renlln d. e d 0 f Onal activIti \1 es WIll . , .. . ,' be Geo exrge ' Hess 1\1 ' of and Springf .1 1\'" vI ~ lte ield, 'f d I;ldlol1 I spent S ' th . I undll\' ' M I . offered compet itIOn for fir s t an(l , 851h ANNIV ERSAR Y oth e r Nutionn l 4- H RadlO pro'. P . I. IIllu SunOIl at MiamIs burg and Ox- p ame( a.t th ·, IS. ' ," ml , r. . an .• . b h ' . . I' . meetln.g s. ale~ts and Mrs. W. C. Sl. ' grul1l Satul'd ay no on, J un e 7th ,lohn lind Reco lld year ~tuuellt ford y . s. ot l al'e In also ac IIIvlted. Mr, und As Mrs. t im e Edward p ~ r~~ts l Kel' dallghl na ll whi ch i e l'. s pe nt Sunday lit Ov e r- curacy und .speed. Mary Lou A . llIerry pllrty of nei g hbors arid I !lpansor ed by the U. : a nd mot he r Mrs. Kee nan , of Bel - S Ilept being g~lml ebs 1.1 1' . recdrellftt,onlltlh IIctIVlt~l es , pe. ck, Ohio , the gu ests of Will af Agricu lture and the f M f n·ell d s me t lit . tl Ie h Be r- wns fie ntered 111 Cladssets I in~l. ~ mont. wen' Sunda~ WI e enJoye a e r om I' e m ee 0 lIlg ' 1'5.\ evening ga n lind fam'ily MI'. a nd Mrs. James Zell of which a l'e schedul ed to gu est s NaU-'lO ui Broa. dcastin g Co. over a for rst year stu e n~. Rllche l Crew and SOli Frank, on bl'gin a t C 1l1~ I f M I' anI I Mrs G D Mi l1 ~ ' C> • I 1\' .' d Mrs 8 'I k . d and receivin g th l' p sailv f 45 ·t t' .l d M ' 28 t 'h . B I b t · Yell., w ,')lr er I h . W I' un ••. s, . \. an .• c ham 0 . sec 0 C oc on es ay, , . s a Ion;;. eac n~ evc:nlng , 0 ce e ra e Horact' Zell ln~ . , ut t e \. ern 1I (,uVh mov ed the hou se- m edal In the latter, nnd Ml'g Ke~'s of Springb oro group WIll meet at th e 86th miles tone Of Mrs Crew's X · Wa n e n C(l unty listener s should 7 ' 30 :'II r. IIncl ' Mrs. d ' Cha g~' s. Dllvis gt s of \lr~ and th t th . I. I ILW 12 '4" t 1 ' 30 p. m. fl . h b 8 'J onrne" tht'ough life A s u~Ptuou~ 1 e ma, ZWflllrel\K IIl1le!' I "30 hold gu ods of Hryull Prend e rgast . ey ean tune III n .. - - - . I) a . . . • SOd 'was sen'ed lit. the da uj!hter, Mar v Elizabe !nlS htY f:' th, MI';<. The pl'O gram til Pitts hul'g-, stnl'ting Saturdn y " emal'lD De.ay. dinner will include musIc by an d IS en to th e pnze noon hour ! ,UUl'a" c Il g a t e l" 'h H ! Ne ttie , '. Kepler f ' li . nd I h' bM h Mrs. d O ' li ver W. '11 U b C. S . T. Marin m U. h g MEETI t. e Band, e \\Il !'; accomp unl C( NG and T ho s~ present to enJoy t e happy ' talks D ' by y W r . d . J war . . or w IC a rll 11.1 WI , . .llI e a\'IS s pellt What shllWI give t,o the bride? pecially arran~e e es- PI' ' nci ergast mnd W E Cornell . e n l'S uav eve l11ng 10 club Olbel'~ lind statIOn d. accaslo n wt're Mr. and Mrs. Rob - Th an d . " . . I M'ddl town . ' ' ft Th t bl W. C. T . , fill U. I tn d £'t with at k the elt Crew, Phineas h C ome ' i th' t I e. ft e Id I I, Cook, Mr. and e gl Na t lO na WOI' ers 111 a . es are ' ; , _ . 18 OI~!I .e e 5C 1'( U e f e. mel',t Th ,_ I M\,8. Joe Tinney , Mr. and Mrs . Dal I.~IIPP~ suggest IOns at W e are ant ici)latin g a g.ood pro- lof Me rs. S ~ san P' unty Agent has been reUI , l ay _ Mr. and M r l'. HU l'~e l1 Be nson a r d Co ,ueKted by WusClass In s Bog er and family Mrs. RObert !IY Shop,. Lebano n, Carr s J e\\el II1gs I~ as follows , begtnnt ng at ~l'I\m at the Grung-e meettng , n~xt l\ aftel'lIa on . a ~.alOe hington ufficials to d attenda nce: so n uf Clevela .nd, s pent th e week- ,~elay ' repurts from OhIO. Store 8 p. m: . ' Saturda y evening whe n th e Smith . Mrs. Wllham ~OI. ole(! indi viduals and F urna s aneI Rans, Mr a.' L on B cck e tt upen evenmgs. ~he ThUl d evo sday , en eve d' ning, with June Mrs. 5, Benson hom e 's Hugh pal'ent es s, boy club s will furni s h the li o ns. The st udy was Cigaret tes. Mr gro ups who heal' the program , d M of Z 0 Worle N -th f 1\1 . , G D M'II . lind ' . Mn; W an P S'i1isbu rs. . . ." r" I Mr~ th . I S. y, ' 01 '1 ttc 0 . de OTl~ on troyin'" \\ program ments criticism'll a nd Mrs. Stanley Sellers FrtdllY evemng , June O. our' . . •. s e clgare ' . A t the clnse of u ve.ry . d elll1;ht- af Mr. any A I ." Ohve . . 't, d'All IOle r estt'd person s . young , SlI lisbury ac .co mpani Lebano n, Mrs. Ve1tll0n Baniste r Branch Church ed t he m.,.h ome' gO .mal 'people; IS smoktn •• tion sc for future 4-H prog more , Was hington Twp. III e II1VI e . S d l or s ug-g es harmfu l to wamen than to men? ,.on ,un ~u.le~a~l~~1 dh~:rte~~t~:~~~n~ MrS. and Miss Leona Bam ster of East CI L b ay. I gra.m5 to Chns F . Monday evening , June asS, e anon, Mrs. Julia Donova n returne d How cignrel tes aft'ect \ Y I py Ba,nk, 'YB., were callers at ~he Bure~u office, Leba non. 9, Farm schoolb oys. The Fri e nds hi p club o f the M. ' OhIO. _ _ _ .. __ - -• • • Frtends Harne Sunday afterno n. ~venmg , Jun e 10, School Tuesda y, home Fl"iday lifte r a plellsan t Why w~lT!en should .not,~make and E. hurch wiJl give a r ecep ti oll ! Gymna s- visit with fri e nds in Indiana polis. Laby kllhng campal. . gn .. for Mr. and Mrs. F . H. M,IUlIIOW, IUm,. Hllrve urg. Wednes day, She WIIS accomp llnied by Mrs. E. POMON A GRANG E MEMO RIAL SERVI CES Mrs. OrVille Gray and daug~ter ~venlng, Juney sb The program consl!;~,ed of a r ead Friday evening at t.hl' e hurch , All . 11 , School . • attende d. commencemen~ exercIs es !um, WayneS VIlle. Thursd Gymna s I Fisher, Mrs. George Michae l, Mrs inK. "The Punthe r, llry memb e r s and th e ir familie by ,1 s ay lire eyen- Mars he ' and duught er lind Mr. Es ther Lane ; P a mona Grang e met at Harvey s The 10T c lh 10Jdg&.~ of Ot~de three at the MI.ddleto~n Hosplt~1 Thursa poen:" The , mil' ,June 12, School Gymna sIUm , StratLO~l who spe ected to be th ere. and IIlk e o ne /Ju rg. Sa turday, May 31. U'<1.~'·d A e, unMr h ,! er Thef ' day ev~nll1g. MM nt the week-e nd .-ecnlec l Hi)l;hwa y," 1J0rlS Wade, ex Those. in ISS Ka thel'lI1e Baw- Springb oro. coeered dish and sa ndwich es. IItte ndanct' with her'. , II! e menen n. ec aOlCS, fr om , Wllynes vlUe ' . lind a reading , "~he Old man} sIster of rs. G ray was one I l l Y ' Grange IIr(' Mr. and Mrs. ~, ·S. I< I1Ights u r Pythills and the I 111- . o.f the graduat es. House," by M rs. MIlls. What is m od ern? Vi sit Cary's Ellil! . und daughte 'r Miriam KNOCK ED DOWN BY AUTO d~p e ndent On.ler of Odd Fel o~s . Mn. lJuring the social hour dainty Jewerly Sh ap- hear th e bird R s ing L. V. Branstr ntor, Mrs. E. L. wIll. h old then' annual memarl lli refresh Pre~ide ments nt W. were H. ~e Aile!" rved and by Vlcethe enj oy J the P musica 'tt l )lowd er boxes. Thomas , Mrs. Anna S heehan, Mrs. h d Sf'rVlce s on Sunday , June 8, at Preside nt J . O. Cartwr h 11 hostess assisted by Mrs. Mills. Ight are re- I b os.. e!1e\\1 and 'see gifts in noveltie s as well Anna Gibbon s, MI'. and a t e s ma 2 :30 at Miami cemete ry. I present ing the Waynes ville Na- ~ne In hIS leg braken Rob____ _ _ _ las J'ewelry , watche s, ancl diamon ds e .. t Cr,e~v, Mrs. ~e na Mrs. w~en he Rev. G. C. Dibert of wayneS - \ tionUI Bank at the annual Hartsoc k, eon! \\a~ liThe struck Home by o an f Gifts." automo~ lle, on ville will give the ad dress and th e vention of the Ohio i Mrs. Eh1iabe th BUlly,. MessJ:S, J. FOUNT AIN TAKEN AWAY Banker s As- ~am sN·ti~ ~aturda~ mornin g. Mr , lB . Crabbe and James Gibbon s. ' IYl\sic will be furnish ed by the !loc iation at 'the Biltmo re Hotel tener f a /tCteH to crass the P. R, Waynes ville School Band. . The wa~er fountni n in front of ,. Mr. and .Mrs. Ha~'vey All membe rs are request ed ta \ in Dayton , Ohio, today, !..~~~ st~~m . t'" aWh~e's , hardRy e had as . - -- - - - - I tbe bank . e as IS \.0 mac tnes were no brin'" flowers an d meet at 2. :00 at more. The fauna- Ithol' l' 11 'l nnel' gue~ts Suturda y even If you want a watch for t.he ~. pp.r0aehll1g from the east MASON IC NOTIC E k d tty an ~ .. and nO.t Itain was .ta en own rece~ . king, the second one the cemete ry gate. Mr. Ik d d and Mrs. Russell Ben so gradua te, for fine time-ke epmg I,eemg n the base was. tak~n '.Iway thIS wee ' . and so n , MI'. und ~ tI . f 'f" wa e 1MTI\ . Georg!!' Regula r '.c ommun ication This fountam (111 Its day) was a Kent of Clevela qualitie s and beauty of Gruen r e y In ron~ I It. .. Mr. and MrR. WaY!le aville Lodge No. COUNC IL MEETI NG ' 163 F ... very popular place, as all tne h ors- Lee Blanch ard' nd, watche s have a ' p~estige acknow l- M ' dell wii ta en to Mrs. Ella Kent, hIS home A. jIlL, Tue day evening , June 10. eoged ever'yw here. We sell Gruen, .es in. the neighbo rhood .came herke Mrs. S.tella Evans and Mi~s I e un. _ _ Helen Visiting and .. llojourr iing brethre n Routine busines s feature d tbe ~Igin, and other make~ tl drmk. The automq blle basdta of depend ho Evans of Dayton and Mr. and are welcom er council meeting Monday evening . able v en the place watches . . C'!ry 8 . Jewelry o. f the horse. an t e W. P.' Salisbu ry. DEATH R_ If. Hartaoc k, W. M., Bills were allowed and ordered Shop. Lebano n, Obl0. fountai n was taken away. All ,' B Sh d' F. B. Hende.l '$on, ...Sec'·y . ' 'd d 1\ few mattera ' taken up, - ~. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hllrner , ~r. n . . aner Phl~ ~~~t im ortant' of which was led at his .,,--"- -•• - - - -Mr. ang ~[B. Dearth Sheeha~ ~ome,enear .hert) Sunday , tOllowand Mrs. J. A. Harner and dau~h\ oilin " gf the streets. The and daught er, Mr. and Mrs . .Wal . 0, E . S; NOTIC E ter Opal of Spring Valley, Mr. t e tr t Y. F ..... NOTlC I: the oiling was let and ter Sheeha n Bnd son, Mr. and Mrs. mg ~ lo~g Illness. He is survive d . , N -:10'1 by hIS 0 Wife, E and Mrr:. Franlo .W. Harner <¥ . two daught ers Edna chn ac tOT '11 be oiled the' first Ellis McClur e and daugbte I . t 1.._ Y. MIami Chapte r o. r.. ". Mr. . X , ana la Ada, Mr ~nd one son' H6ra~e. and Mn Lellter Compt e stree \ WI. The regular meet Illr 0 t_ and Mrs. Carl Croll lind childre n S., will mee~ in regular ~es7~~~ to~ ~nd Funera l serviee s were held at MarYbe lle Harnet' , ' F. of the"w M. will meet 61 ' , made acting and Mrs, Elmer at LallNIl C. .Monda y evemng , June 9, a • . n and their the residen ce this afterno on Rev of bayton were callers at the IIU' Sund.:V ennilJ , J. Ed ': u~hr":ii~eS8 of Elmer l house . guests. ~r.Sbeeba JlUle Visitinl r membe rs wehlcome· au.d Mrs. Glen G.·C. Di~el't.oftlciatlng. Inte'rm ent )I home of ~ , .nd )1\'8, G. D. MUla,. o'eloek; , You are • mayor urmg 1 • Moyer, of Mlcblga n. to. I · Josephi ne Earn art, W • • , F'd I was in MIamI cemete ry. e.v i.._ Rtlre l'!ll' prelellt . . Minnie Fromm , _Sec'y. , rl 8y . .....



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!l (' 'cluck a . m. .Iulia K la Ler wa ~ appointed ud· inilll:;t"ntrix u f the estlltt' [ur i .Tnt: ,b KIllber, nnd flIed her huml i n th ;!um of $200U with Dl·trl, it Jo' i.ull llty and 'urety ClIlllpun . a~ ,'ul't'ly. F ronk Kind 1', J uhrl • lout · eubvl't' li nd G c.rgl' Gllt e~ \ orc IlUHIl' (l 11\1I'a i ~ I'f'. See U. Early for Your Sale Date.. We Guarantee Common Plea. Court " Ia hel lI athl\ wlI Y II ce)Jtcd t he Tn lh., C:l ~ ' of .., Ilthelny II. Will- appoilltm e nt of a(llI\i,n i~ lrlltri x o f Satisfaction or. Charge Nothing b lll'~ \' CI"'lIS The hl' .. ns r. I·'ox Pil'!! r h ' '); Ln~e of . Ilcl' II. n o. n nJ(' le d ' I':n l{ itll' ( ·lI II1IHIII Y. l ll' pllllnti lT Wll~ cnse cl ll n d f1I l! d h.' r b one! of $ 1 UO s,:rallted I ('II v .. t(1 tHe' h i!' Jll'lilioll. wi th Th e ni wd S t.a t es Fid e li ty It WII:; onlercd t hut the sh ri ff un d GU lI l'a nty Co mplln y a s s ur ,t y. -~emp loy a n a u ctioneer to 11 th e lIIubeJ .H.athn~vay was apP OintPhone No 320 C HAPTER \ I, I ' '1117" · W e ll, I ' m the J ane can get you prope rt~· in th e calle of L. W. ed admlnl tratnx of th ' estate of Phone ·No.2 T ho third nigh t In ' the new " Oh" yo,u mean h ow do I ear n o nc !" I Coates, 'I!t u l, ve l' u s Lu e lla Dearth I F, E. Ros!lagle, dec eased and fi.lod quarLers Wtl II n other nightm a r e .my h YIn g, ' E ve's sen se of plea !!. I he was 50 benmingly Slit! Red e t a 1. her bond III th e urn .of $2000 "lth F (J r the III ntlll f og eid not lift. l ure in thl' in te l'v ic w pel'! he d. ' with h el' littl e I'll e nnd its SUCCI' 's l Ha y ~ :'Il ne \' \I'UR A:Ta nl cd a di. n lt e d tates FIdelity and Gunr· 8h was n e'l a b(· reliel'er! from it "I'm I' e~li ll lt' now," hI' . nid in n I thnt R\'e WIl S touched . vorCI' f W IIl Cec ilia M n c ~', th(' de . n nt~: . .o m pon y M s urety. ill t.h thrM d y~ . .'hl' ha d n(lt t~)I1e t hnt f(rhnde fll1:t h er ine\ui' j " Tl'~ nwfullr ~oo d .o f Y(ll!." ~h 0 f (' " dull t hnvi n g b('('n /!'lIi 1t ~· o f W!llrnm.r. Al lpn ~c~el~ted . th e Coo k , furni sh in g nnd lotlcli"a Plu ck (l ut his Rying. fcath e l', 1"lIltz"d loll \\' gl' at 111' 1' h l' \ I' hn d 1'1 !I ; lut s h ' Roft"11 d It bya ~ kl nJr .<ald \\' a1'1I1 1\' , "],ut - ' i\'r ... ~ n('g-I"(' I of d u ly. I) ol'(,th ~' II p po lll t nw nt o f 1\dnlll~ l ~tl at o l o f ~ 1'll\'{' I . $ 1:1 1.5U; J . K . . p e ne r' l f\ nclt ~al' h 1.1i!! (l'cL 1\ I n e A ~ uro I., ,·n . .ho\\' . tI·on~ly i ~ h:ld lllo .. " d int,? '·l' ~~,t'dly. ' Wh a l cl l1 y, n,.'loi·/"1 " Hut 1l1/1·hin·. It', \\itll .fall!" 1"1111 1\1,111')" tll minor ,· h ild wn~ l t.h,~<e~lu tu o f H e l)('c~a L A lI ~ n. li e; gru v'l, ,.:I 'IG. 0; lin t on ' (u nly , And hlld IllS lIlouth a rcllt; hr.l'. 1111 ~Ill' fl'.1t thIS ~t f\l!g t'rlll lC l'ILl' . .1 dance ::Il ,l nk es. , En' ~he'l) k hl' l' head . : "I:\(' (.d III th(' ClIrl' n n" clI ~ to " y f l ~('·, · ~ d lind fll ecl . llIs ~ o nd. In th e GI'U\'l.1 o. fU1'lli ~ hin s,: lind londing If l'q u 11'('1'(' qu e en' o f I?le u!lure, \'11\\\' .If lI "lIpp,\ln tnw n l. Bllt Ll IlI !.), 1 MI ~" llaV"njllll' l ~:lVl' th l' In" You'!'!' 1lI .' re I hull kind." ~ h (' .Jo \tn I I "lwu/.:'l' I·. 1!;lI nl of , 1000 WIth W ,lltl' l N. AI · g ravd, $ 1 0, J o hn L a ","" Ka lll l!, And I we l'c killJ(' of pllrn. It ''''~ '(I 11'"ill I' 1'(.. .1 by lhl' ('o urt lI' n , Ama n da. lI u I' buugh, C. W . .~ I · 11 al'o ld S Wl'n y , SlI llI e . $ IO .i!O; . I href' do)'s (I I it, d., e~ ~o nll'lllillg fotll1u t ion in a t Oil e wh ich implil' " ~lIid. " I ('an'L t hank 1·'1l1. n llt fvr 011 .' IIllII',·nty -thl'e l'. Th' lIig ht thaI h l' mind was on !\n me t hin~ dtll.... ill)( isn't mI' liIH'. " . I' l hll t t hl' l'I' i" dil l' th (' plai n li O·. Th e I; n an d MIiTl a nna ;'\lI e n Il ~ ~ur e t l e~ S. E \'er so n , st o n e . $2 .1U ; 11 0m .. r NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT mn " wa s n"t S tl hnd :1 l1d h o pc's (, I!<c'. " Y"u ain 't ~·I· l'al." II l iFs I):lV ,.I\ · ( ·ili7. l'n ~ ~a t i""11 1 Ba n I; o f \ \, it. r Ilu l .!I Hrb!1u Kh, liul'I'\! l C l e v e.IlK ~I· S im s, s t Oll e , $ 1. 8 0; Wlllt er WUl'el, \ I"" JI(' I'~ Wl'I'l' I" url · l' . . . . T h i ~ " \\' h f' I''''!, .J ake·!'? " P" rt t'ralllih· alllllllte". "nUl \'(111'1'(' III ill (!tllil. 0 .. frun1 l hl' IIt' fL' n dlln l. Hn d Srlu~ !:ltuc k w ere 11I ude spprll1S fUl'lli ~ hing n nd pilin lt stOIl I' . $40; I~s tllle of ~' . E. ROBllngle, dewoulcl n" In.t lunA'. 1'hi ~ \'1111 1,1 . 1\·l bs. Oll\'(' np ort gnve tIll' in· ' 1-: " ,,11 . \ 11' • ~' cll1 L: 1I 1 II lIi (" : l' IOlk ('. I.. n auL: h. Ih" SII Ill "f $:lO Oli. 6 7 l·rs. . T, F. Wnlk er. same . $2;, W, H. In the se tll ~ 1l1 e lll o f the ('s l a t c Mlltid e n and Co ., g UBrd r:\l~ mote l' Ce!18l'(i. II" I n~t !" n):. It ll11j!'ht 1' lId III 1I1l)' I l ma l liln. un." wen I O!, With thl' .. buul )' 11 11. YCl u'd ~lIi l .J llk,. li k e , illrludillj!' in t , · I't '~1 10 1\1 11)' :!:l . 1!I:W No l ice is he reby give n thnt IlIlnUl,'. )! ues tu :lItl' nd ll1j!' UII l' \'ldl'ntly I·n· :l JI /la l' he,] ej!'l!: ,"i l ~ l llll" t. II ... lik f'~ ' all,] \) 11 tlol' ncotl' s Ul'd o n in tilC' u f .J Clh n J . \\ /l l d ,cl crells 'd , th e lI et ial $ .1 5 ,6 0; Alb (' rt O. Nl c hulas . In t hl' 111t''''l t lll ,' s h wo uld ,\(' - I llIn llinA' ~lI hjec·1. ·.l lIk('·s' it a ppeal' "'111 rl' . ,.. (ill("I.'· ! thilt! (' all <" . 11]0' ~111l1 Clf ~ l :! !Hi. R I '!'." l'k..t nllul' o ~ tI~ ; ~ lllte wns ~n l;le. $2!i. :!U Zuin Arlllitu g e, fur Mabl'l Hnthawuy hAS b ee n duly ap CIl!'Y 1I" r~ ~' lf :1, IlIu cll U" shp eel, \In s no~ what ~:o ~ I'd call,lIllL' 1 E",' IUlIj!'lH'd. !1l..Jll d ins,: illt(l I'.l'~L tn Illl t (', rnak - !~, ul1 ~1 ~C) II ~ ~'~ t.1 ~, ~"" W! lh , Lalli'll nis hing lind I.oadillg grn\' el, $ :760. poilll<'d Il ild qlllllilled li S AdminisE. <,otd e1. If It \\" ' r~ til 11I!'t. n I'," fl f t he> I<IWII ~ lm "' IJ JO Int!'. l' lth ~ r " 1', " ""1'1" .... ,, 11 (' " tiei . "but i l'~ III )! a lllt,1i ot $ 1 20:!. ,U~ , wh ic h L. \\ lIId, s is t e l a s s ucc eSl<Ol. 5L1; E. I' . I\ll ln e r , KIl ~ , $ 17 .9 2 j P. tl'l1trix o f LIlc F:. t.llt .. of L·"I"qI'lU·l i,)fl " f lift' woul d file Iwe· \\'/1 , ' it II tOllg h o n e. E ve inferr,.d 1e' Ul "I' tl1(" qu,, ~ ti , "l. 'I' h:!llk I'O U jUt!g'l1ll'llt is aw a rd ,' ,!. t o tll'll r or,\ . 1'111' co u r t u r~l e r('d thal Lflura E. 13. Mo nc(', gUlll'd I'u il p osts . $ J 2. 5() l{o8n a g le Int I! o f Wune n oUIlLy, l' ~SaJ)' . Bo II~ Yl·t ;"h,' dM '.I 11" 1' th a t it lay ill I: lI m f ortah l · HC'cUl'i· a thllu ~ lIn d I illll'~, r.1~1 t ill' sa·lll l'. illtc'n' ~ l pl'r :lnl1l1l1l fr o lll dat e unlil \\ ani. l'xC'cutI'lX O f th e es tal e o f Th e Pru!!s Ec\uiplll cnt Co. repair:; Ohi" , c1 e ccli sed . Dll t lll thi >l 2·llh dllY of Ma}' , I'ltr~ til til .. ,ound IIf llltl ti es in the til'~ ~lI llI l'w lll' r e ut'!\V£'en t h e~I" Thi , world ~ I' l' n l" fu 'li of (; o ud :-lam I'll id. 1·1I1,·ss paid wil h in fi da\':< o f ~ \l h n J . W nrd . u cl!ll"ed, b e auth or $ 1.1.I5U; (;I\"" e Ii h e mi clll 0 . , III lulu n . I f ~h ,' illu~t (ighl thl'lll . :;he .· )(tf(· IlI '· ~, a.nd t h l' " pl'ak " r :uld.' ol l aritall " ," th" ,·ntl~ . 1111' 11 f url'dllslIl'(" wi ll 11...." to as!l Ig- II,' ~~d o n;e .and tl'lll:' l' l'i ul11 C hl o ddl!, $5 5:1 .'1 5; I n t el'lla · t 9:.l 0. \l Cl ulli b .. UI' [co tlwm ; 11I I" Hg l she that ,Ink.· hlllls(, lf \.\'lI ~ 11 l!oooi l'KJr' ! Jo;\'l' g:o",' IllU d l t llOUJ! ht III i\ l i s~ 1 "~l1". fu t hc·. d eced e llt .s hu lf Inl e rL' ~ llll ti (\ nll ll hll' v l'~ tel' Co., r l' pll I $.12. C, llo nll lcl Il ilntll sh , Ally . W . Z. ROLL bt'gllll t .. h"!l s h., would. h il t "Y"u clo,, ' t IH'e d :0 1" Ul' \' f l'l)/II 1""'l' Il I' ''l t 's ~ lll!'g"~ li,," ill th!' SI:lll' IIf Ohio) 1· .'r~ II ' ', I1 I11l1 l.1 II l' e l'lllll1 Il ot l' WIth o ut I' CCO UI'He lo 50; The F1'Ilnk ~ h e l'\\' cI(1(1 0 " gas Jud ge o f the 1'1' bu t e Co urt, ~ u1'('I., ;<hl' .'(·ou lel I?ivt,! IIl' r. l' lf ·U .I·uur Jl a ~ t .. r tt, I'll illto . J akC' · ~ . hu t. II .· .·k that f"l l"w .·,1. I f t hi ~ t hillg' T n ,\'i ll ,) . cl t'f l' lIdnllt p l.'ad c" 1 j.! uilt y ~al( l. , l' X l·~'l)(, and th a t "'! lill exe· ullcl ~ \I"llli e~ , $ 3 3.01J; ,1. n. Atiu11111 WUJ'rt'1l C 'Hlnt y, Oh io \\I'(:k li t wH lllnR'. . I Y"u ' UI' (" j.!I't ki ck ed ., u t 't."I(· k . 1I wa:, ~,oilll! (, n till' lil11 e f"r 1,,<'lIn. 1(' t ill' C'hal'~1' lI s,:a in ~ t h illl . S " Il ' Cl:t: .I\ n~~I~ n ?~I.e~ tI'!"I l'~,e.r nil el f (' (I. , g'l'lld e r. $:l4V ;•. !12 ; 11Il (,l'I~ati . 1 he dll Y' ", ,, ,,,. A~ "Ilk., 1\", tl,le' l ~"II el""1 Iw ha\'<' Y I IIII'~"lt whli,' ! ~ tllh' l i"11 ""I'k Il1U~1 Sl u, n I' II III l·. t,'P, I' w:o ~ ,il·fl· l'I' l·' i. el ~(c dl nt ~ IIll ~ 1 s t,.. HI "" "I . l11l1l't· o nal II III'V ell t 1'1' Co. , tl'lll' k 1'1ll1 H, ~rllph p"Il''' 1I1 (11ls,: II (,., untr )·I" " HI. ; yuU ·I',l' t lll' n :- " (I.y l. n t hu ~iils t il'llll '·I S I II' 111\1:'1 IlIrklt' l llL' j"u " I' li" ill)(. Sl:l\(' (If O hi .. I'('r~ u !< Th omas II. ~:~ ~e ~~' LllurH F:. Wnl'd, with o ut $ J 7 :l. ttl ; Th£' ' lllndani Oil C'! .. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT SII " wnlk(·c1 a lld rl':tcl anti k pn t h('r l ll'sllhl'IJ. " \ 011 s hnk l' n 11I 1I"l' an - SI1<' ' "l1~ 1 dn ~ O IlW lh i llj!' l Cl 1':1ln \\, illi lll11 ~ . dC'r" ll da n t p lea d l' d n o li l l OUl se , s uppli es, $ I O.!l2; W Ic h und Dnkm l' cord with bri e f exnctit ud e AIl th e k l ' . t oo . don'l yl)~I'I" ~ hl' l' lIel('d" Il IUIlI'.I'. Sht: h.lel pai d H' '' C'lI t .l'-lil'l' j.!lI ilty . 10 lh l! ('h argol' . II n cl blll1d was : I ~ t II·.IIS • n lc l'ecJ by .t.h e c o u~t that win' . $1. 2 0; l\1illllli Chl'\' ro let Co., Est ntl' 0 f Alice 11. R osnaglc, Illllt' M m ,ry W ll~ at hl'r : Iu e like ~o Hlu d enly thllL I~Vll 1\1I ~ ~ lartlpcl d, \lIl1 r~ fill' I,"~ thlill II nllll1 th ' ~ I'l'nl Ii:O(l' d n l .. I ~Ot) . .a~c is /l s~i ~lI ecl , tl c mdll c r o f the . \\tli (J f. c. eor~e . r e plli r. $l j Ha 'T Y S en l's G1l1'llg(', a . "l o t ionll:~~ blnck fig-lire . s£'cm in ):{: o u~, of hr.r ('.au ti.o,~ . . " . ril l: 1."11 IIllll'h. S lt( . . tl ul ~l lIot l il'l~ fO I·. IH': lI il1g \\·l'u nt','da Y' , .lu lH '1. 1 (';t(: I~e~., d ~~eH cd, ue cOll tlnUCU t o ,' r e Pllirs , $ 3 .5~; F r ed H ar~a n ; flling d 'cea 8ecl . Nutil'e is hC' re by give n thnt h pr"l nl' ll1 g 10 1I1 (,ve. ye t· nevC' 1 .,1 d !,\ ,l k n o l \, s h(' cld lll lllt·( 1. IIlC h·hllllc· ly "!l Ihl\ r l! lllalllllll! t\\'C I .. ~ l~l t(' tlf O h iO ve r" ls 1 hll llt JlS H. J J ~ 2~ I ~ , IO , , . saw , 50c ; V,ct o r Vu n R!per, ga l! , l1lunng. . A hlllldrt'd lI m l's a \l uh. "otdl! ""II('h 1l. alld tltl' Impu l" lv(' 1\ tlllll n l~ ,ll'fl'IH lnn t p ll'll d l'd n ot lIl e L. Bu.rk c . adml~ l strator $ 7 .58; DIAnch es t e l' Milch m e h op . Mab t' l 1IIlthn\\,IIY has b e en duly ap· 1': v(- ca ug h t nt th t rnili nl{ (lnd o f " I m('a n I d on 't k no \\' II' h e t h t' I' dl.n l 1IS a nil i ~ t m1l~lrl'l' ancl j!'lI ilt l', Hnhd was ti )( {' t\ lit ::; 0110 .00 o f t he "stat e 0 1 . ~. Ell iso n, de· r e pa irs $7; The Kilpatri ck · Frenc h puinte " Hlld qUlllified a s Allmi nis· ~"11l s ugges li on \\' hich refu'ed to I 'n! a good da ne ' r III' n o l. ·· denriy cl r l':'s('d I'llI' .Iakl··:: hut thc all d h,'al'ins,: is st't fnl' J 1I11l; 4 . . I C l' U~C' d: . ,,:a ti auth o rrzed t o se.llle i M otQr' ar 0. , glls and s upplies , t ra tl'ix o f t hl e ' F.s tlll c o f A lir e H. be caught. :h(' ren ll ze cl th nt t h (' ~e r hal bl'o uj.! h I al1 o t hl~r stal'l'. A SI'l' II I,,1 (·:tll fr " ll1 :'-l iss !la \' 'n. 1 , In lht' :1c t io l1 IIf J . r.. .J oh n s o n all cl.tlm ~ and dem a nd s Il g a m s t $ 70&.79; Dlaid and Le RlI )" g ravel, Ros nagle lu te (I f W a rre n County , fl':J ll tic , f UL ile clutc h es we r e weo r· Th .. n M i~: Ilal'c n p n r t rllse. porI an s l\'~I'l' d th,' qu e~ ti o n . 1 1' 1' 1 ~ ll S .J. 1'. I\ I' nth et a l .it was ' ~uulll Gre nb n e r. by r e a s on of the l snnd Hnd ceme n t, $210.7(1; Euge n e Ohi o, d e ceu sed . ing' h(,r out. yC'l ~ h e d nre~1 not d ig· "Y (l U CI,me ,i. nl o illY jlli n l a n ' !'II A I ll'T! ,,'clod; on n igoht n llr rl l' r ~ d ·t h at u n ll's,, 'lh ' d e f e nd a nt l C":I,lh. nf th e . ~ e cecl e nt. lI arp t' l', bri dg l! r e pa ir, $38 .80; C. Vo nu ld Dil n tu ~ h, Atty . W. Z. RO LL I'O ll ti IlU £! t.~em . Al an y mlnul e on t' sOOl.lLe ll yu u, " h t, rl' l1l arked 11' lth I\·l·.' k InlC'l" a s hal l' tap o n En" s " ha ll w ilhill 2 dll Ys rro m c ntrr. Elt :' ~ICa lu~t \\111 ?nd l~s tame n t of C h es ter Ha rp er, Ralll e , $10 . 15j W. Judlle o f th e Probate Court, o f tht'lll m Ig ht lead h er bnc k. , dcr! ~ l o n , I' II lI' I' d o,} !, IIlIS i nJ1ll ti l'ntl~· 1'<'. J1a~' tel t he Il ai n l iff Hnrl t o ea ' h n'. . ~o l ~ tlg(, de~eas e~I, WllS M. S h oe maker, grav e l, $G.75j How Warn.' n ounty, Ohi o 1)0 fl p e n L m osl o f h e r a f le r· She led t h e way h ac k 10 h(' 1' OWII !H'llte" bl'f" J'(' !' ht' co ul d r ~s J1o n d ~ p (' cliv(' tI (' f l' nu al1l. the n ill o unt s ' pl odu ce tl 111. c o url and aum ltt e d to Ilrd Coo k, furni ghinJ(' ane l 10llding ~ oo n s in t h e .read ing. roo m o f th.' C}llurtcrs a s s he "pok" . in s UJ1C'rb t o it. Th' d,m r n p C' ned befo re EI'C' f ou n<l tl ue. th e n t h e pl'(' lll is e!< . hall 1~~~ IJUlC' . MII?l'ed ('. ~ b~lrn a~· ~ra v el , $9 ; Web ' S impstllI nnu S . h brnry . wnl klng t o a n.d from t hl. H sU l unce tho t s he wuu ld b" f~ll. cou ld 1" 'lIc' lI it. IInlld l hC' impuls ive be' "l1l d f o r pa ym e nt nf lh l'ir 1'''' ,' .. 1 led t!le .~'U 8 t a adnllnlstratl'lx F.. Gr ('e ly, bridge lumber, $272 . · r~fuge. f o r th e ~ x e rc ls(". evc ra l luwe d . E vc h e8l ta tC' d o nl ~: a n 111' y o ung p 'r~l) n Oil til<' thrl'sho ld "pl'l'l il'l' li e n!'. \\~ t,h th e \\lIl ollnn e ,!e d, ll n d ~Ied 16 : O . B . Caill , bridge lumbe ,', NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT tim es s~ e m et MISS Da ve np ort o n s tan d u~ fo re. ~~CC') mI'3 1l ~' IIl s,: ~h Jl I't,j I',·te'" h e r~ ,If into t h , r OClIll. ' I n t h ca"e ~. f . NIl 1'!l BUlk vC' r. rrc ,1 hon et. o,f }!i oOO WIt h. The FI1~ 1. $ I,a .20; W, .11. Madd en & Co " t he stairs of th e ol rl II p nrtm('nt· u lh e r' ~1IV1 nC l ns, t. he ...hal. l. .. I II II':I ~ 11'1' !> l' t nl . U p o n ! , ,)orliknd Comp.lny of New bl'ldJre mutenal, $ 2, . .S6· Morrow E ~llll£' lI f J . L. Hllrts oc k, de· . ]ll\" l)IIr l , •' ) ~ l'e .~ ! ) I (' n . ~ u " Ma ry S chlllm '" n- C.ISU,I.'ty s ll l' e lle ~ L I lIl' I!:!' h ouse, an d was g Ia d to 0 b se rv e a ~e nJl ol'l S )o ml seem· <11' 111 a ~ II (,hr is tma ~ t r cl' a llcl d l'. l mot ill n o f li n e of th e cll' f c ll dllnLll ' " umbl'r 0 . , Buppli e!: , $16.82j A . ('CII, ee. t h:I t t h e Yll Ull g d a n cel: ha d los t ~d a t ~rs t Ir ke th e ghu;;t 0 fa room arl~' til' ,~:\ . d for .r nkc'~; uut the fI ll' a n e w tri al t he COlll'l o\'\:! 1'1'ul e d ~ :c.o u>nt s fil e d; HOPJl~ & 0. , cemen t , $:11.!l0: V ' I ' N ~) t ice is h pr by given that ~ er loo k o f oc utc ph y le!!1 s uff!'r· II! w h l c ~ t l\(' fi el ded s p . clllr of :~ expl'l'~,itln ' "I h c r impi s h face II'A S said mOlio n. I s t.I ~1 o f Wa.lI l1 C'e L. Baxter, W . 'Iompkin s, p a y I' ll II for y.! Add,e A . Hnl'l ~o ck hns been duly lIlg: Lho u/.:'h her f ace s tili h ll,1 n p 1ll n o I;' Tlnn e d ~It the \' ISIIM Oll t 1) 1 \I' ,,~ Olll' I.f nc ute fI)!,,, n y. In till' cll~e of th e S tri t e of O h io ,.e ~;a .. ed . slI le b l!l. m Ol t h , $45 ~1 . 20 ; Eo D. J on (lS, s ame u~lJ o inte d and qualifi ed a s Execub lUIs h pallor. t he. ha d oll> 1he plaee waH (' lea n . " . ll~' '' ' ~ h ,. u~k .. d wi t hou t Ill·C'. \'elsu ~ FI'H llk Bnrbee. t h (' a m oun t .st'll te. of Mil lY o n st n ble, de· $366 .2 5 j Io:den T e rrr, sam e ' l trlx o f t h e El' lale o f J . L. Ha!t. The lut e,aft ern llo n o f th.eJo urth b UI Cll1lt e , «; d. . fa('(' . " gilt a ho t , wllt' r hottl ?, As of hon d \\' U S I'('du ced frn m SG5U eeuse(. e Ighth a co llnl. . . . $7 6.l)5 ; A. T. l'te tlll!', same, ~ock Int.e o f Warre n County, OhIO, day wa.s brI g hte n e d b.y a VISIt fr o!Y' A ta !l IlllrrOr s tood 1~1 on e eo I" if il1 l')(Jl lun nt io n (.( hi ~ abrup t to .. 20 0 . 0 ' f m ln nt furni sh e d b o nd , f ''\l1l1 a ~I : S nook . !\dmlll1 s ~ra t l'l x $4U5.50; Charles E. B radbu r y , d cccltl'l ecl. h ~r nl!1ghb~ r: Th e gil'l breezed III n c r, alld a phOll g r ap h III lI n ot.h e r f(,,,Ul'~ t s he cla:;p('d 11t'1' si d e w il h i un d Wnil I'clca~l'd f ro m cu: t o f • , .~ e ~. L,lte o f 111l a rd FJ\~I ~ l'e sallie , $402 .70; P . ~. Monce , sam e Dnlt' d thi ~ 15 t.h day of. May WIth out waltlllg f o l' an an swe r to co rn e l' s up ple m nt.l'd l he m us lcn l hl' r hu n d Hn d 11.I 1'I'hC'd llCr(l~~ the ' th e shl' riff. ~ Ia c k b lllll . d e ccase.d , fi le d !le l In· $ 18 5 ; J oe W. DaVIS, same, $522 .• 19:W. ~ ra th e r a sse rti ~e kn ock , rev e al · a t m os phe re le n t by lh e pia n o . ' ro o m ,dro l>p in )! wilh u j! r oa n into In t ht! CllllC' f Ann a Vlln D o re n b~ nlory a nd lIpprB I ~ elll e nt III p r o· 75: Ed e n T e rry, same, $265.80; W. Z. ROLL If) g h e rs elf. clud I.n a I' d Japnn ~se MI:s Dsve np url wou n d u p th (' t h e nl'f1l'e!\ l chil iI'. \'er~ u !' Pa ul B. M i<:hll cl. th(' co urt I t e . Cnst ll n d Beully labor, $:100; ,Judge oC th e Probnte Court, kIm ono, WIth s lippers and . SIlk phonograph. S he p ut on a I' eco r d .. IH' o f my at t acls ," S h e broug h t II p pro" d o f t h e tl'lln sac·t ion s o f J of Ip., trt l ~e~t1 em e.lltho f th: es tate Joh n ' o n and John s~n,. material. Warre n Co unty, Ohio o u t b e t w e n s iff li ps " I g et L. Ril ev, r ecovt'l' a nd o rd e r ed t h n ,'\n t a Cal Ill , B IStPh am d etc eas ed, $16.!l6 ; Karl D. Daklll , Ins u rance f t ~ 3~ .15vnTh ue 0 e29 es a e was 1.1 $67 se r . .l lll every now• lind lh , .e n da llln IIIIn ' l 0 't r a ns f CI' t 0, lh e Pl1I'c Il a se r $58 ' 4 ,' . Mrs ' Cllrdin e )',v,ces atI No s uh I Ah kaint sec h ow " Ill . n n ' t.hey're j us l h'''" I l he alll o un t I'ecei vnhl e t Ol!'(' th c l' Th e' ~ t ele ar t h s u e~~ ors; em ol'lul Ha ll, $20 j Alfred !llH l' lecl IIU t hi nki n ' I'd ~el 'o\'e r w it h ' !lid n ot es. Lo ui s Ke lle~lI ~ e 0 de es e Sch wartz. garage rent, $24.; Th e des e high skoo l kid s learn much l h is. like I do somcli m es, hU l I , Th e c ur t ci l'creed thnt D. 0, 158 . 67 withl, 14 ec.~~se , . was $ 19" ~es tel'.n Stu r, personal ta?, blanks , cl e~e hellh day ~ . Dl' b oys study h:lddu co me back , Th e y a in ' t h el to n h e Illad e lh par t y d efe nd . l'st llte. s casso r s to the $~fj . 20, Th e Wes l ern till , tax du- ,h e· brew and de ga ls s tudy heb r e w, an' dey suturly ain't much ki ll ed m ~ ~· et. Sf! I /.:'uc. !' t his wonL anl 111 t h ~ .c:~"e of Th e Ln l' c land A p plicati o n was made to t he phcute~, $160, room le f' in d e y haids f o r nny b ook " [lut It' u h ' l l> an a w ful I t if ~ l u tUlci Buci d lll,l! . u n ci Loun ('om · s up e l'inte nd e t f th D t - - - - -learnin'. . I could cra l\'l in tn h e d a n d m a ke n pnn y I'cr ~ u s W,ll,lllll H, Baller, e t St u t e 1l 0 s pit~1 foOl' t h e d !ly.on , f h t t b I " uI . e a m I!lSlon JI ~t 0 a 0 · wn Cl' ott c . ' o f ' hal'l e~ Nixon incompete nt . " I' m t plT i bl ~: so rr y ." Eve hUI' - 1 . . 1ary M. Tl'o,:i !I.!I was gl'll nt <:d n E ~t:lle ' o f C lar ~ nce N F' I'It:d t u he r Sid e. " 1 have n't u Li ll·t)l·cc fro lll ElI )~lh L. T rr)\' I.'l o, l.min or "ee o nd and final' IS l e I, th e d erul d anl hanng b ee l! g udty . . lhlnJr." Real Eatate Tranafera Ivy bC'n t anrl twi;:t e d u nder n 'f'f tA:lrn~!\ ndel!'l ec t Of du ty. t nthLil l ~ pn ~ 1l1 of pa in. u r Ie I' o r i.' r o f. tIl e cour, . 0 • • • " Lc, t 111 (' h el p y ou t o b ed ," Eve ell!'e IInrl e dllca t~ on .o f th c m!n ol' f Th e Lebano n· Itr ze ns NotIOnal :;<li d q ui c k"' . "Ca ll yo u get buc k ' chdd. J eH~ e tt(' 1 ro ~d l o wa s g Ive n Bank and Tru s t Co mJl a n ~ to Cla r· MONEY LOANED if I /r ive you n ' l :trill? " t~ .th e. p lalntlff, s ubJ e (·t t o right o f e nc;e Nel SOll , lot No. 110 III Ava lon " ! j!'u ess o . . . bu t d o n' t I'us h vl s ~latlOn by th e d e f e ndant. Th e 1 1I (' lg~t~,. ' me !" Th e s,:i l'l s t oo d up witl a dd C'IHla n t wa ' o l'd e r c u l o pay th e Wllhul1l A. Beed l e, et al to LOANS on Li vestoc k , Ch'~ttels, j.!il~ p . lean£'d h('~v il y on th e ~UI) ' SUlll nf $5 pe l' w c.c k fur thc ch ild·s . F' rnnk Be ed le, lo t N o. 6 in outh ,____ ' e co nd Mortguges. Notes b ought )l lIrt ing ar m. ~ up po rt , t o b ~' paid e ach. Il tul'day. L e uall o n, John Harbine, Jr., Xenia, Ohio, " I'll put .\'ou in be r! first. Th e n Waltcr a.nd Eth ~1 G:ay to E. C. A MATCH I'll t'u n (J u t anrl )!et n h ot.wate r New Suih ~ cho o n o v e " 7 ·acll's III Harveys· - 0 I~Ol tt,·. ~e, 1 );.U }lhPo~(, tph el'l · ': a I d rug Geo rge E. Fryburgcr ve rs us Ida u~~:t1lur an d Ruth S madb eck to By AI .. ernon Char Ie. Swinburne LONG OR S HORT TIME -Easy' s I) ~ n e Hl rc. (,I'HITlR enn Fr y llurge r, f m' di vorce . C hal'gcs Cn' l S h b I N 3 216 te rms , Als o Surveying and Ab. Eve s h ook her hend. "You're 1I1 0 r e than ' kind, " ~h e s aid. " I ca n 't ~et s o m et h ing- e ls e . t oo . Wha t lire fl'(J~ n eglect of duty . a lld 3 2c1 811~11 D~l'fi~id T ,3217, If love we r e what th e ro se is , s t rn cting. Write n nd I will call thank y o u. But duncin gis n't my Iill " . h Igs yn u lll (JR t '! " , . - --__ L. M. anu Blanche .l\fol~~· t o EI- And ~ werc like t he leaf, li nd see you . Sam D. He nkle WayI . . I. ,,go l . so m e , me l! Clnc, bu t Probate Court m e l' Du r e ll , real estate i ' D '- l our lives w~ ul~ .grow together. nes YilI c, Ohio. 'Jll stockings t o mat c h Her b obbed a nd th e hitle ro o m was fill ed WIth nolhll1 h ('lps m e ,lI k C' t he hol' \ 'u t e r fle ld twp n eel In snd or s lllg m g weather, ha ir which wns m;tura!Jy wnvy d a n e ' mu s ic , to whic h th e hoste~s bQnllle . d ocs . I too k min e to An in ~ tl'llll1 e n l o f wril ing, pur· Vunc e 'T R e y n old s by e x t ' Blown fie ld s of fl ow c rful clos es, s ho~e from a r ece n t. brus hing Ev ~ a t o n ce b ega n t o dan ce n fox . t ro l. l u e nl e' i\I o ~' I' i s 'R , S unda y night, po rtin g 10 he th e la s t wi ll and to Oscar Bil ne 'I t N eeu r~x Gree n plcasul'e of gray griefj o b,erved with pleasure a s ' She l " Kn ow .thi s? " sh e d e mand e d. a.~cl . f.o rgll t It . tI~C' lI e xl 1I1 0I'llin'. : l es t ll l11 nt o f .f o hn W',Wilso n. d e· M C B~rn eY's' add ilio~ t~ So~ih 6L'~ If loye we r e ~vhat t h e rose is, Farmers of Warren and adjoining ro se to g r e et her that there was ' " I. . think so," \\ h.ltc~a kn (l\\ . . bout t hat? The c pus ed, wus produ ced III CO LJ I't for ! a n o ll . e And I were hke the leaf, co un li~s m ny obtnin money on no fr owziness in the nppearance " Try it." t hlllj.! I IIIIl t n e ver w lthC/ut p r o bate, 0 0 Runyan to Ann a R lon g t Im e lonns, tit I) p er cent in. of the n~w -co m ('r She WIl S li S im- I Th e r e IV (lS so mothing in the l ~ lIl rL' tll<! ~ a llu l'ks bf'g' n n . . . . , An in st rum e nt or w ri t in g, pUr· et ni (,'e a l e state in Butlerviii~an, If I we re what th e word s are, ~crest. Cost of sec uring the same mnculate as n red ' carnati on nhd mu s il' tllll t was n o t unlike th e ".I)(IIl ·l I r y In tl1l k." , po rtinj.! t o he th e la; t will anu l AI;nu Hu,; an e t III M·· And lo ve were like the tune, l ' e h e.l p l'rl he r Imc k Ilc ros~ th e test olll e nt o f A nni e Burton Mo r ' l Ru n yan I'ea l Ycst~te in Ha:l~ IS yery rellsonnble, through The s he had the grin o f a fd~ nd l y hostess, lind the gU ('!; L re s f a n tl e d I t II le With douule so und and sing le Federal Land Bank. For further puppy and a taking oil' o f C'lm - to them both. S h e ro se lln rl t o k hn I !lI1d Intel Tv(s b edroo m. g u n, decea sed. was produc e d ill J A' R~nyan It ex ec u n w p, Delight o ur lip s wo uld mingl e, infO"mlltion call on o r addres!l M,' lIl'aderie. N o t h ing about h e r ; ug. l a c pR, a.t .fil's t tenlali v IY" ,.'" hU "'C , Il:v tul ' g oo d," I vy c ou rl f o r prob~le. Application b·~ ~t ee · t o lIfnie R~nyan ~~I u~~ With kisses glad as' birds arc C. DRAKE, Treasurer, phone 316gested t h e stricken figure of II few th e n w llh c on~lctl n n. g l,(1!1n~d,. ,\<' nd~ l1go h r:<C' l f t o ~h ' wtl l !)e for h ennn g on Jun e 3 , a l latl' in B uliervill e. ' That get sweet rain at no o n : X L ebanon, Ohio. nights before. , "A n d y ou duln't ~now w h e th I' ~II,n l s tl a tl()n S like a h c !pl e~~ chIld. 10 ~ c loc k 11 . m. Mail' Run an to Maud Stou d If I were what the words nre, "H e llo," s he began , and added ¥o u could danc e !:' MI SS Da ve np or t III, f " ' I bellt'1' " llO n : T m b ef I'eel ~. 1f e lll·Y. e x ec utor of t h e tract of la n~ in Butlerville. er, And lovc were like th e tun e , - - " ingratiatingly, without givi ng h e r Je r ed . 'K now Lhl s ? " . t we( 11 ~ I~~ ..s h;e ts.. . . ,s tate ?l Emma fI e l1l'Y r1 e c ea s.ed, F Ol'I'es t R. Riggs to C harl es WANTED h ostess a ehance t o rep ly, "got any I .S he b C'gnn lo dn nc e a ra th e r 111 . Un.clt e~s lng he l Wa s n 51111])1.e h l '<I 1~ l s 111\' entOl'Y nn appra ise· May I" lot No .27 in Fort A . t If you were life, 'm y darling, cigarettes you c'n pare?" il'lca t e Ch a rle s t o n, a nd E,'e PI !( I ess, and J:; " e !l()l' f Cl rm od It ment 111 proba te, F Ol'I'cst R Ri s t chIef ' A nd T your love w e l'e denth, WANTED- THE SHOP ON THE "N o I 'd on 't s m o ke I 'm a w • .s h ook h l' r h ead. t'a ~ ll y. ~ h c. f et·lll y ind icat e d r cd Lat hl! M. Rose nb e rge r was up· IIby e l' Illt 28 in ort An' ~r es W e 'd s hin e lind ~llOW togther ' fulIy s'orry " . "I ' m af l'aid n ot." p:l.l a nUIs IY1l1g " "r C)~s t ho f on t or poinled ad l11 ini ~ tl'l1tr i x (I f th e ' , Clen . E re March made sweet the . HILI~Shewing, Plow Sharpen. lng, and Lawn Mowers fil ed by ]\fiss Dl;v enp ort s ighed. "I'm "Well , try it." thl' II N I, and Eve IIl1 s U,' d hC' r into eSlate of Le wis MlI(,maw, deceased Marriaee Licen.e. weather o ut " she ~aid " I 'll have t o s e nd I H e l' per s is t en ce , th o ug h odrl, t h e m.. ' and fll (l d hC'r bond o f $ 16000 wit h With daffo dil and s tarling hnnd. Ralph Miller. • jeis Smith to get ~om e .; ' was f l'iemlly, IIncl Eve lri e d it. .': I,t. s a ~ h all l C' t n Ic':~ " e y ? U e10 a ll United States Fidelity and Gua r· L.C'onllrd Ray Moore, farmer of And h ours of fruitful breat h: LARGE NATIONALLY KNOWN But she maue no mov e to leave " Not so Jroo d. " lhe h ost ess ad- t ~" , Ivy mll ~ l l' r e " . Bil l If I b e nt IInty Co mpany ns s ur ety. C. C. W a y nes vi ll e a nu M iss Mutti e Lee If you w(, re life, m y da rlin g, !dAN~FACTURE will start . you lind Ev e smil ed llt h e r, pathetic . mitle d . "Thi ~ is t he way , S (' c '! " ~ I d,.".('V('l' ,t l':1lg h t ~ 1l Ollt a~?in . " Eulass, C liff Bec\(e lt and William J e nkins , of Wnynesville, May 26. And I you r love were death. I~ bus,ness f or yourself. W e fur. a ll y ,g la u to h aye t his ch eer:fu l S h e we nt thl'o u s,:h th e ~ t c p;; u nd , I III )! Iu rl l o h(,lp yo u. VIlh1l'8 w e r c made a P lll·ai ~ e l·s . Rollie Fl'I1ncil' De B oard, farmer nr ~h n eu rly eve rything, Muny KU('s t e nter he r tr a gic N o Ma'n's ma d e n f ew sugge ~ t i l)ll s, p ut hel' (o, 1'l' got Iwl' ill tcl lH' d. A!'. ~ h e did Nolice nf ('s ta t e s f o r sl'ttleme nt So uth L eban on, a nd Miss Elvira y o u were thl'1l1J to so rrow make $50 to $75 weekly profits. L n nd. Il" uest twir l' through th e d a nce , and so ~he . \\' o n rl~ l·c d If ~ h e ha d bee n a are "e t ril l' h C' lIr ing on May 26, a t · HCllrld of So u th Leba non M/ly And I w e re page to j oy, ' "What's y our lin e?" the caller ' dropped into a cha ir wilh u s ud· !IIlI SI'. III 11t· ~· PI'C I' \C' II " ~ tat e .of £' x· 20. . W e 'd pl~y fO l' lives and seaso ns St~ady repent bus in ess, Write I qUIckly. G. C. HEBERLING s u dden ly d emand ed . ' den l ook of . e ~ h llu s tlOn. . , 1 ~ t.(' lI ce. ll. \\ a~ p' "asl~n t t o ~I~.c ovc r .N.c lso n Hcnry DIxo n ( colored ) WIth lov lllg loo.ks and treasons COMP ANY, Dect. 1886 Blooming" My line?" " I' m a ll In , ' s hC' adllll lled . " It lh.l t s h e r[l u ld d o thll1 KS C'1T1(, le ntl y I . . IIHnl s t er Of Lebano n a nd Mrs. Re· And tears of I11 g ht a nd morrow ton, nt. "Yep. Yo ur s piel," the o ther ex. get!! m e .t h at wllr! th e.~ C'. ll.a y~- ' It .! J(! ls tel' ~oI h(l 1' !\t·lf- I' (I~ p e ct . I ~~ ltl(' ,! It IIl to p lace with n gl'oa n ':lllU V. 1'yrc, ( colored ) hO.lI se· 1And la ugh s of mn,id and boy : r\ o ~' I II go fo r th l' hot. I,·. atel' ,d ,te ll e r. . . ke ep e r of Lebanon, May 21. y ou wet.e th" a ll to.sorrow, p lained . "Y ou gotta have cats, II Irltl e o f It. Aln I It th I ai n"t. tyo u ? H ow d'you ,pay fol' Irml t , wh e n I'Vl' ah~u YH h C(,11 : 0 !!otll (', . s h ~ t nl d t he patlent. j . l\1 o~t (,f llt~ ~alll .s h cr e," ~vY. .e.. nu I were page to JOy . HATCHING B ,II. Allo,w ed w e ll ? . . S ay . whUl s yo ur n a l11 e , Kee p s til i t ill I get g u(·k. Hadn'l llflltl. vn~u C' l y IIldlCatlllg a regIOn !!!!~!!'!~~~~~~~~~~~'!'!! anyh ow ?" s h c int{' l'I'u p t e<\ II ,..' c lf I I?: tte r cnll II, d oc t or, to o ? " l' I.).ct W(' ('1l lI e l' Wlli!\t nn~ he r h eart. .Neva Clog Products Co., ~u p- I f you werc April's Jauy, t o as k. No , I d on t wlln t n o doctor Hut nr,n l' o f th e t ool doctors p h e~! $~ .] 7; Penn Morton, servIces And I w ere lord of May ATTENTION- Leban on All-Elect ric Hatchery, 21 leading breeds "P(' rs onn e ," , I'o und Ill P ," J) C'~ pi le h('r pain Iv y clo ulri l l· 1I me w h at makes it. us Junltor, $70 j Jam es F o lle n; W e 'd throw with lea ves ho urs "Ber son'! I th ou !(h L th u t' ~ \l'hl\ t , po ke ~ harpl~', n l m o~ t rO ll gh ly, i 'Twnn ' l IH ~ l mu ch longer n o w, sam e $ 15; C. DOllald Dilatush, And draw f o r doys with fl o we rs • " ?f pur~·bred bnby. Chicks hatched rent for o ffi ce, $20; Leslie Shultz Till day lik e ni g ht were shade ' In fumIgated Incubators- a hatch S mith sa id 'tw as. All rig-h I. L i ~ t(- n, llii d Ev e f (' lt a rl eep e ning of h er b UI )'1\1 a ll in wht' n it's ove r." NOTARY PUBLIC " ,f 'II, s it h e l'c till yo u f e el b et- labor, $6 5; Pcrry B. Simpson, And night w ere! bright like day; 'Mi ss Bel·s ~J "., Ict' s g ~t d,m:n to 1Rt ro ng f e ll"lI' . r e e~ il1 ~ for thi s ot her ench. Monda¥ and Thursday, cas t!ll . I Hln t bee n dOIn g t hi S f OI: , Klrl. wh o ~ () o bvlI'u ~! y s har ed h er te L ' 11.l e anlIIteu r nurs e dr ew a n s ame, $69; . 1"· L. Bowman, labor, If yo u were AI)ril's lady, Specu~1 a ttention paid to Custom National Ba11k my h ~a lth. you ,kn " w,-dl' lI ~g lll .I1 ·('ad o r th e profeSSIO n. e a ~ychall' c lose tn t.h e bed. "Don 't , $a. 61i; 'YIIl.IS Hawthol'n, stone, $1; And I were lord in May. Hatching. Open all dny Sunday to Willa DrawD •. Eatatea Settled y ou 111 here · a n !Hlll ln /! r o u BC'fo l'l' ~ h ~ le ft th e apartment, t a lk . .Ju ~ t relax and try to go to Mrs. Mlnnre Burns, loc u st posts the pUblic. I. O . O. F . Hall, phone hr nugh n r(· hra l' ~a l. It ' ~ bus in('>'s. , hl' pu t th p 11':1 1<,1' 011 t o b o il. Wh£'ll I slee p," ~ 11I' nd, le d as s he s ettle d $80; Bla i r and L e Roy, gravel, $]0: If yo u were qu een of pleas ure 180, 132 E, Mulbery Street, tI WAYNESVILLE, OHIO S ec? What I want t o . il Y is~ IH' uot ha ck s h l! fi lle d the bottl e in t o co n fort. :Ui.; The Mason Lumber Co. guard And I were king of pain, .' ,I' uu'r(> out o f :1 j ub ain' t y ou? :ln d g al'e' it t o t he s uffe r e r . who l (1',) be co ntinu e d) 1'[11 1 material ,$4 5,70; Howard We'd hunt down love together,



T. Martin" Jesse· Stanley Au~tioneer s





Centerville, O. New Burlington, .0.















i .



5 % Farm Loans Farmers,Attentl"on




















=-=-= =-============== =


- ..=.-=.


Pink e y L ca rn . S"lnlc 'Rithmetic


FOR. SALE- 2.row Corn Plow, . WIth tractor hitch, end horse hItch. J. B. Hess, Spring Valley, O.



SPRA Y YOUR TREES- If In need of new spray pump, lar~e or small, s pray hose, nozzle!, com. plete pumps, leathers, rubber pack Ings , etc" . call On The BOCKLOEh! CO.,416 W . Main St., Xenia,


A '(ARC> WA~ ~MeE FEE1:







......... -.noN. 0"'1 ......,..,,.,,, ....... MI -~


PIPE, . VALVES AND FITTINGS -:-For all purpollcl. . Bocklet'. line of plumblnr and h~atlnr .lip. plle~ are t!::; beal The Jlceldel. Kin1\' Co., 4115 W. Main 8t Xenia Ohio. . ",


LaMHIo A "TTI "'ICI1t,...,·

M. W'lD TO tPIM "*T PlICa , LA,~T NI.MT .

"" C'OUI.cWT .'CHIt. "_ MAP 'n~••


FOR SA.LE PLANTS Sweet pota tOI'll, all kinds of ,prden planta and BermUd.. Onion. Oniona 20 centa per hundred. l~' miles ~orth of Waynesville on Ferry road. Strouse Brothera, R,

R. No.5.




THE MIAMI CAZETTE wnd th i to ih- - - - - - - _ -_ _......_ _ _ cfl'lt:e'thei .. numbe.r and quality. ( Till1(1 was nut long IIgO, when IS UED EVERY III most any ~l)rt of n horse was \IIlll·th 100, lin ordinary mul D. L. CRANE Publi.her al'ou nd $ 125 alltl 11 prl'tty fair Offi". Phone., .... ...... : ......... No, 112 ('1111' could he bougl)t fOI' $75. The . tllte Agri 'ulturul. Deput·t R~.i&ence< ........................ N'O. 1 18 KanMlI trI I1l figul' es the avel'ag .in K il n sns to (la), 8!> $5 0 for II h or~e. $70 Subluiptio!, Price, $1.50 a Year for a mule lind $ 2 1 t· a co\\,bIking th em ju~t as th y run. £n/ereal at Po,toffi"c at Wurn r . u;I1 tAIl f whi ' h ·o nl .. ibute tow urd Ohio, Q. S.~u"d C/fu. Mai Mutt er nnswcri ng the qu stion of why it 'no longer pays to gl'ow hay and , onts, for most farmers in most JUNE 4, 1030 r egions,





t ' : , I' '1 - Mrs . W . P. M' All'fell entered Hal ts T10sPitlli Monday, wh rc s h I( I " • '" ,i . p . ~ • '\ Ij ., submitted ' t o II lllllj or operation. from which lih is making sati factory ra ov ry. 1 OI1't forge he supp'r in Mr Merritt.': r 0 111 'ntul'day ev nin g, _ _-=-==_~~=-= Jun' 7 He r v('ci by th e Baptist MisI sion ars itc1. WE CAN'T FIGHT CHANGE "l a1'chitcct ~ of Crc£'c;c und Runt e Born to Mr. and Mr . L H. left monumellts that a r e ternal. Storer on Wednesday, May 28, lin When I was a ~i ma.11 b oy in the The mode rn architect has no s uch 8 ~ pound daughter, V irginia country we had a good old neigh- I hope . He hi!,"self had designed EI I e · three house9 In New Y Qrk 80 mag ou t! , bore named Damel. Doe, who owed nitlcent that he expe~ted th em Mr. and Mrs, W. M, Math Ills and a r b r d H brought • . _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ so n Don, Miss Mabel Starr, lind c an e ry mea <ow. e , to can'Y h'IS name to f u t ure gen• • JillHl1Y Han1pton of Payton. were th e waler for floodin g his meado\\ts eration~, All three have been torn I \ COMMUNICATION SlInduy ~uests of MI·s . Am antla through a deep ditch from a lake dow n to mak e wny for IIp:ll·tment I HORSES, MULES AND COWS I S tun. about a quurtl!I' II mile awa\,. t buildings. I ' Ha IC of every Slimmer his I ta lked wi l h a c1erg~·1ltnn who • • - - - - --'-Ther will bl' hildl'('n' ~ Day lif,' he spe nt digging out the dirt harl r~ cl' ntl y visited n cily parIt requires (; to 12 w Cf' ks longexc l'cis S Ot .J o nuh' s Run l'hUl'ch and sto ncs which had falll'lI illto ' ish where he harl la bored succt'''~er to develop pulLets on g'r ain 1I 0w rapidly the hoI'. e is vani: hThcl'l~ Ill' still a few plu ces in SU IH.l UY ,J unt' il, at 11 o'clock. that ditch. ' fully th irty ycarR agll. Th:!t plOrinl( from th ~ Arn e l'i can sc('ne can th e \\"OJrld wher' II mun can be Yuu a rc cordially . invited to aLWe kid s use d to go ove r lind tion o f th .. city has now b"come a alone than on W-ayne All Mash wat('h him dig. There wa s a big slum . TIH' old famili l'!'. have scatonly be fully IIppl'(' cioted wh " we ('umpletely out . of t ouch with tend. Grower and gmin. relllizl', that ,in twelve yelln; eve ryllOdy else m the wodd .. bU,t Mr. and MI·~. lI el'h rt Fite and stOlle bv the side o f the ditch tl'red to th e su burb". The churl'll is m or e thun ()n~ - third of ull hurses th.e . nU,mb e r of s~ c h places IS. dl - Jane Ellen of Wa shingt on . H. which wa~ shaped roughly like an cl"sed. Wise poultry raisers mature in th e United 'tAtC!! hnvc passed mrnl shrng. s~ rllpldly thllt IS IS a w(' r c Mt:llIor iol »u y I{IH'Sl: of MI', linn t huir, Th('l'c h e would eat hifi l "What i!' left," he ,' xcluimed ' their pullets early and get their out uf existence and havc n nt b ' ('II Rufe predIction that befnre many ' u nd Mrs, Frank Wil son. lundl at nl)on. Il nd 'moke hi " pip!! ' ~11(lIy, "to s llll\\' felr nil 111Y lulwr? I I' e illuced . Th e 'I. eur 1fa 18 wu s the years hu ve passed we' clln go uny1' h e II nrV(!\,S,lIllr l BHnc 1 II' Ili' e hil..i", ('IIII A,J tll n~ .<t,o · n.'- ·"r. Ro ,,~ I t(ild him lhat I)e,l\)ie 111'1' lert ' ll k " ~ " . IU Big Money Making Egg Harvest bOllncl' y en r f OI' the- h ll l'~ e From where 1I1l(J S t I cep III communlCIl . 'ti I . ' chiliI'. I -the ~\ ,ns allli dallghtl'l'~ Of the '11' h '" '.' \ RO () t' ' th hOln" WII S 11I' ~lllllze ast Wll1ter, gavl' b in October alid Nuvember. a out tell 1111 IOn Ol ses 111 ", Io n WI . ,. 'I d ils fir st publil' cro ncert \l 1 "lllle ~ ,I"" In fulln ess of time h e died . lIis me n Hnd w"m n t(l wh{)JlI hi~ s,' r' I'ICI.·1 IIlI' OUI{ h 1" ' le honrng . .. ted "n ear ". son su,leI the melld,Slw, lind it was mons were 11I'e II I' IH'( I . . nUIll b e~ 1~l\1 It IP t Ilell' .".J.I "'from . rHlroa v~ning fr (lm II s tand erec 38 YCllrs untIl, In 1!Il R. It r enche,l l trams 111 motion I ~ 11 0\\ n,n IlCCOIll- tl ' .1 ' ,I " 1 ,I 1J '1 r 1'1 ", aband on ed. My fa ther bought the I "Your h('al'('r~ trained tb t' ir · h pea'k 0 f -OJ 1,il,)"', "'" 0')0 · pll'she'l, flH't in lJructlcal usc I ~( l UI UI rto1I1~. I ll In ' I'Ig . h Il'ousnes>'. " I S ill(' I• th e I11g , , ,S· IIH'C .' . 'h ' WIII~S a lIg lurgl' Cl'nwd out ('njoy II!I thee e1itch. m l)·t of wh ic h ran throng h c 111' 1(re lhen. th e I'('pla~('mcnt of t.h e horse F'rom unv Im~nrtant tl:1l1l1 on t e l v('~y {' xcl'II,'nt llIu sic. It i~ planned OUI' wouds. antl -evl' ry s umm e r we I " lind th('y "ill trllin th('ir child ...' n by m ot or vehlclt,S hu~ b e n rap- Cunudilln NatlOnlll RlIllways, fllr t o hllve one of these conccrt each filled a little pi(' c(~ uf it up with W l' can't tight ChUII~I', find it id The lutl'st Gllvl'l'nnl<'nt fi l{lln'~ a fee o f fifty ccnt~ ntlditlOn tn the W I I " j " I jUllk lind ga rbllge nnd COlier it i ~ well tbut we cn ll ' t. How dull lifp pl~ced th e t~tlll ,nt III'nund \ :I.UOU:- te l,!phulIl' chnrge the· trllveller ~a n . s u~~n~ ~;~ lIy ('\' e nlllg r tll'lng t 1C uver with e1irt. I wou ld 1)(0 if PV"l'y t hi ng Wl'I'(' 1" ' 1' _ 000 . AnoUIl'r t en yea rs nlay s,'c ndl up a ny tel ep hon e co ~n ec tl o n . . ...' , Last summ e r I walked thr ough munt'n!. 1I 0w wlln (lerfu l th at ('a ('h thi s rcdu('('d by hlll(, IIlld probllbly With th l' B 11 syste m, willch c,ovMI: oIn<l MI S. R,ll ph I the woods and s t opped at Mr. , new !"l'lll' r lllion has Ih (' fun IIf will. ' ('I' . the United SUItes, !\Iexlco, t~l'tllln l' d . a num ber of g U('sts SUIl- Hup': ('hil iI'. Alreudy the ditch is takinl{ th e wo l'ld apllrt nnd Pllt The horses's cnreer in AIll ri cn m us t o f Europe a~d u large ~nrt d,IY ('Ven lllg. ha lf d e~tl' oyeol In fhe yeUl'~ nwl'l" ling it tugether a~ain. has been II short on e. Th e re wl're ':f ('" nlrul lind ~outh Am e rrca, MI'. allrJ Ml's. lI ornee , Burgess , it WIll he gone. Th (' church may h(' clo sed, th l' 110 norse or ot he r bl'lI!' t (, f bur- (,ermany, F,:ance and 1'.lh~l· Eul'() - are hl'rl' fr om 'Inn<'C!ICU~, the I All his s weat a nd strain nnd I hOlJ !'\e torn down, tht! dilch filiI'" d n .k " own to the Indian s of \Jenn countYle hav e SImIlar sys- I{lJ~s tR o f 1\,1I-. and 1111'S, r. F. Me- I hackuche. No trace of hi. life work up. Rut Mr, R(,e und the u rl'.hil l'l't North Al1lericu, th llug h in Sou th terns. ~metlca. hil S li n monop oly 0ln GUlIln nnd IIIIWUI'!l. , left! I llnel the preuc he l' t'a r h l)!Ii lt a eo,>1 . In IIH' IJ,l(11I1lI Olf indi\'id~a l America thc nati ves hlld tam c,1 IIlventwe genius, nor ' ure w e, t1 In D New York club I ' tulk ed mon um e nt in the li\' l's "f th e 1lI00uld: I'ut tlll'l'e III' fill'" I'IPI' t~e Il~lIIlH to cllr!'y their load s. Th e way s the firsl t o p.u t .new deVIce' ST. AUGUSTINE CHUR , with lin em ine nt ~ 1'C hit cct, who pe ople whom he served. . , <trawl,,'rtil". IIlld wlH'II th e' g,' la · I Spunlsh COl1l\ ul s tadon'~ brou/.!ht In t o usc, But th e l ~ IS n o d ou b , , lIiti thnt th e g lor iOUS da ys hlld We Ciln do as lIIul'h : and It I ~ tine , bC'A'in ~ t il hUl'd e ll C() \' ,'r llll'm' l L(·t It haroi"n l'UI1II'I,' lely. and thcn horses with them, Illany o f which th at ~ventuu lly ~hl s system (} s.o n I S ummer sc hedu le- 1st, 3r \'uni~hed frol11 his profession. Th e nIl that W(' can dn . p ut in lhl' ll1(luld ~ die,·d "I'an~e broke 100. I' Rnd I'Iln wild. Th ey ~ram-te)(o)1~ony Will be adopte \\ Ith 5th Sunday, Mn:s at 8 :00 R Phone 93 p ulp. pour u n th~ I'l'~ t o f tilt' multipli er! rapidly ill the fustnes:- In the United States. . 2nd lind 4th un"ay, JVIn s ~1'latin(', 'hnrtlen. and ~ 'I've, ~s of the south we. tern wildeI' The lal'~~r. pas~engel' liners n.o\ 1 9 :30: 0 I Shuc:kl! Individ ual 1I11Julcb Of any frui t ne s~, and the. I ndian. of lhe Gr ut i ha VI' f~clhlt (!s for te~ephonl~ l~ t.O ~ Rev. Lawrence B. Mollma __. _ _ je ll y I1re dl'liL'i ou>, ~I' I'\"I'd with Plnln s 1I1\('('d ll y learne d t o . break front ~h lp to sho. r~ and vIce vcrs: "I p whipp ed ('I""al1l III' w ith h"il.,d ( ' U , all pas.seng g . WAYNESVILL E CHURCH A fl' w thi'ngs ~iI' l s never 511Ylind use them. But 11 sca nl fllur : So.on I or lutel lard . 01'. if you wi ~ h, with ''1',, ': Ill' oi l hundred year~, d own t o now, ~ h.lps m ~st freIghter . CHRIST "Ju ~ t think, I weal' a No. 8 nJ slil!'h tly " I,,·C'tcl1('d fruit. ~~-------------.. covers the hislilry o( the horse wil l be ~ 1111t1 ar l y e,qulpped. . ~ ~n,d ~hll(' . " Omnge j "lly. for in,.;tllll('(' . i" I{«o d on thi~ continent. A portnille ra~lI () bro~tlcastln,aIY s Ri bll' Sd,l ',ol a t !I ::10 n, III "1'111 sorry th at I call' t go. I'm , (, I\'ed with l'l'u ~ I" ' d ,.;t l'O \\ 1H'1'I ie:;, There Rrc still a j \l' horses ~et hus bee n d eV ised whIch ~ak o. '1 1' e launchillg' a "C" ntinuing A' OIi nl{ to ~ tudy ," \pn1fln jell~' i ~ deli cious with ra ~ p­ left in the bi~ cilic~. Th ey lire. RO I up .~ue h " l1Iall s puce. and Weight, fa~t" campail{n Lor.d· , ,'UPI' , ".Ju~t k,'el! ~~at ,co mpact. I ha\' e nO"u se f or, I ~, . Cle"eland R eliden.t Ealer to be rri es. fllr, 11I 0re economical !llIlt ors ~ o httl e that fouture bIg g~ me ~urlly ~f , ~ (,.rl11on at 10 ::\(1 a, 111. TIll'': f or ho us ~ t o- h o u s e tlehvel'les o f , t I'S , p enetl'atlng the AfrI can JlI rS US,ln wtll IJe IJ" anoth('r of .,ur (,1" I neVE'1 ltke to ~o to a sho\\ Endorse New Med :c:in,,Banana Pie ' milk, pure!'1 p os t und expr ess mat- gle. can ns ily tuke one ,along \l'i tnda~'. and consecnltcri "Iaynll' n ," , when I ha ve a dllte ; it's M expen"Made New Peraon of t e l'. But th e incl'casing cost of I th m llnel ~o ~ e port theIr slIfetyI Vanec. lI eu l' hil1l. Chri stian ~ iv('." Th !'('c Iianalla~ . two C'g' /.!'S . one th!'ir llIaintenan ce is grudual)y (,r the 0)1(1 s ite- to the folk s II!IleeL- deavor at (j :-1:, p, Ill. L, .. My, I'm anu th er yenr older." cup ~ugar, IW Il ('UP" milk , tw o :lO Y ear ~ Exp el'il'nl'e ill Filling Me." She SaYI lind Mllkinlr Gla ~s cs causing even t hese li St' S to be r e- hOllle eve ry day. ~ ex~ ll l B. l' l't,ha Fil e r. E\'l' ning l'VHlIgQ "This is o ur fam il y group." table ~ poun s f1 oUI', placed by motors. . I !'Iircrufl in tlight n ow carry- hUl s- "e l'''Ice lit 7 :-1;; 1' . 111. Sel'llIl1n' "I d,m't helieve in dietin~," lI u\'1' r a dy a d eh pie lJUste for - atTh e mule is gaining on th e IlIUJlY of them- radi o equipment je t, "Tha t T(lngue of l\ II on e-cl' u:t pit, . Mllkl' thl' filling' by CARY'S JEWELRY SHOP hor se . He is more efficient, ents fo r hoth "code" lind voice com GO(l~1 (' u n)!l' e~utiofla l nnd sp mixing th e s u)!'ar, fl our, ('gg ynl k,.: ,and milk. Cook the~ e ill II d uubl(' EVery Tu" , day, Thursday le:s and works hnrder. [n th per- munication with ea rth. Admirl . ~os Sln~II1 f!. hlll'ch NIg ht prot Barl ow of Dayton boiler until thick. Ad I vani l1 n t o Saturday Mrll. Ella Saturday t o . penel iod during which the horse po pulu l Ryrd's Antarctic expedition WII~ltl,ng ('ach W ednesday at i::W p. 111' n fl avor lind pour inlo the cl'u:t. ti on fell 0hff bYd one-third t he mUle ' n ever out of communication. 01 n hesler A. Williamso n , Mil:' ~h~l e ,,~oek~ nOd with th e .J ordnn No Charge for Examination ce nsus ~ owe an Increase 0 f I The n exl step forward is el l." Cook th ese in a ~Ioubll! boil er until II nrly 20 percent. How eve r, thi s vis io n. Thllt has now becom ST. MARYS CHURCH \ flllllily, Mak e a' lIlerigue of t he ~g whitcs ha. no w slnc kened. ' practical. Our children probabl~l, by Mr. and Mrs. herman F enis o f incrells(' beat e n with one tableSlloon of The n' are few er mules in u I." now ou r grandchildren certainly, wi tharp-I Jun e 15. Trinity Sunday. ci L ove lllnd spe nt .Decorati on DlIY s ugar. Place in the ove n unt il th(' than there w ere in H124. wh e n ' ), e a bl e t o sec arQund the worlP anI s('h oo l at !l:.10; MOlning f l wi t h MI'. and Mr~. Alm on FelTi;;. m eringue i" brown . these usful hydr ids numbe red liS easily a: we talk around it t o and se rm on at The McKu" familv t ook Sunday 5,730,000. day, . I k Re\', J. J . 'chae ffel', Re ct dinner with T. L. Wall lind fumil y , No Doubt Sh" Would In the p er iod from 1920 t o A 11 of th ese inventi ons whie IIW. of Che t e l'. 193 0, the numb er of beef cat Lie ma ke communication ea sier t en ' WIt. I I FERRY CHURCH 9 F CHR Th e l\'cL-ay fanl)'],· o f thi~ place ' I ant . 1 n ., Pa2sc r-by ; Wha t would vo ur h as d roppe cI f r O.m, n b o\'e 4 7 III I' II'Ion t~wal'd c I osel' mternlltio'.lal r e lll Bihl e ,('hoo l a t !) :10 a attended a six-o'clock dinner lit mO,ther sUY. li lt I ' boy, if she could ~o under 33 nulhun. '~ e are eat- tlOns, b.ett~r ~nderstandll1gs, r r Ch ildren's Da y will b e obsu the Dennr hotel in Wilmin gton hear you s w ar lik e thllt? I tn~ I ~ss beef. Bl!t whll(' we Ill' d,uce the likelih oo d o f war. T~ wark I An in te res ting program I ' I j!'iven by J. B. McKI1Y in honor of Boy : he'd be tickled t o death dnnkmg mor e mIlk, 1II 0re . bu~tcr t im e may even C0l110 \~h en d l~ Day~ arran ged. Enjoy t hi~ prog ralll i their son-in-law and daught er Mr. if she cou ld h ellr it. and, chees~, the number f nUICh l agreelllen ts betwe~n natlO.ns . wl ~ r sis- enCO Urllg'e the childn·n in <: and Mrs. H a r ry Row wh o were Passe r-bv : H ow can you lip likl' CO\1 5 r cmUIll R about liS It hilS be en be s ttled as ea. I.I>, as ~I "agrel' , lian activity. Lorrl's Supper recently mani d. Mrs. Roe ill a thHt? • :?r n.early twenty years- ur uun. d m ents 'between bu messes 'lIl~ e rest bri pf address bv the 1.11iniste( siR.tcr to H ow~lrd and Hllrold Mc Bo y: Thal'~ no lie. S h ' 22 IllIlhon'.1.'hey lire be,tter cows, settled today, lind With IIshow_ 1f ollow. You ar'!! alw"v5 wei Kay Of thi" place, de a f . ' e s s ton-_ ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN however, g lvmg more nllik on ,less htlle blood hed. , lit Ilt I his chul·ch. . \ Mr, and Mr~ . Robert A ntirews ___ _ _ _ you r Caltll" h ogs, sheep lind calves ..... - lInon, Chester A. William so n, 1I1:i atte nded the funel'al f Mr.. AnMRS . BERTHA MILLER W elcome to Nnrri ~- Br oc k u., live wire and prog'l'ess ivc firm for the highest .--- - - - ---r \ drews' si~te r in Wilmington rm "rol' many years 1 t ook treat k t ' d "'ood service cninvo Unde HAM BLOW SAYS : ch icke n cr os. I'd the r Oll d, but w, A BIRTHDAY DINNE Monday aflern oon. ments f ur a very bad case of ne rv "There is n't a .lhinl{ til rI o 'U~:~~ sf~~ke;':rdl' "'Cinc:innati, () won't pull et. . _ _ __ Glenn nell WIl. gra nted th e ousnes " said Mrs. Bertha Mille r. !lro und the hOll:e . .lU~~ now, MI'. R f A k fi t' hakespeare in l!J30 : It's U wise - - -- - - MISS ~chol a rship al Wilmingt on college ' 2132 \(rest Nin ety Third str ee t, Tramp, but cOllie I'IJl'ht III and have e crence: s' 1r~ t man you met' n cork thllt kn ows it.s own p op, 0 f .. f h mbu s , 9 • lInda~ June the e Ight from the Hnrve~'sburg High school 1Clev eland. "After taking four your breakfast Ilnywa~· ." ____ _ Some folks C I'" ab out hanl times ut a CUTlOSlty a nrmer a~lisse!l children and r;ra nd -C hrlr.l .. e i M'lftS J . . 'I ' bottles of K onj ola I alii fe e ling M lIan'" around tl:1' picture how or g l'o wn II crop o f flnx and had 1 I'. lind Mrs. Chas.. Smith f h Ceh~sldlc.a . eS er a .go\Derness fine and a m able t o go aboul Ill'l ~,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • I " table-cloth made of linen. om IJl'lItyd the sevcnty-thlrd blr 0 tteth I I~ekn_s l?mhe In ayttohn r e" ular wOl'k, Be fore . I W," S Lirn'rl fight ring so me night and you' ll . I k •. I' nnrlll'l'r5'11''' of the hlter ., spen I' wee en.(1 ere as e , . , . ~ changc yo ur min I. Money seems llm e Inte r 1e remar ed to a " lSIto IUm ~. . ' ., • r ' ( g u es t of Mr!\ Mabe l F' Terry out before ] was really started. plentiful for th ese two . port fllds , Ht dinner: "I g r ew thi!l tllble-clotg man , home of Mr . .lind 1\11's. \\ m. .. . ' O· Th e t errible pai n ' I form e rly had cannot truthfull y Illvsclf." of n Illlrd and famtly ';If Ruute 1. !lev . J!l~o n Bldd lecum Qf regin my .tomach are gone now , I am 'lild you • Sll ~' we ''''f' II ?" h I ' A ~ lIm lJ tu o ll S dinn e r \\'11 " e onla ca ll Ii on K. E. Thompson 1 . , are in the fr ong . )Id y o u~ r ca y. s e e~e alm - Alice r.. 1 e ..t.y '" cot, I." ...... , "'Y~- rand family Thursday morning. no anger subJ,:ct to dIZZY sp~ lI s. Tlien there's the f ellow wh o !loys cd, " H o w dl~ you manage ~t?" burg WednesdllY morning. . 1 now eat anything 1 cure for With - "It wus II live town when it BUpIt was pillm he hud no Idea of Mrs 1 uc F'is hbllu hand dau g n . Mr. Ed Doughman o~ Newto.n s- out IIny fear of the after eff ec ts. ported sal oons. " heck up on thi s how tablecloths came into being so M·' 'A{ St I g d h'ld . , ville, Clermont .c0unt~' , I.S sp ending The head IIch es that formerlv came HIGHEST , his \Ooic mys- .t l'r l\1 ·dlsl·1 ma ap e tahn c Ik l end a few duys WIth hl~ ';Istcr, Mrs. up o n m e soo n 'lfter aritiing' in th e parll·c ul'.lr 1)18ce IUld v.·()U'lI find the , fllrnH' r luwered I I' d " If of I ( etown spent I' wee -en ' Agnes Younkee , . ' CASH more bootleggers by faJ' thall there tertol~s l y llS Ie r ep Ie : you ut the J ordan home here. have a\l. left un d 1 neV l' r used to be saloons, aQd the chance. promIse not to j!lve th e 'ecret M d b 'd Charles Madden o f Harvey burg expel'lence lhe m n ow. So yo u see PRICES · al'c 'the town i!l more liveli er thlln IIWUV, I'll tell you." Mr. Leonard ~ore an 1'1 1', hilS bee n made administrator o f Ko ni olll hilS matle a n e w woman u f in the old days but so m o just Th e g uest promised. NO(lh Moor e ~nd SIsitIe r. PearlKweEre the late Andy Jacl(so n estate. me. I am giving lilY ex peri enc e t o PAID "Well."d proceeded SUIHlay~o ellenrng ca, 015 on , . H on. Cllll 't .1'''< I't til n L WilY· ' k'" th e furm er, Thomp n and f a nllly . Q. HI (i I' b ran t 0 f WI- others in lhe h ope l hllt they . • too , . . mington WIIS among those from II may be benefited by thIS great W e know a j oke about why the "I plll nte a nap m. -=-_ .'= (Iistance who attended the funeral medicille thut has do ne so much in - -=--=of J. N. Miller of Hllrveysburg re- my cllse. cently. It is logielll to helieve lhllt ·Hugh Burgett of Dayton spent ~v hll~ K onj ola hilS dOlll' fur uth er~ Sunday morning- wi th K. E, Th ump Il ~II! do for: you- fllr , (,vcl,yom" j Albert Reid ~o n and fnmily. :rhl ~ IS espec,lully. tr'ue If KllnJ ~ la PHONE 8F3 15 given a fall' trial ovel' II JlC'l'I(lll II lIl'vcy~I)ul'g hil S a ncw bantl Of from six to eight \Ve e k ~. 1 HARVEYSBURG, OHIO stand and the ~a.nd gove th e first Konjolu is ,old in Wnyn esvi lle , ' o.ut doo,r <;oncCl t t o !l Illrge a:t('n- Ohio at Adam. Drug Store, lind by tlve . clo\\d on last W~dne _day a ll the best druggists in all t own s ' l'venm g . We are proud t.o sny t hroughout this entire sedi on. thnt tbc Harv pys burg band IS fu st _ _ _ .. __ __ _ ~ beco ming the banner blind o f th e countv . Th~ committee is ve rv busy plnnninJl' f or Childrens Day, June I 22. 111:30. RESIDENT The Hong-llInd ('hi l.]r!'n are spend ing their vacat ion with th eir g'l'llndm other in Dayton. Henry Moo re lind family hlld f or PERMANENT LOCATION their Sunday gues t s, MI'. Nickell and daughter Im ogen e, Ro scoe Hendrick~ and Miss Valora Faye LEBANON, OHIO Moore of Middletown; Sil Lamb' nn d fa mil y 0 f n en I' Wa yn ('sv ilIe, Eye. E';!amined Jesse Jenkins and son -i n law. Gla .. el Fined Repair. Le on ard Moore and wife of Green Briar. GELATINE to ~is: P(eal.·1 Moore has retur~ed Gl'latine is one of the h(}u ~ e- Will ma"~ the lealon at the L. V . Branalrator Farm e h.lmc ~,(' re after s pendmg wi.fe'~ best griends in warm no· f \IM ' eerk Inn Mldl.~letown the ~ue s t I weather. riessert..~ made with g elll TRY Iline have a di ·tinct appeal to . ' n d M s. Brand enbu l g. $10.00 to. lnlure Li"ing Foal MI~s Mary Kllthleen Th ompso n ' warm-wellther, On days hus return~d to her horne here I when II hot rOllst would destr oy OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS lifter s~endrn~ a couple of week~ the over-heated appetite, a jellied In Xenrll WIth Mrs. Anna M. ' meat loaf is t empting and delici• • Brannon. . , Ious. FOR RESULTS Waynea"iIIe, Ohio Th e Terry family had for their ' Jel1ied salads, too, lire n com- Phone 11SF2 dinner gue~t: 0 11 Sunday Lon pletely ~nti s factory main stllY ul l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brannon and wife of Xenia. and · luncheon in s ummer. . Mrs. K. E. Thomp son and daugh- I And the best of a ll these gelatel' Mary Kathleen of this place. line dishes is that they can be varA. B, Talma~e and wife lind ie~ for every, day in t~e week, and Miss Jel'lsie Carne .. s pent Sunday shll you w~n t h.ave tr!ed them all. in Cineinnati. , I . LellIon Jelly IS. a good foundaFUNERAL DIRE.C TQR With Dependable' , . tlon for many desserts. You can Geo~'ge Hunt a,\d fanllly and make it with fresh fruit j uice acWA YNESVILLE. ,Serum and Virus Mr. NlUlh lind fanllly a!I ,of Day- cording to the directions that come to.n were u~day guests of Chal!. with lillY box Of gelatine, or you inaurea both SafeDIll and fumlly. . I can mllkEl it with one of t he ready FuA1y tyand S~cce ••~ The many :fl'lends ~t eGorge prepared fruit , gelatine mixtures, Harvey who was so serio usly hurt Then vary it as you wish. by bemg thrown off a, .horse ~re , If 'lout' family don't ' like t he ' glad to know that he IS gettmg flavor oC lemon jelly, then try a~ong as well as can be expected. something elee-raspberry,~orange Harv.y.burl. O. C,has, om ar.d wife were in cherry of any other favorite Aavol' Xenia on Friday looking after the For one always good desert pre· PMn. 31 'interest of their property. 'pal'e the fruit relatlne and Ie,. it

'j'"i'j:' ,. ., j



----_ ..----


______ •

will your Rullets , start to bty?


Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Co.




Waynesville, Ohio


DeW r.. . ANSON






I .

Waynesville, Ohio



• Sight Specialist



---- --










Dead Stock Wanted


, •


They're Back Again===,,====-======,B;;'

Harveysburg Fertilizer Company


~ Couple ~ our Most.. Undesirable. Citi~s.


e t,'5 t8


Dr. John Zeltel


Optometrist 19 N. Broadway



LV ' Branstrator





J. E .McClure

,--- ----- -


~.'tl:'...""'·~ o·

- , ~--

hlO\{! -\'arantly at h is hand for five :'ITI . allt! '\Tr , !'lUll f":'d J lick (In llIinul :; und Ih en always plaYIl the EIl-lIlttl l' lOt' X nia, li nd ,I, Ug'ILtl'I' (;\'lIC,' E:tI' I\I '~ l I~n rllhart end card. ~ I r. unl :llr ~, W hirll)Uo l A IIWl'l'ry go round "I' 11 I~' 1 lIlI, Mrll. ' and chill 1'''11 lIalry P.'rldnl'l of Ilnytun. wn ' ;\11. nntl ~II·'" L . II. (; ,'nlull ~!I " I f or f1 ~ h cl!. a lid i\I h,!; Clura 0111:1h I cgilllc' l' A colch p iano. Ihe gL1',~t o f llul' ll l,j .'tl'l,\\(1 1:\)'1 (; l' lIl .IY'" <'ill' II. In Xl' ni,l. M n n d a~ Qui lt':t n\llllhC"/' fr ' llI 11('1'e lit. !\fl'. J~nr llc .. 1 t':arn hlll't n ll d I'll 111 - FI'(llIk Dnkin I lllllg-hte rs. Bac h e lol' Butto n8- Snf ty pins, ,,"cl' k. I' "l'Uln~. I ll' llIll'" lh ... !t' llItl l'illl ~C I'v i<'(' at il~' of Ilan n. s pent Ih e 'II' l'ek- n d The Lu!ti('~ Aid will meet . I h!l~lln , '1,'1, .. h ~."l . Ilt'I~'(~' ,?\ n.~ll,:~ . ";\Itallli" t ~'II I'\I'I~" D" OI,llwn .. ' 0 , ' . with i\11'. lin I Mrs. Burton I::ll'nhllrl Thul' d:ll' , aft 'I'Ilvllll ,Jlllle 5 at nllihl lind 1I111t 'he~, :\ i l'!'_ F h'I'('I1~1 :r llh l\ <;n '~' f ! Jf~IIl~ .I~. ·Il" . L. I. ~.>t(.ph 'n: anrl I r '. Ja 7.z- A lot o f bat! no ise in 8 lh,' III'm'" pf ;1 11'0'. }o'rullk \Jukin. n l,ld . ).\' il ~ H \\ nYI1P,\\, llt e VI,.ltnr 13 ('I~' t : till ,' ulul~ lind \\hl l, . (.I n l ( ':\I'i i>.lIrIy hn,; (l lllpl o ~'nll'nt lit Earl Mul'lntt attend 'u Ih. fUll l'tI l big IlUl·r y. . II·~. Holo ll d V,' 11\' ('1' (I f DlIyto n Vllell,l ion- A ho rt perlO~ dl!I'MI' llIvrilll IhIY. . I L. ~nllih. thl' \\' ay II l'S"ill I' MVlll 1' .'o llljlllny. "f th ' ir aunt at Jum'stown \ d - tl pont th l' \l'L' 'k-pnd with IlC'r puring. whi' h yo u go broke trYlllg to :\fr. ,ind 11'". Ll" ,'\\ P' of 'IY I ':'I1i!'~ I~ uth Hlll' lIl'lt iR ,i" ilin", Ill'\' ;\II's. ,\I 'II'!.:'III·t't .J oh n ,. ~P"lIt th e n ·I\(]ny. h' I t • Ill" !\Lr. tl llIl MI':<. l~ nl'l MtU'lat.L . . IIInke Htl'an'gtH's believe yo u can't. .... t Ion. \\',' Il' g'lI( ~t!i o f . tl'. ~n d i\ 1;'", lInl' I,'. H ~l) IlIlInel iJlI\'i~ ami rUlIlily I IV,' 'k'l' llil II ilh . )11':; , Be ll e llo n L (' ,~~:rt~n rcl [:~ u I, ~' ::~;;vi~p~n ,J. B. !'ahil,' ~(1l;nl , undA), os AI G ',11'): ' !-: <! I'I1 , 111\ ·lIndAY· in l)a.l' tll n. i IlnJ dllu~ h t '!'~ III ]lay- t o n, ill l'. an d :l'I\I'R. 1%1f{' l' 'Hou >; lon o f M odern Di c tionary 1" ' 1' 1 11" .' f t il ' ,\11'. and :\I r~, Wa itcl' K e nrick, n al' Tl'oy ~pent th' \\'(!ek -c nd with . . . K ' L I \'1.1101' 111 mg" UI. 1=1I \\, S fiI (I by l1Iachinery. ut )I i"" .Iand h v 'I d "1 L~ 1)'1\ d , Ir IIn1('" ,,'.'1." ~.· ll ll l lll·1 1 1 '"" 1' 11 ~h s . S. II. HaitH'S !lnd JlIl1I e:! un . II "n;. r,llI(' r~o n I un I ('tour- A plllcc wher , f\ ('\ w ' rs I1.oy M I i'I1 W ill Slllllh 1\11' cleaner, trut:!', fn sh' l'. P- .ig · I"'C1 'nlI' ~ B ;1 ~1 IInlF-ld ~~. ' milh 'ot' P ';Ylo n' It, li t Mndd ' n ' s Lumber Yard. I>:I~' ("II i\11I 1I.l ay . li nin" " ' l'i~itL'(1 t h c . ,'prin~boro 1!5(lI~lI's~ ~I\'i n F:lil'l1hul't 1111(1 chil - w ill )!" Oll' by th l' w ilY~ ld('. Bl'i<l ~(> )':xllel'l _. A p e rso n wh o ; . ' UI ; ' !Ill - r:". j " nn h , H l'C' llIelery nn D r cn r ALl o n Da y. dl"l1 of Wa yn esville SPli nt Monday -of the-" lit! JIIr~: ll1nl1l1 . n!Z ('lrsl\' I~~"(; s () :III'. lind ~ll's. W . ~. ~h'a l's nnd :'I i~s I::slth' r 1J (,l1dl'l'~(J !' ~ p('nt :'Il r~. :'Illllthll Crl'ig' hloll and l\ l r>i " lftl' l'n oon \i' ith l\11'~. 130rto ll i-:al'll 1"' 1' gl\J',I~ '~)111. n il, .. . . . hmih' " pl'lIl I1l""l'a ti n n Ila\' wl\h 'W\'('I,tI ,Ia.l' ~ l:t~( " ' l'I 'k \\!lh 1.. la , CII I"I\\'ll l< ht " Ill uy, 1_,'11'. li n,i ;\I I~ . .t ll hn S"II I'S ur' H,,,, . t i,,':; in Day t,)". Sin-ali !';ay IM . II l'nl'Y and Hil ey Ihul't. . 11':. Burton F::II'nhal't wa ~ 1(1\,l.'n " 'I\'I" I'Pl' lI t th t, wl.'l'k-en d wit h Wnl('" lI'l, (j .1'1'T'lIitilll{ '! We h.~l\'e hul'". , .'1 1'. ,'111,1 ~I I" . \". C . '!' ,(' hl'nlll' o f . , . . . . a (' limpid .. ~lI rp l'lsC' when II f~w of \ 11 " 1\11' , ' 1alld ;'I\ I. I'~ . . Iallll'~ tI; 'ls ll lind II CI' 1'''~ ll\til' I' ~ a nd fri('nd ~ came I, ) n il I' xpl,rt II'I'U lrm . 11 . : lila I l' l l.a·I 1 11 '1"" \ ll lil' 1'1\"11 11\"\" "1' ~.· II II I· I' - 11 111,I "'.I·.,I'lIr" ,\\, ,'I'l' \\' 11.' "" " ' il l. , I , ' I /11'1 ' lite> l)l' ~ Ib lll~ I!"t-ll0IlH' '. ' . . T ' I 1'111111 y at "1I11""LLI\\ II . • .. I'l'm ind 111'1' of hl'r birthda y, 11 11 = = = - - ' , 'I I t "I1\,' q J ew,'l r\' " lIl,d III' LI,,' ~lIllll' I lladlll ll'I'~' li s '1 ~ l lu l':; lIl'" ;,~. .\1 1' . all" .\ll's. ~ . B. , IUII" ~ \' I ~ lt ~d · un<i ay. Th oRl' PI"'sCllt \l'el' e 1\11'. FOR SALE I~art.' Oil. II Oh' , " ., )c n USl'" i ll· thl.' fll1' l o l' \'. a t th,' \\' a ,' I1I''; . ,\ 11'. :1 1111 ~ll' s. 'I hl,rIl.' .I ll lle:; II (' UI' and i\lrs. H I!ruel'l Mnrlalt Ilnd ~h " l': ~.l'llnI1lHI, I• . :-.tO I ~ 0 1 \'; II" A lii" nnd i\1 1;chilll'I'~' ('Il. ' :'Ilr~. I3ryull I' I'l'ndf' I')!lIsl up" ehil l'elltl' !'\'ille SlIlIday. l!io n E:llmon II' a lld Mrs. Elvi s elL'n lng ~. ' ,In' ll I"fl :'Il lllI ,I IIY 1',,,' 1111' 11 IIP\\' ~II'. IIlld l\ l r s. I::al'Y Yo ung vf l ~li ('huel /In'd d ~ul!"hlel' DOl'othy, F O lt SAI.E - F i\" , f,ud porch hOIll<' ill PitL ~ hul'~. , lla\'L o n \\l'l'l' callt'd here la8l W e d~\\' in ". I' hll"" !I I. ~1. W. Silv l! 1'. - a l" j II . . lIe~dll~ ,III Ilel' ull nl of tht' s l"ri ou " =;'Ilrs. J . I· . ,/ "y of \\ ,',; 1 (HI'I"~II - I'illll (' " ., 1' tht' hltll'I" ~ moth e r , Mrs . I]-,()I{ SA I.I·: · I'i:l ll ll. in )!(,od l'lIIl1li · til": , p "."I. 1111' '\I",k ·,·"d II IIh EllIl11a L>ll'~· . :'I I I'S, YOII II\: I'clllaill ~ d AN N UAL MEET I NG ti lO ll. I,,'d, I'lIllil .\' alld l'h ifr u l'oh(·. ,)II >ll1h \J I\"I ~ ;tlld flllllliy. \ III ,'al',' f ,, 1' . 1lL'1'. , , . III'I uil'l' a t li ",w lt., olli (',·. ' .I I I . . ' . . n" ,'d: "", " SII ,' an Say l",' 1-,It zabcl h T Ill' Hn llual 1ll l' ('ling' of the lu t - - - - --.-:=:=-..=::: :-;PI'.II1!.!tlllll' Is \\l:(.l tl ln ~ ,11 1ll~'· , .l il llI'~ . 1'; "11 (;I':lh :lIl\. J,'ss ie Lv 111-( \\·" ddll l).!' "ll).!" !llId ~ II t ~ at. t itl'Y " nt. , l' ;tlld ~Ii ,s :-;ara Bo wlllil n al- IlWIl('l' ~ of ~ Ii llllli Ce m elery As· WANTED JI'\I·I'II'.' S II')I' , L, l'balll"l, I lhl ... tlllllt·d t til' I l ist I'in CIlIl f e rl'l\CC at ~Oc illtill n \\'ill ue h~I, 1 in Ihe chapl'l u n i\l u n<iIlY. Jun e Ulh , I !1 ~lO •. nL Z , . , II ill, III II''' L' II \ \'I 'dnl: s day and We are celebrating our First Anniversary Pho ne 65F l 1 ~II' . ;tlld ,~II" . :\c'l.s 'JlI \\ :Itl; llI < '1 h'II ' II:I\'. ,, 'cl ock. Al lhi ~ tim e therl' will be by giving our customers a very specia l and low I IlI" ann ll uIH·III\:. t h., Ulrlh .. f a ",11 , 1 .\Ir,. : III I' Y ('.lrlllOIlY, HC ~0 1!lpan- t u ,' I,'ct tw o 11I(' III\)l'\'S of thl' BUll I'll WAYNESV I LLE , O HIO ' " .I 111' 1' ~ "n L J . ',II'mollY alld o f Tru s l e es and n SCcl'(' t/lry - Tr eH~ ' price. We want to thank all our custol1'lers !or 1(,.,,(,1' 1.1'1"),. :-.unduy Jun,' I. I':II l1il y Itf Spl'in).!'(il'ld , li n a li s hill~ ur,'1' nnd clI ll ~ id (' 1' ti n y oth e r bll'" th e ir patronage as we alwa,Ys try to please, g ive • :III' . .lIl1 d ~ I I''' . I',.. H. ~III on\;\ \\ . tlip I" 1~1I ':" I'II' " I' ll ill t for !'," ' l'llI l 11('". prlll'l' rly broll ~h l uL'fllre lh' \lL'I"l' dI Il IH' I: ).!'~II ''' I~ (, ( )\ 11'. and :II I'S. da \'. las t II'l' l'k . S il l' I'dul'll e d S lIn - 111 l'C'l ill).!'. Thl' B OHI'" "I' TrIl Sll" '" service, very best of qualrty , at a reasonable (;l'O ' "J.t l l.J. SOll th. rUl.· s da y ll\' l·nI 1l J.!. , b'\" l'\, t' ning'. :In' d b irous thnt tIl (' lot OW llI'l'S b e price. This b e in g our motto, we hope to con;,,,J .' 11'''' l'hari l's Earl:, !l n ti la l'~I· ly l'l'pl'l' sc n led lit lhi" IIl l'et ;'I I, s. 1':1111 L"Il).!' and lw o dlll· l.h il.!"'II, ( 'al'l lIlId .J.--:I'lP \\'t!rc S IIII - ing thal th ey ma y heal' th e repo rl ;; tinue with our old customers and make many tlre'n 1'1'11 111 Sl . I."ni". :'II " .. ,_pl'n t dIll' ,l inn!:!' ~1I('~lS o f Mr. H"t! o f th(' Yl'a r' ~ ac ti\·iti cs. I SlIlId:t~' \lil h .\1,'. !llId '\11" . HIlI,,' r L 1\11:'" .I .. hll l\ l cClJ ll o u~ h at Fi ve ,I. O. CA HTWl{ IGIIT, C I ,' I' ~. n<w 0 el. J4 {\'l' \\'. (' oi nl. CHOICE V E AL CUTS BEEF SPEC IALS ?III'. a nti r.lrs. Gll' lIn .J oh ns n nd Jmnes '.. Burke, adnl i nis trntor . F n r " ps t l'esu,lls co~ s l~n y our "I,i ldl" l1 of Ila~tj) n w c re Lytic r the es tale of S. L. Elli so n, d c · rI H ome Dr"ne d Baby B""f Veal Chc>ps, Ih . ................... 23c 1\'[' ,:Iu tl; to ('recl1. I',lllbI'Y (' 0. , \ i"illlls Fridal·. 'used . was aut h ol' i7.ed t o s etti e l N Sf'e( Boil lb . 18c V a l Rnund, lb . ...... : ......... 30e ('ill('i nnali , ill rn rc u f n. ({. Salts· ~II ·. alld 1\i r!<. Clydc Wh arton II cla im s lind dt' mands lIgainst ' $ YOUl" ~('Pu ncture. bury, nllltl'l'cd Iu ;\\ l'ntor ia'l Purk :"m('- lIulll Grol1lml'r, hy r easo n o f th e lsJ Short Ri b •• B ee r, lb .... .. . .. 20c V "a l Roast , lb ... ........ .. .... ... 21c l"l \' II ell I' lIayton Friday morn inj:i, cal h of t he d('cede nt. h FiliP tll fl nk(· o r n llii. II I' ~ p e n l~'~ I'~, I' a I I . Ven l Brea. t. lb . .... ....... .. .. .. . 18c .\1 'I ~" R \IllI II u I,'.J ,\11'. und 1\Irs. AI Ie n II al'! I y I) f Th e las t \\'ill a n,1 t estam ent of C Chuck Roalt , lb ..... .. ... ........ 22c p (,c\;L' l Roast I' ,'ll:\\'. day,.; la >l II' 'c k I.n ~ll d dl (' t o\\' n at Ld Hl llll n \\,(' I' ~ w ('e k -e n tl gu c~ t ~ o f lilli I'll C()o l c d ~c , <i cc"usetl, was N th ' hOIlIl' u( i'l l I'. lind .\Ir '. L) ~car llll' i.ILter's llIolh e r, 1\I1·S. Ann rod u ce(1 in COUl'l a nd admitted lo a. Rona t Rump, lb . .. .... .. ...... .... 25c Vea l Chop., lb . ................... 27c Al h I y, I Smilh. I'o bntc. Mildred C. Co bu r n acl'hoi('c Hib 0 1' Loin . I \V'I II,~' t ,wan k' , c l' te u. 1 t lIe t ru s t a s 1I d mill ' i s t ra I.rtx ' Rib Ron.t, lb . ...... ....... ......... 28 c , )11'. al1l I '1 ,I IS. Those Ja s l mi les' on o ld t irtls a r c exBoned and 1'oll l' « if wanted Liv er, 2 lb . . ............. .. . : ....... 25c M" . lind 1\11·.. . .I·r cd Il 1I h bl ~ :Inll 1-:1 n ,'~ t F u u lks . I1I nd Ml' lv y n ' it h Ih (' will lI nn e x ed , and fli e d 1 pensive-be(ter in\'cst t ile monr)' in 1111'. nnd 1\£1'.' . \\ Ill. U,a k l' \' ISltP t! SWll llk utLl' Ild N I the Auto rlle es at e r bonr! o r $5 00 with The Fid e l- $ lIa fc new Cood)'~\lr~. lI ave )'011 N(' rn : huck Steak. Ib, .. ... ........ . .. 28c Bruin l, lb . .. ............. .... .. .. .. . 15 c ' Illat i" l'~ lit \\' a ~ hin~t n ll '. II. Indianap nl ifl F riday. y and Cas ualty ompa ny of N e w 1 b. th o laics t 1930 t y pes ? Th,'y'u' Jhe Round and Loin Steak, lb. 35c Sunday. I :'111' . lind 1\lrs . n,)be.r t. Burnl't ' ork a~ sureties. L SMOKED M E AT S grellteet CVt'f blJil l-Clt t ra-~a l uc d but filld so n s llI11to l'ed t o Mi c hi ga n t h e Account filed: H Swiu S teak, lb . ........ .. ........ 28" Ham . , l ugar cure d, lb ....... 25c · :III'. lind ~ll'~. Al bNl leavel' las t of Ihl' week and s lJ e nL a c ou Estal e of Wallacc L. Baxter , \I not ext r " ' l'ril:(:d. ut from Round Sho uld('l's Reg ulu l's, who le o r hulf • \~, , !'(~ difllll'1' .).!'Ul'~ l ~ n f ~lr., find :\1 1'>\ p ic (If day~ wilh 1'!.'luU vl's of the ~.('c_~ased . sale bill. Freah Young Bee f, 2 lb . .... 45c I ( htli'. Il ay III LeilulI lI lI I hUI'"duy luUel'. E state of l\'l n I'Y Co nsta ble, deEnjoy New Car F r eedom Bacon, . u gar cured, lb . ...... 23c ('\',· nin l.: . i'11'!'. Anna l\1 ayn am an d fIr . ~ ell sed , e ight h ncount. .. . '1'\\'0 Ibs. 01' m o re . , lind ~ ll's . Edward Sours and sn n An na 1\1. nook , arlmmlstratrlx P OR K CUTS from Tire T ro uble! Spar" Rib. , 2 lb . ................ 25c Full lin e flnt! vll l'i ety o f lunch :11.01;(' yu ul' luwn bl'IlUl~ful , ~y , o f IIl1l11ilto n I"turn e d h'~l!le 1\Ion- l)f Ih e c"latc o f Millard Film~I'e menls hU\' lIIg . our 11IWII f1W '\'l' 1 s hul PI day a fter se \' era l days VISit nl the ~ Ia ckb urn, decease.d , fi led !Ier tn Pork Stea k, lb . .................. 23c A,k ror (lu r Fllleci al o il'c I' on uNel\, B r ead, Cake. , Crac k ero, C h eese en d at the W ayn's "llI e Auto unci hOl11e o( the f OII11 (,' r 's sist.e ~'. MI'~' 1, e n tory a nd appnllsement III proGoedyears all a~o u nd" - no Ub ' e Fre.h Calli"., lb. .. .............. 18c Mll ch llle ry o. William 01 man lind fam il y. On -!l.Ite. Eaj!!u. new Heavy Duty, f,r ~" ,;dntd Fine fo l' R oast Pickle., Mi n ce .Meat, Mi lk, " aturday t hey all m otored to ' In t h e settlement of th e estate Cream, B u tter, COttage J'. B. rabb s pent Thursday in Cle rm o nt co unt)', and v is ited B a- .f F. Malc olm, Bi. p ham d eceased, All-Weat hers. H's ill tcrt' ling ! Bollon Style ,Rout lb . ........ 22c '111(1 . o'hel' town s. hl' n e t va lue o f the es tate was X e nia atle'mlin)! club c(1 nferen Ch""se, A spa ragu s, Stra w r Ic (' tnl'I','1 , P erk Loi" Roast. lb . ...... .... 29c whcl'c h e ac led us lead e r 0 tl C !'Ill >" B C' lle Scott. Ev I'd t Eal'iy :5883.'16. There are 29 s uccessor s. Look ing for Low I'r i ~cs berries, Fre sh Fi.h . Ie n t !< gro up, pl'eS I( and duu ghters H e Ie n I.' n (I R u th I Th. e ~Ie t Vll I ue 0 f th e es t a t e 0 f Pork C h op.., lb. .. ................ 3.3c O le'o marga rin e visiled th e f o nn er 's I,. tel' and OLliS K e lle r, d eceased, was $l9,H (!re's, THE Val uc of Vn ll'l's! hoicc Ri b 01' Loin Ml's . Ru ymon d Dunham und htl ~bnnd, MI'. and 1\1I'S. Byron 58.67 with 14 s uccesso rs to the Pure Pork Sau aage, lb . ...... 20c Wh y ny t call u a a nd have you r daugh te l' i\li ~~ Rebecca . nf Le b- Hu sh at Spri ngfield. 1 tate. J1 CO ODYF.AR P nthli:l dcr Bulk orCasing. meal de liver"d p r omptly . un n, weI' gu t's t!' Of 1\11'. !lnd Mn; 1\11' .and M I·s. A lle n I-:mrick and App lication was made to the Walter Shl'e han , Monday evening. )!I a nd sn n, iIIi ~. e 5 Huth and Anna upel'intend~nt of the D!ly~on :-.iLllt v i ~ i le d the g l'av e s o f rela- ~ tu te Hos pItal for the admiSSIO n ~================~. ---===== Regular Balloons MI'. anti 1\! I·S. S. n. Chnncellol' , (iv l"~ at th e 'entervillc cemetel'Y If , hnrl e Nixon ,incompet e nt, 2 9 ,,4,40 $5. 80 o f nenl' LUl11be l'ton ;.!ncl Mrs . Nettie Friday m or ni ng. i .Estate o f Clarence N. Fish e r, ...... Myers of Oak land, were ~uests of I i'ltl'. a n d iIIrg. W illium Bal'gdull lIn o l' tieeo nd and fina l. 7.00 3 0 " 4 .50 MI'. and Mr8. M, L. P arsha ll, cnte l·tainetl th e latter' s. is ter a nd 28,,4.75 7.86 Oh Phone No. 66 Wayner.ville, io FridllY· fam il y, 1\11'. an d 1\11'1>. Geo rge W e i!' R ea l E ata te T ran . f e r . :-',,\\ .'\iI.•J~l1ll1ljlL I 11\1"~. (,rllt'1,! L. !"lIl1th.

I , ,cC' C',III


11 I


"1,lIh 1.'.\lIl',·" In 1'1 II' " J,~ S;l1llh.



=- --

- --.

- -







Late Classitied Ads

,S weet Potato Plants

-- ------- - ---


D. H. Hockett's


40c per 100


~--- --- - ----.



. :H,..





Put Money" i nto New Goody.e ar s"









lind s on ,James of hit:ago. s l"vcrn l Th e Leblln on-C it ize ns National Regular Cord .. days la s t we e k, 1.)1' • . a n ti MI'~ . . a nk and T r u st Co mpan y to ClarAdams of JJu~· ton we r e ul so F I'I - n ee N e lson, lot No. 110 in Avalon 30 ,, 3 ~' ............................ ..... . $$.60 . Franklin. wc~,· .cll ll e l'H at the dav guest.~ at the Be rgdall ho me . eig hts , 32,,4 .... ...... ....... ........ .......... . . 10_1~ f H , II. WtlltHllI so n anti fUIllIIY" 1 Mr. a nd Mrs . J . L. Seal's a nd so n Willia m A. Bee dl e, et III to 3 2 x4 ~ .. .... ... .......... ........... ... 14.30 on Sun d ay. f Sabi n u, Mr. arl. CU I'S of New ronk Beed le, lot N o, 6 in South York it y, 1\1rs . H nr r y . CH l'$ an d cbanon . = ' . . . 1I11 ~s Nellie utl'lght was called rlallt).·hl e l' (If C n lu mhu ~ , Mr. nntl Walter and Ethel Gray to E C h nllle on W('d n ~sd ay" nn aCCOLln t Mrs. J. B. H llwke nf Lima a n rl l choonover 7 acres in Harv~ys: o f the tlln S~ 01 h e r b r o thel', b.ut MI'. P hi ll ip Hawke of ,pl'ingfield urg. ' I' Et UI n d M onday an I reports h int s pent F I'idny wit h MI'. lind Mrs. Arthu r a nd R uth Smadbeck to I to be so m e belter. B en Hawk (' nnd fami ly. al' l Schaub lots No s. 3216,3217 , Phone 47 Wa ynellvllle, O. !\II'. and Mrs. A . .E. White nnd n<l 3218 in Deer fiel d Twp . fl Mrl;. El11l!r~o n E a rnhUl·t and Mis' ~on s o f Columbu s , MI'. and Mr. L. M. and Bla n che Mo ler to E I- C Surah Missildi ne lItte nd e d the .Jo hn MYl"l's a n d daughte r of Bel- el' Oure ll, real estate in Deer-I [.~~::::::::_=-:---_=::_:::_:::__::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_::::::=== me e ting of the Ohio . Cen tra l T e le- n~ o nt and MI'. and . Mrs. Carl Alb- . eld twp. Il ph o ne Co r poration at L l'ba non, I'I l{ h t of Wll y n esvill e s pe nt S Ur . Vancc T , Reyn olds . hv I'y .... ,.... ;v B_~~~==========~~================ W edn esday n ig ht o f las t week. dllY with Mr. and Mrs . K esl . :Gra ha m and dau g h ter, Miss B e ._ \ Th e W . C. T. U. will hold a ni cc accolllpanied Mr, and Mr~, ola l'ket nt t h e T own ship H ou se White h ome and 'w ill s pe nd this' , Sntu l'day ~une ~ , lit 10 o'c loc k, week there. . I Any dOllutlOns wdl ue g'l' cutiy a l~Mrs. M e lvyn Swank and so ns o f . pr ~c ~ate d. Yu ul' patl'o nn gl" I ~ Da yto n s p<!n"t the we e k-end with so ltclted. her pare nts h e re. Mr. and Mrs, F r ank B l'o wn of M I'. und Mrs . W . N. ~cn l's nnd Tip peca no e it y spe nt th e week(mnily WI" ill Duyton T hul'sday e nd with MI'. and Mrs. Guy R outza nd aLtcnd e d t he palriotic exe l'- u hn nnd daughter. ci. e s a t rull c r ~ on c hoo!. Ml's. MI'. and Mrs, W illiain Coleman cars' ,ni ece anrl Ileph e w tun k part e n tc l'lained o n Sun d a y 1\11', Ilnd ill th e exercis e '. Mrs. Truman Alexltn del' and two daughters and Mrs. Saruh Small ey LawII 111 0w e rs s harp e n ed · by of Gl'ee nfi eld , MI'. and Mrs . StunElectral<ecn proc ess, sa me method ley South and c hildl'e n of Ma d e r in, a s u ('(I by lu\\' n m owe r mnllufac- 1\1I'fI. Gladys Do nl ey and MI'. E van i lurers. El ecl ra kee n s ys t e m turn s P r il:e o f C in (' i~lI\ati. l\hs. Anna . o u t pl"rfect c utting mo w er s . Try :\layham, MI'. a nd l\~!' s . Edwal'd , me. Roy Pigo tt. UI'S ~d so n !r!I ::~~ l\lr~ . Jllaul'ic C' Si lv(' I', ln2el h pl' willi 1\1 I'S. \·' ·allnct' Tihba l ~, 1\lrs, Chas. ElIlass, 1\11':;. ll ornce I ~' tnkcs a nd ot h e rs , wu>; a dinn e r f,(uc s t uf Ml's . N. I. . Bunne ll at Lebanon on S utulday. Memo l ia ) na y w as observed l\1 i ~s Luc ll a Willilllll s on, is in- he r e UII Su nday , R e v, K il me r decJ u dl'd ill Lh l' lis t of 3:1:; s(' ni o rs li ve l e d an in s piring address und I w h o ur e ca ndidal C' 8 f o r the degl'cl" , s p c~i a l n.1l1 ~ ic w~ s !,<!ntiel'e d ~y. t~le o f bachelor of arts at the 86th dlOlr. M ,ss Ma l'JoJ'le Ha ydock l e ad ~ ' Il nnu a.1 c o mfllenc eme~t t o . be he l d 1\ Get.tysbl1l'A' Add l'es~ a n d ~i !l!l ~ubr. at 0111 0 W I'~ l eya n univ ersity Mon- SmIth re ad " I n f lande r s Ft-.ld . There Is a big between extra protection to the special Copper day, Jun e 9. lind "In Memory"_ T homa s HayChll"n.lJraln Roofing and ordinary Alloyed Steel base, insuring longer life I d oc k li n d R o be r t Beam sa ng an . \m'y's J ewd l' Y t:;hnp, L('ban on, npPl'opriate se lec ti o.p . roofing although both cost about and freedom from expensive repairs. Ohi o. is 0 1"' 11 (,l'l'I'Y eve ning- th e Rev. unrl Mrs. K Il mer, MI'. and !ll 11~l inll'res ting 8t Ol'l" in L f' ba- Mrs , W, V, Lackey, MI'. und Mrs. the lame. Channeldrain 11011, ful l n f g ifts t1llu s utll and lIP- G. A. Phi ll ips, MI':3. B. H . M IlI e l', Chanoeldraio R.ool. Roofing with patented PI'() pl'i ut c for BirLhday s, W e ddings Mrs. T , C. Huyd o,c k. Mrs . .Ja mc " A nni\' ~ n;aril' ~ , etc. Mci n tire und Mrs . IK(' II M e n denha ll I' lag is easy to apply; no lap construcdon oft'ers I . uttendrd th e M. I~. Co n f Cl'e nce 11 t special tools are re· maximum protection I MI'. :I nri Mr ~ . Walte l' C18l'k . Hil ls boro la st w eek. I Miss Wanda a nd .J unior C lark, M ... , The W. F . M. S. was enterta in ed I quired. Everything conagaipst leaks. I and 1\1 I' ~ , Earl 'lark aLLf'ncl1!d COlll- in the h ome of Mrs. J, L. Conard 1 sidered, it is the mo$C I l1IenCe !1le ll t cxC' r c iscs a t Speel's o n Wedn esday, . \~ . I! I'Y I' :I:II,. l )[l y t ;: n , I< :; .. Ia ~ t W e d - I 'Ii s~ Ma ry Cn ll et.L n't lP n e d rl'o m ' : ( 10 addidoa, economical roofing for Il ': s da,\' ~\'l! nin g. Mis s Lucille Clark Oxfo rd , Sunday. ' \\·.IS u lle (I f th l! gl'!ltIuales. Miss I Bi sh op Dickinso n of o l uml~u s I drain Roofing fireyou to buy and we rec: (,Ia)'k a\;' o 11l:1!lS(' tI th e State Board is the guest of h is s on Adam s D ick ommend it unqualifiedly proof aDd. lightningI,x alll inl.l ti o n. l in son ' and fa mil y, . I Mr. and Mrs. W . C, SmIth nfor 'the ben~6c of all oW' proof. A highly durable 1\h' nlld Mrs . Davirl . Bradfute t e l'tained on Sunday ·DI', nnd M,I',. aDe Q)adDg customer .. ,I f n ar Xenia, will u e · t h e guest Duffee. Mrs . Arma Sewell . an d ,' sp'lIkers ut the Farmer's C lub I daughter Pauline of GO IUlllhu s, which m e ts at the home of Mr. 1 MI'. anel Mrs, J " C, Pic kin and and Mrs . J. W . White next week. so n were week-e ndi g u ests of Mrs . . . . l\f!'. Bradfutei: the President of A, R . Harlan. · the Gl'ee n Co. Patm. Bureau, and Rev. O. M. Se~lers of Troy is Mrs . Brllrlfut e, prcs lde nt of the the guest of relatIves here• . Co unty Gard e n C lubs. . R ev. Kilmer dCl,ivel'ed Mem01:ial adc r es ' C, -at Spr ing Vnlley nnd . . When yo u buy "YOUI'CX silver- ID ecatur, ,on F.riday. s ·al" , i1ve!'w are. you buy the best MI',. A . W. TU1'.ne r nnd daughter ilv e!' riote d tableware that man Agnes have returned from' n and machine can Pl'o(luce. old sevet'al weeks vis it; with r e latives only by jl,!w lei S, Cary's Jewehy in Ca n ton . Shop, L e banon Ohio, exclusive I Ovan TUI'ner is at home from distributors i n Warren County. his sebool work at Chapel.

. ,. ' MI'. ,---------------------------' I 11.11'. and Mr,s. ,) (!h l.l Cn ff e rty, ~!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!'~ J oslU h .nnd MI ~s Edi t h affel'ty of -

.- - - - - -


Gordon's Service Stat




thought come to

Life-Time Roollng Service at Small Cost


him one dav


The though t w as this: l-~ e had 1 few art icles to dispose of and a Classified A d brought him the buyers by the score, and he was very happy over h is sales.

YOU Ca n d o the same by putting an ad in t h is pape r for w hatever you ha ve to dispose of.





The Miami Gazette' Phone 118





0' COlt " , " " YHII 00•••• ALLOYIID STIIIIL













Pbone 14

Way....IU., Oblo


Eighty-Thil'd Year




' Who l

NE 11 , 1930



59 13

ALLEN BERTIS SHANER Allen BerllR S han er , th e so n of F'lC~ deric1c a nd Mary M, S ha nel , "II ~ bOl' n n e m' P o rt Willi um , 0, I"" b l uUI 'y 1 , 1Bi:!, und dt'pal'tcII 1 I th l ~ lif e ,I Ulll' fil ~ t. HJ ~IO, at the Il I.(U II I Ii , \" l lIl ~ , tl11 " l11 o nth ~ alld I i lol lS, i\ I" s t or hI ' e:llly lire wu ~ LYTU: M E , CHURCH SJll' lll in (, lrlll il n (' lI unl,I', Th e Oflicr'I H :1 11.1 1." ."l e l ' Tl alll1' 111' ho .lll' ' ,f :'II I' ,Inll MI'S, OLUMnus, 0 II1 0 - AlI cnndirJale, fo l' o lli c!! w ill huv e 11 ,. I':lS 111 :J l'lied l oJ J\lal'V E fHc ll e in IJ 1l1("'lI l1 g \\i ll I" htld .. II ,'u lu.'E Ir ,,, 11 1." k l' UilI "I I'h h f' I'L nwn PI'('a l'ilin )!, ~ e1'\ ic'" at !" :IO a, 111, \I'll " h, , ' ('11(' ,O! ;, \I'I'Y p ll j ny uh le "weigh ed in' by G::!tJ O'C IOl'k p, Ill, , Cl'l11 o n fi ub jet " Pt' I'Jl I'l Uallnl-': ~l a l ( i l1 J u ll' 4th 1 ~ I() f" \\'ith \\hoJ\1 dal' , ,lUll " I I, al I II a , Ill. [I t li llI" It union (,I' th ' rll lll rJ\' ,!l1I1 Illany FrIday .Iun · l at h, ebe they 11'111 lI11 s Sa rnh J oy is vi s iting III f' e n tcl' :st." Sllnd a l' S<I)(,o l at 1. 1' >1" lit ~.; \'t' al '~ 1,( ha pp y Il1al - nH;n I'll . k, i f t h,' \\t'lIl h(,. 11<' lI n iL- , b u ll 'out o f lu 'k, 1'0 1 thut is th u C'lllinnati. T h,'''' \\,11 I" 11 11 11I",li ll g "I' th, ' 1'111, ,,11- h -I ~lIn oi II' ',n h""111 of IlI ::itJ I\ II S, LOIIKU (' I' I' Su pt Yllll n!! " "I Ir fl' 'I'll Ihi, Ulllnll \\ (' .e hmn '1I Iw l\\'I ", a l :'I I "nl,, " al Il.rli. )" ,h , '1' I. II" ;1'" I, lh ,' ~, II h (,n nll " I'~al I' "I I I,,· tl ll p ll' L1eadlin ' fo l' fllin l!: nominutiun Jl e ti 1' (' uJll c ~ IIILJI .. (,1 1l ~~ ~I .. nrl ll l' "I' e n I h l'l ,. ,' '' ll d l'' n , Edna LUI' lIl1, Ada IIn IJ n , r h,' 1' log',IIn III 'Ih,' 111<"11 1111.( 111.,- 1I 1. ,,' k l'lll n ,,J d (,,t " "II of llonii in th e ollie' o r S 'crCllll'Y uf MIS R OplIl Le w I!-I s p e nt IIl ~ l l illl.( n 7 ':10 f o llo\H· d b~ l\l a y e l" F I.III(('" 1111 01 Il ll ltll:<' ~ l allin ,\1 1 Ill S III, \\ a ~ oil Uw farl1J \\111 , fO lb l' l Ill' talk s a ll ti ""1111 '11 ' \ 11 " 1:" , lh ,. 1 ('\\1 1- ' 1" ' 11 011111.( II 1111 ,11 11 :11101 ~I.II Y '\ nl1 BI ,l c l, }'lIln Stale Clull!llc·.1 Bl'lIwn An y- w('ele in lIll Yt o n , IJW, t llll!: all,1 t":llhcl' l . allllllg' III ,", ' h "II ""1I :.n d "\,11". Il 1,' uI o ni' d e s lI m),!' t o b ' u condltlate 1 l!1l.~" , (Ill I1t'Xt , 'ulld'1\ (" " 'lIl n),!' li t \',h " I!' IIlt h Ih, ' 1I , '''(\ a llil'' III' hl ~ - t l', ltl (O n- ('llIpIW - IZln l!; I h,' 11";llI h ,'11 " :11 , II I :0\ "' 11, ,,,, 1 II lb, rJ' ''II,: l1I ' 1 ,II P a\ ls a nd .I alll! lh e r ellft c l WIll ha ve tu serU I e eig ht 1\11' n lld Mrs,.1 0 ul'twtight R UO \\111 h,' ),!'II',' n th, · l'ilrl rlrc' IJ '" 1', 11 ., a nd, hl llll l'lI a nd h, ,,; munv II III f' 11I}, 1I 0i k anti \1 11 1 -Lil t 11" ' .111 - h ,' I"und I, r ,, ' , d,' eJll'~t p.o .l1J1 t ly , tI III rn thl' " h,'lle l' M~, ' I' 1J ~' I1I:t 1l II , I ~ .1 I,U- III (', " F lIllhl , ,I \\' ;1\" "'.\' rJ I,· n, 1~"l' e )l<" cent o f the I'llte Clls t u t th e ~ Jl C llt Fl'Iduy 111 Dayto n, da y ~ ,'l'\' l ~ e .\ II o r li s \\'hOl ha l' " IH'e ll 1I ,\ u ~,', \ i- II II , III ( ' li lt 11111 ,,1 I 1" d,1I 1I1/(' IIl,d III I "!I"b l" ' '''nIOI1 Y ut primary by ha v illl.( thell nil 111 e Saru A , B o wl1Iun, PII ~ t o r lOll' _ _ ___ 1" lllIn a l ,' pno llg'h If) l'a ll h l111 111 lh,' Ilfll'lI" ", n t.lll' 'Ial'l " u" j I h, h"nll' 'if 111(' 11l. tI ,,· s fn l h!' I' \\'1 itte n III o n th e ba ll o t und huv1\lr, ant! MI'R, R, ll, Hartsoc k IIlg a plul u lrt y 01'1'1 UII\, other \\"11' Dll ylo n VISltUl s Frid ay , VAYNESVILLE M E, CHURCH llit' II t1, h ilI',. IlI Cm"" C',, Ihat 11'11 OIl ' l" 1 g'I (O UP" 11111 nlt ',' l ,.," !' HllI I ;\ 11 ,JlId ,\ 1" 11 "" .1 101 A."-: ,I,jJ ' 111111 \\ !I \lII-l' rll ,' OI n ;\1:1\' G. I RXll , n " \( '1 f' lII ", I, · I~ f lO , .1I -t .lIl''' " '' III l h l' d uti," (" 11 \1 - 11 " " ", 1.,111 ,,, III ~P III I I.(I''' ' '' 1""III,(h,J\,'" Ih ,·It',l f l '· 1 tlll' ~' t,,(,k cand idute: . I sn a !' LlI1coln i ~ v is llin!! at the 'V('tllll,, "a ~' HrI ,!" ,lu tlv ,lI,nd lla. ,\( "L, ,,l,'1I (,1111 ~ 1 a " hi ' S al'l(O l o f thtll (Ofli,"''', 1 ~'lInd'l\ .1 11," 11 " "' 1 liP Ih'lI Iv" dt' '' ('(' 1, 1\ a f a lm Ward e n Prl'Ktun E , Th omlls of ho m l' Of MI', lind Mrs , ,J. H , SlIIlth ' l llIllY PI n~ ""lIn),!' a l H, Oil p nl I he ,II I I lI ,h IJ ,II'li ~ "d III Chri s t ian (lu i, 1,l'ad ". s Hulh n ,ItH (l l d , al (, "),!' ( 'h"'IIIIJ\ Hld g ,' W,'sl (If th t L')., ,S OIl 1"1 I lltil' Is t il l' sc·e·II n.1 JI " II' '1""llt (., ., C' "lI t" I I {' \\' II 1 I I' I r (I I \111 , .11 "1,1"1. ". In J n, ~ " n~ t" tll n~ ' r t t t the 0 h \U <' Illt e n allY , II 1' 8 n ~'I!I l l h hI llw Jla ~ I II I ' II f \\'lI l' n(,s \' 111<> ' ' ,., , , . "¥ ~ ,, " ,," ,J 1l' ,11111 I' II " II "I" " ,Itls ful·t ory pl'O glCH~ is belllg made Re I', G , C, nilJ ~ r' l IS rp cove lll1g , (' h:rpt('r "I' .I o hn F.llinl. Ch ll lr:\1 E eh ill c h 1'1" II nllmh('r of Pll"I,ft. II (- ,Inti \ 'l lI' I'. (·- "I l·nl 1:,' lliloOlit ,Ill ' lId,," lI lt 111111 1111 -,1 - 1"' " 1" II h l'l\' hl' l ' ", \\ 1 (,~ ltl l', 111 l'l'I:IIn s l1l1eliun wlJl'k at the bIg II ft {'1 an IlIne ~,., of s cv l'II 1 Ja ys I'la tllt'e :It H 1111 " 111 ~ u "cI" y I"" II S Pl'l li l t,) hi S larlln!! h(, lI lth (" I,' ( 'Ill " , (' II IIIItl' A).!', 'n ! , l't> h , ,, 00 11 "lI ' d II , :-;1\"11 .J I1I<1 I ;' " IIP I l' h UI'n. penal .n Htrtut\ On uud the n e w I w ilh gr ip. ' ~ullday s l'h oo l at !/ ::W f,1 111 ;\1 01 111 h" \1. ls ,III IIl1ic, ', i ll 1\ of I' lodlfe SI",' L'III II 'i ,11,,\ 'rl", - Ul l' IS \1 111\ \\i l, ' " I I,: II , :\1111 (, 1' ',f and K cellLJloek" \\111 soo n be cum In!! wors hip li t 10 :10 1h (' ~ lIh l ," l't .. I' 1I 1 1\' (> ~ ' LI 1\ !! ., lIulda lI olS t , A,, 't S I,lt ,· ('I ub T:r k":1 l 'al'k "1 I' ,' n \llt lt Y OU FI -hi . t l,\llI ; 1'lrza lIJ Ih , \\1 fl' '' J' Il l', plt' ted m; Will ul s o th e new fil eMrs , Ma~' nllid 'V e ll z nnd 1\1rs, fO l' thl' 11l,"'nlll l.: ~(' . n\t0 11 1\111 h' II " 1 ",II' I'~ (0 m o ll.ll tllI'lI IOIss L ead ' ). '" L \ " 11 1 \: 1(',. 1' '' 11 I al\ ' ~ .Io ' " d l v (', H 1\IIK "I' \I rl l 11 .. 11, i\ I,I!'j('1I I'l' t ploof lo.) fs Ol'el l he E and F, 'Vllli am Drake \\' e re Dayton visi- "FOUl Im Jlllltant (lU ,'slll,n , fl'l ' nl h Is 11'101 ,,,,,, I wo daughtel' s (l Ilt' , "i"I1' ~ ReJl ll l le,l'~ E A , DI' uk" , S h" I' , I. l' hall llll . I)h" , ' t :t , \III " IIf II . II :\ " hlllll'l' of dUl'lllllOry. The o tlidul l'o unt dis- t o r s Fridny, G ud ," E p\I' o lth L ('Ilj('u,' at i :OU p " "I. (,11( ' },I o t he l. thIN' . ,s lf":S nnd ( ,\ A~ '111. ( ,I'(e ll (' ('U!l l\ 1 H, cl l, IId , "' ,II " a t h""11 ' : L c~ I " v ,' Iuses :1,780 IlIm at('" a ' (' uml)Uled III 'h ridIL' n ' s S"l\ltl' at R OO p I1 I1t IlY (\ th" 1 l!' l a t il' e~ IIl1d frI e nd s, I Hl'l'IC'at1( ' 1I 1.1'IUI('1 1'.lrz:r1Hth \\ (' J,:lI e (" 'cilll Stn lllp g, r ,II' I'" a n " 11.',0 1.1, I" ,th "f E Il' I',' tl, and t u approxlm ut" l y G,UO O 11 f~w W (' riding rings With beauty m. II .. a nS\\('l"l'd I h(, IIn:1I call IH 'ae£'- (1\.lu ~ t e l's , 1I 1' 111 e A J.!'" en t. ( ' lllI to ll ,I c' \\ ,·il \ S hill', 1." I':lII II n , Oh.o, 1)1. ,I Ii, ,' p h "I' 1I1l11l11i r A I I lhc ch tl ," s n ~ t e r o u ~ 111'0 a lHI (' h arm a t C ary 'sJ e w e I ry hop G , C. Dibert OU Iltl St', ,1, ,'11 wI' t l1 lllt'l l' hu , lt nn d ~ and k b e f 0 1 lh e ul wce:; , Pas tor fll I II Hlld qui !.'I'" n' hI' ha d h l'ed A ' I I ' r c "'1"11 ( I' " n IIl ",,:u n Eas t e r Mo nda y, L,' lJll no n, Ohio, - - -- Ill S Irf ," I t n00 l1 11 P I"III' 111111 \1111 hI' i- Il \l l\l'~ , :In ti 11ll' I II ~ l a lltl l' hrJdren I ST, AUGUSTINE CHURCH ' I "nlo~ed t, ,),!'elh e . E lll h ,lull Is 11,' 1111 \\'""11:",, r,' t u rn ed h ll ll ll' " Jll nt II", d ,l; in li lt, pw e n t a l Membel'!'; of th e Irhrury glOUIl of 'Mrs ,W An so n nnd s o n S um m e l sc h e dul e- 1s t, 3rd !lnd I , u ~ k (· tI til LJl1 n ~ s ulli c' lent qUdnit l1\ "lIl1 ,l :l> al'u' . , pl'n tll l1).!' M'\ ' 1.11 h l' lIl l' IIl' IJI ,n j! thl' p:ll l'n t , (·(·I(· b r u te the Ohloana cOlll l1littee m e t r e- ~Ilen t 1\ pllrt o f la s t IV cl'k , with , , "!l l1I l" t , " a~' tllld \1 I~I ~"t : <ll', 101' Ihe fulluwln!!, 111(' Il U t il ' 1'1 I' " l1w l1 lh s ,I t ~I' Jl ,Ia lld , l 11 d , " h,dl -C" III Il') "I h:r p p rJ ) mal . ie d 5th Su nd uy, Mas, at 8 :00 a , 111.; I ~ II I h( Is de:l d . II ~ ' IS J ll st u wa~', th o~ co m lllg flom thaI l'lu" , II I,' I } G ' ' f ' I W 'I' ~\~h~ny r~~u~~: we~~ell~~:I: o~Il~~~k~ 1 l1elll S III I mmgton, 2nd an d 4 th S un duy, Ma ss a t " l1 h u c h" l' I Y s nll ll' a n d II II' a\(' Sanrfllllhl's ( li n a"l' ''lllll .. I' th ' ~Ia 'l '- I Ea rl F, f' o r \\'ll nri .wtlll1 \1. , \ II W h, ' .. ltl ll e tl f Everr ece Ived and Il )jilt of OhIO aulhols Hirum K. Geor~e of Wilmin g t o n I 9 : 30 : I "r h,lIl d , \\ eu th e r I udl'l s e t h:ll " th " 1 fillrl1).: s I ~ I'b ll ll l).: hIs l,nan oi l1l lltlll" ) I I ~ ,,, It. >i~ t"., of ;\11, B lac kLJul'n , wh o wa s prl! ~e nt ed by th e Chairman, Ohio wu:; a call e r at lh e Wm, LipRev . Lnwrence B Mo llmann 11 \· ha l, 1I'1Inri e l' c'd In l o an unkn o \\'n than mL'at bc u' L'd) . Vl'gl'labl e "u,an Wtl kl' l 'fil l. :,1 101 1.,111 111 \1 .1' 1"' " n t ,I Ih ,' \\l·rltil nl,C, was !\Irs, D e l'Dw H cad, whu hilS al'l'an- Il cnc ott hom e Monday even mil', 1.111 " - iliad , hunanu s alltl c lJ "k l l'~ :rI '" p l',' s(' nl a t h ,' ,11111 1\'1' 1 ' ary and ged a COnll.ll'ehe n s il'e fil e lis ting WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF ,\ nd ,I(' ft li S tll l'a lllln l!' ho w I' I'Y ("I ll I' plates, fo.k-, ancl cups .'a \\' ~ filed by machInery Cut In ld " ' 111t OI l' Ih" "\"'nl , !If th l' 01: olle lhou sand OhiO aut hOl:s a lld Wutchel!, j e w e lry , diam o nd s a nd CHRIST fall' \l' d l be )llol'lded, t l,'alll'\' till e r. fa >l C'I', Hov Pig, " <" ' '' 11 r, u ~ <1:11 < )1 ""11111 1- . Sti rn U b k TI fir t ectlo n o f ft f 't C ' It 11 ,'(' d s nll,,; t II, , illel' hI' IS thcrt" le e CI l'l11ll \I'd I Ul' 0 11 ~ al e , As It, lit Mud den' s Lumb e r Yard IlLll k l,ll' Il, \!l lI lI),!' l'- t d ,Hldlt' I, le lr 0,0 R. l~ I S ~ g' 1 S O \' any occasIo n a .al'Ys B, b l(' S lIwo l at !I ' ao II m , WI' .'\nt! ~ O U, nh \ 11 11 , IIh" UlP \\'ildesL you arrll' e Irl in l.( y OUl ' fo o d to th e IIO,,! th l' \I " tI'hll l! til (, S ' , IIf ht'1' the O~lo a na hbl'lll Y h us bE!en J,'w e lty ~holl, L e bal1 o n , Oh,o, 'lI e lau ll c h1l1 !! H "C'IIlIlinuin!! S ll' :tti ;oearn I"n" t,'I" le III th e ,<' he lte r' Il ou-n "1 l .h II 'I I \1 111" lh l"', 1I11Il'II \" ' ll ~ ,,.1 " o " " I(I" I",lbl' plnced 111 ,th e G oveln o l's mnnSlon , ,fa ~ l " Ca ll1 1a l'lI L Ol d' , S ll l' e l' a;1t1 h/l t h,' ,old .., U " .", " I . " 11 alnl' s , h I an i 1- , - " , and con s is ts o f 25 0 Yo lum c:;, Alb e It WIlkerso n aHfI f amI ly of S('11110n aL1 I Og:W a nr T h~ l s" l11 o I l't lllll tl III l' s t,'p anrl I!:I1I d A s (l lIl v 1111(' s u c h llIe Plinj(' is he ld H"hC' 11 lI a l ll(~s alld ~,' n, " I lla\ - (', " lI f1l l' nt ,IS t " lll{' l'h lln gL' in boo k s b oth ncw and ol d, sO !l'1 e ve ry Da yto n, w e r e g uest~ of Mrs. Su sa n i wIII bc b\' an o th,'r 0 II UI' (' l u rLle n'~ I, t h ' n k (I f him ,' al'h I('al It Is I'ory II11Jl OI't.lnl IIIn , \1 s il,'d 1I'llIti l' " .. h"It' Sund :1\ - l l ll' In th e pa sl hal f -(' l' lltUI'\, I,ure vol,ul1le~ 1I 0 W o ut o f pl'm~ The , Wdk 1'50 11 lind famIl y , on Sunday : 11 lid cun ~l'cluted "Ia\rn l' n" A H III Illt' 1"1(' flf ;~ ~'~~~:I'~I\h"C~ l lle'l~': l hat c vc ry " f1iCN and Ica d l' l bl' 1\,1'11'(71\1', Ih")'<~ I{:,~', ~'\"IHI ~II "I'tl,(', t:n,,~a,.t"l'« 1 ,11'a" I:'~~ Il bl'llry IS b e 1l1g establt~hed wlth o ut l , Van('e. II ,' a I' hlll1, ' hl'l s tlan En he l ' ,' ' of Jl l e s ~nt s', t ha t ell c h club e <lll hal e F o r I)(' st l es ull s consi!!n your ,'~ , ., " fund >!, o r a pprop rlllli o n a nd the , H. J , Adams, att,ended the me et- I 'lu ~ ,(),' ,' II 6 '.~ I) .11 I f' l l ' l hett ' r lII(' e tl ng' ~ and a IIl OII' ~uc - lI'e s t ock to Grl' e n , Elllh l'Y 0, I"" . J.!'" if l s " I' II,l a lll" 's lin t! fl'l c nd s, V II R I ~" ~" - ,( ThInk II i h llll 1.11 111(' _ :111\('. I a v, res ful p r ll!!!"lIll th iS \' CU I than (',n ci llna l i, III cal l' tl f n R Sa lrs, I JU"IIg' l h,' ,rlt l'l' n "" n , "op n d tl t f h M ~olllmltte e , 1<ll'e8 \U everyone IlIg 0 t e , l~nl1 a ey e xall l Bl' l tha Fri el. /o; I' t'ninl!: 1' I':lIlI.(t' II >tl l: li t, I ~ 1I (,t dl'u,l, It" 1< J'u <t 111\',11' "1''''1' I f '" fl" I I' I " I II h I 10 0 In qhl o wtll ,f~e l that t~ y hnve Club at Wllmlllgto n, IOSl Thul's- "e l\i ce lit 7 , IfJ 1'_ Ill , S e lm o n s uh _ ____ C h~ ) 1' ore, ... lbIY (lICel~ o r ('HIP I' hury. l~'i~I'~I~I !< \\fa.~ 'nlle( II'I "I"I'I , l n ,_,I,l cetUIII"ny" of nn , IIItel'!!s t I!, l.l sse mbltng thIS day jcct " That T IJ lIgul' of Min e, " Card of Thank.. ' ~~' n~1 ~;n~l1b:~~lu t ~ prese nt ,hou ld (] ,'dI' OI Ii p nt! Blall '~'"I;;lli es called ul1lque collcchon , It hilS been de- , G oo',1 co n"relY"ltlo ' I,' 11 a ll,1 SIICC''I,nl H,- \ ( ' E , RI1'" 1.1" :In ti <(111 W rI ' d d th t t ' f th e I' M P . L G f L ,., h' " \ \' th k hi • • I CI e a onc l'ec Ion 0 .rq, r(lntr 's . eorg 0 os s llIgill !!, hu rc h Nil! ht III 'gl'!I II1 ' , l' :111 ' n ul' n!'lg ' O l'~ un ci IrUIII, nf l'I)!l' lIn, !\II C I , W,' l'(, g'UI'sts 10 " Xl l' lIt! (' lJlI g rnlul a t""ls and braty be d ' vot e d t o b oo ks ab o ut Angelcs. California , is vis iting eac h ' '' edn e," cln' at 7,,"0 I), nl , f l llmti fil l, th c' l1 th n,ul!; htful kl1ld- WEDDING o f 1\1. a nd M. s I .. II. HUl'lkl ,.. th is ~( , I) d I\ls he , t " tit(, co up le . exp l ess ' " " Williamson " DATE ANNOUNCED wee k' . I lg' th ,· hOI)' that tit l'"' Il1l"ht nOh lOan~ w h 0 I1I\I'e b ee n pres l' d e nts W Ill- 1.Ippencott and family f o r a he s ter A, M.inister Ill'" li t a l Ill Ie II h('11 rt \Ill s )!' 1·t'!11I\, , " o f th e U mtetl tllt es. fe w day s . < , !lJl"'l'Clat d, : I I'll' ma ll \' n\l ' l'C ~ ea l s 01 1II1111'1 cd • June 2 ~' hll", Ll'en c ll o"en b~' 1 1\1 I , Hilt I !I' I r ~ , I'. I an k' R o!! ' I' ~ , neC' ' lrf e . •~I "' , ,'\ I') - IlH ll C' r , IJn (I 1:' ,' 1\1111' I \ ' , ~ ST. MARYS CHURCH Sev n m en e nd eav o r t o jll'eMake your lawn beautiful. by - - - :\11 "~ H le ll Gl'uham, 1I1 Rtru ctO l' of ' GlJld,L' \\<',,1< ntl. til' L e na, Uh io , ser ve peace and ,I ec o rum in t he hoving your lawn m o wer s harpJune 15, Trinit y S unda y, Ch ilI e h I the :J -A and 4- 8 grades in the ealkd on IPI,IUIl'S h('1 (I Sun da y FARM,.q " , GR ANGE a pitol building and S tate H o u se e ned at th e WayneSVIlle Auto and sc h on l lit !l 30; Mo r ning' PIIIY l' I' BAND CONCERT Erlll'Hl'ds se h ou l, /l ~ th e dllte of h pI' a ft e r noo n, j.!\,ou ncl s, Th ey are I efel're d t o as Muchin e ry Co, and Se l'1110n at 1 () .30 , - ---mart iage to G e tll gop W a ll of BIIII i- I T h" \l'g' u la. IIll'(' 111I 1.( (\ r Wayn es "Capltol Polree" and fiv e o( th e m R ev J, J Schaeffer, Rector, 1'h (l \\' :r )' n (,~ IIJ1 p Sl h oo l B,lJld 1110le, l\Id" the int e lt's ting' n e W5 El l'S IIOI "h ll' lOll' S ec 111. RII - vIII,· 1-':1 ' 111 1' 1'" (;'>1I1)('l' N o . 1:1 was se rved thloug h o ut thc SpanishMr, and MI'S, Ronald Hnwkc II dl l!i lP 111<' i. ('tl I'CI'I't ill (""'II in. being a nn o un ced at a pUlty givl'n d,dp'h T tlll" da~' , T h ul'sday li nd held S,l{ulrlal, ,lUll" i, with u Am dcan wal'. The rrounds and lind so n Fm nk, s pent Sunday \\Ith FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Tllt'~ d a \' , ,I u ne l 'lh at R p , 111 , Mo nd llY v(' nlllg In the Mlly fl we I .'Iltultia> " t ["11')' ,, J ~ \\ ' lry Sh u p, , !!flild utt l' nil a Il C" building; nrc c loseci to the public Mr. and MrR. Leslie Dillon and 1': I'e l'yb"d v \lp!cnn1l' ('III11C fl ll d tl'a l oom by M, S, Mary oy e', I L e banon, OhIO, A lII'\' th {' 1'";< 111(' ' ' "t's ~ l n n the lifter eleven o' c lock p. m" when children at Columbus. ~ibl e , ('hoo l ~lt !) " !O a , m . h ( al' the vOllng,'s t "und In the !\Irs F!'ancl s ,B l elsfcllri, 1\11~" 1 ~Illl t h , lI u ),!' h "~ I II.'~ ~ fUllll s hed th e Iuungers on th e s t e ps and benchC htl~l'en s I?ll Y ,WIll bl' ",bs e l \',c d, . ~t ;J I " o f Ohio, Gu ldle Y odl' l', M,ss Mll . Y BIcking f'hn - . Smi th, R n , ' nli t h , a n d 1, llollln g' (' xn'p LIt) ndll ~ ),!' ntld p I'\)eli are r equest d to leave. When Mrs. C. E. Prince. of N e wark, An. lllte l'estlll,g , pr().!~rll~l I: b ~ 1l1 1! 1 E I' I'r~' hody in Wu y n es v lll e and an~J_ Ml fiS ,lara B Cl'fyhlll., fam"\" a nd AII'll''' lI ay and farnill' gral1l , the g ua rds I1lllke lheir rounds in an(1 Mrs. Wayne G, L,ce, of Da,y- anange d, EnJo~ t~ l ~ p r o~r'l111 , md Vlemltl ~ h O lild h ~,11 Ih!' ~c h oo l l 1 ho se pl1l1l,'!!c rl to s hfl1 e In the nf OSb n ll1 . Onl('. atle nt! pd mem o \" ~Iu s ic the morning th ey frequently find ton, s pent Thursday WIth their s ls-' c,ncour'uge, th e chl l,dre n In ~hIl S- , Band play, b c a l1 ~e llw l' nl,' a part ~ t'cI :l1 functi o n In atldllion to lhe !HI " I' l\lct·~ IWl t' Sund" I' afle l11 0" n W"I "' 111 Ilnlt ~ (l ck, 'ha d es Hart l an accumulati o n of contalne1's that t e l, Mrs, George Kcrn , tla,n actiV Ity, L Old s S~~Jl C I al!d " I' our L: o mmu nit \' , and \I'e s hoult! ' h o n o r gu e~l and th,c hoste~scs Hock, (' l' c il il a v i:" an d ,Iulian Illlght be e nvlded by an antique brI e f addl' e!<s by the n111n s t I WIll h c Int rc s ted a lld pl'o u d of Cl l1r l \\,~I (, Mrs, AI~crt Sum111ers or ~I I , ,l lId M. s, r., II. G!ll d nl1 an d Cra l,b,! fl1lm rI an IIIch('s tl'u whic h b ottle collector. Gifts for weddings and s how- foll o w. You n re ulway s we lcome h Ollle a c tiV ItI es, PIqua , MI,'" K c n,n l'th McC lure. M I, Su san Wrik e r 'I, n nUt'nued rUI'I11 Rh ' li ex cl'lI 'nt l11u ~ i c. Mrs . CI S, A charming selection at at Ihls chu rc h , , , W ake tip! Wayn ~ \'il l e nnd th e l\t1 ~ Refi 011ve lIunt, Edna t h e f un l a l " I' 1\11'';. T, N, WIII, c l'- .J. B. C la bb e , ncc, )mpal11 s t. Harry D. Hale exec utiv e clerk Cary's J ewelry Shop, Lebanon, C heste r A. Willralllson, Mll1ls t e r I'lci l11t~" b o ost \, OUI' comlll u nitv an d Kat h e llnt; Ehrhn!t, ,l ea n Me- ~() n at SPl'inl!: 1Ir11 Sunday afte l OUI S plll \' ln g' I 'r nl!: l'al1l , I~~ tle in th e office Of Secr etary of State Ohio , tore ope n e very evell lnj7 , -- - - - - - - ('nte l Pri S CO and Il c t il'it ies, . dUll S, Wuv (,;a hn e W~ltm e l', Mab el n 0 011, Ha g e l1le) cr C lal'Bnce ,J. Brown, ht1 Ilecepted until !l p. m. A BIRTHDAY DINNER Do n ' t fort! ~t the datp, Tu esdav l RurrC'~ s , Maltha Smith and PlIlIl,llId ,' , n!! S h e" ". Jo:ll1 c~ 1 Co nk . lin invitut io n to pres id e as chair.Junc I i l h a t R 1' , III In West. I 1\11', and 1\1. , ,I oh n Hye al1d r o ult l v ,IUri!!1I1I{, (; p, "g ' B eckma n at thc Opening l'eremonies of Ml's. M, Brasher, a nd Miss , ' ~I:tk e 1I11l ~ IC 1'0 111 fll c nd fl III SlI d!!e \IU S p laye d at f o ur tabl e s dll ll!!'ht "1 , 1\IIs, E, .1 HilI 1,)0, nf e tt. ~I liS le the State A e ri e l Conv e ntion of Docia Mile Kent, of Columbus, ~hl unday Jun e the CIl!:hth t h e I'o llth u n t il d ea th th e Sl'I'le;; J('~ultil1g in the fir s t ~It. II " II \" SPl.'11t Thl1l''II,IY "Il' nthe Frntt.'l'nal Olde r of Eagles , to wel'C wee kcnd guests of Misses c!llldren and gra nd-c hrll,l l'e ll o r I' __' _ _ pl' l7.e being award ed to III, s , ing' lIith 1\11. lind i\Il , ,n E, Vl o l, 11 S .. I", ]< " II ,IId HH1'I11I1. VII).!'1I11.1 lI ald'I1, aC'ltl 'lI panl t. be held In the I1igh Schoo l AlIdi- Annie and Mame Brown , MI', and Mn" ha, S mith ce le' ulIlm er" A hrid a l gift " ( I I'; P' ('- Sta ndif ord, tOl'ium at Newark, o n Sunday, brated th e seve nty-thll'd blrthduy BIFtTHDA Y DINNER I il l' nted to MI ~,; Grahllm, I G!'J1L'l'a l Li\ e S l oe k , FJ'llnk ,Iune 22, the welcom o address to Mr, and MI's, Walter Williams, Ilnnl\' CI'Sal)' of the lult e l nt the . h !lde~ o f o r c hid lind ye ll ow MI' nlld MI ", :'I 1 ~ e l' lI yman had ,'lIlIltu l Ill d g'l llg (ti lJ all Y C.,tll ,' , Ro nultl be d l' lrvored hy Maj o r R obb inS nee ~~dna Jann e v, of Kin gma n, h ome of Ml'. ancl 1\11'" Wm. Bel', we r e e tf(' ct lv e l\' a ll unl!; ed in ihe " " t ir l'i . )(' 11< -Is nt n picIJIC dlnl1er Hunter with I cSIJo nse by Wortrhy lire !Innouncing the birth of u nal'll lind family l!f Route I" 1'f' I~~:l,~ ('~ r~)~:.'~~\~I~1 ~"e:~d s h an d tab le dec ol'[l tion ~ and Itl so predonr - 111 th l' Bt' ll z w,,,"l ~ , .'u n dn\', • c la- I I ti l ti m, !\ 1 1l ~ il' It I' (l J'( h 's t I'll !':tate Pres id e nt Gomld . Nau. daughter', Thursday, June 5. A ~ umptu o u s dInn e r wu s e11J oy- of' 1\11' and MI . 1\1' , e o m e , IIl:ll ed In th e daInt y ro llal1 o n, li\ (IS 1'1 " Ill {In , lnndtl, .Jal1l es t o\\'11 Grand L odge officillis willulsll be I'd by MI'. and Mrs , E Is w u Jth , OITl S R oge l s' l The guests Wl' l e a s ked t n ,011 (> IIlId I.l' bllll On , Th,' .luI'L' nd,' \\ill fll' lI i- h nl:>xt prese nt al1d the pl'ogr.Jlm promises Mrs, Mury MeClurl', Mrs. Emma Smith and dnughtel's o f Da y t on , . ,li nda ,\' In hllnor o f the la tte r'!; a h Cllrt pu zz le alld wh e n th )la rt " 1IIt' (' IIIlI!:'- pl' lI f,\' I':1I11 to be lllOSt plcas ing', Arrllngem e nts Mc Clule, Miss Mary L eah Edwards Ml', lln d Mrs. B e n ljmlth s n n anti ~"lthd<1r ~rn1\' el ~Il\Y MI') Emma \\e l e put togl'the . Il read "II(,len 11 111'" Y" UI' la\\'l1 nrrr\l'l'r ~ hal'l' ­ have been made to care for thou s und Ge orge Edwards spent severa l daughtcl' MI'. and MI S, Roy Burh- "Is on, , I ~~es I, W e le I', a nd , lind (; e ()J'g'e - ,Jun e 24, I!I :!O "-- (, Iw d I,,' Ill\' , ame IlalC hlll IY (\ ~ ands o f VIsitors tlUl'ing the conven- days last week at Indian Lake. llllln Ro n and duu ghtel' and MI', L('lI la Thl'lI. l\Ir, l'lank ""ll p!, Tl ll l' Dail y N e \l s , u;;« ti in lhl' f " ct n l' ~' . at t h ' WII~III" HAS S IX DECREES lion \veck. llnd C ha !-i S inith or Os born , 1\1 ... and I\h'R. I[nt' ohl R ogc)'~ , 1\11'. . \dlL' Auto and 1\1at'hlt1 0 t' Y ('0 - ---Vi. it Cary's Jewelr y S hop Dr. an,1 1\11 . Eilts .' mith nnd MI ~- ,J errI' H og('1's. {I' , u!l tl Mrs, Rav - - -, - - • " 11 .. Ihat h,'lh I" him s hnll be SEWING CLUB g ll'l'n ,. State TI'ea s urel' Hoss Ake re- Leuanon, Ohio. Hel'e you' ll finli s(' ;! Alma and M.lrian Krnn ey o f l\I Jl le r an cl <o n !\fllrl n n , MI'. nnd well as incinnati, MI'. and 1\1r-s. lid 1\11';;, Frank Roge r s , Mr, IInrl, ~1I ;; . ' ~ II ' II II 0 Wlll i,lmson , 1\1iss And if ) ' 11 11 d OIl' t. he lr pv e it, a s k POlts a balance 011 hand in the gifta in novelties.ll Smith and MI', lind MI :;. G eOl'gc \\ 1l! R oge l:, and daugh te r MII'Hl m ' l , I Glace Wdl illl1 nn n nLl !\1r~, Dori s 8' (\lh (> 1' Al ll'OI1 ,', " atkin s , Illlf,t o r general fund June firs t of $4,205,- J'cII'elt'y, watches 'and diamond s, mith so n and daughte r of W ll Y1 he a II' Wil H :t complcte 5urThe J(Jlly W OI kl' I's Sew Ing lub lI awkc a lten ded C,"n llll' Il CemQl1t o f W e~ l e y M, E, c hurc h 905,10. During the month of May D T W ncsvili e. ' , ' p lise to the ho s tess and a d e lki- of Mu s~ ie Twp, held two v e l y In - u .: e l'C1S"S al Ohl() W esle vn n UIIIV ' I' "BI'lIthel" ~W:tlkln s ' officinl the l'eceipt!l w c re $1,265,610,40, - - - - • - - -n us dl n nl' l' wn s RCI'VCr! tl1P !!ue~ts tel'e!lting m ec tings la s t w e e k , Mon s lly , li n 1\londuy, 1IIIl' I, th(' lI nn , HI' I' DI'. PI Ur, while the di sb ursements totaled call~~i on'J'ayne~~i\I~ffri~~dc~IM~n;~ " . I . huvinl!; hlllUght well fill e d bas kets du.y !Ifte l'n OO ll th e I el.( ulal 1lll! l!l- 1 I ' Cupt. Aal'on Sh'e l 1111111 Watl<il1~, $3,125,385,81. A t th e b ~ ginning 0 f I ,ay, D r', .ay IS p anlllng u trip to ATTENTION, JUNIORS! \\ llh th e lll. in'" was held In th e H OIll !.' E C,'IIO I1l 'v'dbul H ume s n f N~II Y,ork B. S " i\1, S" Ph, n" L. [( D, D , th e pres nt month ' thcrc was a f£urope alld expects t o sail July ., r- L t i N ' k II ' i c~ room of th e high sc ll o,, 1. nOll -' " \ , s C.\11l1t ,"1)1 ,' II' ,OIl' e - n, L L. p " liv(I til les In fr o nt of -- - - bnlunce in the Highway fund of BI'o , W, BUltis"Il, Di~tnct Depl tlne bll HIIlI's s wa ~ cOllducted unci t,al d.llIn g- (' ar. ' 1ll' nt the \\ el' k , hI:; n UllI e and I G il11tiuls behind iL. $16,113,164.02, W orld War COI1l- 12. ut?" will make an oflicia l v i ~ it t o l ANNUAL PICNIC plans made r o r the all -rlu ) SC'lIllI K ,'!!cI \\ llh Ill S ~ I , lIId ll1 ll th e r, Mrs, I Til, IlIte ~t of the de~le (: s wa!! ,- p e ll Ration, $1.260,031.12, Gasoline Mr~ Chas. Nichols of Cincin. , .,' , ' Knt~leen Gru\" ricmlOlI Htl'ated ,lh(l K,Z ZI l' T h ' ,ll1}1 solt, con fe lT ed thi S \\'e,' ic when A s bury Tnx Exci~e, $1,104,586,91; State natI spe nt last week with MI'R. MIami VlIlJcy Councll, n e xt F,~I- ' " dLlY evenlllg, Jun e l :J. He \\111 , I he 1.lIh .,n.n ual So uthcln PICIllC lI1akmg o f a h e n('h s eU1l1, SlI l1d . ' co llege , of w hI c h he WU ~ at o n e - Otllce BlIllding $821.397,83. In- Williams on at the Ferry parsonage prubably be a ccompnl11cd by V~SI- wa~ h ('~ d at Shawnce Pal~: X Clll!l , WIeh e!:! and C,ICII Il -lI1llk 11"'1'(' ~" I vr d .r Ol h n !'qUI I{'S. (h a ~ Satler'l h· trill' pl csl d e nl, gal'l' hln l the d estrtu ti o nal Building, $222,077.90. and will remllin until about Thul'~ ' tol'S fl om lIamiito n, Middleto wn OhIO , Satuldu), .Iun c 7, Ih ose In by the h\J s tc ss~ s, Alic e lint! I{ath - I'lI lll' , JI ' ,\I:lrd 1\1, ss lltI, ne lind gre o: of !J od or "f lI1\inl t \', The l'e is a balanc e of $53,082,354, day of this week. nnd olh el' Co uncil s , All mCmb el'fi Iltt l' lIdall('C from Wayn e. Vill e w I e leen Gray, 1I .ln y L llId (' mood w"I'e a.m o n go Th (' " ll ollolll b l r " lltle cnme 12 in the Workmc!n 's Compensaof thi s Counci l, viSIting and !<o- 1\11 n nd Mr ~ , C h urles Hartsock' i On Wednesday th,' aIl , dn y sc \\ - th o ~,' \I h " n~telld"rI tht' all I al' l'S II hl'l\ he wu s nlllllinatl'd On th~ tion fund and $46,381,447,31 in Mr, and Mrs, John Best and son j o urnrng brct~ren are earnestly 1111:-. und ~I's . F l e d ,K llllmerle y ing ,was h e ld at t he hOIll(' of O UI' a l FUl1field Saturday, Pl o hihltl o ntr('kct In 1!I24 f o r presi the State Teacher's Retirement c, f Miamisburg, and Mr, and Mrs. uried to be plesent. I !ill S <\n n ll S h e ~han, MI. ~nd Mrs, adv,"or, 1\1IS" D'lIothy Hawk e. Shc l .C"I de nloJ' Ih r' U lli t e d Sbltes, H I! beSystem fund. The inactive acounls Robelts of Blanch ester, were callGuy Ho~kett, C. , R{.bert C I ('II', I hln n e u ~ C ('o k and hrought hcr CUI' In t o t UWI1 anti Th,' Guild A [lX ,111I 1V of ., calli !' "Capta In " wh e n he taullht totnl $17,359,150,00 and the active (I r s at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Cleaver, R. S' l AIton EUlnhal't. : tooK u s a\1 to he r h o nll' In the Mal Y's ChUI l' h 1'0 111 IlwC'1 'HI 1'1\· in i\l inllll i\ltI,I.IIY In s t itute: The $6,675,328.32. J, C, Hawke Sunday. l' o untl'Y, Thel'c we w ere all busy tillY uftcl' lHllIn, ,June I a, ut t\\ O ,Icgl'('c ~ lI'el' e con fClI' (',1 by vlIl'ioll S ,I se wln/o!' . o n OUI' .rnl'l1lcn t,q, At n~ o ? o'cloc k at th e h UIll !? of Mrs, ll, r. r 1I11 1Vc rs lti CS ,Il II h ICit h e has s tudWatches, clocks and jewelry reI Mrs. Hawke sel ved II vel\' d elrclran e , Ml's, C , une and MI ~ , ,' , ! Il'tI li nd laugh t. W, F. M_ MEETING pair!!. We use only genuine mater"Bu t )'111 Ius l p l,tin Ill o thCl l ous dinn e l', t o whIch all did ample Hendclsoll, h ()~ t e s~es , _ , lUi. Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon j j u s lice Se wlIlg w as co ntinu e d \\' ,1 loins I II t l1l' foil. , whll know A very 'interesting session of Ohio, Expert watchmaker and llftel' d,nn e r, Sevelal of u s cnMI , Ilnd M l's , Elins OI.(l , h l'( , lilt'," I h,' L ima fJa~ I ' >I' p)( plained the Woman's Foreign Missionary engravel' in charge. joy e d hOl'sc, bnck riding as our M I, and M I ~ , ,1 Q, Groll " l\1 1"~ A 11( " Thul,· tla\' II Iwn ask ," ho w h e Society was h eld at lhe home of I'I."CJ ell tllln, M l'!<, fla wke I1IOt UI ed nnd J o hn Go n s , ,\11, a lid \1. , - IJIIlIld IJ(' add I'l, ~ ,',' , I. --Th c Lima Mrs, Hnrry WIlliamson on June 4, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Stump of I us 1'lIck t u to\\n in the eV t:nin g. Fr ed G"n~ lind t1 ,r1t!1'l'1I \\t·It' <1 111 - :'\ ( II " with Mrs. Chas, H o ugh, Miss Ra- Harveysburg, and Mr, and Mrs. n e r I-':U ('~ t s SUlltiay of ,I ud)!,' .r lld W e had II d t' lightful day, ch pl P etit and Miss Grllce Willium C lifford Buzick and children, of Alice Gray , H eporter Ml's . C , R, IJ Clha n t .n I. l,hol n ,1 n s on assisti ng, Sidney, were Sunday guests of CHURCH OF CHRIST Th e devotional period was con- Mr. a nd Mrs. A, L , King, !\Ir, flnd ~ Ir ~ A tc'l1l' I l!al t ~II,' k, - -,- dllct ed by the Pres ident and praythe ANNUAL MEMORIAL SERVICE MI', alld i\11 ~ , R" b elt \V ,tl l ,' 1l a ll d , TI", 1!1t/lith aJ1nlll' l "lIry er was offel'ed by Mrs. Mary MI'. and Mrs, Roy Ellis, son of 1III I'tUl1, :\11' lIn ri ~II '" H(' ll (' '1 1' h il i (h"' 1 \I'U,; cl'le bl'!Ited LCllh Adam, Rh e u Ellis, Mr, Charles Day, Mr, , I ~e l'- 1l. 'II'ts tI·'k ,llJ"hlc' . B" t! \,' Ul1t! SI1I1t\ The an nual JOInt l1l e mOIlU ,,'Inrl .d. ( ,I\' , .l u lI \' Hlil A ft e r the business session a and MrR, Will N orto n w e re guests I' Mr ~ .J, L, li art s,H:k sl' ('nl :-:u l1da l Jn l' h li llri. C'd ,llId "' ,xtce n at pI ogl am wa s l'e nd e r e d relative to at II dinner at the home of Mr. and : vle e~ of the I. 0 , 0 , p" K 0 f I' 'I I P, hi I.' h I \ I t •• and ,Ir, n, lJ, A , M . lodge s w e r e in ~Iilf o ld , thl' ~u ,,~ ls (0 " I "II ( , !.' " t o u , ~ 1() 1 ))1'l',:"I'am WU R ollr Agricultural Mil'sions. A book- Mrs.' Ray Harrison in Lebanon, h e ld 111 Mluml cemetery Sunday MIS F,ed Ila.t ~"c k Hntl la111"~ L'lv (' n ,ll t h p clos t' of t he s tudy of let entitled liThe Gospel and the Sunday. ' aftern oo n, with Ha ymon F. H al ~ 1\11~ ,I L. l! u lt ~ lJ ~k f(lI1 a flJ('d fill th{'C It' s<u n Gmin" was relld by Mrs, Kenneth I field plesiding, a I1I UI (' exte ll d'd VI<I t. I Ll mlllllll ltl n a t II II Ill, A very Lawn mowers sharpened by H oUl!'h . Mrs . Crn~s I'ead an overh h Intt' l e s till A' :ld ,l, (IRS o n P e ntecos t s ~' as letter and Mrs, R. J, Adams Electrakeen process, same method Th e progrum o p e ~,c dl WI~ t e 1\11' a nd ~!I ~ R (; C II ''' H h,.d \\' n~ l!;1\ " 11 bl' 8 1'(0, II ~ nr' y Sweal'ingnve tw o beautiful vocal select- as used by lawn mower manufacs inl!'ing I) f "Amel'lca Jy t (I a s , lis thclI' tl lnn ~ 1 I!:I1 Cs f< un SlIndav " C'!. P.I" l.' I' f) i' th e c hul'ch, "My ions with Mrs, Beck at the piano. A turers. Electrakeen system turns se mblage acc Olllpnni ed by th e [\11' alld M. s , P . (l li nyc s of Fai th L o o l, ~ II)) t v Th ee" and "all " out perfect cuttinfr mowers, Try Wayne Township School band. II I I P d elicious iee was served nt the Folin\\ ml: the lIlvocati o n Rev Ripl ey, MJ'B. MUI th,l K incaid, ;\11', I II I t Ie till l' r of J l'SUS' Name," ROJ Pigott. close of the Illceting. C l OSS pas tor of th e Lebanon M , CIHII'lcs FI,uze<:, li nd clllllg'ltter ";Cl'I' t h e two ~o n~s L1_ d in evel'y E, churc h gave an excellent ad- _111/\ o f SUrdll1lU, 1\11, Arth ul' ,.,~u", c h of C IIl .s t. In t h e world, .At Mrs. Rachel Crew and , 1 '1 hll·l en , M IS S FJl'l'lYII 1I 1l,I'('S of! I o1 a p, Ill, I h ~' I' e~ ulal' I'e nmg GOOD CUT CLOTHING CLUB Frank entertained at Sunday dinA band selection and the bene- C in CIlln !lti , i\fI S~ l\lur~" S OI11(' rmei c l' se l:I' lc' wa~ held . a IIlI'g'e audi ne e ner Mrs. Addie Whitakter, MTS. diction concluded the program BOti t o n, 1\1<1 85, <lnd . I I', R, A . 1'( 55 bplng' PI' ,enl: Th e Men 's choru s The s,:! o nd meeting of the Good Jo sie ' Whitaker , and sOn Marion, · h d gave (\ s e leC I Ion !Ilso Mrs R ,I Cut Clothing lub was held Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker a 1 ter whIch the gl'aves of t e eM d 1\1 E L 'I' h Ad ll ll\ ~ san" "Th 1'1 • f ·'Or : ceased members were strew ed with r. an ' I'S. " , o ma!!, K ' ;, ' , ", !l om 0 Iny day, Junl' ,6, at the home of the and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert , ' \f \', hU R, , I. l'h lLIgh. M 1', /.I nd lng, aft(,1 whIch t h e Pas tor l eader, Mrs. Baker, After a short Orew and Phineas Cook. flo\~el s. MI's . . M. R o bftze r, Mrs . RIlY R'~l\'e, a talk on P nt~cost. 'the bebusiness sossion, an interesting . . Mills, MI', /llld Mrs, ,1 0 , H wke, grnnlllg of thc hu rc h, -te!:!! 2. talle on club work, was gIven by Sunday mo"tnmg, audumces at FOOD ' SALE Mr, . John 1" 1'0 III Ill, MI', alld Mrs, - - - .... _ _ _,_ Mrs. Hill ik Ill'. Marjorie Florence, the Chur~h of , ChrIst, these-;~aY',1 K. N. Ho'u gh , 'Mr:. H. B. Earnhtu't Jane Oook and Juanita Brannock are enjoymJ1: some exc.ellent lay Sold Smoke.. , The ladies of the Church of l Mr. ~rs. 1 L . C. 't. John, Mr, e comprise the refreshment com preaching. T~e aermon JU!le 8, by hrist wiiI hold II mnrket at the Mr, and MI'!;. W. E. StI'oud, Mr, MI.. SaUv Senslck i. !lhown tookinlf at the fi.r.t edition of rrittee 101' the next meeting, which ' Henry Sweanngen wall enjoyed by Township house Snturday, June and Mrs. L. V, Branstrlltol' atte nd A. C. Blair has .sold li:I;!'='t~1 will be held at the home ~of all. The sermon Sunday morning ta:.::rearers 'p~ys, wort" ovu $l~IOOO. In ,b.o \rea.\lre room of the 14 at 9 :30 a, m, Everything good I ed Easte!'n lar ins(Jccti ll n at New I to James Lovely, who op Baker, June 13, Ju\1e 15, will be delivered by A. to 'eat, Your. patronage solicited,' Burlington Monilay night. , 0 001 rou'm. • • fublic I.~ + _ ..--::-~~ • Juanita ' Brannock. Rep, R. Vance.




















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THf: MIAMI CAZETI'E unll'S ~ the p lu ill tifi' I' I'I)"y illC' ,'('cti r· i t ~· f ll r OS b \1 il h{ll ;' 1) dIl Y>. lhe L'ast! " ill bt:' dis m i,)\~ ed . , T h l' d f e n dll nt/;, A lb(' r t G. and , Ma r y E. loll' hll\'l ng o n v y cd thl' premis e' in th p la intiff ' s peti· ti o n t o t he p ili in ti ff , David E . -Dunh am, in f u ll ' l'ettil1ment of a ll m att T covered by t h e Ilctio n, th e C o mmon , Plea. COllrt a s e wa dismis ed, I n tho CII e of W illia m Frazier, In the case of The State of Ohio wh o 'e nam e is m o re irequ ntly ver ue J ohn B erger. t he j u ry Te.' 1lt')I ed Fro al', II xecutor of t he urned a verdi ct of ~lli1ty In m a n· la _ \I ill of C Ul'oli n e Roger , de. ner aod f o rm versu the d efendunt, r a~l'd, it'b inl!: mnlc 10 np p e lll' t,o wh I' ef ore h e WII S 5 n te n ced t o the lhl' ('"ul'l II Oi l b~· i nnd v~ rtl\n . S l\ e R e r'O l'tlla t ol'v at Man s field, till' " JlY of the will If W ill il1n l O. fo r 11 p e riod or' 1 y enl·. ~I ,'rri" a tt a ch '"I to p~ l itio n , n it! . a nlllt'l Tr \l vill o e nt e r ed a p leo nll incitl(lt' thl' ('"dicil t o t h will , II f gui lt y t o th e chu l'l:" IIIw inst hint u n IlHlti ll ll. II W IIS 'H" "cl"~ d l hat ' a n d w n. ~t' nt e n e rI t o I ~' (,!Ir in th ,' plaiitti lT lJ(! )."l'llnt ' t1 leu\'" tll t ht' :I n t e Hcfo rllwt ll ry , nt Mu ns:.lllll·n d loy ,,'l l ille f(,nh a copy of fi ' Id. ",u id e, ,,h ' il and s lliwbl.. a ll egoa- ,



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\1 .\11 ~ m, ' t ,i ":lnd I'll (l'Y " ,!" it. \\'ha I.llItf mll:-I I \llOlkl":"' :-:h .. V. :l:--. It \\ ard"d h~ T hl" l " (lk in tIll plll " 1" l..:lr~ ft~\,' n~ :--}\\') o.;.IU},!\!I, d up "n .•Il ('II",\\" "Thl') t" ~ n I t )In' ttl i ," .. hi' :-:Ild \:\).!'III:; " 1':'t l1 it' , ' jill c ,!,,' da lt (' l ' :11. th, ' 'l,lIH'l'~ an' Ll.'l'lll ' ,\111 l'a" .: '" h,·I" tf ~"u j ll-t I!" Ilwl'l' a l1 ' ll·1\ ,);11", h,,\\ ' i, an ' "IT"r III ~t '. ' Il\\' pl:\\' ,. T Hn~ t i l hinl i t-... . uti 1 '11\: " 1: ' II the dn· ... :-- II1·-I' \ lin!. ,\ .. }.. ft. r (J Ut ,""j " ~L I ri~. ~IH" S .1:l k,:, h,·:t ·: h,,,:, ··.-. :-:h,: ~ III)' )'al. ,1\" all' t h,' Lt'''! H" ht, lilt. ~ t- l ' 11 ,J" hI' 1'l ' ~I." " I lIlI"'·'~I: II Hl. B lIl. .. 1·,l\I'Il' (JI" t ,· ' 111'" . I n k, ·'~ " I:ll'l' i~ all 'I'i g-fl: ': T \ 1 i.!'irl in t ht· 11l·d \\'1\'" !-- Ji l' Jl ",' ht· ,'lr,, 1' (of :l lkill !!:1 >' 111\1 , It a,ill' h:.d d"/I (' hUI ,h, ' ra lli .. d t" Ihl' qlll :--t it! n, " I' ll I (·11 ill' II "rid il i, ," , I,,· Lll .t l J.d d ( d lt. " P , n't ~' 1I1I ~ i' t u n ic1r'l' "I' "hi ,·· ... 1011" , IIlI L '1' 11 ,·1',"



Y, ll1

",. hll l:ridl on: " y , u' lI k '1l'k c\nWI1 ~i x " I' pi)."h( " " II 'lr~ " III 'h \I nltll ll l I· \· in ·. I lllllk l' "ll "I' .-\n ~· gll)' 'hal" II )·.. :11 .::u ~"1 1 , l Ip Y"u a <1,01· lal' ,0( 1\'" f ,,1' d:lnei n ' with hinl :t I" . ·' l'l,,·l.dly if Ill' 1,lnc\< "n .\' ,'\ 11' r l' t' n:," td' TH' tin l l-, .\ n' h .. ,r"· ·~ :.I\lal·, ~om' L:1I \' lI"ill pay fo r \'lI lIl' ~dllll~'r. ( I o . ~:I~' .. ~h[: Hskt'cl thl' '1u" t ion \Ii ,- lIdol"l\ ;Inxi ·t\· " ' 1 )1 ) j.! t :1f)\,(hll1l! .. '\' t ' nr~1' . . 1-:1',· 1",, )..,,;1 :I( Iw l' Id ll nk h ·. "~II, I didn ' , linn},!' an ~ ,' ('n ill),.! dl'i", ... "T h, n Ink .. "Il " ,,' mi lH·. a ny ,0 11" '\, U Irl..t Y II U :In ' Illl·· ... :l1 l1ll1 t (I, ,' '" " IlH' ,; iZl·. B u t htl Iry. T Ill'

~h(' ~ :tld ktl\llIy.



'EM·FMT Rapid, uniform growth of pul .. lets in the summer months and complete development by October 1st depe~d on getting birds to eat enough of the right kind , of feed . Pullets cannot mature properly and start to lay successfully in five to six months without consuming an abundance of good Growing Mash, such asWayneAII Mash Grower.

t u i t ~ pJ'uhatl New S uits In llll' e a~t' of T he S tal lI f h io :-\ L' W YouJ" L ife In sura n ce omit" " n H 'l ati ll ll:- ,.1' T h e p(" I' ll's .'ta t pn n y \' el'~u~ F.:ll iR ,i n c! Zo!! . mith 1;:llIk "I' IllIliH nllp" II>'. , I nd., \'I' I'SUS f o r m o n ey am n unt c l ll ill1 ~ d $5:! OO I' \ ; 1 . ' t t' f, r " dan1-". Hn!, , '. SLi II 'l 'l al .. up"n lll ntiu n wi th int e l' e~t a t r; fr o m Marc h I. I ' ""!' - · :I1I],·ti h,\'. , I" 11'1 ,I,. ' -1 t Inll ('I't d. "I' I h,' " · I''' I1<lanl'' 10 d i. m iss th ~ I !I;W. f o r ec los ur e o f m Ol't)!lIg(' o nd "I:, _ ,. " : h" I' , .r! ," \I I it "I' 1l1llnd:II11U S a ~ I" th('m a s ~nl(' n f I'~nl e~ tn l e r1 (,,;c l' ib t><J in th e I It t ' ,. r '1 .. J • ! " illdl\·lllual,. (hl' C" Ul' t s lI s tai n e d pe t it i,' n : cns t hC' I'e in ex pe n d ed nnd ~ .l.l~ ", l .t! h,' dId,,' \\:\n:;.t ~a id 111<1 i,' n, and Ihm t h l')' )." 0 a ll furt hl' l' I ' Iot ul ('quilub le n 'h"lll'" wn h ( 1ll"1' c,.'st ~ . . 1(1 be lie f. t· · I 1" . hit t,. 1' ,'I Jldrl't Il' , I ' J' 1 :111 i , 1):;1111 . ~ I~ th l' nl'X ' ta~<· d agaln :'( Ihl' pla llllt tL T h l' P ('n pl ,,' s B lIi ldinlot. Loon (l nd ,· It !:o:·' t , . 'l't' ',' " IIf' I .".1,' , I lit ', I .... "'net 11 ~ \ lh .. t i .\I 11 l rll\\' B l anl. \\"iI ~ up pll ln'.cd as Sa l' i n i(~ C o mp a ny of Lc bll nu n, vel' '\.1 ',11 \\' I,'. , f till ;11r [lIr mi lh . " E \", I I ri,·d . ;Inri ", Ietl,·d 1111' n g'lll ird 1" a s,:!;·! tlH' ,:hl'l'l tT III ~ IlS Ha l'l' Y 1\1 . Lind c r. f o r m on ey " I :-1 I . . . i i',I"! H : tlldllt\':tltl Hf ~I i:-.~ I ) :\\'t'll· "." \""YI Ilg' J " hn Ill:r g-l' r tll l h l' a m o unt c laimcd $ • .J Gri. U2 with in pnrt ' .. :- , '\ 1·)'01 1 dilnl'int.:' - !!Ilwn:o: :\ :-.; :ltl' I t'f ,'rmlll ,, !'y; I ll' r es t at $!\,:l . p e r w ce k fr om ; • I " "l it a ,·I ,, :.\'nl·'~ t hll l 11.,4 '" \\\1, '1' . J:\idlnll,' .\I i!-o:o:. III till' ('a;ol·. of rh" lmll Ca l' l'u ll i\l ardl 15 , I !I;W f ,, !' t he fore e l ul; u r e f:till~' '"llld.· ,' I',·lI li " ll i n \I'h ill' ,i 1\',.1'. II , ' I' " \1'1 ( 'I ,d il ~I'\..' :·lt 11 . .,:\1 \ l' I ~ U ~ J " hn I a ~'I' o ll, It \I ti S ,' I'd e!'- IIf \1W rtg- a g l' , f u r th e llJlJlo int m e nt ",),)0 , . , liPI " 'I'- t " mall'l l i" ,,~ ,:d t 11:It t hl' iI.I ,·IHlanl llPPl'Ill" b l'- : o f a rf'ce ive r u n d fu r l' 'Iu ilnbl e !'t, . • f I I'" I I. \\ - I . , 'l nI P:-O. !" hl' \ \ (llll d ".' 1'" t ht! ~ .. urt ,.n .I u rlt' 1-1. lit 10 l ief. I ., I " . , .. " 11 " 11PI ;,.. ,.<1 ir th ih,' 1,,1' -1i" I L" " ~I ' IJ..: " In hi I r , III}I. ha\'in ~ put " ,'I ,,(' k a . Ill. I" , h (, ~' ('l1 l1 SL' wliy ' Th e P t'o pl e'R Bu ild ing, Loa n a nd , ,. t 101 t J :, 1..1 ";[ "' 1,<1 h" 1" pnin .1\11 \ \ h~' , h"lI ld n ll t . I)(' ari J lIdg' l' d ).:U li ly S:\ \'in gs C o mp o n y II f Lc·ban un . 0 .. d ' , ,,' 1'1 , l,t r ll1 tt'1I1 itlll f.f :-otli,. (,r ~"" Il"IlI~ t lI t ('u u r l. . I' "I'SUS Mnry Fni r, ,Jo hn F ai r, R,'sa ~ • H ,'r't! 1'101 hl ' l :11 h t' ('i.l hilI t' t 1. " 1,, r l (, lI l' n, ' \' p lc:a d C' d J.:u tlt y t o . Pope . G rac t' S t o b e r " Guar oi n n lI f I Ill' dUIIl!l' al!fl l ll ".t hltll a nd W i!' 0 1'- Rosa 1''' 1' and Le ura BUl').( dall, for ;1 111/ ;,t d"pal tt' d 1.. ell! SII. Sh (l dvr ,·d til p a y 11 hil l' o f $ 1UO and n1ll n c ), . a m o unt c luim c d $ !l 13. GO "' ·I' - ,·If 1.:\ 01 al ll'ad.1 ' h" "ll Iltll t s h" ~ ,,~ t,: , " ·IH·n·hY,. l he d l'f(' nda nt with int e re ~ 1 a t thl' I'a t e o f $ 1.15 \\a- " ( , In """ ,1. I'rn lo a bh' h er :t){ r vC' d t o puy 8;, U (I n th e fin e pe l' w ct' k f!'l ,m Apri l I !I. 1\130 f nr . ;,-" '" I , . "I " 1l" ' I"( ' Ill' kin d' w h" alld I he ,·" ,:t s a nd to pny $ I U P I' f (j r ec l o~ ul'e o f m o r tgu g' e for th e ' a p p l'lli ~ ~ I's II f Ih., 1· ~tll l (' o f AII ~ l' (;tl llI',l ill n ~ hil' IIf r.v (, \' l'tt L o r c n did (1); ,1 ~"I "f I h ing- . . , . But Ill" nt h ,," th ,· baln n c,· . 11 (' e n t e r ed app o in tm e n t o f tl r e re iv l' r and fo r ' II. H o~ n ll )." l l' , d l'CI'lIs t' d . Kn lllps . Ill ill o r·. lil·~ t a nd linal. .I"I".',! 1'" "an"l' OI l .JakL."! EI'(' 1I1l " :\ hUlld n f " I UU t il ucur t he f'f lu ita ble n. l ic f. Th o mu s 13 . lIu lC'hin "un. I'x e "u t ~II' E ~ I:l lt' llJ' Afill' l't Jo' ,)X , d ee clI ~ e d, 1' ,·1 1 ;1 ,: 1", ha d d l'fin il l' li ,n ila- ' J.:lI;~nn· III' t he . pa ~· rnc r'\l~. I F lo yd • . Reed I' e rsu ' Vi r g in a of t hl' t'SUltL' iii' 0 "11'l'1I A. tdl lll II rs l 1I('(·lllln l. ""11' an d thai " n r· ' " f tl1 t' 111 had 1 Ill' ':~l::C " .1 ~ r ed ( . ' Ve lln e r I .Io n es fill' mnne y o nly . Am o un t l SO n, d c c c a ~ e(1. 11' 11 " aUllhl rt 7. L'd (0 E ~ llll(' (I f G ,' () r~t' p , Duwn ey, de h"l'lI \"' a dH d . ' ~ ' ('I S LJ'" Sdas U u ".).: u n w as s e tt led " Iaim e d $25,200. se ll c e l' t nin IU)lH ls lIf th,· l'st llte a t u Ulte d . fi l'~ 1 lind final. ,,' "II " lIlth n' t I" ta lk," ~ h (' n' ~ 1 "! f u ll l'lJ m pr l> tn lse an d ·H. I! lI'a,; pri va t I! sa le u nd f ,,1' nll l I ,' s~ Ih a n Gll ll rd in n sh ip o f Eliza Th olnllS, \t·,,,I.\· 1" Il1tl',1 out. dI SIIlI", t' d . Probate COllrt l h ~ prict' s() fi xe d h~' th ~ l·"UI'I. illl" 'llI pCl e nt, fir st. "If ~ ,,"' d l!Il IIJl · h ,' r (' nn d I'eIn lh,· CIIS(' " f ~ I a r t in A. B i. h o p , . Th e r o ul' t .1l" It' I'(· d th a t J . B . I~,. (a l c o f I\fn rJ\'a r e t R. Tilto n, 1',,1' ( ( to .Jake . yo u (' '' lrl d bl u ff yo ur I j ul'Y III t he va lu l' . th e reo f. It was I ll\'e nto l'les a nd n p p I'aJ ~(' m e nt s Bo k e r, a s nd mi n is ll'uto l' of th e d ect'n" t'ti , fi rs t li nd fin n I. \l n~' 111I " "l!"h till' d:.n t·C's ," 1\,\' hU I'· 1 ,!,·t,·rmi lH'd lh at th !! rea l ('s la t c ' fi le d : os tate of Ma r y '. Bakl'I·. d"('en sed In lilt' ,' us e lI f ,J. A . R e b old ad .. i, II "11. "\" "u 'd d o fin t'. Tb e' oth l'r (:"I tl d n o t b e d iv id d wi th out in . 1 Esta tc OJ' ,J. L. IhlJ"tso ck , d t'ceas- de lil' C'r t o lh c' BLllIl'd u f t-:du cn li ol1 lIl ini s lr 'lIlor wilh th(' will IInn e x ed g-i rl, 'r! h,·lp .\' 1)11. i f yl>1I ttl l' ' COl Ju r y III Ilw " HILIL', th I'cn f. ot \\' II ~ ~d. u f t he Le ball o n V il!:lge ::;elHl o l Di s· n f t he l's la t l' o f T. M. S co field, ",h:l l it 1l11':l1l 1. T hl' fdlu , \\' o u ld. II l'd('r eti I hil t t he e~ hl t.(' . fr ~e or t h e I E s t ate o f F lo renc e Z. Dri e \'e r, triet a gouu and s ufli c ient d" ... d t o d ecI' tI ~ (' d, plllintifT, ve l'SUll Mary A . I,) ". Tllt·y ·r e HII Ill \' f ,·ien '!'. T hl1\'\1 dO \ H '\' ril{ h l u f Edi t h Zin c k be . o ld d e (, ~~l scd. th ~ p l' (' mi ~ l'~ w h ic h th ey PU!'c1It1Sl'd Sc(.tit'l d n w idu w, li nd W n ltet M. ~I' ~"' U \\,1'1'1'11 '1 pu t u p aguin ,: t' il . at puhlte au ctto n. ~- tult' o f R eb ~ clJ E. All e n , d e- Distl'i b llti" no f Hll' I'l'oc ~e d" in li nd i\ 1(I II iI' R. f'r o fi c ld, d e f e ndanl R ' (,flU ~(, the y 'd kn ow ~' OU w ns ll'ying .Iam l·s E. Burke was nppo inte d c eascd . , t il h(' lp Il1P. " th e s um of $ 1250 \l" 1l ~ ord e l' ed . it \\'ll S u rd t'l'l·d thnt di s tributi o n of J:(llllrd ia n f o !' t hc min u r dl' f~ IHl llnts , r ~ th e ~e ltl ~ent o f t h e e s lote , 1'h.e j ud ge ud vis(' ,.1 tlll~ t P a ul l th l" pl'uce c(!s of t h e . al e Of renl " B ut. good II UI'(, Il S . I eo n ' l III ti le ca se (I f .) (' sS ' 1\1. !'i t(' wnrt o f E lbert D. R u>;s II. decen se d , th e Cu tt lg' h t c an b e r ec l' II'cd In l o t hl, l e s ln l l' Ir e )."1I·c n 10 th os e c ntltl ed. En' h\'('llllle c"n ~(·i"I.I~ o f hl' r ' " :\I i~s J) /l(,l' li l)(H t t "l d m c 10 C'!lllt' I" y,". " E\,(' e xp la ined . " : re' s I \" ' I l- II S T he l\l a ~tJ n Lumb(' 1' o m- ~ ~' t va lli e o f th.e E'~ tate II'a . $367'i .• Day to It , tllt e 1I 0s p itui. ( Co ntinu ed On Page 3) tr' ne ~n.d ('I.l h:kerf hl' r wo r ds . aPl'" Ipany . el ti l. th e ext' m ptl o n ~ f th e Wld ol\' ; ex T h e f u ll ow in ).: I!sta t l'S wi ll s la ml led. 1 hl ~ )rId hud (' O IlW to h e r d a\'~ ~ ick . ' · . . ' .\ HolJ ,'l't G n rne l' pl cad e d n ot , ce(' ds ~ e l' s u cc ~s~ l o ns a n d t h e!'e · f o r he a rin g o n Jun e 23 , at 9 ag o . IJ fT(' rin ~ h I' a j e,b u r ca usc ~ il(' heli(' I'l, d h e l' t o hI) do w n and o u t. nuhlin' like it at .1 ak, ··". ~traicht . r:.\' e [ ult ;l . hl' .<it ppcr s \1' lth ot!l !!ui lty 10 l h l' cha r gp llJ.:a in st him f o rE! s aI d ~ s ta~e I ~ (' x em pt fr o m 'in - o'cloc k II, Ill . l'I' " I< ·t: L1y ~ l l ss DH~c n · by t he !:i t:lt e of hi o . Bon d wa s I h e rl tll n c(' tnx. Wil lill lll 'h Olley, (' xe(' u t o r' o r t he l'!0ll' it \\'U S (' len l'ly up I II he r t o r e - bll s i nf'~~ , Oil lh ' Il'vI'1. g ll" d ('al !', t1 1t1 II'lr!t~·. Th c ('n l~l't o l'(l~ red t h e ca ~e ~ f e st o te o f Mury Cn n sta ble , tI ('Cell s, (;lp r O('n t e, T Ilt' rlelllund IV II~ a wild I!!lod Illllsi l' , a prett~· ~"(' II c l' nll' oI - P"I'I h a d :1 s" n ~l' ', I' orde r . 1 11l'Y fi xed at $·100 nutl trin l ass ig n ed C'I!a rl es N txo n, Hlc o m pele nt, dl s- e d e ig hth acco unt. nr C'. n f cO ll r:e. but s ur ely s h e \I'U u n ' Jill1m ~' !\I ltl' p h\' ' n t hl' s p ol t " \\'l'r(' a t!'l II l' la l' )."(, . I,tlt. Itk l' l h e f ill' \\' cd n cs doy, J.u n e 4. [n th e ca se o f F. lenn o r V an n lls!; ed. L t, \·. id Burn s go ull rdi a n of R o b. t h " lus l humon h ei ng w ho s ho ul d th r ow oul rll u l!h ·o n es . It a i n't a ~"I\ll , ~h l? Y palf,il,d 1ll 11 ~ le l', h oy, F r unk El bo n,. L ee M. M e nd ~ r so n erta BurnA, II n;in o r', fi fth lI cco un t. fai l Ilny o ne ill tr o u b lc . S h e c lub. i\l oHL uny " n C' cli n J\' H in , hu t Lltl e-w hIIL' I rfoun d t h tn o~ l th. a Jl - T r ss m ith, '~c r Ul'l Fra n k . AnMONEY LOANED . Do n a ld Dil utu sh, a tlminis tra. t h o u g ht (,f H ami l tn n- o f th e s wif t t hey cnn' l s tn y in ' Ie,;!' tht'r b l' ha\,c p l·"v.L,d I h C', I'<,~ ult , an ,1 I' yo n l~o del':;o n lh e cour t cn n s idcl'etl t h a t ll nd Ra lph S tIl lt h w er e llppo rnte d ,',... __ _ t Ol' of th e e stn t e o f Ma ry Rundall, wi ll ill ):{II C;';S wit h whi ch h e had Th e su h: tit r,nts ~ i t tht'Pl! uo ll a l's rcc ·lYI.!.J f r'onl th t' lo n g' m i r r or 11'1 de ceased, fir s t a nd fin ll l a cco unt , . Cll nH' to hel' 11(01p in h e r c ri s is. S he fe r t he n il! hl an ' a fIv e -celli CI I'd ~ h l' It \, lIl~ · n ''J I1l t h l' a>,su ra n cc l ha t r,;uu ld n ('\,l'!' r pay him, b ut h er e f o r c \' c r y d an e!' t hey ~ivc \' i ~ it ()r.· , It ~~'i'~ n; . ~ I.l<1d. .",. " lI1od ('~t r eq u est to see t h e m o n ager co nti nued, wi t h a s mi le. " A t lells t G e r tr ud e C. :l'o Jlp er , ~uard ia n I L~~\ N _ r! oM tlv estoc~. t C~atte~; g 1n wa s II c ha nce to pass o n th e m e r cy hes i d e~ t he ir tips. Yo u 'll gi t t.hnt I ' nnf~ .g '.' l OJ'?le tt'\ ctn l? \l ltlJ~' 1 "lI m hi n ed wi t h th e l1l (l nt io n o f !\I iss I ' m lry in g to ." o r G eo r ge W. C r o ppe r, inco mp c- I J e(" H b ' or gJagesX' ? eSOho,u 'u I g,)es WIt 1 1 lI ' t" . , I . T h' f ' f . t 'te I 11 t e nt , seco nd li nd fin a l acco unt 0 111 ar til (I , r. , em a , 10. a nd k in dn(!ss h e had s h o w n he l'. t o- ni g ht, o r co u r s e. All I' m \\" /O rry - \ .\' cll n .~,., 1j . 1 a l cnp ur s n allle . p r o c ur e( an , e til 0 111111 Io n tn e r e s ( a r T R' I '11 d ' '. T hi s l:i rl'!; joh w all nt s t nk e , h e r in ' Hh r,lIt i: 10 h lil d illY pI. ce r UI' ·1lI" st lln\·t hi n)." It did Ih e wintfl'. :('(! whal I mean'!" ':n" l 'hal'c thn c', wit h ('\' e n ' illl llle di a t (' audi en ce w ith him . t h e !!i rl s . ML s Mo rr is no dd ed . t • . f' lh 1 ey, ane t r" roy U lllCtnls t l'fi 1 I'ery l, rCntl IIn ri b utt e r . A s fo r h e r· nl' th'l .\ ' ks \l1 'I ~ ' Fve i ,l( u ir ('ti Il l' \\:I~ r lr' es~e c1 in i m m llculate "Pin e," s h e sn id h en r ti ly. " S tick o r 0 t' es tll t e o · . a rd o R' ey, 0 ' .-(' If. s he c Ulil d s t and J a k e's f o r E I',' co u ld no t help \\' .111(1 'rin g u' h ' ~ I " " .. .. . .. 'J . t' I I . l'\' ningo cl o t hes an d h i!' b r ill ill n l - I al"o und til l I fini s h th is da mme d d ec e u ~e d.,. w n~ o rd e r ed t o p r od u ce., LO N G O R II O RT TI" E -E . d h '. I t h' · h I I' k t h O k t h ' d I ' ll t · .. t to J oe I u dol' p u r'c hus cl' o f th e ,n asy o n o n i~ ht, w ha l (' \'(! 1' p os 'ib il ities h nw , o n a fl' \\' d.olla r~ a night. ~I i ~~ \I (n . I II ,I" r ~.1 ~ 0 eav C' . , · I I I n' III" kl' d II I her w ith II fli ck e r tn e al l c u j{ 0 IS eat I e Ie tnl!;. nn Pl! J OU wI s e 0 . I . ' . . l e rm s . AI:;o S urvey ing and AbI ) 11 \ ' ' npor I ~ lll CO IllC ra n II n p"r - " J a k 's m ig h t ho ld . . 1 . ri' ll I '" I h h c k pll..:[e l i e tu !' n d up on h e l' what vo u g olla do" i I ell f'~ I . I((' , It I:" ood a n d SUlll CIl' n t t t ' \V . d I '11 II ' he lea n e d "ve l' th e be d in l1len~s , ~ i l k li n l!~ ri c , II \' cl'-!' lu lred I ~ . ,1 ~' t' , palll '.,, !!( .(. y e~" ~ a y. th~ u nw i'nkinl( )."a z e o f t w o b la ck l E v(: c n tcred th~ c r ow de d roo m d eed t o th e pre m ises . D ist ri b u t i on ' S r ill' ~ ~I! : l'll e a n WI ca o u wh ic h Ivy n o w .Ia y in th e · e xhau s- [u ro il IHI' , un d IHlIn t 'd b"d s. A s If ~ ,I / .ou ~IC ~.' ,r, c? n b en . In a eyes a n d wait ed f o l' wh a t s he h ad l On e of l h e s m ok e r R spo ke Inn g uid. 1of Ih l' Illocec ds o f t h e 'al e in t h e a n d ~t :v .. , a lii D. H enkle, Wayl h e ;; i ' k g irl had (,(,a d U.p l h n ught: ( ,Iba l ct. .\ R .I C (lei n o t I (lP l y, t . . I' amou nt o f 872.55 wu s ol'(\ c I'cd . nes vl ll e, O hI O. Jll t io n o f extre m e pa in , , , hl' II " w" I'NI t he (") lI Cst lo n : 0 '~J~~'" t t f Ol' 1\11'0.. " ~ ''' ' V' t ' [ . , I ' ?" h . t d A cro un ts til ed' , " ,c tll ''' e " II "fit tI l da ll ' wit h ' \ c co m e t..o ~ U I) ~t' . I U ., ~ . n S (la In \ y . s e wan e E '. :,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:, 'l:1ll (, i f • V,lll" 1/\1" '1111<1 ... lll 'lk e a hIt • Th e D ave' npo r. l " ".\ Ir" e ,. h X p I a 'lii (t. t 0 k n ow. • " S am e 0 I' t "IIIg ?. " stale d " · o l>-;J-errn " le G K e ml) I' d cC ') , , I ig- f "Itun' i: the p J: gram d l; ncch . 'ma l ter 'hh h er '! " S h e wu s a t all gi rl w it h g r een ceHGs e 'd~rs t hl~nd hll nl, lut t h. m . n· i· t h e r e fo r '1 "on',i "h e ' ~ s ick . " e ye!', a s up e rb figure , r egular f ea, ua rfilUn ~ II' of E \'e ly n H a ll, a Far m ~ rs o f War~1Land adjoining , er "A ' e 1I." " t UI'e<- . .an d retI ho'11' os c Iose. ' I y . c u t· mlll coun l le s m a" . l!;:1 l1l . AOI' " Irs. t •'Icco . unt . . . ' ' o btll in m o ney o n t ,illH'. <lll ' \' Il ll .)."', llu hl,lp. If , ,,in ' p~l' f('c:l ~ 'nllemc ll you ti p t h O 1 hc pe rso nal . ch a r m o f J a k e, a s !Is J ake: ~ he h a d a look o f dl ~t1l1c t r:t tns truill e nt of wntlll ft , pur- Io n!! tim o 10 an R, at 5 pe r cent inwi n k ll) .J inrlll \· :I n ' h~ g' ivcs ' e l11 ~ t f~ rt h by 1I1Is5 Duve n p ort, was to n . a .VO I,CO a s han;h nn d s hnll as pO.r ttn g t o be I h ~ la st. wrll and t er ('s t . Cost o f sec urin g th e same I lh(' 'Ii I' But it' s lik e I t " ld ·OU " e~<:anll1 g Eve thu. fa r . a R u~s lll n s, un d h e r acce nt wa th e t e t a m en.t o f Cha rl e:; N Ix o n, la t e is v(' r y r caso nabl e , through The ~ h ' ' 1'1 . I .; r.· t1. " Y ~ "ure n ame ?" h e e n d e d. I o n e h eard in N ew Yo rk ' s l ow est of W Il ~ htn g t O ll t OWnshIP, \VIIS pro- F e de r ll l Land Bank. F or further I ~\' h" IHI ' :~i I miJ~ (!Yfn~I~la ;' 1 d a ~'cue ~~ "Bc I so n, Eve harl d e cid e d t o ac- Ea s t id e lums . du ced 1!1 co ur t f~ r p ro ba t e. . info rmati o n call on o r address M. d 0(;'[ \\: lln~;1 th e\" 11 all h el l) y ou ' cep t l\[if's D ave npo r t 's ve r s io n . " Yes . S he says s he's ha d su ch at- J Th e ,Judge a (lv l!; ed. thot . Rlchard. C. DRAKE, Trea sur er, phone 316' . . '. " S 'ul' e Idd r ess? " tnc k " bef o r e " . L eWIS cun be I'e c e l v~ d m to th e X Le ba, n o n, Ohio. See Us Early for Your Sale Dates. I We. Guarantee o ut T h (' y' r ' illY rl'le n '~" 'he w eak . ! , . . " . . 't ' f I , ~'l1d ed " • "Th e sa m e a s h e r s." " I' JI t e ll t h e woild s h e has. m stl U ~ I O Il OT th e f e eble -mind ed . Satisfaction or Charge Nothing ~ Wi l hin' t h e n exl h n ur wh e n she " Kn o w h o w ' t o d u n ce ?" Th e y' r e th e t ' ings s he ain't g ot Ary Ins trum e nt o f writin g, purLOST h 'l(l re' lched hk e's E ve ' d is c ove;'e d I "1\1iss Onv e n po r t s a ys I do . I n o thin ' else bub. I'm w o nd e dn' portlllg t o be th e lu s t will and t i1ll t ~I i s~ Il ~I: e ll l );;r t ha d ~ot o· v 'I' ca n' t do Ro l (l · ~vo rk, b u t I t hink I ,' h ow I ~ n g Jak e' ll stand f or it," th e Ites tum e nt ? f Sarah E lla french , LO S T G . l'd h'" I . .·t , t ca n g et a lo ng In t h e o t h e r dan ces. " b Ill g Irl drawl ed . a te of TUI t1ecre ek tOWn shIp, was lasses, find er pleas e reo la ; 'Ike l:\:"l~ \\i :~ {~~l ~)lr,;I \ll1t~ o f hiA' "S'OI)C so. Aw ri g ht. R e p ort t' l " Don ' t s troin y our mind tryin' proTdhu ced in c.ourt for pl'o bnte . turn t o Iibral·Y. jell Phone No.2 Phone No 320 ' p ril:at e lI nicc a s nu:11 p;;I:t i t in n c~I " s ~[ o rris." . to think, Mn i1.i e But if yo u wan~a G . e hgt WIll and t estam e nt of -=-~-= ,~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ _ _ _ _ _~ r clt'L'at ofT th~ main 1' 0 0 111 . Eve's ' I'o\'e f o llowed t o II, . e n.d th e I kn o w, I'll say J a ke'll s tand for It e Olgt; oo per, d e c ef. s~ d was proWANTED Il fol" l'OW pass u!!e he h ad Ind lcated " a s lo ng as Iv y can dan ce b etter duc e d 111 court a nd IIdrnttte d to pro gui d e ,1 by t h e ~o u n d o f v o ices. The ! t h a n th e r es t of us . You ain't f eel- bat e. - -- - - - d oo r of a 1' 0 , III at th c rig ht was in' Ull \ 0 I vy' s a cr o bntic waltz The las t will and tes tam e nt of WANT E D- THE SHOP ON THE ' H. C .. St owe , d eceased, was pro- , HIL L--S hoeing, Plow Sharpenyn wnin g- s l igh lly. n nd a g la n ce yo u r se lf , ar e yo u? " th r o ll ).:h th e o p en in g s ugoges t ed t ha t E v e d ec idcd th a t she liked Miss du ced In c our t and admitted to p ro mg, lind Lawn M owe r s fil e d by h e re wa s h er d cst in at io n . Half a Mo rr is. Que e ni e , h av in g t hus s up- bat e . Charles L. Beck a ccepted hnnd. Ralph Mille r, · je18 ,1'01.c n j!i rl s in ev e nin g gowns oc- p r ossed Maiz ie, and also conquered th.e tru s t a~ adminis trato r with the LA G R E NATIONALLY KNOWN c u pi ed il s l imi te d spa ce, l e n di n g t h !! Tun, n o w f elt up to other duti es WIll ann~x ed and fil e d hi s bond of th e mse lves t o vat'io us occ up a t ion s . S h e I'OSli, s ho o k o ut h er s kirts , cast , $500 WIth E lizab e th Stowe and !'fAN ~FA CT.u.RE ill--st-ftrt you On e in , t h e o nl y c a sy c hai r snt a c riti cal gl a nc e at th e r e fl ec l,i on G eo rge Beck a s s ur eti es, A. O. I~ bU Sin ess f or yo ur s elf, We furh old ing' a hanti · g la sll a nd of h er legs in tli e l on g mirror, lind Albllugh , Garr e tt Cl e venger and IIIsh nearly everything, Many • to uching u p a n ,a ll'ea dy str ikin~ turn ed t o th e ' n ew-com er , pre- Geo rge B e e.k were mad e apprais ers ~t~~~1}50 t o $75 weekly profl~s. , fa cia l co lor s ch€ ll1 e: A ~C' cn-"<I p.Hl'ed to give he r undi vided atte nIn.vento l'l os und appruisements qUi ckiy. r e 'G at bus~IE~ERWrlte , r! II w n o n a k n e e . s cw tn g th e beglll- t lO n. fil e r!. C OMPA " L~NG , n inJ\' o f a run in th e t np o f on e o f " Set d ow n, " s he in v it ed. "Here, ERla te o f Willillm F. Hunt d c- ton III NY Deot. 1886 Bloomlllg'\ h c l' ~ il k s l oc ki nl!s. A t hi rd nufTed S te lla, d o n't be a pig!" ceused . • h t'r b(,b h cd h a il' b e \"ore II fullS h e s e ize rl th e le gs of th e girl E stat e of J . L. Hartlloc k d eI ngt h mi r l'o l', a nd t he r e m a ini ng ca ll ed S tella, a tired · looking and C!'ll . ed. ' HATCHING I hrcc ,wt'l" C !41l1 11 kin ).: n nd r ~ s ting. plninfaced y oung p er RO n wh o WIIS A ccounts fil ed: ' I Ev e ta p pe d t h e dll' ,l' p arw l a nd lying a t full length o n th e ro om' ~ E ~ tot e of I<: mma H nll decen sed ' -A-T- T- F,- N- T - · - - - - -I lI'a il ed n il t h (' thr es hold . No on e o nl y co u ch, and s wung th e m to fir s t , fin a l and diHtrilllltive,. , . 'H rON- ~e bllnon . All-Elect i a nsw e r ed , so 'he pu s h ed t he d oo r th e fl oor. S t e lla r etri e ved th e c igE s latf' of Marv Rllndull d ece a s - f rl e flbtchder y , 21 leadlllg breeds , w ide. tH elte di s lodg cd fl'ol11 he r lips by ' cd firs t oud finn!. ' , ? pul'~ - r e ha lly Chicks hatched I "1'<ll'<lo n . Wh e r,c s hll ll r ,find the· th e b r!!>kn.ess , of, thi~ . man e uver I Guardi a n s hip o f G eo r g e W. tn ~ull\lgnted Incubators- a hatch h "!111 h nstt' ss·- MIs~ MOITI S?" sh e and goln llmll y huddle.1 In th e cnr- C ropper, incompetent second and Such. I Monday and Thursday. Because it is doubly protected against wear and weather, nl~ r. Miss Morris pressed the vis i- final. ' ,pCC.I~ IIttention paid to Custom a sked. Th e I! id wh o was se win g lhe to r into part of the vocated spa ce , The judge advi se d that 'J ean e tte I Hatchtn~. Open all day Sunday to and therefore lasts longer, Chan~eldrain is far more . s t u(' kit11..( rlill m is ed he l' eyes fl'o m a nd fitt (' d h e r s elf into what was H e rby can bl' r e (' c ive d into the ~~eO publtc. I. O. O. F . lIall, phone economical. than ordinary roofing. Amiyet it costs 110 more! I th e ab sOl' b in lr, tnsk . le ft , r . I Dllvton Stnte H ospital [32 E . Mulbe ry Stre et. tf " Righ t .he r l\ " .s he .soir\ b r u squ e ly ::What's Jo ur IlI b e l ?" s he a sked Th e ~ n urt ~ct Junc 23rd as timel See our Channddrain exhibit and let us tell you how H e r mllnn c t" tlllpit ed that sh e Bc r s on . • I Of h eal'lI1g the p etiti o n o f Silll s A FOR SALE ' co uld c:ndure " run s " but n o t in"Ne w in the bu s iness ?" S t?ck, executo r of Ihe est~t~ of ---,.,.----:..-.~:..:::=____ little it will cost to re-roof with thi s lift:time roofing, tCl;:·uJ:l~ lO n :. . ::Ye ~ . " . '" . Wilfo rd R. Ere r , de cea sed, for 111- FOR SALE- Fiv e foot porch made of the famou s COP-R·LOY, the Copper Alloyed Stt:e1. MI ~R Da v e p ort t nld. m e to come I ~ho ugh t so .. MI~s MorrIS had l low~ncc o f hI!! claim of $8665. 08 1 swing. Phone 91 M W Silver. t? .v nu," Eve e xplallled. "She's the all' of o ne adjusting her shoul- aglllll s t th e es t ute . ' • . . 11 s Ick ." . . . de l'S t? a burden. '.'Well, things ! The foll o wing accounts were II _ , ' . Je • • • /l A goaln! " MISS MorrI S'S e xclama- don't lI g ht up here till the thellt e r pl'o \,ed: ' p FO~ SALE- Plano, In good condiThl.~':,~~~;.. t io n h e ld m o r e sy mpa thy thon crowd blows in.' sh e r esumed, 'ond E stute o f Mu ria Cook d ~ ceased . tlO.n, bed, vanity lind ehifforobe d . "; " Phone 14 Wayne.vllle, Ohio Jake's, li nd she add e d briskly, that ain't fol' ten 01' fifte en min- s eventh ac count. ' InqUire lit Gazette office. • j1 "Guwd! th e p o nr kid !" ute s y et. GUlIl'dillnRhip of Mary E. Ellis , FOR SALE- A d t f ~~------~---~------------~~~---------_ _ _ _ _ _ _~, "I ' m s ub sti tuting f o r h er?' Eve (TO be continued) jncompe~Q~ third. ' mu~s. J. C. H~~oWIlY~il~. ,

• ,j ... 1


!Ill ....

ti .. n\\ith.

I it

I ' tllnd \\':l~ ,,'('11 · 1.:111' (Ilind iti p " -

I h'"




t i \ 'll:". ~t ~


l •



Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Co.


Waynesville, Ohio

I" ('" ,,·,,01












Farm Loans



F rmers' At ten toIon

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer s





Centerville, O. New Burlington, O.

, I



I======-====-:====== ' .


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, I'


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PINKY DINKY "''''-ERE 60r!~ PROf·EO :" ; oR 5 r.t1':KJ:R .

THE: 'f SA'! H E:'~ VS R..'I F=ORU E.. f=.UI.L-I KE:




Other. Forget

'1;:<;( HIS W : F~ 'rOLD MO~ T HA.T ,HE o"':""HEJ:', NIGH! HE GeT U? A"JD A M.~'TC~ 7'0 $






SPRA Y YOUR TREES- It In ne e d of new 8pray pump large or small, sPl'uy hose,; nozzle~, eomplete pumps, leathers, rubb er pack In,!lI , etc., clIlI On The BOCKLE:r CO,,416 W. Muin St" Xenia, OhiO, . . tt





FOR. SALE- 2-row Corn Plow, ,wIth tractor hitch. and horse hItch, J. B. Hess, Spring Valley, 0,


\j"'ATCH I. •

PIPE, VALVES AND .FITTINGS -For all purpolea, Bockl.t'l line ,of plul'T'blnll and he.tlnll IUPpilei ar. thO) blllt. The Boekl.t. KlnJf CQ" .16 W. Main St. XeDI. Ohl~


'He~ ~O


A~K HER. -\NO ~Hf;IL&' CR"II


FOR SALFJ PLANTS S I potatooll, 1111 klndl!! , p .. nc.. lind Bermudn Onion Onion.. 110 cont" por hundred 1



~ or!'Y road. • NQ, II.


of I'll:;:! . %'



troUI., Brothere, R~ eJe14



(Continued from page 2)



Marria.e Licenlea

Office Phone ...... ................ Na. 112

Attv John Harlan of WilmingMadden sp nt ThurR


Will Rynolds , furmer of FrankMI'. and M I'S. al Krllft of Tip. lin and Miss \"Parrie Bruce. of New Medicine Attac1" Stubborn ton, Ind., visited his sister. Mrs. }<' rallklln. MaY ·;:9. Clara Merritt, this week. Stomach Ailment-Relief Subacrlption Price, '1.150 a V.a. Otto R. Spencer, salesman of Attractive Ohildren'lI Day SCI'· Como. S~lftly Lebanon lind Mla8 Mary Letitia vice were presented at Jonah' H 01 p,,./nffic. at Warneulllo Betts, of Lebanon , June 2. Run Church Sunday mornln&" 011/0. a. S.cond c/o .. Ma/ Mot/c , Iyde Rothwell, laborel' of DanI Mrs. W. P . •1c arren r et urned ~.--- ilie, 111. t and Miss Ethel H ed g e r, h'o lllc Mo nda\' from Hal c ' ~ ft M· f Monroe, R. R. May 27, pitlll She i ~ ' \1Iakill~ ~ ati!;fllctory J NE 11, l OaO ! 1'('1' 'v I' Y f ro m ht'r I' C nt opcrn · li o n. Real Eatata Tr&na( era MI'. und M r ~ . Ho wu l'Il urfll cc J os 'ph F. und ' Chll'll M. S hinkl e !Inri ~n n w €, I'e S unday gll~ s t~ IIf - lo Lilliun D. Burk e l 2 11 : 70 acres MI'. li nd ·I I"~ . C'hus Edward ~ . I I in ' Ha\1li lt on twp. l\Ir~. MHI' V W. Tu c·kl'l' !'I 1H'nt the "OLD CLORY" 1 Jan e Gebhurt lind h nrlc~ Phil pa!'t wee ); iiI Wulhoncling with h e r lips to Mal'gnret Phillips , Teu l duughter, ~I rs. Hoy r.lal'k and fam - - - - . - -- -- - c· ~tate in F'l'lIlIklin twp. ily . Th ey acc i) lllpllnied her h ome . Fl William H . Phillip's . by l'xecutol' and I'l' nwilled over the wl'ek ·€' nel. Saturelay. June 1·1. \~1I1 IH' O ~ I t o lI1al'g"lIl'ct PhillillS, tl'llct in ;VII'. a nd I\ I I' ~. 1I 1!1'nHlIl S urfa ce Day. All over lhl' (nltet! ~ Lutl'~ I"ranklin tw I. d Wu y n e,' \,ille we e Sunday guest . the "Gl'idiro n Fill!!." lI ~ f".'·e l !! IH'I'~ Mil'ium ~ Mc'real'Y, et III t o Of Mr. lind MI'~ . B oward (;l'o hlll1l contemptuou~ly clll1 C'~1 It \I 11I'.n (lUI Churle" anll J ell nette James , pUI·t and daug-ht e l'~. nntion wn ~ yo ung-, will fl oat III the r I t 'No lo\) in Lebanon . I I'. and Mr~ . A. L . " (' nnedy en . pride of its lri a .Y I'III' K. It will ~Ym- I 0 T~l' Ln~eland Mutual Building l l' l'tained on Sunday MI'. and MI'~. bol!ze thclI •. fl S It ha s al~"tlys S~ tn - und I.lIlIn Olll l'an y to Clul'D Bothe W . C. Wul lw r and Pats \' Lo u :Inti bollzell. un Hleal of hunhln IIh e l t y. and Margarethe Ste inm ann, about ' ,/ "h n Kt'nn (' dy I)f Illlyt~n. o f s;lf·ft<:,vI.rnlllen t, o.f fn'l.'tl"!1 1 of ,:, IIcrt's in Hamilton twp. . Th e Illdi l's tl f the Baptis t Mi R' the III cil vlllual to Pl,,:s u.e hupptnegs Willium C. Os borne to Rulh , i' ,nar v Circle ~c r v,' d un uttrarti,,1' in his own WilY, WIthin tht· !aw. Os bol'll!', lot No . !J7!1 in FI·lInklin. S llPP"~ in Mrs . MCl'ritt's ro om which hud nl·\·('.1' h e e n ,Put II1t o Al'lhul' unci Ruth SllIadh eck t o MR . JOE GOODAN ,'a turdn yeve ning. practiCC' befor e In th e hl ~ lor y of Carl .'chaub, lots No ~ . · 2362. " -"onj ola is e ~ rtainl y th e g ood , MI'; a.ntl M rs. Wilb ur, hidak e l' the wo rld. . 442G, 01<127. 4 1128. 442!J, 44:10, lIledi('in r: thal p eo pl (' S U\· it is ." t,f Wllmlllgto n wCl' e Sunday gue Rls W e muy not IUl\'c re a clwd - In- .1.1:!1 und 4-1 :12 in De er fi e ld twp. ~"id 1\11' . .Io e Gooda n. ' . (li di e l' ~, of' 1\Ir. an d Mr~ . Clint ' Iea ve r und deed, wc havI' Il llt fully I' (' a c l~e d, :IS Cu'l' I a/ld CUl'll lin e Schllub t o An . H o me, Duytl,11. "FI) I' Yl'ur,; I had Ruth. 'Wl' mU Qt a dmit - thf' I (, l'fC'cllOn of thon v \Vill iul11 NIl\, el·. lot~ Nns. a bud case 1)1' , tonweh In'llbil. thal l MI'. nnd Mrs. ~"y l vnn PlJnscll thi s idl'lI. But we have com.e cl ose r 2 4:1:'; 24:.1U. 24 :37 IInll 24;!,l in Dcl' l' cau s ed llI e nllt ch mi sl' ry. I \\'a ~ llnd , daug htcr ',. lm.1l and ~r . to it than II ny n~h er l'On Slllel'uhle lielt! t wp. 11ll'I'\'lIliS un,J cou ld I-!el hardly any ./ " l' Ch e n wetil o f Uta'a wer e Sun body of .hUlllH~1 hC lng~ h~s 1' ''<'1' ~uc E lvu D. P Ollllllert, by s h e riff t o Hie ' p ut night. C;\, erythinl-! I ute dllY ca!l<'r~, a~ ,t.hc huml' o f 1)1' . (' ceder! 111 dOII1I-!. And 111 Illfl.klng , Gcorgc F. Whituker smu ll tract seelll e d to hurl me ann ga s f .. nl1ed lind MI S. I . S. In pJI. the e ffort 10 livC' 1111 t o the Id UlIl ' in Il ar llln t W J l . ' cau s ing II lIev!!/,e bl onli ng'. Thi s wus - - - _ - ••~--for whic'h "Old Glory" .stund s we i T. M. Scofield, by admr. to 1.. M I my condition when 1 fir s t heart! of hav l' Ret an · cxamp le w l\teh almos t lind Blanche Moler, part or lots K "j o la. nil of the re~t o f the w orld hilS 0;;. 116 und 117 in Mas on. "1 began taking Ko nj o la through bC'en !<tri"in~ to emu.lnte. Mury . Baker by admr. t o The th e advit· o t' fri e nd s \\'h o had Every J!(JV.'1·IlIlH' nt III th l' w o~·lli. Bourd' o f Educatiun o f The Leb- L!i\·(·n it a trial. 1 g'Ol r es lll L~ frurn ~xcept OUl'l1', h !l ~ \J1lI1 rgo ll e 1':)(~lc~1 un o n Villnge cho ol Dis trict •. 1'I thl' first bOllle. I b egan t l) f e I If not l'evolutll1llnr y ch a nJ!c!! Rlnee Here!' in Le banon. I bet l e I' right u\\'ay and w a~ . !lun \.uk t hat of 1.4th o f .Jlln e, 1777, w~ en I J. B. Buker to Charl es J. Wag-- I o n additional we ight. I. hav (' luk!'n th e Co ntlll c'nta l IIngrell!'l offi.clnl· g'OIH'r, et al, members of th e L e b- f oul' bottl e~ lip to thIS tlllle and Iy Bllo ptell th Stnl'll and S trip es. I anlJn Villllge Sc h oo l Dis trict. board I find that I 'un ea t anything I eli •. d esilZnI'C1 by Be ts y ~ O SH , .II S th p flf Ed ll cntion. Le ban o n, 0., real Rire wilh,.,u.t any di ~ c() llIf o l't. I . am tand onl (I f th e rol o nu' which hnt! es tate in Lebanon. always wllhnj{ t o r eco mm e nd K!Jn. 1; 0 recentlv declar e d them Rel ~ 5 i· Fl' d W. and May Be ll e Wood t o jo in to anyo ne who is s uffe ring a s free and incl pI'n<ient !;t!l.t ~ ~. Wlt.h F'l'Ilnk D. anel Edno H. Wilso n 22.- I did... . onlY two or th!'N' rXC(' l1tlOll s the I:w nCI'(,S in nioll twp. K o nJula ha s IJ eco m e the m os t , WARftEN'S ADDRESS Aniel'ican flug i ~ th l' o ld.est flflg l Oard Coffey, by ancillary ud- ta lk e d of m e lli c ine in Al1lur ica b e' l AT BUNKER HILL in the wodd torlllY. Thllt IS SO Ill • lIlini ~tl'1ltor to J oe Tudor, lot No. 1 cau s e it mak e!; g ood. And Kon. thing to think about. when WI' talk 14 ,1 in Franklin. j oin makes good in the most s tub· S . o f the Unitell States a~ a "young" 'harles Taylor to Howard Whit- b orn fiSt'S wh ~ n giv e n a filiI' trilli. I Uncle Ham Blow aya. notion. Aetunlly. we arc on e of ' acre lots Nos. 25, 20 and 27 ill Mid ! Six til e ilZ ht boules an' reCUllImell- ' By John Pierpont the old e~t nnti on R. ~o far as our I dl e b o ro . d ed a s II fuir trial. ' S\.untl! th e ground's your own, my g fOJ'1ll of I{ o\'ernm en t nnd Olll' fia \ Mc lia L. Krekler to Howard Ko njola is s old in Waynes v ille, ' bT!I\'e s l nrc concel'll·cd. Whitak e r ' 0 acres in Harlan twp. Ohio at Adama Drug Store, and by Will ye give it up to s luve s ? Nution !'! which wpre olel whe!, and lot No. 28 in Middleboro. Il II the bes t druggis t s in all town s Will ve look for greener g rh \' es? we ~c t o ut upon o ur gl'eat exp .1'1 ' ElJllna M. Monroe to Myron R. throughout thi s entire section. , Hope 'ye m ercy ~ti ll. , ment hav(' IInd er!!,one rcvolutHln J o hn sto n pllrt of in·l ot N o. 71 and • _ _ What'~ th e m I'cy despot~ feel? after revolution. Mo ~t o f thl'l.!) nil of in-l ot No. 72 in Lebanon. 11 1'11 1' it in that b!lttl -pen l! h ave completely al~red ~h~II' Don . C. Welch ' to Mrs: Alice NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT R ead it on your bJ'i!<t1ing stee l! I!ovcrnment forms: The Bntlsh Stadelman lo ts Nos . 1234 and 12 35 A!<k it, - Yc' wh o will . Empire' has b ecome a commo n- in Deel·ti Id tWJl . E tute of F. E. ll os nagle, dewealth of prllcticall y ind pende n t Lucretia Hopkins to Mnt·tha ceused. F ea r ye fo es who kill f Ol' hire? ? nations . I rel ll nd has b ee n annexed Hopkins lo t No. 773 in Franklin. Notice is hereby give n that Will ye to YOUI' h omes retire? and detached again, thl' ou gh the Willi a m and Netti e Collins to Mabel Hathaway has b et? n duly lip' L oo k behind you i- th ey 're llfire! cross of St. Patrick. ael.el e d t o ~he Anfi e ld hitl c tt part of lot No. pointed and qualified a s Adminis· Anrl burol"€' you , see BlitiRh tlng ill 1801 . !'Itlll r ~ma llls 752 in Fl'Ilnklin . tratl'ix o f lJ1e Es ta t e of F. E. whd hll ve do ne it! Fl'om the vale there. Franrl' was an ab ~olute Ethnn S. Coloman to H. Clyde R08nag le Inte o f W!lne n County" On they come- and will ye quail? monarchy when we set up our Co leman, part of lots Nos. 13, 12 Ohio, deceas ed. I I.Cndl' n rnill and iro n hail £overnm<'nt. Th e royal banne r of anrl 11 in Waynes ville. Dated this 24th day o f May, Let their welc om e b€'! Louis XV has g iven plac e to tho Albert G. and Mary E. Stow to 1!130. tricolor fioating ovel' the Third .Re- David E. Dunham , 104 .26 acres in Do nuld Dil!llus h, Ally.. In thl' G od of bllttl C' tru s t ! public sinca our own rev olut !on, Tu r llecl'eek twp. W. Z. ROLL Die w e may,- and die we mu st; with anoth e r empil'e intC'rvelllng'. 1 Judge of th e Probate ourt, Bu t . O. wh e re cll n ·du. t to du st The Hilly of todllY is 'quite a Clif- I '. War!:e n County, Ohio Be co n si~nl.d s o well, ferent nati on. a s it s fla£ is difBIlla Allowed _ - _ _ _ __ A s where h eave n its dcw s s h a ll fercnt. from thllt. of 1777. Spa!n , Th e W Oll drnw. Weil.Stanage Co s hed then the ruler of. lmlll ~nse co lonl c.s I s Ullp li es, $ 11. 90; t h(. Office Out~ NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT On the ma'l'tyred patriot's becl, has s hrunk to. a t~ny k I." IZd OlliS' ~Inel- I fitter s, stamp pad, $3; Burro ughs And the r oc k;; s hall rai~c their manv, ,~ustl'la. Imp e,~lai Ru. s - .\ Adding Machine Co., repa ir work. E s tllte of Alice H. Rosnagle, h eild, all the J{reat powers of.t ~e.18th S7.70; Woodrow-Weil. Stan age decea sed. Of his deeds to te ll? century. hav e chan ged, dlllllni shod Co. SU IJp lies SOD' Municipal Bond Notice is here by give n thllt ___ ___- - a nd thell' fla£s have chllll!!,ed. Even . L ' S, . '1 0' Ed" M . . Mabel Hnthawuy has b ee n duly ap· China n o longer flie s the dragon ' uw ervlce .' Itlon unlcl pointe d and qualifi ed a s Admini s. COGITATIONS pennant und Turk y has aban- ' pil i BOllcl Law DIj!l'st. ~IO; M.. B. t rat.l'ix of thEe E state o f Alice H. d on ed the gl'ee n flag of Moham- I Hymr.1I11 ,nnd SOli, s uppli es f o r Jall l Ros nal!'le latc of Warre n Cou nty, Nuthing is I')uile so dull as a dull 1$1.60; fhe Weste rn Stor, blanks Ohio, decea sed. I s p ech o mecDenmark's . for cOI'o n el' $ I!l 50' Harr" 01D I D ' I h A flag. dating from the I' . f 11' . t.' t Si 1150 ' ona d latus , tty. G o lf will reduce a mlln to s hame 12th century and Sw itzerland's . ' In s " III u of con lac • ~ . , W. Z. ROLL nearly a!" olr!'. nrc the o nly fill~s E . S' . Donnell, sume, ,$2} I: E. " .Judg e o f th e PI'o bate Court. when n othing e l!>,(! will. Anything thut is wl.'l1 done apfl .' t I wh'ch ure o ld er t h nn Don~el1 2nd und final est,'mate ~42 Warre n Cou ntv O,hio ~lIlg o c ay , I . .' , Monon Cook, sa me. $:39; MIke ., peal's e llsy t o do. than ou.r o \\n tar~ u,:,d h 1J1~S. Lamb, lumber, $41.40; J esse HamWhat is hOllle without. a comforThe notion ov c!' whIch. If :-"a8 fll st lin, compen sntion nnd damnges, FiFty-Fifly tabl e chair and n cumfortable bed? flung hus more thun .J u s tlfied the I $75 i The Sight F eed Generator Co hopes and b e h efs of Its founderf;. 2 tanks of oxygen burner, $8.30; " Do yo u r eall y h e li e ve," ask e d . T~e t!'ouble with , so ."~uch. of th e ' lIur ry lIill. 10 co upon b oo ks, $92 .- th e \1I odcl'n sco ff er of the Bis hop I !nt,el ~stlllg s tuff \\ e I cad IS that 1 . au; Int ernational I;'vester II .. f o London. "that Jonah lived three : It 1. n t true: Wia .. and· Otherwiae If you tlllllk th e world IS cl'azy r'cpuil'fl, $24; The Stllndurd Oil days und three nights in the belly it lIlay be you that 's cl·azy. u. gus a J)d OIl, 1515.75 ; W. N. 0(" whllle?" "Now I have yo u in IllV grip," 1 Thompson, board, roo~l and care "Whe n r get to heave n I ' ll a sk In competen t houseKeepers usually hnve in competent maid s. said the villuin liS ho put his tooth- of Frunk ~udgel. $.163: ~eRtern him," replied the Bis h op. paste in his suitcase. 1 StUI', s uplJ'hes, $7.50; OhIO Cel'!"And s upp ose you don't see him "Yo u 've got t o wllteh everybo!ly olive thnt your diary ne ed not tral Tclepl~one Co .. rents for ofh· th 1'e ." torm e nted the sco ff e t·. the e days- -even your wife," sai d "Then you clln IIsk him ." a member o f the young smart s et be a loose-leaf book. cos. $52.70 . recently. =====.=.-=.'. ~ --:- A fertile so il with findustry ___________________________________________ , o l' and R •• ld'tenc..

1 zg

News from Court House DAYTON MAN EAGER IN PRAISE OF NEW KONJOLA ~~~ ~~d Xc~~~'.



.. ........ .. ... .... .... . No. 118





Experience of lllrge fleet owners r@vea'lI the, HnlUl"a' reliability 1I,.d economfl of tl.e nelf) Ford

\ •



,t SIGNIFICANT TRIBUTE 10 Ihe value of f t Ihe new Ford is found in its increas· ing use by Federal, state nnel city governments and by large industrial cornIlanies which keep careful day-by.t1ay ('ost rccorlls. In most instances, the Fonl has been chosen only after exhaustivc te!'ts of every fuctor that contribute to goOtI performane~specd , power. Rafely, comfort, low cost of opcorulion und u ~'.k ecl', reliability aDtI long lifc. Promincnt among the companies u sing tbe Ford are the Associatell Companies of the Bell System, Armour and ComIlaDY, The Borden CODlpany, Continental Baking Corporation, Fircstone Tire anti Rubber Company, Gcneral Electric Company, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Kellogg Company, Knickerbocker Ice Company, Morton Salt Company, Pillsbury Flour }\of ills Compuny, The Procter and Gumble Company, antI Swirt & Company. Each of these eompanie8 uses a large number of Ford cars and trucks, The AS80ciated Companies of the Bcll SYf' lelll use more than eight thousand. Modem bU8iness move8 at a fast puce and it needs the Ford. Daily, in countlells ways and placcs, it h elll8 to speed tbe production 'ancl delivery of tile world's goods and extend the u seful service of men 8nl] companie8. Constant, steady operation ovcr many tbousands of miles empbasizes the advantages of the 80und desibrn of the Ford car, its high quality of materials, and




I I I.






unusu al accuracy in manufacturing. Beneath its gruceful lines and beautiful colors there i8 a high degree of mec:hanicul excellence. An cxamplc of the value built inlo tbe Ford is the 1Iile of more than twenty boll 111111 roller hearings_ They are hidden .within tbc cur and you may never 8eo thcm. Yet they play an important part in S:1t:sf::clory, economical performance. Their function is similar to tbe jewels of a fine watch. Throughout the Ford chassi8, a boll or roller bearing is used at every place wherc it is n eclled to reduce friction unll wear nntl givc smooth, reliable mechunical opcration. At Dlany points, as on the tran8mission counter·sbaft, dutch rclea8e, fan and pump sbaft, and front drive sbaft, tbese hall amI roller bearings are used where less costly tYlles of bearings migbt be considcred adequatc. Additional in8tances of the high {Juality built into the Ford are the exten8i"e use of steel forgings, fully enclosed four-wheel brakcs, Rustles8 Steel, four Ronduille double-acting hydraulic sbock ab8orbers, aluminum pistons, chrome ' silicon alloy vulves, torque-tube drive, three-quartcr Ooating rcar axle, and the Triplex 8hatter-proof glass windshieltl • . TIle Ford (lolicy has alwaY8 been 10 u se the best pos8ible material for eac" part and theil, through large production, give it to the public at low e08t.



.. OW



Standard Coupa • S por1 COUll".

'.95 '525

,US '600

De Luse Coupe • Tu \lur Sedan. • nr"e. wi .. duw Fordor SedaQ • De Luso e dan Town Sedan CaLrlult!' Road. ler •

1495 ,640 '660 '625


PC .... up Clo.ed Cab Model A Model AA Tru~1k a. ...... 131

Ch...... .

wheel " •• " • • . . • • • • Model AA True." Cha .. u, IST.tDeh whee. b • • e . • ~ . • • Mud.. AA Ponel D.II~.". . . • .

'.55 '440 'us

,au 'S10 ,SItS


All "rl<.. f. o .... Delrol., pI ... /"' •• , ..." J.,II I1f!Jr,.. OlAmpfJrI ond .pore .Ire .1IIr. .. fo.., co ..


Unl.,,.,..o( e rr rll, Cumpony plan 01 .,,.. puymftnff 06e,.


ono,.".' I'u,d







Saint re_~r"e U". ~O


to Date~-----------By Alben 1. Reid


----The go.od oldHautom e .has dgtanc - yu-ohilwe l'e cut ul l ,



Dr•.C• W ' • AN SO N .. V t. . e erlnarlan

things fl'oll'l place to place make closer to th e pool'h o ust' thu n ('ve l' a nation l!lu'ong IIIHI gl·eat. before.

- - - - -- - -

' "ou ' lIn (}ve r fdre nuaJ1(IJ.~o nuy ,


r eturning a !lmil e, 01' Ih e 1.13n you Phone 93 - - -harl outstllnding ful' n month III' SII. ) .\11 f' l'd illanl' (' 10 :HIIt' ntl Spc t l ol1 N o ne of u s ever get anything , " " ../ ,,·r (1",111111 11<'" Nv . Il h re!( ulal · for nothing, but that d oe~ n't ke e p , 10 1,, 1' tli .. u,c o r "C""" ·I" In lh.· VIIIt",,· us from trying ju ·t till' ~1I11I('. H I' \\· a r n ~-H \'i ll t'. (JII~o b .,· p ' rSOIiB k I tI~I " " \' ~ I" e l" H The emptier the p ot, th e qui e - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H, ' .i l " .. ,l lli ' ,,.,,. 1,1' 11 .. , t''''~II'' 1 1 "f er it boils. So wlltch yuul' temper. I : 1,'1 ', '1,,' '1\1,',"7" 01 \\ :t yn" .\·lllc. St:lI e ur I The hit. dog h owl ~ . :l nd the hnrd I _--~---------l-'1·;,"l'llt'\; l:t A V,· lI k l .. " 1t,, 11 park er the bIt the 10 ud l' l" th e howl. " " Mai" ';Itr.' ,;l In H,lI.1 \'11111)';" with ' And some folk s. too 111'(' that wa y CI,,' 1" 1( 101 \\' 1" "'1, Itt Ih e ." " .\, ur when it comes tu injul"i cH frOIll tie. t..:l l rl l 111l t< pn.tllll, · ' v.: II .h RIlIII (, 1I1'1i UnC i • !IICIJIX .~~I · I·:



W aynesvl·11 e, Oh·


0 11 ~llIln !'-if t fr o III '1' 11 Ir'll


rl g- ht

It IHI lin Nul' tll ~ll' ee t :--: [""1'1 1.0 ~111l ~tf· C(\ l. to lip 110t uv e r


t I R I j !wile:"! ( t' uln tbt'" c llrl) "ur l l li n e, alld ,\\'11 (' 11 park f' d un Ih(' I-::I s l ~i d, ' "f Mal" H lt' t,\. t said \' .. 11 it Ie ,I 'all >lall,1 at I ,' a ~ l .' I!(ht e,·n

c l g lil

, Int'l1l'!; fro III

" HY lh ~

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{"1J 1l:041rlll ' tl ' li



C I, Il Cl'f'tf' r uad ~ alll Fol lre l' t ur

-n.· par lrnen t


th e

a ll \'t\ lIl c lt~ ~ pa.-i<l' d "PlIll th., SII'.-(-t o r ~1I 1d \'11l ag-I' s hall h o\'e 1\1 l ~ a~ 1 tll"" f' (:n f ed ' I" " ' " 10,·1\\' ... ·11 lh ~ \'.·hl.-l, ' ~ SII I/Ju·k ... 1. II l"Illl,lIl lit, IInlawful to J.)llrh. til' h ' ll\' ." it \· . · hteh~ ~Hn ntl wl lll1" 111 (CI ' t IJII " ilhf' I' f:i d e uf n tire h ~' tlrflnt III Ih ,· "111111;\' o r WIIYllf' M\, II Ie. 01' \\'11 hili II,.· 1111"rse,' lIon 01' lillY ~ tl' t·l., t ~ in tli €' ('o n~ OH l t\ tf or' clO~t'lr l'llll! III' .1I " 1 .. 1t't, wlChln 10 (O(' l lh e j' (lor. It 1.9 flll'UH~ r fll'o vltled thnt It ~ 1I1I1I I ~ i ' unl:lwrlll t o pnl'k 0" ICIL V~ H v ,-hid,' ~1afHl. In nn~' ~ IHl ce df'Mlg" l uttf'd a~ n pr' ohl ldlt·d lJul' l(in~ HIJ JU'C

S tatl'


ulii o.



),\' "1'1'('" "rlal c "11; 11 01' s lglls w·hl eli .;lInll ha\ ' ~ hc e ll PI·ec l ,· u by snld '·III "I<~. , II, 1' 1'011 npl' l' O a~hln!( (hill parI

~j" ' l h !";tr ' f! l IH .. gtnnln~ nt ~t n" I ' t and f'S t(' llIllrlJ( to th e


Optometrist PERMANENT


19 N. Broadway LEBANON, OHIO Eye. Examined Clane. Fitled Repaira



DR. ' RUDOLPH .5·10'ht Spileia. I-ISt .



30 Y CUI's · Expel'ience in Fitting and Muking Glu!;ses

- at-CARY'S JEWELRY SHOP EVKY Tuelday. Thuraday Saturday No Char,e for Examination


1)1' 1111{ th ,· 8,,1" 10 a rull Atop til' nil" the 11I·"Jlf·rly \In c (.he ,·eot

~hll ll

,.r i(JI' tlJ lu' n CI, p(j lng- 'lI,on or across ~ II it! fowe l inn o r NOI' th Rlr e~ l. 1\.·n<.1 it

Hlla ll \' 0 un law ru l no\. 1<0 to do. };t-;, :'I'III:-; ~ . Aliy tl"I'~on who I1 hall \' Io lal !) an)' o f lit PI'o\" ~lo II H of (his 0 ....11 111'1 11.·" ~ h,,11 111)"11 c(l!l\' 1 It e n Ih l' l' ell r II . IlIlnl><hl'.1 III! p"o\' ldcd In 0 1'1. Illn n ep No. I rs. I f';r.:(" I'~ N 3. A 11)' 0 1'(\ InaT\co or p(II'I>! vI' nt-ell nan '118 III 'on(lI el Ion hr' r t' wflh


l ilt

h ~'

r -"pea.led.


Harveysburg Fertilizer Company

L. M. HENDERSON NOTARY PUBLIC Nalianal Ba.nk Will . . Drawn - . Eatatee Settl.d WAYNESVILLE. OHIO





corp .. oration linlit flU til nOl' th sMe ot ",''' .1' "IIIIl ~" (h, · ,Irl\' ''r o ( n \'ehlcl e

" l


l (' II

Ill' 41

Dead Stock Wanted


wht "' I ~

Dr. John Zeltel


,;r·; I'T ION . 'rhl" rclllltLnee s hnll . ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Illk ••' ffe I '.11>1 II In (O'I'C'e trolll n nd "n ~ r I h t' Rrll '8t I",rl 1\ allowed b h " calves Ill' 1(\", . . . your Cattle. ogs, S eep an~ . r"~"ell A, I ou n 1\ hll III bl'r th's to Nor.ris-Brock Co •• live wlr.e and """and .<Inl or .lulll' 1930.. p reSBI'vo firm for the highest JAMFJS U McC'l. 'RE. 1 r o l l ' . I . A 'Ung Mayor market prIces and good serv ce. Att 81: RAYMON F. l1ATFIIEL.[l IUnion Stock Yar4•• . CinciDn~ti, O. Vlllnge Clerk. ..T. 11 Reference: Ask ftrat man you mee~

VACCINATION '· J. E With ,Dependable Serum and Virus insures both Safe.ty and Syc<ceaa

Dr. W. E. Frost · Harvey.burl, O. Pho•• 31




Fully ' Eq~ipped fOl'-Good Service. Large. . Display Room. Ambitlanc~ Service~' T el.phon. 7


dl~~L TllUr~lbl~'


" ~ll1iR nickinlln~.---

- I thl' IWlld ant! \\'111'1\ t -1<:111:011 , f ( '(lIUlllhUlI , MI' n wa~ ' II,' ut\t'll1pt('d 10 mon' a n\O\\ i'r M. C. 'hl'\,\,I' tl f VilmA U, ' !\Ir"" Euslt'I'1\ SIal' jnSI)ec rool1\s, Fran\( ,·luhe·,;, u 1''' 1'11' ' I r . itlenl " " 11 mJt'- IIl1d \\'11" hit b\' t-h :-i, D. Larkin !lnd chi l drcn of held In the !\I1I~Qnic 10 Ill' I his "lImmunity di,'.! ill EUg'I' n t', tOIlj! ue, He i~ .1 w ly I't' 0\: r rng. (;I·l'cnfie l,1. ~ il l Onday (' \'cn ill g'. (l l'"go n , l\by :111, III the> agl' of 82 11'. and Mrs . J , B. J ones, II'. l\lis ~ MHl'j o l'i' 1 00'l(' 1' of Mal'Mrs. Lydlll P uwe ll is (' gu<!st YI'H I'S. I I, \1' 11,' ill IIlIly u fl'w duy ~ . Ilud i\rl' ~ . AII'n Eml'ic~, Mrs. l ar · 1.)11, Ohio is Ih glll : 1 of MiRS Vir- of her dau~htel' in ))uylo Inll' l'm 'n t WIIS HI 11IJJ.({,nc. . /{1I1'l'L .fo hll s, Mrs. \V . M. alem an . I ...........111111..._ ...'!""'~........................................................~..........~........!!"'!!.....!!!'! Al b:; 'I' hel mn 'O I 'TlHIIl, II'. IInri l 1-'11111" '111 . l' l'\"il't.~s fill' Mrs. 'r. N. ,\11':;. ('. .L. J)uk (' .Hnd h. nnJ Mrs. \\, ilk\or~'1I1 , whll d icd III hl'l' hOI.o W alt'l' K ('(1 l'ic k att(,llde(\ Ih I' ' n Can your ,,,lIe · Iwar O lin.! Bra nch TII('sdu y .,( , L ' cn~t PII~ nnt lit. ~pringboro e/:nngc ,. tire 1·, la~t w'('k, Wl're held nt the I' s i- SnluI'lll1Y 'v(' nin~ J,(ivon by the \1"11 ·t· Sli n tia\' oftl·muo n. BIIl·ill l . fOlll' churches th('1'.(,. \'i.'illl l' \l1I~ ill 'I/lrk ~\'ille celll e t e l'Y.




- .----

• 1111111.\' till' ;\li,," i h t.'a\.!l',) to \', 1':0. II'. n h :In ,J ~lI i11 1"1'(1- Fl a ll kliil and 1",,1 th •• ir lil'.t I'(l:od r, ./lli .n, Itill,. lep('I.rt.· th, ut I t I ~;lllll' II r t1w : l'/lnt>1I h.v 1I "(',11'" "I' ' " a palllli "1. 7 . 1 1111 ,':< 0 1 I ~ I ll1 g:\ I U. 1\lI l' lll'h, li lt' I,'rnnklin 1,,,11.'1'\' ill (111\\1\1\(1 (ollnl~' h e 1,,"lId '2:!!1 ti "h"I'I'1£'1I with <'an "il ht' l'. pitdwd n '\<I h it ,:!tl1ll(! . I I .. tl lliv UIIII 1111111 1'l1llchcd fir ~t. 'l"lrnel' JiI)I,' an ll III I~' :! : \\ I~ I me ~ III~ \' th,: Rn't mun UI} w ulko>cl lind tiat 1",1 . Tit. 1"1111" p"h' fo .. hoMllI'l1 1/1 nill " nl" 11.)1 I't' quil' d til l'lIY 1\ w a~ th<, I",t lilll\' \'>II,'nl's\' ill<, 11l.. 1l~(' ,till.! :Ii " lit li"I' rl~' lIlllle l' thl t·[\t~' I),'(1 III S""I'. L nlUiCllIl , I pilt' h , .1 1I fllll' J,:':l 1l1 fIll' W ;lV n t' s ·' .. ' till' Inw III Inkl' lil'h WI ltolll CO II- v.illl' 11111 !l1I.k '.'1' SIIPP" l' t in ui(, in- I . I I. . 1,:, SI:lI~.dlf\l~· d. \,\' a~ II t l ii)ll l i .\f' :l1I~ t h il1~r f, I" r('!;l ock ing' IIl.ld pr,II' ,' d 1m; d,)wnfllll . . 111 I.l lo.lIl11 ll ;-Olltllltl .•.\. III' l'('pl ll (·I'lIi ,· nt. "Tht' Illd li nd rel' l 1I, IlI' Int 11 I,ay I ll(' ffl·ight. AnglelA Th\! sco r e by illnill[!'S: :'th. . Eul'! on n cr I1ml fiO ll \1' 're I SA YLOR- YINGER 1'(' ndly II"C In flll'OI' of :1 Ii I' n, e Wn Ylil"Kville, 0 0 0 0 () 000 - 0 in HIII' t o n 1t1 ~t W e dn l!s dll\' . I f or /Ill li ~hl'l'lIH'n , in th i ~ pU l' t of Fl'lIl1klln" 0 0 (I 2 0 01 00--3 ' • R ~1fl tive8 and fri(' nell< o f Wm. R. I (l h il). " 1:1:": l·C I0.l' Pil ~ C RnYIl. " 1, BII teric . _ 'nesvl lJ e _ _ . J\lr~ . Ronllltl II l1 w ke nterlalneel I' ll '" [Il ll , ,111011 ' Jl llt U j!'n (lel busI ''> d I I TIi\ L a n ~ , ne J oll r ;'Iln ll'on TU('sduyaflC'I" SlIyJ ,. recei\' d w ord of hi~ 111111'- , O U riug'c 0 11 :tI ny :1 1 t o Mi ~ Cleo A v e l'y ill ~ plr l ng lind w('lI · ren· I' l"~ )l1·tll"'Ril illll fil l' "II hI' " t hl' II ,II ~I alit I WI 1I01ln. ',' P'1'o nklin Yln j!'('1' of I ~lIyl " n . i'llI'. Say lo /', 11 rl oh'(1 Childl'c n'H Dny pl'oJ,tl'am WIIS I li"11 1'1I' , ll " I' I h., "l lI i l. III PI'I , ,' ilt. ' ~n! ilill ICI £'1. ,\ "" ~:"'i, 1 " 11'1'-."'1 :' h ;'" 111",,1 :-;' Indn ,v, .JllllC'. 15th til(' :-'1i:l l11i s ~ I I' . and ;-'11.. W. II. Allen n lH1 1''' 1'1111'1' :\. C. rt. 1'(' PIlit'l1Inn , i~ (Int· put li n by t he 10'1 il'nds ' ,'L1ndH)' Jill :" in~J1l' I illn. i\ li ,~ ",/1,,, 1\ S untl:IY l've ldng, I I,_it II lId " "~' . ", 1hili !!'. ' I :hl .. d ," \\ II " Ia)' th,· I'.:I!'I 1):1)'1"11 ~h' I' -' ~Ii ,~ (lli YI' /\l l<>n ~ 11('nt .\I "II<lay ill I' III~ ,.,] ill Yillg,'1' is II Illl",il':tn a l", 1\ H ,'Ii ' !'IIi:;,; l\ l an' C"lIdl Is \'e l'\' iii III ( 1:\ , (0< . t'I1: lIlI~, :l fll ~1 1 "11 111 1'1'''''1 11".\' 1,,11 . l~a ~· IIJII . 1'~l'ai'IIl·1'. Th ,·.\' will .·.·~Idl' in llll )' - her hnllll.' h'l' I'(!. Il t.1' f l ' ipnri ~ hil\'\.· ' litt! , hn pe for h('1' 1'N't> v pry . :'> 11" . 11. I·: , ~landd' ''1 rI :11101 ;\ 11'<. I". . - - - • ., i\li :-or-o Vi o la CU1T\' \\,i\ :-; a 111 P lll 1':"r1 ('''1111\ '1' \1 ,'1',· X " " ia \ i ,. it,)I' ~ 1'1:1111, 11111'1' 1'1' WIt! f:ll11il\·. lIf b,, 1' o f lhl' )!I'IHlulilili g I'la ~~ nt Wil Thul'~oI:t\·. 1 ~:tI' I' 11. "1"' 111 ~l" day \dlll '.1. I' . lIIinl! tuII (' o ll l'g'c. . ) I :\I i"" TI"I' "i ,'(' II \ ' ntall I' l'tll l n .. d FI,',llIlIl :lnol r:tl11il~' . I 1' Ii,;" My ra lIaydoe l, is lit Iwnw frlllll Willllin g'lo n cullt'~l' fur th l' li" il Wllh s U111 lI1el'. l(lIb,' rt und Ruby S ,llith spe nt :\11'. a n d :\I I'~ . !'Il a l'k 1t 1J~1' 1" lin d I hl' \I·,·.. k , ,,"d \l'il It relatives al :\11'. :ln<l '.1 ,·". CIIII "'I'r sP" I'1 SU ll C"lu""JI' s and II l·luII'/lI'l'. rill)' III :-:l. :\1 1l1'~· · ~. l. ll k l'. :'III' . alil l ~ Ir s. 1·:<1. \\' l"'1' o f ScheT ill' r.:ldi l'~ Aid n. d III th e' h (lIi H' n .. "':l dy. 1. Y. 1l1'I' lhl! g'll(' s t s III' :>'Ib ~ 1-: 111 ilia !l l'i!.d. \\, I1\· \I' II ~ 11 ;\11'. and i\lr". \ \'. C. :-;11. ith. ~11 11 "n\' rlilllll ' J' !!'1I,·.t . " f :'olr~. "I' ,\l I' ~ . ~Iin l\i,' I-' IIu lk s \\'edlll' s d:l)' ~II' . :tll d i\lr,;. T. ('. ll ay,hJl'k :' fl' ·I'I 1l", n. I·:rl ilh 'lIal'ri s alld fal11il),. as wl' t:k '(' llIl glll'st,: 1111' . .\I l's. IJ aul Ihl !;,' ha " ill ·t'n qllit l' had ,,'hat , 11:. 11 \\'1' I!'i\' (' th ,' Ll'id,.'! ill \\,i . h 1111' }.!I i". ~ I\i' i, ~" "H' \\'hat "';h "" al (·:!n·',. " Th l' of il1",,"\' (' '' at thi s li llll'. Ci(t ~.' · ill 1.,·i" ilI II II. ()h i.. . ' :'011' " \\' ilh ur lark "f \\' a)' I1" "- ' \,i ll i' \'i s il,'d h l'1' 111 " t111'J'. JI l l'''. ~I:II'\' ~II' s, l's . i\ l a\'lllll'rI \\' (·lt7. nnrl E . ( '111' 11111 " ;'. 1.' l' idll),. ' ('. (,,,,\'1, · " I I"·/ld ,·d t he l'a s l' ball :\1 1'. and :I II'S. (,I yd,' W Lal'l'!1l g anlt' at ( 'i n l' in llat i , · lInda\·. and dau},! htl'l' s , ~ l' l' lIl i'l l C)nd ll~' .n --o f thc' till' (; . 111 I' it \' . B ar, Soap, fer JI l l'. and ;\ll's . FI'l1I1I, (' or, l, and I i'11'. nnd 1\:11'''. roh",·I,·,; I-:ad~' flild 1\11', II ll d .\ ll' s. L;' nHl n nay \\l' I' (, d:Il.lghll·l'. J 1111 I!. \1'1' 1'1' Cin cin nllli I ·S w e e t Potato . "AI' Cinclnnlll i \' i s il "l'~ TUI'gda\'. \,,,, .1 111''; !\Innd a)'. . Coffee c 3 0 c Blen d 2 S c . I Children's On ), will ~)(.' ob~l'rv NI Plants :>'!I'~. II. R . E !lrnhflJ'1 (lnd IIIIU g h- ul Lnl" church Il ('xl Sunday ('V" 1l I. G . A. t I' of (' IJ IUlllbuR. ' IH' nt :\lolltlu\' in !, .hlll!! 15. and TtIl'st! a\' \1 ith 1'l'llItil'Cs hrJ' ·. :'oil s . Willillm L o ng \\'a, a \I'(' ('\(' P e a r s Cali for nia Bar tl ett 2 S c FREE . , (' Illi gUI',t o f Iw r claught£, 1' :"IiI'S. Lar ge Can :\1 1''' ' .1"lIl1nettl' Bloch . of (,in- 1I t' l'llI a ll • a.l'l ol' 1I1lt! fal11il;- III 6 Ba .k<>ts of gro· I. G. A. Fa n cy -a tcillllat i. i, ~ I'rlldill).! th \I'('p k at !a!'llIont . ~ '. ceries Ci \' en llW3Y 2 Can . 2Sc th .. I\II IIH' ~I\' ''I' II nllan and fam I RII ""' lI D yke of ]'lIrme !'S\'lll e IS Ab solutely Free ily. . . ~ p('ndin),( 1\ cou pll' IIf \I're k s at till' Hockett's Jaek h"111!' . o f ]\]1'. and 1\l l's . F OI'('~l I Buket Each l O l bll' S 1 c S u g a r Fro.t 11"/l lI l iful , ill' (' I'\I',II'I' nnel ('hin:l- Cl'lIham. Hour From 1 : 00 .\11'. ('!tIl "I(', BUI'IH't t, wh n ha s \la' l! >It ( ' ''I' V'S .I ,''''l' I1'\' Sh o p. p. m . to 6; 00 p . L l·hIlIlPIl . U hi;,. \\" .. gi \' ~' Ccdar I>l'l' ll quitl' ill f o.· Silille tilll('. is m. fev;pora- A p r i c o t s lb. 2 3 c (I II th e m l' nd. ,,1 111111' '' . :'IIi ,s lI ptn H ess n f n ay l o n , p(>nt Phone 65FIl :\10·. and :\Ir .... l';IIr1 C o nlll' l' unll :-;lIliday wilh h e r p "rc ll l s , JI l l' . lind ~ on . Iln d (,hUllc~ Burt on Ilnd Mal'- 1\11'';. I-' I'"n4 II ,'s,. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ~Ii ~, ~nru BOW111an Spcllt In. t ju ri,' Earnhnl'l w<!rc nayt " l1 vi s l· \l'c~k wi l h h e r bl'(>\h(·1' Hnd famllv t"l'~ Sun da y afle l'n ,,,, n. > Pastry&Bread in 1'1' 1111. nn d att en d ed lh(' ~raduli­ ;\1". and M 1' $ . G r ove l' j) :l\' it!~on ti"n o f her nephew. lar ge Miss Gracc 1Il' ~s \I'IIS II Frida\' :\nd i\lr. and l\lrs. Chris SUllll1ll'r of 160Utlces sa k Pand OI' ll, 0 .. WC' I'C Friday call e l' s (' \' c llinJr guest o f 1ll'1' fri e nd II I is's I ! at the home o f Rc \,. C. C. Dihe l't. Do r iR H arvey ne al' L e banon . e ~· SlI y lo1' SJ) t' lIt the \\'(' ck -en d I with fl'icnti f< in 1\! ing-o. Gnl l' n , 1': ll(' in, Iln l1lillon a ncl B mic i' Graham n nll Mi ssl's I Olher 111 11 I<es of d (' vendab lc Ruth F.arly w cr e Monday aftel'- [ wa t ch (>:l. Yo u lind at Ca I' Y'~ nnon ~ u es li\ o f M iss Th c lma o leI Jewelry Sho,,; Leban o n, Orlio. )nl1n. nnd Mrs. A. C. Th o mp so n ' M r. alltI M I'S. I, e rcy Williulll nrlli\1I·.l'nterluinillg th' Intll' J" ~ s iS- I GUM DROPS Yatl's, n 'e I':dythu I\ l lIey, nf He ll - t Ui' nn t! two ~O ll " fr o m P e nn. thi s ..... ... ..... ... .... P e und \\'(II, d C ily , ulif .. are guests of w ee k. MI'. :llld l\Il'~. B e rt Hart u c}v und r HI 1\11s. Cura Ma' . . .' II·s . ),1:- . tHi ll! fi nd tw o chi l- , SALTED PEANUTS Y Id " (, 11 " r (1l1Clllnllt l SJl~lIt II cOllp l p PI Fresh, 2 pound... .... . " , Il l' day s la ,;t w e ek With MI'. and lIll ' . lin u" JlI,·'s . F . B . r'I e n(1, "I so n, M .. (,h '1, ' 1\1 \I . Mi s.' Louis <! Henderso n 1\1 ' IS .. . ale s 1I e l1l x. CANDY BARS ........ .. .... .... . All kind., 3 for ......... I Kllthl,),n Tu.n I' lind Mrs: ,J. ~T: ,i\II~s Sarli B o w111l1n was n s ix Co lema n v if< il(' d Der en and ot her I) t:lock dinn er ~u('s l Mondu~ of inte l'cst inJ,t' lJoint s in I{ e ntu ck JIll'. lin d M~·: .. WIlliam Long. . Su nda y . y, on Mrs. W.ll onm Col"mu n . Mrs. ' . . :uslln S aylol'. Mi ss The lma C ol('. , l11an and H e nry Say lor a tte nde d ~rl'. J1!1·~. J .. Q. .G o ll s , MI SS the f un era l o f Allen Shaner nCllr \ A li ce G l, n s and MI S;; ]~ StlICI' \I c n- IWavnesv ille \\ ednt!sduv. A home-owned atore, affiliat d with I. G. A., enab le. u s to I d pl's,)!] . aUt' lId l' d. 1' ~lInl1le,!cel1lc' nt . If 'n.·~· Saylor and (r il' nd, Mr~ shnre in rna •• buying and mer c progra m. Our profi b I exerc lS"s a t Miami UIll\'l'l'sil;' , Su sun Sav ior lint! Mrs . H a .... v L, remain in thi. communi ty to help ma intain .many different Oxfo rd, Monda\' . • ru hn Con s wa s Cl'lIhllm altended h ildl'('n's ' Day une of t h e g l'atillatl'~ . prog r am at Sp rin Jrh n r o on S unen t erp r ises . R I , day ('vc' ning. . "\I'llI'd. ofTl'l'l'd. A 1'1'\\'ul'll oC ~l i ~~C's Wand a C lark a nd 1\1.i1$ lO.(JO will be Jl l'('~c ntcd tn II n y tired Gndllllll spe n t th(' \\'<! e k -end 11('1'50 11 . wh~) ('III' ,tllln l'slly ~ ay , 'in ])11 \'to n t h e guc's t o f Mi ss Kn Lhaflpr II SI('nll1J,:' III S undny I\ight's I' vn Gl'llham . . :'oc I' III 011 Ilt Lh" ('hurdl of Chris t , I . Mr ~ . I' l't<'l' Hnnta is 'luil e ill l h!ll h(' ha~ n u l 111'('11 "hil." ' at t he " om(' of I'elolivos in W :=;t ' ('al'l'o lll on, bllt '\\'i ll bl' b r o ughl , / MI S.. 1." .(, SI. .r l'~n alld dalJuh- hOIll!:' a ~ "ol)n Il ~ s h e i ~ ab le. ll'l'. 1I 11 .~ I h,,1 11I11. ~I. ss I rllla Rich, I Mr. al\d Jl II·~. Ke s l(' r Graham ' -------------IGA-------------~, l\I(s . L: V. , Rl':ln ~II'''llll' and d/lugh- Ilwlol'l',1 10 ('oillmhus Su nd av n nd t c I'. iVll SS (alhl· nn." aU"ndl'd col11- s p,'nl the day wilh MI', lind' Mr s. :-:::-::~-~---------------------------- l\'ell('l' lI1ellt "X(ol' l' l oe~ at \\' Itl t' n- 1\. E. Whi lc Hnd sons . Miss B e l'. her g coll l'l':c In ~t \1' peIL nice n cco mpaniNI the m hOllie , .1 to f tel' to wee"s ,, V'"Sl t t h ere. • • ' . 1 \\' 0 SIIl'.l'I'S S ial'S w.1I appca r Mrs . H l'be r t Edwa l'd ~' a nd ch il at Do ~ld ' Silliday .Jun e ]5. Max flrcn 1I1'!! l'1'l'llding t hi s wcek in Padl o\\: ~lId lI el' b 81' wn, two o f I nay t on wilh MI'. a nd MI·s. C horles I D llyto~ s fnm ow; all !II'o llnt! nt h- Edwards . . lot es. fhl"'y \\,111 sh(! w Ih il' wa rcs j MI'. and Mrs . Glen n .J ohll s n nd 'HI Ih e J)lamond \\,Ith t h e> Wayn e c hildr e n Paul and Vivian o f Oily- I AI' (, l1u c j \l Pl'c hants . Itll il \\'('I'C S unda.v dinn c l' gU st H o f l\,. . ..' ' . ' IMrs. l\IlI~garel .Tohn s. I . . Ind [\ 11 , ...r. n. (.11 1Iw n gh l. 1\I1'l'. Samuel S.t e phen R of L eba nd dau J!·hl: .;. M IS" E\' c)y n , IV"l' e anon , Ind .. i ~ v is ~ Ihis week ~.(\ IOX~')I.· I~ I. U ('S~IH .:' .." n,d atte ndcd I \~ith h I' h l'ot h e l's, ],~ . M. C IHI'k, ! . "Il! l l1CCnHnl. 'Xl ' (l SC, at We st- (I \ar les Clurk and WIf e and ol h e r l"n (0 1\1'),(1' , l\1",; .)all,·1 Ca l' l wri gh l 1'C' lat ives n ea l' her e . \Ias 1\ 1I1t·1I11,,· 1' " ' Llll' gl'adualing : [\11'. and Mrs. W a il c r K e nri ck , (·I ass . . • . . Mrs . S. II. Halli e;; a nd so n .JullI es, i\ ! ." I.' ., s pe nl Thur s ciay :l nu Friday with j I..: It,') 1I II\\' I,~ and so n MI'. !ln d Mrs . C. R. Binegar tit H ub e ,~, r. f fanltJH, 1'111., IIl' l'I ve d J<lm est o wn. , h.ere' . a lu rd ay a nd I' elllliincd ove l' Mr, u nd Mrs . A ll e n Emrick find '. U lld t~y \~ I ~h , MI'. and Mrs. J. Wi!- MI'. a nd Mrs. J. E. J o n es at t e nded . S~ I,I Ed\\lJId s ~nd family. Th e y Lodge Decol'ation at Miami CemeII (nl. o n to C l al'ksv ~lI e. ~ unday try unday. wh e l' (! t h e>y 11'11 1 VISit Mrs. Mr Lawl'e nc e Harelin who re. ~\\' e S fat h er li nd othe r f e la · c (' nll y pUl'c ha sed Ih e Dyke farm , 11\ es. s u stain e d pa,i nfu l inj ur'ies about \ ('1'\ '







IIr.· III)t


Big Anniversary ' sale

/,I.' II:I\(i\'\~lIrl:I:O(\ Il:I . f.\\':I;itil

FRIDAY & SATURDAY JUNE 13 and 14, 1930 La~ndry

"E" 6


AR WE CA N I'nOVE!- thl'Y co~t you little


if a ny more. Our se rvin' comme ncC's by h C'lping you ""'t'et tht, mll s t ('I'olllll1li ca1 (;oodye ll r for yuur n el' d ~. 11. I·nnlintlt·s ulltil yuu ha\'e l·njuYl·d all IIf ) lIur t'xlrn miles of troulJle-


Gordon's S,ervice Station



sc r vi~~.

,\ 1')" ~.~r to; .....·h•• on.. r no •• :'~ •• ~. (,:(~od.l· ....rfloi 1\11 ,\round"



(-lIp81. uow-'''''II IUII'ft t./u~ BEST?

The SUfest · protect ion is GooJ yea rs all around. S UI)erior in tr£'ud and t'lIn ' a~ s­


" ""11'



Phone 47

Waynesville, Ohio


Cut Beans


Baking Powder


"r {~

••0.1"i ~Aii




O .... r

'·P. t


Six Ply

Four Ply

29x4.50 .... ... ..... .. .. .. .. $9.35 30,,4 .50 ... ... .............. $9 .50 28x4.75 .... ... ....... .. .. $10.75 29 x5. 00 .......... ..... . $11.45

29 x 4 .40. ... . ... ..... .... ... $6.30 30 x 4.50 ...... ....... .. ..... $6.90 28x4.75 ........... ... .. .... $8.20 30x5.00 ....... .... .. .. .. ... $9 . 15




Typlcul ttl the ' ·.1 ••••

D. H.

40c per

J. G. A.




2Se ~ ~!~~.~~..................2Se



25 e



We make a SPECIALTY of TOBACCO INSURANCE against Hail. We can place your Insurance in First Class Companies, term from




Waynesville Ohio









to October


We request you to see one or more of the following-named Farmers who were insured with us last season and ask them what sort of a settlement they received through this Agency:

I Herbert Meredith--Paid Hail Loss of $62.50 I Robert Furnas-Paid Hail Loss of $77.12 E. T. & Clau,de Stroud-Paid HailLoss of $65.62 Clarence Edwards-Paid Hail Loss of $9.25 I Lawson & Cartwright-Paid Hail Loss of $66.28 Branstrator & Price-Paid Hail Loss of $186.60









For a Healthy Start a rld a Quick 'Finish j ::~ -. ~ f '


~ t • • , j7 .

I'eol,, ) :' :! , .., I ,. " " .~. ] r' .,! i';

.' ,

:: r.'.lkc s!i,·c lylittersofh ealthr l'igs. o n T uxedo Hog Rarion • ',,, " n l (ime. Tiley are ready for markeo

. .... , . " " . ei [HI

un " " Tl " • , ..·h c:o t:!<: I. 'L~r : ~t.: ~ t ,l ,.~ it :; t.J L ~[ . ' . Ti t. e i :: l' . ,' • . " .... . . , -: " :J U:'- hue i t i s expense (0 (he hog r ,li ·"",. C ·.!, I:. , i, __ , .~, Yol" cu t rhl.! expe n se a nd r a i se the ,...,~~ ". ,.. I II ' T h ousan d S r o .•r ts' . \. O U (- .; , (" L di\: Cuu - o g R a llon.

1- C)' P !J L



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.~ "0 prol~!Q lC . -10 ~ .,

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: ' : ( ~~~b "nJ ; 9 ~~ . Ane! Tilxetio fi ig

.. I " 1 (IOC~ thc ~ am-;: j u b better ' and c hc. pcr than (, :_:_": '':. ,-'ur '" cks arc fresh, now. Come in [01' :·ours. 1 I)rI),.

$25.02 ~~~!" W ayne'svHI¢


THROUGH SLEEPING CARS TO ATLANTIC CITY Lib e ral .t.op-~yer priv:lege. retur.niitg. ·

The Tul.·ci!o Lille of PeiJs: Tu do Alll1u.. he$ np ' l'u.l(."<Io StHUO& Mashe. ( ' r,Lud ... HpG Ration T""c:doGrowm. Mame.s 1".."<10 ""'"~"" l '""edo Puult!:)' Fluuer '

F. D. DAKIN -Iasuranee

JUL Y 29,' AUGUST 12 and 26

Tltxedo ~og Ration IittO:fu


and ot her S <' utb e rn New Je ney Sea.hore Resorb

Lytle, Ohio

TUlledu Dairy





Ask any of these parties if they are not MORE THAN SATIS • FlED with, the adjustment of their loss~s. We CC;ln insure you for as much as $150 per acre on Seed Leaf and Spanish. As high as $200 per acre on Burley, or less amount if so desired. TOBACC,O LOSSES must be reported within 48 hours to Agent . TOBACCO PREMIUMS being SHORT TERM INSURANCE are CASH and must be sent to the Insufance·Companywith the Application for Insurance

. >'? J ." ' ion ~u.., a:ty reduces the lime from fa rrow-

T ,, ' c ''"_


1\uc:do Chick ) 'I'wtedo Scral h TUXl-dO D~vel o~r - ,,,,d ",.IIIY olh'!J-

lIIu~trn'NI rJtrcrl "lh'(\

"'" ....

"II' ""or

rol< l .. r~ i l ll \\'IIII! . ima o f 1... IIIA dLo ll.. UIII (J III 'r d~laH may UIJ uiJluilwu Irl m 'l'Icllf)t nIH


. l)rh'ljcIlO '




W.ya••vllle:' '-Oblo

BAILEY, Solicitor '



Eighty-Third Year

Whol e Number 5914







r The C u ild- A ux iliury of St. lI1ury 's C hurC' h m et o n F " idny aft er nl,,, n. ,Ju ne 1:3 a t th e hOI11e' II f MI'~ . IJ . L. C run l' , Mn;. ran I' and l\11·H. F. U. lI e nde rso n, h os tl's~ es. The ml'l'Iing I\·U.· " pe n e u by M rs ,~ ll Ulln~ Cndwullllo I t' Ie l' who . :-:e'llrl y 2()() II'a dcl's an d officers ('0 1. l\1 B S. O IIlO- Secr(!ta ry 1'11<' IIl !> t fi sc al .I·NII· II.·I~ l,no' l' ondu cted th e VAYN E SVILLE M. E . CHURCH I ILrI~~~~~~~~~~L.=:l "I' Stute Clul' ' nl'l' J . Bl'll wn hu ' ___ =.","_' ___ '" _ _ __ _ - Ilf unu ~ unl activit" on U ' e \',) )(, nll S,e r VII'I'. til ed hl ~ d ec hmllioll o f cundidll oy . J 1C Str iplural . tttl u tatl llll~ w r Wl'dll e~d a y : Th l' LIt ,l il:'~' Aiu o f h,' \\'al'I'\' n clI ulIlY 11. 11 Clulos nH a l'lIl1didall' III th e Ilell uu lican pur t of th ose III charge o f lh wo r k gi\'(' n in J'('SI )(l 11~ e t o 1',, 11 ' 1'11 11 . Isociet'· IS ll1 t'l' tin" in Ihe chu l'ch 111l'L at l/:tl mon I'ark on Sal urdllY, J o hn I cfIlJ~lle 0 .f t lll' bU ~ ll1 ' e,s Sl'S- I nt ~ : oJ O p. Ill. A .. pliJl1l1ry fur re no min ution a s See l'e- f ew weeGo kl! .ns is in leve la nd f or n in Mi umi \.t:Il1l'l e ry. T hl' l·x pell . ! . A t t hH! "Si lve l T ea " 'I ' I ( .lul1/' I -I. f,,1' i l1 ~ fl i lllli ll n nn d indilur c fo r lub"r has bec' n corre . . IUn t I' LJ O\\' ln", pl ogl'llill WII S will bc h ~ ld in th" SUIlUHY ~('h(lo l I> I ';~ A i"l' ; " n ~ j , I" \ I~i tin", , tlill' ,,,11 in t hc' <luti c o o f l he ir tury .. I' S tall'. T he dec lll l'llli on wu~ ul'c o m panied by a pe titi un :;ig n ed . . .. l'I' Illll' I'I!,J : l uOOl o f thl' chul c h ut ~ : ou fI , Ill . frif' rll l, ill ~I i ,~ , . url. uy !l1'I)ruxill1aLe ly :10,000 R ell u bliMI S. Wal te r Undt' r wood hn~ , pu ntlln g lun.(I' uul III thl' ulHn1Vn I'ianu Solo . "Cu un t r y Card en s ,' Fr icia .": Chui r III IH' 1I c.' ut H:OO '). ,lIli cl' I'" 1\1'IS'; ,",sl, I.· - ~d ca li S, r ' pI'ese n li ng e ve r y cuull t y bc'~ n ver,y Hick, " I' ~"or U W il l I 0 f l ' l u ~I"l'S I11l~ ler Il e. nd e rsu n. · 111' . !-;u ll dIlY : Sunuay s~h"l) l at !\II'. Hnd "r~. (;" " 1'",1 ' I{ "hin"" n T he '''''l'lIil1((' prnl{ ram wa s hrn lind "rn 'li cu ll y e very pu litica l ~ull!,N' II ju di cio usly ~ pe n t. No ~ l11a ll Hl'auinl{ fram "/{ll ads t o lh e \1 ::10 a . nl. Munlinl(' whrs h ilJ al ~ t 'l' nt l h ul ,d:t~ in (,,,Iulld ,u s. In the S h..tll' l' lI 11u",·. ~ tu rling B rni is ti. !<pe nliing' p~II' 1 o f thl' 'XIH'IHI, tul' e ha~ u'I' n C"t "1 I',unUI II II aw k l' I O::lU. Th e SUbjl'c t j (1 1 th l' 1lI0'1I· divI~ it'n ll of the ~tale. At t ime of herMiss vu calio n ce in HymHn Cincinna I y (J r C"" , lOu " rs. pl"lllptll' al H! 1l'C'I " c k, wit h singli lill'" SI'l' l'e tar" Bl'uw n mude t he a nd l\ll'". ,J . W. Euwurd :;. in ", serm u ll " ill be "rtusl'd ( ;all's II. ~I. shl'l\\ " ' ,,, lind .J. :\. il\<, III.' 'th l' ",." 111'. Il'd lo y Miss J fil l' 1)lantin " ulld CUI'l' of I I <, cos and \ ' I" 1 R k f A " . ' 'I' I ,., ,., l' r~. Ihl l11 (, de m o ns tlll l'llll'n e : " In filin K IlS n cnn diMI'~.' . \" . r . .l" III'~. I) ur\' r ntuI'n n,I " "('a ., 0 0 , " 0(' 0 goes - und UP l'" }) u or~.' Epwo rth LI'u j('ue Squ lrt·~ \\'1'1 ,' III r,,~ t,,, ay. 1':lizlIh l'lh ~I "st ~ ., ;, ., ~ ,sh nlhltl'ry and tlw ud<ie'd bl'aU l \' 1\1 111 I W It . da t e I' ll I' re- plecli o n liS ec t' clar yof h,nn e f mm le vl' la nd. S und ay. o f lhl' I!I:o l1nd ~ i" th e dir ,~t r l's u li . . r~_ :I}' llan I' z. .. . I a t i : (J1I p. Ill . Th l' Fo urth Qu a l" s l l alilln ag"lIt fl'<nll Clilil o n co unty S tale. I do So with the hope that 1.l uc h Intl·f('s.·t wa" lll. an"c ~te d III teJ"i y ' o li fere ll CI' will he hl·ltI aL (; " " 1'1-(" 1>: .1 "'l11l1nn . n f Dayton, Th ,' Ihell1\' "I' Ihi ~ l'rogram was Si n ~ I ' thl' ",)l' nil)oo of the ne w It) C . t l' ~ t .queSlIo ll s w h Ie II I' 0 II 1)11'1'1 I H:U U p. Ill . Dr. L. U. lj "')1',,,e, our I, . vI,l '" tln l{ I''.. C' . (' II) I, . all, I ra 1111' 1.\'. lh l' II " "II h II in (, Iuh Wo rk. my Il dl11 illi ~ lr \l ti o ll Of Llll' S tate De,, !il'tn,ent hus UCC II :;ul'h li S t o mer it Mus te r Johll Seu rs is visiting J,:r o und :.!~()O tr.c ,,~ un ~ 1 sh r ubs hU\'t· t he rc a dln g!; . di ~tl'i c l "U]ll'l intl' nd e lll will he I·:d,\ll (' om llto n IIf lhe JUlli or Sc wP IIppr(ll'll\ of lh e c itiz e n ~ of Ohio rclati\' e~ in Grcc nvill e thi;; week. bl! 'n phnt('d I) ul'lng II IJCI'I", III f Ul sClclU ' 1 h o ur" ilh li S and pre ac h a lit! cunduct " :'; , '11 1 < all' I inl-( " Iu b .. I' ~I a" 'n ",ave a n exthl' ' .Ifl va r J(, u .~ 1 1 ,'Il't .~ of .\1 r. al l' I .\1 I ~. \,,.. ,~. If rl'nnmi nu Led a lld l'e.-clcc l C' d, I Mr s MVl'r th e grlJunds. ( arl' "I' Ihe g J'U SS h ll~ duinty r C' fr es hlll e ll Ls Wl're flc l'v ed th l' J., U :, illl·S~ "f the ('o nf~·rl· n ('" . ,;on. ,I "hn. "!"' nl Sunua.\' in l{"",,- Cl,lI c l) t t a lk " I) the ways Ihat club H~'nw n . a ttpn d cd a b(' l' n l' xt~ncll· d a nd mu rt' p lot~ III tl", n le lllb e l'~ and gu ests. I )' UU 111 1' COl'lli a ll y ill\' iLl!d I, . al- hUI'f.:. "' '' II, illl!' rov('s heallh. III.' d" e III " SI'I I' to adll1 111.IS.t 'r .I11Y I II nl' h...·o 11' , hl'st o f m y ablhty , III a II ' ~ In Inc lll nllLI, tin Sat ur· mude Jiahl ' oI fll c(',., t o t he . . . .a '\'a ''l ' C' f,, 1' SIIII' a s lot ~ or - - - -tenl I IIH!~l' Illl'C t 'llIgs anI I \\ OI" Illjl . This \\JI~ f"I1" " pu loy an I gl'~ I 'l~~ s., Oo' h I . . , wit h u~. . I Tllkl' II l'a rkl· I' pl' n , wlIh you Pl'il('in:11 dial ng ul' hy Il ele n Rothlh',l'(Iul-( h anci hu s in('ss- lik" mll lln e r l l l~. . . ' r () 0 \\ l1 el ~ ~ ~HI d I cali z . [I~TER C. Dibe rL Pastor o n Vil liI' VHl·HlllI n . ( ' 111 I' S .1(·\\'1'" I' niHil :llId I':.llla Siltry of l he No nain thl' int e r,,~ts of nil th e I)eop lc (,f th e ~tute. MI ~s H en l'l eliu I\1 c Kln s y r e tul'1l , alld g,! m(' ure bl'(' () 111 111g aequu in - ' - - -'- ' . sh'JiJ, L"loHlI lI ll, Ohi" . . . 1",1 F o,)d ('Iub . As htallu lu la st l ed Wit h t he furt, that t he nlll y I T hl'lI (,0 1" in 1\'ixon a nd Ellscd homc frol11 Stude n ts o f (Jh in State Uni ve l'- lI'ee k. I IH~ I mun 'n ~ ~.o urc (' of in c'o me t ha't . ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Th (, Mu lf /l r" fal1li l~' reuni o n \\'a~ worth [1 <:nllllrn "f th e Best Yet s ily 'll'l! nuw ' nj ov ing th e an nual ' . . t he A ~so cnltlo n hus IS t h' In t eres t SUJllmer schedu l e- I ~ t, 3Td and h(,I,1 lit I Ill' h,)J)l1' o f ~I l'. u lI,1 :'I I I'S. ~ orn rnunilv ("I u h j!1I \'e a ,Iemo nvlI~a;i o ll whi c h ~ Lt; I'Ls at the ('los_ I Todd W alto n,. o f Sp!'ll1g Valley , fr o m Ill vC'~ trne n ts ; all ot her de pe n d 5lh Su nd a y, Mass at H:()O a. 111. ; ~I alll'l rl' S l l vl'r~. TUl'sduy. ~t lalion l!'nLiLll,d "Two hi ck n s , 12nd and 4th S un uay, Mass at , . , , Vil'w!JOinl " n Life." Th e chi ef illg o f th e " pring quarter of th e ~VIlR a Wayn eS Ville VISlto! Su nda y ~ tllcl y ~)n th e d~n)lll1,1 f.or I,.>(s U ni v(' I's il y wh l' n 1,35 1 wc r e gl'udu ,If te>rnu o n. Il n u th c numb er I1nd ci a S .of tn !I :3 U: hal ~ha ll WC' gl\ e th e hrllll'! s peltkl'l' un lhc Jlrtlg r nm was Dr. llted . A nUlllhcr of thesc boy!! lind , te rm e J1l ~. T o thl' end t hat th e fi x 'd Harry C . Cram, P I Rev Lawrence B Mollrnann S lwp at CU I-y' S. "Th' lJ ome o f 11 "r'c lwl Wi lliam", of Leb a no n, ~i r ls ha ve bee n e mpl oye d in pnrt Wed din g rin g'S with b 'auty . unnua l InClllll e ~ h ll il mur e neari~' u J '1 J d C~ob.:te . . . ' Gif l s," in Lebano n , Oh io. who gal' a n l' nt c rLlli ni ng und intilll e ~tut(' W I'k , ~n lhai. manner 11 5 a nd c hul'llI at. 'arY ' R J ew (!lry Shop n~c.l't th t, eX )Je nd lt.u l·Cs a n effort an uC·,nl e Ohll. e , ar WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF ~II'Ul' l i \'l' wlk un lhe " Valu e of sist ing in pay inl< their )vay through Leba n on , O hIO. ~.I ~ been ma de du rm g th e y~a r t o ounty, 10 CHRIST Mr. und 1\I rs. Hoy Ituckwe ll 11 III I H,'gu lar Pll y"i~n l Exuminat lon s ." coil eg-. Th ey mak e exce lle n t e mlI1.creui;e t he perpe!ual ca re fund two so ns, o f La Ju an!.;l, e,,\. , vis- Il l' f" lI olVed thi ~ by a Ii ' nlllns traI tll·s ire . to s tale f orma ll y Lo Bible ' ch oo l III 9 :30 ~' . m. ited I'cla t i\'ps Ill'l'l' 11l"1 "l·ek. lil, ll o f a I'hy ~ ica l exumi n<llio n p loyel's f o r t1W s tute a s a ll ure IIm- .11'11'. ".n d Mrs. Cl ifftT Himes , of l \~ I th th e , ~'c: ~ltt~" t the Tre~ sur e l" s loi l i o u ~ lind Nigel' t o s uc c eed in Cent 'I'vllle, s p e nt und sy with Icport \\ III sho\\ lhat u!mo Rt $ 10,- lhe Re publi c ll n vote rs o f th e 7lh Lord' s ' uppe r ut conclu sIOn . I us ing Lyle Ben ham, (If t h t, Best 'nyLhing th ey undel'lak '. I MI S. Anna Shee ha n. aoo.uo hu:, bee n su bs c nb eu t o t.he CIlIlgl'css io no l Dis tl'i ct of Ohio, End ea vor lit G:45 p. m. Elizab elh Mrs. Rosulie Ca lm Ilnd Sidn~y Ye L CIl Il)muTllt y Clll!" a s t h e !lub , . fund gUd'rng the. y~ar a ryd ~ o r e , t hat I a l11 u ca ndid a t e fur Re)J!'c- He nr y, lead cr. Even in g eva ngel: Bl oc h, o f in ~ illanti . s!,l'nt S u nday jecl. Il r. \\ illiuJ1ls is -n o stranger Mr. and Mrs irv Ing Welch tha n $ _, 000.00 Il III 1.1 111. ThiS brlllg,; se nlu ti vc to lh e United S tates Con iSli c t; Cl'vic(! at 7 :45 p . Ill . A ~ S un - wi t h Mr. find l\ !r~ . I\IY"I' lI yman. to lhe c luh IJ ny~ Hn t! gi rl : liS he Ollic 1'8 o f lhl' Bu ck eys Press As gnve phy~ ical examinatio n s t o s ociat io n are plani ng t he mids um- spe nt Su ndny with th e IlIltc r's the tuta l s uiJscnpt ion t o th e fund I gl' ~D a t lh e pr im llry to be h e ld day marks the six t y-first anniver- I me l' mceti ng which is to be held in moth e r Mrs. Vi ola Ca r ey. mo r e thall $24 ,500:00. ~ nd more ' next Augu st. Kary.of the l ~c ul c.h urches life , th e . Watc hes, jl'\\ elr y, .r1iam " lJ rI~ an,d Ihll: 1' I1ttenciing camp la,l ye n!'. C'l eve llln d Friday and saturday , I ' th a n $ 11, OOO.~O p~ld Ill, th e lilt- I T he v(Jle r ~ whosl' Dupport I a lll eve nlllg serv ice Will be a ce lebru- /! Ifts for any nc cllSlUn at (,ary ~ !\1i ~s lI ul .t u I! 0 r.;t, a ss istnnt J u lv It t h li nd i 2th . Th e get-to. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Mc Beth and t el' ' amounL beHlI{ In vest ed 'ill fi r st ;;eek ing ar e e ntitl ed t o kn ow wh e r o li o n. An inte restin g prug l'a m is ,Jewclry S hI IP, Ll'illlll o n, Uh iu. St ale ('Iub lC'ad C' r Lh e n gave a g eth e l' lun c}1co n will h e h e ld Fri - sO.n, of ' p rlllgficld " spent ullday I m ort"ugc'~ and reul ~ tnte. I I sta nd on t he ma j o r pulllic ques. be ing planned. Se rm o n s ubJe cl, hrier tllik nn II l'al th ful Recreation da y noo n foll nwed with a bu sin ess l w lt h 111 1'. LInd Mrs. Earl E va ns. With II f e w e xcepti o n ', th ese .to li o n s no w be fo r this co un t r y. "W h y This C hurch is H e r!!." Th e l 'i Eps ilun Pi Class of F er ry Th e Ill c"li ng \\'ll S elused hy mo r e S('SSiUll and a dinn er in th c eveni ng I l1Ic.el t h e needs of the. CO n~ mlll11ty }o·'II· . the purpose o ( inf ,) rllling th em C hul'ch Nigh t p r ogram e uch W l!d· Blu le Scho,,1 wi ll go iv J1 " .oc k j!ruup :; ing inl-(. A th cuL c l' purty has also been ar- I lIfl·. unu Mr~ .. Ohmer Rhod c~ fOI i'\0 111~ cheaper bUTlal Sites,. 11 I Wis h tu s tate th at, us o ne reared n c!\day at 7 :45 p. 111. The c hurch Soc ia l," Tu ': da y, ,Jun ' 2.1, at t he III no o n H picnic dinner was enra nged lind uL midnight th e p ub. were S undu y vISito rs aL the home lot s av a ilable for .sal e are pnced up on, o wning a n d o p ' rating a wh e r e you f ee l a t hOlllc. ch u l'c h. Evc l' yo ne invil ed . j('Yl'd lish e r~ w ill looard n lake stell me r, of Mr. li nd JIIrs. Robe rt W e rn tz . lit II fi g-u l t:! that Will cany per'pe t- ! slllall fa rm, ( kn ow so m ethin g of Ch ester A. Williamso n. Minister T he g ro up \\'a ~ divided into of'urriving at Port.. :;; ,anl ey, O n t.ario ua l care fr olll .th c dote of purch nsc th e t riuls Il nd di liic uiLi es of t he Hnve yo ur lawn lll/ ) W r sha rp- ti el'I" s g r tl LJpH in th e a ft e rnoon a nad u, the n ex t morn ing . After Saws fil ed by machinery. Cut [n c n ncl~ !< l o n yo ur Bourd of ove rage farm e r , and ha ve a co mc nell by th e S lIl11e' nl1l c hin 'ry as and th e vari ous g roups g ath e r ed in e nj oy ing a da y ut the fum o us r e. ('Ieuner. truer, fllster. Roy Pig- ,,:Is h t o I'e po rt t he ~~- l1I o.n in teres.t s wiLh him in the soST. MARYS CHURCH use d in t he fa c to r y, a lhl' V. uy n s th e s had e o f Ih ' tr 'es Lo r eceive so rt, dinn c r will be s r ved o n t he tt, at Madde n's Lumber Yard. soc\ a llon III a hea l.t hy finan ct.a ~ Iul wn o f hiS problem. I beli e ve Firs t S u nd ay afte r Trinity , vi llI' Autu anti chi lJ('ry Cu . t he il' in s tructi ons. bOllt li n d the r e turn trip to Cle ve. co ndltlOI! !lnd we behcve t he p hYf l that t he protective tarill' po li cy Jun e 22 , C hurc h sc hool at 9 :::1 0; I Mi s!! Huth Hadfo rd , home land will start. M ea~ u l'e YOUI' foo t a nd cOlll e to cal con di tio n oC the gro u nds neyer s hould li e el(tended t tl the li mit to Morning Prayer 'and se rm o n at Mr:. 1J 0n nld Ca ll1 pbell, o f A I- ,h' l11on s tJ'uli o n agent f r om Creen th e " So ck Social" at F e rry Ch urc h befo r e excell ed . , . . he lp th e fanllC I'S and that e ve ry - 10 :30. li unce, and MI ~'; Bettie Whi tl'. or cu u nt y a nd Mrs. Rd it h M. Hilliker Dick F orresLe r, well known o f hris t , Tu e. day e ve ning, June On page two of th IS Iss ue WIll thinK else possib le ~ h ou ld bc don e Rev. J . J . Schae ffe r, Rector. M r . Gil ead , wcre gue~ls of Mr. a nd had char ge of t he lea d e rs g roup, o l ull1hu ~ Iwws lJupl' r mun , r ecent;. 24th. be f o und th e "r rea s urer's a nnu a l t o help lift al!l'Ic ulture fr om It s Mrs . L. H. Bu e l' kle , o n F riday . 1\11'. ,I. B. 'l'I\ bbe, .' mith -Hughes Iy app ointed II m e mber of th!! report._ _ _ • _ _ prese nt un~l) rtunllte SilUUlio rt, an d FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST in~tructo r at the Waynesville S tat' B oard of Ag ricul ture by MI'. and Mrs. E a rl WilkeTso n ; of t o pla ce It aillngs id e the o ther . Mr~. Lll uie B. 'a lla han , MI'. Hig h Sc huo l ga ve t he in stru ctions C overn o r Mye r s Y. Coop er, a nd Morrow, were S unda y g u eHt s o f EMMA NEDRY ECBERT f!l rt dam e ntal indu stri es of th is na- ) Bi ble Sc hoo l at ~:30 u. m. As a nd Mrs. Mill e r , of riJanll an<l Mr 10 thl' p l'!'sirl e nls a nd vice-p r eflitlOn. ent.ecost was a begll1. l1l n g and not anci, Mr~. SLo l1l' o f .'prill~fi eld l tlI' TlLR. 1.11'. E. A. Drnke, co unty nl uc d in charge o f th e State Fnir Mr. and Mr.. eren Wilke rson, of H or se ho w, has been name d as R oute 2. I r e memb e r my mother wus , I a\n stJO ng in . th e con victio n a c!ml!ix, wc w~n~ It t o bc . t.h e w e r e .'undoy gues ts of i\l r. and 1I~l!llt flllll1 C I'ce ne Co unty l wl.Lh t he Ne ws Re porte rs , whIle o n l' of the th ree m e mbers of a quite exciLed an d r ea dy t o im part th.~t th e r.eal salvati on of th e fUTm- beglllnm g, Of . ~l e\\ hfe ~nd activity Mrs. F. I\. Tho l1la~. budget committee, to plan a futur e F o r best r esu lts consign YOUl n ews to us galh er ed at the s'upp er l e l s of lhls c.o untl:~ de pe nds Inrge- f o r our c hu l.e h an~ ~Ibl e ~hool. . . 11\11 811 H l1. ldll ll o rs t In s tT!;1cted th e developmc nt progra m for the State ive s tock to Gree n-EmbTY Co" lab le in Wayn esvill e th ese lo ng Iy upon thell' ab ility an d willing- I~ ence we al e beg1l1l11ng. a onGifts for w e.d dlll gs a nd ~how- S ecl'e lartes. The R ec r eat IOn LeadFail' I!ro~ n.d ~, which will cnll for Ci n cinnati, in care o f D. R. Sulis- yearH ugo. S he ha d had u' ca ll in n eSti t o c~oper8te, not o nl y ill th e tl~u e, St. ad fa s t" campaign ,. and . ers. , A c hlll·J11IJ1J.r se l<'clion a t ! e rs w(O rc tau g ht n.e lV gam~s and the acqu Isitio n of land and the j bUr y . , the afte rn oo n f rom he r yo un g large n at ion a l and s tnte groups, wil l contlll.ue to ma k e. all se l vlc~s ar y s J e welry S ho p , L~ b:t n ~ n , con teR I ~ by MI ~s E hzabeth e r ecti o n of n elV. buildings for the cous in, Emma Nedry, accompan I as n L~ra ctlv e .as pOSSibl e. ~ord s Oh l.l). St o r e o1'e n ('ve l'y e nllill j! M a~le r~, H O ~11e D~ m o n strnt ion fu t u re. Same .\Vill be present~d ~o M ssrs Es tle Hage meyer an d ied by Mr. Asa Egb ert, of Leba,s,u pye l and s.el mo n" at 10. 30 a ..m. until 9 p. m. Agc llt fr om hnt o n Co un ty. th e n ex t leglsla~ure whe n It I Il erlle rt McM illan e njoyed Sunday . no n. Th ey had com e t o nn noun ce elm?n" s ubje ct, A Prog~e~Slve A l threc. 0 clock t he gro ups rehO)Jed t o have It upproved and \ <lf lc rn oo n at Lun ken Ail' Port, c in l th l' ir engage m e nt, and Emma I ChuT~~I. Y.ou arc ulways we lcome MI'. un d ,I twep h 1cMIIl ll n cO Il \' e ned lrI t he • he lter H ~ u8e udopted . cin nuti. pro udl y displayed t h e di a m ond at thiS chul ch. . . .. a nd 1\1 s r '. F.Sl ll' lI agemcye l' a nd t o hea l' r e po rts fr ll m t he vanous l'ing. Both th c Nl' drys and t he Chester A . Wllhamson, MIni ster H e rbert IcMill an ~p e l)L S unda y g r oups und til listen to ge neral Di recl ll l' Charl (Js A. Ncal, M. D., MI's. R o. /l Berr yhill fin d daug- h- Egbert. were old r~spected Warl at lh~ h~Hl1 t:' u f MI'. and ~ rs .. F,. r-:. clu b. an ll o ullC e me l!lls. . LYTLE M. E, CHURCH Morrl ' 111 H ydl' Pal'l<, In clllna t1. \ n, rcc lly ~1) 1I0Wll1g . the ad Journof t he S t ate Dupu rt rn e nt of Health t el' Miss Fl orence of Columbus, ren Cou n ty fa mi li es, and t he illvit es ull ph y~ic illns and nurses in hllV(' return ed t o th e ir horn e h ere match seemed id eal \' ie wcd from Morning Wors hip at '/ ' 30 a m m~' llt of thiS gllt he1' th e Blue ll n y way ull it'll with, or interested for th e s umm e r. l ev er y s tllndpoint. Sunda y sch oo l at 10' 30 'a' m ~1rs' MI·s. (;o l'a ~ lI k.., r and Mrs. Ella Hlbhon CllI h COll:' ll11 tlee. met to in th e puhl i ' sc hool heulth s ituaThe fu nera l t he other day o f I L gu cr S u t Y~un . P ;o ple·'; Baker, o f Wtlmlrl gto n. a nd IrR. fo rmu late rul es t O I' t ill!> years t i~ n , lO plnn attendin g the Na- V is it nr'y's J ewelry S hop, MI·s. Elnma Nedry Egbert, at 'K anB ?bl Clis l\fo~dllY c~enil~g f WilfllJ'd rites anrl c hilch e n , of BI.ue Ri bbol! Ho nor . lu b. T~e com tillll al F.ducatill na l Associatio n, to Leha n on , Ohio. H e r e yo u'll Ilnd l ~lIs ity, e nci l'd t he roman ce. And 10~e~1 by S praye r meeting ~d W est Ul1J o n, we rt' gU(';;I~ ()f IIl n;. Illl tt l'!! Cl) n~lsts u f MI~s. Ma J'le Benbe he ld in th e npital City June g ifls in nove lties as well liS III retr os pcct ( ~ee a life nlmost t h ' t . . c la!!s TI a e I Id a . tokes nnd daughtl'l' 1\I1'~. Aria IH~I11 , !\II's. (;) 'n lla Whltnk~r. Mrs. 30 a nd ,July t st, wi t h a two-ses- j ewelry, waLches and diuJ1lo nd~. perfe c t in th e fulfillm e nt Of this ~~dc \~~m ~al~ttte ch~;:ch u~~ b~s~ Cou r t n ey, on .'uuday. NIll:l nmpto n, l'ep rese ntll1g the s ion PIOgl'llJ11 o f th e Health and life's expc ri e n ce She wus a th' k I ' ddt ' Iend('l'!l. ~~d lla C()Jll l'ltln, Certrude I'hy~icu l ~;,iucnli o n Section to bt' Mr. nnd 1111'S. a 1'l Mc lure and I love ly dou gh t c r 'a loved wife a i IS I~h: ~hn~~t"g a n d I' ecor:; .~Vat ches, cloc ks li nd j e we lr y 1' (' - Wh i.t u l' l't,. He lell Hanis: and h eld in th e Auditorium wi t h na- , ch ildl'cn nnd Miss Ma r ge TY Barn es sw eet lind nl~sllnt mo ther ' A T~ ' UI\I anth gro u.n ~. pa irs. W l' use onl)' J:enuine male r - LO Ul~C Marco ne t re prese ntlllg the ti o nnll y kJI ow n speak6r~ pnrtici. of Dnylon, w CI'e gues ts of Mrs: , ('h nrl11ing litll e g mndm othel" and T~:ntl~ fivemo~unw o r}!o I~rofl~~~ I iul.. CU I'~': H J (' \\' l' lry S hop , L e ba no n ~ I,:, b memb e r" a nd Mrs. Edilh. M. pat i ng . MUI' y McClure Saturday aftern oo n passed f rol11 this Ii fe s unou 11 dod I bee n ~eceivedY int; f~1I Pm e mber- I OhIO. ~xpe rl \\ atchmnhl' an d Hill ike r. 11 0 111 ~ Dem o ns tratIOn by gri ef -stri ck en fri e nds. .h · th S .' rll h' ' r ' d ' e ngmv,·1' In charge . ! Ag!' nl · anc! M I ~~ Hu lla HOI'st, Th n e w 1 & K block at t he Ohio l\Iiss Florence Bollb o f Hills b oro I S he kn ew n il t.I.e experiences S ,l~ o n . e p~hn): o r o c al .gc llb ass is ta nt Sla t e 'It.l h L eade r fr om ~:~e ~~o::~~ to C~Ti~tO~~~rb~n con: ll o n fll'mg, th e ll' ho use g Ul'sts t he cxte n: 11l 1l S~ I'I' I ·e. P eni;t:ll tia ry is n earing 4 omple- I Miss Aim ee F nis, of S pringfield. this life cnn offe r. nn d sh e wlllked Y tion Is it of s teel and co ncl'cte l ll1r. and Mrs. Les ter Poll', Of Duy- gracefu lly thr o ugh th el11 setling . t t Ch~ ' t' r ' 1\[ 1'. a mI Mr~. Roy . Rockw e ll .lInd Th r: e Hl hb nn H o no r Club cO !1~tr~ctiull and is design ed to ' ton, were IV e k -en d g ues ts of Mrs. un example worthy of e~lUlation. SIS e n ::; rl S I~n B~mg. p t s ons. of u lo n!!! I,. MI'. a nd MI'~. J . blanks WIll be !<~ n t to t he Lcaders hou e 8 16 men in four-man celIs.'\Jos iC Whitaker. Afte r living a com pletely r o unded .. ~ _:... _ Wlllan, as or Q. <;rons e nte l' tu ll1 cd Wedn es d.>lY flo melil11 la t ' r III t he m o nt h. A concl'ete ceiling covers the e n- I . ou t life, he folded h e r hands und l'v.a nlnl(, Mrs; Anna a d wu ll uder, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Denney, n ee went nway. Her daughte r , Mrs. WEDDINC ANNIVERSARY MIS!! Clum Lt~ , Mr. and Mr . . F're d t ire block und extends fr om wan to wull o f t he e ntire building. A Virg}nia Dakin, arriv,ed .~ond.aY Gr~ham's ~elegrall1 rea ds: ~~ n~ u ~r1, . 'IIIldr en, MI'. lint! Mrs . BAND CONCERTS n ew fir e proof roof will be placed evening (or a t e n dn y s VISit WIth M~thcr s funeral large and The children und gl'llnci c hildre n Eh ns Ogl s bee. 1'11 ' - - - -Band over th e bl ock, rendel'inl( the en- !\Vs. De nn e y 's pOl'e nts, Mr. and l ucnutliul. I wrote the tribute. C MM' C H k ' . . Waynesv ill e . Scho ol . tire lIuildin g allsolutely fire roof' 1J11"rs. F. D. Da kin. N ever have seen s u c h t ributes of '? r. and ISd h'f t WI e n.Mrs. An n ~ C' adwal)ud t' l' an(l l wilI g ive II co n ce r t 111 Waynesvill e p Every s h op within the walls is love. Ohi o's expression sto od JUDGE HARRY C. CRAM. J,oyed a most e Ig t u , ay un MISS Clara Lli e we r c dl11 111'I' h ost- ! Tu esdar, J~n c 24 1h, at 8 o'e~ock wl)rkinl' With producti on un th e Lawn m ower s sharpened by nenrest th e casket. Gray tuft. of Su'!day Jun~ 15, at th e ho n~ e of . esse~ at th e hOl11l' o f ~11'~. Mnude lin Mum Street. And o.n F~'ld8Y y in cr euse und it will n ot b e 10 ng : EI l'ctrukeen process, same method , ~nlin aro und he r lovely face , roses but in sl)1:~lI er group~ in th e ir own l thT~ pa~el1~~ an~ g r~~t~hu:ewt~d_ ' rn n e , . T hursda e~·e J1Jll ~. to . MI> , I1ll( ht,. Jt!n e 20t.h t~ey w,11l give a e o<:cus.I ~ n . 0!1 01'M . . c I l\~ u nd i\lIS. I{o y H oc k\\ ~ 11 ,Ind :;on s" Coll ccli t In Clalksv lll c . . 1he y h dol'c th e output of a ll will be l us u .ed by lawn mower mllnufac- ! Ill her ha nd. Su n s hin e every- co mmullltl CS. I belie ve that co- . Lllck to n o rl11al. The priso n I turer~. Electrakeen system turns place. save in our hearts !" op erut ion in buying, sc lling and Illng anrl.velsanes .o f . 1. lr,l,t rs I Il,f Colornd n, MI' . :In.!! Mrs . .1 . Q· l tllke n n cO lltJ:aet to glV ? n senes w pululi on is n ow 3,790 and at out perfect cutling mowers. 'ny LINA M. BURCH. farm ope rati o ns i ~ a m ean!' of I'e- I·I. , r . 1,0 mll1 , !"I1. dndt Oo ' Sil ' , (,~ ns, Mr. and I\Ir~.l'l'ed Guns and lI f . conc erts Jl1 ~lark VIlle every hI t' Mnllsfi eld He formatory it is 3,- me. RQY Pigott. - -- - _ _ _ dueing overh ead 11 1111 co~t of pro- Lee, M1. u!'vl ' i\ Id 111' ~' chlld rc'n, ~hss Alt cr Co ns and ,FrIda y 11J~h t durtng th e summer. 313. du etio n. [d o not want ttl be mis_l mond S. , Hawkt', 1. a:.1 IS" l\1r, J ohn Go ns. ! months. . . _ _~ _ _ • ._~_____ _ _ _, _ WAYNE TP. FARMER'S CLUB und ersto od liS holding myself o ut Curl. H a \\ k~, Dr. a nu MI S. R. H. I I Mr. Stan ley W atk~ n s, t he ir a s u m odel'Tl Mllses, 0 1' a s one uf- I Vance, M~ . . and M.~ . Mel~ y n teuc hcF a nd dU'ect ol' \\,111 conduct KENNEDY-HAY Mr. and .Mrs .•1. W . White in u f e lin g quack panacea s, or a s an Banta, Ml. .1Ilt! MI S. Muynard l ~ th e con certs. ver y c:harl'Il1l1g" 'manner entertained a dvocate of clnptl'll\> t h eories or ' W e ltz . . . Per pett/flted ' l'Y- n e s houl d heu r the ,J ohn T . Ke nnedy and Miss Mart he Wayne Tp. Fanners ' Club and bun co mbe Ill eas u r es fnr the pur • . A,t, noo n a t1 e Il C IO~ ~ (hnn I' . \~u.~ _ __ _ _ Scho,' I. Bu nd, u ~ th ~1 ar~ n)aking tha A. H ay we re united in mal'I guests Ins! Thul'sday, Jun e 12t h . posc of sec uring votef'. ~ ~r\€d by t.h e a nd he l .IS ' . . ~u l " IHIJt I p l:og r.'~~. Mus Ic IS the ringe Saturday, June 14, at the I About eighty sat down to the din , My a ctive intel'cs t in m utte r s o f Sls t.unts, MISS DOllS Hawk e und l ti C' that bllld s us to the other home of hi s uncle, Rev. Chus. C. I ne r which wu s served !n the dining p ubl ic \\elfm'e, bot h locall y a nd Ke nn eth Fromm. , . . . , !H' opk" K enn edy at Marys ville, 0 , Those I ro om of the M. E. c .lUrch . After III th e ;;tute. throll!!'h my co nll ecThe tab!es . were attl act lvely A la r!!e e r owd was prese nt ·at witn e~sing the ce r cmony were Mr. ' • dinner all r epaired t o. th e bl'auti- ti on with the church, Lhc Ju ve nile decorute d 111 plllk .and . white. At till' ,co n cert in Corwin Tuesday ulld Mrs. A . t. Kennedy and Herrlul homl' o f our ,host anll hostess Cou rt , l he Am e riclln Red Cross th e close of the dlll,el h()~r. the "\·('I)II1J,: . I wh e r e a sp le ndid p rogl'll m wus Young Me n 's Chi isLian Assoc ia: hoCnor g uests werde t lef rll!cI,Pflte nts - - - . - • - -- b e rt, Mrs. R, H. Brooks and two ~hil,1l e n , Miss Florence Day, Mr. r e ndel·el!. ti on Bo y S~\l Ut S and the Ohio 0 very prett.y ~n usc u gl s. Carl Hay nnd Mr. Don Renk. , Mu 'ic by t he LeMuy o r ch estra ' W el'Cure Co nfe rl! lIce, wllul ll seem Oth e rs e nJ oymg the were NO CAME LAST SUNDAY MI'. and Mrs. Hny e nt ertame.d and two beauliful v ocal solos loy to mak e unn ec 'ssllry an y s tate- ~o nllld an.d . Dcan WHalwke, dC!Yl~e T he Miul11i~~ n ot p la y Sunday with Mrs. eMny Were enjoyed by all. me nl. as . t o my lIllitud e tow nrd hu - Fromm , MISS Ann e tz an "ISS ono l'anu rI elabornte Sunduy. dinn er in theIr M r.Lam IM"B (, n as('howing ou nt l\f up. the Th DayLo teama rs. ra d ru te o f X e nia OIanllanun IJ J' oj ects oC IIny nature. Mary Hawke • _ _ __ n"L el'e nwas h The y o un g couple will be at Ohio interest ed everyone by their W e have as Pres ide nt of the Unil'lIi ri y good l' r o wd present, all exhl) me in Piqua, Ohio. and they abe s plendid uddresses. t ed tute~ li S great a man as ever TWO PAINFUL ACCIDE,NTS pecting to SI!e a go od ga me , a.nd followed lI y t h e best wishes of t e Mr -. Hrud fute'!; s ubj ect was, Gccupied th at positi on. (n my at th e l a~t h!J ur th e Miumis divided ·cr,mmunity. _ __ • _ __ "C;;ardens," and s he ve ry aptly opinio n' o ur pre~c nt eco nomic co nWhile unl oading hay al his a nd wit h th e a iel o[ u few Iiasdisclosed th e fa ct that gard e ns, cliti on is li nt due in un y degr ee to barn on the Uppet· SpTingboro bee ns , pla yed a scrub game, which both flow er. and vegetable have fai lure on th e pal·t of Herbert pike lust W edn esday, Lewi s Chun wa s vc ry exciting . MID. SUMMER CLEARANCE played a!,! ImporLnnt pnrt in the H oover. Une n f th e principal dler fell, and his righ t hand was N,' xt S un duy ,June 22, the world's hi sto r y and arc II necessity ca uses 'o f OU I' present d e pressio n is caught in the ropes and badly 111M ia m is wi ll tack le Centerville at Mye r H y man's store was closed , to th c Better Homes of to-day. IdiJ ectly due to th e financial orgies cerated. He lost one fing e r and his W n('! lle Park . 'rhi s team is the t Otlll V in preparation for the Mid- I Mr .. .Brndfute mude th e s ubject of t he Wail Street gambler, buck- hand was split open. H e was take n o nl y t eam whi ch has defeated the Slimmer clearunce .sale which lIe'!nxatlOn. interesting, giving much ('(I und e ncouraged by the money- to the McClelland hosp ita l for M iumi!' o n t heir ()wn grounds ·this gins t o mol'ow, June 19, and will mformutloll r egarding the r ea so n mud Ih ouSll nd ' throughout the treatment. He is getting along a s season , a nd a g ood ga me is ex,{!ontinu e 15 days. Prices have for and the best wa ys of securing country. This is eS 'c ntiaUy the well as posible. i p ected. The Miamis . have imbee n r educ ed 1n every departOUI' taxes. , time whe n 'p eople g e nerally. and O n Friday S. S. Ellis had ulm o!!t proved a g~CIlt deal since Cenwr,-" Ir,CTlt of this large store and paMI S. ~ cCI.ure made everyone ' R ep ubli ~lI n s in particular, s hould the sam e ,e xperie nce when he ville latt played hQre, aod tate tlons I1 r e a ~ ul' ed of bette r values feel li S If he were a part of the lie putting fo rth every effort t o slipped and fell from u ha y ladder b oy fec,l a ssured th,t .1!lie): can for their mon ey than have ever I ~erso ry!llly c~nducted 'tour to h e lp t~e Pres ident r estore the His right hand was caught .in the tllke this 'game n ext Sunday. ' ,. '. b e fol'e been given at any former I tfawall o~ w.hlch s he was, a PUTty. I pJ'o~ p enty whi ch has been tempo- ropes and badly mangl ed. The <ie me und ,!:lee" fas t I!ftlme. : clearance sale. Be, on hand early lib er dt~fSClrlPhons of her trtp to this j rartly Sid etracked There are ' too third finger was torn off at t1~ e ,. ' - : ',.. ." ..' and ~et your share of ,t he great eau I u .. country were Vivid and many peopl e in and out of the firs t joint and the nail on the litb'nrgams offered. much enJoyed by all present. I Republican party who are wilfully ti e. finger was al90 t !)rn loose. Y. F. 1'!1. N0.rlc;,~ ·c{ , ' . .•The liext meeting of the club seeking ·to discredit the President, . ' - - -.' .' . - ' . . . The r egulal' nt,etinlt/ of tlii Y. Will b. held at · the Jiome of Mr. and . who ore willing to , bring unDEATH ' .and Mrs. M. W. Silver. ' necessary i~uffering on a great CHILDREN'S PROGRAM F, M, "will ·be b8ld a t' tb :TOlnUD _ _ 4' ~ _ l?_ol'tlon of our population to sat. so n home Sunday eve~lnr, .JuD. Nao~i H ockett. aged 82 ~ears, . Isfy a politic!!'1 grudge. In my Children's Day servIces were old wooden lhip'tI .f igure, 22, at 8 ' 'o'clock. . died at the home of her · brother, ~AINFULI,Y INJURED opinion It is highly essential that held at the M. E. church Sunda>, head, a nkerieal ,oJ Tecumseh, the ,We have some v~:!~='::f~~;: B. Hockett, early Sunday morn ~.. Nell CoOper war ~ . men should be seot to Congress levening. The church was beautl- Indl&n Chief, which stood for yean ! dlScu881~na every n tng. , Fun~ral services were held n .. rlt. NOw ahe is the world'. 0.." . ta~rdnce Bardin,. o,f ,!ear Lytle whQ are known supporters of the !fullY decorated w:ith f~rns ' aod OD tbe ground. of tbe U. S. Na.vaI wO}Jld pay ~ou. to Ilt the. White Bric~ Meeti~bouse wQSDI.n .-drum-malo" leadla' tlie !~~ bmed ~al~~1 IIpurles about Pr&sident his efforts toward ' flowers and a larle audIence was Ad ... · I' ha b ThiS Sunday ,s leason Tuesda, alternoon and )lunal POIC Of .... woe ea Thull'Ua)' In attempting general welfare. . present to enjoy the program of ca Imy.~ nnna~ ltl\ ~ eeD re I by Mn RUllII8li WilBon. d of Robert in Miami cemetery. ~ "'~ .C~ . r to move a mOWer on a grade. ( u e d 00 pale 3 oluslc, recitations, etc. . ~iHt4 bJ tials ~~~ J!"~~ • .






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It!d. th e n t value at the estate "'as J' u u\ld to be ,3 791.06, the

~ EWS Gl Nf0 F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley ~ COUDT HOUSE ~~~~~~~r'~~~~~dl~~~l)~h~~~~~~: \ I fROM '---' Auctione~rs n t ---' l!X-

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Th n value of th e estale of Ou rd o tf ey, d c eased, wa ~ fo ulld to b e $4 6 2.6 9 a nd th e exemptio ns Common PI ,'" P~o~eedjnlf. of t he two min o r c hildl'ol n, be n efi See Us Early for Your Sale Datee. We Guarantee III I h, ('a: I' ·uf A n lIa ' Il n Doren (' iaJ'ifi~' t exceed t~ ei r ·ciucc::tion'sd Satillfactioo or Charge Nothing YI'I'" U'; I'a ul I:! ~ri chlH' 1. upon (hi e a n 10. a s a r e!\u t Sti! s c u.n . '·'1. ' . . the COU I' I)I'd c l'tl c\ UC~t\lIl!IOJ1S ure ex<:mJlt fr o m InClll' "I l ' ',!lIl1l1 , . hel'lco n ctl ta x. I h t: 1l!('t:IV ('I' , J . 1 . RII l!Y to all u\\' Th I ' '1\ I l 'l r _ . _ _. I rl!(' ~ 10 the tlltor n y f o r I'CCeiV tl l' ~ E C a~a \j l dan.l tl!lld amen 0 ...;;:=- - - . ., f ' tl' 'xpe n rl iture . . , R. os g e, ecea se. , was pr o· !lnu 01 (l 11 r l . duced In co urt and admitted to pl' O Phone No 320 Phone No.2 "W hlll y uu 're really here for ":\Iy !"lame is Hunt," he l old her Penr! 'Ie!u nu pleaded not gUilty bllte, F, E, Ro s nllgle WIIS IIppolnted CIIAPTER \,111. g Bl' rlllln,' is t o udmll'e the mcn,' a s h e Illd : o. . , .10 ~he cha l'!{e. P.08sl!s,sln Intoxl- executor of the estate. No bond . \i 1" Ih!' \' c' mc \\' IZ:"ttu he :1 ' llu druwled ?'luke ' m see "lIerR IS :'>1155 B erso n, Shes eating hquol. rrlal \ \IIl.! set for required Jose ph Mille r 08car "'!!'!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!'!~!!'!!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!~~~~~~!!'!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!~!'!!~~~~ \11 1111'1'\, -i'l lll'll >l U lIl,,1 I nl! r \,ho't ~rcal bill' wond I:fu! guy!! n .~\; t ~h~s wOI'.k: .l' m .Q u,el'nle ~I ,'~ ~1: i(la~' m 01'1 11 nil", J une 6, IInti b ond Cl e veng~r lind Edward' Ke s ling ~ )'h, . hllll'l 11111'1' IH'''' I~ ) ,l(1 Ihlnk Ilwy me. fi n d :-, o u II bl;' a II". i\1.1~~ :\1 ~ lrI ~ Ill,!de th. nn ilxed at· 500. f w e l'e made apprllise r s , f' " $ 11 50 Slime Sup' I IHI ANNUAL REPPRT 1'1I 1 C,,,H l " ,Iii I II rrl'l \\011' !,Ollnc Ill t' nt \lI l h an a ll' th nl 1111]1 I I I n Ih(' ense o f Th e Sta l e 0 An In t t r 't' 01 Pl osec ult ol , I" t $8'030' " k I"~ :d 1'1" '. l".\ I'."h "~ I\,' P I'I-"n if VOli lhink I~d Ihl' j.!ri llninJ! \'oll~h I" grt up Ohi" \,l'I~lIS ,I " hn A. P tll'!;Q II , th e <I . ' I'umen 0 wrl m~ put'- I PIiI'R fCII' ee l' 0 CO ~I' s , ., ,,,,,,j \:.I~I' .. \ \"II II'" 1I1l1 ,. 1.. ~1I' l1u;' ~'h'nd:' " {lll!ilJ!H ~oi ilH' to ' ('lI all,) huw dC'""I\' ..IIlJ Q Ul' ('llll'lIl- fl'llIlulltlll'illV; c' h!llgyd \l'i l .11 n g_. p~r~ ln){,tu be t he lu~t \VII~ and · Th(' \ W oodrulI' ..W el!-~ tulll~g~. , " : Followin g is t he tl'Cn8Urer' g Ull . II·". ,. III. "' " " I 1111"" 1111 11 ) " 1 ,'11 till' tI " "1 \I,th \le'lI s tart; ,·o·pl ,·c\ th e' hll,f ,~"ul' hum.,!?!' wit h Il'l·t 10 pluYlflc for 11111101' c hili. thl' ~ust<lIl1e:r of Sarl~t LJlu . Flen c h, l apllelll'un c", d ock(·I. ~1l; . 5 0ui :::;7Ik,\~ llu ul \'epo l't r Miumi e lll e t e l'Y S , ,, " :"1:' II" 1'111 ,\c. \.:,'1 ), ,, _y' ,; d 1'1 11111 ,1111 lIi - · I;) Ihl' " c' ~'lan; II (·.II·(·fr ·l! I!tin (' '1l1 ' l1 lfl hlR 11\" 1. l'a st' I' a~ ell nllllupd alld dl'f te nrla nt e~ta s r ' tWd pro u 10 cOlln.l tu Mfg. ' u. , I ~ l l'u . t .~lJ< u~ L~c, Assoc iati o n : ':,!~ I " . l.t! 1,"-,'" :,"' h,· I" _;,.,,"kl.· I",\ s ." SIll' IHld iiI it ," Cll l',I (' wllh ou l III~ \\/1, pllc d lind ' I' b nd In t h t' :11111 an lt Ul ml ~et t o ,PrJ a~e. h l work s helf c"u lIl e l; $<!ti .0 , C;' lj S~ 7J, 1 2 "\1 ~ ,,'Id: " II ~I ,,"i- l' X" \\ hid, III.: 1hl' 1,"'H·· ankle ho ) .. n"lst:llll' L'. and. hllll lll! l'~talJli, I Il' d ,d $:!OU. wus e e rlllln e t ut .t e ~ <' lind. Drakc, In c. , (I'"y"g" o n seek 1I1l11111t1· III',,· li!.~~~!I·:II M "'1-' • .1:, .l",1 1 I"".,n l , !a ll "" .. '\'), •. II c·I. ,I - :cr.· lh ,' J!U\S th .ot II liln ll " !Jt'lwC' I'11 hl'l (':\I' llIll1l'rlll p~ Tho' o'l\lI"I' of C1wrles Hnc kett v.nlue uf th e estnt c of Sal~ lnu ('''- , calllll c t , $ I. fill; Ly l.: HIIlIlI< . Bdoo 1' ,.,.",'111111 '111'1 ' S ~k~ ·f.~(1 II" ". ,,',' ,\" _II 111111: • , ,\ IIIl!ht :I,, ' - I': It,·,. t l,,' il was eI'lIl1g Ihl' 1"'"Il1 - \\llh l' a '~ \' t' I''' lI~ I' ll II I \V i,' 1' li nd I( IIr y "lund , dec eased , wus $<!8 0H. J I. '11 , I l'l'cu l'd for pl()llllt~ JU gj 1·· III1t! I ~:!'j . 111t . II '1 .. 1 I I, ,',ail _"" I,, Th,' :.:: : ~,' '1"",,' :," 1.1\- h,, \'~ :11'(' 11lL' alflllJlI,ty. . , II' llIhlll:ll\ \Ill' CIl I1I)H Ulllbl'd und t.hl~t Ih~ .exe l.I1 P ll c;> n of th e so n, c x- $:Jll ~ O ; E.. U. 'I'h.o nll1s'"1, .!nb~ r all 11 11,1. 11 " .. :1 1U : 5 I "I , , " " ,.,) II ," "'1<1:111:1 111-: '''11 11 1' II,,' la<l ... .J akl' hll'l'~ ' Ilol1't nil nI Hil' Y'}lll' '''onlf'.' ~h.' eli , IIII-,ed l ('c d~ hiS s uce eSSlon , and t hut l,I s n I'l' JllllI'M, $ ~ I.~U, Ih ~. L(h~. ul~,d. t:;:~,'~I.'~I.(l.n " I ~, ) 5 ,) Il i -. II{i , '. , " ,. " . , ,,'" _ . \\ ,,'\(' III d:,n.·,· \\llh I h,' ,Ill III t' Ihnl nd l'i""' cl th,· I:llnllln\< ytlulh. ";'ol y ' In Ihl' ('n"e nf Ih e l<ul' z - KIl ~ ch 1l'.~ Ult . l:lUld eRtute ~nd ~u cc~. ~ I On!! l lttJbt. 1311111. CXllllll"a~I"II ~ 'r $ -, 1'''' 1< .. I ~~) U( ' ,\:,,': ",,, ,1\' " .I.d,,· It,,- I.·-- ' ·... , II I '" :J ~,,,, d Ilil' " ,\,hHI' ~ ,.II LI~l·. V 1"':111 ', guin ' 1(1 t t' ll Ill" \l hllt it I~ , rlJlIl)llIn~ Vl'I'SUS .Th~ Vnn H o rll UI ~ e~e mpt fi~nJI~ IIlh e litanc e tax \ <-;>hIU , tut e H l',f'I." I~W.I (1 : ) Il\!~~I·r.? I,~ \ ·':·I:~;.':. " tH IHhl • . ~ ,I I, eI" [.11 1 (; "wc! l<n,,\I's 1\" ,lI l'l l\' s,,,,n" t" '"l/ltlll\, 011 Il p p1J ('!l tl o n (If 1I 0w,c ~ll unts e Sales Il t' pl .. be ds I ll ' J,II,:ji . ,I , . ~' 1,,, ld","1 1.1" 1( " .,. ~I ;.,Otl ",,(~", '," ,, 1, 1:. , :,l d" <I . " I' I .. " ;I,,,·,dl .. \II Y lad , lha l' , gill U fl·/CI . "y',," 1,,1 il \I ill," sllId th., )!"rin- ,lI ei \\' h IIl R.II·t.:civ,· 1' "f Th !' Van b stllle of ~"I'd Co ff t'y, d ecell s c d D. 'I'h U I1IP ~(' ~I, .1:"''' 1' . " Ild ,I ep u("'~ ~( ' ... I' . b Ifi r.7 ' " ' 1 '"" '1" ' " ,I ",,' IIf 1" ,,,11' - 1'," ,.111 11 1. .1, (' '11,"" lIlali bfln~ IIIIIg' ~· "Ll lh . In high 1.(,,, ,,1 hUIll 1'. 11 ,01 111' t '" lIlp:l n y, th l! cO lIll ';lllowecl fina! unt s.. " . li t Jllll , $.f>lI.:!,1. 1311111 B.r0~' II HI ""I" M IlIlId tl :l t. U\I ,. , tl It I I'" 11 , I' " 1 "'11/ '1 1111' ,) :11'(' . , \llih " 1'111 II lll' (If llll' ' htlk< "'" rca d ., 1"111 p.IYIlH'nt lin 1·!:L·t' IVl! I' S CUIlI ' GUlIldlans hlp o f . "billa Ctlll - pltal m (li cu l ~l! I V l n' lit Jil t! , $54.- li::" '~·::I~:.';~,. 1.(1 \1 :! -,0 41 ,,, II' ,\,," "II ~ II H (. I' r '1' 1: ,,',." Ih'l l ,' (1 1111' d Ulll' 1111 ' uh"ul (Jill' 11l1Il! I,,"k 1111 " nil' "'l·g 'IWII <'ltllIl1 lunti, m co lll pele nl, fil'~t IIl1d fin ul 1i0, J . W. Lin go lid\\'. Cu. " uppll e,; \1 11" ' " I' "II" , ,'" ,,' "t< •. 1 II. 'l ,. , • h f ".. . . I W II I I I ucc ount $.j r. (I f! J W II g 1I 11 11hllll e ' 0 >' I Hit \ ' " ',1'1111' -.11',,' ,,1 " 111·.1 I,." ,,, ,,1\ "" II,, · I II' ~" 011'<' l \<idi o·. dlld y"u'rI' d ll n c ",'. 'I'h ,, 11111 , I . I IIlIll K . p ell l .l'( F' " f " b' G ' II ' I 1 . 1 a . . ' ; ' . . . n \I I " 1 uO· V· :;~,:~~..' .~ u O Si l~ ,3 ! ' , ' I 1 ,·,1 (. '"I l"I"IIt " I .. ' , s,'" ,I' 1 11111 " ~ I i<'" ~ I " I II S 1'1,,1 1\' tu 1\\,., ('hll l'''l'S 1I1.(1I1 1l~t hllll .state 0 .-,a 1011 I I lint, uesU I)ph." fu r uog \\'lI n e n,.~ .0, . 1 I I , 1. \\\0 Ht t l ll't ' 1111.'11 , I ll' IItlt ·... • ,. . ,.." • • • ,.... ':" I Ii " t tJ fi 1 t , . II ' t . ":,,, ', [,,,.1-.11' I",' ,t _ II, ., '1:1'1' ''11 '' ",,) .111\ ni t' I1th"l In th " ' " I-!)!l·- l( ·t! \\, th ,1Ie1 ,ll' lI 1I1t0·l lst . 1,1' th .. :-;I,l l!' lI f Ohl".' anti ~vu" sen · CeIlS('O,, li s un lIa , IIcc oun .. . \~ . . r 'HlIpk,1I1 S, pa y ~" .tlll, .~. ~no, . S ~ 1 9u H t1I1lf{ $/ 011 und Th e l..ehU ll u n C llizen s Nat lO n.11 $ ,I H,!.80; I',. Il ,I U II ~~ . ~Ulll~, $:3 17 .1',X I"' nd llllrl'S I ,",I' . t I 1' \ ' 11 ' ... a , 111 'I 1'11\1 I• •, ,~ , IlI ht.- hoi , TI"'I" II ,' Ollll' lJII~' 'jll d s l,,· Ill'IlI(· t ht! l·x l" ' IlIl11' 1I 1 ffl, lh t 1"11' I·d • I Illll' t lll, 11,1 h I ' t Bank and 'fru s t COm l)Uny gual' u r: 1' 1 T $7 0 5 - A l .ul", 1' $' 1 . . r.o' I' " . , I dJlI' III' :111 1:1\1' " 111 ZIII l: 1""11,1.1", III ," n ,·,·d" rhll lll'l' IIlth . 111111 1 tllrll!'d In 1'.\1'. [,,- t -. lind I hat ',:ta n( llU l1lml ' . , ",' - ,"oa; '.I l'n e rl' y, .;" I111>'. . '. ' , ,,",., , 1"1"11,1"" 1 " ' I' '\ I . f I \ I I I ' 11 ' t,,,·, ·1\ \\'111\ til gill! Vil li " Y "lI d,,,, ' t l·)OIL·th ill·I,,")! hl'lL' 11'.1 le, IllI' CO lllI \ . /11\1 unt il su\d . ,liun u f the e!"tuLe o f Shlll~ y Lnmb I. Re ttIg' , :;al111'. $,IIII,.) U, ( huiles ," I'" ,, ' 1 ~ I; Ut)O . :J,. L! ,,' '1\'1' I I" -hI ., . lOll t'I'I'" 1'1(' 1' '''' ' 1 I'l·tll;h(' ,',I U" l' "1';'(')\ ,I" \" U ". h,' n s k l ' d ' , ' f', 'lo' ,1 1101 lps t:; til'(; I)uid I n min o r, wa" dir ecte d to ~e ll a t K BIUdbul')" <11 1111'. $: I~ :l. fIlJ; J lle 1" ';'11>' """ ... . ," "" ,II' . II-I .1'tllill ,I ii ' 1111 " ,. ' " ' , ... . . . . . . . ' .' t ' I t U ' t d St t. · . $< ' 7 P B I ' III 'U ,, ;.;, I.,' ,\I lilt Il"~ " 11\.' ''" (' "o 'al' Hlil .'al., · a'l1'l I'.(~· ,n ' lI' IlIl'k ll'S til '· :'Iin . ' (' y(lu'!" 1':,. 111,·1' Fuy HIlh u!'dM \ VU!I. rl'a llt-il11 Iva e sa", wo m c, ' ~ ~ s \V . D IIV I ~ , s unil' ",',,',l, .1. (1; • • ' 1\" " ~;'~II"d III Bllli,lI n' I" 11 , 1, ' I' I :'/". I el l.'\\' I'll 11\ nlll- d. II' ''· \\ith Ih'l1l." . . 1( 'lalll:hl~l." . ..d II dlv Ill'ce fl' ol11 .Jo,lm !!1' Rl c hn.rd s rl ~a~l.!ry BOlld s o f the e stut e o f I Mont'e, ~a l1l e , . "Ij,!_O, lI ow~lItl ," \.";11' . ... :t1 ll .u!_ ·\11 th ,· !lIds \\'0'1(, Inl"Il! u1 ,(1 hy " 1' 111 nf,,"d n,,1 h(' nlll111LlC'c! Ihe d fe ndnnt hav lII g" bec ll g UIlty th c mmor. , Coo k, furnl ~ hlnA' II lid 11lutill1g ;0;,,1,'. " ' , ,/I,'" 11"1.. I f•II I' I ' II It \\ h " 111l ."" '11'(' .: t,11ll,ll.j., 1:11 ,.I n'" • I ' I' I I . ' I f .1 Th In t he settl e m e n t o f th e es tat e I ~~7 5 75' z·· An 11 'lge 1111,. >'1111. 11 Hl t llrltlc't . \ h (tfl1 t ~ t ... nml'lh(' Ill' \\ ~ ( o t n ( ')S l)J lS(, flt c ntll H l df'lltl'.lt('nltlt·ln ) O u l fnr1l'II1f.! ." tgr o!"i:; nt'~cct o uuty . (! care . ~. h g rav e ,. "" . .' : 'lIll , II: .' .. \ I- !ill tIHli fl ll :1(,0 ,f (h .. ~i, l , If II,,\, <,. . :~ II\' Ih('y ItlC'." . h,,,\l·tI il ' II \:\I'I(1l1 < \\H.\S - UIle! 1'111 " 1'1 t" j!C't sll" 'Jl\' ,,, oll nd li nt! c U ~\(l(l y of th ~ ~ hil<ll cn ~va ~ l o f Thomas G. FBII', d ecea~ed , ~ e ,sum e $2 7 6;.Bhlll· &. Le i{ o), SlIlll U, 1 ~ \J" " (HI . •. ~7·. II) I' .. ( I I d iP " d ," I't 11 '- " Pllle ' " l alklll).(', Ill(' 1'l' ~ 1 by "I ",l' IlIltllI,goh l. I 11'l('d Itl pl'rsuadl' Jil ek l o nli n d lo the p l!lIntltf I.'Xci USIVC- net va lue was .found to be $11,030- $ 1.J 8. 05; IInt o li Cu unl y Grave l lI.'"11 ·r Stnll" 1'.1 Sf> 11I;:I'.·'·z, pn<1 ilk ,' I h :" III' t II \(' 11 11 ,'11 I" " h"l "", """I. . t(, I!" h'IIlH' afu" th l' plll ,l' ., hilt hI' 1,1', with til>ht of vis it ation all o wed 60. uccess l'S t~ the elstu.t are: , Cll" .gll~o lin e, $5.0:1; lIa ru ld Mnrtz ~~I~~,I":~Il'" .. "'11 " '". IIlId lIY <IInll' Mhl'rs 1~1t' f ll ll,/\\.·,) hC'I' wilh s in lilllg' ,\(," Ie1n ·l.. . . .\ nd no w 1 111 ~Iad 11ll' def Clldnnt. It was o rdered b y lorn Fu.rr, d~ug ter-lnd-n n meci l fUI'I\I Shlll g u nd 1 0 1~(h ng' KI!lV ('1, $4 5 I:"~I. , I{.· . . . .. ~. I R . f II. II I h '1' g ll'l- ~ " t" IIl'llr h"11I I. \\'h" hud , Ill' I(-l hl'l'",' lf 111 \I l' tlldn L th' court that t he clefendnnt be Mordecai Farl, son, an aymon linl o n Coun t y GI·n"l· 1 L" " same ""1 "1 ." 11 III,~II il;t' l 'lilld '"UI ~"'" I III' 111('11 :Ire fut '~ Hili Ihc lw,) yllllll/! 1"1'11 thl!;' "~Illoll Yt,U bl' tll'r!' ('ve r y nlg'ht uUI'I't·d fl' III1I Il ny inte !'est i n th e l G. Farr, grandsor' M i l ' Ph'l $634.40; Blair & ~l' Ruy, same, !~~,~•.}I"t.! ~u,;. ~ r ~· ,i:. J lIU I ' 11' . ,dlll'l' 111" " If \'(,ll ~ c II a)1I'I'II:1I'11(·.I "el" \\hf/ll'!j"Il11' - ).lIIk · l " r,e, thb '!" ' !l'al l!~tllte o f the Ilhunllff. Th e Tn the c~lse or va u emx . 1 $80.55; Hurry (J!ltn 8, pur r oll, 'llI"II1j~ .. . r,SI ~~ 1 ~:: ;II' ',1:11 """11,, ., ;;1 :I [;Ihle ~ n u 1111: :\111 C'1'I1':1I1 l ad ~ whll h .. cI ju>t ";>\ " ," ~ht! tlll!1 him. " I'm. h Il' cou rt o!dl'l'ed th dl!fen <lan t ~o pu y pot. g uordl.a n.of Stanley Mulle~I~, $61; Philip H ei~l' I, sll.n.ll!,. $5G.25; 1 .1 '::.'''~lll . 32 111 ~ lIld.) nl \! " to hllll 111 1 I ,:,, <1 ~ ll U gll'l'n an 111'/11'1' III n "altl'r .".ml IIIl I\' tis II '''I ),.'tll~It'. I dOll t e x- th e pl llllltl fT a s r eHso nub ly a llll1 0 ny e t ai, ~Iamttff veT u~ H er ~ I~ I Ed e n 'fcl' r y, lill III ll, $,J,i!I.,J O; ~hc , it" ('~II'1 . ~ ;!~ gil ,."u Id. 'I'hlll'~ a ll I h,'n' 1_ I" it. btl I wh /\ 1"'1' t h l' JlI' '. " n~ Wl'rl' mMI I~ " p r ; 1 , til come UJ!UI11" t II I' lilt' SU1)POl'l o f th e c llli d r e n , th e I wurds, t~nley ~ul1enl)(, et al d~i B,Il,rrel Co" tnrviu ynd ~ uppll es, T' 1" 1,1 .. ,,, ,· ~ 1.6\1 It'" I<ClII ., bt' do ne WIth c ln;.. ," tl· II'~ ll·d '11 h)l\lnl! II filil d th u n In '1h e n W l- IllU ~ t mnkc t he 111 0:<t , U111 " f $ , .5 0 pel' w ek. I f e ndant~,. the s a1ild allardtan fil e ~ I $228 . 6 0; . Mrs. J\111l1~l e. BurTl~ , r ,,~ .. .. ~tI r, \" l Ilt' ,"11 " ,. lh o'l'l' :"~Ill l'd n h,' S,'C',H' .ll ou n ci. lh(,111 (1 ucenie of tn- n! g ht," lit' Slll\ll'd. 'r hu re W I~S ' - - -.her a drhtlopa\ 1>on In the s um 0 g uul'd 1'1111 ~usts, $ 14 c:GO, E: ~~:: ~~ "",c' I, t~~ ): It'al d ,·.11 of II ('a<t II I II,halll ,mill' n t th e lll . ilnd ~"m('\)1lnl< vel ~' n lvc ulJ Qu t hl ~ NUl'SlIltl $ 1000 wIth Marylunu . Cus.ualty S nyder & o n, ~ u pp ll cs , $.J.65 , IlIt ' I'''''( . I:I.IH " If lh ," 11" 1' ''1111. I " uPI\II:,e "t' 11111' , d Ill\' ~' ''Ul1g n1l'n Iyt urn e d It I,j(,k li nd mnn n e r. li e \IU~ lik e. , I I '" Alkll 'un V<' I' ~U 5 Mau()c CO!'" I)Un y{ by J ohn B. GllleSPleT~t- I J ?hnston n nd J" ~ ll slu n , lumbe l', ~II I ' II(( ~'~ !I\ CI.a l S,GU H ,,'111(' (' \\Jlh I h('1l1?" s hp n~ke d "il h II .·h(·cl f lll IHlt IInp er~'lI1a l \\'h l1 l11 W IIS he 11 11 e ? Pl' ,bohly he ' rlle f I' Ill vo r cll C h a r 08 tO lney, n fact , us su rety. $31i; Van Camp :Ston ~ 0 , sa nd 1.,, 11111" .111 11 ' I. I ~ :IO _4..:.!_~ 'l;l XIII II < l u \<o'l " l1",n' rI{fill'l(' line ;: '1 11. Sh t' s lllwC'd hl'1' l' t l' P~ " lit ll (! W IIS 1ll C'1'l, ly II t y pe s h c' had kl1 \\Ill } In ~" n ~ I ~ f du'ty g I coU l' t approved Jh eh s ale d~ ren , and g ravel, $30.42; Ml!lIndel Ol e n '!lI ~ tl H ;' n h,·]' IIlIlI vi d ·,.11 "Utl(' ~ lhlln Ivy (l"lanCl' fllllll th t' tablt,. ch eck i njr wwl a n d met o f tclI in her f tw m e r I III'V I! ';l~H'1 ~n cR I~~th~lI; [nc' versus estut e and o rhdere the gU.IIl· un to sto ~e, $I; Duvell GUI'lIA'C', r epa l!'s , AsaMH l IUIII ~dl' l'" hl' l . r;\'l!' s ~ \\' Iftlli' I11I1\'C I1ll'nt hy II l'llvironment. " ~: :( I r, i f ' ~ a enl t~an.f er t o t e purc Ilsers, ur eS I $1.00; ?~ H~on Aul o Co., s upJllt es 1·:1 .h . H~l.20 ",1.1111 ,Iw Ih <' d('\'l!1' kid'!" '''' I' nll'g I'l e:;" Ule of the a l'l11. "hall WI' du n (' now ?" ~he C' C() I!; ~ H.. ,· ranc s 0 1 U pp E. a ncl Mary S cott a good lind s uf- and l'e)JUlrs , $6 .23; W . N . Cu x, s up :~~';,.~"t '. '" I I~~~: ~~ Ma z ,(' I1lUI'I11UI·'(1. "G I, t it th foi st " Lt>ok al th'nl .elti n' there helll'd him IIs k. Quce nl c lin d ,rllke fr tl lll J. T. fici e nt d eed. pliys, $ 17.78; DH\' icl Blunk, .1'e - 1111 11,11 11 1\ 01:: I.UIIII Wl1illll' fOl brcnd and milk, with Wl!I'U a ll' udy o n lh fl llo r. Sh e l' o~(' 1 ---POll'S, $2; Blunc hes ttlr Muchtne I) · pv ~ II" . . 6 ~ 1 ~ III 11111 ,"." Probate court pt'oceedinll. ~ N S ·t Sh I' $ B h t'''I'\\l1I I', "I ,., P' 151111110 "))ant'r Wit h '(' 111 If lhey wnnt ~('(ld lnu Ric !!,oi n' t o "\\U Rt e" l:Ihe ten sln \\'ly, I ew Ul. , op, supp Je S , . 6; ung am ;;1' .';hn,·" . 1 ,1 11~ " IllIr" . I'CIlI I ll ," the· II hl ru cl n's' cl) l"l~ ex- IHtiv(·ly l,bSC I'\CII. in a t o nc cle- ' " I' m n ut", Ir I dance vel'\, w e ll I t wa s o r dere d that un appllcaFurst and Th omas , a purtner- Motor . Co . rc plllrs , $'l ~; Th ~ "'It,,· I'n. I'r, r ~r' ,I ,,1111 11<'" " If thpy wanl Y' u t tl set ~ ignl'd In ,1'l' l1e h Lhe ca rR uf t h n e ~\' ~ he con r ~~sed u nd cil ught hiS IIl (lk li u ll be mude to t he, s up e r intend- s hip versus J o hn W . Wlldel', al ~o Oregon Ia Bridge Co .. repalrs,$8 .2u >'loek nl. _ ~ dnWIl :III , \<il(' 'em thl' sto r \' of nHIlC I!'. 1hc lul te l' I " kud up, th iS uf SUIPrlSC a!\ hc p ut an a r m unt "f lhc Da y t o n Su\te H os pital known us J. W. anp uruh Wildfl' J. p, Ad~1118 o. repairs, $18.64 , ,t r Jll' tu a1 ~~04~UG !lr~ Fu n !t ' ''"I' II fl' , 10'L"clll hnvt: Il. 'only lim e wll h llttel1lit! n. Th e g i rl!l , ul'C)u nti he r a nd s \\ung her o ut fOI·. the adm i:'slO n o r hades for mon ey only, amount claimed, Th e Pruell E!luipment Co. repairs ~ull"'\' rlhtl ll dll l· lr q{ lh ~ 1I1l1h it s nappy Nn sob st uff. Wele under Ins pl' ct lo n n ow, to be a m o llg th e thers. S he ex haled t he II nll th Incompete nt. $4 03.47 with inte r est from Qc" $7.09: East End Garugll, s uppli es (111<'0 1 ),' 11,· . . .. , 972 4 00 br uu th he' h ud been hold ing. H e A ' C unts fil e d :: t ober 31, 1928 ~t 7 (Yr re r Ilnnum, $18.95; H. S . Conove r , sa m e, $ 13.- I'al d 11 11 11111{ th,' WUH ,I ~oo tl par t.ncr. E ll tllte o f Murtha J . Hjcharqson Char les J. Fisher Vllrs ml 'rhomal! 62; Blair & LeRoy, furni s hing and fI ... ·1I 1 '·fl n..- ..... 262 Ui O otH I su l'xt· I·lpt· " You' r e and odd g irl!" H unt s ld l decl'l\sl!d, fifth u nci finnl II cpD un t . E. Glass for Jlloney o nl y, amount loading s lInd and gravel, ~8 . 10 ; Tun'" " . I I Ufi2 79 fully go ul 'led hel' llil'ough u I'aphll y ;ual'dinn ~lllp u f IUlrh~ 5 D. Jun - c1aimep, $326 ' wIth inte rest The Oref.onia Bridge Co. reinfor c- " utnl IJI\ )' IU fl l \t~ . 2H90 fill incl'en s ing conges tion on th e lIey, inco mpete n t , Ih s t Ilcco unt. fr o m FebrullI'Y 1, 1928 and costs, Ing atee, $41.68; J!thn Newman, lU ll" H t lar 114S,' u1llCl 409U6 ) 1' " 1\ 11"..du ncing' fl o~ I" "Whnt ma d you Ii Y . 'lytl e Whitlll,er . l\~ce pted the ft P The Waynesville Farmers Ex- road~I1Y.t. , $10; W, A. Scott, bridge 1'~ J H~ n N . G820 9u I yu u .~y'er!'n t s ure yo u could dance llo ,ntnl e uf admlOl~ ll'ator of the change Compan y , (I Co rp oflltion or replIlr, i(>3.80; The Lebanon Far\\' , II . ' :ltnl c u f l'l\nnl Whltac t·c, d eeeall- g ll niz ed and d oi ng busin ess under m e rs Cooperation, Co., cem e nt 'dl"I( .. .. .. . .. '~'~G . 7 r; ·'1 wasn 'l." Jibs cxprejJslon flla(\ e ~ d und fi l~ u his !lood in lh~ s um of the luws of' the Stnte of Ohio ver- $D6.45; Th e Morro\\' LUlnbcr CO. t . . - - - ... - - I' ran k u nd Glonna us Fred e rick n Snyder (01' money' cem r: nt lind lumbe r, $ 144 .56; L. her a mplify th e te l'se slllt.eme nt. $250 0 wllh Uncle Adam'. Coaitation "1'111 n ot ve r y s ure of <\ny t hing Whi1ac I e 118 s Ulr('lil'~ . W. W. Whit- o nh' am o unt ' cillimed $330.51 W. Nis bet Co. bridge repair w or k ju s t now,' ~ h e mlling-I y adl11ltted. ek 1', A. J . c heu l'e r and Ch est er with' interest from January 11 lind s upplies , 22J.59: The MorLindllh, dat!" mah ole 'owan, say " I'm SII n e w at all this ." I Whltncre w eI C IlBm ed IIt?P.ralser s , I !l30 cos ts ~ nd other r elief. ' ro~v Feed and Supp ly Co., same, dllt e ff e ll I do.n't gil. m e u j ob o f " W e ll, you can be sure y ou'r e , An lIl!itlll ment u f wrlttng pur$226.35' eth Greeley, s upplies , w ork s he gwine t o bus et m ah head o ne of the goo d dan ce r s on th e pOI tillg to be the la Rt wl l! and Marrialle L1cen.e $4.85; K , Kernahan, compensa- wide open. Dat ' o uld be jis t too noo l' to ni g h t, " he ~ a ld com f ortably tes tument of H :u1'lan Whitake r late tion and dumages, $14 3 ; J. D, " Thllt'f\ a tl'ibut . l no, f o r t he r e nre : ul' lIa rlun towl18hip was prod uc ed Ho ra~inl All en Miltenberger, Sm it~ , driving truck, $4; Albe ~t bad, 'cause den all s he 'd h all to n doze n he r e who know how t o in ce ul·t for probate. It WlIS ordl'r- factory worker of W est Middle- Monlnr, toad workt.,. $4 .HO; Leshe quarel nt 'ould be dat Baplis ' ~te p o u t . Thil l. u p town bunc h cd thut L. D. Hall, o r E lkhar t. Ind. t own and Mi~s Frederick Chris- Shultz, labor, $65; l'erry B. Simp. prc llc h!1 h s on-in-Iuw . ob he1'n. Ef. "Vl' 1' t here hu s sO l1l e bully da nc e rs with the will nnn exed, tuk e the ta\n S tarke, of Lebanon, June 6, son, same, $65; . E. Culler, 8ame fen dau g hter 'Lucy hadn't ma rrie d in It," cl e po:sition of W . S. Van Harlingen .Mil es A. C h cnoweth, factory $4 . 90; Web. S im ps on, s ame. $8.- him ) beli eve d e o ld 'owan would She Inc)k('d in th e directio n he II \ itn ess to th e will of the deceas wo rker of Middl etown and Miss 40; The OhIO COl'rugated Culuvert hab-now Ishe h utes him worse'n Inuicu l cd. lIalf a d oze n young m e n cd , Edy t he K. Pries t, new s corres pon- Co., sewers , $ 199.20 ; The Fam o us s he do es me, An ins trum e nt of writing, PUI'- cle nt o f Franklin, June 4, Auto Supply Co., s uppli es, $69 .05; a lld gil ls , evidenl ly o f ~C)o d f umilIe!!, \\ ere clall t ing In II c lose gro up . port ing to be the lust will and The Frank Sh e rw ood GO' same Th e~ \1 CI e kee ping t (l them~e lv es tcs tam e nt o f Emmett M. H ayes, d e Real Eltate Traader. $24.8 7 ; Trus tees o f Pub ic Af: "What you're rea lly he r e for, B eraD n , i. to admire the men , :In d lA'n ol'llIg the o th er patro ns. I ceascd, was pro uu ced in court for Eva Somers , et al to ,John Lamb fairs, light fOI' garage, $ 1; ComStella drawled . "Make 'em lee what great big wond e rful guy. you Th e il <'YI'S w e r e tired and their probate. purt of lots Nos. 5 and 7 in Way- mercial Lithogl'uphing Co., cbceks, think they at'e, and you'll b e a wo w." PX P"<,ss ltl n: sOl1l e what bln HI'. but I Notice of e s tntes for se ttl e ment neRv ille. $:16.35; Macks Chevrolet Sales and th ey see me d co ntent with th e ir e n- urc se t f or heuring on Jun e 9, at Thomas and Ruth McCarty to J. Service, Co ., repairs, $1; Franklin Iniz ic t('lIs ' 111 " he 's a Ru ssian lak E'n Ill' r cj<'ftc d . T o E ve th e m o- l ItalllTllent. !)o' clock a. m. Thomas S e bold, 40.09 ucres in Vulcanizing li nd Tire Co ., s uppli es MONEY LOANED prin ce, s, nn' it goes ove r gl'Cllt. nll' nl WII S horrihl e. I "Th y'r e lhe t ~' I)CS thal A'O to Ma be l Hnth l3lwa~, adminis tratrix Franklin twp. , and 96.486 acr es in $ 1:75; Piel'ce Filling Statio n, s upIf Iht,." wallta l a l k wh il t' yo u lis tc n "Gh liS time Ir idi e gi vu us tim e t h e Lh '!l I ('I ' fil" t, thcll 10 s u p p I', 'I f t h e cs t u tc otl' Allee H, Rosnagle, Butler County. plies, $3 .0 5; S. C, Al exand e r, Suple llV(' 'cm do il." u l'l!;ed tilt' Y(JUIlJ! m ll ll with the an d .s p c ~\(1 th e ICh L o f lh e ni \< ht ' d eccased , filed her inventory and Sum u e l F. and A1farata Murray p,lies, $3.22; GI'iswo ld Service Stll- LOANS on Lives tock, Chaltels, " T h t'y' !I t el l you how lone!;o m c grin "W " I (, hung r y, and wc'v e I'U ~I,l l11A' fr ll lll o ne ~a"rll ct..t0 ~ n oth- I Il JlPl'Ul se m e l1t. . . . to A. L . and Hazel B . W atkins , t! on, rent of battery, .$ 1.60; Wi!. Seco nd Mortgages. Notes bough! Ih e y !lI'C," f;1l! ll u co nll'ibute d . A'IIl II pall' o f I"b b its cu ming. But 1' 1', lI unt ('.xplllln.(·11. QUite " Anna M. Sno ok, .ndmlnls.tratrlx s nfnll tract in Franklin twp. 11I1n.1 Schnell, supplies, $3.40; John Harbin e , Jr., Xenia, Ohio, " J. u nc<ollw!" " h,· !; Il 'c l'<.'d. 'Th 'y If 1I' l!' rt' al .l e to !11 0VC af te!' th e '1)1 "f lhl" ll like- thi S pillc l! he U e r I o f the est a te Of Mtllllrd D. H. und, Goldu A . Lykins to W.altes Garuge), I'cp~irs and Supdo n't. upen my f au 'cll! WI h that st ull' vou f •.\k " serv(' hc,r l' I'll tllk t han tI~ , c lubs. I Ihlnk J u ke cuters £llllckbul'n, deceased was outhorlz- Lee A. Reed, 90 acres in Turtle- pltes , $98.93; lirapvme Inn Caso0 II ope. Th u me n thllt cumt'i< h e~'e is Y'ltl o ut to the' ntel' of ' th e fl oo l· l t o th e m in vlIl' icJus ways --drop r-; th e e d t~l . e ll the personal pl'operty at creek twp. line, $4.20; Morl'ow Hdw.' Store , a s 101lC', oJl1 II: IIn\<1 wo r ms In a lute r u n und llIuk e a Mn y-po le o f cove l' chal'J!e f u l' t helll !lnd that pub li c sa le. .John lind Maggie Long to Ken- bolts ,GOc; Holthaus Trun sporta- LONG OR SHanT TIME- Easy [, ox, nf bf1i~ I " . . yo u. ~n l:t o f Ihi~l g. H e . Ii~ es to hava CO U,l 't ul~provcd of the n ew. bond neth 1. Davis , part of lot No, 806 tiOl1 Co. , express" ~1.08; In~u8trial tel'ma, Also Surveying and AbS.t lin, Lv lellln e d, WII ~ n peS- I " ' , on lv ol'(lc l'c d tw o , a nd I l lll c m Hm e. In, l hmks Ih ey I n.d by Chartel s D: Maple , guardIan of in Franklin. Trnetor and EqUipment Co., $17.- stracting. Write and I will call l'lllIlst alld !I bl nek unl·. She wa s cl1uid eat l hem bol'h" he plain- c lass to hI S pla ce ; a nd J n ke IS Effie Fannon, 1n the sum of $1000 1')1innie A, and Joseph E, Mon. 84; Hadleys Garage, repairs, $1,5,0 and see you. Sum D. Henkle, Way~t1s n mun-h!lt'I' IJ nr! fl'C' (' l y co n - ' t lV ' Iy o b r vc d ' s trollg fOl' the ' c ia . s.' Th ey' ll With th e DetrOit Fidelity and Sure ger to C, Stanley and Anna Earn- J , W. Lingo Hardware Co, truck nl!8vi1le, Ohio, Jl1 fel'scd I hat she ha d n o u~· !~ I' '~ \Ve 'II ' nl'u e l"twn m o r e. " I pl'o l,,,)'I)' s t,:,y he l(! u n hour, then l ty Company ns ~urety. hnrt,94.87 acres in Clearcreek repairs, $120.21: M.orrow Garage , Hi s fri l! nd hud been wntching' I(· :t v!! and V I ~ II half II d uzc n ot he r . Upon IIppl.l clI!tlO n of Ed~th Hayes twp. gas, 32.44;. J . W. LlIlgo Hardware W(Ullen. 11 'I' sp' t'il. Lind Qu l! m e fI ' w Cl e lt ~ lIally 1"~ lt l" tha n th use o f Eve ""l(, " ~ u pf ult· tlll'Y gU hum e at tJay- l o r n commISSIO n to b e I!lsueu to .1 Milton and Elizabeth F. Earn- Co., BUppltOS, $175.12' The Kil. Ihl! o t h , l' gi ll ~; h ut o n uccaSio n ";n lUt f . h ' 1IKhl. III Ih e 1111':tlll1m(', W r' lJ h ave l tak e Ih c <i upoSltlllns of B. F, Hur- hal.t to Minnie A , and Joseph E. patrick-French Motol' c'ar Co. gas Farm e r!! of Warren and adjoining I h y cou ld, und o ftc I' d id. dlaw o n I Til!h nl m e, t oo ," e ann lh c l hUII I hOi t\\' o lik e th e m." I witz u nd ,J. W Fishe l', of Middle- Mon ge r, part of in-lots Nos. 290 IIlId suppli es $13 13.27. ' co unti es may obtain mnney en th e al'gol o f the g utt!! I·. All thi s q U~,et,y t o I CI;; . . Jo: ~I <, all thi s . and didn't t o wn , witn cssc!, t o th e Will of Em I 2( l ' L b ' _. __' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lon g t' I t fj l 1'.Vl' I(I:lH)l<,t\ la l ,'. At JlI'use n t th e n lILt S t1f f, ,,l e\ ~lIlC't'tlll e a g l l· t' d. IOHl \\' wh,l' ~ h c I, n l'w it , any m ore l mutt M. Hllye ~, deceas~d. it was anGeo·:'ge IJlR. Br~~~' t o Anna L. ~erest. IIC~st~~\:curirfgert~:n;Il~; l es~n n ,)f the lII oment wcnt o n. I III ac 1I y S Ul' C( 0 111 0\'1' 011 I han she kn ('w 1\ hy s he apprecia t cd (J rti e l'ed th at Harry Gruy be IlP- Brown, real e!ltate in Morrow. Ob.eninlr Childhood IS very r easo nabl e, hrough The "TIl< I'C' S two th ings you don 't , But. I he q ll ,c t ye, un g Illall "pokt! I h ' 1Il1u: uall y A'ood mUs Ic o f Juk ("s po inteLl. J., E. Frazie r to John Long 'edernl l.and Bank. For (urther "(:111(1 I'UI', " QUl' e ni e WII S saying ill ag~IJl,: , .. . jll?? ),und . Accounts approved: sma ll tract in Waynesville. - ' 1'he littl e ; iil \\IU S a timid little , info rmation call on or address M. n t:1i~ IW I' t o ne. "You d on'l tllile m_' Vv lln t thl' la clll' K .1':i.l~ us <l nd " Sp l'akinl! o f be ing he r e," Hunt E stat e of John M, Longstl'eet, S I M M II I I h f th . C DRAKE, Trel1su l'cr, phone 316'l1 lf ~ 11 11d yu u don',t drink from hn,ve SO I11 (, Of t.he rah hll . . \\' e nt o n. "Why :l IC y u u her e , I'en l- d eceased, fir st ac ount. Willlllm !lnd ura l e i en to ,sou, an( e r n er WII S trymg to I . pocket· fla sks. J ake s l'u le. See? 1h e you lIg n1.lll o f the g" 11I1 frown Iy'! It 's ea~y e nough t o see that ' A S~lgnm ent of Ninnan C, Corum Clarence C. Binkley 1.89 acres in reaRon he r out of he r fears. He l X Lehan on , Ohio. ' . h ,I d fi I Hurlan twp. I tri ed. to te ll he: thl,lt there was ~ .. - _ _ __ . I ' b I 1\' 1l!n tl, at cOll1e Il(! 1c h as go t t 0 , e d . ~ ou Ion l e ong. ' a :S lgnOI' , t il'u an nu . Duvid E. Ilnd Laura S. Dunham n othmg to f ear In mIce and Crogs tJNlt u ~ lik e la d l e~ . " I A r-; h I' ~ p fl k e, Ih e q uiet yo un g (T I t' I) I E s tate o f Lu ellu M. Scott, d e - t o Rolland A. McClure, 104.26 und b.ugs. FOR RENT To Eve t he \\h ole cx pe ri e nce l ma n ul e \\' n u t f o r E ve lhe chai l 0 )e con InU CC ccused, fll s t, fin a l and di s tribu- aces in Franklin twp. I "Papa',' she'lIsked, "ain't y on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ "' 1I ~ part of th e iii cu m s he was in, ne xt tn him. Mi ss MOl'1'i s "ee Ul (1(1 --- - - tive. Carl Blackford to Mary S, 11 little 'froid of old bugs? " IF but t he n ilfh t m ll l' in th e dl' eal11 lt he r e mall1ing e mpt y c hair f or hel' :\H'I' 1t I.: HI' 1'1 h ... (' Gual'<lian ship of Charle s W . Haines, east half of lot No. 10 and ',',N?, dear," • OR" fl.E~T-Four .1ar~e ~OOIllS, WlIS lesse nin g . She was inten sely self and sa t down with II s igh o f JlI~ "J1IN(; PI'esley, Jr., millOI', first nccount, ell~t hulf of lot No. 18 in HarveysAmt you afraid of snakes and Melecstrlc lights an~ s mk 11\ kllch en II1terest d . and 5h I cull ze d thnt Il chi e vpment. . E state Of Sophia Soule d eceased burg, fl'ol,"S, cloddy?" rs. U!!an W. Paine. • je18 s he , a s also a t rili e m o rl' sophi s"You ain't /!,ot t he niv c manners I : "': : ~ ..: h,. II " , ", "' ,II" ' orll 1'1l11 0" l lil's t und final. Elmer D. lind Currie Ludlum to "No, dear." _ _ _ _ _-'-_ _-'-.....;;.;......;...:......:._ __ .'",In I. h,·r.! " ~I"'II 'hH' nil Ihe E slate of Stanley Clifton Hawke Frank Fucrst 87.80 acres in Ham- A pause and the littl e miss asked: Ilcatcd tha n th e I<il b II l uund he l'. o f yo ur bo ~' fn e nd, WlIli t' ," s he !'he hu rl never danc ed in t h e car- to ld t he jrri nin g yo u t h. "But if 'l ll .I,.. lor 1111, I" .l ll , 1\ ~ 00 I)'c loe k decl:!use d, seco nd and flnnl. ilton twp.. _ "Pltpa, ain't you '{raid of nothWANTED buret ; s thO he WIl S !<U II e of ShLha k S he " YOU ' 11s tick al'OunciG With hIm p'raps;, 'I',.\Jt IJ.:'t'l '"' III ., r: pa 1""I'f"lk 1( On l h e An instrument of writing purEva Som~" " , et al to John Lamb I'n g else I'n the whole "'orld 'cept - - - - - -- k ' . I Ii\1"'.11'" t l\{) COll n c i l ot · ,'-'".....a n nl·",. no II1g Of tHII: . (' n e w , y o ~1 Imp\ ov~. ot a c lg'urettl'? I till' ",111 111' " " r 11 ,,,""0,'11 1 o f \\'Ilr- testam e nt of John W'. WIlson, de- part of lots Nos. 6 and 7 in Frank just mamma?" WANTED-THE SHOP ON THE 1I<.l lhm':!; of th Ull' Intima e II1n er l fh e gl'lnn'ng y o uth hnd, a nd rl n , nlln,,·. " hi" . f r t he 11 xt suc. , c cu s eJ \VIIS produced In court and lin square in Waynesville, • -. HILL-Sh' PI 1\IlI·k IIl US. or Clf th e dUtlCR of e m- olf<: l'cci hi !; ea .e. Miss ¥ ol'l'il< l' e IP- I 'I ,':: ; 'II~ ;~ ( r'<OI '~~ I\' · n. ' "nrlllljt Ducem- I a nd ndmitted to probate. Eves!t1. . d oelllg, ow Sharpen1c\('YC' P< HilI ~he IllU'l ha l'c kno wn ('(I he l'slf and pa~~ed It to Eve, >'11" 11 h' " , I.. " "II I I,,, h 1,1 at t he Wil so n wn5 apPoll1ted ex ec utrtx. B I All Sad End. to PrOlDiai ... Caree... }"g'd n I ~aMl1 Mowers fi[ ed by ~ uch "hlC c's Q~ :I t Ir a s t a n OC C II ~' who hes it atcd an in st:lnt a nd th(' 11 :..r, .. , IIr , I, . \'111"". , ' '''rl, I n ll". W . W. C line, Alf Drake a nd E . T. i I. ~~ed . IIIn . 11 p I cr. *j e 18 ' " l1 al v" ilc" .. fn r t hl' "u l'('I'flcial tuok 11 c iA'ul'ette n~cI lighted it at 1(,,,, ,, 01,,,,. "': " 0' .u n . :0/,,, lh ~I JI: n 1:;, Dechant wel'c made apprulsers. Th e FI'anklin Chroiiele proof of The navul architect who became a"'l'('c t ~ (O f thIS one h eld n o s ur- t he m a tch th e qUI e t young man I, \I ~II' :-: I· ~IIITI· II .. LI) I In the settlt'ment of the estate Ilubhcat ion, $ la.76; ThI1 Wes t e rn d esig ner in a China factory, buildHATCHING 1" l s e~ fu r hcr ' he ld for her. IIJl I(' 6:i f.~~'ci of William Francis Enfield, d~cells Star, sume, $13.50; Same, blanks ing gravy boats.


Centerville, O. New Burlington, O.






'j'' :





• •






', ':::,:i


J R,














Farm Loans






, r












When i. a Hole Not a Hole?


W 1t.~. L




ABoUT "I .

~A'I -rHo~e' ARe KNOT


ATTENTION- Lebanon All-Elect rIc Hatchery, 21 leading breeds ?f pur~-bred baby Chicks hatched tn fumIgated Incubators -a hatch each. Monda¥ and Thursday. SpeclI~1 attention paid to Custom Hatehmg. Open all day Sunday to the public. I, O. 0, F, Hall, phone ] 80, 132 E. Mulbery Street. tf


FOR SALE FOR SALE-Ford Sedan, trade for a!ld ~oung pigs, Wayne V.1I1a, WayneSVille, Q . ju'1 8 FOR SALE~Second hand liiWn Mower. Inquire of Horace Keys. · ju2



-For aU purpOHa.



IiDe of pla.blq ad heaUnc 1IlPpU.. are tha belt. The Bpelde\-

Klq Co., 411 W: ibiD Oblo" .

. -,




--'- r- --. -- - .m e GAZETTE i Statement of Candidacy IENTIRE FAMILY WED~E IS REUEVED BY I FAMED KONJOLA . ~




( ,ontinucd from Page 1)

D. L. CRANE : Publi.her Office Phone ................. ..... No. 112 . R •• idomce .......... .. ,.. .... ..... No. 118 - - - - - -- - - - -_ _---'"_ . S u b .crlption Price, $1.50 a Year

I a l"" 1", 110" '_(' Ih:ll 11I l' I'Il(h t think In14 l'IlIZl'lIH lllp (If fHI" (lIs tr l t und 111 .. lIillIo n s hlluld "lIl1 y ,[11,oul Lllil l ' rr.~ l d "tll III JoI " (, (ton 1<1 """ lll'e II HI'·"·t II(U" ("' III"l1 t or 1"11 , 01 Cincinnati Lady, Huab~nd al\d h(·1I ',noruh Hllll l'H lv111111.1'1(1t h11111,,"llon. 1' 10 "cpr se nl Three Year Old Son Find i ll '0 11 ,"" ,'14;' IIII H 011 !.rIel. wllh It II loIlfh SLn n,I" ... 1 .. r cltiunKhl\,. I t~ eX_ Health in Ne w Medicine 1"IIM ll'" a l;IIlId r! 'u ILllrnl .I I'vral t Prl " hUH llles", 1II ItIltl rUli('nd lurlnl{ III L ">ltM IIl wu lti h,' , 1111.1 I" . b,' IlI P , " _ ~ lI,·d. ' (\ ali IL .('n l tlJ lI lIlI ·\l o n. It Is 0. J Rll lICti OIl In whl r ll cv r r c itizen Jr t hll! (IIKlrl t IllLS 1\ rl K'h t to u g· plr . 1"0 " fiv e " curs 1 was secretar Y 10 C:ent}ml J . \V o.JTCII l{ elfer, of. Clo.rk Cullll l r, while ho W(, 6 In Co ngress ~I \' positi on wll h him gal" mo Ih e ul; pOl'lunll )' or I "" '"Inl{ n gr fi l ~ e "l ' " III'N IlIII K I h,' II o"klngs or O il ' "rl'''", Ih.· I"" ' I, ," ~ d el,llO'LIll OIl I" nnd I,,,, ell II . or II ,,, IO "I' .' ,·rll'H' 1I1 fLl Wu. h 111 >( ' "". Hnll III" ••,,·vI,'" I h.ll <,,, II lie •·.. 111 1,.'·.·.. II" " ( 'to ll ~ r e M~ ' n"" tIl 1, Is "tIlHHllll l'llt.:\ ' , '1'11l:-4 ,-'xp rl · t\l'~ w i ll 101' ur ill,·"IIIO. n lol {· 1'11 1'10 ' 10 111.' u nd to II,, · oIl Mlr k l, Ir I . 1111 no,ol"U I6" " ,,,I ,· Io ·. ·I.·d . I II ."·,, ,", ,111 11 1{ '0 Nfl)' ('1)11 ' . " ' I' IlI t1 ~ I ll \' I lppn lll ' I1I, lili ' IIrt·tl '~ lI t IIO "'"II II,.rol. 11 ,. III' " h""11 .' I"dc.1 10 ' ,," ~ rt' ''~ (ur f,,"r " " . ,,, ~ (l nd i ~ S.·,·II , I ilL:. Il !' ( ' lI l1 l1 llnall It 1l1 :i I' P I ' o l ' d ~ I Jl' a l(" ,ril l' II M ,.If.


E ntere d a l Po.' offl,,~ ot Warn .. " ille O h 10, u. Second C i a .. Ma i Mutt e r

J UNE 18, 1080



II •




_______ •

Th world is f ull o f people who t ry 10 blum c their own unSllccess, llnha p pin f'~s (I I' in cc.mpel cnct! upon s omebo d y e ls e. E verybody kll o w ~ ~ lJm('b o dy lik(' th llt. Th"y nrc th l' HUlll e sor t. of p {'o p l ~ who nrc Ill wa\' s "ugi n Ihe Gove nllllcnt." TIlt' mll;'kC' t "f crups i,; goo d o r bud beca use till' Gllvernlll e nt is Ilcp u ul ica ll or ilelll clIrlilie . Bu ~ i, lICSH i!5 ~ I t)w UI'CIiU Sl' t ilt' P re"id {' nt d id thi s 01' d idn ' t tlo th nt. Let a few banks fa il ull d illlll\ edi nt ·Iy ~o m C' ()f th' l' hr unic kickers ru sh t o the fr ont with lh(' exp lnnation th a t the r edl' ral Reserve Syst em is [\ fa ilme. Fuir c r itic i ~ m o f th l! Gover nme nt is e ntire ly pro pe r a nd within t he rights of ve r y citi;r.en. Th ~ tcndt,,1l'Y to hold t h Gove l'n, Ill e nt reRponHihle f or everythilig unpl easunt. wiLhout ever givin~ it c r edit wht' n ct1ncliti ons nrc satiffactory iH. how\' ver. JU Rt anot her nJunifes tali o n of the childish impu lse t o shift th e blnme fr om o ne' s own sho uld ers to t h nt of slI me body e l ~e .


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HARVEYSBUDo. au ,Joll~'

Th e Work ers ' wing lub llI(>l in I' g ular s ssion at the H om E onomics room of i h ' high school Monday aft rn oo n. Regulur bu s in ss was atte nde d to and plans ' ma d e f 01' lh e a d vIsor an d 0 ffi cers t o attend the "LeaderA and Offic rs Training Meeting at HurmQ n park t d ay. M 1I'lam " St ump' d emon' /lur ·t rated c utting a bius and Alice Gray demon strated making u rolled hem. The hostess, Marjorie and Miriam Stump , ·served cooki es und grape j uice. Alice Gr:!., Re~orter. The la dies o f the . E . 'hurch served a d eli(~ ious s u~p e r in Mrs. Mnrl'I'tt's l'oon"1 Satur ay e\'en l'n fr " ,.. The Kl evrr K oo kH Klub ll1et li t tho l<th oul house on .1unl! 10. Otlice!'!; were e l eted a s f ollows: Preside nt , Vi r gi nia Davis ; Sec'y.Trells. , Vil'gi n la Tu cke r; Rec l' ' II, ti o n Lend er, Vivian Tu cker ', Heporte I' Elizab(~ th Uri'. Adjj(lu l'n d to meet w it h OUI' adv isor', Mrs. \V. A . L u k' eng, J un e I'! . , lit 2 0 ' c Ioc k . Lu ken s , .Jun e 1~JI at 2 u'l' loc k. Eli zu bet h Carl', Iteportel·. :'I I I'S. Chas. II. GI'IIV a nd son R ub l' l'l slJe nt \V edn esclay in Day tu n . Tht' fo ll owill!{ a tt endcd th e 4, H ,. 1,,), Otlicers and Ad vi ~ o r ~ meet , I P k co I i ll .L!'


-Iarnlu n

a i' ,


- -ms

_ 5


After tI,e Fir:s t Twenty-five T/,ORS ... " Miles THE VALUE 01 sound des ign, good materials and careful craftsmanship is especially apparent in the new Ford after the first twenty-five thou saml miles. Long, continuous service emphasizes its mechanical reliability and economy or operation and up-keep. As you drive the Ford through many months and years you will develop an increasing pritle in its ' appearance and a growing respect for the substantial worth that lIas b een built into it. From every standpoint-in everything that goes to make a good automobile-you will know that you have made a far-seeing, satisfactory purchase. Wherever you go, you hear e nthusiastic praise of the car and this significant, oft-re p eated phrase-" I'm glad I bought a Ford."

•..,ntut' .. uy;

~ 1I ,,"I.1 I" , ,.. ,, ~ "Bes idl' hclpin g III I' K onj() lu hCII Mrs .. o,0.roth y ~awk c , Vil'll!ini.1I Afl,'" '"1d<I 'lI: II,,· (...... !:,'III..: 01, · · ~ fited Iny htl~,'IJll'l'll ll rlrl t h" tHO .J 'naVI." , .EII 7..abC!th Can.· •. De na . Da vIs I I I:lI aliu ll IIf tll l1dldllt \ , llIlig l ' (:nt llt "-.: . , 1111 " ,10 .01 I... 1, ,· 1,, ·,." 11".l 11,,· 1" ,. () Id IlCIY," said l\Il'S. (,hCI'l'~ 11 1 M~rJ o ne ::;lu l~p. Mll'l a m , tUI11Y, I, 1' '' 1',, 11 . ,, 1''''' III " M.·"I"",' n' 10 LlII ' Schill idt W hitt, Oak s Ci ncin n ati Allee GraYI Kat hl ee n Grny. V II';,I . 101' 1 aI'IH I, ... , ' ''''I LlIo· rc >10",,111 1,,·1 ' " I s. u ". 1 (' d f I. Ull1 S:t OnlU<': ' ' I1 un d' ",.. illin Tu c ker an d Vivian Tuc ke r, rq .": ,. Itl il!-( r . , p t,. ·tWII I UllulI I n " (I " ~ I't. ,,~ . II. , "11l1 Coi Lhlll "" ,·.·,.,, 1 kirlney trnuL le lind nervo us ness. Miss 1\l a lo el SLarr n nd James "I·,·k" .,"..... at II " " ' c Li Il I{ III HIli' I" '" Fll ud SIIIII'cd in m\' stumac h a nd Jl ampt on o f Daytl,n w ere weekfI .·"I . ' \ 1" .. , or I h, ' clo: rlnlle ll ;11,,1 " • 1\1 A d S r~. ma n a tarr. """I','llI l'It'H (I t Ih.· "III'1",, ~ It c pul" f ormt! d g as. I a ln ~ aeroslI t h l' hac k, e nd KUl' sts of III' all (·.11111 .1 II r..:,,,!lw li OIlM III " 't! di u y sp t! lIs lInu bill iou s u tlll c k ~ " Mi ss Lucillie T uc ker Marjo ri e IIH lrl r l. . a "" MIOllI l 'l lIl \I'll" P I\S~ "oI madl' lif'~ a hu rd I'll. My f eet and Sl V'llgUllU · . . T u r k; ' I"lJ O" Inr d d lilo l ' MII1 j..( 1 111\ 1'1 ' 4'0 1' " flf lit .. p'l't·'~p nl , ' . ' limp, c~, '" n l{ , · ,'~~ n' '' " r ... II II Lil l... oIi Rt,.",l. IImLs SWI' II('d te rnb ly and I wa s ~o MacIJunuld, and Hurry Tucke r are 1'101. ' ". · . · t1I1 ~. he HIIII.·d .•11.1 '/01 r.·· tired all th e time that t he ~i ll\pl cl; t takin~ RUIl\Il1t!r Reho, I w() rk at Wil' 1" " ,'10 1 11 ,(> o;(o ,"III\ o' nl or Ilw te """ ," h(lll Re hold tusks Wll r e drud.r ~rv . t e 0 llege. 114 '11," \ ' tl h ' r H, H Il tlld 11 0 1 rj·p r e~(' lI l h . ' Ul lng- on LI ... II n""I II\IIII" opinI on o r Ii" chn\r' " " I ha d rcad und hcurd a great Mr. and Mr .. W. '. Tichenor 1I1a ll ,,"01 ";' ......11" ;1•.• I"','"""t..flU'1'1; " ? eu l UIJllut Ko nj u la bu t I. hu !1 ~ (j were I· riday ev eninl! din ner r u ('s l ~ '0"10111.1,,11 ro., d,ro lh t! Ih' 14 I. Id ell It cou ld d u a ll t hat It dltl In (I f 1\'1J' , un d MA t t li. - l llt l "I I II g'" "" 1, \ ' It l'(Jllt l11ittp (, henrl,~ 11 rs. . S. 0 II Ct. I,,· ~I "I IJII ~'''I''l' r l '· . toro t her ot H Il " , my cas e. Th e second bottle be~an T hl.' Sun s hi ne lub guve a mi l!run from Copcnhagcn-to-Parill-to.CopenA FORD owner in New York ten8 of n .. ~' 1~1. 1'''! ' loIh~ rl .v . Mr. 1:" I1"h,. I'l.\· w,, ~ t o show it~ effc ct:. I kept right On ccllun e<l us s howcr Monday even" ' )' n,,,,,, I ... oI h,· IJ. \ . l' ·1rl.', .' rI')Il . with Kon j nlu nnd lo(lu\' I wei" h ' 13,OOO.mile trip across the United States n .. [MI"",! 1 ,' ~1 8 1Itll" (' lo loh y," 1 111 ' . ,., ing in honor o f Bl!utrice Penn ey .hagen, three gold medals in England, fir8t ',,1II ''''!OI'". !l Il,1 IIO 'S • . 11'11 11 Il ,·. MIII'- I GO pou nds , eat wh al r WI>l h and Cu rn es. She I'ece ived ma n y useful ,·.,11. uf Lh,' l' IIIILOn '·'\Ullt ~· H p"I)- s lcep well ut night. Th e !-\well ing . anlhback in eixty days and suys "the car ranking in the durability test over the I! c",n ' "'" ., ," I,.lItl,," : n l~o. -b y ( '~ I1"" has le fllll Y a n kl cl' a nd fceland my g lftH. <I ,.' lntor o r II", l h anll"" " " I k . I . I "1 ' nncl Mrs A " C lie tt M'lss I,cllln(\. was extremely tl(:onomical to operate, comtortuou8 Amancaes road in Peru, and first ',, " "1 )' OI'·IoIII "I?"II ,," , n nrt 1l " Il" \' IOU:<l' \\'Or I: no onger drudgery. ." ,. .. ....,. 0 • .. I" '''lt''' '', ",)R llI"' "I,·'· nn.. pOI llLlt- ,i l My ne r ve s are calm unci I am n- nil and R o b ,~ rt ollett we r e Su n"" . s " ' 1 ! ,' II ~ f u "t ,li ll a . I jo~' inj.!' life. We kn ow wh'lt t o do dllY g uests of 1'11 1', Iln d M I's, Robfortable and speedy." A graleful fatber place in the 1930 reliability run conducted II Is1 "" lu 11".. '"11.' Ih a""l - IlI V op- , , h ouse w h cn we do • nut fe I ~~ rt Co ",".·,, hilSr" 1""' 11 11 ,1 Ir ,. 1"''' 11' 01 . at o ur , lle .t t iI1 Day-ton . ' Mrs ' Col . .' tells bow the Triplex 8hatter.proof glas8 by the Royal Automobile Club of Swt..>den. 11'111 .t ... 11 ,,01. ·,· 110 · I\o, " i ll allo " .,r II :\~ rig ht. Vol e will nl' V!!r be with ou t , le ll re malllcd fo r a few days VISit. I MI' [lnd Mns hUH H Gray and ,,,11.1, .. ,,1 ..: .. ,,1111 . I w.·konw II,,· 1111- ' KonJ'ola" IfI !'f l l lult .. r t ht ti {~ re..llw'4 1 o r o lll lJi llt ' j .' . " " • " 'Wind8hield saved hi8 wife and cbildren This contcst was an (Jxceptionally ee)It! s l.\·" · )/.dl, I(· llIn ll n nd 1 rlrm'" I,,': K(, n Jola drives th e accumulated fllm ll y callcd un Mr. a ncl Mr~. A. I",,· 110 11 1 Ih,' fn"l th ll l th ey "" ;, n"I , p(liso ns fr om the bonv, ~ timuillte s R. Hars hbarg er and Mi ss Beatrice from 8eriou8 .njur)'. ,'ere test of endurance and eturdy con11 ,.. 11'111 "(':lnd tlr nl'1 1I,01l6.1I1118 0 1 I t• he ai ling , or .... ans und - uid s Natu re ' ut t heir home in New Mark et ' unrIOr \Oll ' I M I II 111 \ l .h l l ' \ ' b 11,\ III:Y ' h . til '\.\1. 1 111 re gt orlllg n ew ancl abund,ant day oflernoo'n. . To test tire., a large company'tlrove a 81ruction becau8e it was held in the dead of ,,1. I) hl o. , h ~a lth. A reul te. t, fr o m six to Huward Hi att of W ilm ington is ntlw Ford day and night, for an average of winter Ilnd covered ®O miles of 8teady - -- - - e ight bottleR, has ..amaz(' d thous, vis iting Kirk J e ffe ri es. _ _ _. ___ _ __ a nds of mcn ana wom e n who 500 milet! every twenty.four hours. It was running over snow-covered country roads found new hea lth in th is grea t medi c in e. .till giving 8atisfactory 8ervice after and mountainou8 l1H1s. Konj ola is so ld in Wayn esvill e, Ohio, at Ad.m. DrulJ Store. and by 105,000 mile8. n il the best druggists in a ll towns throug ho ut- this entire sec ti on. A Ford car that had fallen into Feman D n 't forget n ext 'unday after noon . J une 22nd is hildren's Day Lake was euhmerged for twelve days bc· lit O UI' churc h he re, It will be fore being raised. After a new battery and un iq u p a s l he c ommitte e In charge The gli tter o f t hei r rifles. hu s spar(Od no pa Ins t o make it a Th e !;campe ring of their s teed s. carburetor bowl were inetalled,it was driven complet e Huccess. Every body wel'Ti~ Ii fe t o f ee l the night,wind NE·W . LOW FORD PUIC::BS - ----'=--=-=come. Th llt lifts his tossing mane. back to Spokane under its own power. Chas Di ll and family and W. H. A moment ill the Briti sh cnmp2..~.~G OF MARION'S MEN T erry were Sun day afte rnoon ca llRoad8ter $435 Coupe 8495 I A mom e nt- a nd away , Many police departments have written at the home o f K. E. Th ompen; ' Bilek to th e pathl ess f ores t By William Cullen Bryant Phaeton 440 Tudor Sedan 495 son a nd famiJy. ~f the epecial advantages of the Ford in B'Ior e the peep o f day. M. M. T e rry a nd wife spent S unOur band is few but true and tr ied Sport Coupe 525 erowded traffic becau8e of its alert 8pec,l, Grave 1111.' n ther are by broad day in Xenil~ t he gu est of Mrs , Our leade l' frank Rnd bold; T e rry ls s ist e r l\l r ~. Anna M. BrunSa ntee. Th e Britis h soldier trembles De Luxe Coupe 545 aceeleration, and ease of eonlrol. An innon w ho is sick. Grav(' men with h onry hairs ; Wh en Mari on's name is to ld. Al ex Deskee Sr. , a nd Louis Our f ortress is the good greenwood Their hearts are a ll with Mal·ion. (j()() Fordor Sedan ereuing number of Reel owners are alllo Ma rko called on K. E. Thompson For Muri on a re th e il' pray er s . Our t e nt the cypress-tree; 'unday eveni ng. And li vely larl ies g r ee t OUI' band We kn ow t he forest round us Convertible Cabriolet PUftba8ing the Ford because their cost 625 The Ladies A id m et at t he With kindliest welcc ming, As seamen kn ow the sea. church o n W ednesday afternoon . figuree have given conelu8ive proof of' it8 De Luxe Phaeton 625 W e kn ow its \\lull s of thorny v in es, With s miles like th ose of s umme r, It was Doll a r Day. Only seven And t ea l's like tho e of s pring. Its g ludes of r eedy grass. me mb ers wl!l'e present ; Adah Tal eeonomy of o~ration and up-keep. De Luxe Sedan 640 For the m we wen r tl),ese trus ty Its safe and silent islands mage, Vada L ewis, . Grac e Rich. Dl'm S, Wi t hin the dark morass. Edith Davi s, Patience Thompson, In addition to important triumphs in Town Sedan 660 And lay th em down no more Miss J essie Garner, Mabel T erry. Woe to t h e E ng lish soldiery we hu ve dr ive n t he BI·ilon. Germany, France and Italy, ·the Ford won W e hope t o have a larger crowd That little dr ea m u s near! I' orever , from OU I' shore. Air price. I. o. De'roi', plu8/reigl•• and dell~e,.,.. next meeting". On them shall lig ht at. midnig ht six out of seven leading placet! in a con teet Dumlle,.. and .pare lire e.¥Ira. al lONl eo.'; Li tt le LioJlIl Harness o f LumberA strnn ge Il nd s udden fear: 'l'hey grasp their arms in vain, Pal'king Plac Whlere yo u ton sa ng a 'beautiful solo a t the 'in Finland, fint and second in the RaCaelu Unifler8al Credl. Company plan 01 .ime par_u And th ey w ho stand to face us l euv~ YO UI' car to ha ve th e f end ers church here on Sunday morning. .J . Lee Talmage , wife a nd SO il , Are beat to earth again; d ented. offe r. anolher f'ord economy. races in Argentina, firs! and second in the A. B. Talm age and wife and Miss And t hey w,ho fly in t e rror deem AlimonyA court pl as ter ~ h at J essie Garn er visiteg Wm. TalA mig hty h st behind, get s under th e skin. mage on Sunday at L ynchburg. And hear the tramp of thousands pa ys Pedestrian- A I>erson who Mr. Tllimage 'has been very Upon the hollow wind. his bills. poorly f or several wee ks not able A me l ican T ouris t- One who to be in his store. Will's many W ell known t he fair a nd fr iendly looks for a sign on the rock of fl'iencls lit ihis place wish him a moon speedy recovery, Gibralter. The buml that Marion leads ·Chas. Dill lind family have a • new car. C. R. H oa@~land and famil y have oJ 0101 ADd How moved t o Da,yton f l'om the Murko farm h er e l 1\',[r. Mar ko and fnmily By.Alber: T. Reid 1- will m ove he r e ·oo n. Little Willie I'nn into t he pud or Homer Hudso n li nd wife of and a~ ked his mamma has all ge ls Xenia were calling on fri ends go~, wIIIgs? RESIDENT h 1' 6 on last Sunday afternoon. Yes. n!y so n. Wh y d o yo u as k ? Phone 93 Mi!ls Milured Morgan and Miss O. I. Ju st heard pll pn tdl the Pauline Dill were Tu esday after, ne:-,;, b1al.d. she wns 1m.. angel.'.' , nll on gucsts Of Miss Mary Kath- I. That s 11.1.1 rlr-ht, so n. s he II fl y PERMANENT LOCATION leen Thomp son. ( 10 the mornmg. , 1111' S . Alice E. Terry. W. H. I - - - -- ,- ........:-- - T e .... y and Mrs. K. E. Thompso n No F E h - '- '~ lId d a ~ghte l' attend ed the Memor-.. l r,e e no~g " LEBANON, OHIO And t he y c?,11 ~mNl c a th e lantl - - " ' - ' " - - - - - - - - - - - - 111\1 sc r vlces at the Miami Cc mete r y on last S unday uftel·noo n. of free s peeeh, said ~h e cot wh en Eyea Examined Mrs. MutUa Moo re and Miss t~e op.erator told hIm to put · a Dd Glaa.ea Fittcd Repaira P ea rl Mo ore ca ll ed o n Miss Ma~y ' Iltckel III the tel ephone box. I Kll thl ee n Th ompso n on last Satur• du y. . ,L l\1i~ ~ 1\liltlred Mor;gn n has retur_ , - - - - - - -_______ .. neel t.o he r home in Xe nia after HIGHEST sp l! nlling a week wit h !\liss Paulin e Dill here. CASH Mr, ancl Mrs. Edgar Edwards NOTARY PUBLIC PR.IC E S a r e the proud plII'ents of a little daughter. PAID 1 National Bank I Charl es Dill a nd fumily wer e in 30 Yea rs Experience in Fitting ' Xe nia on last Friday. Will. Drawn - - Eatatea S.UI.II and Muking Glasses Miss Mary Kat hl ee n Thompson attend ed M'~ m drial Day servideS - a t-WAYNESVILLE. OHIO at W(~ od lllnd Cemet e r y in Xenia , o n Pl'Illay ufterno on, May, 30, CARY'S JEWELRY SHOP EveTY Tueaday, Thuraday TRY PHONE 8F3 'l..:.

""" ,.1


I ' f ,.

Th e V(,I'Y p eople who mak e the m08t fU SH ab out th e Governme nt's "failure" when thin ~s a r e n ot ~oi n g to p lease them, wou ld be t he firs t to prnt c ~ t if t he Pedera l Governm ent should undert ake til nctllldly rUII th e h usin l'ss of the Natio n. Th' lus t thing that the vast maj ority 1I r A llI erican H wu n t is a pRtel'nn l gove rnm e nt. W e as a people firml y bcl iev ' in the di ct um, attributed t.o Th omas J effe!'s on, that. t hat government is b c~ t whi ch go ve rns t he I aHt. ]s is pr obob ly t ruc tha t "most of t he loose e l'iticism Of the Govl' rnm cnt is met'ely a form of "l ett ing ni s team ." It d oesn't hurt the governm en t any Ulld it r li evcs th e em o, tionlll struin Of the person doing t1li ~ criticis ing. This yen r every body is Il'o ing to he ar 11 grcJlt dea l o f criti cism a nd, rlefense cif th e Gov ernm ent. W e arc e lecti ng ull the membe rs of t he next Congress. one-third of the Se nate. and Governors and other officia ls o f mor e t ha ll ha lf of the States. The condidates and their fri ends nre ~o in g to t ell how diff el'ent thin g!-\ w ould be if they were in in stead of the u nes who are in) or ho w foolis h it wo uld be to p ut the other f ell owl\ in wh en they have made s uch good r 'cords. All t ha t signifi es, f or t he Ilrcater part , is t he desire of t he " ]ns" to stay in nn(1 o f lhe " O llt!\" to get in. Th e only per son who will be foo led nr e th e imple-minded ones who r eally t h ink that t he Government cnn change economic co nditi o n ~ over night and at will. A]I ony Governme nt ut Washing· ton can do, 'al\ it o ught to try to do, is to r e move ony obstacles that exist to t he fr ee fl ow of bus iness lind indu Htry. to the right of every A mer ica n citizen to work out his own incli v idual salvation, ecoll om icl\ ll y !l1lt1 otherwise, in his ow n "'1l~1 . so lonl;( os he does not inf rin~ up o n the righ t of any o th ~1' citize n to do the same thing.

rT F .;









at our Houae

She- A n¥body would think that ] wus nuthlllg but a cook in th is hou sehold! He-- Not after e ating a meal here.






Dr.C. W.ANSON Veterinarian

Dr. John Zetlel

Waynesville, Ohio


I ..


19 N. Broadway


ea Stoe k Wante d





• Sight Stle£ialist


Harveysburg Fertilizer Company

---- - - - ---







IIVnlley Mi ss Elsi'e Gibson of Spring s pent the week-end with her


parents MI'. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson. T he Llldi es Aid of Mt. Holly c hurch ure ha ving an ice cream I socia l Fridalr night June 20. The Waynesville Bund will furnish the ' mus ic. Ever,y body welcome. I I Ml's. Frul1k H:artsoc k Mrs. Jesse Michal. Mr. Earl Midial were s hopping in Dayton Monday. Mrs. J oe. P ennwit is getting a lcmg fine with his brok en leg. Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson and ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN ramily . visited reilitives in Xenia your Cattle, ~o~, sheep ane:! calves la st Friday. , . to Norris.Brock Co., live wire a'n d Mr. and Mrs....J!.arold Rogers, of , progressive firm for the highest BellblTook .w(~re c~l\ers at the home market prices and good sllrvice •. Of Mr. Htley Gibson and family, ,'UDloD Stock Vard•• CincinDati, 0_ . Saturday in.. Reference: Ask first man you meet



VACCINATION ~ J. With Dependable Serum arid Virus .' insurea both Safety and .Succeaa

Dr. W .-E. Frost Harvey.bur., PlloD.31


E. McClure'



Fully Equipped for Good . Service. Large Display Room.. Ambulance Service Telephone 7,




Mac&l'omlll Croquette.

Soil one-fourth pound m (,lIroni I ill salt Wilt r until v ~ rv tender. Drain and toss in II sll UCepall with ul1l' h .. npcd l. blesJloon butt r. nnd one tablespoon of ch.'pse . • prend I on II w II-butter d platt r . ubout \ llI' l! inch thick. co\,er with a but- , &j~~~I:!.~~~~~~~~ t I'.cd paper, pr • it w 11 do wn a!1d , ' eL aWII t o cool. Divide with the \ =-::..--==_ back of 0 knife into s ix parts, roll . euch one in grated cheese, then in Fl'ed Hubble and W . N. Sears I bea t en eg~ and in rrumbs. F I'Y in w ere \'i itcH's in Lan a ~tcl' la st \ ,.n- hol fat ti ll well bro wn d' I' week. Tlrn i n and serve.. . ------ - M rs. Rubert Wttl tOll and so n. of : !Ja yt on, ~ I l' nt 1(, nrlay wilh h CI' Advene ' Quotation ' Illot he r, Mrs. ,J . L. llll l'tsoc k .


"Rl' a ll y. goi ng to l Perd L l' lI lIe m ll n a lld fllmily, of the how t Olllg hl, yo u kn n \\' r hnvt! Dll y t on, w e I" dinn e r f,tllcs tR o f MI'. u lot of home work t o d o be r or!' li nd Mrs. F OI'\'\' s t 1-I o ug h, o n Sungl'aduatioll. Thanks , eve r 0 \lIU h, day. ' ju t the s!lm ." . (' 1 MI';;. )1~ thlln C I'IIlll' IInri dlil,it' II, ' rUlIaway - - - m :< nia, aro l. who \\'a acd.aimed )'OUIlIo! I!t<!y .. (iu : t" operated on o f Dayl on . Ill' ~Jl ndin~ n . ff'W Ki n", in plac e f his on . M, chael. f .. 1' appen dlc ltIS) Oh. d ocl or, wf'eks with MI'. and !III'S. U. L. "') . a fter hc had ollce rcnou/lf ed hi' tt' li me \\'ill lh~ S('IIl' s how?" I Crane. S tandipg in ord~r o f lb~i r academic merit\ th ese seven young officers are from left to right: Pall! P. n(H· tOI': "Not if yo u al'l' careful. Vount. Alliance. 0 11l0; W ilham A, Ca rterl,.."R ute vilte, MIn. ; William Whipple Jr., Baton Rouge. La.; _claim to Ih C.lhro ne.t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:-:~--~-~~~~~~ , B eaut iful s il vt'l' wur c and ('hinaCharle s Keller, Jr., Wlnnelka, Ill.; R alph 1". Swofford, 'lldependence, Mo.' K. Herbert usC W:1I'C at Cury's J(.w eI I'Y S 11I1 1', , BOltOll, Mas,8. ; Fred 'Vf Cost le, Lake Dri ve, N. 1' , .rt~~~\I)l~ ". Ohio. We gi\' e Ced a r ,--=-::-::--::--=---:-


I .

- of the-




JI l l. s Mnr jo l'ie Evnn ~ , ()f Bell broo k, s pc nl !l f e\\- da ys with he r I!ranllT>al' e l1t ~ , MI'. and 1\11';:; . J o hn Rye. 1\Ir. Lee DlIn cll ll a1\tI MI'. JOf' - a tKe lly and family, o f HOl1 c hcst c l', s pe nt Sunda .v with MI'. und Ml's. S . 1'. Mi cha el. U! ,"OU ,,,hat it is-but not Th (' c hildl' l' l\';:; sC I'v ie (' he r!' S unHOW FINE IT LOOKS! day !,\,pning wu s \\ l'11 attl'nded. ~Ir. and 1111'S. 1Illl'lol\ Earnhart ~ Jll.'llt a few days ill Du yt o n lu s t week, Mr .•Iohn Marlutt and ralllil y , o f . Phon .. 6SFI I Morrow, ~ pellt S unda y with hi. futhl'l'. J us. JII a rlatt. WAYN ESV ILLE, OHIO MI' . anti Mrs. !lul'o ld K elli s and 1\.11'. a nd has . Davis had liS SO n Bdty, spe nt S unday in C into thl' u' gUl' s ls on S unday , 1\11:8. ' th e Fnrnt Bureau office. cinnati. Da\'i ~ ' pare lltl<, M:. a lld I\1l's. Will i Th e lead e r s front Hamilton and I\ll's. l\'l i ldl'eli W eLl \, ' I'. o f DayMy e rs. of Clu rk sv tll e. un d lilt'. al~d I H,I1r lllll to\\'n " h ip~ will m cet at the , ~ I . I ' I W D L 'k ' I l o n ~ p e nt th e wc(!k-(!IHI with her ubscribe fOl' Th e Miumi Gazette Mrs. De wlll'd F e rguso n , uf Wt\- h ' f M' H B K . .. ' .' I. nllc "rs. ' , ' til III ant moth e l', MI' ~. Eal'l MUl'latt. . o n.le 0 l I ~. " . r oe nel III ch tltlr e n lire gues ts III the hom e of This new Goodyear Bfa,'y Duty 18 mln gto n . MUIIl ? \'llle o n '[u el<da y, June 24, 1\11'. und I\1rs. '1'. C. Ha y d ock. Mr. more than a ll extra · mileage, extra· at J :.!tl p. m . I Larkin is aU ending Couc hin g Mr. u nci Mrs. F. R. M oo maw If th e lea d e rs can n ot go to Lectures at Wittenb e rg endurance tire--it's an extra·STYLE and Mr. J. II. Hamill n l'tlm ove. l lhe m eeting as ntann ed but can I \ ,, ' F I d d M' . M e l '. hou~e " h 0 II I t 'I II' fll- 'I IlH (> lld any ut. . .lllg they ' j t} . .('' 0 an a n III 1';5 OI'Y 0 tire as well. t h ell ( goO( S O . Ie hl'. r .tnlll't e I~IO' V. ture ho me in Chillicothe o n Thurs will be perfectly wuh:om"', ' e ~.I ~on[ II1g lr rl Y I '1' Ii d ---. 1 day of la s t w('ek . Th e bes t wls hea __ _ __" I S. •. q. 0 a~(. s con ne to It givcs your car a new and 8~arter of th e ir many friend s f o llow them h!!r bed _~vlth n.e unt ls . . look. Rev. KIlmer IS purs ulllg a co urse RAINFALL AID~~ CROPS of :;tudy at Ohio Wet;)yan . E yes troub le yo u '! See Dr. RuIt's bigger. hondsomer. more massh·c. R e v. lIIurk Boyd of Indlanll, Fa rm e rs In WlIyn e to nship d o!p'h . Tuesday, Thurs da y lind ' aturday at Cary's J ewelry S hop, 1\to nda y w",lco m cd th e fir s t min In tille d lh e pulpit of ' the Friend~ The All-Weather Trea<l is extra th ick. in Itlm ost (I nc m onrth whi c h· 111. churc.h, Su ~?ay ,evening. Le banon, Ohio . It has a 6-pl y 'body of stout SUPERth o ugh It fail ed t o thoroughly Rook Th e Fll e nds ~u l'!day scho I TWIST COHO, Goodyeor patente Jane Cook, Mary E l<ther Lane, the ~ r o und waS II greut I'cll ef fol' h eld lh elr nnnual P ICIllC at F o rrest Pa l' ~ ' last Thu rsd llY. • Lo uise H o ug h . J ea n Baker, Evelyn IHue-h e d cr~p s. and obtainable ON LY In Goodyear Scve\'lll inches of ruIn Is n eed e d MISS Donna DeVoe of XCllla was and Jane Furnas, ' Juanita BranTires . nock and [\frs. Ire ne Bakel', of farm i1uthoritics stat l!' to s av e till! th e gueRt of her grnnc\mother, Mrs. . __ t he local ' 4 -H Sewing Club, atte n- oats crop and whe.tlt \~i\1 also ben- Etta Moss, In,:! ~ e:.;.:..k.:.. Come in .md Bee It! ded the lend e rs and officers n\eet- efit by u much heavi er rain. Cons t a n t cu\t\vaUon ha s p laced tho ing Ilt Lebanon, on Saturday. 1!J80 COl'll crop in bap e that tho Only the Price is Ordina,.,' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tinney e n- d.-ought damage wus slt'ght An Ull. cttled weat her co ndIti on tertained the following g u ests at dinner on S unday : Mr. and Mrs. ove r Ohio will probubly bring Get our SpecIal Olrer 011 The Llldies A id wil l hold an ice Hal'vcy Pinckard and son. of Ci ne nlOl'e roin this week according to a Pair or a Complete Bet w eather b u reau . cream social at Mt. Holly, June cinnoti, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Tin- th e .s tate _ _ ____the 20. Mu sic by the Wayn esvi llc It requires 6 to 12 weeks longney, of Covington, Ky., Mr. and Beho o l band. Everybody is cordialMrs . Leonard Tinney and Mrs . C. er to develop pullets on grain WIDENING ROADWAY jlY invited. Truax. alone than on Wayne All Mash Mrs. Carl Babb and s on Dean of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gons enTh e. Sta~e department of High- Xenia , ~pent T~ur8dllY with Mr. Grower and grain. tertain ed on Thurs day, Mr. und wuys IS wldenmg th e turn sO l;lth land MI S. Herb elt Marlatt. . Phone 47 W ayne ..iII.. , Ohio Mrs. Roy Rockwell a nd so ns . of of lawn on Route 42, by .cuttmg lItr. and Mrs . .Elbon , Mr. Oltver Wise poultry raisers mature La Juanta, Col., Mr. and Mrs . J. away the b!lnk, thus makmg th e : E lbon and fam~ly of Lebanon , ' . t heir pullets early ar.d get their Q. Gons, Miss Alice and Mr. John road saf e r for truffic . Large b oul- s pt'nt Su nday WIth Mr. and Mrs. Gons, M~s . Anna Cadwa llader. ! deI'S .have made the ~vork extreme- Rutherford and. son. Harold. . Big Mo ~a king Egg Harvest Miss Clara Lile Mr. and Mrs. Elias 1;1' dlff~cult . .but a hbel:a l. u sc ~f MI'. ,Jacob ZImmer and famIly in October and November. ~ Ogles be c ' Illynamltc IS a ccompltshmg It. o f Beuvertow n , called on Mr. and . The dirt and s ton,!! tuken from Mrs. Emc rso n Dill und so n, Billy


Sunday, June 22 , will he lhe CLOTHING LEADEFtS I l\lt s. Ell c lI ' R obinso n, Sundny at lIirthday flf thc local 1 T RAINING MEETINGS the hO!IH! of her daul{htl:l',. M!·~. 'hurc h ()f C hris t. A t'l'leuration I.JOhn Id ul 1. and fallll ly, lit CIIIC IIl iH b~ inK plllllned for lh cc\'C'nill~ I'l u n ~ ale UHH I,! to hold three IJll t!'.11. . , 1\1 ' J R J 1 • se rvIce I h' I I . . . 1. anI. I ~. . . O 'ln ~ , MI. . co t . In).!' . l'll( l' l' ~ tn~l1ll11~ .Ill I' tlll g~ und Mr '. Guy Ro ut za hn, 1\11'. and 11'. a nc! MI·s. Wil bur H ull and to g l\'" In s tru c tIOn In 'ubJcct Illllt - l l\Il's. Lest e r Kenrick a nd Mr. ' and , 1\1 nlI\'''' I tel'Th. (.) lhl'~e leadl:l's. 1\11'0 11 " 1'1'" J 1111 " I 'f' MOllday famIly and MI'. lind I'S. ti l·.t will lI c held at th e 1 ~'. u, (' ., e.. . Ho ~s alld fllmilv, oC Rid ).!'evill c" I ' f '!Ii " ' I " . . ~.I 'II" , .. nlllrl1lng f() r H f e w .lays h ~ hlllg at . d I \V )(In\(: 0 I S. " Oll IS 1 I 1' 1 ll L.lI , Indian I 'Ike wcre gues t s o f Mr. Ull 1\ l' ~. . L\,(I .. n n Thul'- !lu;• .Jull e 1'1 at "1 B~ 'll' S t ' E ·t E I C. St .John, o n Sunday. 11:'10 1'1 '" " " , I' ~'I t lY I"S. l! e co t, vC I·e t : a l' y .' . p . Ill . lI S wa:; p " nn e l 0 and <lnug- hlcr 111'1' (' nl(' rtulI1ing " l ' ' f l b. l\C':"l1l1!IOdat ~· t he C lo thIng l"tHl ers ; (he Co rmer's n ep hc> w Prof, C. L. M a k l! your Ia \\n le.lutl ll, ) fl' om "" nnklln, Clea I'CI'I'l' k ,WuYlle , .' " " . , havlni: YO lll' lawlI n~ u wt!1' s hurp- I und M!l~sie townships" . , Allerl, \\ll e lind .r1au).!' l.l~cr, ~u c ll u ened .a t th e W lly n o. vtlle Au t .. lllld ! At 1 ::10 o n Friday , Jun e 20th, o f Man s fi e ld . OhIO, t hl :; wee k, Muehlnel'y Co. lh t' l eu (ler ~ fl'lllll 'l'urtlocrl'tlk ~ i)(ty - fu's l



D. H. Hockett's





-be sure see it before you buy tires!


O t 'CT

B! ;e_ 1/


MOUNT HOLLY wiU your /!!IDets SUf,rt to lRy?

GnoJyc llr ca n gi N' YO Il gaoler va I 11 C$ bccu lise Goo(i-vc (tr


oj ,,/I the tires solei in America -1d ILLlONS M O RE than (lny olher company.

40c per 100


rr~~SII}~:'II~tO[~\\~lhY;~ w~nl~~~et"~I'!


b"i1".~ '

·S weet Potato Plants •


Gordon's Senice Garage •











enjoyable week-end at Indian e lower BUrlingtoton road be- Monday .Mrs . P. T he "Katydids" a Lake very th the hill isN~w b ing improve ('ve '!'. nin g:Runy on has bloo.d t tw ee n _C ol'\_VIll dum. I


M(l's. Herman Surface, Mr. 'a nd Mrs. Ru sse ll Wils on, Misses Nellie Graham. Ruth Cook, Kathl ee n Graham und Mr. Cha rl es Eas ter. • Sunday dinner guests of MI'. and Mrs. Ernes t Haltsock and s on were, Mr. and Mrs. Clnrence Dunham and son, MI'. alld Mrs. ,John Lemmon ul,ld, children, MI'. und Mrs. George Hurtso ck and MI'. and Mrs . }IUI'I'y Stokes. Afternoo n call ers were MI'. and Mrs. Louis Thoms and Mu.s tel· Bill y Kelley.

~':: ~c

~.r~~\ibsuhta;::o;reee~l::~e.:. :r ~:I~~


MI'. a \HI MI·s. Cnlvin Lo ngnc re urc anouncing t he birth o f a daugh t e l', No rma Fay, JUIIC 11, al St. A nn h ospital Dayton.. M sdames Mllrgl1r (~t Johns, and A ll en Emrick in co mpany with Mrs CIHll'1es Hough and Mrs. .T. B. Th o mas s pent Wednesday in Dayton. 'l' he Adu lt classes of Lytic Su nduy s chool held their JUlie s ocial mee ting nt the hom e of MI'. and . NOW FOR THE BIG ONES MI's. F loyd Savage, Friday even The bass senson was opened on ing. Mrs . Morris Miller. Mrs . W. M. Monday. These rules s h ould be remembered when you throw in Co lema n a nd Miss Thehna Co leyour line : Bass must be 11 mun, were Leba non visitors Sahli' inch es or more in length, and 12 day, Th e sp lend id Ch ildren Day seris the limit fol' one day. Twe ntyfive blue gills and roc k bass mny vice at t he church S un day evenbe taken ill o ne dllY, but they must ing was e nj oyed by a fair sized I be more than five Inches in length. aud ie nce. The progTam was in c hurge o f Mi sses Eva and Ethel ' He edel', with Mis!; Ht'len Friend at th e pin no. Puul W a rn e I' of Midd letow n, is his grand-parents Mr. : vis iled and Mrs. Henry Foulks. I Mr. and Mrs. Ru ssell Bergdall of Dayton were Sunday evening gue!'\ t s of MI'. lind Mrs. William ' Be rg dall, a nd MI'. agd Mrs. Frunk Robin so n. MI'!,\. Peter· Banta Iremnins I]uite ill at the home of rc la t ives in W cst Car ro llton. . M 1'); . Lou e ll a Swank spcnt Tuesday with he r sister, Mrs. Agnes S}\'a\1k und so ns in Dayton. 1111'S. Margare t Johns was a Sun(lay gu es t of her brother Amos ,""t" . IT'" Cook and fami ly · near Waynes...., , CAN , " ville. PANATIC '~A FELLER 1"HAT~ ,1 MI'. and Mrs. Marion How ell . of . Sprlllg boro wcre Monday cvemng ON"THt;. ()TH~ ,~ID.E OF, -TH6 " , IrOcsts of Mr. ami Mrs. Lowell I FeNCl! PROM VOU· ~"".. ,Thomas . I 1 Mrs. Mary Carmon y was a Su n- I -. - -day dinn c l' g u est of MI' .a nd Mrs' l I W. F. C lul'k in Wayn esvi lle .

t own s pe n.t Su nday . h Mrs. F l'a n.k K~ lh s and famtly. . . . I\It ·s ~ve l yn Gonjo n, of .Xellla, I ~ p.endlllg 11 fc.w. we eks WIth her COUS IIl , Mrs. Wilham Wals h.

thought come to

him one dav The thought was this: i.e had 1 few articles to dispose of and a Classified Ad brought him the buyers by the score, aDd he was very happy over his sales.

YOU Can do the same by putting · an ad in this paper for whatever you have to dispose of.



I·t· I __A~~!~~~ements' ' GrZ~:~~Mr~s\!ilj); i ,__P~~I~a

, -" " MI·s. P erry Wade and so n and Rev ' POLITICAL ANNOUNCE urN " T ! SUI'a Bowman of Springboro atten""" de d th e Childl'en's Day servic • Sun W . day evening. I e are authoflzed to III}0u n ce I Th o 4-H Sewing Clu b , rf this , the name .of C, Donald D! latll ~h , community m et at the hom e of , as a ' candIdate for ,reele.etlO n to their learler, Mrs. Morr is Millel: ' the .offiee Of Pl'osec~ t lllg Attorney, F "iday afternoon. subject to the PrImary election" M\'~ . C. ' W, A lbright o'f Way nesAug~st 12, 1,93.0. . . ,.ville and h e r guest, Mrs. Fran k . .. P e nc e of Middletown we r e TuesW e ate . authorIzed to announ~e 1 day v is itors' at the home · of Mr. ~he name ~f W . H. F~lkerth as a a nd Mrs. Kes le r .Graham. candldate._ for. reelect!on _ to the I Prof. George C lar k and son office ~f " SherIff, 8u QJec~ tp the George Mather· Clark of New York Repu bhcan Primary electIon, Aug City. ,arrived. by motor Sund~ uat 12, 1930. e,vening, to spend thj.s week with Allen 'Huffman a-n'n onnces h' t 1e Prof's fathet, H. M. Clark 'and ,.. IS other relatives h ere, ' candlaacy for }'e:election for I Mr. and Mrs. W . M. Coleman, Oounty Recorder, subject to the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellis and son I Re~ubJican Primary, Auguat 12, Billy and Miss Thelma Colenlan 19 O. . '' attended a birthday, dinner for


Miami Gazette Phone 118

Waynesville, Ohio -

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tll/J.,.."c. between extra protection to the special Copper Roofing and ordinary Alloyed Steel base, insuring longer life . roofing although both co.t about and freedom from expensive repairs . the same. Chaoneldrain Channeldrain Ro~f­ Roofing with patented ing is easy to apply; no lap construction offers sp~cia1 tools are remaximum protection q'uited. Everything cona,ain.t leak& it is the most . sidere. d , ~~ , , In adcUdon, Cbanneleconomical roofing (or drain Roo6n, is 6reyou to buy and we ~ recproof and lightning-.ommcnd it unqualifiedly proof. A highly d-.ble (or the benefit of all oW' customer.. .,liAc coadlll There I. a big





·W a,n..vlDe,.. Ohio

Eighty-Third Year






"1 th r· l wcuunu l e boW rna y nes to ville, pare n t who s IU we and al' re l united by th e tips of kin s h ip UI' , thl)~ e o f fl iencbhip, u n umber of ___ gir l b,lbJe~ whll, til s l III the II' , 1:.I.~'1.~~~~~~~~'-::::.l T he' HOEll d " I I·:lt·( I IIlIh Ill' \\' 111CO LUMB US, OH IO- Secretary ST . AUGUSTINE CHURCH childh ood gnmes , th en a s schoo lThe W a y ncsl' lll,' Mlanll , rl Q· I ~ n ('!lU ll t). I) h III, 111,.( lit Ih ' n1l of S lnte Clnre nce J, Brown has S ummer schedule- 1st Srd snd m ates IIn,~ later as m embe l ~ of an felltcu th · e ntervtlle tl!lIm by I {,f Il ~ r1Hllrmun n( I he ' uurt completed the task of mailing , actIve G Irl Sco ut Troop, estab- a scorl! u f 17 t u 2, in a game _ _ ([ nusl' ut LI'lJull on . Ohl" , 'In MO Ilc o pil'~ of t he Election Laws of Bert O ' Neall has returned to his 6th Sunday, Mass at B :00 a. m. ; Jlshed a golde n chain of frlend- played ut W a) ne Park, ~ u nday Ohio to every cou n ty In t h e state, work at Antioch college. 2nd and 4th Sunday, Mall at , shi p that has been kept intact to afte rn oon. Our bo ys g ot I'cl'Y ~1 1~s BCI' n ac H Yllliln h ~ ~ a IJfI'I' du\'o ,Iun' ;!.1. I~I \<1, ,III 1l1(' 111 I 'I'I~ b"i l1 !( pl' "em . s upplying each poittical 8u bdlviB9:30 : young womanho od and that Is beau familiar' with thc . l o1lt ~ of lh ~ lr ti o n III CI IlC'inll llli. The PUI !', ' I' I, f , nl<1 '11 N i l II J:: ion; s s there are approximately Mr . and Mrs. C. M. Robltz er Rev . Lo wrence B. Mo llmann. I tlful to all who kn ow of its ex- erstwhile team · mut\!, he ~ e r I\ ,h an exal1llnall, 11 fir " lIl'fIIII 1l 1l" 91°00 vot In g prec incts, the shipS Ii II "t TI l · u.tellC", BUln elt, w'll u ~ t a rll.!d Ih IIltch\11 a,,,1 ~I r" Hn lil l t ( '11 >\\ II.·", , w ere prll1g e ( VISI Ol~R lU rs., ~ f h J I fl l,.! I,y I ,IJ1dl dall , I' , til" \.I1II1" S pll1g room. of Secl'e tary B r ow n 8 d WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF ' Today (h e chain is part ed in mit or t e V,s ' lo r s , 1\11 III \1>lt ' ,I - I' ll !I,ll , ( Idlnl \ ' (! llil,l .. dl' partm c nt h:we bl.·en lho ~cen e of ny, CHRIST ' '"le "I' the bnght('st links, 1'01 lh(' the ua ll ,.!mus t ,It \\ III \\ , "t ' Iwei ~ I aillt ll \\ " 1" Il LI!1.1 unlIllu"h :.' Clil' ity . . Ele.Ctlu ll ofliclal s I MI'. and MI S. Pred Hubble anu . . Gll' at ]\Ias tel' hns ca ll ed, and , UPPUI t In t hi Iwld ,Inti u n UJ.l .Jll hn I. lIng \\'11' a },1I - 111(' " \l s i ~·J.d~I 1I _'" '1;lI l t .... t HII '101l,h , I \\. 1,:-. pr\· ... : ule 1'~ pl(ll y pUttll1J! Il1 tO e ffe ct the fami l y s pl'nt Sunday with friend s BI!,}t', S d 1U o l lit ~ · .I~ u , I~~. Knt hl e n Murie, u nl y d au g hter IIf jlulenl dhlJOs iti"n, l,n till' pnl! /If ({I I ill ( '1 11<'1 1111:11 ' 'l' lI"" III\ (' l i t , Hlld ' I ' P l d! 1 d t h. p ll ' "di ll I' (Ii new l ent.u .. e Of. th e code a n d ~ h e nl'lIl' ·Ce n te r v lll e . . ~ I'd ~ SUP Ill' r lit ~tl ncl u ~ lUl1. hll~ Carl lind Julia Kilbul1 H ende l ~o l1. h l ~ 1l111 t 'I<, til ~ive, up IlItI n) ~·s t"I' " 1I1~IPI" IbJ nc hlll gl prlltllUlr y I un~t ,It·dlOn tC!an ~l1(llll' Uvln l lilt 1'4E" P Ill. H"It' n has un~\\,I~ n! d. cali SI' h"ll ,goud (,lIn S Ut"hd rl UI'lI'1 Y," I l .11l ~l't it ~( '~ ~'() " " :\ , \ \ "' ''1.1 HI ,\I d. Hnd 1111' I ' ... 1 11l)tH\\ ~ , f WI e co ntud e unlcr l ~ pl uv I S1'u ke a PUl ke r pe n with you L1mpu(', etHcr. '\ent n/:" el'.lIn- , Afte .. h er gladuatlOn from the ' \\ .. l et "ul1L l1n g , u~l s. L' 0 '111<' " 1'(· , 1,'( t ,/III ,,,I -.:.ttl\ , . a l J. (', \\ 1l l1t "S l' :-. \ n l ll lll .. I I lIdll l II , .... . Ind IH'I- lI n ~ lun ~ . T he IH'W. co d ~ p I:ovllie.s for on 111111 vaca li o n. Calv ')< J e\\ pll gl' lI ~ l1C s~rv l ce ,fIt, 7: 4fi p. m. ~er - W avnl'~ vl ll e III h ~cho o l, Kath - hllllllg u s lngll'. 1I1J.llt· alld h lJ nll' lI a \\ 1-,··< lit I " "all, .I I" 1·, 11 ,.tl .! Hct, l1d , a ll pe .. mn n ent leJ!l slJat\l~n 11\ cllles.of,Sho Jl . Leban o n OhI O. . Y mun SUl.1j ",ct, ' 1 h e Pruyer . 1h a,~ leer; lVas tralllc~ In th e Wa .... e n lun, IIlId the luttt' l hIlling thl l' " II , ' h f l d'llll l l ' I I t ' cI t I I',H h, Hnd " I t~ e Lul'd ;aughl r 1} ls ~)I ~c lplt' s Cu un l Y No .. mal fur teac illng, und ~ 11"!~ l e ~ lIlId,a t l 'plc ov e r 16,OUO Jl o !,u lul lo n, un y c l t~ I 11,111\ I\ 1I<l1l1I alld d a u~"ll l " I' of less th u n l6 ,DOll may by 01MI >;. O(j ~ Art h u r att pIHl e.J lh e C hul ch NI~ht P I Vg l •1111 each \\ to "- aftt' l u ne I C!I ' in he l cho, .. n wurk I h e ~[lI ' " S I'I," g li , ld. '''Il(' d Il·la l l\l', h",· t ilt' lt t~""ll nIHn\ 1 11\1'11 { 'IH I I1 l'u lll ~ I'll'l llI n I h, , .. .. 1 II,,· 1' 1·, k .. I' - ,li d d1l1Ull c(' I' l cc~ t o beco m e u re~l ~tnl- flllll'lu l lIf hel g ls t c l '~ ch ild , ut nesday at 7.45 p . nl Thl' ehuI·t h sh e bes tO\;' ed he t h ea rt a nd hand \' I ~ it<" s I II II 0 I (1111 1)- :! ~ull d , ,, 11",11 d " 1,, ' 11 IIl"t ,,' II rl,lIy 111 ,1.1 1' , t lo n clLy II 0vI ~ I "n IS n)lId'. fo r ! CC l1lCrVtlle, last ,",eek. \\ you f ee l , at homl'. . ' u n u ,ch oo ll11 nte, arl No bl e , and Mian1\' :! tJ ~:! u !\ 4:! ' _ I, r ec o un! a nd co ntosl wh Ic h IS a ! ( h!.'SI I' I A. \\ 1iilalllson, M1J1lst (> r ,to lh l'm was bOI'n a hltle mor e ' 1,.1 ~1l 1l\( · 1 1 "r L,·h., n"n . \\,1 - a ~ '· ll"I"f' d . and III I. II"'l l'''I- 1l (' ,I,·il·d ~ 1 l'1l~ 1I1Ipro,vem c n~ . OI'CI t h e (~ Id l Por bes t r esults cons ign your lhllil a yeur ago a s u n who wa s l:laIH' ri" , : (' I:lUlllt'I , 11. BIII - bu :;i l ll's:-, \ j ... tt n l III W tl l' lI t' ~ 1 d l" \\a s ,.lIlh .. l'lz ," I '--1\" . 11,' r,dl .I\\ Ill).! .... '.It ( '1l1 1' 11 t s~ s t~ IlI, m eet l."~ 1\ lth t.1l~ h ea ll~ il'e s t ock to Green-Embry Co., ST MARYS CH U RCH pelmitl"u (0 live but a f ew d ay s. net, S Stan le y UII.! J{,,·d r 1. !\ l ll ntl al . . \\ I' tIll II lid , ' -I~ II' -I. nl' 1l1 11 c rH ~ l l lll 0V.I~1 of e l~ctl o n I) ttl ~el' s . T,h.~ C1I1ci nnati, III ca r e of D. R . Sa h s - . , ' " " B(' ll1g th e o n ly daught er of the Slug-Ie , Lan sd nl(' lind Tholll,IS. (.I lh, !l Il,lId .. 1 I·: It , ""1 - , r \\' 3 1'~ tal e - \\ Id e m e etll1g of l h ese.o ffic ~ l s b ury Su n (!a\, JUII! 2. , Sl. Peter s home 1111 of ( h e luve und d evotion Thl! Sp rlnglil.'lil Avall JII S WIll he i\11 ~' \l .. II . lI a \1 II,' \\ II - thl l\l' r k l'I:, c~n (, I ~', hl:ld h e l l' umlc, ,," eellO n l . , Duy, (hu l ch ,scho ll l aL !I s el: thnt 'pal ents and two brot h e l'~ the MlLlm i, oppon"I , at Wn \'ne (' nd gl1 l'~ t ' IJ f \I b ~ LI' UI' " ~m lth 1'1 11 ( "J u nl\ UI1 I", d " h,I'\.1 ('{" l i1\ tl1:11 \", h.I\. , I·.I'l·f ldl.1 " ' ,1111;11 <:<1 at :hll uh. of S e c l ctn l Y Br,o~v lI, s tllllulated 111 K (, lI e th Kilbon, wh o was culled ~I o n a nd \1 ( 1) Cummu nl o n <1 t 10 - co ul d bes low, \\el'e !!h uw ered up- P llIk, Iwxt Sundl\~ "ftel' nllun ,111.1 I I" "·,,,01 I I" )1, 1 HI" n, Ill"" hI' on her nnn through her lo ng I lln e~ t e l'c's t III thoC I!ell cod e ~I) fiuc h un hel l' o n uccoun t of the d eath of 30. lh~ ' I l :-o.IH.' j' 1\1 {~lnll"I:I:t"': rh l e ~t, nt Its pIO.~l sl o n s hav~ 1\11-.. Carl Nub le, r e turn ed to T oRev. J . J . SchaetTer, Hector. Il o (hlng that med Ica l s kill , nu r sW .. ddlllg II II J!' \\ it h hl ',lllty bee n ~t ud lOlI~ly aC'lllll e u by t hos e led o today. ing 01 lhe atten liun of z ea lou ~ DOSTER - UNDERWOOD and ( hll 1'111 at (','I I '~ ,J ,' \1 c· I", Sh"l1 111111"- 111 WlIII,' 1I t· ·,, ",I\. I1h IO. Thl"" 1" '11 '''1\- " hl"d lind (O X~~' ho Will conduct o ur futur e elecFERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST """tlve,; cou ld du fOI hel go od and l.t,ban o n, Ohi O. .Inn ll,·d .Il '· Ih .. Ii" \\hll h hav e Io n s. Mi ~s e s Ruth Chan d ler a nd Bib l" S ch ool nl !J::30 a . 111 . cUlllfort was u mltted . Half a ft e r t\\ 11 Ull ,Iune "Igh'I , II <:n d , r <.. n I ~ I,,·, 11 ~ u"nnlt , · d I .. ·d, I t ill E I, · ·ti(l n Elliutl Mc olmick Lo ue lla J a nn e y are tak~ng a SIx- I L o l·d'. : u pper and ~ E' rm o n at 10 :Be reft of WIfe and ch ild th e l e e nth , the I"entl' elg hlh \\eddlnj! I ' 1 " ""1~':~: I\('ill g f r"111 n ~('\(' I l'. I. "'" " I lh " .... 1 I I'. " I \l hl.. , a< GeorJ('e Stul Liblltl inll, will allcn d the an: w~ek.'; co\~r~e at t he U nI ve rs Ity o f 30. e l'mon s ubject, " If" AUlaet- 501' I owlng young hu s ba.nd can IInniversurv o f ~f r. and 1\I , s D' I" uw I .. f '1Uln,y. I' a-s,' d hy 1\1' 1,, _1 I .. 11I ·I.d '\ ' l ' \il nun l m eeti ng o f the A mcncan C ln c lllnatJ. l ive fi pecia l fe utun' s. You al e al- hHv(' the eom f ort o f kn th a t , B. U nde n vood, lhell e lde~ t dHUJ!h - I U!lUI k Id, "I' t l", "LiI, ' "I' (I hll' .. n .\ 1' 1 li 5 Li bra ry A ~sOCllltioll to be held at . . '/ \l uys w elcome u~ ~hi s churc h.. • WIth he l falll~ly, he has gIVen the leI', E;~the l , \\' a ~ ul1lte d in l11 urriug(" H ( ' \lI b, rL a nd f,lIl1 l1 y 1I , :! ~ I 1 11.111 Ch ester A. Wllham so n, MlIllst er utn.'" t of hl ~ de \ otlo n to her wit h 1\11'. Wilham Dos t er, R ev. , .l ~~ I " s " L' I \ 1I1h"1111 ' .. 111.11111 11 III L os. A ngl'l e".·, C Hllfo.-n iu, dUllng l E)e s t rou.b le yo u . See Dr. aR u the pre -e.nt ~week wh Ie he is do lph Tu esday, Thursday nd ca l f! . B e nn ett of Wilmin g t on uffic iating. .~ , :'" th' z',~::\' -I' I li t II - t ~1I · tl"n 1" -;--, I: 1' '',I1:'''l'h .1, L YT~E M E. CHURCH l One o,f the re d letter d ays o f 1'0 th c s llain ~ o f Loh l' lIgl'ln' s l lil 1 ,1\ ,II ~, . \ ' 1' I ,dl .·d ,dl ,.'lId,d , I, - ,11111 , .. llall1 Rchedu l:d lo dchv~I' an address on . Satu rday at ~ary' s Jew (' lry S ho p, "Llbra l'y VIs io n and Bus iness," L e bnn o n, Oillo. . . . Kut~l ee n s li re Wll~ wht'n s h~ ' HIS W edd ing March the bnde . lind I \\ hal _hull \1 t. j!1\ " till' 111 1.1.,': uthul Ill" ;--lll\.... III j " , I ' II" , \\ hose before th e me e ting of Sta l e LI- j PreachIng sen Ice ut 9',30 a Ill. c o nhrlllorl by BISII Op R e ~e III St. j.tIO.OIll nppeill ed nn the p l a~za Shop al t·a r \" ;< . "Tlli' II o ll \(' r,f - "0111 \(·, tlllllll\l \\,1 ' II " II 1"la' n . " ,'pm t hj ~ 1 " .. IIH lll tl ,\ "1\ JlI t.'st'ntb ..ulia ns of the vlll i"u s Stules. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J . N. McKIll sey I S lIocl ay Sch,oo l at 1030 u . m. Mrs; lI1I1ry ~. f OI' In ~h e c la ~ w e re fiv e o f whIch \\'a!' m ad e beu~ tlfu l \\I (h Glf b ' III I. t.bl1nun Ohll , lIlc or mi c k s ev e ral months age , n nd son, o f Morro";, were r ecent L~JIlgncre Supt. Peo ple s h e;, 1II 0 ' c lI11 t lmate J.tll'l f l:l e nd~. bu nks (,f fern und hh c". Vo ,, _ ' , I, d , \\( 1 tilld t'\,t! ,I1I " Id II l !t! lIl~\lI ­ j hat s~e had so m e fr8lltl e;; and \\ e fl ' el(c h ~nKed uef u re me mb e r" ,[, ~ ~Iavn ,"d \\' ,.Il z .,ml ;\11" tlt'~ .lIlt l t l d l nH. ,d \ ' i.!dll'J!b In \\ lls ap pointed II member of lhe gu~st s of th e form er s moth e r , Mrs BIble lass Monday I1Ighl f o l! commiltee on busilles. udm inist ra ' AIicl! McKlIlsey. I by leacher tlallling class. I'nday ~ho lt col1l\l)gs \\ 0 must adm It, a~ o f the two ll11m eulate flln1l1 l'~ \~hl) Uon, Il Hw'k t, \\ 'I'(' hU ' IIll'« VI <I- "'\. \(' 1,\1 tl r t h t .. ' pt1 t l ll' U ...... \\ L' lill d .,II: _'.I l\ H- -" ,, 111 I" Ic y . . .. , a~d S~(u , .duy. o f th~~ week ar: ~o h lln~a~ IS perfect. but v Irtues were ga~h e l'ed (I n (he beautiful t<l I'S In '1'01 ,do la, t \\' t't' k ti o ll to mil l) out a defi nite program f o r tht' co ndu ct o f libral'l es a lung . Mr~. ,Flank Stan sbe ll~ and fsm l \\ o m en s F or eIgn J\ll s~lO nar y day,:io oUl\\ CI~, h ed the ot he rs that they und "paClo u!< lawn , «'JUlin of lh ,· ' , II "I,d"tl" ;\ ,"1 b y bU SIn ess lin e s , lly VISIted Mr. and Mrs. J ohn at hautauq u a. Some notnbl e III e soo n forgotten; and he l' sun Th e b llde W<ll en dl ess uf beIg e . I (' "'1'(.'1,.1 11l' I" Olb "h" ,I re u lall·d peStunsbe .... y a nd f a mil y in Middl e- SIl(;a k e r s wi ll be th ere and it w ill shlll c of s ou l, the v ll'u cily o f her chimoll nnd ,'ac e u nd ca rn cd a M IS. Le\\ls h " In. II f IlIl·lnnal l. t 111 1111< f 'iI' ~1l,, 1 ('.Ill dlll atl's. w hich, ... . " d f. . . t (ow n, o n S un d ay. b e we ll wo r t h our W h 'Il e' to go at I' h uracter WI II I.ul' a s 1111 Ies t ones 'h ow er boqu I o f un de' s 1 o. e~. WII S th,· gu<:s ( .. I' ~ II . a nd ,\11 ' I1 P OI1 (,S:lII .IIl Ht l llll, \\" fiud til he 11'A t .. I C;Hltl;llIOIlI,r~c~l . ,V ISI: leasl Pllri of th e lime. q n W e~l - al~)fIg the way for he r re nullning , F o ll owi n g' lhe ce remony, r e- l yt'1' II \'man . 0 11 :-il1n la \'. 1·.'gU lll l III t e r C. M. Cartwright of Chi cage nesday, Jul y 2, l he Ladles' AId fnend s . ' f .. e sh ll1ents wer e ser\'erl Ilnd J P I' 01~ Ill. _ e enS II II( \\' t' tin rl " 1111"111 " .. I' ig no ran ce ~undH of. the ,tute ouse, o n t h e m a de II brief visit at the home 01 1will hav e 1\ pic ni c. Place t o be anT o t he \\ riter o n I' 0 r lhe o u t- t he n ,nm Id a sh Im e r of rIce and . ~" . .a nd ~ ! r~ . . . . , ".111 nl \1 e l (' (I f th e la\\' and ~1 tll ..: l r~~ t!ls l't'J!;1I'd IIlfOlllllltlOn desk of the ntle nd n nl h'. b' th . J O t .. ht th n o unc ed ull day stand ing cha racleris ltcs of th ' II h M d]\' " I) t In nn~ ((In . unda~ " n ,,~co unt " f " h ')' h fi· t t IS 10 1'1, . . lIr Wllg, e, . '~ (I( s ues , r . un ,. 1. O ~ e l th II ' f th r , ' f· th · fi t lb 1'1'00'ISI <l II S In <'I' I'(ain casC'!;. II r.l:('e. fr o em OhIO'S IS. page can ams Snra A . B owman , Pasto r .yo un g f ne nd wa h e r never fm l- Ie ft f or· II t np t 0 1\1 ummon t h ',a'c " . (' I ncs< n t' OlnHI ~ ,I C I. II I' I ht, 1I11 .lninll'u s "piniu n uf governor a I f li S t 0 f th e \\'eek . aIn g C l'ectmg "Oh " . ' . I C . ' - - - -Ing cou rtesy tu he r e ld ers; li nd he r 1'01' llllVe ling th e bl lde WOle nn <; • C t hl' Blla ld hll\\C ~ I. ull cl .. r t he fo l.lo\~-s: , IO.l' hlstol'l!!U ap ltol . . YA YNESVILLE M. E CHURCH bdg-ht smll e and uracious "'re eti n'" hI fbl" k fi I" ~ aws filed hy 1l1f1Chlllerv. .ut Inllld lllg WIth It s beautIful plazus 1'111. R. F. Mos her of Card ingto n " 11 L b ht r• 'it en >ltll1 e ':l ae gure( CI ep e I cl eu lIl' l tl uer fH ~ tp r Rov I'lg- ,tulh llll! I' ltlllln llH' tJ III SI'l' ll on 4, !I:, 711 ,II th .. (; (' n l' l ,II r" Hlc o f co lu nlldes lind hn ll ways Doric i~ a nd Mi ss Mildred Hurtsoc k of Mil - I W e dn esday ' BIbl e s tudy and \tY hl e . Il g m e mo n e s Iroug a n csl hm utc hlll g IIccess o rl es. tt at' Ma dd e;l' s LumIJ(' r Yard , ' M r s. prayer m ecti ng . at B :00 p, m. Fri- I eI com , ' ' e IS a gradu'a t o f W I' I\lun ' gl ll(' St :II \' "I Oh io I" i)!I\ 'Jl l' ,;rlld de s i~n and one of Lhe best exam- I fil l (I ~pe nt Iast wee k ' WIth th ing I year .s . f tl P I t i" l!g ul a ,i ( ,, ''''. d" r<: d s alit! I'll ' le's reek ~rchl~ectul'e in EdIt h M. Hurt'l s and f am Il y. doy : C~oi .. practi ce at 8 .O~ .p. m. "n:ho ld~ lI .~n~~l~~e ~eep~~h ~is~~~1 t~l: o/I~e:';raa~I~~~t!°CI~ih.\SO I~~~I~; Orl' l}l e C .. UI' aII'I fumll y a nd i\111 n(·~s . fn l tltt ' ="e~\ :';d l 1. tl ~ h(' I' -In p ies .of Amenca, l S b f leal mterest to • unday . , unday sc hoo l at !J .3 0 a· 1shull neith e r s lu muer n" .. s lee l)" I d ' h ' d t I b tlln 1 h(\J11p ~ o n and f ll nlll~ !' n- h(' fo l c ~ 1 i1 1 l'd t hul t hi- I ~ I ht' h rs l th e .. T Oh 0' cap' tal ' t Mrs Pred Hawke and so n 1\1 l' • r h' at 10 ' 30 At . un s ltl ce e l gra ua 1011 HI S ee n I ' ('I I' S I ' Th: r~tl~ :ld~lgwithl malny ~IS~~ Hub ert of Tamp<l Flo rida spe nt l ~hls O(,:~I~~ \~~e:'e IJlwl ll be' a ' r e- ' It may we nol hope; na y may w e i ll ve ry s u ccess ful teacher III lhe l lOY "" a pICnlt· at , tlln , lInl HI. pr oc (' c!un' li nd " ,' th !' n(' \\ f':I, c t lil n t te h I'lo me 0 f M' r. an d I presen 't ative . . t' s H os- tnot hlandG Hi gh .St' ho ol . L aw ~ . a n d 1\1' 1l1l' l l' f " r c fi nd ~a id of o ld bllLtle flH I,'S and th e r ep r o-. I liS lwk ee a from Chl'ls f Ikn oI w that I ftodny . m ..h the ' IIbea. u HigTh . ~I ak !' your lal\ 11 he llut Iful, IJ\' uul'lion o f th e G're at Senl o f Ohio Mrs. Rona ld Hawke an d family. pitul , in C in cin nati , t o sp e ak o n d od' s Oa\~~ 1;:l radi~~'le~a~hf~ n y~ U . e . t roo md al~(' nrl e d . Dellls., n having ~;" \lr law 11 mo \\ (' I - hili li- pctili ll n, "' lIm ~ i c' n t and valid Wa ltI'\' SI' lk,' , lhe work o f t hat inst itut ion Ep- ' un,t ~d \lith her su n? I f IIIv e l ~ 1 Yd an I Id~ U Pbl og r esf' slhl'f! c ll ed at tI\l' Wu v nc,v ille AlItli lIlId in bellu t iful art g lass at the tOil of ( ha s. J W ,I)('~o n!'r lh d ome is n il ins p Iri ng fiig ht t o VI s it Cary's Jewelry ' S h op wo rth L eague at 7 '00 \l n T h e . Armer an VII \I e I1H'111 e r 0 IS M I e' IlIhn I~ 11, ,1<11.' 11 e I' IH ..lto rs. A.s G ~ve rn o r. 0 f t h e ',eb,'ln OII, Oh ·lo. H er e yo u ' ll fin '! . f r stu d y WI'1'I b 1', . "G" ettmg . ' butWh /I" IIn"l ;' II o ur ~ cJ tOPIC 22y fih h uer t was veal'sp er welll1tl doednotl oknliv owe I community - - ,. - _ _ _ _ __ 11 11 \\ ,11<1 r.. (,I" I)ey g l eul s late of Ohi O, I welcom e )(, if ts i n n ove lti es .as well as More out o f B oo kll," " H ow ca n we but.· \ Th p W . C. T . U. m ee tlllK Will COl11m ittee. you 10 Opio's hi. l orie old State jewe ll'y, walches and diamonds. He ud ?" Virl!;inia Hardin is leader. A BIRTHDAY DINNER uc hel,l at th e hOIll(' uf M I ~ Lb lh 1I 0 u5 , and tl \1 s t y ou .. VIsit with Preaching service at 8:00 p. m. The . .'trou,e Thursd :l\' 'l ft ' rn oo n at :! u s will be a il e of g e nu ine pl ea sMr. and Mrs . W. F . C lark m o- s u bject l o r the 1'1 enlng se rmon I"SU mCllll1 e wh e n a ll lif e' s lesson s I M E ~ I o'cl o ck. E ve r vb nd\' welc om e. DEATH S UI eVI' l y truly yOllr~ , Myers Y. l OI'e d to Akron Fridny for a week- will be, Th e Sch ool o f C hl'l st. h a ve bee n lea rned, IS. d ~dwanls was pl ea s- , ' _ _ ___ Coope r , G ov e rnor." en d visit WIth theIr so n-in-law and G. C. Dibe rt, Pa8tor. And s un a nd s tal s f or e\' erm o re ?nlly surprised on S u nday, ,J.u ne Mrs ..1. V. li a rl '"ck an d <laugh :l l r~. S l pli ll 1I '\1 , hh:lr~e r. wif(' I h 111 d M CI d - - - --have et 22, wh e n a numb e r o f he r r e latIves ler Of Akron all' llC're 10 <p pl1<1 f H" n I 11 !I "h lJ ," g t·1' STIll Dileetol' h ul'leR A . Neal of lhe , R~~:s.ter, r. a n rs. au l1'he lhings' whi ch o ur weak judg_ l an? frl enci s gll th er eci at her c~un- I th,: Slllllm{'r 'W ith th e ir gnlll d - I :l a llg h ~~, Ill:: fl.J \1 11 1'1 11 1':,ll' l1 hal·t. Stutl' Depllrtml'nt o f Health stu t es LEBANON PLANS FOR , OI ents h ere ha ve sp urne d. try home. to celebrate he r s ixty- 1I1 othN, 1\l r~. Emilia . 'hel \\ li nd . dlt'd al hl'l h'"ll ,' In (.1 I,a n " n TlI e~ t ha t thl'c c- foli l ths of the co untry's Mrs. W a lt er Underwood und erHUGE CELEBRATION Th e (hlngs o'er whI c h we grIeved ~evedth hbllt~day. T~ o~e wh u en- I 1lin \' h \1 .1 ' dll ,' t Il .. an ce l'. ('Il St and wes t auto . to uris t traffic went an operation Ilt McClella n ~v l th las hes w et, . , ! t:J\~a rd\ e Mla y lI ~vde l ('MrsMr P Ed . Mr and 1'1 11 - C i\1 H" l! lt zl' r at - F ll lll' 11l 1 :1l'1al,g,'IIl('I1 ' hll\ e nut pa !l s throug h .h lo, aug m ent ed I hos pital, X e nia, on unda~. A l a t e . Will Rus l~ befo l e us oul of Llfe s Sh tt. 1.1 d M Alb ". l a nk tended a l" a l1<l reli t" I In Da v t nn bp t' lI 1"H lI I"d by n vlIs l proportIO n Of th e no rt h r eport of h e r c ondition is not e n. Ent erta Inm e nt for evelyo n e d ark nl ghl, . I ~ 5, r . ~ n . rs. e l t hutts Til E' day night. Th e ir t!aughtel, _ __ _ and so uth ll'll ffi c. Its cam p prob- co u raging \Wlth so m ething doing eve l'y mill- As s tars s hlO e mo t In tmts o f l MI ~1d MI S. HUlold Shutts and MI SS I3 ca llic e Wrl ~ on till' plOj!lam j\l, ~ .\ lIn:l ~I Jl l'1 l" B.IJ Il .,. w if~ o f lem is correspondi ng ly acute fOl' 1 . . ute of th e dllY is pi o mised by the de epe r blu!.' : , so n, r . L ee S hu tts . Mr. lin d Mn I ' t hl' IHt (' 1'. \' . \1 (1111' , died a t her t h rough u lack of person n el a nd Gifts f or weddings and s how- comnllttee III chaTl!e of W arre ll I And we shall .s ee ·how a ll of God' s ~l a .. eCh e Edwards an d d aughter, B"alltlful "II Vel\\ ,ln' lIlI d dllna- hUIl1 (, ill L" lI;lI ll1 n i\llInd "y Il lU l ninp: lI:,u d e{luate lrans portation facili- e l " A c harmi ng selec tion at C oul)ty'S 1930 F o u rth of July Cele I plans ·a re right, I r.. a rl:s , hutl fi and ~~ n , MI·s. ' \\an' lit Ca r y' " ,ft' W!.'!1 y Slw fl , n fl c i U IlI lg"II II J! Illness tICS th e stll l e hus moved only u IIry's J ewelry S hop L eb a no n brillIOn to be held at t h e Fall'- And h ow w hat seemed reproof wa s ~a~ h elwC l e\\ ~Wl so n Flank, all , Lt'hannll. Ohlll . \\' e I{I" P ('CrllI l \11 " \l ll lil \\a- 111" '11 nl tl H' lU o rlove m ost tru e. Chm l lI~desv l d e; MI. und Mrs. sl amp '. 1l ~ h lJ nlt' IIp nr \r :\ I·T\,·,\l lIc nnll l hird o f lh e way in m ee tin g it>! I OhI O Sto r C' ov e n ev~ry eve nin; g r ound s in Lebano n. rell p " n ~ i~ i1i ti (' ~ , f or . in H/2.9 , when un til' 9 p. m . An all day ~ele bratio n that will ?r es . WIU' ~ and daugh t~, . . \\'ll ~ 1\l'1I kn,,\' " hl"l' 92 6 o l' lgrnnl camp II1s pectlOns a nd l s u rpass anyth m g eve\' attempted And we sh a ll see ho w, while we i ]\{1. a nd Mrs . H erbert Edw!IId s H II. WtlllU l1I ~o n a nd tanlliv FIlIIt'lll l _['1\, 11 '1" \1' , II' he ld at 1,:33 7 .. e- ~ns pl!ction ~ ~'e re mud e, The Misses Laura Whi tak er, in thi~ co unty h~s been a ....anged \ fl ~WII a nd SIgh , Fld sk'':! s, an~ Mh~i nd M~·s. J ames ~pc nt Fllday \\lth thuh ~on- l n - Ia\V tlH- Il' Sld l ll t' t' ( 11I~ .Ifllln .. n n .wlth th D IVISIon of Engrneers was I Ann Buchannan an d Lena B e lle I and WIth el'erythrng free the COOl- God s IJlam s go on a s best f o r Illn ~" a n C I (ren f l om Day - a n d dUuKhter M I li nd Mrs. Puul bUll ul III 1. I I..I11'Hl I'I' lnl'( <,I'\' . ab le to appr ove ol!l y 3 1~, cumps , Holm es o f M orrow w ere gueste of mittee is plunnin g to accomo dllte you and m e ; ton; . r . and ~rs Ern est Shutts Halik , In nay t o n. MI s . .Wtl li ll !n- I _ . No cump ca~ r eceIve a ~ea l of Beutl'iee Rob itzer and Ev !!ly n Cart on e of the greatest crowds ever t o H ow, when we call eu, H e heeded nd o~ <g nomn atl, Mr: and S O li u lld da u g h l c rH l'el11ll1ned 101 1 C (I' I' ):((, Il ll1 1L d ll' " ,r! Lt'lm no n , Sule~y " f ot Its water supply eX- I\ wright from Friday until S unday. assemble at !\1e fairgr o unds. nol our c ry, °kwI~ I~1 Mhults a nd ~.hll dre n a 10111{ vi SIt, r etuI'ning ho me mon - MlJn d uy 1111 l'I1 1nJ! .. l-'U !l(·I Il I ~ ('l' VIC ~ cept frOI11 the State De partmen.t The fun WIll get under way at 9 B eca use HIS wl,Sdom to th e e nd l o r an 111, r. and 1\11 S . H n r - clay. 111'1 '11' h t' ld :II ;\l lfll Hl c ha pp I l. hls of H ea lth and there ha9 been UOl. a .m. WIth a ball game to b e playco uld 51'1'. . o ld Beckert a~l(1 so n of Spl-Jng ' a ftt' l n l1(1 11 Hnd "-,, ill I \Va, In l\IHlmi nd form nnd satisfuetory s upport h ~I . . OSr~r Atchle y I'd on the fairgr ound s diamond. And e '.e n as prudent parents dls- HHtll.; 1\1 rs. F lorn Car r fr om , Li t t Ie Shill ey A li n Bu z \I·k, ~ - (' C1I1 etC I ~ frO Ill state npd loca l auto clubs , . a \ e Ie UI!le ome 10m an e n: IAthletic co ntes t s IIlcluding bicycle n llo w Illveys bu rg and H aro ld Russe ll vpnr (, Id dll UKht ,'1 of ~I I. IIlId MI ~ a nd o th(or intel'ested organizu t ions . ' h<:Vi~le ;\'~ntthl~Oe~~~alth eda S~ut~~ , ~aces, pony rae(>s, hor ses hoe pitch- Too mu ch weet t o crnv,l ng baby- S hutts from LelJallon . C htr nrd Bu;u ck, "I' S ldn py, fpIl 1 j\f r~. Ht' }, rcr .1 F llI· II if!) )f - - -- - - - - I Nas h!ille,1 T e nn. at the ho~e of In~ co ntes t s, g r eased pole contests, hoo d, . - -- - - do wn l he ' I PI' S at \-:1 (:Ij!1 c" n L:rI\{' I ht' !:ctl' . \ '1h 1-'\1111 >1" , di ed ." l her th e' 10 mer's par~nts th.1 ee legged lac es, s ack r aces, etc. So God p e r haps, I ~ keepmg , frum JUNIOR FARMERS CLUB Hn d bl ok e h<:1' cll ll u l bon e. fh l' h, 11 It· o n Bllu t t ~, " ill h S lI nday FIRST DAY OF SUMMER I . WIll lo llow. u s n ow little girl is till' Jr l lllllitiaugh tl r ul 11\ ,," 11 n J!. S Ill' Is ~ ll rl'''' l' d b l' fUllr Th omas B urton A f eatur(' th e aftern oo n PIO- Life's s \\ ee t estd t hIn g s beca use It ~I rs A J. Kill". lIf thi , pi,,", l' . \1 "'11 Is n nh" "1 . FI'(' d flnd Hos"1 d M • . be Oft he ' . , ., .SIl Su ndny, th e fir s t day of s umm e r . d1Y l'Man d' r s1\1 w gram WIll fine hors I'acing s('e m Qth goo, , Th e ,W ayne T IIw n ~ h 'Ip .f ~nhll <, nl', l,'llll1: b, li nd t \\' " d n ughtvrs , II s hCJ'ccl in a n hO llest-t o-go odn ess- l ~ n r. an rs . . m. Drake ' PI'ogra m that has hee n anang ed F~rmers Club met !It t he 1 0wn - ' Wakh(' s. r1 IJ c ll , and jQwelrv r e- \1 , _ 11 ,, 1)\ .' mill! .ll1d \ 1" Kell e r scol ch in g t e mperature. If this is s pent Satu.rday evenmg at <;:on.ey Th lee l'ncCII will b e run co mm enc~ And If so me ti mes, co mmingl ed s hIp' ~ou sc Tu esd ay even in g, Jun e pa i ..s. W I' U 'C o nll' g e nuin e l11at <:' I ' 11 0111•. n forerunner of t h e s ummer, w e IsI~.nd, gOIng ~y hwaI of PlIlclIl ing prom plty at 1 ::10 o ,('lock. WIth li fe's wine , 17 With Mr. !a R~ p,re sc nt t o cu n iHI. Cnry' ~ J c\V(,h y Shop, L ellu n" n . l' u nl' I:1 1 \\ liS h~ I ' 1 It lhe I'esiWIll hllve some hot weather, ~a ~ o n ~~e Oh,t~, astest spee A second ba ll game will be PlaY 'l we find l~ e wormw oo d and rebel duct the m ee tlllg. 1he pres ld e nt' l Ohio E x pe lt \\,Ilch mak e l llnd ' dell l' l' TUl"I l a ~ a fll " IHIo n !lnd InWheat harvest begsn Saturday oa s on e 10 !Ver. ed starting at 4 p . 01 and will be lind s hrlllk, Haro ld P ox, c a ll ed lhe IllcctlnK t u , .. nltl tI\ cr 1TI cha n ' t!. lPII11<'1I I' . " "l \ 11.lllli c e l11cte l y. a nd this w ee k will see hundred8 . . followed by a n olt! fid d lers ' con- Be s ure a wi er hund than youl s ord er and ufter ro ll ca ll un d I ~ ad , _'~ of acres of wheat harvested. The .Wa~chea, . Jew~lry,_d,lamonds an,d test that is eXpected to attract I lind mine l Ing ~f the I1l1n ut!.'s, of th e laHt D1. L. 13 . GNII'I e. (" "tllet Sl !JIl ':III ' . I\ lIt hl l"' n 1I " I1J l l' r~o n Nob le ny y Lcc:slOn aOthc;ar s so me of the bes t fiddl ers In this Puurs o ut the potIOn for our lips me eting, Mr. <:lllsS guve all II~ - 1I1t endent uf t hl' M E chll nll. l1 l!I'II :! .! 11'1I 1<. \\I f,' or (' u t! Nob le g l'!l lll is a t least. a two-th!rds croP l jlftSI ol'Sh thIS year, and m some mstances ewe ry op, e anon, 10. section, I 10 urlnl<; . I lc lestlllg talk 111 regard t o theIr \\ US plescnt at t h e F o ulth QU D\,- , 111.1 nnl" d HlI g- hIL' 1 "r l it ltnd MI S r Hdav: YOh lawn mower s harpNo Fourth of July celebration is And it so m e friend we love IS work. ' ICIly Cunfe rencu of th e loc,,1 (' \\' Ilc' ntl c r "" I)' d l 'd at the ho m e a full crop Several fields h,,:ve short straw but the grain Is faIrly well ened . ~h t : ~ame ~~~hlwry as complete withPut fir ewo rks lind a I I ~ in g low, I . The n e xt m e.etlng Will be held c hur ch Su n<IIl Y niJ!ht, pi eat h,, 1 " f hl' r 11l11'c llt~ 11 11 Thll d s t .. e t, fill e d, u ~l~ ~ t e a ~y'b~ e C aynes mass ive display will be prOVIded as Wh e re hum s n ki sses cnn no t reach In tht' T owns hIp H o use T u eti day and con du cted th ': bU s 1I1 e. ' ,) 1 tlH' F l ld",' l11 0 l llin g fllll 'I\l lng all il lOst~ and hay are short and in VI e u 0 an ac mery 0, th~ feature of the evemng's enter~ he r face, . I eve ning, Jun e 24. . conf erence. '1(' " ',, 1' <e \ " lui m unt hs dllratio n. some Instances rye - fields were tamment, 10h, do not blame the lOVing Father Eldon C. Eilts, Reporter. IJ es lc1 cs he r hu s ba nd nnd parents, giveln ove~ tab tdhehhlogs. White top Da~~~~,~~~u~hi:e.g~~~p!:I1Mi~! hAnotl.'er outstandmg number on so , . h b - - Mrs. J, C. H a wke. )h ~ .1 1\'P' -he Jeal es two br th cI'~, Dona ld in c over IS a t S year, Catherine Gibbons this week. Mrs. t e .day s p:ogram will be a breath But. wear your so rrow .Wlt 0 eMAN KILLED Fromm, Mrs. V e l'll Arnlltag , . I. H ende rso n Il f n ll~ tOil , and Geol ge • Campbell who has been I d takmg aerIal act. Two performdlent grace. OREGONIA li nd M , s. Emerl"111 Enl'1l ha r Il t - 1I"n de l so n o f t h IS p lace . NC RT i th t h G ' bb emp ye I ances will be gIven, one in the Irltend ed in spe ~lI O I1 of S un he am . <'i ,-,('1' " co n d u t' l I'd bl' R e \,. J. ,1. SCHOOL BAND CO E .n De ~ ce ha tel Ions ote ternoon and aoother in the eve- ' A nd you s hall sh ortly kn ow that Ss ott B owsel, an aged man Chap ter, O. Jo: ~ h,·I(1 ,I I I IH' ~ ·ha r tT"I'. 1'l' Ctll l n f S t }\fUI y'H I~ tedY on" ~i res gn~d and ac- nlng preceding th e fitework s I le ngth ened breath ' wh ose ho me w a s so uth of Oreg- Maso nic tpm"le .\ n n,l\ tn n ~,I I \1, - Epls cn",,1 ch ll "." of" hid, "hf' wns . .~h e Hig h Schoo l ban~ its · Cle~e SImI ar pos itIon at the! Ca s h pl'izes will be flwa rd e d Win Is n ot the s weetest gIft God 011121, was kIll ed by a tru ck at the duy night. a I' t,l1lnlll(h ('.cn t "C l' l' h Id at the 1I1Ituli bow ~o W ay neSV Ille In the · o f the vanou s conlests and e ~e nd s His fri !!n~, Menn o nite c hur ch Tu esday after , _ . " " 1" ' '1 , . :\11 nd,l\ ,If t er noon.l filst o f a serl e~ of concert s f or the Dr I M J T Ell' 0 tnes will be ope n t u eve r yo n e n . Antl lhat, somctllnes, the sable n oo n about 4 o'clock. Mr. Bowoer" LHw r l'n ee. oh le· t "o n II I ~ I I ,lI ,,1 B\l r i. 1I \\a ' in :11 ',11 "1 c.· ..ll' tc ry summ e r lit th ~ll' band stu nd on the Ch ,8n~. rs. , . . , IS, 1' 1 Heme mb e r, no c hal'ges uf al; , I pull o f death Iwalking along t he r oad had g ott en Mr~. V. R. Brl l t nll . :l 1 1 - 1l:t ~'k ;I, - - - - -vac~n t lot \J1 front of Jeft' S a~. E~ll~' Cha~. ~lhs .fnd t~mi1~, . s ort will be lIlade f./JI ' any of th) Co n ceal. t he fll1 re~t boon His o ut o f the way of a m nc hln e and, In<1 h:" h(·1' 11 dl~ IlII '- l'd 1" I Ill Snllth's meat store. Thel'e wa ~ a ' ·'N'e~.1 IS an . amI y, . . \ entertainm e nt. Ev e .. yt hin g is fr e~ love con c nd. I belllg very d ea f. did n ot h ellr th e ll eahl1\\'11I 1l " "l'i tal, (.1 tll b" " 1I - 1 FRANZ- ROI.AND good ~ro wd o ut to hear them and ~allne I a~d~i f8 mll Y' MJrs. Ruth I -L e banon ,m e r chan ts and profes- ' II w{' (' ould p us h aj ur the gates truck and stepp e~1 directly· In la l "a n at,lI' ll1l11 ) III S " lIt h B C IH~, L 11 t the h t tl e gIrls and b oys Played , d h S.B ou~ a an~ey a ISlon a l m e n have see n to th t l of hfe, , f l o n t of it. He dI ed III a s ho l't wh ere Iw has "p l' n( Lhl' }1a ~ t II ,\[ ISS (;1 '1.1 1";\ [: "ll1l1 d , IlulIgh .. ~hn t e EJI'j fhamlMly rCelumon sdt throu g h th e ir libera l donatlon~ ro And stand within Dnd nll God 's tIme aft e r h e was stru ck. ' . mo nlh< be lll !! tn' ,ltl'd f OI t \lI)t'IClI- t e l of i\ll a nd :\1" ~ A R'lll1 nd, ,,;ell. 'I h e band und er the dIrectIOn of , f e '1 ome 0 SO _nbc ure an lhe celebratIOn fund ~ I working's sec, Th e driv er of the truck, whIch losis Th e cllllu IS p I nll llun cc d of U Ilia " " k /111 .1 }II·. 1",,11 Edl!a r Slanley Watkins, is dotng very d~lm y, n car pring oro, on Sun Bring a ba~ k et lu~ch and Ian W e co uld interpret a ll this doubt , belonged to a Cincinnati m eat cure d. }'I·an'l. ......ll n o f :II ,. ,11l c\ Mrs. Edguod ,york, _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . y, to spend the day. Light lunch ~Ia a nd stri fe firm, wu exo nerated f l'o m bla m e WUI tl Fr;Jllz. III Lcbn llon. w e I (J. RETALLICK-IRONS Lawn m owers sharpened b however, be sec ured on t hYe And for e ach m ystery co uld find a it IS s aid. Mr . Ilnd Mrs. H. L UOIl"",!n, 'llfi etl y uni te d in mal I'tHl!' e' Tu cs k h B ck Jr of C III dlly vr llln /!" .Jun r 17. 1'hl' C 1' y ground Eleetrakeen process same method 8, ey, _- and T o mll ~ run n o , .\ ' I - nlOI'" I" U.• Ilc rl'o l'lll n d ·, t the I'''".' ill. f MI' M rgaret db' - --+ - --! c 'l n llati Mr und Mb. C ~ . E zey, J u~ Th e mart'lage a 5S a a s use y lawn mower manufacbe co nt ent, ' on lll MI ~s Clll'" Doge nc e of H \ ,\' . :'II • cn d'!' in lrons, Jdaulghter Off LMrb' and Mrs, turers. Electrake,en system turns GOOD CUT CLOTHING CLUB But not today . The n Card of Thank. o f ttneal ' Bf eefilH'lI it 1\'1;'. 'Il nd Mrs. . pring Vall e~· . Rev. SC'lI'fi' is I s aac . rons, 0 e anon, '8n d out perfect cuttlOg mowers Try poor heart; . t' e , 0 f ' . B t fir f, h h t Mr. Vivian Retallick, son of Mrs. me Bo pj o t t ' God's plaIns lik e !tlies pure and W e WI s h in t his way to expr ess T. B. Brannock, 1\1 i ~~ JUIllllta I'!ln Ila ~ o~ II I ~ . ',. ' \I t · a h Mami e R etallick Of O.regonia, will • ]I g . met : Good C ut Clothing Club white un{01d; our appreciation to o ur friends for n ock, Mr. J ame ' Brunn ocl) were en MM~t ~~' ll~. \\' )) c '1 becom in. be sole mnized Wednesday even~ng~ Miss Evelyn Cartwright will June io.thTh~ome ~f Mr~. Bake r, W e mus t not tear the cloge Shut~ their kindness and sympathy dur- I tet tnine<\ , UJ1( lu H~ th \.~~IlI~e~;' frock ' of I~r~ hid I g e!J'rg tte wii~ June 25, at the home of the bnd leave tomorrow evening for Phila- \to order b tl!'eetrn g . was c!llled leaves. apart-- h I f ing ' the Illn ess and dea t h o f OUI' I Mr. und Mrs. , . . , P ) , Ilcce's ori ~ of l' o rresl,o ndin~ ~Qlor . WATERHOUSE-BURTON 'd~lphia; ~fter a l(ew , days visit Cook. y e preSident, Jane Time WIll reveal t e ca yxes 0 beloved wife and dau~hter j flso L ebano n. . _ _ _ he has ~ een the effiCie n t Ixth Ith her aunt, Mrs. Charles Ewan 9 member d ' gol~ . " 1 to Rev_ Schaeffer for hIS canso 109 grad>! lellchel' in the B ellbt'o ok Cards are out announcing the erritt at Mount Holly N J she After a nu S :nsw~ rd.Jo roll call. And- If, t,hrough patIent tOl, we words, Miss Lucy Emley {or her TO EASTERN STAR MEMBERS school r marriage of Mis; ,La Vonne Bur- ill proceed to Poeon~ Summit' r~ects were djs~~a:ed E e rfnt Fsub - Whl'each t~,e Ja'fd t with sandles singing, ~r. J. 0: Cartwrigjt I Ml'. · PI·anz is employ d as meen ton and ¥r. George J. Wster- a. ,where she will be in Camp nas, Juanita B an ' Ie ve yn urere tlre ee , I hiS beautIful trllJute, a n . e , . f,. M'onow Ch apter anic at the Kilpu L~ ick-F'rel\c h MohouseJ .FTia~y, June 20, 1930, Mr, walssa ,for .the rest of t~e 8um- na il, and lan/ Co~okc Jan~ ~u~- W~08ed l~el!\~arlY know and Osw,a ld FUD4!ral Home fOl.', thelr 0 !I!!peciIO~ai~ern luI' has b e n tor cnT ompanyl... L hnltan . ~nd mrs. ;_ W~terliouse are enjoyer, M,1II8 Eleanor M~mtt, Wlll ldUI demonatration O!avd.;,n VIu w~ 8 da c r ~r 0 d ul,l~i1 Friday ept mber ' Mr. anll Mrs. I"I'Q/IZ will relride effiCient serVIce. mg a trIp .throuch Canada and I nown In .Waynesville 18 a COUD- parts of the clUb work Ad~ erent I hn- k's bhnt' shall say "God ' Carl K , Noble . ~2~h one in L ebn non . will be at home after Juj)t_ 16. 2lor at thIS camp. . to meet June 27 at M' JBoukrned t m h a wt.~ • Dr and Mrs. C_ W. Henderson . , . , r s . . 4!rs. knew t e e bs • .



A TRIBUTE s pring of 1908


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' the night betore you came-Suy. I'll tell Jake," Que ... nie added l!xcit dIy, She told bim, with 1111 the pl'ide of the discovery, atld Jake again ,sent for Eve, , "Doin'1\ne," he announc ed , "Thllnk you. I'm g lad o f thaL" 'f 'caryou'French." See Ua Early for Your Sale Dates. We Guarantee Cmm n PI " ... Proce<.din~' " I beg your pardon?" TalksomeF're nch." Satisfaction or Charge Nothing I n Ill, NIH' I)f ~ ,\W Y ork _Lif e ow ?" hI ' 111'11 II 1' (' ( "'JllP:II1Y l' I" 'Sll ~ ~uh n " ur e ," . " oWl'y, ' '' l til. it \\a" d,'l l' I'11lltwlI "Do you speu k Fre n ch ? " hy the ('!lUll hltt Ill' e! fl' lltlam "Nope . But I kn ow 'f you do ," ---::.:.'---_ ,= -'-~Eve laughed, It was the first hl(,. (,"II~t'n l «d II) dw ~u lc llf relll I'SI'llt l' cleur untl fr l'e \ f Rny in - I I' I t' J k h d h d h d 't d Phone No 320 Phone No.2 Ipr .. ts h may hR v c except his CHAPT E R IX , "It i ' n't thut " Eve haste n ed to'superb fi gure , did n o solo-w o rk at ,Ime a e a ea~ e r , 0 I , an ''' '\ s 1IIIde r 'Ii" cal t rR ct f I' (' ntal ' I' "Th ' one side Is quit e all and was not above th e average It appealed to , him, HIS remote 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:-_ _ _... 1 1"I I ~ exp am. e m , , d I look changed slightly • , lU .1llrdl I, I (1:\ I , l " r e iv e tw oH a skell the q u estion wilh a all ri gh t," it was , S e had ellrned In the o r d,mal'Y ane ng; II I "That's the stuff" a r oved, _ _ _ __ _ Ihll'r1s r,f tht, nr l IlI'oC erls of the twinkl , in taci t a tlm ision th at he eight do ll ars and so m e odd cen ts Eve deC ided th a t I vy 8 acro- "8 ' I" df b ' , PyP, ht -, ' h t t o put ' h b h fi ' I 'k b Ut'IC \l UIt·Z " eh xp lain ~ m l m goo or us m ess. oug CI " r· lUll1 III' IUII ell n l'''.J ~ ~ \,ln r e t hn d n l'lg Il, d un s e y e l' r ~ l nlgll S ,1'101' • i e 'd Il'u' I 'hs he d a rt nlaugh m ore " tak e " Oll ov e l' '' m e n 10 h r lp lhem III ha l' £' n p 1po sI 11" " 1ll l' lod f ' I'O' 'II' I'n"l" "Tl1 en . 'I'h:lt' ..~I n" nt lll ' ."e ll~" t e o n' d m ' French lhat no " ' }' ' h lI 'l ' I'C' lIill ~, n nd thaI I I)(! m ll ll er II" c,l , " ' ''' " .,. , I t~ " Ie" ,'I t l nl'k t o '<',I I'and \1) r~ IIIr IIIo fVlilsec ~ more tax ' Eve an s w el'e "That'll mllkf' a t1Ig' lit WIt Ie lllll I 1I,,1 "'I ' 11 '11' ,' (' ll',1 \,1' , 11 1'111' n ;, \ " tlilp ' , hldl h,' pl:1nll' oI in Ihc' " 1\ ' 1' , old ~' !l IL I'm ~ lIhs lituting ' 1I'IIHl to lo :O l11nlll); I' ~ , (' I' u I " . , - d o ubt thi was t r u e but t l t -h e ," Que!' ni mUl'mul' ed I II I I I fnll lOr 1!' ;l\I IIlIh u t 1',, 11 0 1' I o f f l' 'lIHltlH'r 1::1 1'\ he'. :liel, " "I dU1I '1 klll)W vel! " illl:: f IlIUI'('~ , II' I' ~ h IJ(l k h e r h l'l1.d , I II ' " : 'k III s 'l l !lew . g ill ). B I~ I ~ I . l'ntl".! lIi lh t h l' 111 ; I1 I1C til' I nne' 1IIl'I a ndl"I"1. "All I'iKIII" 'h ~' SI; ili ' n ~e~ pli lll,( ' "Aw!'i '" Ju kl' '11 1(11' 1'" Ihl' 'J'C " I. nll~· ~ I d o' il , I'l l do it right," ~o u ~1I}fiPl',olml , se tlhO chuP l o n 8 nllld- I I' ~'I0l11clIl y, ,lilt c. v cd' untC c l"ltoul, '",lyISl lllld Ih nt the IlIIIIII'V ~ h{' II' II~ 1':11'11 ' ' p . Ill d" It g el al tha l. 1l1111 ~ l'Yl' ~' fl u m hl'r fan' a ~ 'I f I III, s h e 1I 1lCl UIll'e d , ,'\. It , 'IH llI e Ii r ~ t -\\1o' tl1 , In <"I im-I - ,'llg W II S II CI'l' ~ n ~ I"Y In . IIl' l' , II' J 11 k,e "s I g hlIlue ' L 111 "t eyF" I' o ug, , ' t Ie w,ou . I "hIe ' s o1.1 ellt~ 1 'Iy' u UII ' del' ~, 'onI l tlw II II ,'" , ,,,,,.1 ,' 1' Ii 1,1 11h" c,llIrt lll\' 1 .. !.ulT. " \\' I If '1'1' \" " ' I II I ' ,'" I I I t it I h~ I . (n 1.' 1 ue s , 111 ( II1g I n ecessal y t III g un I I ,III , 1111, tl I f' IJl m'l' y" ullg gll'l ~ I I ,I ! I' " 1' ,:,111 I , 1<' lI'g ll l1 U!" ta, Wl' e 0111'1' ngl1 l11 , l' n ll'e I Ie llIut e l', )U w w n s ' 1') , , ," , .. " t o tl'fllls iule thi!:! s h e tiid ~o , anil p ub e th ul u lwa ys llIadl' him l':cCl\'t was II' H' ~ I ' ~ ", " ' ,1 " 1111 !" I, l'J.. 1.:11101 n :lllk " f e h ,rlc R' \\ 1ll'1! llrl',Y 1'l'l.u l'rw(1 to I h f'i l' ,\a lk tl d t o th ~ clUOI hl' ,I,,;< k(' d a 'lues I\' ~: ,s I l{" p ~tlnllty 10 t he utt l: tS Juk e notldetl. ' h'l" thl' o u!!h tli e danl.'in g l.'1'l)wds ' IO f II"!"I,,',. n1 ulti , VI ~.'1. , u s \( ' 1' , " <", 1'1 '''1 OI l illll, I'nllVC I" fl''' "1 t"!.It,, QU l'l'l1ll' I'OSI', tlUn , "Il ow bout I\'y! I'uo m Wtb ,erllllli () n~ y to Qu e e n. ! "lIow'b outs tllL ": n 'o n'l" I t n il" l a bl e wh(' r(' ~ h c was ex- mlln y sllc h ~ ll'I s 1'l'~lnly co n HHle l e Li " 'I'"hl' I... - l (o f f,' il' n d"' .. " u tlll F. v s' l l'PPNI lind lut'n~cI ' h:l ('k, ie's a n d a ~ th e t \\' o g irls ~t oo' d, t o· "I Iluv e n ' l qUI l~t'e (eC I "lu,I(;(I y c l , II I pU'e t ed' , ' 11'1 ' It Wtl H 'HIIl'l.'lv II , II, I' l'li ol " ttl'~, \\ ,,1(.,1' I'I'lIi s , I'~ I' [I , .Hulc , 10 1' Iwl', " Al s o . h , I " ~, :\l:r rioll , n, lI ill :IlIU II m.I,1 pan,' s hc' alln c; ll ill', d, . ,. "W hy ,: ' ~ h e II ,b e n il , ~',Ight tu- )!t't\ ll' r , ,'.' 11 , nil I 111Por tl~~ t I s:u ~d C llll'trlCi't'D'ltl es butglv qy uh ~ul11e . Shl' ",nlhd by hi s ~ id e with un- s he WIl S 1'I Il llll y 0 1 lI ~e h e,l l'" lit 1., 11 111. II" , 'Ull i I,f ;10 1:I.f)u all rl " Il u id "'I. \\ hatH t he Idc'n!' nW lT., \\, II IKhl. Willi I s h c! , Qu t: e Ill I'S 1 ~ l e, wa~ ~1 1 l!~gth n e, i unr ' nte e's1y1 orris ," Iwillin stl' ps. S he n el'c r kn ew l wul's Hh l' \l'1I ~ " , t IHud ~Ol, 1 h e, , .\-1- "\I" ',, d , d, II ",, ~ fUI'I Ill' r ad· I I II: . ", I IIl' Kl'IlIlI l,ng ytl ulh who , "N OIl t'. Mea~ e-~ " u l' un y;; uy h l! r C 1nU I11, ~ l e l~ln So ~\ as Ev e s g " Thullk OIl. I 'll RIll tll' O \\' c ck~ whlll f hese l' IH'O Ull tl' I'S nl i).!' ht brin ~ f.n rl ~ lI'u~tl' o h e l, Ullt! II s ke d , h l' l j"oIg l',J t h,lt u lI l " H~ th l' d l,f "llIlnnt s · p" kt, ,J ade'", ",: 11'~ n!-l m l' had p - r:1J?~· n,orc' , K (,I'p -,l' r,,).,b-u'~~' l' ek I'ClSll l"" ' M I~" l)a,en p ~ It ,h ad lo nger, !1Il~way, unl eis so melhing nn d (,Il~ h lilll l' ~ h (' Ihu~ u PPI'o:l('hed ad\,l e~', t l"' U ~l llIZ I I' had wUlmeel , Ii :0I1 '\I(liin " dll " ~ frlOlII Ihi ~ , ' 11 , Jl ~'lJn: d III 1)1' · hl s )!1'I 11 WIped ,fro ", - 11:1,'1' rl'St. ~II Kh t . fix.- l! r · up , I gra l e fu l nntu~ c, L() ~ul!~ un un e x )l' eted hu )e n s ," 1\ s tl'un (' I' l' Vt'ry in slillct ill h e l' up Hl lI Ct' 111l.' I1lt l,' ~"sS l o l1 \,Yllh I~' , "IIII~ " .. 101' jllud I Ill' l',,~ l ~ In hi S I.,,'" hr thl' IIbrup l d ec ls lIln , 'I h ~' )'(' H'I! I111' d not hi ng e ls e t o !uu dly s h e l1~suI l'd, th l' w ~r1d nU,th: "S,la II I'i," PI l'ote st ('~1 ag"u in ~ t what s hc was ,J l' lIl1 Y ,1111 01 Ihl' IUIIl' 1' had SIIl I\\I,l II I},, ' \ 1I'J" II f l'(l lI l'l ~ un d s l1m dill' Il lI nt !o" k ed "'fUlllly Sl! n o l.' S, :l nu I.i O, t . , 'C Ilgre!'d t tl th e l emporary In ~ wus \H U Il j.( 1\I,t h 13 ~ I ,Ko n , S,hc l " " , Idll in K, Sh e cO l1stu ntll' remillded su nll'what l ' IlI "lI l'l'a'H!~lg " ~'[(' I'IllIlIJl Ih ' 1'1:lI llt itr, till'l1 f ,O) "e!",," 'e will Q UI' I:"ll' n'g ald l'll Ihl'''' ,Wllh .lob, 111101 Wil li Lh l' l'a ~ 1 g l'ul ilud e uf clemand('d QU\' e nl ~ H co ntinu ed '~ : E I, ~,c b alk':k~~ ~em;nt I s l~~phfi edf hen, .. lf that s h e w as thl' r t': t Ol tion to ('stll l)lIs lr II Irl c tl'lenCl 8hlp, IH' c,x, 'CIIIt,d, I\n'I' lng ('I" " l v" 10 wh u m , hl' 1" ' I", I'I('d whl'n U' re s t Il1I her prott'gee. ""U I1 fle l Vl s 00 ~e plng , n st €,ld 0 Ik I I ' I I I ('1',) II" (',," l il1ll('d) , 't ,,11<' '" 1!,!I\'hrcl hO lll ' l' at I"u ul' o ,cl uck, a I) 1'I1' ' f ('I,n t e~ t 0 f WI II ~ ~ II C l"e- b e ing I)uid ni"htlu la _ _ til _a ni ! o llln C(' II'ltl one y c In 11)1' I' n'l' o f I., \\'. l !lllt(' , as " "I h l' "Hit-II.. ,IS thllt \' (IU t WIJ am ,., ; a s' l\ ' s- ub ~,tltoot' 1_ l iqui dat ing "g,' nt II f \\'ol'l'I'n Nil ' Ih,' " nil' h ilI'S in th p plal'c'," s hl' 1':\,1' le ft 11('1' l.' llInfl ll' l lIb le, a nd cl'il'('d it. The "h ead h ,lst ess, " it ap she wu ~ u n Jllk es wee kly pu y . n' lI l-r--_-~-----::;---:;:::;---_;;;_-.-:_:_7_=;__: l i" l1;<I Hank "I' Fra n l;l in , O. Vl'rs us l'xplaln~ d , ",inti J ak (' hll:< gil'cn me Weill hack l., he r ,)wn qllal'l e l' ~, 1H'~II'I' d, had II hOrTUI' o f being lit , u , tw c nty. fil'e-d olllll' s lIlary, ~ II. s, Ilt-:lrth, 1'1 al. lhc CU UI'I o r· til<' high s ig n I,) 111 01'1' o n ," l in'" 1,111 uplifte d , Shchad put "h l g~,. IHltr ,:d " by a ny o n ~ ; and w,hl~h '\lI S uugl1l e ll~l' d by th e dal1l.'f' rI",,' d Iha l 11ll' Sh(, I' ifr d el i" I' 1' J ('('II ' " BUI, set' h (' ll'-- " Ja cks on pr n. ,,"I'" \lhat ,hl' hUll .und c rtak e n ; fl' u llI I hc' fi l'st ~ t1(! hne! che l'ls he cl u l -nllus s he tUlll e d 111 . ~ I" Ill', :1,,):1 i\lal' i\ l u n l!l' I' p ur c haser trste d , ~ hl ' ha d 111ade ,' Ighl e! " llal's ; sh t! rJu I'k fl!ar lh a t th e new ,c olm' r was , A WI' l! k Ibl e l', why n E,' e ancl , "1\u ll' , W i ll ie!" Mi s~ Morri s was had lJee ll lIllIl' t o k el' p 111'1' wulkin K "hig'h . hullin' lin d " lIp· s ta ~ IlI'" all Hunt re~urnecl t o thl' ll' tabl e IIft~1' I, f IllI' 1'('111 I'SI:;I,' II'h e r l' forl' it was ,'" dl ,,'d I hal " "Ii ~ f"d" r y ex ec u - "Inll \,t IlIlI lc rllally r l' llI-lI tll'hful. lIig'hl lll llrt' at huy a ne! ttl f cc I III· ,J u kt" , arli st l's , Ivy \\' a~ fillll ll Y a mluOIg'ht C hl\lll'..,tun , Qu ec n w I li oll 1)(, llIad (, !'l ul') l'c t t c' th c nwrt- " Yo u .1 011 '1 wan tll K't illY /!i rl lIl ost nllnnl1l. rh,~ t ., f 1111, then' wus )!III!(' l'laim tlf Th e FC'<if'nli Land fr ie nd in hlld with t hl' Ill'ss Ih(' n ll w 11(' end ll'"" niK h t tl) fuc .. , fo r Bank ., r I. n uis ,·illl'. I\ ~ , \) isl l'ihu· \'I'ry (irs l night s h .. 's Cln the jlol) , thl' lIi Kht ' \" " ,1 \'1' 1'. il might be t ion " f Ihl' fund s in JlO:, e ss ion " f cI " you'!" \\'tll' lh wh ilt· t o a Cl' pt Jak e' s otrCl', t h ;; h" liff in the s um o f $ 1:l2:1.8u "U f ('nUl'S" n ll t ," ' lI unt I'I IS(' and if o nly l u da y all'IIY wil h t h o~e Ull'wn ~ ordered . h u w e d f lJ rlllully , a nd Q UI'('lIil' Il,d rul ni!-(h b in lhe l.'O Ul' t b edroo m, Th e C~I SC of Th e W ny n c!;I' ille E ve a w ay, I r ~ h l' ~c)llld kil l an o th e r f ort · ,o l1lpa n y, n BC' Il(' r ge l II l1t whill' Ih e g'I' llin 'ti nig'hl th al II'lI ,I ' , and e a rn lh l' Fal'l1I l'l'!; E xch an ge I'urpn ratioll I\r~ "lliz e d lin d d o ing !-(" od, " ~ II!! Haid and a dd pd al ll.l h er l11une~' shl' ~(\ 1,1Ic1l y neecll'el. l\I a rbu !;ine ~ undel' lhe laws Of Ih e Iwipf u l hi nl l u th,' n o vice: "It' ~ eel 1I 0ll id slll'l' ly hal' l' hi s r eply Slnle of' Ohi o l'e l '~ II R Frank R. wi si' 10 11':"'(' g'uy~ lJ e f ol'~ I h 'Y f ro l1l Leo n, IJnd th a l reply , ' nyri e l' wn ~ dism iss('d , wtlnt .t" to , T hat III' inl!~ 'e ll1 lJ at k m ig'h l leacl he r "ul of the f og, S h e In th !' cn~ e o f Th e ,' t alC o f Ohi ll again," I wo uld t hink t h e ma t t c l' (I1' !.' r, How vers u s r e rman Ba l',nhul"t, Ih e j ~ry S h l' t oo k '1':\' (' to !ln uther lab le ('Vl'I', ~ h e did n u Ihinking then. , 1'(' urne d a \' enhcL o f j{utlty on th" s h"l'l lI st ,JlIk .. hau scn l llL'r S~e fe ll a slcep n t u nre from s h eet' agai n s t the d efe n da n t. 1' 11'11 II1l'n o f a differe nt type sat e xhnu;;lion, un ci her dl'ell lll R, wh en In th(> cn: e o f h n rl l's H , D l'llp, t hc' rl! , LJut Lh('y r c ~ p (J rid cd t o ~ h e l'('cIl II('d th(' m in the m o rnin g "'1', re c('ive r o f F irsl l\:ntilHwl Q u\'enie~' initia l aU l'u nr~ as hae l t o do wi t h lurge buildings and Banklo f W e::it Alle xanl l1 'ill, 0 , "(' 1'- ' rt'lI ri ily a~ tlH' lil' ~l pa ir ha d rl o n e, blarin/! mu , ic II nel c r owds o f whir~ \} 5 St('phcn ,J. and MIlI'V F.. Fi el d, T hey wel'l' llIid dl e · ajtt' d Can a di a n ling- fill'u,. e~, it being d ele l'mined hy' t hl' co ur t ,'all lc' l11 e ll , ou t fil l II g'(lotl t im e, S ucceedin g night!' al ,Jak e 's t ha t judl!m f' nt 11'1" awnrd"d in and th('~' ha d it with Q uee ni e, see m ed ,"c ry mu c h what th e fil"s t fllvor of the plainliff ngnins t th!' whil e Ev e t,lok such m ild s ha ,., a s one ha d be e n. Wilh thl' diff e r e nce ddend a n t;; in th l' ('ommo n P II' lI~ , he cn ul d in thl' hant (' ring di8' thnl E l'e had II fixed clie n te le as .-:"~'~~~.~ ' . ~,,:~/~~~ , OUI't o f Pre bl e Cou nt y, 0 ., o n I Q~ue and c1unc c' d ~ cvel'!ll times w e ll ns a f1u ating on e , The cll na- I i ~;1 '< ~~~\ \~ . Mn:.' I fl, 1 n:1O f o r $fi ,,17 Il, U with with ('ae h o f th e lll , Apparenlly thi c1ian pail' ca m l! r eg ul a l'ly, !l nd ae ~{js~ ~t()lly McDonaid of West Poinl, Califo rnia. ho lding the largest frog 7',; in l l'rl's l f rom May 19 , l !J:.lO "I/('" unter Wll !' li S s uccess ful Il s th e cepte e! wi lhout r esenl m e nt h e" re "Jake want s you to go an' meet that guy 01'1'1' ther\, in t h e cortllteH~d in the inlernational frog jumping tournamellt a l Angels Camp, rind thal in (O x('(' ulion hilS bee n I'e: fir~ l, fo r bo th m e n s how e d a fl at· fu sals o f t h eir invitat ion s t o lun - , l1 e r" sh e sa id , eage rly.. "I forgot h is n!lme, but h e's 0 , K." C;t!\','r:" Cou nty, Cal., made f:amoust')' Mark Twain's "Juml'ing Frog" turned by the sh('riff o f Wan n t e rin g regre t wh e n it WIlS ove r, I c h eo ns and oth e r divers io ns o ut· ' .. _ _ _ __ _oun~y whe r e. th e defendant l ay ! Befo re that, llI o r e o ve r, they had s ic! e of th e ea b!lre t , Hunt and hi ~ ab le to e xplain E!ve's m!lnner, and huried to them with lin cxpressi~ n stor ... Th~ winner jumped 12 fl'CI, 10).oS inches. -==- :---=-...=.,- =----.:-~ ---=----=---, E , F,,' \d s r eSId es, Wh erefo r I' il un co nsc Ious ly he lped Eve thro ugh fn e ncl Jackso n al 0 b e cnme what uictio n 1.0 Qu eelll e's , abs facl1on , ' o f urg ency sh e hastened to explum ~ was or clered Ih nt said de f e nd anl ap ' lh e Iiltle mutt e r 'o f the fir st half the girls call e d "reg'lars ," though I S h e ca n ' t h c lp it ," she pointed "Jake wants you to go an' meet pear before th e court on Jun e 1 , of Ihe s p ec ial program, While thi s Eve s us p e cted t hllt neithet young out "She's ed-jieated! My Gawd! that guy over in the corner',' sh e fit 10 o 'cloc k a, m" and an s we r wa in prog r ess s h e remain ed w ith mlln co uld Io n!! stand the finllncial whut cun a poor kid do when her sa id e ag e rly, "I forget his name, co nc e rni ng h l' r pro l) CI'ty , lind is th e ll1, lind Jak e see m e d c onte nt stl'ain of s uch fr equ ent visits, f o r , f olks put he r in school aun' has but he's O. K, H e's from the West • furl her e Jlj ojned f ro m di spos inK I wi!h the arr~ng e ln e nt. f,ak e' s u~ ~ vy h a d boa s t ed, was n o h e r learn alI those things? ", I a.nd h e's been w~tchin' ¥ou ever o f a n y o f h e r prop e l1:y unl il , fh e lo ng ",ght wore on, At the l ch eap Jo m t." A li ttle later Eve uncon sc lO usly l s m ce 'he come m He Jest t o ld I e nd of it Jllk e 's e nt f or Eve , Ivy was able t o "get back on the h e lped her o wn cause. Jake he wanted t o talk t o you. fUl'th e l' o rd ered, It "as considered by th l' CUUl't "You're awri'," h e impersonally job" o n th e fif t h night and t o ga l "Whel'c you from, an ~'how, B er , Introduce yourself. I'm lookin' thflt t h e p lai n tiff, f on r oe a nd Ilnn ollnced when !<h e lignin co n - Ithro ug h he r dances with amazin g , s on '!" (~ueen i e demand e d one ' after a big dinn er-party." Dayton Man on to Health J ohn st on, recov e r fr om th e d e f e n· fr ont ('u him in t h e offic e , It was skill a nd p ep, Her s p e ciality was ni g ht. wh e n th e n ovice had been ~ "Miss Berso n is bus y her'e," , Prai iel New and Different dant, W a n-e ll ROA'e rs also kn o wn half· pas t three and his s taff was t h e "aer o butie waltz" Qu ee nie : at J a kt' s a w ee k, It was the first Hunt b egan. Hunt's air of late had u s W , W, Rog l.' rs , the ~u m o f p ercep tihly wiltin g. So w cre his had menti oned. anll h er perfor- ' dire ctly pe rsona l que s tion thal had becom e s lightly proprietary Miss M .. dic'ne . 15fl,OIi l ogcth ' I' wilh costs t'x - r mainin/! g u ('st!l, but Juke himself manc e WIIS u revelati o n l o Eve, b ee n put otE\le, and Eve flu shed Morris rebuked him wilh a friend : h l. lI'ecl no s ign o f the night's wh o humbl y told hers elf that as a und e r it. ly shake of h er head, p l' nd ed. Rtmi n, His lin"n wns liS faultle ss " s ub s tito ot" s h e had b e en n joke. "I? Oh, ('ve lived abroad a g ood " Get wise, get wis e," she adProbnte Court Proceedinll' I nnd his ha il' a ~ pas tily flat as Miss Davenport was a born dlln - d ea l," s h e s tammer e d, vis ed, "This has happen ed be for e , , th ey had bee n at eleven, "Take-y'- Icer, which undoubtedly helped to ' "Where?" an' it'll happen agaIn. Orders is , In the malte l' of t h e ,,:,11 of LII- on .reg'lllr," he ndll e d. explain h e r cmp loy e l" S plltie,nce " In Fran ce ?" orders, an' s h e's working for Jake. bm,l .1. S mllii. d.ecensed , ,t wa R 0 1'· 1 "Th aI's go od o f you," Eve s a id with her atta c ks , Th e on ly e mploy e Qu ee ni e n od ded , Living abroad You bad your turn. P'raps you ' ll d ~l ed l hat h ell,fltlJ! be ' el for ,June MOI'e a nd mor c ~h e liked what she that compared with h e r at Jake's acc o unted f or nnything. Ige.t another late r o n," she kindly 2, . a t 1 ::10 0 c loc k p, m, , ' had h e ard of "Juke," "But I wu s II young Halinn amo ng the "C an yo u tnlk French?" s he allded. Hunt's jaw sel For a m ome nt ' I n t h e ~n~e of H e rsc hel WII- wo n't lake th e w or k jus t now, loose-ankle b oys , wh ose version of a sk e d with s udd en inter es t. ) IRI1I1<, l I I( 1111111~trator, o f the cs l.nte lhank yo u ," the "Black Bottom " wa s th e cab. "Yes. " h e seem'ed ubout to dispute the


F. T. Martin Jesse _Stanley Auctioneer s~


Centerville, O. New Burlington, O.

--=--=- - - - - - - - --







I Houl Far Can












of , E~lna ,H o~k m s, d ecea,ed ' I~ ! a mttfr,. v er~ u s F. e! na Muy H o p- I

" Wh y not?" are t' s b est attractiun . Queenie's "Honest? ay! Jakc'll be glnd ruling. Then his good sense as" It r eally isn 't in my line." high kickinA' was "good but n o t of t hnt! Som e Fre nchmen blew in serted itself and he rose with a :\II' I' It ",: 411,' I'll1l.lI ' '''':AIl'SC' kln s u mln Ol' LIn de r fo ur tecn years "M o r e- m on ey ? No thing·doin', great," li S Ivy e xpr ess ed it. Mai- here last weel{, and none of us s hrug. of age, e l III, d c f ~ nd ~nts: t h e F'ixed·l'ate," 7.i e , de s pite he r bea uty and her ~ ould pal'ley with 'em, An' only I "All right," h e agreed. "I' ll (l l1 th ~ \\' ar nt ·!i\· d h.· ' o rJ)ur ntlon (o urt onl 'red the dlstnbutton of ' HI H I g'I· l. -: - - - - --- -:- --- ----..= - ~-=---=--~ -=: ,th e proceed s o f th e sal e, am o unt- I :\' ull[' c 111 ll l' rcl )\' glv("n lh n t 0 11 th o in!j' to $5G OO. I ,,Ih tla ), M ,l ill y I!I :IO a t 8 :00 u'c lc.c k 1, It I.. H l u lld h i h_:1\l' ln g o n th rh c cou r t approved o f th e r c· An in s t rum e nt of wriling, pur- ' No. 389 o f th e Machinaw Additi o n Mitchell lot No , 3 in Franklin twp I Oregonia Bridge C o, repairs t o \ hltlJ.,: t, t pt' ·par,., l h y t ht· ('o un ' l1 o ( $48.75; Ka':limans, p or t, I:,aoe by Garre tt C leve n ll'c r ; p o rling' lo be th ~ I~st will and l R. C, Mitchell, lo nlli e, R, Mit- I .Salli e R , Mitchell. to R. ~, e q~ipm e nt, 11\ " \ ' illll /:' l ' "r \\' n),,, ,'. vl ll ' M \\'nr '" ' 1\ ( 'uu nt ~I Uhiu , ( u t thl l !h.' x l Ii U l ' udmlnl stl'llto r of lIl e t's t nll' o f t e 'tament o f B e njamIn E. Black· che ll lot No , :1 In Frllnklln twp , I MItchell $63.27 acres m Franklin pamt 59c; John Lnw, replllrs, 50c "(' I ' dtll~ fl jl,(':t l ~· . ' a l ' (' H dl n ~ !) t:C'C IlI J o nlllhan C leve nger, deceased, burll, dl'cl'!l scd, was produ ceu in I Sullie R. Mitchell to R. C, Mit· twp. I The Oregonia Bridge Co. ~ reinforc I ,~ r l l M l I !)l l , In "ellto rl!~ Ilnd apIJruisc l1I e n ts court for probale , H earing is sel chell G3.21 ucres in F I'a nklin twp, l William Webster She'ets to Wil- er s t e e l, $20,93; Lewis and Drake " ~\I. " . h i a l' i l1 ~ will I, l1(' ld fL t th o fi l c'~ : 1fl , I' Jun e 28 lit }I o'c!ock a. m, I , o phia A ch e l'mCln to Mrs, Elizll- lium HUIl'tt lols Nos, II and 12 1 In c" ce ment, $55 , 25; Karl W. " rrl ,' ," uf III" , ' llI lI }; c l' I"rh In th u TIJ\\t Ht hi l~ 11 " Lt ~I' Otl ~ ullh M ai n St . E tate o f L e wi s Moomuw, de· ,/. 1', Riley, admlllistrolol' de b e th Do ughman , lo t N o , 28 in Bu t in S pringboro, I Minst, 1s t and final estimate on 11.\ \' :'I \) :-; F . II.AT I' IE I, tJ , cea se d. I bo nis non o f lhe eslate of Alb e rt lerv ill e, I Williulll Hurtt to William Web- co ntra ct, $191; R. R. R emark , per l MR HARRY G RIDLING JR \' ll llI lro ~ I c" k E s tate of Georg W, Cropper, l jo'o N, d e c ea s ed, fil e d hi s di 5tl'ibu- 1 J ohn Brllce t o Mal'tha Bruce lot I ste l' Shecets lot No, 84 in Spring- H , Huddleson, same, $111; Blair l ~ . " 0·25 ·30 decel\s ~ d. liv e acco nnt ill probale. , No. :J89 o f th Mackinaw Addi- bora, and LeRoy, cement, gravel and "Kon'ola is th e v e l" m edic in e Ar:' m s t l' um ent of writin g, purWill II. lI'win, Jr., accepted th e Ilion to Franklin, Micha e l W. and Mary E , O'Hara , sand, $165.40; Sam D. Henkle, I h I~ hl\~e bee t~kin Ion port lllg to be the la, t will and tru st a s adminis t r ator de bonis Walter R. Fitt s to J. S, Riddell. to Walter, Cha rles and H , Clifton inspect ing contract jobs. $16; W, ag~ ,?Us aid Ml' Ha:;y G liblin: tes tam enl of Emmet M , Haynes. non with t h e will an n e xed ,o f the lo't No, 20 in Franklin , Burnett 40 acres in Wayne twp. A, Scott. bridge repair, $2.40 Jr '29 St M~r s treet' Da ton ' dec ea sed wa!; pl'odu ced in Cou rt e state o f Frances E. Parkhill, de- I Ralph Hnll to J . S, Ridd e ll. lo t Owen Gross to Cora Gross part L e wis and Drake, same malerial f r' e /s I s uff~ d y 'th and admitted to probate. ceased and filf' d his bond of $7500 No, 184 in Frnnklin. of lots Nos , 7 and 8 in Carlisle, $88; Mary E, Ro ss, stamps , $4, heo~' a~'u y'na SlY f e t ~'~d !;;g' Th e C hurc h Fo undation o f the Ern est J o nes to Laura B, ' Jones ~ _ _- f~ t lsm Id n t Il l.' sw ' lI u t~J' R ob l;!l't J , S hawhan mad e 'liP- with W . W. Irwin Sr" and J, L ee p li cat io n t ha t II commi ssion b e is- Thomps o n a s ~ ul'e ti es . Di ocese of So uth e rn Ohi o to The s mall tl'act in Turtiecreek twp, -, thY e wo u t ' ae un hY ' 1'1 n III MONEY LOANED r T I'USt ees 0 f lh e , Ch UI'C h 0 f ,Ch rl' st I Ow e n S. an d Add Ie ' S'tar k H'Iges esw en nnturalcou ( "s u e d , 't ,o tnke . t he d e I?OSI.t'lOn 0 f •. , UNCLE HAM BLOW SAYS notere putwere on myIm s ho . This ~i'llt ~(e 1~'I~\7.~)' -\V h'j '!I~ ~SS t o th e New SUIII l of ,L e ba n o n, OI~I ? , ,part of m-Iots gins to 1I1al'tha M: Graham nOl'th , Iy affe cted ' my gClI c l'al health anel LOA NS o n Livest o ck, Chattels, ,I , f, ' " b ,t Cl e, ,d e~ea sChrystal $w ige rt vers us Ches . Nos. 141 und 11.2 111 Leban? n: half of lo t No, 39 m Lebanon. So live, young man, that when cause d los~ of s leep." S eco nd l\fol'tgn"'f'~ Notes bough! ~ e , S!lIu w ltn e, s e llll!!1 I eSlrle nt t R I. t' CI ' b t d ' Edlln C, l-Iopkll1 , by admll1ls tra you grow old you won't be forced I "M h I I k K ' I , " ; , ' , of Dllllll ~ T exas WI1l'l'e by Judge e r auetl!! c ln. lalges as ur y, tor to RolI R V II k ' ' I t 'N d h t t d I Y mot e r IRI ta en onJo a J ohn Harblll e , Jr" Xen1U, OhIO. A I A " A II ' .. , ' Charles 11 , Drnper, rec e ive r of , , o p ill S , tn · a o. , BiIIl Allowed to stan on t e s ree c,?rner an and had gotten good r esults . I d erc I , e n II ,I S appoll1led t o p " tNt' I B k f W ' 1\1 1 190 In L(oh n n ol1, amuse yourself by findmg fault CI'd d " ' I I l a k e th e depos iti on with th e will li S " a lonll . lin . 0 es t , e x Lu ~ ll a DCIlI'th, II ~ h e rifl' to Dr , W ood,' ow - Weil- Stanage Com' h th e ,to gIve It Il trlU anc ,was 0 u nn e x e d andria, 0" ve r s us Step h e n J , and ZtI!1 l\lay "1 , y " () 'pany s uppl'lcs ~39 75' John Law Wit 0 ers. s urprI sed at the benefit I receIved . . · l\1al'''' E Fi ·Id fo ' p)'oc d ' . ~ l " lIng-e l t ' ) acres I n , ,.p • f th O d" I h tnk IONG on S E In vent ori es lind aPPl'aisements 'J J, ' e, I ee II1gs 111 1Clen rc r ee k t wp" $ 3835. I & Son, gas an d o il, $3.19; Ohio N dOUbt Metl1uselah had days rorn , 18 me ICI11C, ave en, H9 RT ~IME - asy fil e ~: a ll 01 e x ec utI o n, Thomas p , P e n '! e rs, by admini- Law Rep orter Co" Subscription to whe~ he couldn't just d ecide which four ~ottles an~ feel much reJie~e(! t e l· l~l s . Al f<o ,SurveYIng a~d Abd Ik'I"'IIIWeall b s tut e o f P. E. R osn ug le, d ecea s M ' L' slr:t l l ix t o C laren ce Brown, part I Ohio Law Bulletin, $6; Bell Press, ri s ing generation to worry about \ bltev~llthbt I~ It keep ont,taklll~ ' stl'dactm g . WSI'Ite DnnH cd . I ar.,age Icenle o f lot 0, ] 8 u nd lot No, 19 in printing Cor clerk of courts, $7; the most I I" I WI , e \I 1\ Clues, IOn a 1111 ~('e YOu,. um , e n e, ayS tate o f H , C. Stowe, dece a s ed . J o hn T, Kenn e dy, clIll le s plic e I', East Morrow, Fred Procter, s uppli es for p r o b a t e ' tl,me untIl my !lllme,l~ts WIll hav e nl's ville, OhIO. Jll :r~ e cou rt or~ e ... pd t hat H ers chel o f H urveys burg a nd Mi ss Mnrtha Cnl'i ancl Car olin e Schaub to Co urt, $:11.90: W, H. Fulkerth, Some eo Ie have had a grouch dlsllpp~ared ,enttrely. ", ,, 1 W Ilham : a dnlllllstl'a t ol: of the Ad e lia, Hay, Jun e 13, Edward Jose ph .Jung, lols Nns, stamps, $2; Bell Press bill heads on so lorig t~at they wouldn't feel ThKon~ola IS ~Ot~ ' a T~I,,,e-al~: ('sta te .o f Ednn C, II Opklll S, d eceas Orv ill e F, Lc nk, clerk, of Mid · 328 8 , 3289 , ~12 !J O, 3~9 '1 lind 32 9 2 for surveyor, $G; R. M. Bradford, dressed u if they left it off, I ' ere IS no sue mg" IS me I, , cd ~~ hl'cr t o R oll a V, H opkin s, a dletown, and Mi ~s Ma ry Velma in DCCl'fi!!ld lWp, 1st es timate on cost for stock p ~l~e ho\~ever, t?,ken WIth :egula!- , Farm~l's 9f Warren anel adJomlng s uth c l nt d ee u t u th e pl'e lllises he LykIn s , of L e banon, Jun e 14, l) l'[\11 C. Dakin 10 B. H , Dnkin bal'n at filir grounds, $1062,60; There lire two things most gen- ~ty oyet,t a p e kod 0'~1 flom SIX , c o ullll ~S may obtain money on plll'~ h a s ed" " J o hn A, Bcgor,cI, fal"mm' o f G,el'- in-l ll l No, :36 in Le banon, Oregonia Bridge Co" I'einforc- erall wron in American hame l a ~ Ig . wee,s, WI PI'O d UCe l long time 10an ~, at 5, per cent in.. 1 he rou!' t nUl'ls e!1 that Gl'I est man l o \\'n GnU MI ss Jnnet CUl' ollne 1 ,J o hn B. and M Yl'lI E . Wl'ight to ing s t ee l, $1.85: John Law & Son 1if~the ca; and father. nmazltlg 1 esults. Countless thou s- , ~erest. CO!lt of securIng the same 1111 ockm o rtCltl and I~ d, W ee r, e xe- !'1hntfe l', _ oflic C' c ler k o f Carlisl e , He nry W. Oram Gi,64 acre s in Un maint e nance of Sheriff's car, ' nnds of e,n d o r se m ents have prov~n I I~ very l'easonabll', throllgh The ClI~O I'~ o f til(' e~ tale of Ce l,inda ,J u~,e 16, ion twp. ' $141 : to: Tru stees of Public AfAt the a e of 50 one usually set that KonJola mak~s good, even In I~' erleral ~and Bank, For fut:ther Crle:'t, , d ecea~erl , ray uncl:lIll1ed I I ho n1l1 s Y O llt~ l e r, m ec hani c o f Edward lind Mo lli e Hill to Cu l- fair s light and gas at Memorial ties down g into certnin well_de_ l theKmo,stl st,ub~l)ldn .crules. , lIlfOrmatlon call on or addr ess M, m OI1I l'S , lI1 to th e T r~as ury o f Will'- Blu e Ball und M iss 11 0 Vir~inia le n lIe rr lot No, 45 in Mainevill e, Hall : $5.41); H. C. Reif, repairs to fined convictions, most of which Oh' on)o IIAd. so Din WS'ynesvllle, DRAKE , Tr e~surer , phone 316m 1'(' 1t , ( n u nty , \lIlIc h , unclaimed C le ms , of Blul' BIIII. .JUIH' 12, Max Yuungl' rl1lan to F'rieda fixtur es at Memorial Hall, $71.32 are wrong b 10'llath b • d rulr ,Icore,' and X Lebanon, OhIO. 1lI 0tl l!~~ w e r e , ,the d, s t r ibulives ---Scho ps l ot ~ Nus, 7 and 8 in Deer- John so ~ and John so n, guard rail y a t I' est ru.gglsts, In all sh ~l'e s of Cllfl o l'd and WilLJul' 1 Real Eltate Tranlfera I fiele! lwp, material, $109.96; John Law & ' . t?wn s throughout thiS e ntae sccFOR SALE Gn est, I V,altel' Graham to Luella Whitc n, C, Mit c hell to Sullie R.Son , gas lind supplies, $10,74: The Subscr'ibe for The MiamI Gazette tlOn,






"F' IM






5 % F arm Loans




F A . armers, ttentIon





. ___ - - -




"Information. Pleale"


. .

COW? "

TH t f I ~ OINK.'i'~ Re~tDe~(I:. W HAT YOU WAN'" I ~ '


PAl RoY '

-'-'- - -


--- --




FOR SALE- Black Marc, 6 years o ld,sound, weight 1400, Inquire at this office, je25 FOR SALE- All kind s of garden plnnts, I'h miles northwest of WayneSVille on Ferry road, Stro u se' Brothers, jl2 'l'HRE HER UPPLIES- B elts, pulJies, babbitt metul, oil cups, inj'e c tors, lu\}ricators, steam nn(\ watel' 'guages guage glllss, oilers, packing. boiler flue s, suction h ose, tank pumps, valves and fittings. THE BOCKLET CO,, ' 416 W. Muil"! St" Xenia, 0, j12 FOR SALE- Second hand lawn Mower. Inquire of Horace Keys, , ·ju2, rIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS -For all ' purposes, Bocklet'. line of plumblnK and heaUnK aupplies are t!:; , best. The BocldetKtnK Co" 416 W. Main St., XeDla, Ohio.


' mo t part and tied to the Boil a!l no American hils ever been 80 tied rSSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY the city-bred. Europe-conllcious , ' !lcopl e who have never penetrated - ' - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - , any farther into Am erica than th D. L. CRANE Publi.her HhOl'!\ of the Atluntic OClllln Olliee Phone ."""""." " .. "" No. 112 ' lhinJ< American fm'mcrs mU!lt be thc sam e typ e. R •• idenee , " ... " .. " ... """ .. "N,o . 118 Nothing _co uld be fllrther from the tr uth. N o individuu l 01' CIUSH Sub.cription Price. $1:50 a Year of OU I' pe ople has bee n mll r!' prompt to apply new method R of S HALL HE LIVE AGAIN?'" h '. G ()~-\vhnl kind . Entered at PO'l u tfi re at Wa y n" • • ille science new ill ve nti o ns new \'IIY!; It e UIIIV C: I s, - a Ohio . ... Se c ond C Ia .. Mull Mall . , n f d o i~g old t hingA.· thlln th of a ,God IS H e? __ _ Americlln fllrmer. Th e implicntion It iH th e uge-old qu esti o n" He mu st. be lit least as good as - -wh'e n he is re ferred to as a allk d at'the sid e of ev ery bier. , , y ou or 1. He co u)d n ot h~\:e mude JUNE 25, 11)30 "Rube" is that he is a stup id, un-'I And what can one Bay in ans wer us b etter than HImself. 'lhe worse progressive person , content to do to it? can n ot. erelat~ t h e bette r , ., = ==,===--, everything a s his father and g r a n d I Everyone of u s is taught in And If He I S a gO ,o d God, IS It father did it before him. ' As a mat childhood t o believe in God and an reasonab le t o sup p ose , that He I I \\'ould h~ve! planted m hu~an • • t e l' ,of fuet practlcully nothing is \ nfter life, I I do n e on AmCI'ican fal'ms t oday "Th e wOl'ld jus t hnppcn e d;" say h (!nrt~ t hiS un ~lu e nchablc yeRl'nmg CURBING THE GRAFTERS I th Q way is was done u ge ne ratio n I some Ill e n, " It (· real cd it~c)f f or 1~lm o rt !lh~y, alld left th a t , ugo. thruugh the vp e)'at.ion IIf nalul'U1 yeurnlng un,~nt l s fi l' d? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ • j Une of the things that has luws," , Yuu an d I wo uld n ot hav e d on e • Rut wh o 01' what e~ tublis hcd th e so, I bl' uug ht nbout th e change hu s Pr es id e nt l1 oo \'c r haR sig ne(1 th e !.ee n the o evelQpm 'nt of th num - , nutu ra l lawti lind se t th ell1 t o Go where you will, f ro m th e bill whidl pl'o" id l's 1'''1' n Federul NOUS CoJl eg eg of Agriculturc , operating '! ' hlO!! t avage I'IICC t o th e must cul - ! !'yst l' 1lI of li ce ns illg den ie rs in pe l'- ' Nothing like them is .known in a ny. Whe n you can dump a lo ad of tu rc d, you wi ll find that sa me i~ - I i 'hnh le pl'odu ·tH. CHI' Y movem e nt for th e be tter- I bl'icks o n u cor ne r lot, and let me slirctivl' lIs; urunce thJH d alh IS The eff ect "f thi ~ Inw will be ('(dlnge co uld do II fal'llIe)' any go ud I watc h thtem a rrunge lh('m ~c l ves in - no t th e cll d , W o uld a good God to givf' th e (; OVC l'IIllI c nt th e pow e r , day arc practically a ll coll ege to a ho use--whcn you can empty pl ant th c u:,SUl'al1ce in hi s c r eat- I tll, r e g'lIl11~l' , lh e bu s illegfl prllctic e!! [w'rt o f th l' wOI·lel. O l,d .lim e far- a handfu l o f !lprings and wheels Ul";; ,mcrel y ,to m CJck th e m'! td l'ClIllIIIlSS lIlII 11il1I Sl'S a nd others 1I1l'IIl o f far m co ndill uli s comcs i und SC I'CW S l) n Illy des k. und le t mc Without I 111 1110 I'tall ty the wo dd d o ing' /In intl' I'Rtlltc bu sin cs;;. ! but the prngr e~ ive fUl'llIer IIf t o· see the' m gat he r loget he r into u in an an~we rl t'H;; riddl e, W e IIr' Thi s !lillY pl'uve to llC o f li S grent I!ru. lu llt cs . lind th e lead e rRhip in wlItch- it wi ll h e ells i('r for me t o bo I'll , lV e s tl'uggll' up thr o ugh slow ' 11l·IIt' fit !" till' fll 1'111 (' I';; of th e ' fr om th e~1! ,;c h{l u l ~ , he lieve ' thut uJ.l these th o usands of ye ars .)f de vclopllI,'nt; und JUKl limit'" ~tatl' s li S a ll Y "thl'!' nH!<lUur Nnt\ o nul lind Htnte d e Plll't- worlds co ulll havl' b('cn cr eu t ed. n ~ \V hav e reach ed o ur highes t s ur', inte nd ed fu r farm rl'lief III c nt ~ of Agrl cu lturtl have onll ~ ~ (!d l hulnncerl, lind ~ct t v m ov ing in point (, f use fulne ss- w e un' Cul EVl'r y ):' rower of t ll nltlloditi(' ~ s hip ' in theil' servi ce- th e IItll'vicll of tho their se purut e I.l rLits, all without off, ' p d ' t o l1i ~ tant nHlI'k l'l ~ has ha d, Ame r ica n furmer- lIlo re mlln Of j lln y dil'(! ~ti n g i n ~e llig enc(' ut 1111. , It i ~ hurd fo r m e l O beli eve in u ut On(' ti lll !' Oi' nnnthl·\,. ('xpel' i(' nce hit('h ~ (' ientific attainm ent, e nl(aged Moreover. if th e re is nu intelljg univcrs thllt n\llde it ~cl r. und that wit h dis hn nes t t' ulllmissiOIl h ll u ~cs , in v ital l'('s e!\1'ch into th e munif uld e n ce in the univ(Or s!!. th en th e uni - ruthl essly Clast aWIlY Its mus t pre· HI th e ,l l' I'minlll IlIl1rk,!' t~, Pratl- j pro blelll!; which the fUlm e r Illu stl ve r se ha~ c renll·d sO,methin g- grellt ~i uus p O~l!eKs l (J lI - hunl!ln perso nal · I ~ (O S \\'h'ch a rt' notC'l'IlJu Rly ('0 1'- so lve If he is t n s Ul'cl'ed, lhall are l'r than Itse lf f o r It has 'r elitI'd Ity. I It Iii enHier, 10 beli ev e lh a t b eI Ul't hll\'l' hl'c n ('o m ili o n, The I! n):'lIge.l In nny ot her ti eld of sc i- yu u nJ1d 1110, indivi d ual ~ hipp e r i ~ ut a g rcat l' ntitic in qu lr ~. Our agrIQultul'(j I ' p" I B is l':ISy t o belle vo t ~llt u un 1- hind t he uni ve r se Is a g uidin g In -' ul slld\,an llll!'e WhNI. In ~ t e ad o f pl' l'illl e nt stat loll,' hav e taught the ve rse without IJel'Bo nallty co uld telligel1c e. o f wh ose p l' r sO nalily gelling' 1.1 l' hp('k f '~ r hi s produ ce h!' " man with th e hoe" not. on ly !)ew ~u\:e cl' e ut ed us wh o hllve perso nal 1 my own is a tiny spm'k th at s ha ll g'et l' II lJlIl fo r fn'lght lin d cxpcnse lind better way s o f doang th m gs It y? , not ~o out wh ile H e liv('s, If I ca nn ut pruve that thi s is v,lith th e n dlll l'x Jll an ati tl ~1 th~t but the I' euso n wh y t hey are bet- ! Is n't it ('~I s ie~' to bl'liev e thu t th !' produ('e has be!' n s poll ' lI In t el' ways. ' , OU I' persona li ty IS a httle pUI·t u f so neither ca n an~' on e prove t o lrnn ~ it . Ill' ~ old nn II glutte d lIIurIII Htt:olld of th e in ... mci e nt. dull the 1S,'eat pe ~'\'ading P e rso nality m ~ tha t it i!< n ot so, I;et. 01' tha t <l th (' 1' ClIlI se had pr c· I'l!lIsl'nt th e type which ~ tunds that hus c l'cllteo and n ow P(o l'And until so me o n e cu n di s- ' \,l'nl~tl it s !'al e at 0 pric e s utTici e nt fo r "fa'rlller" in, the city f o l k' ~ meu t es ,th e univ e l'se'~ " provc 'it, I tind it eus iel', m ore : to cove l' th e CORI. , l1Iind !'\ . th e Am e r~ ca n farm~r , has And If there ue Il P !'r s n a hly an i h(' lpful, l1I o r e effici e nt, t o beli eve. , The rc Ilre ho neR t commiSS ion uee n ~O () progressive. t oo effiC ient, ~= =-_--= h ouses. of C(lUr~l', ProbaLly th ... ir s uch a thi ng w e r e po ssibl e . By great t;lujority of d en ie r s In pr o- improving and scie ntic , nH'thoos ' giv ing us de licio us fl av or for desdu ce, h l't' -~ tul'k, ,po ultry, lind dairy he has increased prolluctlon 111 /)l'e ~e r ts, Rell ra s pb erri es ma~e depruducl;c' ,fo hIlSlnt'~ s a l! hon orllL ly rapid ly that the denlllnd hil S grpwn liciou s ic e, But Inany person s fail I :I!l ,bu s,lIl ess Is do ne anywhere, (tH' his prodUCtH, , . to knpw lhuil' possiQilit ies in ipe 1 I hc:r l'l sk~ ar t:' ~/lI')!'l' . and th l'Y arl! Th t:' ultlmut e res u lt of that WIll cr'eafTJ, And on e of the best home, I e nt!t1 cd, to pro hts propo rli o nnl t o be, of course, that u s malle r num- I mude ice cream s I eVllr lite WI\ S Mr, IInll I\II' ~, H, T. Mu ora lint! th ell' l'I~ k R , BU l th e re hllv e been hel' of farmers wi ll supply t'he Na- mude frllfTJ erlJijh ed black-cu p/I-ur so n!! left l\1"nduy t o take up th eir e n o ug h III stUIIrt.'S uncov e r ed Of de· ti on' s ne edl!. And thp OIll'S who hla r:\i r/1 s pberrl es _ IIIHI prelim resillen.ce In Cu lumUlII' for tho c C Jlli o ~ lind frmul on th e part o f will remul n lind prospor on the a n d s uglll', It \\'II S II lovely lavender ~umm e r. MI'. M,oo r e I~ tuklng work eOI~ll11l s:~lO n h o u,~ l'~ to mult e ' uch furm s will be the ones bes t fitted co lo r untl had II (l c ll,~ucy uf bte Ilt the Unive rSity, I l eg: l s l utl~) n li S thiS n('ces~ary for the hy educutlo n lind Intelligeno e ' Quite incomparahle, Th e black Th o J o\l y Workers Sew ing Clu b prot e r,tl,)n lI ut u nly 0:" s hippen'! to 0 0 the job, And th e y w ill be ' ra sp berries we re ma sh ed with met In th e H o me Ec onomi cs r oo m but of th,e hom's t m l' n III th e pl'O- cv en less IIk c "Rub es" thnn the s u~ar , und heat ed j U8t en ou g h to o f t he hi gh school Mo ndllY aft 1'du ce bU ~III CS~' .' . fnrm e r,; o f toduy. 111111ke it ensy to rub th clIl through n(lo n, Reglllul' bu sin ess attended Th(' }o eci c rul (,Ovl' I',nment, seems - - • - -II Hlove l o r e move the lieedll, Thun, ' tu. Den" Davi s d e m o n~truted a to be thl' only authOrity ,w ~' c h hilS \ when lhe Jul ctl waH cool It was au ld flat felled seam , A d elicious lunch 11, ('han~e of ('.Ien nlng .u p th l~ R.ltun' ' e.cI to th e cream Ilnd f roz en. of cook'ie and punch 1"11 ' e. r\l ed tI~n. ~ttll,e IIlld 10CHI auth Orltl cS Lemons, with ou t any publicity, I hy the h ostesses, Murj o ri Q hu- , are , not IIlclud ed to pre, ~ t h e a r c probably the mo st u sed of llIakel' and Anna MII (Donu ld . I chum:; ,~ f farm c rs a nti s hippers I I' f · its Th ey are of co"rse Kat'hl ('! en Grpy, ~ sst. re porter. ' who PIlY t axes st! veru l hund )'ed or , s umm e I u , , , " , ' thousand mill' S away. nguin st th eir /111-)'el\l'- ro~nd ~rults. put !~ sum- I , j\1r~, }o loro noe DaVI S and (\(Iu&'h - I own ('it ize n lind IUKpu yers, T h e lor the ,\,Ilr they III e liS ut no Qthe l time " ter, De nu . II tt ended the ,He~s n e- J Fedel'l\1 GnV<'I'nment a lun e can eK. 'Ih e gallon s /lnt! gall o ns of lemon- , ulllon at t ha homo of Flallk Hess aile that are cons umed prove that. o n 8l1 n lla,)l, ~ e rcisc Iluthority ovcr il)tcl'stute c " mmerc e, ' C,a kes, too, may be flavo!'ed wit h ! Mr. a nd Mrs. A. L . Ke n endy e!lIt is t o be h o pe.1 that the ma chln el' Ult .fl!\vors . Strawbt!rrl~s red tertained a~()ut f~ ~ty guest:> at din I e ry f ur the c nf ore (,l11e nt of this rlispbell'lCR, black rl\spberl y,- the n e r SUPUIl . ~ Ii onolln~ Mr. and Mrs new luI" be Sl't up sp eedily ond Juice of al\ t hese may be u se d to John Ke nnedy o f Plllua. , thllt it wi ll o perll te efficiently ~o l o r nnd had II dellc acy of tt\8te MI'. and Mrs. Her~ert Flte a n d I!nough t o g ive the g r ower and - - ---,- ~ Ilcings u nd fillin gs. IJ~\I1 e El1e n of Wus hlllgt on . H. , ~ hipp cr th e a ~ urnn ce th~, wh ll~ 1 I t ~ n ot on ly hull. of CO Ul se , were Sunda~ gU"~ of M~ and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-r'~~~~~~~~~ e ver othe r cuus~ may operute ~ I NATURAL FLAVORS t h at can bc uscd ~ g~e ~~w~al Mr .. Frank ~llson" I _~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ I,el'p him f ro l1l gettin~ the bes t , fl uvors to our summ~l. dlt!u\lY, ! M!,.l1nd Mlrs, ,Karl Shlrlak er and l price foJ' hi ~ proriuds he wi ll at I ' . , There are so many dehclOus vege- fami ly enh,rtallled on Su nd llY , ' And Ri ght Now, Too! ubscribe f or The Mial11i Gazette th e In the su mmer It IS ut least tables that muy be us ed, cooked or Mr. and Mrs. Emerso n Frazier, Smart e nte l'tllll1 cd at s upp e r on leaRt n ot ue c h e at~d b ag~nt to wh o m he hu s co,?sign ed amu sing- and it may b e also raw. Raw vegetable snlads ought Miss Retha lind Harold Frazicr of Thurs day evening, Mrs, Erne st 0 ,,the m ' highl~' delightful- to dis cu rd t he to be serv ed eve ry day. \ Dayton. wald and he r c hildre n , R ob ert and An AnH'ricHn wHlk ed up 10 a , _ _ _ ___ : more artificial flavors and d epend , Cooked fre sh summer vegetaMrs. Wilbur Hawke aco mpani ed Richard Fl'llIIken, Rosemary and fruit ~ tand in Lo nd o n and pick ell ~,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.;. o n t h e mure natural food fl avors. bles, are also deliciou s in a salad , I h er mother, Mrs, Walte r Under- John M. Oswa ld. up a large III Ion . - - - - - - -. Chocolate, of ,co urse comes , in f!o combinati o n sillad plate co ntain woo d, to Xen ia Sunday where - - - - - -- - "I s thul th e large st app le you •I for ome good mid s umm er service 1Il~ u mound of ~ree n peas, n Mrs. Underw oo d s ubmitted to an fell ow s cu n grow OV 'I' hel' .~ .. And ~andwiches s pread \~' i~h pa!e m ound of diced beetr.. a 1110und , of operatio n at. , McC l,e ll lln Hos pital. ~..,.! ~ ..... ' $i'"~l'a, ~ "Put d own tha t gI'UPl', " \Va~ lhe I WHO ARE THE "RUBES" de f Ols gl'us lire, as dehclou s m gr een belln s, a m Ollnd of strang The BaptIst Ml s~ ionary Circ le ~~" , ~ -....." ''\w'~J~~~~~-''' ' retort. • - -_ __ _ • Jul y as they nre In Decembe r , But beans, and a few fl o ~ erets of caul. I was made corct.iafly welcome lit ~ Ri "-.. ",!\'Sl,.""", ~~ ( it is flm to try us ing the natural , flo wer , is a go<?d c~ol ~e. . , the h ospitable , co untry of '" ~ ~~ n~ Sing th~ Chorus It is uL n ul t im c the city peop le lood flav,o rs us m~ch. a,s p osslble,Fruit gelat m e IS lin eve r deh. Mrs. Mary Den ny And Mi ss Ruth ~' ~~ ~~ 03 0 Y cal's Ex pe1 l i(' nc' in Fitting and th e city nell' pupel's Quit re- to substitute fr,ult JUIce ~or bot- , CIOUS summer dessert that , may be on • WednesdllY IlCter noo n. Miss i: r lind Makin/{ Glusses, And now folk ~, lel's all JUl n in lerring t o thc Americun furmer 1\8 li ed extracts, Just to give the chan ged, eve r y day yo u Wish. Th e Mny fi(lrlan was ass istant hos tess . I - atthat nl'W up -tn -dille so ng, l' lI t itl ed a " Ru be" lind snricaturing him as plliate a chunge, :rhe, ~ h en sum- , foundatIOn ma.y be of. a~y Qne The del'o~i o ns were In charge . of " "Y ou Il1I1 Y I'l ave BI.!l' n Br ' d in Old a low-brow ~uropean p easan t, Ill e r has gone, takmg With her h ~r the . good frUIt fla vO I!\, and t h e lIfrs. Mane GrllY, h er t o pic bell\g ~ CARY'S JEW ELRY SHOP j , Ke lltu cky. Hut You'n' Jus t a o nl y ti li)!,htly Amel'icnn ized . by a lIIuny fruits and vegetb les, we Will frUIts mllY Vllry fr o m stl'a wber" "Dol'clI ~ . " 'I'he business sessio n ~~~~;;iiiii Evc1'Y T ue,d ay, Thursday C rul1l to Me," • et of chin-w hh;kel's u 11\ Uncl e fall bu~k 011 o ur extrac~s lind . )lOW· d ell to re~ ra spberries, cherries, W{l~ brief a l1d Mrs. CaAs le Co ll ett 'I! Sat urd , y SUnl. deI's ' With ronewed relash lind ClP- peuc hes, pmeapple, w ith an , ever r.r esented an excell ent l~sson o n The trouble with c l t~' f olks, ca· prcciatiO!1' re liab le, Inte r spersing of grape 'Chr istian Americanization," The - No Charge for Exa mination p('C"i::lly in Nt'w York and e lseAl thiS time of t he year the of. grapefruit and oran ge. ! hostesses !!erved ;d eliqiou s ice HOHENLINDEN ,. wh el <! ill t he Ea ~t , is thut they th oughts turn. ~rst to benies a s u - - • 1 cream with :!truwberry sa uc e, cake ( Deeemb~r 3, (800) g t their illl\' l'cssions . of. the source, d ehelou s flavor. ~traw" and p unch. Hymns were s un g, farmer, li S of everythmg else. berry JUIce mny be used, With or Walking really d O,e s bUild some Gu ests of t he afternoo n included By Tho'ma. Sampb~J1 fr om E.u )·opean so urces . Because with ou t th e crush,ed f r uits, for Ice people up , but on the other hand Mr.s. Edwin Shidaker, Mrs. Wm: t he mass of people tilling the so il cream u~d , puddmg s auce s, Re d . I t f th t g t S hloake r Ml's. Ronald Shidaker in EU I'o pe a r e un educated, un intel I'll s pbe rl'les, raw or coo ke d, are al- It causes a 0 0 0 ers 0 e Mrs. Hermnn Bl'own, Mrs. Guy On Linden, when the s un wu : low, ligen t p eusll nts, tena nts fOl' the most as good as strawberry for run down. Brown, Mrs .. Albert Hackney, and All blo cdl ess lay th e untr odd e n Mrs, Gusta Hllckney. Adjo u rned to meet July 2:1 with Mrs. Viola Hart A :S°da~k liS winter wa s the flow Phone 93 sock- an all-day meeting ' II ' ' dl ' , A p r etty wedding occu;ed Wed- Of Ise r) ro IIIg rapi ~. I ROOT FOR AND CONSIC: N , n es da y after lloon at the hom e of ut Linden saw another ~i ltht. Mr, and Mrs. D. B. U nd erwood {t,h h d beat at Il end of vour Cattlc , hogs, s hl!e p and c[\lv l'~ .~.-~---when t~eir ~augh te~ , Miss Ellther: I ni l e ru m , to Norris -BI Il ck Co liv e wire Hnd wDas ullltRe d InNmal'rlUlr6 with Wm. C;m~pnd ing fires of death to Ii~ht progl'e~s i vc ti l'm f~ 1' th e high est po <?s t er·O lev. h " E, B~nnett offici- I The darkn ells of hoI' scenery , markt.'t pric es lind ~oo tl se rvi ce. a t mg, II y l e Imm ediate f ami lies ! Un ion Stock Yard . , Cincinnati, 0 , were ,Pre en t . Mr. a nd Mr8. D08- B t ' h I trumpet f as t urrll Y- Ref erence: As k til'" t man YOll m (' .'t I t er d epart ed for a trip t o Malll- Yed 0 1 c alH ~\O,th dCaSve, fro m which they r e· Each horseman drew his batLl e- I -----~~!'!"'~_~_~~~~.!!!!~~.~ UI ne aturday after noon. ThIs bl d RESIDENT b'o\th y , ~oung co upl e have th e And "fu~iOU S everv c harge r n eig hed ~ ..- - - - - - - - - - - - - eM WI S '~~Mof the comm uni ty. T o join the drcn'dful rev elr y. 1', anu I'S, W. A, Lukens, Mr, j jndnM IHh' J, Can, Mr. and Mrs. Then hook the hill s with thund e r PERMANENT LOCA TION ,' , e c . lind C h1\8. Dostel' enriv e n ; Joyed hOI1 o uti ng at Ru sse ll 's Point ' Th e n r~s h ed th(' s leed, t o baltic ol'e r t e week e nd. I d ' , LEBANON, OHIO Mh rs, Rob e rt Stu mp is quite ill And'vi:u'der than the b olt s of ut ~r homo In the country. h eavn HIGHEST Eye. Ex a mined I sl'll Chue . Gord?n. Mrs. Ever- Far flashed the red artillery, MV tt CASH Glalleo Fitted Re pai; . e urs, and MISS Nellie Gr'ah~m bro~g!lt t ?geth er a numb er Bu t r edd er yet th e light sh a H g low PRICES 1 u '. g uests fhulsday 1/1 honor of On Linden 's hills of stall1 l' d s now PAID I ~ISS H~.len Graham. \Vho~e l1Iar- And bloo dier yet the torrent fl ow I r;at-t~ WIth ~Irj' Geo rge Wall of Of Iser , rolling rnpiclly. , I II Imore , .. (., WII S a n eve n t , Iff kT uehsday, Jun e 24. The party ! 'Tis morn ; but scarce y o n level 00 t e form of u miscellaneous l sun s hower a nd. for the most plI l·t t he I Ca n pi erce t he war-clouds, rolli ng NOTARY PUBLIC Iluest h s t Included r elati ves of dun National Bank , t,~edhonor guests ~he h os losses car ' Wher~ furious ~I'unk a nd fie~' PHONE SF3 lie .o ut an e lf~etlve color scheme ' Hun 'Will . Drawn • - E . tate. Settled of pank lind whit e. A profus ion of S hout in their sulphurous can opy HARVEYSBURG, OHIO s Ulllm er flo wers added beau ty lind WAYN ES VILL E , OHIO j M~or Gto , the attructive home of The combat deepens, On, ye 8mve IS. ? Idon, where the party was Who r ush to glory ,or t he grave! - -'-' ~~ntertalned. Guests were Miss Grn Wave Munich I a ll thy bann e rs ,!!!!~~~~~~~_~~~.!!~~~.--~ am, Mr~. A , S. Co lle tt. Mrs.' wa~e, . hld a k er! MrR, Wi\) Daugh- And cha l'ge w ith all thy chivalry ! LaturafSC er y 0 larkSV Ille, Mrs. F rank Be Sn of C Illlrk sv ill e, Mrs, Frank Few few sh aH purt, where many rnnde!1 bur', of ,.Wilmington, I meetl ' ~~'L Mrs. Clint Cleaver, Mrs. Mary Dos The snow s hall be their windingWith Dependable ~ ~ ;or . ~. . ~ltiECTOR ' .. tel'", Mrs . W. M. Gillum, Mrs. , s heet, WA YNESVI~LE, OHIO ~i\\" d Bevlln of Cla r ksville, Mrs. And every turf b eneath t heir f eet Serum and Virus 1 H oy HWook of Cla rksvi11e, Mrs ShaH be a sold'ier's sep ulchre. , insures both Safee n~y a ll of Wilmington, Mrs: ' I CeCIl S hook, of Baltimore. Md., ' ty and Success Mrs . · R~y ,M!lfs of Wa YI\(!sville, And, Now i. the Time Mrs . Howard ,Graham, Miss Allie Van.dervoor t of ClarKsville, Mrs. i\ bulletin board outsid e a Lydia Vandiervoo rt of Clarksville church anounced Sunday's sermon Mrs. .Pearl ' Vandervoort - of \ -"Do you know what hell is1" ' Harveysburg, Clarksville, Mrs. Eva Bevan of , Underneath waa printed in let. 7 Da, Clarluwille, Mrs. H. J . Carr and ters much smaller: "Comt! and Phone ' 31 the hoateas. hear 'our new organist."











At the Warren County Fair Grounds


All Day Celebration Eve,r ything Free




Old Fiddler'S Contest Pony Race Bicycle Race Horse Shoe Pitching Thre! Legged Race Sack Race Greased Pig and Greased Pole 'Contests Breath Taking Aerial Acts by Circus Artists


• i'J '18





Everything Free] ,[ Everybo,d y CORle







• Sight Specialist




Dr.C. W.ANSON Veterinarian

Hail!, the Uo S; Farmer! ----_-,

Waynesville, Ohio



Dr, John Zeltel



Dead Stodt 'Wanted

19 N. Broadway

Harveysburg L. M. HENDERSON Fert.ol.·zer Company






Dr.W.E.Frost o.




lIe value 36·in. Hope Mualin not more than 10 yda: to a cua tomer, Fri. & Sat. Only, per yd




9·4 Bleached Sheeting, SOc val. Special for Friday and Satur· . day Only, per yard •.• ' .' ...


Mid.Summer ClearaaCt!"'Sale is. Now Going Oa Clothin~, Shoes, Dry Goods, Men's and Women's Furnishings, Rugs 'and Linoleums and Wall Paper

reduced from 25 % to 40 %.'



M/'~. Lou i~


1 Mu sic-. Ei leen

Waynesville, Ohio

• Igl'll duati~lg ('l~~f\



~I1IV:~. I\ I--_ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " " - - - - '

Ice Cream

Fires, B."d Inde d M'iumi '. In e Vd'Y Grungo III eti ng there ,j a co\jK n ··· (Jot l ohen !llld 1\ til' Is ity , und \~' us vcry tul nted lll?ng Heciwti oll ' .Juau/,llI Hrullll "l' k. I,; II ~hflncc fol' II nylll1l' to lIdvnnl'c . on de sl' cllllci cia\' of IILlSllle!l~. \ lllu ~ l.:al Iineg. Funcl'al se l'Vl ceH 'l'h ~ 11l!'1 me' et ing Of the month R udillJ{- HUlh 1I 0(·kl'tt. Itil ide'lI that l11ay C(, I1I(' to .11 1 ;"ld ~tl ' ln -lIll ol ! B!,ginnel" ~ \ w(, l'e he It! in th e 1\1. K Iilll'ch on was helll III tlt~ l:rllnge lIall , ,I une 1u ~ ic- Ul'lt~· lIarl"""k . thi flklll l{ I>l'I ~ (JIl. Bo ys and girl s. IlI c'k I We1hll'soll Y ul'lc·/·l1oo n. :! I. II bing Chi ld re n' s Night the Aftel' th !' l'IIII' rillinnll'llt the dig- dl" 'P In your fertile 1lI11111 s 1 - - - 00 . -- . Rm·. Ki lmer d e li\'l' r L'd fill IId ' j iu InwlIIg exc(' II"111 progrllnl Wll~ childl i'n Wl' rl' invit..d to the dining f or ,on s tructi¥<' ideas IIlld dll nut I Lin's,,; o n Ch l'i~Uil ll Citi7.Cll~ hip ill pr l~:-.t ' IH ('d : ro om whore iCl' 1' 1'1'/1111 and lIabls· h e~ itntl' 10 l'Xrl'(,s~ t11l'1lI . No I the M. E. t'hul'('lt SundllY evenill~ Mu ;, ic- Charl es Fire~. : cos Wel'(! s ervl,d by Mesllan\l'!\ duul,t YO U have all heard . "That The servfl'e was und !' 1' the lIu s pices 1 R" ci tn t lon - Sl.ttV Bradliock. He)(:k(' tt. Edw al'd ~ ' IInti Dutter. tall on k ~ fl'OI rn littl e a (' orll ~ I('I·OW. " I {,f till' I",:al W. C. 1'. l . . S,mA' Mildred Sali sbury , Sarah worth. P. R I , Fl'\lIIk H C'e ve~ wus luid liP with , l'tlll(. r. l\fnry Eva Le1\1ny. , \"' t' arC' antkipatinJ! j.!" fJ t)(j l'l" --- - - 1\I r!'. F:m1l1a La cy, wh o hn ~ bl~ l't1 un nLtuck of ~('ialica last w ee k. I Heeitulio n- Dor is Fires. s lll t~ f rom the " up ervisir (,f TRY Iqllill' ill f o r . sl'\'('nti \\'l'ck~. is. Budd y HCl!Vl'~ ha s bC~'11 suITH· ' Song Earl nnd Aitull Earnhllrt , the newly elected Mutl' un, MI'~ . I Is llt wl\' n'l·II VI ' l'In ~ . 111~ fl'om a Sl'Ve n ! Inr eclion of hiS " 't>IorJorH! " Ed '\" I 1son Ir.l .' I I I I11'1' ass .lst ll ll.1 OUR CLASS IFIED COLU MNS , I':" J. ('H1'nWII ul'ill~ threlilelll'd with I' R('c ltalllJn' Wllr dl'\. 'I \VII\'( '; Hili "\I or ~i) l'illl{li(·ld fll ot, \'i sit l!d his Il1 Pth Cl: I\lrs. Mllry Cal' - tetanu s. 1 1\I () I1~' W I' dn~'sdHY even ing. i l\lr. and I\Il's. Forre st Smith an.! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~ ' l\fr~ . Calvin LOIlj{Il('I'P unci littl e SO il Jack of Col um bu s we l'e week · dnugh te r nllllC humc .f.rom St. (' ncl ~ue"'b, in. t ~l' hOl11 e of l\Jr. und j ~l nn c Il o~pitlll , ()a~' t () n, I'l'ltiuy. ,;\'Ir~. W. c. Sll11th. I • 1\11'. lIlId MI rs. 11. H. B ookwalter -. -:" of l\liamisbul'g were week·end l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ' g'ucsts uf t.heir daug~te r, Mrs. ' - Your ,HIPp oI'[ of Will H. Lewis, MIlTl'il< MilicI' ant! family, of the ::--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--: Repuhlican cundilla!e fur the nomi "Ruth· Mirialll" far lll. . ' Ilation tiS cuunty auditor ~ uuj ect to 1 Mrs. W. M. Co lemn.n lind. Ml ~S ' the P rinl!lrr electi on o f AUl!u t 12 ThelmH W I'e F'ril iay dinner guests I!J30, is r~spl'ctr ully so licit ed. : of MI'. unci !\frs . Will 'l. J ohn Ill / . ' Waynesville. ·E. B. lIflll're ll, Hepublican of I I!:rnest Cook Of neal' W.u yne~- · Wa Rhingt o n Towll ship, so li cits ville ~pent the week 'l' nd With Ill:; , yours upport of hi" candidacy {PI' aunt, MI·5. l\1'~l'ga.ret J ohn s. r R.apid, uniform growth of pulnomination a s county treasurer I The Ii l'SS l'elllllOn wus he ld Su n I Ru bjuct to the Prima!'y election 'day at the cou n try homc of ~h' l lets in the summer months and BANG! H igh Prices 0 11 meat l oC.Aul!u ~t 12.1930. Mr. Murrellllnd Mrs. Fnlllk he s. complete development by OctoI hU $ ~e rved as deputy treasurer of Prof. n nd M,·s. J. n. Fenst e rare slwt. A: pr ice o n live Warren county for t he past two m, ker of the "Robins Nest" cot· ber 1st depend on getting birds stock nrc Illuch lower you Y(!llr~. lage at Chaulnuqu a were Monday will find prices 011 all home lafterTloon guests of Dr. and Mrs" to eat enough of the right kind dres~ ed menl:; arc lower and ·ha ll. E. Elli s soli cits yo ur L. G. Brock, . . of feed. Pullets cannot mature su pp ort of hi s candidacy f o r , Hob ert Duke has been ' qUite 111 very I'C!lSOllllble ut oy l e'~ nomination a s county treas urer again but is improved at, this time properly and s~art to lay suc'Meat Morket. s ubject to the decigion of t he , Mr .. K esle:l' Graham lind d au~ h­ Republitan Primary electio n Aug. ,tel', B ernice, attended the social ' «ufuHy in five to six months ll st 12, 19 3 0 . ' imeeting Of tlhe "Friendship" class HOME DRESSED YOUNG without consuming an abuncf the pl'inlgbol'o unday School STEER BEEF W nre authorized to lUlo unce Jlt the home of Mrs. Carl Albl'ight l dance of good Growing Mash, Bailin, Beef, lb ................ . 16c the' nume of C. Donald Dilatu h l' at Waynesv ilile Tuesday. . Short Rib . Beef, lb ... .......... t 8c wcb a.'WayneAU Ma's h Grow4=r" as II candidate for reelection to Mr. and Mrs . Walter Henrick, Fine to Bake or Boil thl! ofltcc of PI'oseeutin!\' Atto rney, Mrs, . H. Haines and. Ja~ es Chuck Roas t, lb. . ........ ....... ..~Oc s ubject to the Primary elect ion, lI-Iaines wel'C Sunday evening dm· prime Rib and Rump Rout. 25c Aug ust 12, 1930. Iner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shoulder Roasr, lb ..... . ........ 25c Geor~e Finkbone a nd family, neal' , . English CuI, . lb . ... ..... . ..... 25c We are a U,l'hol'ize d to an n ounc e Middletown. Ste.k Chuck, lb .......... ........ 25c the name 01 W. H. Fulkerth as a l ar l Earl~' had the mis fortune candidate for reelectio n to the ' r having hi s right 111'm broken , .ut I Round and Loin, Ib .... . ..... ... 32c Club Steak, lb. .. ....... ..... ..... 28c ollice of heriff, subject to the tJv! wrist, last W.(!d nesday, wIlli e Ground Bee f, 2 lbs. . ..... ... 40" R epublican Primary e lection, Aug ' cranking a truck at the F or d Fresh gro und, all Beef. ust 12, ] 930. : ~ar11ge, where h has b('en work- \ , mg. . Allen Huffman nnnou nces his MI'. W. M. Coleman and MISS PORK CUTS can didllC y for I'e·electio n for : Thelma visitod M I'S. May Banta at COlln ty Record er, subj ect to t he ' West Cal'l'ollton Saturday afterFresh- Callie., . ............. t 7 ~I c Republican Pl'imary, August 12, noon. Po r k St eak., lb. .. ............... .22c 1930. Mr, and Ml's. Charles Clark and PorleCho.... , lb ..... ...... ...... : . . 30c Mrs. .Mary Carmony spe n t. Rib or Loin Bo. ton Style Roaat, Ib ...... .. 21c Saturday in Dayton, and in the Ill'ternoon . ca ll ed on' Mr. and Mrs . Spare Ribs, 2 lb., for ......... 25c Everett Clal' k and Mr. and Mrs . Pork Sau.age, 2 lb •• for .... ; 38c C. W. Younc:e and daughters. Fresh ground p ure Pork A num ber of citize ns -h ere clean Porle Loin Rout, Ib, ........ .. 27c cd up tho :grave·yar d at Lytic Fre.h Ham, lb.................. 25c .c hurch SatUl~ day afternoon. M1'. and Ml·S. Charles Ear\y' and VEAL CUTS children, andl MI'. and MfR. Mil l'S Watkins motored to F orest Park, Veal Roast, Ib, ............... 23 ~ c Englewood Dam and John son F lyVeal P c,:ket Roaet, lb ......... 20c ing field, Sunday . Veal Chop., lb. .. ......... ....... . 25c . Mrs. May Banta, who has bee n qui te ill at West Carrollton wus able to be bl'ought to hel' home SMOKED MEATS here Saturday evening. Mr. and Ham., Whole or Half, lb . .. : 25c Mr... MelvYlll Banta of Waynes· Old fashioned CU l'e ville are now' clll'in g f-or h er. Baco n, .ame cure, 2 Ibs.· PI'o f Ge>orge Cl ar~ -and so n, or' more, lb. . .... .............. ... . 23c George Math,e rs Clark left Sunday Jowl Bacon., Ib, .................. 17<: 'morn inA' for their home in New York City and wel'C a ccompanied by the form er's fath er, H . M. Live r, 2 lb •• for ............ .. . . 25c YOIl.- ~oUday ~lsi~Jcfh~rhe~ will make a n extended Brain., I~ ............... ... .'......... 1 pc


Rec illltion -- ~' I'I\11l'CS Elli~,








For Every Occasion - It is the Perfect Dessert


(ldicill iis Iln d ll'llIp(illg' tt) and "Id. it :; pllrity IlIl1k ('~ it ~ Ill'(' lind n""1 i,::hi n g' for 011. Drop in li t 'I'lw Ol'lIn~I ' :tnd Bhl l'k today il lid ta l, l! Sllll1l' hetlne with yo u. or let us Sl' I'Ve yllu n s llndae, ~lI da, or pla in iCI.Y·rl'llrtl hl'l'e.

YO llll j!'

Poll"ll·cal Announcements

Special for Friday, Saturday and Sunday Only pint Brick Banana Custard . . 25c SOc quart Brick

Coyle's QualityMeat Values . The Orange and Black





Come to

Van ORen's for your

Fire Works All the noise you need to celebrate the


Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Co.

Fourth o(

Waynesville, Ohio


=====================-=_==-: .=-=_=..::=-=-==============

Prices • • 10 to


Sparklers Roman Candles Sky R~ckets Caps

Jr lp and Summer drlwing


We'll thoroughly Inspect your trellds, c1u'cJ( rour wheel a li g nmcnt and propl'l'ly Innate .rour t:r.-,.;no obhgation. Also, j f desired, we will yil'c YO U


an estimate on pultinlr your tires ' in first·c la ~9 shallc for Il .ummer of troubldrec tiri '.-iug.

LOW "PRICES ",, , ,

Lifetime ~ranteed

(j{j'·t jijj?tEAti 30x 4.50 29x 4.40

$6.65 $6.00





Superior In looks, traction Ani! (nou:anee t o In :lllY tiree se:Iinr, fer dollars more. Goodyear h,:ild !l ~II L LlO ~~ MOf<E !irt'!I--en,io),s h"! Cf ~ CC~: .l­ rives greatc! t ,·nlucs . 'a' ou get the tJ~llcfi t here pIll s ' rcal Ijl'r l'icc:

On Your Wheel Prices-Tubes also low·p: kcd Dig Ovc a·su.c COl'ds 30x3 ~ .. ... ... , . .. ...... .. $5.30 31,,4 ................................ 8.95 )2x4 ..... ..... ............. .......... 9 .60 33,,4 .............................. .. . 10.05

Full Ovc nb.l · ! 29x4 .75 29,,5.00 )0,,5.00 j1x5.25

A W T 4-Ply 29,,4.40 .................... .... $7 .~5 30 .. 4 .50 ... .... : . . ......... 8.75 28x4 .7 5 .............. ... . ... 9.70





Al.L. WlAnrea .' _

Cu ll us - have your order de liver ed. a ny time of day Don't fOl'get we deliver threshing orders.

••'Van Ollen's •• IT IS GOO~'

Coyle's .·Meat Market Phone 66 ...:. -- ----


.. - ._--.-

. A W T 6-Ply 29 .. 4.40 ......... .... .... .. .-. $11.20 30,,4.50 .................... $12.00 28 .. 4.75 ..... ............. ... $12.40


6 tIfII


. '.&

',~ .

proOi- protit",.~lp'~Of •

Wilmingto n , Miss Marie Shaeffer of West C.hester an(1 Adorn!! Dick· in. on Jr .. of Columbus. M1'5. 'J. O. Hilm er is the guest of rolatives in Sar(linla, t h is week . ' MAD. 0' co.. LOW• • . Mis~ Marjorie Boga n of Dayton ,.. c..... was t he guc, ~t of relatives here, last week. A. V. Foln nd, a ged 80 , died at Because it is doubly protected against wear and weather, his late home jus t east of the viland ·therefo!'elasts longer," Channeldraj~ . is far ' more' lage, lust 'We dnesday. Fun'e ml services we r e co nducted by Rev. economical th~ ordinary roofing. And-yet it ~slsno morel'· Scnrf in th'l Friend s c/"lurch on See our Channeidrain eJdlibii and, let us· tell you how ' , Fritlay.. ' Mr. and Mfrs. A. W. C~noweth Htde ,it will :cos~ .to ~ re·l;oQf with ihis lifetime roofing, Mr. nnd ' Ml'S • . E lm er Chenowcth m'ade the ~amo~s COP~R.tOY, t~e ~opper~A1loyed Steel•. and MI'. and Ray CarI. attend~d the 1'une ral of. a relative, Ml·8. Si las Oland Of Moutpeliers, Ind., on Tu esday. Miss Mar~' Collett, n nl0!!t cx- I " of our commulli t y cellent wo ' ~.,ae••IU •• 0 .... • •ome 14 . died aL he t· here, on Monday l She was a of t his years ...!""_"'!'"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-!'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .... __-._...-...,__.,

II0" .0'





_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

~Li.OY.D ,ian·'



When it cornea from

Gu,e sts in t h e Dickinso n home llJ{!t

.Gord'o n's Service Sta tion Phone '47


w ok were: M if<s Betty l;Iawkins'ol:

lO-ply Truck Tires 32x6 .... $35.90 -='!':.-=~

Full lin e lunch meats, cakes Pickle., Chee'e, Bread, Milk, ~ Cream, Bu lter, Creamery and Counfry, Oleo.

Pop B'scola to make your own drink

: ~ t; :1,111

.. .. .. ............... , $7.95 .... .. ... .... , .. .. , ..... 8 .40 ......... ....... . ...... ... . 8 .70 .. .. ............ . ....... 10.40

--'=::-: ,-- ....

Delicious Ice Cream .Lollpops Pop Slc'es

Mrs. Robert Warrick, also' Mrs . ~~--------------------Ethel Saylor and son Eugene of. of Dayton, T'h ere Sunday evening

I a nd

Fire Crackers all kinds Salutes Cap Pistols Many other Items

Something to keep you cool and enjoy the 4th:


M'I'. and Mrs. Albert Stacy entertained thei.r children . and. grand-children to dinner on Sunduy. Marg:al'et Johns a nd Mr: and Mrs. G1el~n Johns and children motored to ' 1 ndiana, Wednesda y and s pent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Eva ns ( n ee Bessie Coo k) and I.o n, near Richmond. lvlrs. Johns Jre mained a g uest of her so n and fam ily' in Da yton Wed n esday -eve ning a nd Thursday. Mr. and Ml's. William Long and so n entertaillied to a basket din· 'I ner Sunday, relatives of the for· mer from Miamisburg namely: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Neibel and , childre n, Gwendolyn and Roland! M r. and Mr!!. William C. Neibe l and children , Virginia and Billy


w. B~ MADDEN·.& ~-.




Eighty -Third Year


Whol e N um b' r 591 6

AT THE CHURr.H(S ",il l For mal lv Open Par k I ~wilJ1!!ling Pool Julv 4 \ IN WAYNESVILLf C. M. Hobitzcand )' hiil hus mak e


will upen s wimmin g poo l to the public Oil Friduy, .J uly 4, 'fhi" is the mn!lt I ' Oh ' d up-lrH ule poo I 10 10, li n WI' II I.", pII"• ·,1I1IZ·l,d I.!xlcnsive l u by 111'0' J I'l n fl'um n earb." ci tivs an d tow ns. l'h e fi' ' t oue h es we r n ut 11 rll:; Iling ' JJ u.


noo i. ilnd endell\'o l'pd t il it su nitru'~' und II \!Id.d pill e,' 1'(11' U WAyN ESVIL LE tHU~C2H of!' --.-~ bhll ut f (, rn1~ have been mailed to s wim. Th" Ih'e~Ri ng roUlll H loll' 1111 CHRIS 'r 1\11 Co unty IJoul'Ils of 1<: leclio n by I.a , t Sll l1d llY t h .. fa st Miami I' n -.·hu[)" ,~tll, 1 rU'III~' (1 .1' U " " . "c "u S cl'etal'Y uJ Sta te Clure nce J . - - - t 'a m luckll·d t h., fast ~pl'inv;He l d Bibl ' School at H:30 u, m. LUI'J 'M Avnloll c lulJ. Th,' ",'ulun s led the Th"l'e it; 11" d" UJ.l that W,I.),11I' Brown, Stale Supc l'v isOI' of Elect~. ~uPfJe l' fit f o r I h l' f'Ir ~ l Co t onc lu M~ si on ' Myor vr . 1I ~' 'hristia Ill"I1' ,ymn , ~ n n 'g (' Jc.::II·,l "hen Clenrun nc ,' ce Snle S ale Endea vur ul GAr, I). m . Vir"il "n\' iOll s. LlJcu l Bo"rd~ will now pre,1\'" . Park Inillngs \\'i ll h bl.! on<' Il 'll f Ihe Ill", t •... tl·1 1 "" ' 1 ' 11" 1' 1'1. t I,,: :'I'l i,,,"i ~ " " t n 'xt to Tru eey and 0 11. PIII'C ~ t heir lI e nr ", L ead er. E ven in" evu'n""l...isbull nt s , accurd in g ly S I gc IWllld" I' l.\"(·l·" in till' ,,1.·l t ..' till" J .. hit hilll r rl ,,' I\' . Thl'n I.nn sda Ie ... II rill ., advcrti se rllr bids fur the " Unll11"),. Mye l' HYI'n an and family s pent ~~\j~d~~i~:~.~:! J~~~~ th,:tl\V~ Id II. .-\ . (·" rn •.11 ill1l1 II !I 1'1'1' I'ral" r , h" wl d tilt ' t,,,'y. li n ", apPJ'()u chin g pl'imari es t u be hel.d iir' ' -N~lt I ~~:r'n~~:ate r wus tur ncd in ~II t est It h eo u M.r. Ho bit"l!!' is "xpp" li ll~ a ' \'l'n' 1101 )' 1" " "i -j l"r" Ih i" Tu c~duy, AUj?u"t, 12th Appt'ox l. f-i unday in Cillcinn uti. ;n,,, "i,,~, pitl'll. L et US (, II.. Go ol. 1 c.o ngl·c LT HtlUnal ',. n·I' ha u. p ut a ""'e8'" I l11ate ly &,O()O,OOO will be printl'd . •,." -,--lind "Dr, 'u I·t '" pt' clIIl I ~_ _ . . _ . s lIlg III g. " C hul'c h Large ,r ll \\" I III t h l' pal" k " " tit' \\' AY~I':~ VILLE -_ J . B. Crabbe is ntte ndin g s um- Nighl s prugrum , H"l a n" :'o1,," IZ . "f I II\Vl " n. Wa ~ each Wednes d uy I dl'u l o f IlIne anc f.'xpcns . e o n th e Fourth. Ill er sc hoo l at Ohio Stat e U ni v" I·. lit 7:4f, I'. Ill. 'I.' h t! c hu 1\ U ){ II A E I hI' I.(lll · ~ 1 "I' H" .".~'tlltft~ l'I' ,''u~ ul' e r Ros~. Ake has ' h"1'1 A l' I " " II'''"~ r ch where t ' ~ I y. Ilti , w l·" k. vo u f(' c l nt h om!'. :; I 2 6 2 I·:. BIIl' t .,n '" {'uIlIJlllllcd lh e lIe tt lc l1I e nt with nil Ih e co unti Cl; in the s tute for th e '1 ' u 1'111:1' . r f . ' '1 ' ' t , Mrs. F . 'B. H e nd e rson e ntf.' r. . ( ,'I I e~ I er A . W'II " ARKER FURNA S I I 0 0 WALL GRAHA I lamso M n, II IniS er I: . REBEC . J. I\d "m CA P ~ lind famil fj ,j lus t hall' of t he tax year \!l2{), re- tain ~ d the J oll y Malron -l 0 1 Th "l11a <. (. ,___ ~Ir ". I' . II. Ilt l,·, ' 1" ' 11 1 ~ 111 ,,'lva >'and s Tuesda y ill t" iving t he ullI ou nt of $4,6US, S I1. II u rls,,..k . :0. I I - afterno on. I 2 0 !II ~ ST. MARYS CHURC H. (·i ll cillna l i. ['eric I!'" in pay in J! t r ilHile t o 5~ . The levy fur th e State offi ce i,; ', II S, 1" :1 0 2 0 , 1 . 1'. an d 1:11'''. lI o wald (;rah an~ ' II build in !! fund WU R $ 1,287,fJ 14. 35 ; I If 4 I I 0 0 J\I!'R. E:ddie W nllnl'd a nd fa m il y . ,1u,ly 6, Th"'d S unday. , till' Hrs t Alhcniu n s wh o fell in the ate annuun clng th,· m a l'lla~l' " I ,," ,.dd in!! rilll::" wilh aftt·r beauly T rill 1'."lI11l:; I P ei llpu lln ('~iun war com me nded th e 1 ~('lr dU llg- h l~r " 1I "ll'" ~'lal'l", t" I;. :! I,. for I'cti r cmenl of bund s 1'01' so l- ~pent seve I'll I days Ills f) 1 2 I 0 t I n und "harll' III Cu r )"" Jl,,\(·lr )· S hil l' week ill !ty, 1 9 hurc h SCll l tJu l lit !J ::J O ;IOM I-: lli" ..r. ?lOrn- 1 filn c"s of the At hl' nian public (,V,(!!''!!!' WII.ldll., di rs ho nu ~ WI\ :. $ 1,17(\,0 96.68; WUYIl ('svi ll e. ·1 0 I 0 1 1U(·R UIlY . . Julnl' 2 4. L,·I" I1 II1g ,"n, !'nyer ()hi" . 1I1l( : crllwn lit h " 1 w t l ~nl!, :" I n lnl l·, II fun ern l, but. doubt ed hl:' wisdom f ge n erll l r even ue, $ 1,694,8 00.55 . :t 1) 2 2 0 qUll'ht Y Jl(·I'· Hev. J. J . 'chll eff c r, He ctor . . o f any s p eech, dec 'tlaring , :'I ld" lun·. II , Inherita n ce t axes pa id th e vario us that ' l~ rtl1CI " . . . " (' 0(' at t ,. Iw nw U \l U 0 Miss H cnri etta McKins e y e n0 Edwaru lIa li hy. or 1)lIyt n' I I'u II IIlII'II, :11, where men's deeds h ave bee n I rol thl' .. fll c la l lng c l"I'I!Yll1l co unty tl'(~a~ul'e rs amo un ted to $ 1, t e rtai n ed the bridge :1 ~ I 2 0 1n. Re v. sl enl IH ~ 11'\ " .); "itb ,\11', a nd club Satul" FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIS T goo d th ey f: hnu ld be (;22,734 .20. The amo unt o f $9,. tlay afte rnoon. honored in J. :. T ho r nhur}:, pl\ ~ tor uf thl' J IIn- ~ I r , . \\'. . P. li llY. . 280.4 4 waMcoll ecled by the co unty deed II nly. I T Olill __ :U; _I I 17 1:3 5 IIh Run f~"Jlllst hllrl' h al li ar, IJI~.l e. Sch~~ 1 a t !l :30 n .~, l!'cllsul' el's unti pa id to t he state No nc th e less, _ loya lty, an.d I'eysbur g-, . f hl' c"lIl' ll' .".' !.IX lItt" lId · T ll ke a Park e r pE' n with you LOid s ~u PJl e l lint! ~el m 'I (' \1 It l ' t ll n IIt.10 .- love lind re~' e re nc e urge us to slt l d t..y MI SS NeillI' (d uham I :'01 us the lull e r's s hare of interest 011 yo ur vllcillio n . Ca and .J. ' I ~ ~"' ;\1 :~ r l'ill'l 1":,'ill:,l'r f:.l t~'nd ~ ri~; 1 S I'HI ;\(; F II·: \.\) A\'A LO N' earn eu by t hl' stute's s har e of .S hop, Leban o n, Ohio ry's Jew eJ<y 30 . . Cl'l11 0n RUUj ec t "AmerI ca." I d" ", n nnd ttl tell ot he rs some' of l Mr. ha rles Enst er.. . ('" lull1},u , Sunduy . You 31'(' a lway, we lco m e lit t h lR the intimat !' c hal'uc.t tuxes while . ~ uc h mo ney wa s in .II B R H A E e rislic s and I' T. h e bnd e W L\~ 1()1'('ly III L\ I-:,,;"n chul ch. . . . i fUl1l i.lial' qualiti ~s uf t hose wh om of "f: ht blu e ch iffo n and .Iace . Sh e F""'e cou llty I'epns ito l'i es awaitin g .et· l\~ a~ter .Jack. S hall ot, o f Ci ll e! n~ l lI .. u!!h and r"" li ly Wl' I'l' W,·<ldi ll J!. s' Chester A. W llll nmso n, Mmis t er WI.' lov e nnd who hav ~ l\ L' l1l c nt a nd disti·ib uti oll . Ii I 2 2 o passed be- I ~n rrl el! a . b.o u'luct nat l, 1< Rpenclllllr t h e week wIl h o )'on d our fra il capac ity t o kn o w I ,md ddphm. 'um . MI..," .f rl,n~ l'~~(,~ Sunda)' dillll l' r !! UI', I, "I' ~I r. n il" '/~ :~::~I~.rI·ls ,l ~ r , ~ : ~ Ma Hter Bobby H y man. ~ N ~ II I C' (" ,I . :\11'''. \' ('r n' " ""g-I1 . 1 LYTLE M. E. CHURC H any longe r exce pt thro ugh mem o ry I ha ll; wore ,Pmk.. The rool\ls fo r mcl'ly occu p i'd J 0 I o P h' . ' t 9'30 \\' illollg hhy. by the Dcpa'rt me nt of Agriell lMargar e t Rebecc a P a rk e r wa~ If, ,I ~ 0 2 M,·s. J. H. Colemn n s pe nt the S . r eae m g. se~,vAce 1 he unde I~ a. gl'udlln te o f o !\II'. and ~tl''' . D. ,I. Hidg l' L i l1 ~o n. :lb. ,n ., a. mci born neal' ture und Fis h und Game Divis io n, week.en d wi t h her ~ister nsb o ro, N o r th Cur. C h t'sler T own s hip IIl g h SC'ho ol ·1 ( 1 2 1 Mrs. H ' I' k e~ m ~ n TtOP IC,,, S 0" 1 tOSgeht Ia n ' o linll, ApI'i Gl'ee nn d s pe nl Wt,dn l'sda v "" \' l1il1~ wi t h Evans, 2h l \ &, ·1 181i ' Il . ' L b 2 & . In t 0 h at como n thl' Iuwe r f1. oo r (I f t h e A n n ex, V . W ,I ,[0 1 ' a few y('ars ha s. been a ~uc- l fl'il'I"I , ill lI "n'l'\·~ ""r~ . e~p m ny c 00 at eI , m e anon. o 10·::10 ~l cNell l', rf . a mun e. MI'< UIIC adjo il1ing the Stal Ho use. huv e Lo ngllcl'e fu l t eucher. :J Supt mUlllt~ nn d'In \". .m .<t 1 I 1 2 , on -S , a Iem, N . II ",,~s . Th . Tys un, (', y " I . P . I ',' B ' bl ' CI' ·1 () I ., C. s be'lI nicely furnishe ll and r edeche l;J>e nt her girlh ood. S he <\ c gro om I. aso a gl'udua t e ) 0 6 Our store is still full o f wonde r. Mou~g 1 MI'. Hlld :'ol r~ . I 'bil ZI.!Jlf "r e?p ~s tl 7c'30 up ~ n. cum e 10 Ohio and \\' IIS manied to ' of C.hes ornt ed lind will be occ upi ed by ful burguin s. Come I l e r T ow lp H.'A'h Sc hOO l .cinlltlll , ~ J>l' 111 !"ulldll)' \\'ilh Cill - Tra n')" JI 1\11'. T " tul olh e r s late dc:pllrtm ents, the old ' yo ur s hllre. Mye l' H y in u nd get m ~;t~~~ 1:~Jnt:a~h~r lr~in'il1~r~I~:~ I ~eth Furnas, Dec e mb e r 20 . 1887. l a nd, l!< ell!ploy ed III Ba.ltllllO ; - --;,- -8--1-3- -6 mlln. rc , Md. fi nd :'oIl'S. G.·"r).(<: .J. !'mi lh . followi ng li t II '~O Th e F ourth T o them were bor n six ten " llts' h uv in" mov ed seve l'al c hildren . I· o l l~\vlIlg the weddlllj ? the wedQ t 1C f' " '11 b h Id f nur Miamis boys. and t wo " il'ls lind n o dmg dlllner was served at Illunl hs ago inlo th e olel HII I·tman :10 I 000 4 :1 · - 11 e r v on erence Wl ee l Morr her wood, of Colum bus, . unr lhl' at · "" . :'Iii"' . 1" 1111 I'-InrI' or Oa vtn n, A\'ul tJ n ~ t S , ·· "b Hotel propert y, n ow known as the visiled is , 2 1 12 () 0 0 00mother eve r had g reate • 6 . r co ncern rae t'Ive h om ~ a f t h e b'd' his parents , MI'. and Mrs. \n. IJ'lg ' o n W e d n es d u~' rt e s pa r s pe nl the week· vnd eve wit n h hl' T' Jlarfor lh e comfor t und welfare of en t~. Those III attt'ndn O hi o buildin g, cO l'O el' Fourth a nd Cll rl S herw ood, Mo nda Ba ~ (' ~ IHI l.a ll - - otT Tracy 1; off y. nce were I l'nl~ ln g, u y , :\11'. Hnd . "'I r ~ . W. F. :Iark, Enst Mai n street. he r ra mlly. 1\11-.. a nd Mrs . H enr y W a ll , Mr~. S ura A . Bowma n, pastor l . On t h e SIIIll(' farm whe re Lun s!lak, I. cc ll Shoo k und .Jllnm ey of Bal t l' sh e H h What s hull we j?ive t h e bride? MI'. and MI' ~ . Eli Gray of la rks T wo has .. hits- Tiffan y, wenl t o h o usekeep ing sh e s pe nt m o re, Md.;.M r. II n ~1 o ug Quit e a few inn ovlltiol1s hll ve S hop al Ca r y's, "The H om e Mrs. H oward I'ill(·. Were glle of s l ~ VA o f YNESV l\1r. and ILLE M. E . CHURC H a ll her r e mll inin lr dl~Ys. H er ~us. Ha r t sock, Tho ma,.. ta k e n pluce in th e halls an r! Gifts," in L eba Ghu~a~, EM I.~s Nellt e Graham a nd WaitCl' E I'l. ~', S unday eH,ninKMr;;. non, Ohi o. W ednesda y : Th e W. F . M. S . . band precede d he r In · ~;~.~~~ ~~S~s~~eY;~I~~~y· rotunQa of th e Stllte H ouse durin g d enth J ust u s cr. is meeting wi th Mrs. J os iah Davis 10 years ago t his month. the present udminis trnti on. An in. 'truck out- Bv Tra cy, 5 ; by Th e bndal t;0llp le departe d l! y MI'. and Mrs. R. E . While oC ilt 2 :0 0 p. m . Bible MI'. lind !\II', . 'arl IInwke of study und he e nj oyed r ather good health m ot~ r for. t heIr f ut urc 'f o r mati on lind regi tration d esk Dllyton , we r e gue l s of MI'. hom e In Ih~· t () n, " i, il('d Ilwi l' pUI'c nts Mr. LU~~~~ll:~1 It. run. ' and Jlrayer meeti ng at 8:00 p.m . u ntil abo u t a year has b ee n in sta lled in the rotunda Mr . W nJte r Elzey Friday, Ava lo ns und II hall ago. BaltlnlO l'C In . the earlY, nf ternoo n . and Mrs . .1. C. lI a\\'ke S Ullday l\li amis 5. 5; Sunday : S unda y' school 'at 9 :30 a . Since that time she togethe r wilh several comJot' table F o r t l'avehng the bride wore. a !lfte l'nOI n. . Mornin g worohl' p I1t ]0'. 30. o-rlldulllIy fuil ing unt il ha s bee n In uphols tered s ettees f or visitor s. her severe love ly crea t IO n o f MI'. O. C. Johnso n of Port WiI· Epwort h Leagu e ~at 7 :00 dlll'k blue. wl t.h h l t0 Unl\lir e- Prcndel·gasl. p. m. toillness three Fan cy co lored pottery reeeptll cl6ll Iiam , was t he guest of Mr. nnd matc h , 0 th e l' lIeceSSOl'le~ In Sco rcr- 1'0111 Pil.! l·ce. Mrs Donald Gu s tin will be lh e lea der s he was taken mo nlhs Ilgo, when a Mi ~s Muy Wri ~ hl ul'l'il' ('{1 fill ed wit h ~a nd have tak e n t he F. D. Dakin over t he week-e nd. t o th e h os llitlli. S he bro ll ze. hOlll{' Fl' id a~' , li ft e r s pl!lldin~ ~e ,·· and t he s ubj ect for discu ssion s uffe r ed inten se1y but place of the unsig htly cus pidors. bore her --e ral l11 0 nt hH with r!'lnliv['s in Sl. will be, "Why Our L eague Should pa in fliltient ly a nd bravely Fourlh o f July lhe Miu mis will An uttencia nt is in co nstant charge , ~Iways Mr. a n.d Mrs. Low ell Sweari n- Continu e." OBITU ARY r e te l·~burg. Fla. EVllllge listi c serv ice at with the th ought , un ti l . qU Ite r i (mvel lu Le han n and play Le bt o direct those seeking . informa - gen and son, of Akron, are g u ests e. , 1I 11 0n ut the Fairgro u nds at 10 ti on nbo u t the Capito \. of Henry , wea dnge n and family . 8:00. p. 111. The ·.ubj ect .lor the cently, thll t s he was gOing to gel Ev e" troub le \, ou '! ,' ,,<' Dr. Ru - a. Isaac Newton Miller wa s born evelllng se rll10n w il l be A P o p. well, and she wanted m. so much dolp'h to Tu!'. in ,levens liny: T hursduy and on 'o unt v ular H ero ?' Dr. Alfl'ed , Robin so n , the 75 . , do so . F or tw o weeks s h e k~ ew ober 19th, 1840, a';d 111. Oet- Sa t urday at Ca ry' " J owl'lry 'l'ln'n th ey will come h ome and Saws filed by machin ery. Cut , hup, d ~parted G. C. DIbert, Pastor. no one and. early Sunda y 1I1 0r!llng, year old yo un ~s t er, wh ose offi cial cleaner in th e a ft e rnoon they 'wi ll play at Le bun on, Ohio. th , is truer, life May fa ster. l 5lh, Roy 193 Pig· 0, ng e d ti t le is r gean t.a t· A rms of th e tt, at Madden 's Jun e 22, 111 her hom e, lumin OUS 89 years 6 month . Wayne Park . The Middlet own Lumbe r Yard. 26 days . ST. AUGU STINE CHURC H \l o use o f Rellrese ntlltive s, wiJI with love ~ nd ell~e , she pass~d Mr. and l\I rR. Luth e r S lIer s and 'ha',111 neks wi ll be the op ponents He wa~ t he third 'Ro n in 11 famil y soo n be in his c le m e nt {or the d ec· uwa y. She IS ' ur vlved by her nf SIX th e afte l' noo n. ThiR is thl! S ha mSumme r sche dul e-1st, 3rd and , dh ildren Mn ~ t"r Tom S l11ith, Mrs. Me rl e K e rn s and daught er . . d b o f Dayto n. e lev'e n grund -c hildren I 0 f t e~ c h I' ld r e.n , b elOg orators , electric ians and oth er of urvlve y were Iru (o~ts of 0 , n. Mi !l~ i l din e licks ~eco nd ga me hcre lind t h ey 5th Sunda y, Mass at 8 :00 a. m .· 1 t .' t' · d t\ b othe who have been e mploye d in ' over- wee leve land ar e spendi ng the r s ' l one s iste r. HIS pur":llls moved ' I wo SI. ers ~n :< re II g oud fu s t bu n c h. and fa mily Tuesda y eveninj? vo r k wi th Mr. a nd Mrs, J. D. 2nd and 4th .. . an early C linton Co untat y hau ling the main fl oor, gall ery an d Mnrlntt S und ay, Mass at Gen e ro!-, s 111 thou~ht ~ nd a~l l o n , \ Ohi o, whealre et o r ema . . ined till t h~ 9:3 0 : July 6 t he Miamis will play 1·00 m8 . adjacen t thereto , h ave lol.ran t III eXl? l.o n .a nd Judg· IIge of Twr ee nht"-o when h Mr, lind l\l rs. J. :'11. Ban ' tt, Will11inA't o n A. C. at Wllyn e Park R ev, Lawren ce B. Mollma nn. aho ut comple ted the work a nd t h e ment ".nd ol,ltmll sllc In outlo ok cam e a nw m'bl!rn e of Mrs. M. · L . Pal' hall a nd Dean th e "':) -r.4""t"'h"h:· on and daul!hter~ of CI"v cllln!l, ____ _ _ _ _ tl'Unsfo rmation is tru Iy n oticable , Hawk e sh ~ radillte d JOy and good f~lIow. R egime n t, Ohio V olun speh t the w·eel<-e nd with f'O r it is th e first thllt th e H ou se s hip abo.ut h er, H e r generos ity to try in the Civil War. teer Infan , WCI C ~ue " t~ of I\lr~. Ali ce McKin Mr. nnd Mrs. . D. C hancell or, o·f H e ser ved ~cy and dl1u~htcr, 1111 ,'u ntlay. AUTO TURNS OVER OBITU ARY ha ~ b een g ive n s uch an overhau lh e.r f am Ily lind h r neighbo rs and thro ug ho ut t h e Will' fi g hting seve n ing in seveI'll I decades . Wh en the n eal' X enia. !l'Ic nds eed or to anyon e III !l Mr. of and MI'~ . .J o,· White. MI', I t ee n e ngage ments, , . (,he" t !' r A. William so n, pas t or Maud e Gar man new carpets lind ru gs are Installe d de rwood, th e It knew n o bo unds. N othing was ~ll ke yo ur lawn benuUf ul, by daught er of Ida K. Un his r eturn h e was marri ed fi nd Mrs. H alTY Lel!'le r a n d Mrs .. o f th( . .loca l Chul'c h of old me mb c l's will hardly recol/:ni ze and Jacob Gnt'- eve r too mu c h tl'oub)~ for th e I t o Upon hl is t, esHannah B e nnett of Cle r mo n t Mn? L c\\' i ~ , of .. \):l yt(l~ . \~ e r c ,' a pt d .C!'lOU S the place. Dr. Robinso n lind Cle rk ha v mg your lawn 1l,10wer s ha rp - , mlln, was born In Cli n to n Co unty, pleas ure of ~th e rs. In SIckn ' injury whe!1 his ess 8~ guests e \ County e ned of !It , M Ohio, t I he A. Lalll,l W at aynesv t hi!l Zcll Ille t , im lin e Auto Sun becomand ulitomo b ilc upsel o n th e pIke as O hio,' A pril 25, 187f1, nnd depar t. ga ve what RId s he could, 01 the Ho u:e ,J o hn J . Maynar d nrc Mac .and d~s- in~ a membe r of the hln cl' Y Co. hrist ian day. ed this lif e June 26, 1!lSO. Age tance and weathe r mad c rtn inl y to he comme nded for he was driving to Spring Vulley e htUe dlf- Church . '. 52 year two m onth s and two days fe r~nce to her. She went: . , ' . .. . th e ir p l'ogress lvenetl8. . ,_ ; Satur day mornin g. Runnin g into MI'. and. Mrs. T . P . F e lte r of He . ~ r I eared fts f~r. a ' family of seven :\ cdd~ng ~ UIII! s ho\\ fres She was of a family of three l a lire ble w o ut, She saw few .fau lts In people : childre n, six of whom l'ls . A ch,lInll ng sel ect io n a t . .h' g gruve the MaSOniC ure li vin g . th machin e to turn over Pallll~" f erns nnd flower s In nre t h e guest~ }-lpme, Springf ield, broth ers a nd four sisters. Two and when sh e dId s he mad e , ex· Ca~y's His , J e\\'e occupat lry ion Shop. L(> bun~Jn· 1 t~~~ISI~I' t111~ee times into a ditch . was t hat of a of Mr. and Mrs. s isters and the fllthe r have pre- c great prof usion form th e back· u ses f or them . farmer t ill age f o rced him to r e. Ohl." . . lo r e o pl'n l' \'cry ev" II III V c .dd her to t he Great Beyond , Ilt v. William so n rc~eive d sev, g ro und of th e rotunda where George J. Smith, To com e to her hom e a s a g uest tire. until 9 p. 111. Goveln or . Myer s Y. Coo pe l' and , (' 1:1 1 cuts o n his h€' llll a nd fnce an d On Decemb er 25th , ]896 s he meunt lhe .w annest we Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Co rn ell in lcom. e one Th e write r of this s ketch t hinks s taff Id d u public receptio n and compan y with united in marl'iag e to Harry c.o uld expenCl.H:e and II f Mt'''HS W. C. SI. .fohn L, C. , t. hi ,; rit::ht Il'g wn ~ blld ly Mr. 1111(1 Mr . . Roy was eehng of of him as a sta lwart man , fil!htin g bruised. D. Jinks. T o t his uni on was born sI nce rest h ospltah,. ty grce : ed t1le visito rs here in lit· CO I'\\ 11, o f Milson, .fl,hn tlnd Mo rl'i,. Nix,, " \\'(' r e lit permea h er life's bnttles with vigor and f a ir. - - - -t e n tinnce lit th openi ng of th e r e lati\'es in Virgini are visiting o ne dau g hte r, MI'R. Wilbur Hawke whol e hou se. Indeed , her ted ~ t u wn, Ohio , TU l's!lIlY, tn IIlh ouse n ess. a. Natiol;lI l E du(' ulio na1 Confc r e nce wh o with three g ran dchildr en will was yours. A s we have. FRAZI ER- JEWET T come to His last days we r e not s pent in le n,1 t h,· 1'1111 (, 1'111 o f a fri c nd. W. miss . he r lender ca r e. ill th e Capitul City Satu rday, Jun e h e W r . house S immons Mi-s Charlot te toda.y·, the SIle nce of sickn ess, but as a man w,oa ry. too . Antram , of 28th !lnd which wi ll continu e to Wn ~ hingto n , D. C. On Januar y ]2 , 1910 s he was these lovely. t n llts th a~ i\Irll. II. E. J e we tt, of Plulllwo o d b elo nged well l'Y t o rise ngai n ,ai1d ge ntly Jul y F ourth . It is predict ed t ha t her. brother ·ln-Iawis t he guest of united in marriag e to Wal ter so g e nerousl y to h er Mr. and M l'~. Harry Miss ildin e road, is . a n no un cing t h Impress and u sis s passed t er , e mal'riag e t o the G rent B·eyon d. B. Underw ood. She \\las a membe r deeply. S he w af n ot at d UI:lng that lime over 115 ,000 vis l· Mr. Ilnd Mrs. George and son, of Wi chitn. Klln ~as, lire of he r dau~hter, Miss, tbe door to Hartsoc k. r D?l'othy of t he Wa)'n cBv ille M. E. C hurch , me ~t ~s, and it fills U.B tors will be in attenda nce , making l' isilin.c Ih(' fnrmcr'~ b l·o lh el·. O. J('well, t." .with sorrow hurl''' ~' Fl'Uzler{ of --- , having united und el' th e past orate It IS Just su~h qualitIe it the la rgest conven tion ever h~c...,)d,,+;;-~ i sit ...cary's O. Missild in e, and famil y. lI ur- WayI'! 51'.1IIc ,0 .. wl.llt'h Jewelry s !Is these Shop, FOOT CUT OFF in th e cit y. ry i ~ lookinl! nn(' and ve ry lIludl l ln th.'s cIty W ed n esday. .loo k P!ace . Lebano n , Ohio. Here you' ll find of Rev. Was hburn. She loveo to that have stilTed onr hearts and , ro to - -- - _.. . Church , lind tske Ihc sa lli e tiS he did in hi ~ boy hoo d part in no w intensif y o ur bereave ment )1'ifts in noveltie s .as weH a s Aller II Sl101t motor tr Ip MI'. " 'hell th e t l' es t hat bl' nd us da ys. all socia ulld l activiti Mrs. es Ellri wh e Thoma n her fI "d s, W'II Mrs. S seri j, " e' We ous ll' ly ~' watche wi ll make their s and diamon ds. health would permit. . . d h'l Local HapJ: ening a k' one with the o th e r a re brok e n. hom e o n thei l' fUl'Ill n ea l' W ay nesInjure w I e wor . 1Il!\, a t " ~ , er She Beyo nd our Ilnowle dge to know farm h ~me tw o .~1I1I es MI'. un d Mn;. M r. and Mrs. J. Q. Gons, Mr. good ofwa~ a lways thinkin g of the (,hilS. "ilk 1\1,yt;! Dayto rs, MI'. n Hc r ald. so uth of oth er s more \ ard Mr.. ~I nd Mrs. r hll ~-:- M (} I'I'I ~ ll n a nd O. Cartwr ight and wuys r eady to lend t han self, al. but with II high hop e and faith Cente rV Ill e last FlldI1Y... -.' MI'. an d Mrs. A, K. Day were Misses DorisJ . Hend n helping hand born of Div ine P ower. we must , I "u~hl e r , MI'. e rso :I nd n I and Mrs M~s. Jnnet to tho~e in ~ ickn ess . Pau l Thoma ~ was 1'I(11n1.( on . a busin ess vlsltOl l\ in Cincinn ati on Cart\\'r i ht wer e Sunday or trouble . beli eve with h e r a ll things are mowing '!lachlll e , druwn A CORRE CTION in~s li nd fUllI il\' .M r. and MI ~ . guests at by a .JIIll Sh e will be grelltly ml5'sed by we ll W e dn esdny. 05. T hnmpsn t he hom e of Mr. a nd Mrs. William . n, «I I of tl nelor Cincinl lati, dl'lve n by her Ho n. The --.--~ . m o we r beca me clogged, and Mrs. ' Iw nt S unda v wilh lIIr ~ . Ki zzie ' III th e Hnancu . a ll who knew and l\la rned to love L. Gaar n ear Richmo nd. d s tat('me nt of the Tho mas st opped to rem ed y t h ~ Thomps on . . Mr.. and Mrs , Ralph Dyke, of 1 her. Miami C(' ll1etl' I'Y Associn tiun pu bCard c'f Tbanl.. troub Dayton , s p en t • untlny with Mr, -====== === le. While s he was . tanding lis hed in .r une 8th i ~ s u e of t he === == Left to mourn t heir loss a re, hus We wi h to express an d Mrs. Frank Thomas . ban d, m o ther ,dau g h.te r, Bo n·i n· preciuti o n of thl! kindnes our ap· in fr o nt of t h e mac hin e, th ~ trncGaz elle an ite m r ('ad "50 shures s and s ym t a l' s tU l'ted ~udd e nly, pullin g the l~w, thre e grandch Ildren, tw o path y extende d to ' of l.inKo li a rd ware Co mpany Preby OUI' neigll mower ,forwal·d. The kniv es c ut Mr ~. Ralph Vance and son, of Sis ters, thr e~ broth Jr s, .and mllllY b o l'~ and fr il: llds us fe ll cd Stuck " this s ho uld have during the illoff o n e foot at th e ankl e. Th e Pleasan t Plain, spent Sunday other r elatives and fne nds. ItC\! 1I Ii "hares. \ ne B!! IIn<1 d l'llt h of o ur mother , oth er leg was c ut and crushed ' with MI'. and Mrs. J . C. Hawke. Thi s corrcc ti o n is ma de in jusThe F'u l'nua Family. sev erely and it was at fi ' s l l il'~ to t he Ce mete ry Associa tio n Three words filII sweetly on lTlY l hou g ht amputa tion of th e f oo t 1\1 r. and MI·s. P a ul Booram , of '.. lind t h .. Lin~" Hunl wa r e Co. so ul~ _ _ _ . . _ __ would be n ecessur y. It is be li eved Dnyton , were ca1Jers a t the home As music tropl lin IInge l's J-yre W. C. T . U. MEETI NG r ow t hat t he f oo t can be of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Oran e, Sunsn ved. That bid my s pilit spurn Qo ntro l W C T U h Rh e WIIS d ny afte rnoon, And upwal'd to it's so urce asp ire . I l'h e ATTE ND E D FAMIL Y PICNIC . . . . . me t a t t e hos pital. take n to Mia mi Valley The S\\ eetest words t o mOI·t n) · hom e of Mr~. Leah St r ouse, JJ T.hurs'I - - ..' '- ... ::=----.g iven, Mioses Henrie tta "McKin sey and day Ilflerno on, JUli e : ~.~ I ) 11'. and Mrs. Geor~e Hurtsoe k, Are h eard In Mo th er, H om e IIntl I!\lc d atte~dullcI!. Mrs. 26, With El izab:> th Chandl er are attendi ng ~,' . ~II' . IIlId Mrs. H C I'1I11111 S Urfnce, Mills I NEW CENTU RY CLUB Ih e meetinj ? Of t he Nationa l Educa Heaven . .~ II ilh 1\11'. lind \ the devotIon s, Mrs. J oe ·Max, of tio na I As!:oc ialion in Columb us . The urogram co ns lst E' d Of I :'Il.,\\, Mudiso n, Mr. a nd Mrs. Jim' The New Centur y Club met Fn. , ingR '/A in June " : riflit h lind so n IInci Mrs . Martluy at the home of Mrs, Ruth E. Dear Moth e r!. n e er sha ll I forget I Wilde' "WeDuy IIave yo ur la wn m ower sharpIlre Co unting' on Y [111'1 Th omas. of PiqulI, and Miss twenty- two membe rs r eThy ?row, thine eye, thy pl easant Mrs. Mills; "The Story of ered by t h e slim e machin e ry as ' harlo\te An tram of Was h ington to ro ll call, the them e s mile; . l! ~e d In th e fn cto r y, at the Wayne s Fl o we r Missi on" and " I. '.. pi c ni c ked in Glen Miller ho' s Who." Ths~ugh In the sea of death hat h I W ork," Mrs. vi ll e A u to lind Machin ery Co. W~de; "The E n emy ' III k III Richm ond, In d.. S unday e busines s session t . . . Is Busy," ,,('nin g . Th 't s tar of Irfe, lilY Margar et Rogers. g UIde aw hIle. )\ir .and Mrs. Free man Sabcrto n T hree White Ribbon recruits enj oyed. Oh, never sh~ 11 t hy . form d~part I J oe Dav is, Gl e nna un do f amily, of Akron, were here Wade . and b~ Mrs. . Le~~y and "New Frhm t h e bright pIcture s In my FI'I'1 ec Pain e wr~ l'e con. ICE CREAM SOCIA L severnl days last week, visitinl!' eerat ed to Kmgdo m of .Cotton by I\-h-s. W. II le~::. , " Mr. a nd Mrs. R. H. Hartsoc k and th ::! White Ribb o n cu use , in a E. O ' Nea~!. R eading, ~'Jus t. ~ ver, l .cl ~, . Mnss ie Grange will have a n othel: rolatlv II, most im pressiv e and the nge F~lks Mrs. ~melra WllIu~m s. And whIl e to one engulfm g grave white ribbon waRservice ice "reulI1 soc ial o n th e Harvey s. tied on their \ Dunrg th e socml hour damty By time's swift. tide ,w ere driven, al ms by the F lower Mrs. Joe. Tinney will have home b urg school ground s , on Wedne sMission I'efl'es hm, e nt were served by the How s;weet the 't h,2!ight that ever'y .direeto r.' m:\de I e cream for sale at her da y eve ning, Jul y 9. Mus ic ·by th e hostess . and he r assi st~nts. Th e wave ., ' h " me\ in Corwin , "Ftlday, July 4. H arveysb urg band. A ll are invited During the social ho'ur refresh - club adjou rn ed to meel 111 Septem But bears us n earer . heave n! SpecIal , f r om 10 . to 12, do'ublem ents were ~el'ved. by the hostess bel' fol' ~ext yeat's --- --. -.....::.~ work. There we sha ll meet when hfe is a ssisted by her m other. Mrs. Be lle <hck cone for 6 cent•• _ _ __ _ ••- - - o er . Dinwid die. In t hat ble~t home to part n o more Wnlche s, clocks .and jewelry re'.. The next m ee ting wW be held W . M. C. GIRLS DANCE na lrs. We u se only genuine mater, Don Dilatus h, Prosecutin~ At: at t he h ome 6f Mrs. P earl Shultz, Ial. Cu. y's Jewelry Shop, Lebano n " torney of Wat'ren County will be T he W. I M. C. Girls will Card give of Tba a v.k. Ju y . ,,1. Olllo: E x pert watchm aker and the s'p eaker at the Grange meet. dancca l the Wayne 8viJIl! Gym on We wi$h to extend ' our t hanks - -.DEAT -H - - ing next Saturda y nigl\t. There e nlrraver in ehat:ge. friday even,ing , .July 11 : Adm,is: to all wh.e utende d' help and syms hould be·a full attenila nce. - -- - - , sion 60 cents 'for couple, Illdles pathy in time of our bereave ment Mrs. Walter Unde1:wo~d dIed at 25 cents, Mr, and 'Mrs, ,D. R. Sa1isbu t1' of our dear wife and "mothe. r. To McClel lan h ospita l, Xenia, and family motore d to Pittsbu rg ' .. - - - -- . Mr. Neeld for his service, to Rev. day, July 26, followi ng an ThulsSunday where they were the HA'D AN- OPE illness ' Dibert 'for consoli ng words, to of several weeks. Funera Gen. Charles ' ' NOTIC E ' guests of Mr. and Mn. C. E. l .Si!rvi,ce s Helen Hawke and Mrs. LeMa~ for were held in the M. .ador ,fo Great Britain. baok Miehen er. They returne d on' Tuel grea~gr.IUlClmQther. E. church, of t their .beaut.i ful jlongs and ,to all which she W(lS a membe III ington to conier 'witli the Pr;,.id" nl day, accQmp anied by theIr daugh- . birthday cake Just r, Monday The Waynes ville Pos .office w offering florill ·tribute s. 'tllII smokcs his fam ous "base-bu rner' afterno on, Rev. G. "C. Dibert of- I be closed all day on. ter Ruth, who had spent Beveral in concert. Her aoI~ Walter B. Underw ood voice fleiating . Burial was in . Miami , ., with no deliverI FrIday, July pipe but bas chanql the Ityle o ~ hi weeks with the Micheri ers, es by rural. tbi worlcS'i I~~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hawke cemete ry, collar.. carriers .. •

OLUMU ~, OHIO ,-.'- Ofilcllli









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--- - - - ----

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F.. tflte of Emnul Hall, 'deceased,

KONJOLA FREES BOY, 11, FROM fROM COURT HOUSE l w.tra~~r;r~~e th~ ~!~~erOfa~~~~,~~ KIDNEY TROUBLE roppor, deceased, filed her In


J~a~'~~!n~~t) ~lrG~~oU\'~~":-

I fit roppel' , incom petent, second lind final.


Martin &Stanley Auctioneers


\ ventol'Y and appruisement in probate. ' L o uiso Gulden, assistant trust tlappy Crandmother Tell. How : ' The CIIUS' of .olive Hawthorn loftlcer of the Central Trust ComKonJola Rtltor.d H•• lth V flrsu~ Byron- ullel' ,M otor Com- pliny, a cce pte d the appointment as Of Little Crand.on . p un y WIIS di mls e el , , tru stee of tho lerner wlll ljd In It WIIS d,I.l(,·I'Ollld uy ;he court that I tl'UMt by the will 0 Hlirry B I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y : _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ thtl pl~llIh!f" N ew, " lfl' k Llr. In - " rhom!lIlQII, r1()(le ll~ltrl til th said ~ -,~- ,lII'll n CI ( r'l\loall~ . 'hull l'e~Over Ce n tl'al TI'UNt (!OlllllU,l'·. No bo nll C e nt '~ "ill~,' 0, New lJurllnrllllil O. hnrlC!l A I . ~ ' l • . , 1rnn t~ e 111' f t' ndanIF II PTEl IX, fl' J'elll'ud flnli lufll' lllll ~ Ihlck g l'IlY ,I an d wh n til 'lib Wll ~ o u t tlf ~ II:IiL I d \'IUhlfl II . 1I 1"~ '1llId C'lll! h I tJI] U:!\lI, .1 Ph~ne N. , 2 phone No, 320 ., \, ,, I'r ll \\, ~' s ill' t ,,( .k IIIlulh er Ihal '\,!I ~ pU. ~ In/.r tilIn h f " :'0- 'I l L I 1 Ac co unts Ill l! u 1 ' n down - Il' lIl 't t tI' "Uill h1"'1 II G u nl'(I'lllnl< h Ip ' II f ' j' lIlIlu/HlA '" f'II $ . "1r " , ,1·1 III' 11 . W 'II Her (,I'n lif,·. E,' " I\'flS blll,rln ni n/! . "I II' gIil I k1l 3\\' IV Ililt t h I ~ ml'allt, i nlld 'll'llered ht.'I'~e lf dl'll'I' t pre" '1 . cl1lll pelenl. I" t ' 'V II'PIll 11 '' Ire' . I' I ' t'l ' '" :, I'IUIII S. IIl f"ul·th acI" l h'lI k, Il llil in 1111'1111 U"I'L'p lllnt'l' hI! "a id at la~ t. "I' I'hlllls YI.u'li I ~ I t(oWlI . Th l:' l:nl'ill nd. ~ht, had dl' I (·id",J. \\'II ~ h,l' 1' II n l\' r(' fug ', Shl' lin, ~\I~ >'. II i.'~" pall \\,11"11 . COUIit. ,llId J'l.'cU Il f'tnh'l i.II1, Man'l' l u"d Il il': Bllt Ink t· \'!)ur till'l' '. , Sht' ullJ(Ii ' 1\\:" drllrt,; ucfor ~ h t' ,hi li'" 110 l'I' turll Ir, 't he IIparl llll'lIt "1~1~1'~ Iro m 1'111 1')', Ithcnff'l l'ler lo~ ulre GUlIl'dinns hip Iff Chesh· r II . NewL"o n , f' I1lt'd bl'ok"11 r"l.'rI " , und 1 her 11 1' ·elll """ .I iti",, 11 il{h t ~,. ," ,'''lI ld ~ Jll':lk. Il t' \\:1 , ~ 1I 1I1\! (1I11! s hl' \" wh ir' h ~hl' cflu ld ~o , ' ,, ~ ilv Ill' III tll ' lIt~ 1l 11 ~ 1 " lil1~1' II sa ' l l.' s- 1111111, m illII I', thll'd lind tinal lIehad klWII 11. hut hl' l' iIIlH' I' pu ni c t l':ll' I' '' , II l1d II,) othe l' I!,) ud h o te l s t", " tt'I' I,' . lc'f' '1:1 i\1' . 1 ~O UIlt. i"d etinil"I\', If il did, , h,' \I" ' lIld al I k II k h ' n Il' I'a -" " I ' I l11nll ~ Wt'l! F' I A .I I' f Idlsl " l1l1 til1l1" !t'l11p"I':!rily 111 thi ~ 111'11"('1 01 It Ila t Ill' wa" 'r"I o s'~~ll'" " In el t"I1\' I' !H'W f~I't'hll' .ta t' " . ~I'I' I" at Bu ildin j! a nd Loa n As"",'iati,'n 11\II\t l l'l(' " I; It11" (' r. j!UII I'lt h'IHI , 0 ll t.l ' . ' ,I' e , WU!( nu ()f' IZet1 n · ..... utl l l' l'u r . . . . H' f II t:tt 10 111''' l\ nlJ,!' l1 wll 10 1l t 1II),.!" \ .. 'I I 1\1 . (~ II \V " Ill iron '""II t. ~h(' '\;'~ 11l' ll'illj! ~h t ' l ilt . k' n,,11 I11111 ' II j!a )! ,' an , I .III "V e nlll)! . , ' ,' I"lI " ' I IIe pe tit ..IO n at " " "'. 11 11' I , I1\' \\' fllI' e: IIJ t I\l' S. II ' t111."1 ' , all( I i Ii'11'1I1' 1I , 1'(,Vl'< I : ' t ,1,'(· II II1,' IIITII I" 111 h 'y. IIh ol1\ ~h, ' hilt! 1"'1,111101.·'[ In 11,,1 l! ul in)! tIll' <wift j(lllflll' \', ~ hl' riff ",,"r " " IT' "I'e'l f Il' al n pllbli c s lIle III lI11t 1 l'~S Ullin two "ec II S I" '~lldis t lin d f"lIow hi~ kt hilll ,,'(' that , h,' did Ih, l. II ,,11I1I 1"'d Iwl' ~ 1111'\' r;,1' till" hut I I I' l·I:OI'.,I' I'''ill ~,It;" ,' 1',\l' l1Llll1tS. Ih il'd s the HPJll'ui Sl'd ' ·lIlue. 30 Y eal' ~ EX )l ril'lIt:e in Pit tin g I r ,' utillen!. I I ~ < ;\1 ",.1'1 , ha d hinted ,(" Illt'd lht' '/If'''' l ('O il!'",· . " 1'111,, 111'/1 1' I'IIlh.'r Ill'l'I' IIU S with ' ,·I ,' I·k If JI'"k ill~ " th l' ' n i)!hl I11l1n, th"1 t,'llrl tll1l .'. f . ~,\( 1"1 t' whll'h III t he s ctll e ll1l'lIt of th e esto ll' und 1\laKin~ (jlu s~H's l hlll sh" ", ,,uld lik (· to lL-ar!1 ~(l 1111' IIl1d WIl S ,m .Ill r. ,h,' was ~ lIl' e h(' II le lIt " >' t 1.., PrllI (' IJla '~II' IIHl' reH t of (;('I'trude R . EII~ tlllan, deceased FI ' nl'll, 11l1d hi t! :ld.I ,'" frankl y: ~ lIall;:(' I'~. " . , 111: Ildfllit l l'd, - lI t· " . O)lll' Eng- li-:h. tt lU . 1f1:l l.' hl1r. lh"11 a " k,'d hl'l' lIlh"' <I' I~· . '\\, ou ld , \\"lIld tllk,' Iwr ill , Sh,· Il' ft the: ('lilt ~, ; .. dllt." ·I,~u l'.'t11 : ~ P.I'l ' I1;I ~:lI ~'Y n,,"', Ihl' net 11l1l1'kl·t v" lue of the es tut e 11 CARY'S JEWELRY SHOP , " Io l",' k 1'1'11111, (;al'lal1t! and .1 .. ';. .1 . ' I.! 1111 III II I III ~ 11I11 o ! I\' IIS fn llnd III he $ I B:!82.8G. S uc ce~ 11 .n 't think I lIin' l \\, I ~I' I" t 1\1' II Ill' 1' 1111 C'IIi (. t" dUll e ,, '! " ' , II,' 11I11;:h,'oI at th ai, 1111 !I 'l101dl' lI ' wal k!''' t he l'I'lllUillillJ::' ,lis t aIiCl' : ~,~\,r)" I,' ~. I'lis t 0111 ,' IlIll'l'l·~ t a nd SOl'S to th e "st n l(' al'l' Arthul' W , I ;;pill " ,., ,.ds,'· Eve,.y 'rue,day. Thur,day EI I'n ~1t:1I:l \\ n> nil''''' liu llllln Illlls h ,,,111', hi ~ " \"'S "" till' " i",1I1' n ~ I 1I11d h(, 1' pllnie Il'ft :l tl'ifi ,' II h ' II , -' B f'f" ..I !II ~:~ la~'ll~'" ('ld 'I'll libI that 7t h t' Eus tm a ll, wid e'\\','I' , Eli7.ftlJt' th E , Saturday I I0 hil Y 1111, I s uw t I Il' :S lI lll 0 , ll ' tl" ( ' S I '" I II ' " 11 t "1'1 " I tiC rtrI" : ~ "1' " , 1'1 r . C h utt. CI II Ug' I ,t t' r un d RlIl' c lllY H. ",i l, 1I FI(' 111ll" \\ il h If thers . IIl1d l'n if h.' \\" ' 1'1' t 111111,1. 111: I I""p I y, ( No Charge for Examination ":-;I""lg'l' ~" h, ' I " I,,·a lt·d, ' S I I'III1 K plllllll' fill',' of .11!lIkins ,'''nfl'l)lItilll< II ! I "r!',,1 I 'Jill .' II \(' II I t il' ' L 'I·I'("'. 1o:11 s tIlI0I1. " " II . on l' '''' ''n ~io" hnd ,lI ugo ht t ht' I hl' l ael'''", the ni )! h t rh '" k. I 1I11' ~~ th,: sHl d, ~ "I' erlll SU'" S IIrt· ____ , n o n("t ··~ n~ nrI 11l(ll1t tn In:tkt ' a t t':"· " I'''!'' MASTER GEORGE RAYMOND " I Ihink ." , hl' , n)!g'l' stl"1, " 1' 011 " tll., ~ I I', ./ enkill "," s he I' l' ~llil 11<OL 1':~ld II'l t hlll ,\ days or tht' "lI tl'Y New Suit. ful l',,1.f1d,·nl'l' " f II ~Il ,.t n" t oftt.'n BAECHLE jfil' l'll, 1 : 1'1' KlltfH'I'l'd that ,' l l.' l1n had /II'!' nli ~ t"kil1'~ Ill., f" r ""I1It' 'IIl1l' l w it ll II oil" I' I'1'II11! (' fr o l'l t il " ,":lIk tlwn ,1"1','<"1 0"111'" wil l I,,· ll1a d t· Hlld OWl' n:ot ll ' lIlIr· " 1',' l'h11ps ~" ,U I'U 111 L'11 1- 1'1''1':1fill' "'"~ ."_ ~' h,tli '[ '1'1h (.' ,"", 111, . I n III. I In Gruss Vl'I'Su:! W 'I\l 11 1111 (' , so I'll I' fl)r~"ttl' n h('r JlI'I'j ucil(' l' ~lf ll ill1:,g-i nr' "yllll k' II' W," It , .t. , 1J. IL I, Lit lIH II , InK n n. hllh O: blll'll r,, 1' 1I10 1l l!Y " Konj"lu will al wa ys ha\' e 11 Il l' " tl'lli)!htt' lh'd a s if " h .. hlld III I' II le ng11 l n ~ 1 1111' 1/ 11._ 10 fu ll in I nl'l~ with ' ":\I b " 1' : 1I ~(IIl '! II f l'Oll rs,', il ll '" alld 1.": 111 L tl llll'nll~' I', J S l1 ~ Ml1r - :~ 'IIUUIl.t .('11I 1I110il $:J7 ·l, tH Int PI'l's l, ph~ .. " ill If ur hOI1I1:- " Thill has uee n lint' li f th l' re ~' l n l' '' lit J ll kl'· ~ . lind ~ lIu "k hilll, " i\I\, God! Ill't' Y O ll tl' ll 'II~' Ill" r dn 1'11 \1 d ,,'! I ('Ull J!h't, ""lI Ihc,' l!a ll't '\ '. Il dd..t,rulhl. , ·1 :d , Wlis '''l' ts ,tl, ~l lId "Oll lllll'"'' tllll i'~ hy pnl'clIls to thl uW h" l's" lf "i"It'I1!I" lit th l' ' :1111:' hlld heron'· If y,' U , ' '' nl pl''' II1I ~,·d IIlId dl~ IlII SSl'(1. , i\l !IIY AII.(·ill' J OII (, H ve l " u~ Flov d ' \l'h .. Knlfl\' \\'hat thi " " '.\\ lind difhelld "r til(! ul1uJlIIr t'<:i ati'v e tlll1n. clol1't 'kll"w "IIIl'!" h,' " .. i,'d, ' "I think' 1'<.11' ,·" 1111,, 11'.1 loy " III,,·... III' I" ", i, ililioly Ilddl'd , 'j'hl'Y 'I'(' In Ih,' ,'.1,, (, '!f A 1\'11 H ill , adndni- L., Hl't,tl t' l: l o r monl' Y o ~I )'. ~llIIOUnl fl'n' lIt Illt'tl ll'i nc, ,'1111 01 ", Now rl'ad Wh,' n h .. fai ll'd tlf I'l'splfnd l' "II .. ~ lrUll)! lik e lll:~s. 1' 1,,·,,' lil t' ~lf llll ' ":1 1111 '1." ~ II'lIl,, 1' dt· h" " IS 11"11, With ,t!h' 1"111 , ':1; 11111 , $l!OOll .I~'th. IIlt l·I'l·~ t a t tlil' wlf nb Iff Ml's. Il l· Il'1I Hllct' hlu . >-€Onl him n ol es, "Thallk .1''' 11, l'!.!~ : I' d like thllt IIn lll·X(·<I " f till' "s t II I...· of I h " l11l1 ~ (, , , fl '! "~ ,Jun e 2,. 12!J8, , I ltJl :! PUl'cell ,;tl' l!ct . C !n t'l nll/lti. Wh e n h(' ,-eusE'l1 ('II mi nj! tlf 1I 1l111Zill ).! n -!'ol'm !JI"rll' ('s, Ylf U kl1r,\\' . ' ,I "k,- )llls""d 1[" , tnlol" ,, ~ s l,, ' 1' 1' 1'\' Illllt'h ," .1u n!.!,; . dl'(:(' IIH'<i \'l'I'SUS Mul'Y E, ' VIIj!1I1111 ,Iull ell Vl!r: us Fl oy d L. \l'ho reiutt'S till' eX[le rl c nce o f J k e'~ . (1 b\'ill u sly t u Ilv,l irl hpl'. s he 1': I'e t lll/k h,'r key. glll't' .Im II ,J Ulies. 1'l ul: th.e t' Oll l't a djud god ' ~1 ~~ d t',1' fo:.· ll1Une~ o nly 111l1 11 Ul1t l (; CUI').!l· HU Yll1 0 lld Bacl'hle, II, hel' lall e d III h i~ I O OIll~ IIIt E' ulle :lfter- Rpuk,·. ),! lu lll'pd al th,' piliI' . 111101 1I00n and wail l:d then' till he hes italed , EVI' d id n, d s"" h illl. bill r'Jlnel s llIilc. a nd W(,111 " n to til(! thal I h.,' plllll~lIft Pl' uC"l' d tIl t'~IIT.I' <,I;I.lIlHd $u OI Ii .'\,Ith IIltel'e: t lit gTlI lll boll : th~ " tmll).!,'r dill . ,·IL·I'lIt u r, ul' ('a lh in),{ ili o n' l1atul':llly Ollt s lllJl d uties, II " was funht·1' h ( fr om Junl' 27. I!!:.!M , "M y g l'untbo n. \~' h o !i ves with ('a m e ho me. " .I nk., Sll," " yuu're \l'lfrking- [If I' A \1111' ", bUl h pll rtl ~' s lf~1t h t·d her ('ld l'l'C'([ to l'llIplllY II s UI'veyu ,' t v lII e, wa s b,!thorl!d w,th kidney tl·O.U Al lhiR point in th e nl'ro unt s he ROOT FOR AND CONS IGN R~al Eltate Tran.rrri ble pvor s ince h~ wa s a ~lIlby, HIS ga \, E' Eve, Ste lla 's sobs grew ,w him ," hI' hI' '1II(hl ,0111 with d itn - lht· fallliliur ul'd WII '" comfol'tllb le, ~ lII'~' l'Y th e fllrlll tu ue ~u ld nnd IIpyo ur Cu tti e. h og'~ , s hl't' p and ca lves hUl'l es M L sl ie I S I' C I ' of b ludll e l' wu s netlVI' a t "' Khl. und to N orris- B rock Cn., liv e wire anll lo ud th at Evt' f('ar ed th ey might cu lt,·. " 11 (' l c,lI s 111(' vllu'l'e ;; UbSli - and lh" '1 ~Ii (· t neiKhu ul'hoo d wu s fll'lll "l!d .b y the (( uth::; o r J uh n Ko l. , I b 'r, William I'a g'\! lind Gcu rg e Thl' In torll ;'un; 'R~iil:u e \e r I he !nck etJ e n ergy und vitality, pl'ogl'e ssil' l' fi rm f OI' th e hij!h est draw Mis~ Dll venp o rt from thE' J une s . . T er minal Com un I I .1 al~~_ K.onJollI wo... k l!(~ for Ill e lind I d e- mark ·t pric ('~ and ).!ood s cr vi cl'. next Ilpa l'tment. She Iltl'ntioneci It wa s cn ns lIl e r c ll by th o co urt urt 1'0111 eHtlltg Iri\ Dee 'fi I'd S~e, Cillc d to g lVt' It to Ge o rge, The Union Stock Yard •• Cincinnati. 0, lhi ~ dan)!t' r to t he rllc o nteuse , w hu that Th e Mutuul Building li nd J e l'l'Y Co le rn to H r. e EI~ ' I fil s t bottl" j!lIve 1' llcournge ment, Re fllr(mr (': As k first II1lln yu u fll el't ti Red the (' xpre~ion o f her g ri ef. Loall Com p a n y of Mi n mls uu rg , I id l.'g JllrL f IO~ ij No III~y . (- lind u ft l' 1' thr ee uot lief'. hb blud It wa no ,)art o f S t e lill's plan t o pill in t iff-; . l'ecol'l! l· fr(lm t hl' cl e fen - I'id).!e: '11I11't u o f lots Nu.'6 f,rd,~ ",er. IIction becullle no rill ul. make Ivy Il ('onfidnnte. But he r <I lIl1t . t Ilf ~~ 11 ,G . Aloxundur. th e Jo'l'Unklin, I 11lfdllY h (l loo k .. fin!' , ll n~ f~e l H ' plain face was tE'ar-s treaked ns s he wenl on, and Eve ex p er ience d , ~ llIl\ o r $8.\ !.1!3 nl1d t' OM tt;, Un l os~ Margare t A. Hild e rurand t o Wil l b(:ller thun h e evI'l' ,ild . Ky nJulu 'l Summer U le Clf Lemon, , ~a,lI1 e UP s eltled, t h('n f OI'l' e1o~urc limn und NelliI' 'ollin I t N 76r. 1 will ul\\,lIyg hav ~ u pillec m o lit' - - , a d E'ep sympathy n ot on ly f or he r w llI.. ('mill o unci or ti ol' o f sule I ~s \l e d in Frankllll, s 0, [) ho m ," _ . Tn IIIl1kil\~ FI'I' I\l' h dr es~ 1 1I1< for but for t he reg' III I' Wh o had been l,lfell Frll!cll1nd pleud e d )!tdlly l~runklil1 Burn ett u I I' It .Is v~ry tI· u ~ that h on.l o la l o~e~ ' SUllld , ll1 a n ~' perso n" pl'C'fe r ICIl1'Ji1 l! ubjected to this ~O l't o f sce ne, tlf :l eha rge o f :;(' lIln)! intoxicating s lrato r t o A;' ill'a B : Yt!)( m nl - P O lIml' \l'hl'l\ ]lut t o t he tes l , bu t 'I juice til vill ega r, and to gume 111'1'Th ere may be girls who lire ben u' liquor und \\'lI!i tin e d $i5 0 and H:!. 12 3 ac res 'inl l e!~II~::'~~k ~'t \\:ll: it is s trongl y l'ecoll1l1lend c d t1~lIt II so ns it .is lll ,?re.w h ll icsoIl11· ..By WilY tiful wh e n they weep. P oo r Stelln I COgts. In d l'fa\ll t lIf hi ~ tilll' he wn s ~ hip , 0 n e~nl p ll'l e tr(':\tm ent IIf from ~ IX t o u f .'·Ilrlety It I;; w orth . tr~' I,l\g, I'swas not a m o ng them, "I let'm see why I WIlS lhere," . ' A l·tll.l I' lind Ruth S mlltlUl.'ck to l'llda ~'Ittl ~s be u ~l' d. . pccllI ll~: wh 1.1 th(' dre~s ll\ j! It t(, be , I re ll~ a!'til.·d, t o the county J.IIII. Stella gulped, "a n' h e was that ~ o nJ u l u III sol d 111 Wa yneSV ille, u: ed With u ,fi ~ h ~alud. A f (:\I' dl''' p~ b ffi c \\ urll p leaded Irui\ty t o a Cu r l Schn ub. Illts NO l!. 55 56 57 ' I charge of p o~s eRl! ln g intll xicating 1)8 u lso lot Nos, [,562 550:1' I hlU . II I Adaml Dr~g S.tore. nnd uy o f 1(,llloll .Illl~e add lIlue h ven polite he broke my heart. I'd taken oft' my coat an' hat before he liqtlll r, , u nd \\'n ~ fin ed $200 und 1)5 6.1. 55 65 li nd 6566 in Deerli lei a ll the be~t d.l' ugg ls t III 111.1 tuwns when v ln ~·ga l: I~ u ~ed ~ nd PI'(, PIII' ,d ('flsl .. , S h e "'us, n rrl e r e~1 cOlltmltt d t wp. Ie th rnlll! hout thi S ('n tlr e scc tmn, mayonn.u~sc IS II fl ~n Imprnvc~1 ,by COJOe in. for of course 1 thought he'd keep m e to dinn e r anyway, Al'thur li nd Ruth S ll1adbe ck to _ ~hc ad dit IO n or u Iltt le fr 'Hh JU ice t il ,the Cll unt~· Jilil un li l the finc is Don't they always , in stories an' )111 1(1. c~tDtc o f William 0 Mas hburn Ju: t u('fore US lIl g, pictures? But he didn't, He got TIIII'i : Co nl ey 1 ~leu d ~·d gU.i1ty. to I ~ts Nos, 336, 337, 831l lind E Uj.! ~ ne III11'pe r. s u pp li es. $3.60 : J. Th e r e nt'l;! mu~ y ex ce! le n t I C ml) l~ my hat an' c oat, an' he put 'em on H chal'ge (I f s eiling IIlt OX IClltll1g 340 in D eerfi e ld twp, K. penc'r, bridge lumbe r , $63.72 c1 esse ~'l:; . •Ju st lun tI\\ o u~h YUill gentle an' kind, like he was dresI ~CJu o l' an~lr. lI ' li S se nt enced lo pHy a Vi ola Laber man lo 0 'cnr I~, and J o hn Lumur, bridge lum ber, fu vo l'l te cllok .hn ok I wk \\l g C., I' sin' a kid. with soothin' n o ises. an' fl il e o f $<>00 li nd Cos ts, H t, \\' !IS Fern M, lI e lmlinger 106 75 \ es :s 0 " 1 \V B lh('tn , ~ e~o n J ' Il y, Il' nlOn pt e, o l'ticrrd co ml11itled in the jail until in Was hington twp. ' . I cr , t I ; " I'~. , , IItnpbell , co m - lemon {lllln~ for cake~. It'l\Ion c~l' n h e told me I was too rlice a girl to "Well, ·oun" lady." he rrlprd out, "it', time to drop thi, chic a- fin(, and CO'lts ar.e Pll ld , Anna L, B o ne lind Lee V , B Olle pe nsution Ilnd dumuges. $150; s turch p.u ddlllg', I.e m o n (.gg p uul!m g put myse lf in compromisin' p osiI .. E t 0 L Perry B. .' imp so n , operati ng mllin- I II I t tions, Wasn't that the e l'phants' nery of yourl and come to an undrr, tanding," . r nes , e Wls wa s j!rllntetj a to H l1 l'old Sw e ny lots Nos. 124 Dnd tain e l'. $6 0; V. W, T o mpkins. pay emon rlc(~ flU ( ( lIIg, e ll1 0n IIPI ?CIl knuckles! An' he got me to the " ,(lIvorc(' fl' ol11 !"lllze l F . L ew is , th e 125 o n th e pint o f th E' Un' ··t II $ ~'D le m on ,I u cl d lll/.r ~nl\ce. le m on Ice, having bel'n f o und He i/.rhts s ubdi v is ion in Turtll~~~!le~ I·U . 41 4 ; ,. , Jon es, s am e, lemo n Ice <'.rell m,. I m on s Il nd door un' outside it, an' the first tuting for IInother g irl. That's ! fr ee fr o m t h~ car-da nging that d e~endnnt I ~new he had the eleyator up and about t he Jimi t. but we won't go I had d i. turb ed h r lit the apal't- gUilty Of gross n eglec t ' of duty, twp . ~~: , ~5;ldeR ~~~rI'y . ~a lll e. ~X~~ · ~ ICllIo n l'o(, k lt'S will ~ll?pellr t o yo u was puttin' me in it an' sayin' into it now, Howecl 'r, I kn ow th e ment. With a mighty e ff o rt o f will Th e custo d y of th e tw o min or ch ilFred Ka mps to Th e Cincinnati 25: I I;ur l ~~ Itr n~ib~: '. Sil~~ as ~()rl' '!f l e~~ fll lllltlllr d e~~e rts , gpod-by, Oh, Berson, it was awful! rul es of the cnbnret ga m e, I : he tri e d t o d,'aw lIlental s hut:ier s dren , Le roy and 1t'lIl a was g iVe n lo Ca~ and Electric Co mfJ lIl1 Y r E'a l , $42 ') ' J oe \V Dllvi s snll1~ ' $55 1' "I ou 11'111 ~n~, 100 , thilt II la !'ge For of course I caught on then, mustn't take the tim e of hi s peo pl e between lII e mory, and t he e pi !;od E's th e plaintiff, until furth (, r CC' UI't estate in Hami lton twP.· 00' r Sh'l t . I b' $0'0: H :: l l1um!Jr l' o f frurt d.l·sart , a r e .llltright off, I see n I wa ' a woman f or no thing, 0 here 's II HOP to him of t h l1i~ht. b ut the g rny- order. Orlando and Annu 1\<1 Br In Id I~s Ir . II $~1 50" H LI, pr O\'I:d by Ih(' m ld ltion o f a little s corned I" With ex tre m e deliberlltion he I hair ud st r n ngl.' r pu s hed bnck t ho:e ' 10 Mary E, Dill 10. 71' acr~l1!in nld V \I~~!J I.)t or ! 'I I a~ 11.'1110n. P rune I1nd fi g d e~~e r t ' are 1 The p./lrase seemed to please t oo k II r ol l o f bills fr om his poc ket ::; hult e rL, with cOlllpelling hand s, Probate Court Mass ie twp, ' ~) $'9 78'1 ,zH u,rn1dlS TIIlR' nn ( ,o ut - amo ll /.r th e lll and to\\'urd t h' end 8 k , me d f u II 0 f h 1m,. ' Th e " l' um e nt o f wl'Itlllg. , , .' ~ SelkeI' ,. , , . .ZUIIl .a l o Arnll'. tagc 00, s allle of t h(' ~(' aso n app le: are y I' y mllch Stelpa, for s he t ried it again on a pu II e rI II ff H. te n -d o II !II. b'an k -l1 ote, i Th e" loom see An lIls.t Jlur- , C''lIn and William L , mg;, $1323,~5: . sa m e , " I 'f k I .' h I' I higher key, lind t Ol'sed It on the tabl e bef o re I very w or ld . ee m ed full of hllll, portin. to b e t he las t will I1n,1 u e m e nlllg to Haro ld Sweny lots $132') 50 ' J K~l ce r furnish - 1111j1I C'C' , I coo l'l \\It u Itt e "A woman scorned," s h e r e- her in c r ells ing panic s he ha rdl y ob- I und or.~o meh orro r co nnected ,with ' t estun;ent o lf I~snc N M'lll er I tr' N lI~, 126 and 127 on the plat of in ~ ~;Id 'I ~ud i'n" " rllv e'l $410' Ilem on. ," . h n you bakehbullunus. peated. "Berson, I give you my s e l,vel I th e ae t 'Io n. hi m , . ~" " a e U' ' " lon , . . . .Co . .s. ' lce' 0pr events t e II m fr odm o f Mass ie t o wns hip was produced I1Ive r SI' t y II' ' 1' Ig h ts s ub d IVls m. . Clinton Co Gr'lvel am, e t emo t' n Jl" Al word I cried all the way hom e, The s tronge r saw t ha t ,Jak e hud Th e ho rr or was wo rse than t he· ·.t f . b ' TurUe creck twp, "40 ' 1\1 . L ' b C" , .J ,us III~ II~ S lpl . m ost a mil I' Now, what d'you think I ought t o plI 'sed o n. lind hi s Ill u nn e r c hclnged man him se lf, because it wn s in- In ctou ll °FII' PRr.o'halte, Vel'ne M. Armitage to Edward ·... 1 ·$6 8 nl~)0.nJ hun~tt!r d" 'J' hm 'ltte l - fi s h . dlll h ~s ca ll fo r lemo ns nnd un ev . 'e e exec utor o f In, . , . 0 ns 0 1111 0 ns Oil brOIled hs h ne d ~ II g 'll'nlsh of ' f " bl L ' k t l ' I' d I do? Give himup?" a s a b rup t y as I so m e nel've In tunj! 1 e. I e lOse t ral mg en S th e estate o f Georgp'C R' hi d H . and Iva Jun e Gloec kler lot No, mllteri a l $1 1210' Owen Gr oss I . S' b' . "Yes . Stella," Eve s aid, with a him . te n ~ e ti ll n ow . hnd SUdd e nl Y , ~h e \VII : II lwu ys ~triving" to catch. I ' I t'l d h" , I e e. e- 14 in Oregonill ' I' • $6" 01' · C" d l' 1Il011 qunr t ers, • ",e(' t r eads and 't I I d h h ' b k cel1Sel. I e IS Invento ry and IIpD': S tipp les, • 11 0 0 1 I ugut \'(,I'y ft en veal di shes a r c im straight face and a comforting pat sn~,fl pel.I ,"" '11 ); Jl' yu n e.l'reae. Ju st ac ' prnisement. . Hlrlllll BIIII1 to Nettie Culv e rt Co .. se w('r, $83,70 ; W t H . d wi t h le llloll '~lic~ on the girl's s haking s houlder, "If \y' ~I.I. ~uung la d y. ~e I ~Rped I o f him , , , ~n s<? m e wa y he was , Th e co urt confirmed the I'e Jort lots Nos, 5~ und 53 lind fracti o nal Ma dd e n & Co., IIllite rinl . $54: prove J, I were you I'd give him up." oul . It s time t o drop thiS chl cn n- ~(t nn ectetl WIth It all: , he was made by Martha M, Palm er. ~x e - 10 t . No, 57 In J ohn Th o mpso n's ' ad- Frllnk BUI"k. :lltJlplies , $7 ,7 0; H , - - - --She had dec-Iared that, with the e ry o ~ n nd come t o an und e r- In th e very h'7l1rt o,f !t, At mo- , cutrix uf th e es tllte o f Mary Pal - dl tli) ~1 tu Monow, J, Pu l ' r, r epairs , Indust!'iul Tom' and Ton. possible exception of Queenie, stu l1dlllg. men ts .she was Just wl t hl!1 gl·a.sp of , Ill e r, decease d, Ehza B ell e F ol'mull to William Tru c t o r lind Eq uipm e nt Co, . 2 Stella had the keenest sense 0 f Eve s~!lre d at t he man in a \~' hat It wa s , . s omethmg lifted. Accounts filed ' B. F o rman, ] 5 aCl'es of IlInd in sets of cables for load e l' $16,60' humor of anyone nt Jake's. Now froz e n s ri enc e, 1<!!htened. li nd suddenly dlll:kened I, I:' ,t, te f "1 C' B k ' I TIlI'Uec r ee k twp, lIarl ev's "'III'Hge $1 10' L' L Col: Th e s illlpl est ~el e m enL known to "r d o n 't UII( Ie l,s' ,.,...1rid" h' f I I" l ' l n "V us ' h h II ' r. S ol 0 .. ary , II e l. (eceas .. . In- mall I. ~ th e IIY( Irog-e n Il t o m w IIIC ' h s he realized anew that one's sense , s e u - I",t , e n. . :;.e wus 0 ( mg ed, first lind finlll lin s. •I . g"nso line" tunk, $1.50; humor often perishes under the tHcd. lifter a brwf duel of eyes her bl'eath III dra wlIlg understnndF t Lt f M " II rll' Marriaae Licenarl t e l'nlltio nal Harvest e l' Co re- cons ists of one p rolo n, nro und of first assault of one's emotional bet wee n them, ing, S he was convinced thllt she ,S II' efj fOtl al y . ' , Iso n, t! epUI'rs $2 11' J C r~(u\vk " " li S " "29 i whirlin g o ne e le ctron, h 1 A I' t 'd h ' d th cellse( I I acco unt Ge o rge R. Wall. oJlel'ator at ...,., < <,,,, '" ,- which f-I I' . nature, H e s ml' 1e (I wry Iy . a( e( 0 avo I 1m an lit to I Ii; t 't f M A' S C ' 11 Md d 1\f\ IlO ' Kilpatrick-Fre n c h Motor Car lum cllme~ nexl wllh two 'Well,' if' you s ay so, I will. , ''I'n,l ufruid neit~ er o f !-Is is m~et r e tul'll to he r n,o rntlll s elf Iyo uld be , cClIs~ dn ~r~t and"~ I' pear . d e- I MI~\i~svGr~ham," t~~cher s~f HH:;~ Co : g a s and s'lppll es. $468,80; I e leo.lI'o ns , In this n~a Tln l' I' nil mutStella agreed wilh a pllthetic s nif- Ing thiS ve r~ ",,/.' 11. he sa id wea1'1ly to ~cturn t o hl1l1 . : t,;, hllll ,' '. Th' - ,t 'd .nl'th Ch I ' veysbul'g, Jun e 20, Frallk S her wo od Co, ~Illl\ e $34.75, t el' IS c<1 n ~ tructeu. Klin ck o ut s Ollie fle; and she drifted away. grea tly " I'll admit It': too much for me , 1 he S UIl I'os e, brlllgll1g With It,S 't he bcoull ~ I e£h at nr es CI S3me $3 ,1 7 5 ' e le ctron s nnel II lilffcl'e nt Rubs relieved by an outburst to wh ich But w e' ll und e r s tand eac h other first, e ndura n ce,' then rev ivillg , HlI t ~ pa ce 1':'1 tfc ch"re o f th e 1\'a so~~' e:ncde ::'I:SS LMoSIIII~'I'ans tuIodleantBaollf, ' • " ... _ . e lec tron s l'esuIL~. Th o I1lnglc whirl s he never again refe rred, all right wh n we've had our talk coumge. coun y. o m e unll urt er OI'd t! I', 1 .. elcctron s is one o f the mirllc les of Yes, one could do a little for Go and put Oil yo u I' con t und wo'\[ 'he was u \\uk e lled by 11 tinkl e. Notic e: o f es tates, fOl' setll e- o f Mason, June 20, AnCl.ther on Methulelah of th e unh'erse, Everett Reed o r , III borer of Ore___ __ _ th~se girls, Eve Ireflected. as she ge t out, Thi is 11 0 place f o r yo u. s harpl y impc l'lltive. The tel ep hone ment al'e ~et fO I' heal'lng o n Jun e gorlin and Ml's, Emma Burton. He live d 969 years with a contendepressed walked at Hunt's s ide and God 01 0111.' k nows why you was in her s itti ng- r oo m illld she 23. ut fJ 0 c lock u. m, 1'9se to nil we r' it, At the first ArthUl' N , French ucceptad the hou sekeeper of Oregonia, June 21. ted lov ing wife, She was earning m oney. too, and ca m e he r e." Ancient Sun Diall Eve stood up quickly. She must wo nl s that cuml' over the wire hel' tru st a s exe(~ utor of th e estllte of Ge orge 0, Ackel'mlln, civil en- FOI' div o rces wer e not invented Ilaving mos of it, and begi nning h e r readjustment. and doing hel' e nd this nig htmare, heart ca ught, then lea ped. and r e- Saruh Ella, French, dec ease d~ no gineer of Lafay e ttE', 0 " and Miss th e n. they led a · hnppy life, In o ncienl Eg y pt sun dials sleeping in th e daytim e, nnd not "I mu. t go to the dr essing -room vivlng courage lifted he r like 11 ' bond ~eclull"ed C, J , Wngglll e r. B eatrice Lorene Coo pe r. of Mo,'- His wife could run no charge achaviTlg to fuc e blllck nights, Yet. and get my \Hap." s he s aid, wav e. C, C. Euln ~s and C hur.le~ S. Irwin lOW. June 21. COUllt, depllrtm e nt s tor es wel'll noted the pllss inj(' hour!; o f s uns hin e, Ln the yea r !1 96 P ope SylQue e ni e wn,j in the dressin g "Miss Purso n?" It was Hllmil- we,re appoll1t~d apprl\ls ers, Schenck Simpson. metallurgist s hy-'admitting IIll these things her panic return ed t o so me degre e r oo m. Eve ca ught P CI' arm, ton' ~ \V ITI' 1ll and fl'ie n41y vo ic e , rh e las t \~' III and t es tament o f o f Franklin Ilnd Miss Gilldys But wore her fur s 900 years 01' vest e l' ha d th e firs t cloc k, [n the 18th century II Ce w cl oc ks w e re ('very time s he met s trangers. Is th e l'e any uack way out of ho ld ill J:' th e thrill ,of controlled Mart ha L: r' oul'he d ecea~c d. was Thil'ki e ld. o f Pl'IInkfin. June 23, more nnd 1l11lnul<e d to get by, To-night sh e t old herself she this p lacc,! " s he asked desperately exc it e lll ' Ilt. " Rub in so n hilS ju st jPl'oduccd III co urt and admitted t o Vivian R, Re tallick, teucher of Her auto was a liltl e donk •. he sat used in Europ('. T odny elect rical I'escllrch hus broug ht t he e lec tri ca l just bn ck of his ea r s, ~ud bee n mad to come, Deep with- H e r e xprcR:; io n forbllde qu e'tio ns told Illl' th nt yo u' re bllck." he c on- , pr~bllte . C l a ~'u l\'lur~hy \~' as ap- 01 ego nia Ilnci Miss Margaret C, mo l'c IlCCllrul!' t han uny In her nn nlarm wal! sou nding, soft and Miss Morri s rullied to the ob- tinu ed, " and it se(' Ill:; t ou g ood p~lI1te d o tl m ,nl st ratl'lx With the l orn s. privute ~ec ratllJ'y of L eban- And wh e n he bra yed in baritone c loc kIy but pel'sistentiy. It grew louder viou x c ri s is o f the mom e nt. t o be tru e, I don't want to be a Will unnexed and fil ('d hc r bond of o n, Jun e 23, !lo ng, it uct ullily bro t her tellrs , ot h device aVllilab le. to th e horne as she approache d th e man at the "Sure th I'e is !" ~ he rem'e mb e r - nlli :'unc e, of course -" $.300q with GeUl'g e B, Fouche, LesThey never played a gam e of corner table. He had risen, and ed. "Th e boys ' dress in'-room has a "Oh. I s hul! be g lad to !lee you!" h e 1· c ldcul11l>. Stanley C. FeldBilll AllOwed bridge, it had not arrived, !ltood watching her with an ail' of window o n a back' alley." I Eve gasped. "You can't imngine c~mp and Ra lph MUl'phy as sureLyle Blank Book Co ., record of But. spent ,their time in rais in' tense expectancy, He to ok a quick She hurried Eve across the room ' how g lad I'll be , But- " with an , ties, Edwa,'d Adams . ' Edward acounts . $62; Charles R, Early, I kids-their comfort to provide, s tep forward whE'n she reached and with nn emphatic pu s h I e fl'or t " he t:olltl'llll eci her s h'nking Knockenhlluer and J, L. Knapp per Dr. Edw, Blair, expense fol' Old Methl;' never played a game of the table, and then under her con- helped he l' through th e wind ow voice- "I shall't be around to it were made appraisers, hydroph c bia treatment. $37 , 20. J. I golf. hiS exe~clse was good, "E'ntional smile stopped short with that 0pE'n ed on the alley, ' r for a coull ie of hours. I'm just ' Accounts approved; K. Spe ncer, wood for court house, He fished and killed the game th~y MONEY LOANED , a look of incredulou s stupefaction, It was all quite simple n ow' l awak e , Will e leven o' cl ock be con- I E s tate of Mllry Constllble, de- $3,25; C. Donald Dilatush rent ate, provided all the wood, He was a big man. six feet tall, Three taxienbs stood in a waiting vellitnt for you?" ceased , eightih account, foJ' otllce, $20; James FOllen, He never kneVf he had old tonsils , smooth-faced, of dark complexion, line just around the corn e l'. in The last o f her ' panic had sunk ,GuaJ'dillns hip of Robertha Burn s janitor, se l'vic(l, $15; P enn o r fretted With th~ gout., , LOANS on LIVestock, Chattel!l, middle-aged. and inclined to hont of the s ide do or. and wilh a ' away at th e sound of Hamilton's mmor, fifth account, Morton, snll1 ~ , $70: Blind Pen- For, ther'! was, no high pnee speSeco nd ~{ortgages . N<?tos bought !ltoutness.. He had a large head cris p command s he entere d th e voice. With HlIl1Iilton in the hotel E:tate of Mul'y Rllndall, de- s ion. quarter ending, $907,40: clalist In or I'ou!,d about, John Harblne, Jr., XCl1la. Ohio, covered with thick gray hair. first, s h e was safe. ceased, fir st und final. Stalkalta Mf~ Co" supplies, $3 j Now) Methusela~ lrv~d a good long bru!lhed straight back from a good "Sixth Avenue and Forleth She rang for the chambermaid E, S, Donnell, 1st and final estiHre, these evils dId not appear, {) forehead . His In'ay eyes, just now street, Quick please," she directed who came promptly, and offered I mate on contract, $108; Eden Holds · t~e record for longevity, unswervingly on hers, were partly and the chauft'eur, who seemed ' th<; girl five ,dollars for the loan Terry, pay roll, e822,70; P. B. beat hiS grarppap seven years. LONG OR SHORT TIME-Ea!lY eoncealed by the thick le ns e o f the used to such instructions, started o f a ha t, a d ress, 1\ cOllt and Q I t'~ct was that of a young working Monce, s ame , $38.45: Oregonia _ __ , ter,!,s, Also Surveying and Abhorn-rimmed spectacles he wore, with a suddenness that made her pair o f s h nl.'~, ' / . rlrl o f a fl a mboyant tyP/!o BI'ldge Co., reinforcement steel. Until 1898, when Cuba no lon- st,l 'actlllg, Write and I will call They had the peer ing loo k o f the bite her ton/.rue, ' I Th e cl o lh es fitt ed fuiriy well aR An inlpulse came to Iier !l'ld shll $6 8, 24 ; Wllynesvllle Farfllers Ex- ger remained Spanish territory, lind see you, Sam D, Henkle Waynear-s ighted . lind ih is cons tant. She paid him and left th e taxl- ~ h." hlld l.'xper ted theni t o 'do Rto pperi t o co nsider it, J)hange ~Q Ilf) W f'!lS, $11 .'58; .J. the remains of Christophel' Colum- n esvill e, Ohio, ' J 11 effort to see clearl y ha d lin e d his cab ut the po int ahe hud indicuted ' tmn fi g ure. but the general ef~ (To be conljl')llell) HOllry Klpp , uridge lumb!!r, ,52,2Q, bus found their restIng place in ,


Common Plra. Proceedin,l




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Ge L the- Prices SEE US






Sight Specialist



"'''"'< """









33 ,




11b' h' "








5 % Farm Loans

=== ======================== =========;=-====0..:============= ===_. _-=-:-=--=-=-_ 1 PINKY DINKY

Piunky's Vacation Beginl

~'-;----~:r.....r;,r;nr.:-""'"'I;::r'!T,r;::fr';;',--~~~'!=-·:--r- ~-~- __ P-r;-'-"~'" -' -

Fa rmers,Atten tion

_=--:=== l:t=p=e=c=a::,~:=h=ep=r=a=1=!I:=t=H:, :=av=~,;",n,,;a~,='== b, Tt:~RY GILf{'~ON

fal'!J\~l's of W!lrren and arljoinln~ coun t ies may obtain money ' Of! long time lQans, llt I> per ~ent in~ e l:est. ,Cost of sec uring the same I ~ very r oas onable, through The F edcl'Ill Land Bank, For furthpr It,Cornll1tiun call o n or ' address M C. DRAKE, T"easurer p'h one X Leban on, Ohio. '


• (f,,!;·... r")"'~ AND

~~ f 'P



~'(; 11-1t~

'(';l, Ii, f" .) R,

MR~, PI ~


CAN' GO ' WIn-! 'tOU IF MOM ~A'f"




FOR SALE- 12l\30 Indiana ' Silo, .T. H . Sackett, Jy2 Vl~" LfO inIOO OM,,"" MP K!HI., Tt11l C:APY'''lfIIl!Io DAUCiH-reR. C'AP'M\ N ~RA88eD HI",


BY T ... e N&a<.

AND 1\.4RIw WI~ IN 'n48 WA'nm c~





FOR SA LE- Blaek Mare, 6 years , old, sound, weight 1400, Inquire lit t,!'is office, , je25

FOR SALE- All kinds of garden plants. 1 '1ft miles northwest of Waynesville on Ferry road. Strouse Brothers, jl2 •


FOR SALE- Second ,band lawn Mower. Inquire Horace 'Ke'y s ,






D. L. CRANE PubU.b er Office Pbone ... , .. ...... ......... . No. 112 Reliftn ce ,............ ........... No, 118 . Sublc,l ptlan Price, $1.l50 a 'Vea, £"~ ••• J "'







,l uLY 2, I na/)



. I



Wo~ " ••• III.



Po, ' oRi ••

S •• o nd C I.... "h." Mall .,




- - - --_.

" When



he hlld gone, th~ goy, 11 comm\ttee to VIi It) ,

"\V IUl l tiD yotl do about thi s l!e!! and we arl! I)n"umf o rtabl e when Il u ~i n eRs?" I ns ked hi m. "Do ~oU they nre talk ed nbouL hllv e u co Urse of Jecl\lre s for the not cmhll rl'llss WI with Pl ense do UIIY mol'e boy ~ ,

(J I' do you an!! the nt h"r muste rs tu lk wilh them Indi vidl'lIlly '! Or whut1" He shoo k his head. "N" lec tur es," he a nswe red , "I lllll lin th e hlack-Ii s t of all the W.. lfu re Orguniz aLion s and Social II .v "'i e nc Band s and Up lift GI·OUpS. ... Th ey a re alway s wanting ' to se nd s pl'uke l's up to us, a n t! I refuse to lut th e sll cuken; come because , fill' so me reason or oth e r , they all see med to be cracke!! 0 11 thi ll subJ'(·", t (If ,...~~nx. "The last s peuk c t' wh o s lippcd by me talk ed about the Greut lI1yst el'y of Life, and th e' T e rribl e M ist,jk"s which boys muk '. and the ~ Awful Pen Hllies they incul·. It was l'ssentin ll y II s mutt y talk, s weetened with III il l III prun e juice. You ('o uld ulmost hear his lips s mack il S he ,de liv ered H.

Mr. and Mir . Fred WhitenaCk, 1 of I hi('a. Jack a n d Anne Whit n- I ack, of A1exjln der, Mr. and Mr.'. O. -M. Ridge of Wayn esville. and [' Rose and Ch:ristin a MacCla in, of Wellma n spent W ednes day with Dr, and Mre, F, S, Tripp. Tho J ollY Work orl! Sewinlr Club m et at th He,me Ec:onomfcil ronm of t he High S hool on Mund ay I aftern oo n. RI'g ular hL1s ine ~~ wu~ ('onuu \:te,j anll M rR. Hilliker tlllk . \ 'u to u,' about the ctl Unly elill1 inlltion demom tl'uti on contest . An- I na HueDon u ld d 'mon~trllteu a biNs uinding . Th l! \hostesl>. ()e na Davi~: Alice and Kathlee n Gray, a nd Miriam Stum p ser ved dclido us sa nuwich es uok ie: and i c~d tca. Alic e Gray, Hepo rle r '1'. M, Baxt e r and wif .., o f urhunll , Eliza Kes le r. wif e a nti I (aug h t~r 0 f 'f 0 II'lIO. J ~n nl' ' K e ~ I(' I' , uf Midulep uint, and A, D. Kil k a nd wife, of Wilmin gton , s pent W edl1e~duy with H. II. J eft'er il' s a nd w ife . ' G ra!J h 1ll a nII Miss Hel n Mal'll' Geo rgc Wull we l'C' marri ed Tucs' day, T his \Ved LI'Ill g I, ' t he eu i mlnllI b " , ti,on o f u ,r omanc(' . cgll;mn g In I IlIgh-se hool uay,; III Kln g mul1. Th ey have be en honored with a ! nu mbe r fl f prett y social affairs in ' the past few day s, Th ey ueparte ti imml'di ately 1'0 1' th e ir hUll1l' ill Ba ltim ore, Mt!., f ollowin g with l he bl'st \V i ~ lll' s (If' 11 host ti l' f, ill nds. ' Curmen a nd Cletl ·Kirk un' vis iting- in Blan che ster.


he:ldmli ~t~ r of 8 prC IHlI'n· me , sc hoo l tWin!! ' to Ree mp, The~1 SlI ld: 'Fli r , we kn uw all IImi W" ta lk ed ubou t boys. th ese thin g-so We at .. g('nllom~n,

t(J I' ~1


s uch ~ pen k e r s '" - - -If yn ll w .. r e to J,\'t'l nli your informati on fr tlm looking' il moti on pi c tul'es nr uttt' ll ding' Br oadway ~ h o w ~, or lislen in g- to Socia l plifters, YI,U wuuld ('iJ ll clu de that the United States ha s goo ne Sl'Xcruzy.


T H E V A LU E O F "

SO U N D D E S IG N .Ne w Fo rd eng i"e giv es ou tst an din g acceleratioD~ 8pe ed a"d l,ow er wit /lo ut 8ac rili ci', g rel iab ilit y or eco non 'tl

The billbllllr d" :dung- the hi g- hwn.vs of A Illl' r ica hllve htco llll' II puhlic nui slince, T hey lire at tll'ir b {'~ t un illlperti ll e nt Htte mpl lo As II mutter of fuet. I am confo rc(' adverti s ing up on pl' opll' dil l' vil1cet! t ha t th e two f\lll owin!::' s tute ing their hours Ill' n :c realiu ll . At nwnts are llbfiolut e ly t ril l' : thl' ir wo rst th ey are bl ots UplJII ; the lanusca pe. \lll e of th e gl'cutF irst: ClJn trHsting t he Uni ted l'st bles~ ill l!'s which t h ~ 111 ot 0.1' cal' tutes wit.h F.nJ( lund und('I' He nrv , hI\>; I)ruu!-:' IIt tu t lIt' penp Ie W I1U IIve th e Eigh t h , whic' h WIIS on l~' fo ul', in t O WII ~ is t ha t it provide s n 'f ' hundre d .v cllrs lI"n, Gr eece or THE good perfor mance of the Ford car, I t t t ' "WI t lllll ellsy wa y u J.\'C (l U III ... Home, whith r('pl'('se nl til!' h ig h e~t to th e cuuntry to Sl'e the beautif ul BO appar ent on every highw ay, is civiliza ti on of an cient tim es, th(' rl' due t h ing'S ,Nature hll ~ to s how us. Bu t i ~ noques ti un tha t lifl' t o· day is U ~vJH' n , Irt st"ll d "f befl uty th e mot.o rlargely to the souud m echan icul dC!lign hllnd l~ d timl' ~ l'IcarcI' , muri' whole 1St !<t' l'S 1111 eve r y hllntl hu~c ~ tl'l\(,tsll n~l" and f,r eer fr o l1l dIrt. . lll'I'S Htlvcrll s ln g slI lIt c hod y's suup J ' of the engine . Sl'cond : " hc' tw ,) grente~t I~ter . 0 1' eigH I'pt tl's, rl'l' '1 Ul' nt Iy b l o~k ill g . ests uf thi S co untr y, ur~ bus llH'sS th e I,i 's l allti lIt ust 1H.'!lIItiful vi,,\\, : It has outsta nding aceele rati(Ul , s peed lin d " pUl L Culltpa re to t hese two, half 'I f th,' iJe lH'fi t I)f cvu ntr y " UIIICI' is fifteen tim !'s th e cost of se x is a V(' I'y wea k t hird . mutllrin g' is lust. PI'uti ucing it. and power , yet that is only part of its _ __ ._ It iB lI ol l'lIt1llg-h (II denoun ce t he Sa muel Insull, e Ch icago Th e 10 llKr r I 'li ve the more conJ lln ice S mith o f S pring Va ll ey , uuverli sl'l's who' li S t' th e bi ll -boards eledl'ie a l powe r mug th value to you, Greate r still is the fact nate, tri ed to fi tlen C(' I ha ve in the natural in - spe nt this T ht,y wuuld lIu ('u nt inu c t u u ~ c J.(et II-Ir. Sackett to lea ve o ut that g ra itH'd (Icce ncy of III en Iln d Della Davi wee k with he r cousin , ll. til( nl. tl llu htl ess, IIn l('ss, they s tatl'lllen l. On MI'. Sllc keU's r e- wumen, that it brings you aU these featur es of boys nnd g'irl ~, And thl' Opal Kil'k, of Wlll11in ~ ton, is foul'Ill that it paid thcm t u do ~u , fusa l. 1111', Ins ull ir:Hlignu ntly demo r e I dis like t he folk s wh are SII vis itin~ he l' eoullin, Kirk Jt;ttf erJ 'ti . thouK h it i ~ II v!'ry ~e ri () u ~ _Iu es- Plll't lld witho ut sacrifi cing either reliabi lity or om the co nf ere nce. All prnfess iunally eager to o g'uunl, tion wh eth e r th e some alllount of ti l' whic hfradded Mr:l. R, H, Brooks, uS8is t ed by to the publici ty of C lIl're('t and impl'o\, c, them. money ~ pent in n c w ~p llp e r ad- MI'. . ackett's sltlteme econ.o my. n t , und Mr~. A. L. Kltnned y, onterta ine d vc r tis ing' w(l uld not bring leurg'e r j l1lude it a ~Il bject by produ cing turbul ence within the· of disc ussion with a misct'li aneou. s hower a tresults. TIll' ud "e rlise rs pay for everyw here. • That is the rea80n the Ford ear has urd uy afterno on in ho nor Of MI·s. th u IISl' uf I,i ll bolll'us, but t hey do I Tec hn ica ll y, 111 1', Sackett cylind ers durin g co mpres sion, The s park is J ohn Ke nned y, A dui nt y culor not pay ('n(Jug-h UI' to . the righ.t pr oha bl y ri gh L The cheapes given such 8atisfa ctory service to milt c1 0m ~c h eme of pink an d white wa cal' peupl e. thus flashes quickl y throu gh the whole 'sti e e lectric cu rrent s up pli ed any I ied o ut in the deeo rutions and It is not C' l1 otll! h to pay th e ow- where in America, we lions of motor i8ts all over the world beli eve. is l he deJ ect-ub le refres hments.. Th e n c r of th' I[lnd on whi ch a bill - I in Los Ange les, wh fuel charge , resulti ng in qJ.1icter and co ns ume rs bl id e wa s the rccip ient of man y board is erec t e d ,a m ore or less I pay a round" ce nts ere and has been ch08en by a 80 kilwlltt many hour large hanl!su ln and usefu l g ifts. more effect ivc engin c perfor man ce. n \l min al rent f ur the s pace occu- , But th e actual of produc ing pice!, Th e l'l' a re uthers bes ides th e the j::urren t- th ecost compa nies that S unduy, keep ,J accura op un erating cost of e 22 , be ing the te cost figOther factor 3 are the direct gravity lalle! owner~ co ncc rn ed. Th e Jlrivil - t he ge ne rating station bil,thd ay of Carl Osborn and - is so meegc or lltTesti ng the attentio n of I thing less thll n one-ti'ft ures. In 'every detail of Ru constr uction it ~se ll J efr " r ies, the lwo fllmilie s gasoli ne feed, the specia lly d esigne d pve ryb ody WI'O goeR 1I 10 nK the road I t hut. Th l! sam e' is tru eenth of c..,lebra ted the u cca~ion lit t he Ose a lmost is in I he natllr e of u public fmn - el'l' rywh er e else. has been carefu lly planoe d and made born h ome. II1 Huri ce Osborn and carbur etor, the new hot-s pot, manif old. chis(' , Il ntl sho uld be recugni zed I On the oth e r hund, THE REAPE R AND THE fnmily a nd Hert Barlow and fam the pow er un t! t u~ed liS s uch. , for the work it has to do. i peop le sa y, t here , ar e many eleily, of Leban on, were pro ~l;! nt. FLOWE RS aluUli num pis tons , chrom e silicon alloy In !, ranc e that IS ~xaclly th e , fJll'nts of costs whIch Mr, Home-m udc ice creUlll , cuke and uckett way in which the bi ll board "vii i" did not ta ke into acc ount. The de8ign of the compr es8ion lemona chamd e wag ~e r Th vcd e By cosl and H .. ull nry Wad.w orth Longf .. llow e nvalves of larger diaUle ter, statica lly and ke pl down to r ell sonllble limits' j of dbtr ibu tin g nt, buildin g, Th ere is a Reape r, whose name Is joyed the eve ning. T he fl' cnch !!'ovcrnm e nt has nd- main tai ning an dcurre ber is an impor tant factor in the effioperati ng pol es Death, dynam ically halanc ed cranks haft aud ' Miss Evalyn Penny has been (lptrd II ~ liding :calc of tUXI'll. It lin es and wires a nec essary And , with hi s ~ i c kle keen, visiti ng friends in Wilmin gton. begins with $2 4 n year per Rq uare tran gform el's, etc" ndinthe ciency of the For~ engine . It is built to und oubtedl y He reaps t he ben ru e d grain at a flywhe el, the simpli city of the electri cal. meter for th , ll1nll er boa rd s, up se " C!'al t im MI·s. Emma Clin e, Mrs, Molt t hecost of the "cnbreath, to 6 squa re m t ' rl>, Thllt ligures e ral curre ntes Hut allo~ free pas8ag e of gases throug h the bus-bar .' ' as Ant! the fl owers .that grow b etween Clin e and B ett y, J al11e: C lin e and coolin g, lubric ation, aud fuel sy~t-:m8 out nbout $2.25 11 square foot, or e lec trical engineet he put fri end of Dayto'n , were her Wed it. That valves BI'Ou ne! $ ~OO 11 yell i' f or 11 billlioal'd is tr'u e of most cors and to thorou ghly mix the fuel mm odities. F ew " hall I have no ught t hat is fair?" nesday evening . and accura cy in manuf acturi ng. of the standar d "24-she et" s ize. munufa deured procluct sa ith he; Dut t he lar!!,er sized bO!lrds in le~ s tha n f our limes th to sell for Mrs. Bern Carr is able t o be e bllre cost "1-1ave naug ht but the bearded out, followi Fl"Once pay lit a hig he l' rut e, u p of ll1un ufactul'e: the I'est ng her recent illn ess, of t he re gr a in ? to $ 100 a sq uare metel', 01' uho ut tai l price iti t he cost of Mr. lind Mrs , Davi s Smith and NOT E THE SE .. OW $ 10 II ,'quare foot, for th e largest. dis tributin g the productselling and Th oug h the brcuth of these flow e rs sons Gordo n a nd Virgil , of Hamil is we et t o me, Some of the billboar ds 0 11 t he always been t he case . That hil S ton. call ed at t he ho me o f 1111'S. a nd a lways I wil l giv e them all back agnin." PHIt ::ES muin roads I('uding out of Puris will be. , Amand a ' talT a nd Mr. und 1111'S, , will ha ve to puy ., 10,000 a year has. H. Gray lin d ('umil y ' unday I The importa nt qu estio n is n ot H gazeu at the fl owers with tell Road.t e, t'3S 1'- afte rnoon. each for th e pl'ivi leg e. wheth er th e c us lomer for electric ful eyes Phaeto n. That is faii' anu eq ui t abl e ta x. power pays fifteen times 440 the ge n- 1-1e kised their droopin g leaves : Ice Cr a m So.c ial, 1-1nt'vey sburg It will keep dow n th e number of eral cost f or his curr Tudor ent , ~edan but It Sc wa hoo l f or g rounds, the Lo ru Jul uf y Paradis D. Music, e I '95 bill boards IInti th o. e wh ich are per- whethe r that is a fail' cha • • Harv ~ysburg Eland. Giv en by Coupe mill ed wi ll co ntribu te toward the . a ckett apparen tly thinksrge. Mrs. He bound th em in his sheaves. '95 • it MaSS is too Ie Gran ge. mainten an ce of hig'hway s a long I high, In view of the Sport Coupe u s pro- "My L Ol'd has need of t hese - -. 525 whi ch th ey St.lllld. New J e rsey has fit mude by some enormo of the great fl oweret !' gIlY," Dc Luse Coupe , beg un in n modest way to imitate ' e lec t.ric pow er com binatio 54S ns, a nd The HeapeI' said , ard s mi led; t hc ~~ rench lind levy II s lllull tax ,o n I pric es at whi ch thei r water Three-w indow Fordor Sedan 600 stock is "Deu r tok en 'o f th e earth. are they billlioard ~. rt is so methin g which held, 1110 t people will ag ree with Where 1-1 was once a chIld. De Luse Phaeto n • every state, cou nl)'. tow ns hip and I him . 62S . . lllun ic ipal it ~" might well look into j A s the ew York Times puts it' i "Th e y s hall all bloo m COD"er tible Cabriol et 62S Mr. and Mrs, Bu rto n Earnha rt In he lds of II '; II' l' llI ll ns of providi ng udditio nal " There is always l!rulllu in th e light, spent S unday with their son HarDe Lw:e Sedan , pub lic reVt'lll1e and at t h e sa me 's pl'eud ' betwee n the 640 old of Columb us, tilll e doi n!!, someth ing towa rd the farmer l'eceive s forprice which Tran splante d by my care, To,.-n Sedan u head of And ~lI ,illtS, u pon their gll rm ents 660 IIbuting a growi ng nuisnnc e. lettuce and t he price that lettuce Mrs. Els wOl'tlh mith and ch ilwhite, _ _ _ _ , AU fetc hes when t ransfer r ed into a These prlcu I . O . b. aetrol., dl'e pi ... Irn,h ...... n spent th e week-e nd with her sacred blosso ms w ear." d.ljuery. Du'"per . and .pare tir • ...,,.. ot 'alnd on Broudw ay." When beef parents here. . low co.r. is se lling f or te n ce nts a pound A nl! th e mother s gav e, ill tears ,. and Mr, and Mrs. Hal'old Rogers of on t he hoo f. iR seem s e xorbita nt pain, BeJlb l'o ok spe nt THE COST OF ELECT RICITY ! fo r t he diner in a res u";_oa ut ' ur!!ay 'Credit Compan nig ht y pia,. oJ am• ta urant to Th e flowers she m ost did love; ,."."...,., u oB-- another Ford «:0110"'.7 . I pay at the rate of $3 a pou nd tor She kn ew she should find th em nil witl) Mr. and Mrs. P . A. Rayon. .----- ------ -his steak. Tru e, the custom er is Several from here attende d th e agaIn pnying for service, in each in- In the field s of light abov e. cho ol Band Co ncert 1>layed ut A mbn s~ ll dol' Sackett , J"eprese nt- stance ; but is he paying too much, Clark vill e . Friday nig ht. ing th .., Un itl!d :Jto tcs In GermanY, especilllly in the case of elect.ric Oh , not ill cruelty, n ot ill wrath, MI'. and Mrs. En\erso n Dill e nstllrted somethi ng' when be told the pow er? Th e Rea per came that day; W orld Powe l' Confer ence, just The di scuss ion Of this subj ect 'Twas an a ngf;ll vi sited the green tertaine d SundilY Mr. and Mrs. THE NEW FOIlD TOWN SEDAN Raymon d Osborn and moth er, Mrs held lit B ~ l'lin, that th e average hilS beco me nut ural , almo st ov er ell Tom!; and Mr, Fred Karms of Xe n cost of el ctl'ic cU,I'l'ent t o the CO II- night. Ou t of the di!<cuss ion we And rth, t oo k th e flOWeI'll away, ia, llnd Mr. Clyde Ewing of New may get the tru~h. Burling ton. , Mrs. He rbert Marlatt spent a few days with her daught e r, Mrs. e s ieve- but not t hroug h ese Elvis Michae l of near Maple wir cloth, as thllt keeps OUt the coche lorAlben T, Reid Corn er. into the lemon jelly tha t is st ill ! S ubscri be for Th e Mi am i Gazette Mr. and MI·s. Eal'l Marlatt s pent liquid, Whe n it iR cool it ma y bl' .... Vete rinar ian SaturdllY and Sunda y in Indiana . poured into a l'inlo!' mould, into indi vidual m oulus or Into a s qunre The Ladi es A id will m eet at - if in the ~ quur e pan it is cutpan Phon e 93 in th e home of 1I11'!I , Herber t Marlat t eVOIl s ized bl oc ks wh en it is r eud.\' Thursd ay afterno on. to s rvl' • Diced cucumb ers ar e deliciou s in Mr. a nd Mrs. Cu rl Babb and Son ll11d MI'. Cliff F.arnh art spent Wed Ihis tomato jelly., Mixed freshnesduy eve ning with Mr, a nd Mrs, cooked vegetab les are also good in this lemon-t omat o j elly. A ~,---------RESID ENT Burton Earnha rt. --­ mixture of either fre sh green peas Mr5, Myel', of Dayto n s pent canots , or isstring th e Pl1 ;;t week with he r da ughte r and beans and diced pickled beets especia l\y 1111'S. Charles Lhlg. good. These jellied veget ll ble PERMA NENT LOCAT ION IIft-. Ilnd Mrs. Elvis Michae l and salud a should be served on ' Iettuce, nnd are usually preferr ed with dll u~h tel' Il eal' Maple Cornel' spent S unday with he!' J1llrenb MI'. li nd mllyonn al se dress ing, preferr ed , with LEBAN ON, OHIO Jl1l1yonn lll se dressin g, though Mrs. Herber t lI1arlatt . HIGHE ST ~O ll1e persons pret eI' French , dressEy... Examin ed II1rs, Lllurll und Flol'ulll ond Reed ing, CASH of Harvey sburl1( spent Tuesda y atGla..... Fitt .. d Repaira PRICE S ternoon with Mrs. John LevI. Hot W"ath .r Dr.akf a.t PAID Mr, Arthur and Thelma Morga n Everyo ne appreci ates an attract s pent 'SntU\·dIlY · 'IInd SundrlY In ive-Iook ing breakfa st table, and Dayton . ' n early every one occasio nally feel s Harv eysb urg 1111'. and ' Mrs. S. P . Michae l uttel'ly tired of the usual breaks pe nt Sunday with their son-In. fast. law and daught er Mr. and Mrs, The ordinar y hous ehold's breakFerti lizer Com pany NOT ARY PUBLI C Fober, fllst dishes must n ot tak e man y - ---minute s' prepara tion in the m orn· Nationa l Ba'nk ' PHONE 8FJ ing or eve n a~k for much effort the Will . Drawn - . Eltat ... Seuled day before, But often we cun hav e HARVE YSBUR G, OHIO delici ous things for breakfast with WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO very little trouble befor ehand. F or one th ing the r l' is fruit. Bc --. ..-..,!!~!"'-!"'-. .-~-~----...--~ --, ~eul'e that the fruit you serve is ~-fr esh and cl ean as to skin an!! cool. Most of the s umm el' fr uits arc very li t tle trouble to serve. Whole peaches , plums 01" pea rs, halve d mush m ~lons .. lind summe r FUNtR AL DIREC TOR berries , arc all, bot h ' ellllY and With Depen dal;>l e t e mpting .







_.- . - - -








A.1e the lIea re.t Porl l dea ler lor a IIem on.t rati on

=== =

De r..W . ANSON

The Escape of the Good Old Stag e== -=-= -_-n By

Way nesv ille, Ohio

Dr. John Zettel Dead Stock Wanted 'Optometrist 19 N. Broadway





- -- .-- --Fr.... Frc~ That


Lemon jelly is dation for many A goo d, tomato lIte"'ing two or matoes until, I'l and 8trainii lg





,Seru ln and Virus in.~;e. both'Sajety ,and Succe s8

'.' Has your husban d any hobQies . asked 't he new neighbo r, who wus calling. • • • "No," said Mrs. Neutwi tch, "he Herve yabur a, O. has I'heuma tiz a good deal, and a • touch of thtt bives n()w and then, Pho". 31 but be ain't never had no bobbieL ...._:...-~--......- - -.....

Dr W E Frost


J. E ', McC lure


., , Fully Equip ped for GOQd Servic e, Large Displa y Room . I At:nbu~ance Servic e 'rel .. plaon. 7

n'd . tl ( \Id - pf \l 1I~ It l ll t t'l:lt1\ t , ~ h\.r ", hl\II.IY ..

t.'n. \·i,,·



TIl!' hi~ 111'''l U 'l'tl ll lido in the world is in the BlIY of l"undy, b~'­ H1I t ,'-<" n.. , l Oll' j ;\1: ~~ .. I Ii-I Ill)!' )11'., ,I ,ll' T ill lW Y In I' 1\('" lI .ll111<!1I. "h li veR u n tW(' en N O\'II, :-;l·"till LI n d 1:1i1H'. At ,111.1 :\\1',. CII,Ja Tl'lIul>. , 1.1 h(> I l' I'gdn ll fnrrn, ill , ' I illll l'ly ill the h ('ml "f till' lJn~' t h c lid h (II Ill" n kll,H\'!b l u I'e \l' h GO ! tit. \\ ilh h ' Urt tro ubl .... . l1ur . l o re i ~ • ill fil II. f wonder.fimm i ' . liIl .... r ~penl the p lI~l , "S t e w Bad I" ful hnrgll i n ~ . t 'o nll' in ~Iml gL'l \ ~y~ at t h : hunH' ~I[ ?Ill', un,lI '11':1, t • ____- y01l1' "h"rl', l y'r 11~'ll1an . \\ 11\1H1lI P lekl'l'~' 1 In [J nylQ n , 1L,' n' Ii II lill Gul)'iel'!; t rump e t [\"111 MI'. t1 1~tl lol r!', Yl'llnk W oo,II 1.'Y , 1""1' ( '1 1'111',,111'(' :'III'. ,lIld Il n wlIl'tl a nd fll !11r1y (If )) 1I~' l lln !< p e nt . :,,;.un . T h<! bone., u f She lb )" ha rp , ,' t ,!! ''' ' I. , C<'11 lind ~1 r. u nd ~I I". W . 0 , Hapel' d!l~' wit h lIl l" li nd I\II'~ , 'rV IIl IIIIll H ' dozed I ' hi le riding in hi s CDI' , I \\ l' re guc,t~ o f Hel·. IIlld I t!!. Brow n . A nd wokl! up o n a harp, II'S :'tlnn' W hi l<'. I'f nll :> t " n I J "l'l'ph B l1ne\t lit ~:n t Lib erty, MI'. ond Mr , J . n, J hns ap nt --. - - - Ik'n ! In-l "" l,k wit h )11', 1I1'c1 :'lIllI, u ll :u nday. IIlurduy and SundllY in Day,ton, Filte ration \', :llt co I I,:l:t.('~. at th ' h om e o ! MI'. and 1\1rs, WiI · Fo r bpst re s ults co ns ign yo ur Ii llm Bro wn. T h firllt kind of wa~er Ilurlficn· :ll r :."" -'I r~. :'I!. H. Ol!lln t' y 1('( ' ivc s tock to 'l·c en·E mbry Co. , Mr, Rn d Mrs, J , R. J ohn SJl nt Li o n wa ~ hul Rlln cl l" tNu l io n . In 1' " UI ";Il ~ n"" '1 iU ll f,'" I i:e'ir h lIIlH' ( 'i ndnl1sli, in c ure f D, R. 80115" lI t urdu)' and Su n d uy in Oayto ll, 18H5 t h e I\l~chllllical IH' o('e~K WIlH I', f iI.lI,h''''II, (' II ~, l\(tl'I' 11 p i 11"- bUry. -at th(1 hOI\l~' ,If :'.11', 1111.1 :\I I'~ , lIa r. Intrll (\utt'd whi(' h I~ 40 ti nH\R ll S ,,'I ' I, j, ' .. Ih ,' Ililll' I'~ p!tl'l'nt ~, I'Y .Ioh n ·. fll ~ l lind r m u l't's f r o m I I ~ til !til ,1111, ~II I,' II , \1 :11,111. ,\ ft "I' t\ "ti l ill/ 'll h'~ I·i.- it Al An all dHr illl'(>Ling' f, f lhe 4 · 11 II!!I' ""nl " I' tlt tl IHltt~ rltl, l h£' h"1I1" III h!' 1 -li n Hn t! ralllil\' In \" ,:, b ".; i," " 11~·. dlllllloh ti f 11.'1 !'\ "Itlt 11ak" II1, ~ I ,.", :-; Ih nn k' /' p - Sewing 'luh Wil l-> held I1 n W ~ dn ll ~- I l I, I", " , ~ "'C ,· .\~I , "1 III ( II I' , ' " IUIIII,,1 I' hl 'l' III, n1\' hl'l',' I II ~ L dllY at the h ume IIf th e rcad\'!' :\11'';. Morris l\ l ill,· r. ,I. \,,!, :' 10 "1', \., ,10:1111'11, (I hll'. Tl.lIl ~d ll~ . ~lr~ . Mllrguret .J uhn s s pe nL l ',I ,'. }, :I:II" .. " :llt l HI,h n Sut~I' d ll r at t h e h Ol11 e u f F:a rl " ,,~ .J,,:, I,\t il (' \I:l in" us n nd II HI I \ 1 1 I" \ l 1H'f J t h~ .. :If(' .. tH' u,l . fl ll' 11It. :\ 11. l ;I ! lI ll di' II:l t t p J1 lI f Alln 'I'1 \f 'l11a ~ o n S(lcial ItoI\' wil lt til l'. ill )! II . .\,,1, II I h 11t"il alll1l a nd ,\ 11", 1' . \ 1i.-ll.. ' P"I ,I , II ", \I ,... k · ' ·I,,1 " nd l\ l rs. J . B. T ht/ nlH ,;, " 11('1 •. ,\ 11. :11 ..1 ~ I I -, I' : I ~ ~Ialll ""'. \l ilh h," par" lIt ,: , ,\1 1'. an d ~ I r ~. ) (a~' \ Jr. :l nd :'Il r ~ , F ra nk HIIl,in , o ll \l lIi tt ,,",:. I ~ p( ' 111 l hl' \\'('(' k-t' utl fi ,h il1~ al ,\11. . 11 '.1 ~II '. ( ;""I'g. , I l.l rts"l'I.. Hu,:s,'II',: P ,d nL :1, ' .1 \1 1 :11101 '1 1' . 11.· .. "I"n :-;"l'f:I"<' 1111'':, ;'lIllY Bunta is s l"",ly !'l' 1I .'a llliflil ~i h"I'\I"I' !' ,, "d "h ina · 1" '11 : 111t'1I ' (,1, -1 11 01 \\ il h :\11, and ( 'un" , .11' \\'(·II'v S\I " p, l'"v"l'illg' a n d I\' u ~ Rb le t il ,: it liP , 11" .141\ ~ I :l\. ,d' ~l'\\' l\ t :"li ~u ll. \\ a l',' al 1. ,,10 ,1 11<1 11. lI hl;'. " ' ,, g'iI';' ('('dar 11 ,;ho l t w\tilL' S atul'd ay, tl ili " . !'Ota U\p ~ _ _ _ ' _ _ - -_ i\ l is,: I-I l, ll' n J':arly i,: l iti s w('l'k h CI' f r i 'nd, Miss ('lIler tainil1g' ~li ,~ :-;'(I :.}I Rla r k l' lI rll. ",h n \la s 1': II' l,1 H unley of Iw a r lI nrl'l'Ys , , :111 ",\ 11<1 " lO ll lh'I'Oul1l o r l\le i 10111'):, Ilt'a l lt " j' 11<'1' all ll i. !III'S, Pl'Ill'r(' :1 1 T he yUllng' 1' C'"p l(, o f L yt lt, " Il l< , Ollie ?ll nso n o f Mnson , 0" 1'-.11 11" ', 1t '( lIrn, ' " ttl h,'-r h UIIH' ill I l 'l, hl" t 11\\' 11 , I'tI .. \lol1 " ay , " hlll'l'h Iw ld lh t. il' , o(' ial ml' l,ti ng REDHEi\DS J)"erfi c ld tWI'" snlil'its yo ur s up· ,\I <l1 ldllY " I'(' llill g' a t Ih " ho m e o f po rt ,f0 l' h l'!' lIom.inati u n u ,: He co l'd \ 11', El ml' l' ( ;I'II"C S lI ll t he Il:\\'t o n , The impre,asio n that redheade1 el' ul W a rren Count y, subj ect t o :\11' , an d !\I .. ~. n il)' Og-I ~ hl' l' . 1I 11 11 pih. I people are b rtghter than the II c ller .. l hl' Re p uhl lcu n Prlmnry o f Au g uat \11'. \ 'i nl Ol!lt',bl't,. " I' \\'il ll1 i 1lJ,:1 m I . r un is widespread. A New York res- 12 I !J:.IO, alld ,\1 i,,, A Ii l'l' O::- I,'>,hl'" ,., ~'I~" lI ntl ~I r~, G e()l'ge nll\' I~ fl f tauran t lately di'miu~d all of i(S old , ' \Iri l ' ~' \ ·alll,y. vj" ill, d 1'(·IUli v!'s , 1,"(' 1 .'lI1 t l. a lld 1\11:. n ~d ~ 1 1·s. ~ l el· l .taff o f W1\itreuc~ and n~w er,lP!,/!ya Al'lhu l' H a llliito n s olicits YO UI' it l ')"{' • ' ullday. '~ I,I S'~H nk. lllH~ , "" n ~ " I na YI ~ 1I only redheade d gIrls. SS III all. ine ~ Upp O l't o f his ('u n d idllc y for re. -jl"ll S Ulld"y \\Ith \1 1'. IIl1d j\ 1 1~. 1 ma nagement reports that the serVICl! l l'I ec t ill l1 u s R e pl'e.·entutiv to th e :III , "nol 1\11''', ('lta tll"'!'\' H un l1 C' 11 I·.d d Long':1t l·(', . had been grelltly im proved. Another Gl' n e r a l Asse ili bly ( l'O Ill Wurt' en 'II' , a /1 d ~II ~ . Hhlltl ('''' lI unn t' lI. 1\11'. a nd ~II'~. I\ f:, I{' r Gl'llhnnl , N e ~ 'fo rke r, II mnnu (acturer of ('o u ll ty s ubj ect tu th e Rep u blicun ~I i~ " \I " p intia Illlnn el l nntl )11'. , lid ""'Ig-hll'l' wpre Sun ,IIl Y g'Ul'> t s . ,peclalt lcs, for yean hols employed I"l' i 111 II 1'\'. Augu s~ 1<!, l tJ:lO. C " tllc/' Ihl lllJ(· 1I \\' (' r c S lI nd ay ' f 1\11', and M l's. eha l'lt's Qu it lH' r only redh'aired men and girls, level'lll ' _ __ _ _ g Ut : I ~ II I' fl' i"IIt! ,: in L f,lHln o n, '1 ('111: l\ l inml ~ hurJ.!' , I hund red ,;,f ~hem; , Your ; UPP Ol't of W ill R . Lewis . " al t e r \llll'k ,' pl'nt Mo nday in I . Red haIr I ~ saId by to In· I Rep u b li can condld ate for t h e nomi Luwn nlOl\\'e .. ~ ~ harpl" n('d hy Jl:Jytnn, dlca te a ?f Scandmavl an blood. ' natio n a s co unty uuditor s ubj ec t t o t-:J l' C( rak 1/ p I'UCC'S~ . Snlll t' m e tho d F '" I · h' " ,, ', I ' The ScandtnaVlanl h ave been rovera th e Primary elec ti on o f Au g us t 12 li S U ~l' t1 bv i[l\\'l1 111 (,\\' (:r I11nnufnc" , lI' ~ e ll I ~g l t t ,l NlI n " f ' f tl a cis of years and have left 1')0 . tf II . I' . d lun'1'l< Eil' cl ra k '(' n S I·~ tel1l turn s - ANOTH e R THING WRONG WITH !fit' ~"l'i"lI ~ il loH'ss nf !'III'S , ;\1 l or. 10 UI. n . th blood' f h I ' 1.1.) " IS r espec u y so IClte . 0 t ~ peop e , . ' ,'. . . theIr stram In e II Ut ",~. " f,,('t c ul li nJ,: 1;10w c rs. Try TH6 ....-.ovteS t, ALI. THe FAT( tat'~ .lIt A tht' h om.~ of h e r duug'hf many land., I am inclined to atree F' B· 1\1 .. II R bll ! IIl C. Roy Pig-ul t. WOMeN TR't'JN' lo . ~Q.veeZI£ ' " ' I' 'II" () \\' III IIIIn ' ' 1 \l 0 •. d ' ". ulle, epu can 0 t ll n" ., " ~. " ay - with th ose who.mal!1 tRln . that re all Washin gto n T own~ hill. solicit:; PM-r: 'J'OU IN THe:. ' seAn Y . indicates a qUIck mte1hgence and a your~upport o f his ca ndidacy for S ubs cr ibe f o r Thc l\li a mi Gaz e lte 1II 1'fi. ,J" coh , Re e ci t'l' l'ntc llll ir,l ed b igh degree of nervoul energy. n OIU.inati o n a s co u.nty tre usu!e r a numll'l' M !ttt le fri ('n d s o f WII . ~ ubJect 10 th e Primary el ecti on ~i.n 1l1 HIl~lRock und J-:~~ h e r R el'd!.'!'. I GAMBLING uf Au ~us t 12, 1 USO. MI'. Mur re ll .:.,_ ,__ ,, _~ , _ , _ . _....a ' _ '~_" '-" I_~~ ~~' '''''' ' ~' ~~J ~-··- ,'. I h~ll ;;d.n. 'I' n ft (' rn o n n , III h " fUl l' of hu s sc n ' cd a s d e put y t reasure r of t hl' ll' b ll·thdllYs. Two brothen. name.d Doughe~ty I Warr e n Cll un ty f ol' th e past t w o C ly de Wh arto n a n d , W a lte r bought f or $1 a ticket In a Canadian years . Whitak er marle a bu ' inc ~ t ' 6weopstakes on the Derby h orse race. Ci ncinnati M~ nd ay . ~ ~s rip Lo . They won the grand prize of $li9,OOO, Cha R. E. E,lIi s s olicits your went to Ulnad a and co llected the s upport o f hiS cllndlducy for M,rs. Mary Carmo n y a tten ded a m oney. If they are ordina ry human n o minatiun as co u nty treas ure r I famI ly dinn er S und ay III th e h o m e beings, their "luck" will probably ruin s uoj ect to the dec is io n of th e I n f 1\1:1-. a.n d Mrs. W. F. la rk in them. If t'hey have more th'an the Republi can Primary e lection AU g - \ 1 'Wayn e Vill e, aver&gt! of horae It quy N Il~ u st 12, 1930. Mi s~ H azcl Burn et ~f· Le ban o n fl)l~"'.~;'::(.m d ol ~ta\'lo (o rtun.·. - t- h- '-"- I !l pe n t n f e w da ys last w eek wi t h ' GUy -:Como:, elllY 110," is II rule to e ar e au OII ZCl to a n o unce )1 1', a nci Mrs . . H. Burn et. which furore a~c: (~W ex ct'ptic:.-u. 1 th e n a m e .of C. Donnld D!latu sh have know.! :n2.l1) Il:cc:essfu! g:ut. blt>rt, I as a ca ndid ate fo r .reelectlon t o Mi ss Ro ma I-hll'din of n eal' Way but only one or two who \\' ~ r(' aule lu Ith e .office Of Prosec~t\l1g Atto r~e y, n cs vill e IVa g l h w c k- e nd g u est kee~ theIr mOlley after they had we ll s ubjec t to the Pl'lmal'Y el ec tio n, o f Miss Ber nic e Grahum, 't 1y promlllcllt . 'tn IN ew Y or k Augu s t 12, 19S0 . I. ne (..'ml Mr. an d Mrs. C la r e nc e Grn v of society owes it. fuuadation to the W e lire auth ori ze d t o a nn ou nc e Mi chigan are makin J:( a n exterHl e d old Lo uisiana Lottery. Arter "clean- th e name Of W. H. Fulk e rth a s II inS up" in N~w Ortea..'U the founder ca ndidate for re e lection to th e vi s it with r t' lat ives h ere. of the fan:i l) ha.i sense enol:gh to In- o ttic e of S h er iff, s ubjcct to th e Mr. (lnd Mrs . A l be rt Stacy and MI'. nnd MI't!. Cha rl cs C lark ·;tte n . vest his wir:nil1l1 in jroperty which R cp ublic nn Primary e lec tion, Aug haa Iteadily Increilse in value, and u st 12, 1 !lSO. ded th e funurll l of Mrs. Stell a When your taste his grandchildren hobnob with the H a rs hbargc l' at L e bnnOl1 , Friday Aston and the! VanderbUti. But for All e n Huffmlln a nn ounces hi s gels cranllY and afternoo n, every such in.tance u that, t could ca n didacy f or re -elec tion Ior , Mrs ; Mury Carm q ny, Mrs. S, you want somepoint out a dO~ where wlnnilli Co un ty Rc cQ rder, !<ubj e ct to t h e ~in II , Hain es and so n James, a cco m . R e publiclln Primary, August 12, lomethlni f or n th in g rea l good - get a brick of RED WING ice pani e d , Mr: nnd Mrs . Walter K c n- ruined me!l wn9 mi ve 1\JII0\,Ul ' 193 0. ri ck tu Du y tnn , Friduy. Mrs, Cal'- to lomethiJur If th!l to trodl : cream. Made of purest , richest cream. flavored mOllY s p e nt t he da y w ith Mrs. every dollar ~ Ru ch el Wh ealon s o n and wife nnd by Nature's choicest fruit syrups. TRY Mrs. Haines und son with Mr. and NAMES MI·s. W', G. Haines and family. , OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Ml'!l, Earl Th o mlls, of Social FOR RESULTS . Row a mil e n o rth of Lytle wa s 0 0 s eve re l~' inju re d Fr iday while cllII1ca! .. munin g II trncto l' pu lli ng n m o wer. e, --..,., - - - H er so n, W a lTen, waR o n t h e em Po" ~ 1I10we r w h ich becolllc c logged .I!>I. o f . CQlUlt In IWIItII Whil e tr vi n g to I'Cl11crly th e t ro ll~ WwnJ IIId 1Ptac.. , ~.I c th e , i'ract.ol' sudd r nly ;start e d. A duli~-\Dln~ ofIIck1 9' Jf~ , 1 I he klil ves 0 f th e mow e r cu t o n e .:.-" _ ~" __ U-"I--"_U""' ~""'~"~'-'_ fl_ Ol_" ""U_ I-"I~'_~I...c~I_'''•• ' foo t off al l he ank le n lld alnl ost York'. qrly dIfi Wi ~ea oat of FOR SALE _ _ _ _ _ _.....;:-_ _ _ _ . _______ • s eve l' ed the Ot.h Cl'. S hc was so o n ancient Ot~1and tR~ to the un_ _ _ _ rcmove d to Miami Vall ey h (~s pitn l settled t01nl: ·PI. wlleaet we Ilan' w h ere ~ h e i ' in f a il' co nditi o n nnd such cldel U Ttra~, Rome. Utica, FOR n ENT- Garage, room f OI' 1 machine, M . W. Silver. • jy 2 physic ia ns think th t' y ca n s av e Troy, Niobe, Won, lthac.. Qlrthqe, th e o n e f oo t. M I'S . Th o mas a nd Pompey and mall)' othora whOle name. fall) ily hllve t h e sym\lllthy of t h e mean notrunlf whatever' In America. e ntire cOlllmunity . TheOtherwise early &ettlers lacked ~'~.t-,-=========================-====~~====~~~~~~ tion. we wou' ld notI,~find in '" - -- - - one county in, New York the town. of OJ'atham, North Chatham, Eatt Chilliham, Chatham Centre and Old Chat· ham. Portland, Ore,on, trot its name because the two men who founlled the to!lsed a coin to .ee which 111 iss E ls ie Gibs o n o f Spr in g settlement should name It. One came i)from V~lIey i ~ ~ p e nding . [t fel\' day s Bo"on, the other from Portland. With h e r pH l'enl s thIS we e k. Matn.. e~ 11k! PClrtlMo !NUl won MI' ~. E mm a Gibso n and J:( 1'and - ':""-1 St j I'tIrr , bura, P'i.l •. , lot iu ~ Jl e n t Mu nd n)' aftcrno on Child I l\aI%o b«aUIC flac ,nan who Ar~t Mttled with Mrs, Hi! 'y Gibso n . there wa. l !Ru'llAn. ' ~T~~ ~ .& Mrs , Ada . Dllki n nnd d a u g, Many a building-old in point of Opa l fi nd frtend Do nald R eevcs o f PiONEBRINt3 service-has been made to ,look N ew Burlington spent , lInd av w ith 'More th~n lC1W'-!hhl of Alulca II MI'. a n d 1\I1's . Ir ve n l\'Iulfo l'(1 a nd ,4o· - - • • • young in years with good steell'oof. &I ye: u"e~~lowl I1Id urunjUiPed. A family nenl' L e ba no n. "l"l.up of ~~~can e ,laiMra iog. Chaooeldi-ain is steel roofina Mr. a nd M rs. H a /'o ld R OJ:(CI' R of whl .but .OCID IUrvll,}'lJ1i a jlhway ~~' I ;~ n B~II IJ .. ()o k · s p e nt Frida y cVl' nin g th'l'OUih the AI.,kan wllderp best-made to give a life-time at its . WIth Mr. Ilnd 1I1 ,·s. H il ey Gibs on J talked the other nlah't with, YOUIIi and f a mil y. . trouble· free roofing service. I Gelm'tJI nobleman wno Wal about tl) --~-.tsrl for Ptr'u In an ahplane, with NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Amer!ca~ eutrineera, to invCi.tlpte the I praclJcablJlty of a railroad over tho O n t h e Wa y ne T own ship Bu d t I Andts to "pen, up new land for GerN ()tic(' is h e l'ehy g iv en t hat goen man ColOllIZa \,lOn . Th~ same day I .. ~' urc to see the new t h e 15t h do y of ,Jul y 1!l:10 at 7 ::.10 mel an Amcl'lc~n. engineer about to ery~~ftiiEAil (' a \' u o ' c luck p. In . • n public h(' nrinj;(' o n stan fur Aby s9tnla, to build a dam the BudJ:( e t prepare d by t lte Tl'us _ l thcre. . . , , tee~ of W a y n e T o \\'n ~ hip of Wal'-' Th e workl IS sti li full of .dvcnture Mu.( s ty li sh t ire C" Cl' built - a Un imil e,J I.ifc Liwe r e n Co unty, O hi o, f OI' t h e n ext f?r t1l'O~ C wht' ha \'e lhe same sort of III·: \ U I:nn DIE~ FU H LOOKSGuarantee s uccee din g Ihlen I Y ' Il I' e ndin ' D e·c. ploncc: ong spirit which a~tltat~d the " 11 t :-5 /. Y fij I' wear! UCl' p'CUt. 29x4.40 ..•. $5.65 e mu el' 3 1st, 193 1. g f ~r~falh~r3 o f u~ who 111 the ,·" I r a ·l hick .A lI,W L'a lhe r lread This is the kind of roofing service that 30x4.50. .• $6,45 S uc h hClll'ing will be he ld at the ~~t!~t~~f~'l~CSt~~odahY'1 It wl,dllhbe bccn. lJ ut r hloc ks heaut.if ully pris mcd 28 75 $ o fli ce o( th e C le rk \I f Wll yn e ' r I~ wo e · wo~ as ecn will save you money. Let us tell you more x4. , . " . 7 ,65 T O I~ n s hip in the W ny n ml\;i1l e full y exvlored or even partly lettl"" " " \\ II jnln s iln'r _s l rip('d, s Iec k 30x5.00. , .. $8 .30 N ut lOna J Bank. about it. C4#anneldrain is made of the 1,1.. , ,, !> id e · \\'l\II ~. • ix· p ly hod y of WATERWAYS 11U" ,·.-flil . t; P E HT \\' JST OrtO1 I" J. 0, ' ARTWH I GHT, more costly COP.R-LOY, the Copper Al. Tllb s alw lo w-pl'iced I There is a rc l'i val of inte re.! in the C le rk 0{ Wa y ne T o wn s hip C"" rlyt'ar pa t!' nt cd and ohtaina!>lc project to connect the Great Laku loyed Steel .... and yet ,i t costs no more -(1:\ L V in ( ; odyc ar Tire. (; r cntvi ith the sea by a ship canal , Some As /; to see the New !,t dol1 "r· \' nl ue i n tire hi s t o r y ! than ordinary roofing.! The money it s~ves NOTICE ,O F PUBLIC HEARING interest~ want: to make it an inter. Jl elll.'!' [l,t,y " . nat ional rOllte,. ullna the St. Lawrence you in repair bills will SOOD pay its co'st. c..;c our S p cinl OlTe r on Pairs P a l it j'i IL d c r NO I I ~c l S h er eby giv e n t h at on Rivl!r. Oth-e rlS advocate the taking and o mpl ' tc cts t~ e 1.4 day of Jul y. I GSO at S o ver o f the Erie Canal, which conneCtl () c !ock p. 1'11., a ~ub lt c heuring on Buffalo, oli Lal!c:eRrie, with Albany, on t~e Bu~get. prepared by th e l\1as- the Huda~ ' ~Uver. Amly ~nlbiee,. Ie T ow ns hip B oa l'd of .Education, havereportedthMaZS,- footc:hannelor of Warre n ~oun ty, OhiO, f or th e even a detptt ont, aU the way 'from next s u ccee dIng fiscal year end ing New Yon: to Buffalo I. entirely , " Dece m bel' 3! st, ] ~:rO, j fea.ible. '• . uch heann", Will be he ld at t h e The oppotltlien ~eI mostly from ' ~ffice. of t h e B()'ar~ ?f E,d u catio n ' the ral . , Iroada.The Erie Cui! waa built 10 HIgh School BUlldlllg . be'fore there were any raUra.d.· otherJ. W. DAVIS. C lerk. wlae It. never "9uld have been bunt. It - - - - - - --• made New Yodt the dominant aeaport throush which cODP.1lerce to and from . . S Ub scribe for The Miami Gazette 8M aewlJ-Opeoe4 Weat Bowed. . \,,- ~









Waynesville, Oh,o


Moder. Concrete 8,.1.....181 Pool


Opening July 4

Political Announcements





I '



~((IIIIIIIlIIl!ll~J.~llIIIlllll'IIIIIIJ\\~Il,1.!.lI!~1!I This Young Man Had A-












come to

him one


The th'ought was this:' Le had few articles to dis'p ose of and a Classified Ad brought him the buyers by the score, ard he was very happy over his sales.

w ·

lee CreaDi


1:"1 litera1=

Delicious! Enticing! Frozen Goodness!


rf,:J 'l:t~~ . ~ ~.1J1~~ V~IIB .1c\alE h::~U"~i~ 11:;or.t>.. -

and Black

---.- ..- - -

Can do the same by putting an ad this paper for whatever you ha ve to dispose of.


Late Classified Aos The Miami Gazette

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6-ply y U ty All.Weathet







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Keep Your Buildings. Young In Years

TING look-

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• Eighty~Third



.:e=:: - .. WhQle Numper 5917

------ - - -----.. -< NEWSmREGT fROM 1 hug s Atte mpt to Crack AlIHE CHURr.HfS ,THE STAlE CAPITOL ,------ Safe at the ford Pla nt -----~-'-


- -

j - ' . • _ _ . _- - - -

furt her Imp tolJ etne nts Bein g BUDGET fOR YfAR Made On Swi mm ing Pool IN WAYNESVILLE IS SET ,AT $6,000 - - - --


AWllre thllt t h ei r pl'cse n ce i. 1 the change und f ea l'in g ll pp re hens iun CO LUl\'I Il US, OH IO- Secr e ta rv Way n eRv ill e Mot or Cu mpa ny, Afl ' r un lIu 5p ic io us vp~n in g on Il'rludin l! th,' I',nl: Ii ~ t o r \'is iST, MARYS CHURC H u f Stu t e Clarc nc' .1. Brow n ha s be'n discove re d by Milton Th had Red f rUlll the Hce nc illlnH!lli ute ly, ,Iul y F nul'lh. Way lll' , Park 's II" ~ tl) th l' 1111,, 1 111>'1 \\l'"k \\ , 1' '' , ol1ll)A fu se wa;; uttach ed to t h e safe Bud)!;(' "r, tj,il\lO 01 which $ 1 ,~ p r epared th' ullicial f orm s of Ho n 0 /1 h is I'etlll'n fr olll Dayton , . Ilwdel'n c(J n c,I'l'le ~ \\' IIl1 Il1,lng pO th e elq)lo ' io n which f oll owed I . ~u,l y I ,~, Fourth 1'(''' ">i I' 1""111 Lelml1"II, Flltl1klin" l litlO l' "nl\lli ~IS Rep u blicun und De l11 oc l'lltic 1)l'i - wh~l'e he is e mplo ye d in a bukery, and tll (' ~ illkil1~ rund u nduy a ft e r was c l ()~ed ,u l1d!l~ (' venlng' untrl,1 Xenia, w~s heard \\' ilntll1g'I') uy ~ev()1'f11 Way n csville 1 1nlll ~y, (,h u rch s(' hool nl H ,:1 11 Hlldl;WII Y "tll<'r and $f.i,UU lI g'ell,' rHI O ll e ru~lng fund Illlll'y ballotK u'nd has Conval'd d three thugs (' urly Monday mornin g 0 : next Sa t,urrluy In I)rd(,1' t hut [('\\,II~ yex alld id l'nls : h ol'tl y uf t e r 3 o' clock , M V ~'ll lng Pl aye r and serl110n I' itll'~ 1/1 Ihi ~ "Itinitl ', \\'II ~ pl'l'~ r llt l'cI t o tOIl Il('r\ as t h e , copies t o the vu l'i ou BOllr ds o [ mu(I e t h e ll' ' esca a t f ll!lhN 1I11Jl' Ov l' IIH' nt s Illay be A knub .. \ a s UIIIIl'II o fT 'l lt ho ugh 10.lO. \ 11 ' 11 a ft e r an u nsu ~, I ' ' 1'\IllOlInt l'~'iuil'l' d 11\' l hl' vi ll age of , E lections Ihl'o ug hu uL th e stute c('ss Cul atte mpt pe ,,, I I I ,, 11:1 ma d e, " " ~Il1~nl t o crack th e fe , t he sufe dc,O!' wa s n c,t ope ned by . arc , al~11 ht' illg' macl!'Impl'I'\, "II til\' Iwth ~ hOll s~ I '" 'ayn ',\ ill, during-" l l~e i{('v, J, J..:..~h ae ffer. Rector, wit h in Rt l'u ctio ns us to th e l11ann e r cnm lllg , , Ac~lJlll ~ng hil c th eir a utom obil e t o l, r.1. I{obl t ze r. Ihi, ",,,k al1d ~I " )l " hitzl' r, igh lh e ulasl. Y"ar, il~' in which sa me ~ h u ll be printcd , pow HaYlIlll1 l lI utht'ld" clerk. pI (JP I. Il'lO I , ,thl' "Jl"I1II1~ I'll la~ t h" , "It ,lel" ma ti " al ,'," ,,,,'ml'll edan lind up I'!tly now S he rifT F ulk e rlh Cllm(' t o Way- FERRY CHURC H OF l ' I "hen that I" ,tly ('''n\,~II"d In rOj\'qunlity of pupe r t u he used, etc Wa K Jlllrkc CHRIS T w!Jek s ~\llrday , Ill() r l' than ,'x - tn aCl:tl,'lll,,;lnte a id e wind ow by nl'sv ill(' fiO() Munday }' >I(h"r" plan , , ulnl' ~ e ~, i"n la s L ;'11011(111), (!\:cnlng, IIl o rn ing to in Other than the nomina t io n o f Htute w h i~h t hey guined ('ntru nce t o Hibl" Scho.,1 'It !J '3D a m (:t',l'lll<: d, Il1I g h l,~t ('xpee t alton~ th e vcslig-ale. brin g ing' with him C hie , l~nJ to e ~tt'll d th~ Ch('l'ki llg- <\, - t", III f ' tl " ' un ci co unty olli ciuls, th e pri l11ary I)lIl' Id lng, Fi rst s tep" w(o rr ~su ttll(l'n by , ,' , I, f P I' \l' lt 1 I lJ I "qulpml 'lIt and hl'a t illg' 0 K I I' k Lurd' Ie s me Supper n we r e and se en >'c lJy r m(J 0 n " U IeI' f ,' 1'1' " tt l! u " ;',1 Ie' and II t U"l ll a ,' t ' \V, ' l'll! ·tiun will no mina t e twu ca ndi- Th olltpso n in the garage 'k ' (Inkl' thaI ~l' \,I' 11I1 h undn'd nlol'" lnUn 'I I t "II''-11'11 ~' thcPLll'ch' l ~ of'm 111 Serlll un s ub 'eeat l al, l l li S 111 "PlIlI ,1'111, , where .1~ lle PUI finge :' I ' l 1'1111 -pl'lnl utiliz l' Ih .. 1",,,1 'I t '\llt ' 111\11' adll lll " lIal :,r lll ""t ,,', hl'~ e xpl: l't fro m Middle- " B ' dull's rur J ut.ig(' uf !'iuprern e uur t lh 'y hud tllh,n the o Ri ce sa f e 1,Ind I town , I' h'n H' ' h ' I' S J, 't' SW I11II1I 1Ilg p",,1 wrll be th~ I1WC l' 1I lo~e, , T here a r e few clu es to , the .\ 111,,,Il'1'1I 111111'111'''''11; wh"l',' n' - \\hich i~ badl)' 11fI,,' aptlsm IInl t c o f Ohio , cltndid ut es fIJI' U nited WI'r e attemp ll ng to breuk , Ig e" pIn t! ,,(\ for hy hU lld""t!> (I f p~t1Jlll' wlthill a " the IllU\," Yuu ure al wllYs wl' lcome Into It. I ult e mptl'<1 l' oLL e ry, u lth uugh it i ~ ,uulit " a ll kind ' I " I I ' ' ' I f, ,' l!, I hllll' ('iii t II'" lIt' Ielltly .' t utl'S 'e ll a lu r " fill th !' vu ri ous "I I pro 'h s aI'(' "l'l \(/ .1 1I111J1\1 I ~ III " II II U " 'I'homp so n went dir ec tly t o th e ! Ue li eVcd l ad lu ~ of mUll?' 1111 l'S of \\ uy n cs- \\ ill I,,, """nlai nl , 'cI 1I ~ C1UIC, , , ' ll'tt its h"nll ''', With r,ot) R('I JI'c,'l' ntntiv cs to Co ngress, t ele phun e exc hange where he l'e ~ p u n H ihl e,Middle tuw n nl ~ 1I w~'J'e ,I ,, \ 1111', It Is e~ tlnllltl' c1 lhat s<:vl'ntl feel of ,', , Ches te r A, 'Vllllum so n. Min Is t e r hundl' e<l p l'o pll' (: l,1j oyed ne\\' h" (' I" ' in)!; Jlu"~hase d last ca n ed l\1arHhlll Chnrl e.s J oy and hl' p" ol ~I I , 1{"loltZI'1' IS l'I 'c(, I " ln~ ('''11- \ ' l'a ' all "ei ,htl,,",,1 Olliciu amuullt - - - -wi ll be Th e e nthus ias m o f sta t e e m- S h ' rifT H llW UI' d Fulk e rth at Leb - , ay th erels o f t he 10ru l cO lu puny lu!'\ t W('t, k (Ill thl' thr ;le day:-=. thul it K!':llulnl 1 l l n:, 11 1 !l il t. " w as uPJlI'(jx imate ly $50. Illy . ,,:,yt\(·:.;- ;l( I ~ql1ah' t fullv prut(l e t all "Vn yLYTLE M, E, CHURC H p loyee's hil S been 'ubdu l'l.l su me- lll1 0 n , II and WIIS olll' n 10 th e Jlubl k, I \'IIII.' I!l'"plt>, I,ut 1',1 , ll th .. r~ III ~ ur , nl' ~ \'illl' Il'(,~ idl' u num ber o f vnlu a l' la 1 1,' \ 1)" 1 '" , I' lIt" ' ~ and builrli ngs, I ' , what ove r th ' recent hot weat he r 3 IJ ~ l Full l" lu \'l'ac illig ser vice illl11ent Il is believe d th ut th e ml!n ~aw i in the str o ngbox, N"lhillg indudin " at sli !J d '~, 1'1" " l dlll)!; C II I' 11 1111 ll,ni' I('~ ll li 11'('11, 1)11 'II 'I",' . '1 ',11 , II, 111 , ... ' " I:I! of Al this t illll! II tulk wi ll ue ::g (Jiven nn t! a ~ n co nse q u e nce ma n y trips 'I'hollips o n go t o th e tel e pho ne ex- valul' by l " " di vinl-: h"ards alld "t h .. r amusl' - I , I" Ill ' \\' 1''''', " 111'1 l'1"npal'l'S 1Il"' 1 wU S t aken , S('\'(' 1'Il1 \\ (O II, l1Iun will s lort thi s whic h ha ve bee n plann ed in a dI I l'nry S'uy IUI' un I IIt! STeut r elig - III cn t dE-vie t's arc "II th e "rllu n d ~ , lan'l'llh ly 11' 11h <111 .\ ' ' " . Il t' fllllllU III \,' n~k tl' 111<)\\' II II " " 't' d s u long iuu s d e bale at Dayto vance hn ve bee n ult e l'ed t o meet n , Sunday find ,U !~ bcinl: i Il slltll cd , thi..s w ('~k ' i tl 1l',"11 I In' t I '" ~ a l" , ' ~ tl'eel' al1d ,."ad, within lite cO,r pc1i mlltk cond it ionR. Cle rk of th e , Long- Addltlo nul water hl'lItlng eqU IP- , 1 hl' I'l' lIj('':I IS a dec l(i!," ,S CI100 I lit 10 :.'30 a , m " 1\ r ~, com , o rat io n a s th.' rr', ult ,I I' actio n ' h ncrI'" ~ upt. Youn g P eop les' Bibl e me n l W h Ie Sen lite Thol11a s E, Bnlemll n will ' ' WI'I I '. ue 'In olH'rulI,u n nlunlty :I SSe I I" \\' a~' IH,, "1' 11 (' U ~ It " I la s~ a nd pray e r m ceting Monday \\I~(>n t h e pool Ink" n 1)\' " lllIlIl'i l til Mo nua f orego hi, II nllunl vn cutiu n, d u e RAIN .BADLY NEEllE. y I' OI1l'n s Sulurcl ay, wi ll aU I U ,t hlll1dre',I ~ o f pcn plt' l' yel1inl-:' S 'IlI(' · ·tin~, eve-ntn lit 7 :3 0, F (J UI'th Qua rterly will a SS Ur\! \mlhe r s thut to th" opp,'oac h ing prima ry und the t em- I h .. It wa' 1I 1 ~" d!'l' i'!NI that £I ll , Cu nf e"ence at electio n, MaU er),; pel'tuin ing to pringbo l'o W ed- 11I'1'!llule , "f the watt'l' w ill be to l' ndrl' , :lilt! ~ I ",ul d r .. .: e l\' ~ lhe hf'arty lll sl' lI1l'nt b'H'killg of " \,ery pi i~ulll' l'~ finC'd or sl' l1t c I1l'~d in j n esday eve nin g Jul y Hi sum e meUU H that th e gam e fi s h in 0 t theIr irking, n o m atter whul th e I Waynl:, vlllf> lI~d CllIZI' ll, pUl'lIl'ulul'1y ordina IH'(' o r luclI l ca~l!S wi ll In t. he th s ll' len m ~ ,)f Pike c(J unty will With thc c urre nt lack of rain - I Sunday eve ning J ul y 13 the nYOnU~~g t elllp (, l'atur e of th e ai l', the 1lt1 ~ ll1e s:; nlelt , fU IlIr' Ill' ~~ nt to tht; IJ>lyLu n city hitve CHU H' f o r C(Jl1g'ra tulllti on f o r fn ll .r eac hing the pro prsion s of I pcup le o f S p)'ingbo ro will pres ent 1"-::- - __ __ th e good lookin g s t ates man fr om a dro ught , f a rm e r s in this II MiR io nary pagean t. "Th e So lw"rkhol'~ ", In ~ I'''lCl of thl' W urr n Pik e l on i~ an adept a ng ler a s well vicinity !I re a pp1'l'h e nsiv e a s to COllnty Jail. di (' I' o f t h e C r os!I" at th e Sp rin g. .. us g ulf devo t ee li n d hold); ~e v e ral th e o ut cu me of corn lin d other - - - bOln Meth udis t C hu rc h, All in vited WHO'S WHO IN WARR EN r ecu l'ds in both sports, altho ugh h e Cl'OpS unles!! a goo d soakin g NEW TEACH ERS AR E Sarl\ A, Bowma n, Pastor : Ed , Cook wus Ii bus iness hn:; li nt U ~ Y t made the Hole- inl'!Iin comes within the next few COUNT Y POLITI CS in Dnyt o n Mon day, 011(' club, .Jay s, EL ECTED BY BOARP CHURC H I Oth I' r esidents o f the com, ' " . lh Mrs, J, L , Hartsoc k is ./ W "dn es duy : Bible s t udy and I, opu IatJ(!n ~ay that . th~e-n In this iss ue o f t he Gazette o! 11111la,lca at , e r ela 1'hl'c' n ew t l'nc her s to s(' l've in tives in Dayton , dry senr" !tus lIortiee n )Jara l- prayer meeting ut 8:00 p, Ill , Su n- I t here ap p ca r sevel'nl O hIO P ' Illtc ntlll l'y IS ll1akmg \\' UYl1l' 1',,\\' n, hill s ~h ovb dU I'ing a rti cles led in this cOl11mun ity f or many day : 'u nday sch oo l at 9:3 0 a , Ill, a rapid i,nc l'('a, e, havi!,g , pa~sed ' conct' l nin g the vllrious cund ith e c"1l1in~ y,'ar \\'('1'1' 1I111l1c-d MonMr, (' r e n Wilk e r so n WIl S th e yeu rs, a nd althoug h t h ere have MOl'l1 ing worsh ipl at 10:30 Th e th ~ 4,00 0 Illurk und all !ndlc,at lons g uest of Leban on ~atc:, Thc y al'e p(, liticnl nth' c rday e v~ning- lit II Illl' ling o f th e f rie nd s Friday , bee n light loca l r a ins in some s ub jec l for th e serm on will be I t iRing und theref ol'''' )lom l. to th e f nct thut It Will not IHllIl'd (,I' ('Ilucati "n, th e exjH!ll sectio ns. co ndition!! ge n e rull y " Th e He igh ts of Mnn hood," Epbe Inng until the big priso n will Res lIl'C borne either by the 1'h ,,~' uJlP oi nt~tl were I ildred MI', Edward Be rgnn, of Detroit . lire ve r y bad, w orth Leag u e at 7 :OU p, Ill , with aga in be ove rcrowd ed even though eundida te or hiM fri en d", Read HufTnel' wh o will ta k ' the place of F a rm e rs lire hauling wnter Th elma. t, J o hn as leade r, Th e re Mi there hnve bee n many t ra n sfer s i ~ visit ing hi s moth e r, Mrs , Julia ~" I{ o nw IlIlnlin iR vi ~ itin g' ~ I i~~ LUl'illt' Squier, in Ihe JIi g h the m ! The y are inte r es t in g, and t Ol' th eil' s t ock, wells are d ry aR will be a meeting o f t he Epwort h Ilnd plll'oics as r ecord s sho w tha t Bergan , I'eluti\'c ~ ill Ken tul'ky, seh"" I. a nd W illiam K , Young and kel'p thi s paper f o r future refLeogue Cnbin et ilL fi :45 p, Ill, we ll as most 0 f th e s tr eal11S. over a hun d r ed n ew art'ivuls !Ire el'l, ll ce, raroli nl' Swurtze l for th e grades. Fo r g iftR a nd gift id eas v isit ,-_ _ _ _ Preachi n g serv ice reg is tered wee kly, W o rk i ~ being ut St!'phcn 8 :00 p, m, \vilJi ul11~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'" You nr e cO l'dinlly in vited spt! nt th e Th (' resig'llu tions of fi ve teac her s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cary t o _ _ at's _ J e _ welry _ ... 1I"I,ul'th Shup, L e wi bnnon, th r e lntive 0 " ,; I'us hed on t ill' n e w industr ial build ill Xe nia, were aercl'ltc rl hy th e boa rd , Th e y " The H ome of Gifts." t encl these m eetings ing whi ch will soon house the old , ar e Mi ~s Shul11ake l', Geo G. C. Dibert, Pastor. - - - - - 1'11', an d Mrs, .rack ()l1 v i ~ hav nell. 1iss Vund (' r\' ool't, MIr,gHS Bunt ilil e s hops, The first and second B obb Mrs, L ydia Vunder v oort of Lebfl oors and all column s a nd con ret u rlled horne lIft C'I' n vis it in and l\Ii ~ R Wuinw right. FAMIL Y REUNI ON ST . AUGU STINE CHURC H H lIntingt o ll, Ind. c re tl' purti t ions of th e mllin wing a n on s pent Thursd ay:wJtJ j 1'. JI '1'1 1(' com pi ·te roste r uf t eachers o f t hre buildin g ut:e pour ed and Mrs, Sere n Wilk e rso n, for til(' local schuo l will b e e lected l' .desce nd a nts of th late S umn,o r schcdlll e--1st, 3rd and Mr, set. Th e r e ar · ove r 200 me n in t he nnll !\Irs, Alfred Wrig ht . of at a lat'(, I' n1 peting o f t he boa l'd. J ohn ller honored his m emory 5th SundllY . Mas:s at 8 :00 a. s vera l co ns tru cti o n eo mpanie s Co lumb us, Rpent the week-e nd wilh m,; - -- -c-- - - by as - lbling ut th e old home 2nd and 4th Su nd ay, Mass an d th ey li re \lInking a record ,in a t Dr, A, T , Wr ig ht. st , n ow ow ned by Mr, an d Mrs 9 :80 : INJUR ED IN BLAZE t he work in whic h they are eneo , Well er, als o uncl e Frank Mrs: Fl o renc e Dellllel', uf DayR ev , Lawre nce B , Mollma nn, gaged. , ---,- -. ' Well el' now livin g there. t on, ~pen t Su nrlllY with Hu 'st! 11 _ __ _ ('i1l:,t, lI utt and l~ o war~1 ~I tze l Th e day was a delight.£ ul o ne WAYN ESVIL LE CHURC Martin II nti fnm il y, wert! Injured las t Fl'ldllY h g htmg a The Ame r ican In stitute of Co: H OF' Th e Mi.lmi s trave led t o LebThe compan y nU l11bered abo ut Irlnze t.haL comple tely d es troyed CHRIS T opcrnti o n, compos ed o f pl'omi:Jno n Fri duy mornin g I1l1 d lost n 54 , They we r e fr om Indi nn a, Li ma S UIlllller . peeia ls - rings, ('0, _ t h e eight !,!)om brick r eg tl ent I udel'!' of [ar ml'r s' coo p eraid nee on Eyes bother you? See Dr, Ru - Cen t e rville, Dayton , L ytle, Bell- • Bible ~Choo l at 9 :? O II , m, ~o r,d 's t oug h on e by an 8 to 6 Rcore, t ume jl'wclry , et" , Cary 's J ewe lr y th ', farn~ , of t h e former n('a In t he afte rn oo n gam e Middlet ive e nterpris es o f t he natio n, ure dolph , eyesigh r Five brook Wllyn esville a nd Roches t s ter pecialis Shop, SlIpp~r t, at Cary's L eba n o n. Ohi o, al co nclu I r" l nt~, I he bla1-e IS b ~ l leved m eeti ng in t he Cap itlll -City this J ewelry to N, Y: Eve ry one wa s jolly and Erdea vor al 6:,45 slO.pl1, C hrr stlun t ow n played at Wu y ne Park a nd Shop, Leban o n. Ohio, ! ha\, (' becn , m, cH use Virl!il l1 by fa th lhn e locllis g s parks w eek at Ohio Stute Unive rs ity. aga in lost b y a J 5 to 2 happy and glad to s 'e one n not.h er I H e nry, ~ea d er, Ev e nm David 1 ' 1 '0111111, of Limll, g e vang-e was hsthe' I count. Stitzel, Hig h gove rnm e nt offi cia ls , jnterna Go II n's ~?I:r-,in- I uw of Mr, Hut~, F C H t relief p itch ing feak d f m 'I f althoug h th e r e was u vaca nt chair I tiC service 7 :45 p, 111 . erm on turned but it wu ~ t oo b ig a lead for w('ek -end g'u es t s of h i: ne ph cw .J. who WU R VISl llr,lg' nt. t he lutler S ti o nnll~' af ~?c an knnwn auth orities and 1\ni d' YM 0 , The tubl es w e r e placed und e r th ~ I s ub ject, "W at I', F l'o l1l l11 ho and Ar'~ I fllm o t r he ily, we hildl'en r e mn of e r , gues th h e O I~H' at ~h~ t1111~, \VIIS tht! m o re b oys to ove~comc, S und RY th e m e mb or s o r th e F ed(, I'nl Board will Ed it !1 Harris an d fumil ys 0on 1'5, t ' h the reI'S, amI Ioa d e d WIt a ' " I ~e rl ou s ly Il1j II red , every t h'mg GO(]?: " I Good 'I ' th ' b .' , congreg deliv I' address es a nd e ngage in F C1'h , I lill'nnl and I M lamlS g ood to fOnt. Gpo, Micldl ost t 0 ' '' ' Y I mlllgto n es ites y s peC a l1I '!" s mgl ~:vI' ng, \V . urc " Tht 1 NIg ' ht , pro d' score , ollr , of 10 to 6, LBl1sda le again 1'ouno tub le discus, inlls, Campin g . IS, a sked Gou ': bk s, ings 0 11 th~ , gl'!l n~ eac,h :~edn,(~s day Ilg IS sp e ~ Illg 11 at 7:45 p, tri ed t o p itch b ut thl'ee g um es in a fe~~ day.s.,Iy Mnk e your IlIwn b eautifu l, by s umpteo us meal, to which fa~ilit ie~ have b een made avail a ble at t~e ,hol;le n f 1\11', a n d eve ry I 111, 1he Ch lll ch \\here you f ee l at row TO CONTI NUE SALE \VII ' to o much (or "Lefty" and by t h' Stll t e Depllrt me n t of Agri - hnving yo ur lawn m owe r sharp- on e I I .. C, E. I\1I~h e nel. did ample jus ti ce, At 2 :30 p, hom e, , , c ulture dur ing th e week at the e ned at the Wayne sv ille A u to and m, the " I Gon 's agaill relieved him a n d M " M " M I 'M" F presid ent rooks R o be rts B CCll u ~ e Chest e r A, W,IHlam so n, MIniste r , pilc hed good ball. of lhe fa ct t h at State F u il' Gro unds, Wllte r, light Machin ery Co, ' M s, I ,UI ~ 1c , called t he m eeting to order by a ' ~I~' I.h'l11 ~1H~ fl\llI1< ' I': of this vicinity nre in th e - - - --und oth e r con \' e ni e n ces will be ,Sunda y JU,ly I :lth the Miamis w : rt' s U[~ hort b~n praye o n ~~' r. s it~ rH' to!I~/\\ 11) mid st of their bu~i e st sea son , Th e ~ ~ c r etc'lry being furni s hed , Tn ca se of rain access Wi ll play Sprrng Valley at W uy ne l\I isll ClAra Lile, Misses and a. bRent, Mrs, Cora Weller t ook her Myel' !l yman lIa~ announ ced ' will be availab l e to the ex position Ethel R eed er left TuesdaEva will S Park a nd the boy!! I try I\nd y o g n et 0 place. A beautif ul W ~ rc~tr in g h ea d~, replatl' ,i l- hi ~ I ll i<l ~um n1C~ l' uffering uf that ketch oC the barbuildin g. P oli c(' protect io n will motor trip through Yellow back in t h a win .co umn, Stone on e passed before was read, and ve rwnre a nti - rc' OVt' r lIm br e l1a ~, g-lIin~ will continu e un til Saturda y, Nationa l Park. . IIl so be p I·ovid ed. ~ The a s hort program was given, The scores: C . J MI', and Mrs , Wlliter Elzey and I SI b O .J u ly 12, I{ (\11 li un in a ll de partary s . ewe r~' lOp, L boy: COl' old tim es sake took u Mrs, Sa l'u h Lippinc ott e an o n, ' men t;; a r e u\' uiluh le t o patrons visited Ke n- Lebano n of I 2 0 I 1 0 1 2stroll Dit'octo !' Charles A, N el\l, of the 8 throu~h the woods and vari- lI et h Elze y u n d fa mil y in DlIytr,ll ! Wayn esv illc Summe r s pec ial silverW arE', ous haunts. Ice , 00022 1 0 I 0G Mr, and I\lr!;, Elliott W r ig h t , o f th s ton' dlll'illg t hi s b is:: Hille. tnte Depllrtm ent of H ealth, ca lls j ewelr y and erealll and cake was S un<1ay, novelti es. Cary's . De tr oit , w e r e h re und ay for 11 t hen s erved, Th e family wish to ntte ntion to th e d ange r of drink- J ewe lry Shop, Lebano n, Ohio, We MiddleJ.o wn , 00 0 0038 I 0- 12 , h.' il- r \:isi \ with Ih('i l' Sfather, ing water fr om supplie s t he qual- give Ceda r Stamps Dr, A, thank th e Reeder Brotihe rs for CLUB MEETI NG HELD . Mr, an d 'M I'" 0 , J, Al ity Of whi ch is unkn own, For ix their ice cold drinks. which were of Dayto n , W, W , Whitakexande r Wayne sville .. 0000 200 1 0-- a 1, Wng h , er, and yell r the depnrtm e nt has been Summe r S I"'l' ial ;; __ g-Iasswa r c Mr, and Mrs. Edward Ricks Ill"d fr ee to ull. Go od bys were th en fllmil y of Mol'\'o w, were g u ests of Wilmin gton , 2 1I11' l l1hl'r~ d e<l a meetcllrryin g o n n ca mpaign in a n ef3 2201 000 - 10 and Sl'ts of- disl1l'K, l'a l'~" s .J e wclr)' ing=,ix Sll id, C. M.'I Ro bitzer lind famil", , o n the childre n tl r Iht' Wa yn T I) wn sh ip Ju nior and Mrs, Annie Th orup, fOl't to locatc and mark safe ilrink" Waynes The v ill e family . 0 0 0 F 0 will 4 0 0 m 2 eet at the 06 ShOll, Lcull no ll. O hio, Stol'e open F' a l'm cr:; 'C'1111 J he ll( 1' 11UI' '(III" even OUI'< I. ing water s upplies that are ac- of Dayton , w,e re dinner g uests -of hom e of Ralph Reede r n e xt y ear. s ,. \ 1", in~, Jul y ;j at Ih lownsh ip hall, • - cessabl e t o the public , and to wal'n Mrs. usan Pain e, on Sunday , cv IIIng s, Tir e lI1 ('e ' illg \\'a~ cull Mr, ed and to Jlhs, o rder Ed Mull en and Mr, GRACE COWG ILL IS people a gain st t he use of all others 1\1 1', and MI'S, . f orris RlIp(>1' and by Harold F ox , prel<ide nt. MI'. and MI's, Chas, and Mrs, Carl Frye ret urned Sun RQIl was ,' Approx im nte ly 200 small water Alice Snider and Meyer, Miss M L' ' R day eve ning from Long Lake, FARME RS GRANG E f 0 t ll ed nnd llIillllt e~ read lin d apMr, J ose>;>h KILLE D IN CRASH rs, IZZI(! apeI', u , , ny on were ca l! up,Pli es hll ve been lo cated a !1 d Haines, of Cincinn ati, provcd Cole n, , Michiga ~XL llI eet n in where g will b e held they enwere guests I ' at urd ay g ues t s of Mr, and Mrs, in t he hall on Thursd pllllnly marked at r~sonable rn - o f Mrs , J. M, Thom)J The m eeting. of Wayne sville joyed several days fis hing. ay cve ning, so n o n th e Miss teJ'll!lls. along the maJ!1 highwa ys Fuu1'th , Grace Cowgill und Huth W , 0 , Ruper, ' Farm e rs Grange N o. 13, Wa s h e ld -- - throu\\,h o ut th e s tate WIth II, stand - I McVey , of n elll' Wilmin gto n , wer e SattJrda y eve nin g Jul y 5 with a Mr, W, ' ,Seur~ a nd SO il. Ev 1'Misses Triiic nal~nd BANK IS ROBBE D Margar et Ed instnntl !lrd ,Big I'! c rc cte~ ~y t~e HI~~wn y 1 Wutc h n eed l'epairi y kill ed when th e uut om oell we good re in H tJ~sburg- S und ay o n attenda nce. ng? Expert \\'urds e nt 1ast W e dnesday in bil e in which th ey W (! J't! riding was Depal't m,-e nt 1I1dl cahn~ F oll owing the busin ess session Dayto n,spMr, life watch mak e r a cco u nt of t he tlln (·~s o f th e fo r.. ClJl'Y's J ewelry and Mrs, Will Ru~- , --'k u Wlt,t e r 5 00 )<" a t Ah ea d", uppli es, hup, Le banon,[ItOhi~, f B I ' Mrs, Frunk 1 l1le LeMIlY r'~ mother at the . piano, 11m and daughte r, Miss Mllrgar c t st r~c Only g e nuin e Th e an dll iia State Bank. of ..v a ast , II tl!11 0,r~ ,am I w hl,c h have (!ell f ound t o be i llIat el ial u 'e d in our r e pa ir de part her two s on s and Mastel' EaH uc eo m pn ni ed th e m hom whil'h II. D, Ke ll iso n. e for a visit OhI O ral!r,oud , trn.'n lit d CI os~ !n l! sUllsfac lory a r e Cu rth e r mark ed me nt. CI ' I , S Ih . an ti fnm il" and r l'~idl' nt " f. and w"l1 II f orm er C onner furni s hed exc ell e nt music n ear Martlll sv llJ e ruesdav mornIn g , kn ow n in ) c" , Ol! , by II " Sell! of S u fety ," posted in a . e lll , 0 , ' ' MI'ss ' Co\"gl I ' ' II, '''h o \\' 8-'" dl'I'vI'n'·' . ('has, Martin . of Dayto n, we l'e W.'IVIl ('s vill c, i ~ ca~h i e l'.· w as he ld f o I' th e even1l1g . Inc Iu d 1I1g M ISS E B ec k ett, a so I0 . " , . 1l10gen . e con spi ,nou s ~ Iu ce near ~Yhere the In f 00 111 i\1 1 wa\! I IIcco mpanie d by the th l'l'e g tl ~s ~~ 0 M I'S, R Cnpt, and Mrs, E, by Mrs. ;Le May. H elen Huwke a c- pany With Mr, and l ' u sse II up b,\' th,'!! c I'ob b", rs Mo nd a v, afte r_ Mrs, Elmer wat I' IS ,obtll1ll3,ul e. AdVIce to the I Huth und Frank P oland,F , P oland, , t 0'11', un(1 1\'1', . hlll' le" ~lnrll l1, I}ll th1'.p I·~In P d M E l H 1 d I, ch,'ldl'ell o f I (Ju l,th, o f Dayton compal1 ls. 11(IOn, Th ey scapl'd wi th about t ' eterso n un trnv ele r IS t ? drmk only fr 01l1 safe I were gue.sts of Misses 1', III' olan, I McVey , tenants o n the Cuwgi ll l !j:;IOIIO, Mr, Kelliso n WIIS away on Out of t ow n gues ts were C, spc nt th(! F ourth and week-e Trillen a and nd in ' farm ' wute l' s upplies , 1\1 rs , Mart ha Dod son, Miss Min - his \'a('ull Margar et Edward s, Friday after- Dona ld Dilat~ sh und, wif,e ?f L e b- Detroit , N ingura tJ~ . _ _ _ _____ , Falls and Canada E~erett , infant son oC the Mcnie a,non, D vd son, Mr" ,J oe Dod son, a nd MI', Dllatus h 111 hls, I!IIprcs' , t l' II h as a IlIce : Oh 10 Ve y's cas h b a I-I' ll oon. died a f ew h (Ju r~ a ft e r th e fam ily, lI r In~1r lll,lpo hs " VISited slve lIIanner s poke on ?ngm and EA STERN STAR Mr, Mel'1 e K e rn s joined his' acciden t. Alice, 9, escllped Imcl' to do busines s with accordi ng MI'. and Mrs, Russell Benson grow t~ o ( ou: Co unty, It wa~ with friends h e r e Fl'Id llY I\nd Saturd ay, not fllmily h<'r e on th e Fourth, Mrs , min o r bruises but ,, - - -to the r e port of ~tate Trea8ur~r and son , Mr, and Mrs. _ is s uff e ring with Jack Fritz, only IIlte r estmg but e ducatIo nal Ke r ns a nd little daug hte , I ;\1!" nll Chapte r No. 10 I 0" E . Hoss Ake, t he r e belllg a balance In of Clevela n.d, spent r J oan w ho I eye burn s, cnul'led by lim e, and \ MI' " and a s the well. we Mrs, Refres ek-end ., hm R, ents Conra were d [111(1 served S, \VIII mee t til r ei<ula l' sel'lslOn 'I had s pe nt th e wet!k wi h h er par- ' th e gen eral fund on ,July 1" of with their parents , Mr. may lose he r sight. t~V(), lr ttl ~ ,dn ugh lel'~ of : r~~c: n l M,:nday evc n!,!!!! Jul and Mrs. by Mesdam es Hocket t, Braddo ck e n t~, Mr, ,and ,M rs, J, tI?, $23,255 ,816,29 .. ReceIpt s durmg W, p, Salisbu y 14, a t 7 :30, Murlnl,t , Miss Cuwgill was the d~ul!' h te r S ,?l'lngs, ~y , ~)J e nt tl;e 1 ry. and Butt~ rw?rt~. ." ee,k :clld 1IIIIIall o n, VI ~ ltl ,n g me mbers wei , IIccol11 pnllled hIm to theIr nome In of the late Rev, A. T , the month of Jun e were $7,249, Cowg Ill, who With he By r , falh l,nvltatlO el , 1.1 , !, , 1 , Wayne S, II d, tll lI, C'"I1~, SVIlle Lukewood, Oh io, Su nda y. 558,16 while disburs ements totaled , . ~ se rved as paslor of the W a ynes - lind Calmly , Rev, Joseph Bennet t, of East Grange wlll furm sh the program $8,048 ,324,26 , The balance in the .J f',s ep,hlll ; F. ul'nh nl't" W, M. ville M, E. , church f o r everal Liberty , Ohio, was calling at Lebano on Wayn the 17th of July. )[Inll te l' r o lll m, Sec y, workm en's compen sation fund is Dr and Mrs H a rdinger and two years, She was grlldua ted from Hav e you r lawn m owo.1' sharp• - - -$53,082 ,364.12 and teacher 's re- nesville friends Tuesda y afterno on h'ld' CHICK ENS STOLE N M ' W'II F Ik f Wayne sv ille High c I school ren, and spent rs, in the the I night ened u erson, 0 at the home of tiremen t system fund $46,667 ,as d ' bythethe fuctsuor o e m t ac Vulley, Mrs. Minnie Mc- class. of '9 6 lind has t hhmWe ry aynes Mr. and Mrs, W. O. Raper. MIAMI MAIDS many friend s , u ~lel I.!" t 125,25, d Mr;'h~ . ' e in Lean, this Ha," vicinity Mont go mer,Y, of EI who Pa so, w. Texas. ill b e ofsho and ck near ed VI e ..'u 0 an Mrs, l -,- - ac InclY C1. - - - -Edna Hopkin s of Pitts burg were ' to lenrn of her tragIc Sp rin .•gboro, hn ~ r eported th e theft Mr. and Mrs, W. O. Raper and The 4-H Food club met Satur- ('allers death, M d 1\' t the h' on e of M r n'd Mr' N' I' 1" btll'll , n f of 1I11nl'oxi mate b ' 100. chicken s h G a THE BARTO NE IDEAL Mr. and Mrs, Howard Archde acon d ay a t 2 ,' 30 p. 1', a n , r R, . u , ' ~--- - . _ _ 0 " m , at t I' rllnge W 0 Raperl Washin gt on C, II., wcre Tu ['sday evenmg cn l1 (,I" at fr att.ende d the funeral service s cif Hall with om hI., S farm , 0 sevente e n m e mbers . , ' ' I COMED Y COMPA NY the former 's uncle ' • MISCE LLANE OUS SHOW ER th e hom e Lewis Raper nt present o f, i\11 ~ , AlIll ll Cal\\\'u \ __ S .1 ~=----:~___ _~ d' '. , , unuay Spring Valley Sunday afterno on. IIlner gues t SO f M l'. anll-' I lad e r and MI SS Clara L rle. Sa l lIr - ,After the bus meSl\ meetlll g the Mrs, J oseph Evans I . ' were Mr, and rou a Gr,'n The s how you know. Coming to lay foll o w!ng rrog ram wus given, e \ e nlllg, Mrs, J , F , ... ' Mr, a nd Mrs, R, Mrs, J o hn Ke nn edy , (nee MarMr, an<l Mrs. Frank Haynes and Wayne sville f o r one week, IItarting Nahona 4-H Club Pledge ; 4-H Kinman o fBrow'n, , . r , c1 ' 11 i Flo r e nce Ky Mr and thu Hay) , a recent bride. \Vu s the 1\1 o nduy night , July 14. Present ing tw o childre n of Clevela nd, Ohio, Club s ong, b,y ~a~ e Cook! Marjo ri e I Mrs, C.' B, Morgan MI', lind 1\11 ~, \~ , II. ~l.ld , ' and' so~, of ' hon high-,c1ass . Vaudev ille. Program Mr, and Mrs. Ed. BlIllard of F!o~ence, VIrgIni a D,e nhnger ; In- Duyton lind Mrs, Gertrud e Thomas I Julyor gu ~sl Saturda y aftcrn on n , M,cs~r ~ F,rcd ~' lIl1ll l l11lin ,HII~I H c~ ); 5, at a m bcellnn eou s showcr PI 0tt <nJ oY,f,d It , 1lI ( ll: James town, Mr. and Mrs. John Dy dlv,dua l Demon stratIOn by Jane ll chllnge d nightly, ! ,tr ; of Greenv ille AHerno on callers l (!iven by Den a Hopkin 7 mond of Xenia, Mrs, Rachel Cook. s, Mabel thlllll g , oll thcl n Monday night Cree to all. , tu~~"g till were Sam M e~edith and fnmily, R Wilson nnd Crew and son Frank spent the 4th Rhea Ellis, at the home .Rl ver <,utl', Oil tie • our , Recreat IOn was led Doris I ---- --.~-~-~----of the former. A with Mr. Qnd Mrs. Robert E. Crew Wade atte~ which da intybyrefresh of scho olMiss Trill ena und Miss Mar- mates and fl'i e ndsnumber e t r enjoye,d d an b ' after ib Mi s~ ' il'g-in in II ard in spent a Y. F. M, NOTIC E n~ n s w~ e serve your c u a d- ga r et Edwllrd s e n te r tai ned with a "noon f t aftC rtll)o n ,vith h er u nLawn mowers , sharpen ed by Visor, ? contes t s an d, IIve Iy con- pleasan MISS Ethel Mende nhall. du.y Sci-idol c l as~ la"t Thur ,day, ' fSlmily dinner 0111 Sunday . The Electra . ver satJo keen n. a ft e r whIch refr es hproee1ls, same method 'Phe y , F, M. will meet at the Mary EstheL' Lane, Repor ter, I!.'~e t a w e re MI'. and Mrs, C k Will ml'nts were .canyin g o u~ a on Cacsu l"s r ee ' , w h OI'C R pIc ni C _ __ _ _ Friends ' ~hurch -Sunday ; July 13 as used by lawn mower manufa cRu ssum , Miss Margar et Ru ss um, col!lr schemeservl'~l, of plI~k and w~lte s upper 'WIIS c nj oyc(i' by a ll prese nt , at 8 p, m. This is a special meet- turers. Electra keen system turns Mr, and Mrs, Gail Ru ssum and which waS also used m ing for the NinlJ Divans scholar ship out perfect cutting .m owers. Try d eco l'atlOns LONG -MOSE R Mrs , daught ers, o f . Dayton ; 0, J, , Th e brid e fund. Refr eshmen ts. 'Everyo ne- wei m.~. Roy Pigott. man:y benu- s low ly ,V io lu ul'(iy is sa id to b e Edward s , Mr, and Mrs. J . Wilson tltul )Jre~ent t!r eceived r ecoveri n g after un operutog~the r w come, ll h the , Miss ' Mr. and Mrs. Lon , Becket t en- daught Marion ' Mose r, 'younge st Edward s and family, of Waynes - hearly con g ratulat Ions of all t h e t ion for inward goitel', ' h e wa - - _ ... 4P , ~ ... - -- - er of Mr. and Mrs. A.dolph ville. remov ed from Miami Vall ey hos- I ter,tafn ed at dinner on Sunday , Mr g ue t8. • _ __ _ pi tal, HAD JULY QU~STS, aturday , to the h om e of I and Mrs. ' T. S, lJun'lpb reys and, Moser, of Xenia, and William her s i$t er, Mrs, Mr. a nd Mrs. W. P. Salisbu ry, family, :Mr. and Mrs. Ray G. Con- Long, Jr" son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J ol\ns , in Mr, lind Mrs. jack Ku,e bler, Mr. ner, of Dayton and Mrs: Harry Willi~m Long, near Waynes ville, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye, and DEATH J~ytle. were , married at Newpo rt, Ky., daught er, Mr: and Mrs, Russell and Mr8, Howard Kueble r and MillS Greeley , of Ft, Michel, Ky. AfterFunera l ,service s for' Lewis France s Kueble r of Columbus!... IIr nl)on callerp we'r e Mr. Bnd Mrs, Wednes day, The couple wlla atten- Sali~bury and famil y, wit" Mr. and Expert service give n o n ~wiil8 ded by Miss Mary Lou Kelble and Mrs, Rusaell Bens,on and SO", Mr. Raper, who died at the home 01 .and Americ a'n w\ltches 111 our reand MTs. Perc,- Yatea, of Ked- Elmer Peterso n and MillS Emoge ne Robert Owens, his daught er Mrs. Will Fulkers on pair departm ent, Eft\clen - Xenia Herald. and Mrs, Jack Friitz, and Mr. and wood City, C,l.'., spent Juty 4th Beekett , of Dayton , Earl Holland , ~ and I Yel, you at Wa)'ne Park, gueets of Mr. al'1d of New Burling ton, and George , Mrs. Leon Salisbu I9 " of'n d, in Spring Valley, Tbursd ay, wc!re prom,pt service a,ssured , StOI e open parle. A. ~ held at the residen ce 8 Sunday Mrs. C. M. Robitze r. picnick after ed Scott. at eVeJ.lllu ft. r , Cary ",nclen t, on the ' hO~'1 JOft .~. bom. Subscri be for The Miami Gazette F oul1:h, ' .1 ~oon. Burial in BeUbro ok cemete ry Lebaoo n, Ohio. 8 Jewelry _ - _ k..~

-,,11,, 1






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Mr. Ed Murrell is the Ritzht Man \ ~EWS for Treasurer


Does this Record Merit Re-Election? ~~eH::?v~~eT~~mfh:Ir~~l!t:ea:~~ $971119.34. ThQse entitled to suc-

Mgrt,'n &Stgnley U


ct' JOIl are Lydia S, Thompson.. (willed abllO'lutely) widow, Lydill Auctioneers S. 'l'hompllon (life elltllte) widow, _ I ' ' peeted R. nn hon IlIw-nhiding ~:d Mlfrl'ell i~ o n 0 f t he cn ndiL dl S TI (r ' d y u , 10dml~ o n ' d ml.unTch·r, . Ihll l" Clltlli nJ!' bef r 11lL' Rqlllbli - ~it illt'n . I f tHltllil1ltt"(i :I1ul "It' tl'll. temporary 0'1' el, ow.Maso ne 'un " otcrt< f W II~J'e n ('ounty r"r h w ill .1 ('\'1) Itll hi ~ t illl' t il ,'IlI'IY I ' t th V'lId \\1 of o n.mon PI IU Proceeding. egllcI~~ . 0 e I ~ " . ' , thtl o lllel' u f II' I\.~ UT(!r , ?Ill', I\Il1lT(' ll iltI, 'lilt th,' tiutip$ o f hi ~ lllli.·., the VIllage Sch 01 Ulijtrlct of MIIi ~ on of UUI' be!'t J'I' Idents und t o lh \' ecy IWhl tlr hi .. Il IJi lity . I n thl' .!I\ ~I· rt r I':mmll M. K L'ys , so n, an~ In b 'us t La til tru lIt el!1I of 11,1 n. I, Yuill' ~IIPI"\ I ' t III1lI will I,' ('s,',' utl'ix III' the' la ' t will of J. hilS it VII, I ly numb!'r lIf fdl"l<ls th e Pre byttll'iall ' hurc h of Mu!\un wh kn ow him for whut. he i.: IIJ1P " I't:illt " all ( ' fr'll't~ Illllt!' ill hi H ;\1 iU.,1I I\I·Y~ . d(,<: l·ll ~t' d. v"rsus F.lIH 0., lire fo und ill be 1I0n- tu xllu le. A. /l!un o f nbilit y nllil pllw ,' r . 10 In h u lf. a nd if nlllllilill t cd n nd ' 1- I\I ')~ ( ·II,. k, .'l HI, it wlla llrd r~d A counts o nfil'me,l : CenterVille, O. N ew Burlinlton, O. . olvc this impo rtant om ...! fill' till' "etcd will rnnd ut'l til l' (, ffiL'l' wilh liY th,· COIII'l that t it pretl' nti ('d Gu al'd illn ~hip o f F;velyn Hull , 1\11 s~ I ' il\g'~ lit t:lch"d :Ind w ill " Ilt'l·y I! oel peo pl o f W a rn 'n C"lIl1 t ~ . Phone' No. 2 P~one No. 320 SI.·I vic ,' o r H lllllnl o n ~ i ~H U d l th min or fil'Kt acco unt. That j what we '" II I 11>< 11l1!1 a h." lau \· i,·w lnwl1l'ti ' the> welflln' s heri tf 0 11 l a y I ri. u ' ~I't a . ide. E s t ~t (! o t' OUl'd utr e \' d eceas d Annl. -' o tTice rO il bt· the h\l UI'(' e uf " uving o( nUr s tnl,' II l\d Wa rr en co unly . In the ' a~e \I f l'e opll"" Es tate of Sllb illo Oillilund. inma ll y do ll ar~ tll the In jlnyf'rs nnd Cnn wc Blr"rd t il ll'l H IIllln If hi ~ !1 u ildil1!:'. LO:11I .\1111 Sa ving's C,Jfll co mp e t e n t fir~ t a nd I1na l. ::.hollld be Pll t In th ' hund s ,, ( II "hi lit\' I!" h~' ? W c' k now n t un ci P:llly .,f (,,'han on . U., \' 'r~ u~ Mary Es tate ~f Subina (;illilund, d _ man who will cnrry lI lIl h i~ duti"" 1',., 1 ~\lI' " (.111 II<' i ~ n tl'U(, (1m'" I··uil'. l't nl.. Ih,' dl· t' ~n dllnt . LCllra ceas d, fll' ~ t a nd final. S" " kl' l' ri nd \\'ill -til'k by I hl' wri t I' Bel !:,cillil \\' n~ ~ranted Ilcrllli ssio ll with l'conuntY a ~ h l ~ 1l 1l «'hwllrrl . Esta t e of Murtha J . Richa rd11 ,' i a IlI lln w hose pH ~ ollnlity in hi ~ as~ .' rli.' n ' nml th i!' p nper in tll til , an ~ \\'('1' und Cl'lI"" petiti on. so n deceased fifth u nd final. ill 111 0 I p INI ~illR' ond who Clln hun - his (,:l lllpai)( n II 1lI1l111 11l" ' lIl1' 11 t", ll o J n llll'S II. Mor ri s wus gnmte tl a E s tat e of c'harles D. Junn ey, il~ dl t) m n, W (' beli (' \'e I hilt he i~ 0 i ~ Ih,' pre nt deputy and w cll div o rct! from A linn Zi s ka l\JOl'ris. com petent, firs t. mon who h ll~ mOllY rri(>n rl ~ nlHI is ql~ll l i fi(l(j for I h e uRic . III the !<e ttl e me nt of th e e~ tutc th., dd!' ndn n t h"\' ing been g uilty of Ed . S. onklin, decea scd. th e lI f j!l' lI"H 1I1'!!, II'C l u f clut)·. n t value of th e eSlate WII S f o ulld It \\'a s c Oll s ide l'(:d Ly th · co url l o be $37 0,0 6. thut t hl' exempIhal th., "Iaillliff" , eharll's and ti o n o f the bene fi cia ries <, xcced E 'IIIl1I1 !l uu 'e r l'{'r" v"' I' 1'1' 11 11\ th de their u ~l'cs s i()n s und thnt us a felldallt. 1';d \\,l1rd J . DIlI' Ill "dy . til res ult, sHid {'slllt,' u nd ti uc ce!!H ion s THE AMERICAN FLAG A mUll thaI performs his duti l'!; Full, "lth i,.: pl,' dj!, 'd 111 n law n- ~ 11111 uf $:I O() and and eo s t~. a .. e CX(;lIIpt fr o lll inh e ritlln ce tllX. a s s h r riff of Wan n coun t y a s f"r dn g- adm illi s tl'ali"II , On e thut II~ I Ill' dil·" r ~,· 111'ti')11 o f Chal'l('s . Th e co urt ord e rcd that Th e LebBy Jo ae ph Rodman Drake lUIS ' V, II. Fulk e l'th d.oes nnt need will ('ol1\ ), ill (' I' Ilit-il'III'Y \\,!t h N·tIIl - T :ly lllr "I·r, us o ra Tayl or. up un F:XPCI i nr e is wllat ru un ts, Nut sli tis fncto r y sc rvicE', IInon - 'itizcn ~ Nntionul Blink and lI l1\y ttl I hl' I' n ll' I'~ II f tIllS ('Ullllty "" I1 , idl' l'llt i" n u f 110 ,. e l'c"" pt!tilioll /'J nly til th l' indi vidual h i l1l ~ .. lf, hut li e hus alwllYs worked f or the Trll s t Cumpa n y . e xecuto rs ti f the Wh e n · Fre,.do n., f ro ll\ he r 1I\ 0 unmuch o( il n inlroduction III OUI' . l\1l'. , Full,C'r l h ' ~ li i)( J!'l'., I Il ~~l' t is , \, r Ih., tll'f·I'IHlant. tIl\' ('l1 urt fuunt! I i.I ~ WI' II t n Ihl' [ll' C1 I!h' he ~(' rv!' s, In illt .... ~s l of th e peo p le und th e .. ~ laLe of ,I o~ iah Mol'!'o \\' .• 1('cI!ased, tain hl'i/!h l. r plld er~, "By hi s d.·e ds wc s!1I111 IllS a\.,ltt ~' alld dl'll·.'·nl1l111li.)n t u I th., plll intllr J!'lIl1 ty IIf I!'ro~~ neglul'l fa(·t l·Xjll'r1.·nt:l· .s lle"I'S~llry t o HeplIt.lll'nn Tickt·t Ilnt! toelllY if he pl'o('ced to se ll th e pe rso llul PI'OP- nful'l t! tI ht' l' l< tunclurd i.1I th e air. know him ." .how tr u e thi s i~ f.,r S('I'V l' ~'Il<' 1ll'111''''- .,f \\ an', n co unt y o f dULy . \\' Ill'l'l'f o l'l' II,.. dl'r!' lIti ulIt !lInk., II ~ u ~t'e~~ (I f IIny vucall o n i,: I\"minuted lind elecled he will c rty at p r i\'llte slIl e, for n ot less S he tort· I ht· H Z~II I' .... h(· (, f night, Alit! ~ l' t th., ~ tllr ~ of g- l ilr~' t hl' r e ; e \' l'l'Yl, lI e. 1111'. Fulkert h, \\" ,11. ,I' r,· -II I' llllna!< ·d nnd (' It'de ll wa s )(rllll ll·t! II dlvo ...·{•. Th e d doll- ant! thaL 1:; pnr tk ulnrly Lru e of the l' u llduet the o nte e so that the tux- t ha n t he npp r nised "n Iu e , he minl{led with il ~ g.'rg"!It1 s .IY (';I puyc,'~ will be 8!1tiRfi e d with thel Lydia S. ,ThOlll p~o n. exec utrix W', H, Fu lk e dh is n cumliclHtC' a s hI' has d un.' ill Ih ., pa ~ t. W ~ I d.lI.t I\ II ~ 1I111 1wl' <I III 1'I' llIin ull tl\l' lli fli l' " of A udit' lr. Will It. Le w i,: wh o is s!'l'ld nR' ,e- ",'rv i 'e s he has do ne in the past. l u f tilt' la Ht Will of Hurr y B. Thomp Th e llIilkv La ldri<: "f thl' l< kil's. fo r the R puhlican !l llm inllli o n ftlr kn llw ~ I r, l-' lIlk,·rl h anc! k nllw IIn l~' 1'"I1 "'h, dd J!'tlods lind flll'n i, hinR's pur!'. cl'l" l\tinl Th c Gazette represe ntative in son. dl' censt·d. \\'u s n,..ll'I',ed to Hell AIIII s tr ipl'd ib f. cond t<'l'm lit t hl' primllry fo r YUlid o f hil1l . Il l' hilS " \,C' I' II,' " '~ a and t" f1" ,''''S'. frl'I' tlf Lh e d ', Wl' I' 1111l11i llll l io ll 1 0 lh l' Ufli Cl' II f Au dito r white . · , " , . Ct' I'tllln l' l,:rht s t o s ubsc l'lbe (o r 3 the ffic e nf ~h{'riR' o f Vv a rr e n "h tl ll,:tel'" and 11,·\, 1'1' :l klll'l'kl'l', "Iail\l " t' 1111' "Iui!ltitr. a c<'l' tain ftlr hi ~ s 'cllil d 1 " 1' 111 hil S l' : ov(' n 'llI~ k III ~ ~nqllll'les to the ablhty of s hu.res of th e s t oc k o f Th e incin- With s tn'lI killg-~ "f th,' murning l'Ollnly. Durin~ the tilll e he hns ser W, II. F .tlk,·rl!, ~(,j il'il s yo ur , tr:II'1 "I' I'cal l',l lll,· in Frallklin , Ihal hi' hll ~ hel' lI II goud " ml'el', 1\1,. LcwI fo und mun y of our -Iur- natl and S urburban Bell Tel el'hOll' li/!ht; ved, he hu , gain ed th e repuU1~.ioll : tI,PP" l't al th,' <: .. l11ln .: pr~'l1l1 ry and Th,' d,·TI·".llIlit W II~ g' l'l1nted ClI!'- ane! h (' hns hud expcrience. mcrs, laboring ili o n, lind citizen s Co mpany. Th e n, fr om hi ~ mllils i II in th " ~ un, us bei ng o n e of the m O!lt f ea rl ess II III shuw hIS nppn"' llltIOIl I~ n', [tid y ,if Ihl' c hildl'l'll. t'h u1'l1'~ T UI'- !Inc! Ih u t is ",hut \\'{\ want ns our wh.. hi g hly appreciat e him as a hI' collC'l1 h('I' 1'll Klp lJl'fI)"' I' duWlI, In th e settlem e nt of th e estate and aggre ive officers that War- l!lImi nul!'tlnnti clt-e lt·1f by ped' ll'Ill - IIII' ..11'" Luui s Tnvl .l· and ;'Iildr ~ d I,/lext Audi to r. He is t he pres!' nt thoroughly C mp l'l e nt Auclitor und uf A, . Bake r , doceus ed, the net And g-Iwe into his m igh t y hund , re n cou nt y hAS ve l' had, in g his clutie ~ ill /I fcart"",; and I . ~ lI1n i f.' r,' in c umbent of thc offic e And hus po~se~~e d WiLh 11 (' hal'lI ctm' beyond yu lue of the e~ta t<' WIIS found t o Th e : vmb o l o f h('l' l'ho ~ (! 1 Innd . lh" U1'll\'l.'! thy fo ld s Nlmll If re-no minAted anti elec t ed. Mr dip loll \otic III nllll 1'. ('uthl' I' ill C! I\1dllttl ~ h wa ~ fo une! 1'('n (l erl'l1 n mo. t vll lu e d serv ice t o I·l'p r oac h. Vo t e for him ulld y o u be $J8388.70 wIth SU!\~n L. Van- Flng fl y, d e rvoort, s ister and hfford VanIruil l.l' "II tho (' hllr)(e of p ossl's~ ing Wa rren ' o unty with h is lo ng-t ime will not r egret yonr choice , del'Yoort, n ephew. illtCl)( icllti ng' liqu o r 1111(1 \\'U ~ SI'IJ:-=~===================~e~ , ~!!z!~I£!!E!!!!!!!l!!!=!!!!!~~ Ed i th Hayes was 1\ PI)Oi nted exe- The !lign uf h o pe !lilt! triu m ph high c utrix of the e~ tute of F.mmt't M. 'Vhe n , p"!lk ~ the s ignnl-t l'u111IH' t t '"cl·d tu rJIIY u tin e u f . , 100 Anrl III C·I,l; t.s. It \I'U::! flll'lh pr o rd ered thllt ton£', Buyes, deceused. N o bo nd requh'e d ~ncl the I OIlI!' lin(, l'o m '!\ g lclIlI1ing • I up o n pn y nll'n l (If ono- hAl f t h,' fin tl We have found a mall in our n nd nil fec~ pr (l l11llll~ uc(' ounle(\ I all d ~wc urity [01' Ill(' balanc(' o f th!' on: Marrialfe Licen.e. E ,'c y<'l thc lifl' blood, \\'111'111 und . pa .I·1lI tIt. at t he rate o f $ 10 per Th writer feel s thut we ho uld along th ese lin e, lhan Mrs. Ollie s urv ey of the candidates r unnin g f o r. Ie r e nee 11. Pummill. lab or I' o f wct. !llr. ,Huff man a nd hl H,re)Juty III' nll1 nt h, ~ h Illay be rcl en, ed, hal'e II h art to hea rt talk with our Mason. Morain e City , 0 " and Miss Edythe f or o ffice in Warren co un ty who d 'gel'VlI1g , o f lI\ul'h p r~lI ~ e for th e I I n lh e ('1:1:11' c;f l\lurtin lI ess \'er- r enders in regard tu the selec ti o n Mrs, lI'1a s ol1 hns a pleasing per- I r-l'ne White t ed. fa c tory wo,.k er of Hus dimmet! th !' g Il. telling uayOllct , has proven what he is by his l,>u s ll1 t~s-hk e and e tll~I('"t mann e r i' 1I ~ Ill' n ('1I1l' . at a l. UP(Hl co ns id 1'_ o'r n clll1 d idale f or Record l'r of a li ty which is II g real a sset to a Fru nklin , Jun e 28. ' Eu ch soldiO'l' e yc sh ull bright.\fy deeds ond the writer ha ~ found 11\ whIch lhe officl' Is heing- con- IILio n o f th e> c ro,:s pHilion o f Th e Warren co unty o n the Rep uulican Co unty Reco rder, meeting all J o hn Glossip, f act o ry wOI'ker of turn this man to be o ur prese nt R ecor- durted, " i\li nmi Building' an d Lonn AssoC ia- 1 tick el. c lllsses of people in a busine sway Frunklin lind Mi ss Elizube lh Kin - T o \\'hen.' lh ey !lky -born gol ries dred, of Franklin. Jun e 28 , Th e l~xPIIY lnl1. p ublt c of W arretl licm u po n n pl'(lmissO I'V n ot e nnd Whil e xperience counts, e xpe r Now, th en , Mr, and Mrs. Vote r, burn, der, whom all people kn ow, Rne! hades R ob(> l't Muunt, !lHlesman And, a s his Hpringing s t ' (I S ad(,oll~ty I ~ ~'eccl \' II1il', ti o llar f or d111- h,' 1I1CJrt/!lIg " set f l)l'lh : the Hum of ic nce is not r equired onlv, person- you know a s well us , we thnL of Carlisle that his deeds mel'it anoth e r t.erm ancl M i 8 ~ Ann!! Lo uis c vanc e, 11Jt'~n .se n ' lce 11\ thl 8 ~ ffic~ . , I $U57 .:l H wi t h 7' 1, Inle re" t from fl li ty. courteou s treatm e~t nnd Ac- th ere is no office that requires as ]I'far t, of arlis le. June 24 • The roll owing s ta tements we r Catch war ancl \'e lll!eanc e fr om th e . II! ~ . lluITlllan. c~ndl d ate . : 01 .I uno I , I o~ o. fo r whil!h nmount commodati ng sel'vi ce a nd required mu ch training and is more imglllnce. made by the s tate e xamin er, R re-~ ~ mlll 'I,l!On on th Re ~ u bh{a!l .I uci g- nll·nt 1M I'en den!cl inravor of in t he o ffi ce of Re co rd e r, portant than that of Reoorder, Real E.late Tran.fen Th e n s ha ll th~' lllet eo r ·/Clnnc cH H . Smith, f o r the years of 1 !l24l l c k ~t. has d e l!10 n s tr~t e d h iS quul!- t h,' d fen d nnt uguin:'\t BI'Jl ~\lld Mil T he offi ce of County Recoqjer where nil the bu si ness \s handle d g low , . C, und Ellu Mllrlett to Ed1927 inclu sive. fkatlOn s mY ,hls c, n C I ~e and exact - rll d Cole. It wo s also roun d there is one o f the mos l important ot and every voter should t.l1ke pel'. And' cowe l'inll: f ncs s hull ~ illk bewIII'cl lind lela M. Butts , 20 acres in Adminstrati on of office. tng manner 111 w hI ch h has served is dut lh e pluintlff, Murtln HeslI CO'unl y oHices and sh oul<\ be Illled so nal pride In putting in chal'ge a n eath So far as the records and fil es nnd ~ e tru s ts. th~t t he ~Qte rs huve t h' :; um of $42 4 with OtIc Int ,'_ by a pur:;cl n who Is p ossesserl with womnn of experience and fully ca. Frank lin twp. Ench gnll a llt Ilrm that strike!! beSylvester nnd Rose Freell1 an to disclose, th e laws perltaining to the s uffi c l e~t UP~I eC lat;d hIS e ff o!'ls t.o I e8 t f r om Octobl'r. 192 0, upon the ubove lrlllts, The write r l\now li pabl e to execute 'its details a !\ ie low Mantie Binkley. 23.58 acres in Recorder's office have been I>ro p - fuv o r hll11 wI~h t he Ir . UPP OI'tlll hIS j udg mcnt r e ncl er e d In fuvor of tft e o( no one who is better qualifier! Mrs, Olli e Mas on, That love ly 1111'S engel' o f death. Hurlan twp, erly ndminis tered , the records and fight f or a blggc l' a nd be tte r WRl'- plui nliff in cOlll min pl cu COUI.t of _ Mary Creighto n to Ma rgaret flies neatly and accurately kept r e n cou nty. Wund, lots Nos. 13 14 and 15 in Flag of the seas! on oen n wave Bu t le r County, The court ordered 1 flast Morrow. . Thy ·tlll'S sll/ill g litte r o'el' th e ~~~~===================== that un less th e Ilefendant, Ben Mary Creighton to Margaret bra\re; Cole cause t he judgm e nt clllims to fS. Wund. lot No . 76 in Morrow. Wh e n death, caree ring on th l' gale, be pai d wi th 5 d ays. ol'der of I Margaret Wund t o Mary Cr igh Sweens darkly r ound the be llied : ale wil l be iss ued to the Sheriff, ton, lot No. 76 in Morrow. sail, . l"rank E. and Annice M. Cros ier And fl'lg htl'cI wuves ru s h wildly Probate Court V. he n you votc {or a man f o r be fnithful to the interests of the lo Myron L. ond Mary K FIn II , back Accounls flied: • he l1ff of Wnrre n county in the peo ple. His f riends believe that lots Nos. 47, 48 a ne! 4!l in' outh I B"ef o r(, t~ e ul'oad!lid a's reeling rack Pnl'k Subdivision in Lebanon I F,lICh t1Ylllg wunderer o r t he sen Mr. Charles E. Ellis wh o is a yea l's. Employ d f or fiv y UI'S by E slHte of WiJli u 11l D. McFadden He publican primary, yo u wunt to Wurren County will never have a Al't hul' and Ruth madbe~k to Sha l l loo k lit onc e to heave n nnd candidate for Tre a s ure r o f Warre n th e Boa rll o f Edu catiun of WUl'I'c n d eceas d, first and finnl account.' Ul' s ur e that he will enforce the Carl Schaub, lot No. 25!JO in Deel'lhee , , o unty, us Atte ndnnc e office I'. t county, Ohio, at th e August priEstate of, Millard Fillmore Iuws 0 f your county, sate nn d nu- more efficie nt, courteous and faith field twp. And s mIl e t o s e c thy s pl e ndors W e a l'e s lllif4 fie d that he s hould Blackburn, decea sed , sale bill. lio n, irrespective of sy mpnthy anti ful man to seek this office. They mary, needs no :further recom- r ep l'e. e nt yo u us Tl'eu tII'er , he Carl a nd CarolinC-.Schaub to fly. " . A~ instl'um e nt of writing pur- thre llts. know Mr, Shutts and know that if Loraine B. Vi vian -. mith lot No In trlUlllph u cr hiS clO'S lng ere. mendation for the office than to will be eve r mindful o f the f nct 2362 in Deerfield twp, , . portlllg to be th e las t will and Th e S h eriff of allY county is he is nominated and elected, ' he say, that he was a member of the th a t W.ul're n county PAY R every henrt's h ope~ and Miriam Su emening, at a i, to Plag of th testa ment of Mary A. Benn ett la te i'ts s tr ong arm of th e lu\\', and will a lways keep in mind the needs School Board 'of Massie Township mllll in his own co in Ill!d will dehom e, of Deerfi e ld t o wnship was produc- therefol'e i req uire!; a man wh o is of the people Ilnd serve them to Cyrenious Elliot Maham and P earl (his home township) twenty-fly vo t hi H bes t ' ne rR'il'. to I!iv yo u L. Maham, 50 acres in Turtlecreek By ung~L ha nrls t o valo!' given: ~d in COUl't for probate. Heul'ing f'nl'less a n d at the sume time con- the best of his ability, Thy s tars ha ve lit th e we lki n consecutive years, Township Tru s- an adminis ll'lltio n clem' and be- IS sct for July 10, at. 1:30 p . Ill, s cientio us to th e full extent of ' Action speaks louder than twp. dome. t ee of Massie T own s hip eighteen yond ~fl l · onc h . John and Sarah J. Morris to The last wi ll und tcstument of p rful'lllinl~ the duti es s howing no words and Mr. Shutts is asking for The Bllltimore lind Ohio South- A nel all thy hllC!I we I' bOI'n in Lillill n ,1. SlI1al l, d e ceused wa s pro- partiality. notrtination on what he has done ~estern railroad, 4.9 acres in Ham heaven, du ced in ~ O Ul't and ~Idlllitted to Thi; p o lit,ic.d editi o n wo uld n ut in the pas t and not upon flowery liton twp,; also 4.1 ncres in Miami Foreve r HOlIl that standllrd s heet! Whcn'e bl'etlhcs th e foe but rnlls pro bate. . be co mpl ete ' U111ess we made s pe- WOI'US for the occusion. twp.;, in ,Clermo nt county, before us, I OU In A~.un B. , MOI:l'is, was ap po in ted ~ia l me~tio n of Lee .0. ~h u tl.~, who - Lee D. Shutts as ks your s upport Wrcklln Molo rs Inc., to Anna adnllnls t rntfJI' o f th e t!s tlllC o f An- IS ;eeklllg the n Ollllnutl OI1 o n lhe loward his l)ominatiotl, and will L. Brown, part of lot No. 46 in With Freedom 's so il be nellth our fe e t, na L. BOil ', decea sed, und fil ed hi. , Re puhliclIll Tickpt for S heriff. M,'. certainly appreciate what you may Monow. Melia L. K"'ekler to Charl es Tay And l~l'ee dom' s bann er s treami ng bo nd o f $5000 with Lee V. Bone ! :hut ~~, wi ll han"lp this , office in do fOI' him and the good words o'er us ? lor lots Nos. 23 and 24 in MiddleIf you were going to make a tha t (If Commissioner. M~" Mille r I an d Will, R. l.e wis a s s ureties. O. a ll e ffi CIe nt llIunn e r a nd WIll. alwuys y<?u may s peak in his behalf. --.. ~ boro. ___ ,_~~.!-!:!'~_~=~=~_:--============~~= trip across the ocean and yo u had hil S a nn o un ce d thut he will n eve r W. Mo rl'l s, C. E. Lewis IIncl C ha l'Anna E. Jam es to John H. Otto The fir At e wing mac hine Howe acres in Clearcre k two tile opportunity of choosing th e let an o pportunity 's lip whereby h e ley Yn ung Wc re lIlod e upPl'aise rs. put on exhibition W!l S s mas he d bv can s ho w th e peo pl e who put , The lus t wil l and t eslument o f Anna D. Wilite to Ida Schwyta Bos ton mob, The y figur e d it .' captain of the ship that was to lh e i,r tl'U 5t in him thllt . h e m ell ns B ' njnm in F., IIlacku u l' n ci ecellsed., part of lot No.2 in Franklin would des troy theil' jobs of sewing convey you on your voyage, wo uld bu m ess, al so that he IS f ell ri eRs WUH produc pd III co urt and ndmit.Pearl and Grigs by C,'auder t~ by hand- therefore, an ev il. 'rh e fir s t thin g one voter asks thlll! an ordinary man. you select a railroad conductor 01' and a t th e sulli e time co ns cienlioll s i t ed tu pl'obn l.c. H u ld uh A, BlackClIfford E . and Carrie ijurgesB un othel' is : ~' ls that man com-' 01'. Spence is well and favorably part of' lot No. ,37.1 in Franklin. would you choose a sell-faring man to hi s duti s . bul'll was uPlloi nted exec utrix, George V. Thompso n t(l Joseph who was tho ro ughly conversant al'l ',J. Miller ha s il co urteo u s Th e III. twill und tes tument of petent t o fulfill the duties of the known to the voters of Warren ounty. He is regarded as a mun Kessel, tract of land in C1earcreek with the s ailing of th e s hip and a and pl ea ing pel' onality. Th e re is Is~ac . Mili c I', de cea sed , WIl S pro- olllc e to which h e aspires? " t WIl . Wh e n D r, A. D, Spence announ- of the highes t type having the repknowl e dge of th e ocean. n o offi ce in Ih e co unty where as duc(>d in COUI't anrl admitted to pro Fred Pearso n to Richard Milthorough Then why not be jus t as partic- many ;q ues t.i n ns will 1I1'ise than bate. H. H. Hild t' I'brunt was up- ccd his cal!(lidacy f or th\! nomina- utation of being a b.urn, part of lot No, 282 in Frank ular ' in choos ing a safe mariner t that of Commi ssion e r. The t ax- pointed e )((' UtOI" n o bond r equil'ed tion of County Coron!!l', this year, model man in all his dealings with 1111 twp, MONEY LOANED direct the important office of Com- pay e r s will r eceive eco n omy ,al ong All e n Molcl'. Marion Os bo l'll a nd on the Republican ticket, there is fellow men. Dr. ~pence is a capable and well miss ioner, by selecti ng at th e com- with (,o ul'l e ~ y if t h y r a- nominate Pr unk Hal'l' is wCl'e mud e apI>rnis- I1 U doubt t.he Ilbove question was Bill. Allowed L N S o n Livestock, ' OA Chattels, ns ked by quite a f e w, ed ucated and well· qualified for ing primar y Carl J. Miller who is and e lect nI'l ,1. Mill e r, Now don 't e l'~ . Johnso n-Watson Co. rebinding Second Mortgages. Notes bough! If thy did not know this it was the office of Coroner and should be a 'Candidate for r e-nomination on mak e a mi s tuk e but pul th e m urk A n in strUllI e nt o f, purbooks, $15; Columbus Blank Book John Barbine, Jr., Xenia, Ohio. befo re th e na me o f Ca rl Mill er, porI itW t o be th e laH will and ve l y nalura.1 that it s hould be given the deepest co~sideration by the Republican Ticket. Mfg. Co., s upplies, $18,35; p, 0, Why choose an uncertainity when th e n afte,' he is nomillat ed and I l(,~ lalll e llt (If A n ni e Burto n 1\101'- u, ked , but those who know him the Republican voters of the Mon fort, expe nses, $1 0 ,23; Mon0. (a nd that is ab o ut everybody in coming primal·Y. It is a pleasure to' you have lhe oppo rtunity of cho os- c~ l ec t ed, y o u w ill many tim e!' sa y: I )(lI n ci cct'll$ ' d wnR produc e d in roe & Johnston, labor on flag pole ing a certainty . There is no of- W' chOSf' a C e l'ulillty a nd No t Ull ' COUl'l IInti admitt ed to pl·obate. C. th e County) know that he is as meet and know Dr. Spence in every at court house, $2.45' Waldron LONG OR SHORT TIME- Easy C, Eulu ,,~ , tI'U ~ t. o tfi 'e l' o f Th e Le b- ca pabl e a s any, man in our County , day life .and as a Coroner he would C. Gilmour, inque!lt Sc~tt Bowser, fic e that l'equires m o r e nbility than Un -C~ rtni nI Y, terms. Als o Surveying and AbWrite and I will calJ 1111 ' Il -C itize n:< l'\ali o llnl Bank anti til fltl/ill the duties of that office, add dignity to the great office, $7',10; Same, inque~t of Joseph stracting. ========-::--=-=-=-.=-.=~=======-~.=...,.-:-~':"'"""-::-----:-:::-:::--:=~~~.=~ '1' I'U "I '" mpa n y II PIl Oin ted exe It must be admitted that it and the people will find him, as Shmkle, $7.90; Oregonia Bridge nnd see you. Sum D. Henkle, WayJll cutOl', O .... lIigg i n ~ , G, F. Brown takes more than an ordinary man in the past, ready and willing , to Co., r e inf~rcing atee,!. $61.06; J. T. I nesville, Ohio. Tomato Bread Soup and Arthu l' fi umiltll n we re nam ed to clirry ou t th e details of the of- loo k after his duties, as every Greeg, brl(lge repaIr, $3; Oharles cleaning and painting apprai se rs. fi ce of Co roner but those who competent and well qualified of- H~ery, brIdge, $8.75; Charle.s Taylor, ' Tomatoe. and Ell' P ee l Ilnd ch(,p t wo tumatoes Notic l' of cs lu t es fo r settle ment kn o w him, know that he is more flcer should be. sa,,!le, $] 5; W. A. Scott, bridge re- Farmers of Warren and adjoining Grease muffin tins; Pllt one thick ~nd tw o ~ tal k R of l' l ~ry and put arc Sl't fo r h (, Ill' in~ on June 30 at pall', $7.60; E. R, Gregg, same counties may obtain money on s lice of un peeled tomato into each 111 U lJ 'J urt of wute r with tw o cup.s H .,'do c k a. m. ' $1.75; Ch!lrles Taylot, linseed oil, long time loans, at 5 per cent Ino f ca nn e d tomat oes, Cook unttl l In th e case of [<'red A S nider t he Bum of $1500 with securities. interest of die estate of R. Van $2.80; V{ . H . Madden & Co, guard terest, Cost of securing the same tl' n ,' season wl'th s alt and p eppe r', tender, R u l; through a ~ leV e ilne!, . " " ' bl'eak one egg o n t o p of each a dd two tabl es poo ns of bult e r a nd g UllI'dlan plallltlfT vers li s MatIlda I n the s ettlement of the estate Tress, deceased, be made and de- rail material/,.. $30.78; Industrial is very reasonable, through The s lice; aga in season wilh salt and one and a hal f cups of dry b rpUel l J . Ertle (a lso writte n "E rt ell") et of Edwin Hamlin, deceased, the livered by the Lebanon-Citizens Tr.a ctor and l!;qulpment 00. sup- ~'ede1'81 Land Bank. For further pepper nnd I)ut a s mall piec e of cr umb R. L et ~ i ll1m e l' fo r te n ll1 in - II I, d e fenda n t!'. the guat'dia n was net value of the estate was (<lund National Bank. and Trust Company plies,. $16.60; W. C, Newcomb, mfo'rrnation call on or address M. !lUUer t o t~p of ,:o ch egg. Bake ut es, lir th o rou g hl y an d sea so n ttl authfJl'i7.ed to se ll the real estate t o be $8850.:J5 . There arc ten suc- administrator to the several par- gasoline, $3.30; P. O. Monfort ' O. DRAKE, Treasurer, phone 316rent for garage, $18; Joe W. Dav~ X Lebanon, Ohio. In ov n until egg IS set and cook tastc, desc i ibed ill t he pet ition at private cess o rs to the estate. ties nnmed, for the various tracts postage: on package, $3.59; Stan============= th oroug h but n ot hard, Serve sale. Wh c r e f ,'e th e I ' Clf Th e cou:rt decreed that deeds of land covered by their contracts. dard on s mall roundR of ons t and gar,0 , ' . p !lIn I was 011 Co., gas. $603.08' Victor FO~ SALE In the settl(!ment of the estate Van Riper, gasoline $84.8'0. n ish with parsley. Suuscriuc f or The Miami Gazette "rde l' d to g,ve a ddit IO na l bond in convey ing all the ' right, title and r



'1' ' '

By His Deeds Ye Shall Know Him

Resig niTll{ his I,ositio n to E'nlist o C Inspection und Supervi ion of IlS 11 pI'iv,Me in t h t' army, up on I'u\,lic. Offic 8, relat!v to. an exI ' . \. l.h . l1ited latcs unllnutlOn of Rr. D~hrtush s office t l~ ,1l1l1l 11C" 01 .. s l'ls forth the f ollOWing: ,. () far a s th recor'ds and fli es in t o tl1l' W"dd W ill'; r<"lul'ning as ' t • an lI Olct'I' .u f It'r !'IX cen ilio n II110 IIC- d'It! IO'se, th e Iawsj> r <'-' .... lnlng t o th . O I!! t ive S ' I \' k (' i n Fmn c!'; e ntl'lln cc (l m·c ha\' been lll'oP"r1y ndminisli nd Intl'r 1~l'Ildtla tion fl'om the Luw LCl'ed lind ~ Il Ilu blic fund s COI'fcc t . houl I)f t h(' t llivl' r. ity tl f incin - l~' IIC 'o unted for. ' tl At Wllh h tll WI , ; udmi ~8 i o n l o th ~ .. r.h. \)illltul'h Illas proven lo be Bt\l" anti \' l('d io n ,t o lhl' o ffi e' o f a very COli c ie lltio u o tncial." PI'll '~c cuLinl: ," ll l l'n!'y f Wane ll ' "As Il'gal advis o l' to t h e County ,Utility . Ohio, which o ffi oe II(' now O tlkcl' '. II , has III a ll tim es en; holds , i~ tilt' I'~co l'fl "f , D nald li e tw() I'ed to be a ccommoda tinfi l1i lnt u" h. wh o is ~ et'king rt' - ' Iecl - an d :J CCU I'lIlc in I'lm tl rinK advice. ' io n . Mr, Dilutus h is UII ac t ive utto r lluriU)( Mr. ()ilalu s lI ' s tcrm o f n y o f W nl'l'l' l1 ou nt~ Bill'; CO.m nflit ·C', lh(' 1't!C' Ol't1ti disrlosc , lhol in Illunder of lh e AllIcl'Ican L glO n addili o ll t il lh o) num e rou s cunv ic- P lISt.; !'tll ilds high uillOlIg his pI'OI illl1~ in lil]llIIl' and fi s h and ,:rll me ~e, slOnal, fl'lll ~ l'l1al, a nd social en"' >. he htl:; 26 1 c1J ll vic ti o ns or Il'le nd s ; und I ~ wl(lely kn own plcu ~ of gui lt y ill Indictme nt. und thro ughout this County, 5 Ilc quittnls, All t his in uddiliull to . It i ' up o n t his reco~d t~al Mr. hi ~ d ulles as I('g ul adyi ~o l' 10 th Dllut~sh seeks l'e- n o m~nab o n, ,:x( \' unt\'. T ownship unci l'hool of-, slll g to Lhe vot er ~I S appreC IIItit'l· j·~.' 1I 0r fo r, lhe CO-Op cl'utlO n lind .sup 1'hl' l u ~ t .. e port of th Bu reau p ort whlth he has olwuYl! I'l!celvl'd , _ ___ _ ___ __

We Get the Price:) SEE US

Expel ience is What Counts





HI·-Many DeedsMerit Another Term

A Heart to Heart Talk


Emerion Says "Th e U' nlverse Pays Ev~ry


M r an d M

V oter Protect Y our Vole

Man in His Own Coin"



Ch oose a C ta· t y or A n er · t ? U ncer I aln y.



Dr A. D. SpE'nce is Competent








Farm Loans

A' IF armers ttentlon

A Few Home Hints




Pinky Wanh S<':mething Hi. Size

......1&iII<1mII....'"--~~~~~-......;;.;...-.-......~ ,......;..p..;,.;;:;;;~~-r- -' ~ ---- -' ----r-I . .....\o\i.l '" we: \.. GI;J (,,')·... ~. ii. TO ;- .. ~ F. 96,~~ ~:-,a.'1

Te=.:l.CtI ~ .... \ ~. ~


' ( H t:.


\-lOw ..,-0

WH't' - SR - AH UNCLe £.BNEf.t - A~ LONG'-"~ I't-'\ JU~T ~TARTING TQ L~ARN TO Ml L.,K ~ CANt, .

STAR.T ON THe. C.~~L:FJ~~ I N~T-e:AO OF THE. '

~~DiIt" •. JINGLES-'-

FOR Sal~Fine Hoisteln Bull, one Helfer giving milk. C. J. Marquardt, R. R. 4- near Buckeye school house, , FOR SALE- 50 head of Sheep 32, Illmbs, ,See Harvey Rye, Way n esvlllc, OhIO. jy9 FOR SALE- 12x30 Indiana Silo. J. H. Sackett. jy2 FOR SALE-All kinds of garden plants, 1 % miles northwest of WaYnesville on ' Ferry road, Strouse Brothers. jl2

COWl • I


wow ' ~I!. A L~\Jq'" .OR L.1'TTL.e WIL.L.W:-GAP Me NOT TA,"~­





CANO~ T",,~F!


handle. ' Heberling Products In Warren , Oounty, Excellent opportUnity for the right man. Earnings weekly not u·n usual. Write tor free catalogue. G. C. HEBERLING COMPANY, Dept. 1886 Bloomington, Dl. '

of ,eo





Pt'IHI tilu"m~ llf Xt'nia , 1l1l-(I'~li.F Pauline Hill , ~1Jt't11 "undll~' "ilh ,\'ffll ~' Kathll' cn Th ollJJI:el1l. (' hllrl ,·~ Dill nnll I'lIInll;" I'; , Jl~. 1'h0I11P ~() 1I w I'e ill !.1'hllJ1Ii1l IInc' lay l u ~ t w 'k, i\li ~~ Hut h \' nil (,t' ('illl'il1llflti, ~"ent ' I" li ri ay with "I i:-s ;\1111 V Kath .I't' ll 'l'hompS(II\. ' The 1Il1ll'kil funli'" {' ntertllilwtl .. umpall~r from J\a~ · t ,;n. 1\11'. anll M 1':;. 'hu r"' ~ Owens of 1"rDllklin "" ' I'e SlIlIdny glll'll t ~ " I' 111' .f 'I'da ll fam ilv. , ;\1 ... lind . I rs: ATm l1 11 F l: rl i ~ , ~ I H' n t SlIlIday with 1\11', 1111" (\11", Etl W ilso n. J. Lc l' T a lll1n j.!', wif t:' ull d ~o n Alhert I.l' e of ~outh l. eil:lll(on >< penL ~untlay with hi s \Ial'l ' I\I , and aunt, Mr. alld \II',. ,\ . n. T" lllIaj.!I' lind aUllt ,\I i" ,J l'~:- i v I.. ( ;~I· I ,,· r . l\l l's , Ad"h Tulmuj.!L' :tnd :\Ii ~~ .Jes s ie' L. Carn e r "P 'nl :O;all'l'day e\'enil1g' ill Ll' blln ll n with .\ I rs. ,\l ary ' hel wood , GI (> nn nu vi~ lind Camill' and Rcl't HOl,!'un Ilttf'nrit'd th l' 'Rol!'nn 1'(' uni o l1 at lI nrrn " 11 I'urk 0 11 :O;un· Jay. Mr , llncl ~II' ~. Elln1l' ~ t ~1 :lllnl"l II I' Ill-a I' \\' illl1illl.:t (,n ~ I'l' nt ~ullda \· WIth ~Ir " , ~l an() n ' s faih l'l' C . \r. Il n \' is, ,.\ , C. II Ulli ilgl"", :1l1d fal1dl\' \'i:-it ~ d h i" 1. 1·,,1 hl'1' III 'nl' \\, ill11inJ.


Publi.her Office Phone .......... ......... ... No. 112

CHARTER NO. 116 :7 II ~. ' r\~ IJINI.1t1 Nu I (t'P" I't Ill' Cllllclitillll of the II r · \' I'Y " "III'J~ 'lltio nal Bnnk, of II un'I'ys hlll'/{, in lhl' .'tote 01 Ohi o, lit thl' (,1,,"1', of LU;l ,n 688, 11 11 ,JtHII' :10, I !I:\(j. ' I : 1::-;, II ' t: I • I': •.

Th e K Il!vel' K tl k, Klu b III t III th t· home of th i(' lIr1vi~ul' , M I'~, w , A, L uken~. ,Iun 25, 111:1Il. IJurillj{ Re.i~nce ........................ No. 118 I th e' blllline ~s 11I ~ .. tiI)K Lui'll Ashle~ 1 "'<Hi ch' c l ed A~~ t. ·I! C'Y ., !lIId l'-~ v~ · Sublcripti~n Price, $1.50 a Yea r Iyn ( 'al'l' wn: elect ed Yi{'\!, l'res , 1. 4 l1 n ~ lind ell ,'lJljlll.-4 11''''' 11 ' ;1111,( .••••• WL' were se l'v d 11 d,!I i ci(1u~ lun ch Un it,..", StlL l "~ r: O\l f'r " ,u 'Ul £ nlereJ 01 P o. t o /fi rc ut Warne. lIllI" <II cakes alld 1~llIonacl', The l1 ext ~ t ·e\l"I IIt· .. 11 \\ II . .. • ••• . • Ohio , tU S~c.· (J nd C i a •• Mal' Moll er r ll1e c, Lin g will be ,Jul y 9, lit th e h l! lll e Ollll·t 111111..1., Ntocl< S " 1,,1 . --~JAnna l\111c.'D on nld. ' jl, ' I I, " M I I ' 11 •• ': lld< ill"; "~q l"l l '" I'" lIrn,Eli'l.abelh 'Il l'l' , I'<'po lt 1', I I' J a 1101 f l' 1 111"'", ., . ' I~ . "111.\10 ,w!.y !I, 1 \1 :3 0 apt. a nd 1I'l rs. ' ha l'S. Garner H en 1 cNIlll O W llr," <i ll", r - .•-:.:-: ::c~_::.-_~ -------nnd Hobert of CO I Ulllbll ~ wl!re hl'I'e I hu'l\ hnnklll J.,: 1\ .1\11'\ . ' , • . 11,1\,00 Itcs c r\" c. with · F .... t!"rnl C HAPTER Xl. to h ei' friend ;;, Atlul'e!\f\ X 50, in ~hc l; tI'Hi~ht ned with a qu ick OV('l' Ih e F o urth with MI'~. Ma r y 1. ":-'1 / \ 1' I I II II( • " , ;,,\l ~~ , : O CII I'e u f thi s newspa pel'. I.1·('ut h . Fi nc h and Rolll'l' t Garner.' ', 1' II .\ fltl {l U i' II O IH lIa I l ks "I I ;:.' . fll - - - - - - -. I h Fm' 1I m OI1H!n t ;;llI' could n ot "I beg you r JlIIII'd o n," i'he ~a itl I I', lind Mnl. B uwa r (1 t;raham Oll l~ l d I~ bl'!' k s un d (Jth, ·1' I t.· H~1I 111 lll ~ . I " I real y mu st btl II rut er g oo d ~p eu k . lie wllited pu t ie'n t ly, in II di ffe r ent to Ill' . "I'm mukil1!!, il were Su nday dil)lwr J,!U .. "lf; u r Mr. THE COUNTRY DOCTOR 'I ~ f,)o rt, ItiOll,lewhcl'fre I~nd el,' a l} thisI" " 'Whe n did th a t appear'!" s h e hal'der f ,l r YOlU, ins t ea d o f Ii i' t e n. lind ~Ir,;. ' hu;;. K Gord o n and S IC l o d lerse . '01' lIe lm ll u se k d tIt . d I I' h' k I ' family . • lVas the un e xpec te d one o f walk- a s e a as. lllg an Ie pIng t.o t In t lings M ,. M LIABlLlTII::S ------ . , H ' It . II l "Ab o ut 11 week a ft e r \' OU left," ut. Pl e a ~e go tin, lind I'll try to 1', anu 1'5. Clyde ' lea\'er and In g III on a mi on In a ll e r gar"Did you" - s hc . ee m e d 1I1111 0;;t do better." So n of Chicllge are guests o f Mr. ·~q.Jt a l Ml fI,!< 1':11.1 I II . .. . ~u I II I UI:I ..• _ . .. • , , • On e o f th e li gures in rur a l life ish finery when he came to her sit- unabl e t o bring o u t the words- I " Hal f a d oze n n o t es were e x- ancl !III'S, C lint lea vel' a nd Ruth j ' ntll v id ..rt l H' nl'l t H n. ' l. . . ii. that of th e cuu ntry cl octor. ti ng l'°fO~1, ofdmafkin!!'t nh~ exptlanu - "do anything about il ~ " 1 c hnhged in t he next f e w days," he ancl Mr , P . B. leaveI', D mRI1t1 D ~ p "bll~ ",. ', '. r tw nlll 0 ' It , lin "n0 wu "N ot h InA' ' 1\11' "Q,'" 'nj l ,'lbe l 1;' T ime a"II O"It~ ,. ,.' ,,. I "I t f r c lIlg ' dI S 'e"you \\' o u Id (I'ISapP I' nve IIt' t o Id I1(' 1',' '-eac h 0 f u s trYl' n!!' to " ," ,S l Ul 'l' o f D,' I\. t OII F.',Vl' I' Y t OW I1 .In tl Il' U' • <l11~ P , I , ;! r' l. ; 11 1.1 nl tN., II I'fI toe t a ll 11 Ill . ut wo n t 0 It, f" I II I 1 ..1 I I h i t th h 1\1 . I , o lle ll t tilt' 1 ,' ll ll l·th \\' I' l ll '. Ir ", . 'An, d h . Cl, I tn ( 1('1', ;W, au ( ('( urri· t I'a\\' o u e ot er. eantune t Ie ~ .• • I 1 'j d 1. ' .1 I", IInrll)ool h as OJ' t illS h ,ld II m e dical prucli - shl' s tout y t eClc e ; an w en hIS ['(lIy , "That is , n oth in l.: tha t wo uld adl'('1· ti ~ l'men t kept ap pellJ'illg-. It a nd a Stun . T , tl lIl , Th" " W "Ie'"111! Ui b l., Clas ,," "f t iti olll'l' who has e ndeu l' etl hil11 se lf , kllock f t' ll 011 .t.h e panel !J f th e out- "'ive .1'011 a\\'a,\' if "uu did n't \\'unt \\'!I~ in !',"u lar fu r U \l'eek . in ce . , •. . • $ 1 I it, l ;, ~.:: !J ' , " 1"1' d oo r !<h e hId he r xC lt me nt lind ... J .... 1.0 th l" w~ u l e 'ulln.t l' ys l(l l! by a hIe !' l1wli o ll by milking h OI' IJxp lana- t o b(; fO\1nd ." thC'n I h ave n't ~ en it, Il l' hcaJ'd th e J (illIl h'~ RU n SUl1 dll Y School \\'ill ': '111. ,01 'I b tu . C' "' 11f\ "r \ \ ' an e n , ,t, 8 : l II. ~. '1'11\ h .,,' , l'H~ l rlt·1' IIf t Ie of un se lf lJodl cll~ Vli li o ll t u th e heulth l i"l1 while they s htJok hllnd s . It \\'a~ ('lea l' th ai ,,11(' breathed !!fil m X 1·'iI'ty. It I"<o k" HS if he hod h"ld I lwir I·l'j.!ular hU s in l'ss Illid a t\ O \" - I1i1 II1 .#d 1,1111 1( , du :iOit:llll iJy and, \\'plfare ()~ th' Cli llIIllUIII1.y. "Ulln't lu o k at 1Ill'," s h e b eg~ed. 11101' " fl '('"ly, IIl1d {'\,en a !l h e (Ib- !;ivl'n up . 0 I d(~ c id ('d t o le ave f;ol'ia l n1('~1 illg I'll the e' hur ch la\l n S\\ ' , I I tl l:, t t ir,· ,11 ," \ .. :; la l"lfl c nl IS 1 he o ld .f;~ s hlUllc~ typ e ,!f co un - tl'y ing to s peak li!!'htly. " I'm in the sc rv<'tl thi ~ s he CIII11 I11 l' lI ted 011 it tll\l'n, myse ll', and had lI1udC' nil my I"riday e\'o; nill g, 11 111 ' 1" til ., Ilde l t. r II lv kll u wl~ Ig< 111 01 1., III r try do r t n r I.S p as~ IIl~. Lik e lhe ' c hulllbe l'llHtid' s Suncluy plulllag(' , \I ith Ih l' in ~ i~h t int " Ill'r (J\\' n s itull i 1II" ' Plll!ltilll1s; hUI f o r ~ tlllIe I'(':l so n Thl.' ') ,, 11), W u rk cl'" Sl'\\'ing' C lu l, II :-: T l, ' I, ": 1: (":t!'l hlt!f' ~ atldl ~ h a,g::; 111 .\\,!lIch he u ~e d t o and it d oes n ' t s uit illY f; Uye," lion which had ,u l'fll'i sed h im fl'C.ll1l I hUIlK on Iln(} --J ,, \,C' I - how ~Iad II1l·t in Ihl' lI u lll~ Jo:conomi l~ 1''' 0111 l no Oil ~ 1i lldHY. .· II " ~ . rll" " 1 jllid I"\\ q l l l til before curry hIS ll1 e dl ClIl es unci 1ll 8 tl'~' But ht! d id IOl1k li t he r ts th ey the til's\. , I !I 111 Ih UI I clid !" 'I f thl' lI il{h :O;('h" ,, 1 TUl·stla\· after. , II. I I 1:IIi I : 1 I • I r ,I I' I \, !, , '~" . ,' I ,d, I, "" ~t a ddl II :-\ " l lll''. P llb llc, m '.nt ~ , or th e tw o· wh ce led g!1! Slit down to ge th e l'; ancl that lo uk "(; "d kn',w ~ I n.'ed t o be found I " li e h:um'l !!,iven up," J:; vc sa ir!. no u n . In the ab ~ el1cl' of' th~"atlv i s"r I 'I r r ." t I. !oil : w lu c h, ha lf a cc ntu l'Y ago, WII stili ,if sy mpathy lind und e rs tanding antl t:a ke n curl' I)f ~y m~' I) \\,n fl'''llI lll(' dL'pth s ,, ~ /I hluck uh~ll':lc ~'h '~. lI awk:C' , 1\'~I'S; Chu~. Gray s ub · T I' ~ I " ;I ' IS S I ' 11 ( " II JI{ th e,olllli \'e 111 c le f~ J' lhe .I'u ' l hrought the fl tOl'Y of las t ni ght peoJlle, If I I,lav!' ?~y, s lw cllnf"s- lion . "li e '" J uM gO Ing at it In s() n1l' ~~ Il ut·d ~UI hel , I, o l,l olI'lnJ.!, Ihl' '·" u, 1'(fI . I . /': TT !'1I1 physlelUn, the t ype IS vUI1l;;h. \ from her in a ru ~ h of word s which "l' cI Wit h :l 'Igh. ' ) " t, as I' VL' j u st o th e l' way ." She ha tl not obse l'\'e cl l Ine I,U!l lll ess, · Mal'Jol'le Shu lllak er Dire c t o r s . Il1 g bl' f o l'(' the ll1urch u f pl'O!!'l'eSS, Ill' was car e ful not to in te rrupt, tlold yllU . I'm il~ much a fla id nO\~ I' hi~ ' nloLi ulI, bu t nuw ~ Ill' Il "t il" d ~1.l'llwn ~ lrate" .I'.uttin~ "II II f~l'i I1 j.! . '1'11(' l'uU ll t r y duc.t u r o f today ":0; 0 yo u ~ee , it co m es t o this ," nf bl'lng f "un d a s o f n o t. . I l' in ~ hi ~ sllenc(· ancl chccked h (' r ~l.' l f \" I he hlJ ~ t c~s, ,~h~ali(:th lind ~.\'e l yn (' o vers II hll'R',(' tCI'I'ltory, bccuuse ~ hc s ummed up: "I'm even m o re ro ulld . Whllt I'd 1'l' lIl1y lik p, " ~ h e III '(' I hi ~ ~ I'mpa thl'l i (! l'ves. "I Willi . Ca rr, Mu rJ OI le ~ hllnlllk u l ' a lld An . 1 the a~lt omo.bdc a nd . goud I'oll d ~ afraid "f knowing' who I 111n than I " I nil lilac' [Jonald Hl' J'\:I'd II tl' Il1 P-1 IIInk e It. p o, II,I f,o.r. hllll to d o so, o f nut knowin<> it. I'm a frai " o·f In g lun c h o f SlIlJdwlChcs, ~tl i ll d, A Wo d Th ' L d . E ny n er .. II Y' . n· Iii S .co n t llC t ~ , b c lIIg b 1'(111< I(' I' , arc what's on th e ,... other 'ide o f U my ...of I a nd co lel t en. I,'s~ I,ntllllate. li e hu s h ud bett e r l l)luCk wall . Il e's t here; I' m !'I UI'e o'r I , A,li c c Gray, ft l'pol'tt> r . Ihu s;" s lic Over Pow e ra of tl'Ullllllg than th e uld t.Y lle who m , thut. And I'm s ure, with n o thing 1\11. a nd MI S. W. A. Luk ns unci N d D ' fr M d' I l! l' s llp e l' ~(' d e d , but It I s II q u es- but my tenor to back the convic. 1 fll l1l ily atll' ntl .. d a , ch o nl rl'unio ll ew Rn • e r en l e .c fi e llun Wh elhl'r t he a Vl'I'll!!'e co untry t iu ll . t.hat he. WII the Ganger r ran lit t he hOllle of 1\11'. und Mrs. W. ."~":' d octor o f toduy hilS IIny m o r e nway from. And yet, as r think of W . C" tiS UIll and fumily o n the "ho rs e se n~ (''' thn n 1.h e best o f the I it, h e doesn't loo k lik e a man o n e F o urth. . HIGHEST old b r~e d had. He I!IH Y pcl'fol'm, a n would feur, Th e re wa s n othing Rev. ane! :\Ir~, .1. I'. Th ll rnbur\' operullon . more s ktllully o r dl ag. tru e l in Ihi~ m onne r- quite the' lind fu mil y e nt ertai ned 'IHr th't' CASH lI 11se a n. IIIII CS~ m ol" e lYJ co ntrary. HI' see m e d tu b e ~ uf. Fourth alld th e w ~I'k -l' llll l\1r~, PRICES Lut he lS sel d um the rCClp le nt 01 f el ing; o nl e he almo ~t broke clown. Tho rnbury' s buther 11 1'~ , J. B, Simpson, lIliss \ iqri ni u S imps o n , tl,le con fid e n ces o f the wh ol e r~- But ull th e tim e I WII ' co ld with PAID Mr. nnd Mrs, Lovell Simp!'o ll und glU n , ~he mun t o whom people In f eu I'. tln~; kllld ~f lI'Olible u ~ed t o tUI'll H lI lllilto n n o drlod. two c hildr en, a nd M" . lind Mrs. )0:(1 t o l1lst1llctl ve ly for lId vlce o r CO Il1 ' "Th er e's something back of it" win Si ll1p ~o ll a nd so n 1'111 o f L ui ~. for~. , . he aid. "I've g o t severa l pi e ces villl', K \'. MIII'); Cn l:tilin' Luk c n s wus \ o ung III <ll cu l gJ'~ cI.ullt ('s today I lh l' puzzl e to put with y o u n!. W e 'll t~nd to go t o U! l' cttles 1. 0 pl'ac· tnlk it all over latel' on. But first h, norco with II charmi n g ohildl' t' Il'M po I t~, Monday aft ~ I' ll tt l1n for hc l' tl. e. F or one tlun g , th y .do not , 11<' sa w t h e need o f t e mp o rllrily dihuve to kn ow 80 mu c h; If they I ve rtillg h e r mind t o o th e r phases ('th ,b il'lhdll Y, Gl1m e~ f Ul'lne d th PHONE 8F3 nnd t1H'm~ I.ves in difficultie s th er e I (If her prc>blem"wh y did you I lIft.e l n OO Il !lJnU Ht' m tl nt lind 1\11 ore SPCCHl h sts, at ho nd' wh ~ m r u n nway fr om u s'! " . I e nj oyed wat c hing lh~ h osteH~ \In HARVI:YSBURG , OHIO th ey can ca ll In or cons ul t. 1h e ! "I seem to b e runlng II11'1IY nil wrup th e. nUll1 e l'll U ~ gIfts b('s t o ~\'ed , cou ntry dOl,to r ll1u!<t kn o \\: h ow t o the, time," s he 8fJld "lind to -dn J I .. by h e r Ilttl l' friends . A d e ll clo UR m ~et an y ' m erge!1cy , whIch ma y :HIPI1 USC I 'll end by running a\~IIY I Gc.d .know~ I Il ee d"to be round and taken care of by my own lun~h of k~ crean.l, ca ke, lind _ _ _ __ . ____ ._ __ ~l,rt se , and m ee~ It s lllgl('ha~ded . again, notwithstanding all I' ve people, If I have an)" . he confe4 ~ed , wa lerlll e io n \\' II S enj oyed o n th e lu\\ tI, ] lH! n, t oo , to Ui e yo ung phys J<:an, said" S h e s hiv e r ed " r s u J (1se J , th e city 106ks like a m o r e profitn- I s ho l; Id~'t tak-e t he' ri s k " lfP b' . des partely ndd e d, "I S to co m e bac k doe r why I sn ld l hal" ~h c I1lllsed Th e S unduy School of l\!lIssie' ble flla~ in whi c h to pl'n clic e hi s in the s ame city with thut I~!~ng 1'0. IlIY~ ' If, nnd to kn o w who r am , " It. ~~,u nds a s If. ulld ~ r It a ll s() m~ Twp. will h old 1\ union picnic lit MRS. FANNIE WARD I IlrufesslOn . wh oever he is." , . : \~ Ith o ut ~ny o n e e iRe kn o wing It d e hlllte kn ow le dg'e . . ," S he Harmon ~nl'k Thurs dny afternoon ' . _ RUI'n! an d : s lll ull tow n do cto rs " She had expected him t o rotes tI ll I ~f e dd ' whut t o do. Wh llt I b ro ke tf, " It ':; lucky I've left th e Iln~ eve ning, Jul y 17, I Wh llt wise r thil1g co uld f;u fT e r . , are dl!lllg pretty. well, h owever, b ut he nodded. p t l cou ld n t e ndure, wo uld be to be In g !' en r1re:s and the green hnt be. ever~1 fr om h ere !1 tte nll ed the e rs d u than t o fo ll ow in t h e foot· 1 WIth Dependable ac c~ l'dlllg to a s urv ey .o f lhe pro- I "Y es," h e sa id, "They' r e evident !l~y one c ~s~ s "power In my IlI nci m e for e ver," s h e contiune,1 in ccl ~ br!ltl o n aL the Warr e n Co unty s t eps o f the t housa nd s \l' ho r"und S d V' fe~~lo n rece ntly made III t he rurll i ly 0 nyour trail whoev e r 'they' rJlesent ce;m dltl on. I H lig hter tone. "I.' the r e an y wuy Fall' Gr o und s on th e F o urth . I K o n jo la t n be th l.' very m ed lc ln (' erum an .rUB r g lOIlS o f n orth cnst e rn N e~v Y01'k, are. Did thi s man 'arous e any m e m- I ~ e unoerst oo d, . , : th ~y cU,n tra c me thro ugh those H~rry .J e nks had th ~ firs t joi~t the), Ill' ded'! Gh' e thouf,!hl" th e l.', insures both SafeThe Ilverage Il nnual e!lr llln~s. of o ry in you, .any sen se thnt YO U It's 11 8ubc o n sc lo u s f ear,' he tlllll rr;;~' of hIS thumb seve red , In t he wel- t o th e ~ t!lll' lII en t of . l\lrl<. 1'llnll1 c s~v eral hundre d s u c h phYS ICIans kn e w liim , . had se e n him 'be - I ag reed . ': Th e chances a,r e th!lt your I Hr (!on't ~ h i nk s o. If y o ur janito r gher o n a thresh e r th IS w ee k , W ~l'cI , ft . F. D. No. H, nuyt.on, ty and Success " e re .fo und t o be abo.ut $6,600. fore?" I lul'7e ,fn end o f Inst nigh t IS back nuth, oul ~'Oll sEly? - reads the A numb e r . from h e r e attended 01110, \l'ho , aY H: Thllt IS a pretty good . Inc~ me for "No m e mory- o nly paralyzing ' of lt 1Il so m e way. n e wspaper~, he lIlay ha\'e , e n th e t he fun ~ ral 01 Mrs. Wnlter. U nd e r· "What II "Ies~ ill~ K ll n ju la II s lIlall t o w.n , IIlIIl 80 ll!,,~erJn g ho.w f l'ar. But of course 'l mu s t kn ow "Tell m e xactly what yo u did, Ildn'O rli se m l'nl. But, as 1' \'1' sa ld , wo od ut W aynesvi ll e Mo nd ay of tel' proved t o be to Ill e. F o r ~l'\' el'lll m~ch less It c !its t~ hv e ~~'ell I.n him, and it was hideously clear ancl all about it." h o. ts In ' \\' ·f?u per . ,:euoers n ever 1I 00 n. . YU II'S .1 had indigesti l;lIl; i ~ \\' tl S n s mall t:lJ wn than 1Il a clly, It that h e kn e w m e and felt him self " I wrote an un s ig- ncd letter to X dr('u lll of hlOklng at th e pe rso nal J o hn F e al y ~f Atlanta~ Ga ., !lpent I lmpo!i~ I IJI (> t o eu t a n yt hlllj.!' With ou t Harveysburg, O. pl'obably IS true that ~~e b~st t~pe in ome SO I't of lIuthority over me,' Fifty, ~lIy ing thut yo u w e re sa f e ' co lulll n~, T ake m en in thi s hotel , I a few dllY s thiS w eek wlih hI" m o- s uff e rin g a ft e rward. I los t wei!!'ht of llI od e l'll rurnl phys lcllln IS dOlllg ~h e wns s truck by n SUdd e n reco l- lind that ~o lll e I\ew, fl'ie nd s yo u for e xample. Even if yo u ho d bee n I tht'r,. Mrs . Be ll e Feuly, Hnd oth e r and w aH RO n e r vtlu,; .I ('ou lei' Il o t Phone 31 abou ~ as we ll, as t he ge n eru ll'un of l ection. "Whnt were the important had made would lik t o knuw all rig ht h ere , wearing t he Io(l'cen hil t l· eln tlves.. s lee p lit Ilight. In fa(·1., Thad giv' n t hings yo u said you wanted to t ell the circums t a nc es be f o re putting I and dress, Ih ey probnbly wo uldn ' t , Mr,;. Everett G o rd o n ha s been Uf1 a ll h ope~ o f fi ndin l.: n'li e f, hi s ,CIty COUSinS. . 1 h e gl'~8t . disadvantage of me?" X F ift y in touc h with yo u. I hllv e n oti ced what yo u had o n . III the paSl wee k. , ' f or cvc l' yt hin f,! I tried fail ed m e. H e d Ec ided s h e was cool enough s ig n c d t h" n ott! with f a k e inita ls you~ di sa ppea rin g so s udd e nly ancl Mr8, B e ll e Fealy, MISS Berda !3u~ aft~' r (' I,' UI' bOll I s uf K o nj ? la r ut'ol pl'!lc bces I~ t~at th e .d Oclol· hus to be. o n t he Job ~4 ~ou~s II day now t o h e al' them, und ga\'e Lhl! n e\\'~ pap e l' of,ke as l lellv lIl g tll('l e c loth es Illay m ea n, IIn~1 J o hn Feuly, MI'. a nd ~Irs, llIdlge,;il o n IS g-one; I ~ 1 L'eJl tin !' rn the cIty h e ca n hml t 11Il' offic e "T he most important is about th e addre·s. I got a re pl\' t h e same o f co urse, lhut e \'er,yt hing y o u le ft l Willard Bolta n , Mrs. C has. VOlers, :.111<1 m y nerves arl' Ilu il'l. .1 am •• • nigh t, but it was might'y nonco m - in l he a par tm e n t will have a sha rp 1 MI'~. H o race ,Bognn, Mrs . Laura g u in in j.! in we ig h l lind to me t h ere hours and r e f ,. th?se wh o d e- thi s ." n~and em erg(' ncy ~e ~'V1ee .to th e h os H e drew a from ' hi s mittll!. X Fifty w a n' t s ho wing in:pectio n ; but even that wou ldn ' t V. Re ed , MI. 5 Floren ce R eed , is 11' fl1e<iieine t o co mpar e with PIta Is. But th SP!J'lt which a.c~ua- pock et and found in it a s mall hi ' hnnd IIny m ore than we we r e, earl'Y t h investigation ver y (111'. 1MI:H . hll.s Gray a nd daug hte r Ko n jula." ted t~e, o ld -fas hlOnec;l phys lCl,lIn, piece of pnper which he unfolded ,H e wonte d t o kn o \\' all I co uld Y o u 're very well d i guised n ow. " AI!c e, MIsses C laydia lind . J ose· It i ~ tru e lhllt KOllju lll , a ll (I f i s Phone 93 th.1l ~.PII· I ~ ,0: .se lf-sac,n~ce. f;e l'vlce, a,nd handed t o h e r. It was a cut. tell him (I'm assumi ng that it wa s "'i I'S," s he ndmitt ed , "in my bor. phlll e Gray and 1\11 s Ve ra 'I'1\,)b1l1l8 32 ingl:ecl i en t~ wurking t ogethl! r. sllll ,UrVI\C~ In man} l egIons , and l lllg from a n ew spaper, and as s he a man, you sec ), unu he was rather rowed c lot hes Ma rgaret's wardrobe l ll~te ndlJd t h e Lohrer - F enly , we~l. d ocs bl'lng l\wlft r es ults , th o u" h II th e r e ~I'~ pl enty .o f you~g '.lIen l o- read it her fac e whitened. It ran: high· hand ed about it. That, of ha s give n m e nn id ea .. I' ve got t o I dl~lg at St. ' Co lumbk Ch urc~ III WII c~ mpl et e treatment o f fmlll s ix to day WIllIn g t o g!ve th e Ir hves to, Wllnted: Information about a course , dicln't mak e any hit with buy n e w clolhe., o f COUrse. What mlll gton W e dnesda¥ 1lI 0 1'111 ng. e ig h t bo ttl eH i · s trong'ly r eCO nl that so rt <:.,f ;;~v.!.('~ _ _. young lady. wh o disappeared o n Carrick and m e . W e decided that a I 'll get will be t h e p lain blllck Mrs. MIII'~ HUln es, 'has T , m e nded. Augus t 30th . Tw e nty·tlll'(~~ years ' fllmily Ci r c le wouldn't be so cautio dress n nd plllin bllllck hut and Smart ~l nd RIchard F'rnnken, \lel'C Konjoln ill sold in Wayn esv ill e , Jealou.yl o ld, weight about one hundre d nnd tiou s. In fact, t h ew hol e situation plain bluck pumps o f a nic e littl c ente rtalll ed o n the Foul·th,by MI'. Ohi o, lltAdam. Drug Stor .. , an d by (' i gh t~e n pounds, h e ighth, fiv e feet looked extl'em c ly s U !ipici~us tl! u s.' w~itl'ess with qui et t~stes. Th ey lind Mrs . Ernes t Oswald ' In Leb· nil th e b e~t d~' u~1.! i ~tf; in a! 1 t ow ns Oat Bllpti " five IIlch e!;, gray eyes, s mall, reg- . "I CU I1 't see a funllly CIrcle, WIll be chea p , whl.e h , IS m y fir s t I lIlIon. H ot-ziggidy· t! og. thl'o \l g h o ut th IS (' nllre sectH)n . prell huh s hoah nlll d e cut's c laws . ular f eatures, bobbed, bronze- e Ith e r," she murmured . "But then rcnso n, ami 1.hey Will be lid is- - - - -- ____ .. _ _ De Ludil!s' Aid dun bl'oke up, colored hail', When last see n s he - God h e lp m e I " ~ s h e bl'o k e o ut gu i t!, which is m y . ec ond. But 1 clluse he d o n e )ro nl! to de Widder wor e u green dres' with gold with s udd e n pa. s ion, " I can't see reason, whi ch is my seco nd, But 1 ,JO Il es' Ill oa h dun ho did t o d e ob- c u frs and colinI', a !lmull green hut. u n ythi n g. What hav e 1 d on e . . I don't kn o \\' what I' ll do about my d e r . i s t~r n ; Gu ess n o w Llndah, pllt e nt-l e ather pumps, and cham- 'wha t!' co uld I have d o n e . . . to hair," s he lidd e d tho ughtfull y. "I mah ole ,0rna ll'lI h o m e long pngne·col or d s ilk stockings. A d ese rv e thi !" . . uppo e I'll e nd by d yeing it dark nut!' t o patch dat p lace in mah Qle libe lal r('wflrd will be offered fol' "Sit tight," h e urged, and th e bl' \\In.'' K . E. Th ompson wif e and daugh work pan ts . information leading to her l'e turn familiar injunction s teadied h er, "Oh, d o n' t !" tel' Mury Kathl ee n. A. Tulmag(' "I'll h ave to do slo m e thing," she lin d wife, and Miss J es~ i e L. Gar. , ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN l'e mind e d him. "My hail' is raiher n er, M. M. Terry wife, Mrs. Ali ce vOllr- CatLI e, hogs . s h eep and calve~ u n u. ual, yo u know." t'o N o rd '- Bl'nc k ' II., live wil'e lind E. Terry nnd W . II . T e rry. Iycl c "It is," he fc~'e nt1y agreed, 'II m s and fllmily uUt'llded ch ilpl'ogr{'ssiv,' firm f or the highes t wntching h e r with eyes s o eloquent dl'!' n'" Day at Olive Blanch OJ] mnrk ~t pl 'ice~ a nel good serv ice, - - - - B y Albere fr, Reid thnt s he r e fu s e d to m eet t he m. las t Sunday evening. Union Stock Yard., Cincinnati, 0, ' aIJCV lIart "It's th e m ost b eauti ful h ail' I've Reference : A sk firs t man Y') U mt' t !loy Drummond lind fumily WUR evel' ~ee n. Th e lights in it- " called t o C hillic oth e, 0 ., " n Wed · "Thll t o n e detuil might giv!' me n esday on aco unt of th e death o f ones sQre Orte$ IIwlly," s h e wenl 01'11, ign o ring t h e his mother. Stuffed TC'lDllto S.IRd (' mpliment; but s hl.' made up f or MI'. a nd Mrs. M e rle T e ny we r e t hi s in h e r next w u rd s. "You s ee th e 'untlay guests of Mr. Howard P ee l ~ix s mall tolllatoes. cut a th uug h I .IIY '['m u trifle I\ frllid of McKa y wife lind two so n ~, Mr. ~ IiCf f rom th e 'tem e nd to ellc h, y o u, I'm tI'U ~ till!!, yu u with nil my !illl'old McKav wif e lind ~o n. c m uv e the f;uf t illside, ~ prinkl l' I pllln~ , us far as I know them, myMr. and Mrs . Geurge Ml1rkofT the in s id eM wi h salt und I ' l ~ t an", RESIDENT . e lf." und little daughter Adulin <' " f Dny inverte d, thirty minut es, MlI!; h ha:f ' "I know you a r c, n nd I can ' t tell ton, we r e ~unclay aftel'lloon ca l· I CI CHilI c h lle,;l.', a cid s ix c h opped you how much I aJl I)l'ec iu tc y o ur leI'S n n K. E. Thompson ancl family pimuh'ls, one tal.l 'spoon o f tinc,- I ('IIPfidc nce. That remind !'! m e of Miss Mildl'ed Morga n , !I1i s~ , chopp e d paI s ley , 011' ta b l e~pl '''" PERMANENT LOCATION >;Ol11t'thing m o re," (If t omato pulp, on,,·fu ul'th tell , II I' tll o k a package 01 papl' rs ~ flo O Il o f cil'Y mw tu rd a nd t' l1 >1 uJ,!h fr o m all in Hid (' pocket find hand ed French dre!lsing to ll1 o istlJn , 1-'111 th e lll t o he i·. "Th ese cl'e o·e ntials I it a ll. I w o n 't m e nti o n it Ilgain t h e tomu 0 Cll~e vith th mixtu l'e LEBANON, OHIO wantl'ci for CUl'I'ick got h er e a till yuu're we ll , o r till yo u tell m e lin d s(! l'V (' ti n It,tt u ('\' 1 " !I\·t,~ \\'ilh Eye. ExRmined f e w duys nfLr·1' ~' o u le ft. I sh owed I muy s pe ak of it." l11ay o nnaise dl' c~ s i n g . th e m 1. 0 hi m , ami I wnnt you t o "I don't kn ow whllt to say to Gla .. Fitted Rep.ira loo k th e m ove r , tflO. Pl eas e !" he you," ~h e murmured. "I o ughtn't Mexican Tomatoe. u rged Il f; s h e he~ itated. 10 let yo u s p eak of s urh things. Melt .1.w o tubl c.lp tt (\ I1 S (il' b u ttl' r "I trust you wit h out thes('," You'r e s imply following a !<hadnw. Eve Ill ul'mur cd a ~ s h e h u nd eo th em Why don't y o u k eep out in the s un in fryin g plln IIl1d a, ~ d thl'l' l' t;d,I" , · bllCk, shin v wh el'e you belong, nnd forg et poon s of c ho pped gn' cn I'I'P I'l'l' and ('onk unli l ~of l. Ad d II pil1t of, " I kllow yo u did . . , up to a about me?" [ certa in po int. Now I'm going to "I lik e the shad ow better, when n ed co m with Idle l P:ISPO'"l or p.s k yo u t o tru~t m e !Ill the \\IllY. 1 you're IImong them," he sai ll ' u!!'ur, o ne-hull' t ClISPllOIl 11'1111)1"1 I NOTARY PUBLIC wani ~rO tl to pro mi s e, to keep m e Iluietly. He pressed the hand sh e juice with ~ll it alld p e p pel' to tn ~ l, '. po~tccl fl'lllll now on," he l'u shed impuls ively held out and went on H cut thor o ugh ly be f Mc ~ c r \' iI1 K , I National Bank ul o n~, "I h av"' n't n ny ri g h t to a sk, in II new t.o n l', quietly matter·of· Bean. with Tomaloe. : but, so m e ho w, r don't think 1 fu ct. Will. Drawn - - Estate. Settled cu ulel s tnnd another two rla ys a nd " That' thaI, and I won't s pellk Soak on ' anti a h!l l f c u p,' Of , n ights lik e th ose I we nt thro ugh o f it a gain , I ju st wunt ed to make dried whit e bel1n~ " v e l' nig-ht and WAYN,ESVILLE, OHIO be f ore I g o t your no ie. It wllsn' t it cl e ar to you that som e one to in the 1lI 0 l'ni n)r "ruin lind b ,d l i n 1I1 0l'c t h e se n se th a t 1 had lo'st whom you're fil·. t in th e \\Iol'ld is watel' co ntllinilip: ollc-q uurte r tea ,,you ,' sta nding by." poon stlflll. FI'y 0 111. r"ur s lices II f I ______~------"I promise(1 lll y!;(!lf J \vouldn't Eve left the hot e l thro ugh th e " ult pfll'k und bl' \\'11 U ta bl e. poo n ~ s p !)l! k iii I yel u wel'e n o rm a l again . ' servants ' entrance, a s be fitted he r of minc ed on illn in Lhe f al. N o w But your lea v ing that ' way, and appearunc e , and walked aCr()SIl to add .. h e beun!; that have b e'e ll n o w thi s n e w <lungel' and your fear F'ourth Av e nue. There she p ic k e d d ra ined, two ,c up s o f eann e d t Ull lU ' of it c han ges the loo k o f. things, I up 1I tnxicab and or(lered herHelf t o 's a hn lf tnb lc8poo n of "ug:ll' . FUN~RAL .DIRECTOR want YOll t o kn o w that it isri 't just taken to the neares t lurge d e pllrt- with sa lt anll peppe l' to la ~te. the inte r ·~t li nd help of a friendly menlo-store. Place n il in d o ubl e b o ile l' o r tireWAYNESVILLE, 'OHIO 'tTange l' I'm offering you. It'1! t h e . Eve, k'e ep in g close to her new les5 (,'o o ker with ju t HOllgh water in tel' :t lind help of amlin whQ role" s elected a s imple black onc· to covel' and coo k ugain {ot' lIbout loves you. . pifce dress of good qiJality, a t hree h o ur, ~t~' '':~~ei'., Fully Eguipped for Good "When )'o u' l'e well, Eve," he Revere black.-- coat. and a : mall .S.e:rv,ice. continu d steud ily,· "['m going to \)llIck cloche hat. Talk to Friend. ask you t o murJ'y me. I "vailt to ' ''Could 1 go t.o movi~' pictures Lal'ge Display Room, ,hips are !lot b e ing equipped devote my life to making you hap. with the ministe r in these?" she with two· way communication sysAmb~lance ServiCe, py, if you will take me. But in inquired as s he revolved before any ea~e 'let m e begin to look the sales womafj in the new out- t ems. It is possible 1:01' t he oCell n Telepha .... 7 Da, or traveler to talk to his (riend!! in , after you right now." He' tJtoPlled fit. Kans8s 88 he g oes aeross. un instant, then ~dded: "l've (To , be continued)

- ---






, I








" "


Dead Stock Wanted


Harveysburg Fertilizer Company







1--' I

Dr.W. E. Frost


Dr C W ANSON Veterinarian

Waynesville, Ohio




Even the Editor Can't Please Everybody

• ~ho tpt t:he " he it. cont.i ng to t:Iu:.m.-

Dr. John Zeltel Optometrist


19 N. Broadway




J. E. M¢CIut'e

-- 0:'





r Cle,arance'


still Going On


Due to the fact that farme~s of this vicinity are in their busiest season. we have decided to continue our sale for another week; offerillg, more bargains and still further reductions



1:11 1," ' tril l '"


:'1I f

I " "

.I . I ' , 11:1).



1\," IIt l ll

Ih,' , l ilt!

01'1111 " " I S lIl1lnll'r 1':1111il ,1 I d i"nl" IIII"



I (; i rl l'. "


S l,,' cia l ~ \\'alclH' ~ and (' :1 1'( ~ .I,' \\'elry Sh ,) p,

Ohi o , "Th ~

'JI 'lnl'


Political Announcements

~ I I', ;IIltl \ 11" ,I. , '. 11 "111,, , ' )1,'111 ~1111<l:J ,I' 111 11:1 >1. 11 , Ihl' ~ Il( 's l , ..

'II' nn,] 1\11'" F II !'l's t Gra ha m ar c :tnd ~Ir " . OU" S('I.J " I~I. of a ll ·I \(. ~l\cill~ t l;e lJil:th o f. a SO il ,\1 1 , .\1;I1Y 11 " I,kllo ,-. I 111 ,'11 111:1 I, . \\l' I,· I! u ('~ t ~ o j 1\11', ' Utl lIl !-'alurday l' I" 'nilll! .ful y G. :111.1 ~II ~ . \\ . (I. H:'lh''' , "n II)\' .\II·s. W , I·'. Cla rk 01' W nvnl's, ~I " -' I- , HI, ;· "II Il l ' nll,~' :J lld F "\ll'lh : "ill<- \\:, s t he Fritiny !:ues t oj' her , ',III " 'It Il t ' !" 1' 11 111 I,d :1111111 111' tr i p nll. lh l'l . \ 11',. ~Iary ' Ca nn llny. II " .. 1. 1 IlI , h"":1, ·.\I" llIj,I},. :'I I,'. :111 .1 '\I r~, Arthur i\1I ~(,n . "I' :\Ir ~. En1JIIll ~IcE l wllin o f Spring .\1 1, 1i' ·; " lh~· . O hio, ~ Jll'nt Su nclay 1i ,·ld i ~ l\lakill~ llli ex t endl' " vis it .\1'.1111 lI alli,'I.!, .. f 1.1'11· ~·;I \I' S filt· " hy nl:"' III IH' I'), , Cut II i:" IIII' la l (I '\ ', ~ i " t(' r :lnd hr f) Ull'1' \\' Ith ~ I r. an d !\II'" , Charll' ~ Mu l· \\;1'" ;t \ \ : 1~ · l fl:-- \ Illl' \ · j .... 1111 1' ( ' 1";11" I, t l l1 "1' . fa- I, ,!'. H oy P I g" ~ \1 "" l. iu l,· li nd Mr. Gl· "r ~c I' l'a l l. I illl' X, .1 r II. !t. "I ;\l a d ,il> I1 ':; l. u m he r Yu rd . ;\Ii" SlIl' a ' B IJ\\1l\1l 11 of :-;lJr in ~· ,I , I:, ( ' laid " a t tPrld e d th o Nu · l" oI'n SP<'Il( Tu(' sJIIY uf la ~ 1 \\'c('k \ \; 1 lit ., \II ', \ 111 , 11:1 \\. iI Ii;1I11 1: .,\ , ( ~. (' . Il dl('l l :I "d fllml!\, · li " ll lll Edl1 (' lIlinIl UI A ~" "l'iati<,n ,, ;JIlin!: in I. yt le. lilt I H 1 ~1I1 '..:t f)f .\1 1'. :1 n d \11 ,. f\ , 111'1',' ";111, d In (, hIli ( ·it l' . .\1 'oIid ·\'" \:I~ I \',' " . 11. 11 11" I l d~ , WI'p l( h .. h; I\ l r ~ . 1\ 1 111'~1" ' l' t .f oh n ~ s pellt Ih o E , !lay . " II ~ l1l1d ;J .I'. .. \I IIll!: IIJ Ih(' ill l" ";; (,r h'i" 1)1 .. 11 ,. ,.: ..d l "l ld i,,!! 11 1" i\ ll lllll1ll' ll ll rl' l'(' flC C ,'r \I (: "k · ,'nd lit t il l' l \tInJ(, Enrl tli ll " ;o; l1li l h Illl~h,' ~ ll' ltehl' I'S Hilt! Th o lll ilS 0 11 Soeill l HolY , .\11'. all,) ;\ I r~ . E , (" ('1 :lIll' . in ~ I r, :l l1 ti ;\11- . \\', ~ . ~ I'al'~ rind I Iii' 1',, "f'.'I'I' Ill' 1' /If Arnl' I'I{'1l1l 111 ' Clyd,' Wh tl l'l"n iH 1I 1l\\' runnin g "lI1JlIlI1~' \l' ll h ll!ly t n n fl i" lId s, 11 1· r:tlldlr ~ P "111 I: ,,"rt h "J' .JIlI>· II il h ,t il lll l' " I' CO' I' rt'ration at C"I · h i ~ thl'll s hing- o utfit In t hl ~ comI.' nd,'" Ih, ' 1 :11', ·, at l. :1t ( lIi" l, 11 Ih .\11'. :l n d .\lI·S . •J .. hn :-;1':1 1', ill Her:·,·, ll J11l,l1'. l1lunity, !1() 1' ~ , , F ou lt h. A reuni o n of th e re ilitiveti of Mrs. P l1ul Dukc was he ld at th e ir 1""1' l)l'M rl'~11 1 ~ l' (\ n ~i l! n \'('Iur I F, , CI:lI1, ·... f Ill!' 11:1 1'1(,11 NOT IC E OF APPO INTMENT (" , untr~' h Ollle S unday. i ll' ~ t l\cli t o CI t' n · i':lllhl'Y - 0 .• 11 ,'1:1101 . 1\1111 hi " I'.l ll lily . i ~ ~p~' nd ·1 ~ Ir . nnd M r s. HalTY Crnhnm Cin cinnali . in car c of ]) , R. S3li s. illK Iii " tw" · \\,,·,, I(· \';J l' nti o fl in f': ~ t:II, ' " I' ,ll ll ude LJnd l' l'w lio d DC' \\"'1'1' Dayt o n \'isitl1l'~ Mo nday . lJu rr. \\' a y 1ll' ~ I ' il ll·. C' ( ·:l:-:(' lJ. 1\11'. and Mrs. Wil b rt Swank I :\" t ic' ,· i ~ h<'1,.hy i!'i\'~ n l hat W al· m ot ll red t o Gree nyill e th e 'Ilh to I :\1 r. :Ind .\1 1' , S"l'f' J1 \V il k {! r~" n l l'" 11 , t ' II III' I'\\'(lI)" ha s be ... n d uly ap att"nll t he races. h;1I1 :I, 11,,'11 ~' IJ( 's t ~ ~ l o nd"y r" I" p" in l('.1 li n d II'wlifil'd !1 ~ Ex e cu to l' Mr. alltl MI' . Ea rl Walle o f 0111111"1' , ,\I I' ~. ,·\I i,',. rll cl ll' nll n d l' 1' 1 ,, (, Ih t' E",wtt! ' ,) f Ma ud e nti ... r · neal' Millrnigbu l'g al' m O\' inK this CHARTE R No. 2220 1:1 ~ ('I 'Y ' l ' I" l de! N r ) .. an d '\I i-- 1: 1",",.~ n..."" " f Nol" ' \,( ,. d Illtl' o f W UI'I'IH1 Co unt y, week to Clarence Smilh's prop e rty MI': . C. A. Thomps on I'~turn e d Rt' po l't of 1 h" clln di li .. 11 0 r t hI' 1I'""d , ;\f 1'. a llrl :'I II'~ , I I.l\\,nrcl "' i ~- I (Ihi n. d t·l' c:J s,·d. ~ '"" ,, 1,,1 ,, 11 01 ')1" II .. (' lI:1 y t l,n, i\11'. Ilal " " tld ~ IH h day o r .) u ly IU :lO, Monday eve n ing a(~(,I' s pending II W/lYI1 (,~l'i ll. · . ·:lti .. nal BU ltk, .. f and ~ l l's. )\\, 11 ,' 1 lI "kl' :Ind c' l1 ildl'l' n W. Z. nOLl , \\'~('k lI'ith her s on ane! family jn \\' a y n!','1 i l lt· . in 1111' St:lt l' II f :\1 1. alld .\1 1", H"hl'l l F l1 rn a~ anti .fu d!(I·" fthc Prubate ·ourt . l'l'nn, Oh io , lit Ilw (' lllsl' (I f 1J11 ~ i lH' ~~ . ('hi ld n'n 11111 :'III'. H II~I' IIl' Furnas. " j :! :1 W U IT" fl Co unty, Ohlu IIII'. Iln<tM I·s. Edd L ongacr e and n n J IIlI C :W. 1:1 :; (1. I 1\11'. and .Mrs. Geol'ge DllVis m o tI ; i': ~1 I ( 1:1" ~ =' ul'e d thl'U Ke nluck y over th e wee ltJ.. ~ afl ~ n n w ,!I!'l' , .. r :,,~ ., .. , ~ ,,~.~, .•,:. H _== -=~===============¥=====~=,",,-;"':;=~~I end and vi itcd Cumborland gllp ,P \ ( ' rdl:lrt ~ .. 111.::1 nnd uthel' pIll es of i nte r est , j ' ll l t-• .j !-OLd, ' .. I ;~I \"'I': illl ' t ~ j ( ' Iu' lt i ,' " 10\\ fl. " 111 r . and Mrs. W. M, Co leman nf llt' " hlllJd ~·: :,,1\1 a nd Mi ss Th l'lm a visited Mr. Wil:-- , · t ·II III I " ~ IIW Iled ... . . 11:' . I :!tl . r.:I lium Morl'is II CUI' Leba n pn Sunday I ta ltl( lit:. h01l:-',. Flil n l t ll r f> al1d l i " l " ' . ,:"'" '.. ",1100 . 011 aftern oo n. ' 1: '~f'J' \'1' " lt h )·t' ll (·rn l Ht 'fhe Ladi s Aid fr o m this placo S ' I \' c Hlltll< .. ....•.. ... ~~. ~13 !L:; !1 and l he pringboro Aid enjoy ed a ( 'H!Ioh 1\1101 0111 1' ( !' (lln " un lUI :H). ~"liio :t :l I:PI! . '"q . lill l1 (lind w i th T , I picnic W cd ne;>.{lay a long lear ~ 1' l'f a~tlr. r :til.! duu r ee k nl' ur where Pcarl Cornell t lO l 11 L~ S. T r ~·tlt;ur l ' r ", :!, a lHl , OO : II vC! .. I !VIr;,. Em ma Lacy returnecl t he I fil's l of the w eek lifter spendln~ a ].IA·B1 1.1'1'1r.S SEASHORE Cal'i !:.! .toel, d In ., .. ' 100.0011,00 wtl ck with he r duught e r, Mrs. Earl EXCURSIONS Su r Jll u< ,,' ", . . ,. , ', . . . ;(,.0,,,, "'1 Y o un~ lind (qmlly In DlIyton, Mrs.

I' I . ~II",









'" UI'l' a uth or ized til announce th e nam e of Lee n, S hutt: . Wayne T ow n's hip. it S II ~ lln didnt e fo r Sherifl' o( WUlT on co unt y , s ubj ect t o (he Prim a r y El e d iun. Au g us t 12.

I ~):lo,

J\II '. O lli e I\lu ~ o n of Ma,;o n, 0., Dl!l'die ld lWIJ .• ~ll lil'it :; YOUl' s up · po rt 1'" ,. he r numination li S Reco rd "I'llI' WalTe n C"un~y , ubJect to ( Il t· H e lJuhli~l1l1 PrlIlllIl'Y of August I Ll, I !):IO .

I: h'\

•.d '

fUll l dU li Jl I ' t ' ~H' rllllll ) n


~ " H I ' !'4

wor l"


- ' -- -

II 1


H. MADDEN fl·' COMPANY Waynesville, Oblo


n lla (' k ~

It :s


Il u s Hllortut ,·tI t h ,' ~tlr f t'rlllg's 11 ) 0 11 ~t lr t" 1 f l ll ill 's"\l I' ili M BIII · U Il ~~ l" , Llllllh af.;lI , l)t' Sl'iat1cu. ~ l/li U \\' ( ' It t o l" ull l" st' lf I .. 11'\' t hitt :.! uth \.' \: II' \lI' Y Ill. d ka l \1I:h'.u\' , " , \ ' Itl' (' tJ I IIIl1· ' ude ti and ~o ) 11 b\ ,\dOIUN Urn" Stur~ .



E. B. Murrell , Republican of Was hington T owns hip, s olicits yo urs uppo.·t of his candidacy for nominati o n us county treas urer s ubjcj!t to th e Primary elcction of Augl1s t HI, 193 0. Mr. Murrell nas served a s dep uty treasurer of Warre p county f or th e pas t two yejlrs, Cha/!. F:. sUPJl.o rt . of




We are authorized t o I\nounce the name of C. Donald DlIatush as a cand idate for reelection to the office O{ Prosecuti ng Attorney, s ubject (0 tho Primary election, Augu st 12, 1980 • .

N[W BURliNGTON. Late ClassiJied Ads


===============--FOR SALE FOR SA LE- Celery plants. Telephone 5!JF41, Saylors.

and so n .les e Mpent the week-itnd with r elativell in Cln(:tnnatl, ' Thomas Haydock and Alton Lumpkin, with a party of friends spent the Fourth at Indian Lake. Mrs. A. J, Walthall and daughter who h!lve been the gU~lIta of relatives here h~ve gone -to Jqin Mr. Walthall in Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Ramley of Toledo are guests in ' the home oJ. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McKay. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Nickerson, son , Everett and grandaughter, Marjorie Stanfteld spent 1~lIt week with relatives in Cleveland.


OraDge aDd Black


- - -----



so licits your hi s candidllcy for n()n~lnl1t1 o n as county treas urer subJ cc t to the decis ion of th e Republican P.'imary e le ction Aug-

ust 12, 1930.


_ ., - ,. - ,, - .t-- ') - ' ~ ' ~i.


YOUI' s upport of Will R. Lewis. Rep ubli ca n eo ndidat. for th e nomi nntio n a s county auditor s ubj ec t t o the Prim a r y e lection of Augus t 12 1930. is I'cspcctfu lly solicit ed.


MI'. nnd Mrs. Curl Conard and da ughter of Dayt on w e rc g uc:\l s of In addidon. Channel, . .J . L. Conard last wf;l ek. drain Roofing is fireMarian Rains of Lce: burg Is n !? ll c~t in t h e h ome . of MI'. and Mr~ , proof and lightningC. D. MinT/I. proof. highly durable The women of the Friends' Church nu!t· on Friday and organl. pure zinc coating give. 7.ed a Ladi es A id society. Tlie fol." lowi ng officers wer.e elected: President, Edith Compton j Secretary, Minnie Compton,' and Treasurer, ,G oldie Compton. Rev. Boyd, new pastQr of '-theFl'iends ', Gtlurch pre ched both morning and evening-on Sunday. Mr. lind Mrs. ' Elmer Peterson, Ellrl Hol1l1nd and Emo~ene Beckott enjoy ~d a trip to Canada and Niagara Falls. la"t· weClk. Mis!; Catherine Nog~le w.s homo from Oxford for the Fourth. -.;..;..::;:;..;_ _ --....;.-----~--......;:.---::-----~~...;;.;;-;.;;:;;-;.;;;;-;;o_ __=.;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;__;;;;;;;;=o:J'I Mr. and MI'!I, Sam Shanb Sr.

Phone i4

l} - li:!:J

Pure, I'ich cream , juice of fl' cS h fl'uit fla vo r s. with ju~t the propel' balance of fl' cs h golden (' 'g-s. U's u health f ood.

For Friday, Saturday & Sunday Maple Nut, Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry




di ~ "I\ ~ "




I ' Ht' j ' II\' . lIt '!'l:'


r uu t .

This Young Man Had A happv thought come to


l~ ~

Yetl l'S F:xpcl'icnce in Fi tt in g- a nd I\l ak in g- Glu ss(!s - alCARY'S JEWELRY Every Tursday, Thundoy, ;W

th. · I' l' ;owi l \,) 1' b ," a lfa ·

q( 1I1:lIl .V


Channeldrain Rool, ing is easy to apply; no spedal tools are required. Everything con~ sidered, it is the most economical roofing for you to buy and we recommend it-unqualifiedly for the benefit of all our customers.

, , \pl'l' I II I \,' III!ll

i l :'

Ihl :-;

Life-Time Roofing ,Serviee at Small' Cost

Roofing wIth patented lap construction offers maximum protection against leaks.

A 1 l H ~d :'l i'i l"lw" h n :i j'O IHt: t o tl u.' ald 1l. ' I1!'1ll li !'illfl...."' r ... r s Wllh W- 'i :': :L Tld !:t

ArthLII' 1/I111111ton tio licits your Il l' his cllndldllcy for r e- •••, '_ ... . 1'_ ••_ 11 . ..'. -·11_ 1.-..'_ 11. -...-'.·_ .• e l(,cli on as Hcpl'esentativ e to th e Gt' ll e l'nl A8se mbly (1' 0111 Wanen county s ubject to the R epublicn n P rima ry, Au g ust 12. 1930.




~ uppnl't



Read This !u n u l" :' IH' I · la l l ~ 1. I t has :t1I' t' utl y pr o \' ·

W e are Il'uth orlzed to announce th e Ilame Of W. H. FulkBrth as a t:~~I':I ~I;i'I;" "~;:~II~~ ~~t : " ~~." :l ~ G" Lucy Is s lo\\'ly r eco vering, Sho >1 "n , I III~ """ """" f. ~ . OO(l , O" wa, acc o mpani e d home by hor ca ndidate tor sec ond term to the l 'li..- I.. 1,:lIlItH. 11I<'I II,lln" _erund-da ug htcr wh o i8 caring rill' office of Sheriff, s ubject to the (.... \ U , i ed fUll I 'HotO h lt 'r s ' her. Republican Primary e lection , Aug c ' h··.)<~ f,lIl": I :Inrl l ug ,... !!.";tI .nn ·M C I Al I j 1'';. a r bright of Wayne!- us t 12, 1930. : !~ n ll'" I .I"~)( , s ll" . .. . , ... ~.I J. I !I; I...'.S I 11111 " 11'1,,·,11 . . . . . ... . .. " ' .~ I .. "I I nnd I th r I v ille se nt Wpednes day with he r 1:111, p ,,1:1101,· """ S c uth e rn N e w J ersey Seas hore Re s orts ABen Huffman announces his ,,011"'''" 111 " " " ''' '' ' H.l ij 4.21 ' I v ill e spen t e d n cs d u y WI'lh h er cand idacy for re·election ~·rol,t1 .... . " ..•• . " • . $r;~,11.3 &, 32 JULY 29, AUGUST 12 and 26 l ~f~if;dte~·j"eJ~o~.~~el'~:te~;~~~l~ ~? Cou n ty Recorder, subject to for the Republican Pdma\,y, August 12, Stnl" or Oh io, Oll nl y of WI\!' r n . BH: Rl "r~ u 'mn p" hurles C uitn e r, near Miamis burg 1930. I , I. . .\1. It 1101 " 1'8011. " lI s lt l,'1' o r th e who has been very ill. nl ",· ,, · n: lIl1t·" I,,".k , (\" M<> le,nnly Mr. and Mrs. Fletch er S lade and - -- ,. - - - - ''''':'1' IIIlIl II" , a llll\'" stn le· "It' nl I~ childre n o f n eu l' Franklin were NOTIC E OF PUBLIC HEARING I ru.' I " I I,~ 1,t:Ht o r 111 ), knowled gc ' THROUGH SLEEPING CARS TO ATLANTIC CITY Ill .') 1.. ,II ,·f. I Thurs du y ~ v('ning gu ests of their I.. ~f, II l': NfH; H, n:-; Cn. hl,·r Lib .. ral stop·over privileges returning. aunl '·Il·~ S H H I I C .•, ~ . " a ne8 an< am· On thc Wayn e To"'nshl'p School ~1I1'f "d\l f ' d fl l ifl Hwnl ll t n 1, (orO . r ' '1 " 111._ II II 'lli l da..\ elf .l u l .v . l ~I :l t' Illtb lrll l (l d df Et'ri pt l \ tl}~ dl:'''~ ,. h, \\111~ tim e 0 l rnfI18 . 8 l 0 p -Q\' r priv ' leH( ' 1 y, Budget, I 011.1 oth e r de tull mil)' IU' uutll !lll:d !".m TI. 'llol A g l rll!!'l 1\1' E t h 1 R d h i d 1:"." II. II:II,,, ,,,·k. :-: O l n,y P uIJl;". t 1, lS8 ' e ee er a s res g n e Notice is hereby given that on ('u"" '1 r\t I,·~I: " . 11. A!.LE:-: at Sp rin gbor o and acceptcd a pos l. the 21st day of July, 1930, at 9 tioll 8 S teac h er in the Germantown , o'clock p.m., a public hearl'ng on .1, \\' , 11'111'1'1'; ,,' , \0', ' I, A 'c hoo l Vir clors. 11.;:;;==;;,;;;;=======;;;;;;;;;:;;;========;;;:;;;;;;;;=====31' . the Budget prepared by the Board L.: Mrs. rda Brown of Dayto n wal! 11 of Education of Wayne Township guest ut the home of Mr, und Mrs. ' Sc hool District of 'Warren CounH"nry Jo'cu lks last wee k and ty, Ohio, for the next succeeding t'all ed on RC'vernl L y tle friend s. fiscal year e ndIng December 31st, r Mr. and Mrs. Leon Salisbury 1931 will be he ld at the office of and daughter Miriam. of Cleveland the Board of Education in Waynes s pe nt the la tter part of th e week ' 11 N ' I B k with 1\'Ir. Ilnd Mr~. Allen Emrick ~les~'iJI:.tlonhio. an Building Way· a nd t he ir so n Wendell ' alis bury. L M HENDERSON Mi: s Miriam r e main e d for an ex" ~ , ~lerk te nd ed vi s it. • ~ .. Mrs. V io la Car ey was remov cd NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING from Mia mi Va lle y Hospital Saturday t o thll! home of Mr. and Mrs, On the Wayn e Township Budget I J. R. Johns where s he is slowly I'eNotice is hereby given that on covcring, . th e 15th day of July 1930 at 7 :30 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. o'clock p. m ., a public hearing on Mrs. S, H. Hain es and 80n mot ored the Bu~get prepared by the Trusl o Piqua Friday. visiting relatives tees of Wayne Town ship of Wart he l'e until Sunday evening. ren County, Ohio, for the next Mr, llnd Mrs. All e n Emrick, Mr. s ucceeding fiscal year ending DecIl nd l\Ir~, J , B. J ones . M)' ~ . Clyde emQer 31 s t, 1931. Wh ll l'to l1 and daughter, Miriam, Such h ea ring will be held at the M I'. a nd Mrs. A. E. Charle ton and office of the Clerk of Wayne MI'. and M I's. C harles Ch!il'1eton Town ship in the Waynesville • aile! c hildl'c ll s pent Friday after- National Bank. ' 1I 00 n at lhe Fourth of July celebra .T. O. CARTWRIGHT, li n a t Leba no n fair ground ~ . Clerk ~f~!yne T~w n~hip Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. White and ~ on5 o f Cd ull1bu s spent th e week: end w ith Mr. and Mrs. Kes ler NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Grllham allld daughter and on Sunday th ey a ll to ok a motor trip Notice is hereby given that on down t hrough Kentucky, the 14 day of July 1930 at 8 Mrs . BeBe Scott, Mr. Everett o'clock p. m .. a public heal'ing on Early and duughte rs m otored to the Budget prepared by the MasW e< t Mil to n Sundtty 9nd visited sie Township Board of Education. lhe park there. of Warren County, Ohio, for the There fa a big dlJf~"6nc~ between extra protection to the special Copper Misses Eva and Ethel Reeder ac- next Bu<:esl!d illi' !t!lpa! y!!8r endini' companied by Miss Clara Llle and December Slst, 19BO. . Cb4tm.ldN;n Roofing and ordinary Alloyed Steel base. insuring longer life Irvin Ellis of WIlynesv11le left , SUch hearing will be held at the Tues dax morning on a motor trip office ot the Board of EdllcatloJl roofing although both co.e about and freedom from expensive repairs, to YeBow Stone PArk lind other in High School Buildln~. the same. Channeldrain inte res t in,: places . J. W, VA VIS. Clerk.



him one I

dav The thought was this: Le h~d .1 few articles to dispose of and a Classified Ad brouKht him the buyers by the score, ard he was very happy over his sales.

you Can do the same by putting ,an ,,, ad in this paper for whatever you have to dispose of.


,P hone 118

Eighty-Third Year

Whole Number 5918


Warren Count}' Ma:k es an Increased -y-owth in Citizens, .Fiflures Indicate I'

NEWS DIRECT fROM THE STATE CAPITOL OLUMBU , OHIO- Secrctary of S lulc Clarenco ,J. Brown has ~()mplctcd u list of can didat es for th e 8!Jth Gt! n ·ra l Assembly, who hav e fil ed uel,Jarlitions in the 88 ~ounli es und lhe Senatorna l Dis· tri ,ts. S(' [' I' ·lary Brown's list dis ~ cl ose~ thQ fllct that u total of 470 candidates htll'l' fileu f or the Low e r House, lh 'r' brins: 128 to h e elected. Of thut numb e r 2na arc Hepllb licans, Ilnd J 77 are DC111ucI·ats. In Cuya hoga co unty S(" ' t;n tecn me mb e rs ure to be el ect e.1 an d 18 Dumocruts huv e fil ed whilt: G5 Re publicans urI.' see king the nominHtion . A total of 100 candidatQs have fil ed for th e Senate. G2 Republicans and 38 Demo· cmt s , ;12 lu be elected.




William Robinso n viRitor Satul'lluy.

Th p Mi umis Carne back to the T.he 1!I:lO pupulnti on of Warren : TOII'n s hip ftgure,: 'pal'ed wit h 1804 in 1.!l2 0: u ga in If I ~ I I ' : innins: column la st. unclay , wh en I cou n. ty is 27,:J28 uccordin l{ 10 th t. !, . FI nklin t ow n!ihlp: 6715 as com 2:); fl unemp OYH . I I b W I lh e~' uJo(ain defeated Sp r ing Va ll ey officlU unounceme~l mal y ' I pare with 48~HJ in 1!' 20 ; a gain ! 'aiI'm towns hip : 14 71 al< ('0 111 Mr. I Mr ' . ~I I W it 1,1' the sco re "f Ii In '. Both teams J-~ . Story, of SpJ'l~gfie~d, .sup.e r- of J 16; a:2 un emp loy ed. paren wilh I !)!J!/ in I !J~O; a loss !If 11'1.'1'(' n:~~nn visit:' I'~y~t:~c1 a .. (' z \\:1' 1'1' handi ca pp't! hy l o~~ of r egvisor of the ce ns us In th IS dlstl'lct. 1\'urtJec l'ce k towns hip: lii~91 ns I~ !\; 12 unc111pl nYl'd. . ~ ulal' phl~"l's. 'h) 2 ompa l'C' d with 5G!J8 . in 1!l20; a Blair ditched a .."ood "ame, but . '"" - I'e I'e"e ." llls a .,"uin 0 ni on t o wn~hil) : l :j l R a ~ ('O lll Hurn To , MI'. and l\l r~ . Clul',., over the 1!)20 ligurt' () 2Fi 72 6 and I . I (!nl'e HVI' \\ "dill' '(111 1' 1111,," was wil at li111es. Lun sdult'. 'Lcfty , IOSH lI f 10 7; 5lJ un empl oyC'(. parl'd II'lth 11 2 1 In 1"20' '1 g 'dn uf . ' '." J <- . a wali al his 11('st, not issuing a among th e _ . . " , ~u n . d 1)llIces Warren county . '. t l De ~ rfic ld town ~ hi p: 2!l1i 1 IIH COlll III I; 2 l UllC111pluYl·d. pUliS, a nd hit for only s ix scatlere f c w rul'l1 I co unties III j(' sl ate Mrs. W. S. Grah:l111. who hll~ hits durin~ thi, game . " Lefty" is Hurlan tuwnshi p : 117 I u s com· hl'('1\ 1'('1'1' side is \'(:1'1' lllul'h bel- u ".... am e l) it('h ('l', and the only reaSh.)IY·III "... •' I ..."/1 1' 11 1' 11 IJ.lIJ ulat·I .,n (luI'- pared with 287fl in 1 !120; a gain inl!: th e pnst decad e. 1o f 76; fi unempl oyed. I !,ared with I :! !)!\ in 1!120; a loss t( ' r . · . so n fnl' hi s rl'c!! nl defeat is lhat h' 2303 (I f 2~-' I '. un !! ll1pl oyed hl! lri d t o pitch lOll many games F'arms en ulll eratvd in th£' c ounly Wayn(' lown ~ IP : ; . as co m · t oo close to'-'ether. H i~ curv es, fa st· n ' 1 . h 228 1 /20 . f M . 1 h' I)"r, Mr:<. lUll Sa rher ... f Orlnne!o, " " I n . ; a ga lll 0 U !' ~ l e own~ IP: . ",J a :,< ('01n · totlill e d ~,2~G whil e 222 person s pare[ I IV lt Fla .. i ~ the s:ul'~l IIf MrH. J ',sic· ..."11'1, s low ba ll "."' "~' und ay were very were r eporle e! as un employed. 1,1; I G un employed. pared with !J 8~' in 1!J20: a Ius,; of Whitak er. ta ntalizing to lhe opposi ng team. S ix of the county's elev e n t!cWIl C I ~ urcreek to,wnship: 2158. a s :, -1 ; 1) unpmployed. This mukes tl)(' th ird time the I Was hing t " l1 town!<hip; 792 tl S 1\1• 1'. nn.I "' ·1r~. U' II II I Minmis huv e walluped S pring Valshipil 1'(' IHl rted gain s totulillg 2,· ('ompareu with 199 1 in 1!l20; a ... . . l\ en an( Ie.\' this y a l'. 2 ... I I ~Ii ss Huth !I/ wland s p lit .'\undIl Y !.In II' hIi e t h e 1'l'1l1011llng li ve osl gai n uf J G7; 48 unemp oyed. com pared WIth 97,1 III 1!I~O: a loss In Un yton . Thl' Miamis wi ll gu to L{'b anon 6117 . Hamilton towns hip: J!J23 as com of 18 1 ; 4 un e mpl oyv(1. Sunda y, und n j!C1uli gamp is antic_ _ --=:-=="-='_-= -- -.=: Hll1ry S~ hwart 7.. of Leba no n, ipated .


Miss Ruth Newland, of Chicago, is th,' guest of Mr. and MrR. W. H. Allen. Ml's. W. C. St. John is at , Illphul' Lick Springs, Chilli cothe, for treat111ent. . Sum mer Specials- rings. cos· tUI11f' j (>welt'}' , etc. Cury's J ewelry Shop, Lebanun, Ohi o.

Mis~ J ('ssie Clnrk wa~ called to Ll etru lt. last week b ~cuu se of the deuth of a friend.

In the Eighty-eighth Ge neral Asse mbly th e re wel'e 133 members MI'. and Mrs. Paul Hauk, of ill th' Low er House und 3 1 in the J)a yton, were g ue sts of H. H . Wil.

~~~.I.~er ~rtbl~~~. Tb~~~~~~~ fO;~I1l~lhl~






. '

.., .

~~lls, Tube~:~I~l;~S



liamHon on Sunday. MONTHLY MEETING OF I WARREN COUNTY FARM visitor ill Wa yncsThe various s ub-divi Hio n:; are fixed by We res tring beads, replate s il . the Slute Cuns litution. Each verwo re ancl recover umbrellas. THE FARMERS' CLUB I TOUR IS PLANNED R..J. Willialllso n, of Elyrill, AB R H A E ~ounly und e!lch district whose Cary's Jewelry hop, Lebanon, O. SPtllt the wt!e k·(' nd \I ith hi ~ father Burt on, l<S 5 1 1 :I 0 ~o Pllat.ion vu~~es r~ o ve t~e r a t i o . Mr. llnd Mrs. M. W . Silver very Whllt promises t o be th e big. II. II . William so n . Turn er , rf 4 2 I 0 0 XCl , ,c!lu~es e c ange 1ll numHarr y KItche n, of Springfield, pleasantly entertain ed th e Wayn e ges t . group o f Wanen . Cou~ty Hart sock, 31> f, () 2 1 1 be,rs: Ev~~'Y ten years th~ Govern o.r \~as a vis itor in the hO!"le of Frank Town ship Farmer's club, July 10, 1 I t o urlsl~ eve l' a~se1l1blecl IS bemg MI'. lind Mrs. J . C. Hawk e Gon s, I b :J 1 1 1 0 ~ l etalY of Slate an.d State Audl, Stan ~ berry and fanllly Tuesday in the parlors of the M. E. Ch urch . planned for th e lallH part of Jllly vis itNI MI'. IInc! Me's. ,I. '. ull ett ThomaH, I' 4 1 J :I 0 t OI me et and apportIOn the mem- eve11lng. A ' d' d tI fi t k f A at Dllylon ·u nda y. Houg h, If . :1 0 2 0 0 bcrship of t he General Assembly t noon a s u.mptuous IIm er. was FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST un Ie rs wee 0 ugu st acran e, 2b 2 0 0 1 1 . . d' . d f t , . served and e nj oyed by some eIghty cording to announcement fr om 0 0 0 over th e !<uc~ee mg perlo 0 ,en J a mes Hawke and son PhIlip, of five member!; and guel'iL~' lhe [lible 'chool a t 9:30 II. m. A Cou nty Agent Class who is work. F ur gifts and J.Cifl id eas vi sit Ramby, cf 4 0 years accorolng to the populatIon Lima, visited Mr. and Mr8. J. C. I!uesls being Rev G C Dibe;.t and good school with a good program ing in connection with Farm Bur. Ca ry'~ .J ewelry Shop, Ll' buno n, 0 .. Lansdale. p .4 I I 6 1 ofl!' ~.h ~l· . 11I ~tIIF ed etrl1 l cetns, us. tThospe HI awke and other re latives here ! fan~i1 y, Mr. a nti i\h~. Donllld Dila- and u glad-hand. Lord'!! Supper ea u directors, 4.H Club leaders "Th e HOllle of Gifls." u Ie I.a ~ II I Illee nex . ~ car 0 ~ - I1st week. . tush and Mrs Bunn ell of Lebanon und serlll on at 10:30 Se rm on sub- ano officers thro ughout th e cou nty Tol u l : i 4 6 !) 14 3 M ' D' th S' I " I h'l j ect " The Bibh What's it all gran"es' , Chamber of COIll I1l ('rce . S. F. Ell1011 attend ed a 111t:C'ti ng porl1On th e membershIp for a hke rl' od D d 1\1 R I h V 0 rs. 010 y I ver anI c 1, . I I " of tile \V 'lrl en CO U)t" F" 1 0\ d pc . r. an rs. a p ance an dren, of Ci n c innati ; Mr. and Mrs. About." You nrc a way s we come a nd val'iouR other g roup" in the • . I ... 'Illr ) I r SPR I NG VALLEY . county. Annually for the last sev- a t Lebanon Tuesday. so n, of Pl easant Plain, are enj oy- W. F. Clark, Mrs. Zell, Miss ' Sura at t,hi s church. . . AB R H A E The Industrial Sch ool Journal , ing a two week's vacation at GUll - Smith, Mrs. RU Rs um and th e Mis. Chesler A. Wllhamson, Mllllster e ral years, one or more auto lour Dr. T . I. Way, of Cincin na ti, 1 4 0 1 ompton, c publi s hed monthly by the class in lake, Mieh, ses Margaret and Trillena Edwards has been ananged t o Cincinnat i s ailed Satu rda y from Ne ll' York 1 4 0 0 Laurens, ss printing. at the Boys ' Industrial Mrs. Frank LeMay anti daughler, LYTLE M. E . CHURCH a nd Dayton which ha\'e bee'n of a f or II European t ri p. 1. 4 0 I Mendenhall, Hb School -at Lancaster, is on e of the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carman, Mary Eva. • combined e ducati onal and recrea· 2 40 1 Blair, p most complete news journals of MI'. nnd Mrs. R. E. Davis and It being Childrens Day the chil Prcllching Serv ice at 9 :30 a. m. tional nat ure. During the past few U. M. White ,of Louisville, Ky., Cline, 1 b 1 ~l 0 1 any of the state institutions. Ther e family, of Dayton, were Waynes- dren furnished the following pro· T exl "I Will T r ust and Not be years vi its have been mude to the \VII S the guest of Mr. a mi Ml's. F. Haines, 2b 2 .3 1 1 lire reporters from the various ville vis itors Sunday. gram: Afraid ." Sunday School at 10:30 Delco Light Co. , N. C. R. Burk- B. Henderson, on SU lln ay. 1 3 01 Gates. If 1'00111S as we ll a~ a reporter from Read ing . . Arna Loui e Hoke a, m. Mrs. Lo ngac r e, Supt. Young harts Packing Plant, Daily News a 1 0 O· tevens, cf ummel' spec ials-silverwar(', Song cnch cottage, where a group of J ohn and Howard Hall Peoples' Bible Class and Prayer Publishing Co., Cramel' Bros. Mi ss Marie Williamso n. of ~l 0 0 o Wal ton, If boys al'C hou!;ed. Th en th e re are jewelry nnd novelties. Cary's Rending . . Mary Eva LeMay meeting on Monday even ing at Foundry, Bak eries, Publishing news gath ors from the numerous .Iewelry Shop, Lebanon , Ohio, W e Play let- 'Not u Man in the Hou se' 7 :30. Th e pastol' will be on her Houses and Department stores in Spring Valley, WII S ~he gu est of Mrs. J osie Whitak er last wee k. at 2 6 8 9 s hops , Bnd all have a keen nose for give edar Stamps. I r mll Rich, Mirillm and Fran· vllcation for the, n ext three Sun- Dayto n. while at Ci ncin nati the news. The joul'l1lll i under super. . cis Ellis, Kathr yn Branstrato r , days, beginning :July 27. Her ad- trip has includ ed similar business Eyes bother you? See Dr. Ru1 '0 0 0 0 0 4 1 " - 6 vi sion of DireclQr of Public W e lLa st Wednesday Mr. J. B. Pence and Huth Hockett. ell'ess will be 184 W. Fourth St., und commercial houses in addition o 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0---2 far e H. H. Griswold. Miss Henrietta McKin sey and Mr. Saxophone Solo . Eileen Hall F'arlllington, 111. Sunday School to Eden Park, Zoo and Coney Is- dolph, eyesight specialist, at Cary's and Mr . . J. O. Cartwright enjoyed Song . . . Mary Eva LeMay, and Young Peoples ' Bible Class land. The aim and idea of th e Jewelry Sh op, Lebanon. Ohio. Buses on Lalls- off Blair, 4. Plan are well under way for a motor trip to Berea, Ky. DOl'is Beck. Mildred Sulisbury, anu Praye r mee ting will be as tours is to s pend the f or en oo n in Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F . Mosher, Two-baHe hil Gons. lhe staging of the 80th Ohio State Sara Anne Miller. ll !;ual eac h week. Let us honor ed ucati onal loul's through bus iness' of in cinnati, were guellts of Mrs. Doubl e plays Miamis, 1; Fuil', to be held this year August Miss Jane Nesbit, of Youn~s- Recitation '. . Claire Dibert them with our presence. ho uses and the afternoon for Edith Harri ' a nd family, on Tu e ~· Sp ring Valley, I. 25-30. Premi ums t otuling $135,000 town , 0., s pent last Thursday With Mrs.. ilver inlroduced as the Sara A. Bowman. Pastor pl easure with a basket picnic din- day. tr~ck oul- Bluir 6; Lansdale arc o lfef(~ I by lhe fair board with Misses Annie U. and Mame T. s lleak e r of the aftel'nOOll, Donald _____ ner lit noo n. 4. Dilntush. of Lebanon, who gave an VAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH The early tour!' were organized a $19,000 raci ng program for hllr- Brown at the Friends Home. Mi ~seR Alic e June and [va lu Ru!\ Earned run !l- Minmis 4; Spring ncss horses, with a fre e- for-all . . . . interesting, inspiring and thoughthll gely for 4~H Club lead ers , of· um of Dayton are guests of pace and free-for 1111 trot. The .Ml s. John O. Cartwrtght IS 111 provoking talk on "The Influence Wedn esday: The Ladies' Aid ticer s, members and th e ir parents Mi ~es Trill nu u'nd Margaret Ed· Valley 1. Umpires -..: Prendergast and Royal cotland Highland Band Hmsd!llc, III. t~e h..? use gue t of of Home Life on thc Younger Society is m eetin~ at the church throughout the Co unty, but Th omas. with an internatio nal reputation her gIrlhood . fnend, Mrs. J. Roy Generation." at 2 :00 p. ~1. BIble stud y and C6unty Age nt Cla ss ex plains that wards. Score r- T om Pi rce. und a High School Band of 300 A ndrews, nee Evalyn Funkey. All departed , feeling t hat the pray er meellllg a~ 8 :00 p. m. in as much as extension work is For best results consign your pieces. Illude up of school bands day had been well SIlent and thor- Thursda y: There WIll be a n Ep- ' supported from public funds and ive stock to Green-Embry Co., from vario lls parts of the state, Have your lawn mower sharp- oughly enjoyed by all. worth. Dcial held in the ba sement open to everybody he does not Cincinnati, in care of D. R. Saliswill furni sh mus ic during the week ened by the same machinery as _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ of the church at 8 :00 p. m. Ali i care to limit. the invitati on to any The Mi a mi soft baH team deThe night amusements consists of used in the factory, 1It the Waynes Ill.embe,rs .of the Leagu e ~l'e cor- I particular group. This year ten- bury. rated Lytle Tu esday eve ning in the best nets that could b e secured ville Auto and Machinery Co. ACTIVITY IN COUNTY ~lallY I.n vlted to . attend .thls meet- tative plan s call for n visit to the Rev. W. S. Dibert und so n, of II red·hot game, 11 to 8. This und whi ch co ~t thou . ands of . . . II1g. FI' lcln~' : Chol;- practI ce at 8 :00 . Frigidaire Co. in Dayton, in the Riple y, Ohio, wn!'. t he overnight l!'amc iK increasing in favor all dollarR. The wh ole will conclude MIsses Bermce. ~ym~n and POLlTI.CS INCREASING p. m. unday : S unday School at for enoon with bask et dinner and Lime, a nd a goodly crowd was guest Monday, of Rev. and Ml's. the prQse nt Tu esday evening to witwith a brilliant display of fire- Ruby Fnhl, of ~l1\cmnatJ, spent 19 ::10 a. m. ~Iol'nin~ worsh ip at picnic ut Forest Park. T entative G. . Dibert. ness it, Thel'e is a g'reat deal of works. the week-end WIth the former's Candidates for the various county 10:3 0. At thiS !"l eetmg the d.oor s ?ate is ~et for Wednesday, July gond-nutUl'ed fu n in t hese so ftparents, Mr. and Mrs. Myel' Hy- offices in Warren co unty are now of the .church WIll be open fOl .the ao o n whIch date the Park Manage Mrs. H. C. Co leman, of Norwood During the recent N. E. A. man. in the midst of their campaigns, recepllo~ of new m e mbe~s 1I1to ment is giving abo~t one-half price e nro ute with friend s to Indilln bull gameJ;. - --------conv.ention in t.hi s city wh.en apMiss Helen Welch, of the Way- many- having visited Waynes- the ~hulch. Th e pastor WIll also ra~es fOl' concessIOns and enter- Luke. ca lled on Mrs. J . H. Cole: pr~xllnately . lfi,OOO e~ucat o l s from nesville National Balik, in com- :lIe during the past fe w days solic- b.apttze an:,: w~o , care t~ be bap- talnmeht features. . . . man Monday morni ng. SCHEIBLER- HARRIS ~ver y state 111 ~he UllIon w.he~~ reg pany with relatives, is enjoying a iting the support of local voters 1lZed a~ t hIS 11111 1.. At 7.. 46 p. m. The date for the Cmcmnatl tour IRtered, hundled~ of the vISitors dolhrhtful auto tour of thc New and distributing their campaign th ere wll! be a sh.~ rt busmess meet ha s not been absolutely fixed but MI'. and M..,<. O. R. Unglesby called ut !he <;>hlo State Mu!eum England states, cards. inl? of the Epworth League. At will probably be on the following Anu Mrs. A. K . Day attended th e Monday e"enin!! at 6 :45 o'clock o n the UllIvenllty Campus. the enMany seeking office arc taking 8 :00 p .. m. the young people .of W:ed~ esday, Augu~t. ~. This trip fun e ral of H(' nry Mull , neal' Leb- the marriuge se rvice which united e ~.u.a rd c d by "Th e Doughboy Watch need repairing? Expert advantage of the various meetings the chUlch. WIll Iha~e ch~q~e w1l1. Include two di VISIOns, one eg- :Inon, Thursday Ilftern oon. Miss Helen Harris, da ughter of a hfe-slze bronze statue. In the ,"atchmakur at Car 's Je"'elry and public gatherings and are of th.e servI ~e. Th e ~~bJeet f~1e nd th,es pe~lUlly. f~r Ith de m. e. n and boysk 'f . af evenmg 11' 1 11 be My Fri h h II h " I'. un d M rs. Isrne I N . H arrlS, • " ro tun ~Iu 1~ I·e. f our Iarge b :onze Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. Illy genuine visiting function s of all sorts in . . " W IC WI mc u e VISIt t o t e s to~ Summ er Specials- watch e!> llnel Salem av e nu e, Duyton and William paneh; deplctmg as many ~hases of mater ial used in our repair depart their effol·t to obtain the s upport Church. apd Mme. Kenenth St. y~rd8, Producers Coop . Commls· diUlTjonds. Cllry 's J ewelry Shop, E. Sc heibl e I', of Pittsburg and the Wurld's War. There IS a fine ment of voters. John wlll be the leader of the meet s lon ~ss'n .• and Kahn s Packing Lebanon . Ohio, " Th e H o me of Sewickley, Pennsy lvania, was soldisplay of machin e g uns and other . Less than a month remains be· ing. plant m the forenoon. Whil e for Giflll." emn ized in lh e pres nee of reI aWf · l.csaPatlusoredl.1 Mr. un'd Mrs. R. G. Cross,'''Mr. fo the primary election vote is G. C. Dibert, Pastor. th'~1 divi:~on thor FwomehnBand gMi~llks live!; and lose fri end s at the h ome ,,, R. A. Cross, Miss LillIe Benham cast, I those ~eeking office grad· WI go ru e renc -. 1'08. I Mr. an,1 Mrs. Edward Lewis and of the bdd e's puents. large collection of other firearm s and Mrs Fred Braddock were din- ually ining in momentum, and ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH and IC l;l Cream plant whIch has r e- daughter, Mary Hel en of MiamisPreceding the ceremony a proand r e lics or. the various wa s in ner gue~ts Tuesday of Mr, ' and the ca algn is expected to reach Summer schedule- ht, Srd and centiy been taken. over by t,h e burg were I?u{'sts ut the home of gram of wedd ing music was played which OUI' country has been en g Mrs. Glen Borden of Franklin 0 'its,cli ax the first week in August, 6th Sunday, Mus at 8:00 a. m . ', Far!llers Coo~eratlve Pure. M!lk Mrs. Berthll Lewif< und family . Sun by a trio composed of Miss Bess cd, Many hours were spent vie' Just before the date for balloting, Ass n. and Vl!llt the Stl'eltmlln duy eve nin g . Naber. violinist, Miss Mary Naber, ing t1~e archaeological a.n~ historiMrs. H. H .WiIliamson and two August 12. . 2nd and 4th Sunday, MaBB at C.racker factory ncarby .. B.asket . ct!lIi st and Mi~R Mabel oak, piancal dISP~IIYB und th~ VISitors le~t daughters, Grace and Luella, Mrs. - - • 9 :3 0: dmner and afternoon PICIIIC at Mrs. Ruth Janney hus returned ist. 1!. 1·(latly .lmpl·essed WIth the. ~tate s , R. J. Williamson and son, and Mrs Rev. Lawrence B. Mollmann. Coney Island will be a spec ial ad· home after II vi:;it 10 her daugh- ! At thc a ppoin ted hour the bridal care of Its most valuable hen looms C. C. Hauser 'will arrive here this QUALITY OF WHEAr - - -vantage to the Warren County t ers, Mrs. Rode rick Barden, ~t party took its )llace b e fore the fire- - - - --. week after an automobile tour IS BEST IN YEARS WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF group as arrangements have been olumbu.-, Ilnd Mrs. Wal te r WII- , place in the living room of the reg' thl'ough the east. CHRIST made for Rpecial 10c admission to liums, at Kingman. c1 ence where palms, baskets of DEATHS Bible School at 9.:30 a. m Lord's the Park which will include a 20 . ' fl owe\'s allli tnll candelab ra were threshing in this communmile boat ride on Ohio rIve r. Make your la\\ n beautiful, by Illac ed . The ceremony was read by L awn mowers sharpened by '1 With . t II ltd f Supper at conclusion. Christian En Similar arrangement wa ad I t Funernl s ervices for Judge Electrakeen process, same method I y Vir UII Y comp e e,' ar.m ers deovor at 6:45 p. m. Marie Pine, , . s m e as hnving your lawn mower shlll'p- Re v. Phil porter, of Christ 'EpiscoGeorge W. Stan Icy, who died sud- as used b~ lawn mower manufac- althoug~1 some'~hat d.lsapPolllted year \\ hleh proved to b.e most cned at the Waynesv ille A ulo and pal church. 'Th b 'd ' I tt d t denly of heart attack at hi s home turers E ectrakeen system turns (once l ning the Y1. eld which is unde . le.ader. g evangeli tic _ser- popular and . pleasant tflP ever Mnchl'nery Co . f t tt' T \ averane are highly pleased with vice at . 7.45 p. m. Sermon held. ApprOXimately 160 cars and e 1'1 e s on y a en an was . in Lebanon at 9 o'clock Thursday au t per ee cu mg mowers. ry h .. 'I ' I h s ubj ect "Where Did Cane Get b t 750 I' " t d . hel' s ister. , Mrs. William George morning, were held .at the family me. Roy Pigott. t e qua Ity of w lent. grown ere, . ,:?" . . I a au Ileop e p.artlclpa e III Mr. and MI'R. T. G. omermille t;1' ,ther. who was gowned in blue according to C. E. MIchener, man- ~IS V. Irc . A 10USlIlg. song s~r- ! Iast years tour, w~ll e attendance I I.n d son Tommie Jr. of Bevel'ly chiffon with slipp e l's to match. She residence in South Mechanic good Street Saturday afternoon at Mr and Mrs James Griffith and agel' of the Wayne sville Farmers' vC'~e han~. h speCial h m~sld" ~ay reach 1000 thIS year. An ad- Hills California WHe g ues ts of carri ed a n arm bouquet of pink three- o'clock: The Rev. Ray .L. son, james Tho'mas, of Piqua, were Exchange. 1 ure Ig t ,program eac e - feature f~r the 1!l30 tour Mr. and Mrs, R: G. Cross on Fri· roses and larksp ur. Mr. Michener reports lhat the nesday at 7 .40 ~~. m. The church wIll . mclude speclBl program of , day night, leaving Saturday for The bride entered with her Cro!!!!, pastor of the Methodist Epis Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. m.ulllc, . and short s nappy ~alks their summel' home in Canada. ' father. ,'he chose for her wedding, copal Chul'ch of whieh the de· George Hartsock. Master James quality of grain grown in this vi- whpre you fe el at home. Chester A. Williamson, Minister feat~lTln~ local. Btat~ and ~atlOnal a gown of pink chiffon and lace ceased was a devoted member had Thomas remained for a more ex- elnity is of the highest quality in s:. lin connectIOn WIth the charge of the services. tended visit. years, and that all cars shipped Expert service I)'iven . on Swiss wi th !<lippers of matching shade. from the local elevator have reST. MARYS CHURCH oa I~ _ _ _ and American watches In our I'e- Her bouquet WlIS of bride's roses Burial was made In Lebanon cemetery following the Masonic July 20, Fifth Sunday after pair department. Efficient and · fi nd larkspul·. Mrs. Roy Hurd, of Piqua, has ceived a No. 1 grading. committment service at the grave. been visiting bel' father. GladSome of the wheat has averaged Trinity. Church school at 9 :30 ; ASKS FOR NEW TRIAL prompt service as,;ured. Store open Harry W. Cuthbel'tson attended evenings. Cary's J ewell'Y Shop, tli e briilegroom as best man. Folman Ellis. Mr. Hurd joined his 30 to 35 bushels to the aCI'e for Morning Prayer ~md sermon at 10 : A motion for a new trial for Lebanon, Ohio. lowing the ceremony dinner was MI·s. Mary Britain, 73, died at family here Sunday, and the Hurds jmall tac~eidgef w~i1e one of t~e 30. arges Yle s or arge acreage IS Rev . J. J . Schaeffer, Rector. ~ "I'ved after whieh the bridal cou!l :45' a. m. Monday at the home returned to their home Sunday reported to be that of Harry _ _ _ __. _ Raymond Hale, 17, found guilty N. P . .Blatt, whu has been el cteu pi e left for a month's wedding of her son Joseph Britain. 201 evening acompanled by Mr. ElI!s. Stokes which averaged 26 bushels by a jury in Common Pleas Court, !<uperintendenl .of the Munche ~le r, trip thtough the east, by airStillwater avenue Dayton. Funeral GOOD CUT CL.OTHING CLUB Saturday, of implication in the 0 ., sehools, remove(l tu that place pla ne and bont. Upon t.heir return Miss Viola McKnight, of Kings t o the acre. at 2 p . m. Thursday at the 80n'8 - - -- .. - - - -_. _ __ robbery of his uncle, Ernest Hale. last Wednc ~ dar ' Mr. Blatt \~' ns th~y will reside at 607 Maple MQuntaln, N, C., Mr. and Mrs. residence. Burial In Woodland, RAINS AID CROPS . was filed Tuesday morning by formerly P~'II1(,'lpal of Wayn eSVIlle lan e, Sewickley, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Britain :wIth her two lIOns Walter McKnight and two children The meetmg of the Good Cut Smith, Rogers and Smith. and supe rinte ndent of Monroe Mrs. Scheiblel' is the grandHerbert and Walter were reslde!1ts John McKnight and family and Clothing club wiils held on Friday Hearing on ' the motion will be sc hools. du ughter of Mr~. A lic e McKiris~y. of Waynesville several yeaTS ago. Chester White and ·famlly of New Although coming intermittently, at Mrs. Bak er's. The meeting :was held before Judge F. M. Clevenger _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ Burlin,~ton Were Surlday guests rains and thund erstorms which called to otder by the President. Wednesday at 9 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. J . J . Day, of Tulsa of C. P. Ellis and family. visited this community over the We planned a picnic for July 18, Sentence will be passed upon Okla., Mrs. William Well ~ , of CallMIAMI MAIDS GIVING GOOD SHOWS F. Welsbrodt and family, of week-end materially benefitted inviting ' the Mother's. Ice Cream Carl Jones, 19, R9bert, 18 nel City. Ky., MI·s. Jeff Day and corn and other crops. These showand cake was served by Helen and Fred Spear, 22, participants two children, of New Castle, Ky. , Sardinia, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. MarThe 4-H Food club met, ' at the The Bartone Comedy Company latt, Mrs. Mary McClure, Mrs; ers were the first in this territory Beltz and Mrs, Baker, Juanita in the robbery who 'e ntered pleas and Mrs. Jane Day, ·or Milford. opened a week's -sland at Frazier's Amelia Williams and Mr.' Lou for several weeks. Relief from the Brannock, Jane Furnas, Evelyn of guilty. after the motion for the Ohio, visited ..1\1r. lind Mrs. A. K, Grange hall. Jul y 12. The meeting wall called to order by the. Vice' Day on Friday afte1'l100n. pork Monday ·evening with a large Printz we~f Mr. and Mrs. excessive' heat wave which sent Furnas and Joon Carr, will go to new trial is heard. President, Mildr~d Fau!. Twelve , - - ." - - JtOljitzer at Wlryl\ ark; on the thermometer to record heights Lebanon. for the demonstration crowd present. The Bartones ate C. ummer Specials - ' glassware members answered to 1'011 call. R during the past week followed the contest. livIng up to their former reputanday •. THE NORMAL REUNION rain. A·nO sets of dishes. Cary's Jewelry was de'cided to have a .popcorn Il~ The mee.ting ' adjourned to meet tiOJl Ilnd are giving a good sho Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. ,store open candy sale Tuesday evening, 'J uly July 2&, at Mrs. Baker's. Mr, and M1'lI. Harold filer 0 to their patrons. They \VIM remain 2~. We wl11 !peet Tbursday, J~ly Juanita Brannock, Reporter. evenings. The Nati(mal Normal , reunion Ferry entertained Sunday ,afterINJURES HAND here for one week. 17 ~t Grange hall at 6 'p. m. for a ~ ____-:-:-_4I1P _ will be held at Lebanon .on Frinoon' In honor of their 'daur~te~ A party will be given for the swimming party ~nd' a picnic 'BUP- ' day, August 8. Judge Davili Davis, ,• Gwendolyn's leventh . _ blrtblla,.. . 0'1 Johnson of Lebanon suf- ' per. . . WILL OPEN S,OON of Cincinnati, is in charge of this .Christlan Endeavorerll of the PROHIBITION RALLY __ Those ru:,esent In addition to the fe painful Injuries to his right The following' pronahi Church of Christ .. Thursday, July year's reunion. Speakers on , the . IItt[e hosteBB and her ha d Sunday afternoon while ----17 at 8 o'clock. It is being held, In given: The Clermont County W. C. T. Harold Curtll (Bu~dy) Filet', were sw· min&" at the new Robitzer pool S. S. Tibbals, president Miami prolrl'am are J. W. Cammack, at- honor of the .victorlous "Reds" 4-H· National Club PJ.ida~t; U are planlling a great Proh\bltlon Ruth Cornell, Pauline RIJp, Roger Jo nllo'n and several other youths Valley Chautaurqua. made an- torney general of Kentucky; Sen- over the "Blues," in the recen·t of a ~-H Club R~l1Y held llt Epworth He' Thomas, Jean Pennington, Doro- w re playing in the water with a .nouneement .Jast week, of the ·.pro- ator J •. M. Robinson. of Kentucky, contest. The Endeavors are t.o Cook' readinJ, "Life ldcated one mUe from Love . thy Preston, Erma Alkm and Virrge rubber ball wben one· of ,the gram for the 1980 Chautauqua as- Governor ' Myers 'Y. Cooper, of meet at the church at 7 :80. wben by ViQinia Denllnget'; July 19 and 20. Latlt chance to Cornell. 0YB accidentally kicked him split- 8embl~ The season will Officially Ohio, and otbets. It ill said that a they_ will be taken to the home tion, Yerdena Fox. hear Mig Graclo Leggo Boulder ttn~ his hand between the first open Friday, Jully 26, contin~irur larae number of NormaUtes wl11 of IlTs. Henry. Mar, Eltber LaDe. be present. . before she leaves ~or New Zealand. Subl4;ribe ana second tineera: two weeks.








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I,,: . ra OJ r h h ' BuI I:I .~ 'Or, .. • ci ... ·•. . n ~ U:'l'r \\h,,·t l" r ~ " ~ ., .. uto f ~'\I"! ~~: d ~h~ p r ( c~ e J s: o f ra.l,.~f,".. .~ ... n.,.rt. ... t.!". ,', • •~l ~.7::,.; ~("rt ',: ~f !.. : •.:~ -~/~I.~ fln:.:;t":~1 ~~~ td,~~l ~:"':t~~ ;:i "a.,. \\ l'.~· .. -=t,y ht" J m lni~tJ"a · ~ t ~ '.\ II! l'lIY :h ,1< b·..- \O ~ the e~ t:l : e -~'O:-' ~ }"" .•11.1 .. nt:'T .'! • ~ il' :0 : lac ' 11 rr.a . . whff I'" 'I £ {!,1;1 :' qu '" t G •. I! t,' E. Fr:. u'J r~~' r " as ~ra or ~ ... ~ ...... !:.oj! ~ t't', ".aj41"'~ ~~:,ln '. kr.!.\' ~ I- n' It..!al.· uy Tli re ,r.lin (..1 . t '!:\I, r l"t< 'ft'nl Ira B. Fry bu r . t: •... ,.. ,'Oi.: .~ a i). x r·ll4,.' , a:" : : I \ " I t :t !:n!!n,\. ' ,I r \., ... ,f ~h\." r " f ' ~l;~I •• ( a· "r, t ""f;' ,ft:'l'nd.l n · ha v ' ng b~t'r.j , , i" n ..d r l,., ~· I c ar:' . en",:uft.' iP \ • fi Pt.'r. ~~t n. I ',\ 11: n.c1~t' ~.lIn . f, r Llny L • • ~,: ,; :r.·: r.~" ,Ult· . U: , : -. , ".;,~ . and ,...•. '.\ h I- In ' ,'r('- ~u In" . tI " ,,1 I! U, ty <I i ~r ,,> i,e I'i'('; lO i hCj.J y. • -A· I"~. fTen..--.I.L, J _L- and Walter Hunttf. of Sr,rta.. 111.. who hoke all tndurancc. record. s for Ai.llht. with \', .! r ' r• • • II _, , .. II. _. ·r l - ~ I ~ Ion .. e n .. ~l t.·r~t uy t: CU r IJ"I;J~ n. IlC'0l UIU1 0 h 11C f .. n.t' ,,, ',' uf U · ':Inc . r.:. th . . : ~ " I ,".r. ::: . r " r ,: a d T h(\ m. Sf ' hours in the air, and WQ12 around $100.000 io pr.z e,. Kenneth and John, In the middle. ew I e It y 0 L -~1' !~ l~ ..... j • n" :- tir, · . . "(I ,:hp1J!.Y. ~.. ", "\t ~!d :\ \"' '.I. n t"',, ' ... l n;l' nt.· in ',\ hI n: " ~ ..&... ! I' I ,"1 '~ , h 'h f ' \ \ .. ' .~ . a p rt n,· r,hip r., c , \· t'r (ro m Ihe C1icago" while the other two ope~ted u,e re \AC Ing pane. 'a·.c· r;,., r,· .al rI. n!tr: \ '" J ar l' 1I , .!" da n " .J nn \\' . Wilder. 1I1 -0 . r ' ).... II~. "a,r ';ae '.r.l'J. ." .... - - , :,- '.\,' 't o r:,rk 1' 1: t ·11 ) . " w \\. ("n '., ~' .. If d.:,,:n. ro d a ll hi ~ t ru·J · l-n' \\n a' J. W. and :; a rah W ild e- r p... ,. . ' e f!' t....(' \\ a ~ nl 1 a\'t.old an\' rH· l r . , !~I.rlril! a d hid~ Ll ..· 1" [ , ll " t, I .;haH a ... k ~I U 0 nl ar· .. 1 d I( · jr\~yedl~\\'inIOQn Ill !! , H ' J'u -, 11",\ I "!I~t \.'." t" r\' me. at ,d: f .\ c: .. n~en l \\ , ' [ ,r, l'I !,~ lh m.. "f ;) :) :? Il.;:11 CO$". ' exenlpt fr om Bl'n ha Rho nl' lllu > :Jb o1J t (1 a Cl' ('~ ... '::1 " < f F ost e r unn i g. h t he sa l· ,i ~, ".~ l uft t ,a1S , 'r,," Il \la rr alll"d. It II " rl'!ax. T h ·r ,· ·- " .• : . ' ''11' r; .t hln :.: ha·;. 111001 r,.·r c ... rc nwn \·. If \/jU h:lnL !l ,~. >! bu . In .. s a:' Le banon in heritance ax. in Wanle twp . " " ~\I~ -.r >: r atl,·. lou i :,' l,,· ""ni.·rj Ht 'I' . d id r ·r,· d, 1"\\,, 1:11 hay,," 11I ,, ' li I~ b;, nd I. , an C, .n.ra y, ,,' r, us Roy a nd , T he net " :Ilu e ,! f he stat l.' of Charl il' Ilnd Ali i!' M"'H(' tn '. : 'T! ,,;.r mIn d' a alf · I- n' Il' .. tn ' t, I., "ny 11 .. n · \Ior r y r JEII,·,I 'cry ,,,,t1y. a~ a ~l lll pl e Z,.l!a W i "(,n t he dpf nua nts wpr e Oswt' ll A. Hut c hIll EOrl • . d N' easeu t: tht.,1 T ur nl· r ~ ' !1 . 1 2 a " l l'~ in \V1l ~ h · •. ar " liha dr.n t hl! f arm f, r In .he futur o ".,' 'r, f .':l.I'.'dl" n.c y , In . h(· "rd" r ,.d ,,, ann ar Io" f ore th e juugt' "a,- ' 7 1.7 -1 th e e Xl' mpu.o n o f th .. inl? t "n t wp. L ·hl· h:Jd ~ .. ,iJc r(· d . :' h, · -I , h.,n 1'!"lr .•. ' '·',n\incl·c\: un : ' 0 . , (' ' 11': ,I •.• t· X ) · In g \\h en .. I ( . ... Pl . _ t 10 b neficik r i..,. exceed th e ir s u r ce~. G" ur)! 1: l ll ,,,·\.:l' t .. r'ali d and " . . t (.!'l~,'.",: In h to ("I. Y a nc Ii{: I f ·' .. I ' ~' I . 1' (, . , '" 1,· " n m"n,J tv., a~} - cou IU :' :O t ' qUlt". a~~.jr,l!"t'C' I, ~I:-- lI' ..lll ' . ·,a:- fl H ht;' , ,"\ rlr: a . !""~ .. 1 t: , £-\t.·n I"""" " t v r a :;\\'e r , si a n:; anJ o •re e. xe olp t fr o n 1 .Inht' tl. - ( "la • .1 !"'~ I 'i. :llll.' l e a .. l ':-. (a f,.1 .I n C'.~nll IT \ rl,. J. er ad i - u·u,,1 ,P.t'C' . lind ,. '.1 ;1· .1 I n '\l'f ,- "~)lI ., g::lI n. hp t'nd ~d (l a. Ill. . • • h ' t L' wn. (""'c'"r. n' : '" t'! rt'ldr pr"pe rlY whlc tance I I . " I .J . .111 l." h:.lUp\' b o·,a ~e, .. ,'. 1.r. .. r h.1.. ('; rn·Jm . (· ne n·lw·; J ,,-t',. hl'T : . l- " f hH!!- i 1:1 I"·· T h ,. ta nex. t .alu e o f he e-. tate •o f -: T ' . W'ilh", m F, T h" l11ill lo Irvin fo h ' I . , f . . .. .. ,,, \' ar t· l!H 'It n f r om d":I~ p f ' .In..a . II1I1l< J • • t· "" 'l:U a t'r \lr iH · !1,·r "u ' :' ' I"n \.: ".1 .•",~. " n ' · . \ d · . 1 ' (. ,. P " " .u .. ,U )u u'. ,. "f' n II r ur her n rdpr. 1 :\1. cufit' ld: dec a~ e wa,' ~ IG \) . . :-;}·ln3. ,)rr ·1 2 0 ~ . 7 ·1 tl l'l'," III III1l .,' h tJ uar .. r,p:F f"u r, In Ie ~ ha n,,, r "ly , :q lr ... ~",. d i '· ·, r. ! . . " II,· - "1 I ,·01 n.· " ' . ,,) rl~.fin1 '! Ir. the e a -., u i T h... it izen- \'a . th e (-. mp t lOn f h. ;:o n. le!!'at ~ . tlto n .t w p. . ' . " .\\ , ""Ur>< Ha mi lt"n wCl ul bt' I, ,~nh ~. Bot h \\"1" 'I:"!lt .\ -oil,' d.. t..,! · h Il t ·\\ h l' \la - \l ald n\! f,· r I B k f \\. I . 0 I ~ l('. eed. hi. 8ucee - IO n and th e re· Ir' ln an d. yh lil S,)I-n ·11 t" Lt'n:Y r h ' h d d 1 I " f ,. , L I h i· l .. n3 il. 11 u I tnln !?: un. .. ~, . • . . . ' , . II 1I1l11'1· ' .. , I~ r r. :- t· wo n pre wha t ell ) ma u O' I ' ,\\1 \\':1\ 'If' ' 1.IT! an an, w,' r ; ,Ut , t' m~ r~) reo \'e r-u ' ' L Ba ug h t h c o urt or. : ( ore he e~ late I" e xem pt fr om In' I F.. :"'> mlth 211 -1 . •.' :WI I'" 111 t .. ""II!t! t h ink o f the d ye-d ha ir. A \'·nu~ . W he 01 l·n:·r,,j· '\'hlk i·o·"t .. d th r. 'IC ht Ito £ f~ u re ., f I I h ' 'h' ff 'd [. d h ~ r l la n c tax l un t" P · .., I y rea I'l1.e d xaetlv Hunlll"r -" ..•. r.•' I ' J I I . (II'. k II," L e r'r,•~ u. t":e. pt h" 'er Ia ' IlOt 'ff O I' ~ T h cou rt ' d t e rnu. ned he net .. ' l h I ,) l' O ll~' a n d "n ' · _ _ _ _ ,. I 111.T!H- ·.'I.IT "n, !r,o" 1.,/ n' I·.' l·rI h an r. .' e nd dt L u ~ y 'L. .II1, ~ . ,. I·d l ,U., L" , .II . llnu h' ,.U, " ~If'nt 0 . ' nu l ' ureu :? 0 ·I . -, ·1 a l'l' l'~ 'III II ami' It on \1._1 ',~ wr,u Id t h In k n ( I . d e r< Ie r. uH':' , ,.. f h eeI -' e" t P .,1n J dI " \'a lue of the ('''tat p of aph fr onla .,, • • I·'U n II'k~ 't ~h Id pu • .-" r ,r up ,, " .:no \\ ,'1'1 u~ I ). ' u .\." " .- •he men p r ct 1I, r 0 am t e re a e' .... e. U g e . on, ' " K,'dn -y B"I\na W ith To ma loe' <- I . ., e wou .. TL" ,of're" a '1l11' '. II·'· in eIh ou nt of ba lanc .. .d ue J . lI u chin d eee se d . \\a t\\p . . ~ ',n tn hat to avoid gi vin g h im 00 a t h'lll,r:hl': ,101. \\I- t r .. "\ 1' c". n wr,'·url·d . . ' he pla int iff wa s dec r eed in f avu r 3 15 1. 0 , ~h a.t t he ex empti . n o f I Ar th u! a nd Ru t h : 'lI l1 ~I" {' (' k to SOllk o Ill' nnd a huH cup,; ot 'u' rl~n a .hoc k. Ik. ' h· ,·'I;pl>,,·.t: r:, .. ,, ('.;, "(Jf C U f .- '· 'fl U .to. I ~aw "it o f t he pl!linl iff a l1:a ins th e def e n. Ih bene fiCia ri es exc epd t e n s'!ca r! ehau b I.. t~ ." (". til!)O and \\hill' kidlll'Y l "'nlM O\'cr nIght. T h .. lk- \\ n. II ap on th E' d oor a nd !1:"ne h" rl' .... ·'..ral :IJI ,., lat('\:; .. t :.: ,'(,U k:ll'\\ ' II a louu ! me, f Ll r ' l dant. . L. Ba ug h. , c iun£ a nd are ex mpt fr om m· 10 1 In O e[>rfi~ lel l\~,I" . IIrnin th e lll nnd bnil in W[lt r con· ha ~ u n d to ope n i ..-\ lmM t b~ hi n k hln l( __ "'1'" ", ,,.:ur,· ·"m.·th i!ll! Ilk ", thi::; wuu ld T he- sh pr iff was in~t ruc t E-d t o de. ' he ritance tax, . De-,nn y ~I u rn" t U. 1 ra\'l~ lIal'l1l's . tl.l ining II qUllrter tNI~ p~ O Il o r " uda fur" oh" c " Id do .0 . it was Run W r ·n h.:; '",.d' ,·,f !rc' qUI,,! cul1l" up . li ver a de,'d 0 The !\'e w Yo rk Lif e ' The c~)U r ord e red ~h at .a certdl- I lo t No. ~ In Franklin. . I'r~' IIttlbl l'~ '!(Hl !, o f minc ed on io n p"n a nd H m ilt in hu r ried in 0) (,nrn('\' h~ I'ald " ,j ':1'011" .. 01 fl , h·)u g;': h,," • f.,lI u'I' ing lhe In. u r nCe 'ompa n}, pu rch ' er o f /l t e b I_s u ed l o Lo U! BI hop ad· M . A. Burkle t o DI' Ii~ "!1~1 III 11 Iilll c' c1r1nnllll!'. Add lWo ,<' UP8 t h ... room. ~ ha u ff"u r. ,,':It' r:v~ ~I, n':l'd ""')1 In -~ (,f h~r mind . bu h r nex he rea l .l'>ta lp in th eir ca u e min btrntor o f tah estate of M t' )Iay me .Burk part~ of 1,I ts :\ ns . ,1a of Rt,,\\,('.1 tolllat nl·A. ~I.'n ~on wllh /1 . "VC/n' be wo rried ." he ~ai d. t n ', agai n3t J o hn A . Lowry. et al. It l in Bishop. d eea ,:d. whereby he l a nd 36 In Leba no n. little SIIIt and two I.,v el t ea s poons Ing 0 pl'a k na ural/y. a nd ev"n \\ f u rtll ' r o rdered tha t the plain ! may pay all the mdc- bl edn es.5 of . of "' lI~lIr . nllrdy 'ovel' ' wlth wat r p roldu ci n j! a f ir imilat ion of hi~ iff reC OH. r iro m th e d e fe ndants, the tate. B,ll. All owed lind (" Ilk HI U tir~leHs co oke r !!r ('~~;:.~~ ri~tic ~mile. " H(-' dr,wn ~ann ie T. . DLl nn e l1. J ohn .-\. and' T he court o,:d,:red t~at Ma bel inci nnati ~ ew. , Il. , supplics. ,1<' 111>1(· h n lle'l' II l1 tll lenrl " r. TIllS " 1/ .., 7 ~' h o ! " )I a ry A . l.<J w ry nnd ea ch of them F. Terr),. admmlStratrlx o f the $2.22 ; J ohn Law &. ,·'In. Illlsoline. 1sh"u ld tllke ubnut th ree hours . the ~ um 0 r I • . 53 with t;, ill- {--Ulte of ~/lr~ara E . troup, de· S4 . G9 ; Office Outtilll· r~ . : UPJlli ('S' 1 . loh e kn ter ~l f rnm J u ne 16, 1 30. cea~ dI plamtlff. pr,oc eed Beef a nd T oma to P ,e •l TBhu et rnan yoew. u spoke DC las t n ia n h t t t lt o _e" I ' 14. 10; Fred Procu' r, $UI)IJlies. \ I '" The ca ' e of Ro bert Griffith v r· t p rca E'5 (' a pn\'a e sa e. '5 . :; ~; Office Ou tfitters. ~ lIpplies . I' ut til lit Il'ft (\\'er from y('ster' ht < s t, I' m pr t t y s ure i'5 ~u!' F rank Grooms wa. se Ipd a nd Eu.g ene . Dunha(ll .a~cePled the 15, 10'. Lutle Blank Boo k Cu. 5Up- ' daY'!i \)nllill on through thr meat I (, ~ame ma n. H e fits [ he des crip t· t r d Inl tral or of ' I I' f i' ,n. a nd h 's s . k ing at he des k [ (\ r dLmissed. , . . a p POlnlmen o. ~ 01 • pli e , 2 .50; ' Leban o n Ic e and I ehopp«;r . . 01' nur. cups o f the beef }ri,,, B ~ r;:o n. H e de ribed ,·ou a In t h,: d ivorce aCl~ o n. of Carrie he es tate o f Lillian J . Small, dhe' l Coal 0., i(' p f o r court hllll ~ e. ,. 13' - 1 y,' u Will ~('C" II pint <?f ca~ne d :0a d " t. and Ro bin on immediat(' ly 1 i\kes . Infant by L IZZie nyder, c e ed and filed h~ bond 111 t e 50 ; Obio Cen ral T C'l eph one orp., mHtO(·S. ,r(,lI ~ (, 11 1Juklr:g <.lI sh With he r ne xt fr'iend, \'e r u :\Jatt Lakes ' .Unl o f 15000 \\Ith The Ohio toll ror offices. ' -1 3. 5 ' ume rent ' l bncon flit 01' ~"Orl driPPings lind . w her eb\.' the plaintiff requ e ts ali. asu3lty In urane.e Co mpany a8 f o'r offi~n. 2.15', Woodrow-Weil- put in II lave r nf the tomntp wi'h ma de th e br ig ht sUj!g l's t io n t hat it mi ht be }Ii. s Pa rso n. Fortul H N th G H ~~ natel)' I \\;). pn sing the des k and , ' ma ny and eu ' ~ody .of the child ren sure y . . 011. eorge . . 'tanag e Co., . upplies. 1.50; W. a littl(, onion juico. \ hen a few hea r d him so I did o't t op f or th e a nd other r e hef. It wa ordered Ander.;on a~d C. E. Harner \\ere H. Fulkerth. quartel'ly xp nae. bread ('rumhs and th n !I laye r t ·I eva l eor. I,u t ~p rin ted up he _w irthat umm on be made upon the made appral en;. . . . 3 .1; John Law nnd . on, m[lln· l11 ('at. o nllnll in thl~ way until ,. ca ;;" t o warn ,· ou,'· d f endant b y publicati on. Th-: court aul"olu ed the admlnl ten ance of h ed IT's cal', $ ~ 1.3 1 ; near t he lop IInci t h n cover ove r ' he caugh 'up her co at and hur~ I -I n he CIIl e of James E. McClur.e stratrlx o f the I' tate .o f ~Ibert D. Rogers and imp. on . tires f or . \\'1\ h freRh rllll.I:,," potat oes. Bru ~ h r ied int o he bedroo m for the suit\. rs u Emma McClure, ~p.on en· Ru ell il ecea .ed t o dlst!lbu.~e and heriff's car. 50 ; T rustees of the pll.tntoe~ With milk and cook case she ha d no t .y et unpacked. d ence .of the cro pet! lon s~t transfer certam assets I~ kmd t o Public Affair. light and gas at for t1l1l'ty minules . f rtll. the court granted the dl. \ "lary L. Russell. ole heIr at law jail. 32.10; M. B. Hyman &. Son. I .. Let'" g o:' she c lied back as ' sh e hurriedJy a dded to it t be gar\'orc e t o l he defendant. \\'~ereby of deeea ed. .. . , supplies. 2.95; J . \ . Ling o Hurd T omato Toaa t the plaintiff ""a f ouna guilty of lara Murphy. admlDlstratnx of I ware 0. , "ullpli es, $2; PI' d O. T\\'o tOllllltn<'E. tw eggs. one ment,; . C) f t he night b fore. "W e can s h p out t he back way." gro. neglH t of duty. The court the e ~~el oJ ~ary.ha L. Fouch:, de Jam~. meat f or impoll nd ed dogs, tablespo on butter one· quarler cup Th p r oo m t ele ph on e tinkled. but "I want you to Co through a mar riage "eremony with me. E n." de ermined. a r ea son a ble um o f cea.e. e er lIl\'entory an np- $2 . 0; Bradf rd and tubbs. 2nd IIf minced hum ~ slie l' of onion Ife w a a lready in lh e hal l. al- t , a lim o n y in fay or 'o f th e defendant pr¥h ement. d' d d th t b , PS im. t e on ,'t uck Burn ontrllet . l one-Cl uurter t ~spoon pepper s i~ mo t ru n ni ng. H e oa k t he ui tea~e a rou nd "ith ou i e r e-~ . . he had. rema r k surpri ed him: ' .e court a }U ge at e ex- 2000; Drs. E'uw . an d Robe rt rOllncl ~ o f butterecl t oast. ki~ th e a~d k pt cl o~e by he r s id e, walking il\ de d , d I,,<) k hat a la m led him- " "Y ou tlo~ :t ~ no~~ an)-thing at all Probate C ourt Pro"eed in la ' cu me of the I' tate ~f .John ~' I Blai r. xa minlltions, S:! i F.:. S. tomutoes and chop ; min e the onWith long trtdes. Hi s mann e r wa 'o rne hlll g of he Iw k of an ex hllU a bout me-. " by. she broke out, , ~~ard, decea. ed t~ dlstrtbute In Don n 11, I ~t and finlll esllmate 011 iOIl :Il1d mix with th e meat and t o. e Inventor ies and appraisempn ~m~ ~1I t he mt~rp ts o f thd dee~- contract, $167: Blair und LeRoy . matoes. Cook them with the butter n') rm;; I now, a d he !' poke 0 ca_. ed ~\l' l m mer, rearly to g o d own . '1 may be a cr im inal . . an adven· ua ll)' t at he r nerves r elaxed. He le ,j he r ' 0 .l bc nch and at t ure", ! I ilia ), be a nything! I will fil ed;· en In a certain no e an mor· upp lies. S I; 1.90; W lly ne~v ill e il' II saUC epll1l ab out' tell minute "B er g o d o wn th e ba ck st pps ' down be. ide her. be. a king ad van tage of rD.}' one E tate o f J ohn \Y. Wi lso n. de- gage. d h F d I Farm ers Exchange" C .00 l·nt. $100; remov~ from t ht' fir. add th e he ad\·i.~ed, as he turn ed oward "1 ex p e ted .ome h ing li ke hi . fri end. It ma y put you Into. a eea e d. . I T~ e cou,:t or ered t at re A. J. K. p nee r . furm: h lll~ Ilnd loud- b aten ('ggs. s tir over the fire u n. h· ~ I\; c (' ele vator. [ ve ," he bt'l!a n cau ~ua l!)'. It wa POl'; io n t hat i. ;,imply horrible.;' . E tate ()o f Emmet M. Hayes, d e- · .mete dd"\'e.;. a kgO O~ at d swffi ' ! ing gravel. 40; Ed en T erry, pay t il it se ts. t.hM-Se-r'·e Em the to~ . • f ('o ur e. I didn't think . . . " hI: hiI'd tim h had u cd the " See here." he said . "1 won't , ceased. elen ee t o ran an a ra . In roll. 3 6; P. B. Monee, sa me, H e led the way and she f oll ow d na me ~ b u n eit ~ r <) f them . was . bave a mnm nt o f p a ce till I'\'.e E tate of arab Ella French. de' l field . purchaser of the real es ate. , $ J ?~.56; Euge ne Harp' r, bridge r e YOur App .. t i .... r him . c o n ~clu u ~ o f t hl". " 1 d on' t , k now , af g uarded \·o u. Le t's st o p talk- c eased. • pairing. 2 .30; \\ II! Frauenk· If you arc hllving chicken for Hami.lto n picked up a taxicab . : ... h~· I ('~p e dit." he went on . , ing and .go. a nd be mar r i e ~ . ' . T he co urt approved tb e report New Suita !1 echt. :;arne, $ _.75; Harry. Collins ciilln cr. some so rt o f lomato ap. " Up Into e ntral Park" he t o ld "but 1 dId. P er haps I had w hat' T o hiS In cred ulu U.:! delig ht he n l . C. Eula ' , trust officer of l I lnspectmg. $6:> ; W b Impson . p ti z I' i:; II good choice. the rtl ive r . ")lake g ood 'time and called a 'hu Ul· h. ' P!! rhap I me rely I o~e a if the ma t er 'a ettled. The Le ba non · itizens National Carrie Lake, inCant. by Lizzie bridge repairing. S 12 ; . E. Cutlet· A frllit apJ1e tiz('r Jll'ec drs lamb keep g oing till I tell you to stop." reasonc·d ha Y') ur larg e fri e nd's "B u I' ye wa rn" d you ." sh e re- Bank a nd 'T rllst Compeny of Leb- I nyder, h .r . next fri end ver -u f ame, 4.20; Ralph Gr. andin. st one "'!' be~f very ", .IL A fruit appe. nex mol" \\ () uld be to ' et pro· mind ed h im a< hey walk ,d th e anon . O. I Matt Lake, for dh'oree, alimony, $30; Harold Y. Ma rtz . furnishing tlzer IS' also ,/:!ood b fore ven l or ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=:: . fess ional he lp rack yo u. Any- nearest r <)ad way. I Thoma B. Hutchinson. ~ xecu t.o r cu tody of children and other re- and loa d ing gravel, $15;.50; Znin pork . way I ~' a s ~ ure ' ome thing was "A nd I hi nk." 5he a d ded, " 1 o f he will of Oswpll A. lIutehi n· lief, charges are gro neglect of Aml itage, slime. '1202; J . K. B e fo!' e fhh so me . ar t of veger cQm in g a nd I g r.t ready for it. s hall d e pis E' myself f or Ie! ing you I . on. ex eutor o f the e tate of duty. peneer, same, $-155; linton tabl t' b I I Th a 's wh,' I " ld .\ 'ou the re wo uld ' do this." 'aphfronia J , Hutchin on . deMjldred R. J oh n on \"er us Mat- Co .. Gravel Co., same 76.80', T . e app e lzer lnay e s;erved: or J lin IIppe~ize l' containing bacon . be no mo r o f i . T here wo n't be. ' Th ey fo IOIl'c d he r oadwa y, ' ceas er! file,1 his first and fin al ae- ' lie Hoagland for an appeal from J. Cook same $257; Van Camp tone Sometimes ha\'e th e if you will ru ~ me and do what · walking en ra l minu 1:- before count. P. Co., sand . 10.52 ; L. G. Ander- ~ In ce d at aeh plate when di n ner r "J gg _ ." they foun d an emp ty cab t o take It was dl: t ermined that the net arah Palmer Puc&;ett versus son • o ns Co., g uard rails, $62 .90; IS announc ed. I n this ca. e. thl.!re is . he repli ed o nly wi h a gesture. the m t o t e ma rr iage lice nse bu· valu o f t he es tate of H. C. Stowp. Harri et Pal mer. a min or. Jame H . WaitE' Ga rage. rppair wo rk, $13 .- no cho ke. ometi mes have everal lJu it '.... ll!' a I!e ·tur " x p r e~_ ing r eaD. T here . f t e r t he pe rfu nctory d cease d wa -1 99 3.21 , that the ; Quiller. as executor of the last 20;. J. W. Lingo Hardware Co_ sorts of IIppetizers pn sed in an · uch d e p ir ha t it ma de hi;; d!' a il \\ fl' O\·er. Eric a 'ked : e xe m p ti on o f th e widow • .sob leg· 1will of Charles Chamberlain. de- truck re pair.;, $62.44 ; Pru es Equip hor!'-d'oeuvre dish. H IG H EST lhroa a che. ht' mere ly rai sed her "W hir h shall it be- the ju tiee a tee, exe eE'ds her succe sinon and ceased. and the Peoples, Buliding, ment Co. re pairs, $53.73: Famo us Whalever you do, seek variety. r ig h t ha nd. \ hieh lay in her la p. " 1' he c le rg yman 7 .-\ ~ i .~ o nly an L oan and avings Company of Auto upply 0 . , supplie , $179.- It adds a zest - tu the. imp le~t d inand d roppe d it aga in as if th e eC· affa ir o f j nrm , I supp ose it doesn 't ==-=--Lebanon. Obio, a corporation for 04; Fl'ank Sherwol/d Cu., suppl ies. nel', and takes aW!ly from the moCAS H P RJCES Iort ha d bee n 0 muc h for h er; ma er. h" u1?h I tbink t he clergy- ' . pa rti tion of real estate and other $32. 0; J. W. Lmgo , Hardware notony of D limit ed seleclion or but ther e \I'll! eloq ue nc e in t he ' im ma n wou ld be bet er f o r o ur pur· cab man he direction. They e~teT' relief. Co. upplie, $266.27 i Mattie Gar- meats. Moreover, is is !Ill inexpenIe DC ip n, It implif'd hat he hild po~e." . l ed tbe hotel lobby and Ii large mj\n diner! ervice at Memorial Hall, • way to gil'c elul~!lete l to ti, .. P AI D come to t he end of thi ngs. B e ha d "I .hl n k . 0 t oo. " he ag reed, who had been eatW In .a lou nging U ' L' $20; S. Fred Company, furnitur e d F ~ to wait a moment bef o re he co uld a lrn o:l inau d ibly. Aite r ha he chair near the entrance, quIetly r~anf&§e . ,,,en~ Mem oria 1 HaH, $ ~2 . 19; Wilbllr I~ner. or ,a ton~alo canape and go on. diel no ~J1~ k ntil h y reached . moking a cigar t hQt looked as It Charle E yerett. M\lrre!I, clerk Cutler, bridge repairing, $ t .fiQ; I' chi cken IS a. far less ex" I'! I p u m y plan be fMe you. " he E aH ' id o f he license bu· had been made especially for hl.m, of Lebanon and lJISS Leona Ptill~' Charles M . prt on, same',$3.60; pe!lsive pl'o)los ilhlD than broiled , h _a id a las . "and 1 want you t o reau. ' ros e .and cnme t o meet them With garet Rich, of ,Lebanon, .fuly a. I H enry Dllatush ~pphes. $33:SQ; chl~kl.'n, y~t it makes !I di n ner j ust I her it all be f " r e you s peak. You T h., el H !!'yman fill e,d in the mar- an aIr o f a,ssurance. Austin ~oliert Conne~, snoe Maso n LUrllber Co .• bridge rl!pair, a~ Inlerestlng. can' co n t in u · lik· t his . Yo u !'e~ r ial? c ' r1itica e and uff e:red it t o Eve topped. but Hamilton, with wo rker of Lebanon ~nd MISS 3u!ln~ 19 ; same 1 ear bridge "Boor/'n'g , Unde Ad ..·m~. C:;ita t jo" PH ON E 8F3 ~at yl\ ur_ If. cl ea rl y e noul!h. Th E'·e. who oak i and hel d it . a murmured 'One moment. please,' ihl AII~n, of Oregonia. July o. . , SI2p9.69; same, sa me Supp je, . ~o, !'~ h. I dO~n ' ~ mine U p UL. Ime has co me wh ~ n yc,u m us t g ive " ague ly. a s if ~ h e did not kn ow : we pt her )last the large .. man and ErWin F, Lutterbeck, tate hIgh· I $1084.31; Holthaus Trarisporta~ till . de PIg'. back I ~ yoah ne n- put H A R VEY SB U RG. O H IO , nm.., "ne eb e t h.> r il!h t 'l Pl'ot c,c \\ h:> t \) d\J \\ IIh i . into the e levator a few feet far· way patrolman of Lawren~eQurg. tion O. expr·ess. '1.84' L. lJ. 1 ~lll t ~\:l~C lu .slltn lH~ pledge tR , _____________-' I you . : ? I wa n t r ou ~ .~ o through "~ut i in you r hand-bag." , h ~;r on. . " . Ind:, /l~d .M~ Alberta A. HIJlet of Brown, Lt e·tim~~,e. on ~ o ntr!l.ct, Quit s~,('allll. r alii t g wm e to s ig n Go up t:alr ,de,ar, he quietly Franklin, Jul~ 7, $8 00; V. W. ~ompkln s . pay roll ma h IIbel'ty a way t o nobody. a marring ce rem o n y with me. Eve' H a11111 on , a id, and ~ he f oll owed ' and J want Y' u t o d o it right no\\'. t he ~ uggE'. t ir)l1 a 5 mechanically a old her. He put her suitcase in the ~ g. p. J ones, $ i .50; A. = ( "Of c O UT"',~ it will be 'l nly a mat- she hl\d foll lJ \\'c d a ll th e 0 her . .,Ieva t o r, ga ye the starting signal Real E.l. t.. 'Tr~fer~ ~ett!g sanle, 347.80; A. Br~db u fY '""':~=::::::.:=:~=.::==~~~~~= er of fa rm, he hu r l'l ed on. "That :\ , they d e~cen d ed the step to tbe operator, and. as the car : ame, $.j62.30; Joe w. ' nOVI . I I<'?~ wi hnu sll y ing: Bu it will I ·ndin!? t o t he st reet, Ha.milt on began Its Iiseent, turned back to L. V. and Llda B. Branstrator fO same. $54.l_50; Jame Hollings: . __ . gi ve me he lega l ri ght t o ' l!~n d pu t he sof t .ped al ~ n himself, t he caller. who e look of a5sur,aru:e Robert Patterson 117.9~8 aores 10 head. mowing w/!eds. $4,9Q; Perry ~ bet ween you and he world. \ ou It nh a firm 10 0. T hl!' wa the had !!:h' en v,' ay to one of stunned Wayne ~. Simpson, maintainer With Dependable can drop you r l r r, ubl C'-- on my ~h o u l bi g hQu r of his li f e. But i was not I su rp,rlse. ·J A. and Mary A. Lo wry, PY $66' Leslie hulfz arne 66c. j - - - - = - - - - - - - - . : . . • den; and f rg et he m : <l l1d. if a ny h . h!1I' hou r in . he li fe of . th · :\[y wife Is v,:ry tired," Eric sheri ff. to New York Life Insu.r : Her:n le MeKlnle y, 'Iallor, ·$ii . .j6; MONEY LOAJlIEB Serum and V lrU8 , large fi.trl1nger C ' I1I.· ;' IlJ nk lnl! f.o r en .g lrl be~,lrle hi m, wh o II I lo?k- courteoU5ly, explained. "S.he has ance Compa,n y: 86.60 acr~!l- n ! Ernest Mc"Kirilcy. s~me, $2.46. 1, . b hS f _ I )·o u. he II find mt' rea dy te, tell h lln !! ~ lI k e ~ , n e I /1 dream. H st eadled heen S~OPP 1llg all day, !O (m sure Clearcreek ~wp., $4800. Woodrow- Wei!· tanage Co., type: . Insures ot a e wh e n · he get~ " fl' . By me ~ In!! him , hi" ra clr.2' p u L.<:~ . Hopp ed a t!lxi- y!!U w1l1 eX"cuse her. Perhaps you Arthur a nd Ruth Smadbeck ta writer ribbo n. $1; Leban on Lum- I LOANS o n LIvestock, Chattels , ty and Success , t no. I m:! )' fi nd o ul wh l'.OU aI'" (·a l•. and "p" ke .1" first words SincE' \\'111 come !In here," he went on, Carl t:ehaule. lot Nos. g323 and b er Co, lal/or and materia l $4 32' Sec'Hld ~rortgages , N? t es boug ht I leading th e way to tl!e writing- 232.j In DeeTfield twp. 'frustees of P ublic Affair.; 'light at John arbme, Jr., Xl!nlll , Ohio. . a nd all ab out yl, U; Iln d " vc n ually , t he cer(,m on y ; ' a ~ so o n a ~ y o u· r ~ . \\ il :iu :! I) . \ \ ~ ' II . " 1t'5 a ca , 1? of ' home , James,' ,' r oo m, "and let ~e for her In Enoch Abner to Mirand~ Abner, cO!lrt ho~ se, $28,05. ' , T g et .1T'l o t n uc h. with yr, ur . fa mi ly, I-n ' I? I me an ." he ad ded as he , any matte r th~t m!eresL! you." t~act No: 13 of C;; rand Vle\V SlID" ~ ~ .~ - - -- p l-~O ~ n~ / or w.llhJ our (!'Ie nll ' f YIJU r. u\'(: 11 111 . :\\\ E'r .1 !" 'I'JlrI !! I,)ok. " we 'd be . • • • ")Iy na~e IS Henderson," the dlvls1on)n Frllllklm tw·P. _.' . H . b 0 . fnmtl~·. : r eI' 1? " f1/! h ba ck 0 hp Garland _lranger briefly announced; "Sam· Rutb Nu _s to.Jl45. F.. and RQxle 'fRY Le~6 O R S HORT ,!,I ME-J!jal\f arve ya u r g , . • he . e(,~I' ~d < ulln cd , a nd he \\':J" lind lll\' ('t wha t'~ hE-re, hadn't "'e ?' I ud Hender on; and ('m fr om Chi· T . Doch north e8 ~"t corn!!r of lot QUR CLASS . IF,ED , CQLuuNS . ter,!,s. Also .Su rveytn g BI!d AbPhon e 31 not !-- urpll ~1-f1. Hu t ,. he u~ k"d ~ . Ih· r "1Ir·nce ' '''':ll'; d an a cqui cs . cago." no. 136 In oulh Lebanon. R' stract!ng. Wnte a nd I will cal! question th a t marie h i. ey k indk cen ce t o he plan and he gave ths: (To be Continued) Jac b colt t o Elwood and fOR a,::aULTS !1!1{i ~e yol' o l3~m p. Henkle, WaynellVllle, Oh io. I II T h~,nhL."

{' f L~PTt R Xl. l'

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Dead Stock Wanted



F fl' er



ompany ,



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i-I .

5 % Farm

Dr W E Frost

_. . - - ----



COW L.Ctot. IN




-- --


The Cow Mi aunderatood Pinky


Y E '50






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'i LJ~r::: I ~


C I""ON, / COW.


FO R Sale--Fine Holstei n Bull , o ne H eifer gh'i ng milk. O. J . Mar.. quardt, R. R. 4-near Bu ck t'Y!I lIchool house: .



FO R AL E-lh3Q tndi !l\l~ Siln, J . H . Sackett. )yll


FQ R SA L E- All k ind!; ot, gard ep plants, 1 II" niles northwest of Waynesvillll o n "'eny r oad . trb usc Broth ~~, , ~IQ

'.:: ~. . C'~~:~~\ ("~o~~~lo:.! :J ~H


~ A\ R


MAR-t . +HI FlL.LeO "' IHm4 8eiia1ltel ~ WENT 'TO LI6H( MER

,-'TT\..E LAMP.

1H& H"'iN~ . ioINCt: ~


BENZINe! ----.~.

R"~LIA m.E · QEl,o\ LE R'· WUJrll1d t '

Hi1b r li nr .Ptodu t.\t in (: o unty. Elx ell nt p_ PQI'tunlty .for the rla ht, mlln. Earn. inll III '(10 wt'l'lk ly not unul\ua\. Wi'ltlJ fill' fr l\ au.l trU G 0 H ~8E IU.1N G OMPANV: ' ri 1 R '0 Bloomhl'lon, 10.

hRnd l1J






\~ho hasn't ~'et IIl\y /lteen" In hi lI{!e get~ hieuln lll r fun in just nh(lllt the wlt~ " 'I' di,l, ahd o ur 1s 'UED EVERY WEDN ESDAY fnth rllllnd gl'llnrif nther. bef .. ,'e 1I !1 . At I n~t, if h dnelln't , he' lI . mi ~·. D. L. CRANE P ing SO n! thing of r('ul vulue'ln hi!! M,·. and MI'~. W. A. Luk n s and Office Pho~e ...... .. .. .. ... ....... No. 112 11ife and e ducntio n . . ~lIuhgh(eE I':;, Mary d and Iii i ' one fOI' a bCl~1 La go Lo I~s t er ~ Jl1ml\, atten c(ulrolhyn t l-L A m r· ke.iden ce ........ ..... ........... No. 118 a carlifull IJthing • upervia d su mm ,. i(!an LeKgul> Ilienic lit Wilmin gton cu mp or tn st udy sci nlifi c w od- Fuil' grou nd s undny. Sulucri ption Price, $1.50 a Year "raft und er th e tutelag e of II sco ul '['he Hilnrlty club e nj oyed th e ir - - - -- mast I'. 1l is I")uite nnoliwr th ing f or /l nnual pi nic aloog 'ae nl" ~ cre>ek d ot Pu~t<llll"e WUf'n .. u ilt. him to r oam around the wo od" ~nd unday. _ ___ _ • OM" , go Seco nd C/o .. Moi Mell ur pastu res barol'o, )le tl, accumU lating . l'l'1iHs Donn J)n vi B i~ v isiti ng I' • - -- - - - Hunbul' lI a nd stOll ' bl'ui. ' 5 nnd un I ' J '" imll1 cll~e am ou nt o f ilwe ubout the a I V('~ I n I)ay t (Ill I an t ,--,prtng \' U· TOO MUCH PITY J I.\, II i, 1~13 0 habit;; o f llIud·turtle~ und l!!Irl 1'- leY~1" ~' W .. P. un 'n . and Rh~1I . ----I ~lll.1 kes. Game luw m e nn n ot hing I' B I I 'I A I11ll n who has. wun hi ~h 1 15in hi " yo ung life. Il l' CUll 1-(1'( 1lI t11'1l anti . va y n 1I1\'e gone t o uS 10('- tin ·t io rl in ' h i" c h "~el1 til' ld of of II thl'il l fi shin ll' fur hulll"'u ds and tun t o ~ l1r,., .1 th., I'I: ! st .)f the s um · h nl er wilh MI". M cC arre n. lail or camp intn nl)" olli e!' not long " ~ ullfi s h in th e "Id ndllpon d thnn I " YU UI' fune:. s porls mfln II I' wa lk s with 11 limp. for o nc with his MI'. nnd 1111'S. Ira Hal' t sllck o f ,1"',. ... THE "LOWE R" HO USE s plit bamboo rod and hnnti -ticd · J)llyt.lII ;; pent " eHm l dtl Y" he l·t' (If his I l'g~ is s h o J' lc l' than lhe ot her fli es ever exp e ri enc 5. thi s week. II , told 1111' that f Ol' y('t1l'~ he , - -- -- - " And when . it com s to bath ing, l\li SR Etta Mc 'an('n hil l' l'etu l·· w,' nt an,und (In c rul cht,s . nIl the c!' ill the world CUII't n e ll to hOl11l' in \) nvt n lIft(' r l\Io ~1 .. b~t'I'\'l'l's of p uhli c IIfT!lil'~ l'OIlIlJ:lI'l'beneh " I finally threw thc m nway ." h ~ with the old swim min' RPf:! llIli ll J!h,,1' !wVl' l'ul m.)nth ~ h (, I' ~ car\\ill agr ee with l\Il'. (:" olidl;l' in hi K hul l', where you ncver had to i n~ f ,, 1' !\ll' ~. W. P. Mc CllI'l'pn. ~lIid . "and I ' ll tell you why . I Jrol lece lll s tatem e nl t hut in th e .on- bdhH with a bathing s uit , where Th e 1",\\'n. hip SUllday Sc l" ,"1 inferna lly titl'd o f hll\'in~ ~ rc s" \Vhi h · a dj o ul'lwd the ot h!'I' ,"iris wure stri ctly pcople I hanned , u nd ui c l'i c will Ilt' hel d I.It Wavne Park dny the 1I I1 U ~ (' of Repl'l'sl mutuiv g wh<'l'e yo u didn't to :\!\ k III I' wh a t had huppen ed' l n eed a s pring ill. l ru d IIf lI urm o n P urk us fOI " sI top didn·t. wanl Ry mpat.hy . It did m e \)l'o\'I' d it s elf the sanl' r an d more bourd to dive fr om . No llIun hus m el'ly IInIlOUIlt·e ,1. Th l dnt e 1'1'. no 1!\I Htnt e ~ llIalllik{' llf thl' tw o h l) lI sc~ (>1'1·1' trulv liv e d \l d , and ~ l u wprI up ill Y u pera· who haH n ,t cxIllain s Ih ~ SHllle .Jul y 1i. und wen t far t o wlIl'd I'l'!: ui ni n t-: it~ pc ri encI' d' the Ren ~lItion l in lls . 1'111 la me. I'll n cvel' be any "f a "ue ll y [ :hllS. G I.llt I can ~tl.1n d the IHl1ler~ . form e l: pres tige. 1"11 :; W3. 1I gu nt b.,ttpr. ~ u fl ip " thllt pre tty n early kn ock e d a M luntll t'on at Iht' home o f e~t Mrs. ness lH'tter th nn I ('an s tund b e ing ' C(> rtailliv th e pe dormnn co I)f the wind oul of him! Wultel' D(,tll'llofl' ncar Fl'lInkli n. pitil,tI." til(' Unill'd Slales Sennte is nuthI We do IC1Irn auout ing for till' n atio n to be proud of. li ve in thro ugh ·eyes the world \\"0 Thlll'~t1I1 \'. Othe r gu es ts illcludt' d There is a /.treat wn ste o f pity in untl ears alon e Mr~. IIll1 iker of L IJbn n o n, M,'s. the w ol'ld. tn Rten!1 (If beIng the Redutc, c1 e- W e IIJ llrn t hr o u gh our hands und IhlSH o f Blanche s ter. MrR. SelbY of I kn o w, [ or (> xampll' , a co upl e lih c l'lIle body whidl It WIIS Intc ncl - our fpd, the fc('1 of Ru n und wlnrl (~ , J'lllant own. an d Mrs. n"wl'v o f wh o see m til be c Ul'i o ll ~ l v mi s('d to b e> lind \\"lI s rill' many yelll'~ /llId min on o ur bal'o . the S,' nute hns bel'om the> fCll'um ~flult~ h of Illud hetwoe bodi s, thll I nglewoo d. Cu I. Illa ted. The wo mnn i,.; l ll n' years n OUI' t Oils, fur thl' yil d l's t and most irl'U- Ihl' hdt u f a hI ckory 1, ldl'r lh ull th e man. Sh e is a r j!u- I 11mb comMI'. nnd MI'~ . J o hn K ~ Il1ll'd y, o f Illcntat ive. She i~ n l, t a vel'Y goud s p olls lhlc j (' l11l1g0I-(Y. Th lK Is It con- pu!'! rj with n willow bl'lln ch. O nly Pifllln :11'(> hl'!'e on vllcltll" n. I htlll sl' kce>per. dilion which Cllllllfit be l'lItll'ely ~uch intim.1Ite co ntacts with nut.ur e 1~. B. Cleaver .ha~ 'gon~ o n II hlanwti . Jl~l'hllp s. upon th e Ko- I can es tllbil!lh 0 backgro A t lea rl l a hundr ed tllne s I hllve und agum!'t fi s hing tnp to Michi ga n III 'om- heard SO llldlOdy ~ ay: called "POPUIHI'" l·l ec ti o n of S e na. , which life cun be view "I'm s o SI) I" e d in later puny with MI'. Hnd Mr :. lydc 'l ry fur ,I o c. He' might hav e picket! tor!i; but curtnln ly 0 conside l' ub le yenr~ In Its ll'lle pel'.H pective.. It' lIvel' und ~() n uf Ch icago . o ut a lu vely YOU II ~ girl, a nd ~ee nUlllu('1' of Se natul's. whom wo I Ilo boys s tili whittl ~I r. lind Mr . . Guy elll'l' of Brook whll t he we nt and might Ol1me, clluld nev'r hllv e got flut o f will ow s h oots? e Whl H tlo~ did." Yuu hum · 1\,11 Hll' ~ pencling 1 .\ v<l l'ation with int.\ thl' Sl'nate in th e o ld t1I1Y ~ ! n1l'l' lhe bark with Nuw, the , illlpl e fact is that the the handle vf Mr .. n U~(J CIII'I' and rami ly. man aod womlln lire excced ingly whell !·i[at,· l. eg i 8 lutur c~ choxc til(" YOU I' Barl ol\' knif e- o nl y It's MI' and Mrs M E S h enyoo I huppy. I personu lly ca n\l'll\hl'l' ~ Of th(, ~I),cllllcd "Upper " · y.,ur Boy Sco ut knif n't sec what e In th ese urI' ~pl' n ding 'f ~w . IIn'v5 wl l h I h e find s IIttl'lIct ive in h e r, n o l' wh y lI ous . duys- nnd t.h e !lark I?eels o/f II"} II 1\11'. unci Mrs. Will Gru'hom at s he s hould hav e chl)s~ n him. But It wus thu lI oll s ,' .. f He pr!'s el"}ta- pCI feet clYllld e l' whl it is none tl f my lIu sm ess, and I tiv s whieh was rtlspo nsl hl e r'lI' hlly e tho wood whittledoh n eeds to Wnyno svill e to th e pro· " . pl'lIcli cnlly all. of the cons tru (, tiv e pe l' N~ape ant.! r elnRc c e rtainly am n o t ~'oing to waste l'ted, to mllkti MIss Sill'll Un.d e rwo od IS al. th ~ s ympath legi lotion whICh Ihe 71~t IInf: I'IlSS II whis tle to whloh good dug h om e o f h (' r palent~ , Mr. and Mrs tt) like y o n two f~ lk s wh o ee m ha ~ CII De t !!ll thu s fal'. While , anu· will respond . W IJ huany d ((I m os t 1'01'- D. B. t'. wood. hl1vlllg comlll!' t· f ecth' each o ther Hnd to be (Ie)'. sn tislil'd. t ors o f hoth purlles W CI' I! llos lnlf g Itt n t h(' .llog. He l!l ne eded t o ed ~e.r tl'lIln!n od Sunll1l'1 tan I live pUl't o f evcl'Y year in tilt' fOr Indlvldu nl e tfeet lint! lak in g Illake the> IlIctUI'C comple te. 11 0. p l ta l, . InClnnu tl. nli dd l!' o f l\1anh utlk1n Is la nd, IUI(\ eVllry pOI;slblc o PPOI:tun lt y to givo A boy, n dog, a jackkni fe, in th.e T he nun Suturcln y night untl th e I·(·~t o f thl' lime in the Preside nt A sl up III the fllce th l' tlJunlry In l~e Mum II N(!w ~)n"" How,!' o f Represe nlutl\'t, g \\. nt lhe comblll atlOn whtm e r - that IS Su n day was mut:h n ee d d and 1I1" l lan d v illage My Manha ttan fl'\t!ndl'\ ch provIde s pl·cc lated. HAY: "What a t(' ni ble borc it mu o~ ab out l h e Jlublic bu sin .·S in a uu ~ i· t he (J nly p erfect happine ss ' ml)st A. 1.. Ke nnedy . su IT rcd a be t o live in 0 little lown. N o neHs·lik e WilY and sto od firmly of us c vel' had or will huve. seye r e h eu rt attack Thursd ay th(!atl'e s, n o IIl't ga ll e ries, tlO eXcitc' agains t th wild' t lind m ost im· mornin g. He i ~ improvi ng. m e nt·. How I pity c o untry pt'o p le." practica l pl'o p osa lM o f t h e en lite. 157 VARIE TIES OF MI'. and Mrs . h u.· . n. Gra~ and . The ntte l !l l)~ tu ns~e rt the author. ~ly vi llu/!e fri e nd s sny: "I li ke to family ~pe nt ,undny ufternQ on Ku t o Ncw . York Ity lind dllllll1Un Cl' or t~e Senllte CUI' 1\ vis it, .but FISH IN OHIO WATE RS wilh I'l:'lativ('s at Blanch ent lind t o r educe the Pre>s l,l e n cy to r whut n fl'1 g htful plul' e lo live! '. , N u l~e. the !'tul us of un oflic e boy has hud anti Clim e. u nd ru ~ h and expen~1J I Th(' P"OI' f olks wh o nrc some curio lls mJlnif cs tation ~, 1111t 1I 0w many varieti es qf fi llh are has ur, used the luughte r alld til be [ o\ln\1 in Ohio cro wd e d l ogl'thcl' in thos c large watllr s~ aptll'tllt ent jll ~t dOlt't knod what ~I ri sio n of .th' public I)t o r~ thillJ. Th e Htate has I111111Y ~I'dent fis h· Its ~y mplltJll e!;. fh e reJe~t1 o n pf (' I'men, I\ut probahl nml life Is. How I pity th em ." y few of ~he ll1 What 1111 II bSlI nl s iluation . What t ile Pl'es id e nt's first l10mlne e fn l' hJlv' ll ny IdeJi Its IIlk ll8 ul\d A ssoc iute ,Iu ti e o~ the , Ilpre mO s trcllml! con~ai n that 11I1 emotion al wu stel 157 more or lell!! Rny Drumnl tlnd and wife w ere This "cams to 1111' OUl't, J udge DaVIS, wa ~ IlIU !!1t di tinct li:iJld~ or fiflhQS, sho pping In Hllrvc;.' sburg on utur- I!.oo ti Idea- don't 10 b(' II prelly h i l 'fh w ea ken your m o r e nn t1llemp t t o , •put t till .Y ('venlng , e rev Ise d 11 8t 0 f Ohl 0 fi oh n em oti onal nature b y pouring out "pre ident in hi!! rln e " thlln lle- fnmilles with tho numb er of ' Th Dllvl!! gIr ls, Nell ie , Mary pity !lnle!;!; yo u intel1d to do cliu~e of IIny r e al obJecllo n to vEl l'l eties In elich, so meaB p rinted In th and Mndori e ure spendin g this thing nb o ut it. Judge DIlVls, last lasue of the Ohio Journa l of week wilh their cousins the MonPity the sic k and r elieve them. No wond e r that Presld lit Sc ie nce Imblish at Ohio ,loto non girls, Ruth llnd Glenn u of Pity Hoover snld, when In for med o f t h e Univers ity, t oll oed t h e poor, und Ii v id e with them w!! : lumprey s, :J ; nenl' Wilmin gton. yml)llth ize with th . truggle of birth of hi ' lilt at grandd aug hte r, st urgeons , 2; Pllddl e fi sh , 1 i gol' " b ow Ii "I'm g lad s h d o ean 't h avo to bIl fll' k.el!, "i hllntl. Wilbur Sm'idth of Cent e rville, yo uth, and le nd a he l pinll' n~, I ; m oo n eyes, 2 ; k b .. {ooliH WI confirm d by the.~enate, " ' But don't g t in to the he rrlng8, 1 i glzznrd s~ads, ~ ; ~t.oc h uy e r, un d a ter Gray of habit of being ~ot"l'y l OI' anybod y The en at • c o ntl'o ls nil hnpor- sa lm ons and trout, 4: whIt efish, 3; Harvey burg gave u s a s hort but wh o h appens to he differen t Cro ln . I s u e k ers, OJ 1 tnnt \Jlltl'O nng l" un tIl' l' tle I C on stttu - : OJ Inn oW8 , .46 i en lfi s h , pleasa nt ca ll on Sa lUl'day e\·e ning. tiona c1lluse I'equlrln g It, "advice IS; mud mInn ows, yoursel f. T~6 c hances that he 1'; pI ke, 4: e elll , harl e Earlcy of Way n esville is ~p"ndlng an eq ull i are IIlld con -e nt" to major P resldon tia l I .: klillfi s hes , 3 i trou~ amo unt of perches , 1; trllMcte d bu~ine. !< here III t w e~1c his tim e being sorry f ol' you. . app olntnlc nts. But in the las t ew p lI'lIte perche , I ; wh ite .. \\'c ckg of th ~ :-; jtJ n it b ecn nle ap- perches , 4; darters , 2 1 basse, 1; MI'. Earley is selling r'o1'd~, ; black buss 'harles Dill \vir~ ~t a ughter Paul......... - parent, even t l) Se na to r~, thut t h e and su nfish, 14; , s il vers id es I i ine and son hurl es J r.. K. ,,~, coun t ry WlIS resentf u l of the en- c I:oakers a~d' drumfis hes, 11 Sl! u!, Thomp son wif e ard d aughiel' , lito' IlntlcM. Th e Presid ent wisely p 'n s , 2; stlP~ lebuclls , 1 j and or!· Mary Kuthllle n, a ll tlf till ' p lace, . r fru ln ed f r'IHn t l'ying to Q"uc~ t he fishtls, !: att n flI'd t ht> all lIay meeting llnd wllip over th (' Ill . A ppure ntly he ---- ~ -- .. baplls lng at Turtl ! Creek, 011 ~hought thut if he gll\'e the ~enntc Ther.. and pack last SumlllY . Mh;s Ruth Holl ing8' e nou~h rop e it wo uld hllnj!' Itself: worth the Secrelll ry (""porte d 44 lit nnd that is what has hn(lp 'ned, 50 A man (1ilslled in to the stalion Su ndAY Suhol> l, Rev. Hain es of Duy fnr a ~ th e I'e pcet o f the people Is with only a minute t o l'nteh .hl!! tpn brou g ht us the lll essllge in the concern ed, m omi ng and Miss Myrtlc Gree n, So Sa y. Young. to",n Man Who - ~ - ~ tmin: ' Bible SChool li n d Missl n"Quick ! Give m e u round trip It!'y worke r ofs tudent Tell. Of Leatin g I~"lief From Oincln natl Il'ave u s . - - - - - - - - - - - - -. ticket! Hurry! " the messag e In the IIfterno I on, New and Differe n,t Med icine A "Where to 1" I HAPPY DAYS "Buck here, you nut," Miss, Su nford of Norwoo d Invol'etI I ___ __ .. - - us with 1\ couple 01 beautif ul sol os •I _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ " The baptlsin g hy Rev. Hauk Why? took p laco just ufter . the mornin g T his is th, senso n of the yenr se rvic e at the river formerl y A mouse is vory much like known . IIS the Spence r crossin wh e n th e ~ Iltall boy gets the m ost g. gross, . out of life. Th ere werc seven b a ptised after Though stran ge, it still is tru e, wh Ich all l'etu1'I1cd to Adoles cent juve niles of today the m!ly go in for go lf and tcnnis , for And if you just will think rea l where d!nn el' \V~ s st;l'ved churc h and at hard m otoring and m o re 01' less decorthe evel1lng se rvice llIn e came out J kn ow ous bllthing tllll'ti s . in more or you' ll gue s why, too.: , tl) ~he a l t~ r and acc e pted Christ l.':~ Il'ss' ~costl1 ll1 es, but the s mall b oy Because t he cat' ll (cll t tle) eat It . theIr SavIoI'. . . . .... .






.-" --- ---I

=_ ..





._--- --- -








, ~


YoU are buyin g prove d p e rform ~mce when you buy a Ford. You know it has been built for many tllOusalllls of miles of sati8f actory , econo mical servic e. Letter 8 from U8er s in every part of the world show the value of the sound design of the car, good mater ials and accur acy ' in manu · factur ing. You sense a feelin g of 8inc~re pride iu the oft-re peated phras e-:"'-" Lel me !ell you what my new Ford did." Furth er tribut e to the sturdi ness, reliab ility and gener al all·ro und performa nce of the new Ford is shown in the repea ted and growi ng purchase s by gover nmeu t burea us, by police depar tment 8, and by large indu8 trial comp anies which keep carefu l day-by -day cost recor d8. In most cases, the new Ford llas been chose n only after exhau stive tesls cover ing speed and I)ower , safely , comfo rt, ease of contro l, oil and gas

consu mptio n, low yearly depre ciation, mid low cost of up·keep. They have Coullll , as you will find, that the Ford embo dies every feature you waul or need ill a mOlo r car at an unusu ally low price. NE\V 1..0\V ' FOO O PlnC ES RoacJste r I'huc lon Tudor Sednn

t43S 440 "

Coupe ·SI)Ql'I COli [II!

525 545 600 62S 625 640 660

Dc Luxe COlI\le Three·w indow Fortior SecJlln Con vc rlibl c Cahriolct Dc Luxe I'baclon Dc Luxe S,'dlln Town Scdun

( A ll rJrict,~ / . o . fJ. Dr'mi', pl~. /rci/1.'at and de-

I :ver y , nUlllpe r~ aOlI &1>are, lire e ..:'ra , or low CO". )

Univcr.m l (: r,',lil (:lIm" uny 1.llIn ()f time l'UYments offer~ unollocr Fonl econom y .


"'011 A


NOT "cry far from whercvCJ' you are is II Ford dea ler who will he glad to g ive you a demon stratio n ride ill the new Ford •




--~~s ~l.1 id -lhnl--~erC!l1'e

495 495




p OO l' p eop le in the Tonnt!s~ee m o unlil ins • that liv e in such dil up id ntl!ci shacks • . that every t im e it I nin s, they hnv e I to go o u t a n d get in thc se dan . ,


N a tion a l Bank I ~"""~'"- -"'~~~~~~~~~~ Will. Draw n • E.tal el Settled


MR. D . J . LACKE Y Konj o lu, t he new and differe n t IIt pdici n e of 32 ingredi ents, Is n ot de s ig n ed to g iv e m ere tempor ary I relief. Its miss ion i:!'l fa\' beyond t hat. Read th e g)'~tl ! ful and convincing w ords of Mr. D. J. Lack· ey (1(; ,' . lIigh street, Youngs town, Ohio, "r suff (,l'fti I.»)' five y e llrs from indiges ti on, and, li S YOll kn ow, K e njolll gave me g,peedy relie f. Now I have r eturn ed to let you see th a t tho re sul ts KOllj ola guve me Cl.1llle to stuy. Th at WIIS m ore than n yeur ago, und s inc e t ha t 1 have nev er ll1is ~ ed a meal. r cnn cut a ny thing that a n yone call. I co uld n ot 1 sleep for nervous n ess, and aftc r • every menl came pain, gas and bl oating. I hope the news of my expcrie nce will r ellch 1111 who are !o1'oing through wi t h whll t I did before 1 found Konj o la." Ko nj o la wa r ks quick ly; on e docs not have ttl wait long [ o r res ults, bu t a comple te tl'elltm ent of f rom s ix to e igh t bottl es is stro ngly recomm·e nded. Konjola is 'sold in Wuy n esv ille , Ohio at Adam. DMlg S ' ore, and by all t he bes t lir uggist8 in' all town s through out this ' ~ntire section .



__ ~


fOU. ND AT If\J ' j- - 1

T he- fllnlou ~ (.J-t}:! :: {~tln '·lIn lf ' , · d ,' I ' · li pf ( 0 1' ~ lIrith;, 1: 1I'"u111at bml . ~el ~ Illf' O, l .lIiuhn ko- 11I II r ,w 1I\' nll n hJ,... tu n ll ~Ir rr' l r e rs fr0111 Ihl ' ~" tOI' ILlrt"!'(. l/ · ,it :t IN U pl'f'scr'I I,tiliu of II tn111 0 ll ." s Pf'(' lnll~l th al ha ~ II 0 IH " w o n d C"':t for' th o ll ~ nnth; or Ilt' "p l ,· \\' II, .. n I rlall y )· ..· nl tlh' ~ ha'v, ' ( (tl1..-1I . \\ '(0 :l:-i k .' l) U I,) ll' ~ tht s fn llHJ IIH pr'l' scrlpllo n . .\ n , w (IOM"t( usull l l.\" s t Oll t,he p nl n nnti nIHil )' p f'n pJ ... sa y: " II i s Wl,rth Its wcl/.! hl in ;,:,o l d ." Ht'('onlln 1\11('1.1 : l n~1 ~u ld hy :\.In ... ,. 01111( tHe .....••

So_ you re membe r way bac~ to the Revolu tion do you? ' . "'Yaslla. De RevQlu tion. and' Gin'} Washin gton an' all t hem. Sure do. "Perha ps you were, a w.ltn·~S8 of t he fall · of Rome? " "Nossa , Ah didn'tl exactly see hi t bu.t. Ab . recollec t hearln' Bo~e- , thin' drop," . .


Optometrist , PERM ANENT


Centerv ille, O. New. Burling t on, O. Phone No, 2 Pbone No. 320


. -'




LE BANON , OHIO Eyes Examin ed

C lnuc. Fitted

R e pa''''



Sight SpeciaIi~ ~

. 30 Ycut's Experie nce in Fitting and Mukin~ GI !lRRe~


Dr.C . W.A NSO N-


. WAYN ESVIL LE. OHIO Ful1 y Equip ped for Good Service. Large. Displa y Room . Ambu lanceServic e . ..

Vete rinar ian Phon e 93

Wa ,ne.v ille,O hio


19 N. Broadway

Auct ionee rs

We Get the' Pric es SEE US

ROOT FOR AND CONSI GN ,·.,ur r:lttiP. hOl("s. s h(:('p and ea l ve~ to N o rri ,· Bl'Ock Co .. li ve wir.e and progres si\'e firm f o), the hl~he8t mark " t p)'i ce~ and g ood se rVic e . Union Stock Ya rd., Cincinn ati, O . Rl,fC!rene l' : Ask fir st mnn yo u m eet

Dr. John Zettel

Marlin &Sl4lnley

Mill. d Nolhina


Watc~ YO\lf expirat ion dute 011 the I T.....phOft.

The Miuuli GIl:6clLe








Political Auouncements

LY'FLE sun-I

TIll' : (,lIillt· da"" of L~· t It· .In\' :-:dllHll hl'I.1 theiL' . ,willi nlel'~­ ill.! I"ri dll~' ('\"I'lli ng III till' ""u ntI'Y . hUll11' f :'III'. and 1\1 1':<. ('arl Ilu · c. ~~~~".I.~=~~~~~~~ )11'. lind ;'III'S. Ch' n II I:3r,'ck o f 11\1dianal'olifl. WQI'C' I' guellt of Dr. lint! Mrs. L. C. Brock. J. E. ::I'll' lure WIIS a bus iness - 1\11'. and Mrs. William o loman visit(lr in in cin lla ti M onday. THE FIRE OF D RI F T-WOOD !lnd t\li~~ Th el'mll Ilttendcd the fu n l' I' IlI o f l\ll'~. aleman's broth r' Cl'OI't:c undet'w ood, of ClearBy Henry Wad sWl"rlh Longfellow in-III\\' lit Trenton . on " ~n sday . field, Pa., i vis iting relatives here W" ~<lt wi hin the furn~-hol\ e old, ~I t~ . I1I urgarct J ohn s a nd ;'Il rs. . CANADA '\"ll\l~\.' \\'illllo"'s, I(){'I K111g C I' the Ella ook we l'e Lebanon visitol's I Thc " ·lIyne T ownship Schoo.l I )I o ndny. I B;lIld ~\· ill . fUl'l1i s h the ~IU8~~ on \ ' .1 ' .:1 i< "reoming il1c~e:dngly (;:1\' (' ,,':\~(', n-hr"f'7.p ,l.lmp :In,1 ;'11'. alld .'II'~. bal'l('~ r.n l'lv Hn rl ! \\ edn('~dn~ at the Count~ FIIlI. ft 1" ,'" a iT;l'(' : r :\1Wfh.":l 'lS l.t)


.- -- I

·I'l ' !"~.

' I h ltl~

harll's F. W linam, of Franklin Ohio, ill II candidate for County <lnllll issioner of Warro n County, hi o, in th e R publican Primary, August 12, 1930. Mr .. Wellman ha never before held public office in Warren County, If e lected he promi os lin economic and efficient administra t ion of public bU8ines8 lind pl edges him elf to work to reduce taxes.

I wi sh to announce my candidacy for the offic e of Prosecuting Attorney of Warren County, s ubject to the fav ol'S of the Re-' p\lblican vo t 1'8 ut the primary ll!ctlon Au g us t 12, 1!J30, A s 11 Republican, wh o ha s n ot yet h e ld publi~ o fllce, 1 r espectfully solicit yo ur s upport, yo ur influ ence and yo ur vute. I ass ur e you t he SlIllIe will be apPI'cciated. William E. Hoffer.

",11 .1 I IItl :l m I' . tli f~ht :lnd (·' ~' .\I! i~I.I(~ .Jalll·, ."'." n: SII~~' S<lWS fllE'd by mnc h inery . Cyt l'tI,y ,I".:. Ihnl~cl J.;1I~~ l ~ I' f :"I!! . ,\11;1 .;\II ~ . . clcanl'l". tl'll{' r. fllstrr. Roy Pig. "a\' . ;\Idl'~ \\ :Itk,n " Ill'II I' 1'1\'(' I ", nt. I tt, t l\l ndde n's L u m ber Yard . , ,,I f ill :lil:1\ II ' '; ~I' tl", 11"11. . 1'I 1 : I . I ~ I I ·. :lnd :1 11'''. Ra lph fl y I", o f TI\!. , :; ;,,'1\:1', 1, loI·j':I , !ti'oIl l,d, " I, 'I' • il : •• 1' .. 1(' t IS t!I' lj:",1 n[ ;~n d I. II I I, \\'11 . )l al t,, " \\'('1'< ' SlIll tI ,I\' O1l'h' l'I\ oll n I\ t i ~~ 1·:l i z uh ~ th C hondl I' hilS hi., :'1.1.1 1.",1 '.' 1 1(\ i;l"\ 1:1 :\ !~ t L l' lll (,! 1I ;·' t ~ lOr ;1\ 1'. and '1\1\,,,. Lu w, ·11 !'l'llll'lIl'd fl" llll ('ape \\lay, N. J., 111 i.! I' :l' i . .. :~ .. (, l:lf!lll t1t C. III 1!C- 'I' l., li ~' hth"II "· ' II,,· di :' llla l r"rt, '1' 1.. II " .. d ' ·1 'I,,:till t ;I nd T I"'"Ia~. \\'1\( ' l' c ~ Ill' :llt"n rll'd t hc Fri end s ' j :1' 1 1lll 'I . . ru- ;\I C ~·.bt 0: • ' \. t ..111l' ""WlI . ~ : ,I . j i:--': 1111 n ll' t:llta i:1CCt S ; ni l 1,1'1I\1 n. lg ' ,Iult llH't lit the C"nf ·!'l'IlI·C. Will H. Irwin Jr., of Maso n , n ,I : I " . , \ \ C,'; ! a<: fein . ry \ '::I.C-' I,:d,,' lOt' 1I1."1~ ;, \': Ili " h,'d !t"Ill!' lo r. ;\11'''. i\ l ol'l'is I\l ill,·1' \\" 'd - I l\ia l shall lI arlan , who hu s bl' n Ohio, so li cits you r li upp ort fa)' his 1 " , t :!' '! .c '. 't(\! St:ltrs ~ pCl , t III "lillY . in Wa il' h" ~l'ita l 1' ,11' tn' lI tl1ll' nt, nominat ion u.· Auditor of Warr en ,',·I\(' . $' " .. 1 ,I I.I~) il' l ,w·:.! n la>t year . the (If ". h.11 III' " " ' had tlwlIl!h t. ~" <. :'IIIII'V Cal'lllolI\' tllld so n 1\\'11 " l'l' I1 I1)\· ·1I to til(' h ume of Mr. Cu un ty, ,, "bj e cl tu the Republican 1 't',' ,., t :.r , i l. ~1I1: lI1 H.~ rCe rqimat('s. :, lId ~aid. :'<11'. J-:. .J. (':t I'lIl Il IlY o( Sprinf!lil'ld :1,"1 !\II'S. n. I·~. Sta ndif or d wh er e Prilliury of Au g u s t 12, 19:10. \\ \ .1: ;'iii flU t ' \lr'~ts c.p(\nt abou t (If \\ h:1I had 111"11, nllt! IIl il!ht \1 ;1\'(' att('llti('ti th r· 'anll"n\' r [' ullioll at II ,' is twin),!; ('lIred fo r, ~') l l~HII\d '.lI l lle:. sltle o[ t he bo rder, h,· ,· ~1. HI'II " J.., itlt' Camp 1H'lIi· Ll' lI i s hllr~ , We ur e u uthoriz ed to announce l '. · :., "f Ih,,' Car~a(: a h a~ 1c~. than \1'01 \\ I,.. \\.1" "'\:IIl~·'·(1. nlld whu S unda\·. th e nume o f Le e D. !'hutts , Wayne I I (lit ,I' '1\.111\' )lcr ple : s we have, II:! ' d""d ; I ' . RANK HIGH IN MILK TESTING !"UWnShi P I a ' a cllndHlate fOI' She r: ' " ' ,I I"~:I' R' ,d ~howlt1g for ~u r ..\"r! :.1 1 t hut lill" lIlI' h"lIr l \l r I .~ I I' . ''',1: 1 )'lrs. 1~ ~"l cr Grlt,h ll m untl . ____ iff of .Warren , cuunty, s ubj ect ~o l, l qhl: 11 l1Cl~ bb u r s. fr il'lId :<. d: 'II ~ hU I . 1\l I)tn l ~ d 1.0 Col II III I.HI " Il uring- thl' llI 11nth of May tw o lhe Pnmlu'y Elect io n , Augus t 12, \\-11 .. 11 fir, t i lwy 1'",,1. lIilh ~ "l:I'l · t :-<lIl1d::y . lIfll' rl1 0 0n lind \\'(' 1'(0 a ~· \\' UI'I'I'II cuu nt y (,O"'R m nk ed hi g h. \ l D:l O. pllill, ' ' '';''" ll all.ll!ci hOIll(, by R obl'rl alld ill blltl('rfal li nd milk production FLYING I Th"ir l ivc'~ 111<·III·L,r"l'l h 1III I't' S I" 1 :1111. \\ hill' wh'~ ",rli !'l'llInlll hel'l'. 1I1111111 ).!; ('Oil'S in t h e Warre n-Clill Mrs. Ollie Maso n o ( Mas on, 0 ., TI, I'·. ' ''1; ~r;:~"n i< j ll~t now at its 11111 all ' "Illb. ; 1\~' h.Ii : , .:: ~. t 111' 11' fat llt,~, A l:thll,1' t Oil ('IIW Tl'sting As!\ ociation, ac- Dee rfi l'ld twp ., li.o lie!ls y our s upI" .·'11. "',~.' r Q . \\' lIliatT's new the I\nd IIC\'Ct' ,·;t ll hI' O IH' a g ain; \\ h ll',. Is III th " . I \I '~ llIt,tI the I'" cordi ng to a n ann. llln Ce m en t of purt for het' nominatIOn a s Reco rd ..•. . \Van cn C( Hnty CI' of Wanc n County, s UbJ' ect t o l.,'", 1 11' I',· irnll1 'C\\' York to nrrI (. I' I t Il' 1·\,'111" (r th " ', u.(l.t ..' II 811I " 11I'l'll tlnn f(JI' uj1j1l'ndl ' I (' 11," 1·1"8' - I". C,I,I. • .o>~ , ... ) " 1.1" ., Oil' IIY· 1'11 1'111 IJtll'QulI U ....... C II t . t he Re l)ublican Pl'imal'Y o f August II ", 1,1 ,1:1,1 hack \\llh ul a stop. bet- 'I \I' " I.,1 "l ~ I ti " \I " n d:lVli ht nnr! d,lrk, or in 17 hour ~. T hat \:I,\I;(i ~ al" p" WPrll':;8 to 'J( ' L~· tJe b()y~ were willner,.;, at L. W . Ni sbet , of Loveland , is the 12, 1!J3 0 . I"h" "lid KClillclh Hunter, flying o l'er pr(,SR, li Vf'I\' 1,,111 galliC lH're li n Tu cscla\' t)WII I' of /.I I't'g is tel'ed H ols t e in ani · Arthur HUllliito n solicits YO III' (, It ,Ll,!". heal thc endurance record 1('lI \' l' it s till ummitl ill purt , (' I" ' n'llI~ rot' lu :!t Wth ·k, hl'lw('C;' Il1 cd that I'llllk l'd t hir I ill milk proAlld \\' a\' I".~vil l " nll d L \'t1I' . ' ducti o n n nd four th in butte rfat s upp or t of his candidacy for ro · for continuo liS flight, 4-.'.0 h(llJr>, 1\ ';; 1\ it ill til " (,!'I'l'n t C~C (·~I\, . " I p l'o tlucliun d uring MIIY. Th' co w ~ I cc ti o n as Reprcsentlttive to tho 1h~ ~:rl! ,~.y. Ufl .1 11,,1 the \\"Jtl ~ IIPOIl tl lIl' I.i.l'~' til,·. ulld 1,·s . L us.lIc (,nl Y nnd prod uc ed lIlI). 1 Ib ~. of buttl' l' fat Ge nera l A ~se lllbly from Wanen l S!i: : C' lII : P,II.l il'ciy J,'W in Arne I .\ " , tlillil' 1\', 1'),,, nl 1,111 Ih,' h'I! . ~ IIn att..-II Ii ('rI lh .· 1',:1 I'll hll 1'1 I'l'U - : nnd 20:15 Ib R. ur mi lk durin g the cou nty subject to the Republlcun h:l ye clt'r [,crn up ill all airplr.c . Iluilt tor Ih ," \\' I l'l' k (, r ~ I r llnd (, t\ 1~I" n tit 1'11"'0 1',,1'11 ~ l l< ldl l'tnwll , m o nth. Primltr)" Au g us t 12, l\JlIO, :c wcr sli '.l, propo rr.· ·,natel y, Uie pl~ : . I , hi p. II I find tllt'n S lillda~· . The W u lte r L. Elli r; & S.on herd rl) ~ tr;jn S pon ~ljca . .!ust he w ra pid I} '1'11(' 1I : 1l1ll'~ "' "U ( !':qJ ('IIII'll l lain .s un d A lt hn Blundell , of lIarv eysL urg, l'tl nk ed n inth for Yuur s upport of Will R . Lewis; IIC :He bccomir:g n~tional1y ' "ai"- I ' ·" pill'. . , o F 13 l' lllltlllt li P 'nt II\~ t wee k at the I he month. A l'cgl s tereli J er se.y Re publiclln co ndldate for the Ilonli lo:iI" Jcl l" nobody can tel ! (':,act!y, b,,' Th r II indoll·~ . l att ling' in th(,11' h .. ml, .. r :'III'. ;,nd ~II ,,: WHlt t' I' Kun- be lo nging t o the he nl, produc ed Ilation as county auditor subject to not :\:1 . apiclly as tl:c a,.. iatioll folk rl'anll'~ . d ek. 49 .a Ibs. o f butte rfAt and 856 Ibs. the Primary c lection of August 12 !1()I,el: \lh~n Li ndbergh made his h ; ~- ' T h ,' II Ct';1 II , ... ,;11 in).!; lIJI til." iJ el.,eh of milk eluring Muy, 193 0, is r espectfu ll y solicited, I .... ic night. 1'lw J.:ll.ty hlll ~ t, lire lut !; '!'Ing l\11'~. Kes ll'r (; I'I t111\)n reC!elvod ____. • _ .. _ __ It t.:tk<'s a lot f t ime to ch:r.nb~e the f\;1I11(O S. "'old SLin t! uy II lI ll'llin/,{ uf tho d eath E, B, Murrell, Republican of Seeker BLAZE DESTROYS BARN W 1\ 8 hi ng t on T ow n s h'IP, I,:obits and point of view of the l1urnau ,\ II 111 .IIll! It·' I \' JI~ll r Iy in our ..C'f \1('1' Hunt, l\1r 1\1 '~. .Lidll b I:' so I'ICt.... "", ~ P(' I'h; , ultnl' I', . n til' , III IIII S urg. I'un ----- . , yoUl's upport of his candidacy tor race. l 'n i il Ih"I' 1I" "l l' L1w ill S I' " . ~ a part <'1'11 1 ~(' I'VII' " he l,! W edn esd ay aft '1' F'II'(:! of' unknown origlO destl'oy- no mination as county treasurer • Of fli lici cs fl o,1I in!! t hl' o uglt the n""n Ht t h e reSll lencQ. I l'.d ~ largo!.' burn b(' lolIg~ng to C, B. I s ubject to the Primary e lection FORD hl':lin, lIT ... and 1\Irs. H,wlllonti O- bnrn ~I el.nhenlll, u n e half 111110 so uth of 1)£ August 12, 1930. MI'. Murrell 1 The I.. ng- Io. ·t \" ' Illllrcs of the hCII.rt I n 'll\Ir:;. OIl' enb Th oma' of X e nia ~prlllj!boro. early Saturday mol'Tl- has served a s d eputy treasurer of 1 visited Henry Ford's great p ant T hat s enti 11 0 :tn ~w(,I' back <lg'1l11l \lei ' SlInlillv dinra.r guest~ o f 1\11'. ' mg dnlllulflng' a large um ? unl of IWarren c ounty for t he past two a Dearborn the other day. As I . I:\f . J' B , 1'h '. ft I flll'm' eqLl lpmcnt lind gl'lllO. The years came our o f OIlC of tbe buildings I saw 0 (1;11l1('H that ,.!'i ll wl,d! 0 he urts •ill , ,r". . . '. nne~ . e ll 1\ er- bl . I' . d ft ' 't h ., ' lh that \'NHnN!! . I'O UI.I I1IHI C\'ell ll1j! gtlc ~t. were : azc W<l S l,.' covele u el I au a rope streM cd across the brick pa 'fl" " ;' I ,' I l h aki :'- 11'. IIncl JlII·H. '1'\1 ('1'1(' ,J u nl'R on,1 ~o ll l gaIned con llid e rlt ble h cadway and Chas. E. Elli s solicits your way. 1C) II 1 1111 C l ' 00 mllc II . I C was beyo nd control support f his ca ndid c for "',Ve'll ba\'e to ,"alk on the .....".s,.. rh l' tI, if1-w,,' ' I firC' with o ut thllt :wel J\11 ~s A 111<1 Nu t t flf cnte rU · . t I' . k I".. 0 a y .. &.bU I'lln", I I· ill~. a iling\) 0 Ivestoc was sma " J'ommatlOn 8 S county treasurer said my guide. "There's a kildeer's ~U - _ __ __ _ u two W(~ ek' fl old c all being t he slbject to the decision of the roest down that path. Mr_ Ford saw 'I' he thotll!ht:l l h al hll1'll'd and only v)clim uf the ltlaz e. Articles l:epublican Primary election Augit the other day and had us block off g low('d with i n . I d os t r o)'rd In c lud ed l\ farm tractor, ust 12, 1930, thc path. The kildeer, you know will I binchH', farm hnpl em I'It~ , 26 ton" leave its nest and let its youcg ones --:."=" o f hu v, ] 25 bu sheIH of wheat, a We are authorIzed to Ilnounce d ie if it is disturbed" DAV·S quantity of harn ess on,l other the name of C, Donald Di\atush I didn't know iliat 'f act of natural ., J . b I C , ,, '. , . " I h i ' e quipm e n t , all a candidate tor reelection to history, not having been brought up ' \ 1:1r . the a~c~ptal~ce y tIC onf he Mell Y ¥(I \'CS W t t le iI' I _.- - - the office Of Prosecuting Attorney, . in thc prairie country wliere the kil- gre~. " I :he l.' nllcd tate o f a slatue hu:ban<i :; anr! c\lIldl'en !;p e n t un Is ubj ect to the Primary election deer flcurishes, but lUI I looled down c t JCI1t· r ~.) n O~\> . .111,1 its ills ~lIa- 1 dHY Ht ,the ~ume o( Ml'. and. Mr~, R EPORT OF ROBBERY IAugu st 12, 1930. ' the j:ath and saw the mother bird ti on ill latllary H a!1 III the :-Jatlonal • O~CllL' Stanfield, ne ar. N t'w vl ennll' l IS RECEIVED HERE hovering over the nest in a low bush ·;.pllol III \\"1 5 h ~ngIOI! , it. wot;ld seem I Th e n OI'eIlS Club s pe n t Thur, ' W e aro authorized to announce 1 felt that I had got a glimpse of that Ihe las t vc,t lge ut al1!lI1nsny born : dny w ith Rev. and Mrs, urI c . the name Of W, H. Fulkerth as a ano ther phase of Ht;1lJ7. ~on1'. c;har- o f \l It: lia r be mrcn the states must and llaug hte l' neRI' Blanche tel'. RudlCl rc port~ to the e ffe ct that ca ndidate for second term to the . h~':e roa ,cd aW~j·. \ . • the L eba n o n b/lnk h ad b een h eld office of Sheriff subject to the acter. ,;, ~ ) . nine )'l ars ~go Davis ~camc M I:. fln.'I , 111 rs. ~dam ~Irth. o f , up and ~obbc d were receivcd in nepubllcan Prlm~l'y election, Aug lhe ti lul:Jr ItcnJ o f the Con federa te Dublm \\ CI C g u e};ts of I e la tlvl.'!I . W l.lynesvdl e Monday noon cau s- ust 12 1930, METALS Si ai es of An\f' ri . li e had se n 'cd as hlll'(, la: t wcek. 'I ing not a little e xcitement, but a ' Mi ~s Opal Turner i~ th e guest o f la t cl' broad~ast correct ed the. first A llen Huffman ann ounces his The most precious of all metals is ~ec .. d~.ry o f War in Pres iden t Bur eport st.allllg t hat It WOR the candidacyfor re-election for nei ther gold nor platinum, bu t the cltanJn's caLine t, and a ll u :IC o f the rela ti ves Ilt Dublin Ohio. ]\,[iss Rub S n;ith spcn t last , bank at Loveland instead.. County. Recor~er, subject· to the rare suhsta'lCc kno wn as iridium, which ~butmc\l ls of Cahill J ohn bridge in T\~o mu~k ccl m en obtamed up- , Repubhcan Pnmary, August 12, is u cd dl iefly to make points o f \\'OIslll on ton, carryltlg tlte \Vasi ll ng ton wee k wilh f~ends in X e nia. ct, a blank' s ', ):tce appears where M'I ~S R ac he i l i f ountaiu pens ru:d to alloy wiLl] plat- Aquedu . - a l' t man t ece 'lve d IproXI imately ' l' $3,000 at the Love- ' 1930, - - - _ _ _- __ iuum to give it the necessary hardness. ~ IS llame was ch~sd lcd ou t when the the s ilve r m edal at t h . P e a ce Con- ' an( ill S I U Ion. L t rear iridium 'prices r anged ill ;:,outh se~edcd I 1 hat was a war gcs - l est held in t h e F r ie nd s ' Church NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ncl a even ing. lhe United . tates from $180 to $450 :me, as Jm port3nt then and as sil lY CJLASS MEETING In pt!rspcctlve, as our ban upon teachU y , . an OUtlce wit h $229 as the' average On the Wayne Township School ~r. (I n rl Mr s. H u mer StIles o f price. P!at::1111Jl d roPf,etl f rom $110 in Y German in the public schocrls Th e Gleaners C lass of the Budget. w~cn we were ' at wa r .a dozen year~ ~prJn gfi c ld wcrt' we e k-e nel g ues ts '1 ounce t· , ~' ~ , the dr(;p being due Notice is hereby given that on ag o. In th e McC ray holl'l ~, Chur('h of C hl'ist he ld their , Ille lar!': Impof laticlIls fl OIl1 ~o l ­ the 21st day of July, 1930, at 9 monthly m eeting Thul'Sday evenA ll the old bi tterness may never die. O~ r ~o.ft - I! u ll team was S U CCIl8S· ;" 3 , \\'hen~c we ~o t over 45,000 o'clock p. m. , a . public hearing on There is still a considerable body of ful In w!nlllng a game from the Ip.g, July 10 at the home of Miss the Budget prepared by the Board I". ~,. Be rore L'le war Russia was Eva LiPJ'iln cott. Aft er a short J3robi tes in Canada who hol d tllat the Wayncsv tll e team on Thurs day l ~ jJri:lc_pal source of ]IIJtlOum, bu si ness s ession , a very pleasant of Education of Wayne Townsllip I.u t unly 6 I.JU/lces came fr om there present King o f England has no a ft ern oon, _ _ _ _ sorial ho ur was e njoyed during Sch ool District of Warren Counto hi s throne and that an obright a~ ~ YClr, The Uni!eJ St:Ues produced deli cio us l'efreshm ents w e r e ty, Ohio, for the next succeeding TungRt('n , the ha rdcf; t 'm etal yet which scure " European' noblclniln of the I UII : . :! O 1J\l:l~I!S of tl,:s m~ta l. ~Pl'v ,d. Th n oxt meetin\\, will be fisca l year ending December 31st, ra:I,HIlIItn, w eI t!l abcut ~O an S tuart line is the rightful heir o f known, II' UK ma tlc' du cti le e n oug h h e ld at tile hOllle of Mrs. P etel' 1931 will ' be held at the office of the Board of Educatio n in Waynes ounce, 05 .. :UIll about t:1C same va lue James II. But nobody takes them to be dl'lIw n into thc wire filam ent h U l1 l ~ , A lJg'us t 14, . se riously, any more than anyone now I "r t he incand esce nt lamp by a n~ ~'la \ il1'JJII ....:d rtlt h~n: t; m, only a Opul L ewis, Sec'y. ville National Bank Building Wayn esville, Ohio. lilt Ie l ~s s " a!uahie, arc other rare takes seriously those who try to keep I a process d iscov r ed through r cour old sectionai ~ity alive. .. ~ c'a l'ch. L. M. HENDERSON, Clerk mClals used by jewelers, ELKS' WIN CUP d'








- I


(:1 l


I t! \

C l~ a ,'t'nk 'l.l.ru5~ the l1~j' .I:·tt ,', • :\1 i: I: C;: ".,it.·.

. B",,\


.\ 11



" \I '".'



SPECIAL For Friday, SatlJrday & Sunday,

Fresh Peach Ice Cream ~ ~ ~ ~


20c pint pails

Orange and 'Blaok







IAt"T PI-ices This Slwlluer Everyone can now a Word to

ride on Goodyellrs. Come in

and ace h'ow Iitt.Je thel watt






. ft,u,pnder





30x3Y2 •••• $5.05 31x4 •••• $8.80 32x4 • $9.50








, 1

eep Your Buildings Young in Years' Many a building-old' in point of service- has been made to look yOllng in years with good steel roof. in g. Cbanneldrain is steel roofing at its best-made to give a life-time of troll ble-free

Wilmin g ton Elks Lodge, 797, is r ecogni zed th roughout the United Stat e!> today, the lodge ritualistic degree team haying won the coveted Natiomll champions hip cup in a eotnpetitio n that was the feature of the Na t ional Elks convention. at At lan tic C ity, N. J., last week. The hono l' brings to Wilmington the highest rccognition of the order to th e Slnte (If Ohio its first National ritualistic chllmpionship,


--- _.- ---

- -- .-----

This is tbe kin d of roofing servic~ that will save you money. Let us tell you more about i t. Chaood draio is made of the mor e costly COP- R-LOY, the Copper AIl oy(,d Steel ... and yet it costs no more than ordinary roofing ! The money it saves you in repair bills will soon pay .its cost.

Life-rime Servfee

E state uf Maude Underwood De ceascd . Notice is hereby g iven that Walter B . U n derwood h as been duly ap . pointed and qualified 8S Executor of the Estate of Maude· Underwood late of Warren Cou~ty, Ohio, d ecensed. Duted th is 8th day of July' 1930. W. Z. RC>LL . Judge of the Probate Co urt, j23 Warren County, Ohio

- --~--j.



Phone 14

-========= .- - WANTED

Wayo'e sville, Oblo

W ANTED--I want to buv 100 fat 6 lb , hen's at once, Will 0, \;-+.....;~~.:.;.;:;...:..;~-;.;-;..:~~r;;;.;;:.;;;.;..---....:.....:...;;~=....-..:;.-...;;;;-;;:-;;;;:--;;;-;:;:::;;~;;;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;,;-==;;.;;:-::,;;;=o/J., Gustin. • J18

28x4.75 • $7.65 29x4.75 • $7.75 29xS.00 • $8.10

-.:::::..--.:::;:-=. .•

Gordon'. Service Sta. Phone 47

WaYDesvllle, Ohio "G~ara.teed

Tire R e palrln" - - - ElitllDlI"!8 Free


No? Then it is time .to get busy and get your printing done before the busy season begins

Moore formers' homes sre l5~l'ved by e lectric ity in Carifornla than If) flny other ' tate. New York Is seea nd , and Washington third. The Hllproxill1atc number are 63,000, 48, 000 an d 35,000,


29x4.40 • $5.65 29x4.50 • $6.40 30x4.50 • $645 '

Are You. Busy?

£Iectricity in Cala

Y t,t Another One Naturnl gas is being liquefied and s ent in co ntainers to commun_ ities which cannot be served from t he r egular mains .It is believed to be a cheaper method of distribu tion in some cases,



Letter Heads, Envelopes, Statements, B1II Heads, Blank Form. of all kinds, Weddi,.gs, Cards of all kinds, Booillets, POlters, Stile Bill~, in fact, we. are prepar.ed to' do aiaJ"kind of commercial work

The Gazette's new~' - s ervice gives goo~ result. in adYertii. ing and ,in Sale BUI .. ,.p~intin\g; ~y it · ~nce

Eighty -Third Year


- I. .t.


Whole Nllm hel' 591 9



Ow ing lo th se vc r ity or t he dro ughl an ti t h 11lIs ~ iui li t ~, (,f nc'd illg 11 lnrg (tu u nity (, f \\'ate r

C OL U M BU S , 01lI0- Sc cre tury VAYNE SVILLE M, E CHURC H ~ Iw ul u WI! hav e :t nn' , w e u ~ em it o f S tnte ' Iu re nce J, B rown , as A s th, pu stor a nd his family I It is 11l ·t' ll llIi ll g' IIl ll l''' li nd fi JI re l\: ('(' 1\ i nl (" t·sl i ~ lniH)i f c ~ t in t he C hi e f I!.l cc ti on Olli c!! r o f th e S tnt e , w ill advi~lIh l t o urge the c o n s um ~ rs t ,) ..,be o ut of' , t o wn, ther e w ill be l hl! C ll ~ t() 1l1 I",. 1'1'" " 1,, " n t il ,ir WUrt'1'1I (' ou nt y to u rs ac c rd ing t o Il<I ~ lI r l'a'1Ig e d fo r th e ins tallatio n n o p r oaching se rvi ce until Augu st G eorj:!., oo k i ~ s e r io usly\ 'II w it h be us s u vinj(' o f Sll ill e a s i ~ pnsI ~L1 l11ll1t ' l" \ ';{('a t inn s l lJ f,!o i,;\rk. 1'11 1' Hnn u lI lU ' l ' llll' n ~ (r ll lll Cflunt y E x .. of s p ecia l lo ng di s ta nce phon es in 10th , Th e re will be pmye r m eeting q u in zy an d ,'o illpli ca ti l\' on h ~ tr ('e t i ~ I' 'r e ivin gH I' Wll : 11 iJ ril' f vi , il a l 1 (' Ol ~ l. t o I h',' hnnll ~ o ns , s ihl!', I r,f tn r vi a, , B ' ' o f IIll'il' l' hi ldh " od , P l' r h ;\ p ~ hat i!- t ~ n :; i ' '' 1 r\ 1!~ nl an his otJi ce, thro ugh which will be I'e- euc h Wed nesdllY at 8 :00 p , m , d h lrm ur ea u li nd S unda y schoo l a t !) :30 a, m, lJl' ('au s ~ a liI O n l ( , " ilc~ a nd nll} t " r olli e t', App .... p Mrs , S usa n Wilk (' r s on c e ived th e e lecti o n r e turns fr om r iu l (' la l!~ 1' 0 1' wi nd W O RK S :'I l is, Fllit. h T Ul1l1ins o n is fit Cap e : h idl\\a ~'s 1lI11 k l' il " " , i,' G, C , Dibert, Pastor, ~' c r y s ick b ll t is g radu a ha ~ be el r III lly .t illl il t p ha r o vt ,hi l'ld " nd ,','a I' Kl a ~, hav c been t h ' diffe r e nt bOlll'ds t hr oughou t M ay, ' ew ,Jl' rs ,'y, m g, I han it us"d t .. Ill' ; pl' rh a p ~ Il is h vth e s tUlll oC th e lIPPl'oac hing priI I' au ~ , ' (' it .l' f,>lk 11 1'(' ht'1r inlling I .. 11 1'v11a l I,d t " idl ' lIl if y cars li nd ST, AUGU STINE CHURC H r h h Illll k l' it " ,,, i.,1' [ " I' th " g1'flup to m a l'ies o t be hel d Tu es du y Aug, 12 I,. Hc i!' nc (' tli ~ pl' l}v in J.: th l' Bibl e '! 1'I( l's, Blalld L. c, St. ,J u hn and Mrs, rNll Zl' t HI ,I to ~"lIntl'.I ~Li Summe r sch edu le - 1s t, 3rd and H ear C ll'nll W " I'(' il1 Da y tl) n :\1 " 11 ' ! llIglIIl!, t l) ~"n ' kl ' ' Il t og l' lh" l' in Ihl'Y , ('a lll e Inll11 a re <:h, th e Hl' I' fIl O II a t th l' (,hurch ur n t whi c h e vo les will be CU RL for h th tiny , 5th Su nd a y , Mass at 8 :00 a, 01 , ; Christ Su nd ay niJd ;: I'I'l\'l ng I h l' l11 ~ t ' lvl" In t " (' lI ll'S, and an' irll ' '1','s t t' d 1, 1' te ~ it y, A ll w 0 1t, hoth He pu bliclln and Uemo('r u tic 2nd and hi n ki ng ab o ut 4th S und ay, Mass at that ' oon th l' ,>ld IIIII dn111 r ks will t. , tllki nf,!' lhl' I rip t •• ( ' in l'lIl1tiid u t cs fo r' GoVel'n Ol', Lieute n e in nali, \\' ed M I" J ~I '1'1 Hiltl !l :30 M : r ~ , g loll", " II a ll Sum me r S pI!c in ls - I'in gH, cosup hy I hl' re ll' lIt - n l' ~ d u ~' , A u gll ~ l II a n ' I'l' <tu cs t ~ d to lint Gov C' rn o r, Sec l'ctul' y of t a t e, UI )t~lr'lt :li:li", ,' c) ' ;H;11l 1 ~~~~~,)~I \I; n lJayto n I"ss 1;1\,' , f owed lIun e jl' \Velr y, (' te, ,:1 1y ': ,J () wl' lry Re v, Lawren ce B, Mollma nn, P roIUP", Tr ells ul'e r o f S late, both th e un e xl:a ll at F a rm uftit" to s~" , " " S Onl' hop, o f th l' va n is h ing la ndmurk s _'u r e l hl' ;Illt l'Blireau Lebu ll ul1 , Oh io, ' ~il' e d li nd sl ic k,' r g, r eg ula I' term, Un ited is t hl' ul d fUs hiu n" ti cou n u '\' s c h" .. 1 vis io ns aI' ,' I' ei ng >l l'l'a nged1''''1) d i I J\Ir. a n d M n :, Lin S ta tl'S Se ll utlll' unexpil ' l'd term und WAYN ESVIL LE CHURC H OF f ll r lhe Mt' nd l' n- T hl' old , dl ll o lh IoU sc- we d OIl'l Mi :s P'dna M ile S taup, o f Hu u te CHRIS T T hp t hi r t Y- lhir d 'II n l1:l 1 I\ ~~ t'mb l y hn ll aI'(' , is itin g I'c la dil-v nc inn ati I.. ",!" whi c h ~ ta l-ts f r o m J uli ~ (' s of til ,_ Supr cm e Co urt o f t.i vl,s in Ea , l - k nOll hy pe opl e n ,f e r t.o it ~" (, f l ro n Ci 2, s p ' n t II fl' I,' da ys la:' t \V(> " k w it h IIr Ihe J\l ia m i Va ll l'Y Lehan ,," 1Ii o, A !Js t r:H,ts are being I1l'e ,'Mly "lln l'sda y m o r nha ll Ui u q ua " I'll Oh i.. , (U nden o minati onal) a s "th, ' little n 'd ~ l'i lo ( ' lh l'l1 ~ l' ." for ing A ugu s t (i , WOll Mi 's .Ju a nita Brnnll (, C' k, w ill u Jlen F r ida:.' , J u ly 2f' lh " a nd pal' c: ri by ::)cc r'c l Hr y o f S ta te Brown e d e lega tion Bib le S choo l at !l :3 0 n , 111 , _ fll lI , t o f thelll t hat Wl' hav e seen he adl'd by Co un lY Ag e nt l.~a!\ ~ and r'ont illlH' u nt il SII IHIH Y, Augu st UJl on wh ic h ' t he pr ec in ct vote 1'01' Lo rd ' Ve In F a ill (' y, o f II ill sbo l o, was w(' re pllint l' ti w h it~- - i~ 'uPller at con c lus ion, MI S, A, K , lJay W Il o S n p l'a1J,'d u r t Ilt' til '~ p el' iall y ar l'HIIKe d f .. I' th e m e n 10th , I"u a h inl o f U C(! ll l ur y n 1.Il1 ~ 1n f'~s vi s it .. r ill th e vnri lars o fficial s will be r ecor- C hris tia n E nd c n vo l' !It W a\'lll' ~ vi l le ' plMl'l'S ne llrly all nl us It k e t " loo k 6 :45 p , m, A s hlalld , Ky .. S utu rd ll Y, Leca u se thi ~ g l'l'utr insti :Ind h n ," will IJI'oc l'l' c1 dow n S~a te d ed, T he ub s trll c t wi ll c arry th e ad George Mille r, t u tio n h o ~ stood fOI' TU t's ti IlV, " L ead e r , Eve nin g of' th e, dl! lllh cd' II re lal ive, u p when w " go " 1 )H ck ho m e ," T hl' Hout e -12 I n t he l c ult u r e a nd ,¥ h o l e ~l tl e r N'r eut io n di t iCl l1 ul inl'o l'muti ll n us to th e vot e eva nge lis tic s ervI ce at 7 :4.5 'tock ya rd s " p, ' nH' IlHll il:S II r chi ldh OJo d l'll/ s tl ' r 1ll1) l'1' whert' ,)lJi einl " lO r nion nnLl nev!!r in aH thnt li m t' w e r e t he lh e Fa r'm l' I's Coeas t in th va riou s co unti es fol' S e rmo n s ubj e ct, "Th e Bible m , l\l iss T r ill 'na li nd Miss Margu r a et nd Ihil'k Ml's, ly "iJo W ut , il , th an an y oth er ,' p' ral iv l' Lh' p, t (1c k Cn mmiss io n ,'t, J ohn hus re - p ro s pec t He JJI t! sentaliv e to Co ngr es s, Judge Scienc!:! ," A I'o us ing s o ng se rvice turn ed fr o m S ulp her U ck Sp 1' ing:, bl'igh te s f or cOll ti nu e d s UCc ess P.l lwlln l:, II l1d Mr, 0 , .I : I:: dward s ; Iru <: t ll re l: XCl'p l t hl' "III hom es t e ud \ il l :, ht}\\' Ih l', o f th e 'o urt o f AJj pea ls, Sta t e e n li nd g ood e j('I'," IP th ro ul< h t h e wpre Da y t o n \' is i lClI' ~ o n Mo s nd P , ecia a y, l it~l: mu If, s ic, The Ghureh I \'e l'Y much improv ed in he, a Ith, t: hUl,,' h wa s a plae e t o yard s a lld e xp lain th G r nding On t hi!' y ea r 's p rogram a r e Re\', t I'll I Co mmill ' e , man, a nd tutc Ce n- Night prog ram each W ednes day at whi c h w" Wt't'l' dl'llj:gt' d ru t he l' r e- nll ' ilJlI ~ Sll'PS in th' s l,lling o f live W illi am A , S u nd t rn l Co mmi tte e, w o m e n , tate 7 ,45 p, Ill , "Th e c hU1'ch where you F ill' ~i ft s n nd g ift id ea s vis it l uetull l ly , Not t hat W I' Wl' rl" a lw ays , l Ul'k E yes bOlh er you ? Set:' Dr, Ru - ( ' O il U, F !!~s , C ay , • en at o l' S in! , S e nator and Re pres e ntnti ve to t he f ec i at home ," The me n a nel J.,I ,Ys wi ll a lso hi ~f Re d F ox, a CIIl'Y's ,Jew!:! l!'y S ho p , L l' bu n o n, 0 " do lph , e yes ig h t spec ia lis e nlhu ~ iu s l i(' nb o ll t g ll in\.( t il s e hon l. be g'ive n n n ed G lI e ra l Ass e mbly, Th ere are a puc a ti on a l t rip Ch e s ter A. William son, Ministe r Jewelry Sh o p, L e ba no t , at ar y 's nu m be r of la Rt sell80 ll 's mos t s ue- "T he H o m e u f G irtli, " bu t tit l en ~ t thl' sch ool n, was Ohi cess a o, d ful plll ' hr() Ys lIJ! , rec ita ls an d c on ce r ts prox illta tf! ly ~)} OOO voting pre cinct s h n 's P a c king Plant moc ra cy o f II Ul' kind , Ex ce pt f Ol' wh e r e th eKahma by we ll-kn o wll vn ea l a nd iIl Htl'Uin til s tate, ll Y in tr icat e p roI th e leach e r , wh ST, MARY S CHURC H Mi R!:I Murv Hawke o f Da yt o n m e ntal or ga ni zat io ns, Th as on ly o n resse s cll nn ('c t ed w ith t he kille prog r a m Mrs , Id n Kel s ey, o f , D a y to n , a ga ins t ma ny, "'llI' w('hi has bee n v is itin g ltJ F, l'e n U , had Le May ing IIn >Ind J is c u ri ng o f t1I cat w ill be e x- . e xc eed in j('ly w e ll-ba lance d a s t q ' !Xl' ~~ ~~cfa st \\ ('(" k Ju ly 27, Sixth S unday after Th e annun l re plirt of th e Ohi o With MI'~, l h i ng~ prc l,ty t1I ul'h OU I: o wn way, plain e d , i n ~ t r uc t i ('\ n and e ntc rt a inm e n t. Sla t e Medicu l B oard which has Trinity , Church s chool at 9 :3 0; fami ly a nd olh e r r e lati ves he r e, , II I) (' u re, I We It ve d III a wo r ld of o u r ow n T he cars beu r ing t Th e Chaut a uqua g r ound s have be n mud e to Gove rnor Myers Y. Momin g Pl'ayer and se rmon at , fO l' II f e w hou rs a d a y, W e w r e girl ~ will he ht>ud ed he' wo mc n an!l oo pe r, di scl os es that 18,535 cer- J 0 :3 0 , Th e church will be clos ed Rcv , G, C, Di be r t a nd f umil y le ft iJeen g r ea l ly impl'IJV l'd t his sea s on , hy MI'S, HillTh om a, Ma nnin g t o n , o f Day t o n n lll .. ng- I hllsto of Q U,' Tu esda y t o vis it ki rHI. wh o ie r th e H ome Age n t by trips I'eill tives al The sw im m ing poo l, dini ng hall, \~a s a tifi eut es ha ve b ee n iss ue d t o phys i- during Au g ust. S e rvices wi ll be bu ~ in eKs v i ~ i t'o r ill \Vu y n~ s- th o uj: ht t he s a me t hll Maco mb, Pllndol' a a nd Oh io Cit y T o m Th u mb Go l f c t)Ul'se , s huffle , vIII ug h t >, s pok e t h r o ug h Stl'i e t l1l a n' s cians and s urgeo ns , GIG to Os re, um t' d the firs t unday in Sep, on Mo ndR Y, th e same lan g uagc, lo .. kecl on t he C' ra ckior f a c t o r y and Bll k cr y and Ohiu, ' hlla rd and tc nnis co u r ts all offo rd- I t eo paths , with 19 p r eviou s ly licen- te muer. also t h r ough I wo r ld fr o m the Ka mc p e r~ pect i l'e , t h l' F ren c h- Ba ue r Co mp nlly , coin\.( s p le ndi d op portu nit ies for va- I M r, and Mrs , ,J e:se s'c d f or s urgc l'Y, 849 c ertifica tes to R ev, J, J, Schaeff e r, Rector, E, So ' l h, o f 1' he l'c is no llI a nn S umm e r S pccia ls ~ g la, sWllre ~n ti o n pa s ti me , Th e ,ca noe ing and limite d pract iti oner s , 353 to ur Bn tav ill , s p{' n t W l!dnesll ay with thl~ t the f1l c.d c l'l1 c e r of dou bt o l' l! rutivl' Milk a llLl Ic l' Cr ea m plllnt and ~e ts o f di s hes, Cary ' ~ J e well'v li ollt. m onso li da t ed or As a s pec ia l IId di t io n nl f eature , e h il'o lJ o di ~ l H lind 701 lo midwiv es, FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIS T S h Cl P! Le ban o n, Ohi o, S t on ' op eii I'ivc l' g' Im t he bl'auLlf ul str e tc h of , J\ (r ~ , S u sa n" , Pdinc, unlOlI s c hoo l II I" fil l' bet t er ft I' Mlltion P ic t u r e film will he ~ ho w n Th e rl! wa s II t ota l of 857 rej e cti ons wa ~ nev!' r m or e p opulur, e ve ni ng s, ~h(' ir avo w? d lJ urp osc f o r physo i inns a nd s urg on', J 78 !S pend YOUI' va cati on lit C hautau (Unden ominat ional) W c rcs t ri ng bcn d s , re plat t! s il - r,ng s() m e th~ng w e call o f in s e l't- a t Ihe C,)"pcr a lil' e Milk Plunt "l' ducat ion" whil e th !' W O llll' 11 vi.-i to l's will c on qu a , H avc a g notl tim !! and ~n ve VC l'\vare a ncl I'{'CII \'!, f o r o ~ t eo pnlh y , 5 3 5 fol' limi t ed Bibl e School at !) :130 a. m , S un I' umbr e llas , lil li, t he I11 l11d , lIr th e yo u ng , But ve ni E:' E, L. B!'l'gdn ll , o f Da yt on , was mon cy, n ll y a nti co mfortab ly seate d practiti o ne l's , 18 f o r c hiropod ists dllY will be "Fathe rs and S n s" 'a l'Y' S J ewe ll'Y S hui', L e bnnlln, 0, ' th ose wh o hll~' e hut! , t he g oo d , fOI'in th c ne w aud it orium especia lly lind !'J6 f o r miciwiv es , Th e numb er Day and a good program is be ing i n Wayn !'svill e Tu esday f o r th e I t UII C fun t u, e l'nl beg ~ in ervi th ('('s e ir o f 'd ucll tr onu l lI rrun j!e d f o r s uc h g I'Ot1P!l o f v is iMrs, M eh ' in n o f ac c r e riited schools of nUl's ing arrange d, SCH~VARTZ- SMITH Lord's Supper and MI', Hu lp h SU I'fa c e o f L o ~ , An- ca re " l's III , ~ u c h s choo ta cy, lh o use ' [I ~ lo ri' lit t he F U l'1n e r~ in thc stal e is 73 with a bed ca pa- se rmon !It 10 :30, ermo n subject , oop e l'otive g <> les , alifo l'nia is v i: ilin g at th e t he o n e w h Ich H e nry F ord ha s p re- , Milk Plun t. s ity of 1!3 ,1 3 1 and a daily average " Dad." Yo u are always we lcome T he man iage o f l\lis Eli za be th hum e ,)f L an d e r Ca r ey, Mrs , u, a n W, Paine a nd so n, s e r ved a l S u dbu l'Y, ~1ass " the , h of pati e nts Of D, I G2, th e numbel' nt this ehu l'e h, I "1 R .. ut I I o ' c loc k, both groups " Is , t ' vC l'1 tubl e s ehoul t u w h ic h Mu ry '!, \', illAbdr u f s tud e nts lIurses be ing 4,162, ive i f) lo n e y Is la nd Park Ches t er A, William s~ n, Mi'n i s ter P'a lli ~ F e r e e , \V e l' gu est s o f Mrs , 'fmlt( UlH .1" 1i\"l o ~~, "cdlw a l' z, S Oll , i\Jr s, i\l arv Mc luI' Mrs LIlIlitt le lamb f o ll o we d he l', wh erc o n e I t o ,"n j o y t h ' ir co m b in e ci baske Jumes Vand e rvoo rt and s i le I', Mrs 0, 1', a nl'd' I'S, "fr(>\V C h \\'I1,1'11l Z ' 11lI1i Ic Clur' e' 1\11'0 Ida ' Kuls' Th e numbe r of certific a t es iss ued t din 1 'Ol'nte e l' '" 1' a e nd 'l e cU nt l'ved otl e's initials on t he r o u"h I m' r al ' the t n bles und 0 Be rry of L e ban on Frida y, uv rH'SVI e , t o lIurs es s in ce th e pass ing o( th e ,' benohe s ' ' 'I " ' d" 1\lr-s, L H ,G,' " ord on I)('~' n ow 0 f 0'Iu m b us nt Tu cs I Iw ard d!'s ks , wtll ' wa s ~ o e l11111 Z ulways " fe el , law is 14,019, a ' which 4·H ELIMIN ATION CONTE ST h uve be ... n rese r ved r ur the T d , 'l . ' " J I 22 " , h I ' , Watch n e ed repair i ng? I~ xp e l't ee l aln up e l"IUlll~ UhC:!; ;l )t' nw r nttng, U Yt B' a tk t' h e tl U\'' III RI c hm o nd , ove r 1 W a r re " <' u n t v VISitors o n that n e vc l' hud s uc h II dv u ntlll!es,O ~(! w 10 du watchm ak e r at ea l'Y's J e we lry "I ck wal' Z ,'ot a ge ' u ue y, ' e ye A ft e l' lunc h eo n t h e b oo t d d e Th e r e is 'm uch activity a t presS h The Elimina tion contes t for hop, L e ban'on, ' I-l a ve YO ' UI' la wn m ower sharp, ' ' o nw 0 \\ " l he Ohio, u ld Onl . f a y s hlCln e d dow n t he OhI O HIve I' t o Cmcmg e nuine II ; ' 11 ' ent in th e s uite of offic es of the t eam demon s t rations I " d' d Inn ' e r e n e d bv' th e sam e ma chin e ry us co untry tichool tll!W' ulng :le e ms , itl pe l's pecl- I " at i a nd r e t urn will no doubt be ,tate Buildin g Commi ssion in th e in L e banon , Augus t 1,will be he ld materia l u s ed in o ur r epni r d epart ' I ,' O OWIIl" , .. I I I ft k ' f t" us ed In t he f ac t o rv , at th e Wuyne s IVC, C OSC I' a 111 to , Eve r y girls me nt. , ,I e yu un g 'COllP t' (' , a>pito l, {Ol' is is pre dicted that clu bin lhe county , ~t h " ' l ' ' " , ' ,I \/r1' II. NI'IP, vdl h' h ' h " th e pio n ee r th e m os t restful nnd 'p leas an fene Aut o ancl Ma"chi n('I-Y 0 , is urged to ~ P lI'Il w Ie IH "Il, , _ I clr. I rn c r a r ~ m c lI C.'~ g , ~ \\ t Sp lI'I L of Am 1'- fur l' or t h e da y, Approx imately buildin g o perati o ns on th e n ew 14- s nd ut leas t one demons tration Icn , l hun mo de rn s t r ue tul"e Th e many fri e nd s o f fi l l'S, Yo r k, Bo, ton an d A lIun t lc It), s tory s tate office strllctu re will g et team t o this event, Mr, and Mrs, J, V , Harts ock g rad ed ~' l a KS I'OO m R, ste with it : RuO peo ple too k a s imilu r rid e The am h eat, la Ht yea r a nd ex pressed unanim ous u nder -way before Octobe r first. \ ning ,tea ms , o n e in food two win- Rache l Cre w will r ell'l'e t t o hell I' . a nd daught!: ! r , Do r othy Geraldi n e, I e,l ec ~l'1 c lig ht Hllli who and one in that s he s uffer e d II se v l'e leso m e ve n- ~W p ro va l un d a gc ne l'Ul req ues t for The plans Ilnd s pecifica tions have c lothing will r e pre s e n j oyed und ay ill ' C incinna ti , a t l tdatron , But , Itkc thy en t t he c o unty attock lind is in a s e ri ous hear t ~ x - ~eam fi nd l"c peLit ion thi s ye ar, An udded REMAI N ANOTH ER WEEK bee n al>prov e d by t h e Board which · at t he State con test co ndi th l! Zoo, At s n lll<' lim e vi ewed ' ~ h e covered wf:lgo n, h e ld at the t ion , It I ~ dl s n p peR I'- re atur e wh ic h will be of llpecia l inalso se t t he t ime (or co m pletio n of I hi o tate Fair th BarLon es Idea l Com e dy 0 , Mlis o n fir e d i ~a s ~ er, e last week in I I"g, OUI' a dne e til eve r y r'eud e r te r es t til the buildin g by Decemb er a 1. 19a1 l !\Ugus t, a r re n ounty peo• Wh o e v ~ r a tt e nd d s uc h a co untry pIe will bel hIl n W t t ame ' d t lh e s how you k n ow will b in W a y It will be e r ec ted on the Scioto , M rs , L au rn Z"c II e nel' umbe r of s h rt ta lks , uillm e r The contes t is a n annual affa ir d ln a s I pe n esv ciul.' ille s fo ilv r e th rwul,n, t' I'e, l t ' , ch of oo,1 t h is IS we t o ek ta ke n g ood n!' louk 1' o li n t Monda a nd ~ y 11 !' ci 1r!' ll l < , Id ll K el- with e ntire chan g e o f pr og ram , j \\'e lr y Riv e r fl'ont a t a cost of $4 000 _I and gives the ,Illu~i c w hile o n t h e h girls a n op- s ey, of Du and n ovelties , Cary's , I t I ~ yea r , f ol' till' lI ext yenr it uo 000, it being predict ed t hat ~ early p ortuni t y to te llc lub at. This will he g iven o ve r t h e in an interes t- C lu,r e , Mrs, y t o n, 1\I rs" ~ary Me-I Thos e wh o atte nd ed la t we ek J cw e lry Shop , Leba n o n, Ohio, W e I11 UY be g-o ne r o r e" e r , u half millinn d o lla rg will be s aved 1I1g manne r about Em ml1 Mc Clur e and c lai m it t o b e th e bes t 10c Hhow n li crnp hnne un d loud s p eaki n g s ome phas e of Mrs, j(' ive Cedar Stamps, - - by let tin g th e c on t l'llc ts wi t hin the I th e w ork she is d oing, Ruth Jan n ey, qlli pl11e nl 0 11 lh e boat, so that t he o n t he r oa d, Cle an re lin e d va udi DESTR UCTIV E n cxt ~ ix we e ks , gl'Ou p call hen l' th e di scu ss ion and Dr, a nd Mrs , Ralph Va nce and The contest wi ll s tart p r omp tly Mi s~ Betti e Kitc he n , who ha s " iil l!, A ~ h II' f or yo u ng FIRE; 1lI 1l >' i(' I'eg-a l'lllcio\s of wh ic h d ec k 01' fi n d old , ' o n , e nl'o ute t o th e ir home at , at 10 o ' clock, The t eams present been vUiiting he r g randpa ren ts , Admi F: io n 10c to a ll. I'C1mpal'tm e nt " n whi ch th ey may Wnrden J, E, Thomns of the ut that time will draw Pl ea s ant Plain aft e r spe ndin lots g for J' II:e sweJ-ll fo Mr, u r hou ;;e: and Mrs, Fmnk Stans berry, Ohio Pe nitentia ry anno un ces t ha t their places on t he p - - -- - - twu weeks in Mi chign n} c a ll il on butllilng , nn aut o m obil , a ga rage Ill' tl'l'I \'('ll in l!, Mo r e co mplete sched r ogrnm, Other return e d t o he r hom e in e pai n t ~ h () J) ule, as t n l inl' a nd Pl'og l'Rlll w ill Springr e latives mllY v is it inmat es of t h e t eams will be numbel I C S ' I MI', and ,Mrs , J, 'ed " in Hnwk the <' S atur!~n<l a va can t s t o r" l'O u m, in, Ma, o n l)f'" bllbl y be 1I 11 no field aturday evening , big p ris on on Monday , Wednes days orde r ' of ILfI'ival. ce r ea m OCI. u 11l' ed in next day e vclllng , Su turd uy a rt,c rn o" n dama j( IIl K :I11d w(' cks Plli)" I', 01' Frid a ys betwee n t he hours of , - -" - , " " Any' o n e interes d ~ H lI'o Ylng pro pe rty to th ~ a m ou nt undny wi ll be obser ved a s , 1 c ~l~nlD G,l rl~ f lUb A 12 :30 and 3 :3 0 p, m" holidllY s ex- llE'll1'tl ly we lcome at ted will be f{Jl e (linl l (lc a dm ission t o t h e d~ hd' Mr , and Mrs , B. F , Tho mas , o f o f neal'ly $5 0, 0 00, Th t his eve n t , "Fathe rs and SOil S Day" at F e rry <lI~ ~e, ' l en~l ?SOCIU on a ul ye r epte d, with v is its limite d t o one ,a Day t on, Mr, a nd Mrs , J ohn so n lind f or th ree ho ur" hl' e (Ir l'_ ra~ed PHI'k whil-h wi ll also inc illd e t h e _ - --- -l Church , Everyo f u l'e ne It invited wus f r et:! a nd b C1a t r id e u s~ ure s Warre n a ::;'i l"'s !;i Ji hour un d no f o od to be brough t in _6t,h, El~ ~I~b ~Pl lng Id au g htCI-, o f Clark svil~e, Mr, and s pec ial driv e is on for 11 la rg e at- v ,l until furth e t' not ice, A roast pork VISITS FISH HAWK C 10 0 lo us e , ('o u uty I'H t ro n ~ o f II pl en~a nt and C I ~ 0 Y 111- 11'5, Shumb augh, of N ew, Burling- hl'O ~Khl uncl ~1' cHnt l'o l. 'S NEST I'.tfol't s o [ ,th c tendanc l\la so n e fi of re m d e en and profi tl1b boys , le ,J ay n t n ve r y low exI tcd ~ " . . di nn c l' WIl S se rv ed the prison ers " t o n, e r e S und a y gu es ts 1>f-, ..M,r, I'~ rtfll n t to fi g ht th e bla 7.e J\l a l~ Kut.~ I :e ~ T~ o mp Ho n, R~ p, and 'Mwrs, we r e l " pns l" A g'c ll (' l'ul ill \'itati on is S u n d ay, 25 pigs having been J oseph Evans , On her rec e nt visit to Cape May 1 ~"~ a!.U '», L lI.. _coll;;!,ll Bertha ntl y dilllinFiler, I ' oi n~ o u t t o Gran J!c rs , Farmer s Mari e Hubbl e and b utc he red at the s ubs istence de- E li zabeth W , Chandl er had a L ois P e nnin gton are r e present i ng , Is hlllg watl'r s uppl y and ca ll s were C lubs , S on d a ~' Sc hoo ls , Ladies CAREY REUNI ON partlll c llt a few ,dIlY~ before, The ,I very d elightfu l vis EXI e rl service giv e n on Sw iss se nt ,l ll Le bu no n it with the Mrs, Ferry a nd churc h p n s on e r pop ul a t Ion IS 4.10S, and Americ an watche s in our r eo' 1l!lchll, !na l a'p puratu Mo rro w f o r Aids , C ha nlilC r of Co mm er ce lind Sherw ood (forme rly Mrs. Alcorn, Stat e Chris tian this week at Tri~ b ut b:y the vnri o us o lh (' r C i\' ic j?I'OUp" in adSe rvi ce The nnnu,,1 Carey R e uni on will pail' d epartm - - --of the Fr ie nds Home) who ca m e on e week e ncampm ent at Camp, ';1 Epwort h be h e ld at Harmon Park, Lebano n pro mpt serviceen t, Efficien t and tll1l (' It a l'l'l\' ~ (l . t he fire c l ~ tl' l'n diti o n l o th e ,I- II l u bs an d Form Tho , ~" ~ellrn s , s uperint ende n t down from a ss ureq , Sto l'e o pen I II UII' Lh c bUl'lllng ga l'Hge lmd be,e n Atlanti c City and H e i~ht s , Ohio, fOl' the traini ng I BUI'ClIU t hJ'ough wh ic h t h proof Ohio, July 27th , All I'elative s and e venings, o! t h e D ,VISio n o f ~afety an~ ~y- ' pent unday al'Y's J e w e l,'y h op" 11l1l'Il ped ,Ih'y a nd ftl 'c m e n w or e f o r- gl'lIIl1 i: he ing h er, Law- Chnslia n yo ung peo pl e. fril'nd s are invited. g len e of th e Industr tal CommI ssIon 'r enee Sherwo odwit" nly sp ons or e d, Leban o n, Ohio, and his mterest ('e d t o ~ c e k uCloth,er wll t e r s upply , Tags ( 0 1' aut om Illlli of Ohio, wa1'n s workers engage d in I ing family were also obiles ca n be se, at Cape In th May e cO,urRe , o f lhe afte rn oon CII I' d i'l'ee o r c hurge by calling m echan ical labor against the s uI- I and one aiter noon l;eVeI'u l c l s t e l' n ~ u nd we lls w e l'e at t he 1'lll'l11 Rur'cau lry p eri od o f t he s umm e r s!!aso n cQ mpan y with the S Elizabe th in offi ce a ny time IltHl1l11'd dl' Y a nd it w as n ec ssary herwoo ds took u lld its d biliultil lg eft'ect upo n Il pl easant dl'ive 'o ut t o p ump wa t pl' rr o m II n earby in the counth em. He s~atcs that valuab,l e hot I tr',v to see t he famou c'I'eek t o r efi ll th e fir e c i s t e rn ~, PROHI BITION RALLY t ind!"'ao!='-"-=====-======ao==-,,~ we athe r htn t s can be g athered nest, This Fish H aw s Fish Hawk's By Albert T. Reid fr om indus tl'iu l bulletin s and the : its descend ent~ has ke or s om e o f HELD AT EPWOR TH HEIGH TS dnil y IH'ess with wise sll gge~tion s 1, in t he sal11e place, built its n est ACQUI RES HEIRL OOM the f ol' the cal'C of Ollr health If we , llel tr y of an old scho top of t h e o l hou se, for Warl'e n co unty W , C, T , U. ,~ ould but Iollow them, He ad- twenty two years and has p,e r s isted TIl<Jmll ~ Ma nnirgt utl, of [Jayton , f ' ha ,, 'c r~ IV ' r~ repr!'se nt ed at a VI es nil t o keep cool m e ntally and in r etur n ing in spite is e x hibiting a ~ k e il1 o f SpUII flax , prohib it io n raily .. Do n't l!'t Oltl ' S ol get your Goat." drive it aW RY, Some of efforts t o h eld at EpH II he id o n of th e Likcns famil y wOI'th years ago H e ights o n ntul'day and - - - - - -of wh ich he is a m emh " I', there was an article in the Geo: lI nd ay , ,Ju ly 11) and 20 , The rally graph ic about this nest and many T he fl a x W a H I His tI O il th e f a m l wa> s po ns o l'e d by t he CHRIS TIAN ENDEA VOR PARTY people each summ e ClerO W Il C' d b y Da vid l.ik c ll R, MI', Man - nW r drive o ut to l',t C l~ ' l nt.Y, W, 'C, T, U , sel' it , , inj:tl, n' H grandfa t hQl' , whi c h n ow , ;\II > ~ G I'lIC CIII Leggo H Tho e who w e re utillble to be ! belon gs t o the 11 :1 1'1 is es tate , and r~l {, g' LI ('~ t o r ho nor, o ulder was prcsent at t he C hristian Endeav or at !l recepth e ~ k (' in , read y (0 1 ' weav ill!!;, ha s I trO ll 111' ld a t ~ I 0 ~ lo c k Saturporty, which was given at t h e home HURT IN ACCID ENT fol' mnny yea rs Le e n in th e posI I!ny a ft c rn no n, MI', nnd MI'. , Henry last ThursThl"' , was the ~e"s itlfl of Mrs, M:lI'Y Wate rh ous l' , !In ll l a " pea ran c~ ' d ay evening , missed a wonder ful o f i\'!I!;S Boulde r George Waterh ou se, was badly wh o gav !' it t o M I', Mannin j(' t on, II I OhIO, a s she IS lea v111g soo n for time, cut IL bout th e h ead and I th e wes t e ll ro ut e t o New Zealand , T he foll owi ng were th ose who L ebanon , s uffered minor Will Reid, - • - - bruises in , ;\1 i ~" H uld l' pres e n t e d he r'ed t h e evening : Marie Hub- 1an automo bile acciden t 73 WILL BE TAR BOUND n ear lus tr a t (' d Icc tur e o n : ntunlllY eveble, Leland V a nce, Ge orge Miller, Mason SlLturd ay night, n ing alld address er! t he meetin g R o b I't A I'm stl'o n g, Marie Pin e, The two men were riding in The HUl'vey s blll'g pik e, S ta w S u nd a y af tQ l'n oo n on the s ubject, LauI'en ce Davis, Mary Jane Wool- R eid 's roadste r and crashed into Ro ut e 73, was c il,se d t o t ra lli c, " Ad va nce Pl'ohib iti o n- No ArmL;lIl'd , Doruth y W oo lard, Lola Sears, t he real' of a machin e said to h ave Tuesda y mornin g, ILnd \\'()J' k o f tice," .John Sent's, En rl Woola 'd , Virgil , stopped s uddenly in front of them, hard s urf nc in ~ th e r o ute rl' OI11 Wil H nl'Y, E li zabeth Henry, Earnes t Mr, Waterh ouse \Vlls toke n to m ingto n l u Harv e y ~ burg ~ tal'l l' d, Woolnr d, L ois Pennin gton, Grace Lebano n where his DROUG HT 95 YEARS AGO in charg e of th e Fl'[ln ' is Bl'ot hl' Y P (' nnin gto n , Matti e Co ok, Mr. Wil- trented at the Blair injuries were , Hospita l, The Compa n y of Cn l ~lIlbu g , lill m so n, Mrs, William son, Mr, and ca r was slightly I An c xc e rpl fr o lll 1I damage d. the All mate l'ial 1'01' t hc r o ule will by Re v, J ose ph A, diar y k ept Ml's. W o olard, Mr, and Mrs, Sears windshi eld and bumpe ROC' I', who r _, being be shipped tu So uth Kinglllu n 0 11 W ;\ , a I' md d en t Mr, ILnd MrR, Henry, broken, ' th e D, T, & r. Raill'o ud, Mo re thnn 20 yea r s back in th C irclevill e for The e vening WIIS s pe nt in e '30s and '40s - 100 cars o f s ton e; pUl'c ha se d f l'om whi c h c lll'l'i e~ th e [o in~ gam es : Uft ~l' which lem lh wing n otaGOING TO DRIVE HORSE , l ' ll Lima q ua rry wi ll be u ~c cJ, cnke a nd icc cream were ' t io n rega r din g a dr o ug ht that Work un t he p ro ject will s hu'l mak es the pl'eRent d roug ht dwindl e at Wilmill g t on und will be COI11 - into insignif icance : The veteran ,horsem an, Steve ., plcte d at Harve Phillips ys , burg 8~. , ·passed DEATH S through ,town ",F'rom Jun e 13 , 1838 to May, - - - - - - - -- -Monday , enrolite to Wilmin gton. 1840 not suffici e nt rain fell to where he will Mrs, Malvin a Stacy, wife of mois ten t he earth t wo inc hes; !tom his horse , APPOI NT ED COMM ISSION late J. M, Stacy, former resid ER this time, a few l'8ins f ell, bl,lt lIoon , the rae of Wayne t ow n 1l.h ip, died at the quit , a nd the e ntire droup:h t 'lasted H o ward Magee, o f Wilmin gton, 2l months , All v eg et a b on f,ai led ; h ome of her daught er Mrs, A, A. one time wus app o in t ed a Commi s io ne r of and most, of the s treams wer e ,driea William s" in Dayton , Sunday mO,r,n owner of Tom. one, of the ', C linton County , W e dn esday mOI'n- up." ing, Fune ra l servi ces w!!re held at fastest harness hOrses on the turf. , i ng, by the Appoin t ing 011l111is s ion I Th ,dim'y is now the McClur e Funera l Parlor TueS, in the p08llelfo f Clin ton County , day aftern oon and buri~l was in s io" of the Ohio State Mu:.;eum . ' Mr. Magee, a gradua te o f WiI ~ WON · BY FORFE IT ~- - _ _ __, Miami cemete Q'. ~ minl.rto n High Sch ool .l\n4, Ohio ___ Mrs"M ary -G"":'t-aba-m -;'"' ; aged '94 die d Wesl e ~a n Un i\!6l'!rit1 : will fill , the Snnd8¥ J uly '20th ' Mi~lrlis va cancy caused by th e res ignatio n Tuesda y morhjn g at t he horne h:avele d to L ebam>,1 and ' won -her da!l ghte~ Mrs. Laura 'Sblld.akE!r the forfeit route. Leba'no n of C, Cla yto n T errell Who is ,JlOW under sentenc e of one year in O~io in llarvey sburg. li10nera l ser- h aving seven players on the Peniten tiary lot p~esenting a false base, ha'S been' placed vices, will b e held in the Hal'VeY II- Nelet Sunday , July 27. burg M. E, church Thursd ay after- M:illmis will cross ba~ with and fraudul ent bill for ,paymen t, I!ront of the ~ , .:. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' l'estaur ant, It ~11l ' tie noon at 3 o'clock . BOl'ial in Miami f'aBt~ Middle town Mercha nts ' c e metery, Wayne ~ark, ' I venien'C~' {Qr _ . 'i=!tii::~ Subscri be for The ' :Miami GazeUe • paid tor by toea!'.








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II HaMilt on t ouk thl. In I!l lel Ct', " IllY l'~ f th w.o\ld a mpan), u s urety, · " w hy he chan (le,1 ht!t IIRUIt' aft l ' n)(ll·e. Yl'U do n't needin a fe\\ year 1.90 : Bell P rH , p rinting and I UP R..pbel1'Y Whip The last will and testame nt of plies $ U ; The We~tel' s kippi n g Hu t th.· Ill. ~h e did . R ut thinK ahnu t m Ui"i . t t o .kn o w any n Star, ~Im plc. t of all r a!'pborl:y dOll" reali% I S. VED E VERY W E DNES DAY ",hI' t he .It:\'i\ t'1H1uhl ~he'1! Mary A. B ennett, dec ea sed was ('nve lo pt!s f.\I' prClst'cu t(.)r, . 12.16 ti l'r l il! rat;,Ilbe r ry ~'· hl p. ThIll .11., h:I\'1.' IWu 11 g"IlIU :'," lI ender:ou tl wu.s slly ing. calls ,--+ pl'o duced in c ourt lind admit teu to L .1\1. Prince Co. , r n ,,,i,t' R'!" epairs, $1.44;. 1:01 • whItt' f t' g gs bo n ten v eTY .. y " u hll ~ I\I~' t o heur Iw r plIlY," D. L . C RANE pl'o bate, Publi.h er " !-'"ur ," Bd. S. ~onklin II n lllilt <1 11 "nn' t d: In suranc e Age ncy, ' '\' 1tR'1 1'(' ' n" f!f\ Vl' "l!t'cd I' hell l'd t ll 1I1 Rt\! wi t.~ powht' l' \lIllY ." ffi The f o llo wing accb unts we r e ap- ! pre mium on itll:lu1'8n cc. O . ce Pb on . . .......... ........ No 112 "(' :( \'l'ill~t o n . PlIl's url. B"I'~nn II nti $8 0; !!Jas t dl'l' I I'lUlI:tll' lind Il llvo l'ed WIth the II mi luHl ;;puk e ab l'ronlly, i1'-' pro ved ' . I H:lllli Ull n . But ~hlnl i l tlt n i .. lh l' 1·"III I" ltlll(',1 h y . h! nu '00 1 C o. coal f OI' co urt hou se rl'e~ joi h ce de p<lI'w o f {' I'u ~ h ll d I'Rs pue ni es. l'" f r ll m h .. Es t ate of J(lnnie 1.{e mp 1', ue- $1I. 2 u ; olun;bu t! Blunk . . ...... .. ,. No. 1 18 <1111 '. Be r on i ~ th.' 1'('~ 1111 ,f n b lun · ma Boo k ' 0., It I ollid be lIli x.o d j us t bef o re in LIlt' Il It!. II ' ill1nl ' di:l t l1 Iy fl'(I a scd, tir ·t a nd finn!' de.l'. 'U ltH' . upp li e~ f or ' he ritf, .$'i .5 0: S t.uku-. ~tH·vl n g . lin' II plto\\ " t wis t I . )!I" !l l <:~1 h i~ w~ rd . , f ur lI ,' ndl' I '~ll n Comlrn on PI .. a. Court SubJllri pl lo n P rice, $1.50 a Yea r Pill UII illt u Ue l"l' n Es ta t e of J o na t ha n le ve nger, lt n Mfg. CQ., 1 r gis t lin d th .. hahlt' 11'0: p inill ly :l Il1I1 Z tI hy thl'lll. _. _ _ _ ~ p rc t\ d." I d 'cell 'ed , fir s t , fi na l and dis tribu- l or 'he r ilf, $ :34 .5 0; ' r or oifcm:lc l! I . '1' 1· t ~ 01 ' " Wh ll t '" hI' j!Il, p ,t1. "Y II U' VI). Gl'is\\'o ld Ul'n t l cais ~ o{ £;" ~,.J a t P".,.fh,'. 0 1 ' a/,nn ."le I e t a eo.. 110 t ive . " Dalll lll ed qu~\'I' , I (' a ll it ," lI e n - kn 1\\' 11 \::V(' ' !I I'ri ng-tllll vic!! -~ll ti6 n, up pli ' s, $2.39 ; Leb1111) 1'<: t han ~' l'r. u~ . u~ru~ l .ICllt1., t h , (jef~n0101" . "' Scro nd "hi M.".. Guu rd ia n ship of Th om a s A. Wil- lIno n Lumber 0 . , s U llp (h' )'~ (ln l11 11tl('l' o. ";\I1{\ (,lItti ng' me t\\'o 1I'\.·(' k~ IIJld li e ~ f pr H hU\'cII llt'lld 1\ I"' n I lill nlly rllu nd j) ' I,," h e piny ! Still, " h II UW ' t IWIl I'II h ul' "unt fud 'rl tv IIPlh' nl' at lht; t l'llll lium s, incolllil ele nt, f our t h a ccount iff, $ 3.2 4 ; Di'!;. r~d w . !Iud R ohcl' b~. I' ' llI el1lu(! 1' 'd, l ht' cll u rlYl'dc rl,d t ht!,re CO)(n IZllnCe G uar d ;' lI d po. " Thllt·,. uCY""!! b lie-f !U iu n~ hip of Chellte l' H. N ew Bla ir, med ku l ~el' k e. $,22 .60 ; Th e " ~ Ill' ha d t Ul'n cd from 11I'r lllu"l c I o f t hl' d 1t'1\ ~ lIlIl f" dlCteJ Jl LY 2:1, 1\/:10 a nci lliso mu n , min or , t hi t' d nnd fi nri l . 'o lull1 bus Blunk ..\ " Jl a nti it o f1 1llillIl' nil clllllnie n t 1' () lllpll'tl' ly Iluring thnt Book 0., f Ol'llls , 1 1I ~t. wUl'k l . II ITt'sl ~U1 d d ,I(' ~dant. . • E stllt of Mllt' y C. . Ull 1 hi" ou tburs t, lI e ll n a d de_d ill l ' hiclIl:;ll _" I In t h t! ' n~l' (If JoJ'n nk D. r.ltlle r cl' a ged. ti r~t lind fin nl. Ba k e r , d ~· $(J7 ; W es t r l1 1t l\ l', suppli es , ~ HI._ - __ -= with lin ,'v id ' lll l, lfo rtdel'sII at ' elf'(,l, n- \ " Yo u wel'c ~lI l ki llg _u ! '()U~ t he , I:cr. .U~ (iO; Ohi o Lu w H ' I) rte l' o. uus.J u h,I~ . R ,A (,I~, el, nl , t~ e Th e CO lll'~ ord e r ed t h at L ewis 1'1'ip Uons li ; tr il l : 1I "('k l1 ~ r tl rowlll l1 gs," bl'l c r l' l11 ln- Ulllit u"I ~'ld 'I hoI!ll1.I" n. And ors o n a., 1 . 13';1ln- 1u rga n , g ua rd ia n of Arthur Mor . s u b 8 c r i \l ti.$ ' · \\':l.'n ·L hi ~ 1l1:Jl'riuge () f ~-Il u r ~ tie d h im . u n ~ , $ 10 ; ,John son I1ml hu r l . I'l' ' l' IV '1', t o sc I! a nd ~ . c gun "ver . a , 1·:lllll' l·. lIdJ('n~" m ino r be Buthb ri zed to J o hnso n , p la ns f ut' bu l'tl, $ 7/\ :10 Y C tll'~ E sp ori li ce in lI ell(I0I'~lIn s ho"k h is ~t ay hCll d' l the wheat at t hl' Ill n rkd ; £1 . prIce fo r mu k se tlle m n t in fun slltisfllC- O. Mo nfort, Inb(ll' " 1 ~ U PP(I~l' ~'Il U ll1 i~~ hl ca ll it ~(), " Fi t ti n!! ull ol Mllkiug Glllssol\ fo r buildin g lit " It ,ltll's n' t SC e'" plJ S!' iul"," MIS S he ca~ h . . , ti o n nf a ll cl a ims and of all dam- filiI' gl'll unds , $25:1; ' ity V 1-:1 Ie cl)nc(·d ,d . " But l\'t·" · (' k no w l1 . h r ou j!hl o ut. " I l'IlIl' . o f ' indu l inHIg-i lll' I';ve '--lIt-I A. \\ . ( la, .. !' ply nd e d . n ot g' llli ty oj(es th a t th e mi nor word has n u ti , h us p ital e xpe l'IWh ,Hhl' l' n\(l l' e t hu n :I fur t n it; h t, u \\' a~' f rul11 n pi ll ll') t nse of !:iam Hl\ y CARY' S JEWEL RY SHOP lin d lo t H of c,)upl\!ti d u n't wuit t h ut I in th e n er" o us stu tehnt lo nj{, eve n ' to . II e hu r~~ 1l1·pllnst 111111 uy . lh e a gains t J. B. P e nc e li nd Mr. und lan d, $6 J 5 ; McGe tch in 's £1hu l'~ hl' wa. in. I ~t ate of Ot)l.o. Bun d WIIS fixe d lit Mrs . J. H. Andre ws. Said claims mn cy, Buppli es f OI' dog w ll r de n, $1 lung., trll llgl'rs in l h" s ome t o w n But I i\up pose it's Every T-u ,,"day, Thur.d .y, no 11l 0re illl- ::;5 0 0 an d t n al IS se t fo r W ed nes- fo l' da mages having been 1,1 the out- E. S. D'o nne ll 1st and fin l\l B8ll'el uett ~ 1' u C1luui llte u in a lew poss ible thun th e rcst Saturd .y o r this bu sl- ; d <l jY' tuI YK1G. co me of persona l injuries I' B b R dd II' e ks of \'ucllt l() n, y.ou k no w, than ' ness. ed timale, $132; Philip Hei~el, brid&,e j ~o> Charle for laUo" _ _ - _ _ _ _____ e en ~I gey, a ta8 a e 0 ':I , by Arthur Morgan In an lIustain t he v ordi lluri ly woul u i n II y ear, " I "Ev e w en t to Mac automo · repair, $6.50; Ar\ hu\, Wel~lein, kina c early In p lea ucd. gU ilty t o t~e c harge enter bil e acciden t on MIIY 16, 1980. .. he bro l11i(\ic ully j)oin l llU o ut . labor, $2 4 ,75 i R oy H eisel, labor, A u gu ~t, for u f o rtnight 'ij re· t. ~he l ed . ugnln~ t he r by t he S t a to of The Lebano n-Citiz ens Nationa l $ IJ, 50 j John C, Kro e " Vu cuti on !" Il unde rijo n broko wu ~ Ih gUll I of the Heckn cr ij In Oh n e l', Jab or, lU . ~ he W Uij lin ed $8 0 0 and Blin k lInd Eliza beth Jorda n o u t, ~ II lou dl y thu hi~ co m plIn !on tht't r ~urn m (l l' home l h e r . . hu ' ~ ' ~o>;t ~ und t hut ~ h,f.! .8tl1 n d. co mmi t t ed cutor by G.T r u st Compan y, III .xe· $8 ,50 1 Jac ob W els , sarn o, 13,60j hn d \ rem ill d him' uf th e tim\! lin d nn in limn te f rielld C, Eulasl , tru st officer J erry , Parkhll l compen slIlion ana o f ;\l rp. li e ·k. Into t h.e r OlJ l1l y JIlI I unlll fine COijt @ of th e e sta te of Anni e BUrt on Mor d am ag $ 1 $ 10 ' Ll'ban lln pln N' h~' li n ul'p l·,·honf;i H' loo k >!H' l', whr, i~ tll·\' ,)t ,<I tn l~ I I' nHlrs h,'!' a nrl Wll~ ' a r t' I'lI ld . . ,. gun l d.eCI1U hCtI, til ed its in vc llto ry Coo pel' utlvQ Co., n l' IIU llil lh~ r uOIl1. I t \\,Il l·h tl . II l'I\- d r, ill),:' p\' l'I'yt hill!t cPm tl n t, ,Ill : ~ h' "uul d t il III lhl' (I~I ~~ lO t I h ~ t l) ve lalld onll II]l Jl rl\ l~(!n!e ht" d(' r .u II 1() \H' n' d hi , " ,Ilee. Wils on Pllill t Co .• \l ll illt fur bri dge make En' " rl !'~t A I1"' rca ll ~l'll~" " ' ~'l utu,, 1 1:$lIi1d l n~ . lI l1d LOll n ' oht · Acco u ll ts fi\ Qtl : " 1)1\ "" 11 1·('nlizl'. "' '' "'): Ill;)n. lh nt a hi~ ~II C(, ~s. $!lO.75; Mo rr ow P eed ulld S uppl y p :lIl Y. \'l'I'~lI , "''' ha m H. B ll k e,' Ot C IIA P T~: H XII. this bl'i clo Guu l'dlllll l'hi p o f Ali ce ::;to k e~ , C o., ce m Y I'I II'~ ~ It ip l','d ou l. " 1';,,(, i ~ str" ng IIJI' 1)(I:l t ill~ :111 (1 il l. . Jl~( I~nl(' "t II' t\ R nWllrde --- d th e in co mp et e nt, firs t a nd fintll a c- Lum bl' r cnt , $25 1.8 7; MOlTo\\' wit ho u t wu r nin g . Autt1 0neet a Co.), (lc nle nt, $48 .S0: L. "T h.~nk 'y~I U . II! 1' • •H en de l'R n . ~' y s he was bi11 l' d H, umll\\'k c\ ·k lh.·r() t· ~ :-: w i nll\1 i ll~ a nd (' \ (.' 1'),1 ~nJ't (I f t) Ul- fl l.:~Ir~t IlT . H J!nln~ t th e ? cfe n da n t.~ . (l un t. h pl' I'il' ~ l ,lour ~ I )[,rl , " lI "lId" I' ~" 1l Wl' ll t on , ' \\ Illtan.1 II. W . Nis b(,t ~(1 ., N' menl, ~:l ll '7. !l B: n a lll' ~H . ~. /'I(' 1I l1l11llt on . a n d 1 111 A n1(' 1iea n IIP jl(';lI'alh l3al«' r . e lit e C. Ba k e r 1~~ l iltr of AI·thur Mo rglln, min or On'/{ o nlll >(' n l thr Ill Os t h:lV inJ.: I'l·placc o t h t' sp e(· lll cle~. l.. L. Hridg {\ 0 . , ~ t ee l f or ! ro n· ( h lr~~l.:'oI , t oo. l hn t- ough t l(l imp OI'lHnl Il lusil'al ' {' ""nt of l hl' " L('al'n d ','111 \l'I1£'1\ "11 (, I\'II ~ II ki d "." 111 (I C"~i~y und i\l a~' y _. G~[ly, the ti rf;t Il nd final. b r idge. $:I\. I i: O hi o Co rru gat ed f !ji.l :l11. ht' . ~ bond. 5f) Wit h t '. : IIl lC I' e~ t .. E ~ tu te of Maggie A. Bllr k ulo w. Cu ~ ver t Y HI' -th bi)! ( ' hil' aKo u{' n t'fil fl'r ! Ill d kl'pps h"r ~l' lr lit 0_, 7 SCW" I'S, $28 1.25 ; tha t \l a y . T h>" tr um IIlld a f t e r ,J Ulie 27 . IfJ3~. dec 'a T h ,:nk~. An d IH) W; "H.enl~ ~ r~(l n Ih (' Huo d !'lI fT l'I'l'I' . . . se d. tirs l nn d fin a l. . •.• F ra nk l u ms, lab ul', $22 . 75 ; Ro ls.o n Ilcl.k ll el· <"Idl d l'c ll ( 4h<' r e we t'\! f oul' .J.\ld~1ll 0 nL I~· a ~. a l~? uu dl'd III a le vcl 10 111, I d il kI' t o , An d that is n 't all H·!Shl,',' rc n dc r ed III No lice of estates f or se ttl e d O Il (' . h I' "i' I h<:>1I) a lvin . S8 1ll L'. $7; J ohn so n Mycl's, \I' 'rl' c r ; , ~ ~· a h" ul h{' r , f.;\\·ul' "r. ~ ha ve yon. t (' 1i m e .w hat y (~ U Ill I'Rn l end !' d with II KrUH n. .(' c c... Bu k e ,· f r om Urt, set f or heari ng on Jul y 1m e nt 4, ut I'epllirs , $4; J oh nso n ll nd J oh nso n, ' a nd ' 1)(' lIl 1Il00s t " f t h(' il' lim e a t ~_\' spe~klT~~ of M I ~ url'lllj! lo n a RIl 11 !' IHI l' r~() n ~ " II t h inl a ~_lIdd l! 1l he (. I ~. Th,·_\' . w,' r" j ll ~ t I l'arnill hl' l' ( h url<'~ (. L I !m bl c III t he a m o un t !) o' (' luc k a. Ill. lllutcl'iu l. $ IUI.3 1 ; Ba rre lt C o., ~ to " f .. ~.o u r ."1((,. . . . pee r ing look f r onl ~ 1\(,:lI" ~ lghtc d 111 11' li nd S W Il II . h ut (I t l'll ur ~l' tlH'.I' lin d I ? ll fJ :?:! \I"l ~' g~ ; I~ le re s t r J'(:~1 turvi n, $5 29 0.92; W. H . JII nlld on Cent e rVill e , O. Ne w E/'Ie I~(l r ll" lted h lln s eif u nce ('yell. uut hI' Wil l< hl " f t ll .I ull _I : Burlinl fton, O. 1,130. U nl c~s t .. o N .. w Sui" & Cu .• g ua rd m il mn tc ri ul, $:1 ::1. 74 ; . f s urprise . while l1l e nt ull y he r e K- 1 () \\' n t r o ub l ('~ to be !lIl1ll rull o f hi~ w,' r e lll'I',,!, allow!''' I .. g o ulr by , p.u ld, t ll l'n th l' cqu lt.y of rc ri e.lIlpS. C. AlcxlIIH lc y l r. k u :;uppli l. es. t h $~ l' Jll . 50 ~ l' iI' ; l"'" Phon 1l " lI' c\' ('r , l hey kn e w 1 1 ~. n \I f I:. L . li nd l\J a r y S. ,.m y .. No. 2 F ost e r C unnin gh ulll, d .o in ~ bu siPhon .. No. 320 l!1t~re d t hf! n ~m e. . e "::;h e's wl'eck "ti half a d ozc n l lw n · \\'11:' un ,01 , 1"'lI t l\ mi l" ur sO I \\, 111 b t! [ (l r c(· lo.l' d n nd p l'o m l 'es t\ c~s a. L ban on L oan Compan y Cin cinnati O il W o rk s Co ., g us, I .me~,n t th~t t h,e I~dy ~IlU I .\r Odo be r en n 'en $20 \' 5.2 n Kn 0; l!clll('nt O r e ~o ~ . Ul' l hl' 1.)l'IIl'h. l\1l ~1 llwy s nl' uK ed I H.>ld. ni il Br idge ve r!< us Ro y and Ze ll u W i l ~o n f o r pa ., r c- - - - ' mu r r l.ed, h e s ll av~ l y m(m lll ed th e I t hat' :; wha t s lll" s d .. n , .. , • il's, $2 ;\.10; W illill lll :sc hllCo . l.... hf' ui l1 e l'i \' 11 fT Illo ll ' 1'11\' llI o rn) " " u nd I-\'"t thu ell. S liP ..,.,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ t l III t he, c<I;;e ,o f il~lI l uh .::;c hn ' Ide r PI'o('ccd ings in lIid o f xec u t io n. ca~\el:" I uT' n o ull t: cd, " in('\ ud iIlK " " C with I,,,:. t ill l" 11>" wllt .. plies, $4 . 10; H . l:i_ Cn ll ove l', ,J ohn . Muo l' e ve rs us G e neviev e .. Smce w l~e n 1 . uri . (: IIIICf(t e r, It W.:lS 01'. " t he hlNlj!1I O rch. tr ll li nd a no l h(' \' "lI l ill it. T he i,' I!l.l·er n lld I' u;; h ,Ii \' lT~ U S H a tti e , C lal'e n ce H a tlie, L. A. Hat - Sli me, $ 13.8 2; Colulllb iu Produ cts "Oh , f o r som e litt le. t. 1~ e. wi t h t h L' Phlluo ('lphi ll Orch!'. l l'a. IIll'Y hlld n' (' I'(· ly runrll " S. th uu,:h t tf CI'l' U th ut 1l0t lCO o f t hl! a(' t lO n b.e t ic, Bessie awa y f rOll 1 lIl a~I' upon th e , d ('f ~nd ll n t at hI s !:fatti e und The P eo pl es ' Co.. clllc iulll l' hl o rid e, $060.65 : Th e h ot ~l peo pl e d~dn t s ce m 10 An d s he hll ~ kn oc ke d Oil t he h(' ud hl'1' l" play l'n t hl' sa nd, hut, jus t r ~~ll"' lIc e B u ildi ng 'Loan nnd Savings CO lll- J o hn Lnw & So n , g as Hnd ~ uppli cR kn ow an y!hmg abo ut"l t. Th e y ca ll- t h e I;re l ti c~ t Il Utl llll In H · !:i I .o~ I.I I)I, Nil \\, ll n'ei t,, 1 l'y!'r t Ill' s allll· . s ill' dlll"" d a ili ng th (' '· "I~k. FUNER AL DIREC TOR pa ny fo l' fo r ec los url' , Mq rs halling $ 1U. 79 ; Griswo ld Her vlce sta t ion. ed"h e r MISS ~a rs on . p lnn ned ( 0 1' nn II rtis t. It wus t .o ]" ad l, I.. "ki nl< fo Ruppll e8, $a ; A. T . Re tt ig. g as, r t h t! m . n nd 0 11 • 1. hl' elise ,~ f ~ I ean (lr VU II 1'l'esll of Ii n ~ li nd o th e r r elie t . 9n c do es n t co nfide nil u ne ,S co me o fT earl v l1I'x l nlll nlh . T ha t t h wu~ u nol her c hild 1nel WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO Be ul li h hc r (In ri ' Snll th \' t! I'S I'" I· mnk chn eld e r vers u s Clld $ 1.4 7 ; J. A . Adam s & Co., repairs , affa lr~ , t o t~e ho te l . peo pl e, . you WIiS bu d e IHHI ~ h. h u t . A nd e r on Schn e ider fo l' div o rce. Chargc ll $ 14 a; Kilpa tr ick-Fr enc h Moto r , kn o w/, HamIlt o n . mlldlr pOlil ted a ll m ad e' ali \l WH II~l's ,' f C'Hlr:<C' lI' e I t,oId hN \\,h.l l I he ylI lIn g-~ to r s ha rl wa~ d lsllll ~ - ".d . a r C o., ga s lind s u ppli es , $ .j 07.4 ~' . out. An? ,I, .adml t w e" r e N ewly ca li se of t h•• 1\\\' 1' 11 1 fp r hc r be. done. T ht'y \I crt· p retly fill' o ut by It ap l~e al'ln g' t o t he co urt t~lIt ar e g rol'S n eglect. s hul.k s hc- 'd t hat t illl ... ·' The f ed orlll Lund Blink of Weds. S tIli, he. a d d,~d, w e m ean t h a-d- " Augus t ,J, WilO , Is th e explrq tl o ll Full y Equip ped fo t' Good --. I " r •.s. G u a ll ." to tell t.h em t Olllght. dille of t he t Ol'll1 S of Ho wu l'Ci AIl- Lo u is vill e, ver s us C IQTe nce E . Se rvice . . ('1' I r "They call Miss Car ri ngt on , d) d l'r~ O J) a nd .1. W. Wils o n t ru lltll ll W ei d er, Ma ry A. W eid.e r, War" ~h e has!~ ' t 1'~ 111 Ill ll (' h abu llt I OJ J e eJ n Illll of the Ol'p hlli Jl's Asylu m ~Ild C hll- r c n Co unty Nationa l Farm L Olln 'lfIiss Berson ' upt own and 'Miss t~at s hoc k, L al'gc Di sp la y Room . Ene co nf l·~sc d . d [ - - -.- dre n' g .H orn e. \vherob y Ho,vard An As oclalion , H e\' be rt P . Hatfield Pars ons' a t this hot e l. I ca n't WIs h Y('lI wo uld tell , Am b ula nce Servic e m e t ho Wh OIt" Nothing Ell " But Love d e l's o J) u nd Ne ls on Wils o n were up- CIII'QY F. ' Hutfield , Leola H . und er stand ," H e nd er so n w ent on sto ry." po inted t ru ste Th es o f mpson, or th e and t Tel e rm .. ph",n .. 7 Vin t on J. Zentme y beJJ e nd ~ I'~o n ,1" tIl e,1 nL' a ~€' r i " 11>1\'(' vo u eve r lo ved Day or Niaht bef o r c ?" g inni ng Au gu st 3, 1!l30 un d e nd - e r, for m o ney and forecl os ure of pyc r ed Int o hiS f ucl' aJ(a lll. th IS "N d' .' lOr [I ' Ihe ft ' 'di ng A tlln e m o r e c1 use ly ug uRt :1 , 1!l36. mo rtgag e, am ount c1uimed $3348.I ' 0, c a ll e. lll \ e 0 e n a I h "S h f 1' h " I . ·11 I I nKt h. COUI'ce e re n t e ease 0 Ieid s u(, e n I' ( e mu II - lllired m e n If ur their stl'e r e Lovelan d M o 14 with 5 1-4 '7, inte r -:st from S ep id "W I h ' 'l t r Ir Ik OnlT)a · , · l y I' vel'Su . I a ge. \\' h ' t t e mber1, 19 29 also COl' interes t at ~ o u d o(l ks. e :.' gt y ,Sl.0 \IItc it gen c e, I . ,1 Ing on t ~' th 01 1.' 1 " 18!; 1 hil l with y.l) U, it' :; aIII' ll love , not h ing Corring to n , (~ t aI. ,. •ItS wasa sd ec '7t on $ 117 from March I , 19 30, a,I, IITI" o n s a f U1r~ \\ I r eed y ou . II (.Ise. " by til e co ur t th a t t h e ti tle and pos. 1115 0 $ 15; ,vith interes t /a t 8.7Veterin~rian ..yo re fifty . fift y. o ~, tha~, s essIO n of th o plaintif f b e and th e fro m June 2 5, 1930 lind to r oOllta IT a nlllt o ll r e minded 111 m. But I III NOTAR Y PUBLI C sli me h e re by uro !)ul et cd ag llins t Ph h e;, ~us ban d . 1t . •, -- the def e ndan t s , and oa c h Qf thent. one 93 .. I ve olll~' ~'OUI' wo rd for It. Nationa l Bank ,. Lle"n." • CAS~ The~' ar e nl so f or e ve r e nj o in ed ThomaMarri. I can g lvc you p.roof n n y t ime s \ Hllrrlso n Ar.derBoll, fr om s etti ng up any olalm to thu Will. Drawn . - E.tate. S .. ttled It 8 n I.'Ce1<1<I1 I'Y· Bu t hl'" t I wlln t to cle r k of L eba non lind Miss Hel en p rc mi ses, nd verse to th e ti tl e and M oo dy, kn ow II w ho le lot m o r~ abou Ras pbe rri es li re he r e- o r 0 1\\t ~vou . clerk. of L ebAn on July 10. p o~s e~Rio n II o f th e WAYN plaintif ESVIL LE, OHIO f his Wh ~ r e?,~l o >' Oll com e In o n Eve 's Clarenc e Edward McN eely, ad- ing. Rod l'usp lJ.e lTl e . Thllt sce m ~ he irs cor n S81~n K. to be what affaIrs. e j ve us r y bo dy m enn s w he n I ~-:-------------­ ter, o f Br eeo n, lind ~I ss Julia D~SCRIB~D H e nd e rso ~ t u rn ed s qulll'ely a n d rn the act ton we say ras p berri es. If we m e!l n State or Ohio o n R e la ti o no fof The The P eo ples E lizabe th MlI ennlch. 01 Foster, blac k l'aspbe l'l'les, why stored a t h Im. H e se emed un abl e we s uy • t at e Bank of Jndi a n !l polill , Ind., Jul y 11. to ,~p e ak . ... Eme rso n N. Oberlin , pharma ci st bla ck r as pbe nles. . \' e I'SUH F r llnk V. St itt . et aI. , up on . Do yo u mea n} o . •IY, he 111- Waa III Eight Years- W" . A nd no w t ha t th e y a re h e I'e I' • 'Rht Fell the m oti o n t o qUJ1sh th o nlt e l'lIll- of Co lumbus , and Miss Elizab et h qUlT e~ a t la Rt , co mi ng - it is a very good pla n to t~ at m y nll m e To ItO- Now Read What , !i v.e wr it of :ma n(lulIlu s ISRued up- S lu\Jb, of Morro w, July 11. d oesn t m ea n an ythi ng mo r e t ha n ta ke udvnntn gc o f t h em in p la non 6 gl'o u nd~ e num e rnte d In t h II. nam e t o yo.u . li nd t ha .t E ve Car nin g lin d m ilk ing d elic iou d e~5e l' ts K~Djola Did For H .. r At Ins l .den e h n s co me to the old l!)(i ti On til ed Ma y 10, 1 !lllO, t h: Real ~ l E.'ate n g Lo n Trall.fe ,.. m!l rt'wd YO,I:, Wi t h out t e ll Of co urse th ey lire d e li ciou s al on e, uf n u l'1 t1 s BUrre r" rs wi t h Q ·G ~ 3 . T h is ('o u rt ove r rul e d ~ lI ld m otion. UP OII John S. rrtllug, Jr. Edwnrd C. se rv ed with or with o ut c r ea m. But famous prcs cr tp l tull Is t h I·e. ult or In '1, yo u a bo,u t me . . . ..... _. ap plicatio n of d (' fendant ~, t h e Mua g r ea l e state in Humllt on twp. th ey III'C cu pabl e of be ing used in ot a th ing. Not a w ord . y ar8 e xperl m ~ n tu l wor k b y " Ita· .. '.: --' COUl't I!ra n tc I le uvo to fil e m otion E dna R. Knapp t o Luthe r E. and so many oth e r wayR that it . is H nd e l'Ro n hU ll c l~ed fo rw a rd , mo us s pe IIl Us t. It ha s a ir ad )' pro va . fOI·t hwi th t o m a ke pe titi on of Til- Sal'fl h J . 1-[llgho5, real es tllte In good plan t o .. n It s .. rr .. c tl v .. n ~.s. Q·6 23 Iltlu ek s cy c~ on t he r ug at hiS f eet. know nb onHh e m and 1 la tol' d efini te an d ce rtaIn. Le banon, " '~e ll." . h e Illlllt e l'he d, "tha t make u se lh i e t orl ud u g dis e o se a t i t s V(! r' Y of the m. In thl' cal'e of H. . Hutch i ns of . ce.rtnm l y t.I CS up th e poc k age . '. HUl'r y L. a nd Ethe l ROllenoran~ H e re Bre som e o f th e good w a ys rool. Has o llev l" l. .. d th e BUrr ROOT FOR AND CONS IGNg. w.lth a Sll'lllg the Village ot' M a ~o n v e rsu s Chn r~ to Th e Eco The rmnl for prcpari or man y. I t you s utt er CI'om N e,·)n ng th em: ! I t.ho Compan ug hl n y o 'of m Us lyour nrilis Cnttle , hogs, s h ccp and. calVe!! les Hlll'tsoc k, ('t Ill, memb e rs of Leban o n , real estate in Le banon. Rheum a tls m . Lumba g o: or Sela ti a , ellln co uld SUrp l'llIe rn ~ , f or th . to Norris- Bro ck C o., li ve wire and e YOU owe Il to yo urself t o I ry I hls t he Board of De p ut;y S tate Super. Carolyn H. Rockhil l to Edna R. progres sive firm f o r th e highest mph n~ lz lng , eve l'Y t Oth <' 'II Lur y medica l d lsoo ve ,·y .I' · Lonl ~n o \Vs visor !! of El ecti ons f or Warren Knopp, 0.29 acres In Jolli .. d R •• pberr,.. . marke t prices und ~o od se rvice. omm onded a nd Bo ld b)' Ad. . . . wo rd, , I ~ a p p e n t o. b e E ve . ,d ud Lebano n. C o un ly, O hio, the CO Urt d e t e rmin ed D ••1f !lIor•. William Welbou rn Rub raspbe r ries through a s ieve , Union Sto~k Yard.• , Cincinn fath er s life lon g . f :;\ od, th er 1'0 u ati, O. th nt th e Villnlt e of Ma. li n 0 ., !\Iay Harvey Lewis DeBoar Calvert t o sweete n heavil y , lind let cl'llzy lo t. But thiS: H e s t l'a lghte n d s tand un- Ref.rllDC!!! . Ask fir st man y o u meet 63 acres in proceed to h o ld suid e lecti on under Deerfi eld twp. cd. and m et Mnmtlt o n 's s ympath til the sugal' is disso lved . Add n t h€' p r ovis ions o f AI·tic le X VIII e tl,~ ey es . " . Mntilda J. Ertle, by guardia n to package of s Ollked I\nd diss olved S!'ct ir ns R. ot, th e Ohi o on s titu~ FI'ank and Clnra Winfiel d real You see , h,: add ed d e lt bel'lltel y g elatine to II quart of the rrult, .• t lon IIlld IIny f u rth e r in j unct io n es tate in Hamilto n twp. a nd he ,· g UIII'dlUn , a nd he r m~nmOUld, chill a nd serve with whipaga i nst ~ni d Bou rd rtf D (>lluty S upS. J. Aungst , et al to Albert J . [l ~el', . ~~ dl ..t.he I1llln flhe WII S g Oing crvis OI'!I of elec ti ons of WUl'ren and Clyde Hardy, t o Illa r! y : . lots Nos. 175 ped cr eam. . . CU lln t~' i ~ I'efuse ci, and di s missed. ancl 176 in Lebano n, H IIIIlIIt OIl bl cll th clI:u g h ~ und e r Ric ....n·d Fruit Puddinl f T he c.o u rt o rd e red Thomas E. t h e bl o w, bllt h e t ook tt With outH e rman and Frank Keuter to RaI"Il ha l' t I'ece ive r in the cn RESID ENT of W end e l and Minnie Ohm er, Jr., ward cu lmn ess. Fill a baking- dish full of raspF nmk D. 1\1 ille r . ve l'SlI ' Jo ~e R 167.10 IIcres ill Turtlee "No w tha t we und e rs ta nd e a ch berries, swe eten to tos te, and reek twp. All e n ta l, t. u !lell an J d~live rnce r: Almeda Coulson to Francis E. cover wi t h rice boiled in milk and uth er. s u pp nse ~ o u t e ll m e Ilbo ut HIGHE ST ulin clovel' ha v a t n o t less tha McClun sweeten g . 100.77 Bake tl~ e sho~ ~ ~>:. wife . h a d b efo r~, s h e until th e rice is acres iun DeerfiCASH $ J 0, p CI' to n ~,"d ce rtain oats a~ old twp. PERMA NENT LOCAT ION brown and serve hot in th e s am e le ft Chicag o , h e .s u g!5 es t e d. S he MRS RUAL MILLE R KIDD II ot lellS th an 4 2c per does bus n't hel dish. e v er m e ntIO n It . " · PRICE S Almeda Co ulson to Francis E. ' McClun g 100.77 acres in Deerfie ld 'Th a t' s eas y, t hough J g u ess R •• pberTy Puddin l PAID Probate Court Prollee dinlf' yo u' ve r e nd m ost of th e de tuils. twp. Cream one-fo urth cup of butte r T e n ~ o f t ho usan ds o f me n and LEBAN ON, OHIO You know all :l bout the dr owlling s wo men li n d of nil Frank J. McClun g to Francis E. with one cup of s ugar. Add one a g cs havc enTh o last will a nd t es tament of McClun g. 100.77 acres o f · co urse." in cup DeerEye. Ellamin ed of dOl'sed Ko n.i la, th e n e w :l nd d if- lVl:1 ud e U nd er crushed s weeten ed r as p b e l'woo d, d e cea se d wa s field twp. "I don't evc n kn ell" wha t yo u f e rent medicin e f or t hc d e and four egg s b eate n sepa. t Olllach , p roduccd GI ...... in Fitted coo r t and admi t ted to Rep.ire m ean." Alice McClun g et 01 t oFran- rate ly. Beat to a livei' , kid ncYf; and bo wels, nnd f or pl'oba.te . Wlli te r B. Underw ood cis E. McClun g 100.77 acres in a buttere d bakings tiff 'past e and fill H end e r son t ook o u t his hand- rh eum a tis m, ne u r iti :; li dis h in alterna te nd ne rvo uswu.' a ppo inte d e x ecut o r, no k e rchi e f and wiped his mo is t f ac e. ll e~!I. Read w ha t De erfield twp. n e o f th em, r eq ui red . R oss H. Harts ock. Hb.ond y e r s with fr esh bread-c rumbs. =~~~===~~ A. Mary E. Lightn er and Martha la =:-==~== "Ws ve ry od d yo u do n't kn ow " Mrs. R ual Mi ll er Kid d, Cov e l' with crumbs , dot with but-637 S eda m C urn ell Illld J . O. ClIl'twr ight w er e J. Swearin lten to France s E . Mc- ter. and PHONE 8F3 h e mutte r ed. "Hll s n ' t Eve t old \' ou s t r eet, C inci n l1 ll ti , su bake f or an hour in a ~'s o f K on joln : mn d!' ap pr a ise rs. Clung 100.77 acres in Deerfild twp modera te oven. Serve with anythin g ut !l1l? " . , " I wu ~ ill eigh t yea uny pre HARVE YSBUR G, OHIO .? R e becca Go odwin by sheriff . " I'\'e a lm llted that s h e ha s n' t t hr ee years ~Il :l b l c t o rs, a nd f or ,A (,~ o llnt.s file~:fcned suucc. WAl k pr O\l GUlll'dm n shlp o f S hu'ley Lamb , a Arthur Hend er s on real es tate to dis cusse d th e sh ock ." in I e rl y. r hnli >1(' 10 st o mach , a nd cu u d min ur, firs t /l cco unt. Harlan twp "J s u pp ose that is n' t .strange , n ot kee p wuter dow n. S Ra.pbrerl1Y BI&Dc-M&Dlfe pot Q da ~ ce d In th e 8 et~l e ment of the estate , Louise MONEY LOANE D ~eally, Sh.e was s hot to pieces by before my eycs, U!l U T: Thiem to Charles and Thicken two cups of milk with I was .d,zzY , 1of Ann William s on, decease d, the I Henrie 1t, p oo r g Irl. tta Zwick 7 acres in Deer- two level tablesp oons of cornsnr n e rv ou s und co nstI pate d . K id neys n e t value of thl~ estate ch wa. t6260 •• field twp . ~ric caugh t his a,~m, rubbed smooth with a little cold , LOANS on J.lVesto . II b o th er ed m e, t? O, I~n d I hll d t~ ge t I 50_ S uccesso rs . t? .the ck. Chattel s, estate are . Mr. Hend e rs on, . he crI ed. W\1Ila~) ' Welbou rn Calvurt to milk, add a pinch of salt, I u p fiv c or SIX t. IIlH! a t IlIght. L.ula Ray William and two Second ~ortguges. Notes bought son Ph\1llps , Harvey Lewis Beboar d 63 acre. In eggs wleh yo u'd st o p bea ting ab out t h e ' AII.kl es and k n ~es wel'c hl!/lten with three tablesp oons I' John Harbm e, Jr., Xepla, Ohio. s \\' olJ e r:' to nI ece, .Jose ph Clymer Wlllia,:"~on, Deerfie ld bush and t ell m~ th a t wh o le s tory tWICC norma l s Ize. a twp. ot s ugar. Cook In a double boller n d my we l.ght ne phew , Walla,ce Chester Wtlham Adam With Depe ndab le fr o m start to fimsh." Allmye r to Hattie Allmy. \Jntll smooth and thick, stiddln g f ell t o 11 poun ds. Bu t KonJ ola s o n. n e phew. 0 "All right,': H.ender s<,> n agreed . CIUllO. li S a 0 b less er part of lot no 976 In Frank constan tly, and pour in g over crushed I In the settlem e'!t of the estate lin. Seru m and Virus . He went on Wi th Increas mg s erio us I we ig h I ? O; ha\' e nt o m e. Tod!ly . - and sweeten ed raspbcr fi ne a p,~etlte of Florenc e Z. Drlever , decease d, ness : Walter W. and Cora M. Apgar and serve with ~ream. rles. Chill LONG OR SHORT TIME- Eaay . I.a nd m y kId n e ys lir e s t r ong. inaur ea both Safet he terms. n et value wa! $4964.S Also Survey ing Bnd Ab"I'll s tart at t he b e gi nn ig-. E\'e W ou ld you ,:, o.t like t o kn ow all Alvin H . Drlevol ', widowe 4. with to Frank and Laura B Sklnn r " • stractin s:. Write and I will call r a8 IIUC- lot No. 32 In Morrow . • . was pret t y t ired whe n !;h c g ot back a b out .} h~ mNil cm e 0 , ty and Succe ss Ra.pJ,e rl')' C~k. t hat does s uch and see you. Sam D. Henkle , Waycessor. t o Americ a th e I\r Rt of Jul y, after t hi ng's . 1. our rl ruflg ls.t Anna Ll\ke to Lake lob nesville , OhIo. The last will and testame nt ot Nos . 342 and 34S Elgie Jll her Eu r op ea n .to ur, an d t he ~car I to t ~1l y o u ab out t hIS w l\l be glad fn Frankli n, Make any gOOd layer re cake markab and le Harla n Whitac re, decease d was ahead of h e r \I·M goin g' t o be .lu st }{ ol!Jo la . T.he Morrow Feed and · Supply bake In two layers. :,Il\ke _. !I white Jll'oduc ed in court lind otrered tor Compa ny to Seeley a s str~nu o u 8 llS t he pa . l y ear. S he's and bene !ei,ng, colorjn g slightly .wlth tho I ~ ,old III Wayn esville, probate . FOR 5Al.t: a ge mus , y ou kn o w . . n wo nd er. OhIh o.Oll .llitoluAdam . Drug Stor .. , and Harve ysburg , O. Le\vis Morgan nccepte d the ap- Plerce .lot No. 20 In East Morrow . JUice fro,," a little raspber ry jam. FOR E ve n n ow th e r e is n' t nn .ot h e r hy :11 1 till' b (l~ 1 d l' ug'l! Put the two layers of the cake i;; t s toin all po intm e nt as guardia n of Arthur SALE- Indian Curios and Am fT icall p ia ni ste wh o ca n t ou t h I wwn s t hro ugh o ut t h Bill. AUo.,. d Phon. 31 gether with a s preadin g of rasp. i ' e nt ire sec. Morgan , minor and filed his bond Antiqu es from the collecti on of her. Sh e ' ll h ead a ll th e wom e n t io n._ berry jam and frost the whole with thc latc Dr. H . E. Hatton , Harvey s o f $500 with Americ an Surety The Wester n Star, adverti sing, the rl\spber ry flavored _ icing, burg , Ohlo ' Llda H. Hatton , Har. ===-=..=-_,..--=_-=_c::_-=-..,.. =-= --=-=-- --,,--,=. b urg, O hlo. veys ==--===::::!:::=-== === ==== === == j28 PINK Y DINK Y FOR SALE Jersey Bull, - 115 Pinky i. no Statu.. by TERR Y GILK ISON months old. Sam D. Henkle , Phone 59F6. .86



·'a ..


.:. - . - , - ,.- ___--..- .,- ..- '- "'j




N obo d from 1\'owhere


Martin &Stanley


We Get the Pric e:; SEE US

J. E McClure

--- ----

ij lt J



W a ynes vi II e,Oh io


¥ ..



Read Th is


====== =====






r_------------', Dr. John Zettel

Dead Stock Wanted


, t

19-N. Broadway

Harv ey.b urg Ferti lizer Com pany



, I,



5 % F arm I Joa ns


Dr. W. E. Frost





LOST Lost-- A black and white Eversharp pencil. Find er please call ·83F3. j23 WANT ED

LInt." WI 1..i.IE, 6'f. THe: LAkE JOINeD THE= PICNIC'

8UNCH LAOta ~~R,, ~t"ED TO ~Ef!; A SNo".y, e W!:lI{j(;LIN6 1\-iQovC""I 'Illt I ""'01 ~

FOR- Violin instruct ion, inquire Wayne SVille Motor Co., ' telephone 10'6. Beginn ers and advllnced pupils. j23 RELIA BLE DEALE R .' wanted to handle Heberli nJt Produc ts in W I(rren County . Excelle nt opt'ortuni ty for the right'm an, EarnIngs of $60 wcekly not unusua l, ~ite ' for. tree catalog ue, G. C. I:1.1!.1BERLING COMPA NY, Dept. 1886 Bloomi ngton, nl.. .



Community . Asset


Alth oug h a busi ness prop osIt ion. no rece nt und erta king in Way nesv ille has mea nt as muc h in genu ine enjo t and heal th-b uild ing recr eati on as C. M. Rob itze r's new Wa yne Park swim min g pool , whi ch is prov ing to be one of tge mo~t pop ular reso rts of its kind in this sect ion of Ohi o. Wa yne Park Swi mm ing poo l, mod ern in ever y deta il, is mor e than just a plan to mak e mon ey; it is the culm ination of a drea m of the buil der to prov ide the peo ple of this and surr oun ding com mun ities with a cent er whe re man y hou rs of enjo yme nt may be pass ed duri ng the sum mer mon ths. Mr. Rob itze r is rece ivin g cong ratu latio'ns on ever y han d '('n this ven ture whi ch was rece ntly brou ght to conl. plet ion. Peo ple of this and othe r com mun ities are offe ring thei . r libe ral patr ona ge . to this mos t.wo rthy pro ject - with the resu lt that. the ven ture is alre ady assu red the success that Mr. Rob itze r anti cipa ted 'or it. And not only will the man agem ent bene fit trom this sple ndid new poo l as it will bring, mor e busi ness to Wa yne svil le-b ring mor e busi ness ' to all Way nt:s ville Mer chan ts, \vhi ch fact alon e make,S the und erta king wor thy of the supp ort of ever y resi dent of this com mun ity. ,


This page was mad e poss ible by the follo win g firms and busi ness men who feel that Way ne Park Swi n1m ing Poo l is :1 real com mun ity asse t and shou ld rece ive the hear ty coop er-a tion of its citze ns;

Bar nard & Son

Fair ley Har dwa re Co.

I G A Store

Paren t organ izatio n, eat. aince 1849

Comp liment s of

Rox ann a Can ning Co. · Stude baker ., LeJJanon, Ohio.

Ad.... Dru g Sto re One. A9d Soda.

Clothi ne: Shoea and Dry G90da

Comp limen t. of

Gem City lee CreaJD Co.

Lov ely' s Rec reat ion Parl~.r Ciearl t Soft Drink l, Lunch

Kay mQo F ield In.ura nce

WaYQesviile Mot-or C.ct. ,ford Car. and Equip ment

Kar l Dak in

F. D. Dak in

Inlura ncet Leban on, Ohio

In.ura nce--" In.ur:a nc:e i. my BUline.."

D R. Smi th Croce r

Hardw are and Oil.

Meat. of all kind.

Fred 's Dep artm ent Stor e Leban

A. K,. Day

Co..plimen ta of


W ayn lle Nat iona lBa nk

Jef f Smi th Meat Marke t '

Coc a Col a Bot tling Co. Dayto

on, Ohio

Motor car any

Coy le'. Mea t Sto re

K.ern'. Gar den Inn . Plate

Lunch e. and Home Cooki na

J. C. ' Haw ke Chevr olet Care

rie• .

Mye r Hym an

Dayto n and Middl etown

Joh n Law & Son

Kilp ' ,atri ck-F renc h

Kro ger Bak ing Com pan y Groce

W'a y"••ville Far mer . Exc. Grain a .. ~ feed

n, Ohio

Comp limen ts of

McC luf-e '. FUD,e ral



W. S Gra b,a m.

Dry Good.

Cemen t Builde r

RO ler. & Simp~.on Tir•• ; R.dio ., Gr•••ine.n d

Visit an d ,Enjoy the New W ay ne o


The Mia mi Gaz ette , W .,neav .me' I Newl



lIud All. s Thelm Illiu - j t r, and Wu .t I' I\,nrl" 111< It t c, 'l 'III,innn tl ~ullol,l\/lInrl "l'rt' din Ill'r ~lll'>t~ (If :'lit, and ;\tl·~. ,1 ,' lm hl., tz 11lI.! flllllly, an~ilt I Mr. lind :'IIr~. ~1t'h)'11 SW:lllk 1lU..lI 11 I,h.k " "il!'h t-"I'~Ill,' nflN \,1\1\' II! lIl h "f till' 1'1"ll~HI\I .", ' il t,. (111'0 \ )!1H' L"lIIWC I ") • f l)n~,- IIIi <-it). th. '\\' 11th (ll'('U "" t! SUl1(hl~', ,lilly 1\ It 1I1'{' >lnnll\lIw iirg ~lw hllih (It'll l a, \\'hln ~lbuut Ihil'l\·· livt' 1'l· l at"· t'~ .!.lIUt:h ll"" . 1ar,\.ll'i(· l. oul.'". ~ut\l\'' :llId I'ri,,"ti" !:alh " 'cil lit th t' hOlll l' (111), ,luly 1\lth, ,If - Ir. ,lIld lr ,.. Enlt'r~' H I~~ I\nd :\1 r. /lnd :'III'S, Alll\l't 8lncr \" ~re I i ICII vc t lwlll a vcr)' 1'1t'l\slI II I sU I'P I'ise ' all<'d () I uy :un l'ar1~- t unduy br.Qu!th t well-fill l'd blJ~kl't.~ und ':. '. Inlll'nil1,lr OS' the dl'oth u f the f or· __ ~ .=-~ >' =-0 bounlfu l dinner wus serv c (l III r'~ nloth"r, )11'~ . ~lr\lvinu Stacy. • L- 1'1 . I f ' 1 ' h 0 n oo n, fo ll o \\'>d with watel' mC\ ll n , · Mrs ll t'1\'n' :Rttt' rthwuit e nf I WHAT 'S IT ALL ABOUT I, . ,'., ? Ifamily and marche s them down to Hlm!>"on ant 0'111 ~ a I Th Oll" pl'e ~(' tlt \(1 t' n joy t he day ltuM "WII)'lI l';" 'lll1 ,'al' 11 dinno1' ! l'o,' , chu rch. ~hoir .~un IR )' nftc,r- n?on ; witl; JI l l'. n'nd ''I n, Ro.: . '" I' :III', [hll\'(' a ili ,'nd who, l uft l' r many ~U(l:![ \\' dn·:day , of ~I rfi, )lur- l gll .e~ l s, L~ nDHr~~'I~lan inc1air Lewis named him, and 'l ldn rl ~~f~"lIl 1\1 j\J1'~. C. W . :l1 l1 rlalt of Jl l iddlC- l y til'S (hartl WOI'~ 'garl' t J " hn " in , ~ubo l'dinute ot hel's like. him! Mr. Babb itt. The.y ~1t~. i\1ar~ ~l! , ~~~ nI~l. ~ I t o wn, ~lr. und :\Ir:<. lint '\R os., I pusi tion~ , fo und himself s uddenly I are !'101:e ~lls : l' I\,c!(, Wh lnt n unci cllIugh. :III'. J ohn like JI.m Blud soe, the ?Ills HJll;ht _Ir s; ll~ tI I I', nne! :'.1 ,'s. L nurnnc r ,'h I herd , I nel\!' til(' I Cl P o f a big I I:~ . B~'rI ' lInd :r~il'il\n\ \\"1'" L b- ,.h,umnk el' lI:i?i\}: b u siness, To SIP PI RIve r enginee r. ~I?,~ 1~ 11l1~1\;~) ~~ j ond fu nily , :rlt·. a~HI :II I'S. Wllt u.' r l ills anun \1:,11"1',, \\ "tln",do )·. ~lI rJlI'i~~ h is incom e jumI X.~nl ~ lInti I e I. . \ .... Blud oe d.idn't kn o . whatjt was Mi:," L. ·"n :l \\':\II,in ~ , " f nl?al' II I l!'.I: , I' la~l' nn.l~ ! " c al ' 1 0 u ,ll1hn : ')1I IIIld fanlll\' lIf W lf\'nc~· jl~d t l\ 11101',' thnn u hundl'cd th o u s - all IIbout clth ", r. H e wJus t did the I' ~'.'· ~1 ,.'~ !lI , I jll " ~11'. and :'Ilr~ , i. ll llil' ,J "11C:'~ Jr. I and cll1 l lar~ Mi lmi s iJlIl·~ . • I'l'nl ~1' \" 'I'1\1 day~ lind .lh (\11111 a " ,'U l'. ooy's work, I·unnillj. ( .lh(, ~.le :rl11b o ut ~I " "I~ u l \\,I\1ll .\111 1 "I' Fr anklin, HI" ' . and :\Ir~. L. F . A wh,d, ' I1l'W world opened Ollt ' hllCk and forth, I'U1Slng' In!>t w,',' k l\ith \1,'1' ""I1,il1, Car l l ~ I l:''' :'I11\1'~' . \II I' ~ II), r ills:, '.'f W illiam:, Hnrl fa III ih·. and hIS !nllllly, :\1 1'. and b,· f ,' I',' 11In, ...\ ~ if bv I1ll\l!'i~ al\ his i und Ii\'ing lin d ,Ialll' 1·;ul'l\·. B 'I\\· ,' r~ \· 1 111' h 'l'ltln~ . hi R lif e. 011(' dny when a :\ir~. ~1 :1I'~ (,'arm " ny ", ns ll . Sun - 1l "I',n(''':, and. ~)pal, I. '~~ IS."'l'' 1' ('''U:'11 1 \11'- . 1"(1'1 Shid .lk;' I· lind ran,il\' dr"lIon:' I'l'g-a n t Il cli lll (, trUe. fil' c bro \;c o ut h e cli d the Rilllple , . I " I fial '\',' y - llIll' T!, ~1 1' LI nd ~lr~ ' 1 IJ"I 1\ l' h,l n)!l' hi11\'! I clln ll o l s~e nOl'mal Ihin g- o f ~ ti day j.!lh' _1 "r :\11'. ilnd :\1 1" \\ llltl1 1' . (,. \\ 1):\\1 1' I~P' c king to hi s I:l ','1111111 ,\~ :""1 :\,',tI ,I" n,·, "nd 1\:0 110 1""11 "I' :'I l id· ('Ial k I I \\' ,\ ~' n(, ,,' ilk . lI':l I III lilly ,'s<"ntil ll c\1:1rac t c r iRlic ' POSt. Slll1 ~ I"y II 1l I . '.. ( . . oIl1n"n .Ill ' dld"wn . .\Ir.' "nd \l ls. W ill lll'd 1l ,10 1111):,,·01 hll11 :II al l. I'\ "t 10 l1g aKO ~I ". 1·:,ld. 1. "II ~al · ll' , ~1 1S.l'" \, ir' I I\llIly 1I .'ar \\ ill1l1l1).!' ,. , tol;. I . . I ('"lIin ~ o[ 1.1'1""1(011. Alt·x Il ul'l'lIth IIh ,'1\ \ll' \\"'11' /I 1,, /1 l' ginll1 1"II\1!b al'd I'lc'" lI a'~' k{' 1111l'n h t! fll}encd III ·h o ld hl' r n ozz le agaln ~t ~Ii.~~ 13,,'r n, '";1 a'~d , I~ " . Lr~'~H III' :-\ ,, ~, York. Ih .. h (1" t a nd hll~l ded th,' 1'> I'W lI l'lh Ll'Uj!IIt· 111 ~ 11l11"', lnll'!l.l l1lt b~ h i , I " 'arl.. d "" S"lllld,I~ , dl :~ I" lId daUT!I>Il'r E , tl>,' I'. ' the b,,,nk '. , " ' . kl "11,'1,. I aliI Inlh a new h uu,,', I ' .' hl' al! . hllulllu qua , n('111 I'IBlI TIll th~ I.I~ t gnlo ll t H a Rhnl e. ..1 1\0' 111.. . .~ ~,II .' . ,._.\' 11 " " \"- '. ~ l Il s ~I .:lluI'Jt\olIl' . . ., , KIt,,·,,1' I' (luk" K lllb mc'l and nlt'.l1'.' ~· In .llll' bunk , a nd allm)' ,l'\l'l'al frulll hl''''' ll1' l\Ul','d :-1111 ' , 11.\\1." , ~I I." 1.,'1111110 . Il ~ wl. l s. n ot a tI('l'(l thinker , n o r I Ii ~lIld~ 11 0. i ", Ih ..\ "n:l ~I I\~ J) onal d ,l u ll' 1(1 , lin' .. htldr ria;.. I .. 11\1' ,,',·Il,· " I' .1Ill' ~l a:""1 tin' H " l~',~' I:"u ,:'lI lI z ,,1101 ~I l"~ ! 1111'), I \\' I' hlld I~ l iv,'l)' di ~,' u ~~i ,,"" Th .. ;lIll""l1d l'" 1" .. "lI e "e, l111 d Ihr e .. \',' I'y l'l'irg'IOll S, o f Io n I'r ofa n e . But wl>ll'll ","' '''',,01 "II ~l1tlll'll:ty . ,il, ·". A lid d" " .'1 un" e l'-I .J llh~1 lI ay v e l' tI lhe !tl1ess .\ I", 11.11 III . . thal . 1I , ·~t 11 11·, '1111" W,II I... III tit" h "Il Il' 1I,'alh I IIIll ti ll' SU nil' ~II'. 111101 ~Ir, . '(irllftIl1l Sh:l\\',' 11 s lllllJl e ~l1y . ~ I I'" IJ,," 1.,.\\ I.' alld daut.:' h l " " III' \ · i1t.:'illia 'I' ll!'''''''. "rht' lou 1'1 I Hlll 't j!o ln!t t o b e 10 0 :\11 Illl' mb,' rs Ilrll l 1I " ,d 10 ",'I "ij!l> ll"'!l d"llars a I nrd :I nd l'lIiltl r,' n of ('<ml ",·,·ill. , 1' , , 1'1' ~It "' I., .I a ,'11\"1 :1:0 u n II man ~ Ih l' :\1 """ 11 - ""1'1 ' 1"""" 111 :11101 IIc' IIad "II" ",·"k, aile.! I " "k Ih" l'c y c urs l u pay .'lItlll'd:l~ ,:",'nilll! ' ~lIl'Sls .. I' ~l ... :"; ~O l:ll:lY " I 1111,01 Thllt /.:II\'C' hi s li fl' f or men. " ll "w,' osITII" "11 1 \, it o ....\I.:lI~· 1-:1,,:111'.'1' I la"k (·. 1 1',,1' llol' pi;I(I'" ,'tlllll' hlJ W it ,I U'·' Il' t · :end ~I .. ,. ( ha,h ',; 1'./lrI~· lind rlllll - i l h,!, " I:l\, l\ly fl'ielld b I' uugh I.ilw Hlu.'I H(I~" \ . i-.I, z:I\ol'lh (a,'I', Hl p o ,·t,'!'. , ,,'''(II I'('al. I Io a\'" l ,' get ily. IIlY ' l,lr lind u~. , nil n ll'a ll ~ 11 sar nt. " \~h nl s It .. . "" rh "mp-on , ~1. . 1 :Illtl \\ . .\I .. s . \ \'. ~I . ~1:IIl>i:l ~ a(lti HOn "I I' ill a (, o ll1,'r l' IIl'I' 1l 1t ~.. 1.'"1l'II., :-;~l"a llk Wll~ II 1) :lY ·I I. ~ . I. ,'r?' . .": "~" , II I \I:I",·~ in II \\'hil~ and it all "b c, l1t?" he a~ k s, and h e will , l ll 'r l! 11,," .,1' 1i :l~' I'." 1 \lC'l'l' j!1I"~IS, th,' ! :I ·d,. what 's il nil I 11 '1 :" t,, 1' ~1"n l I.1Y. a lo IJ lIt'!: ' ,lIevc ,' IOlU W th l' 11l1 ~Wl' l' nny lIl o r e S ,1(1I1 dll~ (I, nl." ~. lall, ' , part " I Ihl ' 11',·.·1" .. r ~ 11 ·s. 1\1,.. ulld ~II'~. " l'slt'r Crah:lm l I klltll\' "" " ll' lI th ,· r thlllg s abol1t than th e' re s t II Th!' ~hr,'~' :\.. .101" r, ,,.I·" wh ., :o rr' .\111111 1,111 :--1:1'1'. Ioill l Ihal Ill' did nlll W llllll'. I kn u w dO llt, h is .l o u withf li S. But hl! hU H ,\lTd dllu;!lll l' r alld ~Ir . alld ~Irs. ('. , ll an' ,·stlng 111 1' :ln (,(I lll'al("l' ; h l' ~ lHY ~n , 1'O ' P " 1'\ Idl ". ,1 II' , ;(1' " ' " ".\' ",' p .. .-I Ih,' :, ,'ri- Il>lIt III ' i, s UI'p .. l'I in g- ftft (! ('11 or ('J W. Aluri"h t 1I!1"lId,·d 1111' fun"ral ",II , Ill! 1,,1' r,·k I'l ": s illlpl!? He gin'$ freely. il L' hl1 ~ 1111 , 10.' , 1. , .11 , ol in, ·"" .. I' """ Idtl",l 1'l'~i dl' I1I, ,)f ~I .... ('harks (~ lIiln,'1' ,," \\· l,d · . ,\1 ; 1\I ,' nl ~ 1"·",,1,, w ho h:l \',' n't hud n h llmhll' St' ll se of !t1'ut Tl'II'.' · \\ . II. . I , 'r ~ , and \11 _, . ~I . I " .' Cl'lL illltl e , lind lles ony "rl" I'II " "n .\\i a ll ,i s. ~.' Jo.. 1 1ll'1l11" " " \\" ' Il' III 1..1 II, "II Il,' r d:llll:llt l·'·. ll a "" !II ll,, - h .. "", III' , 11(, 10 l!" uti l u,·!;. I Ilnuw Ihal hc is h,· ha s 1\I~ pt hi ,. h ('art yo un g. ~II". 1.1l1I1':1 ~ h idnk,'r lakilll: Ic'sso bU 'I!. ,, :< " " till' titldl" \ . hidl . Those 1 I,!!!) ql1n li li l' ~ hu\' t' bet'll c n . . . . 1 I'"I1 ~ I" 101''' "dlan ,' ,' d nj!" 1',' h:r:, 1'('l'lI i'l lI'. alit! : \I rs. '( ;""'g" Gray , I·,d. :t ·. a sN' 1'l'1 ambilio n f o r III.1A'h f il l' I hi s \\' o l'ld. :Sollie how lld (la'·"IH I Y""". were 11')lh qU ill' 111' till' 'pll s l w,' "k. '- lalk~lrlll' ""lI vd " "' I· . ~I ~ (".1111 .,1 ·"I·"y i, d n ,oI'Iflll. A lld I kllow Ihat (I ll Thank sIhink th y'll be ,' lIl1ug-h fill' what ~I,. ,. 11" 1'111"1 Fit" and J an " ..:il'illg- IJay h,' I1lHl'sha MI'. an d M,.~. Hlld d Say l,,,' li nd ""II 1· 1·,tlay "I" 'llIlI;!' . .I,. I' .. 11"'"11' l ' hi ~ \\' 10 0 1 1'('1' ot h e r wurld s may be. 1-:11 1'11 "I' I\, ,,, hill~l , 11 . / ~on "I' "'c~t <.'111'1',,1111111 SI,,'nl Sal · Th e: H. ,I . ~11I11'll~ ' fallll 'Ia :· ~ " I .I " 1'('111 ~ 1"\"'1I11 d:r~' :' til, "" : wee k witl> _ 1I1e1ny c\'l'lIl nl{ \lilh rebli ,' ps h,'I'('. l:r s l \\','"k [II a Ila,' I"" ~I! '\ll. I \II :11111 ~I" 1-'1'II11\( Wil ijon. . l iss . I1 I I' I~ Enrl ) " !,"lIl la s l : :lnd ~I r:,. 3It'; II'1 .I.'· I'I' Y "lid :\1 " . \1'. ( '. \\' " IIa' I' :ln d Pal 5Y I we e k Will> fl'1l'IHls at ~·lt ddll' l nw lI . ~I,: - s11'.. :\I nl)' " :tI I. I,·... , l,h" " II"O" I r.'d' or \) "Y, Perry Tart. 101l \\'1'11.' glll's ls Il l' 1",1" Mr. 11nt! ,\ Irs. KI 's lc'l' t.:l'llhIl111 1I,"e III \\ "y", ·- IJiI, Th cl'e lire dcli l'lo tl S \lut s mild£, "'.<1 I lr U" s d:lY ! I"""' " -, ~r ,· . and ~Ir :,. A. r.. '' (I n -l TInd d nuJdltcl ' visited :\11'. An hl1 l' ;1111' 1'1 1"" " .. II f 1Jl'I'l'l e~ . Th,' 1'1(' cru s t Is baked nrr!\,. Whit e at th e h os pital ill Colul1lh us . i\ l i s,,'~ ~l1di(' a,.,,1 110 u light golden brown and cool· I-:d ,t h \\ ' " l'it: ~' .\j,.,. II. .I. ( '1\ 1'1' p lllnned nnrl CUI' .'unda.\ ' . Roh rl 111111 r aul W hit" I" rl ~"I Sll t lll; dll~' I",. , I'd. 'rhen the O~I'l'ie s , lightly Ih ,"" i ll ' ~II " III , i, rI oUI :I v' ,'.\' plt'a~ant ~ urpri~l' nc('olllp n n i cI tit 111 111>1111' afll' l' a 1',, 1101 ,"11..,. :'\" .. Ih 11,11, ,,111. \\ ,. 1111 "0 " 1",1' ",, 11 Hill\, . l\ l ondav l1i'tl' l'- i Th e' L :llll~ " Aid will 1: 1\'1' ,~In crus hed ond s we e t e n e d, uI'e a dd ed 'l' l' I,'; II11 ,.;o dal Friday, July _5" Ovc r the top is pij ed visi t II (' t'C': h,:I'" th " 111 ):',, " ,.1. 111.-1, .. 'I I" Sarli,·, '111(,11 in I" .nll r "f hi w.hipp etl ,. ninl h bi rthd ay l" ' ""y ho d y wc' lco me. Mr . . MUI'g'II/'(!t J oh n . relurne d \\,111 l'I'tl1'" I " 1\111 ' , ~I'('ll ll1. 01' e ls e )' OU 11IflY u sc a Ill <' r.\ l oIls 111 A u;!'· rll"lItl' l!t ... ·,' btl\' :' , dad i n (I\' ( ' /, . .\1 1'. ulld. 1\11': . II c l'bcrt Marlatt il1 g' ue to tup the Mo ndoy pVl' nin/.: aftt'r ~"'\,I'ral " "I \\'hen' " h,' "i ll berrie~ or a t ," I(·Io , .. h,,"1 llo, ' ,111 , . 1I;,'t at tl,' '!tollle o f Brllce WI day ' vis it in Day tu n , wi t h he/' ""1ll i"t.:' .\'l'al'. t! s~n, 1·.d 11l u nd I l ' lI ,r al ~ ,, ' d o~k IIlId IIl'ocl'de d c, "1 Wit h ]\11', and sp(' nl :h~ w e~ k - I c hill ed ~o fl c ustard may be'po u/' ed I s i lei', MI·~. 1';li7.l1b<'l1t Smith al tlTI' [\11'''' bl\'1 " 1\1I.·h o\'er thel1l . \\' ,, 11('1' , C i.nT ~· rUl';:;es. coUng'l' . SoldiC'r' R lI u lll e I""l t1~ll' ,01 hI ,: I" '._Hr JI ' """'Y ~ " ~" 'K I" Billy's IWIll !', " " ' pri sinK him ae l and d a ught e r Do r o thy. t h""""" IIIS I ~1I11 " " "l) dd, ly. HIIY ' s ~alll('S <I ,HI . nd With 1111'". Sht:'1'111:ln DykC', Mr. alit! 1\ll's. Elt o n Evan s anti day 1!I!dlt. ', llIlI l: hl'I Ih l'l\1 In hi g h s pirits daug- hter' ~lllrgcl' A Inrge nUlllLJel' or frie l1d s nnd Y s pcnt Sun Juy NOTIC E OF APPOI NTME NT (l UT(":I lIundll·r " re.lative s fl'oll! thi ~ cOll1mUni l Y nt- j an' I> lIu li nt.:' " -" Ic'l' f .. ur fll'Il\(,"~ "".1 nlu~h Il1t",...:;t WII S man i fcst in wilh 1'. 11'. alld Mrs. J uh n Hy e. .I"lr Ihl'i,r sloc k Iht, 1I 1,,' ning- "f tho g'i fl ~ ' Ihe uoy s tend d th e fun,'ra l "f M I'~. 1\1111- and h "\I ~ t, us ,'. M .. s . P. A . HunYIHI is ~ p(lnding F.stlltC (If Maude SUllll ' .. I t h ,' m hll d I)n'lq.!' ht. ,\ lelllpt ing- IlInch ,.,r iT nderwo o d De f ews days with MI'. nnd l\lrs. ce lls ed. vinn ·tac .\:, Tl1 l'sdu ~' urlcrn.I'I'" at r" o,1I quill' a di " ll~ncl' . il' " Crt'lIll!. c u ke, nn u candy \VII" Tat e at B l' lIbr oo k. l\~ cClul'c l'l!I1Cl'l1l purltH', ~\ uY I1 ('S - . :\11' . lind !'I I I'S., Noticli is h e reby g iv e (harll's I)dl nnd I ""l'\", tI late in till' "ftc'mn on . Mrll. "Ill e. Mr~ . Stacy was the w, dow (If ,'h d<ll l' n pent Sunday ~Ii s~ CllIl'a Duughl ers ha l; 1'('- , 1'1' B, Und('l'w ood hilS n thut WIlIbeen duly ap In I )a yon. ( 'li lT mot n1'co\ lh m back t o tow n . t ll !'n e t he late J . :'II. , lucy nll d t ht·y w e I' , I r! h u m C' fr o m Da y t o n uftel' l lJointed and quulifie d us Il o \\ard 1Ild{ny an d fa mil y ['11Execllt or :\Il·~. Eli 7.nbct h TllOma~ ~ uffel'cd spe n di n;l' l" o wc e l< s w ilh re lu t iv c~' 1 o f the E s tate o f Muude Ie id"lllR of Lyli<o .fol' a nllmh('r t c rt a il1 h l 1'C' lat i" l's f"01l1 ('al i I',,!'· a ll in j urY l o h !:! !' arm wh !' n sh .. fell ' , Under· ~Il. and JIll's. Madi so n Eurnha rt w oo d lutc of of years. I nia last ,'undny . Wurren County , in Il l'" " ;11'(1 this w ee k. o f Da yt",n culled on MI'. unci Ml' , \ OhiO, d e cea ~ed, Hichlll'! l amI J obert. wtlnk W e art) t, d tl tl>a J(!" :vey s bu r g [n 1>; "10 1' uf h er twe l fth bil'lh - Ru r tun 1'.lIl'l1hlll't 'undu:\, Da yto n urc n ow staYII1)! WI th the1 1' WIll huvc 1I lo\\'n l'\'(ming . !Jilted thi s Bth doy of July 1930. clllck III the n car dny, A li cl' c,my (,lll~' l't ll in tI a - --- ___ - - !:r nd·m o (h er, 1I1t·s. E ' ld L iJllguc r e, [ulurl'. w, Z, ROLL paltv Wl'dn esda\' afterno on, V a riw hil e thei r I Illthel' is al St. Anne's Judgc o f the Probate ou rt, The T e 1'l'Y brothcl 's Ill' thc only " "us 'A'tlllleS o n the Inwn hosp itul. fumi hed o nc s in Ihe n eighlJ n l'lt oo d lhut had ': t1 iv ()l'~ion. Gr eat I j23 Warre n County , Ohio interes t WII S disMI'. unci i\hs. W . M. Colemu n any liuts t o t hr es h. - - - .. - - - - I pin yecl in the g-ins b es t o w ed by th e



_ ;\1 1",

thl' IWIIlE' 1If-






nt \ '


tI'?g ./



Mllllo vull l'

1il'lIutif ul,

111\\ II

I h!wiJl~ ~:UUI'


11\1\\\ - I'



!' n (I lIb th l' \\'a ~' I1(',;"ille Autu lind , l\lachin cry (I .

.- _..


-= - -

Miss Mlll:y Hawk e of Da yton , wa s the dinner guest o f Mr. lind MI' . J, C. Ha 'k e , 0 11 TIH?' duy.



!IIi '!Ie!, TriIloQI l lind

:\1. rj!lIl'l' t I':dwllrc ls,

For best resulb consign your Ive s tock to Green· Embry Co., Cincinn ati, in core o f D . R, Sulis· bury,

IIII'. 11n,1 Mrs. G 0o rj!' c GllltZI', o f Richmo nd , s pe nt S llrHla)' with !\II'. alld ~1rs. J . C. Hawk e.


Art icl e found a t Wa yne Park Swimm ing P ool: 1 Hut . . 1 ITJ brellll 1 Bathing Cap. ' 1 Bathing ui t , ll1urket Richard Franke n . I Diam o nd 'Ring, 1 Watch T o wel!l, OWll e l" Ill !! \' l'l'dl'l'11\ th , t)h o ve by idl'ncl2 ficl1l~'\'!:. _ _ _ SCHOO L BUD~ET ADOPT ED

A t a l\ pl'c illl 1\l l'plint; l\l llll da y Sun'tn (l l' .'pl' l'iul ~ \\'nlc \1 " lind nil{ht t1w lHltlg,'1 prl' ll1 l1'NI h y t he di1t'" Il 11i1 s. CIII'Y'~ ,It'\\'l'lry S h,l P, Wa y ne: '['o\\' n ",hip BOllrd ' flf 1':dlll'UJ." halloll, Ohi u , "TIll' II 0 nil; Il f I i" n fIJI' th,' co nti n~ yl! n1' \\'11 9 G ift ,;. " pr,'sl' l1tt' tI lind ad"l' l('d. T\vo Il l'\\' lCIlc.'hL'I'~, M i ~~ Ocssi c Mr s. Will Ru ~< tll\l IInil c!auKhl e l' SI.ephl·n slI lI, o f 1\ i"K ~ Mills, and l\Ii s~ MlIl'glll' e t, and I Ill' Mi s~e~ Mi"s 1" .1), l\l,lIy, of II ill ~ " "l'n, \I','re :\lit l' Jail !' II l1 d 1\' :11\1 HI1SS11lll l'e- ell-e (l' r! to !ill I' H"al1~il' s ill Ih,' II11'1ll'(\ til tlwil' hOl\l!, in [lilY t o n g-l'acll'H HlIti " II" ' H' W UII S dl'i \' ,' r was Mondll Y aft,,\, a 1'1~II :<a l\t visiL at PlllpiIlYt',1.










- - --



0[ 1 .



It"s a It~s

a Goo rlye ar Path find er 2!l: 4.50 30x4.5 0

Supe d')l't many hi;c' price "SUI t ire s. \' thltt 0111 ... C"

2 x-l.75 29x 1.75

yt'llf (':11. . . • ~ ,

2!hG.OO 30x5,O O 31x5.2 5

~l1 e"ts, A color ~cheme of ye llo I lInd w hite wa Cllrried Ollt on thwe l'efrE'Hh lll (' n t urble where cnch :rI1'. ,md 1\1I'S. Th eodor e P eppe r . - --- -=-=--= = = f l.u nd her pl:lc~ by m e an s o f nn o r. ncar Bellbro o k s pent Su nduy IJwl h co r inJ::' hd' n ll lll e. Th e b il'th- lV 1lh 1\1 r. PepJler 'R s is ter, Mrs. Your s up po rt or. Will R. Lewis, · I 111 ' I lay ' e IInri d c- Frank Hnrtso ck, I ca k' (', W('( \\' h It We willh to compl iment Mr, C. M. ]'.c pU bl Ican ' con d'd I ate f or t h e noml. ctlrnte ci wit h ye llow , di sp lay (' tI !\h. Ennice A ustull' Mrs . 1\1a(' 1 atiun a county ~uditor Robitz er on hill swimm ing pool prosubject to tw elve Yl'lJuw ca n d l $. l ee cream ~lltUI1 u nd JIll'. Ilnd Mrs. Elmer t I~ Pl'i.mar y e lectio n of ~~gust 12 an d ('rtl<e Wl' re ~e rved to J ea n Eak- ' I off o f DLl~ton, M,·. ject and wish for him good luck, We wish to cong ratul ate Mr. C. M, Robi tzer lIalTY G lbs on l J!l 30 , I re s pectful ly soliCIte d. I in:;, J\ lu l'Y ':ll'll lyn Lukens . H e le n "r, Bellbro u k 81le nt Friday eve nin g on the succe ssful comp letion of his Swim I Rae n nd B a rbaI'll Kathrvn Th o rn - Wit h MI'. lind l\'[r~ . Hil ey Gibs on E, B. Murrell , Republ ican of h ury , Ali t:e and Edil h R oga n, Mil'. ' un d family . . ming Pool, ' and hope that this healt h-giv ing iWas hington Townsh ip, solicits iam t ump . Ev el y n Jllninn Car r , l JII iss Edna ell1·ti ti f ~ prin/! Val- ~ours upp ort of ·his resor t will receiv e the heart y coop eratio n of candida cy for Edith Ma c Brooks, Ka t hl ee n and I y s pe nl S utul'duy nighl and ·u n . J o m.inlltio n as cou.nty treasu! e r 1 Alice Gray. Our citize nr.. '1 day with l\ l iss Els ie Gibso n. I ~ UbJec. t to the Pl'Imar y electIon -,- - - . . TI [ j ' . \ 'd . . CJf 12 H)30. Mr, Murrell .. Raspbe rry Wh,P ., I~. "lI( lOS .I ' '~l'e g IVin g. an l)oas August served as' deput treasur er of S I111y l st o f all I'a~pb err'y d es- ' IC C CI~U11l~ ~uClal Fl'1dl~y evenmg , l Wan'e n county forYth e past two sel't~ IS 1':l1;,PbcI'l'Y whl.p. TillS colIs July . 2 ..... Evol') body llvlted, ears, Cor the willte of ('ggs b e aten ver y Ml s~ S t (' lIa Gibso n spent Tues_ _ __ li ght, flav ored t o t aste with po w- day nigh t with Mi ss Thelma M orChas, E, Ellis solic its your tI red SUl!a r ano fl a\'ored with t h e I Iran of 1\1 t. Ho ll v. upport of his candida cy for rre. h ju ice of crt! s h e d ~·uspbe l'l'i es. ! Mr. Andrew Greene of Da yton l o minatio n as county treasur er It s h ould be mIx e d J u st be Core I WIl : t he g u os t of MrR. Hil ey 'Gib- s:Jbject to the d ecision of the ser ving. , ~on las t w eek ;J:epub liean P1'imar y election Aug~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I 11[1' .and MrL C I~ol'd B " k e ~ Mr J st ]2, 1D30. rr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~-~-~~~~~~~ :Tnd Mrs . Hiley Gibs on and little : ~~~~=~~~~~~~~~ .. . -~~~~~~~~ daughte~ Puuline , s pent laMt ' We are authorI zed to a~ounce , ~~~~. Thu!f;d n y \\ il lt Mr. and Mrs. J es. I the name .of C. Donald D~latush e milh of Blltavil l. Ius a condlda te for .reelect ion to , __ '- _" _ _ _ Ith e office Of Prosecu ting Attorne y, s ubject to t h e Primar y e lectio n, Augu t 12, 1930.

Political Announcements

An Ap pre cia tio n

Go rd on 's Se rv iee St a.


Phon e 47


W. yne s,v ille , Oh io

Milk Dis trib utor





Ro of in g Serviee at Sm all Co st



We are authori zed to an n ounce the name Of W. H. Fulkert h as a candida te for second term to the office of Sheriff, s ubj ect to the R e publica n Primar y e lection, Aug Ust 12, 1930. .



A lien Huffma n announ ces hi s candida cy f or re-el e ction for !Coullty Recorde J', s ubject to lhe ' R ep ublican Primory , August 12, 1930.


Arth Ll l' Hamilto n so li cits you r ~ uPJl ot' l of hi s candida cy fol' re! e lecli u n as Repres entativ e to the I Genera l A sr-c mbly from Warren co unty s ubject to the Republ ican P"imary , Allgust 12 , 1930.

_,,1 ..1

OP cOP «... .

RO O FI NG ,a.


That . fa a biB "'IJJ.""'~. betwe en extra protec tion to the special Copper ClM."./J"";" R096 ng and ordin ary Alloyed Steel base, insuri ng longe r life roofin g altho ugh both co.t about and freedo m from expensive repair s, the pm•• Channe1drain Roo6 ng with paten ted lap constr uction offers madm um pro,. aion \ aaaiDst leak•• ,~

Chan neldr ain Roofing is easy to apply; no speci al tools are required . Everything considered, it is the most economical rO,ofing for you to buy and we recomme nd it unqualifiedly for the benefic of all our customers.


10 addid on, Chan.De1drain Roofi ng is fireproof and lightn ingproof. A highly 'durab ie JUre &me cOaUng giva ,


••~ Ii. MA DD EN U CO MP AN Y Way nesv ille, Ohi o


Char les F. Wellma n, of Frankli n Ohio, is !l ca ndidate for Cou nty Co mmi ssiuner of Wat'ren County , Oh i o, in th(' Rcpubl ican Pl'imar y, A ugu s t 12, U):!O, MI', Welltnl ln hu s ' n evc r bl'fo re hdd public office in W urren Co unty, If elected h e promis e~ lin eco nomic and efficien t adm inis LI !l tiun 0(' public busines s and pled ~e~ himself to work to r eo duce taxes.



:-i ,.r iCl' is -h('l'E'b;-~ive n u ~ reI)y Section GBG4 G~n. Code of O hio , lhat R. II, Hllrtsoc k un d "tlo e r,; fi le d Ih"il' p e t iti on for the ' i\lt (>1':II ion o[ \Vnler Street in WaY 11l' ~ \'illt' Co rporatio n, Wurren I COlll1t )', O h io, 011 thi s the 14th day J wi l; h to announ ce my candiI "r ,fuly , 1!I:.lO ancl de ~c l'ibed a s dacy f o r the o lH ce of Prosecu t· f o ll o ws : ing A ttol'nC'y of W a rren COU llty, I B"Kinnin~ at thc N o rth c nd of s ubj e ct to the fuvors of the H e,· Walc r S tl ee t wl> e r e same inter.- publi ca n voters al the primury Sl'cLs the C Ol'porat in n lin e . of the election Augu st 12, l!JSO. As a \' il1 :rl~c 'J f Wayn esv ill e, an ti ru n- Rep ubl ican, who ha ~ not yet h e ld n inA' ti1Pn ce in a Northe rn dir ect- puulic or.1ce, I respect fully solicI : iOll u di s tun cc of about 1 gO y(ll'd~ it yuur ' s upport, your influenc e i til ill tersect F e deral Road No, 6 , and your vote. t ossure you the I R.o lllc' Nu. '12, N orth o f the vil1uge ~ ul11e will be Ilppreci atcd. Willinll l ,.of Wuync s vi ll{, anti there en dIng .. E, H off'JI. The [lome! of Com mi ssioner s 1 o r W a rr e n County , Ohio, ha vc ' Het, Will H, Irwin Jr" of I Mont!lI Y, AUl{lI s t 4, 1!J30 at 3: 00 Ohio, solicits your s upport Mason, for hia , , ' ~ loc k in th !' afterno on on the nominnL io ll ~IS Audito r of Wal't'en I' oule o f said improv e ment li S th e Cou nl Y, n lbj ect to the Republ ican tim e, aud place f o r v iew in g ~u id Ptimary of August 12, 1980, r oad, and Mnnday , August 11 , 1!l 3 0 at 10 o:clock in the forenoo n We are authori zed to announ ce lit the o ffice of the Board of Com- the nam e of 'Lee D. Shutts. Wayne mi ssio ners in the COUl't House in Townsh ip, as a candida te. for SherL (. bunon, Ohio, as the time and iff. 0;£ Warr e n county, s ubj e ct to pl nce f o r the F in a l hearing 'thereo n the . Primar y Electio n, August 12. By ord e r of the B091' d of Com- 930, mi. :; ionel'8 of Warten Co unty. Ohio • . Mrs . OIJie. Mason of Mason, 0., E. J, SEEDL E, Deerfie ld twp., solicits your supW. D, CO RWTN , port for h er nomina tion as Record A RL' J. MILLE~. e.r of Warren County . 8ubject to CommiH siolle.t'S of Warr en Cou nty. , the Repubh can Primar y of Augu8.t Ohio.' J.80 .12, 1930.

i qu ir,' d

We wiah to congr atulat e Mr. C. M. Robitz er on the compl etion of hill IIW immin g pool- May it be the harbin ger for the bi gger and better comm unity spirit for Wayne svjHe.

SP EC IA L' For Frid ay, Satu rday & Sund ay,

Fr'e sh Pea ch Ice Crle am 20c pin t pai ls

Or aa ge a'a d Bl ao k




AllAN 'TIC CllY lind other

Southe rn New Jeuey



JUL Y '29, AUG UST 12 and 26

$25.02 :~~t Wayn~sville THROU GH Sl.EEP ING CARS TO A'FLAN TIC CITY Libe1'al It.op-ov er privilec e. returni nc. llIu8lrnt n i durrilltl \t! roililr•• how.lug ·lime at lr~ln., .tolHlv~; ' privilege . . and, ot her detail may

be ohtalned trum Tloket Alcnta






W hol e Numb er 5920 ·



Many Accide nt. Eleve n industr ial a ccident s w e re reporte d for Clinton County In the month of June, nOll e of which re s ulted fatall y. Thre e cau sed over secv e n da ys lost tim e, tw o, s uve u days or less, s ix n o lOllS uf tim ~ . The l otul loss tu w o rl<e rs in t he county dUl'1ng t he month was !J I days. In May th e coullty had \ 2 a cc id e nt.!; res ulting in Il a days los t tim e. III the fi n~ t s ix lIl o nths of th e ye tlr, Clinton Co unty had 7 6 tlccidents , inclu d in g o n e fatalit y a n d 11 t im ~ loss t o wo rkers o f 7}3 8~ da ys

" Plans f or the bigges t auto tour and picnic ever arrange d i'or Th' Miu m i ~ d ~ fe ut e d l he Mi d dle Warren County people for next ST . AUGUS TINE CHURC H l ow n r. l e r ch ll n ts Su nday ill EI slow Wedn esday, August 6, to Cincinnati are practica lly comple te, sa ys S u nllllo r s cll('du le - I ~ t. . 3 r d and !!;a nH' by Ii sc<' re o f 10 t 3. Kl in e County Age nt Class upon his re~I h !' U llcJlI ~· . Ma ~ .~ ut B :uO n. m .; was t he big- noise fo r WlIynes vill e , turn from . Cincinn at l Mo nday, :!ud a lld ·Ill! ::;u nd a y, Ma ss a t who pi t che ci u /{ood gam !' a nd a lso ,· ••n npct .d for t hree ; nf,· h its. wh e re he ta lk ed with offic e l's a t !.I ::\0 : :\ t'X! S und"l· \\' a y n esv ill e will nion St ock Yards, Kahn's packUp\" . \.11 \\ r Clle e B. M"l\m unn. plor \3 (·llllroo k· a t Wa yne Pa r k in in g plant, S trie tman 's Biscuit Co .• I t h" l il ~ l ~a lll " IO f a thr ee gume FI'en c h-Bau e r Cu op erative Milk WA Y N ES VILL E C HUR C H OF b (-l' i l' ~. and I ce C r eam Phltlt, Co ney Island CHRIS T Th (' , (',, 1" ' : Co. and th e Poli ce Dept. "This is g oing t o be a r a th er lo ng trip ill \\' A Y:-J F: S V ILLE t he fo r e noon , 8 0 we will ha ve to A R RHA E s tn rt earli e r tha n was expec ted', Hay s Class who e xplain ed ho w e ve r .\ I 2 :1 I that indi vidual fal me l'S, groups :\ () I t o Well Quaran tined or clubs ure urged t o s turt a s ear., I I 0 o Sample s o f wutc r sent t.o Colu m- ly a s p oso;iLl e from th e ir .\ 2 ~ 2 o ho me uus, from the Wilmin gton Fair ncill hborhoo ds and driv e .\ I ~ \ 1 direct t o g ro und, huve Le clI r e turn ed, lub el- ~incinnati so a s t o a void (l con ges" I I :! ed !I S un s uited f o r use. Th e well tIOn and complicati o n ~ :1 2 I I 2 in traffi c. was illllll ediutely qu a r a ntin ed by Those in th e n orthern purt '\ I 2 I of th e 0 Dr. W . K. Rubl e, n nd treu l ed w ith co unty, and frum Ilro und Leban ersey 4 I :1 4 o on c hl urin e. So ml' tro ubl e is be ing ~ h o uld be a ssemble ... ontc ~tant for cycling enduranc~: exp e ri c nc ed ' lit th e s tabl es, co n- Bureau offic e by 7 da. III the Farm hO!lors taking food on the run. :'.1[; t o 1·\ 14 6 ce rnin g th e wate rin g of the h u r~e ~. day mo rning to se curem. We dnes," . the windshi e ld sticke rs and start imm edi- ~ 1 E RC IIA . 'T S Go To Camp Perry ately for Cincinn ati. Auto tags ca n r----:...... A l:l R H A E A CONST RUCTI VE ~ e secured in advanc e fre e by clllIFERRY CHURC H OF CHRIS T Fu ri s, rf CalToll Hild e brecht, D ean So uth mg at the Farm Bureau 00 0 offic e. One PUBLI C RECOR D and Ralph Hock ett ,. Clnrk ~vill e of th ese Warre n County (l ' nd ,'n ll lll in,.ti,,"a l) 0 00 1 12U WIl c.'Y .. 2 1> s ign on m emb e r!! u f t h e OhiO NlIllO nal th e wind shi eld and '1·1 1(' CI' ret' 1 1 1 loyd n ( ."un 1y 1-. (i II O\\S h'. 1)1 , I· ll o kk~ "s t... Guards . left Sund.ay f or Cllmp each automo bil e. will real' glass of ~·I "l'lin )! "f rhUIT hl'~ "f Chl'lS1 1W identify 1 " th e 1 I: ··ib P e rry . ,?n l.a~ e. Eri e , wher e t he y cars to th e city p olice 2 0 0 wi ll Io l, h"I,1 a t H"\\"('I'S\" llll' Sun ll a~' ~ A g~I~~l~'rl" c and make it w~ll be III tra.lnll1g. fo r. two wee ks. ea sier for \ 2 0 th e gro up to keep to, I~iull' Sc hool ut !I ::10 a; Ill . I. n rd· ~ I n ;l\l rIl' h . j, lhld e Lr ec~lt IS With a com puny gether through 02 1 Cincinn ati. !' UI' IH' r Hnll "" 111"'11 , (, . T . HRt t· - J I b fro m Xe nia and II ocketl and So uth o <) 0 On the b o a~ after luncheo n th e !lIlI n prt' lIt' h i ll ~. :II I I :1)0. Fl u, ,,,,t \ ; .UII With Blanch es ter Co. F . dinn er a nd all a ft l' r nuII II rall \'. ' '''Il! m all, If 0 00 main talks will include discuss ion Let',.. a ll )!". \V (' Hn' a ll x i ,,"~ In i;l - T t'l of Nationa l. S t a.te and local farm :, !l Eolabli .hin, Schalea rabip c l' e n ~1' an d !'nrieJl tlw f!' II,,\\' shi p PI:o?le ms. H on. Chas: B~and , Co n- - M 0 .1 Eli zab cth F cling the n eed of an ol'gan - g :ss ~an fr om our Dis a nd coo pe r ul io n " f lhl' (, huI " h ,> i\l iHllli ~ tri ct, ArthUr :\1 i ~s f\ e rn icc ·Hymll n hu. re t ul'n - o f ~ hn ~ t t hro uj,dw lI t U I 0 0 I :1:3 2 ' - 10 ill. ized etTort ttl provide for the boys JI'I1~lIlt o n, Warren 1 l hl' cll ulltr y. ' Men'ha n( ,; cd ho me f rom ' incinna t i. :\ U 0 II n I) U (J 0 :.\ I., ~ !I do o ur part. und girls of th e Otte rbein Hom e ~ntlv e und s peake.rCou nly rep resS. FI·cel . o f L e ha n o n. w as ill of the hou se I (,hes aft er ' th e ir graduat ion, the Olle r- ,md C. Donald Dllatus ler A. Willi a m so n. l ini ~ t e r Wayn ellv ill e Mond uy. h, . Warren J. C. Hawke wa ~ II b us iness , I3 nsc" nil 1 ,,01 I ~ - "n' Kl ine. 0; bein Hum e Alumni F oundati on is ACounty prosecu ting attorn ey , vi ~ it (\1' in Le ba n o n Tue ~ da y. . now in process o f o r ganizat ion for VA YNESVILL~ M. E . CHURC H o t\' Doc ne h, ~ fte.r a .s hort p ~ dod . at the boat P a ul Blac k, of Da yton, i ~ s pe nd 1\ o Il l(' Hun " l\t, ugh. th e purpose of es tablishi ng sch ol IQa ndlO g I.~ Clnclnn atl, Mr . a lld MI·s. ,J ames Ha w ke " f the. Is land ing th e we(' k with Cec il Da vis. Prllye T wor lII b U~l' hit,,- - Go Il S. K Iinc. ee tl ng W e dn ~s .! ay a t ars hips so that the childre n of th e wueen \\ III start buck Lim a a re v isiting l'e1 a t ives h,' r e . With the Pa ss ('r1 : ~ll . p. III . • un da y sch .... 1 SUll da y ba ll . - As h mo r e. Hum e may continu e their school- .' !~I' ren C~unty group 1; at 2 :30 Ht .1 111':.lIt a. Ill. B orn to Mr. " nd Mr~. B as il T hullHls . I. ing on t hr ough college, and the e s- Ilvmg agam at the MI'. a nd Mrs. ROll a ld Haw ke un d Park at 3 :30. S mith a daught e r, Rub y Kathl een , S truck o ll t -- Ry Klin e , 7 ; by G. C. Dibc r t . Pllstor. tablis hing of II Fund, the inte r es t so n F r unk wc r '"" in Unvt o n Thurs-- - - - ---Doen ch , a. ~ - - - -from which will be used to provide dny . Mis E d na han e r was t a k e n t o Ea l' n eel r ll ll s - M iamiR, 7. . p e rp e tually fo r other boy s a nd BIRTH DAY SURPR DEATH S ISE PARTY Mc Clel la n hos pitn\ la~ t Thursd ay, Le f t o n ba , e: Millmi s !:l ; Me rfo r lI'eatm e nt ~}r~~:II~J;~ve to t.h e m th e be Jl4lfi ts . On Tuesda y July 29th was th e Mi H~ (!s Bern ice Hy ma n a nd Lo uM . F lu r enc e S r ol l. w if' I)f tha ll l~ . 5, < • . I' rc'll d t! 1gns t , umpi re; Pi e rc e, . k~" H e nde rs on we re in inc innllti J o hnn <Sen b~l·thday uf Mr. and Mrs. J\faurlc e tt, di d at th e ho n~e o f score r , W . N. !::ien l's and fumil y vis ited nnda y. lIver. Mr. Silver be ing 85 years Epw ort h Height,: near he r moth I' r.ll'~. :tu ck in Be llLove la nd Buy •. Clanton Democ rat 0plld lind Mrs, Silve r 77 years, Sund a y nft e rll oo n. . . I h r(l k, T ue ~ r1av morn i n~. F un era l R. Ke nneth Ke rr, we ll-know n tra wd e r A. Ring e l', of PII.ts- ~ erv i (' ~ will a~s had been made and were LEBAN ON COUPL E OBSER " be h lei ut WilllIin glonia n , recently to ok over ca r ned out t.hnt th e daughte bu rg Pa" call ed on Way nes vill e ·c hu rc h· Frida v a ft e r n Middl e Run r, Mrs. Summ ooll e r at S p ec 2 :~ ials o -rin gs. BIRTH DAY ANNIVER~" O. costh e Clinto n coun t y Democ rat from Uorothy Silver and fl ie nd: Tu esdny. (,' cl oc k w ith buri a l in 'I idrl lc Run th W ilmingt o n Publis hing Co. J ohnie and Mary Lou childre n tum e j ew elry, e t c. ar y 's J ewelry 20 we re t~ Shop, Le banon, Ohi o. cemetl' r y. which hus own ed it for u number co me i.n th e afte rnoon F ,lI' ~ if ts anti g ift id eas vis it but at the A of y eufS. Mr. Kerr sold the Dem- ve I'y t Ime th at t h ell! y '~ J e welr y S llI' p, L (,ba ll {) n, 0 ., 1\·1. • !.u fn " ct t rt Nkh(l I ~() Il . 0 "US hej o int IJil'thtla y ce l e b~ C a r I H nw k' e, of D arrived three ayt on s pont ld by Jus ti ce of th e P " Th e U ome of Gifls." ocra l to th e Publis hing Compa ny other car londs ey HON. CHAS. BRAND / ~ of people clime Mo nday with hi~ pare nt s. MI'. lind y~ars of . ag ..J , tli ~ed a t hi ~ h Il1I e o n 1-'1 uok . <";ulluh e r u nd M I'S. G Ic.h in I !l24. He has tak e n over active R. n d comp Ie t e Iy s urprise · d th e m. ' nl a t:. Mr s. J. C . II. k T vlo r s t l'cet T hu l'sllav aftcl'1I 00 n ut t he ir hOlll e on Nor t h Bnladw ay, aW e. directio n of th e w eekly newspa per I W E'll tilled bas kets Mr. a lld I\1rs. Arthur An on and were brough t f ~ l\ {) wing nn l' xtenu e tl .ill ness. FUn - Le ban o n. ~ o n 1>1 o I 1 . Con g r l'ss lllnn Brund's pla n t o ~o n . o f Mt . lJ ea lth a nd expects to make a numbe r of by th e g u~sts and the nc ay. M G II ~y, v isit etl dinner tabl e r elPI al sc n ' i(' Ray '> in t:harge o f He \". he l' w as 14 ye<l rs of ag (' r.anda hiS Hawke a nd fa m improv e me nts. was enlarge d and a delight ful BUp- t Oil. were S unday g ily, o f ,Da y- pr ovide a natio na l fu nd t o aid a t h' eH h<'l'c ·un da y. Lum y of Le ba ll on we r e h eld a t wif e 73, Both a r e nutives o f , \Val'l per was the main feature of th e Hnwke und rumil~' . ues t s of Lee r u r a l 'c hoo ll' will likelv win. lhl' l\i cClu r!" F Ull e r;" PHrlol' SalUl' ! r ' n. cou n ly ,a nd .ha v~ Pre , id ent H oov c r's cCIIll mis io n to G T U d f All s pe nt their . occa slon Mas t el' P a ul Godb y. o f Cine in- dllY a ft e l'11 l1oll . Bu rial wus in stud en tll'(~ y th s ~l1ulT as ax PI' l ed bl m hf ae hus 111 Ll'ba~~n. or e,.a Those' prese nt besides those alMr. Horace Wh :te. of Akron , I noun ceci: ":\11-. Brand's j URl an na tl , WU g th e wel·l(-e nd gu !'st of Mi umi ce lll et er~' , t he cu mm itta l in Mr . (Jull uhc r. . t hoe on o f Wilham . A municip ality ~lay use its por- ready ""!enti o ned were I.'v·id enc ~ ', Mr nnd Mr~. A. K. Da y. ' chll Miss r~e of Blanch th e e 1. ~I~en O. t O. several F. lodge. days a las nd t wee Mllry k with Ga tlOn of the gasolin e and motor and MISS Pearl Riley ll a h e r, W.U 8 born u!; t o th e nee d ll f f ed er a l aid in '. ' . of Ridge- hi. aunt, Dr. Mar y L. Cook.. . o f wh ve h!cle license taxes. for the re- , .ville, Mrs. Florenc e r urnl SChO.OIS has co nv l' rted us t.o ~l SS. I\~!l~:vrl g~t lSp.e nt t he \V e k bel'. i ' h he wa ~ a pr o min ~ n t me m I ·Iul y 2H. I B5G o n th e famIl y homeStokes and · . his id ea ." Thi s pl a n will a s; ist e n( Wll slea d t wo m iles so ut h of Lebun o n. pavlI"~ of alleys dt:chcat ed to the daught e r, Ada Stokes, Mrs. Mary . ISS U tl lll~ at th e ____ Ey es bo ~her you? S ec Dr. Ru- eve r y : /'hon l in t he Se\'e ~I r!S . (ju llah (' r . wh o WII ~ Mi ss LilJiublJc s use, a ccordm g ~o a ruling Bolmer, and Mrs. Lelie nth Con- I hom e o f Dr. Mary Coo k. Bunnel Geo l rge of Eo dolph, Coolt eyeSIgh , uj.(ecl t !lpec 'a list . ut Cnry's ' ~ r e. s io na l Uis tl iet. 20 ye a r~ lian Ba rnh ar t ' pri or t o he r marby Attor.n ey . ~~neral GIlbert Bet- Lebano n, W. W. Tibbals IJE'C IAL $ ~ 00 p . , Colum- I Jewelry Sh op, Le bnnon , Ohio. o n ly so n of Mr. and M r~. Ed . I iag e, w mnn . ThIs . opinion opens the way bus, Mr ·. Adelia 2. on grc~~m an Bra nd's pro- ', ' f ;-$:; 8 h e llll a n:O~ CQPk di ed ut t he hOlll e of h is pa r- d uugh us b" r n J u ly 28, 18n7, thc . gra m a~ to r oml buil d ing- has sa ved for the .Improv ement of these daught ers · Flora and Tibbals and te r n un d Abigail . . 11 e~ , 0 , •• ,amp oo; Mary Collett e nt s 'on Third s tred foll ow in a Barnha rt. ofT hl'J uhBal'n Mr. and !'frs. Ra y MalO ou s, Mrs. , l1IilJi o n~ o f d <! ll a l's fo r vulunbl e hnks of transpo rtation Mr. Howard Collett and hart home tux pu yeI'''' exltn . 11 uax Beaut y hopp e. Henrie t l' n' tta d .. ~ ilJn es~ ur' ft uin zv ~ n d \v us loca t ed 11 'a l' Sp ring Ed H upkm s und Anna Le e At fil-~t, flghltn j.l' al o ne, his plan which have become more popular and Wallac e Collett bllro. of Wilmln g- mith wCI'e in K entu Cky, Saturda y has now been ad , 'Ii ~l ti {j ns 11 (' W U ' II nicmb el' because of the present crowde d ton , On Murch :j l o f this year MI'. ptecl by th e Stat~ ch~lr ut"hd M r s. I" R: MM o OldII w . °t f I con ' . . If '~h e ifJ, lt i ' ~1"l d conditi ons ll " l " in)! Hard C h RS S of urface o main f h li nd thor Road Mrs. oughfa s <..; allah c l· ce leLra te d - - - . - • --eir ' . I res. ~r. and MrR.. D . R . Smith are . Pri ccs \Vh 'I'c lI,len led adt GFail'd ulteI ndleo e, were e l e o n uy ': ' . , _ .: . . ~ " , . . . . _ g olde n wcddin g anniv e l·~ ar y. t hFor G a s olln e and motor vehlc e tax the fun e ral o f Geo rg e Cook W .ly n .>"ll e HI ~ h s( holl.I An . , I 1 , d un BURTO N-ATK INSON 00 ~ x mu n.v Ing " cur~ an (' ~ m Olltlllg I r. l' la Ga n ' llahe at vou Potowa l·· ng purs ued I1IUll, popular Wit h toml RClld s F. \'e rywh,~r c" has beco me monies may ~e us ed for the conJ clnSSllIl;tes an d h 'uc h ' l's, th e n e w!\ Ihe " l,(' okagon StIlte Park, Angola . l th c struetlo n, mUlOte nance, and repaIr u pa t io n of all cti ull ce ring ct ual cond iti on larg ely Ce~i'~rv~;I~. ~:I~ U~~ M' A:I Jt~~\I~'n aOt~ o f h i!' \ln til11~ l y death wa s a s hoc k li nd s ine" \ tJ 17 h ll~ (' rve rl a!; Ju s' t hro ug ij hi s pio n e cr w ork. of drlvewl lYs publi c parks which . How~~d . J.~. rB~rto~kl~~s:r~ IIn~~rr-Ml':d' 10 '111 B e< id l' ~ hi " IJ'lrcll ls 11(> is I icl' o f t he P eacc 3. fn nl~... e~sman Bl'u nd is th e ca ll ed o n Wayn es vill l' f r il' lHI" drivewa ys aro ueed a s pUblic 1' TUl' t lec l'eek Covmg ton, Ky., Wedne sday Mo n ~ ul'~'h'~d h ~' t~' o ~i· Hte;~, M;'''. Cu ,:j t own s hip. F il l' three 0 t1'e rm • uli ~bury, Mr ' au-ttl or of the Br·cad Law or Ohi o da y. Iltreffiets lind are o pen to vehicul ar Ju s he was 23. Frv ' e aD d -Mi ~s Rulh ook. e. nc! M . -n,u ss e\l . whi ch gives eve l'y boci y in OUI' ~t~te s he riff (,f lilt' co unt y. trn IC. For best res ults consign your Th de i8 the dought e ot'M;'- Salis bury w e r e Dayt on Vis itors ~'\ln(' ral g~I'v i ceH \V 're hel d at M I'. u nd Ir s. Gall a he r huv e four 1.G .ozs. of b re~d at th e 'slime pnce ive s tock to Green and Mrs. r 1T1rr'A'fl(lnson, of near Tues da y. ,,·hlch p eo pl e 111 many 'tat es pay Cincinn ati in care of-Embry . Co., ' t he re~ id e ll ('~ MON I ~y. '~ft(ll'l1 on n l ivin~ ch ildt'e ll , on e su n , C(l l'win Had 82 Stllden h Lebano n. She gradua ted from Way D. R. Salis- Re I'. G. '. nlb c rt Offl Cl/ltlllg . Bul'- Gu ll u hc l', f or 13 or 14 ozs. a nd l h ree d n ug htc r s. Greene county had 82 I ill l wa s ill Mi a mi cC l1lctel'l' . 4. on"'l'egg man Bra nd Wll S the b u. r y ' s nesv III e H igh School in the class MIll. F I'\IJk '"' .. rg I' , o f 'Co lumbus , Summe entered in th e Ohio State student r S pecials glasswa re Unlver- of 1930 and Is highly esteeme d by and set s o f ,.. " Ill ! ;rr~. c!' rge ~A.. Mcl oy and dis h es. Car y's Jewelry auth o r of th e lu\~ pe rmittin g fa~- - -- slty durIng the ye ar 1929-30 aC- her cIa smntes and friend r.l r !\Iiss Jan e t S I ul'twri g ht le ft t oL b s. , ShoP! [ eb un on , Ohio. S t ol'e rg. open w e n 'tt 1Il? I'S c IW Ul' t z of e unt o c~).lI e.c!y SI'll th ; lr l day f o r Lo uis vill e. K y., wlH' cording to reports from Columb us. Mr. Burton, the son of Mrs cyenmg s. r e l{ hc ENTER TAINE D on . --- - - - - - A peculia r fell1.ure of the repoI·t Mary J. B.urton, is Jll uduct s. PC I m l t~lOg th ~ 1II to ~et I will b e t he j!uei't of II r,dl ')! C rou~ - ---b et~e r prices With out IIl c r ea slllg ' fri e nd. Is that counties hllvlng small eol- y?ung bUSlllCSS man a ofprollpe Waynes !lli "s Emma the Superin HC' iiCflll' te :1 ndent Y a nd and ~l i s, Mrs. Ed_ l leges have th e largest represe nta - \ vIlle, HAD FINE RAIN cost t o th e con sum e r. Wlll'd Pric e, of t.h l' Ohi o MII~o nic ;\IH\" W rij.( hl c n le r tai ncd II smull n. Co ngTI', ~m all Bl'8nd's e tTorts tion s howing the smnll schools are - - -Mr. u nd Mrs. Prell ('uit' an d f a III , ~,,;u l' of rli Followi ng th e ceremo ny the Hom e, \l'CI"e Wayn esville l'llcb \'e rS' plea >\an lly vi sitor s 11' ('1' ': :csp on~ lble f('r ~ h e fal'll1 ~ r il y , o f Day A I' t e l' >c \" ' ra l m o nths drough t good feeders for the Univers ity . young couple left for an auto trip Monday . t o n . we n · SUIl< la y " " Thll r , d H ~· (' veilin g-, IHo n ur in g in t hi s I' i(' ini ly. a co pi o us ra in fell l·e~ (, II· ln~ H fa Ire r I'n ce f OI' hl!> 1 Jl;u esls of to Mammo th Cave @nd other points 1I00mals ~o nd e l11ll c d . because of ~obi tz e r. Mr. a nd Ml's. r . M . MIS. Edilh M. 1I:l lT is. wh o lI'il l , ,,t urduy ni g ht nnd S unda y mornComp';:-ny FOII,bt Fire oC Interes t In Kentuc ky. It'u\'(' Frida v f .)r :-i an Fru nr iscn. in g, 1,1in)!ing tcmp The W. F . M. S. of M. E. church t ubercul o: ls . urary r e lief I Mr. and Mrs. Burton (·a" r. \l l' li~' iu " s I'l,rre" hm e n t" tl f fr om th e I'xt rt'lI1e hl.'a t 6. Co ngn sslllun The force of The Southw estern housek eeplpg in the Bankwill go to 11'111 meet W edn esday, Augus t G, ull d to Brunei' s e in Miss Hull, wh o is s p e nding tlat. till' il'" cn' at !l th nl. (' hOllle of Mrs . . A. K. Day, dep e nd e nc e of 1Icti on wh en ca h an d " ·al erll1 ... l,,n cxte nt bC' lI c fitlin j! th e CI' Op ssom Portlan d Cemen t Co. at Osborn . A oceas! ~ __ _ _ _ _ _ Ulllm c' r wilh Mis!' Enllli:l HciJ.:h instent! · wCI'l' of se at the church. rl''''1. ion fought for ftve hOUI's FrIday n r mil equi ewide re's is tw ist hi: e r o s u tru t s tanding way, is . vi siting l'elH l ives ill na y -, ", Those inl'itl'd to l' n j" y t il " flC ' M(lllt l;o ll l<'r y a ne! Gr ck parts oC quality kn o wll t (l nIl. S o grass and weed fire that swept over ('as ion ar c Mrs. A nna Cu d \l'a ll ade , d "i llg' rons id era hlc ee n co unti es, Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Hawke , Mr. bosses, politi ca l or C(,ll1m called I t o n, thi we ek. twenty- seven acres of the comda mage t o e rcial , ! WAYN E PARK ~Irs. Cuth c riJw C le lllan. l\lr ~. ·t ree s an d IJlII·ns . and Mrs. Stanley Sell e rs and W. n ev e l' e ven a ppeal to pany's propert y. hil1l o n public S\lmm er Rp ecinl :- w a tc Ji e ~ and I Laura Mos h c l'. Mrs. .. l'r When driving through Waynes ville B. Mather visited Mrs. cd B. II (' 11 ! Mllry I hll' Hop( n t he> hunlidi ty which fol,]ut's t io ns . b~ca u se th e y kn ow h.e di1llll onds. C~ry' s ,Ty - - - - -Do stop at Wayne Vark' we lr y S hop. dcrso ll, Mrs . , Ro r,a ld Haw kl'. ~1 i~s j lOwed . kins at B elmont Sunday , t OIIO.\\'S hi S Judge m e nt li nd consel- Le hanoll , Ohi O, "1 he D ND C NCE the min . ~I o nday of this W There's water enough ther~ to float Ho me of lJall Mrs. bll1ll1a Mc lur e . ~ I rs. II' I'l' k IS ~ ~ Id l u .ha ve A ence. A s a n effici e nt R epubli can he· Gifts. " 0 RT AT COR IN Noah's Al'k. Have yo ur lawn mower L. H . Gnl'd o n,- Mr~ . Ge" I)! " .1 . t (·,! day III 2D yea r bee n the hots , but n north' There's SWimm ing, and boating ened by the spme machin sharp- will rec ogni ze.. o n a ll 10CIII party S mith. Mi"s Anl,i (' Bl'lllv n, ~Ii ~> ' \\' l"t ,,·ind durin)! t he night reery as mllllers , \l'h at~ v e r RCI}ubli call Com The · Waynes ville School Band Mr, and Mrs and picnicln g , too, . Geo. Pe nd e ry and Malli e ' Bro used wn. in Mrs. the factory , ·a t th e Waynes mittees [lrc e lected on Augu·t 1 2 ~h L. will give a ·concer t in Corwin , There's Mr. an d Mrs. II . P. Godby. of su n lind Mrs. n. L. C ~1. lI (e lldn - : dUl'"" t hl' t e mpcrat ure s cv e ral 80 many pleasan t things ville Auto and Machin ra nt'. I I l'!-( r e l'~. Thursd ay, July 3bt .t 8 p. 111. ery Co. 11Ifld in this cOlllp n ig n he hilS b een I Edge mont, Cincinn ati • that you can do. , sp ent · Mon· · e nd o r se d by t he R e publica n Com - day eve ning with Mr. It you have never heard thIs I You'll find it Is just at· the toot and Mrs. A. Joseph Miller. of S pringbo ro, I mittees o f "thi s Dh; trict. MEETI band, it will be well worth your NG WELL ATTEN DED I K. Day. of the hill, ' COLLE T- McKAY PICNIC father of Mrs. H oward Archd eacon time to come and near them, 8S Its, Ie 7. COllgl·e ssman. Brand hus seated rla'ht-n enr Robltze rs suft'cred a stroke of paralys ~ they are progres sing nIcely under . is Suncured t Th e fi ll ishihg Ill e l, tings held con ~truction o f tw o new Mm. Miss Clara Lile, Miss Eva and I The 64th ann l1 al C,) day ond is in a critical conditio n . post offiche IIt't - M,· " ·.I' · \V I ' t the leaders hip of Mr. Stanley Wates and Il¥ e n'-ol:e ure d e tl- Miss Ethel Re eder ulld T }' 1\" Mr. Irwin picnic wilt be h el d ·,1 th kin!!. " nitely (~" (;i;1 aut.hol i IIlII Y II ~ d'll1 11 o\I' n ~ np. k·1ameized f or cities in this Ellis arrived home Saturdll Y after III b . k ou phice d w ' 0 11 Satllrd 'l" e surroun D " ded i\ (;J!;u 1.1 by st h 'I nobl/! wi,i,· h d I ,Dr. VI 1 ( 1 ' Mur~ illl't · ' ' I L, e la ,:! on ':ItS wfee were Coo un m eces' l ISt1'lCt. ~ e .as All the concert s at Waynes ville • k' ·· t l . h ure ten times a th re e-wee .. ' ." . . .. old trees, s 010 t or t lip we e n(('. 11l SPI e 0 t h e exlI'oug is n eal" Ned Burli Jane and MIldred Cook, motore d to I as many pe nsIOnsseC !l~ " 11. and Clark~vil1e, have had a large t re mea hol wea th el·. Eight women a~ has th e aver- Colornd o. There limbs slowly wave I Th In (' ~ the e tw Aklon o fallldi ('s a l\\,Il )·> " 'lOl. e e ll rn (' t o I'eceiv !' ins tructi ons in ThUl'sd ay where t~ey w<:re age C o n?re ~s man .f or ,,:o rth'y attenda nce. Come younp: and oldnice summe r breeze; ~ar • ." the guest~ of Mrs ? t,,~{·t h there are no limits-- Music is the You'l1l ""<: ,) 11<1 ~alur d.")· t he r c·mov ing o f th e nld paint or ik~ Watch need l e pulrlng . Expert in Au ~e ur ~ l" llli t tht (·. it I'm sure, now do try until Mon day' BeSSie WhIte "et e run s Wid ows 111 thi S Dls tnct. hl ~ s'l lll l' pillel' t" r Ho ha s secured thili year alon e wut chmake r at Ca ' founda tion of youth. . hI' fi ' h · and 20, . ry 's Jewe lry th e \' O IV~ ~ . ·,ere.· (' [· j.( ro ull d in th e ~fnll s tlllc.'n re fillS In~h"' t agarn extens io n of rural deliveri es, ac- Shop , Lebano n , Ohio. • This . concer t is paid lor by the y Or you Only be the loser, the rest g e nuine cO I';l e r o f '· 1 ' h(" Mr. I'u! und ifu l ' ug,lI' ca m\, I! at f °tl pl etct~~ olli e ' 1I e lb!' wa Y Mr!\. Tiff Chas t een unci coml1loda t ing 500 addition al fum'Yaynes ville Canning>"C'o. materia .). " of us k now. e ut n:lIll i" ns 'a r c :11\\,:1", ~I Ut. 0 . Ie a I.C~. unIt "1'1 ment l used in our r e pair de part I lI'h e l'(' I h e~t. two d aultht·ers. P ear I an d M a t n.- lies. -- ~~- - . t Pd s, . . II \, . 111 0 use. h a il s. S oo~ , sun . Bring your.:ca mera along, and take lene of Frankli n 0 .• . held. DUrlll )! t he pas t yeu werc r . . Sunday ·v , ' dresser s and cl o ck~ we re among 8. ~o n g l ess mun Bland kn ows . lome ~ap shots ' afterno on callers at t~e WILL CIVE PLAY Co ll ett ~lI ~-\ l' had a t,t ~ l~d" .d th e pi eceMbro ught t o the meeting s Mrs .•Mal Y McClur e , Mrs. Id.n , 11\1 th e (. :1 ecJ. Of ·the ancient old mHl and the Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mamo\lhome ·of th~ (h~licl~ltl cg ?f the p eo ple of pl' e l' l <> lI~ Cv(· nt~ . I IllS s. IF A se co nd s e ri eR will be held at thiS. DI ~t l'lct. HIS many ¥ears ,of Ke y .and Mrs. Emma pre~ green spot. ~c C lul e p el' hllps o n(' of th e ol d t'f' t I' !lIlI O'I!' the sam The Y. F. M. will give n play .. ' . service I~ Co ngr~ss ~ave gl\'~n e place t he wee k of at the gym Wedne sday nlght, Park in the.• hade, and have a good Expert. .servlce given. on SWISR und~ubt ed prelltlgl In Was'hlO him I wel,e dmner !'luest s of M'~s " MI~y in th e s tate, bu t th ey ore ca lled u ,t 11th to star t th e l'eseatinAu·g ot gt.on· 1 Wrlg~t nt time. Th e M'Irqul s ' August 13. The proceed s are to be In pic ni cs b('ca u8c ~h cy wc r sllll:t ed chaIrs. Anyon e int.e nnd AmerIc an watche s 10 our re- While. 11 !1e~-con~er r ested in.gttlifl ":ou~d b e Lebano n, last Wednes day. I'm trying to tell you by writing pair depll't'tm ent. Efficien before used : to send a girl from Tenn·t h e faml;.. r (' un lO n nam c s hould cull or phon e ·th e Farm t and , fipendm hi S time 10 l:\l!comlOg ac- this rhyme. . ' 11' M prompt service a ssured. Store open quaintI 'dg lind essee through school. This Is a very F was kn o wll. 3 00 atte nd ed las t y ea r Bure nu office g the procedMrs. Mattl~ WI lamson, . J:essle B. Tripp. "s'. '. evening s. Cary's Jewelry . Shop, ' ure, Congre ss leurnin worthy cause and we solicit your H. -- - -.- - - - - m~n Bra~d can be C. Hubble , M! ss Marthn .cook MISS - -- _ _ _ _ _ Lebano n, Ohio. support . - -- -. • - - . - --. . effectiv ely fighlmg our ' battles Be.rt~a Kcnrlck ONE HUND RED YEARS OLD and Chester ~ . JUNIO \ R FARME RS' CLUB 'now SOFT BALL GAMES Wllham son spent the day at Trt. Mr. , and Mrs. Robert Elmore 9: Congre ssman Brand's record State Chri~tian WILL BE A JUDGE The village of Sabina. incorpo r- and son and Mr: Joseph ervice Camp, Th e fourth, mee ting of the Baker. of 011 all m'orll I ques t10ns 'is . Wayn esville t ook the s hort end· - Epwort h Heights , Thursd ay. ated in, 1880, will celebra te Its een. Latonia , Ky., were guests WaYl1e Towns bip ·Junior Farmer .' o of f n Mr. 12 ·book. to 5 def eat Mondll Y even-, lub . Mrs. Edith M.. Hillike r" home ten!lial this year. A commi ttee o.t \vas held in t,he Townlh lp . and Mrs. R. H. Hartsoc k and other Mrs . ' Edith M. Harris with Mr. ing whe n New Burling ton ca me Your suppor t nnd demons tration agent, will act as citizens of the~nla,~. t. plannln hOllse Tueada y ev e nln~. ,July 2,; c relative s over the week-en d. lit the Republ ican Primar y in · hi and MrS'. Chas. F. Mosher of Cin- here f o r -II s oft ball game. The ~ith one of the judge" at the 4-.H Club ob8erya nce of the bJt~thday. six. membe r li pr~l!.ent. Polio... , whiCh . behalf, Tuesda y. August 12 '19~' clnnati, and Mildred 'Hartsoc k I!'ame WIl S r.eplate with bril. illS! roll exhibit at Hillilbp,ro, . Buthla nd "Ill p·r obably be held the cull anil readlDli 01 _ . _ latter M.l's. T. C. Branno ck and daugh- will be deeply appreci ated. of Milford . will leave Friday ' Cor !ian't (1) plays, but the Burling~on County on August 4 and S. She ·part of Septem ber.. u~es t.h e meeting · 'ndjollft led. ters .ruanita Mrs. Elzey CHAM PAIGN COUNT Y BRA San Francis co, Calif., where they team wus credited with them. will also judge the club fioats in The M. P. Chutch in the viJlage and'Mr a. W~. SprayCharles At the next meetfnl f, Au,rtII& t, oc.. near LebTonil(h t (W l'i:1nesda y) Wayne3 FOR 'CONG RESS CL B will be -the guests of Mrs. Harris' the 4-H parade at Green Oounty will alao observe ita 100 UDlvv a PIlrt of th e .·cvenitt g will be - anon. were ' dlnn~r gueRts of Mrs. • . ~ ville son-in-l will aw play and H. Lytle dallghte W. Houuto at t:, · fair on Augullt, 8. Wayne Mr. n, Pres. and ~ar1 this Jear. . at Ghost swimm ing hole. - R.y !.Iainou s last Thursd ay. Park. Mrs.: H. B. Conyer s, Sec • Mrs. Frank Tsylor. . Eldon fiJi" a.~


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(,IS'IIt, \\'hitl1('rl' anti Ftllilk Whit- (,<Hltl "ct~, ,; \II' \' \\", TOnJJlkill ~ !t. ~urt't l('~, 'W. \\" \\'hitncfl', pllr I 1111, ~ 11:11: I': [) Jon''', ~Rlltl' , ('I\'rI(1 Wllltul'rc I\ncl Wult(,I' How- $ jll'j' , ~ ;j: I-ti l 11 'I', II \, IIIIH' $!lrl7,.


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:If\; 1':11"11 '1'1'11 \', lIlI\(' " :IX 1. ;'(1 ; A. 11111 were mllde 1I111ll'1\ i~t'I'1l. rl'lIl1k Rubill ~on I\'nl\ nppointed '1'. \{f'lllj.!, <1 11111" S; 'i lil:i , t' hnrl'~ K ndrnilli>ltlHlnl' of Hw 'stuh' of Inn 1:l1:1c!lllll.l' ~ ,III1(', $ f,I:1.fiO: ,1 0<' 'V. 1\ l{ (1b il\ ~o n, d ec(,(l ~l' d ano file!! hIs ]IHVI.', . 11 111 1', ',1 111 (', ::: !iFi l, 1.-I·tlll(' bon d ur $ 1(J01l \I Ilh L 1I11!'d Rtu l cs • hul~ 1. , OI,Nallll )! IIllllnt ll " I~' I . $ti f); Cornman Pl eas Court FldelllY and 1I11rnl1 lv ( '(I111Pnl1V \Va 1\ (' I' B I ~R ", 1:1 It v l , , 7 ; 'l' I'c'aStll'(! I' ! 11" HUll'tv, ('harl ~ .1. \\ a ~g'on ' I , 1.(' .'llI t l', Sli P A g'II (' U It u 1'(' Ag'ul1l Ir, ihe , ' a~I' or ;\i ll l g'll ll'1 P 'I'a ),,lam s 1';ol1(' n lind C P. l11-o\\n on II 011' 1' I It-1110 ns t l !I I jon A )(I'll t.. wel t> IHlrl1NI nJll1rlli~(', ,,. I" \1' , " ' \\ "IWlllll l'" ,I (' '' fl\\ ny, S 17!i U; S tllk ult.l l\irg'. Gu, s upph ~ pI a1. Hll lph !l l .II"), \\ ns ,IPPllllllHavlTIlllld RllhlnllJ lI Wll s llPp oint- :j;IU, 7f); J OhIl Hf, " -Wllt!<U1\ Cn" r eel IldlTl1l1i:, ll'll tOI' 01 th e estill of Villl\~' u l' L,)\' '1 111111 Pal k Bllok 111- " 11 .1 111 ,1111 11'1' I hI' 111 ill til (I e I'l.' ntla ll \.. 1;; Ii ~ab e lh 1\t. Rllh lm an , t1!:cell se(\ '0\' ( I', $-1 4 7f, ; ('( I\lImil lls Bl unk 'll l· tl ~~ \I 11 1111 11:1 ~ ~".llIted " li nd lil!:d his b und of $1000 \ll t h Huok '" ~ lII' Jll ll~ ~ . $ IO :!O, Karl l nited Slat ~ 1,' Idehty anc! GUIll- J) 1)1\1(\1\, pl'I'lIIllI 111 u n IIl Sllr n l!O fh 111 1 I' 11 (J 1lI 1." llIsl' ~1. lIull th tJl,t\'nd uIl I h,II' 1I1)! Io een f uund unty COJ11)Jllny Us ~ u ..cly, 11 " h 'II f1 'l; 1'/1 1, 1 1. 10, !\I YI ll' g lan l'(' ttl hll11 . 11 \\ <\' ,1 ",11 I" l',ll h f ,n U YL'.II Il A I' TEl{ XIll. <lll d ,,11(' \\ (l llle ll tl) J!1I1! \ " I j.!1 "_s 1) L'j.!h~ ,t n f duty B H~ I ' B. nnd G cn lgc B. L oc I', 1\l o l'ln ll lab o l', [i lk ; ' ,'(' d II 1g hl1l1111l \I f Ih l'l11 n o" I lhll Ih, ,lh(, 1 IlIl l,d 1I .,d", h t> 1' A m '1I c,1I1 I!l rt ti l ot S he I Th e ca rl' II ll d 'u-toil \ ') 1 th ' min ol t'X"CUtlll~ o f the eslate IIf l\1" lznl ,~ du z bl'()(I lI1 s, $ I ri O; L ' lHln ll l1 " II \III ' (1111\ :11111 II", , h"i! \\ 1\' Ihe> g il l t lwl \\ll l' oIh IU '~ 111J.: nl, d ('11 111 .1 "l I" t , J' nll) II\' \ , 11 11 " - h .. lh ild , i\1.1I1 ( '1I 11,.." lI l' 11 ."1. \In J.' n\1ld ~II I , deel'lIst d filed [hell Llln1l"'1 (' 0 . lalJII I :lnd I1II1 IL'111I1 III ,1111 ',,- 01 1'( Ii 1,;1 10 111 J.1t' h,lt! h, q '" 'II", \\1 n,,", Ih :1 l.t tl h,lI I, 10 \l1I 11l \\1 (0, 1<,,,,1 ; 1l1 tl1 ' "I 1111' I"[, n 1!1\\' n III th l' d "f l' n d,lnt untIl IUI lil's tlln" hl1l1l atC o unt. ~ I e lllcll l u l hl1 ll. $ If, '1 , II C. (,,'n( cI a l" l1 1! wl l h I\\ n \\ ( ' 111, II -h l ["\\11 had I , .', d • II" 111'11 III /I 1",rOIl'IO Il{ ' 1I1 1111 1,d () I f 1111 1''' 1' I th t' l I' ClIlI'l l" d ,'I , \\h ul' ' iJ y Ihe 11II1I R Sllt'lI lH'e <, pll,d 1111' up- i{ C' II, fll ~ l' s /(11'1 l, tI '" I . $ l. tJr): H. " .. :I., d \IIII! ,'1, 1\ 111" 1'1I1 1l)!' SI1l' 1I<' ld 11, l\dl' I ' I,II , ,[i .. ,,,oI. ' Illd \ '" 01 '''11 1'1" ,,,,1. 11 I dlll ll'l l II I' . I n~" pl:l lllt ill - h,II I P , I\ ~ r) 1'1'1 \\'I'L' k Ilfll11l1l 1(' nl o r nd l111 111s llntllx o r till' ;\1 1l ",lI l(" I " :l1l'1 ( ' h(lI\t's !:'Uhh H, tI I" I : l'I'IIt!- I, ,d h' ,' n q ,III1 I11 ' )! Ih ('1 IiI\ ,Ii" I! "I ,\" " I ,11 ,01 ",,. Ill' I I' 11l l! 111.",, 1 lJoo:- In,ll1. " 11 (' ,' ,h , II lls 1,1\ l h l' d il l" ', ' UP I"" t, The plunl ( s lall! or l' W SIll'II, dl'c,'as ed , :l Id l' ~ 11I 1l1l11' SI"l'l; 11IIIn, $ 10,)(1 .1 . I'" ~t I, \\ In I IlH t t '\!' \\HtlhlllL! 111 , · E\ L\ 111 "1 I II t1l1l d h' l I " 1\1/1 ) 1\ IIll' , I,u t I '1: 11" 'd I" lI' l' ti ll 1\ ,Is j.! 1\ "I , I Ig' hl o f v ls llatlon ,)f Hn d ti lc, eI h pi bOlld nf :1; :\00 With I{ S Pl' II I1' I, I II 11 11 s ill II,:! lind 10.111 lel' \ I /ll ill ,1 11 " " " flli l ' l I IH! " h\ t il t (ou k ·"I IH I ... t all hi III I" , III ~J' h I t ", 1,1 . 1 ,11\\ ,1\ " I!I II" 1-: \1 hl' l he",1 I" " , hd " al " 'bfo nll hle tll11 e~, Danl ' l alld 1::11111'1 Snt' lIlIs ~UIctl' , Ill).: SlI lId , ~ ( ;(;, II l' uddl l'MlIl Film dt \, II I't \\ ,h dt t UIJ,t -"P q U l' t'l !'-\ ud - til l n n ... l lp ll ... r ll· ...... 1 t! t t l , \ :.r' I lit I Illd t , ,, - ,I 1)1 ,111 1 "I' f :1(' \' '' In t hl l .l ~ ( , I T hl' S tll lt' ,' f Ohin EUlllCe II ~lul1 11:ls lIp Jl ll int eci 1s t lind I1l1ul 1'"t llll.ll l! 0 11 cll ll lln c\' d, t,,~ III I j\\' It I , q ' -I ~ " " lIId " I ,h ' >I . I I,. I Io l ,,,.!h I" h 'H ' II., , 10 1'1'"d lI lId 1""h ,,1 "' l'll l "~ h ' It' b tl ' .\ \l I.: II>-t .1l'l1 t ~ II nollc' PI' se adl1l1nl);lllltll)( ~f Ih e ,. tllie or ~ l7fi: 11,1 S \ I" ,"II , III bill , ~ .j 20 ; ,n !I,,, ',lIII C 11111(' III, " "1 kn l" " I 110,' 11\ in- 111' 1',' \ nil h' l f"lh' at ; ht, d,',,01 111:,11 '1111 \\1I . e ll l ' 1,,(\ lI el ll ,\' Mull, dl' cll ,scd unollil "d hl'l' r:\ 1.'1 ell illllll ll' lI , ~:t I11l' , $7 , .B 1·bv I ' \(· lllt ...... \.I Il" I ll nlllrl ),! t ,, \\.\l d hut h l' \\. , .... d' o,d \\ ' , 11 t in' ),.! (li " I flll ).!' l1 t tI l -:1\ Ihll t 11ll' 11 l :I'{' 'I' ll , 1,1-1' "I I hl' SLl l ,' " I ()hlll h ll nd of " .1000 \l1th \ 1!l11l I\\. Bo- Po \\ .. II , "fll ll l' i 7 1) : 1'1'11 y n. l !.('III, " II h"1 hl,loI \\llh " '11 11 1 .111t! hllu I', 11-0 - ,I" 11,' 1 \ . \':1' ,l L h (,1 I, \\ ,. I II lI d (· () tl d l1 ' l , ,'I' \II I. \ \\ (, 11 11 ' \\ .I ~ dl > ml s~ e d 1:1111, John B"gnn alld II c wllid J e l i'\ l l11p ~ (' n , " 1"'1,II III ).!' Illllinlllilll'\:, Iilll klP \! Ih, ,, .II Ih ,' l lo ll d l,'n h'l d " a - n I I ' ,' 1>I ,d " It 1"11' HI I,,· "~ 0 111' hili 11ll' 1I 111 - t' "" ,1 dn ct ll l' , ,11,, 1 hI' ,k ll' lld , II I " "I,'t'e! 1(' 11 11< ' I OI Y nR RUII't1l!S Allhul' !l end e r- " liU, \.... ( ' ;\ , II' , "111 h, g'1I ~ . $2 1. jlli ll 111 I h . 1 l lll H t 11 (1 11 11 It" , .. I ;...r h l tl 111I Ill .... I" II I p i '"l " ,.. if It ha r! " II1ll1d"d ", ,,' II " Ill l' l"I "d \ " I till' , h " lIn Endorsed for rC- 1l0111111atlOn and SUII , r\ B !II '" I " anI I I' I ,'I I I.' n.1 11. lu(' V lil, 1I III III d \ 1,l r t ~" fllllll Shl llgo li t I~II' 1 "11 "'llt PI H' d Hj.!.HIl h u t I \ t o l .. 1\1 (1 thl t\\ I Illllt "I I ''' 'lI, 'llI 'l\! , "\\. lI t MI S. '1 11 1' " 1." , ,, 1 1' 11\' \ " ", I1I11 ' .r n ll ll I ' ,Ind IIIUdlllg j.!lu\I' 1 $ 1 t !i. 1:1; ,J K . ~ re-elecllon ns cc re tal'" o f St" tc ~y \I e l l' IlII1 CI! IIPP"II " ' I S ",', kll ' , H' III' 11l \\ " I, n"II , h" e1 SI"l k 1 11 11 .1 BlIllk ,>I (, halil, to n J " I I I B I f • I \ ' I, ' h 111-' 11111 " c'l) " u"h t c, ).:111\1,1 I ' n ,: I I' 'ti l EI,. ~ -,I\lng l h<' 1\\ " \ , ' - lI - 111' 11 1\ S .. it l l th WIIII,' ('( III, mon' than 250 OhiO n e w~ Jlnp e l s {Il JlI r lll)k<, ~o l' I' X C ~ lI lol' 0 Sp(' I1 Cl' l , ~1I11 1l' , , 2 ", 11 , I\IIl'lItllck).,1\ ~ I II hi I ... t., 1 · ... l a' l o l\' .... ttl · I ,u ' l ' t l OIl{, l, II( ' II I S nlld 11 Inctl' ~!l ll y e \'e I Y Rnpubll' cnll the 111\ II', 1\ 'I1 "- lIl1ci ' 1,1)1 ,,01 f ill Ill' 11 11 11111 1"11 ~ \l 0I ,," .I , I I ,~' " I I"'.11 I ": " I' , till I \\l '"I " ")!'11' 1 ' II I' 1I 11 ~ It 1 \\. 1' lllln p ',, "l1' I'1I "n l I ~ (' tt II'C I I ('~ lntc ofh 111' 111' \ I HIIIg',' I 1\, <il't l' elb- l'RIt' l lI c h ~I " t o l (' II ( ' Il g'II , $ 1:1'-1 ' · I " ." lln r "I," I I I I Itl ll II t I f Ih11 I I I ) (' C l C It '[ I' , e " \lUI S nut 11tIZC'I II ~ l' II Pll1 " Al bl' lt l( "ul l. Il' P,III. , ' fj 2r" klll- ,., h " II ltI" ,, 1 Ih,11 II \\ !ls ,til (II 1"'" " " II , " , - , .1' ' ' . I" l a ' l " ( 1\1 II " II ~" II'bU ' oun y o l11m, e(' , !. r. >l ow n ~ vllte s~tll' .•1 l'",I ,lIn L I"c l' l~ Loan :1..1111 ..\II I1 It.l ~l , Il lI," ~ h l ll " lind lI l ' t ,l h ll fil l Il H" , t of he Illt\ l1 1 1 ~ 'n d p l ~1l 1i 1,..!1t d I b,' 1\\ 1, 1111111<' 1 1 t,' 11 111\ " 1.l,It \\ 1111 .1 11 ' ( ' /l l1 d HUl h Os lo"'11 \\, <1 ,.. n'lInc wdl be found on t hc Re pub u I b I I I ... ,\I , _ , " ' I II I I I I I I ' . (1 n ' ell n)! lng' lo tI e 1' ~ llIt". ( . 1\11I1~)!'I.l\ " I , ~ 1 .!:;~7 r,; 1I (I \\llIt\ \\'" .111,1\ Ih .1l cla \ 11 l1 d th .. g-II \~h , " ,Is 'II I ,tI, I ,II I,ll Ill" I 1111' ,III', 11'111 '<' It'" , ,, nlJ"IIll1h '" . 11 " 1 1' 11\' ' '' ' ( lIe,l n hallot at the pllm a r y el c ,j A Reb old . IIdmlll1 <1I lI\o\l IIllh T. ( '" 01, , SIIII II', ,' ::!~'l ,;" ('el' i1 II ' · ' ...... . tnd 1h. 1I 1h tli l\\ I) \\ 1I }'t\ C n In r t l'l1 d.\\ "" 11 11 1 ,I .1( ' 1.1 111 1 . ' -II I . ",'1' 1' 1( , 11111 had 1"'1 \\ ,11 1.1 i{ 1'>1 11111'1 " '" d ~C I(' l> d II t HIII t o be he ld AUj:\'us t 12th. illS the Will unllexed of th e l's tale of II 1l! 1! 111I ,11I , I dl'ZI'1I IlI n,,"ls lIt Jd ll I ' Hi!, ln' t "\\II l) I .... l t ok l· (l n t o f h l' \\l 'n t 0 11 "1 \ 1 I Ii 1\\1 III' ..... ) I h • I. \\1\, I h, i'" ' .. I' t l"" ,11111 11'1' 11 ,1111 E d ll ,l ~I.I\ 1',,1 111<' 1', ndl11 lT11 stratlOn as S c c'~tU1Y o [ -r • I Seo ti t' 11 .1 CI'US(", 1 Ii'1 1'1 I IliS ,~'" ii , '1." " 11 L. UIlI h" 1 ( \ C, uC n ' 111l!1I1 t lll'lIl h,ld :-t tl S l' e n uu gh to l u ... h l llu l t1 ll : "d\l :--..1.. Ii Ii I l l " l \ , I 'I"t 1\, 11 .. - "" -I' Ih ,II1 ' li lt, 0I,' 1t' 1l 0l.1I 1\ h:l l ill" h('.l! . 1I ." lllit V Sldt " III lhe Iln, t IIl s ur' ~ etTlc I nt IiIr~t ,'n cI fi111.1 I nccnll t . . .,' I 2:..' . S H ill! ""1\'111 1I 11d IlI m" " I',, h,II I, 1')\\ ,II cI 1,\\\ 11 f" , htl p, n nd I h(' fllll\ tl1 l1 d p f I.. , I kid ,r,: Iii , \ 01 ., '. ! I I' \I II I" d - lilli' I I11 ' 1 " II " I 1: 1"" 1I1'I.d lll "f " lItl Th .. (" II I.' L I L' '[' h " .) 11111 h('" no llll(,111 11,lnllllll" o f th,' YCI,I ,.,. " 'III~ S 0 1t exel'll! IIX (1 $,,2: : 07 , 1,' , Silt ,\\ ,'11(1 I I) , 11 th ," I ,H' t.' d .lI o u nd (I ll lh l' , und . J,! Pl l , lh tttll J.!. h lh. \~Ih It tl I l! .. " 1' 1'11 III- l " I I I" " '- , \\ I1<11 ,11111 "el IIIH I I,) n "I' \\ ,111 (' 11 I. I'.d - " ' ... I I fl T I", _" ,101 ' ,, 1., I" " t 'i ll ill 1111 1 \" ' I " "11111d l ,, tl1(' (iL'f"Td, llI t Illlln y nfT<llI s nflhnlo ll'l cc. I tl ' l' ~ tatl'()l l ul l \' IWlllp,;nn l! ' I~ lInrl " u Jl Jl IIl" $ t 7)<' I , Tltl s tN's '· III Il )!: " ' \\ , \1 :-;11\ Iwol "1',, 1," I II' d ec l'lIHed, Wus " I d e l l'll III I'l 1Icl'l'd "I' P ubJaI . \ I1 II11 S , Ja g- h( ,I( I ){d S ul II " -l " I' I" I .>1!,' 11l I""k Ih ~ 11Ig' Ih,' 1ll " .. lh II I t"~dh .. : II ' '01 I" "" ' 1 '"1'1'''-' \1 " loIun d l, ,,I,, 1! 1", d l it pl ,(III t1il \\ ,1 - " ,eI" I,' d l l) lUI, to ~ "II Cl' IlUln ho nd s atpll\utt' "a le ~I l' n llll i l " h:t ll. ,~ I tI~ , l or:J I f l l l 111 h i'" III'S .In d i ll ll k l , d ut " (I p lll(k\ ... hl \\ ,l " ... UI . I f ,1.1 1,.1 I. ,11 '"1,,,1 W , \1,' 1' .111 11ll' d"I'I' lI d.I Il I X7 ',U I' ll \\ 1'1'1,1" , and fo r cash ___ _ It .1- If II" ntil' l llIJ! hll \\ II j.!LI 1 "", n, lI: It .,1, I,d -10, oil ~ ,,' 'I " h,1\ I'" " " " II ,lid " lit l h, ,111101' _ n' " II, tlllallL<' , P'"l1tllll'lIt .IS ,l\II1lIllI~ tlatni o f the Chul leH L BIII\\ II W.I< "Pllo lnt eI 1 kl' l I IlI ll lI lI \! 11 ,' 111 .. 11 i!" II I" " I ii . n', , -II' h ' II '" lh ,lI d .. I Ihll lg' In 1111' I :I-l' " f \' .11 \1 t' r.liJl' \ CI- I L'- Wh' ,>I S ,111I1I e l 8('('1. dCCl' i!s,'d. ndl11il1l s tnltor o f th ('s tal l' of I k n llll ( hCl ~ I' kl d~ , n1l , e if, " h · Iw l'. 11 11',1 - nlll:l\ , 111 1"'1 1" .. c)11 J hi 11 J 111'1 11 1.... " I \\'1 '" lil t' ",,).t (u - 11 ... l' lt , \ld x \\ t.'11 I\ \p tlf ( 0 1)1I 12111\', I und fi l ~ d !1I ~ bli nd of $7fiOn \ 'lth I L Oll l{' llndl c.v Bl o \\' n d~l' c a'-t('d und I '.1'1 """I ' rei h(' PII ,\1 \1a ~ kll lle 1\l·1I "h " II 'P ' "t,,1 ,I tl el -I"t" , "I" 1" 1"' 11 I ".III ' cd t h" t l h,' , CIIIII "\' llul,' d Ilw cJ I' lll I1I1 1'1 1-" ,II1 I I, St' II"I'lI n<l Kall M. BI'(\wn fil e d his bon'd IIf $200 wi t h 1"l an k (' I ,'r t hl' jl l t' \luU S \\\' l'k'ln d nne! I fll d 1'111 /I II l1nll l (' I," I I, I,:"," ,,, 1\,. " ,1 " ". 11 11.1 - I" " h,d ,h ' "I Ih l' dl'l'l1 01 ,lIlt t " th l' II I11(' nol l,d 01" SUllt"·, , 1I0wai d IVm s , Mar- J . BI C) \lll lll1d Kale S Rl own I\S ha d l.,k!' n I ht tl\lll l' IJ ll t I O\\ln g-, h llll 11 " If t " II(I\\ II1':' II " 1'1 11 1 h ' I I ' I I", I I" , '"~ hl up t ill' I" t ll lllli , I t hL pl .l1n t lll I POll ga l,' t 1\ l'lIcl nnci Leuna rd l\l ou n ts ~ uI'etle S I ( Ill , I\( II , "11 (' 11,, ; 11 1eel t he 1,.,01 " ,'< (I dlld 1)'.I I ' I, 'J,:' ' I' -II"" ,11:.' "' I u'g'eol 111 01 1,)n c, 1 t h(' Ih- t e lllllllt. 1,' Il\ C of W I' e mad c nppll1l~ers , Th l' 1:1 ~t will ulHI It's Lum ' nl of C1l!'3 1 t l) Ill" nHl ul h, puffe d li t it 'W (· Ih ll ll Ch l , Ii '01 ,"111 " " 11101 , " "11,1\ Ill\' lI )! hl ,oil' Ull d I I " ul l 1I,ls g lll l1 l'd l' It' "~ \ ll lldll lU ll('h,lrll" J ' Vaggooll!!\, was made Aug-usta Th"lss , d erl' ns('d WIL S I 1I,' 1l h f OI /I '1' 0111<'11 1. ,11111 Il'SUlIll'd In., fl' " r\a~ s," I" I,· I II. oJ 1'" I 1,101 I, I 1'01 l u i" 11t'1 II I11ll lld 1,, 1 ,II d,I ~- ' " \\hl eh til fl l" "" ' ''l'l udnllllls tratol o f th e estate, of I I lid II 1'(' I III court .Int! IIdnllttcd 10 " 1.\ I "~ /I ~ n() r1 ~ \\ III 1III I. but It "" ph" <d" \\ , I I I,.t "I ' ,, "''' 11 ' h· ,111 01 I, hl' l 1t" 1 \\ h ilt, I h" lIlIlI I 0 1tlell d l h,' "h~1 Ifl til hl1tl e~ W oolfI', de ceascd and filed pl obate, J o hn P Th e ISS, wus ap\\ ,If a 11 1\1 pull , fil l I hl' IWll t hll c! a nd nU I ,,~s :t ilt! I" I' t h"1 '1"1 I h ll ' I 1,"1. 1 d ,,\ I li,,' I, 1" ' l'l'.ln mu s- t l,nll' l " dee d 10 L" ul" Bi s h p, hiS uo nd 111 the s um o f $ 1000 with , p ( lilt ed (I X l!utm No ho nd I'cqulI'U p ~ CL u lm lls t f\ q un ile r of u n1l1 ' · he \, a t l'l l d, " '·\1urg' II i' " . .1 III lei I", ; Il' \\ HIl I'l' 1' 1' if1l1 I' s f l('" II I lh !' dO \\ CI o f Ed,lh ZlIl r k, Th' IIiLed tut es Flllehty and cd iI.11 \\ ,1' 1I III,L h l'I tnl s l nlle PU rt h:l E' r fo f Ihl' P' C11l1 0 P . III t he Guaranty ompan y as s urety. C IIII U 1ul ph y, !llhui lllSl l lltlix ':-,h , \\~ nl ,"1" " 1 t hl l'll, "H ell 1:1 t' " I' '1.lI t ln .\ Rls hnp I'(''' lh An II1stlUIlICIII nf wllllnK, pili· with t h t' 1I111 nncnxc(\ oflhe ('sta t e d'i If' II ,I d "II'IIII I'd ' "' h i' !I~- Lll uis 11I - llO p I t ,\1 n " lllbul l n of pOItlng t o be the Inst will and ! (11' l\11II'11111 L, F(~lJdlC, li ec a s~d '" till l" 'Ill\ d In I h,n k I II ,- "1' I'l y t h ' pl t' ~cc d , li t th e snle \\1\ t e~t "llI c nt of Aug us l,1 Th eISS , lute wa s I Id ered to l< cll C li nin CUII ~ Ill' 1"" -II ' " l ' I IIIg' til l ukl' IId - ' dele d . Il l' F,Ullkl111 t o\llls hl\J, \\[IS Plotluc- ' ti es of the es bte • '01 111,11 ' , 01 Ih, , lIll .,111I 11 111 fa t /la l, 1 'y I nl chill g' p len' l' d g'llt!tV cd in COUlt fl'l IH ou!!I !', I • I· ,',1 11 " '(1 ,1'" III I. a nd t al k,' d 1'1 .' ~ h .II l!;1' " I' h' ''lll g' p lnpclty fur l 1!1\L' nt olies alltl applai~em e llts New Suila I ,I .. lit 11l' 1IlJ!11I111~ 1" ' \\ (' 1 hl'C:llI S,' mall uf.lctll l lnJ! Into xlcnllll g hquol fi led . , I" Iii, I" III Th at \\ "- I1 ' t .( til l I,k l! II lId \\ a, ti l1l' tI .,7 50 .llId CO Rt s ~: ,.. Ltl i f Funnlc Whllncl'c , d eG,' nl' va I' C0 11lb~ , a n in l" unt by 1",- l'lI l t II ' I' l' t ol d ~ O l1 , hI' \\ II!< I nnille I" pa~ the fi n IIn ll C O H t~ , cl'u sed ! ,a l'lIh J\lullen, he r T11 th r r .lIul n ext In- ,,1'" 111 o il hl' l' hla I Ol el Ih o~1' he \\IIS c "lIIl11itled lo the COUlltV E,.. tal l' o f Ld" an J m ull d e- fll Clld, \ e l SlI H Hobllit o mus for I" '" I", II .> , h 1I111lj.! th .! 1 la ugh )a tl . c€lIs:'d ' divm ce, cus t ody of nll nOI ehtl!!, a kl c y Cn c\l1n go plea de d gllil t~ Th t' nct vulue of th e estate of injuI'cti l n und ol her l el1 e f hal'gIIII- l II 111'11 , h e' Iii , t I l " c h ~( 1 It, ' " ,1,, 01 " ' lI "" tI,.. 1 0 k In t h l" l1 l o U e h ll q~ (.' o f P O sSI ;;~ lngo int(ll\1cnt Alll\1 e 1\\. Wils on, u ('ccn, ed, "as es nl'e e xtreme clu elty anti g r oss ussell O\\ cn, nC\\spaper man whc \Ihl' n ~h t ~ \\a nl 11ft . \" t h Ir l!' IIqu o l I!nci \III;; fin('d S tOO , and fo und t o be S:J5!)!) 3 1 that the e x- 1H' ,'ll'ct nf ouly. ' I" wen l \I lIh Byrd to th e South Pole, 11.11\ ,l n.l I" tt l h' ''lI I I " he I C( 'st ~ II \\ OS lel11l1nd ed to th e e mp tio n!; of th e di s tl'lillt cs e x Wilbul Hut t vel s us Gwendo lyn was acclaimed th e greates t report er by 1(>11 .\ ~ I ('\ I' I" r .1 1111 " n~ n t sh e \\lI S , co un t \ Jl11 1 1n dd,ltll l of fin e C cd th(,l1 succession s and t hat a!\ S t o lzu nllllr y, G ~ o rg c A, to l7. n- th~ news paper \,'o rkers of Am e rj.~ at '\ II kl' l'<'d ,,~ 1ll'.11 III !! Il e lmall' s 111 t h!' ca, I'f Snmuel R. Hy - a !'es ult said cstate an"l UCCI' s l o n~ hUlg, Willi ulll S Wark, Leota a dllmer 111 JIl S honor,f -'J.J'( " d "~ m E' lI ,e x pa rt , it wn, o ldel' eti that a l'o ex empt fr om IIlh e l'i tu nce tnx. Wark, Albert. S Itz and Cuthlll----.~- --'I - 1111 lhIJ u ~ lll ~ h (' d co m , Ill' be cil ' c ha rg-ed f,om re st l lll11 t O live ,1l1me;:. wus u.pJloi nted ad- 11\ 0 L Seltz f o r m o n ey li nd fm'c - l I I " 1l11 t1 ,. h(' \ (' ~ lInl(' d \I Ilh a n and d e ten t io n nllllls tl atrix w ,th t he will unnexed cloFurc of m Ol tgag ' , a molln CIUllll Unci" H a m Blow S ay: of the e-ta t e of Harla n Whl tacro. ed $2000 wllh 6( ~ inte l'(' t fl'o III ' 11I l'C II ' , I' 1I ~ ~ 1 C(h " S " did l hl:' cI 1'- ' t o, ~ Wc ha d h"lf " £1 07.1' 11 sp ec, .l l- I probat" Court Proceeding. deccl\s ed a nd filed he r bond of ApTiI 30, l MlO It Is n ' t th !' "h,1 nH! o f be in g poor ~ ., I~h In I ,,' f(l l' ~ \ H j.! ot t hl l~U j.!~ . Jam es A. Bee l accepted the ap- $.10,000 wllh Ellznheth Whita cre, amu c l R. Hy man , C)( p.lIte, thai hUlls !lll d hlll l ~ Il '" the devWill of lI abells 01'pU8 II" h 1l1 0 1lll l0 llY o f It 'r hl'\' - ,Illi ~ h' d 1)(' a ll I \l~h t ~h e S ' t l " " l!' :t ~ ,I pon l' ~h c hlld ne \ (' 1 - --- ! .1111\ l' III Ck, t h \'OUIl /.! hOI'cI\I' lll' are you a bso lutely SUre I have no reason to re ar thaI rn nn ?" \' ('l' n ~ lcJ, II I hI I IIII' . Bu t ITi s teaci , MArria ge Llcen." III ~1l 1 111l sa v ~ l'VI' l V tll)1l' he s pnds I "I lo ' II IIH! Us ~ l'l 1"'1 h,l(k In to Vll lel' fl f Ih e officc Il UI' e I11fOll\led t o n Hc a ls o aclnllts that s he hns n' t ,I , 'IllS J!'tll 1I t e l (' ''111111 h.. pUl!; it [ , JII dl l re ,lI1 d h l.' l ~ I<i d Wll~ l,ul dl1' t f( "~,' t tlH' ,1l'U d, "l. . ' (1'"' 11, 11 f ill ' lin p h ' .. Iudl,d th e hlln l hnt t h e du ctol' \\lI S (It (hnn I . )lIlV cl\J~ c fl'\en(l ~ 1TI th iS co untr y. Georg I': dwllld i' lck cll , ••1 l S- I I In I ~ I k nea v~' nnd th e lak e was I·ou g h. All ( o u ld ll 'l ~ t all cl 111,1 II coul dn' t 11 111'- 1 011 1 lliJ.: h l a n" Itt o ut. I h ne,' Ellc , uid hea r t il y "Tell If we cOllfe Hs that hoI' 11Iarringe to nlhlan l{ (l f "l~cllll n'ILI a, " d fl\lr' s ill. .r,- : ' ~'h\~I ' ~ n \\I;~~ " ~X rH' II S )nt) us d ('"u ld n' t I'at "\\" , I~, I\ ' n u t Ih al - Ill' h.ld ~ O I1(' h llll I n s l o p ('utlllg ulld come I 'ght Illl' i ~ a fuk!', li n d tUl'It h('1' ovcr y Ins:! ,I C 1111 nl , 0 , 1) \ ' (' ,In, I ' f OUl' I' UUIlj..""t (" ... II' re Chllglllg Lo Sl l' a ll v " Il l' t he b, a l Wh en s he g (lt out t o the m , , o uldn ,'t s \t" ' ll I 1lI,lI le 1' \l' I~ "lI n\\- :1" . 1\ I I" ., 1I" t'IUIl' " 1ll1 \\ 1' ca n - tl O\\n t o se e ,I palll'nl at the GUI : t o hllll ho\\ tin w e kn Oll how h e'll July 10, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I !lc t ? 1I 0w do we kn ow s he'd want a ncl \l he n th ey sa\\ he l', the twin all ce f" l hl' r \\ hn l I t, lI1' l fl lll!' I\ C. l "I ,,' IWI (''' ~ ,l ~l'lIll' nt s E \ (' I I nne land" b oys- to n, they wcre- begu n to he Hd d('d h eu vlI ~ , "I S hl' l s k I 'P IIl l!; de (, I' ptl'ci h" , 1',,\ 1I'lth oul q u 's· T hl n th c bll d cg' l'o o11\ \lent up t o be lUI' ned over t o him? The r e Rea l Estate Transfers la u g h ,[,he v thou g ht It was a ll out and INtI' lll S: us ' 11 l h ~' lU I ~h I cI IU n h('~,tl'" "f 1\ h al she h.HI b ee n Lu hiS b ll 'le ' s I ()o ms , fc hn g I a her is n't much I]ue"tion t hat ~h c ran PI nnc('s 111. unJil enl'Y 'uUel tho ve r n o \\ Gu t th e lUll r the rc ~c u c ha ve bet fI 1ll l\I II'n ' h,' 1~lIlI l tI n(' I' CI th ro ugh I P x h ll u ~t ed I ll\\a y til ~l't lid of b llll , i there? WRltC to t::ull Il nd i':ln" t b\HnS, T ht' y l Id hel' to Lake th e 1:11'1. fll RL d o U1>l t 1: \ I n tIll' 11 "I' kn el s t hink s he ' s "It's all light," he I epol ted 111 If ~ he h,1(1 a family or an IntImate 2 5!l ,2 ;1 a CI c::; 111 Wayne twp I wlu t h of c OU ls e s he 'd have c\n nl' " Ju s t h"w Ol el - h l dn I '!" In -!1m!' s ,, " iLl I1 U)l1 u nci t hal We l ll l1~ \\ 'I In t Ill' tc n ~ u nRpvkell 'lues Cllc lf' of f ll e nds , OUI' duty would Myrtle Hu tc hinson, tn l ttl Alv ll a n y \l !!y, "O she t oo k the yo ull g es t, 11 ('n d c'l sCl n 1'1'l' l l'd ,II !u', ( II I1' I' ,l n \\ " n' l tL'1I th l 111 111111(' O f nUl occ , t lO n \11th whH'h · he lIl e t hUll Oil ' be c lea l . As It iR, I think we L. St .Iohn GO tiD ;)C I ('~ III 10111 li t tl e aney ll cclm cl , \\ ho I ~ o nl y l IOn \I It h n I' II llt, ":11 d um l g l ll1 l\'ld II I' I ng,n: cd PI li .It.. d etect ll es Lh e Ihl e ~ hn l d "Th e man S,' yS hc oUl!; ht tn do \\ hut w c', nlwllY S tcll- creek twp" III 0 lut . Nos. ;I!) ami sen' n , ancl b, o ug ht he r in HIl rl~h l ''''I' , ha lo 'l)! h ,' hIll II I -l' ll.Jd l " u f tl' l Ih ,' li l , t cI.l; 0 1 -" , Hnd th e ll k IWII''' IIh o you ale. !l nd I thl llk h e l ' n ~ he l tn dO- Sit tight' , D6 111 th e Ity of Dayton S he flung Nan cy to th e woma n o n ns If lo CH ~t II \l1' 1l!i1l 110 111 Lh~'111 1 <'1 11 11' 1111 til :\<'" \ , II" nll sC'1f " I:l' nl1 ! It ~. E vc r v lhl ng I11'0 ll115eS to "I. b f'lIe~~ you'\,(' righ t ," arnck Dena , t. J o hn t ll 'Alva I. s h o l e , to b, lu oked aftl' l, lind she "lI l' l c. hull pi' ! \ (I II 1' :111 1 \!' " ' \\' I' ,lt 1lI,I eI I' ~ " " Ihln k , he W.b IH' h E'1l 1l Ifull y (' 1!.'I1I!:!! up and ad mltl ed. It loo l<s a s If hiS PI'O- ,John 60,(;0 acre~ 111 IcurC I" 'k LO I'e nfT h N sOllkl·d !>kllt and went vel Th l'l t, '" a Ii ,I I \I,11i 1 t ,) 1;11,11\," ' II : \(l W \'"Ji,')" , I t hei l"" n Olhing', you hHve lo ('cur I II n-a l had ~~l'n th e las t straw, twp; al ~o l eul ' , tat e in 1\I 0l1t g om- 1 right ou t Uj!ll lll f or the n e x t girl, 11 >1 I11"t OIl llll!;"d • , • I t IIlI s I he (" )\ IOUS J1lne ' ~ h e 'd Hu t W I' I11I1 ~ ln I ta lk a h o ul It W e'll stall hllll off for a few days 1.'1'1' co unty. "Th nll!;C1 l ~ 10, m L', I" " B ul i : ' ~ }; e .1I1 1'111 :lI ld \\ l' \\ llJ'(' af'l lli ti 11'1 I I' \, c S('(' II CUlli ck 1 want Cm nl·k a nyw ay Meantime I'll do n httl e , Th e C ll lz(' ns alio nal Bank of Mill Y, wh u Is n 't q UI te nme Mul'v was a uo ut ' e ndy tn g o under Ly SIn1P" a1l1 . 1 ~111l! h(l\l .I" t l ll' ~ " \I ' " t ~ t l P wOll ld I" t " " III fill I t' ) oi 'CltI " Iww !1 ncl \\'h e ~ t u Le I! I expe!'lment in~ ; bu t we ~vo n't111~ k c Wilnl1ngto ll , 0" tn 0 F. 1(lb bev, this time, and th e tldn ~ \\ e lC ll~ - 10 11)\\ n lHl Il \'1111 1 \I l f. , l lt' li tl ('I- I.u l ll l)' \\ L h ,1I1 .111 th t, ' hlp~ \'.,11 all "b n ut YO lll se lf, No \~; w" l ,Iny ~xp lan l1 t1()n s to MISS arr1l1g l l 64.87 acrcs 111 W as hi ngt on tll'P' In g th e ll b,:<t to he lp her. SI11l1l111Itp1{'c1 \\11'1 11('1\ \\ " \\I IC' hpn cyco mhmg,I'Cl u t lUs t me . . and hlln'! I to l\ tlil w e kn ow nil about Hende ri\lUll!; ure t Elizllbelh Boe hl e l to '''r he!'e wlls n ' t allY s l11ll1ng n ow , " W I." \(' ( 1', 111, "1\ ln lk!''' II1C II l' ( ' hl ~IW" ,I t l hc' , II 111 l' tllll" and fo l· ' 01 ~I)LlI 'I' \Ju l ule yn ll so n nnd th e C hiCAgO end o f t he Elhl'ln .I Flanks lo ts 10 H 1'),)9 bu l th e iJ oys buC'ke<:i upwhenlh o ll nb nll l th( f ut ll l,' l h,111 n bnu t l h' 1"\l IlI ' Ul' .I II ")!, ,," d ' l l'(( '''' clu es IlbsIJ lute lv ' ule I .I,~ave n o rason malter That's the first step in any 1953 and I U54 In'Dce lfi e lcl·t w'p'.-' I ~ I slel " <I S la ken off the ll hnnd s , pa- \." In hn ll " e1 ., zp n Clth" 1 ( It ,es Wh e n to "t~a l lhl~l , !lInn' , cuse, ?f ,C O lll'S~--;-,to 111ve ~tlg'l1te Geol'g(' R obe rt' tn R L, L..'\ I11- \ lJlld prOI1I1 <e 'l Eve th,'y 'cI ho ld on " 1' 11 be t I"U It 'I1'1, . lI ' III I(""n I 1" ,,11 III 1'\ ( 11 ) 'I l k I \\n ~ I (" Idy l.o 1m CL' lt.1I11 o f It, de:! r, H e s l ll ~ ~del"on H stO I Y , uert, l ea l es late 11\ Frank"n twp, tlll ~ h e g u tba c k . • Butll e lt11a n "'1H1 t" " I, .1 11I 11I .11" " 11 01 l h,' 10" 11' , 111 11 1\ 1101 0,1 1(,1 II(' \\ (, Ie nl Il, .IJI ~ 1\ V(' IY I! Cl od S ilL. N'Hv, l e,Naturally A I ve SI1,tl, ther e R. L. LU1l1ueit lo lll i BUI g c o d · b y ;1 ~ li he Stili I '<I n iT, und qh e pl'lI n l ~ lIlInll "' \! 1 1I n u ~ " ' I " \\' 1'11 , I" II IP!! ;' 11 ' \\ Inll ( il l Il l! t"und l11Cml)(' 1 h(lll putlent und s tu ml1n g l ,s n t mu c h clo ubt o f It In my l111nd rought tract In F'rnnkhn twp d"III' l Id,l! Ih a l I11dlcatu,n 01 t il<' 1'111 t hl p" , 1 a ll I1 ~ II t , ,lIl1 l J' 1l ' tlH' lO ll \ t [lI sl lh .. 1 ~ lll'e l l'd "'C ,I \' ' I' I( bee n « 1,', and tt tight It ha,~ all t h e ,earmUlks o f trut h, D a n F. O'Ned un d IIdel ll A way he had loo ked I t luttl e d h e r l ,d' " l :t n , 1101 I J,!1I 1-' 1 nl ti l" , 11"\\ , I" l' l, 1 1 \I" 1lt';:: ln lll ll g t o gel J u ~ t a iJU ll' I nge l but 1m n ot taklllg any chances. To O'NOlI to G F ancl l\ICtA [ ' Ho erR lI 11d Rll c had an a \\ lui tll)l C gellin g II f y<'s L ' I V(':It" h e oIl1 nO lll1(' 'eI , 1('- " st. ' li ag'l'cI :l L(l11n \, pu've uee n Doe lc' l HlIICk's 'a l'd WIIS I1Ig'ht I'll put the ll1a t ter up to an lot No. !)5 'in' SprinA' boro g . Ma l Y lo ShOI(' , f OI' th e kid was In I,lll lllng t.e' r'I CI' 111 ' h""1 Th e il l hl' \l lI t( II ,, 1 ~'.h('I (,\t 1 \ (lU Wl' nt, these 11I()~~ht 111 _I', llI l ~ he ullcl Eve w e r e IIgency I know out thele, a ntl g'et Philip B and Ma r y J . Yo un g lo ,I pUIlI '. 1'h n e w papcI' men did 1.11 11 t glll1 l..r l I" , h I'~ lind hI' In t . I.,.I'~ I h:lv 1l\g th II c offee Ene g lan ced a full repn l t of Hentl e l sn n unc! a WIll ,St. J o hn, Adam'" Melloh a lot \,( f a nc v IVI'i Ling o n that !lec- IIct dl'cI \11 t h l1111 ' p (' It' d d lg' n lly " r l "11 (1\\ d,r\ ~() 1I fi n d hl'1 a ,J a ke ' s? a l ,It , pu L It In hi S ~,o ck, t, and !'08C. ye rll1c atlO n ~f the Heckn~l' ~ro wn - and J ohn I~, Bllrnal'd, !)2.45 aCI S I' o ug ht yo u lon k (> 11 lill s {' d lJ 11(',""II 11' h,I1l " I h ,ld d!'o ppecl 11\ 1 ' II I' hu s co m, he expl a med, mg, That WIll be easy, If It hap- In TUl't lecl' e k twp o nd l' (·~( u e. Sh e g'ot MalY to s hore th o ugh , an~l sfal te cl ba ck a t lI'f CllU ' ~r o~\ l hOl (> W,IS fi ll ('X II\ ,l ' II ta l1, t, ,I Vl1 ll11g- fl'll nw ,Ja kc has 'U I1O I'll s c 11IIll fir s \. If you will p l necl." Jo seph Hlll es to' Lewis BlIll'ett lim " The wom 11 tnet! to ho ld h e r lI.1tlOli co 111 111 , 10 m t' ~ (I\\ I' m h,'- in 111 - hun d ,, " ntl)('1 ~" lII U H that g o on liP to the SlU ing-l oom , we' ll Th ey f Ollnd 'Eve wnlking the lots .Nos 87 a~d 88 ITI Un Ion twp ' fo ) th ey ~ nw ~ h (' \\n s a bout a ll Ill, !'111nl nJf 10 1( Il IIZ C' 111.1 1 l'(l lI don ' l 1 -lI l'l' ('- c' \\ 111 II II \' \! 111' c razy f .. ll o \\ ~ OU In l c n IllITIUtl!S 01 so. " flo?,r, .. J. S. Rldd c ll to Samuel o llin ~ Lu t Khe \\ (' n t S he we nt," Ie l e- know a t1l1n v, ah "u I:\,{' I ,1 11 '/,l1l' 01.11 "~ li d Ihll l' I ~n \\ hel, 1 Il c found III lick pacing up and ~ ood eve n";lg , .Mlss . Carl'lng- lot Nos. 185 and 186 In Flllnklll; pente" , o ftl y. "Th e tWins unk he- lI11d c l Qt ll llcJ 1111\' elll llltlll' t 1,, 11 \'() Il . ,'IIIW al ,I 1.1 101 , ", lh ,I lllup ll' o f cl own th e hOlel ha !1 and l eso lu te ly 1ton, th e p sychlUtt'l st slIld b.l'ls kly twp. fO l e " h(, I('a hl.' d thcm, ~ o Rhe ,l b. \It Ih l' 1I!1!! ( oI ,1 " ,' 1'\(' 11 :th "lI t 1111' 11 ,h ., II !I ldl1 I h ,I\1 w, pc d hel l ll'fl h lill ,"to the lal1llllH\' wrrtmg- ns he shook hunds; and Without C harles II Co llins tC) Clyde C s t a rted cJl\' Ill~. ." he l h rt'Hk d rmll ,,!'Ir, II It II ,'11\ ,",,, ,' " I \I I' :I/.:" ", 1) 111 [t \\ .l ~ .1 IlIll e fOI wnrd-sav- ! J.J'IVIll ),!' hel t ime to comment on the , Coll ins lot No I ill Umon tw ' " G" o n'" l lamti tl)l1 bCl!;g'cd aga i n Illln' t ' hI' 1('11 ~ 'II ," lI ,ul II" ,11101 I It \ " \I , 'I ' 1I 1" ,'t )11 IllI hfe I m ).!' a nd'he Illa de ,I bller hut cOIll- , numc he went o n : "You 'r e looklllg' Blo~ch e and E(lna FOlu('s Pio ~. - n nl1 l h ~ hl g man flb e yed af t er a a h,:,"" h" 1 " HI- Iell l I,H!'( 1" ' '' , 'il. uc:b C'I l' ," l hl .. tl ll' l 0 1 us plet l' l e p() lt of the facts of the II good d eal be tte r t han, wh e n I Huny and Ruth Frl ~ c h, 5 aClcs In I , tt 01 ,,\1 n ,'g'oI' l1 .111 I II 11 I I I ' .' " I " I \I ' , l ,ll l'f ul n ll t ('.I se, \I It h no ~ Id c co mm e nts 0 1' I saw YIJ U la s t. I h ear yo u ve been Franklin twp I .. (0 II A'U I ~ It "u l L Il I d Id I I I IICh l ' l, hll 11 011 1'1( 1 ~h c SlIll11 lSrs II f hi S own. H e had be e n l c\ oing' so m e profess iona l dancing. A,thul a n ;1 Ruth S mndh c ' k t IInci , , - III" ci 1,, " (I · 1 iI'" 1-:\1 ' cI ,,,, lI,.,h l .1 " \\ '1 hl'I ,' II 1(' 11 J Il ~ 1111jlIL .S(''' b ~ the s tolY of lhe re S- I "I had to earh mo n ey, and th nt Onrl SCh 'lllb lot No "I)' I' CD I~ d h th I " E l ' " ' , ,) n ee I , I I h H ( I pi ' 1111 ' 1'( I 10 """ \ \ " " ' " tI", '" .011 01 ,,1\ '11 ' 11 ' p"lil' " hI" lU I.' ,IIlC 111' I <'pOl t Inle l'e Rte 1111 wns e on y ope nin g , • ve call 11\ field twp " II l'n d, 1- ' 11 01 , II 1I ( I, " ' l " " ' ,lI e1 .. il l Ih( \\, 1, " I- I ' III," II .I ~ t h slltl ~ lactlOn o f th e ' a lo w voice. ::But, Doctor, won't l DanI e l' Snell, e t !II to Clm'!1 B. RESIDENT und -"t d ll'111 f ,II 1111' hllll II ' ' '1'1'('11 : p in SICla n \\ ho IS s how lI to bc CO I'- ' yo I tdl meS nell I cal estate in Le banon "T h" l J,! , I\" \ "II .\ I It o\ 1'!" ' t II. \\ , II. . h,' ·.1 111 , 11 - "".. h 1.':1 \1 1\ , I I l'et 111 .\ ci lfli c ult dHlgn osi nbolil l "Yes," he i ntell upted. "I'm l ET Car t mell tn Th e Cr~cker - h ul It' ,.. l l u,' 1,1\ h., I,,·, I) I' n - " , 1 \ , I' ,un ci Ih" la- t I' IIl!;C o f \\h,th inllard ly he h a ~ ha d Ro me 1l'0 lnl!' to tell vo u 115 much as I can Com'pr esse d All Motors C With Dependable g ,l ,"cd 10 1111' 1", 1111 ' \ ' ,II- ) (,1I 11:" '1 "" ,oil I I" hl h il t I (' " n'L d ou hl' . I That's nlways m'y ru le with patl- 1 13 1 a CICS in Harlan twp ompany, Serum and Virus S(, C', I ~ 1 ' 111 h I 1" 1',111 ' t, ' "c h " .. 01 .t " I II \ ', I \ 11 .1 I lI11hl s n~ " It 's Ill, t a s I thOllj.!ht." he n ow ertts, and everyth Ing we have heara • I , PERMANENT LOCATION th " 1",ln" IIh II ,It , 11 11-'" (1) 1('1'11 11111 It ,1\ , II t h, II"'11 1I 11 I11 l1 c h S lIlI' l l l' nli llC ll' d JI .II11 ,\tOn " Th ~ l e ' s no '~cncuulaging It· Will be b etter B" All d I - insures both Safe(Jh, \ I's I ' 1 11 1 h" "It ,I d, tI II I I - , ,' I II> I.. " Il l' " I I he , \\ 1f t f ~lI l h l" nCl'd f(u ~I'CI ccy, lhen , fOI you to know what has been I. owe 1I"l l1 , n " " l ilt' It ~ t ,l'" ,', " " I I ' ' '''111111 " - \\( 1( ,11 1 .!i' Dll t ~ ll I SUP - I .tf le , \\ c've le llli ed 1111 lhis?" ~,lI d th a n to Imagin e it." P. B, Monce, pay loll , $!)250; ty and Success LEBANON, OHIO I,ll'\' 111 '" c 1111' 11 I " 1 \ , ",II I, l it I' -I It · .tl i " J! ht ' "Wh~ lIot ,.. "Oh, )'m s llre it will. Ph ilip Il llise l, s am ~ , $2!) ,2 5; Chnr1, 11 1 . h ( ' ~ " l!"11I1I - ,' , I I" - a ,,1 I I I 1'111 11" I' " 11 ,11101 Il ,' lik ed "We kn ol" 11 0W \Ih n th e patie nt "The fir st thing for you to take les Heery, painting blidgc, $3325 ' Eye. Examined hut , h" 11I 1, ''', l h, " )::- 1',11 " ,' , ,rI ll Ih ,,,. 11 :II d 111I ' l ' d hili' , lo ut he IS and Ir 11 ntiel" on IS whut he III Is.tha t th cre 's no l~lIIg III YO ur ! Chlllles Ta y lm , same, $,60; WiI~ , Gla.. ea Fitted Repaira Ill .e~ d ll , ",1\ t I,,, \, ' 11 .> 1d \ Wh l' n II Cl1del'- l lIHl nl ' t o bl_ " ole! life to cil cad gomg back to ham FrAu enkn ccht, bl'ldge I e'W hl'l1 E ll' ~o t I, ' ( I, 1111 - Ill " " '" I,, ' 1'/.: 11 11 d l!<" p peu l l,d "Hilt Ih e r e' , a oth c l' P0111t," when V,1U r cc ovc l'- noth111jr for pall', $ 17. 50; Eugene Hatpe l . same Harveysburg, O. J l' xp r C'tl' c1 h' l I "~ IIlnl1 III' lI g' h' '1!1'''ll!h I!II h I~ I '~ 1I 011t !I',O I h .. lIamil l on 1I1t ell Upl l' d "I': v{'n If h e l yo ll to f ('ar. Will you bold fast to l $4:120; FI'cd Ril ey . lu hor, $4026' Phone 31 I II \\ 1\ III L,d I h,l d II , Id., ." 1 Ih l' , 1I ( II L l c. I hl' 1t' II' phc' l) ( unt! c:t ll l'd I I ~ lI en ' lp l 'on, by hi S olIn co nf es- , t hat kn ow lcdge?" MOlrow Whitacle, s am e, $66: --~ - - - ~----, - - - - - - - - - -- - - I <l I IHI1 !;l!l11e nt- !JU l - h, 11I " ~'" I I,ll 'IJ' I Io 'l,' " ( 'al 'l d 's o /l1 c e. Th e , sln n hc 's In 1" \ iJ With l\li ss CU I ring- I (To be co ntlnu cd) HUl'IY Co llin s , in spector On brIdge







Star R{'lJOrtet'











st. 1







- --



Dt. J0 hn Zettel

" -i



19 N. Broadway


Dr.-W. E. Frost

===- ~ -----==-



--=== •

The Bee Was Bo ss y






I~ At-t'l




LOA NS on Liv estoc k, Chattels, • Cl' nlHI Mo r tg ll/res. Notes b ough' ,J Ohll JllIl'uin c , Jr., Xonirt, Ohio.



5% Farm Loans


ONG OR $ HORT 'fJME-Easy 1flrl1l S. AJ!l() ~U l' V ying nnd AQ.' \.' ~l'aCl ill g . W, ite lInd r will ' call a nd s ('c you, Sunr D. H enkle, Way. I1l'sv ' lI e. Ohi o, Jll f




.-..,." " " '... ,, '" V/A/6/.11 -

FOR SALE I"OR • f.,8- 20 POlan ' China . Rh oa t ' . Le~ Le l' Githens. Wayn es vIllc, R. R. 4. _ *i30 ,


~ · \Te.sey

m o nth R oh1.

1>h()n\) GO[t'G,



Bull, 15 Henkle,




~._ ~~ _._~~~~~""~~-~~~~~-~"~~"~~

GAZET~~ - '


_--~~~L2~~"~~--~___- - - - " " "


D, L. CRANE Publl.h er Office Phone ............ ...... .. .. No. 112 Residen ctl .. ............ .... .. .... N.... 118

- - - - - -____ _____ _____ _____ ___~'

e,l,'pr,ooIfr'e prO ~~t l.t I11 I1i ~f , LIr,Y' pr • In

Congl'(' , ~mnrl Brand 'nlled on Chltr., M.addell r'riday, MI', and irs. W, A, Luk ' nil and E:lthel" .' pent Slln(IIlY with MI', an 1 Mrs, Fl'lIhk Kabll' !' at • ummC)'fut'll Sllbscri ption Price, $1.50 a Yea r ,MIII'y C81'(l1)'1\ ,H:c-omp ani d them hom ~' lift I' 11 Ill eUsan t Vi llit ith ~ ~ E nter e J at I' o. ' nllicc at Wa r n e,V ill" he l' unt Murtha , Ohio, (J ~ Se cv nJ C/o,.. Mo l Itfdtt t!r , h s, Mal'Y Cmhnm died elll'ly TIME FOR THE TURN I s uffered a 40, pe l'ce nt , s hr!nkag e , Tu csdav nlO l ' nin~ ' f(, ll o wing ov- I -..=:-.:.. :: ... , TO COME I the eon 'umptw n of, c lectn' 'UI''Ial du'ys of iIln S8, I"un e l'a l . Cl'rent for th e first RIX month!' o( viells \vero ~o nduc ted .n L Y :I n, 1\laO fr ont th , . . }!lSO W;lS 2 pel'~ent great~l' than 1\1. E . hu rc h Thursd ay afte l'n o n Accol'd mg t o the politica l nnd 10 the sume pe n od ,~ f ~ 92 lJ. !in charge of R ev, Be nnett and Rev uU l-l in l'8s )l~'o l?hct who . were 80 1~ htl a, CUIIOU S so r t, of ~ Th Q rnbur~' , full of optullls m la s t 'Winter a nd bU Sin ess,e,':' MAD! 0' CO. ....oy. Sls, 10 , thllt cons um el , Wm . Luk e ns li nd " hns, Mad/le • . - - - - - - - - - - -- -- S PI ing, the nlltio n n oU!rh t. nt this purcha: es In ~e n rnl hn\' e not bee n a tte nd TNI COPPII t ALLOYID *Tlla; ~ I ed t he AliH'I ican Lel{ion ban I lime to be beginni ng to f eel the greatly Clll'tal~ed !lnd wage~ hllv e qUilt at L buon FridllY even in g, WE ARE: ST ILL RURAL I puls !llions of I'etul'ni ng bu s iness be en .reduc ed 111 only a few case~ , I S('vl' ral frilln hl!l'l! ,\, nt o n the I Becau se it is doubl y protc'ctcd agains t wear and weath er, act ivit y , In s plle o f nil the ~alk !lblJ~lt un- tI -iI luh T our Il o Da - - - - - - - - - - - -- . yto n 'vV edlll'S- , s ibl" o f the e xpected upturn e l!lpln~' ment, then' IS n o e \' ld ence day, and theref ore lasts longe r, Chann eldrai n is far more , nl'c no t e d by se" e ral obsel've l'8, Ilnd o.t 'pov~l'ty Ill)]' !lny g<'n'ral ccu n- , IIII', and Irs. Hugh Harvcy (n ee Accol'll ing to the U ni t ',I . tllteg th e l'c is a ge neral fe e econo mical than ordina ry roofin g. A11d yet it costs no morel ling alllOng om lc dl st~'ells . . )Iary A \' lel') and 'l' nSUl-! , t he ma jo l'i ty " I' the people thosc who mnke it their e l' EUl a la ! bus in ess Wall t~'eet I'ep u rls, tha t many 11II\'c r 'Iur n 'cl lo daug-ht of til!' U nited :--;tn l' ~ live in "Ul'- to wlll<: h oven ts See our Chann e1d rain exhibi t and let us tell you how their IWIl1l! ill tha,t th e lowest ~urg' fur el gn I"a~~ will bl! mude l Oklah han" l'athl'l' tholl "rum!" c mmu - puinL of the o ma C ily , Oklu., f (l ll o win~, d epreSSI little on has it will cost to re-roo f with this lifetim e roofin g, b een III the curly r:all. 1 he pl'l,cec dR o f u pl eHsallt v is I\ilil! ~ , Th.1! Cl' n ~ u ~ of 1(120 s how- reach ed, it with 1011'S, Lizzi e tho ~e I O lln ~ will .h!' uRed abr uud to lIarlan . cd rd,l pur l'I'lIt of urban l op ulllmnde of rhe famoll :'; CO P-R-LOY, the Coppe r ~loyed Steel. PClhap g th e m os t r e liabl e re- p~l'cha s~ Anll'I'lCHrI goods, t hu!! , ;\11'8, t ill n us aKllin ~ t Il ll .1i PCI' Cenll'll l·a l. pOltS nl'e those made to the Na- stt mulo t lnR' e xpnrt tl'lldl' , 1I 0':'I C i\l nnday J . L, • imps o n r eturn cd ' Th e "l' II ~ II S Il l' I !J:{ O will und uuht- Lional Co nferenc e to he l' h UIll ' in LCJlli ~v lll e , I of Bus in Sf; mortga g' l o~ n s urI' I'lIPOl'tc< i eU~l e r , I<v, ,·C\lv ~ Iww a lllll Ch hll'~el' 11I' OPOl'- Pllp e r Editor::! an d the A!I~,ociated in s~ m? sec tIOn: and hom,l! building ' till' ' houfter s pen d ing tw o weeks in tio n li \'ing' in t'o llllnuili tie" of a Bus in ess Papers, Accord ing t o I!I plc,kll1 ~ up . !la nk c r r dl t R are ,ex- I I', 'Thum!' o r her tiallg'ht cl'. 1\Irs. J , ' r nbul'Y a nd fa mil y. M i z ~ \~hi t h the 1 ~1·, l c r"1 ~uvr rnnlen t intinllll elY ' in louch with I Phon e 14 a s may pandlng . 1~ 'l l catlng 'Vayn esvill e, Ohio th3t ('u ll ~ urban . Idl e ft li ~M Lu ci ll e 1·llck el'. ~i~ th eso' .150 publictl tion s which are Inoll c~' I ~ bCln~ put t.o wOl'k. ~c lli e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I BU~J ~ t(\ l" J\1isf-i DOl'othv Unv i ~ at" T he C"~~ in tlli ~ is in th e d ~- diffe rent lines of bu s ines~ th e r e is , N ~ body c an pl'rdlet th e fUlUI'!' I ~a nlI 1i ng"a l C haulaucl~u, inili o ll IIf "ul'l"'I1 " and "I·urnl. " no lin e in which ther ,. 1~ - ~~~~~~~~~-~--~~~~~~~~ e are nllw WIth CC l'tLlll1ty, If, we c uld, we ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IIII', und 1111'S, Gar n e)' C levenge r T il l' ~1I\· .. rnml'l1l ' " rn s ition is th e : t ucks in hllnd in sufficie nt l1ulllity w ou ld n u ~ 11 runl1lng a n W~Pll pCI' all' rejo ic IIrhitrl1 r\' II fll' thaI an y co mmunil Y til carryo n eve n s ub·nol'm ing- o \' e l' the arri\'al uf al bu s l- hut yl a~ lIl g t he : toc k m urket or a ~on, .. with Ill ,; r c th.1I1 2.', (l() inhubit ants n'Sf; for very long, I Bu y ing mu ~t dealtn g tn gl'utn 0 1' co tt o n fu t ur e~'1 i ~ "url?"n " 1."111 ",lIylhin g I c~s than b ~ g;n with a few weeks, Mc ml'r: l's of t he Wel co me '11!i th ese B~t In thc run we put o ur CI1I% (If th e J o nah's Run Bupti Nt ' ;hul In SIZl' ." "I'llI'D!. Wp bRCI'vel's I'e port. As soon a Mbuy ing faith , a s w lon!-: ,. ~ , ' ,ha ve ah~' ay ~ ~J, l lle. , n , Su h nda" t b SChIll 1I ~ 1' c that t h l' I In,' ns " e fI I'uwn hegin s, '! , ('o rdiull" inv ile . mus t ,Increas e pro th ' f t fa ct orlCs ~ Al las t science ha s COI11(, t " til(' "tat ,nl ; of U ul e o.I I Il "~ U,llit c('1 ., J , ,J sn ll1e\\'I1I'Ie, hil t "'l' slI hmit th at I)uctio n. th ' I11l! llIb 'r ~ o f th c Bibl e Clus~ o f nid of :lI fi' c l'crs fr om Npu l' iti" I-.Ulll ~ fh , Amcl'lc u; " ', <I be \le v(' lhnt thi S lhat "chuo l to I".! th e \I ti~ i" cirawin g it tou fill' down il' gu <,,, ts at a It is interes ting ,to n ute that In c(,u nt l'y IS , tdl m u\'ln~ J Or e I,:t/!" :-;cilllicll etc, wilh Q -G2:l, fOl'w a r(i t n- ~ociul Ill cl'l ing- F ri da y e vening-, lh e lin e, so mc line. of bU"ln css theJ'e has ~ul'd the gua l of, ' Th is ra mo ll > Jlr!, ~ Cl'iflli"n is th e n ,unlvors al ancl con i\ Ul!U ~ t . I a t eig ht o'cl ock . un th e ~(' l'\:linl y thl'I'l' ar c th OUStl lHl K or b ' ' n no falling , this year .as tlnUUU S prO/;pel 'lly r,lI' ev eryb ody c hurch ~ 1111 of ,I'('ars ex,H'ri uH'ntal work by co ml11uoiti<'s of 11I 0 l'C thun 2.500 co mpal'ed with ra ~off hlwn , All membe rs o f ho th t, bu 11 , runltl ll s ~ p(· cill ii s t. It has fll r (,"d;' HIGHE ST IlIlIHl lation who,'" inte rests urI' s till .iner 'usc, While so m t ,n de hnt ie anti t~at un y s!! t·back can nev e r be '\:a ~!H'!\ ure urgeJ t o atte nd . e \Ines have anythll1 g but ~ lIght a nd tem porary I R ev, /lI'('\'l'n it~ t' ll'c·(' ti\' l!n (·ss, Q-,;:'!1 Ilt' I1:1 l "' t a n.H a nd Mr. , J, I . Th ornbu l'\' I I];I\'!' Ill' t I U~ 1I1. w IlnSI' In CASH t.\I'k" th is tfll'tll l'in t.: d j," ':IH' at its; ::" ' a nd fanlily and their "tlest, MI'~J , gu lIll' hi)! (' ,Ity Jl l\ ,ll1t 0 rv'iew un ,- ve l Y 1·"Ot. 11 11, alll·\' iat t·cI t h.. "llfPRICES , " ' l ' t I' h tt J, L, S r impso n, w(,re dinner ,:::u e:i t ~ HIlY 0 t c Imp"r U ll nw "r ~ fC', 1ing '0 :' many, I r YOLI s uff,, 1' r .. OIll f CtI e ra I a l( ' I In ' t' 1I11ttttl\' r~ , Ill fll'a ls tlild ou tl l,o k o n rUI'a I , C h 00 I s. Ijut of iIIi ~s Ma y HaI'la n lus t , aturday PAID l'u r it l ~, LUlllh , you ,p"Il, ' \\'ill n oti ce th at th~ ,evid e n ce e \' ning, Il l ' Srial l(' n, ' f g nera II y, \ V (' cn n nalll e ' 1't' ., Ile l e~ you owe' it t il youl',; plf t o lry this I ' i s u b ml' t an d (I tlIeI', eV il' Ie nr e yo u d I( • ill t 1', and of 5 0, Ot)() lin! I m ol" w h os e ·Ille'res ~r s, W m, Neff Peaches of Da , " ;!Ot I' h c ntul'Y medical d i~ctlve r y, , gat Il e r ed \,uy . t h e e Olllmltt l' wa ~ tllll. 11'. and 11's, " me Rt ill n ll1ll1:t e nti re ly IIgric ullu. ccnmStore, mend£'d lind ~ ultl by, Adam. P ca ,h e,; Ul' , and f or th(' n ex t Drug s u~ci ent lo converl LI S t o your three da ul:'htc' r~, and J oe N eff and ral (\I' in I ill S whirh d J1 e nd ' diMr, and ~I'S, fe w weells will be oL th c ir b C:it o n~l'e:Slllan Charles Brund's id ea , Th el'efore , it wa ~ n o t neces- Geo . Sc hl o nik c r o f De tl'o it we l'e , and ch eap st. r l'c't lv 'ull ('n n/,rl'i ultul' e; nnll a c ity I~dllelltional Bill has been indo),se d "nrv t o consll.m e yo ur t Im e fm'th ' I', callel'~ So th e m ~v- I -=~~~-::-~~~:-~~~~~_ lik e ·thal. nn matt I' whu l it~ Rhe, in princip les by the at .th e h me of DI' , anel e ry da y a nd m OI'(' thhave a n onue a day , E\luclIl ionlll l ,The comml~tee d,e sJres to hn,"c a Mrs, F, - '~ is d efinit e ly rU1IJI1. S. Tripp S unda y ' ev(' ning, i r you I' ramily Iik e~ t he m . JOllllltit t ee IIPJ)oin ted by presid e nt wldespl'C!llc\ dls~ u titi l on PUBLI C SALE o f ,thiS do cJ, , Gra y has ,'o ld his hand- I An rl if y'JU usc 11 IiUl o Imaginn Huml co mmuni ti es IIl'e g l'o w in ~ Ho ove r II yea l' ngo fol' PHONE 8F3 t h e study um ont ,and \\' 111 apJ1l'ecHite tilly ::;o me gm in size ; thaI i" clenr fl' o m th e in- of this s ubj ect. ndfll thelr's (' lock and d e- ti en in ~ e l'\'i !lg t he m th I' B Il l'e fow I \\ ill 0 11'1'1' a t publ ic s a il' at Ill\' h II) you dare to g ive! u, t o t ha t' j li\'CI'Cd it to Ca nal Win HARVI :YSBU cr mpletc ' ('CI1 !1 Uil I'e po l'ts all'eady RG, OHIO c hes t e r, O, l famili " that will tir e of th em h e- pl"!lli~p~ MI', Br rHl introdu ced thi bill c nd, "n Foul' lh St., \\'llv l"~ ' 1 ___ _ }lublis he ·1. Town ~ which h ad 2.500 in rUl t h e< end pf t he s eU~ OIl , ongl'ess a , y ~al' ago fol' the ville , Ohio, o n ' Yo urs very trul y. IHlPllI Hti clil t r n Y'III''' uj:!() arc now pUl'pO 'e of prOVIdI Here IIl'e ~Il me way~ I1f us ing ng $100!00 0, 00 Sa ~urday, August 9, 1930 ' R, MANN , ========~==~:-:-~~ fo r the nllls l pllrt nelll'ly 1i .0000. II ye8t· , f o r RUl'ol th e 111 t o !l ug-ge t ne w Idl'>l6 tu th e EducatI On over H ,ginnin g li t I o' cluck th" fol- I hull'mn n B ut thnt ll Cle~ n ut mHke lh e m a ny t hl! UI; lted tates t o 'Oll ~ : " hell>, p~y tor low ing ; Rung e, lI elt t in ~ l"tO\'l' , ---,- - - - -the I ss I'uru!. t h ' chIldre n sent to the big IIldu sI \ ' rs luffed Su it" BIBLE CONFE RENCE ' e win g ~llI('hine W e Urt! n lm llst inclin ed to agl'ec t nal centCl'S , Peach Foam I ( :h!li l'~' Ilugs, ~ta nds, oo king u t e n with lh e ~e '" 'Y u rk Times, whi ch Thi s !Jill with amendm ents conp. , I " ' f '.. I S Il H and glll'den t ook T e l'm :; cash , , lIl!'g (' l'\l ~ t hat o nl y cities of ,id e l'ed will I~l'\. t'le c 0 1 o~ ~ Ilp e, p a c I- I every schoo l in Th e firs t annual sessio n o ( tho S. S H UTT S 100 ,00 0 Or 111OI'e Hholiid be class- ~h Sevent h bcnefit s thl oug h a c,? l ~ n d e t mnkl!1 g o n,e \\. ~ S' ' A :IIA Dis trict of Ohi o with Miami Valley Bible t o f\f e rence l'cI n~ ur ba n, If thaI cla!<sific n- p ra ctically none of the cup pulp and Aucti oneer s J UIc e ,toget~ e l" Stll' rnon e'y ' col,,~~~ (interd , _ ~c:..: enom inati onal) will b e held lion w e rc adop t e d, ubout :! G,500,- lecled he re. o ne e nvelop~ gelatlll e \~'t!h o n ~Augus t 11 -'17, 103 0, on the (1(1 0 vr th e peop le o ( the United half CLIp of SUr;,l~1' und fh sso h '(' In S h ortly after the introdu ction of gt'o unds of th e Miami Uncle Ham Blow Says Vall ey hA Sllltes wnulll be in t he urban thi s bill the Preside o ne cup If hOl I.'n,g ,wn te r" ~drl Al II 'p, IIIllI L~u I' 'mnini ng 70 p er Co ng ress in a messag nt s t a ted to tauqulI. Dr, Parl ey E. Zartmn nn pO lich pu lp !l nd JUICC f\ ~V~1 e ed \\ Ith Th e boy who r e fu sed Ltl pla y cent wo uld ~ llll bl' )'Untl folk, That " In view of the cons as fo llows: of Winona Lake, Indiana . will b e '=--= -.-__ on e tabl e;;(llion le m o n, jtllce 01'.. 0 1- CI'Oqu t becau se il was 11 " ~issy" would bl! dl'llwin g th e linc so mo- I (erence of opinio n iderabl e dif- directo r of the Confer e nce, and he ml,n ~1 extract a nd pll1ch 'of ,<~I t, Itume has ':::I'ow n up to ,pc'll! hi ~ a s to poli cies has jus t sent o ut u dnily program what. ~l nse.1' tt?, t he top t h!ln iJhll~ - i whic.h s hould be purs MY LOVE Set 111 to~ 1 pl ace, and when begl n- tim e putt ing Ot! th e miniatU le golf ued by the which gives a ssuranc e of an in ____ _ ahly I~ J~I ~t l flod , bul , th ere IS , Federal Go n,m ,g lo jell , ad d ,the w e ll -~etl te n, course" nt with r espect t c r esting . and profitab le Confer ' su rn cthmg In what the TillIe sa. s to ' educati onvernme J ames Ru ssell Lowell \\ I~ te ,~ f t,~ [J eg-g s, \Ind be,at. ~ 1I 1 , I have appoint ed a e nce. Ye. , fo lks, tlln e~ d o chan~e , C e r.te~vllle, O. New Burling tcn, O. ah (1ut LI's Ang!' les, with m or e than By ommitl ee repre se ntative of th e togeth cl until ve ry t hl C,k 0 It wJlI Th e Th pri'lcip ey u , eel al spcaker to s a r c: Drs. Not a s II other wome n, .a r e , . It ux le grCIl i'l Phone No, 2 n, mil!i,(I!1 and ~I ~lullrter popul~- ,import ant nllt se pa,rate, Po ur III to , mold s I an' n ow they s call Ph one No, 320 onal a sociatio ns ~ erton S. Rice of Detro it, WiIIi!lln I!' pl'ea d it on u ca ll, tl Oll; It I ~ H st(\ lll ~ hln J?: ly m ctropoh - and others Educati ;t he tlllIt t o my :o ul I, d ear" ~l1d, to inves tigatc and preo l M, Rob e rts on of Glasgow 'Cl" III co?1 ph~. e .~nlll firm. bo),(c ,1 euf and ca ll , Robel·t Her gl o ri ous fa llci es com e (l Olll , ' el\e \\I t h it s a lad . ~~~ ~~= tan III ,OIltC I' 'SPI'!'tR bu l "o n most s ent recomm enclatio n ~~~ ~=~~~~ custUld aUt, A j .. a l (l u~ wuma n do ubtl ess HU r" , ', Wat so n of Bostu n , Sam ue l~ , o f th C' i~s u c~ o n whi ·h t h Amel'ifu l'. -, This Commi ttee was appoint ed Zweme r of fe r!', but yo u ('!I n' t hel p s mile !I , • • • Egypt, John Gree nfi e ld Be nea t h th e ::;i1VCI' ,eve at, t llll I opl,c vllte,. , m811 l o wn." Ba ked Peache s und has de liberate d on the subject of Wino nl;l Lake, nnd lit t le ut lil11e~ Whl'n YOll sec he r II ' Hu g~ Ivan And ye t her h eul'l IS e"er n car. Th ere I!' a dlff'ren e l. b et\\' en f I' a yea I' and a letter Plunge th e rip e peaches into b ttl!)' h a l f . , has jus t Evan s of Dayton ' (PrcsHl e nt), , " ~ mall t own " and "r~rnl.," ~~re been receive . I " , b( iling wllter f or a momcn t th e n d by Co ngressm an Daily cl~ ~!'es in metho,d s of Bibl A n d ano th e r thtng- bac k III t..e e f ee l,t1l?s h nth ,.he of h~ 0 \\ n I th e s kin s will I'ub ~IZ(' (If t hc commu nIty In w hIch Bran d from the Chairm an of off as ea;il~' a s yea r I SS!! th e gOlJd 'peo pl ~ o f' t his thi" tudy WIll be led by MI SS 'ne livc ~ d ('~ not n e~essa l'i1 y afommitt ee, Dr. . R. ~ann, n ot ed ~inn ey. as ociated with Florenc e Whlch ,l e,se l houls m'hY .n e~el knOW j the s kin of a scnlded tomato , AI'- g l('at cuuntry Said clg-arct tes \ R ~ v , ,\V!I- C od gl~eih l e:'l to. e l a on ,e, n e range in a rath f r et lI n ~ R POint of VI w. I t ha s Educat or and Resea.r.e e l' d eep baking dis h Expert, Ii,nm A, Sund~y, A sp ec ~al l\fl - And s \\ ~et h CIl ~at.1 thal th 're ar c m OI'e stating" "that the trey ~~Id a an~l t~ e s prinkle with , ugar and cinnam onh lVolJld ma~e crimina ls o ut o f u ~. eVidenc e s ub- s lonul'Y Day WIU be observe d Au- Wh a nd no w jus t tu k e D peck lit t hiS r ew lth t le \\ III may c 10, " " I1Hl l1: t o wll ' l1lin~1 d Ol pe\? pl e in milteo by you and gathere nnd dot th e tops of the peach es ~ralld old pluce, d to blow. ~ w '\ I)l'il than HI ,nny st rl ctly ag- ommitt ee wa. suffi c ient by the gus t 14, u'!d m eeting' for with bit:; :lO Yeal' ~ Expe r ie n ce in of butt~\', Add a cu p of Hel'e's II big thi ng th city cha p to con- I bOYR ancl gIrls WIll be cO,nd,!c ted ~'c t in herself ncultum l commu mty. and that Is VCI·t u ~ t o YOUI' idea." s h e dw e ll e th not, Fitlin ~ und Making Gln s ~es bo iling water to t he baking , pan h~ s, n ever th~ugh by l\h, and Mrs, L , J, Kln chg uf J of : , W h prub,,!Jly tl'UC, Celtain it is thllt l Thc'tex t of tht' lette y not ane! buke in a gt t'a dy mod ornte dlvl n", uch C lt~· bloe drom Dr. Mattoo n, Illinois ; th ey al:o will Al th ough - ulrk mlo fo ul' tilt' domina nt puint of view of l\lanlt is aiS follows : n o home were ha lf 1<0 ove n , . e rve hot o r c~hl. hav e chal'l.!'c of the ll1 usic, ass is ted secti.o n.R" . th u'S pr uvidi ng e xtl'!l the peo p le 0/ A m e ricn is opposed f. il' ; CARY'S JEWEL RY , SHOP " by Miss Mary Dan Harbes o n of 10 s impl el't du t streets fo r tratnc Hntl twe lve m ore til l h pf'illt of view which we . Nationa l Advisor y Commi ttee Peach Fritters Every Tucsda y, Thursd ay, corn ' r s f or filling :;t<lli OnR, on Ke ntuoky, who has lIeen culled Life hllth no dimy is forgot, thi nk "f in co n ectio n wilh the big ' and lowly spot Educat io n 26 Jackson Place, "The J e nny Lind of Evange Saturda y II o t el gu es t (ov ' r the phone) : lism," That d th not ill he r ~ un shin e l'itie" Probab ly th Tmes i's l'ight Pee l and s prt rip e p ea che: , ay, wh'lt" the id ea'i Washin gl~n, D, C. ~o Charge for Examin ation ,p o ple /lrc in su :{ ill,B' tf.wt th e "effecti ve:' urs hul'e. ' 'pl'inkl c with powdel' ed s ugu .. and I linin ng up an cl d own the hall s, July 16, 1930 h un popl1latlOn of thtl nlltl o n IS not 1I 0 no iabie Chnrles Brand, let s tand f o l' an h ou r, DI·ain. dip and I (·a n·\., s leep. Shoot 'Em and Shake 'Em S he do Ih little Idndn esses mol' than It quurter of the tota l Urbana , Ohio. ill fat, drllin, ;;prinkl e with powIcrk ; 1m ve ry SO lT Y, but wc Wllic,n most le:1\Ie und o n,e. 01' de- de retl s ugar, and erve. __ - -- - 1\1\' denr o ngrcssm an; have n o conLt'ol I ve l' thl' til'e tleA s tory goes t hnt a neighbo ring s plse ; . . 'Since you furnis hed me with town man we nt to heave partllt e nt. n, At the Fol' naught that 5(!ts one h em t at And Nothing EI.e But Peach Delight cop ies of your educati onul bill f ut' PCllriy gates he was -- - - • - - nsk~d ,whllt h - -- e ea e! ' . t he ational Advisor y Commi Peel and s plit rip e peaches and A Second George W ashi ngton Rn st l1 s , cl:lt'. dllt .tow -heude,d I ?n Edueati~n you will ~oubtle ttee wanted mo ~t. "Ono mllhon d ol- And gIVeth hapPI.n ess 01 p eac e, till II baking dish, 81' 1 inkling each ss be l lar'R wOI:th of jew(' lry," he replied lj IR low-est , e lll cd In h er eyes, nil!l! c I' ob mlltc , am hl ~ m um m y S Interest ed In the tenutiv lu ye l' of fruit with s uga r , Dot the e cone lus- He got It. , '. pe t w hen he do ne a nything cute. io ns reached by this " The lady vi.- itol' 'h e ld out he r I n t0l> with buttel', add a cup of Wl1commit tee, as A da rkey, Immedi ately III hUi . S h e ,hat 1 n o SCOI.n 0 ( FUNER AL DIREC TOR arms to the scco nd so n or the lin d he ,:::iti; dc s murtn' s8 from hi s set forth in the enclos commo tel' und s prinkle with fl ou\'. Make ed ~ emort \~ake, wh~n a~ke\l the sa,llle ques- \ A trlD'th' I I hOUl< m.udd c l"s s iJ ru d e family EtTen andum o( Progres s , You ·hn1d bu t hll 1'(,ll1 a ined co en ldly of othe r a Cl'ust of one and on e-half cup ' offered to tlon, rephed" Boss, Ah Just errtvWAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO Ill.' o ug 1 S IC e 1 he p u lls a bon I'- d c n it ail c ums goi\;e the COIllI,! ittee of fl o u!' s ifted wit hu little Rult and UI1l'C pons ive, ':D.o n' t yo u w!lnt to additio nal es a' pail' 0' bon~f\ a n,: a crack at R bll'~I, Kiss m", from my s id. Ain 't dat sumpen 1 eVIdenc e concern mg T Ul11 my ?" . h . h . t in t wines and ' a, tell~poo n of baking powde r, I'ubthe ' need for I dat boy ahead 0 me. "No , I don"t," T o mm y an s wered. o ut ~s , e l call' , I bll1g IIItO t he fl(HII' th en half u cup . ; Fully Equip ped for Good '=-'-'Z~_-==:------'O~-=---=:'=::-~'-~ And 1llr;~'ientlv sh e folals he r wings o~' illI'd and adding i~e , ~vat.el' ~o Rteppin g back, "Wh y, d on't you lik e me, dea r ?" T t . d t l 'hu bl e paths of earth miX, ov I' the pench Se l'vi 'e. es, \\ It h thin " Nn, I do n't " o r ell Ie m :;he t of th l' dough, s il t the <1cru:;t La l'ge Di sp la y Room , II ' Vhv not'l l1 llkssin g s he is : God made her so, and se l've hot with fl'c~h cl'eam . ':'J;lecau se yo u 'l'e ugl y- lhat' s Ambu lance Servic e By Albert T••Reid Ant! dec d R o f week-d ay 'holin ess H~m . whv," ' ! Peach F'all f rQ nt h ~ I' n lJ i seles~ 115 t h e s now Snow , " 'rom my !" excbilll cd th !:' boy 's T elephon e 7 Day or Night Nol' hath sh e ever c han ced t o kn ow humilia ted moth e l', "A ren ' t you For peac h, no w, bea Th at au g ht we l'e 'asi e r than to cream unlil it is stiff t a cu J1 pf ,,-han ll' II'!" and add half I bl es~. "Well ," r e plied T o mm y, "you -~~~~-~~~-:-~-:cup of s uga l' and two egg white~ -~­ beaten stitf, C ut up a QUlIl't of ;c kerl me yes t l' rdu y f o r not te llingS'h e iR m os t fuil'. IIlnd there unto p eaches in a glasH dish and po ur l he tru t h, and I 11m no l t.!:(l lllih t o H e l' lif e doth ri gh tly harmon ize; the cl'eam mixture ove ,:ke a ny cha nces today ." F eling ( I I' tho ugh that wus not peach es and th e cream l' th e m, Th , R 'h o uld bott true NOTAR Y PUBLI C ' be chilled thro ugh Ne'cl' made less bea utiful lh e blue, Serve them a s s oonh e fore mi xingubscrib e f or Thc ;\liami Ga7.e ltc us they are ncl o utied heaven of h er eyes, Nationa l Ba'n k mixed. I _____ Will. Drawn - - Estate. Settled S he is a womn n: on e in whom Th e SPI iJ glime of he r childis h WAYN ESVILL E, OHIO It years ' 1Hat h n e \'(' I' lost its fr esh perfum e, Th o ul!h kn owing Willi that life halh ro om. F OI' many blig'hts a m i many t ears,


--- -



--= === =








w. B. MA DD EN &

a tJ


CO .

.. Dead Stock Wanted




( Bran d's Ed I B'II uca lona

Enors d ed

Harv eysb urg Ferti lizer Com pany



4_ __ __


Mar t''In


. ___ _

We Get the' Prlc e:. SEE US






J. E McClure




'[here's No Holding

When He Gets Started



=--==----= _, _ _ If He Isn't the WQrld!s Oldest He Looks


- , -~- -

r 10\'e

her with n love as s till a br a nd Tivcl" !; peac e ful mi,:::ht, Which. by hi g h tow cr and l o wl~ mill Seel11 H f o ll owing its own waywar d will , A nd ye t doth e ver flow llright, •


Dr.C . W.A NSO N Vete rinar ian



And , on h s full, d ep' breast sercne I l.ikr qui e t isl!!: my (Iuties li e ; It flow s around them and b etween , A nd m a keR th e m fres h and fair nnd green, Sweet 'hom e: wh e r e in l Q live and die. _ __ _ _ 4~ _ __

Phon e 93


'IV a ,' nesvi He,C hio

, FiftY·F iftY ( usto m cl' 10 his tailor) I've brough t LhiR pair of trouser s' to be ·I:cscate d. You know I sit a ,lot. ' (Tailor his cUlltom er) - Yes, and !;)erhap s' y ou 've brough t· that 'In ·t bill' to Q ~ . receIP ted, too, YO!! kn ow, I've s.tood a lot, '


A "KiJlin.r',' Joice ' ,


,ATory: Heard of the latest i ~

,poison .? Plan ; No, what is it? ' Anry: A irnplon e m\o isoning . One dlOP is s ufficien t.

, ROOT FOR ' AND CONSIG~ ' yOUl' Cattl e, ho gs. s hell:P and calves to Norr,i's -Bl'!>ck 0 0" hv rwke and pro~l'esslve fh:m 101' the , higl\fl81i maTket, prioes and gl1od . ser.vt~e. Unioil Stock Yard., ~~nc;.D"li. O. :R4lfe:rell,ee: Ask first fi!J':n you ....... .. . h~Vf! Zar Agha, the T\lrki~h visitor to "-_-r6--_' l-nited who claima to be 156 yea~5 old, say h'e is ce~tainly the of great ASe: and good for many year, mure. He fought in 14 ~rs, htlS lost 12 \vlves, drfnks rlotbing a'ronge r ,tnan milk. eat.. DO meat"~l Ul has , Watcb your ~pf,tatioll date 011 the bad thr~e lets of teeth. , The Miami G••et.te ' "



, R,JUtt':\, ~EW RO D MACHINERY illjllr,'din u ___ _ Ii' \I "f 111'('1 , 1 III " II .I11lll' :.!; , wu:< Tit., ,"LI's! ,)1111>1', ' ('IIlI'lIt o f t"fll t! n ·n\' ,'"d ,tI,"1l \fdHii \',}ll l ~' h,,:<- IIllLchil1"l~· . \\hid] has H'\'" luti 'iI1' ~lr L" • •\I.I. l ~\ , , ' '1.1 ,111 \ 'It d ill' IJ , 'UUdll )" 1<1 tl ... h"llll' ?f hpl' iy.e cl I' <lud builclillg' in Ohi n, W II .' It.ln It I'. h, (',. I·rr,lay. I :arl'tlt~. ~II·. 111111 .\11 1"';.• I hll l'l '~ dUI1H'h'11 [,'d, W etl I\\'. Ill Y HCler. \ ~lr 1':11' .. h , 'lt, ,'11 nh ,,( P"pul\ . 1 ' hlll.l a t """ J'\'IH,·. :-h c !?'OI:S , 110\.11 011 . lllte I'oull' i3, 1ll'111' WiI 1" '111 111l1I ·da.1 WII h 1\t'1' -I'l ,' r. II I lit II :1 I' "." Ifl ..-I HI II' 111111 l~ , mill~tun. ~ll M 1).'":\ l l't J ,.,1111". go, lt llll[ n!"II J.; HI ~·Iy. . T It,' nUh'h il". i" "ulll'd lhl! l?l n • ....~=..~I:.:=:~~~~~~~~ Willilllll lI l"11I1, \l ltl' hll ~ b,·,' n III ~!t " ~ u'a l! ,"vi ll'. IlIIcl tlO I\ H 1·1" 11111111'" nft cl' tho ilWClIlllt·. '''I' H tl1I' hUI'. JUI , l1't h" ' 11 n "II' 'I' ~!.nl·Y ~' I\ ~'· I'.~lll.I.ll'tl ",'-' .:-;Il~lI! n?' , ~ 1 ~'1 S I<~1 F il1l,' y, Atll1ntl1 , t,; u. In Iht' 11',.1\ 1'.11'11 ' ... 11111.' o f w 'llk .. 1.11 I ~11 -, \\ dlt,1!1 r,ll)l .. , 01 n.I~ -l liIYllIg ' I'f IIH\Cud m t·Olldli. thum a. .\!t .. ,u ld l\I r~ . ~ Iark Rogers vis · ri ~. ;\I ildl'l'd th"han; \\'/IS lin I lln. ;\flo. 1I~1 d ~\t :- hlltill .:-oay lor 1I 1\(~ c11int' ('ombillc3 sov('l"/t1 o)1el'nti o ns I'1'.rn ig ht gUl'd .\1' ;\ I i. ~ " -:111.111 ~ 1I'1 <i f , \\ " 1'1 (. 'I;\'rl lt~lll1 a lit! Mr. now done Kl'llli mll'ly . IInci in on it •• (1 fri,.· n tl~ ill 'I icldl et(l wl1 . S Htur( 111'1... ,lIlurdll)·. :11\ 1 ;\ll·~ . 11 :11 1') ' l . nthlll11. ' 'l IH' rat'iO I1 IUYH u I'u:ld at oll e-hll lf d y.night. :\1 1' UI1 .t \l 1·~ . \Y . 711. ( " II' l11an I ~I I : . ;\l a!'Il"~I" ' 1 .. JoltlYs ,\~ d l\Ir' l th, pl' \l!lo ut cos t. ,' idl1l' r LlI I' ch lind fumity , o f in .11111 J l i~~ Th, ·hml sl'l'nl ~\lI\lI:lY und ~l l" s: \\ :lil p\" 1\"111"1('\1. 111 romUu"el"ll(ll' j\( YIl I~ Y. GUO P1' 1', Di . Ililh ;\II~. (·.. I.' m:tn's ni.,,·1' lint! l,ul1 r . \\It,h) ~l n .• IJ1'1I(' " ~111 .nnd . l'edol· of Stute ['l lgh\\'ay s, [{ obI. N. dl<n8ti. w('rr' l'iu nrl a y guP~ts of 1,1Il111) , 1I"l1l' 11(,lIIilt .' II . dau ahtl'l'. I I'. :'1111 :\I I~. '/ '. \\ ' \\ a rd l Wlli J Hnd oth l'!' ut1i cia b wcr c p n'h' .'1 )".'1' Hy man and flll11i1y. 1"1"1'('1 1';:11'11' :11111 (1IIUg-htl'l' alld ;\~I· . >1 n " :11 , :<. I, . N. H Il \l~ h. 1'111. \\' e 1"l'~1 rill!! h!'lIr1 s. rep late Ril I:ul.h ~ l"'n t \\ I' ti'Il('•• du . ill C(,luln. 11 ... 1'" :-lInd:IY dllllwr f!"lI !·~ t" tlf' .1t'. - - - - \"(' 1"\1 (1 1',· >lnd ""COV!! r umbrclllls. I. lls. . lIlld ~ I I ~. l II nrll" lI 11ulth n ~ llI' \\ :1)" E LIMINATION CONTEST C alf~ Jt'\\,(' lry ~ h O lt. Leba n o n, O. l . Th ,.lnla Coh ' ma n a nd •~ ,I I'. aliIJ .~I 1" . \\' • C·•• 11 II In\', :I IHI III sld '1l i~~(" fllmil~' l, f Ih'l 111 (Ill \' Litl'fl th(' B ('~' l1 ice ' rnhnll1 ne oll1 palt i('d Mr. E . I' . . Mr ' . 1.lluro Zell a nd I\li s Sal'lIh f(' I'II' I'I"' , Ill(ll hl'l" "\1 1'II .. . ' \-C l'Y one IIItel'e stcc 18 InVIted 11 · ·. ··s cl" ' . .. . al.d :ll r~ . :\1 (\l"1"I ~ :\I tllc r Il nd cllll- to 11l t elld th e elil1linntion conte t "mi th wel' l' dinner g uesls of Mrs. a lllts , un.'I~. _ Iii (·n . I'n the C" lIlI t l' T ou!" t .. t he fil l" team demon ·trll l io n t o be Bl'lle Dinwidcli e lind daugh te r, on . ~I \ '~l'. ~ \ \ HIHI II (' Ia l"k an J F. \·!I 1-'1 ig idui r(' nnd F I)J\.I Pllrk . h ' ld at t he Leb a nun Unll1gc hnll Sunrlu),. \ \ h.'lItll11 mtplltlc,l,th fuIl l' I':!1 {I f Ion o n W dIlPsd:ty . on Frid ay AUl!"u st l SI at 10 n. III I h( II' ('1 11""-111:11 (' (, ' nl'j!Ol (' o, .k !II .. •. • : ~ I r . anc! l\I 1'~ . J . O. Carlwright, \\· :t"ll, .~ \:illp. )I n;lIlll\" . Al I .h l~ tlll1(' l'n l1.l~ f l'OI1l t he "lIn ~I i ~~ lI "l1ri" l tn ~ ! c l\ il1 ~ !'v nnt! Mr . •"t.-.. li nd ~t l·~. I.l:1· I"I"l1 (1 r l' hlI,b~f \\'J"l 'ilPI'l (.l:-'(' CU I11I! L' !g' ' till' f ,H .J. H. 1' ('11('(' ~ I',' nl ' ~lIi\d:;y at ?l Iar. 1I a\\kin !-=· . of lh I ~h IO Illl t1 \\ . III mlllgt."l 1\,'1,' ,'-'III1';H I' " '' 'II I1!! ( .. I I II 1' 1 I . W (' iUIl . Ohio. n ll "l, nf .\11'-. }111I"1!':lI"C'1' . l " hl1 ~. / oi l , . • , " ." (,I . a r n ' lI :'lll!lI y l lIll1n H ,' 11 1"\' .',,\"1"1" l' nt(' rtailll' d th., • a Ihe. Oh ." :';IIl L ' I all'. A ." ' / l!' ~1I1l111 1 !'I' ~ p ec ial ~ s il\'e r\\'ar(', '"1 I 11 1, 1.:" I", ' ( , I',1l '!'- 11'111I I ' 1~ 1 ~ I ":"I:I t I t' :1111. III I I",.d d I(' lIl',n~l ruli .. I' " n IIl1dI j(·welr·y li nd 1I0vt'ltie, . C[\I'Y ' ~ I (·ir IIl1d lt h l" ~II(· I .' II Illl' l.t incr " n '11 1, . . 1: .. ,•.\, I " "till., .. f X" lI ia . ] ;'11" 1111 ,. I1 t l :lIg" 'l lll " n ~ t:-n ll ll ll \\'11 ,h 'lI"r lry l'ihop. Leha non, Ohio, We l J.\ ', II 1ll tl1e ( L·I1l ~ JI~:-; l.ra • . 1n lld :\ \' (1 \ ' pnill,l! . • ~I I' , nnd ~ lr"' . I., , \\,j ... ~ 1 4' I'I.!nn a nd I l' M l ' ( ' l t ' t .:i\' 1' ('etiar )-;t:I I11P ~ . \I ' '. . . ,·hl l,)I ,·I\ . ~i1~ .. TII,·lm:1 :\ lI th l1\· . I I" n ; I!l'l1l In 'm an , a ri .lll ll1 ln){ . I. ,lilt! ,\11, . .1• . ll ..l mH' · , ull ,·" 1:'. 1 \1, " . 'I I II It . . , l"'lIB l y II"h,' 11" 111 a('1 it :' Jud~ !'. "11 ;\11'. " n<l :II I', . .J",,' ph .\1111(.1' llL' ar Il l . IIglIlI " I . I. " ) . ,P'llt :-';prill,,d"l ro :-';u nll£l)' :lft,' rn l" ' n. ~Ir. 1·.'.leI "y aftl· I Il" " I.' 111111 \I n;. IIII!·)" :111' . a\lid Mr ~ . ll . M. Blo om e r II d .\1 i 111'1 i, \"l ' r \" ill. l .ti '«, n :l nd falllti y. 'I i ~s Efl'i e Til11l1wns . of Ollyl ,,'n, F I SH K ILLE D IN CREEK Chllrll'" c; liil l"'1" (If IIl'HI' i\ l i\ll1li ~~I I~ : lel llnk Ila"!" 1!,l\'l' a h irth \\"l' I"(' lrll's ls o f ~Ir . and Mr s. hlll"l[ \\" ;I ~ II F .. i d ll~' ,"U. ,t .. f ~I ... (I llY dlllnl I' I "~ I !"'1 1I 1l11l~' r.II· h.' r . C,'o rg e 1\ ·rn. on , un dav . It i" 1(' 1'11,.11·11 thal lal',," quulIOI nd 111". ' K<':.!!'I (; l'II ha ll1 . dnu':!"hl . r. )II·~ . 11"1111 )I ull ...'".! t" Th l' W' . C. T . U. w i'll m e .. t a t \I I ~. \! (,I\,yn .·w!llll, alld lillI' l'UIItH I h l~ l: of 111'1" 1I"(' 1I 1.1"- 1,,11t·1i! ti l i, ~ II f ri , h hal"l' I"'e ll rlestr yet! Ihl' IWlll e o f MI'~ . ./ ,)hn :-hll1!Z, lin ll !!"ht (' r ('f1 I11 P fmlll tIll' h l) ~ pit a l }, lIl hd ll Y. l. h .. ~(' 1' 1: ~""11 '~' l' I'l' , ~ I r. III Ih .· (· rt',·k, a l.ou t lin e mile ~o llth Thlll'sdllY, July :1 1. li t 2.:10 o"' I" L" k Fli da~ a nd aI',' :'ta~'ing lit t h" a lld i' l l:'. /'.1'11, ·,1 :-':I X'I I (11 I h , y l~ ' II . •,1' tit l' "" "'·" .I' <IJtlrg bridg.,. D~'nll ­ ,\ ~ uo d ult('ndu nce is ti es i)"e d. 11Il l1w o f h (, I' pll r" n t:,. i\!t.. :l ll d i\J r~ \1". 1'''1111111 H e'd " "I :\'t ' .... Bu r.ll ll g In it" /lilP" " f uu nd alllll g" thl' stre'i \l1 Ed t! LII IIg"U!· I·l'. tl1l1 . \1 .1' , lIl1d \I I'~ . .l n ll l1 \llI llplci i" l'lll1 l"in l"i 1l1!' e \" id c nL"e thal it. hlt ~ Mr. an(1 M r~. ll a IT Y PrOCh I'. o f I.. I II dyn a l11h,' d :t nd rollt,wing in- t h!' 1')"0(' \.0 1' .'chool of Mus ic, Day . HI"IIl"k 1I1(1 t ......d fl" lI l11 :llIeI L' htl"rl·l1. CI('nn \"(' ,tit;a l ioll s h.\' g"allll' wll rd e n .. the ton , wel'e din ner gil '8ts I)f Mr ~ . J l' di :'n B ll n 1i ~ 111 1'" Sa t ll l"l l a~' lind ~Ir . 1IIlci 'II., . lI 'IJ',oI d , Hng" l:rs S I I k I' I(H,k :' I'P I' ('I' 'I I.. da\" " I" '1l 111)!" II"l lh \\" urdl'n 1' 01'("(' II"" ~ h le rl'a ,,~ d alld if Dni!')' S nyder, Sn l ul'liny e veni ng. , un( I1Y· 'H'. · ll~ fnlh t' " II I. 1.. (; . \ / ,.. Il il"1 (; 111 " ll ' lIII d r'lm il\, II", l' ulpri ls 1\1"1' , aught l hey wil l H"')(' k .I .. l'll" hmun d III :. It(' llI l lh' ' 1"' ,ril'1! ,·illl,' .. , II " t(' \/1' I1l1,i Mr', ' III' g'iI'l ' lI Ihl' fu ll "x t,' nt uf lhl' W . B. Ma th er, of Brownllv ill('. a l'l! I".· thd a ~· :t1~llil" " I "lI'.I· ,.f his I' :\ . 1:11111". 11 !Ii" .' 11. ' 1/ 1' 111'. • .. law. T ' Xl\ ~ , v i:;itc d rc l"Liv es und f ri e nds IU·!l I1t1 ~ '''.I • ./t m.mle ,lJ rnc l;. at Ihe \ 1.. - . .I .:h l1 ~" I '11 di l. t! · nt h l' I ' --, #. in Le/tn non nlld W uynesv ill!' lust hI\lonll' n l rt,la t ll·l". r lll'~' n ·lu ,·l1l·t! 111." 11"'1"' II"l'ck. MI'. l\!nth e l"H ~ I R t ('r. MI ,,; ' An ll ndnv. , .<. .'I I'. . .Slll l· ."I, ,~1 "n', I .'I\'. HIP BROK EN IN FALL 0 ' " )1 1'1 ' 11' , . 1l1 l.!",ll :1 11, ,111. ,,,,I. . l' uIH' ral He rII iI', is s l'I'ious ly sick at her ho me " .1 " II I,, ~ ' \,l' nl 1·l"Id ll.l" I i.l" \\ ill I.,· 11\'1 .1 F, ida\' a fl""11\1I1 n ill L l'IJlII1 () 11. !I~d .slltll l"tl ll~: \11t h ;\1 1'. :1 11 ,1 \ 1,.- . OI l ~ . :I(I :.t J l idcl!. H IIIl ~' h ll l"c h :'I I I" . /I , A . Lillt on, of Wilm inlj. \>\ " IrIIUIII \\ Ilt!' , .s ""111' \\" " '' 1 ' /'.' 1~ I " ( 01" 1" .. n .. I' ~I'rtllg" .' . tlJlI , ' !lll c rc I II 11I·,';;e n hi p, wh en / .'I I", M'd i\I hs 'frill ' na Edwurd ~. Miss . I ' . ~' ",\\' 11 : . . \ ' :t ll " y . )l " lIt l ilt" 11'," '1,- (' 1111 \\ il h "Ill' t ri pjll'" whilt· descl'noing u M!lr~al'ct Edwul"ds. Miss Ma ry . ~!. I ~. ( !Ifld , '~ :\rul lr~ , 'x \\"11 ~ lak" n h"I ' p:II'('nls ~ I r. and ~I r s . ll il~' 1' il ig itl "f ~ l('l1" III th ' home of her Lenh Edwards . 1\11-. O. J. Edwards '~ ~ ~ III . Sl! n(la,\" e ,·pn lng-. Ill. :\!. "k (; jj,""n lind fa nlill'. . bro th .. r. S N IlIU(' 1 Bulte rw or th, Friun ci ~l as t r George Edwal"{l s. I.' ft ;\I I'. /llid 1\ /1" " I'" ran!; ll :l l"buck d:cy. nn" 1"t· 1I t il til\' pavulIlent. :" ho 1, 1 (?f, ~P I·.IIl.J:' IHI I'I~ II'lI g tall,·d. morninl! fOI' Denv or. Cll!. , n:~( :, ,1 :01 ~l'lSI I" .t' lI "lIlplll ) ,~d ~pl'l' l ;\( , ntllll' tit" "nll," 11 wi th i'l l I' . was ta ll l' lI t o II "\, lllIllnl!'llln has. Fridny \l' h er~ t1w .v will be lhl' g ue!!l of a: 1'~ l1 r l Jla II t It' )!ra d. ',~ lin d 1III Id JI I" ~ .. 1,, ; 1" ' lInl' I' itl. pit a l II hI I',' Ih,' uu nl' wllS l; ('t., Il nd Mr. 8nll Mrs. It l!rbert Edwal·d s . . tlt '::1 d,' t" nch " r "f t hl' «' ll"a . _ _ __ __ • Il l' W,IS 1'f' lIl on '" to h ~r home It z('d (' h o rd o f ~"ulll S .l loll . Ohi ll. 1 S" t!ll d~, y ,, 1'I(' l' nooll. Mr~ . .JlJ sic Whita ke r und "o n , Mr. !I n ~ :\J I ~. C' . W. J\ lu l ig"h t f l Arr~': 1if' :Jrd " f til l' I lItl'~t in Marion have I'el lll'n ed hom.e V. aYIIPsVl lI " lI lId 1111". :1 1111 !\frs. I' " i ~ , ' n " '! n vhiit to r elatl\"es In Indiunapolis . / ~l ph . ,' 101\1' II I' " t!1\ 1I ~ht !' r ~ If I'l nl1 !': n , w ltlll b i ? NOTICE 'fh ey were IIcc ompllnl ed by Ml's. Rld g vill ~ p{' n l SlI t UI"<!l1y lI ith ]\[1 An'Y: /lin'p lu ne i'"iHonin g. One Whl ttl kc r's two ni eces, Misses :I n,1 ,\IJ"~. 1(!':; I"I' Gra ham . tir lJ r is sun1c il'rIL W e ha ve I'ec ontly bCl'n inform . hllrlott e and Muri e lIell, wh o will ed of !I CO nnill u nfollnd l·d rumor s pe nd a wee k nt the Whitaker (· nlll1l·ctlng \1 rs. V ndt~ S parks with hOll1e. 1\ cl'rl;:till ch l'ck. \\'hich wa H r ec en t,J. C. F!u lnes , MI'. and Mrs. ly pa :;~ ed nt lIU I' phlel' o f bus ines>:; a nd wltile cleilying flny I' e~ pon:ib il ­ II nny lInin es. Mr. and Mrs. La ur. it Y 1'01' sn id rumor, w i1n n OUll('O e l1ee Eval1 ~, Ez ki e l P ratt, o f Day. li t lh l' I' 'qU l's t "I' I\ I I' ~ . 'pal'ks lliat ton, J\lr~. Clare nce Hill. of outh - • • • • sh e WII " ill 11 0 way l~ (}I1 I1 Olct ' d t he l'e L .. banon. Mr. und MI·s. J ohn J a mes /If c: ' n te l'v illt: , MI'. and Mrs . El . with. Th ~. FRED COMPANY mel' Owens , of Xenja, Mr. a nd Leba non . Ohi o. Mrs . F. It Mool11l1w Wet'e am ong those fl'olll nut of to wn . wh o att (' nd ed l]he funera l of Ge or ge (,oo k li n Monday.




\ .



Meeting (the Needs of Millions ,01 People ,





d .

• • 1"''' '


011)"' 1 I


The low-priced crutomo""e hOI'lJrou.h. veattn' opportuni.,. flnel Gelded Iaourl 0/ rect'Hllon '0 mIllion, 0/ "..n mad INmen.

-- ..

the automobUe U luch an 1m· portant factor in the nvea and pro.. perily of 110 many people, the purpOIe of the Ford Motor Company la lomething more than the mere manufacture 01 a motol' ear. There II no lervlce in limply lettinl up a JDachlne or a plant and letting It tum out goode. The lervice extends into twa,' detaD of the bUlloel1 - deelgn, production, the wage. paid and the tell· Ing price. All are a part of the plan. The Ford Motor Companyloolu upon .belt .. charged ~th making an 8uto. mobile that will meet 't he need. of miWOUl of people and to provide II at a low prl~ That" III million. That.. ttl duty and III obUgadon to the pubne. The aeareh for better waye of dom, thinp I. never-endlng. There III U811eJell, untiring efl'ort to find new methode and new machin81 that willaave IltePII'and time hi manufacturing. The Ford plan.. ue, in reality, a great mechanical u~ ~enlty, d~cated to the advancement of InduIIIT. Many manufactUrer. eome to lee and ahare the progreal made. The greatest propl. comea hy never .tandlagltlll. Today'. methodll, however .ucceNful, can never be taken .. wholly rlPt. They represent IIlmply the _ beat efl'oru of the moment. TOo morrow mUlt bring an Improve-






--- --- _.



- -' - ._+ .


ment in the methodll of the day before. Hard work ullually findll the way. Once It was thought imponible to cala gray iron by the endle8s chain method. All precedent wall againet it and every prevloua experiment had faUed. But fair prices to the public demanded that waateful met.h oda be eUminated. Floally the way was found. Abellerwayofmaldngweeliaft8laved thirty..lx million dollal'8 in four yeare. A new method of cuttlog crankcalles reduced the eolt by 1500,000 a year. ' The perfection of a new JDachine laved ia limilar amount on IUch a little thing .. one bolt. Then electric welding w.. developed to make many bolll un.neceal8l'1 and to increase Itructural IItrenKth. Just a little while ago, an endlellll chain conveyor almollt four milellong wal in. alalled at the Rouge plqnt. Thill'conveyor haa a daily capacity of 300,000 parb weighing more than 2,000,000 poun"" By lIubelltuting the tlrelesl, unvarying machine for taekll formerly done by hand. It haa made the day'l work ewer for thouaand'lI of worken and laved time and money In the manufactnre of the ear. All of .hele things are done in the lnterellt of the publle - 110 that the benefitll of renable, economiea1 Iraulportatlon may be placed within the meana of ""err one.

The S un ~h in. (! Socit'ly ml' t at th e A State tarviu truck wus t ota lly hlllll e uf H. I'. L ennll ng, " uturd IlY :e:~tr()y ed. by fire ub out 10 o'clock II ftC'l·n oo n. ~ hl.s mo )"nln g, at t he lhr\!e bridges. Hl'v. Hnt! l\I1"!I. Kilme r le N Su n- ~t IS th oug'ht the ta nk beca me o-ver rla.y fu l' theil" ' vllcat iol1 at Alpina. lw at ed li nd start ed th e blaze. , J It: h. i ~ II". anll i\1r~. EI' crett Mend e n. hall ' lljoyed 1\ pleasant vis it with Th e hand that used to ro ck t he 1"l'1ali vc ~ a ( AI'g us Illd .. ove l' t he crad le now st eer s t he cor or 1 wCI!~.c ntl. . • s huffles t he cl eck. 1\I1~s WIlma . tanficld o f New A free country is one in which Vi ena s l)ent lu ~ t we k in t he hom e YOU, can do as yo u please if yo u' • o f :\11'. and \11's. R. V. '1Il1 ett. d on t off end re form er an d if yo u ! R~'.\·: Boyel fill 'el t he p ull>it o f PH)' gnng Iendel'S for protection. : l hl! ,I' ll n ,! s' church in Sab ina, S un If a f~~ l o w i ~ lazv YO U ca n ---~--day mornIng. c urse him . if he is di shon esl' yo u MI'. and . Jt"~ . Home r Sti les o f can wal ch him. if he is impudent • I pting'field s jH!nl lhe w ee k-end yo u cn n kick him; bu t if he is unj . .~ with t hoir au nt, L ttie Mc C ray truthful y(. U ha d better leave him a nd f a mily. entirely alo ne. "-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . ._I0. ._ . ._I111_ _ _. _• •~, 1 iVI\". an d Jl l rs. n ay TuyJor wit h Mr. T ay l! l]" s Plll"l~ l1t ll, l\'Ir. an c! Mrs. (Cu:, to m e r t o his ta ilor) I 've ,Joe Taylor arc \"is it.i ng r ela lives brough t t hi:s pair of trous ers to be in Ok la ho mn a ud T exas . lIlt·s . J ached SCl'oggy M ill er a reseated. You kn ow I sit a lot. (Tai lor ~o his c usto mer) - Y es, Ii fo long l'osiden t of the village di ed at the hOl11 o o f her da ughte r, and perhaps you've brought that ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mrs. J en if,! Reeves . Sunday. Be· last bill to be r eceipled. t oo, You ~ ides 'h e i ~ s urvived by II !lon, B. kn ow, I' ve st oo d a lot. E. B. MurreJI, Republican of I lomination as county treasurer nomination as Auditor of Wmen H. Miller, !l hI" th e l'. Ira c roggy , _ . - -__._ _ - - - .W ashington Township, solicits ubj ect to the decision of tl;ie County. subject to the Republican o f Dayto n und a s te p da ughter. \ your:support of his candidacy for l~epublican Primary election Aug- Primllry of August 12, 19l10, J'.omll1abon as county treasurer vst 12, 1930. Mrli. E. 1\1. Pnlte\·so n. of D es M oi nes, I o wa. Fu neral servic es subject to the Primary election ' We are authorized to announce of August 12, 1930. Mr. Murrell We are authorized to anounce the name of Lee D. Shutts, Wayne werc held at the M. E. c hurch Wed •__ n esda y in chal""e of a fo rmer pus· !tas served as deputy treasurer of the name of C. Donald Dilatush Township, as a candidate for Shert o r. Rev. ud oss o f Blanche sle r. Y ll ur SUP pOlt of Will R. Lewis Warren county for the past two as a candidate for reelection to iff of Warren county, subject to the office Of Prosecuting Attorney, the Primary Election. August 12, Mrs . Eo C. I.e nar and dnugh t er. P.ep ublican oondidate for the nomi ears. ' subject to the Primary election. 1930. we re ho ~ t(' ~s c t o a Iarg' pn rty of J ation as county auditor subject to fri ends l a ~t Thul'sday afternoon t ie Primary election of August 12 ehas. E. Ellis solicits your IAUgUst 12, 1930. in honor o f 1\l r5. J. H!' rmnn Le mnr 9:10. is r es pectfully solicited. upport of his candidacy for W -h--. Mrs. Ollie Mason of Mason, 0.; e are aut orized to announce Deerfield II r ecent bride. Th e occHsio n was twp., solicits your .upthe name Of W. H. Fulkerth as a port for her , a lil! ~n ~ h owe l' a nd t he guest of nomination as Record candidate for second term to the er of Warren honor re cci ved mllny be autiful County, subject to . office of Sheriff, subject to the the RepUblican Primary gift!'. of Auault n epublican Primary election, Aug 12, 1980. " I M,.. a nd Mrs. J. E. Ifill e n terta in . ust 12, 1930. ; cd nt dinn e r Fr id ay l'v('ning, MI'. and Mr~ . .l<a y T ay lor, Mr. and Allen Huffman announces his ' NOTICE OF ROAD PETITION Mr.<. Fl"lin k Lu ndy, MI'. and Mrs. candidacy for i-e.election Ve l"A:(J MitC"ill1 l'r and daughter. for County Recorder, subject to the Notice is hereby given as reo M I ~S Myra Hnydnck wus t he Republican Primary, August 12, quired by Section 6864 Gen. Code g ~ est o f M iss Lois Dav i • near Wil l.i fc[ imcG l :s .,II[ced - AJI Firsts 1930. I l111n gton, la ·t wPc k. of Ohio that R. H. Hartsock and FI:( ' ~ 1r . IUcI. ( :a l'd ul/ y MOLIn ted others flied their petition for the Harry H o nn ell is home fr o'm th e Arthur Hamilton solicits your Alteration of Water Street In Way N. C. R. fo r n two weck ~ vacation Futl .her. izc Big O'('I'"izc support of his candidacy for re- nesviJIe Oorporation, Warren Mi s Mildl'cd Can W il l' h oste s~ r,a ll l)(, " ~ Co rci" election as Representative to the County, Ohio, on this the 14th day t he 4-H Clubs a n Thursd ay a f t 1"11 00 n. General Assembly from Warrl!n of July. 1930 . and described a8 county subject to the Republican follows: , If t.),Ullil v (; (""/Primary, August 12, 1930. 'Beginning at the North end of 29x4.40 ••• 55, 65 CORDS , The Injun Ro meo hlld just d0I1 11 'Water Street where same interY('(lf Tirt ' " ·ii!l i.· , hi S ~tutT. "O h," 'h e cl'ie d "yo u Charles F. Wellman, of Franklin sects the Corporation line of the Flam in g Ute I" • th e r{,:",." .,J A il 30x3 ' • , •• $5.05 2 91 '~ . 50.. . fi , ~ O Ohio, is 8 candidate for County village of Waynesville. and run· Commiss ioner of Warren County ning thence in a Northern directWith ti re p r· , . 31114 ••.• 8.80 Ohi o. in the RepUblican Primary' ion a distance of about 180 yards jl;O Ill w. · ~'r" . .. . ~ 3~ x.4 . " " . .45 Augu st 12, 1930. Mr. Wellma~ to intersect Federal Road No.6, ;:t fiu rd t o .: ' " 1 32x4 •. ' •• 9. 50 has never before held public office Route No. 42{ North of the villaae a:tfc t y alld 1\ it It 28x4.15 ... 7.65 in Warren County. If elected he of Waynesvil ~ and there endlne. TRUCK j)ul trouhle IIt 's promises an economic and efficient The Board of Commissionera Sum m t'r, r.. ,. \ ,' r administration of public business of Warren CountYr Ohio, have set, 29xc1 .75 ••• 7.75 ' 30xS... $19.70 h t' fof"(~ It a d YOII and pledges himself to work to re- / Monday, August 4, 1980 at 3 :00 duce taxes. o'clock in the afternoon oil tJte II e C II ofTer d !-.o 5 route of s!,id improvement as the 29xS.OO ,.. 8,10 32xG... $34.5 nlurh 1':1 11:·(, (Ot· so I wi sh ·to announce my candi- time and place for .v iewing 88i~ liltle mOrl c y. dncy for the oftlee. of proeecut- \ road, and )londay, AUCU8t ,11, Tuh 01 (I low "rirccl ing Attorney of Warren County, 1930 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon . N ow is" th(' t ime supject to the favors of the Re- [!it the ·offic.~ 'of the Board of ' C~in­ . G um'luti ('('" Ti n ' R"/Jflirill g to ge t YI; C1.£ I publican voters at the primary . ml8810nen In .the Court Houae In . ., ele~tion August 12, 1930. As a Lebanon, Ohio, as the titne and Republican , who hilS not yet hem IPlac,e for the Final hearing,thereon public office. ] respectfully solie,By . order of the Bqard' of Comit your suppor.t, your influence ml88ioners o( Warren, Co~nty, and your vote. I· assure you the Ohio. . . ' • same will be apprl!C!iated. William ' .E. J. BEEDL~J , Phone 47 c Threl: gucs~ses, .. 10 :y,<!u'l ~ b . I 1:0118 caeh lime' Ie. merely a Itrildn, E , Hofl'er. · W. D. CORWIN . ' E J ~w of t.he Delaware RHer brulS': at Philadelphia taken from a mOlt un. Com ' mislionerC~8 Ro ' fLW •·rrMenlLcLouRn'tv~ usual an.c:le. . c • • Will B-. Irwin Jr., ' of Muon, . , Ohio, solicit. your IQPport .f or h1I Ohio! j8

Fo"r Friday, Saturday & Sunday,


Orange and Lemon Ice 20c pint pails


Orange and Black





Political Announcements




----.. -----



--- - - . ---- -




ville, Ohio

Eighty -Third Year


Whole Numb





MIAMIS LOSE TO I TEA~SO CTHOO_~~~TTEO BELLBROOK lfAM ~V~~'~~n t~~u,~~;'I:'l It;~ St~:~~b ~,~:~ TWO

IN MEMO RIAM Ju st before the br ea k of day, F e bruary 21, 1!) 10, a 'li ttl l' son,

. .

~h~orl~e'Ul~~~w~I~'~' I~~:~~: ~of b~~~~~;.~


FAIR ' \ TWf1 te Ll Ill S were chos 'n t o r p-

~ I Al




'I and Effie (Pl'Utt) "ok, Llnd {.n in an e limina tioll cu nt e~ t whidl Friday m OI'ning , July 25, l !J:IO,_ wa,' he ld lItth l' Grlln~ e Jl ull CHI F'r i r agn in, j U!lt as day w,,, dLlwni ngCO L UMBUS , OlllO- Scerc luTY day , A Ulrus t I. 1\1 i ~ s Hu Lh ~:, Had · he qui e lly passed away. A bri e f of tute Clllre nce ,I, Brown hilS Th e Miumi ~ ,lust' a loul{h galll e f OI'd, hotlll' de llHIllstrl WAYN ES VILLE CHURC H OF lti"n IIKl'IIt ~ pan o f life , it is tru e- o nly 20 to l:Ie llbrr,o k, Sunday marsha led l\ co rps of ,xpertH t o at; CHR IST years, 5 months Ilnd -I da ys- uuL s cure . Th e Miulllis hadby a 6. to " f r um Grl'l'n Counl v, :ldl,tI a ~ J ud~" s iHt in compili ng t he e lect ion rewhat a II'calth u f deul' amI tend e r l3 " lIbrook:; ,I uut Iuck t e n hlt ~ to II I1tI had ,Iilli cu lt y' in tlI al, illg tIl<! tUl'n s of the upprol1c hing primary I"'lill ati o ll ul ) (l ' ll d"Il memori es he leaves with us. 'Tis to driv e U CI'OS S runs. ~ d the . pu~ch p lu cinj.(~ f, o m 1-1 tl' :I!)I ~ , T h" Wi nLo lie held Tuesda y, Augus t 12, I: ilo ),· !-i.-iH" ,I al !I ::1[/ a . m. G\JII:~ pItchin g ning- F( ;,,1 t t-HIII we re Eula , ila'Y [ar beltl'r to hav e love d and l o ~ t fur Wa y n es viJl Men and wo men clerks from his :\ illI' \" :I n " ,~"i ri n f.: alld in ~ tr\l· te d In II good and Mar ian SlIuuk of the No nalJl'1 f o r awhil e, thun n!.!ve r to ha ve game, und Me 1\licturn (l mr \! who hll vo lI s~ i!<ted for the il'l' ~ ;'~"" )/I: I. II I·d·" S~I ! ' fH' 1' li t C O Ilhllcl pitchinj. ( fo r Fo nd Club of Turti l ""l'l'k LII\\ n· lo ved at al l. past 'sev!l l'/ll ycurs, wiJl facilita te B(' llb l'ook hud n ~ li gh t edge, being s hi" wh" j.(a \'t· "Iheak t'i u, l"n . (h, ' , lJ~lIl I·.IIU"II\'O!' at fa s t for the Stu l·ting on the Geu l'g'c 1::. Riley aLle t u bellI' do wlI with the handl ing of thi s w ork and , Ii : I:, ». 'II. A SII,. PI is,' M c l'li n~. me n on C nnvlllcsc:ent" a s thl' top i.. " f fUI·m. neul' Hici g'l'v ille, all uf bu ~ e. wiLh th e euoperu tion of the variD o n 't Ill i:-:.s it ~ I': vl ' n ing e vunj.!cL~ . . their dClllon s tra ti ll ll Th.· fi!' ~ L pIa.·,. GC O I'j;C ' ~ life wn ~ li ved on variuus oU!; county boal'd :\ of e lection th e I it" !-o t " \ il:t.· i ll --: . I ;. 1'. m . Scr nl Ol1 Next S Ulld ny WaYIH' s vllle truv - ill L'l (ot hill lr "lulls . l\'l' nt t." ,I II Ill' fal'm s in thi s n eil{hbo rh oud un t il to!' to Re ll br no k t .. tl'~' and vote rs of the stn te wiJl be 'kept I ,"l ,j l'l'l, " T h.· \\' .. ~,. .. I' I.ifl· ... 'rhe en' n Cou k alld ,lu a lliLa IJI'III I"I'k o f till' three y ell rs ag-n, whe n till' hume uP. the ~co re .. if the inforlll ed of events a s rap idly 11$ " ' hll r l'h \\,h ." " \' '' 11 1'" .,1 a t humo Miami s wil~ II Go ud ('~t flothillJ !' club • • 1' \\'a ~" Was r e move,1 to i L~ presenL lucH - thll'd g-am e w ill be play tabulat i ons can be compile d re(, he, ll'!' :\. " ' ill ian,su n, Minis ter ed to cl ec ldl' ncs v"I!'. The d LIlI"n s llut .IOIl "Pry ti o ll in Wayn esv ill e. Relll'e d u." lhe thl' sl'r ie '.' la tive to V(lLI' (' as l for state, con,' hu . r npo l,inl:': ·' lI e l" ~1 lIa rri s, a nd farm, h e c~ca)led many 0 1 the gl'l' s ~ ional HIIII co unty cllncJidl lte.s, rERRY CHURC H OF CHRIS T WAYN E S \'ILLE Lu clll r DOI\II I' Y 0 1 tlH' NO,n :dH'1 L(,lllptllt io ns lIIId difTic-ulti es Lhut It i" )lI·l.'riil'w d thllt a reco,rd will A B R II \ E f~nd Jualli ta Urullnll ck IIIH ~ 1'. H hl' r ( t ' n d t'n'lIuiuH l ilJ llal) beset the pathwa y nf less f o rtun . he maci e thi ~ yetll' in plac l/II-:' t 11011 j !-ihl' l'wtj(,,1 "f Ihl' ~lodl'rtI (. " " kll' ,II !l il,) ,· Sd,I" .j al !I ::10 a. tll . el (,cti on l'e ~ uJt s b ' for e th e publit' . ~Ii ss ;"Iar~aret Ekdahl, 18, of Flor- aLe ho y:;, and I!I'~ W I" a s pl e ndid Cralll' , S~ .j I 2 :1 2 Club w." n S. l·II IHI a'HI third p l:r ('(' \. I" d ·, !-illpp ,'r Hn d " t' rl1wn at 10:rst man !la . .choscn ' Miss Amcric~" at Miami, llnd vil:'oro us y"ung mllnhuo d, Turncr , cf ,I 0 :! 1 tJ "l'S''''I .I. '.' ' '' alllll nl! th" f",,, d tl':rrn ~ wo rld to Plake a public flight in ~ ::11 . !-i," lIIu ' l HII,jl·,·t , .. HroL /li s edu cu ti o n and trui ninl! fOl' Fi s hl' r, I b N t- urly $2 1,000 in cas h PI'£'- viII ~om~te for the titio .. of-.t!rrllll h,'r ly .j I 2 () II lllld 1,, \·,' ly.' , un d .1 :1111' I·U ! · !llI ~ "f airplane lh l! st,'rncl' I'!'ulitil' s 01' lifl' w('rc Il, :!b miutllfi alld plllt cs i!; ul'ing olf(lJ'crl ,Inivcrse '. a1 Galvuto nl • ;, 0 I :3 II the I!""d (u t a nd I) "r .. t hy I h,,",I'" pracUea i. wbolO4 .y!'ork1m ado flyin "L IIII \'!." 'J'11l' !'" "i ll Ill' It l. uII' n Fete I ht, ( 'h .ll l'l' h law lI , Fr idu .\' , Aug't, uLluilll fl ill Ih l' Waync TOlI'ns hip C on s, " for th e' Night lI ol'se Show held in 5 I I 2 2 s.nn and A.ralo c lla Ha i'H'.I· "I' Ih" l" t X, a t I' :1111 p. Ill . I':vl'ryn ll c curPublic School:; , Here he enjoy ed Jl o ugh . If conjunc tinn with the Ohio State 1) I I U () !-i unbt""11 S trl c h~,· s pla ced ~l(:c ,nd 1, d iall y i ",·ited . Th (' W " " Il 'II ~ IlI s~ the love and IIdm il'lllion of hi s Compto n, 2b FiliI' tl1l' lust week in AUgU Rt, R. 4 U 0 2 0 and thl~ d In lhe cl" thlll l:' l cu m P " II , \\ ill I1lt'ct , Wl,(lt,, '~ day , .>\ lI ):( l/st 13, mut 'S, th£' tl'U ~ t und respect of his Rumb y, rf A. F o r s t l' l', stilt" IIgricul lural :1 0 I 0 0 t~ s L , I' (J urtl'cn It'HIIl S COllllwtl'ci at till' 11I' IIlL' "I' ~II'~. I. uc v Will ia m Itu che rs . Thoro ughl y dep e ndabl e Schull'r , c, 2b b on rd llIemb r r in ('hal'ge, announ :J 0 0 0 1 lInti th c_. )lrOI!l'am wa ~ a,. f oll o w,. , :--0 11 . You a r l' al\\' u y ~ \V~· Ic(Jl1le nl il\ nil things, many s pcc iul tasks I ced todll Y. Thi!' is nll ' l'e thlln thrt'e Ju ~ t Sew lI ats- Ilt' rot h y Bro ll'n thi , c h ulch . we l'e as igned tu Georg by his T o tals tim es the a m ount ('vel' offered b'e:17 4 10 II 5 and Annn l\1u~' Y H og~I'''. , l'he ~ l e r ~ . \\' illiam so n, Ministe r t eo('hcr~ , confide nt tha t th cy wou ld fo re. Ca ~ h pr r' ium s tollll $ 19,4 70 Nunaul, I- I·1l1?d f o r th e Co nv.n l. be fllithful ly and ' uccess full y IICnnd tr o phi e~ $ 1,:1 80. Mr. F orest er BELLB ROOK e ~ cc nt- I'. ulll Slbc), and Mannn ST . AUGUS TINE CHURC H 8tnt es thlll j ud g ing fl'om in(lU iri es co mpli sh ed. On the evening 11 f H A E S no o k. . May 25, 1f/30 ju~t tw o months ue- I l'ece ived althoug h the' cata logu es . A B R ,'u m mor ~ ' hC'du le ·- 1 t, 3rd and ,Cu r l? "f lIull' -- Mal'l!.ur eL ,;\1(' f o re h (' lC'ft us . he r ece ived his di- R. Cr ow l. . s Ill'e just being mailed out, the ;$ 1 2 G 0 C r ear), ~ nd DIII'I)thy Rallwy, ' un - •:.I.~"1~~==~=~~~==:! ;,l h ploma from t.h e High -Sch oo l. u H. r owl. cf S undny , ~ I a>ls !It 8: 00 II, m. ; world's be:;l horse will be at th e [) 1 0 I 0 beam S tltcher ~ , - 2n d and 4th Su nd ay, Mas8 at membe r of the larges t class ever I H ~ i~ inJ!, If Ohio Night H OI's e show, A pol o - --- {) 0 0 0 0 ' Lh 'y S hfl l1lp oo - -.JHtll' Cook a nd !J :30: • to grudua te fr o m lhis ill sti(uti on, 'raamel ', I b tournam ent open to all teams in 4 0 0 0 I ,funnlta llrnnno ck, Goo d Cut. Ohio will b ('o st llged is one of th e Rev . Law r e nc e B , Mollma nn. Mrs. Elizabe th Baily, who has and .is the fir s t m cmber of his Zimme rman, 2b 4 2 1 0 , Altel'in g a PaU ern- nO~l)thy clllss t o penetra te th e mys teries of Durby, :!b ~II'~ . 1\llIl'i(' Stl'pple r ~ Jl (' n t th" c hi e f f e utures o f the Night Hor!<e ueen ve ry s ick, is recover ing. :3 0 0 I 1 .1.ho mp ·on and Arubl'll u Hllltley, wl'{' k· ' 11<1 with ~II'~. ('. T ru ll x. 'how, Mor e than $1,600 is being OUI' FutUre Life, VAYNE 9'VILL E M. E . CHURC H Spa hr, c 2 0 0 0 0 !-iunbellm S tltch e rR, off e red in polo events Illone. A L OYlllty to hi s friend s , and devo- Edward s , rf Don't miss the Lawn F ete at I'l' ay ~ r lll l'(' linl-( W e til1l's clay at a 1 I 0 0 Cor r ect P,oRtur e-- Jllne and E\'!' lyn beautif ul lrophy will b e present ed F e rry, Friday even ing, August II': tiun to hi s nearest and denl'es t kln - McMi chael, p .a.lld M/'~ . . O . .n. [j~R'I (!,b y 1\:1)0 p. Ill . !-i unciuy ~ eh ,," l S unday 4 8. tir ed I 0 4 3 FlIl'nM , ~, ~o d ut. . l to the winning tellm by G overn or a'l' l' I" ltllll:' we re outstu ndlng tmits of l'eluLl n, 'n I ndlll/la, lit !I: :IO tl. Ill. ~ ece~s ltlC) s of th e o ll eg GII'I" George 's charact er . Never did he T o tul Myers Y. Cooper . Among oth er Miss tella Daughe rty, 3:1 G 4 15 [) - G ar net G,utermu~h und Ruth G. ,Diber t, Pastor. of fail :\,1,'. II don er!, of trophie s a re Senato r R Oil HymRn 's s tore , is taking el ll'ard a friend o r refus e to rondel' Fl n rr'nn' h a ~ re· ~ __ _ u vacaI II OUM n, .JUnl OI' Sewing . , coe C. McCull och, Secreta ry of tion, 1 ~" ' lIe d frlllll u Irip III ('~' n t h iana , lilly r easo nnul e service aske d oC I 2;$ 45 G 7 8!J Propel' Way t o .Ret a Tabl cK y, Slate Clarenc e J. Brown , Att orhim . He wus consllln tly o n the Miamis 4.H CLUB CAMP ENROL LMENT U U 0 0 I 002 1- 4 Eleun o r May. il'WIn and Ho. ~ ,nl'Y Gen el'1l1 Gilbel't Bettma n, Mr, lind Mrs: L. H. Bu erkle ulert to provide for thl' hap p iness, Be llbroo k 00" l 000 10- 6 Ro usc h, ' lIn ~!lIn c, TO BE IN THIS WEEK ~II'~ . 1'I11nnl (o Eva. n ~ , of Dn~·t(ln, co mfort and we lfare of mother, Stat e Auditor J osep h T , Tracy, !<pe nt Sunduy with r e la ti ves inI fath . Ca re IIf I, uo! Well I' . 1y r:l :Jl e n t In :;t wl!'k WIth ~II'~. Lizzie Slate Trellll urer Ross A k e and Leba n o n. e r, s ist er s, and other d.ear o nes Basel'S a ll balls- off G o n ~ , 4; 1 P e n ce a nd EI')lsc DUl'ls, Happy Lc w k ,J ohn J Late ly, he hud contem plated a off McMich olll , 2. hester Jr" Frankli n Lclte l'~ 11' ('1''' ~ ent o ut to 11 11 4-H 1I 0~l', .. .. county prosecu to r, . Mr. and Mrs, W . E . Stroud and trip to Ne w_ York City in order t o 11 0 mI' _l'un s--Ziml1l e rlllan; two· C lub Ill Cmb e l's ill WUI'I' 'n o unty I' rUlt ()nnk ~ fo r th e Ic k unci , Mrs. ass ume L. R. u p M o " ili /'I'I o ~ ll , (J connec f Dllyto n, gi"ing dctnils u i' cu mp plans and so n attende rl th e Wilmin gton filiI' ted with base hi ts, GOIl S, Edward s, Co nval cs cc;nt - E s ther S he rw oud W!l ~ , th~ A'lIes t o r his ehose n life work, and to pre1\l l's. Aman du ul'l:'in g th at the en r(l ll l11 ~ nt be in The s tllte employ es picnic will Thurs dlly , Passed ball. - Schuler , 2. !lnd JUllntlu Brll nn pc k, Mod e rn l\Iufh L, o pare n Tu him e;;;c1 uy. self (as he, him self, exbe he ld lit Olentan gy Park, ubout I.y Sa Lul'J!u y , AlIJ!'ust tI, Eal'n ed run s- !IIiumis , 2; Bell · Coo kw ~ ll. • " . MI', a nd Mrs. J, p, Fromm at- press ed it) to "ta ke care o f uI'ook, 2, the middle of August , th !lIIIJl will o pen lit RUpp el' time, xact Se rving F ood l o I ck ~LucJ! l e Mrs. Mother Viula CU l'ey has 1'(' turne.1 1\l ond IlY , Augu and Dud dul'ing their dedllte not hllving been defi nitely t ended the fUll e ral of a relative tl'uck o ul- - By G uns, 8 ; MC- Do wn ey and lI ell' n HIII'I'IS, Nonll- hom e a ftcl' n vi s it to her dHughte ,· aft e l' bl'cakfa s t 18 , !lnd cl ose cJining yeur!!," He was ,loved, hon- Mic hlle l, n. ~e l e ct('d. When 11)) ' pIons are com nt Lima t oday, Ht Sutu I'du y, August , bel. . 1 · Mr,.. Ir v ing W e lch . or~d and tru sted by a mul~itud e of pleted for the picnic they will be 2:1. The fcC' i ~ $f>.O O; half of Lt'ft on uases - M ill mis , 10 ; Be ll Prepal'l ng. ~r('ukfn ~ L f Ol' "the NOI' h e hud no enenne s, Full broo k, 6. Summe r Specials - rings, cos- f\'l en d radio ast ove r W A 1U, s O tha t the which , llIl ulci bl' pllid upon e nrollmill Club GIII - M~) (bol1 and MI'. u nd M I'~ . Ma rl; HOj!(' r R inl:' alld the rcmain 14,000 s tate e mploye s and their tume j ewelry, tc, ary" J ewelry of life and vigor, ye t he possess ed Illpires - ' PI'ende rgas t and I ~nb e l GOI'~ uch, Su n s1I~ del' upon enterhine Food Hpe nt Sunday with 1111'. H ll~ ' r s' ing CU l1Ip. n mature judge menl and s ens ~ of W eaver. familie s may mak e their arrange - Shop, Lebano n, Ohio. Th ose d,'s iring may I Il!,b. " )lIlI'NILH resp o nsib ilit y se ldom f o und in one at Sp l'illgb" I'O, m e nts fOl' the big evt!nt. A booster make th .. ir lasl paym e n t in food Scol'el'- T om Pi e rce. S Ulllmer .I'o ut \\ eur- Opal FurMorris Shor\~ood, of Columb us, so young, . co mmitte e of 75 repre. enting alJ f I l m th l' li sL furni shed uy Mrs. ~. - - - !>ee andWd da Gl'e e n, Juni o r , ~ w· Mr, Ruym Hid Tw' o EyJr' s is ters, I', of Da Mrs. yto n, I,d it h M. I-l ill ikel', hom e d emo nstra Gle nna Fry e ~ tllte depllrtm ellts and institut ions ,visited his parents Mr, and Mrs, mg, C lub. . , ~ p Ilnd e nt Mi th ss e Ruth \\' t l' k - l'n~ . wi th Cook, his gl'and wi)) be nam ed within a few days Curl Sherwo od, Sunday . his ti un :l1:','nL All membe rs of the 4DEATH S Cnre of th e IlUlr- RuLh cott , moth;;r, Mr~, Lil li I'll Sld c~ . father, Mr. George W . Pralt, and by Dille W , Stump, presid ent of II clubs II l'e cligible fo r uttenda nce lind Evelyn W oo druff, Happ y Wor , se \' eral uncl es, aunts, co us ins and , Be sociabl el Come tn Ferry and the Stute Employ es Be nelicinl A'!Iand al su a ny b oy or g il'b und e r 21 J oseph Mili c I', 84 yeu r s o ld, died kers. • _ _ ___ o _ I I'. yes b lllC'l'y o u7 ~ee Dr. Rl:- who hil S comp le t er! at have a good time at the Lllwn oth e r relative s todav have the tas k lit his ho me at Springb oro, atursoc intion. l ea~t four c1 olp h, eyc.'''l{h t SIH'Clu ll s l, at Ca l' Y ~ year~ (I f club wode of comfor ting his -b roken·h earted day night, foll owinl,!: Fete, Friday night, August 8, Thest' latte r a stl'\,k e of BOYS WERE ARRES TED .J e well' Y parents S h.ll', , Lehano and a ssuagin n, Oh IO. g their s ho grief uld paralys is, Besid es his wife, he is mal; al'rn!ll{e m~nts with Direc tor of Agricu lture Perry \ Mr, Forrest Crane and daught e r 8 S b 5t th ey may, , M rs. Hillik e r us curly a ' . possible urvived by two daught ers , Mrs. L, Gree n announ ces that Friday, Elwood Hill Everett Fr ' C and Ju 1\'11'. t a dllY 'and o f or 1\lr~ Cincinn tw , o before r;: ll11er ati, w he S er hr:('ha was Fmnk Kenty, of Co lumbu , and Rodn e dinner guests n a ~ II nly a limiLel1 num ber o f these August 29 will be known as "Pre s Sc . ' ~ • t ) . . anti .MI·R. . W!llt ~ r ~ lr ep h!ln Vls ltNI /II ay b ~ takc lI. o f MI'S, Maude Crane on Sunday , strick e n . with his fatal illness , Mrs,.Ho wllrd Archde acon, ~f nay" at the Ohio State Fair, Way- cutedeYin o;~~ thl?(~;b~r;o ~~ 1J~\~i r(' llI tl\'e~ In , pl'Illgfil George 'ld Saturtia y. hud taken th e first steps nesv ille; o ne so n, Ralph MIll T~c 'al1lp thi~ yeal' will be h.eltl New paper men will be accorde d e r. of Orntior f's t oo ls from Mr ', Lllum We resLring bead, replate sil- necessa ry to become II membe r of Duyton . ,. " .' " , . til (aIHp Il o ll k, 1! ~twe (, 11 Carlls l.e spccilll r ecognit ion and a bllnque t S'd " b" . , . Miumi MI Valley s. Am a Council nd.1 verware M,I/lit hn!' Ht~ l.- and 1\l llldll'tow n. J Ill' use of thiS No, ]03, Jr, Ilnd recover umbrel las. Funera l serl1 ices w e r e h e ld in C~ ne ~ bl will be erved in th e club house 'Jell' .ruredte d ftby. ned h " ~l e lifter a l\\', , -we(' k~ l' ISlt l:t1lllp ~ ite ha" I", ' n g,' ne !'llusly d ofind press head qUArter s will be Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebano n, 0, O. U. A. M" and, o n the ev.e ning the 1\1. E. church at Sp rin~boro, n oo~ ~ e ns, o y, li es ay a e l L o I' toiut lves III I):l yt ,,,, and 1 "led ... n'~tc:tl t ., th c 4- 11 llOYs a nd g irl s 0'1' of July ]8th was elected to mem - Tu esday aft e rnoon, mllintni ned in the Harriso n buildHev, Dllhngs w'lr p. d bcrship 'h in th'at body . But the Sub- officillti ng, Burilll was in Springr , . The next meetinj( ' of the Wayne . 1 \\11 1'1'1'11 C(.lIllly by t he Boy Scout ing. A small daily wHl be publishe !1 I tIl nll IIb~ n krg~std ' \ 0 . lll es 111'1-. and i\lrs. Hal'l'ey I"n cka l'd ('(.llllti lin e Ruler of the Univers.e had boro cemete rv. o f i\lidclle town, It is on e each day o n the groufld s during Townsh ip iJunior Farmer s clul: need I o n let' e . loh · l~h ':k e llll .ct an d s O.n No rm a n " Tw nl til(' week- 1of th(, ll al')! of his aid elsewhe re and b e h eld August 16, at the Town-----('~l anri lhe fair, . t equ ipp ed co mmo to n III IS . c . Ie e n ya! . I en ' d t h Mr. a nd ~ll' ~, I.eona rd ealll p s it c· in the finStntl', s hip H o u:e. MondllY night and gOlllg out, ms· Tinn eWI called him from us, HIS. frateJ:n al having DOli n Bl'llckll ey, aged 65, who turb \' I e rl ') OU c hi cken . thi f I eves, I wh" d ran brother s deeply mourn hIS passlIlg, lived on neal' Y -. Pictoril ll Ohio, Iln interest ing 1I('''.l·'. 0 the lin" I~? O en Dllyton ·Lebano n through the cornfiel cl. MI'. Prell Mr. und Mrs. Samuel Butter- bu~ lo~k forwa~d to a ~" " 1'1 ,. Mi n N II II' I'n ) " ~ " Jc"II{l!s . ,lil t.! cllllllIlC hlllll\l happy I'e- pike, was fOUJ!d . dead in bed early de l'gast forly -e igh t pllge booklet , com· wOl'th and th a follow ed lind discove red aL' ~~H' (;IYn~.' W C ll'r/'~:I~I\' \ ,,'h'/ht, Mr, Gilbert Frye were umon III thllt brIght Eternal Counpiled and edi t.,e d by Ohio. State AI' dinn c r guests Mo nday mornm g. I' IJ(I HJl ~ 1 ' '',\'T~J(.' t ,Imc hfd' I ~ boys s tanding the road . Whe" Au ' URt I 'l Uncll'!' t hl' IIU ~ licc ' or II ~~ \\JlI.1I111lling of Mrs, Maggie Bur- cil, where there is no parting , pain Funera l s ervices w ere held to - ques ti'on e ll theyin claimC'd chaeolo gical and Histori cal Society net, on 1. 0' .. ~'I S e: n UI e l th e v had ' tl1/Y' F ' ~I unday. 01' so rrow, ·1 ~ day in Miami chapel, Rev, Chester bee n fixing II tir e and I th,!' 'a/ll)l 1".1· 'ill ll'~I· t ill;; ~'e:lr a.nd and the State Depart ment of a ~ k ed whl' . , , , wlil pruv C' a s )lOpU III' " . place w!th Educati o n, has been publish ed in William so n officiat ing. Buri!ll was he hlld s hot at them. Mi'. and Mrs. T . S. Hardin ancl " Not now, but in the coming years 'M" He le t th e nl ' , 'II'" A Ill"" ( ''' l,k " ,III th,' \J'I SSl'S I "lUI' bOY't' a"'I~11 )!llr1S. IIII~O' ()I the hop e that it may foster in- family . 1tl 1111111 cemet.c t hluls wlth l' . . ry, . spent It A'O, IInri the n ex t m Ol'nmg f o und [{lIlh lin d ~hl''''"' <'l . .. . llC t' (I:-.lI S . l l' ")Ol , g-a o n s 0 f creased interes t in Ohio's romant ic Mrs, Hardin 's th e week-e nd with We'llmay be in the Better Lllnd, (' .. uk ·Ilt .. ndp dI t ' th O · k I II . I f b mother f know ---II , f Mrs. the meanin Sharp, h g \Va of (i these r two In ngs IS PUll . u , .0 CO II H .' S C Ie e n g, . Fri l' nd' :-; history and beautif ul scenery , 1t in Falmou th nrQu art l f l y rn(' e li n ~ aL tt' s ian \\"("11 1:-; and i ~ ci r cu la tI'On1 A telegmm was receive d , Ky, tears, ed conun- from s uffoc atlO lI, He :, o tlfi e, r i Il'ives a bl'ief sketeh of places of Scllllll IUlld a y·. s tuntll' duy, thl' o ul!h an o uncing tw And o filt then ers the . 1 A s Ilh, udden life th en! dellth we 'll . und onst~bl e l·· c.• wh o,' dunn" h:s IIlterest . in each county ' of th e of Mrs. W. W. Blacksh llw on m vest!glltl~nJoy, g ll an( and in , t/'uct ll l' will be in atSumme ~,. foun.d Omdor f S state togethe r with iIlustration~ of j r wclry rand s pecials -silver warE', s tand," Mr~ . , II. .C, ,o le llllln, ;\1. 1'. a nd t cnclallc e u l th e pUIII a Bro ther in the August 2nd in ~'t. Paul , Minn, Mrs lit a ll times, Writ noveltie te n s. by Cary's tool· m FI ye R m~c hl~ e. . points of ge neml interest . The Jewelry Shop, . MI'~, 1'1;all('1 8 , . of NOI'- dance at t h ' puol lit !III timet!, . Blacksh aw was Flora Varner and Lebano n, Ohio, We Junior Order. TW. o. of ~he bo~~, FI~e a.nd I·hl!. I~' oo d cn lll'd 0 11"lullan booklet is being distribu ted by one g ive Cedar Stamps l' ,lnti\'eR h en' l a sister of Mrs, Laura V. Reed wer e. III~phcll.ted III An il1tl' J'(,~..t inl:' )lrogl':\tlI of r e. g 'lSD Ole,n e IInl~I'1 !-iunda y IIrlt' I·1I 1l0 1l . of. the large oil c9rpora tions of the cr .. al io n, hlllld w(,rl; , !'w imming , a nd Walter D. Varner , of Har- othe l ,robber le8 I~s Card t nf ce ' ~llbe Thank. tate, , .. . ' . ', . veys burg. Her a hes will be re- and al e out. of the l efo spe l' and ca lliI' fir e h!l ~ be n plan Miss Luella William son had her rlll flllm on l Ru ~se \l MI~I ~ ln UI!d runnl~ ,, \\ho l I'e lled lI"d I!Vl' ry 1/ 11 (' who attend, is We wish to express o ur hell rt- mov ed to ·Ohio fo r inte rment. tonMils remove d at the Miami good behaVIo r. The num bcr of dea ths in this Vlllley H os pital. !HIVC I,el' n hl'ltl!! .!!I the Jo.lbnll assured a f! " I,d tilll('. She is home and f elt thanks t o neighbo rs and • • - -- -- - .-- -country due to automo bile acci- is recover ing IlIlo th~ lIurl' y , i\f.ct',lnII 's 1J/'UllI' l'ly friend s for their sympat hy and Th e \\' "me n' s Call1l' wi)) be held very nicely. "KATY DIDS" dents the fir!lt s ix months of tho (,II F ll Ulth lind r~l e l, KILPA TRICK AND FRENC H help at the time of our bereave }\u KIl , L ~t i 10 2n . Wat ch f ol' year is esti mated lit 13,500. Of this Mr, and Mrs. James Wolf and ment, Ilnd for lhe beautif ul flow1\h.. and Mr~, 1\ l wli ~ "11 I';a rll - \ fu ,th er ."rlll.llItI CC Il1 nls numbe r Ohio reporte d 389 for the A Ipheus Bogan and Whe . n your car breaks clown, and family, of e rs . To Hev, G. C. Dibert for his You have n't h eard much aho ut hart, uf lluytlJlI , were fir st thl'ce m o nths, a decreas e oC Clark:-Avi\,le, were Sunday ,'ut u nl:,y - -- - - - ---. just won ' t mov e on, comfor ting words und J, E, Mcguests , t he "Katyd ids" thi s ~ umm e l', pr u b- I\'ue!'t ~ of MI'. ulld 1 r ~ . Burt on 7,<18 pel' cent compar ed with a of MI'. and Mrs, Orville ALL DAY QUILT ING C lure for t' fficient se rvice, Call the Wayne sville garage for ubly not s ince they s Gray, PI;.' nt th e we!'k I':arnha rt, u f Mt. HOllY .. yelll' aR'o, neath !I from Carbon William St. John. E, D, Cook and Family end at Indian Lake, but n ev e l'thl!monoxi de in Ohio, aC'c ol'ding to He' ll send right- down Crom Kil- less th!!y're s till in eX . The Pi Epsilon Pi Class of Ferry I ~ tance. Yc ~MI'. and Mrs. I'PPOI'tS Illude be 01'. C. A. Neal, Bible School invites 1 hlltn a " ~II ~ , .lul!,I . Be rgull ,pl,lnne d an patrick IIl1d French terduy they se llent Lh e duy at nUll' wi ll n·tUI'Il til NellEl'l;rc\t you, will welYork thi state directo r of health, from July come you, serve you, ~ w l' e k "II rlay And g-iv l:) iL 11 twi st wilh a big ham's Camp !'outhea CRAND MA'S BONNE T please you at s t of tOWIl, after !'pendin g n two·we d" va ..,, · til\' hotll(''lutlllllg (I n .1 hUl's duy, at I, 1929, to July], 1.930, caused their Lawn Fete Friday, monkey wrench . .)f IJ('I: fl'l en d" Mrs,. L, . which proved August be u n id~1l1 pluec ti ;11l wil h th e f urml! I' ~ pare nt". Mr ' n. . by gas heating applian ces were 8. ' • lIe'lI fix it all up and 011 it too , to spe nd 11 hut to 11I1 l!~, Lo which th,'. [o\l.owlI lg My gran.dll1 su mm ll e r came dllY, to In aee th e us, lind Mrs, F. E. Thomas . 52, an incl'.e ase of 11 over the year \ ",-ere ,nv lt ed: Mrs, Ann ,e GIbbon s And when he g e t!' don e, it will aflemo on s wimmin g and bO!lting Ba"Ck III ~he ago, , . before. Tbere. were : 12~ cases of i\lrs. Jllmes Bt' lxan, Mrs. L. V. run like ne w, Watch need repairin g? Expert When fashIOn slong were enjoyed . Th ere were were thre.e qUIte I dlfl'l'rMr~. Kizzi e Th umpso ll and ~Ir, l3ec k.. Mrs. -. RU S8~ 11 Be.lltley , Mrs. carbon- monoxI de pOISOnll1gs, com- watchm aker ·at Cary's "Katyd ids" Jewelry who mi ~scd ~nt, thIS and Mrs, . J oe Th o lllp,:o n ~ pcn t Sun H. (1. 1 Cro~s, M!s. pared with 168 in the precedi ng Shop, Lebano n, Ohio. I know this is true, 1 s t op ped th e r e pl ea sant outing, Only genuine Thmgs had to b e Just so, ' day wiLh 1\11', and MI'~ . Frank l\Ir~. LIZZi e ~ewl !\ W,ll Madden , yellr, o ne day, !lnd he l' house mate rial used in our repair depart -. -\ Thomp son, neal' MI. II olly, - - - .- - ... .- - And he sur e fix ed up my Chevy- roJ!' UL','t, 1\11'~ . bvans, of Dayt.on , ment. My grandm a was a lady, I At the no on Dol'l s Beck FINGE R IS INJUR ED Dressed ,with the greates t care; VOTIN G PRECI NCTS Have y our IlIwn m () we r sha r p. und Ethan Lewis hOllr On aihe r Olld it had b ee n taken jui ned th e lad! e The Misses Lillian Shelleb arger I loved my grandm a'S bonnet, eried . uy the SHllI e machin e ry a s ' I ilL Accord ing to word , I I ;; um ptuuu s co vered dish d,llquite s ick, receive d and Eva Myers, student . Tied close upon her hair. W a lker Hatfield , of Lebano n, u sed III th e factor .v, fi l the \yll~' ll e~ IH't. _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ fr om ' the ~iIlage C! crk the ,North ten berg College were s of WitIt beglln to rear t o buck and to . former Waynes vill e the weekres ident, su fIV"le Auto a nd l'Ilacilll lery C, •. precinc t WIll vote III the Library end guests of MISS kick, Elizabe th It was my wildest pleasur e , ' f e red injUry to th e little finr oom and the South precinc t In Hllnkle . And now, it is running WIthou t A'l'r onan his HELD FAMIL Y PICNIC Tip-toe ing to the bed, . left hand when the Mr. an ti Mrs, MY,e!' H~' nll\' 1 )111.1 the show room Of the Waynes ville ' house on Third street, IIny fu;;s, have moved Where she had gently Inid it,, I hund was crushed in a press lit a R tIII1nel' g u cst~ "rtelny c ~· c nlnl{. . Motor Co, at the Primar y Electio n It really is nol s uch a bad httle I the McCa ll Compan y 1)lant A picnic was he l'l at the home And place it on my head . Dllv- MI" and MI'~, • a,,1 lIul' to be held August 12, 1930, bus, . Summe r Special s- watche s and \ ton, where he is employ ed, He ',Viis , Le ban on, untl Mr. JanH'S \\,lel~, \If i "f i\lr. na d Mrs L!l IJnul'd Ti nn ey !\I c( 11I rl'. , S unday, Augus t ':!. with GO pl'ese nt dIamon ds, Cary's Jewelry Shop, Before the tallest minor ---, II laken ~o Miami Vall ey h ospItal , Lebano n, Ohio, "The ' HOme of ., Kilpatr ick and French , tea , S ,II ' I'" 'Inll Y" ,'l llci . f.,·o m variuu~ placcs bringin g well y where It wusfou nd necessa ry t o ~tarl~beblYonWsOlaUylduIpoPnOStehe; floor, ~I! ". S tnl!lt} . ,l c . . EASTE RN STAR Gifts," g ,. ftlled baske t s, Th ' dal' was spent give you their bes~, . IImputa te a pllrt of the finger . ~ cllllon'n , ~.'L1ll! r The . Anll service II nti they gIVe you, Will I "r! in plnying buse bidl l oo t bllll and Way down upon my toes. !:khunc s l; ur 1I' e l' ~,tand l'e d,n th n e e r teot, gu c~ t ;; o f II b II ' f . ' - - --- - - .. - -- Miami Chapte r No, 107 0, E, . M·' F ~ 1 K ev ~ lu s t \V'dn l'stlll'v vo ey Miss Hyman . was a a , , , (I ~ I,C wus furn!s By Marie Emery George . If you're hed IS. . III 1111 S, will meet in regular session guest a~ aBernice • up against it don't kn'ow • by several fa nil IH.',' , was enjoyed !I,lnche on given b~ MTS. ANNU AL PICNIC whnt t o do Monday by all. Evel'y o n ' left feeling the evening , August . 11.\S~UI Hurwlc h, ?f ~eba~on, m the Mr. an d Mr~. Frtd o lp lI ntl chil da y was we ll s pent. Just go to St, John, he will see Visiting membe rs wei. come, S11Iton hotel, Cmcmn ab, Tuesda y. LEG BROK~N PLAYI The membe r of the Clover dl'en, of Dayto n, a.ud NC BALL II'. Jam es you straigh t through . Josephi ne Earnhl\ rt, W, M., The p.arty spent the afterno L~af club held theil' annuul picnic ! Ze ll , ~ f Ye ll ow Si>rlt1~s, were, on at ItII Your lrouble - s all - - -over, Minnie Fromm , See'y. you're last Wednes day at the pleas unt ! dny dlnnm' I{UeRt~ n [ M,s. Luul'u LatonI(I . Chester Cutler, of Lovelan d, !I TOOK AUTO TOUR TRIP soo n o n your way -----. ~ country ho me of Mrs. M Fred RIll h S'" 1d ' Gons. Zell, has retur- '{oniler 'teache rin the Waynes - Thanki ng your sta rs tllere was no Includi ng the children , about rs. . p "e. on ville . schools , and son-in-l aw , of MASON IC' NOTIC E more t o pay, ned to her ho!"e I.n Syracu se, N. Mrs. Ray, Mills, . Mrs . . Mn y Coo k and da ught e l' forty were present t o enjoy t.h e Mr, had his leg broken Je~ie B, TriPP, sumptu ous dinn e r and thl; ocwl Mi s ~ Doroth y, of Dayt n , :;pe nt and MI'.Ilnd MI'8, Wult!!r ~ heehan after a vi~lt · With her broth«;lr in a ball g8~e at Cozadd and Mrs, Ellis . McClur e ale SunRegula r commim ication of Way m, . and Harvey sburg, O. time thllt followe d , her frienls 111 . day afterno on. . ' unda y afterno on and cve ning we r e IImong the large ,numbe r o~ .'. ____ - ----nesville Lodge No, 1'68 F. & A, thiS Vlcimty , Mrs. · Sheldon was a _ _ __ _ ._- - _ _ _ -.-. -" with Iheir dUllght cr and !lis te!'; Warren Countiu n ~, Who .enjoyed ' 'M. Tuesda y evening , August 12, class '. mate of ' MIll! Floram ond' Mr., E, C" , I'an e. and family , GRASS . CAU.G HT. ,FIRE the auto · tOUt' to incinoll ti. and Visit.inl t. brether n are' welcom e. Reed at Columb uli " Bualne ss COMB AT 'MOSQ UITOE S LEGIO N ENJOY S · PICNIC ; Coney I ' la'nd today. ' . R. H, Hartsoc k, W.' M., .College and i ' . now widelY known MI', and. ----Mr , F, E, ThoJlluS und Fire in the 'meadow on the Hart .F. B, Hend~rson, Sec'y, in S'y ra Use for her ehurcn . ac-"~ In an etfOl't. to rid the city of I;o n Robert . ente l'tain ed at dinn e r ~banon ' Legion ajra -and their ley ~08S !w'm last Friday ,threat- mosqui toes tivities and for ·, her ' beautif ul con.. familie s On ~ Sunduy , Mr. lI\1d which Mrs. enjoyed Ralph this an Bumme outing r at .ened .buildi~g tI .ne!":. t !'aitQ ·volc.e. Robitze r's dam Tuesda y afte-rno on aided m extmg'u lshlnl Nelghbo l'tl have been the source of greated Dyke, of payton , Mr:. and MI'8, Mr. apd· Mrs. Hemia n S.urfac& the ftal!1es discom fort The ' picnic lunch and. regular before an~ ·ltt'eat . than ever before, a lib.- Everett Thomas; of Roches ter, N, Mr, an.d Mrs: spent th&' latter part of last week damage ·was eral For gifts and gift ideas visit Legion meetin amoun g t of I~me bas ~een y, ?rh. and Mr . Lo\vell Thomas , Mabel taup and Mr. was followe d by donI!. It . IS though t, the grass with the former 's parents , Mr.. and Cary's Jewelry Sh.op, Lebano n, 0., swimm ing · in the pool at Wayne caught fire from a match .thrown placed in catehQa sms in varIous oi' Lytle, Mr. and Mrs. Madiso n as, lett Tuellda y 1.f)T in "The , HOlDe ot Glfta/' . Mrs. Lester S\lrface . Earnha rt, of Dayton , Park. section s of Washin gton C. H. through Kentuc ky. '. on the grou{ld .






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Judge Harry C. G



I ,


Comnlon Pi cas Court Th e



el f ern c" Uriscnll v r -

Republican Candidate


. u~ II ~I I\"' \'

t; I\'IIC l'Y WIl S dLmis s ed withvul n: ·(l I'd. . In th ' \'n~l' "f T IHll1l llS 1I\. Maninl!'ton \'t'r~u~ ISl lh'II Lik (! n , GHt es, ('I II I. thl,' 'I, UI'( l' l·d ' l'l'd th a sh riff ----=== tv di ~ t riJ.\lIo.' th l! ba lancc o f the r h"11' '" _ '.11 'I", d n·,'. Ij,il.~ .. I' hj ~ Llillil\' all d laditi ll ll~. l,.;tH Il' in 11ll' ~ Ulll uf $26S a.:.I to (,11:\ 1' '1'1·: 1 \ f\' . Graduate and Board Member of Wittenberg College. Th , 11,·.\ ' II,' h'i! ,! , III I ,I lI~h' ,.( Ill. '''i'lI'''' \ :Inri ' l',,11 'S!' lif,' . his thl' pcl':' (lII~ :t nd in ,t h '. lIm,\ u n ls President Springfield Y. M_ A. 'J \\ II.' I, ." . , ," h:\\'l' 11 ()(:t'- I,:tll,l ,, '~ till',. II., ,,,,,1,11011" I', ' " i- and Ill' fli\,lltbhl,,~, 1' (' I'- l n:l111 'II In IIl'u " f th"11' nght:. Chairman Clark County Chapter American Red Crou, , .,. 1,,1/,,1. , ,"'11\, d ,,, 1'\' .... I"" -h ha d ", :ll'icd "f t h"1 1' lIlal'~ II the' ~I ction "I' \ il'g-il E, Uom8, : " I ,. ,I ' .;, II: I I, 101';,' 1"'111- ,,11",· '", 1ll1'. loll I Ihi :- di,1 nl .t hur t Ihlll1g- hllS IIH'$S Ul1dl' l' th lIam' and . I kl "II ,',,, 1.,\1'.' :\11' . 11.1'lIdl"" Vestryman Christ Episcopal Church. Ii.. ,I . .1,,, ,I ,' , I: \lt til. I " h " " I,;, ,. -,old t ' II", : 1 n. " , 11" " . I ~ :111 il1~I" l' il1g- li ~ll' n l'r. ' ",t yl ,' ,d' (:li ll.t'!'1 :\Ia yta l!' o l1lpuny District Committeeman, etc., Boy Scouts. " .\ IIll,.t .I·~··j,~ {';II y ,,; II 1...·\\ Ill' 1,,1.1 111'\" '1' .tlk · ,1 hd- ",'I'-I!, " I ( lill t l)11 ;\11l~· tug om- , " "II1I1;!'''\\ ' ,,111-1,:, II \\ Ii)"u "I " : 1'. 01 .. .. /'n " " h:l1.' :, I' all~' "l' I' '' U, ~Il' ~. \ ' . II. 1-':II1 I('y. it , Farmer-Reared on, owns and operates 70. acre farm. " ,. "II ' I,' "If ' I' 1\ ,," ld ,"'11 fl "' I," ,It.' ab- \\,u, "l'(h' l'<:d that Ct,.'t u in Pllrl S of \ ' Th, 1I I' Judge-Probate and Juvenile Court. " ... ,' •. \ 111 "'IIII1I-! 11'11, ' 1111' 1'1' II ,,· 111,,11"',' ", 1 ,1'11,1\,. I 11'1"" o!"",,,nd ";1. "I I: ' hl:ll'k l' UI'- h e a n,,\\, I' Ill1d Cl'o~~- Jlctiti o n ur , Active worker in public welfare enterprises 10 city, , ' thl'l' \I . '11' II ,,, ;db l'l' , " II I",,, .d, iii I':" ,11.11 '11,' I Lilli >1I,1,J..lll v fl'1I b,' \\ l l'lI " ou th .. ddl' lId allt bl' ~ tri"ke n o u t. It county and state. ,I ," , I 1.111, it,,1 I h.' I -. 1' ',,,11 .,'01 .,11 ~h lll ': If ,1)\1 h a rt 011.1",',111- \\;\, oIld"I" 'd ha t th e ,It-fe fl(lnllt 1 ,II \\1, '.1.'" I, I";': I' , IIh.:t h,' l:l".' I. .. -'I,t,,1 '11\ I" I"""I , .IL;';· " I' ,·,tll·,,·lf a~ lran· ll'lIIl' , oj' t hirty tllI.\'S in whi ch Member F. O. E., Jr. O. U. A, M., K. of P., and Masons. \,1t "'.I'! th.I ' lilt' "'1"1"\ hI' "1 '1' r , I " ' " : 1 ,I! ~IL!'I ' \ • ,,,', \\1'" 1,t'I II~ Villi I' l'n llh ' h\, t'l"!' to pll'i.UI. 'l" 11\.' \' ,)url O\' l· rt'u !cd r(\ · I"", 11 111011' 1."" t .. I, 11 11 101 1 II '.' "I" I, " I " 1"1 ""1 III -t till' \\01' \"11 f,."I " 1111 ill'lo-l' "I' I Illo l i" n ~ . I Judge Gram's life work has been FOR PEOPLE. 'I, ",I I", 'I I' 'I'. ',,,. h, 1" "-1I1 1! Ii .,,· I I i,I'1 .' 'I ,," I , ,1 01 I I' !, ".IlIn ' " 01: " , I.d,· I ,. ' \l id ll'l I!lk " I II thl' l'a~ l' II f W. II. Tayl ur : I ~I: +t - :1_ .... ' ,lId 11 111 ' I-I"" IlI ll " \\" ,,11'1 tl'lt' t' ).: l)'l)t",,,. ,·.!,l tlcl,i ly, 'Y u u>' \' \ ' 1'~11:-- A~ ~h: I,Ptl l', )l' d U,l't, :tl rd '\ ~- 1 He knows their troubles, their problems, their hopes, !I." , I I ' " 11111101 1".1 I,' nl''' " :"\'" I';":r If .. "', P',I ,,,,' , .. 11 " . 'I II 1'":1 100 11. ,,- \ ,'" ' Il'1; ,·d ~, II, ~1 " tl"I, J. I .0 1 1' l'lIlIk lll1 their fears. Well equipped in every way to represent II· ,II , " ,1 .. 1' Jot ,- 11,,1 " flillid \1 \,',(' \1'111 I ,I, :1" ,'" ," ~, 1-; 11 '1\\ - . 11 '. lIOWI1~hip III Ira ns mi t uIJ IJ l'i ~i n!11 1 them in Washington, he will, if elected, represent THE L ;! L '" 1.-,,\11 ,,11 :tI"'l1t hi" a ~ :111:.\11 11 ~ .1 I' ,,·.It ,I, .. I'~ '''11 1\:1' ,j l ' I: II - I I"~ "f nl\' tn 1'''1'''1> ill the ~a~,· lind lhat 1111 PEOPLE and not the BIG BOSSES of the political • I: \ 11\ ;1_ , \" ,:tll. l , lIt it 111;\ \" lal, \, 1'-, -h 1 I' , o r ; , . : I "' • ,,\ III tl,,' '1' ~d l ' ~lIl '.i\' ll , " .. It \" IJI'"hl' III'P(.'\' t,ding cc a ~ v ill ~ aid j us tice ,~ '1',\ 1.,\- I II 11,,1 11 1t ': lllti1l 111 1' ;' lhlfH! t ll 'I' I, \ I)' 1 1,llt', I ~- ' , \I ' ,o l L;t \\H 0 ' \ " Iud",\' t l' ~plt i l t' Ulll't. machines. _II, " " ' , , l"I Il' hli ll "I' 111 , -1" 1' "lillll II I', 1.11 " 1 ··'·Id. I', ' .. 11 iI 11 ,111111' , I' \iU, 1"':l\llil'u l (' la ' l'n N ' ,\ tki nslln I\' IIS g'l'Il n t l'd For FIVE YEARS he was Secretary to Congreu,01101' It' 11 - lil1 ll" :lt l'.- 11 11·""'I' ~:. Ita l" i, ' II, I 'II l( ,I li" I" " a div o lcc f l'l1m !\Inud\· AtkinslllI, man General J. Warren Keifer and he knows how to do I ! 1\ ,1'IIIU; thv It,tlll\' ( ' oll' r ill J,!tftll \\ hd l\ '". I I.. I ... ~ \',allt 111111 II. '; ..... ,>\ I,d" \\II ',l d 1 41\ \' 1ll ; IC!t' l h L! dl,fl' ndant ha ving b1vn J.:uilty . things in Washington. J " ( .dTillJ.,!f" l l': 1) IIl~ it ~ "' I nl 1 t •• k now," 'r' 1 t lI !,' hll~l!. 'I il t',\ !'\· .: lli l'l·d f of J!T o~:-; negl ect o f (I uty, I. 'I l~l.lI , " I :TIl' , II!, l' I , " I ' , ''" ,d ;l~" lJ Illld' ! I J) {II ;1 n" "f11a l :-- i;lh ' in I n t lHl' c a ~(l o f Thl' ~talc o f VOTE FOR "I .I 11'1 1. 11',\\ ," s hl' fu lt ,·I'l"l. ha l ' d h,,1' ,,! I ' . ' " I, II -II, ,I", 'I I h.' I1lIi,',·r,,· 11I'1 " "~I·d " Oh io \'l'rs u ~ J" H oy ;\1001'1:' the dc "I. l' II II III '.'" t, oJ ,~).!i, " I ' ", I. I " I hllll ., ,01 11- ' ''"11'''"1' ' ": 0111,1 t l li ~ fl ' l1<la l1 l~ pl ead l· d lI ll t guilly. Tria l "I'ld ,I -I "111 11:11 ' ,ml IIhlll I "~ "l',,'ll"lIc· .1. '''''';'''''11 . I' 1.. "ll it ll d, ' III~t,·d i, s· t fill' T U,'s cia)' Ilt !I u'eI, ck a . " d l.l 'oI '"l! I,,' it'.'" 1''' "II,d, 'II."" ,,, '., ,. Ild',"dl " l,tlh ,' 1' ,i ll III dilllll' r li nd III .. " ,'n d fi~( l' rI li t $;'0 0. '" 1,,'1 11' 1 I.;' , 111'1' . I was 'II l'X"'1 "'1 I· ,I" ,", ,I , 1.. ,1' .. " ,, ", ""Ii ll).!' ill \\h ,('h s h,· I.. ft him Chul'lcs Carl'u ll . W . \ V. Whi tu· FOR CONGRESS l·i l, ·rl lIll' ·1I ~ III1 ,':lilli' ill, Y" u Idlll\\' 1'lI lt ~I " III" ." .. 01, i, I,. I ," ,,'1 ,I 111.'1.1 "II II,, · 1,1" .1 , I' Iol,jlll!' tire d kc r, unci \ Villiunl , J u ~p er Aycr s ,,1 ,: 1i li ri s p "~" il,ilil) Il1ny 1111 'n l1 t" ;,\1 '" Y," , ,,,. , ' \\:,' 1 "' Ii "1: ,,1 il 11,,- 111 "' 11 a ).!fllld. rllI~' ," 'I' 'rc UPI'IIilltl'd 10 mllkl.' pn l'ti ti o n - Poll tlcal Adl' ertisem ent. ,,' . . If Iii n ", l1"thill).! I" dl'l,,"I' 11I· II(1)i~,· '!·' I... ;,'[d 111111 . li n d aold,,1 wilh hl'l' :, f till' I,'a l l'''tatl' lll'o po l'li oilat c ly "III' ""UIH' I dc '. 11 11,1' :ti ,"111 Ih ,' "(It' I" III" ",II " -hi' \\ :\, '11,lra, li,'~ ' 11111 ·', "I h:ll" f,' lt ac t- III till' nl'" n f ;\ 11I1').!ll rd P. Tll y lo r I'!l il lt· 1I1' lId,' ,,,u n '! n 'H'S t ,UI!- lit:h1. Ill' \\;" '" I I I, hill, ,101', ])",11 ;111." ,'l' I'''lIS V, l1helmi nc J . Co nway el .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ~o< t :l1I,· thill ~·!" ""II' 'I .I ~ ;111\'''1' ;., I Ih., 11I.'lI II, n. " -, III " Ir hi - illstl'\ll'lion~ a l. Thl' ",h l'l'iff W :l~ nr" e l'ed t o j - - - - - I ~h,· ·It>t1l- .. I,'cl. whill' l110th 1I1l' 1I f l ' 111 ill,,,dl'l " " " 1'"I!:I- hi ' I" .',' 1 '11('11),."" ilC" I" ' ~ th .. 1'1''''' i ll ll ~ Il r ll(' l'l'ti Wit h Ih~ ~lp"r!li 'n l o f the R ob in ~o n, Le wi s Bi sho p a nd 42 .94 ncres in Wu yn e twp. , lI'a i: l·d t,' n-<' Iv. da r ecl. :'11" "·,,,,1' , 11\:'\ ,," \\1"';:.1111 : 10,1",,· hl' I- lc ' l' l. and 1'1'1' 111 1·~lIll·~ ta ll· , Jl, o ~' rrl lll g- It cOllld not Geo rge G ates wc r e ma de appruis- I Alva L. a nd Mnry£. t. J ohn to .... , ":\1'." ~ I\l' ~i1 id til la ~ 1. ill a h ll PI ' 'lIP ;'"I'IIl i:1I1 ' 1 111_ In' '1" \;11. !'I' \111',·" thcm h I' su h- hI' p l'''l'l'l'ly dlvllie. l. ers . Willi a m F. a nd Mar y E . Ju ckson, . S ·:."! : I P 1 Il"~ lUIH' . ''I' 1lI afl' n i" it t1n""'I1'1." ht'I' l1Iind '" 1''''1' fl " JII '"'\; ,'',' .,- ,'I",ilOlI, I,1 1" '.';111 I" watch 1' 11 1. '-----. .- . (" r ank R ub in so n a dmini s trator 00.00 acras in Warre ll c o unt y, a l" 1f-1ll- 111 . W ell. th i" lIIan IIl'lI d ,,\,- J10,~1i""', 'I" , "'1',,1 '. II I('i",' l1la lly he drell'- I Probat e Court Proceeding. of t he estate o f I~u H. Robinso n, I so r e ul estnte in Mo ntgo m er y ~1l 11 . . Wh " lIa~ Ill' J'I' t" . ni l-:h l .1 I HoL('rt H arris on Lt's t ,1' S I h . d, e cen~ed fi led his invento ry und county. and whD frig-htl'ne d ~' O ll III thl" I ~1 . " US CI aPPl'llIse mant Wult l'r B oe nit eh t o Minnie ::::~d t" UO)lll~~li~~~'~'y f H~w u rd w e re F red 1\1. H~nry, exc: cuto r ~ f the B oenit rh lots No s. 6 159, 5 160, '!lII. II·"t. ~ I i'. Illl lllill n n It·li> IlI l' ! iI~' ~ I hal you an' a 1l111 ~ i(' illn . ' '\ u).!u <t l .h;,~ i,< s t cd('stu t e o f e: tute n f EIll Il1 11 H .. nry, deceased 6 l01. 6162. an d 6 163 in D eerfi eld "A l11 u , idan'! " Shl' tl'il'd tlH' 1'1 '" .. " '. (.ccase . \"a s orde r ed t o procee d to adv er - lWp. ",lid lIit h tl'ncll'r l i p~ Hlld " ",,1Il l' l~~ ~II.~" o \(:e~erl t~ ' i?ec ut o r lise thl! pre mi ses f o r sa le at p ublic Manti e Bi nkl y t o Elm e r und 1 oI~1I s mil e . I ' s .1 (' 0 . ".1 I IIImso n. 'Iu c lio n Lillian trobel 23 .58 ucres in HIII'"Al'l' YOu '! " • ,'vcu:" d t o dl ~ ll'l~lI t~ ce l·tain' Lydi; S. Thomp son , executrix Ian twp. " T . . ~I'"d " " .1\"' 11 ". 1l" I'tllr ' I ~h'J)ds.tnt'0l1g the dl ~ !I'lbute(' of o f th e es tute o f Harry B. Tho m pH enr y a nd Ethel J o hn son to ,h' l1 , 1; II (1 \\' I"~ eTh a~ 'II e ' ' 11 .1 so n decellsed. \\Oil S lI ulh o rize d t o H orace J. Boesch, 102 .45 ucres in 11 Kt WI anu te t t f ' "0 0 11'1 "PI 111 '1'\'11 " ". I \\,rll1 ' l lI~k ( '1 ' '1 '. j..; . s lim n .0 tran s f er certai n u ssignme nts t o WU YII twp. III a 11 .1' qu,,~ t II, n ~. Uu t I\' hill r d loll 1)(0 11 d ecell~ ed wu s pro- their propcr di st ributi on . So lo m on K. Kurn oh un to W urn 11I", i,'i,,,, oI u I "u I lii" l; , ' ''II ;11 '1'" ue;( tn co ur t, r en County Ohio r eu l estute in II , il1 ~l'r'!" . . . 1 h t, ~ o~ rt o!'del'C'd that :jl~p\icaNew Suih Hamilto n h~P . ' "I . . . I dll" 'I l<n (I I\' !" t!OtI b e nt,l(le t or ~h e a dnll ~slOn of T h e Virginiun J o int Stoc k Lund "Ill) )'(.ll thi ll k y'l\ l (' all , ill~'!" 1'. lorcllee Ha~s l el' In to t h e in ~titu Viola M. B ogn n. ver su s Eunice Bank. of C hnrl est o n, II corp oruti on S Ill'. , hlln k I.eI' III'n ol , tlOn COl' the feeble -mi n ded. H. Mull, H e le n McIntyre, Miriam to R. F . Ilnd Faye F o xb owcr 11 0."If ,,, nil ' (l ilt' 11.11< ..1 !1 piallo ill I t.wa ~ ord e r ed by t h e co urt that R etallick und Ra lph Mull. for par- 07 ai:res in Harla n twp , ' h ~I'I' . wOli ld th lll illt.' l l'" l .'· " u ~ , ~p'p. hca~) o n. b,e mn,' de for. th e ad tition. Dudl ey F : Mille r to Laura F . ·"It n o r Mil y Ha ssle Dean Dakin versus Edna Pearl Miller. 5,08 IIcres in Le banon. lI'al ' t III I'hlY n il il '!" ". ' . •. .. 1'. In t 0 th e 1Il " I don't kll""·. Oh. I don'll, nn ll" Hl1lullon COl' th e f eeb le-mi nded . Dakin f o r divorc e, charges Ilre William C. And Pearl G. Hawes' I t 1I1I s "l ea l' thai lite :' traill l ) f • The COll rt ol'(lered that applien- g ros~ ~egl ect. . t o Floranc e nid er a nd Ednn T. thl' :; itu;,Linn wa s tllO mu e h f llr .1I0n be ll111d t' ~o ~h e 5up el'in ten LIZZi e Maln~osh ver s u s Estill , H a tfield. 116.10 acres in Deer- , her. T o lI alllilllt l ', itllr r"l'. ~ hc d nt o f . th e 111. tltuti ol1 of the McIntos h for divorce, charges are field twp. (' " lIilll>l.d "b l' lIl'tly in a : I'a s lll Ilf fceb l e' l1l1ll d ed fo r the ad mission of n eglect. Marti n and Carolin e -Bishop, by ~I 'h hill).!'. IH'I' La' I' in hl' l' hllnd ". Alb e rt .J ohns? n. W. H. T a}:l o r, vers us AI Shape r S h eriff to Louis Bisho p, lo t N o. ~ ccl) lInts h led ;Co r appeal fl om J . . P.. 13 and part of lot No. 14 ill Fra nk hel' horly . hukillg-. II I' s lu rtl't! til - " I had a .hoci< thi. mo r n inll wh e n . he a b ruptly ann ounc ed ward h i 1'. th., p~YI' hi(\trist lI' llI' l' " hai r in I b bl·igh l li r. h '.·' I go t the full e ffe ct of my dyed Es tate. Ma linda T. Re ed , dcT!l e Peop les BUlldlll1l' Loan a nd lin twp. hi l11 Io.l e]; whill ' hI' him self ap . ccn:' el~ " Ill' ·t a nd fin a l " Sav l n~ ' ~o.mpa n y o f L e pan on C harl es Tay lo r t o Co r a TllyIOl', "I I', t (,,, Ii i ,' 1" " II)' 111." Ill' <U I{- JII' " a n ' l l' 0 Il c n del'so n, p ost- , E s t.lte ?f ill. E. l) avlM , uec ea sed ver ~ u s Wilham E. Greathouse, real esta t a in Franklin. 1)l'Il:tc lied the' girl alld laid fI'Iuil!!ill ).!' on hi ' " ~h()ulde ,., g-r s I·CI. ":' UPPI)"I' I gIll ,,,.,, btl'!· !, lIlIing- th e ir nl'x t . ta l1( fo r a f ew Itr ilt a lld fina l. Le ban on ,. The Glob e Iro n Ro oflng Edwin M. ru ig t o R ob e rt R. "y. U ": " , hllw il i ~, ;\Ii ~" ('al'l'inf,; " nd \\1' '!'I '111 1 t" 1 tl" , dilY '! " du.,·~. I E s tate o f J os iah Morrow .de- a nd COlrugated Co m pa ny. N~~- B e njamin , t ru slt!e f or the h nefi t tnn," h' , ald. " (' 1',1' Kl'l1 tly . "YOU' I'C ~Ill' I,, · i·,II· I. I,ll h,,1' "u ick . 11 d UlI l,1 lI enciers" lI wus e'lll- ceased. fil 'st und tinal. ' I p ort, K y.,. a nd The Lebano n-CltI - o f William C. H a wes, 1l0.1 6 acr("s ~ lJ t q llil,. up tn th ()~ I' t " H ~ n' , lin" g- I"""l' a l tl\1' "1I " j' Ill dinll'j! ally lou~y wit h illv ~" ti g n tillm; ClIVeI' I The COU I~ t a pproved t h e r e p o rt zen s NatIOnal Bank nnd Trust in Deerfi eld twp;-III 11 11 , . way th(~' may <II, yll ll m o l" ,h ll \\I·1I 111111 l1tn ~ h, ' lia s tl'llll't(',1. inK lIa milt o n' s li fc' and pres e nt c, f sales made by Lo ui s H oppe ud ~ 1 Compa n y ~f Le bano n f o r f!1 0 n: y, Robe r t R. B e~jamil1 to Fl o r e n ce h.lIm tha n ~ol)d. O" n't Il.'l I h" t "I t d{' l" ",un" nil'''.'' ~ h(· ad- ; tl1l1(l inl-: . C l'I' l a inl y II l'ndel'!;o n r e- I ministl'utor of the est/ltc of ' An - um~ ~nt c lam~ed $2180.1,0 With m- S nid e r a nd Erina T. Hatfic ld. 11.6. flil{h ll! 1I yu u. 1' ," (',' r u,i n ti111 1 IlI il LI' 11. "e;t1 c d n" m o r e u l'.rl:l· IfI~l'ard !~n- I dl'ew .Jackso n B oy d . dece a sed. tel est at ,$ _.64 pe r . ~ eek from 16 acr es in D ee rfield twp. yuu'1'l' l'lIming t hl'uuf.! h th i ~ all "TIll·n 11' " \:". l 'a ll ,,,I It .. I'e a d,l' (lthe l' nH'l'lIllj.! tha n lI am lit o n dId. Cut he l'in le ,r. ' Up d yke adni . _ .Tul y 1, 1930 f o r f Ol ec\osure of E. F . Con ley to J o hn H . C o nlay I igh L an d ,'I'ry s"o n at thftt. I n in half an hftlll " .. ' II,· h U'1 ab n wil'!'ti In C hicago" t ratrix de bnn is n on with t h e' ~,\il m O l'tgag~ o n rea l estate and for 0.76 uc r as in Frunklin tw p. ' Ihe nll'H ntinll' "'IU mu st n 't mind "1 11 h,IIf iI l1,inll ., r ll....,': lin 'xtl' l!din~ !Iis [WIt' :HC:1ti o n. (! nu Il ll nt'x c' l o f the esta te of Magg ie other r e lt e L . if dn,,·t talk an ~' nllll '(' uf th i: "'·l'l').t h,lIl$!' 1 :"111. )''' 11 .k'" II. , Ill' ktllc~1 t nn l' fill' I',.,'., an ci hlln - ' A . Burka low, deeease d, -was o rd e r.. Bill. Allowed llIa n Hlld h i. ~ tO I'V ti ll we kllc)'" I "\\ l' 11 sl' lil 1111' ~I (1, 1"11\'1 '. 1 11 .- 1' lf d Uring' till' r('~ 1 of th e' \I' ~e k by c d t o se ll a b o nd of Th e Poto mac Marrl&lfe Llcen.ea '" . nC "hat \I, 'rc ah o ul : \\'" cal1 ' t ri. k Ir~' t c' he' . 011 . h e· j l'l'l1 I nl,l:a (' alillng- lll g- H 'Y" la l nlPtll l' JIU,lI1tR, ,Join t t oc k Land Bank of Alex C h ester Raymond H eery, sc h oo l $ C. ~'BC rBlg, OIl for m allltull1ll.r, )!'ctlin g' ro u ~ lil'l' d up o n fn l ~c l l\'llh a "al III Bflt" nil lilli',,, . ' /1 Illall l1N' II I' t wo, :ln~1 !;lI llIC lJu.~ : lI n(lI·ia. Vil', ~inia at the ) ri ce fix ed t eache r oC Blanchcs ter, 0 ., and 2.50. a~gha~ Motor Co., ,~o lk c lu,,~, cn n we '! " II , " 'a,, "Xll< tllll! ;11 ,,,"l lil· l'I);] d- "lid ~ l' all]l'1' ~1g'h(- ~ee 1l1g' c xpecl! - by th e Co urt. I Mi ss Margaret May Whitacre I on Ford •. $,l:85 , ,!,rac,' y Bone, s igns S h e \\'il)!' 01 he r ). '. and )u ll 'II ~t el' ",h l' lI it \l':t ~ nfr '1 1'd r,ll' hi s t!<lnoo . T hl" p \\' Il ~ II I) d?lJlJt that rn th e case o f Fred A . S n ider s acl'etul'Y of Mo rro w. July 25. '$.2 .5 ~; C~ netTInatl W orks '!o., h c rsl' lf t og-<'th c l'. I !IISPI' l'!\I" II 1I.,' hO.t ,'1 i!: lr.IKC·. IJ I~ ,'c play,,1 up. \\," Ild e rtllll ~·. S h I-r uanli a n, p lai ntiff ve r s us M atild~ J ohn C. R eynolds, labo r er of OIl g~ease, $t42.85, J: Henry KIPP " '0 ," s hu s l ~ lI dily ng-rccd. "Bil l ' IlI s!> I ,'oI ron 11'1' II I).! It ,·1 , :tlll' d! ~~krd 11 0 I!UPhtln n:; and II traY!'11 J . ~l'tJc, e t uL, defendan ts , rli s tr '- Franklin und Miss Dora R e yn olds 1 \epalr. wo rk, $22 ..8 0, A, A. Butif I hc )' It' l enl c1 u C'~-" a 1;;0 \)I.I \, I,·d:t1l .,\" lwlIl'ke d tire c, nly .occu~ lolwl llI UllIcnt s of d e- hll Llo n o f th e Pl'occeds of the saia of Franklin, July 25. rough s$' s a",!e, $3. Wult~r Doane, " If II)(,Y'I'e r 'u l t' ltl c~ Vil li ('a n I l'h:.J llg l,d. l. ul 111 I"I~" not l11.lIch i' 1'~~~ l l! n . . _ ' litH! o rd e r ed. William Fllbinu Zv ick, truck sn~e, 3 .7 6 , Hnynes BUlto n: s~~e tili st u ~ t o le ll \'Oll. In th'!' Illean - III " I',l ' th lln !lI'l·n IY 11I 111'ltr: h do l'c IIw t hI rd li llY ,1'.1'(' iliad a n u nI II trw ca se f H 'd drive r o f Dayton and Miss Mamie l $3 JOJh'h Homar. sa me, $3, Blatr wa l tillll', I h(,~l? 1l.line.' a I" ill :" OLl I' h.C' 11l'11' (:' 1 1,. ,'(, III II t hl' car a th e tXI'<,c t{'d ~lIg-gl''' l1l'~' [vim:. adl11ini~t ra ol oh Alice McClung. factory ' wo rk er of ~n8 920. J 80n, ~onc~ete form s. m ind ;lnol th,,)' llIay "tal'l ~(j IllC sub- Garland " ' lIll':" ,f'l" II I I' rn n"d was . "I l r.' , )·ou th,n l< It, wou ld h,c a ll ' !lll n exed of t he . WIt the WIll Maso n, July 26 . . 1'1' 1 9. '. . ~enlY KIPP, lumb~r. c" I'~ci "u~ \\' 1'1'1; . W ill \'1I1I hI' pn- Sl' I:~' I1('I , ut '''~'I' I' C'I ,\' I'1:t('[I(·al. II~hll~ '1·,'cl l' oPPl' d, l11toJa l<csto- i Rc c d, deC £!:1!<edest~ t~oftrJameR P. , Oli vc rA.Jaco bs.truckdriv,aro f $4 71.1.~, ~elds Drug Store, Imti('nl and I (1"1' " II I he' n'~t til ti l'. I 1111dllll I I'.' I,· ~: ', U s pend fllg-ht . I:11' till h"tJ l' ~: ~ h ' a s kt'I!. a tn ~ I. , versus Waynesvill e a nd Miss Ida Louise l sbe~dd 01, $7, \'I. H . Mu~den & Co., J o hn Recd M :ln d promi ,;e n ot to lisk any Ill Ol'e Illlln('y 1111 111(' "I ~ W.I ~· , " ltl' 1\l~1'" \ \ ." 11 d ll unyth llll!' you hk e," H Ol11c [;u 't o n o n gOlne l Y Cou nty Fairchild, o f W a n csv ille Jul 28. 1'1. ge r epa ir material, $3 1. 7 6 qu\.~ ti o l\;'·!" . 111I.\lrcci.: I " ,h l' ",01, 11l'!, placl' bcs ld e hI' , ,," I ;l[ IIn('~' . but s h e s aw thllt du n ts.' it ,r.a s ~I'~ .• elt a I., def~n J ohn Cu rI os [auti s , r'arm;r of OhIO Corrugated Culvert .Co .• corr. "Y 's," ~ Ill' s :lt U, lind I' ~o- hllll. [h l' Il1lJ 1" 1' III . I1lfl lH' ,\' II':lS ~ll l' I'lo~ p e r."1 lhl'.<' x pl'd lti o n IVUSI Of th a c ti e r ee that notice CUI~ b l e' a nd Mi ss Henrietta Mount ! s ewers,. $269.56; Oregonlll Bridge lu tcly 1:\ lI1il('d at h im . .11'111 :lSh n:1)1' <I IlIcreu ~ II1"ly nil h ' I' Ill ll. d . Il l' l?;UI'I' III t l ll l-(' Iy d l, I!lS ldul t .. him. :he non -I'csi dcn~td ~e Tad e bupon t~e teuch er of Carli s lc July 23. CC\, rell1f~rced stael, $1405 ,,67; /lr my;.c lf fIJI' IJ l' cald ll~ d Ol\'ll ." the w hel, 1 n "lll c· fr C' c wh irl and 11':" ; n ll t ,,111 PI' '' ,u. l 'r~) I1~ thc fil'st neLio n . e eJl(~nts y pub ltc ' WI so n ~am~ Co. , r ed -lead OXId e, "You n' l n' h y, u'I" r) ' n r :;1;)1' cd thl' l'''i\d ~t.' I· llpt(IIIJ\ . Itt' 1111\1 ~hl )lI' n a n u llw lil! n g-nass to Hul h B . . Re I E tat T ~ f $181.60 ,. OhIO Ce ntral T e lep hone till ollj.[h t hi ... \I"II\ 'ler/lIlI : " ).!": II ~ I Thc' IIJI\lI ~ t " I' \\':.1': ~1!~prllilc hil1 ~ d i,;rtb~ hc'l' ",Xl'l'l·ie· l\.cc a t .J a k a's (1 1' IIf fll F e~ . Pa~ke, ~ dl11ln1stl'at!ll' . a. e r n . era Corpora tIO n, . rents , $~2 . ?6; James " (l u're C ll l1li li ~ IIU L of it ~1.'lJl)d(' r , ti l(' tUI'n lhid Il' d " \\ hll., I ' IiI Ill!' . "", ' 11 t n a dl1l1 l I hil l l! n,lci I!cclIl'ad. ki c ld I . t a,~e Ed\\ard M. TltlrR. F. and Faye FO?,bower tO l l'ollen, s ervices a s Jllmtor, $16; 'cully . t l) . II I \',' ll t hi n\( YI, U ;,,'ili She 1[11I11.'·l.'d rllI \\l1 lI( h l'l' PUllll''' . " I'd lik<: I .. g'I'," , 111' arnplilipd , cU I -t ai~)c~~::':ke( r'VI~ o rd e r e £I to s e!1 B e rt Cullom , 110.07 a cr es in Har- Jenn , A . .Morton, s ame , $70; C. ~ I (. . p to -ni/!h t·.';· nn.(.1 h(>1' , IlIc,' !, (JIo('I'~'II.. 1C'11111 h, .. mal1ne·\, . "Th ey wCl' e vate Ra le a~ 0 ,t e esta te at pn~ Ian twp. . . Don?ld Dllatus h r e n t for office, " f h n r l' < ., I hun a "I" l'h Ih" 11I1111111lg' II' hl'l1 :"1 '"IIIIZl lI g l\, gllo d t" 11I l" 1' \' (. t o ld D. ' I B d f OI cas h . L eW IS W. Atkis on to DaVId $20, Lyle Blank Book Co. , s up pli as, $10 ; L . M. Scofield , soap, ' )" IILI IIlI~I\'i tn f .· I think 1'111' " I l oo i;l'tl " Il\ ~' I/' ill Ih ' I!h,~ '\I\d .1"11 I h"l , :\Iid I kft lhrn; u nd e r a l1lillt~~I'~l . ut; ''hIlS app o inted ad - Holmes 6 acres in Utica. I.n h C' 1"0'11 1 h 'JIll C, "" i rh't ~ [ i~l. l!<>l lhl ' fulll ·lrl,(,t "r' "' ~. cilld h 'lil' (' 1" ,"1. I I) fa' 1. the\' ~a)' .fakc A B~i~ ol lo t estate of Ellu Philip B. and Mary J. Young to $6; Tre a s ure r o f S tat e. c1 othJim Sainsbury, London fruit ~l:l l l ':1l'1' in l-: l 'I' g . in I" i/.!h l li1: hl." ,hI' al ' I'I'I ·' I.\' il lI- 1' 1'1.' r f,,, '~i 1'1'" a n~' 0 111' who b';n ll o f ' $~ ~gga se. and fil ed hi s Will C. St. J ohn , Adam F . Mel1~h ing Willia m .Skidmore, $l~; M. A . " GII" r1 n ig-ht Ill,ct'JI'. " nc)~lln·rl. , . ' ,1""" 11;111 ,·"Id.' !I~ t lwy pu t It. Arl hur E B tt w~t1~ .lo ~n C. and a ndJ ohn F. Barnard 92.80 acres In Burke, . r e paIrs at M~morlal Hall. kct porter, wh o c1aitnS' the title world's cha mpi on. bask et balanc I , I CU ll 1111:1>:111 [' II. I III :!i: ld , 101" - :'-" I "· ,, l1y " 11"hl If' ~ho ll' UJl. . . u u s s u reties. Ralph Turtiecreek .twp. . ,$20.:4 5 , Mrs: .Mattte Gardner, There' are 19 baskets on his head. <I'lf. 11' 11 1'11 ) I< U \\ ""1' ) "I II' h:rl. l llh 11· 1.1' II" an al'olnl-r l'. " _ Joseph Hlll es to LeWIS Barrett, serVices as lanttor, $20; Paul Tal1(.~ llg II I' I',) " d 1,.1. " 10101" ';11' h lll '"( f I"'UI .' " '' hI ' re .~lI .. ~s IY uf,; I'ac d , lots Nos. ~7 and 88 in Union t:ov P K a hn Tire .Co., 1 m od el 102 radio ",r~', 1I:1111llt II lid !,·d 1,,1' l !r' "lluI . . .I'"U 1'''1I1c1 writ l' , you looked at h " k J. S . Riddell to Sllmuel Colhns, for Memorllll Hall. $129,30; Prod.l'I " I,~lII'" ",:" 11,,1 iI I"l,i" t .. r111'\' 11 1;1l1l\~ .IO ~ " 1)0 r Lm ~n I~oe " a l ~rm . . lots Nos. 185 and ~86 in Franklin. ,. bate qourt Warren County. com- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"""!_ nil. 11 ,"' ,, 1" ',, 1 I, ,"I""C' ,,1\' " I \. p ,lulI[' 11101 1." ~ I)(' g'!\\' e him ' ~ o.~r I ca lt ze. s he s~ld C harl cs H . Collms to Clyde C. ' pensutlon on road No. 30, $26; ~ . • '''' ' 11 " '- '~""'. !'11111:'",:' " 101 ,"", il lIlld" I.. "k. " Yo" dOll't'l': lIl t m c t;~H3~ng! Y'r .rhati~r~ ome ntsy.oure Collins lotNo.linSouthLebanon ! Charles A. Dugan, labor, $3~; . al lill" ,1111". \ loll ;oIl 11.1,11.1' !I 11,1' I" 1:''' 1,:Il' 1< t h"I·'. rio )' ou'! " . ~gllnlnl~bg 10? In .I nrl a.ct like .n C harl es W. Blackford to Jacob ' t:rank Wardlow, labo r, $8.40 i Wtl- -iJ l'I ' iI Id " . 't ," ",.,. fran kl ,' I d " n't. But we' lI I(m. IU S an,~ . Th ~ prop ri e tary alt G. and Clara Kindle, 69.64 acres ' ham Schnell, supplies, $3. 7($; A. r!'h.C' fil l11' Ju \ ('1 - 0~ :j .Gullran tl', ,01 "."11 I.,' 1" " d) i' 'I II~' I"" C'III "".' :~", .j.U~1 I he' .. a nw, if ,l' o u'l' e I' ('a ll y y~u :~ ,'vca l'lnJ{ "thiS Illtnute ";'~uld in Cleal'creek twp. M. Lewis, 1 empty gas tank, $10; RESIDENT I~' I!<:I, fl.'i' ~ ,· t1I'1II~: 1, !I ll1bagll. ~ h ,' lI iI" II '" ' 01 :1< 1.1 r " il . '(C""I f,, 1' it. " " \'I" 'l' l', I' ll a s k vou derC' lV<. t.h o c ia. est ob e rver. Jac ob G. and Cillra Kindle to W. C . 'Newcom~, gas for roller, ' ~"Hlt I ' - I ~ ",,\\ ""alia l,11' to all hUl. ~.h.l· al,· I! . I', ! . \., " " II " 1"'- I ... i lid " I).!\' 1111' ill o n (' d r ta il. . IIlc flu s he d.. " Geo rge C. und Mnmie E, Bauer, 3 $15.02; Oregonia Bridge Co., rein, H ,tT ' I ~::':; fl' lIl11 thc. C' L~ l't.l1l'e~. I h".I· 1;,,1 :' " , . II .1 h"I "1 I '" dill''' 11 ' (' "" YOU I' hu s band . I beg lyo u,l pllrdo n. .to wn acres in Clearcreek twp. forced .steel, $169.63; Web Simp.! u ~ - h_ " I" .:1 ,l' 1'''Sl'I'lIJ\lf,n n f II \ ~' r;II , d " , " I IIi" oJ!" 'I 1: 11.' 1'1, .1 " ,,' 1 '1:111 Ih",.: (, J1 1?1IJ11l' 10 th inl; :, Ie I e e nt,e . . I" Ann a Sage to Vince nt P . Sage , son. bridge lumber. $291.72; Van PE f<l I1 "'\I '; ~" \"' I,tll ~t I hal. h ilS d u n e 1' ll' lI "f '1\ ~ I I i " . ' I'" ,til· ." ' 011" f . dl 'iflin (!' al'ul1n ci a lo ne." , ~~u ~I on t. n <:e d t!l . . Enc. lots Nos. 4998. '4999, 6000" 600l, I Cum.p Stone Co. , furnishing and RMANENT LOCATION \\,o n"l,'r, (1) 1'. I h (, u ~ill1d ~ Wh l' l1 1lI11I1Y I' " . iI',J "I',' ' 1, ""!:"' .. " ,. "A " .\·u tl li k,'." .< he :tg-l'c~ d. ' ''But A ~. h, t~ 1 n~d an l11um,!n ed foe,: to 5002. 5005, 6006 , 6007, 5768, ' loadtng, $57.33 ; Ohio Central Tel e "I, I~(" 'Y"WoIl h ' f "' l. . \\ ~' ." ' 1< y lln t o 1""1 ,01 I .. ''II' 'I' . ... , '.,.1,1 '1 ('1'," .1)" 'i; I11,1! " I'. in th " v i ~ i t . ThC. l h CI ~ h e a dd ~ d ~.a stily, I know Ju st 5769, 5770, 577l and 5772 in phone Co., tolls for office, $ 69.35 I I~ tl lI ~ f.11111 ' LI :' 1'.1,·" , Ip II l' I1. .A , Ila ll! ril' '', ,,, I · d I '. c'.II. 111 "11 lI (,l1(h'l' ~c 'll IHn' t Iik c,ly t o be IHJ~~ .you f~ e,L . Deerfield twp. -- - -- - - - -LEBANON H fl'\\' d..,. ,,~ tI -I IIIIl~·. s l ,,1" I~, (lnal \\ h"n I hI')' I, I. , ,) ' Jr, II' ,i ', . ' 1... , ,. lI t.""ill . il n d (' v e n if he' were ' O ~l d,~n t kn o,,:, anythmg . of William G . Shafl'er to Vincent P , 0 10 :,u d llI.illl Y ,111·upl,· ~a~:: " It i ~ worth ".11(' d C. li l" 1,01, h 1,·,1 ! 1", 1'1' :I" . " Th c'"" ' ,, 11 " danl! t' I' at u ll. T hn t' ~ ~,h c 1;.' I1U , he ~ llId unst e~dl! r Sage, lots Nos. 5003 and 5004 in Eye. Examined I '~ W('Ig!.1 ' II gl, III. So ld by Adams lir >1 11: 111 ' , ,til' ,,1''''1 I ""." l l. 11 ,, 1 wlillt 1'111 Ih in k in " ahou t. " But s ome day I hop e y o u Will. Deerfield twp. Watch your expiration date on the Cla.. e. Fitted ' li e \l'il S i! lad t " I,h l' , k ll ·,11 n "' 11\('Il l! s p"k e ~ " c urtly ' tha t ~ h e ( T o be co ntinu ed) Rache l Crew to Frank W. Crew . The Miami Gazette D r u g Stere o _ ___ _ _ __ _____ 1__

Primary ~ - August 12th c.



Judge Gram is opposed by and is fighting the Mal Daugherty - Dee Pemberton machine, which is bac'k ing his . opponent for a









,,, 1'1 'J







t. .










. ,




Sj 11




Dr _. J0 bn Zet teI 0pt' tr- t


I 11t,'f.

!:' s{





}'9 N. Broadway


-=~~~=-~~~~~================= =========~--~=====================


c t:

AN II'-\,.:, LS




Pinky Ha s Dad'. Number

-A~t> 'YoUR Ot.:








MONEY LOANED LOANS a n Livestock, Chattels, . Second Mortgages . Notes bought J ohn l\arbina, Jr., Xenin; Ohio.

HO'R5E , EH?

5 % Farm· l.1oans LONG OR , SHORT TIME- Easy terms. Also Surveying al)d Ab· $tracting. Write ~nd I .'will 'C811 and see you. Sam D. Herikle, Way· 1n esville, Ohio. . Jl1 FOR SALE I



SALE - Jersey Bull, 1(j month.. old. Sam D. Henkle,


L.:.:==:.!=~~~~~~J, Phone 69F6.



f ' _ _ __




Salesmen Enthusiastic I About New Medicine Brought, is Eag er To Tel Others I




Office Phone ...................... No. 112 Relidence

............ : .......... .,No. 118

Tht' Anti·Saloon l. eajl'LH' I' ll('!','nt a 1'1:1.1' at Ibl' . ('hllol nU dit o l'i llm u n "unlln), \'('ning, 1I/{u, t 10, ~: vl'rynn" is UI'j( ~ " t o !LL. (· nll. Th ( t·t' will ill' 11" adll1i ~l' iOl\ e hHI~ 'S.

Sublc:ription Price, $1.50 • Year S .. lea mon,


at PO.t dO;cc (It Wor nc ..Jillr: Ohio, a. Second C i a •• Mo i c r



The tramc light fl ash ed I'ed , 'lind a big cal' s topped ~ h ort. The car be hind it bru she(1 the front cal" s fender. Nothing of any im portance

no nll l;w I' at 1111," [ sa id tu myse l f. "W hal is he cluing ull th i~ time? L c,ukill g' enge rly in cvel'Y mllil t o find my lette l·. Plll nning- out in hi!'! mind the th in g " he will suy in r c p ly .M e ntn lly lashin g me to th ('


ml:':~n d


AUG US T G, 1!J30



i\li ~~ Hllih n nnr. in C IllJlany "'11 r, OUI' : ;/' I 1 h( . I' ('Il lI !, 'In , ~II'· ,, ~~ Evckc an,1 fri "llIl of Anclel·~n n. [lid .. i" (, Il.illyin/! n tI'ip Ihl'o lllo:h Ih " ,' ust, "i :,i tin)! Ph ilad . lphiu. Nc' w Y'· lk . W n:,hinl!ton, and I,tll(' r pllint~ " f inlel·l' <\.

R e lie f N e w M e dl·ci n.e Brouaht, .. Is Eager t() Tell Othe r s "'~"W'" .."-...' .. " .... ~:\,









driv e r of the first I 11m g-lli ng to ·::/h:::.'·" 1I . 1(' n W l' lr h I'('llIrn(' oI cn r wa H on'the l,uvell1enl. No one ' hinl. I ' nl g-uing t c' leav" him th e n !, ~i) fr o m" ,h>lij!htf,,1 nl ntnl' t"U I' wilh :'" 1h,)' nUll t ~ tht' :\I " s l' ~ n'·I1I1'·. cou ld b ump him with .inpuni t''' ' j a ll botlled UP . s lewing- in hi ~ uwn ". . fl f I " c'd ~h ow the wo rld . ., juice." I ;;'; ~ "'1L·ast('l'. I s toPI)(!d to wlltch the perfor- • P earl' Cllllll' nVl' l' Ill(' . I n l,ver l· .,. T hp KI ,. vl'1' K OI' k ~ Kl ul, rnl'! 11\ . - - - -- - - - -- - - -. Illan ce, nnd the uet ion o f th e o th er Ithought of thc· man :lj!:lin. .. :,) ' th e hOIll(' .. f \ 'irginia lI"d \ 'i"iall .dri ver guve Ill e 1\ s mil e . Mild and I t'~ nc·· t an urig inal id ea. .Jo hn l .:.j Tll ek.,\'. "",,lItlwi lw II,.. I'",-"d al' 1'\I~ i So mu c h has be en printed si nc e in nocent, he Slit. li e did not turn D. R ockef 11(' 1'. in hi s YOUIW;(' )' da ys .: fJ , n" ~;;. Wt' "i~(' II ,~,.t1 th .. "lllh t"tll' til tho en d of the Will' about th e hi s h ea d. H e never sa id II w ord. I WII~ working lIway at hi ~ des k "ne !; :.).~)' 1);\\'1011 . F in' el f 1I ~ wllnl, ' ,J til 1:" Un lt ed States as a c r editu r nati o n Wh en th e trllffic light fla s he d ' aftel'noon wh e ll 1I Illan ru s hl'd into ::' ;:.. alld \I'(' r\, ~ I : "I I" fond ' hal ~I I _. thut mo I of ~I H rH!Vl'r sto p to a sk gr ee n h e "tt:ppe(! o n the gas a nd t~tl ~tlic~ a nd hegall t o d e nouncl' ',:. ./ lJ awk" 11·",,1" I"k, ' u>. 'I'h,. h"- , , whclh e r we ~ tlll o \\' e !ln~' b u d y any- m o ved awuy. [-[, ~ ang ry accuser h Im III I'loll'nt t(' rm ~. · lH ('S.-!" ~p n· , . d d iliti,,"~ ~: IIH I\\' i l'hl'" thi ng. ha d to c limb ba ek into his dri ver's ' MI' . R nc kpf ~ lI t'r lea lH' d back alld , '. ~ { and It'rnn ll n d, .. [ t rl'm!lin r d fOJ' Dr. Julius Kl e in slJn t, a llu befu r t! he co uld ~et listcl'!l'd 11::; if to a s lur~' of fa ,c inal . . J:;: r:l iz:d) (' lh ( ·aJ'l'. H,·p" l't ,' I'. I A ,,~ i stan t .Se(·r 'ta l' Y of Co mm e rc e . goi ng angry hor ns w e r e IJl owlng , Ing Inte r es t. Il l' di d n ut utll'l' to p o int out the ot he r d ay thllt be- n il ur o und him. · word . .~~:~:r:· Th t' [{ail l is! ~ I i "s i"'\· ( 'in 'lt ' s id es b e ing the g l'('atest c redito r He h ud hud th e sat is factio n of i PI'I'H'ntly the man ('x hau . it'd /:./ \\'a - h('arll\' \\',,1" 1\111 d I" Ih, . 1r"' lIP n at iun of t.he \\'or ld, we Ilr c also hi" ou t bur t, but the ~i l (' n t lilan l him self. an( ~ wulk l'd Olli. II, n king l )' (If ~ I I ~ . \ 'i,' I" I! "rt ~'''' k \\" ." " ' '',th e gl'eu t esl d ebto r nat io n. w o n. I I'ath c r f{J ,, !J ~ h. Mr. Ho ckl'f(,lI er ... j , t1 i1~' . "'.I1''' "t :Hl . T hi:, 11:\> lin :111 In "t h e r wnrds, the Unite d Years ago I rt!cc ive d u very bit- quiet ly pirkl'''. u p hi s pr n a ll d dal' 1IH'l' tin~ . '1' 11(' d" \' ,>li " ,'" \\,('1 ',. Stutes i ~ th e ti n unciu l ce n lel' o f ! e r ~t' tte r . Th c ~' a:; '."'ron.g / WC I~t o n \~' llh hI S w ork: MR . C. A. LOUDON il1 ' ch:HI'" " I' ~II' ''. Ed i h I.n1<"I " . the world. III hi S fn ct s and unju s tified III hiS 1 he r e IS a I" 'I'y WI R,· ol d " r ~ (' I he r t " /li e I"'illl! "S:lr" h." :'111' - . "No 'Q untl' y in h is t o r y hll \'t.' r tone. wh ic h rcud s: " The 1l1l'l'k s hull in " I' . I h t ' I I !'II an' [l "~ I,'r ":I"" :111 ;'"i l'lI('l i,·' ow c d ~lI Illuch to f OI:l'ig-ncl'!' a s w r carl' iNI the I (!lt~r arou nd in he rit th,' earth." , \ ( " J " a f a :-; ('l'~'. Hln. Y I 1\1 ' " n( . I" "" ,',n , " "~I I.di(',, 1 !'Il i ~, i"n:lI'~' I A Ill ll l'l· Canl;; uwe t OtIay " sail. I D r ' I III Y IJO Ck e. t S evera I t'Illl es I ~ tU t II It 'IS t I·U ' ,/. L 00 k al. .1 g-rl' at( I ling'" (I I' Ill" 1'. • I' e( Olll1u \, n n . .J\ I '!lI .1 F:' r ~ aJ' \\' ,,11; on F r, I' (.ig'n Jo' i,'ld ~. " A I 11(' Kl ein. IT e di·,1 not Ill en'n, lllIWe\' CI', to "ic lu te 11 h ot reply. Th en I The m eek .do ~?t make n s pccta- I: ' ":'u , \:~~ '. ' ",~ I~,'n . a\,·nu ,·: 1I, "' n hn nl' II'/' "11 io\'(' d a dr'li('i otl~ tha( thi s a n ationa l d c' ul. H e wa s would t hink of so m ethll1 g nI t-a ner , ('u lm' , howlIlj!. 1 h e y Ins r many o p- 1 a )tr n . I't l a 1 tll11~ n ,:\ a l, d lWlIntiful dinll .,. I" whi ch ,,11 tll ikin g- abo u t deb ts owed ab l·(.ud and d e cided .to wait and tl' y again p.o rlunili cs tl) alln,~un ce th (' il' ~' ~',; Il' ly ,~·.a~ In . I~ rll~ : ( O il 1:'d"H l I: hitd rnl'tr;j,"it.d . l\1 1'~. 1' h"rnl.ul'\' , by Ame ri ca n bu s in ess. Un th e t hird 1ll 0r nll1g I ha d .nn r igh t s, and d e f e nd lI1l! lr honol' nnd ~' O ll: '~'I. , VC I.:> n~ ' ' O~I ~ ,In l~n . nn.! MI·- . C .. II"1l ha d .(' h;\I·I' - "f Ih;' J1' tIt ~ ~ (' IP 1\t'ilk.1t IlI g l.11. II \la s ~,,(' i : d PI'II l! r'llll ill tl1(' "rtl'1'1l 0(l1l . W e ha ve alwuys owed m on ev inspil'lllioll. " The m ost PoralYZll1g l s how what t(Hlgh fe llows Ih ,' y IIrc nbrond. 1.· lw ru il ways s ys t c m Ilf an ti wer [ ca n se nd l o this m an is But th ey ('crtain ly do inh e dl. I f" ~llll g 1I'l' lg 1\ Hnlll h<'Pt g-o lnl\~I' ( o\\' n "' (l ll tn~.. t~.' ,',nrl ~lIr illl r ha ! \\'{'rp 1'11_ " . .. . . l'l' In g w()r ~ e a t (' tim e. v I.:o n- ' , thn e .U n,. ted State!; was bLJJ! ~ 11\ the ==----=~ __ _ I I'I'on I e " I 111 e ~, 11.1 I that I t!'i u n o t .. n i(lI'(·,1 \\' al ('r nl< ' I' ,n 1" :' < ~I'I'\' "'' I. "'lllnl11g 'In{1 1'·lr"'e l,· fln !ln"cd. I ( I I ) C, ) J t . hIt ft (. I f u ~... ' . ... . , . . 11'01 k f or tW (, m/, nth ~. I wa s IJadl~' III t (' a (' n (' rn on l.. 011 ~ ~ 'll' li lnce by seIling th (, bon(l s unu Everybody who ca n take a vn ca- mos t see m s u s If two OUl (,f l' \'el'Y! d· , .o . 1 . th" 01;1\' inrfu ,l,' d : M,. . :\I,d !'II I'!'. much o f th e p I'efen ed ;;t ock in F:u- ti u n t ri es to tak e. it in ~he S um - three p el:s ons o ny kno~I's lire away I I ~~I ur,'~~~~' to f ee l b eller rig-hl \\' . T . .1nrllu ll . MI'~. Ali e l' 1':l'lI'in. /\ Tope. W e arc n o t th e only Jl eop le Iller, and Augu st Is the tIm e when on vucatl un dunn g thi S m o nth o f , fr l'l1l th ~b~ldnning of th(. I\ Cln'o la S . (' oIl !:'!\. R l" '. Th I'nI I\ II·\·. and who have uh\:ay~ be e n re.a dy to bet !,clI pl e wh~se hom es a nd work are Augu~t. __ .. __ _ _ ~ treutl1l(,~t. Ntrv o u s n ess grU'lu~I II Y Ihl' . .chilrlrl'n iJ1. th diffl'r~'nt n t h e futule of Am er ica . Wh en 11\ lhe clli s get away a R f il l: a ' di sH I peaH,d 'a nd n o kn o w'. ~anlllt e~. T here wdl h i nl' I1lN'tlllg I t h e lutl" ~I'thul' . St il well ~" unted t hey Cll n fro m t he an d n n lse. PUBLIC SALE what a \'(' Iie f it wa, t o g e t a good III AugLJ ~ 1. m oney wl~h which t o bUIld th e Th e vacation habit ha ~ becomc ni ' h t~ rpst I h'lI' e tak e n 'ix blltI(unsas C ity So uth er n h e cou ld so w id e"p r ead ·in America that it tl g . I 't' I' b I' " I f' I Mr. nnd I\1r~. [J (' rh e rt 1'111" nnd not get it in Am er iell, but found in is Prllcticlllly univ ersal. There are I will s ell at public !I uct io n in t' (',; t ul t /I e IInc , c ! ~vel ~l \'I 'h eel Jalle Ellen of Wa s hinlrt n n C . II . 11 t ll Is W.I I .JII [[ 0 II 11n. d W Ilen tl II! r e nn sy I- f ('w , I' f IIny, b U S lII ' CS S h o uses or Mr ~ . M(>J'l'itt's s t',T(' ro o m lit H ar- .t. In e, . ,t! (lwe n Il n ( ' , '. . ,'11 . 'I t th r \\'(' re .S 11111 I~,' . l?lIe ~ t ~· II f " vUllin Rnill'O ad n eeded 11 hundr ed Ill n nufu ctu r e establis hm e n ts whi c h v eysb urg, Ohio. o n ~ 1 ( l'!gl I" <) C ell JIIg POIHIS 0 I Mr~. Fra n k Wil ~ o n. milli on d ollarll with which t o bui ld do n ot g ive u ll c mpl11yees som e ' Saturday, Aug. 9, 1930 . " ~ Jo :l. .. . . , _.. o t e l'min n l o n Mnnhnlllm 1 ~ l and sor t of 1.\ umm e r vacatio n. The B egi nhin ~ III 'I p. Ill., th(' f " ll ow [\ v I1Jll lo cd.n . d0 . , I S much for . Mr .!I\1d Mr'. rhnlll .lS and d,ltJ l! h nnd dig II tunne l und e l' th e Hud - ~c n cru l ru le i!:! two we eks with plly ing H ll u»e ho ld Goods: un~·_o ~ e. whQl1 It I s g'IV,l' 1l a.~('a l ~ l' ~ ~ tN ('~HI' l otte .h a 1'1.'. m o \' ,, 01 f l' olnl h l' One H oosier Kitchen ('nh in et, 1l1!'i. ' ~C() ml1lell/l e d th., t th IS n:aslel MIIIlI )lro J}c l t y IlIt n th c'. 1-l all1<' ~ go n Riv e r it borrowed t he nlOncv f( I' all w h o hnve becn with the con in FrllnCe'IIA'lIln s t its bonds. T hos(. c~rn a year or m or e, o n e w ee k f o r T abl es. hai r s, Wulnut Saf e , Cup- m.('(hc l~ . . be t~lk~' n ~~'~':.[\ p e J'J od o f I1r n p" I .t~'; M.r. Thnmas 11'11.1 . t~~ch ate o nl y two o ut o f thou salld s of th os", wh o hOV e been with it les:I board R. Sideboard. Ol'ga n , Sta n ds f1 01!1 SIX t ll. e Igh t. ~.t c k .. . I th e Olive Blllnch ~('hnol th IS t( 1m. ' , C'IP- h U IS' Book ca s (' w ith Writing De ~ k, 1 I\ (\ n ,.11" Is sol d III W f\\'n SVlllc, ~xnm r Ics 0 f t l1e ~Yn y f o rel~n. t an a yeal·. ne e a m I~ more V Ivct S'l S t R k H Ohio ··'tAda D St ' I b Mi~~ I\ ath l('('n G,.,1halll a n d Mi ss IUtu l' t hla~tabteen . Illtlvest r d t 111 the Fgenl e!'oIU H" ~IIIS mp lOyeCS" loll lth e Wel Sll ,:., e1\t1 eeh · ClC led"s 2 BUgSI' all th~ best":il'h'::~i~t~ i~r~;lt~11~WI1~ rhvlli~ W (,hh of Daylnn nr <- S I1 nol C n l ec es 111 1· pas . 'Clera IVI e rvl ce get.) cuys Il nut. eW Ing. ue lI1e 0 " el I h h;....... . . ' . ' tl' . k '1 1 M I ~I ' . Th . I 11 I ' u . . h f II J'l' om uits o f bed, dr esse r, Beds, tll'c,ug n ut t IS c' nUl'c sec llon . 'Ilg 1" \\('l' WI 1 r . lInl , I ~ . IC wa R abut 1In owlllrlJlg a nn ~ vacnllO W it u. Jlay. II o ward Graham an d Mi~~ N(' lli,'. afte l.<'the wnr. E u.r ope[l One l1thmg which b us .lJ1 ess has antiqu(', 4 Ilairs Pill ow, 1 Bol ster, • _ _ __ __ are p O llrin~ money into ollr e n- di scovcred is that vacations pny 1 old wa lnut Bureau, I Co uch, The "Welcom r " ('la ss o f . J ( <lHlh'~ tCl'pri fl('s with C' ven ~rel1 te l' eag(! r~ F ew perso ns ca n sla nd the un re- Ilis h ('~, LampR, Ki tchen Ute n sil K, Hun S unrlul' S c h oo l cnlel'tni lH'd ncss than be fo r e . Appurcntly fO)· - fl1itting grind of 52 weeks of work B ook s, In gra in and R ag Carpel, the "Ri bl,," 'ch, s;; quite r oy allr !It eig n invell tors think thi!l is n bettel' withollt I'e laxa lion l o r if th ey ca n Gard('n T oo ls, Trunk , etc. the chu rch Fr idu y cVP llin",. Follow pluce to inv est t h a n at hOll1e . stand it they do n nt tak e it kindly. T e rlll S m u de kn ow n on day of the I)U R ine ~s m e eting, a CO l1t ~ t. 'A At th e end f 1920, Dr. Kl e in In h ea lt h a cc umulate d f or the r est s a le. l\lu sieal ROJ1lllnc(l ", wa , featured. NATHAN GRAY p()ints o u t, the tota l Eu r opean o f the year vacations pay di vi .'·or the l\1i ~~ Ruth I nw oo d find Mr~ . Mnri (' in\' estm e nt in A m cricn in dus tr y dends to empl oyCl'S a s we ll as to Frank Wil so n , Auct. Gray wel'c wi n n c r!'. Moth I' GOllse Cllrl Duke. C lerk. hnd climbed t o se ven and o n e-hlllf e mploy ees. chnmdei;, IIUIl r e lay rllc es, an d b illi on d oIla r~ . No . u c h SUIll hnd The a utom o bile has extended o ther gume, furni sh ed Ulllus eJ1l e nt evcl' ber n reached b e f ore the w a r. the l'IInge o f vacation roaming in1 will o lTer at public sale at my Th e c limax of a p leasa l1(' even ing Th ese inv est m en t!' are in nil ~o rts lund, while fast steam sh ip and low pre mi ses on F o urth St., Wa yne s wa~ the ~('rving o f A' n e /'CoU ~ he lpof industry. Tw nty out o f the 23 rates f or oeenn trave l mak e it pos- ville, Ohio, on ing ~ o f ice cold wat er m <'lun . llJ'ti fi c in l s il.k p lllnts in th So uth ible ev en f o r th ose wh o have o nl y Saturda y, August 9, 1930 I III'e o wn ed by European cap ital. a fo r t night free from busin ess t o B eginning at 1 o'cloc k the f o lRU~' mond Eakin s suffc l'(! d a pllin P(!rfum cry industries, photograph - I'un acr OSI< to Europe a nd back. lowing ; Range, H eali ng Stove" -- -=-=---'. I fu l in j ury when he WIIS accidenic ll ul>p li es, many great c he mical By taking advantage of th e cus- OverstufT(>d S uit e, Sewin g !\1achinc GOOSEBEIitRY JELLY ta ll y. s ho t . in th ~ \"r d by his plunts , U ' w ell ns l'lIilrond s lind t o mary Saturday half -h olid uy it C hairs, Rugs, Stands, coo kll1g ut e n l CI' U;;ln whIl e hunllng spa ITOWS. ot h e l' familiar f Qrm R o f for eign in- is pos~ibl e fOI' a worker in New Rils and ga rd e n tool ~. Term s caRh. F I' some r<~Mon a legl' nd ul'Y vcst m e nt 81'C on t he Ii ~ t o f Am eri- Y ork to suil for E ur ope lit n oo n o n C HA S . SHUTT S eha ll1l s url'nU lHi-;, th ~ g" o~l' b n y. Mi,,~ MHrgll1 C't Sta rr anu P aul l'll n sec uriti es whi ch lire lik ed Saturday, ar ri ving at C h erbourg W . N . Sea rs, Auct. I II mu ~ t be lJ ec llu >l<' . i n E n gl i ~ h S miley fl f Dayton cn Jl eri fI/1 M I·~. abroad. th foJlowi n~ Thurs da y , r eac hing . - - - - - - --literat ure . go !' eberrie~ u r e . 0 Il f- A manda Starr a nd Mr. Hnd Mrs . All that is n othin g to worry Paris that nig ht, th e n t o p end a \ It' n sC I'ved -~oose b e rry fo od a nd Chns. H. Gray and fa mil y S unda y abo u t, b ut the contrary. Dr. K[ ei n so lid wcek in tour ing Fra nc e . Ital y NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT gu nSl' bl'n y jam ure r e gula rl y se l'v- Ilftern oo n~ is r ig h t when he says that "fo r e ign Hn d Switze rl and and catc h a boat eel at lhe fea!' ts chro ni cle d in the ehal<. \\ agg-oner o f L r lr an o n ca ll investments h ere hav e se r ve d in o ut of 'h erbo urg the f ollowi n g E s tllte of Maud e Under w ood, no ve ls o f Engli ~h writer~. cd o n Chill;;. Madden Sunday. the pust and will continue to se rve W edn esda y morning. r eturning t o decease d . lI e re are ~o m e re ce ipts fllr pr(lin th e futur e as st re n gthening, New Y ork in time to b e at his d es k Notice is hcre by I);iven th at L' 1'111 ing guo s" b e lTi e~. In many (l Id I ngain o n the f ollow ing Mo nda y M. H e nu erso n has bee n duly ap- 1'\ 'w England fa mili es ther e ure sustaining e l eme nt ~." .- - - - --mor nin g , ha v in~ tak en exa c tly two p o inted and q ualifi e ,1 a s Adminis- I hcr edita rv r e ceipt. for g o osebe r ry w ee ks ' vacation. tra~or, De Boni s 'on' with the Will cook ('~' . P e rhnp s you hav e so m e -------. Th e re are t h ose t o \v h o l11 vacll- an n e x ed o f th e Es tate of Maud g Uild nn es of y o ur ow n. Anyway, I tion s means m e rely a change of U nderwood lat e of Warren Co unty th ~·~ l' wi ll be f(lu n d wo rt h a ddin g VACATION TIME I ~ cene. o th ers to whom it m ea n s Ohio, d eceased. , to any lis t. I ! n oth ing but r est, othe r s wh o find Dated thi s 30th day of July _____ - - - - - - . in I'a(,a ti o n lin opportu ni ty to 11ur- 103U. . G oo • .,b,e rry Jam ~u c ~o m e s J1 ec ial sport o r ou t d oor W. Z. ROL L T . I d f . TId!; month of Augu s t is th e interest. But to everybody a vacaJudge. o f the Pr(lbllte Court, • ~, ev~r~ . clg It ,pou n, s n . np e n. who le year which I lillli of so m e so rt hll.s passed o ut Warre n Coun t y Oh io I gOo s llJell l l!~,. f~lIo 11 one qUill t of one 1110 nth of th " , r ~ d,cuJ'lallt JUic e, fiv e puu n us o f ha s no Icgal h o lidays of g en eru l o f the ell.lss of luxul'les, so far as -- - - .. - - - - ,I ~ug-al'. !lave th e fruit gu th l l'eu in _ _ ·7 obse r vun ce in it. Bu t ' in anothel' th e Am e l'lcnn people .ar e conc,:r n l'd Gazette ,II'Y we~'th c r, and cut off th e tll P!:! se nse, it is t h e great holid llY m onth I, and beeo II nec essity. And It al- S ub scribe for The Miami and ia"~. 1'1't'pu r o n qUlllt of . - - - -- - - - - - - - - . OTHER FOLKS BELIEVE IN US




W ith Your Familyl Ideas For Everyone-Ent,'! rtainment for Alii

THE g rc;) lcst (;'Ii I' in Oh io's hi story- that's wha t yuu a rc p r,)nlbccl ye:H! Ex hibits in (ar th is


grc;'ltL'r num ber ::t n .1 on a gra ll clc r sca le th:1n evcr before]


Here YO ll \\' ill sec :1 n ::: w and gr c .He r Ohio - a rev i.:w of progrc,s - a n in pirI l1 l-: p :mllr:1ma of hi ll"s a griculture, inJu ~ rr y , cum merce, ond activities in mnny other fielJ s.


!\ t simply fine · c\.h ibits to d.:ligh t the cyehut a st:lte wide ge \-tl)gcthcr f r mutual hl· neflt. o me fo r a dny-or lo n ge r if yo u c an. It's a fair yo u'll Ilc,'er forget. \ \'o nderful programs of entertain men t . R aces. Pol contests. Ba nds_ Fireworks . every n igh t. Saturday -:- big aviation d ay. Come- for enjoyment and fp r the many va luable Y. u arc sure to t :lke home with you.














August 25 to 30




With Dependable Serum and Viru8 insures both Safety and Success



Dr. W. E. Frost

Harveysburg, O. Phon e 31







Stars====----~-----........6y Albert 1~. Reid


Dr.C. W.ANSON Veterinarian Phone 93


Dead ·Stock Wanted DR. RUDOLPH

Sight Specialist



Harveysburg Fertilizer Company PHONE 8F3 HARV£YSBURG, OHIO

J. E McClure

Se r vit: .



:10 Year>; F.:xPl'r ie nce in Fitt ing and l\ [a killg' r.l aJ;scs - at 2 ARY ' S JEWELRY SHOP Every TueS da y, Thursday, Saturday

r ed-c url'allt juice , t h e same as fOI' TWO LOVERS l l'd -CllI'rUnl je ll y: p u t it in t o n By Georg e Eliot prelic rving PIlII with th e s ugur, alld ke ep st ir r ing- un t il t h e Illtter is 1'W() Invel s by a mo s~-g-ro wll (Ii ~s o l vl'd. K eep 'b oiling fOI' abo u t sp ring: ' liv(' m inu t e,, : ~ ki!l1 we ll: th e n p ut They lea n ed so ft ell! l'k ~ toI in th e A'oosebe rri es , ' a nd le t them gether t h e r e. . bnil 1'1'0111 one-hal f t o thre e-quurMing-I cd t he dnrk a nd s un n~' hall' I t er~ of an he ur: then turn th e And heard th e wooing thru ~ hl' s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ wli n lc illto 11 /1 ea r lhen crock , lei si ng. it' I'c rn ain for t wo day s . B o il thl' o budding ti lll o! jam up again ~1/I1 il it loo ks cl ea r ; 1 0I'e'~ bl est prim!.'! put it into jars and when cold CO\'l'r with paraffine a nd ove r t h c th e p o rtal, jurs put ti ~R u e p a pe l·. bru s h ed lIn r Tw o w cdded from stept: . oil b ot h s ides w ith th e white of FUNERAL DIRECTOR Th e b e lls made happy (,1ll',)lint.! ~ . I un Ci!g, arid s t o r e away in a 'dry The ai l' was so ft a~ fannint.! p lace. CllJ'C mu st be take n in milk WAYNESVILLE, OHIO wings, ing th i 10 k eep the jam w e ll sti,,Whit e petals U I1 the )lHthwa y s lt·pt. I ri'd an d well s kimm e d, to preven t o illlre-eye d b rid e! ' it burning- lit t h e bottom of t h e Fu ll y E quipJl e d for Goo d o i e nde r prid e ! pUll a nd to hav e it very cle nl·.



Tw o fac e s o' er a cra dI c benl: Gro ... b err y Trin., Large Dis play Roo m . Two hancl8 above t h e h ~ad lI' e l' (, , ('onk a quart of g oose be rr ics to locked: Amuu lance Se r vice a pulp in wnter to COl'el', s we ete n These p r cssed each uthel' wh ilc I in g to tas te. Put the fruit into a the I' r oc k ed. Tel e phone 7 Day or Ni g ht S(' I \'in~ di sh, coo l, covel' wi t h boi l- Th oti(' lI" ll lched a lif e th at Im'e h au ~ c d cll ~ tarcl, th e n w ith whipped se nt. CI : ;,"1. Serve with thin brend and o so le mn h o ul'! ~=======:------but ter. o hidd en powe r !


Martin &Stanley Auctioneers

i We Get the Pricec



I ' Cen t erv ille, O . N ew Burlington, O.


Phon ., No.2


Phone No_ 320


L. M. HENDERSON ; ;;-:---:~;o;:;:~n;:;;r;-::~~~

Peach Ic., Cream T wo parents by the cve ning fire: The r e d li ght fe ll nbout their ~OTARY PUBLIC P e ach icc c r eam is n owday s ofkn ees I<' rl s e r ved in th e ha lf of a rip e O n heads that 1'0ge by Rlow dl'N atio n a l Bank mu s kme lo n, a nd the combination grees i ~ de licious. Th t' ad diti on . of wh ipWill. Drawn - - Estates Se ttl ed p C'< 1 c r ea m. ca n d ied fruit.~ o r p in e- Like 'b uds upon t.h e lil y ~ pir e. o pati en t life! a pil le ~Yl'up, however- an addition WA Y NE SV ILL E , OHIO o tend e r st rif e! tl ied by ~() 111 c h efs f nr t h e sa k e of vnriety- t urn s a r ea ll y dainty dis h in to o n e thut is quite unp!llutabl e The t wo s till Rat togethe r ther(' . The r ed li g ht l;;llOn e abo u l t h eir in its rich lH'sS ami. stra nge medl ey knees; . of fl avor. But n il the h e ad s by s low' degrees P~alC'h lee Had gon e and le ft th at lone ly pair T' 'el a d oze n ripe p eac hes. Coo k o v oyage f llst! lHlli! n al'l y !'oft in thin syrup to o va nis h cu pust ! env 'I' , remov e the sto n es, Ilnd rub tbloug h a flieve. Add t h e juic e of a The r ed ligh t sh o n e up o n he fl oo r lemo n , t h ree cups of wutel', a few And mad e the s pace b(ltwee n dl·op. o f a lmo nd .e xtrac t, a nd, if them wi de: rcqu ired, udd a. 'little more s ugar. Th ey drcw th'cir chuil' up s id e 'F r eeze add ing the unb ente n whites .. , by ~ id e. .' of o n e o r two eggs if desi r ed . Th e ir pale cheeks 'joine<!, and sa id "Once nIore!" --- ~. ~ memories! S ubscrib e Cor 'l'he Miami Gazette o past that is!

... ---



I, y o urROOT FOR AND CONSIGN . Cattl e, Ii 0 !!,s, s h e.:;p calves an~

to N or ris-Broc k Co., ,1Ive WII ·.C and progressiv e finn for t h e high est marl", t prices and ~ood . service. Un;on Stock Yard., Cincinnati. O. Refel'cnee: As k til' t man you rn a'"

• I '



Y. F.


,llt"\!t1 1

pInY, "The . 11111 lit th~ Gy Ul . \Y , .tIl\'~d:IY AUgU st la o




or !


erVl'd d eputy treasur r F. We l.l man , of .'ran k lln W III'I'('1\ cuun t for the Pllst two ' OhIO. I 1\ cuudltlate lor Co u nty Clltnmi, lIio n el' of W llrre n County, Uhio, ill the Ite l' llbliull n P r imary, UgUHt I :!, IHali. Mr. W ell man y 1.1 1' support oC Will R . L ew is , R jlu'b licun o n did a l e {or the n omi hu!' n (>\,('1' uerul'~ held p ublic o ffi ce aunty. If e lected b e . ) lltion as co un ty li ll d itor su bj ect ~o in W lll'r e ll he P l'im ory electio n of A ug ust 2 Hromi!;~H u n er o ll o m ic uu d effi c ie n ~ lltilllinis tmtio ll ll ( luilli c bu si n ess . 930, is ""liP ctfu lly soli cited. and p l '(h~es bimsel f to work to reo hll~. h . E ll is solic its yo ur d u ce tuxes. upp o rt ' of h i!; clI n didacy for )( n U~ county treas urer I ,wi ~ h to announce my cand iu bj ct to th deci s ion of t h e duoy r OI' the uffice of Prosec u t· R epu blicu n Prillllrt'y election A ug - ing Attorney of Warren Co unty, )1s t }2, )!);;!O. s ubject to th e :favors of th!! R c· puilli 'a n \,olo l's a t t h e J>l'l m nry We nrll a u thoriz ' d t o a n o un ce e lectio n Au g us t 12, 1930. A s a t h e n a m e of . Donuld D ilatu s h Repulllicnll. w h h a s not yet h ~l d ns n ca n dldnte for ')'eelectio n t o public onice, I res p ectfu ll y' solte· th e o !lice Of P r osec uting Atto l'n ey, it. yo UI' s ll p p ort, yo uI' influ n ce s u bj ect 10 t.he l' l'i nlll l'Y electio n, and y uur vote. I HS~U l' you the A ll gU~t 12, 1930. . RalllO \\'i ll be ullp r cl' inted , W ill ia m K II fl·er. ., We ure aut h orized t o n nn ou n ce th e nll lll e 'Of W , Jr. Fu lke l' t h II!; a \Vi II 11 . I rwin J r., oI Maso n , cand idat(' for secu nd te r m to the hi o. so li c il ~ YIlU I' s upport lor h is o ffi ce of ' hcriff, subject 10 t he nominulion IlS A u ditor of W art'e n R e publicun Primul'Y electi on, Aug oUlIty, s ubj ect. t o Ih e I{e\lub lican u s t 12, 1930. Priml1 r y o( AUl-(us t 12, 1930 . .


(~I"nl \..>\\,. {'t Il lY' 1\. \1,1" 11 • ·,·\".dy l'n"w:I." ItI,II.·', h "II' I, t \l"h. '


M r. unJ MI'". Jam"s O' D e ll , Mrs. I Di n widdie a nd l\1iSt; An tltu .~I I'. 1111,1 IIll ~ . h. I'~. 'I'h ')11lPSClII flinwi ddi , of DQ)'to n . w re ca ll\\ , ~ , '1, . . . Ii·. ~lIlLI h .. W ill \ ' III. of 1.1' 1.· ond ,f llughtPl' Mary K ,lthl, f.' 1I ha I (>I S a t t.hl' l\'ome of M I'. li n d Mrs. \ , llIlll n , \ l l" d'11111' I ~UI' , b flf t 111' Snmut' l I:lutt<'rw' I' l h , un d oy \\ " 1.,1' \ . -ll d " )")I' , lid h!l ~ .'old hi ~ ' fIll' tllPi r ~\IlHl:IY~1I t"ll.!l'lll~Un cl1l1 ' I'll IIILler's ni<,('p. ~I,. . . ].'. 1':. 'I'h, mil, • 1"'si\1 TH' l\1l Tl l1l'l l ,, \1 (' pi I I ~II'" "II'. lind :111'. . A. L, Sluckl Il nd fl rt I' noo n . fln 1' hllr"oIa:. . ' . ,1.'l lI".. II \"" ~ I i~" 1·; I~'lI n {\.r 1111 ( , h"I' \I .I I ~·U II 'I t:t' i I y . t'l'il!1Il1 .\l L s I': thl' l' HIll rh fl uf S Ul1l lll I' :1' 1' l'i :l I ~ A'1;1",w lll'(!' . , . ~ , ll . d l-n,1 !' l'I ~ of ,Ii~ h('''. ( ' al~"~ ,1,.\\'\' II'Y 1 )1 , ' . . Ia ll ,· \\ II ~ hl. o f :-'1l 1: 1Il g . Daylo ~Ir. Ilml ~Irs. 'ha rl es Dill lind fro nnrl MI'!'. f. n, Bai rd \\' r Sh oPl L,'lt Ull on . llh i" . . :--1" 1'1' OP l' l1 lllll" b . tit,· I! \1("1 II f h l' l' ~ I "II\I' doug-hkl' Pilulint: ll nd SlI n hu;I'\)>;, On yt I) \' if'i t orR III. t we k . · '· ClllI\~~. . :l1 1'~ . .1111,11 Il HlIO'·UII . Jr. rall l' d (I ll l he f Ul'm e l"s . IS \.(J I' nellr W ;\\· IH's \·ille o n las\. ullduy . . awol filed h~' 111l1ehilH'r\' , I'n l :\11'. nnd ~ I I ~. E Hl r,·11 '1'1111 111;1 ::<, . •'1 !.. :t1l~1 ;\It·~ : ( ·ha • . I".is hl'l'. o f Miss 1 ~lelln Hll~h Vni! f incinc!l'al\ o l·. tru r r. fast e r . l' (l Y hKll tt. wel' e (l 'c l(ll'k di nll,·': J! II (O" I ~ .o f I ( ' l n~l nnll\1. \\'('l'<' i! UI'''t.· or :\11'. '\IHI nati . \'i ~ il(d Miss .Mury Kathl een III Ill tlcltoll '~ L Un\ <'I' )'1l1·,1. :III'. II n ,1 ~11'''. H. II. ,\1111 :< , n t 'fI P ' \ :\1." . \\', It. .'\ 110 ' 11 , "n ,'unt!:IY. Thom pso n Oll lust 'unday. p ecan(\(' .ity, ;\ l lI lH l fI ~' e'· t· nin~. . • . . . Mr . u nd I\J I'~. E:1ll1el' Lu m b nnd 1.1'~. Fl' II 1I 1lI'l ~ f\CI, . of !ll ilford, f'.Ill I1\ ·1' 1,:ldy '!nrl rllllll l ~, ,f ';\l ll Il l' rb ert. o f VI' uyn esvill' hnv ill RPCTul in )! II f ' W \I'('"k s w it h l1l' r The Pi Io:I' ~ i l(l11 I'i (, Iu~~ Il l' Ihl ' r.,' hlll"'I~ . "' I"' II~ . S unduy '~t . . th l! ~" IU1'nl' d t o th e ir h 0I111' aCt I' Il lnth" r, Ml'!'. !.:lll'·!1 :'1 " " Ill' 1' . I,' " , I'~' lI illll' ,' l'i1<l" I " i ll ha\, ' :1 h" 1111' . >1 :l11 ~. 1'. I, w lt ellt H;\ t1~. ~ r(oI\( lill~ II Cl\u pll' of we e k s in 1.:1\\ 11 1-', It' " II tl1l' .. h ll '·l'h 1:1\\,11 , . l1 l uc); \' . i1li ~~ Inlol'l Smith. " I' ""11 111 lou " 1"1 iil u )' , .\ uJ!lbl ' , at )l :tln p. m . 1 .\1 1'. :lnd ....11'". llulllCY G,nll " nlld Kl'Chaul;rv Bunlldl a nd wif e an o i ~ " I' (' nding- III\' "" ,' k \\ith 111' 1' , d""J.! ht. ,I'. ",1 1," .\ 1,,',' I dUlll, 'd Ins t. ~ i s l ' I' ~l o "lillli:1 (I f Il(,U I' W nync s' 1 1 " . I I \\I· f". , ~ I I·. :1 ,111 ;\1 1' . \ '. I:' Hl'i U UII, 11 "1 " \\'1" ,10. (1'''111 :1 \' i, il I " !"t,lnti\','S ill f :II IWI'. ' I . . :--llllt I . :\1 11 I' . I' ill .. , ,J. 11 . BOg' lIn \\' CI'C S unday 1':1h h' ll ,1 ,oIl" ' . or .'I I,kl\\ :110." , 111 I. .\ 1-~ ' 1\ 1l1. . ~U(' '' t'' ~ f thc I )a" iH ramily. F o r I I' _t l" ~ 1I1l5 c on ~ i I! 11 y ou r :1 1'1' ;l!1 1I 1 U lll l!lt: Ib,' t,il "lh II f a 1\11'. unci fill'S. •1. Le' Tu ltnag e III'. 11 1101 :'ol l~ . . J,oI111 C. J.:1l ~ I (J n 0 . • dUII,:htl'l' , :\ I'/\'th .\1., ), A Il).: lI s 1 I , i \'e ~ t ol'l< til GI'(' (' n · Jo~ l1 lhl' 1' :In ri 1'1I 111 il,\' . " t' Spl' il1).:n .. ld. \\' (' t"(' and "O il Alhel'l L(' (O, o f So uth Lcb C im:in n nti , in cal' o f n, n: uli s- I !,:I n . 1!1l " 1 " I' ~II' . 111101 .'1 1'''. 1-:111)(' 1' a ll II n vi s iled hi s pur n \.:; Mr. an d I bury. A l ien H lItTmun ann o u n ce h is W e u r I' uuthorizl'd t o lInnOUllCe !\ll' ~ . A. B. Tallll nl{e alld Aunt Misll ;\1 " . ""1 1, I; , ·, II' allol d n u l:' hll" ', .~ 'w,· I t:l1I to "" .\ . ca n d idacy f o r rc-e leclion for thl' nl\ll\ C o f L eI.: n. Shull~, W lIyne ,Il,,., il· L. (;ul'Ill'r, n e dllY la:;t . ' . III I'. :lll d 1111 '. F . C . Sl'!I\\III·I7.. "f li t' I. :t l·i.t ·" I I II t!. t \) \\/ 1, ',H 'lIt l } I ' o Ullty H e cord e l', s ubject to l he Tow n ~ h i p . a s !I cundidale for l:5he l'' I I'. :11 1.1 .... 11' •. I .. n. Cht! .. ~: III \I" 'l,k. 0111 111 1111 .. . I'Il S"''/ tl ' l'llll/!1t \\' 11),11 , ~ ""," " lid " ilh ,\1 , " ,01 ~I' , . .I . II I H e pub liclln Pl'in illry, A ug u s t 12, ill' n f Warre ll cou nty, s u b j ec t t o !' I ll'. ulld ~lr s . ( ' hurles Di ll w n "i ll l' TlI, '~ dIlV, I 1\1'" Ill" 1 (1 (' In " ill- ~ 1 " iI, " . ~II" . .\1."\.,11 lI , """'pall ' ,"' IlIl ': II I,' \\' tl h .\11'. II n oi ~I r~. (Ial' : ( ·ha l'1 l.' H ,II'. u nd " lllI g- ht!)r Pa u lilll' 1930. t he P r im lll'Y E lectio n, A u gust 12. Il:tli n nd p ll i"lIt s of int""" ,, 1 in 111 - i, ,01 tlt"111 h"I II " a,,, 1 \I,l l r" nl llill 1'" , i ''l'' ,...\ It. ·" " 11 .1 ""II r r,'~ I'))\, ,,t ,,· .. r!! : huppill~ in Xl'nln one duy I !/:lO, " ~ l1 l1 rt \ i,i 1. . 1 I .,.'. t , 11. ~ I Ilt 11ll' \\'('e ll -"n d III dil1nn . Arlhur H a m ilton so li cit!! yo u r 111 ,, 1 \\'ct! k. 1\(' lI lll ek,·. s u pport of hi s cnn di dacy fOI' reM I·H. Olli .. :\In ~ on o f Mn ~ o n , 0 " ~Ir . n n d l\ l r ~. E lll1cr LIIll\b li nd e lc cti o n as Heprese ntutive to t he Il",·r/jel d t\\ p., so licils YIl Ul' s up· \\" 1.1 \\a ' 1'1.'1" ' ;"1' ,1 hde thl " ~ .. n Il l·rl,,·1'l .. I' W ay n c,,\, ll lc hnve GelH'l'u l A ~~e lllb l y fr ll m WII I'l'l' n port 1'01' h e r no m inllt il,n li S Reco r d II"" 11 111" " I' tl", .I ·a l h IOf H,'l'. G . rl'lUl' n l· d t il Ihl' lr hllntl' li fter !;l' l' rlll county s ubj ec t 10 lhe R epublica n I l' l' or WHI'I'I' n Cou nty, s ubj ec t to I ' I .i " , ~i ' , '1111 1111 ' 1'. "h ic h " ecll l't't'd . i ll ~ a " " 111'11' " I' w (' l' k~ in I~ent.ucky Pr ima l'Y, AUI{U SI 12, 1030. I llt~ H,·"II I Iit-a n P r im l\ ry. of Augu s t '1' 11<., ,1 11 \' III'oI'lIin )! lit Ih ' l' h o m e ill ' Ih,' ~1I(" t.,.. uf ~II' ~. LUlllb ~ .s ls t e l', I :! , I ~ ·' U. I '\ I ' ~ . ll a Hi,' HI'd u I' and fnllll ly. U h ,,, ('·'I\" . . ~II' . lind Mr ~. WlIylllncl J rdan 0, ,I. alld (; , "I'': l' Ed\\,lIrd ~ . "I' ll ".!" 1':1l'k i' P,!lIl TU l'sci ny with .'I i " ,' ~ '1', ill"lIa , ~J. I I'J.ta l"l· t :tnd th t· ,1;) 1'11:111 fa illil y h <'l'e. . ~1:tI' Y I., " II 1·: dwlIrtl " arl'iv,·d hlltl1c '\I I'~ . ( ' :ttll ·rin e .10 1'1 11111 , IUliI th i~ I" " rnill~ 1' '''''11 11"11",'''. ' 0 1. . {'"," i1 y load for th v ir 5 11111111Y 1{1I1.'s t s " 1,,,1'" t h,·\· \ i~ il" tI Il l' rhl' rt I~d - '\II'~. Anll:l ijl'.,WIl and d l1 u ~ h le l' . \I ald ~ .11 101 · faillilv . I ~ l al'Y " li d "HI l\l " I'l' I ~ of n ellr I . F ,' n y, Ed J ,.,,·tlllll an d Gell !' Brow n I }; !\ /I " 1'1 ~ l' I'I' il'l: ·dv" n Il ll t:i w j,s of W "! " .Il:i\' IILl:. . I apt! .-\ llIl" ic"" \\' a lchl: ~ III 0 111' I'u' K , I'.. rh U lllp~ () n nnd .fllnllly had 1. BR A ND ' S u n der s t an d ing o f ' !,lI ir rJt. l'arlll ll· lIt. Eflicil'llt and f .. 1' tlll'i!, SUllduy l:V e l1lng . g llll$IS, 0f t h is D istrict I"'o nlpl ~ l' nil'" a "" \ll~ d . S t ,lle 1I [1I' n AII I' n 'r o \lnkcr ~ unt! (anllly un d Iho pro b lems TlI('U ll S h e' hns a s ked Federal L an d \' I' ,. "i ll~'. ('.\I-y' " J e\\l'I r y S h up, ~II'. Il nd !'Ilr ~. 1\J ell rJ Tel'l'Y. MI' . .ancl Mrs . . Way land JOl'dlln Bnnk oUl h orities to go s low w h ere L e" " ,, " n , Uhi o. IIn cl chtldl en II I Hyd e PlIl'k s penl dro u th a n d l ow pl'ices pre vui l. tux fi g h t mean s I i11t.. 11 t'nrv Swc::t r in!! e n . fot'· I' ri,fny with th e J o rdan fum ily red2u, cedBRAND' va lu l1 l ion s f or tuxat ion I nlH I,\' wi t h I ill' F:lirl!!y H ardwu r e h re. - ATI CUll1 palll'. h a s "lI l't'h a ~ c d a hard - 1'.,1. B. MUl're H \l'a ~ here in Mo n ann3 . le,sBRtAaxes. N D'·S se rv ice to h i's , Wil l I' ~ l" r l' :11 l. ynt' hlJu l'l!, Ohin . cl u y lo oking- al'ler hi!< i n tcI' e ~ t , E d . ai s t ri ct mea ns h e hus sec ure d t wo , Tlt l' S"" al'ing-l' lI s r l' lI ll1vc d tht' u' wllnl,; t o be county trea s ur e r . Prof. S. A. Ringe r o f Pi tts burg n e w po sto fli ces an d five m o r e a r e . II O " ~ llh(l ld g" '" ci s I (l t ha t pl ut'(, Til es DRY FED BABY BEEF PORK ROASTS PlI ., v is ite d ft'ien 'l l ~ here lus t w eek de fini te ly a u t.ho ri zed. d ay. 4. B R AND'S b ill f or Fed e ral Bailin, Bee f, lb . .. .. ......... .. . IJc ~ I I" . Hinger t aug ht s c h o(, 1 h e r e Fr Cll l1iel, lb . .......... ... .. ... :. 17c I A id mea n s less d e tn n nd fo\' locol T e nd er J lli cy s (,ve l'a l yeurs ·ag o . Loin Roa. t. lb ... ........ .. 22 ~ c laxes fo r sc h ools. I SC HOOL BU SSES PAINTED Robert Mc Kay is otte nd i ng Ro al l Chuck lb . ...... .. .. .. .. 17e Ham, £relh, lb . ......... ......... 25c 5 , BR A ND'S rOl\d ca m pa ig n I T C' n<l er Ju icy \'ollnJ: Fd e n ds Co n ference ilt Who le '01' H u H ~ chn(l l bll ~s c~ a r c beIng Richmond, I nd. me~ n s lia rd S urface Ronds at Fail' Th Tende r Juicy St eak., lb . .. 22e Fru h Sau.a.l e, 2 lb .. ........ J5c pui nt l'ri in l he s choo l e,l lo l·H . C h uck8 H. 17. Mc Kay nnd wife ~\'e r e Sun Prices lind Go ot! Rpads eve r yPlll'U Pork w h e r e, i'I':, ni!C' and blade Th ey pr~ s nt 11 duy gu est of Mrs . Mil), Hll rl un. Swill Sl ea k. lb . ............... . 23e Spare Rib •• -2 lb .. .... .. ........ 25c 6. B r and's Brell d L aw m ea n s fin e app aranco. S ho ul d e r c u t!! W'illlling to n Y e!1 rl y Mee t jng T e n der Mea ty s hort w <!lll'ht brend annot be sol d. Loin- Round, lb. .. ... .. ..... . JOe will begin Al!gus~ 12. Pork ChoPI. lb . ............... .. 25c 7 . BRA ND ' S Coo perlltive Ma r GrDund Beef, lb . .... .. ...... .. .. 18c Qual't t t'ly n1 u(, t lng' wi ll be held R ib or L o in ke tin g L n w m ooDS th llt Fa rmel's Pu r F r esh Salul'c\ a v u teacsel' C r e ek. Pork Steak, lb . ...... .......... .. 20c cn n collectiv ely se ll t h e l .. produ c t s 15c · Roaat Short Ribl, lb. liss ·Ecllt.h P e llrl Moore calle d houlder liced o n Mj,: ~ J\lllry Thompso n S unday. with ou t In c r ea sin g cost t o co n· Live r, Ib .... :.... .. .... ... .... . .... 10e VEAL Slllll e l', ~ !\It'll. T o m l\1l1r'l'inas a n d d a u ghBra in l , lb . .............. : .. ....... ISc , ~ ._·.,..- .!.-..- ,.- ._ ' _ II_.~ ' ._ (._.~~ t_. '_ ' _ ' _fl-.r..-. "-'"_ 8. B RA N D' S influ e n [le m enn s II. M. Inr); llnive ll ho m (' ThUI'R te l' E lizabeth and SOli G eorge and Stewin" Ih . .......... . .r ......... 15c lIn v :I rt t' l' n n ex I e nlh,t! vi~il with l w o pluyn1uteF of Fra nklin w er e t ha t fa rm ers received n fa ir p ri ce V eal Roa i l, lb. ............ .. ... 18c LUNCH MEATS for t h eir anill1f1l s cond e m wed b e· hi s :o n and wif l' . P ruf. and M rH . vi s iting her s ister last w eek. Chop., lb. .... .. . .. ... . .... . ...... .. 20c t; p/JrJ:c ( ' I:.I'!, ul I\'ew York it~, . M. M. Terry, A le x D eskl S r ., (;'ause of tu ber culosis. Pure meal no Cere al added !).. BRAND' S r e cord o n all SMOKED MEATS 1\11'. lin d l\1 1' ~. I'olul'j o n H owell of K . E. Tho mpson. H en ry Mo or e Weine r . , lb. .. .. ..... ............ 24e Su,ar Cu .... d Bacon, 2 lb. n Ul l' Spl'ingiJo r (l \\, <'I' \! Thursday L eo nard Moo l'c .Jessie J in ks, M r s morll l q u egtlo n s m e an s t hat a n ope n b ook for yo ur a p p r o va l. Frank., lb. .. .. ......... ... .... .. .. 20c piece or mor", lb. ........ .. 22c ' !lin/! l!U (I f :'III'. lind Mrs. on l e v and Mrs. I\'lattie Moore at· 10. BRAND'S meth od of cam Ham. SUlar Cured. whol" \.UW(, \I 'I'h ol11u ~ . " tended ourt in Lebanon o n Salolna, lb. .... .. ....... ... .... . 20e paign in g m ea ns n othin g b u t clean cr haH, lb . .. ......... .. .... ... .. 25c ~ I !·. undo "lI S. 1'(' l l' ~' Banta arc i 'u hinlay mOl' n ing, Mince d H!lJD, lb . .... ............ 24c nl'g u mc n t based o n his r eco rd Bean Bacon. lb . ...... .. ..... .. . 16c "I ' !llft/{ lhls \\' l! c k w tl h the foro , The Gre e n Brinl' School Ho use Leo'n. S.u • • ge, lb ............ . 23c . ha n be u s ed in h is b ehal £. li me c ur e nl{'r' s hl' ll t IH't' n nd f am ily a t Mid - ha s been ope n ed u p for c h u rch L ire r ..... .... .... 1.2 ~ c Dry Salt S ide, lb . ....... . 19c , dl c· 1tl\\·Il. wOl'k. Quite fI n umber a ttc n de d BRAND FO R CON G'RE. S C L U B H. W . H o u s ton. P re. ide nt Sm(·k" S a u .a, ,,, lb . ............ 23c Ml'~. Frank W oo II y Da~' t.o n hu\'ch t h er E' o n l ust Saturday LAMB Mrs . H. B . Co n ye r ', Sec' y. Net Wurst, lb . .............. .... .. 25., I ~ p ' nl ~('\'l ral r1I1Yl' las l week w l ~h n ig h t a n d Sunday mo r n ing . - - -- ~ - -h!'\' JI:ll'l' nl ~ • .\It·. and M roo WII H, . Moore a nd fa mil y r eLamb Stew, I ~ .......... 11 ~~ c IIHIl1 Brown. ceived word o n e day last w ee k Lamb Ro .. t, lb ....... .... . .. .. 16e all U ti hflve yo u I' order dttli v E! l·et!.,. '[my lime of d ay Lamb C"op';, lb. . ....... ... .. . - 20c MI'. and !'Il l'S. W a ll e r K e n r ic ); f r o lll' one of his da u g h ters in Ke n 1 \'i ~il!.d Ih eir lI('phew, Elm e r !\lolll- luck v lhat. theil' ho m e and a ll it -----gllJ\1e l '~' , in Ouy l o n. Friduy .. ftcr- c!l ntents had bUI·n ed. 1l 0r~ lI . ." .... ~ 1 (\lIt~o lll e l' y )s se rl (\ u ~ · ~~(I ilh Davi : I\nd c h ildre n w c re ly III lit hl ~ hOll1c th e r c. " hopping III Wi lmingto n o n lIt. ur. E . B . Murre ll , R e publican o f I MI'. a nd ~ ! r~ . Elh e rt Wallac e day. • ~Vas hin g to n T own s hi p , s olic its . f,.-,..-....-....-,..... __ ,__ '__ I__ 'I_ ·...-.J__ .......__ lIryd ~U l\ ~ n ll ard , SII nt S unduy in Rl'c o rd ~ show t hat M ass ie T w p . o urs u ppo r t of bis candida cy for ClnClllnutl. hud fiv(' membe r s on t he Rchool '1'.o minati o n a s eount y t r ea s urer R e \,. II. . Futld e ru I'g-, o f N e w board 75 y ea rs ago t he sa m e a s s ub ject t o t h e Prima r y el e cti oD (" 1l'1i ~ 1 1? , \\' u ~ c lll e l't uin e o to din- it ha s todllY. Ju n e 16, 1865 . David of Au g u st 12, 193 0. Mr. Murre rl n ' r • u ndny. II th e h o me of MI'. lind Rach e l A l1 tm s o ld to J o hn a nd M I·S. Charll'. Early.. C he l' o \\'eth, J o hn T. Burg-es s L ew M~ Gl e nn J n hn R, and chlld ~ n, H aUo n W . H am Il ntl W. Owe ns ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ P~lul and Vivi ~ n of Dayto n , \ve r e nle mbe;'H of t he sc h oo l boar d .. r..": - - - - -- - I dUln cr g-uest: Sunday o f J\h . Mar ac r e of g r o und w h e r e o u\' sc hoo l g ar ct John s . hou se nolV sta nds f o r $20. MI'. u nd MI'~ . Emery C harl e t on Mr~. Pearl . Me or ml c k and MI' . . al\~1 Mrs. Ch a rl es Churlel.o n friend of Uuy t o n s p e n t S un day , : lind c hrld" e n ~ p c nt • unday \\' Ith e ven ing with Mrs. Ma b el F. T err y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . I he la tl(' I" ~ pa l' e nls. M r . a nd !\I I' . emf WalTi c ill Le banon, " "

('11;1 ' . :-;" illl. tIt' I l. l •.,rn . Ohi". " \\ .1 ~ ,,, d I, d .,1 'W ill t

~l l\h

--- -- -----








For Free Tables for Reun-ions 'and Picnics

Wayne Park

----_ .. - -

Waynesville, Ohio


... - ... -



Shelter House if it Rains

.1. . . .

Admission to Grounds Free

---"-'- -"-'- "--"-'-'- "-"- '- "-'-"-'- ·'-'- "-I ""· MO dern C0 n C r e t e SWlm· P00 I I mlng






· ' ..-..~ .

Poll'tl'cal Announcements

Coyle's Meat Market

'· _ , I _ .t _ tl _ I ~ I I _

Sanitary Laundered Swimming Su~ts for Rent, 25 cents


-------========== --

, 25 C I

Waynesville, Ohio

Phone 66





1\11'. and 1\11-". g l'U lld ~O II, \\ en dAll II e nS aEmrick lis bu!'y and attendod the funel'ul of t h e {orn (' l"S cfluflin, Mrs. Thollla ~ White at ,'L M" ,· \'~ ,-SllndIlY. ' M I'. and ivl I'R. hut·jos Eu l'l y, so n nnd dllll~h t,,1' lind MI'. !lnd M 1'5, W a lt.l' l· I(ellri c k were Tut:s day " \'follln.1.:" f{lI l's t s of MI'. Hl1d Mrs , l\1 'il es Watkin s Ya n ke e St. 1\11'. lind i\1 1'~. Guy HOll t7.n hn and " IlI'g-h ,,,I''' \1' 1' 1' 1' Sunday gucsls of ' i\ II '''. Ma ry B .. ilnott. a n d so n in ' Ti pl'l' fI ":l n " ,! ('it y . .' 11'. :ln d 1\11': . Wil lium r.l'l' ip; hl l n II :\1, ,,. Su s a n ,'av lor a nd R iley , Saylor. e ll ~ rl ,I' (' d i.' picnic S u ndn~' ' li t tit.; old. 1I,1"I Il l' t ll ntl n co'll' Sp ri n/!

Life-Time Roolmg _SerViee at Small Cost


.T h e W . F. M. S. '.ll e t at th e · ho me of Mrs. J o hn WIl son, W e dne s(l ay artll'l' no o n . , . MI'. nnd .~rs. Co D. MlIlI:S ond d ~t u l!: h t e r v l ~ l t c d I'c la ll ves III Inthana la s t wce k. Mrs. J e n il le Rc~ v es .ha s go n e all cxtended VISIt WI th h e l' c hll dre n , M !'. ~ l1 d ~! r~ .. Salll S h n nk s, .11'. ('. f In Clll na tl, MI ~. M y ru Hll yd ock ha d us h er ":: UC~ l . In ~ t w eek, Mi ss L ois Davis ,If Wtlm lngto n . . V:' I1 I' )" . Vernon St.i1 ~s le f t Monday fol' I MI'. :lnd ,i\It·~. Wa ltH Kenr ick h IS n e w pOSitIO n as m a nage r of , had f or t lt e i,' Sl.l ndllV dinn<'l' gu es ls an I. G. A . s t o t" e a t C ircle ville . ' i'II·. :111 01 1I 1 1 ~ . C. ·R. B ln el!llr oC . R ev. B oy d J" e ~ll !,n e~ S atu r ?ay .J al1les t ow n, Mr. n n d l\1r~. Ru sse ll ~I'o rn n. pl ensa n t VI , It WIth r e la tIv es ll inl.'ll'U t' n nri c hild!' n of Ha milt o n. III I ndia n a. . MI'. und l\!t-s . • A ll e n Em ri c k, .T h c ma ny fr lc n d s of V e r go :\Irs . K ('~ l e l' (;I'aham nn d dau lrh tel' M l c ~ e n ~ r a re. glad. to kn o w th a t Il pl' lli c,: .. ancl W e nd e ll Salisb ur y h e IS . I m p ~ov tng nJc el ~ . fl'om an HH nt I'r,dny in Da y ton ope ru t lo n fo r a p p e ndlcltts a t Mc· MI'. Dnmi Bl'llck n ey 'WIIS fou nd C lelhlll h osp it al F r ida y .night. . dc HI! in bed nt hi s h o me on t h e MI' . an~ ~rs . G.rant Phillips and r~ nY l l) n pike i\lon rl ny m orn ing. Th e s~ n of C m c mn atl w ere wee k -end I ulll'ra l WII ;; 11I' ld o n Wed n esd ay ~ U ~S~g of Mr. a nd Mn. G . A. nl ol' nin ~. I hllh p .. I~ i l, ' ~' ~n.\'l fl l' h n ~ l'eRigncd n ~ H a rry H o ml e ll o f th e N . C . R . J! 1':ld l' prin{:ip n l at SlIuth , Ill un O. an d Ca d E van s of t h e Frig idail'e n il.! \1'111 h .. ill (·It:tl'l!e o f t he 'n e ll: n aytl~1l II l' e ho m e fo r a two w eeks ; ~ l an l1 1l 1 T I·l.1inin u D c p t. of t h e vacalto n. W ll ~ !leI' ,J 1'. II i~h ~ cho o l . D ayton, M I'. !lnd !\II's. R ay Co nn e r ore , !\II'~ . Ol'tl nl' (l "k ~ of Belh e l M I''' g u £' s ts of MI'. a n d Mrs . J . A , C o nI3 l' s, ic Palton a nd Mr, !lnd ' M I';, n e l·. Un lph Hal nw in and d a ll ~h t e l' \' i: .' illi n L{, l', ,.f :o.l id dlelowll we I''; I'nll'll :lin t d Thul' ~ clayl at t hl' !lO lll e '! f 1\ h·~. B e ll e Sc,i tt a n d fam II,.. Ml s~ Rulh Early acco m pa ni c,l lh'~ 11\ I,) M idJ let ll\\'1l tn s pe n d t hi s \\'l·c k . Se\·('I'n l. fro nt h e r(, ull<' nd ed 'the ' .. rllll )1'11 1 111' M I'. ,J o ~e ph Mill e r at




Wh)' gamble you r pleas ure and s afety on t ir es as s lippe ry a e a hog's back--{,Id tires wh ich a chip uf r ocll 0'[ a s mall tack Clln punc· ture? Look a t the s mall s um that p uts o n to u /:,lt, new life tim e g uor· nnteed Goo d ye a r P a thfinde rs, world's gru t es t low. pr iced tires. Save on all sius.

:!! ' X·J.HI

$5.65 ;: II ;;·I .il '

$6.45 ;Wx5, OO





Gor'd on 's Se'rvl·ce·On . Phone ' 47

Waynesville, O.





pl'il1f{bnl'O M. yE.weI' ch u rch afternoo n . The M I'. Tuesday a nd MI's .1 . B . .Jo nes, Mr '. Ed d L o ngac r e M I" a n d Mrs . . W . A lbrig ht, Mrs: Ke. Ie I' G l'a ham, M rs. S. H . Fra in eR .Til l\l e~ Il ain cs. !\fr s , ' A ll e n Emr ic k ' I. ) ano . 1\11'; a n d M~S~W:ltor K e n r ic k.


_".... OP GOP"



'HI 00. . . . ALLOY&D IT.IIL


Thue I•• bl, tlllJ~~. betweea aua protectloD to the spedal Copper ClNIM.W.... 1looh. and orclinary Alloyed Steel bue.laluriag loDger life roollA, abhou.h both co.e abouc &ad freedom from expeasive repairs, Ill. am•. ChIlUle1c1nlD ChaDDeldraia RoofBoob" with pateDied · In, is easy CO apply; ao lap CODstractiOD offer. special tools are remadmum proc.cdoD ·.quired.·Everythiag coaaplDlC IeaJu. ' ·lidued. It ii the mose ecoaomlcal roofing for you to buy aad we ree-

• ~ 10 adatdoD, a..nnelcIraio Roo6D, II 6r•• proof aDd ,1IghtDiDg-


proof. A highly durable pan d.Dc coadDa "Yel

w. H.

for tho beaefic of aU oW' . aaatom...





Wa),n.• •vIU., Oblo



J .



Eighty -Third Year




T 13,19 30

Whol e Numb er 5922


Unol1i.cial PriTTlary Vo te for Wa yn e 11 ow ns hip an d Co un ty



' OLUMB S. OHIO- Now that t hll primllri 'll 'ur e over and lh e FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIS T cundida tes havo bee n selected for Th e pI il11 l1l' Y c ieci ioo plIRlIed ofT I Audito r Commi ,.ioner lh e , va ri uu s o llices by lh() t~v.o quietiy ' Lh rllu A' hnu l ~he co un ty Lc wi :J ( U ncl e l" "11 i natio nll l) 6 (} 2·1 :15 52 ·13- 2 1.t Mill e r predom inating Jlarti ~ s . all POlltl Tu es d "y, A lil t le dis t ll rban c e wa ~ I rwin. Jr. 18 8 14 :n fi" B ib l( ' Se hc,.,1 at !I ::10 u . m. IV 127 1 W c llmun ('nl a ct iviti es w ill cent er o n th e np1 f,~7 tr eat ed in s oml' of th e PH'c illl:L... . / P Wh y al' ~ WI:! huvi ng t he high e" t a v ' . A Clwi n ~ tel cha ll e ng ers , hut <o n th e> prDach ing e lection to be h eld Tu esrO l cc .. tmg ttorney Audilor ~ 1':l~L' a Ucn dan t' '' we huv ' e ve r da v \\hol c they did n ot tu ke up m uc h Dillitus h No vel11 bel' 4 tho Eluborn te flU 2!1 3 7 5!! 52- 2;12 L l'wis hlld u ec ll l' d i n ~ t o a va ila ble re c:1~ ·11 PI ~ ~a r ll ti o n s will be mud e t o r etim e . In East W ay n e th e v otin g ' Hoffer 21 4 15 10 5.I'U :":' '! (' t' rl ll 55 Ir wi n. J r and S c.H..! . L tn'd 's 1:17:1 ceiv e the re l urJl s by Sec ret ary o f waR he ld up for n linH'. a nd t h e ~ U I'I" ' r alld s I' rmon lit 10 ::H). Th e Sheriff Prole cuting Attorne y S tu te C laru nc e J. Bl'o wn , through nutlJ('!' ili<~H were ca li I'd in io settl~ . Ik i.l s \\ h .. "tll, tl d.·d th ., Tri·Sta te ' " ' .,,. "7 0 Tlilatus h th e a ffa irs. aftl' I' which thincrs I ~. 1I t' r t h whoso office th ey will be tl'an~­ .. ., 2~ .)O'.J ~' 8 - 22 (' hri , l ia n !-i ," " il'P ~a lllp wi ll ul'ing -" I '., 1IU tt S mi tted 10 th e p ubli c jus t li S fa -t us went un '1'101' (' s mu olhly. 2 4' II 1 14 873 II "ft·,·,. . t h ~ il ' n pl' l t ~ III' Ih .. l'>l m p li fe. Do t hey can be I'CC ' iv(' d and com'I' h p Rcp tluli cll n Stute ti c kt·t did Record er nllt III b ~ it. Th(' mini s ter wi ll Sheriff I'utl'd , E ve ry (, Ollll.t y . Boo rd ,o f not hll\, <' l11uc h o ppos iti oll . lind uf ' lIufTllI a n h rin g' H Hh H)' t 11l\·!-\,: HlJ.! (' li n liTh e ,, :\ 2:.1 :l 3 11 2 .16- 2 I 7 ralk e' rl h EI (.ttio ll wi ll n '!nll lll In ~I'S~lO n Co UI' ~ C we nt :j .12R lhrou g h wi l hollt Mas IIII I. o l'd· ~ 11 ,,1I , .·... 21j Il I ii 10 Yo u a r c a lways _ 6 7 S hutt s I' re··II I th e till\(' of tlw ope l1l11g lIf much t ro uble . 1 :12 K "" ,,I 'UIl I(! at I hi s c hurc h. th f' 1J 0 lls cll n~ill o u :~ l y until th e re · F o ll ow ing tl l'e t ht, 1I11ofti ciul re' Trealu rer Ch esl" r A . \vil li alll s" n . Ministe r Record er ~ ult s of th e (· II' l' lIUIl 1Ir!' rt·cclv.'r l I llrn " fl ol' II portl nn o f ' t hl' ~ LOt (' :\ll1rr.·11 f,8 2 1 :1[; ,17 44 - 2 U5 Jl lIif man Arihur O . \\' illi ams. of Prov,dCfice. f r(1 111 e v n y prec inct in th e cIHlll ly . lind COllnty ti c ke tA. fol l{ ur C6 al't~ E lli s 2 U J 2 2 0 21 l.t ~Iiss M. E. Foster. 8 7 Mil so n S T . AUGUS TINE CHURC H ,gl ish woman given a nd s llch 'r es ult~ tOl1lmuni\'uLed tu R . L. wi nner o f th e annual four· year Corone r who amazed everybo dy by out-shoot- onl y'. for t h ,, ~ t· hu \' ing o PJlositl fl n I S.' c n : tary of S tat e BI·,lw n. educ3 1ivna l prize gi ven hy Th omas A. Cor('ne I r !-iunllllOI' ~ c1H' du l (' - l s l . 3rd and ing the crack shots uf the D,', t;ib Edi son. Y IIIII !?,' W ill iam s is 17 and Gilm or e Ii I 22 :12 &2 :17- 1!l4 Gi lmour Amt,Y and winuing thc King', TroPhy. :\ 0 2 U won th .:: schQlarshill over 47 other 5 t h S und ay. ~ l a s, at 8 :00 n. m . : SecretA ry of State , S holwell I n -I I R J 2 5 - &5 ' h ulwl' 11 . Directo r C has. A. Neal uf the ! I,d and ·ltll Sunday . Mass at l OG H bo¥5. NW SW EW KC SC • S t a t c t) e pal·tmo n t o ( Health ~ tut~ s \ s pcnce :'1 :1 3 ~ :3._----= 9 :30 : 10 Spence ==-.-=-~H ii t ha t up t c, th e pr ese nt dut thl ~ Hrv, Luwren ce B, Mollma nn. Govlrno l' ooper ullinI(' wi t h th " Bro wn 5[; 18 :12 fiR 4:1 - 206 vent· Ohio hu ~ hod 37 lI irplan e Th un official ,"ot e o r lh e S tate l' 1l'ctor s hllvi llg n o opp oHit ir'1l HlIllllll e ll a 4 7 G ;J - 22 county,· tisotlll i'ntu lit ic ~ :i 4 a, f ollows : mllles Ilnd t hree we nt t hro ugh wi t h a whir l. Sec , VAYNE SV ILLE M. E . CHURC H I'e m u!fs. 'co mp lIl't'd to 31 in 1928, Tre8lu rh of Slate Secreta ry of Slate I'c l ur y .. f S lll te ' larl'lIc" Br o wn , 10 in 1927 nnd three in I !J2 1i. nll ck l.. y 1,1 7 (l 12 8 - ·17 Brown WL·dn es ri ay l3ibl t· S tu d y and 3350 H ar ry S. Da y for TreAs lIrer o f Di rec tu.· Neu l broaden sts many Day 18 U 14 22 1679 Humm e ll I'IH~' c r 1I1l' ,t inK III 8: 00 I I . Ill.; Fri(;41 State. we r e n omina ted with out a n y !!,Oo&\ s ugv;es ti on s fo r "lIentio n days Ak e 2B Ii 18 2B 2-1 - \04 I la y - C ho ir pl'lI t·t ic(' a t 8 :00 p. m.; tr ouble . Stephen S. Whi te D, \Va" dUl'in lr th e heate d apl'lI; b!! cnrc, T're8llll rer of State ;O-; undu \' ,'u lld u\, S choo l at 9::10 I ""mlll te d f o l' govern er lind Robt. Rep. to Conl're·. . fu l of th e ~ anilali t1 n o r s wimmin g I AIl e '1. ilL . ' ~ I " r n in g- . wfJ rship III 10 :30 . 1847 J . Bulkl e y D. was n nm inlltc ct f ur D m nd pools , C IIIllP ~ . road f; id e wuter ~ up ­ 4 4 20 23 H :14 - 165 Bu c kl ey Th.· ,; u IJjt·\'l ft f t h£' m nrning ser 9 0 a U . .', .'e natol·. pli S lind blld eating places. Use 24 11 22 27 23- 107 Day ..... , Gram /1" ' n w il l hI' "('hri ~ l ' s U nchn ngc11 30 At lhe lust m om e nt t he pro bllIl nly certifie d w uler suppli es when .dJI!' \. O\'l'." Co mmun ion lIel'VICe Commi llioner bi lity is thu t Chu rl ls Brund fOI' touring the country . For' Conl'r" .. \\' iJI a I_I) IJC h ~ ld III thi ~ III Rep r ese nta t ive t" Co ngress wi ll er 56 12 2B 49 40- 186 Brand Philip H opkin s was II Dayto n ' Mill ''7 -=--=-==- "== = I·:"w or! h Lelll!; u !' li t 7 ::lOp.eting; We llman . .... 27 :10 win o ver m .. Harry Gram by u ni e ", 2 1 IH 17 16 15vis itor Monday . 88 . Gt'a m .......... .. .. 1103 p luru lity. I\ a th ' rim' Bruns tt·lIlo r. I ~ ade l'. and A d ual cD nst ru cti Dn o f the n c w'l 01'11<1 01' 1' i ~ . c ri uu ~ I~' s iLk. ' - -, 111' "ult iee t fo r ti iRc usR io n is s lute o Rl ee buildin g in Fro nt str eet Miss Stella Oaughe rty is Rpend"Wh r!' Rpligi llil and P" et r y Meet. OBITU ARY will begin Septe mb e r fir Rt ac~ord - ing II few MI'~ . Amo i< Mc nd e nhll il is \' i.- itdnys with fri e nds in WAYN ESVIL LE AGAIN A t H p. 111 . , MI'. ('h url es L. Lee , ___ _ _ in g to th e pre~ent planR. 1t I. to Dayton . IN MEMO RY inK I,t·la lin,,, in F rnnkfo rt. Ill d. a C hri: tian Kor ean mi ss ionary, A. Doan , ryo n of Richllrd an d DEFEA TE[) BY BELLB ROOK be <,omple~d by De.cemb er 3 1, . II ill hL' with u ~ and g iv(' his faI NaDmi CDl lins Bra Th ckn en ey 's was a p lea born sa nt plnce 19a 1, hOl~smg the VIII'lOU.S d e pa~t(If p ca ce -~-.-. . 'aws fil ed by J11!lchin er y , c ut 11111 U ~ illu straled lecture on his Wanted ~Family was bey o nd t he city. unday ments wh l~h .ar e locate d m 17 dif- I Mrs. Ernest Dakin, R hings. See n ea r Clarksv ille, ClintDn County , I·l eu n· I·. t ru e r. f Jl ~ t eL Roy Pigott. ow n CO li ntry , it' s n eeds a nd th e ef 0 , I , Wa y- Ohio, Mar ch] fl , I BOO. H e wa~ Dne I ll e llbroo the Mi am Is traveled to Whet'e through waving b oug ferent blllldtn gs 111 the Capital nesv ill e. k .lIl1d tuok one of th e h ~ th !' al Madd en's Lumbe r Yard, fects flf Chri stianity . There wi ll . of a f a milv of nin e childre n- fiv e wo rRt beatmg s of the breezes so ftly sw ell; . City. Th e ~tote will save $ 1 4~ 00.0 YCUI' wh e n Ill' no s pec in l c harges nUlll e fDr bDYS and t o And ur g irls . Of these c hil- Bellbl'oo k jumped o n t h.e off e rings beYDnd all n eed of eal'thly p~r year tn r entllls al Dne. 1 ~ e l e • ummcr Spe cials- rings, co~- dren only one, a sister, .1 . E. 1I1 ~ ("il l r ( had hi H t on s ils t h is m ee tin g , A fre e-will Dff e ring Mrs. Em- ,If Gnn s. Bu~ton a nd Simp son for W!lnt 01' pity, WIll be fi n proof ~torll g e f o!' state tu me j e welry. etc. r e l1l l) v('d, at Millmi \' a ll ey hOR- will I,,' t a ken , Cary's Jewe lry malin e Klippur d o f Wilmin gton 26 run docul11entg lind r eco rd s, whil e the Sh up, LebllnD n. Ohio. s n~atn st o n ' for W ayn eR Many wea l'y feet ha ve pau serl t o pita\. 'Iitu rdllY Th e offi cial b r,nrd will m ee t on . i ~ le ft, rest a spell. ville . Th e Mi a mis loo k ed bad 11 11 wnrkin g ~o nditiDn of ~tllt em Mo nday at 8 :00 Jl. m. Augus t 28 . 18U5 he was m urrl ed t~e WlI Y thl'o ugh" theit· ployes WIll be. vlls tly, Improv ed. hitting Florenc Miss Barbaro Gray i. s pending to Flor ence Lashle y. To Miss Mll ry Sl.u ns herr y. IIf the G. C. Dibert. Pastor. . thig uni o n pItching and fi e ldIng b e ing poor Nathan iel e Varner . daughte r u f EmploY lm·nt wJlI be gIVe n to o n a few days with her M. and Hett ie C r e w Wa v n C!s vill e ntillnlll Hunk f o rc e , grandm other was b orn o ne so n. Me lvin. A littl e all through IIvel'ng e a! t ,600 1~I.en .fo!, 16 i n Frankli n. the gam e. Varner , was born J a nuary 20, is tilkinA' II \'ll cuti o n. In DI'e than t e n years ago at the LYTLE M. E. CHURC H m o nths w~J1 II. greatel pal t If n~t Nex.t .unday nt W ayne Pal'k 187 1. IIll cl rl e pal'ted thiR life, Auga ge of lwenty -fiv e. Melvin di e d. th e Miami S play the W hIle Dove.s. u :;;t 2, nil matel'm l WIll ~e. pure~ascd tn /Ii nt . pl'C'a ch i ng service again at Mi ss L O ll i ~e ' mith. William Luken. , of 1930, aged 5 fJ years Ohio. T~.e new bUlldtngdWIII~ ~~use Ind .. is visiting . Mr. Pendl eto n, SODn afte r th e son's dea t h they on e of lh e fas t.est col or ed t ea mR. m m o nths and 13 days . On July. 6 S pri ll j!~ W!l ~ t hl' v; u es to f S hil oh. r egular time o n . unduy 9 :30. o f and 5. M is~ Mrs. t oo k into their home a yo ung bDY Dayttl n, this sho d prove' t o all th e uepllrtm ~ nts nn (IVISIDn s Elmer Sheeha n. S unda .v Schoo l at 10 :30, W e knDw Ib>e 18!J O, s he wa s unit ed in murriag e A li ce Go Ill;, la st we k. - Clifford Withrow. to wh o m they II g ood gume'. a ul ~)(cept the electIVe officers. s ,th e re wil,1 .e with Wilfrid W , Bl acks haw. w ho Dur pll st or wi ll have a n inspirin g becam e mu ch attache d and who. seve ral n e w face s m the MIamI s . s till s urvives he r. 'fa the ir uni on Th e infan t s o n of Mr. nn d MrR. me~ Kugc fOI' us. Let eve ryone Mrs. W. C. St. J ohn und e rwent has be en with him ever s inc e, li ne-up ., Next Tu es day, Aug us t 19th. an op e ra t ion at the w e r e b orn tw o c hildren . Paulin e H at'vey Sa c ke tt i ~ in Miami Vall l'Y come t o gre e t her. YDung peDple ' s Middl etown This bo y. gl'D\\' n to manh ood ha s . Friday Bib le Inss Monduy evening ' 7 :30 ev ni,!g therE' will be an an d J ose ph, both living. hOSIJitll 1. ill of p ne umonia . h ' f t t hDspita l, Tuesda y. will Iwitnessf t IIe go th erlng b een a constlln t and faithfu l com- Imrorta nt prac:tt~e at Wa yn e P a rk 0 s II e lI enry ayl o r leader. F o ll owed by panl' on, espec l' ally incere. c heery ." 0 sl'nce lind un se lfis the e mp oy es a a d epal' t men tS ill · h, AI th 0 pla."ers W, res t whe rin g In' end t o pl ay S un h I d b beu ds , rcp lute !iil - T euch' r Trainin g C ia: !;. u C . San b II h" firs t annual pic ni c. There are 14.1 t h d" at h Df Mrs. BI'a~ckne y. m ore da" arc.. h mrS. arn e s e was ove to r eport al 6: 1 5 shfl rp. Drn, 0 y II W 0 "n ew e l' vc r wul' c n nd I'PCOVC'1' ul1lbrelJ us. ~ < 000 nf t he m and nunl c rically th e Friend Surn A. Bowma n. Pastor ' ~ s' H o)n e, is s pellding n wee k than thl:ee years ago. Since her Cal'Y' s J ewelry ~h o p, Leba n Dn, O. ----- - - - - - aft'air s hould prove to be a I('rell,t in Richmo nd , Ind. Raise n o nlurble o'e.her dus t., dealh. Dou n has neve r bee n qui le s uccess. it w ill be held at Olen L e t th e grass creep sile~tl y, WAYN ESVIL LE CHURC H OF Mrs. H. V. Walter t he sam E' li nd has failed r a pidly in tangy Park and the sp eakers f r MciNT IRE- WILSO N And th e· blosso ms keep t hell' tr ullt, Dan W a ller. of Le ban and , ~1r s. R. E. Davis and two son s , Df the las t s ix mDnth;. CHRIS T . H o we o n. ver VISited · c he a. l · on will be GDvern or Dayto n, s pent two days campin g h e oc - --In the seaso ns' con stan cy . we nt abollt the form and us ual rcl aliv l's h" re J\lI,lI day afl e rno.on. M' M C th ' Myel's Y. Cooper , W ( ' Und I ~ nom inati o nlll ) Lieuten ant on th e L I·ttl e MI'aml' . . ~II U tl' •~ • lIn t I 'l e t h \' e 1' .v··uay (' f h'IS 1 IS!; ar y a d enne Go' ve rn n r J Ohll Br ow n. S ecretar, ! M R I so n.d"\"rl'te no s l ol'y Df her \v Drth . Th !? a nn ual 'unday School piedeath . 0 n S und IIY he ml' n led caug hte r 0. f 1\' .. g Mr ~. H. B. Earn ha rt an d daugh- Inic will be h e ld r~. of St.a te Clarenc e J , Brown, Audl'1 M r . II nu,. M 1' , A • 'K ' Da\' f R I f .t an2 Whe th e r In a n for"et d TIaymo (1 0.~ 'th t h Fri<l~y, August. 15 f I' I'e nd s a n (I n e I'ghb ors, \" . heard ,.. ."~ or g l' I' ev e _~ t e l'. Nao .• I son M I ' . 0 f aN'll e B. a I'n t l eo r e 0111.".• let t'll e w,~rnl, mi E ll en. a r c ~ pe n di ng n , In Mr. .Jo c Eva ns -grav.e to r of Stote J D8. Tracy. Stote B 1'11 y S un d ay at M ' aml' Valley WI . e. us bl'o \" n D al' lll n , , I hc" .Just lth I b t e , c l'eemln n ot Ire. g m ' ua 0. Covm Treasu re r Ro ss Ak c and Attorne y C hllutauq ua, Sunday e~\' gtoIII' " Ing • on, f e u w \~',e som weeks re with mal'!'l pelll Mr~. 't d OU'I a t K. ' N. n blld H o ug s Jl, 1I 11d I ~~av ~n ",. h. abnv e t own . Everyo ne IOvlted. Ky., Frtda y . time in the night s lept p eaceful ly A • 8 Ge n nl'al GI'lbert Betlma n. Th ere Mee t al Lh e c h urch at 10:008 . m. lIwlly- aged 64 YHl rs , 4 month s UTghU S ~b " d . M. s. W ill Ne wlan d . o f h icago, Tn\ll s po ltuli u n w ill be provide will c be contes!! ; of all kind s fDr b f the Gnly let th e fl 'ee wind s l ell d 16 d d e n an sys . valuabl e prizes and a bathing e .IS II me.m a r is a 1 lhe no ~ lI e ~t d Of of her broth e r -in -law f I' a ll. Cum e and ha ve a gODd a l'lf ~n akl'n to all, Eyes bother you? His life was contere d in his : , g !'a u,a t m~ c Iass f W hestlty review will be one of the dolph. eyesigh t specialiSee Dr. Ru- . 0 li lIyne~ nd s is t er. M I'. 1I1lt! Mrs. W. H. ti m I:! w ith us . S unduy se rvices as - 1 B eautifu l in field a nd dell. st, at Cary's home and his imm ediate neighb o r- vllI~ J~l f t re gh sCh~o ~ _ _ __ Allen . Jewelry ShDP, Lebano n, Ohio. W ood ann hill a nd waterfu lL fo ll o ws : Bible Sch oo l at 9 :30 a. hood. He was knDwn a s a perfect ly ell u s. III.: Lord's Sup per !; imply and . honest man and th ough Quiet and HAD EYE LACER ATED F o r gift ~ a nd girt idem; vi ~ it S cr ipturall y " bser ved at co . The Friends R a i e n o marbl e o' er he r du st . ncluTh oi'. L. WD ods, cashi er. and which has been inYcarly Meeting , unass uming, was of an unu sually C'a ry ' H .I (,.I\ie lJ·y 'h op. Lph a n o n, 0 ., s io n; C hris tian E nd eav or Let the grass creep s il 'n ti y; Ilt 6 :45 dispDsit i c;' His ch eer y Lawren ce R. "Judge " Lyons, book ' several -dill'S. closessessiDn here for jovilll " T he H l) me G od nf can (;ifls." read her s imple p, to morrDW. 111 t .. rust Lois P( nn ingto n . Iea de r. A presenc e lind merry laugh will be 'While ringin g hog keep e r in t he departm ent Monday . ' Latonia . In love's immort ality. uniqu e se l' vic ' i, heing planned . adly missed b~' ull tho 'e who Ross Planck met with Secretlll'Y of State Clar ence of J. Rev. G. C. Dibert and family skn an occiden t · ew E vt 'his n illgL, best. V. R . l' van~ e \i s t i c s c r vice at which greatly inte rf e r es with hi s Brown. will s pend theit vocatio n returne d Friday afler ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~Ii:< ~ . Marial! Conk a nd MI'. ' 7 :,15 p. Ill .• s(> nllon subject s pending , "Jesu s eyes. H e was r oping a hog, when fi sh illl! in the wilds Df Northe rn two weeks with l'elbtivE Ge o l'ge CI ·\,(·nj!c l·. o r Oa yt nn. 11 11 TriaL" 's near Yll lI w!1I Illi s~ a great Card of Thankl t ho r op e broke . und th e hog lurCanada , scores of miles away fr om Lima. W.' I(· lrU l· ~ t~ " I' ~ II'~ . Eth nn C ra n e. In'at ~' h(, 11 .,: n!! nll ~ H any Of the RETAL LICK- SWAR TZEL ched fo rward into his face. ba dly IIny b llllan hllbttat ion. Atty. Jas. li n II lo ll du r. s ple n did 1II11 ' lcu l n umh 1' " we are We wi ~h to e:<pl'css OUI' appre- lacer~ting hi . left Hurd, assistan t corpora tieon ad. , While n. o t A Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaw ay c iati on o f. th e kindnes hav ing- HI t hl' ~ " ~e r \'i ce~; Prayer we dding was ~ol em i z s and sym- a . e l:1Du8 accld ~ nt. It IS most dI S- I d laspretty vi~e r of the departm ent, will r ep- i and Mrs. Mary Mr . ,1I1 e1 l\1r ~ .. J. C. Haw kl' . Mr. m eeti ng ea c h Wl:llnes du y eve ning t P r iday e ve n ing, Augu st 4 McClur e mDtore d pathy of our neighb ors and fri ends tress tng. J>r~ sent the Americ an Legion bOYII to Russell 's PDlnt. _ _ __ a _ nd __ Mrs. C. when Le e /J awke and fum - lit 7 :·15 p. nl. Miss Caro lyn and St. Mary's at the time Df OUI' b e reavem ent. SWll rtZl I 01 the Capital City at the a~n~al l Sunday . daught er Df Mr. nnd Mrs . W. A. ily s pent un da~' at Mi:lmi Va ll ey "Th e churc h wh er e YOll f ee l at The Relativ es hauta GRANG E NOTIC E uq ua . conven tion to be held In CtncmI SWBrt7.el, of Wa ynesvill e. b ecam e home." - - - - - - - -nali a nd 11111'1 y D • . Hale, executi ve The Fairley C hes t er A. William s on , Ministe r Ithe brid e Df Mr. Ke nnet h Retallic k re store was Mis~ e Irvin and MI'. A ll en clerk to Secreta ry Brown will so- closed MnndayHardwa son of Mrs. Maym e Re tallick. of W t,IIf'!' , Hatti and Tuesda y, be- 40th WEDD ING ANNIV ERSAR Y "I' B('II L",,,.k, w r' cll ll on; As Farm e r' Grang e will entel'- I Orcg'o nin, lourn at Cedar Point. attend injt I couse of the death ot al th e hlllll\' oj' Mrs, Lau ra Zell. Mr. Fairley 'S tain Leban on Gmnge Saturda y the annual r~union and conv!ln~ion mother. The w edding tool< pla ce at th e S unday llftern o II. D E ATHS Mr. and Mrs . E me ry Ch!lrlet on eve ning, Augu st · 10 . all ti on of th e Ohio Elks AssocIa tIOn, Grange r R home of th e bride ' s un cle a n(1 nunl celebra ted their 40th weddlll g an- tak e notice thflt we . ' . .J o r which Mr, HIII ~ I.· "ecreta rv , a llle~ William , ~lg('r1 2 v eal'S, wiil meet a t I Mr. lind MI·s. O. Wayne Swartze l Misses Annie and J\1 ('ss r~. OI'vllI ' Gray. ( hc~tc!' go n nf J\h. u nd Mr~. O t her employ es will visit eastern spent last Thur!'d ay Mame Brown nlversa ry at t h eir h ome in Lytle. t he Waynes ville Gym, in stea d of ;11 Daytnn at seven H a n y'Leon o'c at loc th~ k. R home ev. <::I.. rc~· an,! HaJ'lJld Sunday : Auust 10 , H)20. and al- our own ha ll. at 8 :3 water res orts while several hav ~ I of C_ N. BerryhI ll and 0, Wade Mill er, past o r o f the U B. (1l1 e lnnllll Re(!s \lflOd~ h o r~ ~IIW t~ e I llni. 1,1' K ing-s Mi lls. di ed o f dipfamtly near so the 27th weddin g anniver al'range d for lake tripR. sary ~h ll lld e lJ1hlU _ .. _ _ th _ e riu _ in _ _ th e __ h os pi ta l at Cin c innati . Bellbro ok. ' church uf Oregon ia, pet'f o nn ed hall ga nt t! ut CIIl CIJln Df Mr. and Mrs. Bert Burger. of nl l ~und a y . I AugJls t S. th e dDuble rin g ~erv i ce in th •• Pleasan t Plain. A basketTh e Ohi o S tate Fair and Ni~ht dinner CARR- CLE AVER- RICH Mrs. Mary Oliver, of Coving ton, was served at the noon presenC e of the imm ediat e fall1ili f' ~ F brs t r es u lt s consign your I The brid e wore Iln llttract iv' iv e or~tock is the In)est of her sister, Mrs a very pleasan t day washDur and F orse Show ope nll at C a Iom b u s a Ky., to Gree n, Embry Co.. enj oyed ( ' ''I\ r~c W , Murnn d,ted at hiS gown " ·(' l·k from next Monday nnd con - Matti e William son at the Ferry b th f II I ' f I . Cin ci nnati. in care of D. R. Sa lis , ! h"l111' 1I~1l 1' Go~ he n Th e annua l Cu rr- Cleave rI'I' P'" ~ kPIl e ,green cre pe un lI ca r- bury ti lUes thrDUgh th e week until parsona ge. y e o ow ng. , August . ' M '11 b h II t !) th . 1!I:W . H e wa s bor nOhIO ' Mr. (I pI and n rOSfR Mrs. Bert in Hurriso n RIggs, r. Rich reunion ~V I . ,Ia e e C a I ht A . ' I FDIIDwing the w eddinl!' cc r e . ' t 30th EI b l c t 1< N b 13 1B92 l and Mrs. Wayne S:\ llll' 4 y n I?. Gaylord and us ual plac e. W e llmun School . Sun mony ' o un y Yo. (\Ve~1 e r ugus . , ~ .. Misses Charlot an'd Marie lIett dau hter of Fort Wayne on wa~ h eld for t h ' , Mr. and Mr H. W . H. Allc'n ::I nd ' , o!ate pl'ep!,l'a tlOn s are being ac. e r~turned to their te day, Augu Rt 17 . All mentbe rR lire relati~eas 1ecepti HL' lea ves hiS Wife and and 6 home in Indiann p Mr gand 'Mrs HarC\in Dl'al'ingInd.; chl!few gu ests. tlwi>' house {! II (' S' . MI's. W , ill of N' lJl'l-:ed w, dren nne! one broth e r t o mourn hIS t o Ilttend. til enterta in thl'. largest crow s malis, Sunday , after Both Mr. and Mrs. Rcll.lli c k lund , of C hi cllj':o, allcll a pleasan t C ~brld e 'City Ind . : Mr. and dt. d tht:' r\ ep~lI·tu I C . . . -. - d Ne;h blllldlni l': gradua ted from Wayn e~vill~ High I Co ll etl- McKllcV picnic visit In the home of their aunt Mrs. Burges SaLU nl ll~" ancl childrt· n. l'lI lIe l'lll ; e l'VI('CS were he ld at HAWK E FAMIL Y REUNI ON school. The form e r a e relcte. Ie grolullnstaS lled fDr the Mrs. Josle· W~ltaker. m e mb e l' o f Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbs and chi!Me l I· ullCl'al pllrlo r. Monday nUl conven ~nce~ th e elass of 1926, is em l>l o yeri a R E lmer ' he ehull and ~on iI: a t . '~ft(' rnoe,n, R~v. ~, C,. u~e of visitors . The entire list Is II Rev. and Mrs. Wade MiIlllr at dP'i:~sa~~ d Plain: Miss J\.[itdred Jones __ ---+--DI~ert oft.eacher at Elkhar t scho(Jl in Mr. W e!;t Charle~ t e nding the CH rtha J.;:' ( F nil' t h i~ til'ln tlng . Bunn i HI !\tIlllnn The 10 1h an nual r eunion of th e Middlet own. t h e largest I" the history of the Dayton , . Mr. and Mrs. Ceme. C. E. w(' Elzey (' k with Hllrvey an , (xl' of ibi t Clarksv of Bro ille' Ohio; HnwkC' fami ly' will be held at wn t l'ry. b ig ~tate expDslt ion. and daughte r, Anne Barton were Miss Mrs, Retallic k is a m emb cl' of Sw iss cattl£' and Sputted Cora Gibbs, nf P olnnd Madi- Wayne Park. ' unday. Augus t 24. th " clllRR of - - -- - • HI2B. Sunday dinner guests Df Mr. al'\d sanville . Ohio.; Mr. Ch ino h ogs. and Mrs. EIGOOD CUT CLOTH ING CLUB Mrs. T .B. BrannD ck. The young couple have taken up POOL ATTRA CTS SWIMM ERS mer Hill and Mrs. Stamet s and their residen ce in Leban on . childre n, Misses Kathry n Torner . Mu slel' Chal'l l'R Hart R,)c!, . of of Mr. and of Newton ville. Ohio. i The regular meeting of the Madetl a, Florenc e Bobb, Mrs. Leavert on and SDn, Milford . join ed h is IlHlthl'I·. ~ I I· ~. of lIi11a- of Eaton, Wayn esvi ll e swimm ing pool G ood Gut Clothinl !' club was held '! ~ura McKins Ohio; Mr. and ?irs. F. C. HartROc k thi ~ wl't!k f(lf' a viI;- is The ey and Sara e njoying Frank Chllrlet on and two childre n MEETI NG OF W . F. M. S. ~I' Friday, August 8 at Mrs. MI ~~ II Cl m c ~ere it at the h o me " f hi s KI·nlld lll" ther. Wilmin gton wide popular ity among .week-e nd guests wat e l' e nthusia sts. It and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fair Bakel'S, . Mrs. Laura Mos ho r. of Mrs. JosIe WhItak er. if; II s h ort drive from this city and child of Dayton ; Mrs. Amand a T c n membe rs anRwer ed to roll Th e W . F. M. S, of the M, E. i ~ II n c o f th e most modern pools cro ll by naming their favorite Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrew s Gihbs Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbs church met on Wednes day afterWatch ' n eed 'n ' pn irill g ? Exper t within of Ft. Wayne, Ind., and Mr. Harry and ;on, Mr. and Mrs. Cliffor.d · fl ower. 110Dn, AUllust 6. at the hom e of watc h mak er at rll I'y'. .1(' we\ry Wilmin t hllt dl'i vinl!' nistanc e from News. A hayride was planned but no Hamilto n and daught er Virgini a Warric and so n . Charles CharleMrs. A. K. Day. The d e voti()n ~ Shop. Leban on. Ohio. ( III ." gl' nuine .l oumal.gton .- Wilmin gton fUl'th e r ar ran gement s were made. of Clevela nd have been visiting tDn, Sr., and Alvy Charlat on, of Wf'l'e conduc t ed by MI'!!. Day. the mnt e rinl t1 ~ ect in O UI' \'(· pair d~Jla rt A II membe rs' are request ed to. their mDther Mrs. Emma Hamilt on Lebano n i Mrs. Lucy McCart hy, of subject being " The Door of Op- m e nt. SDuth I Lebano n i Mr, and Mrs. • In;ing clothin g or fruit to th e EASTE RN STAR NOTIC E portuni ty." npxt meetin) !. The Blue Ribb Q.r1 Expel·t 8ervice given on Swiss Charles Charlto n and !lon and , \ Mr,. Ru th .Jnnney a nd chl1 1 ~ ht c r The regular bu s in ess sess ion !\>Ii ~ ,. Sheets were discuss ed. The next and Americ an watche s in our re- daughte r, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ., LnuellU . with Mr: . Lnl'en was h eld. All Jl1e lllb cl' ~ o f Miami Chapte r and Miss Gertrud e m eeting will be hpld on Friday. pair . departm ent. Efficien t and Charlet on The program "Mite Box In- Hudl (> I' a nd d Allf' ht cl' . of I3l' lhil'e; August 1 G, at the home of Jane prompt servie~ assured . Store open Charlet on. £'athe ting" was in charge Df M r~ . and Wal ter Willi tl m ~ and flln \ i l~' No . 107 0 , li}. S •. who wis h dinner evening s. Cary's Jewelry Shop, Kennet h Hough, and cons iste d of of Kia~man. s pent 'unday with t ickets for .the d is tt'ic!t tnf' eling lit und Evelyn Furnas . Juanita Branno ck. Report cr· Lebano n, Ohio. two s ~ lecti o n ~ from the Hymnll l MI', lind J\fr~ . Ro der ick Burd tl n a t HiIl Rboro . Aug us t 27, 1920, will BAND CONCE RT kindly see Jose phine Eal'nha rt at and two reaC\inj!'s, "Dl'cla ring the Columb us. -~ - _ . the home o f Mrs. K. N. HAugh b'p,.Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wright , .T he ' Wayn esville S~hool ·Ba~d Dividen d," by Mrs. € rabbe and Mrs. Lo ren Hadl ey a n 'l li t tl e ~ort' Aug ust 20. The price is 15 ATTEN TION JR. O. U. ,... M. who are IDcated in Huntin gton, will give a concert . tn Corwtll , " Two. Mil'e Box Op e nin gs," b.Y dau g hter. Genl'vi e\'e, . nf Bellait'e , ': ntr, pe l' p.l a t .. Weat Virgini a, where tile fOl'mer Thursd ay evening , . Au(!'ust Mrs. Willi amso n.. lind MI's R od e l' ick Barde n. of is leachin g in SUmme r school Come ' and enjoy an evening 14. of The hostess was aSSIst ed by Mrs C DI~mbu ;; All membe~s of the Order are 'spent the ",eek-e nd . are vhli ting th ~ir WOMA N SUPER INTEN DENT, with their music by the YDu'nge-st bal)d of its Kennet h Ho~h, Mrs. WhItak er moth urged t() be present at. the reg- fath~r, Dr. A. T. WrIght e r and sister, Mv, . Ruth Ja·n. . size, in' . . ,~ ·Oruo. and · Mrs. . Rap er. . ' ular meeting of MiamI. Valley ney and "Miss L ouella. . . Come ' young and old -~ _ .. we • ~. Counci l ' No: 103 Jr. _O. U. A. M.. , '. " . MisS Ji}ctn!1 "M. J. V. Hartsoc k with a party 'of should heat' music- make muslcEASTE RN . STAR NOTIC E next Friday evening , August 15, Hal' Feve~ frien.ds 1 Me~ars. Samuel Butterw orth- t he office ,Df . . b eginnin g prompt ly at.·S o'clock. and Oberhn , ObI!?,. .from Akron enjoy music- from 'YDuth to delltlh . and Gilbert Frye 'were in Wil ming de'nt of Scl1Qols 01 leave Gtpr This tD,day evening " of enterta Membe rs and their fami\ie s :wi!1 ton Sunday aftern9 0n'. The A larjte ' clas9 of candida tes is to for Sault St. MarIe, qan.ada v fo uwl Friday 18 made · Dem~I! and pouible 1. .· f«;~2='~ for you !';~:':' by ~~~~1 the L_-";" have a picnic at Wayne Park Frl- Mr. ' Buttel\w orth'!\ sister, 1)_ initiate d. Eats? Yes! Oomel Petoske y, Northe rn MIchIg an tor Waynet lVille Farmer 's Exchan ge . Mrs, A. Miss day aftel'no on and evening . Aug- I A. Linton, who E. J. Schuler , C9un. a five weeks vacatio n, to ~cape fell on!! of the outstan ding ' busll)es s ,ion ip, retumll .., ' ust ,22. Basket supper at 6 :30 hip m01'e tban twoa • broke · tion · of A. I,i. Cleaver , R. S. the annual hay ~ever sufrenn g. weeks ago. c()untY IIUI>Clrln(e11dtlnt in the tallda. . enterpr ises .Df our commu nity. p. m. . ~ 'getting along vl.!ry weU. IIJi tltl!


























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~fWS ;GlfANfD

Aec n unt ~ approved:

fROM COURT HOUS[ Comon P Ie... Proeee,dinr' ] n · tho netioll o f J . E. Jo hnso n V l' I :; \1 ~ ,I. I' . Kealh , Ow e n Gross, E lbvl'l CI'UW( . 1\1. W. En r nhart, . J ()~ l'r h H. 1,' Nld'r$ :upply omP:III): fi nd ,' a ll1 Fink'iemn n, t he cIJ ur t l'o nfil'l ll rd th e gu le o f p rOIl I'rty t n OW l' n G I'O~S , purc hllsel'. Th e tllU l't o rd"l'ed thnt t he cl c rk l:lIU ~ '. Rlilis f.l rL in n o r th e m e r ('hollt's lil' II S. ~ lI l· d IIPOII in t he CIIl'~ . Hnd fUI'lIll' l' II I'deretIJ d i~t ri u ut io ll \If Ihl' pro t: 'ds o f the ~ a l c. III th(' ('IISt' (I f Thl' Stat' o r Qh in \. ' r~ u ~ Fl'I'IlIII Il Bar ll ha r t, thc ddl'lIdun l I"' ill ).( rh lll'g ('d wi th ut t('l' in!: dl\' ~k with oul s uffi cie nl fll ll. I> , whl' l'l' hy !'C l1 te' 1l P W:I . tl t' fI' rr!'ri IIp ,, n \' (l iid itill ll thu t th e d ~­ f'·IIt! :.III1 ~p (' n d fl, u l' mo nths in t ht:' ('''!l ll ly jlli l IIl1d P IlY ~ th le' co s t~. T he (' a~l' "f :ll lI rjo l'i l~ 'q ui r es \' C'I'~ U '; 0 11 11 '1' C;. Squirl's \\' II S di s-


Jo;!ltate o( Mal'}' A. Spllar, l· t'II ".,d, fir lund final. Es tate of William D. McFadde n deceased, firs t Ilnd final. Estat of J ohn J. Ward, de ea sd . tlrs t nnd finnl. Eslllt of aphfl'o nia J. Hutchins n, dec eused, first nnd finnl. E state of Frances E. Parkhill, d censed, first nnd final. Estate of Mary Palmer, dece nsell, fir t; final nnd distribut ive. E, tnte of hid y La mb, mino r, firs t. Gunrdi nnHhip of a l'l 1\1. Zwic k, el Ill , minol',s, first. P. ~ tu te of Artliur Morg an , minor li r~ t lind final. Gu a reliuns h ip o f Allee . " t ok s, iIH:olllp clent . flrsl and fin nl. A n ins t l'Um e nL uf wl'iting, purpor l ing t o be th e In: t wil1 und t('s tll moll t of Au g us t , c hn e id 1' , d l' ('ell ~t: d WII . produ ced in co urt li nd admitted to pnd.lo te. Fai r y Lee Bnk r ac c pled th e ap p ointm ent ns guard illn o f .Juanita . Ha zel a nd Glad ys Ba ke l', mi no r!' nnd ti led he r bond of $600 wit h ~: Id c n Buk e r and Cllrl J. Mill e r us s ure ties. ,Juhn W. Mc Clung WII S II ppointcd administrator o f th e estat e o f Huth J . Mc lung decellsed II lid fiilHI hi s hond of $700 with D. E. He yw ood a nd J. Lee Tho mpso n a ~ ~ u .. eti l! ~. Eld e n Buk e r wus app o inled nd mini sll'lIto r o f t he es tllte o f Llo yd Ba kel' . d ecell se d, lind fil ed his bo nd of ~40 ()0 with F uil'y Leu Bak uI' li nd II. L. Chast ee n u ~ s ur eti es. '1'11(' co ur t decr eed thnt Eld l!n Bak t· r. adll1ini ~ trot()l' b(' auth o rized lo s e W!' II cia im f ur dn mug c!! agains t th e ,Juck,;o n S o n R Cu mpuny o f Middlel o wn, f o r th e \\' I'o ngrul death of Lloyd Da vid Buk e r.

THE GOVERNOR'S FELICITATIONS Th. Ohio State Fair II the panoramic po~trayal of Ohio prorre"· lI'or four Icore year. It has annually burst Into rlldiant bloom,. to the II'10ry of the lltate and the deltght nnd profit of her people. It 111 ~tatlf biltory writ into impressive display!, dazzling pugOlllltry, educatIOnal motif. and pride of commonwealths, Ohio'. pre-eminence AI one of the &Teateat states In the Union Is on no other occaaion 80 splendidly and definite ly established as during State Fail' Wee k. It ill the consis tent policy of the present administration to maintain the ton e and integrity of this great exposition . It mus't be edueational- in its r igin and nlltllre . it mus t be IIgr icultllrnl- it does, in s hort, prove lin illuminlltinll' cross-secti on of lhe farm, industriul lind commel'cinl life of the stllte . The r e will be much In this year's fllir t o helll'ten lind do honor to ngriculture. Th is slate WII S f ounded on lhe res ponsivelIess of the soil. Upon the s uccess of Ilg ricultllre I'Cs ts the welfare of the elltire peo ple . It is therefore fi t ting thnt lhe Stllte Flli~ r e main true to the tcn('ts of its illception and ins pil'lI t ion down lh l'o ull'h the YCllrs. Thi s mll y well be done wth~ut negl ec t t o t he I1 l1l11 zi nll' indus trinl, commc rc ial lind s'lcilll progress of the el'D in whid l W I! li ve. (N or will th e filiI' be IlIcking in f .•tures of wh ult'sll llle ('ntcl' lainme nt combining 1I1l' p1':lcti ca l wit h the necessury lig ht.. r phases of lifl' .) , The 80th ::;tCltc Fili i' is d lll l' tl!d t o be a joyous, I!cl pful, snfe Hlld well worthy expositi un fur all of th e Iwo pll' of Ohio li nd th llu sn~l d s of guests from sister st.atl! ~ . (' urdill l ill vi tntiu\l is h" l'e by e xt e nded c ity IIl1d country people, olle li nd a ll , you ng a nd old, t o cOllie t o th · Fa il'. ill full confidence that such vi s it s cann" t ftlll 10 please. Las t YClIl"S fa it· s urpassed aU previous efl'or ls ill a t lt- nda nl'c lind ~Cll pC. Ye t gl'l' lIte r s uccess anticipated this yelll·. Th ' week of Au g usl 25 to 30. nw r lt s th e fair period. , . ' It gives me gl'cnt pl<'11911 1'(' to t' xLl' nd my gl't'c tln g s lind , as ~, n nct:ve member of stnte IIml "(l Ull t y fai l' or gnni za tiu ns . to welco me th e "ulgcest and best" Oh iu Stat" Fai r we hllve evel' knuwn. :\IYERS Y. OO I' E R, Gove rn or uf Ohio.

'. , "'-,.-" "" 'Y'I "~ I1 II1('\ill l{" 1'I'l'hll l'''' 1' 111jl' IllJl c Wl' I'(' nll t in the ro o m, 1111\\','\' 'I', t il" "la in." I':\'t· w" nl nn . " I cll n' t th e n ig ht \\' us ~'\lUIlg' lI nti Ih l'Y S ill" \·et." Th y W l'n' in he r l'i tl in g--l'o,lnl. Iy IIP PI·IIl'· llItCI'. . .I.,h.· ~ h , "I; h i~ .'h ill ill)!' hl nt: k un d n ow ~ h e l'OS I~ and w lll k,·d t o :-;111' " IUI'l'd '" 'IIIItHI hI" ', ili lri. l"':t d :ll1d ~ ,"il,'d hi s /'lIrl' >- milc. Ihc Will d ow, w he l'(l ~ h e !<t (t od fol' ~ u, · d b ~' ItII , e ha !:<' t o ~ Iudy II ~ ",,, " l' ll\ lIlIt' '' II ~ 1 I<' · ~SU I'\· . " h It Itllllllcnt wi th he r hll('k lil him . HII ob ~ l'r\'l? l- l he S" "IIl ~ ill ",h id, 1::t1h lltl\' IIoi d th .. Inl l\·. " Hil I' m look ing 0 11 1. Su me thi llg ill hl' l' m an s lw hud ~ (I ., fll·1I I"k"n II jll'"fl" , 111'1 ' f,!1:iol I,. )../11\\\ ,'1 ·I')·th ill)(:< a ll lIl'r IlllldE' h im fe l l th llt h" ('0 111<1 " i,l l1a l pa rt. 111 all hl' l' l1i).(hl~ l hl''''' ,i ghl " " " . ' Il i~ 1, Ial'k I'Y I'~ \\'l' I'" t'o lluw h ' r. Il l' d id ~" . li nd ~t" d ~ 11l' hnd nen' r It.l'!I 111 11.· ttl sil II I \'", \' hUII" ". " \ :I:ld " "ll ""III "~ I"" kb" si de hoI' u ~ he ha d dune th e ir n I:l Lll' a nd 1'1'1111 ), gil'l' 111' 1' l'~' l'" I in':i ft,·,.h , ,.'.' h,· hr " ugh t "Ill ill a firs t ('vl! nin g l ugl'lhl' I' ill th !lt 1'00 1\1 to Ih t a b ll'lIu a ~ n ",llllll? II l1 d ,;hl' r u ~ h. '' \\' ,,, I,il101 ,,,,"1'1 i d." "' h l: .a ll1 (> llI e mo r y ru~e in th e d id it ntlw . wh ill' t-:ril' a l1 t! Ih , II II:" ~ hi" ,· ~ i l lil1t' 1'1', 111 t heir lIIi n d ~ of b ot h , nnd ul1d er t ht' f o rC' wfl ite l', thl' Ili t ter :1 man " Ill' hlld li\· ,·~ . Il ot se (' n b('[ un '. r " ,, 1 in lll' t! t " ,.," '":\ 1l.J .1'1'1 " 11 , 1' I,,'opll' tll in k t l li ~ of it ~ he turn ed t o fllce hi m. "'\" (IU ' I'(> ri i( ht. " ~ h (l ~ ai d q u ietl y ce nt !'lI tc th l' il' th u l~;.:h t " Oil . th ,· ~ IIP i ~ II h:lld \I "ri d." 1': vl ' t,oI d lI ami l- lII i~~cI I. " I love \"1 11 . I d id n' t I'l'al ize il t ill IWI' p l'll bl l' lll . I .. " 11- 11 "'1\' l l1 xil' :li, 11111 '1 " ils ,,1,, \\· T h,' 1':1 «' o f FI' t'. ( :Il1 d Knt l' It \\'0 :'\ met li t lasl lIll d 1\ 4 1': 1';" \I" Y 11I1 1I 1I1~1t lit.· T I\dl'\' l.. i ll' ~ C,1 II - Hidlll l'l is \' l' r" l1 ~ H OI'U I' !' M. lIall , this \\' Cl:k. I d id n 't \\' lIn t VO LI tll kllow it n o \\'. Bu t r ~ Il J.lpo ;; J' v ~ s tl' lI ig ht el1 ,·d . p rl' plI ll', 1 t o gil'e hi" ""It' d tt: dl i,·. " 1\'" Ita d Iw th ing l'I al . wa s di ~ llI i s,,(' d. b('(' n . howing it t' very tillle I Illtl, lIti ll ll t 'l hi" "" Illpalli"" , :I I'li l J.indl"'"". If I h"d ll ' l . . . I III l h l' ca sc I,f T h(· ~tlltl' of Ohio loo ked ut YO II o r i>)l oke to yo u. " f a llli liur voir" ~p" kl' t.1l Ev,' . It \\ ,,, "1,'1 II Illi l \l lI u ld hn\·,. 1"'1'111111' \' C' I'~ lI " L. H"y ;\1<I U1'(', t he (It-fc lI " Eve!" lI cl' e xp ressio n s top p ed WU s J a kl· 's. alld th t' n" \\' -I'jlJllI'l'" , f "" . if I' d h:1d tlil' Sil l' Il l' ex- da nt W/I S s t'lltl'nl'ed to 1"11)' II fin e his s pe r l' h li nd ht·ld him Ill ulio n- Wl l'l' n,, \\' s ul ,j,·I·!t·d I.. tl1\' " Iru l- P,'1 i" llI'I' " nl' " ft.·11 I',' : " I ~ "I ", ul"" o f .' ;l filJ and t,'s t ~ . IIllt l t hut hl' " It t1""> I1' { 1"':11' t hi llgi ng o r. " ~ t ,,"d l'II 11l1 l1 iU I d ill t he ('O ll ltt \' I,,!,:. In' ncc uf hi s 1Jl'~t p l ' lI fl' ~ -il/lI: d 1lI ;! 1I "I I<J \'I' yo u ," s he r e pea t ed , "B ul ncr. . . , . ! J. ,,, ,i itl.''' 1I,,·;.dt.:d ,h i~ .11I "u g' hl s h il lInlil tinl' ull d tll!'t" u re pa id : "G ood {'veni ll/!, '' " '. (",,,d ('\' ,'n -I"!I Ill" I1 ll-: h l ,of I·.\'(' ~ tI' ~lI l'pen rT hl' e a ~ ,· o f ~"\l' Y'II'\, Li fl' inI ' ll ne vl' r Ill u rry you r ea ll y. t ill 1'lIl a hsolut Iy mYile lf nga in ." illK. l1I a d am. I ~ ," '1'1ythinl-! :oil ' IH' I' ""d ,, 01 11,, 01 h a ~ il.l': ' : r l~1 g-I ~ d , 11I'a n('e (''' m pa ll ), \' t'I''' U ~ F.ll is "A nel wh('n yo u ' r e u b ~o lu !,e l y l'ight '?" .\ \\' ,·" t ,I II 11:,, 1 1'111("'. S I'{'11l1! It. ! Smith l'l .. I. wa s lli s mi ~ ,e( 1. y ours( lf :Jl!'lIill, he a lm os t gron n ed . l.I e n ·(· . . ll t· ,.! th lil-pa l' lill l: m li t, 'r 'lid 1111'" III /.: .' lI a~ ha p Jak e '"h av e l Til t ill' ('a M' o r S llltl' of Ohi o Vt' l' " yo u wo n't kn o w m e li t II IL My g iVin g him Inl' l ru ,·t lllll < f " I' " '1 ~ .. hang- I' d 1I1~' I ('I·IIIl)! :11 "'" 1 It. I ~ 1I i' S t an )..\· 1l " lad ll\'. t hl' til fe ll Joel . E ve ! th illk wha t yo u' r e eOIl- <1ll'e iHI ,,(· r vicl·. and, :1 < Iii,', man :' 1 1/l" lI dl l ' 11l'.I· \\' 1/111.1." . E \, t.J dHllt h a \'i ll ~ be"' n : e nh' IH:'l'd to pav d pllln illg us t o, if thi ll thin g la s t,! " li ll·d ., lIl rn .. d H\I·"Y· n "l k."1g II ' 1Il.I! eol. 1.l l', I{I :lIH· ,' <I li t I~,' r qUIl:ld y. j II fin (' (If .' [JO{) li nd h.. " IH! £' 1I cll ri"A lld Ihink what I'd contl ' mn plal,n t Il "- \'t. t hai nl '. IlItllllalll1 11 " I , ! 1:(' \ hll·a).! I, 1I/-!'l! II CY:i r cp ly to lin ed in t he ~II l1nty j ui l for s ix us io if I marri ed YOIl whilt' I' m hIli I' f,um c r lI C'l l1 l1 ln tall "i' \l IIIJld ~·.I\C ~ tl'I " ~r: 1I11 hll (1 I' ro lll ls(' d a 111 11n l h, . it \\,11> orde n ·1i i hnl he be li ke thi ~ and th en- " s he f ~ lt f or tO Ill t' fr o lll hill1 . lu ll rl' p,' rl hy 111 111 1. The du c lIl1Ie nt re l" a cd . New Suih "l,lnl' 11I 11 11 I(O llt. I' ll' u ~ c'" E vc sui t! itself 1'11 11 '" lin till' II lJ1 l'n ing of t h e III t h t. II d i.m o f \v i~ (' Furnace t he l'ight words Bnd ve rbally UIl de rlin ed th em- " eo me ba ck t o a n ~ os h (' :; I upp~'d : hi' ad d.,·d fOlll' t h du.\'. It .was n clo mpl ete I'e- r ll lllplI lIY \'e rs u!; D. W. Bis hop, Li zzi e H eize r nlso known ns Elizfind l1I yse lf lh e wife of 11 s trHng el'. q Ulekl y: " ] CHI1 I ~ In I II ap"I(II!IZI' 1'"1'1. It ' \ ' ('11 \llc lud~d .the nll lll eS th e (' 11 1I 1't dl' ('I' ped t hllt wh e n th e a b('th He ize r verfi US Mollie anti That's th e wa y it's said t o be, III{UlIi fO I' leuvl lI!: yll ll ~ .. s tl dtl nl y :llld udtl l'cs>('s li t Iw(' S 1l1lC llgO (O x:! (·t bn lallc P d ue r1 e f e n dnn t D Geo rgq Bl'llnham , .Jncob and Kate olld T' VI! brllu gh t my. hu , hll iid w ith I' h)·. i(' ian , a nti 11 1' t h,' 1111.'·S (, wh n W . Bis hop b o ~ c (' rtoin ed by H: M: Klab e r , Fred and Elizab e th Klab er yo u kn ow, in th es e cllses ." "But yo u love me n ow" he er ied 111 ' . We W CI'" 11I11Tl'l ed t he day I ha d u l\ " IHkd h,· I·. Ou t Of. II , my I' - Bradfo rd li nd C h n l'i (l~ lS( ib bH, th a t Grace und Charles Denis t o n, Abba " You ' v.e said so l I cnn' t take it ill Il·ft her e." \I \ · l' \'. 1.l (·I,ti N ..-,, " r\J~e In tl'l UIl1- th e am oun t bc paid t o th e CO \JI't lo !lnd S helby Cope, Myrtl e and yet but yo u ' ve sa id so !" . he hll d neve r he f !) l'e ~e(' n Jnk c 1\1:I IIt \,!IHIll·ut lO n. . pu y t h(' lm llln ce du e u po n ce rtain Lco nnrd Co pe, Earl Klaber and • ':Oh yes J lov e you n ow." S he !In,lIl e. ":h c ph el1 11IlH' n OIl wa s wlI rt.h I1 l1nlll l un tl' lcphn ll ,' d "rrl c k j udgm e nt r en d e r ed t og e th e r with S tanl ey Klaber, Pearl and William added 'slowly "And I'm de pe nding wl ln l· s~ mg . f o r , It IIHld (' .Inke , I' h e (·" nfl l· nwl!"n 101 ht· !l1 ~. n ll~r '~ int e r ~ t li nd C IIRt~. Th e d('fe n dant Graham , Shirl ey and Frank Haron you t o k ~ ep m e f r om muking ! cold ma s k s udd (, lIl y a nd \\'a r m l)' s t"r~', a nd a ddl' d II brt'll t hiess I). W. Bis hop was fo rhidd e n fr om baug h, Willard anel Pearl Klab e r nny mistakes in that, ju t as ]'m ' I:u lll o n . T.he .. t\\ 0 .' ~~ ~ n m ' :l s u l'~~1 \ 'I U::!;I In n : . . .0" \ ma kin g' nn y tI'nn s f (' r of the bal - Ilnd Julia Klabel' for reformati o n depe nding on y o u in eve rythin g c n ~.h ot h,e l \\It ~ II t.', lC n r~h, J.d.u nc.~ . " I!O\I n1 ,II~.h ~:II1 ..'. ~(' I~ h ( l . Jan el' of t h e a m ount. of deed. els e." I Tha t $ a ll r ig ht , J llk ~u l d. r :-': " t h ll~~, ( ,\I II I k 1 uJt.d. In Ih l' (' n ~ e o f th e Wi ~c FurMonroe and Johnson. a part The re was n m ome nt's si le n cc kn e w ~ h e l'e wa!; so m e g oo d I' ell\,o ~l ' "By l nacc Compa ny ver s u s D. W . nCI'l:! hip ve rs us Carl Winner fOI' pli es, $7.50i Bang- huill ~I o tu r Co. , whil e the full significnn ce of t he . ~. little la t e l' ! v .y"a n ~~ Q UC. ' Il IO "~ "l. ,nnl.' . wrll~.d. ! , I '\' (~ ~e l t ·u \'(' Bis h!-, p th e Cll urt det e rmined that mon ey amount clnimed $417.15 Illbor on Cllr, $3.50; F rl'd P ro cte r, ndmission cam t o him lind t he pl cse n.te d ~h elll "hl " \11 th Io ( nm - l h s til i , .\\,1,. ,, !I ,lig ht. .I." . t as Y OII t hl' Jll dl!;lllent r e ndrrC!d in favol' of wit h intel'est from October 9, I'<.!cord fil l' I'l!co rd 'I'. $ :n. ~ " ; Bell earth rocked. th e combin ed love In g fl'l en d hn ess and prl1 n1JHI~' ue- d id, ~o 1 \'1' hcell g CllIn l! hcn dv. t hc plain tiff ogll ins t t he d e f pndon t 1929. Pre:;". s uppli es . $., : Ba rn'lt BroM., and pity he f e lt f o r her in t.hat I hilS nll t bee n se W ed . and it is Halli eI' N, Miller vers u s Gl e nna supplies, $2.40; Woo drow -W e i!mom e nt was th e m ost s ha ttering eluilll ed by t h(' p laintiff that H. M I 1\1 ill e r f or divorce, charJ!'es gross ::;tu nllge o. s tl ppl i , ~. ~ :! 2: Sta nle y E. Ross. la bor, $ 2.10. emotion h e hnd e ver kn own. He Brad fo rd a ppear be for e th e court neglect and extreme cruelty, wanted to seize her and h old her; 11 11 A Ug'U l'l 4, li t 9 o'c lock o. m . Cath e rin e Cas eelny ve r s us Edna he wanted t o kn eel at her feet. [l n d t estif v und er oath as t o th e May Eve rson et aI, t o sell entail ed An Old Favorite H e t ook her hnnds and looked d l' f e ndllnt' ~ prop e rt y. r eal es tale. down at h e r. The Lebanon-Citizens National Bank and Trust Company of LebCertain n ew>!pape r classics lir e "Eve," he said , ns s teadil y a s s he Probate Court Proe,~edinl. revived from tim e t o tim e and r ehad s poke n. "if I've WOn you on Ce unon, 0., ve l's us The Eco-Th ermal publis he d . On e of t hem , now "goand- thank God I- you sny [ have It wa s o rd e red thllt :n pplica ti on Company, of Lebanon, 0 ., and . , I can do it again whe n you're well be mlld e t o th e s uperinte nd ent of Davidso n Enamel Products Inc., mg the rounds of th e p n's~ ' f or I will do it again I And in the mean t he Da vt o n S tute h o ~pi ta l for th e for money, judgment. Amount th e benefit of th e yo un ger ge n era ti on, is this : time I'll be the happi est and th e a dn ~ i ~ R i o n of Fl orilla St e phen so n, claim ed $8271.83 with interest at lfennyson could t ak e 0 \\Iol'thl es.'! mos t patient lover you can imagII n Inco mp etent. . 6 2 ';~ fr om August 4, 1930 for s he et of pape r, write a poe m on it ine." Acco unts fil ed: th e foreclos ure of mortages, sale and . mnke it worth $65 ,0 00. That's She continued to look up at Est a t e o f Andrews Jack 'on of property and equitable relief. ge nIU s. him, and he bent with an inal·ticBo vcl, d ccenReri . firsl a nd final. The H o ~stadt Company versus Some men cnn sign n ehcc k ond ulate murmur and laid his cheek E l' tate o f EIJa Co nover, deceas- C. H . Crellfhton for mone):, , make it wor t h $00,000. Th at's against hers. F or an instant they e d, fi rs t a eco unt. a m ount clnlmed $331.01 With 111- capital. clung togeth er, while he felt her Olive J a mes, adminis,tratrix of Th e g (J vcrnm e nt clln l a k e an tears on his face. Then s he s poke . th o e ~ t at c o f Harlan Whita c re, d e- t e r e t. ounce of silver worth 50 ccnts and "Now I have done it!" s he c e a ~ e d , fil e r!. h er inventory and IIpMarri.,e Lieenaea mak e it worth $ L Thill's Ill oney . brought out with a childish gulp pl'OI ' cm e nt III COUI·t, A mechanic cnn take Ill a terial of contrition _ "Now I've dragged An in strument of wr'iting, purHil'alll James Swegles, machin- worth $15 an'cInnrR e it int o watch you into the very heart of this por t ing t o be th e last will and is t of Covington, Ky., and Miss hideous tangle. I hate myself for "E:Ye, if I've won you once, and - thank God I- you lay I have, I t e~tam e nt o f Lafn yette Nichol. on, Emmnlene Berry, of L ebanon, springs worth $50. Tha t's Hki ll. An IIrti st clln take a 50-cent doing it -for letting you know I can do it again when you're ~ell. I will 'do it a gain I" la t e of Wayne township, was oro- July 30. piece of canvas , an dpaint a piccare_ But oh, Eric, how could I ____ , :=...=...:: -=__ _ __ du ced in co urt. Hearing of' opKenneth M. RetalIick, school ture on it worth hundreds of dol help it!" pli c,nt io n is Ret fOI' Au gul t 7 , at t each er of Oregonia and Miss CarlUff'. That's art. He r eleased her and s tood bllck ce p tell Eri c' s in vita ti on t o !'up p,el·. Wc 'll lI1 ak (, our ex pe r iment in a 9 0 c! ,ck B . Ill . olyn , E . Swnrtzel, school teacher A merchant can take un article steady-eyed but trembling under Mi s M o rri~ r e f used t o b e {!1'ently ti a,' 1' 1' t \\ (' , a nd I' ll gi \'e yo u t he E. A. Thil'ki c ld and D. D. Thir- o f Wa yn esville, July 30. cos ting 75c and s ell it (or $1. his apparent calmness. impressed by th e ma l'l'i ng('. bu t dc tn ils in an ho ul' if y o u'll e!l'op k il! ld we l'c mad e admin istrators of Hownrd O. White, cable splicer "That's that," he cheerfully an- Ivy's unwinkling bl ue eYI'R n ev t' !' in l<' my omcC' . ('a n ~' u ge t away th e es ta t e of Charl es F _ Thirkield. o f Lexington, Ky., and Miss Helen That's bu siness. A girl can buy II hat for $ 2.99 nounced. "Now we'll go down to left th e brid egroom. frolll Mi ss Ca lT ing t on lo ng e no ugh d eccnqed, and fil : d thcir bond of P . Skidmore, of Lebanon, July 30. but prefers on e that costs 2!l .!l9. luncheon. And to-night we'll take "Any ch!ln c.e of co nli ng back '! " tn do that·! , . . 40,000 w ith R obin Ander Ron Fronk Moser, auto tester of De- Thnt's vanity. in a musical comedy and drop in Quee ni e asked no nch ulull t ly. Th is was l UI'1'i ck's id ea o f a Ad uh Thirkield, Louis e nunhn~ troit, Mich" and Miss Mary M, The nuthctr of this artirle can at Jake's aeterward." "Not t he least," E ri c sn id be fo l'e j oke und H um ilt(J n ig n ored it. Bu t fi nd H .. . Co nnv(>I' as ~; ureties. FonderSlllith, waitress of Franklin write a check for $0,000. but it "And I ' ll have to put on th e sh e could spenk . ' h(' wa;; nn time fil l' th e Il ppo intL. M. H e nd er son acce pted the August 1. wouldn't be worth n ce nt. That's same dancing-frock I wore there "I s'pose yo u kn ow yo ur gl'nll ~ - n1(' lI t, a nd t he p;; ~· c hia t ri f\t. lifter tl'II St. as nilminis trotol' d e boni s tough. every night," she smiled , gallantly man friend fro m Chi cago' s bl'e ll ~1'l'l'I i n j! h inl cX lIu e l'!I ntl y, h llked n o n wi t h th e will nnn e xC"1 ol the iI C!; t a t e (\ r M aUt. IUd ' d eceas I Real Ellate Tranlfe n I · paYing up, "b ecause I h aven't blowing in a nd o ut ll ince YII U I'll I' hil i f nil ho ul·. n erwood anything else." fad ed uway ," Qll ee ie w e nt o n ' '' I think it's a n a w ful risk" , cd lind fil ed hi!; bond of $5000 The French Brothers Bauer , Women occupy a wider s phere "But what about th e dyed hoir ? t houg htfull y Htil'l'in!: a n " ~'~ I ' I' ill rJ :t ll lilt o n l1lu\ll: I·eil . ' "i t h W, S . G rn ham and Ma;·tha Company to the Cooperative Pure than formerly, but al'e doin g th e ir You certainly don't have to go its to ma to both . "Rul d"n ' t \\,I) rr ~', "Are )lu u Reiling' lip your L. H e ncl e r!;o n !Is s tl re tic~ . Milk Association 285 .26 acres in bes t tu red IICC it. around now with it looking this deari e,. f o r he di dn't I!:l' t a t hi ng j udgm c nl :ll!:ai ll si lIIin c '?" In th e ~e ttl e m e nt of th e estate Warren county. way?" he pointe d out. on yo u h e r c. " " \ c~ . " o f H (' IlIY Buri:'t? !dec /i!ased, the Be rt and Lucy Cullom to Odelin They stared at each oth el' in "W e didn 't k now n th illl!: t o Ca n ick l:tug he<l . net vallie o f the es tate was found Ahouse and Herman E. Staarman consternation. give him," Ivy tn c ti (>s;;ly co nt r ib "\\' ('1 1. do n ' t ," he a dvised. "Blit t o be ~825. ['2, with .Juilles 'Gray, 11 0.07 aCl'es in Harlan twp. "After lunch 1'1\ go up t o th e utecl . I'll' cn l\l d (Jw n to t he Ga rl a nd and Ailee Gray , ucces OI·S. hving and Amelia Glemser to beauty parlor," s he decid ed, "and "W e w ouldn 't of t old it if we d u r in!! lh mo rnin g nnd pili Miss . Th e co ul' l 'l l'~lel'ed thnt ;Odi.e Char les F_ Glemser lot No. 495 in a sk them to get rid of it for me. hud," Qu eeni e a u . l e l'oly pointed CU l'I'ingtl) 1I t hr o ug h s om e mor e Kroe ne r an IIIcomp etent be Deerfield twp . . Tha·t will give you an afte r'no on o ut, an d with a Ilisg' us t ed gl a nce le~ tH.'· he: li dd ed. r ele ntin g . Th en l." ·o ug ht be fo l'e the COUI't for hear Herbert and Martha Emerick to off , duty." at hil I' fd e nd Hwnll o \V d th e 0Y ti t or hc se nt Ih e n nxi oll!! bridgegroom III)!'. Charles F. Ritz lot No_ 153 in A s the visit to Jake'!! drew Jake n app eared wh e n Eve li nd Il ut or hi ~ ofli ce w ith II friendly rn thll settlement of the estllte Franklin. nearer she found h erself growing Hami!to n wc r e I liv ing a nd ga ve Jl Il !'h U I1 th o s ho u ld e r. o r Mngg ie A. Barknlow, deceased , . Walter B. Underwood to Marnervous . Ihelll an uth I' exc ll,l'lI t il1l ila ti o n Ha ll li ll oll WII ~ not an eas y man , ~h (' n et vllill e of the ell tate was gnret R. Griffy lot No.2 in Wayne "Perhaps he w o n' t even s peak of hi s g reat C' nb ll ret 1I1 0d (·1. II ' I" dll\l'l1 . A I liv " Iilat uftel'll oon fo und to be $0012.37. There al'c twp. to me," s he told Hamilton when a lso o fl' ~ I'cd E:V l' a new!{papt·1' Cll t- J !H' W II ~ :I!:ll in ill Ca r J'i c k' ~ co ns ult- ' tw c nt,,:, ~ tJ c c e~F (lril to th e es tate. Chades Lambert to Willn Wi!th ey were entering the big dan e- ting and wnt c hed he r f ac e till ,;h "II! " I',," nl, I'x p rl'FF in g til(> IIddi - 1 No tl ('l' of esta~es for settl e ml'nt Iiams, 63 acres in Washington ing-room toward midnight. read it. Tt WlI ll 1I,~ nd e l' ;;ll n' t nd V(' I'- I I IIlI HIi !I f lI !r t ~ t!ral hnd come to li r e s N fol' hearing' Augu5t 4, nt twp. . "Oh, I guess he wiIl." Hamilton tise lll (' nt. She !uo hd UJl . ~ lartl( ' d . hi m a f l('1' thl' tJIJ!I'I li: fa c t.o)I'Y I'e- !) o'cloc k n. m. ' Frank- and Nettie Sims to "poke soothingly, but it was clell r a nd ha nd e d it t it lI limi ll o li. " loI t~ "I' I Ill' t , c· t ~ . r\t I;,s t Ca rl'i(·k. ' Th (' (' (l Ult postponed lhe henl'- George Elliston Coleman Hi ncres that the matter of ,Jake's rec e p" II", Hn y O il . ' , '.I ~ ll F (' II Ihi ~'? " 1 dl'.' I!ilr In ",'" (' X i' " ' il' ni' e, wit h th e ' IP l'. f il l: rlJl'lher o~serva.tion of in SI!I~m twp. ti o n WDS not blll'd e nin g his mind. t he latt e r IISklld qUI t ly . " !I)( lflU f; rlll ' lI ds " f )i1l1 ' n ts , los t Odi C 1(1I1t'111'1' I1n~1 nl1ld Oelie. KroeWllllllln Frnuenknecht to JenN or did the place di s turb him, "N n pt' . \Vas l1 t' ~ UI'l' the lad y h<.' 1' hi · t .. llI p e l'. ' 11,1' 1' wa s plac r- rl In the custody of netto lind Howard Sawyer 7.50 l liS he had expected it t o. He was s eM Fce n it. Th o ug ht I hc l tel' Pllt " Y'!II ,rC':lI i7.l' , d id n' t y ou, lJlllt II. B. Kr ocn e r until fUl'thel' court acres in Washington twp. now in II state of well-being noth - hl J' wise." ~ h r dll in l I'l ~ p"n (1 III a nv o f th l! 01'11 (' 1'. , John F. and Eth el Parker to ing co uld ruffle. Eve loved him. "Thank yo u ," E: \'c said . "II ltw t l '~l" I 11I:Ir! O lhi.' III rni'ng ?" h c I . 1'h (1 judgc nd vised that Flol'illa Willillm R. nnd Muggie VlIstine 25 Incidentally, he playell lhe gam e lo nl{ ha v~ yo u kn ' ,\1 I.' a hout it '! " , ~ 1I~.pp c d . ,. S ll' phell ~ {)n can be ree<;ived into ueres. in Salem twp. us she w ould wi gh him t o play it. "Saw It th e tla y It came O il l. 't IlU hvt I clld ." t he Dayt o n State HospItal. ' Alice Hurper to Fred and Kate Looking very hand some in hi s R('c,, 'ni Zl' d ~' n lJ fr o m it t h fi rs t ·' /Ii .. t C" I' II I h .. pi a no me:IIlL anyRichards, 27.63 ncres in West ev ening clo t hC'.·. h e foll owed th e l1i)ih t yo u bl· w in he re ," .Jal, e ad- JI,ill t! Lo 111' 1', did it? " Wayne twp. waiter to the tabl e he had re- mi l t e d. I " It di d n· t sre m t o. " Theodore and Edna Scott to. Wi! . erved, nnd ' co nsulted Eve at "And y n ~1 hu\'~ n't !:p okC' n o r " And s he 's s ti ll afroid- poni cky' "C;od kn o w~ ' I don't." liam J. Griesser lote Nos. 104 105 e very s tnge of an elaborat e s up - it t o an y o ne e l ~e ? " E r ic II slw d. :It t illI (,~ '! " "Th e n IlrOVe it Open your and 106 in Deerfild twp. ' p er ord er. "Cel't'n'y n ot. Nob nd y' s b ll ~ i . "Yes. S he says s he has ev en mind ond t,l1ke in the fllcts that ' Arthur nnd Ruth Smadbeck to She, howe ver, found it hard t o n C ~f< bu t t.h e la dy'F." R' 1 \, 1' ~ li P t he no t cs she mod e and ~terner m ea sures atre necessary. Carl Schnub, lot No. 2559 in Deer fix hel' mind o n that vitul interes t. "Yo u're eve n k ind e r t hll n cn J'l'l t' d llro llnd wi t h hilI'. Thcy ~he ill1pol'tI~nt thing now iS,n't field twp. . an arrowH e r e y: s we re bu sy. S he saw th o ug ht VOII we l'e," Ev(. ~ aid g rllt e ' n(\ th !' dllY ~llf' left ,Ja ke's." what you thlllk, but what you ve /lead Itt up at Old ~ Maizic and Stella at th e fut end of fully , und 10 .h,k e 's s u rpl'i ~ e of"All ri )! ht. th e n. Do y ou want done. Hove you do ne what J to ld N. where an old lilixkh""..... Bill. Allowed the dllncing floor, bu t apparently f e l'ed him he r ha nd at pal'lin g . , h cr t o re1llilin in this s late indefi- j yo u to do?" ill liS6. ' . - ,' . . . . , - ....... neith er saw her. Queenie ond Ivy , Eric , to o, gav e his hand u fil'llI Il' ril? nitcly? " ,. (To be continued) Woodrow- W eil-Stanage Co. Sup HA P TER XV.


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Where Will Y o,u Find 'Em

S " A rCN' n l t he U\'.·I'Il)!,C wi fe wh u Cllli experts lire eve ry t hing.


SlIl'v e v declnres that hu s b'u nd pr ef e rs a cun k." Th ose s urvey s imply findin g out



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At Ills t sci e n cl' has come to the aid of s uffe l'el's fr om Ne uritis Lum bngo , Sciatica etc . wilh Q-623. This fum ou pre~c l' ipti o n is the res ult of years e xp e rim e nta l work by o fam ous RpE'cia lis t. It has alrendy prove n it s eff ec liv e n cll~ . Q-623 attacks this t o rturin g dl s ea~ e at its ve ry 1'00 1. Has alle vinted th e sui'fe ring o f many. If yo u s ufT er from Neuritis, Lumb ngo , or Sciatica, yo u owe il t o YOllrs If t o try thia 20th cc ntury meelical discovery, Rcco mm e nd ed Ilnd sold by, Adam. DrUB Store.

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'SAV _ ___










on Livestoek, Chattela, Second Mortgages. Notes bought John Harbine" Jr., Xenia, Ohio.

5% Farm · Loans ONSi PA'f . . MaT A PIIACH sHe WAS MOR~ THAN

, . PA$~'N6 f&AIR . ONI: NoD HE G/tt\l& - A SMILe. ANP 1\te Pf.\CH SEC~M~Af'EAA

liONG OR SHORT TIME-Easy . (erms. '~Iso SurveyIng and. Ab- , stracting, Write and r will call and see you. Sam D, Henkle, Waynesville, Ohio. J11 F,OR RENT HDU$E FOR RENT-Will wIre for • re~pon8Ibli! PIlrty. ' Mrs. E. W. HopkinS. -&13




Publiabe r

Office Phone ....... .. .. .. ......... No. U2 Reaid'eDce



Mr. UI1<1 ::\11';\. H . J. fll'I' entertaine.1 th e curd club with 11 r !1 mblll'{r _r . UI pel' T tlesdllY ('ven-



........................ No. 118

fe re nt Medicine,

Subacription Price, $1.50 a Year

Makea_ AI·





Mi ~s J essie orbe n, of incinnati was a Tues day guest of I r. and MI'. ' has . Madden. Mrs. Irn yfe rd is s pending this toni.hing Reco ... d In An· ~.~==========~~===== £n'ercJ at P C" 'f~lf;c. at Worn e . vil le week wilh her s i ~te l' in Detroit. other StubbC'rD Case Ohio, ... Socond C/o .. Mo l e. · tuin experi m ents and cxpillin ih(,1l1 WISE MEN MI'. and . 11' . . H ownl'd Grnhnlll I t was lhrilling to s it in the living lnlerlained tht' ea hr 'Iub to din . - - L = _ =-= I spent a day in thc res eorch p),(, He IH'" " I' ~ l1('h III nand 10 think nc r T hur: duy (.\. nin).\'. A ' tdl Week of l ubo l'uto l'ies of the largest elec- h ow vuluabl e those pictures will be AUGU S T 13, 1030 If. J. 111'1' lost 01](' q f hi s vu lulItl ica l co mpany in the worlp. If to "future g ' neration!;. S UPJlo~e hi e DUl'nc J\!rs ~ y h ugs W ('dnp s dll~· . .-:-- =-======== two hundred years ago anyb udy th ! !'t· hud bee n n talkin ~ nlb\'ie (j f G .!Ti: <TAlr-.I/AENT, EDUCATION This wa: O lll' he prizt'rl highl y. a s had predicted the marv els thllt ca n Archil11ed es d elllon~Lrutinj{ Lhe it was one of hi - best in th ' s h \\' - - -- - -. be ·ce ll there to -du y, the Gotl - Icve·J·. III' uf N ewton expillinin!! ring. and COO D BUSINESS I feuring citiz e n!! would have bu)'n- the disc ov('I'Y IIf K),:l viLaliun! Capt ('has. Gnrnl'r an.! Soil of I I PUZZLI;:S FOR SPELLERS (' d him a s u witch. But wh a t ~ Lil'l'ed IlIC l1I os t WlI H olumb u ~ HjJl' llt th l' t!u l'iy Jlllrt " f I I F UI' exa mple, us yo u know, the nut th e expel'il11('nt ~ which thes!." EVE R YO .;:: In n:s to go to a party. And the w('('k with Mrs. Ma l' ~' Fin'Il , metul radium is conMtantly giving men PPI·f ll l"nll·d IllIl t h.· s pirit of ancl R () b ~ rL Ual"lll'l·. h<=[,: yo u : .. _ . you and all your family uff litLl e particles which Ilrc ca ll ed lheir talk. TIlt' W " Ill:1 1l' H Civil' L("lj!u e mt'l cord iall y in \'in: ,1 to rhe bill.l;csc party of ,he whole Year ~ ago one o f the t est s of e le ctr o n ~. The e lect r on ill infini Lcly ."ir (lilve'l" Lo cl!! e, 1'01" cXllmp le, with l\1r ~. A 11111\ and M i s~ 1( ·I ·n ynlT, rhe 80th ullewo. l o t th e grea t n "j{\l od Hpe lle,," WU R hi s 01' hc)' s ma ll er than th e atom. I ndeed. the picked up a littl .. weig'ht frolll hi s Randall Sn til rday ('\"I' n ing'. F .. il ., w ubiliLy t o s pell Sli ch wo rd s liS al ulI1 is a co mparatively big prop- luiJol"atl,I"Y tabl c ulld le t it drop in~ I·olllim(' bu ~ in(: s H . the pr0Il:I':l111 "Co'lls tanti nop l!!" Ilnd "C hl'is tiun- (.s ition, · II so r t of univerSe with w ith II thud. "Tha t c xp ' l'im (' nt," ,.::..:.1 committ ee pr ese nted s om!' int erl'H t ia" corr ec tly. Bu t the you ng IntH of el ectron s flying around in- h' ~ aid, " is the ~il1lp l ... ~ t thllt line \: In K cllnt .. st~. Ad JIlI'I'IH.'d In Illl'l't people of tuduy huve some ulto- s ide it. . l·', lIld pu ssibly perform und yet .ii with Mr ~ . Ca"si~ Co ll e tt S~Pt"I11gc th e r n ew pro bl ems in s pellin g. Of course, neiLh e r th e electron th e l'(' IS. hurd ly an expcnl1wnt .:':~~ bel' 1:1. There is n't IIny Constant in o pl e 1101' the ato m can be ~re n hy uny \ nuo ut whi ch WI! kllow I(' ~s thun .. :::.. Mr. und l\1r ~. ha ~. II. Cl'nl' and ' a ll Y more. The nume of the old in,trume n b which We huve yet w e d ll ullLlut thaL" family lind M.ri'l. AllIllnli .1I S tn 'IT at- I No individual, r grou p of individuals, h owTu rkish c ity h us been c han ged to d 'viBeri. But liste n t o this! The And. Ii : ade l ·d . "Y'llI urc' no t tn tended th e Star n t' 1I1l1011 SUllil a \' I ~ tallbul. Lill e wi8c Nurwuy hUR s cienti~tl\ in lhat Ilihoralory have I SU PP OS(' that you lInde'r ~ tand e\'er powerful, cuu ld give such a party as this. lit th r home o f MI'. un ll Mrs . L. E. thrown Chl'istiania into the di srul'd I'i~j{ed up u radio Ilpparatll s , at- I thil1j{~ beellll se you call them It takes. the mi ghty energies of nn ent ire state, Sta rr ut Buford. li nd ca lls 'its great po rt Os lo. tU l' he d t o II loud s peuk l' r, wh ich is nllm e~." MI'. lind 111 r ~ . ( ·tIll S. E. Gonl"ll train ed through many years of experie nce ana MRS. GUSTA KUBERA To s implify t1w UHe of fore ign so uelieate t hnt it ca n d :~ tl'ct th e , li e pl'oc ce<i(·d t o l~ lk about th ~ and Mn;. lIl a]'y Fil1ch Spl' nt S :II1practice, to prepa re this party f r you. It takes pial' - nllm es und muke their spel- ni ght of e lctro ns through the I llly~t p riuLi s I'l"I lpHtil's of "elllpLy da y ill C( dul11hu s \I ith ('Il Pl. Ullt! I "I (';Hl truthfully s ay that .. s pac e," lind hl' (·(,ncl uded with thi ~ Agriculture, C ommerce, Indu stry, T ransportal ing easie\' to t hose fam iliar on ly r . !I1r ~. (,hilS. Garller alld stl n. \ 1'\('\' ' 1' e xp l' ct('d to b e well Ill{ain," with their ow n tongue, th e English r he ld the dial of mv wrist pllragrllph. ti on, Educ:1 ti on, Conservation, Legis lation, Nathan GrllV ,: o ld hi,: hOlls l'h,d" ('clILul"ies ag e ('uo ll y ehll nged the wntch u~u irl:;t th e mic rophon r-. T he " If e.vl' ], we fin.d. us I thi nl; we ~ :li d MI' ~ . (;U~ll Kubcl'u. Rout(, No j!tJ tJ ds at pu}' li" aol'lio n Sat "r rl a.v 'I Art, Mu sic - all orga nized in m:1gnificent ~, lI L1 d ~o ll. Ohio, Il eal' CI~ve l alld." n.umcs of many pi llcl's o n the Cun- tigur~ s ClII th p dial a r e I'udium are be~lIllllng' to find. that life II.n" IIftl.' l· I1"O I1 . t \O J. I.! \V~ . :.... . tlllent. Th ey ulte r ed Romll to c('ated. And I co uld helll' the <:: Iec- I nllnd n eed n ut b~ :1 ~ soc l.ut(· d WIth f was d owll wilh lIeurit i,; and l'h(' u Rn me, Napoli to Nllp l e~, FirCllzc tron s \l(punelil1~ illLo t h e lo ud I malte' .. but . can. Inhabit empty mal is m :lnd II s tomach ailment Here you will find many new ideas for better t o Flurence, Livo nl o to Ll'ghol'll, s llt'nker lik e a s hower of hai ls t one . s fluc e. then lif r WIll n uL b~' suh,let'l Ih at wa s aggn\\'ated b y di so rd e red COOPERATIVE MECHANICS Wie n to Vie nn a, Il nd Graven- o n II t in roof. It /\ the lI'u uul ('s u f u Illatl'rlul (I 1'gan IH' ]'\·CS. I wus um·b le to s le ep lind business - and better living. Come and see TRAINING SCHOOL hage to The Hague. We in Arn e rOn nnothe floor I sat in front i: m and exi ~ l!nce will be pelwtLlli l ha d a very P(l OI' a pp etite. My the triumphs of agriculture, the advances in ieu have fullnwet! that sty le, but p f u Ill otio n pict ure s cree n and As (' (lntrusted Wi lh many of our kn ees and lower limb" : curcr ly sup science, new thin gs in machinery, improven ow thaL inLernation ul reillti"n s suw tulking movies Of three great I s mnrl<' s ~ wis e -c ru c kCI:s wh .. kn(,\\' pUl'ted Illy weight und I Wli S losments in househlJld equipment, t he offerings ur e c1l1 s er lhtln C\' ('r befm'le and .sc i(' nti s ts of Englund , Sir E I'n e~ t e VCl'ythll1g, .these wise men o f ing ~ tcurlily. My ne ck, s ho uld e r s of commerce. Come and see the races and t he natit)n ~ o f Europe li r e f eeli ng HUlherford, ::i iI' William H elll'Y I SC rc!ll C C' ndnllttell fl"llllkly th ut Wl' lind hU(' k bec a me s tiff ant! so rc. " I : ufl' c rcd in this manner for their indi viclual impurtunce more Bragg, and S ir Oliv e r Lodge . I arc only o n the fUl'th r rlll llst b •• rco ntests; hear del ightful music; enjoy th a n ever, an internlltionn l moveEach cone of them WliR photo- rlel'lund o f kl1 ow le tlj{('. And that abou t n y ell r ul1til I bq.(u n taking th e thrilling entertainment. This is m e nt hilS be!!n ~e t 0 11 fO ,?l fur the grap hed in hi s ow n luboTatory. : anrthin!! is p II~s ible - eve n l'lernal K "njnlu. I had not fin is hed lhe your fair! C o m... - with your family! third bottle of I{ o njulu bef or e illY uniform. ~pe lli ng (,f place- nullH's Euch proceeded to p erform cer- ! lif t . Illu lth bp)!lIn to improve . Now. 'C - - -----=-.--c-_._ --(' verywhere. a ft pl' takin~ !; ix bottles. I am muc h Th e BUindard, o f CO lll·Re. is that nf th e locul ollicinl usage. Thus th~ 1 W TO GET A COPY improved in health . Th e s tiffness , Th e figures them s e lv eR arc amaz HO so r c neR~ and pain are entire ly town in Si lcsia which the Germlln R OF "PICTORIAL OHIO" , ~o ne. I eat heartily, s leep we ll, cu ll ed Lemberg no w appenrs in in g. Elcven m~lIion, ? n c . h~Jlldr e~l , n nd [1111 ga inin g- in w e ight and P o lish a s Lwow, and yo u Cll n g u ess a m.1 two thous and Bibles Ill . 170 slreng'th." ot the pron un c iatio n as well a s any rliflel'c.n t ~angullges w e re prll~ted ane ! rlis ll'lbuted by ~he Amel' " Pictor ial Oh io " compiled lind KOllj ol n i ~ r eco mmend e d for ni lb ody else can. Th e Finis h people ROClCty last year whIle the British . . ' . • . r esent th e use of Helsingfors , a . B ' b'l S c· t . th ed ited bv Th e OhIO State Archuc oIllCnl' of till' ~to l11ueh, li ver, kld rh e \ . M. C. A. Sc hool s has F d an . ol'e lgn l e o Ie y III e . . . . . . d l . I !·h . t ' . ··t · ·t· Swedish co rrupti on of thei r own " I d' t ' b t d twelve logIca l and I-fl s tol'lcal Society and n eYs. an •.,\\ e s, anI. I eum., I~m, JlI" an n o un c.e d H d ,I} lme, C nopela , e . I I . , n l'UlltIS and nCI'\·OUSIH·SS. I li ve Mec hani C' s Training Sc ho o l t." name of H e ls inki. On old milliS s !l.rn~ p crlOl U I~ 1'1 tate Dcpnrtm e nt of F~ dllcaKonjolu i ~ so ld in Wayn(> ~v ill e ' l givl' training l's pec iall y l o bvy ~ you will find a town in EUl'ope mllhon. In the nl ted . .tates 8 . on e I th e more blhanht f~ur nil 1111 on Bibles tion, is in tended for limited fre e Ohi.. nt Adam . DrUi g Store and ius t graduaLl'd from h igh scho',,1 cu lled Philippop o lis, But Poles lire wel·e o ug uY p.·o"" e pres um - I' 'b . , , . . incensE'd of yo u wrile it uny W ilY bl h t I · ' d th (I>'tl'l LlLlOn. by a ll th best dl'uggis is in a ll wh 0 ar planning o n ).:o lng' int o except Pl ovd iv. Yt' / 'c 0 Wt n ~ndwa r i~ inie l~~~t T h is publication contains pic- to\\'n ~ thro ughout. thi:; I'nL irc sec- inclm;try. On e group o f bo~' s . tarl . S . f t d· I f ti o n. l·d August 1 a nd another grouJl The patriotic young rep ubli c of . HI . o. S 110 .50 tUl'e~ o. ou.ts a n Ing p lIces. 0 will start Septe mber l o in to Esto ni a has changecl the nam e of In rell).:lOn wele dYing o ut. A ~ a nUlll<:r of fu ~1. 1l10l"e I ~ cenlc, hlsto n c anu urcha eologteul _ . .. ~rhoo l u nl ol1th, then \~u~'kin~ in its capit:ul from ReVill to th e m o r e IInci c n t name of T a llinn . Smyrna ~~~;' l bef~~e~·e~~h:1c~~~ .~~~~~ ;~it I int.eres t in Ohi o. The boo k also con industr y fOI' anot h c ~ monl.h, a lEn!ertainment Hig,.lighrs is no longe r sJ1l'll ed correctly ex- g i ~uS book they read t h ey must tains un up-to-date tate r oad ternatlng f or an ent! I'e penoti of Horae Races and Conttau. cept a s Izmil'. map , with points of intl'resl prin tw e lv e mon~h s. In till :;. \.\'uy th e boy " 1930" Fic5ta," ,- DtIlUIV, colo r. Dctlon, hU\'e "he BSI·ble. I t I' S t'he B ook of L ed in r cd, giving road r o ute nUlllttl I .hrill •. The U n ited Stutes Gove rnm e nt B oo ksL in every sense of the world. ber~ lind other information desired g~ ~ J,JI'UC I.C~ expcl:umce a ongRoval ~o' c b HIRhl.ode" Band. is tryi ng get peopl e used to N "best sell er" eve approllc hed TI · . b k , '11 b '. . d _ With hi:" trainIng and I.S aule ut the Od~nc Si, 't'CI-Athlctic b~ i& u ( lel . r li S 00 \\ I e Iss ue an sam e tIme t o earn While he leul'n s th cse modern lind corrected spel- . 0 . . Hulini=.'a Sea Lionl, - n"l n n lln~ wondcn. S eve ral Dayton inliusLl'ie a nd al ~(; I'voU.h. WI. e ond Rcckl . ..-What con ', lir!Rs. The U. S. BOllnl on Geogra- It 111 POlllt of. sales; non e of t~e nuall y until t he m ore than 600 I. . c do ne with II mule. ()(her inrlustl' i e~ IO('ated throughp hi c names h os in preparation a sta lld ar~ claSSICS has e':ld ured 111 1po ints of i nt el'e~t have been covncn T "hn Troupe:- \'Vluriwlnd tumbler•. ered with p iclures and desniptiout the M·i ·lIni· Vall e \' arc much 1'o\\"ell T roulle - Anaba tlon the: ,ilvcrw lrc co mplete list which will be avai l- POpullltl~n a s has the BI~l e. I ConscIO u s ly or unconscIOus y, a l OnR . l t d .' h - ~. \ilrc:wo rlr .!l- F..ach ni"ht. ab le in u f ew months for evel'y- m ost every b ody who s peaks the ', :p.IctOllll .' I Oh'" ·1 th _ III el·~ · e III t . e p r opOSIti on . urt La.· \Vrlgbt Flvina CircUI - Slturc.J;y . . 10 am I' 0 ThiS course In t he Y M C A body interested. But so long as t he only. Eng ll!;h language quotes froll! t he ' eiety's educational program 1lSS h i ' 11 ' I I . th' . I' o ld maps lind g eogrllphies ure in Bihle a lm ost every day. The words I pircs to a full realizatio n of its 't ~ .o ,"! ~ ~\· I 1\1"1(h' U{ c Sh oroug II e xistence, there will always be a and phrases proverbs a nd olher I "T Oh" . hi ramlllg In IIC Ill e , op anc ." 'd I' S oga n, 0 conser ve 10 ]'I C I l\l ec hanicHI nrawi n).: with many h igh pel'cen tllge o f chi ldl'c n grow- , . I gpecial problem s in Design ing a n ~ ing up to be familial' wit h the AII- quotations . o f eve r y- ay . Ife: . a histo ri c, al'clH'u l u gi~ and sce nic half of all the a llUSIOns Ill . h entaO'e and to tell the storv o f . T I k· A t f lh • I g licized spelling that are not o nl y good f· th . " . \ I e nl'~ 00 rna m g. pal' 0 C S.U(d I·t · t time will be dC!voted to out of date but incorr ct lind, m.o cr n . I c Ia u~e , arc 10m . e Oh iO so cleul'ly that a ll may underSARDIN E CANAPES 1 Mat\ mat ic~. Machinist',; Tabl es, moroovor, ofl'ens ive to the na ti o n- ~i~~.J~,!1~~S th~~SI~:a ~~n th lC ~~~h~~ s tandi' ~nbd akPpr~lcl iabte it. '.'1 . dAt cOlPh Y ... . ' . of t l is 00 WI e mal e 0 e t he Slide Rul e lind I nstrument nls of the co untries whi ch t hey other, famillal'lty WIth the Bible s ub sc ribers of YOU I' newspHper Prepare circulllr slic ~ . of toast. I R d~ . . With Dependable mis repl·esen t. i ~ an esse ntial part of t h e educn- FREE up on requ le <t by l'n r ins ing Hav e read), a paste made fr om e~ing. c 'ar Director of th e Serum and Virus tl,on of eve r ybody who w ou ld call th r ee cents in s tamps to cove r pOst pic k ed up sardin es w hich h ll,":c 'cllC1 ~b ~e ~rts that man ' bovs hImself an educated man. One age bee n' !'cpnl'ated f ro m bone ~ . ThIS k ' . Pt k h tl ~ t' Phone 93 insures both SafeiliaI' with : t e n~ d WI'il1 ma e a rnl \V cn lCY enl"lll c r•I ·1 n 0 t fa m . . th" . ,- B ook .of A' d d r ess I Qwa D. ml'th , S up e r - pnsh; s h ou II( b t· Ill OIS industry fors IIU~ Cs oo n a ' the , Boo ks loses the savIOr an d the 111 - visol· of Foundatio n and E ncl owm- softened butt e l' and !;cnso n ed with t ' f.' h ';h I I' tl ~ ~ . t ty and Success THE BOOK OF BOOKS I' timate, mcaninQ' •. s, Oh'IU. W Ol.... ·" . d caye nn e I th une ecl 10m BC lOu ! ) go u I '" of half of th e c n t, C 0 Iumuu c stel ·S·h· II e s .IlI CC an sest orIg perhapR m Host pl'omI world s great. hterature. In the cent e r of e .~ch rou nd of I . . d . f .. - - - - - -. We hav e n ot found a n y better - - .- - - - - - - ·t I ~ L ff ' d I' A _ l lIl en t III u. tl Y 0 .th plr co mlllun way o f express ing many of the tl·ouanSg e Paa cle"lyaer . of :"I1'di~~e'pa<tre n cltahPPfjly a Jo.b. h·IS I·f· NOTICE OF APPOINTMEJIlT ~ ~ 1, ltYr.a I' or e rs rtOtl"Ime III l e th e around the s tuffed o li ves and s ur- b ' .' I . h L( b 0 W e hea r u grent d eal o f loose great truths and ete mal facts of ta lk abo u t the decline of religi on. life t han th e way in which they ro und eac h cnna (J e wit h a bOl'd e r 'l h0~1 IS e arlling I't!ea 'tnHblll efY a ~ I~ e ~ arveys urg I • People 81'e no lon"'e Estate of Muude Underw ood, 0 f fi1Il ~ IY· c h oppel I el~g W I11' t es. Jn I imm a( ediate n e\ler l\'enl"ne e o re. ~c PLon31 .. l' interested urc .' . ex pressed in the Bibl e ' How a acquiresI loose s )(>ndfi ~ in the anci ent beliefs, so the ~ llIgl e phrase exp r esses the whole dec ensed. 11' ~ (Jal'lng canapes o n e sho uld be· h b't ' I h J 1 t' critics of I'eligion s uy. The church id eal o f t ole ran ce: "Let him that Not ice is hereby given t hal L. verv careful n ot to have th~m too I II~ g a un t~)S e oe~b . r~ f _______________ ht hns lost its ho ld and n obody reads is withouL s in among you cust the M. H e nders on ha s been du ly ap- largc. Th e v s ho u ld literally be gIVe a oug 0 . . e y OSSI. I I the Bible a n y more, if yo u believe first s tone.". Or . how has the pen- poin te d and qualified a s Adminis- sma ll eno ugh t o be he ld daintily that he. ~ h ou l ~ t r arn hIm self f OI· ~ ;. ' . .. i' alty of e Vil - dOlllg been better trulol', De Bonis Non with the Will WI' tl 1 th e IilIl ge rs, Illa k 'IIlg n k III' f e apnr bettel he s ,d ho uld pre- I th rhn, . I' Job . If 01 f that · ·k·lI It is e ncoura g ing, t herefor e, to phrased than in: "W hatsoeve r ye an nexed of the E ti tat e o f Maud and fork n ece r Th .' . ._ . e mnse 01 a S I C occlIyaHIGHEST · r e.lp .?" U n d erwoo d It · to un not. bc h II Ye a Iso thO M(' who hold fast tu the faith of so w, t h at s.a . a e 0 f W ane n C o un t y po ~e IS :c rve a : e llan PUI ap- tlOn . which blwould I. . . slIbJcct . CASH ei l' fath e rs, to lea rn frolll th e The Bible out of d a t e? It is ihe Ohio, d eceased. ,(' . . I t h . ' f , " h t o s ea l! na e .ly-offs li S III mu sL h t . D d h' 30 I d _ .l' J I P€ Izel Ulle , el e 0 1 e, eac can - prlJ <iuctlvc wurk repol·t o f the American Bible So- o nl y book that IS a lways a nd f or e ute t IS t 1 ay w U Y upc is not expected to provide Th Y M C· A I I h PRICES ciety that m ore Bibles were sold eVer up . t o (Ilite. And that, ~ eyo nd 1930. m ore t han two 01' th l~ ee mouthful s " I~ I th l 'f i . 'f 'l~ ~o o s, av~ PAlO and distribute d last y Ul' than doubt, IS the ~'easo n why It out. W. Z. ROLL \\ e l151 ( e nc. 0 e CI\ H( a~ [,vcr before in the histo ry of this se lls all the fiction lind all the Jud ge o f th e Probate Court, ~e ll eve that th is. n ew schoo l, liS 30 Yeors Exp e rience in philosophy of t he moderns. Warren County, Ohio Omelet.. til'S'- dayt.lme pro~e ~ t, ha s. ~rellted g reat organization. Fi tti ng and Making' Glasse a ve r y us eful tl'ulllIng fucillty fot' Never was any e m ergency di s h bo ys of the Miami Valley. - a tb c(t(']' lhlln an omelE' t. Almost a l::ARY'S JEWELRY SHOP ways there III'C eggs ill the ho usc -ancl if then' 111'(' n ot it is n ot difEve ry Tu e1d , y, Thur. day, fi c ul t to buy th e m at the las t Saturday Alben ReV1. PHONE 8F3 minute. And your ume let can be ~o Charge for Examination quickly muM . HARVEYSBURG, OHIO Once having ma ~ te J'c d till' essential s o f ome let cooking it is not ,' imcu lt to vary them in 1I g'l'eal _ __ _ _ _ __ . ___ -2. __ \'ari(!(y of ways. Morcov er, thel'(' ~H'C sw et o melets liS w ell 8S un. ' we('tencd o m e lets so that an .. n1('I ~ t. IIlny be made to fiJI in the gav in a n y part of a :ny m eat. You FUNERAL DIRECTOR . cll n tl l'C o m e l e t~ liS Ue ~ r s-u p of inc() lI s ideruhl e nines I{·ft. over fr om "SHE WALKS IN BEAUTY " WAYNESVILLE, OHIO yesterda y 's dinner. A fe w vCj!etaBy Lord Byr<',. , LII'B ma y b ~ chopped an d add e d to nn om e let to gi\l{' it fl avo r. A She walks in beauty, lik e th e ni).:hl f ew mu shr ooms go a long way in Of cloudl('ss climes and s tarry I F ullv Equipp ed for Good lln omelet. A slic'!' or s o o f ca nn C'd Se r v icc. skies; I ninC'Dpple. , hat e' ould n oL possibly And a ll that's b es t o f cl ul'k !l nt! Lal'ge Dis pla y Room. be divi ded nm" n~ seve rnl, ma. y be bright cu t up nnd .. rl d ('d to the middle o f Amuulan ce! Sel'v icc MeeL in her a s pl'ct ancl h e r eyes ~~' -'- ... . ., an omelet bPCol'e it is turned to Thu s m cll owe d to thllt tenticl' li j{ht form a delightful de~sel' t or lun Telepho·ne 7 Dny or Ni ght Which hellve n to .ga ud y clay ,I eCent er ville, O. Ne w Burlinl'ton, O. che(' n di s h. ni cs. Phone No.2 Phone No. 320 so me suggestions Cor Hel e [Ire § o m e ll'ts that arc a Ii:ttle - unu su al : One shad e the more, on e ray the less, Dani.h Om.elet ... ~ ,~~: ·..i ! Had ha lf impa ired the nam cl es~ I!racc A Dllnis h o m e let has a fou nda t , ,. Which waves in eve r y raven tr ess '<OTARY PUBLIC ti on OJ'eam suuce of t hre e t abl e"'. 01' s oftly li l!: ht en~ o'er he r face: t spoo ns of bu tte l', three (If fl o ur a nd Nation ,,1 Bank , tw o cups of mi lk . In thl' m ea ntim e Wh er e th oughts seren e l y sw eet eX - I , ... press . breok macar oni o n inch le ngth s , ~" How pure, h ow dear t h eir dw el- W,ll. Dr.wn • • Estat e s S e ttle d and boil it in salt watel' until it ,~-ling-place. . WAYNESVILLE, OHIO i. Le nd cr; th e n drain it. When th e cream sa uce is cool udd s ix clI:g And on that cheek, and 'e r thnt l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -l yolks, two at a lime. beating the . brow : mixture .fi ve minutes after each So soft, so ealin, yet elofJuent, yolk addition. Beat six egg whites s miles that win, th e tints th at sti ff , fold them in to the yolk mix- The ·glow, ROOT ' FOR AND CONSIGN . j t ure, sprinkl e with pepper and your Cattl e.. hogs, s h eep and calves But tell of da ys in good ness sa lt· a nd pour the omelet over. th e to Norris-B rllek Co., Jive Wire lind . spent, . Inacaronit, wh ich-r has been arr.ang- A' mind progressive firm for the· lIig:hw at peace wi t h a ll below, . c d in the bottom no( a butteted market prices ani! good senlcr A heart whose love is inn oce nt! baking di s h .. Bake the! omelet in a Union Stock Ya,da, Ciaci_ati, .0 . steady, h·ot Qven £pr t~h·tY minut!!s R efarIlDe ~: A S,k ·"first man -IOu m e ..·• . and erve at o nce. B ea t en butter "!Ie Bet You is used in Dennturk . witJi·J his orne. let, which is sim ply butte.r cresl11 ed with a · f ork or spoon and blend e d Most of" the war-time seco nd I with a taste of sugar. lieutenants lIave probably ·lived it dciwn by ,now,. _ • I

But Konjol a, The New And Dif.


.---- -- - - - - - -- -0




- - --







Columbus August 25 to 30




Wa ynesville,Ohio

Dr.W. E. Frost




,--------------!- Dead Stock Wanted Y, ...


I ..




Sight Specialist


Harveysburg F erlilizer Company

Enduram:e Giws Oult-On One Side




J. E McClure
















Wotch your ~xplration date on the The M.\ami 0razette

Subacribe for. The Miami Gazette


- ......- .,

New Waynesv.i1le

Will lfll -n O '



-- -

-- -

Pool Is Popular- ---

-- --


n W elc h hUll l'eturn ed I n ftMie r ~'a Hl) l lI'cn~n ll t moto r t rip wit h ,'c ia ivc!I t h r o ug h th e F. ust. SUnl11l I' , di am o nds . 1:. bo n,?" l , (,Ift~.

pec ia ls- wll t c hes a n d ur y's J <' w olry Shop, hi o, " Th e H ome oJ

Tire. e o st little toduy lolly Dot to ".Y

~I r ~. Vi o la Hllrlun , whll hilS ' >lIl' nt ' he pa s t Ill f\ll Lh with 1\1 1'. al1d M r~. II. B. E urnh u r t und du ug h te l', in ('IIllIlIIhu ,' , ha ;; "ctllrn ed t o th e h,. nlt> IIf ~ I I'. a lld i\I r~ . K . N. H o ug h (Ill Ho ut e 4 . I Fil l' th e p lcal' u l'c of he r house gue~t, Mrs. W. N. N r wlu llIi , of Chi£'ugl), Mrs. W . I-I. AII .. n e nt er· tOl in, Ii at di nn e r t ('day Mrs. S. S. , S tah l and Mi :i~ B a r lon , of F r ank · lin , Mi s~ Ann ie B ro wn , Mi ss I\lal1 ll' Bruw n . M i.· ~ C la ra Li l anti :\1i ~s' l'tI llY W r ig h t.

.be best T hat is ",hy Goodyea r sales r:rc r C\' i OU8 rl'fo rd. Iluild lnj: ~:!r Pt hnn nn y othl.' r · co m lla ny , perience a nd lowes t cos t s--cnn


. . a rut ~ b.I')~ond man y m lllwns m" I" t .H I! Il (;(IIH1),<'lI r llnj"Ys ,: ,~.. ah·r e:o(· g i \'~ more l or your mun c y.

C"me i:t nnd G'l'l till' "'(' ncf. !- t he hl'" t tires-lowes t pricesbocked by o ur fr i" ndly sc n· i c ~ .

NOW'! In 6.Ply or Regular

~lIn'Ill"" Spe(·in ls ·- g l al!~ w arl' "" d S(· ts "t' d i ~ Ilt' ~ . CII I'Y'S J ewelr y : S I" .i'. l.l'bunon, Ohi., . Stn!'L' I, Pl' B


.~DD~'~,t~ .ibuzotlulH

I'v c ni ng ~ .


Fl'il' nlls Yea rly .\I (,'1 ill l! II I W" y , w;r, " ·I'\, ·d III'"n tal,\.-s nil th ' S "b ~c: rib {' fvl' Th nl·s \,ill,· SUllel:ly lIrte'I'IIC'OIi. I"" II. 1:,'I: ,U\"l':i \\'\21'" I"I ':en t frc,"\ :-;l'\'(' 1'1I 1 f t',' 1II IH' I'(' " tl l lld ,'d 1I 1i' La!!,..I\,' \\"111','11. F"rt WH YII,'. . - - -\ alliminum d '111"" ~ lr"t ill n at Fcl" \\' u lHl s h ' II lid It oanol",. Illd .. ·~id . · MI'. lin d !II r,.. Cha r les Clark I y l' hll l'l' h JlI"nday " \'(, Billl!. " "\' . I'i llll". I hl)·tllll. \\' I·, t .1.. f1',·r · ~pen t n(,urdny in Dayton . l:lclln J oh n .. . "f lla .\·t ,, " . ~ l )(' nl , ,, il. /.,·I,all'II, S pril1 g- ll"n', Wa y. .Ba lla rd Wallarl> ,·C! t u r n e d Sat· I M"nduy uftl' I' 11I" ln IIlld (:\" ' nilll!: Il( '~ \' dl , ' ,,,,, I I. ~' t It' . I Ul'lfllY 1lI0rnilll! frO Il1 II mo t ol' trip with hi s motllt'r. 1\1" . ~ 1 : lIg-I" ' ('I ' 11 .. ,!r\' lin d l{ill' Y ~:I~ I III' srwn l w ith friend s t hro ugh K l' ntucky. .J nh n R. a 1',,\1' .,·I~,y~ lil't WI' , k at 1-:l lw "l'lh L e~ Gr e Rt htJu se, of Dayt on , is Jl l n ;. Tillman n ll l'l " n anel ~ " n Lake m ' II!' )' ,,"n' \1\\' 11 \\ilh rtlH· vis it ing al th e h ome o f his d a u j: h. AIIHll d . llnd dlllt~hI L· rs . \,i l'l~illi:; I ti\" " . ~II ' . .I"m ,·" :\:I ~ 1r " lid ~ "n ~ tel', MI·s. Clyde Wh ar t o n and fam - a nd Vera , motor ... d I II T" I"d" F r i. rd ul' nl'd wi t h t h '!11. i i ly. day lin d \\1.'1' wl' pk·(ltl <i I.!·U (· ~ t~ (,I" 11 ,'111 \ S:1\'I " .. " I'l" I t h,. fi l' ~ 1 (, j' E . J . IlI' many, 'o f S pr ingfielJ, M,'. Bart on':i Ris ter. ll i ~ "i "l'" :II" , 1:1,,1 \\'('~'k ",ith f r i " IId ~ ill Ih·llfuun was a dinn e r gu est Thu rs d ay evcn- I'tJ tn )ollni(lrl th l.'nl hOlll . ["1' II /" \\ tai n. . ing of his mothe r , Mrs. Mary Car- dll Y , vi ~ it here. . ~lr". lI t' n l')' r "lIl1,,, \I':t ~ tal, " n M r. nn(1 !\II!'!;. K"sll' r (;I':lh :1111 v,n' :i irk '1' 11(,,, .1;1 \' . m ony. Mrs: W. M. Col e man and Mi s8 an d daughl e r. Mis. gl'rni l' I'. all d I ...._ _~L.::..:a.:=:::

Ii~~~mH'a~~ld°'K~~~; ~~i~h ~~:. B~~ ~il~ n~~·il~~~:t~I'I::t'·)\I~~:(·I';;n~i"~'::~;:

I '



, umlllCI' spec ia ls- s ilv e rwar e, je we lry li nd n ove lties. C ary ' s Jew{' lry S ho p, Le ban o n , Ohi o , W e ~i\'c Ceda r Sla mp ~ . Mrs. Ann a L. Care y and dB ug hte l' Fra ncclI Louise r et urned Fri. day fr o m C hl cl1go, wh ere t hC!y a t l e nd ed t he 5th Annua l J ew e lry ~hn \\' he ld a t Ho t t' l S he rman, th e !I t h Annu a l Chicag o Gift Show at

(\ PLY

'\ P LY




Lifetim e Guaranteed. Quulity Ti res - va lues only lhe '" orlu's la r lc.s t tire product io n makes possible.

lI ollo l'in g t h " il' hOURe gu es t s, :'t iss Il'l' I1,· Good e. <I f Okinho lllll, a nd Mi Hs Lo uise ~Ill i th, o f • hi loh, ' Miami Gnze tte O hiu. Mr. an.d Mrs .. J . Q. G on R. and I daug htp r MI SS Alrcl' e nte rtain e d lit dinn e r Th ursdu y eve ning , Mrs. A nnu . Cadw a llad e r , Mi ~s C lara L il e MI'. li nd M I' ~. 1~ l i as Ogles bee , MI'. u nd Mr F. Fr e d Go n s li nd ch il dren , a lld 1\11'. Geol'l!e Bunne ll.

29x4.40 2 9 x4 .50 30 ,,4.50 28x 4. 7 5 29x5 .00 31x5.25

....... ... .......... $5 .6 5 ....... ..... ...... .. $6.40 .. ..... ... ... . $8.40 ... ..... ... . :....... $6.45 ..... ... .... . $8.75 .... .... .... ....... $1.65 .. ........ .. .. $9.1 0 $10.45 ...... .............. $8 . 10 $ 12.15 ............ ........ $ 9.90.


Gordon'. Service Sta. Phone 4'7

Waynesville, Ohio

~~~ ~\~~~f:c:~~!~~ :~~ i~epo~~:~~

Iy, we r e d inn er gu est s Thursda y lIa rry G I·aham. . . . I Th r most d"ngertJu5 occupation, ae· I cliRp lay of Gifts and Art wa r es at of Mr. and Mrs. C urtis Hill, i n II c llI'y and Hrl e.\· . Sayl".,' ' !,{' Ilt cordinl'! to an indust ri al survey o f , th e Pa lme r H ouse. Mrs. Care y is lJayton . purt o f I.a s t \\. ~'k With tllL'lr "~ l e r I r\cw Yo rk, is window. c1eGini,ng. The al ways loo king fo r th e lut e~t f or Mr. and. . Henry Fo ulks, Mr. alld ~u rll" ~' lit ( .all ~ ,'~d .. • . I ~I i ~s ~L ln!l't Cilo , " n. (]f 8.ell. chance .of accidcn.t to. a window· Cury 's J e welry S ho p, Th e H o me and Mrs. W Ilbu r F o ulks so n li nd !\II. li nd .\1 " . l l"nt. h ,.I"n,,"n I I I I I' t clc'lIler IS nearly II t11e !tm'es as great of Gif t s, Le banon, Oh io. daug h t er, atte nd ed th e r u nc l'n l of I s pe n t Sunday with It.f' f".'·lllcr's' " oolk' \, . lil' ~ \ 1 )" 'I' nl ' l s l' l,(~ ~llIlg I w~ os 'that \~hieh the ar tisa n making fine . . t CI.. . M I ·~·. n''''u l. ·1 '' \I'll 1 . 1'. I I'\' . Mr s. Sa mu e l WIlso n at S o uth Le ... • SI" t' I S all (I f' ~"'l!' 1Y .III I\' f l'l' '1' . ")~"f. '\n u mach illcry and Instrumetlt~1 runs, the a n on Su n da y IIfterno on. Dayton . : nnl! ~ . , . :a tt er being the least hazardous oceu· WILL PURCHASE HOSE The Ladi es Aid m e t at the ho m e MI'. lin d Mr . . AII " n Enrl'il'k ha d !I II'. an.! :1).1''': J (W 1 \; n~l!'w!t , :'1 1.'. pation. of Mrs. Ro be rt Frie nd on W ed iles· fo r thcll' dlnn c r l'llf'~I" l\! o nd :l~' anu !\Irs. ",Ili s lI unt.'! , . ,1\ J) t~\ · E bod h h tchedth A t th e ir reg ulnr m ceting M on· d a y a ft e r n oo n. Th e r e wa s a larg~ ev~ n i n f:. Rt'\' . lind ~ I r". ,le,,.,,(. Cli n,' In n. ~I'('nl SunJla y ,'\' el1lllj:!' With . ;re'7 I y W 0 as evk' wa th t e rI · y Ilil' ht Co unci l vot ed t o pur· ':'111 °f~'c eanen It w hor _:!Ddd e dou t· chase 50 f ee t of fir e hose. n umb er' pr ese nt a s arra n gem e nts I MI'. IIlld i\l l'~ . .J u~l'ph F1 11 l' il'k. of ~Ir . tln d i\Il'~. Frank II l1l't!iock . • ' \'". II.. an, I .\I 1'. an" .~ Ir~. I T he L. adl.,~ . AI. 0 a sk y.craper as anU ere I --- - are be rng macle t o se r ve mea ls ut I f) e t rOll. 'I , w, ll till! I lit Lh e Jlde tl tho ght of what woul~1 happeD If th e Leban o n f u ir. H UITY eMll e ll. of . F I' I"')~. home of' MI". lI ilc)' (;il " .. " ThuJ'~· he wo~ker'a safe -belt broke while TRY ~ce was cleaning tythe thirtieth.ltory M.r s. Carmo n y a ttend e d a , ~ I:- und ro l n ,: S l·t h I· t1"rll~K 111' (' I (hlY afl e l'rl(joll. Augu~t 16. OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS famI ly PICIlIC .su pp er at Wayn e (ntC!lillllllll! i\l l. ~lnd :' I rs. (' 7" 1'1!l' :\11'. Hoy ,:mi th lnd childre n lind windows. The belu do b reak, ceca. FOR RESULTS P ar k, W ay n es ville S~ tul'd ay. S \\ :I !n nn I i\ll'. ;lllri :'III'S. \\ II I.ll·r l\ I rs. F.llInln (;ih"n n 'It I 1'11I11'f1 h<! li onally or the cleaner', foot . tips Mr. a nd Mrs. TIllman Barto n ' " :aln. II f . r ndldflll, . Tn.! .. dlll'tnt{ :-:milh reuni on III l::a~ t\V oo d Park, and he f alll to hi. death and fami ly· a tt end C'd· th e Luc y r eo FI'l I' r:' r1 ~ '1 e.nrl)' l\ 1l't'tllll! III Way · 11I: t S unday. \ V' d __ ~ h made wIth a pivoted ~ I nesv rll e t h l ~ \\'l· (·k I 1\11'. Ar t h ur ~ 1 " 1'l![\Il, :III'S. II li e\' interior 111 ow - I . t W 'l . I ullIon a I 1lI11lg on ~ un ( a y . '" .' f rame which can be rotated , " . Mrs . Claud e .Lewls and duu g h· . M rs . •~ e e M~;; " " , o f 1\In80n. and Gibs on Ilnd SOil. EII , wIII·lh . s l' l'n'[ so that both sides of the glul can be .. t~r, of SOC Ia l Row . wert! son,. Le:o y .l\I.I~O:I. who. I.':; h O lll e ! l\I o ndn\' uft. rn orm Ili th :'11'. and clean~d from inl lde a re used in a very din ne r g u est s Mo nda y of Mrs. o~ u .\a cntlO n . fr olll. I\~\\' York :'.In:. H. j' I' Ihl \' alld ~lIn , Ila ll' L(' \\'i~. f ew bu. ildings. They COlt a. Uttle more ,Il\, ( he .' ~ I'a rl, n ", ~ patcl1t'l' , l\li ~ , · 1·: I ~ i .; t ;ih ~ro ll h:l~ 11('{'rJ o n th an the ordinary kind, but in a COQ'lC lyde Wha rton and dau gh ~ers. Da~[~n and\Ve~;~' S~:iddney Cdf~n'~ ;' I I~~rt~i n'ed\ e~~tIlll i~It,I ~:HI~o~~;\~. ~.:ll I the Sil'k .' bt l.h~~ \\. '(' 1 hilt is b et· pletely civilized world uae will be compulsory. g u est s' of Mr. a nd MI' . J ames t he ho me o f i\l l'. and :' I,.s. (:lia l're:i le I' at lhl ~ Wl'llll1g'. Johns. C la rk . - - - - -FINGERPRINTS Mrs. J . B. Jones s pe n t Sat u rda y MI'. Gle n n B r oc k tn m e fmlll [ nut th e hom e of MI'. and Mrs. Ca rl di a nap olis. In, l.. Ttl e~ d ny Illol'ninlr Every r~ader of detectIve storin Pick e ring a nd Mrs. Ada Ch e n o. \ un d aceompunied hi " falh e l·. Ill'. 1.. ~ k no ws that two individ uals . never , C . B roc k . t o Jlliami \' allcy h ()~p it. ' lea ve the same sort o f finger prin ts, w e t h, of n eal' Ce nt e r vill e . A few more p laces are open in th e Mr. a nd Mrs. William Colem a n a l w here he w il l u nd e l'lro ::t n O (l Clind th a t the fing er prin t records of tIle and daug ht e r , T he lmll, s p e nt Sa t· ration i n th e nca r fut ure . g reat vo llce depar tments arc or8;u,,~e, day with Mr. and Mrs. Ba n ner ·P ,.iP IHls IH~ r " I.!re ~ ol'l'y to Iparn w tkll lilt' in.pnnt of al 'Y k llOWI1 cr:m· Mayham a nd ch ildren , n ea r Ha m · of t he iIln pg~ and dr-a l h of Ilt ur h inal on !.rc rdcr rec to at croce. flO ilton . P ic k e ri ng-, t 7 yellr 1,Id so n of MI'. Few r~:t ; !lC tin t if' the "D ~pa r:'m e n t of the Ther e ha ve been 2 7 days s ince a n d Mr5. Car l P ichl· in~. n or th of 0: . In.,tlce at Wasillagl ull IS main: .June 23 t hat t he th e rm om et er has C(' n tc l'vill e. Th(' y WCI'C fOl'ln e l' ta incd :h ~ largest im ~ r na t i o n a l coilf'\:· Daytime Y . M. C. A, Cooperative Mecnanical School bee n from 90 to 102, ac co rding t o " c~ id c llt ~ of thi" cOlll lllun ity. 1I ,, ~ h ' t:r,!1 vi fingerprint recc nls in the wa~ take n to l\Iiami Vall ey h ilS· '.V Id. comprisi ng pillilpar:. phs oi the a da t e boo k by the wr iter. 6 month. in School EARN WHILE YOU LEARN 6 month. in lndu &/ry. Miss C leo Hawk e was a week· pi ta l wh 1'.' he died of hr:-r in fL've l' lil!ge rmari<s of mon' than 2, \00,000 e nd guest of Mr. a n d Mrs. Da n Satu rday even illJ::. A nllmbcr o r IJerSvm who h:l\'c been accused or . usFox, at Dayton . pCl's o ns f r om her!' uLl(' n<1 ed the pl'Cl~d of crirr.e. DAYTON ScHOOLS Mrs. James Nash and so ns. o f f u nor a l at Cen t ervi lle chu r ch ull Some have proposed that every Phont write at OOCt 117 West Monument Ave. Canfi eld, are vis it ing h e r mothe r, Tu cs d ll~' afternooll. rh i'l;:! s li ngel :,r inl s be taken when he Main No. 3588 or call Mrs. 'Susan Say lor and oth e r r e lnTh e CDI'll e ll I' ullion \\'a s h,'I<I (,n t -ent ers school, and preser\'ed 3 11 ativ es he r e. S u nday aL the hOlll e oi' i'l l I'. and a I,e ~rt,ancnt record of his identity. Mr. Charles Earl y mad e a busi· MrR. A lb ~ rt tuey. Tlt l'!'o WCI'l' T hue a re many cases in which such ~J.J _ l n ess trip to Farm ers vill e M on- 98 p rese n t, the (l ld l',: t (, tH' b c ill~ records wou ld be invaluable, but we day. W e ll ing t o n ·o l'ne ll. who is pas l are lax about such thingi•. Hllf of Mrs. Ma rgaret Jo h ns atte n ded 9 5 y ea rs o f a ge . A ua l'ket din n et· the staies do not even ke4~p a record of births.


Have .your Job Work Printed Here




- .. .




-sTop! High SChool Graduates


September Class

Y. 1\1. C. A.

--------. -

Are You Busy? No? Then it

time to get busy and get your p ri n ting done before the busy season begins IS

, .


100 ' .....


N c>t llIore than three or four F feet copics a re known o·f the tint book pnn ted f rom rnovable~ tl'}lt, Gute n bcr~'s Bible. The United States of Amen ea now owns the ' finest example of this precious vt)lume. The last session of Coni res! appropriated $1 ,000,000 wi th which to buy the Vollbehr \ collection of rare books, for the Libra ry of Congress, which ' contains not only this famous Bible but more , th an 3,000 other splendid examplu of , the work of the earlicst printers. It has been estimated ihat it would COlt more than $5,000,000 to duplicate this collec tion, if d uplication were poJlible. A th ousand years frOD'1 now men , will point 10 thesc book!! and lilY : "Here a re the seeds of ~I\lr ciV'iliza· tion. It began when maQ learned ho\'l to duplicate k nowledge by printl . . an4 made it fr ee t o all lort. and coDdltioDl of men."


Keep Your Buildings YOUDI in Years Many a building-old in point of service--has been made to look young in years with good steel roof. ing. is steel roofing at its best-made to give "life-time of trouble-free roofing service.


T he world'. mOlt pre<:lou. metal. Letter Heads, Envelopes, Statements, B .11 Heads~ B lan k Forms of' worth $2,000,000 an ounce, now comel exclus ively f rom the, Belgian. Congo all kinds, We, Cards of all k inds, Booklet s, Poste rs, Sale in Af rka. Originally discovered il ore' m tne J oachimsthal, "". :l S ~ . ia. radium was for a while Bills, in fact, we are prep :: r~d { o do any k ind of commerciai work mir.ed commercially in Utah/ but the \IHUW' ~ u,, ~

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I'· .




disco very of a bed of very n ch uranium ore -in A frica has put the other producers out of business and enriched Il:c !lrospectors who made the lucky I' strike , The cost of radium i. due to the difficulty of c:xtrl&ctin,' it from the I ore and the da ngtir in handling it. Radiu m's value is due to tbe fact t1-,3t it is comtantiy changiq into othe r subst'ar.ces, and in the process g ives off rays and emanatio ns. ThClc ba ve e ffects upon the 'hUllllan systcm silr.llar to those of the , x·ra~y. Its use in medicine is still in ill ullfancy, but , comme rcially, as the baals o:f luminou. I \laillt f or the hand! of watches and docks, all' navigation inltruments an the like, the demand I! lar~. A· lill8'le ounce is enouih to IUprly this industrial demand fo r severa ye.ilr,. but DO' amount of radium al Ia.flle _u one ounce has ever been URmble4 In ODe



This is the kind of roofing service thac will save you money. Lee us tell you mote about it. Channeldrain is made of the more cosdy COP.R.LOY, the Copper Al. loyed Steel ••• and yet it costs no more than ordinary roofing I ~e money it saves ),ou in repair bil:b will IOQn pay its Cost.




.lIo..e. 14 ·


·W.,...e.vI~le, Oblo


Eighty -Third Year


Sce ne of the Ban k Rob bery

Whbl e Numb er 5928




1\rr~i . 1 AYNfSVlllE WINS ~Ir~. -'1 fRONIi·· i DAYTON ' T[AM

-MI'. M1l and 5. W.and 11 . AI.le · N. an~d . w l\11 ~~n, Oli ve ' W AII ~ n wer e e ntel'tuin ecl Tu . da\' I

The second annual reunion of the Gusti n family of Warren County wos h el d at th e pal' villion in H nrmoll Pork , L!!bano n, un SlIn JMY, Augu ~ t l ~j, l \lau. MIII'l! thun a hundl'm l alld a half o f' th e d e c e ndant ~ o f' l:!l' naga h GU Htin, who fo undl!d the Wa 'Tl!t1 Co unty urulll'h of tlie famili es, n eal' Red Li nn. in the year 1 7 ~J1l, l!lt j oYell a 1Il0st happy lIuy. After a bout1t~uu s picllic dinn er ut th l nlJlJn huu l', u s hort IJU s in e~s scssiun wUs culled to Ord!',' by th e pl'l!s idl!nt, D. Hiram Bnin, o f Ll!bun()n . T.he foll o wing olli e!! t's wer e e lected for t he l!n~uing yeur : Pr esid ent, B. F. Gu stin. o f Hell Li o n; Vice Pres., Will O. Gu stin, IIf WuyneHvi ll e ; 'ec r elUl'Y, Mrs. Julia GU!lli n Mu rsh, of Ft. Tholl1as '" {, cl' 111 t .' K y.; A sst. ,~ e tar y , r~. r,lllmll Kendall , o f Anders on, Indiana . It te d b y 1\1 r . B . F . Gusti nlI'asth as I.ugges a co nso 'lidatio n lI'ith th e Gu s tin fumil y rcunio n ur th J 'I'1'(,y- I'iqufl neil.(hb oriwod be eff ec t ed. This was st'con dl!d by Mrs . Mllr: h and MI'. O"va l Gu ~tin . Th e nt a tt ~ r wus tim Ilv le the di ~ crctiull of th e o ffi'cors,ft Ustllwas, also the dnt e un d locn li o n o f th e next re uni on.


~t ~~:hl~oi~leF~!;n ~1r.;. and

I i\l iss ('1 (' 111 II I's, "r 11:1 \"1"" . ~I i,,~ 11)" ,i, Ila l'\·' ·I·. :\11' , Ihll"I ~ 1 Ili ll nn d ST . AUGU STINE CHURC H :\1,'. ~ I "r i "n · lI .. lI illJ.:~hl!ad ,,(' \.,·1,· II n "n ~ J" ' tll SlI n la ,'; at ;\, ,,w I: , ,'Summ e l' SChedu le- 1st , 3rd and \\,i lh l)n C' tl ,·h p ill'lling- a mus ternil' It , Ohi " . I" ,d III ,·. I,' d tl1i' :lllto- I fu l I,:tltlll! th ' :\Iiantis Gtlt S u ndny, Mass ut 8 :00 a. m.; put an oth!!l' -" w bit. , l'a Cl'. ' ;. , j.(U11H! Oil t h ~ ' ig-ht ~ ill l! uy cl e fl!ut2nd and 4th Sunduy , Masl! at ill g- th l' Dayt on Wh it,' Sox 10 lo 3 ' !l :30 : Eurl Ol'ndn rf is gl·tl ,.lually 1'1' Cha ". l. ~" ll' h a nd fa mi ly h: ' I'p Thl' W "yn,' ~\· ill .. IJoys ~11 \''' ri ng- i'1' l!11t a SL'\'erl! ti ltH'S';. Hev. Lawre nce B . Mollma nn . t1l1'\'L' d inl" th · ~il' h """ n pr"IH.,·t y hi ltin g- .. I"tb,· .' o n . S unrln had their y . sco ring .. . , t1 T yl,·1' , t,·l'I'I. ,\1,·. n lld :\11'';. Ha y!) ,' Ult S in tlH' lirs t inning . M,ss Ol,,' c ~1I,. n al'l,,:,'d h"n)\' , ('onnl'l' VAYNE SVILLE M. E. CHURC H . nl'" \ '" , hli 111'(,\, ,'1 1. h"I',· lh " lead :1I1d aft, ' r Ihat we r eto tuke neve r S un day f 11 111 ( "IU lllhla l n"'c r' lty 1"1<I \, ,'d illl', till' h'lll,,' I·:U'III,·" I. y in dang- c t'. Wed"e ~ day: Th e Ladies' Aid . ., . . h,' I. ynt·h fan ti ly . I "i ~ h e l' W:1>; the hig no ise' with , od t y is meeting with Mrs. S il M! s>' In lll!nll a nd ~II ~~ .Mllrga Ihe ~ tick gt'ltin~ tW Il home runs vers at :1 p. 111. Bi bil· sludy und let 1·. 'lI\a rd ~ Sl'cnl ~1 " nd IlY III J) ay - 1 :\lr~ . .I . I I. ( '" I" n' :"1 lI'il h :' I ll'. and u dll uu il, in foul' trip ~ . to the pl'llY Cr me e ting !It 8 :00 p. nl. ton. :tn d 1111'S. II. ( '. ( ' .. 11' 1111111, .. I' :-.1" 1': platl! . H"" Ki1 a l ~o clf Friday Choir prucLicl' ut 8 :00 p. llI. nlH'cl ed fo r . 11·,)ull , ., nil ~l r s. \. a l1 l' a Jo' o~ tl'r , of ' th e circ uit sco r ing Love ly ah ead S unduy : S undll Y schuol at !I :3 0 a. Mi ,~ Etl ll' l M, nllen ha ll ,s at :\[1. II ,'all h\'. Il'I't T ll ,·, da l· I1ll\1'n - () f hinl. T ul'l1 c" fi nd Burton ha d a m . Mornin g \\' ol's hip ut 10. 30. The Cr.ic:t~o !\Iedin ". attenlli n j.( IlIi nlJis Y" arly i n ~ t .. . S[H,' l1'.d n. II'C'l,k at :l ' s ulllnll' I' t ripl l' and dlluble rl.'s pe<"lill· ly to s uuject Of th e morninJ.l sermon " I I . (' lim p ttl .,!t ell'glln. ro und UIll 1 1l' o n)::, Iis tu " Cc bitt1l1g will be, "A Full Man ." Epwort h . . " I I'l" hr fl th ,!' e r th ,·ou' e du),. S T hl' J) infield I' was 'I work' (' 1 . L ell~ u e lit 7 :00 II. In. wilh Mi~ K '. > ' . .' , ' : "" I': \u - , ~ at ,,' rill" C;i"b " n ~ a Cl'onl-, .Ing th an it had a ll sea son LUl'IIn dol ph, ey,'.s lgitt s pI' e l u il ~t. Ilt ( llry'S '"I"IS William su n as lea der. ,i l''' II~' 'I ,~. Ilu .:h I'rin tz. " I' I lI'ith b ette!' "nly til' " {'n"rs ('h alkl'tI up J ewl'!t·~, Shill', Leb u ltlllt, Oh, o. Prcllchi ng s ervice nt 8 :00 p. m. (' in~inatlti. I 1" '1' ,.,. 1' ,1.\' r, " (' ,".un l fl .... ainst it. n Munduy eV!'ning o f nex t w ~ ek ~I H n 1)('1',, 11111'1.(. I'll .. wl)l' rl' they willl'i , it i ,., Score lo y in ni ng s : ther'(' will be :l I1l cetil1j.( of th e , ' rH. arv ey . yl' and dau ~ht~ r , fdc·'HIs. T hl'Y wi al so \'i~it ""ints Way nl' Rv illl' 5 t) ~ 0 a 0 U OhUll ut t,·. all' I·':; ttll,g- " l' l a t 'I"'~ In I of int<' t'l'>'t ill ~ Illnrvlulld Sunday School uOIIl'd lit 8 :00 p. m. . '1 1 W hite Sox _ no (] Il U 10 2- lO I I 3 lit the c hurch. . eve Hill . 1 . Doen hand LOII G. C. Dibert, Pastor. !\II~" I) ')rllth y lIakin. "I' I' ull- the bu tte ri l's 1'01' the, ly will form Miumi s next Elliott '~' l'ighl: r,r J) ~t l'(J i t, ~ II 'nt mun. \\'a, hillg- t;,n , who h u ~ ~I }(' " t l ~u ndu y \\'Iwrt titl!Y ~tuck up S unuuy \\' Il h il lS f:lth ,· I', D r. A. the S Utl1tlH'1' with 111' 1' fatlwl' IIld "Kuinsl th e C in ~ innuli Uniun stock J. O. Carwrig ht, vice-pr es ill e nt, L. I'll. H ende rso n, cnshi FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIS T fo~~ e~1;~~~:~3hi~~e K~~I~~~ er, Mi ss ~k/rI:~~ T. Wright . ,; i ~t"r a t S t. I' 't er~h ltrK. 1.' 111. , is I yard te n nl. Th~I't, will bl! re a l little lIel e n W e lch, clerk, and Dr. Cad H enderso n, cu s tomer, U .. di unu un d I llinois Wer<' l !' esent ( nd e nol1l1natlOnal) . in the blink robb e ry las t Thursd ay mornin g, when two were victims I'is i.t inJ{ he" uunt, Th ' . •.. ~ I i "s . f ii' )I ay ' Indian boy~ in I.h l ir t epee , a s an '00 I . . MI'. an bandits ,1 MI'" enl-i ul'l'ey lI u111e". of Wn g ht lind C Bible School at ~}'30 a. m. This ,lthl'l' l'e lut il'e s. tl'r l'd tI, bllnk Ilnd de mnuded the mon ey. The umount J h added attra c ti o n to the gu me. leGgl s t . 1 °Aoll s ' d G . Galves t on, In d token .. ,\1'(' will \' was isi ling e .. c W . II N. n II Q . D ' U 11 Us tlll.. $550. llIan a Friday cq'ninJ,: t hl' !'e will be an Th e utfuil' lasled about thr ee minute s. u tin 'e al ' a nd family and ;lchar~i(n.~ IJ~ g .pen~~gb .ay Le ulln ol1, Ohio; J ose W l h d ,. ? ph I' E. Gu . . tin:' . ~ . W . P 'i S' 0 111111 IS ... mg Mab e l Gu stin A Ib e l·ta Gu ·tin Cin . 1 knee tl'l!I~!"· ln,g . j '.XPl'l rt '1'~lPortbantl pra cllt ~~ al la vll e aIr k 'I _ V ' K pre pllre d . L 01'(J s upp er lind sel'-'cin II f " ' . \~In ,. Im fl ' e l' H . ary n ati s O . ('11'1'. hio: 1')' Ch '_Vl!r~' G o! t' y '0. 11' 111 mtl!n( .' I.. s t o e lna. pay e ey mon at 1 0 :~O. , (\ ", prlngSlOp. erm o n !lubj ect,' t n, Oh .. ,. Onl .v gellultle S und ay IS tu be pres l!nl. Oh' L ' I' ' ~s. ~~ I~, ay- fi ,Id has b ee n the gues t "f Mr. lind ' mul ~ l' i Ll'IlIIno "The Lord's Hou se ." The re will be un. al uSl·d in LI ll I' It' pn ir de part IU; Y' ' VI . unne , :I'ances l\1r~ . W. S. Graham _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . menlo a special meeting of the men nt ~u~n ell, . . Red ~I O Il, I 0~1O.; I~' . 11Ulll UB,! ln , L('.ba. I the cl o ~e ,of this sen- ice. "Bring MOSS- RICH n o.I~, .. ()lllO, \'.11~ :YIl ss F:dlla S han e r has I'et urnc . .t ~I r. I1l1d ~Ir~. a man.' 'r ou are always welc ome Ch GLstl~, \'i1l ~l1c s~,"t (; eol'J.:<' Wnle r ?lllO, , hOIll!:' fr om the ho~ptla l a nd 's holt" l·. M l!~s r~ . 1·' rl! ·1 Hradd " c\, at this church . I II liS . h Ilin LI'UI11 , ~II ' ,; Dc-nil Rich.1 1l1'IlG1 II~n( Il'um, vcry lIIuch impro\· ed. Ch t ' . " t ' K ~ ll e l' Il r,kl' . S am .J lu:k ~o n and 'Ind l\'l rs 11"1 Ric h ,ughter of Mr I e rsc (! es e r A . W'II I I lalll son, "I 'I 'illS 'an I Mr Hart' er drum frillnIIn ( .I' urn, F K " J a (Ie" B~an,., S ·f . I I . . h' . . .• , ~ nH' . ~ n . . UI li ce a llen ..... ' 1L b· ' ~ o,f;,el.' I ~:, h ~ n(r s'am t t ' ley M o :~ W E'r e f\u,elly Illurried MI , s. Glnce Re ISing 1', of DIIYOhiO. LYTLE M. E. CHURC H ~tatl' .A l11el'l clt n Lq~ ' ()n. c~n- ,Iul y 5 at St . Lo uis. Mo . I et an o~1l' '.llllc , . · °SI? l }I , . 'Jlnhg - , to n , was th e gues t ~ f lIIr. and M,·~ . 1·I' n.\l On, wtlll' h II'as h('ld 111 Im (' ,n"on B <lIn. Ing ~tn n, 0 n M A F ol' th ' IJI(' II:lul' C "rnell o f Preachi ng se l'vi ce lit !) ::10 n. 111 . S.e un,Singlet M,·~. on HartSund·1Y No tl'UC!! of the bandits Wh o held , . II U I' ' I' th' . ' l. ' I o n, Middle t o wn, I I till anti s CI,. mon "T h e I Ion robbed the Wnynes ville ' 111:1 G' "s d I luli' G t' I C II" -c nr . 'I " 1 F't l'h [Je ~' 1!I,1osks , hC' I' s istel' MI·s. fred ' .Itt'~ un . IIY ' " ationnl Bank of ~650 la t Thur. I us , ,n ,' a l S 1, . nma s Saws 1 ' filed by mllcJlln e ry cu t S c h 0 0 I a t 10 : 30 a. nt . •,1'5. E . 0 Ky asa ntl v ,e ntel'tatn ed ~ llie a 11 '11' 1' l' l'd of' I" Illlwk t e ", o f T n11lpn ' Fl a .."~I' bI'a , t(lieh ' Lple day mo rning, has bl!en found. ~ . I I il' , d 1-'1 idu l' 1 Ig08S , ',rnes 110. cleaner tru er f 'l<t e r Hoy Pigott I . S t Th Offi . I B e . Mr. ad Mrs . 'Ralph Miller wl're L ong!ICre a (lU t 11' Y (.I Vl' n f 'h Q i' f' d I1illi"'o~~ I\1r ~ 1\111' l~ l "' n( S at L 1"11' , (' venin" up. , e fu . r ' u . cIa v i ~ ' it oar • . ' . , The two robbers entered the s hoppin g in !:layton Monday . II .. " ' : . " . I S I Y . " d . ' ,I Ig O.S~ , ,." at Madd en . ~ Lumbe a nH sce r '\ an III'C\. co . u" s l0Wl!r m!!etmg , r . c atul' lat' , which ve uy ~. Mrs. has Ha\\'k co and Hu - I IIJtel'no on be e n delayed W. T. HIIltgos~, blink s hlll·t ly after 10 O'clock, Thelma KW- I h rl wh o hHv(> "pen t ~1'1'('I'H I we e ks I T I I ,' I o.n accoun t of the p.astor'~ absence da~l, R o,s s ~.endll.lMrs. whil e an oth e r remain ed at the t l, l E} oise . . Kendall , . M!·. IIn~1 Mrs. · a.1I1 S hall ot. 0 (' I vis iti ng I'c latiy'l's un'd MI" and Mrs. Mark Rogers s h o uld be held . thiS \¥ fl'i('ncl ~ i~ I man~\~~'}~,T \i·f~~. Ie r ec Ipient 0 f ee k. An- MI,' . EUnIc e G. ~endf1II, Mrs. C lIlc lnnlltl, whee l of the cllr which was parkcd s pent unday in Richmo were Sunduy nd gu . ('~ts th nounce e county, WIll r eturn home wi t h ment of lime and plnee will Wtl~la on Main : trel!t. J. O. Curtwr ight, A leaslI;t F o us t, Ilfl el'noon Will a rd F o u. t. o f Mr. and MI' . Mye l' II YIII IW. was be made at chur ch sen'ice Sunday ' him. . . D o rt~ F o ust, Anders on , vi~-pl' esident, L. M. Henderso n, , . , ]nd . . , ft ' 'h ' I . ' f ' h ' Mr. and MI'S, Tim Barto n As this it the last .me~tin. ~ nJO} C( n el '.\ le I ' e I ('S ments g of the ~verl'tt , ~ust in , ~ o hann a qu s~ ca "hi el', Mi Fs Helen Welch, book· motore d to Coving ton, Hat sa le now o n, F elt hats !l nd Ky., Tues- ~o nfel'en c e year, It tS In te n~ ely t!n, M.1l1 g e Exp e r l servic e g iv e n o n Sw iss we r e served t o the g uests. , kee pe l' untl DI·. . W. Hen det·.' o n , day. l <?usLln, ~ e lb~ G~ s- 'Iale s Ulllme r sty les $1.00 to $1.95' l and Aml!ric an wn tch es in o ur relIn p ortnn t hthyat eachp membe r. be , rnb c ustume r were in the bunk at the --' Ola OGuS S · ttrll , J eE sslC GGlI st!n, See th e m. Gra ce Lincol n S mith. present .. T I' o,! ng e?ple~ ' Bt):lle ; ~ .~.n o n, .; . ~ va n pail' depart m ent. EfTicil'n t and SEVER AL FROM COUNT tinte. ,va n , u~tln, Y ARE R ev. G. C. Dibert and family Cla ss WIll h o l~ Its I pl'o mpt se rv ice a ~. lIred. so cUlI S meeting l ore o p!' I n ~ s. Ie A. Gl1 stln~ D<! nald Co. Gu sGoing t o th e wind ow on e of the visited relative s in Ohio MI'. lind M I'S : Leon ,' alis bury e veninKs. it y this Monday lIry' !; evenmg J \l' C' lr . y We Sh Il have P, I GRADU been I tm, Hu g~ O. ATES AT WILMI NGTON men present ed H $ 10 bill with a week. 5ttn, Bolt by J. and chi ld l'l' n, of Cleve land, ~ p e nt Le uan o prou~ of the exc pllent uttenda nce GustIn, \\ aY ll e~v(~U n, Ohi o. 1 r eque,st for chnnge. t!l e . . i Margar e l th e \\' e 'k-end here with relati ves. Miss Welch \ undo onterest of th e you ng ,II, l th,' mid -yen r o m.n e n cement took the billnnd tUl'ning from the W. N. Sears and family spent dUl'1ng the .h ot s ummer p~op l e Tuttle, K o ~ o l1~o, ]; " carman P. Mr. and Mrs. .1111' Tinn 'Y CIl - ('xe l'ei!;cs IIf Wilm ill.l!ton ntg~ts· 1 Bles t.le, CIII ClIlllu t l, 0 . ; F.dward cus h draw er, f ound her elf con- SundllY with J ohn H ole oll ege MI'~. J. C. llllett ami daugh Ilnd t e family r t (' )taim'd PI'ayer Su n day III dil1lH'" Mr. hpld on ~n turday , ~: Ii zll be th lal'k, me etmg Monday eve nmg ,I,one~, Le banon, 0; l!al'1'Y J,oncf<, fronted with a revolve r. Th e in Dnyton . Mi s~ Eth el, o f Dayton , were gu ('s ts lit und the M church. 1'''. C. O. II Let us emulate the I Effie J ones, An~ E' I'so n , In d . ; Elm r of .01' C"v ing- \ irg-il uthers were immedi ately covered I{ elallick oJ Or egonia, Mrs . Wulte l' S heehan, o n Friday tull. Ky., Mr. and m'din y o ung peopl e by_ our att !'ndance . L. Jon es, Dot b . •I o nes. MI·s .. Iohn SJl t'IId I I'l l' ~: lIi s uf Wa y nesv ill e, and und the bandits demund ed money. B ·tty ~e e F or gifts an d gift ideas vis it ling, o f BeI'l1Y, K~· .. 11'~. Lura Elva Lo is J on es of So uth Le Sara A. B owman, Pastor J o nes, Che,·t e rfi e ld, In d .; Murtne Mr. Cartwr ight opened a drawer Cary's J ewelry Shop, banon Oscal' 1\'\. lark, until a ( (' \I' W e rnt;-. L Hnd d a uJrhl I' Ll'o da . were all award Ed Ba chel or of SciJ on e~, Anders on lnd . ; Grunl'il !c duys ago ope rat edwhao grocery took out several packag es of bills , "The Honle of Gifts." ebano n, 0., in Aftel'n oo n WAYN callers ESVIL we r e LE 1\11'. CHURC llnd H e nc OF c li egl'ecs in Educnt ionj Mary Gu tIn, Velva Gu stln,L~ ah Gu st~n the old Zimm ermlln each contain ing one hundre d dol . Latonia . CHRIS T Norwo od, 0.; Mrs . Wtlh!ltl l Gu stIn filed a pl'l iti .m in s tand, hilS i\1r~. T. S. LaW~llll, o f (Jv ingt ll n, chleeha uf, o f MOITOW, receive d a Illrs, and handed them to one bankru ptcy Ky. , Mr . an ,1 Mrs. H owa rd Fl oI'· Bllch e lo r of Arts d egre e ; ·and MelPeebles , 0.; M. E: Gu st1l1, Wlibul' listing uss e~ of the men. The bandit then gave Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner , of (Unden ominati onul) R. Swange r, JUllnttU wang r, Leb $5, 171.13. t s $7 53 and liubiliti es en ce, 111 1'S. lI 1'1liu Trua x, Mess r s. vin Banta 0(' Wllyn esvi ll e , Lucille the order to "lie down and ke ep Was hington C . H., were Waynes T. S. lIanlin Bible and tic I~re hoo rl l ul Fl or9n cc. Cox of MUs')n, A Im a Dul'l' of Mol'9 :30 n. m. W e an o n, 0 . ;. Robe quiet, but was t old by MI', Cart- ville vi fi itor~ Sunday . Bakel', Iren e are getting ready for a grent B.aker, L OIS Jeanrt BHker Mi ss Ma y Wri g ht WIlH host ess al row, Fannie EHrnha rt. Mabel ~vrigh t "to get out, you hllve what , Wa.y n esLawMI'. and Mrs. Ke nn eth Ridge "Rully Day," Let's begin you came for." Just receive d n shipme nt of new NOW. L o r d's Suppe r obseto rlilly VIlle, 0; Carl S. Brown, CIcero, und daught er of DuyLo n. s pent u di nn er at KI!I'n' s lnn Monday ~o n and Mudge Moo n of Spri ngrved at Ind.; H e r~c h e l M. Gustin, A.n derboro. Ilnd Luc ill e 'rucker o f HarWi t hout further effo rt to en- full sty les, colors and unday with Mr . and Mrs. O. M. night. Th e gu est s W I'e black. conelus ion of the Bible Miss 001'0- ve~'sb ul'g wor e IIwIlI'd ed two-yea r chool so n, Ind.; Harry L. BI'own, Cicero, Ridge. force his ord e r. th e robber turned Grace Lincoln Smith. t h y Dakin, period each Lord's Day. "This do ]nd.; Omar E. Gu of Pullm a n , Was h. , MI'. t ('a ch l' I" dipl o l11l1 ~. nnd ran out of the blink behind his , Hug h Gu. and M1'5. Fred Hawke Ilnd so n , of in rememb erence of me," said tin, Anna Gu ~tin, ·ttn - -- - - - - - co mpani on. A third membe r of And er so n, Ind. ; Summe r The John Lamb· propert y was Christ, Christia n Endeav SpeciHI s glasswa r e Tampa, Flu .. Mr. and Mrs. G. W . or at 6:- J . M. Conove r, Lebano n, 0.; ar- and sets of lhe trio IIwllited them in a Ford suld last week to F. A. di sh es. Ca r y 's ,Jewelr y I Ha wke, of C I!II:ksv ill e MI'. and Mrs Hinfey who 45 p. m. Bel·tha Filer, Lead er. rie B. DOE- RHOAD ES edun on the street. BI'own took possess ion Thursd ay. Evenin g evnngel is tic service at Elsie Koester , Ve,1lma ic e ro, Ind . : ShoPI Le bun o n, Ohio . . to re op en .J. W. Edward s a nd fa mily. Mrs. Turnin g the corner, the blind it Koe'ter , Leb evening s. . Emilia McClur e , MI'. and Mrs. 7 :46 p. m . Sermon s ubject, MI' . nnd 1\11'>;. Loren S. Rhoade s, 'ear h ude-d west on Routh 73. C: Lee Hawke and· fumlly, Mrs . Soldier of the Cross ". Prayer "The anon, 0. ; MI'. and Mrs. Harold T. R onald Huw ke li nd son a n,1 MI'. o f NorwlJ ud, li re annou ncing the meet Hen se l, Miamis burg, 0.; MI'. and Eo Gordon , f HnrveY 8burg, wh ose Maynar d Wc~tz and Mrs. Emma Grubb 11111rl'ia)!,e of t h!'il' daught er, Miss car was parked on the opposit e i s pent Sunday tn Columb daught er ing eaeh Wednes day at 7 :45 p. m. Mrs. Floyd H. Gu stin , Dayton , 0 . ; Ella Bradd ock, of Daytand MI':. O. J . E d ll'ard ~. on, we re us. The church where yo u f eel at Margar et Gu stin, Hills Catheri n t u MI'. S tan ley E . Doe, ~ itle of the street , and who hlld boro, 0 . ; guests of MI'. lind M !'S. Ru ssell , M I' a nd Mrs. ROtl"ld Ilawke' horne. and of W ol'chcst c l'. Mu ~s . MI'. and MI·s . Wurd Gus tin, Mon- Bentley , on Friday. een them run fl'om t h e bank with . L~.~l!n Rou s h, of Pennsylv lll1l~, I so n Fl'Il nk enterta ineJ at dinner MI'. a lld Mrs. Rh odes lind daugh Chester A. William son, Ministe r roe, 0.; MI'. and Mrs. rev"l~ rs in their h!lnrl~, foll owed IS vlsltml! ' at the Munue l home of hiS Suntlay Mr. ad _ __ .. _ . _ G eol'~c Hawk e te r are fOl'l11 e r 1'('. ide nts of WuyUgllrte, their cllr. Hartwe ll, C incinnll ti, 0 .: Mrs. Fl'lIn k Stan sbe l'f Y, Miss o r larkRv ille. Mrs. fat.her, Mort Roush, on Route 4. MI'. and i\1n,. Fred nesv ill e, whl.'l1 th e form er was Mr. and Mrs. A. ' O. Wriede n Mary, T om, and Ru As he neared the edge of town sse ll Stun RIlllwkc lind so n Hu b ert, of TIIIlIPU, Princip a l of thl! 1-1 igh school. OBITU ARY Price Hill; MI'. and Mrs, Loren A: be ny IIrrived home h e suw C lin l RMs and Charles EI. We restring beads, FridllY after Fin . Mi ~s n uroLh~' Dakin, o f nea\' qu tin tlnd fnmily, Mr. nnd 1'I-[l's. u motur trip into T enne lis 011 th e street and called to vCl'war e and rAcov e replate sil· ·sl!e. r umbrell S pokan!' , Was h. , JI1i ~.· Mn y WI'ight as. Mnrthu Luk()llM, daughte r of Ernest W. Gustin, and th t-Ill to join him. Togeth er they Cary's Jewelry Shop, I u mily Lebano n, O. Edward M. lind Emtl1ll Hlll'I'i~ Lu- Middlet own, Mrs . Emilia cClul'e, MI'. lind M rs. A CORRE CT.I ON 0.; Mrs. Idll Marlatl ' tile robbet's ' car a s fl'r follo "'e(\ Mrs. J. .. . Hawke, Mrs. J. P. ,J. W. EdWArd s. Mi!<s es Mn l'Y Leah k en s, was b orn nOllr H nrveys b Hany Marlatt , Mildred Gu sti~ Fronlnl 1111d Ml'.s. Melvyn Banla as t he Dayton -Lebano n pike. At •n Ul'g, S dd Rev. G, C. Dibert and family Ohio, and MarJ' orie and Mas tel' Geo l'''e Dec mb I' 14, 1896, lind d e- te om, Lebano n, 0.; Tn "I dis lllnce they saw th e men aban- 1Yl:1 <' dinner guests ., ' n 111 emory, ' ' b Edythe wer e join t hostess es at a mi scel- : Edward and pu lished in of Mr. and parted this lifo AUJrust 14, 1030, Routso n, O. J. Edw!ll'd s, las t wee k's is~ ue of the Gazette cion th e machin e and enter anoth- Mrs. Wolter Whitak Ruth Routson , Mrs. Mary luncn us s hower given at the h ome er, on Sunday . aged 33 yearR lind 8 days. Ro utson and chil d r en, Middle town, of M'rs. Hllwk c Tuesda Ih e nam er und lurge r Cnl'. They were une s ho uld he Plom in sl ead y nfterno on. I1 on orinl.( Mi After the death of h er mother 0.; Mr. and Mrs . J. O. able t o see t h e number of the secGu stin. f or Mi , s Olive Dinwid die, wh ose Ok lll h o m:1 .a nd ss. l l'e n Go d e , o~ Il l' FIIII'C' nce IIIl 01'1'01' \I'!! lire Me~srs R. A. Cornell ,. Philip in 1918 thl! home was broken up Dayton MI ><R f:lvu ~I'(!k, 01 pl<laged t ll cO;'l'ect . ond cal', which sped away so rnp- HORklns ~n.d ~I?yd DaVIS were nnd Martha \Vus cllglIget i in dif. MOl1l'oe,, 0.; l\f 1'5,. Bell e Kit chen. IIIl1l'ringe t o MI'. Tru man W lIrdlow Dayton , M ' s~ .11111 1'1 Ca rtwl'lgh t eni,lIy as to discour age any attemp t bus tness VISItors In Dayton 0. ; PeteI' Wriede n, Hart- l or' Lebao n w ill take pluce t omortoday. tCl'tuin ferent l' d with bridg-e Saturd ny af- I e mpl oy me nts 'up to the well, Cinc,in nati , 0.; MI'. and at pursuit . Mrs. r ow, AUg'U Rt 2 1. A pink n.nd t el'l100 n. Besidc: M J 0 j\' . d h time of her marriag e to Frank Jos. D. CIte, ]na be ll the h un o r gue ><t s CANNI NG FACTO RY TO START ]n the abllntlo n ed cal', Gordon I . rs. . . '1 Ill' Iott arrIve Moyer, Daywhi te color scheme \Vus .. cllrned ome Kubler, of Gratis, Ohio , which oc- ton, . 0.; Mr. and Mrs. th ose Jll'l'senl W(,I' C: MIl;S 'R MIl - \ found II letter IIddrcss ed to E. E. Fnday after 8 two w~eks Geo. W. nut in the c1l'co rllli nn VIRlt H und to curred Septem ber 27/ }024. I'C- I'y Marl.(lIr ' t U ngl csby, ]n Gust,!n, Nl1r~"oo Dori R, SWIl Il, 01' 20 ,19 Slile m avenue , Day hel' daught er nnd famIly at Cleve her hllPpy married hfe sh e WDS B. I'. GUS~lIl, d, 0.; Mr. and Mrs fr (' 8hm ent~ and ab out twenty- fiv e Il nwke, l. utl ln Willi llm~o n, J) n l'i ~ W o rk at lll(' Wa y ne ~v ill e CantOil. That and the license num- la nd . Re d Lio n, 0.; Ed- we re prese nt t o cn juy a very cl e- Hl' a true helpma te. n~"'l'so n, E,'~lh(' I' Hy nclerMm , I l~acllJry ~'ill s turt Thursd ay •. ward GustIn, Emma Gus tin. Day- lightful aftern ou n. bel' of the car, H -5 0601, resulted Th e JlTll!< pec- II pl'lt'tla MIlK, n~ · · v. A,ltc e Gnn s, She was a consist ent in ils identifl £ation as a car stolen A number of felts and late of Jonah's Run Baptist me mber ton, 0.; Mr. and Mrs. Lawren ce live ~rid e .I·c c'l'iverl b eautifu l und 1\"'8. Maynur tl W'eltz an d Mrs. ,1 h ~ rec(,llt t'U)J1 S have b "en bene' tici al. anrl n f il ii' ulput is exchurch, Young, ~rR. HO~."lrd Jones, I.e b- practIca l g ifts nt Firs t and Main streets in Day- summe r hats on sale . this week at where s he retaine d her membe r- anon, 0., Het'b ert Buerkl e. p cctell. ton at 8 :3 0 o'clock. It was the $1.~0 to $1.95. Grace Ambro.,e Routson , MIlYLincoln ship up to her death. She was a . fie l d.~ 0 . : pro perty of A. D. Knapp, of 2143 1 SmIth, R. Gu~tin , East St. .loyal membe r of Wanen Chap- LOUI _, TIl., A Itc~ Gu stlll, Daytc1n Victori a Drive, , , ter No. 224 Order of Eastern 0:; Ethel Gu.stm, . Lc.bano~ Hold'uJl of the bank was quietly I" 0 .; Mr. anr.!, Mrs. J, 9, Cartwr Ight Star, also the Grange . Luc~tlu Gu ~t1l1, C ,ncmna and quickly accomp lished. A Bmall Miss HenrIe tta McKms ey and Mr. Martha , from ehildho od, waR of MYI tie. Gustll1, . Lebano n, tl, 0. ; crowd collecte d about the inBtitu- ! John Penc? spent Sunday 0.: Sara at Madl- a cheerfu l, happy disposit ion and McElhll l ey, tion within a few minute s after Bon, Ind. l\f~ddletow!1 ' 0.\ . Mr . her cheery smile and hopeful and ..Mrs. J. E. Gu stlll, Wilm ot tel' the robbery occurre d, howevwords will long be re membe red Gu ~tm, Leuano ll. q. CI', the news of the holdup spread. Mr. and Mrs. Leonar d Tinney by he r friend s and Black Show. loved one. . ing quickly . Will O. 9U St111, . s pent the week-e nd in Cineina nti, She maintai ned th e some WonlDt~di attitude WayneA vllle, Ohio at thp. hokmedof Mr. and Mrs. Hal'- in her lost illn ess to White Spot. the e nd. No Drouth vey tnC ar . She leaves to mourn her loss, GOOD CUT CLOTH ING LOY AL WOME N MEET CLUB I Mrs. I. N. Harris of Dayton hu~b.and, father: two .brot - - -. , . d I WIlham and LeVI, two nlCces hers, h b een VISltll1.g h er m.ot h er lind TI . an many ot her relative s an d fr iend s. The Loyal Women of the Ferry SIster, Mrs. Allee McKins Ie r eg ular. meettng of the ey and GOlld C ut lothmg club was held Bible Scho ol met at the beautif ul Miss Henrie tta. There is no dealh, the s t llrs g nn F'riduy, AU2ust ]5, co untry hom e of Mrs. Lucy Wil' at the home down 0 of Jnne and Evelyn Furnas . Th e lillm slln on Wednes day afterno on For bes\ results consign your To rise up on 0 oth h August ]3. The meetim: : was call Ive stock to Greenm e e~in g WIl S ca ll ed to order by the Embry Co., And b' ht .s mhe e,r s . ore· d pre;nd ent, six mem bers answer ing ecl to ord e r by the preside nt Mrs. Cincinn ati, in care of D. R. Salls1 crow~lg In eaven .' Jc we e to r oll C!t!1. The minutes of th e Olive Hathaw ay, First was the bury. They shine fore ver more. so ng, "God Will Tok e Cal'e of Me,' IB ~t mee tng we r e rea..:. . Th~ Blue RIbbon Bheets we l'e dlstnbu ted. th e n Hcri»tu re reading by Lucy E. V. Barnha rt, of Cincinn ati A d P.I,a ns were discuss ed for a hay ' d f r.' d William son from 13th Ch apter' 0 f enter tame ·th n ever near us, though un seen , II ,Party 0 tI The dear immort al spirits tread; 1st. Corinth inlls fol\owe d with a dinner at Kern's Inn, rlen S WI TI e at some lat e r date. Five of Wedne sday For all the boundle ss univel's e the prayer ,by Miss Anna Nutt. c.lub nlembcl 'S planned to go night of ,last week. . IB life~"Th el'e are no dead." A fter reading the minutes , the campm g. The Grcat Droltt hol 1930 Publishers Autocasler Servicenew officer s for .coming year wer~ D elicious ice I: ream and cake Miss Aiice Gons was hostess at were served by Jane Cook, Jane ushered to their respect ive places: a diner ThuJ:sd ay evening . ASSUM E C,HAIR AT 'DEFIA NCE lind Julia Smith, preside nt: Helen given forbridge Evelyn lfurnas . the pleasur e of her cous.. live t ck Ilnd feed !;upply fol' the lhl'ough out the county. The next meeting will be held Murph ey, vice-pre sident; Marjor ie in, Miss Irene GQode, After se- " The local drough t. Ituatton ~as I ·of Okla'ng wintel' _ A lengthy ni"Lc curing 35 slich l'epol·ts , from August 29 , lit the home of Louise been giv en con siderab Drake, secreta ry; Lizzie Rogers, homa. The invited that le IIttentlO guest;8 n were: f;t'r~r wns Inform wi~ ation ed t . (J has treasur er. I recently accordi ng to County that ume night. On Wu: hington n~ll1b et· .. of differen t farmer s . ClaM ; , Mis!;' Elva Beck, ,iMiss Louise, Stnith Guzette that Dr, L. come to the H o ugh. S. Ivins, our After t he busines s session · the Of DaYton ; M~. MadiSo ,Juanita Branno ck, Reporte r. Age nt Class, who began several other telegram was r .'unday an- WIred hIS r eport .to Rams,ow er "on " n Hutch- I own :t.ester, has been elected a , eceived fl'om day ~ (}rnthg, ,ThIS report . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ followi ng program ' wall givet!: inson, .of Le1)ano n; weeks al1;o to inquire alllong rep· H. C. Ram~ower ; dil'ec~o ' J fiis Luella prof~s or and h~d of the departr ?f ag- I comb ll1 ed .,wlt~ .,th!,/iI~ fro",. othcu' , Duet, Eva Martin, Helen. Murphe y William son, MiB8 Doria resenta tive farmers " leaders Haw~e, ' 01 j'i('ulra.1 ment of econOIll\'cs and sociolog y extensi on se rvIce ,III be- ....coun ~y agents thTOUghou,t Onto H. S. REGiS TRATI ON DAY Talk; Miss Anna Nutt: Piano Solo, .MiBB S.ra Mis.Ud ine, w.~ ( farm organiz ations, ' bus,ines .Misa,· s ~en 1anet half at Qefianc e Oollege ,. -Defianc e, Ohio of the Ohio Comm Marie Wi11.iamson·; Talk, Helen ,Cartw.,rl@lht" MiI!B D,o)ris ---and bankers .from vanouS PaJ:ts is anxiou.s to secure ittee who "! fu.rDls hcd .. .t~ Govern or ' Cooper , facts, and whQ rart lc.lpali@d In, the Washl qMurphy ; 'Trio, Mrs. Ling, Julia 80n , Miss Esther Henden Blender - he will also serve as directo r of off.. Sa~u'l'day, August 23rd is reg- of ~he cou~ty in regard to lhe Slt~ mor~ comple te' .and exact inform a- ton oonre~e on, Mn. cllmpos activiti es. ' ISUatlo n day for local high schoo~ uatlOn. , Smith, . Cora Murphe y. Katht:Y n 'Turne r; Mta. li:taYnard t- 8 t 1 . m tion about drough t co nditi()~s. Hoovef ,. und nce wltl) P,e8ide at , Lester' s long connect ion with stUdent s. Young people A very plellsan t social hour was Weltz. Mrs. Glen Bland, oth~Tgo who ex On Frtday, Augus ,a Mrs. MelDirecto r RamSOW E'I' al:;o supphe d .- the drough t-strluk en.vernor.. trom Kent State will fit him for the (lect to atte.nd Waynes ville High wall receive d fro.m ' Arthure egr enjoyed , at whi,ch time the host- vyn Banta, MrIJ: Rhodes stau. OG ' Bunn1!l Hy ~: I, in new behalf pOBltion or the he will stllte assume contmit and tee he ~ rhursday . . Ad"'t~onBI card..... Sohoo] during th,e coming school secreta ry of agrlcl1~thure, ess served deJl~JdUS -refresb ments: Kr'll Harold Whitak er, !'eques }fn. 1 'Ralph a packag gO'ea e to _ of Defianc card e cOlltain with the [np: goo~ year ahould mg ftlJed out cOn/IiBting of ice cream, cake ana Smith, Mrs. Herber t ·Buerkl lanne... tbi'otlUllw«1. tih'eir program in jQg Class to furl11s a genera e, MIM wiBhea of "l' boat of Waynes ville 'conBu] tation plan tee tea, to the fotty three present . A}ice O.lesby with the'ih parents 'be-. l,utem et as to f;eriou sn:,ss tof pt~~ about 26 questio ns .to ' be filled l out the county hi .ord~r to and Mrs. Fred Gon. tl'ieads . ,Club by represe ntative farme~ more authent ic Informa t1oa. fore coming for Iregistr ation: ! ","oueh t and g<loeral euee u


---- -












0" 1 "

'1 .,



' .'


. .






- --- --- -






The Dro ugth of 193 0 Mos t ' Seri ous In His tory











Course of Study for Waynesville High School, 1930-31 N a~e ..... ...... ........... .. ........ , .. ......... .... ............ ..

Colleae Prep. Coune FRE 'fiMEN English T. (R) Gen e ra l Scie nce (R) Alg('bra L (R) Lati n I. ( R) itizensh ip ( E)

Cour •• ... ; ........ ...........

'1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , •••• • • • •

Voc:.tio'!al Coune

Commercial Courae


English (R) ' Ge neral Science (R) Alge bra I. (E) Latin I. (E) Citize nshIp (R)

EngliHh J. (R) Generul Scie nce (R > Algebra l. (R) Latin r. ( E) iUII nship (E) Domestic Scie nce (R) Olrl. Smith-Hughes (R) Boys



Y •• r


Mu sic- Vocal or Orcheltra, elective in all co ura8l. lhe P (l l r B CIII' or ··. ·0 do I " IIrrick admitted, SOPHOMORE ~(jlllething of the ~Ol' ." En.! ' mi~<l h lei o no id ea and English II. (R) E ng lish n. (R) E ll lf ll ~ h II. (R) .. Th (l~(' n UI'~l" IIl'l' 1I111l1l~l t oo "nl~' (111 hl' 1'11-l of I'eaching ·1 Y" -::t. II Bi ology (E) Biology (E~ Biology (R) Il.uli,ti ,· ... I1\' mutt('I·!.' (!. Ihat ·('a p~i7.ed boat. ,'hl.! could se e "11"" ,hd \'Nl mUIl:\)!(· it '? " G olll et ry Plane (R) Ge otnetry Ilan (Ii:) Geo metry Plane (E ) " I . , I <JO ll' Ihink I wnnl t tl nil fi 'u l'l'~ in th e· \\:\ll' I·. f,lr Lh ~ . \\ , I . I i:, .1 Ill' 1' 1,,1h, .., fr""1 ' Lot in II . (R) Latin II. (E) Latill II. (E) ~ 1I11n~ f!shl' l'Il1:tn \\ hn hnd ItI' n th II,,· 1'.. 1-1 :-;,,1 ,· :11 ':111111,'11 . .'1'1 ,,' -t:1\' I.H'·." I·: ,,· Ittlt.·1 d. World H istOl'y (R) Wo rld History (R) W. Histll J'Y (El ~\ pPIII el1tly Ji:lI1\1 I1'>l1 fuill'd t ,. IIIllI t·,. ~ "h· IIt','IIP:1I1 1 11'<1 >' IIOW np 10 \1. ,1-' ~I~t O Il ' h ,\'" tilt tu . rol :1 CO ll1l11f'1'ci al Arit hl" etic (R) olllm ercia l Arithm etic (E) , , ,,>,,1 ,'111 ,. II." I·: IIL· till l h,'" \\!th h"ar lilt' "' ,, 1,1-. II .. ~ " IlI",d lite 10 hi.' Iw r k u n tI'l' far ~irll' "f il. J)olll l'stie Sc i. II. (R) I " .I<bt.·, , Jl llq 'il1l': , . 111. !l11<1 " Ifl'r'I'llt· III'It 11\11 " " ~ ("'"I illll l' d til SlI lith- llu ghcH II. (R) 1I I',J. ~I " in"~ hh halld. " , 11.\ d llli t j.!n 1}1 In 1h(' :li r', I .~hl'i"k. "Lv ·, . <it . .1,,\\ n !I li l ll ,· \\"hi I' 1 -: \ ,. \\":1' \· '·I · ~· nt'HI' lill' uptul' l1,·d Pu blir S peuking 'h Dramlllic Rl'oding I, ~ F.lectiv e ill u ll co u r~('s for Ju niol'~ ami ·eni ol's. I t \ l II,' 111 I.~ \!~, ' d : "ll\ l 1'\ l ' . . ' , ~ U " "II· II lind I" " h :, 1 Ih,· -,·l'." h,' ,·:,, "ally 1,,,,,1 \\'llI'n in r" sp"I1'" til :l long Bi ble S t ud y- ' \, El ective in all co urses fo r ,Juniors a nd SL' ni urli . 11111' \ ' ~ .. , l i t n. :u'\l " :- go " I ' \ I I 1'1 I I I· tl I tl I·" ' · I I I it I "" I"~"ll·'1. ..- ,Il' " IIC' ani ~ " .- \\ 11-1 l' 1"'111 11' ,W l't· Il' I l'I \'\'U J UN IOR Anll'J'icnn Lit. (E) :all' \! J.!tI CI I .... t'll ,II : .... ,' n d ~ ' J frllll1 tl ' \ '; 11' lh' i,d<h ·.!. ~ H\t ' r tit Iol!'ot !,tlt Iii!" h'l4.:k illlo ~\,ln l\jU ll lh;l\v jjt'iln " 1I 1all l! n . l. I " II · ' II j ' I I III So l id GeulHe try ( I J E) Al11el'iclln Lit. (E) ""w l'iea n Lit. (R) }q':'lIl",""U "11:dH'lh l\\ll h thi.!-=\l ~ .I " ' (\11 !'- t l l' l ' t 1l n f l' l t l l l ,\ I,n It , 1 1~..., I, r O' (\ ~II IH !' l 'ar h ' l \tq', 'i'rigo ll ll lli etr y ( J E) Split! G('ollletl'Y ( ' . E) Gcometl'Y So lid ( ~ E) _ '· 'I_~ - lind II hi),· I I'II!"I\ 11li' 1I1i Il' h llll' on " :\11 u· II li , t,,\-. .· . n,j ~".'· I", dlcl' r "" .,,'I, I.I 1);1 ,·,111 I II II I,,· ,I ·I . • . I . I I k ,. I' II II ~. ('I)l'(I , ·Ul. !"l' p"alln)! . A Igl'iJl'JI I I. (E) Tl'ig oll OJll Ctl'Y ( E ) Tr ig onoll1 ell'Y ( ~ E) \\ Itil 1\; ,. ,I' Ih , ,.,: "f Ih ,' h",1 tl,,· 111111'1' """ "I I H ~ t .'''11 : I III' I·In t·~ Latin I1I. -IV . (E) AiI.(l'bra II. (1::) Algebl'll I I.. ( E) 11,· \\,:1, nlll ,II I' ,' ,. j Ill:' 1''' 1(: (' rll " lall ghl I.illl I,~ ' 1111' guy s UII , 1101'l'. , ' . \ I'k til· '1" I I P"':\l lil 1 1.- -" II I 1''Il\\ U . l, . • II l' ' . '1'1It I,· :1111 . ·t n.1 (' 1·11 tllere. DUlllt'M lic Sr i. 11. (E) in I ill -IV. (E) L ati n IlL -IV . (E) . I I I "1'("lt' I 11I ~ nl·"·" " " \"' ~ 1I1L·1',·f!>IIIg'. 11; r('n 111\,' ". . . I· ' '1'111'1" . , ' · II~· I 1\ 111.11. alllI I ' a II -",'''1 ll. S. lI ist tJ l'Y (R) FI'(l lI c h (E) Fre nch (E) l:il l, 1'ln- 1,," ·'11 111 :, ,',' Ilhal It'.. 111,'1' thin l; ll' lIul d ~, . ,. thai 1'.1"1 ' \1 :\> ,1I1"(TII1g' Il'S l'h y.. ics (El, S- H (R) I '. :-;. Hist ol'v (R) U. S. His t ury (R) l,{ \ (l UI' ":>'I"·I ' I1\, ·nl. I '1 I I' ,':\I'l IIIe. th'll 1\ .-IIIW tll'm ,, 1' ,h""k he!" I!n I'i j.(hl. " l:i ll li th-Hugh cR Ill. (R) I 'hy,ic!; (I{)' Phys ics (E) , 1,:,·1" II IIf h,'1ll "lllil't'iI' in y"ur 111 " h,,,I .I· ,.~ , Ili' 111 ' \\ turn, · ~I. and T h' I" II a, ~ lInll'lhill)! funny Boukkc C' ping 1. (R) hand , . 10 .11 :1:' I ,h :lll I'll\' 'Ih"ir f l' l' ~ :' I" "d ,Iannj.( II t lli' ".t',·1I11. I hl'n' al lt,"1 Ihal. 10, •. h.· I'diectlii. If I II alii Ihl' pl' i \' il(, ~ l' ·,. r It I'Il!'!IIj.( 1\;1:' 11 r·t\\ 1""Jt 1':1 h,-I" Inl' ,·u t . · II?" thi :, WII- IIIII~' a pil"llln· . \\'hy Iwd ENIO R \\ ha l Ihl I' ,;t l" ," I f:ll" . fil l' hel' III l- ', ' II 11111 II ' " \(1 .11. hI' I,, "' " I,l ld lit IC'arll and ~ pl!lIl; Am(ll'icu n I.i t. (E) " :\ "I II>II I;.lilln no\\' would c.". ' ~hl' ~" I1 " ,· · , · d It - 1,,·IIg'I '·" \I III! Ihl' N' \I"rd ~·.' AI11 c,l'ic ll n Lit. (Rl Am ericlln L it. (E) 'II , hl'l' a nd t o thai dl'gl'\"!' ndght '1 UI I'Ia' n\(li! III"'1I 1h ali ,1 I'Y I', thlll 1-:1", ' gilt illlO Ih l' (, 0111 with oul l' hy "i ,'~ (E), S -H (R) 1-'1'l' IH' h ( E) Ph Y.' ics (E) . S. lI is tory (R) "'ll .l·1I1 Ihl' ~UC<' I -' "f m~ I' XP,.I'I' - I, """." \I·ld l·n l'd . dinil'u lly alld saL d";p "llIg' In Ihe l' hyslc s (R) U. S. History (R) I )01ll1'5t ic. SC' ien ce (E) 1111 ' 111. " hal" III1\" I dldn't IIrrnngc E lil' g ol illl " Ihl' I"O :l d.- Il l' and :' tL'rn. !>Iind!,\' Itluki ll.j.( II IH'Ut h'· I·. U. His to ry (n) Bookkeeping II. (R) S mith-Hu gh l's IV . (Il) Boys ,t. Il II j'I'e b~" n \I I~hlnl/: th ,'1' ,Ialtt'd Ihl' ,· n/dlll·. . t ll ('1' '·II III(llInl"lI. ha\' HIv. hl'l l'e(1 t () Lnti n IlL-IV. (E) T ypewl'iLing ( a R) l'lIl1ld "'C' II(' r." ('arri"k adlllitteci. I "II mu y tak,· ". f.';\\" Illlll UtOll t o l'Ig'hl the IIlhl'r )" 'lIl lind I"t:SCUIl S,,J id G('o metl'y (l,.Il E) park 111111 Ille k 1111". hI' (·"lIt·" l" l llH' "urs. I"OlI"ed h"r b ll~k to ~ h Ol'e 1'1 il:'ono l11 etJ' Y (I. E) "nnu .-; ;111·" Y" U f l· l thnl way I' IIl It l' r Ol"t'!' hi" !- hou ld(.J'. ' T II bl' '. \I ifll)' and ill ~II"l1et., 1\1I1!(ll' rill~ if w(' .. ou ld ha\'e Ihl'lll Algebl'llI II. (E) ~ tlldy I,..r wlth ,l lIt hl' l' kn, )\\'ing back a ~ ~ onn II , I ~'III." UI1 th!' Ill a('h )1 1 ~" Curringto n !\OTES- A course ' in vocal mus ic and orches trll w ith 1· 4 un it (' red it 'wi ll be off cred . It. ('"uld ""ll halt. all f our of U~ II ,· ellUl!hl "n .· It ,,,k kh(' tlll'lll'" f .. ulld II "odl illg' I!I'OUP o f ~ ymJla­ t il ,(illn('r' l o· night at fl'i cnd~ llf nil him n~ 111' drp\'(' away . nnll he 11"'11c- un d 1ll' lpful strangp rs . who llUJ'Hl'S ill Bibl c, Ph y iology, Fren ch and a (I\'an ce d S ho p will be co ndu cL<'Il if ~ ut1kil' l\t numbers ('Iect th ese f " r"ot il. Hilt 111' "ct hi ~ I <hilll t·d a ;.o li 'i tude [ 0 1' h I' we ln ' ,'nl' ) ! 1\11' ',l I t ~ ,.. \: IIr ~ cs. II '<tiS an lII I U ~ Ulll dinner. ll'l'lh and pla~· ,· t1 hi" pari of \:11'- 1 fal"l' that \I'olll,i hu\'l' ~ lII"pri ~ e d her S tud e nt s inlcre ted in advanced m a Lh ematics may elec! a f ull year in A Ig ~bra II. OJ' Solid Geom etry 2 nnd [ t is diffh-ult til earn' on fI din- rkk' ~ dramlt. Th !' nl'xi 11l o l1w nl he ' if "hl' had nll t bl'en p u~t r c n~on ­ Trigo nom etry 'h. nel' t',.n"('l snti on with' a per_o n wn~ OUI o f ~i~ht al'o llnd Ih .· bank illg'. F lOur ilf tI¥'1ll were men a n d \\'hos, cuns cinu . li fe is les~ Ihan a where arrick. ;\I lIY (lI\ lind 1l1lzllt'cI 111" (1 W(,f( ' \1'111111' 11 . th. \\'omen wh o S tud e n ts in ull co urses arc requir&d to take three years o f English . Il onth ul d. Again lind Il/<!Ilin )I:w er we re awultin/!, hfm behind al:"ther "!Il'l' I he bathing-suit :,. Thl'se .. la T ext books, as he re tofo re, are aVllilllbl e at the High chool Bu ilding . A f ew use,1 book . ar e o n hand. Oth ers call1(, up ag-aill~t thl' black wail. I bath-h ous<,. III ~()Il1I1IlIlY With a til, ~ .hu "llt·d h(·1' tl) ttl c. c~ n vc lllent. l11 ay be Sl'curcd fr o m s tud ents. Tho'5e wis hing t o dispose of boo ks s hould fi lid bu ye rs 1l1ll 0 llg fe ll ow ~ tud e llt ~ . .. Il l' !'£'treated fl'om it ~o tllctfull" l'I) wbollt nnd a hfl'gulll'd In lJalh- hal~lIlg-h ' '.use . an d In ~lsted on Th ose cxpect in g t o attend High Schoo l should come t o the Building fur e nrollm ent SlI tllrd llY, Au gust. 2:.1 that h(' seemed nOl to t ouc h it. ing ..I1·un,k~. If, ~1I hl'!' gr"w1nj! llk llig ,·11 h('I' wet. doth ll1g' and But he learned YLl Un!! Mr . Hamil palllc. Eyc hll~1 / (,lIl1wcd hlln s he I'llbhlnl" ~" r "')wn WIth e'~at·s c te, \\' 1011'S prl'~ nt p referencl's. and might hlll'l' dI S ~"I· I'l'l· t! thcm I~I!; ~ Iii ;lnd gll'llll! hc, I' hot colh'e w illoh . '--1, onlclhing- about th · r N: nt plny~ but both Hamil ton u nt! Ca rrick It ;~PJlI!!I!'"d ttt he th pil·. Jlle a~ lInt Robbins I P eterson Decker Sa.y e rs Crabbe Lotz Time I Hough i- he had ~ en. u;; well as he!' im- had I'ig hl ly I' u.:ll ned tha t ~ h e hahlt t ll.l'all·.\' aboul \\' It h th e m. -----E ng lish8th Ge n. Sci.. pl'l'~!'io n of II new b ok or t\\'o would not .du lhl s . . he el·as cd tn ;J nd, urgillg- Iwr not to tul k. E nglish II. 8 :15 US Hi st ory 1st Sec. _ ls~Sec __ , alld his int<' rest in her d eep('ned: think of hl~1 11ft r Ihat IInl' wild 1 h<,y a l ~ o 1'I'- dI"cgs(, d 11 E' 1' In d ry 1st. Sec. 9:0 0 I st. Sec 1 -\1:--He w a~ \'a~tly impr :l ~ed, a Car- · Iook .. till nole lltiy trc,ll1llling, s h.e c.all11t·l1ts- fOl'tullalely hl'r 0 11'11. E ngli sh 8th Algebra I. Stud y BookCitizenship 00 World Junior & I'ir k had lJel'n. by the )Ioise unci ~ tnr~d nut 10 ~ea. ~1 1l' 11:1 ·1 lin II dd f, ·t·lIng- of. hal' lng 2nd Sec . , 1st Sec. Ha ll keeping 9 :45 Hist ory Senior dignity of this groping tignfl' that ' \\ hen II~e dis tant boat II \'prt u r- l'n l Pred t ill' buth-h oll sl' In g~l'. - --- S t udy ----Vocationlll , LAb. fo r mOI'l'd toward him throwgh slIch a nE'cI Shl' (lid not need t lH' S hrl'lk ~ lllI'HI " I hat \I (' 1' (' 1I ,. t hl'l' own . 'I he Boo k-kpg. Chorus & Latin 9:45 Ge n. Sc i. Agri culture Hall Orc hL's tru fIJ I!. lIi~ vivid imagi nati on pictured , uf the two \\om (' 11 O!' Ih" ~ l' ach t\\!! 1I',1I11Cn ,·xplaf nt'd . that I h e~1' II. 10 :3( lll -IV. -------himH -If as a I' ictim of this gi rl's ~o tell har of. t hL' I1CCI ~(' I.It. ' Il'ld - I !1,l us t hll\" ( h('en hal h l n~ c lut hes, , Aig. I. E n glish I. Commercia l Plane 10 :30 IU S I-l ist o l' Y Stud, [x peri nC I!, and the fl esh of his Ing to son1l'thll1 ~ a, deftn lle as th e i I he ("I.\lth('~ l h l'lll~l'lv/!s ha d st J'lln 1st Sec. I 2 nd . Sec, Hal Arithmetic Geometry 11 :15 2 nd . Sec. Farm 'cllip tingled. . pu sh of po wel'ful hands. s he hud g-el~' ~1I ~lIJ1I)l' flrcd, Hn d sh • wus now .------- St udy II Ge n . Sci. An hour later , in t he hotel writ- kicked off her pumps. thrown h er I \lya l' ln~ her gl'ec n and go ld oneShop TypeAdvanced 11 : 15' Bible E nglish II. 2nd. Sec . Hall 2nd Se c, writing inl/: ro om. th e physic ians, joi ne. d ! ~at on thc ~a n d, li nd II'n~ I"unning I pl,e\:<' g· (~II' I~ .. But wh ~ rc was s he ? Math. 1 2:~~ 1 _ _ - now by al'r ick puss d on their II1t o th e Wilt I' ('\'en bl,fo r e the I \>\ !tnt (lid It nl! menn . I I , Noon. concl usion t o 'H a~li1t.on . They women c l'ied out. Th'ir :;hl'iek. f Th e foul' g entl cm cn wh o ha d so Biology Hall wer/! \,(!I'y frank with him . were exce llent one,; n nd th e opportu l1!rJiy bec,l1 pass ing- a lO!lg Eng. 3 & 4. Agri. 8th Dom. Sci. Latin 1 :00 Study " 0 ne can pro mi se YOU any- uI'gE' nt appeals to " R:II'e th chil- I t~e ~ho l ' (I 111.11 lug automobile 111M&W 1st. Sec. 1. 1st year 1 :45 Music --. - -.-t hing," Hazard co nfessed . "cx- dren," whi c h th ey s.e lll nl'tl' l' her ' ;q~~~(! on ta kl nl!' her hom e. Pub. Spkg_ Bi o. & Phy. Freshman Dom. Sci. Study 1 :4 5 cept th aL t he experiment will not a;; she begnn to SWIlI1,. c!l uld not i I 111 • '. at. ,; . tho . . Garland Grade Dram. Rdg. Lab . Hall Sophomore Lab.!. & II. 2:3 0 do 1i ~s arrington a ny la>ll ing ha ve bce n more reali stiC. T.hey . . ' I thll~.k . !<he man aged to - -- -- -- Vocational Physic English I. harm . If h had not wru ng a ~ll'e \V t o the liPOt Lh.e on ly na t Ives hl'ltlg' 1I1I. But . . . holV . . (lid Dom. Sci. Study Latin 2:3 0 Sehool 2nd Sec_ promise fr om you t o the con trar v to that, lone ly r eg-lOn- t\\'o men ! l .. get htre? . . I . . merely Hall 2nd year Agriculture II. 3 ;15 --- - - --we wou ld s ugge ·t that her ma ;l: \\'h o~E' z('st for I' ', Clle had to be I mcant .. . to take .. a wo lk. " Building E ng. 3 & 4 S tud y 15 1 Adv . agel' shoul d b'e t old th e who le st ern ly dt'lllt with by C"rrick. Th ey . Wl' r e \' a~lle ah out t hat. 3': I 2nd. Sec. Agri. HaH 4:00 ~i tuaLion an d consuelled. But as " l\1 ol'in~- I!ict llr. ~t lltT, " he but "h\'lou~ l y they wer(' · a ls o 1ll ~ 1I t here is in th ~ cast t he e leme nt cUl'lly exp la lll C'd . "Ml'rely rchC <lI'- to he trus led . a nd one of t hem SOld of his pa. sio n f or her- " si ng H ~ ccn ~ .. Get Ollt, Ill' f' it dQw n he \\'a ~ " <i nc to l' lin t! made a f l!SS Hamil to n f elt se lf-co nscious. and kee p quu:t." a.bout .co ld !l1l.rI e xposure a nd In- I, ' . f 'VE'r in sixt days cellsed, first and final. Tohi o. 5.5:.17 a cres in Hamilton New"And her obvio us fear o f him ," ~ hey SLI t . clown and kl' pt qu ie t s ls t r d. on hllVI!l ~ he l' p ut to bed I s id erati on 0 r~c e \.e'e d tha tY The Guardianship of -Mllrion Gard he pointed out whIle l he lJf(·-guard gilt t he I'OW- nnd g iven merl lcl ne a s soo n a s s he Thj ,c 0'Bl't· · ec I and Snv Jr. , min or, first. The Hotrstadt Company versus tWb'h arles H. Br evoort lo John Jw "Exactly. Cons iderin g those b.oat into thl' w~tel' wiLh th e as- wn s back ill 11l' 1' hotel I' oo ms. .P eo.p e s UI l(lIng ,;~~ ~on '0 . re: C. H . Crel~hton fo~ mon oy. o n~y . Theis lots Nos. 1416, ' -),477 Rnd An in str ume nt of writing, purthings it wo uld be beLtel' perhaps s lstan ce o f H amtilon; an d one of It \l1l ~ al l a rlreu m of co urse Ings Co mpany of L I J h 'F air porting to be the last will and Amount claImed $33 1. 01 WIth 111 - 1478 in Deerfield twp. to pro'ceed as Doctor ac'cl ck s ug- th~ two nUl'se~. ill thu I?:lth in g-- I a eh.aotie. dl'~'lll1l w! th ~o m eLhing c; ;t!: fro l~ ~~3? l~lI1~ithO i~t ere<;t testam ent of Azarillh Doan Brack- terest. . Mary J. Lowe t o Harold G. gests. Th e a lte rnativ e it to let mat SUits ' bore MI :~ Carn ngt on ' ~ hr"'l ll d' In ;;to . . rh ere wa s a t e .. um o. . f om d ate Judg ney, deceased ~ s pr od u~d in G. Malc?lm Morr.l s versu s Gladys Lowe real estate in Mason . jer~ drag IIlon and in that case p u mps into t he c nV(llI ie nt hath- Y!!lI ng-e l' man in Ih ~ g-1·Ollp. with a at G If.!, 'f, ~)e l cent f $24450 t geth court f or probate . Application F. Morns for di vorce. Charges J ohn and Maggie Long to Char you will certainly hm ;e to ta ke Mr hou se . . It IV a!! an unu ~ually well · tl'ng-I c SOI'l o f face .. Th at fa ce m.e n ~. I:: ~ ~ ~u~ 0 the ~mou~t at will be for hearing August 22 at are gross neglect. les C. Fraz ee part of lot No. 806 C. A. Tooke and J . E. Reynolds in F ranklin. H enderso n immedia t e ly a lld full v fittl'd bath-house, fM It held not haunted her. SCI "It lit' re~ e dont aD I'e ndered 9 o'clock a , m, . .II1to your confidt'l1ce," .. o n Iy II Ii ne a: 'or t·nll'n t () r l ' ur k·ISh ('I' f\ IJe co ntinu 'd) 10m ' a eBw ~ J ohn und Maggie L ong to Chas. .) Il er f · ce n fL el'gdall fr om Ada Phillips was appointed ad- versus Th e .E co-Thermal Compan y "Yes," Hamilton reg-l'etfully a d- t o.wels, but a co t, an II lt"lhnl !,;~o l' e . __ _ _ _ ___ tn •• livo;n3 J ~~~a Fair. Un less ministratrix of the estate of Har- ~ corpora lion of Le~lInon ~or C, Frazce 45 acres in }<~ rlln klin mitted; " I see that. We can't keep WIt h a kettl e (I f hot wlltt'!' on It, a ~a l Y . d t E" pa id within 3 ry Ph iJ)ij!s , deceas·ed, and fi led Judgment for $2500 With 8 % Il\ (Continued On Page 3) him in th e dark II n y lon!!er" 1 t hCl'I1lOS bOll le f ull o f co tT<,,' , and , ~EWS t. esc JU g men s ar - . I e n fo!'e her bond of $ 18,000 with H. S. terest from October 2, 1928 appointment of receiver. day s f l'o n~ date of elO tlY t 1 Carri ck made no· secret 'of his a s ui tcase co ntai nin /!' dl'Y ullllcl'- / Co nover and H. B. Anderso n as June Morton versus H. Frank j ~bilati o n over ~h e c?ncuJ'l'ence of WCRI·. Sl.oc kin g~ . anll t hl' gown lin!! , (' Ios ur e wd l be ortlClred. s ureties. Howard Cheney, Frank Morton for div orce, IIlimony. in- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ hiS co ll eagues 111 hIS plan . hut Eve hue! WU I'n on the da y of i . Groves a nd H. J . Corwin were junction and etc. Charges are ~ "Then we're a l\ set," he dec lured I her ll1 elllOrv Ill pse. . Proba: e Court Proceedings made appraisers. "I huve lin answer to t hat tel_ l One o f th c nu!'scs \l' llS MI ~. AdTh e In ·t will and· testa men t of Th e last will a nd t estament ot gro~s neglect and adulter y. Hester H . Cotterman · versus g ram I s nt t his morning t o th e I a nl s. Th ~ "th(·I·. whu had II l' l' i.l·c d Geo l'ge W. Ti lt o n, d r ceased was J ose ph Miller deceased WIIS pro• C hi cago hosp ital. W e can stugc f l'o l1\ Ch ICII/!'O. luLl' tilt· III ~h h!' ftl r!' j p ruduced in CO Ul' t a nd admitted to duced in court a nd admitted to Howard 0 , Cotterman fO I' divoree. 0 111' ex periment [ 0 1' th e dllY nfter I wa s not SII IInp c l' turl!abl(. a~ .hc,!· j C PI C probate Mal'gn r'et J. Tilton was probate. Laura Adda Miller was Charges gross neglect. RESIDE~T Lauretta S. Robins vers us Edt o- morroll' i~ tI~i ~ :fi ne weu t her I ~l'o(es~ lonn.1 ~ 1:; l e,r': r~ 1C. ~ hl'lt'~:~ emmon eas ourt appoi nt ~ d execu tri:;: , H. L. R osen- appointed ex ecutrix. No bond reho lds, as I t hin k It wil l. n uady fOl' s he ~ tdl Se llt art( I l h ~Wll11nH 1, 1 In Ih(. (. R<' o f Fn~ ter Cunning- Cl'll ns ylve!lter Tdtpn and Carl qujred, William Miller. Perry ga r Robbins for divorc e, restoraof maiden nllme and other rey o ~r part o~ it,~JI . I to pr e!l(: I'v~: t~ ' . PJ'II~)~' I' ;!trnll .: I~h .(' \" e I ham d ling bU 8 illes~ as. Le bano n .1. Gu'lI.lIh el' were made appmi sers . Wad e and Ed Waldeck were nam- tion lief. Charges aTe grogs neg leet of Of cou l se. Bu t H ~lmllt o n hud th e illig rtf g~nu ln e t xclte- LOlIII 0 111PIIllY, " I> Roy and Zclla Wilham Hackman I!ccepted the e d appraisers. duty. PERMANENT LOCATION sp ok f,rom a ~In c k <l epre. IOn. Ill! Ill ~ ~~~. . • \v ilM n il a ppeari ng to the tJ'ust as exec utor of t he estate of An instrument of writing, purwas. s ti li hor,rl b ly tlfrnid o~ th!lt , 1 ~e ~ e~cr bcc n so thl'lll ed .1I1 CtlUrl thnt Ihe judl/:men t r end ered August chn eide r , d('ceased and porting to be the last will and License eomll1g eXperl 11l nt, an d he rlld not my bfe." s hc c(J n( e!"~ d to M, :s in I'a vol' of the plai ntiff in tllf' sum fi le d his bond of $3,500 with U. S. testament of Orpha Hockett decare how Il1l1n y d oc tol's kll ew it. Atlal~ . ,. fit·•.~n ~f'I'\:uu s ! ,'i" t1 sue, III' $l H.RO wi th 6 (f, int erest fl'01l1 Fid e lity lind ara nty. Company ceascd, was produced 'in court for George T .· Morrison. accountant LEBA,..ON, OHIO Th e dll Y set for the t e t was o f I nill sc d hel f" l t c n "li n) !;, lind J April 14. 1!l :J O a nd co s ls has not as s ur ety . Phlhp H elli,el, Fred probate. of WYoming, 0 ., and Miss Geneva Eye. Ell.miaell t he ,~'armly mell (,w t ype that I /!'o t ~· c l' .v fu ncl (, f hl' r. . heen ~ettl l' d. t he Co u rt ol'd('l'ed Sea l's and E r nest Kirby wcre nam An instrum ent of writing, pur- l'tfae Anderson, student of Morrow 80 metlln e.A COIlIr. ~ :1H th e last g ift , i\II SH Adal1l ~ let hl'I' linl s~ tI nci that t hl' d c r " l1dllnl~ llPP Il l' on Aug ed appraise rs. porting to be t he last will and August 6. Cl ..... Fitted Rep.ira o f a dYlIlg . (·ptpTlliJel'. 'l'o that · th en se nt r"rth " " ~I th (' r shl'l el<. I t li s t 1 1th . at LO 1l 't!lnc k a . m. t o Harry M. Wolfe wa s appo inted testa ment of Naomi T . Hockett. Lawrence D. J en kins, t eacher of d.egr ee Na t u l'~ wOl'kE'd with Car- ! ~vas n fine, fl.l ll -l'o lC'L' d, fUI':c nI'J'Y- 11 11 '. WPI' CII IH'(,l'l1 ing t he case. 'l'h e odmin is trator of the estate of deceased was produced in court Sedalia, Miss. , li nd Miss Lydia rIck, a ~ he 1>01111['(1 out t o his ncr_ l in g outcry. JlWiln to I' lIlpha ~ I Z l' ,th e l d l'fC'nda nt s arl' fr l' hidden fl'om di s Cha rl es Edward' W e idn er, d ec eas- for probate. Flack, teacher of Main eville, AuVOU!; ~''' unl! as~i ~tnn t: 'htr~re.nce hel \~ Crll 11 1"~·E'.s 111 New I po~ i !lg o f thl'ir pl'lIp el ty . e d nnd til ed his bo nd . of $3200 It was ordered thllt application gust 7. ~ It was easy fo r En c t o ulI~ e . ) .?I k :l lld. t ~n"~ . In ~!I~C"g-O. Not- I In the act ion o f T h ~ Wi ~ e F UI'- with United States F rd elty and b e made t o the Superintendent of Dallas Ranson, shop worker of E ve t n take .on. au t om obil e Spill · "I ~h~ta n c"ng h( 1 Uj.(lt,ll l ~IIl, Lhe l na l'o Co mpa ny vel'sus D. W. Guaranty Co mpany as surety. the State Hospital for the admill- Middletown and Miss Irene Elizaear ly th~t mornlllg; easy t o drop w,este l'n ,nursc cl1 ugh~ ~1.l e Idea an,d B.isho p I he ol'de l' o f the court enInve ntory and appraisement sio n of J . R. Poinsett, incompetent beth Curtis, clerk of Franklin, unsee n , 111 t he baek of the road - pf o.mptl~ . tltpped 1\1l s~ Adam s l t e l'cel whe r eby R. 1\1. Bl'lIdford and flied; . The la st will and testament of August 9 . Es.tate of Augusta Theiss, de- Henry Tindall, deceased was pros te. \' the car efully pllcked suitcase ,I ~hnek With a \lette r one. Em erg- ! Chil i Ins Sti bbs wer c restraine d H. Edward Schimpf , farmer of MONEY LOANED e~s l~st of all to turn from th e If!l!' f:"m ~ be.hl nd Ih !'. s~ nd -~ ~.n~ : fr om pa ying m oni('s to the d efen- cd aesed. ducod in court and admitted to Carrothers, 0 ., and Mi ss Mary F. nty B roar, fill~h out across L on g ~~~h hiS aR .. oclUtcS. D octor Ca l lIck de ll t. u pon n ce rtnin contract, was H. L. Cheney, Ralph B. Pa~ks ptobate. Ellen Tindall was ap- Feasel, of Lebllnon, August 11, I sland, an d brlllg up at a re mot e glln ned. nC'r vo usly. . . ~(' t as ide. and Geol'ge P. Gates were appoint pointed executrix. John McClure, . LOANS on Llvestoek, Chattelll, stretc~ of 1;>eautifu l seacolls.t thllt Ha!llliton t Ul'n ed to him In desC. E. Shelor was nppoi nted re- ed appraisers ~f tthe estate of Perry Wade and Ray Frieze were . Second Mortgages. Notes bought Real E.tate Tr.a.fen l ay s l,mmerll1g but . Ionely tn the pe; f1rilon· " h . '. Ceil'!!I' fo l' th e r.c ()- Th erlllal Com- Chal'les F. Thirklelcl, deceased. appointed appraisers. John Harblne, Jr., Xenia. Ohio. su nsh ll1e. Indeed, It was almost OCt Ol . S e ma y ~('t til ed. pliny in th e ucti o n entered aga inst Accounts filed : The court ordered t hat Zue John and Marie Roehm to Hilde ~leserte~ , Onl .v lWf) w0 l'!' pn figur ~!'\ H ud n't I bl'lte l" "\' lIl~ "oU I th e re to 1' th 1;1 by . A. T oo kc fl nd J . E. Estnte of Harry B. Thompson, Henderson, administratrix of the Garde E. Zeter, 267.46 acres In 111 bllth lJ1 g SUIts, gave l ife to iL be on the af gul l' . He l'ltnl ' il, . Bond was fix ed lit dl' ceased , second . 'estate of Walter Henderson, de. Harlan twp. "It's rath er late in th l' season . '.'Do n 't ~e an C1 S~ . A lifc-guard I $20.0 00 Howard W . Iv in~ was apEstate of Sophfronia J. Hutch- ceased, proceed to sen the real Arthur and Ruth Smadbeck to LONG OR SHORT TIME'-Eaay fo r bathin g," Eve said, with a IS Ju st be~lIld her, th ere's a nlJthE' r poi nted legll l crtu nsel for t h e 1'1'- ins on, decea sed. first and final. terms. Also Surveying and Abestate in the p etition. Carl Schaub lots Nos, 6037, 6038 l ~lll nc e at t he> back s of t hese ladi es. slr'lI g SWlmm CI' 1J!'\~k 0\ I h ~ ca p- ('(! il'c r. Th e cou r·t advi se d that a ll Esta te of Oswell A. HutchinThe court- authorized tbat 6039, and 6040 in Deerfield twp: stracting. Write and I will call . he spoke with a g reat effo rt. keep Sized b o~t, and . Mig,; (. alTlngtll ll J fil' l1I ~ a nd p rf'O Il,S '(,wing Th e E co- son , decease d, first and final. Blanche A. and Pearle M. Riley The French Bros. Bau er Com- and see ·you. Sam D. Henkle, Way1Ilg- her t ye!; away fr om I,he water h erself. IS cu lt Ing- through t he Thel ma l Compnny shall makc du e Estate o f E lbert D. Russell, d e- and C. C. Eulass, executors of the pany to The Cooperative Pure nesville, Ohio, Jll "It won't bc Ol'lob c l' til! t o-l11 or watel' hk c a f! ~ h . Wh a t morc dn ! pfI,'lI1l'nt to th e I'cceiver, also a ll ce ased, first and fin a \. estate of George E. Riley, decellS-. Milk Association, real estat& In ro w, nn d peopl e bath e on thi s I yo u \\'nnt?" ; Jll'r,o ns and fU'm s holding cla im s Estate o f W. H. Dinwiddie, d e- ed, proeeed to transfer and assign Morrow. F:OR RENT CO llst ti! 1 the i('!' f(J rlll ~, " lI um il" I wallt t hi ~ (1 1'(' 1'." lI ul1lilt oll nj.(aill "t thl' Eco- Th ermnl Co m pany cea sed, s ix t h llCCO ulnt. certain ban k stock in accordanc e S usan and Clifford Vandervort, t un r em mded he r . "Thl' re 's a bllth g ro:ln ed, eyes g lued t(l his binocu- I sha ll fi ll! th l iI' 'c1a im s for the conEstate o f Elmirll Cooledge, d e- with the will of th e decedent. 0/0 Dean Stanley to The State of HOUSE FOR RENT- Will wire for responsible party. Mrs. E . -==- ..;-.= - - - - - : = ============ W. Hopkins. .a13 r llAPTER


c lub


--_. -
















Dron J b ZetteI Optometrist 19 N. Broadway-






5% Farm Loans



Wor. t i. Yet 10 Cornel

W E "-'''' ..

V\'eL ~

\/......, . ~" 9l.. "Af" · E:~~ C:~E l' r· :; ~ I-U) ME f · ~!.jj r.o'\

A ·..... ~. ('Allf.!N IN '" n-\~ <;OVN r

- --~-...---


AW, 6 ES, f'OP( ,.. HERE$ A LOT OF


i:iA$OM -;. - .



JUs." (:01'1\& trROM ovT 'M T .... C'OUN~"I A BEe. ~TUN(j ME ON THa I\IO~. -"H' , 60"1 io'VNBURN I ON M.'f 8A<:K AHO t'O'~ON I"" ON M'I A~PttI\. AMP LIUd • AND Hc)W I'M .A(.t~, HOM.

A~i> SC'H

''''A f:&W WEEt<..Sf

FOR RENT- Five rooms with electric lights and water Mrs. Amelia Wi11ia~s. 'tf FOR RENT- Two good farms for rent at once- one 173 acres, the 9.t her 98 acrea. Will rent either Single or bo~h .together, Apply in person. Mrs. J •. V, Hartsock s econd, St. WayneSVille. . , a20

40'"' TO


................ W4I_tT ,.,.._v •. ..r.a,.. DOII,t--


IUr -:::-;~..




FO~ 'SALE- Rlegistered Jersey Cow with leeond calf at s ide. Wm. 'Lukens, Harveysburg. • a20 FOR SALE-Maiden -m~sh -Apples. J. L. Mendenhall. .a20 FOR. SALE-Brass Bed and ; Sprmp, 2 Oak dre!l8ers, chift'onler, Victrola, odd dillhes, one sec" tion of 8ectional book ease. Inqulr,' at tbis oftice. .aU





iiII'. lin d Ml'il, M, II. ~1 1I 1 (' r aud fnillily IIUl.'lIli t'd I h,' SI"n' I' r ,. Office Phone .... ............. , .... No _ 112 Ltl1i"l1 a t 'S e l'p fli I UlIIld Th ll l'~da ~' 1 j\la ha L uk e n s Ki bkr d ie d a ~ n I' Re.idence ...... ... ... .. ........ .. No. 118 h !>pi lll l, f,, 11 \\'i ll g M'iddl ' (II fI a opcrnti o n , Thlll'$UIIY (' vl' lIi l1 J:::, ,'iption Price, $1.50 a Year Jo'ulIl.'l'al ~l'I'd c e , We l' l' C I1dll l" ll'd - - ., fr u m h l'r lut e h OI)l e , ' undn y afll' J" EntereJ at Po./utlic e ot Wo r ne. llitl e Ohio, S. co nd Cia •• Mol e r I'a cri fic e s for his yuung , nnd n OO ll, WHERE TO START face blind fate with C O IlI'!l~ . ~lr. and ;\'fri<,. hn ~ . C'hl;do n a nd "J) Ctn'l- c riticize III n o r judg ' family entl· ltilIlH' .j the ' :11'11 luh One m o rni'n g a v e ry unh upPS th em," 1 slIid to t he In d , "Uk I T h ~rsday eV('nin ' 10 a hlllllburg 1' 1 A UC UST 20, 1030 yo ung man wtly illid m e o uts id e my the m : Sy mpathiz e with them. s upper. I front d oor. Luu g h with them, God will do th e Th e K levet: K o ok ' l< lub mct ! \\' il h Eliz ll b e th a ll d E\'elyn ' al'1', H e Is twenty-two yeul'R ol d, and judKlrig. " . -------• n il idell iis t . Th e m e n in th· plant F inn ll y 1 ~fli d thnt. whil l' il I:( ,u t in c bu s in e~s di ~ J1 t1~ed ('If . l h l' I w h e r e he wo rks u s c COUI'"e In n · mig-It t dll Ihe ),,,1I11 g- IIlUIl gll .. d I" I III UI' 10 C in cillilali \\, <1 " d b ' u ·~ 'd, JUSTICE TO THE INDIAN gun!:<, t il iI' c rud e n ess g-l'Utc~ on c lo u" g-c hi s j"b . 1 <I" u l, I"d Wlll' tlH' I ' l l'l n ll ~ w e n ' llIade 1' .. 1' .. llr J1 i~ l1 i t' III PUZZLES FOR SPELLERS h illl , A lso. his j o b is dull . I ii \\",11101 , Il l' is ill a fa I' g'l',, \\i ll!! I. c' IlI·ld TU l.~du.\· aft l'!''' ' ,II II, il l ,',>11 I "I reud hl ngnJ ph ie~ '" he s nid, il1 du " try whit-h ha s 111!1d (' f" I' UIl t: S!.i ",.t i,, " \\ilh 11ll' ~l' \\'i n l!: ('lu i,. ~ I I I . - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - . " t: reut m e n h llv' a ll ha d an UIIII. all,1 \\'il l llIak ,· lIlilllY 11 th , 1'>. \\' a \' I\ " l 'al' l;, '\ 01 .1" 111' 11 " " t /l HlP I" I s ee m t o h e h ea d e d n ow h e r o. [ I (.1 01 h ill l o f a 1'1 i... l1d .. I' I1 li n c ill ,'\\,,, \\' ,·" ks \\' il b \' in : in iil j) lI \' i ~, The s ituat io n of lhe l ndian in hav ell' t ' found lIl y sc lr. ·' who \\; I ~ dl' i". inK lhl ll Ll t:' h lite !\" Il· I I·;liz a IJl'lh CUl'r. r~l' l' l'r l l! I' , tlt e Ullit e tl ::itates ha s lu n g b ee n ,H ~ a d e l" what ?\I'(ju ltl yo u h ave tuc\;~', 1 1I."llJltllill ~ . \\' :ln l ill~ I " g- e l ~I I' , ull d ~II '~, ;\ . 1< . 1I 11 1'<h l, ;1I'K"1' ulH' IIf th e l'lI l' i,,~'s o f Oll l' R ~~­ /iu ld tu t ha I b ny . , t o ( In~llIlIilll f"l . 11ll' IlI g lt l. 111' 1 (I' \" ,\\ ''''I'kl'l W,'l'l' h"l'l' S a ll1l' t <! 111 , ill th e cyes of I f o r eig- n e r s. I s aid tha t mo s t Of , thc>, l\1'n a ~ k"I.t tllIl' l'II>'n ~ .. I :I I1 ft t ll'(' ,. dll Y II l1 d 1('111 ,,<1 ~ I r" , 1.:1111'11 !'h id . They cunnot lInd " l's tand, in th e w h o III w e r £'a d IIbol1t III blOJl:'ra- j "(", d ll \\ n till > I' llad t ,' n 11 11 1, S' ! 'iI " 1" . h ill"" f u l' tl \l' , ,·h .. ,01 1 " 1'111. mu. to Co lumbu s. t he C ~ pit ~ l City, and tir ~ t pltll" e , h " w we , ' \,(' 1' tUllk thi s phil'S d id n u t hu ve an ~' !('I'cat pur- I :I.ntl Ill!; ,· ,\' ulI!' I il{ h l tU I'Il, " t h " na · ' ' \ 1 : 'Ill I' :\1 1" 1.:t){lI, ' ('a rr an I W, I !1 eSS t h,~ grl'tl ( l'.~ t SPI'([ il Lil: of all [Ii" yeaT vas t contine nt away fr om itR or ig- l" iS" A f ew . ~ u ('h u s mU SICians t lv e In 'I{:tIl. 1 h l'1I Ill ' s IIl PI,, 'd . :onol l I' " I' , I( () ., I . I' 1'\ ' I t I 11 11"" Villi .. I II I, IIH tl'\' ',." 'U )' I \' I t \ :' 11 - t hc 1:l0 th r cn c\\'al o f the O h iO St3te Fair. in,a l inh ll bitants; IL'II Ht o f all ('li n !llI d ' p u illt e r ~. 1lIIu.1 a ta I (' nt I IlaL I' S IHlL, "''' , \I S" ' lW ' l tJlH I P ' 1 " ·at I ' "" l' :t rr :Oil' li t 11 ' 1' t h ey und e rs tan d h o w . ha vi ng- o n ce ,·.. uld n ot loc mi c·n .Th c I{I'l'a l t ., ~" tI ,., "cia' \' \l H,i' :Oil ,) I; , k" .\., ,111' \ 1 ~ 1I 1n K , \'s . Lcd by Agri clI lrllre in a three mi lli o n doll ar COII /fu CI'cd t-It e I li d ill n s , 1\' " hl.l vc II laj o rity, o f wh o l1l L ill(!lI ln is I h e fil'>1 Idt." II ,. ~ p:o I :I ~" : 11. I h"" I.d, 1 \'('I a~ 1\'(' '' , "11' ' I' Il .. t r ll il, " il.ll.. h" n . III a " "1.1",, 1<' 1111 11 ( , t, Ill' k e pt th e m a s ward s o f til(' N a lil,n c la s s ic exa mpl e , w (' r e Ju st a s di S· (h' cp ly, a n ti p a h.:a n t - \\'l lh omm(>rc e, Indu st ry, T r ansi" in s t e ad o f co mp e llin g t he m t o tuk l.' ('o urng erl ill yuut h liS 111 ~' ~' ''lIng- IJlI l :" " I' , ' ''11 Ii d l" 1('('. ,' x" I"i"Il' I : h n 's I1"'1'11 ' :\1 \'a .. " ati 1'1'u,ll,1ill l{ I \\ illt t 'lI l' l h,'r. p n r l3 ti ll n, E Ll ucali n. C Orl sl" r v;tl iu rl. Ar t imd fr ic nd. T hev did n o t knuw wh,'r,· "'1' , 11 \'''U w hat. la ' il!: h l",I'. I I' I \ 1 a s 11 ", 1 It' l. IZ" II " I th e ir l'hunc l'S wit h w h it e f o lk s. 1\lusic all t rull p ing to f(J ll u \\.' -- here indeed ll", but Ihe.\' did n " t I a i l\lill ~ III "II til C inc innati I antiI I.~ I ~ h I' r,' . [ 1' :' . ,\. I.. 1\ 1' 1111 ' oI ~' TIll' all s w er, o f cu ui's e, a~ ev('ry tlw J" W(' l'e t';Ui o... ,., \' l'll w ill . ce t he o nw:n d m ~ r c h (If a grea t AnH' rielln kn u w s it thut th(· In · 1f ~lit. Th.,.\· ~ imJlly . l' lu l!:l!:l' d alll' lI d I \llIlIldll 'l ".1 al' l 1' 1'11111 h('\'". " . . 1I 111\ 1 · ,;~IIIIl\l'I. 1 St, , "I' 1),I\.t"" Cllmll1 o n\\'(!;t1 h, a n (?7;l1rc: S L .I~L· on p!lruJe, II " " CI: f'lt t, cO lltrol "I' !I nd . u s u a ll y LII th e ir 0 \\'11 SIII'I'l'I sl' , 1 :\1.. >l .. 1 u .; \\ :1 111 I" a n 1\' 1' . b u t I. . ·I·alll , .111. I" ' 11 l 'l nn :.;' \\'CI'O ( ~ ... l , t . I <, 'I rl " t '1" 1 r · -h . " .,;, pl' ll t Jl to W t :t\.~ 111 1 ~ \\'( 'l\ ... \\1 I , leve lo pthereso ur cl'suftl1,cll un - . I \lln a u. I \HI I , ' " " II 1(1111 " 11 1( \\ I I, \1 . \ . I, S 'I ' " t .lI mer an d t ()W n sn'l 3 n - mc-: i1 :tnlt.:". m er l h ont, milli o n ... lt I tl . It 1' .' 1 1'1\\' ~ f t h ll l I s u it! , in th e scc ond " Ia('(o, t hat ,·1"", !l11I\'11I' 1' 11 1 \\'\'II n <:. h il i I hall' . h . , 11I .l n , ,I . .I II, , r y anI IC III LI , I • 0 I ' . 1I111'1\' 1I IIIIIphl'l' I'" "I ~lid d!P '" ." \\,, ' 1 I·" " "1'11' rep ",,1 n , ·!> It Ill' ''', SLll1Iu, h ~ 111'~ival o f th e ti tteRt o p e rate d t o all m c n .a l' c ~.rud l' und II I I~H!l1 IIl'e " (\J1l(" I.. hI ' l'"nelll ' lo n . tbt II • ,: 11 ' 1 f ·· ', · I, h ' , :.: I . h l '-I('l' ; "It,) nllld, t lJ 't{udy :1'IJ~1 thlll!': rlbo u t. I J~ls t h o( ' ive th,' white IIt U Il co ntro l. Frum ' \\·onUl'I'I,L11. .'Ih l' pu t'l' st SUint ha s d"l' " n t l1Iak l' Ill udl "lfI"I'~' n L' " 11',"n (. 1 « (I n ' 11 111 " ' ,,1 \\ dll' l,t{ c r y~" l1r I'u:-. lnc .. <; or tmi'r'O \'l' )' r hV lflg co ndl" ~he b e 'i n ning. Am e l'i clln set tl ers SCC I'l'tS 11\ h l ~ h c nrt that mak (' hll1l l \\'11<'1'(' Pill' ~1lI 1'1 ". Ihal a l l IH IS IIII '" \ 1. " \I ' ." ' I l'1 :\ .; . I IP n:,. ,\, 1..1 [ Ol-TII,,! It ull. l df. a g r c:tt r rog r :Hll Ll t c.-fJ(cr.. t ·· I t f.l. I..o.r 'ien( l. th e Ind inn s und Llus h. Ihe wurst man h ns 1l1001Cl1t~ SO " a 1'(' I!: ,,, .. I and all a I'<' 1,:1 (\ . a ll ,'. I , . .- .I? " UIIH~I ' .III ' , I t:'lInmcnc t o m3kc ),,}lH VI1.1 t d o u'b ly \~ lJ rth while . . 11(' ( U C, I . ,. ' •. "f s plcnd or. HI'(' <Iut l anrl ~tli :'1'(' Iltlillinl!. S.m. 1I 1 '!, l ' I Llln, ( , I , . 11 " , I, . III t h e nH1I1I OUI I c lntlObt \I\~h Mun is the n o l>l es t Ilf all thl' :\n<l tllal till' il1 l\>,, "t :l nt l h in l{ ( 1111" .1 S nla l'l . d llUKltll ' l' I\lr. a n d The trc mend o:: ; c" lI ce!io n .... f c xh, its- m any o f chern 1~1~~'rf~~II~~.~ t1~~.e~or~~n~?I~thC~m i~ (·.rell tur~", nnd th e m o!'t It:agic u , ,i1' ''lI t .I!(, ttill l! "'"Il'\l II ,'i ~ i~ n ll t ~I,~" (';."'1',;1 ~ :I';\I·,t. . d a \l )! !n~' t', :" 111 !L'Cl II H I fl l n "l n l' rn t hl' \ \ 'l lf I J: rht..' In ~ plrin~~ Ju n io r FJ.l r; e " htll e hi g h e r th ll n Ih e allllrials , a " lu d\,I TI>: IIII11' S " I' w,, "d " l'1ng ',b, u ( f.!1 .l nt! . d .. u)!h l ~1 t 1, 111 ( ,til l " n l,l Ill,· 'X, I( , ~ ,"cl' . Ihe tna >:n,IH' "nc I:rc w >rb; the high th ese r c c t'nt y e llrs , linn f'lI' ha v(' , , •. I ' . I ' ' ,I , W' I I I :" I ' I) " ' ' ,.' 01'''1' th ,. w l' l'k -"nd, cl" S cl1lat a ,nn>l'''' kat ll,,·, - th ey ore .11 he re fo r )O lL. begl'ud" e I t hl! CO l1llHll' alive ly hUl l'. 10 \1 <'I t hI ll I Ie lInK I~. III ot III I "HI s , , LI t " I HI Jn ~ . I 11{10 I \\' 1 I' I I . , , ' .t , f . I' .. .. ( . , , a ll hi S cru d eness h e <l oes hi ' wo rk h l' l' (' "I,,' r e \\' ( li n lilt I<I ( t lC .I. p c S 0 ,I I I, mllll cost o f I1Il1lntmnlnK t h e m ('n . . • " . ' . .. ;" tl'''U' Ii i .... " n· u n. d a t 1111' h"I1 I ' r ese rvu tio n s and givinK th e lll us -- - - - - - - - o f .\1 1'. alld :111 ". 11 .. \\·ard (; I';ll1 n lll It's )'OIiT F<l ir - - Don ', Miss It! much educati o n as th ey w e re w ill las l S lInduy a ft " I'Il' '' ''', II' hl' lI illg' 0 1' ubl e to ass imil ntc. makin g impr nv (· nll'nt s . ' ~ PUI b from l h e kit c'hl' lI l'l1 i ll llll'Y Now Mr. C harl('s J , Ith od e~, Co rning frum an~' b lld~' (' I" e it '0',""':' -~;':-''' ';; -:----...... il!:II ill'd thl' l'flqr. P I'I ' Il1.p l :I l' ti" ll " II Unit('d S tut es om mi s~ione r o f mi g h t be Iau{!h e d o fT , but wh'n lh,· pa l' t " f th l' f a 11lily pxlin;! lI bh In dian Affair. , think ~ th e tim e h os 1 Jl e nl'y Ford s er io u s ly 1)J' " p o~ e ~ a .. ,l l h.' Io la z,' Ill, fort' illllt' h .1,111 111 ).' " c o m e t o get t he [n lli an: u ll' t h e te n - m o n l h yea r h e is t o be lis t (, lwd \\a" do n '. EnteTtainment 1\11', Hill i I\ I I'~ , I/",v CIlII k 0111 .1 r eSCI'vati"n s fi nd into lh l' rank s o f ' to , Fir~ t t hin g a n ybody kn O\\,R h e . Highlights indu s try li nd agricu ltul'l' a s ind <,- will pu t il into e ff (·ct in hi s p lant, til :ln d fa mily and O l i" 1,('11111" ' 11 fil! H RSE RA ·ES,nJCONTESTS. I)('nde nt cili ze n s . W e tlt in k n obo d y a,nd t h e n th' ut h(' rl< wi ll ha\'t' to II{ I I l lr .. 1I ... ·r! ill nil a lll ' " I" h il, · lIlT id "1I1 "1 "10 FIFSTA " - lleou ' Y, colo" will obj ect v(' r y lII uc h t o th at ex- fo ll o w s uit. Ii( · doc, n't h lll'l' t' l go t i\ ~ _ ' iI 1.:>1 SII lId :lY wh (' n l' lI r n llll ' t, \ lh l' ir 11I: 1i l' n. t ho!l." ROY AL ~('OTC H It [G HLANn, cept lh e ln diall ~ t h em s e l vc~. Wh y I to a BOllrd lI f [)irectol's l o J:L't ,.-{ -_ :s --="... _~ h""H' ill \\' ~ dh " n d in l!: , aft l'l' <Pl' lld FIl ~ I\AN D. .''=-·~ :Gi&' 1111{ t h,' \\',., k l' n d with I l' l a l i l" ~ s ho uld t h ey e nt el' int o thl' fi l'rc(' uUlhor ity t o ll'y ('x p er iments ; he i s () FliT S t ST E R S-A thl., IC comp e ti o n u f ci\'iliznli o n, sl l' uA'gle 1 hi~ o wn B oa rd . Wh e n It e put th e ' h " I'I· . T It"ir .. a l' \\':J' .,;1 I' II~k I, y " 11 (' f o r Il living wh e n Unc le ~u m c an "ig-ht-ho u r dllY in to l'ffl'Ct curs 's ' l''' " l in~ fl' o ll1 a :, id " I' (,a d a ll d ,, ['('11. HL·Ll N( .. S SE A 1.I0N 5 - Ih t. an~ln .. w \-nJl:'t~, ~ upp ort lh em? h"lh lo ut! lIIHI d eep l'ain('d lIJl ll n l I'i ,'d IJ~' lIn ' 1111 ' 11 in a >ta t' "I' ill , r l ( ) Ll:- f1 , IX l ~hon , 1 1 ),CKL ESS Th e o hl e r o n e :< 0 11 th e r ('~ er \'a · hilll fr u lll eV(, I'.l' b n d y (' I ~ l' in t h c> THE DOLDEN W E DDING I II)(i(·lI t i' lII . Th l' (, I : II' I;~ " l'HI' wa s - \'X h:H can' l: be Jone whh II mul,,_ ti u n will n ot 1'l· li s h be in g thru ~ t 1 autl>lII{)bi ll' ind uRtl'Y, wh ('I'e the B y D rlVi d Gray o\' l' 1'-1urn e· 1 and hacll ~' da IIlHg-,'d Il LN TAHAR TR O UPE - WhIT I, I I nol all I h ,' ""' lIp:l n ' ~ ~ lItT " r" d i ll ' o ut int o th e cold. co ld \\,ol·lu. They I nilll·- holll· day wu s th e rul e, Nowind t UInt.I (' u, hav e b ee n plluperize n so lo n g' thut h o d~' w O.lIl (,I. I;O hnck. to ni ne .h()\!!·~ I - - . , .il: I, i, 's . lllu>lly pf :\ mi n,,1' "h :l 1' :1 1'PO ~ I:LL TRO l ' PE -Acro·o" k . th ey probab ly ('o uld not m n k e II j n o \\ . H e \\ <lS t h e fil st to e s t ,lbi Ish 0 I I" wit ~ . I" \li e nl pllg'l' llI1 f ecl l t' J. on the 51 1..,u \\ He, livin g ind l' pendenll y. Bllt [ I'. l\ min imum w tlge high e n () lI~h t o <' ~.' II , ' , • Th e .J ol ly 'W n l'kl'I" :-;l'\\' ill ;! ('i uh flR EWOR KS- I,. ch night. l :URTI S , WRI Gllr FLY t NG Rh ad s' plan is en ni c d ou t f or "lIu ltl e the \\' u rl,e r to s pend ~ " lI1 eL ife,; I,'ngc~ t \lath hav(' trod, Il ll t l\l n nllay , II I It' l 11 111'\1 " I th .' IR ' US-,S,"'>rJ oy only. imprll vl' d Indi an s c h oo ls , whirh thing li k(' t h e F Ul'd wage s cale , li e \\, h "~i' 111ini" ll'), halh ~Yl1lh ll ll l·d !tllm(' e c "n o l1lic ~ 1'1 11)111 . \\' e fillt' d I will t e ll c h th e young u n eR th e u . e- p ut t he fivc- h '1lI1' dll Y in to effec t. , ~ \\'e e t n ut lI UI' I'c c .. rd "" lI k ~, I' lal1 ~ \\',' 1'" I ful ilrt ,' e s peciully (' n eou r agi ng alld othel's had t o follo\\' , T hl' dl'al'!' r h\ \'(' f Got!; 111ad e for a p ienie tl) b l' 111' 111 TU", . ! th e ~ e v e l o pryH' nt o f th e ir n ative . One g r e ul ndvllnlHge of the t en T Ill' ~:I ('rl'd nl\'l'lll' \\'r ('nlhl'~ at;a in dar II f l('r n o(' II. ill ClI ll j ll,l1 t'\ i(>11 \I il h ha ndicrafts. III so f u r II!' they ha ve ll1 0.fl ih year, Mr. F o rd Le lt c\'es , . , " I hl' l',, (,I" 1I1{ "htl., :I I \\ "Y" I ' I' a .. i- , COLUMBUS n n y . and whic h will h old UI) bl'- will be a furthe!' r eductio n of f hln <1 11 :11'. :t ~ I·f " Id ." . Ou r :nh' i, ,,!' sl'!'\,!' d d li" i"lI s (,." ,J,- 1 f o r e ench Indi lln c hi ld th und cr- un mpl oy m e nt. Fo r thai w " hu ll AIII I what \lU ~ ,:!'1'C' ell wit h HUIII l1I e l it "~ alld in,d t l'lI. • AUGUST 25 to 30 ~tnnding· that ev e nftlllll y he 01' s h e n ot achi e ve co mpl ete econo mi c in - I Ihl· lI. \\' (' held " L11' "iclli ' at \\'n~ I"" will have to ta k e th e s nm e chan dep e nd n ce for e verybody until Is 11Il'1l,,\\' II .. \\' t il" Ko ld . 1':l l' k T II,,~ '! a ,\ ' aflC'I' n ""11. \\' ,.' al l ces that white f o lk!! ta k e. it m ay uH ,,(o rkel's, at lea t a ll whos e . • e l\ j •• ~. ,t! tlt(' ~ will ll l\il1l!:. a I), 'li"i . be t hat in a n oth e r gene r a ti o n th e \v o rk is o f n nature whi ch can be ~ o l 11" \1', n. then: th~ fUl ur~ ", fll c e ou s ~ U I' I ' l" I' . an,1 '. 111' a,l \' i ~ ,, 1' 1.1 .,1 ~~~~~~~.~~-~'~~---~---~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ind ian pro bl m will ha ve b een cur ri e\:! un i h e yeur arC/ unci. lire (' II I I ~ 111I ~ hin~ \1'lth fU~l(,Y' S li l{itl : (,III' p ic Iul'l's. Alil" " Gra.\'. Hf' Pt,l'tl' l' : .lIhscl'ib t! f o r T h e Mi unti Guze tte s olved becau s e it will have di sa p - , PI Oye d o n u y eal'ly blls is. F e w m a ll i3ut l11 e l1l 0 l' ~' With .:1 nlll d c l' . Kruee . :III' . a nd ~Ir ,.;, ,I. \\'. 1I 11 <1t11 ,· Ill' NOTICE OF AP P O INTM E NT . I penred. ufactul'es al'e li t; yet prepu l'ed to I Shall rill e th.e fca ~ t t LJ:nll!ht. L Ullcn s t'r \\' I.' I'!' \\" 'l'k -(' nt! 1!: 11,',.;t ~ , _ After all. it hardl y see m s fair t o 1 hir e . faet o r y wOI:k el's h~ th l' yellr, 1:!1('Kl \\,11 ,.; the S UIl o f J"Y t hnt of ~Irs . . Il uddlc' s " ist ,: :, ;\11':, . 1 )-: , la i<' 1, 1' :\"" Illi T . " "e l' I'll. _ hav e e nfra n c hi se d th e N e gro wt t h - , but If th e co mmitm e n t I!' on ly f.1' " hllllc. .. , Prank W d " " n a n d ~Ir. \\ ti :,n ll . I i,' ('1 u:'l, d . ' out confe rring t h e Slime m o r e o r l tll ll month s ii may c o m e ea s it r . Nor I ~!I th l' 1)ltndl l1g' sh o\\'u l' ; 1\11'. and Mrs, 11. ~ 1. Fil l' :I nd \" ' Iil'" i" i1"n'lo y ~i \'(. 1t tlull I ·th De.pendable -lHI----.less. d oubtfu l b ene fit up ll n the l 'rh e uv e l.' l\ge m a n would I'a th e r Th(' hud ~ f fifl~' y: a r ~ fll',O n c', .11111 (' [~ ll el1 o f W3 ~ hi n~ .I " 11 C. II. ' ila ni l.1 II. lI "d:"tl ,lt a~ h(' l' n, d u l~" Indllln . be a ss ul'ed of t e n m o n thR w or k Is 10\'l' s ]l e i f e e ll d (; o w('1. wu' e S llnd a~' KlI f's t s ,,, Mr. a lit! "I'IH>llI t "" "lid quali fi e d :I S 1', X(' <:U, Serum and Virus - than to take h i~ chance all , tweh 'e ;\11'5. Fl allk \ Vil s " n . 1 (1)1' I r Ih(, E ~ ta l l' .. I' :\ ;w l11i T.! insures both SafeWith tho c n s tnnt ri sk 01 b e lll l!: 0 m c m o r y ope thy mysti c d o o r; _ _ _ ____ II " "" l'l I hl l .. f \ \' a l'l' el1 (' " unl y, Phone 93 o ff o n a ny payd ay . Wi th t en U lil·t um f you l :l, retu r n; , O h i", c\"N,;( ~ .. tI . I I THE TEN MONTH YEAR .II, laid ty and Success m o nth s ' w ork at good wngcs .' I\~- A n d le t the l ig-h t t hut g lE' a lll c d o f I )l:Il('" lhi~ l li l d:l Y ,.f '\lIl!:lI ~t I .- UI ed. h e wou ld w elcol'lle the tll'O I ' yo re . 1(1::0 . ~ m o n t hs' umm e l' la yoff . us a s ch o o l Re , ide t his " ltea r b urn, ! \\'. z, 1:(11.1. tea cher doe>!. H e w o uld n ot be I The pas t is plain; 'tWHS love de · ,Iud ).!:,' ., 1' Ilt l' I' ro l' ''ll' (' " uri, I • I to m ake cO'l1lIl1.itments ba !'; - ', ~ i)!n ed . a :.! tI \\' :\I'I'e n (' o u n t~·. Ohil' l Harveysburg, Th "~ late t, d eye o Pl1l e ~ts n I t h e afraid c d upon f uture carnlllg'R. for IH' E'l'n : OITOW'S il'o n ('hail) ; n ew eco nomic s IS t h e pl opoRa l . by , w o uld kn o w that a s long as h e did A nd m e r cy's s hin in g thread h as I Phon e 31 H e nr y Ford t o m a k e th e w o ~k~ng hi s jo b he cou ld co unt Oil g-et lin g lll'il1('(.1 - - - -NOT I E Of' l\ 1'1'_111 : ' T M E N'!' 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ yen~ o nl y te!l l1l ? nth s lo ng. g ' VlIlg' hi s Inly fo t' fOTly - thre e o r fortyWith th c da r k wal)1 o f pai n. An<'ther Victory O ver Stubbotn e veryb ody I~ lt1.dus~ry a t\\' o- ro ur w eek s. ' Ca se that had R es is t ed Ev e ry , 1', ~I:t t l' (.f r.a f; 'Y "'t :\ i ' h .. lf; on . m o nth s vaca tI o n 111 S umm er. From the J1 0 in t of view of d e- • " U<' it s tili. th o u wh o hu: t I "'l'l" \ ~ " ( 1. S umm er, . a s M~. F oru so tr~lth - m oc rll c y , lIh, F ord' s p r oject Th a t \'oull,::.'r hridal h l~ st. Me dicin e: Tri. d ; :\ ,:,'il" i" !),'I'(' I,y c: i\'(' n Ih :l t '\\'. fully say~, IS n o t lln e to w.o rk .In a , look , lik e a lo n g s t e p towurd giv- Ti l l h e K'I<ly.nHJI' n of l ove h aR )Jus( ' h . ", I' ~ I: , p '" h a~ 1" "'11 dll l ~ ' :1 1' facl?ry. r .h c re a r e Cel'tlll ll tim es I in g the wage -eur n e r t h e Ro m c ~ ese t! HI G H EST I "i nt( 'tJ \.: :-;!'e u lli r ,'1' t it ,· I , ; ~ t a l " III ev e r y II1du s try .wh en II ~ hut - · curitv that th e farm e r 0 1' t lw salal' t!o~v n 1 0 1' . .overhnulm~ plant, re- i(' d offi ce w o rker ha s . T o cven i ng'::; go lu ell w es l; "I' L .II·,II·l'lt :\i e h n ls oll I'll !' (I f \\' a rCASH pllirs . a~llhtlOllul ctc., IS n eee . u r y. COll1e t,l thi s la t ·r Cana . L ord, rc- n ('o linl\' . O h i" . riC(,PH, I· d . PRICES Mr. Ford s hut d O\9n hi s Dearb o rn - - - ~ Anti, at l h l'~' t u u c h divi n e, I )a l l'" tilis 1:\1h dll~' "I' A Ul! L1 " t works f ol' a month thi s S umm e l'. Th e watc r o f thclt ' urlier bo a rd I ~,::o. PAID ke e ping o nly 30,000 Ill e n at w Ol'k S ubscrib e f or The Miami Gazette T o- night ~h:lll tur n to w in e . \\ . Z. ROLL .1ud ~1' o f I ll(' P r o h:.ll' ""Il"'u;-;r:t"".- - -----=-::-:---, \Varre ' li ('l)lIl1 l ~' , O hi " ,, :30 ~ 1 :IJ"v (, :\1 :1(01 1'. Atty,;.











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Dr.C. W.ANSON Veterinarian






Dr.W.E. Frost 0:

I I .

Dead Stock Wanted



Sight Specialist


She Certainly Earns Her Keep

By Albert T. Heid

Wa ynesville,Ohio

Harveysburg Fertilizer Company


Can't Dc, It


PHONE 8F3 1':l1i( i"IIt' \' ('x I' ·· " " l11 i>!' 111 h:<\'(' i 1' \' :It d; ,\' j ... inJ! ":L n il' IlI P;l n :-. of' II l ili z illl( Id t -I. \· I' a d \' i, ·I' .

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II' p r ;l (' lin' 111 :l k,' < p!'."I" (' I, 1I \:1 II' i"t! 1110'11 ,: huu ld 10(, n lol l' duc e c ort\' ill"ing- lid io n.



II1 n ~ l II

J. E McClure

PI' I>


News from Court Honse C.OME CHICK -tEo . (,HIP<'-~

CHICK' .'.

MR . MILO GUMBERT ~l nt1~· (If tt·. c \"i ~ t o l'u':; t-<)l :~ !.~), K ,)\' ; .. 1.. .. - - " , ... ,.J v '~ .. , .' Sf> !t lll lli ka h iL· thul


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th e y midll .cha ll e n ge be li ef WeI'''' , t lt l' neluul f n ets lIo t I, n ow n al1d Bill . A\f owc cl v e l·iti"d. Tuk c , f.J r in stance. the 1 (' XIII ril'l1c(' of J\.Jr. Mi lo Gumb crt. .1 . 11 11 L:\ IA' lind .- .,n , v " " ,,li IH' . 733 Mn r~ha ll AVl'nue. Y u ung,, · \~:".!f'r ll ~tnr, ~ ~i'l' l i" ~ fOI' t"wn , O hl n, who d oclare s : ,,11('1'10 . ~I.( fl ; .\ \ ntl "s ( ,anlKe. n '"I s u lf c l'l' rI f l'O l\1 sl ('l mnc h and pa irs . ~ 1 r; . , I:,; .J. L in)!, (, li ardkidnc,\' tr " L1iJ l e~ . Hnd W f\ l< mosl mi l' IVnrl ' (' n, ; , uppli,';: . $(;, :1 :;: . L 0Wi , l'l'ahl('. IC(JI' tJ ~ () l1 l' r tl ill lilY ~ tl)m - ' a nd 11rnk ('. frl'i 2' h l (l J) Slipp li !" . ach. lind I h a d h eadaches ,l1ld di z1,Y ,:' 1:; .::f) : S "' >'(' d (-'"l1pa n y s upp li .:; !; p " II ~ , Nolhing 1 l:ri r d helpe d 111l: . fil l' ,i nil. :q :1.71): 'i' 1'1I " tel's (,I' P "ldk a nci 1 \l'a R r!i s c ou rag-ed , Rut I< on- ' Af·l li\'~ . I I " Il )('~ lij ' .;'nc\ s p rill l!: lill ),!' l .illia t J'iumpl",,, w l1('re " tit \' trca t - ' \\':'\ 1' 1' rl' n l. c(,urt It (· u s t' .. Si ll: I nl l' n ts fa il e d . My app etite i ~ fin l'; ,\"1:\' ,,; II "l'l1 in,! . 1" ' ''1 I~ "" " fl i" t' h eu du c h (' ~ , bae ka c h c. and di 7.1.y S::O: .J o hn lI u")(( 't . l,ul'llIl (' ( ' 111 ~ Jl li s a rt' I! , :\I y k id n C' v s a r c lI , il t .. " . ::; I : ,1. :II. S ' "11 ,k. ~ am (> . n o rmal !Inri T f eel lil~. 1\ dii f " I'(' nt ' I ' (1 , . l li c" -i ll " .. ,Ill c', ' I: (' lifT mU ll. /{ unjn la cel'laill l ~' proved . ti> n l a ul . ~ i1 I I\ " . $ 1: ~ 1. 11. Os wald & I t) 'I ilia. l ,'I' 111(1(licine in my ca .... .'011 , IItH' i:, 1 C; " . •1. \V r!",,' I'. $ 100; K (l n jolll c(,"tnin s n o II I ~o h o l no W, B('t'g-dall. '1.';~ H· tant roud nerv e dea de ning- dr ug !', no h: <l I' ~iJl \'(':.n r. ,~. Il : S,i m n, ll en~I.(' . d ep r e!<s ing c \1'lllllle:tls. I.l Jwed s no s lIr v c y ing-. $:17.;;(): H 'l h " rl 1\11s lich il1 ~ 1 l! liic llts . XL i, I)Ow el'fli l ill lIul'n . H ~p i ~ t:l n l r'; ~\ ( 1 l< lIl,\·\·Y .. I'. $ f. . the ill !:' o f t h (1",('11 , Yllt may b:! 20; p , n. ~ i 111p ~ 0 11. Iu lJ ll l'. $70 ; g iv e n to th e in fllO t. r, " , li(' • hili 7. . ~ HI11(!. $-0; elta: . E. Konjo1a iR sll ld i n W n" n c~ v ille Brn tllo ll~~" pO ' I' II. .~fi-;il.2ij ; Joe . Ohio, llt-A d Ams Dru g St e re, and w. T)!\"i~ , !;nlll(, . $1' .1 I ; £>k'n l' 'l'.ry by nil th l' be~t dl'U/!g i:.t s ill 1:1 11 !'i anl. $I Mn . iiO ; A , 'f. R ~· ttt)t · 10w ll s h r o u ghout thi s e ntil'(' ~ e('- ~l1me, $:l!HI; E . D, .J OTl('~ ,sa m e , tion. I SH::! !. F. : \ ', W. , 'I'lInpkin~ , ~ [\l1\e, ~ _ _ ___ I .' 11: 1.50 : F.rl e n Tcl'!'Y, su me , $38 6; .' . E. Cut l ~l' . ~ nl1l' . $ lI G. 0; ~no. Now ~h at s l1\ u king h v lUcil e!; n'!) L U\I' ,S,'n . ll1ainl e nnl1ce S heriff s I,: n/!l'r i!.h; . nny no; th g'iJ' l ~ ~ al', $59 .1 a ; Ur;:. l')\hv . nt. rI, R o b\. WIll not c nJ c:y It half s o mu c h. till,tir, Ill Cluical !;crVlC ~ at Jilt\. $ 10.

$:: ,::!:>:






(C"nt illu , rI f r" 11l pnge 2) ~I al \. t-:. J Iil l t o Fl':IlIk lind :--;('1 -



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Sc r\' ic:e.


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Largo ·

AmlJ u lanl' l'

Tcl c pllO'n"


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Night ..;'


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Martin &Stanley Auctioneers

lWe Get the I



SEE IC e nterville, O. Phone No.2

Ptice~ .


US· .-....:-----

N e w Burlington, O. Ph o ne No. 320


N at io n ,, 1 Ba n k

W,II. Drawn • - E.tat el WAYN ESV I LLE, OHIO

' l I

ROOT FOR AND CON ~I GN ~'O UI ' Cattl!'. h o l\'~ , !'<heep an d c a lves


to ' N o t'ri s -B I'ook 0 ., liv e wi e ' a n ll, . progressi ve firm fOt· t h e liigh C!>t " lI1 !1 tk t't p \'iee;; nnl l good. se rvice • Union Stock Yard.; O.


Rtilerene e: Ask first man. . '"!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!'~~~~~~~';"~~~!!!'!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"ii. -

TilAD£ AT 00ME1




"on, Juck, and Miss ,J lisle Jone • f Cincinati, were 6 0' 10 k dinner gut' t!t, Wednes dny evening, of Mr. and MI'l!. Wi lliam Co le man, on


Th L' 5 lh HnnUlll r~lInion of thi WOl1l1ul'd familil's wi ll be held Llill n at ! ,~ til' . ll hi".''l ·l~ ~ '. ~Ii ,.~ :\Ipa IIn~'r!?~k III atl('~dlIIrs, Henry Fou lk has been S pt Ihbcr 7 ill the dinin g hnll at in" thl" AI'lha Phi 1~ll' lpa 'ul'o rllY ' (lllllh 1' 11 tho I)a .c t II" k b t ' :v I!II l, :\1111 1111-111 101'1.,1 .hl" "I Ito . h ~ n , u IS no' S ubscr ibe for The Miami · I th I !.eUan 11 Fl1il'gl'uun(1 . \ ' \'1 I' . •( mlillt II~ 1111 ' I I h ("Y~· cn"nlp ,It . L1lll'I," , r. 'HI~(' , n nr the s lowly l' covering ;"" u"I1l'I'I.'ti int t) EII'lll1 tY,Hn]lilwlI i)!hlancl C u u'IlI" !lV"'~, I " M E' II ' L d \ ill ,. fI tlu' f .'-\\' 'I'k~ illl1 ",.. At t h ' - - .- " . I" I ' I, ' . 1'. nn" r s. « onguer e an ') , th llll ' 11111 ~'h' \' ' n IW ll plc lIII II 1 J,: f . ,I" I ' ., 1. 1' t ' l Alnlll~t ,I hlln( I (. H~O I) e Wit· MI'~ . J. B. J on es pent Thurs day , !I( • _. ' k ' IIKI' II t\l U \ ~ 1C \'i.I " t c, I ~ U CU 0 n l'!'~ d 1111 old fll~hl n e d "burn ' .. t' n pp I'Il" "I1!\tl'l~' 1 f, C3~S, tt Ul. ~ GOII iii lI o ly Baptism lind w n 1'('ru i ' in'" o n th J s;,' Stanle In lIlemna I, Illld e<cho1ol )." "~ "' l!r~ HI Iud d .1I1 \ cl' jl'uc\ in 0 lI1eml1l'1'~hip of tht' g. f ' ~I d Y 'harles L e May, of Waynesv ille, tlll' WHrr I ·(l U llt~· .1,1 111' t o 111ente l'I'i1le ~I , thodi ~ t Epi ~ coplll Mr, . , CUI', mith I'i ~ ite cl fri encl, fll l m, ~o utl1 tO\\ n, Ull ay. was a week-end g uest of his cousri nnn t i IIl1d pi nil: t .. Conry [~ lnnd, I church . In hi;; . ho(.] life II a t - in 1.l'l.l1 nlln t(Hl:Iy. , n 'v. I\n~ . J(r~ . K~I,m~r re~uI' ned in, Alb~rt Hnwke, I f.' t'll(IY 'lilTINJ ,IU\. by . nU I~ I~ ' lu ill ed prOIlHlllll ll t o (Ill' ~"ll i ll l' s:,turtla y il ~ m . the u "l1cutlo n ill .Rev. l:iura Bowman fi ll ed the pul. A~ lit Cll;l~~ in CO') )I (' I·:~t\llll \\, llh ' \'(,11 1' uf hiJl' h ~ch{l() 1. \I h ich hc fu l:1[1" ad :'Ilt·~ . Rilbert Crcw w 1'c NOl'thern !\1Ichlgall . PIt at Lytl e M. E. Church Sundny, " nl('er' lind Il' rle r~ 1-:1rm B ul'- lr expec t ed t o (l1 lpr 111 ,ept'lI1ber, "X l' ni;1 \"i ,; it ll l'!; todu~'. MI'. und ~lr, Elmer Peterson of i lifter a four-weeks visit with h er (1UU , "unty G :' lI ng~ " . 4-11 lub s ~ I . liu!!h WII ~ u y u ng man . of " Da~' tol~ w ere gue ts in the home friend Miss Bertha Riel, at Farm( 'hnmLer <1( l O lllm~I CC, . unclu) ~t 'on g nb le hody and a lert llllnd . un~mcr Spcrla l ~-rl,ng" cos- II f th l'lr parents Mr. and Mrs. ville, Ills. :-., lll.w !s IIlld 1>1111'1' Ru~':" !lrl1ups. II. enjl1 ~" d his ,udi l'~ li nd hi~ (~111C Jew -Iry , (·t e ..('111 . S J (>w~ lry Jll nH'. Pc er ·o n. II1~t \I·e,:!k. Mr, and ~r8. 'Valtel: .Kenrlck 'J hI' 111\' d\c' ],,111 " '( t!"I.I ~ll .t 1\1!~ I\n~, 'I'nr~ . 1I1l d lr)(),1«'d f 1\ \I:In! t ~, a Sill, P, L 'lJllnlln . Olll t). . . ~Ir . nnd l\1r'~. Theo d ,! r ~ Mc ln . l ll lld M" H: .~lrce c~ VISIt ed Dr, ,I, dIP ,,\1" 1.·111." 10 .1n~ n. \h ,""," Ibl" ,':lI',' ll' In t ill' alh\(' I I(, h"ld .• . lIl'(' r 1l11'1w d f rllnl I IH~ lI' ho n eY- I L .. G. ~I oc k at MIlIlIlI Valley h os, " 11 111111,,1 II'II'S, i l.llI l ." a' I1 k,,"IS" :t - " ,, :l l' h II ,' , , " j" ~" / II \, i.l ,· " i l'~11.'s (" '1'11101111(' EI ..lW l· ha ~ hI' 11 1" .''' " Ili1' I II 1. 1I1" .~ i ( h•. Thul'~r1llY. /l II II I. 1hur;;dny afte rnoon. 1 l'l,n ll l'ti 1,\' th . ( 11II· ln.11:11 I'lI lhl' "1,. III' I'l' i" nol, 1,,·,' ;\1 1,"I' hi ,. .. 1'·( ll·d I,y lit n n!!!'d .. ( 1·:dUl' :I \1 " I" I' I II B II ' ni l - I I ~~ Ros(' mary Be nll e y, III n I,n" ( '''"l'\ 1· 1:l ll ti .oIli .. """ a " o lll' Iti ~h h' ' .. .. I!!"'III ." ti i- I" "" i,,, t I t llO ll (II I (';II ·h 11" '11 1-:1' ''I H, lI lic' am i 1-\ 11. ,Ill ' . I,,; ' l'.a / \ t u ll" I \ Val'n esv ill e, wa s a din nc r gUl's t lul1 ,.1 till' 1.1It.! ," 1 .1111 .. l! l" \l hll''' / 'I' h'. I, . "'"" "'1' I" 1,,,""" I; i... lin -I 1·:I1·I"h . c" (l l' l\ : II' ~ , \ lt~ 1 Il1rl~ I 1' . 11 ellS Fliday o f Miss The lmu Cole m nn . , nt _ all d , l" lrelll r.1I'; an d "rH '1 ... C Iy( I e WI IIIl't n enIII Y "\ I' Il:In, II"I I. _ tll lll'ly !!"" in!!" 1, 1- /': 11, . . s at .. " IJ I' li n . . ,'n IL " ,., 1. 1!lllIle 1,,1o.1 1ll'1l. nl • •ut ' l J,:ralllll':ll'l'l1t - . h i_ ... i-Il'I. l na allrl ..\ 11'. :11101 ;>'1" . O lIn . ,01 ,"101 , "f .1111' ,,!l~' ,,/ hurldllll! .hlle i ~ lcrtmlled to <l111ner unday, Mr. ""1",/, , )", \\ ,\11. 11 ,( (11111) " :Ir:~ - 111:111\' 111'1'\ ' dl -I 1111 \'I !: lli\(" . :11\(1 ( ' IIII·III1!:! (i. ,111 ,'1 1:111\.1 ~II . :IlI d 11.(' 111>( \'I' l'aln:" :llId 1" ' p1l1ntl,d in- lI lI.d Mrs . \VilLu l' \Vhur tO ll nnd ", I' 1I!1~ II1"{. . 1,',',. 1,I III )!" .1" 1""\1- !1 b ', !!', 11111 11 /',,1' ,.f .11 '11 1 I'l i,·n ll , . 1 ~I1'.- . \\ . n . 1::"",1' 111 IlIdl:1I1 I. lIl;l·. ' ''/,'' un ,/ ill/hId \'. . . Ml f;~ R o~c . h aw, of lI e ur Hamiltu n . .. II, :lr l':IIl ).! ' ·I1,, ·l1h loy ( .:11'1. '.' ".1 1I":!lh i- .111 1111 \\' .1 .·.. 11\1. \ 1~ ll " r ill I I. .. ( '.\(,,·k I hI' Kill" t· 1I (1Ilb"w Ilh theIr a nll LeV I Grcl1thou se, of Dayton . ~ .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I .. ,,, 1I1"t. 'I ' .I<1. "-''''1- tltllll ( II' ' I h .. 1':IlIk, •. / .,111' - /'/"lId i.l ""Ul1!! 1 1 11'0eil'l'. ~11" . l .tl lll' " l11nll'r nrc Mr. aU Mr~. Be n l(lI wk e, so n '1111,,01 , 1,, 1,,'" \\11 " kl II" .J.!I""II I I' " "I , .. \Y (' .1 1 1"" ,10 I .. "'t Il ut.: !' ~ I r> I '. Jo:. ~1" ' , i"" l1 IIlId ",,"),(h · ' i'l' I"IIIIK 11"...\\,·,·k at tl1l' cou n tlY lind dau gh t cr, Mr~. Ellu Copsey ,.,1- 1 I lIi •. n ~I .,/, Ya ld -., (11 11' 111' , J.!:" 1.. 11 \I,' ,:1 11 11'.. 101 1,' (,11.,. ",. <1111' "I. " I :-:1111111 1.:::11 " .. 1\ .1' ... I\'t· ' 1.' ~'n ,.I - , li l li I'. l.'I·all 1. " I' ~ \I~ r Is, .th (· r ... . also, un d hurll's Le~lIy .e njoy ed a m o1, .1 1,. \,1 I.' ;01 .. II I . 111 ... 111 1: 1 .. f 11, .1 l'"nqdaill l lt l'll\.!11 \\',' (':11111 • • 1 .11.' !! h \1',"' 1, \\1tll ~ I r~. l" zz ll' :I ' a ll " " UU d,, 1 III ( ,1111» 11111<1 - tOI' t 1'1P cl O Wl1 111 h entU(' ky, un , Ih'1\ 1 1,1' 1,,· ·1 I. ' \,1- 1\ .'1". :·q,.,·I.- 11 1' 01"1'1 ;1 1141. \\' " 1';111 1,"1 lit ,\\" i1\ I h"111Jl >lIn . lT llfr. , dny. ~:ll'd~. I I,,' 1' , .. 01"" I- l ''''I' ' ·l'a(II,· , h" ,,""" , "/ ,11';<,1,, " ,111.1 11'l1 ~1 ( ;" d .\11'. and ~II" . \\ . V; Lack c y, 1111'. MI'. IUllJ Ml'l'I. Willill1l1 Ole11l1l 11 ('1 ,"1 1111--1,,11 ,\ ,-",·Ial',.'" , . (\lI ~I n fill' (" .1I1 f''' 'lil11.:: J,!' I , \O " . 1,'1H"l111Jl'I'- , 'II. :tlld :'011',.. H:1 lph TII1 :IX. MI'. a llll . ;\II·~. C . I I. !\l c KIIY lind Mrs. U I~r1 MI ~s Th e lm!l s pent S unday 111(\110 '01 III/' I.In·"ll!!" h l1 h n < 1 li d, · 111~ 11 11 (h (,' \\h il, . thll( ti"alh i ~ 1\ (,( :I! I! I ~ I!" . 1/111, 1<1 B,,"I-I,·),. or ('In · .f . L l{an.I' I') '~ttl'ndl'lI l!lel Me d s- WIth Mrs. A 1111 a Mllyhenl, ut Lin il,1!' 1'1:1111. lh. , .. , 111' 1' t\\' II- th l r !. '11II1ihihli ll" 1,Ilt lit •. j! ' lt,' \I'il\, t " I ' ·II 1I1:I Ii. " I"" t :- 11 11 <1 ;\\' \\IJh :'I I I". k,l' H"l111 lllll. :-;ullday. (Ienwll id. II;" la/"n 1111 cl, ,\l1I th l' '' IIj.(.h (h,·I~' .. nlil1\;.tlil'I ;. \1111'1'" f lill s t l (, . ·:d i.1 Tru lIx. · I TI1I'1'1I \\" ' 1'1' IH> "(' 1'\'k ('~ lhll Mr8. Mul'Y Carmuny visited U ll .11,1' f" I· :t \1 S11 . l hl· "\I~h till' 1'1:l'I1<'.1I f1' 1I1 1i" 11 IIf 11 /' I"'i" i"i ll!! IiI',' i ~ ~' I't , 1"l il' llils Churdl Su ndu y u . m . 011 (lay afl ern oo n wilh I'c lat iv!!s in H I. ,~. H:III "I . !\1 1~k I' /,, "( ;111<1 :-; '1'1'1' : III h I' l'I':l IIZI"1. Chll s. 7,i nIl1l,' I1 I1 :\n \l'a s I' n tll't1 til 1Il·,·" Ullt III' lh ,· Y carl~· i\1eeti n!! nl Du y ton. 11 ," 11 " HI-I'II II til . . lh' .·l' . IOti " 111'- •. \I ",lh " I' 11111' fl ''' 1l1 u> ha s J,!'.l n n, l' h ul' l'. T ,·"" s I" s l 1I"'l'k. I,,'cll us(' \\· iilllill)!,llln . A IInioll se l' vic~ wa s Mr. lind Mrs. Jam es J o hn s spen t lili dl Ill ll·I ,· III' I hl" ~(' ~II"" \\'1'1',' ;\ l1" th l l' I'u k " i, ,. (ill ., II : o f th(' ';(.' I·i' " I, illn l'~~ " I' It i.. fatlter 111,111 t hcn' i ll Ihl! ev' uin g" , ReI'. MondllY at Miami Va ll ey h o~pi tal ," "11,,·<1 .. ,, 1111' \' a l':I II ~ It ,t f ': ~" l\l'r\~' r\ "Illl'" i ~ \·I1(':lnl ill 1111' h"'11l'. Thad Zi1l1 111(·i·111an. J, il ll lc r "l·liv l' rillg thc s erm o n. . with th e f Ol'lIIer's sist ~ l', Mrs . J. I l"'Ul' ll'd I.)' II,, · h,, ~ plla l. I h" UKh I \\' hklt 1'('\' l' I' I'lln I'l' filll't i. B. Thomas, th.· 1'1' .. \\1 1, \\ " 1\' !,." lal'g",' f or Ih(' 1 T il l' ~ ('hn"l . t h ,' 1·':I ~ h " I < . lin d C'f<:'o I PI1\ I 1(' I'~ II f th,' I) (' lta OIl1<'l!'n MI'. and MI'!'. Wulte l' C lark, Mr. 11 h .. ,I ... , ~" . ,' nl,: n;lIl1 . 1 ·.'." ('I:ly . . jll.,.illlly 1l1l' ':(' ni ,1' I' /a"" "I' 'Y:: I, TIll' tn S''''nl'ily, Ill' \\' iI1l1in),(llln . and Mrs . J. B. J on es and MI'. and t! (' \\ .1 11.011 (,.unt ~ fnl b eX ! "( .~'- 1'( '1'1 kl' l'nl l' thl' I",,, .. f \l UI' fl'l e nt/ . 1,,·1·1 I h l'i" an ll ulIl pi (' ni ,' al \r ayn,' S U1l11l1 c r Sp('cials- wlltc h es and MI·s. Wa lter K e nri ck atte nd ed I,d h. ,:" IlIt(·"·,, l lI lId. n P!"'('clfll1 n n , Il UI' pfll. ;, ur "l a, s111al ,' fl' 1I 111 0111' 1'lI l k thi s aftl'l'n (lo n . r1i:l11l 1J 11II H. ( .'I~I'Y· S,.:',I' \\· I'Ir·y S h op , . grunge at. Wayn esvi ll e Gym Suturin ~ " "I n g" th,' 111a n~' .IlI EI·lcute pr~) · lllid<1. " 'e ~ h ll ll !I11:-~ lI ug- h ' " L,·t. llnlllJ , OhIO. I h e H ome of day evelllng . , I ..,.,. Clark !lnd dauJ,(htc l' o f Gif ts." C lyde Whurto t ook a tru ck l oad ~~~~",,_",,_~ _._~~..... _- .....- - - - - - -......- - - - - - - - - - - -....__~ • , '.'l· ... !llhl hd)III·-.SllVI1lt< d"vIl'l'" In (. hL' ('I'\· p I ('."('II I'l' lind hl,. li l h~' II !! ' h:1 \1(I1I111:: d a Ir y pI· ')( It,'cl ~ . 1~1l~1 .~ rc',s i\"(' n(, F~. li e' InlS ul wlIY:; II Sp ring-A e ld , \\'('\'(. ca ll " l'; lit th e of men and b oys to Paintersv illo 111 Il \'l'l'lIllnJ,: lh l' 1:I:l n} (.Ikt' .. " pup ula r 1:111. 'I'll st a ndilll{ in IIthlct- 1,,,nIC' I~f :\11'. nnd Mrs . G ~ " I'g'e lI nrt ti l l'S. Ann. udwalludel' und Frid uy afternoon wher e they e n- ~ ..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (·" .. kl" s I\n d ."t lll·l· artlc1t·~ f UI " al - , ic" . P:Il'til'ul!lrl ~· in Ii a s l' b utl um l ~o ck :i1111d ay afH·I·no"n . :\Ii ", C iani l .il e Wei'\! h os tesses at a gu)!'ed in a ga m e of bnll, I,\' (: 1J ll~ U1l1P IOn . b" , kl'tb.dl. lI i~ pn p llll1 l' ily I1n d dillnel' ~c 1'\'l' d II I t he ho m e o f !\frs . Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn u nd 1 h l'i1r~ fr om both ~rc'tlp!,; .r t' - willinJ(11l'~" II) ncc ... p I I'c ~ 1 1!I n ~ ihiJi . . Su111111 l' l' "P l' 1111 ~ - ~ d\' r r\\'l1r , !'I t aude <-I'ane Tues dllY ('V ning . in daughters nttended the Troy fnir l1~H'm lo\ , t1 !It III ,.. 01 ,1 h osp I.tal LV wun f OI' hl111 ~ l' l f t il(' 1'1'('s itlt' ncv Il' \\'(1 II'Y :IIHI 1I,,\'('ILI t'!';. .Cal'Y's ho no r IIf j\I" iss j renC' Goo d e, of Friday, )'l" :I: n tl s !lbo.uI 10 :!1O fr o m ~vhl~h ' in l!)29-!:O. W e 1I,I 111in" j Il u,::-h : .J. ~~\· " lr y, S I ~"p: L e b anll n. 011110. W e llkluho llHi . Th l' g ue s t s were Mls8 M I'. a nd Mrs. Charles Early, son thc~ I\ l'r~ lend by th(' m o t o l cycle 1'01' hi s clean h e alth\" li Ft' 11l1 d for t.; \\ t' cdnr St llll1P ~. (; " " 11". Mr. ;Ind Mr R. J . Q. Gons, and dllughtel', were entertain ed t o (·,,(·u rt~. 'hr~ct t h r o ugh th e dll.wn- tIll" l'iA'o ro u ~ a 'l t ivilY w h it' h h <' ,~Ii ~~ A li ." Gon s un d MI'. Juhn (lin nnr Sun day at t h e h ome of Mr. I:"'n d:s t:~ct n T1~ ."lIt ; '.' C on.e ~ J ~- I. radillte(1. ' ow h e i ~ Kli n e . )'u l wc ~ l1 s . ~.1i cc M c Kl n~? ,Inll d l1 u ~h Gon s . and l\irs. Clarence Early, near Mi I.. nd I\h.tle th1l ba. ket. dlnn el s halln o t f cI1'g"et hi111. l\ l av w ' Le t CI!;, .l\!I S. 1. 1I 1.l11 1 ~ .. l1n d l\11~H - - - .. - . . omibu l·g. lI'ere (> ~ J " y(' r1 nnd bo~t l' ld e down lI t1n1(' l1i ~h C'd bl' thi K our I c:~!; to sn II COil ncttll :II dl.1I.1H·.I: \·ls l .L' 1I J. M. Mrs. Mal'ga r et Johns was a din. till' (l/u o was th e, maI n f eature of perfo rm o ur tn s l;s thut wh en our ~l c Kin s cy an d lal111 l), rd M () 1'I'()\\ BRADDOCK·UNDERWOOD n e r guest Sun d ay of Mr. and Mrs. th ' clny. B y OOlC llIl (' Olrnt 10.0 4 H lmm OllS l'''nH''~ t o 111 eet the g'reat ~ntur'hl~· . All e n Emrick. In t h e afternoo n \\' 1' 1'e nn the ( ~J:l n ' ! Qu C'e n wh.'ch T cache r (' f nil ' WI! m av be rcady. l . _ Mis - urah Un d erwo o d a nd Mr. , they vis ited Mrs. Earl Tho ma s, l" fl t1~e ",hal: f:lt I ,;. , I?unng . wh th ('I' it he in th e ~ .;rill gl im of I .~lrs. l\~,at l,I' .~I c l\ n~· D.n:1 Or. H : I\' m~' l1d Braddock we r e united , wh o has r ecently been removed to the tllP ch)\\ n lh r 11\ (' 1, mu s Ic nnd life at the n oo ntid e o r in thc' d im 1111 .. A. L. Shl1 ll. of D "~t"l1 . II CI C in ' nl!ll:ri age at the W hit e Brick her home on Socia l H ow. • a!1nuu ll re 11l(' nl~ . \\' ('I'e ,made by , h .. ;I()\vH I,f Iifc'" la te .. ftel'll Ol n . " a ll ('l'~ at the ~ O !IH' o f M!·. and 1\11' ,tin).: h,:' u sl' last S unda y IlfterMI'. ~nd Mrs. Walter. ~c"r (ck ( o ~nty A!,cnt Cla~ ·, harl e5 T . Fro m t h e ~ (' ho\l l. ~lr.' . II. 11. WIlI llllll:<lJll, Sundu), no o n, an d MISS Bertha Kenrick spen t EllI S, prc: ull' nt f Wurren C o un - I aft"""1)(,n. . '[,hc bride i ~ the diJughter of Mr. T u e day eveni n g at th e h o me of ty )\(11'111 Burea u, lI e nry lIal'ri ~ , Card of T'h an k . a nd MrH. Dan iel Underwood, of MI'. und Mrs. E lmer Montgomery CO llllt~· J('rang' l' d epu ty and Rev . MI'. nnd Mrs . M e r lc ]( ('1' n1' and ncar Hal' veysburg. lind n ve ry in Dayton. Mr. Montgo m cry r eGIl Y he k. . a rli ~ l e, r e prcsenting W e wi. h t o expre~s Ul' thank s dnll l! h tc l'. J oan, Mr. IIncl \\Irs. A. cha rming you ng woman . mains se riou s ly ill. . , undllY Sch()o l ~. Du ri n/! th e o n - und opprec iali on fol' t in· kindn ,e ss Allr1 (' I' ~o n, of ('I c \·(·tand, ~ .ll' nt th e MI .. Brudd ock i!; thE! you n gest Mr. and Mrs . Gl e n Brock 1'ehu·l f h aul' nt the Cin cinati landing. u nd ~y mpathy o f \l UI' fr ie Qr!, IVc {· k-cn cl with MI'. an d MI'~ . J. ~ o n d MI'. and Mrs. Fmnk Brad . turned to Indianapo li s Monday s h o r t addl'e.scs wore made by Do n 11 ighb o rs , cla f<~ mate!; , t 'nchen;, O. l\ forlutt. dock, o f R o ut e 2 . H e is a s uc- eve ning after being here since Fril1ila t u.- h, ·hns . B. D C'c hanl, hns. R e v. Zcircr, shuwn u s lit thc · t im e c's ' ful s ch(l o l teacher lind a ve r y day on acc o un t of the illn ess of BI'anc!. Mu ~ir and "daneill!! w !!!'e M nur greal b l' r cll\"<'rl\(' ~ of o ur , 1\11'. lind ~lr5. E t hnn ernn' and l'~ tim:\ble young man . the form e r's fnthel', Dr. L. G. al so (l njoyC'd c!;pecia lh by t he durli n g" s o n. ' Al so fur all t h e c hil~l rc ~) hllve 1'I·tul'l1cd to Ih.c\r· MI'. an d Mrs. Braddol:k h uve the Br·ock. They, together with Mrs. y ullg 1' . pc n)1l l' on lhe return nl o ITer in g-s. Th e Famil v. h o m' 111 Da ytnn afte r ~ r e ndln g I t ' h f h . [i d Alice B rock r h ave s pent most of trip. Al'1'iving agu in al o ney 1' . _ _ _ . Rc vc r ul w ee ks with MI'. and Mrs lts 1\'18 es 0 _t ~I~ many r e n s. th e time WIth the d octo r at MiIlInd nb o u t :-! ::10 fI ~ pe"ia l free exn. L. Grune. am i Valley hospital. hibition wn /!i\' (' n by t rained el e- BROUGHT HOME THE BACON MANY THANKS Mr, a nd Mrs. Lowe ll Th omas pha nt H whi ch wn s C'f s p eci ul in]\fl'. and Mrs. H o nnl (1 H awk e, e n tertai n ed on S unday , Mr. and tl' l'C's t to th e e hi lrll" e ll . '1'il(' vur iElm e r 'hech a ll a nd ,'on o f th Mrs . Em.m a ~<:Clun' !ln d Mi ss Do r a Ref e rrinb', to hi s recent cam- Mrs . George :Weller and Cather, of ous lI1l1USement features were la- Mapl e GI'O \'[ St oe k Farlll, x- th v 0111011 v Is llC'C1 Mr. m~rl Mrs . G. puig n f l' C o ngress in th e Seve nth n e ar CenterVill e. . District, Judge Mrs. Clat:a Eagle, Mr. and Mrs. t r pa r Ol1lzed untrl .(\ 1lIurh-n N' d- hilJit c I th eir BI·"I\·I\ S w i." cattle W. Tl llwkc nt CI(\\'ks \' lll c, Tues- Co ng re ~s iul1l1 l I'd lin d J!ladly r~ c elved thun:lcl'- , and . put! d 'hilla lI ol-:~ ~ nt thll da y aft 1'I1oo n. ' lI urry G. Gram~ of pri ng field, Ethan Babm gto n , Mr. and. MI'!!, ~tO I m scatler e d t h c rowd a httl e Carthage F uil' la s t wcek a ncl cam' ma d e the f()lIow in g s tatem en t: E dw~rd .Eagle and two chIldren , cnr lr el tba n exp ected. o ut with co l ol'~ flvinA'. nlthollgg M I'. nne! i\!ri'l . H . . H a rv ev. MI'. " On the fac e 01 t h e figures t hus of .Ml8mls burg, w ere Saturday ev· I ~n I Mnl. R . I[. H url so ck , !l nd fam- far given o ut in the co n gresslo npl en mg gues ts of Mr. and Mrs . B en E vel'ybo clv . e ml'd to b e w (' !1 t hl' v hlill ~ tl'() ng' e o·II11'"liOon . · pl eased anr! there W!l!' no [ICC ISheehan and So n u r e ex hibiting I~V. n nd Mrs .. l~enn .[-[[I r ts ock s pent c[lmpa ign in thi s di strict it is evi - Hawk e nn d Mrs. E ll a Copsy. d e nts to mal' th e pleas ul'es o f th e at th e Madi ~o n -' o unty fail' t hi !\ / l'I' lday ev('n lll A' . wIth MI'. S . M. d e nt t h at I Wll ~ un s ucces s ful In my Dr .. L, G. B rock und e~w e !lt an !l ny. O nl y d n e cal' wa ~ r e ported wee k Burnet ancl fUl11 ll y. ca mpaign to s ucceed Mr. Chllrl ea operatro n. for tumor at MIamI yal . - - - -Bl'Dl1 d of Urbanl1. I n s pite of my ley .~o sPltnl Saturd~y 1T~ormng, t ll hav e huv had t ire troubl e . ---- - - R ev . an-I l\Trg. Gha rl eg o nrad defe at I wi s h to CXIH"CSS to m y nn.d I~ reportt; d as dOIll~ mce ly at FELL DOWN STEPS I and duuA'ht t:' I·,. o f Indiana, MI'!;. E . Repub lican friends in all nin e time; HIS many !rlends here LAWN FETE --T . Stl'oud, Mrs . Maude Cr!ln e ll n d c o unties of this d ist ric t m y v ery u l e. anxIous .about hIm and are j\JI·~. 1\1. A. Nichol. o n ~ l1ITe l'l'd I da ug h tc r Annall'e .lInd Mr. Cln ud ~ inc I' e appreciation [or their h opmg for a speedy recovery. The Epis copal C h ul'ch at Wil- c ut R "n th e 11I':ld wh e n ~h(> fe ll ,'trnl1d w e I'" dinner A'u ests of Mr. goe n e l'OUR and un selfish e ffor ts in Mr .nnd Mrs. L eo n Salisbury of ming-t l'.n is g iving 11 low n fete on d own t h e ce llar s t eps at hl'l' hOlll l', und Mrs. W . E. S tl'ou d, nil T.ue s- my behalf. I shall alwuys be gmte peveland, w ere we ek -e nd gu~sts the ('hurch la wn Thurs dny evt'ning I Monday 11Inrllin)!,. ,h(' wa R l ' - I rill Y . R ev. Mr. C 1lI'il'1. 3 Bap ti st fu l fIJI' the kind ly interest of of ¥r. !lnd Mrs . .Allen Emrrck. Augus t :" 1, at 7:~ 0. I ~e cr am. I 1'I' 1l1 oved t o til t' h m e of h e r duu g h mi Rs i(\nlll'Y to l ncl in, is a n al ive of these fl'ic nd s anu tru st tha t J may The Ir chIldren, ¥erlam and Wenhome made cnke, le mollad e , co ffe e I tC'1' at L(, ban o n . : K entuc!I\' nnd w" s a ~c h oo l mate o f b e ab le to l'cc ipl'Qcate their kind- dell, accompallled them hom~. an ti a fbh p o nd. MI'. Will Stroud. ncs~ al s om t' tim e in the future. Master, W en dell . had !Oade a 81X AWT Yo tlr~ ve l'y trul y months stay WIth hIS grandpar. . . , ents here HA RRY G. GRAM Mr. and Mrs. A. E. White and • --- ~ - - - - so ns returned to their home in Columbus Tues day after several days • PUBLIC SALE: :visit with relatives here. Mra Ke slel' Graham accompanied them • I wil l (lITl'l' Dt p ublic SlIl e at m y ho me and with them will take a res id e n ce on Watel' Stt'eet in W a y m oto I' trip to Pnrker sburg, Va. • this we ek. . n es v ill e, Ohio, on Saturday, Auguat 2 ~I , 1930 Mr. Everett Ear ly a nd daugh·. rReg innin g lit 1 p. m. , the follow tel's, Ruth and Helen , and Mrs. .Belle Scott visited relatives in inA' ! REAL ESTATESeven-room C incinnati Friday, and was accom• (1'1I111e huus e a nd barn located on panied hom e by the latter's niece, t he caRt s id e o f Main street, Wa-r- Mrs . Theodore Rolfes, who r en CRvi ll e , next to t h e Town shIp mained until Sunday, They a lso Ii o u sc. Five -room house and lot on entertained on Sunday, Mr. Rolfes' • Water s troet, Waynesville. These and Carrol Baird, of C incinnati, Ii' Mrs, J . B, Thomas, of Centerprop e rties w ill be s old to the high cst bidder for cash regardless of ville, who h as b ee n staying at the pI ice. home of h e r son, Earl, on Social FURN IT URE- Antique Walnut R o w, wa s rushed to Miami Valley or n c r C upbo a rd , Ki t.e hen Safe, h ospitu l Satu.rday morning, when Drop. leaf Ch e rry Tabl e , u few old she underwent an emergency opHer condition Is very Chai r s , so me Dis hes , Oil Stov e, eration . Beds, Dressers, and many other critical at this time. The Thorn· as family have . the 8ympathy of t hin g s . friends and relatives here. T e rm s Cas h. MARSHALL HARLAN t heir return trip from Niagara . Falls and Canada. W. N . S ears , Auctionee:r Mr, and Mrs. John Klotz and __- 4 > ... - - - -



\\ 11'




I :

.M elons No~ RI,p e




BOlDine ShuDiaker


Harveysburg. Ohio







I wish to express to the voters of Warren County my sincere thanks for their work and the support given me i.n the recent Primaries.




Don Dilatush



I .

I . I


I want to thank the Republican voters of Warren County for their hearty s,:!pport given me in the recent Primary eleetion.

..,. _..


Ed B. Murrell

"It's a





In 1929 Tires cost 1-2c per mile. In 1930 Tires cost a cent for 20 miles. .


Due to Goodye lr Quality&Price

4.401(21 4.501(20 4.501(3f), 4.751(19 . 4.751(20 5.001(19 5.00120 5.251(21


$10 m'e rchandise


Given Away to every purchaser

S 7.85 8.40 8.75 9.70 10.10 10.45 10.80 12.95

Path S 5.65 6.40 6.45 7.65 7.75 8.10 8.30 9.90


Gordon'. Service Sta.


Pbone 47

W .a ),......llle, 01110

--.-: :;:


MOUNT HOLLY M" . EI' ''o<th Smiti;, .,

TIHS i1\ II bu nn fid e·. u n qllnl ifif'd l!' ifL III every f llm ily p Ul' rh ,, ~ ing thi s "w(IlIdl' l' fu l hum e h ente r b e f o r e 'Suwrdn y ni~ht, S p_ tcmber- 6th. 'I'h e M ~ l'c hal1di ~ (' Ol'li c i' g-i l'C's Yl,U n 'e chu ic(! o f $ltl wOlth of an y 111(,1't: ha ndise i II t il s t o re. Rem c11Ib r . . . yo u d o n't have to ·pRY r01' t h e fun)lIce · now 0 1' hD ve i t de live re u nil\\'. S ililply c , me in. place' your I'd erwe'll (! c]j,rc l' th , f Ul'nac and set it up when .you netld it. Y ti U can pay ·for it on t.h e easiest of , ·t 1')11 . ' while y o u nre us ing it. 1'11 ~ew Allen Parlo'!' Purnace is the sc ientif. . ~~t.il1g aehie\' ment o{ ilij? age. No ' othel'

",,,,'0' I


Before September 6

~ y. 'tCI~l ~hat he;tts th e whol e h o use can co.mpure

Wjtl~ It

lo w fil's t c ost and :fuel eco n oll1Y. a n In v('s tment yo u'll n ovel' r ()g'rct. III

It' s

Bu t don ' t fOrget ." . . yo ur ordel' MUST b e in b ef ol'c Saturday night, September 6th to entitle yo u to l he free $10 gift.


'W ay'~esville,. Ohio


wC'ck w ith hi s plII'ents, Mr. lind M r~. Bu I·ton Earnhal't. Mr. a n d Mrs. Cnrl Babb, of Xe llia , s pent Sundu y afternoon with h e l' parents, MI'. a n d Mrs. Burto n EUl'llhart. Mrs. E lv is Mi ch ae l and daug ht e r, D o rothy, of Map le Co rn el', is .' p e ndi ng Il fe w da y s with h er patpnts, MI'. und Ml's . .Her bert Marla tt. M(·. a nd Mrs. Clal'en(:e Crawford a nd fa mily s p e n t Monday ev ning wit h hi ~ brQther, Mr. Earl CI'nw f ord. . MI'. a nd ' Mr.s. Ray mO'nd O s born and h cr m oth er, :\'drs. Toms, of X e ni a , s pent Su n ~a y with he r SOn, MI'. Emers on Dill and farnily. Mr. and Mrs. Buck L u cas a nd famil'y spent Sunday aftel'noQ.!l wHh hi s brother in Xen ia . "'" oseph Va n pelt and SOli, Del- . bert,. of n eal' Lynch burg, spent unday ' with Mr. nnd Mrs, p, A, Run ya n . 1\<1(', and MI'I'\. Emorson Dill and so n, Billy, s pent Thul'sdllY evening with Mr . .and Mrs. VanAu8" del; pf near Dayton.


~,.....~--.- --~ --=--=-\ -~.

Df.",.. 'OO.f·""'··.... It.. . -11"PrO re" L·lt",1.'III. ·"proft.f ....




, •• COPP. . ~i.o".. 'JIB

B~callse it is doubly protected ~gainst' wear and weather. and therefore .lasts longer. ·Channeldraio . is. far more . econom'i cal than C?rdinary ro'o~g, An4"eI it tfJsts nf) mo,../ . See our Channetdrain exhibit.,and l~t us .tell'y?u ltow little it will cost to i e-roof with this lifetime roo6ng, .. made oftlle faino~OP-R-LOY, the Copper ~loyed Steel.





W.p......., ·OId.


Wh o) Number 5924


Eighty-Third Year




All HE GHUfi f; Ht,S

Highest Paid



Marsh all Ha r lem, who has bee n in fa il ing h eu lth ;[01' th e Pl1s t thr ee .-l'a I'S, we nt to the Mu so ni c H o me a t ' pl'ingfi eld Mo,:, d ny nft ~ rn (j o n . ll e was ac eompulll ed by hl ;l n(' p: I Ill'w , Mr, \l lIwurd T ho l'n , uf WrI VAYN ::SVILLE M . E CIIURCH T h,' cV II)!; o f tl'lIc hl' I'S fn r tit" Ill i ngto n, c ns uin~ se lUI,1 y ~ al' i ~ " ,. fo llow: : I T he l WO ho u" l'>I Lel on g ing t o W L'dn esday: ni b Il' ~ludy and , , MI'. lI a l·lan were so ld Sa turda y , Grad e School Bu.ld' ng lI(' tf'l'n IlO I1 ill conn ecti o n with his I>ray e l' nll'l' lin g al H :OU p. 111. F l'i cl"fects. Th e Wa t pr dny. Chuir Il ntc t ic'e at X, ()U 1' . Ill. ' Mi ~ ~ E Vil i{ef'c\ CI', I ~ l I!nt ,l l'; ho uH,hll ld reet prop e rly \\'u s I ul'ch as d hy ,' u n da}' : Sund a y ~('hll , d at !) ::10 II. s t l Oll'n li nd 2 nd Iou s f,{1' I1 Up. nl. Morni ng \\·"r, hip ti t I O:::U. T he 'I i , ~ n l' ~' ie St" Jlh e n ~ (l n, 1s t T . .1. S m ith for $;lfJ!) , nnd th e th e l1l e f ' d' the mo rnill j.!· ~ l'I'l11" lI \\i ll Main stre e t IJ l'lI pe rty b y Mr s. Ida Il l'adl' ; fir st bu s grouJl . 1Jt' , Goi ng \ ' is iti ll/!', 1': P\l llll h l. l'aMi ~ ~ Ol n l1 a rl ~ock , <!n d g'l'H c\(': S t" ke~ f(,I' $!1<!5. II II' . lI a,lun is on e of th e p io l1 - " u e h t 7 :00 p . 111. Le- l'u), ~Ic ' I':C11 is t OWII unci 2 nd 1J 1I ~ gro up . Il'u de r . 1'h l' s lI llj 'd ("I' ,;t u·l)' wi ll Mi", F u l'(' Kl' ll. v, 2 nd n nrl a nI l', rs " f \¥a l' l'c n cllIlllly alld fill' b e "W U)"k. ' 1 E \' all ~ I..'l i stil' Sl' r \'i t l' S IlIa ll Y y<'ll, S WII :; II r es id e nl of grad e~ ; fir s t h us /!i 'o uJl . li t ~ :t!u p . 111 . S," 1111 In : ul li l,tt Mi ~s Cl ula Uk P ri n., :1 1'11 C lelll' rI' ee k to wn s hip . II is m a ny S" II II' (''' 1I111l011 W l!i~ h t, ,,( l:iI'<'. gra cil': t ow n lind ~ lId hus J!'I' UlIp. 1'1 il' llll ", hl' l'C' 11 11 ·1 OVl' 1' th l! c ountv G. C. I Jih" r t, l'u ~lor. \\' i ~h flll' him eOllt l' ntnl l' nt in hIS Mi ~R Ali t·" Cam p!.)!'11 , ·Ith /!r-n de ; ne ll' h om e. t OWII a n 'l 2 nd h u~ IP·U UP . . FE RRY CHURCH OF CHRIST I Eusene Gracc, preside nt of !3 c thMI'~. R"tnl i('k , ·ll h :l nd 5 th I! I'IHI es ; fir. thu s gn, u p. BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY ( l'nd ~ II" m ill :ll i " n : t1 1 ~hem St~el Corp or a tio n, wh o se Kinniso n Vou n!!. oth g rud l'; Bibl e. Sc-IIII! ,1 lit ~I ::11I n. Il l. .ompeosallon for 111 5 wo rk ru~ t o wn nnd 2 ncl Lu s g r o u p. Lu ~ t S un .la y, A Uj! usL !!4, u fc w Lco! ,I', ~II PI" ' I' a n d "'l' r ll ll, n II I ~9 llnd $1,000,000 a year, • Mi ~~ J l'lIIH't lc F" x, Gth g r llfi r ; 1·[.la' ci< and fri e nd .' with W(.\I - 10 ::10 . S " r lll un ~ u b j l' l'l , " 'l'lw town IIncl 2 nd lIlI ~ /:,I' OUJl. filled ua f!k ets fil et ul the home o f hi il-t n l' Iltc Chu rc h ," You a r(" r.1\'l·r Jl Ylllun u nd falllil y . ~ pl' n t MI'. and 11'~. La u l'e llce S h e p ht! rd I.I lwuys 1I'('\(' lI lll e ut thi s ehun· h. Hi g h School Buildin g ' .'lI nlill\· i n C'i ncinnati. C hl'~ I!!r A . Willial11so n , M i n i ~ t p r I . 13 .I , S kinn ' r Iltl 17th I lo :>urpi i ~e MI' ~, " ~ c phe rd , th e IlC. e , ' 1 lin! t US I(,n bCln f,{ he r Ll rthd'IY a In ' c' ( ;rllnt L, ' w i ~ , ,If Il ay to n, \'is itl' cI g raclc's : fir s t bu s gro up I' ' . , , ' , I IV 1 M' [K " 7 h . I' ell ry . I hu~e p r ese nt we re MI'. Ilnd 1,'llIt i\'CS 1ll'1' " Sat II l'dllY , LYTLE M. E. CHURCH 1s I c e n ZIC', t gra( e , t own Mrs. A Ibel't S h e p h~ rd nnd s istI'I' b us g!'flUp. ono\R 2Fn( H,tf' I F ' W \I . , 1..1 8 th ' d' ,.V ll U(J LI nl , MI', a nd Mrs. Chn l Moln ill g \V (j l' ~ hip a t H::J() a . 111. Seh " I) 1 ~ 1I1 ) l l l i l'~ at :III'". F rank U Ie e , mm e l'- hRoss ' g~ are 1,'a l' l" ~ . l ' P)Jl'l' :11'{1 Sln' d , ' Mi. s~ . Fmn ces0 , SlIl' egin rs Co . " MI', 1111 '1 ""II'~ . . , W'I15011.Sh ~ p - L,-.' e l l11" l1 t l' Xt .. .',· 11 '1' 1lIn · ~:I ('illl. . , (, I'd , MI', nnd Mrs. Em ery Our;.;, " (1 Lubo r \Jay ",(' 1'111 011. S un , Mi ~~ Ruth De ck er Mu ~ i c It "ss, and daughte r E sther, day ~dlOl) l a,t l u:a o . 1111'S. L ~ n gBc,l' n- ' T" III I'. and ~I r,. " 'l,bMrs. G era ldin e r.ich e r Dom ps- MI', ;lnd MI's. Walter J ohn - 1I~ I'l , ,' upt. \ uu ng Pe ~' l'l e~' Bl bll.' ~ L "\' Ti n ney, A Ug'u , t t i. " cillu.:h ti(, S cic n ' e ' HOn and tw o so ns , Walte r JI', luss and I' n lye l' n:lep tlll g un iI'l lJn - t et' Ray I)~te t' so n cienee and ~ nd ]) ea n Fliwin , Miss l onn Wils on . d,ay eve ni!,! g lit th e churc h. Un . Muthcmatics. ' .Ind 1l,lu th e r, MI'. and. Mr:. Luul'- 1 u~"d :cy, :s 'pt.cmb <! r i, at O x fo rd lil t'. an d Mrs . 1I 11~h i'l' int z . II I Mi H~ Col'illn e Rub binR En r\is h e nce S hep he rd and (:h,ldl'en B obby Ohlll , till' Anullu l . o nf ' r e l~ c.:c Hou l l' -I , II' ' 1'" Sta t e Fail' \'i ,; ito r ~ ,J. J!. C rubbe V nca ti o n;d Ail " i H t'lu e l·t and l ona, . I mel'b . l:c ~ \I close ~ h l s . ye ar With tu dll Y. tUI' I.'. ' I U At th e clilse o.f D.n e nJ o ynb le day good pint a nd . at ls f YlIlg r e p ort Mrs Mill e l'\'11 H o u~h Prin, all de pa rte d WIs hing Ml's. Shep- a n q a h a ppy outl ook fo r n ~Pl en- I MI ~. Lizz il' Lewi~ nnt! Mr, '~tha n Math ~ ;notic s Illld Lntin.' h e nl llIany 11I01'l' hap py birt hduy s. did Yl:' ur ,in I fJ30 -iJ 1. r. e~vi ~ all' d : itilll{ l'l'ial i\' cH, in - - -~ Sa l' lI A. BowlI1nn , Pastor Ua ylo n. J . W . Lo t z, S upt., Hist o ry.


CO L MOl l" OJII O- Rcce iplB of th e CUI'(Jo rati o li Di\' is ion o f th e o ffi ce o f Sec l'et o l'y o f ~tu te Clnre n' ne J , BI'Cl WII , f Ol' th e e ight m on t hs nf th e> CU I'I'elit y eoI', tntulel oPPl'oxilllate ly $!)50,OOO which indi cllted that C'JI'p ul'Ulino fe es will pos~ i"l y t ntal n million and a qlllll'l <.' r dll llur ~ fur I H:IO, us hi e r Th o nlus L. W nuU states lhut th e l arge ~ l fee dUl' in~ th e r eg im e o f !"e l' l'l'taI'Y HI'OWII , WUll r eceive d II f ('w c1u ys ugo fnl' o n incre a se of s l oc k, th e unlOunl b c in~ $ 50 ,000. l.u l'ge cro wds ul'e in a ll (' nclanc (' Hoffman Philip hll tieen d a il v at the Ohi o ~tute F u il' and io P.,.Ia, Nig hl l\ o rse S ho w whirh is b e in g representlna tile tbt PNe.I. he ld this w(' ck lind num e l'OUs state has been tranaferred • (,xhibit s lIl'e nttra d ing' t.h(> nltC' n- dent tQ It 41991., 9Urn&t.. ti on o f tht' thou ~ u n d " of vi >\ it o r ~. Twelv(' co unt y :Inti t wo indepen d e nt fuin; will hav e t heir innings next wee k a ~ f ollow s : Adnms , Blltl e r, CIl1'ro ll , C row ford, Fulton, HUl'un, Lake . Mo ntgomer y, Stark, l ni o l1, Van W e rt, Wn Rhin gton nnd I'ot on and Sm ym u ind e pend e nt.






Las t Sunday t he i\I iUITI i ba se bal l Il'al11 I lI lI k lh(' I'Il ~ t, ~I!\l'd - hi t­ ti nl! ( ' ;II"illllllli Stc ' .. k \' ul'I l ~ in di a l1 ~ ill to 1'11111(1 all d pu t them ill tlic i r lilll ... ll'~Jll' l' with Ih .: ~ ClI l'e II f




11 :\1 " Id

() ~ J, " rn,

af t el' u flJ urWl'nt illt (O t h l:' box f or he ~l i:"lli " and pitc he 'l 11ll' g tlil1e "f hi: lifl , hl'ill~ n l,dile" with 15 - t rikl' II U" , II ,' had 1' ",, 1' ' UPI' )J·t fill' a I illll' t'r11l11 hi , f 'lIall' t t'a m1l"lll'~ , hUl Ul l·,'1.l'd tl ll'o ul{h a ll ~' l' ''1'


I l'~t,


The r n " illn ~ led the wuy fo r "C\'l'n illllill)!~ , whl'n l.u\,., ly laced " lie into lltl' ruCl'· for H ho m e r, Ll' inf,{i llg ill t\\'o 111\' n l.Ih l'ad (I f him tyi nl! thl' >ce,rt' . In t ill' n inl il fram (, Rll l11b y got :l ~afl' "n l' and e Is hO l'n hit i nto fl t II'o-LaKgl' r ~~lJri nl< It ul1l hI' , thus wi n ll in ~ h iH (, wn g-a 111 e. lli~ co n tro l w u~ good nil t h rlJuj! h the game h ut hl' \I'a, hit hu rd (ll'l' u coup le o f in ll ing s, 1! 1Il' t ~o ek \\' a ~ ofT hi ~ s t r id e in li'ldi ng :Ind bll llil1 ~, uu t his o ne hi t, II dLl uhl e . W ll ~ th men ns of startin g a bll tti ng I'u lly a nd tying t h e ~ Clll'l' .

The s tate ho use gl'ouits pr e~­ e nls a hn nd ;;o l1l e app earnn ce nt WAY NES VILLE thj ~ time o f th e y(,11I' in s pit.!? o f th e' u ro uth whi c h th e s tnle ha s AB R H A E IInd e rllo ll e , Th e grounds ur e w e ll I o Kr ueger. rf kept nnd t he Il\wn, ~ hl'lIbb ery , 1\f ·· · h o 1 T u rn ,' I' , 2h I!ree ne r y nnd fl owers nrc in s plen • 0 1rl s e rw ood of Co lulllbu 1\ 2 2 o Hlll't st)l'k. ~ ~ did conlli ti un, Ilu e t n the until'ing I s pent the wee k-end h e re. 1 (; on5, :~ h, S~ 4 o I effortR o f Ro dn £'y M 'C ull o m , s up e r I Ra d Cd' 4 1 ;\ o H o ug h, If intimd en t of ex ecutive hui ldinl<s. ymon o nn e r nn . fnnll ly 4 1 2 o LUl'e ly, ~ " Rod" o r "Mnc" n ~ he is fnmili ll r l y s p ent the week-en d Ilt Indilln Luke 1~ lIi ~, c f 4 o o o cnll l'd by hi s uc q u llinL.nnces, s eems S l'h I ' \' t M . F ' k .j 1 1 o Rumh v, Ib to h nve nn un ca nnv ncumen in 00 s UPP les a I 's . l un ] 2 4 kn owing .iu. t what t o' do to get the Fun's. pper 3rd Street. · s3 Mrs. Ma r y W edd le, " I' J) aytll l1 , O~ L "r·n , p N o change has b ee n ma d e In WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF \\' ll~ lh (' gllc ~ t II f h(; r LI'llth l' l' Philip bU R !;chedule . Thu R c hildre n CO I11CHRIST best r es ults. He is milking (!OOd l Th B · J d f '1 8 12 7 6 with n v ng ean ce and is 11 fn vo r - . e. 1011'11o r an UIl1 I y r e u n ing t o Rchool on th finlt bu s Inst lI "pk in, to day. T ota l (Und l'lI o minllti on ul) ite with ' ull s tate official s. dOllny,ll a held at Wayne Park Sun - yenr will co ntinu e to d so. COI'BiLl, S choo l at Ii :30 n. 111 . ST OC K V A RD S 1111'';. FI':Jnk Le Ma y Il nd da Ugh - 1 win child r en will b e brought to Lo rd '~ SUppCI' ut c on clu s ill l1 . tl 'r , Mury E va , lir e \' isi ti nf,{ r e lu- I Rc ho ol IIft{o l' the ul'rivul o f th e AB R H A E Nimrods o\' c r th s late lire Chns. Smith nnd family , of OsC hri ~ ti u n cllde uv (.o r u t G:4 Jj p. 111. til'('s a l W t' Ht l'l'vi \l c, Ohi o. 1\ ' k poli ~ hi n!r up t h e ir fir earms u nd bom , enjoyed a picnic at Wlly ne second bu s load . The . e childr£' n 6 2 ] 2 I Ie 'S , 58 Eliza beth H e n l'Y, leHd er . Ev 'lIing wi ll be r e turn e e! t o th e ir destinR -~-g etting e quipm e n t rendy fo r thl.' Park Sunday . (J 1 2 0 ev ung e lis tic s~ rvic e a t 7 :4 fi p. 111. E yes 1, 0thl' l' y ou ? See Dr. Ru C. Mili cI', c tion bctw~ n regulur fil's t a nd s ecThe Warr en co unty W . C , T. ons luught of ~rny und r ed s qui1'l'(,l s 5 1 4 0 l! l'm o n su bject , " Ri ch ill Faith ." dolph, ey'sight p cialis t , a t Ca r y' s W II11.e l' , c f . U. co n ven ti o n w ill bc h eld ut j h e ope n sanso n s tnrting Sep te m 5 0 1 2 M i!'s Lo ui se Crune is out after od bu.s t,t1 Ps, ~. MIli c I', I b hlldl en may dl Rpos e etf see- I Mllin evil le Me th od i. t ch u r c h ~nt­ Prlly e l' Mee tin g euc h W edn esduy J c wc lry Shup, Le bnn ol1 , O hio. be r ] 5 nnd Inst ing un ti l October be ing confined to the hOllse sevSa nford, p :I 0 0 2 a t 7 :-1 5 p , m. Th e churc h wh e re ~nd h8nd b ~ oks a mon,:! f e ll ow I urduy, Sept embcr G. M1'5. Flo r e nc e fir st. Only four may be take n in li ral c1uYs with grip, 4 1 1 1 y ou fee l nt h ome . Ill'. un d Mrs. W, W. Bro wl1, o f ?nn e r ', r f :~h~~lt s dUl ll1g the firs t duy of D. Richlll'll s, ,tu le Pl'es ide nt nnd o n e c1uy IInel th e 's ul e o f th e littl e o 0 0 2 Ches ter A. Williamson, Minister Wa, hingto n, D. (' .. we I" g uest s I Km!1 ey , If r odents is un lawful. Countr ClerkR ., lead er of five t h ou sa nd chris tian , 0 1 ·I ' 2 Slimmer Specinls- ring!!, co s- . A . II d of 1\1 rs . Mllrl' J. B ur to n In:;t ,wcek. , I ncl!n n, 2 b n a ay SI.'SSlon IS planned wonw n in the fi g ht fol' pro hibition to wns hi p clerks a nd oth e rs nut hor tum e jewelry, etc, Cary's J e welry 5 1 1 0 :~ b . I Heese, ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH for th e ope ning day Sept e mb e r 1. nnd In w e nf o rce me nt, will be th z e d to iS5 ur huntin g licen ses re - , hop, Leban on, Ohio. MasH' 1' A I'~ h W n rtH' I', of Dn yl o n " port a bris k b u iness. - --- - gu eRI s pe a ke r of th e conve nti o n Summer sc he dule- 1s t, 3rd and \\'a ~ th e g u est o f hi, u nd c, Geu l'l-:<' l o t n l 7 11 11 6 44 MaY I:ard W e ltz and family have l HOME DESTROYED BY FIRE l\!r~. rt .H. Mul's und M r~ . D ell~ 5 t h Sunday, Mn ss at 8 :00 0_ m . ; l' l' l'lI , an d fnmil~T , t he fi rs t Hr th e I I' oste l' Wi ll b e h os t ' . ~.·es of t h e <,.on- 2nd and 4th S und uy, Moss at wee k. Ohio mnterial where price and moved mto Mrs . L. M. H eders on 's Miam is I 0 3 000 0 :~ 18 - - ,-venti nn, whi c h wi ll op en pro mrlly 9 :30: S t oc k Yard s .. 1 2 I 1 0 1 1 007 qunlity is the sam e is give n pref- h ous e o n Thir'd street, Ab.o ut fo ur 0 clock la t unday , at lOa. m. Th e d e votio nlll,; wil b -erenc e in th e pro, posed highwny Rev , Lnwrence B. Mollmann. ,' lIml1H' r .' J1 ec i HI~ - glnss wnr e Richard Burley, of Cin ci nn a ti, !110rl1l ng th e fir e a larm was t urn ed in c hurg e o f Mr~. IIlaliss a Conovc~ improve ment s fol' contr a ct l etting Il l1d S l' t ~ I) f d is hes. Car v',; ,Ie I\' 'II'Y Rn.cs ti ll balis- OfT Sanford 1 ; pecial mus ic wi lt b e by tat Highway Dire ctor Rob e r t wn R the g ue,s t of ~r, and Mr , W, ~ n from th e !-J . C. Bradstr eet home of Mason . Sho p , L .. ha nol1 , O hi ,., 'S t o r e op en o l~ O~h or n , :1: . rn West hft on, and when the furni s he d by me mb e r s fr om HarN. Wllid 0 11 Tues d llY, Augus t 26. H. Alle n Frrday night. e venin gs . f\l' o- hase= hl ls- W l' lIn e r2; Gons, NEW SIGN scene o f the fire \Vn ' ca ched by ve )'~ burg, Hnrts(lc k, Kreug 1' , The director nls o unnounced t hat At th e clo. I' of th e mo rning ~es Mr, Ilnd Mrs , D. L. Crone spent lh~ volun t ee r ~r e d e partm e nt a!1d Thr'e- ullse hi t ' ~ Weil11er, Love603 d et o urs hnve bcl'n necessul'v Mrs, El la Buh h , of S pring t o cnl'l'y on t he improvement ll o'f Sunday in Dayton, the guests of n e~ghbors n nxl ou ~ to h e lp extrn- sion n cove r ed d ish lunch will be ,I. ,I: Downi ng o [ Xe nia will hanl! Vall ey , W:1 : th e \\, l·e k -~ nd g u es t of ly, Os bor n. gUls h the blaze, It wa s f ound to ser ve d, o.ut 10 th e n ext f ew . d uy!! a n ew I'l om e run s- Co nn e r , Rees e, t he pnst f ew weeks , nn indication Mr, li nd Mrs. E, C, Cro ne, be tn o lat ~ for illU C~ se rvice exThe afte ~n oo n se:' s ion will o pe n ~ Ign . ~Ike. . a ll Downing produ ct s MI' ~, A nna Caciwa ll:i o t! 1' alld Mi 5s D n ubl e Plllys- B. Miller to Sant hat a vnst nmount of work is CIIII'a Lil e. C harl es H lIwke, of Dayton, was cep~ t o sllve . ne m by pro pe rty at 1 :30 With d evotionu ls und a l in o.l.t It arrc~ls and ho lds ford . being done, which is g iving employment to many th o usands of the g u est of J, p, Fromm and whIch wns Rerlou sly endan ge r ed 1<00(\ prol<l'nm of mu ic f urnish ed a.ttentlOn. The s ign is double idn e y Bl oc h, of Cin cinnati , alld .E lI l:n ed I'un s- St oc k Yards, 2; S because of t h e cl o~ en ess and the by uni on s from Mason, Main evi lle ' Sided u~d if inc.gular .shnpe. men in the tate a nd a lso provid- family severu l dll Ys Ins t week. \\ alte r Koh lh ug a n, If f ,Ia mestown , Mwml!', O. ve!y dry weather; however, e fLebnnon and Hary cy: burg. At 2 Th~ marn color IS s epia ,o n ing work to many othe r s in indus w e r e gu es ts of MY(' r ll y mlln and S l ru ~ k out- b y Sun f o rd 0; Os try furni shing materinl f or both Luther P erkins nnd family of fi clc nt work wnll d on e and n o dam- o'clock Mrs. Richards will nddrell~ whIch are se t a palette, hol c;h ng fUl11il y la , t week. bo rn I ,). " of r nge w.ns suffered by any other th e meeti n g, She ill II g r aduate of cO,I () ~'~, llnd apPll re~lI y read y for lin Ll'ft li n ha s e~ - ::; l oc k Yard s I S; co nllt ruet ion nnd I11l1intl'nanee, Th e Duyton, w ere S unday guests eft t uu ch, und the fac e propel ty ow ners. Lebanon Normal uni\'er sity n nd n UI t ls t s g engineer's ('s timule for the sale of Mrs. Mnude Crane nnd family. Freel Barna rd an d ~on ' llIrc nce 1\1 iamis 4 . The h ome an d all the contents ; l'Ipeak e r of greHt ability . Th e ub- a nd ~u st .of a you ng w o mn~; The w ork Aug ll. t 26, totllls $1,514, m .. irc~ - , Pre nd e l'ga Rt a nd a totnl . los s as the flames lic is cordill ll y in vited to th ese l ~tle~lOg In I<o ld . s~?lI s o ut Dow- ut te nded th ' I. G. A. co nve ntion 123 ,65, We res tr ing b eads, r eplate sil- were at the N . C. R, Sch ool hou se in Brock . ' ~ve l'e envelopl!1g th e house when se rvices . I1Ing s . Art S t~d l o_ Plll e tte li nd I'envare Ullc.I r pcovl.'r um brellas. It wu~ first dl sc6vel'e d by neighTim e of gum I hour ; 15 min, _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ portrolt ar e Impresed o n cloud Darto n, Mo nd ay and TlI e~d[\ y. Sc() r e l'- T o m Pi e rce. Di r ector of'l the Stllte Depart- Cary's Jewelry Shop" Lebnnon, 0, bors, MI'. and Mrs. Bradstreet po rtrait nr c imposed 0 n cloud m ent of H en lt h C harIeR A, N eal, Fgr Iles t r esult s co ns ig n your were n wa y fro m hom e visiting in FAMILY GATHERING eff ects. An e thereal nil' is g iven to Th e reunion of t h e m e mbers of th e h ome of their e1aughter, Mrs, S un lhl)', AUl<ust :Jl, the big utM. D" !ltntes that with every Ohio t he w o r k. One s id e is a duplicate ive stock to Gre en -Embry Co., lak e nnd s tr!!1l111 ut lowest 'known the t, John fam ily will be held at Os car Wi nfie ld, in Wichita, Ka nsas . of t he oth er ex ce pt f o r u differ e nce C in cinnati, ill car ' o f U. R. Solis- tractio n will be t he Dayton Ti g el'S , th e f lll;t ('st co lor e d team lE'v Is w e lls foiling and ' cisterlls Harmon Park, Lebu n on , Thurs day at the tim e nnd it is said that o nly 1 Mrs, G. D .. Md l: WII S. hos t ess to in pOl·tJ'lIits. The pOl'trait~ ur e ofT bur)" Oll t 0 f Day t oo. gone> c1r~T , contami na ted water s up Augu st 2S, their g ra ndso n, Clifton Brewer n s ma ll ianllly guth erll1g at her I hilll d wOI'k w ith ou t th(1 use of l\I on da y , S CI t e mb c r ,I , Labor pli e!1 co nstitute the I!reatest The W . C. T . U. wi\l meet at line! Rolph Coston, a neighbor b oy l h Olll e Sll~Ul'rlllY ~ve ning, Augu s t models. Th e heuds ur e r e mi niscen t MI'. a n 'l Mr!', F re d Ha wke and henlth menanre unci everv on the ho me of M~s , Lillian Mills were occ up yi ng th e house thut 23, honorlllg her Hlster, Mrs. Grace of Fis he l', The sign i ~ rich in slIn I"ft Thur;' <!u y f Ol' t he ir ho m e \)ay, th e' i\1iumi ~ will CI'OS~ bats hould b e cnr eful where and what Thurs d u ~T afterno on nt 2 o' clock. A nigh t and they barely esca ped H . ~e em, w ho le ft Monday, A~g- Do wni n g handiw ork. In T a mpa, lela ., llft e r visiting 1'1'1- with Har voys uul' g at Wa yn e I.'ark. Co me ear ly and ov o id th e rush, t h ey e1 "ink. If one must go IIbrond good atte ndlln ce is desire d. tho. Rames wh ~n aWliken ed aft er u sht 25, . for .' Los An g el ~s , Cu hf., :ltiv e~ in W a ~ ne ~v ill e nnu Clnrks t h ese dr ougllty days, the pop bottheil' bed cloth ing hnd ca ught' fire. w ere s he II III ~e dean III a men' s vi ll e. tle is less conrl ucive to intes tinal ummer s pec ials-silverware" Thi~ was o ne of th e.nice~t h om es college f~ate rnrty,. and the two SHOWER FOR BRIDE WARDI,.OW- DINWIDDIE disturblln ces tha n the unmarked j eweh'y nnd novelties. Cal'Y's Clifton, am! rlunng Mr . .and son s MI . a n d, MI ~ . J. ~ . Harner ' Mrs. F . C, Harls ock nn-e1 so n rood side wells. . J~\lelry S hop, L ebanon , Ohio, We ' MI's . Bra~streH s ubsenc e consl~ el' ofIlS~ III~g ~u PfY'. '.Iho Will ~tte~ d On e of the mos t copi n us s ho w- Chll rles hu H' nt lll'l1ed to lh e ir g Ive Cedar Stamps. ~ble repaIr III ~he. way of pupel'lf!g ~.~ eHg e. III a 1.?I. nr a. H ome l ~.'I- e l's of the sea so n occurr'~d Satu l'- ho me in I\lil fo rcl aft.t'r II th r ee Thl' marriage o f lIj i~s Olive Din BRADDOCK-UNDERWOOD.' .. IloQms and pnlntlllg had been III I I al ner, a Ils mg yo~n g ' nlll1l5- day Ilfte rn oo n, August 2:.1 , at th e ! week's vi' it with h 'r mo lh e r Ml's. widdi e- and Mr, Truman Wlirdlow . Mr, Samuel Butte rwort h and I prol!~~ss to ke ep i~ in ~rst-class i~k ,ofh .theMO ~·th odox } el'lellds , will i pleasa nt h ome of M~·s. Earl e H ock - : Laul':; M ~sher. wa~ ~o lcl11nized a t th e h Ol1l e of GIlbe rt Frye spent S unday Kafter- condItion ns wa s .the lr hilL It. .1 C . IS os ter o.f rh eology cle- ett, whel'c sh e , Wi t h Mrs, Rayth e officiating cle rgyman, Il ev. G. One of t he most impr essive noon with Mr, and Mrs, A, A, I The many frlen?" of Mr, and gree 1~I. a co ll ege, In .Los Ang cl e~. m un d Wiltio n, a. s i ted by the ir , The fri e ncl~ of l\Ir~, W . . Sl. ,Di b e r t, SlIturday ' m o rning, Augweddings of the seuson, Leautiful Lin t on of Wilmington. Mr~. BI:llrlstreet ~II1C rely r egret I W il Ilvrn ~ar!1c ,r IV.III, fini s h hiS daughter>!, chll rmingly entertain e d ,John \\'ill lie g lad to lear n lh at ~Iw us t 2:1. F ollo"wing the ceremony ' in its s impli c ity, was so le lllnize,l l . th el\' mi sfortun e, a n ~ llI'e happy co cg e course In WhIther. II large g r oup o f r ellltiv~s un ci is rec oI' erinf,{ froll! th e effect~ uf dinn e r \\'a~ se r ved at th e h o m e lit t h e Fl'ienfls' Meeting Hou se at The Hawke family r eunion was to ~nolV t hey hod tn s urnnce ~o MI!hos~ pM!~cn\ were I\1r~. ~e cm, friend s, ho n tll'ing Mrs. Ruymond ~; n 1'1ll' rat ioll at Midd le lown hos- f th e brid e' s moth e r , nnc.l latel' Waynesville S unduy afte rn oon I lr eld at Wayne Park Sundny_ partlnlly cove r l he l os~ to thClr . all . . , . A, Ha l nel li nd Braddock, a rec e nt brid e. I pital two week~ a go. MI'. and Mrs. Wurdlow le ft for Au g ust seven teenth at three thirty I every family b eing repr~ented , home as well 85 their hou sehold Jl,aug ht u ' Op~l.nd so ns Hom er W ilDi scu ssion . o f w edding g owns .' . t heir h OI11<' in L C! bano n , Owi ng to S ~:Id W , II ; I~ 1I.1 r. a nd Mrs. C. and other tll1H· ly tUJlICS cr eate d when Sara Underwood, daughter One hundred were present, eff ects, , 8 '1\I's fiI(>c1 by mll chl ne ry , c ut Lh e ~e l'i o ll ~ illn ess of th e brideof 'Mr, and Mrs, D, B, Un.derwood Mr, nnd Mr~. Brndstreet ~re· to ' . ur~,er" 0 " 1"'lng Vullcy, MI'. lIluch enj oyment. A contest in ' clc~;le l" Il'u cr , fa .,l e I'. noy Pi go tt. groolll ' s mothel' th e contemplated l s . L. M. Co mp ton, of Day- story writing I' cveu ll'd mu(,h hi d-, 'It 1>hcJd c II' . LumuC!r Y III'lI. of Wilmingto n and Raymond Mrs : W, H, Allen , Mrs. W, N, occ up y th e Winfie ld home III t he Il n d MM 'wed ding trip wa~ pos tp ont!d, Jlrnddock, so n 'of Mr, and Mrs, N ewla nd and Sherman Tinney left s ll me. block,until the y ha ve time to to n, I'S, L~)I'(' nEl B.urn es nne! dc n tul e nt which bcfol'e had becn' , . M rs , Wardl ow is the daughter Flank Brnddock of Waynesvi,l Ie , Tuesday morning for a motor trip r eb Uild t h clr h ome, which t.h ey ex- c\uught (' r Jual1l.tll , o f Piqua. . un~u sp ected. · 1\11'. and Mrs. il. . S . 0 1'11('11, (, f Olf Mrs . De ll e D inw idd ie undo for wel'e united in ma rtioge by the through Kentucky and Tenncssee, p ee t to do. Mr. B ru dstreet II1fol'ln5 Vocll l .und Ins trum entlll m us Ic Before de lici ous refl'e~hme nt~ \! I'Ut l' 5 , atte nd ed th e anlli v l'r~al'Y s <' v(, l'a l years wus a popu lar cle l·k FJiend's ceremony in the presence . us,- Th e C li f t on (Te xas ) Rec o rd, a nd I'endmgs , I'<.'nd e red by the Mi il- were sel'ved the bl'iele op en ed the party S u nday, I< ivc n in I~ull o r of in t he Inca l postoffic e. of two hundred relatives and I Watch need repairing? Expe rt - -- _ ~'l's BIII·nes. aod Hurnel', a.dd ed to pa l'cel ~ which co n ta ined Ill un y the Soth birthd uy o f MI'. I' ra nk M. MI'. Wal'(lI o\\" ha s f o r D number .friends, , watchmnker at ~ary's Jewe!ry t!' ~ ple a s ul ~ , of t h e occas ion. D~- u«?!Iutiful and . u se fu} l oh ns. of t h e HUl1Iiltop, ot Leb nn ll n. ll f yea l'~ h 'e n elllp loyed at the After the ceremony the bridal Shop, ~ebanon .. OhIO. Only genullle DISTRICT 'MEETING O. E , S. hCl ous r e fl e8 ~lI1 e~ts o f wntel- hIgh e s teem In whIch s he IS h e ld Frc ll c· h HI'()>\. Baut'r Company' s PICHty the immediate families and mate rial used in our repair depart ----m elon, Nenpoh.ta n Ice Cl'enm, cnke a nd of the plellgure f elt in w' I- 1 Mrs: W. N . NClvl a n d will Je llve I pla nt at Le bllnon, in tim~te friends the bride and men t. Ann ou nc em e nt is ma de of the a{al a fl'll.l.t dl'lnl< we r e scrved by co min g hH to this community. ThUI'~day m ornin g f o r he r home in - - -- - - - - -"--'groom were inVIted to a recep. h hI' f h 21 t I e hostess, - - - - - -Chi cllJ,(o u[t el' f; 1' C!n ding t hr ee DINNER- BRIDGE tion ht the home of the bride's parMr, and Mr., Amos Bracy and r;~t~ictn1~:oci~~i~~no/Oh~0~ O. E~ we ek: with her br oth er-in- Inw ll nd ents. , ,~~ughter Clara, and M~8, ZeUa S " to be held at the Masonic Tem INSTRUCTION SCHOOL RECEPTION FOR TEACHERS ~ister Mr. anti Mrs. W. H, A li e n. 1n co mplim en t to her s iste r, Mrs Follo~lllg the reception Mr, Ity, of Pandora, OhIO, were pIe in Hillsboro on Wednesday' , ' W. N. Newlnnd, of Chicngo, Mrs, and ¥rs, B~add o~k left ,for .a short g~est8 of Rev, and Mrs, G. C' I dny Aug ust 27. The m eeting will . " A t thi~ season of the year el' ery Mr: . ,J. H. o \.·n~ an. wh o, WIth W. H. All e n entortainl'd' a small ~ddmg t rIp their ,des tmatton un- Dibert last Thursday, com'm ence at 2 p, m , and .f l1I1 nw- . Mr~. Lrllran C. Mrlls, representa one is very much intere·te d in Mr. and Mrs. II. . CO h'nH!I1, of Ig r o up of fr iends o n Friday , A d ek,:, own, .After tihelr return they Mr and M M I B ta I it i the regulal' business meeting a live of Co v~ nllnt Rebekllh L odge I th e opening of o ur seh ool~. This ' Nm wu od, and Mr~, Laura I· ,, ~tc r, lic iotl s dinn e r was served at one WIll reSIde at the home of !he Tu d frs, .evyn an e ro~ram of ent erta ining numb ers of. WayneSVill e, attended the dis- year we have with us o n unu s ua ll y I of Ml. H(>nlth y, s pent la st w l'cl( III o'clock. Exqui s it e r os es from the gloom'R parents~ n ear Wa ¥nesvllle es ay or t .h elr new borne featuring r ep r ese ntativ es of the tl'lct l'; cho ol of ins truction h e ld at iUI:ge number of ne w teachers and LaSall e, l'r\ic~ . , re turn 'd hOlne h ostess' garden f o rm ed II b eautiful For her .w eddmg the brIde ,,:ore 3t1~I;n:il1 ~~a~~;fOY~dU~!Yte:C~:rs v~rious c~lIpters, wil,l be presen~ed Frankllll Augus l 15. MrR, J e nni e t he Moth er' s C lub is giving us un Tuesdny el'enlng, cente rpi ece for t h e handsomely ap n /l:'o\\'n o f cream lace, Her gomg- in the public school Dmner will be se l ved nt 5.30 HUI'man, s lute pres id e n t, and I opportuni ty to meet them, al s o to . ", point ed table and cov e rs were laid away costu!11e was a ~Iack crepe .. o'clock, · Anna I. }-~endel'son, stute secre- I give the others n welcome r et urn I Mi~s Jo: dn n S hllm ake l', o t Slnk- fur the f oll owing : Mr!l. Newland, el'semble WIth IIcc~ssone8 to match After a s hort visit to her aunt The e Veni!lg se~sii:m pr omises to tUI'Y, w e r e In charge of the s chool. On I~ridny evening Septemb e r ' in l< prin~s, WII:~ l~ ', wet' k-e!ld Mi!\~ Trill en a Edwu rds Miss Mar,Mrs: Braqdock IS a grnduate of Miss May Wright and otber rela_ l be of e;ccePtJO nallntef.est, A g r o up T~ ere .w e l'e 100 .present. Th e dis- 5 at eight o'c loc k all teach el's, : gu e~t of MI'';. :l osl' \\ hlhl k~ r: M I~s ~al'(·t EuwnrdR, Mrs . J , O. CartKlI1 g lYlan High scho ol lind nttend- tives, Miss Dorothy Dakin left Fri- of tra1l1e~ o.ffil;er!< flom the 6th tl' lct II1 clu de~ Lebanon, M'iddle - p~re n ts un d fri ends are in vited Shum ah r I'('s l~n ed her pO~ltl o n l111 wright, Miss Henrietta M('Kinsey, 1 cd Wilmingto n col1el!"e ' where day ' to resume her duties as En _ and 7th dl~trrct~ ha~ bee~ ~ ngaged t~w n, Mas on , Kilf1g~ Mills, !'Iayn es to . the gym, the . ~IlYl1esvi\l ,:, sc h (~ol t o ,lI cce . t , I\1rs. D. L. Cra ne , Mi ss Oliv e All e n wn~ a me!l1ber of the Tau, Theta li s h teacher in a : c 11 g t P to exe!11phfy the ,rltuahsttc work Ville, Monr?·e . I\I~q Frnnkl1n, This is n ot a formal reception, l lI s lIntlar 0 11 1' . 111 he l hO I1\ <' town and Mrs. AII !'n. . Ohl Sorority. In June of. t hIS year man Wash ,, 0 e e a u 'l Iccordll1g to the rrtual u sed at the Mrs. l"lIl1an Mills was elected but a get-to-geth el' and a gOlld sch ool. Bridg~ foll ow e d the dllln er , Mrs s~e graduated fr~~ Christs Hos- " ' close of. the Civil War. pres ide_nt for th e coming year. t ime to sturt t h e sch ool yea r. All J .. O. ~artwl'ight receivi~g a Expert servic'e " • Several me mbers of the local Followll1ll; the 6 q'cl.o~k. dinner at parents lIhou ld co ns ider t his firs t I\Irs. Har vey H y~ 'and cl a ughter dall1ty 11l'lZe for having the highest P!,' nurses trammg school at CII1Clllnatl. d . gIven. on SWISS lodge will nttend t his meetin g . the Hum,lton ~T11I, IIIlttatory se r- activity as important to th e m· ns r eturned TlI esda y ev ening UftCl' 1\ SCOl'e, Mr" B~addo~k graduated from a\, A l11'! rle an. wtatchEemB'I\n our re ___ _ _ _ _ __ v,ices were 'b eaut ifully rendered t h e fi rst day of school is to the p\e8~lInt viHit t.o reli\tiv es in 'l eve - - - - - - - - -WayneSVille HIgh Scbool and also pal , td epa r t. men, d cent an d Iiy Queen E t.ha r , Lodge o f Leb- ' chil O. . lund. Mrs, .John Fritz, n (' Hal,el attended t Wilmington College, He prom'p serVlce a,ssure , Store open TO ABANDON ROAD anon, ' . WIl ne Tw Moth er's. Club 1I li s bl1ry . uccol11 pani('c\ th e m lind WITH ' PRAYER has ' been a succe..'IIlful ,teach'er in 'evem~g8, . C~ry s Jewelry Shop, - - - - - ._ , - - - . Y .: p. w ill rel1'luin for II vii. it t her pa r'. - - - .N , Burlingt. Detroit, T ole do & Ironto n - - • en ts lIf,l'. l\Ir·. W. p, ulisllUry, "Washington The P i rs t C_ National ,hi;. I d o n.L Scho.ol i I where he . Lebl!n. on" PO~ONA ' At ' ' LEBANO~ H, was OPClI.ed Sat, j IS emp oye as pr nc~pa , Rev_ and Mrs, J, J_ Sch "er, R~[.oad f~t" Friday ~s~ed ~he _____ 72 "DEGREES Mr, nni! M I'S, G eo rg e W O\l llllrri; urday with prllye ' a nd a ,Sonnon , _ . ___ • _ '. Misses, Annie arid Marne Br Ii P. h,le . u I lies eot,nmlBslon _ .. or " nnd fdnli1y of Be lmo nt an d Mn\. by t h e Rey. J :- S~W.. Mitchell :>Ith' · U ' C'\ J aut orlty to abandon tlhat part All members (If Warren County This ti m'e of "ear wi th it ·- cool' « '''ere d th R W Wi'~ n -..... M,rB. Ella M ereu , . ....n~SS 'R NE ' 58-BUR' NET ara of. its Jefl'ei'sonville-to Kin ..... an P G ... h' k f Be l' hn Lewi~, of l:ebnllon,.y un , e ev, . , ...0 , ' . - • LI~~" Mrs, Ella B~bb, MISS Emma branch lyinJ!' between 'Port omona range tire u~ed to at- nights, always -rnuka · us. t 111 0 guests of Mr, and. Mr.. W8,I~er. Rob spective!y. - If, t here 8 HA , Helghway and MISS May Wrigbt 1Iam and Kin man , in 01' t .. tend ~he, regula.r meet illg of 'tlle winter. -To m y 'friends and 'Pa- erts lind fninily, and M IS. Opal pr~yer IS tn ej.lded,. for 1;lLllklinlr Floyd W, Harrres8, o:f Belmont. m otored to Serp.ent Mound ne"r t Il'h d In 0 .. orgalltZatlon to b e held at the trons who will c,all, I will !tive a L ' S 4 v nfternoon callel's 18 In Faye te County, and Miss Hazel Burnet, of Spring 'Chillicothe Sunday En-route borne ~oun y: e ral roa contended in Grange haT! in L ebanon ,o n Satur-' Thermometer SUItable for IIld oor e\Y ls un Oharles Haines of t he failure of tbe ' V~ney. were united ill marriage, in the evening the party with the its petition that...-the property has day, August 30, Tbe '~ermont, U8e, Also on Satu rday, ~ugust SOb' wrri yt~na~nd Nr: 'and Mr!>. L eo n-' erty bank tbe tinle of, Saturday afternoon at the Ferry Mistles Brown a hoste~es dined become usele!s for railr«,lad pur- CQunty Pomona .Grllnee will be ' I will give away ~enl;t1 s to !ac l · 0 d :-"'son and family of Middle- In the ountry has lJee imdalf4 'at a tea roo'''' \! Xe' nIa' • poses anll that It can be operated gu, ese. lit the m~etJng and will fur- and eve~' one gomr to sc"O(l, or . ua., to Au"ullt 30. parsonage. . ,... . . , only at a lou. ' to"n. ... ,, ~18 h tb e d agree ork an d pr0'iram. JaDl~ . Me CIure.

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'b~nk '




GOL't'ntors tlml Preside1lf Confer on Drought RIll,!

fROM COURT HOUSE Co ntm o n PI a. Court In till' nc:liull .. I' I Ill:' Miull1i~uurg BlIi"lill~ Ulld LOR II Associul iOIl V \ I'. 1I ~ \ ' i I'g i I lI llIl j\f ",!'it· G I'UV ·S . I ltl' (' " U, I III til' l'ed lhul th . s heri ff


to T h ' and L Olln ~t-IIt: iH t.i ll ll pUI'l' IHISC I' <) f lite I' ca l l ' IIAI'TEr< :\\' 11. 1111'111 'I I'l·II I.Phen ,' d 'Ii l h " ,'c r y ahuut ~"u ." h,' llIellliulll: d . "CU I'- l' ~ llIt c' J)1 ~ II' iIJlltit)1l o f the (l1'1J - --.111""11 111. ~h,' I\a - I,,"h lll l.: I~t him, liI'k '" 111 ~'Oll l' .i O UI'III·1 Illny h avl' 'l'l!d " ,lnwullti nl; to ,:1!J7U 11':1. \ 11 .1.1", fll ,' ,,:; ~"l1l1' d " old)" fll - , h, ' \I' '' ~ 11111'1""1".1 , 1, "1 I 1\tIS 1"l d ,) "11 Ihlll. I 1':1\'" 11l'(' n f l' UIII "I',h,'!'l,d In tlt~ eMil' Ill' ;\ Ia lwl E. J l.' nn i n gs Illil. ,I' :' nll ' I1 I<'IlI ,. al1d 1It,' n ~ C' I' lll ' ..t,"1' Ihl1t II , I' il.' I,·I· . · ~ 1 \\/I f; Im ~,'d tl ,,' ftl ~ 1 dll~' I I1l1'l ~'~lI, Bul I' l,n ,'d ' 1i1l ' It' :t1!:111 : , :-; " dI d Ihill)!'< "II g'l'lIl1 l l1d" . ;'1;1 '1 ('1'1,·" 111'1'1' hI' l1"t I.: t'"llf, 10 ~ IIY Iln .111I1nJ( about I "!'I SUS \\', tll ,' 1' \ ' .•ltmning:;, it wus II., lIiI '" ~,J,d, , :\ 111111" -h, ' II :" \\a~. ~ 1:Jltl!l ).!' 1' 111 111 111 :, filII' fi 111 JII", ~"l. Ill' hn~ltl~' . add .. d. 01'1"'1'1'11 I lInl 111<: d"r"ndnnl upp<:n r I,', I,: .. ' '1(l \\I~ ""l lIill l! , , 11\ (I !' ,· 'h ,' r ali t! ~ 1l111l·, I :I\')I· . . .. ' \~ hl ' n h,' W:,s l.ill· lll ~ h pr at h rr vufol'te lhl' Cl)u r t u n F rhln . AuaThe chief executil'es of twell'e stales and of the United States COIIfer in W.shlnaton on mealures to aid 1"'/ li ln", li r~l t ho ha I'Pl'ni llj:;o l l n l ·." lh e J'(' li ly (1111.', hlll,iC I ,n,k: ~lll lnj(-rll()111 00'": :!n d h l, u r h~I\'r 'u~t ~l! und 10 o'c loc k u,Y m , to fumen who ha\'e been ruined by the long-continued drought. In the ~ betide. Mr. Hoover arc Govemon h"d , ' ~rllll'" la,fo rl' h .. "~ II undl'r E I IC lr)l d 1·.1'(' al thl ~ 1WIIll III hiS he· ~ h " "l'(1 n SImilar rl'stru.lI1l. \ II' C.u'Usc . , why h e s hu ul d n o t b e Caulfield of }.liuouri, E mmerso n of 1100011, Leslie o f IndiM'; Cooper of OhIo, Conl~ of W..t Vlr,lnla, Pollard . n Jl III':' C . , !lIlcking , l'c fkctl ll n H, " 1 wan I t o III' 1111011' 1' <1 They hu d mude e n orlllOU!i aU'lul! sOl h u I t , d f ' d. II·'"S lln C d ,UB 01 II co n ten p , lIWLI ...... Ill~ 1(lI'ri hll' ,It u l Oll to read to y ou nl lil tn lk t il you and · in lhe pn ·t fcw duys and hi ~ spit'its of Vlraln!a. Erickson o f Mont ana. Weaver of Nebr. kA, Hammill 01 Jowa. Reed of Kin ..., and repreaentativ.. of I "" ,',,'n " I\'~(' cI ilclren , . , " hl' r lli: h('lp 0 IlIl1U:C you d llr- lI'l!ru ~ trer"e"ce nt. I3I' ~i tle~, '11 1'- 0 'j I h I~~)e le~ck;li'o h P u ck ett t~ • .lovcrnora of Ark Bnaal. Kenlucky and T cnnC:llec, III well a. the Secrttarr of ArttUlture and the ~ ot the Federlll F:mtl Board, ' .______ _ .. _I,. fllid II liB if III' ' I' Ihat nnd inR your ~o nvu ll'~ct·lIcc." lick hud II ~u r{' d him lhal the Ii~ht n l ~ cau se 0 J 1' 1 i •. d "li t , tlild tho IIllln wh u 8.uld "j'1I1 I'etill\' 1';'J.;'ill tl inj( \0 f N'1 \'(!i ll 11'11 ' Iw right I' ~i ll. I'(!r~ us \\ nunt'lt,n ~uc kett the COU l't " """ " d "C' I" I' (:1I1'l' ht' r 1I1I u lh r lik(l 11I\"l.I I'."· E\'I' \ \ l , l' llin~ h illl " ['1" yli ll ~{,t' t h i, d ll (1/'-lI1 at~" o l'lkred tl,,· p l~llntdl' appe nr b~rore ._. _ _-= -=---'-~~~ __=-.-:::c-:: __-e-_- ---- - --- "~=--=-d.,' c'. Th'I " 1111 ll1 0rr t h lll Wll ~ IIh "n 1'1(l11i1(·I" I.n '" (':III \\' [\~ tlll lll, UIl 11 1III1ilu,n a ~ kl, d , )lo intill!!' dOWII to lh ,' (:\' \11'1 II 1' l'Iciay . A Ug URt 22 ~t h""Ji, I" . , ,(,Ill' 1"~h\nHltl' . ,"" 1. I Ih illk 1I(1"llll' ('a l'ri l'l i' I' \1' lit:t II "f,,1 "I .j , C'I h ill ~~ ill lhe 10 II dud.; .tu a ns we r tu CC l' h llll flrs l nnd final. 11 1111 Mu rl ,·(tn 'ISRiln, I'M I l> .f nhll HOI)) H UJl p ll C~. $!) : O l'cgo niu 1\1 1:..'1 , hI' , 1" 1'" l irl' ''' I. "' " ('a ll li "II' , I'll I... "hi" t il IIllIl! 1' hall jlJ ~ 1 I.l'\''' I III']-;\'. ·~ Ihl'e~h dll:r~('~ 1IJ.;'1I 111 5t :~ Il~' Y k L' r E"tll te IJ f T . M.. co (l!.·lJ , 11(1('111111. in Ji'I'unld ln lwp. B l'i tll:(u (' 0" I'l' in fo l'c·d , t (' I. $74 .~ \\, 1.111 , Ill' u\\ lI k(l t hill(!~ \\" '1 II ~, ,' I;'lIl1 l ill " 1" " 1 dlll'~ 11IId ,' alld h"I,1. " I n I e ~~Ise II j (' w lIr h J 0 ed. fi rs t nnd /ln nil. ll e~ t or AIITIII 'lJltl' r \llH n to Ito w 0:1: ~l lllll' , I' in rll l'r l'l! ~ t ee l p'I S(S , 1,111 I" II, " . T Ilt' fllmi!i,,1' fa .... "f "" II \' Ibtl n!C tt (' I"' ." " " " t' li." l1 ~ lI rH ncl' " nllllln ~' ve l's us ur os Inv ent. orl es und npprui Rem onl s Il nl O. Oottel'II1t1I1 / pllfL,q o r l ot~ $ 15fJ I. :W; Le w is & II I'Ilk e. SeW(' I':!, 111'1 1" 11 , ., Il a : 11(':11' IIl' r lh c' UIII'- " Ti lliniltiln ~ ~I,,"k hi , IWlI d li nd 1,1"' ,. "\\' ,,11, .1I 11 ~ 1,Ih l' 111 :1 11 ,1.- much ,~ , l l l'(: k~ ()t al. tl,ll', C"~~l't Il.p proYed fil ed : No~, 1i78 lind r, 7H In F ra nklin . $:IIi. 1!l: W. '. T lI l'to n. !l u p plil:s, J Il I1l C:L 1-1, I lid 1'Il~ Ri(· W i lsoll t o $<!70.71i: W il so n P ai n t. Co,. su pIII ,,, ""d "II, ' ,"I ,·.! It('r in (, I,i":1ltll-' midi(';l 111' Pllilltcorl UIII Ihal tlll'Y III 1"1',' 1'1111 111 11 II _ I ali I " ',, u ld he ': ,lh~ t1: " : ~ c, f 10dl ( · lIlt~h t~ ~~c F~sttlt o of Aug uRt ~Cllll1 elrl e )', d e l ,,,,,1 , /. ., """ ill:O '1l1i('t I'llil llt hri).!'''t 1I111 s1 IlI;II-;" h:"t l' .. 1.,1111'. :' II(·llIlil1:.' th l: n i~ht "11 il. HUI 1'lIl j !' 1111111., wa H Ol'lt'rel Il • \ ' c'used . • a s pc r F . n ll lt o n J It3.87 ac r es in " li eI'. $~7:..,2r,; Ol'l , ~ o ni ll B ri d go IIlth ' "I1~ I IlIII' . Sht' ha d Ilk .. d Ilt' r Ill; (, ill~ with IIt';I,lt·)'" " .. 1"', 11,1\ , 1'11\ ".,inl!: ,t 'll ~ i l} l \' Iii Iw d.' · ~ U1l1 I, f ",1 ,4 0,4,~.1 ~ h ll )1 u,e I'ela ill ' Es t u t e o f C hurles P. Thil'ki l' ld. W n!lh iflgto ll t ll'I'. Co .. I' rllu in l. $!I(I,Rfi : J uhn L Il I\' & Ihal 1111 1'<1'. II l1 t ~ h ,' (, lI lIld 111'1 r,'- IH '\\' ,d", ·rI'P I!. wa s II lit 1\l lh"" 1'sITl II " 1\C'lIt a ' \;,,' 1 '~ 1I1t:t1l1 "VI,,· ,·d hy.l lit' plallllllf lIn lts Judg nll' nt deceused, CIl!'1 a nd Cnl" l lilll' Sc:hnu b l o Son, s ll p pli[!~ , $1!I,8.t. , ' . , I' I I I ' , I I I I' :IIHI fI .." t m l l rtJ.;'lIl!e h e ll u nd thu l Estute of G eo rg e W T ' l ltOll d e 1111 ,, 1"' 1 \'a\' 111 1{ hl'lI l1 ~hl 111' 1' III lIllll· " \. " '1 11\" aU. I :I' :' Ie t· lI ~ ('( l Il' , I • sh ,,' If I ,j' . • . r ' I ' I · f' . . , - Boatl'ict' Y onkn It)t N il, 5 ~)!j7 in ,'"w ) .. ,h . . t)r \\'II Hs h(' ~ lili in l " Yoll un>!,,, s l:llId , ,) "11'1 YI,u'! " d""l'. I. IC . L11 II.I\CI II ~ilOI.'I ~' HU I cea se d: De"I' fi el tl t wp. l ' h"'ag'II ',' \\,:I ~ h.! r ('!,I'lIin:.! '1I11', ti"II: an d I " r , :lid I IIlIul d n'l ~~lIk(' lo,·t, t il "~' I(,II; . ,~c~',iI t il ~:.I: e p l l1: nl~ ~ t ~ /r the " . No.t,lee o~ osta~es fo r s ettl e m en t Curl und Cur'o li ll c S <: hauu lo NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT " 1) 11 , 'Ii ~~ Dri s('o ll ," ~ h l.' f;ui d"II "lld"I',,,n. In 11 ""I,' ,· 1,,"~hl' IlI,d X', II ttl l ~'I 'U 1\1'1'" \11 ,11 . Ill' I'('nl(' m- I ~: d . s td l i . I ~ 1.. f Ul l hCI ~ I dcrc.d :" e,~Cl f Oi h ea rIng Au g us t 18 nt S lIl'IIh N n dj(' S PII II ~Ic ' 1' I"b No ~, 1,1', I" ·,,h " i~ . . it It'all\' , .VO ll?' hv c n ll' li on lI ~, orelll ll' !' lhat hI' did I"'!" ' d th,' fI "t afll'l'noon. "Si! o f 1~ .ll The N( " YilIk Li f e Insulu m e .J o. c1 uc k. 6037. 6038 , GO:l!I, a nd G040 ill Es tu t c of. A Zlll' il1 h n o nn Bmck " t l i<'ully is. " i\ li ss' ()I~i s('oi l ~i ll"'·"I, .. r. h~ ))(,I d t-: \'., ' ~ 1~'II1< 1 111 11- I' lIl1rS " I 1I' 1I 11 · !. Hut yllu 'I'(' 1III11,):,\t ( ,: Ilt.p~lI,I)' ~ hal1, ~' l1,c~,~l' r f l'o n;1 t he , l'~ I'~ . H, ~tubus was nppo inle d J)cl'rli c lei til' p, P ile und F l' all z t o Tl'uvis HlI l'lles ncy, D 'cellsed . 1111" ),"111 1; I' e,n firnwrl. "UlIl 1I1l'n~c Il'cr that ('I' C such II 1'1' 11111 " 11 .Iu ~tl - I~' .., II. Sf, I want til t'a ll ~' ,\l 1 1' nll!-, II- ' dt flll ,I:I!lts, C I: .u. I ~ ., A" r IUIll ~ .~ ~Imtnl tllltOl o f th.~ esta te o f Ha l' No ti ce is h e r e by g ivc n t hat L. t"m'l talk, r. l i, ~ ( ' nrriIl I{U IIL ( ;1) tied , an" Ill' ('''"l1n lll''' II 1t " ld It. t lllll Iii til l' flld l hal >,1111 h:J I'1' the B. lI (ck~ 1~1l1 Ic~ c h . o f t h e m. t h e I I."L M. Burn s, d ece ast" ! nnd fil e d loti! No!!. 13 Il nd I G in F ru llklin, lic ht t" ~ "'eJl 1I1!'II in." ; dra w ill g' h i ~ l'hllir l'I'''t' II, 111'1' tIl"'1 1It1 11 raiJ I,· IlI n ullt ill t he \\,01'1.1. ~ I~I,II ",I " t ,) II .. ), II' lI l h . lIl t c r e.'t at h IS vt;> ntl o f $ 40.000 With F O>lter 'nl'l a d Cal'o line Sc hl1\1b l o M. lI ('n<ic r Ho n h aR bt'e l1 duly ap Til ,' d octor \l'h,., hud bro u/tht ('ouc h lind patling' h" l' hren d lI1 in - TIt "I'i " ~ ~1 "Ill'lhin," II I)liUI it _ " I , f l Ulll AUj(us l 4. 19.10. C unnln g hum n,nd Ro b ert J . S hRW- Be atr ice Yo nkn lol · No, 695 0 in po inte d II ntl qu u lifi e el I1 S E xec ulo r o f t ht: i':!i tu t e o f A ZIll'i ll h DOll n I",' hUIII'" (' 1II111' t .l the bt·ds ide al tel' \'al ~ with hi ~ di ~ (·I1g'lH' . · d nl1t' IIi , "I r y,,11 III~ " Ilk" llta l you'll ha n as s ur e t ,es, C pnrll)s B llk ll r, Dee l'fl eld lwp. thi s, an" hi ~ ('x l'r Sli inll w ns .'0 rl1- mnnller II'!I ~ ~~' Il\pnlh t'li,' lind Pll - ,p ili ! t·\,\!I'~' th ln!(. " I Proba te Court proceeding. . , eo r ge , HllcKmpn Iln d Jllm ps llnatG e rtrud e R. F Ollse to W HlT cn B rnc krll'Y lutl' o f W a lT en Co un t y, T emplin lot No, :15 1 ill Fl'lllI klin , Oh io, dl'C(,II, cd, "iallt Ihat E\'(~ \I'a~ intpresH('d by ll·I'nn l. '.IIld h, r~ hl' ld 11 " ra t'" ,. 1' \ ",J llk ,: ~ (;1 "n\ ~rlllt! III t lt ll t I pon l'xll f\l lnllLlll lI uf J tlllI llll M m g Wil l e IllUdo IIppnllsl'r~. , Il uted th i ~ 2<1 n d du y of A u g us t , Dll lli e l H. H ock e tt was IlPPo ln t: il. l\li ~s J) ri!< ~ ,, 11 WUs I'lHli u lI l al;;u. feur IIf hlnl. \ ' t' I)' I'plu l'I:tllt ly Erie y our irlf'lI "I' .i"killJ,!;·! I t i"I' t mine, I F(' I... i ~ it ~,'u s detcrmi n ed th at :h ~ 1 03 0 . Bill, Allow ed :lnd thl' tw,~ app~al'ed t~ hal'!' st' ~ll r lef t t helll lflg' I'th l'l': lind Iklldl:l :;il n )' '' 11 ~'·l·." h I' e~dll ill1 rd, "~'O ll d o ~'t iR in Hu n c' a nd the ca se wU s lI is- ed e)(e~~ ~ol' of t h e es tate o f Nu o n11 W . Z. ROLL 1IJ1I1N,t:lllIhn1! , . . Jo,I'C carried II'ho had ~li 'I'n ('ar..rutl~ I'."at·hl'd II lI "PI"l und 1111' . ~' t't. h ill Y" " ~ (' llIi ss('(1. ' T ., ~l oe k(! lt, d eceu sed . No b ond r e\-JlI ~h i\1 e llllll(l y , I'lI lllpens lltiOll int .. unconSCIOu s n ess lh e mClll orr for th(' II1te l'l' I\'\\ 1' .1 ' I .11'1'\1,1" ril lll~ t o. ~Iy 1'1' 1111 th l' l"lI llt I II All in~ trul1lent of w d tin g pu r - q,u,~l ed. G, H , Hnrtso,ck, J , 0 , C nrt a n d d u m l1 /!,e ~, $ 15: L. II , IJ l'o\l' n , s 10 ,I ud '(' Of the Probnte OUl't, W une n Co un ty . Ohio, elf. Lhi~ radiull~·e . . n il/I its <:o nlrn~ t, 1lI11d e_ a ( ell' lid 'f ('l)IlII1\l'Jl I~ IIIl th,· ma k " \\'I~l'" I l'l' ~ larl to lul,k ' porlin~ to he t h e la~t w ill a nd II II~h l u n~, ,~Iue l't S he ph erd w e r e 2nd es ti mllte 0 11 cllnlrllcl. .' 1400; ~ --wllh Ihe lnlJ.;'lc file o f t h e YOllng 111 et ll1~ a nd wellt ~ rnl~h t to th e ,0 y o u '" Ihat I ~ lll1pl~' cn n '.t "'!lIt ' l e~tllm e nt o f Nao mi T , H ock e tt , m ll( e al> plalse r s. J e s,.;e Tnyl "r. lab ol'. :j: G,:W : W , R. I '~I' Y"U Illlleh IOIl!!l'r. T call t hve d ·c em,(·d, was p r oduce d in co ur t N- e -w- S-u-it- . L e rlford , sam e. $0.:10 ; A 1'(lh Mula tt We Should Think So i wllh ll ut . ~''' l'' I ral,l ' l r(,lI lI y hrea t he :llId ud llli tt('d to probate, sa m e $7 ; M, E, JlIn ~R . Sli m e , $8.all~' ~1l\1I1' \\ 11l'1I I III Iwl Wll h yo u . I 'I' hl' la" t wi ll and testa m cn t of Da n Lo ng vers us Th e Muxw ell 4n ; Rl a il' unt! L u Ho y, hll u.ling Ml1 n y II mlln w ho hll ~ " g o n e o ver I "1'.1', II ut thn .I'I.'" hn vt' I~b!lut I O rphll H oelw ll, deeeusc I, wa H pro- Pup er' C Oll1pnny, The Logan ~on g g ravel, $U6 , 38: , .F l'n ~k . q Uir es. t h tllP" w ou ld !;h ri nk fl'o m a ctin g l\I'd\'\! .hO IiIS u till Y rtll' IIn·a lhlng." i dUI' ill cu u r t a n e! a dm it t ed t o Co m pa ny, Th Miami Valle y lubo l'. $4,flO: PllIhp ' tl lIl1/!'. m ow- i II:; judge o f u b nuy sho w , " lr l' POI()lL' tI I'U~. a 1.1 " :;lI rtcnc(\ th u Jll'lIbnt'. ou t e d Pape r Oo mpany. Th e ing wceds . $21.50; A I Ni ch olu, I \\ 1I1'l1 ~ \\ Ilh II ", '111 11 (· 11(' Iuvc d. I T h e las t wjll ad te 'lll m c n t of F I'a nklin B Ol1 rd ond' Paper Gom- sam e, $ 13 .50 : Milt Nay lo r . su m e. "Wha "I' il? " .hu l ab o u ~ Ih e Lllfuy t·tl Nil!!lO lso n. de~el1~ ~cI W IIS pa n y alld Rays, in co rpo ruted. Th e $ 13,50 ; Roy M ull oy , ::m llll?, 13,Maybe So t~I'ch'I, ::'h,:n ~'a n t hr('.albc.! nil . pnli luce d ill CU lI rt un,l a d m ill <' Q to pl n intJrf r equ es ts that th e d e ( e n- 50 ; E . G, Mull ny, same $ 13,5 0; .I Il,lI Ilkl til I e t l lhut I I.n !It r ug- pr llbale, W, h estl! r Mflp le II U- dllnts be r estra ined f r o m pa ying Lu wl'l' n ce H o u l{ h, M lII l·. $7: Bl air Don ' t ca ll 1\ llIa li lazy too hn st;'lt n ).!' f"1'1. I,"·(,lIl h whl'll I 111 .u II'ay cepled t h e t.r ll s t as exec u to r. No- a n y m on ey on sl1ld o ssignme nb! to u nd Le Ro y, furn is h ing a n d loa d t rOI11 YO u,', bo nd I'e qu lr ed , B £' nJll min V : S llI ith RnYlI, Inco rp o ra t cd during th e ing g r ovel, $3G2,70 : lIam ld V, t il y, T h e poo r f e ll ow my b e su f (l o vv con tinu ed ) .I. 0 , 'a rtwrjg ht nlHl W illifl lll p, pe nd en cy of thi s a Clion, and that Mnrtz . sa m (', $6 0, 75 : H oward T . fering f !'Om vo l ulltll r y in r t ill. Jl IlY were marle appmisel's. R ays, in co rl1ornted be r estrilin ed Coo k, SUlli e , $ 11 0; The W est e rn Acco u n l s fil ed: 1'1'0 111 collecting ony of th e Stn l', legal adve rti s in g, .$15.25; T·~till ' ot A np it· M, Wilson, d e- m oncy c illim e d du e frOIl1 th e plnin The Franklin h ro ni cl e som e $1 3 ,13; lll kaitu Mfg , Co. 811pp lie!l, $2 . tease d, flf·"t 1I nd f\ nnl . tiff. E stnle of lI enry B UI'!-(e. d ec!.' I.1 ~Firman E. Upd y ke vers u s ElizlI- 75; Bo ub , -Mc rrill o. Pu b 1i hel's , t, tI, fi l'~ t, fimli an d lIisl ri butiv e. b e th M, U pdyke f o r divo r ce , O. Digest. $.12 ,5 0 ; B ell P ress, s u pIn till' cmle of Th ' Le bano n- C har'ges a re extrem e cru elt y, The pli es f o r s urveyo r, $2,50 ; The rJ tjZl' lI ~ NaUo ll td Bu n k a nd Trust pl ll intilf requ ests ollm o ny nnd Co lumbu s Bl a nk B oo k Mfg , C o, ('I IlIPUIlY u, lI!'s lgl1l:c f Or t he b e n e othe r r el ie f. s uppli es, $2 .4 0: Th e J ohn so n-Wa t A BllttI e r e e k ph ys ici an SIIYS, li l of lh e cred ito rs o f Russ ull J . ell' YOl'k Life Ins ura n ce Com- so n Co. suppli es , $8.flO; ,J. M , " on. tilla lion is res p n ns ihle fol' HIJPPY L " d y Find. H e alth After lIIurr uy. pl u inti ff . vmmH The F'c cl - p a ny ve rsu s Samuel C oo pe l', Leb - S n ook, s er vices IlS m c mb er Sol- m 1' (' llIi ry t h an nny ot h e.I' c au s e.' I rnl Land Bunk of Lo ui s v ill e, K y. , u lI o n, 0. , R. R. N o. I, G e r t rud e E , di er Bu r ia l Co mmi tte e, $ 1 ; John Bu t imm e diute re li c( hus been Lo n lr Sea.rch--G ive .. ~ All ct II I d 'fc ntlullts th e cou r t appr ov 'oo p er, L e banon, 0 " R. R, N o, I , Hac k ett, ~um e, $ 1; M, H : Os wa ld fo und, A tablet call II R exa ll Ol'd"You unde rstand, don't you?" wa.• her ope nin g quest i on. C re dit T o N llW M e<licine l e d I' f t h e Hil e (rf'r ea l es la t e to t h e 1 F red J , Pie r, o n , 2 72 Brooklyn & S o n, burill l o f Mll rglll' t Bretn ey e r li eR hilS bee n di s cllver(!(1. This I def en dant al Its bi d of $'6 100. I t A ve" Dayto n, 0., for m on ey. The ;~OO; Le bll no n I ce & C oni .0 ,. icc tab le,t Ilttl'lIctS wo t el' fr o m th e , YSma n who h ad bl'cn in t h e g r o up . . point o f hi ~ v is it. \V IIS o r tl c ;'e d that l h e pUl'c hll s e r I a m o un l cla im ed $ 29 4 6 ,7 2 with inI' c~urt hous ,:, $1 3. 5 0, Th (l I te m Into th e l azy, d ry, evuc uut ing li nd tI e cyes of th ose c hildl' l' n , . " It Illuy 1'(' li· v y01l 1' l1l illd, lil Y pay 10 thc IIs~igl1 c(' th e Rum ot : t er est nt "'Yo. on $2944 ,41 from ~ oo k Shop, s up p lies, $ 1,:10 ; E .. D. , uo w e l called th e' colon. The waler an ll th cver mll l'c I'cce nt ni g hl - dcul' t il know I hn t I IlllvI' ji lled ~~5 :!' 71i n ll d t hat th e ba la n ce of I JunulIl'Y 1, 1930, f o r ec fosure of h o mps~ n. , I,~~ ~,nd l't' plllrS" loosen s thc dry fo od wa s l e and mure . . a b lack wu ll , . . . YOll. " hu ell lllf ll r t.ably .11l en till 11 I! I! , l h e p u rch as e pl'i c In the am o unt mortlfoge (\lId sale o~ r eal estnte, $ 168 .8 9, Rel,f!' El eclIlc S h o p, ~ul?- CIl U ~ !< !I g(l l1 t l ', t h o r oug h , na t ural "B ut, nlY G od , Doctor I" I-Ilim il- vJi nking' OIL h(' l' w ith hi:; nl'a r -s igo h t· of $6U4 /j ,25 u e Hpplic d as purt puy : d.c"cnbe d h~ th e p eti t IOn, ma rshal- pli es,. $ 2: 1 0, Tru lltc es of P.ubltc 1 m VCl1I cn t wit ho u t f orm in g a habit to n f\Xp lll d cu. lu te th e n ex l n igh t, ·d eyefl. " W he ll a gil'l rll n s IllI'ny , me n t of t h e a m o u nt f o und to b e IlI1 g .of , h e ns , the defendant, Affulr~! lrght wot?~~ , A'a ut or e v er Increas ing Olod ose, " m ll kC' n ll owance fol' m e , Of to A' t' l u l o f murryin}!' 11IC' . ~ h e ' due The F ed eral L and Bank uf Fred J, P ie rs o n , s hall be require d m em o nal Hall. $ 6 .33 ., Wtl l lnm Ne l l • t OI) s uff ri ng fr om co n stipnco urs e I' Ill happy oVC!' h pl' I' e cov I'Y doc. n 'l have to MIl! II n y 'xplanaI Ln u i ~v ill l', Ky. , lhe PUI'Ch l1HCr, o n I to se t up their interest in said r eal s~n (per Dr, ~.~~nk Dllatu s~), In~ - li nn ho w 11 Rexa ll Ord e rli e at JRn't it w hat I' ve ue e n working fo l' .li o n ufte l'll·ol'd. J've gl'll . JlI.'c1 lh t:' its m ort gage li e n . _ _t ate , If any, or be forever b,a rred 01 ~nd matclI~I" $ 10 0 ,5 1. Z~1n "i~ hl. ext d oy b r i/:'ht , Get 2 4 for n il alo n g? B u l can'l yo u see my icll'lI thai s hc d oes n'l 'HIIIL I1IC, I T he 'CUUI I lIut h o r iz ed Hu r ry L . nn~ a ll further le gal and eqUitabl e A:mltage , furl1l s ~ln g und loadtng 2 5c t oday o t th e neurcs t Re xall Danno Iy g um 'd ia n of G eo r ge I'elr ef, • pos iLio n'l S h e " does n 't k n ow me B loc h ~:lYS [' rn npl !' uhll ·. <lnd 11l'1'- i ,,' glavel , $ 1263 ,26. J , K, Spe ncel·. Drug Stor e. A dn m s Dru r to g re, L '11Of;c hnk, an inco mp et e nt . t o ex C ~!1rl e8, Golllns , v e r s us Eth el Sllme, $374 , 26; Frank H a ll grav el Cr,)m Adam, P ve g"t tn will h e r all ha ps .1 '111 n o t. BlIl I (' an f.{l.'t I hll t OYl.' r IIgai n." much. ': p en d o u t o f hi s wa l'd' s f und s !llIch Ma l'le C" lhn R f o r dIvorce. Charges $ 14.1)0; John so n nnd J o hnson, " Yo u hllc!n't w(, n h e r Vl' l'Y mu ch " Tlwl'l" s nn ' ',nl' in tlw II'n rld I 'd I:: ~ U I11S !IS lIIny be n eCl's~u l' y fO I' are extr m e cruelty and gross l!uard r a il nmteriu l, $ 4 2,:l2j Th e ra l hpl' hnv\' II ~ a fl··il'll" ," ]0; 1'(' H:1id , c1" Lh illg nee de d b y l he wurd ne)! lecl. o fm '," arrick f l'u nkly Ru id, Lebonon Lumbe r C o. , ~lIm e , $2 6.- ..~- - - - - - - - - - - - "You c a n :;ce he r f nl' 1I few lI1in- "AmJ as a 1I111 11 Il!!(' 1'," !lhe ndd (·d ' :.:' Til th e: s ct tlt.m elll. nI t h e 'e!1ta le St~ti e Cau~iIl v er s u s Ma r ion 64 ; The Cincinnllti Oil W ork s 00., Il tes 10- 1II 1I1'I'0W ofte l' noo n, " h(' ll1 il r e s l, l f' CII II :ll: illus ly. "r~lI t j! I'r- ' o f .1. A. U,u n S'il n , d eceased, th e net Ca udIll f o r dIvorce. Chllrges are gos, $170; Fronklin Mo tor Co " r epromi :ed , " In t h e m eant im e I'll har ~ yo u a 1'1' l hl'III1j(h wilh nIL' ," 1'1I 1ue (I f l h e s t ale was $2 2 0 ,6 11, . cr u e lly, lind n ~ gle c t. , pail'S. $ 18 ; Th e Mo rrow Garug e, puve t h· wily fo l' yo u by tellinl{ hrr I " I'll nl'VI'I' h I' t h l' II Ig' h wil h Y(lU. 7 2. 'I'he r . Ill'!: s i xty-e ig ht s ucces~oul e ~ll11th vers u s ,Lennr e s am e, $1.90; H. S . Gon ov 1' , s upRESIDENT 1.0- 1I1 01'roW 1I 00 n a s mu c h us s h e's But YO II [I n ' f "('e t o marry ll n y S()I'~ t o t h e eRl llte. ' ~ n:l1 th ~Ol' divorce, other rehef and pli es, $26, 70; The S ight F eed G en ub le to h ea r, aht) u t h er ell ' C u nd o h e yo u li ke.' ' Ac ~ ( , u n l s filNI : II1Junc~loll allow ed. e1'lItol' C o " oxygen, $4,15; Blon" I don' t want t o lI1arr y nn y Oflt' E Rtate of I. lo~· cl David Dakel', d e l\:1arle Roehm v ~ rsu s H. R. Trl- r.heRter Machine h e l' Goo(1 Sumll ri tun , That o u g h t S ho p, repai l'S, to sta r t you nO' w ilh n ba n g, a nd \ I':v, 111 11 1'111 111'0(1. ' cCllHeri, fir's t n n ll fi nll i. vett and ~ . E , Tl'lv ~tt for money $6.76; S , C. Aloxand er . Ruppl ies, J' II kl'cp h I' co nv a lesc in g ll c r e 0 11 "N 'Jl l o-dny p prh llps. Ill' tn-Illlll'E~ l ot(' flf Li r.:d' V , B rew e l', d c- o n ,11 PI'u lI1l ss o r y n o t e, t.h e a mount $2.15; Hnrry Hill, coupon book s , II> PERMANENT LOCATION ~tl~ ehr weck. or tWQ, so y o u Cll ll i r o w, bu " MRS. E, L. ~OHEE (' ells<,d, fi r~t and fin,a!. cllll~l ed $1112.86 with mteres t on $92.30; William 'P, O eder, hauling ' I~I !'I lhe ,J o u, ·h e' ,;. got to be Jl l' nden'l<ln now ,kn uw all a bo ut An in Rt ru n1l'l1t o f wI'i ting pur- s am e am o unt fro m N evombe,r I, gravel, $10; Trus t ee s o f Public m'~h ty q UI et for a \~hll (]: . Ih fM1lI1l 1 m a lTillj.{I', a'n" Il I ·o ' ~ I s ult t. rcd fo r mal1 Y yl'ars w it h po r ti ng lil h e th e l aRt will nnd 1928 at 8 0/0 and payabl e seml-sn- Affnil·A. lights a t fulr g r o und . $1; LEBA~ON, OHIO John Howllrd, 1 chain $1; Th e ,J u . t now t he g irl Is h aV in g so m e t hing nboul Lh' whirl\l ind :;tomll l'h tro llhl (' ," ~Ilid M rs. Eo L, t(!"tu m e n l o f J . Scott Guttery d e- nunJly, The Fam o u s Auto S upply Go, !\UP"o nle bluek ho u rs- sti ll t hi nk ing co ul'ts hip. o h e e, W e~l Alcx u n dl' ia , Ohi o, cense"" was PI' dU Clld in court for Eye. Examined Marria,e Licenae plies $93,26; Waites Garage truck of t h ose dl'own in g boys a nd a f rlli d "1 '111 ho rrihl y !\(lI'l' Y ( 0 1' the 1I':1\' neal' IJa y l o ll , " 1 un d o r w e n t · ig h t pI'o halc. ~ f u ll ot hel' lap se, Bu t lh ' tl'ag ed y P VC' tl' ent C'd .\' O U ." E ve UII Sl" H" ily opl'ral illll~ in u~ I1IU II Y yca rs u nd L ucy Borde n. e x ec u t rix of the Harold W, GorSUCh, former of repairs, $38 ,62.; Dunn and Cramer Cia..... Fitted Ifepaira HI u m o n t h v(' h ind h (' r . u n(1 a m o n t h cl) lIfcss ~' d . " 1 rllll ' t Iw lieve I Ilic l l " a:; i n II bndly I'un-doll' n co ndi - I.'Hl ll t c o f J o hn Hay nl!r B o rd e n, d e- Le banon ond Miss Wilma M. LaW-I work on equipm ent, $1; Frank ' ..- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-', ri Des a lot f o r I)utic n t s o f h o r lIg e. s u ~ h th in gs, nll ~ " \ C,ll1 l' ';C you r l! - I ilin . C as fl'l n)(' el nfter l1I eu ls a nd {'caRed, \\, U,;; IIl1thorize d to dis trl - s on, f actory worker of Spl'ingbol1! Sh erw~od Co., supplies , $47,1)4; J, It'll u p 10 m t o k l: 'P h el' rnind III u ll ze tha t I 111 (\ 11 l kll ll\\' , . , I I hl,)al ' ll unti l r bec a lll c sh o rt o f b li l P ee l·t a lll cha ltols , stocks a nd Aug u s t ]5 W. Lrngo Hardwore Co" same, . $200.61; Victor Van Riper, gas, I'W;C (' n l he o lhe r p oin l s , lind yo n W!-lS ~' · 1. !'('~ Jl o,I1 H i h l " a nd 1 \I' ll;; b n' u lh. I, ha d lil ll l' o r n o u pp 'li te \l u lld t o h e r s e lf, $83.33; Th e Kilpatriclc-Fren ch Mo CUll h e lp wb e n th e ti m e co mes, " t e l'l'I bly Of l'flld " f you when [ I'UIl lind ~ Ut h 1'1J'l d a s I at ca used ,Jose p h r, R nwleR , H a rry F , Real E.tate Tran.fer. t o r Cur CQ" gas , nnd s uppli es, ·:.J~0':l W f?U" I' 11 I..• hl' ng ~ll ee l' ful CO lll - a wa ,~/ T hat HO UIHls id iotic ll 11w . ! lllis (,j'Y' My work wa~ II burde n a nd I Ral s t o n and Alb e rt And er son w e r e Pile and FI'anz to Adam and $707.26; The Morro Wl Lumbe r Go. ~ , !J u t It' R l h e \l'lIy I f(' lt." 11 0 Ill e dieill l' [ [' r iN I di d 111 0 th e IIpp o in ll!d lo np (ll'ai!<e the r eal $312; Jesse Fedrick, plln i o n ~ hi p , " Ca rr ic k g rinn e d , " T Ulld crst llild (,I'erything," H e n le llst. IJil I'f ~o/)t1. {'s latl' i n the cllse o f Zu e H e nde r- MUI'Y Elizabeth Roesch lots Nos. ce ment, bridge repair, $6. 30; Harlan WhitH a mi lton pres e n t ed hims elf n t de l'~o n <If.{ain IH!tt('d lH'r ha lld , an d I " I II d c~ p e rll t iiln . 1 t ll r n e d to so n , o dll1ini ~lr{l ll' i x o f 'the esl ut e 23 , 2 4, 49 and 50 in Fmnklin. MONEY LOANED Arthur and Ruth Smadbcck to ucr e, same, $22 ,80; Chnrles Tnythe d oor of Eve's s it tin g-roo m a t I'.I' C' , th u ~ r ~ llll nrl e d th al .h e sti ll l\ ullj ,,Ja ,!nd thi s IllNlici ne lost n o o f Wal t C'1' H e nd el's on. d e ceased fiv e th c next af l e rn oo n. t e lll pol'a- h e ld It. I{l'"L1~' l,, " t, it fr ulII him. l il li e in g't'l lillg' Iii tire ~o u rce o f pla in ti tT V' I'S UI; Erma R, Hh o des Carl S c haub , 21 lots in Decrfield In l', Iminting bridg c , $42.35; Ghestwp. t e r Heery, same, $103.80; W. A. LOANS o n Livestock, Chattel!, ri ly obs cul'etl by a g l' Nlt a rmful H cndCl'RllIl ~ ig' h (' d , my t r l) uhl e, A f l C\' cnmp lc tin g t h e l'l n l. d r f l' ndnnt s , .. econd Mortgoges . Notes bough' Gruce Benedict Hume, of St, Scott bridge repair $6.20; Morrow o f chl'y~onth e l1lllll1 !i, Miss Driscoll ."W l' ll . t hil l" " s(' ttil' d ," h l' su id I\ulljll ia ~ 1·l' alI1H! !It. m y st OI1l Udl In th e se ttl e m o nt of t he es tute a d ,!,itt ed him , wi t h a n eloqu en t phil osll p hi ca ll y, I .. \lu i"t·>! an' Ol't'r, N,l ~ n R f Ul'm s in ; II f L izz ic V , Bl'ewer. de cea sed : t.he P et e r s burg, Fla., to Charles C. Whitacre! painting bridges, $76.50 John Rllrbin ~, Jr., Xenia, Ohio. sllI ll e , A t t hl' (, Ild ()f th e \\,(,,, 1, Eve w us illY s l omac h u l' te ,' llI ~ u l ~ n n I I d o ' lI ( t v alu e o f t h e ('~ tate. was $4584 ,- Ben edict part of out lot No, 6 and Fred Riley, same, $44.03; . Roy " S h e's a ll r e ad y fur YOtl ." s h e P( I'!n il l e d t o IIII\'I! lI e r di nn e r in l n l>!, 1,l"a t n Or u<: COIl1f' !< ho l'l of: :18 . wi t h J\li c h ell Bre wer, hus band 7. of Elli ott's Addition to Lebanon H e isel, bridge repair, $10,40; WalFrank Hughes to P. A. Kemper, ter Varner, some, $18,66; T. A. ·a id. ' hE', to o, huri lis l e ned to th e th e h ote l dinin g- I' oo lll with H nm il -/ "r Ql\ lh . 1 !< It' ('p 11'1. 11 Li n d a m in u e t - a s ~ uecess o r, , ' Gillam, same, $10,85; Emery Ross LONG OR SHORT TIME- Easy acco un t o f t h l' Sa lllarit a n 's g oo d ton. l l' l' hl'ul th tha n I hllve be e n in I An ins lrum et o f wl'iting. pur- lo t N o, 8 2 in Franklin. te)'l!,s. Also ~urveying and AbHoward C , Cotterman to Hester same, $10.85; Blair and LeRoy, " Nothin ~ t.h erc exc iling e n ollgoh ~' ea ls . All l h i ~ i ~ d ll ~ t o lhi,; W O I1 - po rtin g t o be t he lust will lind d eds. stracl1ng, Wnte and I will call ~ e fo und E ve l y ing o n a di van ~.o hurt .h er ," (: a l'l' ick clec id d, tl l!l' f ul com p o und. K onjolll ," l est um e nt o f Ge o r~re W, Stanl ey, Anna Colterman p a rt of lots 578 material, ~85 . 50; The Ma~ol1 Lum ber Co., s upplies, $183.06: Webb and ~ee you ' . Sam D, Henkle, Wayw hI c h ha d ueen se ll t to t h l.' s itt ing· und It, IV III be II li ttle Cha n ge.," nc~igll\!o to a frOI'd la sli ng r e- d eccos e d, WIlS pru d u c ed in eourt and 679 in Franklin. . Jl1 Maude Culdwell Shank to Paul Simpson, lumber, $809 . 64; The nesville, Ohio. 1'00 111 f OI' u se dUl'in g h el' co nva lesBu t It \l'n : 1'1Itht'l' exc iting, aft e r l ief fr o m a ilm enls o f t he s t o mach, fOl ' proba te , ce nce. She g llve both hand s , b ut ~IL It W Os q u it e unu ~uu lI y excit. li v" I' ki u n eys !l nd bo we ls, o nd rh c u The f ollo wing acco unls were ap J, McD o nald 84'h acres in Clear- Morrow Lumber Co., supplies, creek twp. $117,67' The Morrow Feed and fo r a m o m e nt did no t s peak. IIl g to mc et Hamil to n 's ey es a nd I l11 a ti s l11 . n e u ritis o nd n e rv o u s- p r o ved: FOR RENT Adam and Mary Elizabeth Supply Co" supplies, $10 .35 j LebT o b e t lllking to h!'r f rom th a t to. f oll ow the intonatio n s of hi s ness, K onjo la con ti n ues 10 be th e Estn t e of Mugg i e A, Bllrkalow, Roesch to James Pile and F. W. onon Farmers Cooperative Co, FOR RENT - Farm, Inquire of dis t anc e, a s 0 man s h e waR meet- vO .l ce whe n he s p ok e t o her, T h c ! 1lI 0~ t ta lked- o f m c di ci n e in A mer- t1 l' ceuse d, fir s t nnd final. i ng fo r t h e first lim c . W0 9 lhe m os t t hll1 g~ h ~ SlIid \\, l'l'e 5,! cns lI;l1 ica . E st a t e o f Me lznl' F , Bu r dsal , d e- Franz, lo t No. 832 in Franklin, Cement, $91; W . H. Madden and Mrs. J. V. Hartsock, Third street l'nck in g c xperie nce he hll,1 cI'o r en {lnd hiS VOIC,' an d I' XPI'C'S.. IOI1 \\·c )'(' I';r.n.inlll i ~ so lrl in \\' uy nesv ill e, rc a ~e d. fir s t and final. ,Jum es Pil e ad F . W . Franz to Go. ceme nt and lumber, $45.58; ·a2 ~ rill ),l'd, lI i ~ li p s !;li fi' l'ned liS Ite tri ed so elll'l l/ e n t. 0\,(,1' . t h(' clc~se l' t hi s O hi o at Ada ms Drug Store and uy E . t n t e o f Mnlind ll T, Reed, de- Will t el' P. Dcardoff, lot No. 832 in Holthaus Trnnaportati on Co., exFranklin, preSR, $3,70: The Western Star, FOR RENT- Fo'ur large rooms , \(' s m il p, li nd th e d l:~ Jleru tc dt' prcs- g uurd d r o p p cd ( tH· a ·mo lll en t. nil t h e hURl dru !,:gif' ts in all t own s ceased, fir s t lind final. ~ ioll he had f e lt si n cp .the expl' ri " Of co urse yo u lenow I'm IlIlid t hr oug h out t hi s cn t il'e section; E stute of M, E, Davis , deceas e d, VenD Yo ung to Truman Nathan road signs, $21.60; Johnson and newly papel'ed and painted olect1-ic lights, sink in kitchen: !\irs, SUBOn Paine, a27 l ') a ~Iillllli " hljf~



JlI'I'llt' I'

d (' cd

Uui l din ~













·Dr. John ,Zettel Optometrist 19.N. Broadway



5% Farm Loans




Fly by Night, Perhap., Pinky I

FOR RENT- Five rooms ' with electric lights and water Mrs Amell~ :Wllllam8,



N - No-pe!


oSHa OON''T', PL.'1 o~cJ'~! SHE

FOR SALE- Clermont range. Inquiro at this office, *s3

OokT . trLV!

FOR ALE- Jers ey cow with calf by sid e . , Earnest Butterworth, R, R. 4. ' a27 PIPES, valves '& fittings, fo.r all purpos e s , . Bocklet's line of heati'1~ ,& plumb.lng supplies are the best. ,!he Bocklet-King Go., !~W. MaIn St" Xenia, Oh~f LOST WST-White metal chain with red sets. Finder please return to' Mrs. H, E, Hathaway, . *a27


than they wexl' in I !) 13, however. Stated .aoother wily. II dollul' today will bu. only IS UED EVERY a s much of the n ecessa ri e~ of life P bl' h , liS GO e nis would hav!' bought 17 D, L. CRANE U I...r yeal's agu. Offic. Phon . ........ , ............ . No. 112 R ' du lion in th av e rage eOllt R ••id'ellc. N 118 of mun y of the item s which 'enter ........................ o. inlu t h e cost of living is still go ing on, l)owe ve r. In the pas t ' eight Sub.ttlption Pric •• $1.50 a Year mo nthll aV(lrage food prices have - . -- -- declined m o l' than 6 pe rce nt, and En l. re J 0 1 I'". ' office 'at Wa.n " . vill. th ey a r ' s till fuIling in .so me co mOhio, a. Secon d C III" Mo;) e r Ill oditie!l. Just now , for e xall1ple, =--:m eat prices are v ry l(lw, becaul;ie the drought hu forced Illan y fal'AUG U T 27 , 1930 ' lIIers to I'us h t he ir cattle , sh ee p and hogs t o . market. Milk in th !' , IU1'~(! c iti es , on t he ot.her hnlld. i s • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ • up u ce nt a quart, becau se of th e "hOl'l s upply. I Tho biggest increase in livin g UNEMPLOYMENT rost g s in ce th e war is in , th e item s AND CHARITY (I f fut' l nnd ho use furni s Hings . Th e I _ _ _ _ _ _ • latt er averages n ea rl y do ubl e the costs of 1914, Food Is less than half again a s expensive as It was It would be interesting . if any- betore the war, clothing only body could find out, to know how eli&,htly higher than that. many familie s and individuals In Th ere arc II lot of thlngll on the United States habituallv lived which the IlVerlljre fa mily s pend! ~ money today whIch did not figure o n chari t y. in the dom estic budget before t he P oo l'houSCfl urc dis ap))C!al'ing. In war howevel'. Rad1 0 scts IIrc one m ost s cct ions of the Un ited Stute i:j of the:;c. Automobiles lire a n othe r . the town paupe r is a thing of th e So arl! e lech·ie I'e fri ~ol'atol's and a good man y ot he r kInd s of e lec t pns L But th er c a r o hun dreds of tie h o use ho ld equipm e nt, whi c h thousands , pe rha p:;, 11 milliun, of we re luxu rieA f or the very I'ieh grown· up pe upl c who d o little or onl y a f e w years ago. . Mainte nllnee and o pe ra t io n of n o .u seful wOI'k, whll e llr~ n othlllg cars, radio , e lectric e quipm e nt, which ca n be meus ureu In dollars lelephon e--thingH wh ich w !'I'e luxIIlId cents , and still mUllage to s ur - ul"ieR on ly r ece ntly but whi c h m ust vive, so m ehow. p ~ o p Ie n ~w I00 k 0 11 .as n e(' css .. ltl es-. . . . run f mlllly expe ndl t ul'es up, but The natIOn-wide a g ItatIOn of th e th ose th inf.s are n ot ffi c iall y e las·


'IL l

Case, Fords'on and otller Tractors

Th e J (ll'(lun fam ily I' l'uni ' ,1I \\':IH 11l·ld (,n IIl ~ 1 SUllday . E : lllll' ~ t J\l annon and d:l u" hl "r Mi ss Glelln a n il" ~ i , t "I ' I\l iss 1·:11,,·1 or Tip p('lItllll"(' , ' ity Spl'nt !"undllY wit h G lplln Davis an d fUlllil \, . Hllh . f'l't Davi " I'ctul'ned IlIJ lll~' with th e m t o "pend l\ f ew dO YH. Mr. und 1\1rs. Slim SUl'fnc e anrl dR ughtel' o f Mnrlon, Ohi o, sp!.'nt unday with the Davl family.



Tra : tor Demonstra tion ·

I 7 machinN\ tlnd tl'~I('k Iliad d wi lh Iwo pll' al (L' llfl ed th l' Lllflti ~ illJ.( I lit Ol'c,:ullia I'll I II ~ I :udny IIf rl,' I'1l {) ll ll . Th t' Cf'llwtl wa~ I'~ IllIlIt,,<1 HI 111 (10 IJI' 111'11'('. It SI'!! II I!''' 0 s lh fJ IIgh lH'ople \\'CI'!' th l rC' frolll C\'('rv ' " hCI'!', I hpl'(' \\' ' I'" 1\I bllpti~ HI'\'. ,I Ullll'~ Lal1 lh or \\"" .v nesvillc ultic ia lt d. TiH'I'e wi ll L.. an Cl thl' I' !Ja'1ti ~ 1ll in the l1<,al' future. I I . 1-:. T homps(lfl W:l ~ lIw l'(' with . hi s l'III1Il' rU " lid tll ok >« 'I'l'ral piet . I IIl l ~ ,, (" th l , 11l1'':~ el·II \\,d. ,




afl" 1 n""II. 'I hl'l ' \\ ill I... pl'lIyel' IIll','lill/< lit (;1'1;' n BI'iI\1' liVe ry Tu e~d "y lind Thul'. (Iu y ,· ,,(' n in/! . .





Itwo -thirds greater




At the farm of Ed George, at

Bel't Buga n IIl1d Roge l' Da,·i. , at tended t h(, O ~ hl)l'n reunion lit lh e B (I ch Grove ('hurrh ill Clillll, n (' (l lInt ~· 1) 11 la~t !'Uci Il Y.



4 4 ~ I r . lin d ~II ', C. M. I\ illlll' r nnd .. ,d ' " ro: I hi , IIh" lug raph I'au l and Hu rLl ~ (' I, nlll' r II I'" . .. .. '- c·.V"Ily nea r hi. camp on the . vi s itin g' re lalin'!; ill ," "rk. 8 ~_" I1'" _~ .• I n" I'll III 1\11'. nd 1r~. Havlll"'1I1 ~ .'--' -.- " . -=-=-= 1('an'. AU g'lIs t I . ~ (,", itulll' l·t ....::. = -=- EUl-il·nc. . I 7 I HARVEI'YSBURG Iii·:

' , . III 1111: 4lhl~ ~iJ llio "I









!\: ('W






2, 1930



miles miles miles miles

S" E. of Harveysburg N. of Clarksv'l ~ W. of Wilmington E. of Waynesville .

f e w 1I1 0n l hl; over th e IIn em- ! s ified as 'c osts of living," since . Wrll.e U. Up p loyme nt i'l ituntion ha s r evive d in - we c uld get al o ng witho ut t h e m if Mr. III III I\1r~ . W. 11. Lnl'kln nn d tel'cs t in (his s ubj ect and hU M d is- we hud to. H o we ver, lV e hav e set l'hildl'l' lI have n tlll'II NI t o th l'i r I' closed sO lli e int c r esting alld pec- II standard of living in America t o In hl!l wrlte · up of II home home in D n lllu s ('u ~ . 0 .. " ' hc re ~'r . uliul' cond it io ns. 'rh e tota l numb e r whi c h in t im e we s ha ll have eleva- tn le nt p inyan <!kluh ollla edit or ----Lurkill i>4 dirl'l·t ul' f /l lh l l' li c~ in 1 t o be o ut .of jobs, wh e n com pared t e d the whol e nation, and that in- ~'~~~e~dei~ a . nc lg!JI)O r f o r hi s MI'. alld . Ml's. H p- I'v e Gal'bc r n f Ihl' (;()~h e n 'I' wp . !'ch""k wi t h the totl\.l numb e r u!!u olly em- cJud es the upk ee p of bobbed hair , I pe rs onat lull of a gl' I1 ' Port Will ia lll alld MI'. an d Mrs. 1\11'. and l\I rs. ~J. G. Ph ill is ilnd plOYI'd, sh owe d a wid e disc repancy the pri ce of go lf balls and num er- tI e man ." Puul Garbe r 'In 'l eh ild l'e n ~ f ~ on a re I!u ('~ t ;; o f 1\11'. a nd i\I r~ ' 1 Inves tlgatoMr:. pa rti c ularly in the o us other items w hich d o not figCov in gliln we r e ru esdu y g' u e ~ ts of G. A . Phillip. . . large cities, discovered t hllt most ure at all in t he av e rage citizen's MI'. a nd I\1I'R. Homill !, humllke l' of the un e mpl oyed didn't reall y budget anywh e r e e lse in th e w o rld S ubscribe l or Th e Miami Gazet te lin d Marj or ie. Mr. and M,·s . C. A. Il ickin so l1, want work. They e ithe r wllnted a Mi ~ s V iruiniu and Mi~s Bl'Ily lI aw pllrticular kind of work, whi ch was ____ -= =~ _" = \\ . W . Bl ac ks lww, Mi~s Paulin e kin ~ m ot o l'('d t o H unting'l"n. 11Id., not available lit the ti me a nd place li nd .Joe Black s huw o f Su pl' rior, Frida y to vis it I' c la t i v('~. or they wllnted c hllrity. "-" ' _. Wi R" ,~ p e nt the HI'h' pal·t o f th e Th M ' W h b I In severa l parts of the country wee k with Mrs. Llluru V Reed . .~ ul'y I\' CS, ~ ~ a n~ 5 li nd large farm erg we r e tr ying to ge t Mi i'l s Fl or'lIll o nd Recd and' W ll l te~ la nJlll es we l'l! e nt l' rt a llH'd III thl1 l labor , nnd we re willing to pal! high n. Va rn t' ; Th ey d "' ra ~t~d on W ed- hOIll !' ~ ,f Mr. u nd M.I'~. R. n. CIII- 1 ' S ub. cr iLl' fil l' Th e Mium i Ca7.ette wage~, but th e un e m ployed or th e II l·sday f "r I'itt:;bul'/<. where lh ey I lett, 1 h u..,.,day even ing . c iti es would n ot go to the co untry. w ill' lIIake th e ir futur c home. Qunrlerly Co nfe!'f' II (>u \\'Il ~ h... ld In all probnbility more r ea l d is, " ;" . " .' ~ 11 I he frl. E. church. ' unduy 1'\' l' I1 ' \ I tJ'ess IIlId s uffe ring has be e n cnusrh ~ \\ (.kn,nl c iu RH of the Ioig-. Dr. Gco rJ.(e, dl Rtrict s lIperin . ed by the wide-spread drought t han .Jonah s Hun S und ay. ('hoo l will t en /l (' nt d(' llvere d the H('I'Ill Un . Wath Dependable . d t' I I h' h f I nr('~ l' lIt the tu "l ~uux "Th ' T e n I • V b Y tlIe III us ria s ump W ICO· Vi rgin s" a( the churc h S und llY MI'R. J . L. on ul.·d and daughtc r I Serum and VirUS lo wed the Wall Street crash. There t t l 1 I f evonln g, AUJ.(tl s t !i I. Ht 8 o'elork. ant , un I' e ~rn. Ol . u elil uy .1'1) 01 a.n • are m or I VI~I t WI t lI re 1atl\'(,S In Ph one 93 · e people . th on I thehtverge If 1ofI _ Evoryo n , IH co n ll!lll~' w el ~ o l1l c to ox l ell(lel Insures b 0 th Safe ta t s rva Io n In e ( roug -n ec ('( -~.---= nttcn ci , Mont ll no. dis trict thun were brought to that ty and Success co ndition becll use of un e mployNEW STANDARDS g r ent bUll c h . Th c Wil li around us Mnr y Caro ly n Luken ;:: and \\ ' il. MI'. lind J . C. P ickin a lHI ment. was brok e n d own by f r ie nd ly lium Campb e ll attended 4-1-1 lub SOli of Dayto n art' guesls III t he This is 11 situation in which A man wh ose wife had di ed, hands. We were n o lo nger al one. Camp at Cu mp \-Io uk th l' po s t wCl'k home of \I1rs. A . II. Harlan. chadty i. cu ll ed for, in many in; leav ing him h eartbrok en, was com With whllt eage rne s we porcd '1'1 -~ - - .. Harveysburg, O. stan ces. The !JO liey und e r which Illaining bitterly. SlI id he , "I ov 10' r eve r y le tt e r'• What a I' 10' li ef 't . ICn'MeC,VI n> .C oI mmuity luh t hl'l andr I W ome l'agu l' he ld th e F ede r al Go'ver nm e nt is plan- have bee n a m e mber of s uch a lld , was to an swe r th e t e lep ho ne or th e _a nnu a l ~ icni c in" lhe Gym Th ur,;. Phone 31 ning r e li ef measu res will mingl s uc h a c hurch for eighteen y eal's, fro nt d oo r be B, and_ t o hav e a dllY l've nin g . . c ha rity with bus iness-lik e m ethods. li nd n ot o n e man o r wome n in cha nc e t o talk. Fed e ral fund s will n ot be g ive n that whil e co ngregatio n t oo k tim e A nd nB thr oug h th e years I hud Th e laHt hnnt! co n ce rt of the awa y loosel y, nor will th e y be le nt even to write m e 8 le tter . th o ug ht thut words w er e futil e ; ~l' H ~O Il will be J.(i l' ( n t h i ~ W ed nt'son in s uffi c ient s curity, if P res iH e proc eeded with a hars h th at a messag e m ight be an intru s - dllY eve n ing'. de nt H oove r has his way about it. c r iticism of th e c hurch, and of ion! The Dos t e r fami ly nttcn ded HIGHEST Elich case of s ufferi ng wiJI be folks in general. clI lling them 1'1· G t h . . C lint o ll Assoc ia t.l·on 'It \ ' 'Igo j udged on it!; ow n m rits. A man ' s f h;h and cullous. I sympathized rea c anges are go mg on m . 0111' CASH n e i/<hhors kn ow what so rt or a' with hi s emotion but his co nc1u - Am e r ica, anti II new ord e r of so- day ( hi ' w e k. PRICES m a n he is. If he is s hiftles!!, a poo r I s ious about the human ruee wer e ciety is in lh e mllkin~. Mrs. Lida Stu. mp, Mr. IIn(1 MI'~. farm er, th o t yp e whi ch clln never t oo swee ping. As long a.s t he co ntm e n t was a n ' J oe BOj!'a n urI' 011 o ur s ick lis t. all PAID get ahead, il would be 11 waste of l Peopl e on e n seem thoughtless 1I.lltumed w ll de.rne~s ther~ wa no ill a Cl'iti ca l co nditi o n. = ==-' f (1I1l e f o r t.he nICetIes of !afe. Only . 30 Yea rs Expcol'ie ll cc in Al ice a lld Ka lhlee n Gra y e nTH~ JOURNEY ONWARD pu bl IC . unds to l end him mon ey because t hey d o n ot know just h ow t he stl'ongest hunter or th e mos t Fi tt ill J:( a nd Making Gl o~sc ~ wit h .which to get n fre s h s tart. to oct o r what to sa y. Mu ch that is vigol'ou t; tr ee-c ho pp"r was honored ~rtll in c d the " Su n s hin e BOI)gt !'r" by Thomaa Moore - at- · Dettel' let th e Red Cross stake him bra nd ed liS h eartless ness is really Th (; n eam . · th e pe l i d o f inc r ea class o f ,J o nah's Hun undh y CARY'S J E W ELRY SHOP ing population and mounting Sc hoo l F riday ('vcnin g . lind his famil y t o 'f od e noug h to diffid e n ce. As s low OU I' ship her fOllmy tl'lIck t id e them over until he ca n get For yenrs I hes itat ed t o write or Every Tu ,,' d ny, Thursday, l\1i ~ s H ' I ' n an d Owen Ha l'ri s !I f Ag ains t the wind was cl eaving, another job. Thll.c is charity. s p eak to anyone who had s ulfe r e,d wants, and th e f ever is h eff ort to Saturday But th e fa rmt'r who owns his the loss of n relative 0 1' fr iend. pr od uce. Captains of indus try Day t n we l' c hOlll e ove r th week- Hl'r tre m bling pe nn a nt s ti ll looked PHONE 8F3 d H were wo rs hi ped, and lIIil\i o nair e~ end . back - I and a n will put up a s security'.' ow e mpty and futil e my words wcre our heroes . T o t hat dea r ]sle 'twas lea ving. HARV E YSBURG, OHIO f o r a loa n from th e Federal Farm wiII s ound," I thought. " What an Nit' b' • b Gl e nn . Sne ll ,.. IOU I' d in lhe La' 1I1I So lo th we ]lurt fr o m nil wc love . Loan Board, or whose neighbors impertinence it is for m e, who am ow p opu a Ion egm s cO I' J \VjII ind o r:;e his notes to the Fed - ,' well and b. lessed with an nubroken 1Il 0re n early stlltiona r y. E n o ugh of ut OW l' n ~vi ll e F u ir W edn esda y. Fro m 1I1\ the link that bind li S: d·t b k . h h Id t . t d If evcl'ything ca n be produc ed by MI'. and Mrs. H. H . BI·oo k." a ll (1 So turn o ur hearts , a:; on we r uve. · t I'll I I n t e l'me d 10 c r e I . an s, I" QU!W 0 , 0 111 ru e myse upon f e wer hollrs of work. L e i nre has ~ To th ose we've left be h ind us ! on a diffe r e nt foot ing. He is e n- s uch grief! Surely it will only in- co me s udd e nly, a nd we s hall h ave fllm ily a tte ndl'd th e Broo ks Retitl ed t o n I un a nd will be abl e to ' t e ns ify thc burt." ne w s tandard s. uni on in .Indillml th e past week . pay it back in lime. Th e n o ne day dea th cume to o ur MI'. lind Ml'fi . Fl'Unk H ough, Miss When, ro und th e bowl , o f vu niHh· _ _ _ __ • __ . house. Suddenly the world was Anothe r gen e ration will n ot Eres tine and W illi um H oug h we re cd y ears striPE cd from u s. All around were hllve liS its heroeR e ither so ldi e r s W e talk with joyou s sel' m ing', FUNERAL DI~ECTOR 'n ' f ' d t ]t '11 Fridny g u ests of Am os· H ough. _ _ __ _ _ _ • ]J I'Op e goi ng about their w ork and o r ca p""lIIs 0 III us I'y. WI With s mil es, that might as we ll be , plllY liS us ual , luu g hin g, h oping, g ive its pra ise t.o th~ s.e m en lind t ear s , WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Auctioneers I full of health. And we were hud- w!lm en wh o, IIIhenilng. large r So faint, SO s ad th e ir beaming : THE COST OF LIVING I died toget her, wound ed and silent leis ure, develop th e tec h':ll pu e . of Whil c me mory brings u ~ buck eI _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • lind terl'ibly alone. 1 th oug htfu ln css and prnetlse kllld again GROVE Fully Equipp ed fot' Good The . fir st night was agony: But ness a s an a rt. Each ea rlv li e that t win ed u s, Sen'ic . Oh, s wee t' ,,' th e cu p th at circl es Livihg cost.s have come d o wn in t he morning a wonderful thing W e n eed n ot wui t for ths next n eurly a quart e l' s ince th e end of b ogan to happe n . Lette r s arrived, gene ration in order to mllk e beLa rge Disp lay Roo m. Mr. Frank Sq uires, wife ::and e no. e we've left b ~ hind \l ~ ! T othth th e war, acco rding t o t he Bu rea u and telegrams, Peo ple called up on gi ning. T o-lillY would be 11 g oo d dn ug htel' 1\1 iss Do ra and Mrs. Am uuJ a nce c t'vice of Labor ' tatistics. They are still t he t l!lepho n e. Flowers came iii lime to s tart. Stump of H a rveysburg w e re And wh e n, in othor cli mes, we 1I 11J o ng t h ose ("om a distance wh o Day or Night m ee t T " I" pho-ne 7 Ce nterville, O. N ew Burlinaton, O. Il Lten dcd t he buptis ll1 S u nday S o me i ~ l (' ,or vu le e nch an t illg', nftern oo n . Phone No.2 Phone No. 320 Wh(' r C 1111 lonh !l owe r y, wild, and M,·s . .J el1n ie Gra ham , a nd MrR. . Rweet , .. By .If lhere T, Reid ( l' lo r ence Du ugh(}l·ty lin d MI' ~ . A nd nau g ht but love i: wRntin l! B c~ in nf HUI'veYflhu rj! !;pl'nt W e think how great had h'Cl'n our FI' ld ay Wi th Mr s. E lla F e l'l'i ~ . bli ss '10TARY PUBLIC Th e Pri ~ri lla Club me t w ith Mr~ If . H envl' n ~lIHI h ut lI~sig'n.c d u ~ . I L illi e Villars 011 la s t W d I ' T o Ilnd ,III' III ~cC'l1es II ~ ~ thi S. IIfterno on. . e nes( ay With ~O lil t' W(,'Vl' lef t hc hl nd 1I ~ ! Notional Bank



_0__ '" _....


Waynesville, Ohio

VA CC IN AT ION 1----.....::=---------


DeW r.. . ANSON · . e t ·ennanan



W a'ynesvi 11 e Ohio

W E Frost Dr...

' --- ' _._--

Dead Stock Wanted

Sight Specialist ,


Harveysburg Fertilizer ' Company



J. E McClure



Marlin &Stanley




= _. __ .


We Get the Prices SEE US



Another of Those Endurance COnle$ts



. Mr .. g e Ol'ge Juipb t' r t o f ChicllgO A ~ tr l1ve l cr~ oft look hac k li t evc. Will. Dr.wn - . Eltot e. Wh e n (,ll st wu rci ~Iarl"y gOIIlg' . WAYN ES VI'LE OHIO lind fUlllll y. I T o gaz e U.IHIIi t h,! t h l! ht th !'y I('.[\v ,' -, , " . S till fl1l11l behInd th l' m g' lowllll!. Bnhhi e McCoy o f Nl' . . II' le n no co h tl I of 1 )lca " u r" ' ~ s pf' nt sl'vl'ra l da ys with Donal d .~o, w e ll IC osc . , nnd A lie n McKa y. day . T n g loo m halh Il car conHlg'ned I ~ VI ~ I LIII~ Mrs. Cu th crin e J o rdan'



~ - 'l.

f. .,



. •,..,:'


l .-'i.;




Mi. s MIII'Y Net A nd er ~o n will US, . leave Tu "so,~ y f or W estlo wn. Pcnn I W e tn.rn t o cl!teh om' f ,!d m A' r ay wh e re sh c Will a tt e nd "c hoo l in the I Of JOY that ~ left bc hlll,1 us. nen r futul·e. - - -- - . - -Cha R. Di ll ha~ so ld his p lace he r e and m O\'pd to Paintenvill c wh e r e he has b oug h t p r operty. Mr. n nd ¥ rs. W. M. Do ug hm al1 a nd so n L sill' of New t o ns \' i\lc, Mr. nno M rR. C lare nce Shaf pr nf NOl'\voo d, we re Sunday J.(lIC. t ~ of .'\l1 (' n Yo unk e r a nd fan,ily. Willialll R o~: s o f Wa yn es vil1e, Sile nt t he we k' ~ lld with William and Ea rl Yo unker. K. E. Th o mpso n, V{. H. T e rry, Hoy !)rllmm ons and fnmil y , Ruth and Ed na. P ols o n we r e in Harveys burg on . atul'day eve ning. Mrs. Pati e nce TilO m'pso n has bCl' n qu ite :< ick, b lll i improving at t hi s wl'iti ng. MI s. fl lltt ie Rec tor a nd family (I f Ber ell, K y .• ll l'riv cd lit the h ome nf h l l' pnre ll ls II. '. Moore and fil m ill' he re 011 ,'a turdny evening. Mr. a nd Mrs. Orlando Bmnnan of Xf'l'in, spent 1' bursduy with Mr: .. lInd M·l's. K. E . ThomJ.lson and daught 1'. The


of m eetings at closed . last Sunday WIth qUit e a numbe.r accepting Christ as their avior. A basket dinner was served at tbjl noon hour and the baptis ing took place at the bridge at Oregon,a in . the G~ee n B,r.ia r

Chocolat. Jelly

RO OT FOR AND CONSIGN ) ,u r CalLl l' , ho..:s, sheey Bll(! calves t o 1\01'1 i,,- Broc k Co ., hvt' Wll'~ and ; I'ogl' e~ti i \' (' fi r m fO I' t h e hlllihest inarkl-t prices and go.od. se rv ~ ce. Union Stock Yard., CancIOD.h, 0 : [{ l, fercnc e ' Ask fi nlt ma n you m e!'

One pi nt of boiling walcl', tw o pin ch es of $alt, o ne find 11 11 :11£ ~ f(ual' es of c hocolllte, o ne-third pa ckage of gcla tin !! , two Icv!'1 InLlespoo ns o f sugHr, (J n e tcu.ponn o f van illll. Put. t h c wa ter. snit and chocolate in a sa ucepan . Stir over fir e unlil th e choco lat e melts, t h en le t it b oil for thr ee 01' four minutes. Snften th e gelat ine in a littl e cold water lind pO'UI' t hl! hniling n)ix t u re nver it. Stir until' dissolved, th en add s ugar ancl vnn · ilia. P OUI' into a 'm ould and ~ ct IIs id e to hurd e n . erve with plain 0 1' w hipped cr ea m. .~-- --- ---

. Cboc:olate Panc.k". 'Mix fo ur tnbleff\'loo ll !l . o f !l Olli", two tables poons of gll)!lIl', a cup of macaroon cr umbs, Rnd ny o tabl eM' poons ' of melted b utter wi~h t he yolks of s ix eggs and th e whites of tlir ee. Ad d e nough' .milk t o mak a pa ncake ' batter. a~d " ry ~n sm all thin pancake . Spn~kle ~v l th po\\'· dered s ugar and serve Wi t h cho colate fudg sa u ce, made by meltinlt four tablesp oo ns eaCh o f m e lted chocolate and s ugar in hal! a c!-lP Qf milk and cook to make a thick ~ )'rup,

Have your Job Work Printed






)1.' ( unh' ur' K an ~:\". :'Itt, 1 "'1., )[~'( \II d~ and '1 r. IIIlL! :\II~. ('Inll.'lllc !'-n"" k OJ J, h:UI 'n \I'(lt' ~ulllu~ ~\ll,·rll,".t\ ",,1 I' l~' 111 IIIl' IHll1ll' 111 ;\Ir, alld ~ll's T ,. FI ull; Ii IIni. u' "n" ll ( hi \ Ik n I':ml'il'k lind ) 1r ~, ;\LtI'~l.1r ,t 111 t Il(' Ii.,t'" "I' Will-In I''. ,ulk" Il l\ .JIlln:-, :n/lt!LL~ \ t1t:l~>1 I~. ,\11" nn.! ;\\I'C. Art Ul' \Y hill' :11\\1 'I I', IIlhl ;\11 " Chnrl~ (lark :' I' ~ nnu ~II· . lU Ie.! :'I1,·s. I ', W , AI"I itt" I... l"ll r '~ hl· .. lh ' , and bllj!hl \\ l'I'" .'u lhlny diIlIH'l' ].(udt ~ if,.. 11. :Ind \Ir ~. 1.,." :\I l\~ll ll. III " f .\ 11', IIlld )I I~. K, ·,.,h I' ; rnham , M l~~l'~ 1l"lllIce l :ruh:JIIl ;,nd Ihllh '\fllspn (1(\ 'r ll ,'~d ;l, "f I'I~ w\',' k, I~ :tl'h' :1( ,· ,' nlpll llic·d ;\\1'. and Mrs. :'Irl'. '(lId .\11-" ('. W. Y"" nc ,' ;\n,1 \\' hil~ tll I It 11 II' hUllll' III ('" lum!JlIs ,·h il.It"II. l h'lb' lJ lHI I lt" .. th~· uml :'In·.·. I' :llll FIlii)' "I' ])ayl (,l1 W ' ft ' t" ~J1 ... nd this w e(' k. 'I'hlil', d:t ~' dillll" r 1-t1l ('~ I ~ (.f l\lr ~. )11~ , J Il~ "ph Th"nHI ' ugl: Gl y~or. , lary II nlll ll~·. " f l't'ntl'n' ill ' , fornt(!rl~' of th is ' :'Iir', F , ,yrl • 1I "nl! ' :lttf'n!led II ·o llllllunil\, . died a ;\ I inmi \ ' alley It ,\'. , ,. t. 1' 1,·1' . i· 1"1'. )Ii ~~ Oli\'C' 11O" l'ilul ~lIl1dilY 1I1(1l nlng. ;\1 r~. f lil'\\ 1, I,!r" .1 \\' :, ) 1\,",I·ill · " '1'11111 ~ 'I'hlln1ll , hnd 1lI:1I\\' fl'l"l ld;: :Ind ,cln ti \ .~ Ih'll' \\ hl' :;n) j.!l \l 1\ ' \ ·d Ut Ih' t' ~, \ , d L l ~.f \ \ l , t'I~ . " a "l nl{, ::-111' '" '' :I 1:\lI ~' lit' c t"llill!! .\ Il . . \lI d 'III . (, 1"1111 .1..t1l1 .• :llId " .. llh lind \\, ·11 li k d . \\ ,,-< :I ~ bl"1' t hl l ,h ,'Il . 1\1111 and \ ' l\i:lll \\, '!'t ' II t' .1 ;1I111' ~ .1 .. :\'11.1 II " lal" ( ' 1::1 I' d ll il I t! n I :" ~";\ lndn~· If f t h,"' fpl ll' .1,, 1111, Ihl ' 1'1'1"" . 1·'11""1:11 n I ' 11, . · h,l' . ,\11 " !'I1 1I1!!" " '1 :Ll J. ill' I " 'l dl' ll l ' ,. It f h"r . lin and .f 1'11-. ",t',.. ;\11'. :llId :'I I I" " 1':"1' 1 "1I 1' "I:1 ~ ' .11 ,. \ " 11 11;,,<1, :l1I, i . l b . ti ll :--:'t ,l'i : J I{ II\\' , \\ l'dll ll\.. d:IY at ~ r I,d ' (' I . II 11 ' .. 1 1.; ·j, ll nI 1l1 :-: 1,(' 111 I' . III. I II" r lll<'111 II I <\ ' 11 t.-I'V i II {' \\ ,.,JI), ' II:" \. lIlt :'oll'~ . . \1111 1.. l ' j ' ll l t' t 11'Y , .'l11illi . . ulll • ;\It ,


I ' ..

Mr, Ilnu Mrs. Jesse S mith u nd MI', Ilnt! 1\1l's. Wh celt' l' or Bataviu t lHl k supper with Mr, lind Mrs,

H i1 (;'y Gib o n lind family,

!'dH<CJI . \IJ1plitos a I rs, Fra nk Fal'l" ', l pper ;1 I'll .' r,· ('t. ·sa


l\ nllelh Kiluon , o f Tol ed o i~ sp ending the week with re lut iv es.


J o hn Tu r n er hUR .. et urned 10 hi s wnrk in Adam s' Dru g s to"e aflcr

F " I' gi ft s IIn oi g-ift ~ NI ~ ,'i ~ il \"11 y ' , ,l l'\\ ('it'Y Sh"lJ. L" balll1n, 0 ..

1"" ,.1'

~" 11 :III " I I ,' ;IIP" .. I w, ,·1, <'lid (:'11 "I, a l ~Ir , :t lill :'111' ';, W altl'l

1'1 '1":1

". '1,'

th ,· hi li ' . I,

I, I' i"


"'I'h (' I/ ollle (II' Lliioll ia,


;\1 1. IIl1 d ~II >' . (,hl\ll ( ~ 1'::11'1\' and <'1 ,, 1.11'1' 11. \1'«,.., O'nll' rtaine"] io di II II' ~11I\olu~' :It th· h 'lIlll or 1\11'. un ci ;\ 11 ' . I'a lp h \\' atkill s ena l' Milll1li s blll'l!'.

l\! , . , (; , r' l'ginl1na ll ai n('s. Mr. :IIIU l\ I" ~ , Walt,·1' J\ IIl'il' k a nd .1 :1 11 11" II l1ill " 1111 ·1 theil' l!Ul'~ t" lIt 1(' 11<1(' .1 t l,,' ~ I n<l(' 1',·unio\1 at. F.n ~ 1 View !'ark, 1I11 l1I ill n. Sundll Y.

dll\, IIfter-n ooll with G ibR on ~\Ild family .




, .~



RODilne ShuDiaker Harveysburg. Ohio






..-.!. . -

S ill::! II

Keep Your Buildings Young in Years

~'!I ~. H, .1. i\dllnl ~ was tak e n t o I " 1I" .. " il al in 1)11.\'(011, t" da y. !l n t! wil l IIl1 d " 1'1!1\ UII opernt ill ll f l' IIf' l'(·n <iil'ilis. t ' tlII OITO\l' m o rllin g.


\ \'. \\', HI:t ,·k>hll\\,. , " 11 .l nO' allil ,Ja " ~hl"1' !'a llli n,·, "f ~1. l'alll. ~Iin ",·, ,, Ia. \\' a ll\' " \ ""11,,1', .\ 11> . I.. \'. Il .... d :llIeI d:lll l.d ,I ,'1' 1-' 1" " 'I11(,nd . .. I' I la1'\.(, ,', hlll'e'. ~II' <. \\'\11.. B"r 1I:tl'd :\\1.1 'd:llll!h l"r , ~",·I:" 11;'lIl a l< II nd Bell y ,I "i l, 01 wil II ~, I 1'. IIl1d .\l l s . .1,, 1111 1,I' vi and d , 'IIe' ''I , ' 1' J\1t ". 1·.1 ,, \\,111 th SllI ilh fin TIII' ~ " "~" I i'll I'. an d :\ I I' ~, (':II'I \ \ '>l r d!"w :llld ;\11' . and :'I I ,>,. ('11:11'1,'''; \\ ' ardl "w " Iwll t lIT" \\,,·,·k-('lId i ll Hl'u"'l1 "II'"1 ty , , :-" \\' lIkl' 1\ )C.1 1 o ld J)" ,,)lit) Del' ;\1,.,;. 1,I l'rllI' !'1 ;\I!"'lalt ' 1,,·r.11 . ,II r, .. 11 .. ( :-;l\, I rtl""", "i'"11'r oi th o Illd.IY wnh ;\I r~, l'r l' l' 11I :1 11 III IIl'; \I' 1"1< ,." .111 " " •.1 [, " ;\lII) Cc'lIIc,1 kid .,1 Oldto\\'n. (.~I .. 'GI" " i\ lr. (;ill ('sl'ic Th olllll . I ·rl'w. lIl1d El s wul'llt ~milh, "f \la.\ IIlIl. ('alkd lIn Mr. and ;\Ir~ . ,/ .. hll 1.", i, Tu ,dllY l·\,t'nin~, :\[ .. " !'Iltil h ontl BACK TO OLD SCENES

\11' . LlI, (, l't \\':II I"o'l' :ltl,·n d".1 th l' l. r ;, .\ . (". ",'l'lIli"n at 111(' :-": C, 11. · ,·h " .. I-II<1I1 , (·, j):Jyll)n :\llIn "" ~ II nd T I" ' ,.J I\~·, :'II ,." . ~1:ll'I.: I\I'<'! .1"h l1~ " jl"111 Thlir- dlll' II illt ~11'. · . CII:lI'I"" 1111uC'1I 1\, ' :1" \\':;yn",,·ill,'.

C;ift ~, "

I "

s on nr MI'. nn d Mrs, J , II. Sa('kL'll i' 1'('('lIvcr in g aft(' I' " ~ "ri"lI ~ i1ln(· ~~ .



,\ 11 '" .I ", (·"h l;r:t:--i. d:II,,! I, " ' 1 :11 101 ~II " . I': "!!

,' a~ nti o n,

" \\'(·«k


Melons Now .Ip·e

'I r. and I r~ , lure n ee l'aw[" "e! und fumil y' 'Ilc nt Sunday e "cni n!t with 1r. and Mrij. Hiley

Gibso n. Mi:1; • t e lla Gib son spen t S unday with Mr, lind Mrs, L eo raw rurd a nd fumily in B r o wn Co. i\I1'. I ke K e orll S and family spe nt unday with their A unt E lla Reeve s of Hamilton. !\! r s, Bert Spltter arrived home unday nfter-noo n aftel' spe nding h l't' vacation at ha lltnuqua. MI'. H v S mith and c hildre n . IIl1d ~h ... }!:1l1 1lJ:l Gibso n !l)lent un-



)11', a mi Mrs, Fr ank Dny llntl t wo chi ld rcn. (If Wincill's tl'l'. Ky .. vi, it,·d t l1l' r" rl1l l' r'" pnl'e nt s. Mr ' l :lll ti Mrs. A . 1 \ . Ill\\' rr o l11 Thursda y unti l S alurda y ilfL e rn oo n.

I, tl illSl1lUl11nH' I' " n .i:, 1.,' l,a nllll,


Many a building-old in point of service-has been made to look young in years with good steel roofing. Channeldrain is steel roofing at its best-made to give a life-time of trouble-free roofing service.

Spl'ria l, , wlI l (' h f':; and I ('a,.y·s .J .. \\·... lr y . h up, Ohio. "Th ,' \l ollle "r

Cifl ~.1!


~ Ir . alld l\ II's . ,), C, lI awkl- nnd :\lrH, JolllI Fr omm !II'<' nlt('nd in g Ih, · 21 ,·t n i ~ tri c l }\ ~Ho ('il\ti, ' n o f t he O. E. S. II I lIi\l ~b, 1'0 t hi: afll' r III""1 lind evenill g',

:\It·. :tnd !\-I rs. J , n . Ca r t\\'I'i1! a lld. i\ l i~" ,) I1 I1£'t le ft hI' nulo S un . tiny l11orning' fl,r Pncon(1 . Pin es" t il jo in i': vl'l yn :It Ca ntp Owaissa f o r a f,·w tl ny~ , Th c~' ex p ec t lo re tu .. n th e la ~t of 1he w ('ck,

;\Ii " S:IIHh SllIilh of \V :ly n e~ ­ illl' ,, "(' nt ThuI'" r111\' \\'ilh 1\Irs. dallj..!"htc·1' \ dl l l h:Ht· III'l' f) \ i:-. itill t!' - -- I B, ·II c> S('II II a ll d Mi 8s~~ 1I ('1l'11 and 11,· .. molhc' !' til-i s \\,(' I· k-('II.1 rl' IIIl'- 1 11 ,,\\,:11'11 E. [l.,·,·I", i ,~ 1'1I1'~Uallt t o )\11'. It A, r"oss. Mr, lInd Mr!', Ruth Early. IIl!d 11«111(' wit h tlwllI . I (,II~I,,," 1':I,' k in S"I illg \ '111 11.' \' [ 01' It. C: , (' r oss IIl1d1\1r. :L. C. ::it. J ohn 'II , . I :\1 " ( '. I \\'. II .! hi.< al lllllai \';l I':lti"II, lI is 'h o me . pent la s t Thlll'~dllY in Sa.-di nia, Mrs . i\I I I\'YII S"':ll1k alld three This is the kind of roofing service that I :' " 11'111·'1 . 'I' "1' '1"'" '1'" :I'.I~: t<lwn Il l' \' I' I.. ~ t it,: luJ'(', 'I' ll« ol d I t he 1! IIl'sts or Mr. Charies Frazee dlildrl' n "r Dar l" n spen1 IIH' wpck '"I ~, (' I II I ,. 111,11 nn, l'l s' I ' I I I" I I l l ' ~ T' ~ • 11\' 1 1" 1\1 ' will save you money. Let us tell you more I I"" ~, "\1l'n ll \l'ith 111'1' 11111"'l1l s MI'. and Mr ~ ( '1 clrll I) ClUg' Il I (\ r~ a 11 \'lIt I('4 I : 1 (l'nH~n l II ' \\'n ,· ,,· 1 1,· ''' ~~ .li t.· I"" li S ~(l . rn . lln' h J,l\U(!1 K' kCI. II' m .. lI n l. l~ cl. l .onl!lIc l'e. s ration fir the SIIP(' )' I\ I:li d (' "Il k Jll! In,!, us (!\'O'I·. 1'1'.,). IJ yc hl' Is." t u , III HI(, about it. Channeldrain is made of the T lI" s.IH V "\'('nill' :I t ]\/1'. :lnd "'II .. t 1111: Lll '· Ill', I ) y~he, I l l' IS , .' . . , !lfls, 1I" nry F llulks is gti ll con, \\':1',l'e.1'1. ,'1 S"'l·I,.' >: :I,r l' I"ell ,,',,1 'x )J !'l't lIlld Is Ih l' l )II ~, (' h u ~, ZlIl1l11 C'lIl1t1n ha s I C~ore costly COP-:R-LOY, the Copper Al.,\1I~ . \Uu t f "- I l.- . I"';It I 0 1. lh elL- ~II"cal , . I WOI'(I rr() m " h li Sb fin!,I lineu to her l ed . d(! J1l1rl I1lC'nt (> I \'e, 1 '1 loyed Steel ••• and yet it costs no more ,\II'. all d ,\ 11'" 1-:110" /': vall" an d of l 'itt ~ bull!' 'f (·ch. I'nd. ilyche wh o "li S c all 1'd Leo Pharl'. T e xaR, on i\!t., lind ]\If I'S . (,11!l rl~' R Cl orl< \lul'.i"l'i,' ~ 1' l' l1t l a~t i:.: :Ii"" .. n(. of lh, · PI'illcipa l conH ull acc ount o f th e Re ri ous illn eRs of :ln d j\ 1 !'~. Willi am Bel'g-d all sp e lit t1HlIghtel' than ordinary roofing I The money it saves ::Goocl - Will" dny in D nytol1 , Thllisday wilh ;\11'. ilnd :'IllS. ,I,>hn inl! I'II/..(\ Ill' ('!',: or The \\' e,ti n ~ - h i·; l'ulh(' I·. t hat 11' . lI,ill1 :" e rll1un )'ou in repair bills will soon pay its cost. h,," ~ 1' ( ' 0. Th i" lalll'!' ~()nnel'llo n Is Sr. Wtls l oken 10 IhE' h osp l tu l a ll d ! ul' ~ da~' , e Hyc, Mr, 1:1I':1 ncC' ('rll\\'rll1'(1 a n d : "IlOll>!I'h I~ > .g-i\·l' thi "k f()l'.n 1Cr , Gr e 'li e 1""I ' rw C' nt lin ope rati o n Au g lli1 t :\Ir, ond Mrs, .J, B. J ones and t' III t t t f 1 • _ _ .- - -boys " iRited lh ir bl'othC) ;'I -Iaw fami l... an.! I\ l iss Sit-II" Gih~on a nd ' II I Y ('I I Z~'n lall ' .'\'1 lI Ie o r e · .fo hn 7,il11m e l'l11 t11l lind ral1lily in All'. li erUl·l·t l\ lul'lntt !<1'l' llt Sunduy d~~ t C' l cct n clII C'1Ig' 1I1 cers of lhe Don't W a nt Any Jayt o n Su nday aflC'I' no(1 n' and \\' it h MI', 'u nu _Il'!<, !lo nH'!' ruwr ' ' (' \'eni n !!, :\fr, Zimmerma n ha s, ford o f Brown co unl,·. - I'. , )ycnc IS a n (' ph e w, o f the . lat(, f''''lnk arcy a nd IS w ... 11 A Frenc h ch(' f d e<:! ul'es t h ot his hel'll f1uitl' ill f o r H w ( (,k OJ' m o r e MI', J uke Zimmer !lnd family 11,1\"lI' n !Jcre . ' m os t appetizing di !lh es a r e in . H , M. lork .pe nl S un day of Bt'lll'l.' rt l)\\' 11 (,ll ll l,d 0 11 1\11', llntl - - - - - - ,;pit'ed by mus ic . ,Jazz s ho uld in· With ]\II'. lind 1\11''-. A,·thur Walkin s 1\11'8. Dill llnd so n Billy. ~ pire a w ond e rful -new b rond of UNDERGROUN D FIRE lind fal1lily ncar Centel'villo, Mrs, p , A . Ruy o n is spendin g :I has h. ~ 1\ll', lind l\'1rs, G le nn Brock of c oupl e of w e eks fi t Ra nn e l', lod ianapolis \I'('('e w c ek-cn d ,"uest s I\ i r. and Mrs , B llI' i,)n E ar nh art '1'\\0 mil es north of. So uth Char(If Mr~, L , G . HI' ck a nri visited nr e spe nding afl'\\, day : wi l h l h ' it' II' ~t() 1l li n undergrou nd fil' c h as Watch your expiration <ln te on lhe t h ~ fr~I'mpl"~ futh er,: Dr. Brock, at c h il e.!ren in Da y t on, b~~n rag-i n j:( fOl' ni n e weeks It is The M inmi Gazette 1\1 lam1 \ Hil ey hosJll t u !. a ~ I e\\' III the Frank 1\1u rmy fur m, ....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"'!"'_ _ _ _!""~-~~"'!"-"'"!!_'"'!-""!"'~~.....~~~~~'!'!"---""".'!""'!"!"'~"""""""""'!!"'!'!"~-""!"'''!'''~~''!''''''!!''! Mr, H a rr y Ro ws)) n li n d 'brother. n(\w Ihe 1'1' 11' rty o f I/ (' nry F ord . -- - - - - - - .- - - - - - - -- - Mr. a nd M rR. A, S, omell ut- . Pa"vis and ~ i ~ tcr~ Am y and Mamie H e r o)'i.' ,('I lin g- thi s la nd, M r, l\Iur,I t?,"led the 85t h bll;thda y c(' lcl ra- of D uyt o n, Mr. :.t nd l\Ir~. H. L . ray had a huif-Illile o r 15-inch t ile . l2 0 n nf th~ l nller H father, Mr. \ Ro epken, 1\\ rs. Lu e lla nou g lefis Ih r o ug h th is luw wel 20 acres. T h e 1'I'allk lIanlllto n. al L eban on Sun· :lnd dau l! hl l'f, l! eh' n. lin d 1\1ar". of fif e can n ot br xp lllined. unl eRs il d ay. Day t Oil cull'd un 1\11'. ti n t! Mrs. WIIS ~ tartlld hy a c igarette uut is Mrs. L. G . Brock vis ited lh e .fo hn L ev i Su nda y. bUI'nilig n ow three f eet' und e rDr. Ilt M iami Vuil ey hos pita l Fri~ _ • /-e1'l)lInd, while the earth abov e da y lind repo l·t fi lhat he iH gelti n g ~ee Jl1 S li s ir it wou ld in time CI'UI11al o ng nice ly . Choco la t e Brcad bl e and rl)l'OI a In k e .

Ule-rlme Servfee



f: .




--- ... ....---

Pbone 14

Waynesville, Oblo


'in l og!' th e ,' two and a qUlIl'tO I' c ups (, f fl o ur , fiv e: t e a s p oo ns of haking l)o WU el', a qu a rt l' o f [\ c up of SUl!u r , thr ee tnblespollns o f coco a and a t!' uRpo u n of ~al t. Ad d nil egg be ut c n in H cup of' milk, lind tlll' ((' lllbl('spou ll s l/f' cook illg' o il ror fut. 1\1 ix, und then ndd a th ir d o r :1 cup or IIU ts, Bak e s lowly in u I"ar 1\11-, and . fl' s. Bro oks of Newa rk f o l' ab ou t f orty minut('H.

Mrs . 1\ (': IC' 1' Gl'aham r et uI'n e d Saturday even illl! fro m a t rip to rarl(l'r~ iJllI'g. W . Vn .. 'and al so vis. il ed 1\1 r. a nd Mrs. Ea l'l B e n c ti al MuriE'tla . S aw many hi s tori c po int!' tit tltis th e o ld est t ow n in Ohi o. an d a lso saw the b Ollt ruees o n the ri ve r.

--GLEANERS CLASS MEETING TI ll' Cl eunC'rs 'I:l RS o f th e 11L1I'C'h of Clt r i ~ t held th eil' mon t h

Iy ~"rial Illld hll sinc,;s llI (;'e li ng at t hC' p leasa nt counlry h Ollle of !\ll ";, I't'te: I' "" nlz. Thurs day , evenIng , A lI g'us t 2 1s t. After the: bllSiII C~~ ~ es~i() n . a \ '(' I'Y p leasa nt socia l hOll r was (, h~t' l' ve:d ~I ftcr wh ich


cI~' li t i ou s r('fl'c~hl11ellt we r e served


\\ ,. II' l' I' " th"11 favore d with sevenli beau liful \ "ca l s ()l o~ by Miss

Are You Creating Trade? O r are vou just standing quiet?

L ~"'Y Emlt·y. Th e n e xt meeting .wtl l be he ld lit Ihe hOl11 e of Mrs . I re n e born 1'h u r", d ny eve ning, p t mue l' L1 , l tJ;J O• .




Spec ial awurd ~ hy Se nnlor Al'lhur Ca pp e l', o f s ilve r und hl:OIlZt· llI ed al s to th e two '1- 11 (' Iub g'lrlS ~I h.. !' 1.ltc I'Wal'l'en County'!'

I,,·~ t .lars of hOllle ca nn ell fru its , ".e g'l'la bl (· ~ /lll d n](' lIls in t he Nu1 111< 11 11 1 (' lIl1l1 ill g' Conte:s t at ::i he na n doa h. I,)\\,a. ie' aIlIlOlIlI t'l' d ill :t me g

TIre and Tube Bargains

tn Th t' ;\I i:lllli CazeU« rrOI1l S he nl.lll d o:!h, I ')\\' 1I , wlt"r(' Ih e conI.'''l' I ~ 11I' 1I 1).!' held unu e r lhe HlI S1II,("' s .. r the lI'llls ,·ho ld c ie ll ee In ' I Itllt (" S!'g'I'


The press of the country tells· you that I ATTENDED MEETING the dep~e~sion is slowly lifting and that II J, C. Il nw ke atte nde d n r e_ business is looking up everywhere. The II o;'i.(anizatilln me~til1l! of t he co unty 1. t')llI IJil c an ~ha ll' ntun ut L e bunon only way you can create business and 1\! (,nd a y (' veni n,g, T here was but lJ~t1e chu nge III the committees WIth the exception of R. E. LeRoy, keep going is to a now qO l11mitt eman fr o m Fra nklin t o wn s hip. .....:...- -


The best medium m your locality is

Miami Gazette ,

Th e Wn ~'n c T o wns hi p Sch oo l IJ r. (i1·d m(' t Mo ndllY pven ing' and flll ed tw o \':J\!II J1 cieH in t he ir coq )S Of. tcnc h cr~ . M ,.. ,'k lnn el', of W iJnil ngf o n , wa s selccte d for thc ~:~.'·.C I1,t.h g'rau e , and Mrs, G e raJdin e . ~ ( he I , of L e ball o n, tcuchlH' in the III/-eh . 'choo !. . Th,(' b Ul> .d rivel's were prese nt <lnd ~n ~ tructl on ~ w're g ive n t h e m to drIVing un?er the tlow c o d e . No No ot hel' b USlI ll'SS was trunsueted.




. ~~side8 bein,g di8trib~tors ' of Ad ve rtising, we . prm t oSa~e Bll~.s, Dodgers, Letter Headings, Bil, . Head'1}.8:8, . Statements, Envelopes, Booklets

&c,' &c.

l ~\Vil l s ·1l ~t my farm l'h mil es S" L . , of X en l!l, on t h e Xenia and Wtlnlll1gto n pike, on

!.huraday~ Se p~ember 4~ 1930 , :H1 (~ - ~ elld of live stocl<, in c ludtn~ fl sh co \~ an d Pl'ing ers a nd o thOI' cattle. . , J 26 heild of feed ing hogs d'oubl Immun e, ' e , THURMAN HAYS .01. o \\'fl rd · Tit u s , Auct. Lunch on gro und.


.. ;...

Enjoy your Labor Day trip and be "all set" on tlrea until Spring, by taking advantage of these spedal prices. Drln'n for a free tire inspection, proper InBation, any ~ J.<J!r~y n~~d--and buy your new Goody~ at . _~ . ,I':! ~=~~==-~ -~=--= -= -===.


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Trade your smooth-worn, doubtful ' tires for a pair or full set of new Goodyear All-Weathers, Heavy Duty AII·Weathers or Double Eagles. Ask for our SPECIAL CHANGE·OVER PROP• OSITION-no obligation. . --

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Eighty-Third Ye.a r -

- -. -

Whole Number 5925

WAYNESV1 LLE, OHIO , WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1930 - - - r - ; - - - _ ---..l.:-_

-~. ~-

.--------------------------------------------- ----~-----------------~


Saw the Pas!S;on Plav a{ OberammergauAttended Opera and the Salsburg Festival



.'I'h e , r(IIl o\Vi ,~g leU.e r wan I'e- The chi ef occuputiun i ~ woi. t.1 CtI "v : wh '.n \\:" ~ ~ l oul fli l' tllP upen ce,ved by MI''' . tmmu J nnne y frolll ing. I tludllol'llllll. al,out [, 11 0 of Ihe ST . MARYS CHURCH The ' Miami s lost a hal't.l foughl hel' niece , Mrs. Willillnison. who" We I ft Muni ch a :1 :20 a nd 15,('11 0 ~c" ts nlld lIIuch ti l' tho ~ taJ; ' 'C' r vice;; wil l be r es umed at St. ba ll gome S un day, when t he HilI'· ~ w~'h !te,· hu ~ bnnd, J . Finley Wi l- ufte!' tw o h Oll "!; o ur t aill pulled in- , \\'ol'e 1I11s he it 'i cd fl' o m tlw I'liin. r. !UI y ' ~ church unduy, cptemveysb urg teom nosed them oul in li am ~ o n, dir'cc '.or of th e \\ cstll1 in- til lin Ilpen lilli e t'ail rond s tation. lw n the gUIlK ~u unllt'd at K :00 t he ninth, wi nning th e game, 4 to istot' ' hail', of Du."lo ll, are toUI'- I r",nll "Obel'lllllmerguu". As we tlll"'l fi .IIOU ;"'IlI K \I'''I'~ filled. with fli\li , ~ Hlith Cli nkt ~ P (,l1 t Snt ll l'liny b. r . 7 . 'I'w~Jrth Sunda y after K. Day was a business ., ,.. . I) M r, A. '1'1 init y ; Chul'ch school at 9 :3 0, 3. Bob Burton's home run wall the s t elJIJnd fro m the [r'ain I beheld not on e to s lJUre . At 12:00 ull 11 " r1l Oll n In a\' <1 11. in g Europe a nd Gl!l'l1Iany. - Ed. ~ ~ C1'lllU n nnd Holy Communio n at fellt u re of t he ga me. A bad h op visitor in Cincin nati Tu esday. . Ihis tiny litlle villuge cOll1pleldy i tll'~ w i ~ld inl(' Am el'i cans. ~ it over s h o ,'~ a nd 11 wild t hrow we re Mrs. Lizzie Witcl'aft, of the We ore an a fast train L tween ul'l'o ullded by lI now-cappcd m oun - I wrllpped lip in Llanl( l't ~ 1' 0 1' ~il('hl F. fl. l lC'nd (' I'~ ()1l a nd family were 10 :30. Rev. J . J. 'Schaeffer, Rector. r espon s ible for lhe Miamis' defeat Munich lind Bnd Wildunoren tfli'lS wh ich, cl' uwdcII in !l0 clos ly , hlJuI" withllut lIlo\'i"", s om ethin'" (Ja y tun vi ~ itu l'H Thurllda y. Friends Ho me, is serious ly s ick. ,., The score: Germuny. We hll v" s pent t he past UJlU Il the t.o wn thal onl.' cou ld a l- I ind escrib ubl e is tnkinv; plnc,·. '1'h" MI'. Ilnd Ml'~ . S. S. P.lIis atten - FER'RY CHURCH OF CHRIST WAYNES VILLE J . H, Sm ith was in Columbus t en da ys in Munich. We loo k by most throw a ston e from one mt1 un : Gelm:l'II, th ~ Fl'enchm an. lh e dl' d th' Stn l e Fa il' Just "' ~ i!k. last week and attende d the Fuir. thi~ time like rC1I 1 Gel'mans. l rain to anot her IICI'O!<S lhe I\nw ' iean til<' En~liti hlllun th(' 'Ilil (Und c nominational ) AB R H A E Thick sole, hand -mad e shne~ help I lI'ho)e t own. Porters I'u ~h pd for uur I li'"lah" IIlId the pllllJlC" nil lint , choul ut II :30 a. m. P ellk, 2b ............ 4 1 0 4 0 Sc hool sUJlplies at Mrs. Pl'ank to give us otmo:JJh~re. Munich is hugl:tuge , but haw s tl'Bnge they side b ~ s id !' li nd wcpl tog-ellll'l' as Seh " nl ~ lIp"li('~ "I l\lrl<. F'l'nnk L n BiLl!! l'( l'~ Supper Ilnd $ermo n at 10:· Stansberl'Y, 3b . 4 0 0 0 0 Farr's. Upper :l rd S' treet. so fu ll of A llI erica n ~, thaI u" out I looked in t heir short Bavarian .J ~ u ~ !Jud ' fU I'(' \\'dl lo hi s 1I1\,th el' Fall· ,I. UPJI(' I' ard St re et. . ~:1 ·s3 p," :lO. SO"mon subj ect, "The Lost Gons, 1 b ... 4 1 2 0 1 ~ll you heul'. on the stre(,ts is Eng- I tl'(' lI sers and long hlli l'. We learned ! and a~u ill II'h ~ 1I II " fl'll belll'lI th MI'. lind M'·ll. i\III ,·k Hogers W!!I e Hn'ok." Th ~ WOll1e n' ~ class will R. Burton, ss ..... 4 1 1 4 2 Mrs. D. E. Stundiford who was hs h. W e a l'l',v ed t he r e late at night thu t for II yellr lind a half bcfure II. ,: w(, ll('ht ,\f tlw c,'(lsl<, :) 0 2 a I q ui te s ick Sunday nigh t is better. Wilhout h tel reRervotiuns li nd the p Iny y HI'. a ll m e n and Loys I I Ca"ll fl t desl·riL e thl' plllY, it vis ito,"s ul the Sllll e FiliI', "" T hul's lI1eet Wetl lw srlay aft e rno on SepLovely, c ... ,.. te illh e l' 10 at the home of Misses Houg h, If . 3 0 0 0 0 f Ulilld from hotl' l porters ot the mllst let their hail' 1('1'011'. Th" s e i w :t~ t h,· H rllij.!ht Bibli ca l sltl l ." day. Anna I\nd Huth Null Ilf Day tonT. Burton, cf 3 0 0 0 0 rail l'Clud ~tutio n that every room Vet Y porle l's would. on the morrow wi t hou l udditill ll B 0" udll,·nmcnt. r F. 1:>. Dnkin, htlS moved his in.J. P. 1·· I'.. nll\\ :lI1d ramil\' "'d'e in Leban on pike We :\I'e plann ing for Rumby, rf 2 0 0 1 0 surancc ofti ce into the Am Rn build waR taken, w h U'~ lIp on 1\ man lu k" Ila,'l i'1 the greut play. T ~ c r e I c:tn "n!y suy that IIIl that day I):l;' l',n Mill" !: y : I~, tl fl t t ': II ,le,1 Ul e al) "old· fashiuned reviva l" to be· :1 0 0 1 0 Davill, p stl'P I'~d 1111 and ~OId 1.11.' could tuke I se ell1 ('d no plan to ~he town, Ju st I ,J I. S U ~ 1I~ (' d tn ObP.!'Utn!lle.l'gUli and gi n ,'t.'fl tCI1l bel' 14 and a great Mote, 1 0 0 0 O· inA'. us to a plilce. H e pIcked up our 1 ('('IV path!;, zlgzngglll g he!'e und a ~ he l"'ed, nil hI , (h ~ r' lpll! g Hn d rui r. "Hom -Comi ng" und all -day meetbaggage and we followed blindly. I the ,·e. . I s h,~ 111110111(' \\'h m li e nl"ved . A m en's qu artet fro m Dayton ~tll1ll1l e r Sp('t.' illl ~- rillg~, cos- ing for the nCllr fut ure. Watch for " ..... 31 3 5 13 4 will s ing at t.he Church o f Christ F'iI:l!llly we call1 l:' til 0. dU l'k hull - I I wish T c ou ld descrlbl! the li ltle ,!u"lng Ihut lust wcelt u n '11 l'th, Total I UIll!' jl'we lry , e tc. CIII'Y" S J ewelr y lh a nn ou ll cem ents. Yo u are a lWaY, up foul' fl oo rs to u German I lown ut that momentits poace h\'cd also. . unday evening. ,' htlp , L(·bun on, Ohio. \\IlV S welcol11 !It thi s ch urch. penllion, s'lluethiil lik e ou r room - l un d qui~t \~e ,' (' go ,! c- lh.e world I A.t nb oul !) :00 thaI eV E' ni'l~ w!! HARVEY~BURG Che!;ler A. Williamso n, Minister lIl g·hou ~ cs, or JlI'IVllli.' hol"ls, We wa s conllng In. SJl celu l tmlllll we ,'c I \\ull'_ ' d :l Cr O;\s to th l' hUIll!' of Alms Myer Hyman and family and AB R H A E thoug ht ,~e could s tand a nyth ing : olTivinK every f ew minutes, d ozens Lung (~h!,i Ht). !I III I found him nlU.d ~11~1.'\::::~l!~ltM·c~iIlJI~~ ~~~;~l(:'~dtll~~ VA Y NESVILLE M. E . CHURCH ... 4 0 1 1 0 Miss Louis e Hend erson spen t the fur one Il\g~t a nd wou ld scout ollt l !lf h\1g. moto l' bu s es were honk- estlr !lIlt,!",!\, In n curn e r o f .hl " 1" ' l't~ mllulh Sund ny. F l'eelulI, cf .. 5 0 1 0 0 week-end at Indian Lak e, Frost, If .. next mornlllg fol' a permanent , ng' the ll' way thl'ough llw c"owd!!d \\r,,"I~cal'vlllg shOfl. aulog raphlng Pl'u),er Meeting Wednesday even 2 1 0 3 0 . Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge Ha rtsock place, but when we saw the land- I streets, hUllcll'l'd ~ of pl'ivate auto- I h,s p:clul' c fu l' all \\'lt D a sk ed. A s Mendy, ss . Ol'ville J. Gray und family at- i nK at 8 o'c lock. Choir rehearsal Edgington, 3b . 4 1 2 1 0 spent the week-end with relatives lady and the lovely big roo m wo Jl lobilt.·s whi"ke d here and there' l l l !:un l, 'll h. ~m fol' the : p!t' nditl I ('nd (,d th e GI'IIY re"ni on neur 1"riclllY evening at 8 o'clock. 4 0 1 0 0 Ratliff, jr, rf .. dec id ed l o sl ay . The price wa~ eve ry horse and bu ggy in all the IJalt h e had III the pluy, he ~ h ook Hnl' ve ys bul'l(' Sunduy. Sunduy , Su nday schoo l at 9 :30 2 0 1 3 0 at New Madi son and Troy. P ope, c about o n ~ third of what it would wOl'ld. it 8ee mcd wa tryi ng to hands. bowed and very softly said, II. Ill. No p r eaching S l'vices. Ep0 0 2 3 4 Carter, 2 b huv e find I'oom to IIlJve olong ut l'tS ' "Thank you." His fuce wus wondel' Mr. and Mrs. J. W . Whi te were have been at a hotel. UTe n 1"0"1 e ~ t I'an e, of in cinnllti' I IVa" II I I'..eague a t 7 p. m. 4 1 0 2 0 dinner McClung, p always been told by. German peo- l e ~s ure ly qui et; t ho,;,s3nd!\ of pedcs ,fu l. ! () g rea t er honol' can ~ome ·to \I ll!; t he guest of 1\1 I'S. Maud: G. C. Dibert.. Pastor. gu ests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 3 0 0 0 0 L. 'M endenhall, on Sunday. Bill, 1b . I'tlllr Ji'l'iduy night pIe to sLay at n pen ~lOn, bllt nevel' tI,ans e lbowed thell' wny through one .Ihllll, to be chosen 101' th e I 0 1 0 0 Ratlefl'e, 8 " knew how to go about finding the tl'aflic' ond what did it nil Chf'l ~t. 'I hc churacte rs arc ull ' < , . > . • OF 0 1 0 0 0 Hoss 11'~ Le~ter Gonion entcl'tailletl WA YNESV~~NIS\HURCH Mrs. Annu Cadwallader and Miss one. All the g uests \",er e German Illcun- Ill e;'ely that on the m01'row chosen. by el e ction in the Oclober Lile spen t aturSday with reI. ond no one could s peak English, ~h se s.imple folk were to presen t . l)I' l ~ tllI1!.~ tho l)l ~y-sull1mer. We the ';1~mb~r ~ of the Clove r Lenf 33 4 9 10 0 Clara Total yet we got along famous ly. They to t.~elr own bCllutlful way t he wulk ed un to Ju ~ps ~ull1e Ullt.l. n~ I club Thursduy afte r noo ll. (Unde nominational) utives at Wus hington C. H. were wonderfu l peop le and clean. Pllss lOn of Jesus. We had ~ h onk hand s w,th hlln I smt!, ' I ' Bible choo l ut !J :30 a. m. Lord's SII WS fi led by Illllch inery. cut SUPPer al concl usion. Christian 1 234 56789 Eyes both er you? See Dr. Ru- - well they were s till s~rubbl ng at ' Plll'chll~ed a book In Munich . which did n' t hal e you, I onl y pitied you," 002000010-3 dolph, eyesight specialist, at Cary's 10 :00 at night. As f or ourselv es I we s tudied anti by Ill e an ~ of whi ch He was wond~rfu l . his repentunce c leanN', true,'. fa s ter. Rny Pigott. E:nclellvol' at 6:45 p. m. Co nseeraMiamis I don' t know when we were last we fam ili arized ourselves with the a ud II nguls h over .what he had at Mudd e n '~ Lumber. 'l;ard, lion Meeting, Leuder, Jeannette HarveysbUrg 0: 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2- 4 Jewelry Shop. Lebanon, Ohio, clean. We have fOl'gotten whn t u numes and foces of the principal done Illnd e o ne I Ity Hlsten d of conF' OX. E" ening eva ngelis tic ser·vice Base on balls- off McClung 5; Rev. G. C. Dibert and fa mily watel' faucet looks lik e and whot chllraclers. As Ja ck and I walk ed clemn. Mi ss Henrielta !\IeKin. (' y left al 7 :45 p. m. Sermon subject, off Davis, 3. w ere dinner g uests of Mr. and Mrs hot wote l' fee ls like ; all we kn ow 1a long we pa ssed a glow ing blackAnti so t hey kee p on .gi\'ing this Tue~c! IlY Illo"nin g to luk e up he l' " Mis undel'stood." A male Quartet Home Runs -R. Burton, W . E . Str oud , on Thursday. is II pitcher of cold water to was h smith shop , with anv ils ringing; wondel'ful play fO Ul' (,Illes ev~ry s chool work nl As htllbu lll , hom the Ohmer Park M. E. Passed Balls, Lovely 1 i Pope 1. hurch will be present and furnish with. immediut!!ly we recognizl'el the week from May 1 to Octo bel' I. Struck Out -By McClung 9: bg' Last Wedn esday we had t he elt,.- mun al the anv il. and said. " Look, 'l:he n e~t mor~ i n g w lef.t the 1\11' • Ralph Miller and two sons. Hevern l numbe,·s. Kenneth Elzey is Mr. and Mra. Carl Hartsock, of Davis 4. Hamilton, were we ek·end guests .perience of a life-time when we there's Ciaphas th e High Priest." htth, v,llage, h,dden away III the of Springboro, we"e guestll of Ml', a Ill'mber of this quartet. Prayer Left on bases- Miamis 7; Har- of MI'. and lItrs. W. E. Stroud. witnessed t he wonderful Passion As we moved 0 11 down the stl'eet, mOllntftin~, p\'e paring ( 0 " its next und Ml's. Howard Archdencon to- me ting ' nch Wednesday at 7:46 veysburg 7, Play at Oberamm ergau, J wish I we whi sper ed, "That's J ohn," a s a 1 5 ,000 who w~u ld aniv!! t~l\t ni ght, d fl . m. A, R. Vance will be the leader COl' Septemb er 3. The E arn ed runs- Miamis 2 i Har- ' Mrs. Carl Croll and children, of could adequately d ~ sc ribe it. Most blond-hair~d youn/! nUln in short I but we cal' n ed aw~y WIth us,n n ay. veysb urg 1. Franklin, spent several days last people, have ha d their t ic kets en- trousers approached. unforgetab le exper IenCe and In MessrH, H. M. S herwood a nd D. ch urch whel'e yo u fe el at home. Umpires- Moon and Bunnell. week with Mrs, Elmer Sheehan. gaged for six m onths. We got ours At 5 :30 the next morning t he ~!l i l'a.tion, which J am sure no other E. Standi ford a,'c nllc: nding all all Chol! ter A. Williamson, Miniliter Tim e-l hour 56 minutes. im.mediately upo n our arrival in chimes in the nearby church I'ang city to t he world cou ~d .dupli cate. tiqu e fUl'llil ure ~ 111e at L e esburg to ~ e hav~ been ellJ OY lllg m a~y day. Rev. G. C. Dibert is attendi ng Europe. Th e ticket is not fo r the long Il nd vigorously. They were ST. AUGUSTINE CHURC H the lI nnual Ohio Conference of the ploy but for board ond room . t!a llin~ a ll t hose from t he village mU ~ l ca l thllljt. .. Attended oper a In OBITUARY Everyone must arr ive in t he town and surrounding cou ntry-side, who Par,s ond Muntch a nd a lso attenSummer schedule-1st, 3rd and M. E. Church at Oxford , Ohio. F or (jpst re!lults cons ign your for dinner the night befor e the wou ld luke pal't in t he play, to an ded th' I('real Sa lsburg fe stival ive stock to Green-Embry Co., 5th Sunday, Mass at 8 :0 0 a. m.; No hom e is immune to sorrow, We restring ' beads, replate sil- play and rema in for brea kfast the early m uss and prayer, It i ' n ot 0 whic h is t~~ "Promised Land'.' for Cincinnati, in curo oC D. R. Sulls- 2nd a nd 4th Sunday, Ma81 at. poin and death. verware and rRCOVer umbrellas. m Ol'ning after. Your ticket g ives olay to. them but a sac red serv ice. ~ve ,'y nmsl.Clan. We are. on, our wuy bury. !) :30 : E liza F , Sabine, daughter ot Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, O. yo u the nam e of your landlord Th ey are ke eping the vow made by t o I!ad Wlid un gen. It Isn t as bad Rev. Lawrence B. Mollmann. Elijah a nd Mary Jane Sabine was and th e number of his house lh eir ancestors back in 1 G34 that IlS It so und s. Blld mean s bath, Mr. nnd M,'s. Georjte t"oud nnd born at N ew Albany, Indiana , A:ug Harold Osborn and family have . Th e wonder of the whole' t hing in gratitude for delivel'a nce from a t here ~I'e .'ninernl baths there. Ou r ~ on. of Dayto n,. were week-end ust 21, 1852. On Tuesday eve nmg l'emoved from the Pence flat to g rows, when you realize that for plag ue-- thcy would ever y te n holel 15 s ituated am ong the moun- ft uests of MI'. and Mrs. Otho HenMIAMI MAIDS MEET at s ix O'clock, Augu st 26, 1~30 Ithe Chas, Shutts reside nce on nine and a ha lf yearS out of every years present th e Pas ion of J e us. tains .. W e h?~ e lo spen d much of penlO n. 8 lifter long months of s uffermg . Fourth street. ten this IitUe seclu ded village has You kn ow t hat when 5.00 0 ou." time hlklll g .OV~l' the mOllnpassed f rom her hom e in Harveys· 1 600 inhabitants and for six month s people, mOI:e than .holf of who m tU IIIS. On the. t h.lrtleth we shall MI'. unu MI'l! . K nneth E lzey and Th e scvenln m eeting of t he 4burg,. Ohio to that other h~me in Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frye, Miss Ollt of every ten y ~arS It h ou ~ es in qu ietly fileti! out for lun ch an d at go to England In lim e f o.· th e Three daughter of Dayton, were week- H F oo d Club met at the Grange the city of God. At the t ime of , Louise Crane, Messrs Gilbert addition to its own people, 5,000 2 :00 when t he gong sounded again Choir. fe stival at Hereford, ,We cpd g-uestR of Mr. and Mr~. Wal - hull Saturday, August 30, with he ,' death s he was five days past Frye and D, L. Crane spent Fri- visitors foul' times a week. Every a ll were buck in t heir places to ure sa ,ling back on Septemb er 1 a. tel' Elzey, fo ur teen member s present. he l' 78th birt hday. After the death duy at the State Fair. villager has to tak · into his home r emuin uti! 6:00. N o o ne m oved • . We are both ve l'Y eager to see The club cxhibit a nd. posters of her parents she came to Haras many guests as he possibly can, n o one s poke, no one whispered, th e family and sha ll welcome the were expluin ed to us by Mrs. Edith veysburg making her home with Summer s pecials-silverwar.-, As a consequence we live wit h the no one minded the weather., dllY we ~et home; however, I a m Mrs. Helen Cbble ntz and daugh- Hilliker, Warren Co unty Home cous ins. She was married at the j ewell'Y and novelties. Cary 's l butcl'ler, the bukfilr, the doctor, the It was po uring rain and so cold qu ite s ure t his is the best trip we leI'S, Ruth und Janet. o f Dayton. Agent li nd our local l eader, Miss home of her cousin H. W . Dakin, J ewelry Shop. Lebanon, Ohio, We blacks mith or the store-ke eper . t hat we could see our own b reath, ' hove ever had. we r e t h e guests of Miss Ru t h Etnel Mendenhall. No individu.a l to J ouns F . StumlJ, September 14, give Cedar Stamps. ____ ._ _ =--=--= Cook, Sun day. . exhi bits will. bel bmadhe by eltatb 1881, Mr. Stump precede d ' her in • ml'mb e L's. Our e U c OSe an adea th JUne 12, 1926, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson SPECIAL STOCK RATION HESSIAN FLY DANGER R obe l't Durton, of Delroit, hn~ t ruc t ive bl'enkinst fe.r this year's 1'0 this' union were born s ix und SO n!! and Mrs. Addie Smith . • I'etu rned home nf l!! I' spending a filiI' exhi bit. childre n, Reva T., Horace D., ~i1- have re t.urned after a pleasant Entomologists ond crop specilll- I few days with his mothcl' Mrs. The foll()wing program was giv· Iianl, Robert M., Irma L., and visit to relatives at Toledo. Supplying information and sugists ar e urging fllrmr s t hl'ougho ut Mury J. Burton. en: 4-H Nation al Club Pledge; Ll1urenc e F" a ll of whom are Iivgestions to mectt the numerous s outhWestern Ohio to recognize Demon stration- Fruit Drinks, by ing except William who died when Mrs. Laura Mosher is spending problems incidental to th e drought • t he dunger of Hesian Fly in early 1 Mrs. Howard A" chclellcon entl'" Mildred Cook and Audrey Crawone yeur of age. Two grand.chil· a few weeks at the home of her County Agent Class has rewheat seeding this fal l. Th e sum- til inecl t ile W()ma n's \<'o rcign ford; judg in g and scoring Quick d re n - Mllrjorie and Miriarp also son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and ceived spec ial circul ars from the m C'r surv ey Ilhowed over 10 per Mi ~;;i o nary .:oc ietv of the M. E Bl'eads, by Lavone Denlin ge r. survive. He r n earest relatives Iiv- Mrs. Ronald Hawke, on Route 1. Ohio Ag ricultural College, per· cent fl y infestatio n in WaI're n ! <:llul'e ll, th is oftcl'lioon. RCfl'reRhm enls co nclud ed the ing bes idcs the immediate family taining to late fnll a nd sprin g Em el'geney work growing out of County with othe ,' n ear by after noon. li re a niece li nd nephew, Mrs. Wat ch need repairing? Expert seeding, !lpecial rations 'fer live- t he sed ous drough t continues to cO\l nt ies running over ~5 '7'~ . In S ummer Sp cials - glllsswar e - - -- - - - - - . Chnt\es H errick and Mr. A. V. watehmllker at Cary's Jewelry stock especially in cluding the use draw heavily upon the time of vi !)w of the Be d o llB c onditions I' and Rets of di sh es . m'y's J ewelry ' GOOD CUT CLOTHING CLUB Marshall of .K a nsas· City, Kansas, Shop, Lebanon, Ohio, Only genuine or wheat. " More liberal rain s reo County AgE!nt Cl ass, accord ing t o that ",VI.' have come thro ug h duro ShoPI Lebanon, Ohi o. Stol'e open The greater part. of her married !llatel:ial use d in our repair depart cenUy having given r enewed cour· ann ounc ementa from his office. A ing th o lo st fe w years, and the cvemngM, Th e eightb nie etil)g of the life WIIS s pent at Spring Valley, 'nen \.< age a nd brl~hter outlook In fnct finding s urvey is being com· financial . shortage which n ow I with the exception ·of two ;yearS In . • strIcken area , but the problems pleted, an d th e summarized reo faces a go od percentage of far Mor riH Shlll'wood , Merlyn Bantu Good Cut C lothing Club was held , Alabama and severn I lears on the )Jr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton , 't he drought strlck.e n ar~a , but port ba. ed upon statem ents from mel'S, it behooves every thought. Geo r~e lI-<?nk le I\n<l Buyd He ndel'· on Friday, August 29, 1930 at. old Stuml) homcstca near Rar· of _Newpo.rt, Ky., accompanied by the ~l'dbl OIl! WIll be rather u\lp r oximatl3ly fiifty furmel'S ful and pl'og,·e. sive individual to snn to ured Easte rn Ohio und W est t he h ome of Loui se H.ough. Atter the ,'egular bus ili ess of the club veysburg. friends, . 'were guests of the for- comshcatcd fo r a year or th l'ou ghou t Warl'e n County, will tuke n o chun ces or r un any ris ks Virgi niu over th e week-e nd . l'ecl/rd books, dresses, undergarMrs. Stump wa ~ a woman of 'mer's mother Mrs. Emma Hamil- vo says Coun ty Agent Class be plac ed before a loca l drou ght to furth e r discourage or han dicap high int ellectulIl attnlnmeni s .and ton, on Monday. • " be.clIl}se I? f th ~ I fact dt-halt relief co mmittee so on to be or- our brothers fal'mers" SIIYs county J ohn ta nsberl'Y IlIId fami ly of menL . and blu e ribbon score. tllstes and kep t up her reading as . sprlllg see( Hll/;. of cover. an a - , ganized. agent . Cluss, who explainell fur- Midd letown , wer ~ guestR of "heets. wcre discusse d. Refreshfamily, ments were served by the commttl ong as her he alth would permit. - Mrs. Rilla Brown, of Centerville· FalSo hh~~ ppcflshed ddllnn g h the The orga ni zll lion of special com- t her "that any man who seWR Fran k Sta ns bt·1'I y and t ~ . At an early age she showed a de- Rnd Mr; ,sarry 'Brown, of Day ton, I drollg , ~ sturc an . roug uge llIittees is bein g urge ~1 in t he coun- IVhea t I'!xtrcme ly eul'ly n ot only T u ~ s day ri fl erno')fl and night, , 'rhis co mpleted t he meet ing ot (!ided to lent fOI' mUtiie and her par· called on Misses AnnIe aud Mame , over lhe ~v lllle r ]Jromlses to be , t icS throi,ghout the drought stl'ic({ I'uns t he risk of los ing his c rop but MI' . lind Mrs. , tnn lcy Bailey lI ec lhe Good Cut. Clothing . Club for ents as 10llg a s they lived wisely R.-own and . Mrs, Anna Cadwallader ~q ~alhlY sellchu s pr~~I~mt: H~wevedr I e n area in Icttfl's t o County hi ti t·ody sow n fl y infested wheat yenr of 1.9 3 0. All me mbers directed that h er talent might be : Monday afternoon. ,t IS .op ~ dblt at sllu '( c.'I<:'l n r~lIns nn l Ag 'nt Cla~s from H. C. Rlun sower se rv es as a fall breeding ground Am y HOJlkins, [we a nnou nc ing t h ~ Y)1C I'e I'equested to take record books d evelop ed and for sevol'al years a fll~Ol'a e fa "':" rejuvenate director o.f agric ulture extens ion for t he H essian . fl y whi ch scatter s 1l''I'iva l f a tlllu~htcr lit their tc Mrs. Ba kel' n('xt Friday he was a successful teacher ot I For flifts and gift ideas 'vi s it the ba.''l'el!. brown ,meadows . so alld ft'om PI~I'I'Y L. Green, state di . to dozens o.f other inn oce nt HIHI home in L ytle, SU I/day , August :11 Ilvenito ng after school. ln u!lic. Dolh M r~ . Stump lind her Cm'y's .Jewelrv Shop. I,ebanon, 0" tha,t thiS dl/hcult~ WIll be grea.t1y I r ector of ag riculture, Mr.Green is care ful farmer's wh eal fi e lds d ur · Juan itn Brannock, Rep. husbanrl were members of the "Th e Home ot Gifts." n' h e~ed , But t~ m Slf r e Ssomt;th!ng I C huil'man ~,f CoveJ:nor Cooper' s , ing th e foll owin&r spring, Th ' Summer S p ec i.lh - watc hc!I and Methodist Protestant church o.f Latonia. defimte the Umverslty pecmhstds , . tu t c dro ught rclief Committoe fl y fr ee dale for W~rren Co unty I d iamonds. C~ ry';, .J welry . S hop , pring Valley. und counly agent can Te,comme." I which in -Hdt!ition to Director oiht'r n ea"by countl eH has bcen , L<,bnnon, OhIO, "The 110mI.' of H ONOR CLASSMATES Mrs; W. C. St. John was reo an e.merge~cy pa sture mIxture m- Ru ms~w~l'. i nclu de~ W . I' " Kirk, proven to be Octob er I , w hich is Girts." Sh e has heard th e coil. "Well, done thou good and fa.lthful ser- moved from the Middletown hos, cludlllg about equal ports of rye Maate ,' Ohio tat e Grange; MUl'my ' ~ l so s u~ici ent early to insure max- I Th e Pi Ep ~ il o n Pi class of the ", "ant: thou hU8t been fait hful over pital Monday, to the home of her and oats. (abou.t one bus hel e~ch D Lincoln e x _cutive secre tory t he Imum YIelds o f wheat when proper Mrs. W. H. A 11 1:11, M,·s. W. N. f\ few things, J will make thee parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J . Smith, pe ~ ncre ) espeCIally for ll~sturtng F;\l'm Bu l'~uu; .1 0hn Ah le rs , state fertilizers aL'e applied. A ny on e Nc wland and Sh I'mu n Til1ll'~ ~ Fe1'l'Y 'Ch ul'ch of Christ . held. 'a c ~uler OVl1,: many t hinjt8: enter thou where she is convalescing. d!1, ry cattle, The oats ~vlll help I'ep"esentat ive of Red Cross; Ed ~vh o wi s ~e!l lo se~ u!'e cil'(' ular~ .01' . spent last week I our in~ Kent.uc ky Gyp ~y Pa rty in honor of Bertha mlo the JOY of th y Lord. . I!IVe filII pas ture but ~III freeze Seite r' presi.dent Ohio banker' s as- . mfo r matlon . p e rtmnmg to f ertlhz- and T ennessee; r.1I'f\. Newlan d l c~ I' Fil er an d Myra P ence, Tuesday' Mrl'. P. H. DIals. of Groveport, d~wn late m the fall, wh.le the rYe sociadon' C W VanHorn r epre- ' er for seed m g should sec County Tu esday mormn /.': fllr hCI' hom<' III evening, Aug ust 26. Games were played around a bonfil'e after ;. Ohio, is s taying with her son-in- ! w'l~ carry oyer for pa~ture next senting th e ;u ilr~ad!;; Frank B. Mc ! Agent Class or call at the F~rm . Chicago, Card of Tb.alt. which l'oosted weiners and tOllsted law, R. J. Adams and children SPl'lIl.g. And tf the rotat,on should Millen presi de nt of Ohio Cham bel' I Bureou offic e. Farmers and dalr y - , We wish to thank our neighbors d!lrin~ t~e absence of Mrs. Adams, req.ulre ~ legume see!led nC)tt of Comme1'ce i and Dr. Chus. A. m en who plan. em~rgenc~ p ast lfre Mr. and Mrs . .1I. ~ C. Cule mnn, of marshmellows were injoyed. Thosllt . and friend s who were so kind to who ~s In a Dayton hos.pital, re- sprll11/;, .thls can be apphed to the Neal Ohi o directo r of health. Th il l crops Ilh.ould hk (!wt ~e aVOId 8ed~ng , Norwood , M,'s, J~t hl\n 0,1 1.' 01 un of the class who were n ot able ·-to our mother I1nd ourselves during covermg after an operation. Irye. ThIS emergency pasture ma'y I county c(lrl'lmitteas a r e also to in. , wh eut In s u ch mlxtul~s earher l und thi'ee dauj.(ht"ll's, of 1 01edo , be present missed a g r eat time. her sickness and at th e time she . be seeded at once Ull there, IS clu'de repr esenta t ives of local ' t han October I, b ecause of the M ~fl, H. V .. W lJlter and Mrs. Dun Bertha Filer is planning to at:" us tal,"n DWIlY, and a lso Mr. McExpert service 'given on Swiss , practical4', no, da.ngel· or HeSSIan fUI'm' organizutions, ebanks, rail· I da nger of H essiun fly . : Walt er of Lebu nol1, were gues t.s of tend Cincinnati B ible Semimary Clure for his services , an ~ American watches i~ our re- fl y spreading In It. ~oa ds, healt h commiSSion er, Red . : --~--- -:0 '=:, Mrs. Catherine 'oleman 0 11 Fl'lclay this fall, and Myra Pence Is to te~ Stump Family. pa Ir department. EfficIent . and ceive nUl'ses ~rBining at the Miami . Cro's ond the general public . ulturnl Agents' approval certificate '.... prom,pt service .,\ssur~d. Store op en SH9WER FO R BRI DE Specil;ll ce rlificates are also be- is fil ed w!th the local. railroad Sc hoo l supp li es at Mrs . Frank Valley hospital, ' in Dayton. GARDEN SHOW POSTPONED e ventngs. C~r:y s Jewelry Sh op, ' ing issued by County Agent Class up, ent pl' ev J()us to the shIpm ent of Pun'!,. pp~\' 3rd Slreet, · s3 ------- ~---Lebanon, OhIO. " t .) f armers and 'd ealers for shippinQ: the hay or f eed from the point of . Mi ss Ruth Cool, and Fa it h Tom- RECEPTION The Mother's Club has post\' . , Mrs Mame Hatfield oJ. Leb- l in hay a nd fee d because of the origin, poned the garden show, oJ\ ,account Mr, ann Mrs,. ~1iag ' Oglesbe.e, ahon , . Mt·s. Jo e Davis' and Mrs. drought, Wa rren is ·.one of fortyClu ss fUI;ther. wants Ih fully ~n- Iin so n enterta ined th eil', Sunday ~c h oo l cllls~e s at a p icnic at the At this season of the year of thu continued .dry weather. Mr. and Mrs. Fr.~d GQns a':1d ch~l- Lloyd Davis were hostesses at a \ three C.~llllti~5 lh OhiO rlqw offici~l- deL'stM d that reduced rate ce;tJfi- honte of Mrs. Seth Furnas last one is very much . int:;erestied We life looking for'l"ard t o a ''':en, Mr, and Mrs. J .. Q: Gons, '~ellghtlul '!ltl'air Saturday after- Iy claSSIfied In the "drought area." cate$ are i8sue~ only on eal lpt SotllJ'day aftel·h oon. There were t he opening of OUr Imee Cl'OP .of vegetables an~ flow- MIsses Alice Gons an_d Esther Hen noon, -honoring . Mrs. Trl:lm .1] nn d Ilntl tled to ship In ' hay, feed shi pmen~ of. hay, feed o~ water erli for 1931, and we. promIse you ~~rson , and , Mr. Jo~n Gons · were Wardlow n ee Olive Dinwiddle .a al)Q W!:Iter. at one-hali. regular coming 1?J a nd livestoc k gO\l~g out, t wonty wh o e nj oyed th i$ pleasant year We hav e with us lurge number of new _I-;;;I~:;;~;;;.;~::"" the chance to bring jl) Ylnlr P}:A- !;Unner Q:uests .0J ft:lends ~~ Pl\r~ ret,:eht " bri<\e. Va~ious "ont~l!ts rlltes. Th e lhaJf-rate s~ipplng also as , e:,p l~m ed . above; and th~t the ouling. . r' Glub ",. dllets Hnd IJ{!~ ~he prlzt¥i award/ld tp,,, $I!! ~J1J'~dart , pr9v ilf d ellterUlnment lor thl\ applies to. Ilvestoc~ "htp,p~d o ut of application . must . also. de!l!gnate The W'a vn esvill e W. C. T. U. the1I0lt·tUnltiV to J'Qr the pe/lt dl/ilP!~Y Ilt ·yegj!tb.Je!! '.' . guests: numbering twenty·· eight, . t he drought; o!ea- - to ·far~ers or th~ name ,of . hlppe l , s hIpping met at the h ome ot Mrs. Lillian C, 1I1'I d 'f{Qwcr!l n~JCt yellf. " . . . ' ' Miss Virginia Hamilton ' alid ,'. To the ml\81o:. Of "Here.' Comes .dalrYIl1t1n ~here 1lllSture and fe~d pomt,. de~JnatJ0!l' . n l,'lll.e .~ f . c.19nh Thursday after noo n, August EJ.HIn Oopnol', ;Pres; . Richard K, H.muton dauibtet tbe Bl'lde'" plaY'e'd by Mrs. klvln is available.· But all farmers and 8igne~! Bnd . the time lImlt In w IIC MilI!l.:' The l'outin e business was fol· J\llfli vft'b()l!sP;. SI!Q'y, 'Iln(l . Bon of Mr. 'and Mrs• . Harry .E ..rnhart, ~wo . 'tittle tots, G~enna dealers who willh to take. ailvantage. th~. ~tt\pnJ,ents arde·jo. jove ~armi~ 28. IQ~ed b'y election ' of o!t1cers •. and - -- --'_~ ....,........- . llall'\ilton,_ of, ~ Oleve"nd" ~co"'~ , Wade arid Joe D!,vl it, . replle~!ln~tlg of ~hesc reduced rate!! shou'l d 'see' dairymen or f ee ea ers ~. Vf B MIss Dorls Wade ,ve\'y pleasmgly .. , ·panh!d . by . ()akwQod frie!,ds, were the bride ."d :~ndegroom, appear.:.. t he County Agent .sometime ,m ad- to a.pply fo; such reduced rel,ht recited. , J ELECTRICAL ~TO~:M . ''''"' recen~lruests of BIn.· Emma Hamil cd dra.,ing a lIttle. wagon deeor(t" vance of U'le lr time ' ot purchase, certIficates should see, or call Ilor , Flowers wel'e sent to Mrs. .'. ,R. ton. MilS Virginia Hl\rnlltQD will ed·· in pink and white, which ' was lor the application must be taken, County Al1ent Class 'perso!'a y, 'J : Adarll!!. who is ' in the hospital . A storm of . lig'ht!,in~ and wind leave about tlie middle of Septem- lade" witli hl\ndsome and prac • to t.l ie . loCJI! fr1!ig~t. aient who. inw.~9 w1ll end.elavloOr'otoo re~am ' I~ During the social houl' )'efresh· l,laren~ aceoml!anied by a h-eavy' raln-p888- bal' to enter SutUou• . College at tical gifts;tor Mrs. Wardlow. . tum sends It to the transportation hIS o~ce untl . a. m. cae ments were served by the hostess. a~t1vlty ~ ed over · southern Ohio Tuelday Bristol, VIrat~laJ and .Rlchard· The pink aDeI white 'color scheme ohieeB for his railroad, who in~~C!! mO~lnlr. Offille pbone 325. O.t her The. September meeting will be' tile ....t dQ' night. Coniiderable_. llamge wall Hamilton wllf eo tp Valley 'Forge, , was carried out ' in the delicious ftnal decilsic.ns...· and -recommen,d!l- appcnntments, ,,,!!_BJ be halrra:red ~y held .at the home ot Mrs. W. H • .ebI14. done to electric Wires and trees, IrIiUtarJ AcadelQJ at Phil&delpbla, . refreshments s~rvCld _by the hOlt- tlonll. The r ,edueed .rUfJ are appli-_ telephoni~lr Cp....... atl~ ~II B ome !'I Madden. . _ . hi lome localities. _ .... r . . ' euea. ' '. ' cabl• .only wlij!1l the County .\arle- the evenma. h ODe ....- •

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The la t will and telltament R'O$~ H. Wilson, deeeased. was proLinJbnghl duced in Court and admitted to __ __ t>1'9bllte, Addie Binegar was ap'pointfid administratrix with the will annexed and ,.Ied her bond in t he SUIll of ,2500 wit h n. A. and hl:n~es R, J ones a s sureties. 1\, iu S' . B jnrnon was apCc.mmon PI ~a . P ..oeeedingi ' p( Inte d nclministl'utor of the e!/tnte 1 hl! con rl oI'lJc'r, rl thlll t he ~h er~ of L idn ,Sabin, d ceased and ifl' i tl~IUr 1\ ' wl'it llf po~s ssi91\ t o flI ed his bonrl of $ 1500 with Un itTh e. F .. det-ol, Lnn d Dnnk of Louis- cl , tates F id lit y and Gu,aranty vi ll e, purch:l!!I}t: 01: the real e!\tate' OIlll>lIny fiS $urcty. Clluries Van in its aelioll ngniingt ha d es A. e 'S , n, E. Wnrwick , snd Fred O. and J uu ll i' E. Gt'i ine i', , L<,IV~l and Jun lE)!! , w t'e nam ed appraisers. .. _- . . ._-,- -- . ---. Natio na l PUr-Ill L )lIn A ~ ;oc iat.ion, ' The court authorized Zue HenI " fUI'thll A. 1:i '111Ier, indiv iduall y if 'rs n admillistratl'ix of the ' - ' ?I PTER X 111. ; clin~-ril\g ' T gn\,(' you '! " I "Keep n t hi nking how wondol'- fllId I\S cxecutrix of the l'!\tatc of estate of Wal te r. Henderson "l~ that 11 new jokl'!'1" I fu l I IIIn ,. h, invited, "And ~o m ~ G eo rG'~ \y, . Gd,'"wr,\se(~ eel to procee ~ WIth Lhe stil e of real "You '!'e impossib le," ~he suid I 1 lIrlt'I' h<'r 10111' hI) !;o uel'e 1. i rlny SOOI1 I 'll toll y u how w nder- .Ioh n E. I1l1d R lh ena Leininger, ,estate at , prlVa.te s ale at Ilot less stlll with t he ad()rab le s llIile, 10, dl~ur, \ (. r a ll y .Ii el '0 \ l'u1 you '11'e, Thel'e never " ' US a Joh n W. nnd Ida A. Arnold and than t he apprai sed value. "Only wh'e n I'm lIot with YOIl f1il't"ug'h a mllrl ing!' ec,l'(' mt)IlY, I girl liI't· YOII !lince th e wOl'ld behe~tcl' A, K nll edy. The. co urt ,f. Ra y Law, Lllwl'e,n ~e , S. Shawdarling When I'm with vo u ilS i with tite und r~tnndin'" th!1t it \\'8 ' I!,ln , onrl lhol'(" 11 Ilf'\"e l' Lo anot.h er Pl'del'erl th!!t the nmollni of $2256. ,h an a nd H .ebel· WIlliams wel'e I t hm't 111 ,\' , Inv f~I' you that 37 be credited up o n the judgm ent made app~p lsers of the estate of hall poi nt out. io you so metime, pur I~' fI 'lIla!ll' !' of form - " ]'111 a , upt'rmnn, I','ad y til pia)' ":\ llull'nag" c r~mony . , . a I ma,kof< III tlllnk ~ ; [ 11 nHlke tha t uW fll'd cd in fn vo r o f the plaintiff Charles WoolIe, deceased. " . ___ _ golf wi lh the plan ets, There's 1I 0 th lI1!1lle r of form. , ' S he gaspe.d. nHlnt. cleal; wh cn I Rtal' t. Tl '~ you, (lnd lh ut lhe plailltifr r ecover from In, t~e case of Leo F. WOJcm Kkl, ill~ ] can 't do~ " . , " I c:nn't belil've it., W hat' !11' (' you 1'1\1 R'oinj::' to t ell you 11 11 about th e the dde ndnnts the um of $] ,861.. admllllstrato!, of the estate of AIWiJlllld C, Howurd to W esley "Except to s top ta lking lIke tnlklng nhout ?" heart of you, antI lhe c()lI rnge of 12. , , bert B. Crocke,r, dec eas e~, .plairtifi' Roward J 4,0.8 nC I'ell in "alem t.wp. that." ","NI n ( dll ' t bclieve it if yo u , YO II, and th e digllit.y o f you , lind In the ra:e of Wilbur Hutt ve r- ver:'UH Catherlll.e C. WO]C1l1Skl, et 'fhomas C. W e l(!h ti> E sther W. " ['m not talking like t hat. I'm dOll't wunt to," ·hl' ~ lIid romfClrL- \ lisl\1 of you- " s u Gwendo ly n Stolzenb ul'g George nl, c\ e r e nd a ll t.~, It was ordere d th~t Su u ~ hga te lots No:, 1 and 2 'in ju t t<'lIinJ!' yon how I'm goi ng to ab ly. " It's o f no impol'tn nce whal- , "Don't!" " he begged, laughing', A, SlOlzcnb u rg, W illiam S. Wark, R(;H!S, Ross, ~aro ld Sharp a>:d Ene Sal em twp. talk so me day whcn r I'eall~' be· r (ovrl', II wa s s impll' n precaution I yrt confused. Le ota Wnrk. Alhe lt L. Sei tz and HIll be appornted to appraIse the Thomas C. W C!lch t o E sther gin . . . ., , ' we hud to tnk c to pr otect you I " I wi ll," IH' promisc d. "But n ot CUl hcrin L, Sf' itz, t he cou rt order- r eu l estut e. W leh So uthgllt e I\n(1 Murtha " 1 lhink " he casnnlly re mark ed when YOU were so a f raid o f lI rn- , yel. of cour1<c," ('rl that unless the def enda nts pay In the se ttlem~nt of the estate We lch, -renl estnt e in Morrow. th e n('xt ' ev ning, "W ednesc\uy , dersOll, It didn't mClln Itnyth ing Aft I: all this 1" train it was d is the j udgment, Illl10 un li ng to the of Rob ert Corwin, dec eased, the Clifford S mith to J oshua D. anci might be u good day for us to be I but th al , und it can b e nn null('d (, ·) It(',' rl lTl ~ (0 hav e h('r make the s lim of $2036.60, which is the net value of the estate was Willinm C, Mills real estate in marr ied al l over agllin." a ll Y lime. You hnve yu ur IlIHrri uge ! rl'm ark ghr> mude, durin!!' their umollllt o( t he )Jromi ss ory notes, $14624 .61. SlI~ce8sors , to., t he Leban on. Hel' eycb l'ows ro e. l'ertilicote s(l m e\\' h ~ re nround - in hOllr'V!HflOn n for night latCI" ,\l(hi n fi ve rJllYs f l' om entry, th€m estate are LO ~lI e Corwl11. Widow, C. B. and MIll' y E. J ohnson to " I'll fUl'gi\' c ~' O U for n' ~h i nglthlJ r ~:l1 cs l.tlte sha ll be appraised Thon~as ~OI'Wll1, Jr., so n, Isabel T. C, a nd Hattic Pruett 62 1)J acres How utter ly abSLI rd you can be yo nr haud .hag, I th ink." when you give yo ur mind to it," He told the !>tory fl imp ly an,1 t h(\ \\,Nl clin~ hi~ wc!Ok." Hhe and so ld to sutis f y said judgment. on v!n KillS'. d a.ull'hte r~_ Robert H. ill ,Wu!>hington twp. "W e might even go to the sam e with s udd en s,eriulIs ncsR , , ~ni d , (I rclImi ly. " \~ hll,t I clln't fo rm'ric Lllke~, l lifnnt, by Lizzie ~?rwl11, 5011, Wllllllm Henry CorS ibyl L. Ellison and Nina B, little pO l'sonage and the sa me old ' "YO\I W 1'(1 In U fllate fir ~11I\' el- J'N I,' lhllt ~' t)U dltill t 1'1I Rh It lus t Snyc!o r, her nex t friend was gran t- \\111, son , Trout to William H. Beekley 10.6 minis ter. They we ren't ver y at· in g terror (If 1I (·ndersu n." he e nd - W( el,. Thc firl<1 da y 1 \\'0 ' r eally c(1 u di v(l['c. from Mutt Lwke:. the', Th,e last will and testatnent of ac res in Deerfield twp. trnclivo, but there's a cer tai n ,sen- d, "t hough you dilln't knuw myse lf again 1 fC!\t that ] had d ~ f"ndllnt having been found AZllrlah DOlin .Brac kney. deceas~d Thomas C, W alch to Estll er timent in choosing t he same set- why, and en nick tl nd r. wh o I IOVNI you a Lhou ~nnd ~'lJars I d idn 't Kui lty of gl'oss neglect of duly was produced In COUI·t and admlt- W elch ~ou t hglllc and Martha tinj.!. didn't know anyt hi ng nh nllt him , kn ow YOI! , but r 10 ed yoll. T was t() wlll'd s the pla ill1tiff. The pla in- ted to pr.obate. L. M. Henderson Welch, 14,04 lIeres in Morrow. "I wish you wouldn't say s uch of ro ul'~C, \\' l' u fl' uid he hnrl ~" m ' Iwu d 0\( 1' h ec l~ in love with you till' wa s nWlII'der cus tody of thcir '~IIS .apPolnted exec utor. No bond . Emm ett E llzl'<lth t o harlc!! W. foolish lhi ngs " hold QVC1' you . We knnw It OW thnt lno, If )'011 hod triNI to Icnv me tWI) chi ldre n, Ver'no n and Jan et. l cqulred. C' ,L. Duke, W. A. Clark Chariton, ' par t of lot 0 , 152 in "Su re ly y u'rc n ot goi ng to it wa s ynul' absYllllll drt'ud of thl' l'rI hU\,C ' )lUI'HIC tl you wi t h sh ri ek:!, The case Of Statio Caud ill versus and, C. E. MIchener were made ap- 'L ebanon. deny our expedi ency maniage," marringe," H el' u lnl ~ wC!rc oro,u ll~ his nec.k !Ii.urio n audil l WU R di smi ssed PI·sAlsers. . Louis Murke to Matil da Darker, he sighed, "Of cour,e it 'wns on ly he nodd ed. nnw nn d !' he ge ntly pInched hIS Without reco rd. ' cco unts flied. , 132.76 acres in Mu ssie twp, II blufl', but it's a beautif ul mem" It's like henring ni!o ut ~ m e l'a l', In the cuse of Emma Bennett Estate of Maude Underwood, de John and Mal'y Murin to Frank ory a nd it was fine practice for one cl ~e , " , "Yet lhink of thc t ime we've \' I'SUS har les Ber.n ett, the court ceas ed, ~rst and final. , and Anna Kazies'ko , 60.42 acres in the next time we do it. By the way H d cid('(1 that I h e~' hud b e n wa R1C!d :; in('C' hc'n !" she s ighe d. assiglled ' Septe mbl~r 2 at ] 0 o'clock Gual'd!anship of HenrIetta ..M el- Wayne twp. what have you done with the w ed- serious long enuugh. (The End) n , ,m, as th e tim e for heal'ing the ampy, m~nor ~rst and , Guardl~nshlp .of Juamta. Bak er. , plu in tiff's petition asking for Bill. Allowed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - a lim ony pendente lit~ et a~ nllno ~, Inventory ln ~ ld In t he case of Willinm Ertel, an estaLte.. . . Lebanon Pat riot, adv, finan cial o the Iw u c wife. t urns to infa nt by DlIi sy Keiter, as n ext, o~a D. Ford :w'.as apPOinted report, $182.50; W estern Star, chocolate eve n in mid -summer friend versus The Board of Coun- g~ard lan of Henrietta Melampy, same $182.60: lumbu ' Blank thankful fOI' its u ~ efu l, stand-by " , . f n, . . C minor and filed her bond of $600 Book Co., supplies, $I,5(); Boo k qualiti e!>. t/ C ommlss l,o n~1 s , 0 .. all en o un with Edwin Marshall and Charles Chop, mOl'tgage I'ecord~ $58.76 : F1ere UI'!' so me good recipes for y, T~e pla,mtlff \Vas granted ten Laymon lIS sureties , Johns on-Watson Co" s uppli es , ' . d ay.!! III which t o fil e an amended The Jast w'll ' d' t ,_ t f $240' Frank M Drake shude rol- u: ing it : petit ion . 1 ~n es .... men 0 f ' ' : ,. " . 'rh (J cllse 0f S '""I'e -' 0 f Oh'10 versus J . Scott 'Guttery , deceased ' M was ler tor commlSSlonelS, $.1.40, Penn Chocolate Pudding . 't $70 Wolter Dow ney t1Ae court g ranted produced. In court and admitted to or onl.. Jam or se rVIces, ' ; M ,It an ounee nnd a half oC ('c' t' c' D ' ADS probate, Anna E. Guttery was ap- Jam es I" o llen, same, $ 16; C. Dona(1p, ~ ,.1 Ion 0 , ~. . . pence, pointed executrix. No bond r e- aId Dila t ush, rM t for offi ce!;, $20; choco late in a double boiler, and whel eby he Wits l ,e leased from the quir d L "I Th H Book Shop repai),s '$3,50 ' Offic" a dll a tabl eR poo n a nd 1\ half of bond of th defendant e . ., .. . ompson, arry . ' " ' ,"'I Th 'd e, f l " d t t h Collin s and Harry Ralston were Outfittel'S, overh ll ullng' typewntel' cor nstarch ll1ixecl with three·quor, " ': ~l et 0 sa e Issue 0 e made appraiRers. $12.30; W. H. Fulk el'th, cleaning lel's of a cup of s ugar. Stir till !; h~ II~ , In the cas,e of The Mu t ual The court confirmed the re- cistern at jail, $3; Philip Heisel, smouth . A dd two cups of hot milk fu:Jdll1g a nd ,Loan Compa ny VfrSU I>ort made by CI M h d pay roll $20.66 ' Ede n Terry sllme stirring s lowly as yo u add it, and , . , . arll .urp y, a - <:374 26'. Ch I' E B db lifto n G. AI ~xllnder, was r ecalled Th It f Oh'o W'I ., ar es . ra ury, cook (01' twenty-five minutes, stirl mlllistratnx with the Will annexed 'P \iam e Wiik : r ~ n tlhc ve;:r:nda (>f the estate of Martha L. Fouche same, $366,45; W. S. Graham, ring from ti me to time. 1'hen a I I I . t' , n decea sed. sa me, $121; P. B. Monee, same, beute n egg yo lk nnd a teaspoon of p ac O( gull y anr! was sen tenced W Chester M ' 1 t f $106' Robert Fl'au eknecht: labor vanilla. POU I' ill to a ba king dish, to pay a fine Of $50 0 a,ltd costs and the '~state of Laiaye~tte~~cuholr 0 $14" Donald Harper sa~le , $7: covel' with a m e l"ingue, brown in t hat he stand commItted to the d " 0 son, Ch 'I F ' .' d' $4 ' the o\' n, and seI've very cold, with c( t "1 t' l f' d , eceas ed, flIed hIS Inventory and ar es rye, mowing we e sJ ,p~rdn y Jnl un I .lIle an costs are appra ise ment in pr(>bate.. 20; George Camp, dirt, $79.00; J. or without crea m. W'·I\' T II I d d 'It t Charle.s James Harry Jones and E. Eberhart. g.uard rail posts, $160 tI I ham a ell: Pteah ~ gbul Y'l'ho W. W, Shurts were named apprais 'Harold V. ' Martz, furni shjng and We Don' t Know e Y S':'!t c afrgO~h IO · agal ~IIS Imfi d <:500 ers of the estate of Rose H ' WiI- loa(iing gravel, :$1l1.1 3 ; Howard T. Busin t;S Jetters should ' be e II t H ane wasI nde t 'i'th so n, deceased. " Cook, Slime, $225; Clinton Cou n, . t a 11d cos S, ' e WDIS Of( erc 0 e Th ' ~ t G I C <:36' Kil Writ en with a view to th ir posst will county j ail until fiine and cos ts are G I.' IIlW and testament of Yt .rkavFe °h"MslIlme,C 'P C' - sible efl'ect upon th e investigating s t tled. eotge .- Stanley, deceased, was pa I'1C - r~n~ 0 or IIr' ~., gas committee. , h produced In Court and admitted to and supphes,. S?50.24; Blair and, - - - - ....- - Wa It e l' F' alrwp;j~t e.r entered a probate. Ella T. Stanley was ap- LeR oy. furnIshing and loading,



Are FI,ing Again






- --

e, r

'I "




' I I



I .






",ill begin with next week's issue of

T ,b e

Miami Gazette

~~~~~It'°h~ no~ gT~lty S~"t the /O~~e


pointed executrix. No bond re- $72 i J. K. Spencer, same, $254 ; Subacribe for the Miami Gazette Y e. a e 0 10 quired. GhaTles J Waggoner 0 Zain Armitage, same, $1057; Van set for hellrll1g Thursday, S. Higgins and Ga~dner H To~s.: Camp Stone Co., gravel and sand , _ ___ , ._ . _ _ ~;8~Omber 4. Bo:nd was fixed at ley were made appraisers. ' $76.59; E. D. Jones, supplies'. $1.~ w'li' am B dId d 'It Charl es B. Decha,n t, judge of the 35; BanghalU-Motor Co., supplies ... al eh e rn~r tP~!l ebgu~hYe com'mon , pleas court of Warren and repairs, $40.75; Frank Sher7 ;rs~,lIg~l'lS l$200 Co unty. has been appointed to act wood Co .. gas and s Ul?pJi es, $16.01 ....£ ~I-"-"";" ~ 0 10 . €! was ne a s probate judge during the ab- Eugene Harper, bridge repair, $39 , a n , costs. .In def :a ult of fine and sence of W, Z. Roll from Septem- 60; Taylor and Whitacre, pai'nting RESIDENT cost h~ ~'as remanded to the ber 2 to . September 20, 1930., $199; E. Gregg, bridge repair, $1.('oun t y J a i l . . 75; J, L. Gregg. same, '3; J. K. Harl ey CI~rk pl~Dded gUilty to N S. Spencer, furnishing and loading a charg,8 DgUlI1!!t 111m by the State , ew UJb gravel $14; J. K. Spencer, bridge PERMANENT LOCAT[ON of OhIO. Defe ndant was fined Emma Bennett versus Charles lumber, $349.36; Ohio Corru a$500 und costs, ,H!J was.remande.d B~nnett fOJ; divorce, custody of ted Culvert Co., sewers, $278JO; to . the c ounty Jail untll !:arn e IS 1l11.1l0r children, support of minor, Guy Sigler bridge lumber, $102; plud.. children, both temporor,y and per- Emerson . Harper, bridge I'epail', LEBANON, OHIO .JUd,gl~le.nt 10 ,the sum Qf $83.10 man cn,t,. allo~ance , on attorney $3,60: : Mrs. Fay Ca III pb ell , comWith Int<n est flom ,September 10, fees, inJunction and other relief. pensabon and damages, $30; Joe Eye. Examined 1 9~9 ~"~s awarded In favo~ of the Chal'ges are gross neglect of duty. W. Davis, pay roll, $642.50; Char- Glaue. Fitted Repair. p ll1lntlff, .fohn M~?ol'e agaInst the les E. Bradbury, same $162.30; A I de Ce ndan ts Genev!levc Hatte, Clar- I Marri. .e Lieea.e. 'T. Rettig, same, $864; Eden Terry , - - - - - - - . . - - - -_ _J, e nc e Hotte, L. A. Hatte and BeSSie ~!lme $953 60' E D Jones same ~-Iattc . Th!! COUl't also rendered Floy~ Leroy L~ng, ~Iasterer of $381:70'; To~pkins ' same .Judgment In fa V~'l' of. the defen- I Franklin and MISS E~hel Mary $461.05; Perl' B, Sim s~n 0 ~ dunt ,and . cr.os. -pe titioner, lhe Cole, t eacher of Franklm, August erating malntiiner, Leslre ~e ople s DUllc\Jng,: Loan and sav- 20. , .. . Sliultz, same $65. l ngs Compa ny, III th e sum of Nelson B. Troth msurance agent - , ' • - ....--'-- $63"4 together wj ,t h ineerest from of Lynchburg, and Miss Julia M. &. July 1, 1930 at 6, ~ % against, the Howard teacher bf- Morrow, A~MONEY LOA~ED ' d eendan ts, Gen ev:ieve Hatt~ 'and gus t, 21. ' Clarence , Batte . ' ' , Owen M. , Phillips, . butcher of LO.H~S on '-f;ivcsto"ek;-cliattelll, Utr!m;s t he def 'efl'ilants, ,Genev- ,F ranklin and Mias Vjrginia Hele Second Mortgages. Notes b ough, iove Bat te" Clurence Hatte, L,' A, Howell, of Fraklin, August 21. Joh~ Earbine, Jr., Xenia, Ohio. Hatte" and Bcssfe! Hatte pay the Delbert T. Ferris, meat cutter , .. amount !fo und due the plaintiff of Blanchester, and Miss , VestA defendants, Genevieve Hatte and Jane Spurling, of Pleasant Plain, nnd cro ss-petition within 3 days August 22. ' LONG OR SHO.RT TIME-Eaey Fid elity and Guar:~'fity Company as " Roy Malott, B. & o. trackman terms. Also, Surveying and Abfrom entry order of sale will be of Cozaddale, and Miss Clara stl'8cting. Write and J will calJ iSlm ad to the sherii/f. J ackson, machine Operator of Love and see you, Sam D. Henkle, Way---land, August 22. n esville, Ohio. Jll . Pro,b"t e Court Proceedinr' Truman Wardlow, dairy laborer In of Lebanon, and Miss Olive Din- , Eunice H. MuH administratrix widdie, postal 'clerk of WayneSVille WANTED of the astute of Henry Mull de- August 23. . ()eased filed her inventory and apJohn'!'. Kelly, dry cleaner of Chocolate is somewhat out of praiscmcnt in cOUirt. D fashion in the SUmmer. . REAL , The c ourt ordered th e adminl'-- ayton and Miss Mary E. Bonner Quite right. Why 'eat chocolate DEALERS WANTED of Ol'egQnia, August 26. ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. We tratrix of the estate 'of . Henry Ed d H ' , layer cake when we may eat straw can place 'several live wide awake Mull , deceas ed to seU the personal . war .' Schaffer, salesman berry short-cake? Why pour hot pro,\>el'ty at private sa le. of Dayton lind Miss Margaret E. chocolate .sa uce ove\, our ice, cream men in a profltable b\lsiness selJEmma E, Ros~; was appointed Bonner, of Oregonia, August 26, ,when we mpy have crushed rasp- ing direct to consumers in your home Coun ty. Write quickly for nd ministl'stl'ix of th€) estate of Real E.tate Trender. berries instead'l And so on down free catal ogue, G. C. HEBERLING Robert ROft~ deceased and filed hel' the line, contl'!Istin~ th~ delicous- COMPANY. Dept '1886 Bloomingbond of $100 wit h United States Virgil R. and Marie Groves by ness of summer frUits With the al-' ton, 810 Fidelity a nd Guaranty Company as Sheriff to ' 1'he ..Miamisburg Build- ways available taste of chocolate. Sur ety. William McCandless, Ralph iog and Loan Association lots Nos. Yet. m'ost of us like chocolate, Gl'cen und Addison Taylor were 31 and 32 in Fran.klin. ' And chocolate has 'the ' big advanFOR RENT muclo appraisers. Rose Smith, by ancillary admin- tage oj being always there...:...alAccounts filed: istrator to Joshua D . .Tones and 'ways on the ]lantry shelf, not FOn RENT- Farm , neal' RldgeE state of L. S. Dunham, deceas- William C. Mills, real estate - in given to mildew and soft spots, : ville. App~ to Dr. Dudley Keever ed, second and fil1la1. ' Le banon. . if the weather ~ets warm or Cel1tel'ville, 0., or WayneSVille R. E~ tllt e of Henry Wagner, deLennie Smith to Louie Smith' lot1dam p, fluctuating In price accord- 4. ' , 817 ceased, first and fiina!. No. ~83 in Mason. " .1 ing to drought~ and cloudburstS. FOR, RENT -:- Farm .. Inquire of ==========~==-==== -~-============-=-~~ ,~~~.~ ==~ --====-=======~= Mrs:'J . V. Hartsock, Third street , ·a27 PINKY DINKY Hi. Feet Muat Have Got Sor~! by TERRY"~ILK.SON ,~R '. RENIf- Five rooms , with , " electric lights and water, Mril. ~I ~i. ~~HeR. Amelia Williams: tf ," , (30RN IN Nt:W ' 6EE! W 'HAT" A LONCi '-{ AND HE HAP TO GO CO ?o~HODL 'N ' -EV6R.V OA'" TO , ',li:OR ~Ar:~Plym<1uth' Rock puli'CHOOL ", ~ , '~, -EN6t.~N\i( " '. ' le~;. 'u~Ulqjld, in ~arch, no~ lay1Il~, also :Foltd sedan, cheap. S. D. If!en~le, ', ' . sS .







Dr. John ettel




19 N. Broadway


.V. W.





5% Farm Loans


Read this thrilling Story

the Gazette





By Ruby M. Ayres




- ... ---









~ ..

,Ll\.RGE plle of tock may' be had hauling.i i"Goo~ for' fills 01''' ',~UIi"""IiiiIIrIii,1 ,'. foundatioDs. :'M rs. ' SUBjln ' P~ine. . .~ 'f. :/~: " ',0,; !~~r~'~:. . : ~, . .;,. *SsF.OR ' SAI,.E-l-Cllll'1i1on\ nnge. In, q\.tire at this office. -118

',' ',fo-r.








, ..


PJPl!;S: va Ires :&; ft.t tinlfll, for ' all

:' purposes" ~ge~let's ',line ' 'of ,heatini' &; .J!lumbiDir. 'euPJlliea 'are the beat. Tbe Backlet-King O~..1 '416 W. Maln St., Xenja, ObiC!. U





D. L. CRANE Publiaher Office Phone ...................... No. 112


years. stantly invested at I) per cent a Those computation. don't al- year. with safety. Financial and way work out,funds 'however. asBenthe socia . I con d'" . . l 80 muc h I'U8teea of the lett by 1,lOns c h aoge", jamln Franklin 140 yea1'$ ago have in a hundred years that none of eli covered . the forms of investment suggestI··canklin set up two 'funds of a ed by Fl'anklin wus available lhou!!and pouhdll- ,Il,OOO- ' each. fore t~ c ntul'Y wa s over. to b lent at 1) pe,· cent Interest The gr'eut g rowlh of fortunes (01' the benefit of t he young in Am 'rica, as · J ~ewh ere , has not w\il'kinl/: men in the citi es of Phil- 1J en in investments in bu siness 01' ud Iphia and Boston. In 100 industry but in land. A littl e years, Franklin eomp ut d, each more Lhan ] 00 Y ars ago John G. city would hav a fund of 131,000 Wendel, a fur h'ader, bought sevpounds . . Of this 100/ °00 pounds oral pm'cels of lund oil Manhattan W(l S to be URt>ri f('lr puoJlc Imnrov,,- Islllm!. His cntir inv stment is l1I~ntll urttl the rema ining 3 1,00 sa id to have been less than $,100pou nds leillv sted !It 5 pH cen t 000. N(lne of tilt> land lias ever fe-I' uno thur hundred year·s. At pURsed out of th e Wendel famil y. that time ' each city would hav e All but ono of the Wendels hOI BO llle $20,000 ,000, he figur ed. di ed und the sole owner today is F'ronkHn di ed in 1790. In 1890 Mi es Ella Wend el, gl'undJaughtel' th e Philud elphio fund. inst ead of of tho original in vll!;tol', now past umounting t o about $050 ,000, as eighly yellrll old . Th e asseSSlIlcnt he had ca lculate d, waR o'nl y for tux purpo ~es of her Manhat$90 ,000. The Boston trustees hud tun real etute for 1!)~0 is $43,be n IIble to do u little b t te l' with 421.000. Its actual value is said th eir investm ents, and hall neady to be in exce!ls of $100.000,000. $300,000, but still less than half Th ere is no sure r way to in sure of what the donal' had est·imated . ind pend li ce 10 one' ~ desendants In othe r wOI'ds, neith er set or than to buy real e~ tute in any trustees had been able to keep growing cOllllllunity nnd hang on the whole of the pl'incipal con-to it. _ ,,===

Are You Busy?

MI'. and Mr~.. W. C. Walker (nee Lilla K nnedy), I)f Dayton, lue unnouncing the 1lrl'IVII I fu so n, 'rites R.aicfeDee ....... ....... .. .. ...... No. 118 day, Augu t :~6. Th youlIg l)1an Lipped the . a'l C!s lit 9 lb. 7' oz. H e Subacription Price, '1.50 a Year hils , not been 'nail! ' d. IS - - - ~--Mr. and Mr : hI'S. Madde n coIEnterad "I POlluffice 01 W ",,, nelllille led on Mrs. L ouitSil Wright; in Wi!Ohio. a. Socn "d C lo ... Muil M.ller . ming-ton, Tu esday. ~._ _ _ __ _ _ . _ . _ Mombe1' of t he Gl'Ilham Camil y nttendl'd th e Grahtllll r ennion nt EPTIDMBER 3, ' J 030 Belleail'e, Lebanon, Sutu rd ay. M lS. Lidn stump dicrl lit h er home Tu osday ve nin g , followin g II long illncss. 1, un el'lll sel'vices -- - - - - - - - - -- - - were held Fdday afternoon al Mc I I IUI' I:l'~ FUlleml home. LOOKING TEN YEARS MI'. and Ml's . ·ha s. H. Gmy and AHEAD son Robert wlere business visitors in Xenia Wednesday aftel'lloon. *---- - -- ---'~----Mrs. Milton Ellkins, a s isted by her so n Amo s, planned and curThe ce n 'us of 1 !l30 is the most d ed out a hap py surprise on Erma important numbering of tho peo,l ean in honory of afternoon. h er sixth bil'lhpic of the United States since the uuy Thursda The first count or our inhabitants was guesttS enjoyed a round of gumes made. Ev en though ull of the and de lighted with Jea n in the al'(0 conclusions t o be drawn from it my of gifts bestowed UpOIl her T empting refl'cs hments of ic e huve not yet become available, it has already taught us more about CI'l'lIm , ·cake. anu candy were sor""" ourselves than we ever kne w beI'cd a Mary Lou Moore, Fl oI' nce --. fore. Wnlp, Mary ,;fo und Laura Etta E~peciDlly has it shown us that Williams, Edith D bonl, Jauina one of the causes of our great nuCan, Cleo I\nd Carm en Kirk, Martiollal pl'osperity is disappearingj ori e ad Nellie Mary Davis. Edith the steady incl'ease ill population anll Alice Bogan Edith Mae Brook:! Dt a high mte. Decline in immiAlice and Kathleen Gl'ay, Opal and gratio n and decline in the birthBel'nitll Lewi s, Ed die MOOI'C , Wilrate hav e combined to reduce our limn Brooks, Billy Villars. EJannual ra te of ~lopulation growth wurd William s, Vem on Lew is. Rob to about 1 per ce nt a year. TwenCl't Bogu n, Wa y ne Gray and Bill y ty years ago wc were growing at Carr. -----the rate of 2 P l' cent a year; fol'- ' . ~==;:; Mrs. has. E. GOI'don and Robty Yf.'ors ago, at a S pel' cent rute . ert wero Wednesday gu ests of MI'. . This will make a difference in Once upon a time I hired a man down in your heart nnd mold yo u un rl Mrs. 'riffin Walker and son, business industries and inves t- to do a certain piece of work. He in its own imag . . Ned, at James town. MI·S. Walk cr nl ents which depend upon increas- was well along in middle life, and That's a terrifying thought, or a WIIS form er ly Miss Esculene Reying populatio for their own I wondered why he had not made very encouraging one, according to nolds. growth. Rea l estate values dep end mOl'e progress,. since he seemed the way you live. Everything you Weare gladl to make a corr ectIlpon population. The rate of hunest and industrious. do has its influence on what you ion in ou r la s t l e~tc r. We were growth in the big citi es iH falling I suid to him: "I cannot be are. mis inform ed conc I'ning the band off more rapidly than in the coun- here to watch this wOl'k and so I When you cheat you cheat your concerts. Th e concer ts will contry towns and shall communities sha ll have to trust you to do it as self. And whatever y ou do t hat's tillue a s long as th e weath er will generally. Thnt means that real if you were working for yourself." decent automatically and in evita- permit. eSlate in the large cities will not He wns profuse in hi s ass urances bly bu il ds you up. Mr. and Mrs . J. W. Snell and increase so I'Upid ly in va lu e from H seemed to Want tho job. - - - - - - - -ilVllily enterta:ined a truck-load of yenl' to year, while in the IImall er At the end of six months I vi sfl'iends from Monterey, Thursday. EXTENSION CLASS, LEBANON ,' ubscribe for The Miami Gazette towns it will increa se at a faster i ed him. He had done fairly w~l1, MI'. and MI:s. Frank Kirk and I'I\te.. but was rathel' glib with alibis. son, Timm~, of Houston, Texas, The first lIl ceting of the W'ilThe redistl'ibution of population Other peopl e were always hol,d ing were ~ue sts this wee k of MI'. and nringt on o ll ege ~xt e n ~ ion lass is always an imp ortant faetol' in him up. The weather was always ·MI'~. R. H. J e ff eris and fumily. ilL Lc bllnon will be held on Wed\lusiness and industry. Nowhere vory had. He would have done soMrs. Wilbur Hawke attended ncsduy, September ] 0, at 7:30 in in the world do p eople shift their and-so if he had been s ure just Womcn's amp at Camp Hook this the ew High school. The subject A BnUle reck ph YKic inn R ay ~ . homes from one place to another What I had wanted, but had failed week. . to be giv en wll1 depend upon the "Cons tipation is respulllliblc for as they do in Americn. Just now to let him know. Kirk Jefferis spent two days wi s hes of the majority of the closs. mure 1Il lse l'Y than lill Y uthel' e nu ~ e .' the census shows a strong tend enI put this down as the gl'umbUng Ill st week with Billy orr. All are urged to be pr scnt at the Phone 93 But imlllediute relic·f hus been cy of manufacturing indu stry habit of an old man. After having two meetings in fir!;l meeting in ord er to help se- foulld. A tllblct call ed RC Ka l1 OrdIIway ftom the 11I1'ge centers and "At least he is honest and means thc cou ntr y, the Suns hin e Club lect the subject a nd the timc of t! rlies has bee n discovCl'ed. This to the smaller town s. That will well," 1 said. \ ill meet Monday evening, Septem me ting. tab I t attracts wate)' from the sysSONG mean more building in tb smalJBut one day, aftel' ubout a year. be l' 81in the club " oo m Mrs. Harley While this class is intended prim t em into th e la zy, dry, evacullting er places in th e n ext ten years, I happened to nppear ull expecte~ ly levengcr, Mrs. Gamer Clevenger aJ'ily . for leach rs. it is ope n to any bow el culled t he cololl . The water By Frederick William Th.omaa hom es, faclories., stores, institu- H t'. was nu~ in e·v idence. pon m and Lauen Ellen Wright as host- one interested in advancing his 11 1' loo:;ell s the dry f ood w!lste and ~ ..- - - - - - - - -_ _ __ tiOtH! and public buildings. There I qu.'ry I d,r covered that he was Th ey say that absence conquers esses. hl'r education. All the extension ('uuses It g entl e, th o rou~h. nntural propably will be less building in us mg my tIme lind some of my mat love! Miss Ruby ]{hk, of Wilmi ngton classes arc taught by regular rn lll - mav m ent without forl1ling a ha bit But oh! believe it not; th e large cities, and t hn t largely erinl s 011 a. little private j ob of visited her lIunt, Mrs. Ru sse ll Jef- uel's of the coll ege faculty, lind ur evC!' increasing th rl ose. I've tried, alas; its power to prove, by way of replacing ob, ol ete struc- his own. We had a solemn confer: feries last week. high-grade instruction is thus asSto l1 s uffering fr o m con s tipaBut thou art not ' forgot. _ tures. ence and decided to part. Wayn e Gray was a guest of sured to the students. . lion hew n Rexnll Order li e at The declining birth rate is sure When you put a man on his Lady, thoul\'h fate has bid us part, Billy Can two days the past week T.he Saturday school Will be 01'- night. Next duy brig ht. ;ct 24 for Yet still thou art as dear, to have a definite effect on build- honor und then have him tllke adErn es t Gillam, of New York, . gOOlz~d at the College.on Sat~rday 25c today at th l' neares t Hexall illg as well as on business gener- vantoge o~ yo~r trust it is a blow As fixed in this devoted heart, ity is spending his Vacation with mOI.'Tllng, September . 20. QUIte a lJrul/: Store. Adam s Drug tore. As when I clasped thee here. ally Not only will we need fewer to your fUlth m human nature. So his pal'cnt, l\1'r. and Mts. Will vanety of co urses WIll be offel'~d, HIGHEST Gillam. and B ~tu~ent ha s the oppo~tU nlty __ .________ . _. ____ _ schoo l bU.ildings, especially in the I was depressed and a little . sore. CASH lower gracles, but the type of home But only for a few mmutes. I plunge into the busy crowd, HalTY 01'1' and family, of Day- to obtalll four hour~ of credIt each And smile to heur thy nam e; now in growing demand is in Then I sa id to myself: "How foolPRICES ton ,visited relutives here la~t SUll- semester by attend1l1g the Satur- Watch your expiration date on the sma ll er units than forme rl y. Few- is h I am to let this thing worry And yetJ as if I thought aloud, day. day ~c h?ol. PAID Tbey I<now me s till the same. er babies are born, but more oI me. This man has cheated me out Mi 's Evalyn P enney has made . Wllmmgton Coll ege. . haS' had a The Miami Gazette them grow up to go to high schoo. of a few hundr.e d dolIa~s, but And when the wine-cup passes applieation at Miami Vall ey 111>s- IlIrge nu~ber of Wallen .Co unty round, and co lege. More people live to what a petty thmg that Is compital to enter t raining for a nurse t euche!, I ~tt endance dUring the - - - . - - - - - - - I toast some other fairold age. It is not hard to forcast pared with the way he has cheated " . . ; ·s umlller seSSIOn and many of these a lime coming' when the whole himself! All his life he has held But when I ask my heart the sound The tableaux, The T en VIrgins teachers in attendance during the Thy name is echoed there. problem of living well center more a nickel so close to his eyes that put on by th e W leome class of throughout the winter months by pany the Jonah's .Hun Sunduy School means of. the Saturday classes and . about the needs of the adults and he couldn't see a dollar. All his life Su"!day evenll1g, . was well worth extens ion service. the elderly and less about the he has lived on alibis, watching the And when some other name I learn s ee1l1g. • _ ._ _ _ _ PHONE 8F3 And try to whisper love, needs of the children than ever clock, stealing a little here and With Dependable beloro in history. there from his employers, imagine Still will my heart to thee return HARVEYSBURG, OHIO NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Like the returning dove. that he was doing well for himself. Serum and Virus If And where is he at sixty? Poor In vain! I never can forget, And would not be forgot, - - - - - - -. nnd jobless, and a failure. Reaping insures both SafeEstnte of Azarinh Doan BrackFor I must bear the same regret, I what he has .sown." I ney, Deceased. ty and Success I The old id ea of Heaven and HeH Whate' er may be my lot. HOW MONEY GROWS I Notice is hereby given that L. I I was very bad because it made us M. Henderson has been duly ap_ _ _ _ _ _ - think that our reward or punish- E'en as the wounded bird will seek pointed and qualified as Executor Its favorite bower to die. ment Is eo.ming to us in some farof the Estate of Azariah ' Doan So, lady! I would heal' thee speak, Alm ost ev erybody has seen the off place hCl·eafter. Mother Pa,. Grateful Trib~t. e to Brackney late of Warren Co unty, parting sigh. A nd yield my Harveysburg, O. In tho same· way most people mis tables ' of compound inter est i s ued Ohio, decensed. FUNERAL DIRECTOR by snvings banks showing how intel'pret the verse in the Bible 'Tis said that absence conquers New Medicine "Wiah Othera Dated this 22nd day of August Phone 31 love! much you would have at the end which reads: "Be sure your sin will 1980. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Mother', to" But, oh! believe it not; of tf'n or . twenty years if you in- find you out." W. Z. ROLl. They soy: "Lots of people sin I've tTied, ulas; its power to prove, vested II certain amount at comSlhe Say. Judge of the PI·oblltf.' Cou ·: t, But thou are not forgot. pound inter s t. ' Most of us have and are never found out. Theres10 Warren Cou nty, Ohio. E<lUippeq for Good speculated on what 11 fortune we fore the vers'e is untrue." But the verse does not say that Dic:key- "My dad is a n Elk, a Lion could pile up for our grandchilService. . dren 01' gl'eat-gl'andchildren if we your sin be found out. It say8, and a Moose." Large Display Room. Mickey-"What does it cost to "Be B ure your sin will find 70U could leave OUl' moneY out at compound interest for. say, a hundred outH-be sure'\ hat it wilL settle. see him?" Ambulance ' Service



No? Then it

time to get busy and get your printing done before the busy season begins

Letter Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Bill fleads, Blank Forms of all kinds, Weddi,.gs, .Cards of all kinds, Booklets,· Posters, Sale Bills, in fact, we are prep:.r_·d do any kind of commerciai' work


The Gazette's news service gives good results in advertising and in Sale BiB printing; Try it once









Dead Stock Wanted



..-----, .. _------

Dr.W.E. Frost

- _---


F er t'l'z lIe r Co m

J. ,E. McClure

----- ...


~ - =-=========-~==================================


Sight Specialist

30 Yeal's Experi e lH~ e in Fitting und Milk ing GlIISlIOS - atCARY'S JEWELRY SHOP C:very Tu~ . da y, Thurlday, Saturday Cbarge for Examination

Alben T. · R"eid


M" HENDERSON NOTARY PUBLiC MISS EMMA MILLION "K onjola i. indeed a medicine . fOI' "II th e funtily," said Mrs. Mary . '. Reed, 214 Wad e street, Cincin- ! nati, mother of Miss Emma Million . "My daughter, ~ns weak a.nd did no t play like other children. She was bilious, hE!I' eyes were dull and I s he suft'cred inte nsely 'from constipation. Her kidn eys wel:e weak and her liver s luggish. She was often taken ill at sc hool and lost much time from her studies. "Emma gai ned 21 pounds since I begun giving her Konjoln. It has been ighteen mon ths si nce I gave he .. · this ln ed icine and she i in \.c ~ .r perfect health today. She began to . LUC!.~ improve rapidly with the ·. treat- . garanc" \\ (," :1 \):. $\.(1 . r \ rest ment. Constipatlon disappeared. gr',: \\',' . I \'" "",:' , 1 . '_ \ \ '!" t · ... .I I dent f.he 'was no longer bilious, and she Ii. 'tn. L. began to ronw and pla¥ as a H "' "' ~ . r Ity "I" ' LU' g O tIS h 'aUh,y chi! dshould, Tne. 'weak ",.e \\,1111<: Hvu.c.. iain·t ing ~lJe ll !i soon passed and her ---.. eyes 1;iegan to s parkle 'with health. Konjola will always have a place Wanted them Shrunk in my home." . . ·' the wondeil'iul works ' of Kon- ' Wuitres "Oh , I'm sorry I spiljola are not l"cstTicted to any age. led 'vater all over you." It may be taken by 'young or old :Patrori- "That's perfectly all with amazing results. A trial of 'right, the suit was too larg'e !lny-' from I)ix to eight ",eeks· is .~eco'm~ way. It . 'me1'\ded fo\' .the Iie'st. Ilesult& . , ..,. __._ _-'-Konjola is sold in Waynesville, Ohio, at Adama' Dna. .$to.... and Tit 'f", .Ta.t by all the best druggists , in all Mother (in train) -,-"T ommy, if towns throull~out this entire sec- you al'e not a r09d boy I shall tion. • .'_ __---,. . smack you." . . .. ~ Tommy-"You slap me and 1'0





ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN your attie, hogs, sh ee.p an~ calveil Will. Drawn - - Eatatel Settled to Norris-Brock Co., hve Wlf!J and pl'ogressive finn for the hl~hest market prices and go.od. serv~ce. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Union Stock Yarda, Cancannata, O. Ref,rence: Ask first man- you Dtl!~f' National B:..ok


ten the conduct9f my r:eal ase."



- - - --. ---.'r




~~uth, . lippose I




F Ma rtin T Auctioneer •




SATISFACTION Or No Charge Centerville, Ohio Phone 89W




...."1.. -





. ---,..,-...

"Bill" and "Colone~" the J,lm-pounc1 team belOlllilll to I mocor truck, at the Ja1 County. [Ddlana, ~rl lJIIde a record 0 46,103 poundt on I 'IiqOII or eiIbt fourteeo-1IICb boUoIII. GIIlItaI • numh!'1' of fl'i rn d ~ fr om hl'l'(' :I [( nndpd lhl' fUl1l' I'Ill of MI'>, Oil W,'(hl<'sday ,1(''-l'l' h T h01ll l!~ a fll' I'Il l1t1 n, MI', and :l1 1'~ . Fra nk R Oj! I'S (1 f' :-;P I ill"I",I' " \\' (' 1'(' l'u llin l{ ti ll Ly(lC' fl'i (' IIII" Sunday af( (' l'I1 ooll,



)" I':1 nk W oll y und

' '' " ~ nnel i'llI'. a lld ~ l l'!;, Willilllll W (l(l ll l'~' :1111 1 uUIIl{h t el' of Dayto n we r c ,' unclav J!tH ~ t R of ~I I'. lind

:'II r'~. Wi lliilui BrlJ\\,l1. JI ll', an d ~11'~, !\IIJ I'l ,'lHCY and ~ !I' , H II :'I11'S, I 1l>:~ I' 1I RUI'll ct sp ent ~ a,lu l'd ay an d , un du y wi l h JIll', lInci ;\) ,~, ChHrl"R Wi llilllli S II W nIo n' h, 11l c! .. and 0)11 S und ay 11'11 were ,io inl·.1 hy i\! r, nllil l\I l ,~ . Dn I, at ' (ht' cit.' 1'::1'1; for a p ic n ic' d inne l', .I I'~ , I-:I hl l'( \\;: dln ce nltcnc! ecl I [he, tall! Pa ir II I ,o lllmhu s. a ,' (,uple o f d ays In"l wec k, a nfl ;\I l's, Wa l (' 1- Kenri ck l'cr<.'iv('d word M OIHlny nflcl'noon of thc deal h I, f lhei ,' nephew , E1111(,1' i\lo nt)!oll1 r~' ill Duy ton, Fu l1/'m l Thursdav tint! hul'i nl at en l el'v i II C' . ' ' , II', Dncl )!rR, len n Brock nt In di ana po li: ~ pl!nt t ht' we k-t' nd '. , ith l\I ,'S. J lice Brock n nd visited Dr, B r()(' k at Miami Vn ll ey h,;. pila l S unll a y, ~ r. ' , O ,n \\ a I'll P I' and childl'cn of i\li ddlel own I'clurn d homc 1\1on day aft c r sevU'a l days v i ~iL with lhei r !Jnl'c nt ", 1\11', and Mrs , H enry Jo'nu lb Th e luI te l' i ~ ~ I o wl\' l'ccovcr ing fr o m n }'cccnt illl1c!'s.' II'!'. Alb ert Stncy r ece ived word of the r1eath o f h I' nc o helV, Dnvid own n, li t Rid ge vill e, Mo ndny, Mrs. MOI'ris l\fill ~ 1' attended lh e 1:lllks W ar r en county CU lllp IHst wC'ek. ' I ]' J C f S' "I'. !.. , 1ll'I1l0ny 0 ])l'I ngfi r lll, acc01l1J)unierl hi ~ m oth er, Mrs IIInry armony, on :1 mo t 01' trip t o Chall1pa ij!n County Mon day, to vi- it r clat ives

30)(:1 'h



.... ,.

32)(4 33)(4

....... ..... .









I " .


Joan Marilyn, 7 mont hs old daug-htel' of Mr_ and Mrs, Carl C roll, oJ Franklin, a nd gran dda ughtol' of Mr. nnd Mrs, E lme r heenhnn, died at the h ome of the pare nts , Tuesday night, fo ll owing' a s hort ill n ess.




A p ic ni c was held at the honle o f Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ti n ney Su nduy, A ugust ,'31. I n spite of t h e min about fif ly-o n e came from d il


Waynesville, Ohio

.,..61'---------"""'---------------Wjlmington CQllege Extension Service First meeting of class at Leba~10n, Wedn~sday



Open to All Interested in Advancing their Education

W. L. W.

- - -

" I d idn't know tne new stenogra pher was left-h a nd e d." "She is n't- she's j ust ene age d.'

Sept, 10,

at 7:30 p. m., in the new Hi gh School

The Wayn esv ille s chool ban d went to C inc inn uti to du>, fo r II tl'yout before a committee at I'adio s tation W, L. W . T he band will play at 4 :30 p. m., n nd if they pass t he test, may b roadcast over

Harveys"urg. Obio


I~============================~~-===~======~----= - ----






ROBllne SbuDiaker

$600. 00

All o'f these Tractors are in ~-1 shape ready to go to work.

Born t o. Mr. and Mrs . R. A. ferent places, brin ging well-filled nig, Augu st 2<1, n daughter. baRkets. T he occasion was very MiSfl Ru th Rnm~ e y, of Hunting- e njoyuble.

On I n~t wcok-end , Mcssl's ~n\'los .lInd II; M, lnl'k enlerta lll ed tOli W . Virgi nia i~ n g uest in th e th,ell' CO US 1l1 S , MI', Steve Be nton, ho~e of l\h. and Mrs , C. H. Me_ ~~~~!!"!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!' Wife and two sons, !l ollyw od . Kuy == alif. , olso M I'. Ruy Kibb y. fri e nd of .th e Be nto n' s from L os An geles. 'l~l e Fl'I ~nd s chu re,h held a e , ccp tlOn F r Iday cvenlll g h onOring ~., _ ~' . .. 't ' • • ': ,', ~ MI'. ,untl Mrs. Leon Sal isbury and '\ Rev. Boyd who hos accepted the rhildrcll , Mil'i,H rn ari d .\V"ende ll r e- pas lorate ~ f th a t church for ant urn ed to t hell' hOllle III level a nd ull,e l' yeat· . :-;ntul'llay afLCI' spe nd in g lallt weel, ' - ._- _ . - - - - wi t h MI" and l\11·S. All e n Emrick . MI'. Salis bul'Y m ntor'd t o in cinpali an cl I nd iunn wh il o h cr e. 01', L, G. Brock r eturned h Olll c Monday morni ng in l\1e IUI'e's alllMl'. Edd ie Surfnce lind his bulan 'ct fl'om Miomi V nll ey 110, ( I' i end Mis Gludys Burch of Dnypi( a l. I1 c is im provin g nicely. I (\ 11 ~ l' nl SlI n day with h is a llllt MrA. Mame Dail ey, of Indi nnap - M1'8. Fronk H artso ck. nlis nnel Mrs , hnrloLti c Snyde r of M I'. and lr ~ . Erncsl Di ckso n of N \\' YOI'k, s ish'l'!; of ,10,'oph Thorn Dayton s pen!:'" Sunduy w ith Mr. /I ~ , att('nfied lh e f un ~ ral of Mrs, and Mrs , I,'rank Dnkin . Thomas la sl Wedn es day. MI'. nnd ]\f,'S, Hafold Rogers of [l ('lIhl ook lo k Hu pl'el' with Mr. li nd Mrs, Hil ey Gibso n and f nmily Mon d ny cven inr.. 1\'11'. and Mrs, Irvin Mulford and chi ldl'en !lpent Sun da y with Mrs. Mu ll'()!'d 11 01' nt.'l Mrs. Frank Dak ill nn d fnm ily. 1\1 iss E s thel' K er ns and frie n d Cnd Da kin to ok .in lhe fll ir Mo nday III Dayton. ' Mrs, Fronk Hartsock is g i vi ng n d e m onst I'utioll of Super Maid :o e.k wnl'c W ednesday eveni n g . Mrs. Emma (;ib~on a n d Mr. Roy S lIli l h <llld childl'cn atten ded the I M arlatt Reunioll la t Sunday.


10 -20 Like Ne only " , ," , ' , '



$48 5.°0 $155.°° $140.°° $700.°0

Used Fordson only ... " .... . . , .


Miss Virgin ia Di ck inson le Ct undal' for her ~choo l duties at Gree n' Ca mp, Ohio. J , L, onnrd :ln d so n, arl, s pent lhe wee k-end at Ru ssel's Poi nt . MI'. a nd M\,5. ]( lI y Mend enhllll :ll r. und lI1i'fl. 1\1.. V. Lackey, MI'. a nd Mrs. C, D. Miars, W. C. Smilh nnd so n we I'e among th ose wh o nltended the tate Fair last week.

Uaed Part -Parr, 12-24 only " . . . , '" " ,' .... , '

New Farm -Ails only " . .. . ,' , . , ' ,

----- -

R cv, und Mrs, K ilm er have as guests, Mr, Ki lm t'\" s s ister and hus ba nd , M I', and Mrs , P erdu c,. of , C \\' York City,

,$ 9 50.°0

Used Fordson only , ."" .. . ,' .


1 MI',

$6.!)O t 1.40 12,1& 12.80


W e wis h to ex press o u r s incere Q'l'Iltitud e lo our n e ig hbors a n d fri end R f or the s ympathy and kind I ness xte nded t o us at th e ti m e of I 0 111' . b e reavement of wife and : mothel'. und for th e benutifu l 11 0ru l offeri n'gs. J , B. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Enrl Thomas

Plnns mnd e for a night fail' were abu nd o n ed by t he Warr e n Cou nty fail' bOil I'd, but other f eatures of th e filiI' will be carried out as planned lind ac co rding to the se cretary the fair will hav e added attractions and bc better t han in The m oc k ll'inl "Who Killed f o rmer years. Em' l WrU!hl?" was impressively portraye d i;l lh e ,I. E. church here NEW T EACHE R E MPLOY E D unda y c \' c ning before 0 large au d it!llc ' . At the regu lar meeting of the Miss Cather ine Noggle is h o mc Wu y ne T o wns hip Board of E d uca f rom Miumi U ni versi ty f or a sh ort l ion Monday n ight, Charles Jam es I'Ilcntio n before tak in g up h e r , of Cli nto n County, was elected to Fc hool work at GI nd a le. , teach th e 6th nn d 7th grades, to Mr. and Mrs , T o m ompt on o f tak~ t he pl ac~ of B. J. S kinn er, Ca li fo rni a, arc the guests of ,re- reSign Ed, and the school busses lal iv es herl'. were l'erOUl~(~ _ _ _ __


New Ha r t -Pal r, 12-24 only " .. . " ,' ' .'

UsedFordson only ., .. , . , ..


1\11', ane! Mrs, El11cry Chnr1eton an rl 1\1,', nn e! Mrs, Ch llrl e~ Chllrle(n n ilnd ehi ldl'l' n nltl'nd l' d the (;il ,l" reunion u t So ul h LeLa non , 'u ndny, lIIl'~, 1\! urgarl't .J o hn ~ was a ~u n day dinn l' l' g u : l of Mis, Mary a nt! Pa n y Cook in Wa Y IH' ~v illc , ~I i~~c , Eli ~ ab (' th un d Ad c la hle ~ lill n ing nnd Ra lph Gnbl'lmlin of Cil1l' innllli. Ml'. and Mrs, W , G, II 1Iinrs and fumily nntl Mr, and :II I s, ,Ja l!lI b ,ahclrnan f Dayto n we re Thursda l' c \'en ing gu csts nt Ihl.' h(\I11 (, 0 1' ~Ir, nnd Mrs, W oltcr \( ~n l'i ~~: ___ ___ _ _-;-

In r ~('

'1 l r, a r el


Li_e-Tlme Roollng , Ser~lee at Small COst·


thlll all,

WANT IW -- r~ 1 tl'i al I' pairing 1"0 N A' wutch, 011 th e st!, et of all kind s, carefu lly utt('lld e d in Wllyn ville, ·Augus t. 26. to. hus. And 1: 011, PIUlll 8F2. Own r cun hav e samc by des 10








lid IhlylUi


i\l Hl-nry, Wilyne vUIIl. R.

4 Vh >ne Lebnnon

Phyllis : l e'"Il. :-;un,!:'y aftN' I1OM1, A Hl('l 'l .1 t Lytl~, und:W . I' hn" l Iw ld Ow i!" I I III'lll Wl I'ienk n l Hllr nw n P l1rk. 1 I. I.IlIn OI1, t;; utur rl llv :lfll'l'n OO Il. MI :. l\hll'll'nr!' ,J l\hn~ ~l'.~ nl W ('. InL day nil-:h( a li t! TluI'sI1IIY with i Mr. :lIIrl ,\1 1'" 1':111 1 '1' 111> 11111 , a nd ' fnllli ly 0 11 SIH' inl It o \\" I ~II'.', r.l nl'Y ( ';l1l1l nny al l l' nd d :I i':llutiv ~':lth" l' in" Sl lncl:l Y III' lill' Ii,"' ,:,'f ! 11'. II/ ,d :\1 1':, W, F. Clarl, in \\' 1I\' . ne ~\'i lil', 1" 1 i,IJul :-: h, ' I' (, Il'(' ~ i",'t! :UlIli\lI I1CfIIIH 11 1 .If til.' 1I1: Il' ri I g'l' tl f Ii :s /. ,,,.i W""II." :<1111 ,\II ', Hie- h:! r" ni,' pl\' ill ll:l li" n, S,I I I1I' In \,. 1\ 11': · Ull t 231·d. A t hom , 2 J -1 ' S hoo p A \'1', Day loll,

~-!!~!!'!'-'!~~~-----.- ' - ----.,.---.-..-....--





. .

Late Classilled Aus --= Mn,

'/lUI' motileI'. and you , lind tire bali _ ___ HIHlIIl,1 no Ollt to the IJlu'k t\U JlI ~ " ufterrloot1 IUIII hU\I1V would lhllt ' i\f'I'. I1I1fI 11 ~: I:'llll1lt'y ~1~11.1·Y, I /I .' . ' (n et' Amy ll o J,lllll1 s ). 11I'e '''.I 11 1CIIlg )C R th "il woul.1 11\' two ·In.1 nV c, ,·th anivalflj',,)iltlt·.rI:lII ,:htl·"

on e .~IO

-- ----- --

$10 merchandise



WOOL~~~; ;~U~ION


Given Away to every purchaser




i I

W II lIurd feu to b e h eld nt th e Lebunon Fair Gro u nds in I Ih : dinil1ll: hull, Bcpte ml.lel' 7. Rein li vc: ure all to VlllHWCI' ro ll call,



-...... OP OH.• _lW .,... 00. . . . 'ALLOY&D s'i'IIiL ...,. ptoteCdoD to the .pecial Copper Alloyed Steil bu., in.uring longer life aacl &ied~m &om e:apen.iverepairs.


Parlor Furnaee

ChaDDelefrain Rooflag i. eaay t9 apply; no .pe~i~l tools are. required. 'EvetYthing coosldeied, it u the most




, ecOIlODu~ , ,oobg



you to .,., anc;l we ree-

omDlellCi it'u~qua1ffiedly £()r file beGefit'of all our CUllOm. . .,



Barnes of 'Loa Angeles made' an averaae speed of · 196..16 mitea' bour, breaking the worne,n's flying r,tC()rd.




C o .• ~w aynesville,



---~ ~


-- -__


Squit'e Perkins- UN ell, after I di.e, I wish you w~o ul d marry Dca(lOll B I'ow'n." ' Nell~U-Why so" Hiram ?" ::lqllil' 'IWe.ll, t he deacon trim Bled D1C ~a liot1se ~de once.':



.laO.... S4 ,

Eighty -Third Year







Whole Numb er 6926




Th e Club , held their fi rst me eLi n~ lit th e Gym Frirlay • CO LUMBU . , 0 1-110 - The reSl'ptl'l1lb r 5th at p, 01 , . with u port of Seaeta ry of Stut· Clal'- :Th e l oca l ~ c l wo l s entel'ed th e FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIS T Lurg er num~r of 4- H livestoc k "nee J , Brown to th e Govern or secun d IVl'ek wilh II new hiKh fig - Im'ge cro wd in uUellll nnce , Th e (U nd l! nomi na tio na l ) and cr ops ex hibits than former uI'e III e nro llm e nt wi t h :.1 l ot ul of regulul' bu s in es ~ me ,ting wu ~ post. und G e n ~ l'I1l Asse mbly of lhe MI·s. Ge orge J .. S mith was s hop- 60:\ PliPils in ull gl'ad 's, Of lire expecte d nt the co unty fair !Slate uf Ohio fo r lIl l! yea r I! nding Bible (' hoo l lit !I :30 II. Ill . Lord' s thi H pO ll et! u nt il 0 '!nbe r :\ rt! (o ur next MI'. lind Mr:, S. F, Elbu n were next week, eve n l'egardl esK of the Jun s :10. 1!l2!l. will be receive d ping in Le bnno ll Fl'iday, lutn l <17:1 arc ' 1Il'lI l1 ed in I he (·11'- I'e~u lnl' meeti ng) us th S upp el' lit conc lusion. Christil ln en un favol' abl e season and dr ought fr om the pril1ler wi t hin n few III c ntal'Y g l'ud l'!I as cu m!, a l"',1 to wu s giv e n over to 11 recer ('VeninI:' d(!/lVOI' at 6 :45 p , m. Lead er, W ilmin g t on viRil .. rs Tuesda y. pti on fOl' MI'. a nd Mrs. M, 0 , Baird were 4:12 in Sepl(· llIb ·,. 1!Ji!!J; whi ch we have r ecently passed. \\,{leks. Its cO lllpi,lnt.i on has r e128 ll R l hu }Jur~lIts . tea chers llnd f rie nds GI'IlCl' Pl' lIningto n, Eve ning evn nF or lI unltr ~ und TI'IlI)p e l'~ Li - Calv es will includ e J e rsey's, Holsqu ired II gl'eut deu l o f statislic al Daylo n vi.-il o l's Monda y, co mpare,l tu I :! I in t he 1-l iC'h " r the Moth ers ge lislic service at 7 :45 p, m. S(' rlu b, ce lls~ se e R. F. I-Iutfie ld, Se houl ill S ·pt<.. lllb e l' I!J2D, Th e lubor IIlId ill addit.i on to coverin g ilion suhj ec t, " Pard s t 7 teins lind Gu ' rnsey 'b r~ d s, all of une d and Free ' Th e meet ing' wa" ca \l e t! to .ord er Mr. a nd Mrs. L. 11. Buerkle IU 2!J gl'UIlt! l ula l W:t ~ which will be exhibit ed along the th e vuriom; division s of Secretu ry P l'n yel' !II ~e till g IIl'h Wedn estluy 5 6:!. loy the presi dent MI' ~ , Ell en Cu spe nnt S und ay lit Bu cyrus. A 11 ice IIsso r tme nt of new Fall west side of th e newl y co nstruct ed Brown' s oflic c, it include s n r ORT he V,ta l (' 111' 011111 'n t hy g'1·llcle. n!' r. unrl th e a udi ence ut 7 :45 p, rn, Th e c hurch where sall g'huts fo r Sa turday at G race L, !:d cattl e barn. 4-1-1 club me mbers LeI' of muni ci pul !IIld tow nship ofi · as full CJ ws: .. Pl'ai ~c Gud Frol1l Wh olll ull \' ou fCl'l lit homc. MY {l I' Hyman and f amil y vi s ited in pig, a nd shee p proj ects will li c i a l ~ , It iR n valuubl e refe rence , Firs l C'l'ude HO : Seco lld gl'lllie 6!1 Rl ess ings Fl ol\'," hesl e l' A. William son. Mini ster Sm ith' ~. A \I pa relutive rents, s in Xe nin S unduy. exhibit their lives t ock in the pens buok fot· nil public olficiuls nR wel\ Third grade 6~ ; FOllrth grad. teal' h N ~ a nd fl 'ie n"" wer(' a sked. M/'!;. Emma McCl ure us those intercs led in in corpornf,5; Fi fth s pur- es pec ia\1 y prepare d (or t he Junior Sum T e rr y. of Mason, wa s a 4 H; Sen·nlhg rad e r,!I; Six t h I{rlHl e by th '. pre" i<ient l o enro ll as melll- VAYN 'E SVILL E M. E . CHURC H chllsed the Fra zier r esid ha li oll mu llers und inslitut iun!!1 stu-_ ence on ex hibit in the t ent, near the cattle gra de 55; bigh th il ers this veur, Waynes v ill e vis ilor Thursd a y. and hOK barn, P oulll'y club exhib1'1'11\'(, 1' M 'cling Wl' dncsdllY ve n Ma in s tl' eet. g rad e 4:~ ; FI't.!~ h lll('n ::36; Snp hll - u nilt·d in 'o ne ~o we may work t istics. namel y for illg ui 8 o·cluck. hCi ir 1't' hea rH its will be housed in the poultry 1lI111'(:S :l<:! ; JUll iul'S :1 ,'; a nd Se ni ors t he be ne fit. of caa use. al ll childrc n. and Friday evclling at 8 o·cI,)ck. For Huntc' l'R a nd Trappc rs Li- 26. Mr. lind MI'~ . Ambros e Decker. exhibit te nt near ,the buildin g for Th e Cap it.1I1 'iLy will be thc r(' nRe Ill' lp us Illak l' thi s "ur ba nn e r yeu l' !lce H, F', Ha tfi e ld. 517 ~llndll\' , unday sc hoo l lit !l::10 of Dodds. vi ~ it e d WayneHvi ll e rela- me rly used {or th is purpose , while mt!ccu o f po liti cul l e lld (' l'~ of Thi ~ rnth(·r un ex [> <.'eted illcreas e ill memb l' rl-1 hip . :I . m, liv es Sund ay . t he vegetab les f r om the 4-H garIlJ'eul' both dominu nt part ies bot h this in e nrollme nt IIl:ld(· 11 ' cCs~ory II re1\1 u:ie wa s fu rnis hed by the wort h L('ngue a hilig s~ r"i c (! s. EpFrank Slansb( ' ,'I'Y nnd fumily UI'I'Utlgl'II IC len, wi\1 be di splayed in the fruit t 7 p, arid ne xt wee k f or the Republ i cun m. l1 t of bUH rOUtl'S li nd u Firr s Orl'h{<s Mr~, W. H, Allen e ntertain ed hnll. G, C, Dibert. Paator. plutform co nve nti on will be in ses- s pent Su nd ~IY with r el ativ es lit new lhree-mile !'Oule Dn till' Xe niu by Mi ss Allrll. two )linllo !-IoloH ice Cn mpbell . t\l'O the ll1 e mbcl' ~ of he r bri dge club An ndd ed f Cllture n ea r the gar· ~ i () n Septem ber 1 1 and 12 nnd the Ouklan d. roa d wus cstabli shed , The Co rwin li n so lo" by Dun aid Gu st in . ' WAYN ESVIL LE CHURC le n display will ine1ude farm enU('mocr utic c onventi on on Sepchi ldre n bei ng haul ed by sc hoo l \' i"M H OF Saturda y nfte l'llon. r~, O' Neall ask New ed Fall milline ry in the pr(!- bu s 'tIli s YCIIJ'; U' to COIl gin eering or hanclcr n{t work startCHRIS T t e mbe r Hi. A ft er t hat heudqu urmllk e lip II thi rd ~ i dl' r IzIng- a Boy Sco ut Mr, a nd Mrs. W a lter Cust at- ted in Warren County f or t.he first t e l's will b<.' cst ub lished in Co lum - vailing modes lit reasona ble pric es. lond on th e Alb el't Cleaver r outi ng TI OO P, organ s ubj ed to be voled up on ( nde num ina tio nal ) tended' th e States- Hester reunion .ime this su mm er, The handic raft bu, and th e cumpa ign will get G I'uce L. S mith. Patrons in making- tl!ll' pho ne in Octob er, Bihl e 'choo l at !) :30 a , m. Lord's ut Wilmin gton, • unduy. teac heR nncl gives the boys and und er way. Th cre pro mises to be ca ll s ror school children ure 1'1'E nte l'tn inment was furn ished by ~ ulIJl e l' a nt.! serlll o n at 10 :30, Mrs. Robert Wnlton and son, of fju ested , irIs practice in the use of a ~e.w milch activi ty fr o m that time on Sunt o pin e' s uc h calls befo r e 1\1rs, Sybi l Ll' Ma y, Mrs, El sie till Y will be "Y outh Day." Duyto n, pe nt Thu n day with Mrs. 01' nf MI'. a nd , Mrs, H. A. Cornell of t he co mm oner and more Imuntil, elec lion day. Our tc l' sch oo l ho urs, Or if neccslI ock ell, Mrs, Mary Ea rnhnr t. Mrs young peop le will, have J , L. H fl rtsocl<. promin e nt spl' nl Sal urday and S unday wi th portant t o"ls needed on the farm HOI'Y during I'Cg Ullll' intermi ss ion, Irma O'N '/Il l. in the constru ction nnd repair of part ~ in t he se rvlc ~ and the ser- rdative s nt Milton. Ind . W o rk on th e new stall' office T he Wuyne TO\\'lIs hip Mothe l's' Summ er Sp ec i ring~ , coslI'1rs. Min e rva H ough. int ro - mon s ubject. wi ll be fences. buildin g, gates, etc. The building is \l xp ect ed to beg in, ,:, ot,t u me je we lry, etc.a lsClub we lcomed "Flami Lh!' ng teu c h el'~ lhi s clu ed , ' uptt~ rin Messrll. L. D, Dllvis and W. O. work this Cary's Jew elry yea r tcn d crtl Lolz. a nd Youlh ," The eVllnge listic camIntcr than Octobc' J' 1, provldm g S hop L eban on Ohio. wi t h un e lubol'at r(>c epti on he R at.te nd ed M. E. Confer ence ly in the year has consiste d meretU 1'1l introdu ced th e teacher s pllig n which w(> had pl~nned muking of a few !lrtitabu latio n of t he bids o f contrac t- I li t t he sc hool gymnas iu m on Fri- of in to be' taberf 'd Thu r 'da night ' t he diffe rent High School de- , g-in • Septem ber 14th eles of use in the home and x 01 ors ca n be comple t cd by th e UJ'chi~ Y • Mrs. H. V. W a lter, of Lebano n, da y nig ht . :" p le mb er 5. nt 8 :00 pllltme nts, and g raties, u per inten poned f or a s hOt'l wll1 ~ post - a kitchen . Definite ' o'cloc k. teets for t he mee'llng- of the com- I is vis iting Mrs. de nt Lotz u!l keu a ll pnren t s to visit ann oun cemenl soo n,. time. I-l, Co le ma n Eyes bo ther you? See Dr. RuJuni ol' liv estoc'k e xhibits are to q et I' ea~y for missio n t o be h'ld Tuesda y, Sep- and other rel n ti ve~J . her t hn sc huo ls so we e. mil l' beller kn ow t he big "lI om e Co ming OilY, Sep- dolph/ eyes ight speciali st. al Cary's be judged this year on Wed.nes day , tcmber 23 . There are more than und un dc l'stn nd t he wOI-k of the tember 2 th, You are a lwllY s we l- Jewe ry Shop, Lebano n, Ohio, REEDE R FAMIL Y REUNI ON beginni ng nbout 10 o' clock IIIstead 35 bids and th e fir st work to be Miss Mny (, hildren a nd teach e rs, ht ' was the Su nof on Thursd ay as formerl y , The I CO lli e al this church. ~mno u nced will, b~ for the wre~k- I day dinn er gWl'ig R.(' fl'e ~ ltnH' u est o{ Misses 'I'ri lof ice c rea m a nd ' Chester A. William son, Ministe r Mr. und Mrs. Curl Hawke of cha nge is mad e in order to give In~ of the bUlldll1gs o n th e s ite lena nnd Ma rgaret Th e 14th a nnu a l reuni on of t.he cake and icedn tR l CH, we n' s rved, Edward s. Dayton . were Kuest s of Mr. and the judge more time to look over und ( or the base work t o f oll ow, RN.dcr fll nlil ~', was hel d at the Mrs. J, C. Hawke, on Saturda y. the record books an d careful ly figbllen Ofln OI'. Pres. ST, AUGU STINE CHURC H Mr, nnd Mrs, " D. Chance llor, beaut.i flll ho me of Mr _ anti Mrs, ure out the final results so awards .J ulia VanOfl en, Sec'y. Priso ne'rs li r e moving in to new Marion Osbo l'll, und ny S ptem Summe r schedul e- 1st, 3rd and Mrs. Julia Donovlln has r e- clln be announ ced and prequarter s in th e ce ll blocks which or n enr Xenia , were guests of MI'. bel' 7, 1!)3 0, 5th S unday, Mass at 8 :00 a . m.: turned home after spendin g a few miums di stribute d before the last ure almo!\t com pl eted at the Ohio and Mrs, 111 , L. Pal'shnll Snturda y. Th e weat h<.'r wa,; sOll1 e\\'hnt 2nd and 4th Sunday , Mass at days with her s ister in Springb oro day of the fair. Th~ c~ange is also Penite ntia ry. Th ese are fir e-proof J osinh Davi s and fnmily and rniny in, the mo rnin g, hut nfter made in order to ehmma te the con ed nnd modern ized and there will 9:3 th 0: e ra in cllme'/1 p~ ep of sun!lhin , Mrs. J ohn Werner and daugh- fu sion and congesl ion on Thursbe n o repetiti on of the fir e which 1111'S. J. D. Marlatt ntte nd ed M. Eo and s oon eve rything seemed favort' Rev. Lawren ce B. Mollma nn. Confer e nce in Oxford on Satur- Ilbl e f or ter Martha t of Dayton , were guests day brough t about in former years , occurre d o n Monday f ollow ing an e lljoynbl e time. Th e of Mr. a na Mrs. W . O. Raper. on when both the Junior and adult EaRter, W ork on t he new fir eproof day, g lad tidings of dinn e r were a nST, MARYS CHURC H live-sto ck were being judged at the Sunday . indu strial buildin g is be ing rushed nounce d at hig h noouand s uch a Mr. a nd , Mrs. C .E. Michen er same time. Clnd wh e n co mpl eted will r eThirtee , nth dinn S er unda pen y after cllnn ot Trin desc ribe. Bu t plnc e th e old shops which have nnd so n wer e dinner guests of be it knowll abou t 84 hung ry perMrs , Susan Wilkers on returne d ' Live-st ock club membe rs can ity Septe m~r 14. Church sc hool Mi ss May Wrig ht at K ern's enter lnll their , on calves, p'igs and sheep been a me nace ns fi r e haza rds for F'l'iday. a t 'f) :30: Mornin g Prayer and ser- home Monday evening after a visit so ns, did ju st ic~ t o t he good many years. The priRon popUlat o her daught er and family in Wil- in the open class Withou t purcha s· mon at 10 :30. t hings of the season, Th e a fte ring exhibit ors tiJkets ing tion in the W est Spring institut ion mingto n. Rev, J. J, Schaeff er. Rector. Mrs. Ruth Janney nnd daught er noo n wns spe n t with mu s ic both to announ cement by Secreta ry is now sightl y in e xcess of 11 ,I 00, Miss Louelta , w ere dine r guests of voca l nnd ins trum enta l; re citll t ions Coburn and County Agent Gll!'ss Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Davis, Mr. by the Iittle f olk, W r e e nj oyed by W, N. ea ,r s and fa mil y vi ited Govern or Mye rs" Y. Cooper , Se- Mr. and Mrs. F. U , LeMay , on all. and Mrs. L. D. Davis and family who explain ed that the JUDlor DAYTO N Y. M. C. A. relative s in Gr eenvill e S unday. Mond~y. cretary of State Clarenc e J, nttende d M. E , Confer ence at Ox- farmers will need to pay only the Those pJ'esent were; Mr .and custom ary fee which is 10 per cent Brown a nd Highwa y Directo r ROD fOJ'd, Sunday . Mrs. Lesli e ReY ll olds and da ughDr, Du d ley S Kee\·e umm er r. of 'enterSpecial s - glasswa r e l r. Mrs, of the fir!jt premiu m offere~. All· Studen ts in the Y. M. C. A. rt N. Wnid will take part in the usie Reyn olds, Mrs. ville , WIl and S a sets of dishes. Cary's J e welry Wllyn esv ill e visito r School. will come fr om all over You will want a new hat to club memb ers who thus Wish to ; rledicat ion of t he new brick highWmWurdlo w and so n Wm" Mr , to cl ny, Lebano n. Ohi o. Store open t he Miami VaHey if th l,!y repeat wear to the Warren County fair. ~ xhibit in the open class and com way on r oute No.3, better kn own ShoPI a nd MJ's, Walte r Cra mer a nd two ev enings. last ~ ea l" s en l'ol\men t. For the A variety of styles cnn be found at pete with farmers and breeder s /L S the C C C, northea st of Lousons, Mr. J a mes R eeder, Mr . Dr, and Mrs, C, W . Anso n vis- scho ol year 1929-30 general 1y, should make entry at , 106 stude nts, Grace L. Smith's . donville on W ednesd ay Septem Dave Reeder, Mr, harley Pope, ited f riend s iln Ri dgev ille S unday whu lived in outlyin the office of SecrEt~ ry Ooburn at Th e Titu s reuni on was held at Mr. and Mrs. Sid g ber 10. This purt of the hightowns Pope, MI;. and aro und Dayton . enrolled in the O. D. Surface . of Route 5. who the fair ground s not later than 6 way is called th e Wooste r-Lou- t he home of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Mrs, Hownrd S urfa c a nd son, Mr, evening . Dayton Y. M, C. A. night school. donville r and, The dedicat ion no Tilus Augu st 31. About !ixty were and l\lrs. J ohn Re~ d e l'. Mrs. An has bee n in ill health sev.eTU! p. m. Tuesda y. Mrs. Annn Cll dwall Girls Club work wi!1 b,e featu~ed Indicati ons are that the en· months , was remove d to M,ami do ubt will a ttract a Inrge cr owd were present . na McClur e and fam ily, Mr. and Miss Clara Li le were a der' and through special exhibits III clothm g X eni!! visi - rollmen t thitl ycar will be the lar- Valley hospi tal, today. of resid e nt!! ulong that popular _ Mrs, Carl Osborn ur,d family, MI'. tOl'S Saturd uy . ..... . . food room and flow er clubs, all of gest in the hist ory of the schools . thoroug hfnre. Dorec lol; Waid anMrs. Ru l h Jnnnc y nnd MISS Lo u- Reeder ; Gl enna Osbt' rn, Ruth, Eva whic'h will he e xhibited in t~8 nounc cs Septe mbe r 30 as the next ella Jann ey were supper Already We 100 restring student s beads, hav~ replate enfnmily sil- Round , Mr. nnd MI $, Dave Pope. guest!! of Barbar a Gray, dnught er of Mr. r olled in t he College of house. Most of these exhlb. cln tc fol' highwu y contrac t letting. Mr. and Mrs. Lindley verwar e , and LIberal recover umbrel las. Menden hall Mr. a nd Mrs. R. S. Weaver and a nd Mrs. O. J , Gray, wn!; ill sev- AI'ls which opens Septem ber 15. Cary's Jewelry Shop. Lebano n, O. its will be judged early. ne~t MondllY evening . so n, Mr. and Mrs, Ra ymo nd 0&. e rnl dill'S last. week. week, so vi sitors at the fall' Will Th e Y. M. C. A. evening school born, roh. uud Mrs. George This i;; th e senson of hay fever, have ample opportu nity to examwhich opens also on Septem ber Reeder ; Gl enn a 0 81.IO rn, R\lth E va Miss Kate Hall has a diseuse duc to un inherite d SCl')returne Mr. d to and Mrs. Frank Thoma s 1 15 will have a la rger e nrollme nt ine the work and note . the ?utummel' s pecials- s ilverwa re. nnd Eth el Reed er. j'yfr. and Mrs. lind to her home in Cincinn ati after standin son Rober't, spent Su nday \\'ith than sitivity of th e mucp us membr nne j ewelry a llcl n ovellies g girls in the various 111188' was expecte d. This is the having spent the of the eye, n o~e and pronchi al Jewelry Shop. l-eba1lo ll, . Cary's Wl\rren Kenrlok nnd dllught er, 1\11' re lnti ves in OilY ton. summe r at the of endeav or. ' firs t year f or t his brnnch of night hom OhiQ, We and j'yfrs. Ernest Archde acon and ' . e of Mi ss Emma He tub es , t o su~stnnces thn~ are el')- g iv e Oedar ~~!1ll1PS , ighway. .'c hool studies, The annulil 4-H Club parade 18 son, Mr, an d Mrs. Luwren ce '1'holl1 Mr. and Mr. . George Hawke, of planned to The t ake School place on of the race , Lnw opens the Mrs. tli.r~ldY inI noxiuli s o the norm all in; Jann ey who has been track befor e place und Mrs, A, L. Wether al\ Mnsl,.anadn(lfll~llrlsY.' JE~zs~lbeethCroFuOtulkoSf' (IVI Jln. aceo r d' .t mg to e xpe l' s 0 untlMr. on the race ~1~;:kE~~~~lwM~CI~~, guests of \IYngekstOafffSeoPfte~~i~r ;:ho~r~st~~~~ living Emma Mr. and Mrs. in the Haines propert y 'on track befOrE ,. ~~ c th e Unite d tntes Publi c Health it ed with r elntivesR,InG. I'OS visthe gra nd stand Springf ield Trellto n. 0 .; C-ttarley and Eilts Foul'th street has rem to the about noon Friday. Septem ber 19. Sfl rvi ce.' lt is estimllt lld thal in tl\is F . i prised of many success ful law- George Pratt res ide nceoved Osborn . Mr~, L. E , Toms, Xenia; copntl'Y fh e're nre 6,000,0 00 people , rt( ny anc I SatilT day, on Third Mrs. G. C, Dib e r t and children yers who The variou s clubs will prepa~e are now practici ng law 5t T('et. Mr. and HI'S. Jacob Ree der anti spent the week-e nd with who s uffer from hay fever and 1\8het' par- in Dayton . floats and otherwi se parade thelr .. d M , St I family. Mr. anll Mrs. Bert Barlow e nts ot McCom b, Ohio. ljlmll: the s ufferil')g ~nd depreslivestoc k or give special demonmI'. an rs. Th e Technic a l School which e ve a IInop es and daughte rs, s on e xperien cep py the patient are lind Mr!l· ,L orettn TliIsc, Dr. John 'W ithers, Dean of Co~­ stration s. before the opens t.he week of, Se~tem At n late hOUI' all departe d. !\fl'. and Ms r, J. C. Hawke, spe nt is adding a ber 20 umbia Univers ity, N. Y., and hiS Several weeks ago thegra~d stand 'JefY mu ph under-e stimate d by lire spendin g a few of Detroit , f8l1' Board ~ne De- son Edwin were unday with their daught er and sig ning to its regular Clrrlcul those who are fortuna te enough to \ their pl\reJ;\S" Mr. and days wlth thankin g Mr, nnd M,'s, 0 born for guest!' of 0, R. pu~ha8ed several hundre d larie um. Unglesb y .Mrs. Lon t heil' hospita ll ly, In making the family nl Pleasan e'scap c ihese co nditions . Dr. C~a". 'I It us 8111\ family. and fnmily. Sunday and and attracti ve 4-H buttons one of t Plain: Studen ts in this school 8t~dy day a real o ne. Mrs. George A. Neal. Directo r Of the State De· which will be distribu ted ,i n ad· T oo l Designi ng, Took Makmg , Monday , M' R Id H k Reeder announ ced the ' r eunion par~m ent of Heallh states that Mr. and IS . ona . aw e ~n- would Mr, ana Mrs. George Kern Machin e Shop, and Elect rical vllnce to e very boy and girl exstudMrs. be S. at M. their Sellen. home next of Lebano n hibiting at the 'fair this year. yoar, spent Monday afterno n and even- I ies. Gradua tion since m ethods and pxact means of tertalne d Ilt tea Friday in thi~ school ev~nlllg rein uccomp which nnied nll had by a her cordial d.augh.t invita- ing with friend s in Dnyton , er and Those bndges will give the club determl niilg th e excitin g cause ' of M~. F: C. F~artso ck and quires lour years. ' !nmlly of HoD. g randchi ldren, of Cahfor nla, caU- membe sympto ns In both hay fever and Milford . M,s. Laura Mosher rs special r ecognit ion and Th e officers of t.he Y. M. C. A. ed on Wllyne sville and --.. • friends -,-Mon- free passage nt the asthmn hnve beco me known. tho MI'. HarrIs Mosh er. Saws filed by machin ery. cut Sc hools nre in their offices gates of the on day afterno on . cleaner , lru e r. fllster. Roy Pigott.. lhe Third Floor of the f Olili e rly hopel e~s situfltto n has fair through out the ,,:eek. Only Y. M, Watch nteed repairI ng, Exper,t C. A, I '" OBITU ARY nt Madden 'A Lumbe " Yal·d. those exhibit ing are entitled to the been ohange d. Care of th e dise" - wa tc hmaker each day and evening up until. 9 Cnry's Jewelr" Mr. Wenzel Herres Rnd GiveMns bndge and al1 sea hilS been taken over by specinl- Shop, Lebllno"hlo. s~<:uring. same are o'clock to interv iew stude Only nts 111 Clark of Waynes ville and .... enuin~ Elizab et h L. Witcraf t. daught er 1'. e xpected to parllclp ate III . the parMI'~ , Ruth i ~ts who devote their entire tlme materia l used In'" our repair"' ey alld Miss Lou t el'est In IIny phnse of the Educn- Edgur. denart of Am os and Grllce W . Brown 1'1111 left TuJann A Ibrecht of Comfor t, Tex, tl/ t~c wor\t, Hellcefort~, with ade Fridny noo n for whl~h c".ps es dllY mornin g for tionlll work, .. wnll born In Warre n County , near th eir winle r home IIrrived in Comfor t. Tex .. after will be awnrde SlIllle reservp tlons, hay fever lind ment. in Delund , Fla. d for ~he prlze-w .m· - - - ..... - . - - visitinl: fri e nds here. Wayne svtll on Al gu t 27 1845 IIsthma m\lst be regarde d as &t lIing floats. A talk IS also l!:atDjI; 0 PASTO RATE d d ' e'd th' s S b Mr. nrte an'd Mrs. <:has. Bradley and RETUR NED T least contro\1 uble and in llIan~ fr~:k :o~~~!~ t~Mokr;o:ngo around among the boys about 4-H F or gifts and gift ideas vi sit ball •• "~~ a~ 19 Sif. IS I e ep em er famil y were I~uests of Mr. and tournam ent beinl!: planned for cases curl1blo. Saturda y to attend a fnmlly picnic Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebano Age: n, 0., early forenoo n activiti es at the 85 years lind 6 days. !drs, Fl'ank Th omas Sunday even· ~-- .. - ..'- - Rcv, G. C. Dibert In honor of the 82th bIrthda y anwas returne d "The Hom e of Gift!!." The dec eased has b~en a resl- 109. fair, Tentati ve schedul e has been as pastor of the local Method ist Latonia . nlversa rY of Mr. It F. Mosher . \ dent. of· Wa~ren County her. entire arrange d whereb y th~ club boys CQUNS ULAR AGENT church at the Itfetlme , With the excepti on of annual confere nce about Mason will Mr. and Mrs. Howard Arch- of Method ist Episcop ay' ~Ieasant ---al churche s 1 In cerebra tion of the birthda y , abo'!t four and one-hal ! years In deacon 01'. nnd Mrs. Ed Day and ba b y Plain on Wedne sday pl mormn g; Leb and Mrs, A. ,K. Day atten?- held at Oxford . Rev. an? Mrs, The Frenoh gov~rnment haa ap- I anniver~ary of Mr. George DI~ of Little Rock, Ark' l and Mrs. anon vs. Morrow , Thursd ay mornHart- Xema, Ohio. . pointed Mr. Henri Fabert to the I sock, Mr'B. Hartsoc k ed the enterta ined Her early hIe was. spent on the noon, funeral service s for Davld bert have made many fflends d,ur- Menaruoruitnee t~UC~'n:~a~e;~":Jo~~ ~~: ing and the winning teams l~om post of C~n sulnr agent for Coillm- at six 'o'clOCk dinner ing their residen ce in Wayn~svllle Sunday , Mr. old hom e farm until Ma~ch 13, above will play for the champi on, T d bus lind vlcll,llty, , w h o are pleased that they Will re- und Mrs. A. I and Mrs. Earnes t Hartsoolc and 1879 \Vh~n she was united K. Day on ues ay. . hip Friday m orning. st trellGults Th tl of this post Is o· I.n mar· . For t bl'k coEnslbgn YCo~t main. rlage WIth George A Wltcra ft IV. e .s 01' . .0 e tcrea Ol~ Is the first tlmll . • Mr. and Mrs. HermA n S urI Mr, and Mrs. 'Alf~d Wrl'g,h t, of ' IMeres as thiS reen. m ry ." Other IIssignm ent!! in Warren who pl ~ceded her In. Sahs- and adjoini death, on C mClOna t I, m care 0 f D. R that this pnt't of the state has H , Columb us. spent last.~week wlth Dr ng countie s are: Expert servIce given on Swiss Novem ber, 28 , 1918. To this arW. F. M. SOCIE TY MEETS d union h(ld a r epr(!sen tlltive of the and Americ bllry. veysbur g, Rev. Floyd Wylie, Leb- A. T . Wri\tht . They left an watohe s In our re- no children were born. FI'ench govern m ent, and Colum. pair departm Satur ay The W, F . M. S. of the M. E. anon, ent. Efficien t Ilnd R. L. Cross; South Lebano With n, her for hu sband DetrOit she Itved on whel'e they are .the bus being the caf,ltal city It Is Mrs. Frank Long, of Columb u s 0, W. Robbin s; Seven Mile, M H. F. guests the farm of Mr. which and they boug ht 800n : pent the we ek-encl with her sis- Staffor Mrs, EIIHlll Church met at the home dO fearl service assured : Store open rl. d' Springb oro and Lytle, Wright this w~k. hoped that .It WI' 11 ur th er our mu t prompt ' t'l h evening s. Cary's t cr, · Mrs, H. H. Howard Jewelry Shop, aftel' t hi William Archde son, acon, lind Wl We ' lll'alns' e nay, l' marrIag Alexan der', e un Spring I er Valfamily. ual trade with FrllnC)e, , Septem ber 3, with a. la~ge atte.nMr. and Mrs. Howard husblln d's deat h. After thIs she j'yfr. Fabert, who was born In Lebano n. Ohio. The dev?t1o nal tOPlC, ley, R. W. Knopp; New BdurAlin g - con had as the ir dinnerArchde a- dance. lived In the home of her brother Paris, WIIS official Interpr eter with Mr and M guests "Saved for Service. was itlvenlb~ ton, p J. C O. Kilmer 11 ; untt! Lovela about eIght months ago she n, . . Alice Britain , daught er of. :Mr. Smith. the A, E. F. during the World tertaine d to rd'ln~~rS'S C M~: to~k up her residen ce at ~he nnd Mrs. Walte r Britain , has en· Sunday , Mr. and Mrs. Henry ,a:-- the presi d ent, Mr~, D a y Dur n. Wnr_ He It! now connec ted with and Mrs. Grant Corne.11u~d~~ - -- - - - - - of Pinna, Fn ends H ome, in Waynesv,llle t ered the State penter, of 'Dayton . M:rs, ,Bertt le the busines s se. 510n w h ·· h f. I;' .. School f or Deaf at IC • tbe Stllte Depnrt ment of Agrlcu I- Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Web ,." Archde acon and son.. of WllmMm g - lowed, th~ report of thednom olumbu s. Squh:el , where she remame d until the tIme LEAVI NG FOR COLLE GE dlntt -. I ton Mr6 Mary Geiger and tUl'e and Is we\1 known In COlum- , Mr. and Mrs. Ch\lrles r s. ing commit tee was hear Sta~ley M~rs, of Butlerv ille, Mrs. same offic,ers w~re . elected an Cornel1 of of her dea~h. , bUB. Chlls. Zimme rman arrived home to holde s oc,i al Row. and MI'. Pearl N. Cor· ' L'd Villars of Bellbro ok. Of her Illlm ed late family there from Pharr, Texas, over for Mr. Pabert recentl, y married nell and ~~lhM Tbelma ,the incomm Monday g year. evenA large num,her of. gradua tes and Mr. were t hree chlld~en Seth W., Eliza ing. H e reports a. , The literary jJrogram in. chat,e Miss Marthn Ellen NICbo~s, for- and Mrs. CUll" Lewis,. his father's condi.' from Wayne SVille H.lgh school ' I Dr Centerv lU8. beth L. and J ohn E. Brown. the lion no ad Mrs, H. E. Hathaw ay en- of Mrs. G. C. Dibert con811~t merly of Wayne svi11e, OhIO. better. ed o! have left or are. preparll~g to Illeave tertaine d at dinner last Wednes latter the only Burvivl ng membe r. reading , "The Ornery . Membe r" - - - - ,- 'to take up their work 111 co. ~ges do Mrs Elizabe The ' Gulld-J\uxll~ary ot' St. . HI er Ihlte hflas tb een spentt Qhuietly th McCon nell, Mr by Mrs, Beck. selectio ns f,ro~ " Summe r Spel~iab-watehes 'and , an~ other schools of . 5 Mary's ohurob will meet on glv ng er . rs cares 0 trallllll Jr ENJOY S VISITI NG SINGE R ome, d' d Cary's J ewelry Shop Ehzabe th Henkle 0hathermle BraS~: an~' Mrs: e McCon nell a~d ' The Mission ary Friend, by tl\~ ' Saturd ar afterno on, Septern irel' 18 ever sympnt hetlc und the doctor' most wl\ling LI:b:.~~ns. Ohio "The s sister. Mrs, Addle leader and two hymns on the vic l Home of strator. Irma RIc, at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. to extend aid to. the needy. The ma • D . all , of Springf ield. Mrs, ' 'Gifts" • The men's quartet of t~e Ohmer Anna Cadwal laderl ,: " " John, George Henkle , Maynar d "~~;~11 Sr who had reached Mc- trola. Mrs. Oadwal A noble life 18 en d e d . ' her ~fresh'ments were served 'ill' rt~rdk't~e' ~~c~hl uC~~~:h D:r~~rl~: lader. Miss Llle and M1'I. E. L, Rich. , Bur~ettef' ~ackson, Ken'!:t~ t ~ghty-third' birthda y ~niversit:y, the hoated, Mrs. ' ~arr" 141:s: Vil- - - -- - - • Miss Trillen a nnd Miss Margar et St. J.ohn!fo tOcW~tte.nt~rgt~ Thomas , 'hostess es. Please note PWe~ ' was the honor guest. ' Sunday night, Septem ber 7. and change of date from Edward s were dinner guests of field; lar& and M'r a. ~rnett. "" Janet ar wrlg... Friday to Sat B h HOME COMIN G delight ed a good audienc e with sev urday. Miss May Wri~rht at Kern's ' Inn t~rn Reserve , ClevelandU;nivee t a rr:it Mrs. Mary McC, l ure. Mrs. Emma Tuesda NEW y ~vening. ....AVEM EN.TS OapER ED eral splendi d nu'D lberl. Mr. Lotz of ' ' F11er, ~oyd ~ende~son! n t~ McClur e a!ld Mrs. The L. annUal H. Go~ppn home coming of tbe quartet 'also gav, .h ,uneual ly , , o-f CIIlClll natl: DOTis. Hended~ V' left Tuesda y for ' Duluth, Mr. a;l'ld Mrs: A. L. Wether al1 Sugar .Cree~-Christian church the MlIln. , ' will , Mrs. A. C_ Bowma n and family, We~te'rn C~l1ege Counci l ,~t MondaY eYlPd:u , fine renditio n of , "Open the Gates of Englew ood, Florida at: O1'fo,r , , who I where they w!l1 .pend tW? w~eks, week have be held at' the church Septem ber of Frankli n w,er-e gqests of Mr. ginJa Hardm ,late 'on accoun t of the TemJl¥ !." 'Xl\nne th Elzey IIO~ been v,isitlng with ,~r. to WJ1ml~lr tltl'. and .Mrs. ; the 21, guesb 19,80 .. of Everyo the former s sister. Da,. ' The reeulU ' ~=~~/;=l' ne cor,dia\1y In. ~nd Mrs. O~ville J. Gray Monday I~g_e; of Mr. and Mrs_ Walter Elzey. an R. G. Cross on tlielr Ber!lic ~. Hyman 0 nd::::n way back D.urlne vited to their. bring absence dinner , and spend ~ernoon and ' evening . a former Waynes ville boy is -8 f "om . O~nada where M.... Ida OD lIil", etc., wu • sity of I1hnols , Louise Rep they - have the day with . , ' y is presldln g at the McOlur e --9~ution notifJin a Good program ' menibe r of this quartet . Anothe r been apend~ng Borne weeks " Helen Hartley , Grace , ~nnlnl: Kelse. borne. with , mornin g and afterno strett to pat and Mrs.M. G. Schatzm an of ton to ' MI.mi-.rac~s, visit ill planned~ r~~tive8, lelt Tuesda y mornin g to Mrs. John Reeder,on.Mrs. Ellfott t.Mr. Mn. JOll,e Chandl er, of KaDIIIs wain. ,..11 p8II8IMI .-wi Cloud. Fla. and Mia Letitia Wanda C\ar~J Myra ence.. ay~ , ,.:. ' .- - - VISit old nejghbo l'8 and fl'iends In Willfam son, Mrs. tleyln. DU. 1 City, Ku" William-I ' S~blcribe for The Miami Guette Olermo nt COU'ftty. atzman of ~i\nclnn are vialt trainin , at Miami Valley bOlll ta. Uvea bere. baa been vili,tin , rela- a- of importa nce wu !Ion, commit tee. l i K Mr. aad Mia. W_ati ....... O. Raper. Dalton .


--- ------














. _.










Common the COUl'. e which fit ' 'your ne d~ Th<, slu t, (I f )h i" vers us Jnck \, Murti n. t he ,ll' f,' ndunl pl ea de d nol fl'om an extei l ~ive cUI'I'icu\llIn f ~ i t ~uilly. TI:inl \..tas Kct f o r ~londaYt nlld Gih\~ had cabl" d h l,l' lhat h e "Y .·~ " SII' ag'r '.'d !;H iou ~ly. " I .'tplo.' l11l,(')' . ,at !I o'clvck n. m. ( 11.\f'TE R 1. \\'a , I<.,in" t " F. ngl:\ nd . ll er I'<' pl y 11 l1 n'l t hink I '(,' hi hUH' b e n til 1' 1 HIl I'I'~' /{ (l~S cl1t(,Tl'd !I pleu . of ,'" hi~ WH . •Iulte FIII'I'O\l' . a hull been churtl~ ·cl'isli c. wh n Ihe heans were givcn out." n~ l gUIIt~' tV ,l h charge. IIgll lI~s t II !l ilian II h,ISI Im' c nfl'n jl's ",,' re no'. " Y() ur fun el'lll , 11 0 lIlin. Not .. !t· s not ~'et too lute. l OU never hUll by 1 he State of Ohlbo. Tnlll l"li nU' Hhlh l1 gh ~h IHI~ ~ai d t o be ('A)l1l ing." . kn uw wh o may turn Ih e cornel' of ' I. s~t f o r MondllY, epte m er 8 at ,n ly "ilrlt t IIl1d willy. n II' Ulll ~n I hittenham did not car ; a~ a th(' ,?ll'ee.t und pres~ llt. y~u wit h l !l 0 cl~c k II. ~1'" .' 1'01 \\ 11"'1' w (ll'thlt .~~ . nke (lilly ~I X ' mllt te r of fllct h \' I' (' fll ss l to nc- on', h lltenhnm HU Hl JokIng ly. ~ Il) lll o nu Spe ne!: 1 1~ l end(' ? not 1111111 111 ... n ~'11 n )· ,' lI11" r.. "I , h:1( 1. ill , cOl'npany him I\'n ~. a I'elit; f. :He • .1'0 hnnge th e cunvC' rsHtinn he g,UlJt~ t il ,u chnr!!"e ~~.I~ lll S.l hl~" by !l 1\ .. " " n l " f hl's lt'l it'll I "I , illu"- wi~ h, .d t n "('cl\ hiS mUI'I'lIlge n ~llIrl: •. 11 he Stat, o f (lhlo. I \lui IS e t f or College studies fully accl'editf ~ i, 1' 1l11'1I1. til l" n . hi , li t' .,. (; il ..,: ~CC I'"t . II w I ~ o n hi" wn)' I.l.,· rn,-s " j\f ny ) be' in'llli s itil'" lind ns k IUlitiay. ,· " lel1lber at!l o'c lock ( 11I' t. ld l:lI11 I'll ! Ii \\ ' 1\ h is in'll Ihl'_Atl u liti c thal H ~ lIt1, h>n di s la!'>tc wh •• !l l is:< L nll (\X is besidf's b e- o. Ill . . , .' , " " ,11 '.1 "I irk .! III:' Jl ,,~ ili"ll a o f Ih(' 1: . :l Klin "I' hi~ .inUl'll(' Y l'(·i?l'd ing' ay!'cal f r i ' ~ I of y,)urs '!" " III . th(: . cn~l' ! ~ f Juita W lls!> n Hrmdreds of students, YOlmg and old, a 11111 .· in ,,1.1. 1' 10 ,," 1 II IIt,tt ,'r lIl" . 1\ l , d ," . , I ull\' ~ l' ye" 1.. 1I" "l'd lh ... "ltll'r \~I ." II . \\ 11.1,111 \\ tl ~o n . thl' plmn\ " II .. I' 1.. '1 • • •• he I,·fl lh,' , hil ' al rh t' l'h " lI l'g Wll nll' n afT 'l·t ivn lltl·ly . I llif ~ p,'tJll u n fill' un or,ler r efrom the w hole Miami Valley arB . ' •• II 1\ , " "1 ' " hun'" dn'""," !. • \\lIndl'l'l·d 111' 10 I'ari,.. a nd I'an " Y"u'e! nc,,' l' r g'U '~s !" !'he> ,;:Jid ~ t l· H. "lIng tht' defL:ntlant fr um dl;;gelling cl/ /trt,.a~ a"d vocational Ira;n· ;-;h, II :" ,."I ,·n ·ly "il !. UlI t Jl·\\,· I- 1111" ll any 1.' ~ l l ll' ;,r.1 \\h"11I h ' hild li t Chitl,·nhal.)) lHul!hed . i 1 ~:~" II1 ~. ".f ~el· tl lln. I' :·.~ p e r ty III I', , f ;,11\ 1\111 01 . II It h"lIt 1'\'l'1l n 11 111 ~ 1"11 for hl'l' yl'lI l ~. I ,h'Hil d ~:Jy It w[l lll el n ll t he I I unkllll : Ind a ll chU ltcl~ and p<: r ing ;11 the evetJitJg al I" d .l,,,1.: '1111 '. I{ .. dn l' ~· hOl d c'ltn \.'"11 Lal'll had a 1'IJ ~ in(' ," ill I'ari , diflicult. I' n,huhly ~ h e hH ~ n w"il:u "u lla IIY :' Jl lI ll"'d 111">11 ~a J(1 pl' nl1Sphll. 'd II,,' .l lIli .· FaiT,,\\, \\'a ~ nll t :, I1t1 nltll"lIg-h h h: ul Il ut Illl'l na l ~" I1le>\\'lwl'l' in Ch('l sc:I \\'h"re ,' ~ . W;t" g'1'/l1l.1 d I,~' !hc r!).urt. ll d •.!." t, ,, in d i:\I1l""C I ~. 11 " dn.·~ rur " 111111' lil11e. 1',' "PIHlI'- p" "p ll' si l lin (' lI~hiu us nn I hI.' , III. tilt! 'H·ll'"I .. 1 (. A. [ ook e!l nd .. ...:h, . " ",, ' , I.. t 11 \1 ' g-il' l' hl' r an~'- "llI b' hnl'\\' nil Ih,. dllail, "r ti l, · 11110 1' in pl· r rl·l'l'IH',· to chail'~ , and .1 .. I·.. l{"~.'lllld, \' l' l ~ lI ~ 11l e F:,'Oth", ,,. ~ I . ~a \' - , II" halc':' dinlllll nd , 11'aJ.! ( d~· und a l!l'\'al tic al ab '. ut ; III "I", >c : nit·" ch{a l'(· lIl'~ . lind t'u t 111t'l'Inni (. nnll~allY n COl'p UrlltllJn, : 1. ,' \\ " n'l "n ~·thillg' f r ,)l\I l1Ie .I,,jil· Fnrrpw. ' U ll nl.(<' f" " d,;. . . " I l.el,unun. 0 .. It \\' a~ Ol'dercd thu.t LUlllloal'd "h .. ,, ),; hi , hI': d. .Julil' c: huckl,·d. tht' ),o nd o f th ' l' CCelv(' r, G. j!:. 1 " " h II ,<h " 0,, I .. II\' \\, o·lld .·' 117 W. Monument Ave. DAYTON MaIn 3688 Thl', 11 .. " 1:1" \\n~ l'l' llninl)' '·;-;" l'I'Y. hllt rill li lT til ~witZl' r "Y')\J'Il" " die·, oul!" ~h(' '!'lI d ~hl'I!'1' b e .~c dll r ,; d from $20, OPO, WrUe for Descriptive Literature 111111 (," ' ; t h"n' \\ : I~ Il/l thinj!' o f tht' Inlld l(' -J\l OIT" " ' 1111 Itmill "s,; f or l l'i ll nlJ ha n t ly . " ;-;hl' h!1ldly e\'C!, t".$,,;;OU . Ih t· ('IJLlI't rurth e r Buth~ I, 11·"t l·pI·(1 lI ,h,'Jl IUI't': :: IIb li ut 11I' r ' l Ilt' firm." ,\ " Ildd ' n It l'i l!ht id('u li \' (' ~ in 1.,' l1d ll ll at a ll -~ h l" j; ~., t ' II J'I.ZI· tI t h". rl' C'e l\, I' r to scttl ulld :1I, d I' ,,~',i bly IIl. 'n ·in 1:1)' h l'r rhicf , 'allll' tll hilll. "y"u l'II111,' al llllJ.! a .. "lla)!,I· . ill t.llP (''' UII t.ry. and ' !\l" ~ n~ tJu.~1 C~" "~l \\,I~h 1I 0 n~I e.. Econo m: l l ll1 l'lio n. ~. lIlth I1n'. I ,;h ull , nly 101' I!' It!1\' ft n u l a I' lt 11,' h "h l' s \lil ly JUSl ' I( ~ ~tud'llt~,. l nc .. ,. f Cl nclnnall. Ruli nlY ot any I'm e hn.1 IItl ol'c d ,f C' w c1n YR. Th e\' ," ~ nil hlltr y t,. Ill' t ~" t I:n/lll g' h to Ii\'(, 011 cllmf .. rtably, :J Utll!llll' Jltl J1 t ht' s um o f $6 1 7 . ~ :\ h"I·.. ,d n rl·,l h. ·\, sn nllldiv that un r 'h"Illl' . i~ Ih " I'c7 " a nd s hl' Wl'lt l'.' dr(" ~ Ilrtil'll''; fur hl'll1J;' lh l' anlllunt due Ll ll H ce rlll lll n i)!' ht. C.'Il \'illl·<,d nt Ia ~i thllt s he ··:-.ionl'. A few Illl ~" nnl' wil y "I' f"IIH' r, ttl Jllakl' il Itit. IllIIl'l·. and ~ " tl· \\'Ith 1ll1!.'r!.'"t co mput ed at 8 Billa Allowed lI .dJI" h: \\c' n"lhi nl!; til dn wi th ·the 1I 1hll' cu n Illuke nil d itf(·I'I·llce." with nltlilCY ~ hl' :,c' I"I,; Cl'ipplt'd fH' l'c('nt 11l'~ annum fr om Septe mW. N. Sel11' ~ , Au c t. New Suila J Ci)lll ,'pn and ,Iuhnso n, !< tllk e~ , C. L. Uu k,', Clcrk. 1,1111. lit' ha.1 ups . t a ~ kilT ncar the '. Anti thu t \\'a" ho w Fal<' Ii ' n! ('h ilelr'l\ fr" nl Ih,' " Iullls d' I\l1l tn b'I' I!': 1!12, a nd co~t... I~'a ' II wa rd lIl' ir al ;lluiti l' nh l'n cl !lllti put 11 11 Cilcs Chille>nhuJ1l t o hel' will. II ~ th .· ~.·" , idl·. "I' "lllletill1l.·~ t" he r l'.e1 III fa\' or of lh l' pl all1t ll-T, Muhlon . MlIl11lo n Ge bhart ver1!US Patri c~ $4 .J .6:'! I Cutlul' lind Conover, At th,· Sllllle time and place the l lld tit his lif(·. , w<,n t " II' 10 !Swit 'l.PJ'land wit h L"nl - I , WIl ,' '' 1111/.:". ~hl! ICI\'('s ch ildl'l'Il, C~ e hhul' t fm ll1 t h o! cleffn dsnts, Pat- , Gnynol' an~ Guy Gayn or for cug- brid~ !l r epair. $ 1n . o~; Nl'd Hil e y, Household Goods of d 'cen sed will 11 0vil: Horln , I' 11':\;; :\ powerful s wimmer bard thc ~ame> n i).rht. anti n rlu)' or lind s lH" ~ i!IIt till' IUI'/ll' s t hl'!l rt in I'Ick GlIyn,)r fi nd G uy Glly ry o r. brid ge pllinting. $1.7[, : C h ll rl p~ be olTen' d f u r Sll le. but a ' ~vrnncr'~ j ur y hlld br"u ~ht t llll Iu ll' r mt:l J Ull l' Fu rn,\\' n n Ih,· Ih \' \\' orld .·' In the case o f C. Au"tlll Cole- : C. Au stin Cole ml\n versus AI- Taylor, same, $ 1[,; Fred Ril ey , m Il t l'i u" nt:ll de.llh , lind o nly ~1l!nl1lh ll ut hetw(' \, 1l Lall Hlllln l' un d ' " ) '1\ ' 1 t lull I'ntht'r a pose with man ~ e l:s us ~Ibe l · t P I'esley, .the bert . PreslllY for 1111 accounting sam c, $i ; H. J . Fuhr, b l'id~ (' reL'hitt un halll knew Ihe tl·ut h. o nly M nnt rcux. ~ " Ilh' \\'.0111('"',' ' ' ( ' hill e nham !I~ ll c (1 pla intiff S I1 lOtlon for a r ec~ lyer a nd Judgm ent nppojntment of " r e pllb', $1.50; Morrilli' Whita cre, III'hittl'nho m e,'cr ~aw a lellyr : It was L9 mhar" wh p r"t.'''f.!niz('d : t11 ..~indI Y.. , al.l d .fo r .1\ 1l.. m Il O~~ !·y, r es tralntng ce i~e r, temporary re~.traln.lng or- bar. $1:'!; W. A. SC I, tt, Il1bo r, $7.whi ch th e> b \' had posted . to hITn h"r li nd ))"lnt l." l hpr "lit. A I ,· ~' '' 11 a t: ~'nll' H~ well II~ a , ~' I d CI h a~ be n nSh lgncd for he~r- I de l lind permane nt In)unctlOn lind 60; Maynard Hum phreys. lab or, in Am eric a :nn h':!ur bef~I' hi s "W ell whLl t. tl v .l l\ tI t hi nk of her WO,I,' r '?" .Iulil' a s k('d !'llrt l y . I I ~7 ~ I? F dd llY , l\lIJ{ll~l 2!J lit 10 o thr.rell~f. . $7; Oregonia Brid ~" CII .. reinfo rd.c Hth. declul'I ng hi ' lllten tlo n . h ' a-ke d. I IInl~ ,,!,(':ok o f t llln!!'s ns I u (Io().;.? nt . . Jullll Wliso n ve r sus Wltbur WIl- cing s teel, $25.00; W ilf:ll n (Ju int ",'h(. 's do ne w ith m e. he's f or" You Illiltht inl roduc e 11\[' . " Chit find lIwlll.' · h£' : 111 ~ \\' ~ J'c rl. Th , tate of Oh iO ve rs us Walte r son f or div orce. Charges are gross Co., bdd~ e point. $7 1.50 : Ch esbi dden me \.0 go n ear her agai n. I t nhuJ11 answe r ed, un d a JI1"m 'nt I e>f~' r c 11\('1''' \\'a~ 111111' f or 11 r c- P owney , th e defcndllnt wa s ull o w- ' n eg l e~t li nd extreme cruelty . ter H ee ry, nuil s. $3; I.. W. NiRhi t~ nhaJ11 hurt cl l llt roye u the lat.' r Ih · tw o m ' ll I'erc t:!'lts,jng' p ly !JIm lind I.o rnbllrd r ejoi ned (~to ~ _e part up o n ente ring ipto 11 . ~uha WlI sQ n vers us .Wilbur bet & 0. , c e mt' llt. $2(1; Ellll e r I('tlc!' us .oo n a s he had read il Ih d~ ck lh!'r. the m, , rr cog!,l ?a nc(, li n d f or his liPpellr- Wilson and The Mlamtsburg Build Colli s, sptkes, $4 .30: J ohn LIlA IlaUI" r el'k phy icia n says, Uf wh u t usc t o s tir up mudd y .I ulie F n .... " w ~ lllill' d :lnd h('I ,1 "And whnt ') 0 YOllr peo pl e S~ly u n ~c In the SUJ11 of $200. . ing LOll n ;'ssociation f o r partiti on mar. bridl('e lumb !'r, .:.1\1 .50; M. " un:;til'lIti o ll is res pons ib le f or water whe n Hodnl'Y was go n e? ou l liN hand . to thi M wild ad v ntuto'!" Ch ilte n- j ' r he tnte. of Ohl'o versu s W11- a nd (·quitable relief. Oren, bridge rcpa iJ', ,5e: C. D. llI o re mIse ry thnn tillY other cause.' hitlcn hllm ha d bee n ou t of E ng J" ,,"bUrll I'rl' ~ entt'd Chi t t l! nhulll . ha m n"kNI p~l.'~cn tl y, hum Bel'lJurd the de fe ndllnt WII S Horl\ ce David tUJ11P versus Wnt.kin ~, 80me> . $2.5fi; Ohio O /' Ilut imm ediat e r eli e f 11IIs been lu nd for near ly tw o yea r s l on ki n~ , Il l' " Ia llt:l·,j en'llljl'ill"I~' at the .J u li e lauche d. ol'u('red ralt.'s sed f l'o m ou st otiy, UP. Ruby Kline Stump, Revn Talbert /'uglil ed Cu lve rt Co., scwers, f nund . A t a blet call ed Rexa ll Ordnft e r inle l'ests in South America, wllman hl·, irl t· .1l1l :'J, \I'll" was "1 h:lI' c n'l any p!'ll plc that 01,. li n IHI)' m ent of ., 100 o n finc ani:! Stllmp, IndlvldUlllly lind IlS attor- $146; O. J . Ed\Vn/'d ~ . CO IllJl e n. ll- ('rli e,; has b e n di scover ed. This :Illd h e had only returned o n ac- I I"" kinj!' on \\'i l h I.·a lm '· Yl'~. Juli e tc'l' In llll'. 01' I tn them ," ~ he ad- co ~l. In full ~n'l upon co ndil!on n ey in fac t for Lawrance Fremont lion and damages, $125; C hlll'les tubl ct a t trncts wllte r fr om thc s yscount of Rodn ey ' S deHth, and in int l'od uce,1 t helll. . IHittl'd.. " 1 11m a la w unto mysclf." tha t ~ e entcr JI1to bonl1 to PIIY tl] o I, Irma 'Lo uise Stump In- Ry e, Sli me , $:15: MII ~lI n Lumb er t l'm into th e lu zy, dry, eVllc unting rder to wind up h is nffuil·s. Rod- :\ l r. l.ombard i'l l I' . Ch il l('llhul1I- 1 "With n ,;upr el1ll! contem pt f or r (' marnd l' at thc u'a t e o f $ 10 per l dlVldually .l lnd liS IIttQr ney In fact Co., ~e \V(lr tilc, $21 1; Milt un Nul'- howe l culled th e COIOIl. The wuter ney an d he we r e h lllf-h r" thcr~. Miss L!' nn ox." I i'11·s. Gr un d y I ~ upp ot!e ?" m on t h. . f o r Lawrence Fr8mo!'!t Stump lo/', mowing weeds , $ 13.50: Philip loosen!! the dry f ood waste and Gi le: kn w lhat he would b(' 1 ":\ 1' you ~ lllyinr:: long." L um"A p l'o foul)d l'ontt!1111JI," she Th e court gra ntl!d . Donald DII Ro be rt My e rs tump and Ethel Young, same, $ I :'!; Alb ert Nich- cuuses a ge n t le. th o r o u ~ h, natural llgree 'l emp h ntiea ll ~· . atus h. pl'o: ecutlng atto rn ey or Bradd oc k Stump for partition of alas , sume $10.50: W. II . J\·l ndde n m oveme nt wit hou t fo rnllng a habit ,],h ~ y were b" th ~ il l' nl f ol' n m o- W arre n county, tlle ~ Ul)l of $5000 I cal cstatc und othe r reltef. & Co . g uard rail ma terilli . $50.'1 0; 01' eve r inc reusing the dose. I I11('nl. st(lp ped by nllllUlI1 co nsent i as n~lditi o~a l rund s to be u sed III . Barrett Co. tllrvill, $5175. 12; In- I ~to p s utT(' ring from cOlI slipaat the hip 's m il their faces turne d th e Inv es tIgation and pro~ecutlOIl Marrlalr • .Licensee dustrilll Tractor Equipment 0 . , tion hew a Rexall Orderlie at to th mountaI n., o f the u n us ual number ot offenc\ls t rll ck re pnirs, $2!l9 .06: Oreg onia ni g ht. Next day bri ght. Get 24 for Josel)h R. MeisberJerl machinis t Bridge Co ., r e pairs, $5.25; J, D. 25e today ut the ncarest R exnll " What arc you t hinking ubout? and cl'lme~ comm itted In t he CO\l n . , h e IIs ked impul. il' ely . ty , f Cincinnati Ilnd MI SS L o retta W, Adams & Co., repnin, $20 .2 1 ; W. Drug S tOl'c. Adllms Drug Store. In lhe case of Lnu rl! Simon- Myers, dress maker of Franklin, B. Collin s, repllir work, $ 1. 73; P. H e bro ug ht his eyes buck' from th e tli. ta n t mountains and look ed l e ll and Alvy S. Im onton versus August 26. E . Snyder and Son , s upp lies, $33.,Iown at her. Non-is P. S im onton Mary Elsten Edwin E. Bixby, projectionis t, 70; Victpr Vall Hiper . I!'II~ . $45." I wa s wond cring jus t h ow far ct aI., t h e co urt orde r ed fh e tru s- of Franklin, and Mrs. Mary Wea- 08; Industrial Trnctor and Equipyo u w ould ull ow rou r co nte mp t t ce , Non is im on to n be aut'horized I vel' Schatz, of Franklin, August ment Co., repairs, $60 .1 6; Willium fo r Mrs . G/'LJnd ~' to ClIrry you?" a Ill! directed to release mortgage 30. Schnell, supplies. $2l.37; Fred h ' ~a i<l calmly. chl/m up o n payment th ereof. The Harlan, Labor, 70c; Welch and .Juli o r ai!<e ci her head w it h 1\ II'U stee wns furth er ordered to reo Real Eat.te Trana.f era Dakin, uppli es. $3.70; Sta ndard li l tl c d efiant gestu r e. inves t the principll l sum of $1000 Oil Co., ~as and oil, $!) 9 I.Y6; Bell "A ll the way if I wh, h t o go all , in . S. govel'nmcn t bonds a nd re-' Rob ert S. and Leah R. Stewart Press , printing for r ecord e r, $2.50 th e WilY," s he sa id q ui ckly. "Wc've port sa me to th e c:o urt in his ac- ' t o Charles M. Bryan 1.60 acres 111 G. Lederman, s uppli es, $9.60; 0only go t o ne li fe to li\'t' and what co\mting . Dee rfield twp. lumbu s Blank Co., s up plies, does It Illntlcr whnt p'eop le say Charles D. Corwin to George $10; Chnrles A. Day, assistin g I'.ve ne ve r cared." ' Probate Court Prcceediaaa Moormeier 37 acres in Harlan twp co unty s urveyor, $3.50 i Wood r owCh itt enl1alll turne 'l his back on Charles C. Frazee to J oh n nnd Weil-Stanage Co. , supplies, $6.40; t he mountai ns , leun lng Ilg ll in s t E II !!n Tjndllll , executrix of the ~ag!Fie L~nfi pnrt of lot No. 806 Dayton Blue 'Print Co., trucing thc s hip 's rail. c!< lllte of H\! I1l'y 'r indall, deo ease(j 111 Frankl,n. cloth. $12.50; Ohio Centra l Tele- JI .~ " Very we ll th e n con vin ce me." til ed her in vento ry Ilnd IIPprajB[ITravis Barnes to Bernille H. phone Corp, tolls, $37 .21; 8 ame, he chu ll c nged her. m n l. Gpod Ipt No. 10 in frllnklin . rellts for offices, f5 2. 75: Cha rl cH "Co nvince y ou? How can 1?" \ 1 th e settlpm en t of the estate Julia Pend ers to Ghrlstophllr J. Schwartz, s upplies, $8 .25; AI. So that wu Julie Farrowl A woman whoae love affairh were notori"By taking me with you to- of ,John Hayner Bo r den , deee nsed, Duffy lots Nos, 20 lind 21 In ~lIst Ired Schwartz, keys for eourt !JESIDENT O UI. morrow through th e S t . Bernard t h e r. ~ et valli e o f the estate Is Morrow. hous e '1.26; John K. Spencer, I . Pass, " S he s tilJ' ed al him fo r $ 2 J.l tl5 . Successors Of the esta~e John Norwell to John Jones lot wood for cou rt house, $13; Eti. S. u: eatcd t o a II' 'ek o f h ys t erics bard enf)uired . moment. 111'1' Lu cy Borde n, Widow, DaVId No. 414 i~ Fr.anklin. Conklin Ins urance Age ncy, inwhe n h e nnd his mo th er met. H e I Th t' two \\'ol11l'n 10" ke>eI alo n e . " Are y o u dllrinl! me t o tak e M. Bortle n, so n, nnd Robert; A. Margaret S. and Edwin M. II'- surance, $316.5 0 ; Waldron C. Gilwas RO rt'y for his m othc r, but he a n othel' nnd s mil e'd. I you?" she a sk ed quie t ly. BOl'll en , so n . win to A. i:. Irwin 7;2 acres in mour, inques t Eugene Driscoll , PERMANENT LOCATION hu d n lwHYs f o und hel' weal'isol1lu. "It .J ulie' ~ af raid t o te ll )iou , I "Yes. " -r: he COUI'l ol'del'(' d th~n all auth Hnmllton twp. $0.90; Slime, inquest A. Donne 1n his l. ea l'l he was amHz ed t hat wil l." Bim Lell n~x !Ill,id !n he r F o r a m o me n t longer they h elel c ~ tlcate ~ ~oP~ of t he WIll of Ells- I The Mia!f1i~burg Buil.di,n g and Brackney, $7.10; Mun son Supply !lhc hnd \,C I' nlnnagerl to find ca lm, unl'uffiNI VO ICt'. ' Wl.fI·e Ollt on e li n th I" S r::fl?C. I\ ()r th ClIllg, late of Clark County, LOlln ASSOCiatIOn to WIlham M. Co., supp lie, $4; Dayton S t e ncil LEBANON, OHIO two hu: ba nd s. he r e t o He ttie a ~ 11 t1 wa~el'. Juli e's "Very w ell , but I mak e on e 0., a nd a rtier o f probate be. allow- ~tomps, e.t ai, lots Nos. 31 and 32 Works, s upplies, $6 .29 . . R od ney hud heen li" c his g ot a CU I' a nd '" a moment o f , co ndition- t hat yllu d o not tC II I__ _ _ ._ _ _ __ _ In Franklin. Eyea E.amiaed mothel·. The boy 's tl'al!;ic death had , me n tu l co nceit s he mad e u bet l ('ithe r Blm 0 1' Mr. Lo mbard untJi - _ . . -- - -. The Virginia Joint Stock Land Gla .. ea Fitted Repaire been asevere blow tv Gales, and with me t hat s he \\'o ul d dri ve fr om I w{' r e turn . It is not th a t I cll re In , I tI t J r d ' . . II ' J3lln" qf Chllrl j!stpn to Ellis T. and Combinati.... Auction Sal!!, 11e /lad ;; ubcon ~c i o usly d('termincd , Vill e ne>uvc righ t up thro ugh th e th' least whnt thl!Y wo uld think or ~red S~ I ~ U! 10lv e vder y ~k I~ , Emm!l J . Qar~me!I, q1.12 llcres ill that if evel' h e· me t .J ul ie Fll n nw S l. Bernurd P ass ond back aj!'a in. " say, bu t I ha ve U J'ellso n of my t~e . h~ \\11. eoo. an qU ia an I Harlan twp. gh!! s houl d n ot " nll owcd to go :'I'\'l! bef'n t hr o,ugh th e Pass ow n fo r lI'iHh ing Ih e m n ot to know ' h~ r~l~l y . UhHl l'llno od the m~- , m .o lllas f'. ~enaersl R;V !I4minis- 'f h ll r • d 4Y, ~eptember 18, 1930 uB ppn i: hed . buce," Lomba rtl SUlci . •And l h er e 's As you plens ('." ~:H . Ie 1\ a .. ~ n ~ fig: " trutriX to Ju\ra PenClers, ~ ~own At 12 Q'cloc!l nOPII. -Fl..e k n w lhat s he wa~ n divor- u othing vel'y Ulul' Uboll t it if ,' he II' nt o n ('D iml y. . .Blm t~lnks S,M II Will the bet, lots In ElI!lt ~grrow, One mllll lIoia h Of Xenjll on th@ ced woman ; h knew that there I t he w eut lw r's a ll l'Ighl. I l> hOUld l " I a m Ica v ing lit !;evell o' clock ,Juite SO!? p resently,; and she New York Lite Inlluronce Com. Wilmingtoll pille, Wel'e many lin , uvo ury stori es t old sny t hal ~· o u WIll lose YOli l' bet, ill the mo r ning." laughed. Bu~ h e wo~ t I can .aJ- pany to Howard Hacwstadt 171. All kinds ' of liye stO\l~, frl}sl] F of h(: I', a lthough R odney 11ad 01- Mi g~ L nn ox." She tum ed aw uy as if the wlIYs "clo a thing If I . et my mllld 90 acres in Wayne twp. cows, springers, and s tock cat. way ' been her loya l ~ hampion . Juli e look 011' hl' l' hat. le tlin g discu ss iv n we r e end ed und r ejoi n- to ':~ I ?" Arthur and Ruth Smlldbeck to lIe, feedIng ho~s lind sheep, A MONEY LOANED !'Jf you saw he r y o u' d und e r- th e co ol b r l'cze fl'olll th e lake cd Him a nd Lombard . " ways.. . ?, ' Carl Schaub Jo ts Nos. 6677, 5678, truck load of roofing, harness etc, sta nd," Rod n ey .wrote. " . he'R so bl ow thr oug h h er hail'. und Chithilten hll lll f ollowed slowly. Yo.u tlunk I am con.celted. she 5679, 5680, 6681, · 5682, 5683, These fillies 111 b tI d AN wonderf ul. All women are n ot a s t cn halll suw that ~ h e had beu utili e f e ll angr y and ye t lit the a S~fd.. 5684, 5686, 6686, 6687, 5688 and every two wee:S fro':: ~~~e,nue LO S on Llveetoek, Chattels, rotten' as you think Lhey al'e. ful hai l', a qu e ~ I' mi.x tul·e of u l'ow n ' hac k (,f hi. mincJ there WIIS an N~, . but a~ It happens to be 5689 in Deerfield twp. THURMAN HAYS Second ¥ort~ages. N~te8 b o.ught Yo u've probahly ul'en unluck y, but and ~ol cl c n an d ctJ l' pel'y ahulles. ' unwi llin g udm il'al il' n for thi s wom a conceit of. n.'Y ~I~n- that I ~an Carl and Caroline Schaub to Col. Titus, Auct. John Harbme, r:, Xema, OhIO. we don ' t ull have the samc cxpcl' i"Dyed , o f C I) lIl'~l!." he t oltl him- an . He c ould wull und e rstand how ~ IW?it d? ~ ~h~~g If ) ~et Y mllld Michael and Dora Schwering lots A. Gord on, Clerk. UIlC C." . elf. and knew lhul he> li ed. I comp lct e b ' s hc had maste r ed Rod- 0 1.In t! IUS s me . 0 . ellr you Nos. 6191, 6192 and 6193 in Lunch by ladi es of Union church 0 Gi les had c liaillly been till Ju lie mll\'cd h I' c ha ir back a IH·Y. and h ow SUO I1 sh e hud wearI e d e ~pl eMs th e sli me sentImen t· .J Decrfillld ~WP: - -- lONG OR S hi tJ,c nham. o f his slavi sh del' ot ion. won.der how we sh ould g~t ~~ If ! Ed. Hawtnorn ~o p. C. Raub EXECUTOR!S SALE ' HORT ,!,IME- Eaay lu cky, but R ori n l' y had not kn own li tt le n nd Rp ke to of his bruth er's ma rl'i a l{e at a ll, , "I s n't' it n p I'f cctly gl oriou s d ny." 1 She wa,.; th e t)'p e who wanted a it clime. ,to II battl c of Wills, he parf; of ID~ No. ~7tl in f'r!lnklin : . 1": " ter~ls. Also .S urveYlng and A~an d nei~hel' hat! a ll y bod y e lse ill I s he a s ked. ., And d on 't you love man t l! brca" h t' I' l o his will, n ot a a d~!WhlJf hltIY." '" Flora Estelle and Charl!!s of reraonal rrp~rt, !~3~~~g· 0 'Yttc Q1nl{ 'kw lIIw';a Eng-la nd. th C'M' s" ,.t nf I' la l' ~~, a nd t hl' h lu e h uy to kne el lit her fe et. "D ' a • 0 y u ,m ell n . fioOllh tp l\f~riam O. M c / 3 r e I t F f . ~JI y am . . en l e, ~yHi ll wife was an Amcrican l!il' l Rky, und t h t:> !J lu " I' lal,e lind th c II c loo ked fo \,ward to t o-mol'low Id"!'thR03nJ\)t~e!I.r.~u that l 1 109.46 acres III tJiurtiecreek ~wp: I The und e rs\gped will offer fot In_esvi e, . 10 • Jl1 named Sadie Ba lTo\l , who m he hud <ull s hilH''! Th ey a ll lll11kf' me fee l \\'ifh n kind of exu lla ti o n; h e> had ' nn~,11 pig- ell c, TU (! . Mllry J!l. RI1~al!ic~ SherwQod tp , sa l~, .at 1l~~ lic aHctiQn, at the late Ina r ri ccI bccu use s h e hud 11m use d "<:, cX l'it "d a nd happy:' Chitl en- 1l ('l'er crosc d s wurds with a wo m- ' .. ~o: He. ?I~lays SPF~t ot you Helen Hartsock, !:l47.5t; Mres l!! ' reSId ence pf A~nria~ poan Brac~o W"'NTE~ o u hi m, und bccau ~e ~ h e had ~ e m ed ham ~ llIuJ.!J.! " d "i ~ ~ hOlll d c l·s. a n bel'ol (' ; cVI' n wilh S adi e he hud as I .\i. IHI ~ on e 0" c seven Wayne twp. ; . . nil)" geceljsed In Qlearproek rrwp " ' _ _ _ ____ __._ _ _ _ _ __ 10 expect him to ma lT Y hpl'. "I Switzerlan d," s he ~lIid o nly I1lH dc ha l f-heu rt ed protes ts; I IHl nd el s o f th e world . John W . and Ida A. Arnold 6t fll Warren Oo unly, Ohip, qn lhe P"Yo . T hat was a yellr aJ::o , nnd they I drea mily. " I hu \'c l1 ' t : e(' n a grea t ~h ' ha d nut lI uffici c nll y. interested 9h)ttenhnm.frowl~/!d. by sheriff, to The Federal Land tOil and Leba!l onpike m,ar" the 'Ill- WANTED- To bu.y feel1 llllJ shoats had liv l' d more o r less of n d e- . d pul o r the world , but e\'cry bit I h im f or anything deeper. , \:~u knc\1 my brother veJ.'Y Bank, of Louisville, Ky., lQ3:1?() tersection with State R'ollte No. ' or so ws . un~ .J:lIgs. Oa.1 1 pho,!11 tac bed hie sin cc. S hc did not \\' o nt : sec I . love u lit tlc Illtlr lha n th e I It was rai ni n~ a liltle wlle n \I e ll .. he ~sk ed fo r mally. aQre/! !n Union twp, ' 711, 011 . 189~2' Xefl\a, G'llIO, a!' wnt/! Xemo homeli£e, she w:lnted t o be h e rc , la st . I 101'(' e \' e l' yt h ing.' · I t h('y stal'te d, und th e Ill oming was ;~ull e> ~c;:i tllte d. . Owen and May 'Conner to ~fllry Saaur_y, 8~p,.mbet la, 1931) P. o. pox 3· 1119 I~.ere , c \'c rywh ~rc, .and wh~n ' " An d evc ry IJO dy '! " Chitlenha m g r e,Y a nd chill a s Chittenhnm t Ild~r t ,~hl hk I o~er qUJte tu~ .Je:. E. Corwin, 0.46 tpwn ~pres in ~eb To commence I\t 1 o'cloc" p. m" WANTED _ Electrical repairing (j.lle~ obJected s he r m in ded 111m !1skl' ci. I wlll led. ~'Ho e m, s e an .swe rc II 8ft. anon, tlJe lrp'ojJs l\J1d chqttels of said de'o f all kinus carefull attended' that she wa s fina nci " lI ~' in de pe n Sh e la ug-hed and ~h"o k hl' l' h ead Ju li e arrived punctually. . ~ w~ s u~ h a t~ell r b~y In somt' . Mary E. Sherwona to Helen ce nsell, consisting in Jlart of: to ehas ~f1~~rsgn Ph%ne ItFj! d ent of h im lind Int'a ut t l) ti c, a ~ "/'0; 0 . I' m u fl'u id I ca n 't SIl Y t hat " ) d id not expec t to see you" \\!l ~ S , ut II~ 0 ers e was a - Hartsock, lot No . 0 and part of lo't A lot of Farm Jmpleme'lt~ 119 . . ' .. , '1" ,.h(> ch A fter ~ ix m onth s' III fa ct T clare say ~'o ll'lI be Sh ock- , wa ~ h t' I' g r cctinr::. ' m o~t . . . forgl~,e m.t' for saying It No.1 in Waynesville, . bUlihels good Outs, Ii! lrlI t!)rI 'b~ts @ II hickl'ring, Gil es gave in and le t cd wh en I t e ll you lhat in all my Chi t.tcnhal11 g lan ced cas uuIly at -un~alan('ed., .• S. A. McLain to Jim and Nancy Straw, 13 acres growing Field DEALERS WANTED REAL he r ICO h er ow n way. life I' ve neve r rea ll y a nd t l'1I1 y t he car. ~h,ltte nhnlll s ey e), narrowed. Reec e, lots Nos. 379, 380, 381, Corn, Horses, Cnttle, Hogs, Chick- nUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. We Th e y met oc ~u ' i.o~nll y , a nd lnve d a~ yhod.:>." Chitt e nhnm cou ld " I hope you'vt' got go od brukeR,' · .' O~I . 't m e hn d \~,hen his affec- 382 and 383 in Franklin twp. ens. .can place several live wide awake then II lways b~ S~dll' ~_ o wn re - I we}.1 h"I1!'I'(' It he :' llId n onco mmittally. I n ~;; . \l er e . o uc e. " Charles W. Scheu t o ?,frs. Ha!'lL. M. HENDERSON men in a profitable business sell. "u ('~t. Shl' was In Nt: \\' '\ ork when . A. lad y WI t hout II hCllrt !" h e , he IHugh c d. Bef or e t hey had ' es, J s upp ose so. nah M. Scheu, 144 acres In HumllExecutor of the estate of inl!' direct to consumers In your till' new ~ ('ame of Rodn ey '!; d eath ~ ul(1 lightl y. g on e vc r)' far Chi tte nhlll11 discov('1'0 be gonpnJled) ton t~p: Azariah Doan Brackney home County: Write quickly for ~ free catalogue. p, C, HEBERLI1!;G - - -. . CO~A~Y. Dept 18~6 BloQmlrJg~ PINKY DINKY Pinky Waa Nearer Right T~R~V ~'LJ(I§pN 1'0 11, '~19

College, High School, Technical, Commercial and Business Subjects





til'" .·








__ __.L .


Dr. John Zettel



Optometrist 19 N. Broadway





I .'





5 % Farm Lo a ns






I,,, ,




r.., __


m·' .

















y.~~ BUT AE~

THE Tt-4e

. . .'

FO!t RENT- Farm near ~il1gtlVIlle. ApplY to p .r. D~dley Keever ' 4cente rv!!19, P., 01' Waynesville R.


. ,.


~AU) ' FOUR''


FOR · RENT- Five rooms with elect.ric lights and water, Mrs. Amelia WlIlI!1m~. tf

~FOi"M l:;:i '=&==;;:'

,.. BOY • ~,J.("" t~ w 'U.L.·,AM 4jPIt'-E. ",ow I~ ,~ A FAC,. .ME CAI'4't


ell,.. ,.. T~ ""'1# -

--- -

FOR SALE--lI,~O 'acreR of gaod '. lantl· elolle to' Waynesville • . InQIJlre OJ; ~r:lte ·to No. ' 1658. Woodward Ave., D8}'ton Ohio, do

PIPES, val v,. It ftttln,a, ' tor all . purposes; Boeldet'. Jlne of heating .Ie , SUpplies ..are the beat. 'l;he BockJet-Kln, Co• • 16 W, Main St., Xenia, Otilo. tt


. 25


ISSUED- EVERY WEDNESDA V D. L. CRANE PuLli.hle r pOL N 0 '1Iic.none ..................... . o. 112 Re.idence ..................... , .. N~. 118


public grade Rchool~ alone, below the gr-lltlc "of high schoo l. rn the -hii'h ~c honl s we hllve anotheJ' two and a half million pupiI ~, with 140,000 teachers. Then there are ,' tule .norfTlul schools and teathers' collegeM, in addition to state univel's ities, s UPPol'ted out of pub lie funds, and on t(>p of lhosa are . d d lhe pl'Ivlltely. en ow e prepnratory schoDI , colleges , univers iti es lind pro6fs~ ional- schools, accountin~ for nearly nn other milli on of students with so me 75,000 ins truc. tors

Are You Creating Trade?

Mr. lind M r!'< . Wm . Lukens lind duughter~ ap n !I few nays the fil·!\t of- th e w e k with Mr. lind Mrs. Levi Lukcns ul13ri on, Dr. W. F1. Og l s bct' hRs l·ctUT-· ne d from II f ew dll tl's vacation in Subluiption Price, $1.50 a Year /lnada . J - - - - - - -- M 1M ' < M .-. .... Enl.reoJ .. I PoaloHi~c 01 Warn e a~l/I. I'. 11 01 ,,);, P' cC!I ~reln 1 M f Ohio, aa Second C/" .. M"j M.II.. came ( o wn onullY rom 'V.Qho uding, I>I'inging their duug h lers WHEN'S T';E TIME QUIT l a bl':;;Ch th e c ompany as Rh'a und Eyalyn. t o enter school. an ucc ountant . BefOl'e long he ThpI'e ill n ll thinr. C' 1 ~e exc ent The g il'!s arc laying with Mr. and I r o de downtown in a taxicab, hall Illude him; elf matite l' of one SEPTEMBER 10, 1930 war for which we sp end 80 much Mrs . E. M. Villars . and looked a t the picture of the certain phase of the company's moncy as fol' education in this Mrs. LlIura Shiduker, Mr. and driver on th e licen se card which ' atfnirs. country. And still we have not Mrs. Howard Graham, Mr. and by the police. I H e looked around him and • _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ • got a s far as some nations have Mrs. Chas. Gord on and family anrl is issued Where had I seen a Cac<' like abuve him and was discouraged. I go ne, in proportion to p opulation. Mr~. K M. Villars utt!'llIl!'d the that? . IEv cry where hi s way 'eemed to be APPLES I Little Denmal'k has n high er pel'- funeral of Mr . Sum Ki rby at Leb' lId denly I knew. An acquain- bl ock ed by m en wh o had been I centage of high school and college un n W(. dnc~day aft e l'n oo n. wnc'e of min e I()(lkod enoug- h like lh e re longer. but were young ~ ~raduate 8. Only ubout 30 pel'cent Ha rry Wil,;o n o f Da yt on ond lhal taxi dri ver to be his twin. I e nou gh so thlll they would be acof fUl'm I>oys of high school age in MI'. und Mrs. Wilb ur W ilsun nnd If tht, wh ,>l t' truth be I>lul'ted live f or ,nan), years. A llicri ea eve r go to high scho ol; B J f R k V Apple-p ic king lim o i ~ u pon U!l. Illm ost 100 percent in Denmark . etty une o . Llano ' C, u .. ar~ o ut, I do uhl if I here is II very w ide I Un e nig-hl he definitely decided From Ge r~in t o Maine, fr om g u<'sts of their pa rents , 1111'. I1nll dill'C1'e ncc ill inte llige nce be tween t o loo k for somethinK cis '. Th e t hHt laxi dri ve l' allcl m y a cqullin- next da y an (,fli ce r of thc compuny Penn sy Jvun iu to Cnlifol'nifl, the --- . - M rs. F)'unk Wil so n. apple g r uws almost everywhert' MI'. and l\lr ~ . .Joc Bogan (' on- tance. Ne ilher ha R mu ch educlltio n vis iled hi g I>runch. und a vio le nt in lhe Unite d StuLI'.. j t inu es in ver y I)por Iwa lth . 1\: (' ith{. r is well I·ea d. Neither' can di scusR ion ensue d. Th e olti ce r upAlthough th e upple is not n I RULERS OF AMERICA I Rev . L. F. W ill iam s i ~ ntte ncl- he lIl'c us ed o f profound th ough t. I held OHe ~ id e of the question, my . ' contment, . I I ing. M. E. Co nft~ r e nc e at Ox f ord. Ho w i ~ it, t hen, t hat one i~ on young friend the ' Ilher . And Ill y native 0 (h t IS we huve ' l ' hl' f ro nt ~e11t o f 11 ca b and th e you n g fril·nd ktl;:w his fad s ; he • OhiO. . deve loped so I1lllny vllrieti e~ which • IlI'C distin('tively Am ericlln that l .- - - - - - MI ~. A . .1.. " ' n!l edy gp ent . a olh (' r ride ~ itt the hnck ' scat o f a was ri ll' ht. we luok IIpo n the oppl e us 0 \;1' own I' W G' I f(, w dny~ t illS \I.('t' I< In Da yton WIth linlV us ill('? TIl<' argum ent end ed by th e ofl1MI. "lmes . e lun, once 1'11' ~ w e ", n lk nl' a nti Lucky '! Und oubtedly thNl' iR 1\ ee l' a~king him tlJ cUllIe down t u Europe now buys thou suntl !\ of I l tit·t Cd S tutes A III bassa d 01' t o G (' 1'- family . •'Ind l\!r . ... ,I ' · lot ll f luck in every su cces~ (ul l\' eJ-' ''I'll rk ~ u few we!' k"." II I' d s of A mel'lcan app es c\'(' ry Il1l1ny mude public the L1 t1WI' dllv cal'lou h h . I' I ,I ( fl" 'rl lnlllp slt n () f L e IJllnolt was : UI eel'. But I think 'my a cquain- h n ~ I;et n th e n' eve r s inc e. Yellr ' . ' f h f . II Irst of 64 llI e n \\' 0, e sat(, a dinn t'r gut'sl Fl'icln y l' ve nin f( (If IIne e has at l e l1 ~ t o ne lJuulity If he had r c~ ign d the prec eding Th e app I e IS one 0 t e e\\ ed- were the real rulers of Am e rica. M . 1M .. W ' II T" 'hEl ,' . whic h th e .t axi dri\'e r Inch. H' eY c lring: ~oun g fl'l -'nd would ibles thut is a s goo d raw a s wh en I 1'h," I',I' w/\>; n, ot 1,1 politician Ill' I.,:. Ihlnl I I ~. 111\1 It I n !. . ~ooke(J II" g lo d c 10k ' (I n ' 1'" ' ' . J' I ,~C II Il liP 'n c( OIl( uv 1ll0rnln1!' k to his g ame through so me 11 11V (' III "set hi S On l' t hu nct'. ,tuc , , ~ , 'e ~ a\\. ofli ce- holdf'r In the 1St. t Wli R I . • ' " " r . t h () IiII··i t' ' th ' )I'l'lly lean , to ugh years wh e n Hanging ove r t he d oor of (he lu Cooking does not ~ p o il an ap .. le I (tl h I l UI In glllg In 01 S IIll C l • . : 0: ' I cllInpos(' ( 0 Ie m en \I' 11 opel'lI l! [Jupil " fmm th" thl'l'" rU'''11 ~c h l1l) l < hcrc waH e vc ry r (,lI ~ o n t o be di ~- bo ral ory of a gl'l' llt aut olll ohilc but converls It Into so nH'thlng tl . t . d t ··, I k · · I • . . . "h 11' g l e/\ In us Ill' S, wn ~ ,lnl I Thr!'(' hu st's IIrt:' c rnpl oYl'Q dJ'l\'cn ''' "rnll'cd Ilnd quit. Icompany Is thi ~ Mcnt('ncc: "No one new nneI s trange. \ -y 0 ev l' l' heard nl' WtilH1Pl' l' o r~alliza t i ons of th o b II '1 : ·t · D s l " CI : ' 'd Th e di\'idin g lin e " ('twe en suc- l e ve r would hl\Yl' cross ed the ocenn of a baked ora.nKe? Bu l a. ba~cd j nati nn. . y e l ' I' I n. CI. l.I ~ . 0 1 nn. :L'ss anu fail u l'(' i" just II hil iI" I if IH' co uld hllve glJt off in the ~h o de .I sland Grel' nlng s Wlmml~g Sonte o f th (' nation' s ri ch(,Rt lim· in th o u s ;)nd ~ o f caRes. On e s torm," III 11 .n~h syrup composed of I~S I mell ' were on Mr. G erurll's list, inglc de cis ion may make 1111 the I am not writing this piec e t o own JUices and all the , s ug-<I!' It " f cll urse; bu t tlInny men g reat li tf l! r('nce. try lo muke ully mlln contented c~n carry! brown to 8 turn I~nd (; 11- wr ulth were ' not in c lud ed. Th e A you ng' JIllin hod ju ~ t b ee n pro. I wi l h u Jl lJor ju l;. Th{'t'e lire plenty n ~ hed Wi th u Itb e l'l~1 bllpltHm of rid] men wh om he named nrc men lII l1ted into th e vicc-pr es ld ency of o f in s ll1nC (l ~ where m<-n have made th!ck fre h CI'Cllnl . IS there a~ y- who uctivcly manage the inves ta cor po l'ati on, a nd Il iv~ n fl Rtock 1 h('i1' elledu ~ lIn g fortunes by thlllg lhal comC's tlJ the table qUI te j ment and operation of their own plll·tcipation that will mak e him ' making a fresh Htll rt. as good as that? wl!alth lik e Henr y Ford und J ohn many times u millionllire. I But m or e often, I think , the bat Apple pie. Europe may cla! m I n. Ro~k efe l\(!r, Jr. But the great 11-.. told me that he start ed In t ie is won ju st by s itting tight. the a(>pl e, .but we have first clmm majority of these "Ru lers of on upple pIe. No FI'en('h che f eVl, r j America" are hired men. Th ey l~rned b ow .to make an "apple work for oth e r people, manage Cleveland Rc.ident Wanta Every. I Besides being distributors of Advertising, we PllJ. The Engltsh call them npple other people' mone y and property one .. to .. Know . What . New a nd J o hn Syf e rd. R. T .Moore is ing severll l days with Mrs_ Rector's torts" and leave out the cin- 1'01' them. ~ uperint c nd e n t a gain this year , hom~ f o lk ~, H. . Moon' lind print Sale Bill., Dodgers, Letter Headings, Bill Medicine Did For Him numon and most~of the s ugll r and Th ey rule or help t o rule Amerwith Mrs. Lil lia n al'l' nnd MI SS fanllly. makes .the c r';l ~ t ou t of ~o meth i ng ('8, nut bec'ause lh('y are' Ill e n of , HLlen Rlln dall liS high ~chool teac'> l On e . of Ed J ordan 'H big brood I Headings, Statements, Envelope., Booklets, more hke an mn el' tube In t extt,lre wealth but becau se th ey are m en l eI's . Thert' lire 42 pupi ls enrolled In , . o w ~ dl sllPpear ed very my ~ terlOu s, &c, &c. than t~e flaky ~uh ~tl.lnce wh!ch I tlf bruins and abil i\y . Walter P. . the high Rchoo l. Th e 8th grad e has 1(' I II ~t w ~ ek . melts III your m.outh ane! whICh Gifford, president o( the Americlln I lln enr ollm ent o f 20 lin d th' 7th We are told that Kllrl Dellther- . every good Amel'lca.n cook know~ Telegraph and Telephon e Co m, ha ~ 41 with J.l . H . Hars hbargel', IIge has sold his farm formerly how . to mix and roll. Jlllny. does not own as much a s one I l·uch e!'. T h ~ 6th gr~de. has ~3 , knlJwn as the J o nathan Sherwood King Geo rlle the Se~o nd, w~o p ree nt of the company which he lind the &lh p:rude I ij WIth MIss . (arm. w~s a sort of royal dumbb ell, IS llIanages Owen D. Young. ChairWinif red Mc Elwee t eacher. 4th I Th e watermelon boys Ilre geiuld t o have mllrv ell cd, on first IlIlin of th e General Electric CO lli . I g rade e'nro llmt~ nt 15 nnd 3rd 17 , ting in Iheir wlJrk th ese night s. eating, an apple dumpling, how pany is a hired man - wo rkinll fo r wilh Mr~ . Im o j enll Voi er s teach- ~ollle o f th em Ilre w orking ove r the apple !,tot in side the dumplin.g the ~ompany' s stockholders. Such . 1', Mi Rs Lucille Tu cke r is the time. Th ey were /lcen and known. He would ha ve marv ell ed more. If POWI!I' as those men and others t eRcher of the 1st a nd <!nd grudes. 1 Bett er stay out, boys. TRY he c~lUld have hao;! a g e n,!lIl e imilarJy situated exe rt si th eir~ Mi ss H elen Stllv en hilS charge of AmerIcan b~ke(.1 apple duml>\r!l g, b cause they hllve proved their OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS mu ic again this year. TRIPPS GARDEN for the Idea .of n dumphng ubility to build and operate !!r(!lIt A number of Indi es from here FOR RESULTS Phone 93 IS .to .wrap It up 111 a rug !lnd, orga nizations o f capital nnd m en., att ended the W. . T. . ConvenbOil It. Bilked apple dumpirn g , I Thllt is lhe American pdncipal I ti on a t Main eville one day la t In o ud garde n ha!1gs n hamm ock with a "hard" sa uce co mpiled of to which we nil . ubscribe; thnt week. Our la di es' quartet furni s h- In !l nI ce ~ ool shady pluct'; lots of granulated s ugar and lots !\ man is entitl ed to go 8 far as er \'ocld mus ic. The sunshine through the apple m~re but.ter, all' b ea~e n together his individunl abilities will permit Mn •. Herma n SU liac e and Miss tree, With a hberal flnv orlng of nllt - I providing he d oes not gain power Ne lli e Graham planned and car- Falls on the grass like lace. FOR SALE DATES CALL me~, lllay not be the food o~ the at the expense of others. A nd it i rie d out II pl Nl 'ant s urpri se on Thl! IiUies iweet lire blowing, gods, but it comes prett~ close . to I sufe to say that for s heer ability Kuthl een Graham Sutul'day even· Sought by the humming bird, the nectar ' and ambrOS ia whIch the men whom Mr. Gerard calls ing ho noring her birlhday. The In the tretlll t'hroughoul the garden Ganymed e u sed to serve on Olym - "Rulers of Amel'ica" have it all gue~ts in clud ed the "Katydid ." A SQl'lg8 of othel' birds are heard . MR. CHARLES H. JESSUP pusA' d 'd , B h b! C'd h over the general run of public delightful evening was enjQytHI n CI er . ut us I er as officials. At evening tim e the martins, nnd th ~ surpri ' e wn s ~ o mpl et (l . on unfortunate habit of obeying - - _ . - ...- - - "I co mm enced taking Ko nj oln In fl ocks come flying over, . . p~· --one of the laws oC Natul'e which about a year ago," sai d MI'. CharWhile the tiny wrens nre bu sy was not repealed by the Volstead NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT les H. J essup. 1908 Eas l 69th Hunting thl'ough the clover. act. Nevertheless and notwithstreet, Cl eveland. "I was so ill There is a saucy r obin JESSE STANLEY HIGHEST standing, the apples which are not Estate of Azariah Doan Brack· th t 1 had lo s it in a chair f or 1 On th e hammock at my reet i Phone 320, New Burlin.ton, Ohio quite good enough for pies are not ney, Deceased. CASH could not breathe ly ing down. li e drops around each evening going to waste on the ground. as Nptice Is he-reby given that L. From December to March I wa s And sings his s oni' 80 sweet. PRICES they used to do, however we may M. Henderson bas been du ly ap· unable to work. What ev r 1 ate Our new schoo l bus 5tarted EA~L KOOGLER cau ~ ed mi ery, I lost weight and PAID deplor<: _ t1_ 'e_ fa~t.__ - - pointed and 'qualified as Executor Monday morning to carry children The catbird comes to warble, R. D. 6 , Xenia , Ohio of tbe Estate of Azariah Doan was very weak. I h llve taken eight to th.e ~~rve.y!;b urg -chool, Ch~s. In the dear old apple tree, of Konj ola and today I am Qonlon IS dn ve r on our route. I I know shu comes each evening Phone Dayton Co. 54J5 - - - - - - - j ~Jh~~~llde:C~:!:/f Warren County, bottles as s ound as a d ollar. r cun walk M!'. and Mrs. ~. C. Moore Ju st to sing her song to me . I Doted this 22nd da y of August ten miles without ~atigue. I s pent Labor ~!\y wlth Mr., elmef Our little bird homes proudly SCHOOL DAY$ I shall a lways have KonJoln in my Lam~ nnd fnnllly, of orwll1.. I ]930. I Sit atop tbeir long slim poles, home for it certainly proved to MI ~es TVIl and LO\.l e\la Millard, While benellth a cunning f oun. W. Z. ROLl · Judge of ·the Probate Call ~t, be a mastel'-medicine in my case. o( OlivO! Branch, called 011 Mias tain ' All over the nlltion, the public s10 PHONE SF3 Warren County, Ohio. I am s leeping fine, have regaineo Mar~ Kathleen Thompson Monday A yellow cup oC water holds. my lost weight, anQ my nel'ves tire evenlllg, schools are again in full swing. HARVEYSBURG, OHIO calm. ~y WQrk Is now 1\ pleasure . Mrs. Mary Brown, .o f Waynes· I The ~ig fat yelvet bumblebees Shortly the colleges will begin With Dependable Help The Boy Out fot' J am enj oying tbe best of VIlle, pe nt Sunday WIth the Jor-I Wearlllg their bands of gold theil' nnnual s essions. The greutest ---health." Serum and Virus of al\ Americnn industries, educadan family. . Their legs are hung with pollen tion, is running on ful1 time again, "I wis h you would h elp me with The records oC K.o njolu fairly Wulter J ordan and Wife, oC As much as they can hold. insure. both SafeMore thlln 25,000,000 pupils lire this sum, Dad," said a small boy overflow with such happy enrorse Haryeysburg, called .o n the Jordan The butterflies are fluttering, ments. Onc e Ko~j o la is put to fUl1l1 ly Sunduy evenlng_ enrolled this yellr in the public struggling 'with his home work. Gay spotted ones, .ome white, ty and Succeaa "Can't son," said Dad from be- work, r esults . al ~ prompt a~d SChllO l1l of America, und l'r nearly Mr .. and Mrs . Orland o Brannan They sip the ftowers in daytime, 800,000 teacher!>, to whom we pay hind his paper' "it w-ouldn't bl.' I.sure: However It IS be t ~hat SIX a nq little Edn.a Mae Dodges, of And the fh'e /lH!S ('ome at nillht. to eight bottles be taken III av er- Xenia, MI'. and Mrs. M. M. Terry an avernge salary of '100 a mont ·· I'i hl.'" II total bill for -teaching alone ot g"r don't suppose it would," said age . . . - of this place, ate dinner with K. Thel'e are hollyhocks and larkspur ~ onJola IS sold III W~ynesvllle, E . Thompson and family Frida)', more than Li ne billion dollars a the boy "but you might have tried Phlox, ""d petunias, too. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Harvey.burr. O. _ ~ __ • _ • ___ OhIO at Adama Drul Store· , and by Mr_ H oward McKay. wIfe ll.n(l There's zlnlas and Chel'e's Iillies. yesr, to which almost another bil· all the best druggi s L~ in all towns so ns Robert, a'nd Dcn\,lld, tlarold Larkspurs pink and white and blue Phon. 31 . lion must. be add ed for other educn WAYNESVILLE. OHIO McKay wife .m'd so n, Allen, Mr~ Our gal'uen is so lovely tlonal ' expenses. And thllt is for Sublcribe for the Miami Gazette throughout thi' entire s ection. II1llb el Tei' ry and Miss t1fary Kath Thel-e ulone I walk with God. leen Th'ompso n , attended Monthly I can fee l his holy presence, Fully Equipped for Good me eting at Harv eys.burg' last Sun· As the garden paths] trod. Service. day. Mrs. N Ellie Leibert and family Ou tside th e troubled world moves By Alber. T. Reid , Large Display Room. ha\'e relurned to their home In With its worry and its care, Am bulance Service hi cngo, accompanied by her two While in our garden a\l is peace, brothers, kif lind Ed. Jordan. Song birds and fl ow('rs fair. Day or Edgar Wallllce , of Cincinnati,l As I li e out in my hammock, WII S a Thursday guest of Toney Benl'ath the evening ky, Davis . His aunt, Mrs. Edna Vail, And watch the sun set, in its glory 30 Years Experience in r eturned home with him . Th en I know that God is nigh. Fitting nnd Making Glasses W. H. T ert·y and K. E. Thomp- at~o n Clyde Snn;s , n. ,J. Murray and The twilight shadows deepen, :ARY'S JEWELRY SHOP wife, Chas . Swindler wife and Th e silver moon appears; duug hter, war e in Harveysburg The little stars cOllie peeping Every Tu ... day, Thunday, Saturday Sntu rday evening. Then I s~y' my eveni ng prayers. Mrs. Mury Mannon, lind daugb- Oh, OUI' garden is so lovely, "10 Char... for E"amin.tion tel', Mi ss Ruth lind Miss Genevl\ 'Tis the sweetest spot on eartb. St 'l'h ( Il~, of Wilmington, 8pllnt , The world with all Its riches j Su nday ' evening with tit\! pavis' Could not pay me what its worth. family here. I ' Avi ; Gre ~ n, (1£ Wilmington, is I d o not long for riches, visiting 'hpr s ister, Mrs. Robt!l't Just ehing~; I ', need from day to Andrews. ( daYi Mr. nnd Mrs. James McVey, of Just thesimpie neceseesariea NOTARY PUBLIC ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Highland, WHe SundllY g u est!! of As I pass along life's way. your Cattle, hogs, s he~ an~ calve, National Ballk the McKl1Y fumlly. . I hope you havk! a garden to Norri~-Brock Co., hve Wlf~ and Chancey Bunnell and wife If you dont see what you miss; wel'e Thursdll Y g uests of the Davis For I know 'twould make you hap- Wille Drawn •• Eatate. Settled progressive firm for the hl'.helt market prices and good service. family. I py W""YNE;SVILLE, OHIO Union Stock Vard., Cincinnati, 0 : Almon Ferri s and wife, and the Wish you had one, just like this. Ref.reue: Ask first man you me "',' Mrs. Jessie B. Tripp, Wil so n family ,of nellr Lebanon, ' spent Sunday with Attlun Ballard Harveysburg, O.I!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. --"-and family, of Miamisburg, I - -- Dr. and Mrs. Fred :5terr, of Ohio State University ate SUllday d inn er with the McKay family here. . A. B. Talmage has rented hiS farm to a Mr. Wells, of near Ham· ilton, Ohio. 1\1. M. Terry W. H. Terry, A. B. Talmag e. K. E. Thompso,n, i\ lva Kimble, George W. DaVIS, Walter McKnight, A. C. Hu!'ting- I ton, H_ Cline , S herman FerriS ~nd Mrs.' Andrews attended the Illllk.hauling meeting, at the Silver ( Grove schoo l bouse rast Monday evening, Chas. Sbaw, our. presen.t hauling, wtll continue 'houllng our milk to the K. 1. O. office at Cin~ 'AlL T1-4E DIF-FEIlENT R~LI6-' dnnati. The vote was 31 to 2 in .ION' 1-4~VE THE SAMe IDEA · favor of Mr. Shaw. , Mr_ Sjms ha~1 treated his build- , OF HEAVEN.; In A. PLACE ings to a coat· of paint. Mrs. Hallie ('Moore) 'R9Ctor an.4 WHE~e 'YOU OON'T HI\~ . husband have returned to their ·TO \YOR~ • home at Bel'ea Ky., atter IpeDd·




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Or are vou j(Jst standing quiet?

l ______________

The press of the country tells you the depression is slowly lifting and business is looking up everywhere. only way you can create business keep going is to





.' ,



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that that The and





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The Miami Gazette





- - ---


Wa ynesville,Ohio


Stanley &Koogler •Dead Stock Wanted Auctioneers



._------ -----_.



Harveysburg Fertilizer CompallY




How Can, He Get Around That?

J. E McClure



Sight Specialist




----- _...

Have your Job Work Printed tJere:...




~II ~~.~, '~I nn'I'~tl~'~r ~·II,· t-





- : : - :\,hO h-8" : .. ,Ii IlIhl J. Card Of ThaaJu '\ pll "~" cI II \\' Y ~Unlj,lY I'\dlillg . B .•rI'n<'~, • II. .In u ~I r ·. \ ll,'u l-; II1 , I 'Ve wish to express our grati· I FUI1l?lul sl'ldl'-\" a\ Lt!hnnnn . W ,'O- l'l~k ~(> t'l' Mt"I'n n" ~lI ..:;ts. ~' Illi/.III\ . IInn·h. n .sr WII! only J to Iri nds and neighbors, for lIf day afl,·rll illJ ll . :\1" , and :'ll. h " It' I' lil'uh'llI\ ,,11I1t1 III \\ IlHmn nnJ RtlHil M~- I th(!ir ndts of s ympathy a nd service \ H\.',. SIU'lI [3 ,' WIII:11I IIno :\lrl'. :lI.! Ii., B,'I' ni('\' :'\It·nt S'ulldl\Y nell n Bt HI II , \\,:1 . b O.1'O n ea r Me · r nc.leted, d u ring t h illness anti " I'!lf. IInc! 1111'S . .I . N. F !'n~t~r. 1'.d(t L(1Il~II~r e all(,lIdl' I :\1. E. ~I'n: wllh :\11'. lIll,l Ill''', ,ltlhn Iy ' r:; L"lIl1~b,' r, . 11 1.. April 6, 1801. d ~ILh of our' l '\fed one. . I \\, I~ n l\\~itt!:t ;;1f!ull buy his r8ih T Mrs. Emma Brown an d Fam il y nlllk£lr "f hlutluqun cl tlllg VIS- t\'lellce ill ),:xfll l'li IIl ~1 "" e k, :\\1'. 1I11d dnll!:h,lcr lit Ry IUHlnt. . 11"IlI .' · I oylor \\,111 ~nt\)rta lll 1111! I)nhst II 111 th ' . Ivll War a nd after il,.tI PI" lind - lrl-. L. G. Rr,)ck Lpl)gn~l' l' j I1 nnl them over Ihe ThurHd,\\' net rn ol1 n. wu~k-cnd, "unduy chool C\tI !;S :aturday a f w .m onths di ed nnd was mur· DEATHS Mr. a lid Ml' , Gorge Reed er lind Mr. and l\It .. Jnl'ob Enrl~' and . uftcl'll 0 11 to a w~in~r r oast llnd ied in T nnes e. Some tim~ later rllm il y uttend{d th R eeder rell- son of n ear illill l11isburg were Jar w ell. before he lenve8. All Wilh hi mothel', .he came to Ohio Funeral services for ,Ju dge ni(ln ot lla\'\'e y burll'unday. T hul'~day c\'C\fillg jrUQ t~ oC "1r. : boy nrl' a ked to ple a e m eet at lind lived 1'01' a time at Mt. Holly; Mr. and Mrs. W alter Kenri ck nntl :l l r~. harle8 Eur!)' nn e! family ' the churCh befo l' 2 o'cloak. \ and t h n moved to the vicinity of Frank M. Cunninghnm, who died' an d :\tr. IInti i\t T!>. Perr~' K (,llril'k :'Ill' ~ . Eliza th :' mith n nd :-'1i ~~ 1 The Lllrlies .\ id o f t he' Lytle L~'t1e, wh e r he ~pe n t t he greater at the Masoni c Home in SpI'lngund d :1\ I ~h t I' n I ndl'd Ihe f\l1l~1'1I1 Th u ll1p Oil ,>t' ]):I\·t,111 \\' '1'<.' :atuI·· hllrch will :;erve 11\ a l ~ lit the pun of his lit'!'. !Tis mother passad fi Ic.I Mondny of last we ek, w e re o f th .. il' 11 (' ph!:\\'. F:111H'1' :'I1 " ll t~ 'I IlI - dny ' \' l' l1i n ~ gLll'~I~' : lld ~lr s. AI . ' L,' lmllLlI1 1"lIir bl'~ i nl1 in~ on Fri. \ tI I\' a~. in I!)OO nno , hurle d ut held at th Oswald Fun era l Homo in L ebn non, Wedn sduy aftern oon 'n' Ht I IIl~· t " n. ThUI'~ d ay . ill' l'l SUl'fll('c 'W'b II :>llilday aftl'r- i day .. I' t his w e\; . ( 't' ll lrr v i l l c , ' lI1r~ . (,Iyd,' \\' hul'("n . ,, 1'111 mn. I 1111 0 11 !{lI l'~ t II I' ;\ I l ~. :'I 1:lI'g'nr 'I J ohlls ! .' 11'. lind M l'~. 1 1111'11 . towe an d On I'\, hrullry 2H. 1884. h e WlIB Th e Ru rvic es w ere in charge of Commund ery No 22 of ln sl '.\· ~' ,' k ill L ba nol1 "ilh hel' ill\'. und i\l' rs. Fran k ~V,'o ll ~Y ! dllll~ ht\, I·. of ({itll( '''i Il0 wel'e :un - : 1I,lIiH!!1 in nl lll'l'i:\~c ~ o. Miss Emma M Illmi Il li llt, !'.ll z:!hc lh ,l'll l1't h ,)u .' p Ah- :llld ra mil v I'l'I u rllll l II< Ih cI I' hOIll till Y el'(' n\ll ~ 1!llt'st~ II { Mr. and II1r:, ( . S hull' III l ur lt s le by Rev. Knightll T emplar, o f whi ch body i ll \l :1V~ " II ' ,'lIl "I :t\· :11'11' 1' IIl·illl! h\.'re I I\i '~ II' I' (irah nlll a lld uaughtl' l'. l; lIwdy. 011 1' (1IIug-htE!!' cume t·o Judge CunninRhnm WIl S t he old est past cOlllmunder at the time of his 1:t:' 1 ';' I·('k . un :((' 1:, , 11111 o f Ih,' dell l h 1'> 11'. lIlId l\l rs. Forest G mhllm u lt·ss Ihis hOll1e . " I' Ih" blll "S r"lll,·r. \\' ill i,II\I : :l nd fanli ly w<;,r .. l'n lc rtllint:'o Ull 11,' j(1 in!'d he Lytle M. E . denth, Buriu l was in Lebllnon ee m e /l1' .. lIll, ~I I ~ . Brolll1 :tl'l' l1lll pllnil'd SlIl1 day 111 t l1t' hOlne of .Mr. nnd Churl'h "" 'l' ral ,I'('ar:< <I~O . unci l' t (' ry. IIt ' 1l1 hll llll' fl1r " f ,,\\· d a y' ~ I· i~il. ' ~I I''' . ti"ol'J!'c Graham . lll(' pll ~ l o ra l c o f H ~v F.lIg(>~I (· Gad•• I :II !'. and :'lI n •. I','rry \\" ,111' 1' ,)f 11 "IlI'Y Su ~' I"r wa s tra n ~ f e red .Ii!". Il l' .: h,,," fll rl lll ll g li S h, s voc u· ,John Raph illl , 1'L1nner Wu y nes· ('(' nl "ITill\.' ~I r~ . 1\"llI' Y 13ail\.' y, In ~ t \\ ('l' k I" u ,,~ i ~ t IJIl the n\.'w ti on ill lifl' : Hnd fo r II n umb er of vi ll l! res ident, died a l the Ohio (, h:tl'k~ II Il'ilt·\, IIl1d ",n IIf :'Il iu ll ti :,- 1':l li " mac h in(' li t 1\. C . 'R. Il l! w u s Yl'ar" liv!'o! on tht· Will illlll Duke Stute H ospitu l in Dnyton Monday, hur)! 11'\.'1'1' Silllrill Y l!u ,·,I" Il l' Mr, I hit: ldy nl mIl H·nd l'<! il il ~l i s IIltCII ' fnnu. FUll el'u l !;(!l'vic(lS and buria l at and I\I r ~. ~tllnlt'y Hai l(' y and ti:lll)! h I ,!:tII l'l' I'('orrl: hlll'tn!{ Illl ~s "d oilly . rur I .D ~' ~a r;; he hH ~ li ved. II re - nllytoll . ----' ll'r. , I (, , ! dll Y~ III fl :,ocm s tl lI d ~ hal f llr,'l( hl l' III Lytle, w h ~ ~ () he 1\11' . alld l\ l r~. All l'n 1~lll l'kk and Ilny" Ihl' III"t ;; Yl'nrs, pa ssl'd a way . lI nr! hl~e n IIIl IIlVn hd JIl l'S l\l a lw,rpl ,J, ~lllI " a lll' llI l.. o lh ,! j\1 1'~ ., I.U.l:Y !"ile I' · t~l rn ,t! I II hc l' !'o r ll1(1~:' lh an t hl'('c yelll'~ 011 Jun ~ APPOINTED COUNTY NURS E Dayto n fail' on 1 hUI' ~ d:IY. ~\l l llll' III (Inclll nntl . S u n dn~' evu n· ,10. I !)~ I , he fc~1 fro m a 1 l\c.ldl~ l . illrs. 11 111'1'1' Gra ham. l\l r~ . Sus' Ill\.! ufll'1' ~ c\'(' rul dny s 1' 1;'11 wIth fracl urln!{ hI S 111\1; a n d one yenr Mrs. Vera J. Brown, duu ~ hter an S :I\' lor Hllo! Hill'\' :>n\I " r ca ll ed hI' \' llwlhl'l', l\lr ~. 1':01 I11U F uu lks. lat l' wa s strick en wi th pal'!lly si ~ of Mrs. Sefh Cook, was apPo llI ted oil fli,' nd s in Spr i'll)! \ 'u lley and l\ l i~~ ~ I il'illlll .!.Iv!;' of · '1cnr II lId th c Pll ~t Iwo YN II'S lind thl'el' ounty nurse of Clinton cou nty at X"lI ia un Sun,l " y "rll' 1'1l 0" n, Fnnl1cl's vi ll l' IVn~ IIlf " " :;,t'r .. i~hl IlHi nthh hll ~ been. con fin eo to Ill S a m ce ting of th e Clinto n County ;\11'. a nd ~lr s . 'I' lli' d t' J unes an d j{u e" t ,f i\1i ~~ Hel' nic e o: :)'Ilhllll1, h ~ tl, part, o f whIch tim e. he was Board o f H<,a lth, Friday. , (" " 'l'd for ITI the hOlll e o f hI:; dau gh so n, of Ce nte l' villt' 1V" l'e S und ay \\' l' dn <,~d Il Y . . 1\11'. lind 1\1\'~, El hert W a ll llce tel' in Da ylCln. T hc past year o r HIGHWAY OPEN l!1I1 1~ 1 1:lin(' d th' forllll'r 's Ill other lilliI'\.' in their o\\'n hum e he was Waynesville, Ohio Phone 25 "f FFrallk tw oy wee e nderly on 'faithful uy the fam ~_____" ____________r.-._ ______~ ri c ndslinhl't l'hl'c rnst nre sorr to ks. helll' tily I1 l1d I'swllited p l'cial lyupthl' wifeS tnle r oute 73. the H urveys burg ha t !\II'''' Adll ChC! nowl,t h of C('n- Ii ,' \\',,~ a lov(!l' (I f home lind his pik e. ha s been opened to truffle le \'\'ill c forlll Prl y of thi8 plac ..•. Is fallli l~'. All un onl'rl!:l' tl c Iwd up- fro m Wllminglon to Hurveys bu l·g. in Il R(, rj .. U" condit ion nt Miami rij!ht cit i1.e n. h c will be mlss .' d In The rout e WIIS close d fo u r week s S ubscrib e for The Minm i Gazette fo r hu rd surf acing. V al'I(1~' It ''~1'111I 1. hudn)! und e rgo nu th e CO IllI11UllltX' lin " Pl'I':tt io n o n l u ~ t SlItul'llny. HI! \. . "Url'll'utl by his widow , Fri l'IH I ~ of t h e Say Int· fal)l il y lhe daug hte r, 1\11'8. Frank W oolloy are ~01'l' 1' t e> hl'lI\' of t h eir movI ng of Dllyton . " g'rand .childrc n and t n Da Yl on ill th " nen" fu t u re be· I )!l'eat grund-child. .. ,'aU:"e Hilt' y SU ~' l ol' ha ~ 11 positi on O n th e uft rnoo n o~ eptembe~, a ~ l l'nchl'r in t h ' E I\~t Dayton 4. 1!l3 0 . h e wa s re lieved of h iS 1 ~cho o l. T h('Y ha\' c bc~ n fnithfu l long RllfTe l'ing. nnd hi s spIrit re I " ' () I'k(>l'~ in th c church Iln d ,cu m· I urn I'd to l hL' God wh o g ave it, at lI1uni t y and will b(' ~'l' C Ilt\y mI ssed . Ihe nge o f G!I yea r s, " m o. nth ~ anti I W illiam Hrl1 wll , li n ),1'::11'5. n li f" 2!) day s. i IOIlg' re ~ i I nl of th iB co mmunity, Hi ~ g entle, jovicll perllonal ity passe d awny T hur~day afternoon will long li\' e in the m emol'Y of his I aftcl' an illn oe"~ (If oV(' 1' th ree years fnm il y nnd friend s, Ilnd those who , omll "r t hose (rom u rli~tnl1c e wh o kn ew him a nd lov ed him. I aL[ t' IHlcII " lil t· j'ull c ;'ul SlItur<i ay I a fter n on n Wl're III r. >Iud Mr ~. Fenl " H c was watching- lit the thres· ho ld, s o weary, faint und so re; Shaw o f Hi ehl1lond. Ind ., MI'. un.i Mrs. Erll Pl'l HI'uwn ad ~0 11 , Mrs. WIIIUng tor the dawnI ng and the Ilia HI·own . l\1 1'". G Ill n nu , EI11 Rwiler " pUll inI' of t he do o. r . . MI'. Hnd lIrr ~ . r. linc lind Mr. an d ll e \\,11 5 waIting: lill t h e Mnst e r bid hi m rl ' e and como MrS. A . 0, Willi a ms o f Duyto n, T o Hi ~ ~ I o l'i o u s presence and the ylac.ln e 5 Of H is home. ' " ' OOP. . . ~Li.OYID ,Yln: .


C.o l"nlal


Reduced Prices on Colonial Salt



Weare able to quote the Lowe8t Price8 since the War on strictly high-grade


We will have a fresh car in a few daY8. We have a car of choice, heavy re· cleaned Oats on the road. Price,

- , M a r t In F "oneer







Per bushel at the car. This price will not hold after Oats are unloaded.


Centerville, Ohio


Phone 89W

Waynesville Farmer's Exchange Co.


il proof;'e prottihtni~'oof •

10 % Reduction on all C-P-W Paint, ab'solutely Guaranteed.

If not satisfactory your Money Refunded and Painting Cost, al so

Allen's Parlor


.AD'O'''~.," ·

3 Sizes

NEW BURLINGTON Genuine Estate Heatrola


A ton of Coal FREE with each Heatrola

Copper Clad Range and ' Dixie · Range




Th e fifth WoolJllrd I'eu n ion was held in the di n ing hill! at Leb· a non fail' ground s wit h great success Su ndll Y. A de lic ious din n er WII S s pI'cad o f everythi ng good to ent. Th e o ld,es t on e was H en ry W OOll lIl'll, o f W ay n esville; t he youngest baby H oll ingswort h, of Oregonin. Those who atte nded h om s ur· r o undin g c ities wcr e a s follow s : DI·. Pl'(·d W oo ll ard and fam il y o f WlIshingto n C. H.; hi s s ister Gc rt6e Morse, Columb us ; Eddie ~======~_ =_~.~~~_~~_~-::.~====~"========~ W ooll nrd and fnmily, Mrs. Kllte Woo llard ami children o f Dayto n ; MI'. a nd Mrs. Wal'11 c r Morso, New Burli ngton; Dav e Woo ll a r d a nd fg nmily John Woollard and fll mI ily a nd sister Edith. MI'. a n d Mrs. Cli nt Woollard, Hngel'sto'w n, In d., Mrs. Clum W ooll nrd, Max Holli ngsworth and fnmily of Ol'egon ia MI'. a nd Mrs. Be rt S hephard , Eva Woollard, Frank Miller a nd fa mil y H enry Woo ll ard, Lllwre nce S hep· ard and fnmity, Lucy Emley, Lizzie and Elha n L e wi s, Charles Bogo n and fam il y, o f Way n esville. Seven ty·four g ues ts were serve d 1111 sen ted at the tnble. DI·. Fre d Wooll ard's remarks w ere well re o ce ived. We again go to L ebanon fair . gl'ou nds next ~e~. _ - - -

,Waynesville, Ohio



-- ,~

NOW l !it the Tin... to get YOlJIlS !

Lifetime ~ fl {J. •...J CUQl'uut(' cd LXUrlyl«!.Ct;

rhis is the cha nce of n lif eti me to gel N.US \' ~ Iues In tires . low.

Fu ll Over s ize

Tire I~r i ces ar"

Y ou ge t n\Ur e tIlan

Goodyea1' Douhle E " g!c. New Hell "), nut)·. A .1Weather, t n'ndnrd A II .

Weatber , .


6 Ply

29 x4.40 .... ..... .......


29,, 4 .50 .. .. .. .... ..... .


$8 .40 $8 .75

30 ,, 4.50 .. .. , ... ...... ,.


2 8 x4. 75 ..... : ..........



29 " 4 .75 .... ............


$10. 10

29,,5,00 ,.... ..... ... ...



31 x5 ,25 .... .......... ..



and Good·'

year P unclure-Seal Tubl'ii !


nnno on ~

4 Pl y

ever tor l' our money.

Aak for Spcci.~1 SUlI1nll'r Change.oyer Offer 0 n

"hoe 47 W,.~• •,~II.; ·



Mrs. Jo hn J . Scha effer wife of Rev. Jo hn J . Sch aeffer , rec tor of St. Mary's ch urc h was p a in f ully injured w hen t he Scha effer car, in whi ch she was ridin g with h er hus band , wail struck by a tax icab in Cleveland last wee k. She was tllken to a Clevelnn d hospita l fo r tr eatm en t , and was ab le to r eturn t o her home in Dayton , Sunday even ing. A t last aceou nt s sh e wa s g e tting along very well. R ev. Mr. Sc haeffer was n ot injured.

NEW HEAD AT HOME MI'. and Ml's. Alo.nzo Curl , of C:lint l) n ·comity,· were appointed S uperinte ndent and Matro n of t h e Friend s B oa rdi n ~ Home to su cceed MI': and Mrs. J. L. Men de nhall , re Igned, Mr: and Mrs. , Curl will p ssume their pos it ions n ext Mo n· day, it is said. . Mr: and Mrs. Men denh all w ill, te mporarily, occupy t h e hom e of Mrs. Ruth Junney on N orth street.


._-------- -

.C.,rdon'. Service Sta. -

6 o



T.fie Fairley Hardware Compan y h eld the il' weekl \v meetin g last Fr·i· day vtm ing. Din ner was served at K rn's Inn, with covel's laid for ti fteen.


Oblo .,.

Because it is doubly protected against wear and weather, and therefore lasts longer, Channeldrain is far more economical than ordinary rooing. A'ld yet it costs 110 1II0rel See our Channeldrain exhibit and let us tcll you how little it will cost to re-roof with this lifetime roofing, made of the famous COP·R·LOY, th e Copper Alloyed Steel.

He is hom e. God's p eace upo n h im nnd the true heart in his breust . Stilled f or ever in the slumber of God's evel"l astlng r est.

Mary Mc Kuy Rum se y was h ost· e 's t o n lurge party of young peo· Funarul se rvices £'lit t h e late res ipI Wednesd ay evening. The oecas dence in Lytie, Satu rday afterI ion \\'11 II pnrcel sh ower f or Mr. n oon nt 2 o'clock were cond ucted nnd Mrs. Th eo McIntire. by Rev. Saru Bowma n, present Leo Whits an has moved his pas tor of the local M, E, church. barber sho p . lo the room over ' The pall-beal'ors we re: W, C. Blair's g r oce r y. Bc r gdal\ , Walter Ke nr ick, Guy Earl Scu mmuh orn hn s op ened n Ro utza hn, E li Russell , R obert r es taurant in the room ove r Fri e nd and Albert Stacy: Ph.Be 14 WaYBel"llIe, Ohl. Mille r's grocery. Interm en t at Miami cemetery. MI'. lind Mrs. Stewart Brown Waynesvi lle , Ohi o. , _ and fam il y hav e 111 0ved t o the Sel- _~_ _ _ _ _ _,~~_ _""~~~~,!!!",-,_~,!,!",_-!",_ _ _~~~~~~_"!,!,""_ _ _~_ _~",,,,!_ _-,!"'-.~_ _",,,,!~~~~~ le r s prope r ty. I' --.M,', and Mrs . am S hnn ks Jr. of Cincinnati s pe nt ln st week with re I O~OC:==~¥O~O~¥==~¥O~O ,~oce==~¥O~OCh==~¥O~O atives h ere, MI', Dnd Mrs . J. ~, Hil l e nter taIned 1.1 p~1 l' ty of young people with n wein (J r rOlls t Frjduy ' evening.

3 Sizes



On account of t he rain S unda y ton A. C's, was postPo~.ed,






U Se·t ltember



16, 17,18 and 19 D ~




~ o




' Wednesday



)~ ttraction




Friday 0


• •

. Free Attraction

o • • •

Grand Stock., Parade a·t Noon on Friday.

D o



Fine Stock Exhibits

Good Band Music

o o o Everytbing .bigger and better 0 . 0 This Promises to be the Greatest Fair in Sout~western OhiO ~ in . 1930

°0 'Amp1le Acco.m modations f~r Auto.s, Admission SOc" ·0




R c:lO'le====:'eloz:zo~e====~eIO~OEe====:, .0



.... .. ..............


~~~~~--------~~~~~~~ ~~--~~~ ~~------~--~~~~--------~--------


NEWS 'DIRECT FROM THE STATE CAPITOL CO LUMBU , O I-lIO- Secretury of S lale Clllren ce J . Brown hilS certifi ed the num es o C cnndidates f ot" s tute ofTice nominated at the Int e pl'imllry, togelher wi t h u f orm of of11cia l ballot, to the boards of elections in the sevcral co unties ot th e s tut<!. It will be the duly or the board of e lection s of the most IIOpulou s co un ty in districts to certify the cnnciid a t ell to the hnal'ds of el ection s o·f the counties comJll'is ing such d is tr icts to be placed on the e lectio n bull ot, und the t illle limit 1'0 1' s uch expires Sat urday f o this week,


Th e \' el11od~ li ng, redecorating and fUrni Rhing of a number of mOllls of th(' grollnd tl oor oC the State House Annex has been completed and they are OW being occupi d by t he Departmcnt of E du cation and t h e In s urunce Di\l i5i8ioll of the Dellartmtmt of Cll lll m e r~ . The Slllt e Prohibition Deoccupied plIl'lm enl which has n suite of cOl1lm ittee ro oms of the lower brunch of the Ge n eml Assemb ly will m ove Octob er first to 40 West Gay st reet. Th e afl'a ngement wi ll be tompol'llry un til the n ew s tllte office bu il ding is complete d.




~ _.~I

~---------- ~~~~

C01Jtestants for,the Am~rica's CUp and


Num er 5927

nMu.______. .__. .. -__~,~ ___~~~~~__~__.a~_____



TI IP :\1 ia 1l1 i ~ I n~ t :~ hn id fouJ;ht , ll'lIJ;,y t" th" I llI(;(l ln A. ( '.' ", "f 11:,yl, n. TIll' i\ , " ,; PI' vod I ,r, 1.. Il. 11 ,, 11 h:l ~ \' . jlll'l1 Ld " hI' lh l' il!' ! t '·..\111 th r _ [iamis r l'O Jll H:lciri "lt \ \"i : . I.~ I ", I l~tl nt l up :t;.! I\ hi t t his :; p:t!=\o n, :1,,41 1'01 ix illll il ::-:-' Ih"y h ,Id th III Fi! e ph (' n \\' illi ;lIl '·: ' 1" '111 :; 111.1:1\' -'·',n "." '. III Ihl' ·h UI F idel" hil a II ith 11' 1::1 i\'l s i;1 X"lIi:l , ' Ilt ,k l' It' ,nt ' I I' n li t: hu ll h inf~ los t ~': ! IW'

Vil'ginia Hurdin entcr!'d ~ollege this \\'~ e k at Wilmington. Dr. J ohn Drown , of X e nia, \VIlS in Wayn eRvi ll e Munday,


Runnel's in s ilk hose me nded. Cull Erma Scars , Phone 7!l. 3 1~0 1'


t ill '

\\t · p.( .

~l( l h tl rnl"e,'

(1111;.' ,i~ hil :, \\"' 1'.' toHl tie by MI'. nl1d II ~. (' arl FI"\ (' \ l l'rr' !H,l h 1 ' : "II~ , 11. .. pitchl'\,g doin g 11:ly tOll \'i.-il. n1>\ T Ul'" I"y. ' l',1 I 11 /':"4,·1 \\·', I·k. to\'l'ly ",nde the :II I'. 11 111 .\! I ~ . II. I.. Bu r' d dt' ,.jr~uil III th ,' H ' t· , lilt I fl'lll1lC by pelll SlI nda y ;ll 11. 11I w:lrp. !IH' l'1" 1I~: tl1I' hall ill Ihe ra c e, an d lhal " 11(1''11 11ll' run I-: ,tlillg f",l' th e W. N. SI''' I' ~ l11"d .. :I lr ip ill _\I; a Ol li,. ',IH' h,)" hil' fr e e ly but ;'11 011 y, \ ili(' un l,u ~ ;I1t' ~~ la , 1 Fri. d ,'h t ill'" , II'l h ' "I " -" '_I· . -'~. ha nd R. 1 tluy, '1 hI' fl':,UIl·, " . "I' l lll' ,]:1\' \\' 're two 11 1111 I ' j.! (,:1 ,,·11 ," I•.' · i'l oul!h , n nd ~. II ~: . :1 1 '), 1'''1.1 \\" , 11:'. lind ~ I i ~~ lh l' H' a lly 1\' :Hn"'l'lIl l: h il1l~ "I' Bel'l' Y n, I i:; 11 ;, \\ :" ". ' .. 11 ,·t II ', i< t"I',,' 1':1'1'0 1'> ill t h" ,·il!l!lh 10 .\' lh e ~Iialli s ~1'\ n':: I\, :I[ Il'l' nllUII. . I I .,' IL'~ I II " ,~ !I ,J . , r, l' Ih r' A _ .~ Iwo

R. J, Adams wus a business vi s it or in Cincinnati Mondny .

Huntpr!l lind Trappc r s LiR, F. Hatfield, 817


1\ li ~R Irl1la Rich, f Wiltrnbe rg co llege, was h ome over th e week · r nd.

MI'. and Mrs. ,J. 0_ Cartwl'ight !:lu nda}, with friends in S p r ing field.

! · lln ~ .


, FOR S ,\I.I,; - - 1." ':llh,'r pill"ws. I' hf' ,\1;; 1111 ; hll d, J~.", d I' hanc<l Sprill ~ \ ' "III'v ' I" ti(' III' , ,',»-,' in 11 14 ' "inlh, Wi t h I ('}'H. BIII\III, O. !'-:o. I. ";1 " " I~' ton "~ J."" 1lI . , li nd hI " 0 11 . loa ~ e s , t h(, ~ 11 1 · '· 4 · I'4Iin~ I Jll tt l' r~ fa iled I MI'_ H. It r. lIl'lIhnrl nf Co lu l1Ibu s' 10 d d i",\, 11", " nn " ~ III t he r ig ht

~ IJe nt

11\(' 11

F or g ifts and gift id ens vi. it Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebtlnon, 0 .• "'l'he Home of C ift s ."

~ jll! l1t S Un d:1), al til(' hl ' lII(, tiC ML I JiIlH' , nlld t!11' ,\lkll1l; ' I ,,~t. 1rs. K. N. l1 ough. Tilt' )WlIl<' 1\" IIII .' II '1l11 \'J:I~ one

a lld

" I' Ihrills. nn,] Ih t' .'I·,.II t! ~ III't' I ~' got :\11'. IInri MI' .' . n. 11. l ' nl:J.. ~ lov lh l il' 111 ' ""\ . . ~ \\", til lOr It:i:;.·Ioa ll. :In <1, MrM. I\la u<1 c· Cr Ulle WI'I'!! Ihl\:' F, ,II" ";n~ i - l hl' ,ell l r: 1!!NTERPRtse 12.8 ~ TONS' :;HAMF<.uCK Y I'JlJ TONS . I,)n, .vi ~ it o rs la ~ t W ek. w,\ YNI';S JL J.r. . W. P. Salis bury, D. R. SalisbUry S ir Tho nHl s Li pto n's " Shall ir c k ' ." ( r ig- ht) anti II m'old S. Vand ~ rbilt' >! "Ent 'I'prj,!O," (left) ar e Saws fil ('d by IlIll chinery. Cllt a nd Harvey Rye mad e a bu siness trying t heir s p ed fOI' l he Am eri can UJJ a t Newpurt, R. I. Th e "En t ;; rj)1 ise" won the fir ~ l rucc .'tltUI·· AnnllA E cleaner, tl'u('r , fa ~ t('I'. Roy Pigott. Turn ('r. trip to Harris burg, 'Ky. , Saturday. dllv by I UOO yard s ; the "Ent rpri ;; ' tool! the ~e cond ruc e M onday by II l e. ;~ t ime; the ra ce T uesd y wa' :1 () 1 2 0 at Ma dd en' s Lu mbe r Yard . K ru 'gllr, I I'ltf· ,I 0 () 0 0 p05ti>on d on n ccount of fog~ . The thi rd race \ ill p n . bubly b e suile -I th i~ afternooll. . Vegetables and me lon s hav e We rest rin g beads, rep late s il· ,I 0 0 :-l 2 M1'- an d Mrs. lI t.'lh " l't . lI ttcl'th. IJ ll rtsock . 3h - ~ ~~~ - -.;::;;:.;;.-: - - == = been sent in by cart loud to the verware a nd' recovel' um brellas. -•. .ou..--:;::·1 Il I 0 2 wvite f Davto n, ~ penl Su ndav ? ll nSj !\~ Ohio P enitentiary from t he prison Ilry's Jewelry S h op, L eba non , O. :1 1 I 1 0 with W aync '\:iJI(' r lativ<'f! . O~o~c y, c farm s and IlS a r el1 ult t h l' prisonGUIL D·AUXILIARY MEETINC I ., x"crg(, I', Jl ·1 0 I ·1 I ers have been fur ing ve r y we ll in Mi s Fl'a nces Snyers. E ng lish ·1 0 1 0 0 M t s. 11. . Ii . W 'III -lam Bo n und 1"Houi! Th e Guil41 7 Au x ili ury o f , t , l s pite of the drought. They have t ucher in the High sc hool , :', pc nt 1" I"h rfIf :l 0 I 0 0 d a u g hl e r~, (; I'ace and Lu t' lla ar~ H ce l "l1, II heen sel' ved rousti ng ears, toma- t he w ek-end ut h er home in :1 0 0 1 0 ' pending th e we " k in D:lyto n: am I ~' , I t oes, benns. peas, beets nnd new Columbus. hl ,lIl e of Mrs ,Anna adwallad er. potatoes . Inmutes are vel'y buy f) II 5 Mr ~. Cadwallad e r, Mi,-f; lara F Ol'I'est ,R i ig , (. f St. Louis T otal canning for othe r stnte insti 'Jtiolls Don't n eglect y our chi lds eyes. Lile ,and M rs . I~ . L. Tho 111119 , h o~ t· visited his fath el', O. 1\1. Ri dg(', A great deul of the fruit wu's also See Dr. Rudolph, eyesig ht specialDA YT ON A. C. garnered from the prison farms. ist, a t Cary's J ewelry S h op, Leb- "AYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH ('SReS , , Th e Ge orge Roger s Clurk ,es· a nd Mr~ . Rid,l!e, nn Slilurdll Y. , . , . . The mc!tlng wa s opened by Mrs qui-Cenle nn ia l Celebl'atio n sponThc tin shop has been working unon, Ohio. A B R II A E W~dn es day: Th e Ladles Aid IB, a dw a ll nd r, who co ndu cte d the so r ed by the Stn le Dell~l'tment H erb er t. Dl)s t.~ r a nd fn l;lIilv. of over tim e to take care of the clln<1 1 Fi eld s , S!l 2 5 0 . of Education , will be held on Oct- Hll l' veyt' bu l'Jr, w er e ~u Rl s· of MI'. ning indu stry anci as a result Mr. and Mrs, Donald Henderson m ee t l_ng at the chulch at 2 :00 p. 1d evotional se r vice , 4 I 1 0 0 P. Stotun, If menu s at numerous state in stitu- a nd daug hter of Dayton, were ~l. Bible study an d prayer m ee.l- ! . Ai the d ose .of t he busm ess ses· ober 10, 19 30 al S pringtl Ill, Ohio and Mrs. J. E. Fl'Ilzie r , on Sunday. enn, 1b i\ tl 0 U 0 t ion s will be brreatly benefitted. g uests of Dr, a nd Mrs. C, W , Hert mg a~ 8 :00 p. m. The stud y Will !' Ion th e fa,\low lng pr ogram of l' a d : und on the Piqua battlefield foul' ,I n () 2 0 IL Stulun, ~b he ba ed o~ t h e ~ft~e nth c ~ap ter j in gg int el' pc r!o\ed wiLh se lections I mil es w e t of pringll eld . A Wilbllr HuL t nnd fal1lil y of , ·I1I(Jkv. 2b d er son, on Sunday. () <I I 'I 0 Qf J ohn. Friday: h'l1 r practIce at , o n thfj vietr lu was giv pn: Read- I pagea nt de pict"in g t.he life and Ridgevill e, we rt! gllesl~ of MI:. and V:1 n fl oob, I·r The nEW school year of Capita l <I tl 0 0 0 15 1.. J ohn ' lI<1a y even· You nJr, If Unive rs ity is now un der way with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stroud in 8 :00 p. m. Sunda y: .Sunday s~h oo l ings from t h e book, " India on the I s en'ice to our n ation of George Mr, \\. 4 0 0 0 0 lin inc ased attentlnnce. The compa ny with Mr. and Mrs, Luther li t 9::.10 a. m. MO\·~tng w?r~hl p. ilt.• Mllrch" Mi~s Emma Heighwa y , ' Rogers ' lark will begin at 2 :30. It ing. HCl' r:,., c L 0 ·1 0 3 Univer~ ity has entered into its one i Perkins, of B eavertown, arc at- 10:30. ermon. su bject: LmlltatlOn r Miss Ma me BI'own; R end ing, "A is c timat ecl that nol lC,!!;s t han on e :1 () 0 a 0 'l'h l- Il1Jl Rn l1 , p and CO OI)Bl'IltlO n. ~pworth ~ellgue , Brave Girl o f [ndia," ~lrs .. George I t housand school autos' will form F o r IH's t r eo lilt S con si ~ n YOllr hund red a nd first ¥ear. The State lending the fair at Fa lm ou th, Ky. a~ 7 :0.0 p' . m, fl!? tOPIC for Hn r/!\ock ; ' Th Ord1l1atlon of I in lin ' of pUI'!Ide und PASS th l'ough ive :lta ek to Gl'ee n-F.l1\hry Cu., Tottl l School for the Blind has opened :Iii 3 (i 15 0 wit h 240 pupils and t h e Sc hool Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherwood (il cUsslpn will b ~.. . H~~" I Can FI'ank Brall ('r oCt, Jr" Mrs: R~II - I th e principul streets of Spr ingfield Cin cinna t i, in care o f D, R. Su 1i ~ · LLifY • Kn o\y I am n hllSll!1l1: Monday I a Id Huwk(1. Stu Iy of Questlonall-e Th e entire body of Rtudents and . fol' t ho Deaf 520. The fO l'mer has and daugh till' of Col umbus were 1 2 ~ 1\ Ii 0 7 8 9 teuchers five abreast w'll be fUl'lli hed t raining for ninety- week-end g uest!! of Mr, and Mrs. even m.g of next week I.S the l'e g- by membe rs. ;\Ji:1 I11t:., o 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 1 I During the social hour delieioll f ormed i~ lin e on foot a~d wlm pro, MI'. lUllJ Mrs. Mu\'\'lI y lfopk inl1, three y III'S and the latte r for one M, E. Shenvood, of Harveysbu rg. ula.r .tull e for the IlI cehng of the DIIY ( In 1\. o 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0---8 re£l'~shm e l1t.~ we r e served. ('ce d to the butLlefield t o view the o f Day~ on, .·pen t un da y w ith th(, Olhcllli board , C D'b hundred and two years. Ohio State G, . I ert, Pastor, MISS Anl1l e Brown, Mrs. Mat'y, pageant fo rm PI' s pa r ent · , MI'. a nd Mrs. University will open for t he new '!I never saw s o many beautiIul Twn· bas c hi t~- T'. S tanto n. Adam, 1\[1'8. Annie Gibbo ns and ' Ed H opkin s, term 011 Tue. duy, Septem~f 30 t h cards for IlII occas ions as yo u have .l[ on14' 1' l1 n ~- F'i ' Iel r., Love ly. and a n el1t'ollment of over ten heN''' , re m arked a cu sto mer at WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Mi ss Kut.h el'ine Gibbons were History classes, in high school . . . P :I~sed bull s- BelTY 1; L (lv Iy 2 g u est o f lhe afternoon. thousand stud ents is predicted. Cary's J ewelry Shop, Leban'on, CHRIST during the remainder of eptemS ll v ~ l'wurc , .l welr y a~ld gift Ear~('J run s--:Dayton t; Miam is J osephin um Coll ege a nd Seminary O)lio. ( Und<!no mi nu tiona1) ber and the firs t week of October novelties. Cary'lr .I ew Ir y ,h op, 1. ope.n ed this week wit h an enroll wi ll m ake a thorough study of the Lehanon, Ohio. W give Ced nr ,tr ue lc o ul- Th ulll p ~ nn 6 ; OxFAMILY GATHERING ment of near 200 youths, all asAnnouncement has been r eBible chool a t 9 :30 a. m. life anti services to OUI' n atio n of StampR. b I'gel' 10 . ph'ants for the priesthood, The ceived of the recent arrival of a Lord's Supper at conclusion, Chri s Geo rge Rogers Cla rk. On Friduy b:IFl's- Daylon I.ef t on o·, The birthdu y ariniv e rs a ri~ s nf Octobcr 3 an exa mination will be co urse outlined f or some reqUireS ! son, Jam es Canfi eld. at t h e hOllle tian Endeavor Ilt G:.', 5 p. m. liel en Th e W oyn csv ill l' t £'lIl'h el'. und twenty years of study. of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Edwards Campbell Leader. E\'ening evangel Mr, and Mrs. E , L. ' troud fall in held on the subj ed . The four stu. a few friend " (' nj oye d a weinel' Mi [l mis G. t - l'I1l'i/'(' ~ P ren tl cl'gasl and ____ _ in Denver, Col. istic ser vice at 7 :45 p. m. Sermon Sept ember, Mrs. tl'o ud reached roast at Ca ll1pbrlI' ~ Cnl11p nenl' Bu 11JI e ll. Wi th the appI'oach of fall clam . ubject, " Th e Cure fol' Leprosy ." hel' ei ~ h ti(,th mil~stone on th e 6, dents togeth I' with their teacher Morrow, Tu esd llY ni g ht. will , togeth er w ith their teache r bak~s e In ord el' Ilnd sl!vernl ?rMYel' Hyman and family mo. 'P\'Qyer Meeting eac h Wednesd ay and Mr. StroucL will be e ig hty-two as chllpel'oJl, go by aulo to Spring glll1lzlll!o ns of lhe Capital Cltr tored t o Champa ign. III., S unday, at 7 :45 p. m. The church where on th e 26. In h on or of the eve n ts fie ld on ul>ovc dllte, as t he histOl'Y Ne' SU lIday. cptel1l lw r 21, J _ P. Fromm and fami ly, F. U. have arra n ged f.o r seVleral delt- wh ero they left- Miss Bernice you feel at ho m~.. . . I t he ir childl'en a nd grandchildren comm itte,:! fr ol1l Wa ynesville High , LeMay and rOl1lily and Miss H elen t hl' battll.'· starts bctween flal'veysclou s sea footl edibles. The Manu- who' enrolled ns a st udent in he Chestel' A. Williamson, MlI11ster 'gathere d at the parental home Su n , chool. Huwke wel'U dil1l1l' r gl1 e~l;; of MI'. IJul'~ an d I he.' Miamis a t Way ne f!lcturers & Wholesaler!l Assocla- University of Illinois. day, S optt2mb er , 11 and a very an d Mrs, J. C, H II WI\C,' li n , unclu y. Pa rk . Thi s sla rts t\ th reC'-game tl(,>n of the Chamber of Com~erce I ST, AllGUSTINE CHURCH delig htful day was en joyed. , . , . ·rie.'. Thc Ht\l'v e y ~b ul'J:' t eam I d I 1 d Th ose pre~'int were MI'. a:nd Atte ~llOn of the public IS call ed "'.111 Inaugu rate ~he soason wltll a I Expert service given on wiss MI'!< . Il. B. E o rIl hrll·t and da ug h· (:!lI im th e ~: hav • bcaten nil t h2 good bIg bnke on Friday, October "3rd Rnd American watches in our reSummer sc Ie u e- st, 3r Ilnd , Mrs, G'.'o r'ge Stroud and son to ecbo n 12 004· 1 of th~ gene~'u l tel' r t u 1'111)41 to th ir ho me in I cn ms t h:'y h'we p layed thi" yea r, lI~d th,e Columbus lodge of Elks pair deparfment. Store open 5th S unday, MIISS at 8:00 a . m.; Cart er, Mr. and MI·s. Hurry Asli ng co de . of the Stat!! of Oh IO, which ulu mlJu s. SlIn dnr, lI ftel' Slw IHiin g a )l I W:lyn(';w illr, IO Rt a Lllh (!1' Day w~th vl,,:itOl'S fl'o m over t he state evenings, Cary's J ewelry S hop, 2nd alld 4th Sund!lY, Masll at I and daughter, Bel ty, Mr. and MJ's' l l'eQu lrel! ,thn t dllv ers of vehic.les t h' pa ~ t fiv t' w e l; 's wit h I'clat iv es ,~a I11l': j, j t hl'1I1 . ))Ol/'t f,)\' )[ C't the Will, nJoy a bake on Thursday Lebanon, Obio. l) :3 0: Du l'w:lTd Vice, MI', a nd 1\I1's. J. approach1l1g from th e fr~n.t 0 1' hl'l'(~ . dale nnd ~ tl m Illd ~ ec ano the r October (!th. Erperts from the east Rev. Lawrence B. Mollmann, B. Wad swnrth and daughter Betty . r~a~' of u sch oo l bu ~ ou ts ld.e t1~e '-{oori gllme b.,t wee ll t1 1(!)<c t(,R ms. will prepare and serve the food. M 1M W ' II R M' • Jean , of Dayto n i Mr. and Mrs, ; IlI\uts of a. corp or.lltlOn , wlll!e . III T he g um will h p c'nl1 d a l· l! :45 . . Mar~~::; R~:~um: M~8B8un~' M~~~ ST. MARYS CHURCH Harry W adswo rth und so n, 'Ch iles, ' tho act o~ (11 e~rgmg 01' receIVI ng he~lrf;ol!lJ~ \~~ \i,~II :~~n~etl)I\'~~e~ld~yO . hnrp ill !l t~od or 3 o'c lock. The well ke Jlt stnte .h ou se pnt'k Ga l'l Run.~ um " an'l two d"ughters· MI'. Ilnd Mrs, Lu t h er P erkins and ' sch ch ildren, stop uSb 21 F h S 10 ool ~ t f I }n ot I lass b t ha dn !I f tel' a t.en -days vis it t o he r ~ i. 0 1' hilS been !lIrlh e~ beautIfied by t~c of Dayton, spept Sunday with Mi ss eptem i' , oUl'teent un- , fumil y , MI'. and Mrs. Paul Spnite ~e e 1'0111 ~u c I sc I?O us elll. Mrs. J. H. Co lemlln Il nd oth er r 10recent rums whIch havt' fa llen m Tl'iIlena and · Miss Marg aret Ed- dny aftf'I' Trinity. Chul'eh school at · and son , Pau l .11'., of Beavertown; kee p sl! ch vehi cle statlO nury un b l t ' .efr.-- DEATHS this vicinity. They have fallen in wllrds 9 :30 ; Morning Prayer and sermon Mr. and Mrs , Otho He n derson, Mr, l t he clul d.\'en hn e ~nte\' the weR. added impetus in s timulating t h o ' , nt 10:30. . !lnd Mrs. \Y. E. Stooud and s on, b_u s 01- uhghtedJrom It . " lld r each growths of g'l'ee n ery, f1ow~r beds Miss Jes~ie Clarl;e, who hns been Rev. J . J. Schneffl'r. Rector. Hat'olll , MI's. Ma ud e CI'ane und the nea\'e~l adjace nt Sid e of the HfI~1~~, 1I~·I'~~"· lIrl~.I~~;I\?(1\v ~ r;~;. ~JI~d Mi r-s Anl1a Mathe l', :lge,i 75 , nnd ve lvety I/lWII, all adnured by S tu' ' d s LI1 . D e t1'01' t , tla ug'hter s a nd Mr • Cla ud e Slroud - rond 01' IlIghwny, , . • yll1g WI'th frlen . <1aughll'r s pen t Thll l'~ li a~' \\ il h M L d iedd at hOI' hll . m in ,Leban on . W edh und r ods of Vlsl t~l'll dall." .to the I retul'lled to Waynesville Friday FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ____ ___ • anel M I·/l. S, D, Ch a n c~ ll o l' , n CII I' ~I es ay c.venlllg of 1 :I ~t \~e4! k fo llow gl'c und R and Capital bUilding. It for u few days She expects to (U d . l' 1) . The local ~' choo l will nol be in Xe n!u HI!!, an IlIn e:'<H o r ~cve lll i months. will only be a few days until sum- , leave totlny to spend the wint~r in . n cnomlll R lona , GOR SUCH-LAWSON sess ion on Thursday a nd Friday • '.1'11'0 brothel's s Ul' v,ive hl.'l·, W. B. Bible School at 9 :::l 0 a . Ill. Lord s I of Sept~ l11bel' 18 a nJ 19t h. We be. MI'~ W 11 A ll, h I ' I . ..,hl "/' cf Bro\\'1\ \' llI e, T f' x!ls, !l n~1 mer will have ended and prepara- Detro it t ir. ns wiU be made to clear ' the . ' S up per li nd !lel'lllon at 10:30 . ser- I ' 1' he w ~dliing of two populal' li eve t hat a day spe nt at the lull·cl ·'·... n . ~ ~ 1 ' JI~ n.' JIIR l el I': th:ll l ~fa\hel', of l.eblll1o n, f ' II I ' b ' ct "Mo 'es and Ch ' t" '" , .. , .. ~ ' t' u r ll ... R I ~ fI '''li n . 11n 0I' I ' .,' " h II M . . .. p~ r k In D11tlclpatioll 0 ~a ant Expei't watchmaker an ll en- mO}1 u J~.. ~ . . ,r l.s ." younj:\' p eo ple o f Sp rin g boro wa s County Fa il' h!l ~. in genero l, 1I ~ dny, Mill!'! .Ie!'sie Chll'ke, Mi .g Tl'il . I ',11 !(; I:1 ~' l l \IC ' ~ we~c e l onwlIIter weather, ~taver at Cary's J ewch 'y Sh op, ' ~ b~eat 1!l o~ljC-(o.IISlI ngt sCbrvlc~8 1 qu ietl y s olemn ized at the Spring- , mu ch ('d ucat.ional vII lll ' O ll lit I I.- nil EdwlIl'tl s and Mi ~s Mnrgan't ' .'1' , a t,.1C. ! h'·\l n aWl h,'" ,h ~llIlll' l~YIO • - .. -'-" -Lebanon, Ohio, Only genuine , IS cm g pun", ( 01 , ep em e r 1bUL'l) Melho!li. t pnl'sonage on FI'i. geh oo l, but in a diO' erent way . The f:dWlI l'ds, 1111 1 .. ~ ..f,UI . o f . , II~ n e~ v l c Wit I matel'ial used iii ollr repair depart FUJ·th er un nol,ll1 conwnt n e xt w ee ~. duv l' velli ng August 11' when Mi . !! VlIcati lIal Al!'l'ic ulturc De part. I bl1:1lI 1 III ~1 1I1 1111 Gcm 'tery. . • ENTERTAINED CLASS ment. Yo u lire u1ways welcome at thiS Wilnu La\ ' ~o n, t he second dau gh- ment, undel' t he direcl io n of Mr . •J II ulllifli l c:1n ; ; · '.\'a l' ~ an d oct!' , . Th P' E ~p. CI f F chu r ch . . . . t el' of MI'. ancl lIfrs . Pel'l'Y Law so n I H. Crabb.e , has completc.d plan s r. f di ~h c!l, r. rll ~, , ~ .f"w4· II'y Shop. !\In;. A. D. Haio s cl ;{' .l at the Chul'~h ~f !Q llli~t ~a!l S:~t~rtaf~~J.I Mrs. Edith M, Hartis Is expected ' Chestel ~._ ~I~~A~n:'~.:.~ll1Ister of S pringbo ro becam e the bride for a (hsplay 1'~pl'escl1tlng the L eban on, Ohio. S' ore open vcn - Obi.l li T. , ullie hom(' Tlllll s dny at the home of Miss Bert ha Filer t o arl'!va home Thursday fl'om I of TI lI l'old Gor ~uch th ~ e ldest son ' v_lIlue of an Agneultural Educu- ings. '.\ 1\1 n ill V, ~" 1" ('n b: I' I I, :1fl,o l' IHl Thur da even ln Se tember 11' ,n n FfRncisco where she and Miss BANKERS TO MEET ,of Mr. and Mr~. Chul'les Gors uch , tlo n. 111, (,:;r, uf threl'. \\ ('(,ks . 'I'h funFollowi; th bu~IAes: meetln of Mildred Hartsock, of Milford were of Rid g evill e, t ho cel'emo n y being - -- M ,', Ilnd MI'. . W ill M[llhl'l', o[ 1'1':11 wa~ 11 , lei fit th e' Me IUI'c Fun th clas~ th: "Little Red sc~ool ' guests of Mr, and Mrs, Frank TaytI ' perfor med by Rev_ Sarah Bowman I Southwe stern Ohio Teachers Brownsvill c , T l' x:1 .~ . :1 nd ~l r_ Fr!'li 11 1'1':11 parllll '~ S:llunlay "fl(' rnoon H; uBe" session be an lIllder the lor, ~evl.'l'rI l h."JI . r ed soulhy, e s.te rn Mr. and Mrs. Gorsu ch. ~ho are have c~osEm Octobe r 24 an.d 25th Math r. of I': , " , ~ I n ll , III. , I " '.re ltl2 n'c loc.I; , !lll1 ini ~t()r f ~,tl m ,I am~s instruction of t ho ~ e w (and old) 1 ' _ .0 hlO bankels Ill? w~lse I~~tltuti b ~th gl'adudtes of t h e Sprmgbn l'o f~ r th~lr annual asse mb ly 111 _C Il1- here to atter.d til(' fu neral of i\llf;s "' :" 11 .OffiC IOtll1g'. l ~lt L'n~l e ll t wa~ 111 sehool mar m Miss Samantha Georg.c W. Bunday and W . R. Ions are lodged a g?O y p~J1tlO n <'>11 High ~()hon l WEre utt(!nd eri by Mr. cmnlltl. Th e date· of the W art'en Anna MAth er, ;\11111 11 cem etery, 1 he )i,;vt em S t :u ' WI I and Mrs. Wi lliom Dl'ake of Way- County T euchers a ssoc iation m e-et· I it unl co nc lud e ,l t h e ~', el' \'i e e~ :I t the Wiseacl'Cs (Bel\ha FilH) A rather Loek, of Norwood, eroute fr om 1 the we:: lt h ?fdlthls sectlo unusulli course {Ii In st~uction in ' Xe nia where they attended the ((ather 111 MId etsown on t I h u fhs- I nesvil\ (', 1I11d both th ~ hl'ide li nd ing is t e nta tively set fo r October Clifford Buzick, o f Si dll t'y, en- g r ave. r e 'ldin dtin and rithmetic was ' reunion of the 110th 0, V. I. , day, Sep tem~ el' 1 , t o s tU! y. t e , Mrs. Drake wore g owns of a shade 10th. route to Columbu s and int vl'v I'ning ;\11'f;. HlIin rs \\'u s the fil'!' WOl'el;joy ~d ( a ' l these' s ubjects 8el- called at the Gazette office Thurs pl'oplems wh! Cdh t h ey .meeht III a of au t umn green, .:0. _ _. _ points, s P(, ll t W e.lnC'sday nil< ht a t hy IVlllI ron "C the local En!ltel'l1 dom are e n '~ cd ) b y th,e f ollowln I clay, afternoon. I Pel'l od of rapl c~o n om lc c an g . A host of frie n ds are extend in g the. home of hi R f1ar e n t~ . MI'. nntl Sta l' Indge, and W II; an c nthuias" :J lis'" il!r ie p'l ~e Jellnnett~ The occas ion Will ~e t he twenty- congl'atu la licns t o t he happy I DEDICATEP TO FAIR Mrs . .fl. L. Kill g'. lie In('miJl' r o f t!l:1 01'<1 01'. r n 1913 P IP". d F M ' . H bbl 1 Mrs. Grace F . Simpson has fourth A~ nu a l 111e tmg of ~r?uPI youn g couple_ Mr.' and Mrs. GOI" l: :'011' , anti Mrs. 11 ;1i!l n" wcnt III th~ Vi ~' lnil~ L..~ke;x'Chl'i:;:1 H~lto~' traded hel' 34 acre farm on RO!1te 01.; , ~hlO Ba~kor!l ASSOCIatIOn , s uch lire m aking the ir home with The Tux ed o. l"i<1d lers program D\', '1' , 1. W o.\- o r ('in inn:1I i, \~' lI n lhin M:1RO ll ic h,·me to ]'(' f. id e. Mrs . J ro~lta Panch cl: Lola Ilod Erm~ 73 nea r Springboro to Walter FItts wh ich I. compl'Ised ~f t h e ba!lks the groom's pa re n ts. ,fl'om WLW Fl'lday, September In I' ctul'ned 10- t We' ,I. ::I f t :'r ~ I'''nl h nc lI" in~, \\"nl; n,a Lrnn at IhC' boys' I!' d B All G of Fra nklin receiving in exchange located \l1 t he followlllg coun tH;S ! l ' ---- - - - - --' >pllnsol'e rl by t he Earlv & Dnni~ l , t wo m onthR ill FIII'''11I' , (':d ll,d Itl cottu!l;(' for :l 11:111111('1' d YC!l rs , a~/loL~\,lp~~I) I 'I:t~~ an~nCh:s~~~ ~ t wo house s in Franklin . Deal was I Hamilton , Clt! r mo n l, Bu~le r , ~ a.r- . , Co, Cincinnali, ,Ohi O, - m~kcJ's of : 1 hI' h nnlP nf 111 i,," ~ '1'1ill t- Ill an .1 :1I1d h e r work W tl s highly efficient . A~ft dl' n Issal 0" mude, by W. N. Seal·s. ren, P.reb!c, Montgol11elY , GI (.n FINGERS AMPUTATED 'ruxerJo Feeds, Will b e dedicated t o MOl'g'fl rcl Eo wu l'd~ Fi UllcllIY. Th ns~ w ho u l tl'n rl e<l Ire f l1ne l'll} "'11' A . .\ . 1 IIl mson. er s 1 { and 1\Iulml I . many f I' 'I('n d s /.Ilten d 'm g t h e f 1' 011'1 l\ d'I: t aller \\'1' 1'1' : "' I I', lI:J l 1"· 1 ~cl10 01 refreshments wel'e served Th b k' f M'ddl t d J• t le ll' . ,. r·;; •. r~ babl s tre t fol''' ad b e: IIft-. a n cl M1'8. W. E. Stroud. Mr. e a,n ers 0 I . . (' ow ~ Iln i Th nm nl' Hayslip, ni n e year old , Warren Coun ty Fair, at L eb anon . MI'. and Mr, . I I vmcr Wa y W ill F el'/.: Ll ~o ll, 1\11'. IJn d l\1rR, Hal llh ,y a . a a go and Mrs. L. C. St. 'John, Mrs. su nrou nd lllg comm~llItl(" WIll be who Jiv ~ s wil h his parent!' at the The Tuxedo program will be on P I it churd , of T u l ~lI , 'Olda. , aI'[' IIn- F ~rgu f;lIn, oC .Tall)e l 4, wn, )\ ]'. und . nVI!)I, _.. .. _..... _ . . Glenn Bland, Mr. and MI's. Chas. hosts.tq the gath erm g . 'I erence Ry e fal'lll on Route 3, the -a it· at 12 :00 noon and all nounci ng t h,' b irL h of n 'lalll!-ht l' l'. Mrs. Cha rl e.· B e n- n na n. Mrs. Hat~I'adbury rep resented the local - -- . - - . ~-was bad ly injured Saturday mo rn- radi os will bc t un ed in on WLW The YOlln!!' I:l ily iH l he l!J'fl ndd Au!!' h ti l' Alii: n, of \iaJlu mbllf; ; Mrs. INJURED IN AUTO ACCID~NT chapter O. E. S. at. ins p ectio,n of ing whl!l1 he pound ed a dynamite on t h e I."r o llnd s for the pl·ogrl\l11. t I'r,f Fnnny W ilY P r itcha rd , wel l- .Jam es Stoop!> of Va n \Vcrt ; ~fjs_ , _ ______ , Monow chapt~r, Friday evenll~g, HAS/ SOCIAL GATHERING Cll P, which he hud · found. with 1\ , This is being d on e through t he kn own t o mlln y I' cndel's of th e Jc'nnie Dinwiddi e, of In.Ji.,n ·llor il ' ~ Bert 0 Neall reCeive d several st one. Th e fingors of the boy's cOl1peratioll . of : Everett Early. GI\7.ette. Mrs. Do-r o·t11Y D in". id.rli e , !l0i1 n~tJ ' bod ~lI ts.o I hi~ fllc e :-vhen. !he Mr. and Mrs, Archer H prtsock Lost IWedne;'! dny e vening Mr. light hand were badly torn by Lytle and Waynesvill e ; L ewis & d li ll Ji,'hter, of . cn ia ; 1\11'<'_ Mabel ma chme 1Jr.' which he. was rldmg Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walton and a nd Mrs. B. Crabbe ente rtnined tlr~ explosion ·and he was taken to Dra ke L eb an on: Love land Supply Mr_ ~l n(1 MI'~ . lu y H :l\\' k c anl l Din w idd ie anti Mil, Ru e. l\T!'. and WIlS . trllck ' by , one ~riven by s lln Bobby. of D.nyton, Mrs. J. L. the mefnbers f th;!! Waynesville th e McCI<lll an ho!;~itnl' where the Co" L~veland; Clarksville Formers , on, MI', a nd Mis, ':11'1 lI uwkc, o[ Mrs. Jame O:De ll, nf · n~y to n ; Geo rge Ze ll. The aCCident oc- Ha rtsoc)t, Mr' ,and Mrs . J, D. ~al'- grange. . ~h~ l\1b \:-'IlS .taken oft' at t he ~st .• gxchanlfe. C lal'k ~vi1le; E. M. Rus- Qayton, Mrs. Rolph V a nc e, flf l\fr" 11111 Me 111 1'0 II na son, of ' ~ul'ed oun the Xenia p,!ke Iat~, Mr. an~, ~rs •• C. L. Robltzer ' Aftel· . a short liusin~ss ' m eeting JOInt. the fll'f\t .and Bq cond lingers 'ell Co., Mor row, . P~easun t' Plnin , w('r e alll Ong t ho . (I B ell bl'ook. _ - - ---from out of to wn wh o alt nci ed ... - -,- - - - - ...-~- JPst oyer t h e W-arren County Ilge, enJoyed a PICniC dmner a t Wayne lilt acjjciurn ed tp the spacious -'awn at the seeond Joiht. ~unday evening,. when Bert and a park , SundAY . even In" wh er.e gamcs and stunt!! were ..: - - - - - - - - -the f un eral or Mt'~. A. D. Haines SEASON OP~N eo l\ege friend wer e return!pg tQ enjoy ec.l, un der t he direotion of Mc:CLURE-SA(:KET on Sutul'dIl Y. AntlQoh (!Qllege at Y,ellow ·Sprlngll . Mr. ~nd Mr~ A. S. Cornell en- Elste Ellis. . POI;E~S BEINe ' Pt10V·ED ' after s pending the weik-end. at. tertalned at clinner Sunday Judge " llllte compa ny the_n gathered . James E. McClure, o~ Waynes The MJ!Se Blanch e ana Perle Bunting sea sull ' f o·r tho Q'Ne all home. He was brought and M,ra. Francls ' M. Hamilton. of around a big bonfire Ilnd enjoyed , Highway improvements· in Clin- ville, and Miss Ruth Sackett, of Riley, were h ostellses to the tpllow opene d M nday morning. back to WaynesvUle where be Cl i'c!nnati, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur very much the wel"ers. mars h-- tOll and W arl'en Counties have Da~·ton. weI's married Satur<\ay. ing relatives on 'u ndny: MI'S, of t h e state fish und g ame was given medIcal attentlon a Hamilton and daughter, Mr• . and mnllowj lemonade and coffee. forced the, Clinton T elephone Com t·SeptelJ1ber 13 in Lebanon, Rev, ·(!hos. Euills • 1111's . W:ulRce Til.tbn-l!1 state squil't'ol are plen i number of . stitches bemg requ lred.' ~rll. Harry Hamilton and 'daughAt a ate hour t he IrlJests dep,sr- puny to move sevel'al of Hs pole ' LIlJ1lY, of ,t be Main street Prespy- Miss Plo1:tl Tibbll lll, MI'. Howa-rd y~r. The bag ' ,linIJt,. ill -four to close the wounds. , ter, Mr. and MrII, Fran M. Hnmll- ted f()~ their barnes :voting this a linea to rna ke room' for the im- t el'ian church, performing the Colklt.~ and " fam ily and ·MI'. nll'1 day, Both machines wel'i! damaged •• ~,on, 01 Lebanon. velY pleas an t evening. ' provemen~ ' ceremony. Mrs. Maur)ce Silver. The seDon will emile O~to!~.~.

MI'. lind MI'!\. A, K. Day . Mr, nnd Mr . Mark Rogel'S motored to Winchester, Ky., Sunday.

. - - So "T.

0"1 WATER ... IIJ&




\8t F'TtY., , '



NOlES fROM THE ~~~~;'~~0~lh U,r:~:;t.~t\,/ll3~al~~r~h~ I PHBLIf' U U SPHOOlS lJ I














--- - -






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I I I.









Accounts filed: E tate of Jame. M. Craig, de· ceased, fir t iNld final. Estate of Caith'erine Riley. deceased, alfidaviLO! final I16ttlement E stl1te ()f F. Malcolm Bishpham deceased, first, 'frnal and distributive. Estate of Harry B. Thompson, Reduced Prices or:' Colonial ' Salt C mmon Plea... Proceedinc' de a. ed im'eiitory of t.he per onal ' In t h c se of Ttle Estate e tate. E tate of 'Elizabeth Kay, deof u hill tin Helation of 1'he P 0==. . --plea tute Bunk 'of Indianapolis ceased, cunen t acCO unt. ' ~- ,===== lnv ntoties a nti Appraieements ., versus Frank V. t ill, et 01. ,n PTP.R H . I "Do) you b lieY(~ in 100'e at fir. t "l'm nol angry. I-oh, w 11. I Ind Filed: SIII'PO, e I nm, it's yo ur faul t. Why ourt overruled ~he motion of the sight'!" Es tate of Ros H. ' Wilson, dedefendants to requ ire the plaintiff I "Lo\'(' III , • ' l"he caught his dill YOU tlllk uc h nonse nse'! " "lie 1I\~ ~ r !1!1 "\' uel'n ~n~;t!l\nnd wonl,; up. th "n hrok,' off to ask al "Yo u mean when I t old you t hat to make its pE'titlOn mo r e defi nite c aBed. Estale of Harriett M. Bu·rns. de t il tuke hy" hit' n~ )w dId, I mo~ t in a whL por: "I)h . , why? J J\Jve . a u'! Hus it always been an d certain. I efendan ts was ceased. fre~h Sih' -hlv"r('!1 :' httle. , \ .•B "!lU: ." . aid hittenhnm de- non sen!«\ when men hav tol d you grant d 15 t1I1YS fo r pleading. Es tate of Charles Woolfe, de, (n t he case of Anna Van Doren "Y":' tI".n .t thlll), tl\l!~ , . ,:!~n t , IiI/ernl"ly, "th ai i ~ illY reul re.l:;on thul?" , o n thllll, It W 11, li n :IcCJdC'nt.. ' ''Y (HI s hould not :lI y such foo l"Y ou lal k ns i f s uc h things ,'cr: us Pllul B. Michael, the .court ceased. Estate of Harry Phillips, dewere an ev rydflY occura nce- us rdercd that Harry Coo k be grant('hi tll'n hulll k.t,k .. rI ~tt'ntl"y nt I lsh things," ~ h ' sllid s hurply, ceased . h " ~'; "". "I u,J I ' tl U r ou \\C)uld n I be- if 1 wCI'e a horrid kind o f woman ed I !Ive to file a 'Ct'rta,in preferred Estate of J oseph Miller, deDo ) ' ''11 . he' u. kr tl. Ii ,. Ill~," he ~ll i tl cilimly. who w nl nuout co ll ect ing scalps" c1uim with the receiver on or beceased. ~hf' hO l1~ 11I' 1' h('ad. • " I d" n't uncler~lalld vou." .lulin ,' udtl nly s he l:Jughed. a nd f\lre cIJtember 15. Charles J. Waggoner, adminisIn the elise of J os ie Whitaker "I'm a f >l1~! nol . hilt oh. wn:;n l snit! in n jl'rky Ii til' \' ,lce. shl'ugl!'ed hl'r shouhlcr s. "Aflel' all . " I Chi ttcnh nm said no mol'l' . nnd it it's ~ illy t o be nngry with you. I vcr " US I-IIl ro ld Whitaker, et 111., trato r of the estate of Charles it ctl' :ldful ~ . Will ia m L, Suemening was IIP- W oolfe, deceased, was ordered to Th~ d(' l' p .~ \tlc~rJty (If hl'r "Ole e IIIl S ~hl' wh o prest' ntly hrokc lhe ' tl ught to know better." ~urpr~~l' " h lll.l. . She aimils i. sOlln- t ~il l'lIce. He made no an swe r, a n d Juli e pointl'd guardian 01 th e minor de- sell (ertain property of the estate . fcnull nl, O. R. Unglesby, W. S . al private sale. •1, ·1 dhU·('. >,·" I\ I~tl lid of h('lnl:' \It- I "I l'un't' u n<l l'r ~ tllllll you , Mr. uegan to pour 0111 lhe coffue. Tho cou rt approved t he report It 11'11 5 n "c ry wlllery su n that Cr~l1l1lm and J . O. artwrig ht were t l 'l'l .I' h, :lrtl, '~, alld l'alloll~ alnul Chi tt"llh am. I f it \ a ;t jukC'- 1 t h,' (LI!.! l·") ;t ~ h,' kl:I'.\\' ~h t:, WII ". I don't th in k it's <1 l1i l(' good la ~ le. s horH' upon tlwlI1 wh e n th ey Rtur- appointed to cllde llvor to mako par mnd e by T. M . Manington and J. "I I ,(,,'ll ,. lather IHtlnl.! ... h... lin ' and if i t' ~ nil! II jll kl' . . I keep t"d away, nnd g rcut banks of ti~i o n of the prom ise , a ssisted by C. Hawke. administrators of the estate of F, Malcolm Bisphnm. de !- \\ ' ~I'\'ll ".1 1I h:1I'I1 \,olel:. I'cllll'1l11u:'rinJ: whll t Hodnt';' "u ir\ (I f i clouds kept drifting up threa ten- t he !!hel'iff o[ Warre n county. J udgment in th,c sum af $207.65 ceased. :-;h .. dill IHlt nn , II 1'1 fur a. m o · , '( 'U thut ~ ('u .I ,'sl'i"(> tl wo men, in/.d)' . T he road grew ste pp e r a nd George ' Croll was appoi nted an llll'll! II I' 1\\' 11 . thl'l~ ~11l~ ~l\111 \\1l~ n ihal' " " u had ne",' I' cUI'{'d lll ore more uifli cult once they passed t h was awarded in fav or of the plain n')\ (' I'f ")(U ~ rl'l'lIl1t)JI III her \' jur one than (or ;tll th e 1' .. ,1." littl" hudd led vi lluge of St. Pierre. tiff, C. L. BrudI4?y, versu s R. V appraiser of the estate of Harry Phillips, deceased, to serve in t he "It would Int (, J ('~t Ille xrecull1J: 1 "E\'I' II ~up o l .., ,, n 1l11't hi: Wat er She J,:bnced clown into the val- Hupkins. In the case of Martha J, Lacy place of Howard Ch eney. Iy. ;\1 ,.. hatl'nhan!. to kn ow the 1 100 , . ' hill e nhlllll su id , II,' Illid a Ic), un heir le ft lind gave a litt le Notice of estates f OI' settl eme nt f hl'l'P that hcl ct sturtled exclnmulio n, Th ey could versus Ha rry La cy , e t a I, O. R. n ·nl . n ·:ls., " \~!IY you wllntt!d to h:l~d ,),',,1' 1,11 l ' O1ll1' WIth me. .. . I the drivt'ing-wh ecl. see noth ing for t he clouds which ng lesby, W. S, Graham a nd J, Q a re set for . hearing September 8 "I tuld '-II~. I ll . (' If y~u or. Juli(' did 11 (I t an ~ "H; he was lay ~I)\'elld out eve rywhere like an art, were appoin ted com- nt 9 o'clock a. m. Waynesville, Ohio Phone 25 J'{·:l ll .,· :IS tlellUII~ of !tIl'S. C,runtl~ not list enin/!. 1I f'1' lh"II Kh l~ were I l' II\'\! IJ lill1g blanke.t, The report mnde by Charle J . • mi s ioners to div ide the promiscil a~ ~'Oll pl·{'!{' ml. in n whid, /llld ~ he wa s trying In "Jt wil l nHlke il diffi cult driving proportionale!)' to whic h . !lch ' Is Waggon er, administrator of the es!:ih .. "hou k hel' hend. tate of Charles Woolfe, deceased , e ntitl ed, ",.·hat's n ot the' I'enl nnson. In the calle of Mary Ebbing ver- was confirmed. Lh (lu~h )'est erda)' I preLended to The court ordered that B guardl S li S .J ohn Carter, the court ftlund beli,,\' p y" u. ThC'l'c i ~ n't nnythi ng t he p laintiff is e ntitled to an 11l- an be appointed for Carl L. Young Real E,tate Tran.fera <Il all dl'l'"dftll in YOII anti I taking j u nctio n aga inst t.he defe ndant tor confined In the Dayton State HosMarshall S. Hal'lan to Ada S. ne ~ l ecl. th i: drive tOj! ethel'. I' \'e oftC'n done dispos ing of her !share in ~he. pro- pita!. Th e P eop le'!! Building Loall llnd . Cour t ney. pa rt of out-lot No. 1 in IIl1l re I lh ing~. \V e' re cJ oi ng a duce, wh ereby the parti es IIgreed John ~. Brown was appointed Waynesville. Saving!; ompany of Leba non, 0" perf(' ('t Iy harllll es~ anrl o l'dintll'), to a div ision of t h e cro ps ond pro- administrator of the estate of Eliz Russell Bowerma ' te r to Charles trip which "ll'nty of oth~ r peop le duce. ah eth (E. L.) W ltcr alt, deceased, C. Frazee, lot no. 364 in Franklin versus J 08('"h . KI'ebs, Dorothy Ita\'!' done before u~.' · ,h laughed The cou r t granted Frank D. Mil a nd file d his bond of $3000 with Cha rl ey O. and Amnnda E. Sams KI'obs, Fred O. .J a llles , A I·ty D. " h. nl' . that'~ not you r real ler permissio n to rorecl oBe the United States FIdelity and Guar- to Ray T od d. 60 acr ~ in Ha rlan J aml'!', A. B, und !lose I\ aufma n 1'£ Il~on for wis hiny to come, I mor tgnge held by him on t he real anty Company as surety. C. C. twp. and Hru ll :\wi 'k.J3l1 lke Co llender kn w." C. Halleck Bowyer, special masestate against J oh n A. Allen, ot III Eulass, Lawrence Shawhan and hitlenham sut ~taring be fore Th omas E. Barnhart, receiver , was Carl Stiles were made app raisers tel' comm i sio ner to Marcus if. Company of Cin cinnuli , D.hi o for him with :fr wning brows. This In the calle of L. M. He nd erson , Ends, 27.64 ac res in Deerfield tWI>. money. The Ulll olln t clni lll ed ol'd rcd 10 be II defendant In t he womnn was mo r(! than a match nct ion. . administrator of t he estate of f~ lm er Aichele to Th omas R. $2847.48 wit h i'llte l'est !It $3.42 )Jllr for him and he knew it. Th e court decr eed that the plain James W. Creswell, deceased, F inucan lats 1'\05. 764 a nd 7765 in week fl'o m August ' 30, U-)3 0 [or " If I told you the r 'al rea. on tiff, The Lebllnolll-Citizens Nation- plaintiff, vers us Hannah Creswell, Deerfi Id twp , t he forcloslIl'e or 111 0l'tj!'ago a nd yo u wou ld not bclieve that Emma Wharton a nd Kansas- sale of rca l es tlltc, a nd other al Bank a nd TrlUJ!t Company r e- (It a1., defendants, the court 0 1'ithe l'," he . aicl dclibcl'R tely nft er ('over from tho defendllnt, • The dered t he administration to s~lI Wharton to Lewis Barrett in-lot equil a ble r-e li f. . a long pa use. 8eo-Thermal Co mpan y, the sum of at public vendue the real estate No. 90 in Union twp. EI izabelh Wills V(!I'S US Harley In SOme strange way he fe lt as J. P. Keath' by .!lhel'iff 1'0 Owen E. Wills f nr divorce and .nlimony, $830 .46 togethe:r wIth In terest on free and .clear of t he lie n of The if Rodn y wei'e close t o him, at t hat amou nt at 6 2 per cent from Waynesville National Bank and Gro s lot No.7 in Fra nklin twp. his elbow, prompting him, whislarence E. nnd ]\fary A. Weid.Jute . .Unless paid wi t hin 3 days that the administrator proceed to" License. pering the words of th at las t tTathen forec losur e wili e nsue. I t advertise and sel\' a t public vendue ner to Frank J . Fedders 117.44 Ralph All en J on s, Inbore r of gic letter. was further ol·d ered that unless t he r eal esta te described as sec- acres in Turtlecreek twp. hloe ". . . I'd like to t hink yo u we r e Delilah Longen brunn er to Law- South Lebun on and Miss the dcfen dan t. The Eco-T hermal one parlcel free of the lien of the mnking her pay. 1 believe I cou ld " Do Yc,u Beli eve in Love at F irat Si/l'ht? ombs. of So uth l..ebunon, ompa n~' ~hllll pay to t h e de ttln- mortgaj!'e of J ona than F. Sher- renee H. and Ethel A. Brown , 5. 93 ViJ'gie 0 .. September 4. even manage to la ug h in Hell, or I dllnt The Davldson- E nam el J>rod- wood, Eva L. Sherwood, Mabel tow n acres in Hamilton twp. wherever I shall go. if I knew vain to steady the m and to reduce bilek," !m id hitU'nham. li T know uets, Inc., t he amount ot Its judg- R olling:;worth, E lizabeth Gove, BYI'on J. Fe rguso n. I11llchinis t of The Paragon R efi ning company that you were making her su'f- the m o nce more t o silne sta bility . .l hese mountain: rather well . a lld ment together with cost Ilccured Mary Sherwood and Julia Brad to Gulf R efinin~ Company, 0.317 Dayton, und MI'. Lu cill e ' . Mc:fer as she's ma de me suffer.-:.... He had not been seriou s, of I kn ,)'" just what unki nd tricks t hereon, within 3 day", t hen t he bury. Can n, Orego nia, September O. acres in Franklin twp. And he t hought of Ro dney as a course, or hod he? Julie 'wa " sur- the,' ca n play on the optimistic premises and property oover ed by Accounts approved: J o hn M. and Minnie H enn to (Continu ed On Page 3) boy- a little c heery fellow whom prised a nd a little aft-aid becausc tra\'e Jler . I shoulll slow down a lit- the levy and exec'ut ion will be sold E stat~ of Himry Burge deceased Da niel a nd Irma M . Vickers 26 he had adol'ed . . of R odney in his s he longed desperat Iy Lo know. tle if T Wcre yo u. Miss ' Farrow, at p u bli c a uctio nl. acres In Warren and Montgomery first, final and distributive. first Eta n so it, shy and a li ttle hi~tenhnm s(!cm cl to read her t here is a Tlas ly cornel' here. It Thomns Bu tler pleaded n ot Estate of Lloyd David Baker, counties. awkward, trying to fee l older than lhollghls for he . aid qui E' lly. tUI'n very sharp ly to the lef t a nd g ullt~, to a charge of possess ing deceased, first and final account. T easdale F i h(!r to Realty Buildhe was . . of R odney . , oh, the "W II, what is the vel'dict? " Ihcre is a big d rop on one side." in toxicati ng liquor. Trilll Is Bet The court authorized Heber D. ers, Inc., 286.40 acres in Washingpictures came crowdi ng fast and "\\ hat do yo u mea n ?" She on ly just pulled t he car for hearing Frida y, Septem ber 12 Williams, executor ot the estate of ton twp. th ick, leading up to that one last "Have you mad(! up your mind round in time, and her f ace was a nd thc de f ndant was remanded Charles P. March, deceased, to dis ' Hilton Wilkerson to R ealty picture which he had never l'en as to whethe r I am in earnest or white. . to t he custody of the Sherift'o tribute in kind certain remaining Builders, Inc. real estate in Washsave in hiE< billel' imaginat ionn ot? " " Would yo u like me to drive? " Bond WII S fixed at $ 1000. a!!sets of the estate to Kate M. ington tw p. Rodn ey dead I " I know yo u Ilre n ot." • he asked , quietly. She r ecovered T he case of Julia Wilson versus March, widow. Eva F. Spencer to The Peoples .. And i was the f ault of this hitlenham laughed. he;,se)f Wit h a~ eff~,rt. . , W ilbu r Wilson was dis missed. E state of Annie M. Wilson, de- Building, Loan and Sav in gs Com- " A B ~ tt1 ~ I't;ek physlcl!ln says, woman who sat beside him, spea k"You 11I(,lIn yo u t hink I nm n ot I am not tired, he In SIsted. ceased, first and final. pany, of Mason, lot No. 30 in Con st 'l>utlon IS re ponslble for ng of Rodney with that li ttle note but all the same you hope 1 am." . "N ~ r going' to faint?" he asked Estate of ·Josia h Morrow, de- Uni on twp. . more llI!sery t~ a n ally .other ca use.' Probate Cour·t Proceed;.,. ' of prete nded distress in her voice. "Mr. Chi tt e nham." WIt h Irony. ceased, first and final. Frank Orvil Hughes and Sarah Bu t Immediate rehef hils been He hra n k a lit tl e f rom her with a Ther e was anger an d amaze'Ilt gave me a shock. I did not . Ella T. Stanley, executrix of the E state of And!'ews Jackson Boyd A. Hughes to Frands a nd Mary fOl~nd . A t nblct call ed Rcxall Ordfee ling of r e pu ls ion. ' Vomen m e nt in her voice and her ch eeks expect to find Rli Ch II d readful cor esta te of GeorgI! W. Stanley do- deceased first and final. Stepp lot No, 3 1 in Union twp. . erlles has been discovered . This 'were nil the same, heartl(!ss a nd g rew sudd e nl y scu'rlet. ncr." cea sed fli ed her inventory and apEstate' of Harry B. Thompson John A. GF&¥e!!- to William tabl e,t IIttracts wate r fr om the sys'1'1fi sh. "I t hought you liked plai n speak "1 warn ed you," he remInded praiBJllent. ' ·J ohnson lot No, 112 in Franklin. tem Into th e lazy, dry , evacuating deceased second. He fEMt her eyes upon him . ing," Chittenham said calml y. " If her. . Howard W, ]Vlns, executor of Estate' of Elbert D. RUSllell, deC. L. Ransom to Elizabeth ·K. bowel call ed th e colon._ The water "Tell me the real r as on ?" she I am mistaken I apo logi se." He "I know yo u dId, but YOU do It t he estate of Lotll Keller, deceas- ceased, first and final. . Carney 99.36 acres in Harlan twp. loosens th e dry foor! waste and gla nced at h is watch. "We ought in s uch a way-;it only' ma\cles ed, fil ed his fl lrsl: account. . aid. Estate of W. H. DInwiddie, deThomas R. Finucan to William cau 'es a ge ntle, t hor oug h, nat ural hittenllam turned his gaze from to be lit Ma rtigny in half an hour me wnnt to defy you. I have never The court ordered that Howard ceRsed, sixth. Uhrig read estate in Deerfield twp move me~t withC!ut f orming a habit t h e wet rond a nd looked a t her. unl ess yo u havc an other 'kid anr! m et !I man qu ite like you before," B. Fry, executor of the estate of Estate of Saphfronla J. HutcbWilliam Ullrig to Thomas R. or ~v(!r II1 crea ~ lIl g th e dose. There was a little flu sh in her I land U s upside down in the ditch." ~' In what wny am I different?" David H. Fry, d eceased, proceed inson, deceased, flrst and final. Finucan lots Nos. 761, 762 a nd . top ~ lIffe nllg from con!1lipachec k!; a nd he r eyes were deep and " We will be there in twe nty ".Tuli e hesitated, biting her lip t o sell the real estate at not leSl!l Estate of Oswe.ll A Hutchinson, 763 of Fosters Park in Deerfi eld. li on h e w a Rexal! Ordcrlie at unfathomable behind their thick minut-es," said Juli e with a Iitlle hen she tllid him. thun the appraised value. deceased, first and final. twp. nig ht. Next day brigh t. Get 24 for savage intonation , and th ey were. "One m o m ~nt yOJ) pretend to dark lashes. 251'. today at the nearest Rexall She looked so young- hardly J ulie brought the car to a s tand make love to me, and the MlCt yeu Drug Sto re. Adnms DTug Store. New Suita more tbn n a gi rl- and yet Chit-. st ill wi t h a little 'S piteful jerk, and neel' at me-" . Hal've y GrIffin versus One Grif"I thought you were afraid of tenham knew that she had ' been passed him with her hend In·the air "And whi ch do yo u prefer?" a m a\! ejQIHl little twinlde in his nothing." Chittenham said. His fin for divorce. Charges al'e gross t hroug h ~he diVllree court, ,Snd and walked into the cafe . To his amazement he saw the eyes. They fa ced one anoth(!r acros!! t eal'S sp ring to her eyes. . The ~ ast wind was like a outt1ng own 'pulse were jerking unevenly. t hrougb experien ces of which no ~'-----------------·t (I s mall tubl e, and as t heir eyes "00 yo u Imagin e that J like knife as julie brought the oar to u There was something so romantic womAn need b e proud . "Pl ease toll me." s he said agai n m et Chittenha m sa id with a smile: eilhe r Rhe fal te red. difficult sta ndstill, and let her and strange In the whole situation. He looked at Julie wIth I!earching and now there was a little breath"Don't quarrel w it h me before Chi tt>@on hum lea ned fo rward sud- ba nds tall f rom t.he wheel. less catch in h(!r voice that seem we are half-WilY ther e ! If yo u go d nly lind ki ssed th e hand n ear"I" 'e won so for." she said, and eyes. RESIDENT ed to . peak of a deep si)1cerity and o n getting angry a t this rate yo u est to him t hat rested on the lean ed backl closing h er eyes with The womari for whose sake Rodinterest which she was trying in will skid on the edge of a precipice :teering-wheel. Budde n wCllKness. ney had gone to his death I Chitvain to conceal Chitlenham nsked nnd t ha t w ill be a n end to both of " I a m conceited enough to t hink Chittenham uncurled his long tanham plied himself togeUJer Mr. and Mrs. Hansford Jackson an apparently irrelevant ·question. us." that I cou ld make yo u like being legs nnd got stiftiy out of the car with , an eft'ort and moved away. and daughter Eleanor of Xenia PERMANENT LOCATION mado love t o," he said quietly, t.hen he came round to Julie's side He tried to open the window a spent the week-end with Mr. Hera nel t hen ll!; s he did not answer he and took her hands. little, but Buch a gUilt of wind and bert Marlatt and family, asked. "Will . you dare me to try7" "Come along. We'll get lIome· snow pelted Into the room that Mr. and Mrs. Tate and 80n ot "No." thIng hot to dr tnk. By Gad I it's he had to close It af.8ln. Bellbrook spent Sunday evening LEBANON, OHIO H e leaned back in his seat re- bitterly cold." "Do you think it 8 any better?' with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Runyon. sign edly. H e hal! led, hulf lifted her Into Julie asked anxiously. Chlttenham Ey., Examined Mrs. Emma Cliew was home over "Th en' we msy as well g o on." the hotel and put her down an a glanced out at the flylnll' blizzard. the week-~md. . Gla ... , Fitted Repalrll It took a m oment or t wo to re- bench in the narrow hall. "I think it's worse,if he said ) Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Michael Chittenham ol'dl~red some bl'andy briefly. start the eng ine. and da~hter Dorothy spent SunTh e road was steeper and wider and mad e Julie drink it. She turned on him angrily with There was very li ttle vegetation "Very few people to-day, sir," flashing eyes. Chlttenham loked at day with the f orme.r 's parenti! on t he bleak s id e of the moun tai ns the waiter told them. He spoke her silently, and then suddenly, to Mr, and Mrs. S. P. Michael. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Osborn a nd whnt th ere was was short and English very well, "And we shan't his utter amazement, she burst inand Mrs. Toml'l of Xenia spent stunted , cowering away from the get Bny more by the look of the to tear!J. Sunday with Mr. Emerson Dill bl eak willd t hat swept down upon sky," "Julie-" he made. quick movo and family. thenl. "What do you mean 7" ment towards ber, then stopped, 14f/l. Florenl;\e BQrnard of Spring " Th er e's snow coming sir." MONEY LOANED As they cli mbed higher out of shrugging his shoulders. "I don't the va lley, the wi nd grew c.old~r Chittenham wl~ nt to t he door kn ow what you're crying fOf," he Valley Is spendlpg a tew daY8 with and m()re cutting, ' and looked out. '''It's snowing al- said sharply. ~~d ~~~!~eMr~rB~~~e~~r~~:!ttt • LOANS on Llvestook, Chattels, "Yo u ought to have brought' a ready," he said. With a great effort she controlThose on the sick list are Mrs. Second ~ortJl'Rges. Notes bought coat," Julie said onc e. Bhe was "It is ?" she Jaughe4. "How fun- led herself. Elmer Royer, Mr. Rutherford and John Harbme, Jr., Xenia, OhIo. very c; old and t h(! re was a aet ny r when it's summer down In "I 1I0n't kn!iw eithef," sh.e said Mrs. Earl Marlatt. st ra ined lo ok r ound her mouth She Montreux." Chittenham got up' . between litHe sobs. " It's just Mr. Madison Earnhart and 0 3 03 S had not exp ected the road to be and went to stand behin d her. ~ o ba d, and onCe or twice at · a. UN ow we really Ilre on the top nerves, I sbppose. This l!lItefpl wife of Dayton called in theIr LONG OR SHORT TIMEEasy pqrents Mr. snp MTS. ~ Burton particular bad corn er she caught of the world," he said. "Just you place. terms. Also Surveying and Ab"It lo oks as It we shall have to Earnhart Monday avenlil,!; ' . . her breath with a little gasping And I alone, J\llie- I am sure even Mrs. ltllnnie Marlatt ~ ~rs. Eva stracti ng. Write and I will call so und. you have never hlld an experience stay the night," Ohittenham Itnswered uncomprombmrly. Earnh!lrt, Mrs. Floren~~ Barnard and see you. Sam D. Henkle, WayChittenham heard her and knew like this before?" JU Sbe turned and 'looked at him, and Mis. Clara Da\l(ti.t:ers spent ne8ville, Ohio. t hat she was sfrald, but he made She shook her head. Monday aftern~II~!l' -. ,w ith Mra, na comment. It served her right he "No. And I'm nQt lIure that I her eyes stU) wet with tears." "I luppose YOLi think I'm a fool Frank KaUl.I. . ' . thought, f or being so boastful and want It a,.ln-" . WANTED she lubmitwd hl" hiit'd llttle Mr. and Mrs. Haiold Kellis anci con fident. . "Why? you arEI quite late." voice. . son Billy are spendfna a few weeks " I ' won't say another word," "I know but •• "she laughed ner (To be Continued) In\lJ1, . - WANTED- 600 8-lb. fat sprinR'Chittenham agreed, but there was vously. "I believe I'm afraid." ers: 100 · I-lb. and over tat hens for Silturday September 20 See Will Guatln. "s1 T PINKY DINKY by TERRY G,LKISON Pinky Know. When To V.cate ..... r WANTED-Party who borrowed com dryer, please return to C. ~.NKY, W~A'r AAe W. F~L ' U ~o'" CAN \ ~OU Sf! )'OU DOING O ..) WN \\ELPIN6 DADD'I WHEN TH E':RE? FOR RENT \-\E'? up \iERE . YQV'Re: DOWN



'C olonlal

" Weare able to quote the Lowest Prices' since the. War on strictly high-grade NON-HARDEN'ING BARREL SALT. We will have a car in a few days. We have a car of choice, heavy recleaned Oats on the road. Price,



Per bushel at the car. This price will not hold after Oats are unloaded.


Waynesville Farmer's Exchange Co.







Dt'. John Zettel _Optometrist 19 N. Broadway .





1jOUrS.1e io thisN~­

5 % F rm L n

paptT. It will brlltg !IOu buaJen






. U1TI.~ .10M.....



. .''tI'''~Q WITM PAIN He ~ .T~O 0 .. " t4It HeAP



~8 H" N -,.,


FOR SAL Lnundryetl.e in good . condition. In'qulre at Gazette Of ft~~ 01 PIPES, valves & fittings, for all purp0I!(lJf, Bocklet.'s line of ' . heaUntf &plumbln" s upplielJ are tho bOllt, The Boeklot-Klna Co 415 W, Main St., Xenia, Ohio. it


THE MIAMI GAZETTE ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o • L. CRANE I I Publi.ber 'offiee Pbone ...................... No. 112

The most significant thing about the Maine election, it seems to UB, is that so few vote~s took the trouble to vote. Ac ordmg to th political experts of both partieR, the peo1>le of the United States are sUned to the dllpths of theil' soul by the issue of unemploy,ment, the 'tariff and prohibitum. Uh-huh? Mebby 80. But the people of Maine have more t:han their nor mill share of unemployment, and tho new tariff law hits them in a dozen pla ces, but they don't s eem to have bee n stined 'up e noug h ahout th o~e things to tl1 l<e t he troubl{l to express the mselves a t the polls. Morc than 260.(JOO Maine voters c'a st their llallbts in the Pres idential <, Iedion in 1928; fe we r than balf that numbel', appal'ently, bothered about voting thi year.

T. F.

Ne_ws from Court House


(Continued from page '2)

'1'he Ladle,;' Aid of t h M. E. Bill. Allowed chlll'eh me in the Aiel Ro m Thurs ']'. A. GillulII lahor $22.05' A. day . aftern oo n. Foll owing . regulur . " - , • bUSl)l CSS a show I ' waH given for Re.idence ..~............. .... ,... N... 118 M. Grap(' vine, s an)c, $4; H orllc Belltrlce P mn y Ill'fles. T he hostKing ,salli e $5 ; E:d . Van Meter,' sse;:; served d llli cio u. watermelon Sublcrlption Price, ·$1.50 a Year same, $22 .05; Wal ter Varner, la- fo r ' I'e fr eshm nls . bOI', $37.80; Frank Bell i" st Oll e JUL'. und Mrs. Fmnk Shiduker Ent.r.J 01 pool,'/r; cot Worneoullle Ohio, 00 So c ond (;1",0 MIAI M.'htr $2.25; H orace K ing sa lTl O, 75c, ~ pent the eurly p~l·t or the week MOTTOES Each of th ~ thr I' me n h a:; . ' 111 Clul'ks bur'g, OhIO, lhe gu est of Holthuu s Trlln sp. 0. , e xpl'CSS MI'. and Ml·s. Fee . nee hri 5tine co nti nu ed in the w dd l\ no ng nu('1' t he g luss top of the ue k timll. an d paiJ u pr i c~ for experi$lOA!J i A. Huppe & 0., cem enL, Ke lly, und fllmily . SEPTEMBER 17, 19~0 e nce. "':ac h is quit diff erenl f rom $15.00; J ohnson & J ohn Ron, lurnBut'll to fro a nti Mrs. Carnes, I) r $ 19: 14; Th e Muso n LU~11 !) er nc o B 'utr'ie r'enney, On 8 Lurdu y of an int r'c' ling New York e r [ th· others. Y ~ t, f rol1l th ·ir thl'c , , • , r ,epLelllbc r 13, u dllughte l·. a w a bit of whi te paper with these motto l! Olll! might evo ll'e "0 111(', ., !lpplt cs, $ 12 !l .1!J4; W . 11. Announc e men ts have been re- w o r "~. t hi ng in the way of a ph illlllop hy, . -- - - - - - - - - - - -. "If y u ure go ing t il do anything Madden & 0., lumb er, $20 .2 ; (eiv ed by f!'iend s here of th e Lir·tll " Th e dog bar ks, hut the curuvan I yo u mu st ex pect critici sm. !Jut i t's Th e MOlTow l~ I'd & Supply 0. , of a son, J ohn Alfl'Cd ,to Mr. pn ses on." \ THEY DARED AND WON hetter Lo bo a doe r than II critic. muterial, $ G2. 80; L, W. Nisbet Co , and Mrs. Levi . L uken s at t he ir 'I'u ke' I'n conu enct 'lo ll \"I'th . _ -- - _ _ _ _ _ _ e ticy::~~I~v~:eita'lf ~v~~~~ ifnthiefi~~= 1 & . • , hume n enr Man on. .. th e T he uoer' moves ; th e critic RlI1nd s b ceme nt, $48 ,20; 'Ih e Mrs. Emma Ellis of Xenia is the man's chara cter and career, the ~ till, Ilnd is plI s~ ed by. ing that everybody is all excited UIlI e r "Y ou must belicl'e in something Or'egunia Bridge Co., st 1'1, $38.- g uest of fr iends here. sentence is re~'ea ling. - ' The on ly feat in uviation which allout politics this ' year? compa r es with Co l. Lindbergh's 70 ; Th e Ohio Corrugated Culvert The Grunge he ld an inter estin g He hus been ba l'ked lit plenty, - in yo ursel[. in the cou ntry, in God. Yo u lIlu:l h .. ve cou ral{e to 010 flight fr om New York to Puris 0., sewer, $46 ; J . K. Spe ncer, 1l1e~tin g ntu~day . ~ve nin g. 1 he WOllllln s CIV IC Leag ue met but he has prol'eeti ed. Ill' has done back l h at beli ef with YUill' rll on ey is the re tul'n of th e French airmen . -- - - - - - - -- - -- - . l b ' ,. ,. Ii' W C 'I' . I urn e l, $:lll.:.l. . . ulton. nt " ll olc -in -th e-Wood s " beau - his \Yurk, uuilt a g reul ntcrp rise. and yO lll' life, I1 n<.l patie nc e III wai t Di eudolllle Coste und hi s flyin g I REVOLUTIONS I ceme nt, $257 ; Wuy nesv ill e Fa 1'- tifu l home of Mrs. a s~ie oll ett crea teu el11pI U~' l11 e ll t for lh ous- fu r fu lti llm ent." mate, Mauri ce Bellonte, wh o flew I Thi s is old ~ tll fT , yo u sa ~'. And I m rs Ex change, ' upplies, $ 170,40; Sut urd uy a f t ern oo n. Severul busi- unds of pl>op lt·. Th e bllrking long fl'oll1 Puris to New YOl'k last week. ' _ _ _ _ __ • J oe W. Duvis, pu y roll, $54U .50 ; ness Ill utte l'S cum e to our n otice. sin ce heca me fainL a nd vehy far I l\ nSWer Lhat eVl> r yl hill g iIllJlOI· tIt is not d etracting from • !l ilt is o lu stu tl'. L.ove I~ uld : lut!'. Blair & LcRoy, haulin~ ~rav(f l, The 1)1' )::l'Um consiRteti of a cleve r uehi nd . their g lory to point out that TIll' F'irst Nationa l Dank .o f Building u home is old sturl'. BeThe r evolution in Russia, $8 6.88; ·un le. ~lI m e , $4 80. 15 ; The reud ing, " T om'R Money" by Helen there were two of them, to r eliev e one unoth e l' ut the controls, whil e IIgaill st th e Czar, was perfectly Fal11 oll f< A lItu & S up ply Co .. s up- Ra nd a ll , a mll~lI z in e contest con- NC'w Yor k is pres idet! o ve l' by a co ming u fll the r is .)Id : tuff. Bul u ll old thing~ b~c o ml' thl'i lLindbe rgh fl ew alone. Their feut understandable to Americans. W e pli s, $8f! .GO ; .J ohn so n a nd J ohn- duded by Ma rie Gra y, a proverb wh ile whi ~ k p l' e d gentle ma n 9f was more hazardous, since the undCl'stood the French Revoluti on, Ron, rails a nd stukes, $84 .7 1 ; J . D. game conduc te d by Lau r a Shid - more th!ln eig ht>" nam ed Georg(l ling ly ne w liS t'uch IlInn discovl'rS s torm dunger wus g reater and the a gainst the King of France. W 6 Ad Hms Co., r epairs. $ 11 .6 1; Chnr - uke r an d Hele n RUlldall, li nd a (0'. Cak e I'. Whe n his nam e gels into the rn f o r hil11 s >If. understood we ll e nou gh the r e- Ics io:. B radbury, ~1I: . $l!,10; W. Cluth con t est. Adj oul'll ed t o t he lI e W S Jlllp(lI'~ it i ~ usuull y bewind wus not in their favor. Ev ery one who admires courage voluti ons whereby the nations of B. Collins, rC' pa il'!I, $4 .65; H. S. l llI eet • epte l11ber 27 . with JI'lI'l'. ('Hu s e SU lli e stock in which he is known to hold tI large a nd per- ~"._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ will ind orSe Pr e~ iden t Hoover's l:io uth Am e ri ca liberated th em - Co nove r. su ppli es, $1 1. 57; ludu - ' .Jennie Grnh um. ) words in greeti ng the FI'<' nch fly- se lves fr o mth e kings of Spa in IIn<.l stl'ia T racto r' & Equipm ent C ., I R ev. F. L . 'WiJlill lll S 3nd fnmi ly lllun (;' nL inle rest hus advanced It el'S at th e White Ho use. Their Portugal. OUI' own na tio na l his- r epa irs, $ 17.5?; The Leb:lnon Lu .m I wi ll move o n W e dn esday to their I hundreti~ p o in ~~ ,i n a week lind au.t! achieveme nt, he said, demon- tory is based upon just that SO I·t of ber Co., n'palr!!, $3 ,75; Gar! Hili new hom() Ht Mt. Orub; Rev. WiJ- ! ed sev<T1I 1 nllllio n dolla rs to 11IS st rutes again the co urage of mun- a revolu t ion. c? l11 pc nsation a!1d dumages . $3~0; I lia ms huvinlt been assig ned to that fort un e.. . . , What is difficult for us t o undel'- 'Ir'e a ~ ul'l'r of State, clothll1g 111 - <, hll l'J.,:e I y t he M. E, Confere nce. A fnend .o f mine VISit ed th e kind. It gives heart to all of us in whatevel' tasks engage us, for it stnnd is the ~O l't of revoluti on mutes at Dayto n Stale 1I 0llpitul, W e regret to lose MI'. William son b~ nk 0~1 bu s lll es~ , and came bac k J,lruv es that there nre no limits they ure having,in South America $502 .1 5; W estern Star, sup pli es 3 ntl his f a mi ly us t hey have mude With thIS ~ ente n co: to the courage of man and there now. The foriner President of $76.60; Leban on-Cit ize nR Nu ti qnul miley linn f rie nds dUl'ing their "The vis io n to see the m;. the HIGHEST lire no limits to what that eour- Peru is in prison, with revolution- Blink & Tru st Co ., ren t f or sa fety two ye3rs so j our ll Ilm ong us. co urag e t o buy th('m; the pallence ists in power. The man who ruled box , $5; W estern Sta r UPpli~s ' l Rev. Floyd Wyl ie will com e to t he to hold th em. " IIge can accomplish ." CASH Wh eth e r It. c.nm~ fr?m Mr. No limits to what courage can Argentina for . many years has $68.50: Tl'us, of Public Affflirs, local churc h from A berdeen, and PRICES accomplis h! Is there not inspira- been reposed by revolutionists. water rents, ~2S.94; Lebanon 'Tce we acco t'd him li n d fum ily a hea rty Ba k<>r or not, It IS hi phIlosophy, . und the secr'et o f his Iortune. tion in tnat for faint-he arted age There are rumblings of re voluti on and Coal Co., ice, $12; TI'ustees welcom e' . PAID • as well as for daring you t h'] It in southern Bt·azil. of Public Affairs. liA' ht $30 ,26; The Hilarit v Club W IIS e nterIn Boston th re is an othe l' old Why a revolution in a rellUbllc? is tru e -we mu st believe it in Dr. ' Rober t Bluir, post mortem, tai ned on Su nday by Mr. and 1111's. mun, perhllps th e I1IOSt unselfish hUman ~ hllve eve r kn ow n. His the light of what courngf.' has ac- all of thes e nations are self-govern $50; Wa ld ro n C. Gi lm ou r, Tnqu est eha!>. E. GOl'don a n d Robert. 1.1.1·S. !Ha r y S. Huin es and Char- w h o ~ c lIfe has been devo ted to compli shed in th e past. Co ura~ e, ing counties; why don't the p eo- Lu shinge r. $ 11. ;10; Sa me . in llacked by skill and r('inforce d by ple change their government at q uest S ilns Gudgen, $8 .70; Gris- les T .. ·mart e nte rtain ed al. dinner ser vic e to th e city's POOl', and th e judgment, cun conqu er the world. t he polls, if they are dis atisved, wol d Sen'icl' Stat ion . su ppli es $2; o n Th ul'!-aluy eve nin g, Mrs. hilS. look in .his eyes is a benedic.ti on. I Dayton Ste ncil Wor ks 0 .. badge!' T . S mnrt, M i. ~ Gra ce murt Mr. u. ked hIm once wh e the r he IS \\' 0 1'It has never fuiled to conllu er as we do? The answer is that they can't. $ 13. 6a: .'. Fr('cl ' 0 ., : up pli es. $22 F. Wal es Sl1llll't un d son Ralj)h of !'led nbout th e future. "You give when 0 buttressed. As We grow PHONE 8F3 older we lose some of the courage There is no such thing as univer- M. B. Hyma n & So n. shoes, $3,95 ill cillnati. On Sund a y th eir gucsts u I~' uy a ll ~ou ea rll," I sa id . "What HARVEYSBURG, OHIO of youth. W e flatter ourselves that sal guffrage in these neighbor r e- Trus. 'public Atf<1irs. ligh t lind in clud ed Mr. and Mr~ , Th omas wrll you lIve ~n whim you 3re too we have gain ed in judgr;nenl , but publics. Only a privileged f oil' vote gas ut JIIlI , $~0. 75; West e rn ~tu r, E van~ f Ft. Th omas, Ky., a nd old. l~ w or~? . have we? Did not Lindb ergh, did und the party or group in powe r e nvelopes, $4 .25 ; J. W. LIII~o Mr'. a nd II1r .. Eu gen e Birck of 'Iif FOI ans '\ er ~e pull ed a slap of papel' ~ ut of hI S pocketbook, anti not Coste alld Bellonte, judge their has the unplNlsa nt habi t of in- HllrdwaJ'e Co., s up pli s. $ 1. 70 i t on, C in c jn~l<1t i. chances mor e II ccuratcly than the t l'enching itself behind the army Fred O. J a mes, bo nes for d ng~ , Mi s~ s Ma r·gn rot a nd Ma bel po 'sed Il '!ver to me. oldsters did who did not dare and holding on by f orce. Th e only $4. 15; Bla h' & Le Roy, sUPI,l ies, SLllrr lind J ame: Hami ll on of Dl1Y"Tr'ust III the LOI'd at! do good. their flights ? And as (or skill, if effectiv e way of getting it out is $240.55 ; Th Mason Lumber Co. , ton were ' und llY g ll C!lt R of ' Mrs. So sha l.t th ou dwe ll in the land , r by the use of superior f orc e. Tho ceme nt, SRG.aS ; Th e Oreg onia Am anda StilI'!'. and ve nl y th ou shalt be fed. that is not acquired in youth it politicans attend to that and the BI'idge wjll never be gained. a" reinforc ing s t eel, Mr. , J e nn ie J>enqu il e of Blan: That, he slI id is a promissor y One r eason the world does not common people have nothing to $268.21 ; Frank B eal , lab or, $7; c h e~te r is the ho use gu('st of 1I'!t-5. nO,t e from the Ow~er of th e UnivFUNERAL DIRECTOR progress fa s ter is that to o much soy ubout it. . Murray Blair. $1.58; Hurry Col- Anna Van Dono'll. On undu y Mr. e rse. On the prOllll se he has livcd control of its uffairs is ve,sted in lins, same, $ 7.50; Harr y Gaefe, Penq ui te a nd Mrs. Vun Doren f or severa l y~a rs! and h~ has conWAYNESVILLE, OHIO those who have outgrown their !lame, $1.75; Charl es E . B radbur y, were g u 5ts of MisR Laul'l.1 Ward. fidence that It wrll conllnue to be FARMER'S EXCHANGE courage ... afety first," may pile pay roll. $188.55: A. T. R ettig, Mr. , and Mrs. Fred herwood goo d. up dollars but it doesn't beg et o lum bull were . ame , $345 ; Ed e n Terry, sa me, lind dnug ht<! 1' of th e adve nturous spirit which is the $ 1014.40; E. D. Jon es, same, we ek-end gllesLs of Mr. and Mrs. Full), Equipped for Good forc e ' that, after all, makes life Rail a ll ye folks and the Wa ynes- $367.4 0; V. W. T ompkin s, same M. E. Sherw oo d, Set'vice. t oday different from yesterday vill e Grange, $496.5 0 ; Peny B. impso n, labor Th e "Welco me" luss of Jonah's , Large Display Room. and that of tomorrow different Buy all you can at the Farmers $65; Lesli e Shultz, labor, $65 ; H . Run ' unday . chool met at t he from nil t hat has gone before. Exchange M. Clark roud s UI'veying , $3.50; ho me of MI'. lind Mrs. Ha l'o ld GillAl'nbul ance Service Tis u nice place to go, and they W. Henkl e, same $56.25; Howard am Frid ll~' cvening f Ol' th e ir retreat you fuir T. Henck l!!, sa,me. $56.25 ; How~rd gular bu s in e'l\ lind socia l meeti ng. Telephone 7 Day or Niaht ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ _ _ _ _,.., " - - - - - - - . You will get just what you are T. Cook, ,furl11 shlllg and loadmg Th e soc ia l hour WIIS - occ upied paying for there. ~t0 !1e, $ 166; J. ,~. Spencel', ful'll - with a wei:n e r r oast, which W ll.'! POLITICS un~ loaa mg gravel, $260; greatly e nj oyed, have tile, coal, lime, and cc- Zalll .A rnll tag e . same $60 6.63 i. . J. The Bible CllIss of J onnh's Run _ _ _ _ _ _ e They me nt W. Lmgo Hardwat'e Co., supPli es unday. ch oo l will have a Ra ll FOR SALE DATES CALL The money you leave the1'e is al- $9.4 .27; Frank Sherwood <;:0., '~IP-Sunday eptembe r' 21 at t he r!.. ways well spent; plies & gas $31.16; Kilpatrick g ular class hOlll'. All members of "A s g~s Main e . so goes the Na SEPTEMBER tion," is an ancient political aph- Th ere 's wheat and corn and plenty FJ'II)n~h Motor Ca l' Co., gas and class are urI' d to be present. s upphes, $4 60. B6; Howard Cook, • of feed, orism which is no longer lTue furni shing a nd lon di ng, $05; L. H . .Mary . El ea nor. Hawke en t er:By Georae Arnold and probably neve r was. Maine Ju st about e very thing, that a farBrown, in f ull conlracts, $230.61 tamed. WIth , 3 slum~ e r purty Fnmer will need. holds its state election in SeptemFi rm H. Huddleson, 2nd est conclay night. (~ uest ' IIIclud ed Alle c S weet is th voice that calls ber; a practice, dou btless, hand ed And so ft the breezes blow, down from the days wh en natives Nothing you get there is ever in- tract, $ 79.35 ; um l'. ] st est. con- ,and Ka thle en Gray and Mary tract, $50 ; Carl M oor~ , labor, aro lyn Lukens. ferior, From ba bbling waterfalls of the Pine Tree lute were pretty ---- - - --In m eadows w he re the downey likely l o be s nowe d in for the win- The Farmers Exchange has no $62.2 0; ineinnati Oil Works Co., JESSE STANLEY ];uperior gas and oil, $190; Eden 'l'e l'rY, pay Lnthl1m- "Eve r eat in those seeds arc flling; ter by N ov(lmb r and unable to They h av~ a filII line of quality Phone 320, New Burlington, Ohio ron, $37 0.3 0; Charles E . Bradarmchail' IUlllch r oo ms?" And eddying come and go, get to the polls ! seed bury, s ame, $261.75; Philip Heisel, Gra y- "Ju t once. A leIthan- In faded gard ens wh ere the r o~e is The election jU!Jt held in Muine dying. can be interpreted by political Go there and have them grind same, fi83. 70; S. E. Cutler, same ded man sat n ext to me and ate EARL KOOGLER your feed., ' $59.40: W . S. Graham, same, $71.- my dinne r." forecasters to suit any partisan 03; Fairley Hardware Co., cement _ __ __ .. _ _ -.,... R. D. 6, Xenia, Ohio Among th e stubbled COl'll point of view. The Republicans $51; Howard T. Co ok, furni shing The blithe qUllil pipes at morn, mad e a c lean sweep, the refore the They'll also sell you sewer pipe, Phone Dayton Co. 54JS The merry partridge drums in Republican s wi\l earry everyth ing Most ~verything but pickled tnpe and londing stone, $94.25: J. K.. hidde n places, in other states in November. So So when you are driving over that Spencer, furni shing and loading wny gravel, $10.50; Th e J. W . Lingo And glittering insects gleam some will arg ue. But the RepubliApove the reedy treum, can majority was much! les9 Stop in, and pass the t ime of day IIardwnre Co., repairs, $ 238.20; The Oregonia Bridge Co., same, Jessie B. Tripp. Whe re busy s piders spin their filthun in 1928, th er e fore the ReHarveysburg, O. $7.50; The Standard Oil Co., gas my laces. publican vote will be cut down and oil, $202.75; Waites Garage, enough in closer and more doubt- -- truck repairing, $90. 36; Columbus At eve, cool shadows fall ful states to elect many Democrats Blank Book Co., supplies, $25 .25; Happy L&dy Find. Fir.t and Only Across th e garden wall, to Congress. That is the other arAnd on the clustered grapes to gument. Neither of them means Watch your expiration date on the W cste 1'l, Stal', supplies, ~ 26; L. Relief F'ro,," Ail~enta In M'. Prine Co., repairs, $8. , The Miami Gllzette purpl e turning; anyt ~ing l And pearly vapors lie Thi. Ma.ter Medicine -----~-~.==============~~~===== ====================-~-=-=~ - ==~ , ======================== Along the east~rn s ky, Where the broad harvest -moon is l'ed ly burning. _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_~_By .4lbm T Reid



Centerville, Ohio Phone 89W



. _....

Sight Specialist

:10 Y(,3I'H Fo XI c l'i nee in Fi l in g :H1d ~1ak I IIg (;hl~~ es - at-CARY'S JEW E LRY S HOP Every Tu co d ny, Thu ro day, S .. turdllY So Cbllr gc for Exami nation

VA eel NAT ION _


Dead Stock Wanted

Harveysburg Fertilizer Company



With Depend.a. ble Serunl and VirUS l'nsures both Safety and Success

Dr. W. E. Frost Harveysburg, O. Pho ne 31



Nati ona l Ba nk Will. Drawn' - - E.tatea Se ttled WAYNESVILLE , OHIO

J ..E McClure

----_ ..---.----



ROOT FOR .A ND CONSIGN your Cllttl e, h og~, sh 'ep und calves t o Noni. - Bro'k Co., JiV IJ 'w;,·o a nd progr s~ i v(> Ih'm fO I' th e highest lIIurk ol pri ces linn good se rvice. Union Stock Yard., Cincinnati, O. Roferenc: e: Ask first ma n Y Oll mee.'

Stanley &Koogler Dr.C. W.ANSON Veterinarian

~Auction .:. ersJ~


----_ ..

Heartbreaking Days

• • You.' G1llt. come;"rtl 1I\e~Tige.-~~,dog.go~,Jt; ,,,hat. ·re you )ooJc.ill-g th.a.t. -«lay 4i.(:, me tor? 1gu.e.~s I~ c1 in~ ~)!, c1u,1 t. J 60 tJ:"a, ta S~qJ t is it,? ~ .-.... '



• -


•~ hrl"l" '




Au.,.. . .'.,. ......




-- - -

. ..

. _.. _\t'


Ah, SOOIl on field and hill The winds sh ull whistle chi1l, And patriarch swallows call the ir flocks t oget he r To fly from fl' ost and now, And seek for lands where blow The fairer bl ossoms of a ba lmier weather.

Phone 93


Are You Creating Trade?

l Or are I

Tlhe pollen-du~te d bees Search for th e hon ey-lees That linge r in the last fl owers of September, While plaintiv~ mourning doves Coo sad ly t o their loves Of the dead summer they so well remember . Yet, though a sense of grief Comes with the falling leaf, And memory makes the summer doubly pleasant, In a\1 my autumn dream, MISS ELLA PERKINS A future Bummer gleaml, "Stomach and kidney trouble Passing tqe faire.t ,lorlel of the present 1 had put me in a very weakened condition," said Miss Ella Perkins 466 Dayton street, Cln~lnnBtl. 'My EXECUTOR'S SALE heart. palpitated wildly after each of PeraGnal Proper'" meal bec ause of the gas f orming in my ! tollllach. I. suffered from dizzy spt-ll s. Rheumat ism also torThe undersigned will offer fOl' tured me an d bol h my ankles w~re mle, a~,ic aUcti9n, at the late !\woll en and my Joints and mus- residence of Azarlali Doan Brackcles wcre ~tiff and ~ ore. I lost in ney, deceased, In Clearer'eek TWp., strength, al1id came down to 106 Warren County, Ohio, on the Daypounds. • . ton and I.;ebnnon pike near the in"After my first bnttle of ·K.on- tersection' with Sta~e Route No. j o la I f e lt better. Within ' a few 7~ on , weeks sto lll>lch mise ries, heart pal- :Saturday, September 20, t930 To commence at 1 o'clock p. m., pitations, and , tho se terrible. paine of rheumnti!lm vani hed. It Is h"rd the g!)ods and chattels of 81\id d~­ , \.0 believe t ha t one medicine could cased, consisting in part of; A lot ot Farm Implements, 35 do whu t l\,onjola did for ;ne; I bushels good 08ts~ 2 ~ tori Oats am indeed l~rateful." • , Though Konjola wor~ " 4~i61y Straw, 13 acr~!I ' growi~g Field !;Ii x to igh t bottles a rewII'l)r Corn, Horses; Cattle,· Hogs, Chickmended as 11 fail' trial. DY"': 0- ens. ' -, .' , L. M. HENDERSON tJle are belllftfited with ' 4 ,few , . Ex,ecutor of the Oflt~ of week. , bu~ i ~ fs be tter to take this Azariali Doan . Braclu;tey medldne fo,r Il longer perlud ' to obtain the b e t 'results. . W. N. Sear., Auet. . {(onjota is sold in Waynesville, C. L. ' D\ll\.~ Clerk. At the orne time and plaeel the OHio at Adam. Dru. Store and by all the best dr:uggista iii all 'towns Household Good!! of dace.sec! wIll be offered for aa!e. throughout this ellt~re lIeetion. ,

vau just standing quiet?


The press of the country tells you the depression is slowly lifting and business is looking up everywhere. only way you can create · business' and keep going is to



ADVERT The best medium in your locality is

The Miami Besidea being distributpra of Advuli'sing: . ..prin~ ~ale Billa, Dod,gers,. Letter;.f!~a~djpgi,, ~ Headings, . Statements, '_E'nve.lnpes, Booldet.,

",=,, " - " I

&c, &c.




. . II r


The ' t'Pt annuaJ Warren Qunty fair held ut L .. bsl'\un op n ed TuesullY· luoal w'u~her, II good rllci ng program, the cl\!lp lny of tho , tute n pU I·t lllt!nt of " n l'vation, 4-11 clubs lind f llTTn e 'hibit, ol!'cther with Rl'llylwund l'IIcjng li S the· speclo t free uttrnctlon prol'ni!;e to make this a blgge'r and ' better fair t han \'er before. . Th Wayne ~ille sc hool ~n n d fur m sh d the mu sl at the fnll' today,


" "harlon • r .. anll MI .. t1.lUghler, II ~\a . IItten\l l'd t!l~ fUlI(!l'a l C th II' uunt Mrs . r.!t~abelh ~. Abram!! ot L ebanon \\ ednesdu~ afternoon . ?lIt s. Floyd IIvage has been quite ill the past \\' ~ k and has been take!" to Da~ tOil s varul days (Ot' e :oc a llllnnli on and ~ '-t'ays, H r 111() h 1'. ·M!'!". Bell Dinwiddi<, o f -~-::7:""';====-== W Ilye8ville i. Rta ying wilh hel·. - - - - --_ .. - \:








Ther w ill be all 011 dll Y meeting nnd ket dinnor at aesor's (;r~k F ri nds hlll'ch unday Silp temlier 21st. ' 'lIbbl'llh Schoo l at 10 o'clock nnd at 1 L o'clo 'k n v. Fremont Milner of L eesb u rg Ohio will bring the message. At noon basket dinn ~ r and at 2 o'clock R ev. Zeer, Dayton, Ohio will bring the mes. age . . Everybody welcom

winl/: to the u(tllth 01 An a Mather, I will se ll at public uuct· ion on Saturday, Sept e mber 20, 1930 In L ebal) o n. III I I' in's Gnrage on Mllin streee, 011 po. it lha Opera hOllse, com me ncing at 1~ :30 p. m. the following: . The household· {Ul'Jlish ings of 6 I'oems, consisting of I'lIgS, bedd in g, pictures , di s hes, a nd complete ki tc h ·n outfit. . Among t he ithove arc sC'vern l ubscrihe for The Miami Gazette choice nntiqu B, MATHER BROTHER ._,it. I

Poullrymen of Warren Coun t y and farm women who are especially interested In poultr)' will find themselves fully r epa id for their time at t he Southwestern Ohio PoultJ'~ l~ie ld Day at the farm of Wnlter Loc kwood, 10 miles west ( inci n nati, on Lo<;kfloocl Hill ( P each Grove ) Rond, W edn csday Septemuel'. 24, nccording to nn nOlln cem en t by County Agent Cluss. is oneIlI of 11 scri es of Dist rictThis Po ulll'Y C ·tlngs nrron_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. go tl by the Po ulll'Y Spec ialis t of ... Ohio Agricu lt ural Coll ege in co· poratio n with l he oUllty Ag ents , the idea bt.'ing to distrib u te thcm throughout vtlrious [lurts of Oh io so thut farmel's und po ul t r ymen CllIl attend ut Icu!lt one meeting without travelling 1\ very g rcut distunce. The S tatc pec ialist in - ATun nouncing the meeting stutes : " Th e places f or the meeting were ca r efu lly ~clected because t h y arc outstllnding furm !l tha t TIME demo niltra l l' better poullry 1J\~ n c t ­ We have almost reacbed thl point ices. In addi tion wo ure brin~ing where the work of the world ct.n be a long un e xhi bit of matc rial from done in 1\;.11 f of the time that it took th e Univet:Sity, so me of which will twenty yearl ilia. The .h-lrtenins of help illustru\,c th e talks on the the hours of the worldn, day in in· program. " dustry W only JUII! be,un, ~cordins Co mplete ~c h e dule of the pl'Oto the U. S. Department of Labor. The go rum if' a nno unced below. copy of eight-hour dar is generQ] in m&IlY in- which is bei ng ll1 ni led by ounty =--==--= =-=- ---- dustries, but m some sectiOni th., ten- Agent ClU BS to a ll furmer!> and hour day stili prevQils. FANCY STEER BEEF PORK CUTS poultrymon coo~rIlting with him It is the bellef elf thole wbo have lind he req uests t hnt any a nd a ll I'lirc Lill·d. Ih. . . 15c .tudied the subject c1OMly_that a univ- oih e r fnrm c r ~ in Wurre ll Count y . hort Rib ~ . lh . ersal seven· hour daJ, would pe every- are cordially in vited to atte nd . T o Buk e or n " il 27 c I'ol'k (,h "p". lb. body work all the ~e. for a Foll owing i th e progru m : Rih 01' Loin . 16c Chu ck ROil t, lh. reasonable vacatioa, aDd lfcnM fl :00- 10 :30- Inspcctioll of the 24 c 20c L{ in R OII ~ t. lb. Rum p 0 1' Rih. I b bOt slow up produc. "" the de- Lockwood P oultry Fnrm and t he mand for tWlhed productl, In lI!'e. Ohio State U niv el'sity Exhibit. 18c FI' ('~ h Hlli('". lb . 20e • wi s~ St nko. lb. The difticulty It to pt competin, .m10:30- 11 :15- "Rnis ing H eAVY Whu lr , finc r o r Ron st ut fr om. hpillilcl' 13['cf. duatrlal eeta~1bhment. to ICfee to tho Bruods," Wnlt e r Loc kw ood, We t25c chanle. , Buch dtiHctahlea I n DOt In- wood, Cincinnn t i. Groun I Bcef. Ib, 15c P ork Sll'tlk. lb. , G I'mind f l' III ~ t ~ i('l ly fre. h Ll'>III . .J u icy, T ond el' IUpenlble. however. Twenty f~ac? 1 1 : 15- 12 :OO- "Poultry H ous· nOO04y would have btlleftd t It ing Prob lems", R. E. Cray, O. U. S. Becf. Pork , fl lI ~ug(', hulk, lh. 18c would be potllble ItO ~ all of de12 :00- 1 ::10- Picn ic Lunc h a nd L oin nnd Round S I'll It. lb. 27c Pill'(' P o r k. r nr\y seaso ned partment .torea In N~ York)O lI1'ee insp(!c t ion of Poultry Plant lind O. to close all day S.~turdal In !amfbIr, S. U. Exhibits. 19c Chu ck Stl'uk. lb. Spn r€! Rih ~, lb. .. 15c but it has bem brOllltht .bOIa f\ might y good Steak 1 :30- 2 :15- "B r eed ing T e ll s" , Go oel IInrl llI euty J. E . HumphI' y, Univ r. ity of . 24c BOiltO ll style cUl, lb. lu b S tellk ~, lb . BtmDINGS 23c Ke ntuc ky. 28c Frl' ~ h HU lll. skinn cd, lb. T · Bone P ort!'r l1 ou~~ The newest thllli Ii IritSt~ cqn. 2 :15- 3 :OO- "Mnrketing P.()u ltry 22c Itruction i. the "hllnlt" bull . Ill- and Egg!;", W. F. Eber le, tho Whu le ur lutlf stead of a foundlltion at b S u the Eberlt: Sons 0 .. C in ci nn a ti. Ohio. FANCY VEAL S :00- 3 :45 - " Fee ()jn~ a nd Ma n building, with po.t, at the four cpmert, We bll.i1dilli it hllD' from l.qlntee1 ngcllIent for Wint I' Eggs Unde r LAMB cuts Vt· nl P ocket R (la ~ t. Ih. Present Feed nnd Egg Prices " C. fOlC "'"' 10 1XItl""It'" ana r~ '4 .t, Fin e t o stuff I' buke 1:; ....... end "" ".>e<lI'Oclt. M. Ferguso n. O. U. S. L a mb Stew, lb. lIc T~I) u:h "huns" build!ugs it;." 22c V I'll 1 Chop~, lb. Lamb Chops. lb. 18c been 1..N\S'ructe<l In r!cw York. ' 1 ., . 20c Velll Shou lder Ron t lb. cenler (lole it ill tile middle :)f I' Lamb Roa s t, lb. 17e tllIild,ni•. and "1.1 of tm: .t~1 tT·· La lllb Leg. lb. 22c bellms lire ~ u.pend~1d from it acd b, al', MISCELLANEOUS Fin e to bake 01' roast againLt sagging. The outalde of II. 25c building is m'!rely ~ sllilll or brick f) , B rnins, 2-lb!!. f or terrll-oottll to keep out the wClllthu anJ SMOKE MEATS 25c Liver, 2-lbs. for does not ha ,'e to sUP!lort allytl'J. . Iriote Buron. 2-lbs. 01' lll OI'C 24c than ill own weight. . Sugar eured sweet Now efforts ar~~ be!n/r I1Iadc to 41LUNCH MEATS troduce I.Ighter mallerie.l. for the walla 23c .,20e Hmm , skinn cd. lb. Bologna, lb. and lIoor~ of hwtg buH.:!n.., iocludinl Wh 10 01' hlllf, sugar cu red ie..tller weight, fireproof concrete fFW 25c Bon r l(>s, otl!lg ~ H UIlIS, lb. 25c W eini.' rs, lb. fluors wd ,lUi for the outer wall•• 20e .Jewl Ba con , Ih. r rlln k furte rs, lb. Another innovation it IteMD radIaaton 18c on\y aDlclt-hifh. . 28e • IIIlU I' cu red Min ced Ham, lb. One set of tnventon I. wor\rinw em I SSe Dry. 'a ll Ba con. lb . 20c Boiled Ham, lb. scheme of weavl:l" fUI' and driperi.. Real Evidence with electric wlr'~ coocaled In tiM 15c 48c Oll'o marga rin c, lb . Spiced Ham, lb . falll'il) through which a curra can be The Judge- "Mr!. Maloney. the 35c Smoke Sa usage, lb . run to keep the Iroom WI'" 011 the evid ence sbows that you t hrew a 23c ofTee, 2-lbs. for principle of the e'lec:trt. ~, ~ tone at Ollker Wadd ell." .. JOe nl'c:ICI, 3- 1'f~- lb. 'Ioaves for 2Sc Ram Loaf, lb. - now familiar eV'er:yw~ "It shows more than that, yer Hom e mad c Puddin g lb. . 12 ~'e V enard 's Hon ey, 6-lb.~li I 90c honor," intel'1'upted Mrs . Maloney. FREEZING "It shows Oi hit him.' ' haese. Pickl es, Cak s Ch icken Liver Pudding . lb. 25c After three or four lan of apedWanted-Bi, Man menttn, with froJCn flah acwI Gldt, OM of the \1l:'8t!1t food dbtributiq comMr. P ewee-Why did you get panie. ia now ,oing for 1rQ_ me such big shirts? These are four froit., vegetable. and oy.te". lied- . izel! to() large for me." , un method. of inltant freellq .... His wi fc -"They cost jus t the Waynesville, (,hio some as your size, lind I was n't Phone 66 atantly Cheek. all tendency to de~, to let a strange clerkI" know "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-', and when the frozen SlroduCt • going I 1)18rried such a small mlln thawed out it ie .ald to be aa as good a. when fruh. Spinac:h, cher:rI ••, red raspberriesto:lInd peu1110 ire amo ~=====:-===============~==' the foodstuff. whIch r_ - - - -.-~ - -.-.

STOP! LOOK! READ! Music in the Evening



Where Quality and Price Rules Home Killed Meats

Ensilage. at any time


per ton

aynesvi Ie C'anr: ing. Plant -. -----~-.-----


~,------------------------------------~--------------Good tires are cheap",hy risk it on poor rubber this Summer7


------- -------

----.- .. ---

Carries Standard Llfetillle Guarantee. Better tires than manr maken offer .. the'lr best. Tough, wide treads. Sturdy Supertwist Cord care... undenieat.h-a Goodyear patent. Profit by the savings Goodyear effeet& through building MII..LIONS MORE tir. ~D any other com· ) po),!


6 Ply.

4 Ply. 2!Jx4.40 2!lx4,riO 30x4 .f.O . 2Rx4:7(; 2!lx 4.7!; 2.lxo. 0 ~Oxfi .O O



$0.66 ........ _ ....... 6.40 ' ............. 6.45 . _ ...... 7:65 7.76 8.10 ... , ...... 8.30 . 9_90

:1\ 8.40


8.75 9.70 10.10 10A5 10.80 12.15



Phone 47



proces. of ~lervadoD hal bel;. applied with sueces. thU' in ..dillon to practically aU of IDIM and aea-fooda.

Waynesville, Ohio


Rooling Service at Staall' Cost

ICE CREAM Every perlOll io tJie~U 9aiteI ate three gallont of Ie Iut nIU'. accordlna to the United tala D. partment of Aarlcultbre. f J'OII lOt 1"'C) .!I.UI tlW,lOII!~ Nt !110ft. '!' rt<, ..<.tN1l1l~ cf fr,,-a\ecm hal fit. . I~i'~~ hy oo.t-hali: in tID 'ear.. "\'e ani ~r.r loeffOal "er:ca oow rt ~ t !d. At yt\Ur , or ' ,~ ,uF.!ombay, a wt!l-bowa It of ·c-.:ream on tM IQiIIq. tbt







lIt_.;- ID die 1~ 11M It

rnanu~, whl~oaa~~

,tore '\1rplus etal\1l tbIouP the Wint.,. in the form of butt.. Butter w111 keep where pure cream wlft not. It I. run .throuf!~ ille ~S·eflb..., which brnk. up U!ie fat ,1\)1)\11••, rillll· illl thellt with milk, 'with pure·cream .. the product, which caD tbeD i>#ilavottd and frozen.

Arc yo u pr pared to properly a"ran,e youI' children', lunch?

Snll\\' whit !' ~ Illii nc

rep Nap ldl1R, fr esh a nd cl un . expe nl'e of latln dl·Y.

50 in package, only 3 p. c~ a ges, only





" \ ';"


·lC'· ... l· k" p muis t 1'0 ds fIol' lII d l'y in ~ out an d to nntl o( !J CI' tll'ticles .f ol' lun ches


---- -- ----

ALSO mbb, d. 'l' if.s ul' pHllel·. Sltrlf L ;n!tw • Ii d Wrnll pi ng pope~ Cnl'd , ·;lnnk {'IIP"'I" ,lIl'dbl1ard in'· ull colorR, Dox PUPCl', an d o.thiJr ~ll' ticl cg f r homc nnd school' ti S"



.....a.-~ ~ ~...




7-:=--'"""------- --... .. -...... __

Phone 112


-nt. eo.. .~T



'EM ARa ..ooKI~.


ANY WINO op- A. ' .108



. IL906at

Q .; l1li,., aJUI oIdinary Alloyed Steel bue, fn.uring longer life 1'OC!8A, aldu;a,h bodl 001t about ud freedom from expen.ive repairs. th....... Chuuae1cIftJA CIlaaDeldrala Roof. Jloofin,wlth pacentecl lag i. easy to apply; no lap COBlU'DcdOa 0 . . . speelal 1001s are re.adan.. prol.cdoa quired. Everything can. ..... Jab aidered, It Is the' most \~. KOaomlca1 roofing fo~ " Ia adcUdoa, Guo'" you to buy and we reCdnla Rooaa, I. ireommend it unqualifiedly proof aDel lI,hlala,for the benefic of all our proof. A hIahIJ clunb1e medAl p •• '

canducet IIabt and that IOdb replactcl arc, for city lI.hti0l. . RImer Sperry ke9t 011 ,IlDerirMlltina' with 1tCI. how,ever, and CleveloP*l the searcbllghta wbieh VI uMd toaq by every navy in the worl4 and by inOit arml... Sperry died a fn weelu aa'O at tbe lie of 70, but 'Ilefore hi. death he ,ave the dti of ChiCIIi' the molt powerfUl Ughf ever bllt. It i. known u the Lindber,h Beacon, and was nr.t used durilli the nlltional air m~t in August. It !tand. on a tower ()()() f~t above Lake Michigan, and throw. a Usht more intense, peS' square Inch of radiating aurf ace, than that of the sun: It' can be seen for 250 milea, to auldt ' ily~ to the Chicqro Airport: Who coutd want a better moniunl!ll than· that? ---~~

·. .,......r Go. R.1 rI¥ 'III 00•••• ALLoy.1t STilL

n... I. a W, IIIJ1"""H between ' aua protection to the special Q;pper


Wl!\l l 1"1 ('" " . f': ti :l.(i:': , c lt rc. c

1 Int . " csf:{e, l ' 0 ft., perforated 25c 2 ~~"·( ;I,!P'S ~ fo~' t1< ~c •

r '

A YOU"'-~ _lIIWed Sperry went to ~ fifty yeat~ ' bcaan to m&l(e electriC: are . bunt a tow". OIl ~op of the d 0 Trade bullc1l", aM ~ttlfed 3) ectrfo vca whIch . .ve <40.000 o~ l~t. It wu U;; wond'er of I time; but another )'OU94 mul EdI.on about that t:lm!e bro\JIht out Ill-

"' ''''\'' 'n;r nl ul 'o to cover food in tIl(> kilc hen.





..-1Iac '"




.c:. Ll ...• ..






Oldo 'I



Eighty-Thil'd Yem' ,


Notes from the Grades and "ne a th iR ju .. t n r rn'v in the 'Riv('r Life ,i' IIL' !'e th e cu n nt High School, ",a}'ne 10wnship lUI'IIL et:; ll('nVPIIIVHl'oI", us find s olace- in tlw th'Jllldlt tllut eknOI is Il nl a drl!adf:rI do( ,m , "ieh Iuu st l'Ollle tn '11 11 bllt u American Eduelltional We .. k. I hoy s sh c, w unu sual spirit at this Illy>te r iuu,, ' pussul{e which cu rries --em'l" oIate. The? teanl !<pil'il is qf


EPTEMBER 24, 1930

Whole Number 5928

THE MIAMIS ' GLD SCHOOL· MATE DINNER TAKES FIRST l on e nf t~~ plensan! soc ial evenl.~ of th I]U ~ t wee k wus the "Old SERIES GAME IntSchth... .,el· nrut ," d;nn r on l:5aturday. home of MI :l. Maurice : iI·

Report of A ctivities of DilFerent Clubs at the "Warren Go. fair


I \'l'I', when eight of her childhood , ' schoo ln,n te~ met f o!' the renewDI of 1111 H ilI vey sbul'i,: ea rn' to Wayne , uld ~J'~ nd ~ h ips , and " ye ulden time The bllY " and girls livestock ex. gai ns, etc. and wrote a story con· ti le mat e l'i ll l ",,,r id into J' aJ'k dct~rlllill(' d to will the fir , t remlnl ~ ce n se~. , hibit at the Co unty fuir in clude d cel'Jling the work of the summer. The lerrth 1IIIIIIIai Edu cnti oll wee k I R'I uI\'in g and the boys nl'e go i"ing uth~ e I'IUIIl ~p iJ' itual . \lh l·I'e. Wl' will uc ' tlll' lu d d In th e Ir ~t {I f guests the lurg l's t numb er eve l' yet as. The l\iarket Class Pig Club in\\' ill I' e nIrK(' " I'd Nll ve nrb el' 10 t o tltuil' all rill' Wu yrr l'sviTI e Il i,:h we k e, lIIt! wit h n·juicinl{ uy th e )!al1le of th" : e l'l ·s, and went nway W(; re Mr", .Iulia Keeve r Slant on of sembl ed in th e Cou nty , uys Cou nty c1udl' d the la l'gest number of en, tit h. TIlt' P rllK rll III is s l~ o n s ored Sc hoo I. lOlled (' n(',: w hll h:H'e pl'ec ·dl' d us rlj ~ app (,j lJte d , f or th ey II' ' I'e bent~n I C()lul1lbu ~, . M." 8, . Addu Hathawu y A(.(ent C la ~ s in reporting lists of ! tri es. In this , group the boys and h\' the A 111 \ .. iean l.('gi oll, Th e Th (' fir st game is. lit Centel'vill ' und Wh l'l l! w,' sll ll il liuci and t aHt e by th, ~e o l' e f I t o O. It wa s n ' Du vls lI f Spl'lllgfre1d , Mr~, Luellu winners at lust week s contest. The I girls may turt wil h a grade or t'nitl!d Stat" " ulli ce o f Educatio ll. 0 11 Priduy. Septemuer 2 ;' The th c j (J y~ I'rCIIIII ed fe,r UlO~ e whll "itch('r ' ~ .bnttl" fr o m th !<t nr t ' Purl tt K e rnn ~ nnJ Mrs. Ella I, e w clitt le barn gave an impe tus I crosR· br d pig. f eding it out for and The Nationll l Educational te am me mb er R are I ead y to show huvc IUI'ed th 'i r .·uv i'll'. ' " . Grnl1alll J uhll~on of Dayton, MrR. t o the livt'st ock clubs during the the market. A tru ck load of about A !'s o ~ilct ion. (' uJl1nri t tees ill the their rivals that the y al'e up agnin t URan E" yo u ngc~ t child o f G" ns ~tu J'l ed In f or the MIUIIlI S 1lI1l1tti!! I'nrl ~ll SWllin, Mrs, Laura pu st s ummer and he lped to over. a doze n 4. 11 market pigs were va l iOll s states IInel Iuctrlitiell arc u telllll thut does not give up until John 11 , 111101 .JlIlle: (i e,wti l' Ilinwid· lind pit~hl'd th e:' tir: t in ning. LUCKe y enln e .lInd tht' l\li f!l<'~ Una come th e .discouraging condition laken from the fnir groun ds Fri110'" beginning tJ plan pr o gralll ~ th e lust uut is Illude in l he lus t in· di e W a!1 bo r" S eptC' n,\' er :', 1 ~4!) in , tl'ikil1g L1 l1t one llIun. Oxua rg cl', lind MYl,tle Wills of Leba non. brought ab out by t1rought which day afternoon direct t o the Cin· fell' its cele brution , Th e 'V" ynes· nirrg, Be lib rook ,Ohi p. On I\pl'il ii . 187U. wh(, Cflmt' IntI', \\' nt in fOl' the R('C The on ly thin g to 111 a I' lh e pleas. wns e vident by the la ck of finish cinnali mark e t. Winners In this vill e Schoul will participate in scr· Th e boy!-< 11I'e \\'illing t n pl'actiee she \I ll . IIllited ill III II I I iage tIl l ul'L' ' f th ' duy, wns the nb~e n c(' of a nd quality in some , of th e calve s cla s~ includ eR Clint on Reyn olds lain phuscs u l' lhe progra m, Th e a nd give "vcryth ing t hey have to Albert Il . 1IIIInes of \\'a \II] U" 'Ill e nnd fram e a nd had great co ntr ol 1\1r~ N I ,, 11 ' wh ,o wa~. onrI pigs. ' C ompe t't' McCarren;! " . ~" , ,. ' , " Bunn , I Io n wus v e r\YI' Yth: J 8.5(', ', . K ennnth ~ PlII'pos(' (If thi s week is t o ac- J'L'llJ'pRt' nt Wuynesvill e lI il:'h chool OhiO. wit h "'.hom s ir e liv('d IIV CI' nil th ~o ugh t he ~un1C. lIarolel tuke n s t'!, I"u ~ ly III th e evelllng be· l(e err in th e judginl{ which wus lI urvey~burg, 95'", and Ronal quaint th e public with the IIc t ivi- o n t he diamund . Wha t is the J' est ~ i )(t,l' yt'UI'R. ~he pusS('u IlWII Y Sep· Osbul'.", c rs ~whrlc p It cher for th e , fl~rf', l\Il s~e s Bla nc.h" and Pead done by MI'. A. E , Bick ett on W ed McCurre n , !l 4,5 ~~, Clinton Reyli,'s id t' lI s, u~hi(,Vl'"H'lIl:{, und nee ds (If the Schuol nnd Community l "'I1l I ~' !' II. 1!I :IO, IWIJI )! HI y ears ' Ml a llll ~ wo ? 111 the b, ox fol' HUl' veY R R.' lcy u "slsted th eir aunt, , 1\~r~· ! l1e .; duy . A II 4·H li vll~toc k and 1I 0ids de serves s pec ial mention beof th e schoo l.'. r,:" ing to d o to he lp'! Everyone pos· a nd I claY' .,f ug", I bUIg'. li e pItch ed a cun s lst(, !lt ga me S rlve l' III se rVIIIg- u most uppetlzlIlg l athH club e xhiuits. w~re judged not ca use hi ~ pig was on e of a litter of Th e pl'og nll1l will e mphn s izc. as : ihle ~ h C/ uld be there t o ba ck th.eil' "Oh d ea th. wh,l'I'l' is th y slin f(''! Hoth ten l.n s had nl('" un thll'd bas e !unl'lH'on at the nu on hout'. Ca lle rs ollly O il the merits of the indivi· 1 II whi ch he curried through i~ in f(JI' lII e r yeul'~. th e se\'cn cal'ci inal l It'UII)' Bt! thel'e find help bJ'lng o g ra ,' e, whel'p I: thy ,·ict ll l'.\' ·1 I ~eve l' a l tlnws uut (,Cl ulr! nut score. I In t h" nf t (' I'li oun were Dr. Dudley ,Iual in the s how ring t ut also the T on LitleI' Proj ect and which (olJjN'lives of edul'ulio ll a nd will home th e bacon. (The nuo ve "'a ~ wl'itt!!n It I ' MI:s ; On ly 11 h i t~ \\' ('1'(' ma li(' dlll'ing ' Ke eve r: Mr. Harry J ohn so n, Miss included u record book wherein to.pped the scales lit 2600 Ibs. huv p for ('uc h day a suitabl e th c me. 'ollle on leum, FighL, Fight, Fig ht. lIain e" II I I .ft t I ' ' . M<: th e gfl ll1 e. , I Mury ~walJl und Mr~ . Ruth RuseI'. th e l)l embel's I'E POl t . J the amount when eXllctly 18 0 d ays old . Th e main tI\(, lII e ~ f or th(' wee k " II. e " , 0)WIth .lel the nl ecl'equ p t'st ,"s I Tir e ga me- was r e pl e t e .WIth fine ' unu, I ('", sts 0 f f ee, d pas I ure , ru t e 0 f 'I'h e B ree d'Ing CI ass in . CIu d el J (' nnl e Iltn wlddre 1 I . e ntt'nill o Frida y. Bl'at arne: lI ow ~c h (l nl s I"'omote patro· th h k I . 1.1 tll' e I plays und Ilart of tir e tIme on y those boys wh o ~ tllrted with pure tisl1l anci world understanding, The " Iltllels) fl'IIIlII c a, t"IlY IInl uU1'!d HOOVER WILL SPEAK ' bred pigs last sl>Tin g and plan to s,'nstlUona l pl ay ing. Wll ~ the rule. I .. -----ul 1('I'!l Unl ~ p 'I ~~ lng - ') ~ch"o l l\ or YC' ~ tel'flay, ' Th e . 'chooif; , ." . . " A .. the ga m e pr o g~'e~ e d It looked ---keep them next year for the so w of T omorrow and Th e Future of II ~ thouj.!'h ex t!'H Innlllg ~ would President lI oo vt' r will be the I nnd litt er project. The w.inners InII 'Ipcd t h ~ Indi vidllal t n Aehi eve . HOME COMI NG f£>tlt"re th e ga,llIe. Bu.t In the last guest el f Ohio for one day when elud ed, Elmer Lunden, Mason. 96.,Whn! till! ,choll ls have helped half o f the 11 III th, With on ly he addl'esse, the clos ing se ' ion of 1 '7r , Walter ' chutte, Mason, 9S", A mt'l'i clI 10 i\chi ('vc, The ,chools Th e linn, ual IJ rlme ('''m in I! of tho 'lU TlP , ."1. Osb orn cuught lin 111 - the 561h unnual c(lIlv( nli on of the 2 , and Albert Schutte, Masop, T om:rr ol'fow lind Thl' Future of :ugar Cl'l'ek Chl'isti 1;1 c hlll' ~h was fi e ld hit and threw to s econd to Amotiean Bunke rs' Association in 92.5 '7r . ". A lII e riclI . held Sunday, Seplem be r 2 1. 1 fl :lO·. C IlI1lltl'h. thte I'l~~nnfler'l b uHt ohu<'gthhrcew ~hge Cleve land, Octob~r ?nd: The akc. COnlY th":bo ?,o:y s , in h ,Wdarr~Q ~u ]d S hi t Iar t ' 110 " In 0 .. e e (,l omrn ceptu rrc e of the rnvltatl oll mal' S ounty ex I Iteu In t,le t Ir yea~ Eighth Grade. ;),,:U auy ,'~ '1n~ . IU) 1) 'lgl'U V '11 , hume wI t h one out, and the win- the fir st tim e u pl'es id ent has e ver (\ 1' Sow nnd Litter Proiect at the . ", . I I. " IS, , 111 ' 1 0 nUl{rlll 11 . ... , F. ulr ' Ia s·t we e k . B 0 th 0 f th ese were ~ up e l' inl e nd ' nt. It wu ~ well ott e n. nl~g I un . addressed the co nven.t.lo~ w h'I.Ie 'I.n Raymond F. Hatfi eld, leachel'. Jed, A n exce ll en t !lel'm oll bv the fh e BC r~!: o ffice, and unu suul s IgnIfi ca nce. IS In t he club lea d ~y Mr. ~oy J. Th e 4· 11 ,Iub m e lllb('rs rl'om -=-=:.c =-.---:..=.-- ___ pa stor, l1ev. Alb right wa s f oliowed WA YNE VILLE allache.d to the fact that th e ChIef Ross, Plensunt . Plal~, who 18 one Warn csvil le, tonk th e ir shllre of by u duet by the Stanley s i s ter~ , Exec~tlve WIll talk t o s uch an .ou~. of the outstandlllg pIg club leaderll prize!'l off el'('d lit th e Warren Grnnt Lewis o f Dnyto n, was in du ct, 1\11-8. Pearl Ellioll and daugh. , A B R H A E ~tundl!"g gro up Clf lhe nation s Rev. G. C. Dibert spen t u few f,or the ~as t sever!.' I years~ Da~yl 'ou nt y fa il' ut Lebanon . Th (' \Va y n e ~ vi ll () Sat ul·da y. tl!J', FI'nncl'~; Solo. Mr~. Dru ~ ill!l 1.urnc l·, If 4 0 0 0 0 , financI a l leaders , ,duYR this week at Ohio City. :sharpe \\on fir st WIth 96.6 7r wltb p ri ze>! tuken were : Frunk lInwk,' , Vaughnn 011 joinin):( in t he ch r I'U " I' homn!<. 2b .:I 0 0 1 11 More than 6,000 banker Will nt· R~lph oJ nes, B.Iso of Harlan town Lllrnb Clu h. first; Eld o ll Ell is, '!\'Ii.':; MlIl'tha Bul'n It is verv " Id, Th e c hu;'ch WlI R deco l'ated ~"ith P eck. Ib 4 0 2 0 0 tend th e c onvention from all purts Mrs. J ohn Lamb is recovel'ing shIp second With 91:7'7r . 'ulf C lu b. tirst; Vil'g-iniu Dc nlin · al her horne on Third s tre et autumn n o w eJ'~ . Th e da y be ilig lin LU\'l>ly , (' :! 0 0 2 11o f the cou ntry, a nd ~t le ast 600 fron II c nt illness The She~p club m~n1fested a very g e r, F ond (' llIh , ~ec(o nd ; .Iuanita id ea l oni!, the tables WCI' s read I Huu gh, cr :~ I 0 0 11:U'e expecte~ from OhI O. The four ] re l ' , ~ eulthy rnel'e~se III ,number and Brnnn oc k . . Ol:f'go ni.u Food Clu b, ,Mi>:se~ Tl'illenll and i\! Jr;~t1 rf't beneath th e mapl(' trees e il{ the H art~ock , 3b 4 0 2 ;.I t day co nv entI on opens Mondny, Sep Mrs. Chas. Ord, of Detroil, is Improvement rn quality over 1~8t ~('c o nd; MiamI MaId Foo d Club, !-AIIVal'ds wer e in Duyton Mon .lav. ch urc h yard. And s uch II dinner Ram by, rf .1 0 0 1 0 temb er 29th, and Cleveland bnnk· the guest of Dr, Mary L. Cook. year. ~Imust 20. ~eBd .were mfi I'st. . . An ampl e ~ lIJi p l y ' o f lhe goori Elli~ , cf 0 0 0 0 0 ers have arranged. an elnborate c1ud ~d III the exhIbit which re~ulOn(' memh I' o f OUI' clus:;. Lor· Runners in silk hose ' mended , things o f the land , Vi~il"J' fr om G"n ~ , ss ::l 0 1 1 0 program o f e nt ertalnm e~t. Mrs. Gruce L. Smith was a ted In F ~a nk Ha~ke, WayneSVIlle 3 far und neur cume t o e njuy the Oxhe rg 1' , p \lin Hull, s pe nt part of the' recent ('all Ermll Rear, Phone 79. :-1 0 0 1\ 0 One of th e m ost Import.a!lt business visitor in Dayton Monday first 96.5 y, . Maunc e Plank, M.nson vllcatio n se eing ~ Oll1e oth el' st..!Itc s. festiv it ieA o f the da ' . tOPI CR befor e the co nventton WIll second, 89 ,6 'Ir an~ Estel HollmlrSou t h He visited F Ol'l Wayn e , The re will be an al l. duy meeting 'Th e afte rn oon ser~icE's wE' re n, T otu l :12 5 12 4 he the s,u~ject (I f bank eamings. Mrs. William Droke did 8ubsti- head, Lebllnon 89'" . Bend, Chicllgo, a nd Ra Cine, Wis. at F e rry Church, Sunduy, Septem. f 1110\',.. . The po Itl on of these banks und t t t h' I B lib kIt Out of fifw e n poultry club en, .' . HA R\ E Y B RG th e pJ'oblem s of bank failures have "~:k. ea c lng , a e roo as tries, Edward Cowan, Lebanon be l' 28. ~ . hOlt , o ng- , S!, J' V I C~. hee n analyzed by th e Bankers' As. ranked -tirst, with 94 ')1" . Jewell Sixth and Sev",nth Grade. r Illye r by Re\ . Vau!!. han. A B It H A E ~oe iati o n' s labo ruto r y during the Los h, Foster, second 90 % , and Mrs , l'lIury Hopkin s, of Dayton , W I dd WITh Mi 's Mury Leah Edwards was -" C. G. JlIIlI C~. tea cher. iM the guest of [I'. nn d roirs. J. C, {; o me II ress, I lila om· Fre(,lund, If 4 () () 0 () pa~t yeul', und recommendations th e week-end guest of relative!! in Roberla Witham was of' the Th e Sixt h nn I Seventh grad e Huwke. a ~'Th 'I A h A Fr o ~t, cf 4 0 1 0 0 f or ~c ientific manag(' ment and Duyton. ' S o eialville P o ultry Club third, 89.. e IIt.lOlla nt em ~f . m 1'. La un'n~, ,5 4 0 I. 3 0 profitable operation will be pre. 2 '/~ . ro om rep orts an unus uall y good II: M. Sherwood nn 'l E ,iw..trd I lcu. WIth PI.~t10 . nccoml>~nlelJt. B. Hlltin·. 3b 4 0 0 2 0 sent ed. Ban~ tnxation, bank costs, Mr. ' und Mr". The nail'y Cow exhibit inc!u.ded attendance for the firs t three y 5olo- MI ' R s l\Ia r Wrlg~t: Cu!'tpr, 2 b 4 0 0 1 I branch banklllg, m ergers and other ~ Orville Gray a numb er of boys who exhibited weeks , h(lving nn nverage of 97.· Al'IlIltage mnd e a bu ~i'H'!13 tl'j'l t ,] Cincinnati Mondav. I ..,c rlll o neY'. c" H. W llIllImso n , COLIneI', 1h 4 0 2 1 1 prublems will be discu ssed by pent Sunday with G. C, Gray Ilnd the milk and butter record from 6',1\ . . of th e Church at F er~ y. B rown , rf 2 0 0 0 0 prominent offi cials. family, of Dayton. th eir cows a s well as their calve!! Mrs. R, J. Adam s was removed Pl'lIyer- Hev, A IbJ'J~ht.. P op. c :3 0 0 0 0 __ _ __ , whi ch they had raised. First prize Fourth and Fifth Grade. frOIlJ the hospita l in Dayton lo . Dud - l\Ir. and Mrs, F ores! Mar· Os born, p 3 0 I 1 1 Mi ss F lorence Bobb, of Tr~y, was awal'ded to Alton Hoff, Ma!on, Mrs. Ca r o lyn Retallick, t enchel' hl' !' home here, Sunday. tID; , . Mull e n, I·f 1 0 1 0 0 HA T SHOP spent the week·end with M1ss I 95'~ , Rex Parker, Morrow, 940/Q , I he l e n cClmma~dments In poe.· I Sarah Missildine. and Eld on Banta, Lebanon , 91 %. The Fifth grade is combi ning an Saws filed by ll1uehinery. cut try, DI·. Ho~ff en s le ll1. T otnl ;.1:3 0 6 8 3 In the Calf and Heif~r exhibit. ex r cise in hi Rlul'Y. wriLing. spel- cleaner, tru e r, faster. Roy Pigott. Severul s holi. talks were en. 1 You'r e go ing some where, you For gifts and girt ideas visit Howurd Wiggins of Mason stood ling, and Englis h. The pupils are nt Mudden'!I Lumber Yard. j oyed by all. A fter s inging "God I 2 a 4 56789 nee d II new hati Cary's Jewe lry Shop, Lebanon, 0" fll'st with 94 .5 'It: , Ralph Voorhil, keep ing hi story note.- books lind sup b With Y,?u t,ill We Meet Again" Miami s 00000000 1- 1 YOe~nl,~o~e:~ (hOu~~ old one, 8U y I "The Home of Gifts." Maso n, seco n~ ~3.1i ry,. and Robert I l('melltil1g them with pictures of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hockett, of we were dls mls 'ed by the pa , t or Harv eysbu rg , 000000000- 0 You have money en ough t o buy J. P. Fromm and family Bfent McKay, Oregonra, third, 93.7%. historical interest. I ayton. were guests of Mt·. nnd of the church, Ev eryone went . one " ' I·th. ' Gurd'!n Club exhibit included T.he F o urth grade is bus ily en· M h ome IIr appy t it ' h I Bases on ba lls- off 0 -\J orn 1. S Sunday with S rs .' F. D. Dakin... on Sun'day. 0 lave m e WIt h . b 't roM G B t t G IMr. and Oh' Mrs. Me vyn 100 '1. c I ~ b ex h I' b't I f rom th eons ,:tal\'ed in making history scrap Tw o. bu. e hit- Mu ll en. 0 II' Y not uy I r 01 rs. race an a Il a ena, 10. of the SOi l Garden Club led by Mra loved one ', books ubout lhe Pilgrims. It hU l! Mrs. C .•J. Maroney of Akron, Passed balls- Po pe L. Smith, M d M N A Kln~, of H. B. Kroener~ and also representa comple ted t he cover design s und is Ohio , l!pent Revl' rul d ay~ last week RITES FOR BISHOP Hit by ,i it che r- Osborn, It ' tl' t t1 t' f K , rh· un rls· d · , t f tlves from the Mason Garden co llecting pictures' and writing at th e hom e o f Mrs. J. V. Hllrtsoek ____ _ Struck out- By Osborn 8; by tlh/;eal;g now, a 1e Illle 0 M~~g a~~ oM~~. Wa·ite~.r'b~~:~ S 0 Club. an~ the Blue Ball Boostert!. ~ to ri es . This work is eSllecially Orief services we re conducted OxbLrger 9" Gons 1. When we all have to have a new CO~8Ide"n~ the dr.o~ghl and adhelpful ill co rrelating histol'Y and MI'. William o~wny Boyce o f Tuesday f o r the Rt. Hev. Willialll Left o n ba ~(' '- Harv eysburg 6' hut, I fear. We reslring beads, replate sil.- vel se we~t. er cond lt!ons. tbe Gar.Engli sh. incinnati Univer s ity WU!! a week· Andrew Leonard, Bishop of the Miami s 7, ' Some thing to keep our head s good verware and recover umbrellas. den exhibits .were ,Judged, to be MUlic end gues t of W. II. Allen and fum PI'ote tant Epi, cnpal Diocese of mpires- - l\1 oon a nd Pr enrler· and wunn , Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, O. very outstandrng . FIrst I?nze wal Depar.tment . ily. Ohio who died lit hi s summe r home ga st. To protect us fr om the winter nwarded t o Lloyd Watklns Blue i\1i ~ Ruth necker, T encher. in Gamuier Sunduy. Timt'- l ho ur 40 minutes. st orm Misses Trillenll and Margaret Ball, 94.5 '7r . Se,cond, ChaR. k ehoe, ' h hi' For beRt results consign your tudents of Ken yo n Co ll ege one ' , . Edward s e ntertllined the members h9a,6'1r9'2117nd thIrd Ellsworth Ben\V aynesv l'11 e II Ig c 00 19 ive stock to Green ·E mbry Co., f th B' h ' It wa s an n ou nced on the ball Sh h II k' d d S a III , • 'f, . aga in to hnv e an orc he tra. For the Cincinnati, in care of. D. R. Salis. 0 e IS op s spl'cial interests, e IlS a In . , an most every of their bridge clu'b aturday after The Furm Muchinery or Engln.'; la st few years the instrumental bury. • , attended the ervices which w~re field. S Ulidny ufte r th e game, that shade i noon. e ering club was a new feature music of the Rc hool has been di· c nducted by the Very Rev. Char· Wyso ng, late of the Cincinnati If she has n't YOUI' s t yle, she will . th e ' I930 Fair. It is uimed especiat,. recti y chi efly by Mr. Watkins, in· Mr. and 1\Irs. Vernon Mninous II'S E. Byrer, Dean nf the Theolo· R eel s all" the o lumbus Assoclu· hu ve one made. Mrs. Bertha LeWI S, who has Iy to offe l' -S . H Club possibilities to dependent o f school supervision. I1 I'e announcing the !birth o f a gical Depal'tment of t he co llege. tion would pi t ch for Ha rveysburg ,he h!l$ guy culors, lind somber been s taying at th e Muther home I the boys in the villages and all Thi ~ yeu l' there wil! be a school dnughter, Ruby Ln Verne, Friday, Th e body was tllken to Cleve· next Sunday, at Harvey .. burg. in one ' to o, in Leba non, ha returned to her I tenant furms where livestock can o l'Ches llll. The organization is not September 19, 1930. IlInd to lie in state at Trinity Cn· th e second game of the sC I·ies. And her prices a~e sure to always home here. not be readily be kept . Winners in yet cornple te, but in another week thedl'al until Thll'rsday after noon, - - -- - - suit you, thi~ club are TOln Glancy, Morwe hope to be able to publi sh OUI' lIh-s. J. V. Hnl·ts ock returned when final services will be held. DEATHS If you are going away, and huve Mr. und Mrs. Howllrd Archdea· row, 92 '7r , Gordon Whitacre, Mol'membcl'ship. . , home' Monday from Akron, Ohio • - -can s pent Sunday with the form row, 90 % , and Elirl Hall, Lebanon The Glee IU. b me. mbershlp IS after u fow dll"s l'etul'n VI' SI't w'l' th mu ney to spend, el"s sister, Mrs, Mary Geiller at 89 %. '" I ~ ARMY OFFICERS HERE Fun e ral s el'vice for Mrs. arah Wear one of hel' hats to your B I '11 now coImp etc, kS Il1~re try.outbs wer.e 111'1' fri!'nd, MI's. C. J. Mllroney _ _ __ Hale , who di ed in C leveIJln~ , were journey' end ' ut ervi e. The above winners will receive made ast wee. he mem 01'5 IS hel (1 at Bellbrook Tuesday nHer. . h' h part of $500 awarded by the Fair as .,foll ows: <;lirl!l- Eyelyn Cart',' I nevel' snw so many benlltiflll More than 100' reserve army She will do everyt mg s e can, F erry Church will observe Board which will be di lllributed y Ight " Belltrrco • R hltzer ' EI'Ola ' COl'S d f 01' UII occasIons ' of the Dayton disStrict . 1at· no on. pleuse ' I h I I d In ' ~ J' ns you have OffiC l dIl I'S j \'oto u \YI'II Il' ke you, tll n hat, that you buy ','Home omin~ Day." September among t h I' gIl'S W 0 comp e e Selll's • . L(lI ~ Pe nnington, Rosn L~'C hpr( ", l'Pmorked II customer nt en 1'( a contact camp uturuUY ' 28, with a bus et dinner und all· Clothing, Food, Hoom and Flower lI1cCI lun , Lena E.arnhurt. Ameba I Ca ry's Jewelry Shop Lebanon IlftCI nou n at 'Stonybrook farm s, Mrs. lIugh Mclaughlin di ed S un· from her, too . essl'e B. Trl'fJlp , day meeting. projects. The e xact amount each J Vnnce, Bessie Woollard, J ennne Ohio. . , , sOllth of t(lwn. e~tnte of Lieute l1' day ni g ht at hel' home nea r Center 0 dub member and winn er will re. Meredith, Doris Salisbury, Wini. , a nL Culorre l RODert Putterson of 'I~ II ('. Sh e wns the ~adughte1f' o,~, Ab Hnrveysburg, hio Mr. ami Mrs. L. G. McCoy, of ceive hilS not yet been determined · 0 pa I R am b y, Haze I 'S 'l'h I' a fte rn 00 n was ~ Vllns , f ormer res] ent 0 nay· X ' h.e d A rnlltage, Mi Hs Ph o be MI'l'nntln und 1\'1'5S the I'esel'V . e.. Cilia, spen t' S a t lIr d lIy a t th e ut this tim e, but will be distributed I ~ t enam ' ex e l'c .l~es on th e Irresvill service Nlcke II. R uth H oc k l tt, R ut h E ary, Margaret Cook were visitorR at 'the spent' f In Id e. t t hFunerul W 'II Ch s were h f Rev. J. E. Dibert, o f West hlime 0 f 1\1 r. an d Mrs. L autence ns ca~h prizes and as payment for Murj!aret ROgel'S, Roma Hllrdm, ; hOllle of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bce k arm. lind CI lunch was se t'ved in 11' a uyn~ svi e urc 0 Union, and Dibert, of Brown on Route 5. free trips to the State 4.H Club Bernice Grahnrn. Boys--George eU at Sprl'nO' HI' II Tue sduy of' la st th e evening. Th e officers present Chl'is t T eusclay aflernoon. Rev. C" Rev. W. S. CO II"'I'e"" ~urly in November, .. , d an A , Williamson in chnrge. Burial in I Hlpll!Y. w ere g uest W'II d FI a., w h 0 M iller, Ern es t Greene, Ronnld Hal' I, week. . 1 __ were cI]arm e(I WI'th th e f al'm I ~ I of Rev. k G. C. I B (st, 0f D I' i an, 4...H Co unty prize money wl' ll b6 - - wan t t 0 come b aC k agom. ' Miami cemetery. Dibert aud fami y ast we e. . vIsIting , . , ' 'h din, John Turn e r" Paul Snvage, IS re Iahves , ere, spent d i ~ 'l'ibut ed at a general county..... Den!l Haw~e, Hubert Wilkerson, ! Mayor T . E. Rogers, who wa~ __ . -: _ _ __ '_' •. Sunday and Monday with his bro · wide mee.ti ng ( or all club membera Mnnon WhItaker, Charles Savage, s tricken with paralysis several Iher John ut MiamisburJl:. to be arranged in Lebanon through J~ltn Thon,lpso n, RUYn10nd Adnms ' i months allO, has so far recovered the cooperation of County Bankera Rlchnrd M , Iller, Jaque Adams, John thut he was able to ride down The regular meeting of the W , Assoc iation soon after the Stat. C?ates, George Edwal'd ~, Everctt town Monday. F . M. S. of the M. E. Church will meeting in Columbus. Miller, Chnl'les Burton. I be held at the home of Mrs. G. C. County Agent Class also reports The W. C. T. U. wlIi meet at • IT; Dibert on Wednesday, October 1. keen interest and very general Smill>.Hughe. DepartJnent. the home of Mrs. Lina Madden, ~ ati s fllction from the 4·H Base;, Thul'sduy afternoon. Septe mber Mr. lind MrN, Rnlph Linn, nre ball tournament arranged for the J B Crabbe teacher ., , . 25, at 2 o'clock. A good attEn. I anouncing the arrival of u daugh· first time at last wee ks Fair. This The Miami Valley Chapte r of dance is desired. COLU MBUS, OHIO- Secretary1 will be .made by . 1C!aders of lh,e L. Clinton ha s extended invita· ter, Ruby Eileen, at their home on was an entirely new venture and , Future Farmer of America, an \ ~ f Stute" Clarence J. ,Brown hus , two dOllIrnant partIes ,to land. lhelr ti ns t o u11 Ohio High Schools to the .PattErson farm, September was not thorouqhly organized in orj{ullizution of the Smil h. Hughes l Silverware, jewelry and gift f orward ed ~a l.lI)Jle cop Ies of bul· favo rit~s und el' the wIre a wmnel'. participate in lin educlltional par· 16, ~30. t~ County during the Pilit Depart ll1ent displayed an exhibit novelties. Cary's ,Jewelry S hop Ilots and questIons or Issues ballots Repubhcan helldquurters have ad e, and it IS predicted thu,t it w,ill summer. Some teams had practiced 111. the Wa'II'err County Fair to ' Lebanon, Ohio. We give Cedn; to the ele.cti on I.! oal'ds in the val'i· been established in rooms tOl0 be the largest ~ver .held !n OhiO. Bert O'Neall is re covering from with recreation bulls and were not s how the vu lu e of nn agricultural Stamp~. (Jus cuunt l e~ of the state. Inclu ded I a nd 1011 at the De",hl er.Wullal!k The Baltle o f PIqua m which .Gen- the effects of injuri es receiv ed in!l equipped with glo ves, masks, etc. education. T'he possibile end s of an of cours e, IS th e p,rop~Jsed amen,d- I Hotel an~ Delllocratlc headqual" , erul George . ~Oger8 Clark achieved recent auto mobil e uccident nncl e x· !;() were seriously handicapped in accomplishme nt wer e displllyed on Mrs . Edith M. HlIlTi ~ arrived me!"t t o the constlLUtlon .o f OhIO, t e l', lire In the ' .same .ho.stelry on , a notabl~ vlctor~, was one of t.he peets to return to Anti och co llege the tournament last week. Wednesthe spokes of a wheel, which had in home Thursday from San Fran- whl ~ h would a me ':lcl sectIOn 9 ~f I th l' first fl oo r. With a hmlted num- I har~~st fought In the Clark e~· in a few days. day forenoon, Harlun Township fr ont PI,'oducts lo s how what might cisco where for six weeks she was Article XU. I'c latrng to the d15- bel' of clerk ~ li nd stenollrapher t o ! p~dltlon. Students of uU OhIO boys won over t he Deertlilld Town be done, the guest ,of her and tribution of incom e und il'lh~\'itanc" I be u~ ed in ,eac!] plllce, severnl ~un. HI~hschool s have been requested Expert watchmaker an d en · ship Club. !. Th e accomp lishments which as daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tay- tn:<e~, 'so thllt ~ch o ol dlstrlc~s al so I r!red 'app lr catlo ns were receIved I to en~er upon a thoro~~h study of graver lit Cary's Jew eh'y hop, In the Thursday f orenoon con- ~.. nll'd Cult"ural education will make ' lor. ' mIght be ne fit In the collection o( j r(tlll both m en lind women, anx- th e !rfe ,nnd accomplrshments of Lebanon, Ohio. Only genuine test, Morrow and Sa lem Township ' those hix~s by the stllte as wei! as iou, ,tu serve. their .Jlf:lr.ty and as- the noted explorer. material used in our repair depurt won over Lebanon and Turtlecreek poss i,ble for a boy leuving High IIC hool are !lcholarship, leadership, The many friends oC Mrs. Bry- county, CIty, vrllage or to.wllshlp. si ~t In campaign actIVItie s, . . . ' ment. Township. In the final, Friday eoopc1'IItion, thrift, 'recl'eation and an Prendergust will be glad to Addltronal ca.paclty fo~ upproxmorning contest betwee'n Ihese two confidence. With these ideals in I le url1 thnt, under the care of a The oil ' paintings of past gov~ Nimrod. !ltlll'li ng out in fu U imately 5,000 Inmates In t.he 22 Mrs . Laura H. Mosher hus re o winning teams, Morrow won over . 1 mind, he will make n bctter bus i· ~kil1ful. ph~8ician, she is gradual!y ern orR of Ohio, which .adorn the h'untin ;cgu lia do n ot even cause : state inst itutions e,mbrace~ rn ~he ~1~nedat t~Oeh~m~f~fl;he: so~~~~~ta~ the Pleasant Plain with a scor'e of . ness mun , help form a better gov- \ Improvrng In health at her home m wulls oC the halls leading to the .g , , .' I lh ev- ', d epartment of w~lfare, IS being " 18 to' 6. The Morrow and Salem cl'ornent, improve living condithms Pittsburg, Pa. ' rotunda 01 the Capitlll building, a pll s rllan)1l1 0 US t~1I1 to e s. I provided by directIon o! G.overnor and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Township .club will be the proud be more skiliful in his daily work have all been clellned lind the e rnl '!'core o f !;qUlrrels gamboling Myerfl Y. Cooper. Thi S rnc1udes Huwke on Route 1. posesl!ors during the next y~ar .of and make better social conditions. MISS Ves~ , Ellis, of Route 3, cgild ed frames rc(\ecorated, quite about in the s tate hou se park. new dormitories ut the Ohio Pen, the, cup awarded by the County The material for display was was., called, to Philadelphia on Wed- an i'mpl''6>vement. Th e paintings nre The little anillluls are multiplying itentiary and London Prison Farm .. Mrs. L, D. Peele, who ha.' ~ "'l' ~ 'Fair Bllard .while the Pleasant fUl'n.isheri by boys of the Smitlj- nesday beaailse of the sel'ioliS t!on- priceless nnd al'e viewed and ad- vel" fMt und the n ew stock placed I!"provement.s r ~ r effiCient op~ra- III for several months, was r . ITJ:J PIal,! 0111.1;. WIll have the penna'" I l~lIgh()s Department who are cnr- ditlon. of ,Mr. W. E. Ewing, of mired , by , thousnnds [' vi itors to ' £h 'k last lI pring to replace tlon and sa nitatIon oC the varrous ved from her home on the }Ielltien furnIshed by County Al'ent·,Cl. . . /. rying out home erop and live stock that CIty, who was injured in an ,t he' state hou~c. Thl;y, ,m clude like'- ~~e s~r~~ny half . hairless rodent!! institutions al'e al80 under way. han fa,:m rio, t the h?W~d of h"T These tropies will remain I" tla; ,. J . projeots. The productl\ of the Farm nuto acci!le,n t. ' .', ' nesses of' . the firs t governo'r of are a great imp.rovement. Hunters ~nd under cultivat!o!l in indus- ,mot her: III ~y on, on rI "'Iy. ' two cl~b8 , duripl' th~ comine l'.~ Shop werc shown, also. The IIgi'icul,,oh,io, .. EdWard 'fiffin. who ass umed re ort 'sq ui lrrels very scarce and trIal Carms hall been \Dcreased 6 3 4 . ' . and will rea",ar:ded at ~he , to.....' ~ut1r department of Leban.on High ' . Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mather were ,office Ma~ch 1, 1803 as ~ell as ull fe~ are beiqg brought in from the "acres lind farm and dairy products d' MISS May Wrl~h\ h,ad ~er Amel\t next September• .ta" ~~ ,Sc,ho.ol cooperated in the display dinner gUEsts Of Mr. and ' Mrs. other ehief eXE'cutive ' up .to the w'oodlands. The open seallon ends 'produced and consumed by the mner guests at t e ome 0 rs. winning thve tW.o Jean oat , of ' : . of home producttr. ' ,T'. C. Hawke, .on Sunday." Mr; and present , administration o~ Gover- on WednesGln, y of next week. institutions were increased ' by Maude Crane, Sundal'; Mr. as.! three will bec.ome p~.r of , M1:8 Math r b i'll, d M Y C t' · .1'8,000. ....aint'enance cost the Mrs. Stanley SeUen. 0, lame ,'" " , "pa;t year w~s reduced by $24.,- Mrs. Arthur Set)unck and two c h i l - ' • _ • " "; "';" • ' e , 'W 0 we e ca ~e to, nor yen • , ooper. ' B ••• ,B.II 5 ••• 0 .. open. ~banon b~a68e .of th-e death , o.f - ,- - , - - - l , ' , The Ses9ui-Centennial, of the 998 altbou""h the population of the dren. ·Mra. John' Wiele and l.on, Forrest CraDe and d~la~ of ,.. 'Jihe ·p.rosPects for a good ' base , Iss • .Anna Ma,tller. left Sunday The stat~, caf11paign is under way, ,qattle 01 PIqua will. be celebrated institution: were increaaed by f)f Ca1ifoml!L~' and Mn•..RonaldCiocinati. vWted', ~"ttN ball to(!8m are, very favorable. ,The eiirmnrf for ~~ell\ home in Br.own- and Irom now .on until tJ.., closing .at Sprin~fta .on 7~da)'. October Hawke and .iIIa Mildred CooL .Sancia,.. ' . v e, ezu. of the polls .on November 4. efforts 10. State Dlir~tor of Education J. 1,000. II

ro ,




















! J. nterestlng

C0 1.u m bUS ATotes .£rom l'






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J u int !'to ('\, L und Rllnk of u" \' ., 1. u; 1.1111(' !\i . Lel·Y. Adolph, Lv ), . ElI ll Crll we, Ft:1 nk r o w , W IIil UIll 'hit\holm, O ra Chi him , T e l'esn R. G uJd , ca m p, J o~e ph If. G Idc um ll. R olle n It. B en Jum i n, O. L. Ba lli ng r, a nd hil' wife . 1\1 . ' . B 'glley. I Juh n J. T it!(' lind h i" \\'if (', }l ll nl'Y Conlin on Pi e... Proeeedin .. o ' . Smith IIn tl hi!; wirQ, fU I' 1l\ 1111l' Y In Iii,' ' tl~t: (If . A us tin ole- a n d f O'l'ec ~""lIrll tlf 1I1l1 1'.tgll~(,. Inll n I's. Alh l' rl Presley , P h ilip AlI1 0u nt h\llll ~d $ 7 00ll.4!! wIth 111 - _ YO llnl{. Pil i 1I 11? Iwood nn d 11 1,11tCl!!" t t h!relltl fl 'u lll lJ ,'c ellll)() r . 7, =:;;':;:=-';:=====- -'-" .. l li ll ~ \ Ql'O nppo \nt o'd uPP I:llisers 1!)2 8 a t ti 'l P('G21n~n~ un d IJI'I th I ~H APTER III. 11I1 eX]l el'i t! n c rI dr iv(' r, f OT th e I)u rt o f th t! old d e bt, if not in II h tll:ehy Dr. Hob r t M. Blu il', re- I t r es t u po n I .5 r OIll un e. , rOlld WUR d e p with nuw . full. H e would hove paid back ,~ iVI' I' s tlall . with in ' th irt y day s, .1 929 at. 8 '7, pe l' a n nu m un ci WIt h h itle nh llJn's fllc e soft~JI \! d. T he lI r h 'l! duw:n WII S very !lent. part of the debt jf h e cau ed her fi le an inve n to r v and n pprlli\l.e. ,\ lnterest up on $262.50 f ro m Decem , "I think yo u ' r e a dora ble," h e Juli e loo k ed u tterl y happy, lind one s le epless night, or one tearl ma n t. • ber 1, 1929 a t 8 '7(; p e r an n um and an were d. it was in vain tha t h e told him self Julie slept with her cheek a I n the actio n o f J , T . McKinley with Interest u po n $262.60 fro m F u r a m o m e nt t h ey look ed at t hut it mu,t be only because she against hia arm all the way back 1'8 , Au g ust J e n tz u pon consldera o J~ne 1, 19 3 0 a t S '?, r and fo r $ 12.50 o n e a nut h er sile n tly, t.h on Juli a had a dde d ye t ull ot her conques t t,o to Montreux . Wh e n they were t io n the cour t ove rr uled t h e de- Wit h in t el'es t at 8 i\ p ur u n num ' d' b hi I B\' . D (cnd " nt '''1\ "'r an ted ' f r om D c e n.lbrr 3 1. .1' 29 a n d fo r sal In R qu 01', relit e ss w ay : her ull' ' o dy long lis t , and tha t it C OSt! t o th e towu C hitt e nham &,e n' Ill u r r " ,. " " I cu n 't muk e yu u o u t . . I' ve wa' n th ing wh lll te \' e r to d o wi t h tl y r ou se d h r , 16 dR Y t o file un sw e r. $2 .1 8 .27 WIth r; II1te l'es t f l'om n ev r lll et a mll n li k e 1'11 11 bd ,! r o, h im }l (1I'so n nll y. S h u , flu s h ed, Illeotinll his e>·OR. Th l' ~lI u rt ol'd '!I'l' t1 th ll t the p llli n - J uly 15 193 0, I ~upposP you 'r e j us t u llIu s ing T h" I·' · WII S H lilli o hu lf s mil e on H e l' eyes w e r e s o happy- he wishti ff , A lvn Hill. li S l1dllli n is t rnl OI' de I Beulah J) un lo p V(! r~ll~ Etlwlll·d your~~I f. , . I ~ U"p OSl' y o u d on't he r lips , u ,,\ oe t ul' en nli n e!;~ In h er e d Rhl' would not loo k s o happyboni. li o n wi th t h e will an n exe d o f I M I~llg f ur nt n e y .o ll ly. A I1H, unt nt r ull u word yo u say - t h at- t hn t (}ye. . it lIIad e him f ee l meun - a s if h e i hl' ~tat t: of Th u ll1a~ J ones . dl'- c.l8Inll'd , $ 10 .0 00 WIt h co~ ts lO f 11 ('- YO U'l'l' ju ~t f1 il'li n g . . . " It ,ci! m(' u 1111 I~ (~rni ty ago s ince hud Jll'e t e nded to giv e a child a lO n t . "I s th a t wh llt y u u ...· a lly ~ upP IJf; e y es t e l'day even in g wh t! 11 he hud b eautit'ul g ift, kn owing t~at whe n c ('w;cll , v , . - l a ry E . J o n es, ~t a l.' l hitle nh ulll us ke d. 11,' tou k h c r b y firs t he ld he r ill his arm s. s h e oj)e ned the b ox sh e wo uld lind p roce,'d t o s,·11 the pl'l' l11 is(1~ at pri · 1 E mm a M. Mo nroe n nd E d. M. vate ~ 1I1c nl1 ci milk" due I' t u r n t o .J o h n ~o n, I' n nll ('r~. a ;: MOIll'oe & th e sho \l l tle l'~ , t UI'n d h (' r t o him . II,. wi: I1l'Li he ('Il uld furge t the o nl y a s t on e. J u hns ton. "~ r~ u s . Waltl' l' B i ~ j! . • " Is th nt ", llIlt ~''' II I'l·a ll y ~ up pus t"! s"r tll e~s or hl')' h a il' Ill\'lIins t hi R "I'll lo o k much pretti er when t hl' ," l ur e I n t h e ca s e of Al vn H ill as a d- fti r m u n cy unly Am oullt c luime d, h I', a s ke d 1l"lIin . f" ... ·. ,' 111" t ll(' WU -I' 111 p l'eS.OIII·" of . .. , h ' 1 Sh IlJi ni~ t l'a t " )' 'ti l' b o nis n Oli wi t h th c , 4 7. 05 with s r : i llt ,, ),t'~ t fru nt Sl'P N'" I I -. u ~ y o u s ee m e agIO , s e lI Ull, e I, ] 'j 1""0 I $ ~'!'J ' 'tl ",\ . , y es , . , aL ells l . . ,. le I' lip, sq u !!ez(' d hi s hUlld and turned w il I l\11rll'Xl.·d o f the e stute u f Th o- t.e lll c~ e l' ' . . " u n e ...~ . '~,~. WI 1 s he \Va" Iikl' II J!i rl, o nfus eu n nll :-1 0 wo ma n h a d e ve r b ef o re IIway. "All r evo ir, till tonight, th e n." llIa s ,1 ,1IIes , u t' cea "ed , 1'5 . MIII' Y E. h ', IIIt C I'I'~ t/; O Ill Ap l'I l ~ . 1.. 126 , t n I ~ h\' . "Oh . di d yo u r efill y III LI n it st ilTcd h is PUISl'S ~ u ~trun ge ly; no JO II ~S ... t ul .. t hc (" I (lI·t o rd ered t he .1 ~ l y I, J !12 I" , a.n d 8', Jntc l' e sL l l o~'e Ht fir sl ~ il!'ht. , . I Ill t) Ull - \\' <J mnl1 ' ~ urlll s n Ull u t h is nec k hud Ch itte llhnlll went on to Lh e hotel ll elllltnls tl'lItUI' t n l' OIl VCy Jl d eed f or fl O!lI J ~ l y .1, 1 92~. . . • . YI Ju'l' (, ~n ~ t run)('c, ' an d I. . " I'Ve' l' Illu d e h im f ~1'1 thut th e wu rld I wh e re he hllu IIrranged to me et t he P!CIlII SeS t o li oarl lE'Y Cord e s, S . Wllllll cI Il 1Iy n ? r ~e l !; II S, !\I '.lI n (, hi ll t' nhullI ''; PllI H"~ we r e th r ob Ll, \ \' ('11 l o ~ t if o nly he c ould s o Lonlblll'd. It WII S n eurly dinn e r . tim e whn he WII~ drAs ~c (t , " lId Lo mD is trI b utI o n o f th € p r oceeds o f ~i. H u yn e r , f or (11 1' 0 1(' ,·. (' h HlgCS ' ... ",. th e so le wa s o r d e re d . li r e I! ro ss n eglec t fin d xt re m' . -'.""" , " Edw ll r d 8 . II IlTl'is wa ~ mad e a cr u e lt y . tllrd topped ilL the uoo r. pu r t y d e fenda n t ill Lh l' ac ti on of LOlllburd fidgeted about th e Waynesville, Ohio Phone 25 Probllte Court Proceedinl'l rlJ " Ill. " '0 you g ut ~n o we d up!" T he F edl' r nl La n d Ba nk o f L o ui ~ . '1 1 I' I h e sa id. '''I'here' s !<omething I \'I e I' ~. , u5!H' 1 C. W ells . e t al. ACt' p u n t!' lil eu: wn nt t o t ell y o u, C hitte nham." Th o lll a~ B utlflr p leud e ll g uilt y to F: .. t lll L' II r (,hn rl~!'l P . ~ I al'l· h. d (l~ " Go nhead. \Vhnl is it t! Have , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' , t ~ e c hol'~(' o f p osse~sing i~to x i ell- Cl'us(' tI. firs t Il nd fill Jl I. lln- i y ou b ee n g e tting into u mess while · ling iJquo r n n d was tin ed $:.. 50 a nd Es tllte of ' DII\'i d 11. F ri·. , J WIl S up on high ?" (' os t .. H e wa s .o~·d ere d. r<'.m sl1 d ed ' ~l'u ~t· el. ~lI l e o ill. . " No, it's o llly that I made a s illy ROlll eu, Juli e d ea r'! " Iy, s e nl' l' hing for y r t so me mea ns E ~ t<lt l! of \\' il li am Fr" n" i ~ En mis tak e yes terday IIb out Mi ss Fart o th .. eoun,t y JIl II IIntll fm e a nd C hilt t- nhlllll dn' \\' furtlH' r bu ck of e Tli pe . th on he to ld her. "I Wellt up t o St. Be rllard with cos t s urc pllld. ti picl . d e ~ clI ~l'd . til'~ t Hlld fi na l. r o w. Can't think h ow I did it." int o th e s hadows ns iI .. hellrd Ju In t he )c n ~e o f Th e;- ll ollllnu B a kE Ht ulc' of An n W i ll i a m~o n. dl'C hit t enltum luo k ed up sh!lrply. lie's Illugh . nn u th " lilth' c onti - y ou ye ~ t l' rcillY be li e ving yu u w e re e r y o f T ay t o l~ , 0111 0, vs. Ve rn on I('(' a ~ed , li rs t an d ti lla!. " /\ mis take! Whllt do y o u melln? d ent not e in h e r vu il'e wh e n s h e tlt l' \ I' o mlll\ 111 .1' bru th e r hlld lovc d . Em ley et. a I. , It w u ~ ord e r ed ~hll t I alln l'di D n ~ h ip o f A lb e r t Dl' m e a?" I Wlllltl'd to I)UY buc k s Ollie of his un s w ere d. th e v e n llet r e t urn e d by , lh e JU1'Y IB <rlll'd, mi n o r , . l' co nd lInci li n ll !. "He will co me . I nm n ot lit all d e bt. [ wnnt e u t o hurt vo u a s I b~ "acll t ed nnd 11 n e w t l' lu l g ra n t Clrc r enee Mc lnm py. Frunk H u d L o mbard ftush ed, and his eyes ufrllid." be li eved Y U LI hlltl hur t" him . I g r e w a IUle anxious. d. 'son u nd O ru Reece we re app o in t .. d Su slie hlld t o ld Him II~ he hnd wll ntcJi t o m a ke II f uo l o f you a s I "I mnd e 11 dllmned s il1y mistake. been SUI'!! ~ h e wo u ld , C hitte nham knew y uu hut! nltlLl(' uf hilll . I , The co urt o rd e l' cl th at Wall ll R. !npp ra i; s of th e e~ tllt e rt f Ru th _ Patlll er, c1 eft! ndllnt. p ay t o th e de · J . M cClung, d ecells ed. Quite uninte ntionlli. of co urs e. But gritte d his t e eth lInd d e n ch ed his th ,1U\! !tt Fllt e WIIS plu y in ~ int o m y f endu n t , ' Ed na M ay P a lm e r, deThe co urt auth orizc d Gl' l'tr u d l' th e fad is . . . well, s he's n o t the hands . He WIIS t ll bl' s pa I' d n oth - huncis wh e n yo u a greed t o tnk e .f e n d an t, t h e s tlln of $5 .pel· w~ ek C. C rop p er, ndlTl i n istrutr ix u f t h e g irl n o dn e y knew afte r all- she's lII e w ith yo u y(lst erday. I turned with !l n e tfllrL lind th o u g ht I W Il A L.. i ng dum ned cle v· :for t h e su pport of t h e nll.n o r chIld . e" t u t c IIf Geo rg e W . C"" ppt' r, cl l'l' l' . . . It !lC(' nwti s u ea , y t o mak )) · • .I.I"! th e case o~ A.l va HIII ,.llls ad- c en~e rl , ( 0 ~(' II lIlId Ll'an s f ,'\' ce r ta in wh e n I WII ,; was talking to Mi ss w e nt up th e s te ps . m!lIls trnt o r dt n on Wit I t h Is t oCk of t h e esta t lit pr i\,lI t e ~lI le L e nnux. The y' ve g oL the same H e cu uld h ell!' v oices fr o m that love t o yo u . . . yo u s eem ed to l Wh t e es tate 0 111 the c ll s e o f 1I 0wli rd B, Fr y , nam e- Julie F a rro w, buth o f them oalcony room IIl1d mufll c,d luu J,r htc I' Illuk e it ellSY rOI' nl e . . . . " a l1n exCl 0 T om9S Jon es , d eccas ed, vs. Ma ry e xer lilOr o f t h e ('s tat(' of I1Hl'id H . Chitlenham drew Jul ie Farrow int o hi, armo and k ·.lled her unreoiot· - th e v'rc co us ins, y ou ~. ee, but thl's li S th c Illllid turn ed t il him to 1I8k " Gile:" " lI e r vu ire wa s 1I wo und t E . .Jo nes.· e . 111. , It wns ord er e d tJw.t' Fr ," , d"~eu \"' ,' nO.. 1,· pI. ' nam e . H e b I'U C(,( I IlI' m ~' " If lind e d CI·.I' . <, s ,-n"u , 1, I,'II' n tl'''' 11 ~ r a.., II'~ one is' n't th e o ne n odney was so h IS h If (To b(' cu ntinu ed) J e p lai nt! 0 pa y t o 1\111;6' E. IH <r wllrd B, F rv, e t a I, de f cn dll n ts . mud ubout- s he ' s in Lond on at w e nt f o rward . o n ('s, on ct~ be r II, 1.9. ' t ho th e co u rt a ppro ve cl t hl' . n le o f I b in g in st l'lI n ge fa~ hi ()n. Nu w oman h" ld h er fo r e ve r . But she hud this mo ment- th e o n e her e i~ h e r Juli e FIII'OW was lh Cl'e ili o nI'. s lim of $ 14 00 If Rhe be Il v lfl g . It ,pr np e r ty. Di strih utill n o f t h e pl'o- ' hlld eve r ma de him fe e l a s he f e lt on ly b ee n pln y ing e ven as he had! c o us in. " C hittenham heard t h e lI uo r s hut \Va !' f u rt her [ (l und t hat t he t rue Ice d s was o rd er e d . n ow, an d it angc r t!d him. W as this ' 1'\ 0 d Oll bt she \\' o~ ld b e j lls t a s re Ch' h be hind hilll , but h e did nul m ov e Sub.uibe for the Miami GaUlle . S t, r u m ~ n t 0 r \1' 1'1' t In/!, ' , . o n 0 f he r I'J(' ve d as h e \l' a!' th IIt th e I'ttl Itt( hi n 'am £' d , his fuce f orl"III·d. e r e \" 11',0" a 1111·".., ' t lleb ll lnI n ('o' of th t eI p rocee 'd s . oI f dt h.e '~a t hl e I A n lO p u r - t h e s tru ngc f n ~ C lnull I e flu sh ed, eye stUI'n fUl'ious ,Th . ~o )e In ¥e a\p r o~11( e L!l3~ t e po rting to' bl' t h e last w ill u nd ' which h a d cu nqu er ed R odn ey ~ 'W I\S g am e was fini shed . " What in h ell ar e yo u talking f ore his c yes, blinding him, then C('$r ~ ~700 8'4e.p t ~tm de l' f thO . • °t estum e nt o f Luth c l' F err is . d e- t h is what th e bo y ha ll m eant wh en I F u r C hittenhurrl m e ant it to fin- b ?" h d d d ' he heurd Juli e Iuugh n e rvou s ly. S ea 0 e a mo un c ea 's".! d " II' a S I) 1'0 d \lCN I'III CO UI' t f 0 1' h e SU .I(, i " W III' t t I' ll yo u ~ee h er .' .ISh us ;<oo n us t L,l ey r ea h eu,I '10n ut. d e eman e I" t1l1(·kly. "I b e ll' ev e "ou al'e m o re Ilfrnl',1 _. - 11 o"M h I ' .te t , J£; d . • , lO I de S II e I.n sa l( . cree. ' 1pro bllte. The rli'~ so m e thing diff e r e nt- quit e ' tre ux . He w oul d n ever willingly y car c up, VI' Just to d of m!! than I am of yo u." she said . Hal'l C. Hllr vey 11' 11 5 app oin t ed diff e re nt a bo ut he r to a n y oth e r se ll her ug ain; on ce he WIIS awoy you. It wus a mis take- quite un S he was very pale - in he r white ' ff T h e co u rt uldd e r edd ~hlltEtthhe Is h~~I c on ve y n ee ,,0 e m . a dmin is t rato r o f th e es t a t e of wo m a n- " . fru m hEr h e wo uld soo n f orge t the innocent o n e on my pllrt nutur. fr oc k s he looke d IIlm ust like a a e s n el m ~. Jl ut'c,hnse r o f th. r~al. e. ' I Da vi d E . o wan d eceas{'d an d fil ed S h e hu d to ld him th at s h e h a d cla s p o f h er a rm s a n.1 her ki ~se5. d~~~' isA{h~r:~I, \thll : dnl'lfoerheanrcme ghost, but sh e wa s s mil ing happily, ta~e m th e ca se of Th e Vlrglma hi s bun d in th e s um o f $ 50 00 with n eve r cured [ UI' an yo n e in a ll he r ' S h e did n o t s ee m to notice hi s nnd when he mude no m o vem e nt RESIDENT Jt o m t Stoc k Ln nd Bank . 181' 1e n Ce, nn d pl'c;;en tl y, /I( IIlnee d elln it k mak e '! Mi ss Ful'l'oW will to'vards her s he !'al'sncl h e rself a ll'tK'IIof ' C h ta rl es I W 'III'la m 'I,,, n . .:> we n y un d A nm. e E~. I'I f e , t IJa t II IIe was II f ru 'td 0 f canng ' ~ t ~br~~s ~ ~l e lls .. e we n y as s ur eties , Ru y m o nd but n ow so methin g i n h e r tl' t! IllU- duwn u t h e r, he s aw thllt s he had lIe~~ev~~~~~ w'I':' htll.t!n'. on tiptoe and suftly kissed IS rl 1I JO n 0 ~e s~ e In e ~MUlf O rd ' hurl es Rose r a n d ISlIu c li us g irli s hn ess a nd falt e rin j! v ok ' I f u ll e n. a s l e p. , , ~m ~ un ~ .o f $ 3 ? ~ ~ ,3 .1 \\.a s o rde r ed Iro ns ~ el'e made ap~r~i s e l's. . g uve th e lie to t h ose w o rds . Y e terhitte nh um looked at ~er an.d C hitlenham flung past him und "Is n't it the s am e liow we are PERMANENT LOCATION ~~111~C I : a llke llfthe l . p,le ad.ed J e nni e F o rd, u d mllll st rlt ri x o f day s ee m e d II g r ellt way off- in lon ged t o guthel' h e r c lose Into hIS out of the room . He went down- down on earth again?" sh e us ke d ~ Ul , '1 t ? a \ll r g e. 0 rf uss ~SS In~ Inci th e es t ate of alis ta afl·o ll. d e- a n o th e r w o r ld Am ri cII and lillie II l'ms lind ki s h e r n. h e ha d do ne stairs , took ' his coat. from the lob- with a n ote o f banter in her voice, 8~518a In~ .l q~~? 1. de \~IIS. d n~ I cea~ ed fil e d he r in ven tu r y a nd ap - W C. ' C wir e d o ut a nd forg o tten, las t night. . by un went out into the gllth ering th o ugh it s ho ok with II littlc em oLEBANON, OHIO a m ~o, s ~n or el e . !> prals c m e nt. e von th e m e m o ry o f Ro d n e y fad ed H e loo ked nwuy fro m h er WIth 0 dus k. tion. taR~ cO mnTll tted. t o J~.e ~o u~tYf Th e co u rt up prr".' c d t he I'e po r t until it se(!ln e c\ onl y lik e II g ho st little co ld f e ling r u und hi s heart. N o t Julie Farrow! not the woChittenham trie d t o s peak , but Eyeo E"amined th r r f d ossf 't'ha s hlsn:t~se r o m o f L. M. H e nc!er~o n, administrato r in lhe bllc kground uf th e present Why we r e s u ch women all owed mlln who had driven Rodney to h(' could not. Gla .. eo Filled e CUkS Yt~ Ie 5 edrln. ' It t o f th (' e ta tt' o f .hJnll·S W. C r e ll- unrea lity as Chitte nh a m drew , t o be? What r i J~ ht had they to his death! He read n s hadow of qu es tion in Repaira J ac ar 10 p e ~ (Je . gtp .y ? a w e ll , d eceas e d. Juli e Farrow intu his arms nnd wa nd e r thl' olll\'h t he world bringNot Juli e Farrow, the woman her eyes, thut changed intu vague -Jilql~~~e .~~ posses~ngd m$~~locatJndj! In t he s e ttl e m e nt o f th e e st at e ki s sed h e r unr es isting lips. ing tru ubl e u nd tragedy t o ev e ry who had lain in his arms las t night f~ar, \~ dS ne an of u rllh E II II Fre n ch . deceased. It WII S lat e t he f ollo wn g day mun who c rossed th e ir path? The - n ot the woman to whom he had '·Why, . . is anything th e mut --' c ofs ts. °t~ogo of ,cauts e sh own , ~tay th e n e t va lu!! of th e II ·tll te was $64 wh e n the y I'cllch ed M o ntr eux. wo m a n wh o hud ~ent Rodney to believed he was paying back a bit- t er?" s he IIs ked lUlcutainly. o ex ec lI I n 0 ~ en ence w~ s glv~n 6Y4. 36. Th ose e ntitl e d t o s ucc es- Th ey hlld t o lea ve h e r CUI' at th e hi s d eath. . . . tel' debt- not the cold, calculating "Is it the same now we lire down ~~~c! °f~"ysu~~dtib o~ld contllllle d 10 s lO n s a )'e C ha rl ott e "'. FI'e nch b ot e l and mak e th e descent with W e ll, he w ould hnve paid back adventuress whose kisses and sweet on earth?" · he usked ho arsely. r .~ m . T . daughte r, Arthur N . French , so n. ' whi!!pered words he hlld taken with "You haven't f ound thut lus t night Th e case . f John " ,. McClunj! Luul'u F. Mill e r, daughte r, lind a covert sneer. was jus t 11 dreifth? that 11'0 were ve rs u ~ M~ rtJn J. Sw earingen, et 81 C lat·a F . H e rrick, da ught er. =:-~-==-====---=== -=--=-=--~=--=-=-- -. "It' possible to be just as hap- two dream el's, and thut n ow we ure MONEY LOANED w a s d ls mtssed. In th e s e ttl e m e n t o f the es·t·,lte t ran s f (' I' cc rtalll . corpo r a tIOn . on "earth a s it is on the uWllke?" s l oc k " "I11 'la ll1 0 . 0 un ga n , lot N o. 91 I'n py. down h l'f Me lissa E. Bea ll, dec ea s ed, th e S ' b herg ts. . . . Sh e laughed at him, s hllking her New Suito valu e of th e ('sta te \Vu s $21 G7.4 8 b ell) nging to t he d ' cclis ed. ' Jll'lng oro: She had said that to him, her head. ' LO .-\ NR nn Lives t ock. Chattels, [L F \" . . 'k; I .J U Ill (,~ Ptl e lind F. W . Franz to h d' I ' . b ( ' I n. t.h e cu se Se cond MOl'tgage~. Not es bough. Fmnk D . Miller v e r sus J o hn R . lind t he l'e f u r e sa id :;tu te a nd th e 0 e o. . '. oJ c ln s ,Iulia ' Haigh, lo ts Nos. 68 and 6f! in un In li S, Just e are they part"The earth is so much - so ' ve ry Allen Julia Puul, T e re s Toth, Eu- Suc cl:ss io ns al'e e x empt fl' o m. in - IIdnllnls t l'utOI' of th e estllt e o f AI- Franklin. ed; she said that, believing in him, much more real thlln the mountain John Hllrbine, JI'., Xenia. Ohi o. I)crt B . C r oc k d ' If I 1'h omas J on es, d e cell se, d b '1 afI- ktrusting him, h ' loving Shim! Not tops were, dear," she said softly . gene Ka s ol' , The Franklin Nation· heritance tllX . er, l i ecea s e , p IIlInti d Invento ries lin d i\pprnis e m e n ls " e r: us 'ath e l'ill e C. 1\1 ojcincki. e t llIini: trut o r d e b oni s n On to H oadly nowng anyt 109 of 0 ie-not Sh e bent hel' head and lightly ,oJ Bank of Franklin, 0 .. Alexan· der Paul, Fra nk E. Morris , Thom- filed : I f e n(Jli nts , t IIe c o urt o rdere . d I C. O J'u{' " S , rea I es tll t l~ 111 ' W lIJ'ren 1111 d knowing that a married brushed his eOllt sle eve with her u,I ' (e , t khe was ' h k LONG OR SHORT TIME - Easy 'Hi E . Barnhart us rec e iv er, EVil E s tate of Lida C . S abi n, d e - the IIdmin s t l'lI to l' t il p ro c eed and Cle rm o nt c ounti es, $5,222.50. man. f no h now.lI1g per aps chee . tel'l!ls. Al so !3urve ying and AbN. All e n and Al e x T o th for money ceuse d. 'ell th e I'cul estut e cleal' a nd fre e G"lI ce I::iilllp soll to Walt.e r R. any 0 t e truglc h appeningsl "I told Bim- " she said. "1 was T.he IIm o llnt claime d $13,500 with E state of Ruth J . McC lung, de - o f thl' do we l' int l' l'es t u f CaLhe l'in e Fi l t~ . 34 a Cl e s ill Clea rcreek twp. which had led up to this, the worst so hllpPY, I ju st hud to tell s ome s tractmg. Wl'Ite lind I will call int~ l'est fl' OIll March I, 11126 at ce a sed. C. W uj c in sk i n t p r iva te s lIl e . W a lte r n. Fitts t o Grace F. tragedy of all. one . . . ~ ' And then a s if struck and see YOll. Sam D. H e nkle Way'Jl1 the, rat e u f 6 ~ '7,. pel' annum Churtl'S D. Mapl e , gU ll l'dian of S im psc n, r eal es tnlLe in Franklin. What would she say when she by his silence she looked up s wift- nes ville, Ohio, p aya ble anually, after allowing a Effif' Fann on, file lt his firs t and Real Eotate Tranl'fera AlbErt C. Osbo l'lI e, Chllrles H. knew? how could he explain what Iy to ask: "You don't mind? you cr e di t on sa id interest of $1.400. final acc o unt. C' . Oti b o rll l' II nu HlltU e Belle Caum to possible excuse could he find for are not angry?" f.~reclos ul'C o f mortgnge and othThe co urt au t h o ri zed H owlll'd B. Ha ll ec k Bt1 w yc l', s p ec iul mas- \{(1 nry C. lind Clul"D Goforth, parts his actions which would not seem "Angry . . . " How could he linWANTED e r r elief. Fry, e x e cuto r of th e e st a l e of Dav - t e l' co mmi s",io n e.r t o Mar~l s T. of lots N(Js .- 115 and 116 in Mason utterly euddish and despicable in swer? what could he say? He ,'eFloyd L. Roger s , receiver for id H . Fry , d e cea se d , t o se ll and EudR, 27 ,61\ u C I'e~ in De erfie ld ·twp Willillm O!<b o'rn to Henry C. hereyes? leased her hands, and mov e d a step WANTED LADY- To call on the Mi riullI C. nnd Earl C. McCI'eary and CIIIl'Il Goforth, parts of lots It was as if some one had torn fl'om her. bette r h? mes and Rrrange for to FI rn Es te lle Go oc h pa rt of in· Nus. 115 lind L16 in Mason. down a veil that had blinded and "I've something to tell you" he d~mon 'trlltlon of a greatly needed lot No. 15 9 in L: ban o n. J ohn and Maggie Long to. J. W. deceived him. suid abruptly. ' house hJ?ld nec essity. Plensant wo.rk He 1'emembered a hundred and "Tell away then I" h n rl es Tay\ol t o. Amal\d~ Ben- W a r e purt of lo t N o. 806 in Frank ' n e tt tra ct o f lund 10 Wa s hmgton lin ' one little things which shOUld have Chittenham looked awa'y from and hIghly l'Cmunerative. Must nave best 0 " refe rences . Address tWJI: . . \ ,j olln and Maggi e Long to Floyd warned him, told him of his mis- her. :: DeHays , 116 N. Main St. , Day. s u mu e l lind .Lilllan Feerl') to an d Eth e l Yo ung, part of lot No. take "It's about last night . . . last Mr. ton, Ohio. 08 Tlu e R o be l·t.l:. part ~f lots Nos. 8 06 in Franklin. He knew now that when last night." , 12~ a nd 12!i In Franklin. night June had said she loved him "Yes." WANTED- Party who borrowed Tin e RobertH to Warren and EIB - il-Io-,-'I-'owed it was the truth also. ' And there "And about my brother corn dryer, please return to C. III Dllkin por t o f lots Nos. 124 and , \VIIS Sadie. . . . Rodney." W. Fryc. tf 12!i in Franklin. Slakaltll Mfg. Co., s upplies , What a sport ot the godsl "Yes." FI <r yd Long tu G ne B. Darmody $4 '. 95; Jn o . Law & Son, gas nnd laHe felt like a man in a dream. "You told me you knew him." lot No . 45 in Frunklin. hoI' on cnl' , $6.60 : Haynes Pllblish- He tried to believe that he had "Yes. I often met him when LOST . Wilbul' J o rdan t o Tin e R ob erts , ' nil'. Co., Baldwin Civil PractiCe only to rub his eyes and he would he was mith my Cousin Julie." lot No. 7 L7 in Franklin. f o r Pros ecutor, $15; G. Ledehman, lind that the house before him had Chittenham caught Ii hard breath. LOST Pocht Book containing S . F.. Coyl e t o D('II II C oyle l ot suppli es. $11.fiO ; W . H. Fulkerth, vanished, find that he was back then it WIIS true. money. key s for nuto and house. N u. 2UO in F'ranklin. ~ talllp S , $2; S takaltll Mfg. Co., s up - again in South America, that he "You know Lombard, too?" Do Ed\l'a rd D. Durbin to WilIillln pli e~ $ 7.20; slime . s UPlllies $6.40; hlld never come to Switzerland you know that at first he mistook Rew8\'d. Return to ' thi!! office. s24 Bro wn lots N os. 14 0 0 and 1401 in SlIlIitary S upply, s upp ies f or jail with Lombard, never met .Julie you for your cousin - the other Deerfi e ld twp. $:l !i.:15 i 01': . Edw. und R o bert Farrow on the little lake steamer, Julie Farrow." FOR SALE Christian IIncl Dora Switzer to Blair, ~ ervi c(1 R , $ L2 ; American Dis' And then one of the windows "Lombard told me that you were Eli Farmer 50 acre s in Warren infecting Co" s upplies , $32.96; leading onto a balcony opened- the other Julie, that you were the alld Cle rmont c o unties, Rugel's and ' iDn pso n, tires and the sound of voices was wafted woman Rodney had cared so much FOR SALE- All furniture and st,?ves , us ually found in a' home Eli Fllrmer to J ohn and Estell tuhcs , $05; ,John Law & Son, sup- down to him through th quiet ev- about." Bruckner 50 acres in Warren and plies uno labor, $78.13; E, D. ening, and a woman's figure was She met his gaze directly, but at gIve-away prices by C. F, Joss24 Clermont oeunties. Thompso n, labor and repairs, sil houotted against the light. unsuspectingly; suddenly she smil. len, near the water tower. Th e H o rnbach & Hirs ch Realty $1{iG.02; Bo ok Sh op, supplies for Julie? For a moment the pound- ed. , ._ . Fisher Piano in Co . to William and Mary Lindsay, ('o urt h ous e, $ L6; Lewis & Drake ing of Chittcnham's heart almost "Well, what difference does that FOR SALE good condition. Inquire at l ot No. 432 in Franklin. In c. , (I bags white sand, $8.10; chokd him, then with a breath of make? I'm not, and you know it Gazette Office. Th e B oarel o f Educa tion of thc Dl's. Ellw. nnd Ro b e rt Blair. exam- r,elie! he saw that it was not Julie, now." She fTowned a little in perarlis le Ce ntrlllize d S chool District ining 2 Mo rri s childl'e n, $2; Marion but Bim Lenox. plexity. "It's not anything to look FOR. SALE- ReRi s tered German til .Maude C. Mo ngel', lots Nos. 16, Cool< , 1st es timate on contrnct, Presently he heard her voiee- so tragic about surely, is it?" Pohce pups. Otto Michael, R. 3. 16 und 17 in Fmnklin t wp. $450; Al'thul' J. Hill, expense, quietly cynical. Chittenhum's eyes wavered, for ·824 f Dilvid H. Fry. by executor, to $44 .55. "I clln't see any signs of your a moment he hesitated de~perateFOR SALEApples. Jonnthans :===~~.~===~========~=====4========~==~;~=== Nor!hern Spy, Fall Pippins nnd Baldwll1 are now ready. J . L. MenPINKY DINKY The Great Egg Famine denhall. .824


l'in d ll n~l t i.

Colonlal- Salt


Reduced Prices-.on Colonial Salt

-=--==-. - -- --====-=

We are able to quote the Lowest Prices since the War on' strictly high.grade


'We will have day •.




fTesh car in a few

We ha ve a car of choice. heavy re· cleaned Oata on the road. Price,


Per bushel at the car. This price will not hold after Oats are unloaded.

Waynesville Farmer's Exchange Co.


~l~td ~hbeuu~~liit ~"':~:~ut~uS~'::ig~~ ing~e











Dr John Zettel Optometrist

db '

19 N~ Broadway






5% Farm Loans





Adwrtise ~SA1eio


'this Ne-Ws. , pa, will brla, !IOu ba1Jel3


r ....- -. ----~....,...,..~-~~---. '~

• ', ', \-1 ....T ' ~ "'-L.L ~ ~Uf~



FOR SALE- Wardrobe and b b , . hed. Inquire of Mrs . James rIck. • 1




FOR SA-LE85 hand-so rted. c llJ?d $1.00 Rn.11 I:"lsher, on

P e tos ky potatoes $1.65. and seeond~ per bushel. Stanley top of Sugar Creek




FOR SA.LE- Laundryette ' in good fI condItion. Inquire at Gazette, Of Fe. 01 PIPES, v/!Ives & fittings, faT all' p~rposes, Bocklet's line of heatll1g -& piumbing,- ~uppliea . are the best. The 'Bocklet·Kin ' . C 416 W. Main St., ~enja, ohfo. ~ , FOR SALE _ Feather pillows. M!uy Brown, Spring Valley, Ohio, R. D. No. 1. .01



Two chi4!relJ, were arguing: FOR SALE DATES CA,.L are n~, longer a1ile to get large do hn- "tt hi," ~ • monlfY ("I' IImall work Eli7.lIbeth- "lt i. n't." Aniong the unenlplo)-e I 1I0W Ill'" ISSUED EVEUY WEDNESDAY lens f thou,nnds of th()8c "whit!!John- "J tell you it is, becau . e MUl1lmy KayS it iI', and, if Mummy 'ollur men" who neV€ r took their The ", ull s hinc Bo.o, tel' la," SIIY it is, it is, eve n if it is n't." D. L. CRANE Publiaher jubs very s~l'iou f;ly. They touM aio f J onah's Hun ·undt(~· 'chool will Office. Phone .. .. .......... ...... .. No. ways ge nnoth r, so they thought; ---ho ld their l'egular Illtleting Priday meantime, th€y -tJ'iecl to emulllte eve nin g e ille mb el' 213. al th e Reaidence ........................ No. ll8 he rich and !lpent th II' illcome~ Mothe r " Bobby are n ' t YOU h'))ll t' o f J UlII s and . lilTo rd DOst er g o ing t (l at your lunch 1" fa s t I' th'a ll they received th lm. Mr. lind Mrs. A . S. ' olle tt und Bobby- " You sai d we were JESSE STANLEY , SubaCl'ipHon Price, $1.50 a Ye.r Those me n plac d a fal se vlllue /{ ollert e nte rtllined at dinner S un - go ing ove'r t o Grandm o ther'S this up on them selves and their se rvi_.____ _ .:. Phone 320, New Burlinaton, Ohio y , 1\<11' . 11nd Mr~ . ou k of Green(la afte l·u oon. " . 'Entered at /'ull o lfi. e 0/ WO.l'ne.uille ceR. And mllny ' of them hllve not - - - , ~;:;-~ --- = - -- -' field , and MI'. und Mr·s . W . 1\1. GilOhio, 01 Second C ia .. Mall M." . r y t be~n dis illus ioned. The y still DIRECTNESS lind c nt ·ntec.l, and I belie ve that la m. EARL KOOGLER Unnk Lhey are wOl,th the fat salhe counts us 1111 as nm ng his very D e na Dllvi. e ntertained several TRY Rl'ie~ they U 8 d to draw, and most good friends. R. D. 6, Xenia, Oblg little girls Soturday afternoon Ilt SEPTEMBER 2 1. , 193 0 of them will never be happy again, Years ag o it became necessnry The incidenl was recalled the a Gift purty. The "iris were enter- OUR CLA'S51FIED COLUMNS . PhoJle Dayton Co. 54J& r'emembering always th e days of t o discha rge a m~n from a certain other day by a confel'ence in aid tain ed with games and mU lllc. e a BY money. co mpany with whl~h I happened to I of an important .chur~ty, The Dena's gifts were II so urce of deFOR RESULTS • • The renlly intelligent office be ussoc lated. HI S s h ort-comings questio n was how to obtain a large l .g ht, D.l l nt y ref I'e, hments of co ~ oa ---- - - - -- - - - - - - - \Vol'kers nre the ones wlio have did n o t refl ect up n n his chsracter nonation from a certain rich mnn. milk, cakes lind candy were served I Imnd th ~ m ~ehles so useful to th e ir 01' nbility; h e was jll~t. t e m pe l' men- All the us unl expedi e nts wore s ugMI'. and MI·s . Chus. E. Gord on I EUROPEAN POLITICS empl oyers Lhat they 1I1'e the la st tuU~' n ut of pln.ce.. g o. t ed. WIJ might "approac h" aud fa mil'y WCl'e ~ unday ICuesls of to bo paid off wh e n tim es flJ'(' dull. bvo ryhutiy Iik ~ d hll~ 1. Nohody hi m Lh r ou .. h hi ~ bankers. Perh[JI>8 MI'. and r.1,·s . Phillips at cnter'• • They hn ve s enSe enough t o l'eali1.e wantl'd to hurt hiS rl'(· ll11g~. He nc e 8,) m<: une ~nuld induce s ome one t o viile. • th ut t he \Vny to get nhead i. to many confere n ces we re hf'ld. s peak to his wifc. It mi!"ht be po~U ... nnd Mrs. F . S. 'I'rip !> w eI' ... in There i ~ sO l\l e thin~ puzzling to sp end less thlln they earn, to p lug , It W ll ~ s u ~~ s t ed thnt II' C' mil('h t ~i hll' t o have a good f!'l e nd of hiS Dodd ~ line llay thi s week. the Am el'icll n ll1ind, t o r ead th e re. h d '. k g e t !<o lH e oth e r co ml'lIrl)' l n o lTer in Los An geles put us in t o uch C h u ~ . Ii. Gruy und Fre tl Harlan port s of the r ec ent e lec tioH of al\'ny stenchly at t e ay s \VOl' • a pos iti on . 01' Iw IIllg ht !J~ gi\' ' n with a fl'iend of hi ~ in hicago . we r c bu s incs ~ vi ~ i tors in X" nia HIGHEST m emhers of th e German rr " i('hstag and b e content with thnt. They II year' s Itl \ '0 o f ause nce. in the Fi'nu ll y II large unn re stle~s m~ l1l­ Frilluy mOl'ning . or Co n gl'c~H'. No less thlln thil'- nre the on es who have s tored up h UlJc that h e I\'o uld 11 0 1 c Ollie hnc k. bel' o f the co mmi t Le e ur ose ."This CASH Mrs. Frunk W ilso n re turn e d t een pUl'ti es el cted me mb e r s. We happiness t o tid e them ov~ r th e Or we might. pUI'!< uud e SO Ill P o ne mak cs m e liJ'l~ d," Ill' I:x,· lairn ed . "I h ome Thul': liay fr ol11 sevcl'ul clny' ~ PRICES think A rnel'itlln po litics is co n fu ~. t" s pea k to so me one (·be who kn ow t his f ellow. II I" g'ets to his v i ~ it with 1\1 r . ulld Ml'lI. il el'tH:o rt I'd, but what .would we think if we culll tllnes. _ _ _ .. ____ wu ld s Ul!'gest to hill, in II round - uffi ce every Ill o l'nillg ut 8 o'cloc k. Fil e and J a n e Ell e n ut Was hingtun PAID had thirteen po litical plII·ties s uf au (} ut way thllt h' o ught to 1· ~·S igll. I'll gil in t Olll o rr ow mornin g nnd C. H . ficiently st rong til e lect membe r s TO HIGHEST BIDDER Meanl\'hile. tim e drifted un . t e ll him I hav e C(j lll (, to usk for II Chas. Brand wa s' II reC{' lIt \'is ito Congress '! Th e re hnvc b('c n Filiall y it o~'c ul'I'ClI to li S that milli on ciollars . A nd I think he'll tOr of ' hus. Madden . thf('e pllrties r e pl'('se Hterin t Was h b ' l d . 1 d I t in srh"min~ arou nd tu find a wily I lik e it." The a nnual all -day st' willg of ingoton. and o nce th'rl' were f.,ur. A C' \\II ~ ~l . II :Inc( I n o~ a t o be kind to hi s man \\'L' we r e I Bai d ,\ alt Whitman, s\lea king of th e J o nuh'!\ Run Miss ionul'\' Cir- i \.._ _~I.JI~=..IJIIII fo r u s ingl e ~e""io n . nut our wh o le wullf't contulnlll g $flOO . H e go t up al'luall y be ,ng V(,I' Y cru e l. We .·h{,1 inan "G e nius is ninety pe l' ell' iviil be he lel lit th e c hur ch Fri - BOOKS politicul s yst em iH ba!ied o n the on n chair and II nn Cl un ced: " G e n-, ~\' er ... alh)\\'.inJ,r him .lI.' wu~te pr e c- : ('e nt dil'e~tnes~, o nd Phil Shcridun day, l:lc l'te mb e l' 26. All ludi~ s lire tw o- porty plun . M inol' diff c r ~ lI r e s tl £' lII £> n, I l(jst my poc ketb oo k with lull S days In u P ,, ~ ( t ,n n wh e re he , wu ~ a ge niu ~ ." "ul'diulh' invited t il ultend. I Tw o hund ...·d million book, w~r~ PHONE 8F] are s wall owe d 01' co mprom ised in $(j00 in it. To th e 111 :10 wh at find s Cli UId 1 ft \VIIl'r"opon I If o ne C~lU Id gat h <' I' up a II t!I e This 'p lac e was 1\'1' 11 l'e prcse nteLl bough l by r~ade : 1 in thr. UniteJ States IUV!! n" U UI'I·. IUI I'!y prog l'lIl11 s !11~d p lut~ol'llI s. .' .. " we s( nt for 111m, dr ew a I " n~ til1l!' that I ~ wll Ht e d Ilnnuully III at th e Warre n HARVEYSBURG, OHIO o unty Fail' la ~ t lail y~ar . Anothr r 2!Xi,l1OO./)J(). I'r oL· 1 he mo. t S tl'l~lng. thing about It. I wil l golve $110. brellth, a nd s puke a s rol l o w ~: I sc heming h,,1\' to d u the r1l' ve r or we ('k. I ably. wrre rtad h)' po:!oo, " no .Lor~h e Ge rlllun , el ectIOn IS ~h e. s l.I ~ld en Voic e fr o m th(' R ear: " I' ll g ive "J oe , it ill nececcal'Y t o t II you , pulitt' thing, be wo uld have hours Miss Kuthl cen Gruhu111 of DIlY - I rowed tl ' ~ fr om public and prl\' ate ~III\P. of th~ Il)null~oclnllt ~r I $75 . th at ye, lire thr ough . . Nnw thu t's e nough to r e li cv(> a ll thl' farm e rs , to n s p(· nt th e week· end lit hom e. I lendina hbrarin. That means that the Mr. and Mrs. John Kenn eLly of . " 'erage Americao reada about thre~ ;OI~clstA3r IYt ~hn\4 .t sct.a, ' I~ over: unci \ ' 1.' dnn ' t n el' d to t llik I kill cm: h fl' uit fly indi vi duall y an d b. e a ~r s eut S ~ I ulluut It any m or e. Let tI ~, th e re - dig t h e ctlnul fr o m th e ocea n to Piqua p e nt Lhe weck-end with I' books a yur. That is DOt very many y I~ regu. fir .. u t'~ IS pilI' y, UI1I. I f ore, glt d own l (j u s(>r ious disc us- I th la kes. th~ir jlarent~, Mr. und Mrs. A. L . . books. ~r---------------'1 th 7b .s ents h~ ld b~ th e C?m n 1 U I l - , s in n nbCl ut your fulure plnn, be- ! l\Iilli',n s o f doll a rs w04 1d be K ~ nlledy. O~ r~alon i. that boolu are not MI'. al1d Mrs. J ohn Th o mas lind euy to bur or borrow in mo.t parts :~t~'i .t7!:muPi~t rht\u!J~lf~ . IUlllpunL cau s(' cvc l'y nHln In th " co mpan y ' sa ved if e~ery bus incss ~o nfe re~ce hallolte (·nte rtnin ed guest s 011 of th~ United Statu. The Americall a h . ·· , ·fi . t . wan ts t o . E· you happy and . uo:- op ened I\'(th the blunt InqUiry, FUNERAL DIRECTOR a ma y n\ (' Sll!:nll CllnCe, 0 cess ful" "Whllt i the s impl est nnd most .' \lndIlY . Library Allociation repc rts thaI 8J th ~t'lh·estr..u f ~hte \~·o l'ld. Til he POltl cl' y W (' 'h Ip!'d fin el the prop el' e n- dil'!,(, t W ilY by which thi s thing ca n MI'. and Mrs. Frunk Wilso n e n- percent of the rural populatioG has f f o e ,'IISC IS pnrty CIl 8 o r )1' , t hit d I 10 ~ .. , WAYNESVILLE, OHIO tertai ~ e d on S . nda y th e ir nie c no poblic library lervic~ . Only a unifi clltion of Germany und Au :vlI'onmen ; E' sony pr os perou~ IC c ne. and n ep hew Mi 5S Grnce lind Itulph v~ry few citiel have boolc:storcstria, unnullll cnt o f the tr ea ties o f III For Ye.ra; r.g"d By W e ldy of olumbus. placel where book. arc the prin"iral V e rsu ill es u(ld ,' t. Gel'!llaill" equal Many Failurea, N"w M"dicine ,(11, be fairly generou ' with it. It is a A vel'y enjoyable day wus s pe nt tommodlty lold. Enterprising pub F~ll¥ Equipped for Good ity in milita r y f or c with e vcry W ~()o d plan to p luc e ell h Handwich ut the cozy home of 1\1 r. lind M r~. U.hen arc now pu.hillK tht' nlr of other Europelln na t ion li nd the Bring. H".lth. Service. in u ~e pal'a te pi e ce o f wuxed paper I!:. M. Villurs un Maple st. when bookl in drug.torel, ciliaI' .tll~es and res tol'lltion of G e rmany's col o lli <:s . Large Di8play Room. und other th,ng • • lik e ca ke li nd th e following gue ~ t 8 ca me ' unrailroad itati om . along with mon y itcllIs f ur nnl deviled el('gs. :;ho ulcl lik e wise each, dny t? help MI'. Vlllllrs celebrute We . rud more lIewallape.r. and Ambulance Service d e mo cl'llt izlIti on. If the d o minan t ha \'e th'ir indivi 'J ual pi ec~ of hl:l lJll'thduy : Mr. and Mrs. Wm. lIlagUIJIIU than IIIV other "alUm, and force in th e ne w He i.. hs und erwnx ed pll Jl1-· r. Vic l' ly and family .or o lum bus, that is all to the ·lIood. But lIohody Telephone 7 Day or Ni,bt tak es t o pu t any s lI ch proJrram in Mr. and Mrs. Lesc lle H udge l s on cln claim to be educated. or lI~t tbe to effect. II n oth I' EUl'opeun war I I Mr. Mllu tie Binkle y. "f Blunches- most out of life, unl".. he or Ihe Uae Contalnor. wo uld s e m to Le in<: vitaull· . TIlE' I . tel', MI'. and Mrs. S eth Freeman .Iso readl book.. s uf e ty in th e s ituution li c:! in the Th e yo ung uu s in e~s g irl, who I an d ramily al)d Mr. li nd Mrs. • • • impl'obubilit y (I f all.\' lWo rlld icn l , Cfl l'1'i '8 a mid-d:Il Y s nu c k t o ~ uve the I Elm ~ 1' I-lull o f Dayto n, Mr. nnd PRESSURE gro ups ngn'l' ill l! o n the sam e procos t of uuying lu nc heon at a res- ' MI·s. Vess Fl'eemulI und fumily ,f gram. Watch your expiration date on the Illurant or cufet e tiu, us ually \\'unts Xenia , Mrs. Licla 'illllrs und Miss O~ of the greatnt dilcoveries ol T he Miami Gn:tette t o hu ve h ' r lunl'h pa r ked well diS- I Doro th eu Villars or Bellbro ok, und acience is that if you ,clu~eu anyth ing SCHOOL LUNCHES ---------------. guiS{'d a nd a s S I11I1I1 a ~ poo- Mi ~s Rhe a MeCal·ren. hard enough it will charllCe into some I sib le. Fo rtllnutely most sc hoo l IMMIGRATION I A ho usew ife who hilS to put up c hildl'('11 hun' no s uc h pl'ej udi ces ' ttlllli et.e. If you put two or threoe t hr ee lun ches ev r y 1II0 min g fol' and th er(' is no rea 'o n why. yo u LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE thing. into. onr vressure' ch"mJ;>er an!! " lhrec c hildr l' n in~i s ts thut thi s is sho ulel not plovid l! a lun h box l app:y. ,ufficlent ~. ~ c5S ure th~.' w,lI con:Th e lo ng di stan ce te lep ho ne bme Int~ aomethllllC !lew. . • . t he ver y hard es t thing about kee p- th ilt is large e noul!:h to h old a Thi s is a l!oo d tim e to check up ing ho u ·e. It seems to he r a s if variety of gelod things in co n veil- cubl e rout e between T o led o and A~.'IYll1i t~II'.' Dr. F! ,e.lrl<.h lJel'llhl on inl1nigrati II , li nd th e repo rt ho us(: wor k would be a pl easur e I ie,nt co nt ui ne l"s. 1'0 protect the C incinnati , whi ch pu sses through of Germany dlscove; cd :h~l you an of Ih l! Stut E' depa r tment mad l' t o we rl' it not fo r those lun ches. I lull cheon and to kee p the thin gs I Df/ y to n, hus jus t bee n completed (Jet lOO!h rallo ns (j l psolm~ ('~" (If Pres iclent H oo v E' r ~ndicn t es that VOll bt less th e thing that mak es , fro m cr us hin g it is u good plan t o l and several circuits have bee n c ut 100 iallOll~ o.f cruJe OIl! You tUllpl) the auth o riti es at Wus hingt u n are th e m harci c6t is thut they mu s t be I lill e th e uo x 0 1' ba sket with a s uu - into se rvi ce, thu s increll ing long- put the 011 mto I plI:I&Ure cna'lIber d o ing ever~' thin g' poss ibl e t o pre(Jre pured in th e ea dy morning stu n t iu l ro t to n 01' linen lunch nup- ' di s tllnce t lephone farilities f o r I in company with a \joanti;y of heated vent f o reign lab or from co min g inMR , D. L. GOSLING wh e n there; usua lly . is enough tO l kin , pruv iding u pape r napkin 0 1' Wayn esv ill e and other t own:- near hy dro(Jcn gas amI apply ii p~~~~ul~ ,or t o the Unitcn Stut '. at a time do S1 1l111b' III Ilre pnl'lI1g hI' akfa t. tW() e ve r y Jay f or Ildual lise. Th e n the r o ut e. 13,{)()fJ l.ound. to th~ ... uare 111(h. 1 h~ wh e n not all o f o ur own people can "At m y ago, 88, I hud no id en T ,? be s ur e, Ro me ho u. ewive ' s im- US part o f YOUI' packing e4uipmcnt J. T : Wilkerson" Di ~ l. Mgr., of hydrOlen combine. with the uil .Uld find e rnpl oynH!nt. that uny med wo uld h elp me." I phfy .the tas k by l;lut~lI~g them uy yo u s h ~ uld buy ~o m~ waxed paper, th~ OhIO Centrul 1 e leph?ne Co rp. you lJ.~t. mor" iasohne out than you Me xican immig r a tion in to the ' lIit! Mr. D. L. Gos ling National ' th e night bc fore, IIl Sls tlll g thnt If I c o p~ With close ly filtlng pu ·teboard SRld thllt th e te lephon e hnes from I put 011 In. United States has practicully cells- 'M ilitary H om e, Du y to~ . "1 s uI- the sa ndl\'i ch e. are wral>ped in \vax : to ps in whi c h to put so ft food ', Wuyne 'vill e connect with th e cable I Too mu<;h . hyd!ogen in gas e d, th e State de l)lIl·tment re ports, fered f"I' ve ur ~ and ull the me di - ed pap er ' and pia e d In t he I'e- s uch n ' ulad mixture, c u ~ tard, cut at !Ja yton by way of Le banon. cau.... knockllll' III the COIIILu~lI on a !< a res ult of thi s res triction. Cu- cines a nd ti'c !ltrn cnts I tri ed proved. fri geruto l' they will ue quite fre sh up fruit, !'ice-pudding 01' so m t.hing It II lso co nnec ts this co mmunity chamber of YC)\Ir automot..ile cn&ine. Phone S9W 1 0 1' the s ort. In co ld weather eve n with an all -cable route which Anothefo new application of preuure naciiun immigrati o n has fall e n off w OI·thless. I had s tomach trouble the n e xt dllY. materially. nl ess a f o reign e r I ~ o uadly thut I could n ot at u Eve n th oug h yo u d o not uctu ully gelatin e prepara tions -s uch a s jel- makes a loop around Ohio. This i. the "auollne wringer," which hilS r elatives in the Unit(>d States, m ell l with ou t bl oatinl!:. Co ff e e or makc th e snndw ic h c. the nigh t be- ' Ji ed t o mato 0 1' bouillon or jel lied cable loo p goes so uth fr o m To- tQueeMi u :cua h),drolen out of guowhich e nti.tlt' hil~1 or he r t o pre~er- l lIlilk cuused me to become ill. I lost fo r e you ~lay very cas ily.gel >ome : fluit el e se rts - muy b<; in clud ed in ledo t o Dayton, ea. t from Da.yton line. One reuon for the lo~er pr:ce of ence, he IS havlllg u har~ler tlm.e weight, strength und e ne rgy . of t.h e thmg r~ady. It IS w e ll to Ith e lunch wh e n th ese tI g htl y closed thro ugh Columbus .to Cambndge, '.ill101ine mOlt eVlrywhere " the adopthan eve r b fo r e h' gct 1I1tO thiS "I took t en boltles of Konjola. ~c t 1I1tO th e hab it Wh . ll you firs t go contl! 1I1e l'S nre used. nort h fr oll1 Cambndge to Cleve- Hon of theM and other new fcientitlc cOllntry . That was tw o a nd on e- half · years I d ow n to preparc llrellkfa: t to tak e WItho ut rnut~ h trouul(' one muy land, and wes t from Cleveland t o lilCowria by the big oil com'l ... ni~ •. Thllt i ~ n s it should bc. -Our l ugo. I have n ot tak e n Konjola f or I tI ~ much butter a s yo u ~hink yo u I cC :IIltriv e alw ays to have s Ollie ad - T o led o .. A:mong th e other large •• ~ IirHt cillty I;; tn OUI' own peo ple. tw o year!; now but I sti ll feel fine. will n eed ro r th e RH1H.lwl ches and. dlt lon t o th e sc hoo l lunch eo n in communItIes ulong th(' route Ilre LBMONADE Likewise, th e po licy anounred by I actually fe e t tw.pnty yea r s young set it o ut 0 th~t it ~vill lle warm t he ~\' IIY o f a s u rp rise. This may FindlllY. Springfield,. Newark, ..... Gov£>rn nl' H o ose ,,~lt of New York, e r thun I did tw o years ago. I enough t o spreall ea ~ lI y when you cons ist of a few ca ndies wl'llpped Newcomers town, MaSSillon , and IlaKin( lemonade out of IU)lhinlJ o f empl oy in1t o nly citizens o n pub- hHv l' tnld III Ol'e thun fifty fri e nds want it. Breael s hould be fr es hly in a pi ecc o f wllxed paJ)('r. a few Akr on. Branch cubles lead to Fre- but cae .u,ar i. a I(ientitic achieve30 Yenrs Experie nce in lie work . • IS !n acco rd with the uLo ut Konjolll und I sh all never c ut. buttered and fill ed nt. onc e Ilnd . a iled or : hell t'd nut s, II l ollypop, mont, Li~la , Deillwa~e, Z~nesvi11e, ment whldl hal actual!1 bUll put into Fitting and Making Glasses Cl'!I e to praise th e medicln<' that th e n wrapped securely 11l wnxed , :O ll1 e IIIl1k c hu co lute 01' even an Canal Wlnch est(' r, C Irclevill e, Lan- :ommerclal ""c:dcc. Chemla .. of the needs nf t.he tIm e.' . - at-- - - - - .. did so much fat' me ." )laper. · ~rlcxp e c t e d fiv e: cop nt piece with u caster, Ruvenna, Niles and Youngs U. S. BU~NU of Chemi.try told a CARY'S JEWELRY SHOP Age is no bar to the merits of . Egg!a H"lpful . littl e I) ... t .. t o xplain that it is to be town. .. loienu6c meetlll£ recently of • fungus - - -- -- - . thi s lIl!ls tol'-medicine. When given A Wide vlIl'l ety of sa n(l\n chcs s pent f o r some s pecill ll y ca ndy or The part Jus t fill1 :!hed, thus com- which wbnt placed on eane s\" ... r in E¥erJ Tue'd.y, Thurad.y, S.turday I II r eu l test, us ulI!ly from six to mll~ be .made from egg: One of th e bakel"s ca ke on th e wll y 'h o me fl'um plelin~ th e loo p, 1i e~ lle tw e.e n Fin- ,abalk,; pan Uld fed with the proper "WHITE-COLLAR MEN" e ig- ht w ee k ~, KonJola has made a ea s Ies t IS made by le tting the eggs \ school. . Il' Y unci Duyto n. It contullls 260 amount of nltrOflen, will convert the '110 Cb.rce for Ex.mination I I re co rd that would c hallenge be- boil . ve ry hard. the n peeling ~nd A lways if puss ible th e s cho ol I'('gu l~r lo ng . di sta.nce teleph~f.le into citric acid. which i· the --------------- - - - - - - • . li ef w e re the ~ctual fact s not cut tJll~ up fin e. lind th e n s preadmg lun c he o n should contain so m!! sort CI.I'(, UI.ts and : IX radiO bl'o~d~u stmg IC d of lemont . kn nwn and vertlfied. on buttel'ec.i h ces o f bl'eud. Some of fl'ult- un apple n ban una an CirCU its f o r th e transmiSSion of I. proceu ia so ch~p, they ,aid, l;;;;;iii1iiiI~_______;;;;-;;-';-;;';'; -;;;;;;;On e re ult of ev ry peri od of deKonjola is sold in Wayn('sville, peo'ple lik e II Il'ie~ -e&,g sn ~~wich. om nge, II pe ur, a b~nch of gr~pes. cha in ,P l'0lJ I'll III S •• Whe n th~ r('st of that Qne manalacturina concern which T flnti on is thlll it r('nders so mSIlY OhiO utAdama Drul Stor" and by Egg WIth may onnaIse I delicIOUs. - -__ the circuit go m to serV ice , long II1II eltrtc:,lICIclln lar,. quantltil!l hal - - - young ' m en disco ntined when th e 1\1\ th e best druggis ts in nil town Waxed puper is 80 inexpens ive Chocol. t" Cr".m eli 'tnn Ce fu cilities between Toledo Idooted the ,,- method with .atiline vitable slump comes and they I throughout t his entire section . that you have littl e r easo n not to and Ci ncinnati will be tripl e d. with f~ , Grote three s quares of bitter thes e facilities uvailab le to Way'!'hIre" DO~t of nature which ~hoc o illtc and mix with two cups of n('s ville telephonl' u ser~. DOt IOIae be factori" •. With Dependable cr lilli, half a cup of s ugllr, and th e On the s outh. th e loop connects • • ~vel1beaten yolks of , ix eggs. Cook with the Pittsburg- St . Louis MBTtIANE Serum and Virul By A !herr 1'. .Reid In !l do u ble boiler until smooth and ~llble ,and o n the n orth with the Yetbue i, natural.... Pipe line. thick, s tirring c:o ns tantly, thon add New YOI'k-Chicago cab lc. ' in.urea both Safe_ _ • - __ _ a purkage of gl'lllt~ne which has c:arrfttar It 'rOUl the 011 field. to tbe bIc Ctdie for fuel an multlply~ ao hee n ~ u"Ked and dissolved . Tllke ty and Succel8 fr OIl1 the fire and when cool bul t~ 'flAt It 111&~ oot be loug belI ut. se t, fold in II cup of c~eall1 fort ,yen tht Alau:lc Jeabo~rd will which has been whipped so lid. Add lie Mire n ..tu: II ".s. • a f~ w drops of vanillll. Mould , c hill W.'lCfI t.h~ ,uPI,jy lIiY~ s ,'ut . as it a nd sel've with whipped Cl'ell11l. Harveysburg,. O. wiD in time, Pro(euor A. M. Busof the Universily oj Illinois lUllPhona 31 Tal". OIJt of School 1I~1tI that farmera alo~lg the roukJ of th, pipe line. Ciln m:&nufacture methane I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=: A Indy wO s ente rtaining the sm a ll from ',nn wa.te. and pump it into ~ on of a lIlurri 0d fri e lld. the pipet. He hal e)tl'f'ricn~lIted "ith "Arc you quite s ure you can cut certain bacteria whi ch tu. n I!vcr)1hiui y 111' meat. Willy" s he IIs ked Into methane. He has f~d th~m corn \\ uldlin g him l!\ moment. ' SOTARY PUBLIC .talkt, 10)' beanl, bean "ill!!5, str"w "Oh, yess um ," he r e plied with . and uuhior and they turn it all iuto National Bank out loo king up. "We often have it THEY VI: GOT eA8Y natural a s tou g h li S tlli,' at home ." The ulty with utilizing farm Wil .. Drawn - • Eatatea Seulecl ----- A,UTOMOal L..f:S AN' wut. in indUltry ia the expens~ of WAYNESVILLE, OHIO the waate to a celltral LOST LOVE TOM-THUMB C70LI7 tran.portJllII fllCtory. If ever)' farm l:Oul<i han ill own natural J~ plant, thlt difficullY By And,-"w. Lang 1 RoE.' ~()N THE. would be elImInated. Wh o win s his love ~ halL lOSe her, WIL.L.. BE 5T ' ~ Who Inse:! her s hull gllin, F Ol' sUII the spirit wo os he r PO C. K. ETA t R PLANE61 wh.Y 8ym like LindA so u I without a stain; • bet,h, Coetc and lly I'd are acclaimed And Me m o ry. still purs u eR her It herDt. I. beeallM C!\'erybody apWith longing s n ot in vuin! prcc.l&te. the ri.k the)' rail in their hlltorltal "!ebb. When we think of He loses her wh o gains her, theIr leall we think of the pi 10 11, Who watches day by day . not of the planu. The du st of tim e thllt stains her The Graf Zeppelin has flow n The griefs that leave her gr~y, around the world, croued the AtROOT FOR AND CONSIGN The fie. h thnt yet enchain s her lantic lour timu wIthout mi.hap. The y e ur Cattle. hogs, sheep and calvCli Whos e gnlce .hath passed away I A Battl e · Creek physician says, R-1OO, BrltI.h diri,ible, was the fir.t to Norris-BI'ock , Co., live wire and • "Constipation is responsible for aircraft of an)' kind to crall the progressive firm for the hlghelt , Oh.· happi e'r he who goins not, more misery thAn any other cause.' ocean, eleven yean IliO, nil! R-IOt market pri,c es and j!;ood lIervice, , The Love so me seem to gain : • _But immediate relief has been recently Yor"td from Eng lind to Union ' S~ock Y.rda, Cillcinnati, 0 , The joy ,that c usto m stains not . found . A tablet called RexlIlI Ord- Canada and bade. Our own Los Ret.r ....e.: Ask first man you me"i' S hall s till with bim remain, e rlies has been ·discovered. This Aaplti crui.u all over the AmenTl\o love lin e.s tli1at wanes n ot, tablet attracts wate r (rom the sys- can t-itpbere. Nobody rememberl ,The Love that ne'er ca n wane. tem into the lazy, dry, evacuating the namea of the pllota of tbue bowel called the colon. The water.. lhlpe; . w. think of the ahip, not the [n dream s he 'grows not older loosen s Urn dry food waste and The lands of Dreams am ong, causes a gentle, t horo.ugh, natural ~. I'fttcll1 il that ""! RIlae the Though al! the world wax colder, movement witho\lt forming a habit · ~, ~reater lafety of the Though all th~ songs be lung, or e,v er increasing the dose. ilirialblL The latter', pa.~n,en In dreams doth he behold her Stop suft'ering from . con~tipa­ UJd enw can hardl), be laid to be Phone tion Chew a Rexall Orderhe at Still f~ir and. kind and young. dIkUw their~at all. The importnight. Next day bright. Get 24 fpr t t .... ,I die 'f uture wiD be • 25c today , at the nearest Re~aU . ., • ratlae! ~ ~ S"bKl'ibe tor rne lIIIaJlli Guette Drul Store. Ad.mB DrIl8 Store. ~ - -'- .


Stanley &Koogler

----- - ...

Auction ,:,e rs

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- ...

------ .

Dead Stock,Wanted

Harveysburg Fertilizer Company





h I



J. E McClure


i8 J I


I .



__ _


.'-------------- -------------.


r. Martin Auctioneer


Centerville, Ohio










=========----=:: :..:. .......:==

Sight Specialist

-- -----------



The Heavy Training Season Is On

Dr. W. E. Frost






-. - ---




• •


'r . C.·W-;,-ANSON Veterinarian





Tht' Dr. b ql uw l'V impro~. 1 ing. . I ;\11'. and ll'~. K.,.ler GI'llhntn lind I ill. BCI'nio:e l'lIj,ly\'d II flll11iIy d in~' ner ' unday, In hO I1<)1' t1 f thQ birt h- I day o{ 1rl<. Grllham\; m oth e r , l\11'~. al'l Albl'ight, lit h ' I' holn in W llyn , vi Ill', Mr. lind 11':. 'hal'\ e. · lark And 11. r. ('lar k , ('1\11('(1 a ll 1\11'. unll M r · 1 ('lIl'I Picke ring and 1r~. Ada , hen I \lwet h Sundny II flel'llI1 o n. '\' h Int- I tl'l' wh ll i ~ ho m!! fnllll thl' h(lpp lllli is improving. bul \\' ill re mai n in , ht't! f\ll' II sho rt I i nll'. . MI·~. : . 11. II nill\!)\ aud SO il , .J II III !!S, lind ;\I I'. unt! Mrs. WHit I' KI' nri(:k, i n ('(llllpany wllh s('v('I'1l 1 fl iend,,· from ~"rinJ.:I,,'r(\, lllllttll'eri tn ('lal'k:villc ,' UlldllY IIlId s lwn t t he dny wilh r. l l' ~ . Bl'lI p F o rd y' /', :'I I I'. :l llti :'I I I'S. W illiam ('o ll'lllnn elltel'tain cd I)\'C I' t he \l'cek' I' IHI a nd to ~ u n d'I Y dinll e l' Ihl' f"i1o\l'i ng fd ' nel" f !'lllll ('illeinl1ali: r.lrs. R o bins on, MI' . lind 1\11·s. .) n hn I\l utz . Mr. li nd :\1 I's. R. II. C;ooZ('v .f ac·k Khl tz nn" Roy Tayl or, .


Quit n 1111111111.'r Ilf perSons from hert.! fit! nd d th Leonll n Pllir 1a t w k. nll ' l' Kenriek mnde a bll ~inc s!l trip () inr i nl1 uti Monda y. I.t' vi GIl·nt'h lise o f I)lIylo n was n gllest III lh e h me of hi s da ug hter. MI'M. Iyue Whu rl o n, • Illurduv lin d • IIl1dnv. ' Mr,. Fl oyd a \' llg(' i:\ , till (' Oil' fi n ed t o h pr bed !lnd ht r 'Il Il(li t iul1 1'('Jllnins ab ou t th . amI'. r,1I-. alld Mr s. All el\ 1I :ll'llv o f Lebano n Wl're I\' cl,k· end ~1I1'~is tlf .Mr,. Ann L. Illith. , M I'~, Murg !I l'(· t J ohl1 ~ :pe nt Sill· IIl'd llY I\t thl! hO)l1\e of hQr bl'Otl .. ,I', Am,. onk. 1I~1l1' \\':J Y ll ,,~\' i lil'. , 1.1 ". IInri 'Irs. OI' 1l II nwke. on ancl duught l' r, 1\1 I ~ . E lla 11PS-<' I' , and Mrs. William nel'~do 1\ wei'l' Dnyt o n shuppe r ~ M li nda l' . ,t/;l nley Bai ly, II'h o' hilS bet' ll w Ol'kll1g lit lho I . . R. hll~ I14'C('pt I' oj 1\ I""')li o n ,with r.;I'CI'1'l1 Eurl \' nt LYll e levator, . ~1 i ss l' ~ Vel'll e nn F'1ll( , He len Pr.' Pnd n~ d , BN nicl' t: ru h nm , 1"('" ('clI'NI (11'17.('1.' f,' r th l?ir l'lIl1Imen. dab le 4. 11 , \~' ork d i~p l n ~' e.d Rt till' - - -Leban on I·a ll'. . Th e Il th nnnlllll hom e r minI! MI', lind 1111'S. W a ltcr \\' hitn k N . will be hel d hore th i~ .cu ill in g Sun· ,hli<i r n and g uest, Mr ~, 1dn rill Y. All dny sl"'ViCI S And :l bn ~ kl'l !:i lltl''' I', ~pe n t Ul1d llV with Mr dinner ot noo n. E y,' I'vh\lII\' wei nn.d Mrs. \\, illi ~ Mr Mi liin n en r Wi! : t:lIIIIC. . . mlllgton , ' RcI' Lnff(" t tl . , MI'. lind 1ItJ' ~, p, A. HUII .l'l'In fill >u 'I ' r~ , Ie n w ll11 nlstC'r lind 1111', and 1\11'1<. Em l' l'sII n lI ill S t i t Ie pulpi t at Lyll e t: hlll'c h li nd , 0 11 . Rillv nj ol' cd /I t "ip tn ,~ n ,ay a fl e l'l1 ~o ll. H e w ill a lso) I nell l' P Ol'\ ;,m Oll;h SUlida\'. plea' h lit Spl'IIll!'bo l'O 11 nd Rt'ocl . Li tl ll :'tIl', u nd l\[r~. II t'l'llrrt l\! l1l'hll t O~al • urfnee \\'h o' t M' , a nd sn n Edm o n und ~I I' . nnd M r~ , "y a II ey ho p .itn l,. is slightly 111 a III III I 13 'l o illl- ' ~l/h n1\1 F _al'nilu\11' t slll·(I'n.t ;SIunh(I II~I' proved since Sa tur da n I ' '" I'. anIJ . I'~. '. I' IS .. II' al' th l? ;1I'd bloo d tl'llll. f~ ~ i onnl. , !Ilee and dnu ~h ter iloro t hy. Mrs. Id a Sa l'\'(' I' o f Urlund o. Fla. 1111'S. LnUI'1l Re ('(1 !I nti .t llug-h!m· h~ ~ ,for th e pa,·t 111'(> week's 'bee n o f HOl'v pys bulX" lind H ns~o n 's o f I'1!!ltll1g h er b.rother " alter Whi t. IJaytun l< p,' nt . ul~dny with Mr, ,f u h n Leyl nnd faml) y, a k I' alltl fnrnliy Mrs. Oral ~~fnc d' Miss lurn DUllgh t(jr~ s pent 1\ epe nt S undu}' wi th \ t l1 c hlrl(Ue~ f ew days la!l t we ek w ilh Mr~. , .R obe r t BlIrnet r. tine 1' .. B. Marlatt. M L . MI'. Hnt! !\II'. E. J , Ru th e rfo l'd h r . oweJl Th omas e nterta in e d and so n Har o ld s pe lll ~ unday Ilt , e r grand·fa~ h e r, Mr. Well er of the Zoo at C in cin nll t i. enr Ce nte r vIlle, to dinner Sntlll" Mr. and Mrs , J ohn Ry e s pe nt n y ,. Su ndny with M r, and M rs. E lto n MISS Muriel Sy kes o f Daylo n Eva ns and cillught('r . I\ IArjorie, of call d on MI'. and Mrs. J ames J ohn s n ear Be llbrook. and .1\11' . K es ler· Grahnm Fl'iduy 11'. nnd 1\h'~, l-/ uro id Ke llis lire eve nm,g. t he pro ud pArents o f a baby gi rl Mr. and Mr8. tan ley Bail y . bo.rn, . Mo nd uy nW,l'ning a t t h e and ~rs. Ed . H opkin s s pe n t Mo,n- MIami Vo l.l e?, Hlls llIlal . Dayto n, O . day .111 Daylon, s hopp ing. Mrs .. Wdham. W e lc h "pent Su n· Misses Sar~ B ow man and In n d,ay With he r SIster, l\IrR. Th om as Dea rth o f Spl'l ng boro were calling Ke nnedy o f T o led o. - - .. - - on. Lytle f ri e nds S unday afternoon. ~I SS Bowman moves to Dunkin'S. Vi lle, Adams Co. , this wee k. Subscribe (01' The Mi n mi Ga zet te Mrs. H e len Graham and dau g h- _~~~~_~~==~~~~~ , ter, J e an of Dayton are visiting - - - . h er parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L.




AT THE CHURCHfS IN WAYNESVILLE WAYNESVILLE CHURCH dF CHRIST ( IHl e n 111 i naLi onal) !liLI , S ch o I /I t !J :30 n, m. Lord's uP l)e r lit conc ill si II. .h r i, tilln I.~ nd (· nvor al 0:015 p. m . ('('ll l'gC Mlli e r, L(·ad .. r . ~: v e lt in~ eVll ngc lis tic s l'ni cc at 7 :'15 p. Ill. l:ie l'1Il0 11 s ubj ect . "Other ~ ." I't'llye r ;\11, .. t inl( I'ach W <,d ll e. llny III 7: 1I5 1' . Ill . TIll! (:hu rt' h wh !!l'l! yo u f eel at home. ' G. . Di bert, Pustor.






ST . MARYS CHURCH Sept e mh e r :!R , F ifl r e nth S utl liar lifter T rini t y . ('hll l' l'h !<l'h l101 u't !l ::3 0. Morn ing Prll ye l' un d se rm on ill

D~~. :~:~::. ~harles

war-tlrne gas is belnl{uscd to kill rOl ts on Hik~ r ' s 151<111(1, New York, lind the same method It- eJfe~'i\'~ ai~illSt , gophers" \\,oogchllcks and other burrowln, rodent.. , ' ,

I () :::W.

R ev . J. J . Schae ff e r, Hector. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ( Und e ll o llli nut iu nul) .' undu y \~ ill bl! Rlilly Day and , II o III I! COllll nJ!'. Bih le Sc hoo l a t !I ::.\U a. Ill . L OI'd's ~ upp e r lInd SC I' mop at 10 :30. Ha!i ke t Dhlller a t 12 ::10. A grout uft ern oo n progrum at 2 :3 0 p. Ill. The princip al Hpe ake r at. t~ls session \\'ill he P . H. Ca na r y IlIlnls l e r uf th e Madis onville hurch of hd Olt, Cinc inna ti. W e will also h em' briefly fr olll our f 0 Illle I' III i n i ~ t e r ~ . Good III usic numb e r~ will be inte r s persed throughout th e prog ram f o r the cnt ire day. olli e and e n joy the fe Ilu wship of thi s great da y with us. Che ste r A. Williamson, 'Minister

F'Ioyd !(int, Jr~ o f !<an,aI, holding the largest 'UIl00wel' ev~ frown In t~ state.. It meuutes ' lix foet arouncl.


\\, ill . Gu..-ti n 11'(111 HI the f_u bunnn fa ll' \\,It ll 11 01 ' 11('(' :-iha nor' " draft ho l'''(, .. Cln s~ No, I tl l' ~t :ln d :-;eco nd I prel1l!lIl1l O il 4 .1'1' . a nd uvt' r, and 1s t Jlr ,' Il11Um o n I h ' drafl l ell II class Nil. ~, ~ l'(''' nd pI em ill III on druft t ·lI nl. Am o un '! $ 45,

:'III'S. Anna Cudll'n ll ud c r, Miss Lil l' . '\ I, i ~R Ann ie und Miss ;\Ium e BI'o wn 11' (' 1' 1' in Da y tu n S at· urd ay to sec M,·s. J . J . S chaeffe r J ohn j[ lIi n e~ , uf P U I' ' \ /1, \'i~ , \\'hll is rl'c ,' v e rinK fr u m injllri c~ itl' d I (' llIth'us h l!!'l' ::;~n I~y. ('(' i\'('(1 ill lin Hutll Hcci d (' n l in C l ev~ lun d 11 f 1\' lI'e,e kti fig". Raymontl 'o nn e r Il nd fll mll y lI't')'c 'h illi('uthc vi"i l u l'~ . un(la~' , ~I r". il l nl' ~' McCluru, 'Mrs. E: nlllll\ ill eCllIre IInrl Mr ~. L. H . Gl)l'd o n u'pcI'in! cnd c nt /Inti \II', .;1. IV IIrl'iI','d hom ' ")'lIll"day ni g h t af l or Lu l z . p e nt th e wl'ek -o nd 'l l i")I'I'e;: a de lig htfu l m o tor trJ p throuj! h t h e OhIO. N urt hw cl'it IIn.1 :l ,p l ca~lInt vi s i t Ilt . . ' . . t h e h "m~ of Mrs. Mllr y McC l lI l'O' S J OSia h !l.UI'I" a n d fum il y e nj o ye d ~ i s ll!r in \)u lu lh, Minn. u m ot o r tr ip t hl' oUf,(h Hll ul heas te l'l1 O hi o S un day. Mr. li nd i\'Irs,. J. Wilso n 1':dwl1l',ls nn d O. J . E d ward s ha ,l liS thei r O. . J ohnslln, o f P ort William, din n e r gu'sts on S unday. !II ... ar>J i: "p~ nding t h e week w ith 1\11'. Mr~ . Will Ru s um, Ml b~ Mal'lI'Arl't a nd I\l rs . F. D. Dakin. Hu ssum , Dr. and Mrs. Gail Itll ssllln IIl1d da ug ht cl'II o f Dt\v lo n, Mi as H, 1\1. S he rwood , Rn bert ~Cl'\'i ", TI' i1l e na n nd ~I l !l~ MUl'g;: rl1 t I~ ,I­ Mr. a nd Mrs, H e rmon CO!lI.f' l· we r!: wards. in COI'UlllbuH Thu rsd ay . (,11I 1'lI



Early and children, III company with friends frorn the Progressi ve U. B. church near Miamsburg, sp ent Sunday at the Soldier' Horne, neur Dnyton. Mrs. plive Dinwiddie Wardlow w.on the ton of coal at the Early ~Isplay at Lebanon fair, by guessIIlg the exact numb e r of pounds 172 % , in a lUmp of coal. Mrs. Mary Carrnony, Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter K e nrick a nd Mr. a nd Mrs , James Johns attended the funeral of Mrs. Joseph Charnpion at Centerville, Thurs day a fternoon M r , and Mrs, Glenn Brock of Indianapolis, vi si ted the forrner' s parents , Dr. and ¥rs . L. G. Brock

• umnHlI' sc he dul e- 1s t , 3rd and flth S unday. Mu s:; a l 8 :00 a. ill. ; :!l1d and 4th Su nd ny. Mass a t 9:3 0: Hev, Lnwl'e nce B . Mo11mann. '



Late Classilied Ads WANTED


Mr, n ncl Mrs. N, L. Hoger '. of fPo n t T~e&lllY w ith MI'. an d MrH. Mar k R ogl!,l'~ , , prl l1 ~boro ,

WANT ED- T buy yo ur poul try, eall Il nd get t h em . Will ~ ell t r a d e Pro fe . lloJ' a nd Mrs. ClaUd Mco r e xehan A'e roos t e r s unrl 'pulle ts Cu lli ster Of W ilmingto n s pen t un· for breedin g anrl r a is ing. See Will c1ny with Mrs . Su!\an Pay n e . Gus tin. 824 M yel' H Yll1lln an d fnn'liy w p. rr in in c innnt i "u estlay to 11\ t e nd FOR SALE t he J ew is h N cw Yea t' S CI", ie.' FOR S ALE- Mo del A Ford Sport B ellutiful g ln !;~wal' and s ets Co upe . Exceptio nall y good shape. New tir es and h eatl?r , Ren- of di sh es. Cary 'H Je we lry ' h op sUl)uble . Ca ll 5!JF 41. /32 4 Leban o n, Ohio. S tor~ open even: ings.

Mr. And l\lrs.

'herman Ferris

MI'~ . Reinhart and three childr e n:

VA YNESVlLLE M. E. CHURCH W cc!n osd uy : Bi ble study lind pray(. I' me eti n g at 7 :3 0 p . rn. M ee tin g of Su nday sc hool board at 8:15 p, Ill. Frid"y: Choir pra clice at 7:30 p. m. S und ay: Sundayschool at 9 :30 a. 111 . Mu rning war. s hip at 10 :00 Epworlh Le ag ue at 7 :00 p. Ill, PI'eac hlng se rvice at 8 p . m. Chester A. Wi\liarnson, Minister

- -- -






DUTY .'. . ....;:,. ~


.",.. \







A blr, broad·shouldered, thlck·trended Goodyear AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT .MI ses' Dori s Hawke, Frances wi,th 6 plies of a sturdy, shock-absorbin!\' Superayers, Conine R obb ins and Sara' twist Cord (Goodyear "patent) to withstand hard Missildine, enroute to Le bAllon .~Iows on the road. Yes, sid.Full overs ize and a Tueday evening, s u stained minor h d • injuries when the automobile in An some looker. Latest example of the s uper which ther were riding cra!\hed in- valuetl Good)'ear. can .offer b«ause of enjoying to a CinCInnati car, parked at th e the world's larg est tire sales. It's a BUYI s ide of the r oad, without lights. C o rda The accident happ en ed when Mi ss 4 Ply. 6Ply. Hawke , wh o was driving, turned l!9x4.40 $5.65 :lOx:! I~ o ut to pass a machine approac hin g 1aOX4.1>0 6.45 $8. 75 ;1 I x4 9 .70 from t.he .sout~, and faile~ to see , 28x4 .75 7.65 :J2x4 the Cmcmnatl car, the hghls of 29x4.75 7.75 10.10 !lax,' whic~ had gone bad. The Hawke ~Ux5,OO 8.,10 10.45 :l2 l( ,1 ~ machllle was badly damaged. .lOx5.00 8 .30 10.80 :J:h; ,,\ ~J .. _ 3lx5.25 9.90 12.15

of L ove land, Mr. And Mrs. Karl Dl!al'thag e, of this place, WayIlln d J o rdan and family of Hyde P!ll'k, Ho ben Myers of : Loekland, I\'l!l'e Su nday gues ts of the J u rdan family, Mrs .. Li zz ie Wil on, of n e ar Leb-"===--.-~-an on , i ~ vi si ti ng MI'~ . Ella F e rris. he rm an F e rr is and wife. of ' L<lve la nd, and MI·s. Lizzie Wils on ' to::==:::::;j o f ne ll\' Leb an on, called on th~ I • ' • L e e H aw ke /lnd fam il y, Mr, ,J o rdlln fumily S unday. Cecil Vi llurs, wife lind s on Hoss and M rs. Mnynu rd W eltz ;;I nd ' lla ug hl e r spe n t S und uy at Chilli · calle d on Wa lt e r Ellis S und~y. . ,' he l'm,l ll F c rris and wife , of cothe. Love land , ca ll (!d on Almond FerMI'. and MfR. Wal'l' c n Bra dd ock ri ~ And wife S unday. a nd dau g hle r were Su uduy dinn e r The Yuu nkel' fa m ily ha ve moved A'ues ts of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. fr o m l he B (!uso n prop erty t o Co rn e ll . , , O rego n in. K . ~~. Th o mpRo n, M. M. T e rry, Mr, and l\~I·S. W ayn e G . Lee. Mr. , wc;re . 111 Wa y nesv ille, Saturday. u~~ Mrs . Winston L ee, of Dayton, fhl ' p l.ace w a s well r epresented VISIte d George Kern and family at th c filiI' ' last week. last Wedne sday evening. The Washing t!ln township . 4-H C lub s ~urely II\'0t their share of Mr. and Mrs , L. M. H('nde rs on pr~ m iul1l s ut th ~ Wurre n County , 0. ! . Vlce-ConlUl and Mr. and Mrs . S. . Ellis left (ni l' Ills t week. Among th ose who Ii Monday mornin g fo l' L e xington , got pI'e umiult ls WNe: R o bert, at EuenOi Ayrea, oommerlcJe4 by dM K y. , to attend, t he races, Donald and A lIen McKay, Mary I~te DepanntCIJt for htrolaiD cS1ubW . Kllthl ee n Thompso n , L uc ille Drum Gal revolutlc.. th,re. • James Lovely, Walter Under- m o ne, Edna Polson, Hagemyer's wood, Frank MiliCI', R. J. Adams a nd th e Jone .... ." and Roy Ellis attend lld the I'ace~ MI·s. Alice E . T e rry, M. M. Ter. r "'!".!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ at Lexington , Ky., t oday. ry were called to Dayton _ '! lo slandF~iwife duy on a cco unt of the


$ 5.05 8.80 9.50 10.10 13.30 13.75

,Gordon's ServlAe &!-ta iW.! • -.

Waynesville, Ohio

Phone 47

- ' ", ! ' \..


PORS'A LE Ensilage at any time S~.OO

'per ton


Have your Job Work Printed Here

Waynesville ·. (:ann,ing , PI~nt .


TO THE. MOTHER Are you prepared to properly arranKe your children'. lunch 7

Snow white ge nuine Crepe Napkin s , fres h and clea n , expense of laundry .

50 in package, onl y 3 packages, only


C o n\'eni ~ n t

sa ves


25c ' '..

a lso to co ver food in the kitchen .

~ U e " Wax lex" lo keep moist food s fr o m

dr y ing o ut lind to wrap m ea ts, sol. ds , cheese and other arti c le:; fur lun ch es

t package, 100 ft., perforated 25c 2 p2c~ages, for 40c • • 'y

Rib bed Tis U" pap 1', ' h e lf Lining an~ WI'apping pa'Per, nrd s , Blank P aper', ardbollrd ' in all colors, Box ', Paper, and oUier article for ho m e a nd sc h oo l use,


MI'. and M.l's. C. M. R ob itzer and s~ I'i ou~ Illness o f MI·s. Alice T e rry's d a ughter, MISS B eatrice, s pent the .s ls ter'Ill.luw, Mrs. May Wilkins w ee k~J1 a jn C leveland the guests T e rry. ot )'vII', and MrS. ,!\forte Kerns. W.e a l'e s orry t o r eport the s erio ou ~ dln ~s~ of Mrs. Alex D eski e at Mr, ,and ]\f1·S. W : O. Rop e r and thiS Wl'l t lllg. W e all hop e for a their hous~ gues ts , MI'. and Mrs, s pepd ,v r ec overy. K. E. 'I' homp so n, rec e ive d the W. G. Schatzll1un, visited in Akr on nnd Brown Co unty la st week. s ud .new s ln :;t wt!e~ ot thu d euth of hIS aunt, Mrs. Vio la Pugh Burke Don't neg-l eet your childs eycs. at ~ e r home in And er so n, Ind. ~eG Dr. Rudolph, eyesiA' ht s pec ia. . ' hOlllu s P ow e ll, o f near WayniJS 1St, at Cary's Jew elry S hop Leb . vii Ie, cu lled o n fri e nds her e, one anon, Ohio. ' d u y la ~t w ee k. _ O ~'l ullll o Blannan and wife, of MI'. and Mrs . Will , Jlnrtsock, Mr X e nlll, culled on K. E . Thomps on and M rs. Guy Reed er und Mr, H a l'- and famil y F r ida y. , Cur l !\t oor!!, o f Harveys burg, ry Har tsock, of S pringfi eld , called on Chas. Small1'uesday afternoon , cn ll ~ d o n th e Tel'ry, Bros Sunday. N~xt Su nda y wll be Monthly P. H . Canary, mini s ter of the ' ~ll eetlng at th e c hul·ch. Mi ss WinMa di so nville C hurch of Chri~t ' Ifl'cd McE lwee o ne of the C in c innati will s peak at F erry , H.lIrvcr~bu ,·g t ea c ~er8, and RobChurch, S unday aft e rn o on, Septem el t M~J~a;y will brlllg the message bel' 28. li e will g Ive the repo rt from the fiv e yeurs meeting, he ld at RichMr . nn,1 Mr!;. John Fritz !Iod MI'. mond, Ind ., in J\ugu st. R obe rt was Clark SaIis buI'y, of C levela nd d e legute fr o m this place. Mrs . Allce E . Terry s pe nt Sun. W f /'c gues ts o f th eir p }\ l'en ts Mr: aftern oo n with Mrs. Patience I I and Mr!;. W. P . S Ali ~ bul' 'y, uve r th e ~I.ny I h omps on. wee k-e nd, • Mrs. Mabel T I:!I'I'Y and Mi ss Mary l~e n '~' h o l1lp so n, culled un the t Exp ert se r v ice given on Swi ss LKfltJ~ e WIS family ca s t of W e lhnan Su n '1n ~1 A mel'i ca n watehe:-; in: our I'e· pall' depal' tm~ n t. Store o pen duy aftemoon. e ve nill g's. Ca ry 's J e we lry S hop, I.ebnnon, Ohio.


Phone 112

Keep Your Buildings Young in Years· Many a bui1din~-old in point of service-has been made co look young in yeus wich good steel roof. in~. Channeldrain is steel roofing at Its best-made to 8i~e a life-time of trouble-free roofing service.




II Wi lfred Mounts, Ru t h fr e d and Frunk Mount s , Mr~ IWilli Gr over F ()x :J nd son, of Kings Mills , wer e , r ee ol\j: guests of Mr. n nd Mrs. Davis Furnas.

MI'. and ~frs, Sarnuel Haines , of B e llbrook, Misses Tda and Ella Lut z a nd J . C. Hawke Jr .. of Day- ' to n, were call e r s at th u he m e ' of 'l\fIo. and M rs. J. C. Hawke Sunday uf ternoon.

~fsis the kind of 1'() serVice diac will save you money. Let us tell you more about it. Channeldrain is mad_e of the more costly COP-R-LOY, che Copper Al. loyed Steel • ; ;; and yet it costs no more th~n.ordin~ ~06ng! The money-it saves JOU In ,repau bill. will 100.0 pay its cost.






Mr. nnd Mrs. Laurenc e Hardin

~ !lcI Mr., and Mrs. Joe Tinney cn~

Joyed n rnotor tl'ip, las t week whic h Included Cumb~ r1and ==~ Tpnne8~ee. and .,everal Interesting i~ , points in Kentucky. .

Gap; ,


~:;_~;i;;;;;=_ _;;;;;;_ _ _ _==~== ,.c ~===;;;;:;;== ~



, M r~.


- -- ---,------


PII. .e 14


01110 fl .

Eighty-Third Year


Whole Number



PUBLIC SCHOOLS Th e Stul(! Deportmenl of Educn lion initiulf' R its IInnulI l school testi ng prog l'l1ll1 Thur~day whe.n t he He nion; in the fll'St-clus~ Hi gh. schnols II f t he. Htn te take :hc pru tice Il'sl. During t he 1l<1:~ l two y(,lIrs thl! department has mam taincd n comp lete stH tl· of work~rs ill pr epa l'in J,:' Ih e tes ts fol' nil HIgh Hc hon l pu pilR of the stnt.c a w.e ~1 ns tn s pon so r t he sC l1Ior tests. Gmdllutes enlt'l'ing s ~te e duc~ ­ tional in stituti ons lire glvc n adnll:; sian lin thc bu s i ~ of t hcs(I te~t~ .

--=----,= ___

Mr. ancl Mrs. W. II. All e n Wcrl! Dayto n visitors tocla,·.

:\ Iil!ht fr'ost thi ~ IlHlrnin g was Il'PUl'tl' t! by ('lnly riSC'l·~.

Runn ers in si lk hosp mend ed. 3 Ca ll Ermll Sears, Ph one 7!l, Mrs. Cliffo r:i Ri tl~c., of Chicago, is the g ues t of Miss MIlY W right.


Mrs. HlIlph MiliCI' \\'.IlS ho. t.ess to th e J olly Mlltl'o ns Fl'ld llY uftl'I'nn on.

Firat Grad e-Mi .. Eva Reeder The fir ~t j!ra el e pupi ls III'C decnl'nting tll l' ir I'oo m f or O('[ob e r, milking pumpkin fa ccs un ci , 'cats. At the PI·('. e nt tillle it i ~·ur l'Un J,:'ed ill PO!itl'I'S of \'ariflu s s izc ~ and co lors.


Mr. and Ir ~. ,I. O. Cartwright Hlwnt Sun ,IIlY with friend s in Spring fi e ld. POI' g irts nnd J,:' ift id eo s visit ('a n " J ewe ll'y ShO I>, Lebanon, 0 .. "Th'e Il ome of Gifts."

MI'. and M rs. Eurn~~ t Butt el'wurt h spent Sun day With ~I'. and Mrs. Burnett Butterworth, 111 Lebanon. F or best r csul ts consign }'our ive stock to Green-Embry Co., Cinci nnati , in care of D. R. Salisbury.

Fourth G .... d_ Mi.. Campbell In this 1'00111 the day is opl'lled MI·~ . J. O. Cartwright Wll S 11 with r citntiClII of Bibl ' vel scs and gu est of lI1r ~ . Lauren e huwhan, prll yer .. of Lebanon. ut luncheo n lind bridge, on Friday. Fifth Grade- Mr. Kinnilon Young ~ti Rs Hattie II'\'in a nd !\fl'. A. E. This j!'1'C1UP 1I1lPCl1rR to be ~ un ­ ning I'-kl! ~I we ll -Oiled 1I1Ilchm!e. W (' lI e r of Bellbrook, were callers Grl'lIt interest iR show n by the JlUP- at th e ' home of Mrs. Laura Zell SaturLl\lY Ilfte l'noo n. ils, impl'ovement is I' ported.


Mr. and Mrs. ,I. C. lI awk!.' were

\: i si~" l's at thr" 1\11~~() ni.r





!f,~~ctjfi:,~f::me i;n~~il~:




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~ g g he~r~O~:~YinHO~kell~o~~tusuel~d!~ ~f~~n~!~h\h~I;letSh ea\~u~~I'~e w~:l~ g





. .


IS NOW GOMPlEIE H~~;~~sbul'g





D r. J. T .:. 1"11. Entertains Doctors At Dinner


bui~di~g G·a;,.deB~~~:~~~I~ T~~i~i~f~r~

~uty 1 ~'o\~el ~Ville





undoy wa!l II red letter day in th' li fe uf the Ferry Ch urch . T he day wus obacrverl , as ,. Ra ll y Day and lI ome Coming." F nll owing i. a list of the specia l f~a tureli of the program : MO/'ning _ .Iarin et so lo, "Beyond" by Ru sse ll; Duet "The Hib le ill' the 'ubin by thl' Sea," Pel'l'Y Thomas and F. T. Martin . Sernion uy Nathan Johnso n, f orI ~ . lin itltel' Noun- a greut baaklll !! 1 dl~ . et mner. Aftel'll oo n- So lo by Mrs, A, Scu ll y, daug ht er of the lute D. H. Pulmer who was minister of the Ferry hUl'c h whe n the present

Mi ss Crane. of the tell' I ph')/1l! ('xchanl{e, wus .o ff ' hurch ,{f Christ. ~1'\'('l'nl clay s. bl'tUU ~ 1' of d llll'ss. Duct, Ue l'tha Fil pr anrl Mary ~tta Guy. bv Solo L. Martin Km~, \\'a .\·ll l's vill e fun s wl'nt to 1I ~1l'. Saws filed by lIIa r hlll e l Y,. cut , Duet MI'.byunciMrs. Mrs. A. 1-'. T. \'/' y,iJ lIl'K SundllY ufterno (l n WIth cleulle r, tr~er, fll st e r. R oy Pigott . , ' ermon by P. II. Canary, minis ter l1li sl{ ivi ll J,:'s a~ to . the l't'lIl re~ ult s at Madde n s Lumbe r Yard . of the Mudiso nvi ll e Church of o f the gunH', w.hlch . were :;\\Cpt Chri!<t, Cin cinn ati. >lWUY aftl' 1' t he fir~ t Innlnl{. when E. R. Ben tl t'y fi nd ~arl ~~lIn sf' Th e chunn und thrill of t hese the Miamis IHlt ove r two run s. . lIl'I' rl'd eco 1',11 ti ng the. llIt.erlol 0 sc rviees cannol be depicted in cold . \~' h(' 11 il Wus nnnuull,~ed. thn~ the Ferry Churc h this \\ eek. I typ e. [t is sairl lhu.t the cro wds V\ Y", I1),(, Inte of the ClnC 1l11l ~lll attending th ese se l'vlees we re the H~d , Hn d the Co lumbu s Asstl clIIU. M. White, ~ f LouIsv ill e, ' IlIl'ge~ t in th e history of t he ti un wa: t u pitch, the fUll S had put I K (, I1~Uck)l, . WIlS cll~hllg 011 Way- church, nt leusl since th' erect iort 011" .. n the kt! fur I-!u rveysburg. I Ilesv ill e fl'll'nd ~ tl\l~ uflernoo n. l of t he PI' se nt building in 1914_ A Ilh il u~h WYHong stl'ul'k uut 21, I . I At thc lIftemoon ~e rvice letth" Milllllis by bunch illl; their hits ' .The Loyal . TelllP era~ee ,Lt;glOn , tel's were reud fr om a mumber of al the right till'l l' put ove r foul' will meet ~t the Re~1 Blick Fl'lend s,I chu rch's furmer ministers umong run s, eno ug h to win the glim ~. . church rl'lday even lllg aftel' scho ol , them a lell ' r fl' ol11 Evangelist J, Uxbal'ge r, of lhe .' MWIll IS, ' . , . I H. O. Smith, of Ok la homa City, p itche d II fine gU llle .. Whli (' he had MI.s, .Jenl11 e Mocl e.l\vc lI ?nd ~1.8. Oklu ., whicn, b cau~e of t~e five strikeouts he dill not try t o ~ary. Donally of Chicago are V lsl t~ writer's r('putn tio n and the hls" ~~ Hb l i, h II r('c ol'd for hims elf, but 1Il~ MI·~. MU I'Y L. Adllm s und othel to. I ic l11uttel' lit co ntuin<>d was I~t hi s teammates shure ~h e frI e nds. deemed wn l.thy of publicutio n, ht,nors, on ly one elTor bemg S ince leaving his home in th e com ch al'g,' ci t o th~ l\~iull1is: Be~1Uti fu l gla~swarc lind 5e . l1Iuni ty now kn own us F'~rry, [n the firs t Illnlllg With one go ne of di shes. C.a ry II J e we lry Shop, years ago, Bro. S mith has atta1ll~d lI opki ns was passed, Gon. . got on ~_ebano n, 0 1~1O . Sto re ope n eve n-I nati on al fame .as a n eva ngehst ancl L"vely luced u beau tiful two- 111/l11. and lllini ~ ter. HIS name appeared bagg{'I' . coring t he two runners. I in "Who's Who in Am e rica" sevMI'. Bnd Mrs. J. . I-IHwke spent el'u l years ago wh en f ew pN!achers [ n th e fifth inning, Rllrnby got a t wlI -bagge r, Turn er was retired, Sunday with th eir daughte r, Mrs. wel'e t hus honored. Hopkins worked Wyso ng. foGr a RBlph Van ce, and family, lit Pleas- , L tt F o.m Former PutD.t' base on blllls, lind J ohnlll e ons ant Plain . e er r . rose tn the occa~io n nnd b~lte d a , . T he f oll ow in g letter address, beAutifu l thre~-~II~ge~ scoring the Mr. ancl Mr!l, W. F. CIIII'k spent cd to ~erry T~lomas, · who h~d two rUnncl's. 1 hiS tnl11ng broke t he Su ndllY with th e ir Bon-in- Iaw and communlc.ated With ,a ll for mer min big leuguel" s hea rt. . . . daug htel', Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flory istel's us.k lrl~ .them to se nd a word Hn rveysb ul'g 'sco t'ed III the . th ~rd . D t !o f g reetmg If unable to attend the I a nd fifth but Ox berger wus II1 Vln - In ay on. I Home Coming. cibl c in f l'o nt of t he iron wa ll de. . 1 1l1.'11 1· BI'o ther Th omas: fensc und did not a llow any more B eR lI~nlllg W.ed ne:da y.; ~~()beh Glad to rece ive yo ur kind invita rung-etling. I , e \'e~lllg ~e rvlce;s at t ~, urc tion to attend your Home Coming. The gUllle had many t hl'ills in it ?f . hl'IMt wII.1 beglll at 7 ..~O I>· m. , I would so mu~h lo v~ to b e there IInri Pope, for the Harveysbu rg, Ins tead of 7 .45. t o enjoy meetlllg friends of my cn ught II very neat gllme und er th ' ' . S' M I boyh ood a nd ing acquain~ circum stances. The HCOI'e s hows MI. and ~ rs. W .~ B. .' q Uires, r. ted with t he fUithful who ar h t a n infie ld t he Miamis were a nd Mrs.' Wliford Squ ires,. Mr. and , carrying on. " risher wa s credited with 15 Mh!. Vern HoughRs pent a nd Tom Moore ne ver sang more t l tha whe pu t ou s, . '11 atu rduy at th e e:er vo lr. I sweetly .n. h n he h said: I "Oft b The ne xt game of t he se n es WI . in th e stilly lllg t W en s urn era be pillyed at Wllyn c park. Th e . 1,\'11'8 . n. J . Ad.a ms, wh.ose con- I chain hath bound me. Fond memlI ul' veysburg learn is custing Ilbout 11,IltlOn doell not g h o~ ~at ISftae~hY lories bring the scen es of other fO I' a pitchcl' but he wi ll nol be an- Impl:ov n.l e nt, was ta en 0 e day~ at'o und me," .. nounced until ne xt S Ullday lit the hospIta l III Dayto n Tuesday. Sixty-two years ago I Jomed the game. ' , . R L' h ' Church there. Fat.hel' an.d Mother The SCO I'6 ' Mrs. H ster 0 In 80n, W 0 IS were act ive and the children at. ill lit the hUll'l e of he ~ daughte r t ended hurch and Bible School. HARVEYSBURG ~rs, Edwnrd Wo~lJard III Belm ont W e werl' neve r asked if we were AB RHO A E IS grad ua ll y growing wea ke r. going. Thut WIlS understood. Tu r ner, If We moved out of the neighbor\ . Hopkin s, 2b Z Gon s, 5S 4 1 1 1 3 0 after spendll1g a week lit the home meet one Lordsduy and the majorFis hel', 1 b 4 0 0 1[) 0 0 of MI'. and Mrs. J . C. Hawke. ity of t he mcmbers favored giving Love ly, e .. 11 0 2 4 0 0 ull lette rs und disba nding the Hnug h, cf S ilverwlIl'c, jewelry li nd g ift Church. That Lords da y morninJ HHl'tsock, ~b 4 0 0 2 0 Cary's ,Jewe lry Shop, Mother ane! I on two ho.rses startOxLe rger, p 44 0() 01 ' 00 88 O· ·novelties. Ohl'c) W" ...."I've Cedar ed. Th e muc I wa s d. e€ p ant I a s Iow ., I LelJurlo n, Rumby, I'f 4 I ) 1 0 Sta mps. wulk mal'ked our progr'es~. No T utal 4 [j 27 16 word wa ~ ,;pok en and I knew MI'. IInc! Mr!l . .John Finley Wil- M()ther pray ed a ll the way. . Iiam so n, wh o hav' j us t retur ned A number of speeche/! were HARVEYSBURG hom from Europe, join!!d th e ir made in the meeting. The member, I'elntiv(!s, Mr. and I\fr!l, Charles s hi p WllS Hcu ltered over a larel!. AD R II 0 A E I Parlutte, of [thllca, New York, territory. Th e re had been deaths Freelan, If .. 4 1 1 0 o 0 and vis ited Mr~. Emma Janney, on of l euding members, som e had Frost, cf 4 0 1 0 move d away. Those who remained Mendenh a ll S5. 3 0 1 1 o 0 Friday, Wyso ng, p 4 0 2 0 21 ()1 - Exp ert service given on Sw iss were Ch h not ab le to maintain a ' , ure . urter, 2b 4 0 0 0 o 0 a nd Ame ri. can WII t c h es In o ur I'eTh e n Brother Jonathan Davis. !-'ol'll1ol'in, .I b \) 0 0 0 o 0 pa ir department. ' S tore open who presided, asked Mother if she -" Sm it h Ib :! 0 0 7 o 0 (' venings. C~ry's J ewe lry S hop. hud a nyt hing to say. In all theBe B. HII Uiff, 4 0 0 0 :l 0 Lebano n, OhIO, ye ars 1 have never heard such an Pop e, c 3 I 1 I!I o 0 Mr;. a~d MI'!I, Frank W. HI." nel. give !llJlJcal. I havcn't t ime or space to · 0. Hull iff, c I 0 0 () o it. They did not disband, . Mullin, rf 4 1 1 0 o 0 of X e n Ill, were , unda y dmnel Another in sta nce; we lived next 1 1'1I"'~ l s of MJ·. li nd Mrs. G. D. to thl! Ch ul'c h ' entertui ned the Tota l :l4 :l 7 ~7 (j :J ~ill s . I n the afternoon they were preachers' lind 'those who came I a ll cal lers at the country home of fr om n dista nc(' to Church, We, Mr. an d Mr~. Ru ssell M.urray IInci ca red fa r the Ch ul'ch without com-·Butted for Forlll orin in 8 t h. * Blltted for Pope in 9th. 11\1r'.. And Mr~. Chus. SW lll dler lind p(>Il Satio ll , wh e n we moved away I 2 a 4 5 G 7 8 () fa nllly, it Wll~ difficult to secure anyone 1\1 " 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0- 4 , . who co uld or would look aCter the 0 0 1 02 0 0 0 0·--3 Expert and en- hOll se, One winter morning. gruver a t Ca!'y s .Jewelry Sh?p , Sa ll y 'tl!l! lma n, wo~king for Mr. Buses on Ba lls- Oxberger I ; I LeLanon, OhIO. Only. genume I Th omu Brown did her morning. Wysong 2, I ma terial used in o ur I'cpalr depart work S got I'e'ady and walked Two-base hits- Ramb y, Love y ment. . thl'ou·gh the now knee deep down' Mendenhall. .' I ____ _ __ _ th e 1mbrukt n ro.ud to the Church. Three-base hlt5-G~"IS, Mull en. Nil cme WIIS there. She tried both Passe d baJls- POI!e '.: Love~ 1. fl'llllt (1001'S und the back door, ElIrned run s -M lamlS 2; arTIll'Y were .Ioeked. ~n her c;onfusveysb urg 2. ion s hl' trIed a wlI1dow, It was Struck ou t- By Oxberge r 5: nailed down. Wyso ng 2 1. .. I She went to the front and Left o n bllses- Mlaml s 0; Hllrstuod for u time loking up and \'eysburg G. I (Io wn t he roue! lln d no one came in. Ump ir es- Compto n and Whar~iJ.rht. One of th e deaconR looking ton. :lC I'/l SS the fi elds ~aw Illl this- . - - - - - - en he ~tlW hfH " kn ee l in the snow, DEA THS clasp her hand~ , turn her face toi ward heaven li nd pray. E . V. Burnha rt received word She wenL bac k home, ahe last week o( the death of ~i s bronever l11 en tiona d it. She did not' th er, Fred Barnhart, which 01.' find fault becll use t he Church was cuned September 22, at Denver, n ot opened. She was Iije,e the Colo, I IIvior eommen~ed , woman the "She hlld done what she could. Miss Marlha Burnett, ..lifelongf The de acon who had witn,ea8e~ and highly r espected resi li e nt 0 the prayer-meeting in the snow Way nesville, died at her hom~ on II nC,1Ct morning told an<!ther deacon. Thl'rd ' street Wednesday lllght, arfd with tears in their eyes thllY Sept,embe r 24, .following an i ncss I d shook hands and vow~d that whU~ ' of sho rt duration .. Oll t! s ister, Mrs. they were in. the n eighborhood tb ~. E ll a Kendall , of Fairmount, n .,. doors of t he Church . would aild several niec~s and ne phews kept o'p en, '. . ,' . !iurvive her, I I have told that ineld'lOt from Funera l services were held lit toe raging watera of ~~ AtlantIC'. :the White Br ick Meeting to the ,olden sands" of ,the Pa~i. Saturday afternoon, a.nd _ b11l'11I1 fic'; ftom M!line-s , d~k - ~iDeB to was in the Frie nds' burYIng ground where m'apoUas breeaea....,low to, " Edwin' thousands 'of peop1-e• . ' .0.1':'1 Funeral Services for Mrs. . 'd Same wa, a .humtile .~ .. Mote, wh ose death occured li'r~::. .of working and With litU. to· at the home of her daughter, . n~"", DIowill. I1CIIItat. 'never heard her lpeak, ~~;r.=~~ Warren Graham, in Lebandnin~~~ of but ollce: Father ~ .• held Mo nd~y afte~oon . an (Co._eel 011 ~ _ .• .... . • ... , .~ff : ' ment was ~ Miaml cemetery,


FERRY CHURCH OF CHR[ST ( nd ('nol1linutional) DiLle Sc hoo l Ht !! ::10 u. Ill, W hud 11 grl!at "R IlI I ~' " lust Lo rd's Day, now let s . tay " I'ulli ~ d. ,. AII WU)" a good progra lll and intt' restinl{ teachinJ,:'. LOl'd ' ~ ' upper and Her'llIon at 10 :30 a. 111. Serlllon subject, "The a~ ill g Powe r uf ~O(!" W (' arc plallllln g un evangeli stic call1)1uig n beginning' Oct ober 12. Don't fOI:l!'et. Y II arc IIlwoys welCOll1C at this I'hul·c h. Chester A. Williamson, Minister

Hom €' ,

S pl'lllgficld. ull I hU/sdu,.


HOiI. Henry Allen Cooper, 80, of Wisconsin, who has served 38 year~ VA YNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH in Congress and has j Uit been renominated. W dn e 'dav: Th e W . F . 1I1. S. is meetin g \\'ith Ml's. Dibert III 2 :00 thi ~ p. 01. Bibl e • t uc1y and prayer meeting at 7 ::30 p. m. FriIS dllY: ho ir pnlctice at 7 ::30. SUIl- 1 day: Sunday sch oo l at !l :30 11. I~. Mo rning worti hi p at 10::10, At tillS Don't n eglect your chil ds eyes, meeting we will have with us a Sixth Grade- Mill . Jeanette Fox See Dr. Rudolph, eyesight s peeial- re prese nt-ative of our Children'::; An~ual At r ccess t he sixth gra de pract- ist , at C~ I'Y' S J cwelry Shop, Leb- Ho m in Wort hi nJ,:'ton, Ohi o. Th er icl's f or u blllicbnll game which is l11:n ll, OhIO. will 1I 1~0 be II I!roup ~f childnen On Fl'idllY nij!ht, September 2G , pencllng b tw een it li nd the fifth Mi ss Emmll He ighwuy hlld as f rom the home, wh o will hi ke part thirty-five doctors f ro m Dnyto n grade. din nl'\' guests a ll Tuesday , MI's. In ,the progra.m. Epw.ol:th l ea~u e at l a nd vicin ity gathert tl al tho home ---ClifTo·l'c! Hidgc, o r hicngo, Miss G:30 p. 111. Wi t h 1c!'ldl th W~llll~er of S. S. Ellis to bo fete d und Seventh Grad&--Mis. McKinley Ma y Wrig ht und Mrs. Edi th Hal'- Ill< leade r. H e nry Sa? lor wil l g ive cntmtllineci by Dr'. J. Tres ' lel' EJli s u s hort .adrl\'e"'~,llt th IS m.eetl nJ,:', on . Ilf W!\ynf'~vi Jl e, it LeinJ,:' t he occasMi 's Dl'cker is making plans t o ris. t~e subject of Wh y ~ e IS a ~hrls- ion of hi 73111 birthday and th e stnrt A " l-i a l'lll on icu Band" in the Seventh grllde. The ch ildr.en all Mrs. F. C. Schwartz of Colum- lIlIn." PI·ellchln.1!' ~el VIce a t '! :30 p. celebratio n of his fifti eth year in ~cell1 interested a nd are IInxlOU s to bu IInrl Mn;. E li zlIbeth Lewis WCI'(! 111 . on t~e ~UUj cct of '.'A ' Cha ng~: the practice (If mcdicine. Nr vl! l' has II g roup Ilf men ~lIt get sta rted. dinnor g uests of Miss Lilla Be n- less Christ In . a Ch nglllg W o~l d. T he Seventh I! rade hilS organ- hlll11. Saturday evening, at thc You \\'111 enjo:,: t~~se mee tll1gs, down to a mOl' I ou ntiful tllul e. [t co me> :llld worship \,. I ~h us. \\'a ' a rep tilion of lIlun y gimilul' ized II c lub in Ih eir 1'00111 ca lled the Garden Inn. G, C. Dibert, Pastor. occasiuns in the past. "Jolly .Juniors" club, Last w~e k t he chilrlren drcted t he foll?wlJ1g Mr. lin d J\h.. Forrest Hough enDr. Elli: i ~ a. gracio us ho. t and officer:: Robert Allen, pre Id e nt; ter ta ine d nt urday nig ht and Su n- WAYNESVILLE CHURCI;I OF thel'e is no plat' e wh ere hi s friend s Ada P lunk, vic(' presirlen t: Mary day, 'MI'. and Mrs. Morris Springer CHRIST - iJ uth lay lind medical, e nj uy (Undenominational) Burt n, scc retary: J ('u n Furnas, and son, Miss Grace Hess and Mr, th e mse lves more thlln !It one of U'eMUI' r. These c lubs hllve been a has. Howitt. a ll of Dllyton. Bible Sc hool at 9 :30 a. m, Lord 's hi!' fallIou s dinl1ers. greut success during the 1) Il~t. years , 'cv nil of his doc t nl' fl 'iends S upper at conclusio n. We Ilre )Jl'eanrl they hope to make thiS one " I ne vc r saw so ma llY beullliful par ing fOI' a g l'eut Rally Dny, Oct- fl'OIll in c in nuti were prl's~ nt: also us s uccessful. cards f or all occas ions as yo u have nbe r 12. He lp us mH ke . unday II fro lll S idn ey .Hld Troy and hi her ", I'emarked a custome r at "stepping stone" to th e rea l pill- blolher 01'. E lli s of St. Lo uis. MUl ic Department-Mi .. Deeker Ca p~" s J ewelry Shop, Lebanon, na DI·. EIIi ~ was prl' e nted with a I ele in tuttindn G '30 nce. Christ E-'t l iun I En. (eavor a :, p. Ill. • Ian _eWI S, lll<ll{nificent lounging chair as 11 Ohio, "h e primury grnd e~ arc as!le mlea der. Eve ni ng Evange listic ~e r- mark of th e lligh e teclIl in which bling n l'hytlllli blind while th e .illMI s, Emma Burnett and Mr. ~~. vi ce at 7 :30 )I . m. Sel'llIon subject hI' is held by his fell uw practitiontermcdiate grllde~ arc studY lllg V. Barnhart, who ret u rned to thell' "Othl:rs" Pray er meeti ng ea ch ers. hOllle in ineinnati last weck lifter W dnesdny at 7 :30 p. m. Plense tOile qu ality anrl rhythm, Afte>r seveI'll I hours s pent ill dea visit to relatives i n the East, note chungc of time for evening lightful social intercourse t he The entire Grade Builrling· has visited friClld s in Waynesvill e SUIl- l\ll l·v ice~. "Th e ehUlch wh ere you e1oetor. left f Or t heir severnl homes fee l at home." such per fect order thllt they day. everyo ne cxpres!;i ng him, e lf a should be' complimented ' and we , D. It. Dunn of La CI'OSHt' , Wi s- uei nJl' hi~h l y !honored in bei ng Mrs, Edith Harris accompanied cons in p I'enC!h ~ d at th e ' l pl'ivilr gr'l to be pl'cse nt on Stic h II sugg· st that the hig h school .!ollow the exa mple, by Mr. and I\fIo • CharieR 1", M o!\h~1' Chu rc h of Chl'lst Su nd uy mOl'nlllg" del i~ h tf ul nccasio n. Cin cinnati , motol'ed to Mt. Gil- I nnd evelllng. About. t ~"o yea rs ago Th e n uct() I" ~ goot! ·wife wa s pre ' Friday, cptembcr 2G, W, H'. l? " \ '1 r ', ~Iltll l'dur and attenrled a Mr, Dunn, th e . 1lI11l1!lter of t he Th e Doctol" s ,g ood \vife WII R pl'ejourneyed to Centel'vill e to l?arttcl- family r eunion on S und ay. Th ey Chu rch nf Chl'ls t lit . L.oveland, se nteel :\' iLh II mag nifice nt boquet pnte in a base bull game which de- retul'l1 ed home Monday. cond ucted an evangt' it st lC ca m- of A me ri clln Beauty R o~es. veloped in to II, I'llther onesid e d 11[-1 paij!' 11 here which g rea tl y . t il11l1 filiI'. Nev erth eless much effort and Th e following . pent the we~k Il,Itcd th e life of the local congl'ega zeal w I'e shown by the Orange end wi t h Mr, and Mrs. J oe McMII- l ion fllld enaule:.! t h?1I1 to secure a ~nd Black tellm. N?ar th.e end of Ian lind son, Herbert: Mr. and Mrs mini ste l'. ~ince ' time t~e the gallle the actIOn picked uP ., Ed MOl'ris and sons, Jack a nd church hfls expel'\I1ced u sp[enrlld but with no e ffe ct o n the Beore, Dick MI'. li nd Mrs. Dillon McMIl- growth nnd a grellt dea l of good Waynesyi lJe was badly defeat ed llan ~nd daughter, Ru t h, and Miss has been acco mplished , . by a score of 10 to O. Let's not let Eva McMillan, of Cincinnati, and ~r. Dunn is now ha p pily s itul!t l'tis have a ny ha r mful effect on us Mr, an.d Mrs, Russell' Wilson, of ted In t he churc;h at LI! Cl'osse, ~Is but let it pro mpt us to back our 1 Dayton . The Sunday guests ~ere: He. Is .spendlng hiS vacation l earn 1110rc faithfully than ever, MI'. and Mrs. Rob ert McMillon viSIting hl.s l11 ~th~ I" ne!! !' Blancl:esT he Wllrl'CII Coun ty Budl!et The team j ourne ys to Sprlnlr and 60n, Rex ! and daughter, Mar- tel' and hIS WIfe s re lattves. Com mi ssion, comprising Tr(!-lIs urer Valley o n Frl duy, Octob er 3. Let's I thll, of WIJmlllgton , lind ¥r. WIIChester A, Williamson, Minister Turn~ I', Auditol' Lewis a nd Pl'nseall be present wh eth er stude nts 0)' ., Jard Furnas, of Wa yn eSV ille, ._ __ .. _ .. _, ___ euting Dilatu ~ h .. co mpl eted the 'pare nts. Thc team will play better work thi: wee k. The ratcs of and h9rder If YOU ure there. --- - - SHOWER FOR BRIDE • tuxati on have becn Illat eria ll y dcCome out lind do yo ur bestior our _ ___ cl'case(1 in the n ew bu dget. 1{ H S . . A l'Cdllctionnf l O',inthesLatl' '\ . . , Mrs. Haro ld Wllll umso n a nd I an d co unty tax mte it t o In t he ne a r f uture the High Miss Luella Willillm so n wet'e host- I i! :20, a~ainst 10.:30 in [ 929 .' Town . sc hool inter-class bask etball tourneases nt II flhower at t~e home of !>hip rlltE'S are lIb out ~he !lallle. ament will tuke pluce. Th e purp ose the latter, fo!, the brid e of ~1r. Schoo l laxes hav e been redu ced being to !lUI' up Inter est ,and to I Cha r les Co lli er, of Nas hvlll c, in 11 11 schoo l districts, a lthoug h give th e coac hes li n opportunity to ! Tell n., on Saturd ay , ~el}tc lllber ~7. new buildings hav e bee n bu ilt Hnd st ud y their muterilll for the COI11A .ve l'y pl easant l'IoclU l t im e, . With ot her improvemen ts mad e. The in e: senSO ll, Imm ediatedly a,fter the dU lnty I·efl'rs hlll e.nts was ell j oy ed I'llte ill Wayn e tow ns hip, 1.97 in tournament t he team. WIll start by t he yo!-' " g la I02!J, WlI S re duc ed to 1.f!4. Wayn c . f th season The, ol l<l.e rece Ived IIl UII Y u:c ful ('oj'p0l'uti ,n, fmlll 2.42 in 192n, to e Mason: 11ml bl'H U.tlful pI:e,ents. Mr. ll nd 2.:1 I : Corwin co rpnrn\iQ II, 2.22 in there, on November 7, Mrs, Co l!t el' left 111 th ~ lu te I~ft e r- I !J2!l. · to 2.1 1; Mass ie town hip, noon by auto Cor the!l' furlllshed / 2.:l 1 ill 192H. 0 2. 15: Clearcreek, The udvanced students in Dom~s IIpartl11ent ill Nllshv ill e, T en l1 :, 2.60 in J!! 2!l , to 2 . .'36. ti " SCI'enca are n ow engaged III \~h ere they both have g ood POS IBlu e Ball s hoo l district has making Jllpanese , tea gar.d ens. t IIe h'Ill' h cst ~a t ~, w h'ICII IS , , Th e tlOns ' _ _ _ _ _ _ . 257 They are Ilrti tically deSigned low fit ral e I. Stud ents Hall, Deer"vith trees, grass, and Row.ers, I,n WA YNE TWP. MOTHERS CLUB fi e ld township, 1.35 , • the center ot the gur d ens are ou t b y ' ' 'rh e 1\ b ov fi gu res, given . s nlall found fish ponds 8urround erl the budget co mmi. Ri o~ are corf by the original '[ c beauty 0 . nature, ayn c wp. ,,, 0 er s. )l rect, 'h W· l' OK th ' CI b . will hold their fhs t l'egul ar bu si.---- .The Ei~hth grllde pupils asness meeting 1"I'ida y, at 2 p, m. , at. COMPANY · HELD MEETINC . semble tWlc.e 8 week for gymn!l8the grade building. Every Mothe r _____ tic exercises under the direction of s hou ld .be prese nt a nd h ar Miss The I"lliL'ley Hardware Co ., th riil' teacher Mr, Raymo,n J-J:atKatherin e Gibbons' uss her of Hill sboro and the bl'aneh store 'flc}(1. The Eighth grade girls are wod: in t he schools. Also anofhel' in LYITchbur~, held a meeting at starting the Rtudy .-Of Ele m e n~ry featur\f1ff Lht! afternoon .w.iU be u t he loca l Fairley store Friday Home EconomieS ' und~r-the High talk by our Oom stic Science In , evcning with Mr . Vern ~aiTley iii School Home EconomIcs teacher. str!J ctol', Mrs, Elichert. char'ge, Many pt'oblems concerning TWdJ-rear-oid M~ we, of Everyo ne is urged to be prese nt the store weT~ discussed. "he ofWaynesville Soho q] items this Mancbeatw. N. H.. coloutan and help sta rt ' the years wor~. flcers Of the 'company are v,ry well week a·r e written by B committee . . ... of Senior ,irIs under the leader- ~ ·DOI" haVe WQII ' ~--- .' ~ pleased with , the mana~ement of ~. . . . the .Waynesvill e store and , the ship of Kather~ne G~aham,. Sublcrlbe for The Miami Gazette business be'ing done.

-_._ -

~I iss Luella Wi llium son is taking post gl'l:lIlullte co urse at O. S. , . .J ohn I· r:0 l1l111 n~d fa~l1 l1 y spl' nt S unday Wllh relat Ives In 1)aYlull . .

tl~~ .


S ummor sche clule- 1. t, 3rd and 5t h Sund ay, Muss at 8 :00 ::t. m. : Mr. lind Mrs. H. C. Colemo n. of 2 ncl an d 4th Sunday , Mass at No rw ood , werl! overni j! ht guc s t ~ !) :3 0 : of Mr::l. J. H. olemaTl Su ndu y, fi ev . Lnwre nce B. Moll mann. MI'. and Mrs . • ulllllci Butte l'worth Ilnd Gilb l't Frye visited ST. MARYS CHURCH I'eiat iv es in Wilmingt on unday. OctoLl!r Ii . . 'ixlcen th ' un tlll~' af ('I' Trinity . l'hurrh ~~ hon l at Wc reRtring beads, I' plute ~ il - !1::1O; sermon and " ' Iy 'Ol11 mUIIve rware lind - recover u1l1br e llu ~. ion at 10 ::IU. ('ury's J ewe ll'y S hop, Leba non , O. Rev. ,J. J . Schaeffer, Rector.

Second Grade- Mill Ola Hartsock The sHo nd gruele fu.rni ~ ht'S a pr l!ram fur the e ntel'tll.lIllllent. of the l\fothl'l's' ('Iub at thl'lr l1'Ie('\ llI ~ Friduy. It i,; !1 ~ follows : . lI ell1t h AlphHbet- 2G pupil s. Mi sR Doris lI uwke has resu1l1ed It citll t ion- Fri ccill Ellis. he r dutil'S in the pnstoffice after a ReI.' itati on- AIt on EUl'n Ira rt. . Hea lth Rong- "Tceth" 8 Pupi l!' tw o-tluy:; lib ence becau se of illne ~s . Music reading- Bill y Mel luh.


c:f drillin,,'


Firat Grade -Mi.. Stephenlon Th is I'OO Ill ~ llIrts the Ill orninj! off wilh u s tO I v IInci J!;ames, thus "\,cry one b('l:'in~' wOl'k in j!o"d hum or.

Second and Third Gradel- Mi .. Faye Ke lley Mi~ R Kelley be. id es ~avin g ~ r l'ej!'u hll' :tudi es is rea~1IIg storie a nd teaching her pupils how to draw.






.JJ .~


'fH ZZ£




Common PI e.. Prateedi n,. In th t' CII, l' If l)un L U,n g versus Th e Maxw\'11 1"tljH' r el1mpnny et , 01.. Th Hnv .o lllpuny. inlldvcrtC IIAPTF:R 1\. Ihe o nly on to ;; uITt:I'?" h ;l ~ k d "Th·~' p la c,'~ aI', nl\· whul ~'IIU ; nt ly l"fi.' lT~' ·1 to :l " Hay',; In or---~Il\agcly. "110 ~'<l U think I wl1nl',1 ch ,,":(!_111 milk . . h~l1l: \\' I'Y 1\:!'ll. l p n ru ll'u" th e ,I ,r.. nc!lIn.t wu s.~ runt- j " j knnw il sound, a damnablc til cal't' f'Ii' ),.ltl. Ill' fill' any 1I' 11 I1lan _ ' 1I'11ll1 tim!' do we sta l't?" "'d IWI'IIIY oInys wlthlll which t IIl~\l lt , . . but. vou mllslI 'l fl)r~et 1 s t 11 tl'np for ~'o u u lld I' I'C bl'~n " \O\' hl1t tim i ~ it n" w ?" plead. . , ,,10 I til ll u)!h y( 'tl II' r . A lIiltt!l'i- clIu)!ht in it l\ly~e lf. " "S"vt.:n ,,'tJ.lck." Th e ('llllrt onlt'red thl1t th(' pla m ,\l~ ""mll n II wOlllu n II'h" {' ounSh l.' fl ung blH'k h ' I' hl.'l1(1 :ll1d S!' he ani\' If in the dull, highl y tiff'~ lIlot io n fllr p('ndent ,: lite .ADI.r .. ..., I' I"" Oil" llI an mo ro:' or I c ~!\ 11 :< nath- lo uked ul him Il' ith bla zinJ.:', f'yc;;. cXP,I.nsi\'t! ~trc l' l wh !'l'(, hi ~ moth e r . nltllll'llY lind IItll,l'n,'Y f l'I!~," In the btl cOP." ~Li.OYID .Ylit 'Ill. I \\}\fltt'd t o lllllk!' y ou llIure " I wish r ('l, uld kill yu u·. ] wi~h lil·cli. IHlnelll:lllv u t nine o·clock. : (' nH' of HII Lh Wallhllll v"rsus 'ha~ . 10 'l'" if I rould makl' yuu I (' I)u ld kill you," sill' 'pant·d d""- I T h~ d( lIl l' ('I)l:lll·d lo .. hillLl h im. ' I . .\\, :tl thu !1. hI! U~ ~ il!ll d for Because it is doubly protected against wear and weath e r~ ,', I, rl'l 1111' lind t lu:n t l'('n l you ns pernt('ly nnd was g (J nl'. lind hl~ 111 0tlll'l' caTll t' in. I hl' u rrng O il SHtII1'lJn~·. Odllbl'I' 4. ot and therefore lasts longer, Channeldrain is far more "IO" hi1 r1 11'1'lI tNI TIl\' hrolhcr. y"U , "I hovl'n't kCJll yu u wlliting, JI1 iI'cluck n. nl. i .. ld I1le Y" u hRd nl'~' ,' r r<' nll~' cu!'t,t! , -Gill'~ Ch.ill(>n h u m ' ~ n., ulhcr I(' :\n- hnv~ I '! " , he o~k 'd gaily. III th~: lIe.lion of Vi ola !. (Jugan . economical than ordinary roofing. Al1dyetitcoslSlIO morel f ,.r all)! mall uno! sn . . Inst ni ght" cd bnck III h I I' 1'11.01' ' nntl npGlh';; lu rm'd around. thcn he VC'I'SUS ~.UIIl~' II . Mull. et aI., the I il l' f ... lt hcr ~\\'ny Iwnea th hi~ plied an nh!<uI'c! hlC' hnndkl' rc hi ' f I' (1S(' ~ I' lw ly I II hi " f ell. li e fl' lt u: ellurl ,Jrd e rcd thll t partition of the ! See our Channeldrain exhibit a~d let us tell you how hap d- . ttl h('r eyes. I if ht' ....vus ill Ih ' pr '" 'nre of 1\ pcl'- !'~tntl' in th (' petition hI' mnde by little it will cost to re·roof with this lifetim e roofing, " " ',u n1l'nn . . . it \I' ll. 1111 j u ~ t t;il ('s f1'tlwn d lin" nlll\'('11 r (" t- fcct " tl'n n~(Jr . I Admll R. Mllr r is. Fn' d K ibbey und a $,'Ullh' ; " . Ih' u ~ k ,' d dllz dly. lI cr . I('''::I ly II\'l'I' to t h" \\ !nd,! II': ." It' , . . \\'(' 11 • .it's <lmu?ing!" hC' Art hur H ('n dl'l's ~. If It be found made of the famous COP.R-LOY, the Copper AIIoyl'l1 Sled. , .". , II," 1'1 I"ft hiS nll ~ h('cI ng ltRlt.:d II hlld nil a lIlan ~ tll ~lt kC' f il l' II ~ a l d II l:r ~ t. '" Ol! r111n t 1!lllk U ' ),~. I he Cll lllilll s;o IOIl('\'S thut the ";11'1:. se ('n(', lIlId f ,)r lh,' PH" t t hr l'c days da ~' mill" Ihal1 thirty -til' .... I pr(,l1\i~e~ .c un 11(,l h,· pruPol'ti.on- 1 " Y!l1l dt'nr l hing !" Sh, C' ~ lu u d o,n Iltely dIVIII .. II , Ihen the' prem ' fles ' ( 'I d lt('n hllrll 1\'lIlclH'd hpl' , white - he had hC l' 1I tn'lIle" to " Il l' l' I'l' ry (n(' ·d . t('ns . tilllc: h,~ WilS ill hi.< Il\" th,' , · ' ~ pre ~- li p· t"e un" k issed him ul'all. fully . 1 will [II' IlPllI'ltised IIlld . "Id free o f I "S" y(\ U w,m 'l m ind dUIll'ing with lill y d".I\'l·r. S li rloll'n l>' he found hilll!'elf be- ence. Phone 14 Wayne.vllle, Ohio ~i dl' h('l'. holding [W I' ullr('~pons ive l 11 (' f"u nd him ' t.: I!' rt' nH· l11!J .. ring' Y"UI' ul d nHltlwr ll'·n;J! ht. GileS?" , In till' uCti,, 1l II f 1\I11ri RaC' hm hllnd . pI 'ad ing with h r. t h e harely- furlli ~ hl'd r 'O/lIlI at th "1\ n d II hl'l'l' ll rt' \1'(' g'oing'!" l'corSII" H. H. T "i\' elt u ~ d . f. E' I .. " F urgive In c. F ll r God's ~uke, hule l o n th (' heights (, f Ht. U ~l'nar,1 ll r •. Arllron a~keJ . UR l h ~y ,I rove T r lvelt. Ih c c ou r t grllntc!1 t o Ihe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ny you {orj:{iv c me . I shull ne ver - tlH' isolated Ilfp-lIf · lhl'-\\,nrld awa~'. I d , fl' n tlant~ . or (>itlll'1' of the m. \_. -. t <l l'ldn . l1\ Y~I' If. . I·d giv(' te n years r!!om in II' hkh hI' had hel d ,Jul il' in ' '1' 111 t.': III.. 1\1' F:llln i" the plac,e ~ea\'" ~ I ' ~1" , un H, \\" e r or .. tlwr pleadh . fEl l ' A B OIf my hft' t u wIpe Ollt the gha . til' hiS IIrln s. III /{OI II). G"l'~ ":tICi. " If yo u d , II t Ill/{ wlihl\] ,l tJ <l ap. I e stlll(),O u . lltt, deceus- S22G..JO; Lewi s n nd Dl'Ilkc. bJ'idge I n LAyers mi ~t!lkl' . But it wall n' t altog ther He hlld been fun'l· d t il lean' lilH' il W" I'an l!') ( ' II SIO nll'\\'h ere I _ ('(I. ,fil ed hiS fi~st und filla l !1c(''.'unt. l'epllil' , $ I '.ti l ; Wl' b ~i\l1p ~o n, Th e , !llld" idl n\ll.l" lip 1) 1' Sl'\, my fn ull. Lomburcl - " S Wilz er lund lI'ilh " 1I1 ~ l'" ing hl' " l· b l.... H:1t :'III'S..·\rdro n adured il, ' New Sui Is F_h7;u\)cth ' UUl1~ "',us UppulOt.ed Itridjo{e IUflllo er. $!I~.RU; W. \Y. l lay. · )'~ is alway s pictlll'l';;qll'· . ('m (; u uch e , ~ aml', $ 11iIL!ifi; M"l'ru\\' ~ h.e tUI'·n ed h('r he/ld lind loo ked aj!'ain. ai thoul.[h h" had TII",I,· Sl'\, ' :' 11 11. 1" ld hilll >U .l"· l·I". f, ' \\' f1:inutl' s , Hulh Wlllthnll ve r~ l1~ Chllrl('s ~~al'd~rn ~f lln C~rlfir' I' ~ungb II~ F', r in stll ll l"' . ~ l art \l' ith II ~ Iit l! .. r at ,h~m . " ",ral uttell1p~s . • . . dlll'lng lh,' "\'('n lng WHh \'al'l('d ex- \\' ulthall for cli v" rcp, nnd cus tody $~ I~g( '~~h 'F er ~ Lumb er ('0 . flIateriul. $72.1) :-1 ; wI k Iye( il ' urcad IIlld [nltt, ' r. with II lill · tumb!'I' o. lllate l'inl. . Can you blamc Mr. Lo mbard b li e had Wired Sadl" tIll' nUIIl(' lI ! t n l\·lIl!il lll'l·. I Iff min"I' child (, h ),rl('e~ are noss K~ k \11 . r!1 n. oung nn . . Mu ~ on $ (j!I;j ; J . K. Spenl·er. brirll!l' hl1ll - iu rr nf dIll"". I "imil'nl" ~ lll'C'HfI "n ('H U ~ " you wi s hed t o b ha ve like II the hOlel at which Ill' inl{'nd~'!1 t,, · 1'I" SCllll y Mhl' ~nw ~() 1lI11 peop le 1I ,~ l ee t o f lIut·I·. . . . ITh~s s ur.~tl es· h .'. d R R R l'ud t o a woman wl!o had neve r M ~ay, and Lh r day foll,)I\·In /.: hIli ar· ~ h,' knc~\'. . The Fnl'lller~ NHlionlll Bank o r k e ~ou~ I'.a ut 011;/;01' 'H ' 1'1- bcr. $ 11i5. ·' G; l':itll\;a llll M f~ Co., it. Nex i 1'111 1\ pil·Ct, .. f Bosilln done you any harm ? ' 1'11'111 a II,tt('r ( 'lin\(' In ' IlI her. I "11:1i'llnl!! Y"U s lIlIp lv IlIU st be ('I 'k . '11 0 " . ntar. g ual<tan of Uo artl~ - s ~IPplie", . $2; l{uufl11an!' , supplie R. hro wn Ill' 'a d. t hin , and spread with (' rl'lI lll dll'I'Sl'. Thl'n II sli,'c I) f Chlucn halll flu shed crinls on . <'I,e III' u·, nul (, ,, nn ''I) 'c '\"1' 11 ,'111'", . i n lrll dll ~ ,r! . I Th e\"re .~ uch .~\I'ect I!llntzcu 111. ~ ~I nne e. I ..('Xls ~ tln)!, c'll pornlion 01'- t1!r, IIIcompetcn t to expend certmn $3.!J9 ; 1\1. A, UUl'kl'. I·epail's. $05. ., _ .SI'~ . under the s . . . I . . " he sent my brothel' to hi s and .hille nham hurnt th " II' t((,1' ll ~ " ""pie. Illlri ~ (,ul'llen l: r is Ih (' girl laws ' o f T he "t' ;titl'd ·Stnte of _ums 1':1 ~epalr.lIlg II ':1 ( l1n'p r ov lOj!' 95; .Jumt's Fo lle n. ju nito l' sCI'vicC R, whol(, wh t ltl 101' 1'1111. with lettuco d at h I had a ril('ht t o make her "oo n as he h'HI I' " 111 it - 11" ' lh' I' ne in the ,bluck frock A' . . • ~ th e butltlrng~ In wh Ich hIS wlIrd $1 (j; Pc'nn Mortoll. S lll11~, $70 ; C . and IllHY(l l1l1 l li :-; t' 011 it.. ulHllhe r •' . . <.' : • lIIcrCla. vcr~u~ Lnwrl' nce Brown uw ns lin interest Donald Uilatu s h. rent for nme', sl i(' " I' f wh .. le' wh"nl Lrt'ud. l'Telllll PIIY.' A th ou~and tIme s ~llI('(' hl' Icf u nd th e ~I:llrlet s hllc .;. , hl' S twenty fll r mone ' on l ' Th e nn ou t . . "Your brother II'UI' li S much of 11 Switzerland h(' had th ,)ll ght , I f I IWfI. Hn d ~hc's just go l div or ce d c luilllC'd $1\175 w1th Int ' re ttl, n , ~ tltcef of .:~t~~es f<>r settlembent $20 Wlllch'o n C. Gilmofll', inqucst che ''l' and B "~ I l) 1l bro\l'n h n 'ltd still.. . 't' ere- arc se 01' Ileal rng on . epte m er Rebeccu Jltne lI urnN, $7.litJ; nuy- pil1li-tnlo .:Ind whil,' Ln'ad. Th~ eow!l rd a s you are" . Th e ve ry . , ll~kil1" . , Sn di (' t o div"ll'l' hilll , bu t ((II l\1 hl' l' hll <bll ll 'l' on nt th e I'll e n f _I , . I'perS annum 22 t 9 • ' I k tOll S[(' ncil Wlll'k ~ . rc'lluirinj.(' dater lorend llIu st b(, r llt Vl' l'\' thin for ncss o f h€ r voice was like II knifehitl e nhullI kilt.:\\' h~ r \\,<,11 ellnl1)!, h (,il C'l\ 1110 krd li t th~ j:{irl with tho frolll Murch I') 1 !l~0 f o' c t th 0 ~ °tCt l a. Ill . f th thl' Sl' i;ly c r sundwiclieM. Th ey cut. "Bruve "'entlelllen both of you . " . .. ' .1 os. s n e se ement 0 I' estllte for auditor. $ I. V2. lind olhe br reltef. III) IwhIch SOldi plam o f E ll a A " Butt decellse,1 . it \l'a". ~ hould thcn 1.)(. tril11ll1c"l and I'llt in - -- _ - --Th (' 0 n e t 0,., d 'le:l nu. 1 II'll ve t h c t'lf ' h ~ tigmu of his death UPOII a woman I , may ent lt ('( III t (' prem 5 1'S dete rmined that t he net va lue of to dill1ll 01HI s Il l' ' ~riJl ti Ll I' :o nle who ne ver 'wanted h im lind had rh e ~lIrmers Nati onal R.llnk of the cshlte is $98 '13.!0, and that otlw r ell:<ily lllllnal!"d f nl'ln . nften to ld him so and thc other Cla~.k R vllle . 0 ., .!~ ~ o rp o ratlon or- t he es tate nn.d su~ce ss ion : nre ex({oll C'd SlIIlIlw idll's , l illi , 111'(' dl'Cto brenk wOllllln' 1; wh ole Iifc in I('<lnrzed and e~. I ~ tlllg under the cmpt fr om IIlherttancc tax. "rati"t.: and delicious. ')'Il 'ullIko nrder to si!.is fy hi s petty pride and 1t\~I's of thl' lilt: I'd tates of AmEugene . Dunhllm, ndlllini strnI hCIll. U ~ l' fr'l's h alld l'aUll'I' to ul!h the thing I ' s upp'ose he cn lls his e!'lca, versus Chester Campb ell lind t~r o f the es tate of Lillian J . 111'1' 1101, lind !limpl y 1'1) 11 ('lIch snn d ho or " (layton Cla rk for llI oney only. Sma ll. decellse d. was ordered to wi eh :ln d ti l' it until it keeps itll ~ur'u j, ; hitlenham !lnid plIss ionThe IImount c laimed $ 150 wilh in- ~e ll nt private sa Il' thc prop rt y at ~ haJle'. 01' I1be tie it wil h 1\ li ny IItel I . t ere t at 7 'f,' per a nnum fr om llllt l e~s than is appruised vn lue !Janel (,r wt\fl lwd rihh" n lind lellve t hllt fi n ulltil it is calt' n. DIve you with all my heart April 5 • . 1930 fO.r cos ~s an~ ~II for ('lIsh. . and.oul - '; he !laid hoars('ly. "B ut other r elt e f . to \\I~ l ch sa id plll.rntltr The fnllo wrng accounts wen' liP---- --~ --mRY , be entitled In .the premIse!!. proved : : you hate mc wh en you know 1111 the t ruth- haLe me more thun Sa rah L. Fruncl~. and Grace Esta t e of Lizzie V. Brewer, deKauffman, a s admll11s trator~ of c(,lIsed, first nnd final. I can evcr hate myself, Julie. , . My delir 1- Julie I'm not fre e to the I' tnte of Geo rge B. Franl'l s, de Estate o f L. S. Dunham, demarry y~u. Juli e.'. 1- " I cen,s d vers,us .Gertrude Smllll ey , cea~ed, ~econd lind final. 1'hen Julie suid - at 1[,list her Sa.lll h L. FI ancI: . Grace Ka ufmlln. E s tate of Henry Wag ne r, deTRY Mtll~rc d Updyke, Ralph B. F.~ancis eeased, first and fiMI. lips said it, for no sound lIecemd to SANDWICHES pass t he m : "You mean you're an Insane perso,n I',nnfined 111 t he Elltale of Ma ude Underwood , de • Dayt~n tate Hos pita l at Dill' ton ceas ed . fil' t and final. ' married alread ? EV('l'yb dy likes sll ndwicheR. OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS "Yes." y. 0 .• MildI' d UJl~yk e, ~s g uardia n of Guardi.a nship. of Henri elta Mel- They IIl'e 'asy to at. Easy t o serve Suddenl y !lhe began to loug·h; Rnlph B. FrancIH ~n.1Il o n e per30n. nlllPY mmOI', first a nd final. FOR RESULTS A nd they m ay be mnde s umci ntly helpless hys terical laug hter which Th e. P eop les BUlldrng Loan and E slate o f Lucy M. Hormel. de- long beforehand to be out of the she tried in vain to cheek or conaVlngs Co.mpany of .Lebanon, 0., 'ca sed, first and final. way whe n th e I>arty begins , trol . ". wi.h I co,u ld kill you ! I w :.h • could kill you!" a corp oratIO n. MaurIce ~ m a lley. One woman ha achieved quite "J ulie . . . " Chitt~nham said . , H~nrietta Frnnci s, J. P . Mi~hael, R.,.I E.tate Tran.rer. _ II reputJlti"n for ur ig in a lity by But she we n t on laughing. to guess that if s he th ough he wish . c~~let shoe. . • . fo~~ge Ulld.y ke and The !'I:hddle- Emma V. and J. A. Me a llist er always s~ rving hOl buc on and I t was so funny, so intensely to get rid o f her she would ne ver I po you dance . Mr. Ch ltlenham . Bulldmg and DepOSit. As- to Edward and Emma Sargent 'hee. e ~a ndw ich s to her eve nin g funny that sh e of all people , who allow him to do so. I DO,I;IS u, ked. ' SO~!atlon a c~rporatlon. of .Mlddle- 52.24 acres in Turtlecreek twp.' guests. Th ey lus te good, these subhad never cared immoderately for All these thoughts were pu s&Y s. Ma y I hav c Ihe plea sure ~o n, 0 .• asklO!~ the direction and James Pile and F W F ra nz to tanti, I and t ooth so me concoctions, . . , I h' ? " Judgment of the court In mat- ' . . any on.e and who had a lwu ys dre ad rn g through hiS n~llll us 15 t r~ r ' .h Henry and Dessa Combs lots NOB. lind they just sati sfy th l' midnig ht ed carmg, shou ld so s uddenly have mother WE nt on wUlltng and eomTh e,y went. away ~o~ether e!!pcc tll~g. t e est ate of 1 28 a nd 52 In Franklin. 31>pet Ite whetted hy severn I hours been plunged into this tragoedy. plaining. through the pi llared p~rtltlOn to ~orgo B. .and the pr~pCharles W . .Gruy to William and at Bridge. Two days ago she and ChittenGiles ttlrn d r o und. the ro om where the Jazz band I elty to be .a dnunl stel'ed t.h ~retn. E mma Hebb elcr about 11 acres in All well a nd good for the wellMONEY LOANED hnm had never met, and now a " I thought you we rr' Ino mi srrn- ' plll~ d. A sudd e n ~ereum rose a n~. the ~utles of the ad~llntstra- Hami lton twp, serva ntH I house hold. But fOI' th e whole lifetime of events bound ble to wis h l o ~o an ywh ere," he I shTlll y IIb ove th l' no!se, followed tOI S herern, and other reltef. Mllrshllll S. Harlan to T . J eff most. Of u oneoT the sn ndwich's ---Sm ith, part o f out-lot No, 1 in chief cla im s to favor is the p\'llC- LOA NS on Lives tock. Chattels, t hem together. Th ey had quarrel- said harshl y. "I'm hanged if I ' by R bUI'~t of hyste rtca.1 laughte r ed, loved , q uarrel~d ngain. t hen kn ow whut t he devil you do wa nt" the clutter of bl'~:lktn~ g lnss. Probate Courl Proceedin.. Wayne sville. ieu l olle thn t '.: llIay be llIa,l e a head Second ¥ortgageR...Notes bought What on earth Chl t t enham In ventories lind appraisements Lydia . Cowan to J. A. Cowan of time and put OUl !If t he wily .r oh n HarbInI'. Jr .• Xenia, Ohio. kissed and been happy, nnd now Thon as she burst into tears he un until want ed. the end had come. . . repented, a nd apolog ised r emo r!!e- l.Ii!gD .. G d l· h d fil ed; 89,796 acres in Franklin twp. Sudden ly she spok('; she felt as tully. "O~I !; ar on <:1' aug e . , Estate of Nao mi T . H ockett, d eWalter C, and Chloe Ire ne StaIt is far, fur c ll s ier to mak " pt· if she were choking. 1-li K mother dri ~ d he r eyes ami , It ~ only Julr e Punow. I don t cease(l. ley about 82 a cres in Wayne tw p. ~ entabl c snndwich es if you ha ve ~ miled faintly. . what h l~ ppune 'l to her lat ely. Estate of .Robert Ross, deceased J . S. Ridd ell t o Walter R. Fitts yo ur illlpl e me n ts in good condi· LONG ' OR S HORT TIME- Easy ' ''Please go away." "Not like this. I can ' t go like "I daresay you will be 9ho cked.' She w~ s qUlle drunk here. t h,a Es tatu of Ella A. Butt. d eceased. lot No. 177 in Franklin twp. tion. You mu st have a well - s harter~l~. Also Surveying a nd Abthis. Juli e. there must be some way she !'aid a ll1l osl conquelti sh ly. "But ot·her llIg'ht, ~, wonde r they dldn t Daniel Butt, admini ·trator of Ar thur Butt to Daniel Butt lot pened knife to c ut the brell d. You, !'Itractlllg. Write a nd I will call I'" • No. 655 in Franklin. out. I'll do anything, . IInything' I ~h ou ld lov(! to /{ll o ut lo dinner tu~·.n h~r out, must huve a good \)read board tn' a nd scc yO Il . Sam D. Henkle WayS he laug he d wi t h white lips. , lind then to duncc." he ul(ree d. . .Jlllte Funo\\, . . ~h l ttenham s -:-...=.::. - - - ' - - 0 .J ohn and Muggie Long t o Gwen- cut it on. You must have lhe fill - n esvill e, Ohio, 'J 11 "~ha~ can you d o? I suppose "Where would yo u like t o KO? The v~\Ce, \VaR ('.a lr~l and indifferent, but dnlyn B. Shotwell, part of lot No. ings all mllde n nd each one mU!lt you II SIIY that you lire unhappily Sov-oy .. .' . he f~lt all If so m e one had tugged damm- I knew it would happen' 806 in' Franklin. be provide d with a sepurat e butter - ------ - - - - -- --= married, and ask me to be !lorry "Oh, no! . .'. She Wll !l looki ng I1l.!l1;~ hea rt. ? , ' he ;' hruggcd her s ho uldcrs r es---spl'cader f OI' sp r eadi ng. You must WANTED. !for you? P erhaps you will even of- quite eager. "To u night cluh. I' ve : 'l eg. do you kno\~ he r, ~he'ignedly Ul! .ru)ia s udd enl y detached Bill. Allowed have Il s ilv er knife for spreading - ------- fer t o divorce her?" never been to n nil(ht ~ Iuh , Giles, I used to, be r uther a f l'l e n~ of mine h el'~e1f. fr om thll noIsy group ahe th !! butt er, whi ch mu st be ne ithe r "She would :be as glad of her not to u real on thut IS open ull l but on e h ill! to draw the lin e so me- I wus wIlh a nd threaded her WilY V. W . T o mpkins, pay roll, t Oll soft nor t on hurd, but just WANTF.n- 1 buv r our poultry freedom as I should, " Chitt en ham nig ht, and wh e re yllll (' ut eggs and I wh er e. uc rot's the 1'00111. $"91; E, D. Jon es, sallie, $398.70; right. call !lnd g('t th e m. Will sell: . bncon at three o'dock in t he mol'll Ju : l lately ~h e seems ,~o have Dori s ~ Ianc ed at Chittenham. Brien T erry, SA me, ,098.70; A, 1'. said curtly. trllde or exchanl'c rnoste rs a nd Julie Iuughed in his f ace. ing. It wo uld be quit e ull right , taken. Icave Of her se nses. . 1"00 you kn ow Mr. Chittenham, Rettig, . arne, $301 1.60, Charles Flavored JluUera pullct~ f or bl:eeding .an d rais ing. ".rulie .. " . H e euught hold of with you. wou ldn' t it '!" . Chl tte nham ~ eye~ ,were s t~alll- Julie?" She made the .introd uetion E. Bradbury, same, $117,!l5; J('le Pnu.l Gu s tm Will be wllh lIle in the her 80 roughly t,hat s he cried out. "It wou ld ue quile all ri ght any- , I~ g across t~e I'oo m 1':1 the dlr~e- \vith obvious reluctance. W. Davis, 8l1rne, $481'/, P er ry To begin wit/! the butter, flnv- buslJ~esR and cia speC'ia1izine- and -"Do yo u think you're go ing to be wny," he a ns were d amused ly. tron from which the nOise had artsJu lie had r et urned Crittenham's Simpson, operating maIntaIner, ored butters are lin addlljl)n to 'lIny l'ePlll1' work on a ny llI ake of 011. but ther~ wus t?o . mu~h of a f orma l bow with a careless nod. $62 .50; Leabe Shults, same, $65; snndwloh-maker's Ktock In trnde, radios. Ph on c !)(lP2. Will Gustin. :!!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ ~~~~~~~~~2'!!!~'!'._~_ crowd for him to dlstrngUlsh any "How are yo u? I've heard of Charles Dugan, driving roller, Add fin ely minced parsley. tor In'0 1 .on1), fac e. , yo u," s he said cnsually. "Rodney $15; Harold V. Martz, furnish- stance, to some 01 the butter, The You mean t he" fa mous ~uhe A rdl'On's hulf brother aren 't you? ing and loading mnterial, '23.63; juice will g ive the butler a light W ANTED- Will do' nn~<ll" and Farl'~w, I suppose , he s ubmI tte d Delij:(hted to meet you." Zain Armitage, same, '1363.88; greenish tinge, und tho parsley cMlrti wav!n/!' after sc ho nl and l aco nr ~all y . Chittenham's fac e hardened b e- Howard T. Oook, furnishIng and leaves will spot It wi.t h a darkor .o n Rat urday. Ruth Cook, Thinl pon s gl a n ce~ ac,~oss the !00r;1' neath its palloI'. He f elt as if he loadIng stone, $342.13; J. K. Spen- t one, whIch In Itself II! attrqctive street. "08 There she ISshe saId. [n we!'e in the presence of a stran- eel', furnishIng and loadIng gravol, ,to lo ok at. ThIs butter Is used In the gr~en f .r0~k. No-over the gel' who yet looked ut him with $899; Kaufman's store, 8uppliell, ~ddition to 80mI' other filling. For W ANTF.D LA nY- T o clIlI on the other, s ittin g on t h e ,arm of well-beloved eyes. $6,88; Blanchester MachIne Shop, IIl stu nce, parsley butter mIght be belwr homes and IIrrange for thc chllir la uj{ hl r:tg .. That s what "1 think we have me t before" same, $5,60; John Law & Son, used for sandwI ches filled with demon. trnlion o f II ~rently nel'ded ' ~ame, $15.07; MilleI:' Electri c Shop thinly HIked chicken. hou ~ch'?lt1 n eee~~ ity. Pleasa nt wor k I rali H, cocktail ' laugh. Co me he suid with coo l rleliverance. II lOll)!,. [ m s ure E Rs en an 1,1 yo ur Ju lia raised hel' brows. I'epairs, $5, Lewis and Drake, . Th ere are other ways of flav or- li nd hIghly remunerative. Must mothc l' ." r e !Jol'~d t.o t e?,rs With ono "Huve we? Oh, s urely not. I'm Inc., cement, $513.60 ; Morrow IIlg butter. Oni on juic e is so me- hnve h(\!\t of rcf!'l·cnces. Address an othel bit thI S tlm<:. so goo d at rem e mbering faces, Per Lumber Co., same, $28.60, Zain times used. It is delicious--o nion. Mr. Dpl-!nys, 11 0 N. Main St., DayBut Chl tten ham dId n.ot !fl0ve. haps you are mistnking me for my Armitage, $48; Howard T. Cook. butter- with a slice d cucumber ton, OhI O. oB He was looklllg at .the g irl In the co usin---the ot her Julie!" She same, $31.25; Howard T. Cook, sa ndwich. Sardine butter is made g:~enf ro.c k- a g l ee n frock of laughed. "That does happen same, $330.98; Harold Sweny, by mixing pounded sardines with W ANTED- Party who borrowerl C(\rn dryer, please return to C. \~ hleh th.l' I e to be so very sometim es I a SElUre you," he said, same, $4.25 ~ Eden Terry, pay rQIJ, butter, But these oddly flavored tt h tl~ e With whIch ,to cover har turning to Doris. "Julie probably $331; Charles E. Bradbury, butters must be carefully used, VV. Frye. whI te n ~ck and .a~m s, Her lips wouldn't be flaUered if s he knew, sam~, $365,15; P. B. Monee, same lest they seem to the sandwich - - - - :-=, \\Ie re pall1t~d a VI':'I~ red, and she but all the Bllm,{/ it happens oceas. $80.30; S, E. Cutler, same, $9; eater like bad butter. The discrlm. FOR SALE was laughrn g nOls~ly-l!l'moder.. ionlllly, You ml!y -not believe me Hugh Vance, roadway around, $5; inating nnd sophi sticated IIppetite ately- lau g htel: which dlc.d away Mr. Chittenham, If you I(now Harry Co llins, inspection on bridge is far more likely to find them In~ ucldenl y !Ill Rho met. hIS ga~e cousin that Is--but . a man Ol1l)e $40; W. A. SIIOtt, bridge rep"Ir, tere ting than is the more natural FOR SALE-Sll nltal',v steel cou ch, acr.o~A the ro om. and It was kissed me in th e most impassioned $3; Murr/lY JJe/llr, SIlJl1 II , .a.15; Ed appetite whillh shIes Ilway frOm Side Board. COIII'oll Ranl1!e .Tulte- thc ~omnn wh,om had said manner thinking I was the other Van Mater, aaJrlI!, $5,25, W~lte" strnnge tllstes, Kltehett Cunboard ~l1re. Kj tche~ : he lov<:d hIm, and With whom he Julia I So very awkard e p i l l Warner, same, UO.l!O, L. H, R e member th·a t you CII" gllin In- table very cheap .C F. Jo sl en near had spent that never to be forgot 11 8 he wos a man wh~m B t\~/ Brown, foreman, $52; 'rom JlroVin, terest and !!asy Variety if YQU water tower. ' '01 te n nllth t on the top of the worl~. much dI slIked" 'I labor, $.24.50; Mac~ Kelley, Slime make ypur sandwiohes of several Dol'ls Garclenel' lugged at Giles "A dlsappo'lntment to the man $24.50; Arthur Conover, sa me, kind ' of breud, Home-made ' white FOR SALE -- Wild Wood. wood heating stove: Sam \11'1 Butter(,hltt nham ~ arm. , also e 'h "Ch' tt h Id $17,50; Charlell Kelley, s/lme, U41 bread, nut bread and whole-wheat . "C'l me along ! If Julia sees me b'tt p I aps, I en am sa T om CorwIn, same, $21; FIrm ft. bread, lor Instance , all filled with wnrth. ~ h e' ll want to join our party and I erly, but she only laughed. Huddle~on. extra work, $9; OhIo the same filling/!, would seem to b~ FOR SALE-Ree-lstered German 1'\11 n ot a nxi ous t o have her. Oh, (To btl Continued) Corrugatt)d Culvert Co" sewer!, thlee kinds of s andwiches. Police pups. Otto Michnel, R. a. ~==============================================~================~====== ~=====~-----====================== '1124 FOR SALE Flseh(>r Plano In PINKY DINKY Wauld She be Sore 7 And How I by TERRY GILKISON good condition. InquIre at G nzette Office.








razn BIOOFI NG n




w. B. MADDEN &









.. - ..



I' . , :.





5% Farm Loans




.Advertise 1jOUrSa1e io

thiaNe-wspaptT. It





!IOU buge,l~

o~ . a::.,"(1 ;\- ' A ' ,


,)OMc M,)l ~p 'f"'.)u ~~D 'vI/ITt-\ r HA":'


"'Ie> I

weL.L. MOTHt!,R, NOW Jvn 'S-UPPO~e: M1il1. ~MITH PUT


FOR SALE- Wardrobe and baby :' bed. Inquire of Mrs. James KerrIck. '01


YOU R 'you

FOR SALE-Petosky potatoes, hl\nrl -sorted, $1.65, and seconds So c Il,;,d '$1.00 per bushel. Stanley and FIsher, on top of Sugar Creek Hill. . '08

N1ECk; 't'iOlJ&.C>N'T ~A~K

HeR. ONe

.F OR S~~E--Laundryette in good . condition. Inquire at Gazette Of ·flce. . ' 01 ·'T.~LO


ANt) L~GH A.W"-..,.PULi.,

CAR. A TIN~ MOU1« MAt(e ~ MONId!.Y OF A MA~ ,

10 _ .

fJPES, val~(!s & - fittinll8, for all purposes, - Bocklet's . line O'f-' heating & plumbing 8ppp1\es are the best . The Bocklet-King 00 416 W. Main St., Xenia, Ohio:


FOR SALE Mar),> Brown,

Feather pIllows, Spring van

Ohio, R. D_ No.1.








,I A GREAT OLD SPORTSMAN! •,__________________________ e



Farmer.' Cooperative"wins

Thur.cI&y, Octob.r 2, 1930


At 12 o'clock, noon .


Office Phone .. ..... .... .. ...... .. . No. 112

I~o r the fltth time I t h irly·two Y(!Ur!< :il' Thomas Lipton hs. tri d . " .. .. ... , .. , .. .. .. .. .. No. 118 n n~ fa il e d t o "lift" t h<, Am d onn Cllp. h IY u Hd 's mos t fllm ous Sub.criplion Price. , .. SO a Year yachting trophy, which ha l' be e n o n t hi s s iu e of t he Atlllntic ev e r __ ____ . ____ __ ,~_-:::-= -==.. _. Entered at "o./ ofnu 0/ Wa.v n«. uille s in c e t he "A m rku" won it from I ' Ohio. a. S«rrmJ Cia .. Mail M.ll e r th e YI ,C'ht.' o f 1111 th e w !'lei in 1852 . WIVES a n ti 1';0 0 11 fir wi lh h i ~ o wn (l ratol'Y " W e iJ.\'hty yeaI'll o ld Si r Thoma@ (' fl uid lint It' l her s ll'e !,. ~"" l'thwl th will hn l'dly b· ablQ t o i)ll ih! !I:: o :!: ~1' 011 "!Hil cl d l'ul\' '1\n n~' in l e l·. ~l- 111' WlI in· h" I' UJI lind lIl"I~ I'1i thai o TO BER I , 1\J :l O " S hamr ock" to c ontes t f or lh e in/,\' l ~s so l1 s fl'l)rn t he r e Cl'l1t hi~I~l'lI - ~ h e Jil< l ' n l v th e " ·.h. •\ . IIII1Jr s pe ,('h Is t hl' l'l' all Y":" C 111 t h(· WII l' ld l' UP wh it- II HlIl'o ld 'JU ll d (l l' hilt ,1, ,- phy " I' Ih e gl'e llL F: n l:ll ~ h ha rl'l ~ I CI" 1 r.·"d l·d Lhi ~ y e llr w it.h hi l< "E ll t e r- S il' Edwl'd 1111's hHII 11 ,, 11. III w hom ~ullll'llllllg (I f Ih l' S tll11 , • prJ,,!,." jo'o l', ill s tllll(' (', iL rlll' lIi !<h ,'~ a !;tlik , ~t ll' l h ll ~ n ll t h IlPP l' Il Cd'! I f'OI ' IInec' , Ih e /!c n e l'a l ,;c ntilllf'nt ill l:' e ll ml1l1' ntry 011 th l • diO\' I'l' ll c e I k ll o w pe l's o ll u ll ,I' o Il l' o f th ~ I o r the p.l·up le of Am" l'icu in lin in - Il c Lw c lln lU I' melh Id 1111.1 lh (' I-:nl-: - 11' "di ll l:' 111 " " o f lh e l a ~ t Kl' l1 ' I'il I SAVING BY SPENDING I Il' l'naLionnl SIlCl I' til1j!' e vent WIl S a li s h Ill"th od III' llolll1ini, ll:rin l-: j us: 1 1('0, 1-'11 1' ,1', al 'S he 11lI d I-:" " l' h " nl l' I • hopll thul U\e olhe l' s ide w o u ld win. l i ell. Sir Ed wlI rd a pP l'fll'l'c! ill Ill os l c'Vl' I' Y eVll llin/! II lid d l' lai l b y - - - -- -Sil' Th o l11 us ha ll w o n the 1'~ S p(, ct o f t he (·,' h' hI'HI ,' d Ir ia ;, o r hi s t illl t'. ddu il- I(,J eI h is Wir l' Ill!' "I"d e S uvingR bank dl' PORill' ~\I' e 1l1'0 \\,- und ,"lmirnt iull o f ev e ry Il'll e Any o n l' of th e m w (l 1l1t1 l1a vl' dn,ll!' - S t l "'~' (,I' I-'ll! d ay ' ,; PI'''''l:l'dillI-:S : SI" ,I'l s l11an LJy the p(,l's is l e n c:e w jl h A'1I1 0 11 ro r w e ek s li ver he r e. 1 he w ha L h" d,, 1. wh at hl' s a ltl, and ing a ga in. T hey WCI'~ It'awli dllll'n which h e has tried for the tl'o phy 1 1, "gl'~ t (I f t hl'lll o nl\' e l('I' e n d llYs what o th e l' III<~ a hlld dn nl' arlJ slIId u ll \lver the c uunt r y, f u r 1\ while, a nd th l' s m ilin g' g'o od nalUI' e wilh ill 1·; lI l! ln n d. A nia j " r ily Ill'I' e I" hi m. Wh e n ~ h c di p.! HL a dp l' o ld def e at. w o und up in I l' ~ s t ha n n .\\' t'l~ k . , lI I!C' . th e h us band f e ' lIle'd li I'g'U111 nfll·r I he hU H i ne ~H H1umll lu ~ t P II II. wh ich he hU H welcomed El'c,' ywhl' I'I' bef n l'C th c l'ac l'S W(' are ah('ad nf t hl' ~, II g- II ~ h 111 ra ll y siJ und an d l:'o lHI for '"" d hl'd NilII' th e y 111'(' c o millg u p II l-: uin . in - peo pl e w e I SHying' : "I hope the nl'. s t t1 l' partllH'lll. " I' 11I o'l e l'lI hu ~ i - l tl' ll .I·l' lll·" ul I<~a sl. Yl'l h t' f,dIO\\"l.d dicliting- thnl lh (' American Pl' o lll e ,, 1.1 llIa n win ~ it thi s lime; h(' d e - n ess. We 1\1'(' (' \' (' 11 w ith t h l·m ill . 11I'r til th.e ~: I'a\'(' w il hin II fe w a R U whol(' hn ve n ot los t t h,' hnh it s ('rv es it.· ' nll'di('inl'. in sl' il' net' , and IH· l'h a p' . mo nth s . L ir e had n, \ nl l' l,,(' ZI' ~ 1 for o f In y illl:' ROll1 e thing us idl' 1'0 1' a I t I\'BS u. s po rtinJ.\' g-e;;lll l'l' o n t h e in lit l· I'Htll rt' . In th,' IIIII' \1' 1' a rC' h im. Il l' hUd Ill s t hi ~ Hu .! il' III·l'. . pa,t o r \Vill Hog (' l's, th e (' o wbc,,' \I·" p full ' ·. ~ l llI l11du ll )' li nd i,ll' X,' UC; o illl " a rt' ~ t a llra nt all d WHi c h !'lliny day . hUllIol' is t, when ht' Rugg-es l e d that ~lIbh' b(·hind. l hl' c'lIu"I ('~ at tllI·ir Illl·al. Sl't' A ('un~iderllhl e part u f Ih " I' e- 1\l a .I·" 1' "Jimmy" W a lk e r of N e w B'lIt :,t thl' Illtl llH' n t I al11 mil l'" th l! 1l1 :<n l·XI HIIHl in J.! unci !:), th(· (' 11 (' 'nt witlHIl'awlII ~ fl' o lll , !l l'ing's York 1'C(' (' ivet! r o ntribuliun s o r a inl \! I( ·~ t,·d ill Dil l' \' Pl'y 11IImall liLt I,' l' II u "il l!ing ~ l11 i l f' o f a g-i rl . tn lkin l! ban ks th e o f1il' ill l ~ o f the nnli o l1 - dolla l' (' nch f': ~ )Jl1. ~ h c Am e rican in c·ill ,· tl t i ll S il' Eci\\' n l'd' ~ lif t. 11·}.j e h ul ll n ~, , h" wi llt!. w hat H gl't 'u t fl· ll lI \\' • . . . " , p i.. to 1\1 11' S ,I' I hOl11il ~ n (' up In- o l'I' ul'i ," "II II' iI pa raJ.!l'lq lh IJY 111 ,,~ t .llI' ., j,;. A nd "IH' . " " killg l) u "s Liotl ~ n l 1ll'~IlCllltln n 0 1 s u c h IIlSlltutlOn s ~r rihl'd "To th e W o rld' , Ga nll's t W II~ p I rh a p>' Itl·.. Il "okl' d b ~' nl "~1 w h ic h " I" mu ch dun" ", ,' th an th ,, ~' r ('l' lI l'l, ,W.II~ Ln ~Ill{ (' udva nta g'l' Uf / :(I~('r. " Thl' I' el' po n,; " 11'11>' in s l:l ll- I' CUril' I'S. Iw ed 10 1)[- . 1I 1·lil"' ,at,.I .I· (" "H'l.:d Oppor tu n lli cs n ll erl' ci t o buy prll)l- t.,I"" . u ~ : In lint' :/a y m,,,'e ,than II" had .i ll ~ t 1. 1' . ' 11 1'1 l' (·tl' d I" in l! h,· 1' 11 \\'11 II b d o m ill " l'd ,'1' t o (, I'l y or difTpl'enl killd ~ ilL 11IlrKIl ill :li 1. 000 'n d ll ll nl' 1l1.11 ,; n ? w(:ci In \II P ll rli :lIl1(' 11.1 Hn d , Iw d 1' 1'!: l'urt· d a llI al, c' h im a 1',11' <1 " th,· WiSl' ''' .. MII .I·1l 1' Wnlk e l'" o tlic-e. S ir rlW'II:1 R SI" c'"h \\, It h 1I' 11I ('h I,,· hup <'ll t n 'r he y arl' a ~1't' : l t in l'('nl ill ll, prrces. Th e unthnfl y had t o ~c' IJ , will 1:'11 buek tLl Eurll" with SOlll l' - d a ~. z l , . t ill' Il Io U", ' a lld l11a k (' h i, Ihl' >(' . w" ,,"·n . an d parti c ularl.\' th e thri fty huci Ihe Wh e r e with a l / thill g . m~re val uob le thun t h" , I' C'p ulaU II II . Agaill 11 11e1 a J.!ai n clur- th ll" I' f, r I lw lll II' h o d o L1 ~ t hl' hOI I< ' 1' t Ll buy . AIII('I"I<'an s l'L1P wOllld ha ve bC l' ll t o in l! Ihl' It ll' l-: 111 )( 111 ~ " ~~ l l1 n h e ( l' k, 1 t il " N ·" "lt· UlIl' w i \"c:~ . Wh e n l' Vl' r M Ul·h or t.J1l' m.n ey wi th d l'll wn him. UI I' lilw~\'I('dge Ihut hI' h a s t Lu c al c h the S pe ak l l" s eyl' . l!ll t an y Olll' I, · II ~ m e that. w ith thl' in . , \I' nn the Il(fl'ctwn ond es Le e n (If tJW/ l'Ut h I IIlIt' h(' I\'a , ,·v,' rJ fI"k (·r1 111 " ' I' l" ill l-: 11' li lt h of thl' "ollntn' fl\l'II I' (lr " ' ,1I1e .. Iell·r !l1C I\i UC·I' . S .. t lt e lril' l'~ Ul' l' gr ll willp: IlI ll l' l ' i(II;': rl' OIll th l' SIl I'III KH bank " ha H b l' (' 11 p(lol1lc o f 1\ who le noti on . _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ hl' w l' "l hOll1l' w ith th. , " w " l' h I C',, "I L-Il ·1 th a t t l,, ·\· ~ l i JJ ,'ar ll t h,.i r f o r Ih l' PUI'PORI' of l11 ult ,nl-: ,,<1 ),I1l Cn LR un hurll t' s, lI o lll (, hlli/ding- ill I s l ill .r;n g in l! 111 h is hC·I! eI . , IiI in L' lta ," /' ''l11 l' lv: m os lllurt s o r Ih e c lO llntry Is n o l 1'('- • T hl' I'l' in h"d la y hi ': hU h· wi fe . And 11" ,u/d l' .. nt inu l' t .. " urn it 1\ h o hud hl'C' 1l II s l,"' p ro r h n ul's. R ut l'I'e n i f Lhl'y had ttl d " n .. thi nl! bu t v illi n g- Ull fu " t us ha d bee ll a n t ic i- I pate d, uut lh (' r c hu ~ hl" n an a cti\' l' RUSSIA IN THE WHEAT S il' I': d\l'art!. so 1I1II l' h di ~u l ' p "i n t e d li,: t con 10 li s l ll lk. bu s in e ss ill the purcha s e and sa lt! MARKET ,

Re~i d",-nee


= :.a=----

One mile Ro u t h o f Xeniil on the W ilmi ng to n pike. All kindR of Ji,' c tock, fresh C \\' ~ , !;JlI'iI1K 'r ~ . nnd ~ li ck attil (' . f (' ding h ) g ~ and s he e p , harne.;; et c. The. e . !ll es will be o n tinu e e! v e'T tw o w e k ~ rl' om dat e

Firat prizes in all dalle. of creamery butter at the Ohio State Fair. Be lure of the Branda ~RYMAII> '


'I' ll I{l\1A 1'1 HAY .' Tilu ~ . AII ·I. A . G c. rdun, 'I 'tk, hy I I1 c1il' ~ of U ni o n ch u l'l'h IJ I - I S':!! I


...... '"

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The Brands of Quality - At all Good Grocers

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The Miami Val!cy Cooperative Milk Producers Association


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"·atl~n. 1

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Ihe 1\





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J. E McClure


th" t the PROPOS IN G TO AMEND SECTION 9 OF tlt c r< , ,, I,' nce 01 Ihe I'cpt' al Rome, it ARl'ICt.E XII OF THE CON STITUTION OF TH E STATE OF OHIO. IN Ihe l"rg "lt &11<1 nch('~1 pa la.ce in R!' ,GARD TO THE DISTRIBUTION OF \\ o rl d, It cOlllains 11 .000 r ooms of INC OMe AND I!\IH !': RITANCE TAXES. till "Zl·'. i' .chll iing hall s. chaptls and Bc ,,'J. :"t'" b) , Iu' ' ; i' I,rull A JJ ,mbl y ) f ], \'i :.g a IJ:lrt 'llC lllS. There are 80 rh... .' f ll t, of U ~fl O , th rr:r: fif llls of the [; ralld , t.. i rcascs and 200 , ~rnaUer 111 ( 11111('1" 5 ("I n t n t t o tadl h V\l u CU ll ' (J II <S. :\ ul.. .dl' ca n estimale the value {' 1 11I 1I 1~ I hrl f' 111 : " hu t th Ht' b h ~lI Lr: !.uLlll itlr ll t o th e of Ihe I , e:., u·rC5 st ored in this build! ' (If 11t.- !ro l.l le . f", " I t' lr O1 I 'n l h \ ' jd fl f' in g. bil l thty inc iulle all of the gilta rJ lt'h}t'lu ..' l lurl . II I ,It,. 1lI 3 11nrr ~' ro vi ded by Jaw. at o f j " \\",,1, a ," I precious mdals which t h e ,, )r c tum h J IJr I u 'l t l u ll l li l' 111 '- ' lUt' d ." h:1\ (' h, " 11 IIla ·le to Ihe successive ::d h"r the fi .:- l ~1 " l\ rtay 111 N u \cmLJrr, 1930, n I ii \ ' l hJ .... l t il i'H llC"tHl ~ ( ( 1 il l1l ., tTf urt k le X II I'''!'<'' h\' llno u t Cal hol ics for thl! of th t' l 'H IH ll tll l li. 1\ lif th e . Iate of Ohio, to Ita, ! I ..;rio yea rs . There art ten. ' of rr :l lt .11 f 1111 11 \.\ 3 : t lt " \l ~;,, " b " f pai nl ings and art obAR T I C I.~ Xtl. jec t. (·.... h worlh a fortune. r (. 9. ~ II I lro u t ha ll fitl y Iler ceutllln .. I{, ...· k .-f e llc r him 'elf could hardly of th e III Cu Ul «: OI lId Ul lu: nl n ll c c ta xes tll ;u ma y he Ctlllf' tc.-J lJ )' tht &( .. Ie: ~ h .d l be r Cl urlu' d p:l)' fo r Ih e ta lleslries a nd paintiDgi 10 t h t' (' 1.1\111 1)' , ad lno l d, <t. lr n. l , (" It y . ill " l$ c, ill liLc \ ''' 1'('111 a m! Henry Ford would n r 1 1, \, u ( h l1 ~ In w lll l" h ,,;\1 .1 II t(' , ' t l1 t' n r Itl ' i t k c' III Lh l' iJ o untirul " li d d"lit-i, .u s • hn Ha ll t r 13 )( o r i.: iI13 h ' I , or to any of tbe be !.a nk rllpl be r.. re he had half d inn e r. 1l ('. a s fil II)' ht' l ' f O \ I,It ' jl lJ y 1.1\\ , thul ' S tukclI hy th e l1luJOl'lty ur Th h . f h ['0 • fill i, he". if he s larted 10 purchaJl! ~ . 1I"'..typIC' l l " 11rit 6. l y ~ lJ . O Am e ri cll n ~ , is whe n a mUll and hi s e I POlY. u t e ,""WlelIt l' l" ·." 1'11': und :\\I S. R " hl'l't • t urnp (I ll . ti ll " . Irea su res al their a Clual "alue," wife g o illt o d l'ul to b u y H 11l\111 ~ . ': H II.L o ~ HU !'~ I ~ .s~ e l~' ~ t o, Ile ~hut If t\,I' ~ :I 'Il ' d lh l' " <~r.cI ('Iub at 1\ h<1 l11 - ,,, ~ , J :II11"S T. ~ jehols , who recently U:.. t T I·:n STAn:s 01' A~IE RICA. There I\l'l' lInr" I' I UllUl e <In (' s who l VPIV ~ ro n o nll t In ~ l l tuII " n. ,n the Th (l W . C. T . p, 111 ('(' t- T h ul'~ d n:-r hllll-:(' I' ~ lIppl'r / · ,"la ~. STATE 01' 011 10 . rctllrl1l'd f rom R ome. Uffil't o( the St:t f r t a ry of Stale. n e\'e r ha ve Ih ,' ~ril and ll1ural \\' II ' ltd ~an be deSI I·loh)'c d."lll ~01l1C 1 O Cl u l.ll' 1 2. at " lI n ll'- lll · tlll' - W " o d ~· Th e S Ull s h in e 1:I <'os tl' r cia '" o f' I . CI.:\HI:: XC,, }. llH O W:>I. Srcrctary of . 1111'S le ('I'IOll S bweayben e fitted e CClll1111 0 1l 1 h' ''ll c' 0 r !I"1IS. . . ( ".I"' .. i(' ' C' n II t,t .· t c~ulI~g' t o SU\',e up t h ~, f"1I'" t le n Pl:op " will thel' ~ LJ\" J ?n ah ." ~ Hun S und ay . S eho o l. lIl !'t GRENFELL SI.lIr, II r t he SI Ale o r O l n ll. ,Ic. hC'rcby ("(-I,t ify t h a t tht:: f urr~ l!illll IS ( flp ied fr om and ('a r~01 t\~ e n~y p.~r(,l ~l.t o f I h ~ Ct :~1 o r .u I t is hn ' ed o n the l\I ul'x ill n ,', ci,,'IMis~~ KIl Lh le{' 1l and :< l·lIi (l I I·. I'Il!a .l· l'Vl' lI l1llt Illth .)11 111(,. a n d '1'1 ,,· y Oll ll g cn ll ege men who have I f u ll y r Orlll' lI lc,1 l1y me w ith the o r iginal j oill t homl! . ~ h e n al. ~ o th c l':I '.1110 n I l' i ~1 iell'" t h a L human nalUl'e iR c s - Gl'aham C' ll te l' t lli n pcl 01'''1' t ill' I\'(!l,k ( II Mp, d I) ''' [ l·'·. A ll l1l(!I11U l' I'S. ~al'e '''Si, I.II g Dr, Grenfell in his Ur$II II1 II1111 tl lt HII\(' " Ly the kB lh General Asa fr~ J(1 .lIr., OII· I~l g-hs\l m.eth ll1.g t1hu t ~" nLllllly hones t. capable . a nti i ~- I l'nd ~I isl' Huth Studebake r a n d 11 11 (' , Il l' l' e "1'('~(, l1 t nn.d I'es p o nd l' d hU'n I••t,ly fi r the Sl,l le tl f llio on AJlri l lith. n",d il'." lIli s,ion wo rk among the H' ]lUI), an J now Oil file i ll my o ffic ~ Dull in th1CY \\ o n t uUy.l (l l11 l ~lI1 t.. 1 I ll'Y dll s tr io u s u n 'l thaL given u chancl' ~Ii s" II, Ito n (, hl' Ill' \' o r Da y t o n. Lo 1'1 ,11 (' ull 1'. lt h <C' llp t UI' C t('xt~. . ave m o n ey I? I' ny ro l' It 111 flll.l . at hiR o wn s hare ' o f th e w orld' . ' .. ., . ' /-' n ll n winl!' I he bll ~ in ~s~ ~ b: i on " rlc" 'p' Sl':! f,sh e rmen o f L a brador are "' .'" a fli ia l c tl!u ody U5 SCcrttilfY nf StAt • • f Oll fu t t o ht' tru e a nd corr ec t . S;lid J oin t e' . ' II k h '" ~Ir~ . l\Iur~' lI all1 es , 111 ('u l11puny r"u n d Df g am es \I' U S ('n ·,o" e d. Oil I'wir way "oul ." The: ice is dO!- :ulll In cn~ h. But 111 belwcen t h f're I~ I\'e n lt h Hr- :o.oiullf' n was fi lt'd In t ilt otll e of lho S«· th t h i ' e v I y man \\0\1 ( eep Is II I ' rlllCII' \\l ll ies S 11l31'l l ' . . ., · illl: ill beh ind Ihe m and for Ihe next rrl a r y of Stalt 011 A jlri l 16th , 1929, and e gre!l IHel'Ug-t' 1:'1'(1 111', IV " r (l hanri s o ff the o thel' rellow' s s hill (' WI 1 H' I II~ , :- ' , ' el11pt Ing nH' lo n wa s ~ C' I'\ ,.d a ~ 1'(' not hes itate t o borr:o w II :! mu c h li S do hi s o wn s hnre of th e . " 'Id ' d"l'nrt e d f',,,IH~' r".r a t."p , W es t : freshlll e n L~. Adj (,ul' n (o(j I') 111l' 1l1 tilt' !lille months the man who has given 11H' 1l0 rJ to a lilt lU.! St'l'fion 9 of .rticle X I 1 the COll btltlllll1n of the I la te- of Ohio one ~r 111' 0 y e ll,.,, ' III co 111<'. o n th .w uI' k, and u ll' \\'0 Id b h. \\ 01 8 , S he' will \' I" lt h e ,' s ls (e.1' 111 .Klln ~a s lus t Fl'ida.l· in Oc l " !> e r Ili Lh Kalh . '!~ ':". f r. 1:~ : ;l'IiS dhrfC w;1J hi! IJo. of r d a t lllg t o the di,tublltion o f in come and sec llrlt~' of a ho u s e lind lo t. lind '1' 1 , tI . . u e ~pp}t d d a nd 1\1 ~0 go u n t o C'a!J r{J ~' nla . She Ic('n Im'o o d. ,:11.,,, ["J:" :11 ~ ,,·o dd. a.. :It Ma bcm inh r r il 3 nce t axe •. then pUl th e ir nelSl' tu l he g rind- I a~ its ~~ntl:o r'S F~~~' r b ~- ea "Inn s t o U-l' g o n e ab o ut HIJ( w(lek s. TI \V . (. , . e, ery wII.ter f'Jr 1!c:.ri), f(, tty year.. IN WITNHS S WIIt: RF,OP, [b n\'e btre. s l o ll e t o PlIY o fT t h (' d ebt I ' . . " 'Y 0 Y 1\ 10 D I . I ' o lllan! S 1\ Il Le ugu e m('\ G rc n ldl was a YVUIlJ docto r ill "n,ll! l\lhICrib"l! 111(, n artlt nnl,t OffilCt'ct "'1 It IS o Olcln l &cl1l a t Co umbu • . OhiO . hi. 18 tb ' RO mile, . I eos lI' . " t nnyth,n O' about humun nu MI'~. . Mal'Y nh'I'll t L....• (I ' !luv e w h ' n kno\\'~ .. . " , . , I (I!:'the r an,J\l .SOIl I ,' with '"I .I ·~" .1"ll , I11' ,n G I'. , .S'\Lur • - L,l" u·" 'll . 0\11 )'"'''111 L. M.'.~'y. u._ one ha s a definit, objec tiv e Wh e n LU'e lo.ww s. thaI I~ not th e way , harl !:F. l e tuln e~ . o.m .. OJIC ~~ dll Y a fl l'I1 oun . AL Llll' c l o~e o f ["mous American tva:.!teli.t, .was dn)' 01 S<pt t mbu. A. IJ. 19 JO, CI,.'IH~NCe }. RR OIVN. th ere lire m o nthl r in s Lu llm c nts of hUII1!ll1lLy IS co ns t ,t utN J. Ev('ry - rr o nl. a f e w da y S V' SI.t Ill th ~Ir ". Ihl' bu ~ in ess sess io l1 th l' f o ll owin g- ' Ilt'aking thert. fup~ng to pall Sec«,.ry 01 S' ate. I ' t t b bo d y wh n kn ow a nyUung ab o u t W. l-. l\1cCun(' and l\1IRS VII·J.\'lI1ll1 , IJI'c'I-! , um I\' n ~ I! i n ! 11 , Mu s icul Hu I '11 G f 11 d d' b d . (Seal) P ri . II I v(,nclfJ an( L .l' r~R 0 el m e t. I' co n o mic. kn ows that th e way to in K u k u lll O, Ind .. a nd Mr. nll'l Mrs . manc e ('o nt e~ t co ndl;cL e 'I 'ul' Mari~ . IC .,a, ren e roppe! 10. ear I I' e lflls Y·1 bUi ld. up prosp e l' ity is n o t to beg in G e org e C: o lI l! tt. n t ~ rawfo rd" I' ille, Gra y with ~iu ;-garl' l l' ul'kei' III th " Muody's rnes:;:.~e. stayed to talk, de!leIJe lllt!. 1ge .mdo~ , .• 1'11110 (I US un • I III III IVluua S lI s ua y nc by t e aring down th f ndnt' lInd ' . ' V. : : IJed that from that night on he mull ome w ay Lo ll1 ed th e m . Ivh erens n' . ' . . .f!. ou IOn~. . ', , . ' pHI" " . 1 ~ lt L'r,' at ,;('hoo l on Fri · de\'otc hiS Ijl~ to the service of other.. m e l'{ Iy pultin!( m n n ey into a bank ]'~t1Ifl[~st! yr a~ld I~u srn c~\ . Sh' t .L\ T he Daptl::; nll 'SIO n pl'Y Ire l<- d a y Aft r-nu M I, M ISH 1I l' le l1 Hu n- The mediC',,1 mission to the tiabu I t o accumulate at inte r es t doeR n o t ~ .. we (l0C!8 IS, . C Iqu e, ~y I~ JUIl - wa s mad e heurl!ly II'lll co l11o I\ t th" dall, l eul'h u l', li n d a . h ll nl()rou ~ fo lk was the result. see m so imp o r t ant. And when the i t 'Il~> m~lIiie s ~hl' mallr o n ll o f un- h o m e of MrN. blh e l G ill a m. W e el · !ell 'll n j!' by Lizzie S llId!lkl' r. Ad- l Greal Britain has honortd her Da1I1 0 n e y 1s put Into u ~nm e, it is s ur , i~a~esl!~h m ~ ~s f.a~ IJeU e Sjantts In o m nesdu~' uft('l'nool1 with ~rs. Ne Vil .Iuu l' l1('d t~ m~;{ .t O ct o Ler 11 wit h tive son by conlerrl~ kni~hthood pri ~ ing h ow s oon th e ~e nse or t 'd e t h~ 0 c l-d • 5 ry g tio I) o>'t-:l' a ss l: tln/<!; Ml'~. Lld a Hall o n MI'~ . LI ZZ ie Sh ld a k e r. IIpon him He is Sir l'lfre Gren " eur ow n e 11'0 1' s eco n o m C I .• h J i ·· th ·1 'I' • g JI1 L I· own_e r s lip or proper Ly tend s to foundtltlons in the ho P I' o f mukin u t (' (\lV,,:t on s ,~" . . II e l'~ ,mll~ I S.. ?1I1'U '"c' h 'Id Hkl' l'. M,·.·. E. fell now in' hi• s o ld age. America humnk e t h e hnme -buyer more cure- (' v ' rvbIHly who work s dl ' t' IX account of Amh. MI s. Mill) De n W . V, llnr s n nd SU II $, Hh ea un d givcn liberally 01 monty and manA Baltl e C r e e k phy . ic iun suys. ful ab o ut o ~her expen ditures . fied 't hot th ey will al l h~(~orn/"~ I~~ :~y l!,llVe ~n Int e ~·.cst\,~g lesso n o~ Ev c lyn f cCarre n and H ob~ 1'l G u r · pOWl,r t o aid in the work. The ea- "Cons LipuLi o n is res p o ns ib le for Our ad v,c e to l' v e l'y eoup l-e .who o lutionlsts nnd c o mmuni st!!. e Ittl l ll~ ~ ~ In A~ll~l1c.a. Th e ho~tess d on ~ p e nL ~Iw w('(: k -cn d In \V a l. am:>le which this self-lIKrlficina more mi s ery thun IIn y other cau se.' do not own their' own h ome IS. to Thut is clou rly the oti I' b _ e s s e ll e d deliCIOUS ~ ~ Ion a~ t h e hound ing WIth !\"'. unei l\l r~. \- . P. doct or has set has had IUId still has I But iml11ediule r e li e f ha s b ee n ~y a h Olll e lind 'buy it now. Th.o re hin d lhe Ru ss ion go~~rn~lent~s re fl'~ hm c l1t ,course; \ 1 I t~I'S (j~ l~e MCC'IlITe n. quie! but puwerful inHuence on thou- fuund . A t ab ll't ca ll e d Rexall Ordn eve r wo s n n~ore fa vo rable trme e ffort lo depress the price o f wh eat u.fteln o o n I~clu~ed n Mr~. M1I1n.le 1\11'. lin d Mr!'. W . i\1 . Malhia~ ands of o ther young men who are e l'li e ll ha R been di ~ co\'ered . Thi s to bu!lcI or t o 1!"I1IH'ove I'eol estate . in the nil~d S t utes. By "short I: c it ? .. o r F"~u ns~ 'I I. •. Ir! d .• l\1! s: I~nd :o n. ))"11, o f Dayt o n, wero t rying, in their own aelecttd .pbtre, tahl e t uttrl\et~ w a t l'l' fr o m t h e s ysDuildl!)/! mnt e nul~ nrc lo w('r than ~e lling" in the Ch icago IlHil' k et t h e E~th el J)nstc l 'i\~~1 s. ~lonbl1le Un~( I' S und a y a rt l! l'IlOCl II l!U\!~ts of MI'''. to cmulate Gren!eu' t e m into the lazy. dry. they have Il ee n III year~. money S er l'l'tol'Y o f Agriculture st~te!l wuud, MI'~ .. . ICC I ·1\lo.rn • A'I 1'1.5 • Amando St.un'. • •• bowel call e d the colon. The water cnn b e borrowed on ('lISler term s Ih S . h " . ' L s~ ee La \\ ~o n n n( I S. l ( Il' M" 1M ' A 100Re n s t he dry food wllste ancl th f ' I Ill " Il c . nV IPt governm e nt a s beal e d Sc hllm e l'1 0 h Adj o urn e d t o m e et I. UI!l I I S. e ho s. F.dwards G MES da':;t ~I %e~II'!';' 1 a nl U 15 un the ~\'heat mnrket to th e linnncial \\' it h Mr- i-I att ie In wood in Oct- a r: d J t! l11lnHl Cal'l' s penl S und uy Human nature dem~dt play. 1'1 ca us es 0 g en tl e , thorough, naturll l a olma·twll.ges ·thn Un n~to sd de Lnm e nt o f every wheat grow(' I'. o bcr . _. w,th MI'. and MI'~, H o w ard S ur- time o f s ires•• nd worry. p'_y l' S .1.._ mov e m e nt with o ut f orming a hllbit E!.vel'Y COll1mU11l y. 111 e . 111 -e But we hav e no ideo t h at thi s . fnce ant! 50 n. uL Uli ca. • _. ... UltI 01' elle r increas ing the d ose. Stnt('s th c mun With $500 111 ~ur:d will occo mpli s h its al'pllrent purMI'. and Mr , W . A. Lul, e n s and besl relief from nervous ,tr.lialo. Thai Stup ~ ufT l' rill g fro m constipaor t hat h!! can grot huld of \V,lth .ln pose, t hat of turninJ! Alllericun d~1 ughtcrs , Mary Cnrolyn Esther, - - - - .. - .. - - - accounts (or the sudden and inun~tlle li o n C hew 1\ ReuB Ordcrlie at /I short tllne. cun buy 0,· budd a furm e l's int o Bols ht' vi s t s. s pent 'un d ny with M r . and l\t1·S. popul a rity o f the nrwe~t outdoor ni g ht. Next du:.' hright. Get 24 fo r $5,.000 h o me good .os o ne for - - - - _ _ • __ L ev i Luken g lind ~on. at W a ld o. ga me, "1'0111 Thumb golf." It i§ rs- 2fH: toduy at th e neares t Rexall which he W/lUIU hllve pard pl'llbllblv c _ • limatC!d that, even in this financially Dr ug S t o r e. Adum s Drug Sto re. $6.000 ~ yell'!' uu o , a nd whi ch will Ab ~ut .J/) I U,dl{'~ a ss;~:l~! e !1 l\ \ difficult year o f 1930. more than 0IlCJ proLably be w o rth $6 .500 in .I ona h s Hun hUI c h F !ldflY '01' hundred million dollars has ~en sptnt another year or tW Il from n ow. tre annu a l nll~d\lY St! wl'1Jr. In th ~ in bui ld ing and equipping Tom Thumb Th e mall man wilh $1,000 cljn u~s e mlllag e besld~~ l11 e rnLJ ol's o f ~h e golf courses. They are eve'rywhtrt. e lrcll' w l' r e lu(h cs fl'llm • ~al o ll and a!lrac t t ens o f thousands who have a $12,000 ~o $16.000 h omeif his in co m e ju sti~(,8 ~ uch a hop/;jl c h~r ch and fl 'OIll the ~. E: lind havc nl:ver played real golf. The 1111111 with $ I,OUO · . 011 Frie nd s C hllrc l) e~ at Hl\lve.ysburg-. Cot lon-sere! hulls dyed green Irt s Larted ~o build n o w, th e bus lilesS M ore than 20 g Mfllt!lItll \\ e I C Illud e used fo r thr fairways and grreDl of ~epressjoll would {lo me to an end nnd too CO 111 r o rts ,knotted lint! th ese milliature golf courses. RESIDENT whhln s ix month s, Ilo und . At n oo n nil did IUll11l e Jus· _ =_:--.=--::,-:-=--=;-:;--_-.=_ _ Anoth ' r currelll sport is the reviva l o f Ihe old game o f backgammoa. - ~~~ = -==========-===~ ============== AUTUMN-A DIRGE Fllr yea r s nobody heard of bacT.mPERMANENT LOCATION 1110 11 ; Ihe yOllng u generation dIdn't By Percy Byuhe Shelley know what Ihe cur ious design on the By A.lbert Reid T he wanll I'un i~ failing ; th e Ll e a k hack of the chedctrboard meant. Now II' ind is wai lin g; 1 fa sh inna ble 50 'iely has taken it Up, LEBANON, OHIO Th e iJan' Ilough~ ~lI'e s ighing; the uOl.ks 0 11 backgamm9n are being pubpa lc' f1 o w C' r s uI'e dying ; P. ye. Examined d,hed. rtlle, ..n.ct In~tructlQQ' are beA nd th e Y e aI' GI.lle. Fitted Repain On th e ca rlh, he r c1 c l1th·b ~ tl. i ll II 118 br',·;. ~ r."i I: }' f~.til(1 aIM1 IMWtoo ~ hl o lld or leov ~s d eu d, l.,:.{ : ! are H~rtLrl " bactp ........ I. Iyin,~ . ",!u:nn; Co m e, m o n t h ~ , come owny, FI:II I11 Novem b er til Ma y: In ~'tl UI' s Heldas t 81'1'UY Civil war in Olina is not 80 serloUl F o ll o w the bi e r 1S ' new Sllap.:l· dis)la ldlCS ' ! uggcat. Of the d e nt! , c o ld Yenr, And lik e d im "hndows wotch Ily Chira is .. hUIle C;lUUU·Y. covtrilll 111110$t h~t a. ;nucb gro '&'ld 3.5 the h ~ I' Repu ld1Ur('. L' niled Stalu tUld haying three limet Phone 93 Th e ch ill ruin is f a llin g; th l' nipp e d our populililon. Disturuancts in one r!!Kion hAve liale etIect on di.taat w o r m i:; crawling; The r iv e r s 3 1(1 s we lling ; the thun - parts. h is surprising. nevertheless, to d e r i ~ knelling read in the U. S . U:Jrnrr.erce Reporta For th e YeoI'; Th e Il/ilhc s wall o w~ a r e fl o wing, th:.t new apart'tn~nt nOliN'S fram 7 to FOR SALE DATES CALL 20 . storil's I:igh are being built in and lhe liz81'd each g o ne Shanghai. that a cor.lmtrcial broadTo hi s dw e llin g; C4Sting slation is w,der con'tnxtion Co rn e, l11(1nl.hs, COllle again ; Pu t o n whit e, bla c k and gmy; and anothl!r hy the Nanking &-oVemL e t you r li g ht s iste r s plnyment. and that othtr DtW enterpnae. are ~ing undtrt.lken. Ye , follow th e LJie!' Of the dea d , cold ' Y e ar, · China is far from ~ins (laral)'Jed A nd mak e he l' grave green wiLh by its internal war., II.nd may come t ea l' (In lea,'. out of them slronger thlll ~IOfe tbe7 bC!g:1n. JESSE STANLEY

' l


'JI.. 1'1'"",,1 'lnll"'!



Day or Ni"ht

F. T. Martin Auctioneer

• • •



Centerville, Ohio lPhone S9W






30 Y ears Expe ri e nce in Fitting llnd Making Glasses - at-


OJ i


CARY'S JEWELRY SHOP Every Tue'day, Thuraday" Saturday :"0 CbarRe for ExaminalioD

VACCINATION With Dependable Serum and Virus insures both Safety and Success


Dr. W . E. Frost Harveysburg,

Which Can Bire the Hardest?


19 N. Broadway


Phone 31

Dr. John Zettel


Sighl Specialisl

L. M. HENDERSON NOTARY PUBLIC National Ba",k Willa Drawn

- -

E.t.tea Settled



• • •




Wa ynesville,Ohio

Stanley &Koogler ~r~~ ---~-~ --





-- ... ----



ROOT FO R AND CONSIGN ur Cuttl e, ho !(s, s h eep lind calvo ill Norri s.B ro ck Co., liv e wire and ;ll'ogress ive firm f o r the hi~hest llIark l' t prices ond guod serv Ice. IInio n Stock Yard., Cincinnati. 0 , Het.rene e: A s k first man y o u me"


• ••

Phone 320. New Burlington , Ohio

The newest thing in ro:ad COIl6t'tucEARL KOOGLER t~ on :! te. I:Juild thr!JI of iron. The ('"t iron highway of importance it R . D. 6, Xenia, Ohio undtr cOlUtructiun in Sangamon Phone Dayton Co. 54J5 county. III., near Springfield. An iroo trough ' is laId on the' flaltenrd hi&hw::y surface. the corrugated sheets of the bottom of the roadway lltill8 READ THE w~ldcd to the iron curbing. at tithtt side. . This trough is fiJltd with a h)'er of sand mixtd WIth a m~stic binder. to form a cushion for . tht· surface, which mily-·be concrtte. brick or Some other paving material. . . . Rm:d building in Amerie& it .tiD Ii new art. Old method! useful- in horsc-and .. wago!\ day. are ute/ell foe: mofor roads.. In time the Ideal road 'will be dilCOVered and used ~. where. Meantime; evol'J . . . ktia

It wcnh



Dead Stock Wanted




Fertilizer Company ......


PHoNE ~3 HARVEy S 8U"q. t



\:l t l~:I:,;\~:;~l'~;: I\I~I:~fh~:~/~f\,;ls,tl f

~~§~====~~~~ Th~E~~,~E::~t~,: C_~:B h~ld NfWS D1REC fROM ~ome-Coming ~ay at !!rry E=JU ~I

look for , the: ndmc .






on the sole: dnd lining


of every pdir of



11. Ll,?IflY lin I' nday th 26th, MI S, Al\('n. till' pr 'gid € nt gnve till' c1uh ~o me cX('l, lIent thou~ht s in a. brief talk, . . The ~' eul" S prog rllm ' cenlt' l'S in th' Bril i:h hl e~ and We WGJ'{l IlIvOt' cI with tw o excellent paper. Ic lure, entitl d one by Mrs. .. O ll ~t o f . ornw a ll " • I ('v onhire." 1\Irs. "eall t o ld ma n y interest ing facts IIbout "Famous Bridges" Bnd "Fo rest We a ll Kn ow ." A pleasllnt feature of the aftern oo n was the presence of ~h'8. Ord II nllth' e of En~lund wh o ~avl' Rddili oll ul p" intH I) f int er('st a nd , llt'wl'd pictu r es o f run lll u ~ plll c('~ ' I lur ing- till' su cia l ho ur a tll' liei" u.-; lun,hl'\ln 11'11. ~ I'n' t' d iJy lhe host ~~ u ss i ~tc d by ,\1 iss II I!\ on II ;!wh'. l\1,'". O'Nea ll and !II r~. Fro llllll. (;lI" ~ l s fill' Ihl' afl('rn Oo ll W (, l' :\11'''. ll uilll'Y Glln;;. ~Ir ~. l"I'l' d Gun s lJr. ~h' r" Cn" k. l\lr ~, 01'11, :\Irs. .I";; i,, \\' ilita!;('r, ~ I r>' . Ho;;s linl't ~ 'I('k. ~r ". Walt!!1' ('a ~t, .\l l's. N!!Ltil' Hy l' and !I !r~ . Mal'Y 1I 0 pkin~. - - - - - + - ... - - --


the tremenJous sUt.ce5S of


i vltcd

mJny imit..ll ion,


___-=\ AAAAA~~to~~~~~~~I Gcnuir.e ENNA JETIICKS for sale by

MYER Hl'MAN Waynesville, O.



cli ng . a llie was hiding he r - buby on her lap and n li ttle two yenrs It! girl by her si de , yeal', aflel' t ha t prayer in t he moved bllek. s now. We had Father said "I would lik~ to heur from sis ter Underwo d" sh e did not rise but said, j'M r. mi th I can n ot spea k in Church but I love the Lord and His Chu rch and pray for you all." When sh e comes before the Lord and He tells het' that h er faithful n ess helped multitudes I she will be Burpl'leed and !lllV " l a lWAys th ought J h ad no illnu cnct! and eou ld do li ttle tor th e Church." That t he Chu rc h Hti ll lives , lifter In o re than a hnlf-century, hu s pn. s ed s in ce the!le ev en ts l)rO ves l hat suc h herois ril h U!I b ee n s hown thl'o ug h th e y('ur~. I do not know how mllny have heen t l'u e t o Christ but li e know s und so nre hu ppy day th ey will hear the words, " We ll dO ll e." Most of tho se o l d - tim e r ~ have go ne to t heir rewurd but they Idt behInd them lI~h t upon the dea r hearts of ' th oB O who hllve 90 loyall y st ood by lhtl Chu rch . Give tho fo lk s my love. I Ilm sC' vcnty-two ~' cars old but am still prcac hin g but th e denr old C hurch 8 1 ill ho ld:; n ~acrerl pluce in my h c<nt. A nrl li S nr e mo l'y is busy with 1 th e past I see th e faces thut gathered t o wO I'!lhi p ' God. Wi t h all my heart. II is nnt! yo urs , J. H. O. SM ITH III

COLt ME S, OH II - Th<! report. o f Scrretury uf tate, ·' laren 'c .1 . B I'OWII, Lo lhe Govern I' und Geno r al A 'sembly of Ohio hu s bee n I ceiv d from the printer and i r ell dy f Or distribution . This bo ok of Uhi o stilt! ·tics contai ning oller ] ,100 png~s includes a municipal and township roster, It also ~icks up a half yell r extra co~­ porallon stat istics so that the publication of the businestl of thllt dl" bio n will hl' l'Iwfter end o n the ('all'ndar ~· t!UI', n ec ' mber !l l. I)irertnr Chlll'le,; A. Neill o f thc DI! j)UJ'lIllUlll o f H('lI lth hilS done un exce ll ellt \\'l lrk in c leunillli\' up lhe toul' i;;ll'IIIllPH Bcutlt! r e,1 over lhe state by ill " h. l i ll ~r on ap.,ro \·n l " f , tut(' alld lunll h eult h dcplu·t mc nl". Ihll'illl! the y,c llr :HHi ca m p 1IIl'alE'd in ~i ", ulllic H plI ~ . ed the tl'~l, nil b!!i lll{ uuthul ized l o display a ~ Ia n dard ~ il(n indicating . lI ch approval. TIll! traveling pub lic Jlu t l'ol1i ~.e thesc cam p ~ und up predate lhe ~" orl W j rk whl oh ha ~ uel'n dO ll l' in improving Rll n\ttll'y (' undi t iollH us \\1(,11 !I~ Ihe \\'utel' ~ up ply . ~11l1\J


I·:,.J. Cal'lnflllY lI f . pring-field C:C'Ullt~· f ai rs ar~' beilll!' h' ld \\'Il ~ II Fl'id :,y ,'v(' nin~ g\ll'~t. o f his Ihis w(,e k lit ll umiit ll n. Ca .... ullton . I1)( ' th l' I:. :\11'<. :llary ('urmony. OltaWtl , \) ov(,1' ll nd Wo ost<' l' ll ntl ~I I 'I "'I I " I ' k I 1' 1nl inli('" ' nd enl f!lil' at Attica . " r. ane .' rs. ~. lUI' .l'~ , !I I : II - Next w(' (' k on l\' three fair~ wilJ uo 1~' nd('~ 1 t~l' I"H~lt' co mlllg' at l'c lTY I hl' lli, C()~ hOC t(;I1, MI. <Jil l'ud and C hullh . lInd u ~ . j (;,!nr!!ct"wn a nd lin ind up ndant Eve rutl I':arl y JHl ~ ins tall ed fair ut Loud o nvill ('. These will be " I(' clric lig-It l" III l1i6 furm hou ~e I fo ll owe/I (vith l h,' Lllnca~ t e r fujI' whel'!' J ,. ,e ll alTi~ li nd fami ly Oct o ber 15 to 18 . lho ·Ins \. CI1Unty Ih·c . fa ir in thl' ;;lale, II l1 d t he Circ leMr, lind Mrs, 1'1111 Barto n were ~~ I e PUlllpkin l"h uw Octubl' r 22 to ea lieu to Tol~cI () Fl'iday lIy thtl ' dent h o f the f o rllll'r's brolh(,I'-I II. The .. , det o ratilll!' a ncl renoVllt. la w. trIg of t h o l-l ou ~e o f Rep r ellentll' II'. a nd l\lr~ . J . B. J one!! .. tten- Ilv(' " hll8 bt'en cumplct('d and It ded the honw co ming at the now presents a mfJ ilt pl en~ lng liP_ Mt. Hull y church, unday. pearlillce. New carpe ts, portie r es ~II'. and l\fr~ . Walter Kenrick, anti blintl~ hUlle beol1 Instu ll ed "ntl M .. ~, S. II. Hllin (' ~ rind ~o n were th e member's d sit und ch a irs as 'l'hllr~ day dinne r gueRt ~ of Mr, li n d well a s other wood wOI'k has. bee n Mrs, Perry Ke nri (' k a nd dllught('r r: ~?~ : hed. Dr. _Alf],ed Robmso n. al Walln esvi ll c. 11Ielg ca nt-al-urm", is 118 pr oud ot . th e pluee li S can be slIld st ate s that l\lr. lind rvl r ~. Melvyn ,wan k ' h e is now prcpal'in.r for a "ho use and thre e children m oved ' fr om warming" and will issu e invitaDayt on Slit urd ny in with the lut- tion s f or Sa lli e in t he neal' future. te l's parcnts , MI', und Mrs. Ed Longacre. Tho fn ll semester of Ohio StAte Mrs. l\1 ary Cal'mony in compa ny Unlll c\'sity it! n ow un de l' way wit h wit h M ... und Mrs. W. F. Clar k of an enrollm nt of ollo r 10,000 Wnyn esll ille s pent S und ay wilh Mr s tudents, over 2.500 of whom 111'0 and Mrs. Puu l F lor y in Dllvton. fres hmen . The hitter b otly r e ported The occas ion celebrlitin g t h e' f or- last wee k in order that they might beco me better a cq uain ted with me r 's 80th birthday. un iver 'ily life, Bnd were e nt.e rtain 1\11'S. Belle 'c ott spe nt unday ed at val'ious fu nct.i ons until the with h r s is tC'r, Mrs. Byron Ru h ope nin g thi s w ee k. Th e big campus lind famil y in Sp r ingfield while of 300 IIc r el< presents a li vely Everett Early and doughler, Helen scene and t h ere will be mu ny IlCand Ruth m otored on t o Ohio tivitios (iuring t h e fn ll term . The aver ns . University cOllet's II tola l of 1,163 MI'. and 1\hs. Hudd Saylor a nd acres And wi t h th e buildings Ilnd flo n of W cst Cano ll ton visited equipment Ie vuluod lit $17, 188,• f r iends and relatives here SundllY. 0 11.1 7.



Por ¥Ollr Holld4.PI T,o;l' And for months thereafter! En joy )'our car without dela), s or expense Cor tirc trouble. Here'" a ge nuine Goodyear of fin o qUlllit y-tough of tread and s tout of hodr- that you'll be proud to own. Onl'), beca use Goodyear builds MlL. UONS 1\l00tE tires than any oth er company, nnd t hus en joys lowest costs, can you buy such a value today.

BALLOONS .2!Jx·J. 40 2 9x4.50 30 x4.00 29x.4.75 20x5.00 :lOx6.00


$5.06 6.40 6.45 7.75 8. ] 0 8.~0

30x3 I,I~ :11 x4

$5. 05 8 .80 9.50 10.10 13.a O 14.45


:1:3x4 :12x4 Ih 34x4 'h


(Continued from Page 1)

Oral Su rf ace, wh o Is a t Miami V ull t·y }I()sp ital is te l>Ol·tc d muc h W01'. e at thi s writing. Mesda lTIl S J e 'sie Longacre. Lo ue ll a Swa nl, and Ina Longucre spe nt Monday afternoon in Dayton. Mi s. Emma BI'own accompa nie d, MI'. and Mrs. Frank W ooll ey to thoir home in Dayto n Sunday, for a ll exte nd ed vis it. Th e yo ung people Bibl e class o f L yt ic: S unday Sc hool held their so cia l m eeting Monday ollening n eur Rid gevi ll e, whe re they ('njoyed a wei nn er r oast. MI'. nnd Mrs. A. E. Whit e a nd so ns of Columbul!, Mr. u nd Mrs. Ra lph Stowe a nd daughtc l' of Ridgevill e, Mr. li nd Mrs . J ohn Myers and dllug hter of Be lmont were dinn e r g u ests Sunday evening lit t he . home oC M,'. a nd Mrs. K esler GI·aham. Clyde Wharton mnde a trip to south e rn Kentucky ,over the weeke n d. ~

A ll the Oh io Pen ite ntiary prisoner" Who weI e trlln ~ fe tred to th e Mllns/icld Reforma to l'Y and the London P I' iso l) Farm fo llowjng the Ea t er Monday fi re, have been rl!tU I'ne d to Co lumbus, and us Il con seq u ence t he popu lation of the big We st street institutio n has takcn an upward bound, the numLe I' toda y being slightly in excess of 4,300. With the fall and winter COUlts g etting und er way, t hat number will be lIugmented by several hundred more bef or e the first of the yea r . It probab ly will b(' n ecesml'Y t o bui ld nnother n ew ce ll uJ()~1l \\'jthin a s hort time.






Waynesville, Ohio

Any .StYle ijere


Get your ticket for t 'h e FREE LAM P to be given away the

First Saturday In November Come in and ask us about it

Don't forget to get your

Stove and Repairs lor Winter And you can

get that which you want in the ).180

Building Line

MARTHA REBECCA BURNETT Just 80 years ago the 13th or Deoember l OBO In 11 li tt~ log h OUs e o n the Lytle road W illi born l\furthn Rebecca , to William a nd Ellzubeth SInclair Burnett. H er ea rl y life WIlS s pent on this far m. ']' ru dglng acro ss fi eld s to F .... y schoo l s he I'ecelved h er ed uca tion, fini s hIng at th e old building In Wayn esville. Marthll- wus a faithful member o f the Society of Friends and as t h e infirmitieg of nge came 0 11 and prevented h er utt endenee on Lst Day she did so enjoy the vis its of h e r friend as they st opped on th e ir way· to and fr om meeting t o c.hat a while. DUring. he r Intter years she WIlS th e con stant companion of a distant cou sin Emma Cartwright sharing alike t heir joys,- sorrows and disllppoin tments. Inherittin g too rugged constit ution of pion eers g randparent s she lilled to care f o r he r pllrents br ot hers a n d sisters only one of them, E lla B. Kendall of Fairmount, Ind.

• From the Foundatif'n to the Roof.

Fairley Hardware Co. . WAYNESVILLE, OHIO

All K.inds Electric Fixtures, etc.




~ur vivlng.

Bes ides by a s ist er Martha will be misse d by her many friends nicces Ilnd nephews who will onl y kn ow but on e "Aunt Mattie." Card 01 Thank W e wis h to express o ur gratitude to those wh o were !l0 kind to o ur sister and aunt durin g he r last s ickness. }i:specially do we appreciate the unti ring effol'ts of he r fr iend, MrS. Anna S h eehan who s pare d no pllins to ease too last days a nd h ou rs ot her suffering. H er Sister, Nieces and N epha.vs


Friday, Oct. 10th ' --Start~ng Promptly at 1 P. M.

-- ---

ENTERTAINED AT PARK Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer and daug hte r entertai ned a pal·ty o f friends from Columbu s S unda y A picnic dinner wa s enjoyed at Wayne Pllrk. The gucsts were MI'. Ilnd Mrs . A- E. Bogan. Mr. and MI's . E. Bogan, Mr. and MI'!l; Fra nk Dysllrt, Mr, and Mrll. F. C. Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sa rv er. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Haslett and daughter, Mr. and MI·8. L. · R. Moor and son, Mr. and Mrs. Milto n H. Roke, Mr. and Mrs. W . C. 'C aldwell, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tarleton, and family, Mr. and MrR. H. L. Reedy, Mr. and Mrs. E. Glenn, Mr. and Mrs_ J , W. R .eenzel, and daughter and Mr. H. Marti~:_ __ • _ _- - -

redeml lroops opposed b v state troo ps in 11 sham battle staged b efore Charles Curtis, Vice- preside nt of t h e Unit ed S tllteR, Governor Myers y, Cooper an n gover nors of s urrounding l'Itates will form the Mr. and Mrs. Guy R ou tza hn and climax of the Ohio Revoluti onary daug~ter8,· s pent S un day with th e Me mo d a l esqui-ccntennial to be lattc r B neph ew an d wife. Mr. and he ld in S pring fi eld , October 9-10Mrs. Ben Boitnott, ncar Troy. L1 , t he shum battl E! .and pageant M~. a nd ]\fI'S. Allen Emrick e n o l be ing he ld October 10 at Piqua t e rtalll ed to dinn er SlIt urd ay even- battlefie ld foul' miles southwE!st ing the former 's cousins, Mr. and of Sprin gfield betwe en th e Na tl-. nMrs: Harold White of H ous t on , III lind Vall ey p ike. ~:;::~::;:::==:;:;~;:::;;;~;;~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~",. Oh io, Il nd MI·s. Margaret J ohn 5. The speaking ope ns at 1 p. m TRY :: Mr. !~nd 1\'11-8. White left S und ay Frlel ny , October 10, and th c page- OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS m Ol'ntn g c nrou te to th e ir f utul'c lint at 2 p. m . It is expected t hat h ome in Fl orida. 40,000 to 50,000 'p erson s will witFOR RESULTS Mrs. Margaret J ohn s en tel·tained ~ e~' S this shllm 'bat tl e if th e weathel the .fo ll ow ing gu est to a sumpt_ j 'H good. Th e r e will be accomodauou s dinn e l' Su nduy ; MI·s. B elle tion s on .the groun ~l s for pa rking ~~ . ~~~~~~~~~~=~ C oo n, Mrs. E lizabeth Sm ith, Mis_ land spctlul seats Will be for sale s es Be1'thll B enlah and Ruth Coon, i here will be abun~ant fr ee sta nd MI'. a nd Mrs. Glenn John s and rng r oo m on the hl l\s ovcrlooking ch ildre n, Paul and Vivian of Day- the sham battle. Are you p re pared to properly arranBe your children'. lunch? ton, Mr. and Mrs. Charl e~ Hough,' . An ~i t o rical para d e will be held ' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hough ot rn Sprrng fi eld at 3 p, m. Thursday, FOR SALE Wayn esville, 'Mr. and Mrs. AJlen ' Octo bel' 0, whic h will be re viewed 1-·:...·- - - - - -- - - - - E mrick and Mr. Bnd Mrs. Walter by Gove rnor Coopel' and t he state K en r ick. m;morial com~i ssion. This , parade FOR SALE-Apples. Jonathans, , n ow while go: IlUin e Cr epe Napkin s, fresh a nd clea n, - saves Fifty 0 1' m or e frie nd s of' Mrs. wll~ be partlC lp ~ted In b y 8 Northern Spy, Fall Pippin" lind expense of laundry. S u san Say lor lind so ns , Henry and Untted S tutes Mllrtllry band, four Baldwin are now ready. J. L. fdanRiley, t end e red them a farewell com p ~ nl €S Of. Unft~c1 States troop. ' danhall. Tel. 48F21 ·08 p a r ty at the ir hom e We dn esday 500 state hoop els, many bands '"!:~~~~~~~~~~~~=:" • evening. The Saylor family wll\ be nnd t\o~t! . . ' . , missed in th e community espec ialAn, hlst ollcal c onj,erence Includ. Iy in t h~ church where they have ing. hlst? l'illns from the st ates near • • been fa ithful workers. They left Ohlll WIll be h eld at Wittenberg ('e,nl'l,n iL'n t ul~ " 10 cover food in th e kitch e n. on Saturday for t heir future home co ll ege l?n :rhurRd ny, October 9 at 11 0 .A shley St. , Dllyton, ancl the Th ~ . dedIcatIOn Of the new state best WIs hes of their man y friend s Pili k recently pun:hased by the f ollow them " s tllte at thc site of the battl e of l· ,, · " 'W ax ,· x" t " l;r t'p 1l10i~t f oods from drying out anti to --...:.. - - _ - _ _ Piqua a nd the dedication of the -TO\\ 1'''1' l1lt'als . ~a l ad:" dl(,('~ \' a nd other arlit:\ es f or lun ches Ohi o system of memorial trails will ~ao~e pla ce Fl'idny morning October

Phone 47

Aladdl~ .Lamps





50 in package, only 3 packages, only

I I. '"


10e 25c

1 package, 100 ft., perforated 25c 2 packages, for 4(jc • •


ALSO R ihbtd Ti .;~ u(' pap(!I', .:hC'jf L inin~

a nd


Cal'll" Blu nk I II pi! r . :l/'(IlH,ard in all colors, B ox otlrer IlI'tic)\!~ for hom ~lnd schoo l us



a nd

'w===~~~~========~~==~==============~ .








- - __ .iI'ji: s E l s i ~ Gibson is s pending t hIS week WIt h Mr. a nd Mrs. Harold Roge l'S of Bellbro ok. , E lder B. L. Cay, from Cincinnati Mr. and Mrs. Mario n Barnett and on Edgar, !If B ellb rook , took dinner Monday . wit h MI'. and Mrs Frank Hartsock. .

. Mr. a nd Ml's. Fre'd T~rner and Mrs. Maud Moore, of Dayton call ed on Mt·. Hiley Gibson and :(amily, S unday .. evenlng.. ' ?ofl'. a nd, Mrs. Er nest Nixon of Dayton pent the week-end. with ~r. Fmnk Daki n and family. .

. Mr. Clarence CraW ford and fam Ily, Mr. anrl , Mrs. Harold R0"ters, : I of ~ellbr~ok, spe~t Ifl3 t F.rlday. ve~lng wllh Mr. H,ley Gibson and '';';--~''''~O;;;;;;====-------;----;-=~=;;.;;;;;;===;;;;o;;'''::,. i funll ly, .

Phone 112

Late Classilied Ads :============_==__

,Boys and Girls!

. Reproduction of the Hi.toric

BATTLE of PIQUA Re.enacte.d by Federal and State l'roups Before


Apd Governors of Surrounding States .

250 Federal Troup.-600 Ohio Troup. 500 Other Aetors Takin, the Parts of Pioneer. and Indians

Ohio's Greatest Patriotic Event of the Year


Thi s sesqui-ce nte nnia l is authori~ed by the state and dire cted to be held as Ohio' s co mmemora tion of th e ac hieve men t of George Rogers Clal'k who with 1,000 Kent u cki ans defe ated the Shawnees at Piqull, n ear Springfield .on August 8, 1780, dul'ing one of th{l darkest peri orls of t he Rev olution. This wa s the gre lltest bllttle fought west of the mountains during the Revol u t ion and the onl y victory of consequ enc e gai ned by them in the ' open fi eld in li i/;ched battle.


Barnard &Son, Grocery

Big Historical Parade, Thorsd.y October 9 .I


Adams Drug Store For a' Free JtLUCKYLINDY" Trad~ Card


KEEP LESS CATTt:E 'Y.OU'I.;L BE SURPRISED - - - -.. - OhIo far mEr ll plan to keep thl'ough t he wlnte'l' 3 per cent less cattle, 9 pel' c'ent less sheep, 20 per cent less hogs, and 31 per tah... D..l.... Will Be Add~d cent less beef cattle thap a yeayr t_1 afo, according to 8i recent surve 0 3042 farms. I....~_ _ _ _ _.,......._ _.....

Get Yours, Today!


Have' your Job ,W ork' P~inted Here o


Whole Number 5930


Eighty-Third Year








nt · . ":i o r!~ W UY II I.'.vi IIn(1 _ thl. Resirle '. cO llnt.~' huve a n lle0P llll l'' T hc Oc t o he r m eeti ng of t hl.' I tlllllty t o ,Vl!;lt t he g rcut (ll nnt~ Wayne To wn s hiv Mo t he r,,' clu b " 'lJmpuny was hel d F r iduy IIft er noun a t t ht, ' of th e I. u1'd fl l oto l' h ~he_. lIl c d iu rn u f II ~o u n d C lu Je Lu il ding w ith llI orc t ha n on (, COLU MB US. OHIO- On May The Miam is wo n their third m? t lO n picture t o b l.xhiL iled in ST. MARYS CHURCH hu nd red m oth e rs ull d fl'i e n tJ~ p l'e~I o f th e c urr e n t year 12,000 copg a me fr om Hui've ysburg t eam Sun Hill sboro next week, H. L. Bu e l'Oct obe r 12, Seven t ee n t h u n- ent .T he devot io ns we n' in churg l' Ies of th e new e l e cli ~ " code were day, the scor e being 11 to 1. This loc al F o rd dealer, a n noun ced dny af l e l' Trinity, Church choo l of Cathe r l' ne f)rin ted and delivered to Secreended the series und proved the ' y. . . I lI.t !) :;1 0. Mo rning Prayer an d ser · Gibb ary or State Clarence J, Brown Bupremancy of the Miamis. o ns, gave an Interesting ac'} he 111 0 Vl e WIll be a p a r l of II Illan li t 10 :ao. A fair quota of these was disThe Burg team could not hit AUIS ~Oo'n ' dd sho w dto be Ihe l.d \l eginnln" R e v. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector. co unt. of he r w ork. Mrs. Eicher _rlbuted among the e ighty-elllht pergcr SundllY, only one Bingle Ity an co nt n Ulng th rou~ h cx p!s lO ed t he wo rk d on e by tb e lYIelal boards ot election of the being collected otT his delivery, Wednesd6lY in 1\ hlt'ge te nt a t F pupIls oi th e HOllie Eoo no mic8 de· state and the remaining cCoplei In the II4lventh Inning he Hlil bor o, Oh iu. Th e show w ill be ERRY CHURC~ OF CHRIST pur tm,e nt. .u perlJlt~ nd ent Lotz hllve been u 'ed to supply the inpitched only twelve baits to retire open to . th e pu bli r f l'(Je of c hurgl (Un denOll1ln nti oll u\) gav ~ IIltl!re~tmg ~u bJe'ts lind Mug;essant demand coming from the the side. Errors wel'c more numerfr~lll Il u. Ill. to ! l Op. m. ea c h Ih}' Re vinl 1 b~gin~ ~ u lHh y l:l il& l(' ge~lt.,ohl1A t o be a ppli ed lind \1S· ge n e rol publi c. '11he l'l ect ors ot ous Sunday th a n 111 any of th e rh ofil! who v i~it th e ~ hol\' \~' ili , :choo l at !l ::'1\I II. Ill.' L(I)'~I< ~lI Jlpel' la b IS. ' (\ dlll'!ng tr e ('o ml nl{ year. Ohi o a re nn in tellige nt class of former g allles played. ~e .a bl e t o I"u ,:n l1 uL IJ nl~' hil I\' th e 1.l n.! ~'1'1111,n II l1 0 ::lQ . ' S t! l'Jll (, n s uh - : , l\~I~~ 1I.~ ql<IJl· k S lJlJP,lI~ lw ei. a )I" o pl e a nd li ke t o in f orm the m'rho Miumi!l started ' out With b f Ol d lIu ~olllf)b Jl e IS. lIl anu fac tu re d , J~.ct. " B l'inl(ill ~' II l Ull t o Ch ri s t." \~I)., .. ( dll ( .Itlf~ 1l1l 1 /llid IIl t<; I'c~ t l ng selv es IIpo n electio n m att e l·s. A sec tW fI- ungge r f ollowing with a sin Ill . (IUa nli ty prl1 du eLliJIl, h ut t l) ob- r; vcn illg' ('v 'lngel isL il' Ht'1' vi.'('s at ' 1 . ' (I~ I .11ll llll ll ll J!l't1 nil 1 1l 1l 0w~: gl e and a thr o!! bag ger. sc oring Will ~" Ill !tll'a 1'.1' t ht, \' us t ncs,; of : T: .t5 , p. Ill. St. r llH;1l s uiJ' I'c t ' :'Th , I ' I! ng', " I~nl ~hill!! II UI' T eeth ." by a Van Lear ~la.:k. richeJt man in nel editi o n of 5,0 00 co pies of \,he ' 1(! W cocle is being d eliv e r ed to th e I'o l'd e n te r p "l ses 1\1 1' Bll e l' k l" I ('it \, "I' C' 11(1 " \. LI J • I I ~1I . Up u l eh Jld rc ll : T he Hea lt h A I Maryland, ~ubhlhu of 1ht 8G11;.u,,., t\\1 0 enrne d runs. In the f o urth th e mry P. Fletcher, 1 . tIll . · '-' , . II . tl an"'! a \\'U ~'R I)hn l Ilt b' "(1 I '1 . (" . fl yer. .'ecr e tary of ' la t e Bro wn a nd this Miumi ~ g ot tw o mo re I'uns, o ne of ,iplomat and cconollli~t. named by o, l ~ I)ca . I' ul' d . t p la nl. pu in te d we lc ome a t th is chul'l: h . . ' I i" /" ~, ,: C 11 ul:e n:. recl.. tuti o n,.. .>11" ~n d amous .1I\ ClII:s le r A Wil liu lll so n Ministe l ,rl cdn EJlls : rec ltotlO n . Alt o n who dl PllCurrd from hll yacht off the .,·ill be th e la s t ~ diti lJ n publis hed which was eurned. The y also ndd- President Hoover to head new Tariff ~)ut. 1111'Y Will sce h"w Cllul a nd . . ' . r ', 11' n har l: Illll si('u l ri' ud ing. Bill y Jersey coa sl ..wi ia belle"ed to have 'l ntil uft er th e nex t Hession of the ed on~ in th e seventh und slaugh- Conuni..iQD crt'attd by last CoOl(res&;. lI'o n are . oLta in ed f ro m F ordGe n enJ\ A ~8I' ml, l y . A number of tered lhe pitc he r in thc ei g hth, u wn ed nlln~s an d trans llJlI'll' l t.o VAYNESVILLE M. E CHUDCH M.e ll,)I!. MI~s Ha rtsock' s r oo m , been drovroe4. .' . 111le ndm e nts of t he electi on law8 makin g six rUII S, which end ed in t he pl a nt s In Dcarbo l'll. Mic h. in ,> ~ a. g ive n th e t1 0 W(' I' bo x li nd Mi ~· 1 . . will nO d ou bt Le prese nt ed to the F ord -o wn e d rai lroa d car~' h) Hall y n a y , tl nda y. B ll,l (, ,' c hou l ~~l'\'(' n R( l n ' S r llo m was gi ven th e -=-=-- - G I h ru n- ge tti ng. n e ral Asse mb ly, t he prime purThe Burg t eam c ould' 'Tlot ~ et II Mrs, . E . Anderson wu~ sh op- lumu c l' is. r ut . in lh t. Ford 'flJre~~~ at !J : ;I~ a. m . . A sP.lcn<lid Ra ll y pu·tun', f~ ' r ha vin g- till' 11I1'ge_~ l lo!\e IIf s u ch be in g t o clal'ify exunu In F o rd la k . sh ips : ['ny. .li e!n!!' pllln n cl.l. n umb e r 01 moth 1', and frie nd" in hose mended sofe one lIntil th e eighth wh en ping in Dayton Monday . a nd how III th c manuhlt:LlIl'e or 1) 0ll t It.hl'l:'llan bn d '!lvo r prl'sc nl. Ca ll E rlllll Seu]'s. Phon e 79. ·015 is ting secti ons mthe r thun to Curtel' got II hit t hrough first and . hu ng<' lh e inte nt o f : lI me. seco nd, s t ole seco nd and came Raym o n Hatfi eld vis it ed hi s th ~. CUI' vur i(, us loY' p roduds ll r c I~,l . li :;10 p. Ill. L,,!u . ~l'a l·". Il.'ader. Dur ing t he soc iul hOll r delie iutlh zed f or maki ng f e r t ilize r I L', c llIng' se l'\'ices at :'lI S n!f r.esh m.e n ts uf pum pkin pi c S t el)hl' n WiJl.iIlIllS Rll e nt Fl'iduy ho m e on an l'rror. Augs pe rgc r had IlHlIh e r in Leba n on unday. ch a rcu ul bri !)u('t~, c helllicu ls ';n(i 7 ::10 \1. nl. J\ . R. Va ne will p reuc h .1Il d eo fl ,ce, I~ ,k ec pin g with t he and ntunlll Y WIth "clll tives in Da y O ~ lll a n C. Hnupe r, pr of essor ot th e botte r s bre uking theiJ· ba cks Mr. and Mrs . Mycr Hym a n and olh er th ing'S. ' t Ie r evival at F-e rry 1I 0ll ll wc en s pln t o f th e mo nth of to n . . . jO llrnlilis m at Oh io St a t e Univer· all th e tim e. tr y ing t o hi t hi s o f· f e rin gs. H e s ure ly pi tc hed a gl'eat 'on were in Cincinnati Th ur sda y. Mrs. Gra c e Roge r s, o f Detr oit , ilY, hUl! been up p ointCtI chairman Desi Il.s Irye motioll pictur . t hc '. ~ n dll~: th~· mi n ist f'l' w~ 11 be a b- O" t UUC I·. we l'e sc rve d I,,· Meshri st m a ~ He alth eal sh o\~' will IIlc lllde a numb er o f ~(nl fl OI11 t he WaYIl('~\' II I (' pul p it da.m es Luc ille alis hu ry, . Lu c· ll a Michigan , is v i ~ it ing he r aunl Mi s~ ! th e gam e. ' . Edu('uti o nul co mm ittee, the ni e m ~ s pec lII I exh ib it:; re " c u lillg ~ t cp by I II)' ~(!ve l'td .sundllY s. I nll'I'l'sti ng :'I! 1111'1'. . C. Wh et se l. Hac hel Dura Stil es. The.s col·e Myel' H y man and family vis ited s t e p how \' ario us par ts o f l hc cu'), e V e !l ln ~ . en' lc es . how vel' will be ~arnhart, Adel a Ke rri ck a nd L eah bel'S of which ar e w ell knowrl t'eluti ves in Xenill :unday after- u!'e lluHl e, II c utaway t ruck cha _ m:llnt!1 lned us uSlial. Il ea l' Bro . . trouse. WA YNE S VrLLE ne wspa p e r Ill e n Bnd wom e n from 1 noo n . SIS, a ncl 11 Tu do r bod y cu t in h~Sf ' ;llncc preat:.h • unday e ve n ing-. I\Ir.and .1 1rs. Murray H o pkins ·o f \' ario us secti n s of the s tate. Five AB]~ H 0 A E W ed nesday Da yto n. spe nt Sunday with Mr, :a sh prizes are bing olfe r d for . Mrs. Frank LeMay and so n to I'e,:"oul Ih e deta ils o f it. H c(,n- ' I ra ye.r Young, rf Ii :1 0 1 ,(jitorials and s to ries app earing in Charles we re Middl e t o wn vi itors s tru ct lun. :11 7 :.lO p. m. 1 he churc h where . W. F. M. S . MEETING a nd Mrs. Ed Hopkins. Hopkins , ~b .. 5 2 1 0 0 Ohio n e ws pap e r s during the camSa t urda y . J\ fea lllre of th •• ;;how will L Yol U fr c l at hll me. . GOl1 B, ss .. Ii 1 I 2 3 G. C. Dlbe l't, Pas tor. 'I'll(' Oct obI' )' mee ling of th ' W Saws fil ed by machlllery: cut ')a ign Ilguinl!t tubercul oR i!! be. . . . . u dIspla y or t he f ull li ne lIf F onl Fis he l', lb ... 4 a a !! 0 F o,r gIfts and g Ift Id ea s Vl fi lt passe ngc r an d COUlm I'cia l CUI'S. ' I F. M. S. o f M. E. Church \Val\ \eld cl eaner, fos t e r. Roy PIgott, wcen Thanbgiving and UhristLove ly, c li O 2 14 1 rna .. " ary s J e welry Shop, 0 :, . Arra ng cm e nts for t h c s ho w WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF I a t t he h Ol11e of Mrs. G. C. Di- u t Madde n II Lumb e r Yard. Houg h, c£ Ii 1 a 1 0 The Hom e of GIftS. \I l! )'e llI by . th e .1()cu l dea le r in CHRIST bert on W edn esday Octob<'l' 1 Th l' J Har ulOc k,:lb Ii 0 0 1 0 . . ('OOlJ ' rall QIl Wit h I'o r (I a iel'S in ( nd c n om illutionll l) I lllee l in g o pe ned with a hy mn and ' Mrs . Rul ph. \unce and ,snn, of The state o f Ohio will cele brate AugsLerge r, p 4 1 1 0 6 . P. H .. Dll es, o f Gro ve port. Oh IO n e:lI' by un d the ind nnati . pI aye r Wil S mad e Lv Rev 0 :1 . PI.easllnt PlaID. spe nt Suturday ;l sesqui -centenninl cele bration Ramby, If .. , 4 2 2 0 0 I: s p.endm g. the week at Iht! hom e ' brll nc h of th e Fo rd 1\l otor ComBlbl ' . tudy :ln d we r e ('o neluct I' b WIth Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Hawke. TS '()l1lm em oratin g th e co nquest of 2 of hIS son -II1-law, R. J . Adllm s . pli ny. Illay r 1101 1'·t1lngp. Ill. Fri- I A. . K . nit ." t he.s c r lpul ' t .y d· g• . Mrs . .J, J, S chu'elfer, wh o WIIS in · he Old Northwes t by General d'IY' )1"dice la't u t7"0 _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ .< • :.l p. m . be ing acco. mp. ani ed by Ih e I'l clllll ht' 42 111G 2 711 '('otnl Ju re d In an a utom obile accident Roge rs C lark. An interesting .his· HAHVEY BURG Mr. and Mrs. Britt \ ice, of Sun(lay: at !! ::10 a. ' II f th e s t ewu rds hip Cll ndl e Ig lIl g seve ral wee ks ago, is rec overing. toricul program will be featured at Springfield on Friday of this AB R. H 0 Da yto n, \ye r e g u e t s of Mr. nnd COUNCIL HAS BUSY SESSION m. Su nday Is R a ll.\' . day in I At th e close o f th e e Mrs. Arminta Adams of New. wee k, whic h i: the one hundred A E 1'.1 rs. Otho He nderson lu t w ek . ---th e Su.nda) . ~cho.} I . A • P 'C la l 1>1'0- s io n a mi~si\lnn r\' hymn W .S S sFreelan, 11 .. 4 0 I O. 0 0 'o lln.e il ht! lJ a pro long ed s('ssio n gl'um IS belllg HlTa n!! d, an d we a nd a d e mo ns tl'a ti on " Th uSL~uhntg' t own. Ohi o, sJl e nt th e ' week -end und fiftieth anniv e rsal'y of his Frost . cf . .. 4 0 0 0 0 0 Dr. A, T. Wright s p e nt the at r m eeting exp ccllng th. 'I~ t~l b e!l g' ]'en t l I'd Hig hwa y.". wu s ve, r y s ple e ndidlv Ig - with her so n, R. J. Adams. and uchievement,. resulting in victoriB. Rll t 11' If, 1" 3 0 0 1 0 0 k I' I da y th.e nl gl], h.t, ]'(!gu dls llOlnHing f '·eve l·.·llMon 1'111-- darl', .' ous culmination at Piqua, when he L 2 . 3 wee -ell( III Co umbu s, th e guest po rtll n t Ite m.,. ~ ll~ In QUI. (' J rcach lllg ~e r- prese nt ed by ~e vertll illd 'e ' family. r y de feat ed and dl'o ve from that reEdginton, 3u 3 0 0 1 o f Mr. an d Mrs. Alfred J. Wright A \' 1 lit a. Ill . on t he s ub ject Mrs W P 'Sa r S b I su' ... 2 1 0 3 1 0 e Oll ll ni t t e, u ·ti ng' of "The .Mut he r-ill -Inw. " Epwort h L. V 'Bee k a' sist eld tUh lan l Mr.s, nl.t e l', Mr. und Mrs. Bel'llic e Brien, of goion hOI'des of savage Shawnee n, we r e dinn cl' guests of Mr. Indians. It is expected that thous1 mayo . !\I eIlnd l url', . fir ch ief •• • F• L o rmo]'in. ' I I 1 b 03 0 00 6 0 00 0 ..MI'. I and MrR. George Hartsock II. M.r SJh. rEwood "I.e RoIJI ' t- I cac;u !I. t G:.'30 1\'1'U1 I' Iyn r ' . ervn• g refl·cshm e nts. e l OS ' III Dayto IIrtwri~t, on und !c\ of peopl from over the ans( II e, p Vls lt e( r elatives I.nd fri end s in JT ~\ I I~h.t . •IS ~1 l'.a rl . J'. 1~~; lIlgeh stl c Thirty lad ies wc r in att - and M1's. J . O. state will participat(' in the memor La urens, 55 .. 3 0 0 2 0 1 . pl'ingbo r o and Miami burg, Sun- ze l'. .IlPpoint C'd to efft! ct t h e aes at '::lfI p. Ill. 1 he t heme dun ce. e n S unday. ial occasi o n. . Pope, c . .. .. :I 0 0 11 1 0 da y. organi za tIO n o f a " olunt 'e l' tir e fo r t he CI'ell ll1 R' SC I'Illll ll will be Beautiful glu!lsware and sets Hirschba ek, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 co mpany. Th e r e hll .· b!!e n no r e- "A lll h o ~sadnr~ fo r l1 im ." Y ou :l1'e of di!lhes. ary 's Jewelry Sho p O. Hutlilf, p ;j 0 0 .0 3 0 Misses Sare Missildine and OIu guhll' o r ga ni zat io ll f or seve ral co rd inJl ~' il1l'ilt·d III atl" nd these Mr. L, W. Reese. well known Luban o ll, Ohi o. Stor~ open even: high school s uperviSOr ill the State _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Hart ock pent th e wee k-end in yl. :lI's a nd :l wl' lI o rga ni ? d CO Ill - scrvice ·. I ina:a. 28 24 7 6 Tro y, the gues t s of Mis Flor 'nce puny wIJ ul d he of g n 'nt be nefit t o Chest e r A . Willia,mson, Minister Depllrtment of Education, and T o tul Boub . the con.l muni t y. As this is fire author of "Our Community Life ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH preve nt IO n wee k th el'e co ul d be n o Mr. and Mrs. W. H , Allen and in Ohio", will res ume broad· 12 3 456789 Mis.' Olive Allen were , unduy din - cas tinlZ e ach Friday levening at The !condition of Mrs, R. J.I bd t e l' tim e t o prom ot e the plan. Summer sch e dule- 1s t, 3rd and ne r guesls o f Mr. und Mrs. John 8 :15 o'clock during the month ot Work oC g rading Wate r st r eet 5th Sunda y , Mass a t 8 :00 a. m.; Miamis . .. 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 6 " -11 Adams, who return ed to the hosPi -1 Cr o nin, in Cincinnati. October over Station WEAO Harv eys burg 0000000 1 01 tal las t week, is thought to be im- from N~I' lh. st r eet no rth t o t h 2nd nnd '1th .sunduy, Mass at proved. \ co.rporatJ on III~e wu ~ ordered a nd Ohio State University. The sched: Bnses o n balls- D. Rattilf 1; 9:30 : Will be begun m !l s hor t tim e. 11'. and Mrs. O. R. Baird, Mr. ul e includes the counties of DeAugsberger l. Rev. La w l'ence B. Mollmann. and Mrs. Oti s Tyner, of Indiunup- fiance, Pickaway, Muskillgum. WiI· Miss Lucille Clark of Ft. . W. S. Gra hum, str ee ti' co mmi,.;Two-base hits Young, .Augs- Thoma., Ky., spent the' week.end ~ I o n e l' . \\:a s o rde r ed t o be gin build uli ~, Ind .• were gues t s of Mr. and Iiams, Delaware, Belmont, Hamilberger, Fisher. Mrs. M. D. Baird lal'\ t week. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. mil: u .sld e walk o n Fifth s treet ton und Holmes. Much valuable SA TURD),,)' SCHOOL Three- base hits--Lovely. Walter Clark. extcnd lllg fr om W. H. Madd e n'!\ and intet'esting historical data can reslri ng beads , rep late s ilWild pitches- Ilirschback 1; prope rty to No rth ~ l1· eet. l\Ir~. Mllrgaret Martin, Mr. and _ _ _ ___ T he seco nd , essioll o f Saturd ay ve rw~r~ and recov e r umbrellas. Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall and Ethel be gl eaned by tuning in during the RatJllf 2. broadcasting ho ur. al' y s J ewelry Shop, Lebanon, O. Don't neglect your childs eyes. school co nv e n ed ut Wilming t on Struck o ut- Hil's chbnck 2, RatMendenhall vi sited friend .. in Rich ~ee Dr. Rudolph, eyesight special. WINN ER AT MAM1L TON co ll ege la st uturd uy . A de mand liff 7; Augs pe rger 14. . mond , Ind., Saturday and Sunday. The bus y season is on for em. • . Wil S mad e f or E ducatio nnl Englis h The F e rr y hureh of C hrist will Left on, bases- Miamis 8; Har- 1St, at Cary's Jew Iry Shop, Lebployes of the subsistance depart. anon, Ohio. . B At" . outstlln<lIng ~gure ut th e, b y sevel'u l t e;lc he r . . T h i ~ co urse is ~ ta rt li n evangelistic camJlaign ' eys burg l. ut C1.. County F~.. r I~s~ week on e in Enl:lis h Grumll1 e r li nd Com unday, Oct oLer 12. eonducted by Expert watchmaker and en- ment at the Ohio Penitentiary and Umpires--Stnnley ond Udwick. _ _ .. __ .___ M iss Lucille Clark has finis hed ~ns Ydn~e Steve Phllh, PS, 88 1 p ositi on f')' m th e vie w point of hOI11 ': f o r ces. Se rvi ces at 7 :45 elleh graver at Cary's Jewelry Shop, th e y huve been working both day ~ her training at Speers Memorial ~Ie!lr: 0 01'5el1lan. wh o hilS bee n the pel' on wh o wi s h ' s t o l euch evenmg. Lebanon Ohio. Only genuine a nd night tilling the big container'l Hmmital and is now nursing at < rll'lr g rac~ horses f or 63 years P el'. Oil S wh o lIrc int~r,est(!d ar~ matel'ial' us ed in our re pair depart lIlanufactured nt the tin shop, with BIRTHDAY SURPRISE beans, tomatoes, carrots , turnips, Ft. Thomas, Ky. ~n(h . laslm e wIthI . u n u ual s uccess urg ed t o m eet t he class next Satur ' MI'. lind Mrs. S. D. h3nce11or'I meuL be ets and oth e r edibl es. which will III IS C losen ca Im~. . doy a t R :3.0 to 10 :0 5 a. m . of near Xenia. MI'. and Mrs. M. . Last Sunday, October 5, 1930, Oth er s co urse: olf r ed on Sulur- L. Pars hnll, Mr. and Mrs. MayMI'. und Mrs. Chus. Parlatte, become a Jlart of the prison menu; Mrs. Edith Harri s, Mrs. Laura Ii ;~h: stllll(~S t e nd e r ed MI'. Phllwhen Mr. and Mrs. John Reeder returned from Sunday School and Mosher land Mr. Harris ' Mo her dl!oS a tlenll y . ~VU110~ when h e da 'r am Bi ?liogy AIl1 IHs tor y nard W e l.tx and daughte r , we re who hav e bee n the gu est s of Mrs, Roast p ork and g l'avy, roast pota. 05unday dInn e r gues t s of MI'. and Elllmn ,Janll y, left Tu esday even · toes, brelld drel\sing, s tring beanB, church, they found u sumptuous were Sund/ly gu e~ts of Mr. and r vel n tWldn e! III ~hl ee consee u- 101; T e xtlle. and Clo thing ' 1;6 len s . urmg t Ie W ~dn esdllY tUlll e and [)e~ i gll ; Eurl) p('a ~ His- Mrs. C. Lee Hawke . ing for their home at Ithaca. N e w bread colfce and rai ll in Jli e were dinner had been prepared in their Mrs. ROllald Hawke. Mel'ved 4,325 of Wal'Cl e n Thomas a t~ rnoo n 'vent~a!. Hnnlllto n. t o l'Y in cc 19 14 ; li nd Am oric;n Yo rk. absence, in honor of Mrs. Reeder's • Pro ·e. 1\1 I·S. S uoan Wilk e l'f.l on nnd MI'. hOllrders at dinn e r Sunday. ' Mr~. Arthur Schunek ·and Mrs. birthday Th o birthday anniversary EASTERN STAR NOTICE 'J:heHe .c nul'!'es !Ire !;till ope n for n nd Mr. and Mrs .. L. H. Go rdon atS ilv~rware, jew elry nnd gift of little Mary Louise Rudduck Lina Wiesi of Oakland, California. !'eg ls tratlOll. T ea chers and- oth er s t e ':ld.ed th e weddllll{ of Miss Doris novelties. C~rY'8 Jew e!ry Shop, . Statistical returns for the first being Octobel' 3, Mrs. Raymond were dinnc r guests of Mrs. RonIIlle r est e d l\I'e ~rged t o re gis t(>]' \~llk I'so n and Mr. .Albert B. 1Le banon, OhIO. We gIve Cedor SIX months of 1930, prove that the' Hartsock's October 2, Carl Sher· ald Hawke on Friday. .Miomi hapter N o. 107 0, E . S. a soo n a Si pOf;. lbl e. Kl e fnb e r Sll~urday ev e nlllg, in Day Stamp/<. . Industrial Commission o f the state wood's Octouer 20, the birthday _ _ _ _ _ __ ton . The Lrld e is 0 g randdaughter Mrs. Lena Hartsock of the wlll mee t in r t)g ular session MonThl' Guild Auxiliary of St. has been having a rush of business cake wus cut in honor of each. d~y. t;vcnillg, Octobe r 18, at 7 :30. of i\h·s. Wilkel·so n. MarY· II .church will meet on Friday at headquarters in th e Pur-c Oil The arterno(ln was spent in Friends' Home visiter her son, Mr. VH;Jtlllg' members welcom e. All Foo d C lub membe rs Jll e o ~ e gam es, mllic both vocal and in· Don Hartsock and family last . FOT bt'sl results consign your af!('rnoon. October 10. at two building. corner of Chc!<tnut an& J o:c phine Earnha1't,. W. M. m eet at GI'od e ch uo l Building strumental and the older . ones week at Wilmington. ]I'linnie Frollllll , ec "y . ' Thursdu y, Octobe r 16, a t 4 p. Ill. I~C . stoc~ .to Green. Embry Co., o'cl ock at th e home of Mrs. W. High s tr eets. During that period w e re well -tntcrtained by the _-= =-==--::-:..-===-_ _ ClIlclllnatl, In care of D. R. salis- I H. Allen. GOil fatal and 106.740 non· fatal . Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wright. of kiddies. Among her marty useful Hackensack, N. J., ent'oute to were is als o a I bury. Mr. and Mrs. Alonz o C url, Mrs. claims r e.duction of filed. cases This as compared presents, W((S a pillno for Mrs. Reeder from her husband. At a AsheviJIe, N. q'J were week.end gues ts of Miss May Wright. .Mrs. Muryand L .'\MI·s dnlll Mrs. Dakin Ella Merethe corresponding Jleriod late houl' ull d epal ted, wishing ", _ ll\.~ II _ '., la m ed WIth a Cadwalla,l(>r dinn e r at enterMrs. dith . s. Emma were ! WIth the previo us year. The time lost of in illg I\'lr . Reedel' many more happy Maud e C rIIIl C ' ~ Thur~ day e ve nin". ' W ilm in gt on visitors Saturduy Ohio industries for the first six birthdays. "T never saw so mnny beautiful Mrs. has. Moderw ell, Mrs. MatiI' afternoon . m onths o f 1930 was 5887636 T.hose present were: Mr. and cat'ds for all occasions as you have Mr s. Clifford Ridge. of days. ' , MI's. James Scars, Mr. and Mrs. here". remarked a customer at C I~l cugo . Mr!',. Mury 1.. Adam s Expe rt ~ervice given on Swiss - - .. - -Tom Burton, M1'5. Jennie Mullen, Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon , MI ~ May Wright. 1\Ii,·s Emm~ ·a nd American watches in our r eMOTOR.AUTO COLLISION M rs, Aaron Sears, of Dayton; Ohio. \ H e lghway und Mi ss Clara Lile. pair department. Store open i t!vcnin!{s. Cary's Jewelry Shop, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Sherwood, \ Waynesvill e, MI'B. Marie Rudduck The Misses Ruth Cook and Mr!', . Clifford Ridge, of Chicnge Lebnnon, Ohio, Lester Stanley, aged 21, Of near . and children of Wilmington, I Ethel Mendenhall att~nded the MI'. an d Mrs. Juy Wright of Centerville, wa~ killed instantly also a fl·jend from Beaver· ' Enrlham ·Terre Haute foot-bull Hacken!'.ack, New Jerse y, 'Mrs. , Mrs. Clifford Ridge. who s pent Sunday evening at about 6 0'e1 town; Ml'. and Mrs. James Hart- game at Earlhain Ind., Saturday. E~lm.a Ba r nett. E. V. Barnhart. of las t week with Wayn e 'ville friend s wh e n the motorcycle on which he Cmcmnatl, Miss Emma Heigh- It! ft Sunduy to vis it fri e nds was riding collided hendon with an sock and family, of Centerville, Herb-ert Satterthwaite and famway a~d Mrs. Emma McClure in Cincinnati ,before relurning to uu to lll obile on the Dayton pike. i1v and . John Compton and family . w: l:e dmner gu ests o f Miss May her home in hicago. Stunley in attempting to pass an ", rlg~t at Kern' s Inn, on SUnday.' !I utoll\o bile pulJed to the left and SEEK BUS LINE FRANCHISE of Dayton, were Sunday dinner ~uests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sat· \ Mr. and Mrs . J . J . Fromm . Mr. fo und himself dil'ectly in the path : S~ndoy guests of Mr, and Mrs. lind Mrs. Chas. Chambers, of Day- of another car approaching from Kenneth C. Fickel, of Wilming terthwaite. O rvill e Gray were Mr. and Mrs. t on, Mr. and Mr~. Melvyn Banta. th e opposite dir ection. He struck ton h as petitioned the Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Chester Good. Mr. C!auul' Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert r f Galena we re Sunday gu es t s flf t h e machine head·on and was huri Utilities Commission for authority RIch three daughters, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. ,1. P . Fromn~. I'd ove r the handlebar~ of his moto operate a bus line from Wil- and Mrs. Herschel Kerrick, of Day ton , Mrs. Effie Smith, Mrs. Flo~sie Mrs. ~tanley Gray aryd daughters, I . ' '' IT l'cl{' Ilnd through. the wind· mington to Dayton. Clau<ha and JoseJlhme, of HarMr~. Frank Reed . of Wus hmg- s hi eld of the appr oachmg vehicle. Th e proposed route is through Curey, Miss Lucy Emley, Messrs . veys burgo. Mr. Glen Gray and son, ton. D. C., Mrs. Irvin Laws on, nf He was d ead when tuken from the Harveysburg, Waynesville and Ernest Smith and Chestet' Carey B ellbroow into Dayto·n. The peti- were entertained Sunday at the , .John. of Dayton. Afternoon caller~ Covington, Ky .. have been spe nd- ~ car, . . were Mr. and Mrs. A IJlhells Bogan inl): 1\ few c1ay~ wiLh Mr. !lnd Mr~. 'fhe dnver of the automobile. a tion will be heard by the commis- home of Leander Carey and family, on Route 4. . T.('''llurli Tinlley and Mr. and Mrg. l'jJSlucnt of Falmouth. Kentucky, of Clarksville. sion within a few days. Tolian Lawson. wh.oB.e name was not learned, waa In honor of Mrs. Annie Sweet Mi sses Trillenll and Mar~aret unmJured. Coroner .W C. Gilmour ~idge of Chicago, !\1rs. Edith HllrCANNING SEASON OVER Edwards e nte rtained ut dmner Miss Doris Hawke was the guest ,,;as ~alled and following an invesTIS and Mrs. Laut'a Mosher : enterSunday. Mr. and Mrs. WilJ Rus- of Miss Corine R obbins at her ligation of the fatuI accident re s um and duughter Miss Margaret home in Frankfort, Ohio. Soturthe dr!ver of the The Wuynesville Canning Com tained at dinnl!r Frida~ at Kern's Gardi!n Inn. The invited Ituests 01'. and Mrs. Gail Ru ssum Ilnci doy nig-ht. 011 Sunday Miss Rob- machme, statmg that he could not pa ny's seilS on closed last week with I t wo daughtcr~, of Dayton' 0 J bins a nd' Miss Hawke were dinner be held at fault for the mis hap, a much better output than w.a8 ex- were Mrs. Ridge Mi'ss May Wright Em~a I HeiJhway, Mrs. Edwa rds, M , r. and Mrs. J. Ed~ gu es ts of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. MOO' Stanley lived with his Tlarents pected at the beginning. Rain Miss wards und family. The occas ion muw at Chillicothe. r. and Mr~. Palmer Stanley, came in time to save the coril and Anna Cadwallader lind Mr. Harris I M was the 70th birthday anniVersary h~out two miles east of , Center-' th e pack is said to of e1(cellent Mosher, of M~s, Will Russum, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tinney VIlle, at ~op of Sugar Creek Hill. . qu~l\ty. ___ _ ••_ _~ The annual meeting of ,the Hills . 'e ntertained with a birthday din- I The aCCIdent occured near th." boro Distdct. Woman's Foreign , Mrs. Clara B. Lewis, Mrs. Ella ner Friday evening, honorin~ the home of Russell Burnet. Y,OUNG FRIEN~ MEETING Missionary ' Society was held Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lewis , latter's sisters, Mrs. Frank Reed, -in the Methodist church at Blan· of Dayton; Mr, and Mrs. Earl ' of Washington, D. C. The guests MASONIC NOTICE 'Wayne~villl; Y. ~. M, will meet cMlater; Tue/lday •. Members of the Clark and daughter, Mildred of IW re Mrs. Irvin Lawson and son Sunday evening, Oct. . 12, at the local society in ' attendance were ton Brookville; MI'. and Mrs. Chas. Jimmie, of Covinlr , Ky .• Mr. hOme of ' Eli Furnal!. Roscoe. · Fut'· MI'!!. A. K. Day; Mrs. .Maurice Parlette ' of Ithaca, 'New York; MI'. and Mrs. S, S. Ellis and f.amlly nas wm be leader. ' Young· Friends Silvet', Mrs. L, Be~, Mrs, Howard and Mrs. Walter Olal'k and Bon Mr. and Mrs. Dallis -Boger and are ut'ged to attend and visitors At'chdeacon, Mrs. 0'. R. Unlllesby Junior, Johnny Coats, Wanda . family, Mr. and Mrs. Tolian Laware cOt'dlally invited. Mri. G. C. Dibert, ~.r8. Josiah Clar.k of Miami VaHey Hospital I son and family, Mrs. Robert Fur~--Davisl Mrs. G. D. Mills, Mt'8. J. Lucille Clark of Speers MemoriQ! nas and children. The children ell~ are W. Lotz, M'Ts •. Raymond Oonner, Th~ Warren. County Tellchers Hospital, Dayton Ky., spent Siln- I joyed a weiner roast and water-. Pr~dellt 'Boov~ a~d Senator McCulloth at Cleveland Association will meet In Lebanon Mrs. Fred Klmmet'le, Mr/!. Harvey ~ay with ~rll. Emma JannlY; melon. Saturday. October .11. . Rye, Mr., W. P. Saliabury.







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Detroit Fidelity and Surpany a" ~ ure.ty. Geul&, P. (Jat~, . L. Byn,; and n owurd L. he'll ) Nere appoinled ap\>ral I:r!. The ourt approv d lhe ' report of EQge n e . Uunhllln, admini trator f the e. tate of Lillian J . nell, tic 'ell ed. Th rollqwing IlCCOU llts wer.o IIle d : E.,tate of Philip Whitacre, deceased, first lind, tina l. E tate o'f A. . Baker, d. cea cd firs t. . r-:state of Eldridge Pope, dece us ed. first and fina l. An instrument <;If writing, purporting t o be the last will a nd t estllmunt of Amanda E. Sams, late of Harlan township, WIIS pro· dUN·d in co urt f or prollbte . Th c court uut ho rlzed thut Charles S. Irwin, executor of the eRtate o f J . A. RunYlln, decease d. to sell at private "a le certnin s ecurities IJdonging t o t.he estate. . In the !I ltlem e nt of th e estate "f t! linda Griest. dec ellsed, t h e nct va lu e o f the estate was $ 17;37.16. Successors to the estate ure: Tru stlles of the Melhodisl Epi scopal hu rch, of Springb or o. Ohio, and Trus t ees of t he Methodi st Episco \lul hurCh o f Franklin, O.

000 " ety ..

State Office Building Becomes Reality Contract Let for New Edifi~e, Which Will Save State Approximately $140,000 in Annual Office Rentals-Will Cost $1,000,000 LesK Than Estimate- Govenor Cooper Commended.

C~mmon Plea. Proceed inra Itl Lhe a.'H.'!l f Viola M. B oga n _ _ _. ...; _. _ \. rRU Eunic M. Mull, e t ul, upon r epor t mad b. t h~ co mmi ;3 10 11it ? and ('tlld . . '.' ~h!" :he "hh'- n1[ln i - " 'l) l'l h br!.'akinq yours!.'lf to (>t is \\'8. fOllJld tht' property I1Ar~f! R V. '.••• H !'d . "Alld "u t.. ft rinl!. wu~n ' L it '! " I pi"tc~ ( " I' I "~ n I Him knl!\\! Fur co uld not b divi ded with out in" L W K~ n., bllretl.'· ' rbl •• y<, ur" she hnd w aited a nd ju r y. lbert/fon, the co mmission rs "Oh , nIl . I don't think !Ill . •11 ' w us nfl t 011" II r t h (,~t! wil t) pec lul- "RI'Illl y. " -h " ,h r uJ.:Kl.'d h<'r \\ h ile 'ho pe and ,", uff 'red and to ld he r- I'eturne d t h{- ir Ill)prai~ ment of th. 7000. Vi ola M. I' e in h , ~ w o nlt'~ \. ·ry. mu ch: ~ ~ h (, uld('I' . "Qu er Illun! L,,·t· ~ t al k ,,(· If Lhat ~vm " day a miracle w o uld pr"mi.: at th ink II kI M' \\ Il~ Ju ~ t 11 kl til h1l1'l . o f "'"\1 ·thinl; pl-IiSl lIl sh all Wl' !" ha pll ' ll, but "he bad !.l'eJl wrung. Bog uJI und Eunicl: II. Mull lected Chillcn ham '" fll l'l' flllnll·fl. 'I' ll " o nl y thinK hil t hllll happelwd t o lUk e the premis es at th (' np. he . lil'lI d IH\II Y 1111<1 they ~ ItW "I ~ n 't all t h i. ruthe r -<'I1I' UP, ha d I, ' n thu h I! Illlln lIh' I O \' ~ d p r ui ~ l· d \'lIlu ', "he n·forLl t he ~ herhpr j il in E "'~ ( ' n 1111 (1 M rs. Artl l"•• n JU hl' ?" h(' a:o.kl·d qui "' l l),. "F il l' haLi IIlUI' r i(! d u r m unt nn . iff \\II ~ " rdl·r .. 11 l" ('O/lv"y II ~ uf t t l.f· fil l lu blf · " W"'I" ~ uc h f" .. I ~ ! Su ch .pathe- Ih' iell t lil'"d to thl' I'urcha . .,r. IJII ~ I ~ ~ Ir\nl· .: d At ' h itt l' nha l11 Y( JlJ to lie ny thut WI' had nl l' t 1,· for"." tie fll ul,: !" :;h l: t lli d hers ·If. II ~ , hi' - - -ap cl mill'" II Ii i t l grim :]!'e. ~ h e mUfl1' a Iilt ll' gl imal' . w:ylkl'li 0\' (' 1" t o thl' will dow ' lind New S uite ,, ( (,..kt h d , !" 1'11 (' ~U IJ \' I .. qll,· ntl~· '" th {J u~ h l yo u Oli~ h t n ot lik e t o pU lled hI! e ur Hin a:; idl'. 1'1' . (' ntl y Vincent C. T!'a r y ve rs us l3 erthu " ~ urh a pit y ! It' ~ n()t lik<- .J ul il· n I it. ~ Iw u~ .. d t o hp. ~ u.:h u (\e ceut Iicknowl l: ~II(" m . 1'111 "urllill}! lI u il e a t axicll b turne d int u th ' ." t r\! t :\I Il Y Tracey for d i" ., rn ·. t ' htu'Kes "OIl. hut nu w yl,lI 1"\' 811~' ~un hllr.d - a . n ·putllll ll n. Y"ll lUi .. \\" . u s t he 111111 alld S (l flll ,·,.1 " Ilh n squ(' u kln~ o f I an' KI' II~~ neldeCl. Olin-r lI i n e~ vl'r. Us RulJel't I), 1,,11 h ,, 1' fr l'l lll the olhl· r J u!Jr. I!lrI II f t he f arnd ~·. I t. -ll ev\! ev e n hTf1kl'~ ou " Ide th e hl.)c!; II f tlrtt ~ . UI O) dl:ar Hlln I:' slllll"kl'd . ~1) n1l' J ~ h(' ~ las t! . . Il I. bl'l' JIum il t lJn. (;rue l' H. lI a mil Br.' d in th .. hone I suppo ~e !" Blln \rst n" rl n n~lOu, I'y . f-i he '\ll ~ t l'". ,l tls ~J1 h (; ue /lth(' I' nnd Enrl F . " Ar<' thl' two J ulies r allr \'ery tlllll''' ! I . bl,lll'\" <'\"lin Julte ·- thl' IIthe r .Julle w ~ uld not u e t uu ph:u:- n ot ,.I111 n f'. r\ m u n ~. VOI('l' ww; nn - :\1,)11('1111 fIJ I' ili on,' ),. Th l! umuu nt IIlU Ct. a ll k ' , Mi ~s Gord.· ner ?" h l·d WIth mr If ~ h~' knl!" "O ille ', f < W i rlliK hl·r laul!htllll(' w \l rd ~, a nd I l'la illll!d ':!;, 6U wilh intcre~t as\.. ••" Illth on etTo rt. lJ () ri ~ hl·sitated . purl\ing up h pT the, thing. I do- ' . 0" pr('H'ntl y t hr Sl(' I'S of .t w o P"" I!I' I th" ,.on rr"l11 the I,th dny of Dec, W ha t . t hings . . J ult(·. ;r ~l"l:ndln g' h,~ ~ t " Ill' ~ lIur ·1I "e. HIIIl I " Illt. cr. I ~I~ )j. at the rUlI' of 6' , per Real Eatate Tran.fera ~('n l'! t li p. ."Oh --:-Ju ~ t t~!ng ;, ! men, a nd \~ l'rr t to thl' dllo r . turnl nl! IIJl th " annum . rll r c! u, ur .. uf. mort gagl! "'I' h ~ "th er Ju li ' is really bette r \tl( ht a~ " h (, \\' ·nl. " ltllli ., th,-.r I'elief. The P eop le' s B uilding, Loan and· lo()kill ~ ," . hI' ~ nid 11ft.... II mome n t. thlllgs Ilk<' that. How OIuo'. N,w SUI'O O/I!u Build!na Wi lt Look "I should like t o thrll h you ." he "1 t huut.:h t yo u we rl' l o~ t ! ~he LlII'·.! :I u ~ ht.'r "s Nona Slu Hhe r 'aving~ ompah y of Milson to "M ust Illen cn ll her btautiful. but t o me . . we ll, l us ed tu prefer sllirt ~ nva;{I· ly. l'lliu . ., i f",. ,ii\·" rn '. ('hargl:S af,· g rotlS Ray M. CombR. lot No. 36 in OHIO 'S ~ eeded ~h~te ol~1ce building, planned and discussed through F u r u m Olllen , hI! ·tru gg !<·d t o ' ·I.t ,,, t~ .I ullt.' "\\' opt PII ;;t Ill· r 111- ' ne).:ll'c i. nion town shi\>. t biR J lIli unlil la tely." ______ C. . lin d E la Mllrlutl t o R. E, preredlllg adm llli strati ons for lIhnos t 15 years, lit In xt is ah out t o be " \'uu meal~ h a s sht! r eally chan frt't' h~r U 1111 , t h('n Hu dd nly ~ he (, lhl' Il at. " W lr y rlh o uld WI' bl' 10 Ft st o .. d \'iJry ~ lill I""k ing at him. A Ill'l' ! lI ow clln y" u heur It! I' m S I) Proba t e Cour'l Proceodlngs I:lm' ls, trllct of land in Frunklin a r ealit y. Upon its completion, approximnte ly $ 1'10.000 in unnual office I!~ d so much 7" "Y ou did l hrh sh Illt.' - o nc '," h" t I tI .,n ' kn ll w I, hat to dl'.. " . . twp. Don Ill ughed. rtnllll s will bt! sUI'ed to t he state: and va st inconvNlicnce to the people. Th ' III"n whll hud ('om l: With he r 1 In \' nt o l'll'S lin d upprulMenH' nt1', Blail' and LeR oy t o R. E. Bevis, "It rna\' sound abs urd, hut sh e "he sui ,l. due t o the wide s pn ratio n of slate officr s in 'o lum bus, will b ' e nd ed. "l:lYI.-by e. evcry 1I 1l l' ! I SIIIII" ''' ' was look illg II Him with e nq uir- I til ' ~ : .. , l o t No ..)2 1 in Franklin . has ! E\' r'y 0111' is com m e nting upThe Ilctuul conlrnct for h is lon g disc\ls sed project was IJrought I·_ ~tu t ... uf 1·.llzabHh L. ( E . t . ) Chlll'les E . and Elizn Co le man t.o on lh!' fact. She USI'II t o bc quite we shn ll Ill ed ltJ.(nin SI> I1\ ' .Ill Y inl-( l'y es , h e~ itllling in the duol'I \\, ill'ru f t, d t·c ('a~ (·d . Verna Beichler, lot No. 794 in about by th e prllcti cll i business ma n and bu ilditr, who has shown that dllt' r nL The n luite suddenly lJori !; will t II rO ll \\ hl'I" I li'·l·. wa\, . ··· Il·. ut'lial I II introdu ce p ople. 1 1·:. t:Hl: of .1. Scu tt Guller y. d e- Frunklin. he knows how t o g(l t th ing s done in govcl'llm nt as well liS in privato ~h e all red! S he uega n t o hllunt Mr. 'Chitte nham: if yll ll CVI'r fl" 1 cea Sed . . Ada L. Che n weth to Ca rl A. business, Governor Mye rs Y. Coope r. plucl,!; li ke this and she began t o like runninl(' in f() r [I (·c, ek lllii. und .f ul i,·... lI im ~u i d. .I uli!! ttll·ned . ... ·o rrY. I f' lr!!l)t! ' .In he .Imille r I.'f t hc gu a r ..ha n- and Eth e l E. Pi ckerin g rC1I1 estat e drink toO much. I f I didn't know if : he d o e ~ n ' t r ' llIt'm"e!' yuu',·!! Ever since Judso n Harmon was Governor th ere has been continued • her us w ·11 as 1 do I sho u Id say IIh onl y got tv inquir" Il l' thl' pldi (" ! Thi H . . . ,. S lu' bf'llke intI) :1 Itttl e I ~ hIJl,. of Chnr\e s 1·.,.lward ~V el dner. in W E!~ t W ayn e twp. agitation for such lin ollice building. Rcp eutedly tho Lcgisillture hus I' m well kn own t il th e )lIllie '. " laut.:h. " ('m slIrr y. I've forg utten l\ mln'lr._ heal'ln~ IS contlnuL'd to o rtez M. and Lucy E . mith to has hud so me r otten lovc affair, made approp rilllion g, but somehow an agreement cou ld never be ·h <.> Illu g ht' '' lI:::uill !' L' ck l es~ l y , Y "UI' nallll'." ~ he told the ~~u':' 1 OC,t~U I' I at ~ I II c loc k a. nl. Dora T . Purker , lot No. 836 in but J ulie never liked men . Sh~ ' !1 r eached nor the b\lilding started. When Gove rnor Cooper came into wavillg he r hallli lind ;,trt,) led hack :'O nc n .I': ·tll so .Illlrny PP O pl l' ~, I hi S . I he . fi,. ~ t ucco u.nt of .~h e g unrFranklin. ditr e ren~ t o he r cousin in lhnt ret o hl'r own cn rn !! r wh e re ~ h c "~ " J I~ lil Y , I.,., n" roll s!; Lennox d lan ~h l p o f Mur J< ,n ( .. Ird, Jr., Clifton G. AI<,xand e r to F. M. office, he found stale ollie 5 sc attered all over the Ca pital City, many spect at all event s ." "lily nam e i>l :..; ' hofildd - Lllw- minor \\'u.~ appr ov(· t! . a nd Lilliun Alexllnde r, part . o f of them in firetraps, dn ngel'ouB al:ke to priceless records and the The m usic s topped once more gl"ete d wi th ironil',,1 chCl' ''~ nnd lenn' ' ch oti <d<l ," the Illll n su irl. Acco unt :; fil d :. . lot !! Nos . :112, ala and 3 16 in employees of the stute. on the fa!lhi onable jarring, qu e~ ­ uanler. .. Eslu te of Martrn BI hop, d ~ cca s Franklin. Governor Cooper asked the Gen eral Asscmbly to provide an approtiolling note. cd, first lind fillal. J . H. a nd Anna . Washburn to prIat ion of $13,000,000 with which to buy land and build the st.ructure, " I suppose we mus t join thc E~t!lte o f Alo nzo Il g i tl~'. fl e- Oscal' R. Bohachc a ncl Charles H. others." Doris said . "Hark III J ulie lind th e work has gOlle dil'y forward until n ow i ~ has bee n pos!lible censed . .·ev<lntee nth !Iccount, Bihl ert.. 75.75allc re~ In Hllrlnn twp. you can h ellr he r voice above 1111 to let such a contract ns wi ll give Ohio an office bu ilding worthy of the Gual·tlillll ship of Hllrry L. Mary Fl'lll.illr t o J. 1-1. Frazier. thill racket." state, Ilt Il c st of approximately $ 1.000,'000 less than the most optomBrnwn. minul·. t ' nth a nd final. 72.75 acres In /' ~ I'a nklin twp . Mrs. Ardron's fn ce was a sluel y. E l'lat e of Mllry E. Lewis , de Wilh Imlnll Kohl to Ve rne i~tic estima te. She was trying t o s mile and loo k (' eased . fir Rt lind Hnul. . M Work on the con st ructio n. whi ch is to begi n promptly, will provide os if she thoroughly enjoyell the kc I'eu \ estate 111 a.·o n. J . Lee ThomlJ ·on was Il IJ~ In ted Bu!'s situati on. and yet there wal< II A rthur Butt. to Duniel Butt, employm ent f or 1000 llIen pe r dny for more ihlln a year. gual'dian 1"101'11 S t ep enson, real e ·ta te in Fra nklin . . timid look in her e ye!\ Us if she Tho build inll. wh it-h will hou I' all the elective offices of the state, c'llitine d in the Dayton Stllte HosHob ert E Be ne keI' to Bertha F. will be erect d in the 11(':lrt o( ol umbu ~ . wilhi n :I short di stance of t he were not quite sure if it were th e pital, an d fi led his bond of $4000 Wyatt, 15 lots In Deerfield twp. right thing to laug h or n ot. with C. O. Se xlo n lind Harry D. Emma B. Price to H erman J, Stllte Capilo\. It will flll'e th Scioto R iver and be 14 stor ies in he ight. "Miss Farrow has been tclling The Commi ssion Ilppoi nted by Governor oo per to hnve charge of Mc uy as sur eti ell. . h "088 I us that Il he has a cousin so like he r Fred H. Slu hb ~ Ildmlnlst r lltor of and Cl ar/! Bot 0, " . ac r es n the planning nnd rcct ion of th e bu il ding ill compos d of flve outstand" thot they are very often mi!ltuken thc cstate of Harriet M, Burn '. H amilt on twp~ ing m n of th l! ·tate . 1\ fo ll ows: Col. armi A. Th ompson of Clevefor one nn ulher ," ;;he sa id . deceas d, WIIS orde red to Be ll the Mar-r-i a-,-e- L-ic-e-n .. land, " Ilrnl!r p •. i ml l~o n of olumbu s, Elme r S. Lrindes (Wooster, "Yes , ~o I understand," Gil e~ pe rso nnl p roperty belonging to the said rather shortly . es tate. William Milton Scearce; laborer Will iam F. Wil ey of 'illcilln ati , and William F . Gree n of Coshocton. " It must be v r y awknrd," Mrs. Th e court authorlz d J ohn E . of Franklin, 0 .• and Miss Grade Chllrlc..s D. Sime ral of 'teub nvi lle is ccretary of the Commission, Ardron murmur d. From all over Oh io cOll1 m ntlalions have come to Governor Cooper Brown, adm inistrator of t he es tate J a ne SIn ton, tactory worker of "I find It ratber nmus inll," J ulie unon lh e s p!cndid way in which the project has bee n handle d, giving Elizabeth L. (E. L.) Witcrllft , F ranklin, September 24. of said flipPllnt.\y . "You don't kn ow deceased t o procoed to Re ll at pdvMar tin A. Bl8ho!>, clerk of to the tate a build ing of th e h ighes t cla ss, easily accessible, and lit • m y cousin. do you, Mr. Chittenham a t e sale ce rta in personal property. Franklin and Miss Mary Agnes cost far und er the exnectations of IIlW0nc. " I have no t that pleas ure" I nve ntory lI.n(\ appraillement Ridinger, of FranKlin, September "Oh, you' ll love her," Julie rat fil ed : 29, tied on. "All the men do. S he's got E state 'o f Cec il Slewart, dccenaIven Schuyler, coun t y r ond the biggest sClllp collection in L on "Cod.tail·a! It's n<'ll like Jul ie a bit . She uled to be .uch a docent d w orker of Oregonia and Mrs. jng d is h, and s('aso n t hC' m Iib erolly d on." e 'Robert n. Chamberlnln was np- Lu ella Kuhn , housekeeper of Orewith peppel' nnd salt. Ov J' them Giles lIIade a littl e' m oveme nt ........ but n.oW you can hardly tell her from the other Julie." POUI· . 'ome thickened veg etable Jl oi n tt:d adminilltrator of the es- gonia. September 2 9. to rise but Juli was too quick f or st ck. of a n)' kind. T hen cover He was rath er an Ol'dinary-I ook- tale of Ch!l rl es V. Chamberlin, d e"Sha ll we da n ce?" Dori : a ske d, him . with a rirh CI'U ~t nnd huke until ing man , obviou!'I ly a gentleman. ceased lind fil ed his bond 0 f $GO,Bill. Allowed "Dance with m , Mr. Ch itten- and he r ose nt once. the 'r u ~l is brown . . Hc ' tried not to see Jul ie as t hey an d 'not ve ry you ng. H e kept look ham!" she command ed. A nd being nt Bim in a half.puzzled, half Mari on Cook, 2nd and final e sbTh c(l mbinations for l hi ~ pic fore he was aware o f it Gile ~ went round th e room, bll(t Rhe apo logetic way, ond nft r a f e w -",~' ~'~W _ •• .. mate. $490; Firm H. Huddleson, are legion . You might. tr}' lima found himllelf back again in t he seem ed th(' fin ly real thing' in n . d -~ 1st estimate, $120; Lewis & Drake beon~. wh ole s lll a ll onio ns, I!ree n whirlin g throng, his aTm roum: cro wd of unr ea lities. Lnul!hing. ~ I ­ desultory remnr ks h e ~nl -lrrJ1"..,r.""u7>Kln. I don"t , know why- l Inc., ceme nt , $216.80; Blair and peaR and dicNI llll'nips ; 01' tomato, dun't \vnn t l o kn ow, b u " Le Roy, cement, sand and gravel, Juli e's slim body, he r hand rest - wa YH IlIu~hing in that shl·i1 I. r ec k- night. corn cut ntT th e ('(\ h, die ' d gree n -night!" Juli e tw itted him "I d on 't know why e ith er," .J ulie b C t less fll shi lln! He lu ngt!ll to go 'D"Good ing lightl y on .his shoulder. ' d ' ? $20.90 Mason Lum er o. cemen pepp rand pimicn10 _n nll (!iced H e looked down Ilt he l' nnd f ell acruss t o he r Bnl! pick h e r up in hi ~ , on t you mou n guo -m orfllng. inte rrUI)tcd ruth leRs ly. "l'm chon- "41.6.0', Oreoonia Brid"" Co. steel n(>w p(J tatoc ~ : or dic('~ new !lota. " cd . . . . . I u 8(·d to be "uch a . . . . ".arm !; und 'arry he l' a\\'u y fr o m t he It's n ellrly five. " ~hat it must be a drea m. ... for eont rncts $506.69; W. T, tAes, ..liccil bee l ~ . sliced onion!; With out knowing why, Rim f e lt (001 priggis h! ull Rop hlsticlited. Graham, bri(lge C 'l $240 The same, a nd yet s u ch nn ut - nuise nnd hent and glnrC', a nd repair. . ; . and a_pllragus tips., 01' bo il ed terly different Julie lo the girl he Ruuth · he r into rcs t an ' l sani y rat Ile I' so n y f o r S CI10 fi C.Id ; S h e But that's oil go ne now. a nd I' m Marion Cook, laber, ,,117.80; Blair =====z:==.'--,===-\lllred rn di f<hes •. g reen pens. string w" nt to thl' d oo r wit h him nnd of - mu c h happier." W H .I,ad held in hi s arms a few weeks aguin. "Happierl" and LeRoy. s upplle~, $86.75; . heun s and 8n1l111 oni uns. A s prinkLEFT·OVER VEGETABLES Bim Le nn ox Slit by th e fir e , a f ered he r hano. ",go. "G oo d-nilth t , Dn d thank you fol' " That what 1 snid," Julie said Madden & Co. gUllrd rail material, ling of mincl'd pllrslty IIdll s t o the H e tr ied to think o f sO lllcthing cigllrH te hl' lwl;cn he r lipH, lind ..I~ fi " ntl v. $23.74; W elch and Dukln, supTh h I I k to say, but no words w ou ld COllie', her fe et thru ~ t int o n qU(' e r-l\lwp(,d Hee in» Julie h me." ~ plies, $1.66; John.ston anc.l Joh~e expe rt ome sa 3( mil er !J nvnts n!llCl\(!SS of one of t he se 8im b olted th' d or nnd came Bim stood lok ing at h er r or ston, bridge material $33.73; OhlO become s quite a s e fficient in us ing pi ·S. and it was Julie who broke t he s il- puil' of " hin 'se tJlllbroid ' I'{'d ~ Iin­ pe l's. bac k into th e room. II m ome nt, th(>n with" a li ttle help- Corrugated Culvert Co. sewers, up odds and ends of certuin sorts e n ce. $197.40 ~_Mrs, John Palmer. st~ne. as th e so up maker does in dispos- Subscribe for Th e Miami Gazette A cloc k on l he narrow mnntel: .Juli e hl\d lit n cigarette, but it less sh rug s he turn ed away. "Isn't this a filthy band 1" sh e 'I'h(l duor closed between th em . $2.40: MUllo n Lumber Co.. sup- ing of certain other left-ov ers in shelf hud struck fo ul', lind Ju li e hud go n e oul IIl!ain, and s he wa ' sa id disgu sted ly. Ica ning ba ck amongst t h cushions .J u li e Htuyed wher e s h!! was, her plies, $61.62; Mike Lamb , bridge the makin g of so uP. But there is H e avoided h er eyes BS he an- was not yet. home. I t WB S thl: third timc runn ing he r eye" closed . a nd her mo uth CY<:'.· fixed on the fire , "Chllnged, lumbm', $64; W. H. McHenry, sup- alway s dan g<' r or making this sort swered . quite c hang ed ," she tolt! he rs elf pli es, $14.20; Gilpin & Son, gas of slIlad look like a respository o f "My thoughts were 80 far aWllY . tll .. t .Ju lie had ani v d hom e) in the dr oo ping in de jcctt!d lin es. 8im stirt'cd the fir e inlo a blaze tim·e1y. "I don't care Ilbo ut any- f or I'oller, $8.92; Franklin Vul- lett-overs- sa lvage fro m t he kitch J was thinking of II • wonelet'ful sma II hou rH of lhe m orll i ng, jaded thin '"'" nn'.'.• more. Nothin '".. rnn hurt canizing Co., repairs $2.66; Queen I.' n -r "bng a r ,. e can- un IeSR grea t ni g ht you nnd J ~pent t nge t her lind pa\t!, and lrying hlll'd to pre- "Wh o is he '!" ~ hc !IRke d. ,Jul in ope ned her eyes. "Who?me. What's the use of tr ying to go City Supply Co., supplies, $29.- care IS tllken in t he making. te nd thllt Rhe had ' njoyed herse If. on the t op of t he world ." ., A nd no mil l] is wurth it I" Rim Oh, Sc ho field. I d on't Iln ow. He stl'night lin be whut peo ple cull 51l; Frank Sherwood Co" supExtreme dnintin ess is r eq uired "Oh, that!" She Ill ugh ed ca rl'MONEY LOANED l essly. "Fan cy re me mbering it ! lold hel'se lf u lm ost slIvagc ly a s sh e was there to-night . and he seemed 'good ' ! It's mu ch better not t o pli es, . $24.07; ' Prues Equipment in us ing left-over vegetllbles. It I've forgotten a ll about it ages IIgo l h rew he r ciga re tte e nd into thc ruthe" lik e a fis h out o f w uter, so care f or anyon e-not lo care . . " Co., traCtor repairs, $158.14; E. P. le ft over spinach is us ed it should Sh e bit her lip hard. and closed S outhard, filing SIlW. $1; Oreg- be draine.d lind moulded carefully LOANS on Livestoc k, Chattels. F arfully u ncomfortable, was n't g mt!! nnd rose to he r feet. "No I to ok cornpll§sio n on him. N ot very interesting. i. he?" her eyes liS if ill sudden pain. onia Bridge Co., repalrs $28.97; not plied in a moist. mass on the Second Mortgages. Notes b ough' "Nob ody very exc iting t h er e to· "J'1l mak e him suffe r- I'll make W. W. Williams Co. supp l ies, $66; lettuce leaves. Left-over peas Johll HarbinI', Jr., X en ia, Ohio. nig ht?" him s uff<> I'- " she whispered. Miami Gazet.te proof of publica- lIhould be whole, and added to the ' ,, ' n, lIt Icas t- oh yes l" A litUI' t" $464 om 0 u tfttt era, 8U P- salad with apparent design. . 'st I ' n the w""eel of lon, ; Wce HAd Ne ver USe any 01 . A chance t WI t1 IInl(' Iit J u Iie weal'Y eyell. " Therp II I' $1.50 0 & IVe" 1 01 t h at IS tllre\V Lawren Schofield pies, ; . , n ers n t h b I' d \VIIS olle ruthel' uxciting person fIlt ~ ~~ Co ., Inheritance Tax' Volume, no t e very est qua Ity an p.e r- LONG OR SHORT TIME- Easy Glle~s ?" across ,Julie Furrow'!! pathway In $7.5.0 ; Ohio Cenlral Telephone fo ctly fre sh. It is better to use a terms. AllIo Surveying and Abt he Falin cnfe. Schofi Id was a wid Co ., rents for offices, $52.75; Bur- fresh can of chellper salad oil than stracting. Wri te and I will call " ( couldn 'L " "Giles Ch itte nh um ." owe r. His wife had been neurotic roughs Adding Machine Co., re- any olive oil that Is n ot up to II and !lee you. Sam D. Henkle Way"O h!" llinl a voide d loolting a ' li nd fretful, ·and for eleven y ears pairs, $17 .60; Bird Powell,bridgc high mark. The same applies to nesvill e, Ohi o. •Jll he r fri e nd, a nd .Julie r attled on she had done her best to crus h I b "103 56 - J K S vinegar. Only a vety little vine~ar "li e if! aR c harming a s eve r!" Juli( every instinct of joy and cheeri- urn er~5"8 02' . J;h 't . ,peJn'Ler, should be usedJn dressing sal ndsa id uirily. '" (In ll ced with hin ness out of her husband's heart. sam<', "'I 'b; er 0$n2s290n29andCo'l.n-1 the c ost for each serving of sallld ll WANTED He was ncurly fifty, and he Tsoh • · um\ b , $450 'T H; B eCla being almost inconsiderable- and Oll t !! or t wi ce- Cl n ce, I think! ) . cOllld n ot r e nl e mber that he had labor. om as, : • . labor rown 't Il ~ k' N I hilI] t o ro me and ~ ee u ~ $7;a or, Harry. Gaefer. I !\ h ou Id th ere f ore b e 01~ t h e b est some evc nin g. e\' el' had ,,;hnt is called "a good $7: Van Camp Stone Co .• Bcreen- qUlllity. WANTED- Will do finl!'er and "Julie!" time" in all his life until that ing. $62:88; Blail' and LeRoy. furSome salad makers in !!ist t hat cn mh wavinJr II ft l'r ~c hoo l lind "We ll, why n ol ?" Julia s napped nig ht whe n ~ome chance acquain- ni shin'g and loading gravel, $176.- neither lettuce nor endive sh ould on Saturclny. Ruth Cook , Third hl'r eyes open defiantl y. "U will b e tanc~ took hIm a!ong t o l~e Fau.n 85: Air Reduction Sales Co., 'oxy- ever be cut with knife or sc issors. street. .08 nicc til ha ve n f res h ma n t o go out un!I, IIlt~ o duced hIm .to Julie . gen, $4.07'; Kilpatrick-French Mo- bllt always pulled apart by the finWANTED LA DY- To call On the with. " 10 hIm she .was h~e a creature ,tor, Cal' Co., gas and supplies gel's_ bette r homes and nl'l'nnge for Bi m r os(' to h e l' f eet wi t h a littl e from so m e entlrol~ dIfferent wor!d $447.68; Cincinnati Ball Crank Most salads are best if dres8(ld shiver . "rm go ing to bcd," she He was .not .s rtfficlentl~ versed III Co. suppli es, $6.53; Blair and Le- and put together just before ,Iemonstra t ion of a /!,ren lly needed Raid. mod e rn . w~y s. to rel:o~OIse her reck Roy, materilll $20.50;:T. D. Adams being eaten, However, preparation hou!leho lrl n ecessity. Pleasant work " A II right. Plea sant dt'eam s, and les~ urtlfi clllhty; to him she ';Vas a Co. repairs, $38 .09; Earl Robln- for the salad making should begin and highly Nl munerative. Must tllllnk YO LI for wailing UJl. " crea ture of. lig ht and ~aPI}lO e~s. ett, truck repairs, $11.35; Frank far !!nough in advance to provide have b e!!t of references. Address Dim got ns fill' :HI th e door, th en Th e s ~ o rt nde home WIth he r . 1O Minnich ; repairs, $21.40; E , D, chilling of lin vegetables nnd fruit Mr. DeHa ys, 116 N. Main St., Dav08 she cnme bock. th e chlll . early h~urs of .mornmg Jones, paid for supplies, $1.50; C .. t o be u sed raw. This is especiall ton, Ohio. ",Tulie!" had be~n n reve latIon to him. J. Watkins, 1 gallon fly spray, true in wal'm weather. WANTEDParty who borrowed "We ll?" TO-l1lgh t he felt younger than $1.70; Blind Pension, quarter endcorn drYer, please r eturn to C. "Don't Le a littl e f oo l. Julie h e had ~ver felt. . ing September 30, $973.25; BarVeretahle Piea tf dearnboutGiles Chit te nhnm.. If Julie wou.ld !'larry hIm •. . he rett. Co., tarvia, $7,085.18; Same, A vegetable pie is another veg- W . FI·ye. When wc It·ft Switze rland you said ~ e awoke. from hIS lr~nm With a !lame, $106.18; Treasurer of State, etable dish that makes Use of leftyo u hate d him a nd lhut YIlU start at hi S own au BC lty. clothing inmates of Ohio Hospital overs .To make it, prepare a mixFOR SALE hoped you would n ever ~~e him (To be Continued) fol' Epil r:pties . $52.9 6. ture of cooked vegetables in a bak===~~~ -~==-====~.~=-~~-~~============~-=~===~==========~~=====~~ --========~~==~==~====~~========~==========:..:~============~ FOR SALE- Appl es . J onathans. Nor~he rn Spy, Fall Pippins and PINKY DINKY Well Wasn't Pinky Right? by TERRY GILKISON Baldwm nre now r eady. J. L. Mendenhall. Tel, 48F21 .08








5·% Farm -Loans --




1jOUrSale io


pA,.... W"ill bring




CHILD.Flt:N . WILL YOU Pl..e.A.?e Tt!L-1.. ME THe eXACT OPf'O~I""'e.


MI iE"Y ?

FOR SALE - Wild Wood wood hea t ing stove. Samuel Butterw or t h.


'HOE. (

FOR SALE Fischer Piano in g oo d condition, Inquire at Gazette Office. FOR SALE-Petosky 'Pota1ciell, hand-sorted, $1.65, and seconds 85c a';1d $1.00 per bushel. Stanley and FIsher, on top of Sugar Creek Hill. . .08 ' PIPES, valves & fit.til)gs\ for (ill purp08!'!S, S-oClilet's line ' of ·heating &; 'pluml>l~t supplies are the best. T!Je Bocklet-Kintr Co. , 415 W. Main St,. Xenia. Ohto.



FOR SALE Feather plllowB, . Mal'Y BI'()'o1\'J), ' Spring Valley, Ohio, R. D. No, 1. .01






Publ i.h e r

Office Pbo n .. ,..... :............ , .. N o . 11 2

R•• ldenc"

.. , .. ....... , ........... N o. ) 18

S u j,. c .. j pti ~ n Price, $ {,SO a Yea r


. £,, ' _nuJ a' PII. / o tli cc W., .),n e.&iill.: O h io, ,.. Second Clu •• Mall M. " cr


~E I"I'I;;l\ llI E H

8, I


- ------



'I •

- ------- ------\\lhHI is th r h(,,,t ('1,1101' to puinl bllrll? Thut qUI'st ill n i ~ :tl<i Lllting " 0111(' of the Eus t..rn I1l'W: p u p l· r s. SU lli e think that t il kl'l'p up with t lt(· time s fan n l'rs uught t o paint l lt uir ' . 1'1lI'y mu s l l " r ebllrl1 S wJ1111' f4?lTing til "agriculturi s t s" rather t h nn to fnrnll ' rH, An a.:ricultuJ'iSI i!l u mall whl' ea r n !< hi ~ Inon ey sll ml·whcr·(· e ls e and s p e lld s i,t ')11 h is flll'lll. 'i'hNe Il l'l' Illuny HUl:h in the E u: l . city IllCI! wh" \; l',e p U)l l'o unt ry p laces which Ihey lik e tu r e f.' r 10 a s farlll s , but which are )'cu ll y Clllll1tr~' l':;tale s. " Whi c h will y ,) U ha YI' , l1lilk o r ~hall1IHIl!n('?" a skl'd o Ill' f lh ('~e "ge ntl e man fIHllll'rs" of II I! u e ~ t .. "Th ('y e'l~t 1lH' 1I1' sallle. Th e rl'll l l:Ill1lover ~y is n ol 0\,('1' th fluestion o f whit c pain t . whidl /.l il Y pructica l farrlll'r will letl Y"U hi lUll expclI sii' e ill hot h fir s t cos t und upkel'p. II'hel1 the .. rCH of the> bnrn'~ exterior wall ~ is cn ll ~ id(· I'l· (I. but wh e ther a iJurn s ltould b(' ))OinLCd lit nil. 1'11(' 1'(' i ~ one s ~ho ll l which h o l d ~ 1I11lt a red barn is lI t1l only an atlrHctivc th i n~ t il I(l u k at bUl lhnt it will la Ht IOIl~ I' thun u n un painted barn . Bul the ol' Po n c'nt:! of th is \'i('w I'l'CIudly pni nt to the ullpaint ed burn s which d nl lhe Ea, t('rn lu n(\ sc a pc . which hal" sto od, many of them, f o r u hUIl ~ drC' d ve!ll':; lind then ~ (I Ill (>, lind wh usc' whit e pi n l' bnanb arl' >.till ~o u lid und \\, ent hClrp l· oo f. The unpuintC'd bnrn. it s udv oCite" dcclllre . becllu:;c II parl of till! I lInd ~ cupe; it is n ('urer to Nntul'l' than if it were pllint ·o in any, culo r at 11 11. Gl'lI llt t hal. a nd the questi o n s till rC lllllin s a Pl'llC tical o n e ruth·r t h ll n o n e of b eHuty From th e f a rm !'.-' · pllint (I f vi ('w, it w o uld seem to lit· H IlU ,~tio ll of climate !llld the kind lI f w oud u sed in buildillg' th e bam. Some IUlll bel' will Slll l1(1 n- c l' ntllr~' of Ullpuinted ('xpo~u re, othcr kinds uf wo o d will s peedil y de~l1Y un less pllint('d. It is n ut imporla nl , but is hilS it.s I1tllU ing sugg'e:;tio ns. Whut if we w e r e 10 puint harn!! in th e guy pinks , bl u es und yellow s whi(,h peo pI es o f 'o nlt:! European countries effecl fO I' their b u ilrlings7 O r why not d corntc ,t h ir ' xt ri o l's, i!f not with the landscape, thr: n with "m o d e l'n" a l·t ill slrange ba n d :, tri nngles Ilnu c url ycuCg of vi\lid red s gr 'en!! und purple'! If th e PUI'pose i h' urld lu th e guyety of lhe sce ne, why not'! The r e WIlS n time w he n mos t o f lh e burns, in orne sections of the co untry, were at ·Ieast pa'rtly painted . Whal ha s b ecome of n Il of the a d verthcments of c u rea lls f o r mun and b ensts which ulled to dec o role th!' farm o utbuildings ? F arm c rs lo d uy dUlI't t olel'llte t h e use of th eir pl'op('rt~' f or s u c h IIseless IId ve rti s ing, About th o nl y Rigll S w e !lee 0 11 the progl,(,. s ive f a lnH~r ' s burn nr(' th e o w n er's name L1nrl the u nn o unc e m ' nt t h ut he i!l II Illl'mciJr o f t he Farm Bul' e nu alld hi" cows hllv e b e 'n t u beJ'cu l in tes ted. II

C H ARTE R N O. 11817 ReaHV Olltrlcl No , • :c ))ort of eondition of the Harvey:burg Ntltiolltll. Bank, of H arveysburg.- in the State of Ohio, III the clos of bu si nes:!.. nn 'I! I>I lIl iJ'r 2 4 . - I \lao. R Il:S() 1«' I';S


.\)tLll,lot U,IHJ ' \"f'flrH (I~




I\; ' 'I







H~i o "e Ihe gas elllCi lle was in\l tnted,


:,\.. 1 \ C

I . U liB •. • •. • •

: lIlo(h :,,\ \1 41 11 ,·


ARTIC1. F. X'II. SE - riON ."

S, .1 rtlo(.,.J by , /" CCHrrnr A",mbly ,f tilt :)"'1, "I 01110, I brc~· fihh . of Ihe tnt.mhtrt clt"ctcd t u tac:h hO'UJc COU· currlUft th erein : ')' hat Ih.r. .hall Ut luumi ll.d to the

:!1 . oI1-4 ,:, 1 I ~ . 4U II , OO

IIIl"klll~ hl tll:H.' .• . . Re.erve wllh F ta~1 a.l

I ~U. OO


:1, 114111 U ,I

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lHU lks

of Ih. <on Ii lui ion 01 lb. 11. 1. of Ohio, CO , rtad u follow.: I





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to ftlllel1c1 set Tion 9 of artit1e Xl i of the It a le of Ohio 10 lite d l StrilJuti ul1 of income inhent3rlCC t"Ac ~. l lfU I)OUI

I lIfrd att inhell

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n~ tes f ro m the cente r



. Cont ra ry III Ihe gener al idea. the ."craue h t:l:ht o f bllildings in London I' hi6 her lHun in New Yo rk, Th e many :lUge sk} 5 rape r s, risi ng (rOl1' 30 t o 00 stor ies, in New York, and roun tertml ,l1lced by the teru of thousand ! o f buildings only three ' or four storiu h:gh. L.oIll!UIl has only tw o or t h r~ bllil di ngs more than seven stor ies high. bu t "ery lew under fi \le !!o ries. The Lo ndon Coun ty Council recently refu sed an a~'p l ica l ion for perlllilSion to huild a new hote l ten stories tall, and lixe J nlllc stories as the limit

• • •


----..- - - -




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Vet erina rian

l.. C rullc , \\ ' a ~ It t'B\' II1t:, Uhlu Hu lldltvld~' I ' S , Itl vl tgl1g i!"':: :ln d o th ~r s(K' ul'lt y hlJl lh" .. ", . Nul1t·, :-;\\UII \ Iv :t ltt.t .l.:u I IH.·l'ltJ ... d l J ~f v lE:o

Phone 93

t ~I :! II .


1.. 1\1 . Il '"" olh' r h d l t'\ v tU I"\" Puldlc


A Btlltle Cl'e(·k phys ician s ays , "Conillipuli o ll iR I't!sponsible fo r m o re 1l11:ery than any olher ca use .' B u t imm e dillte relief hus bee n I found . A tublet cnl led Hexa ll Order lies hu s been tiL cO\lered. T his tab le t attracts wate r from t h e syst e m illLO the Illzy. dry , evacu a t ing bowel ('a il ed th e colon . The water loose ns the dry food waste a n d enuses II g e ntle, thorough , nntum l move m e nt with o ut f o rmi n g a hub it or e \'e r in creasing the dose . Stop s uff el'ing f l'o m co ns tipation Chew 11 Rexa ll Ordel'lie at night. Nex t day br ight. G e t 24 for 25e t oduy at th e neurest R e xa ll Drug Store . Adam s Dr u g Sto r e.

Or No Charge Centerville, Ohio IPhone S9W


Sight Specialist

30 Y ears Experie nce in F ittin g und Ma!d n g Gl asses


= 8y Albert T. Reid

( OIl Slltllli n ll

: . I '1Ii" Illlllliclpal: ly o f London il s till Co rr e~ t- All ' et A ~ l · \lI.I.I ~ TT , TN WlT NI, SS WHEREOF, 1 bave b.r. I Ill' I.l r~ c ' l f it) in Ihe we.rld. wi th C. J I , " H.JI' I unto IU lJlCflbl'd m ) l la UI C and affix ed m7 \ 1' T J"I , 1' .\ ~ I ollk i.1 .tal a l Cylllmbul. Ohio Ihl. 18111 i , X ~ ", UI J() 1" ' lll.l la:i rJII, co mpared wi dl D l r cC lol'8. dol' of S. pltlllbrr , l\, /I , 19JO , :\l'\\ \' or k's l 'l,hl Ce n U ~ figure of Ct . !\RE:O;C I~ J, BROWN, ,,!J8U/~ 7. 11,l! ii, lite area known all - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - Secr< lary of Slal& I . ( 5 ...1) " ir, I,'') :\"W York" lht t errit ory iud,,. !,,,1 ill ,a radius o~ 1 ~ miks from 8'1'A 'I'E)ll~l\i ' I ' IIll' l 'ily 1 bll, which t alle3 in part o f Stu lI ' nh' 111 u t th e uwnr. rshltJ nnd I :\ c\\' \o:"l'V alld of th ree New York IHa l l a~l' lI l t: lIl ur r ile .\U ll I II i ( ia'li. t t e, I CIIIIIl!ic , nlli inc1mkd in t he cily pro per. IllIlJ l l:stlt' d u t \\' I\ r rH' )t\, lIl c Ohlu. liM ,'qU l n "\! 0)' lJll' .\ , · l ur 'U flg" ClSH fI t •• IIll'rc is ~ Jll<,,";.!lioll aboul 1.400.000 . I ~l, 1 ~1~ : I gn' <o l" r Ihall in the so - ctll~d "London ,\U1 ~U ·1 " .tI ~ ht!r, n. 1..... Crn ll (,. \\' n}'n~s­ t rani ,· a rc;!" wh ic h eX lends Ilear ly thi r ty " li t·, "h l u , ~ hl l1 U.~t" I' l"ld Elihul ', U I



el t'ctorJ o f lht I t:l te. (("I r I hl'~ r :l horova l (l r reJt li on. in the lt1 .unte r providtd I.>y law,.t t h e'('lion t d I~ hthl 011 the ' IiS I t lI~,d:.'y .fltr Iht fi"l Mo nd ay in No.. ",,,... 19301' .. rropoiol 10 amen d cch on 9 u{ or.ide: XI

Out.lde cheCks {H 'd ,'lh ,' .. I Stc. 9. 1\:••1 les Ih.n· .fifly ptr centum d ure all y\lou) had el e r belIeved the ' Jlril l 11" ,1114 •• • •• . I o~ 011 or tht' it,cotHe :. n d IIlh r rit ;uu: e lax .. , th a t rna, ~I . i.Jc: \. u llc':I~J uy til e: ),I o.i t~ .ha ll l;e rc tu r ned ai rJ .Jal :~ p'Mihl~, Th 'mas A. EdiJon OtliC'r U l'I,S , · I N . . . . • to the (Hllnt)". Jl'hool dis tric t, city. viii_it:. illl '·II I,·d ;1 n:; illl,; machine which W lt.S 1'011>1. , ... .. , .. or 1. /\\.1 \)1111' ii, ",hLlh aid ,",,'orne" or in .. tu he Ii t leu il lto Ihe air by a horircnw bcrlfilnC( hx oriwillal('l, or to an r of the LIADn.ITI c;S t fu)u', ai n '.tY I,e IHI)\ "".J lJ)' law . willdm ill prullell er, Ihe power derived Ad 1.ltJ April 6. l ~l9. lqdT lI1 ~t", I( al!lld I n . .. $ :.';', jI Vll''' ' ; f rom a se tles u f gull -cotlon ex plosionl, ,"\uqJJUij f, . II f]O I I " 1 hl' (Ilion day hir. Edis on sa w II" " ,d,." I'''''"l ~ "'1 " Ill; :. : U:O; I Tt:n_. ~T~TESF ~'1A6IE R IC-". J ame Ray alld james Fau lkner land 't' U IUII , 1 1" ' C,u !'" l l !'> ::: • • :1; SI :\ 'll'; () I- J • '\ "" " "111 1)0 11 '; • • :t, lIlI lIl lIj ITlf e of the Sc ~ rct ary o [ State. 31 :\ cW:l rk a ft er a flight from P hil1I11 1 ~ r,a ) Id· le a lld I, C I. AI<1' :-;CIC ]. BkOW:-I, Secr.lary of add\lloia ill a Inac hine they called an ft.:di :C l·vlll'lt,.. ___ -_,.:, '_11' ','(_ ' 1 SI.He . o f the SI"l1~ u f Ohio, d o hereby certify "all lll!(iro" which. eXl'cpt fo r the en Illat t he f UTrRflIllj( II COPied from and (ar e. TOlul , .. , .. .. . ,', .... ,. $1 1~ , (i ,II ":' I 'IIlly (""' I'.'tli by m. willi lb. orillin.1 r OiDt !;Illl', was jusl l ikl' Ihe early EdilOn t1n·;HIl . It is I-nlirely possible th at the t11 t t· r u ill ;'1: I '1° 1I n l )" u r \\.a r rc 11. !)tS : !~:~r,ll~tl~rl ~1~elJ1)S~~ tcuY" t' bUh~~tl~nGA1;~ti , , :-i. 11.,: (cr', l ' ublllc l' uC l It: I 1929 , and n ow Oil file 111 my office and in :Il ll "~ i r,, , \dl l. h ca ll ri se vertically; land IlUU\'\!-IHUIl~d llanlc , tJu 6v lt: II"11, I 111)' orticla) ClUll tidy 3~ Sec rt t ry of State. """ !I r.lllll~" all.) ny as' 1,)\\· as .W mIles ; W cal' lIl ut t ht:' u.lJ O\'t· ~ta. t l" " c Il 1 l.:t \ nlld fo und to Lc t r ue ::mcl carrc~t . Said Jo1et (· r .1> f.h l :IS 11 5 IlI il~s a ll hour..,llI be 1;:1" l}::II"~~ ~u u t,:tf t of IH V kn uw l" ' K'I' I(e lolutioll ,\'al flltd in lhe offiC'e of tbe S ec. 1 11l~ aiq ,lallc of Ih~ ulure. rthry ' of S I Ie o n A ;>ri l 16th,' 1929 , and I.


verll 1ll6nl



4 o~. jll




Dr. John Zettel

CARY'S JEWELRY SHOP Ever), Tueld a y, S a turday ~o Cbare e for ExamiDatioD


Optometrist PERMANENT


19 N. Broadway LEBANON, OHIO

,----_. - --

Who Said This Bear Was Tame?

Slaley u

JtROI't) I~ O AMI::NlHIENT TO 'lI~S'I' I'ltJ 'II\I N 01' OHIO.

Sfi:.!,": r\o .. I~

eBll1 lc vWIII'll vtller

Hell l

!II rs. .\1. II . .'tn l·vr Qx('cIIle d n FOOD cl l' v '~ I' : ul'prisl' for hpr S(lI1 D una F,,"d fad s and f2d dista COlt the Sa turd ay aftcl'llOo n in ho n o r o f Am('('can farmer mill ion. of dollara hi: thil t(' nth birthday. F o ll uw in l,! 'I year. according 10 H enri Stude, Ihe ins lH'ct ion IIf th e g- ift R b t'stowpH'sid el:t o i the Ame rican B akers A s('(I by the gllf'. ts. 0 plea sant uflel' • cial iu n. M r. St ude's orga niza tion noon wus s pent in g-UIllCS o n the s J)uci o u s lawn . A It' lllllling r e fl'(!sh IS t ying to get peo ple t o go back to Illc ha[;il of cafir.g bread- r,ot whClle ~le~t co ur se of pUmpkin pi!' , - ____ "'7"-=..=.. _ _ fruit sa lll d a nd cn k ' wus serv d t il <rhea I bread o r Grah am bread or any La\,!1Iln Os born Evelvn McCarren <inti o f "hea lt h " bread, bll t IUl t orGIVING ised hi s young n SO.ciate ~ lhat th e y !1!lary ..... hitc bread . Bog-an. Mi ri 'lll1l .' tump. ----would be "ta k n ca re o r. " let hi ~ ~Ii.c(' There is a good deal in the suggC! I, h ,\1 at· Bro ob , EV l' ly n CU lT. Amlin lI1 et h'is hIWYf'I', ond sa ici: milli ons to II 1l1U ~C Ul11 . l3y , th ose Alice an d Kuth lepn Gruy, Marie liull Ihal many pe rsoru have been " . wh o do n OI kn uw t he fa ct s It WII S iri:.; IIl t'lied aIVay from bread by the One o t t,hese dllY~ I sh all Wllllt hu il!'d H~ u prin e ly g ift . .It w a~ n o ,'turer Kil'k JetT eris. J allles D ost 'r (ita lila l ir is fa tteni ng . II arold T urke l', H eriJerl K f11 ne dy , yuu to 1 v ise my wtl l." gift. H uving- l rai md e vcI'y fu('u lty The cra ze for -lende rn ess is not conWa y ne Th e Illwye l' Ilodded e nco urag- to g l' t, 'et, get, he s imp ly could J!ick Lee,. Hn lJ(' r t alld linl'd to wllI oen ; men h ave been t aught ingly. 11 01 r; iv e . li e merely dodged the is Gray, Jun IOr. Wal'l'e n lind Dll nll tha t !at is dangerous, The r eal danger . tO I·e r. " \Vh e n you dre w it," th(' 1111111 SUe by writin g in lh!! nllm e of u is ill nO! eating e nough nutr iti ve food continued, "I h a d n't accumu lated lllU ' I' UIll \yhi c h h(! hud hardly eve n nun 'lI B ogn n is ubl/ut o n to s(1I ' ply Ihe necessary bodily energy, much. Nalura ll y , [ left e verythinlf see n. cl·uteh es. lh o r'esu\t o f c utting his "Eat ",ha,'s se t be fore you, " Wall to m y fomil y. Now [ am b ett~ r Yo u say . "What hll ~ thi ~ to do riJ.:'ht fo o t with a n !lX. Ih,' . ule ior children, w hen 1 WIi' a fixed, I'd like lo prov ide fo r relll- wit.h 1lI0 '? I 11m no t u millionaire . " hf)y. ft i3 st ill a good r ule. Most o f lives . give to the men who h llve 'I'h e fuet is t h at you. an average !l A. p o~-~uck ~ up!l.e r wa,S enjoy ~d helped ' me mllki! my m o nllY, nnd A11lu'i cnn h ave m ore m o n ey today I t lite (,~m, Ihui sday e ve' l1llllf In us ca a diges t a nything ami the wider contribute t o chariti s . There's no thull \' o u 'u c d lo think you'd evcr hon or o f,r{ev. WYli e and f nm ily of ollr rall;;e o i diet t he mont healthy we arc likdy 10 he. hurr y ab o ut it, of cour ·e. In an o th huve.· Are y uu giving any? thl' M. ~ , Church . • ec t e n yea rs I uug-ht t o b e eo n Th e mu scles o f llll' so ul nrc lik e ~r ~ . 'hus. M. Mo d e rw e ll of s idl!rnbly ric h er. The amuunts I th e mu 'clc~ 0 Hhl.' b ody . If you C hl cagu . Mrs. A 111111 Ca tlwallud c l' WHEAT cRn ~ive now ure s mall in com- s ay , " Sol11.e d ay in ~h e} ulure I'll a nd Mrs., MalrY L ea h Adam ~ o f In C\'ery slate but Georgia the pa l'iso n wit h w hot I expect to cIt) tllke phys lca.1 e xe l'C I>l e, you find Wayn-l:w lll c were callin g- u n Mr. .'\ Il llllst price of corn was hi gher than t hen," when th e t ll11(, comes. thaL you a n d Mrs, e ha: , T . Smart. W e dn!! "III!' 1" icc o f whea t. S uch a state o f The IIlWY('I' ndvi se d him ttl haV e ('an't. The llIu seles hav e utro ph ied. day. . thi llgs occur!' IInl>, once in a 10llg time, the wi ll rewritten thut very dllY. If you say, "Sume day when [ 1\1 iRse;; Marga rcl and Mab e l wh('rl t \1 , lIal ly hcmg the highest -p r iced "I f you live l en yenrs Il ncl pros- hav e m ll r e I will bl' g in to giv e ," lH' r yo u ca n r ev ise the figure s up- you will ne\' () I' g ive. Th e habil re- ,tan and Jame s Hutllplo n of ~rai n . Th is rl'ar there is a bi!!' w h ~at I?U,I'lIllI, cLllled On l\l r s . Amunrlll SUrptl1' a nd 'a shori corn crat. wl\l'(l," he s a id. "Bul s upp ose Ho me qllin' ~ eu ltivuti o n. • talT S und ay afternoon. thi ng s h ould happen t o you toW" are about t o h ave n e w s tan d T he U, S , Dep:tr tment o f Alriculture m o rro lV. You wo ul d d ie leuv ing a 1\1'(1 5 in this COUlltr·y. Our day of Mrs . Ern es t Oswa ld and chi l- Ill,j : h~ Felleral Farm Board a re ad: elfish w ill. " wOI's hipping wea lth is pas ~ . M.on- dl;e n~ ll f L. eball on nnd Dr. and Ah~. ( cal ing U ~ i ll o the wh eal s u rplus to - - -- - - - -. Two very rich me ll h ove died ey I~O . l o n~ e r .co nfcr~ d l: tlnctlOn, \\ , E. Oglcsbet! wer(' dinne r guests eed livc,tn.:k . It is fil,lllred rhal the I in r ece n t years, I~Dving very e l- n til III 1Olll1l I' e Ig no tIl.o re unc o m- , of Mr. a n d MI·s. Chu il. T . Sm!ll.t QoJ va lue o f wheat is so mu ch h igher I fi s h wi lls . The great bu s i n e s~ of 111 0n t h a n nn auto m ob ile, and not We.dnes dllY eve ning in he n or of han tha I of corn, t hat with corn a t a AN HONEST MAN , I line of th om is nlr efl ily dwindli n g . n en ri y FiO unC Onlm on us a ho r se . Ih e lr fOl'ly-fi l, ~t wedding llnnivel'- !ollar :t bushel Ihe farmu C:in afford me n who m u n age it w ere T h o givers wi ll b c the h eroes of ~!lI'y . I) pav $1 12y, fo r whea l fo r fee d ing . _----- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • The given no Fl hare in it; th(' ir h eurts t he futur . A n el the ti m c w ill Ma ny farmers have ~ e po rt ed their Capt. and Mrs. has. GUI'nel' nre not in thei r wo r k. come w he n Lho ~ o who merc ly g et e x perience ill f«lling wheat in the past, A mLln died the othe r day i n 'rh other ri ch nllln, n bnch el or, w ill be held up to sco rn . A nd t h eir nn I ~o n o( C Olumbu s s p e nt Sun- ior cattlr! hog~ and l)Qull ry, w ith un!New York, whose bus iness rc dl.IY a [l (' 1'1100 11 w ith Mrs: Mal'Y cord contained n ot a single blem- who pnid s ma ll salaries but prom- c hild.r e n wi ll ha ng th ir hend s. Finch und R obe l·t Gnrne t·, form sat'lsfact loll. Some say that It ia ttens hogs fa~ ter than com do es. --~~= =-=-=========-~=== ====== Mr. and M,·s. . Kelly K iphart I! " ·oul .-I be s trange if wheat should n!HI l\~ r R . H . , K. Ki phurt o f 'in- become the st oc k (arme r 's mainltay al c lnnall we r e Su nday 1!'U('sts o f MI'. well as the backbone of human diet. lind MI·s. C h a~'. F. Sl11llrt. . •

- ---====--

di l!~o unt b •.• , . . .. .. " . .. ..

" ,·t.;U "III I,t}C ,I \\' U\,HJ • •• • , •• lh ~ r lJl1IHJH. s{ cfl'kH J.l ll tl . :1t.l urll ll!:4 tl\\'lIt· d • • • • • . • !u Il k I n~ )I\HI :t I~. Fu rll lIIIf' ,· I UIII , ,,lilt ,',., .. .


0 _ _ _ _ _ _- - -


i>.h. Ilnnivl (;ugg!!lIh",im lind hi K'tIll' quintul, bUI 1\ IJuin tn l IlIUY Ul' liv!! hroth!!r!". '~9Iis of Il' )'t·(' GUlf- nl1ywhen' frllm 1111.211 plJund", 'l~ ·Pllh~im. mnue mon ' y by Iite l'u lly in A rglintinn, to 220.·10 IHIII)l(ls, t li n!< ot' millions. They mudll it \\ hich i ~ th, metrie, lfllinlnl, lIne- , in one of the three (undam 'n tlll t e nth of th' melt' ir 11 of ) ,(lOU inU\ls tl·l e)!!. '1'h I'C nre thl'ee lin !I of kilugTl1111 ,;. ql1a l to 2,20 4 pounds. M I M I'" A ' (;(.11"1.' alHI . , h I ' (. k I I hu ~ln ' S~ wllluh mcrefl. e t e 'rallcll S IC l\ C osc' Y to Lh l' III ,.t - r. I "1·.:JIlI~' l IIlurh i ncti. "al •t.Iill "IWI· un w odd's \Ja Kie w(,tllth IIncI o n ly ril' we i dIL~. hilt (il'rmlln j!l'Uin L"" 'de l, M ' , 'on' , MI'. 1"lc)\' d Andel' ' Ii'l\ h'I.nlf. merc h unts III Ik. u I!<()' .In t e rm !:! 0 f .""l U n II v .., l .,. . I hl'u '; . th Y lin: f IIl'mlng. '. il IEnllna 1':1Ii~, Mrs, RlizaGugg ' nh 'Im s :'. 'n~l1ers. IIncl doubl e zl'ntnl![s, ~o~h f '~ ier . nd l\\r;, [ UIIl Leg0 1111 Illillin~. '1'h e nncl min e rs , ow nl'l'S o f t h e worldl! whil in cotland und 1reland th e C f XiS . ' ~In d 1\lr . ~lld Mr~ . 1m w'I'e minl's, own I'S o( the worlds wey of 41.282 bu s hel. .is th · stnnd- ~t l .· 'k!lH:;nd 1i fis ' Ettn Arn It! lurgf's t !io ure e of ·opper. nrd whent III 'a s ur e, 1he qlln rt I' III ROC, They I ' t othel's . hure th e profits he ing th 'o rl'ti cully one-q u art I' of C)f Dayton. , th c ir -Illinin g ente l·pri. el;, but th ut. M 1'11. Franl; elll'l s pent 1 u e; d uy t he y nev"I' Ic' t (lnyutl(' ~ h a l'(' th C'iI' Ru~sill . wlHl ~ c nrtivJtic~ in th with h I' 111 Lh .j' . Mrs. Anna \ Ull I sscs: If a mining prospect wh ut m arke~ hns r ce iv('ll inler - D o ren. "peter 'd o uL" bcfur(! it had ,, ·'tur- e t in th e w o dd · wide Vllrilltio n!' 1\1 " l-li ~ h . c houl will IHe 'enl nul lhe Ill oney invested in u evclup in IllCll5Ur!!melll of wheat, dea ls h' a SI" I ... c' 1' 1. l'ud ll e\' S mil e " ,11l g' it, th e G IIgg 'n.I" (' II11 b 1'0 th e r s III . \1110 II . • A I ' 'lli I 1 ' 1 .. t e p a~ "m iUlIll '- " Jo'dduy, , eVI.'1li n g. • ' p ilot I ~ . L . p o un\l ~ ! . tl . , iilol s hl!u lti l.' rl'd ull the l u ~s ; if it ma(l e alH li k!! o\l (o r ylh inl! C' IH' Hu :s ian , , ~1 1 It ~~ I . lll u n"y, _cve ry in vesLo r g ol hi s it ': I'Cll1~ t I h uvt· 11 11 1'l'latilll1 t o any c, J' I . . . "hn l" in pl'op o rtion l o hi s ' ilwc s t- s l a nJurd s known "lI t si.!c, HUI whclI o l'l1 t, l 1'111'. MI',. IJI."k I1l cnL. [n l) ll C il1s tlln cl.' tI, !:y r e- th e l' wh 'ul i, 1111'n ~ llr{' d in tllns . lI 1t~ i"r <o n Tlll'Hday . . Cl' I'l11lwr .W puid Illur e thlln $ 1,00 0,000 to in- quarter", 1"",<1 " " I' lous lll'ls . Illakl's u t.Il1ughter. W i'l ma L i' ll. Vl' ~ L'll s , out of .th l· i l: ulV n ,Poc kets. lit ti l' dilrl' r enc e tll . lh( ' I!l' lI w,' r wh o Mrs. J oe Bog-a ll p a Rs ell away 11l' (' a~l sl' thl' lll.' ll e III whl l.' h I lwy mll ~ t sell It lit n I"ss. 'I'ltu r s duy e\' e uillg fulluwillg ~t: vl ha d lIlv.e sle d dill lIut turn I'llt liS lI'll l n'a'r,; III' ~ uff cr ill g . FUIll'rnl w'II UH It had been e xp(! ctc d, . , ~e l'v i~' es wcr' cll ildu cled fnull the It \I ,,; I hlllli·1 (,ug~l.'nhcll~ s C R OPS GROWN I N OH IO 11111111.' i;;ulllrday "fll' rn,,(,n. lllull!!y. :ji2,50 U.UUO IIf It, which , . Wl'llt tit fjlluncl' th e <:x ten~ive !!xta cit Yl lli' Ih!' r-inil"d S IIl I!'s Th" sc h u,, 1 IR pllll1llln l! n. H a l-, Ilcr iments mad e I'n lhe IHls t thre(! IlIw,,'( '11 Car ni \'u l ll' Itl' h"ld III thl' l'pa r llll'ni "I' '\~I ' i l'ldtu n' l"'l' I)- (:~ III 1111 Friday l·vcn in l.:. l )tIi ll b 1' 1' 0 1' four yeurs . IOll king luwurd lll11k inll' a viati un tin fer, I II llluny o th l' r emli nl! with lh(' l' I" t(lfli cc' Il"pnl,t - :11. WHyS 11. WIIS u publi c benefactor, lll l' nl l11 a l((' ~ a s urvl'Y " I' Ih(. anl' Btl1 n to i\lr. u ntl ~ I rs. E\'(~ r (;tt But h e wi ll be r emcmh e r~d all tl~ e in ea ch IIf lhl' il1lpllrtant l:r"ps C;urr!1I1l 1111 TU l' ~ day. S!!)l t l'lllb"r "vco r the wod d- fol' hi ~ ")ll'nttiulls g-I'I'II' n in lh~ Unit,·" Sla l,'s , w e r e world -wide -- prima r il y as Eat'll ru nt! t'a rr i(:r i., n ow ltl'i nJ.( ;w a dau~ht('r. Idu Jo'rann·s. an ho n ('s t nwn. \Vh o~e pl'id e iL '1· t1 ~ lll uilul 10 aC:rt'ag(> ca rd ~ I II he Ollr J, a ~e iJull teHIll w on in a t l' lka l ju s tly wilh hi s fell o w -m c lL fill, ·d LJll t I,.\' f anlll'r~ ul"nl! his hut ly I'I/Jl t£'~ led j!':llll l' at SI·h "o n_ ,_ _ _ _ _ - -- r o ule. ).; "(' I'y indi\:iduIl I rl'p " rt is live r (l urk fronl B""l, ,.,,vi lle buy s pt stril'II~: l'IInf id"n t ia l - o nl y Frida.v l'vl'ni nl! _aft l· ... setl l"l \. Th e • • till' res ults (,I th l' whol· s ur"<: .I' aI'" . ' ~\l I't. I\':l ~ H t o I. I I )luldi ,;lwd . ! 111 I'll' n · k I I I . WE IG H TS A ND M EAS UR ES 'I'll ' C \ I' t C ( 1 J rs. '. <l I n(, ~ l:H t ,e Illl S, l .1I ' l ' nl1ll' ll I' ,')1 n 'P? r ~ . fonull(' til fa l l W l' ''n stlay alld .' ~11· t! vai ll ilhl l• In farIl1 l' r~, 11l furn ls h - f' r'I"tul'C' 11"1' .'11'111 nea l' tIl " " h CI UIJI'I' " -------- ------' C'( 1 1l1!~ nl! n IJllHIH f,or. - p I0111l111l! t lI~ .f u - I j\lr-"~ BnH, kC' is of udva, nc , tun' productl"n PI:OgI'UIIl. \Ieelljlllg l und ' frail h,.,tltl; lIlI d h er ' uffcorill' AnyIJ nd y who hu ~ h c(' n r (' nu tng U)l on tilt' III ' )los ltlllll of hl ~ erop~ i ' ' t c ISO g til<' I·co po rl .· from th l' w o rld' s g rain whell. Ull nllernatil' c i~ ,,() !<~ ibl!! In I . . ,":11I,els Illtely mu st find hilll se l f lind (Jt.t(' rmini IW w he>ll1l'1' th!' llIar'rh,' Junl u r s wel'e til put ,>II th e puzz le d by lh e diff ere nt .· landar"~ kl.'l " illl ll tit ,n \\,UITllnt 'JI ll' of h is a !<.~I: lllb l y prugrullI Th ursd a y nlP l'I1 uy w hich wheat i ~ mell s ureJ in dif - I pr o dllcl ~ il1l 111 l·dial(·ly ur la ll' r in I illl.( . hUI tlw ing 10 the illne~~ o f fl' r!'nt ('olllltries , . I Ill' ma lk e>ting s ea.o n. s,,,n' cd Ih(' Illl!lllbC'r, of thl) tla~s , Ou r Io uslte l o f wheul. wl.'i ghi llg I f I!ltv.'rn'm ~' nt report. W('re Ih l ir prOl! rum \I·n. po t-poned unflO )lnuntl s. h'n ~ 10 be lI'all~ l nt ' d ah ll li ~ h('d. fann(>r~ wI ,ul(\ Ill' r Olli- I Iii ne x t T h nrsdu y. Ins teud, Rev. whl'n the wheat ~oes into th e C'x- ! pell"d to depend alllltJ~t Plltirely W yli l' gItV,' u s pl e lldid tnlk t o the prJrt trad ('. Eng land mea ~ ures n n cn'p r('porL~ pl'l' par t'd IIY dpal- IlH~ l'llIiJly. hi " t op ic b(:il1~ "Pla y ing wheat h y lh e "(tuarter" A qUH r - I'l'~ in fll rlll prudllCI ;,. tIl!' Galll e." t(' 1' is 400 p O Un(~ ; e VNybody h as Fnrn1l'rs rC'l' (' iving lhe ca r d: nl'l' Mr:;. E liza l c th lI urlan and s isfn rgo tt'n what it is H qULlrter o f. ul'j!'C'd to cl)lI p era t ~ wit h l he ir tllrIt l11ay COIl ain e ight Englis h bu . h - ri c· r Uy llns wt'I'inl! t he qll e~ ti"n~ t e l', :\Irs. Mill'\' Surf~lc (' r<'llll:ned l! ls . o r sO llictinH's I! ilfht an d II qu u l' u nd returning th !!111 tu him PI'Ol11 pt- . 'llnday f r o m a' few day's \' i ~ i t with J'(· lnliveli in n :I~· to n . II r. GI.'l'tll llllY dca ls in wh eal by Iy. Il arul <l Bog-an f: uR'e red a . eVl' r e ' ut Oil hi s thu mb whe n h " cl1 m c in c\lIltnct wilh the " Ieetr ic mellt s lic er ill Jefferi :;'s grnl'c ry wh e re he is ·mploye d. . .

Eye. Glanee Fitted

E xa mined R. paira

VACCINATION With Dependable Serum and Virus insures both Safety and Success

Dr. W. E. Frost


J. E. McClure

Harveysburg, 0, Phone 31


WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Fully Equip ped for Good Service. La rge Di!;pl ay Room . Am b ula nce Ser vice

Geo r ge Goul d's amb:tion WIU to own a railr(lad syslem wMc h would strtlch Irom the At1:mt ic to the P adlic. He died with h is ,lmLition unrealized. F.. H . Harr ima n. James ] . Hill ~lId Day or Niabt T e lephon e 7 Commodore V anderb ilt failed in their si mila r errorts. The Ca nad ian Pacific and the Canadian Nati onal ' Ylt em. run f rom COOl t to coast in Canada . hut only this year the fir st sYltem FOR SALE DATES CALL under one cOllt rol to CO\lU tbe whole Un ited S ia te s was co mpleted . In 1916 the V an Swt'ringen Brothera o f C levdan d wa nted a right of way " WOULDN'T ,YOU LIKE TO for a t rolley line t o their real estate KNOW?" dcvel o "m~ nt, Sha ker Heights. Ther could ge t it only by bu ying the decre ~ lt N ick el P late ra ilroad, which they did, By John Godfre y S a x e mos tl y o n c r edit That gave them a 1 kllow 11 /r il'l w ith teeth of 'pen d JESSE STANLEY And s h o ul de r~ 'w hi te ns s n o w' . line from Buffalo to Chicago and soon t hey were up to their ears in the railShe li ves- a h. we ll , ' road Io u s in~ss . Now , a fter 14 yean, P hone 320. New Burlineton , Oh i.o I mu s t n ot t e llthey contro l also the E r ie, the ChesaW o u lt.ln ·t you li ke lo kn o w? peak e & Ohio, the H ocking Valley, EARL KOOGL E R lI er sun n y hair is wo nd ro us fa irPere Matl/uttle, Wheeling & Lake R . D . 6, Xeni a , Ohio And w a vy in i t~ fl ow; E rie. Chicago & Eastern Illinois and W h o nHl d e it less \1 issour i Paci fic. " Phone Da yton Co. 54J5 One li ttle tress? ' T h ei r Ill.OOO miles of road is th~ W OUldn't you like to know? la r ges t ra_oad s~st~ in the U nited Sta tes. It IS Ca l)lta hzed a t $808.000.J/ ('I' eyes are blue- celes tial hue! 000 all~ val~ed at over t ~o bill ioll •. And dll:'.z l inJ~' in their g low; That IS gOing a long way 111 14 y ears. Of! whol11 ~ I o t h(!y bea m ' __ _ __ _, _ _ _ __ _ With m e lt i ng g lea m ? \---Wou ldn 't y.ou lik!! to know? , ~he ha s u llame, th sweetes t name That Itillguu~e cun bestow. Her lips nrc red alld fi nely Ived. ' T wou ld bren k the ~ p e ll Lik e r ORC: e l'e t he y b low' If I s h o uld tell , hutW hat lover .s ip , Wou ldn't you .l ike to know? Th ose dew y li ps ? WOl) ldn'tyou like to k now ? READ THE

L. M. HENDERSON NOTARY PUBLIC National Ba,.,,, Willa DrawD

- -

Eatatea . S e ttle.


Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers


-_._--- - ------

H ·r fingers are l ikc lilies W he n 'Iilies fa ir(!st g r ow ' W hos e h und do t h ey pt:ess W it h f/lund caress? Wou ldn:t yo,u Iik(' to know? " .er fool is small Rnd hilS a fa ll L Ike n owflBlkes on t h e sno w; An d w her'e it goos B e ne a t h tlh e r ose-. W o uldn '~ y o u lik~ to know?

ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN y our Ca ttle, h ogs, sheep Bnd calve. t o N o rri s- B roc k Co., live ,w ire and p l'ogress ive fir m f or t h e h ighest m a rket prices a n d good !lervice. Union Stock Yardl , Cincinnati, 0 , R ef.reDC!e : Ask fir s t m an you m e"':




Fertiiizer ~o~pan_y PHON.E

'F3 '


Just ~




• . I Ol a l : urf fl (~(! r tl muim; criticu Iv ill It l\lillllli , 'u llt!y ho pital, 1\11':'< . Ed d Long a c r'" is s pending this " ' . l'k with 1'<11!lli" es in in 'inn ati. 1\1 I'~ , Wi Il ium r oiKh t o n has IH' l' n q u it e p oorly r ece ntl y. MillS Th el ma 'o r noll o r 'pring·boro K)l n L ev t'a l da ys lust wee k w ith l\1 i : ~ EVil Wh a rto n. ?lIT' . an d M1·S. William ul(!ma n, MI' ~ . Tim Barto n a nd l\1i s~ The lm a ,ole man attend od th e Hamilto n I"ni r Thu r sday. lIt r, a nd Mr ~ , . W . A lbrig ht a nd li ttle B<1tty . of Wa yn ('s v illc , ~pe n t ,' un day wit h MI'. a nd Mrs. Ke.I<11' G),a hnlll li n d dnll g hte r. MI':;. S. II. II ll i n..,s a nd so n .J a nll's a nd !\I I'. tIn t! Mrs. Wll ite r Ke n r ick pellt S unday w ith MI'. a nd Mrs. W . G. Ha ines nnd c hil· dr!! n in Dayt on, Mo rris Wharton with a party from Dayton, left Saturday by moLol' for II tl'ip to Bo ton. MII SS, M r~ . MIl Y WlIl1l1m lo n a nd Mn. Flo Will iamso n of Dayt on w e re Hununy aft ' I'no on gll os ts o f Mrll. :\lnr y Cal'lI'\ Onr , M,'. lin d :\-I r " . FI<,yd ~ lIv ag-1! jln tUla inl!d tn d l nl1 ~ r SU n dt-l y . MI'K, Il l' l! u li in w id die . 1'11111 ' HVHKIJ, Mrs 1.,'lI h Ht roll sP find ~ on W III IIII11 of

-Look lor • the name

W ord




the trem ndous sut:cess of

on the sale and lining



eve ry

'pai r o f


htls invited many j mit~lions




Myer · Hyman Wayne.yllle, O. II '

W ar n (· ~\ · i1 I... .





Aladdin Lamp.


Mrs, Josie Whitalw r ente rtained a l six-o'clock dinner 'T uesday eVl'n inK f la. t w ce ~ tihe occas ion being th l!- birthday a.nnive r sary of b oth Mi. Frances ayerll and MArion Whitak ~l' . The gU 's t l' w e re M r, ulld Ml's . H, L. BUCl'kle lind Mi:s Be utri ce .Ro bitzer,

Visit the

SLIGHTLY B.E TTER Om l ' urfuce is th o ug ht t o have be e n ~ lightly bette r this m orning acco rding In wo rd bl'ough t. fr'om th e hos pit ll l by fri e nds. Anoth e r bl od truns fu : ion \l'U!! g iv e n lind alt hll u Kh he is not (Jut f d ll nger, hup(' i: ~ til\ hc lt! f o r h ili r ccove ry .


---- ....



Mr, lind Mrs. J . E. McClure were givcn an old-fashioned bellJ ng Tuesday night . Mr. McClure escorted thJl belling party to the Orange & Black ree.taurant w here cllch one '~II S tnlll ltQd to an loe cr ellll1 co ne,


......... ---

.·I ntere.dug exhlbldol' will lie

Th e S ()uthwe~l4'rn Districl Teneh e ,'~ Assoc lntl oll will llI "c t in Cincln nuti fo'ridn ;r III HI S lltllrda~', Oc t " btl .. !'! ·I ulld 2 1i. '1'11 ...... II ill he n o ~(' h o(oI on Friday,


-- - -------

EXECUT RIX SALE ' J oh n )"'l'" I', 11 "pl' n l Su ndny w,l h h i,; ~ l' an dl11 n th o l' , Mrs. Will ium 1', C ~l" n . in Re ll11 on t. E xecutri x- ' ul e (I f R(' al E stllt c r. l r. a nd l\lrs. W illi u m Lo ng .Jr .. and ll " Us(·hnld Il'u ud~ tn ~ dtl e the li nd lh l' l a tt cr ' ~ pll n' nt s o f Xc nia ('s ta t e o f Annu Chlftl11pio n decellswe r e S un da y !l ft c l'Il oo n Il' u e~ t ~ o f pd , loc uted in Ce ntel'vill<1 , Ohio M I'. alld l\lrs. \-\,illi n m Long . ,lI' S. Muin S tr eet. o n MI'. li nd M 1'" . •1. H . .J u r1l'~ alt e n Saturd.ay, Oclcb"r II, 1930 (h 'n th e hil'thd ny d inn e r o f th l' jr At 1 p. m. p ro mpt. Th e r('nl esbr oth e r·l n-Ia w .J oh n Zilllm e rmll n, tjlt e co n s i ~ ting of G 1'00111 s ton e a t h l ~ hUllIe In Dayto n S u ndllY. ho u6e aull g llrllg-e, one of th e most Fr! u nd ~ 111\( 1 n e l ).( hl.J " r~ o f Wn r- des irllb l(· IUl'u t ilin til CcntcrvilJe r ic S ur fa ce 1 ~l1 t hi m 11 helping lind sell ~ fr ee of nJlp r n b emcnt by ha nd Mon dllY by cut t ing' hl ~ CO rn a u t ho rity given Ex<!(' ulrix in will . a nd so w in g thl' fi eld s in whe nt. A "cry lurg e line o f g oo d c1 enn Mr. and Mr ~ . Wnlte r Whit a k e r ho use hold g ood s, a nd fami ly Ill ot or(' d to Lim ll nnd Ht ul E ~ tllte sells nl 3 p. m. Ada S unday a n d spe nt t h e day ELLA KENRI C K, with r 'I at i \'e~, Ex ec u t rix o f th e E ·tate Ml'l'I. Ka th ry n Glltes and so me of Annn Cha mpio n, dece a s ed fri e nds fro m Day to n e nj oy ed a F. T . · Martin, Auctio neer. l! /1 ic ken dinn er W edn esd ay a t th e Cc n tcr vill ~ , Ohi o, Ph on e 8 9 W. I horn ll of 1\I rs. William Col e mllll . _ __._ " The LI1<i ics Aid h eld th e ir Octobe r m eetin g W edn esday at the FIRE PREVENTION WEEK home o f M r~. C l yd ~ Wh ll rt on. The tr eas urer . Mrs. C. L. Duk e repol'· Thi s week is des ignated for the t cd t he net l>rOcE!('d s fr om t he fail ' purpose of set li ng a definite' ti",e \ wa s $256. at which t he imp o rlllnc<' of Fire Mr. Rnd Mrs. Wnlte r Kenrick. prevention may be bro ught to Mrs . S. H. H u in es und James pub li c IIttentio n everyw here, in Haines, m o l ored to Urbana Thurs- e very possible way. da y and s pent th e da y with Mr. It s hould be a n o ccas ion fo r and Mrs. Churl es McDa rgh . They thorough self inspection of one's s pe n t Thursda y evening and Fri- premises. See thnt. a ll r ubbis h is day with Mr. an d Mrs. J oS{'ph removed fr om the cellar. have Grussi and fnmily in Piqua . chimneys put in proper condition. Mr, and Mrs. Chnrles Early en- have YOUr el€ctric w iring ch ecked t ertain ed thc f ollowing relatives to up, inform yo ur family of the dand inn er S unday in honor of the gel'S in h a nd li nl~ inflammable birthday of th eir oo n Carl. Mr. and fluid s. 1lhesf.i and ·o ther comMrs. Miles Watkins , Mr. a nd Mrs. !11 ons ese precauti o ns will greatly Ra lph Watkin !! and three children I lIlcr,l!a se th e fire safety of your a n d Mrs. Bn d M rs. John Watkins home. from nellr Mia misburg. Cons ult y o ur ins urance agent While motorin g .from Dayton as you would YOUI' doctor or Thursday . Mrs. Wilbert Swank, Be- luwyer. compani ed by her mother and Mrs Ina Longacre. was run in to by RA YMON F, HATFIELD an o ther car, g iving them a badly Insurunce shaking up. and the car was damaged. Mrs . SwanlO hlld one ---- - - to olh bro ke n oc. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stacy e n tertain ed t o n famil y dinner Sun- and S unday with Mr. llnd Mrs. <IllY. The guests were : Mr. lind Burton Eat·nha,·t. Mr. Alvi n EarnMrs. Will Null and daug hte r o f hart and family of Wayn eSVille unduy afle "n oon callers. Springbol·o. Mr. and Mrs. Dearth weI'!) S heehan lind tw o daughte r s of Five P oint. M ,', nnd Mrs, Russell ::::=:===~~---


October 13 t 14, 'a nd 15 in the Tent Admililon Free, 9 a. m . to 10 p. m.

First Complete Display of all New Ford Cars il' this vicillity DE LUXE SEDAN CABmOLET

Stylel I

The Lamp for Home, Church & School Why worry with the old style Lamp when there is one which can furnish you Light in the home to make you cheery and gay

.Fairley Hardware Co. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO

~'§§§§§§§~~~§§~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~' STOP! LOOK! READ! __ '~

Old Man High Price Must Go Weare also going to give you a few week-end Specials. All Home Dressed and our niotto is, "Quality Price and Service." We have dressed some nice . Baby Beef for this ~eek.end. BABY BEEF CUTS


L.o in · ant! Round Steak, Ib 29c Ch u ck Steak, Ib 20c T-B one Porter House, lb. _ 32c Club Steaks, Ib 28c S hort Ribs Beef, lb. . 12~' c Fine to bake Or boil. Chuck R oast, Ib ... .. 17c Ground Beef, lb . . ..... 15c Fresh Ground Swiss SU>ak. lb . .. . . 22c Round sho ulder, no waste ,..

P o rk Ch o ll ~ . It> . 28c Loin 0 1' R ib P o rk S tea k. lb 23c Cut fr om le un pig s houlders Po rk Loin Roa st. Ib . 25c Fres h Ca lli es. Ib )7 ~' c Wh ole fin e po rk r oast Fr('sh SlIu ~a~ e. Ib 20c Pure pork f l'es h /rro und Fr esh Ham , Ib ' 23c W hole o r half, s mall. I -l b. Spare Ribs ; ) -Ib, Kraut, all Cor 23c Fresh SHe Meat, Ib 20c

VEAL CUTS Veal Chops, lb ............... 23c Veal Roast. Ib ,. ... .. ....... 20c Veal Breast. Ib ...... .. . . 16c Fine to bake or stew .. .... .. LUNCH MEATS R oloR' na , Ib W ein rs. lb .

Fr an lc~,


Min ce d H a m, Ib . m ok e Sa uMlte . Ib Souse H ead cheese , Ib Hom Loa f, Ib F" psh home made Spi ced H am . Ib Boil d H llm. Ib Co rn

Deef, I

.19c 25c 22e 28c . 23c .. 19c 35c . . 48c S5c 33c 20c

olfee. Ib A r ('a l i!'oo d colfee B rend J 1,(, -lb. "Ioll ves, 3 f or 25c An ch or Bra n d Oleomargarine. lb ........ , . .15c LAMB CUTS Lamb Chops, . Ib ... Lamb Roast, lb . . Lamb Stew, 2-lbs

..20c 17c . .. 25c

Hams .. s ugar cured, lb . . 20c Calhes 3 to 5-lbs. averag e. Bacon . Sugllr cured, lb. 23c 21b. pIece or mO"e Bean Bacon, Ib .... . lac Sugar cU "cd Hum s Sugar cured , Ib 24c JWgu la r, whole o r Hali DI'Y Salt side, Ib 19c COBttage Ham s, Ib ...... .... ... 28c on eless Liver, 2-lbs. for ..... 25c Bl'ain ~, lb .. . ,.. .... ISc P o rk H earts, Ib .. 12~c Pi n t Jur Salad Dressing .. , ... 25c

hees e, Craek4?r, . Cakes. Pickles. Hone y, Milk, Cream, Cottage Cheese,' Country and Creamery Butter;


, "1 ;--

" ,

.' Sa...

- - - _. -----NEW BURLINGTON

Alan Mennenhall and Thomas Haydock s pent t he w eck-e nd with .,datives in Dnmascus, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kilmer an d son PUIII moved, la st week. to Covington, Ky. Miss Katherine Ho lland WDS a rece nt guest of Miss Emogene Beckett of W aynesvil le . Nute White of Koko mo.lnd .. who s pent seve ral days wit h hi s sis ters here, r eturned to hi s home on Thursday. Miss Mary Shackleford oC Leesburg is visiting in the home of Mr. lind Mrs. C. D. Mial's . Mr. a nd Mrs. Fred Hadley a nd 50n J ohn of Greenfield were c.all · ing on fr iends here, SlIturday. Miss Louisa Compton is in case of Ccdarvill€ nursing a l'ItCU ma lism. Slim Reeves has returned from MeCl !! lI un's Hospital, fo ll owing n successfu I operlltion for appendicitis. . Miss Lula Ewing is a patient in C h,·ist Hospital. Cincinn at i.


V_r ·'Sol., Le:t ·U. Deli ve r Your M..... Phone 66.

' '\Iilll!'-.~ ,. ~ ,. ~~--'!--------

Earl Marlatt and Mrs. Mildred Weaver and Mr. Turner of Dayton spent Sunday with Mr. I. Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Madison Earnhart ~ of Dayton spent Saturday niaht

___ _____ __ ~



the Ford cal' tbat hal been actually sawed in two! Revea" Intereetln, detal" of many "ital m edaanical parta you aeldom see - "alves. plltona. cyUnden, etc. Also sbows fuel. eoolln" '-"Ilion and lubrication ay.tem. - bow the body and seats are madehow tbe cWrerent layen of paint are put on, etc. Explalm many thln.s you would like to DOW about the Ford car.


S e 'e


tae Triples: lafely windshield thai will not fiy or lhatter when broken. Oblen-e'the added ..ret)' It "vOIID eoWaIo....

S e .. .::::;;

Low Rattle.. Steel ,radnm are made- from the .beel

lDetal to tbe ,Ieamin. 6nlsb ed partl . This IDetal will nol nut or corrode ID aoy kind 01 weather•

Se e

why the Ford eteel-apolle wheelA are ao etron, and MtUrd y. The complete con struction of tho rim, spokes and hub i8 clearly . hown and tIX,.lalnt..d. Note how the wbeel Is welded Into one piece.



how the Dondal1le hy· draulic ahock .baorbe" work and why they are called doubt,.. «'in,. They aet as eushloDl a.ala•• hard road . bodu.


how the eranluhaft and camehaft are made. Manu. Caeturin, steps are mown from the ori,. lnal Iteel bar untIl the final maehlnlnl aod pollahin••


thedbplayoEbaUand roller hearin,., val"e8, p e lons Bnd con· Dectin, rod assembly, dlfFerenti.1, .nd pinion, ete. Learn about tbe meehaolral p ...... in. lde the Ford C&I'.

See an" .ear the TALKING PICTURE 01 a trip through-nae Ford plant

Waynesville. Motor Co. .

Phone' lOS

W 8ynelvllle, Ohio

RE SOUR CES Overdrarts . .... .. .... .. . U nited Stntes t; o verlllnen t

sec urities

o ll'n~d ... .. . .

b onds. st o ck s nnd sec ul'lU e s o w n~d .... , . Bankl,, !.; h ousp. P '.If·nl -


11I 1'e

Ilnd (1~lurt''!

184 ,78

[,0 ,000.00 H9 ,~

.. ..



Reserve wIth F " del'nl Rese r' ve bank ' . . ........ . I .3~ ; .09 Cu s h " n il dIll' f"ol1l banks 3 1. 3t 9. &2 R edemption (und with U S. 'J'r ~ n . lll ·~ r BUd due troll1 U. S. Tr eas ur e r .. . 2. 50 0.00 ~============~=-~_=' Olh e r a sse t s .. ... . . , .. ,... 1 1,. ;; 0 ,~======~=================~:= Totol , .... " ... .. .. . • , r.i, ~ .+9~ . 2 G LlA:BILITIES Capital SI OCI, J1ald In . .. . '1 00.000.00 S urph.. .. ... .. . . . .. ... . . . 60.000.00 U ndlvlt.l~d pr"r1ts -- n ~ t.. . 30 ./9 0. i6 Clrculntlmg not e s o u tstun<l ll,)( , . . . .. . . ...... 50.000. 00 Du e


c p rllf lell

c h e ck .

Keep Your BuildiDgs YOUDI iDYears

I l11llks. In c luL1lng

•." ,\

.:na hi e r.·

~ O :I , (jO

o ll( s talld.lng .. . .

Demand d"poslts . . . .. . .. ~~ I.I!j4 . ~ 1 Tim e cl e v o.lts .. ... . . .. .. 5 / . ~8 ~ . ~ 5 Bill . Jln )' u u le "nt! l' t·dl sc o unt R .. ... . . •. .

-I 2.4 2U .2-1

T otlll. .. . . .. . . . . ... ... $ ', 5 2 . ~ .9 2 . ~G State of O hto . COUl1t~· o f Warr e n . as:

r. L . M . lI e nd el'.o n . CashIer ot th e nl.o,"c - rrnlll ctl onn k . do 8ulemnly 8We /u' th a.t th e all o v," statmn e nt Is tru e lu th e b"6t o f my kn ow ledge ond Lc ll e t . L. 1\1. HENDERSON Cash Ie r Su bse r' lber! /t n t! 8wor n t o betore m e thl . :l'l'd dOll' o r Oc t ober . 19 ~O . Hoss H . Hart s oc k . Notary Public. Co n ec t - A Ileat :




Many a building-old in point of service-has been made to look young in years with good steel roof. iDg. Chuneldraio is steel roofing at its best-made to give alife.time of roofiOS service.


.1 . W . WHITE J . ( . C,\n'flVfl1GHT Dlrectol'l.

Mrs. Herbert Marllltt and Mr . und Mrs. Burt on Earnhart. sp e nt MunlillY afternoo n with Mrs. Daisy Hartsock of Sp ring Vnlley. MI'. Har'ry Parjs, Misses Mauire = = = = := ===- - and Emma Rosson o f Dayton, Mr . FOR SALE Ed. Crew spent Su nday with Mr, a nd Mrs. J ohn Levi. Mr. Ed Ros son and family called Il1"the after· FOR S ALE- Young Shr O Il ~hire n nn n. buck . Ca ll 83 F3. ·08 !I !I. Mi ldred Weaver of Day· t in s pe nt th e week -e nd with h er LOST mother M1·s. Marlatt. MI'. anr! Mrs. Raymond Osborn and Mrs . Toms of Xenia s pent Sun ' LOST Bill fold with sma ll da .v with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson amount of mo ney and other Dill · and son Billy. papers. Leave at Gazette Office. Mrs. Herbert Marlatt a nd so n E dm on, Miss Clara .Daugh:ters spent the week-e nd with Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Michael and daughter , . , - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. DOl'othy of near Mafle Corner . . IPap.r Hanainr. .Mr. S . P. Michae is very sick P.intinc• at this writing. Interior Decoratau Miss Thelma Morltan spent Mon • .ad Graininr W~odwork.

da~~~ :nedniMrs.


L onn. nnd dlscoun I8 ... . ,$ ~D~ ,8 :14 .i2





CHARTER No. 2220 BU"netLeslie nn d children, Mrs. Gruy andand so n.Mr. a nd n s e rv e DIs I rlet N o • A large crowd soon gath ered Su ndllf eve ning at the home of Report of the condition ot the Ru sse l Burnet wh!!l'e .Les ler StanWaynesville National Bank. of ley was killed in 11 motor cycle Waynesville, in the State of IIccident on Dayt o n and Lebllnon Ohio, at the close of business. pike . on S eptembe r l!4, HlllO ,


====;==== == = = = = =."






In S·


Late Classified

All Work

w. H. SOll



Th~s iI ch, kind of r0060g service chat wiD save you mooey~ Lee us tell you mote aboue it. Chanoeldrain is made of the more costly COP.R.LOY, the Copper Al. loyed Steel •• ;. and yet It costs 00 more than ordinarY roofing I The mooey it save. JOu' ill, repair bill, wiD lOon pay itt coat.


B .. MADDEN. .(1 ',COMPANY . .

G~uar.llnt.ed .




Pboae 14 '. ,

W Q'ae.YIII., .Oblo



Eighty-Third Year


Whole Number 5931

TOBER 15,. 1930 .-:--





T he Guild-Auxiliary of SL. MuI'Y'!! hUl'ch met on I· riduy IIfte rn oon. Octob'r 10, al the home of MI·s. W. H. Allen. adwallader opened lhe Mrs. meeting a nd conducted the clevotional st'(vice. Scriptural quotation s were gi ve n in respon~e to roll-cull. At the close of the bus in ess SC'l8ion the program, which con ~ isted of readings Interspersed with victrola selections, wae tak~ n up, The st.udy for tne year I, on India, end readings from the book "India on the March," were given by Miss Mny Wright and Mrs. D. L. Crane. MiR!' Kalh erin e P.I'cI,del'guRl l!'UVl! n VCI'y intel'ekllng up-to -date rcadi n~ on "Why Slu dy Indlll l" I)urlllg the !locial hour, delic ious ref l'eshmc ntH wCI'e served. Mi ~s Annie Brown and Mrs. Annn William so n werc ~u sts of lhe II fL el'nOOII.






Th ({ epu bli can umpQign Com, (ll itt ee of Wllrrcn counly hel,1 I their fil·!!t cun ferenec b(,fore (,Iection ot th,· L.. u"nun H ou 'e in Lebanun . l\llIntlllY vening at which , the cummittl'l! of mel! and women . ('ouilly candidllh' . IIno! Repuuli · OI.. UMBUS, OHIO - Secretary FERRY Ct-IURCH OF CHRIST cu n ottice hultl el'R wer(' pl·..!'en\. Eve ry one e njoy ed th e wein er H of Stllte Clarence .J. Brown is a ( ndenuminationul) After a n excellent dinner the bu sy official thesG days preparini maJ's hlllallow ~ , cak~s, pickles, and meeting was called 'to order by for the election to be held Tuellbuns which wet~ served at the Revi va l now on! en'ices each W 'ddi ng Ringsary's Jewelry H. L. Buerkle was in Cleveland ' County Chairman Charles Wag· day November 4th. The Genial Way~esvil1e High chool weiner at 7 :45. You will enjoy evening Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. I, gon er who presided. r oast, Friday, October 10 at the lhem . Progl'Bm {o'r Sunday, Oct- ,Su nday. 3ecretary ' etated today that there The speakera tor the occ8eion would be one ballot upon which Gym. The latter port of the even1U as follows; Bible School ober and MI·s. Wa lt er Cust we re Mr. ing was s pent In dancing. Parents at 0 :30 a. m. Lord's Supper and Mrs. Maude Crane visited friemlR was Mu, Wilma St. Clair Levan , will appear the names of candlLebanon visitors Friday. National Committee-woman. Talks datu for ,tatc, district and county trom each class were represen te d. sermon at 10:30 Se-rmon subject, in Bethel la~t weok. wore glvf'n by Congrcesman office s for thl! Republlc8n ~ and "Wha t Chris t Expects of U!!." Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke took Mrs. hl! . . Anderso n Was B Dav· I' GhIlM. Brand , Judjtl! Hamilton , Democrats. In Bo me cities there Music Dept.-Miss Decker-The Evening eva,ngelistic se n'ice III the Oh io rivel' trip SUnday. . .Ju dge C,ush'ing, anc.l .Judge R o ~~ tllay u'l a third column added to Upper Grndi'S arc studying t ~ ne -:45 P. Ill . ";" rmrlll ~ tihjcct. "no e~ tr,n vi. it 01' MonrlllY. of thl' Aplwllllll' Court, Mrs. rlarn I hi s bull ut under the h~nding of quality llnd theory, The HIgh Hapti slll Me,lIl Anythin({'/" Gf)(lI l Sel ect Yflur Chl' i ~l ma s ('01'1 11\ at nay II awke anti fumily, tof !Jay- Dovo , chail'lllan of A ~ hlant! Ind ependent , 'chool choru . iR IJeginnin!t work itiZI!II!\ ticket, or <l nal an d , peclal ~ in"ing . rongl'l!"uti MY's ,r ewl'lry Shop. LdlUllI,n, O. Ion "The Bells o f St. MaI'Y'~" and \' 011 ure ulwuy~ welc olll c ilL thi s tll l1, vi ~i t!'d rl'lati\' ~s h"I'i' Sunday . cuu nty , Mis ~ Lida F I·o~ t. chuil'- <0111(' other designntion heading a of Warl'e n cu unt y; LOll woman "Oh, !tlll in , Haliu, Beluved." li ~ t of ca ncIidates. In addition to lI1e ~R I·S. Orville ,1. Gl'ay :lnd (' hurch. [{unnerM III silk hos!' mended. Miller, chairmnn of Clurk co unty, this ballot \\, (0 will have the judiC hl! ~lc r A. Willium on. Minister Can'v wl're ill , \ Iiddll'toll II hester Cal l Erlllu Seurs. Phon e 7!l. ·0 15 Po ,· tmU S~I· I' Joe Cl" lins. of Mr. Cru hb will att.end a oon·illl 01' nun-pnrtisa n bullot, upon Monday. . S pringfh,ltl; MillS Eth el H"berts. "f whi ch will lie the name~ of candifer e nce of Smit h - lIu~h e.s tenchel's VAYNESVILLE M. E'. CHURCH Franklin und ot hers. of the so uth -I\'egt dl sL rlct Thurs~!l' ~ . .J. 11 . (,,,Ieman is vi-ili ng dstes for all the judicial otnces. A finy Ilnd "'I'iduy. . Rc\, . G. C, Dibert anu family \\' cdn{sday The Ladi s' Aill MI'. alit! Ir~ . II. C, CO Il'nlUll at hiI'd ball ot will cUl'ry the pro' b de. --v.i~ it{· d relutiv c~ at l\lcCuillb , Ohil. suciet.'· is niee t ing with Irs. Ui ~1 "1'\\' '"Ili. . , , ' E~I ' n ·st C Ill) k IS wenl'lng a a.fe - - -=-=:-:-'"- -.: _. - posed Co nstituti onal Amendment, 1 FARM BUREAU NOTES indicating that he was 4lh uest III III~ t week. I ue l·t ut ~ :1)0 p. 111. Oible study and "elative lo lh ..· inh eritance and plncinl!''' .. t~'pe Merino sh (!('p at the two games will play for jll'uyer me ling tit 7 :3 0 p. m. ti ~ s Thelma 51. J ohn, of Witincome taxl' s, and IllUY ulllO conthe Stllte jUdging cOlllest la ~ l May th ird and fourth places; winnerH Mrs. R. J . Adalll ~ i ~ re covl'rlnl( FJitla\, - 'huir pructic ' nt i:30 tenb!!rg' cu ll eg!!, Wit S home ove r the EfT cts of th e worlel wheat sur· ,aill other IUt'stion" lllHl issues ,o f week-cild . plus uno the uroughl were felt in :.\ loca l chllnlete l·. Th ese questions We undl'r!< tunu th ut there were will pluy fur first and secon d fr"lll hel' rec(' nt iIllle~~ and is uule p. Ill . . ~evcra l ot her~ who made higher pIIlCCM . These games will be plllyed to be out. I Suntlay- Su ndllY ~c hool al !l ::10 Ohio this fa ll wh en wheal growers md issu(>~ will prouuuly rdate to ~ coles in som e of the other clln- 0 11 Thursuay night. n. nl. l\Iorllinl!' wors hip lit IU :3U. Mr. and :\lr~. George Hender.on curtailed fall wheat plantings. Fa!. bond i 5s ue ~ . taxati on levies 01' may t {'~ts 1I1l1 0n" whom are ROIllrld This years baskelball sc hedulo Pil I ker Du ofold pen ~ [Ill d pen - The s ubj C('l f ur the morning ser- nnd so n v i ~ it('d r!:lative ' in Middle- \ fertiliz!!r sales, most of which arf relate to pUl'chase of utilities, such lIai'd in , Frank .'wurt1.el. Estle is as foll ows : eil s lit ury's Jew!'lry Slwp. IA·h- lIIu n will bl!. "A Creative H<:ligion' town Sun dav. fOI' fall wheul, were sma ll er than I ~ water work or tdcctric light \lug'l?meYl' r, Ge orge Coo k, W llrren November 7, 1030-Ma so n, there IInon, Ohio. I At thi ij Re n ' ice Lhe do ors of t h e ' last filII uccording to reports fr om p l ll nt ~ , for municipal operation. lIunt, ThOlllUS 'heets, and arl November 14, J 930- Centerville. church wi ll be open for the recep Mrs. Lydia Vllnd('rv o,. rt. Of Le- I Farm Bureau offici uls ull over the :\ ny uf th propositions ju~t rehere. MrR. Or\'ill e GrH.V hud her ton- tiun of members. Epw orth Lellgue ball (·n. visil ed friend s in Wllynl's- s tate, says Lee E. Earnharl. ferred to, "Questi ons lind Issues," lIuy. Miami Valley Future FUl'mers November 21.- Harveysburg. here sil,; I'l'nl oved ttt the Middlet uwn at 6 :3U p. nl. with Ikml'ic ' Hubit- viII., Tu esday. Cou nty Farm Bureau ervice Man may be presented t o the electors of America elected ufficers for the Nove mber 26, 19 30- 'pring Val- hospital, !\I ondll Y· WI' {I S leurl el'. Evun~eli:ltic service agel', but at thE sume time th ,y mean s uf n special ballot eonI' n;,uing Yi'!I1' as foll ows : I I y. there. at 7 ::10 p. m. The ~ ub jl· ct of the ' 1Il1'lI. D. II . Hockett has r eturned I Ohio Farm Bureuu memb ers pur- tui ning the individuul proposition, President, Estle Hugem eyer. , December 5 1930- 9a~wootl there . ha~. Fisher !Ind fUll1il~" of in- I «vening S I'ntl on will be, I, A .Two home ort<·1' vi: iting friend s in chas.e~ a ~igh er percentage of thi s being su1;>ject to the discretion Vicc-Pre sident. Ralph Muin ous lJece mu ol' 12 , - XenIa Cent ral. CInnntl, ~ p('nl Sunday WIth W, H. Fold Secret o f II ueccssful Llf(' ." Ri chmo nd , Ind. fertIlIzer thIs fall as compllred t o If th e Board of Election of the . ::ieCI't- ta l'Y, Loren Renson. . I theri'. Allen and family. The l-!ill~bur o nislrict co nfe rlus t fall thun did those in Indiana COb nty c neerned. Re)J ortcj· . Milo MitlenbergCl'. I Decl! mber 2(), 1930- Klzer, DlI Y. . (' lie ..•• will be held in our chul'ch on I W e restring bends, r eplate sil- and Michigan. yet Wurren County Sergellllt at A I'm ' George Beckt on, there. . Th o e bt'uutlful ~ ... t s of di shes Tu e '<lay of next wel·k, October 21. verwal·e · und recovel' umbl'l!1111 5. 1 furmers bought more Farm Bu During the ph' a ~Hnt wellther IJllnua ry !l, UJ:lJ - Klngs Mills, li t HI'Y'S .Jewelry Shop . L('bano n This will be lin outs tanding meet- ary's J ew('II'Y S hop , Leban n, 0. , I'eau fertilizer lhan last year. Ac- scores cIt. ' of peO I Ie visit Port Colum- . here. Ohio, nrc open stock. ing nol unl y for our church but co rding lu C. J. West, Ohio Farm bus daily to .. ee the planes off." Th re wns a very nice delega- . January 10 , .1!J 3 1 ~ M o rrow hel'~ for our town unci cOllllllun it y. A ! lI'1r, lind Mrs, laude Brull e r. of Bur(!u u agricultural economisl at Now that the n ew air mail serti nn fr om Wa ynesvi llc lo the Januur y 10. 1.J.1I - Ottel'beln, 1111'. a nd Mr~. Stev.~ • hriner. of strong proj!;rllm hil S bren ar- C(, lu mbu ~~ wert· WaYl1e s vi1~ olumbus Icss wheat is being plllnt vice has been in ll ugurated with a lark SesQui- en- I ther~. Milford. sJ1ent Thursday with Mr. nll1ged and the pub lic is cOl'dilllly vi~itur~ Tu esday. l,d Ihi s fall than last, be ca use of coasl tu coast route, the uir port G 'orgc ROl!:e l·. tenniul, including th e following JanuulY 23, 1931- Kings Mills, and Mt·. . L. V. Hartspck. invited to attend th1! l11eeting. I the world -wid e surplu s. and t his is a busy place and hangar capaand Mr~. Lotz. Paul l the re. G. C. Dibert, Pastor. Mr. Peny Kenrick wu ~ stri cken naturlllIy cuL.q down fertilizel' ton · city is to be increased in the near ·up!. awage, Miriam Ellis, Virgi~ill ~.llnUII~~ 3~, 1!J 3 1 - l\10~I'OW, there Saws fil ec.l by machinery, cut with parnlysi s lust Thursday and is , nugc. The cutting down of wheat future. Many people drive to the Foulks, Inl'z Jam es, Ora Hardm , , 1 ~ b~uul. y h. 193 ~ - Mason, here cleaner, truer, fH ~ ter. Roy Pigott. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF I in II critica l conditio n. acreage, according to farm eco n- port early in order to witne s the Hazel Hil!:htman, f~ rn est ,heets' lF CblUalY 7, .1!J31- Leban o.n, there at Madden's Lumb er Yard. CHRIST omists, is a wise s t ep as it will do big tri-motor plane take off for the Verd ena Fox. lJarold Fox, Thomas Fehruary H, 19 3 1- Sprrngboro, . .' I) Dr. and ]';I rs. S. '. Sta hl. of , llIuch to cum bill the s urplu s which start to Los Angeles, California, She ls. Ha lph Bran trlltor, Dean , there: ., Ml'. and Mrs. Chas. T obias. of (Und enollllllallonu Franklin, were dinner guests of now exists and which has brought while the new serv ice will operate Hllwke lind other. Februal y 20, 1 031 - Hal \ eysburg, Dayto n, were cn llu s at the home Bibl e School at !) ::10 a. Ill . FilII Mr . anu 1\1 rs. W. H. AlIen. ' today. wh(,llt to neW low pdce leve ls. big mail )Jlanes daily, the sc hedule A very delightful day was spc nt " lhere: of Mrs. J . II . Co leman Sunday. Rall~' h u~ bcj,t un. Lord's S upp er I . to -be announced luter. by all. We fil' Rt w ent to the Wit.ten- FeblualY 27-28, 19:H - Tournamsimply und srripturally observed Mr. lI.nd Mrs. . M. Ruh llzcr The re ure many ' rural sc h \lo l~ berg StudiulIl and Iwa rd tallu< ent. Ma stel' Jam es Day, of Lebanon. at con clu:ion. e hri. Uan Endeavor ~pent FrIday 111 Dayton, tilt' guests in Ohio of th e on e-room var iety, McCormack, George Elliott g iv en by Dr. JOllies A. Jam e$, and P!a~ s are on fool to tage a spent Thursday with hi I?:rand- lit 6 :30 p. Ill. Ellzabelh Henry, ' IIf Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cole. which children arc forced to at- state librarian , former editor and Govern or 'ooper. We then went p,:"£ollllllnary g.ame o~ Thursday pllrent , MI'. and Mrs. A. K. Day. leadel'. Evening evangc li ~ti c sel'- I . ' tend for lack of olher fucilities. general manager of the Lima vice ut 7 :30. D. R. Hurri . of Bell- I A la rge delegllt~on ~I'~m Way- which have broken window s lind Morning Star, is author of an to ,)ur CUI'S lind wenl in p~rade night between the !lltm qnd fat form to th e ol'igirtlll battiefielp me n of t he eommumty. 0, R. Hurri s of Bellbrook will brook will preach. Pra yer meeting nesvill(' Grun"e Will VIS I~ .Iames- doors , cracked Willis, {uulty bOlli'll article. "Why Not a Modern and Ale our lun ph. Luter at 2 p. fl'I . ----spea k at the loca l Church of eac h Wednesday at 7 :3U p. 111. The town Grange Thursday nIght. Roors and other dete\'l'e nts to ,good Charncter Builder," which appearMarltlian tiere C hrl ~t. Su nday ('venlng, Ortobel' ch urch where YOIl f eel at home. work and heulth. lind which lack ed in the September issue of the we e njoy ed a pagoant and s ham battl e, which wp s ~ upp08ed to be The people of Wayne ville com- 10 , Chester A. Williamson, Minister MI'. unt! Mrs. Wilbul' Clark hav e many of the comforls and conven- Build er's Bulletin. Mr. McCormick just us the original buttle of 1l111nity expect to be highly enlerI retul'n ed ufter a visit to Mr. unu iences to ' which our sc hool children is u member of II committee of Piqua. A \I uf th{l original charact- tained next Friday afternoon Ilncl . For b es t results cons in your ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Mr~. Illude Rigg., at Cuyahogo al·o entitled. ne person s who are worken werl! I'cprosented by high evening when Blllf o n~(I, a mRgi-1 l~e . stock .to Green -Embry C~.: . c • Fulls. ' I This . ituation, says has. T. thirty-o ing on a practical system for the sc hool stu den ts or ,'prlngfield or ciano from . East Monroe, will be Cmcmnatl, III care of D. R. Sahs I SumlllOl ~chedule- 1st, 3rd and Ellis, president of the Warren stimulution of better character members of th<! Ohio Nlltiona\ here. On T.hursdllY aftern oon . O(~ t _ burl', \ 5th Sundny, Mass at 8 :00 a. m . ; Silv erware, jewelry and iift Cou nty Farm Bureau. deploruble building in America. Gua\'d. obel' 23 he will e!leap' frum l\ M I M Ed C k d 1\' 2nd and 4t.h Sunday, Mass at n ovelties. Cary's J ewe lry hop, ' u. it is, exists, but could be remeI'. nIH l·fI. . 00 .nn ,r. , 9 :30 : Lebllnon, Ohin, W g ive Cedur ' died if fund s were availuble. SufRt l'lI lt j~cket honging hoad forMany tributes hav.e been paid f h hi 1 b 'Id ' . and Mr s. Curl Fr ve enjoyed II Stumps. tl ticicnt money would enable sc hool the late Dr. J. W . J ones, superinGR~DE NOTES Illost rom t e g lest UI In g In mutol' trip throu"h Kentuck\' Sun- \ Rev. Lawre nce B. Mollmann. aulhO! iti es to repluce these out~. , low n! BnJfollte will give a protendent of the State School for the S~CAlnd Grado-Mia. 01 .. Hartloclc ~1'llm uf one Dnd three quurters day. \ Mrs. Emma Burnett nnd I". V. dated stn,rcturos with modern weil- Deaf, recently killed in an automo l k 2r. f hours Friday evening at eil!'ht . ST. MARYS CHURCH Bornhart of incinnati. were din- I equipped sc hools, lind until . ueh bile accident in Kansas, while en M h!~r~~OC pe~.~~~:·tsatt~nod~tn~e o'clock, at the High School Gnmna- MrR. 1\1{' l'Ie Kem s n~d Iltll e , Oct(l ber I D, Ei~hteenth' Sunday ncr guests of Misses Trillena and buildings were completed, would route .to Colorudo Springs, Color49 this term. sium, to which the s mull mlmission duu ghter. J oa n, al'l' 1'ls llIng the uflci' Trini ty. Church ~c h oo l at Margaret Edwards, on Sunday. enable th e~ to put t~e present ado, where h e hud expected to at. ___ price of fifteen and twenty cents fUl'ln e r' ~ pa re nts, MI'. and Mrs. J· I!J::.lO. Mllming ['rayer ulllI ser monl . . . . structure!! 111 good r epaIr. tend the unnual conference of Fourth and Fifth Gradel-Mr.. will admit patrons. The program D. Marlatt. I at 10 :30. Th e Women's United Fo,r gifts an~ gIft lucas VISIt S.ome, fund s, but n~t enoull'h, arc Superintendents of tate Schools Retallick will be given for benefit of the . . . IThnnk Olfl' II'ing- will b e presented Cary s Jewe lry Shop~ Lebunon , 0" aVllllable through S.tllt~ Aul, al- for the Deaf. Dr. Jones was not Junior ClUBS. Everybody come. MISS Conune Robbm and ~1rfl. 'It thi s ~e rv ~oe "The ·Home of Glfts"- Weekly (thOUgh mo st sc hool dIstricts do not only known to thousands of torOnly 20 out of 35 hnve a perM.uynard W eltz and flullghter ",el'e ' . R ev~ J. ,J . 'S chaeffer, Rector . payments. , accept state aid until they are mer st ud ent s of the school but !ect att ndllnce record {or the Buebalt tiam~ dinner gllests of Lee Hawk e lind __ • _ _ _ forced to. a Iso lo people all over the state fil's~ t jlrm . WI! h ope t o do petter family, pn SundllY, MI'. and Mr~. Max K o hlha~ e n, R('lie f is at hund in House J oint und for years had uccepted speaknext lime. Frid:IY 19, Centerville chqlIN MEMORIAM Of Jamesto wn. Mr. und Mrs. Sam : Reso lution No. 20. which is to be ing enga"ement~ in vnrioll!! comW I-' welcomed lhree now plJ)lils lenged us lo a ~aseball gam !! pt; D. H. Hockett und daughtel: Shallott and Mrs. Jeanne tte Bloch, ' vot('d upon in November. Passage munities. State Director of Educa1\I0ndn~ mprning, lwo from Poa t- Wuyne Pnrk. Our scorjls at pre, Grace I1ttonded the wedding o.f . of Cincinnati, were Sunday guest ~ of this meusure will mllk e aVlliln- tion Dr. J ohn L. Clifton slates t own and one' from Bellbroqk, vious gpmes had been rath!!r dis- Marj orie Loew /lfld Chas. Younf,\' Anna Tllylnr Elh s, afte~ severnl , lI ! MI'. and Mr '. Myer Hyman, ble to sc ho ol. ~istrids t hroughout that his tragic death removing him Onll of ou~ boys uttendeJi th e lressing 0 the team was ready to in Cincinnati Saturday, long almost helpless y~ars and de. the. tate addItIonal revenues from from thE spec-ia l Ilctivities to which fieoige Rogel's IlIrk Sesyui-Cpn- make ut lel\st on~ run in this g/lnle pendence on the. lOVin g care of , Several local base ball fan s inhel'itanct' tux('s and from in co me he had dev oted practically all of tanninl Friday. lip is going to tell Even rumorR of winning the game Watches, bcautiful lind d pen- ~Ol' devoled famrly, plI;;~ed away went t o Morrow Sunday to see tho taxes if that propu:1I1 becomes a hi s working life, means II lo ~s to us about it so me tim e thjs week , WPI'O ~rifling through t~o hilUs lind dalJle fOl' ev I'y member of th,e III the late hours Of Thursday, game between Monow and Colum- law liS it i ~ expect('d to , which I his field that only those who knew bus Rail roade rs. The sen re was 15 would go fal' towurd eliminating him intimately can properly apclassrooms of W. Ii. S. Although family. Weekly payments. Cat·y s Occober. 12. Fifth Grade-Mr. K\nniaon Voul11r our t eam was ·f.!ecidedly pelt!ll' Jewelry Shop, Leban on, Ohio. H!! r life was one of cheerful LO 3 in favor of lh e Railroa ders. the unwh olesome conditions which pr<!ciate or IIppruise. He endeal'ed lhan P!!fo!,tl, ~'e \vere ~!lfeated hy serVice, not only to her beloved Wyso ng pitched for Morrow. hundreds of rural children attend himself to all with whom h e came 'fhe fifth grade is ')Vorking very 1\ SCPI'jl of 7 to 2, Mrs. J. A. Craig, Mrs. Shermnn family, but to any and. all who I schoo l. in contact and was affuble, cordial Friday the 17, we play Harveyll- Smith and Mrs. larence Smith, might n eE d chee r {rom Illn ess 01' I Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock hlll'P nn~ is proving thpt tile prp\!', capable and sympathetic and will erb " Lo st' Tim !! ill Never Fp\tnd burg on our homi! field. L~t'l! go of Wilmington, s pent Thursday so rrow. It .WII S her cu~tom at are in Co lumbus. the formel' rel?It is expected thut a party of be sorely missed as a member of Again," is trlle. Everyone is Im- an~ boost tpe Orllnttp I\nd l3\ack! with Mr. and Mrs. . G. Whetsel. Chrlst~as tlllle to fill hel baskets rc ~e nting the local Ma 'onlc , 15 or more Ohioans, including of- the department staff of the stat\! ._ _ _ and dnve from the home .of one , lodge' al the 121st al1lmal com- fic'inl dele ates and visitors will '0 board. provi':lg in ~is .work an~ 1ive~ liS pne lllg faTh~ In fhe ClhOfl}orm, Mrs. F. U. Long, of ColumbuR, 'hutin t~ unolhel' and wIth. her , municution of the gl'llnd lodge of from Ohi~ in 8 special cllr a8t wee ~I'e r;! ass I' 1.'0 C>l c AS HILLSBORO DISTRICT and Mrs. Benton ('I. Rny, of Front lovely smile lind plea sant grcetlll~s Ohio. Boston to attend the IInnunl meetThe county fair &cason ends this offlcel'~. Tpey snowed very goo CONfEI\ENCE Ro yal. VII .• spent the week-end at !eave t ok ens of the. tll1)e wh en It \ in of the Americun Farm Bureau week at LaneHster, where hOl'SI!judgm nt 111 the m!lm~erB e'Bc~eql: the home of H. H. Williamso n lind IS .m ore ul essed to g Ive than to reExpert watchmak er anll en- , F!kl'ation to be held in the "Bean men, concession men Ilnd race fans NapPII Hamby ~!ls c'los~n PIes 'fne Hillsboro pistrlct Confer- family, cell'c. graver lit Cary';; .Jeweh·y Shop, C·t "D c mber 8 !J and 10 urI' congrEgated to properly celedpnt! Jean Pen~~ngton, vl~e-prj!!lI: 1enCe \ViiI be held ill t~e looal M. \ A lo n~ eulogy is n ot nece ssa ry Leban on. Ohio. Only. genuine I y, e e , . urute the ('vent in the racing oval de nt, Joan CUll, s~crdaly-~~jla~ I E. ChUl'ch Tuesday, October 21, Mrs. Mary McClure. MI'S . Ida to perpetua l e tht; memory o~ An~u 1 material use d in our re)llllr depart Th F ' B G .' 11 J' usl below the heights of Mt. , til :>1' Beulah Bornar,,, news lePOI - beginning JlI'ompt;ly at 9'30 The Kelsey Mrb J. W. ": dwards. Mrs. Ellis, her life WIll long he In thiS ment. I b e a,hm fiurenu . unge 1\1 f Pl eusant. The fair grounds are so . ~e e rale t te. r~t . ~nmv~rh~ryO ~ thickly doW...1 with stands that t l!r. They chose groen "nli while lUI generll) theme of the prOgrll'm IS' L I-I' Gurd on lind Mrs. Emma community, a syno n ym of allthut c1as~ colors IIl'ld red rpse as their "An Efficient Chul'c h ill A Modern M'('CI~lre moto ;'ed t o P ortsmouth a Lcautiful,. unlil' ,If! Rh life could br., '1'1 I . I lIil!:h school und grade .Itb~ ~rlo7I1dc~Shlllg ,1'.15 jY Illg. ' c: ther" is hardly room for peqestriclnss flowjlr.· W 11'1 S d Her last IIltelhglble w O " (I~ WIlI'lI Ie oca " f 0 el WIt a sp~cla program en ~ L d We af{! sure thut /IS the weell.s Of!' (II' I j >h un ay. "I h'lve ~o mun\' friendH" ' teu.che rs attended the meetmgAo titled "Harvest Moon." Thi~ ans t o move around. arge crow II r. h I h )1 I , bl '0 ow nil' s • e program i . . , . .. , ' the Warren County Teachers g- I d t , II be ovel' Stution and excellent wenther wus the o~ 5C 00 go on we :> a .. I' El II 0:80 a. rn.-pevot\'Qns. Ralph I Exp ert service g iven on SW! SII Nllno will know, exoept .tll.ose . . . h ' h was held in the )roa cas I~I , ' order for the three fairs in to. S!IOW much !nor e Impr~vement.1 Tu'ckcr, ' and Americf\n watches in our reo . wh o hllve hlill long yeal's of sln1llar sO.ClatlO'h 1,\ ~ 'Idin in Lebanon, WAlU, 640 kilocycles , 468.5 the state last week at Coshocton, Sue,cess ~omes, Ul C/lns; ,fPI)yre/! In SermQn, B. E. Stev~nti, : pllir. departme!"t. Slore open . experl en c~. In. ju ~t whllt. ":aYK her ~~~~I'd~ ~o UI g metres. MI. Gilead and Georgetown. T~e (!!I'1l tfl. \-\ 0 ho\ II no gun t,s. Words of welcome by entertilin. evenmgs. Cary 5 Jewelry ' Shup" family Will miss adlllllllsterlng, y . big Circleville Pu.mpkin Show Will ing palltor, ' Lebanon, OhIo. willin~ . e ndless, thought.ful atten-l M ' E I'lh Harr is and Mrs. Formers fr om Fayette. Chnt0!l , be held 'in thnt cIty Octob er 22nd Seventh Grade--MI __ McKilllllY 10: 10-JJu8111t!slI, lions In order to help her to forIS. I I entertained at din- Green, Montgomery, Preble Ham!l . I Last Fri day the Sevonth grR{\e 10 :25- 10 :65- The , ftge In MI·8. H. L. Buerkle ~ent Sun- , get. in a m ea~ure her holplessnes~. ~:~r~t MKsehr~~s Inn today , Mrs. lon, Butler and Warren WIll t o 25t_'l_. __ .. _ _ - -hod a meeting of the "Jolly: Jun, which w~ I!ve. 0 , R, Sp/lngler. 1day In Wilmington and Visited her \ " But they :~re fully assu~'ed thut ' Arthur Schunck and Mrs. John ~ather ~t Le.banon,. O~toher , 23 , AUTO ACCIDENT lO:56-11:20-'fho Preacher's mother Mrs. Carl Bangham, who al1 Is well, l~nd . they WIll some . Wie"i of Oakland, Calif., Mrs. for a.n (,Ightcounty ~alm BUled~ lors Club." The m~eUng WIiS .huT~ rled through th~t ~he lThe m~er!l PI·ogram. R. T, Stimmel. Iunderw.'nt lin operation at Hale, day , mce~ ~gfiln. 111 a home fre e R o n~I'd HU'wke and Miss May lIle~tmK to be hC,ld m , ~he S~h II Mrs. Logan Nickell, was able to might enjoy the progrllm prep~re~ 11 :20- 11 :46 - The Preacher hospital, last week. from s uffcnng. - A. U. B. Wright tO~IU~ of the new HIgh ~ C 00 by Mlll'jorie E!lrnh/lrt ~nd "an o for Our Times, C. S. Orl\u~cr. \ - - - . , bulldmg. ", . CU IlI{'g" leave the McClellan hospital in Xenia, Sunday after having been Cook. Wi\I\~~-;-1 :~6-Devotlo!ls, li', L, Br~:~t 1~1~~~r ~~~ihcMo.~~~ ~~3 ARMLESS DRIVER WINS . A n. ev?nge~:ti~h~aF~:;~n dh:r~h wi~ b~g~~~;enre~t i~rI~~: evenln~ treuted for leg injuI'ies sufferEd Home Efonpmiel 1 :.6-':'2 :10- Stewllrdship pro- daught~r Grace und Aileen, of . . ::} th~f~t~S~onducted by home for - by. membel's of, the Wllyne Tllwn · when , the automobile driven by her Th Ei hth grade dOlllestlo I!'ram in the ehurchlls. L. L. ChQr. ' Cllrdlngton, we re Sunday g~ests I Koby T~rner, Wd Ilmmgton • arm - ce~ Attendance !'oO far ha~ been shl P Farm hB~l'eauf om Deerfil!ld so n, Stanley, overturned On a gravel road so uth of town SaturA n orc e~ ra I' . g. . . f ' rlngtQn, of Mrs. Edith Harris and famIl y. es~ race Ilor~ e river an d we lI .,' . t'f ' The meetings will r. . 8d~nce gIrls are glv!ng II tea . D.r ~:16-2:40-World Service. S, D, kllown throughout this section of VDlY. gill I YI!lgOetober 26 Services Town ship WIll {urnbh m~ ~ I~ li S day night. The lEg was s(>verely cut th eir molhjll's on Wednesday Ilftet- , Kllpll~rlck MI S Ida Kel soy Mrs. Mllry Me- the state, drove several horses in continue untIl . t 7" 5 well as a quartett from Fayette Her son and two onughters, aleo 2 :45- 3 :lO- Evanll'elism. W. S. Clure' Ilnll "Irs. 'Emma McClul'e rncing events at the Tu ~ca ra\l'us lIl'e held euch evemng a .. Co unty.nnd one fr om. 'l'ul'tlec reek passengers in th e CUI', were not . n un .from 1 :00 until 2:00, injure..:.d_._ _ _ _ ..._ _ __ Dibert attended the wedding (\1 a friend I county fuil' lit Dover last week. J M Thom !Ion en'o ed a TownshIp , Wa~ret:l Co unty . . , I3luket Ball 8 :15--':8 :40-Christllln Education, at Patterson Memorial church in I Turn er tics the reins in a knot , . ,~1rs. ~dn' fr om Pher so~-i~-Iaw A J!.enel'al Inv.ltatlOl~. I~ IS~lIed Here It Is llgujn folks I Batlket , R. L. Cros., ' Dayton. WednesdllY even!ng of and . hold s them undel' the ~rooks I~~dt d~~ ht~r, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. to 1111 Int~rested III Agl, 1~~lt~:' hi~~ LOCAL MAN COMMAND,E R bRII! The basketball season fOr , ai." Represcmtatlves trom Method la8t weok. of hIS artn;,. The stop :wal~h IS fas- ' Meyl'r I~el' son and wife, Mr. and atle,nd thlslOll dan~ ~~dtl~l1 conWuynesvi!le High School will ,open ist Inatitutiona and Interests, \ w ned to hl!l left.a l·m !lnd IS started I Mr s JOB. R. Thomp son, and her begllls ~t a . ,: . of the Kellar Honk was elected and ttol W ~PEls day nlglJt: The c)RIII! : At four o'clock, the preachers' ·Mr. and Mrs. Seth Cook moved an(! stopped WIth hIS leeth. The I'and~on and wife, Mr. and Mrs. clude wlt.h the pr~se!ltHtlon instlilled commander of Ralph P. " Snook PO!\t No. 186, American tu rrnllll1Cnt will bo held Wellnea- wives will hold their regular meet- their hOll ehold goods. Mo.nday to whl~ I ~ . cl:mlped under the cl'ook I?:p I· J'(alnes and V~giniln and pllgealll III the c\ enmg. day and .Thursday nigh!8 of this ,I ing with progrll:m. Wil.mington where they wlI,1 make of hIS nght arm. '. P:~\u Haines; all of Cincinnati. Legion at th·e regular meeting held week. ThIS tournament III fot the 7 :30-Devobons. D. P. Holt. theIr future home. James Lovely That he I.s a ~onalstent wlnnelr SUPT. HARRIS PRESIDENT at MemoJ'ial Hall in Lebanon hl!lt of findin8'~hat ma ~rial 8 :OO-The Chur~h and , its Youth. and family arc moving into the atte~l s t~, hIS ~klll a s a ho~sl!man Dr. Rudulph, eyesight speeial- .' . week. Fred Braddock was Damed ,We WIll have for thls year_ In the \ Young Peoples Rally. F. G. Cook property: 1It:~plte hIS handicap. Experts re· i t is at 'Cary's Jewelry Shop, Le'b -I C t Superin'tend~nt of 'sergeant - at - , arms anlS George n pl'8ctices of , the di~t;rent classes MarklEY. . . . Hpect. hjs ....!~bll~y~ _ an~n , Ohio every Tuesdny, Thurs- • ~ B~ Harris was elected Waterhouse is a member of the it loo,ked very pI'OmlS!ng.. . E!:~~-r~e ~hurc:h and Ch.rlstlUP Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burton " " day and Saturday. Sch~d:~t ~f the Warren County executive committee. " . It IS hopeQ that · t~!!re fllli pe ~ Glfuensl\~p. J~dlfp f' ~. ~even- spont . several days last week In CITIZENSHIP MEETING _ _ _ 1fUeh School Athletic Association • - • DDER Elyria; Ohio, the guests of Mr. , g . held in Lebanon last FALLS ,F~O" 4 gpod tub\o\lt potb nlg~t8 tQ thefts ger. games.' !J.'PJ!. p,upiJs of 'thf! s~h,?'ol Music for this cQnferentle 'YiU l an~ ~T8. E , J. Burton, the. former Oil' Thursday, October 16th at ALL STARS VS. MIA~.IS ~te:k m~~tl~~ntendent G. H. Gerke Whl'l'e PI'C'-L:..", a~;"le8 laa , t and the pep.plll q'f tlie comlT!ullIty ~~ ~!lrnl.h~d ~y tbll W~y~e8Vllle a teacher in the cIty 8chool5 there, 2 p. m. the firs t of two Citizen~ . ~ankftn was ~med vice presi'U". !let' d ioliourd ' get ~i!h'lld -t~e ~,m ar c1imr. ,. . . ' ThEY visited many places ot In~~r- ship meetiln~ will '00 held at the The Tri County Stars wllI \1e F and 'Su erintendenit J. V . day, J. Harvey J:~ac ett, ·who iiv8 it t~e l>e~t 8\1~p~rt .th{lf.8 Ifhl! L§dl f~~ "h,d . ~o\!ietf W1U est including Thomas A. Edison's Mothors' Glub Room in the grade meet the Miamis at Wayne Park V'i~nt of OSerbein, ~ secretary- on Route a, fell from tbe. 'tea!" has ev!!r reaelVoed III t,hls ~erve m~ s, III t e Church base- blr~hplace at Milan, Ohio, the building. ' Sunday, October 19. Lefty Lans~rer to tbe ground. He wu ~oynm!lnity. Start nj)w by beIng iJlent. Dinner 50 Gents, supper a& Blue Hole at Castalia, and seVeral! Supt. Lotz will lEad the dis- dale will pitch lor ' the All Stars, tre,,:s eeiin will be held Novem- when dlsc'overed and ts ,resent at this tournament. Freel cClr . Your patronage Is soUclted. points of Interest on Lake Erie. cussion a :nd the s\lbjeet will be and Bob Aug8berger for the b w\ich time a complete tliat state several The schedule follows--Wednell~ - . " They saw Elyria H. S. win its of interest; -to all at this time when Miamis. ' . h~\ s~ht'iol basketball schedule , At' JlI't!!!ent bis cOlndltioUIfi day night. Freshmen vs Senlon, MI I G· fourth str~ight nIght }ootbaU we are in earlng . an important Game will be called promptly at ~ill be arranged for the county. encoun.t!1Ir. Sop'hmores. VB Junior8. Losers ot Sub.crib. [Jar the aID . . . . tt. game, dOWning Rock River 26 to O. election. 2:30 p. m. .
































- - -. - -



6 .t




the put)lolle of fixing alimony pl'uLllte. Othll 1':. . IInls IIcceptell l pending lite and attorney'K f ell in I the h 'UMt a/\ exceul\lJ' IIlId t1J~d hill • the ca e L!rought again~t hint by I lionll of $2000 with .... Fillelity Su~ie Graham. (October 6) . IIUt! GUllranty ompullY Ull s urely. Uavid Uurnahllm, Olla 'ox Hnd Suito Jacob Leffl I' w\!re mUdu upprlli ~e rs, . . . 0'1 W k 1' h e mCtnllutl A IIllt t I., C I' ~'u1 IIhy ie' illll s uy!!, I 01' S ont'1'1. CUUl't authorized L. ,Shaw - - - -PIIIIY, a cO I'poration 635 Eggleston "Cun l'lIl'"iil11l I.. II'HPIlII /i ibl" ful' Common Ple.u Proeeedi",,1 Av nu e, 'inc innati. hi o, versus ~an" g uul'dilln of J.JIIIiZIl '11'h ~) mu ~, un nli M'I' Y thlill lill Y IIl he l' '~IU H l·.' Erll y W o rl ey, {or m on y. 'rhe ln co llli lote nt, til !Ie unl dl t\po~o of IIl1il'I' Out ill1nl ,(Iillt l! rf'lil't' hilI! 11lll' n 1t WII ' (l 1' d r('d thut th terms o r u m ount claimed $397 ;06 with in- o ne Liuerty Loun Bond 101' n t f ou llt! . A tHIr\.·t l'alli'd nl 'xlI lI 01'11 _ ____ 1: 0 111 mOil 1>11,'115 court In Wurreldl ter es t thereon fl'O I1l May 14, J 030 less than rthe fa ce .valu ', . If or the t'l'li eH hll, 1J(·t'u di ~ l'lIvl"'I·d. Thill . - ;;;.....-... ---- ---.:=.. ---.-,----= 'ounty f<1 I' lh.,. y e Ur H1.11 bo fixe und cost s. vurp os 0 s upp ort ll\g SIIII ward, tubld ut t l'lll: t>l wllll' r frum till' >I ~' >!­ ' r e mt'mLer \\ hat Iso he hu d told "Y OU' I' n ot . . yuu 're n ot .a s k- Ull fo'II(I\\'s o n : the 5t h duy of Junu ,J. O . Billett vers us Edwin Lotz 1i'I'eu H. Sluhbs, adl1lillistrlttor tl'lIl i/1lo tll (' hi llY, dry, I'VI1 ' IIHlillg lIAPTER VI. her. in ~ 11\ • If) IlHll'l'Y YOIl'? " ' IIr)' un d th <lth dny o f May and nnd William Billett, for m o ne y on- o f th ' Htatl! of IIl1l'1'i(' t M . QUrnH, h.)w ,I clll!'n l th e '01 0 11. The wuler 1n Ihl' m orning he I'll ng her up. 'hey IlInchl'd it C lnrid g· '~. " Sum!' day I wan t to a~k yo u if t he flt h cluy \if Oct JIXlr and the Iy. Tho amount c1l1im erl $10131.61 dec eus ed , fi led his s lIle bill in Haid l\l ogc n,. I hI' (Irv f llod \YU llt., unci BiOI L,' nll u x a n wer f\ : "It \I' U'; pl' rf!!e l wll ~ t e," ;;0 ,J uli' yll il "'il1. ·' tl' r lll !' o f ~lIid co urt begin nt 10 Lillian L o ng VB Ralph W. Long. c~tote wilh th e cou rt. 0 ·t OU!.! I· :1. l'!lll Sl'H' " gellLl ,; th ll l'UIIl(h, II II tlll'll I B 'lin " ,111· , f U I . J U\.l(! f.e It a R 'f I~'o r d' Ivo ' rce on groun d s o f' gross b 'ourt Ionlt-red s umm . ",lull "! lh, I'm !It' rry - s \,l c ' A n l) I t IIl H ft crWllr J S. I ~ I18 \\' ~ re d 1'(>11111 , t" 'c! I)ck n . In , 1 I Illias I ' ff f Qns U LO III IIVl' lllelll lI'i llwlIt f' l,rndnl( II hllb it up yl't. W ho it it'!" WII l' te til king- !lIe tIl . U l'~ II pluee. 1 III~;' h(' br., k out d '~~' rately: .luIIgm ' li t in thl' s um .,r .,f,:W.!l7 11'g lec t. A ctio n filed October:.l. c Issuel lY tw S len ' u r 01'0- o r ' v('r incl'l' II Hillg I hl' tlIISI'. "Luw r eTII' I' l" hll fi Id. ,hI" tf'l ld I IWll no oppelltt'- Ih " :'I j!h t "f thl! I But you kn o \\' IlI,t hlllA' of me wa s IlwllrOt'll in fll\, III' Il f the pluin- Stevenson und St vensQ-n ottorn eys thy IIllwk c IInti Mary Jo;l c ullor Stop s lIll'., I'iIlj.t f'rlJ llI I:lIlIlI lil'II' 11J(' I m il('llI ring." fo-nll nllllU ~t unnen' NI Ill C. Ill,\\, - no thingl" till', 0\\' 1' 11 ' (; I'IJ$~ , frl'm the tll' felld- for plaintiff. lI uwke, 13uoby Huwke ullfl 111'1 tioll Ch'lI' U HI' xlI ll ()rtl"llil' Ilt " h . . . \\'('II- if yo u w ill WOiL ' e \' \ 1'. 1 mnnllA'l,d tll muk l'II11l1.' so rt " I kn ow you :11'(> the \\'0 1111111 Hnt. E rs kin e Rooin ,o n. K ent ucky J oint Stock Land Gell' lI a wk e, mill urll, 011 dc' l' ' n- ni~ht. NI'xl tin y "ril{ hl. C"t :!./ fo r 1-'0 1' go ud CIlIl S ' ~hu\l'n Ellward B on k uf Lexington vs E. E . Hllines dunt~ in the I:u ~ e of L. 1\1 . lIend ll r - 25c todu ,Y !It th e III'urt'1I1 Hcx lllI a m o mellt. MII\' 1 j!i\' c her Il fl1e~- o f a sh uw. but I'm afrai d h e W liS with wh o l11 I cou ld be perfl! ctly slIgu?'" , d isappuin t d ," 1 happy, " , ;\lal1).{. lldelltiant in t he clise et al For money, foreclosure of 50 n, administrlltor , v~ Wultel' B. Drug SLore, AllumH DI'II.:' :-:itore, "I want h('r to lunch with me Bu~ in spi te o f no Il ppl'ti~e a nd 1 .'he laughed deris ivel y. LI!:'uiil st him by' Bculllh Dunlap, m o rtgage, appointment of receiver Undcr\vood, et al. October :1. if sho wil L" a headache, J u lio quit c enj oyed "That is a bold . tut ment. If 1 was grunted 30 dllYs additi o nul and other equitable relief, Amount The COUI·t upproved ant! COli"1 will tell her," her elf, There was ~ol11et hing were t o tell you , , " time to pl ea\1. claimed: $166.15 with 8 % Inter- firmed certain snleM mnde by EunIt eem d lin ctern! y till Blm about 'c hotleld \\ hlch it wa ~ im· , He j ll ~t touc hed her hantl w ith In lh!! cllse o f EmiliO M . K eys, a8 est from July 1, 1930; $4747,75 ice H , Mull) adlllinilltrutrix of the COMBINATION AUCTION SALE retur ned . 'po ~ i b l (' n ot to like. H e wa s ~ o nnx - hi s. ' xl' r utrix of th e Inst will of J . with 6 % interest from July 1. estate of J-Ienry Mull, deceascd , "Jull "ill be d ligh ted , Will i ou~ to pl en~e, ~" tU'lI tl\, an d " :\ pthl ng w ou ld make nny dit - l\!ill ll l1 KeYH, cI 'c euS<!d, vel'sl.'~ Ella 1 H:JO, Action tiled October 4 by October 4, ThurlCl.y, October 16, 1930 y ou cal l f OI' her ut hnlf-pll~ t o nl.!~ ' kind. f(·ren('e." I\l'\' s ,lI ok, ct ai, on m o llon of Ro bert W. Hays ant! Howurd ,W . J. Lee ThompRo n, guardilln of At 12 o'elol' ll, 1I 00 n, " I ~ hnll hI! til-light d nl~ ," "A rc you 8 m al'l' i(',J man ?" Ju li ~h" f(' lt her " .I '(' S Wf-! lIilh ~ utl ' l lh,' " lai n lilT, W illiam L. :-;UCOlOIl - I\,ill ri . nttorneys for plaintiff. Florn Stcphenson, illsune, tile d 011" nd ll' ~ lIuth "r X.'llill on the So t ,t \\'n ~ thut ! n ~ k.' d IOIPUI. in,ly. and he utHh!'ti Iit-n Il'IlI" inl! \\' 11" uJlpllinted guunliall for ..'usi" Gruham V s Ralph Grahnm, with the CUUI't II petition lI ~killlC ,chnfil'ld f,·1 a hoy a~ hI' t urn d li nd hOll k hi s hea d. "An: y., u . . ju~l . . jo k ing-?" t:at h alld n Il th c minor li,·fendullt s. FlIr d i\'orce, alimuny. und injunc- for 'pcrmiijs ion til s ell curtnin rllul Wi Intingt"" jllIll'. All Idn dH lJJ' lil'(> s t., e ll. fl'f's h away f l'OIll t he \('Iepho llc. ~ earlY I " :\0.) - J1l~' ",if I.' d l~d . . n ll t I"nf,! ,h(o a. kc,li. Thl' tll lll't a ~,;jgnlld Salurduy, tiun on ground.; of ~rOR ~ negh:ct. ustllt c bl' lollj.ting to hiM Wind. fifty ! :--'; " n ' ell"' ! he wus a young ngo:' " :\ u," ~ tIJ I"'r ,I lit I lI 'cl uck a . m. us Ac ti on fi led October 4 by Frullk The petitiun WU H, Ml't fUI ' 11I!llring rows . ~ pJ'iil l{ l'r ll , 1I1lt! s t .. ck cat mun. anO i n lo\"£' for the first t ime :h(' drummed he r ~li ll1 fing r : She lo" ho t! nt him f o r n lo ng l ill ll' f,,,· hl' Ul'illf,!' Illlltion uf ;\Ielvu r. Andcr~ o n, attorney for plaln - lit \(I II. Ill, Octohel' 1,1. Octouer 4 till', f l'l'dilll{ hog- ~ lind ~ hl" ' JI, hll r I llI·t UI-'Pl'Ov(,d allowed " , I1"I1l'~; ~ IH: f l' Il I~ S 1' f '1'1. I IU YIll' I' , lIe fl'nlunt H mij.tht .ha\'c I ~s I alel I I,alI , On thl' aole , cll n, cious ' J 'f • C h 0- n]l ' III" nl In : f o r un u I .- " tiu. f ollCO o win" nc(' ountsanti : (I) firs t the ll C- n(' ~R l't e. 1 Th l' ~ l ' S.dl'" wi ll I", ""111 inll e .1 he heard J ulie' s comm('nt wh n hIS field', £'\'e~ UJlon th em, 1 ~ h(· ~ :I\\, h Ull now l o r hI' fil' ~ t lIllie, I,, \\'un (' (' f"r ut ll1 l'lI<'y I['e s !lnd ohWi lli am E. O'Ncall a nd \Vull er ... I' I'Ite. NAil 1l1(, ~f\ag(' wa ll c Cl n\,(!ye d t o h er. " \'U ll • . yo u al'l' "lit Il1n rl'l f'1 1'/' . II I! \l'a ~ 11 0 t y" unl{. a ~ IIl! h 11 J II IIIIJIl.\ · ,,'II(lnl{ . e n vs 13 c rt Barluw and Vir- cU un t of !luwul'd W. Ivin s , ell 'cu - ll \ 't'l' y two \\'t·l' l\ :-J, frPlll d ll l ~ " (, hofie ld! w hn on ear th . . . he :l~ kl·d. 11"lrI h,·f'. and Ill' \l'as nllt ~. , ~,dOil IlW l lOn lIf th e d. ·fl' lI lia l.l t, ~i llia Burlo\\'. Fur money, Cost!l t or o f the [.'stutl' of L o uis Kuller. '1'111 I{ I\IA N IIA YS , ', . .III UI{II C'.I I. I. " "k' I r 1 IT lJ t·" liY<~' I I [ or un II II uw - un d alluthl!l' N:li eft o whichp lain- I:lIulltofEu"I!IIU deceliKed; (~) first und final IICd OIl·tkn owtht' l11an. "Go od Lordn r! ,!".llI llIl ' 1."1{, IIltlll'l'I' WII~ ;<" II1('\lI ng l ·. I1.ll ('t it '. Smith,lIdml ' llc.,j. Til us. A lid . ,Julie wa ~ ha lf as lecp Stili; h er ":\ 1) Lha n k you, s he sUld ug!1ln III hi S fnn' - II st " lIdfIi S tlll:~S ilnd,Hlll' l' f il l' Illtllr nl'Y s fl'u s. frl1m the ti ffs may be ell titled. Amount ... • aliI I ' "Il' ' l'l'Il. y II' h 1(' ' I1 \\'U S I'Ik 0 , p luinl iff, th' C'Hlr t ord c r ed Firmull clainll!d $460 with 8';' interest is tl'lltor o f the e ~ tutl' \If James M, A. GI'rdnll, ( ·kl'k. heRd Wil li splitti n!?, and th cre was 1(lll(l,ly. a quel' r Ilr ad in hl' r h art. UJlrJ~' k. , to nwk c s nit! Il ll owu n ce. from November ~,ln~2 . Acti o n 'nlig, ducells eci; (:!) fir st, finlll 1.1I1Il'h I,~' lud i," IIf lIio" c hur c h "H e wnl> h(·j·" la st night. He Th e CO ll l' t 1I1 S1) o'VI'J'I'ul"J the dum- filed Octouer 6 by C. Uonuld Dilu- lint! di stributivc u('cuunt " f T . M. " 1· 15-:!!! b rough t you h o m e." Bim ~3 icl paur l'l'r . fil" d by th e dd ' llIlant. Th e tUR h, ultol'nt' }" for plaintilfs. Mllllningl o n lind J . . I\uwk l'. admini strntoJ's o f th e e stut e of F, = ti ntl y. " H e \\, lI nt: y o u to Iune h I ' Ie f <'111 III lit "'us 1\ II I)Wel I flJl'ty tI uys lI op kins Reality 0, Vs I aac A. ,"th him . li e i;; waiting 0 11 the ill \Vhil' h l. , lill' n Jllt-udin~. And er so n a nd Margaret D. And er- Malc olm Bi sJlhom. d uceased; (4) 'p ho ne." In the case " I' W. ll. lind Kiz' so n. Cogn ov it. Action filed Octo- eunent uc co unl o f Willium Alfl'cd cr, of Sl. 1III1 I' YS, Oh io , IIlId M-i s~ Rulh Adl,IJU (;11.1' , [If WII Yllcs \,i ll e. " O h- we 11, say II' h at you I'k I' I C" UIllIllJlI S I'l' l ~ lI ~ "'I uxu .•" urt hc utt, oer 6. Muple und Muple, utt or- ~illlpkins, executor of t.he estate Ocloh(' I' 7. anything." (!t a i, t h l.! C(,III·t appr o\' cd u f th e n eys fOI' plaintiff, James E, of F;lizllul!th Kay , decclI, cd; (6) Bim went away without lIn sw er suit· ., f thl' pl'ul1li scs to Hou(!rt J . Burke, lIttorney f o r defe ndant. first and finul IICCOllnt llf H ebe r ing, and when hI; ret urn ed Julie 1.1, u~hlc . Th ' c\ urI ol't\erctl th e D, 'tihiJlilllmsp' cxMecutor o f the e~tll tc Bill. Allowed was slill s itli ng Ull in bed, her Shl' rlfT to cll n\·I.!Y a (ll'u pel' d ~ d t o Probate Court Proeeedinia llf III' e8 . arch, d ecIII.1HC d (6) Thl! W ('~ tl' l'n ~ tn r, SUIII)li l.!!! f OI' Th t! d firlit und tlnnl a ccolln t o f Frank h h hand s clasped r ound her kne s , a t e pure lI SC r. c co ul'( o r e re Th e last will and t es lament of Gllllaher, executor of the es tnl e of f' ruonle CO llrt, $:!f,; l\l11Il SI'1l S II)l little Crow n o f pain bet ween her thllt H hl'rt J . Deuchll! ' recov~r Silus Gudg ' n, deceased, WIIS pro- W ' II ' I' . E fi I,' I ply '\Jl1Ipuny, lYJll'lvr itl' r ~ UJll1 l i " R , fr lJ 111' the dcfen I'I'lnt !\fu x a N 0 rth - (U I ed 10 . court li nd admitted to (7) I mm n 1e u.uccount (el'cused; llll' I'II , .,".· II "~ I· I· lr' •.· t"I ('" firRt' runcls and final of ....,n .,., \"> (","~ '''rn , , t!yes. "What t!id yo u say ," cutl, till' H llll of :P8 1.:J5 Lcing the pl'o ba te, MurLha Gudgen WQ II ap- Geoq~o J. Smith, exec utor of t.h e g-ram ~ , $5.75; Gl'i ~ wu ld Serv ice "I said you · w ou ld be delighted am uun t dll(, IIpun 1I claIm aft or d e- pointe d executrix, no b ond re- est.u le of Ann Willium so n. dec cus- Stution, g-II ~ fOI ' ~ h rilT, $ 1. 68; to lunch with him and he is calling t! cducting t h e anluunt of the salo. quircd. Willium ,ehnell , Juhn Kel- ed; (8) sec ond ulld finul flee tint Iv iIl R-Jllme~o n 111·tl l{ Cu. , dru g s fUI' . for vo u a t half p~st one. _ t pon an~\V 'I' lind cr(J~8 p e titi o n of IeI' and Frunk Minnick were of A. J . De Bonrel j5uaJ'Clian of AI- 'jl':JiI, $ 11·7:!.; 1I1·H., EdwlIl'I} and Jillie scowle d, John C. ~c h rIlY, it wu~ found lhere nflm ed uppral se rs, bertu 1M 13 oul'(l, min or; (!I) fil'~t ,t l~ lH' r t, .11:lIl', ~Il l!fhyu~ se r v l.c(,~, I~t "I told you to send him away." i ~ t1.ue him .up on II certuln ' n ttl Louie COI'win, executrix of the and filllUI c. IU l f J h A .lIlll. $,), ,1. \\ . Lin go 11111(1\\ ,11 t' "Y a u ~ I'Id n 't"IOU t ~ Id me t 0 su y f r omt e h (e I renuan .• t 8, Suru h A . antI e st a t e of Robert Corwin, d eccu sed, Groves ex<'c a ut C' u rII o f 0the 0HI at n ' i ' ( . (J ., . k''l.l: , \ 'II Iltl'n SI' IS " 1)1' jil " l, 1"7 '. -'.I l)" what I Ilk ed, so I sa Id yo u would J ohn W. H elfe lfi ng e r lind Anna til ed he r fil'st and finul lIeco unt. Mi sNo u~i Groves t1 ccells ell. Oct~- IJrs, . I·. lh~· urd lind H., lll' rt 1lI1l~r, b£> d light d . I lik e that man." Brysu n. th ~ 1I111 of $4!JOO with In - \ . H. H. Hildebra nt, executnr o f ber O · (' XUIll IlWt 11111 dllldr'1.!11 fllr udnlls "G o with him your elf then." tl' r'e~t III 7';' from October 12, the e Rtute of Is aac N, Miller, deII" ' , I fi I ~ ilJn to Ch ildrl! lI's lI o lll e $:!; W. . "I woul,d, h ave do ne if he hod 1U2 !1 , f"Yllble ql.uElrte rl y , and n.o CUa". ed, fil e(1 hi',n I'nvontor"J IIn(1 ap- fill!d IS by Slxll Grllllville ant .lfltl IIl'l'Otlll.t was GilllI(Jur'C·'III!! ~ ~ Ilutc hln so n, $ . '_t L (' \, I' Brown · , ask e d. m e. ." Gile. fo~ .. d himaelf unabl e to ke when they met at dinner that nil pllrt 0 ~aid. cla ull hn!l been plIlCl pr!lisement. guardian of J eanette lIutchin so n ,7,50; . S . Schmubl'i, C? IllPCII l'lIJuit e lay bac k on h er pIllows. ep hil eyea off the "other Julia" ht. 01'. \~' III be pilid ou t of th e proceed s The court ordered that a com- minor. Octobe r 6. tJOn fllr lund n il (I , ,Iii 111 lellr"Whore's the t II ." 1l1'l ~ 1I1J:: frum th{! Rale. miss ion with the will annexed b e 1 lh It f th r crCf·k t o wll " hIJl , $::!r, : MIlI'y Alin "Just coming. Is yo ur head very "Why d o you su y thal?" balm plillring inlo hru ac hing In th e div orce, case of Li11\un iss ued to Hurry Z. GrBY, to take shir~ o f eC h~I~' l e~r ~~dWIII~ ~~l~~d~~~'- Lau.ghlin ~lInll' , $ 11); (i e(Jrgo I? bad?" She fiu shed and loo ke d aw ay. h l'OIr!. ~ (l lIg \' ~ RI., liph \\, Lo ng. the p~uin the depos ition of C. J. Mllrdis, a ~ minu/' 1'lnrry)\1 Wolf' as lid: Mc tl N I'Y, s.~nH', .$~fl.; Lp_ li c "The very devil." Juli e 'followed "Why'!" Oh, I don't know. I prc"I dOIl't \l'llnt y ou t o say IIny- l~ff filed th(~ C O llr~ an ~lpph~a- witn ess to the will of Luther F e r- minis trulor o f the ~s tllte of . hur- Shultz, open~lIng nlllllltlllllCI', $fI5 ~ ,Bim to the door with envious eyes. fer ind ependenc e, I suppos e." thing n ow ,'~ he WIIS tell in!\' her. tlOn for ~lrmony pendIng li te. 1 he his decea . e d, and a resident of les Edwal'd Weidn er d ec(!used Perry 13. S!ITIJlson, same. $1)5; "How on t!arth do you manage to "But if you met sonlt' man who "If you will ju s t let m e ee you mUltel' Will be f(l r h eari ng (It 10 a, Dayton, Ohio. complained to bhe c ou'rt th It A : .Iun es .1 . 1\1lilyI'. dmgglllg rOlld~, l ook so fresh at this ungodly hour? . . who thought the w o rld o f you - o ften! Ilnd b , your friend." 111. October18 . (October 3,) , Fred S. Bone was IIppointed IId- h B , d r I • r $2.40; J . K. penceI', flll'llshe "rumbled. - -so m e man who would b kind "1 rlon 't know why you are so . In the cus e o f t-h ~ P eo pl es BUIld ministl'atol' of the estate o f Ro se thl' 811rdulr'IYeanta' " laguanr~~I, com11>'11 d Wltht is h in):' lind l ou din~ j{l'llvc\ ( 2 11 ·'" turned roun d with a faint nnr! . . and dt'voted." ki n(I t o m (' . II 0 s thc ~ u 1111 . ' Is'.) 'I'"'2 11',.Il~~ Z ' . A I' nlllllg(', . • slim e B 1m In!\" [ ,lin all( I sav lll gs ompany, V. Unglesby, d eceased lind fil ed his find !! thut gUU l'diull 1e hascour rc - )~ s mile, "Are there uny such men'!" she "111111 b e ing kind to m y~e lf." o f L banon. vs J oseph C . Kr e bs , b ond of $7,000 with The American ceivcd $1664' th t h h f\ (:.172 yd~. ) $:1.2. ll o\\'unl oo k, "I don't drink too much for one IIsked cynically. S h I" ked flwny . winkill~ the ct nl, the c o un granted th\! defen- Surely Company of New York as .. ' ! l e .II S ex p e n - saml! (I fj I yd ij. ) $ 1fi I: ' \ uitc~ thinj!'," she sa id lightly. "There is on e her e," <::chofield t ' nrH from her la. hes. lillnts • .J oseph . Krebs lind Dor?- s urety. H. G. Fitzpatrick, N. A. ~~ $.}~~t:t5e; a~'f IC~~~ic~,\nd~J~~~d ~V'.rlil~e, W e pair wo rk, . $1 !l.1.!l0·; Schofie ld came for Julie in a big said, , H o was so ~ il11Jll e and s ince re, thy. Kre hs , lellvc of:.lO days In Hamilton lind Amoll Ung lesby Weidn er decense d for $13'\:.1 (j/i I,llI'd hlltlere, Ilgh t llll{ lights , Cllr. She turned her h ead s lowly and H e wali Ii~ e a b r ellth fr o l11 h er old which to m ov"" . demur o r answer. we r e mud e appraiMcrs.. I, ' . . ' . I l'n 200 -2 1, $2; A. L. Ke nn edy , r et h" "It's awfully good of you to lo oked lit him in blank a muze men t. I> 'llceful !rfe. Lately s he had s e.en (October Il), The lust will nnd test.ament of tllX eHRUd elit cuurt costs In thiS matt e r !lairs to eq uipment $5 .65. October 6. J' .' $'1' " W . . , W . \Vii co me," he sa id nervollsly. "I beg your pardon ," s he suid so lillie of s imple hon es ty und S InCourt o rder ed Ray GI'ahlllll lo Amunda E. SlIm~, decease d WIIS An in strument of wrilinJ.: p _ 1 1I11I ~ 0 ., ~ 1. IJl p h elj , $ 1).8.,! 1: In "It's ~wrul. good o f you to a sk nt last. eerily. Sometimes s he .thought ~ he I' ap pelil' lit lOa. m. Odobl,r I r for produced In court and aumilted to p o, rUng t o Le t,h o. la~t wi ll a~;d I dtrUoSc:tl~UI.ll:e lr)u!ICI' rlso,r $!llnlll.,,)Eo~q,U,Ill?(1~11Cel'lltllnt!'1 m e," Juli e s Rld. he looked at him Sc hofiel d's ho nes t eyes met hers had le ft a ll th ose thing s behInd t t t f W II II B " " .. and was t o uched by the genuine unfalteringl y. her 0 11 th e s no w-cllp)J ed mountuin -- ---;;- . -=-- -. - - - - - --ets limen" I lam . ' . . ~ o wn, IllIk in . ~ Ujlpli H, !I:;,,; Hadl ey's . h' la e of .Wayne t o wn s hIp, was proGar.'lge rel)al·r ~. II, e4u ' l pnll' Ilt "'l' P I£!IlS11 r e In IS eyes. "I said th<: r \\IllS one h e re," he tops. ddt f P b I , ~ .. "A r" ? "Wh h b h 'd' Th e re wa. II liltl£! hard loo k in he r Quite a s mull party, " he had ue~ In co ur or 1'0 uLe anl H I k I I' I' l re yo u Ivmg m town." s he repeated. "I s upp ose you ure s ur- II h e r e av~ YO,U eken . I mig pre 'ty uye". . sal'd . wOactsoordrered iii d with the cnurt. $502~,Ul;~u 'ln lj(AI r'Ingl'tl'lalr~'!', .• (lllnlll ", . s$a n ':, 8O ask ed, pri~ed, I hllv.e not f orgotten that II lese y 'IIr ~ '.·' s Ie II ~ ell Impu • ~ ., b 6 "I am only ~t3ying in an hotel at we rn t la st night for th e firs t s ivcly. "I don't di slil<e him," s he sliid "Ladies?" e . Morrow LUlllbel' CO IllJllln y, 1:.1 lIbl. He told he r quite frankly, "I'm just quite indiffe\'ent." "Two- ont! of them JUlie Farcum cll t, $ :1 :1.8 0 : Orego nia Bridge t.he moment," Schofie ld answered, time, but dircctly lI.fter J saw you und then adde d: " I think 1 told everything WlIs chungcri f o r 111 • I "J'ye li ved in u country t~ wn.. . -.---. . row- the real JUlie thiM time," he Real Eatate Tranafera ompany , reinfor(, e d " ted , $88 .83 yo u I~ st night." : . have never- nev e r f e lt for uny I' ve jus t. been a. nobody. a Juni or Smee hIS Intr?cluctlon t o DoriS ntlded rather muliciou:dy. T. C. Donley to Adum unt! ElizlI Morrow Whitn cre, 8 Ylk ~ tlJnt' and Julie had f o rgotten everythmg womun what I f e lt for yo u las t purtnel' In a hIghl y respectable ut the Faun, (,lies SIlW u .g\lOd Giles frowned. beth Roes ch, .Iot No. 07 L in Frank- grav(·I, $ 1.20 ; ,l ames J . MilicI', reabout last night except those lit- night. I daresllY yo u think it pres - firm o f so licitor~ . My wife died- I deul m orc of h~~ r thnn he Wi s hed "Did you tell her I was com- lin , ' tuining \\11111, $ 12; hoin Armitage, tIe. cameos of pain .in which GileH umpti o n on my part to have said U8 s h · wus !'<, ve r very s tro~g, and ~o see .. At fi,:st hI! hud uccepted h er ing?" B. H . Dakin to Kenneth L. Horn gra\,-!.· I an~1 sand, $4:~ . 50 ; . Mils on' C hl tte nham hud featured. mu c h Us I hav e d on e, but sl)mc then a dls tunt 1'I!I1Iti on died too mVltatlO~ s I~ the ho\>t' ~hElt per"I slIiu I shoultl ask you if I part of lot No. :17 in Lebun on. , LumiJ e r , ( 0 .• ,cal' .Cll lif nrllill Heu"Of coul'se yo u did," he sa id day if th e r e is no other mun you lind le ft me !lome mon ey- quite a I hap;; Julre mIght IIlso be mc!udcd, cou ld find you." Wilhe lmillll Kohl to Nicho llis wo od Brl.d g l' l ~onng, $!l47.28 : H. hurri edly, and racked her brains to cur' f or, . .'" Ili l of money- " but he hud always been disa ppoln"And s he mllde no objl!ction?" and Elizubeth Brews te\' relll estllt~ lO" !Ial'llhng, borler fOl' se wer: $10; "Lu cky you !" Juli e s uill, ted, "None. I think she was elltet- ill Maso n ' hl o orrllgatcd 1I1vert Co., 3 "YeH." h(> n ns wered "I think , Once wh n he had mentillne d ytaoiun~~ at the thought of meeting Churle,s' H. Buteman to .Jo: eph HCeo\\.' l'II:(~·I' n$folrac:~171(~;te~lr $g~nl iRa" ~rl'lit!ge I wus very lu (,ky," nn;1 hi ~ eyes he r name to Doris s he frowned. . A lind Ednu Valle e fil; 76 ucre ~ i n ' ~ w ~".l . _, owwere on her fa ce. "I hupe my luck I "Oh, Julie I think I've s ho wn There wus a liltle silence w h ich H~rlan twp , . ,. . Ilrd Cook, gl'llvel anti Rund $·18' W. ~ McConne'lI W Ilnd F ' . L W. T o mpkins. PII .I"·,, II, $ :172; E. wil l continue to h C/ ld," h e !lIMed. I her ut la!;t that her rool11 is pre- Chitten hum broke.. "I think you ,l<'.e rvl! that it l [('rllule to h~ l' coUll pllny. She's r eu l"Th e re',. one )lolnt 1 can't get Harri ~o n to The·Peop l e, . IDn ~if· g 'D. ,l oncR, puy r ull. $:l5li; Eden s ~ould," .Ju lie HaitI! You a,'e thll 1ly t,:, o im\l ?~s ibll!. You. kl.IOW who quite clellr," he !!aid . "Thi s Juli cLoan' and Savin' C r; UI (lIl ; Tel ry , Pfl Y rllil. $808. 2f. ; A. T .











f. . . ." " ,




to the U.


Senate ROSCO'E

c .. MCCULLOCH Proven by His Record A fearle ss and capable statesman with a r eco rd of distinctive ser~' i~e to a.hio and to the nation. He opposcs rcduction of the t arlfi. lowering the bars to immigration, the dccrcase of wages and th.e ~estruction of our standards of living. He says: "The expatnatlOI1 of American capital, the building of factories in foreign countries with Amer,i can money, the products Ot which are to be shipped into tbe American market displacing Americanmade goods, is one of the most dangerous mena('es from the stanC:? o int of American prosperity th at has happened in our hist~ry." He has proved himself a friend to Industry, Labor and Agnculture_ He deserves your support, M, (:I LL OC H FO R SENATOR cm...rMITTEI! b.u ICl;1 n

-POliti ca l

Ati ve rl isi rl g

kmd of man who \\'uuld spo il II w oman t er rihl y," Juli e suid, "It wlJult! give m!! great happiness if I hod the right to RJloil y'o u." She laugh ed rulher sadly. "It's s uch "ariy days. Soon- per hllps quite sno n- you will know me Lettel', lind th n yo u will wond e r why y o u ever thought me nic at all. I've g ot ull so rts o f vices." "I don't believe you." They Hp o ke of the others who ha d bee n at thc Faun, "I 'tell ynu who I d,id like," c hofleld sa id. "That tu ll fellowwhut .WIIS hi s naq1l'- Chitte nham ;' .Tuli e cuught her breath. "Oh, yes '-:"I forgot that you met him." "I Iiket! him," ,cho field saiu aguin meditntivel y. "I believe r'V(. m e t him befo l' e .:omewherc, but I can't quill' rc m (!nH!ber. If I were a Wom all , h e is the kirid of u man who would attl'llct me." " ll e II ·t ests all women." "Non se nse ! u rnan like that- " ,Juli e broke in excjtedly: " I tell you he d oes-·a s k anyone who kn olV S him! he's a womanhater." "Th e n there mu st be a g ood reas on f o r it." "Conceit, I s hould think!" Julie s aid flippantly . "He imagines that nil women arc running after him.' Schofie ld lo oked s urprised at he r vehemence. "It so und s !'Other a s if you dislik e him." JUlie s hrugged her shoulders.


s he IS runnlllg u bo ut WIth now?" "No." "Lawrence Schofield." "1 uon't know him." "You do. You were introduced at the Fuun one night. He ' s a hu r m le !'s sort of man ' with h eaps of money, ,but hi s wife has only b ee n d ea d IIbout a mo nth, und it's a bit s oon. don' t you ilhink?" " oo n f o r whut?" "To get m!lrril~ d again." Ther was a liltle silence, then Ch ittenh nm os ked quietly: "Is he to many Miss Farrow, then?" "So people ~ay. He's year~ too o ld for her, of course, but he s eems absolutely devoted, und she BUYS it's on ly his mon e y she w!lnts, and li S ie ll what We al\ want, I suppose y o u can ' t blllme her." "I s uppO!'-C not! th ough I unders tnnd Mis" Farrow to say that sh e n evel' intended to marry." Doris laughed, It wa s the next dllY his mother telephoned him. H(! could not go with h er. Gi le s wondered as h e hung uP ' the re ce iveI', what his m other " 'o lrld have said had he told her thut his e ngageme nt was to meet th e othe r Julie Farrow whom his bro thel' had loved, The invitation hlld clime about in . quite a casua l way. Only the night before Lombard had called in at the hotel where he was staying. "Will you come along and have some dinner with me this evening?

Well Waan't Pinky Ri .. ht?





AP '- _

F-R. - NO, THANK. VER'I MUCH, f':NKV! N ICa. orc 'VOu TO A~K

, .\'1 -

, 01.;

MS.! L: •.

7· ..·

t~le tllm o us one- i!!n't Mhe a mar- Lebllnon

Ohio g~e I O~Ptll~~ ~ RI,ltig, puy 1'0 11 , $2811.75; Ch!l rl('~ TUI t1ecl~ok twP. a us a I' III E. I3rad,bllry, pay 1'1.11, ~!ltJ,55:, J oo Anna Michllels to Gcorge Mlc h- W, Oavls, Pill' nil I,. $,552.00: I',den aels lot:; N os J 1 12 13 14 I T erry. pa y ro ll, $;lJ.\.tIO: Cha rles 16 in Deerfieid t~p' , anc , E, Bradbury, pay roll. $250.95; Goeue l L. and J~ss i e All e n to P. R. Mon.ce, PIlY roll, $4 1i.fl~; A. Laura Carpenter, 118,75 acres in M. Tuckel, I ~ t u~d finlll e, tllnnte C learcreek twp on co ntract, $1 12. J\fuslJ n Lumber Sarah A. H e ffelfinger, by sheriff Co., 32 !'I-4 bbl.R, cement, $86,.48.; to Robert J. Deuchle, 98 acres in Maso~ Lumbel Co., guard rat! Hamilton twp, Inuterllll. $37.22; W. Z. R o ll, ProHenry Mull, b'y s heriff to Viola bate Judge, c,om p n Rati o n fo r land M. Boglln and Eunice H. Mull, 70 c~l1domned I~ name of Cheria aCI'\!S in Turtlecreek twp, $1. 0 Donnell, $20, JlImeK Pile lind F. W. Franz to sa l,~. ,,, Fre d and Lucille Anna Wade. Lot Subscribe for The Miami Gazette . ,And-;-;-Chlttenhllm.,.. No. 48 in Pluinview Manor addi.. Yes. lion to Frllnklin. October 3. __ , ___________ _ What about- do. y~,~ ever run Flora E. Co llinR to Furney and ac~.o sR the ot her Juhe. . " Edna Hurst. One-half IIcre in 1 have met her on~e or tWice, Clearcreek townsh iD. Odobe 3 Lombard looked relieved. "' r , I "I've glad to h ear that. I . thought . . . well- you seemed Marriale Licenle MONEY LOANED' so apset when We were in ' LllusTheodore R. 'Bu\'dge, farlller IIn ne . , , ." IIn(.1 Miss Dorothy L. Thomas: "What the d evil are you driving Both of Franklin . October 1. LOANS o n Lives tock, Chattels at?" Bob R oberts, farmer, Ilnd Mi ss Second MortgllgeR. Notes bough; "Oh, nothing, nothing . . only 9111dY 8 Philbeck. Both of I<'rank- John Harbine, Jr., Xenia, Ohio. you cut up rough wilh me if you hn . October 3. . re mem~er. You cut up roug~ over Earnest Earl Hisey, mechllllic, th~t mistake I made. And It was of Dayton, and Miss Mllry E. MaxqUite pardonable on my part. well, fllctory worker of Plea~ant LONG OR SHORT TiME- Easy You'll see for yourself to-night.' Pillin. October 4 ' . terms. Also Surveying and AbTh~Y're ,:,ery much ,lIl1ke esSamuel W. Shimer, cook, of stracting. Write lind I will call pecllllly If y ou don t know them Dayton, and Mrs. Violet Eva Gan- and sce you. Sam D. Henkle Wayvery' well." s ley, of Franklin. October 4. nesville, Ohio. 'Jll . It waH quite true. Giles {ound Charles S, Ivins, factory worker hImse lf unable to keep his eyes and MI!lS Glady~ H, Gum steno" FOR SALE 0« the "other Juile" when they ~rapher. Both of Lebano~ Oetomet at dinneT that night. ber 6, . (To be continued) Harold Murray Bonnette, printFOR SALE - Fischer Piano in good condition. Inquire at Gazette Office_

rle,~ .woman? ':

. "She WIIS. rhere .wa!! II divorce. J s ee, lind s he s tili calls herMe lC Farrow?" . "It was he ~ maiden nume, She went,pack to It when the case was over, giles laughed shor tly , . " . It seem!! to be the laehlOn, he sald l and he remembered t~ut SadIe had done the same thing after he a!1d she had agreed to Ila~.h go th~lr separate wa~s." . Well, III be there at eIght, he


5% Farm Loans


FOR SALE- FOUl' Poland-China male Pigs. See Robert Friend Phone 56F2, Waynesville. .022 PUMPS- Pumps for all purposes, hand lind power, electric and belt driven pump cylinder leathers, valv·e s and repairs. Complete s tock, nil sizes. Expert Repair Men The BocklettKing Co., ~15 W. Main St., Xenia, Ohio. . n5 P .O R SALE- Large Air , Tight heater, very' cheap, C . F, Jos lenJ near Water, Tower. .010 F()R SA LE, Hay baler with ' o4lngin Ilttach6d. ' Granville. H . • tewlIl'l, Wllynesville, or Lebanon LOlln en., Lebanon. 022'

PIPES, vlllves &: fittings, for aJl pUrpOI\C8, ' Booklet's



hoating &: _plumbing B\lppllell are

the best. The Boeklet-Kinr Co. 416 W. Main St., Xenia, Ohio. ti










th~ ("rill yea r i:-; j ust begin n ing,l O f l'Vll l' 'wit h illcl'('a~illl!' WUlo:l' :< I n 1"lori(11I th e 1!~ l l' I'X gro w I'S IH e eUI11 I1I UlJ\ t~1 I'd '(' ~ wi ll \'\' Ild III ill-



No De"bts-No Deficits

c r L'lIs. 1\ 1 ~<l, hlJI I'x l' l'ril'I1<J{' ~\I t' 'I' wit h t h(, I i~i n l( \\,lII:'I' . ~u l . doe~ n ot Hhow thll l l hill incl'vII. 1" ill pt'UPOI'D. L. CRANE Publi.her t i"IlIII. W ul\'cs in \h(' pl'inl'i'IJ:d in11w dale Ill' I he hi~h !H'lwul Office Phone ......... ............. No. 112 dusll'ies nrc Illutll hi!(,he J'. ( ' UI1l - fllll~' , · "SllIi\.I·, l{u d n,I'Y. ·SlII il e." hJj~ 11m' 'II with tho ~l' I'liid L(;'fol'c t.h' be l l' lia Jl I:NI 10 TlHIJ'Rdny 'e\' enin~ R •• idlence ..... ...... ........ ... .. No. 118 wn l' thnn c()tJ)lII od iti ' prict's. ul'(' ' et"bt'r :l:l , ill ~ t"nd li t' Jo' dduy' <lVI' 11 ' hy t\l e ~U1) I U com l ltll' i ~ \l n IUlhIY. 'I'he i ll~, u ~ 1 ":evi(lII ~ ly an Jl o Jlll c,·d. H~s kept faith and made good his pledg , to the, pcople of Sub.cript!on Price, $1.50 a Year work'r' I:\' dulllll' Ilot'~ nol huy liS T he M 'JI'" t:on llll uiJit~, lull Ohio. The ad~nitl'i stration of Governor My~ rs Y. Cooper ha mur h 11 M it U ' (\ l I hut h ' gell< hl·hl lll1 intl' l'e ~ l in g' 1ll('('lil1l\' lit Lht! Entered /at 1'" .,,, tIi.ft 01 Wu r n e.. olll. e n uugh Ill UI'L' do ll urs ll\ Illnk l' up (;Y II1 W r!lJ elidllY ·,'e ning. achieved a t'ccord of . unequaled accom pli hmcn t in O hio. · Ohlo. G. S.~o n " C: I .... Mo l M,"e. (h,. ·different· lind le llve him Il The 1\'\ ' K Ludies ' Aid md at Altho actually in office less than two yea t's, this Rcpuhli<;an _ __ _ hlr Ker bnhl J1 Cl' tllIlIl hI' lI s('d t o lh· Aill 1'(11'111 T h ur~dny ufl" I'noon h llv~. . wilh 1111''; . J·:ttn Hruuk s, 1\11'1<. NilI'll not onl>, h as kept the expenses of government administration OCT O H Jo: I{ ' Hi. I !J!W It is di ll icu lt lu u ," I" r, tand hllw Il uwkl', 1\l n •. A Jll lIn.!" Slarl', 1I 1 1· ~ . within its income, bu t wi ll dose 193 0 with an unencumbered · ill n dl' J\l OClw:y SUi'll a ~ lh ~ nora BUllnell. lind MI·s. OS('" 1101 1'-=- -=~~~ lIit(ld Stal(tH o f AnH!I'it-u is RUP- Inn us h(} ~ l "HS t' X , .~L th e c tl u clu ~ i u n cash balance of approxima tely $5 ,000,000. po ~ ('d 10 he. Ull're l'UIl Ill' uny s l'ri - " I' lhl' hli ll inl' ~s s e s~ illn 1111 l'lIl'rCOMFORT Oll ~ " " p"sllion 10 IIny I!e 111' rn I lHilli ng p""lI:rnll1 .If (' ul1ll's ls Will' I I1IOV"III1' nL lu g'IVI' Ih ' \~' I1K'" '111'11 ' I'~ given, lI1r ~ . Dc ie S null . I\ lr ~ . I·; \,u Se nator lI ll ll.h'qunl, ~ hllrt! " I whaL lhey ' Iyn ' humakcl', und Irs . Anllll Go g uLh!) r comro l' t rr o m lh rO Hf'. {lI l'n . Of cuurse . t n be cllu ilab le. Hll ndull bcillg win n l.!rs. T 'J11(J t ing MoSl hell uLi I'ul o f f\ uWCl'S, the movem nt ll1uxl be ge nerll l; r\!fl'\.'s hll1 c nl:; of hnm Bundwiches I Nut 1111 lit o ll ce d ocs it unfo ld it iR unfa ir Lo t he workers on d t o p ic kl es pum p k in pic, coffee und 1 It l1 eeds th e ~ un nnd showc r" . A safe, clean and courageous t he bll ~illeM~ comm un ity liS a wh ole cundy 'were served. D ee p in its he lll'\. u scc r e t li es t o hll vl! hI g h .wageR li n d short T he Ju nior8 p u t on a fine p r oA pro mi Se of rUI'e beu ut y, statesman who has supported all ho urs In one Indusl r y. un d l on ~ g l'UI11 ll t Ilssembly T hu l'sday m o l'll I o IlI lly O llt' Iiv c" 118 f rag rull t be ~ound measures in the interest of At te nd ing to l'lle ll d uty. h.ourH IIn.11 .Iow , \\'n~c . 111 UII O lh~l'. illg. A AUIIlr, "Questi o ll " u pe n ed I S'I . l a o, It I ~ ':WI ~o llll(l. ('t'onOIlIlC8 thl.! !'l'l)l!'rum, fullowed by Sni p_ I the people. He 'has served efFec'Vhnl m nlt(' I'H it wh ull d usk y . • t" 111'\',· s ud, Ihfr(· ... ·I1(·'· III lhl' ~lIl11l' lure rending by .l an1<!~ Gil lam und CO\lcrnor tively in his first period in th<' c1u uds I I ,ndu s tr y III d"I I' I,', .111 pal'l , .. f I.hl' L Ol'd' ~ I'l ayer in CU lll'I;n; J UlleM ye" Y. Coopet H unl.( I"w 1111 01 d im Hil\' hl '! THE WORKER ' S SHARE I c"un,r ~· . li S lit!' d ,nI' lyll\'(' b,·1Wl'l' n Ihill(' t,;, uy lIlId ('I ive 1I I'uIJani £enate and his usefuln ess will C,' Th l' I'fI~eb ud w" d ;s 011 ~ ih' I1 t1 y I ~ ",,,,.\;1111\' (·'.'"I11t\ IO II ' III Ih(· t (' xld, · ~Ullg', " WI"' II ' I t' ~ Springlillll' in Iland w hen he is returned. Wilh o ll t II ).: ll.! lIl11 o r lig ht. I ndu ~t l~·. II I. !\' " ~s,,dll' '' ' ' \( s lind I ll e I! lJc\;ies ." ,,,,,I 1'\! ~ I If ' lIlku lv Tul(l' he Jl r l, d e lll' " nl', th " lI ).: h 1/l I1 g •.. I 1 1 N' II'l h ('u l'o lll1'.1. . ,III l' I1~\I " l' with " It lI uppellL'd I n ! Ih e d llY 11 , IlI ' Y 1'01'1 1 III h 'H Ill'\\' Ino ( I p . />, 11 ('1'IIIlt,!}) /(' III , t , "Y tl'lld ~ 10 ~ l ollt\'l'ey; " (,hu J' le ~ UO Il'II I1 ('('ud a . (, I o u cl ~ hav ' th ei r ~ il \lc J' lillin g (' Ial'l'~ I hll t b:,: IlIf,/) l hL' 1I\,\,rllg'(' P1'" \'1' IhllL I II II'l' Itlnl\' 1'1111 t h, ' IIlII IIII""U S ~ k\!ll:h. "The FurtllYllr,l; W ..· will rU I'ltl'l t he d u r\<nl'sH. whc I1 \\'1111: 1' o f t it · . k lll NI AIIII' I'I l'u n work :':"gl' , c;II'n(' I' 1\111 ' I\" It a ( he· 01"/1 ,,, 11.1, .J uliu s !)eHki g U\'e j ll lll' ~ . and lhe T UIl IfIlT(''''' H HUll iH s hil1in g. 1' 1' will he. $·1 1I 11 h n u r . OJ' $:27 n i h .. 1 1I ,Ii, s llll's ",hl\'ll a,',· ~ (!I I 1,1'11 'llIlII . w h it h WII H Ul lIHllI ll CNI by 1I1ul'ic I·; . G eo rl(l' dll~· . Mr . 1' f) l'd lI PI' II I'e\ lIl y d, H'S lI " t \I'''I'\;IIlg "II 111.1' 1t' 1I •. h" lIl' lin \' Will I' ''I~' '' I HOI{UII, clo sed with " Set'illg REI'UU lI CAN STATP. CA \1Pi\lCN ('UMM ITTI'E Ih ink l hc' fiVI' -hI IUI' dllY w ill hl1VII 1""'1' I" fil II ,"I " lt ' s""" '1' . (II' ,~ · .. II ·'I' Il ul" ••. ·, '1"1 " s.·I) llllnl'II·..._ will T he ,, 10 0\'\' 1'111'111 W'JII II h n"k n~ IH· ,' II' IlI l' 1!1'1I 1'1'1i I IIJ' I IIt, I I '' 1111'. I"' ll I I"".1'. ani I ll"."· t ,, ~~ , ~ ' .• U . S. Scnnlor n o",,"" c. McCu Uoch '" IIll" I aI'" paylllg I'llt ' III III " .'\ ~s.· l' 11lb l " 1,,'0"1'11111 IIl'xl II p l' izl'1l 1' ill- Jo.rJ. n il Uld uhll lllll " od l'Y III ' 1I 111I UII I 1'(' I) II rl " I' II ' e I' " l.,, ~ ,' , II '11 I I,,1\" \\ a g'I's 1\1 II I1:\1'" "(1 1.11" liP .I n Thltl•· ~ t1"y ~ II l11 l'ninl-(.J ', '" lI1u.:-m'.i is ilO l's an' " r th l' lI, etlll trll d" s s<'l' liOI1 lOr thl' t ~'" ''d .. f . 0111('1' IIl1l us(I'I"'s " "l'di" II y welco l1l e. Am(' I'\(-a n F ed l' l'aLi o ll " f Lllh ul' Ul' g' \1 h"JI bll S III' · ~' . III .. k, .'II' II g.' " I1 . a s ! 1\11'. an d Mrs. 1I 0\\' ul''' GrahaJ1l , _ __ _ _-,-_ ,. l'~ t hllt ho d y I II lIllu " L LlH' Iiv ,·- It! S 111 ,11' ~ h " \\' 1I 1 1!' I", .. ,dl·" s Ign , IIf ~ I i ~~ KIILhll' ' II I1lld 1\1i >,s Nell i.. hou r dn yr lind ( I,l' fi ve-Iln y wf!(·k f li s "" "lg ' AME~DMEKT TO TH e ' I . I - - -\\ l'!'e dilll1!'!' ~ucs t s 1\I nduy eYell ' 1',, 11'. tr('Jl1hlilll!' IIge . ulld fi .. ry 1 PROPOSED CU :\ SflT U'J'l II N UI' O HIO. ONE CHANGE FOR THE --- - _ . ~ll .l 1011·'rI'HI:.·I~I I~11'0~~~II~~·I~e ';~f ~~,I;:~(~·1I2,llIlIi'i: NOTI CE OF APPOINTM E NT I •i"llg( 1',':'or,lI)I I ,r,'-u.:.tnd l\lr~. Wi ll hI' I'SL'Y you l h. . AHTlC I. E XII . S~: l'TJO:'l 9. BETTER I ~,., All " (,hi l"h " "d with il ~ h ,',,\\' h f I 'I'h l' r c iM no dll ul, l lhal Ihe tPIl The W(' \l'\IIIIl' C I II ~ ~ \. f .1 0 Il ah·s t r ut. h. PROPOS INC TO AM END SECTION 9 OF - - -- - - - - - -- - - - . I.I I.n ·y t o wnl'(1 s horl w ll l'k in g hOIl I's ARTICLE XII OF T H E CON ST IT U Es (all' tor Willianl II . Hro wll HllIli <u n ~IIIY Se h,, \, 1 hc l ~ Itheir I'~g - '\' Il(' rieh nnd /lilliI'. O il Inlld 11 11" TION OF TliE STATE O F O HIO IN :IrIfl hi g h c r hllu l'ly pay will CIIIl- d(. I·I.a ~(. d. ' I ll. '!I' ulls' n e ~l; UII' "." C III III <!elllllo: Rcn,RECARD TO TH E DI STRIBU T ION' O F [ Ph o ne 93 'l' hl' ~ (, a re IIIUIlY \lhn "eli l'vo Li n ue to grow. W IIges J1I us l " I\I'IIYS 1'\"li "I ' is III'n'Io \' I!i\'l' n t. hut B(' r- l ' r~I,lay e;' l'nl n ~, u~ . (~rll lwl1l s . Wher,· wi ll INCOME AND lNH ERITAN CE TA XES. Ihat a ll Y ch jHl~e in Il lU nlH' I'K nn d bo based II p,, n the ca mi llI! ,,!lweI' ( lila t ·. W l) ' d l l'~' hilS he l'n dil ly ap - . I h~' \~ "~:a~I " ~ '~: I I' ~aJ..:uc W.II.' be , 111 .t ' (I v / l f'lI by 7i;;c ;:"'U ,.,nl A lJP nlM y 11 A h undred (' URLO IlI H Il111 s 1 "t' u r hllnl(c fo l' t hc (, f I ho wo rk er , h ut t he' "I II IllI'my , poin l l'd IIl1f l I\lInlifi .. " II i' \o: xctlllrix IIld,," I ~ \\e lloll1 c :"'I~LllI " "Y aflc~ ~ a t Ilt: ,," 'iJt, u/ ()JII O, thlC: t fi!th~ of the wonH'. 'l' lwl'!' aI" otht· rH e~ peeill ll y Lhll t Ihl'I'l' is olll.v S ll ll1u ch in t hc ' If t ill' 1':" I"tl'!lf Willialll II. 1:1... \ \' 11 11 0"" t o Llll! ~ l t ' u(~lve CIIU ll t l ~ I11Clllbt' 1 S f'1u:trt1 (I) r .ll II IhJ\ l s e c~ CUI nl1W thrr t' l fl ' W e a ll wil h in o u)' l\'J'Uves s hnll II l1l lH'g ti ll' }OU Ul1 g ful kR, w hll ellg- "wlige fun d" u n d lh a t ir S "IlW I!'l't lal,' lOr W"rn'lI COll ll lv. Ohi" dl' - hUl11u of Mrs . LIZ'l.I' SllIdaker. tt c1' lwt I h("'f" ah .11I be s uLu li lt r ,} to the s lee p. f'I·I.\' wc lco nl(' a ll Y ChIlIlI!'U. l'cl:llrd- 111 0 J'( ' o f il (It h l' l' ~ 111u : 1 gel I \'~~ l'(' II ~ I'oI. . ' s "" ~ I' S ~~ noll cul l We l'(' ellrr~ lI l l' 1C' (' itt r!l of I he 1:111' , f " r tltr lr 11'1, , 1> ' ., 1 "" A h u nd l'ed ~" UI' S Lo cOllie; !t,ss n f it.!l 1,I'i!{in 01' i t ~ 11 HI 1'111s. ha R hCC' 1I d i~ l",ovl' d h y lh l' p l lli '~ I)al,.t! Ihi, !Ilh day of 'Ot'l nh I' l·v~ n l ~ . I hI' s ho r t bu s ' nu~ll. s ,;,; ... n f elt-eli l,n , ill the lII an ll a pro \'idrd by la w, nt 1 H l o.. d , ,' t he r l ~C tll lll 1., IIC: Iwll l 11 11 Ih e It , .." I~vc ry h " d y "l'lIliz('H th ll L Huc iul. eeo- faet Lhlll ill 111,, 01 "1'11 illdll , t 1'\' Ill{' I U:lO. · Wa " 1,,110.\\ et! by un .amlls l nl!' pr u· Nfl livi ng sou l fo l' us wi ll wee I' lI h ,.r I he' li l ) t ~ I j ", d ,,)' III N mf"fU IIl' r, Jld O. A hll l1 dl' cd y l'I "' ~ lo 1:11 111 (' : W. Z. RO I. L ~nllll . .u f co ntest " 111 ('hllrge ./If Ihlm iC:1I 1 Cllllfli lio ll H h uve c ha nged o u t pul IWI' indi vidual wll rk l. j· clIn B l l rupu It l I n nmt' lid ,,(',oI W II I.J , ,f Il il ide X I ( 'lilly ull flVI' I' I hc Un it d Stut CH be illel'fa'iI'd to a p,) in l I " .i ~ I ~ l ifv ,Iulll.: ' "I' lh ... I' ro hull' ( ·"ul'l . I,·s. 1'.\'01 ~ l lIc U \l I1"I.d. A ~o clnl of t he C(lll Clllu t liJ II of tILt' S l ol te of Oh io, to ill til£' p l'rillll d nL ill!! fr o ll1 t hc UI'- I'ayinll: h im f ur mOl'e t hun lhl' ,,1; 1 WH'Tt'n Coull I y. Ohi l!. ~1UlI" \\'U S l'nJ"Yl'd ut II ~ d IOse. AII- But o l h(, I' mt'n o ur 1J1l1d s HItI1I1 r C' nd :u f ~. lI u \\' • . t ill . g innin g' "I' t he WH r. Du uhll ess 'co ll llllli s ts 1'\,\' 1' d re" 1l1l' oI "r S hah"",n &. 131'''\\'11 , AtI~..~ . 02(' .I"lI r nld In ml'l'l Ol'lu Lo c:r 25 "'Ith J" {TlCl.E XII. ~ O I1l '" of t h ' ehu ngcs I1re i111 1'r\l \'I'. • . ~ I r ~ . Eva III ·\)" nald. Thi ~ w ill UI' A nd IIl h l' l' ~ th(,11 nUl' s trf!ct;; s hull Se(. 9 . N ut It'llis Iha n fi it ), p(' r ('culum 111(.mts II ~ ·.' I'lu inly ~ 0 11ll' of l he lll th e IIl1lllllll "I 'I'I iO Il o f \.I Oiec rs . ' 0 u o f tht' ' H -':U III ~ " lid IlIh t.' III :lI u ' l! 1;IX t't' 111 .1 ' I1\l\y fi " . cl , lI r~ tC" , 1 IIY t i lt' ,; t ~ tc: fi h,11I be lclUrucJ "'1'111 to Llw t hlllll.: hlf u l li S !'CCl'Sgo"d attl' ll!lul1 e c is desired . W hil e o Lh c)' binls s hll ll !li n ~ tiS gay Le t o t ht' ("'W i l y " 1 ' h ,~ ,1 d 15t ri ' I, I l l'. \'111 11 1;(.' . " i01l8 fl'llll1 t ht' II lti Mlu l1r1 urd ~ . ~ I r. and 1\1 rs. II l'rb( J'l Filu and As bl'ig hl t he lIu l1s hin t' li S to- d IlY . o r 11I \\, II .. hll' ( II wh wll li:\ .. t i n" Ilt lle" .... r til' OI1 C Chllll)!;'l·. h,l\l·l·Vl·I·. !'l'(' ms til Jan ' I-: II£'n . 10 1' Wll s hillg'lll l1, C. II. bt' rit aut'C' t :lX 01 i glll :ll CI, . or to "IIY of th a A hUll tl n'" you r s t il cO l11 e ! 14&111 (', a' Itl., ' l,c 1 1I !I\ 1I11 ~1 Ity 1.1\\ , u s d(' fin ill· ly r" I' th' bl'(IC" ·. T hllt We 1'(' Sunduy J..: ue ~ L s IIf Mr. lind Ad lJl!lf'd "llnl G. l ei.!". is t he c h n ng· in lh(' all il ut! 1! I., 1I1,.s. F run k W ils oll. lVl r. lind l\1 r~. (' ha s. C; 1J'f101l un I U:-; ITEn 5TA'I' I\SfJl'- AMI' IUCA ('Ilc h olh pl' in city peop le li nd CIl Ull tr·y Il l,"ple. II lIlItr y folk H nil MI'. untl !\III's. Bo u Stump IVurt.! S'J'''TE t i' Ul ll (1. · • hlJll{e r l'o~II J'(1 11 11 ' ity p ellpl. liS wl'ek -end gUI!stll o f " I r. a nd Irs . Uffire of ,h. S.rrrlal Y of SI. I•. s t uc k-u p snobs. rlllr d ll c ity peop le P . M('C" .... l' n. al Wal hulldinl!'. I. CI.A ltIo: ~ C I·: J. IIll0WN. S. rel.ry I·f .Phone S9W th ink 0 \' t.II " f' ll k".· \\' ho 11' \, I'rl .-' llln ll 'J' Ill' "'\ ) 1' J,(nfl II'.C( . I )".)1 1t 1C "'-' 1U ~M .. U f 5' :010. o( ,h. Si nl. lO r 0 1..... do h. ,·thy «IIily Ih ~ l Ihe f" rru r. It IK I ~ l' H 1'11;' , 1 fl i lln a nd .. rc t o \\'n ~ lif! II l1 couth uUlI1p kin s. T he ( .J o lluh· ~ Hun SUl1day Sch ll o l he ld ("lI y <0111 "'''''',110)" Ill . . . . . 'h Ih. "riK'Il.1 Joi"t I' 'lI ~o n fO I' this iR thut l' it v IIlI d thl' ir lirs t 1111' 'linl\' al t ill' hlllllC IIr.ol"II" " ad'·I".d lo y Ih. YYlh C""cra( A,· .. ' 11 II' k ~ f 111• 'ISS N li n ,,-..II II <! tt'I'1 IU I'S' Iay eve ll 5O"II,ly or nn.. S,. ,. of Ohio on Apro l 61h. co un t ry PCO llic 10d ll Y II I·"~S , II IY29. """ 0 " fli. in "'y ollie< .11" in hu ve Lhe ~ ume ~ tllnr\a l'd s fl f sc h oo l- - - - - -inl.(. Th(' II l'Xl me tilll.: wi ll be ' wi h Ill y I1fli (nl . ". 'r.,ly "' 5.<,<.1"1 ,.r 51 .... in J..: . cll t th(' sli me !lor t of t hin gR, DULL M"'N vi"es 1.0 h is co u nl l' y wa s not ,' ven MI'. 11)0(1 l\l rs. A. ~ . Cu lll' t t F ri d llY .11.1 10 .. ",110 L. Ir". "",1 CIlr rcr t. Su'd J"i.. t ____ _~ ... . ,., e lll IIc r I 'I. F(unlull UH '''os fl lttl i,l I h~ uftil.~ of the S"t:· • ide in t h o~ ~ UIlI O kill (1 of "1. , 11'.~ OVC I' , a ns wl'red lIy the Wa r Ih ' \1a rtllH'nt. (' \'I'lIl1lg, "uv «' :c ry 01 50:,1. "n A;o,,1 /(,,10. I n ~ . nnd th e ~1I 1l1 0 gOll d I·oads . sec .l he Hame I I1 Il1 R'e ttillg o ld c n oug h now ~fI Th \! /lrll1Y wa ~ fll 11 fir 1I10 1'e lJ l'il 1\11';;. Amanel a ,·tlll' r " lI tfl'l'ed u n P"' I''''.' '0 ,,,nrn,1 o<cI;un 9 OJ r n" .d. XII Il1 I1V IC!\ •. helll' I h(' SIIIII' t1l1 ng~ ~ve l' l hat HUlll e oC Ih e lilli e a co rn s lia n l Il H' n. lI a lloc:k , rOI' l·n .. t,'IIIC" . IItl,. ck uf.ntutc ind i l!' e~.· till n Sutll l'01 lloe en"" illll i.. n ... r ,10. ""II, or Ulo in th U, I I tl ' I I I rd .ll illg- 10 t he distr ibuti on (I ( inco tll e and C I' u llI . I' 'al le S U Ill!! I,,! UJ,fl.IZllleS I whic h I S IIW pl a nled li re beg inll inJ,f kn c w 11 \1 IllJf) u t la('tic ~ . III II ny da ), . , u t. 1:< SOI11 I' W Hit JllIlHuve l . inheri,an« taxu. [1lltl h' ~lI k s, ;)J" I 8 11 III-C b '~ Jnnln ~ til lo s how u p I/S quite s ize nb le ouks. c ri" is he cu ul d t e ll j ll st wh a t l'apII I- ' . Ou r I!Igh se hou l u rc hes t.ra , Cfl lll IN WIT NESS W II EH1~O I'. t ha"o 1,...0' l1~ t 1I.lI ke. f~ l: th e first tllllC s~n ce F u r exu lllpl e, th ere was a n offi ce CO li woul d ha v do ne. 111<- le ll ll n Illne d wllh lhut. uf Ottel'Ue ln HOlll e Stuffed Tomatoe. un.' q lulo.erih<d m r IIa",• • ,,01 aOIXed "'Y TI ~II" y ue t.\\ CC IJ r ll ra l li nd lll bu n buy ill lhe pill eI' wh e r e I w o rk ed ha d n l ou I' h o f ge ni lls. W hu t d id ru rnl s hcd nlll ~ I C ut th (! Warre n d~;'~\ S~~l.~,'t.;'u~:"~:··19~~:i". t bis 18,b p.lIn ls of .V ICW beg/l.n . afLl'r lea vin g cu i lege. li e wa s not n Gr ant have'? I C,/ u nLy T euchel" s A s~oc i llLi un al S tu tf ed tO lll a t oe. nn d p pp 1':< I CI.i\ ln;NCI'; J. RIlOIVN . - :.\ W e u . lwve th ut I ~ n good tili ng. bri g ht " fli el' boy . W e did n ot think H e ha d n ~ ·lI p er.tit i (l n . Whe ll hl' I Lcull ll ull ,u l u!·dllY . A ll C!f our o f fe r oth e r 'han ce~ f or vugetllb l p S.reloryoI 51.t .. J E W ELRY W e be li eve thllt w . ~!1011 Il cye l· . Lhll l he wo uld e ve r 1I1l1 ulInl lo vC l' y stnrtu l o ut u n n n y thin ~ he hUl e d t curh{' l's W 'rl' 10 IIlttl nll J1nte. co m b in a t io n . t hllt lIr~ de li ci " l1~ . . (S ••I) Eve r)! TueS da y, Thuraday, CC!CI.' III O u cIJ I!lp lcte ~lIl1fi (! d n nt lo n m u c h Il l:! did n o t t h ink H') hi mse t'f to turn buc k. It ap pli ('d e \' cn l o I' . ',r he ludi c.' o~' lh,e W . C. T . . lI e r e is o ll e t hnt i ~ unu suul - a n d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lIn l~1 H.1l s('c ll o nnl dlfft!l'c.n cu s Hn d H e h ~HI 1l0ll C o f t he V is io n whi c h ."i nlidl th iuJ.!s. I f, \vhe n he le f t the V Il" l t(l ci t he . o,ltl u:! rs 11 ( 11) at Uu y- i t ca lls f o r th o ud clili ull o f nu L..;, - -- - Sa turday IIJ 'e JU ! " ce~ h nve been \\:,p<;!d .out. we r£'(HI u bll ut. II ju s l kopt o n h llu ~ ' in thl' 1l10 1·lIil1 g ~ . he f\.un d to n T lJ e~ d"y a nd bes towed Ill a n y ~ o r cull y does n't belon !! he l·c. But ~~--------------', '10 Cha rge A nd If th a l 1I1('"n'1 lI10dlf Ylng ~ ld kee ping o n. he had (fOl'g'lI t lol' n r omcthin )!;' he usef ul g lft ~ up u n t h ' 1IIIll Iltf!~ . it is vo ry g'IJI)d . l\1u:$h J1 o t ll l ou~ li nd . ~ lu llll n ilis. t he n ,t us m o,hfy W e ll, til L' uth e l' du y I p ic ked up neve l' reln'llted h is s teps. Always Mr. ".Il d M rs. W. C. Tu cke ,·,.Ml's Sl'<1 S 0 11 th e m we ll. Ad d CUll rseth e m. __ • __ _ /I t ru dc pll per, unfl th e r e W a ~ II hi g he we il l f or wu rd . ,\ n d w hcn he H. 1". S huma ker Hn d Mrs. b Lhc l Iy b "o kc ll peeun meu t :;- hll if th e p hoLII/: l'llph I) f o Ut' e x -ofti co boy, CII Ill O tu co mma nd Il l'Jn i('" hI' d id S m ith w e r c Day t o n vis itors Thurs- (Iu ll nit y- to t he p Ita t o . With th is RESIDENT - - - - - - - - - - - -- . li nd th e unnoun ceme nt t hu t h~ had th e ~lI m e thing. () lIggcfll y, pl od- day. . , . l11ixture stuff t Olll lltUl'S fr o lll whi e h I • I j ust beell elede d presid e nt of u d ing'ly he p u ~ h c d nh('lIl1 . MISS Kut hl ee n Gra ha m was tI cu nl crs hll vc bee n r e m ove d. Bllk c, THIS )5 A GREAT COUNTRY rut he r iml>ol'tunl compony. Wh C! n I wa ~ in co ll c~l' . tho Pres i wee k-ellli gues t o f Miss Lucill c hast ing wi Lh butte r un d .hO.t wuLer I As yeurs go On lind th e hu s il1 cR:; dl! l1 t sai d " lI e ll1'v WII l'd Heechcl' Tucko r. until te nd ul' and br ow n . 1\11':>. A lli e Dllill n , o f t.h e M o lI ~ G reC! 1l pe ll s IIll d r ice a nd celt' I'Y • _ __ _ _ ___ _______ .• I o f Lhe co untry e xp o nd s, his CO Ill - wh e n II ~l lld e n t ' in Amh ' I'sl Co l~ PERMANENT LOCATION lieud an d bo il e d. unll the PCH!! pun y will e xpll nd with il , fnr h e lege . s t ood ut, o r n eilI'. the fOOL o f 11 0 11111111 Huu>lC (It LeulI Jl on, is lh c With Dependable 1'111' clI n ni ng ~cn~o n i n t.h e NO l'th will he II ct1I'u ful lItimin istr utm·. hi ~ ,· III ~ti . N ' a"' y n h u ndl'od y'urll huuse g u{'st of Mr. untl Mrs. ~ h ()u ld III! bo il (' r1, I na --Illake Serum a~d Viru8 iH ovc, l' ; lh e f r uits nnd vl'geta bJ.cs And Ho me dny his Il ~SOC i ll l(' s will ha vl' p u~s(' d , un!1 A l1l h ~ J'sl e.i ll /:C VI'a nk S hid uk e r . lo:ood IOlll alo tlllill g'. 01' s trin g LEBANON, OHIO hav e h('c n pu t up fo l' Lhl' win \.(! r ' l ~ i vl! him n dinll e r a nd hn il him us u .has produ ced nu ~ccon " H e nl'Y' T he Uup ti Sl Mi ~s i o n a r.v irc l ' hea ns, ur cad c rum us, sh r e dd e d insures both Safelh e cellur windoWR ha ve hC!en blink ~ I' C lit It'1.1(1 (' I'. nn fl his pi ctur e will Wa r d Beech er. th " LJ ~ h lIl anv men will l1I e(' t wi l h Mrs. Hutti e Inw ood l.:1·ec n pe ppI' li nd o ni un . . Eye. Ex.mined cd lip. th l, ~rel' n co rn is in til(' he hun g i n lh c !jonI'd Roo m. havu Htood lit. o r nUII l', th e f ol o f W ed nes day afte rn oo n. Oc t ul Cl' 2~ T OIll II/ O, l'e lul'Y , lind o nio n, wi l h ·ty and Success Repaira s il o n nd th c hay in th e bl1l'l1 01' fodl'I'r hu p:; . yo u ha ve read MI'. Ih Li I' clllss." In ho no r o f he r t e nth birthda y . rice o r u rl'lId cr umhs l o g ive CO II - GI ••••• Fitted d e l' s hoc k. A,l pl e- pi(' k ing il' au out W oo dword's bi ography o f Ge ne rul Ju s t hei ll /: dull , 111' s l ll nd ing' li t Il l'len Hn Th orn bury e ntc r tll in{'d , isll Il CY. I1Ill kc a gO (ld 11IIinl,: fOJ' 1 finis hed . Th el'(' is "till s Ul1l e ('0 1'J1- Gra nt. If ' 0. you r e m e mb e r thu t th o fll o t of th e CIU RS , is no IlSR UI'- abo u t lw e nty R'i rl s ut a pUI·t y " ut ur s LulIe d g r ce n pt! pp !! rs. 0 1' yo u may hlll' king l o hc clon e, and then th e h", Rtuo d low in the eluHse9 lit W est nnc e Of SUCCORS. o f CO UrR('. 011 t he day aftl? rn oo ll. A hilal'io us lim e USe ri ce, o ll io ll, ce le ry u lld lISPIlI'll- 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!'------fa ll plo will l,: til bl' ti ll i ~ h cd, bu t th e P uin t , n nd wu s Illter disc harged olh el' hn nrl il is ntl lhi ng t o hc wUS' elljoYClI with g UlI1es li n d Il US. ~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ H nrve ysburg, O. hCllVY purt o f (he flll'm wo rk is f rum th e arm y. Whe n tho Ivil discolll'Hgcd' "uo u 1I fu ct o f s tun ts . 1~l.Ic h gu est l'e me m be l'cd Phone 31 ove r 'fo l' t he yell r. Will' bro ke out he was l:Iu ch II fail which I sCl! more (' vide nce ahll o ~t He le n Rn.e with n g ift.. T asty I'eFried Tomatoea In t h (Iuth th e profitabl e purt ur e th at his letter offe rin g hi sc r- every d ll\'. fr e~ h me n ts if ie , Cr CII Il1 a nd cuke r,'1'I'nll t '111ln t oe8 • we r e ser ve d. Th e /: ucsLs lis t in ,' . , Il I'C II SUlllll1 e r ' - " - -- elud e d Mi ~s W ill if red M d~ l\V ee. Il o li eUl~Y Ih ul ulm ost eve r ybo d y FUNERAL DIRECTOR MUl'j lll'i ll Sh lllll uker, MllrjlJl'if' Shu - likes. l1I u lle l', Mil'iaJll Stump . Ed ith 1\1ne 'l'h ('Y muke a n a d mi ra ble a Cl' OI11 WAYNESVILLE. OHIO B l'o(l k ~ . Ali tl' lind ~~ (li t h Hogan. I'Ul1illl Cllt t u bro ile d l, cl'fst eu k o r Al ice a nd KI1L hl et.n G ruv . Ma r y to UIl Y I'onst lI, uaL They g iv e zc.l NOTARY PUBLIC Cal'O ly n L u h"lI s. l.ois· G illall;, 10. n v ' R'~ tahl e pl a ~l" And ~(! J'\'e d Fully i!:qllip ped for Good National Bank Murt.ha AKhl ey. Mar y E ll' allur With hl'oll ed ~ r fl'l e d .huco ll th ('y Service. II u wl<l', Bu rh a m Th o r nb ur y, M!l l' v I !Ieco lll t:' II 1lI111J1 s tU Y d lS l! .o f fir s t Will. Drawn - - E. tate. S ettled Cnl Il ly " l1al'l'o ld , l1('id u ' Hines, Imp,urtan ce and I.(rl!a t dc ll CIOUHIl CH N Large Di~pla y Room, 1\1",·th a La F e "I·(·. .JlIIII'l L"I~ev ru. ! . ' uu can fr¥ th e lll. s lllIpl y ~ Y ~ I I\' ­ WAYN ES VILL E , OHIO Ambulanc e Se rvi ce of I. I' IIall" n ; IIu r ril'U a nd .J eu n 111~ lh ~ IlI , \~ Ilh Skill S. ti ll. lli to ~ C O S~ lIl11. II f Ou kl ll nd; Ne llil' MII I'Y s klll ll III \I' ~ II:h. t h!! rl' IH p l l' '' l ~' "I Day or Night na \'i~ a lld Mll ry KathI L'!.n Th o mp- hal "u tter ~ I zz hn/:. il l' ClI l'l· ful n ul Telepb.oct. 7 Slln. III' W I. llmnn: Ka t hl ee n Inw ood' to b1Jl'n . th e lll . Hed.u \·c LllI! .h I' 1I1 " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-''' u l' Ne w BUI'IiIlJ,(\.ll n. I lltli e u lt l'" I h ~' y fll 'st g il 10 lind MI'. Cha s . '"': ,' mart e nl e l'tu incd (' u n~ l hr lll IIl1tll lhl'Y II I·l·. t (' nd l' r. _-_-_-.::~~-_----------/1 S lI nd ay Ilinnl'l' MI'. alld Ml'~. 1 llwy IlI l1y. b · .d'PIIl·d In fl ·,tt l' l· . 'al'l'ol l SJ11 t11' 1 a nd dau l.: hte l' H e le n IJIIll cl' a nd fl'l ed III d ee p fli t; FOR SALE DATES CALL Illld Ilnli y, l\I Ll d g.~ Ann , of W il- I . B e~L II f u ll.. l' e rhup ~, IS Lhls: D!p Illin ~ t o n. . "cl'd, 1I11 ~ kll'n l· d I ll lll ll t O('S JrI -- _ _ _ e l'a c kl'l' c r u mbs. th e n III bcat e n ('g g, lhen in c ru l' kl' l' c l'ull1bs IIga ill. I·· r y in hot rut in u fr yillg- pll ll Ill' ~ ki"l'l . not in dee p fnl. a ~ th<! c l'ul11h H lind c ~g a I" likel y t o s lip ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN "fr. F rv IInlil br uwn lind t e n de ... ),(1 111' ra ttl r, h o~ :; .. "h cep li nd c lllves The cov e rin g s hlluld ue c ris p. th(: t o N () l'ri ~- B J' oc k Co. , live wil'e li nd ins id e of th e tO Jl1nt u t c, nd c r lind JESSE STANLEY . I' l'og n !R;,;ivc til'ln 1'01' t h c highest uc c ul enl. Phone 320. New Burlington , Oh i.o 111 1ll'k c t pr ices nlld !!nod ~e r v ice. Union Slock Yard. , Cincinnati, O . Roference : Asl( Ors t 1111111 YO II me'" E.~RL KOOGLER R . D. i, Xe nia, Ohio Phone Dayt on C o. 54J5 A HUNDRED YEARS TO COM£ Miss Ruh y Smilh wns h om e fr o III Dcluw o l'e fill' th e wce k-end . Th Dorca s soc iet y mel with By William Gold.mith Brown M)'s. G. A. Phillip ~ 011 'I'hurKdll Y. Oh, wh e r e will b(! t he b ird s tha t R e v. Boyd e l1 jo yed 11 v is it f rum s in g, h iH plI r e ntR, broLh e rs und K i s t e r ~ A h u ndr e d !vell rs t o CO III C? The f1 ow{' r~ l hat no w in b au ty of P luinfi e l(l. Ind .. o n SUlI!\ny. HIGHEST . MI'. II lld Ml's. Sam S hollk il, S I·. , II pl'in g , ond son, Mr. lind 1\1\·s. , 11111 S hunk!; CASH A hu ndr ed y ell l'S ~ <;0 111 0'1 J r. and MI·s . .Je llni c Heeves s pe nt PRICES Th c I'(lS), li p. t he lofty brow, SJlturduy wit h I'e lu t iv<'s in C ine ln PAID Th e h eart t hll t beats so g aily n ow, na ti. h, 'w hure will be love's bea m ing Mil . K e nn e th 'o nklin i!l the eye, gu est of his g\'nndpurents, Mr. a ~ d J oy' .• nI Cl1S11 nt smile , Ilnd SO rrllW's - Mrs. Tunis C onklin. sigh I . Mrs: t! owurd 9c lure - lln ~ ·IIS A hund rod ye llrs to come ? It'u csl, u alst et', Mrs. ClnJ'u N e l ~o n · ' ertiliz~~ gel', of W e~ t MlllI s fi ol~. Ohio, \ Wh o'll pres for g old thi ~ crowd ed !It .. ct, PHONE 8F3 "Uow (10 you get s uch excellent A hU.n d rc d :years to corne? fittinlt ~ uitll hom your tailor?" HARVEYSBURG, OHIO Who'lI tfoud ·yvn church .w ith will"He belie ves I'm an o.rchestr! ing (eet, leader." A hundred year!! to come? \I 111111 !! w hich I h y IILa l'led In th ·iI· Hc\!c1b' r!" d uriJlI!' t h ' SUnUl1 N, whil e tli t· t m uLIi U1HI P«PPI'I' CI'IIPS are just gutLi ng 1I1lUf' I' wuy i' II I' Fo il a n d Wi n l e l' Mhlpll1ent, ,S t rl1wberr i !l will b ~ l'iTIC llI'O U II(J I'l lInt C ity hy Nt. w ~. 'IIr'H u ny. 'p\' r llll'ps u li Ll Ie curlie r. A nd t hc eU I'ly orunge!! ul'e just !!ett in!!: to mln k' t. 'I low n in Mlli ll ' l h p()la loL's havo hec lJ dug I1 l1d ~ IIrell in th pit.s agal lJst ~ h ipp i J1g' t il1lt!, u 'HI t h · fll" I11 P1' ~ 11I'e (lvl' rh l1l1 li n!! Ih('ir h" " ~ II' I I ,, 11'1.\ !< 1I1\wp l,)w,... J"I'II S"" Il l' lI11 lhey Ill'(' 1I:('LLi J1 1{ tl1l' I'US,' ll'l'l's illt ,) }; hU)ll! rO t· 1ht' Initiwi n ttlt' CUI'· lIi va l. 0 11 1' lIl h Mi, ll'!; "f 0 1' MII II Hi ve l·. t~c. . C\~I()r(., 1 cott .OI.I-pickl· '·1< of M I R~ I H~ IPIII und .L IJ III Hlll ll a lire lit I he hl.. ~ht of t hl'lI' tusk. Alo ng th l' Upp el' renc hI'll of l hc :,~Im o Ht l'carn th yo un g fo lk s in Minn suta IInci W.isco n8in ar e l hinki ng of 8hurpening th e ir s kat es fu r th e hfl~,k ~ y .lIuII80n. I hl R IR II gre ut co ~ntr y. - - - - _ - - - - -- .

IS UED FiVF.RY WEDNE DAY ' ('J!i ,,!, " ul t ill'

. Governor Myers Y. Coopet


Roscoe C. McCulloch



PLAY SAFEVote the Straight Republican Ticket






W ynesville,Ohio

F. T. Martin









h ,

Centerville, Ohio

\\ .




. !


Dr. John Zettel




II '


Optometrist 19 N. Broadway


Dr.W. E. Frost

J. E. McClure


Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers

--== ===


Dead Stock Wanted


. .."",--,



H.a rveysburg F Company



I (' hiltl rl'n !q1l'1ll ~lI n duy w ith Mr. g an and family. uf l he "\l lllClllpllit ell j a il bFC:llk D E ATHS \ TRUSTEES J AI L BRE K FA ILE D , 111 1111 Ml'lI, P l'lI l1 k lJllki n nn,1 famil y. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ruth erford " h l'1\ Ih' ~' III1'h ... 1 ut tlH' hUllH' , .M I'. nud 1\1 I'S. A nlUll of lJll y to n lind il11111ed illtel~' pI ccd ~1 n<. 1 ~lr, . \n nn Tily lol' £Ili~, w if e ,If "Gove r no r und Mr s'. Y. and lion Harold. a tt e nded t he I . ' , ' ~ Iient SUllduy ' \'l' ning with MI'. A itlil hn·uk <, I :!r, plil' 111.' 1', evn Call:h inlC und ,' \ 1\1I'.'~ I, ' h WIUI [) 1. J. T , J:: lli " IIII'd II I he l' ho m e C oper requ st t h l' p leas u re of the H ome o ming at li ve Branch MI'. E d d le . 1I1'fucC' lint! frllm d ~Ind I\ l rs. Il il l' y C;ib .lHi II ml fnmi l v. flni'U' 1\1 lite \\ ,1 I'1'C ' 11 c o untr ) ai l found tn hn " l~ l\nc:k :lHW.lJJll del! nn rl'll 11 Kli n HIl:hl T h u l':;dllY night el~llll~nn y of The Ho~rd o ~ T ~ustee.t! ~u n day . Mr, nn d M i'>:. r.I'Ill'~t N ixo n ~ r \\ 11 flu llt l lllc·d Thn r . d H)' - nt lotht ill ItI'I' Plu'u;~i n. · f. ,lIn " lnj.( a n l' xtc' llIlc,1 illn css , ell \\aYII To v(n slllp F~b"c L IM rs. hartes H e nde r son and G llI-dys Busc h of D~yt" M r sJlne~~~ ' ' Da y to n s pe nt ~)ull dIlY with MI', \\1 CII M" ld h·t u\\n I .. lice l" lu 'lwd ll f ,' c o l'd ing to h(, I' (' (, I\fl'""ion s lIP ' ~I n'. 1,:111 WIl S n Ilf..tol\g re~i - brlll'Y o n Tu sdllY e ,:e lll ng; Oc t - ch il drt'n o f Co rwin spe n t Sunday Munday afkte~TnaOrOt!}ockwlth 1'5 ~ .1 f t it " p In t ' jo ll nw in l!' t h!! orr 'st f intl'lld e d til ,I,' II,' !!\' th e , a\\ ~ l . h~1' ,I li t li e W II ' 1lt'l>\' iI1l' , t h ' dllll~htl' l' (lber f oul'l Ct'll t h Ilt e igh t 0 c lock , with her fathe r, Mr. J o e Mar latt. , i, F r ll nd u, . 1"1 y. Gibso n lind II ncI M r ~ , I" ' 1 nil I I)', 1k'11\ llllu 1I1\l1" Iy. ", I. an m l M, '1 1 . I h ' ld S~ h' in /l t c·hine. , ~ t'\' nt ~(' n-~' >nl'- hu. hand wh n ~ IH' \'i ~it e! 111' \\, U\,- \ U( ih ' ,lute ' i(II\1, 1I lind Il ('~.ter A , lit ~h e 1uns io ll: " . . f a mily spen t Ru ntlny wit h Mr , I1ml 1\11'. i{ Y ~ lIlH e . I re n , M I'. u nd Mrs. Illre nce Cars on of I)l cl wifc' lit' (I I1\' or t l\(, p l'l';U IH' r~: I' l' n co un ty ja il o n ::-lat ll1,tl IY. lI e r T lI yl " r. ' an d w as \\' l'1l k n own .1 h · "bove lIl VltatlOll wa s l:eM l's . HI\I'I'Y Gibs on an d rnm il y of \ M I'~ . 1': 1I\1\I 11 <;: Ibso n , ~ p ell t l ust Inci nn a tj ca lled on Mr, a nd M,rs, TIll' ' 1 lanl< { \II' th t' S~I1 Il\' , ~111l1 hu::; ba nd , Oa kll'Y tlkh iuj{, i~ Rt' I'\' - 11lll ,u g hout till' c\l unly, Shl! passe d ce lved l>y, Dr, MlI r~' L. ?ok, c ha irEle ll b r oo k. . 'r hllrRd ~y 0<.' '' , llIn g ' WIt h M~', II lI d I hn l' UI'l! ll a l l'lI nK cI f or 'utur- i n ~ o u :1 _ -;o t. fin l' il11llO';" \I f or nl- IIway i n til, h ou sl' t ha t hll e! 1lI 1In of th e BOI~rd o f ~ rustees of Enuil'so n D ill a lld ~ o n, Billy, u nMr. alld Mrs. E rvin Mu lford nn d i·Mnl, Hil ey G lb Ro n , nn d fUll1 tl y. tiny n ilfhl , , ere r e \' lIl ed I y th e lel! e u liqu o r III W \'i ll illii ons. be e n c('u ll ied by her IIne l'~tu r~ f v r Wil yne 'I' u w llll lll P Publt c Ubrllry, doy !!v ening. I! irl in II l'o nf ('s~i o n 1l111d!) t o pol ice T he ~ irl ~ talPII th m h ~ 1' hu !'band 111 1' (, th t~ n a cl' 1l 1u r y. El eRides he r lin d a lt ho ,;, g h t hey Wl! r e u n abl e IIfli cl'l'~ f oil .w i n~ hel' 3l'l'eKt. nn cl IIn l)th ~r p l'i solll' 1' hlld g i\' e n h~ ~ 1 a n d, ah ' i · . 1I rv i" e ll b y o ne tu lI c ' ep l It . th e m em be rs of. ~h e TIl\' !!irl \\'11:< UI'I'~ gl II in 1itl dl e- he r SIU a nt! d ire c tcd hc l' t a ee l" dUII,"h t r, lII r~. W, E, 0 ' Tea ll; b OlLl'ld flc e l tll,lbo t ~u c.h 1I'.ee o A' lII tlOn -====================~=====~~~:'!-~--.~=~..!'!.:~~= - ~-~-~== l ll WII by pll lir d('(~eti \' e, wh o hud Wi n l< t .. I'" in n UrllJ1I \\'h e r c s h tw o ~IlI1 S , ' htlr l e~ T anti ' itlw cll vf. t IC oc n l I I'llI'Y Is 'ilg h lY co m - ~-----be<' 11 :d lp,.1 to lIid ill ~t.' tt li ng a cOll ld purcha ,;(,. till' ~ nw ". Ac co r d- !'i. 1~ lIi s , a n e! ' ight g rlll ll lc hilul'e n , p llll1C nt ll l'Y, _ ~-flllll iIY ,fl u ;,! I'!'!'1. Th e ,ltIi c'r It': I'IH' d i nj{ t o hC I' HO I' Y ~ h,' paid Glie f il l' Il f W ay nes \' ill c lin d 0 11 l! lor thc r, - - - . Ki n tlll' 'I' u ylo l', o f Da yt on , OCTOB E R GRANO JURY Ith e m. - - - - -- - - - - -- -II ~I' hll ~ b lln tl, . hl' ~ a id, p lal1lH,,1 F unc l'u l s l! r \'i':l'~ W I.' I" , hC' ld al t o l1\~ (' t h t' l' in ) I Onl'l ll' , .\ I it- h ij.tul1 , \ tit .. Ic~ id (' n c e MOI1Juy U[ II'l' IHl OIl T h!' ctu be r I£ l'IIntl 'ju l' Y lIdj (l u r n f .. lltl\\in g hi ~ ,' ~c np e , S h ti l'. t ~ :I i d and hur ial \\'n ~ in J\1i ll m i c e illl'le ry cd III >l t F l'i ti llY III nO ll n IIftl' I' r e IlIl1in ing ill . ~C . ~iO ll f vUI' lind II h lllf th nl n . 1I 1It! in t h e j ni l knt'w o f I h., plun and t hat ~ h e had pur.0 1'11,1 D. ~ur f n c c p:I!I, ed ,:twn y a t dllY s. An U IIU ~ Ull ll y lo r g c Hu m be r "'I a~ l' u t h l' lll ,,1' hCI' \j\\' !l ucco rd. !I1w n~ 1 \ 1I 11.,y 11O ~ P l tll l, S lItu rdll Y o f cases Wll S ('o n s idel"ed b y t h e af l er li n Illn ess vf j llry , The y will repo rt to t he c our t Lllt!! I', h WC\'cr , she url mltle cl lhat l1I o rnlllg l he b reak \\'as the pla l\ of th e :e\' I'al w ee~s, He wa ~ m ember On ei t he r Friday 0 1' SlIturday of p r i. on e r s. of W a yn esvIlle L odg e ~ o , l(lJ F. thIs week. )1 1', Catc hin g w a bro ugh t t o I & A, I\\., Ra lph p , Sn ook P ost ~ ... L ba ll on F r iday m or n in g whero Amoriell n Legi o ~ a nd co ttlsh Rit e ' she t old much t h e sli me etor y to I F u n,, 1ul ~ eI'VICCR In chll rge of local oH1 cerft. Frld ny af t er noon : (' ot ti Kh Rite WOI'C h eld at l h o r es ~h e \\I\ ~ lIr tn n ig n eel b ef o re J ustice idc nce \Y OM ~ f ~Y l l e T ue sday I o f Ihe P enc,e Gnll l\ he r nnd ple a d e d n l ter n c,o ll. Hu l'tll l III :'I llullli reme ' 1.(II iliy t " a chllrj{(' II r "al l('ll1 p t 1Illl i w I'Y, t (l r(> lt-a ~.' p l'i ~O Il ~ r~ f rlllll 1111' - - -. Hall y Day w ill lw oD ~()rved lit ~II'>: .1l1 r1l' \\'"rd l,,\\' cltl,d a l h er L\'~ lu ~ lInt.!ay S~huol, , ne xt Su n ' ('Ollllt y j uil. " S he \\ 11" fi nC' d .' f,O ' ' 1I 11 d 1' 1l~ 1 " h, ' t h,' C" lI rt . Unalol •. t tl ho lllt' In, L\,IHlII I. n , :'I t tll lll :IY' a 1-:1"' l't d li) lit 2 p' , ill., r.v\J r ~ (. nu i ll,:, itO~d ' pa y thl' fin .. is he ld ill 1l1 u \\' llI ll' Ilf tl'1' 11 00 11 , fll ll o\\'\Ilg' 1\11 l' X, A n umbu l f l o m hc-!o atte nd, . t . j ai l Il' ,II I.. d i"lll' ~~ . th .. sui .. o f J ,)s ep h C hamp io n li t I I. v II 11 ) • _ _ ___ _ _ I S lll'\'i\' ing' a l' '' tW II s. m s, Ve r nu n l'c llt l' l'\'tlle Sa t u rd ll)' I~ ft ~r ll oo ll ' . a ll d Tru lll an , " vt h o f I.e bano n ; li nd Mr s, rot ar y Cole o f CIIl('II~ n a tl SU IC ID E ATTEMPT FATAL th ll'" ( "l\l~hl t'r ~ , 1' l r~ , Edit h AI" \\' 11 5 u. ~ye ek - e n d ~ue5 L o f her ~ l s tl' l, no ld , L""a li ll n . AIr~ . Bl anc h Un lid. Mrs , I lln Bu rt o n a nd fa nlll y, 1.(' 1>11110 11, II lld ;\t r~ , E t ht'i rr e nde r- I Wa lt e r Ke n rick wa R ca lle d t o r eal comfort PU llc lal ;. e n· ic '~ W (' l'l' 11I 'ld at j.tll ~ t , Ilf I'i t{" bu rj.(. I \-\' a y ne sv ill o ea rl y T hursd a y ll1I1rt:t correct style . . till' 0 ,, \\'11 1'\ F u rw rll l II nnH' , 1.l!1>inl! !Jy the s c ril!u ~ ,ilin esH uf h iS 11 1111 11 , l'l l1 11da y a ft "l'Iw lI n f o r ,J .. 11I1 br ot he r , Pel'l'Y K en l'l ck, accurate fit .• )0"1'(.11 K io ~, 5f" It f ll l'l nl'r r " ~ id l' lll Mr ~. Be ll e Sco t L, E\'e re tt E a rly of l id" " Olll1t\· who C:" lllln iltl' d long wear, in Hir a nd d a u" h tc r~ H e le n a n ~1 Huth. HlIl' ide II I S h,II:" II\' ill e la,, 1 F r ida y. l -__________~.;.-'~- i\li ,; ~ s allie S mith IInet M l s~ C le o King', will> \\'u ~ II l'ili ln 'II '\ l' II~ "I" ' I' Ha wk e att e nd e d t he G" or g et ow lI wa s >uid t o h ll\' !' !J ,'c n d" ' IJ(l nd f u il' , Th urs da y. "lI t .. \' 1'1' ill 11I'l1 ll h. 11 1' ha I h ' l ' lI Mr. a nd Mr s , Ja co b Reed e r li nd , li\'in g' ti t t he ~hal l' n\' il l " l{ai :r IJa d hildr l' n utl t' ll d ed t he fU ll e r'a l o f y , 1'1. C. A . th ei r g r a lldm ot he r . Mrs. Em il y ! a~d :U I VI1 (' 1' SWill ~ , ,r lI 'll 11 ilt .1Il ' KI .. inh e n , lit ' P I in gb oro , U , B, ('p unt\'. ,; ta,id th tl t 11t' \t':I ~ Ili id thaI C hu rc h, Su nd a ~' aftern oo n, ].; illj.( ·mud .. an , t lc'lI1pl til (,li d h i ~ M r . und Mr s , Cha l'le s ~ lI r1 y a nd life ab o ul a mo nth :l j!' rl . At lhat ehild l'(' n, Cur l and J a ne , Sp Oll t tim e he ill hule d rll ll l (, ~ f rolll a A''':; S u nda y wi l h Mr. li nd MrS. l\1i l('~ j t' t in h i ~ r oom . Watk ins Il eal' l\Ii ll m isb u rg , On Imt Fri ela y th l~ IlIIlI1 lI tt rll,lll'd !\I I', G lenn BrOl' k of Indi a nll p oli s 1I gard e n h o~c th e xh llu s l p ipe a nd M r. R ()se nb e l'~ e t: of Ce nt e r (. f his U:ll ll lll uu ilj! wh ilt, it ~ I o ll d in vi ll e , In d., vis ited Dr. and Mrs. th e !' e [l!, o f th e ~ h llr() ll\' ill ' Gnrn ge L. G. Brock S undllY, The Dr. rcII .. t he n e n t e r ed t h, CHI'. I' l o~e I main ~ qllile poo rl y. l h t) d (ln r~ li nd w in do w s t igh t ly. a nd Mr. a nd 1\11'5 . Gle n n J ohns und a ft e r p la c ing t h .. o pe n ' 11 ,1 o f t he .:hi ld l e n o f Day t on were e ve nin g hone in t h e m arhi ll e l Ul'1wJ on l hc di nn e r gues tMS und llY o f Mr s . MlI r m ut u r. 'fh t' b (l d ~' w as f ou nd by - - lUl-.lE: ; ! I!ur ct J o hl1 ~ . Mr, li n d Mrs, Am os RIO tl oe II t,lIhafTe y, '" \ ~E n l c. ~ I.':.' Coo k li nd (ll mil y o f W lIyn e sv ille 1 .. I ... I .' V .. .. I K inf:! \t' !1~ II ~ I. n of Ja mes Ki ng Wl.'r e after noo n g u est s . .h l-.n""'ll ted ~loJ l l • w h" fo rmerly liv"d pe:l l' P 'ki n in Fri e nd s f r om h e re a tt e nd ed the W ar r e n clIllllly. Th rt:u h rot h e rs , run e l' lI l o f Mr s. An nll E llis al ~ u l'1l ce , VI IlIi ulll li nd I~ d King', a lid W lIy n e;;v ille M ond ay a ft e rn oon , tw o s i ·le r., MI' R. E, Ma rch a nd Mrs , Margaret J oh r.s atte nde d II 1\l r s, L es li e S no ok , nil li ve in t his bunq u et of t he Co unt y Rep u b li ca n co u n ty. C Olli mitt ee lit th e Lc~ b a n o n H o use Mon da y eve nin g . Co ng r e ssman HI an d a nd Mrs. Wilma St. C lu;r MOl h er- HI dO l1 ' t lik e to s ho u t WAYNESVILLE , OHIO L eVlI1l we re s peak en. l it yo u. Il a l'o ld ," 'Hcla t ives a nd fri e nds he r e are Lil t! ' Il lli uld- " A n cl I ': 11 11'1 ~ a y s on y t o le arn o f th e s e rio us iIIn('ss thllt I like it, ei th·l' I', mUlllm y, " , of A li en Smi t h Ilt hi s hom e in \: '. ~ ~____.r.DM________~______~__~'i~~____~~~~~~ , DlIyto n, Mr, a nd Mrs, E lbe r t W lI llace e ntertll ined t he PlI s t wt!e k th e latte r'!; un cle Ilnd wi fe , Ml r. li nd Mrs. ' Mic hlle l Hille l' of C o lumbus. Mel'cdi t h nn d Chlll' les Whita ke t' escaped 'e ri ou s in j ury Friday 1l1 " rn in ~ wh en t he ir lIut o s kidd ed in fre s h g rav el Ilt th e Burnet flll'lll on W lIy nesville rond o Th e f or m e r receive d c ub u bo ut th e he at.! nnd ago ITbomaI. A: EdNoI fac ~ li nd th e lalte r 1Jl b ro ke n c olla r ~ICeJveO Ihe idea of a:flying madliD bo p e. Th e car wa" blHil y damaged. M r. and Mr s. E lbe l'!' Wallllce which would rlSC by means' of a hori 1DI\'la1 windmill. 4it 'wedc the "Wia a nd g uests m utuH d t o C incinnaii ard" visited N rwark /tying ' field ani S un day t o t he ho me of Mr. Rnd saw his dream come true. when a b~ 1\1rs. Fra nk Busse li t Price Hill. Mr, a nd Mrs, H a rl a n G oosey o f IXlplc!,j1ew in _f~om Pbi1adelph~J Cin ci nn ut i spent the wee J<-ent! , " wi t h M r, nnd MI'II. Willillm C o le. s_ , _ mon, T he ir S und/tY gu est !! Rl ~ o werc : MI'. lind Mrs, Chesl e r RIl PV of ne llr L e ba non , und MI'. lind Mrs. Ha r o ld Kft llls lind dnughter, JOlin ,"'======~~==~=~=======~="'!'._~==~!EI =-=,"~_"""_""""_""_~ ~ ~ _"'."",",-~--,:-.,, ~~.~ .- - - o f Mt. H olly. WANTED T h is co mmun i ty was grieved to _ _ _ __ lea l'll o f th e d ell th o f 0\'01 S ur- I face , at Mia mi V all e y hosp itlll ' W A TEDIl IllC o ne t o he lp SlI tul'd uy m Ol'lling" li e was 1I w it h h ll iis ewo l'k. IJho ne 65F l I yo un g Ill u n o f s t e rling wOI·th. H e · 0 15 lellves a wif e li nd t w o childre n. Th e fun e \,1I1 servi ce wUs h eld at his late res ide nce Tues day aft ern oo n , CO HQ!l pte p p.¥ Re v. H , H . Laffc r ty at t lt e Lytle phl-ll'elt. The - <=- f unerul \V II S One of t he hugest e ve r he ld In t hIs community, In' termcnt in MIami Cemetery. Mrs. Mllry Curmony I'eturned Mo nd uy ev{'o ning after 0 m ot or trip , wi l h Mr, an d Mrs. W. F. , Clark. to vis it Mr. and Mrs. Claude I Rigge. n ear C leveland. I M rs. .J oseph S mith received lV o l'd F r id a y o r thc~ o e llth o f he r . mo lil H , Mrs. ,Ja ck, ot South L eb- ' a no ll. Funera l was held Mo nday Th, Old Curio~J~ 'London, made a t th e hOl11e of he r daughter, Mrs, mOU9





Allen's Parlor








Put that new Allen's Furnace in place.



will buy ..

Order today!


__ _ .

il II

We will place it in your home at once all, ready for winter.


Dream'Conw Trw



Be ready, for winter days nights are long.

JI:TTICI\ Jt1()£§ !

The Only Parlor Furnace


yr " ·r ~

Make the home light aud cheery Where heretofore it has been dreary. Have the Alladin Lamp to light your way, Make the h(')me light and gay.


Don't Forget Your Lamp Ticket at tbls Store




,W .,ae.vllle,

Late Classitied




Ohi~ ,




Rooling Service at Small~Cost



~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~r~~'~.~~~~~~~~~i_h~~_"_a~~~~_ ·~.~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , )l.~:atn~i . Hai~~ Jam~ _ ____ _ __._ ___ _ _" __ ' __ . __ ._ _ _ _ Ha ines, MI' . a nd Mrs . Walter Kenr




A. W. T.,


G Ply

Ply $7.85

6 Ply



r ick wel'e dinn e r g uests Saturday o f Mrs , Franc es Null, son and dllught er , at Springboro. Mr. a nd Mrs, H oward Fairchild, ne e N oma Chadeton, of Dayton, thi s week, are vi siting the latter's parents , Mr. and Mn. Slim Charleto n; and we re ove'r night guests Mo nday of Mr. and Mrs. Emery C harle ton, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hutt of Ridge v ille we re Monday evening guest s of Mr. and Mrs , Elbert Wallllce.

r '.u~•.-• •P . . ..Ia." . K 00. . . . ALLOYID .TIIL n... .. • Wa tllJl""~. betw••D aua proteCtioD to the spedal Copper Ct " ..... fOG.., .... oNfDary Alloy.d St••l ba.., ID.uring longer life ..a.a. delaoa.1a both OOit .bouc Mel &..dom fro.m .xpensive repairs. ........ aaM...dnha

"'D, ,...1Id 0'"

--_._- ..- - MOUNT HOLLY

..,........ . wIda

lap COAllnlcdo.

maim.. protecdo.

ChaDDetdraiD RoofIng i. easy to apply; DO .pedal tools are required. Everything COn· sldered,' ,Ie is the most ecoDomJcaI roofing for you to buy and we rec· oaun.nditunqualifiedly for the benefic of au our

\~ Mr , and Mrs. Emerso n Dill and ~ awo.~ RO il Bill y s pe nt the we ek -end with : 4.40 x21 .. . , MI'. and Mnl. E lmer H ouston of ,I. n Cll r T roy. 4.50x21. . , . , , Mr. li nd Mrs, J , L. Cornwe ll and Mrs, Effi e Mills of Dayton called I 4,75xI9 ... .. o n Mr. and Mrs. Jfo hn Levi Sun4.75x20 " da y IIf t erllonll. Mrs. H e rbert Marlatt and Mi liS 5.00xI9. , , .. , . , , .. .. CIaI'll Daughters ' s pent ~un~IIY " with Mr. lind Mh. S ~lvelltlll' 5.00x20 , , . , , .. . . , .. , Freeman lind faml\:v ot near Xe~la 5.25x21 . . ... . .. .. .. , .. MXr. and Mrs. David Lucaa and children, Dean and James spent 6.50x20 ... . . . .. . ,'. . , t he w eek-end with Mr. and Mra. Will J o n es of Trebeins. ' Mr, Newton Crawford and 'lady fr ie nd of Laurel spent the weeke nd with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Cr a wford and children. . I Mr, and Mrs, Hoy Shaw and ~ ~~~~~~~~~~_~_~_~.~ _ ~~ _~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~ _~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~a children or near ~!n~ s pent Sun- I ~===============;;;;;;;;=~';; " day witb Mr. and Mra•. Lewis Kor- ...t.====;;i;;;=====~=;;;.:.;~~==;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;-C:



4 Ply

$5.65 $6.45 $7.65 $7.75 $8.10 $8.30 $9.90 $15.15

$8.75 $9.70 '$10.10 $10.45 $10.80 $12.15 $16.8Q


$8.75 $9.70 $10.10 $10.45 $10.80 $12.95 $18.40

$11.20 $12.00 $12.40 $12.80 $13.25 $13.60 $15.95 $22.05

Gordon's Service Stall Waynesville,




Ia adcIIdoo. ...... Rool., ireproof ud U,htalD,. p1'OOI.·A bl.::r:nb1e







Eighty-Third Year


Whole Number 5932


• I

Interesting Items from the' Grades and the High SchOOt



A happy h me c ircle hils b ee n brolle n and Perry E. Kel I k k hll ~ gune to his II ave J\I~' ""111('. Ill' wn ~ the ~ o n of Will ia nl H. anJ lI annllh Whlll·t o n K ' nl'il'i,; was bol'11 neal' Lytl e, A u~w, t 1·1. 185 1. II is buy ho od rluys Wl· ...· :< IH'II t 0 11 th e farm , yet in curly life hl' chos e t o be n cuq)('lIter a lld SII II II be cam e a ~ killful IIl l'dlli II iC'. Many beautiful bllildin ~s OV ,' I' th ' cou ntry ~ tnnd a m "nl1n l e l1l ~ !I f his handiwo rk . On Murc h 7, I , 70 he \\'a s unitlJ' l in maniulrc to ~'i ~" Anna Goodill at Lytle b~' Rc \', 1)1' 11-1 of Waynesv ille . and fur !j ot veal's the y tl'ave led life' s p a th \'!a ~: tn ~,. th ~' I:. Mos t nf \\'hi ch tim !' was s pe nt III Ihe I'esi denc e in WUYlle: \'ill (, where h e passed a way . 011 ' Jaul!htf' r , B(' rlhu, {'UII _, to b l (' ~s this honH'. Fo,. II lIumht'r of years 'II! servl' d on th,' Hllard "f I' u lol i(' affuir" and a l, o I hI' !-il'h II !I I B"ell' o f thl' vi ll ag-e, a ll d did \v1'11 ill \\' 1 , levcr 1·(,,1udty hI' sl·I'\·,·d. In 188fl he alld his wife joill"d thl' Chu'{'h nf Chris t a t F elTv. d ('vel' s in e(' ha s U 't' n II ' fliithfll l n1l'lI1u('I', udhl'I'in)!, 10 il ~ principiI'S and attl'l)ding' the ~ c r\'ic(' s whel1ev{' 1' hl'nlth pl'l'miltcd. He was a lo \'er o f home an d V(,I'y d evot<'d l o hi, famill' al . \\'uy~ adll1ini stel' inj! t (, th e ir' ~om­ fOI·t. The wife and duu)!,hter arC' ~eft a nd \\'ill hc·nl), f('cl his pa ~s­ Ing. He was "f u fnnlih' of eig ht chi ldre n ; o f \\'h nm one 1"'lIthe r is livin g'. Walte r Kenl'ick of Lytl e , Il l' had been in failing heallh f?I' ove l' t\\'o nars, but li ved onl y eight days after heing ~ tri c k e n \\'it h upoplexy; \\'Il S t' on s ('i 'l lI ~ till almost th{! last and said if h e wa s til g- n it \\'U l' all well with him . lin d on th e c\'en i nl! of Oclohe l' 16 1!):1 0. he Pl' lll'dully J1a ~s e ,1 IIwa v at the age of 7~J y(, :lr~ , 2 1110nth'c an d 2 day ~ .

M ,




17he MeWs f.rom

OBITUARY ullbidden I'npidity \.. the I

0 ver t he S tate.· I 0 f Oh·ro an d f rom th e e aprto

d enth ongel hus co m(' in l o O lll' ~ lIli!l;.t alit! ~ake n fl'o m . u ~ u g ~ od elli z en. a fllend und nel g'h lior, (uJl o !' h" pe. bu uYlln cy and t he co ura ge ________ _ _ __ II!' y ll llllg' llI unh'llld. I A ne\\' c ln ~s ha s been urganized Se«rnd Grade- Mis. 01 .. Hartsock which have accumulated during Ili Jls bol"o Distri d Cnnfel'enl' e II .. wns the u lIl~: " hil~1 o f ~.u r- CO L MB LTS . 0 1110 - Secretary in tile He hottl, that of joul'nali:;m. Our meuiull in the 46 uddition wa!'; ludd Ht tht! 1 0c~1i i\I. E. c hurc h 1' (' 11 A. and lauellu (l-:yl'1') Su r - l of ::-i tate lur(!nce J Brown will th e pas t near cen tury, paper Uur work is chiefly that of writli n Tu .. ~ da v .. I' this we e k , wilh a fael', .;a~d \\'a s horn. lIe:ll' "Ly tlt!, ' endeuvor til giv<? t1i e p eople of balers, all e lectri c machinery used ing iLt'm s cOlIl'el'lIing th e sc hool cu unt is 88 which is very gnod J Ohlll. Sf'plelllb.· I' . 211, IIHill . II !' Uhio th e . ame exce ll nt ~e l'vi ce about the Capitol, ice storagll for t.he local puper, "The Miami I' ur a clUBS uf 4!! pupil R but we \' ' I'Y IUl'g t· ulll'lIdan ' l.' . SP'lIt h iS (,Ill"'e life o n Ih e fU1'1I1 eleeti u n nif,(ht which was rendered ca rp enter s hop- and th e n the rats Ga ze ttc" alld "The Wes terll Sta l'" a rc g-oing tu make it high l· I·. A s tro ng und ve ry inHpi rin g ,,1ll'I''' he WII " burll. In 1!1 17 h I' d uring th~ primary e lection in some of them monsters, which We huve comp leted OUI' "Pearl The s tilII' ' l1Ieels o nce a week and 11I'°l! ram was set fo rlh, th e genera l jO ll1l·. d thl' !l1.tlson ,l '.' .O rdel' .u t WaY - I i\u"u>t. HI' has in structed all sCllmper away to hundreds of hid Sehool in hygie ne. A >\c hool was uses a I cxt bouk UR othlll' classes. 1I1lllle of w hi ch w a ~ ; "An ptncie nt JI 01 I t I I ,., (,hurl'h in a Motlerll \V o rl d." On lIeSV I e, 111l . ' 111I S Ie, In c lI~ s d t'cti ,)Il boarJ" to " s peed up" un d ing places when they h ea r anyone We Cll'dcll t.he ufficers 01' news drawn and c ut from pUlle rs, the ' . " . ' . ' . , . , . u f 19 18 bt'ieks were dmwn 011 it. Each " ~wtti s h Hitl.' ," "Vulll'Y get their return :; into his olliee lit approa ching. Yet here in this place s tnll' II ~ flO llo\\,s: Edil' II' in ch ief. tl~l ~ p!()~ l a n! , \HI E. • l\\,) ,fOlnlel of Dayton ' up til ' an 'l inl'lucJing- t he l' arlie ~t p os~ ibl e momcnt There work a score or n10re of men, in Uelln lIawkt·; a ssistant, Mal'Y day each pupil whll bruRh eu his P,\, tll" o f Ihl~ h~lI ~ h, H \. . S. :I<! nd i.l l'g l'l'c. Il c was a lsu a fuith - I is n,l d oubt a forecast of the re- the damp, dark and g loomy !ookLeah Ed\\'unl s ; co py editor Cleo teeth tha t morning colored u Co"tlus{'r of ofW OBeth l'lhlll ' ht . ing places. a bree uin g station for IJ P 1I 01t el~tlJ lI u nd H{'\,. I f ul I11l'lll lll' r ii I' "Antiucir .ShrinC''' . ,. u It .cun b.. ma d e I)ef ol'e ml'd ntg H'l\vkl'; a Hs is tullt, lI e le n Eurly; bl'ick N'd 0 1' a shingle gree n. . " . In the AutullIn of I!II he well t EI('ction retul'ns will be broad- many uilments to which the human athletics editor. Evelyn Cart1 hC'l ·e. we i e ul "" pre. (,l1t I·l' p· in I rllillill~ fur U\'l' r~(!nS Will' SI! I'- I ~ a ~ t by See r-eturv Bnnvn thl'o ugh- b.ody i ~ heir. Sanitary- there is The Sixt h Ulltl Seventh Grad e \\Tight; mu sic e ~· it.or, Lena Earn 1 (' , (' ntnt! vf' s , . "I' . t hl' , \II es ll' .\· vice and wu ~ hUlIlIrably di ~ 'hul'l(ed ' out t.he nighl and peo ple li ving in no s u<:h thing in the State House hlll't; ~ratie 1't! I H l l'll'l · ~ . RUllla HIli', Ch\.~Hl'S hll VI' orgn n iz ed II Iiteru ry f':0 undatlo n. I he Chlldl'l'n ~ Home, ,,1")I'lly afll'l' Ihe ul'Illi s ti ce wa s r(' mo te sec tiull s will hav e th c new s base ment. dill and Uernic e Urnham; a ss ign- club. The f oll uwing o m ce r~ were ~ hI.' lIolll e fo r thl' .~g-,:d. 1 hI' I? 'a- , ig-nt'd . . as e al'iy und comp lete as theil' II1cnt rI'JlOI·tl' I'S, l\hwy J o Miller. elected: ~ ""l' Ss lI omc und (h ,; ,s t .1I 0"I' lt a l. Was ll1ul'I'i,·t! til Mildred \3urn l' tt ci l y nt' ighb ol's. FnlOl'e ~ Ellis, P,·eHidenl. Mury Crane, \ I' lin a Al'mitage and The apitfl l building, si tuated ,Ind. th e 1B0~ rd of I ('lIn ll ns and I.bnuary 7. I ~1<!2. To him and hi s _ _ __ Do ri s SUl'fac·~ . Vicl'-I'r esicll·nl. !Juri" Suli s bur~· . l'hiH s tuff l oo k in the center of 8 ten acre plot, Itl'llI'l'IlH'nt Fu.nd. , faithfu l wifl' Iwo childrl'1I we r e A d zen men, >lo m e of them Mildl'ed F'uu ISecl'I, ta, y, ehlll'l!e Mo ndny. Oetouer I!O. and . At th e C\'ClIlIlg' SCsSlnll the slI.I,- burn. )Jo nal d, ag ed eight , and w(!arinj{ lh e , umbel' gU 1'1I of pri ~ II is 184 fe{! t wide by :104 feet lon~ ly de Fromnl- 'i'1"laUSlIl'e l'. will serv ... fil l' th' II'hol e yell l', .I ~,(· t " The Chul'I: h fi nd It~ W il mu ug .. d t hl'el'. 01'111 wall u inl11l1tl! ~. h i, · bill .. "a il~' rflk~ng und i!l 15 8 in he ight from the ro"Oran~e und Black" was chose n \, )\, t.h w as ub ly prcs ~nt{'d b y He \' 10\'('1' of the bl·a utiful. Il l' love d up th e l e ~w lls of the State Hou se tundll 11001' to the upper s kylight Music Department-Mias Decker for the nalll e of th e club. Motto I'. G. Markley n f l'l rs t C hurch. f1 'IWCI'S, he loved Ihe "Greut-Out- Pllrk . 1n 11 few dllYs Ih e il'on 1I bo ve the dome. It is built of lim eston e quarl'ied near the Cap~orwllod. als o a \,pry intel'ef'ting do ors " 1'hl' primol'Y gl'!ltl(' ~ are wurk - "Fail' and ' quare." The program b e n c h c~ will be I'"mover! and then . Id~' e s." 1I1~ . . "Th e . ,~hul'ch und l 'c'lInnnt help r efening- t il hi s the "regular s," who huv e ocrupilJd ital City and was e rected by inl:' e nlhu sias ticnlly ill thei,' rhythm committee is arranging a progrum C;h l ~ tlUn Clllze nsh lp ' . II;: .Judg-e ho m e life for Ill' e hulleng!''' my Ihelll dai ly dllring plea~ant weath- pri so n labor, lh~ building containhUllIlti. As yel 11'1.' ure usill~ fflr Fl'iday. October :II. Hel{' n Graham, from Bellbro ok I'. !\J . ~ l e\'c n g., ' 1' o f Wllmlllgtoll , admirn t ion th e l·e. How kint!, ho w e r of the ,; pring and SUlllmer , ing 53 room s propel'. Twenty three (ln ly oatl11eal, ci ga r, lind cocoa· SP£l' lId p, u >.'c \\'a s r('ndcl'('d b y th Qughtful. hnw 'Ylllpulhe l ic he will hav e to find new loafing years we re req uired in its conbox dnllm;; soon we hope to add alld Ro bert Bcnchlt'I', fr o m Poas t the 10cIII ch "II' ; also vocal Ro la ~ was. III his own hupp y ho me h e qUllrte rs. Ma ny wu nder where s truction, wo rk having begun in cY!llbals in the form of tin liti s. to wn ~ ch oo l s both ill the Sixth hy Mrs , J\ e l'bert Ull c l'kl r and MI'. Illude \ul co l1le hi s l1Ia ny f '·il' nds. ,;c ores o f the d e r ~ l ic ts are hou se d. 18:18 UIIU finished in 1861, at a trtungl es, hor ses hoe ~, bells , und GI'IHle, UI'C the late~t additio n t (l co~t of is 1.500:000. An effort has our ('nrollment. Gen. Kern and trumpet ,.010 by Hnd Ih 1'(' on e fe lt his dl' vlliion to perhaps s mall horns. n made to modernize the inter('eeil Davi s. his ",i f, an 'l littl e n·n e~ . The purpose (If the rhythm band Pe.rhap " th ose in charge ·of charity bee The women of t ho Aid. uricty Ol'u l had t ha t fu cu lty of n-'apt- h omes and c heap "flop" h o u ~ eF ior, wh ich has rea ulterl in a 80rt The members' of the Eighth is to establis h a rhythmic sen se. o f crazyqu ilt patched aWait'. Coms e rv ed dlnnel' t o I GO JlI'rs onl< 1ll1d in/.! him se lf 10 all <, Ia~ ~ e~ and a ~eR cou ld ans wer. which is the baRis of all mus ic, Grad e dom eH tic sr ie llce cla !;s had pared t o other Capito l buildings " upper t n nbou t 100. I lIi s circle of fl'ielld s WHS lal'g e u tea purty Wedne sday afternoon. and a se ns e of lender. hip. The intermediate grudes have The ~irl ;; gave a little progrum A trip through th e winding cor- thl'Ough out the counhy, well it -- -- - - a nti e\'~r wid e nin g. wou Id be a s hame to put in in I Il l' impre: sed hi g fri e nd s with ridors und passage way!! of th e print. been fo'tunate in the pnHt two II ~ follows: orne day there will \}e conweeks, ha ving had permissi on tu Bible r euding- If'elen lI ul'din . I hi s li plendid tl'a~t~ of - ch.a nlct el'.. Stute House bascment is quite in- would be a shame to put it in I WhIl e not afli1tatt!d \\,Ith .a ny ('{'I'es ting to the out-or-town vis iuse the Mothers' club r oo m for nt Song- Mul'y A lien, Olive Scott and Betty Hartsock. least one half-hour period during to I' but to s tate employes the m odern building wOI'thy of the the week. W orki ng with the piano Rcading- l\farl{aret Crawford , novelty has worn oW. Down in th e ~ tate of Ohio. Ity Wh c n they lea ve It th ey are not £lurk passageways reminding ont' tend s to cstablish n !-lcn se 0 f nc ~ POl lII - ,IUUI1IIIl Bl'annock I forgolll'n. Th ey huve a n · " Immo r- of s t ori e r ead about tombs 'in curllte pitch, and a knowl edge of Poe m - Viola Hazi ll wood. Th e Capital City is preparing lulity" h(' l'e a s w elJ as Ihe "Hel'e- med iaval days, are housed u cou- 'for the annual Hallowee n celebraintervul psaces. Sig ht rending will r. lllrinet so lo- Helen Greene a ftl·r.·' be the uim in thb coming six - Pu e ~ Ruth Penningto n. p le doze n a utomobiles, several tion which ·for years has attracted l\Ir ~. \ 'c ,'y inte l'csting talk weeks period. VA YNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Th ey li\'c nn in the influen ce co rd of woorl which can be uRed hou sands of citizens to the down Th(' sixth , se venth. nnd eighth Eich er. a ll'J illl pul ~ (' s for g-ood they have in grates of exec utive officel's, town busines.<; sedion, many to G. C. Dibert. Pastor. "We have lob nr ed h'rll to-gethel'. Re fr es hnH'nts WHe , erved. SevId ndl ecl in the hearts of others. state ho use purk benches , tons up- pal ticipate and others to witness grades at the high ~ rh oo l building W e hn vt' labore d !li de by s illl'; ure w orking- un tone quality, el'll l mothers attended, hut we Entwined ar ound him w el'e all on tons of .documents and books chI' antics, capen!, gumbols and, \V l'd ncsday: Bib ll' s tudy and !I littl e whill' b efol'(, u _, .Ju st th ose 11 Ibl tl'UitR of mun ho od, u~ th eo ry. and sight-reading. T o aid woule! IHiVe lik ed t o see all m others prllYc,' nH" ~ til1~ at 7 :!lu 1'. Ill. [)ranks of the mas ke rs and celeHe has l'I'ossed the r olling tid<!." _ in the lal tm·. u harmonica banrl present. Friday: 'hoir ]Ira ti ce at 7::JO hon (l!\ t~' , integrity, m ercy und =----=--- . rants, In the days of the middle truth. I pu ~' him th e high e~ t tribhas bee n o''/!IlIlized in Miss Mcp. III. nineties out-of-towners were at"l-! e has laid [Isidc hi s al' mor Kinseys !:'I'ade. Inte r est has been S undllY : Sunday ~ chool a l !) :30 u tc wilen I say thu t thi ~ woul d be mctcd to the apital City not Anci hi s earthl v course is I'un : ll. m. MOI"nin g \\' ul' ~ hi p a t 10 ::30 a bt!ttel' w odd to live in could all urou se d nnd we s hall have a band .' nly b y the ce lebration but by He ha R k ept the faiLh with pa- Epwurt h Ll'llgu e [It G:J O p. m , At yo ung men e x emplify hi ~ life. He in MI'. Jamc s' und MI'. Hatfield's other t hings furnished by the tience, gralle. 7 ::I U p. Ill. R ev. !'O RS. pa slor uf was all active membcr of the bonifaces along High st reet, chiel And his crow n of life is won." If th ere are !lny in the communA m er icull Legion Post at Lebanon th· 1. E. church in Lebano n. will of which was II luncheon of e laborL. K, be ..... ilh UF: and pr('uc h. ity who are interested in a comOhi o . Ninety perce nt of Ihese .Lte proportions. Fun E' rfll Re l'\r i ell~ were h eld at Illunity choir, please notify up e l'bnl\'e boys ofT el'ed th e ir bl nod for On MO.nda y en· nill /.! the oHi t iul Director 'hurles A . Neal, M. D., the re~ id e n c at 2 p. m. Monda\', board will m eet at 7 ::10 p. Ill. intendent Lotz. Mrs." Hough or tl'an ~ fu si lln t o help sa ve hi s life. of the Statc Department of Health cond ucted by Rev. hestel' Wi lMiss Deckel', mu s ic superv iso r. Ora l had bee n comploining fol' has unnounced the official call liamson of the F e lTY ehu l·eh. Th e ~ e\' e ntl yenl's. A fe w weeks ago for the eleventh Annual ConferWAYNESVILLE .. CHURCH OF hc wa~ taken to Miami Valley pall -bcal'el'!! were: Pet'l'Y Th o m[\ s. :..nce of Health Commissioner" Clan Baskethall Tournament Frank Wl'ight. Roy Hathnwav. F:d CHRIST ho sp ital. Eve rything that medical with th e state depa'rtment, to meet Hurrah! Let's give II rousing Murphy. A. S. Cornell !lnd Wilbur (Undenominational) lIcie nce co uld d o WEI ll rlol1e fOI' him Wedding Rings- Cary's Jewelry in Columbu s November 18th to chee r f or th e Juniol·s. They are Sears. Interm en t in Miami Cem eChester A. Williamson, Minister li e s uffered Inten selv the las t few Shop, Leba non, Ohio. 21 s t. U nder the Ohio statutes each the bas ket-ball champions of W . Mr. and Mrs. W . H. Allen were tery. da ys of hi life , ancl departed on city and general health district is H. S. Las t Wednesday night the. in Cin('i nnati Tuesday. Bible School ~t 0:30 a. m· Lord's the mOl'lling of Octoher .II, I n O, MI'. a~d. Mr~. Ray Mills were required to appoint the health Juni or~ defeated the ouhomores S\lppel' simply I:Ipd sc ripturally ub- aged tliirty-fh'e years and sixteen Dayto n vIs Itor;' aturda.y. Card of Thanks commissioner as its delegate to the with a score of 55 to 5. In thl! Ruymon(l F. Hatfield sJl~ nt Sunserved nt conc lus ion . Chris tian days. He leavcs to moul'n their conference with necessary expenW e wis h to expr~~R our since r e Endell\'or at 6:30 p. m. Martha loss his wife und children, futhcr ~ecC)nd game of that evening th{! day with hi s 1l10t~el' in Lebanon. N. , P . •Jordan, . of !I!mestown, se:; .paid. thank R t o fri e nd R :1nd rehlt!\'lls Cook, leader. Eventng evangel is- mothel'. an aged g randm oth er, and was· 111 WayneSVIlle Friday. Senio'rs were defeated 22 to ' 10 by the Freshmen .. '}',he finals were &!Iect your Christmas cards /It for th e kindn ess . hnwn u s dudn!:, tic service at 7 :30 p. nl. A. R. ho sts of relatives ancl friends. A total ' of twelve contracts Vance will pr each . Prayer meeting W . A.Clark held on Thursrlay nigh~~ when the MY's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, O. OUI' late bertmvemenL. Those beautiful sets of dis hes Mr~. Anna Kenri ck anrl each Wednesday at 7 :30 p. m. at Ca ry' s J ewelry hop, Lebanon with an e xpenditure of $538,461.losers of th l! prIlV!OUS games daughter, Bertha "The church where yo u feel ut 40 has b ee n announced for the Ohio, III'e upen stock. fought for the thirj.l plaj!e. The W. H. Allen l~nd family visited C.rd of Thank. hom e." 'Ill onth of October by Director r esu lt.s were 16 ~o 10, SOPhomores ,relatives In Indlanllpolis OV6r the We wish t o offer our heartfe lt The winnel's , J\llliprs and fre6h- wee k-end. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Buerkl e ut- Robert N. Waid o f the Highway WAYNE TP. FARMERS' CLUB ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH grlltitude and thanks to those who tended the Ohio State-Michigan Department. Included is the big me n , also mel to hav~ their ' final gmde separation in Newcomerss o kindly help ed us at th e time of game In Colu>;lbus Saturday. Parker Duofold pens and pentPHt lind Lhe Jllniors came out Rev. Lawrence B. Mollmann. Lown Where an immense beam our bel'eavement of our dea r huswilh flying oolors with u ~eu : e of cils at Cary's Jewelry sliop, LebOctober 9, 10:10 wus one of the Summer schedule-1st, 3rd and band and son. , mos t bealltiful day ~ of all the MI'.' and Mrs. Sam uel Butt e r - bridge will be erected over the 62 to o. with Wallaoe and Ellis anon, OhIo. Es pecia lly the Mnso ni c lodge, worth and Gilbert F1'Ye visited rel - tracks of the Pennsylvania rail7 sta l·ring. Let's hope that these year. The sun shone brightlv 6th Sunday, Mass at 8 :00 a. m.; road. Other contructs are for pavMr. and Mrs. Ge orge Kern were giving unusual war mth for the 2nd and ~Ith Sunduy, Mass at the Scottis h Rite for the beau tlful atives in WlImington Sunduy. Juniors pillY liS well for W. H. S. ing and s mall bridge work. ceremony, the American Legi on . In tho fut Ul'o games I\S they did bus iness vis itors In Dayton Mon- seaHon, and the trees all aro und 9:30 : the Waynesv ille and Ridgeville Mrs. Ruth A. Daugherty lind day afternoon. were clothed in the mos t gorgeous tor thoir olass In these gumes. Gun cl ubs, for the beautiful floral daughter Miss Stella were recen t colors, making this a most UPPI'OCOOPER BOOSTERS HERE ST. MARYS CHURCH tributes. vj;<itol's of fl'i e nd s in Dnyton. MI'. and Mrs. Walter Cast propiute time fOI' Wayne Tp. B"seh"n Victory visitea rellltives In Wilmington Fanners' T he neigl1bors and 'riend~ who lub t o meet with Mr. Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector. W:tynesv ille Higt\ School . had Monday evening, cut OUI' cllI'n lind sowed OUI' whcat. and l\1.r~. has. Hough .. Thursday afternoon " at ' 1 :16 MOTris Shc nvood. of Co lumbus it's firRt bnRe-ball victory, Friday Octobel' 26, Nineteenth Sundll ~ ~: s pedally to tho~ e 10 YIII friend s Hpent the week- end with hi~ par- I~ sbergel"s band of Cincinnati, A fter g ... ~ etings \\11'1'(' exchanged lIvening, when they met HarveysBorn- To MI'. and Mrs. Onkley and a social time enjoy('rI, dinner roter Trillity. Church s'Yh oo l tit who we" e with liS in the Ins t try- I! nts Mr. and l\11'~. Cad Sherwood. lll'l'ived here, announcing a runburg o n OUI' home field. The Kunt?, a so n Homer Lee, on Oc- was announc ~d. Long tables had 9 ::10. In order that the r ector Rtlv. ing hours. lIr£lund tOUI' df th e Coopet'-Mcweather was decidedly bette I' for tobel' ) 8, at Leba~ b n, The minis ter 1'01' hi s consoling Culloch Republican boosters. been provided in t he driveway of J. J. chaeif rand othel' members basketball than base ball und this of th\! paris h may attend the con· wOl'ds und all others who so kindly 'l' here we re about 11/i persons on an ample com crib anrl there tho kept 80me of:\ th e crowd away but tennia! cc !lebrqt lon at C hris t he lpc'd us. -'-+r~~~rr--i;;'Forre!Ot CI'ane, of Cincinnati, company pnl·topk of o n ~ of A uthe tour. nevortheless ' (he team ' seemed to was the guest of Mrs. Maud!! tumll's feasts. church, pnyt on, th ere will be no Ml's. Mildred Surface and Family . The stop was ma de in front of be wond(,I'{ully pepped up. The Cmne' allll daugnr-e rs. FridllY' ' Warren A. Surface and Family. Dr. Witham's residence. DI·. Chas. As ~h-e flay was warm and ~he C hurc h Sel'VlclI. final sc ore WII S [j to 3. Next Thursoutside 0 ullul'ing the aftel'noon Mr. and MrR. L. H . Gordon, Mrs. Webe r of Hyde Park, acted a, day pring Valley comes here to Saws filed by machinery, cut meeting wa~ he ld in the \'liN\. Su~un Wilkel'son and Miss Sallie chairman, introducing the speak, LYTLI~ M. E. CHURCH meat our tl'anl. How about ' a cl~aner, truer, fllstel'. no~ Pigott. DEATHS . I11lth visited relutives in Wilming- erA, J. W. Brickel', and Hon, fl'llf. LobI was the principal R('v. H. H. Lafl'ert y, Pastor little support? Thj ' is Lhe laRt :It Maclden's Luml)er Yljrd: . Charles Brand. ~ IIPa~er hiking fQI' hi!> s ubjllct, ton Sunday evening. game of the Sea!iO ll : Thtll governor was sched uled to Sabbath Sch oo l 2 p. m. PreachMartha En!!I '" Ma8011 SIl, passed "Wh~' 'V I' HHve Oovernment." An MI·H. Rall Mainpu s and son~ interesting dis cuRlli on foll owed hi!> ing ,el'vice :1 p.m . Se l'lll Ott by nwuy at her h()l11~ In Kan~a s City, Mr. and Mrs. Wal te r Bak el' join the tOUI" here, .but was detainSrnitla HUlh', .. Rev. E. W. Elrod, pa~tor of the l\fo., 011 'l'u esday, October 21. spent Sunday in Xenia, Ihe gue st~ ed. Several notable speakers were Ralph apg ~amas Dpnuld ' drove ' iu a(ldl'~s~. Aaro n of th eir son -in-law a nd doughter on the program , for the different The sppcilll topi c "Sol11e or the Frunklin M. E. Church , You I\r~ She WIIH the daughte r . rhe . regular ' ~eciing of th'e F. Urbana, ' lilo, Sunpay l'ftllI'l100n, . . Chundler, Sr., unci wa~ born . o n Mr. und Mrs. Clyde Egbert. stops. WOI'lhwhile Thinl!'s in Life," wu s cO I'diully invit(>d, F. ·A. wus postponed. ~--MI'. 'a nd 1'111'8. Walter Clark and ably hllndled by Mr R. Frank Elbon Rully da y was o b~erved last . the old Chandler l~rm, thr~c nllle ~ , The Southwest dislrict of Smith The n ext ml'etinlt will be at S unday wii hover 80 present; we . wes t of Wa y n esvlll,c, OhIO. One J:i is q ual'antinQd ' for infan- familY spcnt Sunday with Mr. Watches, beautiful and depen · F. &: A. M. FAMILY PARTY tile paralYsis. On acpount of this and Mrs. Earl Olark a~ Brookvi)le. the ltom(' of Misses Perle and want you to co tn e !\nd fino yuUI' sister, Esth er Stout , Is thl!; onl y dable for every membel' of the place in the Spbhuth S",liooI. s urvIv or of that larl(C plOncer family. Weekly payments. Cary'> Blanche Riley. the district conference was post___'_ _ family. Waynesville Lodge No. 163 F. We restring beads, replate silponea and Mr. Crabb!! took \!h'arge .1ewell')' Shop, L ebanon, Ohio. & A. M. gave a family party at verware and recover umbrellas. of classes as usual. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST BUl'ial In MiamI Cemetery FriOHIO CANNERS MEET day. 'l'pe boys had plallned to visit Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanoll, O. Mr. and MrR. Lafe Starr of Sab- th('il' lodge room, last Friday even(Undcnolll inational) . Undllrwpod's APp le orchard but ina, Mrs. Lettie McCray and Mi ss ing. Mr. Carl Lohrey, of Dayton, a Perry E. Kenrick, w ell known Mattie Stiles, of New Burlington, Chester A. Williamson, Minister were (preed to postpone it because Mrs. Ella Kendall, of Fairmount Robert Blair of Lebanon was in and highly respected in this c om- were guest s of Miss Dora Stile's magician of note, gave an hoW's of the paralysis quarantine. ,Ind., was the dinner guest of Mr. Co lumbus WednEls day in atton Re vival continues lIntil Sunday, enterlainment of clever magie, ·'fhe shop boys are progrtlssing and Mrs. Sam\ll!l But~!!r.wol·tlt 61'1 dance at a meeting of the officel'S Octo ber 26. Program fOI' Sunday munity where he I'es ided more on Thursday. which was thoroughly enjoyed. vel'r niccly in their wor~. Tuesd~y, and dircctor s of the Ohio Canncrs follows: Bible Scho ol lit !) :30 a. than fifty years. died Thursday After the conclusion of the proExpert service given on Swiss Associal ion. 1t was d('cided to h old m. Lord's S upper and sermon at following a stroke of paralysis. rotllrijlian Her, Mr. and Mrs. 0, M. Robitzer, t he annual convention of the IIS- 10 :30. Sermon subject, "Worship.' His wife and one daughter, Bertha :md American watches in our re- grum the members of the lodae anr! one brothel', Waltel' Kenrick, pair Mrs. J. D, Marlatt, Mrs. Merle sociation at Columbus December departm(!nt, Store open and their guests were invited to unday will be "Promotion Day" of Lytle, survive him. t he banquet room where a deliciDon't forget the magician who Kerns and daughter, spent 'fhurs- 9 and 10 . The meeting was adevenings. Cary's .lewel ry Shop, in the Bibl e School and II special will be here for your entertain- day in Cincinnati. ous lunch of sandwiches, coffee Funeral Rel'vices were held at Lebanon. Ohio. dresse d by sove ral authorities on program is b e ing planned. Evening the \'csidence Monday afternoon, ment Thu~day, October 23 : Tlierc and ice cream was served by memo vege tnble gardening and f /l od evangelistlc sel'vlce at 7 :30 p. 111 . will be a . fl'ee exh ibition in thl! Mrs. Ada Courtney attended Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Prend e r - ill I'~ of the Eastern Star. among tl1em being W. E. Slll'mon !lU bject, "The Conversion R{·v. Chester A. William!lon offil te l'l1lloil at w\lich ti'nie 13alfonte the mt!eting of the Ohio T.lbrary cannIng. Lewis an-i M. W . Baker of the of Il Godly Man," Good congrega- ficiating. BUl'iul was in Miami ,<a st and children were called i o will es,!ape fl'q l1 a strai~ jagket Associntion held at the Biltmore United States Department of cemetery. here last week beca use of the MADE FIRST ENTRY 1IIInging h~l.Ia down fCPJlI ttl" ~Il hotel \n payton last. week. . 'Agriculture: C. W. Weld of the tional and s pecial si nging. "You death · of Mrs. PI'enderga s t' ~ al'e nlwny s welc ome at thi s of 'the highe!\t pUilding down town A. K. Ge orge, \lgejl 13, former mother. Mrs. Wardlow. Statl: Departm en t nF AgI'lculture, Church ." Please tell all your frienns ang Silverwa r-e; ,iewelry and Klft l'c ~ ident oC Waynesville, ,lied al To a Warren County ~lilklng - - - - ~ ...-- - .Prof's J. H. Gourley and H. bi' jug toe 'chil d l'lll1 ' 'fl!urs~ay novelties. eary's Jewelry Shop, and th e hOIll !! tif Mil da'Ughter, MI's, W . MI'. and Mrs. Geol'ge Hartsock , Shorthol'n, cattle establishment S . . Brown of th e Ohio State ~vening to sile ~he l11agician at tfic Lebanoll, Ohio. W(! give Cedar University. A pl'ogram of unu 'ual FRIEND'S ME ING R: ~asiel·I!., at Tampa, Fla., Satur- had as theil' dinner j!!uests on that of Harry T . Lewis, proprietor !!p hool !l\l(.litol· i~lm. TIt!s en~ert3in- , Stampfl, . day. Death . followed a stroke of Sunday, Mr. and Mr:;. Wm. Watt, of Roselane Farm, of Foster. woel interest will b e prepared for the fll ent j!; SPQI1~ Ofect by the Junlo)' Following th·e reg,ulln meeting paralys is. Hc is s urvived by one Mr. and Mrs. Ed Core, Mr. !lnd the distinction of having lJ1ade the Decemb('r meetinlt. CIIlRfl. AdmiSSion 15c tlnd ::lOco MI·9. Frank Stansberry, ,Misaes f Qr 11' 0 1'. ~ip lin October 26, lunch son and three da\lglltefll, Mrs. Chas. Lefevre, of Fral1khn. first livestock entry received from .. - -- .- -~ -----Mary and Tessa Stansber-ry and Mr. Geor!!e wai! In busIness . ,Ohio for 'the , 1930 International will btl served in .dining. room RegFirat Grad_Mias Eva ReeeJer MI'. Tom Stansberry spent Sunular Monthl y Meeting for p.usi- h ere ' in tHe late elghtles and was MI'. and Mrs. Luther Sellers and Live Stock Exposition" to be held ATTENDIl"'~ p. S., U. ne!lS at 1 :30 p .111. FolJo~ing '\ni~ married to Miss Nettle LIppincott, Mr. Alvin Sellel's, of Dayton, in Chicago this yeal' November 29 Much in terest is shown by the day with relatives ' in Si>l'ing~e~~ . . WaiteI' S.' Woodward, eui~.. r of a daughter of the late Benjamin were uilday afternoon visitors at to December 6. First Grades in learning memory John P . Bolton , .Gertrude A. , Mr. and' MI:S. EM Beckett. of Chahdler, Warren C. Hunt, Fai h the Allleric:Qn !i'I'i."nd, Rich,mond, Ltppincott and a 81ster 01' Wm. the home of O. O. Missildine and gelllS and health rhy.nes, as th/! i - - - -.----. !ire becoming mpro ' famni .. r ~Ill\ Wilmingto~, an.d Mr. and Mrs. 1\1. Tomlin.son and Lu ella William- Ind., \viH t'ell · of his u~l'ience A. Lippiflcott, ot , this place. Mrs. family, . CONDlTlQN IS SERIOU!J lil !l" ~*atlonr . We hope to a'd~ George Runyon. of, Blanchester, son al'e 111 th ~ l'\lcoru breaking on his l?e,CE!I1t trip to ' t]Ul'(lP \ George . dled In July, 1929. , : ~uneral s,e rvlce8 'wilre ~eld!it W. C. ' St. John has severed .his _ ... . _ __ welcome. p10l'e gem s and ·· rhymes to OUI: wer!! S'ul\~ay guests of,' Hr. and e' ufo nearly' 11,000 thiil ·Everybody , I _' _ _ ..... _ _ _ the Arthur Funeral Home 111 Wlt- connection w.ith the Kilpatrlck-' " ~ ' , ~ fS: W !l~ter ~~sl list !la~h week~ , '. tall at Ohio . Sta.te Univel'sj~. mlrutton and burial .was in ~ugar French MotOl'Cllr Co., and · has J . . Harvey Sackett, 'f!DO fen Cil.'bv.e ,eemetery, Wllmjngton. ' acceilted a ' position as ' salesman whUe plc.k lng ~apfl~c~o~ Il~ . ftp'ID • • t --~ l3i~\IJ 6ra~~I!~ I~,u~ rp~ Mil. ~d Mrs. W, E .. 0~ril!' ,M r . . _ _ _ ... _ . 'f or the F. Brandenbul'lt Chevrolet rec!)ntly,.was _1'emove 4)_ ~ . . '. and Mrs. H. A . Cornell, r. and NQ'fICg Fali . elec;;tlon ' tor class ' dlftcers Sales and Service at Wlbilington. to Miami . ~alley hOlPlte" witt,. • Th~ ' S lxth Stade teams the Mrs. D. R. Salisbur~ MIsS "vl1 Llpan eumlnation diaelo.ed .... " as conduet,ed ' at Wittenberg colHaye New Dauabter Billes , an{l Reds, played oft' fhe plnc'ott, Mrs. M'arle Brltajn Meg., Everyb~d¥ come to. t he Hallow- lege resultE!d in a clean sweep tOI' . 'Exp~rt watehmaker. and en- .Injury to his spine. He ..... 1t ' ~ llasf!ball contest last week. 'l'l1e lOTS': ·Wm. A. LIppincott and Mrs ' D. Blllrd . are gravel" at Cary's Jewelry Shop, in ~ eut bllt hbi coDdlUoa ........ . Blues de~eated tohl! Reds 87 10 82. D. R. SalisbulW, Barry F.rate.r a~ e'en .Pal·ty a~ the ·Lytle Hall, Sat- the polltlca:J combine which termed . Mi. and Mrs. announcing the' arrival of a daugh Lebanon, Ohio, Only aenlline worM Sa~tday ~t Il1HI .... Tt)e gjrls are very Barry that /.lold teJ'lnen' the fun era) lervlees tal' u~day . ~venIDg. October 26th. Be itse11 the "Conservatives," 'Eli~beth Henkle Of . this place ter Patricia Ann, at Miami Val- material ulled In our repair depart enco.\U'a8UlI'. but ·at 1Mt ~"l8If weather Is eOllllng to end the base- A,. K, Oi!orge In Wilmington 'tues- !Ju!'e to come IJ!uked. Prizes will . wa. reported IIOme heUer. ~- ~lVen. AdmJssiOI\ 10.c, Lunch was elected vic'e -\lresl(Jent of the ley' hospital, Wednesday,· October m'" . ball season, . dlly . atternpoD,, , Senior CWIB. 15.






' WAYNESVILLE 1 8:.~~I;~:lm~::~~c~;;~c1;Y~~' ali~~~lIlll~~~ IN




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:= 110.

I "hiltlrc>n >l p('n l Sunday wi lh Mr. gan and family, ~f the l'UlItl'I1\\!lll d jnil 11I'(, lIk , DEATHS \ TRUSTEES l and MI'>I. F"IIIlk \lllkiu a n d family. MI'. and Mra, E. J. Rutherford ",hl'lI thl'~' 11I1i1'.-d :It lhl' bllllse - _ ~ _'. ,' . "G ove r n I' nnd M.I'$. 1\I~'e l's Y. MI'. and Mrs, Auloll of Dayton lind inlnwdi lltely pltH'l'd MI·".I ;'Ill'... \ nnll .11l~ It'l ~.Ih~. \\1(~ .If . l'qn.t t he pleasure of the and so n, HUi'old. attended the . . pont 'un dllY ~ \ ('nin~ lvith ~I'. " jnll hI' Ill; of :!5 pd :<o na~ ~0!1 I"hing und. I' ~11'1'''_ 1. 'Tll' \IUS 01'. ~1. T. 1::!I1· . .dl .l! LIt h ' I' 1l ~IItI C .~' Pl('~ : of The BOll iI'd ~ f ' rrus t ell HUllie COlllillg Ilt Olive Brullo" Mr. Eddi(' !'iurfllcc 111'111 fn e nd li nd Mrs. If ill'y Gib ~u lI lind fJIIll1l y. I1n.·d in th W :lI'I'I').) "'HIIII. ,J III I folund tt' hn"~' I:! hJll'1; ~tI'" bltlde~ 1~11 TII'I,l nkltn K":I\I, rlnlr~llny IlIght ~r" t~~~~l e Tllwn~hlp Public Li. IInday. Gludys Busc h of D!1 yto n l;Jl l!nt 1 MI'. 1I 11t1 Ml'lI. 1~ l'l'lc. t Nixon of "'l\S fl u~ll'lIll·.1 ' rhun,ell.lY 1111/:ht ill hl'l' P ~~('s~wn, . 1 "lh)\\,III~ '.'11 l'x llntl .~l 111111'.11. b1'll1" • u n Tu('sdll Y eve ning, Oct. Mrs, harle & H end e rson land S unduy afterlloon wl~h Mr: UTld Olly l nll ~pC l\ t f}uncla y with ¥r. ,,'hlll 1hl.lll'Illl\ tI pl ilie I ':11' 11 ('I! M ~It .. , 1·.lhs \\'I\ S n Itfl'l(lllg re~ i · 1_ ) r t '1 lIt el'ght o'cloc k childre n o( 'Corw'in spent Sunday A ct(lI'uing to h(,I' (' L nfl'. ~ 1\lll ~ h Mrs. F'runk lIar.tsu. ·k. "b n a'nd IIn ci Mr/<, l··I'l1Ilk I a llin anti fumlly. " l' I 1Il' .<1\\\" t" h "r \ ucn · 1 t " f \\. nyn ". \-III'I. tilt' " I ll'~hl ' I' u I' tnll' 0(' 11 " 1 . • tll ' II,,\, fol1 o w\1I1t th" nrre~l of int,'l1d cI tll t1.' It\'l' " " . t th 1\1 . " wit.h he r father, Mr. J oe ·~{nrlalt . M:r. Ulld Mrs. Hll e\ ~t~ und MI'. ltoy Sm ith allll r hildl'e n. ~h Ivw ('ul 'hll1Q. ,'cv nLccn'~' ~' III" hu huno Wh"!1 ,~hc vi~,iL tl thl' \," :U" J: ~h . In~t> ,'lell\' ,II nnl.l, Il l'. ~(!I' \, ' U Th.., I\b~~~oninvitllti o n was ~c­ Mr. lind Mrs. Clarence Carso n o f f8lm ly ~pent S.und ay I £ Ii f MI·~. ,1':111111 11 Gib on s p e n t l ust \(1 I, fll of nne pr the pl'i"OIlCl'~ .. rl'n c o untv ItIll "n Hlltlll· dn~·. 11 .. 1' 1"I~ 1(11. lin d \ U:\ \llil 110\ n 'Il ' '(ld b' I \' 11ll'Y r oo k chlllr. inciimutj call ed on Mr. and Mrs. 1.1.1" '. Hurr~1 Gil so n lin. am. y 0 Th u r Rday veil in g with M~· . a nd The llall ~ for lhl' ,,'(' nil I! , ~ 1I1(1 hlJ . hnnel. )1I·kl.,y n.tch illl!'. i~ ;;(' I'V- \ lhl'OIlg"!lt1ut th e (' un~~:, S'II~ . pussed ~1I:1~ of ~hu 'Hourd 'J'ru [ ..>(OM of n Dill und 80n, Billy , S un· Bellbrook · M E ' M Ifo r· 1 li nd ~Irl! Hiley Gibso n lind fal11 ll y. ICl hnv(' beel1 ulTulI~cd f Ol' ' a\'\1I '- ing o ut:l $750 fin : lI)ll?OS('J for :11- IlWII Y In !hc h " I: ., ~ l~l'll .. ltd. Wuvn T \\'llship Pub l\{' Library, dEmersu Mr. an rs . I'VIII u U I . d Ull)' night, WCI·. I'I!V 111'0 h~'' h!j! l!d liqu or lall' V... lllt lll n8. bl'cl1 occuJ\w(i by hel nncc ~t o l ~ UI d lIhough they w ere unabl e ay evening. ~il'l in tl I'nnfCSSI() 1I Illude 10 Jl ollcc The girl st :tll'd thtll Ii .. 1' hu ,; hl1l1d 111\)I'l' th un II C~l1tury" Be~lelfi's her ~n, ~ ' Pt it the 111 mbl!rs of the ___ . __ • . _ (, m 1'1'1\ following h j. IIrJ'C!;t. lind 1I11 othel' pd"" T1 l' l' hod ~ivl'n hu ~hllllt!, lI h!!, IS !'lIr\'1\~l'd ~Y. ,Oll{ lJ~II~~{efeel 'thut s uc h I'ecog nili o n ~~~~~~~=~~==============~==~~====~ Tho I{id WII S al:rl':l('d in Mi.ldll'· h I' 10 anti dll'L'cte d h .. 1' tn u ecr- t1all f! hter. 1\!I ~. W'" L I U'~ll~~li f th' lu cal librlll'Y is highl y co m . ~ 101l'1l b}' police clctN'tiv.,,,, wh .. hnd tuill ~ t u r in Da yton wh I' Hh e I II' ~ons, hllrll!~ I 11111 ' ." \I C IJ l' t I I'Y bl'l' n cnl.led to II id i 11 !'('I 1I illK a could' I'ul'c hu~l' I I{e ~ III1'S. Acc l) rcl · S, Elli. , a ncl. ight K I'arl dc h ~ldl'l'n , (1 1111(' 11 I :.. • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ family q ll:ll'l'cI. The lt1icl'r len l'n('d illl! to he r ~ tOrl' !' h.' pnitl fi5c 1",1' o f Way neSV Ill e and onl' l11 lJ th e r. them . ' K indI o '\'uyilll', of Daytlln. OCTOBER G R AND JURY 11.' 1' Itu. hall ll, ~ hl' Fniti, plal1l1l,d FlIl1l'rl1l ~ crvlct:' s 1I'~' rc .h~' ~d nt to me e t [11 ' 1' in ~I o n 1'" I' , ~'I idliglln, I IIl' I'l·s l.dcne!! ~I o ndn~ 11 ~ ~l l Th" October I?ran d jury ndjour n f " lI nwin!: hi ~ l· ~c np(' . ~It fir s t ,' (lid :111.1 bunnl \\'II ~ III :'11111111 ccIlHt('l~ (,'u lu ~ 1 Friday ul nO(l 1l lifte r rcnillillin~ in st':siu ll f o ul' an d a hnlf thnl " " " 'll' in t ill' j uil kn~w of th.' plnn u nd IhM ~h (' had p urOml D. S u rfllcl ' p:l~, e" 1\ \\'11)' a l dlll'S, An Ullu s un ll y lurge lIumber I'ha<~d Ihf'1ll " I' hl'l' IIII'll IIc( II l'd. Millmi Vall~y llll~ piw i ~nt uJ'lIIl): o( cases was co n :id el'cd by th e ),8t~r h ow lJ \·cl'. ~h(.' admilted thllt morning after an illn ess 01 juJ'Y Tht'Y will report t o the co urt , I f IlC I I'll weeks. embeF r on ~ithel' Frielny o r Sutu rday of the brenk was tII e pan 0 He\'c.I '11 He L uwa s Na ml11a pri ~ on rs. of \\ lIynesv l e 0 ge • o. p ' thi s week. - -Mrs. Catching \\'n ~ brought to I & A .. :\1.. Ralph p, ,nook ?8t Lebuno n Friday m o rning whoro AmOl'lca n L eglo l,l and Scott Ish Rlt ~ I ~h ( old much the slime story to I F u n c IlI1 ~e l' V I CCti in charge 0 i ~al oftl ccrR Frltlny nftel'll oon SC I} 1tiMh Hile wore h eld I\t \he ~e8, 'he 11'1\< urr[l~igned bef o r J u st ice idc n cc W~~t ~ f !_ytle 1,tll!s ay l ~ f the P('nce Gilllllh(!I' nnd pl(!H d~cl l af'lcr Il 0IJ n . Bu nnI In :'1 111111 1 cel11c-' L! uiltr t o a chllrg(' (I f "lIt ll' l11ptlnj: Ic I'Y, HfllI~' nny w ill II)(' oD;; crvcl! at I : t o 1'I111' 1I ~1' Jl riso l1 c l'~ flll111 ,I~I\' \1 J - \\' , ' 11 . t1i(' I 111 her LI' I II' ~ l1nda y Sc h,lol I1 UXt S UII · I county jltil." S h l! II n~ fint'd ;"U' . n: . lInl' .11' ~i~: d' ~ II ~ h lJ l' t dliy ut l! p. m . Ev ory uno hl Ylt eu , I '111d 1'IJ,t ~ bl' Lh,' co "r t. \ '1111 1,] l' \<) 10,, " 11' III L to l"III I' ". f' 1111 .U) ,. A l1umb ol' fro l11 h e r o a ttend ed . . I . I II ' tl \\' 111 1" Hf l'l' 110 ll n L " h H111iliOll . I pay lh(' IIIII! !' Il' IS IC' I III I '. ' I' Oil II1K lin eA- thl' ~1I1t' of JU"CPII at , '1 ll'lll l.,d 11I1Il:M~ . ' II S t I . uftl'1'I10 III : ('ulln ly JOI , , ' 1II'I'i \' iIW aI'" tW Il S(l I1 ~ . Vernlll1 le"tl'l'\'l ',a U1'1 a~ f •. .' . t' • I · ... I 1\1'< Mary Cole 0 III I' 111 nil I alld '1'nll1H1 n. 100Lh ,' f Ll'b~II~ln : Il1l1 I. 'we 'k -end glH!S.1 (If her s is t.: 1' . SU ICIDE ATTEMPT FA TAL thrl' " dllllg-hll ' r~ . l\11'~ . I~d ,t h Ar. , ~ts uTilli1 Burton a'nd family, nllid. Ld)II III' I1 , 1\l r~. , Hlan ch. D f\ d~, I ' ~ It ' I' K l'lI l'ick wa s cu li l.' d t o H lv T h"rs dll" lilli I'll. Funl" a l ~(, rI' ic(·~ \\' 1'(' IlI' ld at l.(' hJll1o l1 , :lnd J\ l rs. J~lhl" l rl e ndel' \\' Jl l' ' 11 ' hur" I lly n e~I' 1 c "". .r J " .. • teo m 0 I Ii(' U ~ \\,lIld Flln"ral 11 11111". " "h- 1{1lH.t. Uf I"tt I " ,"' I ill J.:' by thl' ' ",ri?U S .tlllIess 01 Ill S a nol1 MUII,]"I' nftl'I'I1 110 11 {'o r ,1 .,1111 I hrother 1'l' I'I'Y Ken nck . Fn·d· Kill f.:', f,r,. II {'" rl1l\'1 1'<' '' i~It,"t 1\'11-., ' He ll t' ScolL. Evel't'll Early of thi s l'o unt r I~ h" C n l11J,ll.lttl·d Hi'r Dream' Come Trw an d t111!.lK.hlcl:S H ele n IIn c! ){~lh, ] ~lIil'idc at ~hnl' '' "\' I IJI' I",;t I· 1'1t1uy. __________:::~·~ ' - 1\l i;\;; SullIe !Sm ltli lIll(1 j\ll s~ C leo Kill )!, wh ... \I'll" U r;till'lIad ,' I1)!illl' I' 1' l H Bwk c IIttt!lIded t he Geol'gl'lown \l'tlS ~ aicl to htl ve lH.'l' n dl'~ JlolldfiliI' , Thul'sd ay. l'lll II \'('I' ill hl'lI lth , 11(' Ita I UN' II 1\11'. anti Mr:;, Jac ob HectiN ~ 11l1 , lil' ill)! a IiiI' :-;hal ul1I' ill l, Il a i:r tlllti c h ildl'(' n alt "d ct! the funL'n~ 1 I Y. 1\1., A, t hei r g r a ndm ot her'. :Vlr~. El1l1l y . '0 1 " Ill' r S willJ.:'. of lI a ll l ilt d n KI "i lllwlI. at S PI ingbol'u, U. B. Cll unty. ~tai u tiwt h, ' \l'a ~ t, d d thnt Churc h, S und a y afterll o" ~l. Killj:! mud e an II t tl'l11llt I" I'li d h iS 1\11', Illl t! ~l rs. Chu rl ",s l,"rly li nd life a bo ut ,1' mo nth ag-" . . \ t Ihal childl'l'n . Cur l lind ,/UllC , ~J.l~lI t tim e he inhu ll'u fUI11I.'~ frolll II g-a~ Sundal' with MI'. a n d 1\I1' ~ , Mtll's jet in hi s r oo m . W "t ki~, S n eal' l\Iiam i: burg. On 1M! F l'iriuy Ih l' mall att a l'hed )11' . Gl t:' nn Broc k o f Indianapo li s a g-nrtil'lI ho se t o t he l.'Xhau ~ l pipe a nd Mr. Rosenberger o f Co nt el'(. j' hi B n:ll ol11 ol;il", \l'hill' it " Io ll d ill I' ille , Illd .• visited Dr , lind Mrs. the I' til' o f the :-;hul'I1lll'ill' Gal'aj!e L. G. Broc k S unduy. Th e Dr, r eIi (' 111l'1l cntel'ed I h\! \'1.11 ' . ('1", ('11 I\Illin ~ qui te p oo rl~' . the UO O I'~ a nd wind o\\' R tiJ.:'htly, und 1\1r. and Mrs . Glenn J o hn s ~ n d aftcr placing Ih l, oi'cll ,,".1 .. f till' child I ('n of Dayton were l'v e nlll g hose ill th e l11achin,· tUI'II(' u 11 11 th", dinne!' guests S un day of Mrs. Mlll'n H,tot', Th c I ti dy Was fllulld by _. lUllE ::l gHl' ct J u hn ~, MI'. a nd Mr ~. Am os n os J oc l\l,ahafTcy, '. . " ':En!C ~ , ':_ Cook a nd fami ly of Wayne sv ill c \l'11~ Il ~p n of Jann"s Ki,!!-{ K ing' \\'el'e I1 f tel' n o o n g u ests. : 'I.!~ 'i.~!t~:~~~~d ~l" lTI ~ \l' hll fl)rm{'rly 1iveo n('ul' P l'k lll In Fl'i(' nd s fr o l11 her e attend ed the W a rr e n co un ty, Tlnel' hl'uthcrs, fun I' a l o f Mrs. Anna Ell is at H OI'l\(~e . Willin111 and Ed King , lind Wa y nesv ille M o n duy ofte 1'l1oo n. two s i tel's Mrs , E, Marc h alld MI'S, Mnl'garet J o hns atte nd ed [I Mr~. Leslie' lI ook. a ll l ive i n th is bunquet o f the Cou n ty Republicall cou nt y. 011ll1littee lit the Lebnn o n House Mo nda y eve ning . Co ngr ess man Bl nnd ' lInd Mrs. Wilma St. C lair Moth e r - ' I tlon't lik e to ~ho ut WAYNESVILLE, OHIO L eVa n were speak.ers. at vou, TT l1rold." . He lntiv es li nd friend,! h (> ~e Ilrc I Li l tl ... H a1'old - H A n d , I cnn 't :ay SO ITY t o le arn of th e Sel'lOU8 Illncss that I like it. ('ith r r. 1l1l1l1~111Y,"~ of All e n Sm ith at his h om e in 1 ' Dayton. ---~----~~~~~~--~~~.~. , 1\11'. n nd 1\I1's. Elb e rt Wallace e n · tel'tained th e past week the la tt(' r ' s I u n cle unci wife, Mr, a nd Mrs, Michae l Hitter of Columbus. ' Mel cd ith and C h a rles Whitnke r Stor~ e~cape d ~e ri o u s injury Friday m (l rnin~ wh e n tlw ir II Ut O skidd e d in fres h gravel at th e Burn e t farlll o n W aynesvi lle r oad. The form e r rccei ved cu t s ab o ut th e head lind ago ITbomaa. A : F..di.acII fac ~ and the lull er u bro k e n (,011 1;1' ....... r .. ;v.. rI th~ idea of a:ftying mathiD bo pe, The cal' wa!'; bllflly llamagell • MI'. and Mrs. Elbert Wallace which would rise by ~ of lP:. bart r.ontal windmill. L;pt week the WI2 li n d guests m olor e d t o C incinnati unda y t o the ho me o ~ Mr . . lind I .rd" visited N I:wark ftyillg ' field anr saw his dream come tnx;. when .a b~ Mrs, Frank Busse at Price HIli. Mr. und Mrs. Harlan G oosey of wpler flew in_ from J)bltadclpbla..J C incinnati spe nt t he wee k -e n4 wi lh Mr. n nd Mrlj. William Co le. -ml1n. Their S undllY g\l eSII! 1I130 wCl'e : MI'. und Mlrs. C hes ter RIlPV







I i

Allen's Parlor Furnace




Look What $5



will buy .. I

Order today!

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•• II


Put that new Allen's Furnace in place.


Be ready, for winter days and nights are long.

The Only Parlor Furnace

Make the home light aud cheery Where heretofore it has been dreary. Ha ve the Alladin Lamp to light your way, Make the hflme light and gay.


Don't Forget Your Lamp Ticket at tbls




W.YD.lvllle, 0 ••0 ---~--~-i-----

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oHaro f n car MI'. Ilnd JMrS' _:zs:~ .~.~:z:!:~=-=-_~~====~_~_~-= ld Le Kebanon, llis andIlnd daughter, on n j ,.~~========~===~===~==~:s~~~=~_~.~

= o f 1\1t. Holly.

This co mmunit y wa s grieved to learn of t h e d eath of 01'111 S UI" I face. at Miami Valle y hospital ' W A I\TED- S o mc o nc t o h e lp 1::iat ul'd ay m Ol'lling. H e was II w it h h \l~ewol'k, Phone G5F II yo ung mnn of sterling worth. He · 0 15 leaves a wife an d tw o children. The funeral se rvic e \YUs he ld ut h is late res idence Tu esday aft e r· n an n, 'QI IQU (l tcP ~y Re v. H, H . Laffe l·ty Of lno l.,ytl ll {l hul'cn . The f un eral Wlla one of the lA rgest ever he ld In t hi s community. ln' terment in M lam! Cemetery. M I'!>, Mary CIl.l 'nlony I'eturn ed Munday ev~m ing nfter u m ot o r trip, with MI', un d Mrs. W. F. i Clark . to visit Mr. nnd Mrs, Claud e I Rill:ge, n elll' C leve la nd. I Mrs. J ose ph S mi t h rece iv ed wo rd Friday ot the deu th o f her rn ot h U', Mrs. Jack, of So uth Leb· 11 n Oli. Fun e l'ol WI1l S he ld Mo ndllY I . at th e ho m e of her duughter, Mrs., Th, Old Curiosity ShoJlJ I~ ]:ao~_~on'l made f,mou 9 harJu H. L . Harding. ~ II beIq repaired wftaom ......... t. ~ual ~ptatlAce. MI S. S. H. Haines, James ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------~~~~~~~~~~~~===~~~~~=_ ~_ Hllin es, ~I', and ~lrL ~alter Ken WANTED





Roofing Servie'e at Small ·Cost


- -


rick \vere dinner g uests Saturday


4 Ply 4.40x21 .. . $5.65 4,50x21 , , . .. . , . . . . .. $6.45 4.75":19 ...... , .. . . . $7.65 4.75x20 . . , . .. . ... $7.75 5.00x19 . . . .. . . , '.. , '. $8.10 • S.OOx20 . , .. . , ~ , . . . .. ,$ 8.30 5.25x21 . ~ . . . . . . . . . .. $9.~() 6.50"20., .. . ... . .... '$15.15

Gordon's Service

A. W. T. 6 Ply

4 Ply

$8.75 $9.70 $10.10 $10.45 $10.80 $12.15 $16.8Q

$'7.85 $8.75 $9.70 S10.10 $10.45 $1 0~80 $12.95 $18.40


6 Ply

$11.20 $12.00 $12.40 $12.80 $13.25 $13.60, $15.95 $22.05





o f Mrs . Frances Null, son and dau g ht e r, at Springboro. Mr. and Mrs. H oward Fairchild. n ee Noma Charle ton, of Dayton, th is week, are vis iting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs . Sam Charle· ton i a nd were over night guests Monday of Mr. lind Mrs. Emery C harleton. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hutt of Ridge v ille w e re Monday eve.ning g u est s of MI'. and Mrs. Elbert Wallace.

. . .-..- - -

- --

MOUNT HOLLY Mr. anti Mrs. E m erso n Dill a nd Billy SIle n t th e week·end with I' Mr, nnd Mrs . E lmer Houston of n ea r Troy. Mr. and Mrs. J , L. Cornwell a nd Mrs. Ettie Mills o f Dayton called I o n Mr. ani! Mrs. J o hn Levi Sun· ullY IIf ternollf! • . Mrs, 'Herbtirt 'Ma r latt andMi~ C la ra Daughters spent SunaA), with Mr. and Mh. Sylv'elltar Freeman and. famlily of near 'X enIa MXr. and Mrs. ' David Lueaa a.nd chilaren, Dean a :nd "JameLJIpent the week-end with Mr. and Mra. ~ijl Jones of TrE!beins. , Mr. Ne wton 'Crawford and lady friend of Laurel s pent the week· end with Mr. and Mr8. Clarence Crawford Bnd children. I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shaw and

SO il.

cday hildren with



.. ... .,.. 00. . . . ALLOYID 'TilL

r n... It' ~, Wa 11111""". bmr••a o ---~... aacl 0I'CIWrr



atn protecdoa to the special Copper Alloy.d Steel b•••• ln.urlng longer Ufe aldaoa.h bolla OOd .bout aad freedom from .:K.pen.ive repairs •

....... CIIu·.aclralo wtda paceAIICI lap eoDltnlCdoA . . .

."am ,mtecdoA

.,.,,1Mb. •


~ Is .ddIdaa, ",.Met. .tnl. ,1 l00• •, I. Ir•• ,roof a.d U.htala,. psoai. A ~:nble ~1Iac , . .....

w. B.

Chaaneldrala RoofIng i. easy to apply; no .pedal tools are requited. Everything considered, It i. the most economical roofing for you to buy and we recomm.nd it unqualifiedly (or the beneDt of all our CUICOmene


PbO•• 14

W ·a),D••vIUe, Oblo

ofMr.near spent 1101'Sun- , I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====== .....;';=;':;;;;=====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;ii andXenia Mra. L,ewls 'i


Eighty-Third Year


Interesting Items from the Grades and the High SchooL A new clnsR hn. b een or gani ze d i n th e 8cho ul, thut of' j ou r na lb; m. Our wo rk iB c bi e fl y tbat of wri tin g ite m;! co ncer n ing t be school f ol' th e loca l PU IH.' I·, " The Mia mi Gaze tt e" and " The W tste rn S ta r " Th ~ sla ff meets o nce a wee k and u ;;e~ a t ext boo k us othe r classes. We elected th o uffi ce l's 01' n e ws s tnff as fo lluw s: E d it ur in chi ef, n can Ha wk e ; a ss ista nt, Mary Leuh E dw a r d;! ; co py, editor Cleo Hu wkt; IlslIista n t, Hele n Eurl y ; athletics e di to r, Eve lyn Ca rtw rig ht; music e ~ i to l' , Lena E arn hurt; g ru de re po r t.e rs, Homa Ha l'. o in li nd Bcrn ice G ruham; a!;s ign m e nt r eporte rs, Mur'y J o Mill er, Ma ry C ra ne, Ve lm a Armitag e und IJol'i" Sali s bury. This stuff t oo k c ba rge Mondny, Oc t ob e r 20, an d will f;e r ve fu r t hc whole , year. MUlic Department- Miu Decker Thc pl'im a r y grad es a r c work. ing e nthus ias ti cnll y in their rh yt hm band,;. As yet we a re us in g unl y oa t m eal, c ig a r, an d cocoab ox drum s ; soon w e hope t o add cy mbals in the f OI'm of t in lid s, t rilln g les, h o rse5 h oe ~ , bells, a nd pel'haps s mall horns . The purpo ' e of t he rh ythm ba nd is t o cstub li ~ h a rh y thmic sense , whi ch is t he basis of ull mu s ic. an d n sc n!le of lell dership. The inte r me d iate g rades ha ve b ee n f ortunate in the past tw o weeks , huving ha d (W rmiss ion to use the Mothe rs' club r oo m fo r at lea s t on e half -h ollr pe ri od uur ing t he week. Working wi t h t he pia no t e nds to es tablish II sense 0 f accura t e pitch, and a knowledge of inte rval ps a ces. Sig h t rellding w ill be the aim in t hi s co ming s ixwe E: ks p eriod. The s ixth , seve nth, and e ighth g rad es at t he hig h sc hool building are wor k ing o n t one quality, t he or y, and s ight-I·e ading. T o ai~ in the la tte r, a ha rm onica band' has been o l'gnni zed in Miss McKinseys grad e. Inte r est has bee n aroused and we shall have a band in MI'. Jam es' nnd Mr. Hatfield's g rad e. If the r !' al'e ,aily in t he community who a r e inte r est ed in a community ch oir, please notify ' Superin te nd e n t Lot z, M'r s .- H oug h or Miss Decke r, music supervisor. CIa .. Baaketball Tourna ment Hurra hl Let 's give a rousing ch-ee l' f or th e Juniors. Th ey arc the bask et-ball champions of W. H. S. Last W ednesday night th e Junior'S d efeated the Souhomo res wi t h a score of 55 to 5. In the ~eco n p ga me o f t hat eve ning t he. 'e niors wer e p ef e at ed 22 to 10 by the Freshmen. mhe finals we r e he ld on Thursday nigh~, whe n tl)e losers of th !! p r@v! pus gam es fo u g ~ ~ for the thi r f,l plape. The r es ults we r e 16 t o 10, ,Sophomol'es Th e winne l's , Jllniors jl nd f're s hme n , al so met t o l1av-e their i\nal t (Js t find bhe J \In 10 1'8 , cam e Ollt w ith fl ying oolol's w it h a · co!'e of 62 to 6, w i t~ Wallaoe and Ellis Il~BI'r lll g. ~ e t' s hope that these Jun io rs pili)' lIS w e ll for W. lJ . S. la the f u t ure games AS th~ y dId f or t heir class In th ese gllm es.

B ••eban Vietol'Y Waynesville Higil School . had it's fi rst base-ball victory, Friday evening, whe n t hey met Harveysb~ rg on our home fi eld. . The w,e ath er was d ecid edly b-etter fOI' ba ke tball than baseball and this kept some of , the cI'Qwd away but neverth e les 'the t e am seemed t o be wondel'fully pepped up. The final scor e was 5 t o 3. Ne xt Thursday S prin g Vall ey comes here *0 H ow ab out a m eet Olll' team. li t tle s upp 6rt'/ T lljs is the last ' . ,g a ple of tht) Sila S? " :

Second Crade- Mi .. 01.. Harhock O UI' nieu ia n in the 45 a dd itio n co unt is 88 whi ch i!;J ve l'y g o/,d ror a c Ia ss 0 f .4" '1 b . [1 p upt s ul we al"e go ing t o make it hig he l·. W e hav e comple t ed ou r "Pearl Sch oo l in hyg ien e. A schuo l was drawn a nd cut f r om pu pe rs , t he bricks we r e dl'U wn o n it. E a ch ~a y each pupil wh o bru ~ h e d his tee th t ha t m OI'nin g co lored a bl'ick I'l'(l 0 1' u shing le g r eu n. _ _ __ The ixth a nd Seventh G rud e Clu sses hllve o r ga ni ;(e<l a lit era ry club. Th e f oll owi ng o ffi ce r~ \I'(!re electe d: )i'l'U n ce~ E llis, P r es ide nt. DOl'iil S u r fac e, V i Cl'-Pn'~i d c n t. . Mild red Pau I- Sene tul y. Cly de Fromm- 'rreas ul'e l·. " Oran ge a nd Black" wus c hosen for t he IlIrm e o f th e club. Mo tto "Vui!' and Squure." Th e prog rum co mmittee is a rrangin g a pl'ogra m f or "~ r i (:a y , Octo be r 3 1. H e l~' n Gra ha m, from Bellbrook anu Robert BellchlCl', fl'om P oastlow n sch oo ls b ot h in t he Si'xth GI'ade, lire t he latest additi on to our e nl·o llm ent.

PERRY E. 'KENRICK A h ap py h ome c ircle h!I.· been b roken a nd P el'!'y E. Ker rick hll ~ gon ll to hi s H-eave nl y 11l/ l11e. H e was t he "on of W illi ulll B. :1nu H ll nn nh Wharto n Ken ri(·k; wa s born neal' L y tl e, A ugu ~ t 1·1, J 85 1. HiH boy hood days \\"c re s pu n t on the fa rlll , , yet in u rl y li fe h c hose to be a cU I'pente r a nd sno n becam-e a ski llfu l nll'chanic. Ma ny beau t if ul lJ uil di n" H o \'('r the ('01111' ., try ~ tll n d us nH! Il Ulllents o f h i:' handiwork. On Ma rc h 7, 1 ~7fi, he was united in marritl g' 10 Migs Ann a Goodill a t Lytle by Re v. Dn d'J of Wa y nesvill e, and fo r 54 yeu l'" t hey tl'U vele d life'!; puth \,;ay toge t h ~ 1'. Most of w hi ch t im e was spe nt at I'e~ id e n ce in Way n ellv ill e th e wh er e he passed awa y. On e da ugh te l', Be rthll, CUIl ' t' to bles;; this hcnne, F OI" a nu mbe l" of yelll'~ 11 ' sel've (( on t. he Bou l'd of P u hl il' nll'ai r~ and a l ~ o t he Schon l BOll I' Of the vi ll age , nnd d id we ll in wi .-leve l' ctl pac ity he l\ e rve d. In 1888 he a nd h i!; wi fe jo inl' d he hUl ch of Chris t at I'\' ny, II I d evel' s ince has bee n II faithf u l mem be r, adhel' ing t o it s pri nciples and a tte ndi ng t he l'e rv k e ~ wh en eve l' h ea lt h pe l'llI ittcd. He wa~ II love l' of home and ve r y devot ed to hi ~ famil y, a lways a dln ini stel'i nj!" to th e ir com . f ort. The wife a nd da ugh t,,1' lire le f t a nd wil l kee nl y fc I his pa ss. ing. H~ was of II fllll1 il y of e ight child re n ; o f w hom one hI' t her is li vi ng , Wal ter Ke nr ick of Ly tl e. He had been in fa il ing' hea lth for ove r t\\'o rears . but li ved onl y e ight days nfter being st ri ck en wit h II pop lexy ; wUS conllcio li S till a llll O t the las t and ga id if h e was t o go it was a ll well with hi m , li nd on th e eve ni ng of October J G 1!l a O, he Jl eac e fu ll y passed away at t he age of 70 y eal'" 2 m o nt h ~ a nd 2 days.

Th e memu ers of th e E ig hth Gm cle dom est ic sci-e n ce cla1\s had a tea pa rty W edn esday afte m oon . T h e g il'ls gave a little p r ogram as follows: Bibl e readin g- l-I elen Hll rdin. So ng- Mary A lle n , Oli ve Scott an d Betty Har t~o ck. Hea d ing- Marg aret CI:uwfol'd . Pot Ill- Juan it a Brann ock. Poe m- Vi ola Hazlewood. Clarin et s ol o- H ele n Gree ne Poe Ruth Penni ngto n, I\o\rs. Ve r y inte r es ting t ulk Eiche Re fr eslim en ts wer e se r ved. Sev- "W e have Inbo red h ere to -J! "th{' r, e l'lll moth el's atte nd ed , bu t we We have la bored Ri d e by s ide; would ha ve lik ed t o sec a ll m oth ers Jus t a litt le while befoJ"(~ 'u s, p r esent. . H e hus crossed t he I'olling ti de."

" He has la id a sid e his m'mo r And hi ~ ea r t hly course is I'un ; H e ha s ke pt t he fa it h with pa t i e nce , An d hi s crow n of life ill 'w o n." L. K. Fun e rnl ser vices w el'e h eld at t h e I'e~ id e n ce a t 2 p . m, M on da~', condu cted b y R ev. Chest e r Wi lJiamgo n of the F el'l':V chul·ch . Th e pull -bea l'er R we r e: P e rl'y Th omus, Frank Wright. Ro y Hat hawa v, E d Murphy , A, S. Corn e ll a nd Wilb ur ear. In te rm ent in Miami Ce m el\{r. and Mrs. W. H.' Alle n were ter y. in C in c inna ti Tuesday. Car" of ThanJ.. Ra ymonjl F . Hat fie lq spe nt SunW e wish t o exp ress ou r sincer e da y with nis mothel' in Le banon. t hank s t n fri e nd ~ Illlli re lRtl ves Si!lect your QhristmllEi carda Ilt for t he kindn-ess sho wn li S d u rin~ Cary 's Je welry Shop, Lebanon, O. OUr late bereave men t. MrR. Anna Ke ndck a nd W. H, Allen lind family vI s ite d dau g hter , Bertha ,relativ es In India nap olis OVIlI' the week-end. . WAYNE TP. FARMERS' CLUB Parker Duofold pens and pen cils at Cary's J ewelry Sh op, Leb . Octobe r 9, 193 0 was o ne of th e a non, OhIo, m ost beautiful days of all t he y ear, Thi.' s un shone brig htl y Mr, and Mrs. Ge orge Kern were giving unusual war mth for the business visito r s In Dayton Mon- sea son, and the trees all aro und day afternoon. we r e clothed in the most g OI'geo us colors, making t his a most approMr. and Mrs. Walter Cast propiate t im e fOI' Wayn e Tp. vis it ed re \lltives in Wilming t on Farm er s' Club t o meet wi t h Ml'. Monday eve ning. a nd Mr~. Chas. Houg h. Afte l' gl'eetings we r e exchanged Born- To MI'. and Mrs. Oakl ey and a social t ime e njoyed, dinner Kuntz, a son H omer Lee, on Oc- was ann ounc e d. ' Lo ng tableR had to ber 18, a t Lebanon. been provided in t he drivewa y of an ample corn cl'ib a n d t her e th e Forrpst Crane, of Cincinnati, company pnl' ~oo k pf onj! of Auwas t he guest of Mrs. Ml\ud~ tumn's f lla st s. .' , Cran e' and daugh ters , F ridllY: ' A ~ ~he [Ia\; waR Wa r m and th e o Ulside so a lluri ng th tJ af te rn oo n Snws filed by m achinery, cu ~ me etinll' was he ld ·in th o vat.d. ' cleaner, truer) fa stel'. no~ ' Pjgptt, prpf , , Lo ~z ,vas t he prin olpal ' a t Madden's Lumper y~ qL ~ \1 fal- e l' ta kill g fQI' his su bjllct, "Why \\'e HR ve Oovernm e n t. " An Mrs. Rall Mainpu s lind sqns inte r es tin g di sc u ~8 i o n f ollow ed hi : Ralph al1P Jari1lls Dpn llld ~ I'o ve to nddl'Elss. Urbana, "OliIO, Sungay "fter-n oon, The speC'ia l to p ic " So me of the W orthwhil e Things in Life ," was MI'. and Mrs. Walter Clark and abl y handled by Mrs. Frank Elbonfamil y spent Sunday with MI'. The next m ee ting will be at and Mrs. Earl OIark at Brookville. the hom e of Misses P erl e and Blllnche Rjl('y, We l'estrlng beads, replate lIiI-' - ~vel'ware and recover- umbrellas. OHIO C"'NN~RS MEET Cary's Jewelry Shop, Leba!lo~, O.

Smith Hueh'e . , The rcgular ' ~~ii~~ of th e F . F. 'A . WII S postponed : ' , Thc SOllthwest district of Smith B u'gr, es is q lllil'antinad ' for infantile paralysis. On acpouilt of this t l-ie district confe rence was post· po'n ed and Mi·. C'r abb!=! took ~h'arge of classes as usual. ne boys had ' p!a~ned to visit Undllrwpod's IIPpl~ orchard but Mrs. Ella Kendall, of Fairmount were t9rced to postpone it because Robert Blair of Le banon was ia Ind., was the dinner l1;uest of Mr, Columbus Wedn esday in attcnof the paralys!s qUal'antlne, . 'fhe shpp boy s are progrjlsslllg and Mrs. Samplll ~Ut~!!I'WOI·tlt OR dance a t a meeting of th e office !'s Tuesdl\Y, ve r? nicely in their worK, and directors 01' the Oh io Cann or s A8sociaf /.on. It was decided to hold Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Robitzer, the annual conventI on of the a s~lllJil!iall Her, Mrs. J . D. Marlatt, Mrs. Merle ~o ciatl o n at Columbu s Dec em Ler Don't forg et th e mal1;ician who Kerns and daughter, spent 'fhurs9 and 10. Thi.' moeting WIIS adwill be here for yo'll' ent!!rt~in­ nllY in Cincil1nu~i , dresse d by several auth orities on ment Thlll's!lay, Octob er 23. There vege table l1.'arde nlng and f ood w jll be ~ f r!!(l p hibitjon in ~h !l Mrs, Ada Courtney atte nded nl tel'np P!1 at w~lch time J3a!fonte the m~ eting of the Ohio Llbt'al'Y ca nnIng. among the m being W. E. )V III es" ape frqom ~ s~ral~ Ja!!ke~ Association held at the Biltmol'e LewIs anrl M. W . Bakel' of th e United States De pa r tment of IlfLnging hlmd tl p",n fr.(l[ll t)l" toll ho tel In Paytgn l!ls~ Wllek, ' 'A griCUlture; C. W, Weld of the 01' the bign'ellt \!ul!d!ng (.\.own ~own S tat!! Depul'tm ent nf Ag r icultu re, Please t ell all ypur frien~s and Silverware, Jewelry and .&'ift bring tlie ' i:hijdl'!!ll 'rlj\lrsq~y n ovelties. Cary's Jewelry Shop, and ,l'1'ofK J , H. GOlll'ley and H. S - .Bi'o';'ln o f the Ohio Sta te ~venil)g , tp s,!e ~he 't"gillian at the Lebanon, Ohio. W~ g lv~ Cedar Univers ity. A pf ogram of unu. ual ~p lll!f!! IlIlPit orium. ' nis ente~t~ln= Stal11PS, ' ,. " ' interest will be pre pared for t h e 111 n t is 51lQIlilOrell y tl1q Junlo]' December meeting . ~hv;s, Adll1111slon l5c I\nd 20e, Mrs, ,Frank Stansb:errY, ~.Misse8 Mat·y· and Tessa Stansberry and Fir.t Grade-Mi .. E .... Reeder Mr, Tom, Stan~berry . spent . Sun~ ATTENDING O. S, U, Much in terest is shown by 'the · day with relatives in Springfield. ~~ " Fh'st Grades in .Jearning memory J ohn p, Bolto n, G,2rtrud e A. gems and · heillth rhfn'les, ~MK' Mr. ang : Mp;. }!:d ' Beckett. 01 Chandlet·, Warren C. Hunt Fai h , . '1 ' ~1" 'wIt Wilmington. and Mr. ' and Mr s. ~. b Tomtillson and Luella Willil\lqrf! ' f,l CPJl!lI1i jl!grQ ' I'm, 1*1' oI BIRnchester._ 'jlilln orlzlit4'on. We . ~ojle ,to, ads! Geo, rge" 'Rllli"-on: OT ~ .. Son al'e I'n t h .. . .\ b ki fl ",e\)~ru rea ngo 'Ill ore gems and rh)imes tp our we,rj! Sun{lay 'guests , of, ·~r. ' and l!l1l "t· nearl y' i J ,000 t ni!l e,\rlo lhn 1js~ j!a eh )Yee~: ,.., . " l!!rs~ W~!t!i , ~~~t: ~,~"'. f III , :&t Qhi ~ ~tate, Univers i~y, ' , --,--'~ ~ ,.., __ ~i~~ ~I'Ii~MI_." P.o. ' M.,; and ,~rs. W. GQrri~l}, Mr: " • ' ,C'" ,""'1 ' • • and 1\11,'8, H, A, eornell, Jill'. and The SIxth Grade 't ea!llS the Mr9, 0, R. Salisllu!1' Miss 'l!!va Llp"'Q"'IC~ , I BIllell an~ Rllds, playe4 of! . the ' pincott Mrs. M'arfe . Britain. Mes,Ev.e rybody ' !lQme to' t he. 'Hal;9W-: bu¢ball I;tontest las~ w ee". -'rhe ~!'!l. A, ' LiPD,incott and Mrs. Blues defeated ~h!! R@d/3 87 ~o 82. D. R. Sal~!lbul"Y,- ~tJ PJoater ' at- e'oe/l Part.)' ~t tb .. I,ytle HaU/ "SatThe gtrls"'are very SorrY that' eold te""er!' the ~lmeral , .ervf~es for urday evelJlri!f1 : Octo~t 2~tn, Be 'w eather, ,Is coming to QPd the pase- /t.. K. George fo Wilmlngtop Tues- sure to Come mu1ted, Prizes ' will baU season. . dllY att8l'JlOOD, ~e:,fv,n.:.... A,dlllP slqll 10,c. Llloo.h

.. - -




- -_._---- -




". E..






1 he News from Over the Stat~ cl('ut h , angel h!l~ ro me into · I 0 f Oh10 · n~i~J, t an d tllken fl·OIll . u~ a £ 0001 an d f rom 't h e e aplto a fl"llInd anu fu ll I oj' hope, bu nyancy t1l1d the eO lll'IlK!! ____ ____


Wit h


Whole Number 5982

t h e '\


r l tl ~t' n,

n e ll:~hlJor.

uf yo ung Illllnh oo d. . Di stl' iet onfere nce lI e wu:, LIle, o nl ~ ehil~1 of ~al" CO L MBL .' , 0 111 0 Sec r etary wh ich have a ccumulate d during A . und laudltl ( I~y .. ) L SUII" I " j' .' t ute lal'enc'e.J B .. o wn wil l th e p a t near ce ntur y, pape r wn~ h('l <1 tit the loca l M. Eo churc h rl'1l f I I on TUl'sda.v, of this wel'k. with II ac.e, .u~l was JOl'n nea l' yt e, e nd euvo l' t(, giv"~e people of ba lers, n il electl"ic mach in ery u sed Ohi O. SC'ptelllb(·.. 26. 18!Jn, li e Ohiu th ,· ~u ll~xce ll e n t ~e l'v i ce \'el'y lal'g-e al t endance. "punt h is I' nti l'e li fe <> n the farl11 e lection n ig ht wh ich \I'a s rendere d abo u t th e Cap ito l, ice st oragl! A Ht l'o n)!!: and ve ry ins piring ~\"~(' rc he was b?rn. In 1!J 17 h I' ,luring t he pr imlll'y e lec l ion i'll carpent er ;;h op- a nd t h en the rats IHog- m lll \"!h~ s('t f' )l't h, the genera l JOllle,d t hl:' 1\1.u~on~c,· ,Order u, t WilY' A u".r u,t. li e ha s i n ~ tl'uct ed a ll some of t hem mo nst er s, which .' scampe l' awa y t o hundreds o f h id· tbtlll(, u f which \l'a. ; "A n emde n t I' ()h I' h I I I '" neSVI.c, 10.' III IS e( In c as~ t,lccti " h board s t o " :ipeed u p" and Churc h in a Mnd e l'n Wol"l u." On of 19 18 "Sco t ti$h Rite," "Va ll{!y Il{et thl:'i r returns into his o tll ce at ing places wh en th e y h ear any one proac hing. Yet here in t his place th i ~ 11I'ugl'a m wer e t wo fOI'mel' of Dayt on" u p t o and inclu d in l! t hl' eurli est pus, iule Illum e nt T here ap pllst.m s of th i ~ ehu I'ch , Ht' v. " , :12n <l deg r c('. li e \\'as ulsu a (a it h· 1is n o dou lr t a f'o rec a~t of the rc- work a score o r mo re of me n, in Gruus (>I' o f Wnr th ington a nd R e\", f ul lll e mlH' l' of "A nt ioc h S hrine." . ;a lt c un be madl' bdol'e mid n igh t. t he d a mp, dark a nd g lo om y lo oking pla ces , a bree din g s tation f or D. P. Holt of ne th el. In th e Au t ullI n of J!J I 8 h e WC llt E leCt ion ret Ul'ns will bl' uroull y ai lmen ts to whic h th e human T hll l'c we i C! uillo prcsent r{'p· in, trui n ing fo r ove rscus .WII I· !;e r - ~a~t by Sec l'·Y Br own thro ug h- man body is heir. Sa ni ta r y- th ere is of ' the Wesle\' I I I I I I d I en' ntat in ,, ' . " Ice anl was lOnora J y I. 1St: IIl l'ge fl Ut t he n ight a n d peup le living in thi ng in t he St a t e H ouse F uu nd utio n, T he Children ',; HOllle, s h ort ly afte r the armis tice II' U ~ I"l'nl ote sec't io ns will hllve t ht! n ews nbao ~es uch l1l en l. " as ea r ly n nd co m plete u" t heir T he Hom r ol' t h(' Air \·d. The Dea · " ignl'''. cone s!; H ume an d hd "t lI oHJl ita l, Wa" mn n ' leu t" Mrl d l'c d BUI' nett t itv ne ig hb o l's. a nd th e Boa l'd of I'cn,·io n,; a nd .Jan uary 7, 1!J2<! . To him .llId his ' _ _ __ Th e Capi t ol bu ilding, s ituated ll et ire lll cn t F un d. fai thful wi fu tw o ch ilorcn we r t' A doze n me n , so me of thelll in t he center of a t. ' n a ere plot, A t t he cvcn irl" sess io n t h t' s ub · I. I) II I ' I d , o na I f , h agel Oe lKI 1t, an weul'i n ..rr th l' >u m b er ga rb of pl'iRu h is 184 fee t wide by 304 feet lonr jed of " Th e "Ch urch un d i t~ uOl'n \" '1 'Y I ma agel t n 'e. I'll WII S 1l i n mulu ~ , ti ll ' bul> ,Inily 'l"a k ~ng li n d is 158 in h eig ht fr om the roYfluth" \\'a ~ ab ly pl'e"en t cd by R C' v 10\'('1' of t he bea ut ifu l. 11(' loved up the le uv es of th e St ate H ou se t un da fluor tu the uppe l' skylight F. G. Ma r k ley nf Fir,' I Chul"{' h , tl OWt' I'S, ht' loved the " Gn· nt· Ou t- Pu r k. In a fe w days t he iron n uove th e dO llle. I t is built of N"rwoo d, a ls" fl vcry i nt (, l'l'sti ng ,d unl's." ue nches w ill be removed a n d then lim esto ne q U1IITied neal' th e Cap. I t h If ' h' " tll'Cf'S 011 "The e h lln'h li nd CII)l no e p r e err III j! , ttl IS t he " regul ars," wh o have occ upi ed ita l Ci ty Iln d WM el'octed by e h ' i~ tian Citizensh ip" , by Juuge h Olll e li fe fu l' h e ch tl ll e ng{' d my the m dll ily dUl'in g pl easll n t weath- pr i ~o n labo r, t he bu ild ing containF . ~i. (' I e\'(! n~el' tl f W il mi ngt on. admil'aliu n t h ol·c . H ow k in,L ho w e r of t he ~pl' in g an d s umm er , ing 53 r oom pr opel'. T we nty three S pecia l J)1 u ~ic was rl' nde l'ed 1)1' th ouj( h t fu l. hnw ~y m pathetic he will hal'e t o fi nd new loafin g yeu r s we r e req ui red in its conI h' h t he local choi r: a l ~o voclli so la's wa s. n I' own h appy o me he q ua rters . Ma n y wo nd el' where st ru ct ion, wo rk ha v ing b eg un in by Mrs. H erbert iJu e rklt' ann fl' , mad,' welc olll e hi s m"n~' f " it' nd ~ , sc or es o f th e d e rel ict~ I1 l'e ho use d. 18:38 an d fi n ishe d in 18G l, at a Geo. Kern and tl'lImpe t s olo by lind there o ne fe lt hi ~ d evn ti on t n cost of $ 1, 500, 0 00, An effort has ('ccil Dav is. hi ~ wife 1\11'1 littl e o n(' ~ . P e rha ps th ose in clui r ge of charity been mad e t o mod el'lli ze th e interThe l\'Olllen of th e Aid S oc ietv Ol'ul had t hll t I'llculty I) f a " ap t · h mes and ch eap " f1 f1P" hnll s c ~ io r , wh ic h has res ul ted in a sort ser ved d inne r t o 1GO Jlel':<o n ~ a n d illg h im self t o nil c l a ~"e" a nd a~es co ul d answe r. of c ra zyquilt patched a ffair . Com<uppe)' t o ab out 100. \ His ci r cle of f r ie nds WMS lUr K!) pa red t o oth er Cap it ol buildings and \) \ ' (,1' wi de ning. A t rip tho ug h th e winding cor. t hrough ou t Ihe co untry , well it He im p ressed hi s fr icn ds wi t h r id ors a nd passage ways o f th e \\' ou Id be a shame to put in in hi s s ple nd id t ruits o f c haru ct er. Sta t e Ho use base me nt is q ui te in · p rint. So me d ay will b-e conWhil , no t affili a t ed with a n y t<:res tin g t o the out-of -t own visi· would be a shame t o put it in c h u r ~h snc ie ty, ye t Ii vc~ like t OI' but t o state e mployes t he moder n b uil di n g wort'h y of the Ort\l' ~ melln t much to a co mmun - n ovelt y has worn off. Down in t he sta t e o f Oh io. ity Wh e n they leave it t hey a re n ot dark passag ewa ys r e mindin g onc f rgott n. They h llve a n "Imm or - of sto ri es r e ad abou t t ombs in The Capi ta l City is pre paring ta li ty" here a s well a ~ t he " He l'e- me die va l days, are housed a cou for the a nnual Hall oween ce lebraarte r." p le dozen au tomo bil es , several tion whi ch for yea rs has attracted VA YNESVI,LLE M. E. CHURCH They li \' e ron in t h e influ en ce co rds o f wood which can be used a n d i lllp ul ~es for good t hey hllve in gra tes o f e xecutive offi cer s, hou sands of citize ns to th e down G, C .. Dibert, Pastor. kin dled in t h e hea rts o f oth er s . st ate h uuse pa rk benches, t o ns up· to wn bus in ess secti on, many to W eU n esdll.Y : B ible Rtu d y a nd E ntw in ed around him wer e a ll on to n s of documents and books pal tici pat e and oth e l's to witness . he a nti cs, cap e rs , g a mbols and praye r III e t.i ng a t 7 :30 P. III . t hose no ble t raits of ma nhood, as pra nk s of th e mask ers and celeF r iday: Choir' pl'Uciice at 7 ::3 0 hone: t )', integ ri ty, me l'cy a nd -=-- _'=' ra nts. In the days of the middle p. Ill. t r ut h. I pay him the hig h e. t t l' iunin e t ies o ut-of-town e rs we re atS u nday : !' unday sch ool at !J :30 ute whe o I . a y t hat t hi s woul d be roc ted t o th e Capital City not 11 . Ill. MOI'ning wo rsh ip at 10 :3 0 II b ette r wO I'ld to live in co ul d ull ,'nly by th e ce le bl'ation but by Epw or th L eiagu e at G::3 0 p. m. A t yo un g nr en ~ x e mpli fy his life. H e ot he l' things furni shed by the I 'O~S, past or or · was ~ n act l v~ member o f th e 7 ::l() p, m. Hev. bonifaces alon g High str eet, chief th e M. E . ch urc h in Lebu no n , wi ll ' An~ e l'l c u r: LegIO n P os t a t Le ba n on o f which was a lunche on of elaborOh iO. N lIlety percen t of these be wi t h us awl preac h, ,lte pl'opo r t ions . On Mon ti al' evening t.h e offi da l br a ve bo ys o tTe l'ed t heil' bl oo d fo r Dirc ctor ' harles A . Neal, M. D., board will meet ut. 7 :;{O (l . Ill . t ra nsfu sion t o belp suve his life. of th e late De pa rtment of Health Oral had b ee n complaining f o r has ann oun ce d t he official call seve ra l yeurs, A fc w w eeks 1t1l'0 fOI' the e leve nth Annual ConferWAYNESVILLE, CHURCH OF he was ta k e n t o Mia mi Vnlle y .---- -- - - t nee oC Health Co mmissioned" CHRIST ho.-pita l. Eve r yth in g l ha!: medical (Un den omina tio nal) sc ience could do was done f ol' him We dd ing Rings- Cary's J ewe lry wi t h the s ta t e d epartm e nt, to meet Chester A . Williamson, Minister H e ' utT!! r bd In te n sely t he last few S ho p, L eba n on, Ohio, ' in Colum bu s November 18th to 21 st Und e r the Ohio statutes each rl ays of his life. and depa r ted o n Bibl , School At 0 :3 0 a· m· L OI'd' s t he mOI' ning of Octob er 1 J, l oao . Mr, ar~d. 1\fJ-s. Ra y Mills we r e c ity ' and g ene l'al health district is required to a ppoint the health ' up pe L' sim p ly u nd scrip l ul'all y ob· aged thirt y-fi ve years and s ixtee n Dayton VISItors Saturdu y. commission er as its d elegate to the ser ve d at concl usion. Christian da ys. H e leaveR to mourn th eir E n deavor' a t G:3 0 p. m. M.a rtha loss his wife a nd r hil dl'e n f u th e r N. p , J ordun , o f JameH town , confe r e nce with n ecessary expenses (laid. Cook, lea del;. Eve nlllg e va ngelis- m oth er . u n age d gr a ndmother, a n d w a~· in Wuy nesvill e Friday. ti c sC l'v i<' e at 7 :30 p. Ill . A. R. hosts o f I'e luti ves a nd fri e nd s, V a nce will jl,r ea ch , P raye r me eting W . A. Clark Those beauliful sets o f dish es A t ouII o f t we lve contracts each W cdn,esduy at 7 :30 p. m. at Ca ry 's J e welry S hop, Le banon with an ex pe nd iture of $638,461."The chu rc h wh ere yo u fee l a t C · 10 hiO, ure ope n st ock. . 4 0 has b ec a announced (or the h om e," ard of Than).. 'mo nth o f Oct o ber by Director \\, e wish t o offe r ou r heartfult Mr. and Mrs, H. L. Buerkle at- Hobe r t N. Wa id of t he Highway ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH gra titud e and t hnnks ,t o th o 'C wh o te nde d the Ohio State-Michigan nt. Inc luded is the big s o k indl y he lpe d us a t t he t im e of gam e In Colu'jlbu s Saturday. grad e se pa r ation in N ewcomersR ev. Law;rence B. Mollmann. ou r be r ea ve m en t of our denr hu stown Wh ere an immen se beam Summer flchedule- lst, 8rd and band and so n. MI'.' and Mrs. Samu el Butt er - br idge will b.c erected ove r the 5th Sunday, Mass at 8 :00 a . m . i Es pe ciall y th e Masonic lodge , 1I"0 l'th an d Gilbert FI-ye viRited r e l- tracks of the P ennsylvania rail2nd lind 4l.h Sunday, Mass at th e Sco,t.tish Rite f or the beautlful atives in Wilmington S undoy. roud. Other con t racts are for pav: ce r e mon y, th e A nw ri can Legion . 9 :30 ; ing an d s ma ll bridge work. th e Wa y nes vill e li nd Ridge ville Mrs. Ruth A. Daugherty a nd Gun clubs, for th e beauti f ul fl oral daughte r Miss Stella were r ece nt ST. MARYS CHURCH tribut es. COOPER BOOSTERS HERE visitor s o f fri e nds in Day t on. Th e n eighbors nud r rl e nd ~ who Rev. J . :I. Schaeffer, Rector. t:ut our c or n and so wed our wht' at. Thursday afternoon at 1:16 Mo ni s S he l'\voou, o r Cu lumbus Octo be l' 26, Nin et ee nth S und ~y Es pecia ll y to th ose loyal friend s aite r Trinit;y. Chur ch 81lhool Ii"t wh o W61'C with liS in th e la st try. s pe nt t he week -end with h is pal'· ~; s b e l ' ge l" s band o f Cin cinnati, en ts Mr. lind l\'l!-~. Carl S he rw oo d. Ul'I'i v d he r e, anno uncing a run0:3 0. In orde r tha t the l,'ect (l l' Rev, in g hours, HI'OU nd t our crl" the Cooper-McJ. J. 'c ~ af7tT er an li pther l1\embel's Th e minist e r for his c on soling boosters. Republican For best results consiK'n YOUI Cullo ch o f t he pupsh may a ttend t h e cen· wo rds and all others who so kindl v ive stock to Green · Embry Co" T he re we r e ab out 11 Ii p ersons on t e nnia1 cel!lbl'l,UQn at ChrIst he lp (>d us. . Cih cinnati, in care of D. R. SlIlis, the to ur. chul'e h, p a y ton , th e r e will be n o Mrs. Mildred S Ul'fac e and Fumil y bur),. . The st op was made in front of Warren A. S urfa ce und Fa mi1~:. Church se r vlice, 01'. Witha m's res id en ce. Dr. Chas, MI'. und Mrs, L . H. Gord on , Mr ~. Wcbe l' uf Hyde Park, acted ail LYTLE M. E. CHURCH S U ~ lln Wilktll'Ro n and Miss S ullie chairman, introducing the speakDEATHS Smith visited r elutivcs in Wilming. ers, J . W. Brickel', and Hon, Rev. H. JfI. Lafferty, P a!;tol' ton Sunday eve ning. Churles Brand. . Sabbath S.choo l 2 p , m. PI'ca ch Martha En g le MUl<oll Iltl . passed Thte go vern or was scheduled to ing se rv ice :3 p .m, Se l'mon by a way at her hOIll!! In K a ll ~a s City , Mr. and Mrs. Wa lt,(, 1' Bake l' join the tour here, but was detainRev. E . W. F:lr od, past o r of thc ~ (l ., tI ll 1'uesdll Y, OC't ob r l' 21. ~ pellt S undu y in Xe ni a , th e g u es t ~ ed. Seve I'll I notabl e s p eakers were F ru nklin M , E. Chul'(; h, y ou jll·t! She was th e da ug hte r of Allr nll o f th e ir son-in -law Ilnd duug ht t!r on t he progra m , (or the different Chan dle r, Sr" a nd was born on lVlr. nnd Mrs. C ly de Egbe r t . cOl"d ially J' n vitll d, stop s. Ha lly u y w us observ ed last th e o ld Chjlndlel' fnl' m, thr ee mil es S und a y wit h ove r 8 0 rresent; w e we st o f Wllyn esville , Ohio. One Watche s, b enutiful and de pe n. F. & A. M. FAMILY PARTY want yo u to CU lll e lln d find yo uI' s l!;t er , Esthe l' St o ut. Is the onl y 'd able for eve l'y member of th e . urvlv or of ' t hnt large pi on eer pln<:c in t.h e S!l bQat h S\l ho ol. family. Weekly payments. C al' Y' ~ family . Waynesville Lodge No. 163 F. ,Jewelry S hop, Leban on, Ohio. BUl'ial In Miami Cemete l' Y Fri · & A. 1\1. g ave a family party at FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST (!ay. Mr. and Mrs. Lllre Stnrr of Sab- t heir looge r oom, last Friday even· ( U nd en omina tional) , Mrs. Lettie McCray and Miss ing. P erry E . Kenri ck, well known ina, Cheste r A. Williamson, Minister Mr. Cad Lohrey, of Dayton, a Mattie Stiles , of Ne w Bul'lingto n, a nd hig hly res pected in t his com· Rev ival ' c on ti nu es until S unday, were guest s of Miss DOl'a Stiles magician of note, gave an ho " 8 ente r ta inme nt of clever mqic. Oct ober 2 6. Prog l'am f or Sunday munity wh er e he resid e d more on Thursday. han fifty y ears, died Thursday t which wa s thoroughly enjoyed. follows ; Bible School at 9 :30 a . A Ft c r the conclus ion of the prom. Lord's Suppe r and s ermon at foll owing a stroke of paraly sis. Expert service given on Swi ss 10 :30 . Sermon s ubj ect, "Worship.' His wife and one daughter, Bertha and American watches in our re- gr ul1l the members of t,h e lodge one bl'othe r , Walter Kenrick, pair S unday will be "Promotion Day" ao n,l department, ,Store op en and theil' guests were Invited to f Lyt le, survive him. evenings. Cary's Jewelry S ho p, t he banquet room where a deliciin the Bi b le Sc hool and a sp ecial Fu'ne ral Re rvice" we r e h eld at ous lunch of sandwiches, coffee prog ram Is b eing plann ed. Evenin g the residence Monday afternoon, Lebanon, Ohio. and icc cream was served by mem(lvan ge lh;tic se rvi ce Ilt 7 :30 ". m. Rev. Chest er A. Williamso n ofSel'mon HUbject , "The Convers ion ficiating. Bu rial ';vaR in Miami Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Prend el'" Ut I'!' of the Eastern Star. \Ca s t and children ,we l'e cuBed of a Godly lI1an ," Good congrega- ce me t e l·Y. t ional and s pec ia l s ing in g. "Yo u he re last week b ecause of th e MADE FIRST ENTRY dea t h of Mrs. Pl'e nd e rg a s t' ~ !II'e alwa ys' .\\' e lc ol1l c lit this A. K: Geo rge, ijg e(1 13 , t ormer moth er, 1\11'5. Wardlow. Church." re: ident of Wayn esville , died at T o a WaHe n County Milking th e ho!n ~ o'f hi s daug hter, Mrs. W . Mr. and MI·s. Ge ol'b"'f! Hart sock Sh ortho rn, catt\u establishment FRIEND'S ME { INC R. Ma 8 te l'~ , at Tampa, Fla., Saturday. Dellth foBowed a strok e ,of had as theil' dinner gu ests on I' that of Harry T . Lewis, proprietor Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wat t, of Ro selane Farm, of Fostel', roel F e llowing the reg,ulli!' meeting pamlysifl. He is s urvived by one Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Core, Mr. ~nd! the di stinction of having made the fo r wor ship on Clc tob er 2G, lunch son and three daUlClrte\'ll, Mrs. Chas. Lefevre, of Frankhn. first livestock entry received from will bll s el'ved in dinin g r oom RegMr. Geo l'ge waR tn bu siness Ohio for thoe 1930 International u lal' Mon t hly ' M,ee t ing for , ,qusi- h e r e in the late eighties ,and was MI'. and Mrs. Luth e r Sell el'" and n ess lit 1 :301 p .1'11. 'Following ~hili man'led t o Miss Ne ttie I.lpplncott, MI'. Alvin Sellers, of Dayton, Live Stock Exposition, to be. held , in Chicago this yeal' November 29 tWhealte A · I' eSr·I' c.,W o~d~ardd, Rel.i1c ihL" l' . \ld'f a daughter of t h e late Benjamin we r e Sunday lIfternoon visitors at t o Dee~ niber ,6. , n Lippinc ott and a sIster of Wm . '. m. ~, \', l'I l',n. ' "~011 , the hom e' of o. O. Missildine and - - : - - .. .&. " - ,- 111<1., . :VI~I t ,ell '. \I~. hiS ~~per-I~nce A, Lippincott, or t hIs place. , Mrs. family. \ . on hiS I ecent t ilP to ~ \l\ OPE!, Ge orge di ed in .July, 1929. CONDITION' IS SERIOI:IS Everypody wek o e ' - F"ncl'al servIces were ~ eld ~t W. C. St. .Tohn hall sev,e red ' nis ,r. ' ,{' ____-. . :: __ _ _ the Arthur 'Funeral Bome tn WII" . connection wit.h the Kilpatrick,' J. ' Sa,ck"tt, 111M,',' f.11 " minlttoD and burial was in Sugar French , Motorcar Co., and has ,. . _" ' l,Q,CA,L '6JRL HQNQ.EQ Grove ' cemetery; Wilmington, '. accept4! d a position "as sales\lIan while (licklog Qlplea,. OJ;' b... " .... . b Ch I t recently, wall remov,e!i ..... ,~ Ion -for ela~s - ofllcel's to .. Miamii WrlM'" eOI~a~IC~4a(l ' at Wittenberg col. Ha",. New Dallahte, • < an ,exam I)a 00 ...... o ..... ~ . . ~. . . , a sweep for Expert watchmaker and en- Injury to . ~is, spine. Be WU Mr. and Ml's. M. p. Bah:d are «ravel' at Cary's Jewel,,)' Shop, in a ,cut but bis coD~tloD ~ termed anno.unelng t he arrival of a daugh Lebanon; 6hio, Only ,en:ulne wone. Sa~rday n.t.h& -Ylia,W ', ter Patlllcfa Ann, at ¥Iarui Valulled In our repair depart enCOUl'qJD,. but at IM& . . . ley' b08pl~al. Wednesdaf. Oc~}ler material lila&. . was reported IQme bettet.

H i l1 ~ bo l'o









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§c;:ie~h~~. ::~~:na~~lImi:;fo:,






Re . . el ec t G o v er n o r \



Com mon Pie.,. Proce"d in" Th , lI o pkim; Realty ompu ny WU 8 a\vl\r(ll· d 1\ j Ul\l:me nl f $200,I 5l in. it. , cas a~l\inst Isua'c . An( ' IIAPTb R \'11. \\ill know mt'. Wh nt <.1 0 YIIU think " T h:!.n". (Ill, ~lnd t:ile ~ - " d ~ r"ulI 1111\1 M!lI'l(nr ct U, And er ~u n . ''--- I or if, M)'. 'hit ' nham1" "l' t·~." Shl' t;:\l It ~HI Oct"be r 6. him , and hl'r 1)llnhull1 VR " I th ink ~'uu'rc a ver~' hruv ' "I wa s nen' r '1uile ~t, \\ il-ked a s . T h~ cu. c of Fmnk \ (li t' • Itn ' I I11'1' I aUI{ II, am I IleI' IIttl C- ! \\,(,\llUII ,. C ' I ' d . II I ' Il('(lplo hu\'c mud,· , ou t. " e: ~ III. a n, I SUt It Will< nut th .. ' en ) u fn (W lltyly Wil nmm lSHlun\,1i(').." I1f Illunlw r somellm t'i! madc he Il'lln d d" " 'n un t! l ouk ers oBoard f " ' Ill'l'(' 'oun li di s llli ~~It ~ ".' 1Il illl p" "~ ilol" lhal ~he \\ II: ! Til his . urJll'i~c the te al': hl:l' hUIll\. illY f!lull ah ul - Ruti n y. I ttold welled up hilll ~o lllnll Y t i nlC'~ it WU R uSl:! let's ct!. 11<11 th,' ,.DIIl ct"Qed . wtlll\un who hllc! ' into her cyeR and ~ pla. h d un t o why. he wus only II huy COll1par'c o m(' ~ .. hap p ily t u hi. arm~ in th hl'l' fl'(l r k. Th .. sht! ri tT \yn s n.utho l'.i:l't! t? ed wi th 111 - II "puilt. w(!uk boy." n.I\lI "~ ul'! IlUCUo n et!1 t o se ll CCI cul d. hlt'llk 1'11,, 111 'I f t he h ll t~ 1 high "Thlll's r,,()li ~ h (If 1111'. i:'I1'( it?' " I am afraid hl' \ \11:' . " • ta m l ~ rl!1ll1: es ~e" cf'1be.t! III t ~(! 01'UJl ill l hl' 1l1l ,untain ~ . f he "Hid . "Ant! they' I' • nut be·· .·ll uon't think t\lO uudly uf dl!1' o t ,;ull' hCl'ct u ful' . ' h ~ ul d Cil" fr ank ly that ~he ' cuu s ' I' m fl'ightl! ned . . c I ~';l~cd III the , th~"e me. h\' dre w her hand gen tly cu: e u: t,hc l'eo l~ I". ,Burld~I1 ~ , hnd h(... n u liltll' nel'\' uu~ I'f nH.,'(' t - 1 t 'ur~! It '~ just uucuu Loa~ 'e th e wuy I1WU \· . "Ami n ow- \ll "u~e I(U. I' m u.nd S N every line oE govern ment activity in the state, great In~ him. U\ Ings C '. \ WllI,all l b:. Y"U t uok hold o f my hu nd rt! ll1ind - ~ D tired." Gl'e.8th o ., I thoulIh p('rhnps the fu III i1y I u l me of slim e one . u ~e .. el ~I .Oct?be l' . .' progres s has been made under the adminis tration of GovSh e did n o lo nk III him or ri se I 1 he s h .nff \\as .ubo II~tl~oll hntl' d hau e xtended it~lf to you,' drew II hnrd breath as . C· ."he ze~ if ill pnin. ernor fn ,m Cooper , A vote for the continu ance of his admi n· her chai l'. li nd Giles wulk u til e mpl ~ he ~n id hi\l"rly , " Lifl' is \'('r}' un- "Sorne 0 111' I I' all~' I \'~d. Th an o.ultl u n~ ~ 1 In the I'~ I'l·lu c· tn L1\' to t il , dUl1 r. pau ~il1J( 1 ca s(' of o;. istration is 8 vote for continu ance of one of the most prold lll.1 l o ~nlll \1 1' u ~. MI'. C'hl\t('n - \\/l ~ a ll111n I (,nl'" the Le bl. l ~ o n-('I~lze ll s NIl I'l'all~ 11)\'I·d. wlll'n h(, j'l'o"he'l it t. ) It, ' k back. t!on~1 Bank and hl1ll1. I ul l1 1!1ad y ••11 do nllt hule m e :\11'. Chllt,·n h ulll ." 1 rus t Co.• \' ~ The gressive and effect ive admiuistrations in the history of O.hio. It ~"I'med h" rl'ilol t, 10 !t'iI\'(' h l' l' ' I·. c,,- r h~l' lllul u :1' ·\t :lIl1 y II'< I had ' ·.' p,·c t "y,,11 , .~e UJ bl'l' R, " 1 nm ~Ul'" tll\'re \\n" ." Since taking office less than two years ago, the Rcpubl tcan like lhut nlulH' , jf uk tIl thi n k I In th,' ell~l' (If "ut h Wallhlll ! \'~ \\ ol1ld." " 1\ ' di!'d . .•.'. .Julie ~at \'er~' t hat "I' 1111 tit" fl 'i""l'l'i adminis tration has kept its pledges , li ved within its income nd" !lnd 1,)\" '1''' ' Chudl's H. WalthH I I. COLl rt IJ nl<' I'NI ( ' h llt f' nh:ull lw,itnt\ ' t!. ~1i11 for a IllUI11!!n t . th.·n ~IH' ~C'''lly -h .· had kn n\\l1 t1WI'l' W I " n"t on!! and has done much toward the advanc ement o f good gov" \\' I",n I W:l ~ .. 11 I ht' (It her side rift· \\, hi'l' hand awa\'. t tht· rI .·f" ndnnl pay ~'I 1)1' 1' "T hal tin- ,,;-:lalld 10\' hl:l' l1<m and h .. ld h(' 1' ! IIIha c"k f c, l' till' s upport o f thl!l l' nlll1 ,. f th c' \\/"'Id my hutl'NI fc ,l' y.llI ' i ~h. · d nil'. in til(' ~a'1I11' ernmen t, re-habi litation of our schools , and at present has \\' u~' that hun d a~ "h~' \\,£, 111 Ihn 1I1!h till' rlal'k "I dllld. li e . wn~ \1:1' a n'I'\' 1',·,,1 and vitnl nl ~ (J '~ l'd l' l' ed til th ing ~I'1l11, thinl-!' " f tht' kind one of the most forward -lookin g ' ",dfarc ond penal propuy JallH!' r~ . BUl'kl' $ .If, lI l1 uc It£' ,aid ).!1'H\" ' ! ~'. ' I u,,,d to IIl1pl' for th" oth ('I' .Jllli,' t .. " . 11(·ha~ lini , hl'd '. :d l.·y lyi ,W h,·f" 1'1' hpl'. dil· d. a ll d :\ grams in progress in the entire United Statcs, an "Pl'ol'tl lllity ct. ",.·11- " 1\ I' I Ih l' n iL \\'a ~ a , if I di,·d U II'. l.\l '111:011 du\' " I' l\\ tI I:H"r he S ill\' Il (·"U.l1t . ,.'1' utt ornl'Y fCl" f(ll' thl! lI'n" II1I11('('l1 ll'l1t ill u n (' \"~- I Jlh~I."l1tl. Oct obl! l' ; . ~ hrul!i-!'t''' hi " ;. 1I"u l dl·l'~ and ~ m i led . I th at W:J ~ l}l''' 1 III' ,,1(' " ·'\ \"I'al-:" · I ~ " lid, :I 1Il1'I"drHll1a- all t hl' hal(' flll 1" '"""at !,·n-I. .and rBI't'r til th,· (·fT,·(·t th ut :, he hnd , I Ill' l<b~e o f t l1£' X,e lllu 1: ';Il'me r, Play Safe·· Vote the Straig ht Repu blican Ticke t p:lrt I' \'l·d I!('n,· 1I1t 1' '''''\. "" '! w uu ld u(. nb~ l'nt F. x chall~e tit. ", ,, I'U, is n't it; " , 'S, .J. . 'llIt o l1 I h ump (Ill ~ ;\! y "" ll , ill .luli,· i ~ ilk!' thai fill' ~ (' IlH' till,,' . u nd t ha I Oil Il' ttl' l'S I "(~ II ~\'ns cn REf'UIILl CAN ST ATE CAMPAI r: N cn~ n.IITTPr: "'1'11\"(' i, Il" flt h(· 1' \\'ortl th :lt l ')<' \\" It 11111<1 th. · fUlllily . I\",uld he r,. l·wal·tll'd. It was th,' ; dl ~ ml ~sed. mpl'U llll secl. ~l' tllet! an d gi\' C'~ quill, Ih,· - 1\111<' .·xpIHna ti on." 1 1" 'I'hnl" )' '' U do,,1,(·' t ill 1".11 1. , \\ ' .. IL. k, (.oIU Ulh" . , Oblw Od bl' r 10: kn ll ll 1,,·1' \\,,1 1 , alll l.' lIig'ht lhat hb moth ('I' rung' , ou l'\ ., 'r de l'lll I{~y (,r~h,I~~I"d l', h •. :.n, \I ,'I'''(\. "I)" ,,' t voll sti ll ('" ol11-:h I .. S (·!, il " 1' 1 1'('('lI lIl1ize ' . up " n Ihl' t eit'p hctlll' t o Inform ( ndant In the rn ~l o f Su s ie Cd.U11(1 1'(' 1'",. it'!" . !'ut I d,,! I kn ,, \\ 01 i 1'1 .,. Iy ~h l' !r im thut ,hl' wa s I!i\'inj! a party. ham \' ~ . Ray Gru IHl1ll~ t o PIlY .. N.. ... .·HIll '· h'"11t· 1'1"111 Switzl' rland , ' . " Wh t' n'!" h£' ",k,.d r uth less ly as UU"l'rll' Y fe es to I'!'ank C: $:.\5 llIok('!' \·ou {·halll!l.'?" AII\\,("1'(' 'll'\'l'" 1.""11 I-:r"ul fri(' lt. b - (' u l ti l1$:! ,: . hol't hcl' \·I .) llbl t:' explunn - :ll·l';;o ll. alt o rnl'~' 1'01' lhe IJJ.l1 nt!fl', (; ill'~ IlIokl'd ' l\wa\' f1'<ltll her I 1" ld ~' ''1I ,10" d ldn't 1I1'1"0\'( , of li ( r: ~. fil e d efe nda nt WIlS al ~ o onlere d q uil'ed ) . Court appoint ed Ma ry 15 ac r (' ~ in Frunkli n towngh ip. 01 ,,\\'11 11(' ,·"" wdl' u iiltl I'l·staur - n1('! Hu t th e dny IIftl' " T o· nic-hl. T\\'l' IH midnig' ht. to puy thl' p laintiff ~5 POI' w('{·k E. Ril ey, Chlll'les I'f!oore Ilnd He r - tub<>r I e!. allt. 1111.1 ill :Ill nl t'hing illl:u!i n a iLl n hlllll< :-u ll l' \ll " i~ wt.'l·kKl' ~ h,' rnllw IIK Il . T ~lIP- 1 Gill'.';. T hel'l,' 11 b(' hUIll and e/:f!1< ~~l\1 thl' dut,· (,f heul·lnlI. Octobe r be l't S. A Ibuu gh npprai s er s. (Octo hl' "n\\ :ll!nin th(· 1.0:11''', IIKI;- I'u(l m I I/OS!' 11 11111 _1 IJt" " I' nlOI'C , hi' and hoi ro ffe(' nl)l)ut f ou r." ber 7 ). t.f til( l1l .. u ntllil1 h .. tel. lind heard CUI1\I' III H'" 'Ch I C II' · Marri a ,e Licen.e d " }<' . anll ' h,' ,.nid:· 1 "r. l."d I. ord !" Robert D. Chnmbe l'l a in, admin, Ill' es Ih,. Willd howl il1l-: u~ it ilung' the ' \\'nn,t \<) a .-k ,. (II'. pUldon a !ns \\a~ I)l'[\nle . a f0 1' !llI " n istrator t~Il' Albert Ill lk of likt· Willillm Mulh ollllnd , mllthe tl~Rt. estate. It wi o f ll bp ~h\rl0rc.p fl' lI l11 ~t~eIIMunl' Cd)~lr nl! Charles , ,,f t " n"w nJ( n in ~t t h., win rlo\\'s. Ihl' hu rd dlll11-:' I,' \' , a III lo yo u ' II\·h tun, E\'l'ry n ile " V. Chamb e rla in, decea se d, filed h is chini st, of SOlllh IA' bllnon. a nu coming "Sh Ill .thi ng hap pe ned _ " hI' lind hou~h :" f 1,11,' , \\~ ~I t-\\Hl / tIE custlo / 10h "f ~· " u. Y U lI·\·,· L '<'11 A Bntll e " I' e~ k phy ~ i cia n SIlYS. "\\'h" i ~ '\'\'ery o nc'~" t . I' ll' C -' (l en . . ame~ .. an l l ~ u p in ve nto ry anu apprais em en t with l\1i ~s Ru t h E~te ll n C rul11ll'y, of !- lIid. '1'II!ht. and (' \'(: I,,"'" \\'1"lIlg all the . " I ) " 1 i,. t ,f Cl,ul·"e" Co n ~ til'"ti (o n i ~ rl' ~ po ll ~ ible f or lhe cuurt. (Octob er 8). :'<lorro\V. Octobe r 9. . ~h e '~ bring- I (, . Cu lhn s. qct () ~C'I' II : . . 111," a P:II·IY. And Lnwrell l'e Sc h omore Illise ry thun UI1Y oth er cause.' In the CIlSt! of H . W. Ivin s. adDt:'an Dak!n \\a .« a \\IlI\ ICl! a .rh Walt er lIowllrd Ell sthlll1l !i,'! '! ., But imm ediate re lie f hns b een v orce 11'om E d na H'eal'l Dnkln. Oe- ministl' lltor of the estate of James Mi ~s Lelia V irg iniu J Jl'dlllll. and Roth f Ull d . A tabl ~ t "\\'hl1t 111UII<, Y / ' lI Il Fk him ?" P. Re e d , d eceased , vs J oh n Reed, o f Frankli n. Octobe r fl . cu ll ed Rexa ll OrdI to~~ 1' 13. . " T .. I' '''as" :\Ii ,,~ F n l'r ow, of e r li e:; hu s been discove rcd . This . 1 he fo ll ?"' ln g- ca. eR w~r e di~ - et Ill. court auth orized th~ adminOrville Melnmp~' ant! 1\1 iss Mat- tllblet attract s COLI r,I', Th" v' r e ll l way~ wal eI' fmlll the systO~l'th l' r! nl1~ s~ d With out Lotls i ~ tratol' to se ll certain r ea l estate tie Lee W right. Both of Lebnno n. tem I l' 'o lh' b('lit'\'e th ey will lIluke a B.l·hltk v~ . ~y h'est:errec~rd: into the lazy . dry, evac ua t ing Sc hhnk; ~he im'olv ed in the mat te r for n Ol less Octobel ' 10. mutch of it.." b owel cu lled t he co lon. Th e r.. n. Thll'kle ld Son s Co. v~ . " a l- than $750. the Ilpprais ed value. Roy BI!lke, s hippin g clerk, Day- luosens lho dry f ood wllstewater "I th ought y ou di dn ' l lik e !\ti ss te~ Wills ; Cecil S:'ider Ilnd v~. Ethel Octobe r 8 . ton, Fu rrow?' lind Miss Lo. uise A IIn amae cau ~ es a gentle, th OI'oug- h, natural 'Mldlum ; Arthur "Ilso n. Jr., " 5. . Jam es Wild , Ildmini stl'ator of .. \ .... (' 11. j u ~ t IJ ·twee n our~e "' e8, W . . Adnm s. Oc to \)(' r . l ,3. the estate of J ohn T . Wild. d\!- Mcllwu iu, Lebano n. O('to~r 1 l- mov ement without f ormi ng 1\ habit I " " n't Bul I Rnll tha t on e Illll st Oom Cec il R ober ls, laborer a nd 01' ~\'cr inCrCl:lSinJ( the do!! e . In th e case of . WIlha m Hay- ceused, filed his first and final acbe broucl-mi ndl'd in th e~(" mlltterR . ner v~. Melva M. Hn t op H uff ~ l'in/: frulli constip aMiss Doroth y Plluline T rimb le. co unt with the court. Octobe r 9. y ner. c ourt YI1U Sl' l' , it tllk(' ~ HII ~ "I't ~ t o mnke aW!ll'ci('d t.he defl!nd ti on hew u Rexu ll Orde rlie at Wal te r B. Underw ood, executo r Buth o f Fl'Ilnkli n. Od ouer 1:1. nnt ~IO per n world ." n ight. Next day bri~ht. Get 24 for wc~ k ~" IIlrm ony pending lite. The of the estate of Maude Under"It el'rta illly dn cs, W ho eiRe?" p lal11trfl' wns al~o ordered 25c today ut the lIearest Rexall wood, ciecease d. fi led his in ve nto Bill, Allowe d .. ,\ lil t of p ~ nn l e vou do n't I Dona ld Dllatu ~ h , nttorne to pay C. and a p prai~e ment . Octobe r 9 . ry Drug Store, Adams Drug Slore. y f ur th~ k n ow" . .. Georl(e H. And erso n. bu rinl of defendu nt,$35. O ct ober 13 . In ve ntories and apprllis ements Shf' I'flng nfT and Gi les turne rl we r e also filed b" L . M, Hender - E . Wilkers on, an indi ,ent soldle ' ----uwny fl'(1m th ~ phone with a shl'ug so n, executo l' of the estate of ~100; J ohn Law & o n, suppli el! New Suita NTMEN T Azariah Doan Brackn e y, d eceased i for Sc hwart z, $4 .1 3; Columb us of hi;: ~ houldeI' R . It "'I\ S onlv when NOTIC E OF APPOI E(I\" 'In M L D . I' h' h ' h h e was III "Blank ' Bo ok . and Co:, ot7., by supplie Fred ayton. s, S. $ 11.15; Bone, has adminis trali S mot 1'1' s ll u ~e t at filed Ruit Willia m Billett, t or of the estllte of Ivins -Jam eso n Drug Co" suppli es, he "udden ly r en liZl' that in alI Fmnk li n. against Estute of ~fnl'tliu R. Burnet t, For money on ly. by. decease d. Octobe rRose Ungles- :J6c; Tre usu r er of State, pI'Clbubility 'udi (' w ould be t h er-e Amo unt claimed $ 1055 eaT tugs , d eceased . 9 . . McMah on 76c The ; Mrs. will Mattie GlII'dn er, jan it.o l· of William H. Brown , ub n. F o r a m01ll0n t he hes itated. Corw in , Lands an Notice IS hereby j!iven that Markam ure decease d, wa!' admitte a s udden chil l fe el in g- at his uto l'n eys for the dplaintif d to probate service s, $20; Tru stees of Public e hlls. R Burn ett a nd Wulter . f. Case Be rtha C. Wooley was appoint ed Affairs, light and gas, $5.01; J ohn Burnel l haR h '!II'!. then "la n't it a scream ?" Sadie dem anded. "Fancy he p hilosoph ica lly fil e d Octobe l' 9. dul y appoin tcd a you in executr ix (no bond require d). stO ll & Johnsto n , repairs, $3.110; and qualifie d been your own mother ' . hou,e and ,he not kn<'lwin , thatmeetin pu shed th e th ought ai< icJ(' and went a s Execut ors of the Georgia na Mills vs. VerI Miller . Guy ,ho'a . enterta inRou t zahn Elbert Wallac e and S. Fred Co. , supplics,. $38. 10; F,,,tnte of'"!'l1l1r l hn R. Burnet ing 1\ daught er-j n-Iaw unawar e,7" on. t late F or divor ce o n g r ound s of extr eme Jam ~s J o hn ~ were John Law & Son, l1la'"te na~ ~e o f W[1l'rcn Co un ty, Ohio. appoint She wal' a llll o ~t the til' t p e l'Ro n (,I·ueity . C. ed apDonald Di l atu~h , utO I'- pl'uiser s. Octob decease d . , . coun ty. cars, : h" er $72 9. ,,~w .57; ' wh W en _ C. hc GrI enlerc d Mrs. Ad- ney for plainti~. Octobe r 13. I)a tl.d thi s 16th dny of Oclobe r S he did nol nnswel' at once, the n tln~ ~; It s 11 0 use ~1' Y l11g to be good dl'on s c l'Owdl'd ,l l'awlnl(- l'oom. Court approv ed a cert ain ~l\le moUl', IIlqu e~t L. o. Stan ley, $7.60 1!1'iO ! \randa Sparks v~. Solemo n Fred. ' she said quietly : ~ It s n o l! ~e trYing t " I ad a deStu of kalta real Mfg es tate . Sh Co e mad .. \HIK su e , pp by talklnl( li H es, oward $7 t o a g~oup Of I Fur m one on l. J~m o un t claimed 2.-] W. , ' "WI'II. what.I! ver it \vus, I am cent bfe. Ihe ? nly way IS togct W Z ROLL Iv in s, 25; pcople adminis Oregon which trato ia B r r~dge Inclu o f th e estate rll'C1 ,Iulre Far. $ 10 ,000. beol'g~.1. Sia line attor~o .• ,r ei l!f org lud. 1 dll ll't wunt to be hated an y e very ounce o f plcasul' Jud g-'e of the p'l' o~bale CO U!·t. o f James P . R eed, decease d, and ced stee l, $54. 0 7, Col lins & Hempnl01'''. I d'JIl'I..t hin k any one- e \' e n nev e l' mlllll aL w h o~ee pOSSIb le, r?w and sevr,ra l othe l·~. wh om 1 ney for plaintif f. Ol!tohe r J4 Wanl'n ounty, OhIO. expe n ~e . G rI ()~ knew s lr~htly, an d It Was st ead , on orde ac ct. r ed constru a dis trihutio cti on . $78; n of the proyuur mulher - could h ate m e any That's what I'm going n5 ' t o ,10 in Juli Blair e ceeds who & o L f eRoy, fir said ~1 caught . igh . o f es tat e. Octobe r 10_ ceme nt. $102.40 ; m Ul'e if ~ h!l knew w hal I k n ow." l he futUl' e- that' )! ",hut - - - - - - - - ~ hc sai d. h im and wuved UII a iry ha nd . Hany Co llin COUl't ~ , He app roved l he first acpoun t rvi c!!s u ~ in specProbate Court Pr<'cee ding. "What d~:o,u nH!a n7" - ''1 _aid : 'You poo r lillie fool! Giles we n t straigh arr'os~ t o he r "lIow IIlllny sid es has un oetnR. R . Romlll'k a s guardia n of or H. J. COrwin , executo r o[ t he tor, $12 .5 0; Lebano n-bumb e r Co " .1 ulil· luwel'ed he r voice. there' " no man in a ll lh e w"dd H e .11-1 npt kn ow in tt he concret e ( ol'ms, $8 9.01; Lllvela nd gu n ?" least what Otto Hartfel ter WtL" lIuthorl 7..etl to e ~tate of Ella Conove r, de coa ed. " Ir yo u woulrll ike to drive home wurth breakin l( YOUI' hellri 'o \'cI" S uppl y Co., materia ls, $28.60; ~o rl of rec: ~ pl. ion to ex pect fl' l1 m expend " Eig ht." Octobe r 13, wi th Ill,· Ofl£'l'Wllrti s I will te ll y ou .' - s he wuuldn ' t admit anythin g. fl f hi R wife. hu t nfter h ll hu'£! greeted $ 100 fo rnn amoun t not t o excelld Harl C_ Harvey . admini strator Ohio COl'l' ugR ~e d Co., 7 Re wer-s, .. How n1l ny side!' hil S 1\ cil'c le1' Wh u t is it yo u were going t o cours e , but I kn ow!repairs tu ce rtain proper" Julie .l lI li e a nd the ot h ers Wh om he ly in which of th~ estate of David E . Cowan, $266 ; \V . Ii. Madd en & Co., "Two- ull outs id' and un Int II Ille?" Gi les asked after they laul(h!'\1 ~o ftl y. "And his wanl holds a 5-8 now th ere knew. it WitS :< hc Wh o said In hl!r interest . Rem rlec eased, waR authori zed to sell materia ls, ~8.24; Wilson Pllint Co. side." go t int.o her cnr . He felt a n im- is ~om e thin g I want a l'k \W as also auth ort u a ~ k yl'u -- ill s i ~ tenl way: ized to PIlY $ 164 to George H. An - the persona l propert y belongln!!, to paint, $90.75; L. W. Nesb et 0., l1I (! n ~e c uri osity in thi s woma n , und t'o mt!th ing I want y ou to d o f ur " Prese nt ~'O UI' f l·le nd." t1 e l'~o n un acc ount of the fun e rnl the e state at public salc. Octub er cem ent. $53.37 ; Co llin ~ & lI am puls .. lin ine xplicab le pity fol' her, nw. Will you he kind "Mothe r, can 1 keep a dillry?" to .J uli e-stead, e.xtra work. $10; W. B. [t wa ~ .J u li ~ who obeye d. exp en!les n f F'lol'ene e Hartftl lter 111. which ~0 111 e how Il ngere d him. "Cel·tll inl y, Willi e." t he nt hel' .Ju~i~'! J' m s{) s or ry fOl ' Collins, r e puir "MI'. w(l rk, Ch ittc $2; Nelson nhulll . Mi!l" Barro\,,:" I mother o f Ott o Hartfel tel'. (Octo: Acco rding tn all accoun ts s he hel·. I know JU8l what ~ "Well. Rea l Eatate h e' ~ Kn ill!! TUn,fe r, "Pl Rourk, eased to labor, m eet $18.55; VunCam }) ter's desk."Il'~ onto I found in s leyou," odie ber 7). wa s \\, (lr th l e~s lind hear tl ess. and through . I'\'e IJt~c n lhl't>ug' . h it all SlIid Stone impude Co., ntly. stone, yet. , . once be fore he hlld blun- my~c lf . you ~el· .. A~d ]n the settlem ent at the ~state Jam es W. Hoppes to William Le Ruy, grave l, $115.811; Blair 1'4 Th el'1! was ~ tWinkl e in h er eyes of David H. Fry, deeea. $61.e!0: Mur ro w o(,l'ed into t l'ngedy through Iisten- cou ld help he!'. ' Ill! fl' I think yo u ed, court and ~da Muchon g: 65 6-8 acres In Garage th e ~, rt \I f fo r whic h Gil es cou ld have sha - d£'terllli , ga5l, $111.5R; Frank Sher- Subscri b e f or The Miami Gazette necl th e !!, r oss va lu e of the HamIlto n townsh ip. Octobe r in g l o ancl helievin g through listen mun w ho ul1'l el's tunti 9. s. II' y ou'll k n h e l·. wood Co., gUR lind supplie s $12.2:~: es tate t o be $4490.8 4 an ll ol'cleri' u ing tu I1n'l beli ev ing the things ju ~ t be ( riends with h (· Margar D. and 1. U. An flerson Victor Van Riper. I'- " clioAe lcl wa s w it h gaR, lie, beam- a distribu tion o f sam e. Howard to M. E. et .46; Lin I1 th l'!' pe"ple sllid . " I' ll tl o anythi n g J call. hUl . .' ing hllPpi ly u po n eve ryJuone Mannin g 62.65 acreR in go Hdw e. Co., s$80 --. , $159 .84; . B. Fry und Pel'rv E Frv brother s Hamilto n t ownship . Octobe Th e car stopp ed. . "~he's g ', 1. 1.'.nH) ll~s t o. h or,~ l bl ., r 9. Famous '.'W e Auto ha v~,n Supp ' t ly !"l e Co., t ' Intely, supplie }\h. s of the decease d: an'd O'r~ E. F I'y, "We nrc ju st home," Julie said. se t o f 'p~0111', .Julr e ~ Horace B oesh to Howard W. $16 .2 5; Frank lin ;",1. N"t C III Uenham . .Juh e Co., re" Cl)lll e ill, and I will tel l yo u." I'cal ly V I ('J()U ~ pcop l ·. b ut srl ly und "Wh!'l'e have yo u bee nWIlS saYin g. a n ep hew, al'e Lhe legal heit.s. and H~ze l G. Braden . A~out 102 pairs to trucks, $ 18Motor ; S. C. Alexanhidi n.~? So (Octobe l' 7 ) . .Iu li t' t hrew hCI'~e lf dow n in to wo r thless ! They mak e . acres In wayne . townsh ip, Octo- der, ~ upplie s , 90e; Gris wold Serht l' drink kind of YO UI' mother lo os k me The will of Adam W ei tze l de- be l' 9. n. bi/: chnh' with u ha lf Righ. t oo l~lUC h , alld ~\\' . nl'vice 'Station , repnirs to brakes , censed. was admitt.e d to probate . Giles said noth ing . He stood all nIght, and she s no. tIlIIU Hi up here to-lIilIht." Carlisle Board of ion to $18 .60 ; Oregon ia Bridge tile sor t ! " . 0 kind o f you to come," Gil es Mary Weitzel MONEY LOANE D Co ." relen ning al(ainst th e mantel- she lf S he won' t ue ab le ltl was IIPfoint ed execHoward S. Poast. Tract III Frank- pairs, $6.45; Blanche bear it a s IIns wcr('(1 fOI·IlHtlly. H e could see utl'ix o f th st er .Iooking down nt h e!', vaguely con- well a s I U ~ I' rl t.o . I Machin e e estate no b ond I'elin to~nship. Octobe r 9. Shop, ciou J' of so m ethi ng tragic that other ni g ht. She',; g otsaw her the that Sadie wns manoeu rvlng til ' Raymoo o A_ Lasauc e to Anna & Sonl'ep air~ , $17.53; J ohn Law LOANS on Liveslo ck, Chattel s, ho ld of a r each hi s !< ide and prese ntl y thtlY supplie $13.11; L: I: ---= - ---=.- ::..-= .--- Lasauce . Three el! m ~ d In ha ve s to le n in'w the new fri c nd- " Seeoncl Mortgn ges. N otes b ought • tracts in 1:urtle- P~mce, 'repairs, s, $3; we i'!, a littl e ~part from thc rest. Kilpatr ick- John Hnrbin e, Jr., Xenin,' Ohlo;-r oom dul'in g the last few momen ts creek "You me on - , ehofi eld. li e's not . townsh ip. Octobe ,r 9. . "[s n't it a scream ?" Sad ie d e. "Rubbi sh! Don't S uddenly Julie mi sed her eyes. Samue l A, Mt::Lain to Jim and Frenen , gas ancl s upplies, $291.32 ; a bad fellow- " mand ed. "Fa nc y m eeli n~ you in yo u want m e t o come pretelld that Standa rd Oil "I'm glad you do n't ask thollsCo., gas and oil, back to you.' Nancy Reece, Two lots in Ma~!c"No . It's a girl- a commo n yo ur own mother 's house $461.76 ; W _ fl . . and sh e Sad ie s h rugged he r nak ed shoul- Inaw Additjo n to Jj'rl4nkl ond s of questio n s," she said. lillie Allicric nll- .'· 0 in. Octo- Pa'g es Desk !loCic Ande rson Co.. not knowin g that sh e'!'! enterta in- deI'S. "You're s uch a r estful person, MI'. fQr clerk, $2a .- LONG OR SHORT TIME- Easy "Time challlge !" she said bllr 9. "Am e rica,, ?" in ~ a dllu g hte l'-in -Iaw unawar es?" I She m ovcd 50; J,ewis Chiltl' nh alll . I ca n be quite s ure & Drnke\ l!way cemelJt . . $6& ; , terms. Also Surv eying ami Abhim" her William R. 3ewell to LeVern e "Yes- o girl nnmee! " You lI l'e ut pe rfect liber ty to I s lim , scantily -clad from t hat you w on't say 'Oh, my God!' 1'ow--wh y. dll ~'U ll kn Radie Barbody swayIn g Winn~r. TrAct In Utljla , Octol>~r bTidge I'!pair materIa l, ,39.6& . s tracting . Write and I will call o\\' h C l'~" for tell her if you choO!le, " Gile ~ anwith n little impude nt movem ent. O. - - - -..~~ , 01' an y thing lik e that when I te ll Gi les had mocl t, a ~ ue!dclI nnd Rce you . Sam D. Henkle , Waycon\'u l5\\'ere tl coo ll y, though inwardl y h e Giles wntched he r with hard YOli t hat I am going to die." A. D. Spence to Grace Spence , siv e movem ent. 'J1 l Weath er Man: I'Put dow n rain nesville . Ohio. w a s rnging. "I hn ve n o doubt that . eyes. And thi s was his "I don'l look like it, do I ?" she wife! This Two tracts In SQuth Lebano n. for a certain "NO- YCR . . ut least .. Tl O . I YOu have t ole! oth el' ty this arte l·noon." peo ple al- ' commo n li ttle . . he pulled his Octobe r 9. fl l1('l'ied whilll~icn ll y . " Bu t it's , li ol1' l knn'" 1ll'1'.·' No t know h er ! I'l'nd y". Assista nt: I ' A te yoU positiv e, t h ough ts up sharpl y, a shamed of I nIl' , n il the "~nle. It's q uite s il( n ed Sadl(· ~ll1'l'0\\'? lIi s wife. FQ~ RENT Roy M. Bradfo rd to J. T. and Sll l~i e : gave a li ttle s cream of I t h e m. After all, sir? " a nd sealed, wll h n o h ope of a rehe had once Anna Conway . 104.67 acres In So. udle hau cO llie to L on do n I'<' PUe!llItI OIl. "Weath er Man: I'Yes. indeed. I t hough t h e r good enough t o marry Turtlec reek townsh ip. Octobe r 9. I'l'i(:\"e. I've bee n t o every spec ial- I without a~'1uullltl ",g FOR RENT- Garage . Inqu ire of him of the "Tell any one ! Not me! It woul d I've lost ' my Gi les turned ug ain to Julie. i.~t in Lond o n wh o would take my fn ct. Gil e. Arthur and Ruth Smadbe ek to ning to piny umbrell a, I'm planC hilt ~ l1hll111 felt cold Cl10 k my IitLi e goose o nce Mrs. Viola Cal·ey. gl,lf, alJ and fol' my wif e'S "I supp mon ey, and lhey nil say the With anger. ose it would . . all if ~t wa s known t hut I'd got u s~ less for me to a s k , be utterly Carl Sch aub.· Nine lots In Love- g-o llig to a lawn Pllriy ," thlOg. Th<! re could be an op e ration y.ou to drop land Park, ' Deerfl~ ld townBh lp. How th e dcv ll 111t1 ~ t h e luug hlng s uch hlg hlv respect able r elntions thl8 damma ble play- actmg? " b,ut I won '~ hllve it. ~ hate th e id ea at . this success ful WANT ED Octobe r 1S. dOllb le-cro ss No. thank ~. Freedom for al! th ~ "My Ill' t h e kn Ife, especln.lly as It can which hod not on dear man, what on earth 'Jo sle anti John O. Whitak er. by ly brough t Sadie time. and If th e l'e'~ anythin g left do yo I BUY POULT RY- Onll and get b e a cur u mean 1" but only Ju st n way of to Engl a nd wh e n h e lens t wished 't Why d o fl ah grow til e f~steBt sheriff, to Harold Whitak er. 19.116 them 1 ~~ -lb. and under 2 % ,Ibs., o\'er , freed olll a'g-nln." "What I ~ay. You're never na - acres in We~ t Wayne Jll'o lo~l!'i n !.l' life for a liltle whil~ . to SI!(' he !',. but of nil livIng thin gs ;" townsh ip. hud lhrown ' he r 18<;. raul wl11 do speciali zing on "Why ha\' ~ ~'o u come to Lon- tUl'a! for 1\ /li ngle momen I . don t th! nk I wa n t to prolong It ael'o~s .Jull e s path. t. You Octob er 13. "Becau se th e aver/lgj l f\sl:! IIny plake pI Tllilios. Photic !l9FB . don?" hute this sort '0 /- -01 .pime-~ I'! ther. It s not be!'n Buch fun , Confou nd nIl \\'omen caught Thoma grows s E . Glass .to the B. & O. a f ew inches every WiI! Gus ~ln, ! Chltten lIer fa ce cha nge d su btly. ' u2~ much as I hate It. You- you des- S. W. R. R. Co. RIght whe n one look back ." hum thoulIht , t he n he IQok ed aga in Of way in timo the story is told." "Not to find yo u my lambkin pise people like- like these "Whut nre you going to do at t.he on e silting crouchi people Cozadd ale. Octobe r IS, ng in the so don 't worryl ~ .... ~ e' come to hav~ h~ re-" th en 1" FOR SALE chulr before hi m . 'He st ooped im- a g-ood tim e , andi'vdon Suson C. Wilkers on to J. Albert 't yo u interJulie "I'm go ing abr oad . C?uldn 't pulsive ly t own nl s her laughed serenly . WlIkere on. One acre and In t ook Salem hel' f ere Mrs. . 01' Goulash it will 1 : be I se~ the Bob, the W01'se tor benr th e Idea of dying here 1D Lon ha nd. "I brough t Lawren ce and Sadie townsh ip. Octobe r 13 . lelgh-B elswang er weddin g Is to b" FOR SALE- Daven port In good you." Barrow . By the way. what do you dO ll, \\'h.0re S? Illu.ny people kn ow I "r .Rhoul d like to b l' Fannie Wolcot t, et aI., to James your a frl simp l' ntl. le alTair. "Rndic , the !>ituatio n is impos- think o f Sadie?" conditIo n. InquIre at Gazette 1" ... so I III gOll1g rllrht away where too, If I may, I !<hould H . Quille r. Lot In Lebano n. octo- ! Mr. G.: I dare say like to be s lb Jc-" all w~ddlng9 ' Office. I , hall't kn uw any on e, and nob ody I able to h elp yo u." "Is sh e a new friend of yours?" beT 1 S. 0~2 • are Shu luuuhel l in hi" face simple . ' The E HAVE NI (To be continu ed) R . ." A F. McGraw to P. A, Kempo r, don't set In till latt:r,complic ations " === === === === ====== ======== :l!::: =-== ===, W ~ 1 t. Ice om BehautYI ..==-_ __ ._ , ~pp es or sa I' at t hee orc ar( !.= -:'-= ""'~_~'IP"\=, prices $1 to $2 per bu . also Cider PINK Y DINK Y on Satul-da y. BI'lng contain er tor E~erybody Make. Mi ,take~ b)' TERR Y GILK ISON cIder. ~ miles ' East of Harvey sburg. on Route 73. D. It Und!!l''Ve,A.H, ANO YOlJR \'-IO-rH' GR. wood. . ne - ANO .... HE: ONL"f BO~ROWeP TWO != 66~ RE-rUR I-tE=C' ONE / FOR SALE- Four Polund- China FROM M'I M o -rH E.J:;t I mal e Pigs. See Robert Friend, E:6(1 / " Phone 66F2, Wayne sville. ·022 . PUMPS , Pumps fOI' all purpQsj !s, ~4 I h and and po\Vel', electric AnQ /' , ~ - ' ,' II , belt driven pump cylinde r le athers, ", ' / '" vn lves and repairs. Comple te stock. all sizeR. Expert Repair Men The Bockle t-King Co. , 416 ' W. Main St., nia, Ohio. nfi


No Debts -N o Deficits I












5 % Farm Loa ns




--- .-- .. ---


~~ 7/ '

- ...,._---'

.rHop a PUfI... ,.... AI.&. 'MtP~~IAM



~~tI -r

' . 111l1l6I.



FOR SALE -Hay bal~r with engine attache d, GranvlI le If. Stewar t, Waynes ville, or Lebano ll l . o/ln Co., Lebano n. 022 PIPES, va.lve.s & fittings , for all . purpose s, Bockle t's line ot heating 11 "plumb ing supplie s art the bert. The , DocRle t.Kinr Co. 416 W. Main St., Xenia, Ohio,


.1 'I




he f e lt for a ge n e r ation ' bl'ide. I. f,f intl'I'va IF,' Wlnte r , Cllme!!. ISSUED EVERY WEDN ESD A Y Uur in g th e w a l' c v I'Y J OI'11l o! Sp ring j n m o.'\, Jl UI'u, I)f thl' _ __ _ _ _ , pruduct io n (If I:aw m atc1'lul W:lS Uni te d" SWiot> is hurd ly Iii til1D L CRANE ~ P bl' h u nm e n se ly sti{llUlii ted in th e c o un · gui s ha b l~ fr o m ' um me l'. Win ter • • U II er ~l'i cs ou ts ide of tn e war zon e . 111\- drug on, th n • u rl d c nl y Offic. Phone .. :......... ........ .. No. 112 ll1t!tii atc ly a ft e r the wal' t hcre ill at hun rl. But unc I: Ullllll 'r N Wli S u t r",m e nd o us d e manll· (o r come~ Au t umn. th e long we k~ R elidence . ... . ................ ... '0 . 'up p e l', t ea, I' ubb 1', . c ofrc e, lI uga l', wh e n ' t he few J ig h l f r.os~s m ere ly cotto n, wh eat, cor n, 'bee C, ilver, wh et t h e zc .. t fo r the out o f d OOI'!!, Sublcription Price, $1.50 a Year W 01 , a n d s o o n throu g h t h e w ho l . whe n th leaves tur n to bl'i lli ant - - - -- Ii!:!t of r a w m ube ria ls. Th e price co lors un lllah' hed anyw hel' el. e Ente red at P" . l o ffi u 01 Wa y n e. v ill. whi' h we l'e pa itl fUl'th er Iltimu la- in n aLure and impos~ i hl e Lo deOhio , a. Seco n ,1 C ia .. Mail M." . , l't/ p..l'odll ctio n . Stateslll e n wh o pict b y al·t in t he ir fu ll g o r g ou. -~. /'01' ~IIW U ~l lIt o f t h ese t h ings, n e ~s. 1. th e re an y thing llIore bellube yond t he ab ility I) f t h e in rll!. - tiCu l tho ll n for st-c la.rl h ill. id e OC'I' Br:R 22, 1!1311 tl'iu l wo rld tu u t iiizc t he m , bega n whc,n l h I avcs al'e t u rni ng? T h e to cou ll se l ca u tio n, uut IJl'uducel'3 p1l 11.1 ye llow of l he birch, tr e br il\\ h u h Ud II- en I'eap ing the big li ant scarlet of t h e s ug-at· maple, • jl l' o fi ts o f hi g h pl'i ces we r e o nly thc' ye ll owDI'o wna o f t h e I' lm s a nd ~Ull1 l1n , lind co n t inu etl t o Pl'otlu ce th e ~o ft I1l llp les , t h e p 11r11 ' is h ton es I I III th e h ll p c th u t prices wo uld k eep o f t h e as h. backg l·ol.llHll'rI a\!'oi n s t OVERPRODUCTION I I up. t he ~ ve l'a l g rce n . of t he di ffe l'e n t I ,~ Of cQu rs e, p ric es beg a n t o f all, eve l'g r een s m 1lk e a b lend o f r ic ta u s ,," o rtle than that . produ ce r!:! of colo l,' s u ch a s 11 0 pa in ter hal:! evel' - - - -- s ome co mm od iti es fo und t h e m - su cceeded in ca t ch ing o n his ca nT h e b us in RS s t rin gency fl'O I11 s tdves wit h Ih al'dl,y ,rin)~ m a r kd at vas. wh ic h th e nite tl ' tD ' c''; ha~ he 'n all. In m an y other li nes, pr ices ft: lI The h'av n !; f a ll. t h e f r ost . sha l's u lfur in g f,,,· the pa: l y :· nr. 1111 I IJ ·Iow the cost o f p rodu cti ll n. W e pl'n. and ih r n coml' ~ the ' hunti n g f r om wh ie h I' CIIVl'I'y is no,'.' ~ I " " Iy havc ha tl o!l ly f! sli ~ht t[, u ch o f ~~a~o n . th!'. " In dian S u mme.I''' t h e tt' . '. t Ii I t I' tillS \l'ul ld s ItuatIO n. in th e fal lin g lIke o f wIllen IS kl' o\\' n n owh e r e ' llls 11 0 COl n III C( I " .' II: II/'itl' of wheu l t u t he growe r in ,,1St' ii, t hl' \\, 0 1'1 ,1 T his Autu m n $e IIlt g IIIA un I·Y· "VCI' 1 11! \1'01' 01 <1/ 111· ' I ,,\\, pnCl! . ('o I I . . t . I ' tl\(' t h e pl a nt er ~ gets ' for ~. ra ~o n I' ~ one 0 f l h"e I' Ic m <'nt ~ . a nll Il l' (C " l'e~~ 1Il 11 yXI ~ S, Will very ('"lIo ll . W e hav<, bee n go ing u n a t n n t t h e I,e ast impo ta n t o n e , of llI uc h IIWI'l' Hel'/lIU~ . COII ~l'''ll/. n(, l' s l t hl' v ·-,r I t. 1 ., · . t . 0 11 1' Am c r ica n hel'ilu ·'e . th n n wc h nv' eXj1cnclll·(.d SII fnr ~ e l s II11 U a CI p~ce se III . Th e r e is II lit lI1 uc h l' u lI slI luti t, ,; \\'UI' t"!l eS, Wh l' lI "/ll a rg ln a l" I."lll is fo r t h!! II1l1n u u t of Il jol; in II • ~dllc h It II.ues n ut pay t u. cul t Iva t e • _ _ __ __ - - ---. k nowl e dge th at th ere li r e III .:• • 1/1 pCHce ~ IIlte, were p u t IIt t" .cropR I I IlI cn o u t uf jobs s Olll cwhe n ' c l.e~ will c h ca nllOt 11 0 11' b t· profl tahly I BEAVERS , .." h' . 11I UI'ketl.' d. I Bu t It IS 1I0 m e t 10 9- to u n de/'stund '1'1 . " ". . I ' .. that th e contl it iun wh ic h w e 11/'\.' III c .'~s., ~ \ ~ ~ pl .OI uc t IlI n IS t he • _ _ _ __ __ - - -. fa c ing in A ll le ri clI hus no l bec n I I, l l) I/l g cuu~e "f a ll o.f th e wlf( dl v 'tuu st'tI b l' uny th ing-' whit'h \\' lIrl~l' s t' C"IHlIlIl C trn ll~J I.('s . /II the T hl' fi r~t ElII'Or/('nn ~(·I' I I' in wc cuuld p l·cv('n l . I n ' l' vc/,\' nat '" p I'II' II ln of ~om(' lI u t horl ll es. I t C~! I'­ A l11 e r ica fou nd a cu r iou ~ a 'limal of t he worl d lIw pcople ai·C' bh:n;~ ~,alldy hus u grcal d ca l tl' d .. WIt h ill t h e New W OI·ld. T hl' hl' V(,I', ill g t hdr I' .~ pcct i v(' gllv (' rnlllenb It. wili c' h buil d s it ~ ne ~t :; li l«' II t It, f ur th e stug nution of ind us tl·Y . In lo/..( h o uses. in t lw midd le o f ,I sc\'e rol So uth AllI el'ican countri ~ ' . - - - - . : . - - - -- - . 1'l.r!'alll 0 1' RWlIlll n. a nd t he n h ui ld ,' th e rese ntlll e n t ha s eX Ilt'I! S~I!, 1 it · r I a ,111m til r il'e t h e wale I' lev<, 1 so ;od f in /' ev" l uti"n ~ which h,,,·,. I that its e n e mi eR cll nn nt r ea ch the AUTUMN thro wn t he old gOV(' /, n ll1 t'lIt "ut. I I I'ntrllnc(' to its h om e e xcept by In E Ul'o pe po liti "u l co n diti o ll H !Irc • - -- -- - . di vi ng, is m OI"e t ha n an In ter e sti ng. l'ritica l in Gc r mn n)" En g- land, littl e n n ilita l. It was t he SO ll l'ce or Fl'a 'l ce a ntl • pain , f /'u /11 th e HI/lI e : Euro p ('an!'l har dl y kn ow w h llt l it e greu ter part o f the wca lt h of (' lI use s. A nJl' r iCHn : a l'c t.alk ing aU(l u t \\' h~ n the early Co lo n ist s . Economis t. w h o hav e d elwd we s p ak a nd wr ite of " g l ol'i o u ~ Beavel' f u l', it wa ~ 1I00 n d is cl ett pl y in l o t h e nrp sc nt w" r ld lIutu llI n .weulh e r " u n tl p r atl' of t he co vcred. marl " a bette I' felt fOl' Hilu ntin n b lll lll C it 11I1'I~l y on ' tht· I" ve liness o f OUI' " In dia n Summe r' hat ~ tha n \VOf,1 01' a n y of t h·e oL he r ove r pro du ction o f raw Illlllt' /' ia ls C'limalie co n dit i n s al'e di fTel'e n t I'r arl ily nh tainable fu rs . W e s pea k o f all kin tl s , 1I11 01" 1' t ll ,· ~1t,J ,('. li n the t wo s ide ~ of t he At lant ic. toliav of the ta ll s ilk h at of And tha t ov c r J)/'odlll'tinn is II cli . On/' t he re S'p ri ng is t he s easo n fHRhi o n as a "be"a ve r ". b ut it is r eet re~u l t of t h l.' wtlr. A lthouj('h o f wh ic h poets s ing. t h e lo\'c li ('sl. ntc r e l~' n r e m ote descen d an t o f the t he wa r wns (lve/, t we lve ~· t· lI /, S ug" 11l,/,i n 'l of. the year. S UnllIH'I' f ol- fn s hio n a hl !' b ellver- f ur hat ~ o f t h e it.s e ff ects arc ~ lill hein g- f e ' :. 1I .· l,. ws Spr in g a nd th en, with t h (' ~ "e n tee n t h n n d e i ~htl'cnth c e n j t ul'i e s. A n imm e n s e co mm c rce h et\\'P t' n th e Olel W orl d a n d th e ' New \l'a . bu il t up on beaver furs a s t he p r in cipa l expol'l f r o m t hi R s in e an d beavcl' f ul', no ,,: main lr o h lai n.r d f rom Ca na di an . 0Ul'cC's. is s UII II n c of t hc mO Rt highl y priced pelts. T he pl'ocl ivity o f l h e bea ve l' t o l,u i ll1 d ums is bei n o: lltili zed in t h (' Pa lisa d eR I nters tate P ark . lying in Ne w Y ork li n d New ,fe l·Re\,. A la !'.o:{! RWfim p n eederl a dam t o ma k c it in to a lake. Several f am il ies o f t h r :150 brave!" t ha t: li vrd tn" , ,, pd a n d YOU'VE GOT TO GIVE TH E M 1 11 nil II I' f(l untl wO I'k that gri pped in t.h l' park we I' hi m. 'A lso , h e lJeca m o e ngaged t o moved to t h!' swa m p. Th ey 11 1'0TIME ue ma rr ied . H e j ump ed into hig h cel'rlerJ t o hu iJ.i thci l' ho use s thPl'!' ~ "el'd lind hll g bee n s u ccessful ever lin d t" co nstr uct t h e' d am iu s t A w om ll n wh os e so n is in hi s I s ince. \\'h c r e it wa s npedell. Alt h ollgh no seco nd yellr Ilt co ll ege writ e~ thut I I k ll ow a n Ul e l' mun w hose ub il · 10 n C'(, I':,n inlPortnnl i"''''' in ""nlhe \' boy is we ll m a n ne red und in - ity WIIS clearl y r ecogn izell by t h e l11e r ce, t he bellver il< s t ill use fu l. t e llige nt b ut d LJ e ~ not ~~ (' m to h eads of th e b ig co mpan y wh e re . 11(' w or ke d , b u t so m e h ow t h ey have an y objectiv('. "His f a th er Il ntl I u rge him tn c ll ul d not see m t o fi t hi m into th e d ec itle w ha t hI' wa n t s tu ti ll in life ' plncl' whe l'c he w ou ld be I'eu ll ~' s h e says, "bu t he t ells u s that he proel u cti ve. FO Ul' 01' fi ve t i mcs th ey" ca n n o t m n k e u p hi s mind . " ~ hif ted h im in t u d ifTe re nt d c pll r tF or th e c ll co u rngc lll l' II t of t h is m e nt ~ . They w e r e jus t a bout t o m oth e l' I can ciLl! twu jn terl;!sting lu rn him into th e st ree t whe n he stru ck t h e on e th Ing f or whie h Ca 8E'R. A c eitaln man II 0 W s tf1nd ~ neur Ill' w as ,"'lill y fi ttcid. T o day he is th e t op o f hJs pr ofc~s ion, with UII vicc p /' eside n t of th e whole CO li · incom e co n s ld erab ll' in exCl' SS IIr c!' l'If. . II h u ndre d t ho usnn d d o ll u r~ 1\ YI'IU· . Wh en T b u y a n auto m obil e t h e He worked hll rd In co ll ege. hut snles /Il u n t e lls m e th llt it h aR hi ~ h ealth waf! POO l' ; he WII. fl'<' - been p e l'f ectly mllnufac t ured f or flu e nt Iy cl e~ Jl ll " dl' nt, ~n d lit his it~ wor k , nnd care full y ins p ected gl'/Hlull t ion he fe lt th nt he wa s not li n d tun ed up. At th e sam e tim e, t rain e d f o r an y th in g . he suy s th a t I must be pa t ien t 11 0 tool, the fi r. t j ob r O' I' I'cd, with it. F or th e flr!1t t w o th ou sand IInel m a cl e .·u .. pr i s in g l~' j('ood prn- m il es I must run it slmdy, and I gl'eas. Just ab ou t th e e that his Illus t b ring- it in o ft e n and have it pllr'e nts th ough t IloP WII S we ll <'5- ad il1 s te~. tnbli Fh e d , h e Hudd e nl y cJluckl'(1 t h W e e xpect thi s in an autom obil·a job nn d Rtarte d II/'ou n d th e "'o l·ld . Bu t in a youn gst e r we hav e l h e Afte l' II YC Hr' R t r avt: 1. wh ic h u: £'d notio n t1! a t th e fllctor y - whi c h up all his s a vin gl<, h e s hll'll'd in is t Ill' !lch ool 01' c oll ege~ o u~h t to a n oth c l' p o~ it io /l . Th e compn n y t UI'll him ont all r ead y for a cham Iaile d. nn d h e was IIU t aga in. A p io n ship ra co at hi~h sp el'd. It tnkos a lot of w isdo m Bnd t.hird t ill1{' h e s tn r tcd in II diffcr e nt line but it di d not in te r e st h im. patien ce t o be t he father of a b oy Clark. Jr .. of Salt H e co uld n ot I!et to fi rst base . wh o is tal'ting in life . B oys must' appointed by Pre.idem On h is fourt h atte m pt, whe n ha ve a c ha nce to get adju st e d. U. S. ~mb~!Ii~r he was a lmost lhil'Ly yell rs old , he Yo u've got t o give them time.


.-------------- ---------._-----



' -e






1/' ",,",r.,1'An _ _ _ _ _ .

..By Aiber, T. Reid




MI'. anI] Mrs. Hal'I'y OSbOl·1t lin d had es M a dd n II t tend'd th RcJ.I u b licll ll banq uet. Ut Lebuno n rece n t ly. Th e p r ()gl'l\m g iven by th e ' ophm OI'e:; lit Bs:p mb ly. Th ursdny morni ng wa ve ry int ero!!ting, Hobert Ilr ti s an nounced the m III l>'Cl'S. Th e opening so ng- "Santu L u cill" w,u s 'Ullg by t h · . c h ool. Ra lph Ri c h g llve the tl evotio n lli. T he p lay, " 'r h e Weddi ng 01 t h e P a in te d 1) 011," was vo r y pretty; V irg inill T ucke r llUn g th e s o ng . The cast of characters was : R ed Riding lliood, Ne lli e Me arre n ; Peter P iper, A lex Des ki; Jump ing Jac k , H a lTY 'fucke l' antl Robe n Go rd on ; brides mai ds , Ma r jo r iE' Stump a nd Gl e nna Os born ; ma id o f h onor, C hnrlotte Thom pso n ; lJest m ll n, R al ph R ich ; flowe r girl, E lell n or H llwkl~; l>I'eac her. H e rma n i::> t o l' er ; b rid e . Elle n Mc ' a rren; groum, Le wi s M c Ul'r!!n. "A Be ul' ti::>o ry" \\'ns I'eu d hy A lex Des ki . a n tl thc class su n/{ " Bill y U(,y." The 1.lI·OKrlllll c l o ~ cd with thl' s ch oo l s in j(' in g- " Lo\'c's Old Sw eet ong." Do l'll, tu 1\1 r. and 1\1/' ~ . H. T . Muo l' e o n S u n d ay illUm in g . Oe t obe /' I <! . ,a da u gh t er, Ma r tha 1\111('. The la d ieR or the M. Eo llI i><s io /l sue iety SC WI'U in 1\1 /' ~. Me rri tt', room \V t' tlne~ duy aft(.'rn oun . U<,n ' t fu/'g c t the h ig- h school p lay .. .. m ile, Hud lll·Y. Smill" lit t h e audit o l'iulll Thul'!;du y l'\'(.'ning . OetolJcl' 2:J. M /'s . I\lary D" i' tl' I' and Char les !J os t er ~ pe n t the wl!ck -e n d in ( ' ~ I' ve l ulld , taking back to h e/' IlcJr.ll' -th e r e, M i ~s l\1ll/'tha Mc C lI n e, wh o h:t d fl Jlcnt a fcw davs wit h them . . He \,. W yli e U [ : clr('~O H' tl t hc Ma.s ie t" wn ~ hi )J Suntla~' Scho<.i cu n vt'ntion ut t h ' M. E . Chu r ch Sun· tI ~IY IIfte/'l1o on. O u r ni~h seh ou l bu ~ebu ll team los t in a gnmc wit h W ayn esv ill e Friday c\'l'ni ng , the score be ing 5 to 3.


a nd 1\11·... W a rn er Morri s ~ p<'nt th e week-end wil h r t:' lative1' in Dayto n . J ames P e terso n and fa m ily h llve m oved to Ye ll o w Sp l' inl-l's wh , I'C MI'. Pet e l'~o n is e m pl oyed in an I. G. A. g l'o cery. T h e F e ll ow ~hiJl c l ll's~ met with MI'. a n d M r s. Ve l'!);o Mitchn e r, T ue sday I!ve ni ng. Will H u lla n. mother a ntl s is t e/' s pe n t a pa l't of Illst w(, e k w ith I'e lati\'es in Dayto n.

l\1i~ Kath l ee~ . 1I 01.lan d .hns r~tur n ed fr o l11 a VIS it WIt h fl'lt'nd s 111 T ole do . M , I'!'" Lydia P owell is' Vigitin h e l' daughter. i\lrs. E s t h er F lem. ing, in Dnyton .





pt>s~:n A~If.N[)'\I ENT




..... J I ""_ th'e _ / .,., I



...._-"';;;;'" I

GRAPES F or ce nturi es u po n centu r iell grapes ha vc stood /IS II sym 1J0 1 0 ( p le n ty nn d happ in ess. t"u itl n ot j us t becllu ~ c grapes a r c t I f l'ui t f/' om w h ic h w inc is mad e . But b ecau se grapC's. co ming Ilit e in t h e seas on , wh en s ummer is g on e or has go n e, g ive a fi n al g i rt of sweetness an d delic iou nt's ' t o th e world. I n these day s wh e n winc is taboo we s till find in graJlt'~ one o f o u/' m os t w elco ll1 (' and PII la t able fru its. P e rh ll p~ t he II I1 Cil'lI t ra l' I'~ of t he w odd . Grt'(~ k s li n d Bllby lollia n s II lt d EJ,:y p tian s . k n (' \\' d elici . ous g r ll p l's. Tht,y co ult! hu\'1' k nowlt nothing- hett(·/' t han th .· widl' val'iety of wh it e Ilnd g l' eC' n, r(.' d a n d ' p u rple g rnpt' s t ha t W(' huv e t oday. . 1'hl.' re aI'(' many d e li l'ill us ways "I' prese r"inj(' j('l'ap:<,s for f utu l'!' u:e. Bu t they are l110s t uttra r til' c whe ll S (.'TI· d f re"h . i::>u llll' connois se ur s th ink grup(', ,hould hc ~ (' I 've d ratht'l' wur m _ thl' t-. llljlCl'lIt UI' C thllt one fi II tis thl·1It I II II s \in n y \'iney ul'd. Mus t o f ua keep l he m 0 11 ico. I ndeetl, W(' mu " t UO '!l Lu keep thc m II I th ... ir bl" !. Hu t if y u u lire on (' of Lno st' p ers" n ~ w ho p l'e'ferM t he m not chi lll·d . then I'CI11U\,(' the ", f l om the ref r igera t o\' ha lf nn h ou r o r m o /'c befor(' "l' n' hJ~ them. Let the m s t un d in the I'u o m ---{' \' ~ n in the Ru n - u n til you w i, h t h em . Thl: ." wi ll t he n be ml,r!! like th e grapes y o u mig- ht pick if yo u yourse lf we n t tu the "ill l- yard fill' t h clll. :l'h (' r e is ccr ta inl y not hin g p r c t ti e r. h" wc\·er. thull a t ho l'o u g- h ly (' hil led )! " u pe w it h t1I'O p ~ o f refl'igl' I'a t ol' lit' w Oil it. That i><, II J:rapc th lll ha s been rin se t! in wat I' a n tl th e n dh ill ed \\'i th u ut d r y ing. Fms t y !l nd tc m pti ng , is th l' g ra pe. both to the ey e a nd t n ng- u e . G rapes Ill:!y b e !l('/'\' ed in a bow l attractiv e ly pi l etl up. O r they m a y be sp rea d out o n a big !lil v!' r or g la "5 01' chi n ll p latte I'. If you w is h. an ti can , you /11 I1Y p lace eac h b un c h o f g ra l>es, o r ea(' h t wo or t h ree b un c hes. on a gra pe leaf, t hll t h as bee n was h erl ca re full y a n d d r ier!' This ma k e!< II m ORt att l'u c li ve b llckgr oun d f o r grnp es, whet h er t ht'y be pu rp le, ~ I'e e n o r I·cd.

iii. S";C'r I ON


IntI re , J u nt es Mdn t lre. W e nd e ll Gl'a hll m , L ura Me K ay a nd th e g u e .. t of hOll OI', M rs. Ke ll y Me n de nh a lJ . e n joyed a p icni c pll rty Tuesd ay a f te rn oo n o n ClifT R u n, on t h e fa r m o f W . V. Lac k ey . Miss V io la -Cu .... y s pe nt la s t week at her home h er. Port W illi u tll s choo ls, w he re s h e is II teuc h el', we re closed f or t he week .


SEND HI 1\1.






A llI'ICI.I;



TO ' 11~li" ' I 'I'U TION 011 lJ lil o.


D, ., , ' .. otr/I'd by Asumblv 'II IItr Stu" "' 0'"., II" •• firt h. or' the nH:mLul clc leu to ~acb hvule caecurnull thrn:i ll :

Tll at





b~ lu bll1 ilted tn the

fl~ t O ~1 o f. t he- t a lt' , f l"j f Iht' ir ,w llTma l ,\r rtJet' lI on ~ 10 t he lll al1n er provided by law. a t , the tlr c t ulII l u ~ hfl4l UII t hl! Ilr .. , J \1(, 1.1 01 1 afit'T th~ fi rst M n n ttay m N O\'f'll1ht r ; ) 0.10 a rrOltunl I" ft~'~'HI ,.:ecu Nl 9 .11 nT Ide X Ii . of the Ctin s tltUl I OIl of the It a tt: rtf Ohio to rt':\ d a s. (vll ')" :i; I

ATlT lc r.E X II .

Set.. 9 .

!\ Ol I r ~" Ih n" ,.tift y per ctn t u m

of the iIlC(IIIl C Hlld il1 ht:Tl lan c r t lU U th oU may Lt: co\tC' C'I('d f,y " It' s e 511..1.11 he re l Urnt..J tht" ('(JUlI t y, 1\."111.0/ dl'!l l nC' l. ci t y , \'illa"p:, 11,\\' 11 11: 1111 1 t tl \\ 1111 II jII :ud tn ,,' rtlllr n f' I rl ' hult .lllct t ;&X oriw ina tr! , o r t o any o( tb. I d l d C' , as tn;.&y lit' 1' 1\1\ IIIt'd L ~ 11.,.. , A Jop lod .... pr.1 6, 1929.

hI nl

UXln: O S'fATF.SOPA~I E RIf'A. 5 '1':\ TJ:: OF O HI O. om ~ r o( Iht' ecut ary of St at r.


I. l:I.A IH:~C I : J II RO W S . S« ... .,y of Sl ,Be flf f1hhl, tin ho C' by certify

Sl .& lt . oJ I l ht


th a t t il t: f Ur r~ i '1I1 " IJ ,' 11\ ' 11" .1 r VII! Dud ,· .. rt. full y lnl11 l,:Hr,1 Il r II le ""th Iht' or igIna l l oint K ' ·"I .il l l lllll ;Hlllp lt-d Ly l ilt' "'~ th Ct-nna l Alit. !'o ~ nll.l l l _v til the S ':t lr . fi t . Oh iO 011 ,\"ril 6th. I oj ... !), II.n,1 1I u W (I ll hit' lit mv offi c~ an d In my Il mel;'! ( \1 , 1(11 1)1 RS St'ff~l:lry of S ta te , !l l hj i ll Ullli 10 I ~ I I \Ie alltl CUI recto S ni cl J oint

U. S. Senator


l( es( ll utl ~ 11 w:u h lt' d In lhe " ni ce o ( t he Stc. rf'l 3ry or S ralr Oil Ai,r il ltllh . 1929. Bnd , 1, ro llll ' ('!1 10 :lIllel lt l Ir,' t lr,r) 9 Ilf 81 ticl e X I [ uf

r ill!'

CUI1Mll u t lull



I ' Me


S4!Jl~tor M,<:uUoch has provpd him-

fearless publi c servan t. Hi. qualificli tioru as a statesman an of the hiaheal type.

iltlll' ril ,lIl c: e , .. xC's .


WlIER F;O F t b ..·• bt re. l.ln,to auus rilwd my IIflme hn~1 affix('d m,. otnn a l ~C'ill a t Culu m bu5 , ntllo t hi. 18th day 01 Stpl<llIbt r . A. D. 19JU CI . AH~NO~ }. DROWN. ' 1:>1


StC«I. rr 01 S' "t•.



~~~~~~~~ r

S ubs cribe f or The Millmi Gazette !


Dr.C. W.ANSON Veterinarian



Phone 93


Sight Specia'i~t


Notrun& could b. mor,· h armful to our standards of liVing than the position tal.:l'n by the ill te rna,ionalisllI to reduce ",ag~ 5.:al.:. . leI down Ihe bars of immi!;ration, de.troy the IX'ne6ts of the ' "rilI and, thru the expalriation of American dolbl'S, lower Our own standarw.. Molllor McCulloch is supported in hie .tand by Secretotry of Labor, 7 - J. D avis, who sa),s: "The protective tariff and the limited immigution actS go hand in llOUld. The average man in America ia for the protected Americon inves· tor here. rath... than for th .. in, vestor "broad. H e is fo r iI high lCandard of living in America.. .. Calvin Coolidge says: "We need more failh in ou""'I,,(',. Our conditions are good enou l! h so lhal it ha3 lX'en necessary to huild a high exclwion law of tariff and immigrlltion restriction ' 0 pre\'enl all the world from rushing in to posse.. them."


c. McCulloch

aelf to IX' an uD w uaUy capable ;and

Oh io

rC"! .. linK to the diuribtll illTl of income and

President Hoover says: "Our economic system is but an instrument of the social advancement of the American peo pl.., It i. Ihe foundation upon which can b<? built the linn things of the spirit. Increase in enrichment muS! be the objective of the nation, not decreilSc." A vote for Senator McCulloch ia • . vote for the American home.

Y ea r ~

Ex pe ri e nce in Fi t tin g a n d Ma king Glllsses - a tCARY'S JEWELRY Ever, Tueld.y, Thur.d.y, Saturd.y )10 Charae for Examination

With Mutton Souk a tab les p oo n o f h aric ot h e llll ~ oVt'I· ni.o:hl. C u t t he m u tto n into s l11 l1 l1 pieces, and f ry t h e m NOTARY PUBLIC jJu~: ,b row n in II lit tle dr ip p ing . I tel lII: d cu t up a c:a l'l'ot. tUI·nlp. an.d o nl o ~. a n d f ry t h e lll f or fi ve , National B ... k /llI/lU t. S 111 t h e fa t the m ea t w a s W 'll D fried in , •• rawn - .. Ellatel Seul .. d Pu t th e meat in a cas~c l'o l e or WA.YNESVILLE, OHIO s t c wpa n. wi t h a seaso n ing of sa lt li nd pe p pel', t h e vegetalJles , an d ha ri cot b a nil. Ju st tove r w ith water. B"iilg t o t he boi l re m ove a n y s cum, t hc n " immcr' fo r tw o hou r". Two cu tl ets , or four if s m a ll . may be c u t off fl'O Ill t h e Il~c k o f RESIDENT Illu tt o n and gl'lil ecl o r fn ed in ('~I! an d b l'ea d cr um bs and serv ed WIth mash e d pota t oes, o r ~ ul...ou nde tl w it h b o il e d mll ca r on i and toma to sa u ce. PERMANENT LOCATION



Mesdllmes C. II . Mc KIlY , W . N . ;\I c ~u y , W . V. Lll ckl e~ . F ra n k Mc-

---_.. -

Dr. John Zettel Optometrist

.... -----

19 N. Broadway

M cCU I.lOCH FO R SP.NATOR O MMI TTEf P.lmrr S. und rl. Ch3i r m:lO , \VoouC!r, Ob(o



-1'ollt l<'o I A ,,,·

VACCINATION With Dependable Serum and Virus insures both Safety and Success

Dr.W. E. Frost Harveysburg,

LEBANON, OHIO Eye. E.amined GI ..... Fitted R.p.irs

Ml'g. E lla F e rris a nd so n. S he rma n, WCI'€' in L e bll n o n las t S u t UI' day.


Phone 31

F. T. Martin

Gl e nn Dav is and w ife we r e in Dayt on lus t Thursd ay . B e rt B ogan , MI·s . E dith D a v is an d so n, H odge r , s p e n t IItu!'d ay wi t h MI' . ' Ia rn D u n n. at L e b ano n . .MI'. ~T mr.r~ 1I Cleav el', Of Detr oit, 1\lI ch" IS \l ls n ing th e Duvls famil y he I'e thl!; we e k.



"'4'.--"- '"t


THE MIAMI CAZETTE I lhey will _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-,-.-_._ _ _ _ 11, c om e.


J. .E. McClure





Or No Charge

By Lucy Larco,m B e rt B ogan, Gi e nn Davis an d RO il:;, R ob~c rt nnd R otl ger . sp e nt [ tl o not o wn 1111 in ch o f lantl. S unday aHol'n oo n with Mr·R. N e lBut all 1 see is mill e.Full.v Equipped for Good li e Bunn e ll IInti famil y, of n e al' Th e orchard s !lnd th c m owi ng Servi ce , \V lIy nesv ill e. fi e ld s, Large Display Room. The la wn s and g a l'd e ll s fi n e. MI'. Roscoe H e ndri c ks . and Mi s~ Va lo /' Faye Moore o f Middletow n Th e wind s m y tax · co ll l'c to rs n re, Awbulan ce Service Th ey b l'in K mc t it h c s di v in e , s pe n t Su n dny with Mr, H. Wild sce nts a ntl subtle csse n ces, Day Or Nillht Moo r e a nd famil y . o f t hi R pi lice. A tri b ute l'Ul' e ulld fre e; Mr. and Mr~ . H e rald Mc Ka y And, m ore Ilt llgllifice nt t hu n ull , Ronert Mc Kn y , M rR. Ma b el F ' My wind ow k ec ps f nl' me T e rr y and Mi!;s M a ry Kllthl e en A glimpse o f b lu e imlll e nsity ,Th o mpfio l1 . o f t hi R place; Mi ss A iltll e s t r ip of sen. FOR SALE DATES CALL C:la udi R G ra y u nci MI'. Waltcr T i hhl el<, o f W e llmlln. ar c a mong Riche l' am I than h e wh o ow n!! t h e f e w w h o a tte nd e d th e S unda y Grea t tle ets and a l'l{os ies ; Schoo l Con vC' nti o n a t HRrveys, I have a s har e in cve r y s hip . on las t S u nday. W on by t he inlllnd bl'ee ze J ohn H o pkins an d w ife, mov e d '1'0 loite r o n yon airy ro ud A bove the apple-trees , on Priday to t h e Bca so n pla ce, ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN I f r e ight t h e m with m y unt uld n ellt' th e S ch () ol house . our Cllttle, hogs , s h eep a n d ealvel dreams J aso n B idd lecum , o f Oreg onia, to Norl'is -Broc k Co. , live wire and E lic h bears my own picke d cre w JESSE STANLEY brou ght th e m cslill g e t o t h e chur ch And nobler cargoes wait f or th e m progres sive firm for the highest he r e o n S unday mOl'ning. Phone 320, New Burlin,ton, Ohio mark et prices nnd gooJ service, Than eve r India kn ew, Union Stock Vard., Cincinnati, O . R. J. Murray, a n ll wif e, J ason My ship s t hat sail into the East , Ref.renee: Ask firs t man you me"':: A cr osR t hat outlet blue . ll iddl cc Ulll atte nd e d church at EARL KOOGLER Turtle C r e-e k o n S undllY afte l'R. D. 6, Xenia, Ohio H e r e' s,it I, 115 a li t tle child : lI oon. Th e thr es hold of God's door Phone Dayton Co. 54J5 H e n l'.\' M ool'e , o f thi ' place . and Is that clear band of chrys oprase; Roscoe R Clldric k ~ , o f Middl etown. N o w the va s t t e mple tl oor, ca ll ed on 1<. E. Tho m p, on S und llY Th e blinding g lory of the do m e eve nin g. ' I bow my head befo re: W u llel' S h a nk a nd fa mil y of Thyuniv-e rse, 0 Gotl. is home ; In h e ig ht or d e pth , t o m e; Da yto n w e re S un da y afterno o n g u es t.'i o f M r . C hristia n lind fa mil y Yet h e re upon thy footstool green ~ Conte n t am t to be , Glad, whe n is op en e d unto m y HIGHEST NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT need . . CASH SOm e sea -like glimps-e of th ee. E ~ tat e of Willinm H , Brown , PRICES de c ea sed. READ T~E PA.ID . N otice hi h ere b y gi ve n that Be rth ll C ; W ooll ey has been duly appointed a nd, Qualified as Executr'ix of th e E lltlilte of Willia m Il. Brown late' of Wurre n Count y, Ohio, deceased. Da ted this 9th day of October

Centerville, Ohio Phone 8SW


Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers

Dead Stock Wanted




Harveysburg Fertilizer Comp.aD),



W. Z. ROLL . Judge of the e Court. Warren County, Ohio. Shnhawn " Brown, Attys. 029






l'IlUl'l'h Fddny 1'\'(,lIillg. L. n, Hl' ll tk hll. ~llll1ewha\ inI11r'", 11 the P II~ t W ' c>k and \\- ;: l t ,IL lc t IlC' ol1lpallY hi;;. ~n n Glenn COlli. I l'-1\\lth 1 ~, t it,a'lIlly ill II I , Bl'ock hOIlll' t.) In ti iullaplI\i;;. Sun· I, \II!liN I da y fnr un 'xlencled vi tlit, . ," ,\It ,I, .1 1,:~lI 'l<'l and , h i,h' l lIll', and Ml's, Chal'l ~ I~ ul'1y n · t " 'fl, \ I "ll'.! ,d:lI 1\"':< IWll r X('flIU te l t<tined lO dinner On Sunda y , th' ,," ,ril l d :~ lil ~t w(' k. t'O"llIcr's uncle 1111', Ja b Eal'ly HlIll~ [la~ "n~ oh, ' 1'1'1'<,1 lit Lytle and family o f n ~al' l\lillmi b urg, ~\1ndu~', ~, ", 'll, In~t ¥n dny, Mr, and Mrs, J , B, J o n es a nd nud :I~(>(I audll' nce nJoyed the :Ml', and Mrs, Walte r Inrk al~en , (11'\ j{I'llm, ded Grange at \r yne~ " ille alur· , :'II! ~, M!lfl!:1l'C't .I( hn,!'I ~u!: been (a v uven ill . III tll<' piH \\"' l'k, hul I , Impl'o\'cd \ ', g , Illlhi \\'1'itinR', Sel' cra l fl'om lw l'c W(! I' P 11\ I~t . 1'0111 1 1'0\\11 .. n.1 rllll1il~' hul' l:nd~'IIl'" III I,hl' 11 111: 1>,1\'0 VI 'tll;t IIl1>\" 'd fllllll t II(' Hili! d 1'I'\'l'l'rt~· t Il llll'l:l'nCl' , held :~t tl;l' .\\. \1" 1\.'1,1" Ih,· " t h'" tl) ~ I I'~ , Itla l'l111~h HI \\ aY lll,,,,,II,, 1 u('~d!lY, 111,'wn'.< !ttllIH', i'll', 11 nil ,\11'" \\':t It ",' 1\ "III Ie k :11 ', ,\.1, ,1 Ih,' ( '11 1<'1':1 1 .. r th ., 1'0 1" nil"' " \'1''' 111 ,'1', 1" ' 1'1'\ 1\ (' lIl'i ('" III 111- 1', '~ i d" lIlt' III \\':1\:11 1 ' I'ill ... ~I .. n .Iii \", '~11.

(' h"II('~



Historical. Tbeatrlcal. Burlesque



and ~II S,



=============== -~-


fll1 ,l


Mn, Anna E, Key ser, executive aslistant to the Federal Chltl In.~ of ships and boilers, kno.....,. 'hip con, truction from stem to Item. TIll model stumship boiler on the table is her mucot. •


'\I r~, Fmnk Il nrt ~oc k

~ I I' , :ttltl ,\I I'~ , 11 11 1'•.1 01 H tlg"l'~ ,, \'




l"all('r~ (O il 1\11'. ond ( ; tll~oll :lnd ralllil)",


,-,\" 'ninl!' lI il.,)'

:l1 1 ~ , ?llin ni ,' ~ Ial'l lltl, '\I i~s CIaI'll th'll!!,hl('I'''" !\II' ~ , ,I ohn Lt'\' i nlld ' Oil , \\'l' lIill g-lll ll, :II I'S, Burto ll E al'n ha l' l III' ~I, ' , 11 1111 )', ;\11 ''' , \ ' ,, ~t 1"I'L,nlll',1 11 nt"I" " ." l' I"I,'l,.',' 11',", ( 'I "I r" ." f"l'd !lIlI,,'1' , !,,'nl la,·1 T hUI', d;r,\' wilh .\lr ~ " F,"a Il I, Dakin, '\11', Ulld :'tIl'S, lI iIl',\' (;Fi" ~" n a nd fami ly ;\1 1', nnd :'tIl'S, Il al'oid HOJ,:"l"S "r l1 " lll ll'lIok ,!, (' nl :-;:ltlll',' av 1'\' l'lli n ~ wilh ;\1 1', H,, \' ~n 1i th I 1111( 1 funril\' a n d :l11'~" 1': lllm:i C; ihsl','

AUTO COLLI S ION _ __ l ' wn mal" I'11' n('s, o nc (1'1\'1' I ' 11 hy ("al' l :lli ll"I', II f I. l' lwn o n, (h l' othl'I" Ity \\' , 1-:, O' :\ lII II. ".) llid('(1 a l t h e I illt!' I ~ " t' li ll n o\' :lI ai n lin d NIII"th _ tr ' l'l't ~ , Sundn~' mornillg-, Th e I ' I'1~11. I \I' n ~ n" t III ' " t",rati o n lI'ull H' a nd (,Il(' h tIr i"l'l' t lt"lI!!' ht ht, hud 1 1'k.~I::.'.I..:.~~~~~':..J.~~ lit" I iJ,:"hl " r \\a,\'" Bnl h curs were .I ightly dnmaJ,:"(,d hut [hl' IICClI' l p:lllls Wl'l'<' Ullhu l't, 1\Irs, .J u Iin J) o no vn n is very s ick , - - - - - - - --



A 11'10 o f unl\la~k d band lls " '_ " , " !':lIII C'd II I' ~ t a ll l'u nt III Wes t U n· , :l l l s~ I~ I ,,\' S.t !JS'\11 \\'as 111 io n 1\lon rl ay ni J.:'h t and lin ed up XI' II IH s h','P PlnIC ~utunlay , til(' (lI'Opri l' tOI ' IIIllI I f, pll(.l'on ~ and :'o II>'s S (ell:t {.Ib ~" n SP l'IIt last to : k a ll (h'i l' ,'nIll!'! bi<' ~, \V. d nesdny l','unin)!' with l\Ii:<" I 'llrin g till' holdup, Mi ss Ednu :ll auC'1 Dak in, 1I 0 wiand, Adam s Coullly s u p erin · I tentiellt o r ~c " no l ~ , entl'l'{·d tnl' - __ I (' s tuurn nt and o to jIlin ,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ - -_"_- -_ nlhl'" \'ictint s in \\'11 a ,'; force 1'00111,


,. ~a,.

HalloW'een Carnival


,"ALE- A ('hoice lot o f Spotted Polan rl hina Bon l's, Itll ages, Immunized, 1'<'Ildy for :« 'I'vice, Our hurd won It ll .i; hsm. pions at Mo ntgomCl'Y, Wnfl'en and Ham ilt o n Cou n ty FiliI'S, Pri ces I' l':t ~ ollnhle, Elrlll' I' Sheehll n lind !:>Iln, W lIynEs \' ill e, Ph on e 40, ·0 2!l FOn SAtE - :l fre s h Jerseys lind I ~I' 's h cow, Inqtlil'e of T Oln Ha!,lh n, R. D, No, 3, Wuynesl'ill e, OhIO, 022

4 Ply 4.4 0x21 , , , , , , , , 4,50x2 1 .. , . , , , , , , .. , 4.75x1 9 , , , , , , , , , , , " 4. 75x20 , , " , ", , , , . 5.00x19, " "","' " 5.00x20 .. , .. , ...... , 5,25x2l . , , , , " , , , " , " 6.50x20 , , " " ',, ' , '

A. W. T. 6 Ply

$5.65 $6.45 $7.65 $7.75 $8.10 $8.30 $9;90 $15.15

$8.75 $9.70 $10.10 $10.45 $10.80 $12.15 $16.80



$7.85 $8.75 $9.70 $10.10 $10.45 $10.80 $12.95 $18.40

6 Ply

$11.20 $12.00 $12.40 $12.80 $13.25 $13.60 $15.95 $22.05

Gor<lon's ,Service Sta. Waynesville, O.

Qecallse it is doubly protected against wear a,?-d weather, anrl ther~fore lasts lqnger, ChanneJdrain is · far more economical tbap ordinary roofing. Andyet it coslmo morel See our Channeldrain ,exhiJ>it and let us tell you how , little it will cost to re-roof :with ' ihis Jifetim ~ roo~ng, made'o f the f~ mou s COP-R-LOY, the Copper Alloyed S~eel.

W.B~ MADDEN & <l

Ph•• 14


Wa)'.eavUle, Old.

Mr" and M,'g, J , C, H awke, Mrs , 0, M, R idg e, Mrs, ;1, R F romm , Mr, and Mrs, C, H, Hartsock . &fr, and MI'~, C. E, Blrad b ury atte n ded t he ce lebl'atlon of t he twen ty· fi ft h a nn lversllry of t he Ha rveys· bur g Ma!\on ic lodge Friday n ight, Of t he Iw entY'Ri,x cha r ter m emo bel'S, t hil't een are ,li ving a n d fi ve were prEsen t at t h e meeting Fridny nig ht.

!lr't"~~~-.;..~---~_:~------!"'---!"'"'-~~------~---~--J . lt he ean.Childre n's . H os pital

for two

Re pain fo r Ne w a nd Old.Styie Ala ddin.

Allen's Parlor Furnace One that Heats 'the Floor One that Heats the Rooms One that Keeps Fire Sure And takes away morning glooms Come in and le t u • •how the Late. t in Parlor Furnace.-the ONE PARLOR FURNACE- ALLEN 'S



Yes, We Have Those Good Axes & Saws Stov~ Pipes "Perfection Room Heaters Buildi'g MateriaJ~ ~tpv~ R~pair8 Staf;lle Blanketfl-__ fgr ai, m~ke~

Pitch Forks Used Stoves Handles .

Cut-off Saws Sledge Hammers CrQ,,-cut Saws ,Wedges Hand !$awa 5t: oo p Shovel!J F,ne, ~llcJ ~Q.t8 It Hoeal Price,. Gasollno Room tI~ftt~r8


Ba..d~a... CODIpall" W .),D••vllle, Ohio .af


-----------" GRAND RfPUBLICAN L Y: -~ --.-----


GIRL STEPS IN PATH OF BULLET Mi!ls Ma rg a ret Woodward, a nUl'se at t he Cincinnati Childre n's Hospital, was s hot to d eath accide n tally by 'h~r fianc e , Christ ia n Mentz, of Cincinnat i, at the Miam i Va lley Cha utauqua grounds n enr F l'!lnklin, S unda y. Bot h we re g uests a t a w eek .end housepal'ty at a chau ta uqua cottage anti chapero ned by t he gir l's mother, Mrs, Sarah W ood wa rd. Miss Woo d war d ste ppocd fro m a don l'wllY of t he cottage in to th e path of a ,22 bullet th nt Men tz had fi re d at a tarlg-et h e ha d e r ect· ed alo ng s ide t h<l cottage, H ot· m,ot he r was loo'k ing th ro ug h a Win d ow of t he h ou S<' and sa w t ho g irl fal l. lI1cn~z I'u s he d the d yi ng g irl t o Q F~a nldin phY!llcia n an d late l' to th e M I ~dlelown Rosp it a l wh ere sh e ~I('d !!n hour aft,e r the ~ h oot ing. She ,d Id not rega in co n scio usness, 1111 s Woodward an d Men tz were to h uve been mnrr i.ed in C incinnati next weck, T hey ' ha d g o nl! "to the chautau qu a cottage wi t h anot hel' coup le a nd th o girl's m otoer fOl ' II week-en d 'vis it to p la n' for t he wed ding, ' Cotone r Edward , Cook f ound tliat ' t he shootin~ was a dcid e ntal and t he grief , s t r icke n man wa ' not detai red b y officers, Mfs. W ood ward remov'ed "any t race of blame t hat mig ht, h ave b:!en cast' \lPon ' Mentz. ' Miss Woo d ward' s home was in ~ o, to n ' where her m other still h ves, b ut s he had bee n a nurse a t

No Generating No Pumping Safe Instant Lighting 1 gal. Kerosene · for 50 hours Burning Reliable





Us Print Your Sale Bills


Mrs, R. E, Ha"rtwlg of Detroit, MI', G\b ~ o n Orcl, a nd Mr, Will , Row land. of Chicago, a nd M r, H enr y H utchis on, of Reloit, Wis· " con~ i n, wel'e wee k· end g uests of n r, Ma l'Y Cook .



i\li !'\~

M i ~R Lena Eurn hart WIlS ~ h g uest or Miss Louise Hend c,l'!!O n ' at 1\ party, In Dayto n Satu r day n lgh~ glvcn by 1\ J!J' OUp of yo u ng wome n of the Y. W , a nd yo u ng me n o f the y , M, C, A,


128 S, J d fera a n S t ree t

Styles .

1\11', and Mrs, W, A , Phillip s , of Cc nte l'\'ille, visited I'elulives in Wll ynesl'illl' Tue ~ day,

MI', un~ Mrs, !."j, A, ,Cha nd ler of the Chan dl er Lantispape ana Flo l'a l Co" 'Kansl)s City, spe n t li'I'i· day niICh t wit h Mrs, E!llhe r Stou t li nd /I1r. and Mrs, S, F , Elbon,

Es t. 1!J1 0


In 5

Mi 5~ Anna J)willcll or' Ci ncin· nati ~ p c nt Tu ('.c;day aiA'ht with Mrs A, K , OilY,

Under Auspices of the Mother's Club, at the Waynesville Gym, on

, -------



M, ll, Bui l'd v i ~ ited hi s family at Miami Valley hos pi tal today,




1111'" Amelia William s is visiting 1'(' laliv e, in K(!ntueky.

Anna l\I ll l'y R o ~ e rs, 0,( Spl'ing boro, wa!' t he gues l of MI', , J "~~ l'h Il ain(l~ and Carl Dick and ~Ir : , MlIl'k [,toge l's, SUllday, ancl l\ li s~ Al ice Sn id l' 1' of Cincin Mr, and MI'!\, George Water· Il:lli, ~ P' nl Su nday with MI', and hou se s uw th e Ohio Slate- Mich i· 1\II'S, Fqlnk Th o mp ~o ll, l\II'~, F rllllk Ih lkin ~ pent F riday ~an game at Columbus Saturday, with Mrs, II c l'ltert l\lnrlalt. MI', !lnd Mrs, Jos, Phelan and i\1 1~, :'olil ,j ,.ed W(';l V ' I ' of Dayton i ~ <"isi! iag hl'l' m ot\ll' 1', i\ll';;. Earl family, o f Da yto n, spent SundllY with !\'II', and Mrs. J, E, Frllzier, 1\Inl'latt. !'o lr. and Mrs, E lbo n o f Lebanon, 1\1 i:s Marie Campbell, of Leb"pl'n Fr iday "ith :'III', !lnd Mrs, an o n. was th e guest of her bl'othel' r~ lI t h crf\ ]'d , ilI l'S, rl e l'her t Mnl'1ntt, 1\11', and n, F , Campbcll, anc! fam ily, on unda y, l\11' ~ , .J hn Hy,-" !'oIl', and l\I,'s, p , A, "tlny( n lin d Mrs, b:)11cl'so n Dill For gi fts and gift ideas visit I I el'e X en ia ~ h o JlPel', "sturday, ill l , and Mr!l, I]Ul't nn Earnhart Cllry's J e wc hy Shop, Lebano n . 0 " spcn t ' ,'undny "' ith th eir dau~ h · "The ll ome of Gifts"- Weekly tel' I I'~ , al'l ~abb, and family at payments, 32 PRIZES GIVEN BY WAY NESVILLE ME RCHANTS Xenia, Mr ', M.e rle Kerns and little PARADE W ILL S TART PROMPT LY AT 7 :45 M,', a 11'1 ~ Ir s, Fl'c man and d!l ug hter of ncur Xenia, MI', Ilnd duughte ,' Joan ret urn ed to t he ir REFRES HM E NT 5 ON SALE !\frs, ul'l Ward low , 1\Irs, Emerso n hom e in Cleveland, today, after a Dill , and ~o n Billy, Ilnd Miss El. ie plcasant visit wi t h relatives here, FR EE DANCIN G Gib ~o n 'fi ll d o n Mr, and Mrs, MI', and Mrs, Lou Hyman, Mr. He rb e l t l\l al'latt Monday eve ning, MU S IC BY V E RN ARMITAG E'S BAND 1\11', and Mrs, Inre nc.e Th ornp- :lod Mrs , A be Hyman and fa mil y. on , o f ncar Hllrvlly sbul'g $pen of Xe nia , Mi~s Bertha Hyman, of hicago, spe n~ Su n day with' Myer Sun da y with Mr, Dnv id Lucas and H ynllln an,l fumily, family, 1\1r, Frank Bratton and fa mil y, J ose'ph lne Mal nous s pen t t hl! I', and MI'8, Geor ge Bratto n of Ad u lt s , lOc ; Children under High School Age, 5e MVliyt.!1n week-e n d "w ith her pn r en ts, She called oSnunday Mr, after' and nMrs, , _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....-, H crb ert MllrlflH oo n W!lS accompllnl(Jd by II stude nt friend, Mis, Marie F r ederick fir Battle Creek , M ich.

Friday Eve, October

For S lie and Rent at Popular Prices


1l . ' !J lIll lll ' 11\'111 ~l1lloJa~" "ftl'rn ll ull

\\ lIlt

Prize Winners at BaUs, Dances, ' Masquerades and t:ouse Parties

Classified Ads


Earll' l'eI'I'i"l'd \I 'lI d ,'lIllda\' .. I 1111' d,'alh "f hiIllnnd ' l1I l lit" I, :\1,- , Ha\"'I' 111':11' ~ltlllllj, itun:, 1'111 "1':1 1 \\,, ' , "\(' ~d :l\, ait",'Il""I\. ' ,\11, \I I, "d " " in " I r P ,' II' .. il ' 1"'l.t :O;tJl.,!:t) .1I" i \l1l1"la~' witit III , "11,11"", , '\\1'-, ~, II, lIai ll\" and r: lIl1ih' , :'lil': :ll1d ~II ', l'hnl'!C' >, Clark \I",,' "l1 l t" "lllt,d 1(1 f1innl ' l' f.:l1n· till I" :0, Ih., t'., UIII,'I' hllllll' .. I' ,\11 ', an;I ~lr ', (i,'"'''(' ~ ' H"liin,on n(','1' ' \\ :\\'11."\ ,li t" Ir, alld )11" , ( il,' nn ,I,)ltn:- a lld ,'hild~"l1 III', \l il ~'I"~1 ~pl'n l :-;unJia,\' ~ \I'~I:,II~, \\1,1 h ~""'I' IlInlh,'r ;\I r~" , ,1J~ L":lll, 1 ,J . hll , ~ " " , ll" ,11101 :III ,," (II!I!' " hill toll :lIId dall~lttp"" !\JI'~ " ,1"11 :tll,'nd. <I tlH' fltlll'ral \' 1 tl1l'11' unci\', I " ' IT'" 1"'lIl'i.'I, at \\':I)"It'" ili l' , ;'1((111;1:1):" ., 11111111>,'1' "f 1I1l'lIlh('IS (r,om l.~,tl (' I'hll l'< ' " ulll' I1Li<:'tI " 1'l'('C'pt,1 n fll " (ill' It''\I' millbl 1' , H,',', II. II. Lalr!'!'t,\' :lnd rHllli l)" 'HI til l' ~Jlri nl!". 1


Opera Hou$e

Saturday AJtera,oa

October zstb, ,


Z ' p.


Senator Roscoe C. McCulloch Congressm'a n Charles B:r and Will discu~s the issues of the present campaiin . ,This ~in be the only opportunity of hearing Senator ,McCulloc;h in Warren C9unty. Good M"si~" ' ' Ev~rybQdr ~nvited, .

; '








Republican: Campai8~ CO.mmitt~'e "CHAS.:· :A. -WAGGONER :. ",' R~ , Eo LeRO¥ ," , " c. 'c..COLLINS



Eighty -Third Year ~! -



Whole Numb er 5988 E!!

NEWS DIRECT fROMI THE STATE CAPITOL OLUMB US, OHIO- Secl;el.ary uf Stute 'Iarencc J . Brown lUIS a rra nged tu receive comple te e lection I'ctum s un t he nig ht of Novemb I' 4th and in lurn furni sh them to the 11 '\l JlI ~ of Ohio with the lost poss i1.Jlc delay . Sec retary Brown will broadca st the returns by I'Il1liu ut regular interva ls through out the lIight. Eight long dist.u ncl' phona s will be installe d, each ill churge of a ClIpable UIll'ru tOI', t.u luke lhe figures furnished by Boards o f Electio ns in the dgh ty-eigh t co unties in the ::Itllte, The sheets will be turned over to th e s up criliLend enl oC the recordi ng and tahul!lting- I'oom whcre forty expe l'ls will be empluyetl until t he In st county ig Iwltril fl'Ol11. All o r th ese peop le Ilrt' fr olll the val'i ous divi sion!! of St'C I' ·tllry .Brown 's departm ent. Ass urancl! of the utmost cooperati o n on the part of mel11be rs of Bouros of E lcction a nd nl!;o promise s thllt p!,ecinc l offlc inls ~\' iJl l ik ewi~e make eve ry efl'ort p o ~s lble to get the ir re pol'ts of th e r es ult!! of the' election on Novem bcr 4th, prompt ly to the office has bee n mad , to Secreta ry of State IUl'cnce J. Brown. " choolg of inslrucli on" urc being held by the Boanls of Election in evcry county in the slate and are being attended by the prec in ct offi cials of such co unti('s. The purpose of these meeting s iR to fnmilia rize th e ju oges and c l~rk s with their duties as pr esc ribed by the new election law und lo lenrl system to their work so thnt r esults may be quickly tabu lated and reporte d.

TqBE R 29, 1930


• Act ivit ies rn tIle Public Schools


~--------------------------------------------". IIfely Fi r~t," a three act ---(.om- I nc!' held--,position

of cat"her and lal'y; Suella rl E' l'nol'tl, tl'ca fiUI'el" eely to be p1'e~enteo by the mem- I piLcher and gOlHl swor k wa>; shown The ('I ns~ is planning- II Hul bers of th ' Junior 'la s>I at the by them . ou nty Agent Class has issued 111I\\,o'e ll party Fl'iduy afterno o n, Waynelivillo Gym, Wednes day, the followi ng bulletin to poultry -Udob .. 1' :1 1, at 2 .~!O . In theil' Weddin g Rings-Cary'~ .I owe lry Nuvem ber 5. Th e libl'ary raisers: bee n changed ro om. Tht' preside nt appoint ed own thl' _ __ __ Cast flf cha l' actcr~ is li S -follows : fr olll t he back ofhOI; Shop, J..ebanon, Ohio. I "If you want to increas e your th e stud y hall \.0 , followin g cOmlllitee~ to arra ngp .Iuck Montg-othcr y- l)onllhl Gustin the girls clouk 1'00111 and , 193 1 Poultry income, please the loc k- for the lJ~rly : Program , Dod, RoLerl Armstr ong is conJin ed t o I this carefu ll y, and se nd at onceread P. B. Hawke mao e a bu s ines~ Jcl'l'Y Arnold - J)onnld Hawk c 1'1';; now oc~upy the back of the W.a ~e, for chall'1~llIn; L('o Conne r and the house becau se of illness, MI'. McNut- Lorcn Reason trip to Toledo Monda y. coopera tive plans which starta ,' lud,Y hall. 1 hc ,hm!le of th e 1'I1.1I'Ial11 Lu(hngt oll. rcfrl!shm enLs: Elm e r Flunnel- Willil1m Ke rsey , JUniors and Se ni orsI'ooms I Nove mb er 1 sl. Chicke ns have al~o Hila ,van , Oll£' n, Irill a Wak eley . J, P. Fromm and family visiteci q uently k ept at a loss, yet are freA. K. Day was a busines s vis i- Abou !:le'n Mocha _ r.rnest Green ' be.en chang-I'd . und they are \.~e dOIl~estlc Mauch e B,llgmull. li obe rt FU I'na, l·c'lal.ives in Dayton t or in Cincinn ati Monday . Mllhel Montgo m e ry- Lena Earn- I l'clo.nco I'oo m IS IIPSt ll1 I'S. . und ay. the main, t;ource of income on ThiS arlind Char l(·s Wilde. hart man y War ren I'IIllgement is much more cOIll'en- : They hav e those n Us Co farms. their CIU SH J , E. Brown, of Xenia, waH a Poult ry is increas ing unty Be in lirne fo!' the parade at the Virgini a Bridge- A I lIa O'Neall ient, in , the weat c\) l u l·~. blue and hus go ld, We ur ii' nil iness visitor here on Frida y. Gy m Friday eveni ng a t 7 :45. Mrs. BU1'l'i ng\.Cln Briige r- Flol'an d so uth. Car loads of eggs are , rOl' 11 ver ¥ SUCCt's_ ful year ence Day ' coming into and through Ohio Th ere was n o school FrHlay. working Our c lass hu s l110v ed til the High The hom e elect your Chri stmus ca l'ds ot Zul e ika - H~s ll L(I(' McClain of ' Elzie Sc ott every is day. This co mpetiti Oct ober 211. coming lo the facl thllt Sc hool Build ing . al{a in undt' r quaran tin e for scarlel pels us to hustle, ' yet on nry '!\ J ewe lry Shop, Lebuno n, O. MIl I'Y Ann O'Finn erty .-Kathr yn ti ll teacher s ow Warren ut.le nded t.he teacher s -Boger ft'vel·. . Co un ty has Lhe advanta ge of nearco nve nt ion of the South W es tern 6th and 7th Grade Note. Miss Lucy Em ley was the gues t , ' , by marke District . Th e eonven ti un WlIR Iwld ' G about 600,000 con' , Myel' Hyman of .J. M. Coo k a nd family S unday. anoJo.veryb olly (' Ol11 e. Adrnl ~: Ion 25c ut Cincinn ati. and family vissumme rs in Cincinn ati Dayton and I I'ellt pl 'ep!1rallon ~ ar c helllg 15('. ite I rclaliv e, in Sprin g Valley Illude for t,lH' Hnll owe'c ll pllrty we other cities within an hour's drive. -- ~- Runday . Th e \Va ynf s \'ill~ l\1othct's Ctlu b 1.11';, ex pecting to have Mr. and Mrs, J ORep h Duwni!!j.(. ' I am not urging anyone to keep Friday. A mys tic enterta inmcnt 1.Jy i ' giving of Xenia, were in Waynesv ill e ca l'ni v'll nL the High I I mor e chicken s; r Ill' perce nt of attenda nc e i~ !l4 keep fewer Bulfont e wa s givl'n uL thc WIJ,Y- s~h ool gy m Friday Mrs. Vern on Mainou , left Sun- hut increas e therather S unday. egg produc tion n c~v ill c Gym, Thursd a y. Oelobe r l' vel'Y Clnc ' musk a;ld Octohe r 3 1, \ for the se' co nd .month .o f school. day for a vi,; it with relative s in and nel llain R per bird. The pri7.e~ will Tl,le contest s 111 slwlhng , al'p be· Stearn s, Ky. arl McClur e, of Dayton . visiterl 2:1 , Th e guod attenda nce was be g iven for the be~t orc!<sed pc.r- i ~0111 1 nl!' clORe I' and mol'E' Inte r est ' shortag e and hig h-price d feed be· g l'eatly appreci ated by the Juniol' hi .. mother , Mrs, Mary Mc Clure () r. cause of the drough t makes thia lng .eaeh, clay. lal'S wh o spunl<ol'cd thc pcrfol'- so ns. Admiss ion 10c. , Alfred .J. Wright, of Columb u s. a ll t he more im portant Saturda y. , . 1 h,<' S~venth gl' lHlc l ~ now oc., mance. visited his fa th er , Dr. A. T . mcn and women through. To help Sixth Grade Not... I l'lIpyll1l{ whnt waH know n a s the out Ohio, WIlITen Cleave r , of Detr oit. 1 commer Who want to make their poultry ciul 1'00111. l'l'€' hils been Wri ght , Saturda y, La , t Th~l' s duy afterno on W. H. Th e s ixth grade or gan ized las t such un increas e Th visited relative s in this commu nity S. met Spl'lng pay our Stat e Agricu ltural College in (' 1l1'/llhllpnt Valley on the home Thurl'cluy and elected a ~ the of- tha Th ose bea utiful sets of dishes fu rnishes poultry calenda last week. t th ey had to s(' ", k 11 lurgel' rs, giv~nc fi eld for t he Ins t gnme of the sea- fic er s of the at Ca ry' s J ewelry Shop, Leban on lhe III lest, most scientif duss the followi ng : i'lJOI11. ic, practic al son. Unti l the last inning WaynesGl enna Ohio, W ollard, are open preside nt; stock. Parker Duofolo pens and pen- vill A new pupil. LU(' il e ){Ilhl and timely informa tion availab le. e was in the lead but the final harJes Burton Enrn hal-t. vi ce-i fr om Dayton" has ellt ered ~ r, cils at Cury's J ewelry Shop, Le b- res ult They include twelve sections. eacll, lh~ \VII S 4 to 3, Suvu"e and TUr- , pre. ident: Berlha Filer, who is. Ii slud ent at Charles Davi s, unon, Ohio. sec re- I Seventh Grade , " on IOx1 2 in. cardboa rd givine I in ci nnati BI'bl e S el11mary, spen t blanks for ~-- -::= recordi ng daily egg _~-..:o._~-::la, t week-e nd at home . Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hatha'.\ 'a ". of product ion, mortali ty and sales ot Centerv ille, were hens and pullets, and suggest ions Wa yn" svilb McCUL LOCH AT LEBAN ON Mr. and Mrs. George Hllrtsoc k for the variou~ months visitors Sunday . . were SundllY dinn er gueRt!\ of Mr, I will be gilld to furnish one of , nutor 'Roscoe C. McC ulloch and Mrs. Cha s. And er son, The conditi o.n of J, H, Sackett these calenda rs free to a ll who l'eent ertain ed the Young Peouddl' t'l!~l' d an e nthu s ia ~ tic gathe ris saio to be about a s it has b~ '! !1 Ferry, quest same. charge nor obligaplc'l' cla ss fr om • ugar ing of over 500 Warren Co unty We 'restrin g beads, replate sil- li ons, exceptNothat fo," several days . Chris t inn Sundoy Sc hoo.1 onCreek each man and Frivoters verwa re at lhe and Leban recover on Opera umbrel house las. woman day , Octobe r 24, at theIr home. will be expecte d to keep The op.e n hunting season is atunlay Cary's afterno Jew elr o y n. Shop, Mr. Lebano and Mrs. n, 0 , J. record of egg product ion and morC. Hawke visA fter the usuul busines s meetdruwinK neal' and the nim rod ited their Accom panying 'enator McCuldaught er and fam ily at ing and s hort program of , ongs, WAYN I tality of flock and mail reports at populat ion ' of tho state is inRpe ct- Plcaljan ESVIL LE CHURC H Hefresh loc OF h t o menls Lcbun on will was be ongrcss on t Plain Sunday . sale, close of each month. Blank report man pruyer and recitati on, lunch was ing equipm ent a nd getti ng it. in CHRIS T Chal'lel; Brand. of Urbllnu , repre- free dancing and good music at the cars al'e furnish ed Poultry se1'ved to t he followi ng guests: Calensha pe fOl' Saturda y. Novem ber 'arn :entativ ival Friday e from evening MrR. the Seve nth Dis, Octobe r I dars and Demos tration Farm reAda Co urtn ey, local lib,'d( Un denomi nationa l) Ether and CletuR Cook, Rub y, 16th. whe n th e J oh nny Cotto n- rilln, has tricL 31. Occupy ing the platform be en oft' duty several OPEl I. Ruthlln na and Rachel Stan1 cords both start Novem ber 1st, Chester A. William son, 'Ministe r tuil will have lo ta ke t o cover to days with Senat or McCull ch lind Con-' because of illness. I and close Octobe r 31, ley, hl'istine Kinz er, Ethel Urescape the on~lnught up on them. Bible School R. gressm H, Har tsock and family and I Let's not just keep1931, an Bra nd were Arthur Ham at 9 :30 n. m. schel, Ina Kelchn er, Mary Fi h er, chicken ll, . The season will last until J a!l uary Lord's Mrs. upper Lena Hartsoc k spent S unday but make the 'chicken s keep Ht conclus ion. Chris- ilton, Wa rre n ount y' s I'epl'ese nSaws fil ed by machin ery, cut Ne llie Hiott. Frances Elliott, Elus. first with n limi t of five rabbits cleaner tian F.ndeuv or at 6 :30 p, m . Lois tllt ive in the Ohio legiHllltul'e and with Georg Davis and family n ~ar , truer, ' faster. • _ Roy len _ Ewing, Pigott. Lavem a anti Wilma Pennin gton , )for hunler in on e day. Hunter s at Madden Rcpubli leader. Wellma can Evenin n . fl oor g evanleudel' 's of Lumber the Thoma Yard. s, Floy d tan ley ' J . C. Hiand othel'lI ' handlin g th e gam e att, El1lerllO n Miller, Jim Th oms, ge listic service at 7 ::30 p. m, House. a nd Charle J , Waggo ner, IN MEMO RIAM should be ca re ful and exercise Sermon sub ject, "Christ 01' Bar- chai l'man of the Wllncn eounty For bellt resultll conllen yout Mr. and MI'''. Edward George Vintree , Sch mid t, Carl ,Judd . Her- abbas." grea t care and caution in order of Dayton Prayer meeti ng each Wed- Repu blica n executi ve co mmitte e, ive stock to Green -Embry Co" , we l'e guests of Mr. anu bert an 'l Inv in Cook, Warren, DelIn loving rcm .:mbran ce of to avoid tularemil', the disease so MI'~ . George Kern ovel' tho:! week- bert, C h e~te r Ba!'ton, Pcrl'y Thorn nesday at 7 :30 p, Ill . Th e church who actcd a~ chairm an of the Cincinn ati, in care of D. R. Salls- Rosa Be rnice Smith, died just one prevellint among membe rs of the where yo u feel at l11 ee home, burr. tIn!:. end. a~, Clifford Elliott and Ervin year ago Octobe r 29, 1929. hare famil y. Hungllr ian partrid ges A hil'ge numbel ' from Wayne Thom as. t he t eachel' a nd his wif e, ma y be kille d un til N ovembe r 26th Mr. and Ml's, Townsh Emer i p son attende Earnd th e meeting , but not forgotte n. ST. AUGU STINE CHURC H wilh n limit of six in one doy and , Mr. Harry L. VanTre ss from Mr. and Mrs, Waldo C. Elli ott, hllrt Miss Annie Brown and Miss Gone Th e remain der of the evening A preciou!! one ·f rom U8 has gone cock phea. ants also, with a limit Monter ey Mexico , spe nt the well kRev. Lawren Ma~ ce e B. Brown Mollma spent today in A voice we love ill stilled, nn. At of two per oay. It is the open sea- end at the Waynll Vi!l&, tt'ansl\c tJ was spent in playi ng garnes, ColumbUS. HALLO WE'EN PARTY a late hour all departe d dcclarA place is vacant in our home Summe r schedul e- lst, 3rd and son for opossum , raccoon , sJi unk, Inl!.' lIusinll!l!!. I tng Perry and Ervin r ea l entel'- 5th Sunday , Mass at 8 :00 a. m. ; Which never can be filled. fOlC, mink and mu s k~'at. Mr. lind Mrs. George Kern at- ' God in His wisdom Mr. and Mrs. J, O. Cartwr ight talners. One of the most en joyable fun chaH recalled . 2nd and 4th Sunday , Mass at tions of the ea the funeral se rvices for the The boom his love had were dinner guests at the home rl y FilII ~easo was lended given - - - - - • 9:30: former' s brother at Stol'a~e spaoe at the big Institu- ot Mr. and Mrs. German town , a 1 And children th ough the body slumbel'1l 's ' Hll ll owe'en party Harlan C. West JOINT MASS MEETI NG Tu esday a fternoo tion In West Spring Street, other- in Springfield Sunday . n. give n in the barn a t the Wayne here, ' ST. MARY S CHURC H • wise known liS t he OhIo P eniten tiVilla, Friday evenin g. 23 guests The soul is safe in Heaven . The local Silverw Counci a re, l jewelry of tho ' ary, presidcp over lIy Warden Jr. and O. eift R J For gifts and gift Ideas visit t:! h Mother, Sister and Brothel ' ff R attende d. The spiri t of Hallow e'en novelties, Cary's ev.. J, •.,c ae er, ector. Jewelry Shop, PI'eston E. Thomas, Is at a pre- Cary's Jewelry ShO P Lebano n, 0 ., U ,A. M. un d the Daught ers of was carried out in lhe decOTAAm erica Leba Ilre non, ' plannin Ohio. g fOl' W~ a give joint mium at the pl'esent time du e to "The Home of G j fts" - Weekly Cedar Novem ber 2, Twenti mass meeti ng to be held on the ev. aftel' Trinity, Church eth S unday tions, costume s, and re freshm ents. Stamps . thefnc t t hat to", of vegetable~ paymen ts. THE NEWLY -WEDD ED sc hool at Fortune telling booth. llHl Sic and cning of No vember 12. PI'omt - 9 :30; sel'm on und H oly COrll- gam es enterta and fruits ha\'e been prepare d and in ed thtl ",uest~. Mr. and nent MI'R. speaker s of but h Ord ers will munion at 10 :3 0. Will St. J ohn and co nn ed ready for the tables this Mill. H. P. Godbey By W . M, Praed - -- 10 - - - - -, daught er were dinner guests ,of Mr winter' It to kes some tood to feed mont, Cincinn ati, and Mr.of Edge- full explain their principII'S and _ ____ and Mill and Mrs. good mu sic Wm. Co leman, of Lytl e Now th e !'ite 4,600 'men three times a day. A ' Ray Godbey of Carthag.e be in ters pel'sed. is duly done, visited at The public iswill MIAMI S SHUT OUT , Wednes day of, last week. ea rn estly urged to FERRY CHUllC H OF 'CHRIS T mmple monue for a Sunda y ,lhner the A. K. Day home Sunday Now the word is spoken, afterattend, and lear n just what thesE' 18 roast pork gravy r oast potatoe s noon . And the spell has made us one (Unden ominat ional) . ".S i" Thom s broulJh t hIli aggre- , MI'. and Mrs. Samuel Butt.e~­ Orders . sta nd for, an~ what they I Chester A. William son. broad dressin g, plcalli1y, blackWhich may ne'er be broken ; Ministe r gatlOn of Day FaJi K to Wayn e ,Park wOl'th and Gilb are berry pie, bread and c offee, Of trY1l1g ert to a Fry cco Mrs. Geo. R. Craven of Dayton mphsh. A com e we re VISl· Rest we, dea rest, in our home, B' bl S h I course til r ough out the week the will speak at the meeting of the ~I e t e a nnounc em ent will be P4\}" L 'dl , Os C 00 dt a 9:'30 8; 1 JY1. S undl\Y, lind defeate d the M la!)ll! , tors at the home of Mr. and Mrll. Roam we o' er the heather : O. ,Ea<:h t~am got four hIts, ' Perry Wad e on Yankee Rd., menu i n ot:;o elabora te but the Mission ary Society at M, E. lished n ext week. 01 S upper IU~ S~l !:,on ~ ' ..Il h 4butto the Sun- We shall rest, and, we shall roam MJamls had six e rrorll, day __ ~ - - priRoners are given g enerous Church on Wednes day afte rnoon, 30, Sermon su\JJ~ct. rl'.ohl~ltlOn euch errol' being very costl Shall we not·!- togethe l·. y. portion s. Th en thene are the pan- Novem ber 6. ;:-~ . Mortl l lss\l(l'1I Sunday Will be AUKsbe l'ger pttc hed a tine aam e, STOCK Mrs Ed REDUC Murrell .\NG , of Spring Hill enhs -how would your wife and S~LE Clt!zen s hlp p ay, hen ce t he pe- Iand Ute opp onents go t four hits a d M'r ~ L H Gordon a re attend- From this hour the summe r rose daughte rs like to prepar«: Plln: ci al sel',non a"d oth~r spec,lul fel\- off him . onl y one being Mrs. J, p. (3al'twr ight WUH il1 Sweete r breathe s to charm us; u clean hit I i: th e Mye '~ession' l' Hy s m!lTl'lI store was c losed tu.res., Tile PI EpSIlon PI Class o f thE' Grand Chall From this houl' cakes for 4,fi!lP m E\n~ tten tJ an'ce at the service s cOmthe winter snows fol' t wo bu ses. Asid e from the g t 0 odny E in pl',~parllttoll f~ I' the big wll1 g Ive a "'rocky PartY" for me mpratin g l he ilimtenn ial c@le, Li ghter fall to harm us: ~he numel'(lUS el'rors the game was ~e:e k.· . S . at Cincinn ati thi s stock reductn g sale whIch b egln ~ Sunday bra SQl1ool, tipn' Q 'f {::hrist 'fhllrs Fail' clay ~v e ~l,ng faW~, 01' foul- on land or seaeh\lr~ h. p,!ytP!l , AJivel Y win ter seasp n is qnticitpmOl'row Octcbe l' 30. Pl'lces ' Octobe r 30, . Th e lIubllc Co me the wind or weathe r, . pqte in the Capital City blr' hQtel one (I!lY !allt w~Il~. hliv.e ' 1>ee~ reduce(1 In eVQ!'Y dtl, You.. are always welcomI \nvl~ed, The W . C. T. U. will meet. at Bes t and worst. whate'e r they be, e I\t thl!4 manae'e rs, rcsta'ul:an t~ and theatpartme nt Of this large sto re lind chul~h, the home oJ Mrs. Geo. D. "'hllll A FREAK PUMPK IN We s hall share togethe r. ,Mr. and Mrs. W. ~. Stroud ers. rJ'he eight y-nin t h Genera l AsThursd patronfl ay-af.« are a irnoon, ssured of Octobe spn, better valMl'. and Mrs. O~ho ~enqer-so n \les r 3~, -~ semply conven es earlv in January A r k kl d' VA Y"ESV , t for 2 ILL: o'clock t heir E M. mon A E ey g ood attenda nce IS Doth, who friend from friend can CHURC H thun hav e evel' r ea pump n wall ISCO V~ I- a . nnd ihllt 'neon:; sl=o r!!s of daily and jtfrs. ~: p,"d SPent Sun. " " ed on the tarm of Mr r e peen given li t {lnY formtll' s, Cathen ne ' deSired. part, opt-of-t own vi s itor~ until final ad- 'Ilay In Day'~o!" the guests of ~~I:. hefll G. C. a Dibert, le. Be Paltor. on hund e ~rly and get Juroan recently . There are three \ Brother I'clnd fl'om brother , . jpurnm ent is mode qy the legisisll\- and ~rs: 6eor~~ Str!lug. R . M' had aR dinner disti nct pumpki YOUII share or the KI'cat ha rg"lns ns with three blosl\Ir!;. uy am ous . Sha ll but link Ull , heart and heart, Wednes day: Bible study IInll \ ' O'111 !! and on e ste m live body. Then several dozen holoing them . guesL~ Sunday , her SIster,. Exper~ watQpm!\kel' and en , otTerI'd , C l o~er to each other: Mrs. E: p1',,~~r conven t,ion l' hllve been book.e rl and meeting at 'l :1\0 p. m. togethe r Tills -1'" fl' eak ..- ---ha s been I S, Odell, of Price Hill, <:mcm~atJ We will call hi s anger play, F rlda y :. ChQll' pracUotl lit ~ :~ O . exa mined bv a number of wi~h the influx of delel!'llt es an 0 graver Jl~ (Jury's Jew elry Shop, people I Edward Berry . a~d Th?mas SmIth. Deem his dart a feather , Sunda y. Sunday school at .1.30 Qnd no One has eVlll' ~ een anythin fri ends a stimula ti on in hu~iness Lebano n" ehio. OnlY gepllin e VOTIN Q PRt:CI NCTS g student s of Cmclnn atl. When we meet him on ou r way Ii· nl" At the <;1081' of the S unday Ilk It is forecas t ~y thgse i~ ' to.n the mlller4a l u!?ed in O\lr rep~lr dQpal'l sc ho ol hour th ere will be a spee , _ Han d in hand togethe r. menL _ __ ___ _ know. 1I , AOClordlng to word l'tlc~l;;d Watche s. beautif ul and depenEDITO R TO SPEAK from t he Village Clerk Co uncil of clal demons tration to show the nll- I -::--:-- :-dable for every membe r pf th,e Mrs. J. H. Colema n, who was this VPlage hns designa ted the t.ure of the work that is being ,. fI eX j:ellent program has been family. Weekly paymen ts, Cary s INCRE ASED FACIL ITIES done by nne taken o f the very depal'tm 111 at en\.!l Ithe home Walter . C?t C. f ollowin W oodw g location s for voting at !\ rd , Ri chm ol)d Jewelry Shop, Lebano n, Ohio. pI cpared for the anllu~l onfel'8n oc " FOR SERVI CE Walter 1n the ele-ction on Novem ber 4th I of our Church School, ft{orTlIl\g lnd" editor of the A medcan of Ohio Health Oommll lsioners to her slst!!r ~rs, H. worsl\ip Ilt 10:80: Lebano OOll.lIll n, last unlon w~ek, ser, , Fri lS very end . muc~ gave the North fl'eoinll t- M·rs. Maffiitt 's vices will address at ~hc be held In the Oapital ,Oity NovemMr. and Mrs. Millard Alcorn an(1 Ra,y ohserve d 1\\ this hou r. Monthl y M e ~ ting of WlIyne F. Hatfield , local Insvllle childre n of Dayton , Mrs. Me- surancemon !leI' 18th to 21st inclusiv e. Direct- better anq ret~rned 'fuesql\ ¥ ev~n-I hQme, on th e lower f\oqr, nor~h The II\ls tor\te wiU agent, reports that he h.. giv~ Ii sh()I't ing, tnlk Friends , SundllY afterno , on. or Oharles A, Neal of the ' State s j(je of r,fain stl'Ce~, Kinn ev 'and Mrs. John Treadw ar, recently been appoint ed an agellt on the eot or "Thl! Blood is MI'. Woodw ard rece ni.l y r eturn- I of Middlet own, were dinner . South Precinc t- Show room of Llf@," lluQJ Dep{lrt ment of JIealth will call gues ,d of both The Merch!l ntile Insuran ce ; . Ep\.,.orth League at 6 :30 ed from a summ er' s tour Dr. Mabel 6ar~ne" of MIddle- th~ W~yn l!~vllle Mo~or of Eurolpe eonfere nge to order 'l'u8sda y town, , of Mrs. George Compl\T Hender 1r, son on Frl- Compan y of AmerIc a and the New P. m, Evenin g preachi ng service at peon countri ea. anp Dr. ~ar:y OOQ~ !ll'\<! _._ _ ~ _.. _ mllrnln g at 1i o'clock and deliver day. Yo~ k Casualt y Compa nr· The ad- _ 7 :90. Sermon !!ubject "The Light ' Jan~ ,nit "~ldr.ed, welle U;';D l·.,,.. )tIs annual aRdress. lioled speaker s nieces of the World." ' dltlOn of these .compa nles enables Sunday dipnsr guests at fIIr. and OBSER VE FO., ..... MI' MINIS and llealtli' experts from ~he larger Mrs. Willis TER Ewing WAS of ORDAI Cheney NED . Pa. this agency to give the best ot lIer__ . _ _ __ who ;ecentl y was married to Miss vice t o the people clUes will parUcl,p ate. A luncheo n ville. H. 11'. Yetter ot near Centerof WayneSVille Th e congl'e ,atiun of St. Mal'Y's Vesta Ellis of Harvey at OhIo State Univers ity wUl he Rev. Russell Moore, of Hamilsburg, is and the ne~hboring commu nity_ D~t\T~S, Prot est a nt Eplseop al ohurch of ending one of the feature s and the ,uests ton, was ordaine d as ministe r of !le~eral with his I All lines of msuran ce are written - - - -, Hillsllo fo, observe d the 76th an- ~hlldren Harold weeks Mr.' and Mrs. Ed Murre~ and the Primiti ve Baptist church will be conduc ted through the deand Miriam at through this agency : Life. Health, 11\ Mrs. Emma Keys passeq a",,,y nlversa ry of the foundin daughte rt_Mlss Bernice , of g pring of the Middle t he Wayne Villa Run on .Saturn ay, OQ'to~er at her home on Main stfeet 'l'uespartme ntal laborat ories. Acciden t, Farm, Fir4!J Wind- In church Hill and Mrll. Em'ma McClur e were . Rev. Henry Wlee P l~ r h Id t day afterno on at 4 ' o'clock . She Hobson.Sunday other words "A POLIC Y FOR ---- - - --supper guests of Mrs. Susan WII- ~;~ th~?ChW~~~~gI!rhue:Sd Bishop of the Southe rn Myel' and family, C. M. EVERY NEED. " aye un:il had been ill heal,th for OhIo Dlooese of the church, gave 1 Robitze r Hyman , REPUB LICAN RUN AROUN D kerson and Mr. and Mrs. and family. Mrs. J, W. ~. \, ~: Sunday and many visiting mill IS. several monthstEllllng • - - - -,. , , Gor~~n ' S~n~~r ~ the anniver sarl '- " !.d~r~: " . t~rs we~~ present f"it'the o,ocas1o.n ~:.._ _ Edward s, Miss Mary Leah Edward " NEW PLATE GLASS WINDO WS " MI·s. Keys wns ~"e WIdow of J . - -' Mrs. Mary McClur e and Mis,' _ _- ,. _ .. .- _. Milton Keys and a daughte r of rhl! Rep\lbli ~an i " oe W~~re(\ Mr. J . Q. Cartwr ight was i" CHICK EN SUPPE R I Stella Daughe l'ty attende d the 'he ~!lt {l S~ ph"n Burnet t. She is Oop,nty wtU hav!! au old-fas guest at the bridg~ lllnche ll,n The appeara nce of A. K . Day's i Shrine enterta inment in Dayton CIT.IZ. EN , ~HIP tdEET INq 'l'1irl-aTo ulll! Friday, Octobehldn~H s urVIVed r. 91. given b¥- Mrs. franj:ls rd. lI \I,y one daug~t er, amiW>n 14..... Th C dry goods store has been greatly It Club of HIII'- l Friday evening . ~ Amos Cook, and one sister Mrs, the speaker s will be : COli. Chas and Mr\!. · Artliur Hamilto n e ommun y at the improv ed with new plate glass dla. , . Samuel Butterw orth, Brand, State Senato r Cliff ~arfin, Maket'e wah veysbu rg wlll give a c~lcken supClub in CincinThe Mothel' s' Club is spon~ oring play window s and a receslle d enThe la~ t meeJ lll1!' of the Clttzen s- , Fun el'!I1 sm'vloe Judgl! F . M. Hamilto n, Doh Dila- nati last Fr,tGolf s will be held in pe~ ?n. No vember da)l: 4th, In the r~o~ tun Ill.vject Will be held Thursd ay, the " Friends H \lowe'e n ~arnival at the Gym trance. hish, Frank Anders on, €ol. OhalThursdtlY adjOIni ng Welch and Dakm s Frid~ Odob ~r 30, at 3 p. t;n. at t~(l aftern oon at 2 Church evenilllr. 32 prizes will be U m(lrs .and R. Wi ts~n. .." o'cloc" ' A It dE ' I d hardwa G re store. , ""I', Begin .nd m:l'1f. serving at 5 . re ng e an · Yb local mercha nts . , ym, ..., Get 'I , k. ' fijI' CO]1'lfllitt e,,' urgii 1111 Wayn,e daughte I: and Josiah _ _ gIVen y 0 c oc .. _ • Engle <\f our masque C9\1 n.t y Oovernmen~ wII~ b e rade costum e• an d E. M. Henry and fa111ily spent . Samuel C. I:)n~lth , 67 years, died 'fownsh lp voterR to attend thllj Kansas m~, Mo., who brough ':{. the crowd. Admiss ion 10c, Su~day at West Liberty, Ky. ' meeting "t Waynl!lIville. IfhE: remain s of, tbe,r mother t the ~h~ tOPIO lind the meetlllg WIll ~e at his home nea r Lytle Wedne sday TEACH ERS ATTEN D MEETI NG Mra. J~Wdl'e 111 charge n under of !()~al leaders . all I~'. mornin g , Octobe r 22. ,He wall a 0\ High school age, · Engle, here for burial last ted by Mrs. Hllhk spea k IIlg Wl'1 1b e a b ou t 9 :46 . Go . ~ ' m e Marth'a t P oceeds for the hot lunch k h Mrs. Robert Walton , of h'l ~ /J dge N Everyl. o"y \\,'.. lcoe\,-, out and, hear t he i8s~~8 Of the ,'m . .R.. lIl em ber 0 t W a~rnesvl', 11e ... ~~¥ , ~.ere t e guests w Ie h er.e cen s. I' o. Wayne , top spent' Friday witli her m'othi!r': ip teacher s at- fund. \I " , " 163, F & A. M. and WyomI ng tended the Townsh discusse d. " 91 th e l!' relative s" MfB. Eathtlr session s of Mra. J .. L. Hartsoc k. - - - - ~ ,.,. - - ' ", ' Lod$'~ No. 1. O. 0 , F. One dauah- western Ohio Teache rs the South- - - - - --" " 1. Stout and Mr. anli Ml'II· 8 , ,. , Associa tion :' , Expert service given on Swiss . tel', MiAS Velma Smith and two held in Cincinn ati Friday A . T_"'END, W. C, T. U. M ,EEIfIN G E,I~{I~1 ' and Sat- and Anl'eric an' watche s in our re, ", ~ " Mrs." .¥. D_ Btlit'd and Ilttle pl£~ AT HOftjE OF ' PAUCH TER sons, Fte~el' and Herman .smith, urday , , of last week. Schools weI''! pall' departm ent. Store open daugbt er have returne d bom~ fro. ' , =0' , survive hun, , . , , , · MTS. . dismiss ed on Friday to enable eveDln p. Cary's Hartis, Mr. Har.lIls ~ril. ' Flor ence Barnard " '76. Jewelry Shop, Miami Valley ~hospita~, , tdrs: W. E'. _Oalesb ee, of Har~ MOBher, Edith, FunCtill •.IIervlce s were held at teacher .'" Miss Kather\n4j P.rinider- mll1her . ot Fred I.Ball!lar s to attend tbe meeting s. · ·Lebano n. · Ohio. • 4, 10c,,\ the resi~"ce Friday afterno on . .II '. V~f81>urg andiMrs. G. D. Mills'· were 'gast: and Miss I!2mma ~ Hel,hw ay grocer died Thursd Miiaea ay . afterb0 ,Loulle. 6n at CI,'&De with · Rev. lt. H. Laffert y, pastor of ' r~presentativell Irll"" Warrel l atten"e the een~nnlal servIce s at the pome of- hel" - - - .......... -----:-Miss TrLltena and MiSl MarRU,e t daughte r, ,M rs. Lytle chur~"'\11 charge, Burlal in K..... ~~ -'J~,, " (.lp~nl'Y at Ule W. C: T, 11: I~~ :Chriat d 'Church ; Dayton on Sunday DaisY Hartsoc k, Spring NOSE WAS BROKE N ~, Edward s 'MIllS Bernice 'Murr~I1, of lI.rtust Boyd ' H'-~ n ' Valley. Mia",1 ~JIleter'{. in ,.. ~ollvention help, a\ Youn~town mornin g, and spent . the afterno Sprinlr ",n She' had and been Charles ill thre'e weekll .~f, 0 NeaJl bUB ·S~~~ ~en~ ' last week. A report of tbe ·co~ve,n- vel')' plelUl&ntl, at, the ',-' "'h .. b from her bed ra- Jeft Monday mOl'Jllfig for Flol'ida . t{pn Will be given , at the mee~ln. ~eir rector and hili wife, home of fering fr,om co'ijiplicatlona, Fun.. ~n 1'1Blna 'b ".. K,-i Edward ll wll1s~d the of th~ local W 'O. T. U. at ~e , and Mrs, /", ' J. Sch.elf the R~v. eral _r.vIcel l we1'8 held In the Mt, The Loy,al 1'empe rance Legion Icenlly, '1c~. CU!vin B'i:S !:~hln~ r \ whit:e1l 'a t "Delray, .lIa Mfa home ot Mn. !ldulJ 'l'hUl'1lda, ~~r'l Schaeff er asslllted ... theer. · Rev. IHolt,: JI. Ill.,reh Friday at 2 p. will meet t tlue home of Mn. J. face sm ng e sew d b lIervloea m" ~th bu~lln Middle Run cern R. Wade Satur,d Munl l Win he til" neit of 11\111 DqO~, ay afterno on I3t 8 , Her nose was broken an , er t ace. Louen. at Christ Churcb ~uDda, 'mornfn g• . eter'~ :JailDe ,. at DelaDd. o'dock. All come masked . wu badly acutclw d. o ..,.


p,,~yA~~:WE~~:~ :::::,' 0, 1AT THE CHURr.HES


- -- _ .....



--- .-- ----



--- .. --- -













Co mmon Pi .... Prc>eeed in ..a

I GeOl"lle Ro e l ur money. Th e amo un t claim ed . 69 2 9.8 8 wit h Interest at $8.75 pt!r wee k from July 1, HI3 0 for the fo r eclosure of mUI tgage sale of real e.!tat" , appointment of r eceiver and equitable re lief. H oward W. l vin R is atturney fo r t h e p lailltic, S ui t was tHod Oct ober 1 6.

Sfa f e Spend~ $700,000

in Countv


Emma I. Mon roe and Ed. M. Court Proceed;D,' ,Joh n t on were awarded a judg- _ . _ - - - - menl f $l$O.f>lI in their case Frank. A nderso n, ad min.istl·a=="""==-======== - - aguin s t Wai te I' Biggs. tor o f the estate of Emma Seve r , ' II 1 TER VIII . :'C" out IJf my rooms," s he com- J ohn He inle in was awarded a deceased, fi led his Sale bill wi lh " I know that i al. ...." ]u ely unI thl'. " he said. muncie tl. " H uw dare yo u . av such judgm ent .o f $127 .7£ in . his ellse t he co urt. October 15. "uh an uld friend by n w," Il uri!' fiu .·ll l·d. a thillg? I\'e had eno ug h of you Ilgain:t Paul Vicky. The fi rst acco u nt ,of M, . Juli · J"clu red . " We'ye kn own one I " I am unly ,· lIinc y ' u whllt p~ o- and YOllr saintl y wuy:;. The soon er Th e co urt ove rru led t h e demur- Drak e. admin istr a tor of t he es tute 11I,' thl!l" quit a w~ek , un d, love pl~ ar I'ayi n).!." ' . . y c, u).!o th bette r, I' m sick of be· rer fil ed by . F , Galbreath . de- of Albert A . Ir o n, deceus ed, wus ·Peop l.. 111'1' 0 churt l oble! . in)! dictut d . t o and pl'ea c hed at. fendant , ill lhe C8 e o f The LOI'e- approve d by the court. Octo ber I'ol'h o lh'r Iil!Jlrly Bml doelln t UP' ] urovll : c sayR that 'adit' i~ I' m, GiI('~ said \\ ith u'r, an d he J-- " But Blm ha~ gone. cl05i ng lan d Mut ua l BullcJin~: a n d L Olln 15, Il lun ~'nd l.HId (urm , and n wrong: tll" ught of t ill' woman II hon ' I I! l h l' d e',u r so ftly uehlnd he r. . Com pany \' rsus William H. J ohn tou t enboro ug h WIIS up inOUl'lIl'" f or m!'! Did rnu ('I'er 'ltad I"ft en,ut hing by th,' file in , .JulJ~ II.IY bu~k ~n t ht' ptl.lows. Bnrk er et lI l. ourl grante d the poinled an appraiser of the estat' h,'ar ,11th rul.tois h ?" I thllt I"nc\ \" I'oo m. " I ~ UPP "~E! if I ~h(' wo~ lremhhng In ever y 11mb. deI(' ndant I('ave t o pl ea d Cu rth er of Ada m W eitze l, deceas ed , Mllr y " " o\\" d a re , he, ~lIy ~uch 1I thin g ! \ I n the I:n~e of William Fl'Uziel: We itze l, execu t ri x of t he e"tate. , I , 111 ,111 01 Ihi nk Mi :~ Ll'lm ox i. I allow myself t .. I", icil'ntifi e'" with l 1'ht ." t',' l ll" an'\\l·l~d . .th~n HV~ 'I this nte~ul:" l'Ic lI~ u('h II )ngcr, t hy Iw\\' ,da r she ~" sh!! a sk ed herself ~xe cu tor o f the la s t will of II ro- fi led her inve nlory a n d appraise}led Ilg ha~ t at lhl' IIdml:;"lun, 111.- \\ til c!'t;ldt me with II :caneJal uf plI s~ l o nlltely . ".In love with that lin e RogerH, deceased versus Wllr- ment, Octo be r 15. lllun ! I hute hun-:- How dare s he l r en Rogers it \\'08 ord ered that Al vin H. Drieve r , ex ec uto r of ' wn w ,fel .. , "An d doe Miss rn~' o \ln. " {larruw ~hllre your \"\ we on life " I thi nk hey hUl'e do ne th ll t III· , ',ho w dar e she!' . th e p lai n tiff r ecover f rom t he de- the eetate of Florence Z. Dr ieve r. lhn you an el she are ueh great re a dy," Dori ~ /lid lightly . She, 5hut hl'l' eyes tIghtly, afraid f en dant the su m of $2183.5 4 and dec ea 8ed , wal authori zed t o sell at :riends1" He t urnt,d and looked at her of the scalding t ears that ~uddenly co lS, Unless said j,lJdg m e nt I. private sale one 16 00 Lib erty " •.o\~ 0 matter of fa ct eh "E c:,d l y! n',a y I Il~k what It iH'!" ~ee med t o rl,' e f rom her heart. palel within 3 days, t he n toreolc- Bond. Octo ber 115. docsn' t " Juli an 8WHtio . I' She'~ " I hllrdly kn uw lh e fllct~ mY ' plf, Ha te him , th e man In whose sure will en sue, J ohn W , McClung, adm inistrato r In c-lined t o he morbid. a nd n obody bu t I kno \\ il WII S ~o methinJl t il II l"1n ~ ~ h' hal l found th m eanin.R Lizzie McIntosh wa gran ted II o r t he estate o f Ru t h J . Mc Clun g, ran ll o'(' U~ 1I1e of that." Ju with Julic Fllrl' II' hi" .Julil' " ~ Iflve: th e mun whO Re tragIc div () rc e fr om Esti ll McIntos h, Th was a u t horized to se ll one $500 "Mo1'llid!" Farrow " • h .. ,,:otd ...'d him ('I",,· · ml~tnkc, had LI'ukC' n hel·. b .. t1y a n d I plain tiff WlIs ' l'estol"C!d to he l' m uid - Li berty Bond be lon gi ng t o t h e ca,. \"''' . ~ h"' ,, s<:ot w .. ird tdeas on Iy a ~ ~ he " puK<,. ,'II UI : I nu l now : hl' had hardly, "/I na1l1t! of " Lizzie Hall." ta t e ut private sale. Oc tober lfi. ~ lll e, !<I.liljr·cts. F,O!' one t h ing, s h ,'" (;il(' ~ lII[ln:,/.(l.'oI t .. l:llI ch. ,:",d lze '.1 hllm lllU('h she had . ~ uf · 1 In th e CIlSt! of J . B, Clingerma n A lvia Hill, a dm inistrator of th e " II,,\\, futil" ~ I 01" "',. m(·t her " 'n·d : 111(' (' that. eVl'n ln/r III SWlt zo r VCl':u s TlJy lo l' Brother:! e t a l u p- esta te of W allace L. Baxte r , d eIllod on lhi- Ildt'~t ~Jlirituali~ ti(' naz .. '· in illY lif,' ttll tha ni J!ht at th,' land wh ' Tl ,hllte n ham hlld t Old l' on moti on of the def e nd lln t t o ' va- cea sed, was autho rize d to tra ns fe r FUlIn whl'n' I owt ~'" u." 11('r, till' tmth,. . cate th e judgment rendered. the li n d assig n s ix sha r es of Ohio Na"f\:ulI ('n se!" L EqEND ~he· I""k'r! ul him < t , ·adil~' . ,, ~hc' wa ~ Ill ll rbldly afraId lesl l'OU I't on rrul ed same. ti onal LiCe Insura nce Co mpan y . '\""u· .." nol very polite, A. k her ~'our ' df if y ou don 't I,)elieve 111 <.' . " T hat I.' n"l I\ha t !\II'. j." lIl1.ur" !. II ,· ,;hou ld ~UI!~S how he h aJ ! n. Malc olm Morris wa R g ran t ed Stock to E dward E, Bax ter. sole . - Bridges- Wu rk b~gun betwe en J all ull r y I , 192!l ll lld July I , Thor , wh y she ' ~ in Lond n n O'1 - ill~i nullt~·<.". . . I hurl hl' I·. lin d ln tn ul1t~ract thut u di\'o r te fr .. m Glody" 1-' . Mor r is. he ir of the deceased. October 15. 1!J30, I " ~ Inl,· "f IIIIlU,c-If (hi I(' nilillll rear ~ h" . S'"ll~t llll 's d.e l!~)enlt e IY : th e' d -fcn cla nt huving been gu il ly In th e ca ~e of Ma bel F , T erry, t o Sl'e ('hry"r. thf' new medium ," • • • - Coll ' trUdi un- Betw!.'en J a nuary I , 1!l29 u nd Jul y 1, 1930. "Y .. llr,' li,lt ~ ('ri (l u ~ ?" h:,I,",/rpd cnJour. . ,. , (,ul! l.1l hl ~ "(o (· lely . cr,ll tlfy.'n/r he r· of gr uss neg lt'ct of duty. T he sole ad ministratrix ' of ~h e est at e of "Of (' " u r~l' I lLm ! There's IJ ~" L"l lIbal'd '" tnt' Ilu l'; " ,Ir III .. rd,'r Lt, de aell~e hl111, A!ld cart' and cu st ody of lhe minur Barbara E. Strou p, d eceased . vs S u rfll ce 'i' n'ul1l1t;l\t- Bet wl!e:1 J allu/lry I, U12!J fi nd July I , ~l'a:lce t o' lllUITO IV, u nd w"'r,, 1\11 M,'!;. AI:,.lr(. n Il uu L"t1 Illt u tit,. It had bl'!!n all In 1'1\ )0 . f"r Blm l"hilcl. Mar).!l\reL Lo ui-e was con- P atien ce Thom pso n , e t al. court a p 1930 , gOi n g, "I' u 'd bl'tter Ctl /ll(' along doorwar. Giles r se, gluII ..r t ile 111 '1 klll' ~~', ! (i nl'" to th,. pluintiff. s ubject t o proved t h e sa le of ce r tai n r ea l Ili!lOOOOOOOOO( - GullrJ Ruil - Erected bc:tween J llll unry 1, 1929 and Jul y I , t ' n." t""I'Upllun, \ , llh !l n',l ft Illtl" nHJ Ve ment all re osonubl e I'il/:ht o f defen dant's tat e t o F rank Bran do n In oonsld er . ation of $ 600 and ord e re d a dls. H er eyes challenged him. "Or , II " WIIIHI~I('(I, thrnu/rh th e crOWeI - \ ,J II II ,' , titrew a s lcle lh.· bedcloth e vis itati on, I !ISO. lirf' yo u IIrruirl that t hey muy ed rO()mR until he clIm ocro s~ all'!. ~nl/~!)t u p, Ii "'rap. I The. court granteq th e de f~ n dan' tribution ot th e proceed s. October S - Cun'l! Straight e ned- Bet ween J llIlUIIl"Y 1 , 1929 a n d July I, I "ad the ~ crH s o f your inm v, t I.umbard, ' \ , 1.101, ~ h e wonL 011t Of ~ hll Th , f l'lInklin /l;atio r\ul /la n k lellve 16, 1930. ~o ul ?" " I wont t o Hpl'ok t o you, ' 1",11111 .lInd t o Blnll!; rlo or , ~ u h e I t o file u n ~wer and CI"OSS p~titio n In th e mlltter of the p etitio n of ~ 0 1.11I,)a nl ),lOke~J . U,!~; n u n/{ It ,o pe n, , S h ~ en t e red with II ' withi~ ;! ~ay s in lh e C~'8e ~It F'rll n~ J, L ee 'fhompson, gua rdian of • _ _ -New Stn te lI ighwlIY. , "Th ere Is on ly one s('cret in my Fonl f or any one t u r ead," Chilten\\ elJ--what Is It , , " til' ru sh. on I. lunnlng across to D. Mille r versu s , J phn R. Alle n e> Flora Stephen son , f or au t hority t o hnm SIIid. "Come out Hide--" h· r fTi end, dropped d own on he l' a l. ' , , sell ce rtain real estate, court ap 1 - St a t e Aid S('lIool Prope rl y Imp rovcnll' nt . . he laughed. The two mel) went Int o the ha ll. knees J.x,slde hC I·. G. p, Brown WjiS appointed r i!- poin ted E. C, Morrison, C. O. Sex ft "How tou ch ing! Th tragedy f "Whllt o. n ea l·th , . ~ " Lombard " I didn't m ca n Il. I.'m ~o rry. 1"01' ce,iver in the case of T he P eop lels t on a nd D. E. Heywood as upHig hwa y imJlrOvClll 'nls ill War- mi n iHh'ati on, to $2.2 1 in 1930 , a sk 'd IIg am ap preh e ~ sl ve l y . ~et I said It . , . I fll 11 b eaH Building, Loan nnd Sa ving Com- pr a lser8. October 15. ren co un ty in th e Illst 21 months savi ng a n uv e rnge of $3, 672 PCI' yo ur marringe, I suppose." J "No," said Chittenham. "Thc Chlttenham told him . a m an b~n s t. [JU t y ou made me Jlany of Leba non 0 v ersus Anna Th e last will and t estame nt of re prese nt On expe nditurc o~ : tate mil l' of confl t l' ucLio n . tragedy of my love f or you." F or " I ullder ~ tnncl thut you've bc('n an g- Ir," I nose, e t III. T he ' rc~·el ve l: wa s or - Andrew Obanion , deeea sed, was f unds t o t he IImOull t .ll f ncarly S in ce J a nua r y I. I !l2!J. t. he state II mo ment J ulie seemed tak en back ta lki ng ob out t hings that dOIl 't "( ,i vo It up, .Ju lie." ni m u rg l' d 'I der cd t o f u rn ish '$500 b on d fil ed lor p r obate . October 16. seve n hund red t housa nd dlillar~ . hilS r bated $147,893 t o W arr en gen tly, "Come IIway with me. I n t he case of H arley E' Wills . . An authenticat ed copy of the T his in cludes stllte hit!hwlIY ancl cou llty fO I' 101;.1l1 im p r oveme n t. Her lips qu ive r ed , and sh e b it co ncern y o u," th e m s harply. then she t u rn ed a na "My dear old chap- " We' ve had ~ootl tlmc ~ toget h er be. Vc rSUl! C, L, Bra dley on m o'tlon of wl!1 of N. G. Hartman, .late of b ridge co nst ru cti,11l initiut(' d by Tlti ~ is t h e lurll'c Rt rebate in nny called t o Scho fi eld : " You k now what I meun - S wi t- fo re, o nd t h c cll u ntr y i ~ II a ven plll lntlff leovc WII S 'gmnted to ti le ' Clinton county. was admit ted t o th e pr esent st1lte IIdlllilli~ trntion, ~ i ll1ilur pe l'iocl of t ime in t h e his"Lawr ence, come h ere ! Mr 1.erla nd- " nOlW- " ' reply I'<cord In thi s county. th e rec ond ition ing lind 1ll11i ntu ll - t ory (I f t h e eo un t~' . Th e increuse Chitte n hnm is t alk ing to me abou l GUc/! c u t In T\jt.hlessly. Shl' turn ell ,'ouncl, he r a rms In the actio n of A nn n Van Dore n The will of Mal-tha R. Burnett anc e of stat e r oads lit the cuuntry, iR IlIrl.:'e ly du c to Govern or Coophis so n l, a n d I'm a lm ost red uced " Do!l't let m e he ar uny more hanging limp ly ot h er !<I f1e s. h er versu s Pa u l B, Michael. t he court WIIS admitted to probate, Charles a nd s tate ai d in the illlpru vl'nH' n t er's plnn Of Jl I'ovid ing m or e state to 'tears." about It. that'~ ull. 0 1' ] ~ hn ll hav e !'uffll'r!, "I cun't!" s he ~ald " orde red the claim of Hal'ry Coo k S. Burnett and Walter' C. Burnett of townshi p and co ulltry !'lll1d ~ in a iel ill t he improvem e n t of to wn w ere appoin t ed e~ecu tor8 of th e t he f~ m of an incrells!!d ~hu l'e o f shiJl a n ci co un ty ro II cis , Gil es had for gotten Do ris un til so me thin g to !IUY to . YelU , t hat " I ' ~e go~ t o ~tay and, face it oul. be IIlIo wed a s 8 preferTcd cla im . won ' t be pleasant h e anng." I-h · II thInk I m afra id - that I'm 1 I n the case eX/" The Pe op le's e!lta t e. Charles Ellis. D. L . Cr ane th e ga s t ax r evc nue. T he tuwns h ip was g ive n a sud den ly IIhe s poke: Ch lttenhom t Ul'll cd un h is hee l I'ull/ling Ilwny ." Building'. Loon and Sav ings Com- and ~. B , H e nderson wer e named The s ~ te also co n t ributed Shll l'e of t.he ~I\~ tux I'eve nu e for . "I saw yo u t a lki n g w it h J u li e, Was it sh e w ho made yo u angry? ' a nd wo lked IIWIiY. S hl' s pok" 'lui k)y and inco her- pany o f Lebanon, 0., ve rsus Ma'ry ap pral~er6. Oct obe r 16. $188,577 "111ce Jan ull ry I , 1,!12!J . t he fil·~ t li me: La st year th ey r eIi , ('n tl ~' , almost a s it RO IHe J} weI' out Fail', et al. the court a l>p I'oved of Notice o f es~ tes f or settlem ent f or t he .suPPO!·t of th e cI,lucall ollll 1 ceivecl $ROO eac h in t he e ig ht : " Good h eave ns, n o," Giles a nsillt- h(o!'self was fUI ci ng lhe worFls th e sa le of rea l estate to t he p lain- a ~e se~ f or hearing October 20, at. syst e. m mc l~ d ln g e xtra all! fu r ~ho lll o n th ~ aft I' the ne w la w w en t tifT ut its bid of $866, 67. I was nIne 0 clock a . m. r epai r a nd I~provem ,: n t of !Judd- into effect. I II 19:-10 t hey have r efl'om ' hel', ' " Pd rath c I' di e than that rye funh e r dec reed tn ut the plu intiff Ol ha E ; Sam s, execut or of the I~ gs and eql;lIp,!! ent In th e stat e· ceived $1 ,DOn to dute, a nd another s houl 'l t hink tbftl. I 'd l"jither !1l a r r y recove r fl'om the qef~n~ an ts Mary esta t e of E . SamB, d e- al d, scho ol dIstrI Cts ?f the county dist ri buti on is y t to be mud e t his Lawrcnce Schofi.ld," !ln d John ~'air, t he s um of ~4 G 2!, 15 .cea~ed, fil e d hIS Inve ntory and ap- ThlS m a kes a tola l lllves t ment of yeal·. " My dear, r d on' t un d er sta nd In as a bll lanlle du e. Dist ribu t iOn ot p ra lscm en t Octol>e r 18. . $878,.5 4.6 f ro m ~tate fund s fo r the The erectio n oC two n ew lrridges lhe leM t what happen ell lt et l"!!en th e proee~ds of the s~le was o rderThe re port of Charles S. IrwJn. upbuddlll g of hlg h wlIY and scho ol in lhe cou nt\' wus both u saf e t y ynu," Bim Sllid In her cool, Rmooth ed. e xecutor ot th~ estate ot James A. Impro veme nts and pu blic bene fi t s anrl 11 00d preven tio n 111 'lIl1 ur e. T he vo ic e. "You wo u ld neve r t ell me In t he t;lIse of M:a rle R oehm Run ya n, d ece as ed, was oonftrmed a nd school s yst e ms In . Wa r r{' n brid ge ~ re pl uc ed were t oo nan-ow when [ asked you, If I o nly kn ow \,e ril US H. R. T r ivett lind M. E ~ b y the t ourt October 18, count y und e r th e ad n!I Ol ~ trotlo n and weuk to), mode rn t r a ffic . T he Es tates tor settlement will stand of Gove rn or Myers 'I . Coop er. waterway, liS we ll a s the r oad wa y, p I'haps r cou ld h elp you better- OJ T r ivet t , t he COU1't II' rs ntc d ' loav ' ~tli e flu ng up her head wI t h 0 t o t he de fenda nt s to til e an In s- for h ea-rlng be tOTe t he probate Th e Im p rove m e nt~ a l'(' Rho"'n b y was Increa sed , im pl"Oving dra inage vt.; ' l'iIt ink. · wer. court November 10, I t 9 o'clock e. the a ccompfl. n y lng mop unci sum- an el m in imizing t he da n g er of o\'er " He's nHI I' n~,1 .. ~ he said d efian t - In l h e actio n o f nan Lon!r versu s m.· mary. fl ow. ' Iy ~ , L, T he Maxwe ll P a per Co mpa ny et U pon examination of Edi son Hundreds of me n were given em One of the m O!lt imp o r tant tra n s ' lle l' head went cl own agai n ti lt Ill., o n m otion o f T hE: Ray Com- Le e Ralll! b)' modical wltneSllell, it ployme nt . Th ere wos n o exp en se action s in con nection with Goverher ou~nun g al'm s lin d sh e began Pll n~, llill¥/! of t he CO Ul' t was was ord er e d that. appli cation be ~ the taxpa yers of Warre n co un ty nor Cooper's comprehe nsive we lto so b gra n te d t o wltlld rJ!.w JIIlotion fi le d mad e t o the supermtenden t of the In the form of property tax. fa r e pl'ol:'ram took pluce in War. Warren county mot orists al so re n coun ty. This w as t h e p urchase Bin; ~at qui t e st ili. he r hand on by lh e defendan t to strIke ge r taj n fe~ ble-mind ed f or the admi ssion of t he girl 's hall' itll Julie WII~ qui et, wo rd s fr om sa icl petitiol}. f!ftld P/lthm~, Oct ober 18. Will b e Interest ed -to....lcn ow t~ at of $2.000 a cr es o f la nd six mile~ t h ' n II h .' It'lcd aga in .Ju dgm en t In t he sum ot $ 1272.J e r ome E. lJartel, guardian of th e gas tax dollar h as bee n mo(Je we't of Lebanon. to be used 1\ 8 "Don't b-e II cowa'rd , Juli e. Cu t 211 wIth \!t te r est f re m t,he date was Ruth and liarrf,et Hill, minors, to go farther tha n f orme rly. the Rite fo r th e so u th.e allt~ rn _ • it all out li nd cO'm e away wi t h m e.' ord ered In favor pf i hc plaIntiff C. fil ed his s ixth aocount. October Throughou t the sta te t he a verage Ohio instit ut io n for th e f ee bl e"I Rho ulcl b e mo re a cowa rd If Au stin 'ole mlln v er s us Albert 20. .cost of hard surface pa ving has minded, This m eant t h e in vestI clid t hat. H e' c! know I was PI'f;lsle y. 'fh e co urt ove rruled the In thQ settlement of the es tate .been reduced from $2.54 in 1928 , men t of ~ n oth er $200,000 of af raid ," defe ndan t's moU on t or It n ew of Celinda Grillst, deceas ed, the the year p'receding t he Coop er ad - state f un ds 111 ' '4lr ren co unty. "Are you in 10." . witL-him?" ahe twitt .. d Dim . "No, but you ar .. .. " The !' e was n littl e Ri lence, t he n t ri a l. n et mark et value wall found to be -:: - - _ . . -=-- ~ __ s we red , too eag erl'y t o r absolu te " A n ew sensation/' said .J ulie , Bim n~ k ed : $1787 . 1(1. There aTe twenty-one Albert L. and Cat he rine L. October 15 . co nviction. "She wa s talking ab ou t S he ~at UJl in bed, letting the " J uli e, huve :lOU secn his wife? ' N .. w Suih l e~al heirs to ths estate l11ed Seitz, by Sheriff, to Wilbur Hu t t. pi ritualism." le tt!!r s he had been r adi n~ sli p " W h o~e wife? " O(.tobor 16, F red Deichman t o Dllvit! D. "Abo ut Ch r yer. t h e n ew m ed- dow n on to t he fl oor. "l\oI r Ch itten ham's? " J ohn He inl enn vs P aul Dicky. The co urt Ins tructed C. H . lit In RidgevIlle. October 14. Beckn er . 100.0 2 a cr es in Sale m Rowand. et aI, t o F r ank H, A. t ownshi p. October 15. " It WIIS II luve ly m orning when I "Goo~1 Lord, n o , H ~ 'told mc th ey cog novi t. S u it fil ed O cto ber 14 Yo!,njt, s ecretary of Th~ People's i u m? Jf'hat little Am e rican, Sadi e Burr ow, is m ost e n t hus1a stic. S he cum e home ," s he su ill fl ippantly. we I' . eparated, or so mething, but by Mapls !UIU >ra ple attorn eys f or BUilding Loan and Savings Com- F . Courtney, F our t racts in DeerDavid D. Beckn e r to ERt he r Mafi e ld township. ' Octobe r 14 ~ayl'l t hat s he .wan ts to know " Tho firs t ti me I'V ti eve ,· see n the , if t hey nrc, r da r esuy Ie " his Illult pl u intiff, pany to transfer $23.44 to Doras on. 100.02 a cr es In Sa lem to wnJam es P. Reed, by admln'i slrator . s hip. Octo b er 1 5. . t he fu t ure, a nd that Chrye r cun s un rise, by t h e way . . no, n ot I lI e lllu s l be a bru le t o' li ve wi t h." Wil bur F r azee vs G.race l:tur!IIY thy Seaman, who has reached ~he tell ·h er." q ui te t hl,! fi r~ t tim e- " she udded Rim ~o t up s lowl y a nd walk ed F l"Uzee, F or lIiv orce on g r ounds 'o f age pi IH Yf!ltfS, ~l)/! mone y haVing to Edwa rd J , li nd Edith Ruthe r - . Mary E. ( Hobso n) lef r le d t o "Sad ie is a little fo ol," Chi tten - s lowly. int n .Tu li e's roo m , gross n g reet. Ca se filed October been deposited t he.e of the estate fOI·d . Trac t In Mt. H oll y. Octo - Spl"ingbor o Grange No. 2333. Lot ber 14, ham ~ai d unthinkingly. Th e n he T he r e wa s a li tt le s ilen(·e. "The " I s u ppose it's t ru e?" she s ub: 15 by W, E. HolTer, IIl tto r ney for of Anna Seaman, (,)ctoll!lr 1'7, In Sprin gbo ro. Oct ober 16. Re b ecoa ReevC!8 t o William M. llu Fhed dully, and hastily ap olo- first tim e wus in Switze rl a nd." sh e I m it/ed heR itatin /?lv. plaintiff. .The court ordered Howllrd W . Walter R. Fitts to Charle!! W . a dd ed defiantly, "On top o f. on "W hat IH t ru e?" , Th e P eop le's Buildin g Loan and IVIn S, adminIs trator with t he will and J e nnIe C. Hunt. }o'O UI' tl'llc t s !lnd Ida- B. Grll 5hon. 20 .08 acres g ized . Wes t Turtie cr el!k t own ship in 'J I sh ould n ot have !laid t hat. I e xcee ding hig h mou n tai n. and l h e " That h e 1$ married '! " a vings Co mpany of Leba'n on, anne xed of the es tate of Jam ~s P. In Franklin to wn!!hip. Oe t obe r 16. beg yo ur pardon, a nd h e r s. l et us d ev il slI id unlo me , , ." J ulic t UI'll ed r uund, h e r l!;Y!'!s Ohi o, Vel'sus Anna Rose, Martha Reed, decea sed, to sell at private Oc t ober 16. Mary_ A, GIa nt t o Bal'bar n Rosa Pope, b y sh eriff. t o The ta lk a bo ut som ething else." Bi m tur ned ~ harp l y, wi d e. her lips pur ted. J , ~lIhon ey, Moddi e J . Fond er- sale all the personal and chattel Bl'andhu bcl". 143. 156 ac res in R L. and S. Co. Tracl in P. · " Very well, S ay- have yo u m et " J ulie, fo r Heave n 's Hake ~ h ut " I- su ppose so ." she said slowly smith, !Ip d frj llR!l f pn~ersmith, property, October 17. H a mil ton t ownship. October 16. t he other Julie yet?" up." t hen t he colour b lnzed s ud d~ nly in I.l w~s orde~ed by the .court th~t Wayne t ow nship. Octobe r 16. Hoadly Cod es to Alo nzo Stiles. Albert Ammann t o Ma r y Mc" Yes. A night or t wo ago. 1 "Oh, all . r ig ht," ,J uli e gigld d, hel' ch 'ok. .. " Do yo u mea n t hat. a cl!&~lOn ~e Issued I!galnst PortIa 27 ,80 ac r es in Ha r lan to wnship Alte e. Tw o lots in Lovelan d P ark. OctOber 17. '. ,:c- was agree bly s urprised ," he said a nd lell ni ng Over t he s ide of t he .. . you t h ink h e ju ~t sai d It- liS tl t" :tNP~~rd, !ll! gpaF,h~ 0hf the esat -Iaat. I bed g r abbe d up the fa ll en leUe r an excuse . . . to ge t r id 01 me !" d r~m/l. H e th o)Jght I was Julie- f a e. Of Glarenf:e L. ~oc ran ,. re- October 14. '(jjont'iilUed 0!l P!I~e 3} Stanley M. and ¥ary E. W ql~z " You kno w she has gone f/"ll m the tl oor. "Liste n to this !" "We ll " . " , never t old yo u ~hat. did I? He had qu jrlng,lte r ~o *PPt ar pE1to~er 2.4 a broad '?" sh e command ed . "It's I I'om Mrs , .Juli e we n t o n with her dressing ~um e q uix Pllc Ill ea Of payIng m,e at 1~ 0 clock a. m. whereby she Ie to Garry A'. an'a Julia E. P j! nny. - . -___ !S2! ." } ', saw so m ethin &, a bou t it in Ardnl n, the 1lI o ther of lhe one a nd but her h an d ~ sh ook badly. " ou t for whot he t hough I h/l4 ,:j onl! reQU Ired tq procJuce a complete ac- 2 acr!ls in rllrt ' eCre!'l ~ ~own sh ip, t he p ape r." o nl y Gi les Chiltcnham! S h e says " If I l'Cu.I \y th oug ht' tha t--" to Rodn ey- t hey a)l blame Jewe) count of her transactIOns as " Of cou rse eve l'y on e is saying t hut sh(! is q uite wi ll ing for us t u she sa id . beclI use ho klllod himself, yo" guardIa", OctotJer J'7. . th llt she has go n e with so m e ma n." hold u s ClI nce in hel' h (j u ~e lO- mor" Pe rh ups I ought not t o have kn ow. W e ll , Giles thoug ht it WOuld Margaret Wit waa appomted C hittenham made a s w ift ges- I'O\\" a nd br in ~ t h ~ fll n1/Ou ~ Chr ye r. suggested it," B im sa id hUI'r le cBy be a good Id ea to make me tal) In administratrix 01 the estate of tu r e of a nge r, bu t he instantly Yo u'd bett e!' come alu lIg , Bi m." " But he mak e~ love t o yo u - ask e love with h im and then laug h at Sophia Will , deceased and filed her MONEY LOANED controlle d himself. B im ca m e to t h e fout of th e bed , yoLi t o many him- " !lIe as 8 punlshl!lent. F'ut;Jny, Isn't bond of '1000 with Henry Will, "Our frien ds hi p isn 't whal it us ed "No, 'h e never a sked m e t o It?" she su~mltted qUlver!ngly. !1 en ry . J , Will. Mary and Kathert o be," she suid ra the!' RBell y, "We marry him." .Juli e intel'Tup ted r uth. ",Well, I fe~l m love with, him all me Will aft I)uretlell. E. W. DumLOA NS on Llvestook, Chattels, d on' t ,see m tu agree Hny longer. less ly, " H e j ust said . , oh, why ' l"l gh t--.-lIn~ then afte r he d foun,d ford, .S W. Brane and Allgust A st Second Mort~ages. Notes bough' FOR SALE DATES CALL Y ou Ilke pe op le whom I - well I need we go all over it again?" she out hI S ml stake and that I wasn t were named appraisers October 20 A Battle Cre ek physician says, John Harbine, Jr" Xenia, Ohio. l he told me the The following accounts were ap- "Const jUst co n 't stand them, yo u kn~w as ked pa ssionately. . J e wel afte r ai, ipat ion Is resp on sible for that I I d etest Doris ond t hut " I'm only t rying to help you, t l'uth. But first he said that he proved October ~O: mo r e mIsery than any other cause.' Sadie Barrow, a nd Marco E ssen . Juli e, ' If It Is true that he II minl- really Ipv~d me- he ailld that part Estate of Eftle Fannpn. feebleBut immediate relief hall been and that poor weak li tt le t ool, Mrs. r led , why did he malta love to of it wa,sn ~ ~re~"c,e Ilt all Rut th~ mlnped, first and final. tound. A tablet ~alled RexaU Ord- LONG OR SHORT TIME-Eaay Ardron. No- it' s impossibl e t o de- yo u?" real thlnlr . • I rememp, er I ~ ~ ~s~ate pi EHa. A. B?tt, ~eeeal~d erlies haa been discovered. Thill term!!. Also Surveying and Abt es t h er. she 's t oo har mlesll-" , Julie laughed. fool enouill to *hinj( It mplt pe first anp tl1)[1}. • t~plF.t attra'cts y.oater from ~he aye- etract!n&,. Write and I will call "1 wish, Gil es Chittenham could " Don't all married men make all r'~h~ then. J W,.II qllite ready ~1I~atll pI ~"rt1 B!8~op, ff~~ ~!tB- temJnto th~ lazy, dry, eVllcuating and aee you . Sam D. Henkle, Wayhear you.' love to other women'" She asked fall Into his arm. agajn anp 1pr~ ed. 6ra~ IlQdft"", . bd~. I call~d the colon. XlIe wa't!!r neivllle, Opio. Jll Julie flushe d . cy nicall y. give hlm- " ~er vol~e ~as hoarllj E8~ate Alo 10 ~B@a~4~¥, d~- 1008el)8 tlif dry tapd wast e' an?, - JESSE STANLEY " Are yo u in love w ith him 7" She "I shouldn't have thought a man with drea l'Y self-seQr" . , Anq the~ ceased. ~e)l,en.tll!tn~p. ' caus!!. a. gentle; th ~ ro'llgh ,' n'at~ral Phon. 320, New Burlin,toD, Ohio tw itted aim sharply. IIlte Mr. Chlttenh,amwould... Blm he had to ~11 me t~e relst-tha~ ~e GuarplanshlP pt Harry ~. morePl~~t wlt p,?ut t prm lng q 'habit Blm tlu Bh Cl d t o the r oots of h er sa id , wile marr!ep! , . • I Brpwn, minor, tenth and ffn';l" or ~ver "lhFrea~H!k f.\le ~ose. c losely·cropped hoi I', Julie made Il little Bound 01 A maId t,.ppe d at tit!! 49qr ,.n ~ f:s~~e of ~ar¥ E. L,ewIB, 9ft- , ~tpp s!I/f.ermg from c:onsljpaEARL KOOGL,E R "No," s hc sa id . "Bu t you li r e, " ange r, entereel . c~ asellR anp final. hon Chew ~ Rexall Orderlie at RELIABJ..E DEALEJt wallt~d to ha ndle H e!>erling Prodticts X . D;. , Ohio Th er e was II littl e KI\CHlI! e, t hen " I SUPPO Re I s ha ll have t o t ell "Ple llse . M ls~ Farr o\!v, w!1I fOP' "aJ a~t. =Fr.... f.r. R , D. 6, nigM • .~ext !lay brjgqt, Get 24 tor ,/uli e. ~ tllrt 'Cd up, he r eyell b Juv. iJlg, YOll n il th e tru th," Rhe said, "It see MI'. Chlttenham7" ' Edwald ,~pseph ,Juljg to M~r!1 25c today lit the ' nearest Rexall Wn; ren County. Exc ell~nt oppor.Phone Dayton Co _ 54J5 h er hP6 qU lVl'1' lng w it h ra ge. all so unds so s illy-)jk~ a cheap ('f o bo eontinue d 1tf c~tl!e. 1'Ive Iq j;s !Il J.toveI8n~ Drllg S~p, rt!. Ada!)18 Dr4g Store. tum ty f or the right man . EarRlngll of $60 w e ekly not unusual , Write r!lrk. OC~op.e r H, =-"-'--=-=================~===========~==~~,=-========~=~~~~ ,, ~~~==~----~~~====~======== for fl'ee catalogue. O. O. HEBERLING . COMPANY, pepi. 1886, Bl oom In g tofl, Ill, nil PINKY DINKY Why De StiD.,.?









i I c h


.. n




Stanley &Koogler

5% Farm l.1oan8







rr 1\



MA ..... &: IT \ 0 0 I>\ND ENJ OY YOVR~&U=!

1: 1

PUMPS-Pumps tor all purposes , hand , and power, electrle and belt driven pump cylinder leather., 'V alves and repairs. Complete ~toek, all sl,zell. Expert Repair Men The Bocklet -King . Co., 415 W. Main St., Xenia, Ohio ~ n6


,I , I


! . ~".t

M~ftV .... ,..,,'-;..,.• W~'t.1 ef! "


At!E~ "

IWf HUlMf"T\:.E~ TENP£tWt ANP £~EINWHeR£ ~AT MA.~ weNT

WE HA VE":"':'Nice Rome Beauty Apples for sale at the orchard prices $1 to $2 per bu. also Cider on Saturday. ' Bring container for cider. " 2 Jlii1~s East.)f H arveys-bur", on .ROj.lte H· Unal:~ wood. , JHl ,



PIPES, valves & ftt~ini"J tor all purposes, Bocklet's, line - of 'THIl 'I!!!~ We.~1i: +URe ' beating & _'p lumbing, suppllel .re · TO" '''~~'~ . the beat. The Bocklet-Ki~r 00. 416 W. Main, St., Xenia, Ohio'.


• ."


I News from Court House -I


Jo(': "II .. \\' )Iou I' ~ rad e ' Illst'1'?" ISSUED EVERtY WEDNESDAY Cu ll!' "~u l t:l: Verne." J o - "How'!' iliat'!" . (Continued (rom page 2) MI'. and M 1'5. A . . ollelt and D. L. CRANE Puhli.her 011 g(' - "Tw ntv thousa nd Offic.• rhone ............. ........ . No. 112 ' Frunk Gilb to ' Wn ltf'J' Hllrring- Robel't enl-erlained lit 7. o'c ioc k Icngue und!: I' the . .. . t on lots n Qs. L2-l A and 12·15 in din ncr Tue.-day eveni ng the rolill\\' .Ing g u cstK: Mr. and Mr ~ . F.. I,'rohR •• ideac. .. ......................No. 118 Decl'fif' ld tW jI., ctob,'r 20 , 30 Y ('ars Experience in Fl'unc,i ' ~tepp to Mllry . liP It· ig'l' . of ,in ll in.n lllti; MI·~. H. E. Fitling and Making Gla sses Hatton, UI)d 1\1 h~s Na n Coli tt. SlIb.cription Price, $1.50 a Year I t No .•11 III the Huo so ll Adtlitiun . - atThe ladie s of the W. . T. U. , , out~ Leban0l! . Octo ber 20. held an old · f ushi cm ed caq>€t-rug CARY'S JEWELRY SHOP En/.reol 01 Po.loffice 01 Way nu uille Fl'llnc ls 1. Rntlilf tu Eldon A. Ohio, GO S uo nJ C ia .. Mail M.ll e r hort real es lat'e in 1'ul'll 'cr eek s ew ing at PJeaSl.lnt View ~'a l'm, Ever, Tuelday, Thureday, home of Mr8. H. E. Jl attu n, Thurs· Saturday =--=-..:; ~_--.:-_ -=--=--== bVJ1 .. Oetobcl' J 8. . PROPOS IN C TO A'MEND SECTION 9 OF M il eR and Myrtl e W 'st t o D In id day. A pl el\san t day was :<pcnt by ART ICLE XII OF THE CONSTITU. ~o Char,,, for Examination pre ~e l1t. all T,ON OF T H E STATE OF OHIO · IN and l\1.ury '!Ilihull real estal ' II'. o T O BER 2 ~), I n o REC ARD TO THE DISTRIBUTION' OF MI·8. Wilbur HHwke and MI'H. Frunklln tWjJ., October 20. INCO ME AND INH ERITANCE TAXES. had es GI'ay speOl Friday in Ll.'h111' It 't'soltra by ~ (1 0 1 A1u mbly 0 / Marriage Licenae. ano11· II,. St." 0/ Ol, i., Il".e fifth. of lb. Mr. and Mrs. E. n. Dakin entN. --------~----- - - - - - -. tlh'mk n rlt:ctnl to r al'. h h O'UI~ coaHowul'" T . li urlh·y. ra r l11e r of wi n e d at 6 o' clock dinn e l' on Frit ur nnK ,heu·ill ' I 'Ol'cg'onia, li nd Mi i'~ L C\i~ A. K ib' day. Mr. and Mrs. K Pl'ohie igel'. or That IheTC:: hall ' be lullln iUtJ to the HALLOWE'EN lul'~. u ' ~' , uf nell!' 1 [lI' k ~ v illc. Octol> ' 1' in cin nati: Mrs . II. E. Hntto n. MI'. e1 r(!"~' of. t hr . t ;:lIr, f o r IlIdr :,Iop r u,,:tl M " Duy 1I 0 W" is t1 gOOO !llogall . 1G. ' r CJ t:Cl! un . 111 I he II1 JIl11e r provi ded by I. w It and Mrs, A. S. Col lett, a nd MI'. t i l t t'ltttl fJII t u ht' la'ltl till I h~ III .. , lIlC:'I'J ilt' and Mrs. W . W. W e lch. uhrr Ihe' fi rs t ~I o nd:\y ill l'\ o\'(,JI1b~r 1930 .III lJruP0531 t o amend ~ec t ion 9 of If t i~l e X l1 Hnllowe'un- the e ve o( All Bi I II Allowed Mrs. E. 1\1, Villars a nd Bill y of cb. cOIl5Cilllliun of lb•• Iale af Obi. to Hnllow, l UI the old Engli sh term Bl!rI'ough Add ing l\Inchin e Co., nnd Mrs. Carl Sne ll were sh opping read .. f" Uti",", : , ' goes, All aints Day in the church THE FARM BOARD repairs, $5.&5; C. W. Hain Safe in Dayton Saturday. . ' calendars- ha>l long been regard· IS LEARNING Company, cleaning and oiling time Mrs. Hattie Inwood, with Mrs. ARTICLI\ XU. ed in the folklore I loc k, $15 ,' E. S. Conklin Agcy . d' Ida1 Arrasmith Assisting 9. Nol I.~. tb~n fifty per c",tUIII 't h •I h h B 'wa s cor. of Set. tbe Income Ind Inhewaner tu u Ihlt mil ' ht ofh northern • premium o n h·ea s. bond, $185 .: W . la ostesA to t e a pt lst Mis· 1 b. m llc<ttd by the ' lilo .hll1 b. returced E~ ul'o p e UI; t lIe nlg w en WI c es turn out in force and the powers H. Ande rso n Cu., Ohio Desk Code sionary Circle at her lovely coun· to Ihe <aunly, Ichoo l diur icI city .111, .. of ,mugic ure loose home . \Vednesday afternoon. 0h(,flllllt:e ' .1'"\'Iallll' ,n ",h II' h ,i,1 inco,"~ 0 ' fn. . . d in the lund. h h Th I eI F ederal Furm B oa rd hus I fur cUllllni s ·ionerR. $22.5 0', Bell try I bid l ux ori~in:H tI, or to any of th. I'h e RUp e l'Rtltlull see ms t o av e fi< 11 )o ul sixteen month , of ex . Prcs~ , ~ upp iics. $2; WeS lel'll Stut' v. Thorn ury led t le evotion- ''''IPe[ '" nu)' h. I,ro ",j, tl Ly I.w. it ~ r ou t in th. id eu thul on All p e l'ien ce In its wo rk of udminis- s upplie~ , $4.2fl: W. C Gilm ou r In: als and r es p onseR t(l r o ll call were : A'''l't.d AI'"I 6, I ~~~. Sllints Day the pOWel'8 of evil t ('1 ing the Coop~ l'3tiv c MUl'k elin A' qu o~t (,f MI ·~. Ea l·I:l·~t Gl1ddy "favo r ite home missiu naries." ' :"IT I·: Il.STATI-'Soi AMERle.. l Phone SSW S 1'1\ '1'1'; 0 1' OHIO. •.. mllst tuk e an e nforced vucation . Law, Its me miJl'rK hav e leu rn cci II $5.70 ; SlIllle, inqu l' sl Linlia J o r ~ . evcl'al bUl:Iin osK llI attc l'H we re ' They may ll1l1s tcr stl'ength tn co pe greut t.!eal in thai lim e. In I ill! ue. dlt 11, $7.70; TI'ustel's (I :' Pu bl ie A f _ brouA'ht to ou r att~! n ti n. Th e ies· I Illli". of Ih. S<crrtary of Sial •. wi t h 1\ single sa int, uut not with g inning they were n('w to the jllb. fu irs, light a n d g'as, M,·, lul·ial Hu ll SOn t opic , " India," wa s ably hl1ndI. ·1. :\ ln: ~l'I-: J. II I<OW 111 , S«r,l.. y 01 a ll o f th e m. ~o th e ni i h t o f Od· Ollly o ne of th em, Ch a irman kg- $ 1. 08; .J. W . I. ingo 11 :11'11\\'111'1' Co l !Ld hy Mrs. Anne Cos~ um . 'l' he St.,., "llh. S t:II< (,f \ih ", . un h.reby «nih 17 ouer :11 iA II witches' fl'olie , up to "C, had had anything' whi ch nll'''ht ~lI l)IJ li es . $ I:!.(i!') ·, ~: . s. 1:" n ll"~ ll , 'In" birthdny. party, h on orill ... bilth- Ih.1I " ""~"PII~ IS ""J"eu .lid Jc.,~ ~ ,., . (till y II,. l~(Jfuparf'1i II), m~ wllh 'he-(' "01 orii(inal ui nt His record in office alioft th e strokc o f midnil(ht, I1n(\ tho ~,' be ca lle d nalionul eX l'el'il' net! in full cunlrnl'l No. !1'j0 $ ll .:.R l· A. clay s in t h e Ills t quartor o f the 1( ."''''' '0 11 :HI"l'lr,1 lo y 110< X~t h C;mcral A.· who would invoke t hl' uid of agric uiturnl proul ems. Tlt e others W. Tu cker. Slime, l\o. ~ t(i l j $ i OO; 1)'eUI', was he ld. Th use hu nor c.) in - >.IIII ,ly "f Ih. SII... "f Ohio 0 11 AI'"I 61h th:1t be distinctly deaerva s uper natural ucillgs to s halJe or wC I'e able cl1ou"'h men , but t he ir t F ll'ln II. lIu dd leso n, :! nd '",till fl' na ! ~ I Mrs. lI altl(, Inw oud , Mrs. I Ill 1 ~2' . ","1 ulV l u011 offic.flf a nd i~ ,... y ) I,Olu :,1 IIc\l~ tl y Iii. 1\ "1 in Set Illy rclary S l a te to be returned to the Sea- . ['on' te ll the fu t ure, 0 1' wh o indi viduul expe ri ence ~'a s limited eHtinlUtc'. $ I!I . ~O; Tru mun (;1 11-1111 El sie In wood, MI·5. Icl a Arras mith ""01 1"",,,1 Co I,e trll< .,,,1 ro,.m. S, id J~i ni would pac if y th e m, c an clI lI up on , to territoriai activiti es 01' t o the 1 bl'idge rc pair, $0.50 ; H ol':l ~~ und Mi Hs Nun Co ll,~ tt, Th ey were I IC cs"IIII I(," ~,. (,lrd ,n Ihe (,ni« ate. He is a statesman 01. IOll of Ih. Sec· thelll 0 11 Il l111 owe'en with a SUI'CI' marketing of certnin commodities. ', sa l11l', $ 10 ' Cha!'\eK V uce r s presenLet.! wit h bilthday ca rds by , rl'~~"I:'~'C~rtJsC"Ct "I" Apri l 9 f" I n V, nll d . t !I 0 f re. pon5e t han on un y '('1lel'e IS . IlV 'd "I ' . ' h C CO l11mlt . t ee,. M I·~. M'ary I) enn y :' of . Ihe Cn">lillllll'n •.1 II 1f'lI 1 I1JII.ti,e lIale (J Rrtl cle XII the McKinley schoolce r ta in I e nce t hat t h~ .Ful·m I Slime, "'" I" .1; :.(. Vlln Matcl', sam~ , 01 Obio oth c r nI~h t of lhe year. Hoart.! members are acqUIring a $17.15; Walte r Vurn er, 'um l! $21) . ' 0 Mrs. J e nni e ( d·a ham. and a ~tl.,"n~ 10 II,e UlSlnbllC'U II o ( i"come and feat'lr:ss, clean and capable. Doubt~ess u mo ll~ some o f t he JIlltionai point o f vie w, and thut ' 40: Mo rl'llw F 'cd UllIl SUI'plv Co. ~ h [.. 1 s tunt program was give n. I 'nl;~~'I~'~~ ~., ~" .. . primitive pcasu ntry of Europe ~ they huv e discovered severa l fun- I supp lie s, $225.93 : W IlY ll esv il1~ T he ' 1" ,slesseR ~el've d d e lici ous Ullt ~ '\IIIS~'·'· bf~dSSn\\~ II F.Rf.OI'·I I ~\'e ber01.. ' 11 ' . ., I . 1.., . . . . • I . h . kl k" I ... . ; 11 .1Inll: alit amxed 1 t.h e l'~ Stl pe r~ l gt s a [(enull1e be- ullm enUt fa cts, concel'I11!lg .which ,-al'lI1 el':; Exchange, cement $5 0: SUIH WIC ~ ;;, Pt~ es , punlp 111 PIC' , oni~inl I t "I at C"]uml,, ... Clh,o tbll 181b He vigorously oppoaea the hl'f III the pOWCI' of wltch o!'; t o do th f' r e Ree m ed at the beglllnlllg to I J ohn st on ~nd J ohnst.o n, lumbe r , apd coffee. '1 he nam e of Mrs. U~) 01 SeIH tl1lb~•. A. !': .1 ~lO. ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN lowering of our standarda aclun l harm. W e kn ow thal th ere be some dnubt among th e Doard $5.20 : OhIO Corrugated C ulvert Jo,sthel' Doster wa::; II ' eI ('d to (l UI' CI.AR~. l\C!·. ) . nRfl \\ ' N , our Cattle, hogs, sheep and calvef lire AmericRn com ll1uniti e~ of melllbel's. These factll, a s stated Co ., sewe rs , $42:1.60; Em erson ro ll. Vis itors included Mrs. Laura . (Seal) :;• • ,.I •• y 01 Sial.. to Norris-Brock Co ., li ve wire a nd of living as advocated by j f ore ign st oc k in whi ch th e belid : by MI'. Teag ue in u r ecen t lId dress Harpel', compen sut ion and dall1' Co llett, Mrs. H. Brown , llnd Mrs· I -----~--------- progressive firm for the hirhesl the internationalists. . market priceR and good service. in witchcl'llft is still prevale nt and are: ' agcfi, $25: George \ CU IIlP, 1:1 5 Elsie Inwood. • Union Stock Yard., Cincinnati. 0 nctive. But to the ge nera i run Agricultur e probi em will not yards dirt, $ 13.50 : Pru es Eq ulpThe p lay , " Sm ile, Rodney, Ret.renee : A sk first man you m e'" of Ameri cuns nnllow e' e n is not U The la w of supply und de- ment Co., repa irs , $ L1 .64; A. M . l11i le," pI'esented by the high He is opposed to thOle who . niuht of t erra l' but I'uther one of man connot be ignored. Lewis, suppli es, $2.24: W. W. Wil- £choo l Thursday evc~ nin g certainly jollity f OI' th(' y oun g f olks, fie king The g reatest a ssisUtn ce to Iiam s Co., r epair s, $253 .2U; 1I0rry wa s mi r th-I?rovokin g. Chs l'lIcu,rs NOTARY PUBLIC have voted for tariff for and half beli ev in g in the di sclos. b(' solve d by legislatio n. H,i ll 10 coup pn bookB, $8!J.r,o; we i e excep tionall y well cast and . revenue only and for the : National . Ba·nk ures of the minor in the dark 01' ngl'iculturc by the Gove rnment Light F eed Generat or 0 . , oxy~cn IJOI·traye d. Th e s ch ool OI'<1l ~s tl'a Jetting down of the-bara of I lh e sha pe o f the apple.peel Clls t Iwill be the grad ual d evelolJmcnt of ( drum cardid c an rl c uttin~ tip s f u r nish('d music . ov('r th e left s h ould er. . . growe r -o wn e d mark eti ng syst ems, $ l f). ·IO; Cincin nati Oi l W o rks Co.; Mr. an d J\hs. A. S. Collett a nd I Willa Drawn •• E.tatel Settled imln.igl·ation to the horda . Every section, w o we I' go ing' I No w thllt the Fltrm B onl'd hus /!' UH lin d oii , $!I ·l.iO; Dr. Jallle ~ Hober t were S unda y dinn er gues t s WAYNESVILLE, OHIO t o say evary commun ity. h as it~ lelll'ned those t hings, a nd we ha ve A1'I10 1d, witness ree, ' inquest, l\Ir~. of M I'. and Mrs. E. "I. ·I nwood. of cheap labor from abroad• . 0 \\'1) s pecial trad iti on fo r t h e celc- JIll'. T('a~ue's word Ior it that all Earn est Glldd y, .. 2.5 0: Dr. Hohc l·t Th e Freshmnn a s embly JlI'Oul'!1ti on of Hall owe'e n. It used t o o r lh e me mb e rs now accept t hem ~hl ll'. ~am e. $2.50 : Mllrion Cook, ' g' r~lll1 was second to non e t hus far. He fearlessly fights to probe much mor(' hc excu se for mis- a s tr ut h, there is h ope that more In full contl'ad. $'43!1 , WI t h George Sanders ann ouncing, chievous bOYll to lift I1:lItes fr om 1'lIp id prog'l'e. s mav he mnde in - - __ • -t he program open e d w ith a ~e l ec tHIGHEST tec~ our business, our th~il' hinges, hang "tick.tucks" III bl'i ng'.ing ngl'icultul'!il marketing to io n by the Fres hman orch cstTII CASH wages, our agriculture and ' wmd ow. and oth erwi'r.e mi Re cain U )lOln t wh e ~ e th e growers really Subscri be f or The Mil1mi Gazette c?llIp osed. ~f R~.cha{!I . hambaugh. III way ~ on ly s mllll bo ys can invent gc t what thCI I' produl'ts are worth plano; VIVian I lIc k,e r. sa xo ph on e: PRICES our hOllies. t han it is now. Hallowe'e n now. Houert Gra y. vio li n ; Howa rd MacWith Dependable PAID ndays is m ore o f un exc use for gfv f" Donl1 ld cOI'net; a nd Virginia Davis inll' a PlIl'ty, with 01' with out lhe Stude nt (Ieavillg co ll ege ) : drum s. Devotio ns we l'e led by H ow Serum 'a nd Virus A vote for McCuUoch ancient cu stom lO r "bobbi ng" ror "Coo d bye, s ir. I want to thank ard Debord. The cla ss sang "My insurea both Safeis a vote for American Ilpples in a t ub of wa te r or wulk - you for all I hav e learn ed fl'om lI earls' in the Highlands .': The inl!' backwllrd down t h e cellar stub' yo u ." pantomime "The GIr' ls and Boys of &tanu,m ls. . ty and Succeaa holding a lighted can dle in 01\(' Pl'ofe~ so l'- "D o n' t ' m e ntio n Today" was r ead by LUI'a As hle y. hand and a mirror In the athOl' In it's n o~~g a,! !!I,~ hal'llcte rs a s Iollow~: Spl'ing and which thc fu ~ of th c lucky gil'l' ~ SU.ml1lt'l· Hel en Be nnett : Fall and PHONE 8F3 fU~l1I'e hu s bnlld lIla y be discern cl. "\Vhat was your la st oc cupn · WlI1te l'. A ndrey P e nney : g l'aduate, : r.c '11.(lCIl ron SF. NATOIt lion?" R.u~h ll el .hambaug h: fla ppe r, VirCO W.I I'! I'll: . "A n ul1lbrella m endel' in the g lllla .oav~s, law:rer, Robert Gray; HarveY8burg, O. HARVEYSBURG, OHIO _ . ..., I S. l lnJ .•. CI.;urwa ll. \Voott cr. Ohio - - -_ _ _ _ • middle-west this summer." athletiC g ll'ls, VlvlUn Tucker and Phone 31 I Hhen McCan 'e n i Missional'Y , Guy ....I -_ _ _..;..;,;..;;..;;...;",;;..._ _ _ _.!. , • - Politica l Adv. "BUY NOW" , LcForge; Docto r, Howllrd Mac- , P Oo nl1ld: d~ili~ Bill Bq~' ~---~~~-=---~~~~~~=~-~~====~~===~~~=======~=====~ I !IOU ewi re , Mary bdith Doster: rh e. orchestra pillye d unother ele clion , the class sang t h eir class Phila delphiu t.! esel'ves credit f ol' s ong and the progra m closed by init iatin g the "Buy Now" m nve· t he a~sembly singing' "Star Span FUNERAL DIRECTO~ ment, which is being tnken up by g le Bann e.r." The 7th and 8th Chambers of Commel'ce all ovel' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO grades Will pre se nt the pl'ogram t he Unite d States. next Thurs day mOMling. . /' . It is sound advice. If everybody MI'. a~d Mrs. Chas. Gray spent would act up on it, bus iness would Monday 111 Dayton. Fully Equipped for Good pick up rapidly. Sch oo l closed Friday so that t h e Service. Eve l'y body n eeds something. l eachers migh t aUend t he SouthMnny are holding off their PUI·· w~!\ t ~ rn Teach er's Associati o n in Large Display Room. cha!les h oping fo r better timcs. So II1clnantl. VOTE FOR AlPbulance Service long a s t1I1' Y continue to h old off, . Mr. an~ Mr8. E. Frohleiger, o f • bu sin ess will n ot improve. The way ClnCtn natl, ha ve bee n guests this Day or Ni,ht to Illuke b usin ess belter f or eve ry · week of Mr~ . Froh l eiger's sis ter y~u an~ yours, representing that great body of intelligent cit. body ill to buy now. Mr~, H. E. Hatto n. ' lzenshl.p so often mentioned as "the backbone of the state" ~ Thnt does not mean m erely "do The sch ool is giving a mas queryo ur Christmas shopping eurJ y," ad e at th ~ Gym. Hallowe' en night are facing a 1110,"Clltous test. Shall a safe and sound Slate admin: th ough thnt a dv ice . nlwuys so unu , JUDGE OF A fine WII) be Imp u~e(i 'Iln those istration, which has kept every promise, which has given Ohio is sou nder than eve r thi ' yenr. not mnsked , COURT OF APPEALS g~d ~ana,gtmtnt, hontst government and steady progress, be It lIl~ an 8 going nhead with th e' pur. , . Cha s. Madd en has b een quite c hases y ou would likc to ma ke but ~naln~lIled? Shall a .constructive program, to which mtn of I.. u. d by III t he past week. have been hcsitating about ma kin g Ultegrtty, of u~eritnce and with the courage of their convictions Cu.hing for J~~~~ (:I'DlIPittee, Mrs. Evu MacDonald e ntertainIf everybody. 0 1' eve n half of ed the Woman's Civic League ha ve gIVen their best effort, be cClIlinued? the people of th e United States Phone 93 CH AS. ~.I , 1.!!:!l.lE , Chairman. ' . at~rday afternoon . The main were to act on thi!< advice and buy OR will )'ou. let specious arguments, promises that cannot be kept, bus tness f~ature .was election of ... now, the ba ckbone o r the business offi~«:rs whlc~ resultl!d in the f olattacks based on misrepresentation ~ and a smoke screen of mis· Polit i III Adv. dep r es Ion WOllld be brp~ e n. That lowm~ : PreSident, Helen ' Randall leading propaganda, confuse you and divert you from voting for vice president; Evelyn S huthe best interests of the state, which are also your own best ========-=~== ========== ~==~=============== 1st maker; 2nd vice-pl.·c~sident. Mar • Governor interests? I!'sret Tucker: secretary, Lucille 'Mvet'l Y. Coopcr Tucker; cordespondilllg secretary Berthn Jordan; t~ easurer, ' Anna Albert T. Reid Ran.dall; execullV'e committtlf! ~========~~~~ Sadi e .R eason and E:dith Lulu!J1I1' A. sho rt progl'!l':l' <If OIonte.~t w a~ I g lv e ~. The I'etlqng officel's serv(lq I - the Ptnce Law, which allowed utilities to boost rates btfore n dalllty des~e l·t ('o urse. Adjoul'lI. ' justifying the increase, was repeall'~1 by this administration'! cd to meet with Bertljll Gurdon November 8. ' - Ule old election code was ovtrhauled and made modem and MOI'joric Shumaker was a sup , I efficient? per gu es t ot Alice a nd Kat hlee " Grav Tu esda y eveningo. - a "8lue Sky" law, equipped wilh "teeth " , was passed for the "SMal'l~a Ashl ey e ntel·talned the protection of investors? unshllle Boostel'" cla ss t - l~orkmen's compensation claims arc settled more speedily in Jonuh's Run Sunday SchOOl W ed. the ultcrtst, of those affeclt'd? 'fles~ay evenin g. F ollowing the busm ess meeting, a 'number of r e f Covltf'nor. - a Departmtnt of Aeronautics "'a~ established bringing Ohio ~ames WeTI' enjoyed, A temptln M YI.I(S Y. COOPER abreast of the times in this great new development? lunch of c ookIes. candy and cooo~ w~s se rved. Adjou'rned to meet - the State Library was reopened after being closed for months? fOf U~ullft&Al Cow.mot, WIth the teacher, W. M. Gillam ;OHN T. BROWN ~ ~ore mi~es of high~ay were con ;Iructcd than in any previous November 28. ' .~ smular penod amI with considerable reduction of tbe cost per For !loC:relAly Stat., CLARENCE J. BROWN tquare yard? NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT - in spit~ of paying off an inherited debt of over Cc6000 000· For T,.."urer 01 Stal.. \I 'f" , • (l!" .. p"u! r", m, Estate of William H, .Brown , spendinIt ,.2,000,000 more for educaliol1; expanding th. welEDWIN A . TODD decease d •. fare activities of the state be· Notice is here by given thnt Be ryond any previous record; in for T, ....'-'«t of Slale .. th~ C. Wooll ey has been duly apI r,,11 f"IIII' spite of reducing taxes by $2,pOlllte d and qualltlccl ns Executrix HAURY 5. DAY o f the Estate of Willia m H. Brown OOO,OOO-in spite of every· late of Warren County, Ohio, de. thing, this administration will F.. AU .....,.C....... ceased. CUJlERTB£TTMAK have an unencumbtred cash Dated thill 9th day of October bal.nce by January lst of $5,. 1930. Few UM'" ~." .",'or, 000,000 in the treasury? W. Z. ROLL lU~ " H .4 T •• ~) JlO5C9£ C, MeClIU.OCH Judge of the Pr'obate 'Court , Warren County, Ohic? If thtse things have real meanS hahaw n & Bmwn, Atlys. 0,9 ~I'.membr.. Jhat the 'name. of ing for you, if you want this Suprtant.l Court Judat. Jmel E. : ,,, NOTICE; Pf' APPOINTMJ;N'I' same forward looking, progr esRobllisOn and Reyaolde R. Kin. \.~.... ~,. ~ . kade, the Repllblicap <",elidal'" . sive policy continued for the . Estate of Marth~ R, 'P.urnett .fo~ «!-election. will appear on d eceased . . ' next two years, you have it in the teparlle Judicial ' ticket. ·Notlcie Is h el'eby ~Iven that f-fuk c'X," In (rimt' of their your hands to make that possi. Chas .•. •Burt)ett nnd Walter C. Burn ett ha,; been du.)y appointed 1IIInU, bl,. The, way to do it is to e,nd qualified liS EjQecutor.8 of the . u.!J. s.~.... 'I:.state of Martha 'Jl. Burnett late of Warl'en County, Olhlo, deceased Da~d this 16~h da'r ot Oetbber ]930. . P.EPUIIUCAN STATE CAMPAIGN COtAflTTEl! Ead R, Lew/I. ChaIr... DeMIu·WaWdr, ~ a... W. Z. ROLL Judge of the P~obate 'Court _ _- . " . "" _ _ . . _ _ _ -0..-Warre n CI unty, Ohio: .--:. .uri

Il _____________ .I

Il lles not mean that the return of prl,lspt'rity would be inlllallt, but it would be ICI'eatly hasten d. EVl:lry l'l'tajl purcha!le -not only dep letes the nt e rch!lnt' s s t oc k making it n c ssm'v for him t~ unlel' new goods, 'lJuL it put, mo n y or credit in th merchnnt's pocket with which to puy f o r t he new goo ds he orders. Hill orde r in t urll , added t o those o~ olh er " 0tai lers. h as lh e same effe ct' upon th wholesaler u nd 'distributor and these , in turn, go back to th ~ mill' [or th eir fr e. h stock . YOUI' clollal', onc' pas~e c\ across the me l'Chlln t' M coupter. will thu ~ do iL'i s hare t owurd inore.using fact oJ'y payroll '. P I'osjlc l'ily CUll only be I'estored by p uttin g do llanl in to ci l'culnti o n~yo ui· do llal'S nnd your neig hb or 's d l, l·

Ohio Owes It To Herself

To Retuni


F. T. Martin

.. ----






Centerville, Ohio

U. S. Senator

doscOe C. McCulIocia





IL . M..


Dead Stock Wanted



Harveysburg Fertilizer Company


Dr. W. E. Frost



------ -- --- - -_.

J. E, McClure

Will Ohio Answer the Challenge?

xIWade Cushing .


Dr.C. W.ANSON Veterinarian

Wa ),pelville,Ohio

==== --

• The Day He Runs the Show----- -- !B)'

Does It Mean Anything to You




.. ---


Vote ~he






MillS Dwinell of Christ lIo.pltal - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - : . . . - - - - - - - - - - delivered an address at the morn· ing g rviee oC the M. E . church Sunday.

----_ ..

Clifford An:htl ea ~( n j' now driv. :IIi .. " i\ln h('1 Daki n l' PC'lIt t hl! week ing n Whi le Baking o. truck. "IHI with Mi ss ,'( lin Giuson. COllle to Ihcl ~pc a, king at Lytle ~11I<. Ill' l'b'l't Marlatt. MI'. and

Dr. John Zeltel Optometrist

. I

ubacribe' for The Miami Gazette


·j\\, s . 1I 111'(o n Jo:nrnhurt s l.Il' nl Tu es· at !I II. Ill. I·'riday. 1'he Republicun

dill' nfl~I'n "o l1 with MI' ~. Jo'I'u nk "Run·Al'ound" will be h'e r e with rhikin . Mus n uand. , RE S ID E NT Rev. E. W, Elroll 0 r I"ra nklill \1'. !llld MI ·~. Hare/ ld Rog l' ~ pent 'r ues cillY afl 1'IIIl o n WId preached a 1iss ionH I'Y serm o n at en' nin/! w ith;\1 l's. II il e y Gibso n Lyt le e huI'e h unday aft rn oo n. 11 1101 falllily. Mrs . .JeRsie L o ngacre and MI·s. PER MAN EN T L OCATION The Laclie ' Aid So ciety of Mt. Margaret Juhns were Dayton s hop H olly will m eet at the home of pe l'S W ed n esday. Mr. and Mrs. Will St. John and I'll I'S. Haro ld K ellis on n ext Thurs· day. November 13. daughter of Waynesville were LEBANON, OHIO Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hlll'taock dinner guests of Mr. and Mr8. W. attended ael'vic ~ at Middlerun all M. C ole man W edn el,day evening, E:yel Examined Wunen Hunt o r Ohio State tillY ' ri lul'd ll Y and , und ay. e lllile. Fitted ~ .. p .. ir. ~II'. Ilncl MI·s . Wil li , lI untel' o f niv c r nity, \\'1\ 8 n wee k·end gu est , Olly l ()11 s Jlcnt ,' ull duy nfter n oo n II f his pal'cnts . Mr. anti Mrs . Hub· :a-~~~~~!!!!~!"!'"'---~-~~~""!i~~~~--~ wilh 1111', lind MI·S. J oe Pcnn e wit e rt Hunt. T urn 1\'1 ul1enix of Mt. Orab 1\11'>'. and ~ O M , sma ,wzt ~. l CI-, F ru n .ceL. ~ , Swa f hr ccll l)w l1i(·c I ~ , dllugh....: I o i ~ l' s pent sevt' l'al days !nst wcek with Jo'l lI l'c n 'C lind UllrU al'n, I)e Bllrr of his IJl'o th e l'. Charles Mullenix Alld X James E. Ro binson I Bl·I I1H111 l . " I I'. lind "Ir~. MUl"s hnll wife. MI'. alHl Mrs. Burl Cla l'k and 1I 11nts hirj{l'1' lind thl' cl' ch il dre n o f Middll'lll \\"n. ~il'. lin d i\lrs , W . dau g htl' l' of Brookv ilh: wcre week X Reyul. Js R. 1<inkade Baso n(- nnd daul!htl'I' (;Iennll o f ond g'U ('s t s of MI', and MI',;, \Val lur k Il nd su n, I ('all i" I!· , '\ll's. i na lI ess and , gu n. 1('1" Rev. Sara Bo wman of Dunkl' ns(;,'nll " (>f f\ (' lIbmn k. Mr, .1. W, (; il. l",n s ;lnol son W ilford , 11'1,'. and ville spl'nt Tue. du y nig ht with Mrs MI S. \\' . 1'. ~ p iltl( , 1' and t wo Ron s Ed Longll e re Il l~ d ca llcd u n L ytle "f n"al" Bell brouk, ~ pijnl Sljn tia y friend s W edn esday. Wil lJ ur Lacy a nd fa mil y o f Day1 1\ il Ii M I'. /lntl J\ l l's, Be l·t Sp ilt lei'. ton ll1 ovl'd hl'rll Ills t. week in with his m oth e r . Mrs. EllIrlia Laoy, H l' b!'I' Sm ith of ne/lr Dllyton I lIIrll, Gu s hing - "Mr d fl u l!ht~' 1' hns wn lHI t' l'ful nlu s ic tal e nt. Wh cl'o \\'a ' cli ll ed home III: t wee k by the wI'Lild ~'fjll s ll g l!(' ~ l K ~lIdi ll g h l' r t or Illn l'ss lind de nlh of hI., futher, SU l1lu ' 1 S mith . vo i Cl ' e u It un.' '! It Mr. und Mrs .•J. II, J onl's atte nJ i'll'S. Gna ~ hi n Jr. ( n ~\\" nl'iKhbo l' I aCI ' os~ th.. hal l, "!Jl' aki ng vil ry ded the funel'lll (If Mrs, Pl o l'l' lIcC quick ly) - '() h, by all llIelln s sen d Rurll al"fi at Ihe - M. P.. Chu l'c h at Mt. H ull y Friday afternoo n and 111 ' 1' uhrunrt:" .............. th e burial in Mid ,l\e Run C:l'me·

19 N. Broadway



Late -Classilied ,Ads



J u d ges


If You Stun d fol'


FOR SALE - Huenefeld Wood Heater. Inquire at Ga zette Oftlt:,


Ohl·~, 'S Sup~eme Court

Elections Practical Economy Business Efficiency , Courteous Public Service




Exper.l enee Counts



·029 FOR SALE- House 5 rooms, t!lec t ric, lal'ge lo t , chicken ho use and yurd, 2 cal' gal'age on Third s lreet ' ,Small loan and uulance cas h. In q ui re ut this oRie l!.


For Secretary of State


Republican Ticket, Novr mb er 4. 1930

·029 A clcll n l'ecO)I'II of IIchi eve m e nL as Lil!ut ' 1I llnl G overnor ll nll FOR S ALE- A cho ice lot of S potted P o land Ch inn B oars , Sel' rctul'Y of Slule rccomlll e n(l s IUI'l'ne' J . Brown li S 1\ Cll ll. all ages. Immunized. r cady for I didate to s ucce ed hilli se if. II I' hns llllUl l' J::u od ill thl( past e se rvice. Our h(! I'd 1I' 0 n all cham · He will lIlllkc good ill th e fu tul'l', pi o ns at Mo ntgomery, Wal'l'l! n and HUllliltoll County Fairs. Prices rcas o nnblc. Elmcl' Shee hun and -', :qU Il , Wuynesv ill e. Ph (l ne 40. ·029 \ , _________________________________________________ ,I III'


Seventh Dist. Clarence J. Brown Cfub"

- -- _.


nli c l'lol,c~

l l' I'Y.

Mrs, A nn u K en rick Ilnd daugohl eI', M i s~ Bel'lha pf Wa ynesville we re S und llY cUnn er gue ~ ts of Ml'. nntl MI' ~, Wllit e l' Kenr ick lind (amlly. 1\11-, nn d Mn. Wa 1t~ r Cla rK. and ItU s t!'! MI', and Mr ~. Earl Clark , ~ tl'lIll1l'rI." a nd Mrs. l\I a r~aret .T ohn s llIHI Mrs. Lou c llu .' wllnk a tt ended t he Re· Ilub li can Rally at the Le banon "M y ra zo r' s awfully dull. Ilcllr. Op e l'a hOURIl SIl'tLlI'l:lay afte rn oon , enn :-t('ul'C' (·l v ~hH\'f! wit h it." Mrs. L. 0, Broc k we nt t o In" W hy, ch!irl l's. yo u do n' t meUll dia llapo lis Saturday t o be with tho [I, I.l' lI IlI P thal y o ur ueaNi i ~ Dr. w ho ig ill n l the hom e of his I IOu g- III' !' t luill th ... Ijn oll'lII1l I" "' n a nd wife, Mr. u no Mrs. Gle nn

'1'11' 1)





sill' If And ",/Itche d. with exprcss jull pnillf,d. T Ill' milkman' s s tllnts. and lhl!y until Raid at oncC' . " (Ju /, 1'l· lal i" n ~ al"C' getti nl-(


James E.


l,!dge Reynold8 R.



_.. .......

Their judicial records merit approval


Mark .(X) Before Both Names


On Non-Partisian Judicial Ballot


RepublicaoJudicial Campailln Comminee,JOHN W. BRICKER, C hairmRJI



P o l i l il'lI l

A d \'

B roc~ .

.I onC',,- "Oe!!cl"ib yU ~lr s l ~ ttll"' ~ ':c \\, iJllby ." Brow JI : "Sl1Iull f (, llture,~. ft llfil e ! d. CICIlIl -shfl ve n n nd u h urd d ri llkl'l"_.'_' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L,' t lI ~ pl"i nt yo u r

a le Bill s.

=DON'T FORG ET~;:: :. This is the last week f cr Free Tickets on the Aladdin Lamp which will be &iven away

A mong those fr om here wh o attended th e fun er a l of Mrs. Flo Williu/llROn al Cent.erville S und ay a He l'n oon we re: MI'. and Mrs, Lowell Thomas , Mrs. Mary Carm o n y Il nd H. M . Cl ark. Miss Velmn S mith and brothers. H eber and , H e rman we r c e ntertained t o Sunday dinner at th e home of Mr. and M:rR. Clyde Whar to n . Th e yo ung folks of the Church had a Hallowe'en party at ttle ·c hoo l ho us e MondllY evenin~. Mr. and Mrs. Ea rl DuVall of n ear Springboro, forme r r es idents of this community, are announ!:ing the bir ~il q{ ~l ~o n, Sunday Octoblll' ~6· I'll r ~. Mltrlfllrl!t ,f QtlllS, i~ 80fl! ~ pan y with Mr. and Mrs. ~1u:1 'Thomas ,and 50'n. v isited Cincln· nati Sunday m orning and saw "A m os and Andy" at K e iths in pa¥U)/1 ,S)Jn~Iay after,!otlfll OTyjJle ~avAge, of ~pe p r jJ1l~rr g rad !! iii !lilt pf choo! Wltl)

III aU tlt o tiros 1I0ld in Anterv.a. tho rem«inder belnl1 dl1Jidd a~/lo :IQ 80mo fil ly manu/acl ll,·ers. "More people ride on Goodycar Tit'oe than 01l any o!h or Id'nd."




'1 oo.p.." " . ....... ,. ... '

10 .. "

&I,IM ';M




/ ' , ' Ijl:1i fIrKin , ,

" '/:'·~;:'. '~ :-I"~ ·)":"~:;)Y" ""


' .. 11, 11 :1 11

, ,1n;'l1r, : ~ :

i'.J...,\J l

' .


' 1'\: 1"'\ \1


Hard~are Company Way..esville, Ohio ======================================-.;;.',

of' if;· t PrO Ire protlihtl1l~roof

n TMI:::::A~~::::'· ROOFI NG B~callse it is doubly protected against wear and weather,

and therefore lasts longer, Channeldraio is far more economical than ordinary roofing. 4ndyetit costs no morel , See our Channeldrain exhi~it and let us tell you how little it will cost· to re-roof ' with this lifetime roofing• . made of the famous COP-R·LOY, the Copper Alloyed Steel.

W. H. MADDEN &CO~ . '

P ....e 14

. , $6.45

2tix5:0Q " , ...... , "" ,, $8.10 g lx5.25 "" "" ...... ,, $9,90

l~~t J 93it-tyJ~ he!,~omple,~


8ave IBq *,1, I!tIZL...




2ax'q !1 .. .. ......... "",,. $7.65


, r,



_18. p"'ced 10.,

of loW prl~,

~e rvod.

Come and bring your lucky tick· et and take lamp home with you

That old fireside cheer That burns wood or coal In different sizes to fit the home Sayes that fuel consumpt,i on Makes nice piece of furniture ! In the hom.e that will always ' Be cherished by the housewife ·


Mon~ yoUl! ,no, bUy8~ iu q Good,.ear~ Get th~

3Dd.50 ..

A large cro\V~ IlnJof@d the Hallowe 'en Socia) at J,.yt)e hail S atUl'dAY livening g jven by the Ladi es Aid, mu si~ wp s fUI~n, sh !! q by Ellis, Brown and Gre~ Pumpkin pie. doughn\Jts anQ coJfe~ Wllrll

at 8 p. m.,

.,-IIt•• "fburptu!5

c hic~!!n-p p X,

Saturday Evening, Nov. 1

Come bl Dlld have tlleir superiority PROVED before'you b.IY!

Prieed to Save You ~IODY DoHan!

Wa7auyllle, .0 ....

Edward Lavey and A, B. Trimble ol'e wOl'king, at tho Pe c~ dahlia farm neal' Lebonon. Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Jonel! Ilnd John spe nt S unday with Ml's. .Els je Turner and family in Dayton Mr. J ~8!!*' Lon g,,81CI:e is ,spending , thi s wee !~ (;m,m natl, MI'. JlIld . l'S. Arth!ll-' Whity I!!)~ IlOJ) S of, Co lu'mbus were S'"unda~ diJl:lHil' gUf sts of Mir. l).n4 !\Irs,. Kes le r Gl'o/l~m. Mrs . Mildre!i Surfli9~ Bn!! ~hil' dn.m ~yel"e wee k- e nd gl!ests Mr, and Mrl. ROj)ert BUI·nett. Wilbel't and M elvyn Swal)k receiver wOl'd SaturClaf (If tI,ei,. brothel". Jllll'ious inJury when. caught be~een ~wo ~rucks. One limb was broken In two places !I n,4 other serjous jnjurjes, ' Mrs. Mey Cole of Cindnn~ti spent the we!!k...end lit t he home pf MI'. and Mrs . Tim Bllrton, Death has again taken anothur of OUI' citizen:;. Samuel Smith w"l1 known and respected in this com· munity passed away Wednesday B. m., after a lingering illness, Funeral WIlS held I1t the ' residence Friday afternoon conducted by Rev. H. H. Lafferty, the local pastor. Interment in Miami ceme· tery. , Wellington Smith of LoIS An· geles California, on a business trip East, stopped over here on Monday to visit his mother, Mrs. Ann L ,Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith of Genntown and other relatives were afternll9n, callers at the Smith home,



_ .~ .. am.___

Old~Fasblo"ed ,




Charle. Brand, State Senator Chff Marlin. Judge F. M. Hamilton, Judge '


NEW HURUNGTON The Meny WIves Club met with Mrs. Walter Stanley on Thyrs!i~y afternoon. The W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. P. Lackley on Wednesday aftl!rnoon . Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Mendenhall / and so n have moved into the A. W. Reeves property .. The women of the Friend.~· ehuI'ch cleared a nice sum lit a food sale in Xenia Saturday. Miss Catherine Noggle of Glend~le was home over 15unday. Entertainment apPI'opl'iate for the Hallowe'en seas on was enjoyed at the Community Club meet mg 'l' uesday eve ning', Mrs. Har- ' old Robinson took the prize for the best costume. • ' ,. A new floor wall IlI,id last week in the Anderson fork bridge here. I Only a short detour was neCeS88FYas a ford was made a sbort dis- ; tance belQ~ the bridge. ' . I Mr. and Mrs. C. H " McKay are enjoyin,g a trip- throul!rti the 'South in company with their daughter and ' husband. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin

'--~------------~-------~ ~~------~--~~J~~'

Waynesville, Ohio

Phone 47





Simon Ross, Arthur Hamilton, Don Dilatush, Frank Anderson, Col. Chalmers K. Wilson! State ConImissiqner Qf Motor ' V~hi~le~ ~nder Secretaty of St~te. Clarellce J grown. .

Mason Band Will Furnish M_ ,USIC PWPW;


SCHEDULE; · Lea~e L,e banon " .... , .. ' . 8


Springboro , , , , ' .', ,9 a.m. U Lytle ..... , . '" .9:30 a ,m. -, Wayne.ville ... . 10:00 a m. " Harvey.bqrg , . . , , .11 a.m. Lunch .erved here Ea.terh Sta'r "


Morrow ... .. . . , . . , 1 p.m.




Maineville , , .

H '

" U

Plain . , .. 2 p.m.

2 :45 p.m.

Soutn Lebanon .3:30 p.m.

. King. MUI•. :.''' , 4 :l6 p.m. MaSon . . .. , .... 4 :45 pritt.


Ev~rybody . Urged to Come Out·

...... ...... ........ ............... ~




Eighty-Third Year

Whole Number 6984



UuoHicial Vote lor' ",ayne 10wnship and the 10tal \tote of ",arren County


From the High School and the Grades Building of Wavne 10wnship SchoDls


ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Rev. Lawrence B. Mollmann.

The Seniors will give an ArmieThe . first high school party wu given b~ the Sen Tors Thursday tice Day program Tuesday afterevening, October 80, 1930. The noon, November 11. prize was given toJhe new teacher Don't forget the first Basket Miss Sayers for having the cleverest costume. All the new teach- Ball game of the sea80n at Mason ers and freshmen were to have }t' riday . night, November 7. Every ST. MARYS CHURCH ~o mething green on. The FI'esh- body come ond boost the team. Ucv . J. J. Schaefrer. Rector. me n were initiated by having to The F . F. A. meeting was held enter Bluebeards den. The music Nove mher n, Tw enty-firs t Sun· was furni shed by a three piece on Wednesday, October 22, 1930. day uftel' T I' init y. hurch scho ol orc hes tra con ~ i s ting of Velma Th e Smith-Hughes boys are coma t fI ::10. Mo r'ning PnI Yl' I' ancl S(' I' Armitage, Mr. Armitage and Mr. pleting their project books. mon ut 10 :30. Stanley Watkin!!. Aftct, dancing, Th e sixth grade enjoyed a Hall'efreshments of ice cream, cak e FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST and oran2eade were se rved. The lowe'en pal·ty Friday afternoon decorat ions' and refreshments in their room. Doris Wade with ( Unu e nominntiona l) Idnty Franklin, the . Jewish boy ~I i)s Ali re Lee Gre,sjcal1. 24. former were in accordance with Hallow- the help of her committee prepared Chester A. William son. Minigt er (rom Brooklyn. who h:u 'won (arne in lhe folluwing program . Song by ,erretary to Gov. Long uf Louisiana. e'en. All had u delightful tim e. Glenna Woolard. Eileen Hall. and whv h.. "een appointed SOCTtlar)l of Spal l1 . as the ,re~tea\, tor~!Jor 'II ~ FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ~I&II ru\&,," . . Bible chool at n:30 a . nl. State uf that Stilt~ Fot' the first time in several Margie Tinney; recitation by MarLord's S upp l' and 5('l'm 0I1 ILL 10:~~ ars we"have Ol'ganized gy m class jorie Edwards. We then played 30. Sermon s ubj ect, "The E y ~s (If ('s. 'Fhe c1usKes meet fur rorty some games after which dainty t hl.' Lord." You are a lwny s wel l'efreshme nts wel'e served. minutes twice a week. W e hove another new student In co me ot this church. ome of the girls tak e folk danc CHICKEN THEFT ing and are instructed by Miss our room this week making a REPUBLICAN MOTOR TOUR VA YNESVILLE M. E CHURCH total of 37. Our averagi! attenWAS INVESTIGATED Decke r and Mrs. Eicher. , The rest of the girls have reg- dance last month was 960/<. We G. C. Dibert. Pnstor. Wall'en Co un ty r ellUbli ca ns eon ular gymnasium c1as:\es s uper- a re hoping to reach this goal this Altorney Generaluuced un old-fa8hioneu J'un Wcdn esday: (Toda y ) Thc W. Authu l'iti es of Clinto n und War- vised by Miss Sayers. month. aruund of the ('o unty Ft'id ay. En· F. M. S. is mecUn" Il t the church !'cn C<;>u nli s combin ed Monday to B!'llman .. I tl 2 ,11 !) I Mr. Young instructs th e boys ., In\'esl1gllte th e the ft of 10 chickthus iagtic c rowds g ree t ed the Alli son . 10 8 3u G7 The J olly Juniors of the Sev2.:00 p, 111 . Mr8. ruven of ~ay- e ns fl'om Mrs. II m'lcy Su ms. War- in their classes. party at aeh stop. During the at enth Grade held their class meett on IS the sp a kel' of th ~ day. BIble ren o unty. U. S. Senator' mo rning the group i:> topped a t s tudy and Jl.rayer n~ etlOg a~ 7 :30 I Mrs. am ~ identified th e fowl s Don't (orget the play "Safety ing at the gym, October 29. After McCulloch 11 7 '\0 103 100 131 AmendmentSpringboro, Lytle and Waynesvi lle Bulkl ey 100 ;10 62 45 00 (Yes) ..... 122 41) 93 90 '107 Lun ch was served a t Harvl'ysburg p: m. At thiS ~eet111g we wtll b~- at Blal1 chester after they had First" s ponsored by the Junior the program we enjoyed a Hal(No) ... 52 16 38 22 33 and in the afte rn oon stop: were g111 a syste matic Rtu~ly ~f Puul s bee n j)urchused uy u poultry deal- class on Wednesday night, Novem- lowe' e n Pal·ty. The following offi cers were elected to serve tanl ey J o hn ~o n, Albert Wood ber 6, 1930. made at Morrow, Pleasal1t Plain. fil·~ t !etter to t~ e COI'1l~lhlan s. Friday: hOIl' prnctlce at 7 :3 0 and Roy . orwin. thre e Blllnche ~Brand 112 46 92 ~~ 1~~ The unofficial vole oC the county Mainevill e, So uth Leabnon , Kings ==~==-=-=-=~~====== through the month of November. Zimme'n '. 10 3 :12 70 p. I;" . ler yo uths. a ll ahnut 19 yearH of is as follow s: . Mills and Mnso n. Irene Peters, president. undny . ~undny sC!lOo1 at !l ;3 0 age, WCI~ arTestcd a nd turned The speake r!! were! ongressmon For Goyer-nor-Marjorie Earnhart, vice-president. a. Ill. Mo \nmg worshIp at 10:30. \ over to th e WU1'1'en Counl Hcres Brund, Stutc Senato r Cliff On nex t. 1u esday, No vem~cr 11th iff. Ruth Salisbury, secretary. y Myers Y. Cooper 5341 Charl . .Judge F. Marion Hamil- we eelebr~tc. thc 12th an01v e~s~ry Jane Cook, treasurer. George White 3568 Martin They we re Lak en to the Warl'cn ton , .J uellCe Simon Ross, Arthur Evelyn Neeley, reporter. Lieutenant Goyer-nor-Hamilton, C. Donald Dila t ush, of the slg01ng of t he ar1111 ~ tlc Cou nts jail ut Leban on til await a thut brou~ht to u cl ose th e 1110st heHl'ing on u ch arge of burglary ' John T. Brown ......... . The Sixth and Seventh grades 6272 Chllrles Waggon e r, and Ed Fogo, far reachm,e WOI' that has ever and larc ' ny. had a Hallowe'en party Thursday. William G, Pickrel . ____ • _ • _ __ 3124 of th e de partment of mot or vehi- bee n fought. The theme for our cles und er sec re tury of State Clar- Su nday morning ~c rmon will be. Three prizes were given for. . the Secretar-, r:,E Statee nce .J . Brown. best costumes. For refreshments EULASS-STARRY "T he S ure Road to P eace." Clarence J. Brown ... .. Over 40 automobiles we re in 'the Epwol'th Lellgue at 6 :30 p. Ill. 5780 we had popcorn, candy and apJ . H. Newman ........ .. . 2713 party. Music wa s fUl'11i shed by the Evangelistic I>el'vice at 7 ::10 p. m. ples. Miss Penrl tal'ry and Mr. WilMason band. Tr-ea.u,..,r- of StateOn Monday and Tu esday of n ext Iiam B, Eula. s, both o f Lebanon, Rev.•r. J. Schaeffer has been , The Mother's Club Hallowe'en week. Novemb r 10 and 11 th re wet·c quietly marri ed Saturday Harry S. Day ....................... 5457 - -, - J08eph carnival was a huge success There SCHOOL BOARD MEETS will be a gr'eat Missionary Con- morning at the manse of th e Pres- ill with t hroat trouble. T. Ferguson 2841 was II large crowd present and . f e rence hel.d in the BroadwllY ~, byte rian chur ch in Lebanon, Rev. Russell Bentley was a Dayton everyo ne had a good time. Most. Wedding Rings- Cary's J ewelry Atlonae, Gener-alTh e Wayn e Town ship !whool E. c~urch 10 MI?dletown . At thiS Fredel'ick Ki rker pe rfo rming the visitor Tu esday afternoon. of the evening was spent in dancShop, Lebllnon , Ohio. Gilbert Bettman .. .... . . 6443 board met Monday evening in reg meetlllg t h e n~ \Vlil he ,A'reat world I eel' mony. ing and sevel'ol prizes were given. .. 2789 as, BIs hop Wade The couplc lef t immediately for chuJ'8cters sllch ular session . Ronald Hawke was A. K. Day wos a bu s iness visi- M. Ray Allison ........ .. Select your Christmas cards at Mr. and Mrs. Tim Barton won ftrst o ~ tockhohn . . BI hop Le~ of 0 mot ol' trip through the . so uth aworn in as a nc.w member, taking United Stat •• Senatort or in Cincinnati Monday. SlUl\'apore. M!l11111l ~rea. BIshop with Fl urida as t hei .· destination . Cary 's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, O. in the quadrille, Louise Crane ROEcoe ·C. McCulloch ...... 6466 L. M. Hender son's place, r e ' igned , Blake, of Tndlllnapohs, and other Mr. and MI·s. Eulass will reside and Gilbert Frye won first in the Mr. and Mrs, D. R. mith were Robert J. Bulkley ............ 3290 R. H. Hartsock. clerk . The Grange will hold a Thanks- fox-trot, Lyle Frazer and LouUle Jrrea.t speakers both from the in Lebanon. Routine bu siness occupi ed tile Wilmington vis itors Sunday. !:riving market Wednesday. Novem- Henderson won second, Mrs. AnforeIgn and home fi elds. The pub- - - - --Repr-e.entati"e to .. remainder of hte session. son and Lyle Frazer won first in ber 20. lie is cordially invited to attend During the meeting word was J. Harvey Sackett's condition is Charles Brand ...... .... ...... .. 5432 EASTERN STAR NOTICE the waltz, and Lena Earnhart and these meetings. received by S upe rintend e nt Lotz thought to be s lightly improvcd. John L. Zimmerman, Jr. , .... 3290 Tuesday. ' November 11. marks ' El:win Ellis .w·o n second. Other of the death of his father, nt Minmi Chapter No, 107 O. E . the 12th annivel' al'Y of the sign- prizes were given for the best cosState SeDator-Grand Ridge, nIs. Mr. and Mrs. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Mr. and . Mrs. W·. F. Clark en- R i d G D '. tumes.:.. _ _ _ _ _ - - S. will meet in regular session ing of the armis tice. CHRIST Lotz left immediately to attend tertained with a fumily dinner Sun 0 an . avIs .... ....... 6108 Monday ev ning, November 10. at day. D. H. DeArmond ............. 3115 the fun eral. (Undenominational) 7 :30. Election of officers nnd payDEATHS J. Q. Gons and family and Miss Chester A. Williamson, Minister ment of dues. All members are Rep. to General AnemblyE~th e r Henderson spe nt Sunday Parker Duofold pens and p en- Al'thur H ' It MOTHERS' CLUB 'Vible School at 9 :30 a. m. ul'ged to be present. 5756 Simeon H. Deacon, 84 years old, with friends in Dayton. cils ut Cary's Jewelry Shop, LebamI on .. .... . .. Josephine Earnhart, W. M. , Lord's Supper at conclusion. Chris retired master carpenter of lhe anon, Ohio. County Commi .. iolMrMinnie Fromm, Sec'y. The regular meeting of the tian Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m . Law• We restring bead a, repiate sil- southwe·t division of the PennsylCurl J. Miller ........................ 6226 Wayne Town ship Mot ners' Club rence Davis. Leader. Evening verware nnd recover umbrellas. vania railroad, died at his home, Rnymon F. Hn tfie ld spent Sun- Oscar Edwards .. ........... .... 3387 will be held at the Grade building evangelistic service at 7 :30 p. m. Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, O. 672 South Detroit street, at 8 :30 Mr. and Mrs. Orvill e Gray and Friday aftel'lioon at 2 o'clock. Sermon s ub j ect,' ,"Suppositions ." dllY with his mother and brothel' County Au..litoro'clock Sunday morning, after daughter s pent Sunday with Prayer Meeting each Wednesday Mrs. Harding. of the Wanen in Lebanon . " Miss Rachel Pettit. Miss Eliza- having belln strickon suddenly by Will R. Lewis .............. ... . 6900 County Juv enile court. wi\1 be the at 7 :3 0 p. TTl. The church wh ere the former's mother, Mrs. J 0 9. be th and Miss Ruth Chandler were heart disease Saturday night. Wolfe, at Clarksville. you feel at home.' MI'. nnd Mrs. Geol'ge Kern Altonleys peakt'l". Mr. Deacon, who was born in shopping in Dayton Saturday. were in Dayton Monday 'afternoon C. Donald Dilatush .... .. .... . . 6020 Trowbridge, England, came to th~ =--=-= and evening. Mr. and Mr'l!. Howard Arch- United States when be was 21 Sheriff- . deacon and MI'. and Mrs. W. O. vears old, and lived in Oregonia Mr. and Mrs. E. J . Burton, pf W. H. Fulk-ertl\ .. .. .... Raper s pent Sunday at Russell before coming to Xenia 47 ~ Elyria. spent the wee k-end with George L. Lrkins . ago. He was connected with the Point. l'cilltlvcs here. . County R.llOl'do"...... Pen nl;ylvania railroad 32 years, being retired in 1916. For best resultll consign your 5860 Samuel Butto!' rworth and GlI- Allen Hulf!1llln ..... .'... Mr. Deacon .. married Miss Mary ive stock to Green-Embry Co" bert Frye visited relatives in WiI- County Tr-ea.Ul'er-Cincinnati, in care of D. R. Sana- Smith, of Lebanon. 61 years 880 mington Sunday nftcrnoon. B. · Murrell .... . last July 2. Mrs. Deacon died lut 5855 1 E. bur),. July 22. He is survived by ~ twQ Indian- l-Ilta!. oil; Gordon SerBes t dressed girl- Compact; The IIn'nual Hallowo'en carnival Saws filed by machinerl. cut Coroner-daughters. Mrs. Edward Swabb, Adams Drug Store, Virginia Mrs, Verna Kelley, of Spring- and eleanor, truer, faster. Roy PI,OU. 'Valdl'on C. Gllmoul' .. ....... 5864 at the Gym Friday night was a vice Station, Minnie Foulks. MI·S. Charles Haas, both of lloy--FI!\sh Lig ht; FairFoulks. field, is here assisting in the care Co w For several years dec.ided success. at Madden's Lumber Yard. Xenia. and three sisters. Mrs. Courtley Hdwe. C.)., Ead Conner, Jr. Olde. t personPi e ; Kcrn's Gar of Mrs. W. S. Graham. who is this event · has been sponso red by Ruth Millard, Kinrston, N. Y., and Farmel' BoY- l -ga \. oil- Rog- den Inn, Thomas Co nard . . ·seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Unglesby Hubbell .... .... ....... ..... .......... .. 1564 the Wayne T owns hip M·others' Mrs. Anna Trollope and Mril. ers & Simpson. Lewis Michael. HoboG-gu!. Et~yl gas ; Ungles Kinkade .. ..... .. ...... : .... ......... . 9907 Club and has become very pOPl!lar spent ThUl'sday with Mr. and Mrs. Emma Meadowcraft, of England. R. F. Hatfield, Village Clerk, is Chinese-GOc cash; John Long, hy SeJ:vice Station, Alton Eal'nA J'ccord crowd asse mbled at N. P. Blatt at Manchester, Ohio. Robinson ......... .. ................. ... 4050 Interment was made in the famprepal'ed tQ issue Hunting hart. S.t ephenRon ............... , .. ...... .. 1639 the Gym early in the cvening and Not represell'led. ily lot at Miami' cemetery. Licenses. He will be at his office Bel't Lwin babies- Box Candy; The Ladies' Aid society of the Cour-t of Appealta lal'ge number of artistic and Uncle Walt nnd Skeezix- sack of flour; Kroge l' grocery , Not re- W. C. Phillips, ,Jane nnu Jean in the Township House evel'y John M. Taylor, aged 80, died evening next week. .~~nfba~~~:c8e~~b~~lgt~hae~d ~rh ~lii~ti~g ..... .... ... .. ........ ..... 4032 f~u~~~~dce~aracters participated in presented. lIa rtsock. unday night, November 2, at hia .. ..... .. .. ....... .. ... .. .. ..... .. 1951 The prizes were giv.en by local Farmer Gil'l- Hail' cut; Lee Red Riding Rooel- Lunch hox; Expert w~tchmaker and en- hom e on Main street, following an J . C. Hawk e, Ruth Conner'. Mrs. Julia Gustin Marsh, of Amendmeat- . busin.ess people and were awarded Hawke, Maljorie Edwurd ~. graver at .Cary's Jewelry Shop, illness oC long duration. He is suyQuaker Lady- Mar'cel; Mrs. AmoR un' Andr- $2 .00 cash; Fort· Thomas, Ky., visited at the (Yi!s) 4400 as foll ows: Lebanon, Ohio. Only genuine lived by his widow and OM !lister; J. E. Mc Cl ure, WIlliam anu Nor· home of W. O. Gustin Sund!ly (No) . ........... :........:.......... :.................... : ........ 2123 First grand pl'ize, season 'swim- Truax, Mrs.•le s e Michael. material used in our repair depart Mrs. Etta Printz, of Dayton. BI'ide and Groom$1.00 cash; man Diggs. and Monday. _ _ _ ,.. _ _ - - ming ticket; C. M.Rohitzer, Mrs. Funeral services , were held at menL Howard Burton, Ruth Hocket and Waltz,l st )Jrize- $1.00 cashhe McClure Funeral Home this L. V. Brnnstrator. Ruth Salisbury. W ,fl. Madden, Lyle Frazier an c For gifts and gift ideas visit 2nd Grand Prize-basket of Miss May Wright left Tues~ay ,Ifternoon. Rev. Chester A. Wil- . EMMA M, KEYS Uncle Sam - Ti e; Myel' Hyman , Mrs. Anson, Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon, 0., gl'ocel'ie~ ; F, E. VanoRen, Ruth for Chicago whel'e she will spend liamson, of the Church of Christ, He rbert Bal·ton. Waitz, 2nd. prlz Box Candy; "The Home of Gifts"-Weekly Saliebury and Ruth Hockett. Mi ss Colulllbia- O mo . ....subs. We ltz Restaurant, Erwin Ellis and the winter. Enroute she wi.ll ~top ' ofliciating . Burial in Miami cemeJlllyments. Emma M. Keys, daughter of Most Artistic- Sl.OO in trade ; oft' at Indianap'olis and Rpend tery. Gaze tte; D. L. CI'ane, Not repro- Lena Earnhal't. Stephen .and Hannah ! w!1s Bnrnard & Son, Ruth Hcc.k ett. several days with Miss Jennie DinFox Trot, I st- $1.00 trade; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carey were born near Waynellvllle, OblP I William P. Hay, 77, was found Comical- Inner tuhe; Archdea- sell ted. Witch- To-ll et water; Orville Lovely's Rec.·eation Parlor, Gil- widdie, among the guests at a dinner and Sev-entn montf\, ?5~Jll" lllli3. §h~ can Garage, Mrs. Ruth Kin<jle. dead in bed Monday morning, havHallowe'en party in Lebanon FJ:i- was y~ung@s~· of el~nt ~hildr@n, bert Frye and Louise Crane. ing passed away some time durin. Tallest-Tie ; A. K. Day, Mrs. Gray, Vlqdnia Denlingf'I·. Youngest- $1.00 .Savings !lcct. ; Fox Trot, 2nd- Box Candy; Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Banta, of the night. The coroner's verdict day evening. . onp SIS~{!r, ~lu'AIl auttllrworth, \ Lydia Branstrlltol'. na, visited relatives here over bemg tPI! onlr l'eml'\ni"g onl!. ~hll Sa tan- Flash Light; Wa·y nes- Wayn esvil le National Bnnk, Bal'- Wakley's Restaurant, Lyle' Fra- Gale the week-end. The former's pllr- was paralysis of the heart. He had ziel' and Louise Henderson. b h M d M ' apparently been in ' good healtb Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Beck, Mr. awttendea II.tile nl!!rhbQrhoqcj (lnd ville A uta and Machine Co., harn Lu Blalnd. Largest Masked Family- IO-Ibs Square dance 1st - 6 cans cnts and . rot er, . r. an rs. ~!ld had. with his family, spent nnd Mrs. W . O. Raper and Rev. Charles Burton Earnhart. 3ynllsv II SQh oOll1 l Jeff mith, Keller Honk and vegetables; D. R: .Smith, MI'. and Pet~r Banta and Melvyn , accom- ~unday at the home of his sonG. C. Dibert. motored to }iuBsell On fO\lrth mQntfll.6tt!, 1876, Jnpallefle- fiOc cash; Coyles lard; Mrs. Tim Barton. .pamed them home. Point last Wednesday, in-law and daughter, Mr. and IIIrs. s h e WI'S m~rrled to ' ~l1ton Keys. Meat Market, Mrs. L. J. Dunlap. Family. Largest Ma : ked Family, 2ndSquare dance, 2nd.- Box. candy Dutch twins- 75c cash; Homer (loglltl\llr their long and useful Expert service given on Swiss Lyman Day. Besides his widow he Mr. ond Mrs. Carl Hawke, Mr. ves we~e spont I.n the country Carey Dori s Surface and Dorothy Sack floul' ; Waynesville Farmer's 1M. D. Baird, William Thompson and A!1lerican watches in our 're- i" survived by three daughters, and Mrs. Ray Hawke and family, sT urroundmg .nd III W Exchange, Not represeqted. lind Genevieve Biggs. . ayncsville, Lenun'on. pair department. Store open Mrs. Cora Troestle, oC Beavertown of Dayton; spent Sunday with Mr. o them were born a daughter, evenings. Cary's Jewelry Shop, Mrs. Amy Day. Waynesville, Mrs. Ella, and a son, Warren. Her home --=-='- =.:--===.-==- =and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. Martha Kenneday, of Piqua; four Lebanon. Ohio. life was one of devotion and 8er'ons, A lfred . of Osborn. Marvin Watches, beautiful and depen- vice to loved ones and friends. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Slockum. B. of Tippecanoe, Chol\les E. and 4 dable tor every member of the She was a blrthrllht member of Mr. niHI Mrs. Ernest Stockum. M1' Carl A. at home, and sixtet'n Irl'and family. Weekly payments. Cary's the Society o( Friends, a charter and Mrs. W. G. Lee. Mr. nncl Mrs. children. Jewclr17 Shop, .Lebanon, Ohio. member Of Farmer's Grange and Funeral sprvices in cbarge of John Heetet·. Mrs. Laura Warner . was ~or many years very pl~asantund son Arch. all of Dayton. were Rev. G. C. Dibert and the Jr, 0, Mrs. Geo. R. Craven of Payton Iy aftilliated with the Lebanon Sunday I!'uests of Mr. and Mrs. U. A. M. will be held ,at the home Thursday afternoon at" 2 o'clO4;k . (lnd the officers of the local W. armer's '. Club. She was a helpGeor~ Kern . M. S. of the M. E. Church had iul neighbor and to her home with burial in Miami cemetery -.--.:.....,.- ~ ~.--- ' luncheon today noon at the home there, was always an .open · door.· Those beau'l iful sets of 'dishes . failing health was responsible for .of MI·8. A. K, Day. at Cary's Jewelry Shop, Lebanon MASONIC NOTICE h~r refralnlnl{ · · mingling more Ohio, nre open stock . . Mrs. H. V. W~lter. of L~banon, WIth h~T frlendll, but she was . Regular communication 01 Way . 18 spending a few days with her d(!eply mterested 1n all they did... It . In celebrat~on of the 76th nea..ViUe·LOdge,"No. 163 F, Tenth month, 28th, 1980, 4u; s ister Mrs. J. H. Coleman, who l~ bJl'thday ann}versary of her Tuesday : evening Noye~t 1h . r ecoverinror from a !'Ievere attack departe4 this Ufe leaving to ~n . ' m·othe.r , Mrs. E. W. B~adstreet Mrs Electiop Of oftlc,~nI and p~t their lOBS one daughter, one . of . acute indlll'estlon, Ira Rich gave a famIly ~inner on of due.. · VI"ltmg and aoJnl'iif.... foul' grandchildren and . many Sundav with the followmg pres- brethereD are wf]CO'me/ - 'f] -~ D. L. Crane and Gilbert Frye attves and friendll who sQrrow : ~f' . ' ent :¥r. and Mrs. .~. J. Bailv, .M.... " R. H.:iI&rtIoekt W attended the Ohio N~wspapey Con- one wbose . life was devoted to and ' Mrs. Eldon Bally, of \yilmmgF. II: Be~n ~ ference and luneheoTl ' at Ohio their happiness and welfare. ton, Harry Hurley and· family. of - - .- , • State University Saturday. In tb '" ., ', Splilng' Valley" C. E. Bradstreet cO~;;~~ afternoon the ne.wspaper publish- "God calls our loved ones, but"': '-,r:h:ft1~~=:reu:~ and family, of Xenia, James Bax- his lOll" Vanee ~c~b;.;~;-'I= er!! and ·thelr families were ~ue8ts lose not wholly what He haUl \ , fU'se' Sabatini, world-Iamoa. ter and family • .of ~yton, Mr, ",bell ifa. ot the, O. S. U. MhletJc Assocla - g.ven. . . hi.torical author. 9 romanca. GO WI. and Mrs. Fred Braddock. 1II~. and and ".. ~eeI," 1 .tion at the Wisconsln-:Obio State They \IV!! on earth in thou&'ht and . W ,,~tQ_~ _ ________ Ifn, Hartley Mo.. and family. . of 1ut football pme, deed all truly u in aeavaD." .

A ~p irited election was held in Warren county Tuesday, and both partiell worked from eady morning until the polls closed at O. Cooper for gov(! rnor, arid Mc· Culloc h f or U. S. Senator were rlefeated uy hig pluralities. Th e uth t' r R<,plIbli can candidates will pl"llhohly pull thl"oulCh ull right . . The f ollowing is the unufficial vote fOI" Wayn e Township : GovernorNW S W EW SC NC 42 94 !l:J 125 Cooper 78 !'i7 67 44 While Lieutenant G overnorJ. I3I'o\\,n 102 1\1 80 !l3 114 I'ic kn.l 11 ·\ :18 74 46 71 Secretary of StateBrown 10\1 41i \1:\ 1 07 ~2:1 lO R :11i (l(l 37 60 New mlln Tr-ealurer-, (Full Term) Da y . I I a 44 !)3 08 123 Jo'crgu Hun . lo r; 35 68 44 60

State SenatorDavis ...... 102 43 92 90 118 DeArmond ] 12 34 67 41 64 Rep. to A.. emblyHamilton .. 113 60 96 103 127 C(';ItI mi •• iollerMiller . .. .. .. 86 29 66 06 94 Edwards 142 !i8 113 91 95 Sher-iffFu Iket·th .. 117 61 9j 105 129 I.ykin s .... ]()O :12 08 40 55 Lewis, A udito)', Dilatush, prosecuting . Atturney, Huffman, rccorder, Murrell, treasurer, Gilmoul' coroner, had no oppos ition on t he ticket. ---Th e Judic;ial t icket is tabulated ns foll ows: Supreme CourtHubbell 42 17 31 29 :12 Kinkade ... 81 29 72 63 88 f{ ob inson 93 26 72 60 90 Stephenson 44' 13 45 2!l 38 90 122 Cour-t elf Appeala43 61 Cushing . .. 85 28 65 51) 89 Elliott . 54 J 6 40 35 29

Summer schedule- 1st, 3rd and 5th Sund ny, Mass at 8 :00 a. m.; 2 nd nnd 4th Sunduy, MaSH at 9 :30:






, I



Hallowe'en festival Sponsored bv Mother's (Iub at the Gvm ",as a Big Success



F' ll'

Helping Hand




. ..



fROM .~-





HA I?TER IX . hill ' nhom WII S nul a I!o nceiteu --man, but by hi ~ lov l' il)r Julie he .Julie ;;wung I'ound from the eon- III asul' d h ' 1' l o \'(.~ { HI' hill1, ~nd ' n' plll iinn of her pal :face be- I unhappv 10vI! that wuulrl Kive nei IIcuth till! brim of the gl'lWJl hat th~r r'llll' ll\ pl-uce, and c(l uld not \\hi ·1t . he ha d pi ked up from lhe bring hlll'pin 'SS. lind realis inK this , he ~ udd c l1ly ~r(lk.t' uut. pas5ionalt'h.'d to II'Y 0 11, , "Nv.,", she S ~ld sharply, "I'n~ Iy: .. Just gnlllg uut. Say 1 am engaged. "011. illY 11"11(, 11 ~ not IV o rthy "V e ry I: Oocl, Mi ss," . . of >'ou 01' (1111 \ IIJ\'e! M usl yuu !'nukc The . door clo~ecJ qUickly behllld it hartler ror II '; btllh lhan It al· the , I~'nid. ancl Billl slii d II trifle rcad¥ is'? .. . Du yuu thillk it'~ mall '·wusly: nothing to 1I1l' t il s~ " ,YOU liS Y" U "H wilJ lhink you nre afrnid werl! illst niKht - t(. , , ," ' of him, Ju lie," Th,,' t(>l1Ill' l' sinc"ril v IIf hi ~ \'oke Julie's ch e ks fl a med. 81m o t brllkl' lll'f" down. Shl' "Arruid.- '" , swayed a littll' lind c:llIl{ht ut a .. he Illllde an Illlp(>tuous I'U h to chuir bll<:k bUl \\'11<' n 'hilt ' nIHIIII the do nI' and opened i. wou ld huv~ gOIl w hcr s he II'tH' '1 1 " Wait a . mOlllcnt- " him ful'i"u ~ ly 11\ ay, 'fhe maul, already .half-way "[Jon'l tuu rh nil'. 1)0n·t · CO IllI' (lI'rOSS th e litt le passage, turned. neal' me." , ,"'r~ 1I MI'. C h! tte nh~~n 1 will s~e Fo r II l1lom nt ~ lIe ;;tnigg led 111m III mlllutes, ,Julie SU ld hard fU I' "e lf-c ontrol. thl' n she wus uud ~Yl.'l1t back t o her be~room. Cl'ec t nn el' 11 11'1'1' :tlld ru t inl( hinl hltlenham wus .standmg . by deliantly. the mantl.' l-shelf loo ktn g at nn InlIJress ioni",t photogruph of B im "You, "'Hid wh ' n I cunw in Lenn ox , bul he turned at once that thi :. IlIU : t s lop , W ('II, I 1Ij!'I'Cl' . when the door opened. Hnt! ~u we'll jllst sclth; it nIt\\' 0111'<' "Hullo!" J ulie gl'eeted him wit und f OI' 111 1. Anti \\,11 1 yllu pl";)se 8 c8sual nod, "What in th e world und e rs tand, lit ... ('hillf'lIhllfll, that brings yo u hara al l'uch an early you Hnd I al'l' nl) th ing ",hatl" '!'r hour? I've onl y just crawl ed out to on ,· unu ther. 1111t! II cve r h"ve of bed myself." b(>en. If you \\allt til lwal' thl' Slie spok e rathe r loud ly and de- truth 1 cven rut\H' I' d illlik(> y.aL ' fiantly, and she de liberate ly left Howev!!I' roo li sh y o u once lhoughL the door open b ehind her. me. . . Oh, 1'111 no ts hirk in l! Chitte nham st epped pas t hor the I11 cmol'y, ir yo u arl!- " ~ h ~ and closed it, then he came back broke out a ~ hI' woulll huve spokcn to where s he stood. " I Uni qu ite willing to Ildmit that "This has got to st op, Juli e," he rot' one ni \!hl, ju~t 101' a few said with out preamble. hour. - I lat you think I ra th er J r d h 'd liked you, Don't llnm e me for thllt er eyes WI e. It wa~ the Know lind the wind. ancl u Ie op,e ne "Stop?' she echoed bla nkl y. ~ "What has got to stop? My get- being up thcl'C ~o far away from ting up so late. do yo u mean? My e veryo ne . . . rn the l110rnillK it dear man- " , had a ll gone, Ilnd as I : ai,1 then ," He interrupted rilthlessly. we hll d come bllck to clII·th agllill. "The whole of this miserable. Her voice was s tudious co ld damnable. playacting has got to and qui et, allllo~t ex pl'ess ionl es~. slop. You're ru ining yourse lf and "Y ou wil l make youI' nanle a me body and so ul. Do you think I byword, even amongs t thesedon't unde rstand ? do yo u th ink thege l'idie ul nUi< peop le you cn ll s uch a f ool t hat you can take ~our friend s," me in for one minute by a ll this"And t hat, of COUI'~e, IV iJI bl'ellk this childishness--?" my heart, ir il i' not already Before she could prevent him broken." Jul ie snae red. "Il mot. or m ove a step from him he ters so mu c h what Jpeopl-e likl' eought her by t he shou ld ers, and Doris Gard en er a nd Sadie Barrow turning her round to the morning say .. . They have n't any vices 8unlight which str eamed through t hemeselves. have they?" the wfndow. "Look at tl)e stuff "At lea t Sadie does not drink,"


"Look at the lif. you are I.adin., W'hen you left my mother's bOUle early thil morninl( you were terribly drunk." Chitte nhom int er ru pt~ d un l hinkingly. He saw the udde n look of angry surpl'ise t ha t fla s hed into Julie's eyes. "You seem to have foun d out a great deal abou t Sad ie in a s ho rt time," she said shur ply. "One do cs not have to be e ithe r very q uick or very inquis itive to find out s uc h a thing," Gil ~ an s wared. "A s a mattcl' of fact I flnd h er very c ha'I'm ing;" he added wit h an almost chil dish desire to sting her . But Julie calmly agr eed. "So do I. She and I have a great dea l in common. Chiefly OUI' dislike of your nob le sex." "Schofield alwllYs excepted, I s uppose." "Julie lau g he d, "Lawre nce f;chofi eld cel' tn inl y excep te r!, He is a gl'eat friend of min e- he i!< rich, and moreover hI' is anxiou s to man'v me- " "You don't cOl'e t\\'o Sll'aws about the man ." "On th e contrary, I ca re u great many straws. Nut t1l11t it is any busin ess of yo ur!<-" " r t is my bu sin ess when th e woman 1 leNe tu lks o·r rushing in to a I'id icul ouf! mal'l'iage, " "The woman yuu love!" Julie' s face flamed, "How infinitely tonchin g ! and what a pity you are not fre e to marry m e yo urself. Think of lhe divine bliss we should expe!'i e nce- t hink of th e hanp v-ever·after ending.. ," Julie slip ped pa st him a nd opell ed the door. "Please go." she said. pleQs~" Dim spoke fr om the n3rrow hall They faced otl'le another like I:ather nervo usly : deadly (! nemies, white and shaken "Julie, daar- Mr. Schofield ha s It was astonishing how sudd enly just dri ven up- " the storm had arisen. "I'm coming a t once."

on your face? You'd have scorne d t o use the mul!k two months ago. Lo k at the ' life you're leading- ' when you left my mother's house last nightr-or rather this morn-! ing- fou were honibly drunk- '" Juhe .laughed in bis face. dDelightfully drunk I' 'she mocked him cooly. "But go on. go on Don't let me spoil this soul-saving lecture, You' ve mistaken yo ur vocation. You ought to have been a .low-church parson instead of what you ar~a coward and a eli'eat. , . I can just picture you in a clerical collar, with all the old tabbies in the cong'l'Cgation-" "Juli~!'" . She wrenched' herself free of him. "( object to being caned by my Christian name by you. I hate the name, anyway. You can keep it for my estimabJe cousin- she'll appreciate your cave-man uttentiOllS and I don't--she . . . " ·· .. She·s a braver woman than YOU are~" Giles said savagely, Julie shrugged her shoulderl!. "Has she made a conquest of you already? Well. good luck t o Mr. she's welcome, And if you've only come here to behave like a bully you'd bette r go-I've a lunch appointment--" "With Schofield?" "That's my affait·... "If he . was a decent f ellow he'd stop yoUr nonse nse. He 'd n ever have allowed you to do what you did last night--" "You fl8tter your sex. All the men in the world could not stop me from doing exactly as I

Birtls on UnC'l, Sam's PensiOfl Role the

Common Plea. Proce_dinlr' Stale of Ohio 'er U8 Paul Rodg_ _____ el" , dufendant pleaded IIOt g uilty. - vu,·t fixe( 1 thu bond at $10.000 Th 'ri: lI'a . •111 eloquent si lence anJ oHl!igned the trial for a later uncI' t h doo r had slal11m ed 'be- dul,. hind he l'. then Bim half shrugge d In the case of The tule of Ohio hl' I' shuu lders a nd went ino th o ve l'sus E lwood Hill. , Rodney Scott silti ng-room where Giles ~t()o d and Everett Frye. euch en te red a s ~aril1g- (l ut of the wind ow. pleu or no t. gui lty. Th e rou l·t fixed , "))on 't b t oo angry with h'r. th'e IlIllUunt of which ea ch was reMr. hittenhulll," she said . " I Hm l11untleli t.o the c u ~tody of t.he so i\() l'I'Y. s O Jraadfully sorry." she riff. He turn rI und lon ked at he l'. hi t hl! eMe of the stute (If Ohi o "It's 111 1 my fault." he brok e Ollt. vcr~us Peal'! ullins, up un uP I>licua~itated l y. "And there 's nothinK ti o n of l h'l) pr?secuting attorney , 1\ I clln do til pUl it right- noth in g.' n u ~l !! IJ r us l'qu.' wall en tered. The tel ephone ranK s uddenly I Stntl! of OhUf versus. Fred Konet anri Him we nl across the r OOm to defendant p leaded g:uilly a nd wus unSW8l' it. se nt e nced to 1 yellr 111 the ref 01'11\0 " Yes '? .. , , N(l, l3im Le nnoy tory at M~ns fi e ld. Sallte~ce was s peaking. Dh - yes, l\Ii:,,, l3ul'ro\\l, I su s pel~d e d .10 1' 1 y~u! durlllg good No , she 's jus l K(lnc uu t . 'n il I g ive ' hl' hal'lol' and PI'OV ld lllg dcfl'ndunt hel' a IllCl!!l8gt.:? Oh , , ye~, very 1l!!II:e WUI'I:I' n C,ou nty, \\ l, II-- ltl·mol·I'uW arte l'n( on Ul l lo;~nte of OhIO versus O~yen f oul'," lI uv ls. defe ndulfll pl(' uded g UIlty. Him hung lip the I'ece ivel' nnd H t.: WU g st'ntcnc(:ci tu t~lirlY dllys in CUl'net! . Th f e wus a litt.1 e nngry thl' Wal'l'cn Cou nty Ja il ant! pny th u., costs. , fl'own belwl'en h','r leve l b l'I' W~. "Do you belicI'(' in spil'i-luuli sm, ::;tllt" of 0 1'110 vel'S Il ~ Hob." rt M ... ChitlCllhullI?" s he lI"ked. COlllb~, dl'f ueiu nt pi ad eel g Uilty "]'\0 . " lind \\' IIS se nll'.nc:ed II) the Ohio ., ur do r. but it seelllS a ll tht' 'tllle Rer or mutory at 1\I1111 stl eld ra ~ hion just now. Thl'l'(> is to be a ror. I yeur, . s ' .lIlce or whatever yo u ca ll it Ilt . State of OhiO vers us E lwood ~'''LII' nltllher'R hou st:' to -l1l orl'llW 11111 1 lI.nel Rodn ey Scott euc h plelldafternoon. Th ol WIIS mi ss Burl'u\\' I,d g uil ty as chnrged and were ~e ll' ph '!llinA'. ~ he's an al'dellt b(>liever' ten,c l'~ to be imp.-iso ned lit the ·.. ·he II'V 'I' uSl'd . . . " Gi les Olll,u State nero l'~,at()ry for I yeur b(,~:III. tlwn :>topped, S~a t l' of OhIO V{'f"S U S Owen " I Vs nil IIClnRcnse." he protes- J?u VIS, dcfendam pleaded g uilty. 1(>(1 Ilngri ly, "" puck uf churlutalls . e l!t ence was .cl.eferred . dup ing a lot of "illv wo men," , Stu te or OhI O. vers us Peal'l Co l·'.Julie is ,go ing. too, They have h ns dl'fc~dant p leade d, 'not ~ ui1ty got ho ld III so me wO hderful Il e w Bon d fixed at $300, TI'lal uss lg ne d rnelliulll - " Bim'~ voice was to a lat er date., qui tIl' sarcastic. ' " Th ey have in: t.ute of O hm vers us Elizabe th vited me, but it's n()t the SOl't of WI.lso n, defendant pleaded not thing' 1 cUl'e IIbout." gu! lty, B.ond was fixed at $1200. Chittenhum fl'owned. T l'I s l as>:>lg ne ti ,to a later day: "J L's nut th!' sort of t. hin!\' IIny State of OhIO versus . Willard hea lthy-mi llded pel'so n would cUl'e IInyn er, ~efe ndant en te rl'd a plea ahout anyway/ 1111"- " he pau sed, of not g Uilty. B?nd fix ed at $1.000 It wn~ impos~ JlJ l e to teU Bim lhat Sta te of Oh iO vers us Hobart his mot he r h~ld .declared s he would ~o ll1b s, derendlllnt pleaded guilty. not ha ve .Iu hI' '" her hlJu ~e again. e nte nce was d,eferred. " 1 hope you wi ll try and dissiwd e Th ~ cllse of The. Contain e l' CorMj ~s Farrow [1'0111 goi ng. " he add- poratlO n of AmerIca ve l·s u.s ~he cd, Van ~I o l'n e Compa ny was dl sm lssBim . hl'u gg'ed hel' shouldel's. cd wlt.hout record. "You Illi~ht aR wel l ask me to The case of The State of Ohio t l'y and stop Niagura," she said versus Ro~ert Cull en, defendant hll peles;; ly. "Once Juli e hus mude pleaded gUilty . and was se ntenced up hcr mind nothing will change to one year m the reformatory it." at Mansfield, For good cause Dim went with him to th e s hown, t he sente nce was 8USd()ol', but after t hey had said good- p e nde~ for o ne year during good by he hes itated and cam e back, behavlllr a nd the defendan t stay "Miss Lennox- 'Ion't leave her out of Warren eounty. if you cun help it." F I'ed H o rnb er'g~ r ple8ded g uilty "No" to the charge a~:alll st him and was . "Yo~ 'ee- " He flus hed and sentenced to the reformatOl'y at !ltopped, only to fl ounde r on 'again Mansfi~ld. Sentence :was suspend"Y ou s!'e, it's a ll my faul all ed dUI'IIl,! .good behaVlor and upon my cUrs('cl stupidity,'" t he condition that defel)dant stay . "[ know, Julie told m e." out C?f. Warren county. Wilham Engelke, pleaded guilty ,. he told you?" "Yes ," to t ha charge against him and was "A nd I sup pose you lh ink g iven a similar sentence. whot do you think?" !i=dwa1'd Hausen pleaded n ot Bim s mile d. g Uil ty to a ch8rge again st him and , " It would b f cO lfl't. fixe~ the bond at $500, say t hat I th iJ;k s~oeas~ h or di ' ~o Tnal IS asslgnedl for a later day. a knave s c u e, ave I e Floyd Wall pleade d not g uilty I don't wan~ t~S~ ~~·~ktlL~fu,. but befol'e the COUI'lt. Bond was fixed tl'8,.,ic- nothing· ever' I etls so at $200 and . tr'ial was set f or a ."' ,' . . seems 0 .g~ later date. Y qu~t~ I~~;tt [I~;t ai ~~ ~~' d~~s It. Herbert Ridi~lger pl eaded guilty We ca n onl'u xpellen.ce, to a c.harge and was sentenced to that somet~n~ s;in° t~~-;;-hoPI~ 60 days in county jail. For good straighten t hings out d u.~ cause shown, se ntence 'Yas sussc ld m does I o'fte "oand I' f s.~ pended for one year. is n ' t beeau ~~ we lac~ :ou~a er .... I ~aymod Dumford plea.ded not "W hat do yo mean?" ge. gUilty to the charge against him UI mean co ul~ge t ' f f ts Bond was fixed 8t $500 in default a nd see thi ngs as t heyo re~li narce" of which defen,d~nt was remanded l:ihe loo ked away fl'om him. y "Mr. to t~e .county JIIII. . Chilte nh am ou kn ow Juli e Wilham E. was appollltha te ou .. ed as an extra l~uard to assist the do e!ln't I'ealh y s heriff in transporting Ellwood She lau hed 'r~th er df :' 1 supp~sc I ought S!o/ to have Hill and Rodney Scott to the Ohio lold yo u t ha t but I c ' t b t o State Reformatl)ry. see her as ~h~ is now ano re:i:less 'fhe court ordered the sheriff to ~o b l'oke~' ,,' ., convey a proper deed to The Love. S he !;toppc'd: afl'a id she had said land Mutual Building and Loan too much and fo r ' a moment Company, pu\'chaseTs of t he lands lh e l'e wus' a profound silence then and, tenc'."~nts in their cause Chitten ham h(>ld out his ' hand ~tlham H. Bakel' et al. again, DistributIOns. of the proceeds of "Thank you," , he s8id. the sale we!:e ordered. Execution As C hitte nham walked away was awarded th e! Loveland Mutual from the fl at he made up his mind Building and Loan Company to one thin~. He would ask Sadie against the de(el~dants William H to dlvorcc him, and Nellie C. Bilker i~ the sum oj If Juli e stil\ loved him , • in $1096,54. which amount i8 still rehis heart h e wns su re that she maning due. Jludgment ill the ,I'd d h' I sum of $1625. 18 was also awarded ul ,an not IIIg e 5e mattel'ed," William H. an d! Nellie C. Bake r H e hlld promi sed to lunch with hf mothar. but in hifl eagerness he f\'om the defendant. Charles C. Tl'imble. 'fhe co urt set November 5 at 10 f orgot about it, and went straight 10 th e hotel whel'e Satjie was stay- o'c1ock a .m. , as th e time for hearin 'S he was out and they did not ing th~ plaintiff's motion asking kn ow when s he would be back. for alimony, pendenti lite and Giles Idt n message asking hel' to reasonable attorney fees in the !'in/! him up, case of Mabel Martin versus Otto He waited till six o'clock and Martin. rang up .Julie's fla t . In th e case of' Charles J. Fisher Bim Lennox answered the tele- vel'sus Thomas iE. Glass. for good phone. cau se shown the defendant was " No, Julie is n ot in. She Tang ~' just now to say she was ' dining out and not coming home to "Confound I . , Oh. well. show chnnge, I think she is with MT. him up." Schofield still ," Lomb8rd seemed nervous and Giles hung t he raceive r and apologetic, "I say- " he broke out t urn ed away. He was powerless. suddenly, "I'm in the devil of a li nd yet he knew that he c ould fix- " never be content to let things reChittenham looked up, II1llill as they were.' He must see "Money?" Juli e aga in, somehow. . . "How did , you , know?" So me one tapped at his door. (To be continued) "MI'. Lombard to see you s ir."


to a sufficie nt deed to The Lebanon-Citizen s National Bank a nd Trust Company, of Leban on, 0" purchasers of the real estate of the Eco-Thermnl Compan y, or Lebanon. The cou r t fo und that the plaintiff still holds In its !?OSsession a claim in the princlp81 s ums of $1600 agai nst C. LobaIlowsky, Mayt8g Sales Company. of ~ enosha. Wi!!. , U8 ad di tiona l ~eCUI'lty for the payme nt of Its c1aiJ~l, wherefore t he , bank is authorlzed to collect thIS lImount.



New Suite . Alioo S mi th entered suit for divorce from Jamel' B. Smith, Churges are g r oss neglect of duty, Robert W. Brown. plaintiff's Ilttorney fil edJhe suit October 22. Mabel Martin versus Otto Martin for .alim ony, custody of child . I'en and eq uitable relief. H. L, Dell is uttol'lll!Y for the plaintiff. ui t was entered October 25 .


Probate Proceedi",1 Acco un ts fil e d: ENtnte uf Augu st TheisR , deceased, first ond final. Estate of Edward Conover, ceased, seventh. The court ap proved the fifth acco unt filed by J. Lee Thompson, adm inishator with the will unnexed of t he estate of Mal'Y H. Ellisu n. deceased , The last will a nd testament of Luther F~rris, lat e of East Way ne township , Was PI'oc!u ced in co u rt and admitted t o probate. Li zzie Fel'l'is was appointed executrix. No bond require d, An instrument of writinlii' purporting to be the last will and testament of Andrew Obanion. late of Deerfield township. was produced in court and admitted to probate. Russe ll Obanion was appointed executor, No bond r equircd . J. Lee Thompson. D. E. Heywood and E.. C. Morrison were named appraisers. M~~d J. 9uinby was appointed admlllistratrtx of the estate of Linda Jordan, deceased. Bond in th e 's um of $3000 \Vas Laura J. Shu rtz, Laura H. J ordan and E. W. Q~inby a.s s ur(> ties. Jos!e Whitaker was ~ppointe d g~ardlan of M.anon Whitaker, a mill OI'. B!lnd III t~e sum of $1000 was furntshed With M8ry Ett8 Surf~ce and D. W. Surface as suretles. ~he court, a~thorized J, O. CartWright, admmlstrator of the estate of I~a M. Hockett. deceased, to distribute and. t~ansfer certain shares to the 'dlstnbutees, L. Eal'l H ockett and Pearl Rich. The court app.roved t~e, report of Howard W. Ivms. administrator of the estate of James P. Reed. deceased . . • A. M, LeWIS. sole executor of the estate of Edwin Hamlin. deceased. wa.'! authorized to s ell and transfer certain bonds belonging to the. deceased at not less than the price fixed ~y the court. The cOl!rt dlr~c~ed Robert D. Chamberlalll, admllll strator of the estate of Charles V. Chamberlain. de~ e ase d to sell certain bonds at prtvate sale and for cash. The co u~ ordered that the number,of certificate for six shares of c~pltal stock of the Ohio Natio~al ~Ife I?surance Company, of CIIlcmnatt, of the estate of Wallace L. Baxter, deceased, be changed. from No. 167~ to read No. 6203. The followlllg accounts were approved: . Estate of A. C. Baker, deceased. first account. . Estate of Eldridge · Pope. deceased', first and final. Estate of Phillip Whitacre. deceased, second and final. Estate of Robert Corwin. deceased, first and final. E state of Rebecca E. Allen, deceased. first and final. In the settlem~nt of the estate of John B. Mullin . deceased, the net value of the ~state was found to be $16.399,59. The legal heirs are Edward Mullin (now deceased). brother, Augusta Parlette, niece, Robert Oiler, grand nephew and Mary Boyles. niece. -


Real E.tat. Tra"lr.ra Arthur B. Roof et al. to William S. Roof. lot No. 591 in Franklin , Frances Harper to Carl Harper lot No. 69 in Mason. Jacob and Philomena Weiglein to Arthur and Mae We iglein. 31 acres in Hamilton Tp. Leonidas G. Brock to LOTen Glenn Brock. lots Nos. 3 and 4 and part of lot No. 1i in Wayne Tp. Leslie' C. Carmwn to William Waldmann lots Nos 2153 and 2154 in Deerfield Tp. ROBS C. and Viola Lewis to Lewis V. Kelly re81 estate in Hamilton Tp. Ross C. and Viola Lewis to Ida ~lle Miller real estate in Hamilton !l'p. Wilson A, and Lena G. Mastress to Daniel and L8ur8 Routt, lots NOB. 18 and 19 in Franklin Tp. Charles. C, Frazee to Nona Kirk part of lot No. 806 in Franklin. Nona Kirk to Virgil L, Robinson part of lot 806 in Franklin. Rosetta Edmon to Oliver M. and

pigeon expcrt of the U. S. Army. with. two of the homing pigeon, that served in the World War, c:nrrying messages for tlre Signal Co~. "Mocker," on the left. had an eye shot out. "Spike," at the Nh&, carri6cl ~1t\eu~ ~o" hOitile l~ritQfl(.., - Arl ey May E lbon nurlh hu lf or lot No. 128 in Lebanun, Peter Wing lewitl' h 111 J uhn T , Co llin ~ 87,511 acres in CI(>urcI'eek township, Mur y G. Colemnn til Calvin and Annabe ll PummilJ ~H n al'S in Cleal'creek Tp. Martha Gudgen ttl Tlw !Ilorrow F eed and Supp ly Cll lllpllny, w(>~t hllif of lot No. 27 in P leasant Plain. Lawrence S. Shawhan l)'lIst ?e t o Vernon C. Harvey. pUl'i of o ut- lot No. I in Lebanon, Arthur and Ruth Smadbcck to Carl Schaub lots Nos, 5807,68 08, 580!1. 5810, 5!)11, 5865, 5866, 5867. 6787, and 586!J in D !'C l' fi£> ld township. Th e Eco-Therm a l olllpany, by sheriff to 'fh e Lebun on-C itizens National Ba nk and Trus t Company. real estate in TUl'tlecl'eek Tp, Frances E, Stepp to MIII'Y tep p lots Nos. 32, 33, 34 and ~5 in South L ebanon. Barbara E. Stroup, by administ rator to Frunk Brand on re al _ tate in Harveysb urg, L, L. and Mary S. Gmy. by sheriff to The Lovelnnd Mutual Building and Loan ompuny 75.65 acres in Hamilton Tp. James Pile and F, W , Franz to Travis .Barnes. lot No. 11 in Franklin.




I A~K.


."OMETHIN6, pL.eA~e




Auction eers

Bill, Allowed The Columbus Blank Book Mfg. Co., supplies. 90c; Th e Gem City Blu e Print and S upply Co., suppliesl $7.42; Johnston & Johnston, sawoust for jail. $1; J. F. Sanford repairs. $6.65; Lebanon Lum ber Co .. repairing at jail, $11. 98; Lewis & Drake. Inc .• coal for court house, $25.110; Lyle Blank Book Co., supplies. $10; M. H. Oswald & San. burial Henrietta Jack. $100; Mrs. Mattie Gardin er, services 8t Me morial Hall; $20; Howard Cook. furnishing and loa ding stone and sand, $72.75; Zain :Armitage. same. $12:1.50; HowaTd Cook, same, $31.85 ; Marlon Cook. in full of contract. $73; Harold Sweny. labor. $17; Blair & LeRoy

.~ , .

CLASSIFIED ADS. -------------MONEY .LOANED . L0,jNS on Livestock. Chattels. ::.econd ~ol'tgages. N?tes boughr John Harbme, Jr., Xema. Ohio.

-S % Farm L oans 0 LONG OR SHORT TIME- Easy ter,?ls. Also ~urveylng ,/!.nd Abstractmg. Wri te and 1 will call and ~ee you .. Sam D. Henkle, Waynesville, OhiO. Jll LOST

LOST- Smull bl'own Ca meo set. RELIEF FROM CURSE offered. Finder phone 115F3. Reward - n5 OF CONSTIPATION WANTED A. Battle Creek physician says, "Constipation . is responsible for more misery than any other cause.' But immediate relief has been found. A tablet called Rexall Orderlies has been discovered. This tablet attracts water from the system into the lazy. dry. evacuating bowel called the colon. The water loosens the dry food wa8te and causes a gentle. thorough, natural movement without forming a habit or ever increasing the dose. Stop suft'ering from constipation Chew a Rexall 'Orderlie at night. Next day brlglit. Get 24 for ,25c today at the nearest Rexall Drug Store. Adams Drug Store.

,+ .

f1e~oT 00" OfS TH'~ 0)_-" - 'lei .

RELIABLE DEALER wanted to handl e Hebe rling Products ' in Warre n County. Excellellt OPPOI'tunity f or the right man, Earnings of $60 weekly not unu sual. Wl'ite for free catalogue. G. C. HEBERLING COMPANY, Dept. 1886 Bloomington. III. n5 FOR SALE FOR SALE--Je rsey heifer. to be fresh February 1. Also some feeding shoats. Ernest Shepherd, R. 2 Wayne8vill~. •nJ9 PUMPS- Pumps for all purposes, hand and power electric and belt driven pump cyitnder leathers. valves . and repairs. Complete stock. all sizes. El!pert Repair Men The Bockl et -King Co,. 415 W. Main St., Xenia. Ohio. n'5

. FOR SALE 20 Ewes, Call phone . 12FS. n6

ONe OF ~~ ! OTt\ftTflR••

M"''' I 60 TO

f~ •


Stanley &Koogler


Fair E"oulh

J Oll es, SUI1It:'. $ 12:1.05 ; Edan T erry , $n5!1.~5; A. T . Rettig, ~a me $3GG.!)(1; hnr\l's E. Bradbury, same , $:! 30. !JO; J Ill' W. Davis, su me B S' . !i0 • . iff; :'l'rl'), . . "np~on , opI'rIlting IIInintuin I'. $65 ; Leslie 'hultz, Rame, :65 ; McIntire nnd h I Montngu e. uperating ~ l('a m R oye $ 1 ~O,5(1 : BiniI' & LeRoy, furni llhing nnd lon din g gra\'c\' $40.6 0; J. K, pl'ncel', Sli me, $08; Zai n A rml tngc . snme. $7f, ; Hownrd Cook, a me., 1]70. 0; The Burrell Co., s upplic:<, , l fi8D; The hampl nn Brid).:l' ' 0 .. rope bl ock, $2.50; J. 0, Adam!' Co .. grlld£>r blad es. $52.95: Th e Frank She rwood Co., gas, $17.26 ; ,T es~ Homlin. gaso line , $5.40; Kilpatl'i ck-Fl'ench .Mot orcar 0 .. gas. $-121 ,52; Kal'! D. Dakin, ins urunce premium, $3:97; Columbu ~ Blank B ok Co" form for probute, $26; Pe nn Morton, services a" ja nitor. $7 0; Jam es Follen same. $ 15 : . DonR ld DilRtush, ' rent of ofTi ce f OI' pros cutinJ1.' nt tornl'Y, $20; . Oh io e ntral 'l'e lephone OI'Jl .. toll:;, $ -11.55; same , f'(~nts for oftices, $52.75. S tl IIH' ,

FOR 'SALE DATES CALL Marria.. Lienelel Oren A. Strawn, farmer Of Waynesville and Mrs. Ca llie P. MUI'latt. of Lebanon. Odis E ugene Hill, mac h.inist of Midland. 0 .• and Miss Edith Elma Garriso n, factory worker of Morrow. ' -Henry Stephen Hopkin s, farm~ JESSE STANLEY er of Spring Hill. and Miss Edith Phone 320. New Biirlin.ton. Obio Pearl Moore of W8yn esville. Walte r MilaI'd Revlae, laborer of Mas on and Miss Diam ey Lynch, EARL KOOCLER of Mason., R, D. 6, Xenia. Obio Gordon Allen. farmer of Franklin and Miss Lenora Kirby. of Phone Dayton Co. 54J5 Franklin .. ,



: II P \lli,'~ ' $R: L, 11 , Brow n, in full llf ~ .. lItf'llet. $ I~:\; V, W. T umpkins. Jln~' n"l. $ .J.I8.&O; E. D.

WE HAVE-Nice Rome Beauty App,les for sale at the orchaTd priCes $1 to $2 per bu. alllo Cider 0!l Saturdar. Bring container for Cider, .. 2 miles East cjf Harveysburg, on Route 73. D. B. Underwood, n5



..OoT.....LL GAMe ~t\ ' 'eM RUN '*"

~Av,e, 'J'M,


<ioHNA ?rAY

RJ4"'''r. '~e. ,

".,... u~ W ~R~otOl _III'

fOR ~ALE-Male hog, 'a red one. ' Ro'la Bolton, Wayrlesvillti R R No. 1. :!!!ephon ~. ' - €enunille -stF2 · -.-· n19 PIP~S. valves ·.

fittings. for all purposes, BOl!k1et's liDe or h~atlng " . plumbing 8upplies are the beat. The BockJet-~nll Co.

416 W.


St., Xenia, .Ohio.



.added bUliness tor lumber ana hardware m~re:hant., and by putURI more money into circulation ISSUED EVERY WEDNE8DA Y would enable tho..' who receive It to buy more IIberaUy from merD. L. CRANE P...U.h.r chantl In other line •• "Buy Now" II not an invitation otIia. Phon ...................... No. t 12 to re(!kle8~ spending, but we beR•• i.t.Dc. ... ... .. ........ .. .. .... No. t 18 li eve it i~ s ound advice tu all who (olln spend anythIng at all. Suh.criPtion Price, fl.60 a - - ---+.- - -


N eu rly a liillio n ~allonli of wa ter a <la,\' 1111) 1'1) thun i~ 11 8('(1 by th e ASH TRAYS ~AND BUZZERS xec u live fl oor, 1'hc ot he r n qu ee r c i tit'~ of I) troil, I' hilauel phin. ~ liUl , d u m p t wu floo r . Ile low, I t oo k 'incinn i.l ti al1d W u~h illl!lll ll ~'n m ' BUNK Y curl< a~() I ha d an anpn in t- t h ' li tt ll' ollie , It wil l U· pe rf ectly IJinl) ,l wili Ibv hI' cup a city ()f n I 0_--_--_----" a\l rig- ht u ntil I s h )", l hal I nCl' d 111 ~" tllnrl(' now ne u rin),: cll m· NOVEMBER 5~ Hiao I1H' nl- wit h U 'o r poru li on pre!;i s umethin g beUer, I h u\'!' no uj!h pi ' lio n ut th ' Huugl) Pl lln t o f t h e A rum o r is be in g c irc ulut ed ul l dent, Th e !>ccl'etu ri c!>, dOll l' m e n, p r ob le ms li t t he beJ,:'innillg without Io" l rd :l1 " t ()I' Cu III 1111 11 \ '. IJca r bu1'l1 OV CI' the co un t r y, t o t h e e ffec t lin d gcneral f uc tu l.u lll li in th e g l "I t the ndrlili o n l1 l ha nclicll ll f n lu x. ' .\Iie h i!! an , ' . - - - - - - -. th a t Pres id e nt Boove r is s hortl y lll an '~ uu te l' uffi cc ma d e it c\('u r u l'i o us o f1h: e," , TIlt' tU11n,, 1 \1 ill n'pla~e th e I I to give his appro val to th e manu_ thu l l he ir bo~ s wa ~ 'o ml' Pum p· A n ' () fIi ce ma na ge r wh,) ha ~ I1l'l', I'lll \1' lIl ~ I ' inta lle ~y!< t l ' ll1 whic h I BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS I fact ure o f hee l' c o ntaining 2,7 5 kin ' a nd th a t I Wll ~ lI l'S u nlin g Il watchc d III n e0 1l1 e alld g'O in a hi>: I" uppiil'" till' F I'd p l a ll l~ wit h n OO,· I I pel'ce nt of a lco ho l. Thu b l'(!we r~, gl'llUt deu l in as k ill>: to s(!(! h illl , co rp n ra tio n ll) ll ~ Ill C th at he cnn , O,()IJ,flUtl gallolls' a day, At tIll' S!l m l' • • acco l'rling t o th e rum o r· monge r s. W hen I fina ll y wo rk ed m y way " re di (,t ju"l a Lout h uw lon g a llew ! " 11e till' ('o lli ll uny i" rC Il1"ddi ng I\ I'C o l'd eriilg ne w ma chin e l'Y by thro ug h th e last IJ f the lll a nd man w ill hl Rl. "If his l i l'~ t I'efl u i,. li s PUWI'I' h"a ~,' til grt:lllly ill ercase Thl' s logan 'Do Yo ur h r i ~t l11 a s lh e mill io n ·do llur: ' w l1 l'th. and be- st ood in th o p n' s ide n l' ~ pl'iva t e il io ll is for 11 l 'lld pellci l Il nd a t h,' power outl' u\. Both improve· I Sh opping Earl y" hn ~ /I ,::-elluill e im fore Ne w Ye ar's Dn y e xped t o ofli(' .... I sa \\' ill t he (""'11,'1' a re d bl o tlc r :11 1<1 SU lli e ink , I p ut h im I nlc ll ts, ('os t inl' S~V " I ul mi lliun i portun ce thi s Yl'U l'. s uall y it iM put sove ra l hundred th o u ~a nd me n f uced . bo ld -h adell man s(' nt l'd Elt dow n Us pe l'lllanl'nt. But whl'1l H d ulllll's. :II I' hl' ing lll1lek til !'lIlal'ge me r e ly a I'e mind e r thal if y ou d e· ut work making ' b e 1'. bu y ing' a pla in wood 11 dl'sk, II i!> coat was mlln lK' nti s m e an ini tia l r('qui ~ i . Ihl' prod uction r:lcilitil'~ 1) 1' t h l) ' luy t oo long in se lec ting th e, things q unnti t ies of grllin from the far · oil' an d his s lcl'ves were ro ll e d up liiJ n 1'0 1' a ll ush tra y :llld lin ell'ct. F" n l plan t. you inte nrl t o gi ve li t (' lls l11<' I'S for thi s pUI']JU Re. a nd thu s to r cveu l n pair or solid. ha iry ri c buzz!'r I notiee he 11 1' \'1' 1' " tny s In c (j ns l1 ' Ul' tin~ the \\'01t('l'\\a Y' 1 YOll run th e ri s k o f flnllill!: th e ut o ne strok e rcs t oTing farm PI' OS- 11 1'111 ' , ove l' a y ear." ' I he lal'g't'st of it > k in I l'''P I' uml ' 1" thin gs yo u wnnt tll'e "u u t o f pe l'il v . e liminating' u ne mploym e nt , "Ah, M I', ~a l' tulI. " h,e !'.ltid" , N a plllc~JI1 \\'a s qu ite tI l1:ia l t il ta kc ll L,~' II ~i n!! I ,' b ll " i n c,,~, (,"II\~rn I s t oc k," , This year' it m e an ' th at un(1 ' repealing th o Eigh teenth ' wo u ld yll u 1l11 11 d st~I11 ,!J ll g , on 1111:1 ,el<u l' Llo rs bl'ca use IHl d id no t Ih,' (' nl!l1l<'l' rS a n' b~l'r"wl ll >: sixty puttillg mon ey into c irc ulllti o n Am e ndment and th e V o l!ll e nil Law g'ua l'd It l)s IIl e that dl1 ll1' ! J\l y ta ilo r pay m o n ' a ltl~ nt ilin tiJ t he trup. 111'('[ und" r I!r " und I 01' a d lsta ncc n ow will hl1!1 le n th e I'eturn o f It is inte l'esting. but it is all hn ~ j U" l Sl'nt 111' "Vl' l' a pair o f ping~ Il l' h is otli e l', Wh l!n 13 1111 1" of t.\\'o a nd !1 lifth 11lil,'~, T h!! y : hunk , N othinl{ o f th e SO l't will h !' c (jo lt· l' p an L~ . a nd I \" a nt to put l'i lilne was t e lling him Ihll t h e h",'" ~nlll' ull d" ,' 1l1ain h ig h \\'a~' ~. " good tim es," Mon cy PIl!<Sc" fl'Om one pe rso n li on e, It woul d n ot b o wor t h pa y- th l' lI ' till, " l11 us t d o '" a nd Sli "1' t hl' ,,1011'1' ra il ro!ld ~, ~t l ' ('l't C;ll' t l'i1l'ks h l' i d !!e~ to ull oth e l' ill f'X t' hll llgl' f o r CO I1\ - ing a ny attenti o n lo . were it 1I0t ~o I ~ to o d ~lIl1 l'd w hil e he ~ t e ll - I c il!nillg fa lll il ie~ in E u rope ",,, u lt! a 1' ,'lIll' t l'I'Y lind a Cl't'{' k, 1l 1lJ diti e~, ~ ve l' y h ll dy, of t'O Ul'tie, fo r th e fa ct thllt it if; no t o nl y ped o ut o f o n ' pu ir o f pu n t8 and no t r ecug ni ze hilll , he had thl' Onl' ,,!, t ill' 1\1O , t tli lli l'{1lt tusk s mu st decide for himself wh at ~o rt being passed by word of mouth to Into ~ n o t h" I', chulling su~ i u ll y all ' ~Irt· lIn",,'el' ur a Illun who kn rl\\:s \I:as Iha "I' tUl111 l,lill K Ulltl t'l' flll h~' of co mmodities he i ~ willin g to lJu , ill L'" m e n, hank c r s li nd othe rs th e tlln e, h " s t n ,ng'l h, ( rl'C'k III a p" lnt \\'hll'l1 IS (' I'II"l· d tllk e in e xchnnge f Ol' hi s mon ey, wh o ut'e in d o ubt wh e tlH'r t o be· ,I Wlls 1'(,llI ind e d o f th i ~ in c iden t "I f it C(iI1H: ~ to t hll t I wi ll dl'" by II I'l1il l'O:l tl hrid!!l' alld w h ... r' li h('11 o r s kin tw n und a four th in· ' or Ihe Ford tunne~ ahow ' nw the Th e r e III'I' sOlli e things , t he valuo 'li ev(' it 01' no t, E ve n if th., Presi. \ by th remu r k u f a fri e nd wh o ' ti ny t he m nl!." he 'Xl' la i1l1 \!d, i al s(I a IUn!l' SI' WI '1' i" ull d l' l' cll n' l dll's thi c k, This ~ hi l· ld ha, a h the ground , In th e for eground of which ill beyond qu es ti on, whi c h dc nt desired to ope n the do or to was I'!'ce ntl y t I'lI nsf"r l' L' d f rlllll th e " T hen I s h,,1\ bt· lh l) " Id l'st so\'''r. ~ lr urti"ll I,y tl1l' "ily (,f Il t'lrn it. The head of one of the .ection. to lin e tj, e t unne l which baa a n .. an b e h ought c hea pe r no w than th " fl' ee manufactu re an d ~al l) o f I ul'anc h oll ic(' til th e N e w Yo rk ' ig n a m o nJ! t hem," T ht, pi"' ~ t hat pI'"vid" th(' 1'0u nd H· machinery uaed 10 burrow throul/ I f o r l\e v(, 1'1.I1 yellrs, Th e r e nr c o th c l' l'Cal bee r, o f which d osire th e r e is hl '[\ dq ua \'te r~ II f II eC l'tlli n b u" in eHM \ GI'Il !' l'a ll y ~p eaki nl!. t hMe w ho t i" n for t ill' Ioridgl' alld thllse i. one of the concrete blod" u.ed I l' inJ,:' UI'I,un ti the c irc umf ere nce of co mlll otlities whi ch olll y u f ew uf - no t t h e slightes t e v ide nc e. th e r e i1" . o me o f th e m e n in th e o l'f('anlzu lik e lo t s o f fu >:s a re l i~ lll \\' ~il:h t s , cl1 i"" 1\ I.y Ih ,· "'Hnpa ny ('o ns l ru c t - ' e diamete r of fifteen feet. the tunn e l. On e of th e m a c ts as n ford in th bes t of tim e~, In ul'- I no uuth o rity under t h e Prohibitio n till n we r e jPlllo u1' I, f hi s Pl'o mu ' l Th c Rure l' n m a n i ~ (If hi s " \I'n in)! ti lt, SC \\'l' l' r,,1'1lll'd a net w'l'k hulkh e ad which i~ mad .. fus t nl'ar keys to n · so th at th t· linin g of conging our I'e ud e r s to s pe n d th c ir i In w 0 1' lIny other. where by he co uld t l.o n, a n d he, hn ' c a r~f u\1 y wlllche d ea pa (' it y ~h c I ~s he ca re" f l) l' "x . 11 11 I':1 .. h si~le or t,h,' cr 'l,k, It was t ht:' f, ron t e ll'l. The,', lire f o ul' l'1' d l '. \I:hi c h is (' ig htee n inches m Oll ey 1I 0 \\' w e d o no t ,wa nt t o ,b e I dn s o , T~ , law If! e xt rem e ly c h;al' hiS !> t l' I ~' "1 hl' pl'e~l(! e nt ,ra vc mc t~rna l s - I nc lu d rnl' , I~II f~lnn' t ra p · t he tus k lot thl! I, "Id l' Il J! ll1 eeI'S t o openll1gs thro ugh whi c h th e mud , . th ll' k. With s tand s t h,e pl'ess Ul'O of und e r cto od n~ a tl voclltln g' f oo li s h and e xpirclt. No beve rage co ntulI1 - m y ch ulce of tw o of11 ce s. he t old oln r:-s u nd th e Cl'l t lC' ISIll o f th l' un . 1,II ITII \\' Lllldl' r t ill' ercl,k , ~e\\'e r and stre am s. 11k" t oo th pa s t e fr om n th t: (, HI' th , A ftl ' l' t hiS s tee l forms s pending. But t here al'e sO lll e ing more than one-half of on e p el' m e, " 0 11 1) \\'a s 11 ~I'!lnd r oo m o n th e , info r m d , hri ,I!!!' ~ oinJ! h!'tWI '\' l1 the piles tub e , a s th e ~ hi ~ lcI is s hover! f o r · a r ... s ,' l up all d fill ed with conth ings whi ch e ve ryb od y n ceds. and c n t o f al co hol ca n b e mad e Ot· b e == _ _ ' with o ut ~ t 1'iltinl! UI' \\vllke ning ward by lw e nty pll we l'ful hy d rl1u , ,' I'('te III f ll rm ,a so lid inn e r lining r e cognizes th e l1{' ed o f. a nu if ~o ld in th e Unit e d States, nnd Dill y thelll, li e ja c ks , whi c h i ~ also e igh tee n incheH thick, th o~e ar c bough t no w by 1111 wh o Co nsrrt'ss can chang e th at, Th e Gm y. 1I .. at" co nl eH t , In wh ic h Au r in!! t he t u n nl'l i ~ ncc0 11l- When th e s hie ld hus been pushe d T ht" pr ese nt inlak e system of clln be an y pOl's ibi li t y afford t o bu y like lih ood of any s u ch a ction by prizcs WCt" awa rd ,tI Mrs, Ode p l i~h!' d I ,~' m clln S II f 11 li hi e ld - a fOl'wlIl't1 sllili c ie nt co ncr<'ll) bl oc ks t he F ord p lant hils a capacity of anything> lit 1111. th e faet th at t hat th pl'!'se n! Congl'e, H or th e n e xt ,.'lell a nd Mr~ , L.cll a ('! a rk . w ho luq('l' "tl' I·1 cy li nd l' l' fo u rt ee n f ('(' t t wo and Il half f e!'t w id!' alld :; OIl.OU O.O OO g all o ns a day, The mon e y ha s bee n p ut In to c lrc ula- Is about e qua l to the likelihood of tl c d f or hon o r s; II c lever read ing lo ng- lin d t Wl'l1 t Y'"Ill' fe et in out· fi ve f ee t IUll g, each we ighing :1 .,120 nl'W t unn el w ill b e abl e t o carry li o n uJ.:ain will ha.s t e n th e dny II c ollis ion b e tw e en th e ear t h lind hy Mrs, Cassie :/J ll et t a nl l th1' si d" diullll' t ' l' with a sol id s t e el Jl o un d~ . art' Jllllce d t o f o rm a !I I :UiOO,OtlO g llII "" ", when ,lIlore o f u s can affo rd t o buy thl' '11 o nn , I\ l rs, C, (; , l1. and all , M I~s He le n hl'e wlng of f or t ull e!> In th e wit(' h e~ lu xuriou s , We know whereo f WE' speak, RlIll tlnl l an d ;\'lrs, Li cill !l ullo n a t- p ot. ~ o m e o f th l'se p ro\'e (\ ver y Thc first s tlggcR ti o n ha s wh c ll we ~n y f1'::-lI in thllt thi s wld l'- l cndl' d G ra nd Chll lltl'l' 0, E. ', . ut amu ~ iTl g, A t em p tin g' r fr es hm e nt NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT c om e fl'om Pr!!~ id e nt H oo ve r's ~ I'rea tl rum o r, whi c h ~n me o f th o C in c inn a ti Ill st woe k, (' ourse WIl s s erved. a COl11m i s~ l o n on ne mp loym ent is ci ty n e W!lpapers hav e bee n prlntup ta in a n d I\II' S , Cha rl ~ s Garnthe prll(J oslll b y Co l Arthur W o od s ing a s if It w e re true. has no 10un Miss Kathl el!fl Gra hnm W lI S a E ~ tat e of Martha R, Burn et t. at its he Ad , tha t Il grcat nllti onlll da tio n c xc ept in th c Imag ination!! l'1' a nd so n. 1'1' (,u IUlllhll ~ , we re wee k-e nd I{u est o f Mi ss Ruth ' hu d ecea se d, SllndllY g ll ('~ t ~ "f 1\II'~, Ma ry Finch cnmpail{n o f r c plliring and paint- IIf t h e peo pl e wh o wis h' It w e r e mak cr at Ced a I' ville, Notice is h e r eby g iv e n that and Robc r t Ga rn e r, in g bc begu n, Th e r e 11m fe w tru e. C h ll ~ , S, Burn e tt and Wa lt e r , house s or oth e r bui lilin gs that arc MI', and M rs, 1\1 , E , Sh er wood . 11', and Mrs. H erber t Fit , a n d ,l o ll \' old Sa n t ll hl 11l lic lf wav sa BU I'nl·tt has hee n duly appoin te d not in ne e d o f it heJ' r CTJnirs 01' r e tUl'n eti home Fl'id ay fr o m licve r- .J a ne F:ll e n of Was hin gto n , H , r:- n 'l t in l! frOl I1 th e I ll:lO C hri s tmas nnd q llalifi ed a f; Ex ecutors o f 'the 30 Years Experi e nce in " t WI' th t h c lr ' "o n. F'' 1' 1' d we r e S unda ,v ..." u es ts II f l" Ir', u nci helllth sea\. B ellrin '-' t he Insc ' , ' VISI painting, The mo ney gpent on s uch I a I cays np· E ~late o f Marl ha R, Burnett lute ~t,ting and Making Glasses C I b Mrs, Frank Wil 'o n, .. 'I ' things I" mon e y we ll inv est ed, If I f n ne !I III I y, m u u m us, ti ll n "M e rry Chris tllllls. He alth to of Warre n Co unty. Ohio, de ceas ed - Iltevc ryb ody wh o has b ee n t hinkin g Dnt e tl thl F; 16th day of Octobe r UOll a lcl, two,y~ [JI' · ol ri Fo n of MI'. MI', anti 1\11'8, Th o mp, o n and All " seve nt y fi ve l1Ii llfo n cl f th ese of ndd i ng [J IlR thro o m, o r r e~ hin ­ CARY ' S JEWELRY SHOP unci 1\1rs, F:. M, \ ill ul'~. WliS tu ken so n, of S ligo, coiled 11 11 MI', and tinZ, hellith stick e r" are' bcing di s- 19:10 , gling a Toof, 01' putting a co uplc W, Z, ROLL l o in c in nnll Sat urd a y. wh e re ha lf MI'5, Charles G ray anti famil y Sut- lI'ib ut etl, throu~h o ut th e ~ta t e ? y Ever), Tueaday. Thuraday'. of coats of fr esh paint on th e Jud ge o f th e Probate Court, a pe anut ker n e l wns r e m oved f r om urd ay ev e ning, th · Ohi O Pub ll(' Healt h Assoc la· Saturday hou se, o r d oing nny of t he oth e r Wal'l'e n ounty, Ohio, his throut. w he r e it had I dged, ti o n in p re pal'llti on f or t hc tw c nly "10 Charlie for ExaminaHon necessary thin gs whleh mu st be causi ng hi m m uch di st r ess. Th e Bllll ow!!,' e n Fro li c gi ve n a t I f o urth annu a l S III sale which done s om e tim e , would do it now, , .the Gym by t he schoo l Frid ay ope ns Nove mb e r 28 a nd clos es Dethat woul d he lp a lot t oward makNOTIC E OF APPOINTMENT .. Mis~ Laurll Ward Is criti cElll y III evening w ns quit e a s u cce,s, ct! mb e r 24 , in~ general hu s in ess bettel', Such at h e r home here, Pri zes we re nWllrd ed a s f o llows: Th e : a le 1) [ C hl'i ~tm a!> h ealth a program Wll uld gi ve im mediate The p r og ram put o n at A ssem- tallest pe rsQ n , Mury Edi t h Dcl. t e l'; seals is pu t o n ea(' h yc ar by loc nl emplo y ment t o work e rs in th e E s tat e o f Samuel S mith . d ebl y Thursda y m o rning' b y th c 7th s mallest pc r so n , Carl G e n e Hawke affili ate,l puhli c he al t h leagu es in cease d , building trades , it wo uld menn and 8t h grades. w u!< w e ll w orth PI' tti est pe rso n. Gle nna Os born ; eve r y c ounl y o f th e state u~ a part N otic e is he r e by gi ven th ll t L. lI ttendin g , .. om' Th o u Almi~hty ~gli ~:l, p e l'~o n , Ed and c r~ ; be s,t l of II nnti ? n -wid e fi g ht agains t M, H nd c rso n has becn dul y ap, King'" wa s a n nou n ccd by Allen lep l e_cntatl.n of a charactCl. ' tu b~ rculo s l s. , po inted und Ilu ulifi e d Il ~ lI n mini!'; McK~y li S th e ope nin gso ng , 'l-:rn - I H~b e rt Mc Kay; , b c~ t c!,k e wlllk , 1 he f a ct tha t th! s fiJ!h~ can !l ot trut or of th e es tate o f S amu e l est Dorld c() nd u elee! th e devotions Elizabe th and Willilim Sand c r s, b e w on , until t,he dl,sea se I ~ e ntire· S mith, la t e o f W un e n Co un ty, J~c k L e e g a ve a c le ve r r eading: Mrs , William Doster s ubs tituted Iy e ra dl cllte,d I~ be ll1g str esse d ~~ Ohi o, decl'a ~e d, " Ebin eoze r G ra y, " Th e 7t h a nd in the schoo l r oo m f o r I\l iss H e le n John W, Bl'l cker , 0lurv bu 5, c hall Dated thi" 3 1. t day of Octobe r , I H:l O, 8th grad o orc'hestr a p la)! ed a R a ndall, d urin {~ l\1 is~ Ra nda lls ' W, Z , ROLL, pl ells in g numb er, J OM llh Osborn atte ndanc e at Gran d C hapte r of I'ccite d " Blam c ' ill' his us ua l e x- 0, E , S , ,Judg'c of lh e Probate Court ce lle n t s t~' l e , ~lul'jo l'i e . humaker Warren Co unty , Ohi o 1111'S, Emmn Clin e . Elirl Clin e . and Alice G ray swee tl y san g "That .J a m es lin e . Mr , and l\1r ~ , Mo tt Tum b led· Down S ha c k in Ath lon e," . Alle n Mc Ra y rl'ci te d 'Th c C line a'l1d daughtel' of Da yton NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Am ori can " In d ia n" in s tirring spe nt th ' w ee k ·entl with r e lativ e he r e, IlIlInn e r , Th e o rc hc tm furni s hed - -- . ' - - --E ,tate o f Anna C, Ellis, de llI or e mU ' ic nnll t he prog ram clos· cea se d, ed by th e a s, e mbl )! singing "Star PUBLIC SALE No t ice is he r e by g ive n tha t L , Spungled Bann e r," The 6th and M.' H e nde l' ~o n hilS bee n duly ap 6th grad es wi II !!iv(' th e p r ogram As I am leaving this farm, will , p ointed lind Cluu li fi ed as adminisnext Thursda y mo rnin g, offer at Public Outcl'Y. On the o ld trator o f the es tate o f Anna E, E ILadi es numb e ring ub o tlt 75 a s- Jas pc r Berryhill ~arm, on Bell · Ii" la t e of Warre n Cu unty, Ohio, !>cmble d ut th e ho m e o f Mrs , .J. ,p, bl'ook·Fe rry R Olld, 4 miles west de ee lls etl , T hornuul'Y Thursday afte rn oo n in of Spring Va ll e y. 2 miles So uth of Oute d thi s :.I 1s t day of Octobe r r espons e to cl ever invitations from Bellbrook, '6 miles N o rth o f Way· 19:.10 , W, Z, ROLL. the Ways and Mean s Committee nes vi ll e, 4 mil es S o uth ca s t of Jud ge o f th e Probllte Cour t , Centerville , at 1 0 :3 $ a, 01" prompt of th e Bapti s t Missionary. Ci rcle WalTe n County. Ohi ll, for a Illill owe'e n pa rt y, A s hort, on Tueaday. Nove mber 18, 1930 but int!! res tinl{ p rog rum eCl nsisti n15 o f mus ic by l\1 i ~ses Kathlecn and One ~rn y Hors e; 13 head o f Nolli e Gru'bu lll . IIc co mpanied by Cattle, (T, B, test e d) ; 66 head 0 r ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Mrs, Th o rnb ur y, so ngs of the sea- Holts ; s om e P oultl'Y; 800 bu, hand man o f the Ohio hris tmus H ealth o ur Cattle, ho gs. s hcep Blld calves ' on by ' Hel e n Rae nnd Barbara hU Rk cd, han,d s orte d Ye ll ow Co rn , ::5c a l Ilmlll illee, This Co mmittee to Norris-Brock Co .• Jive wire and Thornbur y, A lice an d Kathleen 3 tons mixed Hay, s ome shre ddcd whi ch ' h o pe ~ \.0 raise $40,0.000 progressive firm for the highest f Ol' tub l'c ul osis preve n t ion IlI1d market prices and good service. ---=::-::=====_-=,,====::===========b~""""=============1 Fodder; go od Farmi n g' Impl e m e ntl'! co ntrol wo rk in 11)3 1, i!> l'omposed -Harn ess. Household Goods., Union Stock Y.rda. Cincinnati. 0" Phone 93 of pI' ~ id e nt s o f f ou r te e n s tateTerms -6 months , Roff/renee: Ask first man you mel" : wide ol'g aniz(lti o ll s inte r est e d in MARION FAUBER h(!u lth. Cols. tanley & K o ogle r, Auct . " Though th e tub e rc ulos is d eath Way n e C, !:imi t h, C le l'k. rat e has bee n halved dul'ing th e Lunch by Bellbrook 0 , of A , vic to ri o us ad vance o f p i e ve ntive - --I m eus ul'l!S dUl'ing the past f c w de Modern and Antique Furniture ~ ad es, it is s till th e !!rcat cst s ingl e ~.,.------------, I cau ~c o f d e llth 1I1110n~ young Hnvmg s!, ld my, propcrty ] wi ll i AI\lCl'i can l; be tw ee n t he ages o( "cll at public anctlon u ll my house fift ee n u nd t we nty five," ~ay s Mr, hold g~JO d s 1 0~l1tc d in Lytle, Ohi o, Bl'ic,kt r. .. A s c i tizcn~ of Ohi o. inFUNERAL DIRECTOR on ' Mam :tree t. 14 mil es gou th of t c r est c d in th c helll l h anti we I· Daylon , onl y t wo doors ('as t of far c IIf th e Htate. W I! s huuld conHIGHEST WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Lytle ga r age" o n s id cI' it n privi leg e t o ~dv e ou r CASH Saturday NClyember 15 1930 ..w ho le hearted a nd l!e ne r ous s up_ . " • port to the sa le uf th e Ch l'io;tmas PRICES Fully 8quipped for Good At ] p, m: ,toves rugs, orl:'al1. ne a lth sell!." PAID chc rry c hest of drnwers, J 00 years - -, _.' Service. o ld . tobles , canned fruit , chairs. Large Display Room , cooking ut e n si l ~ , di s hes, gard l' 1l TRY Ambulance Service tall is , et c, l OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS M r s. Em m a C, Brown, FOR RESULTS Day or Nillht F, T ; Marti n, A uct. T.lepl.oe 7 Entered 01 Po,'oRi~ . ot Wayne.lJiUr! O"io. a. Second Cltu. Mull Matter


Ford Digs 'T wo Mile Tunnel for A Billion G,allons oJ Water a Day




--- --_.




Health Se-Is to

Fight Tuberculosis



- -- -

Sight Specialist

T. Martin




Centerville, Ohio


1JOtU"Sate io

Phone 89W


pat,...It will brittg

gou bu1Jen




Wa ynesville,Ohio

Just the Boost Toot Is NeeJRA,

Dead Stock Wanted

J. 'E. McClure

I , l

Harveysburg Fertilizer Company

_. -:- --,----=- ----


L. M. H-ENDERSO N \ .._H_A_RV_E_Y_S_BU_R_G_,_O_H_IO_.."" NOT ARY PUBLIC National Ba'n k

'Viii. DroilwD - - ,E llatea Settled WAYNESVILLE. OH1~ - .~. ,


~ ----

VACCINAT.ION. With pependable 'Serum and Vlrul inlur•• both Safe... ,., ." ty a~d Success



Dr. John Zettel RESIDENT

,Optometrist PERMANENT




Dr.W.E.Froel Harveylt. .....r'. ,9.


.' .'110•• 31 '

'1 9 N. Broadway ~BANON. OHIO ~u

Ey.. E.amill.d

"Leader.")h~Ran'lbouillet rlUll bred at Mt. Pieuant. Utah, b~ at the: Salt Lake City ram aale of the National Wool Growera' A







Watch yoQtt ~X)IIi~~.~~~~



Quite a 'crowd of voterll weIMl's, Carl Wardlow called Edith Klier, state RU pt'r\' i:!,). of t1ay~. Th l! first six comed the RepUblicans of Warren.on !'tIrs. Emt-nlon Dill Tuesday mu jv; ~tllte. that there lire 14:! \. !!\I ca8e~ of P olio were rt'. : County o'n a tour through here evening. lI1usic- t ache\'~ in Ohiu. thltt t)i(l pUI·tl'd til the ' hltl! DeplIl'tl11 ent of Friday morning, and enjoyed hellr· Mr. and ~s. Harold Kellill Ilnd of the . (. ten h,'I's 111'\' IOClIlI'd ill ll <'lilth . Th c~ ,' wcr t! in rl!a ~e d to in g the MaRon band and alsu .the children calle on MI'. lind Mrs. C lInty ~c ho{ll dil'trictl'. uTi i.n dty :lj in July anI! IOU in Au~u f\t; in tlpeec'he!l of Dean ~tanley ancl of W. M. Coleman of Lytle Friday I dL trie L". Ill i ill \·llla!!,· • nd 7\; in S"11t miJl'r !l05 c' l: . W >]'I' re po]'· two former Lytle residenb, Judge ev ning. t('u ·hl'\·-tl'llin illl! ill~tituti(lIl:\ Mu:;ic 1"1! til III thl' l ulul t u dale with ,"' . M. Hamilton of Cincinnati and Miss Clal'l1 Duu g h te r ~ is spend. iIlHtl'u('tiun IIcc\l rllill)!' tIl l\I is,; 1\ (\1- (h·t b 'r i ~ within :I ft' w of 1100 brother Arthur Hamilton of Le b- ing a w e k ill DuylOIl with 1'e1aIe I', shou ld du mtll'C thlln ~i lllpl y I cll ses. OLl' MH1),. OI Il O - .Jllm~~ F. lcUl'l1 II 'h ilt! to Hinl<!'. It ~h uul,1 /lId I ullon. Mrs. Margaret Johns acc om· lives. HUI't!, a~si wnt ' COI' I)oroJ,icJIl lid· in mu gic UPPI'('ci!ltioll. I'hythmlc panied Mrs. Allie Surface on t he Mr. nnd Mrs. C urtis L. Hill of !'i nw that thc ~ tl'ain oU!\ld by vi.ol· in lhe uffice of ccreto ry of dl'vcl opn1l'nt, I'enti\'c r ' lclls(' and I th. lut ~h~(·tioll is ()~. "I' . officiuls I'cmainder of the tOUI·. Dayton, Mr. and Ml·S. Hal'old , , tate (.lorene.., J . Brown, hu bee n . klll . in inl<tl'ulll 'nla l w<'l·k. .'\ II und Htate t' mplaYcs will );I! ttl e - - - - - .. "'il or anel childre n of Fcl'l'Y spent Let us prinl YOllr Sale Bills. nutillcd of his oppointm e nt as children , hould huve HI III • t. lie ot' cl OWII to nOl'lI1a l, nnd pl'<! pnt:(. ror undny with Mr, Harold Kellis and stat chaiJomllll of the com mitt ee musk COlltu Ct. This a im ill morc thl' long winter !<cs_ion neal' ut f llmily. MI'H, Mye l' Hyman unci Mr. nnd oC I'Hckel , ';by Sta te ommnnder imp rt.nn t than s imply hll"in~ II hund . Th e ig h t y· ninth· Ge n 1'0 1 so n visill'd r e luli vcs in J a m 'sto wn Mrs. Dnisy H a rt.~o ck and Mr . John A. E ldon af t he Am erican glee dub, or hestl·u and band wOl'k A s~e lllbly will co nvelle 0 11 I\I ond ay Sunda y. l'I'1ax Barnllrd oC S pring VlIlIey Legion. The duties o C Chairma n whe re unly t.he tale nted few lire I Jlllluury 6, 1031, and t he ap ~ tol culled on Mrs. H e rbert Marlatt BUl'd an d his fellow co mmittee- permitted t o parti ipa ta. Mrs. Ed. Burtou of Elyria is and Mrs. BUI:ton Earnhart Tu eswill be headquarters f or all leglsla Mi sR Lilla Benham, teacher in men Is to Im'estigate all schemes I tiye activities. the Lebanon sch ool.. ca me hom e spe nding this week with her par· day evening. pr m a ted by individuals and ent Mr. and Mrs. John RYE. -. Highway uffic iuls contracted I • to vote . Tuesday . which the American Legio n is r eo Th e Ladi es' Aid society will RetarDed Home to Harveysburg se vernl days ago for ~I1,400 cuhic ' ~:=::==:::=::::;:::;7' qu sted to sponsel', meet at the home of. Mrs. Harold yards of c ru shed st one. grave l and 1\I J'!.'. Edith I!arris on rl !iss Rlag fO I' high wll)'!; ill Pu t nam, Cal'- ,. Emma He ighway .Ipent Tu sday Ke llis Thursday aftern oon . Mr. nnd Mrs. M. E. S he rwo od 1\11·S. E lvis Michael and dllugh. The Division of inser vulio n ot roll. Crawflll'll, Peny, Portage, [ .. ,... ~~~ with Mr . Rona ld Hawke. tl'l'. Dorothy spent Friday with her returned home Friday from Re vel'Agriculture ~ill be f ound I'c~dy Ashtabu la and Washing ton Cll un . .' :':~ ~ , ,,' .~~ al day ..... visit with their so n, Fred Watch your expiration dllte on the for the openl~g of ,th,e hu~t1ng ti es . . Orde,rs hav~ been issued to 'I''' :;- :j",'~l ...n ...:' ..::~._~,,\.., Silverware, je we·lry and gift parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert and famil y, in Columbus. The Miami Gazette Ma rlatt and son Edmon . .~ea8on on Satulda~, NO\elllbel l ~ . rush all highway work so that t he c::) ~~ W'(' nov elti es. llI'r 's Jew elry Shop, Twenty cOI~ser.vatlOn . officers In , best possible progress can be madl' I . Le ban on, Ohio. We g ive CeJar charge of dIstriCts. ~8sls led by 60 befo re. evere freezing weather ar· Sta mps. game p r ~tecto r9, WIll patro l the rives. ! 88 counties of the state to see Dr . .I . T. ElIi ~ a nd Roy E lli ~, a ethat no illegal hunting takes place. Wi th the approaching cold wea. . cCIIlljlnnied I,y t hl' ( 0 1'1111'1" ;; sisteril. ', . .,,\:','.. . ",~.... , :Word ht;'11 been r ece iv ed t hnt game l he r p o li u mye liti~ Wi ll 1(1) inlo a 1\'11'~ . Eu~ e n c f' o~ t 'I', (If I:llltt{' r IS plentIful a nd 11~ n co nsequence decline but the ye ll ow pel'i1, smulI ,- - " ~ '" . , :1' • 1I0I'Ih Stnli o n. und 1\I1'S. J ohn Methe nimrod R s lll~ uld hn ve a s(>aso n PO X. will still bt' with U ~. Tlwn FRAN w: PAR~i Clul'I!. of Sp rin )! hm'o. I·\'tu rn ed of th orough e njoyment. the re is Molly Ottolll.ll. iI to pa ~~ JiIIIa Thul' ~ , ln y from II mutor trip t u Statistics f ' h I ,nut th e deadly tlli u I'c min when th e '-_......l~~~L!Si:a.:::::.;:=:.--... T cxns . wh e re thl'Y visitcd re lativcs urm s e( by MI SS hun t.inl!' seaso n ope ns in a f ew BUILDING MI'. ancl Mrs. lI e nry Curle r ve ry -===~====~==::-:=====~===~,,:-~-":...~~~~_;'~::":" I\ I~ "iluing operations in the Un ited pluusan t ly e nll'l' t nin(>ti the fo ll ow. Stalt, go by fi ts and starls .. One year ing' )!u cs ts at ~ lInrlu y dinllPl' : Mr. , ' there will ~ a building boom, the and Mrs. W . C, H O~lIc and MI'. I . l ~fII'c . I Can(' I' o r Dllyt on: .1. C. Me I nexi )'car a depreSS ion. One reason Kni !! ht an d fnmily , C. H . Whi te I i, I h ~ dillicu lt) o i fll1a neing the spread II nci familv all of N('IV Bu rlin!!10, ("'"l' ll flr s't murtgage money and the ton: C'. p, F: llis and fanlily of 1,<1 ,1 .11 11 ).: owne r's l·apita!. Wa.v nesl'i lll' a nd D, S. u!'ter and :0-,, 11'0 t " Ill ag" iJui!<Iers have a plan fumi ly of Ha!'Vl·Yrib ul'g. \\I.,·,,·[,Y th e pcople concerned in the - - .... ---, ilutl,l i;,g Industry do Ihis financing ll llll' L' I\~s. ontraclors. supply manuCOUNCIL MEETS l. trllll ~I s. ,!c:ders in lOllildin g. materia1J, nrLiolll'IC l '. and labor are to take a part The village counci l met in regular d li .~ir I ,a), in junior mortgage cer- session Monday nig ht. The bu i· tifi:alcs. li' be paid off in instalments. n es!\. of the evening was attended T his plall ",lI l not reduce wages or to, reod ln l!' of min utes and pay· I profit s. but genera lly adopted will nt of bills. m,,:,c l.uildi ng operations indepl;ndent meThe counc il adjourned to meet BEEF Spare Ri bs an d Kra ut I of gCller:d fi nanCIal conditions. Thul'sday evening. whe n Mr. Sutof each lb. Boiling Beef, Ib phin , of Columbus. wiJI be present 23c Po rk Steak, Ib and ex plnin t o the members a 22e BOULDER Loin Sbcak, Ib , 2Sc che m ical fire apparatus. Pork C h n p ~ . Ib SwiSs or Frying 2Se Thi ngs arc mov ing in the Hoover It has been tholllght for many Loin 01' Rib [Jam pro ject a l Boulder Canyon on Chuck Roost, Ib .. ~' elll'S t hat a chemic!al engine WRS . 17c C " Iur<ld t' River. Power lines are the ousag'e, III . 19c t he thing for Waynl!svine. The old Short Ribs Beet Ib ISc : ab:,u i ll , be run 10 the site. to furnish nrc apparatu s is too bulky and too Bulk pu rl' pork Fine to bake . ~l' boil energy f or the handl mg of the im· muny pieces to take: to a fire. and Jiam ~, F'1·p ~ b. Ib 20c . rnulsc m:l ~ses 0 f stone and concrett Steak Chuck. Ib a chemical could be used to a bet1ge Wh ole oJ half I ",hidl will he requ ired to build the t e r adva'n tage, Rib Roast, Ib ... . . .... '" .. 22e Fresh si de. Ib 1\:1111 . Eng ineers arc being appointed 1ge It is the hope ()of the citizens Best Roast in Beef glans have bern Blade for the town to of Waynesville to E!lect a regular Fresh P ig s F eet, eac h . Se h(ou ~c the ten thousand workmen who fi re co mpany to take charge. With Round Swi s or Roast. Ib 20e wi ll be cmployed on the job, bids have practice they could become more Cut from shouldel' round been askeJ fu r some of ~le materlab efficient than a volunteer company Ground Beef, Ib . .. .15c LAMB which wiil ~ first 1'CC\1I:r~d. Pure fresh ground It takes U:"le to carry out a great Lomb s tew, Ib .. 12l2 e Oleomargal'ine, Ib .... , ...... 15c IS RE·DEDI'C ATED pr6lael like Wis. Flve and one half Lamb Roast, lb .. .. lSc· rears is 1110 IIiYo est estimate ,from the More than 200 p'e rsons were In .Lomb chop!;, Ib 19c ,day ror:;:rllrtlr,1I !>eain~ until the (reat h;l; 1,1 f,!.;SI,fd. 11 tlikeS a lot of tUne. attendance at the ]'e·dedication SMOKE MEATS Leg Lam b, Ib .. . . '" ..... ... 20c t. · !:rcpare to !lc~in work. ceremony of the Clarksville M. E. '. ~ , ;.t is the C:1 ;.iculty atLout re1Jinc Church, Sunday aftlernoon. Bacon, fancy, lb '............ 24c Sugar cured, 2-lb. pieces. llpon public works to relleve a .udden Rev. R. T. Stimmel, pastor of ,tre.s ui ul1mlploymcnt-it takes 10 Wilmington . M. E. Church, gave Hams, callie style, Ib.. . .19c LUNCH ,MEATS milch time to plan tb'em and provide the dedicatory address, eompliSugar cureg . for hll:mcing them that by the time mentirig members o f the congrega DQlog no, lb 19c Bean , Bacon, · Ib ........ . 18 ~ic Ihe \\ ., ~;,; i~ reany to· begin the period tion who donated the ir services, Wein e l's, Ib . Same cure ... i ... . 25c of ,lUtnll:l"y;'(,ent may be a1mo.t over. material and money ·to r epair the church. Fril nks, Ib \ ZO" SUliAK . . . . Salt Side Pork, lb , ..... ....... 20c The Wilmington College Gospel Boiled Ham, Ib .... .. .48e The annowoeement by the DqtlIrt- Team was in charge of the evenmg Hams, Regular Ib ,...... . .24c Whole of half ment of Agriculture that the Federal service held in the church. Home mad e Ham Loaf, ib .. 35e SII.gar cane e)(perirn~llf station at Canal Cottage 'Ham, lb .. .. ' .. .. .. .. .. 28c Corn Beef,_Jb 32c Point, Florida, has developed a cane No bone, Jean which yields a third more sU.Jar to Spiced Ham, Ib .. .... . ... 47c the a cre than any previously known variety. and is ~t the same tinu: rePORK sistant to cane discll.ttl, i8 of impor. tance to everyone in the United States. Fresh Callies, lb ........ 16~' C . Bread, III!! lb. loaves 3 fol' 2Se Mesdames C. A. Thompson and We consume several times aa mUch Mary Carmony were Dayton shop· Cakes. Crackers, Cheesc . Pick .~hole " to 61bll. average sugar as any other nation in the Butte r, Sa ndwich les. Milk, Fme for roasting pel'S Thursday. Spread, M oyo n a i ~e , Coffee, Po· work • Our sugar. producers have had Severo) friends and relatives Pork Loins, lb .. .. .. . 22 ~ c tato Chips, Kl'1lut, Home made difficulty in competing with foreign fr om here attended the funeral of Fine Sunday roast Mince M~ at, Oysters. sources, The sugar industry in Louis· Mrs. Emma Keys at the White iana was practically wiped ouf a fe Brick meeting hOUl!e in Waynes· years ago, by plant diseases; the Miss· ville Thurspay afternoon. issi ppi flood of 1928 almo,. finished MI'. and Mrs. Frank Woolley the job. But the introduction of a and sons of Dl1yton spent Saturnew type of sugar cane from Java, day afternoon here 'with Mrs. Emknoll'n as "P. O. ] . 213," has' reju· ma Brown. Sa•• Your Sole, Let U. Deli ver Your -Meab, Phone 66. venated the Louisana sugar industry, MI·s. Allen Emrick is entertain· .J' which is now producing five time.. aa ing the Ladies ' Aid Ilt their Novem milch sugar A! in 1926. • bel' meeting th is Wednesday after· The new cane developed In Florida. noon. ,'a iled lie. P. 807" yields a ton inO" Mrs. Margaret Johns, in comsliga r to the acre of cane than doc. pany with MI·s. Elizabeth Smith, ··P. O. J. 213," That should mean. attended the birthday dinner of evenlually, both a reducb'on in co.t her son, Glenn Johns, at his home pf i lJljar to the consum.e r and better in Dayton On Monday evening of ,-------~-------..,. - -= profits II> H)e grower. last we ek. Mrs. Mary Cormony was a guest FRAUD at a family dinner Sunday at the A Florida . man shipped a .rk>a\I hom e of Mr. and Mrs. W. F . Clark •• in Waynesville. )f uran"es to a produce dea Ier III Ml'. and Mrs. Floyd Savage Vir;-:ni n. The dealer .ent the shlppel and children were S unday guests :\ I' h.c1< for $250. The Florida mal: of Mr. IlIld j\frs. Truman Wardlow i/lll,ited th ,! recently·ellacted Federal at Lebanon . . Prod·.!c, Agency Law "lid haled the Mesdames Nettie ElIlriek, Mar d,'a ler inl o the Federal court. The garet Johns, A. B. Trimble and pi cceciill"S disclosed the fact that the Letitia Kent'lek attended the eiti· flc t proceells of Ihe sale of the orangel zen ship meeting at ~.he gym Thurs· was nea rer $700 than $250. The court day afternoon where Rep. Arthur Many a buiJdiJlg-old in point of orde red the dedler 10 pay the shipper Hamilton spoke. ~n adJ itiC!ldl $463, with interest, and Miss Edith Cram of' MI'. Healthy service-has been made to .look 10 pay it before November 4 or go to was a week-end guest of Miss Eva jail. ~, Wharton. young iD years' with good steel roofIt looks as if there is ;:r I"st a wlloy Reports from Dr .• L. G. Brock ing. Channeldrain is steel roofing in which shippers of fa rm product. from the home of his son are that ::an get the money due them. State his condition remains about the at its ~st-made to give a life-time and local laws dOIl't protect them' same. of trouble-free roofing service. they operate in favor of the locai Mrs. Claude Lewis visited her dealer and against the shipper from sister Mrs. Margaret Pryor, of anoth er state. The Fecleral court. are near Lebanon, Saturday at Miami 1I0t subject to loca t influences, and tlte Valley hospital whet'e she was op· flew law seems to have tcP,.&b in it. erafe d on for concer. She is get· Come in and see the world'e great• • .. ting along as wei a~s 'they could exest tire, the new-type All.Weather pect at this time, EDUCATIO Tread Goodyear SUPERTWIST N Mrs. J . B. Jones, Mrs. Kesler Balloon .. . We spend mor~ money for eduea- Graham and daughter, Mrs. AItion ~lan for anything else, but there len Emrick, Mr. and Mrs. Walter It gives More Tracti on. Greater urc 51111 hundred5 of thousand. if not Kenrick and James Haines atten· afety, Slo wer Tread W ear Long· millions, of American rrown·u'ps who ded the sale of Mrs. Adda Miller er, Lower-Cost Mileage. ' have never learned to read or wrife. near Springboro Sa.turday afterThe death the other day of Thomaa noon . This . is the kind · of roofing s~rrice that This is the Tire that is speeding Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas Yount:(, whose occupation was that Go~dy e ar to new he ights of popuwill save yo.. money. Let us tell Joo more of ")Jublic writer," in a good·sized have ' purchased the property of larI ty and sales. Every <nIotori gt town close to New York city, revealed Mrs. William Brown here' in t own. about it. Ch.l1neldraiD is made of the Who sees it. tests it. learn s its low the fact that hundreds of perSON in Sunday' dinne.r guests of Mr. price.:. and it.~ advantages, WANTS White Plains who could nut wri'fe and Mrs . .Albert Stacy were: Mr. more costly COP~R.LOYt the Copper Al. it. r ou'll like it, too. were ill the habit of going to him to and Mrs. Dearth Sheehan ' a:nd loyed Steel ••• and yet it cOsts DO more write their letters for them, daughter, )\fl'. and ·Mrs. Russell THE WOJ:lLP'S G REA TE S T III New York State alone, by the Burnett and family, Mr. and Mrs.. money it' sa\res chan ordinary.roofing! The ) . TlR~oe8 IIwaf with all of 'the Census of 1920, there were 425,000 Leslie Gray and son. Afternoon pr~V1o~ rpQb'e~ of ballooDJI. JOII in repair bill. will lOo~ p~y its co~ persons over 10 years old who could Iruests were: Mrs. ' Ada Lackey, neither read nOI' write, and lIlI but Miss Mabel and Ralph Lackey of ...:::::: 10,000 of those were over 21. Nor Middletown: Mr. aJ'd1 Mrs. Horace wtr~ they all foreigners; mOte "than Wels'h and Silvyn Welsh of Dayton 30,0(10 ~'ere ' native·bom wbites. The A jarge delegation from here nUI1l~~ is probably sm:tll~t: now; the enjo),.e'd the Hallow~' en carnival 1930 (tIlSUS' figures ' on Uliteracy are glv,n 'by the Mot~er,8 ~Iu.b-at the ..lnot reI av.:tilable. But there were .m·ole I Gym at 'W aynesvllle friday­ " than three II;Iillion white folks over in~. Several from here won prlz~s. len years .oM, and nearly two nlillion T,hey were: Mr: ' an~ Mrs . • Tim Pboa~ negr(leS, who could not read in any Barton, ~n dancing; Mrs. ¥l!!tI!e t I'!ng uage, in 1920, and the probllhility Foulks, best Indiam:. VllIl{,Ola ·.~~~1:~~t~~'r!~-:~~-:~-_:_ ~-~..;!!-~------~~is that there are still three OT' ·r• •• Foulks, best dressed youne lady ,> miWoa W~ c:itiIeDa. and Ctiester Barton ItS Uncle Sam






- .---,--'





(oMC! OhU





Coyle's Quality Meat Shop

The place for Quality Meats and Foods at right Prices. Note our Specials tor the Week-End:

Home Dres:.ed Beef, Pork and Veal

.. -




• • •

At all stores in Lebanon,



Saturday, Nov. 8 TO

Saturday, Nov. 1S


Tell your .N ,lghbors and Friends





Great Bargains in Every Line of Merchandise Every Day of this Great Bargain .W eek



KeeP Your BUildiags . You... in Years


World's Greatest Tire'




W.ya....... Obi.

Eighty.- Third Year '

Whole Numb er 6935



- - <-



The for m a l ded ication li nd ope n in g of l h ' 'C C lli.ghw ny~ ' lUle HOlltIJ No. :.I. 1I U1'th ea st of Lo udo nville . by Go ve rnor Myers Y Coope r last Wlld neHday I·esto re.>! th o o ri g inal old s luge COllc h t r a il where in fOl'mer years. horse d ra wn vc h i ·1 ,~ mad e lh e lriP [rom 'o lu1ll b u,; t o Cleve lond t hro ug h Inut! , d us t and sn" w Oli off e r ed ~ y III ' sco. on nf the y<'''.I'. How d I f fer(' lI t tu du y , Il~. pr <!v l!l c~1 .by , \~.~ pr ogress o f c ,vlh u ltlon . f lllv ; I ~ . uve r t his r oule li re no w u!T0rded a ~ mo \l lh, flll-l t nn c.i sa fe 11I ~ hwu ~' li S d 'velnped by nwch·rn e ng lll IIl ctll'Ods.

ST. MARYS CHURCH Re\, . J .•J. Schael fe r. Rccto r. NO\' l'mbe r ;1 fl, lw c nt Y-R('co lld Sur.duy afl (' r TI' inily , Church : t'\100( at !l ::10; 1I1ol' nin g I' myel and ~t l'lll o n at 10 ::IU.





Buy your amnlUnilio n of J . \·Iuwk e. Wa lte r U nd e r woo d wa : in DIl Yl<., n rl' u e~ d ay . .

1\1 rR.

, kk.



S t e p he n Willium s wa s a Da yt on vis itor Wedn esdllY. Do n't fo rg et t h e rabbit supp er Nove mbe r 18 l h ul th e Gy m. Mr '. W. O. Rap er is v is itin g .. e lntil/ es in Cin c innati thi s week.

~: lIp.lillt"I ·, 'nl 1 01: ,·"t u : n ~d hi, \\ 0 1 k ~ I {)n Iny afl - ;' :l '.'"C ,:s ahsP II CP u,,' 10 the death of hI S Su san Wi lkerso n is very fat her.


CHUFtCH OF CHRIST I (lIndcl1ol1linltti nn\) CheRieI' A, W il !illlll so n . Ministe r lI ibl e Se h(,,, 1 at !I ::W a . m. L( ' J'( I '~ SIIPP(' I' and ,(' 11111111 III cnl1 · · I u~in ll . S('11l10n ~ lIbjl·d . " ,(,l1re( t; I'eu l W itn(' f;~ e~ fil l' Chli ~ ." At ~::tO p, 111. lhl' II' \\ill I,,· 1\ lIlel:tin : . " I' lin it I . ( ; !'('(' n<, (. ,. r'(JUl1cJ\ rof ,ran<l,aallllhter bf the great "T. R',", Rl· l i~d"u s F>' ucali(J1l III thl' ('!lurch daughler the Sp~ak~r of 'the A n il1t e ]'(·~ t ing und ht' lpfli l Pl'(1 House. Paulina Roose, ell Longworth I!: I'u m is l.Jt' in g' pla nned . All wh (J Milllstr r in th e riti,h Cabinet. who :\1', . in th e le ns t in l('J'('s tt'd in l1 il.Jll' lost his life In tl.!e-_~ !~,ol.,.~ III h~r firsl ap pcara ncc '11 a Cill~in ­ Ilali Ilri vate schwL . ' • Sc hoo l arc co r d. ially in vit.ed tn at- wr!a:ibl, ..R.:..~O" ten d . Th e re will be. II "rollno lahlt·· I __ __ Rl'ing yo u r '111 c, twn s un Bill ie :-;<"1\(101 wn l~k , Y o u ar t' al way s wei . ! MOTHER S' CLUB ME ETING PROGRAM OF BIG MEETING cOllie at t h, s (' h urc h. WELL ATTENDED SPONSORED BY J. O. U. A. M. VAYNESVILLIE M. E CHURCH

~ (I

T!l r .1 II 11 iI.l· play ":-;nfel.\' F ir: t " p r e,e nl t' U la ~t \\' cdnc~ day e.l/enmlt wa R II vl'ry s utt:c ss f ul pc:orfo l man ce I' he ,' hari!cll'l~ all hllndleol t he J e welry pa! ':~ eX 'l' ptionnlly \\'('1 1.

Buy youI' a mlll uni t ion of J . Il a wke. .

\\' I ddi n ~ H i n g~ .CH r y'~ I Sh"p . Ll'bnnon, Oh iO.

~I I· ~.

Th e :-;cni " r (,Ia~s e:ave the Il a l'old Ear nhart. of Col· AI'misl in' Ila y I'r,,/! rllm T UI'sd ay \'i~it i nK rl' l ativt! ~ hen'. IIfte rll""n al Ihe hiJ! h seh ,l o l gy m. l\1 1'~. 1\1 libe l Day lind ~() n , o f Leba no n Kpcnt T h ur ~d ay wi l h y" ,~. T here will be n "es~ i u ll of ni g ht Al be rt Clca ve r. . ~chool held Thllrs ' !a~ even ing, Novembll!' 1:1, "e"illll l ll~ at .seven 1\11 s . .1. II. r nlema n is J!l'udua ll y I!elti nl? Iwtt(' I'. u lt ioo u gh s h e i ~ {,'(·Iock . This is in "h~ervatlO n of National Educalion \\'('l' k. W e ho pe ~ li ll co nfin ed II) her bl'(1. to ha ve a nUlI1bel' n f vi ~ ilo r s prese nt. T hll ('I a ~ses will b~ fo llow ed V ern Fa irl ey. of t ht· Pai r ley I,,· a prol!:rIllll in l hll Ilig h schc ol Hurd war .. Co mpan y. of Hi lbI.JOI·o. ~Ylllnll~iulll. wa s in W a yn esvi ll e Mon day.

IlI fnL u)oo: i!'" I

No w t hat schu(, ls a rC op~ n f or St' lccl yo ur Chris tmas cartl s a t t he fa ll t;; 1'11I in lh l' l ea chlllg of Cary '" J e we lry S hop. Le ba n o n. O. hi g hw ilY su f 'ly . loo mu c h s tl'e~s n ill no l be laicl up on the rcs po m\l~ll Mrs. ~ t. Clll ir Fife o f Wilmin i{ily o f !<~ ho ,,1 autho r ilies l (~ } ram t tlll . vis ited re la t ives he l'e nn TU l'S li nd • ills tru ~l pu p ils 1!1 a cc.ldenl duy. p revll il t io n. is clllp h ~ s l ~c d III .a F ol' the pu blic - Rnbbit s upp el' Slnte lIig hwa y b ull et'" Is~ u(' d thiS w;: ek. Mo d ~ I' n t l'uflic co ndlllO IlS Nove mbe r 18, 7 to !J p. III. at th e ha ve cr e ut.e d a n "~ .l>l'O bl ' m hl g h- C y m. )1r 8. Ral ph Va n ce Hnd ~o n o f Si xth and Se venth New. W II V ~ cho{) 1 a uth o l'lll e~ mu st fac e, Plr",llnt P la in. ,p" nt Sunday T ho s ixth a ll d se ve nth g r a d ~s Kenn eth Rid ge . of Dayton . wi t h Mr. a nd Mrs. J . C. Haw k e. t hll bull e l in. and th cy shou ld a l" planning to huv e a Th a nksglv The Wavnt' T ., wn , hip l\l olh<!I ':' G. C. Dib ert. Pastor. pLo int o u t to l he childre n thll da n- vi sited his r uther O. 111 . Rid ge. on ing entertainlllent. P la ns fo r t he LJ iJ! ll H'elill g s pon ge l's of l ht' hi gh w ~'Y and how t u Saturda y. I\1I·S. Gruce McC un e a nd MI'. W . Th . p ' rcl'nl of atll' nda nc-e is W edn esday: Bib le Rludy un d Cluh !ll~t 'at lh,' (;",,1;> louil di ng. so red hy Millmi V.. ll<,y Co un cil avo id t h e m P up ils s hould be Novem""r jth wilh H vpry la rge L , Re id of Lima were guest : of ninety-fou r. Jr. O. U . A . ill., and Pr ide of p ra v< r m eet ing at 7 ::Hl p. Ill . nrk e r [ju o f old p e ns a nd p e n P tau g h t hOw ' und wh e n t o cr o!\s J ea nn e lte W ilso n wa s nbRent T'\i day: Cho i I' IJI'Hctic f' at 7 ::\U atte ndHII('e. B" a uti fu l an d im)l re~. Mrs, E va 1I1iller ove r th e wee k ·e nd oUlll·il. 1>. o f A" t o ~ ll'eel~ a nd hig hways. Th ey Rh<! uld c ils al Cary's J e welry S hop. Le b- W ayncs vill th r ee days l a ~ t wee l, on acco unt of be he ld nt th e 11 . S, GYI1l loni gh t. be wa rn ed n ol t o play on l~le hl g h- an o n, Ohio. Saws fil ed by ma chin e ry, cut sic kn eliR. ,hu\'e bel' li com plete d. u nd a s uc- p. ' ~~I'nd av: S un day ~(' h oo l al \J ::10 ' si~e ,1 ('Vf,ti (Jn al ~ \HI' ren~ . . r ed h y Wil Y" . to wa lk o n Lhe hl g}v.,'ar;; a, m. Mo rning wors hi p at 10::10. 1 1111':. Cad\\'a ll :\tlt' r. A vc r . In teres t - cleaner. tru e r. flls t e r . Ro y Pigott. cess ful mee l ing is assured. I nv itaLoeal m e mb e r s ar e ate nding the on ly whe n n ec RRa r y. and l o ~II Se l'mon Rubj ecl. " Th e F ni th Th at ill/! a n d in~tr u cti\'(~ l a ll, was at Madden's Lumb e r Yard. L ust Fr iday nig ht Wayn esv:lle n th e le ft Rid e fa cin g th e· t r a fh c. Scollis h Ri te cel'e monia l at Day- ti ons hav(, lwen se nt to all n ei g-hbo rin g' co un c il s or bll t h orde r s. und S nt i~ fi es. " Ep \\' (~rt h Lc u.l?ue lI';. g ivcn h\' Ral·hl?1 Hardi ng. o n t he Frll nk Hawk e and Eld on E llis as:t' llI ble d a t M a~<J n f o r t h e first A not h I' good slIfety r~l e f? r lo n this wee k. ge n e ro us r cspo ns('s ha ve lit'l' n re- :10 p. 111 . rrl'llc hm g- se r vice a t , :30 J U"t. ni l ~ and P rol at io n wor"'~ in a t te nd ed th e 4- H Club Achi eve- ba s ket-ba ll I!:a mc o f t he sea son Rc h oo l childre n is t o walk In so lid MI'. lind Mrs. W ebs te r Tinn ey ce ived. g r o ups. a nd not in a 5ca tt.c rcd W a r re' lI (' 0 . A ' It'ry inl erest ing i l1I ent m eetin g in Le ba non Sa t ur- a nd w ' r e uefeuted 27 to 7, but Bu t lh is mel'l ing is bc ing he ld p, 111, le t 's not le t thi s disco u rage us a s unday gu est!! of MI'. and ( u l'lllati on . On e of th e beRt. saf elY w(> r e WAYNESVILl~URCH OF ludio p lay l(·t, wrillen by Mi~R II nya fte rn oo n. more fo\' t hl' ~('n('ru l pulo lic thu n we have pro mi ses f or II be Le)' measures , whel't) Il sch oo l IS close I'l'Irs. J. L. Hopkins. fOl t he o rd er. T h" pur pose is to CHRIST Alice alllpbell , Fourth gra (le Maste l' Rich a rd An , o n, s pe nt t e al11 th a n e ve r be f o r e. Th e Cl'o wd t o 1\ trunk hig hwa y o r oth e r b usy 1< , all ci t ize ll s know just wha t ( U nd e' no lllinll ti onal) leac hl' l·. li nd g'ive n by a bo ut 25 of Inst wee k in P ort W illialll wi l h hi F th ough 5111 a ll b ut f a ithful, n eed ed 1\'11'. a nd Mrs. Ralph Tru ax . of I h oro ug h for(· . is to ha ve th ~m . .. k d t f these Orde r s ~ tan d f" r. what t h 'y IlI k e n a c r oss in g r o upR by a pollee CheRter A. William so n, Minist er he r p U \lil~ wal' vcry m uc h e njoycd pllternal g randpar e nts Mr. and Mrs mu c h m ore pc p. Le t's try to all IIl clllali. :I'e\'e wee -e ll g u es 5 0 have accomp lis hed, a nd fo r what be at t he gam e n ,:xl F.-iday night IlIlln nn e mpl oye o f t he school. nr Mrs. o r cha T r uax. B ib lE' 'c hool a t f) ::1 0 a . III . hI' a ll. It consist 'd f. un ve nin g Millo n Anso n. thl'~' li r e st l·i\'illj!. The ad d re!'~es wh e n we meet Ce n te rville on our a J1~ Jl il designllte d as a ~c h oo l ~u ppcr al ('o ll clu sinn. 1)'rOgrom o f T hfl nksg' ivi ng so ngs. , a n and will be gi ve n ,,~. \1 1" . Cha s. F'Hulk- Lo rd '~ 1\'1I., •all(I ~I r~ . M ~, er H ~.m F o r g ifts an d g ift id eas visit hOlll e fl oo r. CO lli e a nd bOllst the Iraffic offi ce r. .. .. . I n<'I' o f X enia. I'ast Nat ionll l Co un The u , e of u fl ag 0 1' sto p son ~ p e n t Frida y eve nin g With s ll;)r o f t he 0, of A .. and ex-Stn t e C h rist ian End eavor at 6 ::1 0 p. 111. r ecillitions. and m u ~i e. Re fr esh - Cll r y's J e w<, lry S ho p: Lebllnon . 0 .. bes t tellm in Wayn esville 's history Geo rge I\Ii1l e r. Il'a dl'r. E" cn in g I11 c n t~ of ~lInd\\'iches a n d coff ee. Th c fo llowin g is th e line -up: s ign t. o be h e ld in th e ha nd by th e rel8tlve~ m Le ban on . ' l'lI lI t OI' R. H. P ollo ck. o f Can lo n , evn ng li st ic se n 'ice at 7 ::10 p. 111 . were sC I' vl" l by Mesdumes Sa lte r " " T he H ome of Glfts" - W eekl y W. 1-1 , S. Po!'. M. H. S. p ll ym ents. offi cer 0 1' p erso n ta k1l1g th g roup State O rgan ize, of the J r. O. U. Se rm on s u bject. " Whnl is Thllt in t hwaite •. hee han. Dibe r t, ~ e l lo h Elli s L. F. Runyon Those beau t iful set s o f di shes IIcr o~s the hi g hwa y is r eco m l11e nA. M. B oth a r e excelle nt spea kers. Th y H nnd?" Prayer meeting ea ch and Furna s. W e lire (' xIH)c\m g a L .F . Fox lit Ca r y's J ew e lry Shop . Leb an un D r. A. T. Wrig ht spe nt th e week Whitaker !led . , ;!" 'a nd hllv e a n im porta nt m essag e dn esda y al 7 :30 p. m. Th e mLlc h larger utte n da nce n ext W e R.F. Compton f nd in Co lumbus . th e g uesl o f Wallllce Th e u sc of p ortahle s~op o r Ohi o, li re ope n s t ock. fo r yo u . Co me and h ar it. The r e wh e r e you f eel at hOlll e. mo n l h as t he Ora nge an d Black c hurch R. F. Co llins his so n a nd wife, 1\11', lin d 1\11-5. P. Savagc " slo w" l'Iigns, set on t he hI g hway, - - - -a re certa in ly work ing hard A Ifreel Wright. W . BaI'f'-oII C. Butler Mr. and Mrs. J o hn S tnns be rr y will be no ad rni :<s ion t harg o r no has not prove n slIti;;fa c tory, ~h e n. LYTLE M . E. CHURCH f rom t he amo un l of new membe r s Fox Case ' bull etin slates. The y are offectlve aro ann o uncing the ,b irth of a collectio Th e meeting will be p r eced d by Ross R(!v. 11. II. La ffer t y. Pas t or e n ro ll ell th is ycar. Next month Th e Guild Aux iliary will m eet l\1 il te nbergc r L.G . only if r e m oved pr.o m p tly lifte r th e s on . Tuesday, Novemb er 4. a b ig pnr ad e. Th (' Incal me mbe rs L.G. Case a r epo r l on llI em b e r~ hi\l whl .b e on Frida y after n oo n. Nove mb er H. Bll r to n, c hil dren h ave c r!>. seel th e .. ro a.d Next S unday t he I Gth preac hing gi ve n , th en we will kn ow which 14. a l t\VO o' clock at th e home Qf Tu rn e r R. C . Waggoner Mr. li nd Mrs. Mayn ard Welt z and th e visitin g- de lega ti o ns w ill m o rnin g and eve n1l1 g . E v~n If. th!!! m ret a t t he ha ll in th e I. O. O. F. se rvi ce will b e lilt 7 :30 in stead o f Sav age R.G. Mrs. D. L. C rlln e . is d one in o n e co mmunity . It !s lind daug hte r were Sunda y gu ests building. T he pa rade will fOI' m a t three o'c lock. Thi s ann o un cem e nt on e i~ on to p. Kee p u p th e, goo d work .. a s \~e neglec t ed in nt.he rs, and .tllis o f \\fl'. li nd Mrs. Lee Hawke. 7 :30 o'c lock, and. head ed by t he is j u 'l f or t his ~) llnda y . On fu t ure wa nt eve r y m other a nd fl'l end In Mi ~s Esth er H e nd e r son and LOR leads dri ve r s to dis r egard th e S~g n s da t es t he reg ul a r ho ur will be 3 Wash ingto n C. H . dru m co rps and WU\,II C T o wns hip e nr oll ed all me m- Mr. J ohn Go ns tia w the Ohi o W esJOHN MORGAN TA~ II'. and Mr. C. ]\f. Robitze r a nd t h y soo n beco m e nH!lIn!ngo'cl oc k u n less f u rth e r a nn ou ncet he Le ban o n u n ifol'med de/! r ee leyan-Mi a mi ga me at Oxf ord, \ less. Othe r s p ec iul t yp es of sig n s Il nd da ug hte r Miss Beatrice spe n t s taff. will lr8VCl'~e !'e " e l:al o f our m e nt is g ive n . S unday schoo l will bers t h is year. F: lI e n Co nn o r . Pres. S unday with r ela tives at SBI'rl ini a. S ilturdayafte rn oo n. J oh n \\forga n Ta ylo r, son of have p r ove n in effective. he a t 0 :30. s tre('ts be fo rc II rri ving lit lhe I?y m . J u lia Va n Ofl en , ec ·y . The de part me nt beli e ves that Morga ll un d Ma ry Jan e Taylor. Beg innin g a t 8 o'clock t he foll owW e r~string beads. r e plaLe silHe\,. a nd Mrs. Dibert. Mrs. I was bom in Ne w J e rsey, S e p te ~­ Ech ool s igns s hould \:te Unlfo l·m. ing Pl'ogl':1 l1l w ill be.g-i\·e n III t he ' ST. AUGUSTINE CH.URCH Frank F a rr a nd Mr . A . K. Day at- bel' I 1850. W he n he was qUite lind should b e co nfin ed to tw o verwlIl'e and r ecover umbrellas. Gym : HOME RULE BEST t e nded a Mis ion a r y co n ve nti on in ro un g. his pare n l~ r e m? ve d t~e typ es. One is th e standllrd sch ool Cary'S Jewelry Shop, L eban on. O. R e v. Lawrence B. Mollmann . A mel·i ea. A u di e n ~e: In voc ll t iun . Middletown on Mo ndllY. famil y hOlTle to Way neSVille. OhiO caution sign , p erll1an e n ~ly plac ed Re v. Dibe rt: pled/!e of A ll A' inn ce; Th e re is n't a nythin g t o be mo r c Summer 'sche dule1st. 3rd and Mr. a nd Mrs. J . C. H a wke yisan d hcre th e g r ell te l' part of on th e right hand of t he r~ad ~p ­ nearl Mu sic. Address. M rs. F a ulkn e r ; y ('O l1lpa r cd to th e set u p o f Watch es. beautiful and d e pe n- .l ohn· H life WlIS li ved . Fro m here 5th Sunday. Mass at 8 :00 a. m. ; pro aching the sch oo l. ThiS sIg n ite d Mr. Albe rt Haines at th e Mus ic, Addl·eRs. MI', P oll oc k; th e far me l':; e leva t ors thun t he dabl e for e ve ry m e mb er of th e he pllsse :.l to the LifIJ Beyo nd on calls attenti on to t he hazard . but Masonic ' H om e , Springfi e ld. Satur Music, Be nedic ti on . 2nd and. 4th Sunday. Mass at g r enl d e moc l'a t ic gove rnm e nt family. W eekly payment~ . Cary ' s Nov mber ::!. I ua o, aged 8 0 years. do es not 'compel dri ve r s to s t op or day. 9 :30: within whi ch the y opem te. They Jewelry Sho p; Le ban o n, Ohi o. 2 mon ths. an d I duy. slow down ex ce pt whe';! child~en we r e s pontan eo us in their orFor best results consign your O n J une 12th . I!lO O. h e was ar c crossin !!. Th e oth e r I ~ lhe ~Ign 1880- 1930 ga ni zation . Th ey are finan ced a nd R ev. G, C. Dib el·t. Mr. and Mrs united in malTiag-e t o Miss HanWAYNE TOWNSHIP held in the hand when childre n are ive stock to Green-Embry Co., controll ed at homc. Th ey :1re de mL. V. Beck and W, O. Rap e r a t - nuh Eml ey, who hus bee n his fai~h­ Cincinnati. in care of D. R, Salis; e r os ing. On N ovc lIIbe l' (): 1880. Willia lil SCHOOL PROGRAM oc r atic in t he ir operali o n. an d are t e nded a missionllry co nv e nti on a t ful and mosl devo te d compamon bury. A. Beedl e of Troy. Ohi o, and a r e fl ecti o n o f th e sagacity and Middl e town. on Tu esdll Y. 1'0 1' mo re th a n t hi rlY years. Besides S ide walks f or important trunk Bl'nh J . Wat e rh o u s~. a ni ece of ----wisdo m of t he ir me mbe r s, In proMI'. and Mrs. Albeit Wilke r son. Seth and Se p ti mu ~ L. ClI l'twl'i ght, his co m pa ni o n h is s un' ived and highwnys ar c being s tudi ed b y the N ove mbe r 10< t o 16 hu s bee n por t io n to lh l' di sp la y of these Mr. II wi Mrs . .Jam s W orthin g- mourned by a cisle r. Mrs . . E!tta Amc rlClln , oclety of Municipal o f Dflyto n, visiteft the former' s we r e mll rri e d a t t he ho m e o f Mr. d es ignat e d liS " A me ri cn n Edu clIqu ulit ies t hey li r e R l~ ccessful. T~ e.y to n and c.hildl·e n of Ca l'oin !! t on , Impl'ov e m en t~ . S om e States are al moth e r , Mrs. Susan Wilkerso n , on and Mrs. 1. E . Keys on orth S t. , t io n Week ." a nd! is be ing obse r l/ed iire a ffiliat{'d in thel." lurge a cl.lvl- we r e week-e nd gu('. ls of Mrs. Prin tz, n nd tw o ne ph c ws •. Wilham Tuesd a y. ' F oge lso n/! an d .J osc ph Pnntz. r elldy experim e ntin g. Wayn es \·ill e. Oh io. with th e Rev. lhnlug ho u t th e - State of Ohio. On t ies in Rt!l te a nd na tIO nal o r~an l z a - Edith Hanis and fllmily . .Io hn T ay lo r wa>! a mnn of stl'ict The re can b e no dis puting th e J . T . Bail, th e n paHor of th e 10cIII Thursda y nigh t . Nove mbe r HI. th e li o ns whi c h again exe mplif y the MI'. and Mrs . Irving Welch, Mr. M. F:. .hu rc h , I'(' adillg th e ce re- loca l schoo ls .will be in sesr;.ion to hOlll' r a nd integr ity ; staunc,h and deRirllbility of s uch walk a. sa ys a d moc l'lI li c for m o f gove r n m e nt. MI'. unci Mrs, H. H. Wa d~w o rth highwa y bull e tin . They wo uld sav e Will. Welch and Miss H e le n W elc h m Oll Y. g ive pare nts a nd patron s all op- It i: a d mitte d th ut l hro ug h th e' .and MI'. nnd Mrs. Paul S pai te . o f firm in his co nvi n s of rig ht and wr ing. li e a lwu ys had a c he ery lives o'f p ede tri on. esp eciall y lit s pe nt Sunday with .relatives in ' 1 '0 ce leb rate t.he fi ft ie th an- pOI·tunity to ~ee pupil s an d teac h- past qu arte r ce ntur y . l he.y have Beavo(' l·toWIl. s pe nt und llY with gre el ing f o r his man y fri e nds. In night. And thll Y wo uld also ~s e Wilmington. niversllry th e r eof MI'. li nd Mrs. e rs a t work. Thi s s€ssio n o f school bee n th e m ea ns o f p llttm g Into th e MI'. and MI·s. E. T .• tro ud. youngel' lif e he dis playe d marked the ne rv e strui n lhat goes WIth Be dI e's d au ~hte l · . MI' ~ . E lsie K ep- will be f o llow ed by a ge ne r a l proShow the boys of the F. F. A. fer, j ~ ' ued IIl v il R ti o ll ~ fo r II re- g ram a t the school gymnasium in fal 'nH' rR p ockeu d irel'lly through ta l nt: li S an e nte r t aine r , and was drivi ng, although . this benefit Mrs. J oe Tinn e y. MrR. Co r d ia pOfises e or l\ ' re markabl e mem~ry: would be pal·tly nullifi ed by the re- that you are for W. H. S. activi- ee plio n a t he r h ome in Day ton last whi ch 1111 g radeR w,ill ta ke part. Ravi ngR 1II 0 r c t hun ~:~.OO O . OOO , OOO : at an o utla y of IIl vcst me nt of TI'uax and Margie Flor e nce ~p ent fiJ sal of pestiferous us "Thumbers t ies; attend the rf\bbit supper at unda y aftern oo n. ch ooi a t th e Red building will ab o ut $ I OO, OOO .OUO . T hey li r e nut Sunda y with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbul' fo r com ic an e cd ot es and s tol'1e~. the Gym. whi ch he de lig hte d to reillte to hiS t o s tay back on the ~alks.. .. Th e h Olll e was deco r ated with be in sessio n f r om 7 :00 t o 8 :00 willin!!' t o Run nd c r to a n !l utoc- Tinn e y in COVington, Ky. fl·ic nd ·. No w a fte r fo ur-sco re But g rantin g the Ir desnablhty, white and ye llo w chrysa nthemums p. 111. At th e Hig h S chool ra cy. Th e y hllve Rucce dcl ell 'n th e Mr. ·and Mrs. H. L . . Buerkle and r e fr es hm e n t. of. yellow and building fr om 7 :00 to 8 :30 p. m. years of this li fe. he has g one to lire side walks a s nec essary a s the past a nd will COll t inuc to. ~ u c ceed F , F . A. Rabbi t s upp e r and comple ti o n. with ull po!;sible s peed a tte nd ed the Ohio Wesleyan- white ice cr eam and ye ll o w eake Th e f ollo wi ng program will in th e fut url' und e r t.he ll· de mo- mU Rk at th e Gym on Novemb e r mee t th e Ma s ter. w.ho said, "Come of highway paving progr~m s ! Millmi · game at Oxford Saturday with wh ite icing ser ve d. tak e plilee in ~h e gymnasium a t cl'uti c fonn of gover nm e nt, in 18. fr om 7 t o 9 p: m. Ev e r ybod y un to 111 0 nil ve th a t labo r and are hea vy h;den : a nd I will g ive you Should money s OI'ely needed tor afternoon. A tlll'ong o f g uests cu lled during 8 :3 0 p. m.: pro po r t io n t I th e Il1 ll i n tIJnanc~ of c om e. rest. II the ronds th e mselves be di ve rted the afte rn o,lI1 . to feli citate th e "Betty'g Health Dr e am " - Gl"Ucl e ~ thi ~ p r inc ipl e. to s ide walk building ! To put It Mrs. JCathryn Turner of Dayton bride llnd g r oo m of fift y years and J , 2 a nd 3 . --Mr . . J. T . GI'aY o f W " lInllln nnd lInother way. Should these improve spent. last Tuesday night and W ed- were re ceived b y Mr, a nd Mrs. Dial ~ gu{' , "Pro nloti o n of G.oo d Card of Thank. Mr. Gl e n Grav an rl tw o childre n m o nte be financed out of State needay with her parents Mr . . and Ke pfel' ancl t he ir tw o sons. O. E. S. ELECTION Will and r en ee Among NntlOn s of Davton s pent S unda y w ith MI'. I des il'e to t ha nk eve ryo ne who r oad fun ds,- or Rhoulcl th ey be op- Mrs. F. B. Henderson. From Wa yn ew ille we r e Mrs. - Grad es 4 and 5. and Mrs. Orvill e Gray lind cia ug h- assisted l1I e in m y la te bereaveti o nal with and paid for by the , . Mary E. Wate rh ouse, Mrs. L a ura Selecti on by Harmonica Ba lld,'\t th (' nnnu a l ml!c ting of Miami t,!;,l'. ' III ( · Ill. cOllllllunities th ey serve? If you watJt all the rabbit you Zell. MI'. nnd MI' ~. Geo . •J. Wate rGra tl e 7. ' hap t el'. No, 107 O. E S. Mo nday Mrs. H a nnah Taylor The jus t method woulrl be to ' can eat and a good time. c o m ~ t o hOllse and 1\11'. and Mrs. J. O. Curti "He ndin gs With Living Pi ct.ul' e~ . " ev(' nin g th e follo lwin g o l1i cc r~ we r e The Friends hip Club of lh e M, have them pllid for locally. inns- the Gym. on Tuesday evemng, w.rig~t. MI'. C III'~wl'ight had the diS- I 'f "om Ril ey·s. p oe l\.l ~-Gl'nd eS !I j el l'c· tl!d: E . church will hllv e a doughnut . lI1uch a s the foot traffic is almost November '18 at 7 o'clock. tlllCtlOIl di be mg the o nly one 10. 11. and ,12. , 1 1\1'~ Fd it h A ndl'ews W . M.· bs ke at GI'ange hall Satu l'duy Subscribe for The Miami Gazette entirely 10cIIl. A s tart migM be pre~e.nt who \\'IIS II ~ lI est lit th e Piano Solo Betty Hartsock, R~b ~ r t And l'ew~' W. P. afternoon. YOUI' p a tl'onage i ~ .o li e mad e with th e COli truction of harExpert watchmaker and en.G,r ade ,~ . . " . . J cssie L. llob itze r A ~so. M. ited. r"w and in oxpen sive walks, well graver . at Cary's Jewelry Shop, w eddl~I!:__ _ _ _ _ _ _ PI ~ ) l ~~. G~ Sd· II g h t Ml s undel . tllnd- C hn d es M. Ro bitzc r Asso. P. back on highwllY should ers. on Lebarion. Ohio. Only genuine IIIg ra e 7 . lit · . B F~'O llllll Sec'y Mr, and 1111'S. Clal'e nce Wv me r HAS GOOD PROGRAM stl' tcbes of road entering villages material used in our repair depart Ore h es tl'a S e lec t:i on- Crad e U. m~l e: Tre ll~. and ~on s , Mr. and Mrs. Clifford an1l in the vicini ty of rural schools menL - .- - - - .I Bertie Mills . k an d c h I' ld ren, a II 0 f ,I S' d lI ey Th e W. F, M, ~. of M. E. church Lu c il{' Bl a nd . Co nductress B UZIC Asso. Cond o spent Sunday at th e h Olll e o f MI'. An experin'e nt being watched MI'. and Mrs. Herman Surface. held ~h e r egular mee ting. Novem- NEW CENTURY CLUB ME£TS Edn a Hm·tsol k J o hn C. Ha wke Tru s. f o r 3 y ears and Mrs. A. L . King. with inte r est is that of applying II Mrs. Harry Slakes lind Mrs. be r 5 !It th e church. F ollowing the light grade of tar on Stllte Route Amos Mendenhall visited relatives dev oti onal and hu ~ ine !\s period s a The Ne w Ce nt ury Club enj oyed Elizllbeth Henkl e, of Way nesNo. 70. seyeral miles eas t of Troy at Manchester, Tenn. over the s ple ndid pl'ogrnm in charge of t.h e hospitlliity of Mrs. E . L. ville. has b£'ell IIPpoin te d II.S a' Miss H ele n Hawk e was r e ndered. LOCAL BOY IN BUSINESS in-Miami County, a s n dust preven week-end. s tudent a ssistant in th e de pllrtThi s includ ed a reading fr om the Thomas' for the October mee ting. tutive. Applicatio n has b e-I' n made The attendan c e was not quite . On{' of our loclIl boys. Wilbur ment of edu cation at Wi tte ll ~ rg Expert service given on Swiss Friend by Mrs. White en t itle d, to Reveral Illiles of r oad and s o . on of MI'. an d Mrs. Jos- collel!e according- t o Dean C. E : fm' seem a s uccess.' A light grade and American watches in our re- " The Lace Co llllr. " du'et "Whis per- up t o th e average, but th ose for- ' T ' of tal' is ulled which will lay the pair department. Store open ing H ope .... by Mrs. Herbe rt Buer- ~unut e <' T1oug h t~ be. present e no l e ~hnfi~~ey has e nte red bu siness Shatzer. dus t and will not form a chust 011 evenings. Cary's Jewelry Shop, kle and MI ~s HelP n Hawke and a Joyed the con t mu ut lO n of th e I for him~('lf in Covington, Ky. He demons tration " Th e Child Widow' s tudy of E.ngland. E. J. Burt on . o f E\.I·ri n . v i ~i t e d . has f o rm ed an organization for Lebanon, Ohio. th e SUI'faee of the road. by Mrs , J osie Whita kel' and Ruth I\~I'R. ~11.bur .Clllrk hod .?S he r collec ting delinque nt acc ounts and relatives here Saturday. Mrs. BursubJ e ~t His tone .. Ca st les . , She ! in ve~ti ga ting mi ssing heirs and ton r eturn{'d hom e wi t h him after R . F. Hatfield, Village Clerk. is Conner. Mrs. Geo . C rav e n of Dayton (Ale sc l'ldb eld KWIl!·wltck. :imlwortll , I'ela tiv e~. H,_ i:I conn ected with spendinl1.' a week with her pare nt" prepared to issue Hunting lice nrun e.. e ns HlI!' on II ace Oil( 1 th e H earst News pllper 'lYndicate Mr. and Mrs. John Ry e ' at Mt. ses. Heo wil1 be at his office in the th e n gave II most sll ie ndid talk Township House every evening relative t o th e plang for the year other s, .m n mo~t happy '!la~ner, a s I and hug a nution wide acquain- Holly. Il!l set f orth in the proj ect o f the to al'c h , tec~ure and f.ul'n!shll,!g • a s tllnce. He has lelegrllphic co mthis week. ••Altar of Servi ce" for th e' promo- well ~s t h II' conn ~c tlOn III history. munication wi l h' 5,000 cities all Mrs. RO Re Haney. Mi ~lI Mllbe l . I Smith. Mr. Herbe rt Gmv . of M.'SR Ma,y . W.rlgh.t gave u~ a vel' th e wo rld. Messrs 'Wallace Treadway and tion of th e Co llege Abroad move- fanCiful deSCription In hel' s ubj ect 0 Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Os' W. ,0. Raper were in Columbus ment. At close of mee ting reuesh- " En gli ~h Inn s an 'l'av em s ," which MASONS - ELEcT OFFICERS born, MI'. and Mrs. George Toe on Thursday in attendance at the was much appr;~ ciute d. IeI'. of Springfield. were g u ests o f hearing ' of the Utilities Commis- lI1enl!l wer e s el'v~yl by Mrs. D~, Th e host ess a s.£illt ed by he r Mrs. Silver a nd Miss Pettit. W a yne!;ville L odge No. 163 F. Mr. and Mrs . J. H. Smith. on Sun sion in regard to tIM! proposed bus dnug-ht er, MrR. Burnett sp.rved a and A. M. h eld their annual elect- day. . route 'fTom Wilmington to Day- - -'deli cious and ' .sea so n lib Ie two. ion nt th e r egular meeting Tues. ton; , via Waynesville and Bell~roo~ c o urse lunch eon. LEBANON MAN HONORED Mrs. Walter Clark e"tel'tain e d Adjourned to be guest s of Miss day e vening, which res ulted as fol- with a di'nnel' Monday evenin!/; in Mr. and Mrs. ,C. M •. ,Brown enlows. celebration of the sixtieth birthAddison E. Southard, formerly May W~il!h t on NO\'embeJ: 21. at tertained at their 'home in Dayton Paul Booram ........ ........... , W. M. day annivel"Sll'ry of her hllsban1. Sunday, · in honcJ.r. of ' the. , 21st of Lebanon. United States minis- "Th e Lit tle tnn , " Vern AJ:mitafre ... ...... .., .. . :.::.:.-S. W: The guests were Mr. Clark's brobirthday anniversary of. their son tH at AddiR Ababba ' Aby!;sinill, ~~eMf L. C. St. John ..... _..,....... , ". J. W. ther and wife, Mr. and Mrs. WilDan. Those present were Mr • .an·d r eceived -the ol.'der of 'holy Trinity,d . Relatiye. in Dayton F. B. Henderson .. :.. _ ..... . ,. ... S~c'y. bur ,Olark. f'£LLOW'+ *'ART .NOUOM ____ _ Mrs. Albert; Cleaver and 80T) Rob,- at the corcnation ceremonies of J, O. Cartwright ................ .. Treas., _ LIVS W.niour WORk''''' ert .Mr. Carroll Brown, Mr. For- Rail Tafl1ri as empeJ;or Qf ,Abys"l SUverware, jeY?!llty and ift ~r. and M.1:s . . Ro~ert Werntz Ethan Crane ......... , ............. S. D. 'rest Brown Mr. R. L. Hessler, Mr. sinia this week. ,Mr. Southard 8S a FOJ-KS OUGHl" NOT 10 ~ALL and Mrs. R. L. Hoover.. Mrl and member of the United States del- and daughter .eada were week- Seth· ThoJrlas,.... _.......... ,.......... J. D. noveltletl. Cary's -Jewelry Shop, Waterhouse , " ............ T·yl~r Lebanon, Ohio. We iive Cedar HIM A LOAFER - THAT Mrs. Dan Brown and Mr. D. W. egation attending the ceremony end visitors at the hOlT!e of Mr. Ge(l. ' . D. R. Smith .... ............... ~ Trulltee StampL wu the only minister thus honored and Mrs. Ohmer Rhodes 11\ Day~n FeLLOW~ A GENIUS.'· ' Surface_






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Jamt''' P. G ray I'eal esl. Ie In HamProh.t. Court Prouedl"., tw p. No ember 12, a t 10 o'clock a. ilton Lynn I.. Bunne n to l,ydia R. m. is lIet at the time for hearini Bunn e ll, 61. 70. a cI· s in \earcreek the application of Ethel Debold Jo' ox. Cur the appolnt mi! nt oC a t wp. P. A. Ke mper to Wnl to r R. Fitt.q guardian of Perme lia Bennett . an 16 ac res in Jt' ranklh l t WIJ, ulleged incompetent. An lnstr-iime nt of writing, pur· Martiale Licen. o Co,nml'iI\ Plea. IP_roceedina. porting to be the last \.,, 111 and t stament of Eva Lewis. decea ed 'ha l'le!! ' . ·t · innll'tz laburer o f In the ~Qse of The State of Ohio was pt'uduced in court a n d a dm it. M idulC'town. a nd 1\1i:\;' ;.\c ldu J.. vers us Lt·roy Bolz h jser, t he defe n· t d 0 probate. ====..:::=.;;;.-,--cotto of .I1' m.llklin. -dant plcnded not g u il t y to II cha r·ge Wy me l' L. Drake was appointed Willia m B. l:: ul uR!I. uf Lllbntl Ou Th y :;; topp d undcr a lamp to ugflin,;t Ili m. 'rriul is assign ed fo r as an appraiser to s rye in the and Mi~s P1) ll rl to n 'y, of L ba no n ugain he n ked if ~ lte cli uld not 'liAPTER X. make up hel' mint! tu' nUll ry him r a d the short pllragraph on the haring, Novelllucl' 1 , 1930 , at 9 pilice of Cha rles O. Sext on, in the Georg H a r yey Si ms (cn lor cd) {'(,(lilt page. o'clock II. m. BonlJ wus fixed at ca . e of J. Lee Th mps'o n, g uardian coo k of Le bano n, oud Ii!!!! Ru nic ' " M" ueal' fell ow is n't it nllllo ~l " he sudd enly gav,> ill"What is it'I" .J ulie asked. She ·10,000. oC Flora Stel,hehson, pluintiff ver - Esthe r l " on ly t hink a n ~" (J n l!is ever in · " Very wel.I- Y ylll! a l'e \\illing am pue ll (colur d) of J udgme n t in th e su m of $2660 ~ UH I<~ l orll S.t ephenson, et ai , . de. Le bun on. I (,lit lowcl' til I'eao t he wo rd s. II fix ahrout ? How IIlllch do you to take t h rIsk. The n suddenly !jhl' gave u cry. Wilh in l t!rl'Hl. thereo n fr III Dece m- fe ndants. ,"11 1li,1 " " I am tI uite willing. " . Ralph Fl. Carey was appointed Lomuard gulJ}('O d wn h is whi· li e wanted tu IW . '; lrUlgh~ a way ..It's .J 'wei! My co usin .Jul ie~ Oh . bel' 17. l!12B, at th" ra te o f s ix Bill. Allow ed p!.! reent Iwr IInn Ulll wus uwa r ded g ua rdIan ud lite m of Plo ra te ph . and buy her th" fin.':; t .uwl1l<Jl1d p O Ol' Julie . . . " , 1 I'. detai\~ IV I'e meagre, und in fuvo r of lhe pla in ti ff Oli ver. e nson in the ea e of J. Lee Th omp T Il(' . "I t' l1 wfully !lpol'ting Qf YOII • ri n g in Lon d on . uut J u he woul d Th e Leuan on Pa t ri nt. I\ithoul cntire eun'obomt ion , uut lI in,' ~ f!'l'1ll t he Jd 'ndants, Rob- so n, guardian of F loru S te phenson ing . $ 11 .40; I i I cllu ld ha\'c Ii,,!.! hundred. It's not allow it. 4n~" a t (; IllPIWIUY loan . . . " .. 'o t yct. Y U Ll rnll ~ t give me u it uJlpear J tltat Julie - the oth'r rt lI eber Hu milto n, Grace R. plaintiff vel'SUS Flo ,'u Stephe nson snm e, $9.20; \;iles Iflugh 'el shu l'tly . "J)n you lilll(> timl' to gl·t 1I ~ l'd tn it. 1 Julk whu had unwillingly urought Il umilton , Joseph Gue nthe r' a nd an d Cha r les Stephe nso n, defe nlak. · III I' (o r 11 milli naire?" don't want p~ op ll' t'l kn uw ju: t aliout the tru~c rl y of her cousin '. Ea rl F. Morgan. und each of tlle m dants. The court ordered the life--whi le on he r way to fnd ia, 'nle ' tit,· defl' ndunl puy su itl urn g ua rdian to se ll the pre mises in H [ t t'll you il'S only tC'l1lpol'lIry .' yet.' · "I'll lUll! you lifty if it'~ nny He wu" tli ~llpp o intl'll. bll t hc fell \\'h re s he hud be 'n going for u wit hin 6 duy ~ . thc defe nd unts, th e petition whel'eby E . C. Mo rrihol idny- wns ~ucl ' lenly m i ~sed J II~ ph Guenth" r' un d Earl F. M O l' Ro n, Charles Sexton a nd H. C, Hut in \\ ith hl'I' \\'i ~ lle ". u:II'." Thl'r e VII .q rlnqllen t !l ill'n('c , tllen " J ust as .\·,HI lik t' . I~ \'('rythillg fl'o m the 1<hip, and \\,U1< pre umed gUIl' ~ equ it y of 1'('delllpt ioll !lha ll che ns were appo inted t o apPl'a ist' . t he real es tate. !.ollllollr·d turncr\. !\hll ll ulwllY s bl' j ll , t U ~ Y"" lik.·." to han' fa ll en 0\'o1'boal'd Th£: l'e be forl'l·lo ~ l'J. followed u lidef aroun ( ' of hel' [n t h ' mutte r of Dill Eva ns, In the settle ment oC the estat E' .. Look Iw rc, hilll.' nh ll m it' ~ !;e rl Sudd('n t<'llr,.; liil pd 1ll'1' .) 'So ex Pl.Il'tc>8s C<) rpus, th e caS(' of Calista Carroll, deceased, the lo ll'. J'1lI frightfully up a ga ins t it. "Thllt's foo lish or you.:' "I,.. t .. ld lifl'- hcr popu larity in !<ocielyYuu '\,(' g il t to let me have it ," he hi m. " But il ' ~ d"IH of yuu t,Il'. I' m h'l' mlllTiaA'c lind divorce- ho I' \\' n ~ d i H m i R~(> t1 for wa nt of p rosec u not value of the estute is $11510.' HId des[H'rntcl ~' . not Ila lf guud l'n " l! d1 fol' YOll . \,j, ~ue IlH a belluty- Il e r t r eme n. ti Jl n. Th e cll~e of T he Stn te o f li tt. Successors t o the es tate are duUf; lu(' k a1ld good fO I·tu ne In Ohio ve rs us H a rold J ordan w u~ a l J e nnie Ford. dau g hter, Ida Mae "G ut. to '" Lawr('nc e. " s o d ismi sse d. Frankenburger. granddaug hter, It was u bl'i)!,llt sunny nftc r no oll l've r v wn\'. Fol' U IlIOlllent t hc t wo men " [~ver ~: way except in h llpp ln es.~ lI este r' A. ('o tt e rm un wns J,(rn nt· lara Belle Bowman, gra nddaugh. lou ked ut one ul1u che r Ffle nlly , ~o he wo ul'l Ill ,t le t hel' )to uack to -- " Julie ~nld pa"s ionat .. ly. "She cd a divo rce from H oward . ot· te l', and H. Francis Ca r ro ll, gralldt1w flut \\ hl'1l t Iwy hlld III nclll"d . thell Chitte nh a m la ug hl'd. .. 'OITY , but lllat's u tll inl! n o " I' m gt> ing t n ta ke yuu fol' :I nev C' r had a n y Il uppl ness . . nh. te l'llla n, t he defe ndan t huving bee n son . Accoun ts filed: man can sa y to me." 1 -l fl mode drive in till' c:oun tl·Y. i.onci',n is P OO l' .Julie !' · The tea l'" were r un. foun d J,{u ilty of g ro. s neglect of t1 t;t~· to t hl' pla lnUR', It was a greed E tate of Albert B . Crock er de. uno tlll'r move to t he door, !Jut· I'II ckl·tinK Yll ur rll' r \l(,' to pi en·:. " ninA' down h l' chee l(s. T he y drove bac k to the fl at nnd t hat a ll perso nu l property lind r ea l ceased, fi rst arid final a cc ount. Lombard caug ht his a r m. They st" Jllwtl nt a lillie cuu n' estute now In t he plai n lifT's pos· Esta t e of Jam es P. Ree d, de • .. hitt e nham ." tr \' inn f or t(' 11. In oll e (I f th e , he hade him ~o() d·n l ltht. She wondered If Bl m hUll hea l'll sC!iS io n is dec r ee d t o be he r sole ceased, first and final. Chilten ha m st ood still . I'O·OIll .~ sO I1l(' I", d~' \\'11 playing a Russe ll Obani on, executor of "What do you wunt it for1 . ~1'alllnph(lne, and therl' \\'ll R the about t h t rnged y. , he IJ pCIl e ci the I p l'oper t y, an d th e pe rsonul proper·; ,,~tA·n \lnusual photograph of .. tall b eton ' r h;IIIIII'\, h r' ;n u ... -._ .. ' -- -' -mInd u f laughter nnd dnncin/.: tio"r. She held l he t'\ ew:)1upo l' sU I) \}y nnd :'en l esta te now In t h ~ oe- til e es tllle of Andrew Obanion, d(>. Whn t ha ve yo u bee n u p to?" The oth er man's ey es f e ll. f eet. ,·Iut(· h 'd In ht'r hand. T h('re wus l onti n nt s co ntroll i'hall r a mam In cea~e d, filed his inventory and ap. "I can't t ell you." "Th ey sound haPJlY . do n't they? a lill l" move me n t in t he r oom und 1 ~I B po ~s ess l o ll. Th e . plaintiff was prai sl'ment. "All right, th en yo u won' t ge t J ulie sai d with an ('fTo l't. ~OIllC Il lle pushed bll('k 11 ch nlr I:!s tond to he r m,nul e n nam e or In the case of Leo F. Wojc inski sam e $ 11.4 0 ; 1'h(' Leb an on Pa trio t a nyt hing ." "I Il upe tlll'Y ur(l 'n ' happy n~ from in f r ont of t h u fll·e. I/ os te r Anna Cramer. . administrator of t he e~tate of AI~ sam e, $9.20; Th B(71I k Shop. s u p· Lom ba rd loo ked up sudd en ly. we ore," Schnfie ld IlnS\\'l'l'ctl im· ",l l'we l is dead- " J u li e ~n ld' . !n /h ~ , cn: e of J . O. BlIl ett ve r- b.e rt B. Cracker, deceased plain. plies. $33 .75 : S lInl C , SlIllI t:' . $33.· "Oh, yes, I shall, " he said with 1'1Ilsiyely. "My grcatt"st ha[lJlin cs~ so bbing. " I suppose you know . ~u s. Ld\\ m Lntz , el: a.l. . on motion lifT ve l'SUS Catherine C. Wojclnskl 75; W. H . F ul k(' r·t h. s lu m ps fo r detesta ble inflection. will b~ ia g ivin g ~' ou everyt.h ing She 's dead . . s he's been lu cky t o wf th e def end a nt. WIlham Bl\l ett et al, defendants, the court ap. Sh e rifT' ~ offi ce . $2 ; T h(> Roo k Shop Th ere was an ug ly s ile nce. you wll nt." the end, you sec .. I o nly wisll I as gran t ed leave to tile. motions, proyed the eale of \'eal estate and supplies, $1 ; Kuuf mun's s up· " Oh, yes. [ shall- " he said demul'l'ers or ans wer on or before o rdered the administrator to con. plies for j a il , $G.n J : Ll' bu ll on lee Decemb er 2. 1930. and Coal Co., coul for .co u rt house a gain aR Chittenham did not s peak In th e acti on of Eclwin M. Lotz vey a proper deed to the purchas er $18; Warren C \l ll t y Ag ric ul· .. A nd if you r efuse I shall tell yal'sus William Billett. on nl otl'o n Catherine C. Wojcinski. Distribu . Schofield and an yon e e lse who tion of the proceeds was ordered. tural oci ety, ol'aw u lldf' l' S('c. No. might be interested, that you and the de f endant was granted I ave L. M, H e nderson was appointed 9886. $1 8 13. 8 1; Ohi o P"II ·M fg . Juli e Farrow ,spe nt the night to · to fil e motion s on or uef or e Dee- administrator of the estate of An. and Sales Depart me nt. $3 .10 0 dog embe r 2, 1930. CEil lice nses f or Illlclit o r '~ oili er . $6 1.20 gethe r up at St. Bernard." The court ord ere,d that the cnse na. is, deceased, an filed his . S. Donn ell, in full of co ntru ct It was su ch an unexpected chal· REMEMBER OR FORGET bond of $4000 with Charles T E " le nge that for a mome nt Chit tenof An t hony H. Walburg versus Ellis, Irma E. O' Neall, J. T, ElIi~ No. !J6!J, $78.3 0; Hu rry Co llin s and Charles H e mpst'·lld. in full ·of ham could find no words. The n Ahre ns-Fox Fire E 'n gine Company and S. S. Ellis as s ureties, Walter By Hamilton Aide wi t h a great effort he pulle d him· ue dis missed and t hat the defen· Burn e tt, J. L. Mendenhall and O. con tract No. 974. $ 14 0; ]\1. W . self together. dan t r ecove r of " the plaintiff its R . .Unglesby were appointed ap. Smith pe r .1 . W . Lin go lIurd wure I Sil l besid e l he slreumle t, COllts expend ed . Co., 1st esti mate for f l1rn i~ hin g "And do you think anyone will I wat ched th e wa te l' 11 0w. Th e case of Ne w York Li fe In. praIsers. and piling st one, $ Hi ll ; M. W . A ~ we tu geth e r wn tchecl it believe you?" be a sked. s ura noe Company ve rsus Samuel Lillian Fraze e acc epted the ap· Smith per J . M. Bowling. 2 nd e!lt iLombard laughed. O n u lit tle yt' ur ugo; ooper, et aI, was dis missed wi t h- pointm e nt of administratrix of the mate for furni shing und piling "They'll be glad enough to b e· Th e No ft rui n pu l te n 'd (In the uut reco l'd and wi t hout prejudioe es tate of Charl J!s C. Frazee, dl!- ston e, $ 11 0.80 ; M. W . • mi th ,pe l' lieve me. Scandal is the salt of l enve~, t o now a ction , Il t thc costs of Ule ceased aJlp t1l ep her bond in th l! Ray Swig ert, a rd est im nte fo r fur · life to Julie's friend s. She 's not al 'rh e A pri l grnss was wet. derendant. . s um of $!Z5000 with 'rhe ' Ol\iQ nishing and pilin g !:It nne. $tl2.4 6: togethe r popular as it is, and if I fu ll y to rl'lIHl Il1 UC I' ; [n the action or HOrlll!c Danlill Cas ualty fnSllran pe (Jompl\f1l' liS Be ll Press, Pf!ntill g 1000 re purt Ah' t e ll them . . .It's no use getting 'Ti ~ wiser t u r,.rget. Stump yers us Rubl~ Kline Stump, s urety. H. W. Meek !!!', Frod llolle cards, $1\. violent--" he adde d hurriedly as et nl , on applicatlol1, Ira Rich per- and GI'anvllle Tullis were name!! he 8aw Chittenham's hands clench The niglltin gul i.' s ma rie v()o ul ~~----- -----!!ona lly and as ag'e nt and F. L. appralSerll, I into fists. "I'm in a pos ition to Jun e ' ~ pa lnu,' pllye Ll with gold i NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT . . quires and Robert M. Stump as L. M, Henderson accepted the prove what J say, remember." 1 wnt chod l he rose you gave 1118 a dminist rator of Jonas F . Stump appointment of adminis trator at "Prove it, then, and be damnHI! lI'a l'm reo hea rt unfold ; decea sed, wer e made parti es de. the estate of Samuel Smith, de· ed." of Samu e l S mith, de· But brea th of r ose and b ird 's song E state "Damn you; do you think I'm a fraid for mYlelf? If 'it were only a fe ndun t. Ro be rt M. Stump in. ceased, and filed his bond In the ceased. "Very well- " Lombard shrugW e re f ru ught with wild regrct. ged his shoulders with well-assum- queltion 01 t~at I'd give you the biggest thraohina you .,Yer had, di vidually was grunted leave to urn of $1300 with Myel' Hyman, Notice is hereby l':i Ye n thnt L. 'T is llludn e8s to remember ' fil e a nswe r within 5 -days, Law a!ld Martha LO' Henderson as sure· ed indifference and turned to the and lUck yoU out in the Itreet." . ·T we rl.' wisdo nl til forge t: . I renee Stump, Reva T. Stump and ttes. Stephen H. Burnett, Clyde M. He nde rson has bee n d ul y np· door. Chittenham let him open it, pointed lind qualified as adminis Julie la ug hed brokenl y. we r e dead t oo , .' The n s he broke Irma L. Stump we r e eaeh given Wharton and O. R. Unglesby were trator of the estate of Samu e l then he called afte r him sharply; stoud n m ng t he If Id corn, appointed · ~ c ry, for it ",we I.I ays t 0 fil e answer. rt was on he r li ps to say t ha t if ofT wit h a litt Ie c: h 0 k tn C I appraiser8. " Lombard_ Come back," Smith, lute of Wa rre n ounty, AlnH ! no mo l" , I k ne w , !lll e wo uld n ot wa~ not Bim who , .. ose to meet , h e r Floy(1 WaH plead e d guilty to a har es O. Sexton was appoin. s he had bee n d eh Chittenham caught him by Ohio, deceased. To gu th e r' gl eo ne r " Ill CU!l urc h' b Tl S ted an apprais er of the estate of · t h h Ilave conse nted to mur ry hi m. It uu t G iles Ili tten nm . c arge aj?atns 1m y Ie tate \...' the Shoulder and j erked him back Dated this 31 st day of O c t o~, e r , Of l he love th nt (l·1l f ro m yo u. ' H e ·was sen tenced by the inmda J ordan, deceased, to serve into the center of the room. was mOI'e t hun she cou Id bcar ; s he There waf; 1I tl'ugic s ile nce, af Oh 10. the place of Frank Watkins 1930. F OI' m(' , no graCious hnr ves " I'll make it a hundred" he said s tarted restlessly to he r f ee t. hi t t c nhlllll ma de a quick step court to pay n fine of $26 and who is unable to attend to hi~ W. Z. ROLL, Woul d God we ne'l' l' hud met ' " Ilal\ we g() ? It 's gettin g dnJ'k, f orwa rd. costs and that he remain in the d . A slyly amused s mile crossed Judge of the Prouate Court Tis hard . Lov;>. 1O re me mbe r . .. t . II .) ulles as an appraiser. Lombard 's fuc~ , and Giles broke a nd til e co untl'y is so d rell ry whe n " Jul ie . . what is it- ?" ('oun y Ja unti sa,me are paid. Charles E. LeWis, Will R. Lewis n19 Warren County. Ohi o But ' til! hurcl c r to fOJ· get .. it gets dark. " Jul ie luugh ed sobuingly. Mahlon Drie ver entered n plea d out savagely. Th cy drove back to Lo nd on and "1vJ y c O!l sjn~th e ot,he l' Juli e of guilty to a ' charge against him an Lura L. Shimp were appointed "Damm you; do you think ['m Th . trea l11l(' t now is (I'o zen t he ol1e you wJJ n ted to pUJ'li* - uy The State of Ohio, and was fin. executors of the estate of Eva afraid for mvself? If it were onl y dinc d toge th e r. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT .. The nig htinga le. nre fl ed, . " Wllut shull we do no w ?" Se ho you'll n ever be able to tm rt hilI' ed $25 and costs. Until fin e and Lewis, de~aased and filed their a question of that, I'd give y ou Th e c01'llfie lds arc d e~(> I· t c d. now he's dead . . . " I!ost,s are paid , he was ordered to bond in the sum of $7600 with the biggest thrashing you ever had fie ld as ked. A nd eve r y r ose is <l en d. "I don ' t mind wlmt we do." She almost t hrew the 'newsptlpC!l' be co nfined in lhe c:ounty jail. George Shimp and Frances T. , Estate of Anna C. Ellis, de. [ s it bes id e my lone ly fir e. and kick you out in the street. But In tjJe j!ase pf Ifhe Peopl e's Lewis as sureties , O. W. Morris, ceased. a s there is some one else in the Juli e £nld . "G o to a t heate r', if at him . and, dl'opped Into II chall" And pray f or wisdom ye t ; you lik e. 1 can go hom e a nd she hid her fac e in her out-Hung Building, Loan and Savirfgs Com- C. W. Ivins and J. Warr en Wood Notice is hereby g iYen that L. POI' case , , ." Cnll1l11 'S8 t o re me lll ue r change." arms, pany Of Le)JanoH, lIers us William were named appraisers. M., He nd e rso n has been duly ap"And s ome on e for whom yo u 01' courage ·to f orgl't. ' pOInted But he would not all ow that; he Il l' la id t he pape r down on tho E. Grellthousa. a t aI, the court Maud J. Quinby, sole adminis· und qualified as ndminis. have a great r egard, en ?" Lom bard 8neered. "My dear fellow. said he co uld no t bear t le t he r ta hJ l' und loo ked at Julie. He o1'dcrfl{! thll Shel'lIl' to co nve y a tratrix ' pf t~/! ~!I~~ P[ J.if!a Jpr· tl'aior of the estate of Anno E. El· . h t o n th is da y of ull co u Id hot t h tn ' k 0 f anyt h ing save pro pe r d ee t1 l u W, ChCISt el' i"ap U Ie, lieU dan and deceased, wall cer.OI·n .~u hQrJZEA to lis, late Qf Warren ~0l!nty, Ohio, don't think I'm not sympathetic. I out of his slg transfllr Qpu"th " Wll ut's th e sixth sense ?" ~ec!!ased. • ~. r know a gre at deal more than you days. In th e e nd th ey we nt to 1I t hat she wall unhll ppy, and with purchaseI' of the property ~t a L ' b "Thut mu st be ~ll e o ne ' tpatls I erty Loan Bonds at not l@s's 'Pllt,:l~ ' ~hi s 3 ~st duy' of OctoRer u ~ed think I do. For iristnnce--<J ur mu· cinemn. Juli e did not cur e f or t he ~ud dc n impulse he ", .. nt down on sum of $2580. Dist.ribution or the f? r loo king i!l to t he .f ~ urth proceeds was ordered. thltfl .ftl! @ price nXlJd by th!! COllrt 1980. W' ~. itOLL. dIm enSIon. . tual friend, the charming little pictures : uu t ut a n y ra te it d id his knees besid e he l' and too~ '! .. away wi t h th e need t~ ta lk, and in to hi s arms, at private sale. ,Judge of tho Probate Court, American. . . " -.~. --"Juli e !" New ~~,i@. Eunice H. Mull, adminlstra~\7lx nJfI Wp.I'I'ep CQun~y, Ohio. "What th e hell do you mean 1" the darkn ess was restfu\. he onl y of the estate of Henry Mull, de· t t h e scree n w h en Sc ho"Only that I oyerheard last I0 0 k e d a 'T'OP'- - - F or a moment she resisted Tile People's I!luilding, Loan ceased fijed ner sale lIll}. Walch your expiration date on ~1!1l nigh t--quite by accident-so me· field dre w her attent ion t o so me· viole ntly. and SaYings Company of Leban~)I1, In tits JIla~teJ' of t hj:! el!tftt.~ ql thing which both of you appare nt· thin!!' be ing shown u pon it. It was The Miami Gllzett" "UJlJ..~ ~"'L~ " Do n't how da r e you! leave ma ente.r ed suit against 'r. C. HeWItt, Charles Edwar!1 Weidner, dllC!las, ly a.r e most anxious t o keep fr om as if. Fate we re r elentl essly pU I'· alone . . . . " Peal I Hewitt, Jenni e Burnett, Bes- ..ed, the net market value wall Of MOffer!! !lP~ AntiqufI fllrnltur! the r est of t he world. I've always suing he l', de te l'mined to torm ent Th e n qui te sudd e nly her I'esls- s ic Cunningham. The Hllafler and found to pe $866.64, that the de. found that it's most dangerous to he r and keep he r puin a li ve. fol' tance was /ro ne. and she ceased to Stockle ln CO":lpany and The Irwin cedent left on~ heir. his mother, flaving sold my pl'operty I will - -- '-' - - ---:ca_ _ WCaqs talk secrets in a crowded ro om, th e sec ond pi cture wus of the strugg le. he looked at him with Jewel1 and VlIlson Company, Inc. , and that .s " '1I8ult said "sta.e s ell a! PIlP!ie auction all lIi y hous'e FaR .!IALr:; PA'J'E$ and your wife, yo u will agre e, has Monaste l'y a t. St . Bel'n a rd . and ·. of tl'o"ic for .mo n ey, f orec I08ure 0 f mort· an d the BucCeSi!lIOflil . , "rA If .. xe .. . . hold g~pd8 located in Lytle, OhIQ, · . eyes. .... rather an in sist ent voice-" t h e snow ·cI acI m ountams. "If only it had been me -" she gage, and equitable relief. The from Innerltan o e~. N" .. ,.. ,,~ on ~II'P Iltreet" 14 miles south \> f "Y ou sneaking hound- " Julie sa t up stimy , her heart sai d ~v jJdly . "If only I could die amount claImed $41881.211 with In z' D.yton, only tWf) doprs east pi L ombard shrugge d his shoulders beating fast. Lytl" garllge, Oil t oo- " . terest at the rate of $6.12 per Real Eftat. Tra",'e" "As you plea.s e I'm not in a "I've been t" she said in " You don ' t m ean that. There's week from Octobelr 4, 1930. . !I.tll~clay, Noyember 15, 1930 .. position to resist anything you say a strange little vo ice, "[ dr ove mu ch hapJ}iness ill store for us C. P. Krohn VerBU!! George C. Harriet McLane Ammons to Af ter all" it's common knowledge my car up th e re only a month or und togetll er . Listen to me-J ulie and Ella J . Rademacher, for Eliza Mills 68.60 acrell In West At 1 p. m.: Stoves rugs, orglln, that opportunity makes the thi e f'! two ago." She laughed with hak- yo u must li sten- " cherry chest ot drawers, 100 year~ money, Th e amount claimed TurtlecreeJr twp. "And if I refuse to give you en excitement. "I stayed a t the S he shi ve r ed away fr om him, $1704.94 with interest on $1169.Albert B, Crockar, by admr. to old, table, canned fruit, chairs anr,thing at al1?" ' hotel . . . it's so cold and cheer· Il e r shoulders hun ched, he r face 94 at the rate of H% per annum Catherine C. Wojcinski 1 1-4 acres cooking u{enslls, dishes, gard e~ JESSE STANLEY tools, etc. 'Then probably Mrs. Chilten· less." aveJ'ted. from Aug ust I, 192 9, and interest in Harlan twp. ham will be very pleased t o buy MRS. EMMA C. BROWN Phone 320, New Burlinlto", Ohio "It looks wond erful ." Schofield "I lI uppose I can' t f;top you say- on $43.76 at the rate of .8 % per James A. and Hacel D. Bower th e information I haye to sell ." sa id. "I've never been out of Eng- I ing what you wan t to, but it's no !lnnum from Fe bruary I , ~930 and to Floyd L. Rogers 47.71 acres in F. T. MarHn, Auct, "T hen go to her, and be dammed land mys elf," he add ed humbly. usc. 1 don ' t kn ow why you haye 1I1terest on $43.76 at the rate oC Harlan twp. EARL KOOCLER to you." "Ye. it wus wond erf ul." Julie com e bock. I t o ld you I never 8 '7r per annum fl'om August l O t t o Combs to Lester and Liz. As I am leaving this farm, will "So Julie Farrow's reputation whi sper ed . She sa t with her hands wished to BeC! you agaln- " 19 30 and interest on $636 at th~ zie Durbin 40 acres in Franklin offer' at Public Outcry, on the old R. D. 6, Xenia, Ohio i8 nothing t o you, after all 1" clasped together, h er eyes fix e d " [ came because I loye y,oI1, rate !)f 8 % per annum from De- twp. Jasper Berryhill farm, on Belle Pholl Darton Co. 54J5 Giles went very white. He on the s creen. It was as if some and because I kn ow you 10ye m~"":" cemp4l1' Hl, 1924 '&:fter allowing a Joe and Hettie Ingersoll to COl'O brook-Ferr~ Road, 4 miles west kn ew he was in Lombard's power. one had take n hel' back three " You are very sure of that!" credit 011 iI~id 1·l) of $127 Ingersoll, et aI, 147 acres in Har- of Spring ulley,2 miles South of 'Get out, or . . ." The door closed months, and was making her live she said bitterly. , foreel f •.r::. . d th Ian twp. Bellbrook, 6 miles North of Way- --._ - -- - -- - - -- - _ _ hurriedly between them. those few hours of complete hap. "I am prpud to be sure. Look l'elief.osure () mO" ..jgllile lj.D P.,rrer Ruby Greene Duckett to Arthur nesville, 4 miles South east of




p",' I






Stanley &Koogler Auction Jers

It was not true that Julie had promised to marry Lawrence Schofield but when, after her s tormy interview with Chittenham h e again urged her to acce pt him, I5 he suddenly gave In. She felt over-WToul!'ht and weak. almost as if the combat between herself nnd t ~ e mnn she loved had !Jeen a phy. Ill eal one. Lawren ce Schofield's kin dly de,'oti on was like a cool hand laid on her f e verishness, und when once

piness once more. "That's ·the Monast ery- " she said. "You could hardl y see it f or snow when we were there- " " 'We' ?" Schofi eld sa id q uickl y. "You were not alon e th en. " "There are alway a g rent ma ny touristsr" Julie answered. . A ne ws boy cam e a long crYI Il J! his news. "Tragic death of a we ll · kn ow n so ciety beauty .. . " "I'll get a pnp el'," Schofield said

at me, JUlle- " "No." She bit her lip to ~ep back the sobs that would rise to he r t hroat. "If only you would go awa y and leaye me-" "I am not going. You belong to O1e- " "Your wife would not be pleas. ed to hear you 8ay that," Julie said ho nrsely. Chittenham pu t his hands on h er shoulders and forced her to lu rn to him . "If you can look me in the eyes

- - -and say honestly that you do nRt love me, and f;hat ygu ~~!lh me ~q go away and never eome back, J will believe you," he said. There was poignant silence. JuJle raIsed her tear-drowned eye, with weary deftan(lc!, and h@r -Hps moved. but no words came. , Chlttenhllm laugh.d trtumpblt", tly. (To be continued)

6r~enf! 35.66 acres In Franklin Centerville, at 10:30 a. m., prompt tWIl, ., . . l..' on . Carl and 6aroHne Scballb to Tu••d." Nov_ber 18, 1930 ~~rDa~ ~fia1~et~llangl~r lo~ ~o. ~08~ 01}9 gray Horse; 13 head of m eer e.,. Wp. Cat~le, (~. -B. 'testeR) ; 66 hllajJ Qf Ar~b/Jr and Jt"th SmadJleck to Hpgs; some Ppl.tltry, 8q'O' lIu: hlt ifd ~arl S~liaub l~ NEs. ~~1~, 4415 husked, han~ sorfed Yellow Corrl: t'41IJ,' Hff ",nEf Hf~ In P~e~,j'eJd a tons mixed Hay, s/lme' shredded wp. Fp'd~e'r; Ir'!ed Farming Jmp!ements JaaoJ> A. and Josie A. aarey H~rr~8, /'fquse~p'p' ~o ~P!l. . . Melvin anti Evelyn JIIoWfts"'n d 1. 11 • Terms-I: months iii Iltlrjis in Warre~ CI~:nt~ ari~ ,.. /1 r" " MARJON F~UBER J.67 Ilcr~s in Montgome&'y Oourity CoJs. S~a~!ey <!t: Koog!er, f\.uc E· · . n98S (}. ~n4 Viffl! ~~Yf;s to Wayne f,t ~rn~~~! Cler~:



1-0~~s 011 LjYestol!k, Ph~ttelll,

Second Mortgages. Notfls&OUiht 'ohn ffarbjne, J, r., X"iti,a, hlo.

E! 07



FHrm I Joans OR SJIORT TJ¥E-E '1


tj:rms. Al~ ' SqrVeylng and ~li-

====== = = ======= =========== =:"·=======~===:::===========LL:.;:;;:::~ c:x;:::==== :;:;;=:;=---=:--:-==;:=:;==::;========== II~traet'ng. : and , wilLplll1 n!l ~ee )TOU . . rit!! , pm p. Henkl~, Way: PINKY DINKY Pi""r Writel A Letter by Tt:RRY OILJCJSON pe!lVI!!e, 0lllp~ Hr LOST- Pair : Tan Gloves Friday afternoon. }'dary ~rowp . ' ll!~






Notable Facts and People in Limelight 10day





Plio~e ........ ........... ... No.


...... ...... ... .. .... ... No. 118


Subacription Price, $1.50 a Year _.-.-=-=.:::.....::::.. : :

l :nt er. Jui PO.'9ffi,·fj at Wu y n ~u, i lle Ohio, u. Second C I,u" Moil er


=--..: --

_ _ __ _ _ •



\• _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _


= - --... --.:::::-- ...

become th e fath e r fl f thr e ch illiren , lind m y Hallll'Y hu ~ bee n lie dny who n I was \ OI'king at I'ai ~ d II ·tHll'll' (If ti!ll(!~. I huve l hod O(,Cllilioll to ('mp l o~' seve ral. my tirst joll nnd was- n ee d ess t o "h ys ic inn s un d thl·c·t, dilTI:I"t' lIt SUI' SH Y - h ard up , I d e ve loped a "e- I(l'n n s. ,'uTil e o f till' h ill " hll\" ' 11111 \'ol'e plolin. ' otlnted t o hunclrf'<i s nf ""lia rs . But A s trul1ger in Nl:w Yo rk, I h a d I ha l'l: II v I' I I'l"cil" t·d II h ill t hut l'l:ud in th e n e ws pllp ' rs th e nal)1 l! R(,{~ IIl (' tI t f' 1111' II nr a ~ \lnah l l' 0 1 o [ n diagn osticiul'1 who waR inte r- e \'e n ud l'!]untt'. '·II ns i·l.... in!!' t he illl ' nal ioll u ll v fumou K. I w ne t o his pm·lan e .. or tht' i t''''' i\"(, l"l' IIII<'l"t'fi. Of\iCl', whic h W[l S in hi ~ beautifu l I han' k nown " .. \" I'al d oc tur. h o m ' " at eij:( ht o'clock in the \\ h" Illarr ied rid l \\ i\·l·S. a r. d s" nll nltlr ni ng'. 'I'll<' WHiti n g 1' 00 111 was a l wh o mail;; nlf)lIi'V. ill 1"\' a I t· " tlll ~ 01 r ellfly full. Th e r e W~ R a l'i c h lIIa.n tht, st,)ck mar k~t. 1 havt' mel a who IUKj!!'tI impntll'ntly at h,s n u mber wh " g'aillt·" 111 "iI,'s t fo r· watdl . 'I' h ~ r e wHS II huuj!hty tlll lt'" fn ,m th .. ir "rlll' l il", IHIl li o n, WlIll lnn . A 11c1 th e r e wns a lso ha lf wh o 1'''Ca lll {' I",' all ~' ri l" h. a d uze n s hllhbily dl'essc(1 folk , in - : A ncl the al1!"lInt "I' frt'l' "' (I rk t' l lIdill)! Il P OO l' mothel' with a ve r y do n e by \'V('n th t, hil!Kbt mc n ir s ick baby . tI" , Pl"lIfl'"s i" l1 ha s nlw u y ~ hl ' t' n 0 With o ut Ifflv o l"ili s lIl, nch was m UI'vel to Ill('. us hereci in to Lh., CO II " Ul ll t iu lI ruom ' A s an advl'rl i" ill g' man a nd II f,, ' n1<'r ~ alt· ~ 111 a I1I1)';t' I'. 1 r.·t' l l ila l th e in th ... nrcler of hi s arriv al. Preselltly my turn tame. h e a ll h hu " in f' s, is ~ till tllCl IIlll t h I ~ nid to th e docLo l' : "I ca ll nllL all ,oI ,l· r, ,,hinlll·d 0111' . all'u nl to co n s ult y o u, but my 1 "hou ld likt· III S I'(' d,z('lls of fll' a lth is m y I' ntire b us ine",; rap- hi~ l" l i ni ~~ ill ('''I'ry ('it,' , 1,:It·h wilh ita!' Th e Tt' for l.'. J feci that J s im - il s grllu p " f ~ 1'1"L·iali ~ t". I ~ 1t"ul,1 ply mu st co m e to h ea ' lqll art e r~. " I II;~' til Sl:t' th l'lIl LI. •· nl'ws papt'r ad II c ~ave m e a ,cure ful ('xlIlllina \'t'lli "inK. :til t! d,a\l 1l1,,'1 ,.f t h l· i t iun, wro Le II pr e~c ription , untl n 'Vi 'lllI t'" f rlll1l th l' h,'althv I'al hpr to ld me thllt I would be a ll r i~ ht 11",n 1' 1(1 1\1 1' 1(' ' l'I"illl: , I\' ill. I again ill II f e w da ys . \: , ,' . t'mt if \\'l' Al1lcl'ic'ans paid I pull e d o u t my pocke t h ook . twicc' a s n1l1.-l, lu gn lld d octo rs whi ch cU ll tui lWd tw o we e ks' s a l- c\"l'ry y t'ar it would be th l' b 'st arv . m OlI(! ~' we l'o u ld r /l~s i"h' ~ P<'I\(I. · ''' lI ow much lire yo ur ear nin gs? Sun", d cn· lol'm(·IlI ' "f thi ~ "n It wi ll ("u n\(' in t ill' IIl ' xt J! ' lll'l"IIti" " hi' u~ ked . T h<,v rl l'(I b('gillllillg' :tln';!dy. 1I1 ean I t olu him $21) a w ee k . "W el l. if yo u'll prollli ~c n ot to whi lf' . I fl·l· 1 a /!rl' Ht ""I1 "f' of le!1I ullybody ." h e un s \ve l·ed . " I'll I!"ratiluu(' t il tilt' d"dor s. I f my c harge yo u fi ve Ooll'\I·s." 'xpt'rip n rt' i: 1), l'i (·:II . IIIC'r ar e u In th e interve ning year s I huv e s w (, 11 g ro up III' Il1l·n . GOOD MORNING DOCTOR

12, l!I :l O


Twel ve y(' ar ~ a ~o. O il Nt\vl'IIlUl'r 11, I Hill, th' ,.(1111 " e .'Il~l'tI firin ),; and th e e ll1lmttl ed na ti on;; II I' tht, wo l"lu ('u ll e d u hult te, the WHI" w;hich had l'Il~ctl f or f uur lon ~ yean; , unci in whi c h ull uu l a few min or countries IIm(ln ~ thL' c ivil i7,cd nations o f lh e world had lJc ~ 1l involved . From the CI) nSN]Ul'nC CS of ~h!l i telTific conl1i(·t, the wul'ld h a ~ n ut yet r eco" e l·('d. I ncleed. ~e n ... ru tiun s will hav e ru g~ ed before a ll o f th e huma n un( ec o n om ic wlI Rte o f that wur will hu vl' h ecn repaired allLl replac eu. Mu , h that was 10: l ca ll ne\'c r be I"l' 'oVH l'd. Ot-he r y oun g m e n will ~row t u manho od. d o t h eir s hare (Jf lh e wo r ld' s wo rk. but th e mi lli o n whp peris h 'd w ith their life wOI'k s till unfinished onn nl' ver return. AllI ong ujj o f t h e nali on:; inv olved in th e war th e r e h u~ been ~r o win g up an IInli-war se ntlm cnt. which ma y e ventually hun! t he efT et 0 f keep i n" so me II f th e~c co untries out of future \\" ur5. Thflt \:\, h owev er, t o IJ' doubt ed. Our own co untry , ill the w o ru ~ o f uur war Pres ident, W oodro w Wilson, went into th war in th e h ope und be li e f that by so d oi ng we might put I\n e nd to wur as a m ea n ~ o f s ettling in tl'rn ati onal' di s p utes. The Unitl'd wt e~ o f A lIIe ri ca took th e lelld ill e s taulis hing u L eag u e of Nati on s , th l\Vow e d 1)\1 l'IHlRC o f whi c h is to bl'ill~ ab out cl ose r in tCJ"Ilutionll1 ulld Pr"tandings an d ~ o prevent t ri va l irritati on s fr o m d eve lopi ng into ~el'io u s qualT e l ~. UI' co untl'y is u memucr of the W u rld Court o f Inte rnational Ju ~ ti ce, b e f or e which it is hop e u t h nt, eve ntually, n utions will try thoi .· !; ri eva n cl''' IIKuins t one nn o th r liS individua ls do in th e civi l (' 0 111'1.8 of pellce. W e hav e tahn th e lend in tho effort t o ab lJ lish ('ompctiti on in naval armam e nts and the iorem o~ t m adtim~ nati on s o f th o world hav e contracted wil-h us t o limi t navlIl con ~ tru c ti o n f or years to come. . All pf thes e eff or t s for pence h oy.·cvc r, fad e before u ro u sc(j IlnUonal hatre d s . Th e re al'c Will' c lou d s ail ov I' the world today, There is actual warfure in As ln. seye l'al o f th e nati on s of :south Ameri ca have lutely rc!;lored to arms in t h eil' inte rnal revo lution!!, t h e r e Is an unruRt in Indiu. which mliY easi)y and unel'pectedly come ~o u c \im al\ in war· j\lld

Mr. lind MI"l;. K M. Villat·s IIlId en t 'I'tained at dinner 011 Sunday Mr. ami MI-~. ullell a nd Rou I't. Th e Hilarit y l ull njoy ed ' un day with MI'. and ~1 1·l! . ,10' l uvi s and family. Mr. Hod Ml'lI. Howal'!l G ruham . ~li ~!1 .Knthll' e n an d Mi"lI Nl'lIi· w re gu : I.!I . aturd ny ' w nin~ a t dinner at th e ho mo "f Mr. antl Mrs . Frank Be n\1l ill hOllol' \)1' MI'. Beva n' s bil' Lh da y. Mi s~ Laura Will'll is obl(' to IJl' IIbo ut, fnll ll wing h e r re Cl'll t ill lll!!ls

" nnk



threaten in!!, the peuce of t h e e n - I l' r int illlr of GO\' .... Il I11t'l1t do c u1iro(' w o rld i:l Hed RU R" in. co ntro l- m e nts, llla ps. p o~ tllg(' ~ ta mp ~ a nd led t "llluy hy it... !\ pon~ib l e Hnu ' Inll fll'\· . an' II prope r f un (' lilln for fanat ica l vis io naries who h ave th e G ovl' rlln !(' nt'~ p "in tin g' 'Rtllb uvo\\'eu th e ir pUl'pU Re of co m)l (·I- Ii s hll1 ('nt~. But wh en Ih e Go\·C'rn · lin/! th e e n t irc wo l"ld. by f u rce, _to m e llt of th e L'lIitt' d Stale~ ("nl!"~(, ~ acc t' nt and adup t the ir particular in t h ' "lI"i l1 l'~~ III' pr in li ng 1·.. l urr po lit icu l a ll d s ocial progrum. en ve l ol'e~ f o r privfltc' (·i i7l'n~. it is It 1l11l f t be t h e eurn e ·t h ope o f l unf llirl,' t " lll lH'ti I! wi t h til<' j ob l'VC I'y inte llige nt pel'son thut (l UI' print ers of the IlIl iOIl . It wou ld b ~ uoy s who pe ri s hed in th e ~ I ' ea t c on , unfai r C<1l1lpt' titi "n l'\' (' n if n fnir fli ct shall not hnve dieu ill vllill, ' co mmen·ill l I'Iltt' \\'I' re ('ha rKl'" fn r thu l th ' il' >lacrifie e may prove in ' th (' \vc,r k ; it i ~ \\(II'S f' t han unfai r sO lli e wa~' to ha\'e uilvanced th e when lhls w (l rk ii' d one f ur I t;!H~ (' a use of p eac e and put an e nd to th a n vo~t. till' h orror lind wast e o f wur. But Th <, Jl.:aU ona l E " it f, ri l I A ssnc ia lC' t nu o n e d el ude hil\l ~e lf with th e ti ll n. nnd prac li t'nlly ('very oth(, I' h(,lief t hat oth e r li nd ~I'cnter WIll'. a sso('iat illn II f n('''' ~ pupe l'!I a nd I.ha n t he w orld hus yet se en may p rint(, I' ~ , ha v(' pro tes t ed f 'l r yea l' ~ II uin d evastate civilizati o n. u!!,uin Rt .th il' 11I·lIct ice. Tl-ji s y ar II l1lore dt'le rm ilwd e ITor t than t' \"(' r i ~ he illj! m :1 ,11' 10 induc(' th e o ng-I' ~~ .iul't (' ICcle<l, if n ot t h e . - - -- - one alrl'acl y in nfli c('. to' tllke nele . am out o f Ihi ~ 11 C' tt~· CO Il1UNFAIR COMPETITION p ('titio n with his n phews. ___ _ .. _ _ _




. Colorado Breaks World's Record with 45 Million Tons of Beans •

M,'". J. r. Th o rlllJllry Ilnd ~Ir s . ' . G. Ra ndall a l'l! ~u llfi ne d t " Lh eil' I h o n ll' ~ with il lnt· ,;;;: Th f oll ll win lr. l'n t,l' rt ninin~ p r og ram, IIl1no lln ced hy (:ul"I Bo)!a n, \Ya~ giv e n by t he 5th and ti t h G radcs at A ~ ~ e lllbh' Thul's ua ,' 1lI 01'n inj:(: So n/! , "oicl fo' u lk s a'l H(lllle"; PiUll fi s" l n, !l e lia 1l:1\' is ; 1 De vo ti o ns . Bctt~v Lou Stultz : Ht' s- , itlit illll " Th t' Chang'f'," Kathl 'I' 11 Gray; 50 111{, " Ruh l'n a n t! Hal"iw l" l fiv e g irl : fiv e h (ly~; I{, ·<: itation . , " n ai ~ i e~" , Mil d " l'd Hallifl"t,: Pia n" SII It), Knt hl l','n G rn y: \ -u("::I1 ilu P) . , "P our ad Man. " Il elt' n Rul' ,],h" l' lIbUI'y tlnd Miriam StUIllP; l' la ,·. "G etting E Vl' n Wi th Sister's Bl'uu. Piun" So li). I lI.'na J)av i~: S"n~. ~­ "AmU"i ca " by the a~s 'Illbl". lint! ! onlll>un cc nll' nls hv S Upl. .~ I () I" ·l' . I I' ll<' :lrd aud 'Hh 'gnlll ,' s w ill p re- ' I ' l' nt n p rO~1"II1l1 n xt Th ll l·: da~' .


G. 13. Duvis hut! ti ll' llIi " rnrtnll e tn fa ll W t' dll e~: dH r l'Vt· nillg' anti hrt'llk hi ~ hip. IT " b I{t'll illg a lon ~ a s w ·1I a s cou ld b t· l! x l't'ctl'd IIf ~ Fretl~rick ~'Ie \'clan~i Cr:; xIOIl, o f Miss Catherine McCaffery a stefl "5 ". . . napper. Garnson, world's most :1 llIall in hi ~ !' (lUI ~· l' a r. _o l~mhU5, OhIO, appoll lle.J ~I id- Wesl ographer in the Government' Prinri Office, aelect~ u the typical Distr~ ~mou~ racmg man, long since retired, ~I rs . Bel·tlta Go rri lln Wtls I' o ~ l(' ~ s 'egl ~) lta l r epresent ali, r 0 1 Ih(' P rcsi. ,., 0 died recently at the age of .eveD(y, tn the' W ll ll lan's Civic Lt' a guc jelll s Unempl oymenl Commiss ion. . of Columbl& buaillel' girl. !:iaturd llY nftern 0 11 . Th '''O rgan ized Bibl.. {' la:8." 94 ' he "W '!cornc Bibl l! Cl a~~ :' a nd t he· "Juni o rs" (I f ,Jullah's Run SU ll tla y School will ho ld a j oin t 111t!!!ting at t h t, hume of 1111" ulld \h ~. A ... . Coll('tt u n Fricla y even in!! Nove m be r 2 1. Th is llw C' till l! lias u ' c n p "~ tP O lI l·t1 frolll t h e I~ . li!:,. , '. . ': . A IlI ns J) e lJol'd s u ITerI' d a ~e \' e Tl' c ut in h is huwl W ..,dn es(lu\, whi lp e xt'l"utin g- h i ~ duli es at the ·I·\'lti l i. Io er p la n t.


8evel'a l ~ H lub I1tClllbe l·g atIl nd l' cI t h" COUll l Y W idl' At' hi e\,!'m e nt Ill eetill g" n t ' Lehnnnn Saturday aft.c 1"11 00 11 . Ml'g. W. A. Luk en s was o ne of lh ree espec iall y h OIl,Ire d fn r co m pl<"ting ten year~ o f r lull lelluc l'ship, JlI r. and Mrs . Will . C. T iche n or I!nte l'tllin" d at di nn er W e dnc ~ ' l uy evening Mr . a nd Mrs . A. oile ll, and Mrs . H. E. I-Iutt on.


Let Us Hope They Have Not Died In Vain

Miles an Hou r in Germa'IY


Ladies fl'o m h e r e ate nd in g- t h e S hal 'o n Al l Day s(' willg lit the hom e of Mrs. H oward McGee Wcclne:da y includ ed : M)·s. Bru ce C IlT!" , Mr~ . W. E . Ogl es bee, Mrs. W . A. Luk ens , Mrs. A. . Col i tt. e _ __ _ _ __ Mrs. H. E. Hatto n , Mi ss Nan Co lNOTICE TO NIGHT PROWLERS let.t , Mrs. H owa r d Gl"Uham, lVI I'S. In t\lldl'ess ing th e Americ!1n Banke rs ' A"sociatio n in CleveI Clik nt l\fCleav er, M. 1'.. r,alll'a S.h 'Id • ~ d On Mon da\' n i"h t "v embe r :l a · e r. ' rs. H e rmun BI'ow n, and Ian " r ecently, Pr e~ i e nt Ho ov er ' . '" " JlI,·s. C hus. JI GI'av Huitl: at 11 :45 p. m. n parT y was see n to " . " [ ha ve nevl! r b e li eved that o ur l' llte r nl\t nei gh bo r's driH' u ls o . M r . and . Mrs . A. T. M o l l~r c elef or m of gove ~l!\ e nt cOlJlo Mtis- ·. hla ted theIr fiftc~ e nth weddm g anfa ctoril y so lve econ omic p l'oblems see n comlllg o u t and t o run up the nil'e l'sary Sunday a baRk et ltv direct acti o n- could success- I'(lad wa!' al ~ o heu rd wh e n he stal·t- d.'l1n e l· at t ~e gymna ·ium . Rel aflilly co nduct bus ines;; institutions . , eel h is F orti whi ch was ll' f! up in ~I VCS and fr ie nd num be rin g ab out Th e Gov e rnment can and must t h e woods. ,Ii w e re present. CUI'(l abu s es." The fn ll nwing dny il wa~ r e portquI' . lu:~sk et ball team s pla yed What u howl would go up fr o m . . . . thell' IIllttal ~am of the sea~o n th e bu;;in if tile Gov('rn - I'll t oh m <'L tI .hat u ' I"d~ . , wh . e<s _. w orld . P 'I hVlng h o I .ovel Fl'id ~y evenlllg en i t l e v "h elped m e n t o f .th e U llIted Stutes , nH' re ly on t e. euan on I <c a au Qut Cu rll s le d edicate their n e w gym. becll u se It ~~p'pen.s t~ hav e the n e - 100 c!lIc kcn s ~ tol e n . ur teams me t with overwh e l m in ~ c essary faCIlitI es III Its nav y yards J keep a co ns id c l'Uble numb e r defe at. Rh ould go into the business o f •. 11': . H o race Stump s pent the b ui lding merchant ships, in com- o f chicke n s , I ulso k cep t he m ivell .Jl etition with the commercial sh ip fed , so if YO ll hav e ·a r ous t e Hrly , purt of th e weel( with h e r build e r s . 'I'he ' United . Stute!' chicken app etite Rnd Il oc t urnal mot-her, !\f1·S. Emmu C lin e, in DayG o\"e mment nwns a n e xc<.!llent habi ts, I'Bew/l r e of My Phice" . t on. _ _ _ - _ __ airplan e . manufacturing plant in r am un e x -vctcrn n o f th e Rewhi ch . i t builds experimental planes tor the nav y. Suppose the g ul a r A I"Iny and kecp 'a g un handy, G ove rnm e nt should go into t he nl ~ g 1\ d og. nn '] ill eli se o f u Illuninll'plane manuf a cturing bu s ines~ fest att e mpt til v i ~ it my chicl<en f or the gtmerul j)ublic? It would roost, I s ho ot t o m ea n bu ines ' not 11-11 Scrog-~)r Cl f Da yto n , i ~ the be I)crf ectl y obvious to cverybody to s care. g u est of' r e lativ es h er e. Cha s. R. Frazi e r, t hat thi was so m ething whi ch t h e R ou te 4, W:l Y\1e ~v ill (! , Oh io Gove r nment has n o bus iness to fiami QUUl't e l'ly Mee ting WO g Wl1rn~ s v ill e , Ohio. do, held hel'e on ."a¢llrday. Re v. Wm . ,J. Saye l·. o f Ri c hm ond d e liv cl'~ d ~ ~ ~== ~==~~=== --=-~==========~============== t h e sermon.


Tbis Air-Propelled RPil"way Car Made

RELIEF FROM CURSE Dr.C. W.ANSON I F~ Veterinarian OF CONSTIPATION Wa ynes ville,O hio

J. E. McClure


SATISFACTION Or No Cha'rge . Centerville, Ohio Phone 8SW

Large Display Room. Ambul ance Service

Telephone 1

Day Or Nirht



Dr. John Zettel Optometrist


Willa Drawn

ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN our Catll e, hogs, s h eep and calve8 t o Norri s- Broc k Co .. live wire and progressive firm for the highest market pri ces tI nd j!oo d se rvice, Union Stock Yard . , Cincinnati, 0 , IReferenee: AHk first lIIan y ou me"/

- - E.talea Settled





Dead Stock Wanted

19 N. Broadway



Rev. and l\h!\. Kilm er spent a part of la t w eek with relative. at Sardinia.


Eyes Examined GI ... ea Fitted

Th e Ladies A id o f th e M. E . C h.urch ser~ed n ch ic.ken s upp e r Friday t' ve nm g w hi ch n l' tt N I th e m a ni ce s um o f money.




"Old lromiJes" Takes to the Sea Again •

C'd l Hartman won t h e go ld medal al a Peuce Co nt est in Ja mes t own S u nduy p . m. 'I

T. Martin

Phone 93

A B l\ll~ re ek phys icia n sa ys , to o ns tipati (, n is r ~ pon s ib l e f or m u re mi 'cry thu n any other ca li s e.' Bu t imm ediate re li e f ha s b ee n f u und. A t.alli et call ed Rexa ll Orde rli es has bee n di scove rc d . This La blel attracts \vale t" fr onl the sys· ., te m inlo the lIl ZY , dry, ~v llcuuting bowe l ca ll e d th e col n. Th e water loosen . the dry f oo d w aste a n d FUNERAL DIRECTOR cau :es a gentle, th oro ull h, natural 111 0VI'Illen t w it ho ut f o'r mlng a habit WA YNESVILLE, OHIO u r ever increasi ng th e u ose. Sto p s uff e r i n ~ fr o m co ns l ipali o n ' h e w a Hexall O rd e rlie tit night. Nexl day b ri/!ht. Get 24 f o r Fully Equipped for Good 25c t odll Y at lh e n enrest Re xa ll Serv ice. DI'ug Sto re. Adams Dr ug Sto r e .


-=--=By ,4lbert T,


l\·l r. und Mr~. W. C. S mith e ntel'ta in e d over the we e k- e n d : R obe r t and Ruby S mith o f De l awa r~ . Mr. and Mrs . C. II . S mith and dau~h­ t e r s o f o lulll bu s. Th ey utte nd ed tht! W es lYlln- Miami gam e Ilt Oxf u r~1 Saturda y,

Harveysburg Fertilizer Company PHONE SF3 HARVeYSBURG, OHIO

l\1t-l<. J . L. CO lliard w a~ the ~ue . t of her slln li nd fam il y In Duytun, u part of last we e k.


Rev. , we ibo ld o f Middl etow n adell'essed the aud ie nce nt ' th e Fr ie n d s' C hur ch S unday nft e rno on Rev. anu MI'S, C urless and daughter, of Blanches te r , fipent Sa t ul"Cla y and S unda y with f riendji h e re. ' ,

With Dependable Serum and Viru8 inlures both Safety and Success


The Young P eoples Mee ting of , U ni t N o. 1 met in lhe M. E. h.ul'ch he r e Monday eve nin g . Rev. Wiley, of Harveys burg, de li v e red ' t he a ·I d res s.


Dr. W. E. Frost Harveysburg, O.


Phone 31


• g'O

~ight :Spef;ialis.l Ycars Experi e n ce


~ing and Making GJasae.,




Eve..,. T.....a,., Thu ......F' 5.111",-,. ~ .. aarp for E •• mi •• II. .

Mr. Ellsworth Smith and family "~-----------------------'.. of Dayton. I I\fr. and Mrs. Shelton of Da)·ton . pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Burton Earnhart. I illS Clara Daughte rs returned to her home after spending las t Wl'( k with r e latives in Dayton . (By Reservation Only


Special Anniversary Dinner Sunday, November '16

Of the Thirlgs We


Pure Buckwheat Flour 'E nterprise Flour Pillsbury's Best Flour Carnation Flour and Carnation Corn Meal

eu on for hunting of rabbits will ope n Nove mb er 15 nnd con· tin ue until January 1. All hunte r ' mus t be in posses«ion of 1 (l30 hunting lice nses and a lso must obtain written permiss ion from the land owne r on wJlose pro pe rty the y ,expect to hunt, Rigid enforcem ent of the hunting laws will be made, the game warden stated.

,Ser,eanl ~Ivin C York) officially acclaimed greatest American fiero, mspeetll1g &Om-e of his priz~ Cattle .t Ill' IIbme oear Pall ~fall. Tena



Fried Chicken Mashed Potatoes Salad Escalloped Corn with Oysters Ice Cream and Cake

Special Price, 50 cents



We the undersigned, allow no Frank Gith ens and n party 'from hunting, trapping or trespassing Dayto n left last weck hy 1ll0t Ol' for on our farm s: Los Anl!l e~, Cali f. GONS BROS - =::= Mrs, Emma BI:ow n spe nl last wce k wi th hc l' hl'oth c r and wife. Harvey.bur, Man Break. Hip M I', Ilnd MI' ~ , F ~ l'd Shaw Ilt Rich- mond, Ind, G. B. Davis had lhe mi sfortune They wi ll nil ~ at t he rahbit MI', lind Mrs, Guy Ro utzahn and lo fall Wed nesdn y evening and ' ,;upper at the Gym, No\'('mbcl' 18 , duu ~ h tel' wcre Dayton visitors brenk his hip. He is ge tting along W('c.lnc ~ day, as well as could be ~ xp e cted of 1111', nnd 1\11' ~ , Wm, Sc hatzm nn, Mrs, Chester Gl'aham and little 11 man in hi s 90th year. Miss Le titi a daughte r l'ctul'ncd to the ir home of Mndi!;onl'i lle. I Schalzm an. of Cincinnati, ?tIl', nnd in Dayto n Snlurday afte r an exMrs, M ort'i~ Rnpcr, of Dayt on. tended vis it with hel' parcnts, Mr, wel'c Sunday gues ts of MI'. and ullLl Mr~ , C, L, Duke . Mrs. \OV. 0, Ru per, Mrs, Stanley Bailey a t t e nd ed Mrs, AllIIn Cadwallader. Miss the funeral of her cousin, Phyllis Clam Lile a nd Miss Mame ' Bro wn Hopl<in s, Saturday, ail the Presbyvisiled Mrs, Eli zubeth Hurtsoc k on terian church at Bellbro ok. , at llnlny. Mrs, Hartsock is v(! ry ill Mrs, Mildred Surface and chilat the hom e of her son E dwurd dren pent the wee k-end with her HUl'tsoc k, ncnr Sp l'ing Va ll ey. parents. Mr, and Mnl. S, H. Burnett, MI'. an d Mrs. Cheste r Crockett, Mrs, Margaret Johns and Mrs. a nd daughte l' Clllrn. MI'. and Mrs. Ruth Savage spe nt Monday afterElli s Me lure nnd dllughte r Ha r - noon in Lebanon . riet, of pri ng-bo l'o, Mr"llnd MI' . MI'. and Mrs. Harry Graham and Walte l' Sht'e han an d so n spent Sun day wi th Mr. a nd Mrs. Elmer Mrs. Willium Creighton s pent Friday with l'tf1-s. , Susan Saylor in Shee ha n. Dayton. 1111'S. Eva Miller returned home Mr. ani Mrs. Char'les Mullenix Salu l'day uftCl' a de lig htful t en ure now caring for the little son dn l's stay in Ne w York City visit- of Donald Irons of Lobanon. ing her da ug hte r Ruth and se~ in g MI'. lind Mrs. Ben Hawke, son man y of th e places of inte re, t in t hat g"eat city, She was aeeo m- ilnd dau g hter and Mrs. Ella ,Copsey we re ent e rtained to Sunday \1;;========================;;;.,;;;.. _ ' plllli ed by Mrs. Gmce McCune, dinncr at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Hal'ley Eagle at Miamisburg. ]\oJ rs. Serena Ke rrick, Miss Ella The many friends h(!re of Dr. Em ley. Mrs, Etta Printz, Mrs. Crites, Mr, J oe Printz. of Dayton . L. G. Brock are sorry to learn that un(1 Mr. Will Fogleso ng, of Xe nia he remain s in a serious condition were among those from out at the home of his s on Glenn, in of tow n w ho attended the funeral Indianapolis. servicell of J , lIf. Taylor last WedMI', and Mrs. Ed. L.o ngacre, Mrs nesday. Murgaret J ohn s and Mrs. J, B. ---- -Jones motored to Cincinnati Sunday evening. EXECUTORS' PUBLIC SALE Mr, and Mrs. Peter Banta and The undersigned. as executors son are making an extended visit of the estate of Martha R. Burnett with their son and wife, Mr. and decea sed, will sell at her res- Mrs. Melvyn Banta a t Galena, O. id cncc on the corn er o f Third and H, M. Clark a nd Orville Phillips Tyler Street, Waynes ville, Ohio, attended the funera l of William on : Hay at his late res idence near Salurday, November 22, 1930 Wayn esville, Thursday. Beginning at 1 p. m., th e folMr, and Mrs, Paul lDuke and son lowing : Richard s pent SundlliY in CincinHou sehold Goods, consisting of nati, attendi ng the bil,thday dinner 1 Heating' Stove, nearl y new; Box of the lattel's grand mother, Mrs. Wood Stove, Oil Stove, Be ds, Side Queary. . board, Co uch, Rockel'S, Rugs Cal'pets. Set of China Di shell. Cooking Mrs. Allie SUrfaCE! and son of { te ns ils, and many urticl es too ·near Lebanon spent Sunday with num e t'o us to mention. MI', and Mrs. A. B. Tl'imble. ANTIQUE- Cherry Corner Cup Mr. and Mr!!. Glenn John s and board. So lid Walnut Hi-B oy (very children of Dayton surprised their I'IIl'e pattei'll), Cherry Chest of mother. MI·s. Marg aret Johns Drawers with Orig inal Glass Saturday evening, by arriving with Kn obs, Che rr y Turn Top Table, a wellfilled basket, The occasion Che lTY Stund. 2 Mirr ors, 1 Steel ce lebrating her birthday. Trea~ Eng raving, Old Chairs, Walnut Drop Leaf Table, and several The services at Lytle M. E. other articles in this class. Church al'e announced by the T erms mad e known on day of sale pastor. H . H, Lafferty as changed CHAS. S. BURNETT " f or ne xt Sunday only, Sunday "I';'~~~~~~~=~~!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!.!!!~!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~====~~ WALTER C. BURNETT School will be at 9 :30 and preaehExecutors of the estate of ing scrvice at 7 :30 p. m. instead of Martha R. Burnett, la te of 3 o'clock. WalTen County, deceased. Mrs. ·C. L , Duke, Mrs. Margaret W. N. Sears, Auct. J ohns. Mr8. Walter Kenrick and mother, Mrs. S. H. Haines attended a Silver Tea of the Ladies of OIlIJINANt:E NO" 1:1":' the Belmont church at the home of Mrs. Jacob Gabelman on Water.... An l'(1\nn noe to pl'esl'l'lbo th {' vleit, Ave., Dayton, T'uesday after""lic" " "" ·(lx the eoulp nsalion of noon. Ih.' ~11 1 "' I'lntN" I ~ n t o f th e 'Vate r W Ol'k s of th o Village or Wayne.vIlle Mr. and Mrs. C. L , Duke enII l>! lalc of Ollio, tertained several friends to a 8e It (11'\1:>1 11 ,' <1 Il l' t he Cou ncil of d' S d . Ih" Vl ll" l$~ vf \\'U YII "s vllle, State ot sumpuous Inner un ay at theIr Ohio, . countrY ,home on Route 4. Those SI':CTJ ON I. '1'''lIl th e Trustees who enjoyed the occasion · were; of 1'1111 11(0 Affall'" " f til e Village ot M,·. and Mrs, Allen Emrick Mr \\'l\vnp"" III (' loy aJ I<1 \\'Ith th e ap d M J B . J ones and "John )ll'u\'1I 1 of CUII'n e ll ur Bu ld \ · III1lJ.l' an 1'5, . s l~al ~ " I ~ )lln :v It comp ete nt I,., t l) Mr. and Mrs. Ed Longacre, Mrs. :1 ~ 1 H SUJ)I'I'I Il !" nilf' Ilt or ,t ,!' "nter Margaret Johns and Mr. and Mrs, \\ 0 "'1 " or t he \ Illa ge o C \\ a ynes,' lII e W It K . k !':E ' ,(,I ON~ , Thll t "n ld SIIJ)" l'in a e r enrlc. , 1" 111' '' "1 . 1,1111 ne t as l' ut tho Mr. and Mrs. Ra!llh Dyke of PUII,,' ln ~ . Intion, and as suoh ! D S " ~,,,hnll oJJHaand l ~ oLhc and l' en l'o lor nil wereMrs. unday Inner guests , _________________________ ,w ll lll,"')' at ofnyton Mr. and Lowell Thomas. sa id SIn tl on, ' ~l'lC TI UN :l, Th a t sold Sup"r ln1t'I,d "lIl shll il . 1IP Jl ""I~ e all I'cpa lrs 10 p i p!"' !!. tll tlc llln t' I' .\' , c QuiP ln o nt. and I,ulldin g. nl1(l uh " In s lallutl oll o C a ll 11. ' \\' 1 11 (l ~ s . 1I",,'hln CI'Y un rl coulp .

Dried Molasses Beet Pulp

------.- --

It is clainled that Seven pounds of Dried Molasses Beet Pulp will give results equal to ten pounds of good hay.

Have your Job Work Printed Here

Koppers Miami Coke


Old Friends are Truest

(n addition to a full line of good Coals, we carry in stock Koppers Miami Coke. Call us when in need of Coal or Coke. We ;ire equipped to give prompt service.

That's an old saying that holds true even in these modern times.

Waynesville farmers he. Co. Phone 25


This community has bl:en served faithful1y for the past four years \vith the finest Bakery Products thai can be purchased. Baked in the cleanest and most sanitary bakery in the State and delivered to you regularly by a courteous and well trained salesman.

Waynesville, Ohio

Wh . y ., Shop Around

.. - ..

We appreciate your patronage and will continue to give-you dependable service. , Yours with a smile

We can give you famous Goodyear quality at a bargain price. ···a bigger bargain than you w·ill get by shopping around. Before you buy any tire, investigate our prices on the new Goodyear All-Weather balloon tire --- "The World's Greatest Tire."


'Richard Lee aatf-.Forest .Ho.,llt 01 tbe


Llle:Tbne Roollng Servlee at SmaD Cost




Pboae 47

Waynesville, Ohio



e</Illpm ~ lIl

8 1'; ' '1'1 N 4, ,(,llIlt sa loJ SUI'O'l' ln l C' IH I (' nl ;-; lItt l1 rl: afl a 11 'wHt m' m e t ers

Mr, and Mrs. Carl Wardlow, Mr lind l'eport lind Mrs. Herbel't'Marlatt and Bon Edmon. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Elvis Michael and daughter Dorothy. Mr~, Euphemia Toms and Mr. a nd Mrs. Raymond Osborn of Xenia Rpent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Dill and son Billy. MI'~ , Frank Kellis is spending a few days with her mother 1\fJ.s. ( ' l,j llil)n l e ll t In \\'~ c) J ' I(ln g' co ndIti o n n t a ll lfln p ~ : h (I\\' ~"" I', Pl'odried th In Burgett ·of Belmont. "rrld S"lwl'lnll'nlh,nt Is heroby e mMrs, Kate Sm,'th a ·n d Mr. Clarr'''W ~ I'(' rI to , ' 1111'1 0), sllch skfllud ' \\'O ,' I, p ,'~ r,,' 1111>""c ,'" a s need 'd (rom enee Crawford and family spent ' l lll iO IU tl l n~ to k "c l' th e pipes Sunday aftern oo . Da t II11H'I" ""1'.': n ll ,1 uth cl' ' qllipment, In n In y OD. s""" "n dlllon , Mr. and Mrs. Madison, Earnhart I SI'; V'r ION 'nhn th e t hsalary oC f 0 ay t on spe nt th e wee k -en ' d WI' th the SUI)e l'l nl7, 11(1 ntt of e " 'n ter 0 Worll s sha ll It " II n<l th e 8"lI1 e 18 Mr. and Mrs. Burton Earnhart. h(oJ"'by fl xc.l nl S ix Hundl'cd Do llars MI·s. Em~rson 01' 11 went t'o see ($ ';(\11, 00) fl el' nnnu ll\, ,m)'nb lc 1I10ntll" 1;- rront th Wilt."" Fund und er the show ',(Big ' HOll,se" at Xenia til " cOll t rol Of th e '1' l' lIl1t es o C Pub- M,o nday afternoon. I II: Afrnl" 8. S I~ :T 'ION 8, A II Onllnnn c(!s 0" Mrs. E. J. Burton returned to pa r ts of , OroJlnnnces In . contllct her home ot Elyrl'a a.f 'ter a.~ pendl"ng 11 " with a,l'o hereb,\" r e p eal cd. S IL Tl N 9, This Ordinance 8ho:lI the past week with her' parents tn ke , (fc t a nd 11 In toree on and Mr. and 'M rs. John Ry:e. . a ft r llle ea rli est fla l'loll allow d try law, . 'Misses ~ula, Ruth and Mona Pa8s~d nt ounel) ham her . this KalII's and BI'11y Kel'l's, 'Mr. and ~ hh;d t1a~' of NOvembe r. 1930, ' JA.\ms E, MeC r~URE Mrs. Burton .Earnhart were Xenia " ,\ ctlng Mayor shoppers Monday. ' , I\ttl>st: lIu l'l1'Ion 11', HaUleld. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Levi and Bon Village Jerk. n19 Wellington, Wayne Dakin, Mrs. Wil t


W ur k s

t h f'l J·(· fJlI nt t3 u ch lIrn c!i ns s h a H be "" 'I ""'N I trr th e TI'us tl' es ot Public ,1( ( " II' " , ~E:{'T I " N 5. Th at 11 11 In" olccs, 1,:l y ,' ol l s, l urd o Lh e1' t1.oCCO tlnl M, e x · "t.' p ll n g- flx-I ' d l'v ll1p c n Ru ll o,n o r of r' i(' (l I' S P I' O \ 'j (!t'l d lJ ,v o l' cil II fl n ee. s holl l u ' lIlJ l)I' O\' flfl hy SKid ' lIp c r'lntt' nd en t 1,, ·rl)I'\ ' pn~·rne nt. S I':<':11I,ON fl, Tila t sn ld Sup" rlntl ' lId oll l "tlnl l h e ,' ellul" ed t o )« (H-' P 111 1! p l p r·s. rnll f~ hln (\ I'Y and oth e r


!q ourSate io thlsNew5-



wi11 brittg !IOU




Let us print your Sale Billa.

... ;....


II!(l n t ,

o f "a id




It a ... 111/1.,..",. betwe.a alia protec:doJl to the IpC!clal Copper CI • rill",. lLoobtuul ,OrCUaUr Alloyed Steel bue, In.~ng longer life ,..,.., aldaoa.h boda COR akat ... " ..dom from apen.lva repairs.


da..... QeeaDeldnJa ......... wIda petacecl lap coDlUaCdo~ den madmam piG.cdoa

·...·a........ . ~~

, Ia adcJIdoa. a...oo.... .,... Iloo••, f. ar•• p~oof aael ".titalalproof. A ~]:nble


w .. B. ' MADDBN

Chaaaeldnia Roof-

.. in, iI ~ to apply; no .peclai · tools are required. Everything considered, It i. the most economical roofing (or you to buy and we recommend it unqualifiedly . f,or the benefit of aU our . CUllOm. . .

8 ,,:COM·P ANT

L~n ~rnu~d d"~~wIth dl~~~=~==~===~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~;;~~;~~~~~~;;;~ Harveyaburtr spent Sunday • 'I .

0 ,

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